Study questions the sustainability of plant ingredients as fishmeal substitutes Substituting fishmeal in aquaculture feeds with plant ingredients may not be as beneficial for the environment as many predict, according to new research from an international team of experts. Manufacturers of commercial fish feed are increasingly substituting fishmeal - a powder made from fish - with crop-based ingredients in a move driven by economic incentives and a desire to improve the sustainability of aquafeed. While this approach is widely recognised as being more environmentally friendly, the new study - led by PhD researcher Wesley Malcorps, from the University of Stirling's Institute of Aquaculture - challenges this popular theory. The multidisciplinary team researched the trade-offs between marine and terrestrial resources as a result of adopting this common practice in shrimp feeds. The researchers focused on the shrimp industry, as it is one of the dominant consumers of fishmeal in the aquaculture sector. The research found that the substitution of fishmeal with plant ingredients merely moved pressures from finite marine resources to land-based food production systems, with environmental repercussions. The experts involved in the work are now calling for a "paradigm shift" in thinking around the relative sustainability of aquafeed ingredients. Mr Malcorps said: "Substituting fishmeal for plant ingredients is considered by many to be environmentally sustainable, as it reduces dependency on finite marine resources. However, this would shift resource demand from the oceans onto the land, potentially adding pressure to the land-based food production systems, which are already under pressure to meet global demand for food, feed, biofuels, and biobased materials. In turn, this would affect the environment and biodiversity, as well as the availability and prices of crops. "In addition, the nutritional requirements of certain aquatic species may limit the amount of fishmeal substitution due to essential nutrients, which are variable or imbalanced in terrestrial plant ingredients. Furthermore, increased inclusion of plant ingredients in aquafeed could also affect the nutritional value of farmed seafood." Fishmeal is manufactured predominantly from small pelagic fish, as well as fish processing waste. Currently, the waste element makes up, on average, between 25 and 35 percent of the product; however, this share is on the increase. Over the years, in response to fishmeal price increases, the product has been increasingly substituted for plant ingredients. In 2000, 19-40 percent fishmeal was included in shrimp feed, however, that fell to 11-23 percent in 2014. The study modelled incremental fishmeal substitution, from 20-30 percent to zero, by plant ingredients - such as soybean meal concentrate, rapeseed meal concentrate, pea protein concentrate and corn gluten meal - which are typically included in modern feeds for the two main shrimp species produced globally, whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). The team then assessed the impact this could have on marine and terrestrial resources, such as fish, land, freshwater, nitrogen and phosphorus. The research found that complete substitution of 20-30 percent of fishmeal totals - depending on the species - could lead to an increasing demand for freshwater, of up to 63 percent; land, of up to 81 percent; and phosphorus, of up to 83 percent. "These are significant increases, as only a small proportion of the feed is actually substituted," Mr Malcorps explained. "Our findings suggest this approach would lead to additional pressures on essential agricultural resources, with associated socio-economic and environmental effects as a trade-off to pressures on finite marine resources. It could lead to competition for land and other terrestrial resources, causing social and environmental conflicts that, in turn, may affect the resilience of the global food system." Aquafeed generally utilises only a small percentage of global crop production, however, with aquaculture one of the fastest growing food sectors, the experts warn additional pressures on crucial terrestrial resources "may become more obvious" over the coming decades. Mr Malcorps added: "Our model highlights the need for a paradigm shift in the definition of sustainable shrimp feed. Additionally, the model may be equally applicable to other intensively farmed species with similar scenarios of marine and terrestrial feed ingredient requirements. "An excessive dependency on the use of plant ingredients for aquaculture could lead to deleterious effects on the environment and indirectly impact human health by altering the nutritional value of the aquaculture products." Mr Malcorps suggests finding an "optimal balance" between marine and terrestrial resources in aquafeed; strategically include high quality fishmeal; improving the use of fish by-products and food waste in feeds; and investigating the potential for novel ingredients - such as microbial biomass, algae and insect meals - to be included. ### The multidisciplinary team included industry and academic experts from across the world, including: MatureDevelopment BV (Netherlands); Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Belgium); Mexico Aquaculture Research Inc; Association of International Seafood Professionals (Australia); Aquaculture without Frontiers (USA); Universidad Tecnologica del Mar de Tamaulipas (Mexico); IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation (UK); Utrecht University (Netherlands); University of Zurich (Switzerland); and Harper Adams University (UK). The study, The Sustainability Conundrum of Fishmeal Substitution by Plant Ingredients in Shrimp Feeds, is published in Sustainability. This story has been published on: 2019-04-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. DIY gravitational waves with 'BlackHoles@Home' WASHINGTON, D.C., April 13, 2019 -- Researchers hoping to better interpret data from the detection of gravitational waves generated by the collision of binary black holes are turning to the public for help. West Virginia University assistant professor Zachariah Etienne is leading what will soon become a global volunteer computing effort. The public will be invited to lend their own computers to help the scientific community unlock the secrets contained in gravitational waves observed when black holes smash together. LIGO's first detection of gravitational waves from colliding black holes in 2015 opened a new window on the universe, enabling scientists to observe cosmic events spanning billions of years and to better understand the makeup of the Universe. For many scientists, the discovery also fueled expansion of efforts to more thoroughly test the theories that help explain how the universe works -- with a particular focus on inferring as much information as possible about the black holes prior to their collision. First predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916, gravitational waves are ripples or disturbances in space-time that encode important information about changing gravitational fields. Since the 2015 discovery, LIGO and Virgo have detected gravitational waves from eight additional black hole collisions. This month, LIGO and Virgo began new observing runs at unprecedented sensitivities. "As our gravitational wave detectors become more sensitive, we're going to need to greatly expand our efforts to understand all of the information encoded in gravitational waves from colliding binary black holes," Etienne said. "We are turning to the general public to help with these efforts, which involve generating unprecedented numbers of self-consistent simulations of these extremely energetic collisions. This will truly be an inclusive effort, and we especially hope to inspire the next generation of scientists in this growing field of gravitational wave astrophysics." His team -- and the scientific community in general -- needs computing capacity to run the simulations required to cover all possibilities related to the properties and other information contained in gravitational waves. "Each desktop computer will be able to perform a single simulation of colliding black holes," said Etienne. By seeking public involvement through use of vast numbers of personal desktop computers, Etienne and others hope to dramatically increase the throughput of the theoretical gravitational wave predictions needed to extract information from observations of the collisions. Black holes are known to contain two physical quantities: spin and mass. Spin, for example, can then be broken down further into direction and speed. Etienne's colleagues, therefore, are examining a total of eight parameters when LIGO or Virgo detect waves from a collision of two black holes. "The simulations we need to perform, with the public's help, are designed to fill large gaps in our knowledge about gravitational waves from these collisions by covering as many possibilities as we can for these eight parameters. Current black hole simulation catalogs are far too small to properly cover this wide space of possibilities," Etienne said. "This work aims to provide a critical service to the scientific community: an unprecedented large catalog of self-consistent theoretical predictions for what gravitational waves may be observed from black hole collisions. These predictions assume that Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity, is correct, and therefore will provide deeper insights into this beautiful and complex theory. Just to give you an idea of its importance -- if the effects of Einstein's relativity theory weren't accounted for, GPS systems would be off by kilometers per day, just to name one example." Etienne and his team are building a website with downloadable software based on the same Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, or BOINC, system used for the SETI@Home project and other scientific applications. The free middleware system is designed to help harness the processing power of thousands of personal computers across the globe. The West Virginia team has named their project BlackHoles@Home and expects to have it up and running later this year. They have already established a website where the public can begin learning more about the effort: https:/ / math. wvu. edu/ ~zetienne/ SENR/ . ### The presentation, "The BlackHoles@Home Project: Black Hole Binaries on the Desktop Computer," will take place at 1:42 p.m. MT, Saturday, April 13, in room Governor's Square 17 of the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel. ABSTRACT: http://meetings. aps. org/ Meeting/ APR19/ Session/ C11. 2 MORE MEETING INFORMATION USEFUL LINKS Register as Press: https:/ / goo. gl/ forms/ 7l15SaH0GOAbhBgR2 Main Press Page: https:/ / www. aps. org/ meetings/ april/ press. cfm Main Meeting Page: https:/ / www. aps. org/ meetings/ april/ Hotel Information: https:/ / www. aps. org/ meetings/ april/ hotel-travel. cfm PRESS REGISTRATION APS will provide free registration to all staff journalists representing media organizations, professional freelance journalists on assignment, and student journalists who are attending the meeting for the express purpose of gathering and reporting news and information. Press registration grants full access to all scientific sessions, to the press room, and to the press conferences. We will also provide complimentary press registration to university press officers, PIOs and other professional media relations staff. Press registration grants full access to all scientific sessions, to the press room, and to the press conferences. Press credentials are approved at the sole discretion of APS. For press related questions about the APS April Meeting, email>. PRESS CONFERENCES A series of press conferences will be held during the meeting at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel. The press conferences will be live webcast, and members of the media who are unable to attend the meeting in person may register to view the live webcasts at https:/ / www. apswebcasting. com . ABOUT APS The American Physical Society is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and international activities. APS represents over 55,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories, and industry in the United States and throughout the world. Society offices are located in College Park, Maryland (Headquarters), Ridge, New York, and Washington, D.C. https:/ / www. aps. org/ This story has been published on: 2019-04-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. . . . Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 07:04:59|Editor: Liu Video Player Close Carlos Ruiz Massieu (Front), Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia, briefs a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Colombia, at the UN headquarters in New York, on April 12, 2019. Carlos Ruiz Massieu on Friday stressed the importance of transitional justice in a country that saw more than five decades of civil war between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). (Xinhua/Li Muzi) UNITED NATIONS, April 12 (Xinhua) -- The UN envoy for Colombia, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, on Friday stressed the importance of transitional justice in a country that saw more than five decades of civil war between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Recent weeks have been dominated by divisive debates in Colombia regarding the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), an extrajudicial court system for the sake of reconciliation, Massieu told the Security Council. Last month, President Ivan Duque objected to six articles of the draft statutory law of the JEP. Following a vote against these objections in the Chamber of Representatives earlier this week, consideration of the objections is pending in the Senate, said Massieu. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for prompt action by all parties concerned to ensure that a statutory law consistent with the peace agreement between the government and FARC is put in place as soon as possible, he noted. This statutory law is the last missing element of the legal framework for the JEP and a necessary one to ensure that this institution can operate with the necessary independence and autonomy, said Massieu, who is also head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. The JEP continues to advance its work with impressive results, he said. It has now initiated seven large cases that are examining significant violations affecting 820,000 victims. Moreover, close to 9,700 former FARC members and almost 2,000 individuals from government forces have subjected themselves to its authority. President Duque has also announced his intention to propose three reforms to the articles of the Constitution underpinning the transitional justice framework of the peace agreement, said Massieu. Any such initiatives should not be applied in a retroactive manner to those who laid down their arms in good faith and on the strength of commitments made under the peace agreement, he said. In a climate of uncertainty for victims, for those subject to the JEP, for FARC members awaiting funding for social and economic reintegration, and for communities who have suffered from the conflict, the greatest uncertainty would be to reopen core elements of the underlying peace agreement itself, he warned. The UN envoy asked for more investment in the reintegration of ex-combatants. "Nearly two years after they laid down their arms, a critical challenge is to maintain their optimism in the face of the continued uncertainties about their future." Individual and collective projects for 1,774 former FARC members, including 520 women, have been approved. A recent census identified more than 10,500 former FARC members within the reintegration process, he said. "I encourage the government to accelerate the approval of more projects and the prompt disbursement of funds, as well as the implementation of a gender-sensitive approach and timely decisions on access to land." On proposals for the future status of the 24 "Territorial Areas" where former FARC combatants live before their reintegration, Massieu said it is important to ensure an inclusive discussion on those proposals that involves former combatants as well as local authorities. These decisions should be taken and communicated to the former combatants as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition, he said. The current legal status of the 24 areas expires on Aug. 15, 2019. The killings of community leaders, human rights defenders and former FARC combatants continue and remain a grave concern, said the envoy. The deployment of Colombian military and police near the Territorial Areas is critical, but violent competition among illegal armed groups for territorial control in areas outside of these security perimeters continues to threaten the security of former combatants and communities, as well as to undercut the overall peace implementation efforts, he warned. The Colombian government and FARC struck a peace deal in August 2016 after four years of negotiations in Havana, Cuba, ending a five-decades-long conflict in the country. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia, mandated by the Security Council, is tasked to verify the reintegration of former FARC fighters. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 07:15:03|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close Photo taken on April 12, 2019 shows Sudanese people continuing their protest against the military council in front of the army's general headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan. Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance on Friday urged the new leadership of the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to a transitional civilian government. The alliance urged the protesters to continue their sit-in before the army's general headquarters. Earlier on Friday, chairman of Sudan's transitional military council Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced his resignation. He named Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan Abdel-Rahman as his successor. (Xinhua/Mohamed Khidir) KHARTOUM, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance on Friday urged the new leadership of the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to a transitional civilian government. The alliance brings together the Sudanese Professionals Association, the National Consensus Forces' Alliance, Sudan Call Forces and the opposition unionist group. "We urge the new leadership of the army, top of them Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan Abdel-Rahman, to listen to the voice of the street and immediately embark on transferring the power to a transitional civilian government through the leadership council of the freedom and change alliance," said the alliance in a statement Friday. It further urged the new army leadership to cancel the decisions made by the previous military council regarding suspension of the constitution and imposition of the state of emergency and curfew. The alliance urged the protesters to continue their sit-in before the army's general headquarters. Earlier on Friday, chairman of Sudan's transitional military council Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced his resignation. He named Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan Abdel-Rahman as his successor. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 07:48:08|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close Jet Airways employees hold placards during a protest against their management in Mumbai, India, on April 12, 2019. According to local reports, India's struggling airline Jet Airways has suspended westbound international flights from Thursday night till Friday morning. (Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 07:50:23|Editor: Liu Video Player Close by Peter Mertz DENVER, the United States, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Residents of U.S. high plains and Upper Midwest were shoveling snow and shaking their heads Friday, as a second bomb cyclone in the past month hammered the region with heavy snows and high winds. WESLEY "We dodged a bullet," said Denver electrician Jason Sorber, as the Denver metropolitan area was grazed by the massive winter storm, receiving only two inches (5.08 cm) of snow. East of the Colorado's Rocky Mountains was not so lucky. Dubbed "Wesley" by the National Weather Service (NWS), the blizzard affected 4,600 square km and 20 million people in a dozen central U.S. states, hitting the region with winds up to 60 miles per hour, two feet (60 cm) of snow, and dramatic temperature drops. The NWS said that snowfall records had been broken across Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, Minnesota, and South Dakota where thousands of miles of interstates were closed. An unusual weather phenomenon known as "thunder snow" - snow accompanied by thunder and lightning - was reported Wednesday and Thursday in central South Dakota, the NSW said. OUT OF CONTROL No deaths were reported from the storm, but thousands of airline flights were canceled from Denver to Chicago, and thousands of stranded motorists and car crashes were reported throughout the area. In Minnesota, the state highway patrol said it responded to more than 500 crashes on Wednesday and Thursday, and the National Guard was called in to rescue stranded motorists. High winds and property damage were reported as far south as St. Louis and Arkansas, and tornado warnings were issued throughout America's central and southern states for the weekend, including the major cities of Houston, Dallas, and New Orleans. Although Colorado escaped the brunt of the cyclone - unlike a month ago - Colorado's governor Jared Polis still issued a state of emergency after 55,000 people lost power Wednesday night. "Not as bad as the last one for sure," Sorber told Xinhua. "But Mother Nature is out of control." Colorado's power was restored by Friday, but nearly 77,000 homes and businesses were cut off Thursday across Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Michigan, according to Snow and ice accumulating on power lines along with strong winds were responsible for the power outages, Matt Lindstrom, a spokesman for Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy, said. WATCH OUT The threat of severe weather shifts in the next 48 hours to southern states including Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana, where high winds, tornadoes and hail are expected, the Weather Channel reported Friday. The March 13 bomb cyclone caused billions of dollars in flood damage in Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa and South Dakota, and hit Denver hard with two feet of snow, stranding hundreds of motorists over a 24-hour period. But the April storm just missed Colorado's capital city and Twitter was filled with condemnations of meteorologists on Thursday. "So I've seen all these weather reporters acting like this is a big storm for Denver," Stephen Felt Tweeted. "They must be Noobs, lol," he posted on Thursday. "Rough night to be a weathercaster in Denver, keep your chin up champ will get them next time!" added Louis Mullen. Denver's award winning CBS Meteorologist Dave Aguilera explained that Wesley was not "technically" a bomb cyclone - defined as when barometric pressure drops 24 millibars in 24 hours - but the storm was bad enough. "This is a still a big blizzard producing storms and we have to watch out for this one," he cautioned. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 08:05:26|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close YAOUNDE, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Six students -- five boys and one girl -- of a government secondary school have been kidnapped in Fongo Tongo, a locality in western Cameroon, a local government official said Friday. "The children were kidnapped as they were helping their parents in farming. We have no idea where they are since their abduction. The kidnappers initially asked for ransom but did not contact the family again when they realized they could not pay," Amiya Balise Ndongana, senior government official of Fongo Tongo, told reporters, blaming the armed separatists for the abduction. Fongo Tongo is located in francophone West Region which shares boundary with troubled Anglophone region of Northwest where separatists fighting to create an independent nation have been clashing with government forces. It is the first time that students were kidnapped in a border francophone region since the separatists picked up arms in November 2017. "They have attacked this section of the country in the past, so we know that they kidnapped the children. Defense and security forces have launched a thorough search for the children and we hope that they will be rescued safe and alive," he said. Separatists have not claimed responsibility. Since the end of last year, students have been constantly abducted and then released in the English-speaking part of Cameroon by some radical separatists. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 08:15:28|Editor: Li Xia Video Player Close Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) meets with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 12, 2019. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) DUBROVNIK, Croatia, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Friday that China is willing to maintain high-level exchanges with Hungary, consolidate political mutual trust, and push bilateral practical cooperation forward for more progress. Li made the remarks during his meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the sidelines of the eighth leaders' meeting between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) held at the southern Croatian coastal city of Dubrovnik. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-Hungary diplomatic relations, said the premier, adding that the bilateral relationship is at its best time in history. He called on the two countries to enhance communication and coordination through their joint economic committee, and steadily advance large project cooperation, including the Hungarian section of the Belgrade-Budapest railway. Li said China welcomes high-quality products, including Hungary's agricultural products, to the Chinese market, and encourages competent Chinese enterprises to invest in Hungary through open tendering. China also supports its citizens in traveling to Hungary, and is willing to expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges to further consolidate public support for stronger bilateral relations, he added. For his part, Orban said China and Hungary will this year jointly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties. Hungary is willing to continue deepening practical cooperation with China, accelerate the implementation of the Hungarian section of the Belgrade-Budapest railway, and enhance cooperation in areas including agriculture and tourism, he said. Orban said Hungary expects to draw up a development plan for Hungary-China cooperation to promote bilateral relations. The Hungarian side is glad to see that the Europe-China relations are moving forward smoothly, he said, adding that his country will make further efforts to sustain this momentum. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 08:30:32|Editor: Liu Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Tens of thousands of Cambodian migrant workers began to leave capital Phnom Penh on Friday for their home provinces for the Khmer New Year, which will be celebrated on April 14-16. To facilitate people's travel and reduce their travel's cost, the Phnom Penh Municipality used 120 city buses to ferry passengers from Phnom Penh to provinces and vice versa free-of-charge from April 12 to 18, said Phnom Penh Municipal Governor Khuong Sreng. "Free bus services are offered at the behest of Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen, aiming at preventing private bus companies and taxi drivers from increasing fees during the holiday period," he told reporters. Many of the city buses, which are being used to serve passengers, were donated by the Chinese government in July 2017. Sok Chanthou, a 31-year-old garment factory worker, said the free bus saved her about 40,000 riel (10 U.S. dollars) for a single trip. "It's good because it has saved me some money," she told Xinhua while taking the bus to her hometown in northwestern Battambang province, some 291 km from Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is home to approximately 2 million people, most of them are migrants from various provinces. As they leave the city on the occasion, the whole city will be quiet and most of shops will be closed. During the three days of New Year celebrations, traditionally, revelers prepare food, fruit and soft drinks on altars and light candles and incense sticks to greet the New Year's angel. Besides, they make offerings of food and some cash to Buddhist monks at pagodas in order to dedicate to their ancestors. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 09:51:02|Editor: Li Xia Video Player Close Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) meets with Prime Minister of Romania Viorica Dancila in Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 12, 2019. (Xinhua/Shen Hong) DUBROVNIK, Croatia, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Friday, calling on the two countries to enhance practical cooperation and boost bilateral ties. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the eighth leaders' meeting between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) at the southern Croatian coastal city of Dubrovnik. Noting that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-Romania diplomatic relations, Li said China is willing to work with Romania to conduct multi-layer and multi-area cooperation to lift bilateral ties to a new level. China is willing to enhance cooperation with Romania in such areas as nuclear energy, major projects, finance, agriculture and traditional Chinese medicine, Li said. The premier also expressed support for competitive Chinese companies to participate in bidding on Romanian projects in an open and transparent manner. China is willing to increase imports of high-quality agricultural products from Romania, said the premier. Li said China will also enhance cooperation with Romania within the framework of China-CEEC cooperation to make positive progress in practical cooperation projects, so as to make contributions to the development of China-Europe relations. On her part, Dancila said this year Romania and China will jointly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties. She expressed hope that the two countries will maintain high-level dialogues, and promote practical cooperation in areas including economy and trade, investment, infrastructure, agriculture and traditional Chinese medicine to further boost bilateral relations. As the country holding the rotating presidency of the European Union this year, Romania is willing to take active measures to promote Europe-China relations, Dancila said. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 09:56:04|Editor: zh Video Player Close by Yu Qianliang, Abu Hanifah JAKARTA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Chairman of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Thomas Lembong said the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the world's most important initiatives in the 21st Century fit to galvanize the stagnant world economy. "As global economy now encounters drastic downturn, the world now needs a new stimulus. The BRI is the correct concept as it complies with the needs of both developed and developing countries," Lembong said in an interview with Xinhua. The BRI that highlights infrastructure projects would eventually stimulate economic activities and share the prosperity in countries participating in the BRI cooperation, he added. Having visited China several times, Lembong believed that China is capable of intensifying BRI cooperation with relevant countries and carrying out the infrastructure projects for common prosperity. "I was fascinated by the rapid development in China that was also seen in cities deep inside its central region, not only in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen that we used to see," the chairman recalled his visit China. He added that Chongqing and Chengdu in southwestern China have also been transformed to modern cities due to China's intense development activities. The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative, proposed by China in 2013, is aimed at building a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient trade routes of the Silk Road to seek common development and prosperity. Lembong said Indonesia is honored to be chosen as the country that hosted the first announcement of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Jakarta in 2013. Nowadays, China's BRI is still relevant to Indonesia as it can be aligned with Indonesia's Maritime Fulcrum initiated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo, the chairman said. Indonesia's Maritime Fulcrum emphasizes on efforts to use the nation's vantage geographical position, that sits between two continents and two oceans, as an essential factor to prosper the archipelagic nation. Putting the BRI and Maritime Fulcrums into a synergy so as to benefit people in the two economies is an excellent idea as Indonesia and China have great potentialities with their respective exceptional characteristics, he said. "Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, while China is an economic powerhouse in the world. Indonesia is also one of China's closest neighbors along the BRI sea lanes," Lembong said, describing huge potentialities that Indonesia and China can tap on by integrating the two initiatives. He added that propping up the connectivity would further enhance collaboration between the two countries under the merged visions. "The advanced connectivity between the two countries would improve power of both fulcrums," he pointed out. As part of countries embracing the BRI, Indonesia now hosts Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway project that will practically show the actual benefit of the BRI in Indonesia, he said. The project, expected to be completed in 2020 and be operational in 2021, will make Indonesia the first country in Southeast Asia to operate the high-speed train. The high-speed railway will substantially boost the economy in a 142-km corridor served by the advanced transportation system as it can ferry people between the two major cities in around 35 minutes. "I personally think this project is correct and most needed in Java Island that hosts two-thirds of 265 million population in the country. I am sure that high-speed railway is the correct answer to solve urbanization problem in Indonesia," Lembong said. Apart from the high-speed railway project, he said further talks between Indonesia and China counterparts are underway to develop Indonesian provinces along the BRI sea lanes - North Sumatra, North Kalimantan, North Sulawesi and Bali. Trade, Investment and Tourism are three elements highlighted in BRI cooperation to develop those Indonesian provinces, he said. Noting global concerns on environmental protection and climate change, Lembong suggested that massive implementation of environmental friendly technologies be used in BRI projects. "We know that China is an ultimate producer of solar panels and wind farms in the world. We also know that China is the No. 1 producer of electric vehicles. I see a tremendous opportunity to address these environment and climate change concerns if we can expand use of green technology in BRI projects," he said. "People in Indonesia are very much enjoying the benefits from increasing arrivals of Chinese tourists and Chinese high-quality products. Chinese investments are also creating more jobs," he said. "If people here see the good results from the infrastructure, growing number of tourists as well as benefits from increasing investments, they will quickly understand the meaning of the BRI." Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 10:31:15|Editor: Xiaoxia Video Player Close WASHINGTON, April 12 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Department of the Treasury on Friday announced sanctions against four oil companies and nine of their vessels to step up pressure on Venezuela and Cuba. According to a statement, the treasury "designated four companies that operate in the oil sector of the Venezuelan economy," and "identified nine vessels, some of which transported oil from Venezuela to Cuba, as blocked property owned by the four companies." As a result of the sanctions, all property and interests of these targeted entities that are in the United States would be blocked. Also, U.S. persons are generally prohibited from all dealings that involve any property of these entities. The United States has been pursuing a policy of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation against the Venezuelan government in support of the opposition leader Juan Guaido. The Trump administration recognized Guaido as Venezuela's "interim president" on Jan. 23, days after incumbent President Nicholas Maduro was inaugurated for a second term. In response, Maduro severed "diplomatic and political" ties with the United States. Maduro has accused Washington of trying to orchestrate a coup in Venezuela in order to install a puppet regime and claim its resources. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 10:36:19|Editor: Xiaoxia Video Player Close ROME, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Italian producers of wine, cheese and olive oil are worried about possible tariffs on products entering markets in the United States. But analysts said they can do little to avoid them unless the European Union takes action to avert a trade war. U.S. President Donald Trump threatened earlier this week to levy as much as 11 billion U.S. dollars in tariffs on European goods. The move was in protest of what the United States sees as unfair government aid to European aerospace giant Airbus, which is said to give the company an unfair advantage over the United States-based rival Boeing. The proposed new levies cover many of the main products of Italy's 55-billion-dollar exports sold in U.S. markets, including wine, certain kinds of Italian-made cheese, and olive oil. In total, more than a quarter of Italy's exports to the United States could face higher tariffs. "The problem for most farmers who would be affected by these measures is that they have little say in how it will play out," Lorenzo Bazzana, an economist with Coldiretti, Italy's main agricultural trade union, told Xinhua. "The diplomats have to resolve these kinds of problems. All a farmer can do is to put his head down, keep working, and try to survive." Bazzana said that the tariffs, if applied, would impact producers across Europe, meaning they would not give rival producers elsewhere in Europe an advantage over Italian producers. According to Silvana Ballotta, head of advisory firm Business Strategies, Italian producers would have time to react given that tariffs are generally announced weeks or months before they are implemented. "One thing a wine producer, for example, could do in the time between the announcement of the tariffs and their application is to send more bottles to the U.S. to make sure they are taxed at the lower rate," Ballotta said. She also cautioned against jumping to conclusions too soon. "Before getting too worried I would wait until we see some kind of formal announcement," she said. Aside from the above-mentioned Italian products, the 14-page list of other European exports that could face U.S. tariffs include private-use helicopters, automobiles, clothing, fish products, citrus fruits, and fruit preserves. The tariffs threats from the United States come at a precarious time for many European countries, which are struggling amid slow economic growth and the complications of Britain's withdrawal from the 28-nation European Union, just weeks before voters will go to the polls to select new members of the European Parliament. Political analysts have said that bad economic news is likely to bolster the chances of nationalist or anti-establishment political parties already expected to finish strongly. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 10:46:22|Editor: Xiaoxia Video Player Close CARACAS, April 12 (Xinhua) -- The Venezuelan government set up working groups on Friday to implement a "strategic plan" to stabilize and boost the National Electric System (SEN). The working groups are made up of two teams of multidisciplinary experts, one of which will deal with the current emergency in the SEN and the other will do a deep restructuring of the SEN "in response to new threats," said Interior Minister Nestor Reverol. The working groups will address the maintenance of the electricity system, including generation, transmission, and distribution at different stages, said Vice President Delcy Rodriguez. She emphasized that the restructuring of the NEC is of great importance, whose goal is to "regain stability and achieve balances to guarantee service to our people." In March, Venezuela suffered two large-scale general outages. Authorities claimed that its electricity system suffered physical, cybernetic and electromagnetic attacks from inside and outside the country. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 10:46:23|Editor: zh Video Player Close BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The following are highlights of China's key local business news from the past week. -- CAR TRADE-IN Owners of emission-heavy private cars are able to enjoy a trade-in service from SAIC Motor, China's biggest carmaker based in Shanghai, as the city is giving incentives to phase out the cars for better air quality. The municipal government has approved a subsidy plan worth 3 billion yuan (about 447 million U.S. dollars) for the trade-in scheme. The cash rewards can go up to 10,000 yuan for buying new fuel-engine vehicles, and 15,000 yuan for new energy cars. -- BYD SALES Leading Chinese new energy vehicle (NEV) maker BYD sold 73,172 NEVs in the first quarter of 2019, up 146.9 percent compared with the same period last year. The strong growth was primarily fueled by the sales surge in the pure electric passenger vehicles, soaring 755.8 percent to 45,487 units. Sales of plug-in hybrid electric passenger vehicles rose 11 percent to 25,745 units. -- LUCKIN COFFEE Chinese start-up Luckin Coffee has opened new stores in 14 more Chinese cities, as it sets to compete with coffee giant Starbucks in the Chinese market. The new expansion into cities like Hefei, Foshan, Shenyang and Kunming brings the total number of cities with Luckin outlets to 36. In January, the startup announced plans to open 2,500 new stores in 2019, with total stores topping 4,500 by the end of this year. -- DIGITAL READING China's digital reading market reached 25.5 billion yuan in 2018, up 19.6 percent year on year. Last year, about 432 million Chinese read digital publications on electronic devices, such as personal computers, mobile phones, tablet computers and e-readers, according to an industry report released by China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association. -- FOOD DELIVERY China's online food ordering and delivery market hit 441.5 billion yuan in 2018, up 112.5 percent year on year. The number of online orders for meals, snacks, vegetables, fruits and drinks reached 10.96 billion, which nearly doubles year on year, according to a report issued by Analysys, an internet data analysis service provider. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 11:01:28|Editor: Xiaoxia Video Player Close YANGON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- A new private TV channel, Channel-K, was launched in Myanmar's commercial center of Yangon late Friday, adding to six the number of private TV channels allowed to operate during the incumbent government, the Ministry of Information said on Saturday. Speaking at the Grand Launch of Channel-K held at Mya Kyun Thar Park, Minister of Information Pe Myint said the ministry is operating the state-run media, while also carrying out development of private media which include periodicals and TV channels. He recalled that during the previous government era, only two private companies -- Shwe Than Lwin and Forever were allowed to operate, adding that the incumbent government took measures to grant permission to further private media. Expressing delight over emergence of new TV channels, he said there would be competitions in the industry with some enjoying success, while some facing challenges. However, he added that the competition conventionally drives improvement and development of quality TV programs for the people in the future. Myanmar has had five official TV channels -- MRTV, Myawaddy, MRTV-4, Channel-7 and Sky Net as well as six FM lines broadcasting since the previous government. The five private TV channels currently operating with the cooperation of the state-run MRTV as content providers for digital free-to-air TV channels in a multi-playout system of MRTV are Mizzima, DVB, Fortune, KMA and My Multi-Media. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 12:01:38|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close WASHINGTON, April 12 (Xinhua) -- It is important for China to play a big role in the international community and contribute to the improvement of global governance, said Zhu Min, former deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) here Friday. Zhu made the remarks during an event at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. He said it is also important for China and the United States to cooperate on improving global governance. Zhu, now chair of the National Institute of Financial Research at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said there is still room for improving global governance 10 years after the global financial crisis. Over the past decade, the debt-to-GDP ratio has not decreased but increased substantially, "which to me (indicates) the potential risks are high," he said. Meanwhile, interconnectivity across the world is strengthening, Zhu said, cautioning that when a crisis happens, the spillover effect could cause more severe damage. The policy space for decision-makers to maneuver today is also more limited than it was before, he said. "In that sense, I think we need to support the IMF getting more resources, to make sure that it has enough reasonable resources to deal with potential crises," he added. Zhu's remarks came as the World Bank and the IMF are holding the 2019 Spring Meetings in Washington. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 12:01:40|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close SINGAPORE, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat announced at the 11th Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council Meeting recently that the city-state will be investing more in research and development in digital technology and related areas. Industry insiders in Singapore have realized for many years that the digital era will come and change the economy, government and society. "Digital technology has become an integral part of our lives," the minister said in February when he delivered the Budget 2019 Statement. To keep businesses growing and competitive, Singapore is leveraging digital technology in its economic transformation and building up its digital economy, in which China can help. In fact, China, with its digital economy referred to as a leading global force by McKinsey Global Institute, has already been offering funds, talent, technology and experience to Singapore, as well as other Southeast Asian countries, for their digital economic development. VISION As early as the 1980s, Singapore began to focus on information and communication technologies and promote the transition of industrial sectors toward automation and digitalization. It implemented the National Computerization Plan from 1980 to 1985, which became a catalyst for the widespread acceptance of Information Technology (IT). The plan incubated national IT capabilities which led to the growth of a budding local IT industry. Since then, the Singaporean government has launched a number of projects such as the National IT Plan, IT2000, Infocomm 21, Connected Singapore, Intelligent National 2015 and Smart Nation initiatives, to transform Singapore into a hyper-networked, global hub for IT-based services. At present, Singapore regards its digital economy as its future. It is building the digital economy together with digital governmental elements for a digitalized society, by pushing every industry, business and government agency to accelerate its digitalization efforts, so as to increase overall capabilities and solutions that will propel the nation forward. TRANSFORMATION According to Singapore's Smart Nation and Digital Government Office, going digital is a national imperative for a better future for Singaporeans, and digitalization is about enabling new possibilities across the economy, with business growth and better jobs. "Our vision is to be a leading digital economy that continually reinvents itself in the fourth industrial revolution," said the office in its report. "We do this via accelerating the digital transformation of existing economic sectors, fostering new ecosystems enabled by digital technologies, and developing a next-generation digital industry in sectors such as cybersecurity as an engine of growth." The digital transformation of existing economic sectors is important for Singapore to expand its digital economy. The government rolled out 23 Industry Transformation Maps under the Committee of Future Economy in 2017 to digitalize its sectors and businesses, so as to raise their productivity and economic growth efficiencies. The manufacturing sector accounts for nearly one-fifth of Singapore's gross domestic product (GDP). The Economic Development Board said the local manufacturing base has been gearing up to adopt the Industry 4.0 model, to enable the digitalization and automation of its processes, thus enhancing its efficiency and long-term competitiveness on the global stage. As for the service sector, which accounts for about 72 percent of GDP, the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) has initiated a series of projects, such as GoCloud, PIXEL and Digital Services Laboratory, to support businesses' participation in the Services 4.0 ecosystem, in which Singapore is expected to deliver next-generation services that are end-to-end, frictionless, empathic, and anticipatory to customer needs. PATHFINDER Similar to Singapore, China attaches great importance to its digital economic development. Its notable achievements in multiple digital areas have led China to become a global leader in this area. A report from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology shows that its digital economy was estimated at 16 trillion yuan (about 2.32 trillion U.S. dollars) in the first half of 2018, equivalent to 38.2 percent of China's GDP. China is willing to share the development opportunities in the digital economy with other countries. While delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo last November, Chinese President Xi Jinping said, "In our inter-connected global village, to share the fruit of innovation is the common aspiration and natural choice of the world community." He said, "We need to seize the opportunities presented by the new round of technological and industrial revolution, strengthen cooperation in frontier sectors such as digital economy, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, and work together to foster new technologies, new industries, and new forms and models of business." Thanks to China's opening-up, Chinese talent and enterprises have come to Singapore and are contributing to the country's and region's digital economic development by bringing in new business forms and models from China. They, including some famous Chinese Internet companies such as Alibaba, Tencent and Didi Chuxing, not only make digital services that are popular in China available in the region, but also help Southeast Asia to cultivate its own ecosystems for the digital economy. ECOSYSTEM A group of Filipino models set out to create a brand belonging to themselves two years ago, and they chose Southeast Asia's e-commerce giant Lazada Group, majority owned by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., as their business partner. Lazada carried out the market analysis for the models, and helped them determine their first product line would be lipstick. Based on the big data analysis conducted by Lazada, the models chose nine colors for their first batch of lipstick products, and these products sold out extremely fast in the Philippines. Currently, the models are cooperating with Lazada to expand their business to the entire Southeast Asian market, and utilizing Lazada's online platform that has about 400,000 sellers and thousands of brands serving around 560 million consumers in the region. Lazada's success lies in it continuously strengthening its capabilities in data analysis technology to logistics, from payment to its customer services chatbots. The Singapore-based company, which is funded, supported and powered by Alibaba, is cultivating an e-commerce ecosystem in Southeast Asia. It logged business-to-consumer online retail sales of about 19 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 and will see the number jump to more than 53 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, according to Forrester Research. Since being bought by Alibaba in 2016, Lazada has grown exponentially as a result of Alibaba's powerful influence. Lazada Group CEO Pierre Poignant said at a press conference last month that the advantages of Lazada include the highly-efficient logistics platform and the advanced technologies, which are both supported by Alibaba. He added the third advantage of Lazada is that the company itself is backed by Alibaba. According to Poignant, he flies to east China's Hangzhou city every month to attend the management meetings of Alibaba, where he meets with leaders of various Alibaba units to discuss the strategy for Southeast Asian market. Owing to the support of the Chinese company, Lazada is now a leading online retail platform in Southeast Asia in terms of customer traffic, trading volume and sales value. Last year, Lazada drew 1.3 billion customer visits to its platforms during the 11/11 and 12/12 shopping festivals. In comparison to business success, however, Lazada pays more attention to the cultivation of the e-commerce ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Poignant formally announced the vision for Lazada's future development, stating that the company will create 20 million jobs in the e-commerce ecosystem by 2030, as well as cultivate eight million successful and flourishing entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 12:16:45|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 percent of Chinese frown upon adults opting to live with their aging parents and on the latter's support in the name of offering companionship, a survey has shown. Around 77 percent of the 2,002 respondents in the China Youth Daily survey report there have been such practices around them in which adults, who are not in education, employment or training, commonly known as NEET, are living off aging parents' support. Residents in China's second-tier cities, or cities that immediately follow Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in terms of a city's relative development level, are more likely to do so, with the post-80s generation having the highest frequency, followed by the post-90s generation, according to the survey. Some 63 percent of the respondents say it is unfilial for adult children to live with elderly parents and rely on the latter's support under the pretense of accompanying them as caregivers. The same proportion of the interviewees believe such actions reflect a NEET lifestyle and some grown-ups' reluctance to work. Some 30.3 percent, however, say that it is a reflection of the youth's life stress. More than 50 percent think it is adult children's responsibility to spend time accompanying aging parents, but they should no longer spend parents' money. As for reasons behind such practices, 58.2 percent of those polled blamed parents' failure to cultivate self-reliance in children, while 49.6 percent say some parents are willing to continue supporting their grown-up children to be with them. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 12:26:48|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close CANBERRA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a funding boost for the nation's youth suicide prevention plan on Saturday after the death of a young indigenous woman. The 18-year-old woman from the remote community of Balgo in Western Australia (WA) took her own life on Thursday. It was the 12th time an indigenous person younger than 18 died by suicide so far in 2019 in what has been called a crisis, according to the report of The Australian. Morrison said the funding for the suicide prevention strategy will be boosted by 42 million Australian dollars (30.1 million U.S. dollars) to a total of 503.1 million AUD (360.7 million USD). Of the funding, 19.6 million AUD (14 million USD) will come from the Indigenous Advancement Strategy - a 5-billion-AUD fund usually reserved for community safety, education and economic development. "I want every young person in Australia to know that they are not alone and that we are committed to doing everything we can to support their mental health and wellbeing," he told reporters. "Not just as a prime minister, but as a parent, I am going to do whatever it takes and whatever we can to break the curse of youth suicide in our country and ensure young people get the support they need." The plan being implemented is dependent on Morrison's Liberal-National party coalition (LNP) winning the general election on May 18, campaigning for which ramped-up on Saturday. Morrison was joined in by his wife, Jenny, who said that "it's so important for children to feel they can come forward with mental health issues." "It's so easy to see a child with a sore foot or something else, you can notice it and you can help," she said. "But children have to tell you or you have to notice or they have to open up in one way, shape or form to let you know that there's something else wrong. "We need that stigma gone. We need people to be able to come out, young ones, and there's an avenue for them to go." Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 12:41:53|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close RIO DE JANEIRO, April 12 (Xinhua) -- At least five people were killed and 13 others missing after two residential buildings collapsed Friday morning in a poor area in west Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's civil defense authorities reported. The two collapsed buildings, both opened six months ago in the Muzema slum community, were irregular constructions built without the permission of the Rio city authorities. The residential use of the two buildings had been prohibited twice, in November and February. They were not demolished due to the danger demolition presented to adjacent buildings. The Rio city authorities announced on Friday that it would demolish three buildings adjacent to the collapsed buildings, which were also built without a license, to avoid the risk of more collapses. The Muzema community is controlled by violent mob-like militia groups, which act as mafias. The two buildings are likely to have been built by order of those groups. It is estimated that in the same community, there are about 60 residential buildings built without official permits for construction and sales. The Muzema area was deeply affected by the strong seasonal rain and wind which hit Rio earlier this week and left 10 dead and caused severe damage. But it was not raining when the collapse occurred. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 12:41:55|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close MEXICO CITY, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Seven people were killed after a van collided with a semi-truck on a highway in the central State of Mexico, authorities said on Friday. According to the Federal Police, the accident occurred at around 3 p.m. local time (2000 GMT) on the Chamapa-Lecheria Highway on the outskirts of the towns of Naucalpan and Atizapan de Zaragoza, both being part of the Mexico City metropolitan area. Six people died at the site of the accident, while another died later in a nearby hospital, the Attorney General's Office of the state told Xinhua. The seven victims, including two children, were passengers in the van, local media reported, quoting rescue workers and police at the scene. The causes were still being investigated by local authorities. The Chamapa-Lecheria Highway connects various towns in northern and northeastern State of Mexico with western Mexico City. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 13:06:59|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close Passengers leave a train after arriving at the Dar Es Salaam station of Tanzania-Zambia Railway in Dar Es Salaam, capital of Tanzania, Feb. 14, 2019. (Xinhua/Lyu Shuai) by Xinhua writers Zhu Shaobin, Gao Zhu and Peng Lijun NAIROBI, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Almost six years after Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the grand vision for promoting common development through better connectivity among countries and regions has been morphing into a solution for speeding up global cooperation for greater prosperity. This is evidenced by the fact that 125 countries and 29 international organizations have so far signed cooperation agreements with China on jointly building the Belt and Road, according to data published in March on China's official Belt and Road web portal. But as global enthusiasm for and confidence in the BRI grow, some noises ensue, often with ill intentions to discourage its wide adoption and send misleading messages to nations who seek to benefit from BRI participation. One such message claims that the BRI pushes some countries into a "debt trap." PALE NOISES The situation on the ground, however, has shown that such noises are ill-founded. Researchers, economists, and policymakers in Africa, a region that has been warned to be wary of a so-called "debt trap" for participating in the BRI, regard such claims as mere negative speculations that seek to undermine the initiative, saying these claims should not be taken seriously. Firstly, developing countries apparently aspire to improve their dilapidated infrastructure and the BRI well meets such needs. Taking transport as a key example, Prof. Damian Gabagambi, managing director of Tanzania's National Development Corporation, said the BRI is highly strategic because transport networks in a country are like blood vessels in a human body. "If the blood vessels are blocked, the whole body would paralyze. Likewise, without an efficient transport network, the economy paralyzes," he said. "Development of transport network contributes to lower cost of distribution of goods and services among regions and increase in productivity through the availability of access to a diversified set of resources," he said. In Ethiopia, a new Chinese-built and funded terminal at its capital airport was inaugurated in January this year with an annual capacity to serve about 22 million passengers. It tripled the airport's capacity, contributing to Ethiopia's efforts to become a key aviation hub of the African continent. In Kenya, the Chinese-built and funded Nairobi-Mombasa railway has ferried more than 2.5 million passengers and nearly 3.9 million tons of cargo since its launch in May 2017. In his State of the Nation Address on April 4, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta praised the grand project, saying it has been listed among the top 13 most magnificent railway tours for 2019. Developing countries need these, and if China is willing to provide support, it should be a welcomed move, Gabagambi said. "Accusation by some Western countries of China letting some countries fall into a debt trap due to their cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative is a matter of perception," he added. Secondly, the so-called debt trap diplomacy language is highly questionable. In fact, taking Africa for instance, its debts owed to China only make up a small share of the total, and such language was highly likely coined by some Western countries that seek to rein in China's growing global role. Zitto Kabwe, an economics analyst in Tanzania, said between 2000 and 2016, Africa owed China 115 billion U.S. dollars which were only 2 percent of loans that Africa owed other foreign countries. "Why is the world making noise to China with such a minimal amount of debt?" he said. "It should be remembered that the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway in the 1970s by China was protested by the World Bank and other Western countries. Some quarters claimed that Chinese were invading Tanzania, but to date, we don't see Chinese invading Tanzania," he said. "I believe that Tanzania and Africa in general should define how their cooperation with China should be. Western countries should stop dictating to Africa how the continent should collaborate with China. This amounts to insulting African countries and it's a continuation of colonial mentality," he said. Gabagambi said that it is normal for countries to become indebted because countries borrow to finance different development projects. "Fortunately, African countries are not in the list of most indebted countries in the world," he said. Noting that blaming China for the BRI is unfair, Gabagambi said: "In my opinion, Western countries are envious of Chinese success in transforming the economies of developing countries in a big way that they and their Bretton Woods institutions have failed to achieve for decades." Benard Ayieko, a Kenya-based economist wrote an article earlier this year, describing the so-called China debt trap rhetoric as "farcical." Ayieko said that the saying that Chinese loans are the largest component in the debt matrix of borrowing countries is a misconception. "What Chinese loans have done is to diversify these countries' loan portfolios to avert any risk associated with overreliance on one borrower," he said. Thirdly, BRI cooperation follows the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits, which demonstrates BRI cooperation is based on negotiations among parties and is never unilateral. Hence, the "debt trap" rhetoric is highly unfair. Zambia-based economist Kampamba Shula said China was not trying to dupe participating countries into a debt trap because China does not force itself on any country. "To insinuate that African countries were being duped into a debt trap is not to be taken seriously," he said. Leonard Munyandamutsa, a Rwanda-based trade and investment policy expert who specializes in emerging markets investment and trade negotiation, said: "We cannot simply blame China for the increasing debts of some countries because the loans are negotiated by African representatives and given on mutually agreed terms." Ladislas Ngendahimana, a political analyst and the secretary general of the Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities, said that business, trade and investments are neutral. The so-called debt trap is more a matter of accountable and responsible leadership on the part of the recipient countries, but China is doing a good thing for Africa. Ngendahimana said the BRI contributes to economic cooperation and economic development, which is the best way to prevent conflicts and a driver of modern international relations as well. KEEPING POPULARITY AMID ATTACKS Despite accusations by detractors, the BRI has remained popular, which once again proves the "debt trap" labeling is wrong. During President Xi's visit to Italy in March, China and Italy inked a memorandum of understanding on jointly advancing the Belt and Road construction. Rome's endorsement of the BRI makes Italy the first G7 member to do so. In a joint communique issued by the two countries, Beijing and Rome agreed that the BRI boasts huge potential in promoting infrastructure connectivity. There is nothing sinister about China giving out loans to other countries, said Isaac Mwaipopo, executive director of the Center for Trade Policy and Dialogue in Zambia, adding what matters is that recipient countries ensure that the loans are used for the intended purpose of uplifting the welfare of citizens. "There is no doubt that the initiative has left an indelible mark of impact on the participating countries as reflected in various infrastructure projects such as schools and hospitals which have not only helped improve social service delivery but resulted in economic development as well," he said. Mwaipopo looks forward to the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation scheduled to be held in China later this month and anticipates that the forum would highlight the BRI's progress in achieving certain objectives, while allowing countries to further consolidate their cooperation and understanding. (Xinhua reporters Lucas Liganga in Dar es Salaam, Lyu Tianran, Frank Kanyesigye and James Gashumba in Kigali, Elias Shilangwa and Nkweto Mfula in Lusaka contributed to this story.) (Video reporter: Yang Yi; Video editor: Yin Le) Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 14:27:34|Editor: Xiaoxia Video Player Close JALALABAD, Afghanistan, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Taliban massive offensive to capture Shirzad district in the eastern Nangarhar province has been repulsed and the militant group fled away after leaving 27 bodies behind, said a statement of the provincial government released on Saturday. The militant group, according to the statement, launched multi-pronged offensive with two car bombs followed by gunfight on Friday night to capture Shirzad district in Nangarhar province, but the security forces' sharp reaction forced the insurgents to retreat. At least 27 militants have been confirmed dead and more than two dozen others injured, the statement said. The statement also confirmed that two security personnel had been killed and eight others sustained injuries in defending the besieged Shirzad district. The deadly attack came hours after the Taliban outfit announced launching its annual offensive dubbed "al-Fath" which means "victory" in Arabic language. The Taliban launches its annual offensive in spring aimed at gaining grounds to topple Afghan government. The militants captured Ghazni city, the capital of eastern Ghazni government, for days in 2018, besides gaining grounds in several districts, but failed to capture any province or important district. However, the Afghan Defense Ministry has termed Taliban newly launched so-called annual offensive as mere propaganda to boost morale of its fighters to continue useless insurgency in the conflict-plagued country. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 15:12:55|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close RIO DE JANEIRO, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The Brazilian government on Friday released an official statement expressing its concern over the recent escalation of violence in Libya. In the statement released by the country's Foreign Ministry, Brazil called for a cessation of hostilities in Libya and reaffirmed its support for the United Nations' (UN's) efforts in the North African country. "The Brazilian government has followed with great concern the news of the recent military escalation in Libya, with reports of over a hundred dead and wounded in conflicts in the outskirts of the Libyan capital city Tripoli, and thousands of people having to leave their homes over the last days," the government said. "In reaffirming its belief that there is no military solution to the crisis in Libya, the Brazilian government calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a resumption of dialogue," it said. The government also "reiterates its support for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative in Libya Ghassan Salame, for the promotion of an inclusive political process, seeking national reconciliation and lasting peace for the country," it said. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 15:17:59|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close PUL-E-KHUMRI, Afghanistan, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Eight security personnel were killed and nine others injured as the Taliban fighters stormed a security checkpoint in Baghlan-e-Markazi district of Afghanistan's northern Baghlan province on Saturday, district governor Khanzada Mazlomyar said. A group of Taliban militants, according to the official, attacked the security checkpoint early morning, triggering gun battle and the militants fled after killing eight security personnel and injuring nine others. Taliban militants also suffered casualties, the official said. Baghlan-e-Markazi district, located about 15 km away from provincial capital Pul-e-Khumri, has been regarded as Taliban hotbed in Baghlan province. Taliban militants who announced their so-called annual offensive on Friday morning since then have launched series of offensives in Afghanistan. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 15:28:03|Editor: Li Xia Video Player Close SHANGHAI, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The second China International Import Expo (CIIE) to be held in November in Shanghai will introduce an exhibition on high-end consumer goods, organizers say. More small and medium-sized companies in the fields such as AR and VR technologies, self-driving cars, internet of things and blockchain will join the upcoming expo, said Liu Fuxue, vice director of CIIE bureau. This year's expo will increase the floor space for exhibitors to 300,000 square meters, creating platforms for companies to launch their new products, technologies and services. Lesaffre, a French yeast manufacturer that has confirmed its participation in the second CIIE, will also hold its Asian contest of the Louis Lesaffre World Bakery Cup in Shanghai during the expo, said Jean-Philippe Poulin, CEO of Lesaffre Greater China. Deloitte will use AR and VR technologies to showcase its solutions for smart cities, smart healthcare and smart manufacturing. French cosmetic giant L'Oreal also eyes China's growing beauty and cosmetics market and plans to expand its exhibition area at the expo. As of April 2, over 900 companies from 77 countries and regions have confirmed their participation in the second CIIE, which will be held on Nov. 5 in Shanghai. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 15:48:11|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close WASHINGTON, April 12 (Xinhua) -- A Trump administration policy barring most transgender people from joining the U.S. military went into effect on Friday. For those wishing to join the U.S. military, a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is now presumptively disqualifying under the new policy, a Pentagon official told reporters. People currently receiving treatment for gender dysphoria may continue to serve, as will people who transitioned before the new policy came into force, according to the official. Gender dysphoria "involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify," according to the American Psychiatric Association. President Donald Trump announced his intention to ban transgender troops in 2017, citing high medical costs as a reason, before introducing measures that have met with pushback from within the military, criticism by rights activists and multiple lawsuits. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that the latest version of the administration's transgender military policy, which is not a full ban but a large step in that direction, could take effect pending the outcome of ongoing litigation. The House Armed Services Committee, controlled by Democrats, said lawmakers from the party "will continue to fight against this bigotry and ignorance," slamming the policy as "a huge setback that shakes the faith our troops have in the country." Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, enabled transgender people to serve openly in the military in 2016. The Pentagon has estimated that 9,000 out of a total of 1.3 million active duty personnel identify as transgender. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 16:08:23|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close Dancers perform during the water festival in Yangon, Myanmar, April 13, 2019. Myanmar's traditional Thingyan Water Festival kicked off across the country Saturday morning. (Xinhua/U Aung) YANGON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Traditional Thingyan water festival has kicked off in Myanmar's regions and states in full swing. Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein on Friday extended wishes to the people for a happy water festival and prosperous new year. Thingyan water festival will last until April 16 and the new year will fall on April 17, in which Myanmar people decide to turn over a new leaf and leave misfortunes from old year. Yangon region's water throwing pavilion was unveiled Friday by the chief minister in front of the region's City Hall located in downtown area of Yangon city. The opening ceremony was followed by the performances by the Myanmar traditional dancer troupes in colorful dresses with Thingyan music. Special celebrations featuring "Walking Thingyan Festival" was also being celebrated by people roaming around the city to receive the water-throwing from pandals where people throw water using hoses. Meanwhile, Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung also ceremonially inaugurated a water-throwing pandal in the country's second largest city Mandalay, calling for peace and socio-economic development across the country starting from the new year. Among Myanmar's 12 seasonal festivals throughout the year, the Thingyan water festival represents the grandest which is believed to bring peace and prosperity to everyone. Myanmar people annually celebrate traditional Thingyan water festival to welcome new year as other Southeast Asian countries such as Songkran in Laos and Thailand as well as Chaul Chnam Thmey in Cambodia. As part of celebration of the festival, people throw and douse water onto one another to wash sins and to make clear the moral impurities from old year. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 16:23:40|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close KATHMANDU, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Nepali police have arrested a French national on charge of involvement in pedophilia, police said here on Saturday. A special team of Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police detained French man Georges Igor Simansky, aged 69, on the charge of sexually abusing two teenage boys. "Simansky was arrested by the police when he was sleeping with a Nepali boy from a hotel at Thamel area on Friday," Superintendent of Nepal Police Uma Chaturbedi told Xinhua on Saturday. "We have started the probe against the French man. The preliminary investigation suggests that he sexually abused two boys aged 14 and 15 tempting them by offering jobs in France and better education," Chaturbedi added. "We have started investigation against the French old man, taking him into custody," he said. Chaturbedi further said Simansky used to tempt teenagers by offering foreign trips and better education before sexually abusing them. He will be prosecuted in accordance with prevailing laws in Nepal, police said. The French national entered Nepal for the first time in 2014 on tourist visa. The Nepali police said that the French national had faced legal action over pedophilia charges back in 2000 in France. This is not the first case of pedophilia to hit the Himalayan country and many foreigners have been arrested in recent years for sexually abusing and molesting under-aged children, police said. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 16:38:51|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close ADEN, Yemen, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Yemen's internationally-backed President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi arrived Saturday in the country's southeastern province of Hadramout coming from Saudi Arabia to attend an extraordinary session of the country's parliament. President Hadi along with high-ranking government officials returned from Riyadh and landed at the international airport of Seiyun district in Hadramout province, according to local Yemeni sources. In Seiyun city, Yemen's House of Representatives started in convening their first time session since the war started in 2015 with the presence of President Hadi. The pro-government MPs totally agreed during the extraordinary session in Seiyun city and elected Sultan al-Barakani as new speaker of Yemen's parliament, according to the local sources. The Yemeni government sources confirmed to Xinhua that only 141 MPs attended Saturday's session of the pro-government parliament that is made made up of 301 MPs and elected for a six-year term. The six-year term is already expired as the last Yemeni parliamentary elections occurred in 2009 during the era of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The session of the House of Representatives comes based upon a request issued by Hadi who chose the country's city of Seiyun to hold the first parliamentary session as the security conditions are not fully stable in the country's southern port city of Aden. Heavy Yemeni security forces backed by elite Saudi troops were deployed in Seiyun city amid tightened measures to secure the city with the start of the first parliamentary session. The Houthi rebels based in the capital Sanaa described the pro-Hadi parliament meeting as a "felony," vowing to take serious action against the participants. The Iranian-allied Houthis launched a large military campaign and seized Sanaa in late 2014, forcing Hadi and his government to flee into exile in neighboring Saudi Arabia. The Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened militarily and began pounding Houthi-controlled Sanaa in March 2015, in response to an official request from Hadi to protect Yemen and roll back Iran's influence. The conflict between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government in Yemen has recently entered its fifth year, aggravating the suffering of Yemenis and deepening the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 16:43:58|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close HAVANA, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Cuba will implement measures to strengthen science and innovation in a bid to support the country's sustainable development, according to a strategy outlined during the ongoing session of Cuba's National Assembly. Minister of Science, Technology and Environment Elba Rosa Perez said the measures, including the creation of science and technology parks, will unleash innovative potential which will contribute to local development. She said that the Caribbean nation must create or further develop a series of high-tech companies associated with knowledge-intensive sectors such as biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry, electronics, industrial automation, nanotechnology and renewable energies. The country has already accumulated experience in building the Scientific Complex in Havana in the 1990s and establishing BioCubaFarma, Cuba's biggest biotechnology and pharmaceutical group, in the last few years, Perez told lawmakers in a session that will last until Saturday. BioCubaFarma currently manufactures and distributes more than 1,000 products. It also has a consolidated international presence with its products being exported to around 50 nations and 2,640 registered patents both in Cuba and other parts of the world. In a recent interview with Xinhua, Mayda Mauri, vice president of BioCubaFarma, said the company is looking forward to expanding its business in China. Highlighting the "strategic cooperation" with China for over 15 years, Mauri said that currently, there are three joint ventures in China, two in the biomedical field and one in agriculture, as well as a soft capsule plant in Havana that use Chinese technology. Several joint research centers and labs have also been established in the Asian nation, she added. For the Cuban biotechnology sector, Mauri said, China is its top partner in different associations or joint ventures, bringing shared benefits and experiences. "It's an example of what our country currently needs in order to increase exports, efficiency, savings ... and to diversify markets to counteract the current complex economic situation," she said. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 16:54:05|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close MEXICO CITY, April 12 (Xinhua) -- A new Central American migrant caravan entered Mexico early Friday, Mexico's National Institute of Immigration (INM) said. Some 350 migrants reached the city of Tapachula in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas after cutting the padlocks at the Mexico-Guatemala border crossing. In its report, the INM said the people in the caravan were hostile as they attacked police along their journey. The violent incursion occurred around 3:30 a.m. (0830 GMT) and afterward the migrants began heading toward Tapachula. Other migrants who were already in the area joined the group and the number swelled to some 800 people, the INM said. At about 11:00 a.m. (1600 GMT), the caravan grew to some 2,000 people who walked along the highway between Ciudad Hidalgo and Tapachula, federal police officials told Xinhua. Police in charge of highway surveillance in the area asked motorists via its Twitter account to take precautions since the caravan was partially obstructing passage along the highway. Some migrants said they crossed into Mexico through the border bridge between Mexico's Ciudad Hidalgo and Guatemala's Tecun Uman, while others said they crossed the Suchiate River, which separates the two countries. Mexican media outlets reported that the caravan left northern Honduras on Wednesday. A Honduran woman traveling with her three-year-old son told Mexican newspaper Reforma that she had fled her country because of poverty and violence. The caravan that entered Mexico was largely made up of Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans looking to cross Mexico on their way to the U.S. border. This new caravan set off even after U.S. President Donald Trump reiterated on April 5 that the United States "is full" and will not accept any asylum applicants. The massive migration of Central Americans in caravans has increased since October 2018, aggravating the tense relations between Mexico and the United States. The Trump administration demands that Mexican authorities stop the flow of migrants. At the beginning of the month, Trump threatened to close the U.S.-Mexico border or to tax Mexican auto exports if Mexico couldn't halt the flow. In addition, the United States reassigned border inspectors, which led to massive delays for goods crossing the border. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 16:59:07|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close by Xinhua writers Xia Lin, Wu Xiaoling, Zhang Mocheng SAN FRANCISCO, April 13 (Xinhua) -- As the U.S. high tech map is evolving with some behemoths on the West Coast expanding eastward, top local business representatives think it is a good time for Chinese to come and do business. MUTUAL BENEFIT In recent months, the hot talk in Silicon Valley has been that West Coast giants like Amazon, Apple and Google have been expanding eastward to locate younger talents, political capital, business-friendly environment and cost-effective places to establish its headquarters II (HQ2) for larger shares of the market. The time is good for Chinese counterparts to expand cooperation either with the traditional West Coast or the emerging East Coast and some central states, said Jim Wunderman, head of the San Francisco Bay Area Council (BAC), and Del Christensen, who leads the Global Business Development for BAC. "We think one of the advantages of the Bay Area of physical location is its proximity to China, even though it's very far away. It's the next place you go to after you cross over the Pacific Ocean. And there's a lot of relationship between here and China," said Wunderman. For example, San Francisco is a longtime sister city of Shanghai -- "a good existing strong relationship" that BAC could build on, and from Beijing, it's a shorter air trip than to New York City, he said. "I would imagine that the California-based CEO would stay more connected to China just because we're closer and there's also the overlap of time. So you can take calls here in the afternoon and talk to your team in China in their morning. That's a significant advantage for the West Coast of the United States as far as doing business with China and communicating" are concerned, Christensen said. Regarding the East Coast, Christensen said, "I know that China does a lot of business in New York." This will help China become part of the so-called ongoing U.S. high-tech "eastward expansion", which also targets other cities like Washington D.C., Boston, Austin and Pittsburgh. Companies like Uber, Facebook and LinkedIn are also trying to stoke the movement, according to him. MORE WITH CHINA While welcoming Chinese counterparts to both coasts to tap new and more potential for doing business, BAC itself keeps reaching out to China to forge closer ties. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is one of their targets, with a new office mulled to be opened there. BAC currently has four offices in China -- in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and Nanjing -- to help U.S. tech companies handle public affairs, catch opportunities and expand business. "I think China is a terrific, exciting country for the speed of technological changes and infrastructure. We're pretty amazed by the high-speed rail system, the buildings, architecture and the excitement of people. You can really feel it from the people," said Wunderman. A lot of BAC's member companies are operating in China today. "I think the most important thing is to understand the culture of how you're doing business in another country, and understand how decisions are made," said Christensen. He recalled participation in the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) held in Shanghai in November. "California is open for business. ... This year, we're gonna go again, but much bigger. A much bigger delegation, because we want to sell products. We want to erase the trade deficit by having California sell a lot of products to China," he said. In the eyes of Wunderman, "China has an incredible market." Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 17:14:16|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close WELLINGTON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The New Zealand government announced on Saturday 1-million-NZ dollar (676,400 U.S. dollars) funds to support ethnic communities affected by the Christchurch terror attacks which killed 50 people on March 15. Affected communities are invited to apply for the funds to develop projects that will enhance their development and enrich social connections, Minister for Ethnic Communities Jenny Salesa said in a statement. "The Office of Ethnic Communities, as conduit between the government and ethnically diverse communities, will also receive funding for additional staff to provide better on the ground culturally appropriate support to victims and families in Christchurch," Salesa said. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 17:39:29|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close by Peerzada Arshad Hamid NEW DELHI, April 13 (Xinhua) -- India Saturday marked the centenary of Jallianwala Bagh massacre, as British High Commissioner to India Sir Dominic Asquith described the tragedy as "shameful act in British-Indian history." Hundreds of Indians were shot dead by British troops 100 years ago on this day in Amritsar city in northern Indian state of Punjab. To commemorate the event on the 100th anniversary, Asquith paid his tribute and laid a floral wreath at the memorial in Amritsar. "The events of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflects a shameful act in British-Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused. I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st century partnership," Asquith wrote on visitor's book at the memorial. There have been calls for Britain to apologize for the massacre. British Prime Minister Theresa May in parliament too this week described the events as "a shameful scar on British Indian history." However, she stopped short of issuing a formal apology for the tragic incident. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on April 13, 1919 when British forces led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer opened fire on hundreds of unarmed, innocent Indians, including women and children, who were protesting peacefully against the oppressive Rowlatt Act of the British government. The massacre is known as one of the darkest chapters of India's freedom struggle against the British occupation. The official death toll in the massacre by the British government was 379, however Indian claims the firing left over 1,000 people dead. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to twitter to remember those who lost their lives in the massacre. "Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," Modi said. India's main opposition Congress party president Rahul Gandhi and Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh visited the memorial at Jallianwala Bagh and paid homage to those killed in the massacre. On Friday evening hundreds of people, including students and visitors, held a candlelight vigil in Amritsar on the eve of the 100th anniversary. Indian Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu will release a commemorative coin and a commemorative postage stamp to mark the centenary of the massacre. "Hundred years ago, General Reginald Dyer's troops opened fire on unarmed, peaceful protesters at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar leaving hundreds dead and thousands wounded. This inhuman act of imperial might remains an indelible bloody stain on the canvas of recent Indian history," Naidu in his tribute said. "We have to usher in a world without oppression and persecution, a world of friendship, peace and progress. A world where all nations stand united to defeat inhuman forces of terror and violence. It is a day to reaffirm India's centuries long commitment to ideal of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family)." Though many British leaders have regretted the incident, a formal apology is still awaited. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 17:59:33|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close URUMQI, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Strong winds that started on Saturday afternoon have stranded almost 4,000 passengers as of 4 p.m. at Diwopu International Airport in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. According to the airport, 14 outbound flights and another 14 incoming flights have been canceled, and a total of 76 flights were delayed due to the extreme weather. Thirty flights had to land in other cities in Xinjiang or neighboring provinces, with another two making a return voyage. A total of 3,829 passengers have been stranded in the three terminals of the airport. The city's weather bureau said the wind is expected to wane after 6 p.m. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 17:59:35|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close AMMAN, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Jordan will host a trilateral summit with Cyprus and Greece, to be attended by Jordanian King Abdullah II, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Sunday, according to an official statement from the Royal Court on Saturday. The second trilateral summit will discuss means to expand cooperation among the three countries, especially in economy and investment, and build on the outcomes of the first summit, hosted by Cyprus in January 2018. The summit will also cover the latest regional developments and efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region. Jordan, Cyprus, and Greece agreed in 2018 to launch a trilateral partnership to advance cooperation in vital areas, and a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding were signed in the fields of protection of antiquities, intellectual property and renewable energy. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 18:09:37|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) -- China is using high-tech measures, such as satellite remote sensing technologies, in protecting its cultural heritage, according to an official with the National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA). Chen Peijun, director of the NCHA's supervision and inspection department, said in an interview with Xinhua that the administration has been using remote sensing to monitor some of the country's key cultural heritage sites and stretches of the Great Wall and their nearby areas. Chen said the administration will also explore the use of other technological means such as the Internet, cloud computing, big data and drones in the administrative and law enforcement work for cultural heritage protection. He said new technologies help improve the efficiency of supervision and ensure that violations are detected and handled in an early and timely manner. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 18:21:09|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close DUBROVNIK, Croatia, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the 9th China-Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) Business Forum here on Friday. An English translated version of the speech is as follows: Speech by H.E. Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the Ninth China-CEEC Business Forum Dubrovnik, 12 April 2019 Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to join friends old and new at the ninth China-CEEC Business Forum in the seaport city of Dubrovnik in the beautiful season of spring. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the Forum and pay high tribute to all those who are committed to the friendly relations and cooperation between China and the Central and Eastern European countries. In recent years, China-CEEC (16+1) cooperation has been growing with a strong momentum. This is largely attributed to our strong and expanding business ties, which have seen new progress every year thanks to the concerted efforts of all parties. In 2018, China's trade with the CEE countries increased by 21 percent, hitting a record high of 82.2 billion U.S. dollars. In particular, growth in China's imports from the CEE countries outstripped that of exports by five percentage points. As FDI (foreign direct investment) plunges worldwide, China's investment in the CEE countries has bucked the trend and soared by 67 percent, most notably in major projects in the energy, mining and home appliance sectors and with new steps taken in cooperation in third-party markets. China-CEEC cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has made new strides, as seen in greater headway in infrastructure connectivity, smooth progress in projects from the Budapest-Belgrade railway and the E763 highway in Serbia to the MS and KO highways in North Macedonia and the South-North expressway in Montenegro, and growing cooperation in new areas like information and communications and smart cities. With over 6,000 new freight train services opened between China and Europe last year and the steady development of China-Europe Land Sea Express Line, CEE countries are poised to play a bigger role as gateways between Asia and Europe. Subnational cooperation continues to deepen, marked by the launching of the Ningbo 16+1 Demonstration Zone for Economic Cooperation and Trade and the China (Liaoning) CEEC Pavilion. There have been more frequent people-to-people and cultural exchanges, as evidenced by over 1.4 million tourist arrivals from China to CEE countries and 350,000 visits from CEE countries to China in 2018. Our two sides also run collaboration programs in the performing arts, animation, film and other cultural and creative industries. While strong support from governments has been indispensable, all this progress would not have been possible without the hard work from our business communities. Ladies and gentlemen, We meet at a crucial moment in world economic development. Global growth has been weighed down by factors such as sluggish international trade and investment and rising protectionism. New uncertainties and destabilizing factors are mounting, shaking market expectations and confidence in development. That said, on the bright side, the global economy is increasingly propelled by the new round of technological and industrial revolution. The growing complexities in the international landscape make it all the more imperative for all parties to work together to seize opportunities and tackle challenges. President Xi Jinping's recent visit to three European countries has injected fresh impetus to China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. The 16+1 cooperation is an important part of China-Europe relations. Guided by the principles of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, China will foster a stronger synergy between the BRI and development strategies of CEE countries on the basis of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits, with a view to taking our business cooperation to greater depth and breadth. - We need to promote trade facilitation. China's trade with the 16 CEE countries has enjoyed fast growth, yet there remains a big potential to tap. China will work with the CEE countries to open markets wider to each other. Customs cooperation needs to be strengthened by streamlining procedures for greater efficiency in the clearance of goods. We will improve the communication and coordination mechanism for inspection and quarantine, speed up the negotiation of relevant protocols, and better coordinate our safety inspection efforts. China will support CEE countries in participating in the China International Import Expo, the China-CEEC Expo and other trade promotion platforms, and provide a green channel for exports by CEE countries to China. We will continue to develop the China-Europe freight train service and multi-modal transport, enhance services facilitation cooperation on China-Europe Land Sea Express Line, harmonize rules and standards at a faster pace, and establish logistics hubs to speed up cross-border flow of goods. - We need to foster new growth areas in trade. China and CEE countries each have comparative advantages and our economies are highly complementary. We need to further unlock the trade potential, improve the trade mix, and expand areas in trade cooperation. Trade in agricultural products will be increased. China will continue to create conditions to import more honey, fruit, dairy and meat products and other farm produce from CEE countries to meet the diverse needs of Chinese consumers. We will continue to scale up trade in mechanical and electrical products and quality consumer goods such as automobiles and home appliances, and grow trade in high-quality, high-tech and high value-added products such as manufactured equipment. We need to step up cooperation on new business forms and models, encourage large cross-border e-commerce companies to set up more overseas warehouses and exhibition and sales centers in CEE countries to explore more trading channels. Trade in services will be expanded. There is a big potential in tourism cooperation as the number of overseas trips by Chinese tourists reached 150 million last year. Companies from CEE countries are welcome to hold tourism expos in China to intensify the promotion of tourism resources and attractive tourist products. We look forward to more facilitation provided to Chinese tourists in terms of border control in CEE countries. Our two sides need to support civil aviation cooperation, encourage communication between airline companies, and look into the feasibility of opening more direct flights when conditions are in place. - We need to deepen investment and industrial capacity cooperation. The Chinese government supports Chinese companies in investing in CEE countries in keeping with commercial principles and on their own decisions, particularly in such areas as agriculture, manufacturing, information and communications, and R&D. Joint efforts will be made to build industrial clusters and logistics parks and improve industrial chain cooperation. We hope that the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies will be effectively protected in relevant countries in accordance with the principles of equity, fairness and non-discrimination. During this year's summit, we will launch the 16+1 Global Partnership Center and the website for the China-CEEC SME Coordination Mechanism, which are designed to provide more convenient, thoughtful and professional services for companies to broaden investment cooperation. - We need to make concrete progress in connectivity. Achieving infrastructure connectivity at a faster pace is high on the development agenda of many CEE countries, and is an important means for delivering win-win outcomes of 16+1 cooperation. A good example is the China-Croatia cooperation on the Peljesac Bridge project. China will continue to encourage companies to take part in infrastructure development of CEE countries, and work with relevant parties to steadily advance the construction of the Serbian section and the tendering of the Hungarian section of the Budapest-Belgrade railway. We will foster synergy among the Belt and Road Initiative, the Three Seas Initiative, the EU strategy on connecting Europe and Asia, the Trans-European Transport Networks and other plans, and implement the projects with earnest efforts. We will improve the financing conditions for projects, make full use of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Silk Road Fund, the China-CEEC Inter-Bank Association and other financial platforms, encourage commercial banks to develop more innovative financial products and diversify financing models. We will develop new ways in implementing cooperation projects, properly address issues concerning mutual recognition of standards and returns on investment, and actively explore cooperation modalities in third-party markets, joint bidding and public-private partnership. The Chinese government supports relevant countries in conducting rules-based public tendering where Chinese companies can compete on a level playing field. Ladies and gentlemen, I would also like to take this opportunity to briefly talk about the Chinese economy and our policy orientation as they may be topics of interest to you. In 2018, despite difficulties and challenges, China's economy grew by 6.6 percent and exceeded 90 trillion yuan, or 13.6 trillion U.S. dollars. A total of 13.61 million new urban jobs were created and the surveyed urban unemployment rate was 4.9 percent at the end of last year, which means we have achieved fairly full employment. This year, China faces a more complex and challenging development environment. In the Report on the Work of the Government adopted at last month's annual session of the National People's Congress, we made a comprehensive analysis of the situation and laid out a series of major policies and measures. The Chinese economy has maintained a stable performance on the whole this year. In particular, we have seen quite a number of positive changes since March: the manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index and its sub-indices on production and new orders rebounded to the highest point in months; fixed-asset investment, imports and exports, freight volume and electricity generation grew at a faster pace; consumption remained stable; and trading in the capital market was vibrant. As things stand now, we are seeing a notable improvement in market expectations, better performance of the business sector, especially SMEs, and growing dynamism for internally driven development. We are confident that the main targets for this year, including a 6-6.5 percent GDP growth, can be achieved. We will maintain the current macro policy orientations, and avoid adopting strong stimulus policies, such as quantitative easing and excessive money supply. Instead, we will keep to the central task of supply-side structural reform and create conditions for steady economic performance by further advancing reform and introducing measures in accordance with market principles and the rule of law. Going forward, we will concentrate our efforts in the following three areas. First, we will take steps to energize market entities and improve the business environment. Robust market entities provide a strong driving force for economic growth. China has more than 100 million market entities, including over 34 million enterprises. On average, 18,000 new enterprises are established each day. If more and more market entities can be in vibrant operation, we will acquire a solid bulwark against the downward pressure on the economy. This year, we will cut taxes and fees on a larger scale, which is expected to reduce the tax burden and social insurance contributions of companies by nearly two trillion yuan. Tax cuts for enterprises will lead to lower fiscal revenues, yet the spending in key areas such as people's livelihood must be maintained. Then what is our solution? Instead of substantially raising the deficit-to-GDP ratio, we are asking governments at all levels to tighten their belts, explore every possible means to expand revenue and reduce spending, and follow a new approach of putting idle assets and funds to better use while notably cutting general expenditures. We will make the negative list on market access shorter, streamline administrative approval procedures, strengthen impartial regulation, and improve the efficiency of government services, with a view to creating a level playing field for market entities of all types. Second, we will take steps to pursue innovation-driven development and strengthen new growth drivers. Innovation is the primary driving force for development. China has more than 170 million people in its workforce with higher educational background or professional skills. China also has the largest pool of scientific and technological personnel in the world, and a big internal market. Such conditions have given a strong boost to technological innovation and industrial application from both the supply and demand sides. To foster new growth drivers, we are developing emerging industries and promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries at the same time. China is the largest manufacturer in the world. We will strengthen the industrial foundation and the capacity for technological innovation, build industrial internet platforms, and empower the manufacturing industry with digital, internet, smart and green technologies. E-commerce, mobile payment, sharing economy and other new business forms and models are booming. These are the results of innovation by Chinese companies that are encouraged by the accommodative and prudential regulatory approach taken by the Chinese government. Going forward, we will step up the R&D (research and development) and application of big data and artificial intelligence, foster clusters of emerging industries and strengthen the digital economy. New growth drivers now contribute more than one third of China's economic growth and more than two thirds of new urban jobs. They are giving China new strengths to pursue development. Third, we will take steps to promote all-round opening-up and build an open economy at a higher level. The National People's Congress of China adopted the Foreign Investment Law a few weeks ago. We are bringing forward the formulation of matching regulations so that they can enter into force together with the law on 1 January next year. This will help build an enabling business environment based on the rule of law and up to international standards. We are expediting the implementation of the measures announced, including shortening the negative list on market access for foreign investors, further opening up the financial and other sectors, and strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights. China has grown into a major international investor. We will encourage credible and capable Chinese enterprises to invest overseas in an orderly fashion. China has actively expanded import from other countries. Since last year, we have voluntarily cut tariffs four times, bringing the overall tariff level down to 7.5 percent, a lower middle level in the world. We will also further improve the facilitation of customs clearance to significantly reduce cost and improve efficiency. As China continues to develop an open economy, it will create greater opportunities for companies of CEE countries. Ladies and gentlemen, As a saying goes, "When the wind is at our back, lose no time in setting sail." In the face of a great opportunity to deepen China-CEEC cooperation, I hope business leaders from both China and CEE countries will work in concert to open up new prospects for China-CEEC economic and business cooperation. Thank you. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 19:10:02|Editor: Shi Yinglun Video Player Close KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Doan Thi Huong, a Vietnamese woman accused of causing the death of a man from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) at a Malaysian airport in 2017, is set to be released on May 3, her lawyer said on Saturday. Lawyer Salim Bashir of Huong's defense team said he was informed through the embassy of Vietnam in Malaysia that she would be released on that date. On the same day, she will be sent home to Vietnam, he told state news agency Bernama. Huong had been sentenced to three years and four months in jail on April 1, after pleading guilty to an alternative charge offered by prosecutors from the previous murder charge, which carries mandatory capital punishment if convicted. Huong's lead counsel Hisyam Teh Poh Teik said at that time that she would be released by the first week of May, with the two years already served counting from her arrest on Feb. 15, 2017, and the remaining one-third granted remission. In March, Malaysian prosecutors withdrew the murder charge against Siti Aisyah, the Indonesian woman who was charged together with Huong in the case. Aisyah was then released. Both women were accused of murdering the DPRK man by smearing VX nerve agent on his face at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in February 2017. They have both denied the murder charges. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 19:55:24|Editor: Li Xia Video Player Close BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The following are the highlights of China's key education news from the past week: -- Nearly 500,000 international students study in China In 2018, a total of 492,185 international students from 196 countries and regions studied in China. The number of international students increased by 3,013 over that of 2017. About 60 percent of the international students were from Asia, with the Republic of Korea, Thailand and Pakistan ranking in the top three. About 63,000 of them were sponsored by Chinese government scholarships. -- China targets actions hindering school-age children from receiving compulsory education China's Ministry of Education (MOE) on Thursday vowed to target any action that hindered school-age children from receiving compulsory education. Local education authorities were ordered to conduct a comprehensive investigation as soon as possible in the first half of 2019. The MOE stressed that practices in which school-age children failed to get compulsory education due to violations of laws and regulations by institutions or individuals should be rectified and the violators will be held accountable and dealt with in accordance with the law. -- China limits student competitions to ease children's after-school homework The MOE announced a list of government-acknowledged national student competitions Friday. The list included 29 competitions for primary and middle school students, and was aimed to limit the number of competitions and protect children from doing excessive homework to prepare for unnecessary contests. -- China releases new syllabus for military courses in universities Chinese authorities have issued a revised syllabus for military theory and training courses in universities. The document, which was jointly released by the MOE and the national defense mobilization department under the Central Military Commission, asked colleges to add military courses into their training and teaching programs, set specific credit for such courses, and record performance results into students' archives. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 20:40:42|Editor: Li Xia Video Player Close WUHAN, April 13 (Xinhua) -- A total of 700 Chinese sturgeons were released on Saturday into the country's longest river, the Yangtze River, to save the species from extinction. The 700 captive-bred sturgeons, nicknamed "aquatic pandas," were released in the city of Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, by the Chinese Sturgeon Research Institute (CSRI) of the China Three Gorges Corporation. The sturgeons released into the river will help boost the endangered species' survival rate in the wild and enhance their generic diversity, said Li Zhiyuan, deputy director of CSRI. Li said the sturgeons sent back to the wild include both junior and adult fishes with relatively larger sizes to enrich the species' population of different age groups. Scientists will also study the data collected on the Chinese surgeon's migration and reproduction activities in means of sonar and other advanced methods. Chinese experts have started reintroduction events to increase the population of sturgeons, a rare fish that dates back to the dinosaurs, since 1984. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 20:45:47|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close Contestants dance on the final round of the "Chinese Bridge" competition held in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, April 13, 2019. The final round of the 12th "Chinese Bridge", a Chinese language and culture proficiency competition for secondary school students, was held at the Ulan Bator Ensemble on Saturday. Chantsal Nomin-Erdene, a female contestant from Khishig school in Ulan Bator secured the first position in the competition and was selected to represent Mongolia at the final competition to be held in China. (Xinhua/Suriya) ULAN BATOR, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The final round of the 12th "Chinese Bridge," a Chinese language and culture proficiency competition for secondary school students, was held at the Ulan Bator Ensemble on Saturday. Fifteen finalists from several Mongolian schools competed in the final round of the Mongolian regional contest in the two categories of China and Chinese culture, and a talent show. "China has made remarkable achievements in many fields, especially in its economy, and science and technology. If you master the Chinese language, then it will be your key to a bright future," said Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Xing Haiming while addressing the event. Chantsal Nomin-Erdene, a female contestant from Khishig school in Ulan Bator secured the first position in the competition and was selected to represent Mongolia at the final competition to be held in China. All contestants were awarded prizes and certificates according to their individual results. The Mongolian regional contest was co-organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters, the Confucius Institute at National University of Mongolia, the Mongolian Chinese Teachers Association, the China-Mongolia Cultural and Education Foundation, as well as the Chinese Cultural Center in Ulan Bator. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 20:55:51|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close KIGALI, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Rwanda's National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations Saturday called on Rwandan politicians to promote unity of Rwandans at a ceremony to close the mourning week of the 25th commemoration of the 1994's Rwandan genocide against Tutsi. The mourning week which started on April 7 closed with honoring of politicians killed during the genocide who were buried at the Rebero genocide memorial site, in Kicukiro district, Rwandan capital city Kigali. At the ceremony, top Rwandan government officials, members of diplomatic corps and families of fallen politicians led by Rwandan Senate President Bernard Makuza laid wreaths on the graves of politicians at Rebero genocide memorial site. The 25th commemoration gives politicians an opportunity to renew their commitment to build the nation and promote good governance, said Christine Mukabunani, representative of the National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations, said at the event. Makuza commended countries that have enacted laws against genocide denial and appealed to others to emulate. He also urged Rwandans to protect the Rwandan government's approach of power sharing, participatory governance and consensual politics, which have produced positive results over the last 25 years. Remains of more than 14,000 genocide victims were buried at the Rebero memorial site. Most of them were members of the Liberal Party or Social Democratic Party, who were reformists standing firmly against former president Juvenal Habyarimana's regime of hate ideology, according to the National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations. Commemorative activities of the 1994's genocide that claimed the lives of over 1 million people will continue until July 4. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 21:00:53|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close DUBROVNIK, Croatia, April 13 (Xinhua) -- China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) on Friday agreed to provide a level playing field for foreign companies doing business in their own countries. The agreement was made in The Dubrovnik Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, which was released after the eighth China-CEEC leaders' meeting in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. According to the guidelines, the participants underline that the China-CEEC cooperation constitutes an important part of Europe-China relationship and complements the comprehensive strategic partnership between the European Union (EU) and China. They reaffirm their commitment to deepening their partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilization, and in this respect, the participants support the early conclusion of an ambitious EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, said the document. The participants recognize the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative and the EU Strategy on Connecting Europe and Asia and welcome forging synergies between them, it said. The participants express their willingness to conduct cooperation using the opportunities provided by the initiative and the strategy, which for the EU member states would also complement relevant EU initiatives, it added. China will host the ninth China-CEEC leaders' meeting in 2020, according to the guidelines. The China-CEEC cooperation annually holds the leaders' meeting in participating countries. This year in Dubrovnik, Greece was accepted on Friday as a full member of the China-CEEC cooperation mechanism. It was previously known as 16+1 cooperation since it included 16 Central and Eastern European countries and China. Greece's participation makes it become 17+1 cooperation. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 21:26:09|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close JAKARTA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- A passenger boat had gone missing in Banda Sea of Indonesia and a search and rescue mission was underway, a senior rescuer said on Saturday. The passenger boat, KM Rahmat Wijaya, was reported missing on Friday after departing from Tulehu sea port in Maluku Tengah district of Maluku province, head of communication for media of the national search and rescue office Yusuf Latief told Xinhua over phone. The boat, with seven people aboard, was heading to Banda Island of the province, suffered engine failure, the rescuer said. The search and rescue mission involving the personnel from the national search and rescue office in the province, the family members of the seven people aboard the boat and volunteers, had been underway, added Latief. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 21:26:11|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close KABUL, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Taliban militants in Afghanistan on Saturday launched a multi-pronged attack against government interests across the country as part of its annual spring offensive, resulting in dozens of deaths. The militants targeted security checkpoints around Kunduz city, the capital of Kunduz province early Saturday, Ahsanullah Fazli, head of the health department in the restive province, told Xinhua. So far, four dead bodies and 39 injured persons including women and children have been taken to hospitals, the official added. Inamudin Rahmani, a police spokesman in Kunduz province, asserted that over a dozen Taliban fighters including two foreigners had been killed and 10 others injured. The spokesman refrained from revealing casualties on the side of security personnel in the fighting. Similarly, the militants launched offensives in Baghlan-e-Markazi district, Baghlan province in the neighboring Kunduz province on the same day, killing eight security personnel and injuring nine others, district governor Khanzada Mazlomyar said. A clash between government forces and the Taliban outfit in Baghlan's neighboring Samangan province has also left three local policemen dead and six others injured, Raz Mohammad Moahidi, deputy to provincial council, said. Another clash in Spin Boldak district of the southern Kandahar province, according to police, has left nine militants and one policeman dead on Saturday. The Taliban group announced its annual spring offensive on Friday and since then has launched series of attacks against government interests in the militancy-battered country, officials confirmed. About 60 militants, according to security officials, have been killed in the southern provinces of Helmand, Kandahar, eastern Nangarhar and Paktika provinces, the northern Samangan and Badakhshan provinces since Friday. Meanwhile, Afghans from all walks of life have termed the declaration of annual offensive by the Taliban group as "war mongering policy" and strongly condemned it. The Presidential Palace said in a statement released here "announcing the so-called spring offensive speaks of the resolve of the Taliban group to continue the illegitimate war in Afghanistan" and the so-called Jihad or holy war of the Taliban in Afghanistan has no legitimacy. The government of Afghanistan, besides defending the country and its sovereignty, once again urged the Taliban leadership to give up illegitimate fighting and join the peace talks to end the war in the country, the statement added. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 21:36:19|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close by Olatunji Saliu ABUJA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Abdullahi Isa, a Nigerian civil engineer, had set himself many personal goals to achieve before he turns 40. Among his goals were owning a house in the city, having a private car, a good job, wives, and kids. And all these and more, Isa, who is currently a site manager for a Chinese construction firm in Nigeria's northeastern state of Gombe, had managed to achieve before attaining that age this year. He was 23 when he set those personal goals for himself in 2002. That year, he was hired by the firm, Eighteenth Engineering Company (EEC) Nigeria Limited, which has handled and is still handling several road construction projects in the West African country. "Now, I have a house of my own in the city where my two wives and children live. I have a private car. My kids are attending good schools. I can easily provide for my family's needs. I am a happy man because I have a good job here," he said, counting his blessings since joining the Chinese firm 17 years ago. Isa, born in a rustic village in Gombe, moved to the city in 2002 in search of greater opportunities and a better future without acquiring sufficient formal education. His story, he told Xinhua, could be likened to that of many homeless young Nigerians who had lost hope in life. After several months of roaming the streets and doing menial jobs, he was hired by the Chinese firm as a laborer. "And that's how I started learning the technology of construction and management from my Chinese colleagues," he said. "I learned about carpentry, welding, and several other aspects of construction works for many years." He worked for many years as a laborer, foreman before getting promotion as a site manager of the EEC. Of all things that excite Isa about working in the Chinese firm, he told Xinhua, it is the company's core policy to train and re-train its local employees that comes first. Despite Isa had not attended any tertiary academic institution to learn about engineering, he has so far led at least three road construction projects in Gombe. "I didn't further my education after graduating from secondary school. I learned everything about construction here, and now I'm a master in the field. I can complete an entire road project without the supervision of our Chinese colleagues. "The EEC is very famous and has done a lot of projects in Gombe. Due to my experience working here, I've invited many friends and family members, including those who earlier mocked me, to this company, to get a good job to feed them and their family," he said. More than 100 road projects with a total length of about 2,400 km have been executed by the EEC, a subsidiary of the China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC), since entering the Nigerian construction market in 1999. Isa is currently leading scores of local labor workers on another road construction project handled by the EEC. On April 4, the Chinese construction firm formally commenced the construction of the new road to open up rural areas in Gombe, aiming to boost the local economy. The road construction will open up at least three communities in Yamaltu/Deba local government area of Nigeria when completed. The 9-km road project, linking three farming communities in the area, Boltongo, Nono, and Deba, will be completed within 15 months. Before the commencement of the road construction, local farmers had a big challenge in transporting their farm produce to urban areas. During rainy seasons, the situation gets worse as they find it difficult moving on the terribly muddy road. Wan Lianyu, the managing director of the EEC Nigeria, said the implementation of these projects not only trained a large number of local workers and promoted local employment, but also greatly improved the local people's livelihood. "We hope to deepen cooperation with the Nigerian government on production capacity through the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by the Chinese government, so as to create more benefits for the people in Nigeria," Wan added. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 21:36:21|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close ANKARA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Turkey has urged for peace and stability in Sudan after a military coup against former President Omar al-Bashir, and wished a soon recovery of the country. The situation should be overcome peacefully through "national conciliation," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday, adding that Turkey supports the continuation of "deep-rooted" relations with the African country. "It is my most important wish that Sudan will survive this process on the basis of national reconciliation and peace," Erdogan told reporters at a joint press conference with visiting president of Burkina Faso. Erdogan repeated his rejection against coups, but he refrained from voicing support for Sudan's deposed president and long-time survivor who travelled several times to Turkey in the past. Bashir's visits caused controversy as he was the subject of arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court over allegations of war crimes and genocide against civilians in the Darfur conflict in the early 2000s, significantly limiting his international visits. In late 2017, Erdogan became the first Turkish head of state to visit Sudan in over 60 years. Engagement with Sudan in particular, and Africa in general, has been a consistent feature of Erdogan's administration, as Turkey seeks to become a leading player on the continent. During his visit to Khartoum, the two countries signed agreements pertaining to defense cooperation, mining, agriculture, forest, science, education and tourism. The highlight of the visit was a deal to temporarily lease the Red Sea island of Suakin to Turkey. The Suakin island, an ancient pilgrimage site, lies at the crossroads between Saudi Arabia and Port Sudan, Sudan's largest port. Turkey is also interested in constructing the country's largest airport, and also plans to establish military training centers in the country. "Our aim is mainly commercial and humanitarian. We are making trade with African countries, including Sudan, and trying to rebuild in some cases the infrastructure and service sectors," said a Turkish government official to Xinhua on condition of anonymity. "We hope that we can still work with the new administration, because our efforts are for the benefit of the Sudanese people who really need our expertise and resources for many projects," added the official who declined to comment if the transitional government in Sudan would reverse policies with Ankara. Nevertheless, it is also important to underline Turkey's growing attention for Sudan as part of the growing geopolitical competition in the Horn of Africa. Sudan often symbolizes a transitional point to Africa from the Arab world, and therefore has a strategic importance for Turkey which wants to increase its influence in the Islamic world, said experts. "Bashir came to power 30 years ago. His actions were not foreseeable and have dangerous consequences," said Burak Bilgehan Ozpek, assistant professor on international relations from the Ankara-based TOBB university. The expert said that Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) had established an "ideological affinity" with the former Sudanese ruler but it "cannot preserve its interests and investments in Sudan by supporting Bashir." "The Turkish Foreign Ministry released a good-worded statement in which it says that relations should be maintained on the basis of state-to-state," ruling out ties between personalities, in this case between Erdogan and Bashir, added Ozpek. The expert emphasized on the need to see how power transition will unfold in Sudan and if this country will abide by its cooperation agreements with Ankara. Erdogan has made a concerted effort to build relations in Africa in order to broaden Turkish overseas investment and collaboration prospects. Alongside Turkish Airways now flying to 55 destinations in 33 African countries, development contracts for Turkish firms have increased considerably as part of Turkey's ambitions to boost regional influence. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 21:41:43|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close Aerial photo taken on April 4, 2019 shows the Lotus Tower in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka. Under the Belt and Road Initiative, Sri Lanka and China signed the Lotus Tower agreement in 2012 to build the highest TV tower in South Asia, with China National Electronics Import and Export Corporation (CEIEC) being the general contractor. To make the tower a success, both Chinese and Sri Lankan workers have put in years of hard work and dedication. The project will be completed later this year. By then, the Lotus Tower will not only function as a TV tower, but also a hotel, a shopping mall and a conference center. (Xinhua/Guo Lei) Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 22:01:45|Editor: mingmei Video Player Close Yemeni President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi (L) is seen during the parliamentary session in Seiyun city of Hadramout province, Yemen, on April 13, 2019. Yemen's parliament convened on Saturday in the city of Seiyun, the second largest city in the southeastern province of Hadramout, for the first time since the outbreak of the devastating civil war in the impoverished Arab country in March 2015. (Xinhua/Ismail Rabidhy) by Murad Abdo ADEN, Yemen, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Yemen's parliament convened on Saturday in the city of Seiyun, the second largest city in the southeastern province of Hadramout, for the first time since the outbreak of the devastating civil war in the impoverished Arab country in March 2015. The parliament held its first meeting at the presidential palace in Seiyun city, with the presence of Yemeni President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik and delegates of Arab and foreign countries. "I extend my sincere congratulations to the Yemeni people on the first constitutional meeting of their elected legislative authority," the Yemeni president said in a speech at the opening of the extraordinary parliamentary session. He said that this special session is being held "at a very important moment in the country's history, as we stand at the crossroads between the options of peace and war," accusing the Houthis of intransigence, maneuvering and obstructing the peace efforts exerted by the United Nations in Yemen. Hadi said that organizing the first meeting of Yemen's House of Representatives "clearly indicates that the Houthi project is gradual and day by day," stressing that "Yemenis are now restoring one of the most important institutions of their state after a long journey of struggle." During the session, the Yemeni lawmakers elected Assistant Secretary-General of the ruling General People's Congress Party (GPC) Sultan al-Barakani as the new speaker of the pro-government parliament. Al-Barakani said in a speech that the convening of the Yemeni parliament "comes in line with the articles of Yemen's Constitution." He stressed full support for any "local, regional or international effort aimed at achieving peace in Yemen." The new speaker of the pro-government parliament called on the Houthi group based in Sanaa "to resort to the peace process by abandoning violence and turning to a political component that exercises its rights in accordance with Yemen's Constitution." More than 141 members of the 301-member parliament attended Saturday's session in support of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government, a parliamentary source told Xinhua. The six-year term of the 301-member parliament is already expired as the last Yemeni parliamentary elections occurred in 2009 during the era of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The session of the House of Representatives comes based upon a request issued by Hadi who chose the country's city of Seiyun as a place for the parliamentary meetings as the security conditions are not fully stable in the country's southern port city of Aden. Heavy Yemeni security forces backed by elite Saudi troops were deployed in Seiyun city amid tightened measures to secure the city with the start of the first parliamentary session. The Houthi rebels based in the capital Sanaa described the pro-Hadi parliament meeting as a "felony," vowing to take serious action against the participants. Parliamentarians loyal to the Houthi group have started to hold meetings since August 2016 at the main headquarters of the Yemeni House of Representatives in Sanaa. In January 2017, Hadi issued a republican decision to move the headquarters of the Yemeni House of Representatives (parliament) from Houthi-controlled Sanaa to Aden, where the Yemeni government is currently based. The Iranian-allied Houthis launched a large military campaign and seized Sanaa in late 2014, forcing Hadi and his government to flee into exile in neighboring Saudi Arabia. The Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened militarily and began pounding Houthi-controlled Sanaa in March 2015, in response to an official request from Hadi to protect Yemen and roll back Iran's influence. The conflict between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government in Yemen has recently entered its fifth year, aggravating the suffering of Yemenis and deepening the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 22:11:52|Editor: Li Xia Video Player Close HONG KONG, April 13 (Xinhua) -- China's Hong Kong police are hunting for a man who shot and hurt another man with a suspected gun in the Sham Shui Po district in Kowloon, the head of Hong Kong Police Force said Saturday. The police, highly concerned about such violent crimes, are hunting for the suspected gunman in full force, said Lo Wai-chung, commissioner of police of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government. The two men were brawling near a underground railway station at around 10:30 p.m. local time on Friday, when one of them pulled out a suspected gun and shot the other in his right arm, according to Hong Kong police Sham Shui Po Divisional Commander Chow Ngai-kong. Members of the Police Tactical Unit, Emergency Unit, Counter Terrorism Response Unit and Railway Response Team have been dispatched to search for the suspected gunman. The injured man was admitted to a hospital later for treatment, and was in a stable condition, Chow said. The West Kowloon regional crime unit is investigating the case, Lo said, adding that the preliminary investigation showed the incident was due to a dispute over money. Lo stressed that Hong Kong has very strict laws and rules for gun control, and its number of cases involving guns in each of the last five years was five or less. In some of the previous cases, guns were mailed from overseas, he said, adding the Hong Kong police have been working closely with Hong Kong customs and overseas law enforcement bodies in preventing arms from arriving in Hong Kong. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 23:22:33|Editor: yan Video Player Close WARSAW, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Experts and scholars from China and Poland on Friday called for more efforts to strengthen exchanges and enhance mutual trust to further push forward the two countries' cooperation in economy and trade. At the University of Warsaw, the two countries' institutions held a seminar entitled "China-Europe-Poland: Economy and Globalization," which has attracted about a hundred participants including Chinese Ambassador to Poland Liu Guangyuan and Patrycja Pendrakowska, president of the Poland-Asia Research Center. Xie Fuzhan, president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences spoke highly of China-Poland ties when addressing the seminar, saying that the two countries carried out various cooperation under the mechanism of China-CEEC cooperation and the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative. The China-CEEC cooperation mechanism was previously known as 16+1 cooperation since it included 16 Central and Eastern European countries and China. Expressing hopes about the future, Xie said China and Poland could find cooperation opportunities connecting the Belt and Road Initiative with the Responsible Development Plan promoted by the Polish government, and continue to deepen cooperation in such fields as infrastructure, development finance, technological innovation and think tank exchanges. "Over the past 70 years, the two countries' relations have been stable and far-reaching, continuously benefiting their people and exerting a positive influence on the region and the world," he said. He called on the two countries to "take full advantage of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, conduct joint comparative studies on China's economic reform and Poland's economic transition and learn experiences from each other." For Pendrakowska, she hoped the event could contribute to deepening the knowledge about China's economic situation among European and Polish experts and strengthening mutual understanding among people from all walks of life in Poland, China as well as Europe. According to Andrzej Kazmierczak, member of Management Board of the National Bank of Poland, pointed out that Poland's participation in the Belt and Road Initiative and other international cooperation frameworks would attract China to increase its investments in Poland's infrastructure construction and scientific research and innovation, which proves that deepening economic cooperation with China indicates huge opportunities for the country. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 23:27:35|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close CHANGCHUN, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Satellites, drones and pest-detecting cameras are making their way into rice paddies in China's major farming province as the country modernizes its agriculture, experts said. A satellite can produce images of a 200 square km field in just half an hour and offer information such as growth, yield and seedling emergence rate of the crops, said Qu Chunlai, with Changguang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. The company's Jilin-1 satellite are widely applied in agriculture and forestry in northeast China's Jilin Province. "The remote sensing satellite captures images of the vegetation and forms data according to the proportion of different wavelengths of light the plants reflect," Qu said. So far, several counties in the province have set up zones piloting the method. The changing faming methods in the small counties in China's rice powerhouse underline the marriage of cutting-edge technology and traditional farming powered by efforts of both private and public sectors. Apart from companies like Changguang, local scientific research institutes are joining the race to digitalize farming. A whirring drone carrying a camera flew over fields in the city of Gongzhuling in Jilin. Unlike normal cameras, the one mounted on the drone gathers data. Called a multispectral camera, the camera weighs just 190 g. It is connected to software and shares data on crop growth, as well as disease and pest conditions. In the past, farmers mainly relied on experience to understand the growth of crops by observing their colors. "The method may not be precise, and the camera offers a more direct way," said Zhang Junqiang, developer of the camera and associate researcher at the Changchun Institute of Optical Precision Machinery and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The software can even offer farmers prescriptions for pest control based on data gathered on the camera, Zhang said. Like Zhang, scientists have also been developing a series of agricultural monitoring methods in the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro-ecology of CAS. Liu Huanjun, a researcher at the institute, said that farmers can dynamically monitor soil and crop conditions as well as the yield, on their phones, and get customized guidance through technolgy developed by the institute. "With the wide application of technology, more farmers are liberating themselves from toil," Liu said. "Smart agriculture is gradually taking root in the fields." Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 23:42:49|Editor: yan Video Player Close LONDON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- A man has been arrested after an incident in west London on Saturday morning. Police firearms and Taser were discharged, according to a latest statement released by Metropolitan Police. According to the statement, police were called at around 8:30 a.m. local time on Saturday, with reports of a car in collision with a number of parked vehicles near the Ukrainian Embassy in Holland Park, west London. "As part of the protective security arrangements for London, armed and unarmed officers were deployed to this incident,"said the statement, adding that "on arrival at the scene, a vehicle was driven at police officers." Police confirmed that firearms and Taser were discharged, the vehicle was stopped and a man in his 40s was arrested, not injured. Andy Walker, chief superintendent in the Met's Specialist Firearms Command, said: "as is standard procedure, an investigation is now ongoing into the discharge of a police firearm during this incident." "While this takes place, I would like to pay tribute to the officers involved this morning who responded swiftly to this incident and put themselves in harm's way, as they do every day, to keep the people of London safe," Walker said. The police said the incident was not related with terrorism. According to media Sky News, police opened fire on a vehicle outside the Ukrainian embassy after the driver deliberately rammed into the official car of the country's ambassador to Britain. "The ambassador, Natalia Galibarenko, was not at the embassy at the time and no other staff were injured," said the report of Sky News. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-13 23:52:52|Editor: yan Video Player Close ADDIS ABABA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has expressed its readiness to support Sudanese stakeholders as the East African country encounters political uncertainties. The East African bloc, IGAD, in a statement issued late Friday also expressed its hope that the Sudanese stakeholders will navigate the current political situation and urged all involved to ensure a peaceful transition. "IGAD stands ready to support Sudan in this process. IGAD will continue to work for regional stability, development, and integration," the statement read. On Thursday, Sudanese Defense Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced the ouster of President Omar al-Bashir and his government. Chairman of Sudan's Transitional Military Council Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan on Saturday canceled the curfew in the country. "We announce the cancellation of the curfew and release of all the people tried by the emergency law," said Al-Burhan in a statement aired live by official Sudan TV. Al-Burhan further declared relieving of all states military governors and assigning the commanders of the military areas in the states to run the work. Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, also on Friday, expressed AU's conviction that military take-over is not the appropriate response to the challenges facing Sudan. Faki also urged all concerned to exercise calm and utmost restraint and to respect the rights of citizens, foreign nationals and private property in the interest of the country and its people. He further appealed to all stakeholders to engage in an inclusive dialogue to create the conditions that will make it possible to meet the aspirations of the Sudanese people to democracy, good governance and well-being and restore constitutional order as soon as possible. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 00:03:01|Editor: yan Video Player Close CAPE TOWN, April 13 (Xinhua) -- African National Congress (ANC) Secretary General Ace Magashule voiced confidence on Saturday that his party would win the upcoming elections. Magashule was speaking as he kicked off a two-day campaign in Cape Town, Western Cape Province, which is administered by the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA). Of the nine provinces in the country, the Western Cape is the only province that is not run by the ANC. The ANC, he said, can make inroads into places under the DA administration after the elections. South Africa will hold general elections on May 8 to elect a new National Assembly and provincial legislatures in each province. The elections, the sixth since the end of apartheid in 1994, will determine who will become the next president. Addressing people's concern over housing and electricity, Magashule said the ANC is in a better position to solve these problems. Magashule brushed aside corruption allegations against him, saying he was focusing on elections. There were people who were trying to distract the ANC and deviate its attention and focus on the elections, he said. Allegations against him and other ANC leaders won't have any impact on the governing party, Magashule said. Magashule has been embroiled in corruption scandals, exposed by a newly published book Gangster State which centers around Magashule's alleged involvement in years of corruption while he was Free State premier. Magashule has denied any wrongdoing during his time as Free State premier and vowed to take legal action against the book author. File Photo: A participant cries during a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement that he plans to reinstate a ban on transgender individuals from serving in any capacity in the U.S. military, in Times Square, in New York City, New York, the United States, July 26, 2017. (Xinhua/REUTERS) WASHINGTON, April 12 (Xinhua) -- A Trump administration policy barring most transgender people from joining the U.S. military went into effect on Friday. For those wishing to join the U.S. military, a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is now presumptively disqualifying under the new policy, a Pentagon official told reporters. People currently receiving treatment for gender dysphoria may continue to serve, as will people who transitioned before the new policy came into force, according to the official. Gender dysphoria "involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify," according to the American Psychiatric Association. President Donald Trump announced his intention to ban transgender troops in 2017, citing high medical costs as a reason, before introducing measures that have met with pushback from within the military, criticism by rights activists and multiple lawsuits. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that the latest version of the administration's transgender military policy, which is not a full ban but a large step in that direction, could take effect pending the outcome of ongoing litigation. The House Armed Services Committee, controlled by Democrats, said lawmakers from the party "will continue to fight against this bigotry and ignorance," slamming the policy as "a huge setback that shakes the faith our troops have in the country." Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, enabled transgender people to serve openly in the military in 2016. The Pentagon has estimated that 9,000 out of a total of 1.3 million active duty personnel identify as transgender. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 00:33:08|Editor: yan Video Player Close SHIBERGHAN, Afghanistan, April 13 (Xinhua) -- For the first time, a woman in Shiberghan, the capital of northern Afghanistan's Jawzjan province, has run a cafe on her own, defying possible threats from active militants around the region. Since opening more than one and a half months ago, the female-only cafe has offered a peaceful place in the war-torn country for women and schoolgirls to visit, meet each other, read books, play chess and exchange ideas while having tea or coffee. "We invested more than 150,000 afghanis (some 1,958 U.S. dollars) to run the cafe with the main purpose of working on the youth capacity building," Malalay Mubarez Ahmadi, the owner of the cafe, told Xinhua recently. "Girls are mostly coming here as they need such a place to get together and exchange views and have coffee," she added. For women in the war-torn country who want to have a chat or engage in some activities of their own, going to recreational parks, scenic sites or restaurants is not as convenient and confortable as going to a woman-run cafe. There are even cosmetics for those patronizing the place to choose and buy. The cafe, with a one-time 15 people capacity, employs up to five women with salary each ranging from 500 to 1,000 afghanis (about 7 U.S. dollars to 13 U.S. dollars) every day and it opens from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time every day. Despite growing security threats, mostly from Taliban insurgents, women have been engaging in various activities in the Shiberghan city, where nearly 45 percent of organizations' staff have been women and girls, according to Shiva Rezayee, a regular costumer of the cafe. "Even though Afghanistan is a challenging society for women, families living in Shiberghan are relatively open-minded and they allow girls to perform their responsibilities including study and serving outside home in the society," she said. The relatively peaceful Shiberghan city, 390 km north of the country's capital of Kabul, is not the first city where a woman runs her own coffee house. A similar restaurant was opened in the central Bamiyan province a couple of years ago, facilitating women and girls to enjoy their life during leisure time in the historical city. "More such small businesses will be opened by women elsewhere in the country if security situation improves," whispered Rezayee. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 00:33:11|Editor: yan Video Player Close ROME, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta on Saturday sought to defuse reports of disarray within government ranks over the escalation of violence in Libya. The eastern-based military forces led by Khalifa Haftar launched a military operation last week attempting to take over western Libya, the capital Tripoli in particular, where the UN-backed government is based. The government forces there have fought back. The Haftar-led army is allied with Libya's eastern-based government. The politically divided North African country has been struggling to make a democratic transition amid clashes and chaos since the fall of former leader Muammar Gaddafi's government in 2011. Italy supports the U.N.-backed government led by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj. It opened an embassy in Tripoli in 2017, and sent a 300-member military task force as part of a "bilateral mission for assistance and support in Libya", according to the defence ministry. Also in 2017, Italy struck a deal with the government led by al-Sarraj to stop people traffickers' boats loaded with migrants and asylum seekers from leaving for Italy, approved a mission to support the Libyan Coast Guard in the fight against migrant traffickers, and allocated six million euros (6.8 million U.S. dollars) for migrant detention camps in Libya. In an interview with Il Fatto Quotidiano newspaper on Saturday, Conte downplayed Friday's report in La Stampa newspaper that Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has talked to his Libyan counterpart, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maitig, and claimed that France is trying to undermine the al-Sarraj government. "I have no reason to think that France could have interests other than in Libya's stability and full recovery," Conte told Il Fatto Quotidiano. "An unstable Libya certainly would not allow France to pursue possible national economic interests." Conte was at pains to reiterate that the Italian government is united in its approach to the Libya crisis. "I am personally coordinating the Libya dossier, which is strategic for Italy," Conte said. "Italy does not bet on one or the other player." Conte also confirmed news reports that he has met with a delegation from Haftar recently in Rome. "I confirm the meeting took place," he told Il Fatto Quotidiano. "They delivered a personal letter from General Haftar to me....They said they want to free the country from terrorist organizations and unify the armed forces and security forces. I reiterated my firm opposition to a military degeneration that would inflict further suffering on the civilian population. I reiterated my openness to keeping open every type of dialogue that could be useful to find a political solution." Conte said he has spoken with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and that "she is also very concerned and shares our position, which is that the military option cannot be a solution." "We will work together within the European Union (EU) to pursue a common policy and to avoid proceeding in a disorderly fashion," Conte said. The al-Sarraj government is "the only government recognized by the international community" but "a solution to the conflict is unthinkable without dialogue with all the players - local or international - who play a role (in Libya)," he added. "Haftar has always played an important role," said Conte. "This is why I involved him in the Palermo conference (in November 2018), I met with him in Benghazi, and hosted him in Rome." Conte stressed his concern over a possible humanitarian crisis if the conflict in Libya does not abate, saying that while the violence might interrupt the flow of migrants into Libya from sub-Saharan Africa, "Libya could go from being mostly a country of migrant transit to one of departure." Conte also said Italy's military contingent and embassy staff will "remain fully operational for now, but we are ready to intervene to safeguard their security at any time." He was echoed by his defense minister, Trenta, who told Corriere della Sera newspaper in an interview also on Saturday that as far as Italian staff in Libya, "the evacuation plans are operational, we'll see how the situation evolves." With regards to Salvini's aggressive remarks against France, Trenta said that "there is no need a showdown, there is no need to act tough as I see some doing just to grab a newspaper headline or two. What we need now is intelligence, composure, and dialogue." Like Conte, the defense minister said that Italy "talks to all the players in the field as well as our international partners", and added that "France is our partner and friend, and I expect a country who is friend to act with fairness". "There is excellent cooperation and healthy competition between France and Italy," Trenta told Corriere. "We do not work to damage each other, but it is normal that Italy should also strive to pursue its own interests." Trenta also categorically dismissed the notion of armed intervention in Libya. "If anyone is thinking about military intervention in Libya, I can say the option does not exist," Trenta said. "And we will not back a hypothetical intervention by other countries." The World Health Organization said dozens have been killed, hundreds have been wounded and thousands displaced by the fighting in Libya, and the UN refugee agency UNHCR, which said 9,500 people have been driven from their homes, on Friday called for the immediate release of over 1,500 refugees and migrants who are believed to be trapped in detention centers where hostilities are raging. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 00:53:18|Editor: yan Video Player Close LISBON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Portugal has expressed willingness to host up to 10 of the 64 migrants stranded in the Mediterranean Sea, the Portuguese Ministry of Internal Administration said on Saturday. In a statement, the ministry said that it had already conveyed the intention to the government of Malta, following the cooperation agreement reached between Portugal, Germany, France and Luxembourg, with the coordination of the European Commission. Portugal is "taking on its commitment to solidarity and European cooperation in the field of migration by actively participating in all reception processes," said the statement. The Portuguese government "continues to defend an integrated, stable and permanent European solution to meet the migratory challenge," the statement said. European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopulos, on his twitter account, welcomed the agreement reached by Portugal, Germany, France and Luxembourg to host the 64 migrants. The ship, of the German aid organization Sea-Eye, had been "stuck" for several days in the Mediterranean, with no port to dock after both Italy and Malta refused to allow the entry of 64 migrants -- 50 men, 12 women and 2 children. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 01:23:30|Editor: yan Video Player Close LISBON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Portugal has expressed willingness to host up to 10 of the 64 migrants stranded in the Mediterranean Sea, the Portuguese Ministry of Internal Administration said on Saturday. On the sideline of the fifth Portugal-Cape Verde Summit here on Saturday, Portuguese Minister of Internal Administration Eduardo Cabrita told reporters that his country has been active in finding a solution to the migration issue facing the EU countries. "This is another participation of Portugal in an 'ad hoc' solution for drifting vessels in the Mediterranean. Portugal once again participates in what we have called coalitions of goodwill, in this case with Germany, France and Luxembourg," he said. Cabrita recalled that, since last summer, "the Portuguese position has been to participate in all these exceptional situations." "This has marked our approach to the issue of migration, but always saying that this is not the way to solve this situation," he said, adding that Portugal believes that a "permanent solution at European level" is needed in articulation with the European Commission. The minister said that the procedure previously used will be repeated and the 10 migrants will arrive in Portugal "within two weeks to a month". The Ministry of Internal Administration said in a statement earlier on Saturday that it had already conveyed this intention to the government of Malta, following the cooperation agreement reached between Portugal, Germany, France and Luxembourg, with the coordination of the European Commission. Portugal is "taking on its commitment to solidarity and European cooperation in the field of migration by actively participating in all reception processes," said the statement. The Portuguese government "continues to defend an integrated, stable and permanent European solution to meet the migratory challenge," the statement said. European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos, on twitter, welcomed the agreement reached by Portugal, Germany, France and Luxembourg to host the 64 migrants. The ship, belonging to the German Sea-Eye organization, had been "stuck" for several days in the Mediterranean, with no port to dock after both Italy and Malta refused to allow the entry of 64 migrants -- 50 men, 12 women and 2 children. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 04:34:46|Editor: mingmei Video Player Close Cars line up in queues to reach the gasoline pump in Sanaa, Yemen, on April 13, 2019. Yemen is facing severe fuel shortage and food prices rising, and the crisis is crushing the starving population. (Xinhua/Mohamed al-Azaki) by Mohamed al-Azaki SANAA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Yemen is facing severe fuel shortage and rising food prices, and the crisis is crushing the starving population. The United Nations is struggling to save a peace deal, seen as a hope to end the country's four-year civil war, which is grinding into its fifth year and has pushed more than 20 million to the brink of famine. Frustration is growing in the rebel-held capital Sanaa as the crisis is deepening pains of the residents. Moftah Mohammed, a taxi driver, said he had been queuing for four hours to reach the gasoline pump to fill his car. "I'm working with a school and I need to fill my car's tank in order to transport the students ... Yesterday I was waiting in the line for more than five hours and when I approached the fuel pumps, they said the gas ran out," he complained. Abu Qaid Hatim, also a taxi driver, said he has to wait in the long queue to fill his car so he can work and earn cash for his children. "We want to live a normal life ... I hope the fuel crisis and war end very soon," he added. Thousands of state employees have turned to work as taxi drivers to make a living and feed their families after being unpaid for nearly three years. The fuel crisis in Sanaa was not the first of its kind. The crisis has hit the country repeatedly. According to local authorities, only two petrol stations were open in Sanaa this week while nearly 200 others ran out of fuel. Queues of waiting cars extend to more than three miles in front of fuel stations. Many drivers return home with empty tanks. Thousands of vehicles died off the road. They have either to wait two to three days in front of petrol stations or buy the fuel from black market for double price. Ibrahim al-Khayat, an official at the Houthi-controlled oil ministry, said the reason behind the fuel crisis is that "nine oil tankers were denied clearance to enter Hodeidah port." However, the Yemeni internationally-recognized government said in a statement this week that it had permitted some oil tankers which submitted "required documents on their shipments," while some other oil shipments did not provide the "necessary documents" to get clearance to enter the port. The ongoing fuel crisis also disrupts functioning of hospitals in the rebel-held cities, which depend on generators, normal transportation, humanitarian aid and food relief. Fears soar that the fuel crisis could trigger another wave of cholera epidemic, which threatens the lives of millions of severely malnourished children. Yemen has registered the world's highest number of cholera cases since 2017, with the infection of 1 million and over 2,000 confirmed dead, according to the World Health Organization. A peace deal reached between Yemeni warring parties in December last year has hit a deadlock. The deal, with the first step toward finding a comprehensive political solution, focuses on the port city of Hodeidah, the lifeline for Yemen's most commercial imports and humanitarian aid. Though both warring parties have largely obeyed the cease-fire deal, they have failed to withdraw forces from the city. UN envoy Martin Griffiths has been shuttling between the Iranian-allied Houthi rebels in Sanaa and the Yemeni government in exile in a bid to end the civil war, which erupted after the rebels seized much of the country's north in late 2014. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 04:44:49|Editor: yan Video Player Close Photo taken on April 12, 2019 shows Sudanese people continuing their protest against the military council in front of the army's general headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan. Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance on Friday urged the new leadership of the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to a transitional civilian government. The alliance urged the protesters to continue their sit-in before the army's general headquarters. Earlier on Friday, chairman of Sudan's transitional military council Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced his resignation. He named Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan Abdel-Rahman as his successor. (Xinhua/Mohamed Khidir) KHARTOUM, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance on Saturday demanded the transitional military council involve civilians in a joint presidential council. The alliance made the call during its meeting with Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, chairman of Sudan's Transitional Military Council. "We demanded the participation of civilians in the transitional presidential council in addition to a civilian government," Omer Al-Digair, a member of the alliance, told reporters. The alliance will present a list to the chairman of the military council on Sunday, he added. Al-Digair also said the alliance asked the council to restructure the security body and bring all people involved in corruption and killing of protesters to fair trial. Earlier in the day, Al-Burhan voiced in a statement his commitment to forming a two-year transitional civilian government. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 05:40:08|Editor: yan Video Player Close GAZA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The Islamic Hamas movement, ruler of the Gaza Strip, slammed on Saturday the formation of a new Palestinian government for deepening the internal division. Khalil al-Hayya, deputy chief of Hamas and a member in Hamas' politburo, said the new government of Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Ishtaye "is very far from any Palestinian national accord or any legal measure." "We were hoping and will hope to go for a national unity government that will be a salvation government that rescues the current national Palestinian status," said al-Hayya in a press statement. He also criticized the new Palestinian government as "a separatist government that doesn't include all factions and political powers." "This government was made to empower the internal Palestinian division and again proves that there is no return to a real national unity," the Hamas deputy chief concluded. Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-14 05:55:11|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close WASHINGTON, April 13 (Xinhua) -- China will further expand the opening-up of its financial sector "in a systemic manner at the institutional level," the deputy governor of China's central bank said in a statement released Saturday. Chen Yulu, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, said Beijing is working toward treating Chinese and foreign-funded financial institutions "equally in a way that is more transparent and consistent with best international practices." Chen made the statement at the ministerial meeting of the 39th meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the policy-setting body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). "The Chinese government continues to implement the high-level opening-up strategy, through measures such as tariff cuts," the deputy governor said. "The market access for the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors has been relaxed and the negative list for foreign access has been shortened substantially." In addition to enhancing the two-pillar framework of monetary and macro-prudential policies, Chen said China will accelerate the development of its financial market infrastructures, and the resolution mechanism for distressed financial institutions will be improved. With respect to policies related to the exchange rate of China's currency, the RMB, Chen said "China will continue to improve the exchange rate mechanism and keep the RMB exchange rate in line with fundamentals at an adaptive equilibrium level." China, Chen said, will continue to improve its business environment, promote opening-up at a high level and across the board, and further expand sectors for opening-up, so as to deepen reform in a comprehensive manner. Highlighting the passage of the Foreign Investment Law at the National People's Congress -- China's legislature - in March, the deputy central bank chief said that subsequently, relevant laws and regulations will be revised in line with the principle of competitive neutrality. "Policies and measures that hamper the growth of private businesses or fail to treat domestic and foreign investors as equals will be overhauled," he said. Noting that a fair competition review system will be implemented across all levels of government this year, Chen said such a system will review all business-related policies, rules and measures, "and mechanisms for filing complaints and third-party evaluations will be established to forestall and redress any action that may preclude or constrain competition." The IMFC meeting is part of the ongoing Spring Meetings 2019, which is co-hosted by the IMF and the World Bank in Washington. Stiri pe aceeasi tema - Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca says that the incident involving Senator Diana Sosoaca and a team of Italian journalists is "unacceptable," while categorically rejecting "the manifestation of differences of opinion through violence," reads a press release of the Executive on Tuesday, agerpres reports. - Approximately 1,500 servicemen and specialists of the Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Special Telecommunications Service and the National Administration of Prisons, joined by foreign servicemen, with approximately 100 technical vehicles will participate, on Wednesday, - O explozie puternica a zguduit o moschee siita in timpul rugaciunii de vineri provocand mai multe victime in orasul Kandahar, din sudul Afganistanului, a transmis un purtator de cuvant de la ministerul de interne al guvernului taliban, citat de Reuters. Potrivit primului bilant, - President Klaus Iohannis will attend the informal meeting of the European Council and the European Union (EU)-Western Balkans Summit on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brdo, Slovenia, the Presidential Administration informed. According to the Presidential Administration, the main topic of discussion - The Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party Alliance (USR PLUS) returns to the name of USR, but also to the old logo on an exclusively blue background, according to a decision adopted in the Sunday meeting of the party's Congress, held online. The information was confirmed - A number of 12,740 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are hospitalized in specialized health units, out of whom 345 children, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Saturday. According to the cited source, 1,412 patients are admitted to intensive care, of whom 20 are children. - A total of 184 deaths in patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been reported in the last 24 hours, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Saturday. According to GCS, there are 96 men and 88 women admitted to hospitals across the country. As many as 151 of the - President Klaus Iohannis will receive, on Saturday, in Germany, the International Charlemagne Prize of the City of Aachen - for European unification. According to a release of the Presidential Administration, the board of directors of the Charlemagne Prize decided to confer to President Klaus Canada recomanda evitarea calatoriilor in strainatate Guvernul canadian a anuntat miercuri ca recomanda anularea calatoriilor neesentiale in strainatate, spunand ca se teme de "ce este mai rau" din cauza amenintarii Omicron si ca va inaspri controalele la frontiera, noteaza AFP. "Trebuie sa ne adaptam la noua realitate si, prin urmare, [citeste mai departe] The aggressor used the Minsk-banned weaponry seven times in Donbas over 24 hours The Pro-Kremlin militants shell 14 times the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbas combat zone, one Ukrainian serviceman died, two more were wounded. The Joint Forces Operation (JFO) HQ reported this on Facebook. On April 12, the Russia-backed militants opened fire 14 times. The enemy fired with Minsk-banned weaponry seven times using 64 shells of 120 mm and 82 mm calibers. The enemy fired grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns, and small arms. As a result of the attack, one Ukrainian serviceman died, two more were wounded, the report said. According to the report, the occupant opened fire 11 times in Donetsk region: twice with 120 mm and 82 mm mortar near Avdiivka settlement, twice with 82 mm mortar, heavy machine guns and small arms near Opytne settlement, with 82 mm mortar near Hnutove village, three times with easel anti-tank grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms near Novoselivka-2, Verkhnyotoretske and Chermalyk villages, twice with grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms near Lebedynske settlement, and with manual anti-tank grenade launchers, and heavy machine guns and small arms near Pyshchevyk. The Russia-backed militants fired the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Luhansk region three times: with 120 mm mortar and grenade launchers of various systems near Troitske settlement, and with 82 mm mortar, automatic easel anti-tank grenade launchers and heavy machine guns near Zaytseve village. The Joint Forces operation stopped the fire by opening fire as well. According to the Ukrainian surveillance, two occupants were killed and three more were wounded on April 12. The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed one enemys infantry fighting vehicle BMP-1. No violations have been spotted since the beginning of this day, the report added. The investigating officers want to check the work possibilities of artillery on Berdyansk and Nikopol vessels The Russian police officers appointed two more rounds of expertise in the case of Ukrainian sailors, detained in the Kerch Strait. The law enforcers intend to study the work possibilities of artillery on the seized vessels Berdiansk and Nikopol of the Ukrainian Navy. Mykola Polozov, the lawyer, stated this, as Ukrinform reports. I dare to say that new stage of investigation process began. Two technical expertise, which will check the work possibilities of artillery on the seized vessels Berdiansk and Nikopol, have been appointed in the Ukrainian POWs case. It is rather difficult to guess how it will affect the accusations, Polozov said. According to the lawyer, half of the detainees have been informed about this decision. I guess others will be informed about this next week, when the court sessions will take place concerning the prolonging of the arrest of sailors, Polozov added. Totally, the Russian investigation officers have appointed 11 expertise, including the psychiatric one. The psychological and psychiatric judicial expertise against 20 captured Ukrainian sailors took place in Russia, where they are illegally held under trumped-up charges. According to him, the next court hearings is slated for April 16 and 17. The detention term for the captured sailors will be extended. 24 Ukrainian sailors and three Navy vessels were captured by Russian special service in November 2018, as the ships were on their way across the Kerch Strait. The Russian military opened fire, wounding three Ukrainian servicemen. All 24 were arrested and charged with 'violating the Russian border'. Ukraine stated it was an act of direct aggression by the Kremlin. All Ukrainian sailors consider themselves prisoners of war. Nine Ukrainians who were in the entourage of the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych deleted from the list Open source The European Union was obliged to remove several people from its anti-Russian sanctions list due to insufficient evidence of their involvement in the events in Ukraine, reports Welt with reference to the internal documents of the European Foreign Service. At the same time, the names of those excluded from the list are not published, however, it is specified that nine Ukrainians, who were in the circle of the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, were crossed out of it. As noted, currently 170 people and 44 organizations are included in the EU sanctions list. From the point of view of Brussels, they undermined the territorial integrity of Ukraine and contributed to the aggravation of the conflict in the country. We recall that in March, Ukraine imposed sanctions against 848 individuals and 294 legal entities involved in the Russian aggression in Crimea and Donbas. Earlier Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Karin Kneissl claimed that her country supports the EU sanctions imposed against Russia since it violated international law. Interfax-Ukraine reported that, quoting the official. 'The sanctions were imposed in 2014 and continued ever since; recently, they were extended for another six months. We never left these because we respect the international law', Kneissl said. She added that the annexation of Crimea is one of such violations of international law. Previously, Kneissl said Austria supports the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine; on the other hand, she added that constant dialogue with Russia is important, too. At the same time, those wishing to observe the face-to-face meeting of Zelensky and Poroshenko at the NSC Olimpiyskiy should be prepared to strengthened security measures First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs 112 Agency The Ministry of Internal Affairs asks the headquarters of presidential candidates Volodymyr Zelensky and Petro Poroshenko to refrain from radical appeals against each other in order to avoid artificial provocations. This was stated by the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Serhiy Yarovyi, the press service of the department reports. According to him, the Interior Ministry will hold consultations with representatives of both headquarters on the eve of the debate between presidential candidates and before the second round of voting, and those wishing to watch the face-to-face meeting of Zelensky and Poroshenko at the NSC Olimpiysky should be ready for strengthened security measures at the site. "In addition, we will hold a series of meetings with representatives of both headquarters so that the" support groups "of candidates avoid offensive statements and provocative posters towards their opponents," Yarovyi said. The HQ of candidate for the presidency and current President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko offered to allow all willing to visit the debates appointed on April 14 at Olympic Stadium, as TheBabel reported. It is expected that the volunteers of Poroshenkos election headquarter will coordinate the guests at the entry to the stadium. Separate accreditation is appointed for the journalists. It will be opened on April 13 at 9:00 a.m. DPRK leader Kim Jong-un said that the breakdown of negotiations with the United States increased the risk of tension revival, but he is interested in holding a third summit with U.S. President Donald Trump. This is reported by Reuters. Kim said he will wait till the end of this year for the United States to decide to be more flexible. It is essential for the U.S. to quit its current calculation method and approach us with a new one, DPRK leader said in a speech to the Supreme Peoples Assembly on Friday. In addition, he noted that his personal relationship with the US president continues to remain good despite the fruitless conclusion of their last meeting. Trump and Kim have met twice, in Hanoi in February and Singapore in June, building goodwill but failing to agree on a deal to lift sanctions in exchange for North Korea abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. Trump later issued a statement on Twitter that underscored the strength of his personal relationship with Kim and pointed to what he called North Koreas tremendous potential for economic success, once the issue of Pyongyangs weapons programs has been resolved. A third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand, the U.S. president said in a pair of Saturday morning tweets. I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World! In his speech, the North Korean leader said the outcome in Hanoi led him to question the strategy he embraced last year of international engagement and talks with the United States. Polish statement is the response to the statements of the spokesperson of Russias Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, according to her, the wreckages of the plane cannot be returned to Poland in the future Open source Poland demands from Russia to return the debris of Tu-154M, which crashed not far from Smolensk on April 10, 2010 as Polske Radio reported citing Foreign Ministry. The debris of Tu-154M, which crashed not far from Smolensk, is the property of the Republic of Poland. Poland waits for their return as soon as possible, the message said. It is reported that the statement of Polish Foreign Ministry is the response to the statements of the spokesperson of Russias Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, according to her, the wreckages of the plane cannot be returned to Poland in the future, as the criminal proceeding held by the Investigative Committee of Russia on Smolensk tragedy is not over. Zakharova added that the debris of the plane is the material proof in this case and it means that its return to Poland is impossible. Poland stated that it perceived the position of the Russian Federation with surprise. As it was reported earlier, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will consider a draft resolution which calls Russia to return the wreckage of the aircraft of former Polish President Lech Kaczynski groundlessly held for eight years in Smolensk. The draft resolution reads that in accordance with the Annex 13 of Chicago Convention, every country where a plane crash took place has to return the wreckage of the plane and all material values to the country it belongs after the completion of the investigation. The investigation in Russia was completed in 2011 when the report of the Interstate Aviation Committee on the accident circumstances was published. On April 10, 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft of the Polish Air Force crashed near the city of Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 people on board. Among the deceased was the-then President of Poland Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria, many Polish top-rank officials and relatives of the 1940 Katyn massacre victims. The Polish side suspects that Russian flight dispatchers could be behind the catastrophe. Russia, on the other hand, insists that the airliner crashed due to the pilots error as the plane was landing amidst the thick fog. Poroshenko and Macron will call on the Russian Federation to release Sushchenko and other prisoners of the Kremlin At a meeting with French President Macron, Petro Poroshenko discussed the issue of political prisoners and preparations for the Normandy format summit, during which these issues will be included. This was stated by Poroshenko on the "Inter" TV channel. He has raised the issue of the political prisoner Roman Sushchenko, who was personally acquainted with the first lady of France. "During the meeting with French President Emannuel Macron, I separately raised the question of the journalist Sushchenko. You know that he worked in Paris, that the first lady of France took care of his fate. And Emannuel Macron clearly stated that in the near future we will once again take the initiative so that Putin will keep his word, release Sushchenko, and that he return home as soon as possible, said Petro Poroshenko. Earlier the leaders of Germany and France agreed to hold a meeting on Normandy format after the end of the presidential elections of Ukraine. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated this on air of Inter TV channel. The meeting possibly will take place in France. We received the very clear message that in case of my second term in office the new possibilities will appear and the session of the Normandy format will take place. The meeting is likely to be held in France, just on the fifth anniversary of the Norman format, Poroshenko said. The meeting of Normandy format is likely to be held in France Petro Poroshenko, the current President of Ukraine Open source The leaders of Germany and France agreed to hold a meeting on Normandy format after the end of the presidential elections of Ukraine. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated this on air of Inter TV channel. The meeting possibly will take place in France. We received the very clear message that in case of my second term in office the new possibilities will appear and the session of the Normandy format will take place. The meeting is likely to be held in France, just on the fifth anniversary of the Norman format, Poroshenko said. Earlier, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel during their meeting supported the implementation of the Easter armistice in Donbas from April 18. Despite the election campaign, the challenges from outside never end. The Russian aggressor would be very pleased to exclude Ukraine from the other countries. I as the President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will do my best in order to prevent this to happen, Poroshenko said. Open source The International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) has sent humanitarian aid to the uncontrolled territory of Donbas, as Ukraines State Border Guard Service reported. Four trucks from ICRC were sent through Novotroitske entry-exit checkpoint to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. The residents of Donbas will receive 73 tons of humanitarian aid, in particular, building materials and hygiene kits, the report said. Earlier, The International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) has sent 14 trucks with humanitarian aid to the uncontrolled territory of Donbas. 14 trucks from ICRC were sent through Novotroitske checkpoint to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. The residents of Donbas will receive 231,4 tons of humanitarian aid, in particular, food, agricultural materials, building materials, medicine, and medical supplies, the message reads. Earlier, the representatives of the illegal armed formations did not let three trucks carrying humanitarian aid from the International Committee of the Red Cross occupied Donbas. Open source The shooting began near the Embassy of Ukraine in London. It is reported by the press service of the department. According to the report, at about 10 am, the car intentionally rammed the official vehicle of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom, which was parked near the diplomatic department. The police immediately arrived at the scene and blocked the intruder. However, despite this, the driver hit the ambassadors car again. The presidents discussed the row of key issues during their meeting President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated that the negotiations with French President Emmanuel Macron can be regarded as the successful ones. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated this on the air of STB TV channel. According to the Head of State, the presidents discussed the row of key issues. We have discussed the Nord Stream-2, the economic cooperation, the support of the European and Euro-Atlantic potential of Ukraine. Those talks can be assessed as the excellent ones, the President said. Earlier, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel during their meeting supported the implementation of the Easter armistice in Donbas from April 18. The press office of French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed that the meeting with Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky will take place in Paris. On April 12, the French leader will meet both competitors for the presidential office. The first meeting, the one with Zelensky, is slated for 3 p.m. Then, at 6 p.m. the two presidents will meet. Ukrtransgaz deals with the gas export from Ukraine to Hungary gas supplies Open source Ukraine began exporting gas to Hungary. The Chief executive officer at Naftogaz Ukraine Andriy Kobolyev wrote this on Facebook. According to the report, Ukrtransgaz will export gas from Ukraine. Ukrtransgaz began first gas export from Ukraine to Hungary, Kobolyev wrote. This was a test, but more could follow depending on price spreads and available domestic production, according to the companies. Earlier, Peter Szijarto, the Hungarian foreign minister stated that Russia and Hungary agreed on the supplies of the Russian gas in 2020 - even without the agreement on gas transit between Kyiv and Moscow. According to him, Hungary can purchase part of the natural gas via Austria, like it was done this year; in addition to that, the Hungarian side can use its own gas depots. In April 2018, Russian energy monopolist Gazprom declined the option to extend the gas contract with Naftogaz company. The Russian side stated that the talks on the gas transit across Ukraine have not begun yet, merely assuming such possibility. The representative of Ukraine in the European Union, Ambassador of Ukraine to Belgium, Mykola Tochytsky, denies the information that the EU lifted off sanctions from nine representatives of the former President Viktor Yanukovych entourage. He announced this on Twitter. Another attempt to search for hot news where it doesnt exist. The EU hasnt taken off and is not preparing to take off sanctions from former Ukrainian officials these days. Die Welt is talking about sanctions that were removed during the previous years, said ambassador. At the same time, Tochytsky added that due to the aggression of the Russian Federation and thanks to the work with EU leaders, economic, "Crimean" and personal sanctions imposed for pseudo-elections in the occupied territory, construction of the Kerch bridge, illegal transportation of Siemens turbines, the capture of Ukrainian sailors and other crimes of the Russian Federation were extended over the past years. Thank's for the fish. -- Douglas Adams Come back again sometime. Thank you for visiting. PLEASE NOTE! Due to the March 23, 2020 NM DOH Public Health Order, These Event Listings Are Not Accurate! All non-essential businesses are closed, public gatherings are prohibited! (One day some of these events will be rescheduled or will resume, but they are not happening now!) Do you fancy a sort of jazz music that features clarinets and saxophones buoyed by a wide-bodied, flat-wound string guitar making with the rhythm as two well-seasoned woodwind players wind themselves around all that? If you answered yes to that tangled up, somewhat purple question, then we have got the show for you. The Anderson Trio (identical twin brothers Peter and Will on horns and guitarist Felix Lemerle making with the strumming and plucking) perform as part of the Placitas Artists Series on Saturday, April 14 at 3pm at Las Placitas Presbyterian Church . This youngish set of next-gen jazzers and Juilliard graduates has been lauded by the music critics over at Gray Lady as well as those residing at Vanity Fair and Jazz Times. That's reasonable. Their debut record Correspondence cooks the brain with its hot and fresh perspectives on standards and their performancesfilled with gems written by the likes of Cole Porter and Horace Silverputs you into a jazz trance both potent and refreshing. Tickets for this all-ages recital are priced between $15 and $25 . (August March) The New-York-based jazz combo features brothers Peter and Will Anderson on saxophone and clarinet, along with French-born guitarist Felix Lemerle. Show tunes and other jazz standards will have the audience tapping their toes when the Placitas Artists Series presents the Anderson Trio in concert at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, April 14, 2019. The New-York-based jazz combo features brothers Peter and Will Anderson on saxophone and clarinet, along with French-born guitarist Felix Lemerle. The Washington Posthas described their music as imaginatively unfolding in ways that consistently bring a fresh perspective to classic jazz. The program begins with Begin the Beguine by Cole Porter. Fans of George Gershwin will be pleased to hear both his Rhapsody in Blue and Summertime. Duke Ellingtons Mood Indigo will get the trios unique treatment, as will other familiar tunes by Richard Rogers, Antonio Carlos Jobim and Horace Silver. In all, a dozen composers are represented on the program including C.P.E. Bach! As a special treat, the New Mexico Jazz Workshop has arranged a short opening set to be performed by Albuquerque jazz musicians. Tom Brenner/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) -- President Donald Trump on Friday celebrated a decision by the International Criminal Court to reject a request by the courts prosecutor to investigate alleged war crimes committed in Afghanistan including the role of U.S. forces. This is a major international victory, not only for these patriots, but for the rule of law, the president said in a statement. We welcome this decision and reiterate our position that the United States holds American citizens to the highest legal and ethical standards. ... Any attempt to target American, Israeli, or allied personnel for prosecution will be met with a swift and vigorous response. National Security Adviser John Bolton, who has long been a critic of the ICC and declared in September the ICC is already dead as far as the United States is concerned, called Fridays development a vindication of the Trump administrations strong opposition to the international court. This is a vindication of the presidents support for American sovereignty, and a rejection of the idea that there can be accountability for American citizens by any authority other than American constitutional institutions, Bolton said in a briefing with reporters Friday afternoon. Human Rights Watch on Friday called the ICCs decision a devastating blow to the victims of human rights violations. In issuing its ruling not to proceed with the investigation, ICC judges said the investigation was unlikely to further the pursuit of justice because neither Afghanistan, nor the U.S., were expected to cooperate. The court decision also comes a month after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the US would put visa restrictions of any ICC personnel seeking to investigate allegations of war crimes involving US citizens. Last week, it was confirmed that ICC prosecutors visa had been officially revoked, barring travel to the US with the exception of official business at the United States. Bolton said Friday those visa restrictions would remain in effect. Asked if he thinks the ICCs decision was related to the United States' actions on visas, Bolton at first said he cant speak to the timing. Why it happened today as opposed to some other day I think its just the final l crash of an inadequate process, Bolton continued, suggesting the decision had more to do with the weaknesses in the case to investigate than the U.S. actions. While human rights advocates have accused the administration of trying to bully, and even interfere in the courts workings, Bolton defended the administrations actions. I dont think its bullying to stand up to protect innocent American service members, members of the intelligence community, who are unjustly accused. When Americans violate their training and doctrine, whether theyre in the military or intelligence community, as a democratic constitutional society we are capable of holding our own citizens accountable, Bolton said. In its decision, the judges cited the prosecutor's request claiming "there is a reasonable basis to believe that, since 2003, members of the US armed forces and the CIA have committed the war crimes of torture and cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity, and rape and other forms of sexual violence pursuant to a policy approved by the US authorities." The decision by the International Criminal Court's judges to reject an investigation in Afghanistan is a devastating blow for victims who have suffered grave crimes without redress, Param-Preet Singh, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. This sends a dangerous message to perpetrators that they can put themselves beyond the reach of the law just by being uncooperative. Bolton made clear that the administrations opposition to the court is unequivocal and based on a belief that it inherently conflicts with the U.S. Constitution. Asked if the thought the ICC should have authority to prosecute Sudans Omar al Bash -- who has been indicated by the court -- for genocide, Bolton replied plainly: Its the position of the United States that the court is illegitimate. Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Fast Food at Circle K Twenty-four pop spigots, and an in-house kitchen by Sabine Bickford From the April, 2019 issue "The huge change is the food," says Peter Mahan, manager of the Circle K on the corner of Stadium and Packard. After three years of controversy, compromise, and construction, the convenience store/gas station reopened in early February. It's part of ongoing expansion and improvement efforts in Michigan by Quebec-based Alimenation Couche-Tard, which has about 16,000 stores in North America, Europe, and Asia. The new interior is simple and sleek: lots of shiny displays and smooth gray surfaces with bright blue accents. Mahan says the store's expansion let them bring in larger selections of drinks, packaged snacks, and ice cream--"which is very important in this neighborhood. Students love it." Other additions include a walk-in beer cooler, two Polar Pop fountains with twenty-four soda choices, and a "f'real" machine that creates milkshakes and smoothies from prefrozen cups. But he's most excited about the on-site kitchen, which supplies fresh, house-made sub sandwiches, burritos, stromboli roll-ups, and pizza. The store's coffee machines get their own little area. Mahan specifies a bean flavor on a touch pad and selects an option to leave room for cream. Immediately, a small batch of whole beans from the clear canister above is sucked downward and ground up, and coffee begins streaming out below. "It goes straight from the bean to your cup," says Mahan. "It can't get any fresher than that!" Mahan, a sixty-five-year-old with eight grandchildren ("seven boys!"), worked as a banker in Detroit for over thirty years before he began "retirement" as a manager of the previous Circle K on the corner in 2006. "The bank sold to a different company, and so a lot of people lost their jobs," he says. "I was close enough to retiring that I just retired and got into a customer service job because I love customer service. It's a good job. It's a lot of fun!" He left Ann Arbor in 2010 to manage other Michigan stores but fought to come back after the renovation: "I ...continued below... basically had to interview to get this store, even though I had thirteen years with Circle K," he says. He's glad he did, because he recognized--and was recognized by--many of the same regulars he knew years ago.Mahan missed the intense politicking that shaped the rebuild. When Circle K and Quatro Construction originally proposed redevelopment of the 1950s-era site, neighbors complained the plan exposed their yards to noise pollution and eyesores. Over the next year, the residents and developers reached a surprisingly friendly compromise. The final plans, approved in 2017, used the back of the new store building and some strategically placed trees and fencing to shield the neighbors from the worst of the inconveniences of a busy gas station parking lot.To the frustration of both neighbors and developers, the construction dragged on for over a year. "There were some delays for various reasons," Mahan says. "I'm certainly not going to point any fingers, but construction, permits, the city, the state--it was just various things. And then Bruce, our Frito-Lay guy, he kind of delayed things too," Mahan says teasingly. Bruce, who's stocking bags of chips, chuckles as he walks by.Mahan still wants to get in touch with Hollis Smith, the retired firefighter who sold summer vegetables out of a cart on the Circle K lot for many years. "He'll probably find you!" interjects Bruce.Asked if he'll ever move on to a new retirement, Mahan smiles and shakes his head: "I'm here for the duration," he says. "I'm not going anywhere!"[Originally published in April, 2019.] YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Minister of Healthcare Arsen Davtyan, currently under arrest in suspicion of bribery, has been sacked from his position by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the government reported on its website. Davtyan was appointed Deputy Healthcare Minister in May of 2018. He is charged with bribery in particularly large amounts. The National Security Service said Davtyan accepted the bribe on March 30, 2019 at his office. Authorities said he was caught red-handed. Davtyan was placed under arrest on the same day. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. An American Airlines passenger jumped from a grounded plane after landing at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona on Friday morning, Fox News reported. American Airlines flight 1346, en route from Minneapolis, called ahead for police to meet the aircraft after a passenger began causing disturbances during the flight. Once the flight arrived at the gate, the passenger opened one of the doors and jumped off the aircraft, the airline told Fox News. Law enforcement and paramedics responded. According to Phoenix police, during the flight a 25-year-old passenger began touching passengers faces and spraying them with some kind of liquid from a spray bottle. A witness who spoke with the Arizona Republic said the man was also swearing and hitting multiple passengers. "It is unknown what was in the bottle," police said in a media advisory obtained by Fox News. After jumping out of the plane on the runway, he man sustained minor injuries. Police took him into custody without incident. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Clear weather is expected across Armenia April 13th, 14th and overnight 16th, meteorologists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are forecast for April 15th, with rains expected April 16th through the 18th in most parts. Temperature will rise from the current 18-20 degree Celsius by 3 degrees Celsius from April 13 to 15, but will drop by 10 degrees Celsius April 16-17. In Yerevan, rain is forecast in the evening of April 16 and from April 17 to April 18. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan has made nearly 230 ceasefire violations from April 7 to April 13 at the Artsakh Line of Contact. The Defense Ministry of Artsakh said Azerbaijan fired more than 2000 rounds from various caliber small arms at their positions. It added that the Artsakh military is in full control of the situation. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan had a meeting on April 12 in Washington D.C. with David Bohigian, President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the United States government's development finance institution. Grigoryan attached great importance to cooperation with OPIC and presented the directions where partnership can be deepened, according to a readout by the Deputy PMs office. Deputy PM Mher Grigoryan presented to Bohigian the priorities of the Armenian Government and addressed the branches where reforms will lead to economic growth in Armenia. Grigoryan said the accomplishment of the primary public offering institute increases the opportunity of realizing the investment potential of the population and the Diaspora. The sides also exchanged ideas over the prospects of developing cooperation and the conditions for enhancing the OPIC activities in Armenia. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Protests are underway in the Armenian village of Zartonk in Armavir Province. Villagers here have blocked the Yerevan-Gyumri railway in a protest demanding the resignation of the local school principal. According to the demonstrators a brawl took place in the afternoon of April 12 involving employees of the school, and the principal, who is the daughter of the villages mayor, has insulted several women of the village. Mayor Paruyr Sargsyan wasnt immediately available for comment. In addition to the altercation, villagers claimed shots were fired. Police later confirmed the report. Police said a man has opened gunfire from a hunting rifle during the brawl. The suspect and several others have been detained by police, the local police department said. Five persons involved in the incident have sought medical attention. Police said they believe the injuries were caused by bullet shrapnel. UPDATES: 14:30 - Four of the five victims have been discharged from hospital, one remains in serious condition. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. State Oversight Service Director Davit Sanasaryan quickly reacted and arrived at the village of Zartonk in Armenias Armavir Province to de-escalate a local protest. Demonstrators opened the Yerevan-Gyumri railway, which they had blocked earlier, after Sanasaryan arrived to review the situation. Sanasaryan and the protesters headed into the town hall to discuss and settle the disputes. According to the demonstrators a brawl took place in the afternoon of April 12 involving employees of the school, and the principal, who is the daughter of the villages mayor, has insulted several women of the village. Mayor Paruyr Sargsyan wasnt immediately available for comment. In addition to the altercation, villagers claimed shots were fired. Police later confirmed the report. Police said a man has opened gunfire from a hunting rifle during the brawl. The suspect and several others have been detained by police, the local police department said. Five persons involved in the incident have sought medical attention. Police said they believe the injuries were caused by bullet shrapnel. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. Armenia has become the first country to join the St. Jude Global Alliance as Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyans spouse Anna Hakobyan signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital of Memphis, Tennessee. Anna Hakobyan, Chairman of Board of the City of Smiles charitable foundation, is in the United States on a trip. The MoU was signed to increase the treatment indicator of children with cancer. Hakobyan said she is proud that Armenia is the first country to join the alliance because the country needs to develop the fight against cancer and train medical personnel. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, APRIL 13, ARMENPRESS. A criminal investigation has been launched into the armed incident in the village of Zartonk. The Investigative Committee of Armenia said two persons have been arrested in suspicion of misdemeanor. One of the arrested suspects is the grandson of the local mayor. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan The common law of England always was and is that the owner of land is entitled to all minerals beneath and within it with the exception of the royal metals, gold and silver, which belong by ancient prerogative to the Sovereign. Copper is owned by the landowner.... Lalor had expressed his views on this unequivocally in a long letter to the editor of the South Pacific Post (now the PNG Post-Courier) in October 1966: Salmon noted, It's interesting to ponder that our Aussie enslavement to British law and the concept of crown mineral rights led to this tragic situation in Bougainville. SYDNEY - I had intended to leave discussion of former Papua New Guinea public solicitor Peter Lalors vital role in the Bougainville story until a later chapter of my Kiaps Chronicle , but a comment from Peter Salmon suggests I should include Lalors view now. Bougainville Revolutionary Army fighters look down on Panguna mine, 1996 - PNG Public Solicitor Peter Lalor did his best to avoid the terrible conflict that mining triggered in Bougainville If he is unable or unwilling to work it or to allow others to work it application may be made to the High Court for the right to work it.which will be granted.if in the national interest and for public benefit. The common law principle of the ownership of minerals is equally part of the law of Australia as of England. Both State and Commonwealth Governments have relied on it to assert their title to minerals. In Australia however [according to the law at the time] all land was owned by the Crown and hence all minerals belonged to the Crown. It is true that when Australia was given the Mandate over New Guinea in 1921 the Common Law of England was introduced. Hence the landowner could claim under common law to be entitled to the minerals other than gold and silver in his land. However, those property rights in minerals were taken away without compensation on 1 January 1923 when the Mining Ordinance 1922 came into force. Despite the objections of the Australian government, the Australian Administration in PNG and Bougainville Copper Ltd, Lalor mounted an unsuccessful challenge against the mining law in the High Court of Australia in 1969. All going well, I will get around to Peter Lalors magnificent contributions in chapters of Kiaps Chronicle to come. _________ Peter William Andrew Lalor (notes from Una Voce) After service in the Australian Army, Peter joined the Provisional Administration of PNG as a Patrol Officer in October 1946 and was posted to the Milne Bay District. He was in Samarai when a power line came down and, whilst he was rescuing another person, he stepped on the live wire and had his heel badly burnt. This necessitated long treatment in Melbourne where he also finished a law course and met and married his first wife, Mary. On return to PNG he joined the Crown Law Department and was assigned to several special projects. In 1960 he was appointed the first Public Solicitor in PNG. Over the years he was very active in the affairs of the Public Service Association, particularly in negotiations with Canberra concerning the status and serving conditions of expatriate officers when self-government was introduced into PNG. In 1965, whilst on duty as Commissioner for the Girl Guides, Peter's wife, Mary, died in a plane accident. He was greatly affected by this tragedy so in 1967 friends arranged for him to go to Canberra, where he spent six months as Associate Professor of Law at the Australian National University. It was there he met Lynette (Netti) Peterson and they were married in 1968. Peter was highly respected by both practising and academic lawyers in Australia as well as PNG. He had a strong social conscience reminiscent of his namesake (possibly forebear) at the Eureka Stockade. Although some individuals or groups may have disagreed with some of his actions as PNG Public Solicitor none ever doubted his integrity. He felt that conciliation was far more preferable to riots and saw the court system as a way of taking the heat out of some social issues. He died on 28 March 1992 aged 71. Dan has slammed claims he ever cheated on Jess. Photo: Diimex Dan Webb has slammed allegations he cheated on ex Jessika Powers, saying he was hosting his sons birthday party when the incident supposedly occurred. In a filmed interview obtained exclusively by Yahoo Lifestyle Australia, the father of one strongly denies any possibility that he cheated on Jess. Those allegations are fabricated and false and Ill tell you why, he said. Ive got my son every second weekend and on that weekend I held his birthday party, so I was at home with him the whole way. The father-of-one says he was at his sons birthday party when the incident supposedly occurred. Photo: Instagram/danwebbs The former MAFS groom was responding to allegations made by a caller on KIIS FMs Kyle and Jackie O show on Wednesday morning. A woman named Hannah called in claiming shed kissed the Dan on a night out. This was like two months ago, Hannah explained, revealing at the time Dans friends had told her hed been on MAFS, but given his behaviour she was under the impression he wasnt in a relationship when he made a move on her. Married At First Sight star Dan Webb was accused of cheating on ex Jess Powers. Photo: Diimex He was trying to do that and I said no and then he literally kissed me, she said. The woman claimed that Jess had reached to her out over Instagram with her suspicions, and that shed come clean to the former MAFS bride. The 35-year-old shared his disbelief that what he claims are false allegations could have been made against him. It just feels shocking you know these people can come out and say this stuff, he shared. Dan says the pair split on Monday night after their live TV tiff on Talking Married. Photo: Channel Nine The single dad got emotional as he reiterated that the couples relationship was genuine and not a ploy by the shows producers. I wanted something with her, he insisted. Im not sure she can reciprocate the same answer Ive given, but me personally, I was falling head over heels for that girl daily. Meanwhile Jess has made no public comment, beyond sharing a wild girls night out to her Instagram story yesterday. Dan now expresses regret for cheating on MAFS wife Tamara Joy with Jess. You live and learn I have a lot of regret for some of the decisions Ive made, he confesses. The feeling is regret about ever meeting Jess. Story continues Got a story tip? Send it to Want more lifestyle and celebrity news? Follow Yahoo Lifestyle on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Or sign up to our daily newsletter here. Lucasfilm delighted "Star Wars" fans Friday with a glimpse of Carrie Fisher in sneak-peek footage of the hotly-anticipated final episode of the space opera -- more than two years after her death. Director J.J. Abrams told the US "Star Wars Celebration" event the writers had agonized over giving Fisher's beloved General Leia Organa a fitting send-off in the ninth installment, revealed as "Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker." "Every day it hits me that she is not here but it's so surreal because we're working with her still... she's in scenes," Abrams told the rapt crowd at the five-day event in Chicago. A world-first trailer released at the convention -- and dropped on the internet -- reintroduced the "next generation" characters from the final three films alongside old favorites from as far back as the 1977 original, "Star Wars IV: A New Hope." They included Lando Calrissian, portrayed by the original actor Billy Dee Williams, and the voice only of Mark Hamill -- Luke Skywalker himself -- who appeared to die in the last film but was widely expected to have some role in the latest movie. "No one's ever really gone," Skywalker says in voiceover, as Leia hugs apprentice Jedi Rey, played by English actress Daisy Ridley, who has top billing in the latest of the three trilogies that makes up the long-running saga. Abrams said it would not continue the story exactly where the last one -- 2017's "Star Wars: Episode VIII ? The Last Jedi" -- left off. - 'Weird miracle' - Leia was still alive at the end of 2017's "The Last Jedi" but the actress herself died a year earlier, in December 2016. Disney said last year Fisher's role would be gleaned from previously unreleased footage from "The Force Awakens," with the blessing of her daughter, Billie Lourd. Abrams described the "weird miracle" of being able to continue Leia's story by looking at old footage. Speaking at a panel discussion moderated by comedian and late night television host Stephen Colbert, the director said the film was in post-production. It is not the first time Fisher's likeness has featured in a "Star Wars" movie despite being absent from its filming. "Rogue One," a 2016 spin-off from the main series, directed by Gareth Edwards, had been in theaters for a couple of weeks when Fisher's death from a heart attack was announced. A much younger version of Fisher as Leia appears in that movie, thanks to the controversial application of computer wizardry to animate her image. Cast members returning with Ridley for the final episode include Adam Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran and Joonas Suotamo. Naomi Ackie as a character called Jannah and Richard E. Grant are among the new faces, while old "Star Wars" hand Anthony Daniels returns as C-3PO and Ian McDiarmid reappears as the dastardly Emperor Palpatine. Carrie Fisher, seen on a screen during the In Memoriam of the 23rd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in 2017, will appear posthumously in the final installment Fans participate in the Star Wars celebration in Chicago, Illinois, on Apirl 11, 2019 Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide blast in Pakistan's Quetta city on Friday that killed 20 people and left 48 more injured. The group released a photograph of the bomber along with his name on Saturday and said the attack targeted Shiite Muslims. On Friday, a little known faction of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the blast, saying it collaborated with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), which has been behind numerous bloody attacks on Shiite Muslims in Pakistan. Pakistani officials deny Islamic State group (IS) is present in the country, but the group has claimed a number of attacks in the past. Ethnic Hazara make up most of the Shiite population in Quetta, the capital of southwestern Balochistan province -- the country's largest and poorest region, rife with ethnic, sectarian and separatist insurgencies. The Hazara peoples' Central Asian features make them easily recognisable and they are a soft target for Sunni militants, who consider them heretics. They are so frequently targeted they are forced to live in two protected enclaves in the city and are given a daily police escort to the market to stock up on supplies. Dozens of people including women and children belonging to the Hazara community continued a sit in on one of the city's major roads on Saturday, demanding the arrest of those behind the bombing. Amnesty International, in a statement Friday said the blast was a "painful reminder" of the many attacks suffered by the Hazara community in Quetta over the years. It also called for the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan to give them better protection. "Each time, there are promises that more will be done to protect them, and each time those promises have failed to materialize," wrote Omar Waraich, Amnesty's deputy director for South Asia. Violence in Pakistan has dropped significantly since the country's deadliest-ever militant attack -- an assault on a school in the northwestern city of Peshawar in 2014 that killed more than 150 people, most of them children. The powerful suicide bombing on Friday in Quetta city left 20 people died Israel Folau and Rugby Australia are headed for a bitter showdown with the embattled Wallabies superstar pledging to tackle the governing body head on in a desperate bid to save his career. Folau met RA boss Raelene Castle on Friday, with neither party backing down in a feud that threatened to turn ugly. RA on Thursday released a statement in which they expressed their intention to terminate Folaus lucrative contract. NOT AGAIN: England star causes more outrage with Israel Folau support But in a stunning twist, The Australian is reporting that Folau will attempt to use a legal loophole to keep his contract. According to The Australian, Folau and manager Isaac Moses believe the grounds for his sacking will not hold up in court. The fact that RA and the Waratahs went ahead and made a public announcement of their intention to fire him without going through a Code of Conduct hearing could potentially leave the two rugby bodies legally exposed, The Australians Wayne Smith wrote on Saturday. Israel Folau and Raelene Castle. Image: Getty Indeed, in their seven-paragraph statement RA chief executive Raelene Castle and her NSW counterpart Andrew Hore did not once mention a Code of Conduct hearing and it could be argued that he was being denied due process. The Australian also reports that a clause in Folaus recently-signed $4 million contract preventing him from voicing his religious beliefs on social media may also be legally iffy. Under the General Contracting section of the CBA, the only additional clauses that can be inserted into a standard player contract are those that are beneficial or potentially beneficial to the player, Smith said. Certainly any clause that permitted Rugby Australia to sack Folau if he posted comments on social media that were deemed to be divisive or discriminatory would hardly be viewed as being beneficial. Israel Folau in action for the Wallabies. (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images) Whats next? Folau maintained a stony silence after earlier holding crisis talks amid RAs threat to tear up his multi-million-dollar contract following his latest attacks on homosexuals. Story continues Supported by his professional netballer wife Maria, the three-time John Eales Medallist spent the morning at a Sydney cafe with Rugby Union Players Association boss Prataal Raj and another RUPA representative plotting his next move. He refused to talk when approached by a TV reporter, but its understood Folau told Raj he wanted to observe his right to challenge RAs planned sacking at a code of conduct hearing. Rugby Australia later released a telling joint statement with the NSW Waratahs. Our joint position regarding Israel Folau is unchanged, it said. Following todays meeting, the two organisations will update their respective boards on the matter to consider next steps. with AAP More than 70 British lawmakers have urged their government to prioritise any extradition bid Sweden might make for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is also wanted in the United States. Assange was arrested on Thursday at Ecuador's London embassy on allegations of skipping bail, and on a US extradition warrant related to a huge leak of official documents. He had sought refuge in the embassy in 2012 while on bail awaiting extradition to Sweden for allegations of sexual assault and rape, which he always denied. In the letter, the MPs and peers urge British Home Secretary Sajid Javid to "give every assistance to Sweden should they want to revive and pursue the investigation". British law states that if Sweden does make an extradition request, it would be up to Javid to decide which should take precedence. "We must send a strong message of the priority the UK has in tackling sexual violence and the seriousness with which such allegations are viewed," the letter says. The sexual assault claim expired in 2015 and Swedish prosecutors dropped a preliminary investigation into the rape allegation in 2017, arguing that since Assange could not be reached, they could not proceed. Following his arrest, however, the alleged rape victim asked that her case now be reopened -- but the limitation period on this claim expires in August 2020. "We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done," the letter says. The MPs and peers add that it is "of grave concern to us" that the Swedish authorities did not appear to have prior warning of Assange's arrest, unlike the US authorities. The letter was also copied to Diane Abbott, the home affairs spokeswoman for the main opposition Labour party. - 'Fight it hard' - Abbott said: "Assange skipping bail in UK, or any rape charge that may be brought by Swedish authorities shouldn't be ignored. "But the only extradition request is from USA, because he's a whistle-blower on atrocities caused by US military ops. This extradition would be wrong so we oppose it." Assange is currently being held at the high-security Belmarsh jail in southeast London. The 47-year-old Australian claims the Swedish cases against him were politically motivated, linked to the leak in 2010 of a huge number of US military and diplomatic documents. He sought refuge with Ecuador, claiming that his extradition to Sweden was a pretext for his transfer to the United States. But Ecuador withdrew his asylum status and allowed British police into the embassy on Thursday to arrest the white-bearded Assange. He appeared in court a few hours later and was found guilty of breaching his bail terms back in 2012. He could be jailed for up to a year when he is sentenced at a later date. The separate extradition case on US charges of computer hacking is set for May 2, although the United States has until June 12 to submit full extradition papers. Assange's London lawyer Jennifer Robinson said: "He's obviously going to fight extradition and fight it hard." Assange was arrested on Thursday at Ecuador's London embassy on allegations of skipping bail, and on a US extradition warrant related to a huge leak of official documents US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed in Peru on Saturday on the third-leg of a four-nation tour of Latin American allies focusing heavily on Venezuela and countering China's economic reach. Pompeo held talks with President Martin Vizcarra and Foreign Minister Nestor Popolizio before attending a dinner for business leaders. He paid tribute to Peru's welcome for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan refugees and Vizcarra's fight against corruption, which has embroiled the previous four Peruvian presidents. But he became irritated when a reporter asked if that contradicted US President Donald Trump's harsh immigration policy at home. "Our objective is to allow people to stay in their home countries, this is President Trump's desire, we want to create conditions in these countries where they can stay in their own country," he told the press conference with Popolizio. Earlier Pompeo became the first US secretary of state to visit Paraguay, formerly ruled as a dictatorship, since 1965, paying tribute to the country's transition to democracy as an inspiration to the region. The top US diplomat arrived in Asuncion late Friday after talks with Chile's President Sebastian Pinera in Santiago that focused heavily on his country's developing trade relationship with China. The highlight of Pompeo's trip will be a brief visit Sunday to the Colombian city of Cucuta on the Venezuelan border, where he will meet refugees. All four countries on his itinerary are led by right-wing or center-right leaders favorable to Washington's uncompromising approach to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. In Asuncion, Pompeo had praised Paraguay's support for US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido in Venezuela, and its role in the Lima Group of mostly Latin American nations seeking a solution to the Venezuela crisis. "Paraguay is a leader in defending democracy and calling Maduro as he is, a tyrant who has ruined his country," Pompeo said. Foreign Minister Luis Castiglioni said Paraguay's position on Venezuela remained strongly aligned with that of the United States. "We have always said: with dictators, with tyrants, there is no dialogue. You fight them. We must fight them until liberties are restored so that the Venezuelan people can return to live with dignity," he told reporters. Asked by a US journalist if Paraguay would back a military intervention in Venezuela, he said: "We are convinced that all the diplomatic efforts that are being made to isolate this regime will have results in a short time." Paraguay was ruled by dictator Alfredo Stroessner from 1954 to 1989. - Transnational crime - The two officials also discussed Paraguay's commitments on combatting threats of terrorism, drug trafficking and transnational crime in what is known as the tri-border area, the border region Paraguay shares with Argentina and Brazil. "Paraguay has declared all-out war against transnational crime," said Castiglioni. "This battle that we are fighting is a battle of no return until we win. We have assured the Secretary of State that Paraguay wants to cooperate very closely with the US government, since we are on the same path." The US official said before his arrival in Chile on Friday that the current US administration had "spent a lot of time" in Latin America seeking to improve trade in a region which has turned its back in recent years on a slew of leftist governments. "This is an historic opportunity," he told reporters, referring to "a handful of countries that are truly market driven, democratic in ways that we haven?t had in South America for decades. And we think it creates real opportunity." Asked about China's influence at a press conference following a working lunch with his Chilean counterpart Roberto Ampuero, Pompeo said: "I think the Chilean government and the United States government both share the same concerns." "China's trade activities often are deeply connected to their national security mission, their technological goals, their desire to steal intellectual property, to have forced technology transfer, to engage in activity that is not economic," he said. He iterated his concerns Saturday in Peru. "Too often we see China's predatory lending and debt diplomacy reverse positive advances in this area," he said. "Our shared goal would be to resist Chinese overtures and promote transparency." U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is welcomed by Paraguay's Military Cabinet Chief General Roque Alberto Sotelo (L) and Ambassador Federico Gonzalez (R) at the presidential palace in Asuncion U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (R) and Paraguay's President Mario Abdo Benitez pose beneath a portrait of Paraguay's national hero Francisco Solano Lopez during their meeting in Asuncion on April 13, 2019 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a joint press conference with Paraguayan Foreign Minister Luis Castiglioni at the presidential palace in Asuncion, on April 13, 2019 Dozens of migrants stuck on a ship since their rescue in the Mediterranean 10 days ago, arrived in Malta Saturday after four European countries agreed to take them in. And as Italy's hardline interior minister expressed satisfaction at having kept the country's borders closed to the migrants, Malta expressed frustration at being confronted with the problem again. All 62 migrants still on the German-flagged ship Alan Kurdi boarded Maltese naval vessels, which brought them to Valletta, where they were to join two women evacuated last week for medical reasons. The migrants are to be "redistributed between #Germany, #France, #Portugal and #Luxembourg," Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced on Twitter. "None will remain in Malta which cannot shoulder this burden alone," he added. On Friday, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said Paris and other EU partners would "show solidarity" towards the migrants, who include 12 women and two children aged one and six. The group was rescued on April 3 from a barely seaworthy vessel off Libya, and brought to the Italian island of Lampedusa. Sea-Eye chairman Gorden Isler denounced the time it had taken to find a compromise. "It is simply not explainable why it was necessary for people to stay on board during the long negotiations while governments negotiated 64 individual fates," he said. But Italy's hardline Interior Minister Matteo Salvini refused them entry. Berlin should take the migrants as they had been rescued by a German NGO, Sea Eye, he said. "It's their problem, they must deal with it," Salvini said, adding he had personally written to the ship's captain to warn him the vessel must not enter Italian territorial waters. On Saturday, Salvini, of the far-right League party, expressed satisfaction at the outcome. "As promised, no immigrant from this German NGO (ship) will arrive in Italy. They will go to Germany or elsewhere," he tweeted. - Salvini satisfied - "The Maltese are right to denounce the danger of the NGO's -- we stand beside them in the fight against human traffickers," added Salvini, who last month insisted Italian ports would be closed to migrant rescue NGOs operating in the Mediterranean to force other EU states to take them in. Valletta expressed frustration at being caught in the middle. "Once again, the European Union's smallest state has been put under pointless pressure in being tasked with resolving an issue which was neither its responsibility nor its remit...," the Maltese government complained in a statement. "Malta calls on the NGOs to abide by all applicable conventions and regulations." Last week, two of the women -- one of whom is pregnant -- turned down an offer to leave the ship with the children unless their husbands were allowed to join them. The women were ultimately evacuated midweek for health reasons to Valletta. Late Friday a crewman was allowed off the ship for medical reasons. The Alan Kurdi vessel is named after the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on a Turkish beach at the height of the European migrant crisis in 2015. Pictures of his lifeless body caused a global outcry over the migrants' plight. Italy, with EU support, has also since 2017 been training the Libyan coast guard to intercept boats as part of a controversial deal that has seen migrant arrivals to Italy drop sharply. Last month, Malta received 108 migrants aboard a Palau-flagged tanker hijacked by three young Africans who diverted the boat from Libya. Although many ships hired by humanitarian organisations have been blocked in ports for judicial or administrative reasons, the Italian group Mediterranea said Saturday that its ship Mare Jonio was ready to set off on a rescue mission. A total of 356 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean so far this year, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Migrants who arrived in Malta are to travel on to France, Germany, Luxembourg and Portugal Map locating Malta, where 62 migrants arrived on Saturday These migrants who landed in Malta are to be redirected to Germany, France, Portugal and Luxembourg These migrants who landed in Malta are to be redirected to Germany, France, Portugal and Luxembourg A UK tourist has been charged over a violent robbery at Bondi Beach less than 24 hours after arriving in Australia. The 35-year-old man allegedly assaulted and threatened a 59-year-old man in the early hours of Saturday on Campbell Parade. He allegedly continued to assault the man as he attempted to run away, stealing his phone before a pedestrian alerted police. The man was allegedly assaulted by the UK national near Curlewis Street on Campbell Parade. Source: Google Maps The victim was treated by paramedics and taken to St Vincents hospital in a serious but stable condition. Police arrested the younger man at the scene and later charged him with aggravated robbery involving wounding/grievous bodily harm and choking a person with the intent to commit an indictable offence. The UK national was refused bail and is due to face Parramatta Bail Court on Saturday. Do you have a story tip? Email: You can also follow us on Facebook and stay up to date with the latest news with Yahoos daily newsletter. Sign up here. Courtesy Drew Pasler(MIAMI) -- An American doctor is recovering after he was shot three times during a mission trip to help schoolchildren in Haiti last week. Dr. Doug Burbella, 58, and a group of missionaries working under Living Water Ministries were on their way to deliver $20,000 worth of computers and servers to a school in Anse-Rouge on April 4. They had been in the country for only four hours when their trucks were suddenly roadblocked by a group of about 150 Haitian men, Burbella said. One of the men threw a tire in their path and set it ablaze. Then, dozens more began circling and climbing on top of the trucks. The missionaries told ABC News that the ambushers carried every weapon imaginable, from machetes to long rifles and machine guns. Then there was a hailstorm of gunfire, Burbella told ABC News in a phone interview. Drew Pasler, the driver of the truck transporting Burbella, put the truck in reverse and tried to turn around, but one of the back tires had been shot. Pasler heard Burbella scream that he had been hit. I turned around and saw bullet holes in Dougs jaw, neck and shoulder, Pasler told ABC News in a phone interview. The group of men caught up to the truck and ordered the missionaries out so they could take their belongings. All of the missionaries complied except for Burbella, who played dead in the backseat. Burbella said the ambushers took his cellphone and some cash before one of the men began aiming a long rifle at his head. Just when I thought they were about to finish me off, a man on a motorcycle came out of nowhere and said No, Burbella said. The man on the motorcycle said something in Creole and the ambushers immediately stopped and began returning most of the items that they had taken, Pasler told ABC News. The missionaries carried Burbella to the second truck and rushed him to a medical facility. Burbella, who was bleeding profusely, told ABC News, "I thought I was going to die." So he asked Pasler to record a message for his wife and son. Honey, I just want you to know I love you, and I love you, Michael, Burbella says in the video obtained by ABC News. Michael, I want you to be a pilot. Dont ever give up that dream. Live for the Lord. Burbella survived. The day after he received medical treatment in Haiti, he was flown to Delray Medical Center in Florida. Shelly Weiss, a spokesperson a the medical facility, confirmed to ABC News that Burbella was shot three times once in the jaw, neck and spine. She confirmed that surgeons were able to remove all three bullets from Burbella. The one thing that was most inordinary about this was the Haitian man on the motorcycle, Pasler said. He was our angel that day. Burbella, who has reunited with his wife and son, said his recovery is expected to last at least four months. He added that the attack will not stop him from completing his mission trip in Haiti. I will go wherever the lord tells me to go, Burbella said. But I will have to ask my wife. Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. SYRACUSE Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul is pleased with the progress central New York has made over the last eight years. She thinks the recently adopted 2019-20 state budget will help the region grow. Hochul shared highlights from the state budget during a presentation at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse Friday. The $175.5 billion spending plan includes $7 billion for central New York. A portion of that multi-billion dollar allocation is economic development funding. Central New York has won more than $700 million over an 8-year period in the annual state regional economic development council competition. This year's budget includes $750 million for the councils. An additional $100 million will allow the state to fund another round of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative. The program aims to bolster downtown areas and supports projects developed by local officials. In central New York, past winners of the downtown contest include Auburn, Cortland and Oswego. "When you get $10 million all in one shot to execute the vision that you and your community put forward ... these downtowns are transformed forever," Hochul said. "There's a sense of optimism that wasn't there before." There are several statewide programs that Hochul believes will benefit central New York. More than $59 million has been appropriated for the state's tourism campaign and $6.5 million will support the expansion of Taste NY, an initiative that markets New York-made beverages and food products. Central New York will receive $4 million to address the opioid crisis. The funding will support 16 residential and nine outpatient programs, along with a state-operated addiction treatment center. Hochul is encouraged by a reduction in the amount of people "doctor shopping" to obtain opioid prescriptions, and the number of opioids being prescribed has declined. But she acknowledged that more must be done to combat the problem. "We have to continue to be creative," she added. Hochul's presentation featured many of the top policy items in the budget, including making the property tax cap permanent, codifying provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act into state law, increased infrastructure invements, $500 million more for clean water projects and over $1 billion more for public schools. She also sought to correct what she views are false statements about another legislative achievement. On criminal justice reform, Hochul has heard criticism of the decision to eliminate cash bail for nonviolent felonies and most misdemeanor offenses. She referred to the story of Kalief Browder, who was falsely accused of stealing a backpack and spent three years in Rikers, a notorious New York City jail, because he couldn't post bail. Browder was eventually released, but family and friends said he struggled with depression. He committed suicide in 2015. "This is why we do this," Hochul said of eliminating cash bail. "This is why we have to start fresh." There are some outstanding issues that weren't address in the budget. Rent regulation reforms are needed, Hochul said. Legalizing marijuana is another priority. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state legislative leaders initially hoped to include the adult use of marijuana in the budget, but it was too complex. They opted to delay negotiations until after the budget. Hochul said the state wants to "get it right." A recurring theme throughout Hochul's presentation was the positive developments in upstate New York. She recalled a time when upstate "was in a downward spiral." As one of six children, she is the only one of her siblings who stayed in upstate. While challenges remain, she is optimistic about the region's direction. "This area is back, and it's back with a vengeance," she said. Online producer Robert Harding can be reached at (315) 282-2220 or Follow him on Twitter @robertharding. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 SYRACUSE State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins wants to help establish the first science, technology, engineering, arts and math high school in central New York. Stewart-Cousins joined state Sen. Rachel May for a tour of the former Central Tech High School in Syracuse. The school, which was built in the early 1900s, has been closed since 1975. The Syracuse City School District and Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES plans to renovate the historic building and open the "STEAM" school that would offer several programs, including construction management and engineering, performing arts and robotics. The structure has an asset that could make it an attractive site for performing arts students. The Lincoln Auditorium, named for the 16th president, has a nearly 1,900-seat capacity. After a tour of the auditorium with May and Syracuse Superintendent Jaime Alicea, Stewart-Cousins remarked that the venue was "gorgeous." "I would like to see our kids in central New York perform here," Alicea said. There are several hurdles for the project. Alicea said they are working to finalize a cost estimate. Rehabilitating the school will be a considerable cost. Significant work on the building's interior is needed before it opens to students. The proposed school is part of the city's "Syracuse Surge" economic development plan. Some funding for the school could come from central New York's remaining Upstate Revitalization Initiative funds. The region won $500 million in the 2015 economic development contest. Sharon Owens, Syracuse's deputy mayor, described the school's redevelopment as a "pinnacle project" within the Syracuse Surge plan. "Not only are we going to be preparing the existing workforce, but preparing the future workforce," she said. Alicea hopes the school will open for the 2021-22 academic year. The initial goal is to have 150 ninth-graders in the program at the start, then phase in more students in subsequent years. At its capacity, the school could host up to 1,000 students. Stewart-Cousins is supportive of the plan. "What I'm very, very happy to hear is the collaborative nature of everyone who understands how important it is to invest in education, to invest in our children, to invest in building a workforce and the workforce that will be doing this," she said. "It really is a win-win-win situation." The school wouldn't be limited to Syracuse students. Through its partnership with OCM BOCES, Alicea said the school district has letters of support from 12 other central New York districts. If the school opens as planned, 60 percent of the students will reside in Syracuse. The remaining student population will come from districts outside the city. Bringing city and suburban students together, May said, makes the proposed STEAM school a "very exciting project." Alicea agreed. "We want to make this a reality for all the kids in central New York," he said. Stewart-Cousins' tour of the school followed lunch with May and a meeting with local officials. It was the majority leader's first visit to central New York since Democrats took control of the state Senate in January. Online producer Robert Harding can be reached at (315) 282-2220 or Follow him on Twitter @robertharding. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Former President Barack Obama seemed to believe that treating Cuba's totalitarian regime as if it were not an enemy of liberty would encourage the country's leaders to live up to our chief executive's hopes. That did not happen. News of a breakthrough in allowing Cubans at least some freedom makes it plain the island's communist leaders remain committed to Castro-style rule. On Sunday, a small group of Cubans marched down a main street in the capital, Havana, protesting cruelty to animals. What was startling about the protest was that the regime's approval of it was unusual, to say the least. Any demonstration of unhappiness with the government in Cuba has been outlawed for more than half a century. As The Associated Press noted, repression is so severe that when a biologist protested illegal logging and other environmental concerns, he was sentenced to a year in prison for "disrespecting a forest ranger." So permitting any sort of public protest is highly unusual. But the one on Sunday was on behalf of animals and not directly against the government. Only when the regime allows Cubans to demand more rights for human beings will there be reason to think change is on its way in Havana. The Leader Herald, Gloversville Raise your hand if you got a 40 percent raise this year. Raise both hands if you ever received a 40 percent pay hike in your entire life. How many struggling New York business owners, homeowners and residents could raise even one hand? Few, if any. Around here, it seems it's best to work in government if you ever want your pay to increase well beyond anything resembling what the rest of us consider to be normal standards. In case you missed it, in a 92-46 vote early Monday, members of the state legislature agreed to raise Gov. Andrew Cuomo's salary to $250,000 by 2021. Approval of the measure means Cuomo's current salary, $200,000, will jump up to $225,000 next year and $250,000 in 2021. Once finalized, the pay hike will result in Cuomo being the highest paid governor in the country, topping California's Gov. Gavin Newsom whose current salary is $202,000 per year. In addition to a raise for Cuomo, a majority of state lawmakers agreed to give Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul a raise, from $190,000 currently to $220,000 in 2021. Both hefty and wholly inappropriate raises follow the December vote in which a state committee, consisting entirely of government-appointed political types, called for an increase in salaries for state lawmakers from $79,500 to $130,000 over a three-year period. Did we miss something? Weren't these the same people who spent the past few weeks lamenting the lack of state funding for priority items like education and infrastructure? How is it that, right at the tail end of the budgetary process, they managed to find the money to pad their own salaries? We don't buy the argument that they work hard. Forget the idea that they've somehow "earned" it. New York State legislators are part-time employees and the bulk of their time is spent, you guessed it, cutting ribbons, holding press conferences about mostly nonsense and working on getting re-elected. Those of us who pay the taxes and pick up the tab for New York's largess should be on the telephone right now to the governor's office, the lieutenant governor's office and the district offices of our state representatives. We should be telling them that we didn't get a 40 percent raise this year and we don't appreciate them hiking their own salaries at our expense, for what amounts to no good reason. At this point, it might be good to start thinking about organizing for the next state election cycle, with an eye on identifying viable candidates to challenge Cuomo, Hochul and any and all legislators who agreed to support this nonsense. Or maybe, as some of us have for far too many years now, we'll just stay silent and let the powers-that-be in Albany take more of our money while we contemplate how to pay the mortgage, feed the family and send the kids to college on a salary that grows oh-so modestly if at all. The Niagara-Gazette, Niagara Falls Forty-six years after the passage of the War Powers Act, Congress is at long last exercising its legal authority, in fact its responsibility, to insist a president withdraw U.S. support for a horrific foreign conflict. The House and Senate are right to slog through the muck and make a basic moral statement that America must not be a party to the brutal Saudi military campaign in Yemen, which has killed more than 5,000 civilians, with millions at risk of starvation. Last August, Saudi coalition forces destroyed a school bus, killing 40 children and 11 others, using a U.S. bomb. In addition to arms, America has provided training, logistics and intelligence support. If President Trump issues his second veto as expected, he will as never before take ownership for worsening a bloody Middle Eastern civil war. And he will make further mockery of his campaign pledge to sidestep unnecessary foreign entanglements. We do not pretend the lines in the sand between Iranian-backed Houthi rebels and the Saudi-supported Yemeni government can be cleanly drawn. Neither party is saintly. But we don't have to pick sides. Direct U.S aid to the Saudi coalition, which began under the Obama presidency, has ratcheted up under Trump. Administration officials claim U.S. support helps minimize civilian casualties. They also say backing away would leave the field to Iran. Those arguments are unpersuasive. A terrible conflict is raging. American authority would be far better spent calming, not fueling, hostilities. The Daily News, New York Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 In order to maintain this blog I have to pay for its upkeep including a hosting company, support services, virus and other malicious hackers. If you appreciate what I write please make a donation. Have Sheriff Offices in North Carolina, possibly even Beaufort County's Sheriff Office, become too political in the discharging of their sworn constitutional duties? No, the sheriff is a constitutional officer. Yes, the Sheriff Office, on strong occasion, often reverts back to political patronage in the dispensation of their sworn constitutional duties. Liberal Politics from the Heart of Bluegrass Country TV an radio personality, Anele Mdoda took to social media to celebrate the news as soon as Wendy Williams' divorce was published in the media. PAY ATTENTION: Click See First under the Following tab to see News on your News Feed! Anele couldn't miss the opportunity to celebrate this news, as she claims that Wendy Williams' husband, Kevin Hunter was never good for her. The Mzansi radio personality wrote: "Wendy Williams files for divorce!!! Yhu I never celebrated failed marriages and the demise of peoples love but y'all know I wanted this so bad. He hates her. Bye." Anele spoke straight from her heart, and like most followers agree, the couple never stood a chance. PAY ATTENTION: Do you want to know what's trending on Join our WhatsApp group today. According to the Daily Sun, Wendy is always ready to dish out dirt on other celebrities, but this time has chosen not to comment on her recent divorce from her husband, Kevin Hunter, whom she has been married to for 22 years. They also have a son together. It is believed during her show yesterday, she wasn't wearing her wedding ring but didn't mention a single thing about the reports of her failed marriage and divorce. Page Six reports revealed that they are in possession of the court documents which stated that reason behind Williams and Hunter's divorce is "irreconcilable differences." It also stated that Williams is seeking to establish an "appropriate amount for child support" and "other further relief that the Court deems fair and equitable". Page Six also revealed that Wendy's legal representative confirmed the split in a statement and said: "Thank you to everyone for respecting the familys privacy during this time. Kevin is supportive of Wendy and they are working through this process together." READ ALSO: Imbewu's Koobeshen Naidoo reveals his life story in exclusive interview Just over a week ago, reported that it seemed that we were all misinformed; Kelly Khumalo and Chad da Don are the complete opposite of broken up. A picture posted by Kelly suggested that the two are actually tying the knot, and soon. Kelly and Chad have had an up-and-down relationship since day one. The public were on them, spewing negativity before anything bad had even happened. learnt that the breakup rumours have officially been busted. Kelly and Chad are happier than ever, and that is probably because people finally left them alone, thinking they were no longer together. READ ALSO: Decades Later, How Some Of Our Favorite Celebrities From The 90s Have Transformed Over The Years Enjoyed reading our story? Download BRIEFLY's news app on Google Play now and stay up-to-date with major South African news! Source: - Recently, crime statistics that state a vehicle is hijacked every 32 minutes have shaken Mzansi to its core - Experts have said that these type of crimes are usually meticulously planned out - Managing director of Paratus Enterprise, Hendri Appelgryn, has provided information about the habits of hijackers during this worrying influx of crime PAY ATTENTION: Click See First under the Following tab to see News on your News Feed! The South African Police Force (SAPS) recently released statistics that outlined how a car in South Africa is hijacked every 32 minutes. According to experts, this is a large increase when it comes to this particular type of crime in SA. What makes hijackings interesting is that they are not considered random crimes, but are most often carefully planned out and executed. PAY ATTENTION: Do you want to know what's trending on Join our WhatsApp group today. Hendri Appelgryn, managing director of prestigious security company, Paratus Enterprise, told Witbank News a little more about the issue of hijacking in South Africa and its unique characteristics. Hendri busted some myths and explained that hijacking does not necessarily happen in the industrial areas commonly associated with the crime, but often can be pinpointed in areas where there is an availability of a certain kind of car. READ ALSO: The DA got praise for its achievements and it worries the ANC To date, the overwhelming proportion of all the hijackers have been men, and occasionally women. They operate in groups of three or four, sometimes more. The hijackers tend to be very young, in their teens and early twenties, although some victims report the presence of a team leader who seemed older. Women are being used to lull potential victims into a false sense of security, since most of us feel less threatened in the presence of a woman as opposed to a man, Hendri explained. also learned that the majority of weapons used in South African hijackings are handguns and knives. READ ALSO: Exciting Details About The Casting Of The Long Nights, A Prequel To Game Of Thrones Hendri went on to provide valuable information to Witbank News which could help South African citizens determine suspicious behavior linked to a potential hijacking and said: Their [hijackers] driving habits are immediately suspicious. Before an attack they may cruise slowly around a particular area, often for days before the attack, without any apparent sense of purpose or specific direction. They may also simply sit in the car parked off the road or in a parking garage. Immediately after an attack, their driving patterns change dramatically. They will speed off, driving perhaps nervously and recklessly, but often with an air of bravado as if enjoying or flaunting publicly their total disregard for the law and the innocent person they have just attacked. They might ignore red traffic lights, jump stop streets and weave in and out through traffic, especially on motorways. This renders them highly visible to the public and this is where private citizens can play a vital role in assisting these peoples arrests. Enjoyed reading our story? Download BRIEFLY's news app on Google Play now and stay up-to-date with major South African news! Source: Featured Post Mohawk Nation News 'Cree Companies in Unlawful Mega Business on Mohawk Land' Posted on December 14, 2021 Mohawk Nation News CREE COMPANIES IN UNLAWFUL MEGA BUSINESSES ON MOHAWK LAND Audio at MNN: https://mohawkn... Archive Search This Blog Donate to Censored News Please donate to Censored News for travel and equipment for our live coverage. Thank you, Brenda. About Censored News Censored News is published by Brenda Norrell. Since 2006, Censored News has received more than 20 million pageviews. As a collective of writers, photographers and broadcasters, we publish news of Indigenous Peoples and human rights. Contact publisher Brenda Norrell: From the publisher Censored News is published by Brenda Norrell, a journalist in Indian country for 39 years. Norrell created Censored News after she was censored and terminated as a staff reporter at Indian Country Today in 2006. She began as a reporter at Navajo Times during the 18 years that she lived on the Navajo Nation. She was a stringer for AP and USA Today and later traveled with the Zapatistas through Mexico. She has been blacklisted by all the mainstream media for 14 years. Contact Translate News / National by Staff reporter FINANCE and Economic Development Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube is in Washington DC, the United States of America (USA) for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank 2019 Spring Meetings, where he will give updates on debt clearance, economic and political reforms.Prof Ncube told Harare Bureau from Washington DC yesterday that he would also solicit for international financial support to reconstruct Cyclone Idai-ravaged Manicaland and Masvingo provinces."The message I am carrying is that Zimbabwe is making excellent progress in its reform agenda under the TSP (Transitional Stabilisation Programme)," said Prof Ncube. "The discussions on the SMP (Staff Monitored Programme) and debt arrears clearance are (also) gathering pace."However, in the interim, Zimbabwe needs international support, financially, to rebuild people's lives after the devastating effects of Cyclone Idai."Prof Ncube said he will participate in a round table discussion jointly with ministers of Finance from Mozambique and Malawi to garner support for financial assistance.Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Malawi were devastated by Cyclone Idai and are battling to recover from the effects that left several hundreds killed while others were displaced in the three neighbouring countries. In Zimbabwe, the violent Cyclone Idai storms killed 344 people while 874 were killed in Mozambique, with about 60 dying in Malawi.Infrastructure worth millions of dollars was destroyed in the three countries, with the port city of Beira, the worst affected. There have been indications that about 90 percent of Beira City would require reconstruction.Zimbabwe has obtained considerable support for survivors in the form of clothing and food, with several companies such as Lafarge Zimbabwe, promising to help in the reconstruction of bridges and roads. A lot of support is still required to revive businesses that were affected by the storms, prompting Prof Ncube to seek further financial support.Several Zimbabwean companies have heeded the call to assist the affected communities, but are overstretched, making the international contribution handy. News / National by Staff reporter A HWANGE magistrate handling the case of suspended chief magistrate Mishrod Guvamombe, who is accused of criminal abuse of office, yesterday threw out an application for his recusal, saying it was common worldwide that magistrates try their colleagues and judges try other judges.Magistrate Collet Ncube ruled that the application by Guvamombe for his recusal was stretching the objectives of the recusal merit too far.Guvamombe had filed an application for his trial to be moved to the High Court, saying all magistrates in Zimbabwe and the Sadc region were his juniors and could not try him, but only judges.But Ncube said one of the criteria for judicial bias must be the perception that there might be a bias in the trial.He said there was no cogent reason to give rise to his bias, as it was just a reflection of thought since there was no evidence to that effect.Guvamombe had submitted that he promoted Ncube to the level of regional magistrate on merit and any ruling he would deliver would be received with suspicion, but Ncube said his promotion was done on merit by the Judicial Services Commission, and not Guvamombe as an individual, and that could not stop him from presiding over the case.Ncube further ruled that the State should have been the one to complain of bias because the accused was his superior, but it was not the case since he was just an ordinary magistrate."There was no cogent reason to give rise to my bias, it's just a reflection of thought. There was no evidence that my rise to be a regional magistrate will have effect on this case. The appointment was on merit. If there was anything done on my behalf behind the scene for me to be where I am, then I don't know of any, but my appointment was done by JSC," Ncube ruled."The application does not conform to the objective of recusal. Should I be wrong, of which I doubt, that will be corrected by a review."Guvamombe had raised concern that Ncube's superiors, Hosea Mujaya and Elijah Makomo, were witnesses in the case and might also influence decisions he would make.The Hwange magistrate, however, left the court gallery with more questions than answers when he called for a brief adjournment after the State and defence could not agree on the next remand date.The defence had asked for the matter to be postponed to May 17, but the State wanted April 17.Ncube then said he wanted to consult his superiors, who are also the witnesses in the case on when the case should proceed.He further said he needed to organise with his superiors on the modalities of his stay in Harare since his family was in Hwange.However, when the court resumed, Ncube dismissed the defence's plea for a long remand and postponed the matter to April 17. News / National by Mandla Ndlovu Workers at Redwing Mine have been picketing at the mine premises since 1 April. The contract workers had their employment contracts terminated on 31 March. They had not been paid for 15 months. Collectively they are owed about 2.1 million dollars.Police invaded the company premises last week and told the workers that the sit in was illegal and asked them to apply for a permission to demonstrate. When they applied for a 10-day 24 hour protest period the Police said the days were too many.On Wednesday 8 of the workers leaders were taken to Mutare Provincial Police HQ in Sakubva for a 'meeting'. In picture the workers are walking into an office to be interrogatedA source who is on the ground said, "These people are under some form of arrest and mental torture. Police have called them in for an intimidation session, to prevent them from demanding what they have worked for. Metallon Gold has defaulted paying workers their salaries for 15 months and yet the company was producing hundreds of kilos of gold. All its shareholders are paid up and the politicians who receive 'protection fees' have all been paid and yet the people who risk their lives going underground to extract the gold are languishing in poverty. Instead they are being called for questioning. Instead of helping workers recover their dues, govt is protecting the criminal, Mzilikazi Khumalo."The workers also said Metallon Gold / Kings Daughter Mine, which has always been changing names to cover its tracks, has been deducting NSSA subscriptions which it never paid to NSSA."This is a criminal activity which must see the company directors being jailed for many years in a normal society. But this is Zimbabwe." He added News / National by Staff reporter BARELY 17 months after the cathartic fall of former president Robert Mugabe, another dictator has been pushed out of power in Sudan following months of popular protests that jolted the military into staging a coup yesterday.After nearly 30 years in power, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir was overthrown yesterday by the military and arrested.This sparked wild cheers in the northeast African country similar to the jubilation that followed Mugabe's ouster, after 37 years of iron-fisted rule.Formerly an army officer, he seized power in a military coup in 1989.His rule has been marked by civil war. The civil conflict with the south of the country ended in 2005 and South Sudan became independent in 2011.Another civil conflict has been taking place in the western region of Darfur. Bashir is accused of organising war crimes and crimes against humanity there by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Despite an international arrest warrant issued by the ICC, he won consecutive elections in 2010 and 2015.However, his last victory was marred by a boycott by the main opposition parties. The arrest warrant has led to an international travel ban. However, Bashir has made diplomatic visits to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.He was forced into a hasty departure from South Africa in June 2015 as a court there considered whether to enforce the arrest warrant.Protests against Bashir, who has governed Sudan since 1989, have been under way in Sudan for several months.The protests were originally sparked by a rise in the cost of living, but demonstrators then began calling for the president to resign and his government to go. Speaking on state TV, Sudan's Defence minister Awad Ibn Ouf yesterday said the army had decided to oversee a two-year transitional period followed by elections.He also said a three-month state of emergency was being put in place. "I announce as minister of Defence the toppling of the regime and detaining its chief in a secure place," Ibn Ouf said in a statement.It is not clear where Bashir is being held; it is also not clear what will happen to him following his arrest. Ibn Ouf said the country had been suffering from "poor management, corruption, and an absence of justice" and he apologised "for the killing and violence that took place".He said Sudan's Constitution was being suspended, border crossings were being shut until further notice and airspace was being closed for 24 hours.Contacted for comment yesterday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa's spokesperson George Charamba said Harare would first consult with the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) and the African Union about the events in Sudan before coming up with a position."We can't have a Zimbabwe position before consulting Sadc and the mother body, the African Union. We will get a cue from them. But the government is following closely developments in Sudan," said Charamba.Ironically, 16 people died in Zimbabwe in January after demonstrators poured into the streets, protesting a huge jump in the price of petrol and diesel. The deaths - at the hands of the military - saw Mnangagwa's government being widely condemned internationally for using strong-arm tactics.What had infuriated human rights defenders more was that on August 1, 2018, the military had killed six people in cold blood for protesting delays by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission in releasing poll results.In Khartoum, as the news broke, crowds of protesters celebrated outside army headquarters in the capital, embracing soldiers and climbing on top of armoured vehicles. Sudan's intelligence service said it was freeing all political prisoners, state-run Suna news agency reported. In the early hours of yesterday, military vehicles were seen entering the large compound in Khartoum that houses the Defence ministry, the army headquarters and Bashir's personal residence, AFP news agency reported.State TV and radio later interrupted their programming with a message that the army would be making a statement.Police had ordered officers not to intervene against the protests, but the government was criticised by rights groups for a heavy-handed response to the unrest.Government officials say 38 people have died since the unrest began in December, but the pressure group Human Rights Watch said the number was higher. Analysts canvassed by the Daily News yesterday said the developments in Sudan were far much more complex than the soft coup that toppled Mugabe in November 2017 and the Arab Spring that swept aside dictators in Eritrea, Egypt and elsewhere."This is not a re-play of the Arab Spring, except that, as in Egypt, the military holds the key hand after the huge popular protests," said Stephen Chan, a professor of world politics at the London School of Oriental and African Studies."As in Cairo during the Arab Spring, the Sudanese and Algerian security forces refused to fire at the demonstrators. That is one huge key difference with Zimbabwe in the months after the departure of Mugabe."Chan said for the Sudan army to get popular support, there was need for a peaceful transition. He said unlike in Zimbabwe where demonstrators poured onto the streets after the military had staged a soft coup, in Algeria and Sudan, it was popular protests which jolted the army into action, on the side of demonstrators."Having said all that, both Algeria and Sudan are in the early phases of political dynamics that may yet have many twists and turns. These are hugely sophisticated countries with well-educated urban populations. It is too soon to say what the military authorities will to do," he said.Piers Pigou, senior consultant at the International Crisis Group said it was too early to tell what may happen next in Sudan. "The story is not finished in Sudan. Protesters will understandably be unimpressed by the military retaining such an overt political role and one expects demonstrations will continue," said Pigou."A big question is whether the military will try and enforce the curfew or navigate the national mood more cautiously. It is essential that violent confrontation is avoided if possible. The Sudanese security sector does not have a reputation for sensitive crowd control!"Unlike Zimbabwe, whose military-assisted transition, maintained a veneer of legality, developments in Sudan appear to have more overtly crossed the line in terms of an unconstitutional intervention. How will the AU respond? Bashir was regarded as a legitimately-elected leader. Will they turn a blind eye as they did in Zimbabwe? The latter at least enabled a cloak of avoidance."Tendaiwo Peter Maregere, an expert in transitional justice, said coups in Africa were becoming a game of musical chairs whereby the more things change they more they remain the same."I am struggling to decipher what lessons can be drawn given the fact that both revolts followed the Zimbabwean transition and nothing positive, in my view, has come of them. They are to me a game of musical chairs."In fact, the Sudanese one is so bad that the military have decided to take over civilian governance spaces. Secondly, unless we are planning another coup, what would be the import of drawing lessons from them? It would be easier for the Sudanese people to learn the lessons from us," said Maregere. - Additional reporting by BBC News / National by 1893MRM 1893 Mthwakazi Restoration Movement (1893MRM) filed a case with Zimbabwe High Court challenging the nomination and eventually appointment of Tinashe Kamabarami as a Bulawayo councillor and ultimately Bulawayo Deputy Mayor stemming from the July 30 2018 harmonised national and municipal general elections of Zimbabwe.The legal case was filed by the lawyers of 1893MRM in December 2018. The case has been scheduled for a hearing before High Court Judge Mabhilikwa on the 24th of June 2019 at 10:00 hrs.The Movement is relieved that finally the case will be brought for hearing after eagerly waiting for the court date for the past four months.Background of the case as reported by 1893MRM on November 10 2018:[1893MRM learnt, with evidence provided through the courts as well as media reports that Tinashe Kambarami is a convicted criminal with financial related charges including theft.The Chronicle newspaper of Bulawayo reported the following on Kambarami in its article of September 15 2018,"According to court records, Kambarami (32) was in July under CRB 1981/18, convicted on his own plea of guilty to theft by Bulawayo magistrate, Ms Sharon Rosemani." The following is also an interesting excerpt from the same issue of the Chronicle of September 15 2018, "Constitutional lawyer, Professor Lovemore Madhuku, said legally Kambarami can only removed from office through a court order. Legally once one is declared duly elected it is not automatic that they leave office unless there is a court order to nullify that. We are therefore saying someone will have to go to court, be it a voter or some interested party. In essence, it means that Kambarami remains a councillor and deputy mayor until a competent court has declared him unfit to remain in office," he said.]Our Movement, 1893MRM finds it criminal not only on the part of Kambarami but as well as the MDC Alliance which had an obligation to do reasonable or thorough background checks and declarations of the legal standings of all its nominated officials meant to run for office throughout Zimbabwe. Clearly in the case of Kambarami the MDC Alliance either turned a blind eye or colluded in the illegal nomination of Kambarami to represent the party both as Councillor and ultimately as Deputy Mayor of Bulawayo.Tinashe Kambarami is a councillor for ward 3 who was elected in 2018 harmonised elections under the Movement of Democratic change Alliance (MDC Alliance).1893 Mthwakazi Restoration Movement is seeking for Bulawayo public support in the case as this a matter of interest for all Bulawayo residents who were deceived into electing a criminal convict into office.On the same note 1893MRM would like to thank Bulawayo people for their patience and for all the support they gave to 1893MRM be it emotional and financial as it took the journey of filing this issue with the courts.1893MRM is a human rights movement which is registered as a trust in Zimbabwe and fights to safeguard the dignity and human rights of the citizens of Mthwakazi (Matebeleland and Midlands). News / National by Staff reporter HIGH Court judge Edith Mushore has reserved ruling in a case which ex-Cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere sought an interdict barring the State from disposing his holiday home that has been forfeited after he absconded trial.Mushore is yet to consider submissions by both parties and heads of argument before a ruling is passed. In the application, Kasukuwere has listed National Prosecuting Authority, Harare regional magistrate Hosea Mujaya, Attorney-General Prince Machaya, the Registrar of Deeds, and Clerk of Court at the Harare magistrates' Court as respondents.He wants the clerk of court and Registrar of Deeds barred from releasing the title deeds of his property and for Machaya to notify all State entities not to deal with or dispose it until finalisation of the case and dispute in the review application.The former Local Government minister's property was forfeited to the State on March 15 after he had failed to pitch for trial. He said he skipped trial because he was receiving medical attention in South Africa. He then applied for review of Mujaya's ruling but before the matter has been finalised by the High Court, Kasukuwere claims the State "has shown that it is ready to deal with the property and possibly dispose of it.""Pending the finalisation of the application under HC 2435/19 (application for review) the applicant seeks to preserve the property since he has strong prospects of success," Kasukuwere's lawyer said.He said the State had shown no interest in entertaining requests concerning the property. He said his doctor in South Africa still requires him to make weekly visits. "This position still subsists; the doctor is yet to discharge me from this obligation. As a result of the aforementioned, I was not able to attend court on January 17 and a warrant of arrest issued against me," he added."Currently, I am still in South Africa on the advice of the medical practitioners and still undergoing treatment. "Unfortunately, the prosecutor got excited and convinced himself that I was not interested in standing trial."he did not bother to investigate the circumstances of my prolonged stay in South Africa. He did not even attempt to show that the pretext upon which I remain in South Africa is misleading, a complete lie or is not credible."Kasukuwere is arguing that sections 133 and 199 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act that were applied when his property was forfeited were not relevant in the circumstances. News / National by Staff reporter TWO Harare men were hauled before the courts yesterday for allegedly murdering a man who asked for sex from their female accomplice during a beer drink.Trymore White and Roy Kufahakurotyi appeared before magistrate Victoria Mashamba facing charges of fatally stabbing Thabiso Chatata at a night club in Kuwadzana. Mashamba remanded them in custody and has advised them to apply for bail at the High Court.Allegations are that on April 10, 2019 at about 0300 hours, both accused persons were in the company of two ladies named Hilda Fourth and Nyaradzo Resoro. Chatata reportedly approached Resoro soliciting for sexual favours.The accused persons confronted him armed with a pool stick and assaulted the deceased twice before the doorman Tinashe Chabvuta intervened, the court heard. It is the State's case that Chatata wrestled with Kufahakurotyi over the stick and during the commotion; White drew out a knife and charged towards the deceased.White allegedly stabbed the Chatata three times at the back, thigh and left arm and he fell down before the accused persons fled. News / National by Staff reporter PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has told Zanu-PF youths to be wary of ambitious bigwigs who are bent on causing disunity in the party and the nation at large.Addressing the Zanu-PF youth league national assembly at the party headquarters in Harare on Thursday, Mnangagwa warned of both internal and external machinations against his government "to distabilise the party by causing despondency and disunity among our rank and file"."Let us all condemn and expose these acts, divisive or opportunistic or mafia-style handling of party affairs will never be accepted."You may feel that you are smart but let me tell you that this party Zanu-PF will always be smarter so as you carry out both your political and development programmes, you must be wary of those with brute unbridled ambition and political gladiators," Mnangagwa warned.He urged party youths to be vigilant "as they may seek to sow seeds of disunity amongst you within the party and ultimately to the nation for their own selfish ends".As recent as February this year, Mnangagwa was forced dismiss reports of a rift with one of his deputies, Constantino Chiwenga, which have been circulating since he promised action in response to a brutal security service crackdown in January while he was abroad.Chiwenga led the coup that toppled long-time leader Robert Mugabe in November 2017 and was replaced by his former second-in-command, Mnangagwa. "I have known Chiwenga and his colleagues (in the military) since the struggle years. We are comrades and understand each other better than you think," Mnangagwa said.Two allies of Mnangagwa a lawmaker of his Zanu-PF party, Justice Mayor Wadyajena, and former deputy finance minister Terence Mukupe said in January that some government officials and MPs were trying to impeach the president.Mnangagwa also warned youth league officials that indiscipline in the party will not be tolerated and also that the Zanu-PF constitution must be adhered to when disciplining errant members."Let me also warn that as provided for by our party constitution acts of indiscipline, treachery and disloyalty will not be tolerated or condoned."If any members or structures of the party have any grievances, we have laid out rules and regulations or procedures that must be followed. "I know of some comrades who have been suspended or expelled but no procedures were followed. That is not proper."We are dealing with party issues and you put aside your differences with the person concerned. You must obey and follow the rules and procedures of the constitution otherwise you will find yourselves in the wrong," the president said.In February, the Zanu-PF youth league's national executive council passed a vote of no-confidence on its leader, Pupurai Togarepi, and four other executive members on allegations of incompetence, gross misconduct and treachery.The other members are deputy national secretary (youth affairs) Lewis Matutu, national secretary for administration Tendai Chirau, deputy national secretary for external relations Admire Mahachi and Mercy Mugomo, the deputy national secretary for environment and tourism.The vote of no-confidence was allegedly moved and supported by two-thirds majority of the national youth league executive council. News / National by Staff reporter MDC leader Nelson Chamisa is likely to go to the party's elective congress with a spring in his step after extending his lead in on-going provincial nominations.The Daily News can report that the 41-year-old advocate has so far bagged five nominations from five provinces that have conducted their congresses, setting on course his bid to retain the MDC presidency at the party's elective indaba set for May 24 to 26.The going is, however, proving to be tough for MDC secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora, who has openly stated his ambition to challenge Chamisa for the top job. Mwonzora is yet to garner a single nomination to keep alive his dream. The only nomination he has received seeks to commit him to his current post a position Charlton Hwende, a long-time ally of Chamisa, is also angling for.All is, however, not yet lost for the former Nyanga North legislator since eight more provinces are still to make their nominations.For one to be able to contest for any position at the MDC congress, they must be nominated by at least one out of the 19-year-old political outfit's 13 provinces.So far, the provinces of Matabeleland North and South, United States of America, Midlands and Mashonaland West have settled for Chamisa for the presidency through what insiders described as fair and foul means.Chamisa stands accused of manipulating party structures in his favour and making it difficult for his challengers to come out and openly campaign ahead of the congress. His rivals are also not happy that voting is by way of raising hands.MDC spokesperson Jacob Mafume told the Daily News that congress preparations were progressing well."We have just finished Mashonaland West and the process went on very well," he said.Regarding those who are still to secure a single nomination, Mafume said: "But that does not mean the end for those who have not been nominated because one simply needs one nomination to contest so as it is it's still game on." It is indeed game on for the positions of the party vice presidency, national chairperson, secretary-general, treasurer, youth chairperson and women assembly chairwoman.It was a mixed bag for the party's vice presidents Morgen Komichi and Welshman Ncube who will be challenged at congress by Lillian Timveos, Paurina Mpariwa and Tendai Biti. For the post of the party's chairperson Tabitha Khumalo appears to be the favourite to land the post since no one else has been nominated for the post while the party's organising secretary, Amos Chibaya also appears safe in his position.There is a deadly contest for the vice chairperson post where MDC prodigal son Job Sikhala has expressed interest but sadly got no nomination with provinces nominating Happymore Chidziva and Costa Machingauta. It is the first congress since the death of founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai who succumbed to cancer of the colon in February last year.Still to make their nominations are South Africa, the United Kingdom, Mashonaland East, Manicaland, Masvingo, Bulawayo, Midlands and Mashonaland Central. Yesterday, Mashonaland East province was expected to finalise its nominations.Meanwhile, the MDC has postponed its Bulawayo provincial congress as squabbling factions within the party continue to fight for supremacy ahead of the do-or-die congress. The provincial congress was initially slated to take place today (Saturday) but owing to the huge contestation for positions, the party failed to finish the ward elections on time.This has left the party with an option to hold the congress between Sunday and Tuesday, this coming week. "We postponed elections for remaining wards from Tuesday and Wednesday to today (Friday) hence the postponement of the provincial one. After that remaining districts shall be done as well."With regards to provincial congress, national organising secretary Amos Chibaya shall advise on the date but I am sure it might be between Sunday and Tuesday," MDC provincial spokesperson Edwin Ndlovu told this publication."Those nominated by district to contest the provincial leadership shall then go to elections to elect top 10 of the province that is chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, vice secretary, treasurer, deputy treasurer, organiser, deputy organiser, information and publicity and deputy information and publicity. After that, three members shall be nominated to represent Bulawayo province in the national executive," Ndlovu said.He added: "The province then also nominate the top leadership that is the president and three vice presidents, chairperson and deputy, treasurer and deputy among others. Having done all that the new province shall then co-opt additional members." Ndlovu further noted that so far only two nominations for the provincial chairmanship post have been made with Nketa MP Phelela Masuku likely to battle it out with Makokoba MP James Sithole.The postponement of the congress comes less than a week after Chamisa fumed at the factionalism in the party, a development he said was against the party interests.With that in mind Chamisa further indicated that he was going to ensure that there was maximum security including hiring police officers to nip the bug of violence that gripped the party in the past few weeks. Opinion / Columnist Songs of praises from many quarters are now being sung for Mnangagwa after his minister pledged that following a meeting with a collection of Civic Society organizations the regime was going to allow reburial of Gukurahundi victims. The Minister pledged that survivors would be offered medical treatment. There is also mention that there is some kind of decriminalizing talking about Gukurahundi.First of all there is this typical Zanu-PF chicanery of ensuring that they politically cling on to power shutting out all other political voices and only rendering them very limited space during an election to claim that there is democracy. The Gukurahundi issue has been raised by political parties but Zanu-PF rejected it outright. Now they are promising to address the political issue with a civil society still shunning the politicians. They want to be the only political party involved in the Gukurahundi issue with a Matabeleland Collection of Civil Society. Resultantly therefore, it means that the perpetrator is offering a solution himself to the crime that he willingly committed. Murder is a crime that can only be corrected through a judicial process and never through political maneuvering.Secondly, there are the very contents of the solution to the issue themselves. A political party Mthwakazi Republic Party reburied some Gukurahundi victims. Even prior to MRP one organization reburied remains of Gukurahundi in Matabeleland South. So the reburial is not a new thing. This pledge by the Junta deserves no song of praise at all except from those who are happy for other concessions by Mnangagwa and they then opportunistically applaud the action as something new. Honestly to the victims it means simply more agony.There is no pledge so far for compensation. There is a pledge to offer medical assistance and one wonders where, in which hospital here in Zimbabwe where they can receive treatment for whatever ailment caused by Gukurahundi barbarians? Where will Mabhiza send the people who witnessed the ripping off of pregnant young women`s wombs from Tsholotsho? Those still alive have lived with the trauma for close to 40 years. And exactly what medical assistance is there to surviving Ndebeles who were clearly told that they were being murdered because their fore fathers of Nguni origins invaded and murdered the Shonas when Mzilikazi arrived? And is there any treatment for a woman whose husband was bayonetted to death and the woman ordered to dance on the grave after being forced to bury him? Exactly does Mabhiza `s government have medical assistance to children whose parents were driven to huts that were set ablaze and they heard both father and mother scream helplessly to death as the hut was gutted by fire? This is why an open process of a truth and reconciliation is necessary. Whoever applauds and cooperates with this attempt to sweep under the carpet these Gukurahundi realities is equally guilty of its evils.Zanu-PF has literally administered the destruction of every infrastructure and the health sector has not been spared. They all go to Malaysia, China, India and South Africa for treatment. As it is the government is unable to offer any free medication to anyone because there is basically nothing. Those hypocritically singing songs of praise suddenly see the Zanu-PF led junta providing free medical treatment to all the people of some parts of the Midlands and Matabeleland. This is just one evidence that politics can be very clumsy but also that money is indeed the root of all evil.Whereas every citizen has a right to engage with the government, it is questionable when the government responds to issues raised for years by ``non-political groups`` after refusing to cooperate with the political parties. Gukurahundi operation was carried out under the disguise of eliminating it banditry it was a way to destroy Zapu as a political party. The militarization of politics has ever been there since independence. They are still holding our politics. Our armed forces are partisan up to now. There can never be justice for Gukurahundi victims from the same people who masterminded the operation.Lovejean Ndlovu Zapu Youth Front Dept. of Information and Publicity. Young adult woman walking up the stairs with sun sport background We all want to make a quick buck, and investing is often the place new investors come to achieve this. But when making your portfolio, even if you want some of those exciting stocks, you have to create a base that will serve you well over the long run. You know, so you can pay for your childs education or buy that motorcycle during your mid-life crisis. Important things in other words. Granted, Im not saying that the stocks you pick wont give you anything until you need them. Thats why Ive chosen these three buy-and-hold-forever stocks. Not only do they offer steady, high returns over the next few decades, but they also have a dividend thatll be cash in your pocket well before you cash out. Canadian National Railway A great place to start for any portfolio is with the Canadian National Railway Company (TSX:CNR)(NYSE:CNI). This stock has a proven record of steady growth that goes back decades. Rail is just a preferred method of shipping, and CN has a monopoly shared with few other rail lines in its wide 31,544-kilometre network that stretches through North America. Part of the reason that CNR has been so steady is it constantly reinvests in itself. The company plans to put a record $3.86 billion into its infrastructure in 2019. Included in this will be a $133 million investment in Tennessee to strengthen the companys rail line in that state, making investors happy to know that CN will continue to grow for years. In fact, the company believes over two years that itll have made a $7.6 billion capital investment. In the short term, the company has pumped out stellar performances, with its most recent quarter increasing revenue by 16% to $1.3 billion of revenue growth, and free cash flow by 38.5% to $633 million. So again, this stock is set up for great things, but in the meantime, investors can expect a stable dividend of 1.78% at the time of writing thats been increased every year since 1996. Enbridge Another great stock that is looking to expand over the next few years is Enbridge Inc. (TSX:ENB)(NYSE:ENB). In the last year, the company has undergone a major overhaul to accelerate its restructuring plan. Enbridge sold assets and paid down debt, surprising investors by completing $7.8 billion in asset sales while targeting only $3.8 billion in 2018. The companys debt dropped to 4.7 times EBITDA by the end of 2018, with 4.5 times becoming the next goal for greater financial flexibility. Story continues Enbridge will need that financial flexibility for its major plans. The company recently got the go ahead for its Line 3 replacement and expansion project, with 750,000 barrels of crude expected to be shipped between Alberta and Wisconsin by the latter half of 2020. But Line 3 is only the beginning. The company has $16 billion allocated towards expansion projects, the $9 billion Line 3 project only being the most recent headline. Beyond 2020, the company will put even more money toward expansion, giving investors much more to look forward to. In the meantime, this stock is trading far below its fair value at about $49 per share at the time of writing. And with a sweet dividend of 6.04%, youll be happy to hold onto this stock for decades. TransCanada Whereas Enbridge is sticking a bit closer to home, investors have been happy to support TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP)(NYSE:TRP) for years from its vast network that stretches throughout North America. And again, the company is growing at an alarming rate. In fact, some are worried it taken on more than it can chew, or more than it can fund at least. The expansion projects total $36 billion under construction and $20 billion in development. The projects should grow earnings by 16% over the next three years. In 2019 alone, the company expects to spend $8 billion on capital projects, which includes the controversial Keystone XL and Coastal GasLink pipelines. The company has begun paying for these projects by offloading its infrastructure. This includes the sale of its Columbia Midstream unit, a value of about $1 billion. Once all these projects are online, investors should see huge rewards. Its the waiting game that can be scary, but at around $50 per share, this stock is way below its fair value of $70. And again, theres that dividend of 4.91% that investors should see increase by 8-10% until at least 2021. More reading Fool contributor Amy Legate-Wolfe owns shares of ENBRIDGE INC. David Gardner owns shares of Canadian National Railway. The Motley Fool owns shares of Canadian National Railway. Enbridge and CN are recommendations of Stock Advisor Canada. The Motley Fools purpose is to help the world invest, better. Click here now for your free subscription to Take Stock, The Motley Fool Canadas free investing newsletter. Packed with stock ideas and investing advice, it is essential reading for anyone looking to build and grow their wealth in the years ahead. Motley Fool Canada 2019 Oil pumps against sunset Foreign investors have been pulling their money out of Canadian energy as though the sector was going out of style. The sell Canada thesis is nothing new. In fact, its been a recurring headline for years now. With some of the more bearish analysts out there calling for the complete abandonment of the capital-intensive Albertan oil sands at some point over the next few decades, many domestic investors are starting to buy the story and indeed are throwing in the towel on most of Canadas energy investments. Most Canadian energy stocks been in limbo for over five years now, and with nothing but gloom on most financial news stories, its tough to find a reason to continue hanging onto your Enbridge (TSX:ENB)(NYSE:ENB) shares that serve as a constant reminder of the mistake you made when you picked up shares. Its tough to find anyone whos bullish on Canadian energy and is willing to put their money where their mouth is with a contrarian bet. Sure, its not economical for most oil producers to fully turn on the taps at this juncture given the heavy crude glut thats a result of the bottle necked pipelines. But I think its foolish (thats a lower-case f!) to rule out Albertas ailing oil patch just because of its current unfavourable state, especially if your thesis is that oil companies will die out due to the rise of renewable energy producers. I stumbled across an alarming piece on FNLondon titled oil and gas could lose 95% of its value by 2050, consultancy warns. The article shed light on the report released by an investment consultancy Mercer, which attempted to model the outcome of the energy space over the extremely long term. The main takeaway was that the report saw oil and gas stocks losing 42% of their value by 2030, and 95% by 2050. Yikes! Thats alarming news for Canada, as the backbone of the economy is essentially the energy sector. Right now, that back is ailing, and its hard to go against the grain by betting on an energy stock thats been in the doghouse for years. Story continues With all the negative sentiment, it may seem like Canadian oil and gas companies are uninvestable stocks. Although renewable energy will gradually reduce the demand for oil and gas, I dont believe investors with a time horizon shorter than 10 years have anything to worry about. Renewable infrastructure is expensive and for many developing nations, becoming mostly renewable is completely out of the question over the next few decades. As such, Id say the model laid out by Mercer is unrealistic, as its not in the best interest of rapidly-growing developing nations to stunt their own economic growth by putting forth aggressive carbon taxes for the betterment of the planet. Emerging markets are booming, and theyre going to be consuming more oil despite the developed worlds move toward sustainable energy sources. So, dont expect firms across the Albertan oil patch to start dropping like flies over the next few decades. If anything, they may be better-positioned to bounce back as the country has a better network of pipelines in place to eliminate the wide WCS to WTI spread. Developing nations like China would gladly put up massive order for Canadas signature WCS brew if a pipeline were able to transport the crude to the coastline economically. Although various renewable energy companies and carbon taxes will slow progress for oil and gas companies in the meantime, I dont believe that either headwind will cause an eventual 95% collapse in shares of most oil and gas companies. Consider a scenario that sees Andrew Scheer win the 2019 election. Carbon taxes will disappear, and as the pipelines are finally laid out, theres a real possibility that oil and gas stocks will become great again through the eyes of investors. Pipelines like Enbridge will play a vital role in the revitalization of the Albertan oil patch, so if you have the guts to be contrarian, the potential rewards are tremendous. Stay hungry. Stay Foolish. More reading Fool contributor Joey Frenette has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of Enbridge. Enbridge is a recommendation of Stock Advisor Canada. The Motley Fools purpose is to help the world invest, better. Click here now for your free subscription to Take Stock, The Motley Fool Canadas free investing newsletter. Packed with stock ideas and investing advice, it is essential reading for anyone looking to build and grow their wealth in the years ahead. Motley Fool Canada 2019 (Bloomberg) -- The European Union has taken a closer look at how Google uses operations in Ireland to help reduce its corporate tax obligations within the trade bloc, two people familiar with the matter said. Officials from the European Commission, the EUs executive arm, held in-depth talks with Irish authorities late last year about whether the Internet-search unit of Alphabet Inc. complies with rules limiting tax perks provided by individual European governments, according to one person, who asked not to be named as the matter is private. The review was preliminary and might not lead to any formal investigation, the person said. According to another person, an EU investigation isnt imminent and some Irish authorities are optimistic that initial conversations proved sufficient to avoid a more extensive probe of the companys tax arrangements. Irish Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe discussed a potential tax case with EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, one person said. Google declined to comment, as did the European Commission. EU officials have been cracking down in recent years on efforts by big global companies to limit their European tax burdens. Vestager, who is now seeking a top EU job, ordered Apple Inc. to pay back billions of euros to Ireland, and she backed a push by France to tax Internet firms more heavily. Apple, Google and Facebook Inc. all base their European operations in Ireland, which has a low basic corporate tax rate. Ireland has successfully resisted efforts by other European states to align tax calculations across the region. Vestagers probes have provided another way for the EU to put pressure on low-tax states -- including Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands -- that may lure firms away from other European nations. Regulatory Scrutiny Vestager has been a key figure in Googles regulatory woes in Europe, stepping up an antitrust probe when she took office in 2014 that her predecessor had been willing to end. She finished the third and last probe into the companys behavior with a 1.5 billion euro ($1.7 billion) fine in March, a day before she started campaigning to become president of the European Commission or win another senior EU post. Story continues Until recently, Google has seen little scrutiny of whether its Irish operations violate the EUs so-called state-aid arrangements. Apple has been the biggest target so far. The company was ordered to pay as much as 13 billion euros for deals with Ireland that reduced its effective corporate tax rate. Apple and Ireland are appealing the decision. The EU has also taken aim at Inc.s tax deals with Luxembourg. Google arrived in Ireland in 2003, with 100 employees. Now, it employs about 7,000 in Ireland. The companys European headquarters is in Dublin, the Irish capital, and its sprawling campus close to the citys south docks has been dubbed Googletown. In 2017, Google Ireland Ltd. recorded a profit of 1.2 billion euros on revenue of 32.2 billion euros, according to company filings. The firm paid 167 million euros in corporation tax. Tax Haven Ireland is battling a perception that it is a tax haven. President Donald Trump said Ireland is pushing to attract U.S. firms in search of lower taxes. In 2018, the corporate tax rate in Ireland was 12.5 percent, compared with an EU average of about 21.9 percent, European Commission figures show. The Commission as part of its mandate in relation to state aid has in recent years gathered information from all EU member states on tax rulings since 2014, the Irish finance ministry said in response to questions. So far, it has examined over 1,000 rulings across all member states. It isnt appropriate to comment on the nature of such requests, the ministry said. To contact the reporters on this story: Dara Doyle in Dublin at;Aoife White in Brussels at To contact the editors responsible for this story: Chad Thomas at, Steve Stroth, Peter Jeffrey For more articles like this, please visit us at 2019 Bloomberg L.P. In one Beijing supermarket, squeezed between soy sauces and Chinese vinegars, sits Canadian canola oil. It's covered with postcard pictures of the Prairies, stamped with "Calgary" and "Winnipeg" and adorned with little red maple leaves that aren't nearly as welcome as they were a few months ago. In fact, just around the corner, another grocer who used to have the oil on his shelves is quick to insist there's "nothing Canadian here!" Last year, Canadian canola shipments to China were worth $2.7 billion. It was a flow that supplied Chinese consumers with oil and farmers with feed. But in the last few weeks, that flow has been choked off, stopped at ports where customs inspectors said they found "dangerous pests" in shipments from Canada. Todd Korol/Reuters As a result, ships loaded with canola sit offshore, as one Canadian company after another has seen licences to import suspended by Beijing for "non-compliance." Manitoba's Richardson International and Saskatchewan-based Viterra, as well as a third, unnamed Canadian company, have all been blocked. Government spokesmen in Beijing said the problem with one company was "especially severe," and the sudden move was required "to ensure the health and safety of Chinese citizens." China has offered few details, and no proof of what it calls "scientifically sound and reasonable" findings. Officially, there is no connection between the canola ban and China's high-profile dispute with Canada over the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver last December. But diplomats and political observers say it's clearly part of Beijing's strategy to put pressure on Ottawa by targeting agriculture, a sector China knows is important to Canada, both economically and politically. Chinese food security A hint of that bigger strategy came at the end of a statement by Chinese foreign affairs spokesman Geng Shuang at the end of March, when he suggested that the solution to the standoff over canola is for Canada to "take some concrete measures to correct its previous mistakes" in bilateral relations. Story continues Targeting food imports is a relatively new approach for Beijing, born of a confidence that China's years of struggling to find enough to feed its huge population are over. Sasa Petricic/CBC "It's not a problem for Chinese people to feed themselves," said Bingchuan Hu, a food supply expert with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Between higher productivity at home (the ability to grow more food for its population) and higher incomes (more money to buy food abroad), Hu said food security hasn't been an issue in China since at least 2004. "Even if we altogether close or shut down [food] trade, China also can solve this problem," he said. Indeed, the UN's World Food Programme said China has made "remarkable progress" in alleviating hunger. It met its own target of reducing the number of hungry people at home by half by 2015, and in doing so, China reduced the global hunger rate by two-thirds. When it comes to any one product including canola Hu said China can always find a replacement, either by importing from elsewhere, like Russia or India, or by using other kinds of oil or feed. "Anything can be replaced," Hu said. Hu knows food hasn't always been plentiful. China's Great Famine of the early 1960s killed more than 20 million people. Even now, Hu thanks the Canadian government for sending grain at a time when no other western country would. Prime Minister John Diefenbaker defied a U.S.-led embargo on trade with China, negotiating a system of credit that allowed Beijing to buy several million tonnes of grain at a time when it didn't have any other means to pay. Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press But China is a very different place today. And it appears to see itself as powerful enough to use trade issues even in food products as a means to achieve political ends. The Australia example China seems to be using a similar approach with Australia, with whom it has also had strained relations lately. Australia has angered Beijing by banning the Chinese company Huawei from its 5G networks on national security grounds. Last month, Australia enacted tough new anti-espionage laws that, among other things, make it a crime to steal industrial secrets on behalf of a foreign government. It is also drafting legislation to limit foreign political donations, after a heated debate about money from China. Beijing has not been pleased, accusing Canberra of having a "Cold War mindset" and targeting coal imports, a sector that's critical for economics and politics Down Under. China is Australia's biggest trading partner and its best customer for coal, buying $7 billion Cdn worth annually. Like Canadian canola, Australian coal has also faced increased scrutiny at Chinese ports: Extra tests, complaints about impurities and other unexplained delays. Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press Mark Beeson, a professor of international relations at the University of Western Australia, said China is throwing its weight around in unexpected ways. "The message is that we're big and powerful, you depend on us," he said. "If you upset us or do things that are really damaging to our perceived national interest, our core interest, then we've got ways of hurting you." Beeson said "from China's perspective, there's not a huge amount the likes of Australia and Canada can do." That's the canola conundrum. Ottawa has proposed sending a high-level delegation or a panel of experts to China, but Beijing seems in no mood to cooperate right now. In fact, observers here say the only way to get rid of the canola "pest" problem may be to solve the bigger political one. Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda, 24, who was charged with critically injuring a 5-year-old boy at the Mall of America in Minnesota on Friday, has a history of getting into trouble with the law. Police say the boy was allegedly pushed or thrown by Aranda from a third-floor balcony at the mall. Aranda has been charged with attempted homicide. According to court documents obtained by CNN affiliate WCCO, Aranda has been arrested on three separate occasions in 2015, one of which resulted in him being banned from the Mall of America for a year. In July 2015, Aranda was taken into custody after police responded to a call about a man throwing things off of the upper level of the mall to the lower level, the outlet reported, citing a 2015 complaint which said Aranda initially resisted arrest and refused to give his name to police. An employee from the Bare Minerals store went on to tell police that Aranda had walked into the store, and without saying anything, swept his hand across a display table, knocking off and breaking two containers of lip gloss valued at $18.00 each and three shot glasses valued at $2.00 each, the outlet reported. Court records obtained by PEOPLE show that Aranda was convicted of fifth-degree assault and interfering with an officer of the peace, and was ordered not to return to the property for one year. RELATED: Man Throws Boy, 5, From 3rd Floor Balcony at Mall of America, Critically Injuring Him CBS Minnesota That August, Aranda was arrested without incident after police responded to a call that a man had been seen smashing computer parts at a local library, according to court documents obtained by WCCO. In the 2015 complaint, police note that Aranda told officers he got angry after he read something on the Facebook. Court records obtained by PEOPLE show that Aranda pleaded guilty to the charge of first-degree property damage and was sentenced to serve 28 days in prison, pay restitution and undergo anger management training. Story continues In October 2015, Aranda was arrested for a third time after allegedly throwing drinks at a woman in a restaurant located inside the Mall of America, according to court documents obtained by WCCO. According to the complaint, Aranda repeatedly asked a woman to buy him something to eat or at least give him some money, and after being asked to leave by a restaurant employee, he allegedly grabbed full glasses of ice water and tea, throwing them at the woman. Court records obtained by PEOPLE show that Aranda pled guilty to fifth-degree assault and interfering with an officer of the peace. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Raymond Boyd/Getty Images RELATED: Ohio Firefighter Fatally Shoots Fiancee and Then Himself: It Is a Total Tragedy On Friday, officers responded to Arandas latest legal scuffle. Witnesses said the child landed on the first level and the suspect took off running before he was apprehended by officers who took him into custody at the transit station of the mall, police said. The Bloomington Police Department is investigating an incident at the Mall of America today. A five-year-old child suffered injuries and is at the hospital now. A press conference will happen outside the north entrance at 12:15 PM next to the security vehicle. Thank you Bloomington Police (@BPD_MN) April 12, 2019 In a statement Friday afternoon, the malls management acknowledged the incident. Earlier today, Mall of America security was notified of an incident involving a child falling from one of the upper floors. Mall Security responded immediately as well as the Bloomington Police Department. Emergency Services were notified and responded as well. The child was treated at the scene and transported to the hospital. Bloomington Police is investigating the incident, it said. The child did suffer significant injuries, said the police chief, according to CNN. The child has been transported to the hospital and has been receiving care. By Khalid Abdelaziz KHARTOUM (Reuters) - The new head of Sudan's military council said on Saturday a civilian government would be formed after consultations with the opposition and promised the transition period would last for a maximum of two years. Protesters, however, kept up the pressure for rapid change following the overthrow of long-ruling autocrat President Omar al-Bashir on Thursday. In his first televised address, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdelrahman canceled a night curfew and ordered the release of all prisoners jailed under emergency laws put in place by Bashir before his downfall. During a meeting between the transitional military council and a coalition of opposition groups, including protest organizers, the protesters demanded that civilians be included in the council, opposition activists who were briefed about the meeting said. They will submit names of suggested members on Sunday. The military council also promised to "abolish all laws that restrict freedoms," the activists said. The main group organizer, the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), said in a statement that the council's response was not satisfactory and called for protests to continue. The SPA said that among its key demands the restructuring of the country's powerful National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), the dissolution of militia forces that operated under Bashir and the arrest of all "corrupt leaders" involved in what it called crimes against citizens. "There are clear demands and unless they are met, there is no escape but to publicize full rejection (of the council's moves)," the SPA statement said, urging citizens to continue a sit-in outside the Defence Ministry. Thousands of people continued their sit-in outside the Defence Ministry in central Khartoum, a Reuters witness said. Bashir was overthrown on Thursday after months of mass protests brought on by rising food costs, high unemployment and increasing repression during his three decades in power. But activists and opposition groups pressed ahead with demands that Bashir's close associates leave. SAUDI ARABIA TO SEND AID PACKAGE Regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday it supported moves taken by the council and said it was sending an emergency aid package to Khartoum, state news agency SPA reported. "The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques gave instructions to the concerned authorities in the Kingdom to provide a package of humanitarian aid, including petroleum products, wheat and medicines," SPA said. On Friday, Defence Minister Awad Ibn Auf, who was also Bashir's deputy, stepped down as head of the transitional military council after only a day in the post. On Saturday, state news agency and TV announced that the head of NISS, Salah Abdallah Mohamed Saleh, better known as Salah Gosh, had also resigned. He was once the most powerful person in the country after Bashir and protesters held him responsible for the killing of demonstrators demanding an end to military rule. A replacement has yet to be named. Celebrations erupted on the streets of Khartoum overnight after Ibn Auf's resignation. Thousands of protesters waved flags and illuminated mobile phones in the darkness and drivers hooted car horns. People chanted: "The second has fallen!" a reference to Ibn Auf and Bashir, witnesses said. "Islamists have now lost control and they are in shock. Their ability to project influence in an organized way inside the state appears weak," said Sudanese analyst Khalid al-Tijani. "The reason for the changes in Sudan is the pressure from protesters and pressures within the army, and the fear among military commanders of a split in the armed forces." LITTLE KNOWN Burhan, the new head of the military council, was the third most senior general in the Sudanese armed forces and is little known in public life. As head of Sudans ground forces he oversaw Sudanese troops fighting in the Saudi-led Yemen war and has close ties to senior Gulf military officials. The head of Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known by his nickname Hemeti, was appointed deputy head of the council, state TV reported. RSF soldiers outside the Defence Ministry fired their guns in the air in celebration of Dagalo's promotion, causing a brief alarm, witnesses said. "The opposition are demanding a civilian government, but I think it will be a mixed government," analyst Muhammad Osman said before Burhan's remarks on Saturday. "The military would want to retain the defense and interior portfolios. The Sudanese Professionals Association, which has been leading protests to demand a civilian government, called for more demonstrations earlier on Saturday. "We assert that our revolution is continuing and will not retreat or deviate from its path until we achieve ... our people's legitimate demands of handing over power to a civilian government," an SPA statement said. Bashir, 75, seized power in a 1989 military coup. The protests against him escalated last Saturday when thousands of demonstrators, apparently bolstered by change in Algeria following similar protests, marched toward the Defence Ministry to deliver a memorandum demanding the military side with them. Demonstrators have been camping outside the compound since then to push for a handover of power. At least 16 people were killed and 20 wounded by stray bullets at protests and sit-ins on Thursday and Friday, police said. Government buildings and private property were also attacked. The military council under Ibn Auf had said it would not extradite Bashir to face accusations of genocide at the international war crimes court. Instead he might go on trial in Sudan. (Additional reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Hesham Hajali in Cairo; Writing by Lena Masri and Sami Aboudi; Editing by Janet Lawrence, Jane Merriman and Jonathan Oatis) On any given evening, Lisa Tam-Eng is likely to be crafting a handwritten letter to one of her 25 penpals from around the world. Her cat, Billy, keeps her company while she sits at her dining room table, reflecting on her week and contemplating what to write. She has amassed three boxes full of letters from Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Scotland, Ireland, Hawaii, Iceland, Germany, Finland, Singapore, Barbados and Luxemburg. She has scribbled across 500 pages of stationery. Her fountain pen has required many refills. I miss having that feeling of opening the mailbox seeing, like, an actual letter that people write by pen. - Lisa Tam-Eng Tam-Eng's oldest letter dates to 1990, the year she moved from Hong Kong to Canada. She wrote letters to her classmates and relatives. Three years later, Tam-Eng started looking for more international penpals because she wanted to learn more about different cultures. She kept up with them until her third year of university. Florence Hwang/CBC It wasn't until 2017 that she decided to look for new penpals. While downsizing her house, she discovered her old letter pads and wanted to make use of them. She was tired of only receiving flyers and bills in the mail. "I miss having that feeling of opening the mailbox seeing, like, an actual letter that people write by pen," she said. "It's really good to see and to look forward to opening the letter." She found new penpals via letter-writing's greatest modern competitor: social media. Submitted by Lisa Tam-Eng Meeting in person After corresponding for a couple of years, Tam-Eng and Josephine Tang decided to meet in person in Hong Kong. At that time, neither email nor the Internet were widely used. They had exchanged only one photo with each other, so they described what they looked like, what they would be wearing and how their hair would be done. "The first thing that we talked about was the things that we mentioned about what we like to eat, referring back to the letters we wrote," said Tam-Eng. Story continues The longest penpal relationship she has is 26 years and counting. Two of these penpals attended her wedding banquet in Hong Kong. The first thing that we talked about was the things that we mentioned about what we like to eat. - Lisa Tam-Eng Tam-Eng is very organized. She has a logbook to track who she has written to, when, and what items she has sent them so she doesn't accidentally send them something twice. She likes to send small souvenirs, like pins, postcards and photographs from her travels. She chooses things that are unique to Canada, like a Tim Horton's commemorative sleeve for the country's 150th anniversary. Florence Hwang/CBC Romance blossoms Romance has blossomed through Tam-Eng's penpal experience. A penpal from, Hong Kong, Brenda, was introduced to another of Tam-Eng's penpal's friends who lived in the United States. They started to write to each other. He visited her a few times in Hong Kong. She visited him in the States. He proposed. She said yes. "It's very cute, I thought. I was worried because I thought, 'Oh my goodness, how are they going to [get along] because they are from two different cultures?' " said Tam-Eng. "But in the end, it worked out because they've got three beautiful girls." Although he hasn't been able to visit yet, Tam-Eng has sent their daughters gifts, like a few pages from a colouring book that has Canada imagery. She plans on eventually travelling to some of the other countries where her penpals reside. It was one of the reasons she started communicating with so many people around the world in the first place. FUKUOKA, Japan (AP) Two-time world champion Nathan Chen and Vincent Zhou combined for a 1-2 finish in the men's short program Thursday to give the United States the lead on the opening day of figure skating's World Team Trophy. Skating to "Caravan" by Duke Ellington, Chen, a full-time student at Yale, landed a triple axel, a quadruple toe loop and a triple lutz-triple toe loop combination for 101.95 points. Zhou, the world bronze medalist, opened with a quadruple lutz-triple toe loop combination and added a quad salchow and a triple axel to finish second with 100.51 points. Shoma Uno of Japan was third with 92.78. The U.S. leads with 50 points, two ahead of Japan and 12 ahead of third-place Russia. Rika Kihira of Japan opened with a flawless triple axel and finished first in the women's short program with 83.97 points. Russian skater Elizaveta Tuktamysheva was second with 80.54, followed by Kaori Sakamoto of Japan with 76.95. The American women earned 17 team points as Bradie Tennell scored a season's best 74.81 in her short program to finish in fourth place. Mariah Bell was fifth after scoring 70.89 points. Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue, also world bronze medalists, were third in the rhythm dance. "This is my first time at a team event and what a great way to start," team captain Hubbell said. "Team USA had all very strong performances. We have a team of Olympic members, U.S. champions, world medalists and world team members. Today showed how strong of a team we are." Six countries are competing in the sixth edition of the World Team Trophy. The others are France, Italy and Canada. The United States has won the event three times, in 2009, 2013 and 2015, while Japan took top honors in 2012 and in 2017. The competition continues Friday and concludes on Saturday. ___ More AP sports: and Photo credit: . From House Beautiful Update: 4/11/2019: Over the past few decades, it's become expected for royal babies to be photographed in their mothers' arms just hours after birth. But Meghan and Harry are breaking from that tradition, and will not have a photocall directly outside the hospital. According to a statement today from the royal family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, "have taken a personal decision to keep plans around the arrival of their new baby quiet. The Duke and Duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone once they have had an opportunity to celebrate privately as a new family." Original: 4/4/2019: Shortly after Prince Louis was born last spring, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge exited the iconic doors of the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital Paddington to introduce their newborn son to the world's media for the first time. They posed for a few minutes, as a sea of photographers, reporters, and news crews captured history in the making. But as the royals smiled and waved for the cameras, William pointed out one photographer in particular, Arthur Edwards, the royal photographer for The Sun, saying "There's Arthur, there he is." Edwards has been photographing the royal family for more than four decades, and Prince William grew up seeing him on a regular basis. His familiarity with the royal family is well known: "Other photographers always want to stand next to me because they always think that might happen," Edwards sheepishly tells T&C over the phone. Edwards, in fact, was there for Prince William's first Lindo Wing portrait-the one he took with his parents. "Ive been covering him all his life, from when he started nursery school all through, right to when he got married," Edwards says. "I photographed William when he came out of hospital in his mothers arms." He has photographed eight royal births, and watched as the tradition of posing for photos outside the hospital took root. While Princess Diana wasn't the first royal to give birth in a hospital-and she wasn't even the first royal to be photographed leaving a hospital with a newborn-she was the first royal to deliver an heir in the hospital, and that changed everything in the 1980s. Story continues Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images "There was fascination, and so of course hoards of photographers and the media were all outside waiting for her to leave with William," explains royal commentator Victoria Arbiter. "It really offered an opportunity to capture a moment in history. There is the future heir Prince Charles with his wife walking out with the future, future heir." From there, it became a modern tradition for new royal mothers to give the world a glimpse of their babies right outside the hospital doors. "It's interesting when you think about thousand years of royal history, this is only two generations that have done this," Arbiter muses. "In this media-dominated world, its definitely something weve come to expect." But over the past 36 years, the magnitude with which these moments are captured and broadcast around the world has changed enormously. "With [Prince William's birth], there were two TV crews, the BBC and ITV, about 20 photographers, and about five or six reporters. When Harry came out of the hospital two years later, there were about another five more photographers," Edwards recalls. "When William carried out his eldest son George, there was 300 yards of media." Photo credit: JUSTIN TALLIS - Getty Images Those reporters represented outlets from around the world. "There was a massive, massive media crowd. All the television networks were there, with an easy way to distribute news," Edwards says. "Every American network there; every Australian network there; there were New Zealand networks there; there were Mexican networks; there were Greek networks there. Everybody was there." As the crowd of reporters grew, so did the number of photographs they were taking. "As soon as those press pens were introduced, there were a lot of photographers there, but of course, theyre shooting film, so you only have thirty-six exposures," explains Bob Ahern, the director of archive for Getty Images. "When youre talking about today, youre talking about thousands of pictures." And as technology advances, it's changing the type of images photographers try to capture. Edwards's ideal picture is still "both the Duke and the Duchess holding the baby, looking straight at me," but there's also a desire for close-ups of the newborn, along with style-focused shots of the Duchess's outfit, and images of the royals as they get into the car. Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images "You have to get that great shot thats going to be on the front cover of the worlds papers the next day, but I think in and around that, theres just as much interest in scrolling through galleries of how the day unfolded," Ahern says. "We want to know every detail, right? We want to know who makes the car seat that William uses. We want to know how Kate styled her hair. We want to know what the baby was wrapped in, all those little details. Its an exponential interest. Its kind of incredible, really." And of course, now that everyone has a camera in their pocket at all times, royal fans are known to camp out outside the hospital, hoping to capture their own photos of the special day. "I think the desire to participate is at its kind of peak. I think its a wonderful thing, but I don't think it changes what a professional photographer does," Ahern says. Photo credit: Peter Macdiarmid - Getty Images As the Duchess of Sussex's due date draws near, it's unclear which hospital she will give birth in (or indeed, if she will opt for a home birth). Whether Meghan, Harry, and their new baby will pose for a portrait on their way out the door is an unknown factor as well. Victoria Arbiter thinks they will, if only to quell the rabid interest in unsanctioned pictures. "If I were a betting person, I would think Meghan and Harry would stop for a photograph because by standing and giving the press what they need in that photograph and in that moment, it reduces the value of any kind of paparazzi pictures," she says. "That first photograph has the potential to be incredibly valuable. Which is when you see royals take control of the narrative. And they say, 'Well give you this picture but in exchange youve got to leave us alone and respect our privacy.'" But she says there's still a chance they might want to protect their newborn from scrutiny. Photo credit: Neil Mockford - Getty Images "Bless this babys little heart because its a huge historical burden to carry, but the child happens to be the first mixed race heritage baby in the royal family. That is very exciting, thats reflecting society as it is today. But as I say, that is also a tremendous historical burden for that little baby to have on his or her shoulders," she says. "Harry and Meghan are going to be keen to protect that baby." Edwards is hoping for a photograph as well, but Harry and Meghan are known to break tradition. "Ive asked the question and Ive got no answers, so I dont know," he says, when asked if he thinks Harry and Meghan will pose for a few snaps with their newborn outside the hospital. "I photographed Harry coming out of that hospital in his mothers arms, and I hope to photograph Harrys baby when coming out in Harrys arms," Edwards says. "But Harry might do it differently. He may have his own plans. Well know soon enough." Follow House Beautiful on Instagram. ('You Might Also Like',) Planning for a sustainable and smart urban environment cannot be done in isolation. It ought to complement the engineering of biophilic cities, believe experts. A biophilic city is one that integrates natural features into its designs. Its about treating nature as if it has a 'place' in your life. However, it is important to recognise that biophilic cities are not simply 'green cities'. They are sustainable and resilient cities that can help foster social and landscape resilience, in the face of climate change, natural disasters and economic uncertainty and various other shocks that cities will face in the future. Biophilic urbanism: According to Harvard University myrmecologist and conservationist EO Wilson, biophilia hypothesis tells us that the human species has thrived in part because of our innate affinity with and in connection to the living world. In short, it means 'love of life', referring to humans' instinctive fondness for our fellow earthlings, especially plants and animals. However, in our race to grow and urbanise, we have increasingly disconnected ourselves from nature. Therefore, 'biophilia' aims to bring back the human-nature connection, thus making the experience of the natural world an integral part of the ordinary city life. Studies have shown that biophilic urbanism has the following benefits: Environmental: A biophilic urban ecosystem improves air quality, reduces carbon emission, counters the heat island effect, etc. Social: It also leads to reduction of stress, depression and anxiety, enhanced productivity, quicker healing from illness, etc. Economic: Some other tangible benefits include enriches urban liveability, encourages community participation, reduces violence and crime rates," says Mili Majumdar, Managing Director, Green Business Certification Institute Pvt Ltd India & Senior Vice-President, USGBC. How do we create biophilic urban centres? The impact of both, climate change and population growth, can be significantly mitigated by embedding nature within urban areas. Impact of urbanisation: According to a un report, India currently has the second largest population in the world. And by 2050, it is projected that the country will have added 416 million urban dwellers. Presently, seven of the top ten most polluted cities in the world are in India, according to a study by Swiss-based IQAir AirVisual and nonprofit organisation Greenpeace; India is ranked at 140 on the United Nation's latest World Happiness report that gauged 156 countries, a decline of seven spots from the last edition of the survey; According to Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), India has fared poorly on the Global Liveability Index 2018, with Delhi ranking 112 and Mumbai five places behind at 117. Biophilic smart cities: A smart city integrates information and technology to optimise the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens. However, in our endeavour to engineer and implement smart solutions, we have shifted our focus away from our environment and the issues concerning it. Therefore, the need of the hour is to marry technology with nature, i.e. the concept of smart cities should be integrated with that of biophilic cities. "To create smart cities, we need to focus on five strategic areas water, energy, mobility, building and home, and waste. Here, we can integrate nature with the built environment. For instance, to facilitate easy mobility, we need to focus on building a strong mass rapid transportation system. This will discourage people from using their private vehicles, which will help us cut down on our carbon emission. Also, we should encourage the use of green fuels and build green corridors all this and more would not only improve connectivity, but also revitalise the urban environment," says Rumi Aijaz, Senior fellow, Observer Research Foundation (ORF). He further says, "In total, 6.6 percent of the Berlin area is water. The city protects these waterways for their aesthetic and environmental value, as well as for drinking water, by classifying 'water protection areas' throughout the city and giving them special protection. Such a step can help our cities too as it will not only enhance tourism, but improve water cycle management. Similarly, Singapore is a great model of a compact biophilic city, where the development of green areas and green buildings is regenerating the natural systems of the city and creating an urban ecosystem similar to its original structure." In conclusion: Biophilic urbanism is not only capable of enhancing urban liveability; but also beneficial to its residents by creating living conditions that are conducive to health and well-being, thus reducing stress, increasing cognitive abilities and attention. But it is the lack of investment and education at the policy level, which is proving to be a barrier in creating a smarter urban infrastructure and sustainable biophilic environment. Hence, lets start work at the micro-level, and then, the scale of operation can increase, advise our experts. After all change begins at home, isn't it? Taking cues from the other side of the world: In short, a biophilic approach that enhances green infrastructure can provide significant gains not only for the cities, but also improve the social and psychological condition of its residents. In Seattle, USA, 30 percent landscaped area is a requirement for commercial developments. In Cologne, Germany, a 50 percent storm water fee subsidy is offered for green-compliant roofs. In Faenza, Italy, subsidies are available to encourage developments to maximise ground permeability, save water and include green areas and appropriate landscaping. In Russia, a system is in place wherein motorists are given realtime information about traffic and congestion on the main streets. This has helped them reduce traffic, thereby improving quality of air. Singapore has issued a landscape replacement policy that ensures any greenery removed in the process of 'developing a lot' be replaced on the building coming up there. 'If urban development does not increase the presence of nature, our ecosystem will eventually collapse. For instance, a small gesture like keeping potted plants in your balcony or on your office desks can increase productivity and improve air quality. Also, keeping your windows open to allow natural light to stream it can improve the energy efficiency of your house. Similarly, using a green colour for your walls will create a positive and harmonious environment in your house, thereby reducing your stress levels. Cormac Lynch, Advisor and Interior Architect, Piramal Group The idea of development is to create sustainable solutions so that our human race can survive. Here, we can borrow an idea from Australia, where home-owners have installed power walls, which help them store energy and utilise it, particularly during load shedding or blackouts. Such an initiative has not only helped them harness the solar energy to the maximum, but also reduced their dependence on non-renewable resources. And India is in a great position to harness this renewable resource due to its tropical climate. Shraddha Dasgupta, GM Design, of a leading realty firm Shehzin Shaikh, Times Property, The Times of India, Bengaluru Thanks for visiting ! The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Thank you for your support! As I note today how the upcoming Uber IPO tells us that equity investors are still quite bullish, I also realize that this particular bull market is unique in its absence of volatility. There have been a few hiccups a long the way, including the Feb 5th, 2018 purge of XIV punters. But thats been the exception, not the rule. The question is why and what does this mean for the future. I have a few thoughts I want to share on that score below. Let me say first, though, that this is one of the occasional free Credit Writedowns posts I write. If you like what you read please consider subscribing to the newsletter at the link below. Subscribe now My own bullish views Let me start with my own bias here. In the wake of the financial crisis, I called the market bottom fairly early to general disbelief, so much so that I wrote a whole post on confirmation bias causing people to miss the rebound. Even so, I was sceptical of the recovery. I called it the fake recovery. And for a long time, I expected it to peter out by 2013 at the latest. Somewhere along the way, I changed tack. In retrospect, I would put it about 2011, when I was writing about municipal bonds defending them as not likely to melt down because of the resilience of the economic expansion. And even though I have warned of downshifts since that time with good reason in hindsight it has always been predicated on my sense that the Fed was getting ahead of itself and overtightening as it did in 2018. The Fed has finally realized it overtightened though. And I think there are good odds this recovery continues through 2019 and beyond as a result. So, my bias is bullish, as it has been for most of the last decade. Low Volatility But this low volatility regime leaves me with a sense of foreboding. EVERYTHING is showing low volatility as all risk assets are being bid. It doesnt matter if you are talking about equities, high yield, or leveraged loans; volatility has been absent. Take emerging markets , for instance. I remember sitting on an EM trading desk during the Thai Baht meltdown in 1997 and a high yield desk in 1998 during the Russian default. And these events seemingly came out of nowhere. And this was after the so-called Tequila Crisis in 1995 and the Treasury meltdown in 1994 on the heels of the jobless recovery of 1991-1993. Volatility was always around the corner. But the CBOE Emerging Markets Volatility Index shows you volatility today is short-lived. Compared to past business cycles, this cycle is remarkable in the ability of central banks to tamp down on negative sentiment and keep all markets moving up and to the right. Thats great for the likes of Uber, which lost $4 billion on $7.9 billion of revenue in 2017. But for how long? Fake liquidity One thing that concerns me greatly is what I would call fake liquidity. And a lot of it is driven by the passive investing, exchange-traded product craze. You have markets like the high yield market, which are inherently illiquid. And at last count, there were 58 ETFs based on that market. And these ETFs are absolutely ripping. So lets tease out how this works in a down market not a blip correction like December, but a genuine bear market. Imagine, for instance, that defaults begin to rise, signalling a potential end of the credit cycle. High yield would get hit hardest there because it represents the riskiest companies. In that case, credit spreads would begin to rise and the market would begin to sell off. People would begin pulling money out of high yield ETFs. But eventually, you would run into a liquidity problem meaning while the ETFs themselves are liquid, the underlying market is not. When LTCM happened, for example, even though bid-ask spreads widened tremendously in European high yield, the bids were just indicative levels. No one was willing to buy at that level. And liquidity seized up even though this market had zero to do with Russia. What happens to the high yield ETFs in that event, when people are redeeming shares and ETF managers are forced to sell? I would suspect they sell what they can, not what they want. And so the good will go down with the bad. Moreover, market structure now is such that broker dealer inventory has dwindled significantly, while high frequency trading has increased demand exponentially. In a down market, that lack of market-making liquidity will be severely tested. And again, the risk is that it contributes to a gapping down of prices, purely because investors become panicked when they realize they have been accustomed to fake liquidity. The Feds about face I think the Fed realized this in December. A lot of people are asking why the Fed turned from hawkish to dovish so aggressively. And the undertone to the questioning is the concept that the Fed knew something we didnt. The result was a deep inversion in the middle of the Treasury yield curve that was practically pricing in a recession. So what did the Fed know that we didnt? Perhaps the Fed understood that the biggest risk to the economy is not an interconnected banking system as it was during the mortgage meltdown last decade. Maybe the Feds worry in December and January was the now-$52 trillion shadow banking world, which poses the greatest risk to the economic expansion. Bond ratings agency DBRS says, A sharp rise in rates would impose sizable mark-to-market losses and diminish fund returns. I would make a different point that a sharp and durable drop in the value of markets tied to ETFs would impose sizable mark-to-market losses on the shadow banking industry. And that is the Achilles heel this go round. For me, a strong dollar is the key stressor in this. Even though the Fed has turned dovish, it has done little to diminish the attractiveness of the US dollar. Other central banks are equally dovish more so even, because the US economy remains relatively strong on a global basis. Japan and Europe, for example, are much weaker. And Europe is where I see trouble brewing in the developed economy world. That dollar strength puts a lot of stress on dollar debtors which do not have enough dollar revenues to cover their dollar repayments. And in a world of uneven or slowing growth, this spells volatility. The Fed, perhaps, senses that. And so, it has turned dovish. I dont see recession around the corner for the US. The US slump in the winter could have just been residual seasonality and the impact of the shutdown. So, we might even be in a re-acceleration. Meanwhile, US equity investors are ready for Uber and Pinterest and a whole gamut of loss-making unicorn IPOs. So, for now, the mood is bullish. Lets see how this pans out. Caveat Emptor Nepal is sending a four-man expedition team to the peak of Mount Everest to clear up the questions surrounding the world's tallest and most famous mountain.Back in 2015, Nepal was hit with a strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake. One of the long-lasting effects of the quake was on the country's prized mountain.After the natural disaster, researchers found satellite evidence that Mount Everest is now about 1 inch shorterthan it used to be.Officially, Mount Everest stands at 29,029 feet or about 8,848 meters, a number recorded by an Indian survey in 1954. While various teams have gone on to measure the mountain, it remains the widely accepted height.Nepal's four-man team is setting out to discover whether it's time to change the records or not.Team Prepares To Measure Everest's HeightAccordingto Agence France-Presse, the country's Survey Department appointed four climbers to trek the treacherous mountain."We are sending a team because there were questions regarding the height of Everest after the earthquake," Susheel Dangol, expedition coordinator from the Survey Department, explained to AFP.Commissioned in 2017, the four surveyors spent the last two years preparing their methodology, collecting ground readings, and training for the extreme conditions they're going to encounter on their expedition.Researchers Argue Over True Height of Mount EverestIt marks the first time Nepalwill conduct its own survey on their legendary mountain. The country's Survey Department hopes that the expedition will squash the speculation about the mountains shrinkage with the findings.It's not just the claims of Mount Everest shrinking after the 2015 earthquake that the Nepalese are trying to settle. Nepal and China have long argued over the mountains true height with the latter saying it's actually 13 feet shorter than the 1954 measurement indicated.An American team also surveyed Mount Everest in 1999 using GPS technology. Their findings show that the mountain is taller than previous records, giving the peak another 6.6 feet (2 meters) of height.The Dangers Of Mount EverestThe four surveyors taking the journey to the top of the mountainwill face plenty of extreme challenges on their way to the summit.According to the Himalayan Database, there have been more than 280 deaths on Mount Everest. BBC reportsthat the most common cause of death from 2010 to 2018 is avalanche accidents (41.6 percent), followed by acute mountain sickness (16.6 percent), exhaustion (12.5 percent), and falling (6.9 percent).However, the team is confident they can work through the challenges."It will not be easy to work in that terrain, but we are confident our mission will be successful," said Khim Lal Gautam, the expedition leader and chief surveyor.Gautam summited Everest in 2011. A bitterly divided Supreme Court ruled early Friday morning that the execution of an Alabama death row inmate could proceed. The vote was 5 to 4. Justice Stephen G. Breyers anguished dissent, issued around 3 a.m., said the majority had denied his request that the execution be delayed so that the justices could discuss the matter at their scheduled private conference on Friday morning. That was a rare glimpse into deliberations that are ordinarily secret. The dispute among the justices lasted long enough that Alabama officials called off the execution of the inmate, Christopher L. Price, which had been scheduled for Thursday night. They said a new execution date will be set. To proceed in this way calls into question the basic principles of fairness that should underlie our criminal justice system, Justice Breyer wrote. To proceed in this matter in the middle of the night without giving all members of the court the opportunity for discussion tomorrow morning is, I believe, unfortunate. RELATED | Alabama: Christopher Lee Price granted 60-day stay over nitrogen execution request The majority, in a brief unsigned opinion, said Mr. Price had waited too long to raise his claim that Alabamas method of execution, a lethal injection of three chemicals, could subject him to excruciating pain. Mr. Price asked to be executed using nitrogen gas, a method allowed by Alabama law. The case is the latest example of an increasingly rancorous divide on the Supreme Court over the death penalty, with conservative justices frustrated over what they considered excessive delays in carrying out executions. The liberal justices, on the other hand, have accused the majority of reckless haste that could give rise to pain amounting to torture. The replacement of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who was a moderating force in capital cases, with the more conservative Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh has hardened the divide between the two sides. This terms major cases will be decided in the coming months and similar angry splits are likely. Mr. Price and an accomplice were convicted of using a sword and dagger to kill William Lynn, a minister, in his home in Bazemore, Ala., in 1991 while he was preparing Christmas presents for his grandchildren. The pastors wife, Bessie Lynn, was badly wounded in the attack but survived. Mr. Price admitted to participating in robbing the couple but claimed that only his accomplice had harmed them. In June, Alabama gave death row inmates 30 days to choose nitrogen hypoxia, which deprives the body of oxygen, as the way they would be executed, and Mr. Price had failed to do so. The majority said that was the end of the matter. Lower courts entered stays of execution on Thursday, citing new evidence and questions about jurisdiction. Around 9 p.m. on Thursday, Alabama officials asked the Supreme Court to lift the stays. It agreed about six hours later. Earlier this month, in rejecting a challenge from a Missouri inmate about how he was to be put to death, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, writing for a five-justice majority, said courts should police carefully against attempts to use such challenges as tools to interpose unjustified delay. That decision followed a 5-to-4 ruling in February to allow the execution of a Muslim inmate in Alabama after his request to have his imam be present was denied, with the majority saying he should have asked sooner. In dissent, Justice Elena Kagan wrote that the majority was profoundly wrong. In March, the court stayed the execution of a Buddhist inmate in Texas in similar circumstances, over two noted dissents, with the majority apparently satisfied that the request had been timely. In his seven-page dissent on Friday, Justice Breyer reviewed the proceedings in Mr. Prices case and said undue haste had undermined justice. Justices Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor joined his dissent in the case, Dunn v. Price, No. 18A1053. Should anyone doubt that death sentences in the United States can be carried out in an arbitrary way, Justice Breyer wrote, let that person review the following circumstances as they have been presented to our court this evening. He said his colleagues had turned away his request to discuss the matter in person. Late-night rulings on death penalty stay applications are not unheard-of, but they are seldom issued in the predawn hours. A spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news cycle, telling you what you really need to know. I requested that the court take no action until tomorrow, when the matter could be discussed at conference, he wrote, referring to a private meeting that is regularly scheduled for most Friday mornings during the courts term. I recognized that my request would delay resolution of the application and that the state would have to obtain a new execution warrant, thus delaying the execution by 30 days. But in my judgment, that delay was warranted, at least on the facts as we have them now, Justice Breyer wrote. Alabama officials expressed outrage over the delay after the death warrant expired. Tonight, in the middle of National Crime Victims Rights Week, the family of Pastor Bill Lynn was deprived of justice, said Attorney General Steven T. Marshall. They were, in effect, re-victimized by a killer trying to evade his just punishment. Mr. Marshall complained that Mr. Price had long dodged his death sentence for the better part of three decades by employing much the same strategy he has pursued tonight desperately clinging to legal maneuverings to avoid facing the consequences of his heinous crime. He vowed that Mr. Lynns day of justice will come. In his dissent, Justice Breyer wrote that a brief delay to allow the Supreme Court to discuss the matter was warranted. There were substantial questions, he wrote, about whether Mr. Price had acted too slowly in choosing nitrogen gas. What is at stake in this case, Justice Breyer wrote, is the right of a condemned inmate not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. | Report an error, an omission, a typo; suggest a story or a new angle to an existing story; submit a piece, a comment; recommend a resource; contact the webmaster, contact us: Opposed to Capital Punishment? Help us keep this blog up and running! DONATE! "One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed, but by the punishments that the good have inflicted." -- Oscar Wilde The campaign for Ann Roe, who is running for Congress against Lyin' Bryan Steil has come out with the best one-liner of this cycle so far: I can't argue... 1 month ago All the headlines about Greg Craig's indictment include a reference to him having been a former Obama White House staffer-- like this one from the Former Obama White House Counsel Expects to Be Indicted It could have easily read "Former Phillips Exeter Academy student expects to be indicted," "Former member of Harvard's Krokodiloes expects to be indicted," "Former Hillary Clinton landlord expects to be indicted," "Former John Hinckley defense attorney expects to be indicted" or "Former Goldman Sachs lobbyist expects to be indicted." Except, perhaps, for the last one, none them have anything to do with the indictment-- the same way his past role with the Obama administration, over a decade ago, doesn't. Almost exactly one year ago he resigned from shady mega-law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, following the indictment of Alex van der Zwaan, one of their lawyers, who it so happens, Greg Craig was supervising as he did everything involved with Skadden's work for former Ukrainian president Yanukovich. Yesterday Craig was charged with making false statements to the FBI in their investigation into Manafort's work for the Ukrainian autocrat. A day earlier, Byron Tau and Aruna Viswanatha reported forthat "Craig has refused to accept a plea deal" and that an indictment would "send shock waves through the U.S. legal community... The 74-year-old Mr. Craig is a legal heavyweight who served in senior legal roles for two Democratic presidents. He has also been a top State Department adviser and Capitol Hill aide. This tweet was inevitable; I wonder why it took so long though The matters surrounding Mr. Craig have taken a winding path. It was first developed by special counsel Robert Mueller before being transferred to federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, known as SDNY, and then was transferred again to Washington. The national security division of the Justice Department-- which has ramped up its enforcement of foreign lobbying laws-- is heavily involved, the people say. The possible charges stem from the Ukrainian governments hiring of Mr. Craig and his then-law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP in 2012 to evaluate the corruption trial of the former Ukrainian prime minister. Mr. Craig spoke to several reporters about the findings of the firms report, touching off a dispute with the Justice Department about whether that qualified as lobbying for a foreign government in the U.S. Skadden Arps entered into a $4.6 million civil settlement with the Justice Department in January, acknowledging it misled the Justice Department about its Ukraine work. In the settlement, the firm blamed Mr. Craig for providing the government with the misleading information. Skadden Arps also belatedly registered as a foreign agent as part of the settlement. Mr. Craig was interviewed twice by Mr. Muellers office. He left Skadden Arps firm in April 2018. ...The people familiar with the matter say Mr. Craigs legal defense will be that he talked with reporters to correct mischaracterizations of the report and protect the reputation of his law firm-- rather than to advance the interests of his foreign client. Ukraine used the report to bolster the pro-Russia governments contention that the prosecution of a rival to then President Viktor Yanukovych was appropriate and proper, while the report itself made more narrow findings. Prosecutors have also suggested to the people familiar with the matter that they believe Mr. Craig concealed the involvement of a public relations firm from Justice Department officials. To prove a false-statements charge, prosecutors must show that the statements were material to an investigation and were knowingly false. The Justice Department in recent months has stepped up its enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, extracting convictions of senior Republican officials. Mr. Manafort and his associate Richard Gates pleaded guilty to crimes related to their Ukraine work; former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn also admitted as part of a separate guilty plea that he misled the Justice Department about his work for the Turkish government; and another associate who worked with Mr. Craig also pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about the Ukraine work. The last time I was in a synagogue was in 2016 in St Petersburg when I went to see if I could reconnect with my grandfather's spirit, who had spent his last night in his native Russia there before fleeing to America as a young boy in 1905. Nice building but my grandfather's spirit wasn't there. He wasn't very religious and his spirit would be more likely to be hanging out in a socialist workers club. He identified as a Jew, as do I, proudly so, if not religiously. I have to admit that a week ago, I was incensed with Adelson's Kapo Klub Konclave in Las Vegas, incensed enough to write about it: A Very Large Percentage Of American Jews Are Smart And Humane-- And Don't Vote For Republicans . Take that, Kapo-scum! I wasn't the only one offended. Yesterday I got my first-ever e-mail from the Jewish Democratic Council of America. They acknowledged the "wild applause" Trump got, the red MAGA yarmulkes the Kapos were wearing and that the coverage of the event could "leave some with the impression that Republicans are making inroads with Jewish voters." As I mentioned in my own post, that's not the reality Jewish voters are telling. My piece was mostly historical. There's is more up-to-the-moment. Trumps presidency has contributed to a stunning loss of Jewish support for Republicans, which plummeted from 33 percent in the 2014 midterms to 17 percent in the 2018 elections. Between 2016 and 2018, the numbers dropped by seven points, demonstrating that Jews are leaving the GOP because of Trump. Trumps presidency has caused Jews to abandon the Republican Party because his rhetoric and policies are contrary to our Jewish values. The Democratic Party has been-- and will remain-- the political home of the Jewish community because Democrats share our commitment to Israel and other domestic policy priorities stemming from our Jewish values. Jews also reject Trumps attempt to turn Israel and anti-Semitism into political wedge issues, which has been dangerous for Israel and Jews. But dont take our word for it-- the polling numbers speak for themselves. At the RJC Shabbat political rally, Trump referred to Benjamin Netanyahu as "our" prime minister. This was the second time in just a few months he had made a dual loyalty accusation about American Jews and Israel. And as usual, Republicans who are so quick to condemn anti-Semitism from the opposite side of the aisle remained silent when Trump engages in the same bigoted ignorance. Its unacceptable that Trump and other Republicans have engaged in anti-Semitism, but it is also unacceptable that they only seem to care about anti-Semitism when it suits their partisan purposes. This opportunistic Republican tactic is not just hypocritical, its dangerous and makes the following clear-- Trump and the GOP are using Israel and anti-Semitism as political wedge issues in order to score political points, and we wont let them get away with it. Halie Soifer, a former senior national security advisor in the Obama administration, is the executive director of Jewish Democratic Council and yesterday she wrote a post for Medium, The Danger of Politicizing and Personalizing the U.S.-Israel Relationship , to deal with Trump's troubling role in the Israeli election which, she warns, "is endangering the future of U.S.-Israel ties." Netanyahu, alas was the choice of what a friend of mine there called a "more apathetic electorate than our own." Despite Trumps "astonishing recent reference to Netanyahu as the prime minister of all Jews," wrote Soifer, "he is not, and we Jews are not a universal political monolith. Polling demonstrates that while 92 percent of American Jewish voters identify as 'pro-Israel,' 59 percent are critical of policies of the current Israeli government. Just as one can be both an American patriot and detractor of Trump, there is no inherent contradiction between support for Israel and disagreement with Netanyahus politics. Trump has attempted to reframe this dynamic by politicizing and personalizing the U.S.-Israel relationship, and those who care about Israel on both sides of the aisle should reject it." Citing illegalities, the HCMC Peoples Procuracy says the recent verdict in Vietnams coffee royalty divorce case should be quashed. The agency said the Ho Chi Minh City Peoples Court has made several errors in deciding the lawsuit between Dang Le Nguyen Vu, chairman and CEO of coffee giant Trung Nguyen Group, and his ex-wife Le Hoang Diep Thao. It urged the appeals court to reject the verdict issued at the trial of first instance last month. The original value of the shared cash between Vu and Thao kept in three banks under Thaos name was mentioned at VND1.76 trillion ($75.9 million). However, at the time the court issued its verdict, the sum was only VND1.3 billion ($56,080), or 0.07 percent of the original value. The court did not verify where most of the money went and used for what purpose, prosecutors said, adding that the lack of information on the cash makes the enforcement of the verdict challenging. They also noted that the court has given an "unfair" verdict by dividing the ownership of Vu and Thao in Trung Nguyen 60:40 ratio in Vus favor and ordering that Vu buys out Thaos shares with cash so as the latter will no longer be a Trung Nguyen shareholder. Allowing Vu to own Thaos shares is a violation of Vietnams Law on Enterprises as Thao is a shareholder and has rights over her shares, prosecutors said, adding that value of the shares which includes brand value is yet to be defined. Prosecutors also claimed that the courts verdict on the provision for four children, ordering Vu to provide them with VND10 billion ($431,140) a year starting from 2013 until they graduate from college, did not meet the two sides agreement, making the enforcement of the verdict difficult. Following the courts verdict last month, deemed "not in line with the law" by lawyers, both Thao and Vu have appealed. Thao has appealed against the entire verdict, asking to be reunited with Vu. She has also disagreed with the court's decision to split the couple's shared assets in Trung Nguyen 60:40 in Vu's favor and to give him the rights to manage the Trung Nguyen empire. Vu, meanwhile, has appealed against the court's ruling on the settlement of the couple's shared assets and repeated his demand for the split to be 70:30 in his favor. Vu and Thao married in 1998. The marriage ran into trouble in 2013 and Thao filed for divorce in 2015. Thao had previously proposed that she gets 51 percent (VND2.11 trillion or $90.7 million) of Trung Nguyen Investment, a company which owns the majority of shares of Trung Nguyen Group. She had also proposed that Vu and her each own 15 percent (VND814 billion, $35 million) of Trung Nguyen Group and 7.5 percent (VND43 billion, $1.85 million) of Trung Nguyen Instant Coffee. Thao agreed to give Vu her shares in four other companies under the Trung Nguyen brand. But Vu wanted to have 70 percent of all of companies under the Trung Nguyen brand and to buy the remaining shares from Thao with cash. Trung Nguyen Group is a leading coffee company in Vietnam. It earned revenues of VND3.95 trillion ($170.5 million) and pretax profits of VND681 billion ($29.4 million) in 2017. It runs 200,000 coffee stores across the country. Bus stations are overcrowded and roads congested as residents leave Hanoi for their hometowns to enjoy a long weekend. With the Hung King Commemoration falling on Monday, people rushed to leave Hanoi for their hometowns Friday afternoon. This year, April 14 is the national holiday to commemorate the founding fathers of the nation. At 3 p.m Friday, all the waiting seats at the My Dinh bus terminal were full. It is expected that during the holiday, the My Dinh bus station will accommodate more than 1,200 vehicles a day, a 30 percent increase over normal days. The station will have 110 extra trips on for all major routes. The entrance to the bus stations waiting room was also crowded with people as of Friday night. Most people crowded agencies that administer bus routes to northern provinces like Phu Tho, Quang Ninh, Lao Cai, Son La and Dien Bien. A similar situation prevailed at the Giap Bat Bus Station in the southeast of Hanoi, as many students waited to get back home. Buses to Hung Yen, Hai Phong, Hai Duong and Thanh Hoa provinces were running full. A mother with a child queues up to wait to get on a bus. Despite an increase in the number of trips to a district in northern Hung Yen Province, many people had to wait to get a chance to return home. Many bus companies operating long-distance routes sold tickets at announced prices to passengers in the bus terminal. "I am taking the night bus with berths to Dien Bien Province at 8 p.m, but I have to get here at 4 p.m. to buy a ticket before it gets sold out," said Huong, a resident of Tuan Giao District in northern Dien Bien town. Many families chose to leave Hanoi on motorbikes, but it was not easy to exit the capital city. Thousands were stuck in long traffic jams. The road leading to Beltway 3. On Nguyen Trai Street near Beltway 3, many cars and motorbikes were stuck in one place for a long time. The Ministry of Public Security has decided to detain Pham Nhat Vu, chairman of private pay TV firm Audio Visual Global JSC (AVG), for giving bribes. The decision to detain Vu, announced Friday, is part of an ongoing investigation into violations in managing and using state investment capital involving Vietnams third largest telecom firm MobiFone and certain divisions of the Ministry of Public Security, which has made headlines since 2016. The nexus came to light after the state-run MobiFone broke into the pay TV market with the acquisition of a 95 percent stake in AVG in January 2016. But government inspectors concluded that the deal had violated public investment laws and caused an estimated loss of about VND7 trillion ($307 million) to the state budget. Pham Nhat Vu, chairman of private pay TV firm Audio Visual Global JSC (AVG), at a police station. Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Public Security Vu used to live and work in Eastern Europe before coming back to Vietnam in the 2000s. He started with real estate investment, and then switched to building a pay TV business in 2004. The VND1.8 trillion ($77-million) AVG was established in 2008 and officially broadcasted in 2011. Also on Friday, police opened investigation against Nguyen Bac Son and Truong Minh Tuan, former ministers of Information and Communications, for signs of receiving bribes in the AVG acquisition. In February, Son and Tuan were arrested for violations related to management and use of public capital in the same case. Son, then serving as information minister, directly approved the acquisition of AVG by MobiFone against regulations and asked subordinates to sign documents in contravention of regulations, investigation found. Tuan, as a deputy information minister, had signed a decision to approve the illegal acquisition without the Prime Ministers approval. He became information minister in 2016 but was dismissed from his position in a secret ballot by the legislative National Assembly last October. Several other people involved in the AVG case were also arrested and are facing criminal charges, including Cao Duy Hai, former general director of MobiFone; Pham Thi Phuong Anh, the firm's former deputy general director; Le Nam Tra, 57, its former chairman and general director; and Pham Dinh Trong, 48, former head of the Department of Enterprise Management under the Ministry of Information and Communications. An ongoing corruption crackdown spearheaded by Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong has seen scores of officials and top businesspeople arrested and sent to jail in recent years. Trong has said that there will be no let up in the anti-corruption drive. Nguyen Bac Son (L) and Truong Minh Tuan, former ministers of Information and Communications at a police station in February. Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Public Security Investigations began Friday against Nguyen Bac Son and Truong Minh Tuan, former ministers of Information and Communications, for receiving bribes. The two former ministers were arrested in February for violations relating to management and use of public capital. Cao Duy Hai and Le Nam Tra, former directors of Vietnams third largest telecom firm MobiFone, will also be investigated for receiving bribes. Both are already in police custody. Hai was arrested last November and Tra in July for "violating regulations on the management and use of public capital, causing serious consequences." Also on Friday, police issued an arrest warrant for Pham Nhat Vu, chairman of private pay TV firm Audio Visual Global JSC (AVG), for giving bribes. The decisions are part of an ongoing investigation into violations in managing and using state investment capital involving MobiFone and certain divisions of the Ministry of Public Security, which has made headlines since 2016. The nexus came to light after the state-run MobiFone broke into the pay TV market with the acquisition of a 95 percent stake in AVG in 2016. But government inspectors concluded that the deal had violated public investment laws and caused an estimated loss of about VND7 trillion ($307 million) to the state budget. Son, then serving as the information minister, directly approved MobiFone's acquisition of AVG against regulations and asked subordinates to sign documents in contravention of regulations, investigation found. As a deputy information minister from 2011 to 2016, Tuan had signed a decision to approve the acquisition without the Prime Ministers approval. Several other officials involved in the MobiFone case were also arrested and are facing criminal charges, including Cao Duy Hai, former general director of MobiFone; Pham Thi Phuong Anh, the firm's former deputy general director; Le Nam Tra, 57, its former chairman and general director; and Pham Dinh Trong, 48, former head of the Department of Enterprise Management under the Ministry of Information and Communications. An ongoing corruption crackdown spearheaded by Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong has seen scores of officials and top businesspeople arrested and sent to jail in recent years. Trong has said that there will be no let up in the anti-corruption drive. The Shinkansen high-speed train in Japan. Vietnam expects to learn from Japan to build its trans-nation high-speed rail. Photo by Pixabay/tikisada The much vaunted $58.71 billion trans-Vietnam high speed rail needs a fresh cost-benefit analysis, government leaders say. Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung said Thursday the State Appraisal Council should "carefully consider the necessity of the project, its benefit to the country in terms of economy, politics, culture, society, environment, security, and defense." The high-speed rail, which would run 1,559 kilometers (970 miles) between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, "is of large scale and would cost a lot and so should be carefully studied to make sure it will achieve general consensus," he was quoted as saying in a statement released by the Government Office. The council should also assess the affordability of the project considering Vietnam also needs to invest in other major traffic projects from now until 2030. The Ministry of Transport has been tasked with collecting opinions from experts, scientists, organizations and the public, and study the experience of other countries that have built or plans for high-speed rail. Dung said the project involves sophisticated technologies, runs through as many as 20 cities and provinces and has large land requirements and thus involves large sums for compensation. The ministry has worked with consultants, experts and scientists for the pre-feasibility study, but there are still disagreements on investment plan. According to the latest draft of the project plan, construction on the high-speed rail route will start in 2024, a training academy will be established in 2026, test runs will start in 2028, and the official launch will be in 2030. The construction might be in two phases, with two of the three sections of the route, from Hanoi to Vinh on the north-central coast and from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang on the south-central coast being completed in the first phase in 2020-30. Sixty percent of the tracks will be on viaducts, 10 percent underground and 30 percent on the surface, completely protected by fencing and without a single crossing. The report is scheduled to be presented for approval to the National Assembly next October. Experts said at a forum last November that they fear Vietnam cant cope with the financial burden of the project. High project costs and slow returns on investment make it difficult to attract investment, and since public debt is already very high, using state funds could break the proverbial bank, they said. The consortium of consultants tasked with carrying out the pre-feasibility study, comprising three Vietnamese construction firms TEDI, TRICC and TEDISOUTH, said the project would cost $58.71 billion. This figure is equivalent to 25 percent of the country's GDP in 2018 which was estimated at VND5,535 trillion ($239 billion). Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Ngoc Dong said on top of that the railroad would need funds to operate for the first 10 years. No local investor is capable of covering the cost while foreign investors are reluctant as it would take a long time to make a return on their investment, he told the forum. China and other European countries already have the technology to build high-speed railways as well as professional construction companies with well-trained workers while Vietnam has just started the process of researching and training people, he said. The nation's existing 3,000-kilometer railroad network has not received any major investment since it was built 140 years ago, and does not have the capacity for high speeds. Investment in railways currently accounts for just 1 percent of the transport sectors total budget. Kim Jong-un (R) said he would wait until the end of the year North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is willing meet with U.S. President Donald Trump a third time if Washington comes to the table with the "right attitude," state media reported Saturday. Kim also said he would wait until the end of the year "for the U.S. to make a courageous decision" on another meeting, after his most recent summit with Trump in Vietnam broke down and both sides left without agreement. Washington has blamed the February deadlock on the North's demands for sanctions relief in return for limited nuclear disarmament, but Pyongyang said it had wanted only some of the measures eased. In a speech to Pyongyang's parliament Friday, Kim said the Hanoi meeting had made him question whether Washington is "genuinely interested" in improving its relations with Pyongyang. "We are willing to give another try if the U.S. offers to have a third summit with the right attitude and mutually acceptable terms," he said, according to a report by North Korean state media outlet KCNA. Kim added that his personal relationship with Trump remained strong, adding they could "write letters to each other" whenever they wanted. "We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the U.S. to make a courageous decision," Kim said. Trump and Kim held their first landmark summit in Singapore last June, where the pair signed a vaguely-worded agreement on the "denuclearization of the Korean peninsula." But the failure to reach agreement at their second summit in Hanoi has raised questions over the future of the accord. Trump said Thursday he was mulling a third summit with Kim ahead of a meeting with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in at the Oval Office -- a move supported by Seoul. "Our government will do what we can in order to maintain the current momentum for dialogue," Moon's office said in a Saturday statement. On Friday, the KCNA reported Kim was re-elected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission, the North's most important decision-making body. Regional Asian exporters could be 'crowded out' in US-China trade pact The APL Vanda, bursting with shipping containers filled with US exports, sails into the port of Qingdao in China's eastern Shandong province. Photo by AFP A coming trade pact between Washington and Beijing could mean U.S. goods will out-muscle regional Asian exporters reliant on sales to China, the International Monetary Fund warned Friday. "In the case of an agreement involving managed trade, with China committed to import more from the U.S., reducing imports from elsewhere can be an issue," Changyong Rhee, head of the IMF Asia Department, told reporters during the fund's spring meetings with the World Bank. "There could be negative impacts on other countries whose exports to China would be crowded out by U.S. exports." Washington and Beijing have been in talks since the start of the year to resolve their nine-month trade war. Beijing has floated offers to make eye-popping purchases of U.S. agricultural and energy exports as a means of cutting its soaring trade surplus with the United States. President Donald Trump has been outraged by the U.S. trade deficit with China, which has increased despite the punishing tariffs he imposed last year on Chinese imports. Countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Mongolia are crude exporters to China, suggesting they could lose market share should US exports to China increase. Rhee also said Friday that formal bilateral purchase agreement would be a departure from the prevailing rules governing international trade. "Likewise if the deal involves preferential access for the U.S. to the Chinese markets, this could lead to broader worries about the future of the multilateral trade system," he said. A man walks through a dried-up Sarkhej lake on a hot summer day in Ahmedabad, India. Photo by Reuters/Amit Dave Countries vulnerable to climate change - from Bangladesh to Kenya and Guatemala - have proposed new ways to access cheaper financing to tackle the risks. A group of 48 developing economies, known as the V20, together with development banks this week announced plans for new financial instruments aimed at lowering the cost of capital and unlocking large capital flows for green development. The effort could help safeguard the prosperity gains of at least 1 billion people as the planet warms, V20 finance ministers said in a statement. "The moment calls for a robust response to protect economic growth from the risks of climate change and secure continued progress," said V20 chair Benson Wase, finance minister of the Marshall Islands, in a statement issued during the spring meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The V20 economies include Barbados, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Honduras, Lebanon, Morocco, Nepal, the Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Tuvalu and Vietnam. A 2018 report commissioned by U.N. Environment calculated that the V20 countries had coughed up an additional $62 billion in interest payments alone over the past 10 years because of their climate vulnerability. The V20's planned new instruments, aimed at fostering climate resilience and helping countries transition to 100 percent renewable energy, include, among other things, investment guarantees and efforts to better combine public and private money. The countries also proposed a "Sustainable Insurance Facility" to promote insurance among smaller business as a way to help them address climate risks. The new instruments would tap funds from a range of investors, including development banks and the private sector. In a statement, the V20 said they faced barriers such as higher costs of capital, which limit the scope of projects, as well as "huge inefficiencies" in accessing international climate finance. The financing difficulties listed by the V20 chimed with the conclusions of a separate report issued this week by the London-based Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on blended finance, which involves using funds provided by governments and development banks to encourage private investment in poorer nations. The report found policy makers have overblown expectations about how much private money can be mobilised, especially for low-income countries which are receiving very little. The ODI researchers calculated that every $1 of public money invested mobilised just $0.37 of private cash in low-income countries, and only $0.75 in all developing states - ratios much lower than those often cited by development banks. Reality check Lead author Samantha Attridge, a senior research fellow at ODI, said the figures showed "an urgent reality check on blended finance is needed." The report said international expectations that blended finance could bridge the financing gap for reaching 17 global goals - which include ending poverty and hunger by 2030, and adapting to climate change - were unrealistic. For example, only 1 percent of all private finance mobilised by the British government from 2012 to 2015 was in the poorest countries. In addition, flows of blended finance go predominantly to "hard" economic sectors, such as infrastructure and banking, with very little for social programmes, including health and education, the report said. Attridge told the Thomson Reuters Foundation too much emphasis on blended finance could suck aid money from efforts to tackle poverty in the most needy places. "There is a risk that all this money is going to be invested in this way, but we don't actually know what the impact of that is in terms of poverty reduction," she added. Luigi Carafa, executive director of the Barcelona-based Climate Infrastructure Partnership (CLIP), said the report's findings were not surprising given the constraints on private-sector investment in the poorest countries. In many places, financial markets are still not sturdy or stable enough, the risks too high, and the size of projects seeking funding too small, he noted. For those reasons, blended finance was unlikely to be the "holy grail" for those economies, as touted in the past few years, he said. "This is a huge problem, and we have to find alternative ways to solve it," he said. The ODI report said there was a need for grant financing to strengthen local investment climates, to make them more attractive to the private sector. In addition, donor governments should require lower rates of return on the money they provide to development banks, enabling them to take on more risk. CLIP's Carafa said much could be achieved by following the models used by countries such as Morocco and Argentina, which have successfully leveraged blended finance to build clean power plants. The Ukrainian presidential administration is accrediting the press to cover presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko's attendance of the debate at the Olympiysky Stadium in Kyiv on April 14. According to the statement posted on the presidential administration's website, Poroshenko will arrive at the stadium at 14:00. The admission of accredited journalists will begin at 13:00 by passports and journalist ids. Earlier, the Poroshenko campaign announced the election debate to be held between Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky at the Olympiysky Stadium at 14:00 on Sunday. Meanwhile, Zelensky insists that the debate be held on April 19. Zelensky and Poroshenko will be competing in the runoff presidential election on April 21. Zelensky won 30% of the vote in the first round of the election on March 31, and Poroshenko gained around 16%. Judging by the information presented at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on April 11, some 61% of Ukrainians who are planning to cast their ballots will vote for Zelensky, and 24% will choose Poroshenko. The leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine have agreed to provide security conditions for launching the political process and holding local elections in the territories not controlled by the government in Donbas by the spring of next year, Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko has said. "For a certain period of time, we've agreed that this should be no later than March 2020, by the time the local elections are held all necessary security conditions will be created," Poroshenko said on the air of Inter TV Channel in a video call from Paris after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. "As soon as the security component of the Minsk Agreements is established, [it is necessary] to immediately proceed to negotiations on a political settlement and try to hold local elections no later than March 2020 and thus complete the political process," the head of state said. He noted that the peace process provides, above all, a security component: the withdrawal of foreign troops, heavy weapons and artillery. "The security component is the desire of Ukraine, which, I firmly believe, our partners will take notice of - this is control, in particular, through peacekeeping operations in the uncontrolled segment of the Ukrainian-Russian border," Poroshenko said. Tymoshenko calls on Poroshenko and Zelensky not to discredit status of president in political struggle Leader of the Batkivschyna party Yulia Tymoshenko has called on candidates for the presidency of Ukraine, incumbent head of state Petro Poroshenko and showman Volodymyr Zelensky, not to demean the status of presidency. "I saw the destruction of the status of presidency, I saw the humiliation of the Ukrainian state. I think, just like me, millions of Ukrainians, did not want to see this," she said in a video posted on her Facebook page. Turning to Poroshenko, the politician advised the current head of state to keep the presidential bar and not to become part of someone else's show. "No matter how difficult it is, to protect the status of presidency and the status of state," she said. "I want to appeal to Volodymyr Zelensky. If you want to hold this post, take care of the dignity and honor of this position. You do not need to organize battles around it and you don't need to, leading the struggle for the right to become president, destroy the honor and pride of presidential status," Tymoshenko said. Ukraine's international partners have expressed hope that reforms in the country will continue after the presidential elections, member of the European Parliament from Germany Elmar Brok has stated. He said Ukraine should carry out reforms for itself, not for someone. It was declared during the first Maidan [in 2005] and now we can only hope that the reforms started five years ago will continue, will not be stopped, the official stated. "We want to see more cooperation," he said at the Kyiv Security Forum on April 12. The MEP noted that Ukraine had managed to achieve significant progress in implementing reforms in recent years. The reform program in this country is indeed very important, but also quite difficult, he said. Ukraine has really made significant progress, but now the question is that many, in particular, young people believe that not much has been done in the fight against corruption and this means that the reform process is taking place, but the progress is not enough as it should be, Brok said. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated that at a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron he had discussed the issue of Ukrainian political prisoners held in Russia and in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and also announced a new initiative to free Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko convicted in Russia. "With President of France Emmanuel Macron, I separately raised the question of our journalist Mr. Sushchenko. You know that he worked in Paris, that the first lady of France worried about his fate. Emmanuel clearly stated that in the near future we will again initiate that Russian President Vladimir Putin keep his word, free Sushchenko," Poroshenko said on the air of the Inter TV Channel via a video call from Paris after a meeting with Macron. In addition, he said that at the meeting they separately raised the issue of the release of 24 Ukrainian sailors who are prisoners of war in the Russian Federation. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has lifted a ban on the entry into Ukraine for Austrian journalist Christian Wehrschutz. "Ban lifted to Ukraine! Thanks to all the official and unofficial helpers," the journalist wrote on Facebook. He also posted a photocopy of the SBU's response on the social network, stating that "the ban on the specified person's entry [Christian Wehrschutz] was canceled due to obtaining information about the termination of existence of the reasons for which the person was denied entry, about which the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine was informed." As reported, on March 8, 2019, the EU spokesperson told the Interfax-Ukraine agency about the decision of Ukrainian authorities to ban Austrian journalist Christian Wehrschutz from entering Ukraine. Batch of Hummer military vehicles comes to Odesa from U.S. Defense Minister Some 35 Hummer combat vehicles have arrived in Odesa from the United States, they will be sent to combat units on the collision line, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak has said. "Recently, the level of military-technical assistance has increased significantly. This applies to all of our partners, primarily the United States. Currently, 35 Hummer military vehicles are being unloaded in Odesa. Of these, 20 are armored, which will be used at combat units, and 15 are for medical support vehicles," Poltorak said during a meeting with the soldiers of the 58th separate motorized infantry brigade in Konotop (Sumy region). According to him, all equipment is immediately sent directly to the combat units on the collision line. The United States has given $400 million worth of assistance to Ukraine over the recent period, Poltorak said. "That includes Javelin anti-tank systems, modern radio communication devices, artillery, reconnaissance, and ECM systems, anti-sniper systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles," Poltorak said. In his opinion, Ukraine cannot build a strong army at the expense of its partners but should develop the national defense industry. Although Irans leading political factions are outraged over Washingtons recent designation of its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, Europe has remained silent. Reformist MPs, along with their so-called Principlist or ultra-conservative counterparts, rushed to show their support for the IRGC by wearing the military force's fatigues. Friday Prayer meetings nationwide voiced criticism of the United States. In an address on April 12, interim Tehran Friday Prayer leader Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani lashed out at Washington for designating the IRGC, "an official military force of a foreign country," a terrorist group. He said the foolish U.S. president violates international law by blacklisting the IRGC, noting that such a measure would further complicate the situation in the Middle East, the IRGC-run Tasnim news agency reported. Today, it has been proven to the people of the world, particularly regional nations, that the mother of terrorism is the United States, he said. He then warned U.S. President Donald Trump not to play with the lions tail, stressing the IRGC could "raze Tel Aviv to the ground with its missiles" if ordered to do so by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Many in Iran, as well as its traditional allies, have been largely silent on the move. In 2018, when Trump re-imposed sanctions on Tehran, Moscow and Beijing stepped forward to condemn the decision. But both have so far avoided commenting on the latest sanction imposed on the IRGC. Even in the United States, the decision was not followed by widespread opposition from the Democrats. Likewise, European countries largely ignored the decision. In a telephone conversion with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on April 9, French President Emmanuel Macron made no mention of the IRGC. While Rouhani described Washington's decision as a "provocative and dangerous act," Macron instead expressed his condolences for Iranians affected by recent devastating floods. He did say, however, that Paris and its European partners are urging the Trump administration to "moderate the sanctions" it imposed against Tehran after withdrawing the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or Tehran's nuclear deal with world powers. Macron advised Rouhani to refrain from anything that might intensify tensions between Tehran and Washington. The European Unions high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, Federica Mogherini, have so far avoided the subject. After Trump declared the re-imposition of Washington's unilateral sanctions on Tehran last year, Mogherini had vocally criticized the White Houses decision. It is unclear why Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has not called on Mogherini for a sharp response to the United States latest decision. One can speculate that when it comes to the IRGC, European countries have the same concerns as Washington, namely believing that it is involved in terrorism. The past four terrorist incidents in Albania, Denmark, France, and Germany have been attributed to Iran, highlighting the EU's stance on the IRGC. It is also possible that Washington held consultations with its European allies and made sure the two sides reach a measure of agreement. Therefore, Zarif has not even made an overt attempt to approach the Europeans. Rouhani too, after his phone call with Macron, has not tried to approach Angela Merkel or other European leaders. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Radio Farda The Iranian Foreign Ministry has appointed Abbas Mousavi as its new spokesman. Mousavi's official title will be the Foreign Ministry's spokesman and director-general for news dissemination. He replaced Bahram Ghasemi (Qassemi) and will be the 11th spokesman for the ministry since 1979. Ghasemi who was the foreign ministry spokesman for two years, was appointed as Iran's ambassador to France in March. He will be Iran's first ambassador to France after six months of diplomatic tension between the two countries over Iran's nuclear and missile programs, in the aftermaths of the U.S. pull-out from the nuclear agreement with Iran in May 2018. Ghasemi is a career diplomat who has served in Ireland, Italy, Spain and Malta. Mousavi's previous activities include serving in diplomatic posts in Hong King and Holland. His latest position was chief of media diplomacy office at the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Damascus, April 13, 2019 (AFP) - An Israeli air strike in central Syria wounded three combatants early Saturday, the official SANA news agency reported. A Britain-based war monitor said the strike killed several Iranian fighters and wounded 17 Syrian troops and their allies. An Israeli military spokesman declined to comment on the foreign media report. "Around 2:30 am (2330 GMT Friday)... the Israeli air force carried out a strike targeting one of our military positions in the town of Misyaf," in Hama province north of Damascus, SANA quoted a military source as saying. "Our air defense batteries intercepted some of the Israeli missiles," the source said, adding that the strike "wounded three combatants and destroyed buildings". The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strike targeted a Syrian military college in the town and two buildings used by Iranian forces in nearby villages -- a development center for medium-range missiles in Zawi and a training camp in Sheikh Ghadban. Israel has carried out hundreds of air strikes in Syria against what it says are Iranian and Hezbollah targets. With the support of the U.S. administration of President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed repeatedly to take whatever military action he deems necessary to prevent archfoe Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah establishing a continuing military presence. Late last month, Trump broke with decades of international consensus to recognize Israel's unilateral annexation of the strategic Golan Heights, seized from Syria in the Six-Day War of 1967. The move was a diplomatic prize for Israel, but met with a chorus of opposition from US foes and allies alike. Iran and Hezbollah have both intervened in Syria's civil war, which erupted in 2011 to support forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. They were joined in 2015 by Russia, which supplied its S300 air defense system to Assad's forces after a Russian aircraft was downed by mistake by Syrian defense systems during an Israeli raid on September 17, killing all 15 people on board. After several months of frosty relations, Russia and Israeli resumed coordination of their military operations in Syria and Israel's bombing campaign picked up again. Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 Trend: Over the past 24 hours, Armenian armed forces have violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops 23 times, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said April 13, Trend reports. The Armenian armed forces were using heavy machine guns. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts. The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts. Baku, Azerbaijan, April 12 Trend: Over the past 24 hours, Armenian armed forces have violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops 24 times, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said April 12, Trend reports. The Armenian armed forces were using heavy machine guns. Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 Trend: The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) provides immense opportunities for inclusive cooperation, Hikmat Hajiyev, head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration told Xinhua, Trend reports. "We see lots of synergies between the BRI and Azerbaijan's own development agenda," Hikmat Hajiyev, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration said, noting that Azerbaijan supports the BRI's connectivity agenda. Hajiyev said his country sees trade, investment and finance opportunities with China, and expressed hope that the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing will push relations forward. Hajiyev hailed the philosophy of the BRI, which he said helps promote common development and prosperity among nations. "The best prosperity is a shared prosperity," Hajiyev noted. The BRI cooperation has become an important dimension of Azerbaijan-China relations, especially in people-to-people ties and energy links, he said. He suggested further enhancing relations through more business-to-business and intergovernmental cooperation. "There are growing opportunities between China and Azerbaijan, especially in economy, trade, commerce, agriculture, energy, petrochemical industry and other spheres including tourism," he said, adding that Azerbaijan welcomes more investment from China. "China and Azerbaijan in our foreign policy are contributing to the establishment of respectful relations at the international level," Hajiyev said, stressing that the two countries both support multilateralism. The two sides enjoy an active working relationship in regional and international frameworks including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which in Hajiyev's words "supplements bilateral cooperation." As Azerbaijan takes over the 2019-2022 rotating presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement, Hajiyev said the institution has a potential to strengthen international order and governance, as well as enhance trust, peace and security at the global level. "With Azerbaijan's chairmanship, we will contribute to further strengthening this institution and contribute to international peace and security," he added. Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Leman Zeynalova - Trend: The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has never been and cannot be a subject of discussion, spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Leyla Abdullayeva told Trend on April 13. "Recently, information related to the negotiations on a new partnership agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan has been disseminated by some media outlets that the EU allegedly does not support the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In this regard, I would like to note that negotiations between Azerbaijan and the EU on a new agreement are continuing. I assure you that, like it was in other bilateral and multilateral documents signed between the EU and Azerbaijan, as well as in the resolutions and statements of EU institutions, the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has never been and cannot be a subject of discussion," Abdullayeva said. Moreover, the EU office in Azerbaijan told Trend that the negotiations on the new agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan are ongoing at an increased pace with strong commitment from both sides. "There is nothing like an agreement on parts of the text. For the time being, there is no agreed text, there is no concluded agreement, therefore any comments on an alleged text or formulation seem misplaced," the EU office said. The European Council adopted a mandate for the European Commission and the high representative for foreign affairs and security policy to negotiate, on behalf of the EU and its member states, a comprehensive agreement with Azerbaijan in November 2016. The new agreement should replace the 1996 partnership and cooperation agreement and should better take account of the shared objectives and challenges the EU and Azerbaijan face today. The agreement will follow the principles endorsed in the 2015 review of the European Neighborhood Policy and offer a renewed basis for political dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation between the EU and Azerbaijan. Currently, bilateral relations between the EU and Azerbaijan are regulated on the basis of an agreement on partnership and cooperation that was signed in 1996 and entered into force in 1999. The new agreement envisages the compliance of Azerbaijans legislation and procedures with the EUs most important international trade norms and standards, which should lead to the improvement of Azerbaijani goods access to the EU markets. Creation of a common aviation area is an initiative of the European Commission and aims to open and integrate aviation markets. This will lead to new opportunities for consumers and operators, and, most importantly, to high standards in terms of flight safety as well as air traffic management. --- Follow the author on Twitter: @Lyaman_Zeyn Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Jeyhun Alakbarov - Trend: The 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, which will be held in Baku from June 30 to July 10, will be attended by over 3,000 representatives of various countries, Azerbaijani Culture Minister Abulfaz Garayev said during a mass rally on tree planting held by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources in Gobustan State Historical-Artistic Reserve, Trend reports. The minister underlined that Azerbaijan will chair the session. He added that there are plans to organize visits of the delegations, participating in the session, to the Gobustan Reserve. The 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee will be held in Baku from June 30 to July 10. Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Sara Israfilbayova Trend: The Azerbaijani company Azhazelnut signed a contract with Latvias Alisco for the export of hazelnuts to Latvia worth $250,000, Trend reports referring to the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan. According to the ministry, as part of the export mission of Azerbaijan to Riga, a preliminary agreement was also reached on the export of pomegranate products between Azerbaijans Mars Fk and the Latvian firm Auglu Serviss. "In addition, a number of Azerbaijani companies participating in the export mission held talks with Indian and Latvian companies and supermarket chains on the export of products," the report said. The export mission included 23 Azerbaijani companies engaged in the production of wine and other alcoholic beverages, the production of food and textiles, as well as tourism. The export mission that began on April 7 was concluded on April 12. Follow the author on Twitter: @IsrafilbekovaS Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Rashid Shirinov Trend: Climate change will have negative implications for water availability in the region of Central Asia, Lilia Burunciuc, World Bank Regional Director for Central Asia, told Trend in an interview on climate change in Central Asia. "It will also affect crop pests and animal diseases, intensity and frequency of which are increasing. They move freely across the borders, adding additional risks to farmers and the entire agri-food industry in the region," she noted. The regional director added that crop productivity will suffer. Yields could drop by as much as 30 percent in some parts of Tajikistan by the turn of the century. "Droughts are already a major problem in Kazakhstan affecting up to 66 percent of the countrys land. The country is likely to be a future hotspot of heat stress for wheat. In the north of the country, a region with low precipitations and limited scope for irrigation, grain production already experiences serious droughts two out of every five years," Burunciuc noted, adding that yields could drop from current levels by as much as 37 percent by 2030 and 48 percent by 2050, unless adaptive measures are taken. According to her, by the turn of the century, desertification could affect up to half of Kyrgyzstans territory, and large stretches of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan would emerge as arid areas. In Uzbekistan, the growth in agricultural GDP dropped to 0.3 percent in 2018 from 6 percent in 2016, largely due to the impact of the drought. Burunciuc further spoke about measures capable to improve climate resilience in Central Asia. "Tackling the issues of aging infrastructure, for example, can offer significant potential for "no regrets" actions that will enhance climate resilience, reduce carbon emissions and generate net economic gains. That could be modernizing energy infrastructure and minimizing energy losses or supporting the rehabilitation of irrigation systems and improving water management," the regional director said. She added that the countries should take steps to make agriculture more climate-resilient. This will involve strengthening agro-metereological infrastructure and services, introducing drought-resilient seeds, greater attention to soil fertility management and investment of water-saving technologies and improving irrigation and drainage systems. Further, countries should spend more public funds on research, monitoring and eradication of crop pests and animal diseases - whose incidence is increasing due to climate change, according to Burunciuc. It should be noted that the Central Asian countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change in the region of Europe and Central Asia. They are already experiencing the impacts of a changing climate, including warmer temperatures; glacier melt; increased variability in water resources; and frequent and costly weather-related hazards, such as floods and droughts. --- Follow the author on Twitter: @ShirinovRashid Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, April 13 By Huseyn Hasanov Trend: A roundtable on the presentation of the investment potential of Turkmenistan was held in Beijing with the participation of representatives of leading Chinese business circles, Trend reports referring to the Turkmen Foreign Ministry. In particular, detailed information was provided about the Caspian Economic Forum, which will be held on August 12, 2019 in Awaza, Turkmenistans national tourist zone. Companies from China are represented on the Turkmen market in such fields as oil and gas, telecommunications, transport, agriculture, textile, chemical and food industries, health care and construction. China has implemented a number of major projects in the gas sector. In particular, CNPC company is taking part in the development of the Bagtyyarlyk contract territory and construction of facilities on the Galkynysh giant gas field. Since 2009, China has been importing Turkmen gas with the prospect of increasing the volume of gas imports to 65 billion cubic meters of fuel per year. According to data for 2016, about forty enterprises with Chinese capital were operating, and about 70 investment projects totalling more than $4 billion and 2.3 billion yuans have been registered in Turkmenistan. Tehran, Iran, April 13 Trend: Iran's Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade jhas announced that Iraq is the top importer from Iran. "In recent years, Kermanshah province accounted for the major part of exports to Iraq, Minister Reza Rahmani said, Trend reports citing IRNA. He emphasized that this year Iran should increase the export to Iraq. Referring to the importance of providing liquidity to production units, he said that this issue was one of the priorities this year and the president also instructed the Central Bank, which will provide the working capital needed to maintain the existing production units. "The ministry will provide liquidity to our manufacturing units this year. The export to neighboring countries, domestic production, mines, technology and the knowledge-based production are among the priorities of the Ministry of Industry, he said. Providing commercial logistics and reforming the regulatory system of export markets are the other priorities as well, noted Rahmani. The production boom requires sales, and domestic and foreign sales can also activate our manufacturing units, he said. The manufacturing activation requires the activation of export markets, in particular to neighboring countries. Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Matanat Nasibova - Trend: Goychay Sud LLC, an Azerbaijani producer of milk, dairy and fruit juices, plans to export its products to the Russian market, a source at the company told Trend. The company is currently conducting active negotiations with Russian partners, the source noted. "We plan to export to the Russian market in the 2H2019. In parallel, we will increase exports to Estonia. We have been working with Baltic partners for a long time and we have an agreement on the supply of products to the Estonian market," the source said. Goychay Sud fruit juices are exported to some countries of the CIS and Europe. The company's products have an ISO 9001:2008 certificate and a certificate of conformity issued by the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patents of Azerbaijan. The company uses modern equipment of Swedish and Italian production. --- Follow the author on Twitter: @MatanatNasibova Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Kheyraddin Nasirzade Trend: The average price for subcompact cars (engine capacity up to 2 liters) for March 2019 made up 14,870 manats, general director of consulting company MBA Group and expert Nusrat Ibrahimov told Trend. The expert noted that a 7.03-percent growth is being observed (compared with the same period last year). The average price of cars with an engine capacity of 2 to 3 liters was 38,760 manats (a 11.21-percent decrease), and 91,143 manats (a 7.78-percent decrease) for cars with an engine capacity of over 3 liters. Ibrahimov noted that in March 2019, a total of 1,352 cars were put up for sale in Baku car market, with a decrease of 22.2 percent compared to the previous month. The average price of the changed structure decreased by 13.3 percent, making up 41,712 manats, while the average price of the unchanged structure dropped by 4.94 percent. Most of the cars put up for sale - 82.3 percent - are cars with gasoline engine. The average price of cars of this category was 41,129 manats. Cars with diesel engine accounted for 17.7 percent of the proposals. The average price of such cars was 44,415 manats. (1.7 manats = 1 USD on April 11) Baku, Azerbaijan, April 10 By Fakhri Vakilov Trend: Swiss company Mircea Tudor Scan Tech S.A. (MTST) is looking to implement a new project in Uzbekistan. The project will help transfer high tech industry to Uzbekistan, by setting-up a local production facility capable to satisfy all local needs and to export different kind of scanners in the regional market, the company told Trend . Mircea Tudor Scan Tech S.A. (MTST) is a Swiss company with over 20 years of experience in developing innovative scanning technologies, proving high expertise to develop unique internationally patented scanning technologies for civil and military aircrafts, occupied cars and vans, trains, trucks and containers. MTST operates in Switzerland a state-of-the-art factory and an R&D center for nuclear technologies with fast-prototyping capacity. The company is deeply involved in large-scale security projects covering borders, critical infrastructures, seaports and airports. The company noted that currently, there are only 7 producers of such technologies globally but none of the competitors can supply the full range of scanners for cars, vans, trucks and containers, trains, boats and aircrafts. Tudor Tech stated that their company is the only one in the world covering all type of scanning solutions and all type of imaging technologies; low energy x-Ray, Gamma and high-energy x-Ray that will be transferred to Uzbekistan. "We are contributing our high expertise accumulated within 20 years of development of complex nuclear technologies as well as with our expertise of setting-up a production facility," the company said. The company stressed that Uzbek attractiveness to foreign capital seems to be enough for Tudor Scan Tech deciding to enter a partnership for such advanced technology in this country. "The next step in the project is to enlarge the cooperation in the field of medical imaging systems and other medical technological equipment that Tudor Tech has in its portfolio," said the company. Tudor Scan Tech underlined that the main challenge of the company is to propose Tudor Tech AERIA, a new and revolutionary field proven solution for civil and military aviation safety and security, introducing finally the technological support in airplane bomb on board clearing and fast security screening of airplanes arriving from low security/high risk origin of flights. For the military aviation, AERIA can generate within few minutes only conclusive dual view (top view and side view) high resolution radiography, capable to reveal sub-millimeter details and material separation, extremely useful for fast assessment of the mechanical and structural integrity of the aircraft after combat missions or as routine checks. The scanning process can reveal eventual foreign objects on board, detached/misplaced objects or parts, liquid leakages and many other anomalies, including inside the technical cavities, inaccessible for security of safety inspection. The company noted that the cars scanner and the truck/container scanner can bring a high level of security of the airfields or other critical infrastructures areas, by scanning all vehicles accessing the secured area, eliminating significant vulnerabilities. The truck and container scanner ML 64 is the only mobile scanner for trucks and containers in the world fully robotized, remote operated, eliminating exposure of the operators to radiation and eliminating the risk of human casualties in case of explosion of the inspected vehicle. Earlier Trend reported that a high-tech plant for the production of scanners by technology of the Swiss company Tudor Tech will be built in Jizzak region of Uzbekistan. --- Follow author on Twitter:@vakilovfaxri Baku, Azerbaijan, April 13 By Sara Israfilbayova Trend: Azerbaijan will additionally allocate $1.4 billion for the construction of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), Trend reports referring to the Market Analysis Azerbaijan 2019 publication. According to the publication, the Southern Gas Corridor CJSC allocated $ 9.8 billion for the implementation of the project (out of a forecast of $ 11.5 billion) in 2018. According to forecasts, the total investment in the project will exceed $40 billion. The Southern Gas Corridor project is one of the priority projects for the EU and provides for the transportation of 10 billion cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas from the Caspian region through Georgia and Turkey to Europe. The launch ceremony for the first stage of the Southern Gas Corridor project was held in Baku on May 29, 2018, and the opening ceremony of the TANAP was held on June 12 in Turkeys Eskisehir Province. As such, the first gas from the Azerbaijani Shah Deniz field has already gone through the first segment of the Southern Gas Corridor - from the Sangachal terminal (expanded for the Shah Deniz-2) via the expanded South Caucasus gas pipeline. Recently, Trans Adriatic (TAP) and Trans-Anatolian (TANAP) gas pipelines were physically connected at the Turkish-Greek border. Follow the author on Twitter: @IsrafilbekovaS Turkish Airlines on Friday opened a new two-story central office in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, reports Trend citing to Speaking at the opening ceremony, Zhenishbek Nogoibaev, the deputy Kyrgyz transport and roads minister, said Kyrgyzstan enjoys close cooperation with Turkish Airlines. The two countries have historical ties and expanding cooperation. Turkey's Ambassador to Bishkek Cengiz Kamil Firat, who also attended the ceremony, said Turkish Airlines is Turkeys flag carrier and most valuable brand. He went on to say that Turkish Airlines forms a bridge of friendship between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan. Turkish Airlines started flights to Kyrgyzstan in 1996, and it now offers service 17 times a week. Turkish Airlines, founded in 1933 with a fleet of five aircraft, currently has more than 330 aircraft, including passenger and cargo planes.It flies to 306 destinations in 124 countries. Last year, Turkish Airlines carried 75.2 million passengers with a seat occupancy rate of 82 percent. Tajikistan will hold the chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC) from May to August 2019. The Forums Security Dialogues are an opportunity for the 57 OSCE member States to discuss issues of military security and stability in Europe, reports Trend with reference to At a meeting that took place in Hofburg Palace in Vienna on April 10, Ambassador Claude Wild, Switzerland's Permanent Representative to the OSCE, handed over attributes of FSC chairperson to Ambassador Idibek Qalandar, Tajikistans Permanent Representative to the OSC, according to the Tajik MFA information department. Mr. Qalandar reportedly noted a high level of holding of Forums sessions and the constructive and transparent approach of Switzerland's Permanent Mission to the OSCE. Presenting a preliminary Program of the FSC under the Tajik Chairmanship for the next four months, Ambassador Qalandar expressed the intention to attract the attention of the Forum to the current issues of regional security in Central Asia, as well as the urgency of enhancement of cooperation between the OSCE and the regional organizations in Central Asia. In addition, it was noted that the Tajik Chairmanship would maintain the continuity of consideration of the core FSC issues, such as confidence and security-building measures (CSMBs), management of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (SCA), as well as the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1540 and 1325. The Program of the Tajik Chairmanship includes a Joint FSC-Permanent Council Meeting on Structured Dialogue, during which the Tajik Chairmanship, will draw the attention of the OSCE participating states, inter alia, to the necessity of taking joint measures in countering terrorism and violent extremism in the OSCE area. The Tajik Chairmanship of the FSC will cover a period from May to August 2019. The first plenary meeting under the Tajik Chairmanship will take place in early May 2019 in Hofburg, Vienna. The Forum for Security Co-operation is one of the OSCEs two main regular decision-making bodies. Leaders at the 1992 Helsinki Summit of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe the OSCEs predecessor established the Forum for Security and Co-operation to strengthen the focus on politico-military security by providing for negotiations and consultations on military security and stability in the OCSE area. The Forum provides a unique platform for the 57 OSCE participating States to discuss topical security challenges on an equal footing. The agenda for the weekly Forum meetings in Vienna always includes security dialogue, allowing participating States to raise and discuss security concerns and challenges. These discussions regularly lead to initiatives and measures to strengthen politico-military security. The Forum Chairmanship rotates among the OSCE participating States, with each State holding the FSC Chairmanship for four months. A so-called Troika, comprising the former, present and incoming Chairmanships, ensures continuity in the Forums work. The Forum approves documents and decisions by consensus. The OSCE Secretariats FSC Support Section supports participating States efforts to implement FSC commitments, which - like all OSCE commitments are politically binding. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, April 13 By Huseyn Hasanov Trend: The temporary execution of the duties of the chairman of the Turkmenoil (Turkmennebit) state concern is assigned to deputy head Japarguly Orazov, Trend reports referring to a published decree of the President of Turkmenistan. The former head of the oil concern Dowletdurdy Hajyyew was relieved of his duties by the presidential decree for shortcomings in the operation. About 10 million tons of oil are extracted in Turkmenistan every year, the main producer being Turkmenneft. Burren Energy (branch of Eni), Mitro, Dragon Oil, and Petronas, are among the foreign companies involved in extraction of oil in Turkmenistan. It was reported earlier that due to assurance of the availability of proven natural gas reserves for many years, the major part of exploration is currently focused on the search for oil fields, especially in the Miocene deposits in the south-western parts of the country, and Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments in the central regions of the country. According to local geologists, almost the entire land area of Turkmenistan is considered as promising for hydrocarbons. Moreover, the potential of the subsoil is estimated to a depth of seven kilometers. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, April 13 By Huseyn Hasanov Trend: Myrat Artykow has been appointed Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan, Trend reports referring to a decree issued by the President of Turkmenistan. Prior to this appointment, he served as head of the representative office of the Turkmen Ministry of Energy in Afghanistan. Charymyrat Purchekov, who had previously served as the Minister of Energy, has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister for construction, energy and utilities. It was reported earlier that it is planned to increase the total volume of electricity produced in Turkmenistan to 33 billion kilowatt-hours by 2024, which is an almost 30-percent increase, compared with the figures from 2018. Turkmenistan sells electricity to Afghanistan and Iran, and is exploring prospects of supplies to the markets of the Caucasus, Central Asia and South Asia. Tehran, Iran, April 13 Trend: Iran's Minister of Oil, Bijan Zanganeh has announced that the oil fields in the country are surrounded by water, but the safety of people comes first. "All our efforts are towards the service to people. No one wants to produce a few more barrels of oil at the expense of the lives of people," he said. Meanwhile, a source in the National Iranian oil company previously told the official news agency IRNA that production has come to a halt at some oil fields in the flood-affected Khuzestan province. But Zanganeh said on Friday that oil production continues as usual and Iran will meet all its commitments to the market. The minister did admit that some oil pipelines have been emptied to prevent spillage. We have reduced the production of oil to prevent environmental damage to the people and drained some of the pipelines, Zanganeh said during his visit to Khuzestan province on Friday. He stated that Iran has deployed a special representative for this purpose to mobilize more facilities in flood effected provinces. The oil minister went on to explain the latest status of oil refineries and wells in the province. The oil refineries are fine, he said, Oil production is ongoing except in some of the wells that we have decided to close down due to environmental dangers. He said that oil transfers from southern oilfields to refineries are underway and gas is in transit, but we stopped the flow of about 50 evacuated villages due to the safety and protection of the people's homes. Tehran, Iran, April 13 Trend: Member of the Economic Commission of Iran's Parliament, Iranian MP Ali Akbar Karimi said that no report has ever been submitted to the parliament about the latest status of setting up the INSTEX company in Iran. He added that on April 14 he's attending the meeting of high-ranking officials on this matter. So far, Europe has shown no seriousness to determine a reliable and effective mechanism for increasing the level of monetary, banking and financial exchanges with Iran," Karimi told Trend. INSTEX (Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges) is a mechanism, created to facilitate non-dollar trade with Iran, allowing European companies to trade with the Islamic Republic without being hit by the sanctions. On Jan. 31, three European countries France, Germany and the UK (shortened as E3) officially announced the creation of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), a special purpose vehicle, to allow them bypass US sanctions on trade with Iran. INSTEX facilitates non-dollar trade with Iran, allowing European companies to trade with the Islamic Republic without being hit by the sanctions. "There are two analyzes about the INSTEX mechanism, one that Europeans are not working effectively," he said. Secondly, even if they are trying their best, they cannot, or will not, act through the pressure of the United States to carry out this engagement and fulfill the obligations that are being undertaken by the JCPOA. Karimi said that Europeans have not done anything so far to relieve the Iranian financial sanctions and make bank interactions. "The private sector expects its banking and financial exchanges to be easily implemented through this mechanism, and the funds that they are trading can be easily transferred," he said. "This is not too much to expect," Karimi said. If any condition or restriction to be imposed on the type of goods and volume of funds, then this channel would not be efficient. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a decree on Saturday appointed Ali Asghar Khaji as senior assistant for special political affairs, Trend reports citing IRNA. According to the Public Relations Department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Khaji as a senior and experienced diplomat earlier held various posts in the Foreign Ministry, including deputy foreign minister for Europe and America affairs as well as the director general for Persian Gulf. He has also served as Irans ambassador in Saudi Arabia, Belgium and China. China is confident that it will meet its 2019 economic growth target of six percent to 6.5 percent, premier Li Keqiang said on Friday, reports Trend with reference to Reuters Speaking at a summit between China and Central and Eastern European countries in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, Li listed several positive indicators of economic activity and pledged to continue policies to help support growth. Li said China would maintain the direction of its macroeconomic policies but would not move toward quantitative easing or flood the economy with bank bills. A Reuters poll on Friday showed Chinas economic growth is expected to slow to a near 30-year low of 6.2 percent this year, as sluggish demand at home and abroad weigh on activity despite a flurry of policy support measures. The United Arab Emirates Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) said that Hazzaa AlMansoori will be the countrys first astronaut to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) on board the Russian Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft, Trend reported citing Sputnik. "@MBRSpaceCentre announces that it has selected Hazzaa AlMansoori as the prime astronaut and Sultan AlNeyadi as the backup astronaut for the International Space Station (ISS) mission. The Emirati astronaut Hazzaa AlMansoori will fly for an eight-day space mission to ISS aboard a Soyuz-MS 15 spacecraft on 25 September 2019", the center wrote on Twitter late on Friday. The flight of the UAE mission to the ISS was initially scheduled for this April. However, it was postponed due to the aborted launch of the Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft last October. Roscosmos and the MBRSC concluded a deal to fly the first UAE astronaut to the ISS last June. Last September, the two astronauts from the Middle Eastern country began training for their mission. Meanwhile, Sergey Krikalev, director of manned spaceflight at Russian State Space Corporation Roscosmos has told Sputnik that the UAE is planning to buy a Soyuz spacecraft and launch services from Russia to send two domestic astronauts to orbit in one mission. According to Krikalev, if UAE signs a contract with Roscosmos, an additional Soyuz spacecraft will be manufactured, as it cannot be part of the Russian manned program for delivering Russian cosmonauts to the International Space Station. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has sworn in a new government led by a long-time ally from his Fatah party, Trend reports citing Al Jazeera. Abbas, who heads the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, occupied West Bank, accepted the oath of office on Saturday from the new cabinet headed by Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh. His appointment is opposed by Hamas, the Palestinian movement that governs the besieged Gaza Strip. The government was formed after former Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah resigned in January. His resignation came following the failure of reconciliation talks between Fatah party and Hamas. The new government officially marks the end of the stalled reconciliation efforts between the two groups. The government comprises solely Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) factions, primarily Fatah, and excludes Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group. Radical leftist secular factions of the PLO, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, have boycotted the new government, arguing that it will increase division among Palestinians. Five ministers from the last government have retained their positions, including Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki, Finance Minister Shukri Bishara, Information Minister Nabil Abu Rudeineh, Tourism Minister Rola Maayaa and Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Abu Amr. The other 17 ministers did not sit in the last government. Nobody was entrusted with the posts of interior minister or religious affairs minister, which Shtayyeh will hold until they are filled. As in the previous government, only three of the ministers are female. Greece is looking to strike a deal this weekend to repay early about half of the loans it received from the International Monetary Fund, in a bid to lower the euro zone members burden of debt servicing, a senior official said on Friday, Trend reported citing Reuters. IMF loans, issued to Greece as part of the countrys bailouts since 2010, cost Athens around 5 percent annually and are now more expensive than financing in the market, where 10-year benchmark bonds trade at around 3.3 percent. The IMF repayment will be agreed on this weekend, the senior official, who asked not to be named, told Reuters on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank spring meetings in Washington. The official said Germany and the Netherlands were resisting the move, worried the IMF would want to withdraw from the periodical reviews of Greek reforms by its lenders, but would not derail the move. Theyre getting reassurances that the IMF will remain part of the review, so theyll drop it. Theyll repay about half, between 4-5 billion (euros), the official said. The euro zone bailout fund, which under the rules would have to be repaid the same amount, is likely to waive this right, content with Greeces improved debt sustainability that such an operation would produce, the funds chief Klaus Regling said last week. Reuters reported on April 3 that Greece was considering a bond issue in late June to raise money for the repayment. Greece, the euro zones most indebted state with a debt load equivalent to 180 percent of annual output, must repay about 9.3 billion euros of loans to the IMF by 2024. That debt carries rates of up to 5 percent, compared to about 0.9 percent for loans from euro zone governments through the bailout fund. Greece has received more than 280 billion euros from its euro zone partners and the IMF since 2010. It has repaid more than 15 billion euros of short-dated loans to the IMF since 2010. Athens has a cash chest of more than 27 billion euros from money raised from markets and unused bailout loans. That amount would suffice to keep it afloat up to 2021 without raising fresh cash from markets. More than 70 UK lawmakers have signed a letter urging both Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott to prioritise Sweden's extradition request over that of the US appeal for Julian Assange should Sweden issue such a request, Trend reports citing Sputnik. According to the lawmakers, such a gesture will send a "strong message of the priority the UK has in tackling sexual violence and the seriousness with which such allegations are viewed". "We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the [Swedish] complainant should see justice be done", the letter says. The lawmakers also point out that several rape charges against Assange were dropped because their statute of limitations have expired and the only remaining charge will expire in August 2020. "Other allegations are already time bound because of the unavailability of Mr Assange. Justice has already been denied in respect of those allegations. There is a serious risk that if the UK does not give every cooperation to any renewed request from Sweden there could be a further injustice", the letter says. Sweden has shelved this investigation because of Assange's unavailability, who has been taking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy for the last seven years. According to the MPs letter, the Swedish victim's lawyer requested for the case to be reopened, but Stockholm authorities have yet to decide whether to satisfy the demand. The lawmakers state they will "make no assessment" over which extradition request would win in case of a conflict. Under section 179 of the 2003 Extradition Act, it falls to the home secretary to decide which demand to satisfy, and the decision is made based on a number of criteria, including the relative severity of the offences, the date of the first warrant and the places where they were committed, a report from The Guardian says. The letter is a "pointed counter" to Abbott's statement made earlier Friday, in which she asserted Assange's arrest was not about "the rape charges, serious as they are, it is about WikiLeaks and all of that embarrassing information about the activities of the American military and security services that was made public", according to The Guardian. In the meantime, Sven-Erik Alhem, a former Swedish prosecutor, told Swedish news agency TT that reopening the case against Assange would be a "very uphill task". "Testimony usually weakens with time, and it's now been 10 years", he said, adding that, considering Assange is not "about to volunteer to come to Sweden", a new international arrest warrant for him must be issued. The Swedish prosecutors say they need to examine the matter now before they can make any announcement. According to lawmakers' letter, Sweden wasn't given prior notice to Assange's eviction from the embassy and his subsequent arrest. "We cannot promise any timetable for when decisions will be made", Eva-Marie Persson, a deputy chief prosecutor in Gothenburg, said, according to The Guardian. Many journalists around the world have condemned Assange's arrest, unanimously calling it a crime against free speech. Assange's lawyers said the WikiLeaks founder will resist the US extradition request which sets a "dangerous precedent where any journalist could face US charges for publishing truthful information about the United States", The Guardian report says. Sixteen people were killed and 20 others injured during gatherings in Sudan's capital city Khartoum on Thursday and Friday, Sudanese police announced Friday, Trend reports citing Xinhua. "Criminal police investigations indicated that 16 people were killed and 20 injured by stray bullets," Hashim Abdel-Rahim, Sudanese police spokesman, said in a statement. He further said that the sit-ins and gatherings have affected the traffic and caused a big traffic jam in central Khartoum. Since Dec. 19 last year, Sudan has been witnessing popular protests over the deteriorating economic conditions and price hikes of basic commodities. The new Sudanese government will be comprised of civilians, the head of the military council's political committee said on Friday, one day after the ousting of President Omar al-Bashir and his government, Trend reported citing CGTN. Earlier on Friday, thousands of Sudanese demonstrators camped outside the defense ministry to push for a civilian government, defying a curfew and calling for mass prayers. All killers of protesters will be held accountable, said Omer Zainal-Abdin, chairman of the political committee of the transitional military council. He also expressed the council's readiness to consider shortening the transitional period. Al-Bashir, 75, had been in power for 30 years. On Friday the military council said that the former president won't be handed to the International Criminal Court for trial. Sudan's Defense Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf was sworn in as head of the country's transitional council on Thursday, official Sudan TV reported. "Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf took the constitutional oath as chairman of the Transitional Military Council and Kamal Abdul-Marouf Al-Mahi as his deputy," the report said. Ibn Auf further declared a state of emergency for three months and a curfew for one month. The defense minister said that a military council will be formed to run the country during a transitional period of two years. He also announced suspension of the interim constitution of the Republic of Sudan and closure of the Sudanese air space for 24 hours together with border passages nationwide until further notice. Since December 19 last year, Sudan has been witnessing popular protests over the deteriorating economic conditions and price hikes of basic commodities. A shooting in the Australian city of Melbourne early on Sunday left multiple people injured, Trend reports citing Sputnik, according to local police. The Victoria Police said in a statement that the incident occurred in Melbourne's Prahran district. Police have no further details, including the condition of the victims. According to police, the shooting occurred outside the venue, near Little Chapel Street and Malvern Road in Prahran, at about 3.20 am local time. Australian investigators have launched a probe into the incident and the area is reportedly on lock-down. Mass shootings are rare in Australia, where strict gun laws were introduced after 35 people were killed in 1996 at Port Arthur in Tasmania. According to AFP, a 2018 murder-suicide left seven members of a family dead in Western Australia, the country's worst mass shooting since the Port Arthur massacre. President Donald Trump said the United States should not nationalize its 5G network and said private companies should move quickly to deploy the faster next-generation network, Trend reported citing Reuters. In the United States our approach is private-sector driven and private-sector led. The government doesnt have to spend lots of money, Trump said. Leading through the government, it wont be nearly as good, nearly as fast. The White House mulled the idea of nationalizing the 5G network for more than a year. In March Politico reported that Trumps reelection campaign supported a government role in managing the 5G networks even as White House officials including top economic adviser Larry Kudlow have said for months they oppose the idea. Trump spoke alongside Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai who disclosed Friday the agency plans to hold its third 5G spectrum auction on Dec. 10, the latest effort to make more spectrum available that could transform significant sectors of the U.S. economy. Pai said Trumps comments opposing nationalization was an important signal to the private sector that is investing tens of billions of dollars in the 5G networks. CTIA, an industry trade group, said Friday that Trumps statement puts an end - once and for all - to any misguided notions of nationalizing spectrum resources or government-mandated wholesale 5G markets. Pai is also proposing to invest $20.4 billion over 10 years to build out high-speed broadband networks in rural America. The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund aims to provide funding through a reverse auction to service providers in areas without access to high-speed service and aims to connect up to four million rural homes and small businesses to high-speed broadband networks. 5G networks are expected to be at least 100 times faster than the current 4G networks, cut delays and allow for innovations in a number of fields. Pai spoke on a call with reporters ahead of the White House event with Trump and rural residents who could benefit from faster networks to tout the administrations efforts to boost 5G wireless networks and funding for rural broadband. Since November, the FCC has auctioned 1,550 megahertz of spectrum to be used by commercial wireless providers for 5G connectivity. The third 5G spectrum auction will be the largest, with the FCC selling 3,400 megahertz in three different spectrum bands. The FCC voted on Friday to seek comments on bidding procedures for the next auction. Democratic FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said the auction is a good step but the commission must also pivot to mid-band spectrum or risk falling behind other countries. Verizon Communications Inc, AT&T Corp, Sprint Corp and T Mobile US Inc are beginning to deploy 5G service in U.S. cities and are working to extend their networks as 5G-compatible phones slowly become available. The Republican administration has also been warning other countries against adopting 5G systems from Chinese telecommunications company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, citing security concerns. For more than a year, the White House has been mulling an executive order that would direct the Commerce Department to block U.S. companies from buying equipment from foreign telecommunications makers that pose significant national security risks, Reuters reported in December. The FCC since March 2018 has also been considering rules to bar the use of funds from a government program to purchase equipment or services from companies that pose a security threat to U.S. communications networks. Pai said that proposal is still pending. By KiMi Robinson, KYODO NEWS - Apr 13, 2019 - 15:56 | World, All At the site where the United States led the world into the atomic age, hundreds of tourists take turns posing for photos at ground zero, the spot where the world's first nuclear weapon was detonated. Many enthusiastically pointed at and took selfies with signs warning of radioactive leftovers at the Trinity Site on April 6, one of the two days each year that the designated historic monument in a present-day military facility in southern New Mexico is open to the public. But at the entrance, in stark contrast, a dozen people greet tourists with homemade signs bearing a message that shatters the jovial, sightseeing mood: "We are the forgotten for 74 years. We are the victims of the first atomic bomb." As visitors drive in and out of the White Sands Missile Range, members of the group hand out pamphlets about their cause to the curious, explaining how they believe their families have for generations suffered from radiation poisoning-linked cancer after being exposed to nuclear fallout which settled in the surrounding basin after the July 16, 1945 test. "We have been left out here and ignored by our own government," said Tina Cordova, a 59-year-old thyroid cancer survivor and sixth-generation New Mexican whose father was four years old at the time of the nuclear test. "It's a never-ending cycle. Someone gets diagnosed (with cancer) and they die." The organization that Cordova co-founded in 2005, the Tularosa Basin Downwind Consortium, has identified more than 1,000 people -- those alive at the time of the explosion and their descendants -- who have been diagnosed with cancer, which they attribute to the 1945 test. For years, Cordova has been at the forefront of the fight for victims to be recognized by the U.S. government in the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, a nearly 30-year-old Department of Justice program that "presents an apology and monetary compensation to individuals who contracted certain cancers and other serious diseases" from exposure to radioactive materials. The act, which took effect in 1990 and was last significantly revised in 2000, allows select groups of people to apply for compensation for medical expenses. As of April 7, RECA had compensated more than 4,000 claimants -- miners and mill workers who transported uranium -- in New Mexico with nearly $383 million, according to the DOJ. But Cordova and residents from the Tularosa Basin region that surrounds the missile range are pushing for the federal government to recognize their community as "downwinders." (Tina Cordova) Currently, only those who lived in affected areas near the Nevada Test Site, including "downwind" states Arizona and Utah, during World War II and Cold War-era testing and who have developed "eligible cancers" from a list are qualified for RECA compensation. Claimants in Arizona have received more than $612 million through RECA, while those in Utah have been paid $381 million in total. "It's environmental racism," Cordova said about the government's lack of radioactivity studies into the area over the years. In the 1940s, many of the Tularosa Basin's residents were Native American and Hispanic, she added. Though bills that would amend the program to extend protections to residents living near the Trinity Site have been introduced to U.S. Congress over the last eight years, none have gained traction, said Cordova. "We are expendable," said Frank Gallegos, 70, whose parents and siblings experienced the blast from their ranch located 20 kilometers from the test site. "Most of my family is gone." Gallegos said that because of a lack of warning from the government about the nuclear test or its effects, his family consumed water, milk, and meat contaminated by radioactive fallout that came from ash that rained down on the surrounding community for days after the blast. Humans can suffer the effects of exposure to radioactive material through skin contact with fallout, breathing air that contains radioactive particles or drinking milk from cows who grazed on fields where fallout landed, according to the Centers for Disease Control. A CDC report found that those involved in the project were provided gear and instructions to protect them from the fallout, a privilege not extended to nearby residents. Though the test site was chosen for its remote location and accessibility from the Los Alamos laboratory 320 km to the north, where the atomic bomb was designed as part of the Manhattan Project, families who had owned land for generations, such as the Gallegos family, reportedly resided on ranches as close as 20 km to ground zero. In the decades since the end of nuclear weapons testing in 1962, the U.S. has ordered government agencies to study the impact of radiation exposure among populations living near Manhattan Project facilities, such as the Nevada Test Site and Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state. The National Cancer Institute began a study to investigate the effects of radiation on the Tularosa Basin population in 2014. The analysis, which will reportedly be released this year, must undergo a peer review before being published in a scientific journal, according to a spokesman from the institute. Cancer caused by radiation poisoning is well documented by U.S.-backed studies in Japan, where numerous atomic bomb survivors died in the years following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Cordova noted that the plutonium-loaded bomb codenamed "Fat Man" used over Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945, was of the same design as the Trinity bomb, which unlike the former was detonated close to the ground. The blast's proximity to the ground caused the resulting fallout to scatter widely across the basin and into surrounding communities. U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico this month reintroduced a bill to amend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act to also cover victims in New Mexico among others such as Cold War-era uranium workers and residents of Guam. KYODO NEWS - Apr 13, 2019 - 09:01 | All, World Finance chiefs of the Group of 20 major economies on Friday affirmed the need to take "timely" policy action to better cope with downside risks in the world economy, Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said. Speaking after a two-day meeting in Washington, Kuroda said each G-20 nation "needs to ensure it will take steps to mitigate risks, not to heighten them," citing policy uncertainties such as an escalation in trade tensions between the United States and China, as well as deterioration in corporate sentiment. While the G-20 broadly agreed the global economy is likely to rebound in the second half of this year from the slowdown since the latter half of 2018, Kuroda said, "We shared the recognition that each country needs to take timely policy action depending on their own circumstances." The BOJ chief led the meeting with Finance Minister Taro Aso. Japan has taken the presidency of the group for the first time and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will host a G-20 summit on June 28 and 29 in Osaka. Aso said the balance of risks to global growth "remains skewed to the downside," alluding to a possible escalation of trade tensions, a potentially disorderly exit of Britain from the European Union and the chance of a sudden sharp tightening of global financial conditions. The G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors "reaffirmed that all policies choose to support strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth to be used in a timely fashion," Aso said at a joint news conference with Kuroda. [Anadolu Agency/Getty/Kyodo] Aso also said global current account imbalances -- a source of trade friction -- pose risks to the world economy, and that they should be dealt with multilaterally, rather than bilaterally. "Given the global and macroeconomic nature of this issue, we need to tackle it in a multilateral and macroeconomic context, rather than (through) a bilateral trade perspective," he said, in a veiled counter to the preference by U.S. President Donald Trump's administration of a bilateral approach. Aso indicated Japan wants the United States to shift its focus from bilateral goods trade deficits with Japan, China and other countries to the balance of services trade and returns on overseas investments as part of efforts to address global imbalances. The G-20, meanwhile, attributed the expected rebound to easing global financial conditions propelled by the U.S. Federal Reserve's recent decision to pause its rate-increase cycle, the effects of stimulus measures by China and other countries and an improved outlook for negotiations between Washington and Beijing for a trade agreement, according to Japanese officials. The G-20's forecast was in line with the projected 3.6 percent growth for the world economy in 2020, up from an estimated 3.3 percent in 2019, in the latest outlook released Tuesday by the International Monetary Fund. The 2019 figure was down 0.2 percentage point from the IMF's estimate in January. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday the global economy is "at a delicate moment," and the expected rebound to 3.6 percent "is precarious and is subject to downside risks" such as trade tensions and issues involving Brexit. The G-20 met on the sidelines of the annual spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank to pave the way for a June 8-9 gathering of the G-20 finance ministers and central bank chiefs in Fukuoka, western Japan. The G-20 groups Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United States and the European Union. On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a broadside against the Opposition, saying the DMK, Congress and their 'mahamilavati' friends cannot accept strides India has made and therefore were "unhappy" with him. Amid an Election rally, Mr. Modi said those who were "sworn enemies" have joined hands, despite the national party having "humiliated" its southern ally in the past. "Today India is rapidly making a mark in the world. The Congress, DMK and their mahamilavati friends cannot accept this. That is why they are unhappy with me," he said. also read: WikiLeaks Julian Assange citizenship suspended by Ecuador The Prime Minister addressing a poll rally, a day after the campaign by Congress president Rahul Gandhi here, alleged the Congress and dishonesty were best friends but sometimes "by mistake," they end up speaking the truth. Taking pot shots at DMK President MK Stalin's proposal naming Congress chief Rahul Gandhi as Prime Ministerial candidate, Modi said there were no takers for this among the opposition "because they are in line to be PM and dream of the post." "Recently, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) president (Stalin) projected the Naamdar (dynast--Gandhi) as PM (candidate) but no one was ready to accept it, not even their mahamilavati friends, because they are in line to be PM and dream of the post," he said, without naming anyone. "In an attempt to mislead the people, all the corrupt have ganged up in an attempt to defeat Modi," he added. also read: Pakistani origin woman went through embarrassing experience when a Man masturbated in front of her Bengaluru: Today at 5:30 PM, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Vijaya Sankalp rally at the palace grounds in the city. Former DCM R Ashok will be coordinating the event and over two lakh people are expected to be in attendance. Party workers from Dakshina Kannada and Udupi-Chikkamagaluru Lok Sabha Constituencies will attend the rally. The MLA for Karkala said that Mr. Modi will arrive in the city from Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu. The rally is expected to be over by 5.40 p.m. also read: WikiLeaks Julian Assange citizenship suspended by Ecuador According to the sources, as many as 35 leaders including former CM B S Yeddyurappa and B Sriramulu will share the dais with the PM Ashok has informed that the PM will arrive in Bengaluru after finishing his Mangaluru event. An eight-foot stage has been built to ensure that PM Modi can be seen even from a distance of half a kilometer. Ten digital screens have been installed to ensure that everyone can hear and see the PM's speech without any technical glitches. He said that the rally on Saturday will be bigger than the one addressed by Mr. Modi in the Maidan during 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Around 40,000 chairs have been arranged and 40 buses will bring the party's activists from each Assembly constituency of the four Lok Sabha constituencies in Bengaluru and Bengaluru Rural. He also informed that 11,000 people have already registered their names online for the event. According to sources, 3,000 police personnel will have been deployed to ensure the security at the event. also read: Pakistani origin woman went through embarrassing experience when a Man masturbated in front of her Scientists at the Sensitive Instrument Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory achieved real-time atom rearrangement monitoring using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy during the synthesis of intermetallic nanoparticles (iNPs). In collaboration with Wenyu Huang, an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry at Iowa State University and a scientist at Ames Laboratory, they examined nanoparticles made of a platinum-tin alloy. These unique iNPs have applications in energy-efficient fuel conversion and biofuel production, and are one focus of Huang's research group. "In the formation of these materials, there was a lot of information missing in the middle that is useful to us for optimal catalytic properties tuning" said Huang. By tracking the movement of metal atoms of platinum and tin during formation of iNPs using advanced microscopy at high temperature, intermediate phases were discovered with their own unique set of catalytic properties. "Conventional material synthesis focuses on the beginning and the end of a reaction, without much understanding of the pathway. Atomic-level observation of the alloying process led to the discovery of the reaction route," said Lin Zhou, a scientist in Ames Laboratory's Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering. "Once we knew intermediate states in between, we could control the reaction to 'stop' at that point. That opens up a new way to predict and control our discovery of new materials." The research is further discussed in the paper, "Toward Phase and Catalysis Control: Tracking the Formation of Intermetallic Nanoparticles at Atomic Scale," authored by Tao Ma, Shuai Wang, Minda Chen, Raghu Maligal-Ganesh, Lin-Lin Wang, Duane D. Johnson, Matthew J. Kramer, Wenyu Huang, and Lin Zhou; and published in Chem. ### This work was supported in part by Laboratory Directed Research and Development funds through Ames Laboratory, and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. Ames Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory operated by Iowa State University. Ames Laboratory creates innovative materials, technologies and energy solutions. We use our expertise, unique capabilities and interdisciplinary collaborations to solve global problems. DOE's Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit Nora Lum, better known as Awkwafina, had a breakthrough 2018. The rapper, comedian and actress appeared in two major motion pictures: the star-studded "Ocean's 8" and "Crazy Rich Asians," the first major motion picture in 25 years with all Asian leads . Mostly thanks to those big roles, today she has an estimated net worth in the millions . Still, Lum plays it safe when it comes to money. "I don't splurge on literally anything," she tells guest host Lisa Ling on an episode of "Death, Sex & Money." And she's thrifty when it comes to clothes: "I'm literally wearing Target pants." The 29-year-old still lives in the first apartment she moved into after college, a railroad apartment in Brooklyn, New York, that she found through a friend. When she first moved in, she rented one room for just $500 a month. Her money philosophy comes from her grandmother, who helped raise her in Queens after her mom died when she was four. After her grandmother's restaurant in Flushing went bankrupt, Lum says, she watched her work four jobs to make ends meet. Lum tells Ling she remembers her grandmother constantly worrying about money: "She would lie awake sometimes, and we'd be next to each other, and I asked her, 'What is your only wish, Grandma?' And she was like, 'Just being able to pay my bills this month.' It was something that ate at her and I remember as a kid thinking that we don't have money." Even with her career well established , Lum lives like she could lose everything tomorrow. That's why she sends most of her earnings straight to the bank, she tells Wealthsimple : "If I get a big check, I try really hard to just put it in a savings account and not touch it." And she's still "scared to leave and move into a bigger, more expensive place." She's not the only celebrity who's careful to remain frugal. Comedian Jay Leno has never touched a dime of the millions he earned hosting "The Tonight Show." His paycheck went straight to the bank and he lived off the money he earned doing comedy gigs on the side. Story continues Leno's conservative philosophy gives him financial peace of mind, he tells CNBC Make It: "So many people get to be the age I'm at now and they've got nothing because they just blew it all. I put my money in a hammock and say, 'You relax. I'm going to go work.' And when I come back, I put some more money in the pile." Generally Lum does that too but she does have one weakness: "Karaoke nights," she tells Ling. "If I'm treating like a whole group of friends, I'll drop like three Gs on a group on a night of karaoke. But, like, [spending] for myself? No!" Don't miss: Yankees star Giancarlo Stanton makes $28 million a year but still shops at TJ Maxx Like this story? Subscribe to CNBC Make It on YouTube! More From CNBC CALGARY, Alberta, March 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canadian Utilities Limited (TSX: CU, CU.X) Today, the Fort McMurray West 500-kV Transmission Project was energized three months ahead of schedule, on-budget and with an impeccable safety record. This 508-km transmission line, running from Wabamun, Alta., just west of Edmonton, to Fort McMurray will provide essential electricity, greater reliability and enhance the transmission system to meet growing demands in northern Alberta. Valued at $1.6 billion, the project was financed through the largest public-private-partnership (P3) bond in Canadian history . It is also the longest 500-kV AC transmission line in Canada and was ranked among the top 50 infrastructure projects in Canada. In 2014, we competed against global proponents to win the bid for this critical piece of electricity transmission infrastructure. Today, along with our partner Quanta Services, we successfully completed construction on this project ahead of schedule and on-budget, said Wayne Stensby, Managing Director, Electricity, ATCO. We take pride in the genuine, heartfelt engagement and trust that we have built with all communities and indigenous peoples along the route. The success of this project would not have been possible without these strong, mutually beneficial relationships. Alberta PowerLine, a partnership between Canadian Utilities Limited (80 per cent), an ATCO Company, and Quanta Services Inc. (20 per cent), was selected in 2014 by the Alberta Electric System Operator through a competitive global process to develop, finance, design, build, own, operate and maintain the line. Following extensive consultation, the final route was approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission in February 2017, and construction began shortly thereafter. With approximately 5,000 employees and assets of $22 billion, Canadian Utilities Limited is an ATCO company. Canadian Utilities Limited is a diversified global energy infrastructure corporation delivering service excellence and innovative business solutions in Electricity (electricity generation, transmission, and distribution); Pipelines & Liquids (natural gas transmission, distribution and infrastructure development, energy storage, and industrial water solutions); and Retail Energy (electricity and natural gas retail sales). More information can be found at . Story continues Media Inquiries: Sue Watson Manager, Marketing & Communications Electricity Global Business Unit ATCO 403 828 3550 Forward-Looking Information: Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as anticipate, plan, estimate, expect, may, will, intend, should, and similar expressions. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. The Companys actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in this forward-looking information as a result of regulatory decisions, competitive factors in the industries in which the Company operates, prevailing economic conditions, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking information should not be unduly relied upon. Any forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the Companys expectations as of the date hereof and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities legislation. PDF available: Attractive stocks have exceptional fundamentals. In the case of China Wan Tong Yuan (Holdings) Limited (HKG:8199), there's is a company that has been able to sustain great financial health, trading at an attractive share price. Below, I've touched on some key aspects you should know on a high level. For those interested in digger a bit deeper into my commentary, read the full report on China Wan Tong Yuan (Holdings) here. Flawless balance sheet and undervalued 8199's strong financial health means that all of its upcoming liability payments are able to be met by its current cash and short-term investment holdings. This indicates that 8199 has sufficient cash flows and proper cash management in place, which is an important determinant of the companys health. 8199 currently has no debt on its balance sheet. This means it is running its business only on equity capital funding, which is typically normal for a small-cap company. Therefore the company has plenty of headroom to grow, and the ability to raise debt should it need to in the future. 8199's shares are now trading at a price below its true value based on its discounted cash flows, indicating a relatively pessimistic market sentiment. Investors have the opportunity to buy into the stock to reap capital gains, if 8199's projected earnings trajectory does follow analyst consensus growth, which determines my intrinsic value of the company. Compared to the rest of the consumer services industry, 8199 is also trading below its peers, relative to earnings generated. This bolsters the proposition that 8199's price is currently discounted. SEHK:8199 Price Estimation Relative to Market, April 13th 2019 Next Steps: For China Wan Tong Yuan (Holdings), there are three important aspects you should further research: Future Outlook: What are well-informed industry analysts predicting for 8199s future growth? Take a look at our free research report of analyst consensus for 8199s outlook. Historical Performance: What has 8199's returns been like over the past? Go into more detail in the past track record analysis and take a look at the free visual representations of our analysis for more clarity. Other Attractive Alternatives : Are there other well-rounded stocks you could be holding instead of 8199? Explore our interactive list of stocks with large potential to get an idea of what else is out there you may be missing! We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned. Thank you for reading. FILE PHOTO: Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang speaks during ceremony at the construction site of the Peljesac Bridge in Brijesta, Croatia April 11, 2019. REUTERS/Stringer By Alexandra Harney SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China is confident that it will meet its 2019 economic growth target of six percent to 6.5 percent, premier Li Keqiang said on Friday. Speaking at a summit between China and Central and Eastern European countries in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, Li listed several positive indicators of economic activity and pledged to continue policies to help support growth. Li said China would maintain the direction of its macroeconomic policies but would not move toward quantitative easing or flood the economy with bank bills. A Reuters poll on Friday showed China's economic growth is expected to slow to a near 30-year low of 6.2 percent this year, as sluggish demand at home and abroad weigh on activity despite a flurry of policy support measures. (Reporting by Alexandra Harney; Additional reporting by Shanghai newsroom; Editing by Clarence Fernandez) Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Federal officials have confirmed that a decision made in late March to redirect hundreds of employees responsible for processing trucks at the U.S.-Mexico border to deal with migrants is causing cargo delays to skyrocket. In a media call this week, Randy Howe, director of field operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), said that truck wait times at Brownsville, Texas were two hours, compared with no wait a year ago. At Otay Mesa, a southern California crossing, wait times have shot up from 50 minutes a year ago to 4.5 hours this week, with 175 trucks going unprocessed on April 8. Passenger vehicles waiting to get into El Paso, Texas, were seeing two-hour delays compared with a 45-minute wait at the same time last year. "Our field leaders at the ports of entry are reviewing their operations, taking into account the relocation of their officers to the border patrol sectors and they're adjusting hours and levels of service where necessary to facilitate the lawful trade and travel through the ports," Howe said on April 9. "The ports of entry field leaders have been in frequent communication with local authorities and trade stakeholders in order to mitigate any impact." The problem has the potential to extend to the U.S.-Canadian border as well. After CBP initially transferred 545 officers away from vehicle processing along the southwestern border, an agency official confirmed to FreightWaves on April 12 that it plans to send customs officers from airports and locations along the U.S.-Canada border on "temporary assignment" to the Southwest to deal with humanitarian issues. The exact number to be transferred was not available as of press time. Carriers and shippers have been fearing the effects of disruption at the U.S. southern border after President Trump threatened to shut the border down, and then threatened tariffs, as a way to address the immigration crisis and drug importation. Last week a coalition of 18 trade and carrier associations sent the White House a letter warning of the potential costs to the U.S. economy in the event of slowdowns. Story continues The economic effects are apparent when considering that Mexico is the third-largest U.S. trading partner, with the two countries generating 2 billion of trade annually. The roughly 16,000 trucks that move through Laredo alone account for 37 percent of U.S.-Mexico trade. Mexico's ambassador to the United States, Marth Barcena, tweeted on April 11 that because of the highly integrated North American automotive supply chain, one piece of a car can cross the borders up to seven times before it is assembled. "A delay in the delivery of parts affects the entire chain," she tweeted later. "Automobiles and auto parts are certainly very large areas of concern, but we do so much trade with Mexico there are a lot of other goods as well that are being trucked into the U.S., including textiles and apparel, computer monitors and agriculture products," Teresa Polino, a partner and international trade specialist at the law firm Arent Fox, told FreightWaves. "There's also food coming in that spoils, and that's where delays at the border can get really critical." Drivers already having to deal with potential fines related to new enforcement by CBP of electronic manifest filing now are exposed to hours of service violations as a result of the delays. One carrier has resorted to adding a second driver to deal with the problem, according to the Washington Post. With staff changes at CBP following the resignation of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen this week, Mexico will be looking to make sure the level of attention to the problem remains high. In a tweet on April 10, Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico's Foreign Affairs secretary, called policies that slow the flow of people and freight along the border "a bad idea" because they create supply chain costs for both countries. "Today we'll establish communication with the new DHS authorities in that country to let them know." Image sourced from Pixabay Want more content like this? Click here to Subscribe Permalink See more from Benzinga 2019 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved. The European Central Bank (ECB) said in early March that it has seen a "sizable moderation in economic expansion that will extend into the current year." This led the central bank to slash its growth forecasts for this year to 1.1 percent from a 1.7 percent estimate last December. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has admitted it was "surprised" by the extent of the recent slowdown in the euro zone, but expects growth to pick up again. The euro zone economy has struggled with changes in domestic policies in Germany, social unrest in France, and weaker external trade. However, some of that pressure has started to ease and domestic demand should drive further growth, Poul Thomsen, director of the IMF's European Department, said Friday. "The European slowdown has been pretty pronounced. We expected some slowdown, growth had been above potential for a while, it's quite a mature recovery, (but) we were surprised by the softness and the depth of the slowdown," Thomsen told CNBC's Joummana Bercetche at the IMF's Spring Meetings in Washington, D.C. The European Central Bank (ECB) said in early March that it has seen a " sizable moderation in economic expansion that will extend into the current year." This led the central bank to slash its growth forecasts for this year to 1.1% from a 1.7% estimate last December. At the time, ECB President Mario Draghi said geopolitics, protectionism and vulnerabilities in emerging markets were denting economic sentiment. Thomsen said Friday that in addition to Draghi's main concerns there are also temporary factors impacting the euro zone, such as the social unrest in France and changes to car emission rules which had impacted Germany's auto sector. However, the IMF representative said he remained hopeful about the upcoming months, noting "temporary factors that we already see unwinding." Thomsen said he expected domestic demand "to drive the recovery going forward," helped along by a positive labor market, current oil prices and the support of monetary policy, Story continues Also speaking to CNBC at the IMF Spring Meetings was Klaus Regling, the managing director of the European Stability Mechanism. Regling said that while growth in the euro zone is not going to be as strong as in 2017, the region is far from being in a recession. "We will not see in the next two, three years the growth rates of 2017. It's quite OK to say that the best is over, but it doesn't mean that there is a crisis," he said. More From CNBC By Ayman al-Warfalli BENGHAZI, Libya, April 13 (Reuters) - Eastern Libyan forces will pursue their advance on the capital Tripoli, the head of the eastern parliament in the divided country said on Saturday, despite international calls for a halt in an offensive that risks causing many civilian casualties. His comments came as more clashes rocked the southern outskirts of Tripoli, where eastern forces have been confronted by groups allied to Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj's internationally recognised government. The European Union last week urged the eastern Libya National Army (LNA) to stop its attacks, having agreed on a statement after France and Italy sparred over how to handle the conflict. But the eastern parliament head said they would press an offensive launched a week ago under military commander Khalifa Haftar, the latest outbreak of a cycle of conflict since the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. "We need to get rid of militias and terrorist groups," Aguila Saleh, head of the House of Representatives allied to Haftar, said using a reference eastern officials often make to describe forces allied to the Tripoli government, which relies on support from several armed groups. "We assure the residents of Tripoli that the campaign to liberate Tripoli will be limited and not violate any freedoms but restore security and fight terrorism," Saleh told lawmakers in a session in the main eastern city of Benghazi. Forces loyal to al-Serraj's government have so far kept the eastern offensive at bay. Fierce fighting has broken out around a disused former airport about 11 km (7 miles) from the centre and an eastern military source said a warplane belonging to the LNA had struck a military camp in an eastern Tripoli suburb. Saley also said the United Nations mission to Libya and Serraj's government had been controlled by armed groups and had failed to expel them from the capital, and promised Libya would hold long-delayed elections after the Tripoli operation ends. Story continues Haftar's offensive had surprised the United Nations, which had been planning to hold a national conference on April 14 to prepare Libya for elections. The latest battle had by Friday killed 75 people, mainly fighters but including 17 civilians, and wounded another 323, according to U.N. tallies. Some 13,625 people have been forced out of their homes. As well as the humanitarian cost, the conflict threatens to disrupt oil supplies, boost migration to Europe, scupper a U.N. peace plan, and allow Islamist militants to exploit the chaos. Haftar, 75, a former general in Gaddafi's army who later joined the revolt against him, moved his troops out of their eastern stronghold to take the oil-rich desert south earlier this year, before sweeping up to Tripoli at the start of April. (Writing by Ahmed Elumami and Ulf Laessing Editing by David Holmes) FILE PHOTO - Ethiopian Federal policemen stand at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 plane crash, near the town of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia March 11, 2019. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri/File Photo (This April 4 story has been refilled to correctly say victim was Ralph Nader's grand-niece, not niece) By Jason Neely ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethiopia Airlines' doomed 737 MAX jet hit excessive speed and was forced downwards by a wrongly-triggered automation system as pilots wrestled to regain control, a preliminary report into the crash that has shaken the aviation world showed on Thursday. Three times the captain Yared Getachew cried "pull up", before the Boeing plane plunged into a field six minutes after takeoff from Addis Ababa last month, killing all 157 passengers and crew, said the report by Ethiopian investigators. The disaster - and parallels with another 737 MAX crash in Indonesia where 189 people died last October - has led to the grounding of Boeing's flagship model. It has also brought uncomfortable scrutiny over new software, pilot training and regulatory rigor. While the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority's Accident Prevention and Investigation Bureau had a remit to investigate rather than blame, it implicitly pointed the finger at Boeing by defending the pilots, recommending the U.S. company fix its control systems, and saying regulators must be certain before allowing the MAX back in the air. "The crew performed all the procedures repeatedly provided by the manufacturer but was not able to control the aircraft," Transport Minister Dagmawit Moges told a news conference. "Since repetitive uncommanded aircraft nose down conditions are noticed ... it is recommended that the aircraft control system shall be reviewed by the manufacturer." Boeing, the world's biggest planemaker and one of the United States' most important exporters with a $500 billion order book for the MAX, says a new software fix for its anti-stall system will enable pilots to always override if necessary. According to the report by the Ethiopian investigators, an alarm indicating excess speed was heard on the cockpit voice reporter as the jet reached 500 knots (575 miles per hour) - well above operational limits. Story continues FRAGMENTS IN A CRATER The plane had faulty "angle of attack" sensor readings, its nose was pushed down automatically, and the crew lost control despite following recommended instructions, it said. "Most of the wreckage was found buried in the ground," the report said, indicating the strength of the impact on an arid field in an agricultural zone. No bodies were recovered, only charred fragments among the debris in a crater. Boeing has seen billions wiped off its market value since the crash, but its shares actually rose 2.4 percent on Thursday. Morgan Stanley said the report of flight control problems, which Boeing was already trying to fix, meant a "worst case scenario" of a new cause was probably off the table. Families of the victims, regulators and travelers around the world have been waiting to find out to what extent Boeing technology or the pilots' actions played a role. A final report is due within a year. The preliminary report into the Lion Air disaster in Indonesia suggested pilots also lost control after grappling with so-called MCAS software, a new automated anti-stall feature that repeatedly lowered the nose based on faulty sensor data. "It had to take a second disaster to wake up the major players to pay attention to something that could've been resolved after the first disaster," said one woman, who lost her father in the Ethiopian crash, asking not to be named. "Whatever the issues were, they better be 110 percent sure about their resolution, otherwise the 157 lives lost would have been for nothing if something like this happens again. This is a lesson to not take shortcuts in order to try and save bucks." "PROFITS OVER SAFETY"? U.S. regulator the Federal Aviation Administration, under fire for its certification of the MAX, cautioned the inquiry was not over. "As we learn more about the accident and findings become available, we will take appropriate action," it said. Boeing may press to know how crew members responded to problems triggered by the faulty data. Questions on whether the pilots had leveled out the plane before disengaging MCAS and how many times MCAS activated were not answered at the news conference in Addis Ababa that lasted about 40 minutes. The New York Times quoted Dagmawit as saying pilots turned MCAS off and on, which is not the step recommended in published Boeing procedures telling crew to leave it off once disabled. With bereaved families angry and confused, relatives of one woman killed in the Ethiopian crash filed the first lawsuit on behalf of a U.S. victim in Chicago. The complaint accused Boeing of putting "profits over safety" and also targeted Rosemount Aerospace, the manufacturer of the angle of attack sensor. U.S. consumer activist Ralph Nader, whose grand-niece died in Ethiopia, called for consumers to boycott the MAX. Pilots around the world were watching closely too. "If the preliminary report from the Ethiopian authorities is accurate, the pilots quickly identified the malfunction and applied the manufacturer's checklist," said Captain Jason Goldberg, spokesman for Allied Pilots Association, which represents American Airlines pilots. "Following this checklist did not appear to allow the pilots to regain control of the aircraft." (Reporting by Jason Neely in Addis Ababa, Eric Johnson in Seattle, Katharine Houreld and Maggie Fick in Nairobi, Tim Hepher in Paris, Jamie Freed in Singapore, Tracy Rusinski in Chicago, David Shepardson in Washington; Writing by Andrew Cawthorne; Editing by Alexandra Hudson) FILE PHOTO: An aerial photo shows Boeing 737 MAX airplanes parked on the tarmac at the Boeing Factory in Renton FILE PHOTO: An aerial photo shows Boeing 737 MAX airplanes parked on the tarmac at the Boeing Factory in Renton, Washington, U.S. March 21, 2019. REUTERS/Lindsey Wasson/File Photo By David Shepardson and Tracy Rucinski WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Federal Aviation Administration met for three hours on Friday with representatives from the three major U.S. airlines that own now grounded Boeing 737 MAX jets and their pilots' unions to discuss two fatal crashes and the path forward. More than 300 Boeing 737 MAXs have been grounded worldwide after a total of 346 people died in a Lion Air crash in Indonesia in October and in an Ethiopian Airlines crash outside Addis Ababa last month. American Airlines Group Inc, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines Co officials attended the meeting, where FAA Acting Administrator Dan Elwell said he wanted to know operators' and pilots' thoughts before the agency decides to return the 737 MAX to service. Elwell said the meeting participants' "operational perspective is critical input as the agency welcomes scrutiny on how it can do better." American said in a statement it was "confident in the direction the FAA is heading" and would continue to work collaboratively in this process. Pilots from American and Southwest, the two largest U.S. MAX operators, said they welcomed the meeting but noted that many issues still needed to be discussed and debated before the MAX flies again. "We have to unground the confidence in this airplane," Dennis Tajer, spokesman for the Allied Pilots Association which represents American's pilots, told reporters outside FAA headquarters. "We take off our watches and put the calendars in the drawer," he added, suggesting that rebuilding confidence in the aircraft could take some time. American and United have removed the 737 MAX from their schedules through early June, while Southwest on Thursday extended the removal of its 34 MAX jets through Aug. 5, leading to around 160 daily flight cancellations during the revised summer schedule. Boeing is reprogramming software on the 737 MAX to prevent erroneous data from triggering an anti-stall system known as MCAS that is under mounting scrutiny following the two deadly nose-down crashes. Story continues The FAA said the meeting covered a review of the preliminary findings of the two crash investigations and an overview of Boeing's anticipated software enhancements and pilot training. The plane's certification and training have been questioned following a 2004 decision by Congress to allow manufacturers an expanded role in the FAA's aircraft oversight. Captain Jon Weaks, president of the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association, said in a letter he was concerned that this concept "may be too ingrained to reverse" and complicated by federal budget and personnel shortfalls, but called for continued scrutiny of Boeing. The FAA has convened a joint review with aviation regulators from China, Europe, Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, Ethiopia and other countries. Federal prosecutors, the Transportation Department inspector generals office and a blue-ribbon panel are also reviewing the planes certification. "The first and most important goal of all of the entire process should be to protect the lives of our passengers and the traveling public in general," said Weaks. (Reporting by David Shepardson and Tracy Rucinski; Editing by Alistair Bell and Tom Brown) Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. (FCA or the Company) (NYSE: FCAU / MTA: FCA) announced today that all resolutions proposed to shareholders at the Companys Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held today in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, were passed. The AGM adopted the 2018 Annual Accounts and approved a cash dividend of Euro 0.65 per outstanding common share, equivalent to an aggregate distribution of approximately Euro 1 billion. The dividend will be paid on May 2, 2019 to shareholders of record on both MTA and NYSE on April 24, 2019. The common shares will trade ex-dividend from April 23, 2019. Shareholders holding common shares traded on the NYSE will receive the dividend in U.S. dollars at the official USD/EUR exchange rate reported by the European Central Bank on April 17, 2019. The AGM re-elected all FCA directors standing for re-election, in addition to electing one new director. John Elkann and Michael Manley were re-elected as executive directors of the Company, while Richard Palmer was elected as a new executive director. Ronald Thompson, John Abbott, Andrea Agnelli, Tiberto Brandolini d'Adda, Glenn Earle, Valerie Mars, Michelangelo Volpi, Patience Wheatcroft and Ermenegildo Zegna were re-elected as non-executive directors of the Company. In addition Ernst & Young Accountants LLP were appointed as independent auditors of the Company. The AGM also renewed, for a period of 18 months from the date of the AGM, the existing delegations to the Board of Directors of FCA of the authority to issue common and special voting shares, to grant rights to subscribe for common and special voting shares, and to limit or exclude pre-emptive rights for common shares. Furthermore, the AGM renewed, for a period of 18 months from the date of the AGM, the existing authorization of the Board of Directors to repurchase up to a maximum of 10% of the Companys common shares issued as of the date of the AGM. Pursuant to the authorization, which does not entail any obligation for the Company but is designed to provide additional flexibility, the Board of Directors may repurchase common shares in compliance with applicable regulations, subject to certain maximum and minimum price thresholds. Story continues The AGM also delegated to the Board of Directors the authority to cancel all special voting shares which were returned to the Company because the relevant shareholders elected to deregister. Finally the AGM adopted the proposed resolutions concerning incentive awards to be granted to the CEO as part of the current long-term incentive plan and to approve a new long-term incentive plan. Details of the resolutions submitted to the AGM are available on the Companys corporate website ( ). London, 12 April 2019 Attachment Ferrari N.V. (NYSE/MTA: RACE) announced today that all resolutions proposed to Shareholders at the Ferraris Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the AGM) held today in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, were passed. The Shareholders approved the 2018 Annual Accounts and a dividend in cash1 of Euro 1.03 per outstanding common share, totalling approximately Euro 194 million. The outstanding common shares will be quoted ex-dividend from April 23, 2019. The record date for the dividend will be April 24, 2019 on both MTA and NYSE and the dividend on the outstanding common shares will be paid on May 2, 2019. Shareholders holding the Companys common shares on the record date that are traded on the NYSE will receive the dividend in U.S. dollars at the official European Central Bank EUR/USD exchange rate of April 17, 2019. The Shareholders elected all nominees directors of Ferrari. John Elkann and Louis C. Camilleri were elected as executive directors of Ferrari. Piero Ferrari, Delphine Arnault, Giuseppina Capaldo, Eduardo H. Cue, Sergio Duca, Maria Patrizia Grieco, Adam Keswick and Elena Zambon were elected as non-executive directors of Ferrari. The Shareholders appointed Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as Ferraris independent auditor until the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The Shareholders delegated to the Board of Directors authority to purchase common shares in the capital of Ferrari up to a maximum of 10% of Ferraris issued common shares as of the date of the AGM. Pursuant to the authorization, which does not entail any obligation for Ferrari but is designed to provide additional flexibility, Ferrari may purchase shares of its own common stock from time to time in the 18 months following the AGM, at a purchase price per share between, on the one hand, an amount equal to the par value of the shares and, on the other hand, an amount equal to 110% of the market price of the shares on the New York Stock Exchange and/or the Mercato Telematico Azionario (as the case may be), the market price being the average of the highest price on each of the five days of trading prior to the date on which the acquisition is made, as shown in the Official Price List of the New York Stock Exchange and/or the Mercato Telematico Azionario (as the case may be). Story continues The Shareholders approved to cancel all special voting shares in the share capital of the Company, currently held by the Company in treasury. The cancellation may be executed in one or more tranches, such to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer. The Shareholders further approved the awards (and the metrics and targets applicable thereto) to the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer under the Companys equity incentive plans. Details of the resolutions submitted to the AGM are available on the Companys corporate website at . Concurrently with the AGM, the Company published its 2018 Sustainability Report. This Report was prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, the main international framework for reporting on governance, environmental and social themes. To view the 2018 Sustainability Report online, please visit the following link: . 1 The coupon number of the dividend is 4 (four). Attachment (Adds details of allegations, other bank settlements, byline) By Jonathan Stempel April 12 (Reuters) - General Electric Co will pay a $1.5 billion civil fine to resolve a long-running U.S. probe into defective subprime mortgages from its former WMC Mortgage unit prior to the 2008 global financial crisis. The U.S. Department of Justice on Friday said the accord resolves claims that GE concealed the poor quality of the loans and WMC's lax fraud controls when packaging the loans into residential mortgage-backed securities sold to investors. GE did not admit any wrongdoing in the settlement. WMC was acquired by GE's finance unit, General Electric Capital Corp, in 2004, and originated more than $65 billion of mortgage loans in the next three years. The Justice Department said WMC overstated the quality of a majority of loans it packaged into residential mortgage-backed securities, and its fraudulent practices resulted in billions of dollars of investor losses. Boston-based GE in January had announced an agreement in principle for the settlement and already set aside $1.5 billion. GE sold WMC in late 2007. "This is another step in our ongoing efforts to de-risk GE Capital," GE said in a statement. "This agreement represents a significant part of the total legacy exposure associated with WMC and we are pleased to put this matter behind us." The settlement is part of the efforts by Chief Executive Larry Culp, who took over GE's top job at the beginning of October, to reduce liabilities incurred through expansion by his predecessors, as he attempts to improve profitability and cash flow at GE's core industrial operations. Other large lenders including Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland have also settled U.S. mortgage securities claims. The Swiss bank UBS Group AG is defending against similar claims in federal court in Brooklyn, New York. Story continues GE's case resolved claims under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act, a 1989 law arising from that decade's savings-and-loan scandals. The law has a 10-year statute of limitations. GE's shares were down 0.9 percent at $9.04 in afternoon trading on Friday. In November 2008, the U.S. Department of the Treasury ranked WMC fourth on a list of "worst subprime originators," based on how its loans fared in metropolitan areas with high foreclosure rates, including Detroit, Cleveland and Stockton, California. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Additional reporting by Karen Freifeld; Editing by Tom Brown and Leslie Adler) Hillary Clinton addressed several issues pressing the Trump administration Friday, commenting on healthcare, immigration, foreign policy, and more during a candid discussion at the Women in the World summit in Manhattan. We deserve to see the Mueller report, said Clinton, referring to the special counsel investigations report that Attorney General William Barr is currently redacting for release. If there is material that for whatever reason should not be shared publicly, it should be shared with the Congress, she continued. Clinton also added that Barrs behavior shows he considers his principal duty to be protecting Donald Trump, not protecting the rule of law and the democracy the Justice Department should be defending. Being that Friday marked four years since Clinton launched her 2016 bid for the presidency, she reflected on how she and Trump approach Americas issues differently. I was well aware that we have problems that we have to solve, but its been my experience that anger, resentment, prejudice are not strategies. They stop people from thinking, said Clinton. There are people who absolutely feel left out, unheard, dismissed, marginalized, but what weve got to try to do is to appeal to everybody. Although she declined to comment on any of the 2020 Democratic candidates, Clinton said she is absolutely delighted to see this incredibly diverse field, and especially to have more than one woman running for president of the United States. In regard to healthcare, Clinton spoke highly of countries with mixed systems, where the government takes the primary responsibility for healthcare but private plans are also available. As for Medicare for All, she said, Im all in favor of setting that goal. The specifics, though, matter. Weve got to be very honest with the American people about what it would cost, and what you will get, and how we make the transition, said Clinton, adding that she has long supported universal healthcare and Medicare expansions. Story continues Still, The Affordable Care Act needs all of our support right now, said Clinton. She warned against party divisions and how the Trump administration has turned to the Justice Department to undermine the program when Congress refused to do so. We shouldnt be lobbing insults and attacks at one another. We should be recognizing that we could solve problems if we actually worked together and if we look at the evidence, said Clinton. Im tired of people living in fact-free zones. Clinton also criticized the president for beating the issue of immigration as a political drum to try to rally his supporters, instead of solving the issue. She suggested assigning more judges to the immigration courts, providing humane housing, and creating a system to better manage those crossing the countrys southern border. One of the worst things this administration has done, said Clinton, is to separate families at the border and have no system in place to ensure the children would be accounted for. Clinton also discussed the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed by Saudi Arabian operatives in Turkeys Saudi consulate last October. President Donald Trump has refused to denounce Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite the fact that Khashoggis murder had to be ordered from the highest levels of the Saudi government, said Clinton. There should have been a much stronger response by the United States, she continued. We cannot single-handedly in any way reach in and change the Saudi government. Thats beyond our power to do so, but you can certainly set standards. Clinton said this plays into a larger issue facing the Trump administrations foreign policy. When the president gives up the United States role as a defender of human rights around the globe, you surrender a lot of our power, said Clinton. We do have the biggest economy, still. We do have the largest military, still. Those are important, but what we stand for has always been more important. This is not just a nice thing to do, this is leverage. This is how we try to create a world of laws, not of strongmen, she said. When you blow the top and say that you are supporting autocrats, dictators, nationalists, you are forgetting the lessons of the 20th century. We dealt with the worst that people are capable of doing, said Clinton, naming the concentration camps of WWII as one example. By arguing against institutions such as NATO, the European Union, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Clinton said Trump is contributing to the unleashing of those very basic primal instincts. We didnt change human nature by creating this institutional framework, said Clinton, but we contained it and we set standards for it. Nestled among eateries and drinking dens boasting sidewalk seating and overlooking Milans Navigli canals, those who seek it will find a tiny, seemingly anonymous window churning out classic cocktails in well-sealed paper cups. Congratulations: Youve uncovered one part of BackDoor43, estimated to be the smallest bar in the world. Lest you be confused by the masked man whose only visible trait are the hands serving your drink, you havent just reached one of Milans speakeasies, but you are actually near the citys only takeout bar. The four square meters that make up BackDoor43 (yes, theres a bathroom in there) include the takeout window and and an interior space with four stools, which accommodate the 90-minute reservations available each night from 7 p.m. through 3 a.m. The spot is co-owned by Marco Russo and Flavio Angiolillo, proprietors of five other venues in the Italian city, including 1930, currently ranking at number 80 on The Worlds 100 Best Bars list, presented in association with Dutch spirits brand Bols Genever. The idea for the bar was born sort of randomly, recalls bar manager Francesco Bonazzi via telephone from Milan. We also own the bar next door, Mag Cafe, and we were looking for a spot to expand. We noticed a space next door, there was just a painting on the door representing what looked like the inside of the place, a sink. Backdoor 43 is the smallest bar in the world. | Giulio Masieri Purchasing the space with the intention of setting up a takeout cocktail business (drinking on the street is permitted here, following strict regulations), the drink gurus were surprised by the requirements that such an endeavor actually called for, from an in-house bathroom to a closet. So we said to ourselves, you know what? We can put a little table here, we can place a person making drinks here: lets set up the smallest bar in the world, says Bonazzi. We found out later on that it was actually the smallest bar in the world. We havent recorded it in the Guinness World Record Book because, politically speaking, it was a bit complicated. Story continues Officially or not, one thing is certain: BackDoor43 is tiny, yet fits right into the rapidly changing drinking culture that has come to define Milan. Were in the Italian city where the aperitif reigns supreme, think Campari and vermouth, explains Bonazzi. For years, the cities that functioned as capitals of mixology in Italy have been Milano and Rome. Now, cities like Florence and Torino are catching up, but I feel confident in saying that the beacon of cocktail culture is Milano. There's no formal drink menu at Backdoor 43. | Courtesy of Backdoor 43 The desire to appeal to the segment of the population craving a well-made cocktail ran so deep, it inspired the owners to come up with a few gimmicks. When approaching the takeout window, for instance, patrons are able to select from a limited menu of eight classic cocktails prepared by a professional donning a Guy Fawkes mask. As Bonazzi explains, the bartender should serve drinks of such a high caliber that they make you forget about who was actually making them. [Since our opening in 2015], the bartenders were the stars of the scene, so many people forgot about what they were drinking, says Bonazzi. If someone tries to look through the window while ordering, theyll only see a masked barman. We actually had a lot of people get scared. BackDoor43s program centers around whiskey tastings (there are over 300 varieties available), and the bar serves all kinds of cocktails. But there is no formal drink menu, and patrons are encouraged to chat with the bartender, if so they wish. (Conversations have even led to dinner invitations outside of the bar! exclaims the manager.) Whatever your spirit and mixer of choice, the bartender will deliver, and actually record your preferences in a notebook that includes the drink lists of all guests whove ever entered the premise. A reservation, made a suggested one to two weeks in advance, will guarantee you one of four seats for 90 minutes, and there is no drink minimum. You only pay for what you drink inside, says Bonazzi. Some people might like to drink and have four cocktails in an hour and a half while others might indulge in one single drink or a whiskey tasting only, he explains. We dont impose anything on our patrons. Top shelf liquor inside Backdoor 43. | Giulio Masieri Even the name of the joint has a serpentine background. Based on the Gin Act of 1751, enacted by the British government in the hopes of reducing the consumption of alcohol, the bar concept was inspired the period of time in London when there were secret doors hidden around the city with small fixtures. People would knock and say a special word and gin would literally be pumped through the fixture, explains Bonazzi. As for the number 43, that is the venues building number and even our alcoholic products have a gradation of 43 degrees, says the bar manager. The number 43 had one more role to play. When brainstorming how to spread the word about a new bar shrouded in secrecy, the team purchased 5,000 books and stuffed them with bookmarks that included noted a phone number and a note: Youve found your first clue, find the door to drinking well in Milan. That number was connected to a cellphone that was passed among the team for 43 days straight. At any time of the day, one of us would pick up the phone and wed say: Were opening. Follow the clues and find us, and wed hang up, recalls Bonazzi. A Facebook page was created at that same time and every day at 11:43 a.m., the team would post a clue about the new space. On the 43rd day, the bar opened. Long term investing is the way to go, but that doesn't mean you should hold every stock forever. We really hate to see fellow investors lose their hard-earned money. Imagine if you held China Eco-Farming Limited (HKG:8166) for half a decade as the share price tanked 92%. We also note that the stock has performed poorly over the last year, with the share price down 80%. The falls have accelerated recently, with the share price down 26% in the last three months. We note that the company has reported results fairly recently; and the market is hardly delighted. You can check out the latest numbers in our company report. While a drop like that is definitely a body blow, money isn't as important as health and happiness. Check out our latest analysis for China Eco-Farming Given that China Eco-Farming didn't make a profit in the last twelve months, we'll focus on revenue growth to form a quick view of its business development. When a company doesn't make profits, we'd generally expect to see good revenue growth. Some companies are willing to postpone profitability to grow revenue faster, but in that case one does expect good top-line growth. Over five years, China Eco-Farming grew its revenue at 22% per year. That's better than most loss-making companies. So on the face of it we're really surprised to see the share price has averaged a fall of 40% each year, in the same time period. It could be that the stock was over-hyped before. We'd recommend carefully checking for indications of future growth - and balance sheet threats - before considering a purchase. Depicted in the graphic below, you'll see revenue and earnings over time. If you want more detail, you can click on the chart itself. SEHK:8166 Income Statement, April 13th 2019 We like that insiders have been buying shares in the last twelve months. Even so, future earnings will be far more important to whether current shareholders make money. Dive deeper into the earnings by checking this interactive graph of China Eco-Farming's earnings, revenue and cash flow. Story continues A Different Perspective We regret to report that China Eco-Farming shareholders are down 80% for the year. Unfortunately, that's worse than the broader market decline of 4.0%. However, it could simply be that the share price has been impacted by broader market jitters. It might be worth keeping an eye on the fundamentals, in case there's a good opportunity. Regrettably, last year's performance caps off a bad run, with the shareholders facing a total loss of 40% per year over five years. We realise that Buffett has said investors should 'buy when there is blood on the streets', but we caution that investors should first be sure they are buying a high quality businesses. Investors who like to make money usually check up on insider purchases, such as the price paid, and total amount bought. You can find out about the insider purchases of China Eco-Farming by clicking this link. China Eco-Farming is not the only stock that insiders are buying. For those who like to find winning investments this free list of growing companies with recent insider purchasing, could be just the ticket. Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on HK exchanges. We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned. Thank you for reading. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Methanex Corporation (Methanex or the Company) (MX.TO) (MEOH) announces that it has reached a cooperation agreement (the Agreement) with M&G Investments (M&G) pursuant to which the Company will recommend Paul Dobson for election to its eleven member board of directors at the upcoming annual general meeting of shareholders (the Meeting) on April 25, 2019. Mr. Dobson will be appointed to the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee. To accommodate the addition of Mr. Dobson, the Board accepted the offer of Howard Balloch, the longest serving independent director, to advance his planned retirement by a year, and not stand or be nominated for re-election at the Meeting. We are pleased to have come to a cooperation agreement with our largest shareholder that is both responsive to their views and allows us to move forward with our mutual goal of maintaining Methanexs leading position in the methanol industry while generating strong returns for shareholders, said Chairman of the Board, Tom Hamilton. We thank Howard Balloch for his years of leadership and service to Methanex. Howard has been instrumental as Chair of the Public Policy Committee and a valuable contributor to Methanexs long track record of success. We believe the opportunity to build a third plant alongside our other two plants in Geismar, Louisiana is unique. Methanex are committed to a thoughtful, rigorous evaluation process for reviewing all growth projects and as part of our Agreement we have agreed to retain an independent financial advisory firm to assist in our financial review of the Geismar 3 project, said President and Chief Executive Officer, John Floren. M&G will withdraw its proxy circular and proxy card in respect to the Meeting and has agreed to vote all of its shares in favour of the nominees recommended by the Company. M&G has also agreed to a standstill arrangement through the 2020 annual general meeting of shareholders. Story continues The Company has agreed with M&G to continue its ongoing board refreshment process by selecting an additional director after the Meeting from a list to be submitted by M&G. Such director will possess financial experience and other skills, experience and expertise required to oversee the continued growth of the worlds largest methanol producer. Stuart Rhodes, a fund manager with M&G, stated, We are pleased to have reached this constructive outcome with Methanex and look forward to continuing to be long-term, supportive shareholders in the Company. M&G is confident that Paul Dobsons addition to the Board and our ongoing support for the leadership of John Floren and his extremely capable management team will help ensure the continued success of Methanex. The full Agreement has been filed on the Companys SEDAR profile. NEW DIRECTOR NOMINEE BIOGRAPHY Paul Dobson: Paul Dobson, CPA, CMA, is Interim CEO of Hydro One Limited, a major transmission and distribution provider in Ontario. Prior to being appointed as Interim CEO, Mr. Dobson was the Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Dobson previously held executive positions, including CFO and COO, at Direct Energy, a provider of energy-related services based in Houston, Texas. He has held leadership roles in international energy companies in Canada, the US and London. VOTING IS NOW OPEN Shareholders should vote their WHITE proxy form or voting instruction form FOR the Companys recommended nominees, including Paul Dobson, before April 23, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. (Vancouver time). If you have questions or need help voting, contact Kingsdale Advisors at 1-888-327-0821 or at For further information, contact: Kim Campbell Manager, Investor Relations Methanex Corporation 604 661-2600 or Toll Free: 1 800 661 8851 Ian Robertson Executive Vice President, Communication Strategy Kingsdale Advisors Direct: 416-867-2333 Cell: 647-621-2646 Email: By Anthony Esposito MERIDA, Mexico (Reuters) - Mexican and U.S. business leaders on Friday pushed back against President Donald Trump's threats to close the U.S.-Mexico border and urged him to drop steel tariffs that have hindered the ratification of a trade deal brokered last year. At a meeting in the eastern Mexican city of Merida attended by government officials from both countries, business lobbies united to call on Trump to drop his threats to disrupt border trade after days of hold-ups on the frontier. Describing the U.S.-Mexico relationship as a top priority, U.S. Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue told a news conference the United States should exempt Mexico and Canada from steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by Trump last June before its Congress approves the deal struck to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. "That is why we are the first out of the gate to warn against the disastrous consequences of closing the U.S.-Mexican border," Donohue said, sitting next to Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who warmly applauded his speech. Mexico is the United States' second biggest export market, and third biggest trading partner. U.S.-Mexico trade is worth about half a trillion dollars a year. Mexico and Canada want Trump to drop the metals tariffs before their lawmakers approve the deal agreed in September known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Tensions over the border are further hindering the process. Following a surge in asylum seekers who mostly traveled through Mexico from Central American countries, Trump last month threatened to close the border if Mexico did not immediately halt illegal immigration. His government then redeployed border agents to police the frontier, sparking delays which have cost businesses on both sides millions of dollars. After Donohue spoke, Carlos Salazar, president of Mexico's powerful CCE business lobby, weighed in to say he hoped the U.S. government understood the need to keep the border open. "And let's not confuse migration problems with trade problems and industry problems," Salazar said, seated on the other side of Lopez Obrador, who again applauded the speech. Story continues Lopez Obrador himself, as he has for months, avoided any implicit or explicit criticism of Trump, instead offering thanks to the American president for "being open to deal with our commercial, migratory and security matters with respect." Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross looked on, seated next to Salazar, but did not address the news conference. The event was part of the latest iteration of a recurring business forum known as the U.S.-Mexico CEO Dialogue. On the sidelines, Mexican Economy Minister Graciela Marquez met Ross and again urged the United States to end the metals tariffs for Mexico, part of a set of national security measures Trump had ordered under the so-called "Section 232" mechanism. In addition, the minister asked that Ross push forward talks aimed at reaching a quick deal in a stop-start tomato dispute between Mexican and U.S. producers. Marquez was able to tout a workers' rights bill that Mexico's lower house of Congress approved late on Thursday, legislation that U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for to win Democratic support for USMCA. U.S. Deputy Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette met Mexico's Energy Minister Rocio Nahle and later said she had indicated to him that her government did not plan to roll back an energy overhaul passed by the previous administration. The 2013-14 reform opened up oil production and exploration to private capital, drawing significant interest from U.S. investors. At the time, Lopez Obrador roundly attacked the reform. However, he has since said he will give private operators time to show that they can increase output. Lopez Obrador wants to revive state oil company Pemex and plans to build an $8 billion refinery in his home state of Tabasco. A U.S. embassy spokesman said that Mexican officials hoped to help fund the project by reducing tax evasion. (Reporting by Anthony Esposito and Dave Graham; Editing by Grant McCool) Microsoft MSFT and Amazon AMZN are reportedly the only remaining contenders to secure the Pentagons Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud contract. According to the sources, International Business Machines IBM and Oracle ORCL are no longer being considered for the deal for failing to meet the minimum criteria. Notably, Alphabets GOOGL Google had willingly opted out from bidding for the JEDI deal citing value and ethics concerns. Government Programs Present Solid Growth Opportunity The fiscal 2019 defense budget of $716 billion the largest allotted to defense in U.S. history is extremely lucrative. Out of the total tally, $686 billion is allotted to the Department of Defense (DoD) and $13.7 billion is proposed to be invested in science and technology to further innovation. Per psmarketresearch data, the global government cloud services market is projected to witness a CAGR of 15.4% during 2018-2023. The potential is alluring for prominent cloud services providers. The announcement of approximately $10 billion worth 10-year JEDI contract intensified competition between Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud and Oracle. Concerns pertaining to President Trumps anti-Amazon tweets or Oracle and IBMs apprehension regarding the policies have been doing rounds since then. However, the Pentagon assured that the contract will be finalized in a fair and transparent manner. Notably, AWS is authorized to host DoDs Impact Level 6 workloads, which are touted to be Pentagons and U.S. militarys highest level of classified information. Further, Microsoft announced the availability of Azure Government Secret regions, which are enabled to support Level 6 workloads, from the first quarter of 2019. Microsofts Expanding Defense Portfolio vs AWS Dominance Zeroing in on either AWS or Azure isnt going to be an easy decision. Microsofts proactive stance on enhancing Azures government-related services with AI and robust edge capabilities poises it well to bag the deal. In fact, Microsoft secured back-to-back deal wins from DoD in the recent past, which includes a five-year contract worth $1.76-billion to provide enterprise services for the Pentagon Defense Department, cloud Coast Guard and intelligence services. Another worth $480 million involves the utilization of HoloLens by U.S. army soldiers to combat real-life challenging conditions. The introduction of new Azure Data Box, Data Box Heavy and Data Box Edge to government customers, are a few instances highlighting Microsofts growing capabilities. Further, Azure has already been selected by the likes of Alaska Department of Transportation, Duo+ based out of Netherlands, South African government unit Department of Science and Technology, to name a few. Story continues Microsoft Corporation Revenue (Quarterly) Microsoft Corporation Revenue (Quarterly) | Microsoft Corporation Quote However, it will be difficult for DoD to ignore AWS expertise and dominance in the cloud market. Per a report from Synergy Research Group, AWS led the cloud market in fourth-quarter 2018 with 34% share, compared with Azures 15%. In November, 2018, AWS rolled out its second isolated infrastructure region for government agencies and the organizations in highly regulated industries. The latest region called AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region is based in the eastern part of the United States. The first region named AWS GovCloud (US-West) was launched in 2011. AWS has assisted governments and agencies alike with its high security and compliant cloud capabilities, including Government of Singapore, agencies like NASA, UK Ministry of Justice, to mention a few., Inc. Revenue (Quarterly), Inc. Revenue (Quarterly) |, Inc. Quote Notably, at present, AWS has 61 availability zones, while Microsoft has 54 Azure regions worldwide. While Microsoft has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold), Amazon carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). You can see the complete list of todays Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) stocks here. Radical New Technology Creates $12.3 Trillion Opportunity Imagine buying Microsoft stock in the early days of personal computers or Motorola after it released the worlds first cell phone. These technologies changed our lives and created massive profits for investors. Today, were on the brink of the next quantum leap in technology. 7 innovative companies are leading this 4th Industrial Revolution - and early investors stand to earn the biggest profits. See the 7 breakthrough stocks now>> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) : Free Stock Analysis Report, Inc. (AMZN) : Free Stock Analysis Report Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) : Free Stock Analysis Report Oracle Corporation (ORCL) : Free Stock Analysis Report Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) : Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Photo: Jason Doiy/ALM A federal appeals court has stayed a ruling barring the Trump administrations policy forcing Central American asylum seekers to return to Mexico to wait for their cases to be heard. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Friday afternoon issued a temporary stay of a preliminary injunction order issued this week by U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg of the Northern District. The injunction was set to go into effect Friday evening at 5 p.m. Pacific Time. But the panelmade up of Circuit Judges Diarmuid O'Scannlain, William Fletcher and Paul Watfordhas stayed Seeborgs nationwide injunction until it can hear the governments emergency motion. It set a Tuesday morning deadline for plaintiffs in the case to file an opposition to the governments request. On Monday, Seeborg blocked the Trump administrations policy. He found that the so-called Migrant Protection Protocols implemented late last year were not authorized by Congress under the Immigration and Nationality Act, and even if they were, they didnt provide proper safeguards to meet the governments obligation not to return any alien to a territory where his or her life or freedom would be threatened. The ruling marked the second time in as many months that Seeborg had issued a ruling finding that an administration policy violated the Administrative Procedure Act. In March, the judge found that the administrations decision to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census was arbitrary and capricious. (Bloomberg) -- Norways Finance Minister Siv Jensen called for broader international cooperation to end monopolies of global technology giants that can overcharge consumers. While attending the International Monetary Funds spring meetings in Washington this past week, Jensen drew attention to the market power of the biggest tech companies and their fiscal footprints in countries where they operate, according to a statement from her office. The emergence we see of large, private monopolies and multinational corporations that are making huge profits without paying taxes is a problem we must take seriously, the finance minister said. European Union officials have been cracking down in recent years on efforts by big global companies to limit their European tax burdens. EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager ordered Apple Inc. to pay back billions of euros to Ireland, and she backed a push by France to tax Internet firms more heavily. Jensen said consumers are contributing to huge profits because competition in markets is often too weak. We will therefore not be able to reverse the trend until we have a more effective competition policy in place that limits the companies opportunity to charge too high prices, Jensen said. To contact the reporter on this story: Sveinung Sleire in Oslo at To contact the editors responsible for this story: Jonas Bergman at, Todd White, Paul Jarvis For more articles like this, please visit us at 2019 Bloomberg L.P. Novartis AGs NVS) generic arm, Sandoz, signed an agreement with Japanese pharmaceutical company, Shionogi & Co Ltd, for commercialization of Rizmoic in the key European markets of Germany, the U.K. and the Netherlands, plus right of first refusal for certain other European markets. Rizmoic, a once-daily 200-microgram oral tablet discovered and developed by Shionogi, was approved in the EU on Feb 22, 2019. The drug is approved to treat opioid induced constipation (OIC) in adult patients previously treated with a laxative. We note that Sandoz has a strong presence in the European market for anti-pain therapeutics. Per the agreement, Sandoz will be responsible for commercializing Rizmoic in Germany, the U.K. and the Netherlands, while Shionogi will manufacture and develop the drug. We note that Sandoz is currently facing competitive pressure in the United States. In September 2018, Novartis agreed to sell selected portions of its Sandoz U.S. portfolio, specifically the Sandoz U.S. dermatology business and the U.S. oral solids portfolio. The divestiture is in accordance with Sandozs strategy of focusing on complex generics, value-added medicines and biosimilars to achieve sustainable and profitable growth in the United States in the long run. The transaction will be completed in 2019. Earlier, Novartis completed the spin-off of the eye care devices business, Alcon, through a dividend-in-kind distribution to holders of Novartis shares and ADRs (American Depositary Receipts), with each holder receiving 1 Alcon share for every 5 Novartis shares or ADRs held on Apr 8, 2019, at the close of business. Shares of Alcon have commenced trading under the symbol "ALC" on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX). We remind investors that Novartis decided to spin-off its ophthalmology unit to better focus on its legacy pharma business, with a financial profile closer to its pharmaceutical industry peers. The company also sold its stake in consumer healthcare joint venture to GlaxoSmithKline GSK for $13 billion. Story continues Shares of the company have gained 14.9% in the past six months compared with the industry's 5.9% growth. Last year was a transformative one for Novartis, as it restructured its business to become a core drug-focused company, powered by data and digital technologies. The company acquired U.S.-based clinical-stage gene-therapy company, AveXis, Inc in 2018. Novartis also acquired Endocyte to expand expertise in radiopharmaceuticals. We expect more acquisitions in the coming months, as the company looks to further restructure its business. Novartis intends to raise its annual dividend from CHF 2.85 per share. The company also plans to complete its previously announced share buyback of $5 billion in 2019. Zacks Rank & Stocks to Consider Novartis currently carries a Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell). A couple of better-ranked stocks in the same space are Johnson & Johnson JNJ and Bayer AG BAYRY. Both stocks carry a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). You can see see the complete list of todays Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) stocks here. Johnson & Johnsons earnings per share estimates have increased from $9.20 to $9.21 for 2020 in the past 60 days. The company delivered a positive earnings surprise in all the trailing four quarters at an average of 1.61%. Bayers earnings per share estimates have increased from $1.92 to $1.95 for 2019 over the past 60 days. Breakout Biotech Stocks with Triple-Digit Profit Potential The biotech sector is projected to surge beyond $775 billion by 2024 as scientists develop treatments for thousands of diseases. Theyre also finding ways to edit the human genome to literally erase our vulnerability to these diseases. Zacks has just released Century of Biology: 7 Biotech Stocks to Buy Right Now to help investors profit from 7 stocks poised for outperformance. Our recent biotech recommendations have produced gains of +98%, +119% and +164% in as little as 1 month. The stocks in this report could perform even better. See these 7 breakthrough stocks now>> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report Novartis AG (NVS) : Free Stock Analysis Report Bayer Aktiengesellschaft (BAYRY) : Free Stock Analysis Report Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) : Free Stock Analysis Report GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) : Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Denise De Gaetano is the founder of Data Science Malta, an education platform that provides courses, networking events, and general knowledge transfer. The Maltese resident recently spoke to Coin Rivet about Women in Blockchain, the data science industry, and the emergence of blockchain technology in Malta. How did you get involved in blockchain technology? Having a background in data science, I have been working with data for now almost 11 years. My career started off with the then initiation of the term big data in various industries, and it has been moving from strength to strength in terms of different areas of data science, including but not limited to, AI, machine learning, and also blockchain technology the last of Denise De Gaetano is the founder of Data Science Malta, an education platform that provides courses, networking events, and general knowledge transfer. The Maltese resident recently spoke to Coin Rivet about Women in Blockchain, the data science industry, and the emergence of blockchain technology in Malta. How did you get involved in blockchain technology? Having a background in data science, I have been working with data for now almost 11 years. My career started off with the then initiation of the term big data in various industries, and it has been moving from strength to strength in terms of different areas of data science, including but not limited to, AI, machine learning, and also blockchain technology the last of which I have been involved in for now almost five years. Tell us more about what you do. There is no one-liner to this. I am involved in a number of different aspects of tech, data science, and business. Having always been an inquisitive mind, I always loved learning and applying various different aspects and turning them into money. Hence, I can say that I am a data scientist, business consultant, and entrepreneur, having worked within various industries throughout my career. My skills and expertise have helped with the transformation of data investments into actionable business results through the visioning and implementation of big data, web presence, content publishing, and enterprise search solutions. I was also involved in business strategies providing a superior engagement experience through a combination of business acumen, intellectual curiosity, a collaborative work style, and strong partnerships with award-winning vendors. Why is it so important to be philanthropic? Doing good in the world is something which we should all be doing. Giving back to society and making it a better place in view of what we build will allow us to live in harmony with each other and the world we live in. Story continues What were your career ambitions when you were younger? Since I was little, I always loved science and business. For quite a number of years, I wanted to become an astronaut. Innovation was the pillar to what I enjoyed doing. I always needed to know newer ways of doing things. Nonetheless, I also loved coming up with ideas of how to turn my projects into possible businesses. This flourished when I started working in data science, where we can use data and technology to turn ideas into money. Why are so few women involved in blockchain? The number of women I meet in blockchain is increasing. In reality, rather than looking at the actual field of blockchain, one needs to focus on the full aspect of the science, given that blockchain technology needs a strong background in technology. Perhaps to break this chain, both males and females need to be invited to this gender diversity conversation, for such to turn into a more gender-balanced science. What more needs to be done to remove obstacles for women in blockchain? Once again, I do not think that we need to focus on gender in any field. Whenever there is the drive and passion to succeed, it will be done. In most instances of my career I was the only female, coupled with almost always being one of the youngest in the team. This has never deterred me from moving up the ladder of my career and being successful. What are you, personally, doing to get more people involved in blockchain? I am the founder of Data Science Malta. The aim is to provide various courses, networking events, and a platform for general knowledge transfer in all fields of data science, including blockchain technology. There has been a lot of interest in this field, not only from Malta, but also abroad. How do you see this technology changing peoples lives for the better? Blockchain technology brings with it transparency together with accountability. Any company utilising blockchain technology will allow its consumer to understand the whole process of the product life cycle right from origination, allowing you to know if what you are buying has been ethically made or otherwise. This will eradicate illegal activities in various industries, such as that in illegal fishing, as keeping track of the life cycle will not be done anymore over a piece of paper, but rather tracked over the blockchain platform. What would you say to young women considering a career in blockchain? How would you encourage them? Go for it! Pursue your dreams. Whatever you believe will make you happy for the rest of your life, do it even if it is not what the majority of your peers are doing. You will only reach success when you have reached happiness. Is gender a barrier to success. Or not? Absolutely not. As I said before, whenever their is passion and drive to succeed, anyone can do it, irrespective of your gender. For more news, guides, and cryptocurrency analysis, click here. The post Q&A with Data Science Malta founder Denise De Gaetano appeared first on Coin Rivet. (Refiles story to add dropped word 'percent' in second para) BERLIN, April 11 (Reuters) - Qatar has no direct say in who runs Deutsche Bank, the country's foreign minister said when he was asked on Thursday for Doha's view on merger talks between Deutsche Bank and fellow German lender Commerzbank . Some 6.1 percent of the shares in Germany's troubled lender are owned by two members of Qatar's wealthy royal family, and the country's sovereign wealth fund has also previously considered building a stake. "Qatar invests in many areas in Germany," said foreign minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani at a press conference after talks with his German counterpart. "The question of who runs this or that institution is not a matter for Qatar directly or which Qatar decides upon." (Reporting by Thomas Escritt Editing by Arno Schuetze) With Special Counsel Robert Mueller's two-year investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 election now complete, what does the controversy surrounding the Mueller probe mean for the future of special counsels looking into the actions of the president? I do think this will be the last special counsel we see operating under these rules, Pierce Bainbridge criminal defense attorney Caroline Polisi told FOX Business' Gerry Baker. Specifically because there is this sort of opaque nature in that there is no disclosure requirement by [Attorney General William] Barr to the public. Polisi, who represents George Papodopoulos, explained that the current law requires the special counsel to turn over a report to the attorney general. Papadopoulos, the the former aide to then-presidential candidate Trump, pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. in the Russia probe. The previous law governing independent counsels -- such as the Ken Starr investigation of former President Bill Clinton -- was criticized for being too forthcoming. Its damned if you do, damned if you dont, Polisi said. You know, people were up in arms at sort of the level of detail that they were reading in the Starr report. It seemed a bit much. But she does feel, at the very least, the current disclosure rules are going to change, she said. I think Democrats would say there definitely needs to be a mechanism by which the public and/or the Congress will get the ultimate findings, not simply a summary...but really go to all of the underlying information that was obtained throughout the entirety of the prosecution," she said. Robert Ray, who followed Starr as the Whitewater independent counsel, told Baker that can't happen under the current law governing special counsels. Thats a regulatory environment which is the [Justice] Departments prerogative, he said. If Congress wants to change that, they would have to pass a law in order to have that occur. Story continues CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX BUSINESS APP Ray is not sure if this is the end of special or independent counsels, but he noted the whole concept raised some big concerns. There are significant constitutional questions that remain by virtue of experience as to whether or not the independent counsel statute was even constitutional, he says. It severely circumscribes the presidents executive authority in order to set up an independent counsel that is independent from everybody, the Congress, the court system by and large, and more most importantly, the executive branch. Related Articles WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Friday announced more sanctions on shipping companies transporting oil from Venezuela, blacklisting four shipping companies and nine vessels, some of which the U.S. Treasury Department said carried oil to Cuba. The U.S. Treasury identified the firms as Liberia-based Jennifer Navigation Ltd, Lima Shipping Corp and Large Range Ltd, and Italy-based PB Tankers S.P.A. It blacklisted one tanker belonging to each of the Liberian firms and six owned by the Italian firm. A Treasury statement said Venezuelas oil sector continued "to provide a lifeline to the illegitimate regime" of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. We continue to target companies that transport Venezuelan oil to Cuba, as they are profiting while the Maduro regime pillages natural resources," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in the statement. "Venezuelas oil belongs to the Venezuelan people, and should not be used as a bargaining tool to prop up dictators and prolong oppression, he said. The sanctions prohibit dealings with the firms by U.S. citizens and block the companies' financial interests in the United States. A week ago, the U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on 34 vessels owned or operated by Venezuelan state-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A, or PDVSA, and also on two companies and a vessel that delivered oil to Cuba in February and March. PDVSA nevertheless shipped 1 million barrels of oil to Cuba after the last round of sanctions, according to a PDVSA document and tanker tracking data. Last week's sanctions came on top of a previous round in January targeting PDVSA itself. The United States and most Western nations have recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as the rightful president of Venezuela. Guaido invoked the Venezuelan constitution to assume an interim presidency in January, arguing that Maduro's 2018 re-election was illegitimate. Maduro argues Guaido is a puppet of the United States attempting to oust him in a coup. Venezuela's Foreign minister Jorge Arreaza this week said the OPEC-member nation plans to "fulfill its commitments" to Cuba. Venezuela has long sent subsidized crude to Cuba. The United States describes the arrangement as an "oil-for-repression" scheme in which Havana helps socialist Maduro weather an economic crisis and the power struggle with the opposition in exchange for fuel. Cuba has said it will never abandon its ally even as U.S. President Donald Trump's administration threatened more sanctions. (Reporting by David Brunnstrom, Makini Brice and Tim Ahmann; Editing by James Dalgleish) By Joshua Franklin NEW YORK (Reuters) - Uber Technologies Inc has 91 million users, but growth is slowing and it may never make a profit, the ride-hailing company said on Thursday in its initial public offering filing. The document gave the first comprehensive financial picture of the decade-old company which was started after its founders struggled to get a cab on a snowy night and has changed the way much of the world travels. The S-1 filing underscores the rapid growth of Uber's business in the last three years but also how a string of public scandals and increased competition from rivals have weighed on its plans to attract and retain riders. The disclosure also highlighted how far Uber remains from turning a profit, with the company cautioning it expects operating expenses to "increase significantly in the foreseeable future" and it "may not achieve profitability." Uber lost $3.03 billion in 2018 from operations. The filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission revealed Uber had 91 million average monthly active users on its platforms, including for ride-hailing and Uber Eats, at the end of 2018. This is up 33.8 percent from 2017, but growth slowed from 51 percent a year earlier. Uber had not disclosed the latest user numbers before, and the figure indicates the scale of the business. Although its user base includes customers of other services as well as ride-sharing, Uber's 91 million is nearly five times the 18.6 million announced by rival Lyft Inc. Uber in 2018 had revenue of $11.3 billion, up around 42 percent over 2017, again below the 106 percent growth the prior year. Uber set a placeholder amount of $1 billion but did not specify the size of the IPO. Reuters reported this week that Uber plans to sell around $10 billion worth of stock at a valuation of between $90 billion and $100 billion. Investment bankers had previously told Uber it could be worth as much as $120 billion. Uber would be the largest IPO since that of Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba Group Holding Ltd in 2014, which raised $25 billion. Story continues Although Uber is no longer targeting a $120 billion valuation in the IPO, some stock bonuses to Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi and other company executives are only triggered when that valuation is reached. ADVERSE EVENTS Uber will follow Lyft in going public. Shares in its smaller rival closed at $61.01 on Thursday, 15 percent below its IPO price set late last month, a development which has sent chilling signal for other tech start-ups looking to go public. After making the public filing, Uber will begin a series of investor presentations, called a roadshow, which Reuters has reported will start the week of April 29. The company is on track to price its IPO and begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange in early May. Uber faces questions over how it will navigate any transition towards self-driving vehicles, a technology seen as potentially dramatically lowering costs but which could also disrupt its business model. One advantage Uber will likely seek to play up to investors is that it is the largest player in many of the markets in which it operates. Analysts consider building scale crucial for Uber's business model to become profitable. In addition to answering questions about the company's finances, Uber CEO Khosrowshahi will be tasked with convincing investors that he has successfully changed the culture and business practices after a series of embarrassing scandals over the last two years. Those have included sexual harassment allegations, a massive data breach that was concealed from regulators, use of illicit software to evade authorities and allegations of bribery overseas. Khosrowshahi joined Uber in 2017 from Expedia Inc to replace company co-founder Travis Kalanick who was ousted as CEO. Uber said in its filing its ridehailing position in the United States and Canada was "significantly impacted by adverse publicity events" and that its position in many markets has been threatened by discounts from other ride-hailing companies. A #DeleteUber campaign surged on social media in 2017 after a public relations crisis, which Uber said in its filing meant hundreds of thousands of consumers stopped using its platform within days. Uber said its market share fell in most regions last year, although the rate of decline has slowed. The company claims more than 65 percent market share in the United States and Canada, compared to Lyft's stated 39 percent in the United States. Uber is reserving some shares in the IPO for drivers who have completed 2,500 trips among other criteria. (Reporting by Joshua Franklin in New YorkAdditional reporting by Nivedita Bhattacharjee in Bangalore; Editing by Cynthia Osterman) Welcome to Money Diaries , where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennials how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period and we're tracking every last dollar. Calling all entrepreneurs: We want to hear from you! If youre a freelancer or self-employed, wed love to feature your Money Diary. Submit here. Travel Diaries: We're looking to get the inside scoop on when, where, and how our peers are using their vacation days. Open to tracking your travel expenses during an upcoming trip? Email us at Today: a software engineer who makes $330,000 per year and spends some her money this week on boba tea. Occupation: Software Engineer Industry: Technology Age: 25 Location: San Francisco, CA Salary: $330,000 ($194,000 base + $136,000 stock) Gender Identity: Female Monthly Expenses Rent: $1,400 (I split rent for a one-bedroom apartment with my boyfriend.) Gym Membership: $135 Credit Card Fee: $42 Utilities: $50 Renter's Insurance: $8 Google Storage: $2 Amazon Prime: $55 (Split with boyfriend.) Phone: $0 (I'm on my parent's plan.) Internet: $8 (My work pays for the bulk of the cost I just pay taxes.) Netflix: $0 (I use my parents' account.) 401k: $1,583 (max contribution) HSA: $292 (max contribution) Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: $85 Index-Fund Investment: $1,000 Savings: $2,000 Day One 7 a.m. I wake up before my 7:30 a.m. alarm, feeling super groggy likely due to PMS. I chug a bottle of warm water along with some vitamins and then make an oat milk latte using my espresso machine. I prepped a Vitamix pitcher full of spinach, mixed berries, avocado, protein powder, and water in the fridge last night and blend that up for a quick breakfast before my 40-minute walk to work. 9 a.m. At work, I grab myself a second cup of coffee decaf this time with some milk and honey to reward myself for the long commute. I choose to walk as a way to get my steps in, listen to podcasts, and also because I hate dealing with morning traffic. Story continues 12 p.m. Tech companies like mine offer free food, coffee, and snacks, and I'm grateful not to worry about my lunch every day. I have lunch with my team and try to fill my plate with more greens than carbs. Then I snack on some Cheez-Its after lunch and make my daily post-lunch iced latte with my coworker/friend to prepare ourselves for the meetings ahead. 5:45 p.m. The gym is on my way home, so I call a Lyft to a zone near the gym. I have Lyft credit from work that covers my rides as long as they're within certain zones (near bus/train stations). I walk the rest of the distance (10 minutes) between my drop-off and the gym, but I missed the Monday 5:30 HIIT class due to traffic. I miss it about 50% of the time, but thank goodness my gym doesn't charge a penalty. I take advantage of the flexibility and decide to run outside instead. One mile in, it starts pouring, so I run back to the gym and do another two miles on the treadmill. 7:50 p.m. It's dinnertime! I always try to cook and eat dinner at home, even though work provides dinner, too. I enjoy cooking (most of the time) and spending quality time with my boyfriend, N., or, if he's busy at work late, the TV. Tonight, I batch-baked some miso soy sauce flounder I defrosted last night. The kind we bought this week is somehow fishier than other flounder we've had, so I soak it in some cold vinegar water for some time before marinating it in the miso sauce and baking it. I also prep a simple side salad with grated carrots and mixed greens dressed in a random mixture of Asian sauces, mustard, and Kewpie. 9 p.m. I do some online shopping while watching Netflix. I don't own much makeup, but I decided this year to put in more of an effort. And my eyeshadow from freshman year of college is probably expired at this point. I buy myself a Korean BB cream to keep in my gym bag, eyebrow pencil, lip liner, and a contour stick. $98 Daily Total: $98 Day Two 8:10 a.m. I wake up feeling even more tired than yesterday. I blame it on the PMS and insomnia. I chug my water and vitamins and head out the door immediately. I like getting to work early because it's the most quiet and productive time for me to get some coding done, which is tough nowadays since, as a tech lead, I spend the bulk of my day in meetings, reviewing junior engineers' code, and putting out fires. I snack on some English muffins at my desk when I get to work. 11:50 p.m. I get a sandwich and chicken soup for lunch, plus my daily iced latte. 4 p.m. I have one of my more relaxing meetings during this time. I mentor a younger engineer on career growth and sometimes we just chat about whatever. I have some popcorn. 6:30 p.m. I don't get nearly as much work done as I wanted to today. I skip working out today and stay for free dinner at work. The soba noodles and fried chicken are actually pretty good. Daily Total: $0 Day Three 7:30 a.m. I wake up to my alarm. I'm feeling a little moody from the poor quality sleep I've been getting. Waking up earlier and seeing my boyfriend's sleepy face brightens my morning a bit. I meditate with a free app and try to start my morning slower. Wednesdays tend to be calmer than the other meeting-heavy days I have at work. I look forward to getting into work as I sip on my homemade latte and usual smoothie. I take an extra glance at my bullet journal for the day and pack an overnight bag for work, since I'll be heading down to the south Bay Area, where my parents live, for my mom's birthday. 1 p.m. Have lunch. Afterwards, I pick up some roses for my mom and force my friend to come with me to Starbucks to try Ariana Grande's Cloud Macchiato because "I want it, I got it." $20 4:30 p.m. I take an early bullet train to South Bay. Work pays for our annual Caltrain passes, so I try to make it a point to visit my parents at least once a month. My dad picks me up on his way home from work, but he gets stuck in rush hour traffic. I go through some more emails at the Caltrain station while I wait for him. 7 p.m. Mom wants to get hotpot near downtown San Jose, so my dad, grandma, mom, and I pick up my sister from badminton practice along the way and pack ourselves into the family sedan for dinner. Dinner is delicious and around $130. The owners recognize us, since we came for my sister's birthday a couple weeks ago. I paid for that meal, so my dad picks up the tab this time. We stop by a boba place on the way home, and I buy drinks for everyone except for grandma (since she's not a fan of sweets). $22 Daily Total: $42 Day Four 6:20 a.m. I stay the night at my parent's house. I share a bed with my sister, since my old room is now grandma's room, which I don't mind, but it does mean I have to wake up when my sister wakes up for school at 6:20. Half awake, I chug some water and take out the milk tea I barely drank from last night. My dad drops me off at the Caltrain after dropping off my sister. 8:40 a.m. I arrive at work, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to survive the day (PMS week), so I pour myself a big mug of coffee with some milk and honey. I also toast some bread and eat it with peanut butter and some plain Greek yogurt. 10:45 a.m. I refill my coffee, but with decaf this time. I'm pretty sensitive to coffee, especially when I'm PMS-ing, but I'm hoping to get some placebo effect from the decaf anyway. 12:20 p.m. I have some steamed cod with some rice and salad greens for lunch. Then I sip on some orange black tea I ordered from Singapore last week. I feel relief when I remember that I scheduled a facial appointment at 3:30 today. 3 p.m. I get the most relaxing facial (I budget about $300/month for facials, acupuncture, and massages), especially after my face has been puffy all day from bloating and water retention this week. I had to get up and pee halfway through my facial, but my beautician was super sweet and accommodating. I pay and leave a substantial tip ($110 altogether) and book myself a lash lift appointment for next week. $110 5 p.m. I get a lightly sweetened black milk tea with oat milk from Boba Guys. I don't like it I won't get this again. As I walk past the line of white people waiting in line, I find myself fantasizing about making a fortune by selling white people trendy frozen dumplings at an absurd price, but then realize that places already do that. $4.20 7 p.m. I have some miso baked flounder with greens and shirataki noodles for dinner while I wait for my boyfriend to come home. We are both pretty busy, so we try to find time to talk and watch TV together at the end of the day. We watch an old episode of Rick and Morty but are so tired we're basically half asleep. Daily Total: $114.20 Day Five 8:30 a.m. Water and vitamins ritual. I remember my grandma telling me to eat slower and wait for my food to cool before digging in, along with some other traditional Chinese medicine philosophies, so I do a bit of tidying up while I wait for my coffee to cool. As I slowly sip my coffee, I realize it's finally Friday and I'm elated because I really need this week to be over, mainly because of PMS. I rant to the boyfriend for the 9,999th time about how shitty Mother Nature is to the female body. He jokes that I should just take the day off, but I seriously consider it for a moment. I hug him goodbye before heading to the gym. 9 a.m. I love my gym's 9 a.m. conditioning classes, so I always try to go every Friday and get to work a little late. I decide to take a Lyft to work ($12) and shower at work instead. $12 12:30 p.m. I have to interview a candidate during lunch today, so I eat a quick turkey and lettuce sandwich for lunch with a La Croix. 3:30 p.m. We have a boring meeting, during which my coworker and I exchange texts about weekend plans. I make myself some afternoon orange black tea and get some more coding done in between meetings nearing the end of the day. 5:45 p.m. I'm a creature of habit. I skip work's Friday happy hour and go home to eat the same baked miso flounder with greens and shirataki noodles for an early dinner. My boyfriend usually stays at work for happy hour but will eat again with me at home, but I was a bit more hungry than usual today. 8 p.m. I catch up on Selling Sunset on Netflix and feel the cravings kick in. My boyfriend and I venture out to the nearby CVS in pajamas hoping to pick up some hot Cheetos but discover that store has permanently closed. We try the Bevmo next door, probably scaring the security guard since I look a bit disheveled in pajamas and messy hair. No Cheetos. We finally find Cheetos and green tea ice cream at a small convenience store nearby. I snack on a little bit of both and go to bed early. $7 Daily Total: $19 Day Six 9:30 a.m. I wake up later than usual and sprint to my gym for a HIIT class. My Apple watch applauds me for a record high calorie burn but I'm pretty sure it's because I've put on a pound or two in the past two weeks. I start a load of (mostly sweaty gym) laundry when I get home. $6.75 11:20 a.m. I Facetime my college bestie who lives in Seattle. We catch up on her trip to India and discuss therapy, skincare, and fun adult stuff like buying a house. I take a mental note to fly out to Seattle to see her soon since I miss her so much. I snack on some greek yogurt and Sumo mandarins since I haven't eaten today yet. 2 p.m. I apologize to the boyfriend who has been waiting to eat with me. We Uber out to a Chinese restaurant we find on Yelp and order a braised beef squid ink noodle soup and some skewers to share ($16). Everything is delicious, and we happily venture around the neighborhood for our next bite since my boyfriend isn't super full from the noodles and skewers. He grabs a slice of mushroom pizza, which I take a bite of, and I get an oat milk latte ($5) at a cute coffee shop. $21 5 p.m. My boyfriend and I visit a local butcher and pick up some fancy beef for a steak dinner along with prosciutto and pork tenderloin I plan on using for a sandwich recipe next week. We split total cost of about $58 $29 7 p.m. My boyfriend makes us sous-vide steak with a side salad for dinner. It is delicious but puts us in a major food coma. We attempt to fold the laundry from this morning and watch some more Selling Sunset to ease the pain of chores while being full. Daily Total: $56.75 Day Seven 8:30 a.m. I wake up super hungry. I go through my normal morning water, vitamins, and coffee ritual. I wake up my boyfriend up so we could go get breakfast at my favorite bakery. We order a tuna sandwich and my favorite butter croissant, and I pay for the meal since he is paying for some small groceries later. I don't really like the sandwich but eat the entire croissant along with a second cup of coffee. $27 10 a.m. I need more Greek yogurt to eat throughout the week so we take a walk to Whole Foods. My boyfriends picks up an Earl Grey chocolate chip cookie at another bakery near by and I steal a bite. He also pays for my greek yogurt along with grocery/pantry staples we needed refilling on ($30). 12 p.m. I snack on greek yogurt and granola while I do what I call my "Personal admin" stuff like fill out my weekly budget sheet, plan for next week in my bullet journal, book all the workout classes for next week. I also finish watching Selling Sunset on Netflix and hunt for a new show to watch. 2:30 p.m. I finally convince myself to head out to two friends' joint birthday party in Golden Gate Park. I take an Uber Pool ($6) with M. and find our friends after wandering around different picnic tables for a while. I bring a bottle of Napa wine ($30) to share with the group. $36 4 p.m. M. and I take an Uber Pool to a traditional Russian bakery/cafe ($5) where we pick up some rye bread, feta kale pastry, and marinated fish for dinner ($22). We Uber Pool home ($7) and watch a Chinese movie on Netflix. $34 7 p.m. We cooked some the pork tenderloin we got from the butcher yesterday and eat that along with the pastry and marinated fish from the Russian bakery. We start watching an old Korean drama I convince M. was a good idea, and he seems to think it's semi-entertaining so far. We clean up the kitchen and do some last minute tidying up before plopping down on the couch with some barley tea and fruit. I do some last minute review of the week ahead and add an extra face mask in my usual 5-step skin care routine for some extra pampering before the night ends. Daily Total: $97 The Breakdown Money Diaries are meant to reflect individual women's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior. The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more money diaries, click here. Have questions about how to submit or our publishing process? Read our Money Diaries FAQ doc here: Were working on a story that takes a look at what real people spend on weed and marijuana-derived products. 4/20 is right around the corner, and we want to know what real people think is a reasonable amount to spend each month. To be considered for an upcoming article please fill out this form! All answers are anonymous. Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here? The Best Deals & Discounts You Can Get On Tax Day I Make $100K As A Director Of Curriculum In Education 6 Free (Or Cheap) Ways To Do Your Taxes Online Yes, I found a better job Yes, but I'm still looking for a new job Yes, I retired Yes, I started my own business No, I like my current job No, but I'm currently looking for a new job Vote View Results Colorados fire season is shaping up to be a complete 180 from last year, experts say. Everything last year was pointing toward above average fire risk, and everything this year is pointing toward below average, said Bureau of Land Management meteorologist Russell Mann, who compiled the Rocky Mountain Regions Fire Potential Outlook released in April. The states snowpack a significant indicator of spring and summer wildfire risk is tied for the second highest since 1992, sitting comfortably at 157 percent of its median. Last years snowpack was tied for the third lowest. Precipitation was also plentiful in February and March significantly more so in March, and almost entirely eliminated Colorados drought. By April 9, only 22 percent of the state was in some state of drought compared with nearly 88 percent this time last year. Coloradans have the El Nino to thank in part for the promising outlook, and La Nina to blame for last years puny snowpack. The climatic variations are opposites and correspond, respectively, with low and high fire danger in Colorado. The differences in the years are visibly evident in the landscape. Fires already had burned through thousands of acres in March and April 2018, including the 42,795-acre 117 fire near Hanover and the Carson Midway fire just off Fort Carson in southern El Paso County. El Paso Countys only conflagration so far burned a mere 2.8 acres off Colorado 115 near Cheyenne Mountain State Park. Last year, in the middle of March, we were already burning large fires, said Ralph Bellah, fire spokesman for the Pike & San Isabel National Forest. So far, weve had some fires, but theyre not burning nearly as aggressively. Bellah added that none have so far burned in his district. The wet spring comes with a possible caveat to wildfire safety, though, said Jeremy Taylor, Colorado Springs Fire Departments Wildfire Mitigation specialist. With plentiful moisture, the dormant grasses will grow lush and tall, only to inevitably die as the region dries out in the fall. On a warm, windy September or October day, a spark would have plentiful fuel to run across the grasslands. As we roll into this spring, people can become complacent. We have to avoid that, he said, adding that even in the summer, the ebb and flow of fire danger is unpredictable. This years winter weather also provided numerous windows for forest and fire agencies to perform prescribed burns and complete other mitigation work that requires snow on the ground. The Forest Service was able to burn more than 20,000 slash piles in the Pike & San Isabel forests as well as 1,500 acres in the grasslands. If the weather allows for it, crews will do more this spring, Bellah said. We were definitely able to do more than last year because there was just no snow, or if we got any, it would melt right away, he said. Now, we had snow on the ground most of the winter and so were able to burn almost all winter. El Paso Countys wildland team was able to mitigate piles of wood roached during the Black Forest Fire and thin the understory in Fox Run Park. Twitter: @lizmforster Phone: 636-0193 Joe Barrera, Ph.D., is the former director of the Ethnic Studies Program at UCCS, and a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. Satellites used to be the Rolls Royces of the sky, handmade with rosewood dashboards and calf leather seats. But theyre becoming the Ford Focuses mass-produced, plastic dashboard econoboxes. And for the military and the civilian market, thats changing everything as costs for new satellites and the rockets to launch then plummet and an emerging, hip sector of the industry takes leadership of what used to be run by guys in suits. Jeff Matthews, an industry consultant with Deloitte, says space today is where computers were in 1990, when IBM gave way to the dotcom boom. We are seeing what helped define success on the internet play out in space, Matthews said during a break at the Space Symposium, which drew the nations top space industry experts to Colorado Springs last week. The world Matthews foresees involves a lot more satellites for military and commercial purposes. The military wants more satellites to decrease risks in the event of an enemy attack in orbit. Industry is thinking about everything from satellite-based internet to sensors that can provide real-time data for businesses, picture an accurate and instant count of cars in a mall parking lot or crops ready for harvest. The Aerospace Corp.s Edward Swallow said its the commercial applications for space and the new companies entering the fray that have changed the world of satellites, not NASA or the military. Now the market is driving government, he said. On Thursday, as the Space Symposium was wrapping up, that market was on full display as SpaceX launched its new Falcon Heavy Rocket to place a Saudi Arabian communications satellite in orbit. SpaceX and other firms have come up with low-cost rocket options that are driving down costs to hit orbit to unseen levels. Launching a satellite to low-orbit used to run $10,000 per pound. Prices have dropped by half in recent years and are expected to drop further, with one firm at the symposium predicting prices could hit less than $2,500 per pound soon. At the same time, satellite buyers are getting smaller spacecraft that can do the job it once took something the size of a school bus to accomplish. Capacity per kilogram is skyrocketing, Swallow said, not intending the pun. Companies including internet retailer are jumping into the new space market. Amazon is planning to launch thousands of satellites to capture the global market for internet service. Its a change that has grabbed plenty of attention at the Pentagon, where leaders from acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan to Air Force boss Heather Wilson want to field satellites faster amid a growing Cold War in orbit that pits America in a race against such rivals as Russia and China. Wilson said her agency is courting new entrants to the space business with development grants that she says can be issued more quickly than a bartender can pour a beer. At a recent event in New York, the Air Force took to using one-page contracts and a $3.5 million charge to a government credit card to get deals done, she said. Time itself is valuable. The military, which has traditionally taken a decade or more to develop satellites is facing pressure from the top to change its ways. President Donald Trump has made space a key focus of his administration, calling for a new military service branch for satellite troops while pushing the Pentagons space budget to more than $14 billion in his 2020 plan. Wilson pointed to the president as a key factor in the militarys effort to go faster with space programs. Our predecessors didnt have the leadership or focus of the president of the United States, she told The Gazette. Colorado Springs Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn said the Pikes Peak region stands to benefit from the pressure on the Pentagon. The region is already leading in the race to house U.S. Space Command, a combat headquarters that would oversee space efforts of all military branches. The region is also home to more than 240 aerospace companies longing for Pentagon contracts. But more important than who gets paid, Lamborn said, is winning the latest version of the space race. We need to exceed the capabilities of Russia and China, he said. Because things have been taking so long from drawing board to orbit, we have lost ground. Part of the Pentagons plan to regain lost ground revolves around a new agency that pulls some satellite work out of traditional military channels to a new agency with a bearded leader in shirtsleeves. Fred Kennedys Space Development Agency is so new that he doesnt even have business cards. But he has big plans for hundreds of missile warning satellites that he wants spying on Americas rivals by 2022. Kennedy says he can move so quickly because companies like Amazon are making big orders for small satellites which will be punched out on production lines like so many smartphones. If I can leverage commercial industrial capacity to mass produce hardware at scale, thats a clear opportunity, Kennedy said in a Space Symposium news conference. And thats a big deal. Kennedys agency has just $150 million out of the Pentagons space budget to get started. But hes confident in his unconventional approach, that is long on ideas and short on bureaucracy. Pointing to the growing anti-satellite capabilities of nations including China and Russia and the looming threat of nuclear-tipped hypersonic weapons, he says its time for a change. We have a culture in national security space that does not respond easily to the speed of these threats, he said. Contractors, especially the newest entrants, love the new speed of the Pentagon, which has slashed paperwork for projects in recent months in a program dubbed acquisition reform. At Michigans 4-year-old Atlas Space Operations, which provides satellite ground services that allow users to maneuver their spacecraft over a worldwide antenna network using devices as simple as a tablet computer, founder Michael Carey says hes gone from piles of Pentagon paperwork to a simple question. Can you deliver this? Carey said. The firm is using an internet-based approach to satellite control and boasts customers including the Air Force Academy, which is using its services to control the cadet-built FalconSat-6. Atlas has directly benefited from acquisition reform recently, Carey said. Leaders of the Space Foundation, which runs the symposium, credit this new military acquisition plan and the growing commercial interest in space with sending the trade show to new heights in 2019. The show easily topped expectations of 9,000 visitors per day over its four-day run. The five-star Broadmoor hotel broke out a food truck offering chili dogs to feed the masses. This is yet another record-setting year for the symposium, said retired Air Force Gen. William Shelton, who heads the foundations board. There has to be a theoretical limit here somewhere but we havent found it. At Air Force Space Command, the money is flowing to contractors, acquisition reform is in full swing. Wilson said decisions that used to require her secretarial OK have since been pushed down to colonels, and years have been cut from project timelines. But its still the Air Force, and explaining the changes requires a PowerPoint slide of mind-boggling complexity. But Lt. Gen. John Thompson, who heads the Space and Missile Systems Center in Los Angeles, said the new sense of speed is real. Hes agreeing with the new thinkers who want satellites produced as quickly and cheaply as economy cars. Lets build satellites like we do many of our other weapons systems, on a production line, Thompson said. But theres a cultural shift needed for the Pentagon to speed satellite-buying that cant be found on a production line. Gen. John Hyten, nominated last week to serve as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a key to changing the Pentagons culture is eliminating a bureaucratic layer of fear. The militarys space enterprise has been gripped by a fear of failure, he said, that made leaders avoid risks. If you dont take risks, by definition you will move very slowly, he warned. Why Arundhati Roy writes what she writes Arundhati Roy keeps telling herself she is not going to write anymore. But then she keeps breaking her promise. When Mike Battaglia walked into the woods of the Pike National Forest on a sunny, late winter day, he pointed to the mature ponderosa pines their needles assembled into bulbous groups, their burnt-orange bark furrowed into scaly plates and the buds of their egg-shaped cones. Their plum branches towered over smatterings of young Douglas firs, brittle juniper bushes and dead litter. The position of their limbs far enough from the ground to escape the reach of flames running on the forest floor is part of why Battaglia loves these trees. Ponderosa pines are tough, said the Fort Collins-based U.S. Forest Service research forester. They can handle fire and drought. But then, he noted the saplings tall enough to prove that wildfire natural or prescribed has not run through the hill just south of the town of Buffalo Creek. A spot like this should burn every 20 to 40 years, Battaglia said, and it hasnt. If a wildfire sparks here, fast-moving flames could explode out of the abundance of dry fuels. That, in turn, could hurt soil retention, watershed health, wildlife habitat and even carbon emissions. Colorado forests have emitted more carbon dioxide the primary greenhouse gas contributing to climate change than they have absorbed since 1990, according to a new analysis by the nonprofit American Forests. Years spent combating the maelstrom of flames, beetle infestations, drought and other aggressors have compromised the forests collective immune system. Trees removed about 16 percent of atmospheric carbon released by human activities in the U.S. in 2011 and between 10 percent and 20 percent each year, the Forest Service estimates. But, as forests in the Colorado Rockies are destroyed by severe fire and massive beetle kills-offs two well-documented harbingers of climate change one of the Earths prime defense mechanisms against a warming planet erodes. We know climate change is happening, so how do we prepare the landscape for it? Battaglia said. He is among those setting aside despair and opting to search for solutions to save the states vast forests. Larger, more calamitous wildfires started to consistently hit Colorado in the 1990s, notably the 12,000-acre Buffalo Creek fire in 1996. Coloradans ears would perk up at the mention of a new conflagration, Battaglia said. Everything changed when the Hayman fire razed more than 137,000 acres of the Pike National Forest during an anomalously dry 2002. Unlike blazes of the past that burned moderately with pockets of high-severity areas, 43 percent of the Hayman fire burn area was scorched, Colorado State University researchers found. In areas with few if any surviving trees, the dominant species ponderosa pine struggled to regenerate at lower elevation 12 years later, according to a 2014 survey. The landscape was once dominated by ponderosa pine and some Douglas fir, said Marin Chambers, the papers lead scientist and a research associate at the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. Now, in that same spot in a high-severity burn area, youd see its completely devoid of trees, except for some standing dead. But most have fallen down at this point. The seeds of ponderosa pines, which are heavy and generally cannot disperse more than two tree heights away from their parent trees, toiled to spread and root across the blistered hillsides. Even with enough precipitation, few seeds sprouted and rooted in the singed soil, restricting the forests range. Chambers said the research, published in 2016, is an attempt to understand the future of forests, specifically how they rebound from major disturbances amidst climate change. In parts of the Hayman fire burn scar, that could mean a decadeslong absence of the conifer trees that Coloradans once wound through on hikes, bikes and horseback. But, as Chambers colleague Paula Fornwalt found, other flora are flourishing where the trees once grew. There, a community of native species blue grama, hairy golden aster, various sedges as well as less common plants like mullein have found a home. We can talk about fire (like the Hayman) being catastrophic for trees, Fornwalt said, but the same language cant be applied to understory, which seems to be pretty resilient. Not only that, it seems to thrive. Scientists also found American three-toed woodpeckers nesting in the recently killed and dying trees where they could forage for wood-boring and bark beetles. Though less common where trees have vanished, the black and white bird found ideal habitat in moderately burned areas. The collage of ecological research complicates the narrative that wildfire is exclusively a predator, consuming every living creature in its path. Though a landscape may not resemble how modern Coloradans remember it, life will return. 041419-news forest Graphic from the Fourth National Climate Assessment. In my mind, we should think about the ecosystem as a whole and recognize that some areas are doing OK and some arent doing so well, Fornwalt said. Its analogous to thinking about your health: Maybe your blood pressure is high, but your weight is good and cholesterol are good. Were holistic and paint a picture that way to avoid blanket statements. But, its the loss of the forest and its ability to capture carbon that frightens David Cleaves. With more sound forest management, trees could sequester enough carbon emissions to offset between $125.5 billion and more than $1.5 trillion in costs in the U.S., the Forest Service estimates. These totals are based on the avoided social costs of carbon emissions, including the destruction of property from flooding and other natural disasters, reduced agricultural yields from drought and exacerbation of health problems like asthma and other respiratory issues. Cleaves, the former climate change adviser to the chief of the Forest Service, believes that restoring forest health is as much of a key strategic asset to the fight against warming as economic solutions, including a carbon tax and cap-and-trade programs. Our central mission is to help mainstream forests as solutions to climate change, both from the greenhouse gas management side and the side of adaptation to climate change, Cleaves said. But the viability of this goal was in question after Cleaves and American Forests analyzed the forestry inventory data for Intermountain West states to determine the carbon stored in live, dead standing and fallen trees, understory, forest litter and the soil. Colorado as well as Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Montana and Arizona had flipped over from a solution to actually part of the problem at various intervals since 1990. Idaho and New Mexico were the only states to remain carbon sinks. Weve taken it for granted that our forests are capturing and offsetting greenhouse gases from other sources in the rest of the economy, he said. During a wildfire, the combustion of trees is an immediate carbon source, one that residents far and near can see and sometimes feel in the air. Historically, the regrowth of the forest compensates for this source in the long term. But, as Chambers research and that of others show, regeneration in high-severity burn areas after vast wildfires is tough, especially in a water-sparse state like Colorado. Then, there are the bugs. The bark beetle population swelled radically in Colorado in 2018, especially in the southwest corner. Spruce beetle attacked 178,000 acres of Engelmann spruce. Although thats fewer than the 260,000 acres in 2017 and the 250,000 in 2016, about one-third of the acres chewed up last year were in previously unaffected areas. The roundheaded pine beetle in southwest Colorado more than doubled its presence to 27,000 acres, up from 11,000 acres in 2017, mostly in Dolores County. Largely to blame were the states second-worst drought in 124 years and record-breaking heat, said Dan West, an entomologist with the Colorado State Forest Service. It doesnt mean forest managers are doing a bad job; it just means that bugs and fire and drought are doing a good job, Cleaves said. Last year, 502 wildfires ran across more than 475,000 acres in Colorado. The state government and Forest Service spent $40.1 million and $120.3 million, respectively, on suppression. For the Forest Service, thats nearly three times more than the $42 million it doled out for wildfire suppression during the 2017 fire season in Colorado. The blazes emptied more than just the governments wallet. Near Durango, the 416 fire ravaged the local summer recreation economy. In La Veta, the Spring Creek fire obliterated more than 200 structures and swept across 108,000 acres, making it the third-largest wildfire in Colorado history. And fire could get worse. By the middle of the century, the annual acreage burned in the West could expand by two to six times, according to an analysis in the federal governments 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment. Estimates made in 2017 show that about 2.9 million Coloradans are in the line of fire. The length of the fire season which some have now dubbed the fire year increased 18.7 percent between 1979 and 2013, an article published in 2015 in Nature Communications shows. The study also found that terrestrial carbon uptake was lower during years with longer-than-average fire weather seasons. More volatile snowpack, alongside drought and heat, will also amplify wildfire frequency and intensity, said Mike Lester, director of the states Forest Service. Though Colorados snowpack was 126 percent of median by mid-April this year, the snowpack was a mere 68 percent of median by April 1, 2018. It was one of seven years since 2000 that the snowpack peaked notably below average, compared with only one year between 1984 and 1999, federal snowpack data shows. If the snowpack doesnt stay into the spring and early summer, the fire season is longer, and weather events and drought are also more extreme, he said. Thats the way its going to be, so were trying to get out in front of people to try to tell them how important the forest is. I have no ability to make climate go back to normal, Lester said. But I can make the forest healthy as a contribution to (climate change mitigation). Deep in the mountains just northeast of Pagosa Springs, Mike Battaglia may have a piece of the solution to forest health in a changing climate in Colorado. There, the research forester has mapped about 500 acres between 7,000 and 8,000 feet elevation of a thick conglomerate of ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, white fir, aspen and shrubby Gambel oak. In his eyes, each tree and each species are an opportunity. He could haul away the drought and fire susceptible white firs; group the ponderosa pines in small, spaced out clusters that mimic how they may have been paired 200 years ago; and, eventually, ignite prescribed fires that torch some trees but nourish others. This plot is his laboratory, one where he and his colleagues will manipulate the physical makeup of the landscape as it cycles through wildfire, beetles, drought, record low and high snowfall and other natural events during the next 20-plus years. The goal: create a forest that is resistant to change, resilient to disturbances and prepared to transition to the unknown future climate. My job is to maximize multiple use and get the ecosystem processes back while still producing timber, and also providing for wildlife habitat, watershed health, understory plants and other parts of the environment, said Battaglia, who hopes to start treatments this summer. Thats why I went into this field. I want to do the right thing and make sure everyone does the right thing for the forest. Battaglia is not alone in his quest for restored forest equilibrium, either. His project is one of five experiments across the country that are exploring how humans can manufacture more robust forests in Georgia, Minnesota, Montana and New Hampshire. With forest management, we need to work with what we have and anticipate what it might be in 50 years, said Linda Nagle, who leads the national project and is a forestry professor at Colorado State University. And thats different than 50 years ago when we didnt think conditions would change. This change is so rapid, too. If we arent proactive to anticipate those changes quickly, we may lose the values in the forest that weve taken for granted for so long, she said. Colorados proactivity may be restricted compared with the others that forest managers are working to restore because of an emaciated timber market. Between 1982 and 2012 the number of sawmills producing lumber in the state declined from 84 to 31, the Forest Service found. Fewer broad feet can be processed in-state, and the wood that stays within Colorados borders often has to travel farther once its chopped down. With no market, the transport costs and the emissions released during the haul exceed the payoff for the product and disincentivize contractors from signing onto the project. The biggest cost to that now is that we dont have the infrastructure and, where we do, its too far away, Battaglia said. But, in Minnesota, where the timber market is thriving, the San Juan sites sister project has so far generated about $1 million in wood byproduct sales, Nagle said. Just another thread to weave into the story of restoring forest health in Colorado. Its really complex here, Nagle said. The solution isnt simple. Someday, the Colorado wilderness may not resemble the thick belts of trees in peoples backyards across the Western Slope and Front Range, she said. Maybe they will have metamorphosed into a hillside of shrubs like the areas of the Hayman burn scar. Maybe theyll even contain species not native to Colorado but more adapted to this new environment. That reality forces us to re-imagine what our environment can and should look like. As Marin Chambers put it, There are a lot of interesting ecological impacts of the change from forested landscape to a prolonged nonforest landscape or an ecotype conversion. But I have a lot of questions to put back on the public. What do (they) want and desire and need out of these landscapes? Those questions invite the public to be proactive in a challenge that is of global scale with hyperlocal implications. The answers will determine the future of our forests and whether, when Battaglia is retired walking through the woods, he can still find that sweet smell of butterscotch wafting from the ponderosa pines that he has come to love so much. Twitter: @lizmforster Phone: 636-0193 IMO: Context: -------------------- Shravan GMATPrep--430, Q30,V20 ++ 150Hrs ++ VeritasPrep--610, Q45,V29 ++20Days ++ GMAT -- 640, Q46, V 32 Signature Read More Hello guys,Below is my performance in this RC passage:I took 2mins to read and comprehend the passage and I took55secs - 1st Q - Right90secs - 2nd Q - Right130secs -3rd Q - Wrong90secs- 4th Q- Wrong55secs - 5th Q- RightOverall accuracy = 60%At this moment of my prep, I'm targeting to get my accuracy to be little over 50% and timing to be around avg 2mins per Q. I know, this is not ideal, but I'm doing worst than this.So, You get my point. Right?The below is the strategies I followed for the Qs that I attempted right and analyzed solutions for the wrongly attempted ones.Q1: The primary purpose of the passage is toA. compare the economic role played by southern banks with the economic role played by banks in the rest of the United States during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuriesB. reevaluate a conventional interpretation of the role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuriesC. present different interpretations of the role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuriesD. analyze how the increasing number of banks in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries affected the American economyE. examine how scholarly opinion regarding the role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries has changed overQuestion Type: Primary purpose QuestionStrategy:1st paragraph talks out against the thought that banks supported US economy and 2nd tells that it has helped US economy. So, Author tried his best to debrief those beliefs.Hunting down the Options:A- 1st word itself puts me down- Author is not comparing anyone or anything - Straight away hang this choiceB- "reevaluate a conventional interpretation"- firstly, NO reevaluation is happening. Secondly, there are two interpretations briefed. - EliminatedC- present different interpretations- Hold onD - "analyze" - I don't think so, anyone has ever analyzed in the passage- EliminatedE- "Examine"- NO NO - moreover, it says that "role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries has changed over "- We are dying to know the role of the bank on US economy. Now, who the heck knows the role of the banks changed OVER TIME- Kill it!!Q2: The passage suggests that the scholars mentioned in line 4 would argue that the reason banks tended not to fund manufacturing and transportation projects in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries was thatA. these projects, being well established and well capitalized, did not need substantial long-term financing from banksB. these projects entailed a level of risk that was too great for banks conservative lending practicesC. banks preferred to invest in other, more speculative projects that offered the potential for higher returnsD. bank managers believed that these projects would be unlikely to contribute significantly to economic growth in the new countryE. bank managers believed funding these projects would result in credit being extended to too many borrowersQuestion Type: Frankly speaking, I couldn't categorize this Q, half of it looks like an inference and another half looks like a specific QQ gave me a clue to go to line#4. I grabbed the whole context and found that Banks did not lend loans to Manufacturing and transportation projects because these fields are SO UNCERTAIN and CAPITAL-INTENSIVE. In this pragmatic world, the uncertainty increases the risk.Hunting down the options:A- Nope. We really don't know from the passage whether these fields need any help or not. The discussion is why didn't these banks lend money- EliminatedB- Yup. This option takes about risk factor in lending money to these fields - HoldonC- This is not mentioned in the passage at all that banks choose one field over the other- eliminatedD- See who care's about what bank manager's think- out of scope- EliminatedE - Too many borrows may be or may not be an issue. We are concerned about the uncertainty of fields. So too many borrows might be or might not be a deal - EliminatedQ3: The passage suggests that Paul Gilje would be most likely to agree with which of the following claims about the lending practices of the earliest banks (see line 21)?A. These lending practices were unlikely to generate substantial profits for banks.B. These lending practices only benefited a narrow sector of the economy.C. The restrictive nature of these lending practices generated significant opposition outside of the South.D. The restrictive nature of these lending practices forced state legislatures to begin granting more bank charters by the early nineteenth century.E. These lending practices were likely to be criticized by economic elites as being overly restrictive.Question type: Inference Question typeContext: Line#21. reading from the context mentioned, I could see this Early banks= ShortTermsLoans to only selective people but 19th-century banks = Loans to almost everyone.Hunting begins: Q talks about only early banks, to see for an option which talks about short-term loans to only a few selective peopleA- Profits is really out of context - EliminatedC/D/E- This is the cheap trick played by the GMAT Test makers- These 3 choices are made for those dumb test makers like me, who think they are smart and go and read two extra lines of the passage proactively to more about the context. See, we are asked about line#21, but if we read these extra lines because the Q mentions this name Paul Gilje. And moreover, even you read these extra lines, you should be aware that these line reference to the 19th-century banks, but we are discussing 'Earlier banks' right now. In a single shot- Shoot all these three dead choices.B - is the only left and correct answerQ4: The passage suggests that the opposition to banks in the South in the early nineteenth century stemmed in part from the perception that banksA. did not benefit more than a small minority of the peopleB. did not support the interests of elite plantersC. were too closely tied to transportation and industrial interestsD. were unwilling to issue the long-term loans required by agrarian interestsE. were too willing to lend credit widelyQ type: Inference QuestionContext: The word south is mentioned only in the last sentence of the passage, go there and get the context. Frankly speaking, My dumb brain didn't comprehend those words properly. In the analysis, because of the complex wordings, it is little difficult to comprehend that though loans are widely given by the 19th-century bank, it is opposed by the south people that these loans are not beneficial to everyone, as these banks system is controlled by few people.Strategy: If few people think this, it means that they did not benefit from the 19th-century banks.Hunting:A- this is what happenedB- It is contradicted, people believe that banks supported planters - EliminatedC- This is a laid trap for people who remember these keywords in the passage i,e. 'Transportation, Industrial interest' - EliminatedD- This is a kind of trap again to attract test takers by mentioning the words like 'long-term loans, agrarian interests', but take time and search a sentence that supports this, you will find none- EliminatedE - Yup, this is right that 19th-century banks approved loans widely, but south people didn't feel that way - EliminatedQ4: Which of the following statements best describes the function of the last sentence of the passage?A. It provides evidence tending to undermine the viewpoint of the scholars mentioned in line 5.B. It resolves a conflict over the role of banks summarized in the first paragraph.C. It clarifies some of the reasons state legislatures began granting more bank charters.D. It qualifies a claim made earlier in the passage about the impact of banks on the American economy in the early nineteenth century.E. It supports a claim made earlier in the passage about how the expansion of credit affected the economy.Question type: Paragraph or sentence purpose QuestionContext: 1st passage, says that banks DID NOT help US economy, the first half of 2nd passage oppose 1st passage people and says that Banks DID help US ECONOMY. The last sentence again opposes first half of 2nd passage and claims that Banks DID NOT HELP. So in short, it is clearly seen that 1st paragraph people and second half of 2nd paragraph people compliment each other.Hunting: So the options, which matches our comprehension are D , E. But with a slight but major differene in E, it says the claim is made on 'Expansion of credit affected economy', but we are talking about banks affected economy situation. So, D is the winner_________________ getgyan wrote: The telecom minister had been indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam, which resulted in a loss of about $1.7 trillion to the exchequer A. had been indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam, which resulted B. has been indicted in the 2G spectrum scam by the Supreme court, which resulted C. has been indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam, which resulted D. is indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam that resulted E. has been indicted by the Supreme court in the 2G spectrum scam, resulting Choice A is wrong because of the past perfect tense. The tense of "resulted" should be happened before the tense of "indicted".Choice B is ambiguous because of the change in the setence of the 2G spectrum scam and Supreme Court. If set as the choice B, I will think differently that the 2G spectrum scam is caused by the Supreme courtChoice C is the most appropriate choice.Choice D, the present tense of indicted is not good, and that resulted will be consider to modify the Supreme Court, not 2G spectrum camChoice E, the act of indicted by Supreme Court does not result in loss, that is the 2G spectrum scam._________________ When the Japanese invaded China in the 1930s, the U.S. sent aid to China. However, when the Japanese invaded Indochina in 1940, the U.S. became truly concerned. Japan had treaties with France and the Netherlands that facilitated the delivery of raw materials from Indochina and the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia). When, during the course of World War II, Germany overran both France and the Netherlands, control over these countries and thus the status of their treaties with Japan became uncertain. Japan felt it had no choice but to invade Indochina and make plans for taking Indonesia; it could not be an industrial power without their raw materials. The U.S. wanted to avoid war but could not let Japan take control of the Western Pacific. The American solution was to cut off sales of oil and scrap iron to Japan and to send agents to buy up all the Indonesian oil possible before the Japanese could get to it. The U.S. then moved toward a diplomatic settlement with Japan, in which the U.S. retained power to strangle the Japanese economy but agreed not to do so, as long as Japan did not make any aggressive moves. If the Japanese accepted this proposition, their county would exist only by American goodwill. This was impossible for them to do. Neither side was surprised when the Japanese used diplomacy to buy time, and the U.S. moved toward war footing. The Japanese could neither withdraw from Indochina nor allow the U.S. to control Indonesian oil. But the Japanese could not secure these areas unless they controlled the Philippines, since U.S. air power and a fleet in the Philippines would be able to cut critical Japanese supply lines. Japan also knew that if it seized the Philippines, the U.S. would respond by sending its fleet to the archipelago while the Japanese still hadnt consolidated their control there. (In fact, the United States War Plan Orange anticipated this.) Japan, therefore, had to attempt to destroy the American fleet at the beginning of the war. Hence Pearl Harbor. The U.S. anticipated neither the fall of France and the Netherlands nor the desperation this development would cause in Japan. When the U.S. finally recognized the threat, it was not ready for war, and the Navy was tied up in the Atlantic. The U.S. knew it was vulnerable, and the Japanese knew they had a small window of opportunity. But the decision to strike Pearl Harbor had less effect on U.S. capabilities in the Pacific than most think. The Japanese were going to win the first round of battle, according to U.S. war plans. It was in the second round, when U.S. manufacturers started cranking out ships, that the U.S. could respond. In the meantime, the U.S. made only token attempts to defend the Philippines, and no real effort to hold Indonesia. It couldnt. Rather, it sought to keep open the lines of communication with Australia and to use Australia and Hawaii as bases from which to counterattack. Note that I have thus far left out the names of the U.S. president and the Japanese leaders. Their hands were tied in two ways: First, in the reality of the Pacific, and second, in the institutional realities at home. Being unable to attack Japan, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had no choice but to hold steady first and then attack. Not attacking at all was not an option; the political system was shaped by the unfolding events. Similarly, neither Emperor Hirohito nor Prime Minister Hideki Tojo ruled Japan; rather, it was ruled by a complex of interests, all of which were highly sensitive to Japans economic situation and which demanded pre-emptive action. Each countrys strategic logic was closely paired with a parallel institutional logic. Neither Roosevelt nor Tojo had the power to act in any way other than the way he did. They had some discretion in the details, but in their broad strategic considerations, they could not have resisted their institutions, though as excellent politicians, they had no desire to. The argument I am making is not that Roosevelt and Tojo are irrelevant. On the contrary, they were indispensable agents of their nations. A successful leader understands the constraints under which all human entities operate whether individuals or nations and having understood them the leader acts, because if he failed to act, leaving a nation in potentially dire straits, he would cease to be the leader. I am also arguing that leaders go through an extended vetting and training process that forces them to understand the disciplines of political rule and the realities of their nations. The more they understand these things, the more powerful they become. So political power does not free leaders to be arbitrary but drives them to understand what they must do. Obviously, there are endless minor issues on which they are free to indulge themselves. But when faced with existential realities, leaders respond as they must. So, the argument I am making is that we must have a more sophisticated understanding of what a leader is. A leader becomes a leader because of a ruthless understanding of the nature of the nation and remains a leader by pursuing the nations interests. If the leader excessively exercises self-indulgent behavior, the system democratic, totalitarian or otherwise crushes the leader through the forces that he or she set in motion. Nations generate the regime, and the leader emerges from and serves that process. Those who view leaders from afar may fancy them to be free to do as they wish, but that is the illusion of distance and not the reality. So, if Roosevelt or Tojo had passed away in 1940, the broad strokes of history would have remained. Adolf Hitler catapulted to power because of the configuration of the German nation after World War I. He did not create his power but aligned himself with the power of the nation. This is easier to see in his foreign rather than domestic policy. But even in Hitlers case, he was able to become Germanys leader in 1932 but could not have done so in 1900. Reality created him, and he served it. The idea I am putting forth is still merely a sketch, and it is not unique to me. Machiavelli made the case that a prince can govern only if he understands what he must do and is good at doing it. Others, like Georg Hegel and, to some extent, Thucydides, made similar arguments. I have here applied the theory to a familiar case from World War II. But when we consider Stalin or Charlemagne or Hannibal, we find that the source of their power, too, was their understanding of what had to be done. Apart from that, they would not have had power. The entire concept of forecasting derives from predictability. I have had some success in forecasting events because I paid little attention to the personality and quirks of whoever led the nation at the time but focused instead on the more predictable forces that generated leaders and their imperatives. This is the heart of what I mean by geopolitics, but Im still trying to frame this satisfactorily, so, by all means, argue with me. Next, I intend to make the case that there is no difference between economics, politics and war, but that they are part of a single dynamic, incomprehensible except in terms of each other. "The evils that exist in our government are more often the consequence of too hasty and too much legislation, than too little." Governor Proctor's farewell address Grand Old Partisan salutes Redfield Proctor Jr, born this day of 1879. He was one of four Republican family members to be Governor of Vermont. His public career began as town councilman. Proctor then won election to the state house and the state senate. He enlisted in the U.S. Army during WWI, with the rank of captain. He was delegate to the GOP's 1920 National Convention. Two years later, Proctor was elected Governor. Highlights of his two-year term included modernizing the budgetary process, strengthening the executive branch, and opposing federal usurpation of state government authority. Having studied mechanical engineering at MIT, Proctor worked in top management at the Vermont Marble Company. He also served on the boards of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers as well as a bank and a railroad. Here is a Video Version of this article on YouTube: Michael Zak is author of Back to Basics for the Republican Party, a history of GOP civil rights achievement. Each day, Michael Zak's grandoldpartisan YouTube channel and Grand Old Partisan blog celebrate more than sixteen decades of Republican heritage. And, see Speech Raves for audience feedback from his presentations in thirty-one states so far. He also wrote the 2005 Republican Freedom Calendar. Clarence Thomas cited Back to Basics for the Republican Party in a Supreme Court decision. Buy the book at Amazon "This is the most amazing book about politics that I have ever read. The Overview should be required reading for anyone with even a minor interest in government. The remainder is an enthralling history lesson that I will never forget. For years, we have all been misled about the true nature of the GOP. This is the real deal! Read it and be proud!" "Michael Zak wrote the definitive history of the GOP." "Back to Basics for the Republican Party is the most significant contribution to the Republican Party in the last twenty years apart from Ronald Reagan." "Back to Basics for the Republican Party is more important to our party now than ever before." and "one of the best books I ever read" "Political language -- and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists -- is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." -- George Orwell, Politics and the English Language In addition to the fact that limousine travel is very glamorous, it is also the most comfortable trip you can... " " Where's the gift? A new study shows that drug company marketing practices can influence doctors' prescribing habits. Tetra Images/Getty Images Pharmaceutical sales reps, laden with drug samples, small gifts, or pizza for the office staff, are common sights on medical premises. This practice, known as "detailing," is designed to incentivize physicians to prescribe, or at least consider, prescribing the rep's latest drug over the competition. A recent, large-scale examination of doctors' prescribing habits shows that detailing is probably playing a larger role in prescribing than previously thought, much to the chagrin of medical ethics experts. A new JAMA study, published by researchers with Carnegie Mellon University and University of California, Los Angeles, looked at the prescribing habits of 25,000 physicians. Some were impacted by recent detailing restrictions imposed by their medical centers, with a total ban on food and gifts being the most common limitation thrust upon pharma reps. The control group was composed of physicians of similar practice types and prescribing habits whose workplaces did not enforce any type of detailing restriction. Advertisement The researchers looked at data involving the prescribing behavior of all these docs (both before and after detailing restrictions were imposed) for 262 drugs across eight major drug classes. These classes ranged from lipid-lowering drugs and diabetes treatments to antidepressants and sleep aids. The results showed that a significant number of physicians switched from prescribing more expensive, patent-protected drugs to their cheaper, generic counterparts after the detailing restrictions took effect. In fact, this resulted in the average detailed drug taking a dip of 1.67 percentage points from 19.3 percent of market share, compared with an increase of 0.84 percentage points from 14.2 percent of market share for nondetailed (generic) drugs. This study is the largest to look at the impact of detailing practices and found associations in six of eight drug classes. "No medical center completely barred salesperson visits; salespeople could and did continue to visit physicians at all medical centers in the study," says researcher Ian Larkin, assistant professor of strategy at UCLA's Anderson School of Management, in a press release. "The fact that regulating gifts while still allowing sales calls still led to a switch to cheaper, generic drugs may suggest that gifts such as meals play an important role in influencing physicians." Researchers are quick to point out that the data can't definitively show a causal relationship between detailing rules and prescribing habits, but it's about as close as studies are likely to come to doing so. "The results were remarkable robust after the introduction of policies, about 5 to 10 percent of physician prescribing behavior changed," explains Larkin. Now That's Interesting The California Senate passed a bill in May 2017 to restrict pharmaceutical companies from giving gifts and incentives to doctors. Previously, restrictions were voluntary. The bill now moves to the state Assembly. " " What if your doppelganger ran off with your identity? Jonathan Knowles/Stone/Getty Images It's often said that we all have a double somewhere in the world. It's a haunting thought. In a sense, our identity is all we have. When it fails to form properly, we struggle psychologically. When it's stolen, we face fraudulent bills, ruined credit and a years-long nightmare of red tape. And when it's mistaken, well, far worse outcomes might await. Perhaps that's why, in so many legends and weird tales stretching back centuries, encountering one's doppelganger tends to end badly. Thankfully, we live during the age of fingerprints, DNA and CSI, in the post-911 world of ever-more Orwellian identification requirements, and we've left cases of mistaken identity firmly in the past. Advertisement Well, perhaps not. According to a 2012 report in the Denver Post, "More than 500 people were wrongly imprisoned in Denver's jails over seven years, with some spending weeks incarcerated or pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit." Such stories provide sobering reminders that a world run by bureaucrats contains at least as much of Kafka as Orwell and maybe a touch of Rod Serling, as well. The people you are about to meet would no doubt agree. There is a fight underway in the biggest U.S. dairy state one that is pitting family members against each other, breaking friendships, and is likely to leave deep scars. It is literally becoming a civil war. It is an emotion-filled and polarizing fight over money. The focus is Californias $1.15 billion of milk market pool quota at least thats what its value was last year and a petition drive that is underway to eliminate all of it. In 42 years of writing about the California dairy industry, I have never seen a topic for which so many were so unwilling to be quoted. Even longtime friends, producers, and industry professionals who have never been shy about being on the record apologized and declined this time around. That by itself shouts volumes about how intense, sensitive, and unusual the issue is. It is also why I decided not to quote anyone in this article. Every person I talked to producers, an industry association leader, a co-op official, a dairy broker, an economist, and an accountant was willing to share their thoughts, but not their name or affiliation. Here is what they told me: There are approximately 2.15 million pounds of pool quota solids in California, all of which was given to the states roughly 2,700 Grade A producers by the State of California beginning in 1970. None has been issued, though, since the 1991 to 1992 new growth allocation period. The price premium that goes with quota, which today varies from $1.43 to $1.70 per hundredweight depending upon region of the state, was an incentive to help ensure that Class I market demand would always be met. It was a key part of the Statewide Pooling Program that was overwhelmingly voted in by producers in 1969. Another key feature was a manufacturing make allowance that gave companies an incentive to build processing plants in the state which they did enthusiastically. Their demand for milk gave dairy producers the opportunity to grow if they wanted to, and by 1994, it made California the biggest milk-producing state in the country. Twenty-five years later, it still is. Everyone had a choice Some producers grew by selling all of their quota and buying cows. Some decided to not expand at all so they could continue to have a high blend price. Some have made regular purchases of additional quota to keep up with per-cow production gains, or because their location gave them no other practical way to enhance revenue. Many were in between. Then, and still today, it was an individual choice that each producer made for themselves. A higher price for quota milk meant quota immediately took on significant value and demand among dairy producers demand that has been constant ever since. A big reason is because the higher milk price allows quota to pay for itself over time. In recent years, the payback period has been about seven years. For many producers, quota has also been the largest, most quickly liquid asset they will ever own. Thus, it has been a lifesaving safety net during financial crisis that helped strapped farms stay in business. Or allowed them take advantage of big financial opportunities. For many producers, it has also been their retirement plan. Over the decades, quota has been so saleable and so coveted that almost none of the 2.15 million pounds is still held by the original owners. Market prices for it have always risen and fallen along with milk prices and the dairy economy, but they have tended to be very stable. For instance, for 50 straight months between 2014 and mid-2018, average monthly transfer prices reported by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) were never under $500 per pound. As California milk producers died, retired, moved to other states, or otherwise went out of business, the number of quota owners has steadily declined. Percent of Quota in Shipment data for January 2019 from CDFA (see table on facing page) showed that of the 1,183 Grade A farmers in the state, 509 (43 percent) had no quota at all. That means the 674 who do own quota own an average of 3,190 pounds each. Some have far less, but some have spectacularly more. Money to pay the quota milk price premiums had always come out of the Class I pool; everyone contributed, including those who didnt own quota. But the cost was essentially invisible, because it was blended into the pool and was not listed as a deduction on milk checks. All of that changed in November when California entered the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system and settlement checks began showing the deduction for each farm. Thats when the civil war began. Quota sales prices, and thus producer equity levels, began weakening in August (for transfers that took effect in September). People I spoke to at the time agreed it had much more to do with four years of low milk prices and terrible margins than it did with joining the FMMO system. As seen in the table above, significant price declines continued in September, October, and November then prices fell off a cliff in December (for transfers taking effect in January 2019). That one-month plunge of $119 was by far the biggest in the programs 49-year history. The January, February, and March prices, by the way, are the three lowest averages in the 17 years of quota transfer data posted on the CDFA website. The decline from December to March translates into $347,710 less equity for the average quota owner. From July to March the difference is $442,900. For large owners, however, the hit is many millions. Statewide, the total value of quota in March was 38 percent less than just eight months before. After four years of low prices, bad margins, and losing money, the timing is awful. It means everyone with quota has a smaller safety net and looks more risky to lenders. The plunge in quotas value coincides exactly with a petition drive started in December that backers hope will lead to a producer referendum to eliminate the program entirely, which is allowed to continue under Californias FMMO. The petition drive is called Stop QIP (the Quota Implementation Plan). Its petition signature form lists a P.O. box address in Visalia, an email, and a toll-free telephone number. Just like before the FMMO was implemented, funding for QIP is paid by all Grade A producers, whether they own quota or not. The cost is approximately 38 cents per hundredweight. The difference now is, the cost appears as a deduction on milk checks, so every Grade A producer sees it. Stop QIP backers encourage producers to do the math. A recent letter to me submitted by Stop QIP said, With dairymen already struggling to pay all of theirs bills, this additional assessment or tax, whatever you want to call it, is just like pouring salt into the wound. A majority of dairymen put the program in place and a majority can take the program out. Petition backers say any dairy with 22 percent quota coverage or less pays out more to fund the program than it receives in quota premiums. Enough signatures should be easy Verified signatures from 25 percent of Grade A producers covered by QIP are needed for a petition to be submitted to the CDFA Secretary or the QIP Administrator. Since 43 percent of producers own no quota at all, that requirement seems like an easy one. However, because the petition and all signatures will be posted on the CDFA website for a minimum of 90 days, that might make some producers balk at signing and being public. Several months of review, including evaluation by the state Producer Review Board, would follow. The board would make an action recommendation to the secretary, but the final decision whether to hold a referendum would be hers. Two things would be needed for substantive amendment or termination of QIP: At least 51 percent of all producers who are eligible to vote would have to cast ballots. Passage would require at least one of two super majority requirements to be met: either 65 percent or more of the voters who make 51 percent or more of the milk, or 51 percent or more of the voters who make 65 percent or more of the milk. So, what did people tell me for this article? Emotions are already high, said a producer in Southern California who owns several dairies. Some people are acting selfishly, and it is causing a lot of hatred in the industry. A lot of people have forgotten why and how the quota program came into being. It was a system that protected dairies and allowed farms to expand beyond their quota base. The make allowance that was in the program for plants was the incentive to build processing capacity, and it worked fabulously for decades, the dairyman continued. With the federal order, everyone shares in Class I sales, including people who dont have quota. Everyone is paying to fund the program. People are getting the quota cost in their blend, then it comes out; there is no net loss. But all people see is a line item on their check, and they want to get rid of it. Emotions are so high. They need to simmer down before sensible discussion and compromise can happen. If quota were suddenly eliminated, tremendous banking turmoil would take over. Bankers are scared to death already. One bank doesnt want to loan to dairies at all now, he said. What is needed is for all parties to start talking, or else everyone will be hurt even more. This is a terrible financial climate right now, and this argument only makes things worse. Californias best years are over, he added. Weve got some real icons in our industry who are hitting the ropes right now. The ones who are going to be left are the ones who have trees. If they just have cows, they are doomed. A producer in Central California who owns two dairies, one with no quota and one that has quite a bit, said, This has already caused hard feelings between relatives. It has already hurt friendships. People have agreed it is a topic not to be discussed, yet its one that cant be avoided. Ninety-five percent or more of the producers in California never knew they were paying for the quota system because it never showed up as a line item on their check. Now it does. That is where we are in a nutshell. And simple math will tell them not to mention the people who are railing about it how much they have been paying for 25 years that they never got a dime on, so people are going through the roof. The quota program was a decision that producers made. They all voted to put it in. And it was a decision that producers who sold their quota also made. Many guys back in the day decided they wanted to expand so they sold their quota and bought cows. Its a decision they chose to make. I talked to a friend the other day who owns a fairly minor amount of quota in the scheme of his total operation. He said he decided to sign the petition because he hopes it will further the discussion that needs to happen between both sides, he said. A reaction to tough times There are guys who are really upset and there are guys who say, They tried to stop it before. It didnt work then and it wont happen now. Well, I dont think they are reading the tea leaves right this time. Now, 100 percent of the dairy producers in California know how much is coming off their checks. And when times are bad, dairymen always start looking for things to cut, the producer said. Discussions about how to retire quota have been going on for decades, he pointed out, and a plan was even submitted to CDFA years ago. I am one who believes that as long as you have quota and overbase you will have a divisive issue. There has always been a big safety net aspect to quota, and it has long been looked at as a retirement annuity for farmers. Prices going down have hurt a lot of people. A broker told me yesterday that he couldnt even get an offer at $300. If the quota program goes away then dairies will become riskier lending customers for banks, he concluded. Another Central California producer who sits on a high profile board said, Theres people on both sides of the fence. Ive really had to park my opinions because of my position representing both people who own quota and those who dont. The only thing I can say is I think it makes sense for people on both sides to come to a sensible agreement, whatever that is. People need to sit down and talk. A regulatory expert for a large producer organization said, There are those who would prefer that no changes ever be made to the existing program, and there are those who think change is appropriate. If you are open to change, the question becomes what kind of change and how fast? I am sure this conversation is going to last for some time. Right now, it is important to acknowledge that the milk pooling-pricing-quota systems that are currently in place are there because producers acted collectively to put them there. Changes have been made to these programs when enough pressure emerged to make them, but it was never a quick process. Our industry has faced these challenges before and has found solutions that most producers supported, he explained. An economist at another industry organization said, Emotionally, theres definitely a lot of concern out in the field by producers in terms of how long this downturn will last. As for the hit on quota, I think the mood might be partly driving that. I think the main concern currently has been discussions where some producers would like to get the Quota Implementation Plan eliminated. A petition has been circulating by a group that actually mailed a petition to every producer in the state, which is deeply disturbing for producers in California who own quota, the person remarked. Every producer in the state pays into a fund that pays out the quota price premium. There is a point at which the return for quota is less than what a producer pays in. That number is approximately 22 percent quota ownership. What makes this reality significant is that as a result of now being in a federal order, the deduction for quota is now a line item on milk checks. Producers now know how much the quota program is costing them each month, the individual said. I talked to a lot of bankers last spring because the milk price had been going up after being down for so long. Prices were looking up a little bit in spring so people were feeling a little optimistic, but then the trade war hit and prices kept spiraling down toward the end of the year, continued the person. There are some bankers now who are feeling a little on edge in terms of where the industry is going. The dairies that stayed were not in a great position, but it didnt seem like they were on the verge of closing the doors on folks. Now that the price is down even further I think those conversations are being revived. Weve had a lot of our producers call and ask what can we try to do to get more money from our processors? Its absolutely not a good time to own cows, and its hard to tell folks that, the economist commented. A dairy accountant said, When the pooling law was written 50 years ago, it was never anticipated that quota would become a freely exchanged, highly valued asset. People cant just take an old law that was never updated to the current market condition of that asset and simply receive an unjust benefit. So there wont be a snowballs chance the conversation is going to just disappear. What Im hearing from banks is that dairies with high debt but have quota, they are just sitting back and being patient. But if you have high debt and no quota you are probably a 2 on their worry about scale of 1 to 10. (No. 1 would be of greatest concern.) What this petition has done is make people with no and low amounts of quota irate. Before they never realized the difference in price because they never saw it on their checks, he continued. Do I think quota is going to go out? Thats not just a no, its a hell no. I really dont think quota will go away all at once. Theres no way the state can write off $1 billion in asset value without having lawsuits coming at them from everywhere. I dont think its going to be as easy to get rid of as the anti-quota people think, because I think a challenge back from quota owners would succeed. I think itll end up in some kind of a mediation room that would say, Okay we will deem it over, but amortize it out so people will get paid back instead of having it written off at once. Then as soon as the payoff is done everyone is equal, he said. I saved the co-op official for last because his candor and impartial analyses have impressed me for years. This time was no exception. Some people are offended that this is being called a tax by the people who want to eliminate it. It is a very emotional situation, people are worried that the legislature could yank quota away. People who think they know how a referendum would turn out should remember the last presidential election. It proved anything can happen these days in an election, he said. Both sides are at risk here, which should eventually lead to adult conversations on many levels. A sunset idea that buys back all quota is one good idea. It isnt right to have it go away suddenly, but this might lead to discussion on other options. The anti-quota people worry that the Producer Review Board might not pass it on to the secretary. They shouldnt. At the boards March 6 meeting, the general council for the secretary said she is not inclined to ignore a legally submitted petition, even if the board doesnt pass it through to her. She said, The secretary believes in self-determination by producers, the co-op official explained. If the petition does get enough signatures, it could lead to a broader discussion in the industry, or the proponents could withdraw their proposal and work together with quota owners to form a compromise bill. Or nothing may happen. Or there could be a sunset plan of some amount of time during which quota gradually goes away. There are people behind this effort who werent willing to speak up before, but they are now because they see a potential path forward. Any plan that eliminates quota over time would put some dairies in a position where they would have to re-examine if staying in business pencils out at whatever the lower milk price number is. I believe that in this situation what Winston Churchill said about Americans during World War II applies to California dairymen: You can always count on them to do the right thing after they have tried everything else, he concluded. I dont have a dog in this fight because I have never owned a cow. But after 42 years in the industry I do have an opinion: This is perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime issue, so it deserves the most serious discussion possible. It is discussion that should be thoughtful and deliberate, not emotional and rushed. Producers deserve a solution that focuses on the future, not a reaction to the current situation. It needs to be as voluntary as possible, not forced. It needs to make the entire industry better, not just part of it. Its a discussion that needs to start right now. My names Will Capers. For almost nine years, Ive blogged on various topics. I blogged as Blaque Ink first, and as Brotha Wolf second. The latter had a mu... 2 years ago As of August 26th, 2021 Yahoo India will no longer be publishing content. Your Yahoo Account Mail and Search experiences will not be affected in any way and will operate as usual. We thank you for your support and readership. For more information on Yahoo India, please visit the FAQ The case against Hamzehlou states that 13 suspects, including Abbas Samimi, a member of the NIPIC board of directors, made personal profits while exporting government-owned petrochemical products between 2011 and 2015 when international sanctions banned Iran from such trades. The defence attorney told Judge Assadollah Massoudi said that Hamzehlou and Samimi were helping the Regime to profit by circumventing international sanctions and had the sole intention of serving the Regime and had no choice. He said: The suspects have deposited all hard currencies received for selling petrochemical products in the companys bank accounts. If they were after financial gains, they could have pocketed the whole amount. He also said that NIPIC had declared that the accused owed no debts in foreign currencies. (It was revealed during the third session that Hamzehlou had pocketed roughly $8,710, 384.) However, there have been plenty of contradictory statements throughout this case. In March, the NIPIC said that the suspects combined owed roughly $564 million, while on Wednesday, the company only said that the primary defendant had not paid his debts on time. It is also unclear, because of contradictory statements by the prosecution and other judicial officials, whether the accused made a profit through converting the proceeds to the Iranian rial before returning the money, rather than reimbursing the government companies in hard currency or through outright embezzlement. Three of the suspects are being tried in absentia, and only represented by their lawyers, because they are living outside Iran. Hamzehlou stands accused of starting several companies in Turkey, with the help of Marjan Sheikholeslam, and making others register front companies to skip sanctions imposed on Iran. Sheikholeslam, a former employee at the governments official news agency (IRNA) and newspaper Hambastegui, has lived in Canada since 2009. She claimed, on March 16, that all her companies activities were legal and had nothing to do with money laundering and making a profit out of sanctions. The trial began one day after Ebrahim Raisi, who was involved in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, was appointed as the head of the judiciary by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Iranian news outlets have called it one of the most significant embezzlement cases in the history of humankind. Saturday, April 13, 2019 The Indiana Supreme Court has imposed a 90-day suspension In 2008, Respondent left a prosecutorial position in California and returned to Indiana to care for her father, who was in deteriorating health. Respondents father also was in the midst of a separation from his wife (Respondents estranged mother), who was sequestering and possibly dissipating marital assets. That fall, Respondents father executed a power-of-attorney appointing Respondent as his attorney-in-fact and stating, in part, that Respondent shall be entitled to reimbursement for all reasonable expenses incurred on my behalf and . . . may also be entitled to reasonable compensation for any services provided. In 2010, a guardianship was opened in Hamilton Superior Court and Respondent was appointed as guardian of her fathers person. In 2012, Respondent was appointed by the guardianship court as successor guardian of her incapacitated fathers estate. In the first several years following her return to Indiana, Respondent expended considerable sums of her own savings on her fathers behalf. During this time Respondent also experienced significant health issues of her own, resulting in major medical bills and Respondents inability to consistently maintain a law practice in Indiana. Respondents personal savings and assets soon were depleted, and she alternately found herself living temporarily with friends or out of her own vehicle. At some point in late 2013 or early 2014, the guardianship received about $40,000 in proceeds from the sale of Respondents parents marital residence. Beginning around the same time, Respondent made dozens of payments and withdrawals from the estate to herself without obtaining the requisite court approval and in violation of a restraining order that had been issued by the guardianship court. During that period, Respondent also failed to file required accountings and failed to comply with several court orders to do so. In early 2016 the guardianship court held Respondent in contempt, appointed a successor guardian, and again ordered Respondent to provide an accounting. Respondent did not do so and was held in contempt again in November 2016. Meanwhile, Respondents father passed away in September 2016. The commission appealed the failure to find a Rule 8.4(b) violation The hearing officer found, among other things, that even assuming Respondents exercise of control over guardianship funds was unauthorized, Respondent reasonably believed under the circumstances that her actions were authorized. In so finding, the hearing officer expressly credited Respondents own testimony and evidence in support, as well as relevant testimony from the judge who had presided over the guardianship matter. ...Because the Commission failed to establish that Respondent committed criminal conversion or exploitation, we find in favor of Respondent on the Rule 8.4(b) charge. We also find that Respondent violated Rule 3.4(c) as charged and admitted, and we turn now to the matter of sanction. Turn turn turn ...Respondent was striving under very difficult circumstances to help her ailing father, and in the big picture her various expenditures of personal and guardianship assets resulted in a net gain for her father. None of this excuses her repeated disobedience of court orders (nor does Respondent suggest it does), but we agree with the hearing officer that it presents compelling mitigation in this case... We also credit the hearing officers view, informed by his firsthand observation of four days of witness testimony in this matter, that Respondents transgressions trace[ ] to the unique, extremely difficult circumstances with which she was confronted and do[ ] not otherwise raise serious concerns about Respondents general character and fitness to practice law. (HOs Report at 17). With these considerations in mind, we conclude that a suspension of 90 days with automatic reinstatement is appropriate discipline for Respondents misconduct. (Mike Frisch) Saturday, April 13, 2019 The Law Society of Ontario Tribunal Appeal Division rejected the appeal of an attorney disbarred in Illinois, permanently disbarred in Florida (where the original proceeding occurred) and the subject of serious criminal charges The Lawyer practised law in Florida and was also a member of the bars of Illinois and Ontario. He was disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court in September 2010, and was later reciprocally disbarred by the Illinois Supreme Court in January 2011. In Florida, a disbarred lawyer may apply to be reinstated as a member of the bar. However, while disbarred in Florida, the Lawyers conduct resulted in a further contempt application being brought before the Florida Supreme Court. This application resulted in the Lawyer being permanently disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court in 2014. Some of the conduct that resulted in the permanent disbarment also resulted in the Lawyer being criminally charged with having engaged in an organized scheme to defraud contrary to Florida law. The criminal charge related to the Lawyers activities in connection with an estate, which occurred after his initial disbarment by the Florida Supreme Court. That charge was ultimately resolved by a diversion program that saw the Lawyer enter into a deferred prosecution agreement, pursuant to which he paid $45,000 to a charity in lieu of restitution and admitted that he was guilty of the allegations giving raise to the offence. Below the border The Lawyer practised law in Florida and was also a member of the bars of Illinois and Ontario. He was disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court in September 2010, and was later reciprocally disbarred by the Illinois Supreme Court in January 2011. In Florida, a disbarred lawyer may apply to be reinstated as a member of the bar. However, while disbarred in Florida, the Lawyers conduct resulted in a further contempt application being brought before the Florida Supreme Court. This application resulted in the Lawyer being permanently disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court in 2014. Some of the conduct that resulted in the permanent disbarment also resulted in the Lawyer being criminally charged with having engaged in an organized scheme to defraud contrary to Florida law. The criminal charge related to the Lawyers activities in connection with an estate, which occurred after his initial disbarment by the Florida Supreme Court. That charge was ultimately resolved by a diversion program that saw the Lawyer enter into a deferred prosecution agreement, pursuant to which he paid $45,000 to a charity in lieu of restitution and admitted that he was guilty of the allegations giving raise to the offence. His concerns The Lawyer has raised a number of issues with respect to the process before the Florida Supreme Court. The Florida Bar was represented in the proceedings brought against the Lawyer by Michael Soifer, who filed the complaint commencing a disciplinary proceeding with the Florida Supreme Court against the Lawyer. Mr. Soifer brought a motion for sanctions against the Lawyer as a result of his failure to appear at his deposition. This resulted in a flurry of motions brought by the Lawyer, including a motion to disqualify Mr. Soifer from the disciplinary proceedings based on a civil claim that the Lawyer had commenced against Mr. Soifer and Ms. Robbins. This motion was denied by the referee, and in turn the Lawyer brought a motion to disqualify the referee, asserting that his handling of the motion to disqualify Mr. Soifer was tainted by bias. This motion was also dismissed by the referee. Mr. Soifer brought a second emergency motion for sanctions against the Lawyer as a result of his repeated failure to appear for the deposition. The Lawyer did not participate in the motion, and Judge Moe made an order striking the Lawyers pleadings and entering a default judgment. As default judgment was entered, all allegations in the complaint were deemed admitted. Disbarment was imposed after he failed to participate in the appeal. Nevertheless he persisted In April 2012, the Florida Bar filed a contempt proceeding against Mr. Kivisto. The contempt proceeding was heard by Judge Usan who acted as a Referee for the Florida Supreme Court. There were four counts. The first three counts involved allegations that Mr. Kivisto engaged in the practice of law or held himself out as a lawyer while disbarred. The fourth count involved his creating and using false court documents relating to the estate of Leo Jaakkola for his own benefit. And led to permanent disbarment. The division here describes the lengthy history of the prior and present proceedings and finds no substance to his attack on the Florida process The Lawyer argues that recognition of the referees reports in the Florida discipline decisions should be refused because the manner in which they were prepared was a breach of natural justice. In particular, the Lawyer submits that the first draft of both referees reports were prepared by counsel for the Florida Bar, who was also the prosecutor. In Beals, the Supreme Court considered the defence of natural justice, and held that the domestic court must be satisfied that minimum standards of fairness have been applied to the Ontario defendants by the foreign court. The defence of natural justice is restricted to the form of the foreign procedure, and does not relate to the merits of the case. A condition precedent to the defence is that the party seeking to impugn the judgment must prove that the foreign proceedings were contrary to Canadian notions of fundamental justice. The basic requirements of natural justice are a right to notice, a right to be heard, and a right to an independent and impartial decisionmaker. ... In its reasons, the hearing panel found that in Ontario there is a prohibition against a party to a proceeding preparing a judgment in that proceeding because it creates an appearance of bias. However, the panel went on to note that in the context of the recognition of foreign judgments, a party seeking to avoid recognition of a foreign judgment on the basis of bias must go beyond showing a reasonable apprehension of bias and prove actual bias. Preclusion the hearing panel correctly stated the law and its decision to give preclusive effect to the Florida and Illinois discipline decision was reasonable. Thus These proceedings have been long and protracted, both before the hearing panel and this appeal panel. The hearing panel delivered comprehensive reasons on the various motions and on the application itself, which carefully addressed all of the Lawyers arguments. In our view, the hearing panel made no reversible error, and accordingly, this appeal is dismissed. (Mike Frisch) 1. Yes. Patrol cars in the lot and armed officers inside would deter would-be criminals. 2. Yes. Police should announce their plans and be highly visible during store hours. 3. No. The citys police officers have other obligations. More private security is the answer. 4. No. Perhaps, but installing more surveillance cameras would be a better deterrent. 5. Unsure. More police might help, but it could also stretch KPDs resources too thin. Vote View Results This blog is an Amazon affiliate. Help support Legal Writing Prof Blog by making purchases through Amazon links on this site at no cost to you. University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law Visiting Professor Legal Methods The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law seeks applications for a visiting professor to teach in the Legal Methods program for the 2019-2020 academic year. Legal Methods is a rigorous, required first-year legal research, writing, and analysis course. The visiting professor will teach Legal Methods I (fall, three credits) and Legal Methods II (spring, two credits) with approximately thirty-six students each semester. The visiting professor will work closely with our Legal Methods Faculty, including the Director of Legal Methods. Memphis Law has a strong interest in hiring a visiting professor who would contribute to the Law Schools commitment to providing a broadly diverse campus community. Applicants should have an outstanding academic record, demonstrated excellence in legal research and writing, and excellent communication skills. Applicants should also have a strong desire to teach legal research and writing to first-year law students, as well as a desire and ability to work collegially in a collaborative environment. Applicants must have a J.D., bar admission, and at least two years of practice experience. Teaching experience is desired but not required. The base salary will be $60,000 for a nine-month visiting appointment. Tennessee does not have an income tax, and, in several different surveys, Memphis consistently ranks in the top ten for having one of the lowest costs of living in the United States. Applicants should send the following materials to Jodi Wilson, Director of Legal Methods, a letter of interest, a resume or CV, and a list of three references. (Please include Visiting Professor Application in the subject line of the e-mail.) In addition, applicants must submit materials through the Universitys hiring portal at The position is open until filled, and application review will begin immediately. In order to continue enjoying our site, we ask you enter in the text you see in the image below so we can confirm your identity as a human. Thank you very much for your cooperation. For practicing nurses, staying current on CE requirements can be done by using online, accredited resources. Though requirements vary by state, the websites below can be a great starting point in finding free courses over a wide array of topics. View Schools Overview of Free Online CEUs for Nursing Practicing nurses are required to stay up to date on the new developments and technologies within their area of expertise since healthcare practices are always growing with research. This is done through continuing education and tracked by continuing education units (CEUs) that are awarded per course. The board of the state in which the nurse practices determines exactly how many CEUs are required over a specific time frame, usually giving the nurse a level of flexibility to fulfill their CEU requirements. Fulfilling some of these requirements online for free can give added flexibility to a practicing nurse; however, it is important to check your state requirements before taking the courses available online to make sure they are applicable and approved by your specific board's requirements. Capella University Capella University provides a few free online webinars that are specific to nurses and offer credit upon completion. The courses are formatted as video lectures, and each offers between 1 and 1.5 contact hours once the respective course is completed. These courses are geared towards personal and professional development, covering topics like APRN practice changes, progressing into leadership roles, furthering education, and succession planning. There are no prerequisites to the courses though you will be required to register with your name and email for the university's record-keeping. Below are two CEU courses offered from CU: The Future of Nursing Report: What We've Achieved So Far Succession Planning in Nursing: Who Are Tomorrow's Leaders? University of Massachusetts - Lowell The University of Massachusetts - Lowell offers two courses that can be accessed online for free and meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing. One course covers job stress management and offers 4 contact hours. Topics include the impact of job stress and stress prevention/coping strategies. Nurses will learn best practices on navigating and operating in their work environment as safely as possible while still maintaining a level head and high productivity. To take the course, you will be asked to enter your name and contact information into the 'Guestbook' before the first module begins. Philips Learning Connection Philips Learning Connection's Online Learning Center has a decent amount of free accredited courses for practicing nurses. The courses range in topics from prevention techniques to patient monitoring, and offer anywhere between 1-2 contact hours per course. Registration is necessary to access the courses, and the applicable accreditation or sponsor must be selected before beginning the course for reporting purposes. Some of the courses featured in the Online Learning Center are: Assessing Outcomes Vital to Independent Living in Late Life Complications Resulting from Long Lie Times After a Fall Medscape Medscape is an online resource with specialty-specific continuing education courses for all medical experts. Once registered, users will be able to search and filter through their vast library of courses to find more nuanced topics that may fit within their specific field of practice as a nurse, such as emergency medicine, family medicine, and women's health. The courses are predominantly text based, but some are formatted with presentation slides, and a few feature video. Course options for nurses include: Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. Introducing The Main Index There are now over 43,000 individual posts here on A Light In The Darkness. They have all been individually added into Main Index categories. To get the full experience out of A Light In The Darkness and its very extensive library of items, covering virtually all things paranormal, supernatural etc ... we recommend that you flick down the Main Index, which runs down the right hand side of the blog page ... to find the indexed category in which the subject matter you seek is located. Alternatively, why not use long search bar you will find towards the top of the blog page ... ENJOY The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) estimates that 9 million cases of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) occur across Europe each yearwith around one in 15 patients in acute care hospitals and one in 24 residents in long-term care facilities having at least one infection on any given day, according to the most comprehensive assessment of HAIs in Europe to date, being presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Amsterdam, Netherlands (13-16 April). Importantly, the findings also reveal low microbiological testing rates that vary widely between countries, suggesting that more must be done to protect patients and residents from these preventable complications. A microorganism was reported for just over half (53%) of the HAIs in acute care hospitals. For 11% of the microorganisms reported, antimicrobial susceptibility testing results were not available on the day of the survey. In long-term care facilities, over three quarters of infections had no documented microbiological results. In long-term care facilities overall, only 19% HAIs had a microbiological test result available in the facility to guide treatment and control. In acute care hospitals, the figure was 53%. "Our analysis shows that healthcare-associated infections still pose a major public health threat in European countries and healthcare institutions", says Pete Kinross from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. "Culture-directed antibiotic treatment is an important aspect of the treatment and control of these kinds of infections. The variability of microbiological testing suggests poor availability of information for effective treatment, as well as alertness to potential outbreaks." This study is based on data from two ECDC point prevalence surveys of HAIs and antimicrobial use in both acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities in European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries between 2016 and 2017. In 2016, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estimated that theburden of HAIs (eg, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, Clostridium difficile infection) in European acute care hospitals exceeded the combined burden of all other infectious diseases under surveillance by ECDC such as influenza, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis combined. However, these estimates did not take into account infections in other healthcare facilities. In these latest ECDC surveys, trained staff used standardised questionnaires to collect data from voluntarily participating acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities (eg, general nursing homes, residential homes) on every patient/resident who was present on the day of the survey. In total, 310,755 patients from 1,209 acute care hospital in 28 EU/EEA countries and 117,138 residents from 1,798 long-term care facilities in 24 EU/EEA countries were included in the analyses. The findings show that on any given day in 2016-2017, 98 166 (6.5%) patients in acute care hospitals and 129 940 (3.9%) residents in long-term care facilities had at least one HAI. However, much of the difference in national HAI rates in acute care hospitals is explained by their different rates of testing blood samples. Essentially, countries with lower test rates (e.g. Hungary, Lithuania, Romania) detect fewer HAIs compared to those with higher testing rates (e.g. Belgium, Finland, United Kingdom). Respiratory tract infections (particularly pneumonia) were the most common, accounting for a quarter of all HAIs in hospitals and a third in long-term care facilities, followed by urinary tract infections (almost a fifth and a third, respectively). Pete Kinross says: "Healthcare-associated infections in acute care hospitals are responsible alone for more deaths in the EU/EEA than all other infectious diseases under surveillance. It is crucial to apply recommendations and guidelines available in both acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities, since our study showed that there are as many healthcare-associated infections in long-term care facilities as there are in acute care hospitals." More information: Alessandro Cassini et al. Burden of Six Healthcare-Associated Infections on European Population Health: Estimating Incidence-Based Disability-Adjusted Life Years through a Population Prevalence-Based Modelling Study, PLOS Medicine (2016). Alessandro Cassini et al. Burden of Six Healthcare-Associated Infections on European Population Health: Estimating Incidence-Based Disability-Adjusted Life Years through a Population Prevalence-Based Modelling Study,(2016). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002150 Carl Suetens et al. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections, estimated incidence and composite antimicrobial resistance index in acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities: results from two European point prevalence surveys, 2016 to 2017, Eurosurveillance (2018). DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.46.1800516 Diamantis Plachouras et al. Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017, Eurosurveillance (2018). DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.23.46.1800393 Enrico Ricchizzi et al. Antimicrobial use in European long-term care facilities: results from the third point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017, Eurosurveillance (2018). DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.46.1800394 Journal information: PLoS Medicine Provided by European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases New research being presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (13-16 April), suggests that mode of delivery influences the development of the microbial composition of the gut (i.e. the gut microbiota) in infants, independently of a mother's use of antibiotics. This, in turn, may affect infants' respiratory health during the first year of life. The prospective Microbiome Utrecht Infant Study (initiated by the Spaarne Gasthuis hospital in Hoofddorp in collaboration with the University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands) involving 120 infants, found that children born by caesarean section (C-section) had a delay in the normal development of their gut microbiota, and a higher abundance of potentially harmful bacteria, compared to infants delivered vaginallywhich could be the mechanism driving the increased risk in respiratory infections. Over 1000 different types of bacteria live in the gut, where they elicit important functions for health, for example helping to digest food, stimulating the development of the immune system, and protecting against infection. After birth, infants become colonised by an increasing diversity of gut microbes until a relatively stable state is reached. The pace and pattern by which infants acquire their gut microbiome is thought to have a substantial impact on health in later life. Disruption of the normal development of the gut microbiome has been linked with a range of diseases including irritable bowel disease, asthma, allergies and cancer. Previous research indicates that early life microbiota development is influenced by mode of delivery, although it has been suggested that this depends mostly on maternal antibiotic exposure. To assess the independent effects of mode of delivery, Marta Reyman, from the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and colleagues analysed the gut microbiota development in 46 C-section and 74 vaginally delivered infants using stool samples collected 10 times during their first year of life. Antibiotic administration to mothers undergoing a C-section was postponed until after clamping of the umbilical cord. Maternal stool samples were also examined 2 weeks after delivery. Analyses showed that gut microbiota composition differed significantly between C-section and vaginally delivered infants in the first year, which was most pronounced shortly after birth. This was accompanied by measurable faecal seeding (transfer of maternal vaginal microbes) from mother to child in vaginally delivered infants, but not in children born by C-section. In infants born by C-section, the gut microbiota was less stable and the development of the health-promoting bacterial species Bifidobacterium spp. was delayed compared to vaginally delivered children. Additionally, infants born by C-section had much higher levels of potential pathogenic gut bacteria, irrespective of length of hospital stay after birth, feeding type, and antibiotic use. Interestingly, the researchers also found that the gut microbiota early in life was associated with the total number of respiratory infections over the first year. "Our findings suggest that mode of delivery affects the developing infant gut microbiota, independent of a mother's use of antibiotics during birth. Compared to vaginally delivered infants, children born by C-section have different trajectories of bacterial colonisation, which could have implications for their future respiratory health", says Marta Reyman, who is the Ph.D. student on this study. "Further research and larger studies will be needed to fully understand the consequences of these changes. The insights gained might help to design strategies to prevent health-related problems following birth by C-section." The major limitation of this study is the use of 16S rRNA based sequencing, which does not allow annotation of bacteria on species level, or generate results based on genetic content of microbial communities. Explore further What you eat while pregnant may affect your baby's gut Provided by European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases We had a very full day...filled with mixed emotions and incredibly experiences. We left the hotel around 9:15 a.m. when our driver Adi came to get us. He was was the taxi driver that took us from the airport to our hotel when we arrived in Chiang Mai, and his English was very good (everyone speaks a little, some speak none at all, and less than that speak well). So he sat with us for a moment and explained some of things there were to do in the area. We ended up picking Tiger Kingdom and Baan Ton Luang tribe village. First, Tiger Kingdom. They house a variety of tigers, that have essentially been domesticated "enough" that you can get in a cage with them, pet them etc. It's very expensive, they price it by tiger size, so you can pick and choose if you want to see the "small", "medium" or "huge" tigers. Of course there are packages too, where you can see multiple sizes. We were there, and doing it, so I just went for it...three different tigers and one large visa charge. I didn't really know what to expect, I had done zero research on this. What can I say that will capture this experience? It's really hard. The three of us had the same sort of recoil almost immediate walking into the actual facility. It's not particularly crowded which is nice, the enclosures are relatively small (and simple), but the caretakers seem genuinely caring I guess. The entire focus of the experience seemed to be on taking pictures with the tiger, nothing about the tigers educationally. Every tourist is leaning in, using these magnificent animals as prop for their next Facebook page pic. It was like watching someone take a selfie--it just uncomfortable. It felt disrespectful (but that's not quite the right word), sort of cheesy, and a little vacant, like everyone was missing the coolest part. It made us not want to take any pictures, and I think in the end we might have taken 1 or 2 pictures of the tigers, but I don't think we even got one of US with the tigers. Well, that's true of Lucia and I....not sure about Ava, she might have snapped a few more. The trainers must have asked us 100 times if we wanted a picture, or if they could take a picture for us. They were genuinely shocked that we didn't seem focused on that and actually had questions about the animals. Once they realized that though, they were happy to talk about their tigers and give us all kinds of cool info. It was incredible to see them up close, because their beauty is just amplified beyond what I would have expected....and to see how incredibly huge they were, it was jaw dropping. I mean, the paw alone on the medium size Bengal tiger could have covered most of my face. They are absolutely breathtaking in person. There aren't words. We were able to rub the small cats (that were about 7 months) stomachs, and pet them from the waist down. The cats aren't big on being touched from mid-section upward. Do that and they could swipe a massive paw at you and that would be that. The small cats are super playful, and the trainer said they had "playfully" bitten him and when he showed me his arm you could see large cigarette sized scars on his forearms. The girls and I were both a little scared to be honest of the big tigers, and while we did pet them, for the most part we were also ok just standing a safe foot or two away looking at them. They repeat over and over that the tigers are friendly, but you know looking at them that there is wildness in them. They raise them from birth, so they don't know anything other than the feeding schedule and the trainers as the feeders. There's instinct though, no getting around that. I wanted to be totally in the moment and aware of everything when we were in with them, so I don't really have any pictures that do them justice at all which is a little bit of a bummer. Absolutely incredible experience to be so close to them. When we came back to our car, Adi asked us what we thought and I told him we had mixed feelings. He said, "tigers are in the wild. people are not. Of people go to the wild to see tigers, they get eaten. If you want to see and touch tigers, this is how you see tigers." I guess his point was simple, you can't touch a tiger and expect it to be any different than it was. This was as good as it got for a tiger that was held in captivity for the pleasure of others. Think of zoos around the world. I can't really say whether this environment was so much worse than any other zoo environment I'd seen, I suppose an argument could be made that it was, but I don't know how much worse in degrees. You either live without touching a tiger, or this is what you get. I think it was a really good experience for the girls, sometimes you have to do something to understand the arguments for and against. I now understand some of the arguments against allowing facilities like this, there is controversy over the large tigers being kept in isolation except for being used for pictures, and the simple fact that they should all be in the wild and not in small cages. True for every animal currently in a zoo. I'm also not sure we should be eating calamari so casually, the octopus is incredibly intelligent, is it really necessary to eat them? The point is, the arguments are interesting, and there are a lot of them surrounding animals that we should be talking about. People are quick to judge or come down on one side or another without knowing all the aspects. There is also a lot of hypocrisy, and people on high horses. Enough said. Next on the tour was the Baan Tong Luang tribe village. Now this was originally a place I dismissed when I did pre-Chiang Mai research. The term "human zoo" was used somewhere in some article I read and I decided to skip it. I was swayed however by Adi, who explained that he believed it was supporting these tribes because they migrated here from the border of Thailand and Myanmar in order to educate their children, and seek more opportunities. He said that there was little opportunity for education in their tribes, and they weren't able to go to mainstream schools even if they did move to areas with schools because of the ridicule and separation they felt. So within this village created of various tribes, they found a way to get their kids educated and create a community that still allowed for opportunities. One can still argue it's a "human zoo" of a kind though. Truthfully the tribe with the elongated necks (Kayan tribe) are fascinating, and it is hard not to stare in wonder, and I was self conscious of myself for wanting to look. The other tribes were maybe less "shocking", with more subtle traditions like unusual ear piercing/stretching etc. The community is set in a beautiful location against a mountain, and you get to see the simplicity with which they live and function. The entire area is set up like an open market, so the also make money from the tourists coming and buying their different arts. They are weaving and producing the different arts right there for you to see, which was interesting. The weaving was amazing actually, and this other technique that I'd never seen where they use a little tiny tool that looks almost like a miniature triangle on a stick, and they heat the pointed end of the triangle dipped and the use it to burn into the cotton fabric creating a pattern. Basically they "paint" on the cotton, but instead of paint they use heat to burn the design. Painstakingly slow process, and incredibly beautiful. It was a different world for sure. Adi explained all sorts of cool facts about Thailand along our drive. From bits and pieces about the current king (who apparently is loved 50/50 in the country and is a bit of a player) and the previous king who was beloved to all. He told us about how the opium trade was crushed in Thailand, and how he wished they could get medicinal marijuana passed to help people with cancer etc. He spoke English well (self taught), and was trying to learn Spanish and Chinese as well because then he felt like he could communicate with almost anyone coming to Thailand. Surprisingly he said that he thought that the most number of tourists coming to Thailand came from South American. Not sure why that surprised me, but it did. We had a glorious lunch at a Mexican restaurant filled with ex-pats, which Adi recommended after discussing lunch options and the girls said "Mexican" was their top choice. When in Thailand, I guess apparently we don't eat Thai food. Then we headed back to our hotel for some late afternoon siesta time. The heat was getting to everyone. Did I mention how hot it is? Early evening I had to drag the girls out of the air conditioned hotel and back into the oven to squeeze in a last bit of Chiang Mai. We walked along Nimman road, the girls were in full protest mode until we stumbled up on a dog cafe. Yep, you pay to sit with a bunch of dogs and have a coffee. The girls were over the moon. I managed to get myself in trouble while they were in the cafe by walking down a ways and finding myself in this store that sold scarves, quilts, rugs and wall hangings. All of these handmade items that were gorgeous. I fell in love with this rug that is probably 4' x 6', and completely hand crocheted. Normally they are i floral patterns, but this one had this amazing modern, Picasso-esq type vibe. It's super cool, and I can't even include a pic here because I didn't take one and now it's wrapped in packing tape etc. It's pretty awesome. Not sure if it'll get used as a rug, I'm thinking I'll have it stretched onto a wood frame and hang it like a piece of art. We strolled around, had dinner at a restaurant called The Salad Concept that I read about online that was started by a woman after her father got cancer and she was looking for healthy things to feed him. My salad and purple sweet potatoes were amazing. Yes, one could argue another pic of the tiger would have been more interesting, but instead you are getting a pic of my salad masterpiece. We ended the evening finally by taking a tuk tuk driven by a younger guy, and before we got going he literally pulled over, started this boombox strapped to the roof of the tuk tuk, and it said something like, "get ready for the night of your life..." or something in that vein, it sounded like a DJ talking to a crowd somewhere. Then the music and lights started. We drove the 10 minutes home to the loudest, thumping, pumping music you could imagine, and flashing "club" lights on the inside of our roof. That's how we roll in Thailand. Signed, ME {lv} North Korean leader Kim Jong-un speaks at the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in Pyongyang in this April 10, 2019, file photo provided by North Korea. AP North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he is open to having a third summit with U.S. President Donald Trump if the United States could offer acceptable terms for an agreement by the end of the year. Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said Saturday that Kim said this during a session of the North Korea's rubber-stamp parliament, adding he also said his relations with Trump still remain excellent. "If the U.S. proposes holding a third North Korea-U.S. summit with the right attitude and right method, we have a willingness to do it one more time," Kim was quoted as saying. "I will not hesitate at all in signing an agreement only if it is written in a way that meets the interests of the DPRK and the U.S., and is fair, mutually acceptable, and this will entirely depend upon with what attitude and calculus the U.S. would come up with." Kim said that the North would not stick to summits with the U.S. for the sake of easing sanctions but wait "patiently" until the year's end for Washington to make a "courageous decision." Trump says 3rd summit with Kim Jong-un would be 'good' S. Korea to prepare internally for inter-Korean economic projects: minister US signals openness to smaller 'nuke deal' His remarks came a day after Trump said during a summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in that he is open to a third summit with the North Korean leader. Kim and Trump met for the first time last June in Singapore and agreed to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for Washington's security guarantees. Denuclearization talks, however, have been stalled since the breakdown of a second summit in Vietnam in late February. The Hanoi summit fell apart as they failed to find common ground over how to match denuclearization steps with sanctions relief. Pyongyang wanted major sanctions relief in exchange for dismantling its Yongbyon nuclear facility. But Washington insisted on what officials described as "a big deal" that called for trading sanctions relief for the dismantlement of all of the North's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. " " One benefit of joining the military is the pension you will receive after 20 years. How is it taxed? videodet/iStock/Thinkstock When you choose a life of service with the United States armed forces, you make a lot of sacrifices. One of the benefits, however, is your military pension, which you receive upon retirement after active duty beyond 20 years. This means if you joined the Armed Forces at 20, you could potentially retire around age 41. Of course, there are going to be tax concerns, but if retirement is looming on the horizon, we can help you get informed about your options. The size of your pension depends on your pay grade, but it lasts a lifetime. If you retire after 20 years, your pension is a percentage of your basic pay. But if you remain in the military for 40 years, your pension is 100 percent of your basic pay. Additionally, military pensions increase each year to adjust for cost of living. Advertisement There are three different programs of retirement [source:]: Final Pay calculates benefits based on your last month of pay (for those who entered service before September 1980) High 36 calculates benefits based on the highest level of pay during your last 36 months of service (for those who entered service between Sept. 8, 1980 and August 1986) CSB/REDUX is optional, and offers a $30,000 bonus after 15 years of service in exchange for a reduction in lifetime benefits. People who entered service after August 1986 may choose between High 36 and REDUX. Regardless of which plan you choose, pensions are taxable because the government views them as income. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service deducts the appropriate federal taxable amount (depending on your pay grade and how much you receive) and withholds it, then sends you a tax form in January showing your paid pension and how much tax was withheld [source:]. On the state level, however, taxes on military pensions differ depending on where you live. Some don't tax military pensions at all, while some exempt the first few thousand dollars from taxation. For example, Hawaii doesn't tax military retirement pay, but West Virginia waives up to $2,000 of taxes for military retirees. Some offer a low-income exemption, and others tax your pension according to federal tax rules [source: Birk]. Many military retirees also have questions regarding exemptions and deductions. Here's a list of the more common ones [source: Defense Finance and Accounting Service]: Survivor Benefit Plan: This plan is deductible from taxes. Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan: Also deductible from taxes. Debt Deductions: If you pay back any overpayments or premium adjustments, these are deductible. Disability: If you retire under a disability law, your entire pension is non-taxable as long as you meet certain conditions. VA Compensation Deduction: If you retire under non-disability, your taxable income is reduced by the amount of any VA compensation you receive. Combat-Related Special Compensation: This compensation is non-taxable. Also excluded from federal taxable income are veteran's benefits. Examples of veteran's benefits include: disability compensation, grants for accessible homes or vehicles if the veteran was disabled in the line of service, and insurance proceeds or dividends. Now that you've gotten a glimpse at the many pension programs, tax exemptions and deductions available to you as a service member, it's paramount you work with a military tax expert to ensure you make the right decisions for you and your family. Whether youre planning on starting up a website or are looking to move to a new host, there are many South African hosting providers to choose from. It is crucial that you pick the right hosting service if you want to ensure that you get reliable performance and sufficient hosting resources for your website. There are lots of considerations one should make when comparing hosting providers such as cost, storage space, and even customer service. Failing to do this could see your website suffer under significant stress, or just due to system-based issues. Avoiding exorbitant hosting costs It is a good idea for companies to consider the various options at their disposal before deciding on a hosting package. This was recently proven by a conflict between Brand SA and Avatar, where the former claimed that it had been paying nearly R100,000 per month for hosting that was worth R2,500. The lions share of this cost was attributed to additional data and excess web traffic fees, costing Brand SA over R75,000 per month. GoDaddy enters the market International domain and hosting giant GoDaddy recently launched in South Africa, aiming to engage with small business owners and entrepreneurs in South Africa. As small businesses fuel the South African economy, our official launch here signals our commitment to supporting this vibrant entrepreneurial landscape, said Stefano Maruzzi, GoDaddy VP for the EMEA region. GoDaddy has also released its South African prices, while it is simultaneously running a launch special of R10 for a years ownership of a or .com domain. The international company enters a market already packed with hosting companies, but its packages seemingly offer great value for those wishing to access Linux shared web hosting with a high storage capacity. The prices of hosting from South Africas leading hosting companies is below. Hosting packages compared *It must be noted that GoDaddy packages offer an initial discounted price, but packages renew at normal pricing once the first subscription term has elapsed. Shared Web Hosting Comparison Company Storage Traffic DBs Monthly Price Axxess 5GB Unlimited 25 R59.00 Afrihost 3GB Unlimited 5 R59.00 Vox 4GB Unlimited 5 R81.52 Hetzner 5GB Unlimited 5 R99.00 RSAWeb 3GB Unlimited 20 R279.00 Axxess 10GB Unlimited 100 R109.00 Afrihost 10GB Unlimited 100 R109.00 Hetzner 10GB Unlimited 10 R149.00 Axxess 25GB Unlimited 250 R159.00 Afrihost 20GB Unlimited 200 R175.00 Vox 20GB Unlimited 20 R192.00 Hetzner 20GB Unlimited 40 R439.00 Axxess 75GB Unlimited Unlimited R369.00 Afrihost 50GB Unlimited Unlimited R419.00 GoDaddy 100GB Unlimited 10 R69.99 (R113.99)* GoDaddy Unlimited Unlimited 25 R83.99 (R145.99)* GoDaddy Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited R169.99 (R242.99)* The owners of Dr. Wilkinsons Hot Springs Resort in Calistoga have sold the operation to a hotel investment company, said an April 8 news release. After 66 years of service to our guests, employees, and community through our parents vision, we are excited to pass the resort to a uniquely qualified owner and operator that appreciates and will build upon the foundation that our family has laid in the world of health and wellness, said Carolynne Wilkinson Clair of Wilkinson Family LLC, in a statement. The resort was sold to Chartres Lodging Group for an undisclosed amount. We want to thank all of the people who worked with us over the years to make the resort the special place that it is for us, and for those who stayed, said Wilkinsons husband, Howard Clair. The property, a 42-room lodging and wellness resort, is located in downtown Calistoga at 1507 Lincoln Ave. and features a bath house, and provides spa services such as mud baths as well as natural hot mineral springs pools. This resort stands as one of the pioneering wellness facilities in all of Napa Valley, said Mark Wilkinson. The historic bath house accentuates the benefits of hot mineral springs and volcanic mud treatments. Our parents, the late Dr. John and Edy Wilkinson, played a major role in the development of Calistogas unique geography into a globally recognized resort area. This truly is an historic and one-of-a-kind property. Robert Kline, CEO and co-founder of Chartres Lodging Group said, We are honored to have been chosen by the Wilkinson Family to be entrusted with this iconic property and to further evolve the pioneering legacy of Dr. Wilkinson. Amidst the many investments that are taking place in and around Calistoga, we look forward to providing a renewed experience to the surge of interest in wellness and this world-renowned area. The new owners will be making some improvements to the property including upgrading guest rooms, the baths, mineral pools and grounds. The resort will be managed by Kokua Hospitality, based in San Francisco. Kokua manages hotels and resorts throughout the U.S., including San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and Hawaii, according to Kirk Pederson, Kokua Hospitality president. Our focus will be to provide a targeted level of customer experience that reflects Calistogas special place in Napa Valley and the growing wellness space, Pederson said. The St. Helena Elementary Schools historic bell rang for the first time in years at recess last Friday, thanks to help from the St. Helena Fire Department. The rope fell out of the bell assembly many years ago, and the tower was so high that nobody was able to go up and fix it. A new song written by students refers to the bell ringing again one day. When City Councilmember Anna Chouteau heard about the song, she emailed City Manager Mark Prestwich and asked if the fire department could help. He passed along the request to Fire Chief John Sorensen, who sent firefighters with Truck 17 to fix the bell. Look to your left. Look to your right. Two of you wont be here next year. Some older folks may recall these words, spoken by a college dean to first-year students at orientation. A St. Helena student recently told me that his science professor has a coffee cup with the words, This cup is filled with the tears of my students. The message in both instances is that students are either ready for college or they are not; if they fail, their failures are theirs and theirs alone. However, rather than asking are students college-ready, more campuses are working harder to be student-ready. Today, one in three students drops out of college, leading parents, legislators, and taxpayers to question the value of their investments. Byron White writes, Higher education institutions must abandon a paradigm that allows them to deflect accountability and embrace the burden of being student-ready. UC Berkeley Professor K. Patricia Cross, observes, The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate apparently ordinary people to unusual effort, adding, The tough problem is not identifying winners: its making winners out of ordinary people. Harvard, Stanford, or Yale graduate 95-98 percent of the students they enroll. However, its not news that these campuses almost exclusively admit students who are already academic superstars. As a former Stanford colleague once told me, All we have to do is get out of their way! Nearly 40 years ago, Dr. Alexander Astin, a distinguished UCLA professor and researcher, concluded that true educational excellence is a measure of the extent to which a college increases students intellectual and personal development and makes a positive difference in their lives. Arizona State President Michael Crow is among a growing number of leaders who endorse Astins value added view of excellence in writing, The New American University measures quality by the educations its students receive, rather than by their entering grades and test scores. Dr. Patricia Stanley, the first U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Colleges, echoes this sentiment is declaring, Community colleges care less about who we enroll and more about what happens to students as a result of their having been with us. As emerging adults, students certainly must accept responsibility for their own successes or failures. However, institutions, especially faculty members, also bear individual and collective obligations for student achievement or lack thereof. In the next months, students and their families will be deciding which colleges or universities to attend in fall 2019. My advice is to ignore glossy view books, clever videos, and look beyond US News & World Reports lists of Americas Best Colleges. Among the most important questions to guide decision making: Do students like me succeed and graduate from here? For example, how many students graduate who are the first in their families to attend college, have physical or learning disabilities, or are veterans? How many women or students of color achieve their goals in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields? While responses to these questions should be available from campuses, some answers can be found at College Results Online: This website provides information on graduation rates and also allows users to compare data for a group of colleges. Some institutions are more effective than others in helping students from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds succeed. Many of these campuses offer support programs and services for students who are first-generation, have disabilities, are undecided about majors, LGBTQ, or have other background factors that put them at greater risk for dropping out before achieving their goals. In my years as a dean, I encountered outstanding students as well as those with low SAT scores and/or average high school grades. Many so-called at-risk students went on to become attorneys, businesspersons, college professors, health professionals, Oscar winning actors and more. In every instance they found a professor, advisor, or mentor who supported, challenged believed in, them. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who Martin Luther King Jr., nominated for the Nobel Prize, proclaims, There are within each of us the seeds of who we might become. Students need colleges with educators who give them reason to hope and trust that they can succeed through commitment, determination, and HARD WORK. Students need campuses where they will have the seeds of their goodness watered; places that will empower them to grow and achieve their highest potential. These are truly excellent institutions laser focused on student success. Tom Brown is a St. Helena resident who served as a dean at Saint Marys College of California for 27 years. He currently is a consultant and speaker at colleges and universities that are seeking to keep more of the students they enroll. Send comments, questions or suggestions for future columns to: 19342019 John Meras was born in Greece and immigrated to Havre, Montana when he was 16 years old. He worked on the Northern Pacific Railroad at night and sat in a first grade classroom during the day learning to read and write English. With the help of a private tutor he graduated from Havre High School and went on to attend Northern Montana College. He became a naturalized citizen and served in the Navy during the Korean War. He married Mary Schulz, an English teacher at Havre High, in 1959. All 3 of their children, Ioannis(Yo), Maria and Darius were born in Havre. He joined the Prudential Insurance Company in 1962. During his career with Prudential, he won a number of state and national awards and was a consistent member of the Million Dollar Round Table. The Meras family moved to Terra Linda in 1972. After 23 years in Marin County, John and Mary moved to Napa in 1995 where he continued to work in the insurance industry until he retired after more than 43 years. John was active in civil affairs his whole professional life. He served on the Board of Directors of the Salvation Army, as state Vice President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and was a member of the Life Underwriters Political Action Committee, the Lyons Club, the Elks Club, and the Business Information Club of Napa. In 1963 he received the Distinguished Service Award for his contribution and service to the city of Havre. In 1969, the Daughters of the American Revolution presented John with the DAR Americanism Award for his service and loyalty to his country. He was one of the original organizers of the Bank of Napa in 2006 and served on the Executive Committee as Director. John passed away peaceful on February 5, 2019. He is survived by his wife of 59 years Mary, sons Ioannis(Yo) and Darius, his daughter Maria, his granddaughters Kassie and Jessica, his grandsons Dominic and Andoni, his son-in-law John Oakes, his daughter-in-law Betsy Meras, and his brothers Peter, Harry, and Thanash. A Celebration of Life will be held Sat, May 11 at Green Valley Mortuary & Cemetery, 3004 Alexandrite Dr., Rescue, CA 95672 at 1 p.m. The US State Department has asked Bangladesh to buy arms from their country. Reports quoted the Bangladesh foreign minister AK Abdul Momen as saying that on his recent visit to Washington, the US State Department officials asked him to buy defence products from the country. He also stated that he had a meeting with his US counterpart Mike Pompeo and other officials of the US State Department. US State Department officials questioned the Bangladesh foreign minister as to why his country buys defence products from other countries and not from the US. Momen said that the price of US arms were way too steep and we will buy it if you are affordable. He further stated that when it came to spare parts, the US defence contractors jacked up the price. Also Read: Mizoram conduit for arms smuggling, claims Bangladesh intelligence If you dont do that and offer a special price then definitely we will buy them. We do not have any problem in buying arms from the US, he told the State Department official. Momen informed that during his US visit, he discussed a lot of issues including trade and investment. The Bangladesh foreign minister further informed that the US entrepreneurs were interested in investing in Bangladeshs energy sector. In this regard, Momen stated, the American multinational conglomerate General Electric will visit Bangladesh shortly with a huge investment offer. The foreign minister added that he told the US officials that Bangladesh always encourages the diversity of investment and trade. Momen said that he encouraged the US officials to come and develop infrastructure through their Indo-Pacific strategy in Bangladesh as it will be beneficial for both the countries. I told Pompeo to come and avail the opportunities as Bangladeshs economy is all about to take off or you will miss the bus, remarked the foreign minister who was on his maiden visit to the US after taking on the mantle of foreign minister. US embassy in Armenia issues travel update EU remains committed in its support to territorial integrity within their internationally recognised borders EU, Eastern Partnership countries leaders call Pashinyan-Aliyev meeting in Brussels very positive step Armenia PM, Cyprus President exchange views on developments in South Caucasus Armenia PM to meet with members of ruling faction of Yerevan's Council of Elders tomorrow French Senate to set up group for Nagorno-Karabakh Armenia PM attends 6th Eastern Partnership Summit Turkey's ex-Ambassador to US to be appointed special envoy for normalization of relations with Armenia Aliyev on Armenian POWs: We returned them to Armenia, and they were detained there Aliyev claims that Baku has managed to convince Yerevan about 'inevitability of opening of road to Nakhchivan' Zelensky offers to host summit of leaders of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey in Kyiv Armenia Security Council Secretary to meet with National Security Advisor to US President Jake Sullivan Democratic Party of Artsakh members meet with representatives of Republican Party of Armenia Armenian army generals submit recommendation letter for release of detachment commander Ashot Minasyan Mitsotakis: Turkey's financial crisis presents danger for stability in the whole region Germany declares two officials of Russian Embassy persona non grata Armenia justice minister discusses sector-specific meetings with Croatian, Irish, Greek counterparts Ruling faction of Yerevan's Council of Elders launches procedure to express lack of confidence in mayor Moldova's special services arrest and conduct search against founder of Wargonzo Semyon Pegov Zakharova: Moscow welcomes direct contacts between Yerevan and Baku Russian MFA: Normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations would contribute to recovery of general situation in region daily digest: 15.12.21 Georgia justice minister accepts Armenian counterpart's invitation to visit Armenia during meeting in Venice Candidate for Mayor of Armenia's Vanadzor is detained, charged under 3 articles Armenia Migration Service: Russia has adopted and has yet to adopt new rules for migrants Armenian, Slovenian premiers confer on Armenia-EU relations Candidate for Vanadzor mayor taken to Investigative Committee in Yerevan Armenia's Ambassador Viktor Yengibaryan presents credentials to Germany President Artsakh President chairs Security Council meeting Armenia deputy PM in Brussels, meets with EU Commissioner Court rules to arrest opposition 'Armenia' Alliance member Narek Mantashyan for two months EU heralds Schengen Area reforms Turkish opposition parties have decided to put an end to 'monstrous' presidential system 5.0-magnitude earthquake hits Iran Dollar still falls noticeably in Armenia Turkish opposition member insists that Erdogan has decided to go to snap elections Legislature vice-speaker from opposition: Secret agreements can lead to new capitulation of Armenia Brother of North Korea's founder Kim dies at 101 Artsakh ombudsman: Azerbaijan does not allow Taghavard village residents to visit their community cemetery Armenia opposition MP: People have collective will to not let Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem implement idea of corridor Armenia National Assembly fails to ensure quorum in 4 hours Armenia parliament to convene special session tomorrow Armenia opposition 'With Honor' Faction head summoned to National Security Service, interviewed as witness Opposition 'Armenia' Faction head: No need to be afraid of Turkey and Azerbaijan, but there are risks and dangers Armenia justice minister tells CoE Secretary General about violations of international law against Armenian POWs Paylan to Turkeys Cavusoglu: An Armenian minister was sitting on your chair 110 years ago Armenia ex-defense minister shows up at Prosecutor General's Office within scope of civil forfeiture of illegal assets Macron, Putin discuss avenues to resolve Karabakh conflict Kopirkin: Russia, Armenia have very major cooperation within EEU Armenia, Moldova leaders underscore developing of bilateral economic ties Armenia ruling majority obstructs parliament special session initiated by opposition faction Blinken: We welcome statements on appointing special envoys by Armenia, Turkey Armenia, Azerbaijan leaders hold private talk as well in Brussels Azerbaijan president refuses to discuss Artsakh status issue USCIRF: Armenian church demolished in Turkey, Armenian cemetery in Van destroyed this year Yerevan hosting 7th annual session of Eurasian Expert Club 212 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Armenia Russia peacekeepers ensure safe conduct of agricultural work in Karabakh Artsakh FM: Azerbaijan's corridor for corridor approach is fraught with serious challenges for Russia, Europe Newspaper: Crimes increase in Armenia Newspaper: Armenia government underperforms grants European Council chief: EU will provide expert mission/consultative group to help border delimitation, demarcation Charles Michel: It was agreed to proceed with restoration of railway lines Armenias Pashinyan: We reaffirmed with Azerbaijan president agreement on restoration of railway Armenia delegation thwarts Azerbaijan anti-Armenian event at session of UN Convention against Corruption Armenia Parliament Deputy Speaker receives Matthias Luttenberg Newspaper: 3 sections of highway to Armenia's Voskepar will be on Azerbaijani border, alternative roads to be built Yerevan court examining National Security Service's motion to arrest opposition 'Armenia' Alliance member Karabakh State Minister: Lachin corridor can't be under any kind of control of Azerbaijan Armenia President sends congratulatory message to Iran's Ebrahim Raisi on occasion of his birthday Pashinyan-Michel-Aliyev meeting kicks off in Brussels Armenia Ombudsman: We visited Armenian soldiers arrested after returning from Azerbaijani captivity Israel, Azerbaijan hold security forces drill Armenia justice minister discusses subjecting judges to disciplinary liability with Venice Commission President Armenia's Pashinyan: Azerbaijan is trying to bring opening of regional communications to a standstill Aliyev declares that checkpoint regimes of Zangezur and Lachin corridors need to match Armenia's Pashinyan, Charles Michel express hope for effective meeting with Aliyev (PHOTOS) Earthquake hits 2 km northeast from Armenia's Shorzha, felt in Gegharkunik, Kotayk and Tavush Provinces Stoltenberg declares NATO neutrality towards Armenia and Azerbaijan Aliyev and European Council head speak on normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia Putin, Macron discuss Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, results of trilateral meeting in Sochi Armenia justice minister attending conference with counterparts of CoE member states in Venice Armenia's Pashinyan meets with European Council President in Brussels daily digest: 14.12.21 Armenia Central Bank head on coronavirus vaccinations Georgia to build road leading to border with Azerbaijan Armenia Central Bank chief presents forecasts for economic growth in 2021 and 2022 Armenia Parliament Speaker receives Kazakhstan Ambassador Azerbaijan opens new military unit on border with Armenia TNI: Can Armenia and Azerbaijan settle differences at Eastern Partnership Summit? Armenia Central Bank: National currency increasing in value Armenia ex-FM on Pashinyan-Aliyev meeting in Brussels Central Bank chief: 12-month normal inflation in Armenia has increased to 8.4% Meeting of Charles Michel and Ilham Aliyev is taking place in Brussels Dollar drops considerably in Armenia Ruling force MP: Establishing diplomatic relations with Turkey is in Armenia's state interests Armenia ex-foreign minister: Current objective of Co-Chairs of Minsk Group is to prove their viability Armenia PM arrives in Brussels, to hold meetings with Charles Michel, Ilham Aliyev and European counterparts Lawyer: Opposition Armenia Bloc member detained Armenia ruling party MP fails to answer question about price to pay for normalization of ties with Turkey We listen to local police and fire departments scanner traffic, but sometimes miss crimes, wrecks, fires or other incidents, especially if they happen overnight. If you know of something were not covering yet, please let Managing Editor Jeff Pownall know by emailing him at, or submit a news tip online by visiting spo snouou Vocem sine nomine audivit! User ID: 350320 04-13-2019 07:30 AM Posts: 67,593 Post: #13 RE: a new, wholly unexpected, criminal case involving Julian Assange LoP Guest Wrote: (04-12-2019 05:07 PM) a criminal and a narcissist sociopath, all on her own. There is narcissism that is a normal personality trait while pathological narcissism is a clinical diagnosis. When they say Obama or Hillary was a narcissist, they are right.. in fact so am I.... but we are not 'narcissistic' we use inner vitality for creative forward thinking and temper it's dark side with mindfulness instead of thoughtless ,not the populist addiction to mindless manipulation and hurtful demeaning tactics to stifle any objection. The people using it from it's unhealthy pathological state to mindlessly attempt to control and gaslight and triangulate their victims want to harness it for greed and power. THIS IS THE BASIS FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS ON THE WEST The behavior of today's authoritarian populists: Mindlessly is what the MAGA movement is all about mindless thought terminating cliches of totalism. It is also what creating a pathocracy is all about.. and why they need psychological methods to do the 'dumbing down' of the US citizens and those of western democracies across the world- we need to call it out every time we see it. ... repetition and salami tactics is destroying our collective ability as a race to negotiate it, not only democracy but the shared knowledge of the human race.. the only race. is under threat. Definition of Pathocracy Definition: pathocracy (n). A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people (from Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, by Andrew Lobaczewski) From Greek pathos, feeling, pain, suffering; and kratos, rule A totalitarian form of government in which absolute political power is held by a psychopathic elite, and their effect on the people is such that the entire society is ruled and motivated by purely pathological values. A pathocracy can take many forms and can insinuate itself covertly into any seemingly just system or ideology. As such it can masquerade under the guise of a democracy or theocracy as well as more openly oppressive regimes. Characteristics 1. suppression of individualism and creativity. 2. impoverishment of artistic values. 3. impoverishment of moral values; a social structure based on self-interest and one-upmanship, rather than altruism. 4. fanatical ideology; often a corrupted form of a valid viable trojan ideology which is perverted into a pathological form, bearing little resemblance to the substance of the original. 5. intolerance and suspicion of anyone who is different, or who disagrees with the state. 6. centralized control. 7. widespread corruption. 8. secret activities within government, but surveillance of the general population. (In contrast, a healthy society would have transparent government processes, and respect for privacy of the individual citizen). 9. paranoid and reactionary government. 10. excessive, arbitrary, unfair and inflexible legislation; the power of decision making is reduced/removed from the citizens everyday lives. 11. an attitude of hypocrisy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class, towards the ideals they claim to follow, and towards the citizens they claim to represent. 12. controlled media, dominated by propaganda. 13. extreme inequality between the richest and poorest. 14. endemic use of corrupted psychological reasoning such as paramoralisms, conversive thinking and doubletalk. 15. rule by force and/or fear of force. 16. people are considered as a resource to be exploited (hence the term human resources), rather than as individuals with intrinsic human worth. 17. spiritual life is restricted to inflexible and indoctrinare schemes. Anyone attempting to go beyond these boundaries is considered a heretic or insane, and therefore dangerous. 18. arbitrary divisions in the population (class, ethnicity, creed) are inflamed into conflict with one another. 19. suppression of free speech public debate, demonstration, protest. 20. violation of basic human rights, for example: restriction or denial of basic life necessities such as food, water, shelter; detainment without charge; torture and abuse; slave labour. 1. suppression of individualism and creativity. The Suppression of Individual Liberty So many today strive to escape conformity and rebel. Ironically, rebellion has lead to a different kind of conformitythat of dependency, group-think, over regulation, name calling and lack of critical thinking skills. Opportunity: Art in All Forms Can Literally Change the World Nazi "Purification" of the Arts There is narcissism that is a normal personality trait while pathological narcissism is a clinical diagnosis.When they say Obama or Hillary was a narcissist, they are right.. in fact so am I.... but we are not 'narcissistic' we use inner vitality for creative forward thinking and temper it's dark side with mindfulness instead of thoughtless ,not the populist addiction to mindless manipulation and hurtful demeaning tactics to stifle any objection.The people using it from it's unhealthy pathological state to mindlessly attempt to control and gaslight and triangulate their victims want to harness it for greed and power.THIS IS THE BASIS FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS ON THE WESTThe behavior of today's authoritarian populists:Mindlessly is what the MAGA movement is all aboutmindless thought terminating cliches of totalism.It is also what creating a pathocracy is all about.. and why they need psychological methods to do the 'dumbing down' of the US citizens and those of western democracies across the world- we need to call it out every time we see it.... repetition and salami tactics is destroying our collective ability as a race to negotiate it, not only democracy but the shared knowledge of the human race.. the only race. is under threat.Definition: pathocracy (n). A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people (from Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, by Andrew Lobaczewski)From Greek pathos, feeling, pain, suffering; and kratos, ruleA totalitarian form of government in which absolute political power is held by a psychopathic elite, and their effect on the people is such that the entire society is ruled and motivated by purely pathological values.A pathocracy can take many forms and can insinuate itself covertly into any seemingly just system or ideology. As such it can masquerade under the guise of a democracy or theocracy as well as more openly oppressive regimes.1. suppression of individualism and creativity.So many today strive to escape conformity and rebel. Ironically, rebellion has lead to a different kind of conformitythat of dependency, group-think, over regulation, name calling and lack of critical thinking skills. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program , anaffiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, the Amazon logo, MYHABIT, and the MYHABIT logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.Don't be a pest to the forum.No profanity in thread-titles or usernamesNo excessive profanity in postsNo Racism, Antisemitism + HateNo calls for violence against anyone..This website exists for fun and discussion only. The reader is responsible for discerning the validity, factuality or implications of information posted here, be it fictional or based on real events. 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More than 1,000 people gathered in central Tripoli to demand that Khalifa Haftar stop the advance of his Libyan National Army (LNA) on the coastal city. Haftar launched the campaign a week ago, in the latest conflict in a cycle of anarchy since the 2011 overthrow of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. But forces loyal to Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj's internationally recognized government have so far kept them at bay, with fierce fighting round a disused former airport about 11 km (7 miles) from the center. On Friday, an LNA warplane bombed the camp of a force allied to Serraj in Zuwara, west of Tripoli towards the Tunisian border, an LNA military source and residents said. Zuwara is near the Mellitah oil and gas plant, jointly operated by Italy's ENI and state oil firm NOC, which supplies Italy with gas through the Greenstream pipeline. An LNA warplane also attacked the only partly functioning airport in Tripoli, Mitiga, where anti-aircraft guns opened fire in response, witnesses said. The extent of damage and possible casualties in both places was not clear. A week of battles has killed 75 people - mainly fighters but also 17 civilians - and wounded another 323, according to latest U.N. tallies. Some 13,625 people have also been forced out of their homes. As the sound of fighting echoed round their city, residents sought to maintain some normality on Friday. Some families were eating in cafes next to the fish market where people were stocking up for the weekend. Story continues "We have got used to wars. I fear only God," said Yamim Ahmed, 20, who works in a fast food restaurant. More than 1,000 people staged a protest in Martyrs Square in central Tripoli to demand an end to the offensive, witnesses said. The turnout was bigger than last Friday. As well as the humanitarian cost, the conflict threatens to disrupt oil supplies, increase migration across the Mediterranean to Europe, scupper a U.N. peace plan, and allow Islamist militants to exploit the chaos. CITY STALEMATE Haftar, 75, a former general in Gaddafi's army who later joined the revolt against him, moved his troops out of their eastern stronghold to take the oil-rich desert south earlier this year before sweeping up to Tripoli at the start of April. But Serraj's government has managed to halt for now the advance, helped by forces with machine-guns on pickups, and steel containers across the road into Tripoli. The Tripoli government says it has taken nearly 200 prisoners from Haftar's forces. The United Nations, which had hoped to organize a national conference this month bringing the rival eastern and western administrations together to organize an election, has called for a ceasefire. The United States, G7 bloc of wealthy nations and European Union have also urged the LNA to halt its offensive. Tripoli-based Foreign Minister Mohamed Siyala urged the U.N. Security Council to call on Haftar to halt the advance. The U.N. health agency said it fears outbreaks of tuberculosis, measles and diarrhea due to poor sanitation, especially among those displaced. Five ambulances have been hit trying to extract wounded people from the conflict zone, World Health Organisation (WHO) representative Dr Syed Jaffar Hussain also told a Geneva news briefing from Tripoli. The WHO said it had only two weeks of medical supplies available for Tripoli's hospitals. Haftar casts himself as a bulwark against Islamist militancy who wants to restore order to Libya. But opponents see him as a potential would-be dictator like Gaddafi. He has so far resisted U.N. pressure to accept a power-sharing settlement, using his leverage as an ally of the West in attempts to stem jihadists in North Africa. About 1,500 refugees and migrants are trapped in detention centers, the head of the U.N. refugee agency said. "They must be urgently brought to safety. Simply put, this is a matter of life or death," Filippo Grandi said in a statement. Libya is a major transit point for migrants pouring into Europe in recent years, mostly trafficked by smuggling gangs. (Additional reporting by Ayman al-Warfalli in Benghazi, Ahmed Salem in Tripoli, and Tom Miles and Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Kevin Liffey, Andrew Cawthorne and James Dalgleish) (In paragraph 7, corrects spelling of Tripoli suburb to Ain Zara, not Ain Sara) * Eastern forces' bid to seize Tripoli stalls on outskirts * 56 dead, over 8,000 forced to flee capital -United Nations * Italy, ex-colonial power, and France back opposing sides By Ulf Laessing and Giselda Vagnoni TRIPOLI/ROME, April 11 (Reuters) - France and Italy wrangled on Thursday over how best to tackle renewed conflict in Libya as a bid by eastern forces under Khalifa Haftar to seize Tripoli stalled in the face of strong resistance on the capital's southern outskirts. The United Nations said the fighting between Haftar's forces and troops under the internationally-backed Tripoli government had killed at least 56 people and forced 8,000 to flee their homes in the city in the last week. A Reuters reporter heard occasional heavy gunfire and explosions as the eastern Libyan National Army (LNA) faced off with forces of Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj's government around the ex-international airport and the Ain Zara district. Officials brought families displaced by fighting on Tripoli's southern fringes to area schools. Red Crescent workers were heading out rations in one school as gunfire clattered in the distance. Haftar's push on Tripoli in Libya's northwest is the latest turn in a cycle of factional violence and chaos in Libya dating back to the 2011 uprising that overthrew veteran dictator Muammar Gaddafi. After sweeping up from the south, LNA became bogged down in Tripoli's southern suburbs 11 km (7 miles) from the city center. Several locations have changed hands more than once. More than 190 LNA troops were captured, officials in Tripoli said, accusing it of using teenagers. A total of 116 fighters were captured in Zawiya, a town west of Tripoli, and an additional 75 in Ain Zara on the southern outskirts of the capital, officials said. In a prison in Zawiya, Reuters reporters saw prisoners, mostly young men, some wearing civilian clothes, sitting on the floor of a prison while others stood with their faces turned to a wall. Story continues In Rome, Libya's former colonial ruler Italy warned France, which has good relations with Haftar, to refrain from supporting any one faction after diplomats said Paris had scuttled a European Union statement calling on him to halt his offensive. "It would be very serious if France for economic or commercial reasons had blocked an EU initiative to bring peace to Libya and would support a party that is fighting," Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini told Radio RTL 102.5. "As minister of the interior I will not stand by and watch." France, which has oil assets in eastern Libya, has provided military assistance in past years to Haftar in his eastern stronghold, Libyan and French officials say. It was also a leading player in the war to unseat Gaddafi.. Italy supports the U.N.-backed government of Serraj. ITALY SPARS WITH FRANCE "Some think that the (2011 Nato-led military intervention) in Libya promoted by (then-French President Nicolas) Sarkozy was triggered more by economic and commercial interests than by humanitarian concerns," Salvini said. "I hope we are not seeing the same film all over again." An EU draft statement on Wednesday said Haftar's attack on Tripoli put civilians at risk, disrupted normalization efforts and risked an escalation with serious consequences for Libya and the wider region. That statement was sidelined by France . French diplomatic sources said Paris did not object to calls on Haftar to halt his advance, but rather had only requested amendments including mentions of the plight of migrants in Libya and the presence in anti-Haftar forces of Islamist militants designated as terrorists by the United Nations. The latest tally of casualties from the U.N. World Health Organization (WHO) said 56 people - mainly combatants though also some civilians including two doctors and an ambulance driver - had been killed, and another 266 wounded in Tripoli. In addition, 28 LNA soldiers had been killed and 92 wounded since the start of the offensive a week ago, according to the LNA. The number of people forced out of their homes by fighting rose to 8,075, the U.N. migration agency IOM said. As well as the humanitarian consequences, renewed conflict in Libya threatens to disrupt oil supplies, increase migration across the Mediterranean to Europe, scupper the U.N. peace plan for the country and encourage militants to exploit the chaos. Libya is a main transit point for migrants who have poured into Europe in recent years, mostly by trafficking gangs. The LNA forces swept out of their stronghold in eastern Libya to take the sparsely populated but oil-rich south earlier this year, before heading towards Tripoli, where Serraj's U.N.-backed government sits. Haftar was among the officers who helped Gaddafi seize power in a 1969 coup before parting ways with him later. But critics call Haftar another strongman in Gaddafi's mould. Haftar has resisted U.N. pressure to accept a power-sharing settlement to stabilize the country, using his leverage as a Western ally against militant Islam in North Africa. (Additional reporting by Ahmed Elumami in Tripoli, Tom Miles in Geneva and John Irish in Paris; Editing by Mark Heinrich) * N.Korea's leader Kim gives U.S. until year-end to change policy * Kim says U.S. came to Hanoi with absolutely impracticable agenda * N.Korea can continue inter-Korean relations or return to past - Kim * Trump stresses personal relationship with Kim, points to N.Korea's economic potential (Adds Trump Twitter statement in paragraphs 5-7 and 15) By Josh Smith and Joyce Lee SEOUL, April 13 (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the breakdown in talks with the United States has raised the risks of reviving tensions, and he is only interested in meeting President Donald Trump again if the United States comes with the right attitude, state media KCNA said on Saturday. Kim said he will wait "till the end of this year" for the United States to decide to be more flexible, according to KCNA. "It is essential for the U.S. to quit its current calculation method and approach us with a new one," Kim said in a speech to the Supreme People's Assembly on Friday, KCNA said. Trump and Kim have met twice, in Hanoi in February and Singapore in June, building goodwill but failing to agree on a deal to lift sanctions in exchange for North Korea abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. Trump later issued a statement on Twitter that underscored the strength of his personal relationship with Kim and pointed to what he called North Korea's "tremendous potential" for economic success, once the issue of Pyongyang's weapons programs has been resolved. "A third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand," the U.S. president said in a pair of Saturday morning tweets. "I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!" In his speech, the North Korean leader said the outcome in Hanoi led him to question the strategy he embraced last year of international engagement and talks with the United States. Story continues The Hanoi summit "aroused a strong question if we were right in taking the steps with strategic decision and bold resolution, and evoked vigilance as to the U.S.' true willingness to improve its relations with the DPRK," Kim said, using the initials of North Korea's full name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In Hanoi, the United States came "to the talks only racking its brain to find ways that are absolutely impracticable" and did "not really ready itself to sit with us face-to-face and settle the problem," Kim said. "If it (the United States) keeps thinking that way, it will never be able to move the DPRK even a knuckle, nor gain any interests no matter how many times it may sit for talks with the DPRK," he said. "We will wait for a bold decision from the U.S. with patience till the end of this year but I think it will definitely be difficult to get such a good opportunity as the previous summit," Kim added. Kim's comments signal he will not cling to talks with the United States forever, said Kim Dong-yup of Kyungnam University's Institute for Far Eastern Studies in South Korea. "That probably indicates that the North is triggering plans to diversify its diplomatic relations with other countries," he said. THIRD SUMMIT IN DOUBT Kim said that his personal relationship with Trump is still good, but that he had no interest in a third summit if it were a repeat of Hanoi. On Twitter, Trump described their relationship as "very good" and added that "perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate." At a meeting with South Korean President Moon in Washington on Thursday, Trump expressed a willingness for a third summit with Kim but said Washington would leave sanctions in place on Pyongyang. Kim said the United States "is further escalating the hostility to us with each passing day despite its suggestion for settling the issue through dialog." The current U.S. policy of sanctions and pressure is "as foolish and dangerous an act as trying to put out fire with oil," he added. Still, Kim said he would not hesitate to sign an agreement if it takes into account both countries' considerations. The United States had continued to provoke North Korea by testing an anti-ballistic missile system and conducting military drills with South Korea despite Trump's announcement that large-scale exercises would end, he said. Last month, a senior North Korean official warned that Kim might rethink a moratorium on missile launches and nuclear tests in place since 2017 unless Washington makes concessions such as easing sanctions. South Korea's Blue House said in a statement that officials would "do what we can in order to maintain the current momentum for dialog and help negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea resume at an early date." Kim complained that Washington is coercing South Korea into abiding by sanctions and not pushing forward with inter-Korea projects. North Korea has a choice "to keep maintaining the atmosphere of improving the North-South ties or to go back to the past when the ties plunged into a catastrophe with the danger of a war increasing," he said. North Korea's state media on Saturday issued a commentary criticizing South Korea's purchase of fighter jets, including two recently delivered F-35A jets from the United States, calling it a "serious provocative act" that could intensify tensions on the Korean peninsula. "Bringing in weapons of war is an obvious threat. South Korea needs to behave itself better, and think about how such an imprudent act could lead to catastrophic outcomes," said the commentary. Still, North Korea is committed to better North-South relations and peaceful unification, Kim said. "I make it clear once again that it is my unwavering determination to turn the North-South ties into those of durable and lasting reconciliation and cooperation by holding hands with the south Korean authorities and to write a new history of the nation, peaceful and co-prosperous," he said. (Additional reporting by Heekyong Yang and David Morgan; Editing by Sandra Maler, Cynthia Osterman, Gerry Doyle and Jan Harvey) (Adds detail about DHS leadership) By Andy Sullivan WASHINGTON, April 11 (Reuters) - The new chief of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) named the United States' top airport-security official, David Pekoske, his acting deputy on Thursday, as President Donald Trump overhauls the leadership of the domestic-security agency. The move, by Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan, who took office on Wednesday, temporarily fills a leadership vacuum at the top of DHS, which is responsible for everything from border protection to disaster response. But it also places further strains on an agency of 240,000 employees, many of whose top leadership posts were unfilled even before Trump's management shakeup. McAleenan remains in charge of U.S. Customs and Border Protection even as he assumes responsibility for all of DHS. Likewise, Pekoske will continue to head the U.S. Transportation Security Administration, which screens airline travelers, while he serves as the No. 2 official at DHS. Both men are serving on a temporary basis. In recent weeks, Trump has interviewed several candidates for DHS secretary, an appointee who must be confirmed by the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate. Trump has forced out top DHS officials over the past week as the agency tries to stem rising numbers of immigrants arriving at its southern border, many of them families fleeing violence and poverty in Central America. DHS said it arrested or denied entry to more than 103,000 people along the border last month, more than double the figure for March 2018. Trump has grown increasingly frustrated as DHS officials have told him that dramatic immigration changes he wants are not possible under current law, several sources say. DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced her departure on Sunday after clashing with Trump over border security. Her deputy, Claire Grady, stepped down on Tuesday. Trump is trying to force out L. Francis Cissna, who oversees legal immigration programs as director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, as well as John Mitnick, the top DHS lawyer, according to a source familiar with White House deliberations. Leadership is also in flux at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the U.S. Secret Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Ten other top positions are either vacant or filled on a temporary basis. (Reporting by Andy Sullivan; Editing by Steve Orlofsky) Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: 1. WHO'S CHANGING HIS TUNE ON WIKILEAKS President Donald Trump declares "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" after its founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to face charges, a stark contrast to how candidate Trump showered praise on the hacking organization during his 2016 presidential campaign. 2. WIKILEAKS' STATUS IN THE MEDIA WORLD COMPLEX Assange's arrest reignites a debate with no easy answer: Is the former computer hacker and founder of WikiLeaks a journalist or not? 3. INSIDE BUTTIGIEG'S 'COMPLICATED' RELATIONSHIP WITH PENCE Openly gay South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg became a celebrated voice for LGBT equality, and as a Democratic presidential contender his rhetoric toward Vice President Mike Pence has hardened. 4. HOUSE DEMOCRATS MARK FIRST 100 DAYS Democratic freshmen lawmakers are taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a front line of resistance to Trump. 5. MEMORIAL SPOTLIGHTS MAN BEHIND NIPSEY HUSSLE RAP PERSONA For a decade, Nipsey Hussle released much sought-after mixtapes that he sold out of the trunk of his car, helping him create a buzz and gain respect from rap purists and his peers. 6. HOW S. KOREAN BABIES BORN DEC. 31 BECOME 2-YEAR-OLDS THE NEXT DAY South Korean babies become 1 on the day of their birth and then get an additional year tacked on when the calendar hits Jan. 1. 7. EX-OBAMA WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL CHARGED IN LOBBYING PROBE Former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig has been indicted on charges of making false statements and concealing information in a federal foreign lobbying investigation that intersected with the Russia probe. 8. TALIBAN DECLARES START OF SPRING OFFENSIVE The Taliban announced the start of their spring offensive despite talking peace with the United States. 9. ALABAMA HALTS EXECUTION OF MAN WHO KILLED PASTOR Story continues An Alabama inmate convicted in the 1991 sword-and-dagger slaying of a pastor was spared from a scheduled lethal injection after the state was unable to lift a last-minute stay. 10. DECHAMBEAU, KOEPKA SHARE LEAD AT THE MASTERS Bryson DeChambeau and Brooks Koepka each shot a 6-under 66 in the opening round. Photo credit: Audi From Car and Driver Celebrating a decade of Audi V-10 engines installed in the R8 supercar, the Decennium arrives as a very limited 2020 model. Only 50 of these special R8s will be imported to the United States. It is the most expensive R8 for sale. One of the best things about being alive right now, as a car lover, is the Audi engine plant in Hungary. Nestled between Budapest and Vienna are 6000 exacting pairs of hands that assemble more than 8800 engines per day and ship them to all 31 of the Volkswagen Group's final assembly plants across the world. Of the nearly two million engines this plant cranks out each year, a small drip of 5.2-liter V-10s-naturally aspirated, race proven, loud as hell-find their way to Neckarsulm, Germany, where more careful hands drop them into the Audi R8. It's been like this for a decade. Or, in Audi's studious Latin, a decennium. But Audi is only telling half the story. It has been building this engine since it debuted in the 2004 Lamborghini Gallardo. Originally, it was a 5.0-liter V-10 based off its now-discontinued 4.2-liter V-8, making 493 horsepower and 376 lb-ft of torque. Extra displacement, direct injection, and more refinements gleaned from the R8 LMS GT3's 78 class wins have led Audi to today, where in the R8 it musters up to 602 horsepower and 413 lb-ft of torque. In the Lamborghini Huracan Evo, it's 631 hp and 443 lb-ft. In either car, the sound is furious, at times violent, and it revs like a superbike. Since quindecim doesn't quite roll off the modern tongue, the 2020 R8 Decennium is a tribute to this engine's Audi-branded manifolds since it appeared in the first 2009 R8. (Unlike in Europe, Audi of America has skipped the 2019 model year.) This R8 has the same exterior refresh, particularly to its grille, front aero, and rear diffuser, as the Euro-spec car we reviewed in January. Among many small updates to all 2020 R8 models are an optional carbon-fiber front anti-roll bar, 30 more horses for the "base" version, new colors, and a name change for the top trim from V10 Plus to V10 Performance. The Decennium is only available in V10 Performance guise and only the last 50 of this car's 222-unit run will come to the U.S., all coupes painted in Mythos Black instead of the photo car's matte Daytona Gray. Story continues Lest there be any strife with Lamborghini, the Decennium is simply an appearance package that costs $19,095 more than a base V10 Performance coupe. With a 205-mph top speed, that's unlikely to cause any consternation. But it's a striking appearance package, with matte 20-inch bronze wheels and a bronze-painted manifold glowing from the R8's illuminated glass engine compartment. Blacked-out badges, gloss black underbody trim (front spoiler, sills, diffuser), and carbon-fiber wing, side blades, and mirror housings complete the visuals save for one secret: the car's production number is projected onto the ground when you open the doors. Inside the R8's minimalist cockpit is copper stitching weaving through the seats, console, doors, dash, and microsuede-covered steering wheel. Audi etched the Decennium logo (with the number 10, just to make sure you get the point) on the carbon-fiber console and stuck two more metal logos on the outer edges of both doors. A little more microsuede for the gear selector, and that about does it. Assuming there are no more options, the Decennium starts and ends at $217,545 with destination and gas-guzzler tax. To everyone at Audi Hungary, keep doing what you're doing, even if after 15 years, it was never meant to last forever. ('You Might Also Like',) WASHINGTON The campaign trail is known for being rough. Candidates travel to dozens of cities for multiple events a day, but 2020 presidential hopeful Andrew Yang is working on a way to make things easier. Yang, a 44-year-old Democrat, is testing out hologram technology that would allow him to campaign at different places at the same time. He discussed the plans with TMZ, telling the celebrity tabloid that he hopes to use it while campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two states to cast ballots in the primary. While talking with Yang, TMZ showed footage of Yang testing out the technology. The video showed a hologram of Yang on stage dancing with a hologram of rapper Tupac Shakur, who died in 1996. "Well, if you look closely at that footage, you'll see it's actually not me performing with hologram Tupac. That's a hologram of me," Yang explained. "I was doing a demo of what a hologram would consist of in order to send the hologram me to campaign in Iowa and other battleground states so I could be in two places or three places at once." Me trying out being a hologram with hologram Tupac Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) April 11, 2019 The video shows Tupac rapping without a shirt and Yang, in a blazer and blue jeans, performing alongside him. Both holograms move on stage. When asked by TMZ, Yang said while he considers Tupac "a hero of mine," the hologram would not be his running mate. Entrepreneur Andrew Yang is a Democrat running for President. He entered the race on Nov. 6, 2018. Race for the White House: Who is running for president in 2020? An interactive guide Yang is among more than a dozen Democrats vying for the White House and has been called a long-shot for president. The entrepreneur, who founded the nonprofit fellowship program Venture for America, includes a basic universal income of $1,000 a month in his platform for every American over age 18. Story continues Yang told the Carroll Times Herald that the hologram could debut in his campaign around June and would likely include other people to "make it fun for people." "We are exploring rolling a truck out that would enable someone to see a hologram of me that is three-dimensional give my stump speech," Yang told the Iowa newspaper. "And, also, if I were in a studio, which we could set up very easily, I could beam in and take questions live." He explained that while the idea is interesting and different from other candidates, it also highlights a theme in his campaign. "I thought it would be a fun way to be in multiple places at once, and also very much tied into the message of the campaign around the fact that it is 2019, and soon it will be 2020, and things are changing, and we cant just keep doing the same things over and over again and expect it to achieve the results we need," Yang said. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: 2020 candidate Andrew Yang tests out hologram with Tupac, hoping to use tech to be at different campaign stops at same time Financial companies provide unique benefits to investors. When Warren Buffett turns bullish on a stock sector, the market takes notice. In the last quarter of 2018, Buffett's focus shifted to financials, as he increased Berkshire Hathaway (ticker: BRK.A, BRK.B) stock holdings in some of the nation's largest banks. While banks lost some year-to-date gains in late March, financials finished the first quarter on a strong note. "The valuations of many financial stocks and banks in particular are extremely attractive," says Robert Johnson, a professor of finance at Creighton University. "From a value investing standpoint, banks have a much larger margin of safety than the average stock." Investors seeking to follow Warren Buffett's lead should consider these seven banking funds to buy and hold. Fidelity Select Banking Portfolio (FSRBX) Wells Fargo & Co (WFC), Bank of America Corp. (BAC) and SunTrust Banks (STI) are among FSRBX's top holdings. Nearly 64% of the fund's weighted toward regional banks, with 22.61% allocated to diversified banks. FSRBX is classified as a mid-cap value fund and is subject to the same economic risk factors as other financial funds. "If the U.S. and world economies go into a recession as a result of yield-curve inversion, bank stocks as a whole could fall," Johnson says. Through the end of March, the fund yielded a cumulative three-month total return of 11.85%, just shy of the S&P 500's 13.65%. 10-year returns: 14.88% Net expense ratio: 0.77% Vanguard Financials ETF (VFH) VFH offers exposure to the financials sector as a whole, with the largest allocations focused on diversified banks and regional banks. Altogether, the fund holds 411 individual stocks, with JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Bank of America and Berkshire Hathaway topping the list of largest holdings. VFH is categorized as a high-risk fund but that's counterbalanced by a high-reward potential. A chief advantage of this financial fund over others like it is cost. Similar to other Vanguard ETFs it boasts a low expense ratio, allowing buy-and-hold investors to maintain a larger share of fund earnings over time. Story continues 10-year returns: 15.33% Net expense ratio: 0.1% T. Rowe Price Financial Services Fund (PRISX) PRISX is a capital-growth focused fund with 34.1% of total assets concentrated in banks, followed by insurance, capital markets, finance and real estate. Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup (C) are listed in the largest of the fund's 97 holdings. Since inception, PRISX has outperformed the Lipper Financial Services Fund average and the Russell 3000 Index. This fund does have a moderately higher expense ratio, matched by a moderate to high risk profile. But PRISX notched a three-month return of 10.02% in the first quarter of 2019, suggesting that its capable of weathering bouts of market volatility. 10-year returns: 14.46% Net expense ratio: 0.85% Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF) XLF is the largest financials sector ETF by assets under management, though it's not a strictly bank-focused fund. While the big four -- JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup -- are represented, the fund's largest holding by weight is Berkshire Hathaway. Cost-wise, XLF is a bargain compared with some of the other banking mutual funds included here. The current year-to-date return is 11.4%, with a yield of 2.05%, positing a potentially bright outlook for 2019 and beyond. 10-year returns: 14.89% Net expense ratio: 0.13% SPDR S&P Bank ETF (KBE) KBE tracks the S&P Banks Select Industry Index, which includes asset management and custody banks, regional banks and diversified banks. Fund holdings include larger national banks as well as alternative financial companies, most notably LendingTree (TREE), which is the most heavily weighted asset. Year to date, KBE has kept pace fairly well with its underlying index, returning 12.35% to the S&P Banks Select Industry Index's 12.46%. This ETF may appeal to buy-and-hold investors looking for an equal weighting exposure to small-, medium- and large-cap companies across the financial sector. 10-year returns: 13.37% Net expense ratio: 0.35% Invesco KBW Bank ETF (KBWB) KBWB tightens its focus on banks, with just 24 holdings altogether. The top five holdings, which include the big four banks, represent more than 40% of the fund's total assets. The fund makes room for smaller regional banks, such as BB&T (BBT) and Regions Financial (RF), alongside larger competitors, increasing diversification and minimizing overweighting risk. Since its inception in November 2011, KBWB has returned 14.9% to investors and year to date, it's up 9.74%, outstripping the 8.56% posted by the S&P 500 Financials Index. Five-year returns: 7.24% Net expense ratio: 0.35% Miller/Howard Income-Equity Fund (MHIEX) Since its inception in December 2015, the fund has delivered a three-year return of 7.56% to investors, driven in part by its financial sector holdings, which include Citigroup and Fidelity National Financial (FNF). As an income-equity fund, its concentration in banking goes against the grain. '"Many classic equity income strategies emphasize utilities and avoid banks," says Gregory Powell, deputy chief investment officer at Miller/Howard Investments. "Our discipline when selecting stocks for MHIEX looks at dividends, prospects for dividend growth, financial strength and consistent earnings growth, which has led to our current overweight position in banks." Three-year returns: 7.56% Net expense ratio: 0.78% The best financial funds to buy long term. -- Fidelity Select Banking Portfolio (FSRBX) -- Vanguard Financials ETF (VFH) -- T. Rowe Price Financial Services Fund (PRISX) -- Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF) -- SPDR S&P Bank ETF (KBE) -- Invesco KBW Bank ETF (KBWB) -- Miller/Howard Income-Equity Fund (MHIEX) Rome (AFP) - An Italian man and his Canadian companion abducted last December in Burkina Faso are alive but may have been moved to another country, a Burkinabe government spokesman said. An Italian missionary abucted last September in Niger meanwhile may since have been briefly held in Burkina Faso, the spokesman added. Burkina Faso's government spokesman Remis Fulgance Dandjinou updated Italy's state television channel Rai on the hostages in an interview broadcast Friday evening. They information they had on Luca Tacchetto, 30, and 34-year-old Canadian Edith Blais suggested that they were no longer in Burkina Faso, he said. But he added: "We are certain that their life is not in danger. We can say that these people are still alive." Quebecois Blais and Tacchetto, from Venice, disappeared mid-December when driving through Burkina Faso. Armed men abducted Father Pier Luigi Maccali, 57, from his home in southwest Niger in September. While denouncing the abductions, Dandjinou added: "The important thing is that there has been no homicide, otherwise we would have already recovered the bodies." A Canadian geologist abducted in January from a mine in the northwest of Burkina Faso was found dead the following evening. The country has been prey to a wave of abductions and since 2015 has also had to contend with deadly attacks by jihadist groups. Meanwhile Italian investigators looking for Silvia Romano, a 23-year-old volunteer at an orphanage in Kenya said after talks with officials in Nairobi that they were certain she was still alive, the Italian daily Corriere della sera, reported Saturday. Best Life Over 37 million Americans are living with kidney disease, also known as renal disease, a progressive condition that causes a gradual loss of normal kidney function over time. However, experts warn that the vast majority of those with the condition are unaware of their diagnosis. In fact, according to Joseph Vassalotti, MD, Chief Medical Officer at the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), just "10 percent of people with chronic kidney disease know that they have it."That's because symptoms tend to b Johannesburg (AFP) - With less than four weeks to go until South Africans vote in a general election, corruption scandals again threaten to tear open old rivalries within the long-governing African National Congress. After 25 years in power, widespread graft allegations have tainted the ruling party, which forced out shamed former president Jacob Zuma last year. Despite his replacement President Cyril Ramaphosa vowing to tackle corruption, new claims about the moral rot at the heart of Nelson Mandela's party have emerged. The latest in the firing line is the ANC's Secretary General Ace Magashule, a key Zuma ally. A recent book entitled "Gangster State: Unravelling Ace Magashule's Web of Capture" claims he was at the centre of a scheme to loot millions from state coffers for his own financial gain. Magashule immediately denounced the allegations as lies, stating: "I am not corrupt." The party also quickly dismissed the book as "propaganda" and part of a "vicious character assassination campaign" ahead of the May 8 election. But at a time when the ANC has faced criticism for including candidates implicated in corruption, not everyone towed the party line. "I am not prepared to simply dismiss all the allegations as lies," said Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom, a close associate of Ramaphosa. "Nor would most of my... comrades," he added. His comments, effectively breaking rank with the ANC, come as the largest opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), puts the fight against corruption at the heart of its campaign. "ANC corruption is now an established fact. Everyone is now convinced that ANC is rotten to its core and that it's not going to change ever," said DA leader Mmusi Maimane. - Tainted candidates - Although Ramaphosa became ANC president on a clean-up ticket, several Zuma allies associated with graft have said they will seek election for the ruling party. Story continues They include Nomvula Mokonyane, the environment minister who was recently implicated at a corruption enquiry, and Bathabile Dlamini, who was at the centre of a social welfare payments fiasco. The inclusion of discredited ANC figures on the candidate list will hand ammunition to opposition parties, say analysts. Despite the controversy, a recent survey still put the ANC on course to win more than half of the parliamentary seats. The ANC currently holds 249 seats of 400, according to the parliament website, and Ramaphosa hopes it can still snare a parliamentary majority, which would enable him to win a five-year presidential term. The key question, analysts say, is over the margin of victory for the ANC, which has won every election since the end of apartheid in 1994, which saw the scrapping of white minority rule. "We are not a dictatorship. We function in terms of the rule of law," Ramaphosa said last week. Two months ago the president set up a special tribunal to fast-track corruption prosecutions and he emphasised his commitment to the process. "If there needs to be jail time, it must be jail time. Those who did wrong will be punished," he said. The promise to take action has not convinced everyone. - 'Not about the poor'- Lumkile Mondi, senior lecturer at Wits School of Economics and Business Science, said the ANC needs to show it can successfully tackle corruption. "Most of us are sceptical, until I see one big ANC fish (in jail). It will be very positive for the country if one big fish is caught," he said. Life for most South Africans is a struggle, with sluggish economic growth, poor government management and corruption helping to ensure society remains deeply unequal. Officially, the ANC has distanced itself from the Magashule case and Ramaphosa has been careful not to make public appearances with him. But the party faithful are worried. "He (Magashule) should resign because those allegations have an impact on the whole party," said an activist in his Free State province, Fourie Sentimile, while also pledging his support to Ramaphosa. Undaunted by the allegations against him, and concerns of ANC members, Magashule has continued to campaign as if nothing has happened. "Let's make sure we win this elections," he said Thursday. "After elections... let us sit down, let us talk, let us build the ANC proper." The next day, Magashule received a message of support from Zuma, loathed by many others in the party and the country. "Stay resolute during these times," tweeted Zuma to Magashule. Airline Passengers Call These the Worst Airports in America Every day, 2.6 million passengers fly in and out of U.S. airports, and many of them are miserable. While J.D. Power has found that customer satisifaction with U.S. airports is at an all-time high, the worst airports inspire tons of complaints over long lines, outdated facilities, bad service and other problems. J.D. Power says these are America's 30 most terrible airports, based on a survey of more than 40,000 travelers. The ranking uses scores out of a possible 1,000. If your travels take you through any of these, you'll definitely want to have a travel rewards credit card that provides access to those comfy airport lounges. 28. (tie) Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Denise Kappa / Shutterstock Travelers gripe that Cleveland's airport is behind the times. Satisfaction score: 769 Cleveland's main airport features a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame gift shop, a restaurant launched by homegrown celebrity chef Michael Symon (formerly of TV's The Chew), and a shrine to Superman, who was created in Cleveland. But even with all of that cool stuff going on, travelers complain that Hopkins is cramped, dank and long overdue for upgrades. "The luggage was delayed because the carousel broke down," writes one Yelp reviewer, who says the baggage area is stuck in the 1980s. "I have been in many airports and Cleveland airport is by far the oldest and most boring," he adds. 28. (tie) Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport Thomas Barrat / Shutterstock Atlanta's airport looks like a monster, even from the air. Satisfaction score: 769 Atlanta's mammoth airport has held the title of the world's busiest airport for more than two decades. Hartsfield-Jackson's nearly 200 gates and 63,000 employees served more than 107 million passengers during 2018. And many of them were unhappy. Critics say the place is too big and too crazy. Typical complaints are that making connections can be tough, that international travelers face long waits through Customs, and that airport services are often overwhelmed. "It's just too busy," says one Yelper. "There were so many people in here and places were running out of food." Story continues 28. (tie) Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport EQRoy / Shutterstock Some travelers say Bush airport isn't so warm and welcoming, despite the sign. Satisfaction score: 769 Houston's far-flung (20 miles from downtown) airport named for President George H.W. Bush is another massive facility that many people find overwhelming. Even though the airport has both a subway and an elevated people mover to carry passengers between terminals, some gripe that there's still too much walking involved when you need to get to your connecting flight. Others say the signs around the airport are unclear and don't help you get where you're going, and many complain that there aren't enough charging stations. "It doesn't really feel old nor does it feel new. It just feels like a very middle-of-the-road type of airport," writes one man on Yelp. "A lot of the typical restaurant and airport bar style haunts. But nothing spectacular." 26. (tie) William P. Hobby Airport (Houston) Ryan Basilio / Flickr A long lineup at Houston's Hobby Airport Satisfaction score: 768 Houstons smaller airport has had more than its fair 15 minutes of fame. In the last year, Houston Hobby experienced a toy grenade setting off a bomb scare; a dance squads performance during a flight delay going viral; and hundreds of flight cancellations due to mechanical problems. Aside from all the drama, the airport is infamous for its regular water shut-offs, dirty bathrooms, barely functioning power outlets and terrible customer service. One unhappy traveler makes an unfavorable comparison to Los Angeles' unloved airport: It makes LAX look like Disneyland. 26. (tie) Salt Lake City International Airport sladkozaponi / Shutterstock Delta airlines aircrafts at SLC International Airport Satisfaction score: 768 Residents are excited that Salt Lake City is building a brand new airport with an epic art installation, due to open in 2020. Until then, travelers are forced to endure the citys outdated claustrophobic nightmare of an airport, as one critic describes it. Terminal 1 was completed in 1960, Terminal 2 was built in the late 70s and the most recent major upgrades occurred in the 80s. Unsurprisingly, this little airport just hasnt kept up with growing air traffic and travelers' needs. Yelp reviewers decry the crowded, limited lounges, filthy facilities and the worst Wi-Fi of any airport from here to Istanbul. 24. (tie) Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock Signs pointing to transport at the complicated Minneapolis- St. Paul airport Satisfaction score: 767 This airport was named among the best in North America by Airports Council International in 2018 but travelers disagree. As business grew, the Twin Cities' airport added several poorly connected expansions. Today, the layout includes underground crossings, escalators, car traffic, trams and terribly confusing signage. Yelp reviewers report security lines lasting an hour and a half, customers being herded like cattle to a meat factory and an alarming shortage of men's toilets. One frequent flyer notes, It took me over 45 minutes to walk from security to my gate. Last month, I got food poisoning here. Truly a destination for one's worst enemy. 24. (tie) San Jose International Airport Lowe Llaguno / Shutterstock San Jose International Airport is just one miles-long hallway Satisfaction score: 767 This airport is close to Silicon Valley, has direct flights to major cities, and can boast a generally on-time performance. However, recent renovations failed to fix the terribly sprawling design of the place. The building is just one miles-long hallway. Passengers must drag their bags the length of the entire airport, squeezing through bottlenecks whenever several flights arrive at the same time. Baggage claim is at one end while car rental counters are at the other, and the cars themselves are upstairs. Confusing signage adds more stress to this torturous experience. This airport is hideous for the elderly," reports one traveler on If you have difficulty walking long distances, avoid it at all costs. 23. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Tim Roberts Photography / Shutterstock A sweltering afternoon at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Satisfaction score: 765 Sky Harbor airport has been praised for its timely flights, nursing rooms, animal-relief areas and commitment to environmental sustainability. Yet with ongoing construction, some areas have been permanently neglected. Terminals 2 and 3 are grim and dilapidated. Travelers say there are no restaurants or even a single coffee counter open beyond the security checkpoints after 9 p.m. Flyers also complain of broken seats, few functioning outlets, no Wi-Fi and just two tiny bathrooms. If you survive the heat stroke walking from the Skytrain in the 100F + Arizona sun, youll get to enjoy all this, plus no air conditioning, says a disgusted Yelp review. This place is a zoo. 21. (tie) Chicago Midway International Airport marchello74 / Shutterstock Lineup of passenger airplanes at Chicago Midway Airport Satisfaction score: 763 Chicagos Midway airport has been under renovation since 2018 and somethings gone horribly wrong. More gates were squeezed in, leading to severe crowding, inadequate seating and security lines spilling into the parking lot. Popular food options, such as Potbelly Sandwiches, were replaced by low-quality chains with awful service and even worse food. Dozens of Yelp reviewers cry foul over the selection of dry microwaved bread, Chicago's worst pizza and $15 salads with scary brown lettuce. While the food may not matter elsewhere, this airports central U.S. location means layovers are likely and so is starvation, if you dont pack a lunch. 21. (tie) San Francisco International Airport Kenishirotie / Shutterstock Busy check-in and Air Train out of service at San Francisco International Airport Satisfaction score: 763 Originally opened in 1954, this busy airport houses four terminals, including a modern International Terminal featuring a renowned aviation museum and library. But unlike the other terminals industry-leading redesigns, the renovations at domestic Terminal 1 leave something to be desired. Customers complain that there are only two restaurants, muddled announcements, nonfunctional charging stations and cramped conditions with 200-300 people crammed into the end of the terminal waiting to board their planes. In the words of one Yelp user: Everything about this hellhole screams, You're never getting out of here. 20. Charlotte Douglas International Airport FHKE / Flickr Travelers waiting overnight due to cancelled flights at Charlotte Douglas International Airport Satisfaction score: 761 This airport in Charlotte, North Carolina, has earned the distinction of being the world's seventh busiest in terms of air traffic. Unfortunately, the terminal isn't equipped to deal with this onslaught. Concourse B has been under construction, and passengers complain of crowds, lack of seating, dirt everywhere, and no clear barriers separating the construction. And the project won't be finished until 2020. "It is absolutely gross. Ceiling has exposed wires, cracks and a draft from the outside," says one Yelper. "The speakers are so crappy that it sounds like the teacher from the 'Peanuts' sucked helium and screamed incessantly." 18. (tie) Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Thomas Hawke / Flickr Windows turn this terminal into a greenhouse Satisfaction score: 759 This airport in Arlington, Virginia, first opened in 1941, and the modern terminals that were dedicated in 1997 reflect earlier styles. It all makes DCA an architectural curiosity but not up to par with today's travel needs. There are very few power outlets, the airport is perpetually understaffed, and the classy glass-wall design turns Terminal A into a sweltering greenhouse every afternoon. The airport also is not readily wheelchair accessible, travelers say. Those with wheelchairs are taken through shady hidden elevators and down some private corridors to a bus that transports them to the right terminal, according to one Yelp reviewer. 18. (tie) Baltimore Washington International FloridaStock / Shutterstock Aerial view of the sprawling Baltimore Washington International Airport Satisfaction score: 759 BWI is a newer airport in the D.C. area, and people enjoyed it at first. But its been expanded so many times that its now a sprawling mess. The car traffic is a nightmare, rental cars are located 20 minutes away, and dragging your luggage through the terminals takes forever. Travelers say they also contend with dirty bathrooms, scarce outlets and rude airport employees. So, why do people keep coming here? One reviewer on Yelp says fares tend to be $80 to $120 cheaper than at the region's two other airports. "That's a pretty decent savings right? I say that depends," he says. "It depends on whether time means anything to you." 17. Kahului Airport (Maui, Hawaii) Michael Overstreet / Shutterstock Kahului Airport opens onto a glorious and humid view Satisfaction score: 757 Landing at this open-air airport after a long flight is like being thrown headfirst into a steam engine with all your luggage. Travelers complain that this tiny 1970s airport has no air conditioning, crazy long lines, lots of bottlenecks and confusing signage. If youre looking for a connection to the outside world, your best bet is the paid Wi-Fi if you can find it. Welcome to paradise! 16. Seattle-Tacoma International Airport cdrin / Shutterstock Its rocking chairs are cute, but this airport is too small to handle so much air traffic Satisfaction score: 756 Seattles smallish international airport leaves much to be desired. Its too small to handle the volume of travelers which translates to overlong TSA lines, irate customer service people, not enough seats and general disarray. In an attempt to bring SeaTac up to modern standards, the place is under construction, which only adds to the mayhem. If you have a late flight and youre hungry, youre out of luck. As one traveler points out on Yelp, the airport largely shutters its doors after 10 p.m. like a Florida retirement town. It even has rocking chairs. 15. Lambert-St. Louis International Airport David Ackerman / Flickr A plane lands at the sprawling Lambert-St. Louis International Airport Satisfaction score: 753 This medium-sized Missouri airport is just OK on a good day. It has several restaurants to choose from, a few stores for picking out gum or a magazine, and its connected to downtown St. Louis by light rail. However, the narrow concourses cant quite handle the volume of travelers, and neither can the security lines. Service at the airport restaurants can be incredibly slow and only worth it if you have hours to waste. And speaking of time: This airport is so spread out that experienced flyers advise travelers to tack an extra hour onto their pre-boarding time. 14. New York John F. Kennedy International Airport Chris Parypa Photography / Shutterstock One in five flights is delayed at JFK Satisfaction score: 752 As will quickly become clear, airports in the New York City area are unmitigated disasters. JFK is a massive airport that handles hundreds of thousands of arriving and departing flights every year and 1 in 5 of them is delayed, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. More than 59 million passengers use JFK each year, and given that volume, service is slow. It can take hours to get through security to your boarding area. One frequent flyer sums it up this way on Yelp: "JFK is always a zoo." 13. Washington Dulles International Airport Steve Heap / Shutterstock A mobile lounge ferries passengers around Washington Dulles Airport. Satisfaction score: 751 The trip into D.C. from distant Dulles can be grueling. The Washington Metro Silver Line subway extension won't be completed for at least another year, so now you face a combination bus-and-subway ride, a long drive, or an expensive taxi or Uber/Lyft trip. Like other airports on this list, Dulles outgrew its original space and expanded over time into a sprawling mess. Getting around the airport can only be accomplished via its mobile lounges that look like monster trucks. 12. Miami International Airport Ernesto Juan Castellanos / Shutterstock Airplane landing at Miami International Airport Satisfaction score: 750 Miami International is a victim of the citys popularity and proximity to the Caribbean. The airport is always jam-packed with tourists and irate Floridians trying to get out of the city or just get home already. Travelers complain of long walks from security to boarding, confusing signage and terrible service all around. Almost 1 in 5 flights is delayed, which is fine as long as you enjoy hanging out in crushing humidity. One passenger writing on Yelp swears hed rather schedule a frontal lobotomy than come back to this dive. 11. Oakland International Airport Steve Rhodes / Flickr Unhappy port workers striking disrupted operations at Oakland International Airport Satisfaction score: 749 From dirty bathrooms and gates littered with trash to a lack of charging stations, this airport in the San Francisco Area seems designed to torture travelers. Passengers complain about constant flight delays, limited dining options and angry customer service. Its no wonder no ones happy when the best thing you can say about this airport is that you can get away from it quickly. BART subway trains depart every six minutes. One local traveler offers the following advice on Yelp: Pray that your flight wont be canceled and "keep this place as a last option." Thanks for the warning. 10. Boston Logan International Airport Todd Van Hoosear / . Flickr Packed Terminal C of Boston Logan International Airport Satisfaction score: 747 Tourists love Bostons pretty parks, fresh seafood and amazing history that is, if they ever manage to get through the airport. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 23% of arrivals and 21% of departures at Boston Logan were delayed in 2018. Airport visitors complain about the lack of restaurants or cafes; the excessively long wait times at baggage check; the rude, slow-moving TSA agents; and just the ugliness of the place. One Yelp reviewer describers the "dreary interior reminiscent of post WWII Soviet era structures of concrete, no sense of local culture or creativity." 9. Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Hayk_Shalunts / Shutterstock Major foot traffic at Fort Lauderdale's International Airport Satisfaction score: 744 This busy South Florida airport is bad from start to finish. The BTS found that 20% of arrivals and 21% of departures have been delayed in 2018, causing long wait times and major stress for travelers. The airport also gets massive traffic from travelers going on cruises yet its terminals offer them no convenient way to get to the port and not enough seats when the time comes to fly home. "This airport is a mess," writes one Yelper. "Very expensive shops and eateries, dirty restrooms that are few and far between, and very long walks between the two terminals." 8. Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport Ken Lund / Flickr New Orleans International Airport needs some serious updates Satisfaction score: 743 Although about 80% of arrivals are on time and delays and cancellations are average, dont expect rave reviews about the New Orleans airport. It's a small airport that just can't handle the human traffic coming in. Small bathrooms with just a couple of stalls, few food options and long lines are just the beginning. Then there's the general dirtiness, the phone chargers that don't fit today's phones, and the overworked airport staffers. "The airport is outdated. It's a little depressing and needs to be modernized by brightening it up," says one traveler on Yelp. 7. Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (Honolulu) SvetlanaSF / Shutterstock Aerial view of airplanes at Honolulu International Airport Satisfaction score: 736 Tourism is Hawaiis bread and butter, but the state really dropped the ball when designing its international airport. Although it has excellent scheduling and few cancellations, the airport is such a maze that you might not make your flight. Any attempts to follow the confusing signage is liable to bring passengers to dead ends and restricted areas. Locals recommend arriving very early to figure out how to reach your terminal on time. One reviewer on Yelp cracks: "Hey HNL, 1960 called and they want their airport back. What a joke." 6. Philadelphia International Airport EQRoy / Shutterstock Passengers wait in line at the TSA security check at Philadelphia International Airport Satisfaction score: 736 Philadelphias airport is notorious for its disorganization, lack of cleanliness and terrible customer service. "Whether it's escalators not working, water fountains out of work, confused TSA agents or simply no one around to discuss flight changes, it's incompetency like I haven't seen at an airport," writes one frequent flyer on Yelp. Plus, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics found that 21% of arrivals and 20% of departures have been delayed this year so far. Thankfully, airlines have agreed to inject $900 million into much-needed improvements for this run-down airport over 15 years. 5. Chicago O'Hare International Airport EQRoy / Shutterstock It takes hours to transfer through the Chicago's huge airport Satisfaction score: 735 Chicago's O'Hare International is a pretty great shopping and dining destination but not the best bet for keeping your travel plans. With the airports 20% delayed incoming flight record, flyers have to book extremely long layovers to make their connections. International travelers must board a train to cross the airport and deal with unhappy staff, additional security and long lines once they reach the transfer point. "I had given myself four hours between flights and still barely made it to my gate on time," says one reviewer on, who was connecting after a flight from Dubai. "Unacceptable." 4. Los Angeles International Airport TierneyMJ / Shutterstock LA's traffic is part of the problem Satisfaction score: 735 Though LAX doesn't fall victim to bad weather delays, there's no escaping the L.A. traffic you're forced to battle when arriving or leaving. Unfortunately, things don't get any easier in the insanely long security lines and baggage claim. The long waits for baggage can easily tack on an hour or more to your attempt to leave the airport. One Yelper sums up many flyers complaints when he describes LAX as "just out of control and chaotic." 3. Kansas City International Airport Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock This airport feels like a dilapidated bus station Satisfaction score: 733 While a smaller airport should find fewer ways to mess things up, Kansas City International in Missouri proves just the opposite. Affordable parking is located far away and there are not enough spots, so flyers are forced to pay for expensive taxis or valet parking close to the airport. The facility also has tiny bathrooms, not enough space to accommodate modern security screenings, and so few seats that people have to sit or lie down on the floor, or lean against walls. In short, this airport just feels like an old, dilapidated bus station, one traveler writes on Yelp. 2. Newark Liberty International Airport Songquan Deng / Shutterstock Newark International Airport suffers from constant delays Satisfaction score: 701 The best thing about the Newark, New Jersey, airport is its affordable train ride connecting to New York City but the good news stops there. Passengers report that terminals are poorly laid out, food services are scarce, and delays are a constant thing. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics says 22.9% of flights departing from Newark and 29.6% of arrivals have been delayed to date in 2018. And thats an improvement. Though J.D. Power found one airport is even worse, a Yelp reviewer would put Newark Liberty on the bottom: "I have been to many many airports internationally and domestic. One was under a thatched hut on an island with air conditioning. Would rather be there!!" 1. LaGuardia Airport (New York) robert cicchetti / Shutterstock LaGuardia is always under construction, inside and out Satisfaction score: 678 The New York area has some of the most complex air traffic in the world, with huge numbers of flights and passengers. Unfortunately, LaGuardia is just not able to handle the pressure. In 2018, the airport has had 23% of its arrivals and nearly 20% of its departures delayed. LaGuardia also is cramped, disorganized and in desperate need of upgrades to seating, bathrooms, retail, restaurants and services. Veteran travelers say ongoing construction is failing to improve the place. "Concourses are narrow and there are very few services like food and shopping," says one Yelper. "It just feels old, tired and dirty." On the plus side, visitors who survive LaGuardia will find the New York's legendary subway system to be a cakewalk. Algiers (AFP) - Algerian civil society groups warned Saturday of toughening police tactics and reaffirmed their commitment to peaceful pro-democracy rallies, a day after officers in riot gear clashed with protesters. Friday's initially calm protest in central Algiers deteriorated into the worst street violence seen so far since marches began in mid-February demanding an end to the 20-year-rule of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who finally resigned on April 2, and his regime. Police used tear gas and water cannon and scuffled with demonstrators, who in turn hurled stones and bottles, set light to at least one police car and turned large dumpsters into barricades. Injuries were reported on both sides, and activists raised fears that the standoff has entered a new phase. "Friday's mobilisation was different because of the scale of the repression," according to Said Salhi, vice president of the Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights. It said several activists were arrested on Saturday as they prepared to return to the key protest site at the capital's main post office, condemning the action as "harassment". Demonstrators have vowed to push on with rallies against the interim government of Abdelkader Bensalah and its planned July 4 elections, arguing that leaders who emerged from the Bouteflika "system" cannot guarantee free and fair polls. Salhi noted that the mood was different Friday outside the post office that has become an emblematic protest site. "It usually starts joyfully at the post office, but there was a desire on the part of the authorities to clear the area," he said. Salhi said a turning point had come three days earlier when police had for the first time tried to disperse a student demonstration in Algiers with tear gas and water cannon. Political scientist Cherif Driss said that, while the demonstrations have continued unabated, "the police are trying to refocus, and are beginning to reduce the public space for expression". Story continues Driss added however that "the response remains moderate and professional, with mostly water cannons and tear gas. There is no brutal repression." - 'Delinquents and troublemakers' - Police put Friday's violence down to "delinquents" infiltrating the crowds, and said 108 people had been arrested, while some protesters also blamed "troublemakers" for the clashes. Driss said it was too early to tell whether Friday's clashes were the result of "a strategy to limit demonstrations or a reaction to groups infiltrating" the protests. The General Directorate of National Security reported that 83 police had suffered injuries. It denied having resorted to repressive tactics and said it was merely maintaining public order. Several protesters were also injured, and at least one was hit in the chest by what appeared to be a rubber bullet, said an AFP photographer. Activist groups stressed their commitment to non-violence, although some shops and properties were damaged after protests in the early days of the movement. "The protesters are very committed to the continuation of the movement in its peaceful form," said Abdelwahab Ferfaoui of civic group the Youth Action Rally (RAJ-Algeria). "It's the key to success." At Friday's clashes, AFP journalists saw some demonstrators placing themselves between rioters and police, raising their hands and chanting "silmiya" (peaceful) until the situation calmed. "People did not respond despite the repression, we saw citizens defending police officers," said Salhi. "But we want to move towards a political solution quickly to avoid desperation. Letting the situation deteriorate until the elections in three months is not a solution." Sudans Omar al-Bashir may have been ousted by a popular revolution on Thursday, but his Russian allies are continuing their operations in the country, three Russian contractors in Sudan told TIME after the uprising. The mining contractors have worked in Sudan on-and-off since last year, under a wide-ranging cooperation deal that al-Bashir struck with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Nov. 2017. The Sudanese dictator characterized the deal at the time as giving Russia the keys to Africa in exchange for Russian protection from aggressive U.S. actions in the region. Putin accepted the arrangement, which involved supplies of Russian weapons and private military contractors to Sudan, as well as a variety of mining ventures. As TIME reported on April 4, Putins alliance with al-Bashir fit into a widening campaign of Russian influence across the developing world, where the Kremlin has moved to build a ragtag network of dictatorships over the past few years. The contractors told TIME on Friday that these mining ventures are, for the most part, continuing apace despite the turmoil in Sudan. Of course the situation is a bit more unsettled now, says a senior engineer at a Russian mining company, Broker Expert, that has been active in Sudan since last year. There are new people in power. But so far it looks like we are moving ahead as planned, the engineer said, asking not to be named as he was not authorized to speak with the media. To call the situation unsettled was an understatement. In a televised statement on Thursday, the Sudanese Defense Minister announced that al-Bashir had been detained by the military, declared martial law throughout the country and said a council of generals would rule Sudan during a two-year transition period. Activists and opposition leaders in Sudan have pledged to carry on the revolution at least until civilian rule is established. But even under the current military leadership, Russias days in the country are numbered, says Khalid Omer Yousif, the acting head of the Sudanese Congress Party, which has opposed the regime in Sudan. The transitional authorities have signaled that their strategy is based on normalization of the relationship with the Saudis and the Americans, he says in a phone interview. So the Russians have no chance right now. They lost their ally. Story continues Al-Bashir managed the relationship with Russia personally. He visited Putin twice in the past two years, despite an arrest warrant issued against him by the International Criminal Court, which indicted al-Bashir in 2009 for war crimes and genocide against his own people. Putin was glad to welcome him during both visits, the first time in his residence in Sochi and the second time in the Kremlin. But since al-Bashirs downfall on Thursday after 30 years in power, the Russian authorities have avoided publicly taking sides in the ongoing struggle for power. A spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry in Moscow urged all political and military forces in Sudan to act extremely responsibly in the aim of stabilizing the situation as soon as possible and not allowing any further escalation. Speaking to Russian news agencies, the spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, added that Russian citizens should avoid traveling to Sudan until further notice due to the challenging security situation in the country. Despite the warning, two of the Russian engineers TIME spoke with on Friday said they are planning to return to Sudan in the coming days. Ive already got my tickets, one of them said. But there were signs that the revolution might yet interrupt Russias ventures in Sudan. The executives of Broker Expert, the Russian mining company, refused to answer questions when contacted by a reporter on Friday. One of their employees said his scheduled trip to Sudan as part of a team of Russian miners had been delayed amid the uprising. We were supposed to go back in this week, just when all this was happening, he says, also asking not to use his name for fear of losing his job. Were just waiting for word of whats next. But at this stage in the uprising, it seems the door to Africa that al-Bashir opened for Russia remains open. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) The relationship between WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the Ecuadorians who granted him asylum had the ups and downs of a telenovela. Once close allies, the silver-haired Australian and leaders of the South American nation grew increasingly embittered as feuds emerged over everything from his alleged meddling in the nation's foreign affairs to the hygiene of his cat. They finally broke for good on Thursday when President Lenin Moreno allowed British authorities to forcibly remove Assange from Ecuador's small embassy in a tony part of London. "We've ended the asylum of this spoiled brat," a visibly flustered Moreno said hours later in a fiery speech. "From now on we'll be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it, and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilize governments." How did their diplomatic liaison take such a dark turn? Ecuador emerged as a safe haven for Assange in 2012 as his legal options to evade extradition to Sweden over sex crime accusations dried up in the United Kingdom. On a June day, he moved into the small country's embassy near the upscale Harrods department store for what most thought would be a short stay. Instead, the cramped quarters, where a small office was converted into a bedroom, became a permanent address that some likened to a de facto jail. At the time, Ecuador was governed by Rafael Correa, a leftist with an anti-United States bent who championed the cause of Assange, who had infuriated Washington by publishing a vast trove of confidential U.S. government documents on his WikiLeaks site. For Correa, granting Assange asylum allowed him to stake a moral high ground, associating himself with a man whose followers see him as a digital-age Robin Hood crusading against big governments and corporations, even as the president faced accusations of clamping down on human rights back home. "Welcome to the club of those who are persecuted!" Correa said during a televised interview with Assange before the asylum bid. Story continues The embassy has just a few rooms and Assange's new home was far from luxurious. Stuck inside, he used a treadmill to stay in shape, sat beneath a sun lamp to compensate for the lack of natural light and received both visitors and pizza deliveries. The roster of guests at No. 3 Hans Crescent included stars like Lady Gaga and Pamela Anderson. "It's not quite the Hilton," Gavin MacFayden, a supporter and investigative journalism school director, said in the early months of Assange's stay. Assange's mother expressed concerns about her son's health, but the creator of the online whistle-blowing organization remained steadfast in staying. "While this immoral investigation continues, and while the Australian government will not defend the journalism and publishing of WikiLeaks, I must remain here," he said in a rare address outside the embassy about six months into his residence. The first major public squabble with Ecuadorian officials came four years later, in 2016, when Ecuador's government cut off his internet access after WikiLeaks published a trove of damaging emails from Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. In targeting Clinton, Assange may have run up against Correa's own preference for the Democratic candidate and his effort to repair testy relations with Washington. WikiLeaks accused Ecuador of bowing to pressure from then-U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, a charge it denied. A year later, Assange emerged as a thorn in Ecuador's side again. During the country's 2017 presidential election, the activist's protracted embassy stay became a campaign issue. Conservative banker Guillermo Lasso said he'd evict him within 30 days if elected. Lenin Moreno, Correa's hand-picked successor, said he'd let him stay and narrowly won. Following the vote, Assange took to Twitter to take a jab at Lasso. "I cordially invite Lasso to leave Ecuador within 30 days (with or without his tax haven millions)," he wrote, alluding to allegations the banker had money abroad. The remarks rattled Moreno, who warned Assange to stay out of the country's politics. Within months of taking office, Moreno's government scolded Assange again for meddling in international affairs by voicing his support for Catalan secessionists from the Ecuadorian Embassy. Relations grew so prickly that a year later, Ecuador imposed a stricter set of rules outlining what he could and couldn't do inside the embassy. Under the new protocol, Assange would have to pay for his internet and clean up after his cat, an evident source of tension between both sides. The rules said that if the feline wasn't properly fed and cleaned up after, it would be sent to the pound. Assange tried challenging the restrictions in court, to no avail. Correa said Thursday he thinks the final straw for Moreno was WikiLeaks' decision to spread information about a purported offshore account controlled by the president's brother. Personal photographs of Moreno lying in bed, as well as images of close family members dancing, were also leaked, incensing him. Correa, who has had a very public falling out with Moreno, accused him of acting "cowardly." "This will never be forgotten by all of humanity," Correa wrote on Twitter. Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Assange's behavior had become intolerable, and accused him even of spreading fecal matter on embassy walls. Speaking Thursday at an event outside Quito, Moreno said Assange's egregious behavior signified that the computer expert viewed Ecuador as an insignificant, third-rate country. "When you're given shelter, cared for and provided food, you don't denounce the owner of the house," he said to applause. Moreno was also likely under increasing U.S. pressure to surrender Assange, though he said Thursday that he had only made his decision after Great Britain guaranteed he would not be extradited "to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty." Shortly after Moreno's election, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, traveled to Quito in the company of Chinese investors. Moreno's aides said that Assange's name never came up and the visit, which was first revealed in U.S. court documents. But some have speculated it was the start of backchannel coordination between U.S., Ecuadorian and U.K. officials, and it was followed months later with a rare visit to Quito by Vice President Mike Pence, who has since become one of Moreno's biggest boosters. Pence said that he discussed Assange with Moreno during his visit but provided no details. On the streets of Ecuador's capital, some rejoiced that they'd no longer be seeing Assange's face pop up so frequently in the nation's headlines. "It's good they've thrown him out," said Manuel Benavides, a designer. "He's ungrateful and arrogant. You can't bite the hand that has fed you all these years." ___ Armario reported from Bogota, Colombia. Associated Press writer Joshua Goodman contributed to this report. ___ Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange here: London (AFP) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange languished Friday in a British jail at the outset of a likely lengthy extradition battle following the dramatic end to his seven-year stay in Ecuador's London embassy. Within hours of police hauling him out of the embassy on Thursday, the 47-year-old Australian appeared in court for breaching his British bail conditions in 2012 and to face a subsequent US extradition request. A legal source familiar with the case told AFP that Assange was being held at Belmarsh prison in southeast London. One of eight "high security" jails in England, it can also hold prisoners "requiring specific management arrangements because of their public and media profile", according to a 2018 inspection report. Assange was remanded in custody Thursday at a hearing in front of a London judge, who pronounced him guilty of disobeying his bail terms by fleeing to the embassy in June 2012. He could receive up to a year in prison when sentenced at an as yet undetermined later date. His separate extradition case on charges of computer hacking is set to be next heard by video-link at Westminster Magistrates' Court on May 2. However, under British law the United States has until June 12 to submit full extradition papers. Assange's London lawyer Jennifer Robinson confirmed he would contest the long-feared attempt to try him there. "He's obviously going to fight extradition and fight it hard," Robinson told BBC radio on Friday, adding she had visited her client in a court cell after the hearing when he thanked supporters and said: "I told you so." "The bigger question is... why is the United States seeking his extradition over publishing truthful information." - Extradition 'should be opposed' - Assange sought asylum at Ecuador's embassy in London's chic Knightsbridge district after a British judge ruled he should be extradited to Sweden to face sexual assault allegations. Story continues Inside the red-brick building he lived a sparse existence in a flat measuring 18 square metres (190 square feet) with just a bed, shower, computer, treadmill and microwave. Britain spent 13.2 million up to 2015 on policing up to 2015, maintaining a 24-hour guard at the embassy's doors in the first year. Relations with his Ecuadoran hosts gradually soured and new pro-US President Lenin Moreno on Thursday pulled his asylum and permitted British police to remove Assange. Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed the arrest as showing "no one is above the law". But opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, a leftist stalwart, called for the government to block the extradition. "The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed," he said on Twitter. May's comments prompted a furious reaction on Twitter from Assange's mother, who lives in Australia. She accused the British prime minister of "trying to divert attention away from her Brexit dog's breakfast by cheering on the thuggish, brutal, unlawful arrest of my courageous, tortured multi-award winning journalist son". - Years-long extradition cases - Legal experts said the case could be stuck in British courts for up to two years and, if appealed, potentially go all the way to the European Court of Justice. "The chances of him winning (against) extradition are low," Ben Keith, a British barrister specialising in the field, told AFP. "We extradite most people to the US." Critics of the move, including WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson, have warned the US could add more charges once Assange is extradited. But Keith said once they have filed their formal request within the next 65 days, American officials would be limited to those charges. "There's specific international extradition law protection that prevents you from charging someone with additional (offences)," he added. Assange supporters, including fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, rallied outside Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday. Inside the courtrooom, judge Michael Snow described him as a "narcissist" and suggested he could consent to the extradition to "get on with your life". Previous comparable cases, involving accused hackers Lauri Love and Gary McKinnon, took between five and 10 years but eventually resulted in their extraditions to the US being blocked. Madrid (AFP) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, arrested in London on a US extradition request, is the target of "political persecution," the man coordinating his defence said Thursday. "There is evident political persecution which started precisely with the massive publication by WikiLeaks in 2010 of cables and very serious information" which Assange had published, including a trove of classified Pentagon documents detailing alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq," said Spanish lawyer Baltasar Garzon. "The threats against Julian Assange for political reasons, persecution on the part of the United States, are more current than ever," said Garzon, who also accused Ecuador's president of lying about the reasons behind the revoking of Assange's citizenship of the South American state, acquired in 2017. Garzon, who has previously described the case against Assange as arbitrary and baseless, is a high-profile human rights investigator who was investigating magistrate when former Chilean doctator Augusto Pinochet was detained in London on a Spanish warrant for extradition to face genocide charges. The British government ultimately rejected extradition on humanitarian grounds in that case. British police arrested Assange at the Ecuadoran embassy in London, where he had spent seven years as a recluse, claiming asylum and Ecuadoran nationality, both of which President Lenin Moreno revoked. A London court hours later found Assange guilty of jumping bail in 2012 while wanted in Sweden on charges of sexual assault which were subsequently dropped. "We are very concerned because the Ecuadoran government and in particular its president have not told the truth in the published statement" on Assange, said Garzon, adding that Quito's arguments for justifying his loss of citizenship were "false". The US Justice Department earlier had said Assange, a 47-year-old Australian, faced a federal charge in the US and a jail term of up to five years for "conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified US government computer". The indictment alleges Assange conspired in March 2010 with Chelsea Manning, a former US Army intelligence analyst, to crack a password stored on Department of Defense computers. CHICAGO, April 12 (Reuters) - Four banks on Friday fired back at a move by Puerto Rico's federally created financial oversight board to force them to disclose customer information related to certain debt issued by the bankrupt U.S. commonwealth. The board on Monday asked the U.S. District Court judge hearing the island's bankruptcy cases to compel the banks to submit bondholder names and addresses along with related payments the bondholders received between 2013 and 2017 by an April 19 deadline. The Bank of New York Mellon, Bank of America Corp , JP Morgan Chase Bank, and U.S. Bank objected, citing concerns over disclosing confidential customer information, as well as the cost and ability to produce a large amount of information within the tight deadline. "The burden of this deadline is not merely excessive and unreasonable, but in fact it would be impossible to meet, as the requested data, to the extent it exists, is not easily accessible," an attorney for JP Morgan stated in a letter to the board's lawyers. In a court filing, Bank of America said there was no certainty it is even the correct entity to produce information to comply with the board's "over broad and patently burdensome requests." The quest for bondholder information is related to an attempt by the board and some creditor groups in the bankruptcy to have the federal court void more than $6 billion of defaulted general obligation (GO) bonds sold in 2012 and 2014 and other debt. In an April 3 court filing asking for an extension of a statute of limitations that expires next month, the board said it could recover billions of dollars in payments made to bondholders should the disputed debt be invalidated. U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain, who has yet to rule on bond invalidation motions, will address the extension request at an April 24 hearing. The board filed bankruptcy for the island in May 2017 to restructure about $120 billion of debt and pension obligations. But it did not seek to void the GO bonds on the basis they were issued in violation of debt limits in the Puerto Rico Constitution until January 2019, just months before the statute of limitations on bringing such actions runs out this May. If ordered by Swain to produce bondholder information, the banks said the court should address matters such as a longer deadline, their indemnification from claims and liability arising from compliance, and reimbursement for their costs. (Reporting by Karen Pierog in Chicago and Luis Valentin Ortiz in San Juan; editing by Jonathan Oatis) General Electric (NYSE: GE) and The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) have a lot in common. Their futures are intrinsically linked through their common interest in aviation, as General Electric engines and systems are used on many of Boeing's airplanes. And both companies have suffered in the aftermath of the two recent Boeing 737 MAX crashes. Let's take a look at the salient points behind recent events in order to see which stock might be worth buying -- or avoiding -- as a consequence. Near-term impact There's no point avoiding the elephant in the room: The recent tragedies will definitely have an impact on both companies, although it's hard to know exactly what that will be near-term or, more importantly, in the long-term. A Boeing plane in flight. Boeing needs to restore confidence Image source: Getty Images. Aside from possible legal liabilities Boeing might have to pay, the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX and consequent production cut from 52 airplanes per month to 42 airplanes per month (starting in mid-April) are going to hit Boeing's profitability -- not least because its margin expansion is partly contingent on volume growth. Of course, this will also have an impact on General Electric, because it has a joint venture with Safran, called CFM International, that makes LEAP engines for the 737 MAX. In GE's case, the near-term impact is rather harder to assess, for two reasons. First, CFM is playing catch-up on LEAP production, so a slowing of 737 MAX production might ease some production tension. For example, on the last earnings call GE's CFO Jamie Miller said: "We're still behind on deliveries by about four weeks, but the business expects to be back on schedule by mid-2019." Moreover, the delays are believed to be on the LEAP-1B for the Boeing 737 MAX, rather than the LEAP-1A, which is used for the Airbus A320neo family. Second, producing LEAP engines has a negative impact on GE Aviation's margin, so producing less of them could actually lead to a near-term increase in profitability. ] o be clear,T though, the LEAP engine will generate significant earnings and cash flow from aftermarket/service revenue in the future, and the last thing GE wants to do is to have to slow LEAP production. Story continues Both companies are going to see a near-term impact from the recent events, which will definitely be negative in Boeing's case. But what about long-term impacts? The glass half full The positive scenario sees Boeing successfully providing a software update to its Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) to add extra layers of protection if the angle of attack (AOA) sensors give erroneous information. For reference, the AOA sensors are like weather vanes, and are used to measure the difference between a wing's chord line and the direction of air flowing past it. With an elevated level, the plane can stall, so MCAS (a computer-controlled system on the 737 MAX) pushes the nose down automatically. Unfortunately, it appears that erroneous information from an AOA sensor caused MCAS to be triggered, and pilots from both Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines were unable to stop the plane crashing. Assuming an optimistic outcome, the 737 MAX would be flying again in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, confidence could be rebuilt, just as consumers regained their confidence in Airbus after it had a similar problem with erroneous information from an AOA sensor in 2014 -- that time pilots were able to save the plane by disengaging a sensor. The glass half empty The pessimistic outlook sees the risk that the problem could turn out to be something more fundamental to the Boeing 737 MAX -- something that would hurt Boeing, and, in turn, General Electric. Looking at the two preliminary reports on the separate crashes, the data is clear that, in both cases, one AOA sensor was giving erroneous information. Indeed, the Ethiopian Government report summary states that "after takeoff, the Angle of Attack sensor recorded value became erroneous." It's a very rare occurrence, but not unheard of. It happened on two Airbus planes previously, resulting in a crash near Perpignan in 2008 and an incident near Bilbao in 2014. In both cases two AOA sensors in the plane gave erroneous readings -- believed to be caused by them freezing as the planes ascended into subzero temperatures. The Boeing 737 MAX issues are, at this stage, much harder to understand. Is it a mechanical issue with the AOA sensor, or a software problem? Is it something to do with a combination of the 737 MAX design and ground crew actions that damaged the AOA sensor? Is it a mere coincidence that two 737 MAX plans have received erroneous data from AOA sensors within six months of each other? What might investors do? Cautious investors will likely avoid both stocks until a clear cause of the AOA data failures is identified. After all, even if the 737 MAX gets back into operation soon, an AOA failure could occur again in a few months. The software update will help avoid a crash, but it would still be highly concerning if the AOA data issue wasn't resolved properly. A more optimistic view sees the software update as sufficient to restore confidence in the 737 MAX, and feels confident that the problem with the AOA data failure will be identified -- after all, Airbus did not suffer significantly from its issue in 2014. On that basis, Boeing probably has more upside potential, so if you are inclined to believe in the positive scenario then Boeing is the better buy. More From The Motley Fool Lee Samaha has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. By Joseph Ax NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Cory Booker held the first major rally of his presidential campaign on Saturday in the city that launched his political career, saying America "can't wait" any longer to address the country's deep divisions and urgent problems. The rally took place in Newark, New Jersey, Booker's adopted hometown, where he built a national profile as mayor from 2006 to 2013 before winning a Senate seat. The event, which kicked off a two-week "Justice for All" multistate campaign tour, comes as Booker, 49, remains wedged in the middle of a crowded pack of Democratic hopefuls. Booker's 30-minute speech relied on some of the same themes of unity and compassion that he has touted throughout his campaign, arguing that defeating U.S. President Donald Trump in 2020 will require an inclusive approach to combat the Republican chief executive's often no-holds-barred brand of politics. "We have to decide whether we will choose division and blame - or if we will do the hard work of conquering fear with faith, apathy with action, and hatred with love," Booker said. "The president wants a race to the gutter and to fight us in the gutter. To win, we have to fight from higher ground in order to bring this country to higher ground." Booker also laid out a specific liberal policy vision, even as he warned that Democratic voters should favor pragmatism over ideological purity. He vowed to pursue Medicare-for-all, legalize marijuana, end mass incarceration and create "baby bonds" - government-backed savings accounts designed to close the racial wealth gap. The high-profile rally marked a shift for the Booker campaign, which thus far has emphasized more intimate events in key early voting states to introduce him to voters while building up staff on the ground. Booker has centered much of his campaign on his record in Newark, an economically troubled city that has nevertheless seen a revival during and after his tenure. But he has yet to see his campaign have the same sort of bounce that rivals such as Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California have enjoyed. Booker has stubbornly remained around sixth or seventh in opinion polls among the 18 Democrats who have entered the race. Campaign aides this week dismissed concerns about those numbers. "You've got to organize and got to get hot at the end," Booker's campaign manager, Addisu Demissie, told reporters on Thursday. "We're not building this campaign to win polls in April 2019. This is a long race and there are going to be a lot of ups and downs." Booker sought to connect his call to action on Saturday with the civil rights movement, noting that the date of the rally, April 13, was the same day that Martin Luther King Jr began writing his famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail" while sitting in an Alabama cell in 1963. "He spoke to the possibility of what we can achieve when we realize our own power and refuse to wait," Booker said. "America, we know our history - it is a perpetual testimony to impatient, demanding, unrelenting people who in every generation with love stood up for justice." (Reporting by Joseph Ax; Editing by Frank McGurty, Bill Berkrot and Jonathan Oatis) By Guy Faulconbridge, Kylie MacLellan and Andrew MacAskill LONDON (Reuters) - The United Kingdom now has until Oct. 31 to leave the European Union but the British political elite is still squabbling over how, when or if to Brexit. Some EU officials think the United Kingdom could change its mind - a spectacular reversal that would illustrate the bloc's fortitude and keep one of Europe's top powers inside the club. Eurosceptic supporters of Brexit say the divorce is under threat from what they cast as an undemocratic plot that risks undermining political stability in the United Kingdom. Below are possible scenarios: 1) NO BREXIT: The fresh delay gives time for the opponents of the divorce to push for a revocation of the formal Article 50 divorce notification, or for a referendum - either via parliament or an election. Prime Minister Theresa May, who voted for remaining the EU in 2016, has repeatedly ruled out either revocation or another referendum. But if she is toppled, a successor might be tempted to call an election. The outcome of any election is uncertain and while both main parties' manifestos support Brexit, the opposition Labour Party backs a "confirmatory referendum" on any deal. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who voted against membership in 1975 and gave only reluctant backing to the 2016 campaign to remain in the EU, has signaled only lukewarm backing for another referendum. His party, though, is clear it wants one. May's finance minister, Philip Hammond, said on Friday it was very likely that the idea of a second Brexit referendum would again be put to parliament at some point, though the government remained opposed to any new plebiscite. Parliament has been in deadlock over the terms of Brexit, having rejected May's withdrawal plan three times since January. When over the past month lawmakers twice held a series of votes on the various Brexit options aimed at breaking the stalemate, a second referendum was the most popular option, although it fell short of reaching a majority. On April 1, a proposal for another referendum drew the support of 280 lawmakers - 40 seats short of a majority. A week earlier, it had the backing of 268 lawmakers. If parliament agreed to a second referendum, Britain would probably have to ask for an extension beyond the end of October to allow enough time for a campaign. Yet in Brussels, that idea is not outrageous. More delays are on the cards, depending on developments in Britain, according to EU officials and diplomats. Three of the four former British prime ministers still alive - John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - have said a referendum is the way to resolve the crisis. The case for a second referendum could be enhanced if europhile candidates - mainly from center-left parties - do well in the May 23-26 European Parliament elections. To get another referendum, the British parliament would have to approve new legislation and settle on a question. Britains electoral regulator would then ideally need six months to test the question with the public and then grant a period for the campaign to take place, a spokesman said. Both sides of the Brexit divide are preparing for the possibility of another referendum. It is far from clear how the United Kingdom would vote and even if it did vote to remain, Brexit supporters would demand a third and decisive vote. Goldman Sachs puts a 40 percent probability on a no Brexit. 2) HER KINGDOM FOR A DEAL: May still hopes parliament will approve the deal she completed with the EU in November, though it has gone down to repeated, heavy defeat in parliament since then. For a graphic of the recent votes in parliament, please see: May promised to resign if her deal is approved, but that moved neither eurosceptic nor pro-EU opponents to support her, so she is now warning that Brexit may never happen. If talks with the Labour Party ultimately collapse, May has said she will accept the will of parliament on what to do next. Votes in the fractious House of Commons have shown that none of the alternatives to May's agreement - such as leaving with no deal, a referendum or a much closer post-Brexit economic relationship - can yet muster a majority. One option that could win over Labour lawmakers is to have a post-Brexit customs union with the EU and to align with many of the rules of the bloc's single market. Brexiteers and many supporters of membership both say such an option is foolish as it would leave the United Kingdom with no say over rules it would have to abide by. The EU would be happy to do that and could do it fast. Such a deal, Brexiteers say, would be "Brexit In Name Only". Goldman Sachs puts a 50 percent probability on the ratification of a modified deal. 3) ELECTION: May's deal fails again, parliament cannot agree on what to do and May, or a successor, calls an election. Britain's next national election is not due to be held until 2022, but there are two ways an earlier vote can be called: a) Two-thirds of parliament's 650 lawmakers vote in favor of holding an election. b) If a motion of no confidence in the government is passed by a simple majority of lawmakers and no party can succeed in winning the confidence of the House of Commons over the next 14 days, an election is triggered. 4) NO DEAL: The chaos worsens in London and a hardline, Brexit-backing leader ultimately goes for a no-deal exit. This is the nightmare scenario for many businesses. By stripping the world's fifth largest economy of its complex foreign trade relationships at one stroke, it would spook financial markets and dislocate supply chains across Europe and beyond. The political and social impact is unclear. No-deal means there would be no transition so the exit would be abrupt. Britain is a member of the World Trade Organization so tariffs and other terms governing its trade with the EU would be set under solely WTO rules. Goldman puts a 10 percent probability on a no-deal exit. (Additional reporting by Gabriela Baczynska in Brussels and Helen Reid in London; Writing by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Mark Heinrich) (Reuters) - California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday proposed a new fund to pay for wildfire liabilities and said he would hold the state's largest utility more accountable for insuring safety against the growing number of blazes in the state. The creation of a fund that would allow utilities to pay for wildfire damage claims sent PG&E Corp shares soaring nearly 12 percent before closing 3.95 percent higher on Friday. "PG&E is a textbook example of what happens when a utility does not invest in safety after numerous deadly reminders to do so over many years," a report released by Newsom said. PG&E said in a statement that it is "embracing the calls for change," and committed to resolving wildfire victims' claims fairly and expeditiously. Newsom's report calls for shifting liability for wildfire damage to a fault-based system. The current system, known as inverse condemnation, exposes the state's utilities to liabilities from wildfires regardless of their negligence, as long as their equipment is involved. The current system pushed PG&E to seek bankruptcy protection in January, as it faced liabilities in excess of $30 billion related to the deadliest wildfires in the state's history. SPREAD THE COSTS The governor's report proposed creating two funds to help utilities pay for wildfire damage claims and spread the cost more widely among stakeholders. Another large utility, Southern California Edison Co, said in a statement that it "is encouraged by the broad scope" of Newsom's report, "which reflects the need to address wildfire liability and regulatory reform." Shares of Edison International, the parent company of Southern California Edison, rose 7.2 percent. Travis Miller of Morningstar Research Services LLC said the news was positive for shareholders, though there is "a long road ahead to implementing policies. The government's support for the utilities should alleviate some of the markets concerns about future liabilities, he said. Story continues The report was harshly critical of PG&E, saying it is "taking advantage of the bankruptcy process to promote the interests of investors over fire victims and other stakeholders." The state will monitor and intervene in the bankruptcy proceedings to protect California's interests, it said. FEDERAL FOREST LANDS Damage estimates for the 2018 wildfire season are staggering, with insured losses alone exceeding $12 billion, the report said. "The current system for allocating costs associated with catastrophic wildfires - often caused by utility infrastructure, but exacerbated by drought, climate change, land-use policies and a lack of forest management - is untenable both for utility customers and for our economy," the report said. It calls on the federal government to better manage its forests, as the owner of 57 percent of California's forest lands. President Donald Trump in January threatened to cut off federal relief to California for wildfires for what he called mismanagement of the state's forests. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is providing assistance to survivors after wildfires in November collectively damaged or destroyed over 20,000 structures and killed at least 89 people. The largest blaze was the Camp Fire that destroyed most of the Northern California town of Paradise, killing at least 86 people - the deadliest wildfire in the United States in at least a century. More than 25 million acres of California's wildlands are classified as under very high or extreme fire threat. About a quarter of the state's population, or 11 million people, lives in that high-risk area, the report said. (Reporting by Aishwarya Venugopal and Shanti Nair in Bengaluru; writing by Bill Tarrant; editing by Grant McCool, G Crosse and Leslie Adler) Capitol custodial staff report harassment from lawmakers in oversight investigation originally appeared on The U.S. Capitols overnight custodial staff allege they were sexually harassed, exposed to pornography in lawmakers offices and overheard conversations in which others were being harassed, according to a watchdog investigation into 10 years of sexual harassment reports in the Architect of the Capitol, the office responsible for maintenance and operations on Capitol Hill. In a report submitted to Congress by the Office of the Inspector General, Architect of the Capitol staff said they often do not speak up about inappropriate behavior for fear of retaliation. One staffer reported no one had an answer for them when they asked during sexual harassment prevention training, "what happens if the harasser is a member of Congress?" (MORE: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand defends handling of aide's alleged sexual misconduct) The report doesn't specify how many complaints about lawmakers were filed. Congress asked the inspector general in October to look into years-worth of sexual harassment reports within the Architect of the Capitol, and whether that office was handling the cases properly. PHOTO: The U.S. Capitol Building seen on Feb. 5, 2019, in Washington. (Zach Gibson/Getty Images, FILE) The inspector general found there were 57 reports of sexual harassment over a decade. The report notes this number of reports is low for a workforce the size of the Architect of the Capitol , although it also acknowledges fear of retaliation could lead employees to choose not to report their experiences. The report also found there is a "widespread perception that sexual harassment is a pervasive problem within the Architect of the Capitol and the investigators attribute that perception to "lingering cultural bias." The report highlighted the Architect of the Capitol for appearing to be energetic in its efforts to improve the agency culture and create an environment of civility" and that "the results of our inquiry were primarily positive, with the majority of identified gaps already receiving the attention of department officials. Story continues Still, problems remain. (MORE: 'They were mostly all dirty': Hill investigators allege sexual harassment, cover-ups at TSA) Employees said they don't trust the process to report harassment, and the avenues to report are overly complicated. One staffer said The whole system is [designed] to protect the Architect of the Capitol, EEO, Office of Compliance or any other assistance under this Agency." Washington (AFP) - Actor and activist George Clooney said Thursday that the fall of Sudan's veteran strongman Omar al-Bashir was not enough and called for the dismantling of the military-led system. The Hollywood heartthrob, who has been arrested protesting against Sudan's campaign in Darfur that the United States described as genocide, called for Bashir to be extradited and prosecuted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court. "The people of Sudan have been waiting for this day for a long time, but it is only a tentative first step towards real change," Clooney said in a joint statement with John Prendergast, the human rights campaigner with whom the actor founded The Sentry Project, which researches illicit money and war crimes in Africa. The two said that Defense Minister Awad Ibnouf, who announced Bashir's detention and declared two years of military rule, was just as deeply involved in the bloody, racially tinged war in Darfur. "Removing the leader of a violent, corrupt system without dismantling that system is inadequate," they said. "The next steps are crucial. The international community must provide all possible support to ensure that the transition is a negotiated and inclusive one, and that the next president of Sudan reflects the will of its people," they said. Bashir, who swept to power in a 1989 coup, was one of Africa's longest-serving leaders but has faced months of mounting protests, triggered initially by a hike in the price of bread. Sen. Cory Booker in Newark, N.J., for his campaign launch. (Photo: Andrew Kelly/Reuters) NEWARK, N.J. Cory Booker delivered a message of love and unity at his campaigns hometown kickoff on Saturday, but the New Jersey senators speech was interrupted by pro-Palestinian activists shouting Justice for Palestine. The event was the launch of a two-week Justice for All tour in the city where he served as mayor from 2006 until 2013. Booker has framed his campaign around an emotional and optimistic pitch to voters. He maintained that tone as he outlined some of his core policies, including lowering the age of Medicare eligibility and establishing a baby bonds program to provide low-income children with a nest egg when they reach adulthood. Were here today to seek justice. Were here today because we are impatient for that justice and our sense of moral urgency, our impatience comes from the most demanding of all values it comes from love, love of our families, love of our communities, love of our country, and love of each other, Booker said. The protesters, who waved Palestinian flags and keffiyehs, turned Bookers slogan against him when they spoke to Yahoo News later. You say Justice For All and he named, you know, clean water, housing, affordable health care, freedom but he doesnt ... talk about Palestine. Theyre struggling just as much as us here even more, Wajeeh Abushawish, who was part of the group, said. Demonstrators chanting Justice for Palestine being removed from Cory Booker rally. Justin Gomez (@JustinGomezABC) April 13, 2019 There were about 10 protesters in three groups, including some who were right behind Booker as he spoke. Most of them left after they interrupted the speech though two stayed behind and shouted at Booker as he greeted supporters following the event. Abushawish said the protesters attend Rutgers Newark and are part of a group called Students for Justice in Palestine and the schools college Democrats chapter. Booker has angered some pro-Palestinian activists by his staunch support for Israel. He is a co-sponsor of a Senate bill intended to combat the Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement that aims to put economic pressure on Israel to end its occupation of territory claimed by Palestinians. Story continues Booker actively supports the oppression of Palestine, Dylan Terpstra, another one of the protesters, said. While the protest was clearly focused on the Palestinian cause, some in the group also had a list of other concerns. Justice for All is an unlimited concept. It should be an umbrella term for all peoples who are suffering and oppressed, Wasim Kannan said. Justice for ICE detainees, justice for Palestine, justice for Kashmir, justice for the people suffering under China. Everybody in the world whos suffering needs justice. Photo: Andrew Kelly/Reuters The three protesters who spoke to Yahoo News all said they back Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for president. Bernie 2020! shouted Abushawish. A source with Bookers campaign told Yahoo News he met with some of the protesters following the event to discuss their concerns. Booker did not address the protesters during their interruption. Later in his speech, however, he encouraged Democrats to fight from higher ground as they take on President Trump. We cant allow them to divide us and we must also resist the urge to divide ourselves because the people on my block ... and folks all across the country cant wait, Booker said, adding, They cant afford a politics of division that sacrifices progress for purity. _____ Read more from Yahoo News: April 12 (Reuters) - The Trump administration has agreed to allow approximately 2,700 children living in Central America to be reunited with their parents in the United States under a court settlement announced on Friday, according to court documents. The settlement follows a lawsuit that challenged a decision in 2017 by President Donald Trump's administration to shut down a program that allowed children living in Central America to be reunited with parents residing legally in the United States. The Central American Minors program, which began in 2014, allowed parents living legally in the United States to request refugee status for their children residing in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Many of the parents are in the United States under the so-called temporary protected status, which allows immigrants from countries that have suffered natural disasters, civil conflicts or other problems to stay in the United States. Last month, U.S. Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler in San Francisco ordered the government to resume processing children who had been conditionally approved for the program when it was terminated by the Trump administration. The settlement, which must be approved by a judge, requires the government to finish processing children who were in the final stages of their applications when the program was ended, the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), which represented the plaintiffs, said in a statement. It said the government anticipates most applicants will be approved and allowed to travel to the United States. "We are so pleased that after many years apart our clients will finally have the opportunity to reunite with each other in safety," IRAP attorney Linda Evarts said in the statement. "These families belong together here in the United States, and we are hopeful this settlement will allow for their swift reunification," she said. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency, which signed the settlement, did not immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did the U.S. Justice Department. (Reporting by Eric Beech and David Alexander in Washington; Editing by Sandra Maler) Cyptocurrency and crime are never too far away from one another. As any crypto is digital by nature, it is immediately vulnerable to cyberattacks. This can come in old-school forms of scam emails, more technical approaches such 51% attacks, and even just old fashioned theft. Vulnerablities in wallets, exchanges, and even the way users operate in the space are all attractive to criminals. After all, its an easy space for criminals to operate in. Theres no regulations, no protection, and very little user rights in the world of cryptocurrency. If your funds are stolen, for example, not much can be done to reverse the transaction. Thats why security and safe practices are so crucial within the industry. The onus is always on the individual. Youre responsible for the safety of your own crypto. The types of crimes that resolve around cryptocurrency Despite market volatility, Bitcoin is still quite a valuable cryptocurrency, with 1 BTC sitting at around 4,200. Its a particularly attractive endeavour for online thieves. In fact, $1.7bn of cryptocurrency was stolen in 2018. A quick scan of the news is all it takes to discover that many exchanges have been hacked and exploited, with funds being moved from users to the wallets of fraudsters and thieves. Theft of crypto is, unfortunately, a common story. The value of cryptocurrency and the anonymity it offers can often lead to more sinister crimes. Kidnapping isnt all too rare in the space. Kidnappers have previously demanded a ransom of 9 million in cryptocurrency Monero, in return for the freedom of Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen the wife of one of the wealthiest men in Norway. Crimes in the space vary. Some can be blatant, some can be sophisticated. Sometimes youll never know that youre a victim until your funds have disappeared. So what can you do to keep yourself, and your funds, protected? With so many threats about, its important that you protect yourself from all angles. This means thoroughly researching any exchanges and wallets you plan on using. You should always carry out diligent research, keep up-to-date with the latest news, and read reviews from other cryptocurrency users. Story continues Familiarise yourself with the different types of exchanges and wallets on offer. For example, would you prefer to use a decentralised exchange where you dont need to trust a third party to protect your fund? Would you prefer to use a paper wallet that has no connectivity but is impossible to replace once lost? Most of all, be sure to use best practices. These include applying two-factor authentication, keeping your private key private, and never depositing large amount of crypto into a mobile wallet. There are many ways to mitigate threats in cryptocurrency, but you need to decide what works best for you, your beliefs within the crypto space, and your amount of funds. Also note that those who invest and trade heavily in cryptocurrency will require greater levels of security than hobbyists who like to dabble with lesser amounts. Conclusion Yes, crime and cryptocurrency do currently go hand-in-hand. But everyone across the industry needs to work together to change this narrative. Instead, it should be that cryptocurrency and security go hand-in-hand. By carrying out thorough research, watching out for new scams or crimes on the horizon, and choosing exchanges with more care, it can be easier to keep your cryptocurrency protected. With everyone working together and adopting best practice, cryptocurrency might just be able to overcome criminality. To find out more about the role security plays in cryptocurrency, and how you can keep yourself online, make sure you download this definitive guide. The post Can cryptocurrency ever overcome crime? appeared first on Coin Rivet. Nicholas Kamm/Getty The decision to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange played out against the backdrop of President Donald Trumps aggressive campaign to ferret out insiders leaking to the media. First Amendment advocates are enraged by the indictment and say it shows media protections are in jeopardy. A former top national security official told The Daily Beast the charges shouldnt have triggered those concerns but did say the decision to go after Assange followed an administration push to re-examine what qualifies as media. The indictment covers alleged crimes that occurred nearly a decade ago and that the Obama administration, after much debate, did not prosecute. But Mary McCord, a career law-enforcement official who helmed the Justice Departments National Security Division for the first four months of the Trump administration, said there was renewed interest under the new administration to revisit issues of what qualifies as the media and to look back at the Assange case. Thats not to say there was ever a lack of interest in Assange over the years, even under the previous administration, McCord said. There were evidentiary and policy issues that were at play previously, and probably continue to be at playand reasonable minds can certainly differ about how decisions are made, both legal decisions in terms of statute, and policy decisions. McCord added that since the DOJ hasnt charged Assange with publishing classified materialhe was indicted for allegedly helping Chelsea Manning break a password to steal material from government computershis case isnt a window into the Trump administrations view of press freedoms. This, to me, is no different than saying you dont get a pass when youre the media if you commit a bank robbery, you dont get a pass when youre in the media if you hack into computers or conspire to hack into computers, she said. Some press freedom advocates, however, said the indictment is troubling; Reporters Without Borders, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, and the ACLU all raised concerns about the move. Story continues Assange is charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, based on his alleged efforts in 2010 to help Manning obtain the classified material that he would later publish. Following the first massive Wikileaks dump, Obama administration officials in various agencies worked to rectify the damage. Several foreign service officers who spoke to The Daily Beast said they were forced to comb through the documents to identify which documents could pose potential threats to informants. There was a general sense of worry. We worried that the leak would put lives in danger, one former Obama administration official said. We viewed it as a fire that had to be put out. We had to go through all the documents to identify any potential damage they could cause. Since that time, the U.S. has continued to gather intelligence on Assange and his relationship to the Russian government. While some agencies have pushed for the U.S. to go after Assange with vigor, others have cautioned that there was not enough evidence or that it was more important to gather counterintelligence information on Assanges connection to Russia, according to former intelligence officials. That debate faded under Trump. In the first few months of his administration, a spate of high-profile classified leaks enraged the president. He tweeted that the FBI needed to find the leakers and criticized then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to find them. Sessions tried to play ball. On Aug. 4, 2017, he held a press conference at Justice Department headquarters to tout newly energized efforts to hunt down government officials who share classified material with reporters, including the formation of a new team focused on that issue. A few months later, he told Congress that the number of open leak probes at DOJ had risen by 800 percent. DOJ has brought charges in a number of cases. Reality Winner, an NSA intelligence specialist who shared information about Russian election interference with The Intercept, is serving a five-year prison sentence. A senior Treasury Department official was charged with leaking confidential material to BuzzFeed. And in February, the DOJ charged an IRS employee with leaking information about ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen (who will soon begin a three-year prison sentence for unrelated crimes) to Michael Avenatti (who faces dozens of criminal counts for other, also unrelated alleged crimes). A former staffer for the Senate intelligence committee, meanwhile, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his communications with a reporter. Obama administration officials who worked on the Assange case told The Daily Beast they focused on whether WikiLeaks could be defined as a traditional media organization. The fear, one former intelligence official said, was that the public would see any prosecution as an attack on the press. Officials said the national security and intelligence communities had extensive, collaborative conversations about building a case against Assange for years. Many of those conversations, they said, touched on strategy and how to build the best case out of the Eastern District of Virginia. During the first few years after the 2010 leak, U.S. law enforcement agencies probed the connection between Assange, Wikileaks and Russia. But, according to one, they initially struggled to find evidence of any links between him and the Kremlin. "When I was in government I never saw any proof Assange was actively coordinating with Moscow, said Michael Carpenter, who served in various national security roles in the Obama administration. I think the understanding in the course of the Mueller investigation to understand how Russia intervened and partnered with Wikileaks that understanding has shifted. I think that gets at this notion that this is not some journalistic organization unwittingly manipulated by the Russians. It coordinated to steal U.S. classified information and then to put it out in the public arena. Assange hasnt been charged with acting as a foreign agent of a spy. But American officials have publicly called him one. A few months after Trumps inauguration, Mike Pompeothen the CIA directorsaid Wikileaks engaged in spying. It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia, he said. Within Washingtons tight-knit national security community, former senior officials took different views of the Assange prosecution. Some said it was evidence of President Trumps eagerness to target reporters and fight leakers. Others, however, cautioned against that, saying the Assange case isnt political. The Assange case file, sources said, was held within a close circle of investigators and prosecutors, who would have maintained some degree of independence in building the case against him. The timing of the filing of Assanges sealed indictment also points to apolitical considerations; it was filed in the Eastern District of Virginia on March 6, 2018just two days before the statute of limitations for the charge would have expired. Read more at The Daily Beast. Becoming the most reliable airline and offering higher-quality service has been a top priority for Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) over the past decade. The carrier has dramatically reduced the frequency of delays and cancellations, improved its baggage handling performance, and nearly eliminated the need to involuntarily bump passengers from flights. These moves have driven steady improvements in Delta's ranking in the Airline Quality Rating report, compiled annually by researchers from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Wichita State University. And in the recently released 2019 Airline Quality Rating report -- which covers the 2018 calendar year -- Delta finally reached the top spot, overtaking Alaska Air (NYSE: ALK). Reliability has been a key area of focus In recent years, Delta Air Lines has invested heavily in initiatives to improve its reliability and serve customers better. For example, Delta invested $50 million to roll out an RFID luggage tag system in 2016. The new RFID system is more reliable than the typical bar-code setup used by most airlines, and sensors on Delta's belt loaders can automatically warn the ground crew (with a red light) if a bag is about to be loaded onto the wrong plane. Meanwhile, Delta reduced the number of maintenance-related mainline flight cancellations by 98% between 2010 and 2017, from more than 5,000 to fewer than 100. This allowed the carrier to improve its completion factor -- the percentage of flights that are completed, as opposed to being canceled -- from 98% in 2010 to 99.6% in 2018. Delta's reliability has improved so much that at times, it has been able to go a whole month with no mainline flight cancellations. Even including its regional airline operations (which are more prone to cancellations), it achieved a record 143 days with no canceled flights in 2018. A Delta Air Lines plane touching down on a runway Delta has dramatically improved its reliability over the past decade. Image source: Delta Air Lines. In recent years, Delta has also dramatically cut down on the number of passengers involuntarily bumped from oversold flights. It now offers incentives that can be worth several thousand dollars in some cases to attract volunteers to give up their seats, even when it would be cheaper to bump someone and pay the federally mandated compensation. As a result, in the first nine months of 2018, Delta Air Lines bumped just 22 of its 104 million mainline passengers. Story continues Rising to the top The annual Airline Quality Rating study measures airlines based on four objective factors: on-time performance, the rate of mishandled baggage, the number of passengers bumped from their flights, and the frequency of official complaints to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Delta has made big strides in all four categories over the past decade or so. Indeed, as recently as 2010, Delta's AQR score was slightly worse than the industry average. But the airline moved into the upper echelon of the industry in 2012, and has continued to make slow but steady progress since then. In 2016 and 2017, Delta placed second in the annual rankings, trailing No. 1 Alaska Airlines by the slightest of margins. A lower rate of official complaints to the DOT was the main reason why Alaska was able to hang on to the top spot despite stiff competition. However, by the end of 2017, Delta was routinely posting better monthly AQR scores than Alaska Airlines. Delta finally took the top spot in 2018. The company proudly noted that it was the only airline to improve year over year on each of the four factors measured. Moreover, its score of negative 0.36 gave it a substantial lead over No. 2 JetBlue Airways, which scored negative 0.48. (Scores closer to zero represent better performance.) Alaska Airlines took a big step backward, falling into fourth place, as its score deteriorated to negative 0.63 in 2018 from negative 0.44 in 2017. Customers will pay for quality and reliability Delta Air Lines' efforts to improve its reliability and customer service have helped it earn a consistent revenue premium in recent years. After all, high-paying business travelers care a great deal about arriving on time (along with their bags). This has translated to solid unit revenue growth and strong profit margins for Delta. As long as Delta continues to hold its spot at the top of the industry in the annual Airline Quality Rating study, it is likely to remain a preferred airline for business travelers. This should enable it to routinely achieve above-average profit margins for the foreseeable future. More From The Motley Fool Adam Levine-Weinberg owns shares of Alaska Air Group, Delta Air Lines, and JBLU. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Delta Air Lines. The Motley Fool recommends Alaska Air Group and JBLU. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Photo credit: AAron Ontiveroz - Getty Images From Esquire (Permanent Musical Accompaniment To This Post) Being our semi-regular weekly survey of what's goin' down in the several states where, as we know, the real work of governmentin' gets done, and where your mother sends back all your invitation. There is no place to start our tour except Texas, where, if the rest of us are lucky, they've finished rubberizing the walls of the state legislature chambers. From CNN: House Bill 896, introduced in the Texas House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee, would remove the exception in the penal code for criminal homicide that applies to women and medical professionals and allow them to be charged with murder of an unborn child. The measure would be a blanket ban on abortion procedures in the state, allowing the state to enforce the bill "regardless of any contrary federal law, executive order, or court decision." The landmark 1973 US Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade affirmed the legality of a woman's right to have an abortion under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. For years, the anti-choice movement would fumble and foozle around if you pressed them on their loose employment of words like "murder" by asking them what should happen to the doctor and/or the woman involved in the procedure. They seem to be losing that convenient ambivalence, at least in Texas. Texas state Rep. Tony Tinderholt, a Republican who introduced the bill, argued that the legislation does "not specifically target women" nor is he "specifically criminalizing women," but "equalizing the law so that everyone that is culpable or takes part in what I call murder ... can be punished." The hours-long hearing remained largely civil until the committee heard from its first panel opposed to the bill. "The bill authors know that this legislation is unconstitutional because of federal judicial precedent set by Roe v Wade," NARAL Pro-Choice legislative intern Jasmine Wang said. "So even giving this bill a hearing is both a waste of time and resources." Leach took issue with Wang's testimony and went on to grill Wang on her stances on abortion. He also accused NARAL's witnesses of "sniggering" and "laughing" during others' testimonies. Story continues They're feeling very emboldened these days, probably because of the ongoing stacking of the federal judiciary. "Fetal heartbeat" bills are advancing in eight states, including both Georgia and Ohio. In the latter, the bill is already on the desk of Governor Mike DeWine. From NBC News. Ohio's closely divided politics have slowed the progress of the so-called heartbeat bill as it has caught momentum elsewhere, forcing years of debate in the state where the movement originated. Five other states have now passed similar bans, two of which have been blocked by the courts. Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who took office in January, has said he will sign the bill, after former GOP Gov. John Kasich vetoed it twice. State Rep. Michele Lepore-Hagan, a Democrat from a storied Youngstown political family, shed tears during the debate, exasperated at a bill she said would harm Ohio and its future. "I'm concerned that we will have companies that will choose not to locate here due to our oppressive laws. I'm concerned that doctors will leave the state of Ohio," she said. "I'm concerned that our kids are going to leave, that we're going to lose a large amount of young people who don't want to live in an oppressive atmosphere." It's here where I usually make a wisecrack about how these laws guarantee nothing but expensive and futile lawsuits that the state in question is bound to lose. However, looking at the current Supreme Court, I'm not sure those are very funny any more. Photo credit: Justin Merriman - Getty Images And now, a Very Special Episode of our semi-regular weekly survey. For years, we've all been following the shenanigans of ALEC, the all-purpose wingnut legislation mill that provides identical bills for identical causes in different states at the same time. Now, thanks to USA Today and the Arizona Republic, we have a way to track precisely how widespread this underground legislative fungus really is. A two-year investigation by USA TODAY, The Arizona Republic and the Center for Public Integrity reveals for the first time the extent to which special interests have infiltrated state legislatures using model legislation. USA TODAY and the Republic found at least 10,000 bills almost entirely copied from model legislation were introduced nationwide in the past eight years, and more than 2,100 of those bills were signed into law. The investigation examined nearly 1 million bills in all 50 states and Congress using a computer algorithm developed to detect similarities in language. That search powered by the equivalent of 150 computers that ran nonstop for months compared known model legislation with bills introduced by lawmakers. The phenomenon of copycat legislation is far larger. In a separate analysis, the Center for Public Integrity identified tens of thousands of bills with identical phrases, then traced the origins of that language in dozens of those bills across the country. This is an extraordinary exercise in data journalism. I'd start engraving that Enterprise Reporting Pulitzer right now and avoid the last-minute rush. The basic dynamic in all the bills is fraud, with nasty real-world consequences. Read the whole thing. The Asbestos Transparency Act sounds like the kind of boring, good-government policy voters expect their representatives to hammer out on their behalf to safeguard public health. Better transparency was one reason Colorado state Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg said he introduced the bill in 2017, and again last year, at the urging of a tort reform group called the Colorado Civil Justice League and backed by insurance companies, including Nationwide Insurance. Whenever you add transparency to the mix, it helps all consumers, said Sonnenberg, a Republican. But the bill had nothing to do with requiring companies to disclose to consumers what products contained asbestos or informing those who had been exposed to the cancer-causing mineral how to get help. It, in effect, cast corporations as victims of litigation filed by people harmed by asbestos. The model bill requires people battling the asbestos-triggered disease mesothelioma to seek money from an asbestos trust, set up to compensate victims, before they can sue a company whose product might have caused their cancer. Democracy cannot stand for long when it's this kind of puppet show. And we conclude, as is our custom, in the great state of Oklahoma, where Blog Official Chuck Wagon Semolina Inspector Friedman of the Plains brings us a better idea than it sounds. From Fox 23 News: Rather than relying on a traditional landscaping crew, Bixby is using the goats to clear the grass and other vegetation along the banks of the lake. The city installed fencing and cattle guards to keep the goats in a designated area. They also brought in several donkeys to keep a watchful eye on the animals. Officials said the idea for the goats started at a recent City Council meeting. The city also installed a shed to provide shelter for the goats during bad weather. FOX23 learned Oklahoma City also uses goats for vegetation management. Once the goats unionize, however, a new plan likely will be prepared. Robot Goats: Threat or Menace? This is your democracy, America. Cherish it. Respond to this post on the Esquire Politics Facebook page here. ('You Might Also Like',) Democrats have accused Donald Trumps administration of cruelty and using people as political pawns in the wake of reports that presidential aides considered a plan to release migrants in sanctuary cities. At least twice in the past six months, the White House weighed a plan to pressure US immigration authorities to release people detained at the border in these cities, which limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities, according to the Washington Post. Related: White House considered releasing detained migrants in sanctuary cities report Trump confirmed that his White House was considering such a plan on Friday afternoon, contradicting his own Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which told reporters it had rejected the plan. Trump tweeted: Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only.... The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy so this should make them very happy! In an earlier statement, DHS said: This was a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion. Democrats said the proposal was another example of the Trump administrations extreme measures to curb legal and illegal immigration. They also highlighted that viewing such a move as punishment was unusual, since it would affect cities that already welcome more immigrants than the rest of the country, such as Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City. It takes a truly warped mind to think that releasing families who sought asylum at the border in Sanctuary Cities would be a punishment, said New York Citys comptroller, Scott Stringer, on Twitter. These families are just seeking a better life, and Sanctuary Cities exist because we *want them here*. Trump also faced criticism over fresh reports that he had urged his soon-to-be acting homeland security secretary to close the southern border, and said that he would pardon the official if he were to run afoul of the law. Story continues Two people familiar with the private conversation told the Associated Press the conversation with Kevin McAleenan, then the Customs and Border Protection commissioner, came during the presidents trip last week to Calexico, California. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss what was said. It was not clear whether the president was joking or why McAleenan would find himself in personal legal jeopardy. But the comments came just a day after Trump told reporters that he was delaying his threat to close the border because Mexico appeared to be stepping up its efforts. At no time has the president indicated, asked, directed or pressured the acting secretary to do anything illegal, a DHS spokesman said. Related: US immigration police broke Facebook rules with fake profiles for college sting The government has said the US-Mexico border is at a breaking point because of the crowds of Central American families seeking asylum there, though its policies have so far focused on deterrence, instead of responding to the factors driving people to flee Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The cruelty of this administration never seems to end, said Julian Castro, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president ahead of the 2020 election. Speaking at a CNN town hall event on Thursday night, Castro compared the sanctuary cities proposal to family separation, which failed to deter people from coming to the border. Now they are talking about bussing families to particular cities to target political opponents, Castro said. These folks want us to choose cruelty as a weapon against people and against political opponents. Another Democratic presidential hopeful, Amy Klobuchar, said Trump was literally using human beings as pawns in a political game. Instead of passing comprehensive immigration reform he does this: White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, targeting political foes, Klobuchar said on Twitter. In January 2017, the Trump administration instructed the US attorney general to withhold funding for sanctuary cities, but the decision was quickly challenged in court. In November 2018, a federal judge ruled the crackdown was unconstitutional. Washington (AFP) - Democratic lawmakers on Saturday gave the Internal Revenue Service a final deadline of April 23 to hand over President Donald Trump's tax returns, which Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the administration was diligently considering. "I am aware that concerns have been raised regarding my request and the authority of the Committee. Those concerns lack merit," House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal said in a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig after an initial April 10 deadline lapsed. On Wednesday, Mnuchin said the Treasury was handling the request and that a deadline set for that date would be missed, citing possible constitutional issues raised by the Democratic request. But on Saturday, he said the administration would respond by the latest target date. "I'm sure we'll respond by that deadline, not going to make a commitment prematurely whether we'll be able to conclude a legal review by that deadline," Mnuchin said. "We have people working on it diligently." Calling Neal's new deadline an "arbitrary" date, Mnuchin said the Democrats' request could set "enormous precedent in potentially weaponizing the IRS." Trump argues that he cannot release his tax returns because they are being audited, but the IRS has said this is no impediment to their release. "It is not the proper function of the IRS, Treasury or Justice to question or second guess the motivations of the Committee or its reasonable determinations regarding its need for the requested tax returns and return information," Neal said. "Concerns about what the Committee may do with the tax returns and return information are baseless." Neal gave the government until 5:00 pm (2100 GMT) on April 23 to hand over the tax records. "Please know that, if you fail to comply, your failure will be interpreted as a denial of my request," Neal wrote. Donald Trumps tax returns must be handed to House Democrats by 23 April, a leading committee chair said on Saturday. Related: Trump tax returns: Mnuchin says Treasury will not comply with release deadline Democrats initially set a 10 April deadline for the returns but this week treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said he needed more time to assess issues raised by the request. On Saturday the chairman of the House ways and means committee, Richard Neal of Massachusetts, wrote to Internal Revenue Service commissioner Charles Rettig to say a failure to comply with the new deadline would be interpreted as a denial of my request. Constitutionally, Neal has the power to demand the IRS release tax returns for any US individual. He has asked for six years of the presidents personal and business returns. In his letter, he wrote that his power to make the demand is unambiguous and raises no complicated legal issues. Trump was at his golf course in Virginia on Saturday but the White House has already said it will refuse to release such information for a president who as a candidate broke with convention but not law by refusing to make his tax returns public. Last week, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told Fox News Sunday Democrats would never see Trumps tax returns. Claiming the request was purely political, Mulvaney added: That is not going to happen and they know it. Trumps personal attorney, William Consovoy, has called the request a gross abuse of power. Mnuchin used similar language in a letter to Neal this week. In his letter to Rettig, a Trump appointee, Neal said concerns expressed by the administration lack merit and added: Judicial precedent commands that none of the concerns raised can legitimately be used to deny the committees request. It is not the proper function of the IRS, treasury or justice [departments] to question or second guess the motivations of the committee or its reasonable determinations regarding its need for the requested tax returns and return information. Story continues Legal experts expect a final denial by the Trump administration to lead to a subpoena from House Democrats and a fight in the courts. Trump has repeatedly claimed to be unable to release his tax returns because he is under audit. Experts have repeatedly pointed out that being under audit does not preclude the release of such information. The presidents tax returns have duly become a Holy Grail for his opponents and a source of constant speculation, not least during the Mueller investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia. Trump on tax, in September 2016. In September 2016, in his first presidential debate against Hillary Clinton, Trump said not paying federal taxes makes me smart. Related: We need tax police and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston In October that year, shortly before the election, the New York Times reported that Trump may not have paid federal income tax in 18 years. In March 2017, the MSNBC host Rachel Maddow obtained and made public a portion of Trumps tax return for 2005, which showed he had paid $35m in federal taxes that year. It was thought Trump himself might have been behind the leak. In October 2018, the New York Times released a major investigative report which said the Trump family engaged in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud. A lawyer for Trump said the Times report contained allegations of fraud and tax evasion [that] are 100% false, and highly defamatory and said there was no fraud or tax evasion by anyone. An official inquiry followed. In November 2018, shortly after Democrats took back the House, putting them in position to demand the relevant information, Trump said at a press conference his tax returns were too complicated for the public to understand. Username: Password: or Register Back to Forum Reply to This post Post New Thread Thread Rating: 2 Vote(s) - 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Page: 1 2 John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 375581 04-13-2019 10:03 PM Post: #1 John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" Advertisement John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" The British journalist considers that Julian Assange was arrested "by a political caprice", because WikiLeaks was "a tremendous obstacle" for a superpower that "struggles to maintain its dominance". The US attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an assault on civil liberties conducted by a superpower struggling to preserve its dominance, British journalist and documentary maker John Pilger told RT. According to his words, what is happening to Assange is nothing more than the persecution of a man who embarrassed the US. exposing to the public the brutality of Washington in the Middle East. "The US has aroused anger because what was at stake at that time was the world superpower struggling to maintain its dominance, its computer, technical and cultural leadership, and WikiLeaks has presented itself as a tremendous obstacle. Assanges, and there are not many of them (...), if we lose WikiLeaks, then we lose a whole layer of freedom, "he argued. "The biggest dishonest state of all is the USA" Pilger says the attack on WikiLeaks is emblematic for journalism in the West, which has betrayed its mandate to be the guard dog of citizens before the actions of their governments "We deliver a world where basic democracy has been abandoned, which is based on the discrepancy, in the challenge, in rendering accounts to the power, in revealing, in shaming the power, "said Pilger. In addition, the journalist said that Assange was arrested "on a political whim" and that his probable prosecution and imprisonment in the United States. "It opens a whole chapter to diminish the principles that emerged from the Second World War, on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based, shows how fragile they are". WikiLeaks publications based on Manning's leak dealt a blow to US attempts to cover up the "homicidal nature of their colonial wars," said Pilger. "There is some kind of consensual belief (...) that we do not do this kind of thing (...), only the totalitarian states, the dishonest states, make it." In fact, it is evident that the biggest dishonest state of all it is the USA ", he emphasized. The British journalist considers that Julian Assange was arrested "by a political caprice", because WikiLeaks was "a tremendous obstacle" for a superpower that "struggles to maintain its dominance".The US attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an assault on civil liberties conducted by a superpower struggling to preserve its dominance, British journalist and documentary maker John Pilger told RT.According to his words, what is happening to Assange is nothing more than the persecution of a man who embarrassed the US. exposing to the public the brutality of Washington in the Middle East."The US has aroused anger because what was at stake at that time was the world superpower struggling to maintain its dominance, its computer, technical and cultural leadership, and WikiLeaks has presented itself as a tremendous obstacle. Assanges, and there are not many of them (...), if we lose WikiLeaks, then we lose a whole layer of freedom, "he argued."The biggest dishonest state of all is the USA"Pilger says the attack on WikiLeaks is emblematic for journalism in the West, which has betrayed its mandate to be the guard dog of citizens before the actions of their governments "We deliver a world where basic democracy has been abandoned, which is based on the discrepancy, in the challenge, in rendering accounts to the power, in revealing, in shaming the power, "said Pilger.In addition, the journalist said that Assange was arrested "on a political whim" and that his probable prosecution and imprisonment in the United States. "It opens a whole chapter to diminish the principles that emerged from the Second World War, on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based, shows how fragile they are".WikiLeaks publications based on Manning's leak dealt a blow to US attempts to cover up the "homicidal nature of their colonial wars," said Pilger. "There is some kind of consensual belief (...) that we do not do this kind of thing (...), only the totalitarian states, the dishonest states, make it." In fact, it is evident that the biggest dishonest state of all it is the USA ", he emphasized. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 375581 04-13-2019 10:03 PM Post: #2 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" I am glad to see that some people in the UK has not lost the wisdom, the good sense to put things in their place... LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 375581 04-13-2019 10:07 PM Post: #3 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" More... "...The legal adviser to the founder of WikiLeaks, Geoffrey Robertson, affirms that "the allegation that the British Government is not going to extradite him to a country with the death penalty is simply nonsense." "The UK Government is faced with the law that does not allow anyone to be extradited, I hope the British judges have enough faith in freedom of information to rule out this request for extradition," Robertson said. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 453934 04-13-2019 10:11 PM Post: #4 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" Assange and all his co-conspirators should be convicted and HUNG slowly (without a drop) for their part in the 2016 election. but he won't make to trial because the Trump's will make sure he commits suicide. He is already dead.... Lyrics... Dead men, tell no tales In Gangland, murder's up for sale Dead men, tell no tales In Gangland, where jail birds die seasnake Registered User User ID: 67904 04-13-2019 10:13 PM Posts: 19,324 Post: #5 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" LoP Guest Wrote: (04-13-2019 10:03 PM) In addition, the journalist said that Assange was arrested "on a political whim" and that his probable prosecution and imprisonment in the United States. "It opens a whole chapter to diminish the principles that emerged from the Second World War, on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based, shows how fragile they are". I wonder if Assange will be imprisoned in a for profit prison. I wonder if Assange will be imprisoned in a for profit prison. He Man Subscriber User ID: 426524 04-13-2019 10:15 PM Posts: 40,541 Post: #6 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" Assange is not wikileaks. There is no shield of "press" protections for Assange trying to actively encourage and help with hacking of US military files. If he did that he broke US laws and if he gets deported to the US he will face trial. If he is innocent he will win in court the charges are fairly narrow, he stands a good chance of winning the press freedom case. Regardless wikileaks will most likely survive whatever happens to Assange because it is funded by Russian military intelligence as a way to get embarrassing information out about Russia's geo-political enemies out in the open. I wish wiki leaks was as concerned with getting information out on authoritarian regimes like Putin's Russia, Turkey, China etc. etc., so many others. Making LOP Great again since 06-07-2013! If you give up on democracy, you might as well give up on everything. -- Robert Reich KingBum Registered User User ID: 465585 04-13-2019 10:16 PM Posts: 4,200 Post: #7 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" Yeah the power structure would love their means of detracting activists from real whistleblowers like John Perkins and Thomas Drake. Idealism is the fools shepherd and the braggarts laurels. Its time to stop pointing fingers, finger pointing gets us nowhere...Steve. 504100 - My number when not logged in. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 497379 04-13-2019 10:16 PM Post: #8 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" What freesom. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 497379 04-13-2019 10:17 PM Post: #9 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" LoP Guest Wrote: (04-13-2019 10:16 PM) What freedom. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 497386 04-13-2019 11:02 PM Post: #10 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" the war is over...they are just trying to figure out how to tell you now...they want us all dead anyway, I say just announce it and get this party started LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 322692 04-13-2019 11:04 PM Post: #11 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" He Man Wrote: (04-13-2019 10:15 PM) Regardless wikileaks will most likely survive whatever happens to Assange because it is funded by Russian military intelligence as a way to get embarrassing information out about Russia's geo-political enemies out in the open. Wikileaks is very obviously a CIA/Mossad tool. It was, for example and particularly, highly instrumental in helping triggering the so-called arab spring revolutions which culminated in the overthrow and murder of Gaddafi in Lybia and the near total destruction of Syria... Wikileaks is very obviously a CIA/Mossad tool.It was, for example and particularly, highly instrumental in helping triggering the so-called arab spring revolutions which culminated in the overthrow and murder of Gaddafi in Lybia and the near total destruction of Syria... NormalIsSubjective User ID: 497035 04-13-2019 11:08 PM Posts: 22,167 Post: #12 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" He Man Wrote: (04-13-2019 10:15 PM) Assange is not wikileaks. There is no shield of "press" protections for Assange trying to actively encourage and help with hacking of US military files. If he did that he broke US laws and if he gets deported to the US he will face trial. If he is innocent he will win in court the charges are fairly narrow, he stands a good chance of winning the press freedom case. Regardless wikileaks will most likely survive whatever happens to Assange because it is funded by Russian military intelligence as a way to get embarrassing information out about Russia's geo-political enemies out in the open. I wish wiki leaks was as concerned with getting information out on authoritarian regimes like Putin's Russia, Turkey, China etc. etc., so many others. Link that up, sparky. Link that up, sparky. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 375581 04-13-2019 11:28 PM Post: #13 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" Only remember that all of this began with.....9/11 Spiddy Registered User User ID: 389963 04-13-2019 11:31 PM Posts: 19,290 Post: #14 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" Julian Assange is not wikileaks, no matter how much he might want you to think he is. Wikileaks is an idea not an individual. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken 1920. Spiddy Registered User User ID: 389963 04-13-2019 11:31 PM Posts: 19,290 Post: #15 RE: John Pilger: "If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole layer of freedom" seasnake Wrote: (04-13-2019 10:13 PM) LoP Guest Wrote: (04-13-2019 10:03 PM) In addition, the journalist said that Assange was arrested "on a political whim" and that his probable prosecution and imprisonment in the United States. "It opens a whole chapter to diminish the principles that emerged from the Second World War, on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based, shows how fragile they are". I wonder if Assange will be imprisoned in a for profit prison. Do they have them in Sweden? Do they have them in Sweden? As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken 1920. Advertisement Back to Forum Reply to This post Post New Thread A senior Democrat has set a new deadline for Donald Trump's tax returns to be released, after previous requests were refused by the White House. Richard Neal, the chairman of the US House Ways and Means Committee requested the last six years of the president's personal and business tax returns by 23 April. Mr Neal, a Democrat from Massachusetts, is the only member of the House of Representatives that is permitted to request taxpayer data from the treasury, but the White House has refused to comply and provide the requested information. This is not the first time Mr Neal has attempted to pressure the president and the Internal Revenue Service into releasing the tax returns. He previously set an 10 April deadline, to which the IRS and Trump refused to comply. As reported by Reuters, Mr Neal will consider a lack of complying with the deadline as a denial of his request. Mr Trump refused to release his tax returns on the campaign trail and throughout his presidency, defying the previous precedent set by presidential candidates and elected officials. Trump claims his reason for refusing to release the returns is that hes under IRS audit, but it is a common belief among American democrats that there are conflicts of interest in the Trump presidency and Trumps global business empire. Donald Trump participates in briefing at US Border Patrol Calexico Station in California - REUTERS Donald Trump yesterday said he was still considering releasing detained migrants onto the streets of sanctuary cities despite 24 hours of outcry after the proposal was revealed. The US president tweeted that he was giving strong considerations to taking the move, which had been criticised as a form of political retribution when it first emerged on Thursday night. So-called sanctuary cities are places where local authorities refuse to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation. They are often areas controlled by Democrat politicians. The Washington Post reported late on Thursday that in November and again in February the White House had pushed plans to transport detained migrants to sanctuary cities. The San Francisco district of congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the most senior Democrat in the House of Representatives and a fierce critic of the president, was said to be one of the areas targetted. The White House reportedly faced resistance to the plans from inside the Department of Homeland Security, including figures in US Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE]. The White House did not deny that the proposal was made, instead issuing a statement that confirmed it had been discussed but insisting the move was no long being pursued. This was just a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion, read the White House statement in The Washington Posts piece on Thursday. But come noon on Friday, Mr Trump contradicted that in a tweet, saying that he was in fact still thinking about taking the move. Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing illegal immigrants in Sanctuary Cities, he wrote. Only the radical Left always seems to have an open borders, open arms policy so this should make them very happy! Earlier in the day Ms Pelosi, the House speaker, has issued a statement condemning the policy. The extent of this administrations cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated, said Ms Pelosis spokesman Ashley Etienne. Story continues Using human beings - including little children - as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonise immigrants is despicable. It is not the first time Mr Trump has leaned into a row about immigration with the Democrats, appearing to believe the issue helps him politically. The US president issued stark warnings about an invasion of illegal migrants before the 2018 midterm elections, sending more than 5,000 troops to the US-Mexico border. Mr Trump later added when speaking at a White House event: California certainly is always saying we want more people... Well, we'll give them more people. We can give them a lot. We can give them an unlimited supply. And let's see if they're so happy. In a separate development, CNN reported that Mr Trump offered to pardon a senior immigration enforcement official if he was ever sent to jail for illegally blocking migrants from entering America. Mr Trump made the comment to Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, during a recent visit to the border according to two sources referenced by CNN. By Joey Roulette (Reuters) - The most powerful operational rocket in the world, SpaceXs Falcon Heavy, launched its first commercial mission on Thursday from Florida in a key demonstration for billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's space company in the race to grasp lucrative military launch contracts. The 23-story-tall Heavy, which previously launched Musks cherry red Tesla roadster to space in a 2018 debut test flight, blasted off from Floridas Kennedy Space Center carrying its first customer payload. "T plus 33 seconds into flight, under the power of 5.1 million pounds of thrust, Falcon Heavy is headed to space," SpaceX launch commentator John Insprucker said on a livestream. Roughly three minutes after clearing the pad, Heavys two side boosters separated from the core rocket for a synchronized landing at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, sparking boisterous cheers from SpaceX engineers in the company's Hawthorne, California headquarters. The middle booster, after pushing the payload into space, returned nearly 10 minutes later for a successful landing on SpaceX's seafaring drone ship 400 miles (645 km) off the Florida coast. In the 2018 test mission, Heavy's core booster missed the vessel and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. The Falcons have landed Musk wrote on Twitter, inaugurating the first successful recovery of all three rocket boosters, which will be refurbished and re-fly in another Falcon Heavy mission this summer to carry a swarm of military and science satellites for the Air Force. Liftoff with Heavys new military-certified Falcon 9 engines was crucial in the race with Boeing-Lockheed venture United Launch Alliance and Jeff Bezos Blue Origin as Musks SpaceX, working to flight-prove its rocket fleet one mission at a time, aims to clinch a third of all U.S. National Security Space missions - coveted military contracts worth billions. The U.S. Air Force tapped SpaceX in 2018 to launch for $130 million a classified military satellite and in February added three more missions in a $297 million contract. Story continues SpaceX and Boeing Co are vying to send humans to space from U.S. soil for the first time in nearly a decade under NASAs Commercial Crew Program. SpaceXs Crew Dragon capsule, atop a Falcon 9 rocket, cleared its first unmanned test flight in March ahead of its crewed mission planned for July, while the first unmanned test for Boeings Starliner capsule is slated for August on ULAs Atlas 5 rocket. Falcon Heavy carried a communications satellite for Saudi-based telecom firm Arabsat, which will beam internet and television services over Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Privately owned SpaceX, also known as Space Exploration Technologies Corp, was founded in 2002 by Musk, who is also a co-founder of electric car maker Tesla Inc. (Reporting by Joey Roulette; Editing by Lisa Shumaker) Madrid (AFP) - Former Venezuelan general Hugo Carvajal, head of military intelligence under Hugo Chavez, was held in temporary detention Saturday while Spain waits for a formal US extradition request on charges of cocaine trafficking, judicial sources said. Carvajal, dubbed "El Pollo" (The Chicken), was taken into custody Friday at his son's home in Madrid by Spanish police. He made headlines recently by voicing support for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido. A judge at a Spainish federal court decided to place Carvajal in provisional detention, while the United States files a "formal extradition request" to judicial authorities, the sources said. The former army general "denied having links to drug trafficking and the FARC" guerrilla group in Colombia, they added. He refused to be handed over to US officials and argued that he now has family ties to Spain. In a statement, the US Justice Department said if convicted, Carvajal faced a sentence of between 10 years to life in prison over the charges of conspiracy to import more than five tonnes of cocaine into the United States. "No matter the rank or level of influence of an individual, we will continue to pursue and prosecute those who bring deadly drugs into this country in a US court of law," said prosecutor Geoffrey Berman, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Carvajal has long been sought by US Treasury officials who suspect him of providing support to drug trafficking by FARC guerrillas. In May 2013, a Florida court accused him of having worked for Colombian drug traffickers from 2004 to 2010. In 2014, Carvajal was arrested on the Dutch island of Aruba where he was Venezuela's consul, but he fled back to Venezuela after claiming diplomatic immunity. He was the highest-ranking army official to declare his support for Guaido, saying that the six-year Nicolas Maduro presidency had been a disaster. On February 21, he posted a video on Twitter in which he told army officers: "How it all ends will depend on you my brothers in arms" and urging them to stand "on the right side of history." Maduro then ousted Carvajal and the former military man was accused of "acts of treason." By Maayan Lubell JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party has won 36 of the 120 seats in Israel's parliament, according to final results of Tuesday's election, putting him in pole position in negotiations to form a right-wing coalition. Netanyahu is heading toward a record fifth term in office confident of being able to put together a bloc of religious-rightist parties. It would be a slim majority against an opposition that is likely to be led by the centrist-left Blue and White party, which won 35 seats. No single party has ever won an outright majority in the Knesset. Here's a quick guide to the various parties, who gained, who lost and what is likely to happen next: WHAT COALITION WILL NETANYAHU SEEK? Most likely, a replica of his outgoing right-wing government. In his victory speech, Netanyahu, 69, said he intends to form his new cabinet with right-wing and religious parties. WHAT'S THE NEXT STEP? Coalition-building. Next week Israels president consults with the leaders of each party about their preference for prime minister. He then names the person who he believes has the best chance of putting together a government. Netanyahu is the obvious choice as leader of the largest party. If nominated to form a government, he will have up to 42 days to form a government. If he fails, the president asks another politician to try. Past coalition negotiations have dragged on. Smaller parties will demand cabinet seats, and will have their own financial and legislative demands to fulfill campaign promises made to their own voters. Netanyahu will have to balance these against his own party's priorities. Graphic Israel 2019 parliamentary elections: WHICH PARTIES ARE BACKING NETANYAHU? LIKUD Thirty-six seats, up from 30 before the election. Leader: Benjamin Netanyahu. The spearhead of right-wing politics in Israel for decades. Likud first came to power in 1977 under former Irgun leader, later Nobel Peace Prize-winner, Menachem Begin. Its current leader, Netanyahu, personifies Likud's traditionally hawkish positions on security in matters such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and foreign policy, with Iran currently as the focus. Many Likud members of parliament oppose the creation of a Palestinian state and during the election Netanyahu said he would annex Israel's settlements in the West Bank. About 400,000 Jewish settlers live alongside 2.9 million Palestinians in the territory that Israel captured in a 1967 war, and has held under military occupation ever since, but never formally annexed. Netanyahu's base rallied around him, even though he faces possible indictment in three corruption cases. Interactive graphic: Israeli election - number of votes won by party - THE RIGHT WING UNION Five seats, no change. Leader: Rafi Peretz. Israel's national-religious party is the most prominent political representative of the settler movement. It repudiates the idea of a Palestinian state, underlining the Jewish people's biblical and religious connections to the land that Palestinians seek for a state. U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to unveil his long-awaited Middle East peace plan in the coming months. If the plan requires Israeli territorial concessions to the Palestinians, the Right Wing Union is likely to raise fierce objections. ISRAEL BEITENU ('Israel is our Home') Five seats, no change. Leader: Avigdor Lieberman. A secularist, nationalist and far-right party whose base is immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Its Moldovan-born leader, Lieberman, is a former defense minister who seeks to out-hawk Netanyahu. His policies include swapping Arab towns inside Israel - home to the country's 21 percent Arab Palestinian minority - in return for ceding territory in the Israeli-occupied West Bank to the Palestinian Authority. UNITED TORAH JUDAISM (UTJ) Seven seats, up from six. Leader: Yakov Litzman. It represents ultra-Orthodox Jews, or haredim, of European origin. A Netanyahu coalition, like many before it, is likely to rely on ultra-Orthodox support. UTJ is primarily concerned with safeguarding state benefits for Haredi men, many of whom devote themselves to full-time religious study, do not work and do not serve in Israel's conscript military. Demands for more government payouts will make it harder for Netanyahu to rein in a growing budget deficit. SHAS Eight seats, up from seven. Leader: Aryeh Deri. SHAS represents Haredi Jews of Middle Eastern origin. Allied with UTJ and with similar demands, it has also served as kingmaker in successive governments. KULANU ('All Of Us') Four seats, down from 10. Leader: Moshe Kahlon The party casts itself as moderate right-wing. Kahlon, the current finance minister, has met Palestinian officials on economic matters, even though the two political leaderships have not held negotiations since 2014. Kahlon wants to keep the finance ministry but his party is now much weaker in parliament, so will have less clout in post-election coalition negotiations. Israel's economy barely featured in the election campaign, but the central bank has warned that the new government will need to cut spending and raise taxes to rein in a growing budget deficit. WHO IS THE OPPOSITION? BLUE AND WHITE Thirty-five seats, in its first election. Leaders: Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid. A centrist party whose figurehead, former military chief Gantz, emerged as a serious rival to Netanyahu. But the political novice failed to unseat the veteran, and lost credibility by claiming victory too soon on election night. Gantz joined forces with right-wing Moshe Yaalon, a former defense minister, and center-left former finance minister Yair Lapid. The party vowed to combine clean government with peace and security. Conceding defeat on Wednesday, Lapid said his party will "make Likud's life hell in the opposition." LABOUR Six seats, down from 18. Leader: Avi Gabbay. The left-wing party which ruled Israel throughout the early decades of the state was dealt a devastating blow on April 9. With Netanyahu reflecting the rightward shift of the Israeli electorate, Labour highlighted social and economic reform, and the pursuit of peace and a two-state solution with the Palestinians. HADASH-TA'AL - Leaders: Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi. Six seats. The larger of two mostly Arab blocs in parliament. All the Arab-dominated parties joined forces in 2015 but split in two this year, and saw their combined seat tally falling from 13 to 10. The group has one Jewish member of parliament, and advocates an Arab-Jewish alliance to fight racism and social inequality. But Arab parties have never joined governing coalitions in Israel, and this year faced a boycott movement by Arabs dismayed at a 2018 "nation-state" law which declared that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country. By most estimates, this election saw exceptionally low turnout by Israel's Arab citizens, some of whom increasingly prefer the designation "Palestinian" to "Israeli-Arab." RAAM-BALAD - Leaders: Mansour Abbas and Mtanes Shihadeh. Four seats. Raam-Balad's leaders are a mix of Islamist and Arab nationalists. It describes itself as a democratic movement opposed to Israels occupation of Palestinian territory. MERETZ - Leader: Tamar Zandberg. Four seats, down from five. The left-wing party has not been part of government in the past two decades. Popular with liberal middle-class Israelis, it advocates a two-state solution with the Palestinians. WHO LOST BIG? THE NEW RIGHT - Leaders: Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaked. No seats, down from three. Once seen as rising young stars in Israeli politics, Bennett, a high-tech millionaire, was Israel's Education Minister and Shaked was Justice Minister in the outgoing government. They split from a larger national-religious faction to form a new far-right party that would appeal to more secular constituents. Shaked frequently criticized Israel's Supreme Court as being too liberal and interventionist. The party did not win over enough voters to enter the Knesset. ZEHUT - Leader: Moshe Feiglin. No seats. Soaring in pre-election opinion polls and crashing at the ballot, the new ultra-nationalist libertarian Zehut will not be part of the incoming Knesset. Its campaign demands for marijuana legalization appeared to be a huge draw for many young voters, who ultimately failed to come through for it. Its other policies included proposals to annex the West Bank, the voluntary 'transfer' of Palestinians to other countries and the eventual construction of a third Jewish temple. (Writing by Maayan Lubell, Editing by Stephen Farrell and Timothy Heritage) Vantaa (Finland) (AFP) - When the UN crowned Finland the world's happiest nation last month for the second year running, there were still quite a few eyebrows raised. How could this Nordic country, better known for its harsh weather and high suicide rate, be the world's happiest? Although international comparisons are imperfect due to holes in the data, in 1990 official statistics did indeed indicate that Finland's suicide rate was the second highest in the world, behind Hungary. But Professor Timo Partonen at Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare, warns against the temptation to blame the problem on Finland's dark, cold climate, or its bleak, concrete, postwar towns. "If you are depressed in any place in the world, you bear a similar risk of suicide," Partonen told AFP. "I think that the social connections and how willing you are to seek help and receive help are the most important things here." Suicides in Finland have now fallen to less than half of 1990 levels. That is thanks largely to a decade-long public health drive to improve treatment and support for those at risk, as well as to make media reporting of the issue more responsible. These days it is also much more socially acceptable for Finns, especially men, to open up about their feelings, says Partonen. "Now it's easier to talk about it if you are depressed for example, and it's easier to get treated and have adequate treatment as well." According to the World Health Organization, Finland's suicide rate is now 22nd highest in the world, lower than the US and one spot higher than Australia. Even today however, many Finns still describe themselves as taciturn and prone to melancholy -- and admit to eyeing public displays of joyfulness with suspicion. - Quietly satisfied - Finland's residents enjoy a high quality of life, security and public services, with rates of inequality and poverty among the lowest of all OECD countries. Story continues But as the country votes in this weekend's general election, the issue of how to continue funding Finland's cherished welfare state in future appears to be on many voters' minds. In an EU survey last year, 86 percent of Finns said they were satisfied with their work-life balance, against an EU average of 78 percent. That leaves more time for a favourite pursuit of many Finns -- going outdoors to enjoy the country's vast forests and thousands of lakes. "You forget all your daily things that maybe are going on inside your head, and you can just breathe deeply and listen to nature," said Petri Honkala, a physiotherapist of his daily walks and runs in the forest by his house. Since Finland's success in the UN's world happiness rankings, which compared various social and economic measures in 156 countries, Honkala and seven other Finns have been employed by the country's tourist board as "happiness guides" for foreign visitors. Later this year he will host guests at his home to share the secrets to Nordic wellbeing -- and a trip to his favourite nearby forest spots will be top of the agenda. "I have been in my own little business all the time, I haven't been employed, so I haven't had any vacation for example, I don't go to the Canary Islands," Honkala said, as he barbecued sausages over a bonfire in a small forest clearing. "But that's not the important thing to me, I'd rather come over here." It is a grey, chilly day when AFP visits Honkala in his picturesque village of Mathildedal, an hour and a half from the capital. The piles of snow still haven't melted away entirely, and green shoots are yet to appear from the frozen ground. But the cold weather is not a bar to happiness or to enjoying the outdoors, Honkala insists. "I have no complaints, the only thing is the winter could be a little bit shorter, and the (summer) a little bit longer," he laughs. Authorities on Friday identified the two people found dead inside a multimillion-dollar home in Minnesota as Irwin Jacobs, the prominent businessman and former part-owner of the Minnesota Vikings Irwin, and his wife, Alexandra Jacobs. In a press release obtained by PEOPLE, the Orono Police Department also revealed that the couple died of multiple gunshot wounds. The statement lists Alexandras manner of death as homicide and Irwins as suicide. The mansion on Lake Minnetonka where Irwin Jacobs and his wife, Alexandra, were found dead. | TNS via ZUMA A person who routinely visits the home found the bodies of the couple in bed Wednesday morning with a handgun laying near them, Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok confirmed in a press conference. Farniok had not yet named the couple on Wednesday or Thursday. Irwin Jacobs in 1985 | Denver Post via Getty Images On Wednesday, the chief had said that after the unidentified visitor found the dead bodies, Officers with the Orono Police Department made entry into the home. Upon entering, we found two individuals deceased one adult male, one adult female. They were both inside the house and a gun was recovered. Irwins company, Jacobs Management Corp., released a statement on behalf of the couples five children confirming their parents had died. Our family is shocked and devastated by the death of our parents, Irwin and Alexandra Jacobs, read the statement, which was obtained by The Star Tribune. We are heartbroken by this loss, and we ask that our privacy be respected as we grieve during this very difficult time. A representative for Irwins company did not immediately respond to PEOPLEs request for comment. RELATED: Married Couple Killed in Home Invasion with Son Fatally Stabbed 40-Plus Times as He Tried to Flee Farniok also noted that police felt there was no immediate threat to the community and it was a contained situation with no current suspects stopping short of describing the deaths as a murder-suicide. This is an active investigation, he told reporters on Wednesday. We are releasing very minimal investigation due to the fact that this investigation is ongoing, but we do want to indicate that we feel there is no immediate threat to the community. Story continues We dont see this very often in any of our communities, this doesnt happen, Farniok added. We are taking this seriously. Were looking at it from every aspect. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Though police were at first unable to confirm the details around the case, Dennis Mathisen, one of Irwins longtime business partners, told The Star Tribune that the prominent businessman had killed his wife of 57 years before turning the gun on himself. [Alexandra] had been in a wheelchair for the last year or so and had signs of dementia. Irwin was just distraught over her condition, Mathisen told the publication, adding that he learned of the tragedy after speaking to Irwins secretary and son Mark Jacobs. Mathisen also said he last spoke to his friend just a few days ago and he seemed upbeat. RELATED: Pa. Couple Killed Inside Their Home as Person of Interest Is Found Dead Irwin was well-known in the business world in part due to his aggressive techniques of buying and liquidating struggling companies, earning himself the nickname of Irv the Liquidator, according to The Star Tribune. In the 1980s, he owned a minority share of the Minnesota Vikings but had sold it by 1991. Throughout his life, he also owned Grain Belt Beer Company and boatmaking company Genmar Holdings Co. both of which he had since sold, the outlet reports. At the time of his death, Irwin was the owner of soap and household products company J.R. Watkins Co. in Winona and retail merchandise trading company Jacobs Trading Co. The father of five was also very much involved in giving back and donated $8 million to the Special Olympics in 1991 a cause that was particularly important to him and his wife, who shared a daughter with cerebral palsy, according to Fast Forward. The couple had lived on their lakefront estate for almost 50 years. In 2014, the couple decided to list the home for $22 million. Irwin told The Star Tribune that he decided to sell the home, despite hoping he would die there one day, because didnt want to burden my wife if something happened to me. Later in 2014, the home was pulled off the market and the couple decided to just sell some of their 32 acres of land instead, according to Finance & Commerce. A spokesman for the Minnesota Vikings told PEOPLE in an email, We will respectfully pass on providing a comment at this time. BERLIN (Reuters) - With the clock ticking down to Brexit, a tiny German village is preparing to take center stage as it becomes the new geographical center of the European Union when Britain leaves the bloc. It takes about an hour to drive the 55 kilometers from the current midpoint, in the municipality of Westerngrund, in southern Germany, to Gadheim. A sign proudly reading the "future center of the EU" already greets visitors outside the hamlet. On a nondescript piece of farmland, a pole is ready and waiting to hoist the EU flag. For Westerngrund, it will be a sad day when it waves goodbye to the title it gained when Croatia joined the EU in 2013. The exact spot is currently marked with a plaque, a map, and the EU flag, while multiple signs highlight Westerngrund's claim to fame. While the geographical center of the EU has moved slightly at various times, it has remained in Germany since the European Union expanded from 15 to 25 countries in 2004. Gadheim is too small to have its own mayor, and falls under the jurisdiction of the mayor of nearby Veitshoechheim, Juergen Goetz. He hopes the new title could put the village firmly on the map. "Of course we are counting on additional tourists coming to the region and in particular to Gadheim," he told Reuters. Local residents are getting excited too, with one even urging Goetz to make Theresa May an honorary citizen of Gadheim. "That's clearly a bit difficult. Of course Gadheim has a reason to celebrate, but I think that for Europe as a whole it won't be a good day," he said. (Reporting by Katie Stephens; Editing by Alexandra Hudson) Accra (AFP) - An artificial intelligence research laboratory opened by Google in Ghana, the first of its kind in Africa, will take on challenges across the continent, researchers say. The US technology giant said the lab in the capital Accra would address economic, political and environmental issues. "Africa has many challenges where the use of AI could be beneficial, sometimes even more than in other places," Google's head of AI Accra, Moustapha Cisse, told AFP at the centre's official opening this week. Similar research centres have already opened in cities around the world including Tokyo, Zurich, New York and Paris. The new lab, Cisse said, would use AI to develop solutions in healthcare, education and agriculture -- such as helping to diagnose certain types of crop disease. Cisse, an expert from Senegal, said he hoped specialist engineers and AI researchers would collaborate with local organisations and policymakers. Google is working with universities and start-ups in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa to enhance AI development regionally, he said. "We just need to ensure that the right education and opportunities are in place," he said. "That is why Google is sponsoring a lot of these young people for their degrees... to help develop a new generation of AI developers." - 'Clear opportunity' - Other tech companies, including Facebook, have launched initiatives in Africa and demographics are a key factor behind the drive. Africa's population is estimated to be 1.2 billion, 60 percent of them under the age of 24. By 2050, the UN estimates the population will double to 2.4 billion. As online social networks expand, that presents a huge market for US tech giants to tap into. "There's a clear opportunity for companies like Facebook and Google to really go in and put a pole in the sand," said Daniel Ives, a technology researcher at GBH Insights in New York. "If you look at Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, where is a lot of that growth coming from? It's international," he told AFP in a recent interview. By Khalid Abdelaziz KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan's defense minister stepped down abruptly on Friday as head of the country's transitional ruling military council after only a day in the post, as protesters demanded quicker political change following President Omar al-Bashir's ouster by the armed forces. Hours after the military council sought to calm public anger by promising a new civilian government, Defence Minister Awad Ibn Auf said in a televised speech he was quitting as head of the council. Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdelrahman will be the new head of the council, Ibn Auf said. He also said Chief of Staff Kamal Abdelmarouf al-Mahi was relieved of his position as deputy head of the transitional military council. "In order to ensure the cohesion of the security system, and the armed forces in particular, from cracks and strife, and relying on God, let us begin this path of change," Ibn Auf said. News of the change sparked joyful celebrations by many thousands in the streets of Khartoum as people chanted, "The second has fallen!" in reference to Bashir, witnesses said. "What happened is a step in the right direction and is a bow to the will of the masses, and we have become closer to victory," Rashid Saeed, a spokesman for the main protest group, the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), told Reuters. "We are committed to our demands that we submitted to the army," he said. "We call on the masses to stay on the streets until all the demands are met." The military council said earlier that it expected a pre-election transition to last two years at most or much less if chaos can be avoided. The head of the military council's political committee, Omar Zain al-Abideen, said the council would hold a dialogue with political entities. The announcement of a future civilian government appeared aimed at reassuring demonstrators who had pressed for months for Bashir's departure and quickly resumed protests against army rule after his ouster on Thursday, calling for quicker and more substantial change. In a clear challenge to Ibn Auf's military council, several thousand protesters remained in front of the defense ministry compound, and in other parts of the capital, as a nighttime curfew Ibn Auf had announced went into effect. The SPA said the military council was "not capable of creating change." In a statement, the group restated its demand for power to be handed immediately to "a transitional civilian government." Bashir, 75, himself seized power in a 1989 military coup. He had faced 16 weeks of demonstrations sparked by rising food costs, high unemployment and increasing repression during his three decades of autocratic rule. Worshippers packed the streets around the Defence Ministry for Friday prayers, heeding a call by the SPA to challenge the military council. The numbers swelled in the afternoon, and a Reuters witness estimated hundreds of thousands of protesters thronged areas around the ministry, which was guarded by soldiers. At least 16 people were killed and 20 injured by stray bullets at protests and sit-ins on Thursday and Friday, a Sudanese police spokesman said in a statement on Saturday. Government buildings and private property were also attacked, spokesman Hashem Ali added. He asked citizens to help ensure safety and public order. "We do not reject a military council in principle, but we reject these people because they are from Bashir's regime," said Abdelhamid Ahmed, a 24-year-old doctor. Ibn Auf was Bashir's vice president and defense minister and is among a handful of Sudanese commanders whom Washington imposed sanctions on over their alleged role during atrocities committed in the Darfur conflict that began in 2003. Announcing Bashir's ouster on Thursday and the creation of the military council, Ibn Auf also announced a state of emergency, a nationwide ceasefire and the suspension of the constitution, as well as the nighttime curfew from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. Those steps were criticized as heavy-handed by rights groups. Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman was the third most senior general in the Sudanese armed forces and is not known in public life. He was the head of Sudans ground forces, a role in which he oversaw Sudanese troops that fought in the Saudi-led Yemen war. INCLUSIVE POLITICAL PROCESS Sudan's deputy U.N. ambassador, Yasir Abdalla Abdelsalam Ahmed, told the U.N. Security Council on Friday that any democratic process in the country required time, and he urged the international community to support a peaceful transition. "No party will be excluded from the political process, including armed groups," he told the council during a meeting on Abyei, a contested border region claimed by Sudan and South Sudan. The 15-member council convened later on Friday behind closed doors to be briefed on the latest developments in Sudan. "Moreover, the suspension of the constitution could be lifted at any point and the transitional period could be shortened depending on developments on the ground and agreements reached between stakeholders," the Sudanese envoy said. World powers, including the United States and Britain, said they supported a peaceful and democratic transition sooner than two years. China said it would continue to seek cooperation with Sudan regardless of the political situation. Zain al-Abideen said the military council would not interfere with a civilian government. However, he said the defense and interior ministries would be under its control. Burhan, the new head of the transitional military council, was the inspector general of the Sudanese armed forces and its third most senior general. He is little known in public life. He was the head of Sudans ground forces, a role in which he oversaw Sudanese troops who fought in the Saudi-led Yemen war. He has close ties to senior Gulf military officials as he was responsible for coordinating Sudan's military involvement in the war. "NOT GREEDY FOR POWER" Zain al-Abideen said the military council itself had no solutions to Sudan's crisis and these would come from the protesters. "We are not greedy for power," he said. "We will not dictate anything to the people. We want to create an atmosphere to manage a peaceful dialogue". He said the council was to meet on Friday with political entities to prepare a "climate for dialogue," but that was later postponed. The council said it did not invite Bashir's National Congress Party to join the dialogue because "it is responsible for what happened." It warned protesters that the army would not tolerate unrest. Ibn Auf said on Thursday that Bashir was being detained in a "safe place." Sudanese sources told Reuters he was at the presidential residence under heavy guard. The council said on Friday it would not extradite Bashir, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Bashir is facing an arrest warrant over accusations of genocide in Sudan's Darfur region during an insurgency that began in 2003 and led to the death of an estimated 300,000 people. He denies the allegations. (Reporting by Khalid Abdelaziz; Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols at the United Nations and Hesham Hajali and Omar Fahmy in Cairo; Writing by Yousef Saba and Sami Aboudi; Editing by Hugh Lawson, Leslie Adler and Tom Brown) Cairo (AFP) - Sudanese General Awad Ibn Ouf, who led the overthrow of veteran leader Omar al-Bashir and has emerged as the country's new ruler, is already under US sanctions for his alleged role in the brutal Darfur conflict. In a sombre televised statement on Thursday, Ibn Ouf announced the ouster of Bashir, who ruled the northeast African country with an iron-fist for 30 years before angry protesters brought him down. "I announce as minister of defence the toppling of the regime and detaining its chief in a secure place," Ibn Ouf said. "We have replaced him by a transitional military council for two years and have suspended Sudan's 2005 constitution." Later on Thursday state television announced that Ibn Ouf had been sworn in as head of the military council triggering anger among the protesters. "The regime has conducted a military coup by bringing back the same faces and the same institutions which our people rose up against," the Alliance for Freedom and Change, the group that is leading the protests said in a statement. "We call on our people to continue their sit-in in front of army headquarters and across all regions and in the streets." Protesters remained camped at the army headquarters in the capital for seventh straight day, vowing not to leave until the new military rulers quit. - Career soldier - Born in 1950, Ibn Ouf, a career soldier has been a regime insider and a close aide of Bashir since the former leader came to power in a coup in 1989. Ibn Ouf held several top ranking positions in the army as well as in the foreign ministry. He rose through the ranks first to become a commander of the military's artillery division and then to head the army intelligence wing. In 2010 he retired but was brought back five years later as the country's defence minister. In February Bashir made him his first vice president "Awad Ibn Ouf is not only a high-ranking officer of Bashir's old guard, but one of the few in the army to be able to maintain the cohesion between the rival branches of the regime's security apparatus," said Paris-based Sudan analyst, Jerome Tubiana. Story continues Between 2010 and 2015, Ibn Ouf served as a counsel in Khartoum's embassy in Cairo and later as ambassador to Muscat. But it is his alleged role in the conflict in Darfur that analysts say might make Western powers wary of dealing with him directly. Analysts say Ibn Ouf, a close aide of Bashir, played a key role in managing the Arab militias like the feared Janjaweed, who have been accused of committing genocide during the initial years of the conflict. The United States put his name on its backlist of Sudanese officers sanctioned for their role in the conflict that has seen his assets blocked by the US treasury since 2007. In May 2007, Washington said Ibn Ouf has been "linked to violence, atrocities and human rights abuses" in Darfur. - 'Palace revolution' - Bashir himself has been indicted for alleged war crimes and genocide in the Darfur conflict, in which according to the United Nations about 300,000 people have been killed and millions displaced. Hundreds of thousands of people still live in sprawling camps across the region. The conflict erupted in 2003 when ethnic black rebels took up arms against Khartoum's Arab-dominated government, accusing it of economic and political marginalisation. Ibn Ouf was as "deeply involved" in the conflict as Bashir himself, said Hollywood actor George Clooney on Thursday. "Removing the leader of a violent, corrupt system without dismantling that system is inadequate," said Clooney, founder of The Sentry Project, which researches illicit money and war crimes in Africa. But analyst Tubiana said the fact that Bashir agreed to go and Ibn Ouf had replaced him showed that it was "a palace revolution, aimed at protecting the regime and preventing the opposition, civilians and non-Islamists ... from taking power". Some analysts say however that Ibn Ouf might not remain for long time as head of the military council. "He's been taking decisions for a long time when it comes to the armed forces, but the task ahead is not going to be easy," said an analyst. "The anger among protesters will be a continuous challenge. For all you know he might not be there for a long time." Protesters vow to do exactly that. "Ibn Ouf is weak, we will ensure he quits," said a protester without revealing his name for security reasons as he prepared for Friday prayers at the army complex. New Delhi (AFP) - India is hopeful it will avoid US sanctions over its purchase of Russia's S-400 missile system, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman told AFP. New Delhi has been "heard and understood" by the US administration over its accord to buy the S-400 missile defence system for $5.2 billion, the minister said in an interview this week. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin in October, defying US warnings of sanctions on countries buying Russian military equipment. The sanctions were part of measures to punish Moscow for its actions in Ukraine in 2014. President Donald Trump's administration imposed sanctions on China's military last year over Beijing's purchase of the S-400 and other military hardware. It has also warned NATO member Turkey of sanctions for buying the S-400, and has suspended Turkey's participation in a US jet programme. Sitharaman told AFP that Washington has taken on board that India, bordering both Pakistan and China, needed arms from Russia, and others, to remain a "strong partner". Negotiations with Moscow, a longstanding supplier to India's military, on the S-400 began before the US sanctions were introduced, she said. "In the case of S-400 we have explained ourselves well... That has been heard and understood," Sitharaman said. "They have appreciated the point of view put forward." Asked if she was confident that India would avoid sanctions, Sitharaman said: "Yes I hope so." - Cold water - Before the deal was inked, Washington poured cold water on India's efforts to obtain a waiver from the US Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). Upgrades in arms systems "including the S-400 air and missile defense system" would be a particular focus for CAATSA, a US State Department spokesperson was quoted as saying by India's PTI news agency. Story continues But Randall Schriver, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, told a hearing in March that Washington wanted to "work through" the problem, calling India "an important emerging strategic partner." He added however that India's contract with Russia has not been completed and that the US was "very keen to see (India) make an alternative choice (to the S-400) and we are working with them to provide potential alternatives." - China - Washington is in a tricky position with India. It wants to bolster ties with the Asian giant to counter China's assertiveness, a trend which has also rattled New Delhi. In 2017 India and China had a military standoff over a Himalayan plateau claimed by both Beijing and Bhutan, a close ally of India. Since then China and India have sought to patch up relations, including at a meeting between Modi and President Xi Jinping at Wuhan, China in April 2018. "Sometimes there are differences and you have a face-off," Sitharaman said. "But our attempt, particularly after the prime minister's Wuhan meet with the Chinese president, our attempt has been that these differences... cannot be allowed to become disputes." But China has also made inroads in Sri Lanka and the Maldives -- countries that India considers to be in its sphere of influence -- through its One Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR), also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India has particular concerns about a series of projects passing through Pakistan-administered Kashmir, a disputed territory which was the fuse for a new military flare-up between Pakistan and India in February. China has also blocked efforts to put on a UN sanctions blacklist the leader of a Pakistan-based militant group that claimed a suicide bombing in India-administered Kashmir on February 14 that killed 40 Indian paramilitary troops. New Delhi has reportedly declined a Chinese invitation to take part in an OBOR forum in China later this month. "Areas which are ours legally, which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan, are the ones which are becoming part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor," Sitharaman said. "So having made that position very clear, we have not participated in anything to do with OBOR, and we stick to that position," she said. By Krishna N. Das NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India on Saturday said a French media report linking a tax exemption given to a French subsidiary of India's Reliance Group and an $8.7 billion fighter jet deal between the two countries was "totally inaccurate." French newspaper Le Monde reported on Saturday that France waived a tax demand of 143.7 million euros on a French subsidiary of Reliance Communications in 2015 when it was negotiating to sell the jets to India. The longstanding tax dispute was resolved between February and October that year, Le Monde said. India's Ministry of Defence said on Saturday the report was drawing a conjectural connection between the tax relief and the jet deal. "Neither the period of the tax concession nor the subject matter of the concession relate even remotely to the Rafale procurement concluded during the tenure of the present government," the ministry said in a statement. "Any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform." Alexandre Ziegler, France's ambassador to India, said a global settlement was reached between French authorities and Reliance FLAG in a tax dispute. "This settlement was conducted in full adherence with the legislative and regulatory framework governing this common practice of the tax administration," he said on Twitter late on Saturday. "It was not subject to any political interference whatsoever." India's main opposition Congress Party has for months accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of corruption in choosing Reliance Defence as a domestic partner in the deal to buy 36 Rafale planes from France's Dassault Aviation. Congress has made it a major issue in India's 39-day national election. The allegations have repeatedly been denied by both Modi and Mumbai-based Reliance, controlled by industrialist Anil Ambani. Reliance said in a statement on Saturday that Reliance FLAG, which runs a cable network and telecom infrastructure business in France, mutually agreed with the French authorities to pay 560 million rupees ($8 million) as tax for the period between 2008 and 2012 instead of the initial demand of 11 billion rupees. It said that during that period Reliance FLAG business had an operating loss of 2.7 million euros ($3 million). "Reliance denies any favoritism or gain from the settlement," it said in the statement. "Reliance Flag settled tax disputes as per legal framework in France available to all companies operating in France." India's Supreme Court said this week it would hear a request for an investigation into the jet deal. Under India's defense procurement rules, any company selling equipment must invest at least 30 percent of the contract in India as part of an "offset" clause to help build a domestic manufacturing base and reduce the country's dependence on imports. Dassault has said it picked Reliance Defence as a partner on its own. (Reporting by Krishna N. Das; Additional reporting by Sankalp Phartiyal in MUMBAI; Inti Landauro and Tim Hepher in PARIS. Editing by Jane Merriman) WASHINGTON Wilbur Ross had just started running the Department of Commerce, but he was growing impatient over the 2020 census, still three years away. "I am mystified why nothing (has) been done in response to my months-old request that we include the citizenship question," Ross emailed to a staff member just two months into his new job on May 2, 2017. "Why not?" The commerce secretary had gotten an earful about the issue from Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state who was about to be named vice chairman of President Donald Trump's "Advisory Commission on Election Integrity." Kobach had been recommended to Ross by Steve Bannon, the president's chief strategist and White House senior counselor, who was a fierce opponent of the nation's immigration policies. The citizenship question: Feds and other groups fought for months before courts nixed it Court challenges: Trump administration plan for census citizenship question ruled against by third federal judge But it would take another seven months and the direct intervention of Attorney General Jeff Sessions to grant Ross' wish. Two weeks before Christmas, the Justice Department finally asked for what Ross already knew he wanted and Census Bureau officials learned for the first time that the citizenship question was even under consideration. This is the story of that convoluted decision-making process, as recounted by three federal district court judges who presided over separate trials in New York, California and Maryland. Now it's headed to the Supreme Court. The high court, which has called the census "the linchpin of the federal statistical system," will hear the case April 23 and issue its verdict by the end of June. It must decide if Ross had ample reason to ask about citizenship, followed acceptable procedures and acted within the bounds of the Constitution. That's not the portrayal that emerges from the three lower court rulings. Rather, it is one of a Republican administration determined to use the decennial census to locate noncitizens and to benefit politically whether it finds them or not. Story continues 'Officials with something to hide' So far, Ross has an 0-3 record in the district courts, where judges named by President Barack Obama have described acts of subterfuge and misleading statements intended to obscure the real reasons for asking the citizenship question. "Those acts and statements are not the transparent acts and statements one would expect from government officials who have decided, for bona fide and defensible reasons, to change policy," Judge Jesse Furman ruled in New York in January. "Nor are they the acts and statements of government officials who are merely trying to cut through red tape. "Instead," Furman said, "they are the acts and statements of officials with something to hide." Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach met with President-elect Donald Trump during the transition in 2016 to discuss a possible Cabinet role and brought along suggestions for changing federal voting laws. He later pushed hard for a citizenship question in the 2020 census. By the time Ross was confirmed as secretary of commerce on Feb. 27, 2017, the Census Bureau was on the verge of telling Congress what the census would ask about: The usual questions about gender, age, race, ethnicity, and homeownership. The 79-year-old commerce secretary had what he considered to be a fundamental question: Were noncitizens routinely counted? The answer was unambiguous: Anyone "with a usual residence in the 50 states" was counted so that seats in the House of Representatives could be apportioned among states. The goal of the decennial census conducted every 10 years since 1790 when Thomas Jefferson supervised it is counting heads. 'One simple question' During the spring of 2017, Ross discussed the possibility of adding what Kobach called "one simple question" to the census with Sessions, Bannon, Kobach and others. Bannon, the former Breitbart News executive, had helped Trump win election with a promise to build a border wall and deport undocumented immigrants. Kobach's concern was mirrored in his work on the ill-fated election integrity commission, which would look into alleged voter fraud among noncitizens and others before disbanding in disarray at the start of 2018. The Kansas official said geographic data on noncitizens was needed to address the "problem that aliens who do not actually 'reside' in the United States are still counted for congressional apportionment purposes." By early May, Ross was clearly on board, and he fumed about bureaucratic delays. "Worst of all," he wrote to his deputy chief of staff, Earl Comstock, census officials "emphasize that they have settled with Congress on the questions to be asked." Despite the wishes of the two Trump allies, Comstock told Ross they needed a formal request from the Justice Department. They knew what they wanted, but they needed a reason that would "clear (the) legal thresholds." On May 4 two days after Ross' "mystified" email White House officials pointed Commerce officials toward the Justice Department for what would turn out to be a seven-month effort to justify the citizenship question. Rebuffed at every turn Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross testified in March before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Things did not go well at first. At the Justice Department, the director of the Executive Office of Immigration Review said the department didn't want to get involved. The New York trial record attributes that to "the difficulties Justice was encountering in the press at the time (the whole Comey matter)," an apparent reference to the firing in May of FBI Director James Comey. Things didn't go any better at the Department of Homeland Security. Despite a series of phone calls, officials there said the issue should be handled by the Justice Department. This prompted Commerce officials to consider "how Commerce could add the question to the Census itself." By mid-July, Kobach was back, emailing Ross to remind him of their earlier phone call, and later speaking to Ross again by phone. On August 8, Ross emailed Comstock that if Justice had not decided whether to get involved, "please let me know your contact person, and I will call the AG." Comstock urged caution. "Since this issue will go to the Supreme Court, we need to be diligent in preparing the administrative record," he responded. Ross went even further: "We should be very careful about everything, whether or not it is likely to end up in the SC." 'The AG is eager to assist' The ice finally was broken in mid-September, when John Gore, the Justice Department's acting assistant attorney general, entered the fray. Soon after, Danielle Cutrona in Sessions' office wrote to Wendy Teramoto, Ross' chief of staff at the Commerce Department. "It sounds like we can do whatever you all need us to do, and the delay was due to a miscommunication," Cutrona said. "The AG is eager to assist." Ross and Sessions then spoke at least twice by phone, and political appointees at the Justice Department began work on a letter requesting the citizenship question. On Nov. 27 a day after court records indicate Ross spoke with President Trump, and a day before the commerce secretary would turn 80 he emailed a staffer working on the issue. The Census Bureau was getting ready to start translating census questions into multiple languages and had set the printing contract. "We are out of time," Ross wrote. "Please set up a call for me tomorrow with whoever is the responsible person at Justice. We must get this resolved." It was two weeks later when Arthur Gary, a Justice Department career official, sent the formal request to the Census Bureau's acting director, Ron Jarmin. The reason for the question, Gary said, was to enforce the Voting Rights Act. Census Bureau officials conducted a briefing recently on plans for the upcoming 2020 census. The 'SWAT Team' responds The Census Bureau wasn't happy. Within days of the Dec. 12 letter, the bureau's "SWAT Team" of senior professional staff began churning out briefing documents and reports showing that the citizenship question would reduce response rates among households with noncitizens. That would force the bureau to conduct more followup work, at an estimated additional cost of $27.5 million. The court records are replete with memos from census officials on Dec. 22, Jan. 3, and ultimately Jan. 19, when they advised Ross that asking about citizenship "is very costly, harms the quality of the census count, and would use substantially less accurate citizenship status data" than other government sources. Census officials sought to meet with their Justice Department counterparts but were rebuffed at Sessions' direction, court records show. A single meeting with Ross didn't change anything. On Feb. 12, Kobach wrote Ross to endorse the new rationale enforcing the Voting Rights Act, which is intended to give members of minority groups the opportunity to elect representatives of their choosing. He also mentioned his concerns about voter fraud and said the citizenship question would help for "election-related reasons." By now, Ross had what he wanted. But he also wanted a cheering section. Commerce and census officials went searching for interest groups to support their cause but emerged nearly empty-handed. In the end, only the conservative Heritage Foundation and Center for Immigration Studies, which seeks to slash immigration rates, agreed to speak favorably about the plan. Three days before directing the Census Bureau to add the question, Ross spoke with Christine Pierce, senior vice president for data science at Nielsen Co. She warned "unequivocally" that the question likely would reduce response rates. On March 26, Ross' "Decision Memo" directed the Census Bureau to add a citizenship question, based on the Justice Department's request. He said the "need for accurate citizenship data and the limited burden that the reinstatement of the citizenship question would impose outweigh fears about a potentially lower response rate." Mystery in the motives All three judges who heard challenges from states and immigrant rights groups concluded basically the same thing: Ross worked backwards. He decided to ask about citizenship in the 2020 census and then went searching for a legitimate reason. "It was like 'Jeopardy,'" said Dale Ho, director of voting rights at the American Civil Liberties Union, one of the lawyers who will argue the case in the Supreme Court. "They had the answer. They needed the question." It didn't matter that the professionals at the Census Bureau thought it would do more harm than good. The proposal got its energy from Ross himself, with an assist from the political people who had his ear. Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks in March outside the Supreme Court, where the justices heard oral arguments in challenges to the way North Carolina and Maryland lawmakers drew congressional districts for partisan gain. Redistricting could be affected in 2022 if the justices allow a citizenship question to be included in the 2020 census. "He was speaking with individuals who have long harbored anti-immigrant sentiment," said Nicholas Espiritu, a staff attorney at the National Immigration Law Center who was involved in the California case. What none of the judges ever determined was why. "Secretary Ross does not wish his reason for requesting the inclusion of the citizenship question on the 2020 census to come to light," Judge Richard Seeborg concluded last month in the California case. "Ultimately, Secretary Ross' original rationale remains, to some extent, a mystery," Judge George Hazel reiterated in this month's Maryland decision. The district court judges stopped short of speculating on Ross' motivations, but there could have been several: Voting Rights Act enforcement: The question would arm Justice Department officials with data on where noncitizens live, which could help them determine that minorities comprise not just a majority of people but a majority of eligible voters in a particular district. Congressional apportionment: The question would reduce census response rates among noncitizens, which could cost California, Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois and Arizona seats in Congress. Redistricting: Information on noncitizens would help state legislatures that seek to restrict voting rights, such as Texas and North Carolina, to draw new districts in 2022 based on citizen voting-age population, rather than total population. The states could pack more people into districts with greater non-voting residents, diminishing their representation. They see this as a way to get states to draw districts in a way thats going to favor rural areas over urban areas and will tend to favor white populations over more minority populations," said David Gans, director of human rights, civil rights and citizenship at the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center. Put another way by Edward Blum, director of the conservative Project on Fair Representation and a supporter of the administration's effort: It could have a profound effect on the forms of governance that we see in these states. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Inside Trump administration's mysterious plan to secure a 2020 census citizenship question A look at the shareholders of Patrys Limited (ASX:PAB) can tell us which group is most powerful. Institutions often own shares in more established companies, while it's not unusual to see insiders own a fair bit of smaller companies. Warren Buffett said that he likes 'a business with enduring competitive advantages that is run by able and owner-oriented people'. So it's nice to see some insider ownership, because it may suggest that management is owner-oriented. Patrys is a smaller company with a market capitalization of AU$26m, so it may still be flying under the radar of many institutional investors. Taking a look at our data on the ownership groups (below), it's seems that institutions are noticeable on the share registry. Let's take a closer look to see what the different types of shareholder can tell us about PAB. See our latest analysis for Patrys ASX:PAB Ownership Summary, April 12th 2019 What Does The Institutional Ownership Tell Us About Patrys? Institutional investors commonly compare their own returns to the returns of a commonly followed index. So they generally do consider buying larger companies that are included in the relevant benchmark index. Patrys already has institutions on the share registry. Indeed, they own 15% of the company. This suggests some credibility amongst professional investors. But we can't rely on that fact alone, since institutions make bad investments sometimes, just like everyone does. It is not uncommon to see a big share price drop if two large institutional investors try to sell out of a stock at the same time. So it is worth checking the past earnings trajectory of Patrys, (below). Of course, keep in mind that there are other factors to consider, too. ASX:PAB Income Statement, April 12th 2019 Hedge funds don't have many shares in Patrys. We're not picking up on any analyst coverage of the stock at the moment, so the company is unlikely to be widely held. Insider Ownership Of Patrys The definition of an insider can differ slightly between different countries, but members of the board of directors always count. Management ultimately answers to the board. However, it is not uncommon for managers to be executive board members, especially if they are a founder or the CEO. Story continues Insider ownership is positive when it signals leadership are thinking like the true owners of the company. However, high insider ownership can also give immense power to a small group within the company. This can be negative in some circumstances. It seems insiders own a significant proportion of Patrys Limited. Insiders own AU$6.3m worth of shares in the AU$26m company. It is great to see insiders so invested in the business. It might be worth checking if those insiders have been buying recently. General Public Ownership With a 47% ownership, the general public have some degree of sway over PAB. While this size of ownership may not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour, they can still make a collective impact on company policies. Private Company Ownership We can see that Private Companies own 13%, of the shares on issue. It's hard to draw any conclusions from this fact alone, so its worth looking into who owns those private companies. Sometimes insiders or other related parties have an interest in shares in a public company through a separate private company. Next Steps: It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company. But to understand Patrys better, we need to consider many other factors. I like to dive deeper into how a company has performed in the past. You can find historic revenue and earnings in this detailed graph. Of course this may not be the best stock to buy. So take a peek at this free free list of interesting companies. NB: Figures in this article are calculated using data from the last twelve months, which refer to the 12-month period ending on the last date of the month the financial statement is dated. This may not be consistent with full year annual report figures. We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned. Thank you for reading. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal set the IRS a new deadline of April 23 to hand over President Donald Trumps tax returns before potentially resorting to other legal options. Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat, sent a second letter to the Internal Revenue Service on Saturday, asking for six years of Trumps personal and business returns, citing a section of the tax code that allows the chairman of the tax committees to request the returns of any taxpayer, including the president. I am aware that concerns have been raised regarding my request and the authority of the Committee, Neal wrote. Those concerns lack merit. There is no valid basis to question the legitimacy of the Ways and Means Committees legislative purpose, Neal added. The letter signals that Neal could be preparing to issue a subpoena or take other legal action, including a lawsuit, to compel officials to obtain and turn over the presidents returns. That would set up a protracted legal battle between the Trump administration and House Democrats that could span beyond the 2020 presidential elections. Needs More Time Neal sent a letter earlier this month to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig asking that the returns be turned over by April 10. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin responded by the deadline saying he needed more time to review the request and consult with the Department of Justice. In that letter, Mnuchin also questioned the scope of Congresss investigative authority and Neals stated reason for the request that he wants them to insure that the IRS is properly auditing presidents. Federal law gives the chairmen of House Ways and Means, Senate Finance Committee and the Joint Committee on Taxation the power to request the returns of any taxpayer, although some legal scholars believe the request needs a legitimate legislative purpose, which Democrats say they have met. Story continues Members of the Trump administration, including acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and their allies have called the request a political attack and a violation of Trumps privacy. The House Democrats asked that the returns be turned over to the members of Congress. They would then decide whether to release them publicly, but the political pressure among Democrats to do so would be high, as would the resistance among Republicans. Trump broke with 40 years of presidential campaign tradition by declining to release his personal returns before the 2016 election. He said that he was under audit and didnt intend to turn anything over until that process had been completed. There is no prohibition on releasing returns to Congress or the public while under audit. It pisses the members off if you dont give them information that they think they should have. But for lawmakers, theres no real effective remedy except to say bad things about them or not take their phone calls, said Christopher Rizek, a former Treasury official who is now a tax litigator at law firm Caplin & Drysdale. People expect the rule of law to work smoothly, but thats not always the case. Damascus (AFP) - An Israeli air strike in central Syria wounded three combatants early Saturday, the official SANA news agency reported. A Britain-based war monitor said the strike killed several Iranian fighters and wounded 17 Syrian troops and their allies. An Israeli military spokesman declined to comment on the foreign media report. "Around 2:30 am (2330 GMT Friday)... the Israeli air force carried out a strike targeting one of our military positions in the town of Misyaf," in Hama province north of Damascus, SANA quoted a military source as saying. "Our air defence batteries intercepted some of the Israeli missiles," the source said, adding that the strike "wounded three combatants and destroyed buildings". The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strike targeted a Syrian military college in the town and two buildings used by Iranian forces in nearby villages -- a development centre for medium-range missiles in Zawi and a training camp in Sheikh Ghadban. Israel has carried out hundreds of air strikes in Syria against what it says are Iranian and Hezbollah targets. With the support of the US administration of President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed repeatedly to take whatever military action he deems necessary to prevent archfoe Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah establishing a continuing military presence. Late last month, Trump broke with decades of international consensus to recognise Israel's unilateral annexation of the strategic Golan Heights, seized from Syria in the Six-Day War of 1967. The move was a diplomatic prize for Israel, but met with a chorus of opposition from US foes and allies alike. Iran and Hezbollah have both intervened in Syria's civil war, which erupted in 2011 to support forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. They were joined in 2015 by Russia, which supplied its S300 air defence system to Assad's forces after a Russian aircraft was downed by mistake by Syrian defence systems during an Israeli raid on September 17, killing all 15 people on board. After several months of frosty relations, Russia and Israeli resumed coordination of their military operations in Syria and Israel's bombing campaign picked up again. Japan's Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by lawyers for Carlos Ghosn against his detention, local media said Saturday, dashing the former Nissan boss's hopes for an early release. The 65-year-old former auto tycoon had appealed to Japan's highest court after lower court judges ruled he could be questioned for a 10-day period until Sunday over allegations of financial misconduct. But the court slapped down the appeal without explaining the ruling, Jiji Press and Kyodo News reported. Immediate confirmation of the reports was not available. On Friday, the Tokyo District Court had already further extended his detention until April 22 as prosecutors continue grilling him. Authorities must then either press formal charges, release him or re-arrest him if they believe he has additional allegations to answer. Prosecutors are looking into allegations that Ghosn siphoned off some $5 million from funds transferred from Nissan to a dealership in Oman, and spent the money on a luxury superyacht. Ghosn has not been formally charged over these allegations. But the tycoon does already face three separate charges. Two of these relate to millions of dollars in salary believed to have been concealed from shareholders. The third charge is that he sought to shift personal investment losses to company books. Ghosn denies all allegations and lashed out in a video message -- shown on April 9 -- at what he termed a "plot" by "backstabbing" Nissan executives scared of closer integration with French partner firm Renault. The case has bewitched Japan and the business world since the tycoon was arrested out of the blue at a Tokyo airport on November 19 and whisked off to the detention centre. He spent 108 days in an initial period of custody, in conditions he said he would not wish on his "worst enemy", forced to sleep with the light on and forbidden from contact with his loved ones. He then won bail, stumping up $9 million for his freedom and submitting to strict bail conditions including not using the internet or contacting anyone connected to the case. Story continues But in another twist, he was then re-arrested in a dawn raid on April 4 for more questioning. Once hailed as Nissan's saviour, Ghosn is fighting to restore his reputation after he was removed almost immediately from the head of the company and later resigned as boss of Renault as he fights the allegations. His lengthy detention has sparked some criticism of the Japanese justice system, derided by some as "hostage justice" as suspects can be held for a long time without formal charges. Kim Jong-un addresses the Supreme People's Assembly - KCNA via KNS In one of the biggest leadership shake-ups in years, North Korea named a new nominal head of state and a new premier, and gave leader Kim Jong Un a new title, state media reported on Friday, moves analysts said solidify Kim's grip on power. In an expected move, Kim Jong Un was re-elected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission at a session of North Korea's rubber-stamp legislature that took place on Thursday, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said. For the first time, however, state media referred to Kim as "supreme representative of all the Korean people." That title was approved by special decree in February, according to the Associated Press, but has not been used publicly until Friday. It's unclear whether the changes will be codified in the constitution, but analysts said the shake-up shows Kim has fully come into his own, eight years after he inherited rule from his father, Kim Jong Il. "The transition and power consolidation of the Kim Jong Un regime is complete," said Michael Madden, a nonresident North Korea leadership expert with the Stimson Center, a Washington-based think tank. "This is probably the largest party-government shake-up in many years," he said. The Supreme People's Assembly met on Thursday and agreed on a major reshuffle Credit: HOGP/KCNA via KNS The move came as Moon Jae-in, South Korea's leader, met with Donald Trump, the US president, in Washington in an attempt to kickstart talks over Pyongyang's nuclear programme since the collapse of the US-North Korea summit in Hanoi in February. The meeting ended with little fanfare. Mr Moon had been pushing for the US to agree to smaller steps towards denuclearisation to keep diplomacy with the North alive. Mr Trump said he was open to a third summit with Kim but stressed that he was looking for "a big deal," clarifying that this meant North Korea getting rid of its nuclear weapons. He confirmed he was unwilling to budge on the strict sanctions that are shrinking the North Korean economy. "We want sanctions to remain in place," said Mr Trump. Story continues There was no direct reference to the US during Thursday's plenary session in Pyongyang, but ahead of the meeting, Kim threatened that North Korea would "deal a telling blow to the hostile forces who go with bloodshot eyes, miscalculating that sanctions can bring the DPRK (North Korea) to its knees." The failure to secure any sanctions relief at the Hanoi summit was an embarrassing loss of face for the North Korean leader. Presidents Trump and Moon with FIrst Ladies Melania Trump and Kim Jung-sook Credit: Nicholas Kamm/AFP Since early 2018 Kim has embarked on a push for economic development, hoping to strengthen his economy through international engagement, including historic summits with the leaders of the United States, China and South Korea. The diplomatic route has reduced tensions but so far produced limited results, leading experts to speculate about whether Kim may resume a more provocative strategy. However, in a message congratulating Kim on his re-election as chairman, Chinese President Xi Jinping said China highly values its friendship with North Korea and is willing to push forward the bilateral relations, China's official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. Kim's focus at the first parliamentary session since March elections was a reshuffle of his top aides, the shoring up of his domestic power, and a renewed commitment to make the economy the centrepiece of his strategy. Choe Ryong Hae was named President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea, replacing Kim Yong Nam. The person holding that position is constitutionally considered North Korea's head of state and usually represents the country at diplomatic events, though experts say real power remains concentrated in Kim Jong Un's hands. Kim Yong Nam, who was born in 1928, has been one of the longest serving senior officials, having held the position since it was created for him in 1998, Madden said. President Moon and President Trump held an extensive meeting in Washington but little was agreed Credit: Yonhap/EPA-EFE/REX His replacement, Mr Choe, was subjected to political "re-education" in the past, but in recent years appeared to be gaining more influence since he was promoted in October 2017 to the party's powerful Central Military Commission, South Korean intelligence officials previously said. Mr Choe was one of the three officials sanctioned by the United States in December over allegations of rights abuses. Several officials who have played leading roles in negotiations with the United States, including Choe Son Hui and Kim Yong Chol, were also promoted. North Korea also replaced the premier of its cabinet, an official at the centre of efforts to jumpstart the economy. Pak Pong Ju had served his current post as premier since 2013. According to analysts at NK News, a website that monitors North Korea, Mr Pak helped oversee a process of "radical reform" in the economy that enabled it to survive sanctions. Among those reforms were loosing control of state-run enterprises, allowing them to operate more freely in the market and to seek private investment, according to a 2017 profile of Mr Pak in NK News. Some of those reforms earned the ire of Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, who led North Korea at the time. But the younger Kim has more openly embraced many of those market changes, and North Korea has sought to ease sanctions and attract more private investment. Mr Pak will now serve as a vice chairman of the ruling party, meaning that those economic reforms are still being embraced, said Hong Min, senior researcher of Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul. "It means Pak Pong Ju-nomics, or Pak Pong Ju-style economic reform is continuing," he said. There is little known about Mr Pak's replacement, Kim Jae Ryong, who has been serving as a party leader in Jagang Province, a mountainous area home to some munitions factories. The province is known within North Korea, however, for having a spirit of overcoming hardship, which may fit with Kim Jong Un's message of persevering under sanctions, Hong said. In her new Vogue cover story, Kim Kardashian West opened up about her plans to become a lawyerand in an accompanying video (part of the magazines 73 Questions series), the reality star opened the doors to the impressive Hidden Hills mansion she shares with her husband Kanye West and their three (soon to be four) little ones. The pristine, gallery-like home was the brainchild of West and renowned architect Axel Vervoordt, she revealed in the video, describing the abodes style as minimal monastery. When West interviewed Vervoordt for The Hollywood Reporter last year, the rapper noted to his interior designer that architecture should communicate to humanity an understanding of proportion and spaces and the way it affects your mood. And the mood of Kardashian and Wests home appears to be quite zen, with large, light-filled rooms with minimal furniture, all in white and beige tones. Kardashian first greets the camera in an impressive, light-filled front entryway, then takes fans down a hallway lined with glass doors to what is presumably the master suite, which includes a separate sitting room. The bedroom itself is through a wide doorway and is entirely decked out in white and slightly off-white tones (the Vogue cover story describes the Kardashian-Wests bedroom as the size of an airplane hangar). At one point, the camera peeks into the cavernous attached bathroom, where a wall of windows looks out onto a display of tropical plants and greenery. The double vanity in the bathroom almost appears to have no sink basins, while a deep soaking bath on the other end of the room looks as though it were carved out of a single block of marble. Two chairs sit opposite the entrance to the bathroom, anchoring the space. Later on in the video, Kardashian leads fans back through a long, polished concrete hallway to the other end of the home, where she takes a sharp turn into the living room area, which boasts a unique unbleached Steinway piano (the same one that West used to serenade his wife prior to her 38th birthday last year). The room remains sparse, with a minimalistic fireplace on one wall; an eighth-century Thai statue; a very low, thin table; and a stylish white couch. Just off the living room is the show kitchen, which boasts a majorly oversize center island with plants and other chic decor dotting the countertop, and an impressive wall of stainless-steel stovetops (with a stainless-steel backsplash). Entire shelves of matching earthenware bowls and plates can be seen on display in a separate pantry just off the kitchen. A breakfast nook lined with white cushions takes up one wall of the kitchen space, and a family room beyond that offers up a cozy gathering space for the busy family. Theres no such thing as a lazy day, Kardashian says definitively in the video, adding that the entire family being at home together is really rare. Kardashian and West spent a reported $20 million to renovate the 8,000-square-foot home a few years back, and it is now worth an estimated $60 million. New York (AFP) - American television star Kim Kardashian, known for her reality shows and marriage to hip-hop artist Kanye West, is studying law and hopes to pass her California bar exams by 2022, the magazine Vogue reported on Wednesday. The 38-year-old lifestyle mogul, who has 134 million Instagram followers, has been interning at a California law firm since last year. She said she was inspired to study law after successfully petitioning US President Donald Trump last year to pardon Alice Marie Johnson. Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother, had served nearly 22 years of a life sentence for cocaine trafficking. A week after meeting with Kardashian, Trump -- also a former reality television star -- pardoned Johnson in June 2018. The star of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" said she had been invited on a different occasion to the White House to participate in a working group on pardons and clemency. "I just felt like I wanted to be able to fight for people who have paid their dues to society," she told Vogue. "I just felt like the system could be so different, and I wanted to fight to fix it, and if I knew more, I could do more," said the mother-of-three whose own father Robert was an attorney who helped defend OJ Simpson in his murder trial. Admission to law school in the United States usually requires a bachelor's degree in any discipline. Kardashian never graduated from the college she attended, Pierce, having dropped out before she completed her course. But some states including California do allow would-be attorneys to intern in a law firm for four years before taking the bar exam. Kardashian has been apprenticing at a San Francisco law firm since last year and hopes to pass her exams by 2022. In the meantime, she said she is taking an interest in other cases of inmates calling for early release from prison. CAIRO (AP) Sudan's defense minister, who led the overthrow Thursday of autocratic ruler Omar al-Bashir, has had his assets blocked by the U.S. Treasury since 2007 for supporting and managing militias accused of carrying out genocide in the country's Darfur conflict. In a televised statement, Gen. Awad ibn Ouf declared that the military had removed and arrested al-Bashir and that it will rule the country for the next two years as part of a transitional council along with the powerful security and intelligence agencies. His appearance made him the face of military rule, and the general is likely to become the country's formal leader, though the makeup of the council has not yet been announced. That has stunned and angered protesters who have been holding rallies for months demanding al-Bashir's ouster and the establishment of civilian-led democracy. Ibn Ouf, in his mid-60s, is a longtime insider in the leadership of al-Bashir's 30-year rule. He rose up in the ranks to become chief of Sudan's military intelligence and was made defense minister in 2015. Al-Bashir named him as a vice president in February. He was among other Sudanese officials placed on a U.S. sanctions list for his role in the bloodshed in the western region of Darfur. Al-Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide over the conflict in which 200,000 people were killed. The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when ethnic Africans rebelled, accusing the Arab-dominated government of discrimination. The government in Khartoum was accused of retaliating by arming local nomadic Arab tribes in militias known as the Janjaweed and unleashing them on civilian populations. The militias became notorious for massacres and rapes. Government officials denied the charges. In 2007, the U.S. Treasury Department blocked ibn Ouf's assets along with two other Sudanese officials for their role in "fomenting violence and human rights abuses in Darfur." Story continues It accused them of acting as "liaisons" between the government and the Janjaweed. It said ibn Ouf "provided the Janjaweed with logistical support and directed attacks." At the time, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. said, "Even in the face of sanctions, these individuals have continued to play direct roles in the terrible atrocities of Darfur." George Clooney and John Prendergast, co-founders of The Sentry, an investigative initiative created to uncover the financial networks behind conflicts in Africa, singled out ibn Ouf for his role in Darfur and said al-Bashir's ouster is not enough. "Removing the leader of a violent, corrupt system without dismantling that system is inadequate. The next steps are crucial," the two said in a statement. They urged the international community to help Sudan to have a new president who "reflects the will of people." A man has been arrested and taken into custody over an incident in which a five-year-old child may have been pushed or thrown from an upper balcony at the Mall of America. Reports said a 24-year-old man was detained after the incident at the celebrated shopping complex, located outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bloomington police chief Jeffrey Potts said witnesses told police the child may have been pushed or thrown from the malls third level to the first floor. Officers gave first aid, but the five-year-old suffered significant injuries and had been taken to a hospital, Mr Potts said. A witness told WCCO-TV a woman was screaming that someone had thrown her child from the third floor balcony. This was near the southeast corner of the mall. She was screaming Everyone pray, everyone pray. Oh my God, my baby, someone threw him over the edge, said Brian Johnson. Mr Potts said the suspect ran off after the incident but was quickly found and arrested at the mall, according to the Associated Press. The officer said police did not believe there was any relationship between the man and the child or the childs family. He says police did not have an idea about a possible motive. At this point we believe this is an isolated incident, Mr Potts said. Were actively trying to figure out why this occurred. No details were immediately available about the childs condition. The 4.2-million-square-foot Mall of America is in Bloomington, about 10 miles south of Minneapolis. It is the fifth largest in the country. MODESTO, Calif. (AP) A man suspected of being in the country illegally has pleaded not guilty to killing a Northern California police officer during a traffic stop in a case that has rekindled a debate over California's sanctuary law that limits law enforcement's cooperation with federal immigration authorities. An attorney for Paulo Virgen Mendoza entered the not guilty plea to a murder charge in Stanislaus Superior Court, the Modesto Bee reported Thursday. Mendoza is charged with fatally shooting Newman Police Officer Cpl. Ronil Singh on Dec. 26. Investigators say Singh suspected Mendoza of drunken driving. Authorities say Mendoza was in the country illegally and was fleeing back to his native Mexico when he was arrested two days after Singh's killing near Bakersfield. President Donald Trump seized on the case to call for tougher border security amid a fight with congressional Democrats over funding for a border wall, which has forced a partial government shutdown. The sheriff leading the investigation blamed California's sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Gustavo Perez Arriaga to U.S. immigration officials for two previous drunken driving arrests. If he had been deported, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said, Cpl. Ronil Singh of the tiny Newman Police Department would still be alive. The case was put on hold in January to determine if Mendoza was mentally fit to stand trial. On Thursday, a judge determined he was competent to stand trial after Mendoza was examined by a psychiatrist. Mendoza is still identified in Stanislaus County jail records as Gustavo Perez Arriaga, an alias that he used when arrested. But he's referred to in court by his given name. Prosecutors say Mendoza is eligible for the death penalty. ___ Information from: The Modesto Bee, Brandon Nimmo belted a two-run homer to highlight his three-hit performance as the visiting New York Mets matched a franchise record by scoring at least six runs in their sixth straight game with a 6-2 victory over the Atlanta Braves on Friday. Jeff McNeil ripped a two-run double and Robinson Cano and Michael Conforto each had an RBI double for the Mets, who also scored at least six runs in six straight games in 1997, 1998 and twice in 2007. Georgia native Zack Wheeler (1-1) answered a seven-walk outing in Sunday's 12-9 loss to Washington with a strong effort against Atlanta. The 28-year-old right-hander allowed two runs on six hits and struck out eight to improve to 6-3 in 11 career starts versus the Braves. Atlanta's Ronald Acuna Jr. had a run-scoring double among his two hits to improve to 9-for-14 with three homers and six RBIs in his last four games. Josh Donaldson also had two hits and scored on Nick Markakis' sacrifice fly for the Braves, who have dropped two in a row after winning seven of their previous eight. After Donaldson beat Nimmo's throw to the plate to open the scoring in the first inning, New York answered in the next frame with its 14th homer in six games. Nimmo, who was dropped from the leadoff position to the No. 8 spot in the order, deposited a 3-1 fastball from rookie right-hander Kyle Wright (0-2) over the wall in right-center field to give the Mets a 2-1 lead. McNeil sent Wright's offering to right-center field to plate Keon Broxton and Nimmo in the fourth inning. Cano and Conforto followed with back-to-back RBI doubles to right field to cap the scoring in the four-run frame. Acuna slapped an RBI double off the right-field wall to trim the deficit to 6-2 in the fifth, but Wheeler settled down before New York went to its bullpen. Justin Wilson retired the side in order in the seventh and Seth Lugo got the final six outs to preserve the win. Wright yielded six runs on eight hits with four walks in 3 2/3 innings to take the loss. --Field Level Media Mike Pence has addressed his experiences working with Pete Buttigieg after the Indiana mayor spoke about his faith and sexuality in a speech that went viral over the weekend. They mayor, who is exploring a 2020 presidential run against Donald Trump, drew attention at the Victory Fund Brunch when he suggested the vice presidentas anti-LGBTQ+ agenda during his time as governor of Indiana went against his strict Catholic faith. aMy marriage to Chasten has made me a better man and yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God,a he said. aAnd thatas the thing I wish the Mike Penceas of the world could understand, that if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.a Speaking with CNBCas Joe Kernan, the vice president said Mr Buttigieg aknows bettera than to attack his faith. aI worked very closely with Mayor Pete when I was governor of the state of Indiana,a Mr Pence said. aWe had a great working relationship. He said some things that are critical of my Christian faith and of me personally. He knows better. He knows me.a Mr Pence went on to suggest the Democratic mayor was using him to get ahead of his potential competitors in a crowded Democratic primary field. aI get it,a he said. aThey got 19 people running for president on that side in a party thatas sliding off to the left and theyare all competing with one another for how much more liberal they can be.a The vice presidentas wife, Karen a who now teaches art at a school that rejects student applications based on their parentsa sexuality a also rejected criticisms of her husband and their faith this week. aYou shouldnat be attacked for what your religious beliefs are and I think kids need to learn that at a young age that this is okay what faith people have,a she said. aWe donat attack them for their faith.a Mr Buttigieg has leapt in the polls in crucial states like Iowa and New Hampshire, while proving to be one of the biggest fundraisers of the first quarter despite little name recognition nationwide. Story continues A devout Episcopalian, Mr Buttigieg has often discussed his religious views and sexuality along the campaign trail, refuting the notion that America is not yet ready to elect a queer president. aI can tell you, that if me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade,a Mr Buttigieg said over the weekend. London (AFP) - More than 70 British lawmakers have urged their government to prioritise any extradition bid Sweden might make for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is also wanted in the United States. Assange was arrested on Thursday at Ecuador's London embassy on allegations of skipping bail, and on a US extradition warrant related to a huge leak of official documents. He had sought refuge in the embassy in 2012 while on bail awaiting extradition to Sweden for allegations of sexual assault and rape, which he always denied. In the letter, the MPs and peers urge British Home Secretary Sajid Javid to "give every assistance to Sweden should they want to revive and pursue the investigation". British law states that if Sweden does make an extradition request, it would be up to Javid to decide which should take precedence. "We must send a strong message of the priority the UK has in tackling sexual violence and the seriousness with which such allegations are viewed," the letter says. The sexual assault claim expired in 2015 and Swedish prosecutors dropped a preliminary investigation into the rape allegation in 2017, arguing that since Assange could not be reached, they could not proceed. Following his arrest, however, the alleged rape victim asked that her case now be reopened -- but the limitation period on this claim expires in August 2020. "We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done," the letter says. The MPs and peers add that it is "of grave concern to us" that the Swedish authorities did not appear to have prior warning of Assange's arrest, unlike the US authorities. The letter was also copied to Diane Abbott, the home affairs spokeswoman for the main opposition Labour party. - 'Fight it hard' - Abbott said: "Assange skipping bail in UK, or any rape charge that may be brought by Swedish authorities shouldn't be ignored. Story continues "But the only extradition request is from USA, because he's a whistle-blower on atrocities caused by US military ops. This extradition would be wrong so we oppose it." Assange is currently being held at the high-security Belmarsh jail in southeast London. The 47-year-old Australian claims the Swedish cases against him were politically motivated, linked to the leak in 2010 of a huge number of US military and diplomatic documents. He sought refuge with Ecuador, claiming that his extradition to Sweden was a pretext for his transfer to the United States. But Ecuador withdrew his asylum status and allowed British police into the embassy on Thursday to arrest the white-bearded Assange. He appeared in court a few hours later and was found guilty of breaching his bail terms back in 2012. He could be jailed for up to a year when he is sentenced at a later date. The separate extradition case on US charges of computer hacking is set for May 2, although the United States has until June 12 to submit full extradition papers. Assange's London lawyer Jennifer Robinson said: "He's obviously going to fight extradition and fight it hard." Seoul (AFP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is willing meet with US President Donald Trump a third time if Washington comes to the table with the "right attitude", state media reported Saturday. Kim also said he would wait until the end of the year "for the US to make a courageous decision" on another meeting, after his most recent summit with Trump in Vietnam broke down and both sides left without agreement. Washington has blamed the February deadlock on the North's demands for sanctions relief in return for limited nuclear disarmament, but Pyongyang said it had wanted only some of the measures eased. In a speech to Pyongyang's rubber-stamp parliament Friday, Kim said the Hanoi meeting had made him question whether Washington is "genuinely interested" in improving its relations with Pyongyang. "We are willing to give another try if the US offers to have a third summit with the right attitude and mutually acceptable terms," he said, according to a report by North Korean state media outlet KCNA. Kim added that his personal relationship with Trump remained strong, adding they could "write letters to each other" whenever they wanted. "We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the US to make a courageous decision," Kim said. Trump and Kim held their first landmark summit in Singapore last June, where the pair signed a vaguely-worded agreement on the "denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula". But the failure to reach agreement at their second summit in Hanoi has raised questions over the future of the accord. Trump said Thursday he was mulling a third summit with Kim ahead of a meeting with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in at the Oval Office -- a move supported by Seoul. Moon brokered the US-North Korea talks and has been pushing for the resumption of inter-Korean economic projects, but doing so would fall foul of international sanctions imposed on Pyongyang. Story continues "Our government will do what we can in order to maintain the current momentum for dialogue," Moon's office said in a Saturday statement. The day before Kim accused Seoul of acting as an "overstepping mediator" and said the South should "speak up" for Pyongyang's interests. On Friday, KCNA reported Kim was re-elected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission, the North's most important decision-making body. A controversial bill which bans abortions before many women even know they are pregnant has been signed into law in Ohio. The piece of legislation, which is one of the strictest abortion restrictions in the US, does not even allow women to end their pregnancy when they have been raped or in instances of incest. Republican politicians also added a last minute addition that imposes a $20,000 (15,300) fine on doctors who violate the law when the bill passed the state House earlier in the week. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed the "heartbeat bill" into law on Thursday making it illegal for women to receive an abortion once a heartbeat has been detected in the foetus. This can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy a point at which many women do not yet know they are pregnant. Mr DeWine broke with John Kasich, his predecessor who is a fellow Republican who vetoed heartbeat bills in 2016 and 2018, citing them as unconstitutional. State Representative Michele Lepore-Hagan, a Democrat, cried as she talked about the harm the legislation could do during Wednesdays House debate. Im concerned that our kids are going to leave, that were going to lose a large amount of young people who dont want to live in an oppressive atmosphere, she said. Kellie Copeland, director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, said lawmakers and the governor have nosedived the state into a dystopian nightmare where people are forced to continue pregnancies regardless of the harm that may come to them or their family. The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio said it was planning a constitutional challenge to the law on behalf of Pre-Term Cleveland and three other Ohio abortion clinics before the legislation was signed. But the bills supporters are eager for a legal challenge and have long aspired to provoke a challenge with the potential to overturn Roe v Wade the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalised abortion nationwide in 1973. The Supreme Court has previously ruled that states cannot ban abortion before a foetus is viable about 23 to 25 weeks. Story continues We literally crafted this legislation to be the arrow in the heart of Roe v Wade, Janet Folger Porter, who was behind the first version of the Ohio legislation, said in 2016. It is made to come before the United States Supreme Court. Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis said: The heartbeat bill is the next incremental step in our strategy to overturn Roe v Wade." The first version of the legislation was written by Ms Folger Porter a far-right religious and anti-abortion activist back in 2011 and introduced five times. Victory! Faith2Action, the Ohio-based anti-abortion group that originated the heartbeat concept in 2010, said. Seema Nanda, the chief executive of the Democratic National Committee hit out at the legislation branding it the latest example of how the Trump administrations extremist, anti-women policies have emboldened legislators across the country to attack womens access to health care. Ohio is the seventh state to pass legislation that bans abortion after a heartbeat is detected and legislation is pending in 11 other states. None of the signed bills have successfully become law so far. But Alarm bells have been raised that Roe v Wade could be overturned or radically undermined with new conservative justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Abortion opponents in other states have been emboldened to attempt to provoke new legal battles that could spark Supreme Court justices to revisit the key case. But critics argue the Republicans are unnecessarily launching legal battles that will prove to be expensive and futile with taxpayers potentially footing the bill. Earlier this week, Texas proposed a law that would criminalise abortions and make it possible for women to receive the death penalty for having an abortion. However, the bill appeared to have failed by Wednesday night with the Republican state representative who allowed a hearing on the legislation announcing his opposition to it. Last week, legislation was introduced in Alabama that would make carrying out an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy punishable by 10 to 99 years in jail even in cases of rape and incest. The bill, which has more than 60 co-sponsors in the 105-member Alabama house of representatives, equates legalised abortion to some of historys gravest atrocities likening having your pregnancy terminated to the Nazi campaign of extermination that led to the mass murders of Jews and others during the Holocaust. By Ali Sawafta and Nidal al-Mughrabi RAMALLAH, GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday swore in a new government headed by a loyalist from his dominant Fatah party, a move rejected by his Islamist rival Hamas as a blow to unity efforts. Mohammed Shtayyeh, an economist and longtime Abbas adviser, will serve as prime minister of the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA). Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki and Finance Minister Shukri Bishara will continue in their positions. Shtayyeh was named Palestinian prime minister on March 10, replacing the independent university president Rami Al-Hamdallah. He will run the ministries of interior and religious affairs until new appointees are named for the two posts. The rival Hamas group that runs Gaza called the move blow to unity efforts that faltered since the two groups signed a new reconciliation deal in Cairo in October 2017, but disputes over power-sharing had blocked the implementation of the agreement. "This is a separatist government, it has no national legitimacy and it will reinforce the chances of severing the West Bank from Gaza," said a statement issued by Hamas as the swearing ceremony in Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank ended. Two factions of Abbas's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) refused to take part in Shtayyeh's government. Shtayyeh's immediate challenge is to shore up the cash-strapped PA, which exercises limited self-rule under interim peace accords with Israel. The PA has been squeezed by steep U.S. aid cuts, with the crisis exacerbated by a dispute with Israel over the withholding of some 5 percent of the monthly tax revenues it transfers to the Authority. Israel said the sum it is holding back matches money used by the PA to pay stipends to families of militants in Israeli jails. The PA has refused to accept any tax transfers until those funds are restored. It scaled back wages paid to civil servants in February and March to weather the crisis. Moreover, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is heading toward a fifth term in office after an election on April 9, said he would annex Israeli settlements in the West Bank if he is re-elected. If implemented, the move would be a grave a blow to Palestinian aspirations of a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. The peace process has all but collapsed and Israel has expanded its settlements in East Jerusalem and the West bank despite international objections. Palestinian leaders said Israel was being empowered by U.S. President Donald Trump to "violate national and human rights of the people of Palestine". Speaking to his new cabinet members, Abbas repeated his rejection of Trump's peace plan and said it was not useful to talk to Trump after he moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognized the holy city as Israel's capital. "More developments will take place in the coming days but we will cooperate and confront it together because they are going to be difficult," said Abbas, hinting at the possible announcement of Trump's peace initiative. Nickolay Maldenov, the U.N. special Middle East peace envoy welcomed the announcement of a new government and promised to cooperate with it. "The United Nations remains fully committed to working with the Palestinian leadership and people in ending the occupation and advancing their legitimate national aspirations for statehood based on UN resolutions," said Mladenov said. Shtayyeh, a former government minister, has been part of a number of Palestinian negotiating teams in the United States-brokered talks with Israel. (Reporting by Ali Sawafta and Nidal al-Mughrabi; Editing by Angus MacSwan) A Paul Pogba brace helped Manchester United overcome an average performance to defeat West Ham 2-1. Paul Pogba gave Ole Gunnar Solskjaers men the first-half lead when he converted a penalty. Felipe Anderson tapped home shortly after the interval, but Pogbas second penalty late on ensured the hosts stole the spoils. And the result ensured United picked up their second win in their last six games in all competitions. Anderson thought he had volleyed West Ham in front early on after Hernandezs header picked out the Brazilian, only to be denied by the flag. It proved controversial after replays showed Diogo Dalot was playing the Brazilian onside when he latched onto former United striker Javier Hernandezs header. But it was the hosts who took the lead when Robert Snodgrass made a reckless tackle on Juan Mata inside the box. Pogba duly converted, drilling the penalty beyond Lukasz Fabianski. The visitors upped their game in response and were perhaps unfortunate not to level when Andersons near post flick left Manuel Lanzini with an open goal, but the Argentine could not make contact. AS IT HAPPENED: Manchester United edge West Ham thanks to Paul Pogba Jesse Lingard might have won the hosts a second spot-kick a few minutes before the interval after going down under Angelo Ogbonnas challenge, but was denied by referee Graham Scott. But West Ham levelled shortly after the break with Anderson, who tapped home from close range after a cross from former United favourite Chicharito. England forward Marcus Rashford almost made an immediate impact from the bench, latching onto Chris Smallings through ball and firing at goal from an acute angle, with Fabianski getting down well to parry away. He then spurned a gilt-edged opportunity when he headed over the bar from just a few yards out after West Ham had failed to sufficiently clear their lines from a ball into the box. But David de Gea had to be in imperious form to deny Michail Antonios ferocious header after the Hammers forward hit the crossbar moments earlier. Story continues Ruthless as ever, Anthony Martial immediately made the visitors pay for the missed chances when the Frenchman was brought down by defender Fabian Balbuena in the box. Pogba did the business once again from the spot and ensured Manuel Pellegrinis men were left ruing their fortune as United moved back above Arsenal into fifth place. Additional from PA. Featured from our writers: By Jan Wolfe (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks. "The memory of 9/11 is sacred ground, and any discussion of it must be done with reverence," Pelosi said in a statement posted on Twitter. "The President shouldn't use the painful images of 9/11 for a political attack." On Friday, Trump tweeted a video suggesting that Omar, a U.S. representative from Minnesota, was dismissive of the Sept. 11 attacks. The video spliced news footage of 9/11 with a clip from a speech Omar gave last month in which she described the terror attack as "some people did something." The Trump tweet included the words "WE WILL NEVER FORGET!" In Omar's speech, given to a Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, she said Muslims had "lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I'm tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it." Omar said the advocacy group recognized that "some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties." Lawmakers from Trump's Republican party have accused Omar of minimizing the 9/11 attacks, while critics of the president say he took Omar's words out of context in order to stoke anti-Muslim sentiment. "No one person no matter how corrupt, inept, or vicious can threaten my unwavering love for America," Omar wrote in a tweet on Saturday. "I stand undeterred to continue fighting for equal opportunity in our pursuit of happiness for all Americans." (Reporting by Jan Wolfe; Editing by Dan Grebler and Jonathan Oatis) Photo credit: Getty Images From Esquire Unbelievable. White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release detainees onto the streets of sanctuary cities to retaliate against President Trumps political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by The Washington Post. Trump administration officials have proposed transporting detained immigrants to sanctuary cities at least twice in the past six months - once in November, as a migrant caravan approached the U.S. southern border, and again in February, amid a standoff with Democrats over funding for Trumps border wall. House Speaker Nancy Pelosis district in San Francisco was among those the White House wanted to target, according to DHS officials. The administration also considered releasing detainees in other Democratic strongholds. This proposal was too vengeful and crazy for the people at ICE, which should tell you something. The attempt at political retribution raised alarm within ICE, with a top official responding that it was rife with budgetary and liability concerns, and noting that there are PR risks as well. After the White House pressed again in February, ICEs legal department rejected the idea as inappropriate and rebuffed the administration. Photo credit: Getty Images One of the regular drivetime radio gotchas in this regard is to ask, "If you love these 'illegals' so much, why don't you let them pitch a tent in your backyard?", nyuk-nyuk. Apparently, this is the place from which we're drawing national policy these days. Well, thence, and also from the fevered mind of perhaps the worst White House staffer of the past 30 years. The White House believed it could punish Democrats - including Pelosi - by busing ICE detainees into their districts before their release, according to two DHS whistleblowers who independently reported the busing plan to Congress. One of the whistleblowers spoke with The Washington Post, and several DHS officials confirmed the accounts. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller discussed the proposal with ICE, according to two DHS officials. Matthew Albence, who is ICEs acting deputy director, immediately questioned the proposal in November... Story continues It was basically an idea that Miller wanted that nobody else wanted to carry out, said one congressional investigator who has spoken to one of the whistleblowers. What happened here is that Stephen Miller called people at ICE, said if theyre going to cut funding, youve got to make sure youre releasing people in Pelosis district and other congressional districts. The investigator spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect the whistleblower. We've all long understood that El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago considers himself president* only of those people who buy one of his hats. But weaponizing confused, desperate people to has that special tang of cruelty to it that can only be found when two barbed-wire minds are working in perfect harmony. You have to have the humanity of a wolverine even to think of something like this. Respond to this post on the Esquire Politics Facebook page here. ('You Might Also Like',) The worst result, after buying shares in a company (assuming no leverage), would be if you lose all the money you put in. But when you pick a company that is really flourishing, you can make more than 100%. To wit, the Prairie Mining Limited (ASX:PDZ) share price has flown 134% in the last three years. Most would be happy with that. In more good news, the share price has risen -2.6% in thirty days. See our latest analysis for Prairie Mining We don't think Prairie Mining's revenue of AU$676,817 is enough to establish significant demand. So it seems shareholders are too busy dreaming about the progress to come than dwelling on the current (lack of) revenue. It seems likely some shareholders believe that Prairie Mining will find or develop a valuable new mine before too long. As a general rule, if a company doesn't have much revenue, and it loses money, then it is a high risk investment. The is usually a significant chance that they will need more money for business development, putting them at the mercy of capital markets. So the share price itself impacts the value of the shares (as it determines the cost of capital). While some such companies do very well over the long term, others become hyped up by promoters before eventually falling back down to earth, and going bankrupt (or being recapitalized). Some Prairie Mining investors have already had a taste of the sweet taste stocks like this can leave in the mouth, as they gain popularity and attract speculative capital When it reported in December 2018 Prairie Mining had minimal net cash consider its expenditure: just AU$4.5m to be specific. So if it hasn't remedied the situation already, it will almost certainly have to raise more capital soon. It's a testament to the popularity of the business plan that the share price gained 33% per year, over 3 years, despite the weak balance sheet. The image below shows how Prairie Mining's balance sheet has changed over time; if you want to see the precise values, simply click on the image. Story continues ASX:PDZ Historical Debt, April 13th 2019 Of course, the truth is that it is hard to value companies without much revenue or profit. Given that situation, many of the best investors like to check if insiders have been buying shares. If they are buying a significant amount of shares, that's certainly a good thing. You can click here to see if there are insiders buying. A Different Perspective Investors in Prairie Mining had a tough year, with a total loss of 42%, against a market gain of about 11%. However, keep in mind that even the best stocks will sometimes underperform the market over a twelve month period. Regrettably, last year's performance caps off a bad run, with the shareholders facing a total loss of 1.8% per year over five years. We realise that Buffett has said investors should 'buy when there is blood on the streets', but we caution that investors should first be sure they are buying a high quality businesses. Shareholders might want to examine this detailed historical graph of past earnings, revenue and cash flow. For those who like to find winning investments this free list of growing companies with recent insider purchasing, could be just the ticket. Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on AU exchanges. We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned. Thank you for reading. * Defense minister steps down as head of military council * Abrupt departure after just a day in the post * Military council took charge after ousting Bashir * Sudan's new military leader appears ready to talk * Protesters to keep pushing for civilian leadership By Khalid Abdelaziz KHARTOUM, April 13 (Reuters) - Protesters in Sudan said on Saturday they would keep up pressure for civilian rule after the defense minister stepped down abruptly as interim leader following the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir after 30 years of autocratic rule. Defense Minister Awad Ibn Auf stepped down as head of the transitional military council late on Friday after only a day in the post, as protesters demanded faster political change. Celebrations erupted on the streets of Khartoum, where thousands of protesters waved flags and illuminated mobile phones in the darkness and drivers hooted car horns. People chanted: "The second has fallen!" a reference to Ibn Auf and Bashir, witnesses said. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), which has been leading the protests, called for more demonstrations on Saturday. "Today, we continue the march to finish the victory for our victorious revolution," the SPA said in a statement. "We assert that our revolution is continuing and will not retreat or deviate from its path until we achieve ... our people's legitimate demands of handing over power to a civilian government," it said. The new head of the military council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdelrahman, is a commander believed to be more ready to talk to demonstrators. Burhan was the third most senior general in the Sudanese armed forces and is little known in public life. As head of Sudans ground forces he oversaw Sudanese troops fighting in the Saudi-led Yemen war and has close ties to senior Gulf military officials. DIALOGUE WITH DEMONSTRATORS "What happened is a step in the right direction and is a bow to the will of the masses, and we have come closer to victory," said Rashid Saeed, an SPA spokesman, adding the group planned more protests on Saturday. Story continues The military council said earlier it expected a pre-election transition to last two years at most or less if chaos could be avoided. The head of the military council's political committee, Omar Zain al-Abideen, said the council would hold a dialog with political groups. The announcement appeared aimed at reassuring demonstrators who had pressed for months for Bashir's departure and resumed protests against army rule after his ouster on Thursday, calling for quicker and more substantial change. Bashir, 75, seized power in a 1989 military coup. He had faced 16 weeks of demonstrations brought on by rising food costs, high unemployment and increasing repression during his three decades in power. The protests escalated last Saturday when thousands of demonstrators, apparently bolstered by change in Algeria following similar protests, marched towards the Defence Ministry in central Khartoum to deliver a memorandum demanding the military side with them. Demonstrators have been camping outside the compound since then to push for a handover of power. Worshippers packed the streets around the Defence Ministry for Friday prayers, heeding a call by the SPA to challenge the military council. The numbers swelled in the afternoon and a Reuters witness estimated hundreds of thousands of protesters thronged areas around the ministry, which was guarded by soldiers. At least 16 people were killed and 20 injured by stray bullets at protests and sit-ins on Thursday and Friday, a police spokesman said. Government buildings and private property were also attacked, spokesman Hashem Ali added. He asked citizens to help ensure safety and public order. Ibn Auf was Bashir's vice president and defense minister and is among the few Sudanese commanders on whom Washington imposed sanctions over their alleged role in atrocities committed in the Darfur conflict that began in 2003. (Additional reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Nayera Abdallah in Cairo, writing by Sami Aboudi; Editing by Janet Lawrence) By Khalid Abdelaziz KHARTOUM (Reuters) - The new head of Sudan's military council said on Saturday a civilian government would be formed after consultations with the opposition and promised the transition period would last for a maximum of two years, as protesters kept up pressure for rapid change. In his first televised address, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdelrahman said he was also cancelling a night curfew ordered by his predecessor and ordered the release of all prisoners jailed under emergency laws put in place by ousted President Omar al-Bashir. A coalition of groups leading the protests said it had accepted an invitation by the armed forces to meet on Saturday to discuss a new civilian government. Bashir was overthrown on Thursday after weeks of mass protests brought on by rising food costs, high unemployment and increasing repression during his three decades in power. The main protest organiser had earlier on Saturday urged people to keep marching to demand a civilian government after the defence minister and the intelligence chief stepped down. Thousands of people gathered in front of the Defence Ministry in central Khartoum, a Reuters witness said. Salah Abdallah Mohamed Saleh, known as Salah Gosh, the former head of the National Intelligence and Security Service quit, state media said on Saturday. He was once the most influential person in the country after Bashir and protesters held him responsible for the killing of demonstrators demanding an end to military rule. Defence Minister Awad Ibn Auf stepped down as head of the transitional military council late on Friday after only a day in the post. Celebrations erupted on the streets of Khartoum overnight after Ibn Auf's resignation. Thousands of protesters waved flags and illuminated mobile phones in the darkness and drivers hooted car horns. People chanted: "The second has fallen!" a reference to Ibn Auf and Bashir, witnesses said. Story continues "Islamists have now lost control and they are in shock. Their ability to project influence in an organized way inside the state appears weak," said Sudanese analyst Khalid al-Tijani. "The reason for the changes in Sudan is the pressure from protesters and pressures within the army, and the fear among military commanders of a split in the armed forces." LITTLE KNOWN Burhan, the new head of the military council, was the third most senior general in the Sudanese armed forces and is little known in public life. As head of Sudans ground forces he oversaw Sudanese troops fighting in the Saudi-led Yemen war and has close ties to senior Gulf military officials. The opposition are demanding a civilian government, but I think it will be a mixed government," analyst Muhammad Osman said before Burhan's remarks on Saturday. "The military would want to retain the defence and interior portfolios. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), which has been leading protests to demand a civilian government, called for more demonstrations earlier on Saturday. "Today, we continue the march to finish the victory for our victorious revolution," the SPA said in a statement. "We assert that our revolution is continuing and will not retreat or deviate from its path until we achieve ... our people's legitimate demands of handing over power to a civilian government," it said. Bashir, 75, seized power in a 1989 military coup. The protests against him escalated last Saturday when thousands of demonstrators, apparently bolstered by change in Algeria following similar protests, marched towards the Defence Ministry in Khartoum to deliver a memorandum demanding the military side with them. Demonstrators have been camping outside the compound since then to push for a handover of power. At least 16 people were killed and 20 injured by stray bullets at protests and sit-ins on Thursday and Friday, a police spokesman said. Government buildings and private property were also attacked, spokesman Hashem Ali added. He asked citizens to help ensure safety and public order. The military council under Ibn Auf had said it would not extradite Bashir to face accusations of genocide at the international war crimes court. Instead he might go on trial in Sudan. (Additional reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Sami Aboudi in Cairo; Writing by Lena Masri; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Jane Merriman) Following is a summary of current world news briefs. Exclusive: Ex-South Sudan rebel leader believes unity government won't be ready by May 12 The two sides of war-ravaged South Sudan will not be able to meet a May 12 deadline to form a unity government because key requirements of a peace deal have not been met, former rebel leader Riek Machar told Reuters on Friday. Machar - who should regain his post as vice president under the deal - said the government and the rebels needed another six months before forming a unity government. Defiant Poroshenko: Ukraine's voters will choose substance over style in election Ukraine's leader on Friday said he was confident of turning the tables on his inexperienced opponent in the second round of the presidential election, saying voters would choose a substantive program over his challenger's dangerous populism. President Petro Poroshenko has been fighting for his political survival against Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a comedian with no prior political experience, who has a commanding poll lead as the two go into a run-off on April 21. U.S. slaps sanctions on four shipping firms, nine ships, carrying oil from Venezuela The United States on Friday announced more sanctions on shipping companies transporting oil from Venezuela, blacklisting four shipping companies and nine vessels, some of which the U.S. Treasury Department said carried oil to Cuba. The U.S. Treasury identified the firms as Liberia-based Jennifer Navigation Ltd, Lima Shipping Corp and Large Range Ltd, and Italy-based PB Tankers S.P.A. Canada's Trudeau isn't talking about it, but legal pot is going well Long lines formed on a sub-zero morning last week to buy marijuana over the counter from three different shops in Ottawa, the first capital in the industrialized world to open them. Though the day highlighted the realization of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's promise to legalize cannabis during his 2015 campaign, neither he nor anyone else from the ruling Liberal party was out taking credit for it - a sign that the social stigma around marijuana is still strong. Story continues Ecuador holding Swedish programmer linked to Assange in custody Ecuador said on Friday it is holding a programmer linked to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in custody pending possible charges of interfering in private communications, a day after ending Assange's seven-year asylum in its London embassy. Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said prosecutors could file charges against Ola Bini, who she said lives in Ecuador and had visited Assange in the London embassy a dozen times. Demanding civilian government, thousands defy military curfew in Sudan Thousands of Sudanese demonstrators camped outside the defense ministry in Khartoum to push for a civilian government, defying a curfew and calling for mass prayers after the military overthrew Omar al-Bashir after 30 years of autocratic rule. Demonstrators who have been holding almost daily anti-Bashir protests rejected the decision to set up a transitional military council to run the country for two years and vowed to continue protests until a civilian government is established. Israeli soldiers kill Gaza teenager during border protest Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian teenager taking part in protests along the Gaza border on Friday, Palestinian health officials said, the first fatality since Gazans marked the one-year anniversary of the weekly demonstrations in March. The Israeli military said about 7,400 Palestinians massed along the frontier, some throwing rocks, and that there were several attempts to approach the fence into Israel. UK parliament very likely to consider new Brexit referendum: Hammond The idea of a second Brexit referendum is very likely to be put before Britain's parliament again although the government remains opposed to any new plebiscite, the British finance minister said on Friday. Philip Hammond said he hoped parliament would break the Brexit impasse by passing a deal by the end of June, potentially ending the calls for a new referendum, and there was a "good chance" of a breakthrough in talks with the opposition Labour Party. North Korea's Kim Jong Un says U.S. must change stance, gives deadline North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the breakdown in talks with the United States has raised the risks of returning to past tensions, but he is only interested in meeting President Donald Trump again if the United States comes with the right attitude, state media KCNA said on Saturday. Kim said that he will wait "until the end of this year" for the United States to decide, according to KCNA. Pompeo slams China, Russia involvement in Venezuela U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday accused China of aiding Venezuela's economic collapse by bankrolling President Nicolas Maduro's government and said Russian troop presence in the country was an "obvious provocation." "China and others are being hypocritical in calling for 'non-intervention' in Venezuela's affairs," Pompeo said in a speech in Chile's capital. "Their own financial interventions have helped destroy the country." Roger Stone, former adviser to President Donald Trump, departs the E. Barrett Prettyman United States Court House on March 14, 2019 in Washington, DC. in connection with charges aginast him of lying to Congress. In a flurry of legal filings, Roger Stone's defense team argues that he and his defense team should be allowed an exclusive look at the Mueller report. They also claim that since Attorney General Robert Barr has declared there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, that "there is no there there" as regards charges against Stone. And finally, his defense argues that the whole special counsel investigation was not constitutionally funded because Congress did not specifically appropriate funds for special counsel offices and that Congress has not explicitly provided that the special counsel can investigate a president or his presidential campaign. "If the President and his presidential campaign cannot be investigated by the Executive Branchs Department of Justice, then the investigation of Roger Stone, which was the direct fruit of that poisoned tree, must fall," according to one filing. The filings were made Friday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, which will oversee his case. Stone, 66, was arrested in January and pleaded not guilty to one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of making false statements and one count of witness tampering. Among other things, he is accused of lying to Congress about his activities linked to information obtained through the Russian hacking of Democratic Party emails and its release through WikiLeaks. He faces trial Nov. 5 in Washington, D.C. Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent almost two years investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. elections, including whether there was any collusion between the Russians and the Donald Trump campaign. Stone, a self-described political "political-trickster," is a longtime friend and political adviser to Trump. While much of the political world awaits a peek at the Mueller report, Stone's team argues that he is the only person with a compelling case to see it. Story continues "The Special Counsel Report may be of political interest to many," the defense team argues in a motion to dismiss the entire case. It may be of commercial interest to others. It may be of public interest to some. But for Roger Stone, the Special Counsels Report is a matter of protecting his liberty. Only by full disclosure to him, can he determine whether the Report contains material which could be critical to his defense." In a separate filing, the defense assures the court that Stone, a political gadfly for a half-century, would keep it under wraps. "To be clear, Stone is not requesting the Report be disclosed to the world only to his counsel so that it may aid in preparing his defense," the filing says. As for dismissing his case, Stone and his defense team note that Barr, in a letter referring to the still unreleased report by Mueller, said he found no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. "Now that the Department of Justice has concluded that there was no conspiracy between Russian agents and any American citizen, including Roger Stone, this 'connection' is unsubstantiated," Stone's defense team argues. "Other than an allegation that Russians, and Stone, independently had some type of contact with WikiLeaks via Twitter, there is no there there," Stone argues in a motion for reconsideration. On another tack, the team argues that the special counsel's office itself was unconstitutionally organized and that Congress has not explicitly provided that the special counsel can investigate a president or his presidential campaign. Nothing could encroach more upon the Presidents duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed than having a Special Prosecutor continually looking over his shoulder, threatening him or the members of his executive branch with potential prosecution for every act they take, Stones defense team wrote.. U.S. vs. Roger J. Stone Jr. by Doug Stanglin on Scribd This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Roger Stone tells court he alone is entitled to see the Mueller report MOSCOW (Reuters) - A court in Russia fined Facebook on Friday for failing to tell authorities where it stores Russian user data, Russian news agencies reported, a ruling that highlights wrangling between tech giants and Moscow as it ramps up Internet controls. The court fined Facebook 3,000 roubles ($47) for not providing information in line with legislation that came into force in 2015 requiring social media companies to store user data on servers located in Russia. The only tools Moscow currently has to enforce its data rules are fines that often amount to small sums or blocking the offending online service, an option fraught with technical difficulties. Russia plans to impose stiffer fines on technology firms that fail to comply with its laws, sources familiar with the plans told Reuters in October. Russia blocked access to LinkedIn in 2016 for not holding its Russian user data on servers in Russia. Last year it moved to block the Telegram instant messaging service, but the attempt failed and the service is still popular. Facebook did not send a representative to the hearing on Friday, but the court pressed ahead anyway as Facebook did not seek for it to be postponed, the Interfax news agency cited the court as saying. A court fined Twitter 3,000 roubles for a similar offence last week. Russia has introduced tougher Internet laws in the last five years, requiring search engines to delete some search results and messaging services to share encryption keys with security services. Russian authorities could gain new powers to block content in November when draft legislation that seeks to expand Russia's sovereignty over its segment of the web could come into force. The bill sailed through a second reading on Thursday in parliament and will become law if it is approved in a final reading, passed by the upper chamber and signed by President Vladimir Putin. ($1 = 64.4450 roubles) (Reporting by Maria Tsvetkova; writing by Tom Balmforth; editing by Maria Kiselyova) April 11 (Reuters) - The son of a sheriff's deputy was charged with burning down three predominately black churches in southern Louisiana over the past two weeks, officials said on Thursday, saying they acted quickly out of concern he would strike again. Holden Matthews, 21, a white resident of St. Landry Parish, the county where the fires occurred, was charged with three counts of simple arson on religious buildings, each count of which carries a prison sentence of up to 15 years, Louisiana Fire Marshal H. "Butch" Browning said. "We are extremely, unequivocally confident that we have the person who is responsible for these tragic crimes on these three churches, Browning told a news briefing in Opelousas, Louisiana, about 60 miles (97 km) west of Baton Rouge. Matthews, the son of Deputy Roy Matthews of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff's Office, was taken into custody late Wednesday, about 12 hours after he was identified as a suspect, Browning said. "We felt that other crimes were imminent," he said. "In an abundance of public safety, we quickly secured warrants and took him into custody." The three churches destroyed by the fires have mostly black congregations, raising authorities' suspicion that the fires may be racially motivated hate crimes. No federal hate crime charges have been filed against Matthews so far. Noting the history of black church burnings in the South, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said the current episode was "especially painful because it reminds us of a very dark past of intimidation and fear." Edwards said the crimes appeared to be unrelated to the March 31 burning of a predominantly white church in another parish. While investigators were still exploring motives, Browning said that Matthews had "a relationship with a type of music called black metal," an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. Black metal has an association with church burnings in other parts of the world, he said. Story continues Officials, including those from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, said the investigation was ongoing. The fires set between March 26 and April 4 destroyed St. Mary Baptist Church in Port Barre, and Greater Union Baptist Church and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas. St. Landry Parish Sheriff Bobby Guidroz said he believed his deputy was unaware of Holden Matthews' involvement in the fires. "Roy Matthews is one of my best friends, a great deputy," Guidroz said. (Reporting by Peter Szekely in New York; Editing by Bernadette Baum) Tvli Birdshead with his brother at a Native American language fair. (Credit: Taloa Birdshead) Oklahoma high school senior Tvli Birdshead was looking forward to finally receiving his high school diploma, while proudly wearing his tribes honor cord, a beaded cap and a feather tributes to his Native American roots and academic achievements. But instead of preparing for this important milestone, the honor student is facing an uphill battle. Latta High School officials have told the Birdshead family that Tvli would not be allowed to wear the Native American regalia at his graduation ceremony, citing the school district dress code policy. Weeks before his graduation in May, Birdshead and his mother Taloa are fighting for Tvlis right to wear the emblems honoring his Native American heritage. Wearing these things is acknowledging that Im the future leader and that this is the first step towards a higher education, Tvli Birdshead told KFOR. It means a whole different thing. Birdshead is proud of his rich Native American background; the eighteen-year-old is a member of five Civilized Tribes and Plains tribes. Tvlis eagle feather and beaded cap are significant ceremonial staples for Native Americans graduates across the country. When a family member is asked or offers to bead that cap it is a high honor, and that beadwork takes time and a lot of thought about the person they are beading for. The colors and design are carefully chosen. The Eagle feather is very spiritual, Taloa, 41, tells Yahoo Lifestyle, adding that Tvlis cousin hand-beaded his cap. It is given by the tribe to honor the graduate for their academic achievement. It is to be worn to show who they are, what Native Nations they represent. Tvli Birdshead's cap, Chickasaw nation honor cord and eagle feather. (Credit: Taloa Birdshead) High school graduations are an especially important milestone for Native Americans, who have the lowest high school graduation rate of any racial and ethnic demographic. Tvli has defied these statistics, graduating as an honor student, ranking in the top ten of his class, while remaining extremely active in student council and Native youth organizations. Story continues The honor cord was given to Tvli and other Native students by the Chickasaw Nation to to celebrate their tribes heritage and accomplishments during this rite of passage. Pride in the educational achievement of our young people has been a part of Chickasaw culture for generations, the Chickasaw Nation Governor Bill Anoatubby tells Yahoo Lifestyle. We hope these cords serve as a symbol of that pride and a source of encouragement for years to come, and we hope that all institutions recognize our intent. But for Taloa, her sons right to wear the Native American regalia means much more she believes it is a reconciliation of Americas painful past with the Native American people. He should be allowed to wear his Eagle feather, his beaded cap, and his honor cord from Chickasaw Nation and any other Nation he represents to not only honor him, but to show respect for the people who have supported his efforts and paved his way, Taloa tells Yahoo Lifestyle. These items in the past were things that were stripped from his ancestors in an attempt to assimilate Native people. These items are an interweaving of his spirituality and his culture. These items are who he is. For this reason, Tvli and his mother Taloa refuse to stand down to the schools restrictive policy. Taloa has had several meetings with school officials to appeal the dress code to no avail. Taloa was baffled by their response considering Latta Public Schools nearly 37 percent Native student population, adding that it readily accepts Title VI federal grants and donations from the Chickasaw Nation. I explained to the superintendent that by allowing them to wear their sacred regalia the school would be meeting those unique needs of this same Native population to take back pride in themselves and the people they represent, says Taloa. Tvli Birdshead at his Grandpa Joe's memorial dance. (Credit: Taloa Birdshead) Superintendent Cliff Johnson explains that their requests were denied because the student handbook only allows school issued items to be worn at graduation ceremonies, he writes to Yahoo Lifestyle in an email. With school officials refusing to accede, the Birdshead family is taking up the issue at a Latta Public School board meeting. She has enlisted the help of the American Civil Rights Liberty Union (ACLU) and the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) who have sent letters of demand to the school and will represent the Birdsheads at the meeting. Taloa hopes that the school board will reverse the policy and allow Tvli to walk across the graduation stage with his Chickasaw nation cord, beaded cap and feather. If not, the ACLU told Taloa they were ready and willing to pursue litigation. Reports of Latta High School officials decision to bar Native American students from wearing their honor cords and other Native American emblems have sparked outrage across the Latta communtiy, with many condemning the blatant discrimination. The fact that you guys wont allow a Native student to wear his regalia, feather and cord is absolutely disgusting. How disappointing for this place to participate in such blatant discrimination, wrote one Facebook user on the Latta High School Facebook page. Were not taking no for an answer. Our people already went through assimilation schools, were not gonna let you take our honor away from us! Super proud of my Native brothers and sisters for making it this far!!! Other community members believe that the decision violates Tvlis right to religious freedom, pointing out the double standard that the school likely allows Christian students to wear crosses at the ceremony This school hides behind a trivial school policy to discriminate against Natives. They are denying a student's right to wear deeply symbolic regalia for graduation. It is abhorrent and mocking of the American concept of religious freedom, writes another Facebook user. I am willing to wager they do not ban students from wearing crosses, so this is undoubtedly a double standard. Superintendent Johnson says that Latta High School officials have made arrangements to allow Tvli and Taloa to address the school board on May 6th. The school has also organized a public hearing to address the concerns around the dress code policy, inviting all Indian students, parents of Indian students, tribal officials, and members of the Latta Community to attend. Taloa says she is proud of Tvli and believes he was chosen to accept this challenge because of his interweaved lineage of tribes that will allow him to reach many tribes as a result of his background and upbringing. Tvli and I hope to see positive change in regards to respecting and honoring the Indigenous population across the United States. It's beyond time for change, Taloa tells Yahoo Lifestyle. What an amazing time we live in that my son and I, and many others who have fought the same battle, would be able to see Native Nations take back the pride, strength, and honor that we were stripped of in the past. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. Demonstrators gather in Sudan's capital of Khartoum, Friday, April 12, 2019 - AP The Sudanese defence minister who declared himself head of a provisional military government after ousting President Omar al Bashir in a coup stepped down, after just a day in power. Awad Abnouf and his deputy, Kamal Absel Maarouf, resigned in a statement issued on Friday evening. Earlier in the day protesters had chanted that they would stay on the streets until Mr Abnouf left. Lt Gen Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Burhan will take over as head of the military transitional council. Sudan's new military rulers said they were ready for dialogue with demonstrators after hundreds of thousands of people defied a curfew to occupy central Khartoum for a sixth night. But the generals warned they would not tolerate chaos and ruled out extraditing Bashir, the dictator they deposed in a coup on Thursday, to face charges of war crimes. We are not against the demands of the people, we are for the demands of the people, and we have to achieve them, Zein Abedeen, the general tasked with leading talks with the protesters, said in a press conference. We have to adhere to civilised methods and today we will start a dialogue with the political groups, who are invited to hear from us what we have in mind and what they have in mind. The Sudanese Professionals Association, which has led months of huge anti-government protests, said the coup makers are not eligible to oversee change and demanded an immediate hand-over to a traditional civilian government. Bashir, who ruled Sudan for 30 years, was deposed on Thursday by his own military after clashes between security services and troops sympathetic to the protests. Women reportedly make up as much as half of the crowd outside army headquarters Credit: AFP Leaders of the protest movement immediately rejected the announcement that a military transitional council would assume control of the country and impose a three-month state of emergency. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators spent a sixth night on the streets outside Army headquarters in Khartoum on Thursday and on Friday, in deliberate defiance of a 10pm curfew imposed by the military when they announced their coup. Protesters said there were no attempts by authorities to enforce the curfew. Story continues Several soldiers joined the protest, reinforcing claims by demonstrators that the junior and middle ranks of the army are reluctant to follow the orders of a top brass widely considered to be closely allied to Bashir. In the morning, protests continued, with festive demonstrators shouting down with military rule and parading an enormous Sudanese flag. Protesters distrust Awad Abnouf, the chief of Sudan's new ruling council who is sanctioned by the US for alleged war crimes Credit: REX Alsadig Almahdi, the last civilian prime minister before Bashir seized power in 1989 and a great-grandson of the Mahdi who led the uprising against British rule in the 1880s, oversaw Friday prayers at the protest site. Protesters said they were particularly distrustful of Mr Abnouf, who announced the coup on Thursday and until Friday headed the new military transitional council. Mr Abnouf, a former intelligence chief who is sanctioned by the US over his alleged role in atrocities committed in Darfur in the 2000s, was made vice-president by Bashir in February. The stabbing happened on the Bounds Green Road junction with Nightingale Road. (GOOGLE) A teenager has been stabbed in North London and is in a life threatening condition in hospital. The 19-year-old was attacked in Bowes Park, near Bounds Green on Friday night, April 12. A Met Police spokesman said: Police were called to Bounds Green Road junction with Nightingale Road, N22 at 21:27hrs following reports of a male stabbed. Officers and London Ambulance Service attended and found a man, believed to be aged 19, suffering from a stab wound. Read more on Yahoo News Boy, 17, stabbed to death in village named by police Jealous ex who murdered graduate former girlfriend, 24, after they broke up is jailed for life He received treatment at the scene before being taken to a central London hospital where his condition remains life-threatening. No arrests have been made. Enquiries continue and a crime scene remains in place. The recent increase in killings has sparked warnings about the reductions in the size of the countrys police force and has piled pressure on politicians to take action. In 2018, there were 135 murders in London and already this year there have been more than 20 homicides in the capital. Chancellor Philip Hammond has announced an extra 100 million in police funding to help them to get to grips with the surge in stabbings. Disclaimer: These summaries are provided for educational purposes only by Nelson Rosario and Stephen Palley. They are not legal advice. These are our opinions only, arent authorized by any past, present or future client or employer. Also we might change our minds. We contain multitudes. As always, Rosario summaries are NMR and Palley summaries are SDP". [related id=1]IN RE TEZOS SECURITIES LITIGATION, Case 17-cv-06779-RS (N.D. Cal, 4/8/19, Document #213) (Order on Plaintiffs Motion to Substitute Lead Plaintiff) [SDP] Loyal CCM readers will recall that when we last checked in on the Tezos class action litigation at issue was who was going to be the lead plaintiff and whether or not the defendants would be able to delay the case by requiring a statutory clock to be restarted. The Court on March 8 issued a ruling that addressed both of these issues, allowing the case to trudge forward under slightly different management and without restarting the clock. Also, if this judge reads conspiracy theory blog posts on medium about this case you wouldnt know, because the opinion unsurprisingly doesnt mention them. The court initially appointed Arman Anvari as the lead plaintiff in this consolidated class action. Motions to Dismiss were filed. Tim Draper and Bitcoin Suisse were dismissed but the Breitmans, their company Distributed Ledger Solutions, and the Tezos Foundation remained as Defendant. Anvari then moved to withdraw as the lead plaintiff and substitute Artiom Franze. Another plaintiff, Trigon, also asked to be appointed and asked for its lawyers to be substituted as class counsel. (Im not saying that money matters to anyone involved here but, yeah, class counsel will end up making more money). The Defendants didnt take a position about who should be lead plaintiffs, although they filed briefs saying that Anvari was a really bad guy, and at least one blog post appeared on Medium to this effect. The Court didnt expressly weigh in on anyones character, but said that Anvari didnt have to be a plaintiff if he didnt want to be (theres caselaw to this effect, not surprisingly). They also asked that the court restart a statutory notice period for lead process selection, which would of course have the effect of slowing the case down, not that this was anyones intent. Story continues [related id=2]The Court said that it did not think it was necessary to restart a statutory 60 day notice period for lead plaintiff selection. The statute does not contemplate any sort of lead-plaintiff proceedings beyond the very start of the litigation. This doesnt mean, however, that a withdrawing plaintiff gets to pick their own replacement. In fact, the Court refused to substitute Anvaris chosen plaintiff for Anvari. Instead, it granted Trigons motion, in part because Trigon is the sequential plaintiff who contributed the second-most to Tezos and has claims representative of the putative class. Indeed, Anvaris counsel conceded at oral argument that Trigon is the next party with the most at stake besides Frunze. But what about Anvaris lawyers? Even though they lost their client, the Court said that they could remain in the case as co-lead counsel with Trigons counsel. The Court said that in light of Anvaris counsels extensive work and knowledge of the case, the class would benefit from their continued prosecution of this case. Because theres a new lead plaintiff, the pending class certification motion was denied without prejudice. With Trigon at the helm, a class certification will be filed in its name. Discovery related to that motion and then briefing and a ruling on that motion will be the next major milestone in this case. The Block is pleased to bring you expert cryptocurrency legal analysis courtesy of Stephen Palley (@stephendpalley) and Nelson M. Rosario (@nelsonmrosario). They summarize three cryptocurrency-related cases on a weekly basis and have given The Block permission to republish their commentary and analysis in full. Part II of this week's analysis, Crypto Caselaw Minute, is above. Water-spraying elephants, raves and boisterous, street-blocking water fights -- Thailand's Buddhist new year arrived with a splash Saturday, a once calm festival now celebrated with a more raucous edge. Paying respects to elders and sprinkling water over figures of Buddha at local temples are some of the traditions of the three-day new year celebration -- known as Songkran -- but the holiday also has a rowdier side involving alcohol-fuelled revelry among its youth. Thais and foreigners sporting floral shirts arm themselves with colourful water pistols and protective goggles, engaging in water fights that bring entire streets to a standstill. Authorities had issued warnings beforehand on modesty, saying that nudity and provocative clothing will be prohibited. There are no such restrictions however on summary drenchings. In the Bangkok tourist hotspot Khao San road, two young men dressed in school uniforms get doused by passersby wielding high-powered water pistols and buckets of water. And in Ayutthaya, elephants painted in colourful floral designs lift their trunks and spray water on delighted tourists, with the town's ancient temples serving as a backdrop. As the sun sets, tens of thousands of ravers from across Asia are expected to dance into Saturday night under massive water cannons and spectacular pyrotechnics, as Bangkok's S2O Songkran festival gets underway. Some of the world's best known -- and paid -- DJs, including Tiesto, Steve Aoki and UK veteran Fatboy Slim are performing across the three-day dance music event -- Asia's largest. Neighbouring Laos and Myanmar celebrate the same festival with young and old throwing buckets of water over each other as music thuds from loudspeakers. In Yangon, where the festival is known as Thingyan, children blow bubbles and play with soap suds at street foam parties, while women dressed in traditional costumes perform dances near the famed Sule Pagoda. Songkran is also the most perilous time to travel in Thailand, and the week beginning from April 11 is dubbed "seven dangerous days" as millions of Thais make the journey back to their hometowns by bus, vans or motorbikes. Story continues To prevent drink driving incidents, authorities have said they will levy harsh penalties on those imbibing alcohol before getting behind the wheel. Somchai Wayrojpipat, 57, was charged with premeditated murder after causing a fatal accident under the influence late Thursday night in the outskirts of Bangkok, police officer Pitak Poolputtha told AFP. "This is the first case in this country where the drunk driver faced premeditated murder and the highest punishment is the death sentence," Pitak said. The Interior Ministry has recorded more than 100 deaths in the first two days preceding the festival, but that number is expected to climb. burs/dhc/tom The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Inside Sen. Bernie Sanders presidential campaign there has always been a sense of vulnerability about the attacks that would come against the senator over the wealth he has accumulated in office. After all, it becomes a bit tricky for a politician to rail against the perniciousness of income inequality when he himself becomes a member of the well-off, even if that fortune is simply due to a best-selling book. But few expected that one of the first jabs would come from one of the most firmly Democratic-allied media outlets in the country. This week, ThinkProgress, the news organ that is a project of, though editorially independent from, the progressive think tank Center for American Progress, put out a video noting that Sanders had stopped maligning millionaireschoosing, instead, to direct his ire at billionaireswhen he became a millionaire himself. The video accompanied a more nuanced article reflecting on the irony of Sanders dragging his feet in releasing his tax returns out of a desire to hide his wealth while President Trump refused to release tax returns in order to keep secret that he wasnt as rich as he boasted. And in an email to The Daily Beast, Jodi Enda, the editor of ThinkProgress, defended the work as observational more than adversarial. ThinkProgress did not try to go after Sen. Sandersto use your wordsand we will not go after any other candidate, Enda said. We strive to be fair and to allow our readers and viewers to interpret the news for themselves. We are no different from other media in that regard. The video illustrated how Sen. Sanders rhetoric has evolved, Enda added. A source at the Center for American Progress stressed that no one at the think tank had insight about, or input into, the video that ThinkProgress produced. But within the broader Democratic ecosystem, those editorial lines of demarcation were not exactly satisfying. The video was viewed as an implicit warning that a portion of the partys infrastructure would not simply be content to let Sanders coast through the primary (as if that was in doubt). And a number of progressives expressed dismay to The Daily Beast that one of the partys more notable media arms had chosen to attack Sanders for his wealth well before any of his fellow primary candidates had. It did not go unnoticed that the video was being gleefully passed around by GOP operatives on Twitter. Story continues What made the video all the more remarkable, however, was that Sanders campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, was not too long ago the editor of ThinkProgress. Shakir said he had no comment on the matter. But his relationship with the officials at CAP is complicated, after he began providing assistance to Sanders 2016 campaignall of which was revealed during the dumping of stolen emails by Wikieaks during the late stages of that campaign. But there was an obvious explanation for why that grated on CAP officials. They were largely supportive of Hillary Clinton, from the organizations founder (John Podesta) to its current president (Neera Tanden). There is no Clinton in the race this go round. But, it appears, the skepticism towards Sanders persists. Read more at The Daily Beast. Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast here BELGRADE (Reuters) - Thousands of anti-government protesters gathered in Belgrade on Saturday to press demands for an end to the rule of President Aleksandar Vucic and his Progressive Party, greater media freedom and free and fair elections. The peaceful demonstration was organized by the Alliance for Serbia (SZS), a broad grouping of 30 parties and organizations, which started weekly protests in December. The Serbian Interior Ministry estimated the crowd's size at up to 7,500 people. Organizers said numbers were far bigger. The SZS has accused Vucic and his allies of corruption and of stifling media freedom. He denies this. On Saturday, the SZS accused the authorities of shutting down bus lines to Belgrade and of pressuring companies not to rent busses to opposition backers. Cedomir Cupic, a lecturer of at the Faculty of Political Sciences said Serbia must be liberated. "With him (Vucic) Serbia has no future ... no country should depend from one man," Cupic told the cheering crowd. "Over the last seven years (since Vucic came to power) we have devalued the country ... snubbed institutions, and we have one man deciding about everything," Bogdan Tatic, one of the protesters, said. Last month, protesters briefly occupied the state TV building and scuffled with police in Belgrade city center. The ruling SNS-led coalition has a majority of 160 deputies in Serbia's 250-seat parliament. Vucic has also staged a countrywide campaign and scheduled a major rally in Belgrade for April 19. Last month, the SNS party leadership said it wanted a snap vote but no decision has been made so far. (Reporting by Aleksandar Vasovic; Editing by Jane Merriman) Its long been noted that women in blockchain are a minority group. Many have called for a greater focus on encouraging women to be given the opportunities and skills they need to make their mark on this growing industry. But although the numbers may seem small, that isnt to say that women in the space arent already contributing in massive ways. Each week, we talk to women in blockchain about their careers, their purpose, and what they want to see from the future of the industry. These interviews arent just motivational they are inspiration for other women who are looking to start their journey in blockchain. Below, you can find the stories of some of the most influential women weve spoken to. Crystal Rose Pierce: The blockchain powerhouse who started coding at 11 Prominent technologist, entrepreneur and investor, Crystal Rose Pierce shares her story that began at a very early age. As the CEO and co-founder of Sensay, she helps users to take back privacy over their data. This is done through SENSE private messaging and decentralised applications on the blockchain. The philanthropic part of me really respects the blockchain philosophy of open source and decentralisation, she says. And as for what the anarchists term as going against the government and institutions, the goal is more about having equal access and fairer distribution. Not only is she an innovator in the space, but she passes on her experiences to other women and younger female students. As co-founder of ShEOS and the sheEOS Foundation, she helps to provide computer science scholarships to young women. Pivotal in balancing on the gender inequality, Crystals contribution to blockchain is philanthropic on multiple levels. Read her full interview to find out her views on blockchain throughout 2019 and the importance of being an influencer in this space. Georgina Brett: Women in blockchain need to take bigger risks The industry, which is still full of many unknowns, can be a daunting place. Georgina Brett, Chief of Staff at The Reserve, introduces projects to crypto-focused investors and fund managers. She recognises some of the limitations in the blockchain space, including the fact that its currently harder than ever for companies to raise relevant funds since the cryptocurrency market crashed. Story continues Speaking directly on the topic of women in blockchain, she goes on to stress that gender inequality is noticeable. Her company is on a drive to recruit more women, as only on in 40 applicants at the moment are female. She cites the historical fact that there are few women in STEM subjects as a potential reason for the lack of women in blockchain. I think women need to take bigger risks and get comfortable being out of their comfort zones, she says Generally I have noticed, women tend to be more cautious and second-guess their right to be a voice of authority, whereas men are more likely to act like the authority whether they deserve to be there or not. In short: men are better at faking it until you make it. In a nascent industry like blockchain, voices of authority can be people with six months experience and stepping into authoritative roles is very achievable if you have demonstrable value you can bring to the table. Georgina explains that making the leap into the blockchain decision has been a life changing decision for her. Read her interview in full to find out why. Yaliwe Soko: How Africa is embracing blockchain technology Its not just in the UK and US that blockchain is an important industry. Africa has seen a serious uptake in blockchain usage but Yaliwe Soko, Chairwoman of the Blockchain Association of Africa, explains that it can be difficult to be taken seriously as a woman in blockchain. She empathises with the fear that some women will feel about the industry. Explaining that the African cryptocurrency space has been badly burned in the past, she highlights that there are still a lot of trust issues. Soko wants to change this, using her influential position to be at the forefront of driving awareness and blockchain education across the continent. Its very difficult to be recognised like this, especially as an African woman. Mostly, there are trust issues. When Ive been speaking at an event, because I have a petite frame, people have asked me if I am the speaker, which is patronising in a way. Someone else asked me if I was nervous before I was giving a speech and I am not nervous! She adds it was an opportunity for me to own this and whenever Im on a panel I ensure I command my presence in the way I come across. Looking for like-minded leaders, she wants to encourage other women to follow suit. She wants women to embrace the industry and realise their own potential within it. Read her interview in full to find out what else she has to say about women in blockchain and the role they play in Africa. Conclusion Its clear that encouragement and education are two of the most important factors when it comes to including women in blockchain. Its important to give them opportunities, a fair platform, and the confidence to push ahead. These are just three of our women in blockchain stories. To explore what other women are up to and how they are leading the way, visit our dedicated section. The post Three Women In Blockchain interviews you dont want to miss appeared first on Coin Rivet. Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump questioned Saturday whether Congressional Democrats should have access to a redacted version of the Mueller report that cleared him of conspiring to collude with Russia during the 2016 election. Attorney General Bill Barr has indicated he will hand over a restricted copy of the 400-page report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that edits out "sensitive" details sometime next week. "Why should Radical Left Democrats in Congress have a right to retry and examine the $35,000,000 (two years in the making) No Collusion Mueller Report when the crime committed was by Crooked Hillary, the DNC and Dirty Cops?" Trump tweeted. "Attorney General Barr will make the decision!" Trump had previously said the decision to release the report would be "totally up to" his attorney general, while his press secretary Sarah Sanders in March said "I don't think the president has any problem" with its publication. The president's latest comments come days after he called the probe an attempted "coup," while Barr promised to investigate FBI "spying" on Trump. Trump has described former FBI officials who initially decided to investigate him as "dirty cops." Three years on from his election victory, he is still railing against his former Democratic White House opponent Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server for government business and threatens to reopen an investigation into the matter. President Trump said Thursday that he agrees with Attorney General William Barrs explosive, since-clarified assertion that he believes the FBI was spying on Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. I think what he said was absolutely true there was absolutely spying into my campaign, Trump told reporters inside the Oval Office before a bilateral meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Ill go a step further: It was illegal spying, unprecedented spying. And something that should never be allowed to happen in our country again. And I think his answer was a very accurate one. On Wednesday, Barr touched off a firestorm during a hearing on Capitol Hill, saying he believes spying did occur in the federal investigation into the Trump campaigns contacts with Russia while defending his review of the probe. By the end of the hearing, though, he backed off his explosive claim. I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal, Barr said during testimony before the Senate Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies subcommittee. Spying is a pejorative term not normally used to describe domestic counterintelligence investigations. I think spying did occur, he said. The question was whether it was adequately predicated. And Im not suggesting it wasnt predicated. I need to explore that. But later, when given the chance to rephrase his inflammatory assertion, Barr said he believes there was unauthorized surveillance. President Trump and Attorney General William Barr. (Photos: Timothy D. Easley/AP, Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images) Trump's comments supporting Barr came the same day top House and Senate Democrats sharply criticized the attorney general for his testimony. "Your testimony raises questions about your independence, appears to perpetuate a partisan narrative designed to undermine the work of the special counsel, and serves to legitimize President Trumps dangerous attacks on the Department of Justice and the FBI," said the letter, signed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Mark Warner and Reps. Jerrold Nadler, Dianne Feinstein and Adam Schiff. Story continues Appearing before the House Appropriations subcommittee on Tuesday, Barr said he was in the process of reviewing the origins of the Russia probe something Trump and his supporters have repeatedly demanded. I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016, Barr said. In September 2016, Yahoo News first reported that former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was under federal investigation because of a trip he had taken to Moscow two months earlier. The story, by Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, was later cited in an FBI application for a surveillance warrant against Page. Isikoffs reporting on Christopher Steele, the former British spy who prepared the controversial dossier about Trump, was also a major part of the so-called FISA application to wiretap Page. Trump and his allies have pointed to the dossier as evidence of surveillance abuses by the FBI and Department of Justice. Last May, Trump went so far as to claim that the DOJ put a spy in the Trump campaign. But there is no evidence to support that assertion. CNN reported that someone who had been a source for the FBI and CIA for years had assisted the probe, but, contradicting the president, an informant was not planted inside the campaign to provide information to investigators. Last month, Barr released a letter summarizing special counsel Robert Muellers report, saying Mueller found no evidence to charge Trump with a crime. Barr said he expects to release a redacted version of Muellers still-confidential report hopefully within a week. At the White House, Trump told reporters he isnt concerned that the report may hurt him politically. No, Im not concerned about anything because, frankly, there was no collusion and there was no obstruction, Trump said. And we never did anything wrong. The people that did something wrong were the other side, the dirty cops and a lot of problems that were caused. Its a disgrace what happened. And, again, it should never happen to a president again. Trump added: Youre just lucky I happen to be the president. Because a lot of other presidents would have reacted much differently than I reacted. Youre very lucky I was the president during this scam. _____ Read more from Yahoo News: The University of Buffalo campus A University at Buffalo student is in critical condition after a possible hazing incident involving a college fraternity, prompting the president of the western New York school to suspend all Greek life activities. The incident, which happened overnight Thursday, took place at the Sigma Pi house, according to WKBW-TV in Buffalo. The Buffalo Police Department said it is investigating the matter and that a student was rushed to the hospital with a "serious medical condition" believed to be the result of the incident of "potential hazing." The university Saturday identified the student as Sebastian Serafin-Bazan, an 18-year-old freshman from Port Chester, New York. He's currently a patient at Buffalo General Hospital. The school said it can't provide an update of his condition because of federal privacy laws that protect patients. "Out of respect for the familys privacy, the university will have no other comment at this time," school officials said in a statement. Further details have not been disclosed. But the television station cited a source close to the investigation who said student was "on life support" Friday night. The Buffalo News reported that Serafin-Bazan had no alcohol or drugs in his system but went into cardiac arrest during possible hazing that included forced exercises by fraternity brothers. Serafin-Bazan was recently treated for a respiratory ailment, the newspaper said. BPD are investigating an incident of potential hazing that occurred at a fraternity house in Buffalo overnight on Custer Street. A UB student was rushed to the hospital with a serious medical condition believed to have resulted from the Incident. Buffalo Police Dept (@BPDAlerts) April 12, 2019 In a statement, University at Buffalo President Satish Tripathi said the school has reached out to the student's family and is providing "all the assistance and comfort we can to them during this incredibly difficult time." Story continues He said the university has "zero tolerance" for hazing. "Not only are hazing incidents a violation of our university policies, but they are also crimes." "Therefore, at my direction," he said, "the official activities of all recognized fraternities and sororities are suspended effective immediately." Tripathi added that the university community is committed to ensuring a safe educational environment for students. He vowed to perform an internal review of the activities of the school's fraternities and sororities and will "strongly counsel" all Greek organization about the University at Buffalo's zero-tolerance policy on hazing. Jonathan Frost, executive director and CEO of the Sigma Pi Fraternity & Foundation, issued a statement that said, "Sigma Pi has recently learned of a reported allegation of health & safety policy violations at Epsilon-Omicron Chapter at the University at Buffalo. "At this time, we are currently gathering information and, if necessary, will provide further comment after all facts have been gathered." This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: University at Buffalo suspends all fraternities and sororities after student critically injured by potential hazing It was the most dramatic moment of the weeks-long trial in 2013 in which whistleblower Chelsea Manning was prosecuted for a historic leak of state secrets. Related: Everything you need to know about Julian Assange She was facing court martial for having electronically transferred a mind-boggling 250,000 US state department cables, almost half a million war-logs from Iraq and Afghanistan and a video of a US helicopter attack on civilians in Baghdad, to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Manning, dressed in US military uniform and presenting as the male gender of her birth (she later transitioned as a woman), took the witness stand at Fort Meade military base in Maryland. Clutching 35 pages of personal statement, she began to read to a rapt courtroom. She began by describing her deployment as an intelligence analyst in late 2009 to a military base outside Baghdad. She related pouring over vast amounts of secret data, and how, over time, she became disturbed by the US obsession with killing targets rather than the wider goals of peace and stability. Manning went on to tell the court that in February 2010 she began talking through a secure online chat log to an individual with WikiLeaks going by the handle Ox. The reference will probably prove central to the prosecution case now being compiled against the WikiLeaks founder: the US government argues that the mysterious Ox was Assange, and that he actively conspired with Manning to steal US state secrets. In the indictment released on Thursday, prosecutors accuse Assange of entering into a conspiracy with Manning through the webchats to collaborate on the acquisition and dissemination of the classified records. Against that argument, WikiLeaks and a raft of prominent legal scholars argue that the relationship between him and Manning was purely that of a journalist and his source. A strong defense is certain to be mounted on Assanges behalf under the first amendment of the US constitution that protects freedom of publication and dissemination of information to the public. Story continues The lengths to which the US government is prepared to go to nail Assange for the 2010 leaks is now becoming clear. Not only have extradition proceedings been instigated against Assange, but Manning herself is back behind bars, having refused to testify before the US grand jury investigating WikiLeaks. She was recently subjected to a spell in solitary confinement at William G Truesdale adult detention center, in Alexandria, Virginia. As the case thickens, the spotlight is likely to fall increasingly on those internet communications between Ox and his source. In her statement to the court martial, Manning said: At first our conversations were general in nature, but over time as our conversation progressed, I assessed this individual to be an important part of WikiLeaks. In the webchats, Ox also went under the pseudonym pressassociation. Manning called him Nathaniel Frank, after the author of a book she had been reading. Over the next few months, I stayed in frequent contact with Nathaniel, she said in her statement. We conversed on nearly a daily basis and I felt that we were developing a friendship. But she noted acerbically that in retrospect these dynamics were artificial and were valued more by myself than Nathaniel. Prosecutors seek to show that Assanges conversations with Manning went beyond the activities of a journalist talking to a source and crossed the line into criminal conspiracy. They allege the WikiLeaks founder helped Manning crack a password that would allow the soldier to gain access to secret military databases using a false username. The charges also allege that Assange took steps to hide the identity of Manning as the source of the leak and to encourage Manning to provide information and records from departments and agencies of the United States. Related: Julian Assange charged by US with computer hacking conspiracy In a phrase that is likely to form a significant part of any eventual trial should Assange be successfully extradited, the prosecutors quote a web conversation from March 2010. The army private, under the handle dawgnetwork, said: After this upload, thats all I really have got left. Assange, as pressassociation, replied: Curious eyes never run dry in my experience. The indictment also points to Assange discussing with Manning the value of the files on detainees in Guantanamo Bay that the soldier later downloaded to WikiLeaks. Manning referred to that conversation about the files, known as detainee assessment briefs (DABs), during her court martial statement. During my conversation with Nathaniel, I asked him if he thought the DABs were of any use to anyone. Nathaniel indicated, although he did not believe that they were of political significance, he did believe that they could be used to merge into the general historical account of what occurred at Guantanamo. Manning added: After this discussion, I decided to download the data. Washington (AFP) - With US-Japan trade talks set to begin Monday, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Saturday any agreement will include a requirement to refrain from manipulating currencies to gain an advantage in international trade. But he said there is no arbitrary deadline for completing the talks. The US priority is that countries "don't in any way manipulate their currency for purposes of competitive advantages," Mnuchin told reporters on the sidelines of the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer is set to hold two days of talks with Japan's Economy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Monday and Tuesday. Mnuchin said the talks would focus on a "broad agenda." The US has long argued that China kept its currency artificially low to make its exports cheaper, and negotiators have insisted on a provision on exchange rates in the ongoing trade talks with Beijing. And a clause was included in the revised free trade pact with Mexico and Canada, dubbed the USMCA. "I think we'll want to make sure whatever trade agreements there are, that there are currency provisions that reflect that in the agreement similar to USMCA and as we've alluded to in our China discussions," Mnuchin said Saturday. New York (AFP) - US oil giant Chevron announced Friday it had agreed to acquire all outstanding shares of Anadarko in a stock and cash transaction valued at $33 billion, or $65 per share. Based on Chevron's Thursday closing price, Anadarko shareholders will receive 0.39 shares of Chevron and $16.25 in cash for each Anadarko share held, the company said in a statement. The total enterprise value of the transaction is $50 billion. "The acquisition of Anadarko will significantly enhance Chevrons already advantaged Upstream portfolio and further strengthen its leading positions in large, attractive shale, deepwater and natural gas resource basins," the company said. "The combination of Anadarkos premier, high-quality assets with our advantaged portfolio strengthens our leading position in the Permian, builds on our deepwater Gulf of Mexico capabilities and will grow our LNG business. "It creates attractive growth opportunities in areas that play to Chevrons operational strengths and underscores our commitment to short-cycle, higher-return investments. Anadarko Chairman and CEO Al Walker added: "The strategic combination of Chevron and Anadarko will form a stronger and better company with world-class assets, people and opportunities." Washington (AFP) - The United States is working with a group of countries to build a $10 billion fund to help Venezuela rebuild trade once a new government is in place, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Saturday. The United States has joined dozens of other countries in recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president but embattled President Nicolas Maduro remains in power. Mnuchin said that, during the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, officials had discussed how to aid in the Caribbean country's recovery. But those institutions must sit on the sidelines until there is clear international recognition of a government in Caracas and a way to put funds into use in the country which has seen its economy collapse, while people are fleeing because they cannot get basic food and medicines. "Every single time I've had one of these meetings I can't believe how much worse it gets on the ground for the people of Venezuela. This is a humanitarian crisis," Mnuchin said. In addition to the potential for financing from the IMF and World Bank, he hosted a meeting on Thursday of the friends of Venezuela, which includes many Latin American and European countries, as well as Japan, where ministers also discussed the need for the oil exporting power to restore trade. "We're going to be working on trying to put together a consortium of about $10 billion of trade finance that would be available for the new government to spark trade," Mnuchin said. About 3.7 million refugees have fled the worsening crisis in Venezuela in recent years -- a third to neighboring Colombia -- the most dramatic and fastest exodus in the world after war-torn Syria, according to the United Nations. That figure could reach five million by the end of the year. Elizabeth Warren is making Amazon the poster child for her plan to raise $1 trillion in government revenue with a proposed 7 percent surtax on corporate profits above $100 million. Singling out the company in a post on Medium, the Massachusetts senator and 2020 presidential candidate chided the company for managing to avoid paying federal income taxes in 2018 despite profits of $11.2 billion. Amazon responded to Warrens post with a statement that said the company pays all the taxes we are required to pay in the U.S. and every country where we operate, and noting its American business investments as well as the 250,000 workers it employs here. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP) Warren was unimpressed. She responded with a tweet that acknowledged she wasnt accusing Amazon of illegality; her point was precisely the fact that their legal tax liability was zero. In response to my plan, Amazon says it "pays all the taxes we are required to pay in the US." Yeah, I know. You made more than $10 billion in profits last year and you were required to pay $0 in federal corporate taxes. That's the problem. Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) April 11, 2019 Warren, who has outpaced her rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination in terms of substantive policy proposals, said in her Medium post that the U.S. tax code was in need of an overhaul so that companies like Amazon would pay federal taxes. There are two sets of rules for reporting a companys profits. Companies follow established financial accounting rules to calculate the value of the profits they report to shareholders and the public, Warren wrote in her post. But they follow a different set of tax accounting rules to calculate the profits they report to the IRS and pay corporate income taxes on. Because of relentless lobbying, our corporate income tax rules are filled with so many loopholes and exemptions and deductions that even companies that tell shareholders they have made more than a billion dollars in profits can end up paying no corporate income taxes. Story continues Her plan, Warren said, would mean Amazon would pay $698 million in taxes instead of paying zero. In a crowded field of 17 candidates seeking the Democratic nomination, Warren who has made a point of not courting big-money donors placed fifth in the amount of individual donations she received in the first quarter of 2019. In a Morning Consult poll of 2020 contenders, Warren also placed fifth, behind former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Kamala Harris and former Rep. Beto ORourke. _____ Read more from Yahoo News: Prior to the publication of the stolen Democratic-party emails and internal documents, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks exhorted Russian government hackers to send them new material. That is what we are told by Special Counsel Robert Muellers indictment of Russian intelligence officers. (I wont offend anyone by calling them spies after all, they were just doing electronic surveillance authorized by their government, right?) Assange wanted the Russians to rest assured that giving new material to WikiLeaks (identified as Organization 1 in the indictment) would have a much higher impact than what you are doing i.e., hacking and then putting the information out through other channels. But time was of the essence. It was early 2016. If Hillary Clinton was not stopped right there and then, WikiLeaks warned, proceedings at the imminent Democratic national convention would solidify bernie supporters behind her. Of course, bernie is Bernie Sanders, the competitor who could still get the nomination. But if Assange and the Russians couldnt raise Bernies prospects, WikiLeaks explained, Mrs. Clinton would be a White House shoo-in: We think trump has only a 25% chance of winning against hillary . . . so conflict between bernie and hillary is interesting. In a nutshell: Knowing that Russia had the capacity to hack the DNC and perhaps Clinton herself, WikiLeaks urged it to come up with new material and vowed to help bring it maximum public attention. By necessity, this desire to hurt Clinton would inure to Sanderss benefit. And sure enough, WikiLeaks eventually published tens of thousands of the Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence. So . . . I have a few questions. WikiLeaks, Moscow, and Bernie Sanders First, why was there no Sanders-Russia probe? Why, when President Obama directed John Brennan, his hyper-political CIA director, to rush out a report on Russias influence operations, did we not hear about the WikiLeaks-Russia objective of helping Sanders win the Democratic nomination? Brennan & Co. couldnt tell us enough about our intelligence-agency mind readers confidence that Putin was rootin for Trump. Why nothing about the conspirators Feelin the Bern? Story continues Dont get me wrong: I dont think there is any basis for a criminal investigation of Senator Sanders. But there appears to have been no criminal predicate for a collusion investigation of Donald Trump, either not a shred of public evidence that he conspired in the Putin regimes hacking, other than that presented in the Clinton-campaign-sponsored Steele dossier (if you can call that evidence though even Christopher Steele admits its not). Yet, Trump was subjected to an investigation for more than two years on the gossamer-light theory that Trump stood to benefit from Moscows perfidy. Yes, of course, this cui bono claim was amplified by what were said to be Trumps intriguing, if noncriminal, ties to Russia. To my knowledge, however, the mythical pee tape of Steele lore has never been located; it is unlikely, then, that there are any Trump photos that compare, intrigue-wise, to a shirtless Bernie boozing it up in the Soviet Union. Surely that should have been worth a FISA warrant or four. A more serious question: Why hasnt Assange been indicted for criminal collusion with the Kremlin the same hacking conspiracy for which Mueller indicted the Russian operatives with whom Mueller says Assange collaborated? The same conspiracy for which the president of the United States, though not guilty, was under the FBIs microscope for nearly three years? The Assange Indictment: Weak and Potentially Time-Barred The most striking thing about the Assange indictment that the Justice Department did file is how thin it is, and how tenuous. Leaping years backwards, ignoring collusion with Russia, prosecutors allege a single cyber-theft count: a conspiracy between Assange and thenBradley (now Chelsea) Manning to steal U.S. defense secrets. This lone charge is punishable by as little as no jail time and a maximum sentence of just five years imprisonment (considerably less than the seven years Assange spent holed up in Ecuadors London embassy to avoid prosecution). This is very peculiar. Manning, Assanges co-conspirator, has already been convicted of multiple felony violations of the espionage act serious crimes that the Assange indictment says WikiLeaks helped Manning commit . . . but which the Justice Department has not charged against Assange. Why? Probably because espionage charges are time-barred. Which brings us to the possibility perhaps even the likelihood that Assange will never see the inside of an American courtroom. As I pointed out on Thursday, the 2010 Assange-Manning cyber-theft conspiracy charged by prosecutors is outside the standard five-year statute of limitations for federal crimes: The limitations period was already exhausted when the indictment was filed in 2018. To breathe life into the case, the Justice Department will have to convince both British and American judges that this comparatively minor conspiracy charge is actually a federal crime of terrorism, triggering a three-year statute-of-limitations extension. For some reason, the extension statute Section 2332b(g)(5)(B) makes the extra three years applicable to cyber-theft offenses under Section 1030 of the penal code, but not espionage-act offenses under Section 793. I am skeptical, though, that the Justice Departments cyber-theft charge qualifies for the extension. Prosecutors havent charged a substantive cyber-theft violation under Section 1030; they have charged a conspiracy (under Section 371) to commit the Section 1030 offense. That is not the same thing. Typically, if Congress intends that its mention of a crime should be understood to include a conspiracy to commit that crime, it says so. It did not say so in the extension statute. Why put all the prosecutorial eggs in such a rickety basket? Protecting Muellers Russian-Hacking Indictment England is a close ally, but getting its courts to extradite people for U.S. criminal proceedings is no lay-up. It is a laborious process, and the outcome, even in strong cases, is uncertain. The Justice Department knows this, yet in its indictment it elected not to charge the Russia conspiracy a 2016 offense that has no statute-of-limitations problem. Why? If you want the Brits to transfer a defendant, you need to make a compelling showing. Why leave obvious, serious charges on the cutting-room floor? Mueller brought a dozen felony charges against the Russian operatives with whom, weve been told for over two years, Assange conspired. So why isnt Assange charged with at least some of these felonies? Some argue that the Justice Department is nervous that, as a pseudo-journalist, Assange may have First Amendment protection from such charges. But then why charge the Manning conspiracy? The theory of Assanges guilt is the same in both the Russian-collusion and Manning-espionage situations: The WikiLeaks chief was not merely a journalist publicizing sensitive information; he was aiding, abetting, counseling, inducing, and procuring the theft of the sensitive information (to borrow the terms of the federal aiding and abetting statute). The Justice Department plainly believes that complicity in the theft shreds any claim to freedom of the press; there is no First Amendment right to steal information. If this is the Justice Departments position, then why not charge Assange with the 2016 collusion conspiracy, too? If I were a cynic (perish the thought!), Id suspect that the government does not want Special Counsel Muellers Russian-hacking indictment to be challenged. As I have explained previously, I accept the intelligence agencies conclusion, echoed by Mueller, that Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic email accounts. Nevertheless, there is a big difference between (a) accepting an intelligence conclusion based on probabilities, and (b) proving a key fact beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal case. The intelligence assessment here may be sound, but the legal case Mueller would have to prove to a jury has problems. To state the most obvious: The Justice Department and FBI did not perform elementary investigative steps, such as taking possession of, and performing their own forensic analysis on, the servers that were hacked. Instead, they relied on CrowdStrike, a contractor of the DNC, which has a strong motive to blame Russia. Muellers team knew that no Russian defendant would ever actually be tried in a U.S. court on the hacking allegations. The indictment was more like a press release than a charging instrument. It was meant to be the last word on hacking: An authoritative version of events pronounced by a respected U.S. prosecutor that would never be challenged by skilled defense lawyers. The point was to put to rest the nettlesome How do we really know Russia did it? question raised by some former intelligence agents and hardcore Trump supporters. But now . . . here comes Assange. He has always insisted that Russia was not WikiLeaks source. I dont believe him. I see him as a witting, anti-American tool of Moscow. But, to my chagrin, some in Trumps base not all, but some have made Assange their strange bedfellow, just as many libertarians and leftists embraced him when he was exposing U.S. national-security programs, intelligence methods, defense strategies, and foreign-relations information. These Trump supporters have convinced themselves that raising doubt about Russias culpability exonerates the president even though the special counsel has already cleared Trump, regardless of what Russia (and Assange) were up to. Consequently, if Assange were charged with the Russian-hacking conspiracy that Mueller has alleged, and if he were ever brought to the U.S. to face trial, he would maintain that he did not get the Democratic emails from Russian intelligence. Remember, a defendant does not have to prove anything: It would not be Assanges burden to establish Russias innocence; the Justice Department would have to prove Russias culpability. Assanges fans would give lots of sunshine to his effort to exculpate Moscow. Indeed, even without Assange mounting a challenge to Muellers Russian-hacking indictment, some Trump supporters have tried to cast doubt on Russias guilt (see, e.g., here and here). And a group of dissenting intelligence-community veterans will continue arguing that CrowdStrikes analysis is flawed. To sum up: If the Justice Department had indicted Assange for collusion, Muellers Russian-hacking indictment would no longer stand unchallenged. Assange would deny that Russia is behind the hacking, and prosecutors would have to try to prove it, using hard, admissible courtroom proof not top-secret sources who cannot be called as witnesses without blowing their cover, or other information that might be reliable enough to support an intelligence finding but would be inadmissible under courtroom due-process standards. If the prosecutors were unable to establish Russias guilt to a jurys satisfaction, it would be a tremendous propaganda victory for the Kremlin, even if as I believe Russia is actually guilty. This is part of why it was a mistake to indict the Russian intelligence officers. An indictment is never an authoritative statement; it is just an allegation, it proves nothing. We didnt need it to know what happened here. The indictment says nothing significant that we were not already told by the intelligence agencies assessment released to the public in January 2017. Adversary countries are a security challenge, not a law-enforcement problem. Because they dont have to surrender their officials for an American trial, an indictment is a pointless gesture. But now, having with great fanfare filed charges against Russia that implicate Assange, the government shrinks from lodging these same charges against Assange who, unlike the indicted Russian officials, may be in a position to put the government to its burden of proof. This just makes Muellers indictment of Russians look more like a publicity stunt than a serious allegation. If the government is afraid to try the allegations against Russia in court, people will naturally suspect the allegations are hype. Meanwhile, let us remember: Despite a dearth of evidence that he was complicit in Moscows hacking, President Trump was forced by the Justice Department and the FBI, urged on by congressional Democrats, to endure a two-year investigation and to govern under a cloud of suspicion that he was an agent of the Kremlin. Now we have Assange, as to whom there is indisputable evidence of complicity in the hacking conspiracy, but the Justice Department declines to charge him with it instead, positing the dubious Manning conspiracy that may very well be time-barred. What is going on here? More from National Review A group of New York corner-store owners has announced a boycott on the sale of the New York Post, arguing that the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspapers attacks on congresswoman Ilhan Omar are making Muslim Americans less safe. On Thursday, the Post published a front page featuring an image of the World Trade Center towers in flames on 11 September 2001 and a quote suggesting that Omar, a Somali American congresswoman from Minnesota who wears a hijab, had minimized the seriousness of the terror attacks in a speech last month. Related: Ilhan Omar defended by Democrats after Trump uses 9/11 video in attack In an open letter in response, the Yemeni American Merchants Association wrote that the front page provoked hatred and aims to harm Omar and her family and other people of the Islamic faith. The group said it was calling on all Yemeni American bodega and deli owners as well as our community and allies across New York City to boycott the sale and purchase of the Post. This is ugly Harry Siegel (@harrysiegel) April 11, 2019 The association represents Yemeni Americans who own and run an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 of New York Citys thousands of delis and corner stores, which are known as bodegas. Such stores are integral to the daily life of most New Yorkers, a crucial source of late-night snacks, morning coffee and newspapers and magazines. Repeated criticism of Omar by the Post, the Murdoch-owned Fox News, Republican politicians and Donald Trump has been condemned by progressive Democrats, including presidential contenders who called the attacks dangerous and said they risked inciting violence. Last week, a Trump supporter from New York state was arrested and charged after making a death threat against Omar. On Friday, Trump tweeted a video featuring part of Omars remarks to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, cut with footage from 9/11. He retweeted the message on Saturday. Story continues The Post published a brief story criticising the New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her defense of Omar. In its letter, the Yemeni American Merchants Association said the New York Post was undermin[ing] national unity and [enticing] violence and hate. It added: This rhetoric threatens the safety and wellbeing of Omar, Muslim leaders, and the larger Muslim American community at a time when Islamophobia is at an all-time high. Ayyad Algabyali, the groups director of advocacy, told the Guardian: Its not the first time that the New York Post basically spreads hate and fear in their newspapers. Selling the New York Post might bring merchants a little profit, he added, but it also means you are committing to sell violence and hate in the community, and thats totally unacceptable. There was no end date to the boycott, he said, adding: This might be for good. Algabyali said news of the boycott had gone viral on Twitter, and that the group hoped other merchant associations might join in solidarity. The group had already received support from some Uber and Lyft drivers, he said, who were helping spread news about the boycott from one bodega to another. This is not the Yemeni American Merchants Associations first major political action. It was formed two years ago, in the wake of a a Yemeni bodega strike protesting Trumps travel ban against several Muslim-majority countries. WASHINGTON A freshman member of Congress has stirred controversy again. This time it was remarks made by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., about the terror attacks on 9/11, referring to the terrorists as "some people." The comments sparked criticism from one of her Republican colleagues in Congress and caused a Fox News host to question her allegiance to the U.S. On Thursday, the New York Post blasted the Democrat in a large spread on their front page. The cover showed the Twin Towers burning after a pair of jetliners crashed into them. The headline reads: Rep. Ilhan Omar: 9/11 was 'some people did something.' Here's your something. 2,977 people dead by terrorism" Here's what we know about Omar's comments, both the full context of them and the reaction they've received: What she said: Omar was speaking at a dinner last month for the Council of American-Islamic Relations in California, one week after the attacks targeting two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The attacks left 50 people dead. She spoke to the Muslim community about their resilience and their rights to live a full life like all Americans, saying that while the attack was a "tragic nightmare," it wasn't surprising. "Many of us were not shocked or surprised, many of us were kind of waiting, holding our breath for a really long time thinking when will something like this happen," Omar said, noting the constant threats targeting mosques, schools and minorities. While not naming President Donald Trump, Omar noted that our leader in the White House has helped worsen these issues. More: Conservatives bash Ilhan Omar for reference to 9/11 as 'something' that 'some people did' More: Donald Trump Jr. slams Ilhan Omar for calling Stephen Miller a 'white nationalist' "I think that many of us knew that this was going to get worse because we finally have a leader, a world, leader, in the White House, who publicly says Islam hates us, who fuels hate against Muslims, who thinks it is OK, it is OK to speak about a faith and a whole community in a way that is dehumanizing," Omar said. Story continues She said she is often asked, "How have you gotten empowered, and I say I was born this way," Omar said. "It is not about how others make us feel, it is what we tell ourselves that we are worthy." But, she said, Muslims must not be defeated by hatred. She said while her community is taught to live a simple life in order to fit in, that has not worked. She stressed the importance of speaking out and showing up, then Omar made comments about 9/11, which drew both headlines and criticism. Heres the truth. Far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, Im tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. So you cant just say that today someone is looking at me strange, that I am trying to make myself look pleasant. You have to say this person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it, and I am going to talk to them and ask them why. Because that is the right you have. The full context? Some have argued that Omar's comments about 9/11 being "something" that was done by "some people" were taken out of context. Will Saletan, a national correspondent for Slate, said Omar used some to "distinguish terrorists from 'all' Muslimes." Jon Swaine, a reporter for the Guardian, wrote on Twitter that Omar "did mention terrorists in the build-up to the very snippet now being used to attack her." Stories from Vox, the HuffPost and Yahoo News have called the remarks out of context, but some conservatives have dismissed that notion. More: Trump trolls Rep. Omar, who was victim of death threat, boasts Israeli relations at Vegas event Absolute hogwash. You're covering for her. Her "terrorist" mention has zero to do w/ the 9/11 part. If anything, actual context for her remarks make them even more conspiratorial and deranged. Rep. Omar should tell us what she believes happened on 9/11. Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) April 10, 2019 Jordan Schachtel, a writer for the Conservative Review, said listening to the full speech makes her comments "even more conspiratorial and deranged." Schachtel argued that Swaine was "covering for" Omar. "Absolute hogwash. You're covering for her," he said in reply to Swaine. "Her 'terrorist' mention has zero to do w/ the 9/11 part. If anything, actual context for her remarks make them even more conspiratorial and deranged. Rep. Omar should tell us what she believes happened on 9/11." New York Post cover: NY Post puts burning Twin Towers on cover to attack Ilhan Omar Talking Points Memo (@TPM) April 11, 2019 The New York Post cover divided those online, including members of Congress. Omar's Democratic colleagues, notably other freshmen elected in November, came to her defense calling the cover shameful. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called the front page "horrifying and hateful." Im not going to quote the NY Posts horrifying, hateful cover. Heres 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Shes done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who wont even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 11, 2019 "Im not going to quote the NY Posts horrifying, hateful cover," said the progressive firebrand. "Heres 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Shes done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who wont even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith." Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, who has also drawn scrutiny for her progressive ideas and says she has also been targeted with death threats, continued to defend Omar at the House Democratic retreat in Leesburg, Virginia. The level to which Republicans and conservative groups, whether they are officially party apparatuses sending out emails calling me and others domestic terrorists or whether its Rupert Murdoch and the New York Post printing on the front page to circulate all around New York City an image that is incredibly upsetting and triggering for New Yorkers that were actually there and were actually in the radius who woke up (that) morning or were in their schools and didnt know if they were going to see their parents at the end of the day, to elicit such an image for such a transparently and politically motivated attack on Ilhan, we are getting to a level where this is an incitement of violence against progressive women of color," Ocasio-Cortez told reporters. "If they cant figure out how to get it back to policy, we need to call it out for what it is because this is not normal." Fellow freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., said the cover could further endanger Omar's life. The controversy erupted just days after a New York man was arrested after threatening to put a "bullet" in her "skull." "The NY Post knows exactly what it's doing - taking quotes out of context and evoking painful imagery to spread hate and endangering the life of Rep. Omar," Tlaib said on Twitter. "Shame on them, and shame on Rupert Murdoch." The NY Post knows exactly what it's doing - taking quotes out of context and evoking painful imagery to spread hate and endangering the life of Rep. Omar. Shame on them, and shame on Rupert Murdoch. Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) April 11, 2019 Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said "I thought it was a pretty outrageous cover." MSNBC host Chris Hayes denounced it on Twitter. "Not gonna link to it but that NY Post cover is despicable," he wrote. But some, including Republican Rep. Brian Babin, of Texas, applauded the cover. "Thank you to the New York Post for illustrating to my colleague, Rep. Ilhan Omar, that 9/11 was not just 'some people did something' and that the real victims were the 2,977 innocent lives taken by 19 radical Islamic terrorists," Babin wrote on Facebook. Not the first controversy surrounding Omar Before her comments on 9/11 were unearthed, Omar sparked controversy over her criticism of Israel's treatment of Palestinians and Israel lobbying efforts. She posted a series of tweets in February implying the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups was stifling debate about Israel and Palestine. Critics said the comments played into enduring stereotypes about Jewish money controlling politics. In the aftermath of the controversy, the House passed a resolution that broadly condemned hate. It was originally crafted solely on denouncing anti-Semitism but later broadened to condemning other forms of bigotry against minorities. More: 'Ill put a bullet in her': Trump supporter charged with threatening to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar More: House overwhelmingly passes resolution condemning hate after Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments More: Poster tying Rep. Ilhan Omar to 9/11 attack sparks angry confrontation in W.Va. Capitol Omar, along with Tlaib, were the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Both were sworn into office in January. The attention she's gotten has led to death threats, including by a New York man who was arrested last week after calling her office and threatening to kill her. "Do you work for the Muslim Brotherhood? Why are you working for her, she's an (expletive) terrorist," Patrick W. Carlineo, a Trump supporter, is accused of telling a member of Omar's staff. "Ill put a bullet in her (expletive) skull." Along with the threats, a display in the West Virginia statehouse equated Omar to al-Qaida terrorists behind the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The poster sparked a confrontation between Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Friday, according to NBC News. One person was physically injured and another resigned as a result of the incident that centered around the freshman Minnesota Democrat, NBC reported. The poster shows an image of the World Trade Center just after terrorists hit the second tower with a civilian airliner. "'Never forget' you said ... " reads the caption above the image of the burning towers. "I am the proof you have forgotten" reads the next caption below an image of Omar, who is Muslim. Contributing: Ledyard King, reporting from Leesburg, Virginia for USA TODAY This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: New York Post rips Rep. Ilhan Omar over 9/11 comments. Here's what we know about her remarks Bitcoin miners flocking to Iran for cheap electricity amid an ongoing clampdown by the Chinese government are in for a rude awakening. | Source:: Lars Hagberg / AFP Many Chinese bitcoin miners migrated to Iran in 2018 for its cheap electricity amid Chinas crackdown on crypto mining. However, theyre finding the harsh environment in the authoritarian regime unwelcoming. Feng Liu operates a bitcoin mine holding over 20,000 units of Antminer T9. He told Chinese crypto website 8BTC News that many Chinese crypto miners flocked to Iran last year because electricity is cheap (as low as $0.006 per kilowatt-hour) in the oil-rich nation. If you want to invest in power plants in Iran, the government there will supply free natural gas for the first five years, which further lowers electricity costs. Gasoline costs only 0.6 yuan ($0.09) per liter and diesel 0.4 yuan ($0.06) per liter. Labor cost is also quite cheap. Bitcoin Mining Rigs Get Confiscated at Border However, because of Irans generous electricity subsidy, the government has banned energy-devouring crypto mining rigs at border checks. As a result, mining equipment get confiscated at the border. Liu says he was able to import 3,000 T9 miners into Iran last year with the help of several friendly border agents, who declared the rigs as computer processors. However, he has had trouble importing additional mining gear. Read the full story on (Bloomberg) -- Dar es Salaam, Lagos and Addis Ababa could be the next stop for a Kenyan fresh-produce distribution platform in its quest to disrupt food-supply chains in Africa. Twiga Foods Ltd. aggregates farm produce and distributes it to vendors at street corners or market stalls in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, through a mobile phone-based supply platform. In the countrys fragmented retail market, where 90 percent of food is sold through informal outlets, the tech startup is trying to create efficiency to lower food prices. A banana in a Nairobi supermarket costs more than a banana in London, while the average income of a consumer in the U.K. is 30 times compared to Kenya, Peter Njonjo, Twigas co-founder, said in an interview in Nairobi. This is true for many African cities and our vision is to leverage technology and organize a more efficient value chain that lowers food prices. Many Kenyans in the Nairobi metropolitan area, which has about 6.5 million people, spend an average of 45 percent of their disposable income on food, Njonjo said. Many cities on the continent face similar challenges - urbanization outpacing infrastructure development, inefficient agriculture and a fragmented retail industry, he said. If it works here, the key thing is we would want to find a way to scale and get into those cities and offer the same products and services, he said. Nairobi is growing into a tech hub creating solutions for problems common in the developing world. In the past six years, Kenya received 58 percent of reported investment deals in East Africa, according to the Africa Private Equity Venture Capital Association. Big Cities Twiga is first eyeing other East African cities, such as Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. It plans to then move on to Africas most populous city, Lagos, where Njonjo worked for three years as Coca-Cola Co.s regional head for West and Central Africa before becoming Twigas chief executive officer. Story continues For us the icing would be Lagos, he said. We will remain very centric to big urban cities, because thats where the problem is biggest. Twiga sources the fruits and vegetables from 17,000 farmers and delivers directly to 180,000 informal retailers daily in Nairobi and its environs, creating a predictable market for growers and reducing transport costs for the vendors. To beat Nairobis notorious traffic, the firm dispatches its trucks early in the morning so they are at its neighborhood depots where it distributes to kiosks. Twiga will face a formidable challenge integrating logistics systems in the other African countries they target, and uptake may be slow in markets that dont embrace change quickly, said Gerald Muriuki, a technology analyst at Nairobi-based investment bank Genghis Capital. In Nigeria, theyll have to contend with perennial power shortages, according to Eric Musau, head of research at Standard Investment Bank in Nairobi. It boils down to cost and how soon they can turn profitable, he said. Funding Expansion Other than distribution, Twiga is also working with selected farmers to modernize food production and expects dispatches to increase to 200-300 metric tons per day by the end of the year from about 120 tons currently, he said. The company has raised $35 million from venture capital and convertible notes since inception in 2013. This year, Twiga will conduct a second round of financing to fund expansion in Nairobi and another round in 2020 for growth outside of Kenya, Njonjo said. Existing investors include Wamda Capital, which had invested in the Middle Eastern ride-hailing company Careem Networks FZ that Uber Technologies Inc. bought for $3.1 billion in a cash and stock deal last month. We have a good captive audience of investors we can walk this journey with, Njonjo said. (Updates with analyst comment in 12th paragraph.) To contact the reporter on this story: Bella Genga in Nairobi at To contact the editors responsible for this story: David Malingha at, Helen Nyambura, Ana Monteiro For more articles like this, please visit us at 2019 Bloomberg L.P. Sudan's second new military leader in as many days vowed Saturday to "uproot" deposed president Omar al-Bashir's regime and release protesters, in a bid to placate demonstrators demanding civilian rule. "I announce the restructuring of state institutions according to the law and pledge to fight corruption and uproot the regime and its symbols," General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said, a day after he was sworn in to head Sudan's new ruling military council. He also ordered the release of all prisoners jailed by special emergency courts and the immediate lifting of a night-time curfew imposed by the council earlier this week. Career soldier Burhan took the helm of Sudan's transitional military council on Friday when his predecessor General Awad Ibn Ouf -- a close aide of ousted veteran president Bashir -- quit after little more than 24 hours in power. Burhan also pledged Saturday that individuals implicated in killing protesters would face justice. His initial announcements indicated he wanted to show the tens of thousands of protesters on the streets that he is not part of the regime's old guard and was genuinely committed to reform. He also accepted the resignation of the head of the feared National Intelligence and Security Service, Salah Abdallah Mohammed Salih -- widely known as Salih Ghosh -- the military council announced. Salih Ghosh had overseen a sweeping crackdown against protesters in four months of mass demonstrations that led to the army's toppling of Bashir on Thursday. - Demand for civilian rule - Dozens of protesters were killed and thousands of activists, opposition leaders and journalists arrested. The police said Friday that 16 people had been killed in live fire in Khartoum alone over the previous two days as NISS agents led a last stand for Bashir before the army intervened. But in a statement Saturday evening, Burhan said the deputy chief of the NISS was a member of the newly formed 10-member council which also includes the police chief and military figures. Burhan named as the council's deputy Mohammad Hamdan Daglo, who is also known as Himeidti, field commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) counter-insurgency unit, which rights groups have accused of abuses in war-torn Darfur. A photograph published by state news agency SUNA had shown Burhan talking with protesters outside army headquarters on Friday, before his elevation to the top job. Khartoum erupted with joy when Ibn Ouf tendered his resignation on Friday night barely 24 hours after taking the oath of office. But protest organisers urged demonstrators to keep up their week-old vigil outside army headquarters. Ibn Ouf had served as Bashir's defence minister right up to the president's downfall, ending three decades of iron-fisted rule. A former military intelligence chief, Ibn Ouf remains under US sanctions for his role in the regime's brutal response to a 2003 ethnic minority rebellion in Darfur region. Bashir himself came to power in a 1989 Islamist military coup, toppling an elected government led by Sadiq al-Mahdi. Burhan comes with less baggage from Bashir's deeply unpopular rule than Ibn Ouf. The grass-roots Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) composed of doctors, teachers and engineers, has spearheaded the nationwide protests. While welcoming Ibn Ouf's departure, it demanded that Burhan swiftly "transfer the powers of the military council to a transitional civilian government" and said it would continue to stage sit-ins to that end. - 'Violating the constitution' - Bashir remained in custody and his National Congress Party on Saturday urged the military council to release arrested members. "We consider (the) taking of power by the military council as violating the constitution's legitimacy," the NCP said in a statement. "The NCP rejects the detention of its leaders, among them its acting president" Ahmed Harun, it added, calling for their immediate release. Outside the Middle East, the formation of a military government to replace Bashir has met with widespread criticism. The African Union said Bashir's overthrow by the military was "not the appropriate response to the challenges facing Sudan and the aspirations of its people". The Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) called for dialogue and a peaceful transition of power, in a joint statement from their summit in Ndjamena, Chad. The European Union urged the army to carry out a "swift" handover to civilian rule, and former colonial ruler Britain said that the two-year transition announced by the military "is not the answer." "We need to see a swift move to an inclusive, representative, civilian leadership," said Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. But Saudi Arabia backed the transitional military council and promised an aid package including, wheat, medicine and "petroleum products", the Saudi Press Agency reported Saturday. Members of the military council have sought to reassure foreign diplomats about its intentions. "This is not a military coup, but taking the side of the people," the council's political chief Lieutenant General Omar Zain al-Abdin told Arab and African diplomats at a meeting broadcast on state television on Friday. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has longstanding arrest warrants against Bashir for suspected genocide and war crimes during the regime's brutal campaign of repression in Darfur. But the military council has said it would never extradite him or any other Sudanese citizen. Sudanese celebrate in Khartoum on April 13, 2019, after an announcement by Sudan's new military ruler, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who indicated he wanted to show protesters on the streets that he isnot part of the regime's old guard Young Sudanese sit atop a military vehicle as the country's second new military leader in as many days announced on April 13, 2019 the release of prisoners, the lifting of a curfew, and other measures The head of Sudan's feared National Intelligence and Security Service, Salih Ghosh, oversaw a sweeping crackdown against protesters before his dismissal Sudan's second new military ruler in as many days, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, is seen talking with protesters before he assumed power outside army headquarters, in a photograph released by state news agency SUNA Young Sudanese celebrate outside army headquarters in Khartoum after an announcement on April 13, 2019, by Sudan's new military ruler General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who pledged that individuals implicated in killing protesters would face justice Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdulrahman, the new chief of Sudan's ruling military council pictured in a grab from Sudan TV on April 13, 2019, comes with less baggage from the rule of Omar al-Bashir In a rare move of unity, the world agreed to curb global warming and reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses in Paris in 2016. Despite President Trumps decision to unilaterally withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, renewable energy remains high on the agenda of policymakers and energy professionals. The EU intends to become the first significant climate neutral economy by 2050. The widespread installment of wind turbines and photovoltaic cells has created another problem: intermittent energy production requires storage capacity. In order to maintain a stable electricity grid and prevent blackouts, production and consumption need to be in balance. The intermittent nature of renewables is a headache for utility companies. Germany has invested 200 billion in its domestic wind and solar power infrastructure which occasionally produces much more than is consumed which leads to a loss of wealth. It brings about negative prices and possibly the (temporary) disconnection of renewables from the grid. The opposite is also a likelihood when renewables dont produce sufficient energy which requires supplementation from, for example, dirtier coal-fired power plants. To store power during windy and sunny days, both batteries and hydrogen, or H 2 , can be used. The former has already been applied on a regional level such as Teslas big battery which has kept the notorious South Australian grid relatively stable. Production on an industrial scale, however, leads to other problems which are often the result of mining activities. Related: Shell Ventures Into Chinas Shale Oil A cleaner alternative is hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe. Since its discovery in the 17th century, hydrogen has been used in a variety of appliances in the chemical industry. It can, however, also be used in the energy sector where H 2 is not an energy source, but an energy carrier meaning it requires power to produce it. (Click to enlarge) Currently, most of the hydrogen consumed is produced through the process of steaming which converts methane into H 2 and Co 2 . In order to become an integral part of the energy system of the future with a carbon neutral characteristic, hydrogen needs to be produced by the environmentally friendly process of electrolysis which converts electricity into H 2 and O 2 . The process, however, is relatively inefficient as a significant amount of power is lost during production and conversion. (Click to enlarge) The growth in generation capacity of renewables could provide a solution to this problem. Currently, the intermittent nature of wind and solar power sometimes leads to a waste of power. Especially during moments of excessive production hydrogen could be the solution. Redundant electricity could be absorbed to produce H 2 and store it for moments when prices are favorable enough to convert it back into power. Hydrogen can also be used to power fuel cell electric vehicles or FCEV. Japanese automakers such as Toyota are betting on FCEVs instead of battery cell powered EVs to become the future of the automobile industry. Batteries, however, have two advantages: charging doesn't require additional infrastructure as the existing electricity grid is used, and prices have dropped significantly. Due to the continued decreasing costs of batteries, EVs are increasingly able to compete with traditional automobiles with internal combustion engines. Related: Oil Markets Set For Further Disruption Another downside of FCEVs compared to EVs is the relative loss of power. The production of hydrogen and conversion into electricity leads to a significant loss of energy. The most efficient method to produce and consume hydrogen in vehicles requires almost twice the production capacity compared to battery-powered cars. (Click to enlarge) Despite the considerable loss of power, hydrogen's abundance and clean nature could make it an indispensable link in the energy system of the future. Also, further research concerning H 2 production and conversion could lead to higher efficiency and improved applicability. The EU has designated hydrogen as a tool to reduce greenhouse gasses. In Asia, Chinese companies have put their focus on a million FCEV vehicles by 2030. The increased attention for hydrogen together with the rise of renewables could herald an era of rapid technological development. It could lead to higher efficiency and lower prices which is exactly what the industry needs. By Vanand Meliksetian for More Top Reads From Last week Saudi Aramco the national oil company of Saudi Arabia and the worlds largest oil company lifted a veil of secrecy around the companys operations. For the first time in decades, operational details for Saudi Aramco were revealed in a bond offering. (A PDF link of the prospectus is here). The immediate takeaway which I covered in the previous article was that the reported breakeven costs for Saudi Aramco were higher than the numbers that are frequently reported. However, other news stories have focused on an apparent bombshell around production at the Saudi Ghawar oilfield, which is the worlds largest conventional onshore oil field. Conventional wisdom held that Ghawar has been producing 5 million barrels per day (BPD) of crude oil for decades. The prospectus notes that Ghawar has produced more than half of the Kingdoms cumulative oil production to date, but it reported that 2018 production was only 3.8 million BPD. That number resulted in several stories that suggested that Ghawar production has peaked and is falling fast. (For example: The Biggest Saudi Oil Field Is Fading Faster Than Anyone Guessed). I dont believe this number alone supports such conclusions. I think it is an example of confirmation bias, which refers to a persons tendency to interpret information as confirmation of existing beliefs. There is another possible interpretation. Saudi Arabia has long played the role of the worlds swing producer in the oil markets. They maintain spare production capacity. This has allowed them to raise and lower production according to their views of market demand and agreed-upon OPEC quotas. So, it is possible that Ghawar is simply not operating at full capacity. Given the information from the prospectus, one can just as easily make this conclusion as to conclude that Ghawar production is in decline. I dont know which interpretation is correct, but we shouldnt make hasty conclusions based on limited information. Related: Soaring Permian Output To Cap Oil Rally Notably, the people most likely to accept the interpretation that Ghawar is rapidly declining are the same people who reject Saudi Arabias claim repeated in the prospectus that its oil and gas reserves are equivalent to 257 billion barrels. Again, unless there is good objective reasoning for rejecting a reserves number while embracing a production number, this may be confirmation bias in action. Last week Saudi Aramco the national oil company of Saudi Arabia and the worlds largest oil company lifted a veil of secrecy around the companys operations. For the first time in decades, operational details for Saudi Aramco were revealed in a bond offering. (A PDF link of the prospectus is here). The immediate takeaway which I covered in the previous article was that the reported breakeven costs for Saudi Aramco were higher than the numbers that are frequently reported. However, other news stories have focused on an apparent bombshell around production at the Saudi Ghawar oilfield, which is the worlds largest conventional onshore oil field. Conventional wisdom held that Ghawar has been producing 5 million barrels per day (BPD) of crude oil for decades. The prospectus notes that Ghawar has produced more than half of the Kingdoms cumulative oil production to date, but it reported that 2018 production was only 3.8 million BPD. That number resulted in several stories that suggested that Ghawar production has peaked and is falling fast. (For example: The Biggest Saudi Oil Field Is Fading Faster Than Anyone Guessed). I dont believe this number alone supports such conclusions. I think it is an example of confirmation bias, which refers to a persons tendency to interpret information as confirmation of existing beliefs. Related: BP Pulls Out Of Chinas Shale Patch There is another possible interpretation. Saudi Arabia has long played the role of the worlds swing producer in the oil markets. They maintain spare production capacity. This has allowed them to raise and lower production according to their views of market demand and agreed-upon OPEC quotas. So, it is possible that Ghawar is simply not operating at full capacity. Given the information from the prospectus, one can just as easily make this conclusion as to conclude that Ghawar production is in decline. I dont know which interpretation is correct, but we shouldnt make hasty conclusions based on limited information. Notably, the people most likely to accept the interpretation that Ghawar is rapidly declining are the same people who reject Saudi Arabias claim repeated in the prospectus that its oil and gas reserves are equivalent to 257 billion barrels. Again, unless there is good objective reasoning for rejecting a reserves number while embracing a production number, this may be confirmation bias in action. By Robert Rapier More Top Reads From - Copper prices have rebounded from last years lows on supply concerns, but new investment is lacking. - [B]ecause prices have been relatively low since mid-last year and the trade tensions initiated by the US are generating uncertainty, virtually no investment is being made at present in major new copper projects, Commerzbank - Oil prices hit fresh highs for 2019 this week, pushed up by a tightening market and concerns over Libya. - However, price volatility has been declining, a pattern consistent with a tightening in physical markets following the OPEC+ output cuts, rather than (as in H2-2018) an expected, but unrealized, future tightening, Standard Chartered wrote in a note. - Front-month Brent volatility began the year above 50%, but now stands at just 13%. The volatility curve is lower than in previous years, with the back below 8%, the bank said. - History suggests that when OPEC abandons market management, prices are more volatile. The market was highly volatile following the 2014 OPEC decision to produce at a maximum levels and not intervene, while volatility dropped significantly when the OPEC+ group initiated the first round of cuts in 2017. - Once again, volatility has fallen this year as the cuts were phased in, even though prices are rising. Friday April 12, 2019 1. Oil prices moving higher, but volatility lower - Oil prices hit fresh highs for 2019 this week, pushed up by a tightening market and concerns over Libya. - However, price volatility has been declining, a pattern consistent with a tightening in physical markets following the OPEC+ output cuts, rather than (as in H2-2018) an expected, but unrealized, future tightening, Standard Chartered wrote in a note. - Front-month Brent volatility began the year above 50%, but now stands at just 13%. The volatility curve is lower than in previous years, with the back below 8%, the bank said. - History suggests that when OPEC abandons market management, prices are more volatile. The market was highly volatile following the 2014 OPEC decision to produce at a maximum levels and not intervene, while volatility dropped significantly when the OPEC+ group initiated the first round of cuts in 2017. - Once again, volatility has fallen this year as the cuts were phased in, even though prices are rising. 2. Copper up, but investment lacking - Copper prices have rebounded from last years lows on supply concerns, but new investment is lacking. - [B]ecause prices have been relatively low since mid-last year and the trade tensions initiated by the US are generating uncertainty, virtually no investment is being made at present in major new copper projects, Commerzbank wrote in a report. - Copper prices are up to $6,500 per ton, but that is not high enough for new projects. - An estimated 1 million tons of copper capacity is expected to come online through 2023, according to Bloomberg, but that may not be enough to close an emerging supply gap. - We are looking at a classic resource cycle, Colin Hamilton, managing editor for commodities at BMO Capital Markets, told Bloomberg. No one has copper coming now, when it is needed, but everyone has projects coming 2022-2023 - potentially after weve had to drive some substitution. 3. Libya faces potential supply outage - The attack on Tripoli by the Libyan National Army threatens to disrupt the countrys oil supply. - Libya once produced 1.6 mb/d, before the fall of Dictator Muammar Qaddafi in 2011. But in the years following his ouster, Libya struggled with civil war and flagging production. It took until 2017 before the countrys output began to rebound. - The restoration of the Sharara oil field the countrys largest with a capacity of 300,000 bpd in February helped push Libyan output back above 1 mb/d. - That is now under threat. The LNA has protected Libyas oil fields and kept them open, but it does so by paying off local militias. It may be unable to do that if it becomes stretched thin by its assault on Tripoli. 4. Oil discoveries on the rise - After years of wallowing in the doldrums, new oil discoveries are on the rise. Global discoveries of conventional oil reserves hit 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in the first quarter of this year, according to Rystad Energy. - In February, the industry found 2.2 billion boe, the best month for new discoveries since August 2015 when Eni (NYSE: E) found the Zohr gas field off the coast of Egypt. - If the rest of 2019 continues at a similar pace, this year will be on track to exceed last years discovered resources by 30%, Taiyab Zain Shariff, Upstream Analyst at Rystad Energy, said in a statement. - So far, ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) has been the most successful, announcing three discoveries this year, which combined accounts for nearly 40 percent of the global total. - From a global perspective, the push for substantial new discoveries shows no signs of slowing down, with another 35 high impact exploration wells expected to be drilled this year, both onshore and offshore, Rystad Energy wrote in its report. 5. Natural gas crashes coal prices - Coal prices have crashed from $120 per metric ton last June at its peak, to just $78 in Newcastle recently. - The decline comes from a combination of US and Indonesian production rising strongly on high prices, and seaborne demand softening on trade wars and a general slowdown in manufacturing across US, EU and China, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch. - The investment bank expects prices to remain at these low levels, with risk on the downside. - The more that natural gas becomes available, via a proliferation of LNG export terminals, the more pressure on coal there will be. - In fact, LNG itself is facing a short- and medium-term glut. - A global oversupply of gas and resulting coal to gas switching in Europe has put downward pressure on European coal prices especially, and we expect this to persist as more US liquefaction capacity starts up in 2H19, Bank of America Merrill Lynch concluded. 6. Bitcoin rally could be stalled by China ban - Bitcoin has staged a remarkable rally this month, moving back above $5,000. - But the cryptocurrency market faces a severe challenge as China announced plans to ban crypto mining. - Chinas powerful National Development Reform Commission targeted cryptocurrency mining for elimination because it seriously wasted resources. - About 70 percent of Bitcoin mining and 90 percent of trades occurs in China, according to Bloomberg. - The Chinese government wants to run them out of business. 7. Battery costs continue to fall - Lithium-ion battery prices have declined by 85 percent since 2010. A wave of new battery factories are set to come online in China, Thailand and the United States, which could drive down battery prices further, according to Bloomberg. - Lithium-ion batteries cost $1,160 per kilowatt hour in 2010, according to Bloomberg NEF. That fell to just $176/kWh in 2018, and could decline further to below $100/kWh by 2020. - Many industry analysts have said that a different battery one that is not based on lithium will be necessary to accelerate the energy transition. Lithium is costly and the batteries lack the energy density of other promising technologies. - But falling prices and the proliferation of factories likely means that lithium-ion batteries will entrench their position in the market. This week president Donald Trump signed two executive orders aimed at speeding up the development and functionality of oil and gas projects in the United States. The orders will ease the process of building new oil and gas pipelines and put up extra hurdles for state agencies that want to intervene, a move immediately decried by many state officials and environmentalists. The executive orders are intended to curtail officials power to limit the oil and gas sector at the state level by changing federal agencies issued instructions, or guidance. One executive order further includes a directive to curb shareholder ballot initiatives concerning environmental and social policies, while the second order, focused on border-crossing energy projects, takes the power to approve or deny pipelines and other infrastructure crossing over the countrys borders away from the Secretary of State and gives the responsibility wholly to the president. Furthermore, President Trumps executive action also specifically directs the Department of Transportation to change its rules concerning the transport of natural gas, requiring the agency to permit the shipment of liquefied natural gas by rail and by tanker truck. This detail of Wednesdays executive orders has already proven to be extremely divisive. The directive would open up new markets with major demand for U.S. natural gas but moving the potentially explosive substance by rail could cause potentially catastrophic accidents if one of these train cars were to derail. Related: European Markets Defy The Biggest Oil Rally In A Decade Despite the risks, the move is counted as a major victory for railroads and the natural gas sector, which have been lobbying for years for just this sort of initiative. Proponents of the order argue that its necessary to deliver natural gas to the needy Northeast, where there are not sufficient pipelines to meet demand. They also argue that delivering more natural gas to the U.S. Northeast via road and rail would make it possible to use LNG to power ships and trains. One such advocate, head of the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas trade group Charlie Riedl, told Bloomberg that there are all sorts of new opportunities where you can use rail much more efficiently. The initiative has other potential benefits as well, such as offsetting the steep decline of coal shipments by rail, but for many, the drawbacks far outweigh all these silver linings. You dont need to look too far to find plenty of cautionary tales from previous experiments in sending oil and gas by rail, from spills, explosions, and accidents to a runaway oil train in Quebec that killed nearly 50 people when it derailed in a small town in 2013. The natural gas that would be shipped in train cars and tanker trucks will be chilled to 260 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (-167 Celsius) and is extremely space efficient, taking up just 1/600th of its volume in a gaseous state. This form of liquefied natural gas is already being shipped all around the world all the time, including within the U.S., where it is driven in trucks to storage facilities. Related: Is This The End Of The OPEC Deal? In this liquefied, super-chilled state, natural gas is not flammable on its own and cannot be ignited and is actually considered much safer to ship than crude oil. While that sounds like any cause for alarm and cries of bomb trains is overblown, however, there is still a wide margin for risk if a tank of LNG were ruptured or caused in any other way to come into contact with air. When exposed to air, the liquefied natural gas will rapidly convert back into an ultra-flammable gas and begin to evaporate. One staff attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, Emily Jeffers, told Bloomberg that Trumps plan to ship natural gas by rail is a disaster waiting to happen, going on to say that under the guidelines of the executive order youre transporting an extraordinarily flammable and dangerous substance through highly populated areas with basically no environmental protection. By Haley Zaremba for More Top Reads From A Federal High Court sitting in Ibadan Friday struck out a suit filed by the Minister of Communication, Mr Adebayo Shittu, against the All Progressives Congress (APC) for excluding his name from the list of gubernatorial aspirants in 2019 general election over his inability to present his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC ) certificate. The APC had refused to allow Shittu to participate in the Oyo State gubernatorial primary becausehe failed to take part in the NYSC scheme after his graduation from the university. The presiding judge, Justice P. I. Ajoku, while dismissing the suit, said Shittu did not file the case within the time stipulated by law. She said: I must first consider the provision of Section 285 of the Constitution that makes it mandatory for all pre-election matters to be filed within 14 days of occurrence. This particular case was not filed within 14 days, but outside the date. Therefore, I will not bother going into the merit of the case. Havent failed to satisfy the dictates of the constitution, the matter is hereby struck out. The defence counsel, Mr. Adebayo Ojo, in his reaction, said the law has taken its due course. The judge acted by the 1999 Constitution and it is a victory for democracy, the former Oyo State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice said. The counsel to Shittu, Mr. Abdulhakeem Mustafa (SAN), had tendered a 38-paragraph affidavit and 13 exhibits to support his claims with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). He prayed the court to determine whether the action of his party to omit his name in the list of gubernatorial aspirants was lawful or a contravention of the constitution. Kudirat Afolabi, the Nigerian widow and mother of two executed in Saudi Arabia, carried drugs on her body, including her private parts, it has been revealed. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Relations and the Diaspora, made the revelation on Friday while spekaing with NAN. According to Dabiri-Erewa, the clarification became necessary so as to educate the public on the circumstances leading to the execution of the Nigerian. Afolabi was executed alongside two Pakistani men and one Yemeni man, bringing the total number of people killed by Saudi Arabia this year to 53. There had been attempts, especially on social media, to link Afolabis fate with the activities of a drug syndicate operating at Malam Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano, which specilizes in planting drugs in the baggage of unsuspecting travellers. But Dabiri-Erewa said Afolabi did not belong to the list of seven who are suspected to have fallen victim of the four-man gang of hard drugs-planting syndicate. There are some people caught in Kano, but those they allegedly gave the drugs to are yet to face trials in Saudi, she said. What we can now do is to prevail on the Saudi authority that those people awaiting trials in their country are among the victims of the Kano syndicate. If Nigeria can do this, through National Drugs and Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and the Nigerian mission in Saudi Arabia, they might not even be charged to court. On the widow, she said: Ms Afolabi was one of those drugs were found on their bodies. They were 20 in number. They are the ones on the death roll, as drugs were found on their bodies, including their private parts. In their case, the Saudis do not appear to waste so much time on them. What is on social media that the lady could have been saved was incorrect. There was no way we could have done that. She was found with drugs on her body; just like the other 20. Afer Afolabis execution, it was revealed that another Nigerian, Saheed Sobade, was facing the prospect of death in Saudi Arabia after being nabbed with 1,183 grams of cocaine powder in Jeddah, a Saudi Arabian port city on the Red Sea and gateway for pilgrimages to the Islamic holy cities Mecca and Medina. The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Nigeria responded to widespread criticism of Afolabis execution by insisting that all legal and judicial procedures were observed. It is well-known for all those interested in travelling to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that the penalty for drug trafficking is the death sentence and the said sentence is applied on all persons convicted without any exceptions, as long as the evidence is established against them, and this is conveyed to every person prior to his trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it said. One person was confirmed dead while four others were critically injured on Friday after a Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) van chased a taxi driver into a ditch along the Oyo-Ibadan Express road, according to a report by PM News. The taxi driver, Akeem Ibrahim, died while four others injured were rushed to the hospital. The FRSC officials escaped. The FRSC Hilux van with code No. 1139(3) was reported to have been in pursuit of presumed road traffic defaulters in a Nissan Micra vehicle with registration No. Lagos KSF 831. Kannywood actress, Amina Muhammad, popularly known as Amina Amal, has taken legal action against her colleague who beat her and recorded it on camera over lesbianism allegation. KanyiDaily had reported that Hadiza Gabon confronted and beat up Amina Amal for accusing her of being a lesbian. The trouble started when Amina who is a Cameroonian-born actress, was recently criticized over her attire which exposed parts of her body. After the backlash, Amina took to social media to gave a sound warning to her colleague whom she accused of being a bad person. She accused also accused her colleague of lesbianism as she shared screenshots of their purported chat. Hadiza Gabon who felt the accusations were directed at her, later confronted Amina and beat her up over the issue which has since been a trending topic online. According to fresh reports, Amina has now taken legal action against Hadiza over the inhuman treatment given to her. " " There have been more than 11,000 attempts to alter the U.S. Constitution. Most of those, obviously, have fallen flat. Visions of America/Contributor/Universal Images Group/Getty Images Every time you turn on cable news, there's a good chance someone is yelling about the need for an amendment to the United States Constitution. You're probably familiar with some of the more recent attempts, including proposals to require a balanced federal budget, define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, guarantee equal rights for women, ban flag desecration and reform the Electoral College. What you might not know is there have actually been more than 11,000 proposed constitutional amendments introduced in or recommended to Congress since the country's founding document was enacted in 1789 [source: Bernstein and Agel]. Like those listed above, many of them were politically controversial. Others, however, were just plain weird. If it's been a while since your last civics class, here's a quick refresher on the constitutional amendment process. A two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, or a constitutional convention called by two-thirds of the state legislatures, is required to formally propose an amendment. Then the amendment must be ratified by three-fourths (38) of the 50 states [source: National Archives]. The founding fathers designed the process to be difficult but not impossible, which is why, of the thousands of proposed amendments, only 27 became enshrined in the Constitution. Considering our list of some of the weird things politicians and activists proposed over the years, that's probably a good thing. A blog operator must pay $29,000 to a real estate developer for "defamation", a Chinese court has ruled after alleging a building complex had bad energy. Published on the WeChat social network in November, the text said an office complex in Beijing brought bad luck to its business tenants because it does not respect feng shui principles. Feng shui is a technique and belief inherited from ancient China that aims to maximise the energies of a place to maximise wellbeing, health and the luck of those inside. Although somewhat in decline, it is still widely used to determine the placement and layout of buildings. The "S Shenkunju S" blog took aim at the Wangjing Soho complex in the northeast of Beijing -- a group of three buildings that resemble large rounded pebbles, owned by developer Soho China. The article compared the structures to "pig's kidneys" and predicted the business of companies inside will suffer a "Waterloo" -- the crushing defeat of the French Army by a British-led force in 1815. According to the blog, which called on businesses to leave the premises, the proof these "outlandish" constructions are generating negative energy is the financial difficulties of the firms based there. The article was widely shared online and garnered more than 100,000 views before being take down. Lodging the complaint, the developer argued the post had a harmful impact on its business. Beijing's Chaoyang district court on Wednesday agreed, ruling the feng shui "superstition" was used to defame the real estate group. The company behind the blog was ordered to pay the developer 200,000 yuan ($29,000) and apologise publicly. The building complex was designed by multiple award winning architect Iraqi-British Zaha Hadid, who died in 2016. A Hong Kong judge on Friday said she understood the great frustration of handling the controversial case of a student who had admitted to killing his pregnant girlfriend but could only be punished for money laundering. Madam Justice Anthea Pang Po-kam made the comment before the court heard for the first time how an agitated Chan Tong-kai, 20, had ended his seven-month relationship with co-worker Poon Hiu-wing, 19, by killing her while they were on a trip to Taiwan in February last year. The High Court heard the pair first crossed paths in July 2017 while working part-time for the same company and became lovers the following month. Poon confirmed she was five weeks pregnant in early December, when Chan booked and paid for a trip to Taiwan. She had told her mother on February 8 she would be visiting Taiwan with a friend and return on February 17 but offered no further details on her travelling companion. Poons mother received a WhatsApp message from her at 1.21am on February 17, saying she would be returning to Hong Kong later that night. But Poon never made it. Her mother made a missing-person report on March 5 while her father went looking for her in Taiwan and sought help from local authorities. A copy of Chans arrival and departure card for Taiwan was later discovered in Poons flat, which identified their hotel in the Datong district and led to police interviewing him on March 13. Under caution, Chan told investigators they had quarrelled over how their luggage should be packed after buying a new pink suitcase from a night market on February 16. They made up and had sex but fought again hours later at 2am on February 17. Chan claimed Poon had revealed that the father of the baby was her former boyfriend and showed him a video of her having sex with another man. Agitated, Chan hit Poons head against the wall, strangled her from behind with both hands and struggled with her on the floor for around 10 minutes until she was dead. Story continues He then folded her body into the suitcase, packed up her belongings and went to bed. At 7am, Chan got up and disposed of Poons belongings at different refuge collection points near the hotel. He then travelled 15 stations away and dumped the body inside a thicket of bushes at a park near Zhuwei station after a two-hour search for a suitable site on the outskirts of Taipei. He threw away the empty suitcase and the last of Poons belongings except her iPhone 6, Casio digital camera and HSBC ATM card. Using her password, Chan withdrew 20,000 New Taiwan dollars (US$647) to buy clothes. But he changed his mind about shopping and caught the 11.22pm flight home. Over the next two days, Chan used Poons ATM card to withdraw HK$19,200 (US$2,450) to pay his credit card bills. Chan was arrested for murder by Hong Kong police immediately after his admission on March 13, 2018 the same day the Taiwanese authorities found Poons decomposed body. But he was only charged with money laundering and has not been sent to Taiwan, despite requests from the island authorities, because there is no formal extradition agreement between the two places. Murder carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment, while the punishment for money laundering is capped at 14 years in prison and a HK$5 million fine. Chan pleaded guilty to four counts of dealing with property known or believed to represent the proceeds of an indictable offence at the first available opportunity during committal proceedings at Eastern Court on December 31. But he did not agree to all of the facts laid out by the prosecution, which prompted senior public prosecutor Claudia Ko Hoi-yee to apply for a Newton hearing, a procedure to settle a discrepancy between the accounts of both sides. Ko hinted that certain conversations between Chan and Poon would prove his state of mind before he left Hong Kong for Taiwan, which would materially affect how the indictable offence in the money laundering charge was defined, hence affecting the sentence. The prosecutor argued the predicate offence should be murder. We would ask the court to take into account he knew [the money laundering] was a result of the killing which he had planned, Ko said. Pang said she understood there may be great frustration and feelings of injustice in handling the case when Chan had admitted to the killing. But she found the proposed five-day hearing unnecessary and rejected Kos application after observing that prosecutors had no evidence to suggest the theft was premeditated. We are only dealing with money laundering in this jurisdiction, Pang said. The predicate offence is theft. Without the theft, no crime proceeds would be generated, the physical items would remain on [Poons] body, no money laundering charge could have been laid. Chan had little to say in mitigation for his crimes, except to ask his defence counsel Ronny Leung to remind the court he was a man of clear record who had been remanded since his arrest. He will be sentenced on April 29. This article Body folded in suitcase: gruesome details emerge of Hong Kong mans killing of pregnant girlfriend in Taiwan first appeared on South China Morning Post For the latest news from the South China Morning Post download our mobile app. Copyright 2019. Over 80 academics from around the world have written to the Singapore government expressing concerns over how recently proposed laws against online falsehoods could threaten academic freedom in the city state. The Protection From Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill, tabled in parliament on April 1, has raised eyebrows for the sweeping powers it would hand the government. In their letter, sent to Singapores education minister on April 11 and made available to the media on April 13, the academics focused on how the proposed powers to police falsehoods could backfire on researchers. The legislation may also set negative precedents, with knock-on effects on the global academy, wrote the academics. They noted that much of academic work focuses on disputing apparently established facts, which are confirmed or denied through research, and continuously reappraised as new data becomes available. Thus for many phenomena it is not possible to state definitively what is a fact proven for all time, and what is a conjecture or hypothesis that may turn out to be false or misleading, wrote the group of scholars, who include University of Michigan business professor Linda Lim, Baptist University journalism professor Cherian George, National University of Singapore political scientist Chong Ja Ian and Nanyang Technological University sociologist Teo You Yenn. Statements that a reasonable person would consider to be a representation of fact are precisely those most usefully subject to rigorous academic scrutiny, they added. In its response to the letter, as reported by The Straits Times, Singapores education ministry reiterated the governments position that the bill covers verifiably false statements of fact which affect public interest and does not restrict opinion. The ministry said the law would not affect academic research work. Story continues In a media statement, the academics acknowledged the ministrys assurance but said they cannot accept this as a categorical guarantee until it is reflected in the language of the bill. For many phenomena it is not possible to state definitively what is a fact proven for all time Academics letter The much-anticipated bill gives government ministers sweeping powers to issue correction and take-down orders. Legal action would be taken against any deliberate online falsehood that meets two criteria: there is dissemination of a false statement of fact, and when such action is deemed against the public interest which under the bill includes areas such as Singapores security, the protection of public health, finances and safety as well as the countrys elections. Among the proposed penalties are up to 10 years jail and S$1 million (US$738,500) in fines for the most severe cases. The academics took issue with the bills broad definition of public interest, its proposal to hold internet intermediaries responsible for all items posted on their platforms, and the severe penalties proposed, noting that these will discourage individuals working in an indeterminately wide range of subjects. These provisions may have unforeseen consequences for Singapores ability to serve as a global hub of first-rate academic research and technological innovation, they wrote. Singapore is known for its investment in education, a commitment that reflects a belief that such an investment pays dividends. This act discourages scholars from marshaling their expertise in precisely the areas where it is most needed namely, pressing questions and challenges for which there are no clear answers or easy solutions. The letter also aired concern that the bill, if passed as drafted, could spur emulation by countries with weaker institutions, thus casting even wider restraints on global research and dissemination. Copycat legislation or reciprocal action could boomerang on Singapore entities, including businesses, government officials and universities with activities in other jurisdictions, just as (the act) will impact foreign entities that have interactions with Singapore, including universities, they wrote. The letter was also shared with presidents and boards of trustees at all Singapore universities. We are concerned about Singapores proposed legislation certainly not because we are oblivious to the seriousness of the global assault on reason. On the contrary, academics are at the front lines of this battle. But no countrys response should undermine the very capacities it requires to deal with this crisis, they wrote in the statement. As of Saturday, 83 scholars from around the world have signed on to the original letter of concern, most of whom are not based in Singapore. They include the current and four past presidents of the Association for Asian Studies, the leading association of scholars who study Asia, and a former president of the International Communication Association. In their statement on Saturday, the academics revealed that several Singapore-based peers privately expressed agreement with our letter but declined to sign for fear of compromising their career prospects. Our concern about the proposed legislation cannot be divorced from larger issues around academic freedom in the Republic. Communications professor Mohan Dutta, who is based at Massey University, said the premise of the bill is based on the assumed effects of fake news. Although we do now know from some scholarship that fake news has a greater likelihood of being shared as compared to accurate information, whether fake news influences attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours has not been conclusive demonstrated, said the professor, who was head of the National University of Singapores Communications and New Media department from 2012 to 2018. Empathetic leadership and compassion are critical ingredients in dismantling hate, an area that seems of key concern to the bill, said Dutta, citing the example of New Zealand premier Jacinda Arderns response after recent shootings in Christchurch. The bill poses significant challenges to academic freedom, especially because decision-making powers are placed initially in the hands of ministers, he said. Property analyst and researcher Ku Swee Yong agreed with the group of academics that the definition of public interest is too broad. There are too many grey areas left to the discretion of our ministers, said Ku, an adjunct instructor at the Singapore Management Universitys School of Business. Singapores anti-fake news bill comes six months after a select committee studying the issue of deliberate online falsehoods made its recommendations. During the public hearings before the committee last year, several individuals also aired concerns about the impact of legislation on free speech, and the lack of a definition of what constitutes falsehoods. The proposed laws are expected to be debated in May. More from South China Morning Post: This article Dozens of university dons concerned Singapores anti-fake news laws will stifle academic freedom first appeared on South China Morning Post For the latest news from the South China Morning Post download our mobile app. Copyright 2019. THE National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) has removed over 650,000 campaign materials all over Metro Manila.NCRPO Director Major General Guillermo Eleazar urged the candidates to also do their THE Philippines remains committed to maintaining peace in the contested South China Sea (West Philippine Sea), Malacanang said on Friday, April 12. This was the assurance of Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo, after the Philippines and the United States (US) conducted joint military exercises from April 1 to 12. It is our principled stand that the peace in the West Philippine Sea should be maintained, Panelo said in a statement issued Friday night. As part of the joint military drill by two nations, a US Navy warship has been training with Philippine Navy ships in Subic Bay and in international waters off the South China Sea. The USS Wasp, a helicopter carrier of the US Marines with F35B Lightning II fighter jets, reportedly sailed near Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal that China has occupied since 2012. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said Wednesday, April 10, that it is Chinas principled position that non-regional forces like the US should refrain from stirring up troubles in the calm South China Sea. Panelo said the Philippine government agreed that the sea dispute can be best threshed out through peaceful negotiation and consultation, in a bid to bolster ties with China for a solid partnership beneficial to Filipino and Chinese communities. The Palace official, however, stressed that the Philippines also acknowledged the July 2016 ruling of Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration, which invalidated Chinas sweeping claims to South China Sea. We have been informed of the recent statement of Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the issue of the disputed areas at the West Philippine Sea, he said. We remain steadfast in maintaining our claims with respect to our territory and exclusive economic zones pursuant not only to the said arbitral judgment based on accepted principles of public international law but consistent with the directives of our Constitution and the aspirations of the Filipino people, Panelo said. Story continues Panelo also expressed hope that China would refrain from putting Filipino fishermen at disadvantage, noting that such move might affect the relations between the two countries. He made the statement following the reported presence of Chinese vessels near Philippine-occupied Pag-asa Island, which has already been questioned through diplomatic protest lodged by the Manila against Beijing. China should avoid performing acts that will place at risk the Filipino fishermen fishing in the disputed areas and at the same time cause irritants that will disrupt the current friendly relations of the two countries as well as imperil future bilateral negotiations on matters of mutual concern, he said. (SunStar Philippines) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed in Peru on Saturday on the third-leg of a four-nation tour of Latin American allies focusing heavily on Venezuela and countering China's economic reach. Pompeo held talks with President Martin Vizcarra and Foreign Minister Nestor Popolizio before attending a dinner for business leaders. He paid tribute to Peru's welcome for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan refugees and Vizcarra's fight against corruption, which has embroiled the previous four Peruvian presidents. But he became irritated when a reporter asked if that contradicted US President Donald Trump's harsh immigration policy at home. "Our objective is to allow people to stay in their home countries, this is President Trump's desire, we want to create conditions in these countries where they can stay in their own country," he told the press conference with Popolizio. Earlier Pompeo became the first US secretary of state to visit Paraguay, formerly ruled as a dictatorship, since 1965, paying tribute to the country's transition to democracy as an inspiration to the region. The top US diplomat arrived in Asuncion late Friday after talks with Chile's President Sebastian Pinera in Santiago that focused heavily on his country's developing trade relationship with China. The highlight of Pompeo's trip will be a brief visit Sunday to the Colombian city of Cucuta on the Venezuelan border, where he will meet refugees. All four countries on his itinerary are led by right-wing or center-right leaders favorable to Washington's uncompromising approach to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. In Asuncion, Pompeo had praised Paraguay's support for US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido in Venezuela, and its role in the Lima Group of mostly Latin American nations seeking a solution to the Venezuela crisis. "Paraguay is a leader in defending democracy and calling Maduro as he is, a tyrant who has ruined his country," Pompeo said. Foreign Minister Luis Castiglioni said Paraguay's position on Venezuela remained strongly aligned with that of the United States. "We have always said: with dictators, with tyrants, there is no dialogue. You fight them. We must fight them until liberties are restored so that the Venezuelan people can return to live with dignity," he told reporters. Asked by a US journalist if Paraguay would back a military intervention in Venezuela, he said: "We are convinced that all the diplomatic efforts that are being made to isolate this regime will have results in a short time." Paraguay was ruled by dictator Alfredo Stroessner from 1954 to 1989. - Transnational crime - The two officials also discussed Paraguay's commitments on combatting threats of terrorism, drug trafficking and transnational crime in what is known as the tri-border area, the border region Paraguay shares with Argentina and Brazil. "Paraguay has declared all-out war against transnational crime," said Castiglioni. "This battle that we are fighting is a battle of no return until we win. We have assured the Secretary of State that Paraguay wants to cooperate very closely with the US government, since we are on the same path." The US official said before his arrival in Chile on Friday that the current US administration had "spent a lot of time" in Latin America seeking to improve trade in a region which has turned its back in recent years on a slew of leftist governments. "This is an historic opportunity," he told reporters, referring to "a handful of countries that are truly market driven, democratic in ways that we havent had in South America for decades. And we think it creates real opportunity." Asked about China's influence at a press conference following a working lunch with his Chilean counterpart Roberto Ampuero, Pompeo said: "I think the Chilean government and the United States government both share the same concerns." "China's trade activities often are deeply connected to their national security mission, their technological goals, their desire to steal intellectual property, to have forced technology transfer, to engage in activity that is not economic," he said. He iterated his concerns Saturday in Peru. "Too often we see China's predatory lending and debt diplomacy reverse positive advances in this area," he said. "Our shared goal would be to resist Chinese overtures and promote transparency." THE National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) has removed over 650,000 campaign materials all over Metro Manila.NCRPO Director Major General Guillermo Eleazar urged the candidates to also do their THE brutal killings of 16-year-old Christine Lee Silawan and 14-year-old Tesa Marie Ygay came at a time when the Archdiocese of Cebu was busy preparing for this years National Youth Day (NYD), which will be held in Cebu after the Holy Week. In a press conference last Friday, April 12, Archbishop Jose Palma told reporters he was saddened by the girls deaths, which had made an impact across Cebu and other parts of the country. Palma said crimes against the youth could be prevented if they minimized their use of social media or if they learned to become responsible social media users. He called on the youth to use social media to encourage and inspire their peers instead of sowing confusion and ignorance. NYD participants I believe other youths can contact others for hopes, inspirations and statements of support. We will not lose hope that evil in this world will be flooded away by goodness, the archbishop said. Silawans mutilated, half-naked body was found on a vacant lot in Sitio Mahayahay, Barangay Bankal in Lapu-Lapu City last March 11. The manner in which she was killed shocked the entire country. As for Ygay, she was stabbed several times before her body was dumped in the septic tank of a public school in Barangay Cogon Cruz in Danao City. Meanwhile, organizers announced that 17,000 youths from across the country will be participating in this years NYD. At least 5,000 will come from Cebu, said Fathers Mark Barneso and Andrei Ventanilla of the Archdiocesan Commission on the Youth. They have already volunteered to help organize activities for the event, Barneso and Ventanilla said. Palma also announced that Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Caccia, Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, will be in Cebu to participate in the dialogue with the youth. Aside from Caccia, 30 bishops from all over the country will also attend the event. FROM FMD OF SUPERBALITA CEBU / JKV Jet Airways employees hold placards as they gather for a protest march at the Chhattrapati Shivaji International Airport, in Mumbai India's Jet Airways extended a suspension of all of its international flights until Monday, the latest blow to the debt-stricken carrier battling to stay afloat. The development Friday came after the government said it would investigate Jet's ability to continue flying as lenders seek a buyer to keep the beleaguered airline running. Passengers have been left stranded, and on Friday airline staff protested at Mumbai's airport. A collapse would deal a blow to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pro-business reputation as Indians vote in a mega six-week-long election that started Thursday. A Jet Airways source told AFP that all of Jet's international flights out of and into India until Monday had been scrapped, extending a series of cancellations announced on Thursday. Aviation minister Suresh Prabhu earlier tweeted on Friday that his ministry would "review issues related to Jet Airways" and "take necessary steps to minimise passenger inconvenience and ensure their safety". Jet was until recently India's second-biggest airline by market share but is close to going under with debts of more than $1 billion. The Mumbai-based carrier has been forced to ground the majority of its fleet after months of defaulting on loans and struggling to pay lessors and staff. It told the Bombay Stock Exchange Thursday that 10 more planes could not fly due to non-payment. The airline has a fleet of 119 aircraft but Civil Aviation Secretary Pradeep Singh Kharola said it would fly only six or seven of them over the weekend on domestic routes, after flying 11 on Friday, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported. That is below the 20 required by Indian aviation regulators to fly overseas. Thousands of customers have been stranded in recent weeks after hundreds of flights were cancelled, in some cases with little or no notice. Flights to to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Colombo and Singapore were among those cancelled Thursday and Friday. Airline staff are also in limbo. Dozens of uniformed Jet workers protested on Friday at Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, where they carried signs saying "Save Jet Airways" and "Save Our Future." Jet Airways cancelled most of its international flights as lenders desperately seek a buyer to keep the beleaguered airline running Close of play Friday was the deadline for prospective bidders to express an interest in acquiring a 75-percent stake in Jet. A consortium of lenders led by the State Bank of India started the stake sale process on Monday. Any interested parties will then have until April 30 to make a formal bid. Kharola said bankers asked the airline to "rework its proposal" on interim funding, and a meeting with bankers is scheduled for Monday, according to PTI. "Depending on what the banks decide, the future course of action would be taken," he said. Several airlines, including Etihad, are interested in bidding, according to reports. Etihad interested The consortium took control of Jet Airways last month after creditors injected $218 million of "immediate funding support" as part of a debt resolution plan. The deal saw founder Naresh Goyal step down as chairman. Etihad Airways, which owns a 24-percent stake in Jet, has submitted an expression of interest to buy a controlling stake of up to 75 percent, according to Indian business dailies. PTI, quoting sources, said Goyal has put in a bid for the airline, although it was not clear whether he had partnered with another entity or airline. Alarm bells for Jet Airways first rang in August when it failed to report its quarterly earnings or pay staff, including pilots. It later reported a loss of $85 million. In February, it secured a $1.19 billion bailout from lenders to bridge a funding gap, but its crisis has deepened. The carrier has been badly hit by fluctuating global crude prices and a weak rupee, as well as fierce competition from budget rivals. Mismanagement has also plagued the airline. Analysts trace the start of Jet's financial problems to its 2006 purchase of Air Sahara for $500 million in cash. Goyal reportedly ignored the advice of associates who said the cost was too much. Explore further Founder of India's beleaguered Jet Airways quits 2019 AFP Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. About Me Scott Because prophetic scriptures are found throughout the bible, it is obvious that a comprehensive, systematic approach would be useful, if not necessary, for the understanding of prophecy. Past prophecies have been fulfilled in a literal manner, as confirmed by the dating of these writings and historical records of confirmation. These past prophecies also serve as a model of how to interpret future prophecies. A literal view of prophecy clearly indicates a certain sequence of events will occur within a single generation, concluding with the Tribulation and Second Advent and these events will be obvious. The prophetic signs appear to be present in this generation and we believe these signs are revealed in the news from around the world. View my complete profile Turning the ship before it hits the iceberg Deputy Minister: Georgian Beekeepers Lack Knowledge of Producing Honey By Tea Mariamidze Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture Khatia Tsilosani says Georgian beekeepers still lack knowledge of the process of producing honey, adding it creates problems while exporting Georgian honey to the European Union market.The main problem regarding the honey quality here is the wrong care of the bees and the honey-gathering procedures. I would like to ask all farmers to take into account the highest standards of food safety, "said Tsilosani.She added that despite the fact that the Ministry is actively involved in raising awareness about the issue through various campaigns, including the antibiotics and other wastes in honey, there remain the same problems in the field yet.I hope the farmers will gradually take into consideration the recommendations that will positively affect the quality of honey, deputy Minister added.The EU Association and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreements enable Georgia to export 1,500 tons of honey to EU markets every year. According to EU experts, honey has the best chance of making a hit in Europe but there are still some factors that hinder the process.Also, the European Union has strict requirements related to honey testing. Identifying the level of antibiotics and pesticides in honey is the main requirement.However, antibiotics are not the only problem. It takes a lot of money to arrange bee farms in line with EU technical regulations and requirements. Most beekeepers strain honey in aluminum or zinc centrifuges, which is strictly prohibited in the European Union. Honey producers do not have adequate storage containers either. As a rule, small quantities of honey are sold, preventing producers from accumulating revenues.In late January 2019, the first batch of Georgian honey went to the EU market with the help of EU4Business Initiative, which brings together all EU programs assisting SME and private sector development in Georgia. EU4Business enables the private sector to take advantage of the opportunities offered by DCFTA, which gives Georgia access to a common market of 500 million consumers. Kirby Jordan has joined Roanoke Electric Cooperative as its vice president of member services, marketing and public relations. In this role, Jordan will be responsible for the development, administration and management of all member services, marketing, public relations and economic development activities on behalf of the co-op. Jordan will also manage the co-ops member-owner call center care team, dispatchers and cashiers working out of the co-ops headquarters offices in Aulander and the Roanoke Center in Rich Square. Jordan brings more than 20 years marketing, advertising and public relations to her new role. She joins the co-op team after a seven-year tenure with Fruit of the Loom, Inc., where she served as vice president of corporate communications since 2015. In this capacity, Jordan spearheaded the organizations global media relations program, managing its community relations, product and monetary donations programs at both a national and international level, as well as internal communications for 30,000 employees. From 2012 2015, Jordan served as advertising and public relations director for one of the organizations premier global brands. Jordan has also worked in an advertising and public relations capacity for MeadWestVaco, Genworth and Hamilton Beach Brands. Jordan has extensive volunteer experience with non-profit organizations including the American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Dress for Success, Childrens Home Society and Junior Achievement of Florida. From 2016 to 2019, Jordan served in her appointed role as member of the board of directors of the United Way of Southern Kentucky, where she chaired the marketing and public relations committee. We are very fortunate to have Kirby bring her track record of successes and strong background in corporate communications, public relations and brand services to Roanoke Electric, said co-op President & CEO Curtis Wynn. The co-op will be well-served by Kirbys years of experience and expertise she brings to providing our member-owners with an exceptional member services experience and to further enhancing our membership benefit programs and community economic develop initiatives. Jordan, a Virginia Beach native, said she is looking forward to joining the co-op team and putting down roots in the community. I am excited to be part of a team comprised of dedicated employees and directors known for their compassion, care and commitment to enhancing the quality of life of the co-ops member-owners and the diverse communities it serves, she said. Jordan holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in communications from Florida State University. She and her husband, Dean, live in Edenton. Jordan officially assumed her post at the co-op on April 1. Profits and profitable companies are so banal. Money-losing companies like Uber, on the other hand, are much more exciting for investorsespecially if they are growing like a weed. Nowadays, it has become almost fashionable for startups to go public while posting massive losses. Maybe thats the reason why Uber, the worlds largest ride-sharing company, has filed a massive 300-page prospectus wherein it almost seems to revel in the fact that it might never be profitable. Uber filed to go public Thursday, with Shira Ovide, Bloombergs tech analyst, describing the prospectus as the most complex S-1I have ever read. In the document, Uber highlights its sprawling $11.3-billion empire. But buried deep inside is the solemn caveat: "We expect our operating expenses to increase significantly in the foreseeable future, and we may not achieve profitability. This sort of boilerplate disclaimer has become alarmingly common, with a staggering 76 percent of companies that filed last year being unprofitable compared to the four-decade average of 34 percent. Ubers IPO is expected to value the company at $100 billion or more. Amazon of ride-sharing (Click to enlarge) Source: Quartz Investors pouring through Ubers financials might surmise that the company has finally flipped the profit switch just like Amazon did after years of losing money. But no, Ubers $997 million net income for last year (see above) was the result of a one-off item from the sale of some of its businesses. Related: Hong Kong Stock Market Surges Past Japan Uber lost a staggering $4 billion in 2017, the largest loss in its 10-year history. For the five years that the startup has been reporting financial data, Uber lost a cumulative $6.8 billion. So, why is the company making such heavy losses? We can get a hint from its S-1 where it states that some of its risk factors are unproven revenue lines; unrealized cost savings from its Careem acquisition as well as ongoing losses from its subsidiary, Uber Eats. Indeed, the company warns that revenue growth from its ventures does not guarantee future profitability: "We will need to generate and sustain increased revenue levels and decrease proportionate expenses in future periods to achieve profitability in many of our largest markets, including in the United States, and even if we do, we may not be able to maintain or increase profitability," Theres a method to all the loss-making madness though. At first blush, Uber does not look very much different from ride-sharing rival, Lyft, whose shares have conked since its late March IPO. Looks though can be deceptive. (Click to enlarge) Source: Google But look deeper and you find the difference. Whereas Lyft wants to strictly be a consumer transportation company, Uber is fashioning itself as the Amazon of ride-sharing. Uber is regarded as the archetypal disruptive business, with a particular disdain for playing by the rule book. According to Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber has barely scratched the surface when it comes to investing in tangential industries like food and logistics, implying that one day, these auxiliary segments could one day become a big part of the company. Or maybe even bigger. After all, Amazon started off as an online book-seller before expanding into a vast array of goods and services. Nowadays, Amazon Web Services (AWS), a business that was launched with little fanfare as the companys side business, brings in more than 60 percent of Amazons total profits. Related: Newmont Shareholders Approve Goldcorp Takeover Lyft, on the other hand, has explicitly stated that its not interested in these supplementary business lines. Uber might lack profits, but is growing where it matters most to investors. The companys top-line growth, though slowing, has remained quite impressive, with the company posting 38 percent growth during Q3 2018 and 25 percent during the final quarter of the year. (Click to enlarge) Source: Bloomberg Will Uber become profitable one day? Only time will tell; but as Amazon has proven, the growth-first-profits-later model can actually work. Amazon is now making humongous profitsand paying zero tax on them to boot. (Click to enlarge) Source: Quartz Google, an unlikely winner Perhaps many investors consider Uber and Google to be sworn enemies after Waymo, Googles parent company Alphabet Inc.s self-driving car subsidiary, sued Uber for stealing some of its trade secrets. Well, the two are more like frenemies. After years of wrangling, that dispute was finally settled in Waymos favor yet the two are unlikely to part ways any time soon. Turns out Uber not only relies heavily on Alphabet for the usual online marketing and mapping services but is also partly owned by the online advertising giant, too. Alphabet has been making lots of money off Uber-- $631 million for marketing and advertising; 70 million for infrastructure and enterprise services, $58 million for mapping services and another $1 million for related services over the past two years. The icing on the cake-- Alphabet is one of Ubers biggest early-stage investors, with a 5.2 percent stake that could be valued north of $5.2 billion. By Alex Kimani for More Top Reads From "Introducing Disruptive Technology to Criminal Sanctions: Punishment by Computer Monitoring to Enhance Sentencing Fairness and Efficiency" | Main | Lots of good diverse weekend criminal justice reads The New York Times has this notable new article focused on one notable federal offender now benefiting from the FIRST STEP Act. The headline of the piece indirectly reveals some of its themes: "He Committed a $300 Million Fraud, but Left Prison Under Trumps Justice Overhaul." Here are some excerpts from the piece: Three weeks ago, a 69-year-old man convicted of bank fraud quietly left a federal prison camp in Cumberland, Md., and moved into a friends one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan. He was one of the early inmates to benefit from a criminal justice bill signed into law by President Trump. The law, the First Step Act, offered prisoner rehabilitation programs and overhauled sentencing policies that supporters claimed had a disproportionate effect on poor defendants, especially minorities. But one person who benefited from the law was Hassan Nemazee, the prisoner at Cumberland, who was once an investor of enormous wealth and who donated heavily to Democratic political causes. He was a national finance chairman for Hillary Clintons 2008 presidential campaign and later raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Barack Obamas first presidential contest. Mr. Nemazee, who is serving the rest of his sentence in home confinement, acknowledged in interviews that he was not a fan of Mr. Trump, but he felt personally indebted to the president and his aides for pushing through the most significant prison reform legislation in a generation.... Mr. Trump said recently at the White House that unfair sentencing rules were contributing to the cycle of poverty and crime, and since the First Step Acts passage, more than 500 people with unfair sentences have been released from prison and are free to begin a new life. But Mr. Nemazee left prison under a less publicized part of the bill that allows certain offenders who are over 60 and not considered a threat to others to be released into home confinement if they have completed two-thirds of their sentence. In home confinement, Mr. Nemazee does not wear an ankle bracelet, but officials may call him on a landline late at night or early in the morning to verify he is at home. He may be summoned for a urine test at any time and must submit his weekly schedule for approval, he said. Still, it feels a lot like freedom. He may leave his apartment to go to work, the gym, religious services or appointments with his doctors and lawyers. He may also go out to lunch, which is always a treat, given where I have been the last eight and a half years.... The Bureau of Prisons has said that since the bills passage, 10 prisoners of 23 thus far deemed eligible have been released into home confinement. The bureau would not identify the prisoners or comment on their cases. Another is reported to be a white-collar criminal named Herman Jacobowitz, 60, who pleaded guilty in Brooklyn in 2005 in another large fraud case and was sentenced to 15 years, according to court papers and a lawyer familiar with the case. Mr. Jacobowitz could not be reached for comment. FILE PHOTO: Small toy figures are seen in front of Facebook logo in this illustration picture, April 8, 2019. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo By Foo Yun Chee BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU countries are set to agree an overhaul of the bloc's two-decade old copyright rules next week, requiring Google to pay publishers for news snippets and Facebook to filter out protected content, despite increasing opposition from some governments. EU lawmakers at the European Parliament gave the European Commission's proposal a thumbs up last month, wanting to protect Europe's creative industry which is worth 915 billion euros (790 billion) annually and employs 11.65 million people. The revamp has been marked by intense lobbying from tech companies worried about the administrative burden and the hit to their revenues and by artists, publishers and performers seeking fair compensation. The new rules would force Google and other online platforms to sign licensing agreements with musicians, performers, authors, news publishers and journalists to use their work online. Google's YouTube, Facebook's Instagram and other sharing platforms will also have to install filters to prevent users from uploading copyrighted materials. Critics say this could hit cash-strapped small companies rather than the tech giants. Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden have said they will vote against the reforms on Monday, a move unlikely to derail the proposal unless a major EU country weighs in to form a blocking minority. "We regret that the directive does not strike the right balance between the protection of rights holders and the interests of EU citizens and companies," the countries, with the exception of Sweden, said in a statement. Belgium and Slovenia will abstain while Estonia said it was not able to have a view because its government had only just come to power. (Reporting by Foo Yun Chee; Editing by Kirsten Donovan) Lendlease, the developer behind the 4ha Paya Lebar Quarter (PLQ), is entering the competitive co-working fray in Singapore with its own flexible workspace brand called csuites. The 72,000 sq ft workspace is located in one of its three Grade-A office towers in PLQ. Csuites has been conceptualised to support the needs of growing enterprises with employee teams of between 50 and 150 people, says Tony Lombardo, CEO of Lendlease Asia. The workspace solution caters to small- and medium-sized enterprises, enabling shorter leases, immediate move-ins, as well as security and sustainability credentials. This new co-working brand by Lendlease is being trialled at PLQ, but on the basis we see success here and get it fully leased, we would want to do more of these flexible workspaces, says Lombardo. Lendlease will manage a new 72,000 sq ft co-working space at Paya Lebar Quarter (Pictures: Samuel Isaac Chua/EdgeProp Singapore) The flexible workspace will occupy 72,000 sq ft across the fourth and fifth floors in the office tower PLQ3, which also houses conventional office space for tenants such as transport operator SMRT, property consultancy CBRE, and insurance company Great Eastern. All three companies are expected to take up their respective spaces by end-July. The entire PLQ integrated development boasts more than one million sq ft of office space, and more than 70% has already been leased, says Richard Paine, managing director of PLQ. Space for corporates With csuites, Lendlease says it is delivering a new generation workplace solution combining the best of traditional office spaces and dynamic co-working environments. The co-working space will feature 10 office suites. These suites are of various sizes: the smallest office suite can fit 50 persons, and there are three such suites. There are also two suites that can fit 60 persons each, while other suites can fit 75 to 105 persons each. The largest office suite, which accommodates up to 170 people, is home to Lendlease, which has moved its Asian headquarters and PLQ development team into the workspace. Story continues We have 10 suites available and each will be supported by additional hot-desking and flexible workspaces when required, says Lombardo. Walls between the office suites can be removed to create a larger office space for larger-sized groups, he adds. There are 10 office suites available, which can accom Lendlease is marketing the suites to an upmarket clientele, and expects its future tenants to be established organisations. The pool of potential clients here are either corporates which want some flex-space, or mid-sized organisations which may have grown out of a co-working space, says Ng Hsueh Ling, chief investment officer of Lendlease Asia and the managing director of Singapore for Lendlease. Corporates from a traditional office environment can enjoy generous desks at csuites as well as the benefits of a flexible workplace. Typical desks are 150cm long and provide a large amount of workspace. A potential csuites tenant is also considering taking up some conventional office space in PLQ, and a number of interested companies have divisions which are content with working from their own satellite area, Ng adds. From left: Richard Paine (managing director of Paya Lebar Quarter), Tony Lombardo (CEO, Lendlease Asia) and Ng Hsueh Ling (chief investment officer, Lendlease Asia) (Picture: Albert Chua/EdgeProp Singapore) There have been very strong enquiries and interest for csuites, says Lombardo. Lendlease has already signed a tenancy with a multinational company and is in discussions with other interested organisations. Lendlease is offering one- to three-year leases for office suites in its flexible workspace. We welcome prospective tenants to get in touch and experience what csuites have to offer, and well then be able to share more details on our rates, says Ng. People-centric design Incorporating flexible workspace for corporates and medium-sized business has always been part of the development plan for PLQ. To better understand the local co-working market, Lendlease relocated in 2017 its Asian headquarters of about 100 team members into The Work Projects flagship co-working space at OUE Downtown Gallery on Shenton Way in the CBD. This lets us better understand the benefits and limitations for our own organisation, employees and customers, says Lombardo. From this, and its experience in workplace design, Lendlease has built csuites with a people-centric design in mind. One area it is championing is wellness in the workspace. The office suites feature sound-dampening walls and noise-cancelling duct-works to reduce the sound emanating from utility pipes. Another wellness aspect is the variety of work desks in each office suite, which include sit-stand desks, team tables, and desks along the windows. Lendlease says that companies looking for new workspaces today want places with services that can better support their employees, and there is a major focus on well-being, talent attraction and enhanced productivity. We have been watching the [co-working] market evolve and drawing valuable insights from the first generation of co-working models. Today, workplace design is a dynamic sector with an increasing focus on people-centric design and collaboration, says Lombardo. Encouraging collisions and connections About 35% of the total floor area at csuites has been set aside for communal spaces that encourage people to interact. On the fifth floor is a fully serviced reception, and the common area for tenants will feature a cafe managed by Providore, an event space for up to 150 people, as well as a variety of informal collaboration spaces. These are places where tenants can work at their leisure, and where they can also hold informal meetings, says Lombardo. Each office suite has at least one meeting room depending on its size, but other meeting rooms and a boardroom can be booked through a dedicated mobile application for tenants of csuites. The app is designed by London-based space management platform OfficeRnD, and allows csuites tenants to unlock workspaces they have booked with their mobile phone. Lendlease will also map out heavily frequented areas and collect data on space utilisation rates throughout the workspace. By having data about how many people are in the space and what time they are there, you can get a sense of which areas are popular and which arent, says Paine. Lendlease will use the data to better furnish the spaces that are used more frequently with more seats or work desks to better meet demand usage there. Part of a wider ecosystem However, csuites will not be the only co-working brand in PLQ. Global office provider IWG is expected to open a 52,000 sq ft co-working space under its Spaces brand in PLQ1 by end-May. Lombardo says, We have an arrangement with Spaces that any co-working tenancies below 50 people would be under the Spaces arrangement, and those above 50 would come to csuites. This deal was made to accommodate the two flexible workspace offerings so that both co-working brands could co-exist in PLQ. When we started developing PLQ, we knew we wanted to create an ecosystem here, so we allocated 15% of the total office space for flexible workspaces, says Paine. The three office towers, which will house more than 10,000 workers, are also part of a wider ecosystem that encompasses the entire integrated development. Built by home-grown tech firm Habitap, PLQ Workspaces is a custom app built for Lendlease that connects the three office towers, retail podium, and the residential component of 429-unit Park Place Residences. Picture: Lendlease While the office buildings and retail component are expected to be completed by the end of the year, residents are expected to move in next year. The 99-year leasehold development is Lendleases maiden residential development in Singapore, and comprises a mix of one- to three-bedroom units in three residential towers. More than half the units were snapped up on the first day of launch in May 2017, and the second tranche of units were launched for sale in April last year. According to Lendlease, just seven units three-bedroom units of 1,076 sq ft to 1,367 sq ft remain available for sale. The average selling price of units sold in the second phase is about $1,950 psf. With only these units left, it is clear that the proposition of a well-located mixed-use development where one can live, work and play is a compelling one for home buyers, says Paine. Technology, connectivity, services, retail and F&B are all part of the modern workplace, and today, the best workplaces are a big factor in attracting and retaining the best talent. The disruption brought on by co-working has now permeated into corporate workspaces, and Lendlease sees that as a growth area, says Lombardo. For Lendlease to continue servicing our office tenants, we have to offer a product that ensures we remain relevant to their needs in the future. See Also: A brief overview of Georgia NATO relations By Levan Abramishvili Last week, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) celebrated the 70 year anniversary of signing the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949 in Washington DC.During the celebration, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated his support of Georgia [Ukraine and Georgia are] sovereign countries with a sovereign right to choose their own path.Last month, during his official visit to Georgia, he emphasized the importance of Georgia to NATO missions - You are the largest non-NATO contributor to our Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan. You contribute to the NATO Response Force.During his visit, Stoltenberg also expressed willingness to continue assisting Georgia - we will continue working together to prepare for Georgia's NATO membership," adding that no country has any right to interfere with NATO's open-door policy.Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Davit Zalkaliani was also present at the ceremony. In his speech, he emphasized that Georgias foreign policy priority is the integration into Euro-Atlantic structures.NATO Georgia relations have come a long way in the past decade.1994 marked the official beginning of Georgia - NATO relations when Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. After the Rose Revolution in 2003, the new government expressed its interest in Georgias eventual accession into NATO.Bucharest summit in 2008 was monumental for Georgia, as well as Ukraine. The NATO members agreed that these countries will become members of NATO. The Bucharest Summit Declaration reads: NATO welcomes Ukraines and Georgias Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO. Both nations have made valuable contributions to Alliance operations. We welcome the democratic reforms in Ukraine and Georgia MAP is the next step for Ukraine and Georgia on their direct way to membership. Today we make clear that we support these countries applications for MAP.Since 2008, through numerous momentous reforms, Georgia has taken significant steps forward in improving the level of democracy, media independence, economic growth and increased its military capabilities and involvement in the NATO missions.Nevertheless, eleven years on from the Bucharest Summit, despite the support of the Secretary-General and Georgias constant pace of development, there is still no Membership Action Plan (MAP) for Georgia.One of the major reasons for this is hesitancy from the NATO member states. Georgias territorial integrity has been compromised significantly, with 20% being occupied by Russia. Even though Stoltenberg has mentioned that Russia cant have an influence over NATOs decisions, it is apparent that when it comes to Georgia and Ukraine, NATO members cant turn a blind eye to their power. Russia continues to reinforce its military presence in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Samachablo, while also recognizing the regions statehood. Vladimir Putin has maintained its principal opposition to Georgias NATO membership throughout the years.Andres Fogh Rasmussen, a former Secretary General of NATO, published a letter dedicated to the 70th anniversary of NATO. In the letter, he discussed titled NATOs duty at 70 and discussed his visions and ideas regarding the Alliance. He also mentioned Georgia and the issue of MAP and called it a mistake that the country didnt receive the action plan back in 2008:in April 2008, NATO allies met in Bucharest to discuss offering a Membership Action Plan (MAP) to Georgia and Ukraine. At the insistence of Germany and France, we decided to postpone that decision until the end of the year. In my view, that was a mistake. Just months after our summit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered the invasion of Georgia, and Russia has occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia ever since.In the letter, Rasmussen also mentioned that there were red flags during the Bucharest summit that indicated the annexation of Crimea in 2014: [Putin issued statements] that Ukraines population is one-third Russian, or that it existed in its current form only because of a decision by the Soviet Union. Moreover, then-Polish President Lech Kaczynski had warned at the time of the Georgia invasion that Ukraine would be next. But these early red flags went unheeded.Former Secretary-General praised Georgias and Ukraines efforts and the significant progress that the countries made toward meeting the criteria for NATO membership: The prospect of an ever-closer relationship with NATO has provided an impetus for critical democratic and military reforms, and both countries now contribute regularly to NATO missions, more so even than many member states. Still, Georgia and Ukraine will need to undertake further reforms before they can meet the standards for full NATO membership.Rasmussen also highlighted that Russian factor should not hinder Georgias and Ukraines aspirations: Given the stakes, NATO member states should move beyond offering warm words about the democratic will of the Georgian and Ukrainian people, and acknowledge the disruptive role that Kremlin paranoia is playing in the accession process. We should continue to extend our hand in peace to Putins Russia, provided it changes its behavior. But we must not condemn aspirant countries to an indefinite deep freeze just to appease a strategic adversary. He said that NATO would be neglecting its duty if it allowed that to happen, echoing the statement made by the current Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.In the current international atmosphere, where numerous threats are growing and pose threat to the peace and security of the Western nations, NATO seems more vulnerable than ever before, therefore it has to stand strong to fulfill its main duty of protecting European states. Finally granting Georgia MAP and a privilege to contribute and benefit from the eventual membership will be a strong message sent to Russia: that despite their attempts to hinder the development of Georgia and Ukraine, NATO and its allies still remain strong supporters of the countries. If there wont be meaningful steps taken towards Georgias and Ukraines accession, Russia will only further abuse the hesitation of the member states and will continue its vile and corrupt policy in the neighborhood. Secondary property market sellers are under great pressure to lower their asking prices due to slowing sales said a research report by Knight Frank. The report which highlighted that secondary property market sellers are under great pressure referred to the URA Private Property Price Index which declined in Q1 2019, to arrive at their conclusion. The report said that prices of new projects were holding up in Q1, and that the decline in URA price indices was more reflective of the prices of completed properties transacted in the secondary market in Q1. It noted that the NUS Singapore Residential Price Index, which tracks prices of completed non-landed private homes and a proxy for the secondary property market, eased by 0.5% month-to-month after Januarys 0.2% dip in price. The report which noted that secondary property market sellers are under great pressure to reduce prices, said secondary property market sale transactions in Q1 2019 dropped to 1,623 units from 2,165 units in Q4 2018. The report acknowledged that while not all the properties transacted Q1 2019 were recorded yet, it was unlikely the secondary property market sale transaction volume would exceed the 2,165 units transacted in Q4 2018. New sales declining more moderately than the secondary property market sales adds weight to the conclusion that secondary property market sellers are under great pressure to lower their asking prices. The report noted that new sales retreated by 7.4% q-o-q to 1,681 units in Q1 2019. Intuitively, the prices of the non-landed properties in Core Central Region (CCR) were expected to be more resilient than prices of those outside CCR, said the Knight Frank report. Yet, the price index for CCR non-landed private residential properties declined by 2.9% q-o-q, and the price index for non-landed properties Outside Central Region (OCR) stayed flat. The price index for non-landed properties in the Rest of Central Region (RCR) also stayed largely unchanged, dipping marginally by 0.2% q-o-q. The announcement of the Cross-Island Line was likely to have supported the prices of non-landed properties in OCR and RCR in Q1. Story continues secondary property market sellers The prices of the non-landed properties in Core Central Region (CCR) were expected to be more resilient than prices of those outside CCR. In contrast, the fall in price index of non-residential properties in CCR probably emanated from the secondary property market sellers seeking to divest their properties urgently, said Knight Frank. The report noted that out of the new projects that were in the market in Q1, Treasure at Tampines sold the most in Q1 2019. The project sold 270 units at an average unit price of S$1,339 per sq ft. Separately, the announcement of the upcoming stations of the Cross-Island line boosted sales of developments that were in proximity to the upcoming stations, such as Affinity at Serangoon and Riverfront Residences, the report added. The Knight Frank report said that according to the top 5 selling projects, most of the buyers were acquiring units that have a floor area between 500 and 800 sq ft for less than S$1.1 million. It added that the residential status of the buyers of the top 5 projects were mainly Singaporeans, and that given that these projects were not within the CCR, they were less attractive to foreign buyers who had to fork out higher ABSD. Separately the rental markets stayed largely stable across all segments. The average rent for Ultra-luxury properties came down q-o-q in Q1 2019, but the decline was attributed to seasonality effects. The yields for the middle-end and mass market stayed compressed, but the yields for ultra-luxury apartments inched up in Q1 2019. Mr Tan Tee Khoon, Executive Director & Head of Residential (Project Marketing) at Knight Frank commenting on the research report said: While buying sentiment is subdued by the recent cooling measures, the announcement of the Draft Masterplan 2019 is likely the bright spark to trigger more sales activity, especially in areas that will see prospective growth. For instance, the plans for the Greater Southern Waterfront will offer much optimism in the future outlook of residential properties in the vicinity, and these properties will appeal to buyers with longer investment horizon. How to Secure the Best Home Loans Quickly iCompareLoan is the best loans portal for home-seekers, buyers, investors and real estate agents alike in Singapore. 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(Adds Chinese comment; paragraphs 5,6) KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 (Reuters) - Malaysia and China agreed on Friday to resume construction of a multi-billion dollar rail project, shaving nearly a third of the cost, after months of negotiations that strained ties between the two trade partners. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who came to power after a stunning election victory in May, has vowed to renegotiate or cancel what he calls "unfair" Chinese projects authorized by his predecessor, Najib Razak. The two sides have agreed to cut the cost of the 688-km (430-mile) rail project to 44 billion ringgit ($10.7 billion) from the original 65.5 billion ringgit, Mahathir's office said in a statement. "This reduction will surely benefit Malaysia and lighten the burden on the country's financial position," it said, adding that more details would be revealed on Monday. In Beijing, foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a regular news briefing that officials in both countries had maintained close communication on the project. "We also hope that both sides can resume project construction at an early date, manage well this good situation, and expand areas of mutual benefit," he said. In January, Reuters reported, citing sources, that contractor China Communications Construction Co Ltd (CCCC) had offered to nearly halve the cost to save the project, known as the East Coast Rail Line (ECRL). In March, Malaysia's representative in the talks, Daim Zainuddin, said they could include commercial elements that would benefit the southeast Asian nation, but he did not elaborate. Launched in 2017, the centerpiece project of China's Belt and Road program in southeast Asia aimed to link Malaysia's east coast on the South China Sea with the busy waterway of the Malacca Strait on the west. But Malaysia suspended the project last July, after its cost ballooned amid a lack of transparency, threatening to saddle the country with uncomfortably large debt. ($1=4.1180 ringgit) (Reporting by Joseph Sipalan and Liz Lee in KUALA LUMPUR; Additional reporting by Martin Pollard in BEIJING; Editing by Darren Schuettler and Clarence Fernandez) By Johanna Decorse TOULOUSE (Reuters) - Yellow vest demonstrators clashed with riot police in the French city of Toulouse on Saturday, even as President Emmanuel Macron prepared a series of policy announcements aimed at quelling 22 consecutive weekends of anti-government protests. Police in the southeastern city fired teargas and arrested 23 people after several hundred demonstrators threw objects and set fire to cars, motorbikes, a construction cabin and rubbish bins. Protesters also tried to enter areas of the city from which they had been banned. Altogether between 5,000 and 6,000 protesters had gathered on the Allee Jean Jaures, a wide avenue in the city centre, and on nearby side streets. Activist groups had said on social media networks that Toulouse would be the focus for the 22nd round of demonstrations, prompting city mayor Jean-Claude Moudenc to express concern ahead of Saturday's protests. Marches in Paris and elsewhere were largely peaceful by late afternoon, though police detained 27 in the French capital. Minor clashes broke out near the port in Marseille. The interior minister estimated a total of 31,000 protesters demonstrated across France, 7,000 more than on the previous Saturday but fewer than the several hundred thousand who took to the street during the first weeks of demonstrations. The protests continue to put pressure on Macron, who has vowed to announce a series of measures aimed at easing discontent. The protests, named after the high-visibility safety jackets worn by demonstrators, began in November to oppose fuel tax increases. The movement quickly morphed into a broader backlash against Macron's government, despite a swift reversal of the tax hikes and the introduction of other measures worth more than 10 billion euros ($11.3 billion) to boost the purchasing power of lower-income voters. In response to rioting that in December made parts of Paris resemble war zones, Macron launched a two-month consultation that included a series of town hall meetings across the country. He is due to introduce resulting policy measures early next week. Story continues Ahead of next week's announcements, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe this week presented the conclusions of the consultation, saying it had highlighted demands such as quicker tax cuts, action to address climate change, and more balanced relations between Paris and the provinces. Yet given the array of sometimes contradictory yellow vest demands the government is unlikely to please all those who demonstrated on Saturday. Some are already preparing a 23rd round of protests next Saturday. ($1 = 0.8849 euros) (Reporting by Johanna Decorse; Additional reporting by Inti Landauro and Emmanuel Jarry; Editing by Helen Popper and David Holmes) George Yeo, a prominent former politician under the ruling Peoples Action Party, has announced he will be stepping down from his position as director of Kerry Logistics Network and Kerry Holdings. He made this announcement on his Facebook page on Friday, but it came at an interesting juncture: while he stated he wanted to retire, netizens have been rife with suspicion that he might come back for the upcoming Singapore general election. Yeo has been repeatedly asked by citizens to come back and compete in the elections after he retired from public office in 2011 when he lost his seat to the opposition Workers Party in that years elections. In his Facebook post, he stated that he announced his intention to retire as director of Kerry Logistics Network a year ago after his wife suffered a major illness. Reaching 65 this year, I want more time for my family and to pursue other interests, he said. He also stated that he would be relinquishing his title as director of Kerry Holdings. He noted, however, that he would not be fully retiring: he would continue to serve as a senior adviser to the logistics company and that he would be back in office every month. The notice caused a few netizens to campaign for him to return to politics and that they would throw their support behind him. Photo: George Yeo / FB Some are even hopeful that he would join the newly-formed Progress Singapore Party, an opposition party created by former presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock. Photo: All Singapore Stuff / FB Whether he proceeds to un-retire from political office will remain to be seen, in a keenly-observed general election which has been highly rumored to happen either this year or next. This article, George Yeo steps down from corporate positions, netizens suspect he might re-enter politics, originally appeared on Coconuts, Asia's leading alternative media company. Want more Coconuts? Sign up for our newsletters! More than 60 Hong Kong children are being home-schooled, according to an unprecedented survey which found the number shunning the formal system was six times the government record. The survey by the citys home-schooling community, which was seen by the Post and sent to the Education Bureau, showed most parents did not tell the government of their decision to leave the system. Barring a reasonable excuse, families are required by law to send their children aged between six and 15 to school, or face a fine of up to HK$10,000 (US$1,275) and three months imprisonment. The bureau has recently hardened its tone on home-schooling. In a reply to the Post it said officials would not approve the practice. In 2014 the response was that the government would not disallow it. The education authority said it was currently monitoring about 10 home-schooling cases, down from 25 in 2014. It has issued two attendance orders in the last five years to parents who failed to send their children to schools. But the survey conducted this month showed there were at least 60 home-schooling families in the city with a total of 97 children, including 68 youngsters aged between six and 15. Only 18 of those families had informed the bureau of their set-up. Another 11 said they felt no need to, while six were concerned about pressure or interference from authorities. Of those who did report it, nine said they had wanted to obtain approval or seek clarification on whether the move was against the law. Dissatisfaction with the mainstream education system was the prime reason parents chose to home-school. The system was stressful and lacked creativity, one parent wrote, while others wanted a more tailored experience to allow their children to learn at their own pace. The bureau, however, said consent would not usually be given. There is no application mechanism, a spokesman said. Story continues Should the government identify home-schooling families, they would be monitored on a case-by-case basis with a view to getting the children back to school as soon as possible, he added. In 2014 then education minister Eddie Ng Hak-kim told lawmakers the bureau would not as a rule disallow home schooling, and a review would be conducted to determine whether these families were equipped to provide an all-round education. Ng also said parents who wished to home-school could request academic assessments. The bureau spokesman did not clarify whether this still applied. Some home-schoolers said they had little incentive to get in touch with the government. An expat couple with teaching experience said they saw no reason to contact the bureau after recently deciding to home-school their sons beyond the age of six. The law did not prescribe how to proceed in their situation, they said. Another home-schooler and social worker Tse Lai-man said she would continue to teach her son for as long as possible, or until he asked to be enrolled in school. If one day the government says all home-schooling families must send their children back to traditional schools Ill be fine with that, but we will lose the autonomy, Tse said. Her son currently spent more time on subjects and activities he was interested in, she added. Home-schooling is regulated differently in various places. Singapore, which allows parents to apply for the practice, has an average of about 50 children being home-schooled each year. In New York, regular reports on home-schooled children are required by authorities. For Hong Kong, Dr Eva Lau Yi-hung, associate head of the Education University of Hong Kongs department of early childhood education, said there should be a proper mechanism in place. The government has a responsibility to monitor this, as children are young and vulnerable, Lau said. But she believed parents should be free to choose what education to provide their children. The ideal mechanism would involve home visits and families submitting samples of teaching material so the bureau could keep track of the childrens developmental progress, she said. Florrie Ng Fei-yin, associate professor of Chinese Universitys department of educational psychology, agreed with the idea of a formal mechanism, saying the current ambiguity was stressful for home-schooling parents and children. It is as if they are doing something wrong, Ng said. The government should see how it can assist them. Cam Cheung Wai-nui, who published a book in 2012 about her experiences home-schooling her two daughters, said parents also needed to open their doors to authorities. The bureau will then know how to reach you and what you are doing, Cheung said. Families were rarely stopped from home-schooling after a visit from the bureau, she added. More from South China Morning Post: This article Home-schooling in Hong Kong: number of families opting out of system higher than thought, but do they risk running afoul of education authorities? first appeared on South China Morning Post For the latest news from the South China Morning Post download our mobile app. Copyright 2019. World No. 1 womens shuttler Tai Tzu-ying of Taiwan (PHOTO: EFE/EPA/Ahmad Yusni) SINGAPORE Tai Tzu-ying draws frequent gasps of admiration from those watching her play. The Taiwanese world No. 1 shuttler makes up for her slight, 1.62m frame with some of the smartest and most unexpected shot selections seen among the current top players, confounding her opponents and sending them scampering all over the court in vain. On Saturday (13 April) at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, fans witnessed another admirable trait from the 24-year-old an icy focus even in dire circumstances. Saving five match points against an inspired world No. 4 Akane Yamaguchi, Tai turned the tables to reach the womens singles final of the Singapore Badminton Open with a stirring 15-21, 24-22, 21-19 win. Yet, when asked about how she felt to be able to save all those match points, she smiled sheepishly and said, I forgot. But overall, I thought I adopted a really relaxed approach. Weve played each other many times, so there was a lot of familiarity. In the end, it boils down to our improvised shots. Down and nearly out against inspired opponent And how Tai improvised when she had seemed a lost cause at 16-20 down in the second game. Yamaguchi, speedy and aggressive, seemed to have figured out Tais strategy and was frequently at the right spots to deliver smashing winners. And when Tai tried to alter her shot placements to throw the Japanese off-guard, she was too error-prone to be of consistent threat. Fans were ready to applaud an upset victory, but Tai had other plans. She abandoned experimenting with tough shots, and instead turned up the intensity with faster returns. It worked wonders, as Yamaguchi was sent sprawling flat on the court on at least two occasions, as she chased Tais returns to no avail. As the crowd sensed a comeback and roared her on, Tai capitalised on her upturn in fortunes and got herself out of trouble. A deflated Yamaguchi still summoned plenty of fight in the third game, but Tai had too much momentum and confidence to falter. Story continues Despite her loss, the 21-year-old was full of praise for her opponent, saying, At the end of the second game, Tai had a nothing to lose mentality and she started to come forward. She is very good with everything her speed, her mentality, her skills. It was a difficult match, and I made a few mistakes at some key points. Another Japanese awaits in final Tai will face another formidable Japanese, world No. 3 Nozomi Okuhara, in Sundays final. Okuhara was in scintillating form, thrashing an out-of-sorts P.V. Sindhu of India 21-7, 21-11 in the other semi-final. In the mens singles, Indonesias Anthony Sinisuka Ginting lived up to his Giant Killer nickname again, following his victory over reigning Olympic gold medallist Chen Long in the quarter-finals with a 21-17, 18-21, 21-14 win over defending Singapore Open champion, Taiwans Chou Tien-chen. He will need to be at his giant-killing best again in the final, as he faces world No. 1 Kento Momota, who took 46 minutes to see off Denmarks Viktor Axelsen 21-15, 21-18. Related stories: Giant Killer Ginting takes another major scalp in stunning Olympic champ Chen Long Top seeds find form to advance at Singapore Badminton Open Lin Dan angers crowd at Singapore Badminton Open after walking off opening tie Centre Matias Orlando scored a hat-trick as the Jaguares gave their finest Super Rugby display in four years of touring South Africa to stun the Sharks 51-17 Saturday. The victory completed a wonderful tour for the Argentines, who came from 10 points behind last weekend to snatch a late victory over the Bulls in Pretoria. Winning catapulted the Buenos Aires outfit six places up the combined table to seventh and raised hopes that they can match their performance of last season and make the play-offs. Later, the Sharks surrendered the South African conference leadership and fell two places in the combined standings to fifth after the Bulls beat the Queensland Reds 32-17 in Pretoria. Bulls fly-half Handre Pollard became the first player to pass the 100-point mark in the southern hemisphere franchise championship this season by contributing 12 points. Scrum-half Tomas Cubelli scored the first of seven Jaguares tries after just three minutes and they led 21-10 by half-time at Kings Park in Indian Ocean port city Durban. Man-of-the-match Pablo Matera scored his second try three minutes into the second half to stretch the lead and the match ended as a contest long before time. "I think the whole team deserved the man-of-the-match award rather them me," said the outstanding flanker. "Defeating the Bulls and the Sharks at their stadiums for the first time makes this an amazing tour of South Africa for us. "Everyone contributed to this victory, including our replacements, who made huge contributions when they came off the bench during the second half." Sharks skipper and scrum-half Louis Schreuder was furious with his side after beginning the match as favourites having trouncing the Lions by 37 points in Johannesburg last weekend. "What a disappointing performance. We did everything wrong and nothing right. There were so many stupid mistakes by us that I lost count. - Major concern - "What went wrong? Well, when you concede 51 points in one match there has to be questions about the defence. We host the Reds next and hopefully we can put this match behind us." A major concern for the Durban side must be their home form with the Jaguares joining the Stormers and Bulls in winning at Kings Park this season. Orlando (three), Matera (two), Cubelli and winger Matias Moroni scored tries for the Jaguares and fly-half Domingo Miotti kicked five conversions and two penalties. Lock Hyron Andrews and substitute back Aphelele Fassi scored Sharks' tries, fly-half Robert du Preez kicked a conversion and a penalty and full-back Curwin Bosch slotted a conversion. In Pretoria, Springbok Pollard lifted his season points tally to 108 followed by All Blacks utility back Damian McKenzie of the Waikato Chiefs with 81. Pollard could have finished with a higher points tally against the Reds as he missed three of six kicks at goal in a match where the Bulls led 13-3 at half-time. "I was happy to be back after resting last weekend and to be part of a great victory," said Pollard. "We have a bye next weekend and, hopefully, that will not be a momentum breaker." Reds skipper and centre Samu Kerevi said: "We have many young players but must not use that as an excuse. We must man up. Hopefully, we will do better against the Sharks next Friday." Prop Lizo Gqoboka, flanker Marco van Staden, Pollard, flanker Hanro Liebenberg and winger Jade Stighling scored tries for the Bulls and Pollard kicked two conversions and a penalty. Kerevi scored two tries for the Reds and fly-half Bryce Hegarty converted both and kicked a penalty. Dozens of migrants stuck on a ship since their rescue in the Mediterranean 10 days ago, will be allowed to disembark in Malta after four European countries agreed to take them in, Malta's prime minister said Saturday. All 62 migrants on the Alan Kurdi ship "will be disembarked and redistributed between #Germany, #France, #Portugal and #Luxembourg," Joseph Muscat announced on Twitter. "None will remain in Malta which cannot shoulder this burden alone," he added. On Friday, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said Paris and other EU partners would "show solidarity" towards the migrants, who include 12 women and two children aged one and six. The group was rescued on April 3 from a barely seaworthy vessel off Libya, and brought to the Italian island of Lampedusa. But hardline Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini refused them entry, and said Berlin should take the migrants as they had been rescued by Sea Eye, a German NGO. "It's their problem, they must deal with it," Salvini said, adding he had personally written to the ship's captain to warn the vessel must "not enter Italian territorial waters." On Saturday, Salvini, of the far-right League party, expressed pleasure at the outcome. "As promised, no immigrant from this German NGO (ship) will arrive in Italy. They will go to Germany or elsewhere," he tweeted. - Salvini satisfied - "The Maltese are right to denounce the danger of the NGO's -- we stand beside them in the fight against human traffickers," added Salvini, who last month insisted Italian ports would be closed to migrant rescue NGOs operating in the Mediterranean in a bid to force other EU states to take them in. Valleta expressed frustration at being caught in the middle. "Once again, the European Union's smallest state has been put under pointless pressure in being tasked with resolving an issue which was not its responsability," the Maltese government complained in a statement. Last week, two of the women -- one of whom is pregnant -- turned down an offer to leave the ship with the children unless their husbands were allowed to join them. The two women were ultimately evacuated midweek for health reasons to Valletta, leaving 62 people aboard. Late Friday a crewman was allowed off the ship for medical reasons. The Alan Kurdi vessel is named after the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on a Turkish beach at the height of the European migrant crisis in 2015. Pictures of his lifeless body caused a global outcry over the migrants' plight. Italy, with EU support, has also since 2017 been training the Libyan coast guard to intercept boats as part of a controversial deal that has seen migrant arrivals to Italy drop sharply. Last month, Malta with its population of 450,000 received 108 migrants aboard a Palau-flagged tanker hijacked by three young Africans who diverted the boat from Libya. A total of 356 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean so far this year, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Dozens of migrants stuck on a ship since their rescue in the Mediterranean 10 days ago, arrived in Malta Saturday after four European countries agreed to take them in. And as Italy's hardline interior minister expressed satisfaction at having kept the country's borders closed to the migrants, Malta expressed frustration at being confronted with the problem again. All 62 migrants still on the German-flagged ship Alan Kurdi boarded Maltese naval vessels, which brought them to Valletta, where they were to join two women evacuated last week for medical reasons. The migrants are to be "redistributed between #Germany, #France, #Portugal and #Luxembourg," Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced on Twitter. "None will remain in Malta which cannot shoulder this burden alone," he added. On Friday, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said Paris and other EU partners would "show solidarity" towards the migrants, who include 12 women and two children aged one and six. The group was rescued on April 3 from a barely seaworthy vessel off Libya, and brought to the Italian island of Lampedusa. Sea-Eye chairman Gorden Isler denounced the time it had taken to find a compromise. "It is simply not explainable why it was necessary for people to stay on board during the long negotiations while governments negotiated 64 individual fates," he said. But Italy's hardline Interior Minister Matteo Salvini refused them entry. Berlin should take the migrants as they had been rescued by a German NGO, Sea Eye, he said. "It's their problem, they must deal with it," Salvini said, adding he had personally written to the ship's captain to warn him the vessel must not enter Italian territorial waters. On Saturday, Salvini, of the far-right League party, expressed satisfaction at the outcome. "As promised, no immigrant from this German NGO (ship) will arrive in Italy. They will go to Germany or elsewhere," he tweeted. - Salvini satisfied - "The Maltese are right to denounce the danger of the NGO's -- we stand beside them in the fight against human traffickers," added Salvini, who last month insisted Italian ports would be closed to migrant rescue NGOs operating in the Mediterranean to force other EU states to take them in. Valletta expressed frustration at being caught in the middle. "Once again, the European Union's smallest state has been put under pointless pressure in being tasked with resolving an issue which was neither its responsibility nor its remit...," the Maltese government complained in a statement. "Malta calls on the NGOs to abide by all applicable conventions and regulations." Last week, two of the women -- one of whom is pregnant -- turned down an offer to leave the ship with the children unless their husbands were allowed to join them. The women were ultimately evacuated midweek for health reasons to Valletta. Late Friday a crewman was allowed off the ship for medical reasons. The Alan Kurdi vessel is named after the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on a Turkish beach at the height of the European migrant crisis in 2015. Pictures of his lifeless body caused a global outcry over the migrants' plight. Italy, with EU support, has also since 2017 been training the Libyan coast guard to intercept boats as part of a controversial deal that has seen migrant arrivals to Italy drop sharply. Last month, Malta received 108 migrants aboard a Palau-flagged tanker hijacked by three young Africans who diverted the boat from Libya. Although many ships hired by humanitarian organisations have been blocked in ports for judicial or administrative reasons, the Italian group Mediterranea said Saturday that its ship Mare Jonio was ready to set off on a rescue mission. A total of 356 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean so far this year, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Photos by Zachary Tang. When youre an Influencer, flipping on the Influencer switch is harder than it looks. It is a delicate juggling act of exuding poise and gravitas, while appearing as relatable as the everyday person. When one of them speaks to you, you can feel a kinship that you ordinarily only have with family and close friends. So its a little unexpected when Mongchin Yeoh, better known as Mongabong to her 200,000 Instagram followers, tells me,The only reason why I dont mind being honest with you guys is because Rice Media wrote something about us before, and it wasnt a very positive one. Shes referring to an article on the phenomenon of Instagram boyfriends that we ran 2 years ago. While we didnt single her out in the story, her face, along with her boyfriends, was used as the cover image. People like me and Xin Lin, we dont make money off our boyfriends. In fact, we actively say no to brands who want to involve them. Just last month, Yeoh walked down the aisle with that same boyfriend. But unlike other influencers, she wanted her wedding to be the one aspect of her life untouched by sponsors. Unlike Melissa C. Kohs wedding, right? I ask. To each his own, she replies, a knowing smile implying her refusal to name and shame. This, for me, sums up the influencer game. Self-image is everything, and for Mongchin Yeoh, its all about having the Girl-Next-Door (GND) persona locked down. A quick trip to Yeohs Instagram feed and you will be greeted by calm, almost tranquil pastel colours, mostly of pink and beige. In almost all of her photos, she is dressed suitably for the occasion in outfits youd feel comfortable with your daughter wearing. Meanwhile, her trademark comforts you like a warm hug. This is in direct contrast to Booby Thirst Traps (BTT), with whom it is likelier that you cop a peek of their areola before you find out what their favourite colour is. As such, the hordes of young female followers look up to them as role models. This has resulted in them being more successful than BTTs. Story continues Compared to BTTs whose Instagram posts are defined by the amount of skin they show, GND Influencers are supposedly more marketable, giving brands likes that are more valuable and useful. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. The people who frequent the Instagram pages of BTTs are predominantly lustful men who probably dont spend any money buying the products being advertised, regardless of how many of these posts they like. This includes lingerie or female fashion products. Its so uncomfortable not knowing what those photos are used for, Yeoh says. Highlighting the reason why she doesnt feel comfortable revealing too much in her photos, she winces as she adds, Im very sure that even the mildest thing like short shorts are already being used for such things. Having recently covered a story on insidious Telegram group chats where EDMW members circulate photos of scantily clad women, and seen Yeohs pictures pop up on more than one occasion, I can attest to this. This could potentially perpetuate an already pervasive problemthe oversexualisation and commodification of young women. Already, examples like SgInstaBabes and SgJCBabes abound. One day youre posting a picture of your cleavage, the next, youre partying with strange men on a yacht who paid the low price of $5000 to hang out with you. Yet due to the exponential speed at which BTTs can grow their followings on social media, many are tempted to sashay down a similar path to fame. While there is nothing wrong with this, some of these aspiring influencers are barely teenagers. Yeoh points out that girls as young as 13 are starting to post more revealing photos, in a bid to gain more traction on social media. In fact, a story published by ST in 2017 shows that this phenomenon was already pervasive back then. It is alarming to think that prepubescent girls are posting suggestive photos in their pursuit of fame. If they learn that they get rewarded with male attention if they show more skin, they could grow up with skewed understandings of their own sexuality, pegging their self-worth to their physical appearance. Were already seeing younger girls dressed skimpily, they might see it as a shortcut to fame. They grow (on social media) a lot faster than people who dont. So there definitely is an incentive to go for that kind of an image, Yeoh explains, elaborating on how BTTs might not be the best role model for young women. That said, Yeoh doesnt take issue with BTTs and their business model. They (BTTs) have high following and user engagement rates. Thats something that we cannot ignore. A lot of these brands are still going after these numbers, whether or not its quality likes, but they have to report to their bosses. Even then, it appears that more BTTs are pivoting from raunchy to dignified in order to increase their marketability with brands. I feel like a lot of BTTs actually started showing a lot more substance than what they used to. Theyre fashionable, and its no longer about just being in bikinis, they would also try and show how they can dress, Yeoh elaborates. She explains that these influencers are now more than just thirst traps for men, and can even offer women an alternative to look up to. This could be due to the fact that GND types of influencers seem to be raking in more business, and BTTs are now realising their inability to provide quality likes of the Mongabong variety. Take Drea Chong for example, one of Singapores top GND influencers. The 26-year old portrays a wholesome image not unlike Yeohs. Recently, her collaboration with Italian shoe manufacturer Superga sold out within a day, with most snapped up by female teenagers. It might be easy to imagine Kylie Jenners cosmetic products selling out in minutes, but a product selling out after being championed by a local influencer is unheard of. But these levels of success are not without any drawbacks. For starters, Yeoh tells me that she has to be switched on almost every hour of the day. My work is me. I have to portray the most accurate version of me to my viewers, Yeoh says. When you film something you need to be 20x more enthusiastic for it to show on screen. Its very hard for me to be myself like that, and it would look very boring. As you might imagine, having to keep up appearances every hour of the day can be quite draining. For Yeoh, one of the biggest struggles she faces is knowing when to turn off, and to live life in the present; not to fall into the occupational hazard of looking at everything with the eyes of a curator. Sometimes I get so caught up with work that I realise my entire life becomes about work. When that happens, Ill give myself a few hours break and really indulge in my dramas, or go on a trip. Understanding the importance of work-life balance, Yeoh has started saying no to jobs that require her to work on weekendsthe time that she rests and spends time with her husband and her parents, who work in the wholesale lingerie business. While her husband has handled her fame well, her parents were worried that their job would be a source of embarrassment for her. I think its weird for them to live with an influencer, even though I only show them twice a year. Once on CNY and on Mothers day, sometimes they tell me that people still recognise them. They do wholesale to different shops, so sometimes they will bring a big amount of underwear or bras to these shops and I think sometimes they get recognised and they ask are we embarrassing you? she tells me, with an expression of near-guilt. Perhaps, one of the reasons why Singaporeans might find the Mongabong brand so alluring is because it doesnt feel like one. As an influencer, her job is basically to sell us products that brands pay her to. However, she is successful not because she is a pretty face in front of the camera, but because the Mongabong story is relatable to all of us. Like many Singaporeans, she was just another person struggling to make it in the rat race. And even though she ultimately broke free from that mould in her pursuit of becoming an influencer, she still faces problems that all of us do. From eczema to planning the perfect wedding that would please both yourself and parents, Singaporeans are able to relate to the problems she encounters because they are issues that Singaporeans face. Yeoh showing her vulnerable side by going through all of these with her followers reveals a sense of honesty that the public cravessomething painfully absent in the world we live in today. We posture in front of nosy aunties who ask us if we are doing well in school, or at work. Heck, even our parents give in to this pressure and feel compelled to play up our minor successes. There is so much pressure to be a great success here, and Yeoh is a much-welcomed breath of fresh air. When this honesty comes from a complete stranger who gives you a peek into her shortcomings, people are instantly drawn in. On the other hand, BTTs in with their curvaceous bodies and barely-there-underwear sell us the false reality that everything is perfect. What we need influencers to remind us is that even though things appear to be perfect, they are not. It is people like Yeoh who do this, reminding Singaporeans that its okay if youre imperfect, or if you didnt do well enough to be a doctor, banker, lawyer, or even an entrepreneur. Ultimately, this is what Singaporeans want. The average Singaporean is, after all, simply average. And they want experiences that which tell them influencers are simply human, just like us. A pair of breasts certainly wont do this. Have something to say? Tell us at The post Mongabong, and The Rise of the Girl-Next-Door Influencer appeared first on RICE. Why does everyone seem to be talking about Meet Joe Black all of a sudden? Didnt that movie come out in 1998? Theyre talking about it because of a tweet. This tweet. As of this writing, its been viewed more than 4 million times. Ill give you a moment to watch the video. This is the most bonkers one minute of a movie that I have ever seen Rose O'Shea (@ladyastronauty) April 11, 2019 Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Hey, its Claire Forlani. And theres Brad Pitt. Why do they keep turning around to look at each other so many times? And isnt it kind of unrealistic how Brad Pitt keeps stopping right in the middle of the street tooh! Oh my gosh! He got hit! Wait for it. Oh!! He got hit!!!! Again!!!!!!!! Immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah. Is this the end of the movie or something? Let me guess, theyre star-crossed lovers whove been together a long time but are forced to part due to uncontrollable circumstances culminating in Brad Pitts untimely, tragicomic death? Au contraire, my friend. This scene takes place at the beginning of the movie, and they just met. She fell in love with him pretty much immediately. Advertisement Sure, its 1990s-era Brad Pitt, I get it. But then he immediately dies? I am confused and distressed. I can help relieve only one of those emotions, Im afraid. Meet Joe Black is a loose remake of Death Takes a Holiday and stars Anthony Hopkins as Bill Parrish, a wealthy businessman who gets a visit from Deathlike, the concept of Death. Death is interested in experiencing life as a human on Earth, so he (it?) inhabits the body of a manthats Brad Pittand eventually begins a romantic relationship with the businessmans daughter, played by Forlani. Her character is named Susan. Advertisement Susan met Brad Pitt at a coffee shop, and then he got hit by the car, as we just saw, but she didnt see that. When they meet again, the mans body is being possessed by Death. Susan doesnt know that, so she thinks hes the same guy and that knows her dad and that hes named Joe Black. They have sex by the swimming pool. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Sorry, she has sex with Death? By the swimming pool, yes. Anything else? Theres a subplot in which Bill is being forced out of his company by Susans non-Death boyfriend, and it is resolved by Death posing as an IRS agent, and I am very sorry to tell you that he does in fact use the phrase death and taxes. Get Slate Culture in Your Inbox We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. Can this movie possibly get any weirder? It sure can. Theres an entire scene in which Deathwho, again, is being played by Brad Pitt speaks Jamaican patois. No. Yes. Why? Theyre at a hospital because Susan works there, and a patient spots Death and recognizes his otherworldliness. Again, 1990s-era Brad Pitt, understandable. He reassures her in her own dialect that hes not there to bring her to the afterlife yet and also he takes her pain away, because I guess thats something Death can do? Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What a box-office bomb this must have been. Actually, it made $143 million. But it was also very expensive to make: reportedly $90 million, which was $30 million over budget, though the chairman of Universal Pictures at the time denied those reports. (He insisted that it was over budget but not insanely over budget.) According to the New York Times at the time, a $90 million budget would be a record for a traditional romance. How much of that was spent on the swimming pool, we dont know for sure, though the Times article notes that it was built specifically for the film. What director could possibly get away with something like that? Martin Brest, whose previous three features were Beverly Hills Cop, Midnight Run, and Scent of a Woman, all commercial and critical successes. You know what, I think Im going to watch it. It is three hours long. And Brests next movie was Gigli. Then how did it make $143 million? Some peopleespecially overseas, where it made most of its moneyreally liked it! Although some people also just bought tickets to watch the trailer for The Phantom Menace, which was playing before the movie, then immediately got up and left. On second thought, Ill stick to watching the looped GIF of Brad Pitt getting hit over and over again. Good choice. Get More Hi-Phi Nation Slate Plus members get extended, ad-free versions of our podcastsand much more. Sign up today. Join Slate Plus Subscribe to Hi-Phi Nation Copy this link and add it in your podcast app. copy link copied! For detailed instructions, see our Slate Plus podcasts page. On this episode, preschool kids get their first taste of democratic participation when they vote on their class name, and private schools try to display the value of democracy by making kids vote on everything, even the school budget. Does it work, or do kids make terrible decisions? One diagnosis of our modern-day political problems is that too many stupid people are voting for stupid things. There are two proposed fixes: mandate that everyone vote, so as to diminish the power of ignorant and irrational voters; or find ways to disenfranchise misinformed people. This week, we examine both proposals, whether compulsory voting is a solution to the problems of democracy and whether getting rid of democracy altogether can be wise or just. We look at Sudbury Valley School and Brooklyn Free School, democratic schools where people who are thought too ignorant and irrational to vote are given democratic power. Do these schools offer any lessons for our democratic problems? Guest voices include Jill Sheppard, Jason Brennan, Noleca Radway, Jonathan Ho, and alumnae of democratic schools. In the Slate Plus segment, we look at how the compulsory voting system in Australia works, examine whether compulsory voting has consistent policy implications, and consider arguments that it is an infringement on liberty. For all back episodes from Seasons 1 and 2 of Hi-Phi Nation, visit Facebook: Email: Twitter: @hiphination To listen to the discussion, use the player below: Get More of the Political Gabfest Slate Plus members get extended, ad-free versions of our podcastsand much more. Sign up today. Join Slate Plus Subscribe to the Political Gabfest Copy this link and add it in your podcast app. copy link copied! For detailed instructions, see our Slate Plus podcasts page. Listen to Slates Political Gabfest via Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play. On this weeks Slate Political Gabfest, Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, David Plotz, and Jamelle Bouie discuss the arrest of Julian Assange, President Donald Trumps purge of the Department of Homeland Security, and the 2020 contenders for president. Here are some of the links and references from this weeks show: Bartnicki v. Vopper (2001) Advertisement The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, also known as the 1951 Refugee Convention Michael D. Shear, Miriam Jordan, and Manny Fernandez for the New York Times: The U.S. Immigration System May Have Reached a Breaking Point Eric Bradner for CNN: Pete Buttigieg Makes Star Turn in Town Hall Spotlight Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Here are this weeks cocktail chatters: John: Ian ONeill for Black Holes Were Such an Extreme Concept, Even Einstein Had His Doubts Emily: Timothy Bella for the Washington Post: An 11-Year-Old Girl Could Be Deported Because of a Court Error Triggered by the Government Shutdown, Attorney Says Jamelle: PBSs Reconstruction: America After the Civil War and Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880 by W.E.B. Dubois Advertisement David: There have been three U.S. presidents who were previously mayors: Grover Cleveland (Buffalo, New York), Calvin Coolidge (Northampton, Massachusetts), and Andrew Johnson (Greeneville, Tennessee). For this weeks Slate Plus bonus segment, Emily, David, John, and Jamelle take questions from the live audience in Charlottesville, Virginia. Topic ideas for next week? You can tweet suggestions, links, and questions to @SlateGabfest. Tweet us your cocktail chatter using #cocktailchatter or post it to our Facebook page. (Messages may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.) Become a fan of the Political Gabfest on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @SlateGabfest. The email address for the Political Gabfest is (Email may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.) Podcast production by Jocelyn Frank. Research and show notes by Bridgette Dunlap. President Donald Trump reportedly told Kevin McAleenan, who is currently the acting Homeland Security secretary, he would pardon him if he were sent to jail for blocking people from entering the United States along the southern border. Several outlets reported that Trump had that conversation with McAleenan last week when they were in Calexico, California. At the time, McAleenan was the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. Trump then named him head of Homeland Security after Kirstjen Nielsen resigned Sunday. Advertisement Although several outlets have reported the conversation citing anonymous sources, the context of the pardon promise changes a bit depending on who is doing the reporting. CNN, for example, says Trump vowed to pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying US entry to migrants. The New York Times, however, said the pardon promise came as the two were talking about closing the southern border entirely. Everybody does note though that it wasnt necessarily clear whether Trump was joking. Although Trump had threatened to close the border earlier this month, he later backtracked and said he would give Mexico one year before taking such drastic action. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Homeland Security issued a statement that doesnt quite deny Trumps promise of a pardon. At no time has the President indicated, asked, directed or pressured the Acting Secretary to do anything illegal, the department said in a statement. Nor would the Acting Secretary take actions that are not in accordance with our responsibility to enforce the law. Advertisement Advertisement Trump also denied that he offered the pardon. Of course this is not true, he wrote on Twitter. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day! WikiLeaks put an end to the mystery. Julian Assanges cat is safe and sound. We can confirm that Assanges cat is safe, the organization said Saturday in a tweet. Assange asked his lawyers to rescue him from embassy threats in mid-October. They will be reunited in freedom. The question about the whereabouts of Assanges cat had spread like wildfire on social media after he was arrested Thursday in London. Assange got the cat in 2016, purportedly to keep him company as he spent his days inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The cat gained quite a bit of a following on social media under the moniker, Embassy Cat, described as the master of counter-purveillance. In an interview with The New Yorker, Assange had said he called the cat Michi or Cat/stro. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement The cats social media accounts were quite active when it first arrived at the embassy, but the frequency of posting quickly began decreasing. His Twitter account has been silent for more than a year. The cat made a bit of a splash in the news last year after the embassy issued a series of rules for Assange that specifically laid out the requirement for him to take care, feed, and clean up after his cat. Before this past week, several outlets had already reported that the cat was no longer at the embassy. The Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported late last year that Assange gave up the cat to spare it an isolation which has become unbearable and allow it a healthier life. Attorney General William Barr has faced harsh criticism for his problematic treatment of the Mueller report, which some have suggested appeared to be calculated to benefit the president. But a different action Barr recently took at President Donald Trumps behest should be equally concerning. Last month, the attorney general announced that the United States will cease defending any portion of the Affordable Care Act in the courts. Instead, the DOJ will join a number of state attorneys general in challenging the constitutionality of the entire ACA, following the effective repeal of the individual mandate by Congress. Advertisement This comes after the DOJ stopped defending the constitutionality of the ACAs protection of insurance coverage for those with preexisting conditions last year. In taking the position that the entire ACA is constitutionally void, Barr abandoned a long-standing principle that the Department of Justice is duty-bound to defend the constitutionality of federal laws. In the words of one of Barrs predecessors, such an action by the nations chief law enforcement officer may jeopardize the equilibrium of our constitutional system. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Barr has all but acknowledged that the arguments against the ACAs constitutionality, although they were accepted by one trial judge, are far from compelling; in fact, most observers (including some opponents of the law) consider them to be extremely weak. But during testimony before Congress this week, Barr stated that he nonetheless feels duty-bound to attack the ACA in the courts because Trump, after failing to convince a majority of the Senate to vote in favor of repealing the ACA, is now eager to see the act nullified by the courts instead. Advertisement Advertisement Barrs decision is at direct odds with a policy upheld for decades by attorneys general in Republican and Democratic administrations. As President Ronald Reagans first attorney general, William French Smith, wrote in 1981, the DOJ has a duty to defend the constitutionality of an Act of Congress whenever a reasonable argument can be made in its support. While serving as President Jimmy Carters attorney general, Benjamin Civiletti explained that this policy is rooted in the Constitutions separation of powers. While the courts are charged with protecting both the government and the citizenry from unconstitutional action, legislative and Executive [ ] only the Executive Branch can execute the statutes of the United States, including by defending them in the courts. Therefore, if executive officers were to adopt a policy of ignoring or attacking acts of Congress whenever they believed them to be in conflict with the provisions of the constitution, their conduct in office could jeopardize the equilibrium established within our constitutional system. Advertisement Advertisement Prior attorneys general recognized only one extremely narrow exception to this obligation to defend the nations laws: when an attorney general concludes that there is no reasonable argument in favor of a federal statutes constitutionality. As Civiletti put it, where everything in our constitutional jurisprudence inescapably establishes that a law is unconstitutional, then the Executive Branch can properly decline to defend or enforce it. Advertisement Advertisement Until recently, conservative legal scholars emphasized the narrowness of this exception. Many of them assailed Eric Holder, President Barack Obamas attorney general, for choosing to end the DOJs defense of a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act denying federal government recognition to same-sex marriages. While Holder argued that changes in Supreme Court jurisprudence left no reasonable basis to defend the law, his opponents contended that Holder was being disingenuous and placing ideological concerns above his duty to defend a duly enacted federal law. In fact, conservative legal advocate Edward Whelan continued to assail Holders decision to abandon the defense of DOMA even after the law was struck down by the Supreme Court, calling it a shameful moment in politicized government lawyering and a dangerous precedent that deserves condemnation. Advertisement Advertisement Barrs decision to attack the ACA in court, however, sets a far more dangerous precedent. Unlike Holder, Barr does not even make a pretense of arguing that there is no reasonable argument in favor of the ACAs constitutionality. Rather, during his recent testimony, Barr explained to Republican Sen. Susan Collins that he acceded to the presidents demand to attack the ACA in the courts because the arguments mounted against the law are defensible and reasonable. Barrs reasoning turns long-standing DOJ policy on its head, allowing the attorney general to abandon a federal law so long as there is some plausible basis to question its constitutionalityeven if there are reasonable, or even compelling, arguments to be made in support of the laws validity. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement When pressed, Barr asserted that supporters of the ACA have nothing to worry about if they are right that the arguments the DOJ is adopting against the ACAs constitutionality are weak. I think people should take a deep breath, Barr said. If this is such a wacky position that the administration is taking, then theres nothing to fear. Then the law will be upheld. Just [l]et the courts do their job, the attorney general suggested. But Barrs argument misses the point. As his predecessor Civiletti observed decades ago, while it is the courts constitutional job to protect against unconstitutional action, the Constitution assigns the executive branch the obligation to faithfully defend the nations laws, including before the courts. It is, therefore, in Ed Whelans words, shameful for the DOJ to abandon that job. Advertisement Advertisement Barrs decision to attack the ACA in court sets a far more dangerous precedent. Barrs DOJ is already taking full advantage of its newfound freedom to pick and choose which federal laws to defend in court. Just this week the solicitor general informed House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler that the DOJ has chosen to cease defending the constitutionality of a federal law criminalizing the practice of female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C). Advertisement Earlier this month, the acting director of the DOJs Office on Violence Against Women decried the horrific crime of FGM/C, explaining that at least 513,000 women and girls in the United States have suffered or are at risk of becoming victims of it. The FBI, ICE, and the State Department have all recently likewise reiterated a commitment to using the full force of the federal government against this heinous practice. Advertisement But the federal law against FGM/C is largely grounded in Congress regulatory authority under the Commerce Clause, which conservative legal scholars and judges have long been intent upon limiting on principles of federalism; the other rationale for the statutethat it implements Congress power to enforce an international human rights treatyis similarly objectionable to strong advocates of federalism. Accordingly, as in the case of the ACA, the DOJ is abandoning its defense of a law against this heinous practice for transparently ideological reasons. In explaining his decision to mount a litigation effort against the ACA, Barr stated that he serves the president and other stakeholders in the executive branch. Therefore, if the president directs him to attack a statute, even one Barr seems to believe will ultimately be upheld in the courts, the attorney general considers himself duty-bound to oblige. This goes to the heart of Barrs misconception of his role as attorney general. He is the lawyer for the United States, not for Donald Trump. As such, he and the DOJ owe a duty to uphold and defend the laws of the nation, even if the president does not like them, just as he is obligated to disclose facts uncovered by Robert Mueller, even if they are harmful to Donald Trump. Barrs failure to abide by such foundational principles truly threatens the equilibrium of our constitutional system. The good old password really has run its course, says Dave Lewis, Cisco global advisory chief information security officer. So what replaces it? Multifactor authentication with biometrics can raise security levels, and its use is trending up, demonstrating an evolutionary step up in identity and credential management. Also in this months podcast, Glen Kitteringham, CPP, and podcast host Chuck Harold discuss the value of academic research to security professionals andmost importantlyhow to put it into practice. Paul Wood, CPP, explains how taking a proactive, empathetic approach to threat assessment can identify and address insider threats while improving organizational morale. Dr. Gus Karazulas, the chief forensic odontologist of the Connecticut State Police Forensic Science Laboratory, testified that bite mark analysis was an exact science that could link an individual to a bite mark to the exclusion of all other individuals. Karazulas said that he compared Swintons teeth to the marks on Terrys body and determined to a reasonable medical certainty without any reservation that Swinton made the bite marks. ----------------------------------------- PASSAGE TWO OF THE DAY: "Shortly before 5 a.m. on January 13, 1991, the body of 28-year-old Carla Terry was found in a snowbank near the University of Hartford in Hartford, Connecticut. She had been sexually assaulted and strangled to death. Police soon focused on 42-year-old Alfred Swinton after witnesses said they saw him talking to Terry a few hours earlier in a nearby tavern. Police obtained a search warrant for Swintons apartment, which was a short walk from where Terrys body was found. During the search, they found a black bra in a basement common area. Although Terrys sister, Laverne Terry, said she did not recognize the garment, police believed that Swinton had killed Terry after she refused to trade sex for drugs and that he took the bra as a trophy. In March 1991, police drove Swinton to the location where Terrys body had been discovered, as well as the locations where four other women had been found murdered in Hartford. Swinton told police that he knew all of the women, but denied having anything to do with their murders. Police, however, believed he was a serial killer. After a forensic analyst said that bite marks on Terrys breasts appeared to have been made by Swintons teeth, police arrested him on June 25, 1991. However, he was released in August when a judge ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge him with murder after the forensic analyst said there was no way to determine when the bite marks were made in relation to Terrys murder. The case went cold for several years. However, Swinton again was arrested for Terrys murder in October 1998 after another forensic odontologist examined the evidence and said the bite marks had been left not long before Terry was killed. Swinton went to trial in Superior Court in Hartford in January 2001. Terrys sister, Lavernewho in 1991 said that she did not recognize the black bratestified that it in fact belonged to her niece, who had loaned it to the victim. Laverne said she had helped pin the bra so the victim could wear it. Dr. Gus Karazulas, the chief forensic odontologist of the Connecticut State Police Forensic Science Laboratory, testified that bite mark analysis was an exact science that could link an individual to a bite mark to the exclusion of all other individuals. Karazulas said that he compared Swintons teeth to the marks on Terrys body and determined to a reasonable medical certainty without any reservation that Swinton made the bite marks. Hector Freeman testified that on the night of the crime, he saw Carla Terry around 1 a.m. at the Oakland Terrace Cafe and agreed to take her home. However, first they stopped at Kenneys Grill. Freeman said he left with Terry shortly before 2 a.m. and dropped her off at the home of another sister, Rhonda Terry. Darlene Chappell, a bartender at Kenney's Grill, testified that she saw Swinton and Terry at the bar, but Swinton left before Terry. Martha Point-DuJour, a customer at Kenneys, testified that she saw Swinton talking with Terry. After Terry left with Freeman, she said, Swinton left alone. Rhonda Terry testified that she saw Carla Terry get out of Freemans car shortly after 2 a.m. She said she saw her sister walk across the street and out of view, but she never arrived. Her body was found less than three hours later. Mary Alice Mills testified that although she did not remember his exact words, she heard Swinton say in 1991 that he got away with murder. She admitted that when she heard the statement, she was drinking alcohol and getting stoned. James Arnold, an inmate at the Webster Correctional Institution and an admitted heroin addict, claimed he had two conversations with Swinton in 1991, during which Swinton told him that he bit the victim. Cynthia Stallings, a habitual drug user, testified that in August 1991, Swinton said that he was not innocent of Terry's murder, and that the authorities had him through the teeth marks that were found on Terrys breasts. The prosecution also presented portions of a freelance writers tape-recorded interview of Swinton . The writer, Karon Haller, published an article about the unsolved murders of 10 women and quoted Swinton as saying that the women likely traded sex for drugs. At the same time, Swinton said he had been falsely accused of being an insane murderer. You dont have to be insane to have sex and bit somebody all over her body, all right? The prosecution asserted showed Swintons consciousness of guilt. The tape of the interview also contained Swintons denials that he had any involvement in Terrys death or the deaths of any of the womenalthough those denials were not in the article Haller published. Michael Scalise testified that while he was in jail with Swinton prior to Swintons trial, Swinton confessed to him that he had killed Terry. Scalise, who also said that another inmate had confessed an unrelated crime to him as well, said Swinton told him he had sex with Terry, bit her on the breasts, killed her, and took her bra. Police subsequently equipped Scalise with a hidden tape recorder, but Swinton never incriminated himself and repeatedly insisted he was innocent. Swintons defense attorney presented a dental expert as well. Forensic dentist Neal Riesner testified that his examination revealed no match between Swintons teeth and the bite marks. Riesner testified that the images used by Karazulas were too blurry to allow for a positive match, and that a computer enhancement falsely increased the appearance of a match. On March 21, 2001, the jury convicted Swinton of first-degree murder. He was sentenced to 60 years in prison. Although police said they continued to suspect Swinton in the other unsolved murders, he was never charged with any of those crimes. In 2004, the Connecticut Supreme Court upheld his conviction, although the court said that the computer enhancement evidence should not have been allowed because the person who created the enhancement was never called to testify. In 2014 and 2015, at the request of the Connecticut Innocence Project, DNA testing was performed on the bite mark swabs. The tests identified male DNA that did not belong to Swinton. DNA testing of the bra revealed the presence of skin cells that did not match the victim or Swintonsuggesting that Carla Terry had never worn it. Although Swinton had never been charged with sexually assaulting Terry, anal and vaginal swabs taken at the time also were tested and revealed male DNA that did not match Swinton. Because of a conflict, the Innocence Project took over Swintons representation in 2015 and enlisted the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher &Flom. After bringing the case to the attention to the Hartford County states attorneys office, DNA testing of the fingernail scrapings of the victim was performed. Those tests also excluded Swinton. Since Dr. Karazulass 2001 testimony, the scientific community had come to reject bite mark analysis as a forensic method capable of identifying a suspect. A 2009 report by the National Academy of Sciences found that there is no scientific basis for forensic odontologists (bite mark analysts) to proffer individualization testimony. The Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the Texas Forensic Science Commission, which recommended a ban on the use of bite mark evidence, has also condemned the use of bite mark analysis. The American Board of Forensic Odontologists, the accrediting board for bite mark analysts, no longer permits analysts to make a positive identification from bite mark comparisons. In light of those developments, Innocence Project lawyers contacted Dr. Karazulas, who provided a sworn affidavit saying he no longer believed that Swinton was the person who inflicted the bite mark on the victim. Dr. Karazulas said that new scientific developments caused a significant change to my understanding of bite-mark analysis, which have compelled me, as a matter of my professional ethics and civic duty, to recant completely the testimony that I gave at Mr. Swinton's trial. Dr. Karazulas said, First, I now understand that it is not possible to accurately measure and scientifically compare anything other than the arch of an individual's dentition. Second, I have become convinced, given the recent changes in scientific knowledge and understanding in my field, that skin is not capable of accurately recording the characteristics of human dentition, making it impossible to identify the biter with any degree of certainty. In January 2017, Innocence Project lawyers Chris Fabricant and Vanessa Potkin, along with Skadden attorneys Maura Barry Grinalds, Ed Tulin and Thania Charmani, filed a motion for a new trial. In June 2017, the prosecution agreed to vacate Swintons conviction and on June 8, 2017, he was released on bond. On March 1, 2018, the prosecution dismissed the case. Swinton subsequently filed a claim for compensation from the state of Connecticut." We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies , click here. Timber founder Vladimira Briestenska says studying and working abroad forces you to face yourself and appreciate what youve got. Font size: A - | A + Comments disabled In Brussels, I interned and worked for various EU institutions It was an amazing experience. I learned a lot. I started off in foreign policy journalism and continued in the European Parliament. When important Slovaks, such as our Prime Minister, came to the capital, I got to interview them, partly because they had nobody else covering Slovakia. My boss told me, Just go for it! So, I did. Doors opened for me I understood that if you are open-minded, risk-taking and proactive, Read also: Read also: Slovak migrant shares the stories of other migrants to understand her own Read more opportunities will come your way. This was really inspiring for younger students, with whom I shared my story. You can tell that young Slovaks are very thirsty for international experience. They just need the right kick sometimes. It all started via an Erasmus exchange program to Denmark They way Danish people are educated, raised and socialized is so different from us. They are taught to be opinionated and to develop critical thinking from a very young age. From passive to active education In Central Europe, the teacher is the sole authority. Most students stay in the role of the passive recipient. When I came to Denmark, I could not believe that we were encouraged to actually argue with the teacher For a minute, my background was a burden on my shoulders Denmark was a tough experience. I remember how much I would cry. I was challenged in every aspect of my knowledge, skills and talents. It felt like everybody else was way ahead of me. The hard, but motivating part, was when they let me feel it. Challenge was my daily bread Read also: Read also: Blog: The international world requires an international mindset Read more I learned that you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone if you want to be successful. Its also about surrounding yourself with the right people. People with a positive mindset. Abroad, I discovered my weakest and strongest self The daily reality out there forces you to rely on yourself, and it is definitely different from being in the comfort of our home country. But there are positive and negative aspects to both worlds. I wish everyone the opportunity to experience the world Studying and working abroad, from Venice to D.C. and from Brno to London, makes you lose friendships, change homes and experience loneliness. But it also reorders your values and forces you to face yourself and appreciate what youve got. I can see more and more of us returning home You can find the same pattern in many of our stories. We are attracted to come back and settle down in Slovakia. Many of us want to contribute to change and make Slovakia better. The ease of staying and leaving is so important I get to travel abroad for my job but also come back to develop our foundation and new business. This allows me to transfer my knowledge. It also feels right. Slovakia is where I can feel my roots, its where I feel I truly belong This testimony was originally published in Zuzana Palovics book, The Great Return. You can learn more about the book as well as Palovics own journey as a Slovak migrant that later returned to Slovakia at This meet at Cal Expo has been a homecoming of sorts for David Shells California-bred Legio X Equestris, and she has turned in some big efforts while racing with the top distaff pacers on the grounds. The five-year-old daughter of Roll With Joe, who was a 1:52 victress at Pocono last year, dominated conditioned rivals here in 1:53.2 last month for Luke Plano, and is coming off back-to-back solid tries in the Filly and Mare Open. Shed been racing in Indiana, New Jersey and Pennsylvania and David wanted to bring her home for the winter, said Plano. Even though I was racing her for the first time at this meet, I trained her a bit as a two-year-old before she made her first start. Plano admits its been a bit of a rollercoaster return to California for Legio X Equestris, she has shown her ability more often than not. When she came out, she shipped from New York to Indiana, then on to here, and I dont think we realized how much it had taken out of her. There were also a few health issues along the way, but now everything seems to be fine. In last weeks top dance for the distaff set, Legio X Equestris brushed to the lead at half for Luke, putting up solid fractions of :55.3 and 1:23.4 before being overpowered in the late stages by Dancingonthesand. Ill tell you one thing about this mare...she loves to play the hard way, Plano added. Dancingonthesand, Silverlode among top players An Open Trot that sees the return of Silverlode and an extremely contentious Filly and Mare Open Pace are the main attractions on Cal Expos Saturday night program. Watch and Wager LLC presents 11 races with first post at 6:15 p.m. Silverlode is a 10-year-old daughter of British Sterling out of the Website mare Charlottes Web who comes into this assignment with $243,000 in earnings and a 1:54.3 mark that was established last season. The hard-hitting mare, who is owned by Medinah Racing and Kathie Plested, with Plested training and Steve Wiseman in the sulky, has posed for pictures following four of her seven trips to the post in 2019. She suits up this weekend riding a three-race winning streak while making her first start since March 16, when she crushed her rivals by four a half-lengths as the prohibitive 2-5 favourite while doing her work from the No. 10 slot, which will again be the case this time around. Looking at the Distaff Open, Dancingonthesand is a four-year-old daughter of A Rocknroll Dance who goes about her business for Alan Cooper and Kathie Plested with Plested training and Mooney Svendsen handling the lines. The bay miss has returned to greet her connections in the winners circle following six of eight appearances this season and shaved a second and two fifths off her lifetime record with last weeks sparkling 1:53 score. Sent off at 9-2 from her outside post in the field of seven, Dancingonthesand was unhurried in the early stages following strong fractions, swung off cover into the drive and went on to the length and a half decision. (Cal Expo) The schedule for 'the Internets favourite harness racing handicapping show' North American Harness Update (NAHU), is set for Friday, April 12. Host Ray Cotolo will be joined by Mike Pribozie and Rod Allums Jr. to provide live coverage of the Pick 4 from The Raceway at Western Fair District and the Meadowlands Racetrack. Along with the Pick 4 coverage, the three will preview the Can-Am Pick 4, averaging over $50,000 bet each week. The three will also preview the final round of the George Morton Levy Series on Saturday, April 13 at Yonkers Raceway. The Hanover Hustler Russ Adams from Rosecroft Raceway will also come on to preview racing action from Rosecroft for Sunday, April 14 including their signature Pick 3. North American Harness Update airs Fridays from 9:00 - 11:00 pm (ET) on SRN One as well as on video livestream on Facebook Live, Periscope and YouTube, and can be accessed by archive via the YouTube page or from its website at the day after it airs. (with files from North American Harness Update) The largest market for Big Data & AI is undoubtedly in the Retail space. According to Mckinsey, it is worth approximately US$1.7 trillion annually with approximately half of that in Advanced AI.Seizing this opportunity, ChiefDX came into being with a focus on strengthening its experience and knowledge in Retail. We believe that the best way to do that was to learn from the Chinese ecosystem and so we set up our Development operation in China and bid for projects solely in China over the last couple of years. This has held us in good stead and given us a lot of depth in New Retail. We are now leveraging our experience with our Offerings and expertise in countries outside China, explicates Amit Alok, CEO.A Singapore-based provider of Innovative Technology solutions with a focus on Big Data, AI and IoT, ChiefDX has a strong reputation for providing end to end solutions to Governments on Smart City solutions across APAC and the Middle East. The companys leadership team has over 100 years of Enterprise IT experience at some of the largest MNCs globally. We wanted to create something for ourselves. Our contacts in the industry meant that we were able to develop a pipeline relatively quickly and ramp up the business he says.The focus initially was on the ERP space. Amit asserts, We had success there, but we noticed that there was a greater need in the Advanced Analytics space and our clients were looking for help. So, when I got involved in the company, we decided to pivot towards Big Data & AI, which were bleeding edge at the time, known now as part of V4.0 Technologies.ChiefDX strives to create a disruption in the market by assisting clients to focus on Efficiency and Automation with the use of its products and services. The clients vary from Sales & Marketing segments across Verticals, Retail & Healthcare to Govt. Smart City Projects. The company categorizes its offerings as a range of hardware Sensors/IoT Devices and Software Solutions. The former consists of IoT Sensors used to capture Data for Crowd Analytics and/or Store Layout in the Retail space. It also provides devices for AI-based Facial Recognition as part of solutions aimed at People Management Systems and Security Identity Management. On the other hand, in combination with the Sensors its Software solutions are Data Science/AI projects as part of Smart Cities initiatives by Governments or Entities in Security, Transportation & Logistics (Airports, Metros/ Railways etc). We break down the Business Problems /Issue into manageable Data Science components that can reuse some tools that we have developed across Verticals e.g. of the US$1.7T annual business in the Retail space, the Sales & Marketing segment covers almost US$1.1T and under half of that is in Advanced AI, he informs. The fact that ChiefDXleadership team is a Trusted Adviser to Governments and global Corporations and has deep experience in running large projects across borders is a significant advantage. Add to that our experience in China and we have a very compelling proposition to offer our clients most of whom have worked with us when we were on the other side of the table! he adds. "Chiefdx Has A Strong Reputation For Providing End To End Solutions To Governments On Smart City Solutions Across Apac And The Middle East" An Array of Offerings ChiefDX strives to create a disruption in the market by assisting clients to focus on Efficiency and Automation with the use of its products and services. The clients vary from Sales & Marketing segments across Verticals, Retail & Healthcare to Govt. Smart City Projects. The company categorizes its offerings as a range of hardware Sensors/ IoT Devices and Software Solutions. The former consists of IoT Sensors used to capture Data for Crowd Analytics and/or Store Layout in the Retail space. It also provides devices for AI-based Facial Recognition as part of solutions aimed at People Management Systems and Security Identity Management. On the other hand, in combination with the Sensors its Software solutions are Data Science/AI projects as part of Smart Cities initiatives by Governments or Entities in Security, Transportation & Logistics (Airports, Metros/ Railways etc). We break down the Business Problems/Issue into manageable Data Science components that can reuse some tools that we have developed across Verticals e.g. of the US$1.7T annual business in the Retail space, the Sales & Marketing segment covers almost US$1.1T and under half of that is in Advanced AI, he informs. The fact that ChiefDXleadership team is a Trusted Adviser to Governments and global Corporations and has deep experience in running large projects across borders is a significant advantage. Add to that our experience in China and we have a very compelling proposition to offer our clients most of whom have worked with us when we were on the other side of the table! he adds. The Work Approach ChiefDX best defines itself as a small yet nimble organization that is spread over a number of locations across APAC. The work approach depends on the type of projects the team takes up. For on-site Govt. projects, then there are weekly collaboration meetings scheduled between the clients and the ChiefDX Data Analysis, Architecture & Data Science teams. On outsourced work, the team frequently connects with clients and Academic mentors for proper guidance on the latest models and techniques. Our Business Development heads have a free hand to schedule their time but report to me directly on results, he mentions. When it comes to the Work culture, ChiefDX believes in maintaining transparency and an adaptive learning environment. Micro-management is actively discouraged and experimentation is highly encouraged at ChiefDX. Amit asserts, Failures are accepted as long as we can learn from them. That includes my failures too and I personally find that quite motivating The Road Ahead Over the years, ChiefDX pivot towards Big Data and AI has helped it increase its pipeline significantly. The company runs its sales operation out of London, Dubai and Singapore with its development and delivery centers in Singapore, China, Korea, India and Sri Lanka. In times to come, team ChiefDX is all geared up to deliver Advanced Analytics and Predictive Capabilities to clients for Smart Action by practicing the craft of Data Science. To add depth to its Data Science Practice, it has recently signed a Partnership Agreement with a Leading Data Science school in India, if not the world, and is set to welcome some of the top Academics in India as Mentors and Consultants to their projects. Amit Alok, Co-Founder & CEO Amit Alok is an innovative business leader with over 25 years of experience in building Technology businesses for MNCs across the Asia/Pacific region. He has been an Advisor to a number of start-ups and governments in the APAC region. Amit has held regional senior executive roles at Reuters, Microsoft, Symantec, The Economist and the London Stock Exchange Group. Nikhil Alok-Mathur, Co-Founder & Head of EMEA Nikhil is a British-Indian entrepreneur & innovator. He is currently Co-Founder & Head of EMEA at ChiefDX, where he is responsible for sales and business development in Europe, Middle East & Africa for the business. His experience incubating several early stage start-ups and as an Operationally Ready National Serviceman in the Singapore Armed Forces further adds to his reputation as a shrewd deal maker in the EMEA region. The Leadership Mantra Being a startup, ChiefDX has flatter structures and an aim to be agile. This necessitates that I have many hats. Amit is responsible for the Strategy & Vision as the CEO but he also takes up the role of a CFO when required to do so. From time to time, he is also required to pitch into Technical discussions along with the CTO. Right now my time is spent helping our Business Development Heads to win business and execute Partnerships at a global level, he says. As a leader, you are responsible for not just the success of your company but also the well-being and growth of your people. I like to think that I hire the smartest people I can and create an environment for them to be successful. We start by hiring an Attitude and with that right everything else can be taught or learnt. I have found that this has helped me progress in my previous life in the Corporate world. I look back at some of the really bright Interns we had at Reuters Risk Management and am very proud of where they are now and what they have achieved. It gives me great personal satisfaction. In order to continue enjoying our site, we ask that you confirm your identity as a human. Thank you very much for your cooperation. This is my second post about Moebius, in which I wanted to tell my story how I came to discover him, love his comics and all the things I di... The Undead Archives I have finally salvaged my pre-Blogger TDR archives and added them into Blogger. They are almost totally in the form of one giant post for each month. And the formatting strayed from the originals. Sorry. But historians everywhere can rejoice that this treasure trove of my thoughts is restored to the world. 2 hours ago Myanmar public urges gas sanctions to stop military funding JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) The young woman in Myanmar decided to speak out when she realized that money from the company she loved was now in the hands of the military leaders she hated. She and her parents had long worked for Total Energies, the French company that operates a lucrative gas field off the coast of southern Myanmar with a state-owned enterprise. Read Article We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. Moroccos Research Institute for Solar Energy & New Energies (IRESEN) and Sherbrooke University of Canada have sealed lately a partnership aimed at boosting their cooperation in renewable energies and energy efficiency. This partnership will enable Moroccan university students and professors to work with their Canadian peers on joint projects in solar energy, photovoltaic energy production, thermal solutions, power storage and transfer to different grids. For Vincent Aimez, Vice-President of Sherbrooke University, this cooperation agreement, which combines two ecosystems, will yield innovative solutions and enable the university students to benefit from advanced technologies opening up new opportunities for businessmen in Canada and Morocco. For his part, IRESENs chief Badr Ikken said this agreement will set a lasting cooperation in the field of research and innovation in solar energy and energy efficiency. It will also help the energy researchers develop tools, turning scientific ideas into profitable industrial applications, he added. IRESEN is a research institute set up in 2011 by the Ministry of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment, with the participation of several key players of the energy sector in Morocco. It supports the countrys national energy strategy by promoting and funding R&D in the field of solar energy and new energies. The Sherbooke University, in the Province of Quebec, is a French-speaking institution founded in 1954. It hosts 40,000 students and a teaching staff of 3,200. In all, it employs 6,400 people. The university has over 100,000 graduates and offers 46 undergraduate courses, 48 masters and 27 doctoral programs. It holds a total of 61 research chairs including pharmacology, microelectronics, biomedicine, engineering, energy storage systems, industrial processes, nanomaterials Issues of concern to people who live in the west: property rights, water rights, endangered species, livestock grazing, energy production, wilderness and western agriculture. Plus a few items on western history, western literature and the sport of rodeo... Frank DuBois served as the NM Secretary of Agriculture from 1988 to 2003. DuBois is a former legislative assistant to a U.S. Senator, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior, and is the founder of the DuBois Rodeo Scholarship. This site focuses on Republican politicians and conservatives that rip off their constituency. We have the Tea Party, fundamentalist churches, the corruption of ALEC and other special interests groups. But the site also supports progressive Democrats and the local Democratic Socialist of America. We must have ideas on how to replace regressive and corrupt politicians with something better. For comments or 20 people were detained under suspicion of doping trade across France, Belgium and Luxembourg on Tuesday. According to French justice department, the suspects were involved in doping trading within the international bodybuilding scene. Police arrested numerous suspects in Paris, in the Alsace region, in the south of France, in Belgium and also in the Grand-Duchy. During the raids, police also also found and confiscated more than 100,000 in cash, as well as anabolic products such as steroids or growth hormones. The activity was uncovered following the surveillance of two holding companies in Luxembourg and one laboratory in France. UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations Miguel Angel Moratinos of Spain lauded Morocco for its efforts to promote dialogue between civilizations, cultures and religions in a world plagued by a rise of extremism and hate speeches. Moratinos is visiting Morocco just few days after a landmark visit by Pope Francis who was received by King Mohammed VI in Rabat where they both called for boosting inter-religious dialogue. Moratinos said Moroccos King has a wise vision that builds on deep-rooted traditions of religious tolerance and multiculturalism. Morocco under the leadership of His Majesty the King stands out thanks to its cultural diversity and respect for all religions as the country remains attached to the values of peace, stability and dialogue on which the UN system is based, Moratinos told reporters after talks with Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament. After stressing the great role that parliaments can play in championing the values of tolerance, coexistence and dialogue, Moratinos announced that an international parliamentary forum will be held in order to raise awareness about the actions undertaken by the UNs Alliance of Civilizations. The former Spanish foreign minister also met head of the Moroccan government, Saad Eddine El Otmani, foreign minister Nasser Bourita and Culture minister Mohamed Laarej. The meetings with Moroccan officials was a chance to highlight Moroccos contribution to back the Alliance of Civilizations. In this regards, Moratinos highlighted the beneficial impact of Moroccos efforts to fight extremism through Imam training as well as the Kingdoms actions to counter hate speech. Moratinos also welcomed the idea of cooperating with Morocco in the field of crisis mediation, notably in Africa and the Sahel in particular. The Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps were busy over the last 24 hours, with three incidents of cars catching fire in Hesperange, Bonnevoie and on the A6. There was also a house fire in Wiltz. A car caught fire on Allee de la Jeunesse Sacrifiee in Hesperange, early on Saturday morning. 112 were notified, with the Hesperange fire service attending the scene. No injuries were reported. On Friday evening at around 8.15pm on the Arlon motorway direction Luxembourg City a car caught fire, the city fire service attended the scene, only the car was damaged. At around 8.15pm on Friday evening, a car caught light on the Arlon motorway in the direction of Luxembourg City. The city fire service attended the incident, where thankfully only the car suffered damage. Yet another vehicle ignited on Friday evening in Bonnevoie, but the fire was quickly controlled by the fire service, with no injuries following the incident. Then, shortly after 7pm on Friday, a house began to burn in Wiltz on Rue Neuve, with one person suffering injuries. The scene was attended by fire services from Wiltz, Clervaus, Goesdorf and Lac de la Haute-Sure. Building works of Luxembourg City's new Royal Hamilius kicked off four years ago. But do you remember the former centre Aldringen? Back in the 1980s, the underground parking lot of the former "centre Aldringen" was one of Luxembourg City's hidden cultural hotspots and the birthplace of the country's hip hop and graffiti scene. These pictures were taken in March 2015 - one week before the general public could no longer access the centre Aldringen. In autumn 2018, the new parking lot opened its doors and the Royal Hamilius complex will presumably open next year in May. The architects of the building planned 7,000 m for apartments, 16,000 m for businesses and 10,000 m for offices. There will be three residential blocks: the Royal-Monterey, Royal-Hamilius and Royal-Aldringen. The accommodation selection ranges from smaller studios (36 m) to large penthouses (257 m). Apart from Galeries Lafayette, Fnac and Delhaize will also open in 2019. On a side note: don't be surprised if locals still refer to Royal Hamilius as Aldringen (or Aldringer) - for many Luxembourgers, the new name has not caught on yet. About this series In this popular series, RTL photographer Domingos Oliveira takes you to hidden places, lesser known locations and buildings with an interesting story. 1) The first installment captured the last moment of the agricultural centre in Mersch. 2) We then visited Zenningen Zoo, which was closed in the early 80s. 3) Our third trip took us to Hesperange's eery swimming pool which now looks like the setting for an apocalyptic film. 4) The fourth photo series targeted the veritable ghost town "Cite Syrdall." 5) We also visited the iconic cinema Ariston in Esch, which opened in 1962 and closed in 2016. The cinema's history is an eventful one - from erotic films to youth theatre. US Think tank, Brookings, put in the limelight Moroccos efforts to promote the genuine Islamic values of tolerance and moderation in Africa where the kingdom has capitalized on centuries-old ties. Social, cultural, and religious ties between Morocco and its sub-Saharan neighbors date back centuries to robust trade exchanges and the spread of Islam in Africa, said Brooking in an article titled Morocco Commander of the African Faithful. The article, signed by Sarah Alaoui, recalls the influence of Moroccan Sufi traditions in West Africa citing Senegal as an example where religious leaders travel to Fez to pay homage to the mausoleum of the orders founder, Sheikh Ahmed Tijani. Sufism is increasingly invoked as a key ingredient of spirituality in Moroccos brand of moderate Islam, she said. Morocco has built on its heritage of openness and moderation to help other African states train their Imams on Islams genuine values through the 20 million-dollar Mohammed VI Institute for Training of Imams in Rabat. The Institute is at the heart of the kingdoms efforts to reformulate a tolerant, quietist Islam, one that supports its counterterrorism policy and security interests more broadly, notes the paper. The Moroccan government also launched the Mohammed VI Foundation for West African Ulema for religious scholars to exchange experiences and best practices. Moroccos model of tolerance and inter-religious dialogue was celebrated last month during a visit to Rabat by Pope Francis who visited the Imam training institute. In the majority Muslim country, Jews and Christians have their places of worship and can practice their faith, a right that is guaranteed and protected by King Mohammed VI, the Commander of the Faithful. As Commander of the Faithful, I cannot speak of the Land of Islam, as if only Muslims lived there. I am keen to ensure freedom to practice the religions of the Book and I am the guarantor of that freedom. I protect Moroccan Jews as well as Christians from other countries, who are living in Morocco, the King said in a speech at the esplanade of Hassan Mosque in Rabat on the first day of the Popes visit. Photo-Illustration: Getty Images, WIkileaks Theres something odd going on at WikiLeaks, the website set up by Julian Assange in 2006 as a place for anyone to publish secret information. Speculation about the legitimacy of the site, which became a factor in the 2016 election thanks to massive dumps of key Democratic Party operators emails, has been rampant in online communities like Reddit and 8chan for the past 24 hours and WikiLeaks itself has remained silent about the problem. A simplified version of whats going on: WikiLeaks keeps insurance files for many of its major data dumps. These files are key bits of (what the site claims is) damaging info thats encrypted rather than published, made available for public download, and updated each month. You can download the insurance file (currently over 90 GB of data) from a torrent site like the Pirate Bay, but without the password its gibberish. The long-held belief has been that should something happen to WikiLeaks or Julian Assange, the password to WikiLeaks insurance files would be released into the wild, and all of the information within them shortly after. This effectively works as a dead mans switch if something bad happens to WikiLeaks, the threat goes, something much worse will happen to the organizations that are most likely to have compromised it. The reason both Reddit and 8chan are freaking out: WikiLeaks does something to confirm to the public that the insurance files theyre uploading to torrent sites are authentic, releasing whats known as hashes before the files are uploaded. This is a long string of numbers and letters anyone can get the encrypted files to spit out, even if they cant read the files. Check the hash generated from the latest insurance file against what WikiLeaks has published, and you know youve got the exact same file as the one WikiLeaks intended to release. If any part of the data is different, a different hash will be produced when you analyze the file. And now the hashes for several key WikiLeaks insurance files are different from those WikiLeaks published via its Twitter account. This, for example, is the hash WikiLeaks published on October 16 for an insurance file about Ecuador, the country thats currently giving Assange asylum in its London embassy and also recently restricted his internet access: pre-commitment 2: Ecuador eae5c9b064ed649ba468f0800abf8b56ae5cfe355b93b1ce90a1b92a48a9ab72 WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 16, 2016 But the same insurance file within the latest insurance-file release (2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_EC.aes256 for anyone who wants to grab the torrent and check for themselves) produces a different hash: b231ccef70338a857e48984f0fd73ea920eff70ab6b593548b0adcbd1423b995 So whats happening here? It could be that someone at WikiLeaks made a mistake. But for many following along on message boards, this all points toward WikiLeaks being compromised. From 8chan and Reddit threads, theories range from someone uploading fake-out insurance files in order to conduct psyops and discredit WikiLeaks to full-out proof that Julian Assange is dead (perhaps assassinated by the so-called prosecutors currently questioning him about rape charges in Sweden) and that the keys for the insurance files are actually floating around the web, just waiting for the right cybersleuths to put them together. Why would WikiLeaks have an Easter-egg hunt for something that seems to be designed to protect Assange and WikiLeaks? Who knows! Welcome to WikiLeaks land. Theres no doubt that something odd is happening at WikiLeaks. Their Twitter presence has grown more erratic over the past year. As mentioned, Ecuador cut off Assanges access to the internet; WikiLeaks claims it was at the behest of John Kerry and the U.S. government, while Ecuador says otherwise. The last person to write about seeing Assange was, uh, Pamela Anderson? Theres also the fact that while Julian Assange hasnt been seen in the public eye as much, his cat has been, dressed up in a collar and tie. I'm not even kidding. Assange's cat is now wearing a collar and tie. NickdMiller (@NickdMiller) November 14, 2016 So what to make of the mismatched hashes? Its impossible to tell. Theres been no word from WikiLeaks about them. And in the murky world of message boards and filter bubbles and conspiracy theories, this is enough to start up another cycle of speculation which will likely spin on even if WikiLeaks or Assange himself later provides an explanation for what happened. Update: WikiLeaks has tweeted this in response: NOTE: When we release pre-commitment hashes they are for decrypted files (obviously). Mr. Assange appreciates the concern. WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 16, 2016 In other words, WikiLeaks is saying the only hashes that WikiLeaks would put out in the public would be for non-insurance files, thus the non-matching hashes arent relevant. Reddit users, however, remain skeptical. A man in Vietnam was stunned to receive an e-mail from his former lender asking him to pay VND196 (US$0.0085) in credit card debt and a late payment fine of VND5 ($0.00022). Phan Thanh Tung, a Hanoi resident, said he opened a credit card at a local lender years ago during a promotional event, but never got round to using it. About two years after opening the credit card, Tung received a call from the bank asking him to pay more than VND1 million ($43) in outstanding maintenance fees. He complied and transferred his payment to the banks account, thinking it was the end of the trouble. However, in early April, Tung received an e-mail from a debt collection agency informing him that he still had VND196 in outstanding credit card debt that had been overdue for 968 days as of March 31. The agency requested that Tung finish paying off the debt as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary inconvenience. In addition to the debt, Tung was asked to pay a fine of VND5 for late payment. Tung said he had to scramble for two VND200 banknotes to make the payment in person, as the amount was too small to be transferred electronically. The smallest denomination of the Vietnamese currency is VND100, although banknotes smaller than VND500 are rarely seen in circulation. As clerks couldnt find any smaller notes to give Tung his change, they agreed to reduce his debt and fine to VND200 in total. Tung has recalled the bizarre debt paying story on a Facebook group. A bank representative told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper the case of Tung is rare and unwanted. In reality, such small debts are usually covered by the lender using its own funds, as the costs to have these debts collected are much larger than the debt itself. There must have been a mistake at some point that led Tungs files to be transferred to the banks debt collection department, the representative said. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Budget carrier AirAsia on Friday inaugurated a new nonstop service between the central Vietnamese city of Da Nang and Thailands tourism hub of Chiang Mai, as no-frills Vietjet announced a direct flight between Ho Chi Minh City and the Indonesian resort island of Bali. The AirAsia flight FD906 carrying 180 passengers took off from the northern Thai province of Chiang Mai and safely landed at the Da Nang International Airport on Friday. The new Chiang Mai Da Nang route will operate daily with a one hour 45 minutes flight time per leg, increasing services between Thailand and Vietnam to 63 flights a week, according to the Malaysian low-cost airline. AirAsias newest route is expected to create more convenience for traveling between the two cities as passengers flying from Thailand are always among the highest number of international visitors to Da Nang, Huynh Thi Huong Lan, deputy director of the municipal tourism promotion center, said at the welcome ceremony for Fridays inaugural flight from Chiang Mai. As many as 60,000 visitors from Thailand came to Da Nang in the first three months of this year, a 35.7-percent increase from the same period last year. Passengers on the AirAsia flight FD906 from Chiang Mai, Thailand are seen at a welcome ceremony upon their arrival in Da Nang, central Vietnam, on April 12, 2019. Photo: Tan Luc / Tuoi Tre Also on Friday, Vietnamese budget carrier Vietjet announced a nonstop service connecting Ho Chi Minh City and Bali, slated to begin on May 29, while tickets are now available for booking. Vietjet said in a press release it is the first and only carrier to offer the service, with one return flight on every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday. The four-hour flight departs from Ho Chi Minh City at 8:05 am and arrives at Bali at 1:05 pm. The return flight takes off from Bali at 2:05 pm and lands in Ho Chi Minh City at 5:05 pm (All in local times). I believe that the new route will not only create opportunities for people to travel by safe, civilized and modern air transport, but also connect two cities as known as two economic, cultural centers of Vietnam and Indonesia, Vietjets vice president Nguyen Thanh Son said. The route will contribute to promoting tourism and economic integration in the region as well as introduce the images of Vietnam to the world. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Your browser does not support the audio element. A teenage girl from the Mekong Delta province of Tra Vinh who has been living in Ho Chi Minh City for less than one year has won a design contest with a drawing that crams most of the southern metropolis typical landmarks and uniqueness into one place. Vo Thi Minh Chau, who grew up with the absence of her father, was on Friday announced winner of the top prize worth VND190 million (US$8,170) of the Vietnam - Where I live competition, which is organized by the Hanoi-based London College for Design and Fashion (LCDF). Having moved from a countryside region to Ho Chi Minh City for a mere nine months, Chau put all her sentimental observation and feelings about the modern and vibrant hub into her award-winning painting, entitled Sai Gon le la (Wandering in Saigon), affectionately using the former name of the city. In Sai Gon le la, the teenage girl tried to put as many possible things that make Saigon Saigon onto a cyclo, a three-wheel bicycle taxi that was popular on the citys streets in the good old days. Sai Gon le la painting by Vo Thi Minh Chau Those most Saigon things include not only such architecture landmarks as the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Ben Thanh Market, the municipal Post Office, Bitexco Tower, and Landmark 81 skyscraper, but also the citys tangled spiderweb of electrical wires, and its sidewalk stalls selling famous street foods including banh mi, iced milky coffee, and fetal duck eggs. Chau had almost missed the competition as she only got to know about it two days before entry submission was closed. But Chaus drawing turned out to be an interestingly attractive submission to the competition judges, according to British design expert Mark Bellingham. Among the top five finalists of the contest, only Chaus work was painted in black and white, which not only secures the lavish splendor of the dynamic, modern city but also helps increase mystery to its appearance, the judging panel remarked. The judges see the work as an appealing invitation that people should come to Saigon to wander on its many streets and explore them. Vo Thi Minh Chau receives the top prize at the awarding ceremony of for the Vietnam - Where I live design competition in Hanoi on April 12, 2019. Photo: Thien Dieu / Tuoi Tre Speaking to Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper after the awards ceremony, Chau said she lost her father since she was little, and did not grow up with her mother either, spending her childhood living with her uncle and his wife. As the uncles family was also hit by poverty, Chau would always try to win scholarships to cover her tuition fees throughout 12 years of schooling. Last year Chau passed the entrance exam to the fashion design department of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology but had to give up on her academic dreams to find a job to make ends meet. The VND190 million prize of the competition consists of VND5 million in cash and a VND185 million scholarship for a freshman year at LCDF, which allows Chau to resume her passion of fashion design. Fridays awards ceremony also honored Hoang Phuong Thao as first runner-up, and Nguyen Nhat Anh as second runner-up, while granted the Idea prize to Nguyen Ngoc Tram Anh, and the Promising young designer award to Truong Tuong Vi. Vo Thi Minh Chau (third left) and other winners are seen at the ceremony in Hanoi, April 12, 2019. Photo: Thien Dieu / Tuoi Tre Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! More than 100 different kinds of Vietnamese traditional cakes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also mouth-watering are being offered to visitors at the Vietnamese Traditional Cake Festival held in the Mekong Delta City of Can Tho. Visitors to the eighth annual cuisine event, themed Flavors of the Southern Region and runs from April 12 to 16, will be treated to a variety of original traditional cakes and their 400 variations from the Kinh, Hoa, Khmer, and Cham ethnic people living in the Mekong Delta region. The event houses more than 220 stalls selling such delicacies as banh bo thot not (steamed palm sugar rice cake), banh tet (cylindrical glutinous rice cake filled with green bean paste and pork), banh bo dua (coconut-flavored sponge cake), banh u (small glutinous pyramid shape cake), and banh duc (rice cake cooked with lime juice), to name just a few. Other stalls will also display dishes from Japan, South Korea, India, Italy, France, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Different kinds of cakes are displayed at a food stall at the eighth Vietnamese Traditional Cake Festival in Can Tho City, southern Vietnam. Photo: Lan Ngoc / Tuoi Tre Before its opening on Friday evening, artisans and businesses from Can Tho and 18 provinces and cities across the country started firing up the stoves at their respective food stalls to make delicious cakes for diners. On Saturday morning, despite the hot weather that is baking the southern region, visitors toured around the food stalls to watch the artisans preparing ingredients and making the dishes. Visitors queued in lines and moved little by little towards the food stalls to buy cakes before enjoying them at a separate area arranged by the organizers. Visitors buy cakes at a food stall at the eighth Vietnamese Traditional Cake Festival in Can Tho City, southern Vietnam. Photo: Lan Ngoc / Tuoi Tre Le Tan Loi, a frequent visitor to the annual Vietnamese Traditional Cake Festival, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper that he comes to the event every year ever since he become a student at the Can Tho University of Economics. There are fewer events for people to join in Can Tho than in Ho Chi Minh City, so whenever there is a festival here, I always ask my friends to come with me, Loi said. You can try a lot of food here, and also get to know more kinds of dishes that you might have not known before, the Can Tho University of Economics student added. The eighth Vietnamese Traditional Cake Festival is taking place at the Can Tho Exhibition Fair and Trade - Investment Promotion Centre at 108A Le Loi Street in Ninh Kieu District, with free entrance. In addition to the food stalls selling newly-delivered cakes, there are also several other activities for people to spend their time at the event. A competition on making southern traditional cakes is held on April 13 with the participation of 83 artisans, who will show the making of 70 types of traditional cakes. A talk seeking markets for traditional cakes and a performance showing 100 ao ba ba (traditional shirts of southern women) will be held on April 16. Banh gung a cake made from flour, eggs and gingers. Photo: Quan Nam / Tuoi Tre Sticky rice served with durian. Photo: Quan Nam / Tuoi Tre Banh beo a central Vietnamese cake made from a combination of rice flour and tapioca flour stuffed with dried shrimps, crispy pork skin, scallion oil, and dipping sauce. Photo: Quan Nam / Tuoi Tre Banh da lon a Vietnamese steamed layer cake made from tapioca starch, rice flour, mashed mung beans, taro, or durian, coconut milk and/or water, and sugar. Photo: Quan Nam / Tuoi Tre Banh bo mat ong a honey-flavored sponge cake. Photo: Quan Nam / Tuoi Tre The Vietnamese Ministry of Justice has accused some news sites and social media profiles of reporting inaccurately on the verdict of an investment lawsuit filed by a Vietnamese-Dutch businessman against the Government of Vietnam. In a statement on Friday, the ministry confirmed that an arbitration council, founded in line with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) arbitration rules, had issued a verdict in Trinh Vinh Binh's lawsuit against the Vietnamese government on April 10. Binh, 72, sought US$1.2 billion in compensation for financial losses and the return of his seized assets when the businessman was sentenced to prison in Vietnam for land management violations in 1998. The justice ministry said both parties in the case have the responsibility to keep the verdict a secret according to arbitration rules. However, some online news site and social media profiles have been reporting inaccurately on the content of the verdict in addition to adding their own subjective interpretations and speculations of the verdict, the ministry said. This has led to misunderstandings in public opinion, it stressed. The justice ministry said it is working closely with competent agencies and a law firm representing the Government of Vietnam to study the verdict carefully and devise the next steps to be taken in this case. These steps must be in line with provisions of the law and safeguard the interests of the Vietnamese government to the best possible extent, it said. Trinh Vinh Binh is a Vietnamese-Dutch businessman who was born in 1947 in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang. After years living abroad, Binh returned to Vietnam in 1992 and invested heavily in real estate, purchasing over 2.5 million square meters of land and more than ten houses in the southern province of Ba Ria Vung Tau. Four years later, on December 5, 1996, Binh was arrested and prosecuted in Ba Ria Vung Tau on charges of violating regulations on land management. Binh was released on bail on June 25, 1998. Between December 7 and 11 the same year, Binh and five others stood trial at the provincial court for their alleged crimes, with the businessman facing five years for his land management violation. On May 4-5, 1999, the appellate court of the High Peoples Court of Ho Chi Minh City reduced Binhs total sentence to 11 years and had his assets seized. However, Binh had fled abroad before his jail time was actually enforced. The government of Vietnam later pardoned Binh and allowed him to return to his home country as a free man. In 2015, Binh filed a lawsuit against the Vietnamese government with the International Court of Arbitration in Paris, demanding $1.2 billion in compensation for financial losses related to the ordeal and the return of his previously owned assets in Vietnam. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Vietnams police on Saturday arrested and launched legal proceedings against Pham Nhat Vu, former chairman of Audio Visual Global (AVG), on charges of bribery, the latest development in an investigation into the companys notorious acquisition deal with a leading mobile network operator four years ago. The procedural decisions for Vu was approved by the Supreme People's Procuracy in accordance with the provisions of law, according to a source close to Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper. Vu is being held in detention and probed for suspected bribery of officials regarding the VND8,889 billion (US$392 million) deal offered by state-owned mobile carrier Mobifone to acquire a 95 percent stake in AVG in 2015, while a search warrant of his residence was also issued. In February, Nguyen Bac Son, Minister of Information and Communication in the 2011-16 tenure, and his successor, Truong Minh Tuan, who led the ministry in the 2016-21 period, were also arrested and put under investigation in the same case. In July 2018, police began legal proceeding against and ordered the arrest of Le Nam Tra, former chairman of Mobifones Member Council, who is currently an official of the information ministrys Office. In November the same year, Mobifone former general director Cao Duy Hai was arrested. Son, Tuan, Tra and Hai were all charged with breaching regulations on the management and use of public capital that lead to serious consequences. Police said on Saturday the two ex-ministers and Tra have been prosecuted with additional charges of bribery. Besides these procedural decisions, police also launched legal proceedings against Vo Van Manh, director of AMAX Co. and Hoang Duy Quang, a company employer, on the same charges. AMAX is the consulting unit that valued AVG at VND16.56 trillion ($729.52 million), the evaluation which Mobifone used to process its deal with AVG. Vietnams state inspectorate has said the AMAX evaluation had been calculated on inaccurate input information, given the fact that AVG was bogged down with debts valued at VND1.266 trillion (US$55.77 million) and accumulated losses of VND1.632 trillion ($71.89 million) at a time the deal was proposed. Serious violations According to the Vietnamese government inspectorate, Mobifone was irresponsible and broke regulations in the AVG acquisition, especially in assessing the pay TV company's financial situation, leading to state budget losses of VND7 trillion ($308 million), and affecting Mobifones finance, resulting in difficulties for the companys privatization process. AVGs total assets were worth only VND206 billion ($9.07 million), while Mobifones offer was VND8.889 trillion (US$392 million). Mobifone was dishonest in reporting AVGs financial situation to the information ministry during the acquisition, with the government inspectorate concluding that the assessment violated regulations for investment and managing and using state capital. The state inspectors stated that the responsibility for the wrongdoings went to the board of members, board of directors, the chief accountant and other departments of Mobifone. In the meantime, the Ministry of Information and Communications, as the representative of the state ownership and the state agency in charge of management of information and communication, showed a lack of responsibility in assessing the acquisition. Its approval of the acquisition had violated legal rules, causing serious losses of state capital and thus must be annulled, the state inspectorate said. In addition, while the acquisition was not eligible for being classified as a state secret, the ministry asked the Ministry of Public Security to include it in the list of classified information, which violated laws on issuing regulations on the publishing of information of State-owned one-member limited liability companies. Prior to the state inspectorates announcement, Mobifone and AVG decided to cancel the transfer of 344.66 million shares and refund each other the amount received under the agreement. AVG shareholders will refund the entire amount paid by Mobifone, while Mobifone will return to AVG the number of shares and assets transferred. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Police in Vietnam said on Friday they have arrested two local men for separate investigations into their alleged rape and molestation against children. A 32-year-old man in Nha Trang, the capital of the south-central province of Khanh Hoa, is being held on suspicion of molesting a fifth-grade girl, according to the municipal police department. Le Chinh Truc is accused of breaking into the Vinh Truong Elementary School, taking the schoolgirl into the toilet and conducted lewd acts upon the child, the school board said in their official report to the Nha Trang police department and education bureau. Upon his arrest, Truc confessed to the police that he had broken into the school twice this month to molest the fifth grader. The restroom, located in the backyard of the school, is not equipped with any CCTV cameras, according to Tran Nguyen Lap, head of the municipal education bureau. Truc is being probed on charges of committing or attempting lewd acts upon a child under 16. The schoolgirl said the man who took her into the toilet is the father of one of her friends. The student said the man had met her several times, both at the school and her home, during which he would always give her sweets as gifts. In their latest encounter on April 3, the man gave the fifth-grader some candies and took her to the restroom. But he immediately fled the scene after being caught by a school guard, she said. Le Chinh Truc is seen in this photo provided by the police. In the meantime, police in District 5, Ho Chi Minh City said on Friday they had arrested and put in custody Luong Tuan Buu, 28, suspected of raping a ten-year-old girl and molesting another underage girl at a local park. According to preliminary information, the victim, known only as N., was playing with two other girls, aged nine and eight, at a park in District 5s Ward 6 at around 7:30 pm on Thursday, when Buu approached and took her away. Buu allegedly raped L. right at the park and only released the girl when she shouted in pain. N. went home and told her family of what happened, and the parents immediately reported the case to police. Police identified Buu as the suspect and summoned him for work, before an urgent arrest warrant was issued for him on Friday. Buu confessed to raping the ten-year-old at the park. District 5 police said Buu had previously molested another underage girl at the same park. Luong Tuan Buu is seen in this photo provided by the police. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Australian Story profiles the family of directors Jocelyn Moorhouse and PJ Hogan. The Kids are Alright is narrated by Cate Blanchett. When movie directors Jocelyn Moorhouse and PJ Hogan celebrated the arrival of their second child, Lily, they were riding high. The success of their first movies, Proof and Muriels Wedding, had catapulted them into Hollywoods A-list and they now had a little sister for six-year-old Spike. We had really, really made it, Moorhouse tells Australian Story. Our careers were successful, our family was perfect one boy, one girl. But it would be 18 years before Jocelyn Moorhouse directed another movie. This weeks Australian Story explains why. Around the time she turned two, Lily began to change. She stopped making eye contact, shunned physical contact and started having screaming fits. It was like we had a hurricane in the house, recalls her brother Spike. And we all just had to make the best of taming the hurricane. Eventually Lily was diagnosed with severe autism. As Moorhouse was the only one who seemed to get through to Lily, she realised she would have to abandon her career to become Lilys full-time therapist and carer. After six years of intensive therapy, Lily was doing well enough for Moorhouse to consider a return to filmmaking and, in 2004, she agreed to direct the Australian movie Eucalyptus. But days before filming was to start, the movie was cancelled due to disagreements over the script. Moorhouse was devastated but worse was to come. Within months, the couples 18-month-old son Jack also began to exhibit signs of autism. Lily if anything brought us closer together, Hogan tells Australian Story. Jack almost destroyed us. Because we didnt expect it to be twice. We just thought, thats not fair. As Moorhouse threw herself into Lily and Jacks therapy, her film career seemed a distant memory. But she hadnt been forgotten and in 2015, 18 years after her last movie, she made a triumphant return with The Dressmaker. Now the couples focus is on securing a future for Lily and Jack that allows them to continue their careers while ensuring their other children, Spike and Maddy, are free to pursue their dreams. In this intimate portrait, the family speaks candidly about the challenges, heartbreak and unexpected joys of living with two severely autistic children. They talk of the sacrifices they have willingly made and the long journey of acceptance that has led them to embrace Lily and Jack for who they are. Once you start getting to know them your fear slides away and youre just like a parent of any kid, Moorhouse says. Were no longer frightened of autism. In fact, were very fond of autism. Producer: Greg Hassall Monday, April 15 at 8pm on ABC. Photo: Rick Loomis/Getty Images Maybe Americans are obsessed with conspiracy theories because our nation itself was forged in one. In the turbulent run-up to and aftermath of the Declaration of Independence, the word on the streets and in the pamphlets of the colonies was not that the Crown had instituted bad or unfair policies, but rather that everything was part of a master plan to enslave the States, full stop. Historians have uncovered nearly one hundred resolutions urging independence issued throughout 1776 by states and counties and towns, artisan and militia associations, and the provincial congresses of nine colonies, write Russell Muirhead and Nancy L. Rosenblum in A Lot of People Are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy, a new book from Princeton University Press. The tone, language, and form are consistent. In each, a narrative of self-defense against enslavement is built from fragmentary evidence. Each lists abuses and usurpations adding up to a tyrannical plot. This conspiracy and the many, many others that have washed over Americans in the intervening centuries conform to a similar formula: Even when the underlying claims are false or verifiably nuts, the evidence for the conspiracies themselves is generally presented in a somewhat academic style, as facts supporting a thesis. Some conspiracy theories about John F. Kennedys assassination, for example, focus on the idea that the military-industrial complex was threatened by his policies and therefore decided he had to go. On the other end of the political spectrum, the once-mighty John Birch Society was founded in 1958 to fight what was seen as a massive Communist conspiracy to infiltrate American institutions. And some strains of 9/11 trutherism posit that dark forces within the government perpetrated the attacks or faked them as a pretext for waging profitable wars in the Middle East. Then there are the conspiracy theories that turned out to be true: Big Tobacco really did conspire to cover up evidence of the harmful health effects of tobacco, as Big Opioid (embodied by the Sackler family) appears to have done more recently. The CIA really did dose unwitting experimental subjects with LSD. And on and on. What these traditional conspiracy theories have in common, whether true or false, is that they portray what are actual internally consistent theories involving rational(ish) actors. These are not, however, the focus of Muirhead and Rosenblooms book, which homes in on a more recent and more dangerous phenomenon. The new conspiracism, as they call it, seeks not to lay out fully (or even half-) baked theories about who has engaged in what evil act, and why, but rather to spread a more knee-jerk and emotion-driven type of angry fear: Above all, it seeks to undermine both individuals and sources of authority by simply repeating endlessly, via the megaphone of social media, unhinged claims laminated in the thinnest patina of evidence. Conspiracy theory is not new, of course, Muirhead and Rosenblum write early on, but conspiracism today introduces something new conspiracy without the theory. As they explain: There is no punctilious demand for proofs, no exhausting amassing of evidence, no dots revealed to form a pattern, no close examination of the operators plotting in the shadows. The new conspiracism dispenses with the burden of explanation. Instead, we have innuendo and verbal gesture: A lot of people are saying Or we have bare assertion: Rigged! a one-word exclamation that evokes fantastic schemes, sinister motives, and the awesome capacity to mobilize three million illegal voters to support Hillary Clinton for president. This is conspiracy theory without the theory. The instances above point to one obvious catalyst, Donald Trump, along with the forces that made him president. If you look around, you wont find, or wont find much, actual theorizing about (for example) why one should believe a child-sex trafficking operation was being run with the help of Hillary Clintons campaign manager out of a Northwest D.C. pizza shop, let alone for even more convoluted and nonsensical theories like the Storm (a.k.a. QAnon). What validates the new conspiracism is not evidence but repetition, argue Muirhead and Rosenblum. When Trump tweeted the accusation that President Barack Obama had ordered the FBI to tap his phones in October before the 2016 election, no evidence of the charge was forthcoming. What mattered was not evidence but the number of retweets the presidents post would enjoy: the more retweets, the more credible the charge. Why do people spread this stuff? Part of the appeal is performative aggression, the authors write. The new conspiracism delivers dark claims, though the fabrications are erratic, vague, and undeveloped more angry assertion than revelatory narrative. For angry minds it offers the immediate gratification of lashing out, of throwing verbal stones. Not a spotlight on a hidden truth, but rather a million algorithm-multiplied middle fingers. And at a time when Americas problems inequality, polarization, political and wage stagnation feel intractable, it makes perfect sense that people would be drawn to this sort of outlet for their frustration. Photo: Princeton University Press The new conspiracism is more than capable of spreading on its own, but it doesnt help that even some political elites who surely know better havent exactly been forthright in debunking conspiracy theories lately. Im all for vaccines, but Im also for freedom, said Senator Rand Paul, a physician, during a 2015 Republican debate, when asked about the false link between vaccines and autism. That same year, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas actually helped to spread the bizarre Jade Helm conspiracy theory. And plenty of elected Republican officials either helped spread birtherism or gave wishy-washy answers when asked about it. Many of these politicians have clearly calculated that their policies and campaigns might benefit from their staying neutral at best on the veracity of certain conspiracist claims. The three examples above can be seen as traditional conspiracy theories (though Id argue birtherism is a hybrid), but the cumulative effect of elites abdicating their core responsibility of sorting truth from fiction is a profound distrust of authority and institutions of any sort. The authors argue that thats more or less the point of the new conspiracism: Its fundamentally nihilistic. It seeks not to redress power imbalances or abuses but to undermine order itself. This isnt Revolutionary-era conspiracy theorizing, whose ultimate aim was to push the colonies into a full military rebellion against the British, leading ideally to self-rule. A Lot of People Are Saying is a really good introduction to a concept that deserves a lot more study and critique, and Id recommend it to anyone disturbed by whats going on. A few parts rang slightly thin or hollow to me, though. First, the authors argue that while the Left participates in its share of classic conspiracy theories, it has not yet taken up the new conspiracism. That this isnt quite true; there are some parallels between left and right on this front. Much of what were seeing on the right now is, in effect, the fruit of eight years of sustained insanity surrounding President Obama birtherism, death panels, and so on. Something at least a little bit similar is going on in some corners of the left. It isnt nearly at the same level, but the election of Trump has, in fact, melted some brains. Take, for example, a couple of Louise Mensch Tweets. Theres EXCLUSIVE: Marshal of the Supreme Court spoke to Trump over case of impeachment, or My sources say the death penalty, for espionage, being considered for @StevenKBannon. I am pro-life and take no pleasure in reporting this. (That one tags Bannon, just as a friendly FYI though the account is transparently not, in fact, run by Steve Bannon.) These tweets, along with the output of of #resistance conspiracy theorists like Seth Abramson and Eric Garland, conform to the new conspiracism. I cant discount the possibility that someone, somewhere, has actually laid out some evidence about the SCOTUS marshal and Trump, or about Bannons imminent capital charges, but its pretty clear that these conspiracy theories arent actual theories, but rather simply provocative rumors about a perceived enemy. Thats not to say that left-wing new conspiracism is anywhere near as pervasive as its right-wing counterpart, but rather that it exists, and that we can expect it to spread, in much the same way the right-wing strain did and in much the same way conspiracy theories in general spread, during times of panic and uncertainty on the left. Second, I wish Muirhead and Rosenblum had something to say about internet trolls. The behavior of trolls tends to be downplayed or misunderstood when traditionally minded journalists and academics try to explain the online world, perhaps because it confounds so many social-scientific models of human behavior. But trolls are really important here. They love seeding new conspiracy theories and watching credulous normies spread them; in all likelihood, much of the heavy lifting of developing and spreading both Pizzagate and QAnon was done by trolls who know these theories to be false. Finally, I think the authors put a little bit too much faith in the power of traditional norms to fix things: Two responses mitigate and contain the corrosive consequences of the new conspiracism. First is enacting democracy: a strenuous adherence to the regular processes and forms of public decision-making. Democracy is enacted when officials explicitly draw attention to the importance of adhering to these norms and practices. The way to demystify governmental power is to make the process of legislation and adjudication legible. In theory, sure: Making the levers of government easier to understand might foreclose theories of power that fill in those gaps of understanding. But are these unhinged conspiracy theories really spread because people are more mystified by how government works than they were before? This is America no one knows how government works! Theres a slight risk here that Muirhead and Rosenblum are putting too much faith in the ability of big, top-down efforts to solve problems that are much more about human psychology and the online algorithms that exploit it. Close readers may have noticed a missing M-word from my qualms about leaving the left out of the new-conspiracism discussion. In light of what now look like some underwhelming findings, doesnt the theorizing about the Mueller report qualify as a form of the new conspiracism? Id argue that it doesnt. Setting aside the credibility question remember that there was enough smoke here, enough strange interactions between Trump staffers and those with ties to the Russian government, to warrant a major investigation the collusion conspiracy theory is actually quite vanilla. That is, its an internally coherent theory in which the Russians, preferring Trump to Clinton, sought to hurt her cause and help his, and in which the Trump campaign, preferring victory to defeat (and being too corrupt, too hapless, or both to care about the distinction between legal and illegal campaign activity), actively participated in the effort. It looks like this didnt happen though, of course, we havent seen the full report yet. But the proposition that it did is still a red-blooded American conspiracy theory, a worthy descendant of those that inspired the American Revolution. That distinction is actually a sign that Muirhead and Rosenblums argument is tightly constructed and well defined: After reading A Lot of People Are Saying, I didnt see the new conspiracism everywhere, like some sort of, well, addled conspiracist. Rather, it was pretty easy, I found, to distinguish the new conspiracism from its traditional variants, which will always be with us. Muirhead and Rosenblum have pointed out something genuinely new and disturbing, but in an appropriately careful, levelheaded way. Just one of many reasons this is a book worth reading, even if it doesnt make for a particularly happy story. The man was arrested at the scene. A British man who had been in Australia for less than 24 hours has been charged after an alleged violent assault near Sydneys Bondi Beach. The 35-year-old, who has not been named, approached another man in the early hours of Saturday and assaulted and threatened him, New South Wales Police said. Officers said the 59-year-old victim attempted to run away, when the man continued to assault him and stole his mobile phone. A man who has been in Australia less than 24-hours will appear in court today after an alleged violent assault on another man in #BondiBeach NSW Police Force (@nswpolice) April 13, 2019 The victim was taken to St Vincents Hospital in a serious but stable condition. A pedestrian alerted police to the incident on Campbell Parade at around 1.30am and the British national was charged with aggravated robbery with wounding and grievous bodily harm. He was refused bail and is due in court in Parramatta, in the west of Sydney, on Saturday. FILE PHOTO: Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel talks to Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (not pictured) at the Government Office in Hanoi, Vietnam, November 9, 2018. Luong Thai Linh/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo By Marc Frank HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel accused the Trump administration on Saturday of dragging relations with the United States to their worst level in decades and called on Cubans to strengthen the Communist-run country's defences and economy. Diaz-Canel, in a speech closing the National Assembly, said the United States is engaging in an "asphyxiating financial persecution that makes the import of goods and resources of primary necessity particularly difficult." The Cuban economy has stagnated in recent years in tandem with the implosion of strategic ally Venezuela, resulting in cuts in fuel and energy use by state entities and this year shortages of basic goods such as bread, chicken and eggs. An increase in U.S. sanctions under President Donald Trump is also making it even harder for cash-strapped Cuba to get credit from financial institutions. Cuba's Economy Minister Alejandro Gil Fernandez earlier in the day called on the government to tighten belts further and seek alternatives to imports, as foreign exchange earnings decline and credit for supplies and investment become more difficult to find. "Exports are not growing as planned. The levels of foreign investment that the economy demands are not materializing," Gil said. "We can forecast the import plan will not be fulfilled because the credits we need cannot be finalised due to the arrears of payments of debts." Cuba relies on imports directly or indirectly for much of what it produces and consumes, including fuel and food, and purchases the supplies with foreign currency it earns from exports and obtains through credits. The government has been struggling to keep economic growth in the black and forecast a 1.5 percent increase in gross domestic product this year after a 1.2 percent increase last year. The Trump administration has said Cuba is responsible for the survival of socialist Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and slapped new sanctions on Cuba, which is already under a crippling trade embargo, leaving the detente of former president Barack Obama in the dust. Story continues This month the United States sanctioned vessels and companies that ship oil to Cuba from Venezuela in exchange for health and other technical services, threatening the energy grid and transportation. The Trump administration says it soon may activate a long dormant law under which Cuban-Americans could sue foreign companies that profit from their properties nationalized during the first years of the 1959 Revolution. "Our response is no, imperialist gentlemen, we Cubans do not surrender," Diaz-Canel said on Saturday, adding the situation meant "we have two absolute priorities: the preparation of our defence and the economic battle at the same time." According to western diplomats and businessmen, Cuba has failed to pay suppliers on time for a number of years, piling up around $1.5 billion in short term debt. Trade fell around 25 percent from 2013 through 2017 and declined again last year, according to the government. In addition to the Venezuelan crisis, the advent of a far-right government in Brazil led last year to the scrapping of a doctors-for-cash deal valued at an annual $300 million (229.36 million pounds). (Reporting by Marc Frank; additional reporting by Nelson Acosta; editing by Grant McCool) Protesters Sudan are celebrating the toppling of two leaders in two days following the resignation of military council chief Ahmed Awad Ibn Ouf, who stepped down a day after ousting longtime ruler Omar al-Bashir.Ibn Ouf, who is known for his role in the brutal repression of the insurgency in western Darfur, was seen as being too similar to Bashir.On Friday he named another general, Abdel-Fattah Burhan, as his successor at the head of the Transitional Military Council. Burhan is to lead Sudan for two years until elections are held. * Bashirs 'military cronies need a civilian to run Sudan'The council has promised that Sudans next government will be civilian, and will be formed by the consensus of the political forces without any military intervention. However the armed forces would maintain the defence and interior ministries for the purpose of countering any security challenges.Its unclear if the move will be enough to satisfy protesters who are calling for widespread pro-democracy reforms.Sudans military has said it will not be handing Bashir over to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of crimes against humanity. Protesters Sudan are celebrating the toppling of two leaders in two days following the resignation of military council chief Ahmed Awad Ibn Ouf, who stepped down a day after ousting longtime ruler Omar al-Bashir. Ibn Ouf, who is known for his role in the brutal repression of the insurgency in western Darfur, was seen as being too similar to Bashir. On Friday he named another general, Abdel-Fattah Burhan, as his successor at the head of the Transitional Military Council. Burhan is to lead Sudan for two years until elections are held. The council has promised that Sudans next government will be civilian, and will be formed by the consensus of the political forces without any military intervention. However the armed forces would maintain the defence and interior ministries for the purpose of countering any security challenges. Its unclear if the move will be enough to satisfy protesters who are calling for widespread pro-democracy reforms. Sudans military has said it will not be handing Bashir over to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of crimes against humanity. Vox is trying to win its first seats in the national parliament in Spains April 28 election. Police in the Spanish city of Bilbao have clashed with hundreds of protesters outside a rally by a far-right party that is running in the countrys general election this month. The private news agency Europa Press said two people were arrested by the regional Basque Country police. Protesters threw bricks and other objects at police, who used batons and shields to clear the street outside a congress centre where Santiago Abascal, leader of the far-right anti-migrant Vox party, was holding a rally. Vox is trying to win its first seats in the national parliament in Spains April 28 election. Vox is promising to crack down on unauthorised immigration and to recentralise the state, taking away powers from regions like the Basque Country. We all know the royals are very good at re-wearing their favourite fashion threads. From the Duchess of Cambridge re-working her Alexander McQueen frock last month to the Countess of Wessex and her polka-dot dream of a dress she has stepped out in three times this year alone, the royal family love to re-hash their favourite looks. Princess Eugenie is no exception to this rule, and last week the daughter of Prince Andrew headed to Rob Stewart's SHARKWATER EXTINCTION premiere screening and rewore a dress she wore to Ascot last year. In photographs that appeared on the Team Sharkwater's Instagram, the royal left her hat at home and stunned in a beautiful floral dress by Erdem. princess-eugneie-ascot-dress Princess Eugenie wore an Erdem dress to Ascot 2018 Erdem's stunning high-necked floral dress set the royal back 1385 at the time, and it went down to 969 in the brand's mid-season sale. White with colourful flashes of bloom prints, it's the kind of number that could be brought out each season and Eugenie is certainly getting her wear out of it! The royal family love Erdem - particularly Prince William's wife Kate - who has worn the Canadian Turkish designer many times in the past. MORE: Bridal beauty secrets from Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie On the royal tour of Sweden in 2018, Kate looked incredible wearing a mustard yellow floral print gown by the designer, to a glamorous black tie dinner at the Residence of the British Ambassador. It was the perfect choice for the royal, who at the time was six months pregnant with Prince Louis. READ: The one makeup item Princess Eugenie DIDN'T wear on her wedding day And the following evening at the Fotografiska gallery the mother-of-three glowed as she wore a blue dress - one again by Erdem - which hugged her changing shape and skimmed over her neat baby bump. She added a coat by Swedish designer Ida Sjostedt. The 37-year-old accessorised her outfit with a pair of oversized hoop earrings by British designer Robinson Pelham. The hostage-taker-in-chief. Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images On Friday, the president announced that he is considering busing undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers from the southern border to liberal cities across the United States and then releasing them onto the streets, in the hope that this would lead to so much chaos and/or violence that congressional Democrats will have no choice but to acquiesce to his demands on immigration. Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only, Donald Trump tweeted. The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy so this should make them very happy! Here, Trump vouched for a Washington Post report that specifically suggested that the White House had repeatedly implored Immigration and Customs Enforcement to dump undocumented immigrants in Nancy Pelosis congressional district as a means of coercing House Democrats into granting the administration concessions in budget negotiations. In other words, the president is ostensibly threatening to deliberately inflict harm on Americans who live in areas controlled by Democrats until a coequal branch starts taking his marching orders. And, in this respect, Trumps proposal to release immigrants in sanctuary cities (i.e., cities that do not fully cooperate with federal immigration authorities) isnt anything new. Less than three months into his presidency, Trump threatened to deliberately sabotage Americas individual insurance market until Democrats agreed to support repealing and replacing Obamacare: In an interview in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump said the White House may lack authority to make the payments established under his predecessor to reduce copayments and deductibles for some of the poorest customers who buy insurance under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Cutting off the payments could trigger turmoil in insurance markets. I dont want people to get hurt, Mr. Trump said. What I think should happen and will happen is the Democrats will start calling me and negotiating. Trump eventually did cancel those cost-sharing payments (a move that did have its desired effect). Meanwhile, his Health Department cut funding for the laws outreach groups; slashed Obamacares advertising budget by 90 percent; spent a portion of the remaining ad budget on propaganda calling for the laws repeal; cut the open-enrollment period by 45 days; announced that it would be taking (where people can enroll in Obamacare online) offline nearly every Sunday during that time period, for maintenance purposes; and described Obamacare as a bad deal that Americans wont be convinced to sign up for in official public statements all in a transparent bid to dent the laws popularity by engineering a spike in insurance premiums. A few months later, the Trump administration canceled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, thereby subjecting 700,000 Dreamers to the threat of deportation. Trump never made an affirmative policy argument for this decision; in fact, almost immediately after making it, the president claimed that he supported protections for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children and implored Congress to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). The presidents only rationale for suspending the program was that it exceeded the executive branchs constitutional authority. But this was patently disingenuous. This president has no compunction about testing the limits of his authority over immigration policy when he wants to and, as a federal judge subsequently noted, deferred action has been blessed by both the Supreme Court and Congress as a means to exercise enforcement discretion. In truth, Trump canceled DACA because he believed that he could ransom the Dreamers security for concessions on immigration policy. The president has openly acknowledged that this is his motivation. Last November, Trump told Politico that he did not want to negotiate over protections for Dreamers until the Supreme Court strikes down DACA (which lower courts have forced his administration to reinstate) because he believes he will have more leverage over Democrats once Dreamers are once again subject to threat of banishment from the only country they call home: WE THEN ASKED TRUMP if he would be open to a deal with Democrats to shield DREAMERS from deportation as part of an agreement to build the wall. THE ANSWER TO THAT seemed to be a resounding no. WELL, I THINK DACA is gonna be much more interesting to talk about when we go to the Supreme Court, he said. IF THE SUPREME COURT DOESNT ALLOW DACA, he said in other words, if it gets struck down, we will settle every single issue we have. Does that make sense to you? And, of course, the president recently shuttered the federal government for more than a month deliberately inflicting economic hardship and governmental dysfunction on ordinary Americans in a doomed attempt to force Nancy Pelosi to fund his border wall. At one point, the president suggested that he had the upper hand in the shutdown fight because most of the workers not getting paid are Democrats. Thus, Trumps sanctuary-cities proposal is consistent with his broader approach to governance over the past two years. It is perhaps more audacious and arguably illegal than his previous attempts to leverage his nihilism into concessions from Congress. But releasing undocumented immigrants into sanctuary cities isnt any more morally odious than sabotaging Americas health-care system, subjecting hundreds of thousands of American-raised immigrants to the threat of deportation, or shuttering the federal government for weeks on end in a fit of pique. In fact, Trumps new gambit is much less objectionable from a moral standpoint. After all, if one rejects his racist (and empirically baseless) presumptions about the effect that undocumented immigrants have on urban life, then he is essentially threatening to provide asylum-seekers with free transportation to cities that are currently in need of more labor, and which have proved to be especially accommodating to Americas newcomers. As far as this presidents hostage-taking threats go, thats a rather benign proposition. Uprooted Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next. The abrupt end to the Trump-Kim second summit in February is probably worrying Kim Jong-un. He has now raised the rhetoric against hostile countries who are trying to demean his regime by using sanctions. Kim wants to deliver what he says would be a serious blow to such countries. He is racking his brains to come up with a solution of how to balance the equation of sanctions relief with progress on denuclearization. During their first summit in Singapore, the North Korean leader had agreed for denuclearization, but differences arose on the process of implementation. We must strike a blow to hostile forces if sanctions imposed: Kim Jong-un World News Observer (@wnobserver) April 11, 2019 The Guardian says there is now a deadlock and there must be diplomatic attempts to break the same so that the process of denuclearization can gain momentum. From all appearances, Kim Jong-un has put on hold his nuclear exercises hoping to come out of the economic pitfall of sanctions and the inaction over the past couple of months is testing his patience. Kim wants to improve the economy The supremo of North Korea has realized that economic stability is important for the progress of his country. This is evident from his recent visits to some projects. One of these is a remodeled department store, apart from tourist resorts and an economic hub located near the border with China. Moon Jae-in, president of South Korea, plans to meet Donald Trump to lay the groundwork for restarting nuclear negotiations. Moon feels the partial easing of sanctions could help the cause of peace in the region by cooperating with the North on cross-border tourism and industrial projects. Discuss this news on Eunomia He had discussed these points with Kim when they met for their third summit last September. Analysts see Kim's reference to hostile forces as a clear attempt to increase pressure on Washington ... ocanannain (@ocanannain) April 11, 2019 The Guardian goes on to add that in the Hanoi summit, Pyongyang wanted Washington to agree for limited sanctions relief and the hermit kingdom would reciprocate by dismantling its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon. However, the Americans claimed the regimes demand was for dropping all sanctions. That could happen only when North Korea went in for total denuclearization by dismantling its complete range of nuclear facilities and weapons programs. Its all about give and take According to Fox News, the Hanoi summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un was about giving and taking. North Korea was willing to limit its nuclear program but it would depend on the extent of easing the economic sanctions. South Korean President Moon Jae-in is scheduled to meet president Trump in Washington to discuss the issue. The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has offered Moon some hope when he said that he would like to leave a little room in the sanctions regime linked with North Koreas progress on denuclearization. This could be a revised strategy of the United States. Fitch Ratings on Wednesday assigned Viet Nams National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) a long-term foreign-currency issuer default rating (IDR) of 'BB' with a stable outlook for the first time. Fitch Ratings, one of the Big Three credit rating agencies based in the United States, said in a statement released on April 10 about the creditworthiness of Vietnams National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), which further demonstrates the strong credit profile of the countrys power companies. Having attained a long-term foreign-currency issuer default rating of BB with a stable outlook and a senior unsecured rating of BB, EVNNPTs ratings align with both Vietnams sovereign rating and that of the national power utility, Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN), last June. Fitch also assesses its standalone credit profile at BB+. EVNNPTs rating reinforces its creditworthiness and enhances its transparency, in line with international standards. This development enables the corporation to diversify financing sources and issue international bonds. It is now better positioned to deliver on its mission to ensure safe, uninterrupted, and stable power transmission to serve the needs of Vietnams people and businesses. Dang Phan Tuong, chairman of the board of directors of EVNNPT, said in a statement that the corporation needs to invest around US$700-800 million annually to meet its investment requirements under Power Sector Development Plan 7. The positive credit rating by Fitch Ratings has confirmed the strong financial standing of EVNNPT and will facilitate its penetration into the international capital market to raise capital, he said. The World Banks Energy and Extractives Global Practice supported the credit rating exercise in collaboration with the Singapore-based Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF) team, which managed the technical support, and financing from the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). The WB support included appointing the Japan-based Mizuho Bank to prepare for the credit rating readiness and the rating exercise. The electricity transmission network is the backbone of a power system and of critical importance to provision of reliable and sustainable power for Vietnams socio-economic development, said Ousmane Dione, country director for the World Bank in Vietnam. He said that following EVN, the positive credit rating will enable EVNNPT to access new sources of commercial financing without sovereign guarantees that can complement traditional sources of financing such as government budget or official development assistance in further investments to address transmission network bottlenecks to integrate and scale up solar and wind energy. EVNNPTs credit profile is supported by its dominant market position as a monopoly player in Vietnams electricity transmission sector, limited price and volume risk under the regulatory framework which enhances its revenue and profit visibility, pooled counterparty risk, and strong receivables. Vietnams development record over the past three decades has been significant. Economic and political reforms under Doi Moi, launched in 1986, have spurred rapid growth and development and transformed Vietnam from one of the worlds lowest income nations to a lower middle-income country today with the 2018 gross domestic product per capita above US$2,500. The sustained global recovery has helped consolidate these gains. The electricity sector has been critical in supporting economic development by achieving almost universal electricity access and reducing technical and commercial losses. SGT Experts believe that unprofitable projects invested by enterprises under the Ministry of Industry and Trades (MOIT) management should be sold even at a loss. MOIT has repeatedly affirmed that the restructure of 12 unprofitable projects has gained initial successes. According to MOITs Deputy Minister Tran Quoc Khanh, of six operational plants, two have made profits, including DAP 1 Fertilizer Plant in Hai Phong and the Vietnam-China Steel Mill. The other four plants have stabilized their operation and seen losses decrease. The loss taken by the Ha Bac Fertilizer Plant in 2018, for example, decreased by VND266 billion. The figures were VND288 billion for Lao Cai DAP No 2 and VND10 billion for Ninh Binh Fertilizer. As for the Dung Quat Biofuel Plant, according to Pham Van Vuong, director of BSR-BF, the owner of the plant, the MOIT and PetroVietnam want to resume operation of the plant first and withdraw capital from the project later. As for the Dung Quat Biofuel Plant, according to Pham Van Vuong, director of BSR-BF, the owner of the plant, the MOIT and PetroVietnam want to resume operation of the plant first and withdraw capital from the project later. The second phase of the steel complex in Thai Nguyen remains stalled despite the huge amount of VND4.5 trillion poured into it. Nguoi Lao Dong reported that the project has come to a deadlock as disputes with the Chinese EPC contractor have not been settled. Of six operational plants, two have made profits, including DAP 1 Fertilizer Plant in Hai Phong and the Vietnam-China Steel Mill. The other four plants have stabilized their operation and seen losses decrease. Meanwhile, the Ninh Binh Fertilizer Plant, one of four unprofitable projects of the Vietnam Chemicals Group (Vinachem), is lacking capital to maintain production. Vinachems chair Nguyen Phu Cuong warned that if the problems of Ninh Binh cannot be solved, it may lead to the collapse of Vinachem as well. Big difficulties are also attacking the Ha Bac Fertilizer Plant. Its financial cost is up to VND820 billion a year and is expected to rise to VND870 billion in 2019. Vo Dai Luoc, former head of the Institute for the Worlds Economics and Politics, said that state agencies attempt to take on unprofitable projects and solve their questions, and this will lead to an impasse. The State wants to restructure projects and push unprofitable projects back to operation with preferential policies and support. But this wont help, Luoc said. He went on to say that the reported figures about the loss reduction are just the tip of the iceberg, while state agencies still cannot find solutions to recover the plan in a sustainable way. He believes that it would be better to sell projects to private investors. The projects need to be sold, even at a loss, so as to attract investors, Luoc said. RELATED NEWS Where will the Ministry get the money to fund 12 unprofitable projects? Ministries disagree about large waste to energy project Mai Chi Sugar companies are in such danger that the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (MARD) on April 3 had to organize a meeting with the sugar association to discuss ways to rescue them. In the Mekong Delta, which has a large sugarcane growing area, farmers are desperate. After the failure of the 2017-2018 crop, thousands of households do not have more capital for the new farming crop. Many of them chopped down sugarcane plants to grow other crops. In Tra Cu district, the sugarcane metropolis of Tra Vinh province, hundreds of hectares of sugarcane growing area have been used for aquaculture, rice and crop cultivation. According to the districts agriculture sub-department, only 3,300 hectares of sugarcane exist this year, a decrease of 30 percent compared with the previous crop. Meanwhile, the Tra Vinh sugar refinery has spent big money to increase its capacity. Now with the sugarcane output decrease, it is likely to lack material for production. In Hau Giang province, despite the lower output caused by a smaller growing area (10,500 hectares), the sugarcane price has dropped dramatically to VND800per kilogram. With the price, farmers cannot make a profit. In Hau Giang province, despite the lower output caused by a smaller growing area (10,500 hectares), the sugarcane price has dropped dramatically to VND800per kilogram. With the price, farmers cannot make a profit. Anticipated risks The 2018-2019 sugarcane crop is the third consecutive year that has a negative impacts from the weather and market conditions. Many companies can foresee losses because of existing problems: high inventory level, increased smuggling, and bigger imports of liquid sugar. Vietnam imported 46,000 tons in 2014, while the figure soared to 140,000 tons in 2018. According to the Vietnam Sugar Cane and Sugar Association, the inventory volume has reached 650,000 tons, a record high level. Meanwhile, smuggled sugar remains a headache to domestic producers. Pham Quang Vinh, chair of Casuco, said Thailand makes 15 million tons of sugar a year, while its domestic demand is 2 million tons only. Thai sugar is sold across the border gates to Vietnam. Since the sugar doesnt bear tax, it is VND1,000 per kilogram cheaper than Vietnam-made sugar. According to the sugar association, sugar companies are in danger of going bankrupt because the selling prices have fallen below the production cost, while the inventory volume remains high. Solutions Minister of MARD Nguyen Xuan Cuong suggested sugar companies make full use of bagasse and sugarcane by-products to generate electricity. According to the sugarcane association, in other countries, sugar is the major product of sugarcane, accounting for 60 percent, while the other 40 percent is used for electricity, alcohol and microbial fertilizer. Vietnams enterprises only make sugar, which increases the production cost. RELATED NEWS ATIGA postponement to give push to sugar industry Sugar protectionism questionable Thanh Mai Dang Le Nguyen Vu, 48, founding chairman and general director of Vietnamese coffee giant Trung Nguyen Group, and his ex-wife Le Hoang Diep Thao, 46, have appealed their high-profile divorce case. Dang Le Nguyen Vu and Le Hoang Diep Thao are seen in this combination photo PHOTO: VIETNAM FINANCE The HCMC Peoples Court told the local media on Wednesday that Thao is seeking to overturn the entire verdict as she wants to be reunited with Vu, often referred to as the coffee king. She also disagrees with the courts decision to split the couples shared assets in Trung Nguyen 60:40 in Vus favor and give him the rights to manage the group. Meanwhile, Vu appealed against the courts ruling on the settlement of the couples shared assets and repeated his original demand for 70% of the couples assets. After a long trial last month, the court agreed to let the couple divorce, with Thao getting custody of their four children and Vu providing VND10 billion (US$430,000) per year in child support until they graduate from university. Their combined stake in the group and its subsidiaries should be divided equally, according to the court. However, Vu had made more contributions to the establishment and development of the coffee empire than Thao, so the court gave him 60%. Since the division of the groups shares may cause difficulties in its operations, the court ruled that Vu should purchase all of Thaos shares so the latter would no longer be a Trung Nguyen shareholder. The value of the couples assets, excluding their properties, is estimated at more than VND7.5 trillion (US$323.3 million), of which Vu will receive over VND4.5 trillion and Thao, VND3 trillion. Their 13 properties will be divided equally. Vu will own six properties worth more than VND350 billion, while Thao will hold the remainder, valued at over VND375 billion. Thao will have to pay Vu the balance of VND12.5 billion. Regarding nearly VND1.8 trillion in deposits at three banks, the court ruled that the money will be divided equally, with reference to the couples contributions. Vu and Thao got married in 1998, but conflicts arose in 2013. Consequently, Thao filed for divorce in 2015 and asked for 51% of Trung Nguyen Investment JSC, which holds the majority stake in Trung Nguyen Group. She also proposed that she and Vu each own a 15% stake in Trung Nguyen Group and a 7.5% stake in Trung Nguyen Instant Coffee. Thao agreed to give Vu her shares in the other four companies under the Trung Nguyen brand. However, Vu wanted 70% of all companies under the Trung Nguyen brand and to buy the remaining shares from Thao in cash. Trung Nguyen is a leading coffee brand in Vietnam, with some 200,000 coffee shops nationwide. The group reported a net profit of VND681 billion (US$29.4 million) on revenue of VND3.95 trillion (US$170.5 million) in 2017. SGT Although the DOCs announcement of zero-percent antidumping tariffs on 31 Vietnamese shrimp exporters is just a preliminary decision, the transparency of Vietnamese businesses has been proven, an official has said. A shrimp processing factory Although the US Department of Commerce (DOC)s announcement of zero-percent antidumping tariffs on 31 Vietnamese shrimp exporters is just a preliminary decision and the official ruling is still to come, the transparency of Vietnamese businesses has been proven, an official has said. The preliminary duties were announced following the DOCs 13th Period of Review (POR 13). Tran Thanh Hai, Deputy Director of the Export-Import Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said the success was the result of close coordination among businesses, associations and state agencies in dealing with importing countries barriers and protection measures. He noted when the antidumping duties were cut to zero, tariff barriers will be reduced, helping boost shrimp exports to the US. Echoing this view, Truong Dinh Hoe, Secretary-General of the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), said this result indicates that Vietnamese firms sold shrimp to the US at prices that fairly competed with shrimp from other sources and that they did not dump their products. He considered the zero-percent tariffs an encouragement to shrimp exporters to the US this year. Ho Quoc Luc, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sao Ta Foods JSC based in Soc Trang province, said in previous PORs, only a few businesses received a zero-percent tariff. However, in the latest review, 31 shrimp exporters were assessed as having competed fairly in the US. They hope that this preliminary tariff will be maintained in the DOCs final ruling this September, he added. According to VASEP, Vietnams shrimp exports were estimated at 550 million USD in the first three months of 2019, down 15 percent year on year. Tran Van Pham, General Director of the Soc Trang Seafood JSC, attributed this decline to fierce competition with shrimp products from other countries like India and Ecuador which have expanded their shrimp farming areas over the last two years. As a result, shrimp prices have fallen, leading to lower export value. With zero-percent antidumping tariffs, Vietnams shrimp industry will now have more competitive edge than some other countries, he said, adding that the US is still imposing antidumping duties on shrimp from India, Indonesia and Ecuador. However, Vietnamese shrimp processors and exporters are still recommended to continue improving their products pending the official decision of the DOC.-VNA A long-term plan for renewable energy sources such as solar and wind must be devised for Vietnam to realise its goal of connecting the entire country to the national grid, experts have said. Visitors at a booth displaying a solar power model at the Solar Show Viet Nam 2019 organised last week in HCM City. VNS Photo Bo Xuan Hiep Renewable energy will play an essential role in helping Vietnam accomplish the goal by 2030, but more Government efforts are needed to attract investment in the sector, they noted. Speaking at an international conference on renewable energy held last week in HCM City, experts said that annual energy consumption in the country had risen by 10 per cent in recent years, and the country was at risk of facing power shortages in the 2020s. Vietnam has the potential to reach 35,000MW generated by the sun by 2030, according to researchers. Solar energy projects, including rooftop solar, is viewed as one of the major solutions to reduce pressure on the electricity sector. The generation of 1kWh of solar energy will help reduce CO2 emissions by 0.6612 kg, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Solar energy, a clean energy resource with relatively high output, would also reduce the amount of state spending on power generation and transmission facilities. If only two million rooftops have solar panels (with a capacity of 10 kW per roof), the country would cut by 16 million tonnes the amount of coal needed per year for coal-fired power plants. Tran Viet Nguyen, deputy head of the Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN) business division, said that EVN offices last year installed rooftop solar systems at 54 locations with a total capacity of 3.2 MWp. Some 1,800 customers, including offices, businesses and households, are installing rooftop solar systems with a total capacity of 30.12 MWp, he said. In HCM City, EVN has installed rooftop solar systems with a total capacity of nearly 1,130 kWp and is continuing to deploy other systems. However, Tran Dinh Nhan, EVN general director, said this amount was far below the potential of Viet Nam, attributing the reason to a lack of specific regulations about electricity purchases when households connect their solar power systems to the national grid. In addition, information about rooftop solar power remains unclear and the cost of solar power investment at VND20-25 million ($1,000) per kWp is still high, while there is little Government support policy for solar power projects. Customers continue to be reluctant to invest in solar systems due to a lack of information about product quality, operating methods, and equipment warranty. Solar energy goals With the goal of reaching solar output of 1GWp by 2020, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc recently approved Vietnams renewable energy development strategy to 2030. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has also issued Circular 16 on solar project development and power purchase agreements (PPAs) in order to solve issues related to taxes and payment methods for rooftop solar power projects. As of the end of last year, about 10,000MW of solar energy had been generated by large solar projects, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. More than 100 power purchase agreements (PPAs) were signed with two of them having total capacity of 86MW, the ministry said. PPA is a financial agreement in which a developer arranges for design, permits, financing and installation of a solar energy system on a customers property, at little to no cost. The developer sells the power generated to the host customer at a fixed rate that is typically lower than the local utilitys retail rate. This lower electricity price serves to offset the customers purchase of electricity from the grid while the developer receives income from the sale of electricity as well as any tax credits and other incentives generated from the system. At the end of the PPA contract term, a customer may be able to extend the agreement, have the developer remove the system, or choose to buy the solar energy system from the developer. PPAs usually range from 10-25 years and the developer remains responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system for the duration of the agreement. EVN currently cannot sign PPAs with customers because of the lack of official instructions on how to buy solar electricity from households. More effort needed Nhan, EVN general director, said the electricity sector would assist households and enterprises in installing solar power systems and help them with procedures to connect to the national grid and sign power purchasing agreements. He said the buying of solar electricity connected to the grid would be done as soon as there are guiding circulars issued by the authorities. EVN will pay for installation of electricity meters to measure the volume of electricity consumed as well as connected to the grid. Samresh Kumar, managing director for principal investments at VinaCapital, said it was important to mobilise international capital to improve the development of rooftop solar energy. Hoang Quoc Vuong, deputy minister of Industry and Trade, said that a circular to amend Circular 16 would soon be issued by the ministry after collection of comments from ministries and sectors is completed. The new document will specify the method of payment for the purchase of solar output via specific contracts. The legal document is also expected to encourage investment in and development of rooftop solar energy in the future, he said. Speaking at an international conference on renewable energy held last week in HCM City, Nguyen Tam Tien, CEO of Trung Nam Group, said that renewable energy generation had already significantly increased. Mai Van Trung, business development director at SolarBK, said the country has favourable conditions to develop solar energy and that commercial and industrial solar PV rooftop applications have great development potential. Samresh Kumar of VinaCapital said that solar rooftop power is an effective solution which provides a commercially viable option, especially for commercial and industrial segments. John Rockhold, head of the power and energy sub-working group under the Viet Nam Business Forum, said rooftop solar panels were key to reducing pressure on the national grid, and that modest annual price increases and a road map for efficient energy were both needed. VNS RELATED NEWS Rooftop solar to ensure renewable energy future Investors rush to develop solar power projects United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has received 201,011 H-1B petitions during the filing period, which began April 1, including petitions filed for the advanced degree exemption, as per their website. On April 5, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services informed that it has received a sufficient number of petitions or maximum limit of petitions count for filling the quota for 65,000 visa cap, in accordance with the new H-1B regulation. As per the filing, "USCIS first conducted the selection process for H-1B cap-subject petitions submitted on behalf of all beneficiaries, including those that may have been eligible for the advanced degree exemption. USCIS then selected a number projected to reach the advanced degree exemption from the remaining eligible petitions." The US has changed norms this year to include 20,000 H-1B visas for US master degree holders in the initial quota of 65,000 visas. Any individual with advanced US degree who is not selected in the initial 65,000 cap lottery, will be eligible for the additional 20,000 visas reserved for individuals with advanced US degrees. It means that the proportion of petitioners with advanced degrees getting H-1B visas will be higher this year. Till last year, the annual cap approved by US Congress for any given fiscal year is 65,000 visas allotted for regular quota or non-advanced degree quota and additional 20,000 for the petitioners with higher qualifications, including US master degree holders. Additionally, every year 6,800 visas are set aside out of the total 85,000 cap for the citizens of Singapore and Chile as part of the Free Trade Agreement with them. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has resorted to lottery mechanism, where they use a computer-generated random selection process to select enough H-1B petitions to meet the congressionally-mandated regular cap, since 2013-14, as the number of applicants always increased the quota. USCIS used a computer-generated random selection process, on April 10, to select a sufficient number of H-1B cap petitions to meet the regular cap and the U.S. advanced degree exemption for fiscal year (FY) 2020. After completing the random selection process for the regular cap, USCIS also determined that it has received a sufficient number of petitions to meet the 20,000 H-1B visa U.S. advanced degree exemption,(also known as the master's cap). In the context of H1B visas, the Indian tech sector is among the biggest beneficiaries of the H-1B visa programme. Tech Sector which relies heavily upon the H-1B applications for rendering services to the clients based in the US sees this as a fresh concern and alleges that the new quota for US master degree holders was partial to US tech firms. The reverse selection process to include US master's or advanced degree holders within the 65,000-cap will tighten movement for the Indian IT services sector. As per a research report by CARE Ratings, visa approvals to Indian companies declined by 49% last year, with only 22,429 H-1B visas granted to the top five IT firms compared to 43.957 visas in 2017. The last two years had shown a slight decline in the number of applications. Trump administration's new policies like 'Buy American, Hire American', students on OPT, H4 EAD removal rule, etc. factors have also resulted in a significant decline in the number of applications submitted. However, despite the restrictive policies under the Trump administration, this year saw a 5 percent increase in application numbers/submissions over the previous year. Of the total 2 lakh H-1B visa petitions received, 42 percent are likely to get visas for this fiscal year, as per the ceiling of 85,000 for new H-1B visas a year policy by the USCIS. (Edited by Rupa Burman Roy) Also Read: Former MD and CEO of debt-ridden IL&FS Ramesh Bawa arrested on charges of fraud Also Read: Jallianwala Bagh massacre centenary: PM Modi, President Kovind, Rahul Gandhi pay tribute Vietnam's health insurance fund started covering HIV patients for anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs in March this year after international donors ended their sponsorship. Le Van Phuc, head of the pharmacy and medical supply department at Viet Nam Social Security talks to Thoi Bao Kinh Te Viet Nam (Viet Nam Economic Times). A HIV patient receives antiretroviral (ARV) covered by health insurance fund at Ha Noi's Nam Tu Liem District healthcare centre. What has been prepared to ensure health insurance coverage for HIV treatment expenses? The health insurance fund along with other State budget sources have been contributing to ensuring HIV drug supplies. The health insurance fund has so far covered HIV opportunistic infections and other testing for HIV patients who hold health insurance cards. It is estimated that by the end of this year, about 48,000 HIV patients who hold health insurance cards will have their ARV drug covered by the fund. The rest of the patients will be covered by 2020. Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) has worked with the health ministry to sign healthcare contracts with HIV treatment facilities and set up a database to manage patients who are on ARV. The VSS and the health ministry also provide ARV drugs to HIV treatment facilities. The health insurance fund covers a first-class ARV treatment regimen. It is estimated that more than VN600 billion (US$25.5 million) is needed to provide treatment for more than 100,000 HIV/AIDS patients. What solutions should be taken to ensure health insurance coverage for them? It is estimated to cost VN6 million ($255) per year to provide healthcare check-ups and treatment for each HIV patient. We need solutions to ensure the fund is capable of covering health insurance card holders including HIV patients. We need to step up management on using the insurance fund in an effective way. Quality and prices of drugs, management and use must be ensured. We should make plans to adjust health insurance premiums and taxes on alcohol and cigarettes to contribute to the health insurance fund. How are you planning to convince more HIV patients to sign up for the health insurance programme in order to ensure better treatment for them? Viet Nam is now the only country mobilising domestic sources for HIV/AIDS treatment. The VSS and the health ministry have created the most favourable conditions for HIV patients to access health insurance. The number of HIV patients who hold health insurance card holders has increased. The coverage rate for HIV patients in many localities has reached 100 per cent. However, the health insurance coverage rate in some localities remains low because patients are afraid of being discriminated against and do not want to reveal their personal information. The VSS and the health ministry will step up communication campaigns on HIV and ARV patients to share the importance of health insurance. We expect authorities will continue to improve HIV treatment service quality and create a friendly environment for HIV carriers by changing medical staffs attitudes towards patients as well as their consultation and communication skills. VNS More than 10,000 sugarcanefarm households in the central province of Phu Yen are earning higher profits thanks to the use of bagasse from a sugar factory to produce electricity. A power plant uses bagasse from a sugar factory to produce electricity in Phu Yen Province. Photo The factory owned by KCP Vietnam Industries Limited (KCP VIL) has bought sugarcane from farmers in the province at a price VND100,000 (US$4.3) per tonne higher than the market rate. Many sugarcane farmers in the country have turned to grow cassava because of the low price of sugarcane. Gia Lai and Phu Yen provinces are among the localities with the largest areas of sugarcane in the country, with more than 60,000ha. In mid-March, the market price of raw sugarcane was VND720,000 to 760,000 ($31-33) per tonne. However, sugarcane farmers in Phu Hoa, Son Hoa and Dong Xuan districts in Phu Yen Province are selling their product for VND820.000-860.000 ($35.3-37) per tonne. Ro Cham Y Nem, a sugarcane farmer in Son Hoa District, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper that he had sold 40ha of sugarcane to KCP VIL for VND840,000 ($36.2) per tonne. Fertiliser is given to sugarcane farming households that have signed supply contracts with the company, a farmer in the district, Dang Van Sam, said. The company is also offering VND3.5 million ($150) each to farming households that do not currently grow sugarcane if they switch to the crop. K.V.S.R. Subbaiah, general director of KCP VIL, told Tuoi Tre newspaper that his company produces both sugar and biomass electricity. Built in 2016 with a total investment of $23 million, the 30MW biomass power plant needs about 300,000 tonnes of bagasse a crop (around four months worth). In 2017, it supplied more than 49 million Kwh of electricity and reached 108 million Kwh of electricity last year, generating power for the national power grid. With revenue from selling electricity to Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN), the company shares its profit with farmers to help them plant sugarcane, he said. The renewable energy supply from the KCP VIL biomass power plant contributes to 10 per cent of the provinces energy use, according to Thai Minh Chau, director of the provincial power company. This power source is very important to ensure energy security, and to meet increased power demand as well as insufficient power in the dry season, he said. The sugar factory has been using bagasse for three years, the deputy chairman of provincial Peoples Committee, Tran Huu The, said. While many sugar producers are facing difficulties with low prices and farmers in other localities have left sugarcane farming to switch to cassava, farmers in Phu Yen Province are growing lots of sugarcane thanks to purchasing contracts with KCP VIL, he said. The model is expected to help develop the countrys sugarcane industry and compete with rivals such as Thailand, he added. The province plans to organise a workshop to propose increasing the price of power that uses bagasse to encourage sugar companies to invest in biomass power plants. Production of power using biomass is not new to Vietnam, but the price is low, so investors are not interested, Subbaiah said. In Thailand, biomass electricity produced from bagasse at sugar mills sells for around 13 US cents per kWh, while the EVN buys it at VND1,220 (5.8 US cents) per kWh from KCP VIL, he said. We have repeatedly petitioned the Government to increase the purchasing price of biomass electricity to encourage businesses to invest in biomass power plants. This would help the domestic sugar industry. Vietnams energy demand and biomass electricity prices are expected to increase, so the company plans to build one more biomass power plant with a designed capacity of 30MW. However, the construction of a new biomass power plant will depend on preferential policies. VNS RELATED NEWS Biomass energy from sugar industry a viable option Low price of electricity generated by bagasse discourages investors The 2019 enrollment season has started, with students registering applications for universities on April 1-20. The HCMC National University has closed the first campaign of taking registrations for the ability assessment test. Nearly 37,000 students registered to sit the test, 4,900 more than 2018, according to Nguyen Quoc Chinh, director of the Testing Center and Training Quality Assessment. The results of the assessment test will be made public by mid-April. The second campaign will be organized in mid-July 2019. Students can register to attend both tests and can apply for universities. Schools now have the right to determine the enrollment method. They can consider exam scores that students have from national high-school finals, students learning records at high school, achievements at international competitions, or students assessment tests. Schools now have the right to determine the enrollment method. They can consider exam scores that students have from national high-school finals, students learning records at high school, achievements at international competitions, or students assessment tests. Students can also enroll in some schools without having to attend any exams or ability tests. The ability assessment test has 120 multiple-choice questions which students need to solve in 150 minutes. It has the same approach as tests in developed countries, such as SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) in the US and TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) in the UK. The assessment test is considered a step forward in schools efforts to improve enrollment methods. It helps ease reliance on high-school finals results, while students can choose the time most convenient to them to attend the test. Instead of sitting and waiting for students, schools now compete with each other to find excellent students. The HCMC Economics University has stated it will offer 4,200 scholarships worth VND35 billion to its existing and new students, an increase of VND10 billion compared with last year. Do Van Dung, rector of the HCMC University of Technique Education, said his school will grant scholarships to the students with a 26 score and higher for three exam subjects at the national high-school finals. It promises to exempt 100 percent of tuition for students in AI and robotics majors. The Hong Bang International University promises to grant full scholarships to students studying preschool education and is committed to work for Hong Bangs preschools after graduation. Universities have also attracted students by opening new training majors based on societys labor demand. The HCMC University of Social Sciences & Humanities, for instance, has opened Information Administration and Vietnamese Studies. Pham Thai Son from the HCMC Food Industry University said top-tier schools compete for excellent students, while less prestigious schools compete to enroll enough students. RELATED NEWS Three universities seek governing autonomy Universities launch new majors to meet digitalisation demands Nam Lich Two Vietnamese towns, Da Lat in Lam Dong province and Sa Pa in Lao Cai province, have entered the new list of the 23 places in Asia to view the stunning spring season by MSN. A photo of Da Lat. Accordingly, Sa Pa ranked 7th and Da Lat ranked 8th. MSN wrote on Vietnams Sa Pa: A popular tourist destination, the region is known for its terraced rice fields and colonial-style houses. The lush greenery is beautifully complemented by the variety of flowers in spring. Meanwhile Da Lat was described Also known as the Kingdom of Flowers, the region has several varieties in abundance, including wild sunflowers, phoenix, cherry blossoms, mimosas, Mexican sunflowers and white orchids. Da Lat, situated 1,500 meters above sea level in the Central Highlands, came in at number four in the top 10 list of rising destinations in Asia and Sa Pa in the northern highlands was at number six. Given various nicknames such as the city of eternal spring, the city of flowers and the city of love, Da Lat is recommended for providing a cool respite from Vietnams year-round hot weather. The former colonial resort town is full of beautiful French-era buildings and surrounded by pine trees, flowers and vegetables farms. In January, the New York Times also recommended Da Lat among 52 places to visit in 2016, describing it as an agricultural El Dorado with unique scenes of pine forests, locally grown avocados, and artichoke tea. Meanwhile, around 2,000 kilometers to the north is Sa Pa, known for its trekking trails. The colourful town is recognised as a perfect oasis for travellers interested in mountain trekking or visiting the terraced rice paddies. Tourists can visit the Saturday night love market, the Gothic stone church at the town centre which is a reminder of the French missionary influence, and many downtown Vietnamese and European restaurants. Other top ten ranking destinations included Mountain Fuji, Japan; Ngong Ping Plateau, Hong Kong (China); Jeju Island, the Republic of Korea (RoK); Bangkok, Thailand; Hapcheon, the RoK; Taroko National Park, Taiwan (China); and Pokhara, Nepal. Nhan Dan Now the big question gets answered. Will President Trump pardon him from all the crimes he committed, and award him the American Freedom Medal? By James DiGeorgia The Ecuadorians finally had enough after nearly seven years, and Ecuador rescinded Julian Assange asylum at its embassy in London, after almost seven years into the waiting custody of British authorities who immediately arrested the WikiLeaks founder and who immediately acted on a U.S. extradition request. According to Londons Metropolitan Police Assange was Arrested on behalf of the United States authorities and would appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates Court as soon as possible. Ecuadors President Lenin Moreno announced April 11 her country made the decision to withdraw WikiLeaks founder Julian Assanges asylum status. Assange was indicted by U.S. federal prosecutors in December 2017 on charges of conspiracy with Chelsea Manning dating to 2010. Chelsea Manning was a male who surgically became a female. As a man Bradley Manning had been a U.S. soldier was tried and convicted who served seven years for criminal violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses after turning over hundreds of thousands of classified and or sensitive military and diplomatic documents to Assanges WikiLeaks. While the British government recognizing the gravity of the charges pending against the WikiLeaks founder said of his arrest Julian Assange is no hero, and no one is above the law, Jeremy Hunt, Britains foreign secretary, wrote on Twitter... He has hidden from the truth for years. Hunt added that Assange was holding the Ecuadoran Embassy hostage in a situation that was absolutely intolerable for them. So this will now be decided properly, independently by the British legal system respected throughout the world for its independence and integrity, and that is the right outcome. He said Britain and Ecuador have been talking for a very long time about how to resolve this situation. He praised Ecuadoran President Lenin Moreno for making a courageous decision, which has meant we were able to resolve the situation today. Hunt said that what is not acceptable is for someone to escape facing justice, and [Assange] has tried to do that for a very long time, and that is why he is no hero. London's Metropolitan Police arrested Assange after they were invited into the embassy by the ambassador, following the Ecuadorian governments withdrawal of asylum. The Russian government believed by many to have co-opted WikiLeaks into a Russian intelligence asset and who has been conducting a serious of international murders of Russian dissidents using deadly toxins issued a hilarious reaction to Assanges arrest accusing Great Britain of strangling freedom by taking custody of Assange. Ecuadors President Moreno, however, said in a video statement tweeted Ecuador has sovereignly decided to terminate the diplomatic asylum granted to Mr. Assange in 2012. The asylum of Mr. Assange is unsustainable and no longer viable. Moreno went on to specifically cite Julian Assanges involvement in what the Ecuadorian President described as WikiLeaks meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, referring to the leaking of documents from the Vatican in January Mr. Assange violated, repeatedly, clear-cut provisions of the conventions on diplomatic asylum of Havana and Caracas, even though he was requested on several occasions to respect and abide by these rules. He particularly violated the norm of not intervening in the internal affairs of other states. The most recent incident occurred in January 2019 when WikiLeaks leaked Vatican documents. Key members of that organization visited Mr. Assange before and after such illegal acts (under the protection of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. This and other publications have confirmed the worlds suspicion that Mr. Assange is still linked to WikiLeaks and therefore involved in interfering in internal affairs of other states. Assanges arrest was confirmed by WikiLeaks and photograph and used his arrest as a fundraising opportunity on Twitter arguing This man is a son, a father, a brother, and that he has won dozens of journalism awards and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2010. Now powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to dehumanize, delegitimize and imprison him. Special: Imagine an options trading service that has delivered over 4,872% in winning trade recommendations over 11 years. That's 442% a year in winning trade recommendations. Check it out! Just $49 for the first 60 days! Meanwhile, American fugitive former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden who was granted asylum in Russia by Vladimir Putin called Assanges arrest as a violation of the freedom of the press. Images of Ecuadors ambassador inviting the UKs secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of like it or not award-winning journalism out of the building are going to end up in the history books. Assanges critics may cheer, but this is a dark moment for press freedom. The irony of Snowden a U.S. traitor lamenting about freedom of the press from Russia where journalists are routinely jailed and murdered because of their exercising press freedoms to expose the murderous and corrupt Putin government wont be lost on anyone paying attention. The big question is will our now lawless United States President who has said many times I love WikiLeakswill pardon Julian Assange before or after his trial. Analysts already regard Donald J. Trump as the most anti-free speech, anti-free press President in U.S. history. Trump knows his election in 2016 received a great deal of help from both Russia and WikiLeaks. In fact, when special counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 12 Russian military intelligence officers, he accused these Russians of discussing the release of the stolen documents and the timing of those releases with WikiLeaks referred to as Organization 1 in the indictment to heighten their impact on the 2016 presidential election. However, Assange had drawn attention from U.S. prosecutors since 2010 when WikiLeaks publication of 250,000 diplomatic cables and hundreds of thousands of military documents from the Iraq War illegally obtained. The Trump administration is believed to have charges under the seal of secrecy. These charges are believed to be a conspiracy, theft of government property and violating the Espionage Act are among the possible charges. Some federal prosecutors and members of both the Obama and Trump administrations have expressed the belief that WikiLeaks is not a journalistic organization. This includes former CIA Director and now secretary of state Mike Pompeo who characterized WikiLeaks as a nonstate hostile intelligence service and a threat to U.S. national security. Pompeo has also endorsed the opinion of the U.S. intelligence communitys report concluding Russia interfered in the 2016 election also found that Russias primary propaganda outlet, and that Russian intelligence services has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks. Two top American Senators have urged the Trump administration to delay its decision to terminate India's designation as a beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preference due to a lack of compliance until the end of the general elections. The Generalized System of Preference (GSP) is the largest and oldest US trade preference programme and is designed to promote economic development by allowing duty-free entry for thousands of products from designated beneficiary countries. The US Congress in March last year voted to renew the GSP through 2020. In a letter to US Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer, Senators John Cornyn from the Republican party and Mark Warner from the Democratic party argued that India-US relationship was too important to rush such an important decision in the middle of an election cycle. "As you know, India's elections will conclude on May 23, 2019. We believe that the election season may serve as a hindrance for our Indian counterparts in negotiating and concluding a deal on difficult political issues," the two Senators wrote in the letter to Lighthizer on Friday. It was in April last year that the USTR announced that it planned to review the GSP eligibility of a number of countries, including India. The USTR's announcement specifically cited "concerns related to its compliance with GSP market access criterion," based on petitions filed from the US medical device and dairy industries. "If another round of negotiations during the election season does not resolve the outstanding issues, we would ask you to consider delaying the issuance of a Presidential proclamation to withdraw India's GSP benefits by at least 30 days, beyond the 60-day calendar, in order to move the negotiations beyond India's elections," the Senators said. Allowing for continued negotiations beyond the elections would underscore the importance of this bilateral relationship and provide a real opportunity to resolve these market access issues, potentially improving the overall US-India relationship for years to come, said Cornyn and Warner, who are co-chairs of the powerful Senate India Caucus. Also read: US plan to remove preferential trade status won't really hurt India; to impact duty reduction worth $190 million "We understand that the Trump administration may issue a proclamation withdrawing India's GSP benefits 60 days or later from the congressional notification date," the two Senators wrote. The letter comes in the middle of an intense Indian election cycle, during which the ruling government cannot take a major policy decision, which holds officials from making substantial progress on the crucial negotiations between India and the United States. "As Co-Chairs of the United States Senate's India Caucus, we fully appreciate and support your efforts to address a host of market access issues facing American businesses in India. "Congressional support for the GSP programme was made clear last year when the US Senate and US House of Representatives reauthorised the programme, in nearly unanimous fashion, for three years," they said. On March 4, 2019, Congress was notified of USTR's intention to terminate India's designation as a beneficiary developing country under GSP due to a lack of compliance. "While we agree that there are a number of market access issues that can and should be addressed, we do remain concerned that the withdrawal of duty concessions will make Indian exports of eligible products to the United States costlier, as the importer of those products will have to pay a 'Most Favoured Nation' (MFN) duty which is higher than the rate under GSP," the Senators said. Some of these costs will likely be passed on to American consumers, they told Lighthizer. Also read: US President Donald Trump says he plans to end India's preferential trade treatment I remember sitting on the edge of the playground as a child and combing through smooth river stones for the one that would let me see the Neighbors. I knew just what it would look like oblong and almost flat, like a thick coin, with a circular hole worn through the center. It would be light enough that I could hang it from a chain around my neck, and heavy enough that when I put it to my eye there would be a satisfying weight to its cool surface as I looked through. On the other side would be a world like mine, but augmented with the airy mountain men of Yeats and the markets of Rossetti. That stone would be the thing that opened the gate to magic. And so I sifted through rocks that I deemed less enchanted, searching for the pendant that would mark me as special. There is probably a metaphor here, or at the very least a lesson. The fact is that by the time I found such a stone, a decade later and on another continent, I no longer knew what to do with it. I still thrilled at picking it up, peering through its egglike shape at the beach on the other side, but I knew it would be no different than Brighton I saw on this side of the stone. By then I had long since come to the realization that I would never see my Neighbors. This, according to the stories I had read since childhood, was altogether the preferred way of things. Yeats described the Good Neighbors as amoral beings at best, strange and demanding shapes whose appearance heralds a difficult and likely dangerous task ahead, something that could easily change a life for the worse. I had enough of those in my spiritual life already. When I joined the Pagan community, with its stories of house hobs and small spirits, I consoled myself with the thought that I was plenty busy enough. Besides, hearing someone talk about inviting the Gentry into their home put me in mind of protection rackets, offering food and drink so that the locals didnt slash any tires. Really, I figured, I was hardly missing out. Just because I had never encountered the Good Folk did not mean that I did not believe in them. They were too well attested, too thoroughly ensconced in my understanding of magic, for that to be an issue. They did puzzle me, though, in a taxonomical way that, fittingly, evaporated every time I tried to look at it directly. Growing up, I had learned that these beings were angels that had fallen from heaven but had not been quite bad enough to descend entirely into hell. When I left Christianity, my paradigm had no more room to make sense of such moral absolutism, and so the Blessed Folk no longer had a story that made sense to me. I was not even sure if the small spirits that my friends had in their homes could be classed in the same category as the Fair Folk I read about, or if they were a different sort of spiritual fauna native to the streets of the Midwest. I didnt know what to think of them. What I knew, and what I was told by every elder who I consulted when planning my trip, was that the comparable beings in Iceland would clean me off the map without thinking twice about it, possibly by means of the side of a mountain. Take offerings, I was told by one friend. Be polite, and thank them for letting you visit. Dont say a word, dont make eye contact, and leave quietly, said another. The landwights there have a history of protecting their land from foreign witches. Best not to attract attention. This sounded like fine advice, considering my circumstances: a week in a foreign country, driving on roads well outside of my skill level, and with cell reception that promised to be spotty at best, was already sounding less than wise. I had no interest in earning the ire of the locals, whoever they might be. As I did my research, I found there certainly seemed to be plenty of local spirits to choose from. The largest contingent in Iceland seemed to be the landvaettir, or nature spirits both the four that appear in Icelands coat of arms and the myriad others that animate Icelands wild and varied landscape. These were different from the huldufolk, or hidden people, with their fine clothes and their homes in the large stones of the landscape. These folk sounded the most like the stories of the Good Neighbors to me. Then there were also the spirits of humans who still resided in their graves, as what I understood to be a sort of localized ancestor not quite the same as the huldufolk, but not quite different. As I read, each of the sorts of spirit seemed to be distinct, with its own set of rules. Or else they were different names for the same thing. Or else the groups faded into each other around the edges in indefinable and unclear ways. After adding in the jotun and the trolls, I felt a little like I was signing up for a week in a densely populated land whose strict rules of politeness had been passed down to me through a blurry handwritten manuscript that I had only seen once. I was sure to piss someone off, somehow. (At least most sources seemed to agree trolls were no longer much of a problem.) I had only angered the Good Neighbors once that I knew of. A year before, I had driven with my friends for six hours to a small Pagan campground in Missouri. There, on strange but friendly land, we had built a fire and toasted to our gods in good faith. But I had not brought any gifts for the locals other than the cash I had given the man at the gate. Our ritual went beautifully. The morning after, we woke in shambles. One friend was so dehydrated that they could hardly move, fingers frozen into claws that took hours to become hands again. My glasses were gone, never to be found. We spent the morning pulling ourselves together, trying to prepare for a long ride home. Gifts, we had decided afterwards, were non-negotiable. When I was packing up my bags for Reykjavik, I filled my pockets with stones: a bag of small ones, polished until they shone, as offerings for any spirits I would happen to meet along the way; four large ones, chosen carefully and wrapped as gifts for the landvaettir, to be left at the cardinal-most points of my trip; two that, together, made the heart of my traveling altar; and one, far more plain than the others, with a hole that ran the length of it, big enough to look through. I left the small ones in small places on my journey. One I left at the heart of a cemetery, for the guardian who had been the first buried on the land. Another I left on a wall near the church in ingvellir. When I turned my back on it, hidden in the moss, I heard a voice say thank you clearly, in slightly accented English. I did not turn to scan the crowd. I left the large ones in the east, in the south, and in the west and one in the north, as far north as I traveled. That was Skagastrond, a town well off the main road that I had chosen to visit because it was the home of Spakonuhof, a place translated in all of the English literature as the Icelandic Museum of Prophecies. I had chosen it from a list of Icelands museums, with no real idea of what it was or how difficult it might be to get there. When I drove into town, well past the end of the tourist season, I have no doubt that I was the only stranger for miles. Spakonuhof was a long metal building on the main road, the only obviously public space besides the gas station. It was also thoroughly closed, with a phone number taped to the door on brightly colored paper. No more than I should have expected, I supposed, but I dialed the number anyway, just because it seemed like a long way to come without at least trying my patchy signal. Ten minutes later, a woman biked up and nodded to me. She might have been anywhere between forty and seventy I have never been good at guessing age and she was businesslike as she looked me over. Youve come to hear about Thordis? she asked, the keys for the building dangling from one hand. I did not hesitate. Yes maam. She nodded again. Come in, she said, and led me into the building. I stood in the gift shop, examining the knucklebones of sheep, as she turned the lights on and started the small electric fire in the larger room beyond. It burned at the feet of a waxwork woman, wearing the everyday garb that I had come to associate with spaekona, the women who appeared in the sagas as priestesses or witches, the prophetesses of Icelands ancient religion. I had looked into Thordis eyes once already on this trip, in the Saga Museum, but I had not expected to find her again here. She is a familiar figure in certain circles one of the recurring characters in the Icelandic sagas that is almost certainly based in history. This version of her was less skillfully done than the version in the Saga Museum, but she seemed more powerful, standing at the height of her story by a turf house that had to be her home. It was the only thing in the museum, really, or certainly the highlight, the centerpiece of the building. I waited, looking at her, until my hostess returned to me, took my entry fee, and led me over to Thordis. The stories she told me are, in many ways, not mine to tell again. Most of them can be found in the sagas, and in the illustrations that circled that room. What I learned was that this town was Thordis home, where she lived as a leader and one of the last practitioners of a religion that was slowly being overtaken by Christianity. It was also where she died, at the hands of a priest, on the mountain overlooking town that still bears her name. My memory will not tell me whether the words my host used were, Thordis is still on the mountain, or Thordis is the mountain. I do not think it matters. Those words came with me in both forms as I left the long, low building and got into my car. It was late afternoon by that point, too late to drive into the nearest city or to attempt the hike up the side of the mountain itself, but at the edge of town there was another trail. It led up along a hill and into the cliffs overlooking the sea. This was where my hostess had told me a company had carved too far into the rock, and then the huldufolk had left and taken the fish with them. I climbed that trail with stones in my pockets. One for my offering to the land, at this northernmost point on this trip; I left it on a cliff among a slew of others. One for Thordis, this witch from the past who had stood among heroes in her sagas. I left it in the grass, as I looked out toward her mountain. I looked toward her through that last stone, as the sun began to set on us both. I saw nothing but the mountain, green and flat-peaked, no shape climbing it in the distance, no flash of light between us. There was nothing to explain the feeling of calm and pleasure, the light sense of amusement that broke through four days of constant low anxiety. I was out of my depth, yes but that night, at least, my neighbors were as lovely as the land. There is probably something useful to say, here, about fear and the ways that it can blind us, or the eye-opening experience of falling in love with a stranger. What I will say instead is this now I live in a house filled with magical practitioners and frequented by a cohort of spirits whose history I would not presume to guess. I very seldom see my neighbors- but occasionally there is someone who stands in the entryway, dark suited and measuring, guarding the inner door to the house. I only ever glance them out of the corner of my eye, and only on days when my heart is easy, my pockets empty. The Wild Hunt always welcomes submissions for our weekend section. 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Mar 02 (6) Mar 01 (8) Feb 28 (7) Feb 27 (5) Feb 26 (6) Feb 25 (7) Feb 24 (3) Feb 23 (6) Feb 22 (4) Feb 21 (3) Feb 20 (1) Feb 19 (6) Feb 18 (4) Feb 17 (4) Feb 16 (2) Feb 15 (5) Feb 14 (3) Feb 13 (6) Feb 12 (6) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (6) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (4) Feb 07 (6) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (2) Feb 04 (3) Feb 03 (5) Feb 02 (1) Feb 01 (4) Jan 31 (8) Jan 30 (2) Jan 29 (4) Jan 28 (1) Jan 27 (4) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (4) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (2) Jan 20 (2) Jan 19 (3) Jan 18 (4) Jan 17 (2) Jan 16 (7) Jan 15 (6) Jan 14 (4) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (5) Jan 11 (4) Jan 10 (5) Jan 09 (4) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (4) Jan 05 (5) Jan 04 (4) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (2) Jan 01 (1) Dec 31 (5) Dec 29 (4) Dec 28 (5) Dec 26 (3) Dec 25 (2) Dec 24 (3) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (4) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (3) Dec 18 (2) Dec 17 (1) Dec 16 (4) Dec 15 (2) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (7) Dec 12 (5) Dec 11 (4) Dec 10 (3) Dec 09 (2) Dec 08 (2) Dec 07 (4) Dec 06 (4) Dec 05 (1) Dec 04 (5) Dec 03 (3) Dec 02 (5) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (5) Nov 29 (10) Nov 28 (6) Nov 27 (2) Nov 26 (3) Nov 24 (2) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (4) Nov 21 (3) Nov 20 (6) Nov 19 (2) Nov 18 (5) Nov 17 (5) Nov 16 (3) Nov 15 (2) Nov 14 (3) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (2) Nov 11 (4) Nov 10 (5) Nov 09 (4) Nov 08 (5) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (5) Nov 05 (4) Nov 04 (5) Nov 02 (4) Nov 01 (4) Oct 31 (9) Oct 30 (9) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (2) Oct 27 (6) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (6) Oct 24 (3) Oct 23 (6) Oct 22 (4) Oct 20 (3) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (5) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (4) Oct 15 (5) Oct 14 (2) Oct 13 (4) Oct 12 (7) Oct 11 (5) Oct 10 (4) Oct 09 (5) Oct 08 (10) Oct 07 (1) Oct 06 (10) Oct 05 (6) Oct 04 (8) Oct 03 (3) Oct 02 (4) Oct 01 (6) Sep 30 (5) Sep 29 (1) Sep 28 (6) Sep 27 (6) Sep 26 (5) Sep 25 (3) Sep 24 (6) Sep 23 (5) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (6) Sep 20 (6) Sep 19 (5) Sep 18 (3) Sep 17 (5) Sep 16 (5) Sep 15 (5) Sep 14 (6) Sep 13 (4) Sep 12 (5) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (3) Sep 07 (4) Sep 06 (8) Sep 05 (6) Sep 04 (7) Sep 03 (3) Sep 02 (4) Sep 01 (5) Aug 31 (8) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (6) Aug 28 (6) Aug 27 (1) Aug 26 (4) Aug 25 (3) Aug 24 (7) Aug 23 (4) Aug 22 (4) Aug 21 (4) Aug 20 (7) Aug 18 (5) Aug 17 (8) Aug 16 (8) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (5) Aug 12 (4) Aug 11 (2) Aug 10 (5) Aug 09 (4) Aug 08 (8) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (3) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (4) Aug 03 (10) Aug 02 (9) Aug 01 (8) Jul 31 (1) Jul 30 (3) Jul 29 (2) Jul 28 (11) Jul 27 (10) Jul 26 (10) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (5) Jul 23 (3) Jul 22 (2) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (8) Jul 18 (7) Jul 17 (1) Jul 16 (10) Jul 14 (7) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (11) Jul 11 (7) Jul 10 (5) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (8) Jul 06 (4) Jul 05 (6) Jul 04 (6) Jul 03 (7) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (2) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (7) Jun 28 (5) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (6) Jun 23 (4) Jun 22 (4) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (8) Jun 18 (2) Jun 17 (3) Jun 16 (4) Jun 15 (3) Jun 14 (7) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (7) Jun 11 (3) Jun 10 (2) Jun 09 (8) Jun 08 (8) Jun 07 (8) Jun 06 (10) Jun 05 (14) Jun 04 (6) Jun 03 (6) Jun 02 (8) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (7) May 30 (2) May 29 (7) May 28 (7) May 27 (2) May 26 (4) May 25 (5) May 24 (4) May 23 (5) May 22 (5) May 21 (5) May 20 (3) May 19 (10) May 18 (6) May 17 (3) May 16 (6) May 15 (2) May 14 (3) May 13 (5) May 11 (1) May 10 (5) May 09 (3) May 08 (4) May 07 (2) May 06 (4) May 05 (6) May 04 (5) May 03 (5) May 02 (1) May 01 (6) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (7) Apr 28 (8) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (14) Apr 25 (6) Apr 24 (6) Apr 23 (7) Apr 22 (1) Apr 21 (8) Apr 20 (3) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (4) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (1) Apr 15 (8) Apr 14 (1) Apr 13 (7) Apr 12 (10) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (2) Apr 09 (2) Apr 08 (4) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (6) Apr 05 (6) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (4) Apr 02 (5) Apr 01 (2) Mar 31 (5) Mar 30 (4) Mar 29 (8) Mar 28 (5) Mar 27 (9) Mar 26 (4) Mar 25 (5) Mar 24 (11) Mar 23 (10) Mar 22 (9) Mar 21 (10) Mar 20 (11) Mar 19 (5) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (3) Mar 16 (7) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (6) Mar 13 (9) Mar 12 (6) Mar 11 (3) Mar 10 (3) Mar 09 (5) Mar 08 (6) Mar 07 (13) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (7) Mar 03 (4) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (6) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (4) Feb 26 (5) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (6) Feb 23 (9) Feb 22 (6) Feb 21 (7) Feb 20 (8) Feb 19 (6) Feb 18 (3) Feb 17 (4) Feb 16 (6) Feb 15 (5) Feb 14 (7) Feb 13 (5) Feb 12 (3) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (5) Feb 09 (9) Feb 08 (8) Feb 07 (7) Feb 06 (10) Feb 05 (7) Feb 04 (2) Feb 03 (8) Feb 02 (7) Feb 01 (5) Jan 31 (4) Jan 30 (4) Jan 29 (7) Jan 28 (3) Jan 27 (7) Jan 26 (8) Jan 25 (6) Jan 24 (6) Jan 23 (5) Jan 22 (4) Jan 21 (6) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (8) Jan 17 (12) Jan 16 (5) Jan 15 (4) Jan 14 (8) Jan 12 (6) Jan 11 (6) Jan 10 (7) Jan 09 (4) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (4) Jan 06 (6) Jan 05 (9) Jan 04 (9) Jan 03 (4) Jan 02 (6) Jan 01 (8) Dec 31 (2) Dec 30 (1) Dec 29 (5) Dec 28 (4) Dec 27 (8) Dec 26 (4) Dec 24 (5) Dec 23 (7) Dec 22 (12) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (7) Dec 19 (3) Dec 18 (5) Dec 17 (3) Dec 16 (1) Dec 15 (7) Dec 14 (10) Dec 13 (7) Dec 12 (12) Dec 10 (3) Dec 09 (6) Dec 08 (7) Dec 07 (12) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (13) Dec 04 (6) Dec 02 (8) Dec 01 (8) Nov 30 (6) Nov 29 (7) Nov 28 (7) Nov 27 (4) Nov 26 (8) Nov 24 (2) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (11) Nov 21 (7) Nov 20 (3) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (7) Nov 17 (6) Nov 16 (11) Nov 15 (10) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (5) Nov 11 (12) Nov 10 (4) Nov 09 (14) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (11) Nov 06 (8) Nov 05 (5) Nov 04 (11) Nov 03 (9) Nov 02 (10) Nov 01 (8) Oct 31 (12) Oct 30 (5) Oct 29 (5) Oct 28 (5) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (13) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (8) Oct 22 (5) Oct 21 (11) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (5) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (9) Oct 13 (10) Oct 12 (11) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (10) Oct 09 (7) Oct 08 (5) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (14) Oct 04 (9) Oct 03 (12) Oct 02 (4) Oct 01 (9) Sep 30 (5) Sep 29 (7) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (3) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (10) Sep 21 (12) Sep 20 (12) Sep 19 (4) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (11) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (8) Sep 11 (6) Sep 10 (10) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (9) Sep 07 (8) Sep 06 (11) Sep 05 (2) Sep 04 (8) Sep 03 (2) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (9) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (4) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (4) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (2) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (6) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (6) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (3) Aug 10 (5) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (9) Aug 07 (7) Aug 06 (7) Aug 05 (7) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (11) Aug 02 (6) Aug 01 (9) Jul 31 (11) Jul 28 (7) Jul 27 (11) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (5) Jul 24 (1) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (2) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (8) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (7) Jul 15 (4) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (2) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (5) Jul 06 (6) Jul 05 (3) Jul 04 (6) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (3) Jun 30 (8) Jun 29 (5) Jun 28 (6) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (4) Jun 25 (1) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (5) Jun 19 (7) Jun 17 (4) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (4) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (4) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (6) Jun 09 (8) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (8) Jun 06 (7) Jun 05 (5) Jun 04 (7) Jun 03 (1) Jun 02 (9) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (8) May 30 (7) May 29 (5) May 28 (5) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (4) May 24 (3) May 23 (5) May 22 (2) May 21 (3) May 20 (7) May 19 (11) May 18 (1) May 17 (7) May 16 (3) May 15 (4) May 14 (3) May 13 (4) May 12 (4) May 11 (11) May 10 (2) May 09 (6) May 08 (6) May 07 (2) May 06 (3) May 05 (4) May 04 (5) May 03 (8) May 02 (4) May 01 (4) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (13) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (7) Apr 26 (5) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (2) Apr 23 (7) Apr 22 (9) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (2) Apr 19 (2) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (6) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (2) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (6) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (7) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (9) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (7) Mar 28 (4) Mar 27 (3) Mar 26 (6) Mar 25 (3) Mar 24 (8) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (10) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (6) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (11) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (4) Mar 12 (6) Mar 10 (3) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (4) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (5) Feb 28 (3) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (9) Feb 24 (11) Feb 23 (8) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (7) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (6) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (2) Feb 12 (5) Feb 11 (5) Feb 10 (3) Feb 09 (10) Feb 08 (9) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (2) Feb 05 (9) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (5) Feb 01 (7) Jan 31 (4) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (6) Jan 28 (5) Jan 27 (2) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (7) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (14) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (10) Jan 18 (11) Jan 17 (9) Jan 16 (5) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (7) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (10) Jan 06 (8) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (9) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (5) Jan 01 (14) Dec 30 (13) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (5) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (7) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (5) Dec 22 (4) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (9) Dec 16 (8) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (5) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (17) Dec 09 (8) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (10) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (7) Nov 30 (9) Nov 29 (6) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (15) Nov 24 (7) Nov 23 (15) Nov 22 (9) Nov 21 (6) Nov 20 (11) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (13) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (13) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (7) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (13) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (4) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (8) Nov 03 (9) Nov 02 (8) Nov 01 (6) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (15) Oct 26 (10) Oct 25 (10) Oct 24 (13) Oct 23 (9) Oct 21 (8) Oct 20 (13) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (8) Oct 16 (14) Oct 14 (9) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (13) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (15) Oct 07 (7) Oct 06 (11) Oct 05 (18) Oct 04 (14) Oct 03 (1) Oct 02 (10) Sep 30 (11) Sep 29 (11) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (15) Sep 26 (7) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (11) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (17) Sep 20 (20) Sep 19 (4) Sep 18 (11) Sep 16 (10) Sep 15 (12) Sep 14 (9) Sep 13 (12) Sep 12 (14) Sep 11 (4) Sep 10 (8) Sep 09 (9) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (13) Sep 06 (15) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (10) Sep 02 (12) Sep 01 (12) Aug 31 (14) Aug 30 (14) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (8) Aug 27 (9) Aug 26 (12) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (5) Aug 20 (6) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (11) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (7) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (5) Aug 05 (7) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (4) Aug 02 (5) Aug 01 (5) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (5) Jul 29 (9) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (8) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (6) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (6) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (5) Jul 18 (15) Jul 15 (14) Jul 14 (5) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (12) Jul 11 (8) Jul 10 (3) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (10) Jul 05 (4) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (10) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (2) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (5) Jun 21 (7) Jun 20 (3) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (11) Jun 16 (5) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (7) Jun 13 (14) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (8) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (11) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (16) Jun 03 (8) Jun 02 (12) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (7) May 30 (15) May 28 (7) May 27 (5) May 26 (21) May 25 (14) May 24 (10) May 23 (7) May 22 (8) May 21 (11) May 20 (5) May 19 (4) May 18 (10) May 17 (11) May 16 (5) May 15 (6) May 14 (7) May 13 (12) May 12 (10) May 11 (7) May 10 (13) May 09 (4) May 08 (7) May 07 (3) May 06 (6) May 05 (9) May 04 (14) May 03 (7) May 02 (10) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (8) Apr 24 (6) Apr 23 (14) Apr 22 (16) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (16) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (10) Apr 15 (8) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (11) Apr 12 (10) Apr 11 (8) Apr 10 (12) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (13) Apr 07 (9) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (15) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (15) Apr 02 (5) Apr 01 (11) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (10) Mar 29 (8) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (12) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (8) Mar 24 (7) Mar 23 (15) Mar 22 (17) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (8) Mar 19 (4) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (19) Mar 15 (13) Mar 14 (7) Mar 13 (20) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (13) Mar 08 (13) Mar 07 (7) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (16) Mar 02 (16) Mar 01 (13) Feb 29 (8) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (16) Feb 26 (10) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (12) Feb 23 (14) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (8) Feb 19 (12) Feb 18 (12) Feb 17 (11) Feb 16 (8) Feb 15 (9) Feb 14 (7) Feb 13 (10) Feb 12 (11) Feb 11 (13) Feb 10 (5) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (4) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (13) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (19) Jan 31 (21) Jan 29 (11) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (13) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (2) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (13) Jan 21 (11) Jan 20 (9) Jan 19 (13) Jan 18 (4) Jan 17 (11) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (13) Jan 13 (9) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (5) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (7) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (7) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (8) Jan 01 (5) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (9) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (1) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (6) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (7) Dec 19 (13) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (10) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (11) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (4) Dec 12 (9) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (10) Dec 08 (13) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (8) Dec 04 (11) Dec 03 (12) Dec 02 (16) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (11) Nov 28 (15) Nov 27 (16) Nov 26 (11) Nov 25 (9) Nov 24 (13) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (1) Nov 21 (7) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (10) Nov 15 (3) Nov 14 (10) Nov 13 (14) Nov 12 (8) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (11) Nov 06 (12) Nov 05 (17) Nov 04 (12) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (12) Oct 31 (11) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (10) Oct 28 (18) Oct 27 (16) Oct 26 (11) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (12) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (12) Oct 20 (17) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (15) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (10) Oct 14 (16) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (8) Oct 10 (12) Oct 09 (21) Oct 08 (22) Oct 07 (19) Oct 06 (18) Oct 05 (6) Oct 04 (17) Oct 03 (13) Oct 02 (14) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (14) Sep 29 (15) Sep 28 (12) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (15) Sep 25 (13) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (10) Sep 22 (12) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (4) Sep 19 (12) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (16) Sep 16 (21) Sep 15 (14) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (10) Sep 11 (16) Sep 10 (7) Sep 09 (8) Sep 08 (10) Sep 07 (7) Sep 06 (5) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (9) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (4) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (1) Aug 28 (10) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (14) Aug 24 (4) Aug 23 (3) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (13) Aug 20 (9) Aug 19 (13) Aug 18 (3) Aug 17 (3) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (8) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (12) Aug 11 (9) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (14) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (1) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (6) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (2) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (3) Jul 29 (6) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (6) Jul 23 (5) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (5) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (5) Jul 16 (4) Jul 15 (9) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (1) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (3) Jul 07 (13) Jul 05 (2) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (7) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (9) Jun 22 (4) Jun 21 (3) Jun 19 (4) Jun 18 (7) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (11) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (3) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (3) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (4) Jun 06 (2) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (8) Jun 03 (9) Jun 02 (6) Jun 01 (4) May 30 (7) May 29 (9) May 28 (13) May 26 (8) May 25 (5) May 24 (2) May 23 (8) May 22 (9) May 21 (7) May 20 (4) May 19 (6) May 18 (7) May 17 (8) May 15 (9) May 14 (5) May 13 (8) May 12 (6) May 11 (6) May 09 (7) May 08 (6) May 07 (11) May 06 (7) May 05 (4) May 04 (11) May 03 (5) May 02 (4) May 01 (9) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (4) Apr 28 (9) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (3) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (10) Apr 22 (8) Apr 21 (9) Apr 20 (3) Apr 19 (4) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (6) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (3) Apr 12 (6) Apr 10 (2) Apr 09 (4) Apr 08 (5) Apr 07 (5) Apr 06 (2) Apr 05 (2) Apr 04 (5) Apr 03 (7) Apr 02 (7) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (3) Mar 29 (1) Mar 28 (2) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (2) Mar 25 (5) Mar 24 (4) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (6) Mar 20 (9) Mar 19 (9) Mar 18 (8) Mar 17 (9) Mar 16 (7) Mar 15 (11) Mar 13 (5) Mar 12 (12) Mar 11 (9) Mar 10 (12) Mar 09 (4) Mar 08 (5) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (5) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (11) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (8) Feb 27 (9) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (8) Feb 24 (6) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (3) Feb 21 (6) Feb 20 (3) Feb 19 (10) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (7) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (2) Feb 14 (8) Feb 13 (12) Feb 12 (8) Feb 11 (10) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (3) Feb 07 (2) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (4) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (5) Feb 02 (7) Feb 01 (4) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (12) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (8) Jan 26 (13) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (12) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (10) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (11) Jan 14 (4) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (6) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (4) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (3) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (2) Jan 01 (3) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (4) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (3) Dec 24 (5) Dec 23 (7) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (4) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (8) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (9) Dec 15 (7) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (10) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (10) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (9) Dec 04 (3) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (10) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (1) Nov 29 (3) Nov 28 (9) Nov 27 (3) Nov 26 (7) Nov 25 (12) Nov 24 (3) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (4) Nov 21 (3) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (6) Nov 18 (10) Nov 17 (12) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (5) Nov 14 (12) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (7) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (5) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (6) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (9) Nov 03 (6) Nov 02 (14) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (9) Oct 27 (3) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (8) Oct 23 (4) Oct 22 (3) Oct 21 (4) Oct 20 (2) Oct 19 (11) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (7) Oct 15 (7) Oct 14 (8) Oct 13 (5) Oct 12 (8) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (5) Oct 09 (11) Oct 08 (10) Oct 07 (8) Oct 06 (3) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (8) Oct 03 (3) Oct 02 (10) Oct 01 (3) Sep 30 (7) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (5) Sep 27 (8) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (11) Sep 24 (15) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (4) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (10) Sep 17 (10) Sep 16 (5) Sep 15 (5) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (5) Sep 11 (8) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (7) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (2) Sep 06 (4) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (7) Sep 02 (7) Sep 01 (2) Aug 31 (3) Aug 30 (1) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (5) Aug 27 (4) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (9) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (12) Aug 19 (8) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (8) Aug 11 (7) Aug 10 (12) Aug 08 (5) Aug 07 (6) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (5) Aug 03 (4) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (12) Jul 29 (4) Jul 28 (5) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (8) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (8) Jul 20 (6) Jul 19 (3) Jul 18 (8) Jul 17 (2) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (9) Jul 13 (10) Jul 11 (9) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (7) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (7) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (15) Jun 26 (10) Jun 25 (9) Jun 24 (16) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (12) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (6) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (5) Jun 13 (13) Jun 12 (7) Jun 11 (14) Jun 10 (3) Jun 09 (2) Jun 08 (2) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (16) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (18) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (8) May 31 (3) May 30 (6) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (6) May 23 (4) May 22 (8) May 21 (5) May 20 (6) May 19 (2) May 18 (9) May 17 (1) May 16 (5) May 15 (5) May 14 (7) May 13 (7) May 12 (7) May 11 (4) May 10 (4) May 09 (5) May 08 (10) May 07 (4) May 06 (13) May 05 (4) May 04 (10) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (9) Apr 29 (6) Apr 28 (3) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (9) Apr 24 (7) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (3) Apr 20 (10) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (6) Apr 15 (7) Apr 14 (11) Apr 13 (4) Apr 12 (5) Apr 11 (9) Apr 10 (4) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (6) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (6) Apr 05 (10) Apr 03 (9) Apr 02 (9) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (4) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (8) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (11) Mar 23 (8) Mar 22 (7) Mar 21 (14) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (11) Mar 17 (12) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (8) Mar 14 (13) Mar 13 (8) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (8) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (3) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (15) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (12) Mar 02 (20) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (11) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (14) Feb 23 (5) Feb 22 (6) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (4) Feb 17 (8) Feb 16 (11) Feb 15 (3) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (7) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (4) Feb 08 (6) Feb 07 (5) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (4) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (3) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (2) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (3) Jan 26 (2) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (7) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (4) Jan 21 (5) Jan 20 (5) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (7) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (5) Jan 13 (4) Jan 12 (5) Jan 11 (3) Jan 10 (5) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (3) Jan 06 (1) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (6) Jan 01 (2) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (1) Dec 29 (5) Dec 27 (1) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (4) Dec 24 (8) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (1) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (3) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (3) Dec 15 (3) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (4) Dec 10 (7) Dec 09 (5) Dec 08 (2) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (9) Dec 03 (4) Dec 02 (2) Dec 01 (8) Nov 29 (5) Nov 28 (7) Nov 27 (5) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (3) Nov 24 (5) Nov 23 (6) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (12) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (4) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (12) Nov 11 (6) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (4) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (5) Nov 05 (9) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (4) Nov 02 (3) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (4) Oct 29 (11) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (7) Oct 26 (7) Oct 25 (6) Oct 24 (7) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (2) Oct 21 (7) Oct 20 (4) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (7) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (8) Oct 15 (5) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (7) Oct 11 (20) Oct 10 (2) Oct 09 (4) Oct 08 (21) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (34) Oct 04 (24) Oct 03 (21) Oct 02 (3) Oct 01 (7) Sep 30 (3) Sep 29 (5) Sep 28 (6) Sep 27 (5) Sep 26 (6) Sep 25 (5) Sep 24 (2) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (4) Sep 21 (3) Sep 20 (9) Sep 19 (11) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (6) Sep 15 (3) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (11) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (3) Sep 07 (6) Sep 06 (10) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (7) Sep 03 (5) Sep 02 (4) Sep 01 (8) Aug 31 (5) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (7) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (3) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (8) Aug 19 (4) Aug 18 (2) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (7) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (3) Aug 13 (4) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (3) Aug 02 (4) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (3) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (6) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (7) Jul 23 (10) Jul 22 (8) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (4) Jul 19 (7) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (10) Jul 16 (11) Jul 15 (5) Jul 13 (5) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (12) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (8) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (8) Jul 03 (10) Jul 02 (12) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (23) Jun 27 (18) Jun 26 (12) Jun 25 (14) Jun 24 (15) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (15) Jun 20 (9) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (11) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (6) Jun 15 (6) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (5) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (9) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (2) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (4) Jun 04 (3) Jun 03 (4) Jun 02 (3) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (3) May 30 (5) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (2) May 26 (2) May 25 (8) May 24 (7) May 23 (6) May 22 (9) May 21 (6) May 20 (5) May 19 (6) May 18 (9) May 17 (10) May 16 (11) May 15 (5) May 14 (11) May 13 (6) May 12 (7) May 11 (7) May 10 (5) May 09 (3) May 08 (10) May 07 (8) May 06 (11) May 05 (5) May 04 (9) May 03 (3) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (5) Apr 29 (8) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (4) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (10) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (10) Apr 16 (8) Apr 15 (4) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (7) Apr 12 (11) Apr 11 (6) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (9) Apr 05 (10) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (2) Apr 02 (6) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (3) Mar 30 (4) Mar 29 (3) Mar 28 (5) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (5) Mar 25 (4) Mar 24 (5) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (6) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (5) Mar 19 (5) Mar 18 (9) Mar 17 (2) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (10) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (2) Mar 10 (1) Mar 09 (6) Mar 08 (4) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (3) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (7) Mar 03 (6) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (9) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (7) Feb 24 (3) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (4) Feb 21 (7) Feb 20 (4) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (2) Feb 17 (1) Feb 16 (6) Feb 15 (6) Feb 14 (5) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (7) Feb 11 (2) Feb 10 (2) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (5) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (9) Feb 04 (3) Feb 03 (3) Feb 02 (10) Feb 01 (9) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (5) Jan 28 (3) Jan 27 (4) Jan 26 (5) Jan 25 (6) Jan 24 (5) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (3) Jan 20 (3) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (3) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (8) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (1) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (1) Jan 10 (3) Jan 09 (3) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (4) Jan 06 (2) Jan 05 (3) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (4) Jan 02 (4) Jan 01 (4) Dec 31 (3) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (5) Dec 28 (8) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (2) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (4) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (5) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (6) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (5) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (8) Dec 10 (5) Dec 09 (4) Dec 08 (4) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (7) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (7) Dec 02 (1) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (2) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (16) Nov 27 (7) Nov 26 (5) Nov 25 (2) Nov 24 (6) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (5) Nov 20 (15) Nov 19 (8) Nov 18 (2) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (5) Nov 08 (8) Nov 07 (9) Nov 06 (9) Nov 05 (1) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (8) Nov 02 (6) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (4) Oct 26 (4) Oct 25 (8) Oct 24 (4) Oct 23 (1) Oct 22 (6) Oct 21 (1) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (10) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (15) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (7) Oct 10 (1) Oct 09 (5) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (3) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (5) Oct 04 (3) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (6) Oct 01 (6) Sep 30 (8) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (8) Sep 24 (8) Sep 23 (3) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (9) Sep 20 (7) Sep 19 (8) Sep 18 (4) Sep 17 (3) Sep 16 (4) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (7) Sep 12 (7) Sep 11 (9) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (10) Sep 08 (4) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (15) Sep 04 (5) Sep 03 (4) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (7) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (11) Aug 27 (2) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (15) Aug 24 (6) Aug 23 (8) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (7) Aug 19 (2) Aug 18 (5) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (9) Aug 12 (4) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (5) Aug 08 (7) Aug 07 (9) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (4) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (9) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (11) Jul 30 (4) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (11) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (5) Jul 21 (4) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (6) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (4) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (8) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (14) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (4) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (5) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (6) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (3) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (8) Jun 25 (3) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (14) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (4) Jun 17 (3) Jun 16 (12) Jun 15 (12) Jun 14 (10) Jun 13 (10) Jun 12 (9) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (12) Jun 09 (4) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (12) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (6) Jun 03 (3) Jun 02 (4) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (4) May 30 (3) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (3) May 25 (5) May 24 (9) May 23 (16) May 22 (12) May 21 (11) May 20 (7) May 19 (10) May 18 (8) May 17 (8) May 16 (10) May 15 (8) May 14 (5) May 13 (1) May 12 (6) May 11 (9) May 10 (9) May 09 (10) May 08 (9) May 07 (6) May 06 (5) May 05 (7) May 04 (10) May 03 (7) May 02 (9) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (4) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (12) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (4) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (4) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (8) Apr 20 (9) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (4) Apr 17 (2) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (10) Apr 14 (7) Apr 13 (5) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (7) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (8) Apr 05 (8) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (6) Apr 02 (4) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (11) Mar 30 (12) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (6) Mar 24 (9) Mar 23 (3) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (12) Mar 20 (14) Mar 19 (8) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (4) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (9) Mar 12 (6) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (8) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (12) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (4) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (3) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (8) Feb 29 (11) Feb 28 (5) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (13) Feb 25 (10) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (10) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (18) Feb 20 (6) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (5) Feb 16 (9) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (6) Feb 13 (5) Feb 12 (6) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (8) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (8) Feb 07 (10) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (7) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (12) Jan 30 (7) Jan 29 (7) Jan 28 (7) Jan 27 (12) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (11) Jan 24 (4) Jan 23 (6) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (12) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (6) Jan 17 (11) Jan 16 (9) Jan 15 (4) Jan 14 (3) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (9) Jan 10 (10) Jan 09 (5) Jan 08 (10) Jan 07 (5) Jan 06 (6) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (5) Dec 27 (10) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (7) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (9) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (8) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (1) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (6) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (13) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (7) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (7) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (9) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (7) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (8) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (10) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (10) Nov 20 (4) Nov 19 (4) Nov 18 (8) Nov 17 (9) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (12) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (7) Nov 07 (8) Nov 06 (10) Nov 05 (8) Nov 04 (7) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (11) Nov 01 (10) Oct 31 (5) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (8) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (5) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (11) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (7) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (9) Oct 14 (7) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (8) Oct 09 (9) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (12) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (13) Oct 04 (11) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (5) Oct 01 (14) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (12) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (7) Sep 25 (10) Sep 24 (3) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (8) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (7) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (14) Sep 16 (7) Sep 15 (11) Sep 14 (13) Sep 13 (11) Sep 12 (9) Sep 11 (5) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (13) Sep 08 (11) Sep 07 (11) Sep 06 (16) Sep 05 (1) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (8) Sep 01 (7) Aug 31 (1) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (2) Aug 28 (3) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (5) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (7) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (5) Aug 13 (5) Aug 12 (10) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (5) Aug 06 (12) Aug 05 (5) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (13) Jul 28 (10) Jul 27 (6) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (12) Jul 22 (14) Jul 21 (6) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (12) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (4) Jul 16 (6) Jul 15 (8) Jul 14 (15) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (6) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (6) Jul 07 (9) Jul 06 (15) Jul 05 (6) Jul 04 (10) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (11) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (4) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (11) Jun 24 (9) Jun 23 (10) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (8) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (5) Jun 18 (15) Jun 17 (8) Jun 16 (13) Jun 15 (15) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (6) Jun 12 (15) Jun 11 (7) Jun 10 (7) Jun 09 (18) Jun 08 (20) Jun 07 (17) Jun 06 (9) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (12) Jun 03 (13) Jun 02 (14) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (13) May 30 (8) May 29 (6) May 28 (8) May 27 (17) May 26 (8) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (9) May 22 (4) May 21 (4) May 20 (11) May 19 (14) May 18 (6) May 17 (10) May 16 (4) May 15 (5) May 14 (28) May 12 (9) May 11 (17) May 10 (15) May 09 (12) May 08 (5) May 07 (4) May 06 (10) May 05 (8) May 04 (10) May 03 (5) May 02 (6) May 01 (8) Apr 30 (8) Apr 29 (12) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (12) Apr 25 (6) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (5) Apr 22 (10) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (13) Apr 19 (11) Apr 18 (11) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (11) Apr 14 (17) Apr 13 (6) Apr 12 (16) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (1) Apr 09 (18) Apr 08 (14) Apr 07 (6) Apr 06 (10) Apr 05 (21) Apr 04 (12) Apr 03 (4) Apr 02 (13) Apr 01 (8) Mar 31 (10) Mar 30 (11) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (10) Mar 23 (12) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (8) Mar 20 (4) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (9) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (4) Mar 13 (2) Mar 12 (14) Mar 11 (13) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (17) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (7) Mar 05 (13) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (14) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (18) Feb 28 (8) Feb 27 (2) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (13) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (13) Feb 22 (12) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (16) Feb 18 (17) Feb 17 (15) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (15) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (8) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (15) Feb 10 (11) Feb 09 (13) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (6) Feb 05 (15) Feb 04 (15) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (14) Feb 01 (15) Jan 31 (11) Jan 30 (9) Jan 29 (19) Jan 28 (9) Jan 27 (9) Jan 26 (16) Jan 25 (19) Jan 24 (17) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (15) Jan 21 (9) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (7) Jan 15 (12) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (14) Jan 12 (11) Jan 11 (13) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (20) Jan 07 (11) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (14) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (14) Dec 30 (15) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (10) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (3) Dec 25 (11) Dec 24 (9) Dec 23 (9) Dec 22 (15) Dec 21 (12) Dec 20 (11) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (6) Dec 16 (12) Dec 15 (14) Dec 14 (11) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (17) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (12) Dec 07 (16) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (5) Dec 04 (12) Dec 03 (15) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (12) Nov 30 (16) Nov 29 (7) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (13) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (15) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (4) Nov 20 (8) Nov 19 (9) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (11) Nov 15 (10) Nov 14 (9) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (10) Nov 11 (12) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (7) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (14) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (13) Nov 01 (9) Oct 31 (9) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (18) Oct 28 (13) Oct 27 (23) Oct 26 (12) Oct 25 (14) Oct 24 (20) Oct 22 (18) Oct 21 (18) Oct 20 (19) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (18) Oct 15 (8) Oct 14 (11) Oct 13 (9) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (27) Oct 08 (14) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (10) Oct 03 (6) Oct 02 (9) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (13) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (9) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (14) Sep 24 (4) Sep 23 (14) Sep 22 (20) Sep 21 (11) Sep 20 (6) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (14) Sep 17 (8) Sep 16 (17) Sep 15 (6) Sep 14 (11) Sep 13 (9) Sep 12 (4) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (14) Sep 09 (12) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (9) Sep 04 (20) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (16) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (13) Aug 30 (4) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (6) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (11) Aug 25 (10) Aug 24 (14) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (13) Aug 21 (10) Aug 20 (13) Aug 19 (15) Aug 18 (8) Aug 17 (10) Aug 16 (8) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (11) Aug 13 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (10) Aug 10 (17) Aug 09 (6) Aug 08 (13) Aug 07 (11) Aug 06 (13) Aug 05 (11) Aug 04 (11) Aug 03 (10) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (10) Jul 30 (21) Jul 29 (14) Jul 28 (13) Jul 27 (16) Jul 26 (10) Jul 25 (15) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (15) Jul 21 (19) Jul 20 (17) Jul 19 (9) Jul 18 (7) Jul 17 (26) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (20) Jul 14 (16) Jul 13 (19) Jul 12 (11) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (13) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (16) Jul 05 (9) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (15) Jul 02 (11) Jul 01 (14) Jun 30 (13) Jun 29 (19) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (9) Jun 26 (16) Jun 25 (22) Jun 24 (17) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (15) Jun 21 (14) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (17) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (10) Jun 16 (17) Jun 15 (13) Jun 14 (14) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (13) Jun 11 (15) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (10) Jun 08 (23) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (20) Jun 05 (10) Jun 04 (11) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (21) Jun 01 (14) May 31 (10) May 30 (14) May 29 (8) May 28 (23) May 27 (20) May 26 (16) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (10) May 22 (18) May 21 (14) May 20 (12) May 19 (18) May 18 (14) May 17 (13) May 16 (4) May 15 (7) May 14 (16) May 13 (13) May 12 (8) May 11 (18) May 10 (8) May 09 (7) May 08 (13) May 07 (11) May 06 (15) May 05 (18) May 04 (17) May 03 (7) May 02 (5) May 01 (11) Apr 30 (19) Apr 29 (21) Apr 28 (18) Apr 27 (16) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (20) Apr 22 (23) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (16) Apr 19 (13) Apr 18 (6) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (16) Apr 15 (18) Apr 14 (13) Apr 13 (14) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (3) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (14) Apr 08 (12) Apr 07 (18) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (11) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (19) Apr 02 (17) Apr 01 (16) Mar 31 (16) Mar 30 (22) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (16) Mar 27 (19) Mar 26 (31) Mar 25 (25) Mar 24 (26) Mar 23 (27) Mar 22 (22) Mar 21 (22) Mar 20 (13) Mar 19 (21) Mar 18 (20) Mar 17 (24) Mar 16 (18) Mar 15 (9) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (29) Mar 12 (15) Mar 11 (11) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (20) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (6) Mar 06 (21) Mar 05 (22) Mar 04 (19) Mar 03 (9) Mar 02 (20) Mar 01 (11) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (27) Feb 26 (15) Feb 25 (18) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (19) Feb 22 (24) Feb 21 (10) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (25) Feb 18 (16) Feb 17 (19) Feb 16 (23) Feb 15 (8) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (16) Feb 11 (12) Feb 10 (18) Feb 09 (12) Feb 08 (14) Feb 07 (8) Feb 06 (27) Feb 05 (28) Feb 04 (24) Feb 03 (17) Feb 02 (20) Feb 01 (23) Jan 31 (16) Jan 30 (20) Jan 29 (26) Jan 28 (17) Jan 27 (21) Jan 26 (24) Jan 25 (16) Jan 24 (14) Jan 23 (16) Jan 22 (17) Jan 21 (19) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (17) Jan 18 (13) Jan 17 (14) Jan 16 (10) Jan 15 (21) Jan 14 (16) Jan 13 (19) Jan 12 (30) Jan 11 (14) Jan 10 (11) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (23) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (21) Jan 05 (15) Jan 04 (18) Jan 03 (9) Jan 02 (12) Jan 01 (15) Dec 31 (18) Dec 30 (7) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (8) Dec 26 (6) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (28) Dec 23 (12) Dec 22 (12) Dec 21 (17) Dec 20 (19) Dec 19 (19) Dec 18 (22) Dec 17 (24) Dec 16 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23 (23) Sep 22 (18) Sep 21 (20) Sep 20 (11) Sep 19 (24) Sep 18 (25) Sep 17 (25) Sep 16 (19) Sep 15 (21) Sep 14 (15) Sep 13 (10) Sep 12 (23) Sep 11 (23) Sep 10 (25) Sep 09 (25) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (3) Sep 06 (17) Sep 05 (14) Sep 04 (24) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (19) Aug 31 (20) Aug 30 (11) Aug 29 (24) Aug 28 (24) Aug 27 (16) Aug 26 (26) Aug 25 (21) Aug 24 (15) Aug 23 (19) Aug 22 (15) Aug 21 (25) Aug 20 (27) Aug 19 (19) Aug 18 (24) Aug 17 (14) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (15) Aug 14 (16) Aug 13 (21) Aug 12 (30) Aug 11 (19) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (12) Aug 08 (17) Aug 07 (21) Aug 06 (26) Aug 05 (23) Aug 04 (21) Aug 03 (12) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (19) Jul 31 (21) Jul 30 (25) Jul 29 (29) Jul 28 (23) Jul 27 (17) Jul 26 (11) Jul 25 (21) Jul 24 (14) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (19) Jul 21 (15) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (10) Jul 18 (15) Jul 17 (22) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (21) Jul 14 (20) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (29) Jul 10 (19) Jul 09 (17) Jul 08 (26) Jul 07 (21) Jul 06 (18) Jul 05 (14) Jul 04 (20) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (24) Jul 01 (23) Jun 30 (23) Jun 29 (18) Jun 28 (16) Jun 27 (16) Jun 26 (17) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (32) Jun 23 (29) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (17) Jun 20 (25) Jun 19 (28) Jun 18 (19) Jun 17 (25) Jun 16 (23) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (14) Jun 12 (22) Jun 11 (19) Jun 10 (17) Jun 09 (15) Jun 08 (16) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (29) Jun 05 (27) Jun 04 (24) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (22) Jun 01 (13) May 31 (9) May 30 (26) May 29 (19) May 28 (15) May 27 (15) May 26 (23) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (24) May 22 (13) May 21 (21) May 20 (18) May 19 (16) May 18 (7) May 17 (12) May 16 (25) May 15 (24) May 14 (23) May 13 (19) May 12 (17) May 11 (8) May 10 (6) May 09 (14) May 08 (21) May 07 (26) May 06 (14) May 05 (14) May 04 (3) May 03 (3) May 02 (24) May 01 (13) Apr 30 (15) Apr 29 (24) Apr 28 (24) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (13) Apr 24 (27) Apr 23 (15) Apr 22 (21) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (17) Apr 19 (8) Apr 18 (20) Apr 17 (27) Apr 16 (27) Apr 15 (21) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (8) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (22) Apr 09 (15) Apr 08 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20 (6) Oct 19 (8) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (12) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (19) Oct 14 (15) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (10) Oct 10 (23) Oct 09 (13) Oct 08 (15) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (13) Oct 05 (4) Oct 04 (16) Oct 03 (17) Oct 02 (17) Oct 01 (20) Sep 30 (17) Sep 29 (9) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (14) Sep 26 (20) Sep 25 (19) Sep 24 (13) Sep 23 (11) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (5) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (21) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (20) Sep 16 (16) Sep 15 (10) Sep 14 (6) Sep 13 (18) Sep 12 (14) Sep 11 (24) Sep 10 (17) Sep 09 (16) Sep 08 (16) Sep 07 (10) Sep 06 (20) Sep 05 (13) Sep 04 (23) Sep 03 (14) Sep 02 (12) Sep 01 (11) Aug 31 (11) Aug 30 (13) Aug 29 (18) Aug 28 (14) Aug 27 (21) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (8) Aug 24 (10) Aug 23 (17) Aug 22 (15) Aug 21 (14) Aug 20 (20) Aug 19 (20) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (9) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (12) Aug 14 (14) Aug 13 (19) Aug 12 (14) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (12) Aug 09 (7) Aug 08 (18) Aug 07 (16) Aug 06 (16) Aug 05 (20) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (12) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (16) Jul 30 (16) Jul 29 (11) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (9) Jul 26 (17) Jul 25 (20) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (11) Jul 22 (18) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (14) Jul 18 (11) Jul 17 (15) Jul 16 (12) Jul 15 (10) Jul 14 (8) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (17) Jul 11 (18) Jul 10 (16) Jul 09 (13) Jul 08 (10) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (8) Jul 05 (16) Jul 04 (14) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (13) Jul 01 (16) Jun 30 (19) Jun 29 (7) Jun 28 (19) Jun 27 (21) Jun 26 (27) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (23) Jun 23 (12) Jun 22 (9) Jun 21 (18) Jun 20 (15) Jun 19 (24) Jun 18 (21) Jun 17 (13) Jun 16 (9) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (18) Jun 13 (24) Jun 12 (18) Jun 11 (23) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (24) Jun 08 (27) Jun 07 (5) Jun 06 (25) Jun 05 (30) Jun 04 (23) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (16) Jun 01 (17) May 31 (18) May 30 (19) May 29 (17) May 28 (23) May 27 (15) May 26 (10) May 25 (19) May 24 (16) May 23 (16) May 22 (27) May 21 (20) May 20 (26) May 19 (6) May 18 (8) May 17 (20) May 16 (8) May 15 (18) May 14 (5) May 13 (21) May 12 (9) May 11 (8) May 10 (12) May 09 (18) May 08 (11) May 07 (27) May 06 (12) May 05 (16) May 04 (19) May 03 (14) May 02 (18) May 01 (18) Apr 30 (25) Apr 29 (27) Apr 28 (11) Apr 27 (10) Apr 26 (18) Apr 25 (10) Apr 24 (29) Apr 23 (29) Apr 22 (14) Apr 21 (15) Apr 20 (20) Apr 19 (22) Apr 18 (16) Apr 17 (32) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (21) Apr 14 (21) Apr 13 (15) Apr 12 (13) Apr 11 (14) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (20) Apr 08 (36) Apr 07 (22) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (28) Apr 04 (20) Apr 03 (29) Apr 02 (32) Apr 01 (18) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (15) Mar 28 (22) Mar 27 (24) Mar 26 (17) Mar 25 (17) Mar 24 (13) Mar 23 (5) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (15) Mar 20 (18) Mar 19 (19) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (10) Mar 16 (6) Mar 15 (18) Mar 14 (24) Mar 13 (18) Mar 12 (18) Mar 11 (17) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (12) Mar 08 (18) Mar 07 (25) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (16) Mar 04 (22) Mar 03 (17) Mar 02 (6) Mar 01 (23) Feb 29 (19) Feb 28 (25) Feb 27 (26) Feb 26 (23) Feb 25 (12) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (15) Feb 22 (26) Feb 21 (31) Feb 20 (12) Feb 19 (21) Feb 18 (15) Feb 17 (10) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (19) Feb 14 (15) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (20) Feb 11 (9) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (28) Feb 08 (20) Feb 07 (22) Feb 06 (20) Feb 05 (19) Feb 04 (14) Feb 03 (16) Feb 02 (28) Feb 01 (37) Jan 31 (27) Jan 30 (31) Jan 29 (18) Jan 28 (14) Jan 27 (10) Jan 26 (18) Jan 25 (26) Jan 24 (34) Jan 23 (21) Jan 22 (21) Jan 21 (18) Jan 20 (18) Jan 19 (18) Jan 18 (26) Jan 17 (24) Jan 16 (23) Jan 15 (30) Jan 14 (20) Jan 13 (18) Jan 12 (24) Jan 11 (11) Jan 10 (23) Jan 09 (22) Jan 08 (17) Jan 07 (17) Jan 06 (9) Jan 05 (18) Jan 04 (15) Jan 03 (19) Jan 02 (14) Jan 01 (6) Dec 31 (12) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (15) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (7) Dec 26 (10) Dec 25 (16) Dec 24 (13) Dec 23 (16) Dec 22 (11) Dec 21 (26) Dec 20 (28) Dec 19 (14) Dec 18 (25) Dec 17 (23) Dec 16 (19) Dec 15 (22) Dec 14 (38) Dec 13 (26) Dec 12 (25) Dec 11 (27) Dec 10 (31) Dec 09 (15) Dec 08 (30) Dec 07 (31) Dec 06 (27) Dec 05 (38) Dec 04 (25) Dec 03 (27) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (36) Nov 30 (23) Nov 29 (17) Nov 28 (23) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (16) Nov 25 (14) Nov 24 (18) Nov 23 (21) Nov 22 (21) Nov 21 (24) Nov 20 (20) Nov 19 (23) Nov 18 (17) Nov 17 (17) Nov 16 (34) Nov 15 (25) Nov 14 (17) Nov 13 (21) Nov 12 (18) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (12) Nov 06 (8) Nov 05 (4) Oct 29 (1) Oct 01 (1) Jul 29 (1) May 11 (1) Jul 11 (1) Kyle L. Evanoff in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: A moonshot is on the rise on the Trump administrations foreign policy agenda. At last months meeting of the National Space Council in Huntsville, Alabama, Vice President Mike Pence laid out an ambitious goal: Return American astronauts to the moon in the next five yearsa date which would be well ahead of the 2028 target envisioned in previous NASA plans. The United States and China are locked in a new space race, he warned, and the stakes have only increased since the US-Soviet space race of the 1960s; the United States must be first to send astronauts to the moon in the twenty-first century. Pence framed putting American boots on the lunar ground as a national imperative. Invoking Chinas successful landing of a probe on the far side of the moon earlier this year, he suggested that Beijing has revealed their ambition to seize the lunar strategic high ground. The lunar South Pole holds great scientific, economic, and strategic value, according to Pence, and failure to put American astronauts, launched by American rockets, from American soil there is not an option. The vice presidents antagonistic rhetoric fails to cohere with the realities of contemporary space exploration and the dictates of sound policy making. More here. Julian Wolfreys and Pawe Huelle at The Quarterly Conversation: Gdansk was a city of the borders for many years, with a prevailing influence of German culture, German music, German language, because even the Polish proletariat when they came from the villages were Germanized, because with the German language they had better chances. But there used to be about 15%-20% Polish speaking people, 3% French people, 2% English people, 3.5% Russians, Scottish people as well, a lot of Dutch people; this was a typical city of the borders. This was over after the Polish partition of 1795. And then Gdansk, which used to be a rich merchant city, a merchant emporium, became a provincial Prussian city. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, these were periods of the great German nationalisms, which end up with the crime of 1939, because most of the Polish people here were murdered at that time. Surprisingly, the Jews could leave. Because this used to be the Free City of Gdansk, the so-called Free City, and the authorities of Gdansk signed an agreement with the Jewish Community in 1939, more or less, perhaps one year earlier, and while the war was still going on, until 1940 the Jewish population was still leaving. So, the multicultural city was over with the Prussian partition. Then, after the war, 99% of the German population left, and Polish people from various parts of former Poland came, from burned-down Warsaw, from Wilno, or from the Eastern borders, from those parts; so, people only came back to the idea of multiculturalism, after 1989, with the end of Communism. But, if ever we speak of multiculturalism in Gdansk, we speak of the distant past. Of course, its a very good example of something to reach for, but its a deep past. more here. While addressing a rally in Tamil Nadu's Ramanathapuram, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that when Congress was in power, terrorists would attack the nation regularly. He alleged that the party remained helpless. In another rally in Theni, PM Modi invoked the 1984 Sikh riots and the Bhopal gas tragedy. Taking a jibe at Congress' minimum income scheme NYAY, Modi asked who will do NYAY (justice) to the victims of these two incidents. He also took a jibe at former Finance Minister P Chidambaram and his son Karti Chidambaram and said, "Father becomes the Finance Minister and son loots the country. Whenever they are in government, they always loot." He is scheduled to address another rally in Mangalore and then another one in Bengaluru South in Karnataka. Congress President Rahul Gandhi will address three rallies in Karnataka. He will start with Kolar, then will move to Chitradurag and eventually go to Krishnarajanagara. Meanwhile, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley took to Twitter to criticise the Opposition and said that they were on a "Rent a Cause" campaign. He said that they could not find any fault in the current government and since have been picking on an issue one day and another issue the next day. He also retorted to the trolling over Smriti Irani's educational qualifications and said that a "public audit of Rahul Gandhi's academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. Afterall, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree." Follow the LIVE updates on the BusinessToday.In blog: 7:38pm: Congress has released list of candidates for upcoming phases of 2019 Lok Sabha election. The list includes candidates for Lok Sabha seats in Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu after a meeting with EC officials: Govt of India is interfering through EC. We have complained against EVMs earlier also. EC is an autonomous body but they are working at the instructions of Modi. Transfers of officers in AP is unjustified. ANI (@ANI) April 13, 2019 6:03pm: "We are committed to giving women 33% reservation in the Assemblies and the Lok Sabha, and also in central govt jobs," Rahul Gandhi said at Chitradurga, Karnataka. 6:00pm: "This election is fought between Anil Ambani and the common people of India. It is a battle between lies and the truth. In India, the truth will always win. Truth, love and brotherhood will stand victorious in the 2019 election," said Congress President Rahul Gandhi while addressing a rally in Chitradurga, Karnataka. 3:45pm: "For 55 years Rahul baba and company ruled the country but couldn't do anything for the poor. They have done nothing except corruption," said Amit Shah in UP's Shahjahanpur. 3:40pm: "Today entire country is chanting Modi, Modi because the people of this country have decided that they want Modi ji as the prime minister," said Amit Shah in Shahjahanpur. 3:15pm: Mayawati said at a public meeting, "Both Ali and Bajrangbali are with us. Bajrangbali because he is connected with the Dalits. We didn't find out his caste, UP CM himself did." 3:00pm: "SP-BSP's highhandedness was going on in UP... There was a time the police were afraid of the goons, today the goons roam around with boards around their necks. This has done by the Bharatiya Janata Party," Amit Shah said. 2:53pm: "BJP government is moving ahead on the path to development. We want to develop Uttar Pradesh," said BJP chief Amit Shah during a rally in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh. 2:50pm: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister met Election Commission officials to discuss variety of issues including EVMs and transfers of state officers. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee in Siliguri: I would request all not to vote for CPM and also please do not waste your vote by giving it to Congress. I was in Congress then quit and formed Trinamool, following which you are witnessing development ANI (@ANI) April 13, 2019 2:40pm: "I would request all not to vote for CPI(M) and also please do not waste your vote by giving it to Congress. I was in Congress then quit and formed Trinamool, following which you are witnessing development," said West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee during a rally in Siliguri. Greetings & good wishes to the people for peaceful & prosperous life on Ram Navami. When people are happily remembering the ideals of Shri Ram, it is unfortunate that an attempt is being made to create confrontation & hatred between Bajrang Bali & Ali for narrow political gain. Mayawati (@Mayawati) April 13, 2019 2:06pm: "If you go to Delhi, prime real estate has been used for the memorials of members of one family as if no other person contributed to India except one family," said PM Modi. 2:04pm: "We brought a bill in the Parliament to abolish practice of Triple Talaq but Congress, DMK and Muslim League opposed it. These parties do not believe in dignity of women. Congress, communists and the Muslim League are playing a dangerous game regarding the Sabrimala temple. They are using brute force to strike at the root of faith and express. Sadly for them, till BJP is there no one will be able to destroy our faith and culture 1:59pm: "Those who cannot protect India can never develop the nation. When the Congress and their allies were in power, terrorists were attacking the nation regularly. City after city, there were blasts. But, Congress remained helpless and silent. Times have changed now. India will not spare a single terrorist or jihadis. If there dare to attack us, we will find them from wherever they are and ruin their happiness," said PM Modi in Ramanathapuram. 1:57pm: "Our hardworking fishermen depend on the seas for their income. Your Chowkidar has been able to take path-breaking decisions for welfare of fishermen. Almost 1900 Indian fishermen have been released from Sri Lanka. Some of them who came back were facing death sentence," said PM Modi. 1:54pm: "After 23rd May, when the Modi Government will once again assume office, there will be a separate Ministry for Jal Shakti. This Ministry will cater to many aspects relating to water," said PM Modi. 1:50pm: "For this region, we have given importance to connectivity and tourism. Work is fast progressing on doubling of railway tracks between Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi. The 100-year-old Pamban Bridge has been transformed into a state-of-the-art bridge," said PM Modi in Ramanathapuram. 1:45pm: "I am an MP from Varanasi which is connected to Ramanathapuram by the bonds of faith and spirituality. Coming to Ramanathapuram reminds one of the great Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam had several dreams for our nation. Today, it is our duty to fulfill those dreams and take India to new heights of growth and glory," said PM Modi in Ramanathapuram. 1:15pm: Mayawati says attempts are being made to spread hatred. One day the focus would be on the BJP candidates educational qualification, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhis academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. Afterall, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree. Chowkidar Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) April 13, 2019 12:50pm: Talking about Maneka Gandhi's comment on Muslim voters, Hema Malini said, "On Triple Talaq issue many minority community women support us but even if they don't, you have to help everybody. It doesn't matter who voted for us and who did not. This kind of feeling doesn't come to me. Everybody is different." 12:45pm: "I am very confident of a win because I have done good work, my Government has done good work, so I am sure people will support us. Whole system is changing, people want development, caste politics now doesn't work," said Hema Malini in an interview to ANI. 12:30pm: "The Signature Campaign Propaganda proved to be terrible for the Congress party as many of academics, economists, artistes, ex-civil servants and even some former soldiers, whose signatures been put, publicly stated that they never consented for putting their signatures. One day the focus would be on the BJP candidate's educational qualification, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi's academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. Afterall, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree," Jaitley tweeted. The BJP & its allies are speaking directly to the people. Crores of campaigners are carrying the message of the party & the govt. to the people. The Plight of the opposition campaign is that it could not built up a single major issue against the govt. in the past five years. Chowkidar Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) April 13, 2019 12:25pm: "To oust a popular govt. and an extremely popular Prime Minister, you need real issues not fictional ones. The Opposition wasted the past two years in the run-up to the poll "manufacturing issues" which didn't exist. The Rafale or the EVM proved to be fake issues only. The BJP and its allies are speaking directly to the people. Crores of campaigners are carrying the message of the party and the govt. to the people. The plight of the Opposition campaign is that it could not built up a single major issue against the govt. in the past five years," tweeted Jaitley. Indias Opposition is on a Rent a Cause Campaign Chowkidar Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) April 13, 2019 12:20pm: "First phase of 2019 parliamentary polls got over and the "Modi" factor was writ large across the country. Opposition parties still renting an issue and are in disarray as alliances in many States have not worked out. Obviously the multi-cornered contest favours the BJP. On the leadership issue the situation of opposition parties look gloomier than what I had thought. The BSP leader Mayawati, the Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee leave no stone unturned in running down the Congress President. No doubt it is advantage BJP," Jaitley tweeted. 12:15pm: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley says India's Opposition is on a "Rent-a-Cause" campaign. Those convicted or facing charges of abuse of public office and misappropriation of funds are claiming to be the custodians of truth.@laluprasadrjd , , Prashant Kishor (@PrashantKishor) April 13, 2019 12:07pm: "I want to ask the Congress party - Who will do Nyay to the victims of the 1984 Sikh riots? Who will do Nyay to the victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, among the worst environment disasters in India," said PM Modi in Theni. 12:05pm: "The Madhya Pradesh govt has become their ATM. They are diverting money meant for the poor and the children for use in the election. This has become known as the Tughlak Road scandal. Nation knows which Congress leader stays on Tughlak Road in New Delhi," said Modi in Theni. 12:00pm: "What all have we been witness to? Father becomes the Finance Minister and son loots the country. Whenever they are in government, they always loot," said Modi in Theni. 11:56am: "Some days ago, DMK supremo projected the Naamdaar as Prime Minister. But no one was ready to accept it. Not even their Maha Milawati friends, because they all want to be PM," said Modi in Theni. 11:52am: "Today, India is rapidly making a mark in the world. The Congress, DMK and their 'Mahamilavati' friends can't accept this hence they're unhappy with me," said PM Modi in Theni. 11:50am: "I pay homage to great MGR and Jayalalithaa ji. India is proud of these two iconic leaders who lived and worked for the poor," said Modi in Theni. 11:45am: "The temperature is high and so is the enthusiasm. I thank all who have come today to bless us," said PM Modi in Theni, Tamil Nadu. 11:25am: Poll strategist Prashant Kishor dared RJD supremo Lalu Prasad on Saturday to tell the media what transpired during their talks, a day after former Bihar chief minister Rabri Devi claimed that Kishor had met her husband with the proposal to merge the JD(U) and the RJD. Kishor tweeted that "those convicted or facing charges of abuse of public office and misappropriation of funds are claiming to be the custodians of truth". "Whenever Lalu Prasad ji wants, he should sit with me before the media as it would let everybody know what transpired between me and him and who gave an offer to whom," Kishor said in a tweet. Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of. Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 13, 2019 11:15am: Rabri Devi said, "Nitish Kumar wanted to come back. He had said that he wants to see Tejashwi as CM in 2020 and wanted to be declared as the PM candidate. Even, Prashant Kishor came to meet us five times after our alliance had ended." 11:00am: Congress President Rahul Gandhi will address three rallies in Karnataka. He will start with Kolar, then will move to Chitradurag and eventually go to Krishnarajanagara. 10:45am: On the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of." Read the full story here. Today is the centenary of the brutal Jallianwalla Bagh massacre, a day of infamy that stunned the entire world and changed the course of the Indian freedom struggle. The cost of our freedom must never be forgotten. Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) April 13, 2019 10:30am: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address two rallies each in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. He will address a rally in Theni and then another one in Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu. After that he will go to Mangalore and then to Bengaluru South in Karnataka. 10:15am: "The cost of our freedom must never be forgotten," says Rahul Gandhi on the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Read the full story here. Congress President @RahulGandhi offers prayers at the Golden Temple in Amritsar Congress (@INCIndia) April 12, 2019 10:00am: Two senators wrote a letter to the US Trade Representative (USTR) on Friday, saying, "As you know, India's elections will conclude on May 23, 2019. We believe that the election season may serve as a hindrance for our Indian counterparts in negotiating and concluding a deal on difficult political issues." "If another round of negotiations during the election season does not resolve the outstanding issues, we would ask you to consider delaying the issuance of a Presidential proclamation to withdraw India's GSP benefits by at least 30 days, beyond the 60-day calendar, in order to move the negotiations beyond India's elections," the Senators said. On March 4, 2019, Congress was notified of USTR's intention to terminate India's designation as a beneficiary developing country under GSP due to a lack of compliance. 9:45am: Congress President Rahul Gandhi offers prayers at Golden Temple in Amritsar. Polling parties in Arunachal Pradesh at Luguthang - Mukto Assembly Constituency, which is at an altitude of 13583 feet (Pic source: Election Commission) ANI (@ANI) April 13, 2019 9:43am: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti Friday accused BJP chief Amit Shah of shaking the country's foundations with his recent controversial statements, and asked him to apologise to the people. Calling illegal migrants from Bangladesh "termites", the BJP president had said that his party would throw them out after coming to power at the Centre for a second consecutive term. "It is not only for Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims, the country is for everyone. I think by such statements, they are trying to shake the foundations of the country. They have become a danger for the country. Such statements are an attack on the country's secularism," she said. 9:41am: A day after the Election Commission directed that all recorded programmes displayed on NaMo TV be pre-certified, the Delhi poll body has directed the BJP not to air any content on the platform without its certification. The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Delhi wrote to BJP to ensure that all political content not approved be removed. "As a precautionary measure, two officials have been deployed to watch NaMo TV and monitor its content," officials said. Read the full story here. 9:40am: Polling parties in Arunachal Pradesh at Luguthang - Mukto Assembly Constituency, which is at an altitude of 13,583 ft. {blurb} 9:35am: "If someone tries to break India, should they be forgiven? They say they will end the sedition law, to whom are they giving a signal? If our government comes to power we will make the sedition law even more stringent," said Rajnath Singh in Botad. 9:30am: Union Home Min Rajnath Singh in Botad, Gujarat: "A former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister said there should be two Prime Ministers in India, one for J&K and other for rest of the country. I've given a warning, if a demand for 2 PMs is made in India then we have no other option but to repeal article 370 and 35A." Timothy Egan in The New York Times: These days, no less an authority than Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said recently that God wanted Donald Trump to become president. She offered no sourcing for this assertion, as is the case for vaporous claims that rise from the rot of the Trump presidency on a daily basis. But in blaming God for Trump, Sanders echoed a widespread Republican belief that the most outwardly amoral man ever to occupy the White House is an instrument of divine power. Hes part of the master plan. Mocking Sanders and the many Ned Flanders of the G.O.P. team is unlikely to make much of a dent. Nearly half of all Republicans believe God wanted Trump to win the election. To them, secular snark is a merit badge on the MAGA hat. But there is a better way to sway the electorate of faith, as the rising Democratic stars Pete Buttigieg and Stacey Abrams have shown us. They apply something like a What Would Jesus Do? test to rouse religious conscience on the political battlefield. Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Ind., is a Navy veteran who served in Afghanistan, a Rhodes scholar, married to a junior high school teacher. Hes gay and, more surprising for a modern Democrat, he is an out Christian, as quick to quote St. Augustine as Abraham Lincoln. On Sunday, he is expected to formally announce his run for president. Like Abrams and Senator Cory Booker, Mayor Pete says his faith made him a progressive. Scripture directs him to defend the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the societal castoffs. But Buttigieg goes much further than mere Bible-citing. Hes taking it directly to Trump and to Vice President Mike Pence, who flashes his piety like a seven-carat diamond on his pinkie finger. Its hard to look at the actions of President Trump, Buttigieg said, and believe they are the actions of somebody who believes in God. More here. Maddy Crowell in The Point: Theres a scene early on in the French documentary Salafistes (Jihadists) where the camera spans over a throng of people gathered in a village in northern Mali: the crowd is there to watch as the Islamic Police cut off a 25-year-old mans hand. The shot zooms in as the young man, tethered in ropes around a chair, slumps over, unconscious, while his hand is sawed off with a small, serrated blade. Young boys in the background howl incoherently. In the next scene, the same young man is filmed lying in a bed cocooned by a lime green mosquito net, his severed limb wrapped in thick white bandages. This is the application of sharia, he tells the camera. I committed a theft; in accordance with sharia my hand was amputated. Once I recover I will be purified and all my sins erased. The trace of a drugged smile lingers across his face. If the uncensored brutality of the mutilation seems gratuitous, it is hardly an anomaly in Salafistes. This is part of the point of a documentary that gained rare and dangerous access to the usually closed-off backyard of jihadi territory. After the amputation, the Islamic Policemembers of Al Qaeda-linked terrorist groupssurround the young man in a halo of bored silence, as their leader, Sanda Ould Boumama, clutches his shoulder. More here. Temporary traffic lights up at intersection of 6th Ave., S. Dakota Welcome Guest! You Are Here: BERNALILLO Sandoval County Commissioners decided on Thursday night in a 3-2 vote to request that County Assessor Linda Gallegos remove her first cousin, Richard Shanks, as deputy assessor. Gallegos presented the board with 27 letters of recommendation for her cousin that were gathered within 24 hours. Please let him get back to his job, she said. Shanks also went before the board and explained his qualifications and community service. I left my secure position as an educator with less than two years until my retirement to serve in something I believe in, and to work for someone who believes in me, he said. According to Shanks, he was approached with the position under the assertion that there would be full disclosure, transparency and a legal review. Whether the commission has the right to intervene in the hiring and management of employees of other elected officials was called into question, as was the ethics of hiring relatives. County Attorney Robin Hammer said that according to state law, Gallegoss actions were legal, and that the rules and personnel regulations of the county do not apply to elected officials. I, as a county employee, could not hire my first cousin, but one of the five elected officials could hire a first cousin as their deputy, she said. Article 38, section 4-38-18 of New Mexico law states that the commission is not charged with managing any other elected county office, according to Commissioner Katherine A. Bruch, who voted against the request to remove Shanks. Commissioner Kenneth Eichwald showed support for Gallegoss authority to hire whom she sees fit. She has the authority to do what she feels is necessary, he said. Ive been on this board for three years. In these three years, we have had elected officials that wouldnt show up to work We had a sheriff that was never at work; we had a probate judge that was never at work. Alexandria Piland, an instructor at Central New Mexico Community College, said partisan politics were at work. They routinely support ordinances, resolutions and now this that are in line with their partys platform, she said, later adding that the majority of the commissioners are Republican. Commissioner Jay Block said nepotism is the issue rather than partisan politics. This is really simple. You dont hire family members in politics, he said. When the public sees you do that, they lose trust. In response to the question of violating personnel regulations set in place before Gallegos made the hire, Block said he disagreed with the county attorney and wanted a second opinion. Former Sandoval County Planning and Zoning Commission member Todd Hawthorne said the disappointment should be in the countys attorney. He said the attorney should have brought before to the board any questions about past regulations before hiring a family member. She has circumvented your authority here, he said. Also at the meeting, the board unanimously voted to allow a reduction in the number of federal detainees housed at Sandoval County Detention Center due to the renovations at the 31-year-old jail to resolve safety concerns and other issues. CAIRO The Sudanese military on Friday swiftly replaced the countrys transitional leader linked to the Darfur genocide after street rallies against him and said that it wouldnt hand over ousted President Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of crimes against humanity. Thousands of jubilant protesters celebrated in the streets after Defense Minister Gen. Awad ibn Ouf, who was name de facto leader after overthrowing al-Bashir on Thursday, announced he was stepping down as transitional leader. He named a reputable army general as his successor. Ibn Ouf said he would be replaced by Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, general inspector of the armed forces, as head of the transitional council, which will rule the country for two years until elections. I am confident he will steer the ship to safe shores, he said of Burhan, adding he was stepping aside to preserve unity of the armed forces. Burhan was one of the generals who reached out to protesters at the week-long encampment near the military headquarters, meeting with them face to face, and listening to their views. Chants rang out across the sit-in where tens of thousands have been rallying in front of the military headquarters to protest the military takeover of power after al-Bashirs ouster. Revolutionaries, we will continue our path, the protesters shouted as they danced and clapped. Earlier Friday, another top general, Omar Zein Abedeen said that the 75-year-old al-Bashir would not be extradited to the International Criminal Court, based in The Hague, Netherlands, saying doing so would be an ugly mark on Sudan. Even rebels carrying weapons, we dont extradite them, he told reporters at a news conference in Khartoum. Zein Abedeen said Sudanese courts would hold al-Bashir accountable, but did not specify what charges he could be prosecuted on. After his arrest, the military denounced him and his government for corruption, maladministration and lack of justice. The developments point to the sensitivity of the Darfur conflict for the military that arrested al-Bashir after four months of deadly street demonstration against his 30-year rule. The protesters rejected ibn Oufs leadership because he was head of military intelligence during the brutal campaign to suppress the Darfur insurgency in the 2000s. The United States has imposed sanctions on him since 2007, saying he armed and directed pro-government militias known as the Janjaweed, accused of widespread atrocities against civilians and rapes during the conflict. The move also underscores the limits on the reach of the International Criminal Court. On Friday, ICC judges rejected a request by the courts prosecutor to open an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and alleged crimes by U.S. forces there, in part because the U.S., Afghan government and Taliban are not expected to cooperate. In the Darfur conflict, rebels among the territorys ethnic Central African community launched an insurgency in 2003, complaining of discrimination and oppression by the Arab-dominated Khartoum government. The government responded with a scorched earth assault of aerial bombings and unleashed the Janjaweed. Up to 300,000 people were killed and 2.7 million driven from their homes. Along with al-Bashir, the ICC has indicted two other senior figures in his regime Abdel-Rahim Muhammad Hussein, who was interior and defense minister during much of the conflict, and Ahmed Haroun, a senior security chief at the time who last month was named by al-Bashir to run the ruling National Congress Party. Both were among those reported by the Sudanese media to have been arrested Thursday in a sweep by the military against al-Bashirs inner circle. Zein Abedeen confirmed the media reports Friday without specifying the two men. An ICC spokesman declined to comment on al-Bashirs case. On Thursday, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urged the Sudanese military to hand over the ousted leader. Victims of the gravest crimes in Darfur should not have to wait any longer for justice, said Jehanne Henry, associate director at Human Rights Watch. Meanwhile, Zein Abedeen sought to reassure protesters who, while celebrating al-Bashirs removal, oppose the militarys seizure of power. After ousting the president, the military announced it would rule the country for two years through a transitional council. It also suspended the constitution, dissolved the government, declared a three-month state of emergency and imposed a night-time curfew. Protest organizers have vowed not to end their street action until a civilian transitional council is formed, saying rule by military commanders who for years were al-Bashir loyalists is just an extension of his regime. The curfew and state of emergency have raised fears the military could eventually disperse the sit-in by force. But at least initially, it appears to be trying to persuade protest organizers to end the campaign. Speaking at a news conference aired live on state TV and flanked by other uniformed officers, Zein Abedeen insisted the army has no ambition to hold the reins of power for long. If within a month, Sudan became able to run itself without chaos, we are ready to leave even after a month. The maximum is two years, he said. He said the military would only appoint the defense and interior ministers in any transitional government and would not interfere. This was not a coup, but a tool of change, he said. We came to guide the country forward. But protest organizers rejected the militarys assurances, calling them deception and farce. The Sudanese Professionals Association, which has spearheaded the four months of demonstrations against al-Bashir, said the coup leaders are not eligible to bring change, and repeated demands for the immediate handover of power to a civilian transitional government. At the sit-in, the mood was festive. Some protesters brought in mattresses, fans and even air conditioners, while others swept the streets to keep them clean, signaling they intend to stay long-term. As thousands of Muslim worshippers lined up in the street to hold prayers, Christians among the protesters held blankets over them to shade them from the sun in a show of solidarity. There were also signs of cracks among al-Bashirs former loyalists. On Friday, the commander of Sudans feared Rapid Support Force, a paramilitary force, expressed support for the protesters, saying the forces will not accept any solutions rejected by the Sudanese people and called for dialogue so Sudan would avoid slipping into chaos. ___ Associated Press writer Sarah el-Deeb in Beirut contributed to this report. Assistant Speaker of the House Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M., received the endorsements of two firefighter organizations in his bid to replace Tom Udall in the U.S. Senate in 2020. The New Mexico Professional Fire Fighters Association and Albuquerque Fire Fighters Local 244 announced their backing of the 3rd Congressional District representative on Thursday. Im honored to have their endorsement, Lujan told the Journal. I received their endorsement when I ran for Congress in 2008. It was a critical endorsement. New Mexico Professional Fire Fighters Association President Robert Sanchez called Lujan a friend and advocate of all firefighters and first responders during his time in Congress. Hes helped us secure SAFER (Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response) grants through FEMA that has helped us with our staffing, he said. Sanchez said the organization represents about 2,000 members, including firefighters from Albuquerque, Farmington, Carlsbad, Las Cruces and Santa Fe. Lujan said his work for firefighters dates back to his days as chairman of the Public Regulation Commission when he supported legislation that helped secure funding for fire departments. He also mentioned helping to secure SAFER grants in Congress. Ive worked on legislation to get them the tools to do their jobs, Lujan said. They have a dangerous job trying to keep us safe. Many of them face difficult situations every day. Ive worked to make their jobs safer, to make sure they come home to their families each night. Lujan said he was looking into the possible negative effects federal firefighters may have experienced as the result of their exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) contamination found in such places as Cannon and Holoman Air Force bases in New Mexico. Albuquerque Fire Fighters Local 244 President Justin Cheney also said Lujan had been an advocate for public safety initiatives in Congress. Lujan is the only announced candidate. But he may be joined in the Democratic race by New Mexico State Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. Toulouse Oliver campaign spokeswoman Heather Brewer told the Journal that reports that Toulouse Oliver was leaning toward a Senate run were accurate. She is looking at where her skills can best serve the people of New Mexico, Brewer said. She cited the election reform Toulouse Oliver backed that successfully passed the legislature this session. She said Toulouse Olivers decision will come by the end of the month. Another potential rival, U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland, D-N.M., announced earlier this week on Twitter she would not run for the open seat. No Republicans have entered the race, but party chairman Steve Pearce said he has talked to potential candidates. The state Children, Youth and Families Department said Friday that it has reduced the peak call wait times at its Statewide Central Intake system from hours to around 20 minutes. Central Intake is the call center where all calls concerning abuse and neglect are routed and assessed before people are sent out to investigate. Reducing wait times as we have, even during our busiest hours, will allow our investigators to get into homes more quickly, CYFD Deputy Secretary Terry Locke said in a news release. As always, we encourage anyone to report potential abuse or neglect. New Mexico residents can call #SAFE (#7233) from their cellphones or 855-333-SAFE. Off-peak wait times are even lower via a new triage system instituted by the department. According to the release, the triage system allows callers to speak to a person more quickly; additionally, the department is instituting schedule changes and using different technology to allow CYFD offices across the state to help carry the burden of new cases. The maximum wait time for calls is expected to continue to improve as these changes and policies are implemented, CYFD said. The announcement comes one day after child advocates and representatives of nonprofits gathered at the Albuquerque office of CHI St. Josephs Children to call for vigilance and action in intervening to prevent tragedies such as the recent spate of violent deaths of children. The antidote for these tragedies, they said, is getting all families with small children involved in home visiting programs. On Friday, it was learned, the 8-year-old girl who was shot and critically injured in a Northeast Albuquerque home on Sunday died in a hospital. The other victims included an 11-month-old girl who died under suspicious circumstances at a Northeast Heights motel on Tuesday, leading to the arrest of her father; a 5-year-old girl who police said was beaten to death on April 5 by her father in a Southeast Albuquerque apartment; and a 5-year-old boy who was smothered with a pillow on March 31 in Farmington, allegedly by his father, according to police there. We grieve the recent deaths, said CYFD Cabinet Secretary Brian Blalock. We, as a new leadership team, are constantly looking to learn from the mistakes of the past. The safety and welfare of the children and other victims is and will always be our first priority. CYFD in the release also said the Behavioral Healthcare Collaborative, a group of 15 state agencies working to improve the mental health of New Mexicos children, met Thursday in Santa Fe to discuss recommendations for improving psychiatric care. The group is focusing on early screening, diagnoses and treatment. New Mexicos kids were dealt a heavy blow when over a dozen health care providers were closed without notice in 2013, Blalock said. We are committed to contributing every way we can to rebuilding of the network of available doctors, therapists and counselors throughout the state. Copyright 2019 Albuquerque Journal Instead of sending him straight to prison, a state District Court judge first ordered the drunken driver in a deadly 2017 wreck to a veterans post-traumatic stress disorder inpatient program after hearing harrowing tales of his experience as a soldier in Afghanistan. Judge Cristina Jaramillo reset the sentencing of 31-year-old Steven Deskin to December, once he has successfully completed the Veterans Affairs STAR program. Deskin pleaded guilty in January to homicide by vehicle and child abuse for the crash that took the life of 34-year-old Ramon Rosas on Dec. 29, 2017. He could be sentenced to up to 12 years in prison. Deskin was driving drunk, with his two young children in the car, when he rear-ended Rosas at more than 80 mph as Rosas sat at a red light at Wyoming and Montgomery NE. Veterans advocates testified during the sentencing hearing Wednesday that Deskins intoxication and risk-taking behavior stemmed from his time serving his country. Its sad to think that this country has turned a blind eye to hundreds of thousands of men and women who served this country and who come back with unseen wounds that are not being dealt with, Jaramillo said, noting her own father was in the Army. Portraits of two people were painted during the hourlong hearing: one of a man who left his family in Mexico to find a better life in America; and of another man who went through a perfect storm of trauma in the Taliban-entrenched Kandahar province. In a letter, Rosas mother said her sons only crime was being undocumented and wanting to prosper in America to help support her. He was a young man, full of dreams, which I shared. But I could not help him due to my state of poverty. That is why, one fine day, I saw him leave and I never saw him alive again, the letter read. I still think I hear his voice and even after a year, I keep waiting for his call. Then Veterans Defense Program deputy director Art Cody took the stand. I dont come before you to play the vet card or minimize Mr. Deskins actions, he said. His circumstances truly are exceptional. Cody said of the 500 veterans he has worked with, Deskins extreme trauma is one of the worst. As a 23-year-old infantryman, Deskin drove into a roadside bomb, severing a soldiers legs, witnessed his commander blown to bits by a rocket-propelled grenade and dodged a daily barrage of mortars and gunfire. He said veterans are ill-equipped for, and can be triggered in, a prison setting, which can replicate the stress of combat. For that reason, Cody asked Jaramillo to send Deskin to the STAR program before his sentence to better prepare him for state prison. Before Jaramillo ordered Deskin to treatment and sentencing at a later date, he addressed Rosas family. I cant begin to imagine the pain that I have caused you. It haunts me every day, he said. I am truly, truly, very sorry. SOCORRO Surveys show the majority of New Mexican private well users havent had their water tested, even though most do not have water treatment systems installed. To save consumers money tests are valued at around $150 and to educate the public about safe drinking water, the New Mexico Environment Department and New Mexico Department of Health are hosting a free domestic well water testing event in Socorro on Saturday, April 13. The free tests will be available from 9 a.m. to noon at the Socorro Farmers Market, 1002 Ake Ave. Tests will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis to the first 200 participants or while supplies are available. Test results will be mailed to households following the event. The states water fairs provide an opportunity for Socorro County households to check pH, specific conductance and levels of fluoride, iron, sulfate and nitrate in their well water. These constituents may be naturally occurring or result from sources including fertilizer, animal waste and septic tanks. Drinking water with high levels of nitrate can be dangerous to pregnant women and infants, while other contaminants may lead to other health problems. Copyright 2019 Albuquerque Journal The Albuquerque Police Departments chain of command is reviewing a civilian oversight investigation report that recommended firing a department spokesman and his former supervisor for violating overtime policy more than 50 times. Meanwhile, Shaun Willoughby, president of the Albuquerque Police Officers Association, said he believes spokesman Simon Drobik deserves every dollar he earned. He said he was saddened that the CPOA investigated this case and came up with those conclusions. I dont know a harder-working police officer than Simon Drobik, Willoughby said. Every single time we are given information about some atrocity inside of Albuquerque, Simon is the face that you see. Hes doing a job nobody else in the department wants to do. Ultimately, APD Chief Michael Geier will make the final determination about whether Drobik and his former supervisor will be dismissed, said Gilbert Gallegos, another APD spokesman. A spokeswoman for Mayor Tim Keller said the mayor cannot be involved in personnel decisions for classified employees like Drobik. Gallegos did not say whether Drobik or his former supervisor, Lt. M, have been placed on administrative leave. Neither man was named in an investigation report by the Civilian Police Oversight Agency, but the Journal has confirmed Officer D. is Drobik. Drobik made a total of $192,973 in 2018, making him the city of Albuquerques highest-paid employee. His supervisor was also one of the citys top earners, according to the CPOA investigation. A little less than 20% of the additional pay was earned through a program called Chiefs Overtime, where private companies pay the city to station police officers at their businesses. The officer then gets paid time and a half in Drobiks case $78.75 an hour. And another quarter was billed as hours worked as a public information officer. The CPOA investigation found that there were 51 weeks when Drobik submitted and was paid for being on-call status and throughout that time he also worked 207 Chiefs Overtime assignments. The investigation states Drobik knowingly and repeatedly violated this policy to enrich himself. The investigation also faulted Drobiks former supervisor for signing off on the overtime assignments. Lt. M was Drobiks supervisor until October 2018. When reached Thursday night, Drobik said he had not seen the report. He did not respond to additional requests for comment Friday. Many received lots of OT Last year, Chief Geier lifted caps on the amount of overtime officers could work each month. Gallegos said this was due to low staffing throughout the department. Chief Geier replaced the cap starting January 2019 as staffing has increased in recent months, Gallegos wrote in an email. And while the CPOA investigation focused on Drobik, it noted that he was just one of several officers who were receiving high amounts of overtime. In reviewing Chiefs Overtime slips, the names of many of the top earners in APD were on those same Chiefs Overtime assignments that Officer D. was, the investigation found. The investigation recommends that APD begin monitoring its officers overtime for irregular activity and to verify why certain officers are routinely working so much overtime their compensation exceeds that of many executives in City Government. Civilian complaint? According to the CPOA investigation report, last fall Mayor Keller saw several articles about Drobiks overtime pay in the ABQ Report an online news source and the Journal and asked for a review. Jessie Damazyn, the mayors spokeswoman, said Keller had ordered the review of APDs overtime pay, including that of the highest overtime earners. While the department has been shorthanded over the past years and relied on overtime, we wanted to make more efficient use of public safety funds, Damazyn said. The review was initially assigned to the Office of the Inspector General, but the IG doesnt have jurisdiction over APD. And although the Office of the Inspector General asked the CPOA to conduct the review, it could not open one at that time without a civilian complaint. Then, on Oct. 29, Dan Klein, working as a journalist for the ABQ Report, emailed the internal audit manager asking if he was going to open an audit into Drobik earning an amount of money that appears to be humanly and mathematically impossible, according to the investigation report. Lawrence Davis, the internal audit manager, said he took Kleins question as a complaint and passed it back to the Office of the Inspector General, which focuses on fraud, waste and abuse. Ill accept any information or any complaint or any issue and if supporting documentation is provided I will pass it along, Davis told the Journal. Inspector General Ken Bramlett was not in charge when the complaint came in, but he said by ordinance the office turns over matters regarding police to APDs internal affairs department or the CPOA. If anybody gives information to the Office of the Inspector General that would constitute a violation of policy or law, then were required to act on it, Bramlett told the Journal. Klein, for his part, said he had not even realized his request was being treated as a complaint until he saw the story in the Journal on Friday morning. In my capacity working for ABQ Report I called the OIG to say have you been reading what Dennis (Domrzalski of the ABQ Report) is writing and what is the city going to do about it, Klein said. From that question from the reporter they decided to make that a formal complaint. An estimated 20.7 million Americans age 12 or over needed treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) in 2017, but only about 4 million Americans age 12 or over received any form of treatment for SUD. This current addiction treatment gap will never be closed with the current addiction treatment workforce. To make a meaningful and sustainable impact on the current opioid overdose epidemic, and to stave off emerging epidemics related to other addictive substances, it is imperative that our country makes strategic investments to grow the ranks of trained and qualified addiction specialists. Right now, Congress has an opportunity to fund two new programs that would strengthen the nations inadequate addiction treatment workforce. First, Congress should appropriate $25 million in funding for the Loan Repayment Program for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Workforce, authorized in the Support for Patients and Communities Act. This would provide for a new and robust student loan repayment program to professionals who pursue full-time SUD treatment jobs in high-need geographic areas. Second, Congress should appropriate $10 million in funding for the Mental and Substance Use Disorder Workforce Training Demonstration Program authorized in the 21st Century Cures Act. This would fund more training opportunities for medical residents and fellows in psychiatry and addiction medicine, as well as nurse practitioners, physician assistants and others who are willing to provide SUD treatment in underserved communities. I urge our lawmakers to take the next step and appropriate federal funds for these programs. Building a robust SUD treatment workforce is critical and should be part of any comprehensive federal response to the opioid overdose epidemic. Otherwise, far too many patients seeking treatment will continue to lack access to care and more lives will be lost. Former Pennsylvania prosecutor Kristen Gibbons Feden has a message for defense attorneys who represent accused rapists: The days of victim-shaming are over. Her prosecution partner, Stewart Ryan, agrees, saying, The Band-Aid has been ripped off now, and more than ever, victims are feeling strong enough to press charges against their attacker and go to trial. Credit the #MeToo movement. But also credit the team of Feden and Ryan, along with police investigator Sgt. Richard Schaffer, who delivered to the nation the first major celebrity sex crimes conviction in recent history that of comedian Bill Cosby. Last April these two prosecutors convicted Americas Dad, as Cosby was once known. He was found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault in the drug-facilitated sex crimes against Andrea Constand, a young woman who worked for Temple University at the time. Cosby, 80, is currently serving three to 10 years in prison. I met this law enforcement trio at the recent Conference on Crimes Against Women in Dallas, where Feden was the keynote speaker. Feden made it clear shes determined to explode the myths surrounding rape and to inform the public about what victims suffer when they choose to go through the rigors of a criminal trial. First, it is a myth that the perpetrators of rape are terrifying strangers, she said. 85% of rapists are known to the victim. They are trusted family friends, relatives or authority figures. Second, people sometimes jurors, unfortunately doubt a rape victim who doesnt immediately call police. That doesnt happen often, Feden told the crowd. Delayed reporting is the norm; it is not the exception. It can take weeks, months, years, even decades for a victim to tell her story. Often, they keep the horrible secret forever. When I spoke to the team, both Feden and Ryan agreed states statute of limitations laws need to be adjusted to account for this phenomenon of delayed reporting. And the third myth this feisty former prosecutor said she wants to dispel is that the victims clothing, drinking habits, past sexual history or whether she agreed to kiss the perp has something to do with the crime. It doesnt, Feden said, It is about whether she gave consent for sex or not. Period. Fedens eyes flashed with anger when we spoke about the Cosby defense teams courtroom smear tactics against Constand and some of the other women who testified about Dr. Huxtables past bad acts. Acts which included buying drugs, like Quaaludes, with the express intention of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with, as Feden put it. During the Cosby trial, his defense attorney, Kathleen Bliss, said one of the women had slept with every man on the planet which, of course, is not even possible. But the ugly image was there for the jury to ponder. Bliss said of another accuser that she was living the dream now, testifying in the spotlight, after having been unsuccessful in a comedy career. Lead counsel Tom Mesereau continuously called the woman complainants cons who were in it for the money. It was the same argument he used to help acquit suspected child molester Michael Jackson in 2005. It didnt work this time. This kind of tarnish of an alleged victim should not be allowed, but it is. Plaintiffs should be given the opportunity to tell their story and let the jury decide if they believe them or not. I asked the prosecutors if judges should limit such incendiary lines of questioning. Both were quick to say that would be difficult as it is the defense lawyers constitutional right to cross-examine. Ryan told me the most frustrating thing he always heard during his years as a sex crimes prosecutor was, I believe her but. Thats legally not accurate, he told me, because if you believe her about sexual assault thats sufficient to convict (the defendant) of a crime. Ryan thinks the I believe her but mindset is beginning to disappear. So, is the message to other high-profile suspects in sex crimes like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and others that they can no longer hide behind their celebrity? Feden jumped in: I hope so! Ryan interjected, You took the words right out of my mouth. Feden, the diminutive African American mother of two young sons, quickly added: Because no one should be immune from the law. You shouldnt be immune because you are rich and famous. Because no one is immune from sexual assault, domestic violence, gun violence. No one is immune from any of those things. So neither should the offenders be. Rape is the crime no one wants to talk about. But it is time to talk about it. And to prosecute it. In fact, because rape is a crime that can steal a persons soul, it is way past time.; e-mail to An informed observer could have spotted this showdown a mile away. Democrats took the New Mexico House of Representatives and the Governors Office, bolstering the majority they already had in the state Senate. As one mass shooting after another dominated the news, Democrats rolled out gun control measures, ultimately passing a measure that requires background checks for nearly all gun buys. In response, at least 26 New Mexico counties passed Second Amendment sanctuary ordinances. A number of sheriffs declared they flat-out wouldnt enforce the law. The most recent chapter in the saga, according to an April 6 Journal story, was state Attorney General Hector Balderas, a Democrat, writing a letter to law enforcement agencies in New Mexico warning them of their duty to uphold the law, even when they dont agree with it. In theory, we agree with Balderas. The Journal has traditionally held that public servants dont get to pick and choose what laws to enforce, whether its guns or cooperating with immigration agents. We even agreed with legislators that expanding background checks was a common-sense check on weapons trading. Why wouldnt you want to background check everyone who buys a gun? But political posturing and base pandering aside, law enforcement agencies have a point, and Balderas has a serious problem. How are New Mexico law enforcement officers supposed to enforce this law? If Bobby wants to sell his .22 to Susie, whats to stop him from conducting the transaction in his own living room? Or a more modern example: If gunluvr42 wants to sell a 9 mm to 2A4eva on Craigslist, whats to stop the two from meeting up in the parking lot of the Espanola Walmart to make the trade? Is Johnny Law supposed to start staking out Facebook groups and newspaper classifieds to make sure two private citizens dont somehow conduct a gun sale without running background checks on each other? The logistics pose a real challenge. Hopefully Balderas will dispense with the public scolding and get down to offering helpful direction. This editorial first appeared in the Albuquerque Journal. It was written by members of the editorial board and is unsigned as it represents the opinion of the newspaper rather than the writers. A mothers blessing and her curse is knowing everything. Little escapes our notice when it comes to our children. Call it mothers intuition, a divine providence pipeline, the result of having eyes in the backs of our heads. Sometimes, though, we would love not to know, especially when what we know is bad. Really bad. Debbie Hucke knew something bad could happen when her son, Ian, then 21, moved into a house with friends near the University of New Mexico not an odd situation for a typical college student. But Ian isnt typical. Hes a friendly guy, the kind of person who hops on a bus and knows everybody before the ride is over. The kind of person people dont forget. I like meeting someone new every day, he said. I will never tire of meeting more people. Hes an artist whose specialty is painting the people he meets. Hes the only redhead in his family. And hes the only one in his family to have a rare genetic disease that particularly afflicts people with northern New Mexico Hispanic ancestry, though Ian is neither Hispanic nor descended from northern New Mexico ancestors. Debbie Hucke has known things about her son all his life. She knew his slight limping and the coolness of his right foot when he was 18 months old were a sign of something that could be very bad and it was. He was diagnosed then with cavernous angioma, also called cerebral cavernous malformation, or CCM, in which blood vessels form raspberry-like clusters in the brain and spinal cord that sometimes bleed, causing seizures, paralysis and other neurological deficits. Ians first angioma bleed caused weakness on his right side and optic nerve, but because it was located in a tricky spot on the brain stem, it could not be surgically removed. When Ian was 4, she knew that his lethargy could be very bad and it was. The angioma had grown larger. In November 2000, Ian underwent a risky surgery to remove it, but after eight hours, the Huckes were told surgeons were unable to remove it. Take Ian home, the surgeon counseled. Love him. Debbie and her husband, Doug Hucke, senior pastor at Sandia Presbyterian Church, did that, determined to let Ian live his best life. Hes strong-willed and fearless and just wants to be out there, meeting people, joking around, she said. He has a relentless desire to be normal. At age 18, Ian began suffering seizures and tried to hide them from his mother but she knew. A new angioma, this one the size of a mans fist, was surgically removed. A third, smaller angioma was discovered in 2017 and removed. Then came Ians desire to move in with friends in a house on Princeton near UNM. I was against it, Debbie Hucke said. Call it moms intuition. But I was outnumbered, so I sucked it up. She thought about what Ian told her: Mom, Id rather die than not live life. Five days after he moved in, he almost did die. A witness reported that Ian was one step from the curb on Lead SE near his new home when he was struck by a truck on Aug. 16, 2017. The crash left his skull shattered, his brain hemorrhaging, his pelvis crushed, his shoulder and femur broken and his lungs collapsed. He remained in a coma for six weeks. He spent two months at the University of New Mexico Hospital, then nearly five months at Craig Hospital near Denver and a month at QLI medical rehabilitation center in Omaha, Neb. I had to learn to walk, write and read again, said Ian Hucke, now 23. It was tough in the beginning, but it gets extremely easier every day. Since his return to Albuquerque in February 2018, he has continued to push the envelope and his mothers mama bear instincts as she watches him struggle to find his footing in his new normal. Despite all his challenges, he continues to attend UNM in pursuit of a bachelor of fine arts degree. Two weeks ago, he moved into a campus dorm an experiment, his mother calls it. Through it all, his art has helped focus and sustain him, especially his watercolors of people. He imagines their lives, where they come from, what they do. His collection of people will be featured at an art show next month at the Harwood Art Center, a major accomplishment. He paints now with the use of only his left hand, his mostly nonfunctional right hand resting on his lap. He wears glasses to help him see, uses a brace to help him walk. Tests indicate that injuries to his brain, protected by titanium to replace pulverized skull bone, impaired his cognitive function and memory but not his sense of humor or his hope of living someday as an artist in New York. I know that what I have is probably really, really bad, he said. I know that in my heart. But I dont need to know that. I need to be happy in real life. What his mother knows is that, for now, its all good. UpFront is a front-page news and opinion column. Comment directly to Joline at 823-3603, or follow her on Twitter @jolinegkg. Go to to submit a letter to the editor. MONTREAL In a story April 13 about Quebecs religious symbols ban, The Associated Press reported erroneously that the ban on religious symbols extends to nurses and bus drivers. It does not. A corrected version of the story is below: Quebec proposes ban on religious clothing for public workers A proposal to ban many public employees from wearing religious clothing is creating a fiery debate in the Canadian province of Quebec, where people are fighting to freely practice their religion or to be free of it By TRACEY LINDEMAN Associated Press MONTREAL A proposal to ban many public employees from wearing religious clothing is creating a fiery debate in the Canadian province of Quebec, where people are fighting to freely practice their religion or to be free of it. The measure introduced late last month would prohibit civil servants in positions of authority such as teachers, police officers, prosecutors and others like prison guards from wearing symbols of religion while at work. Meanwhile, other kinds of public workers, such as bus drivers and nurses would be allowed to wear religious symbols so long as their faces are uncovered. The law would apply to Sikh turbans, Christian jewelry and Jewish yarmulkes, but the focus of the controversy has been over hijabs worn by many Muslim women in Quebec. The proposed legislation will affect Muslims more than other groups as they are the fastest growing religious group, said Nelson Wiseman, a political science professor at the University of Toronto. Muslims represent about 3% of Quebecs 8.3 million people. Thousands of demonstrators attended a recent march in Montreal to protest the measure, with some holding signs saying, No one tells women what they can wear and Its whats in my head, not on my head, that matters. Even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is from Montreal, has spoken ill of Bill 21: Its unthinkable to me that in a free society we would legitimize discrimination against citizens based on their religion, he said. Christian, Jewish, Muslim and even secular groups across the province have denounced the measure, as have school boards, political parties and some municipal leaders. However, on Friday Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante said that while she personally opposes the bill, Montreal would not disobey it if it is passed. That said, next week city councilors will vote on a bipartisan declaration that argues Quebec is already secular and doesnt require additional legislation. Earlier this month, Quebec Premier Francois Legault told reporters that the bill would reinforce gender equality in the province. The new measure would also help him make good on an electoral promise. I think at this point in Quebec in 2019, people who are in an authority position, which includes teachers (shouldnt wear religious symbols), I think its reasonable. Its fair, he said. We have to think about whats best for our children. The history behind the measure is rooted in Quebecs Quiet Revolution of the 1960s, a movement that weaned the province away from political and cultural domination by the Catholic Church. But critics also say its motivated by more recent growing anti-Muslim sentiment. The debate also pits two ideas of secularism against one another: A stricter European interpretation and a North American version that embraces the idea of religious freedom. Quebec is torn because it shares a long history and language with France which along with Denmark, Belgium and Austria has banned face-covering garments but its also heavily influenced by North American culture, said Bertrand Lavoie, a researcher at the University of Sherbrooke who in 2018 published a book on the relationship between Islam, religious freedom and public institutions in Quebec. Whats unique to Quebec is that these two concepts of secularism are facing off in the public sphere, among politicians, academics, lawyers and even judges, Lavoie told The Associated Press. Many who support Bill 21 say that even if women choose to wear the hijab, the garment is rooted in the idea of womens inferiority. Prohibiting it, they say, would help promote gender equality. The hijab is a symbol of oppression. Its an invention by Islamists to control women, said Ameni Ben Ammar, an accountant in Montreal who immigrated from Tunisia, a majority-Muslim country, in 2013. They convinced women it would protect them from sexual assault. For me, its an insult to both men and women, she said, referring to the hijabs resurgence in the 1970s. The debate has tangled issues of gender, race and religion, with Muslim women caught in the crosshairs, said Saaz Taher, a doctoral candidate at the University of Montreal who is studying ethnicity and citizenship. Racialized womens bodies are constantly a topic of public discourse. We feel (authorized) to judge the best way for women to be free and emancipated, said Taher, who added that Muslim women should be allowed to wear the hijab by choice. Lavoie said anti-minority sentiment in the province has grown since 2001, when a Sikh boy brought a kirpan a ceremonial dagger to school. The incident caused a debate over how far the province should go to accommodate religion. In 2007, a provincial commission studied the issue and suggested that only people yielding coercive power, such as judges, police officers and prison guards, should abstain from wearing religious symbols. Bill 21 is Quebecs fourth legislative attempt since 2011 to regulate the wearing of religious symbols for people working in the public sphere, and for the first time it invokes a constitutional clause allowing local governments to override some constitutional rights. Lavoie said thats a clear sign backers know the measure is discriminatory. The publics perception is that theres a problem (with Islam), and if theres a problem, we have to fix it, Lavoie said. The province was stunned in 2017 when a gunman opened fire in a Quebec City mosque, killing six and wounding 19, and racist groups appear to still be growing. Ive never seen it like this, said Salam Elmenyawi, president of the Montreal Council of Muslims, who immigrated to Quebec from Egypt in 1972 and believes Bill 21 is an outcropping of anti-Muslim sentiment. This hate was manufactured. This hate did not come by accident, he said. The Florida School for Boys, opened at the turn of the 20th century, was supposed to provide a new start for troubled young men who had committed crimes ranging from theft to rape. Instead, it was the beginning of a horrifying, 111-year-long chapter of Florida history that has yielded troubling revelations to this day. Twenty-seven geological anomalies that could be possible graves based on their shape and size were discovered by a contractor near the now-shuttered school, the Tampa Bay Times reported on Friday. More than 50 sets of human remains had previously been exhumed by researchers from a small cemetery on the grounds. According to a March report to state authorities, obtained by the Times, a contractor employed by Geosyntec, an environmental cleanup company, was using radar to survey the grounds when they found the anomalies. Given the history of the site, the report recommended the area be treated as graves until further testing could be done. The school opened in the Florida-Panhandle town of Marianna, on Jan. 1, 1900, and disturbing stories began to emerge almost immediately. Decades of reports detail how boys were dragged into a building called The White House, where they were flogged and beaten bloody by school staff. Children were chained or tied up, forced into solitary confinement, or attacked by violent peers. Others allegedly suffered sexual abuse by staff or other boys. Those that tried to run away faced severe corporal punishment. Some survivors were haunted by the memory of a one-armed man who distributed lashings. Some of the boys who entered the notorious reform school never came out. A 15-year-old boy named Thomas Curry died just 29 days after arriving at the school in 1925, according to a 2016 report by the University of South Florida on deaths and burials at the school. He had tried to run away, and a coroners report states he came to his death from a wound to the forehead, skull crushed from unknown cause. Though his remains were reportedly shipped to his grandmother in Philadelphia, testing and research conclude he may have actually been buried at the Boot Hill Burial Ground. In April 1960, another boy named Robert Hewitt attempted to escape. His cause of death was documented as gunshot wounds in chest inflicted by person or persons unknown. In three cases documented by researchers, boys were killed by other boys at the school. Others perished in a 1914 fire or died of illnesses such as influenza. However, the reasons for several deaths remain unknown. Those that survived the brutality remained haunted by their experience long after they left. Ill be laying in bed, a former student, Eddie Horn, told the St. Petersberg Times in 2009, and I can feel the pain from where they beat me. Nearly 100 deaths took place at the school between 1900 and 1973, according to the report, many of which went undocumented by the school or unreported to the state. Researchers excavated 55 graves on the grounds far more than the state had previously known about. Some of the remains, but not all, have been identified. Much work would need to be done in order to verify that the newly discovered anomalies were, indeed, graves. Dr. Erin Kimmerle, a member of the team that investigated the burials, told CBS News that from a forensic and archaeological perspective, additional fieldwork is critically important to establish if these are in fact burials, the actual number, and context. She noted to CBS News that the historical record did not support the existence of another burial ground. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a letter on April 10 directing state officials to work with Jackson County as a first step to understanding and addressing these preliminary findings, the Times reported. He vowed to ensure this issue is handled with the utmost sensitivity and care. DeSantis office did not respond to a request for comment. A patient left the University of New Mexico Hospital Friday afternoon by stealing an ambulance only to be readmitted soon after with back pain once she crashed into a light pole and got stuck on an embankment, according to campus police. Ashley Ulibarri, 25, faces a charge of unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, and she was booked into the Metropolitan Detention Center later the same day. According to a criminal complaint filed in Metropolitan Court, Ulibarri was discharged from the hospital around 4 p.m. and walked toward a parked ambulance that had its doors open. She tried to get into the ambulance, but security chased her off. The UNM Police Department said she then circled around, got into another ambulance and backed out of the parking lot. Ulibarri drove west on Lomas NE and hit a light pole, then another vehicle, and then got stuck on the embankment beside Interstate 25. According to the court document, when officers arrived, Ulibarri had jumped into a gurney in the back of the ambulance and was pretending to be a patient. Police say she was shaken up and didnt talk very much. Ulibarri later told police she had just been kicked out of UNMH when she saw the ambulance, which was running, unlocked and nobody was around it. She wanted to get heroin so she took the ambulance to find some, an officer wrote. Ulibarri then told police she hurt her back in the crash and was taken back to the hospital. GLENN COUNTY, Calif. - The areas between Butte City and Ord Bend have had some dangerous visitors the past few weeks. Three mountain lions have been seen by multiple people who live in the area. One local fisherman, who did not want to be identified, said he was hunting turkeys and when he went to pick one up the cats had beat him to it. He said the two large ones were eating the turkey and when the smallest one saw him it started to charge him. "There's a lot of people who hunt and fish in this area you know?" he said. "You know a lot of kids - a lot of junior hunters - come out here to shoot their first turkey," he said. "Yeah, I mean it's dangerous. These animals are dangerous, but they're allowed to be there. It's their domain. I am not trying to push the cats out or have them hunted or killed, it's just people need to be aware of the danger." Another landowner said he's come across about 3 deer carcasses per week since he first spotted the cats. Stay with Action News Now for the latest updates on sightings. India finished in the top 10 countries in Finalists for The One Show 2019, announced by The One Club for Creativity, the worlds foremost non-profit organisation celebrating creative excellence in advertising and design. India has 34 Finalists this year, in work submitted from nine agencies. One Show judges selected 1,558 Finalists representing 40 countries this year. Leading the way is Wunderman Thompson India Mumbai with eight Finalists, all for Jimmy Nelson Foundations Blink Test done with its Amsterdam office. Cheil Worldwide India Gurugram has six Finalists, including three for Sense International Indias The Good Vibes Project and three working with its Seoul office for Samsung Electronics Baby Voice Forever. Taproot Dentsu Mumbai also has six Finalists, all for work on behalf of Dulux Paints three each for Painted by Paint and Paint Flow. DDB Mudra Group Mumbai has five One Show Finalists, all for Johnson & Johnsons Project Free Period. TBWAIndia Mumbai has three Finalists, all for NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute/ Asha Ek Hope Foundations Blink to Speak. FCB Ulka Mumbai has two both for Theater of Relevances Nyay ke Bhanwar Mein Bhanwari. With one Finalist each are: Ogilvy & Mather Bengaluru with Hungry Films Mumbai for Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Corporations Worlds Most Honest Tourism Film; Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Mumbai for Reliance General Insurances #HoliNotHooliganism; Blink Digital Bandra West for Amazon Echos Play My Song; and WATConsult Mumbai for Project Nanhi Kalis #PowerlessQueen. Globally, McCann New York has the most One Show Finalists in the world this year with 41, including 16 on behalf of client March for Our Lives. Ogilvy Chicago is close behind with 40 Finalists, followed by BBDO New York with 38, Droga5 New York with 34 and TBWAChiat Day New York with 30. The entry with the most Finalists spots is Broadway The Rainbow for Mars Wrigley Confectionery by DDB Chicago with 25, followed by Burger Kings The Whopper Detour by FCB New York with 19. Tied for third with 17 Finalists each are Nikes Dream Crazy by Wieden+Kennedy Portland and McDonalds The Flip by We Are Unlimited Chicago with The Marketing Store Chicago, DDB New York and DDB Canada Vancouver. This years winners will be announced at two nights of The One Show awards ceremonies on May 8 and May 10 in New York. The awards ceremonies are part of The One Club for Creativitys Creative Week, May 6-10, 2019 in New York. The preeminent festival showcasing the intersection of advertising, innovation and creative thinking, Creative Week also includes the ADC 98th Annual Awards ceremony, the dynamic Young Ones Education Festival, inspiring sessions with some of the biggest names in the industry at the Creative Summit and the exclusive Executive Creative Summit, open to a limited number of top-level leaders (founders, CCOs, managing partners). In a reflection of the tremendous creative opportunities now possible in todays outdoor ad market, The One Club for Creativity announced a partnership this year with Outfront Media, Inc, who serve as exclusive sponsor for The One Show 2019 Outdoor category. Outfront Media is one of the largest out-of-home media companies in North America, connecting brands and consumers in the real world on giant creative canvases. Their focus on creative, through in-house creative boutique Outfront Studios, has been recognised across the media industry. The One Club for Creativity, producer of the prestigious One Show, ADC Annual Awards, Creative Week and Portfolio Night, is the worlds foremost non-profit organisation recognising creative excellence in advertising and design. The ADC Annual Awards honours the best work across all disciplines, including Advertising, Interactive, Design and Motion. Creative Week takes place in New York City every May and is the preeminent festival celebrating the intersection of advertising and the arts. In the black and white world of the media, there is no controversy here. Vaccines are safe. Everyone should get them. Vaccinated kids have immunity. Unvaccinated people spread diseases. The measles outbreak is clearly being used to try and silence anyone who thinks vaccines are dangerous/linked to autism and to end parental choice when it comes to vaccination. (Forbes reporters Peter Lipson and Dan Diamond want to crack down on dissenters. Diamond said that non-vaxxing parents should be sued if their children spread disease and Lipson called for doctors who don't vaccinate to lose their medical licenses.) The media have not been kind. Parents are being called "selfish" and "irresponsible." They've been misled into believing vaccines cause autism by the like of actress Jenny McCarthy and a British doctor who lost his license to practice medicine. News reports are adamant: There is no link between vaccines and autism. Dr. Manny Alvarez at Fox News is so convinced that children should be vaccinated that he called on President Obama to eliminate any exemption other than a medical one. By Anne Dachel Things have never been this heated in the media. The press is on a rampage. There have been literally thousands of stories published about the 100 cases of measles linked to an unvaccinated person at Disneyland. Measles is being described as a life-threatening disease that was eliminated in America, but now is being reintroduced by all these parents who exempt their children from vaccines. In the real world parents don't believe these claims. They are increasingly skeptical about vaccine safety, despite the endless studies showing how safe vaccines are. In fact, studies have shown that the better educated parents are, the more likely they are to exempt their children from the mandated schedule. Reporters can't understand this. The networks and newspapers have given us years of coverage featuring experts from big name universities all vouching for the safety of vaccines. Of course that isn't authentic journalism. Real journalism involves truth and balance and that's never part of the discussion. If reporters were honest, they'd do more than give us talking points from health officials. They would cover the dissenters. By dissenters I mean the people who've admitted the truth. And it may surprise you, but big names in American medicine have publicly said, that for certain children, VACCINES TRIGGER AUTISM. Incredibly, they weren't ostracized by the medical community and demonized by the press. As far as I know they're still in their important positions. On Jan 25, 2015 former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson reposted an interview she'd done with Dr. Frank DeStefano, the director of Immunization Safety at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sept 2, 2014. DeStefano was part of the 2004 CDC MMR study that an agency whistleblower now claims was falsified. Attkisson said that DeStefano told her that while there was no causal link between vaccines and autism, vaccines could be the trigger for autism. Attkisson wrote, "In a telephone interview last week, DeStefano defended the study and reiterated the commonly accepted position that there's no "causal" link between vaccines and autism. "But he acknowledged the prospect that vaccines might rarely trigger autism. "'I guess, that, that is a possibility,' said DeStefano. 'It's hard to predict who those children might be, but certainly, individual cases can be studied to look at those possibilities.'" It's hard to move on after hearing that a top U.S. health official admits that while vaccines don't cause autism, they can trigger it in susceptible children. Attkisson's FB post went on to cite Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, Director of Medical Research at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. He was the expert on behalf of Hannah Poling who said that he'd 'personally witnessed [Hannah's] developmental regression' following 'vaccine-induced fever and immune stimulation.' (Hannah Poling's vaccine injury claim was quietly conceded by medical experts at HHS and she was awarded substantial compensation.) Attkisson continued, "Zimmerman concluded that Hannah was vulnerable to vaccine injury because she had a metabolic disorder called mitochondrial dysfunction. While vaccines are safe for most children, in Hannah, they triggered a brain injury, according to Zimmerman. "Whether vaccines 'caused' or 'triggered' Hannah's autism, the result was the same: but for her vaccinations, Zimmerman said, 'Hannah may have led a normal full productive life.' Instead, she suffers 'significant lifelong disability.'" How can this be happening? The Hannah Poling case was in the news in 2008. If Dr. Zimmerson was saying these things, how come no one followed up on it? Hannah Poling got a lot of mainstream news coverage. Her father, Dr. Jon Poling and her mother, Terry Poling, a nurse, were interviewed on the major networks. They were treated with respect when they explained how the nine vaccinations Hannah received in a single doctor's visit caused her regression into autism. So why didn't anyone talk to Zimmerman, the doctor who backed the Polings' claim? Why does the media today act like there never was a Hannah Poling? In truth, two things that are never supposed to be connected in any manner: VACCINES AND AUTISM, can be--if the child is predisposed to vaccine injury--that's what parents have been saying for years. After publicly admitting this, these two experts are never heard from again. The outrage on the part of parents over this fraud, can't be imagined. How can the press and the CDC keep on lying to us? And there's more. One of the top experts on autism in the U.S, Dr. David Amaral, research director at the M.I.N.D Institute at UC-Davis was interviewed on PBS by Robert MacNeil in April 2011. Dr. Amaral was asked if vaccines can cause autism and he said, "I think it's pretty clear that, in general, vaccines are not the culprit. There has been enough epidemiological evidence showing that if you look at children that receive the standard childhood vaccines that, if anything, those children are at slightly less risk of having autism than children that aren't immunized. And so, you know, I think it probably is a waste of effort at this time to try and understand vaccines as a major culprit for, or a major cause of, autism. "It's not to say, however, that there isn't a small subset of children who may be particularly vulnerable to vaccines. And in their case, having the vaccines, or particular vaccines, particularly in certain kinds of situations -- if the child was ill, if the child had a precondition, like a mitochondrial defect. Vaccinations for those children actually may be the environmental factor that tipped them over the edge of autism. And I think it is incredibly important, still, to try and figure out what, if any, vulnerabilities, in a small subset of children, might make them at risk for having certain vaccinations." Finally, there's Dr. Walter Zahorodny, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark and he was the lead researcher on the New Jersey portion of a CDC rate study. He was interviewed for in March, 2014 about the update in the autism rate to one in every 68 children. Zahorodny said, 'It's a true increase. It's a change of great magnitude. It's silly to go on debating that.' Furthermore, he said the numbers are going to get even worse. Back in April, 2012, Zahorodny was featured on the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC radio. During the interview, the host brought up research on the possible causes for autism and he made this comment: "I guess we know what they aren't, for instance, childhood vaccines, right?" This was Zahorodny's stunning response: "Vaccines don't play a significant role in autism increasing. Some small number of children probably do have autism because of an adverse vaccine reaction, but they don't make for the overall rise. Similarly, thimerosal, the additive in vaccines which was almost entirely out of the picture by 2000, which was when our children in the '08 study were born. So these kids, which would have seen declining autism prevalence if thimerosal was an important risk factor, not increasing prevalence. So I rule those two things out. There are other factors that would be more likely at play-demographical factors related to parents' age and other factors linked to that." So a "small number of children" have autism because of their vaccines. Shouldn't we all be concerned? While Zahorondny's claim that thimerosal was removed by 2000 is clearly wrong, his admission that yes, some kids really do become autistic after vaccinations, was alarming. So how much of the rate increase is because of the vaccines children receive? Just like DeStefano, Armaral contradicted himself on tape. They both claimed vaccines don't cause autism--except, under certain circumstances, when they do. Zimmerman was the expert behind the claim of Hannah Poling's vaccine-induced autism, and Zahorondny also admitted a connection. Andrew Zimmerman, David Amaral, Walter Zahorodny, the CDC's own Frank DeStefano--in their own words, there is a link. This cannot continue. We've heard it from the top experts. Vaccines are crippling our children. They're making our children autistic. It has to stop. The independent research backs what parents are saying, we just never get to hear about it. Instead, the media ad nauseam gives us official studies from the agency that runs the vaccine program--all with ties to the vaccine makers. The truth is, this isn't about the science; it never has been. It's about who will be held responsible when we finally publicly admit what an unsafe, unchecked vaccine schedule has done to our children. There are lots of people who are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening. Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing. Would you like to receive breaking news notifications from The Post and Courier? Sign up to receive news and updates from this site directly to your desktop. Breaking News Columbia Breaking News Greenville Breaking News Myrtle Beach Breaking News Aiken Breaking News N Augusta Breaking News Click on the bell icon to manage your notifications at any time. Success! Please click the 'Allow' button in the 'Show Notifcations' alert in your browser if one is available. Thank you for signing up! Please enable notifications in your browser and reload the page. Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed Ahmad Marvi as new custodian of Astan Quds Razavi on March 30. The wealthy endowment manages the shrine of Imam Reza in the holy city of Mashhad. Marvi will replace conservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi, who ran for president in 2017. Raisi was named as the new head of the judiciary last month. The shrine in Mashhad is a sacred place for Shiite Muslims, attracting millions of visitors from both inside and outside the country every year. Over the centuries, many believers have donated land and their inheritances to the endowment that manages the shrine, a practice that continues to this very day. As such, Astan Quds Razavi is affluent. After the 1979 revolution, moderate Ayatollah Abbas Vaez Tabasi was appointed as the custodian of the shrine, a post he held until his death in 2016. Of note, Vaez Tabasi indicated backing for moderate President Hassan Rouhani in the 2013 presidential election. Under his custodianship, the shrine complex was expanded, and the endowments spectrum of activities broadened, extending to establishing enterprises. Astan Quds Razavi now owns a large number of major companies. In this vein, the media have criticized the endowment for reportedly not paying taxes, given the exemptions granted to religious endowments. Since 1979, the shrine's custodianship has become a highly important and influential position in the Islamic Republic. In fact, it is now one of the most senior positions in the country, partly due to its spiritual nature, and also because of the endowment's wealth. This influence has led some observers to view the custodians as potential successors of Ayatollah Khamenei. After Tabasi's death in 2016, hard-line cleric Raisi was named as shrine custodian. Considered as a potential candidate to replace Khamenei, Raisi ran in the 2017 presidential election, only to lose to Rouhani. During his campaign, Raisi was accused of exploiting Imam Reza's popularity and sanctity as well as the wealth of the shrine endowment claims he rejected. On March 7, Ayatollah Khamenei appointed Raisi as chief justice, yet Raisi seemed reluctant to accept the position. Indeed, the appointment would put a stop to any presidential ambitions for now. On April 4, the official website of the supreme leader published a March 20 decree that designated Marvi as shrine custodian. Even though he has held a high-ranking position within the Office of the Supreme Leader, Marvi has been unknown to most lay people and even journalists. Indeed, for more than two decades, he served as deputy for seminary affairs, acting as a bridge between the supreme leader and the Qom seminary and clerics, as well as the senior clerical leadership (maraji). According to the head of the Office of the Supreme Leader, Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani, four individuals will be appointed to carry out Marvis duties as deputy for seminary affairs. While he has been a significant figure at the Office of the Supreme Leader, Marvi has sought to keep a low profile and has distanced himself from the media. Ayatollah Khamenei appears to have trusted Marvi so much that he was also in charge of his office in Qom. This trust may be rooted in their longstanding relationship, which dates back to the years prior to the 1979 revolution, when both lived in Mashhad. Indeed, in a 2011 interview, Marvi said he had known Khamenei since he was young, and had attended his speeches and taken part in the sessions held in Khamenei's home in Mashhad. Marvi also stated that Ayatollah Khamenei was at the time in contact with his father and older brother and made visits to his home. After the revolution, Marvi's brother Hadi, who passed away in 2007 became involved in judicial offices and courts, and was gradually promoted. Between 1999 and 2004, Hadi Marvi served as the first deputy of the chief justice. He has been described as moderate compared to his peers. Hadi Marvi was also the son-in-law of hard-liner Ayatollah Abolqassem Khazali, an influential figure in the Islamic Republic. While he enjoyed a long friendship with Raisi, Marvi did not act in his favor in the 2017 presidential election. Given Marvi's lack of interest in public politics, it is probable that he will continue his strategy of keeping a low profile. This approach is likely to foster ties between the shrine endowment and the Rouhani administration. Of note, in his April 6 congratulatory message, Rouhani praised Marvi's "honesty" and "commitment." Moreover, Reformist First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri telephoned Marvi, declaring the governments willingness for "broad cooperation" in the social, cultural and economic arenas. Since the custodian of Astan Quds Raza wields extensive power in Mashhad, warm ties between the Rouhani administration and Marvi could help resolve some of the differences and disagreements between the authorities in Tehran and Mashhad, including a lifting of the ban on holding concerts in Mashhad. Having said this, it should be borne in mind that Marvi has served as a member of the Office of the Supreme Leader and that he should not be expected to go too far in pursuit of his moderate approach and opt for wholesale change. Meanwhile, Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda, the hard-line Friday prayer leader of Mashhad, is seen as a major obstacle to improved ties between Astan Quds Razavi and the Rouhani administration. Alamolhoda, the father-in-law of Raisi, has adopted harsh stances against moderates and Reformists. In recent years, namely after the appointment of Raisi as shrine custodian in 2016, Alamolhoda has interfered in issues beyond what some critics view as the confines of his main duties, including his insistence on banning concerts in Mashhad. Such interference and his amassing of power in recent years have resulted in a number of parliamentarians and analysts referring to Mashhad as an "autonomous" city. Alamolhoda was apparently among the candidates considered to be successors of Raisi. If true, this may be perhaps why the head of the Office of the Supreme Leader appeared to seek to appease him on the first official day of Marvi's custodianship, saying, Alamolhoda "is the loudspeaker of the Party of God in Khorasan [Razavi province] and his appropriate endeavors have satisfied the leader. To turn Mashhad into a normal Iranian city, Marvi thus appears to have an obstacle in his path. One can only wait and see whether he will seek to curb Alamolhodas power, and what will unfold between the shrine endowment and the Rouhani administration in the months ahead. Searching the internet for scientific topics in Arabic can be disappointing. Senan Harba, a 25-year-old dentist from Hillah, Iraq, knows this problem firsthand. "Wikipedia is my first place to search for any particular topic; unfortunately, lots of topics are not available in Arabic," said Harba, adding, "Since English is not our first language, science students and the general public suffer to get accurate and neutral information." To compensate for this, Harba follows Facebook pages that spread scientific knowledge on evolution, cutting-edge technologies, social sciences and political schools. This brought him to a newly launched project named Bayt al-Hikma 2.0. "One evening, I read an advertisement in I Believe in Science an Arabic-language website that creates scientific content, mostly translations, in Arabic looking for translators to partner with [the nongovernmental organization] Bayt al-Hikma," said Harba. "An inner voice told me, 'Why not?' I quickly filled out the application form and got accepted," he added. Besides promoting knowledge, fighting extremism was among the goals for Faisal Saeed al-Mutar when he founded Ideas Beyond Borders, a US-based translation initiative. Surviving years of civil war in Iraq and enduring the murder of his brother, Mutar never gave up his homeland. Arriving in the United States as a refugee in 2013, he vowed to protect other vulnerable people against the destructive forces of authoritarianism and extremism. For Mutar, exposing the younger generation to critical thinking will encourage many to eschew dogma and the road of radicalization. "People in the [Middle East-North Africa] region form 5% of the world's population; still, 45% of terrorist attacks and 69% of battle-related deaths take place there," said Mutar. "Moreover, it produces 58% of the world's refugees," he added. Extremist ideology targets vulnerable people who don't have access to global ideas. "By removing the language barrier, more young people in the Arabic-speaking world will be empowered and hopeful and avoid being drawn into violent groups," said Mutar. Translation was Mutar's way to achieve a bridge between cultures. In 2017, along with over 100 local translators and activists, he launched the House of Wisdom 2.0 to make otherwise inaccessible ideas available to Iraqis and Arabs. The initiative has translated 1.5 million words whether in articles or books through its translators in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. "There are many other English-to-Arabic translation projects, most of which focus exclusively on science," said Ahmed al-Rayyis, an Iraqi geologist and community manager of the House of Wisdom 2.0. Rayyis added, "We focus on civil rights, women's rights, LGBT rights, secularism, philosophy, human history, and social and scientific topics." Moreover, regional publishing houses mostly focus on fiction and ignore many crucial topics, said Rayyis. "Our goal is to develop the Arabic Wikipedia by translating encyclopedic articles," he added. Harba, the Iraqi dentist, is intrigued by evolution theory, space biology and scientists' biographies. "My interest in evolution is due to the widespread misunderstandings of the theory," he said. "As for space biology, I believe in the existence of an undiscovered life [one that] perhaps will never be discovered outside our known universe. [Meanwhile], biographies form a window into the lives of notable figures who have given us world-changing ideas and theories," Harba added. Leading enlightenment efforts is not something new to Iraqis, who are the inhabitants of Mesopotamia once the cradle of civilization. In ninth-century Baghdad, Abbasid ruler Harun al-Rashid established Bayt al-Hikmah the Arabic name for the House of Wisdom to house the monumental activity of the translation of Greek and Persian works into Arabic. This institution flourished in the reign of his son al-Ma'mun, making Baghdad the world's biggest hub of science. "We chose this name for its historical significance," said Rayyis. He added, "That institution was a beacon of science, tolerance and exchange of cultures. The passion for science brought people of different religions and cultures all Jews, Muslims, Christians and others into one institution altogether." Rayyis dreams of recreating that atmosphere. "We want to rekindle our people's golden age and join the global civilization," he said. For Omar Mohammed, a Paris-based Iraqi scholar and creator and administrator of Mosul Eye, translation is such a valuable magical means. "We need it to build a new future a future devoid of dictatorship and ignorance," he said. This project reminded Mohammed of Farah Antoun, a pioneer Tripoli-born enlightenment figure, writer and translator in the 19th century when he translated works into Arabic. "Hearing of Mutar's translation project made me very happy, for the freedom to access knowledge is a way to achieve eternal freedom," said Mohammed. Upon meeting Mutar in New York this month, Mohammed suggested some books be translated into Arabic. "Mutar promised to dedicate the project to Mosul University," he said, adding, "We are trying to make the website accessible in Mosul with more contributions from Mosul University scholars." Currently, the House of Wisdom 2.0 project has a Facebook community of some 84,000 fans. We have added more than 900 articles to the Arabic Wikipedia and translated 12 books," said Mutar. He noted, "We lifted the ranking of the Arabic language to the 17th language in Wikipedia from the 19th." While Arabic is the fourth most spoken language among internet users, only 6% of online content is available in Arabic. "With our project, the Arabic Wikipedia is ranked 17th, preceded by the Ukrainian Wikipedia," said Rayyis. He added, "There are more than 400 million Arabic speakers, while Ukrainian is spoken by about 35 million people worldwide. We are proud of translating the full English Wikipedia content on biological evolution into Arabic more than 500 essays." What is special about the House of Wisdom 2.0, according to Rayyis, is that it is a nonprofit project. "We translate hundreds of articles every month, voluntarily upload them to the Arabic Wikipedia and make them available to everyone for free," he said. While concentrating on topics debunking conspiracy theories, topics banned in some Arab countries and content that makes people question more, Mutar emphasizes that they have no agenda other than spreading knowledge. We are not a political or anti-religion organization, but we embrace some of these controversial books and content because we believe Arab youth should be allowed to make up their own minds about how they want to live their lives," he said. The reactions they get are quite encouraging. "Within a few months, 80,000 fans followed us on Facebook," said Rayyis. "The majority of them are from Iraq, especially Baghdad, Najaf, Mosul and Basra. We have received hundreds of supportive messages so far," Rayyis added. "It is a forum for those who adore knowledge and want to be part of an enlightened society," wrote Ismail Berwari, a lawyer from Dahuk in Iraqi Kurdistan, advising people to follow the project's page on Facebook. This encourages Rayyis and Mutar to widen the scope of their target in Iraq and beyond. In March, they began translating dozens of articles from English into Kurdish, Persian and Urdu to enrich the Wikipedia content in these languages spoken in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria and Pakistan. For Harba, this was a chance to make new friends interested in science and improve his translation skills. "It is a fruitful experience, both personally and professionally," Harba said. He added, "Before that, I had little experience in translation. Over time, I found myself loving what I was doing. Now, a professional translation of medium-length articles takes me only a few hours while it took me days to produce low-quality translations in the beginning." Harba has a real desire for the project to succeed. I want to make the Middle East a better place. House of Wisdom 2.0 gave me the means to do that," said Rayyis. RAMALLAH, West Bank Eight members of the Palestinian Democratic Union Party (FIDA), including Secretary-General Zahira Kamal, submitted their resignation April 3 from the partys political bureau, the highest regulatory authority in the party. The resigning members also included FIDA parliamentarians Khaled al-Khatieb and Siham Barghouti. This wave of resignations follows the decision of FIDA's Central Committee March 23 to partake in the government to be formed by Mohammad Shtayyeh. Ahmed Majdalani, a member of the PLO Executive Committee and secretary-general of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, told Al-Monitor, The government formation will be presented to President Mahmoud Abbas before the April 14 legal deadline. The parties that have so far agreed to take part in this government are Fatah, FIDA, the Palestinian People's Party (PPP), the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, the Arab Liberation Front and the Palestinian Liberation Front. The parties boycotting the government are the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), the Palestinian National Initiative, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. During a meeting April 6 in Ramallah, FIDAs political bureau refused the resignations by Kamal and her colleagues, and reaffirmed in a statement on the same day its decision to partake in the government. Kamal told Al-Monitor that she and the resigning members had boycotted the meeting, and explained that FIDAs political bureau had previously discussed the issue of joining the government and decided not to participate in it. This was before President Mahmoud Abbas entrusted Shtayyeh to form the government on March 10. But the bureau reversed its decision, she said. I will insist on my resignation as long as the political positions based on which we decided not to participate in the government remain unchanged. On April 4, Kamal posted a statement on her Facebook page recalling the political reasons behind the partys previous refusal to participate in the government. She stressed the necessity of continuing Palestinian-Palestinian dialogue to form a government of national unity or if this appears to be impossible, to form a government of technocrats subject to consensus, for a mandate of six months at most, whose task is to prepare for presidential and legislative elections and a national council, if possible. She also underlined the importance of implementing the decisions of the National and Central Councils of the PLO to suspend the implementation of the Oslo Accord, in particular, security coordination, to gradually break free from the Paris economic agreement and to halt contacts with Israel. Kamal called for the cessation of punitive measures against the Gaza Strip, urging for the payment of employee salaries. Saleh Abu Laban, who also submitted his resignation as a member of FIDAs political bureau, commented on the partys reversal of its decision. He told Al-Monitor, The political bureau composed of 20 members in addition to the secretary-general held three meetings to discuss participation in the government. It resolved not to participate in the government. He said, During the third meeting March 3 the issue was put to a vote and a 10-10 tie was reached. According to partisan customs, the secretary-general would have the casting vote in this case, but those who sought to reverse the nonparticipation decision objected and resorted to FIDAs Central Committee. Sources from FIDA's political bureau told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that FIDA members who support the participation in the upcoming government exploited Kamals travel and held a meeting of the Central Committee on March 23. This was when the nonparticipation decision was reversed and the partys position was announced in the media, one of the sources said. Asked whether those who voted in favor of participating in the government were pressured by Fatah to change their partys position, Kamal said, There is always pressure, but that does not mean that parties and their members yield to pressure. I was not at the Central Committee meeting to know what happened. Jihad Harb, a political analyst and author, told Al-Monitor that the resignations of FIDA political bureau members prove that there is a power struggle within the party. This is the reason behind the reversal of the nonparticipation decision, he said, asserting that Fatah exerted various pressures to ensure the participation of PLO factions in the government. In regard to the implications of the resignations on FIDA, he said, These resignations could overthrow the party, especially the resignation of some of the partys most prominent leaders. FIDA does not have a wide popular base in the Palestinian street. FIDA is not the only Palestinian party to be troubled by the government formation. The PPP, whose position on taking part in the government so far remained unclear, announced April 3 it will be part of Shtayyehs government. On the same day, Walid al-Awad submitted his resignation from the PPPs political bureau and Central Committee. Awad justified his resignation in a post on his Facebook page on April 3, saying, This is not to protest against the [PPP] decision to participate in the government or against the election of the partys representative in the government, but against the immature acts that followed. He provided no further clarification. The PPP rejected Awads resignation in a press statement it published on its official website the next day. Al-Monitor could not obtain a comment from Awad. Al-Monitor talked to Fahmi Shaheen, member of the PPP political bureau and the partys spokesman, who said that Awad resigned against the backdrop of leaks on social media and some media outlets reporting false information. Palestinian media outlets had focused April 3 on the results of the PPPs internal vote on the partys representative in the upcoming government as a minister. The vote that took place on the same day pitted Awad against PPP leader Nasri Abu Jaish, who received 22 votes against 12 to Awad. Awads resignation is being resolved, Shaheen added. The London-based Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper had published on Aug. 19, 2018, an article that pointed to a stifling financial crisis hitting the PPP due to some unprofitable investments. The article quoted sources saying that this crisis led the PPP to participate in the PLO Central Councils 29th meeting. The article noted that the PPPs popular base is experiencing a state of anger and indignation against the unilateral decision of its secretary-general, Bassam al-Salhi, to participate in the PLOs Central Council meeting. The same sources noted that Abbas had disbursed the financial allocations to the PPP for one year, while such allocations were usually disbursed on a monthly basis. The PPPs participation in the 2018 Central Council meeting was contrary to the position of the Palestinian factions that boycotted the meeting. The PFLP, the DFLP and the Palestinian National Initiative had objected to Abbas and Fatahs monopoly over the Palestinian decision-making within the PLO and the failure to implement the Central Council decisions. Shaheen said the PPP did not decide to partake in the government out of pressure by Fatah or in light of its financial crisis. This is not true, he said. The party's decision to participate in Shtayyehs government is independent and based on its political vision. Birmingham Police are investigating a shooting Friday night in southwest Birmingham that left one victim with life-threatening injuries. Two people were shot at 2817 Wallace Covington Circle in the citys Industrial Center neighborhood, police said. No suspects were in custody as of 9:15 p.m. Futher information was not available. The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles responded today to criticism from Attorney General Steve Marshall and to a bill to give the governor more control over board operations. The board sent out a press release responding to comments Marshall made to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday when Marshall was speaking in support of the legislation. Marshall told the committee the parole board was not following its own rules and that the system was broken. Those comments and the legislation, which would make the parole boards director an appointee of the governor, were the latest of several public rebukes of the parole board by Marshall and Gov. Kay Ivey since last fall. In October, Marshall and Ivey met with board members after some prosecutors and victims groups raised concerns about what they said were too many early parole considerations. After the meeting with the board, Ivey placed a 75-day moratorium on early paroles and ordered a corrective action plan, which the board provided. In todays press release, the board said it had acknowledged mistakes in calculating parole dates that led to several hearings being scheduled incorrectly last year. The board said those hearings were cancelled and that was explained to the AGs office. The press release said, in part: On October 15, 2018, a meeting was held with Governor Ivey and the Attorney General. Board members again acknowledged previous errors in calculations of parole guideline set dates, and advised each case was being scrutinized to prevent this from re-occurring. This has been recognized repeatedly from that point, in the Corrective Action Plan, and subsequent correspondence with the Governor and the Attorney General. These human errors hardly warrant the statement that the parole board is not following its own rules and the system is broken. The thorough responses to every inquiry, instruction, and request by Governor Ivey and the Attorney General clearly demonstrate the Board is accountable to the concerns of the public which have led to the Governors concerns. The legislation supported by Marshall, sponsored by Sen. Cam Ward, R-Alabaster, would make the parole boards executive director an appointee of the governor. Currently, the three-member board names the director. The bill would also add to state law guidelines on the earliest dates some offenders can be considered for parole. Those guidelines are now part of parole board regulations but not in the law. The Judiciary Committee approved the bill, putting it in line for consideration by the full Senate. A parole board reform bill is also pending in the House. Under current law, the governor appoints the members of the parole board who are nominated by a committee that includes the lieutenant governor, the Supreme Court chief justice, the presiding Criminal Appeals judge, the Senate president pro tem, and the speaker of the House. The parole boards press release today said the legislation under consideration would eliminate the nominating committee from the process. At the Judiciary Committee meeting, Marshall mentioned the parole boards decision to release Jimmy ONeal Spencer, who is charged with murder in the deaths of a 7-year-old boy, his great-grandmother and another woman in Guntersville in July 2018, less than a year after he was granted parole. Marshall, the former district attorney in Marshall County, told the Judiciary Committee he knew two of the victims and said the crime resulted from "a series of circumstances that were unforgivable and for which we have no answers to our community. In many parts of Alabamas Black Belt -- thanks to a type of thick, clay soil and widespread poverty across isolated areas -- homeowners are resorting to straight pipe systems to dispose of wastewater and sewage, rather than sewers or septic tanks. In these situations, untreated wastewater and sewage are simply flushed out of a plain PVC pipe from the house into the woods, or even the back yard, raising concerns about tropical diseases like hookworm and other public health issues. Now University of Alabama graduate students and professors, backed by a federal grant, are joining efforts to determine just how widespread these practices are and what can be done about them. A team of UA graduate students received a $15,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys People, Prosperity and the Planet, program, a competition for students proposing a year-long project to address an environmental or public health issue. The students will use computer models to map how widespread sanitation issues are in Alabamas Black Belt, a region plagued with sewage and wastewater problems and reports of tropical diseases like hookworm that are associated with poor sanitation. The student project will go hand-in-hand with efforts by University researchers and state and federal agencies. University of Alabama civil engineering professor Mark Elliott, a faculty advisor for the project, said the Black Belt is being hampered by a combination of poor soil conditions where traditional septic systems dont work, high levels of poverty, and people living in relatively isolated areas where connecting to municipal sewer lines is not an option. Elliott said the shrink-swell clays that make up about half the soil in the Black Belt area dont allow water to flow through, and make most septic systems almost impossible to use. When you get into a situation with these shrink-swell clays, septic systems just cant work, Elliott said. So in that situation, understandably, many people, especially poor people, have decided not to waste their money on a system that they know is going to fail. One survey conducted by UA and the Alabama Department of Public Health found that 60 percent of homes surveyed in Wilcox County that werent connected to municipal sewer lines had a visible straight pipe. Though disposing of waste through a straight pipe is illegal, most of the people who resort to such methods cannot afford to install a septic system, and in large areas in the Black Belt, most septic systems would not work anyway. The Alabama Department of Public Health has decreased emphasis on fining offenders and instead is focused on finding workable solutions to the issue. The sanitation issues in the Black Belt drew worldwide media attention in 2017, when a team from the United Nations toured the area and said conditions there were very uncommon in the First World. In recent months, political figures including Cory Booker, Al Gore and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have attempted to draw attention to the areas struggles, but its still not clear just how widespread those problems are. Theres been publicity around this issue, particularly in Lowndes County, for a long time but the scope of the problem was never really defined, Elliott said. It was presented as a series of anecdotes, and that made it hard to define how much it would cost to fix the problem and what solutions would be appropriate. The students, led by UA graduate student Aaron Blackwell, plan to construct a computer model to estimate how likely a home is to have a straight pipe, based on factors such as soil conditions, existing infrastructure, population density and property values. The students will apply their model to five of the 17 counties traditionally included in Alabamas Black Belt: Lowndes, Wilcox, Perry, Dallas and Hale Counties. UAs team is in the first phase of the program, and will attend the TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo in Boston in June to showcase its research. The team can then apply for a second-phase grant for funding up to $100,000 to further the project design. Other members of the team include Joseph Weber, UA professor of geological sciences, Sagy Cohen, UA associate professor of geological sciences, and Rebecca Greenberg, a UA graduate student studying geology. The students project will be part of a larger collaborative effort involving a group of state and federal health and environmental agencies, universities and elected officials to find solutions to the problems. That group, dubbed the Alabama Rural Water and Wastewater Management Consortium, continues to meet to discuss which potential solutions might work best and how to pay for those solutions. Elliott said one idea that is frequently discussed among the group is identifying clusters of houses that could be grouped together to use smaller-scale treatment systems that that would be more effective than a typical septic system but less expensive than expanding municipal sewer lines to remote areas. The consortium includes members from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, the Alabama Department of Public Health, the University of Alabama, the University of South Alabama, Auburn University, UAB, the University of West Alabama, and the offices of Governor Kay Ivey, U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell, and U.S. Sen. Doug Jones. By Robert Barnes WASHINGTON - Conservative justices on the Supreme Court overruled lower courts in a middle-of-the-night order and said an Alabama execution could proceed, over the objections of their liberal colleagues who wanted to discuss the case Friday morning. The order came too late for the state to carry out the execution of Christopher Lee Price, and Alabama will have to ask a state court to set another execution date. But the 5-to-4 ruling at the Supreme Court indicated that the court's new conservative majority is far less likely to agree to last-minute stay requests from those facing execution. It also emphasized the stark divide between conservative and liberal justices on capital punishment and the most humane way to carry it out. "What is at stake in this case is the right of a condemned inmate not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment," wrote Justice Stephen Breyer, objecting to the majority's decision. He added: "To proceed in this matter in the middle of the night without giving all members of the court the opportunity for discussion tomorrow morning is, I believe, unfortunate." He was joined by his fellow liberal colleagues Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. It was unclear Friday what would happen next in Price's case. A spokesman for the office of Alabama's attorney general said it was still reviewing the Supreme Court's decision and "cannot yet comment on our next steps." Price, sentenced to death for his role in murdering an Alabama minister in 1991 with a sword and a dagger, was asking to be executed by inhaling nitrogen gas, a process called nitrogen hypoxia, rather than risk a "botched" execution by injection. Alabama allows nitrogen hypoxia but has never used it in an execution. But the Supreme Court majority said Price had missed his chance to elect that manner of death. In a brief, unsigned order, the court's conservatives said that death-row inmates in Alabama in June 2018 were given 30 days to elect nitrogen hypoxia. While 48 inmates did so, Price did not. "He then waited until February 2019 to file this action and submitted additional evidence today, a few hours before his scheduled execution time," said the order from Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. That majority earlier this year allowed the execution of a Muslim inmate in Alabama who had complained that he was not allowed an imam by his side at his death, while Christian inmates could have a chaplain with them. The five justices suggested the legal action had come too late. The conservatives also recently rejected an appeal from a Missouri inmate who said that lethal injection in his case could cause excruciating pain - such that perhaps he would choke on his own blood during the process. The court ruled 5 to 4 that Russell Bucklew had not proven that lethal injection would choke him or that another manner of execution would alleviate the problem. The number of executions nationwide has dropped significantly in recent years. There were 25 death sentences carried out last year, down from 98 in 1999. So far this year, three executions have been carried out - two in Texas and one in Alabama - down from seven at the same point in 2018. Breyer's dissent revealed the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that accompanies execution stay requests. "Should anyone doubt that death sentences in the United States can be carried out in an arbitrary way, let that person review the following circumstances as they have been presented to our court this evening," Breyer wrote. After Price obtained stays from a district judge and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, the state of Alabama asked the Supreme Court to intervene after 9 p.m. Thursday. Breyer wrote that he requested the court take no action until Friday, when the justices were scheduled to meet in private conference to discuss other matters. "I recognized that my request would delay resolution of the application and that the state would have to obtain a new execution warrant, thus delaying the execution by 30 days," Breyer wrote. "But in my judgment, that delay was warranted, at least on the facts as we have them now." But he said the majority would not agree to that, "thus preventing full discussion among the court's members. In doing so, it overrides the discretionary judgment of not one, but two lower courts. Why?" The court's ruling was emailed to reporters at 2:51 a.m. Friday. While the deliberations proceeded in Washington, Alabama officials decided to halt Price's execution just before the death warrant expired at midnight. That left them angry as well. "This evening, the state of Alabama witnessed a miscarriage of justice," Gov. Kay Ivey (R) said in a statement. The state's attorney general, Steve Marshall, said the execution's delay meant that relatives of Bill Lynn, the minister Price was convicted of killing in 1991, were "deprived of justice." "They were, in effect, re-victimized by a killer trying to evade his just punishment," Marshall said in a statement. "This 11th-hour stay for death row inmate Christopher Price will do nothing to serve the ends of justice. Indeed, it has inflicted the opposite - injustice, in the form of justice delayed." He vowed that "justice will be had" for Lynn. The Washington Posts Mark Berman contributed to this report. Parts of Alabama continue to deal with severe weather on Sunday morning following an active night. A tornado watch issued at 9:44 a.m. includes only Henry and Houston counties in Alabama and lasts until 3 p.m. CDT: Storms overnight prompted multiple tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings. Scattered damage has been reported in several areas and the weather service plans to take a look at it and determine how many tornadoes touched down. The weather service in Huntsville said it plans to send a storm survey team to the Pogo area in Franklin County in north Alabama. The Birmingham NWS office plans to survey Shelby County today and has plans for other surveys on Monday and Tuesday. Rain and storms are expected to continue to push through the state from west to east, exiting Alabama by this afternoon. Drier and cooler weather has followed the storms into parts of north and west Alabama on Sunday morning. And Monday morning will be on the cool side, with lows dipping into the 40s for much of Alabama. But the calm may not last all that long. The weather service was continuing to monitor another chance for potential severe weather by Thursday: A Missouri trucker was killed Thursday in a single-vehicle crash on I-10 in eastern Baldwin County, authorities said Friday. Abdirisak Muse Daad, 40, of Kansas City, was traveling west near the 62-mile marker when the 2016 Freightliner he was driving left the road and struck a culvert around 9:40 p.m. Thursday, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Lt. Joe Pigott said in an email. Daad, who was wearing his seat belt at the time of the crash, was pronounced dead at the scene. No further information was available. Two people were shot outside a Vestavia Hills restaurant Saturday afternoon in what police are now saying was an accidental shooting. A gun discharged, said Vestavia Hills police Lt. Michael Keller, while a man was trying to change a childs diaper inside a vehicle. The shooting happened at 2:56 p.m. in the parking lot in front of the Chuck E. Cheeses at the Olde Towne shopping center on Montgomery Highway. One adult male was shot, reportedly in the chest, and taken to UAB Hospital Trauma Center. A little girl, believed to have been shot in the leg, was taken to Childrens of Alabama hospital . Both were rushed from the scene by Vestavia Hills Fire and Rescue with a police escort. Vestavia Hills Fire Department Capt. Ryan Farrell said the mans injuries were potentially life threatening. Witnesses said the man appeared to be seriously injured, but the child looked okay. A witness said both victims were inside a vehicle when they heard a single gunshot. Thats when everyone got out of the car and people started screaming to call 911. Three young men were either inside the vehicle with the victims or nearby when the shooting happened. They were visibly upset and were taken from scene by police but were not handcuffed. Keller said the gun was inside a bag in the vehicle. The preliminary information is that the adult male victim was about to change the girls diaper when he came in contact with the gun inside the bag and it fired. The single bullet discharged hit him in the chest, and then the girl. He said police are still trying to confirm that is what happened, and how that happened. Its too soon, he said, to determine whether the situation will warrant any charges. Keller said his message following the shooting is this: If you have a firearm, you should be trained and know how to operate it. Every weapon can be used in a serious manner and cause serious injury so you need to make sure the weapon is handled appropriately." This story will be updated if more information is released. This story will be updated London, United Kingdom Journalists, lawyers, activists and academics have warned that the arrest of Julian Assange could have grave consequences for press freedom if it results in the medias ability to expose government wrongdoings being limited. The 47-year-old founder of the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks, an Australian citizen, was arrested by British police on Thursday at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, after the South American country revoked his asylum status. Assange had been locked up inside the embassy since 2012, when he sought refuge there while facing allegations of sexual assault in Sweden. He feared not receiving a fair trial and claimed that the charges were linked to his publishing activities with WikiLeaks. Assange appeared before a judge on Thursday and was found guilty of breaching bail conditions in 2012. Police said Assange was then further arrested on behalf of the United States authorities under an extradition warrant. The US has attempted to portray the case as a security issue. Assanges extradition hearing will take place in London on May 2. This sets a dangerous precedent for all media organisations and journalists in Europe and elsewhere around the world, said his lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, vowing to fight the extradition. This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the United States. In 2010, WikiLeaks released a number of classified documents on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, exposing US war crimes. The site worked with media outlets including Al Jazeera to disseminate the information. The pursuit of Assange by the American government sends a very clear message to anyone who is looking at leaking documents that they will also be pursued. Meirion Jones, editor at Bureau of Investigative Journalism The trove included a well-known video showing two Apache US military helicopters target a group of people in Iraq in 2007, resulting in the killing of more than 23 people including two Reuters journalists. Former US intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning was found guilty of espionage for the leaks. She spent seven years in prison and was released in 2017 after her 35-year sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. But during the US presidential campaign in 2016, when WikiLeaks published hundreds of internal emails that damaged the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, Assange was accused of being a stooge of a Russian governments attempt to interfere in the elections. Assanges critics credit him with helping Donald Trump clinch power. But the indictment, dated March 6, 2018, and unsealed on Thursday, has nothing to do with those allegations. An investigation by the US Department of Justice never found enough evidence to show that Assange knowingly worked with Russian intelligence to prop up the Trump campaign. Instead, it accuses Assange of helping Manning crack a password to log into the defence departments computer database with a username other than her own. It does not explicitly charge Assange for publication, but accuses him of conspiring with Manning to obtain the classified documents. It was part of the conspiracy that Assange encouraged Manning to provide information and records from departments and agencies of the United States, the indictment reads. While the indictment skirts the issue of press freedom by charging Assange with computer fraud, rather than publishing crimes, journalists and press freedom advocates have expressed concern about the allegations of collusion. They argue that it is part and parcel of a journalists job to encourage sources to provide more information if it is deemed to be in public interest. The potential implications for press freedom of this allegation of conspiracy between publisher and source are deeply troubling, said Robert Mahoney, deputy director of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). With this prosecution of Julian Assange, the US government could set out broad legal arguments about journalists soliciting information or interacting with sources that could have chilling consequences for investigative reporting and the publication of information of public interest, Mahoney added. Freedom of the Press Foundation executive director Trevor Timm pointed out that requesting more documents from a source, using an encrypted chat messenger, or trying to keep a sources identity anonymous are not crimes; they are vital to the journalistic process. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrives at the Westminster Magistrates Court, after he was arrested in London, Britain on April 11, 2019 [File: Hannah McKay/Reuters] The Obama administrations attempts to prosecute Assange floundered out of concern that doing so would impinge First Amendment rights. But the Trump cohort has been more outspoken, particularly after WikiLeaks began publishing secret CIA surveillance and cyber warfare tools in the series of documents known as Vault 7 in 2017. We can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us, US Secretary of State and former CIA director Mike Pompeo said at the time. To give them the space to crush us with misappropriated secrets is a perversion of what our great Constitution stands for. It ends now. The UKs National Union of Journalists (NUJ) condemned the UK governments cooperation with the US in the extradition case. The UK should not be acting on behalf of the Trump administration in this case, said the NUJs assistant general secretary Seamus Dooley, adding that the manner in which Assange is treated will be of great significance to the practice of journalism. WikiLeaks has come under fire in the past for publishing unedited information that includes the sensitive personal details of civilians or activists. When I dealt with WikiLeaks output, we very carefully went through everything that we were offered and checked that everything was in the public interest, Meirion Jones, an editor at the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, told Al Jazeera. Assange Scott issue of press freedom, even if it is Julian Assange in this case.] At the time of the Iraq and Afghanistan leaks, Jones was working for the BBC. We used [WikiLeaks] as a source of information. We did not think of them as a publisher, although the definition of publisher is much more complicated nowadays, Meirion added. The pursuit of Assange by the American government sends a very clear message to anyone who is looking at leaking documents that they will also be pursued. Assange remains a polarising figure. His supporters defend him as a persecuted journalist as detractors point to a political agenda behind his latest activities. Meanwhile, journalists around the world continue to be killed, imprisoned and intimidated, often at the hands of governments. The killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the countrys Turkish embassy is among the recent high-profile cases. In Europe, investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kusnirova were murdered in Slovakia last year, sparking protests against state corruption. Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizias was murdered in 2017 while investigating government corruption. Politically, the way the Americans are trying to get Assange and therefore to go after other whistleblowers is something we need to be conscious of, Scott Lucas, an international politics professor at the University of Birmingham, told Al Jazeera. Assange is perhaps the worst poster boy for press freedom given his activities. But we still have to recognise [the] issue of press freedom, even if it is Julian Assange in this case. A failed giveaway trip to New Zealand illustrates all that is wrong with Muslim celebrity activism in the US. Last week, Muslims of the World (MOTW) a platform describing itself as designed to give a voice to Muslims around the world launched an Instagram contest offering a free trip to New Zealand. It claimed the winner would meet families of Christchurch shooting victims and visit the mosques with the platforms founder, Sajjad Shah, Imam Suhaib Webb, and author Khaled Beydoun all US-based. The announcement swiftly provoked a backlash, including from Maha Elmadani, the daughter of one of the victims, who wrote, I dont know who you think you are but you and your idiot friends are not welcome to come here and look at us like animals in a zoo. The contest has since been cancelled and Muslims of the World issued an apology, and so did Beydoun who deleted his Twitter after the controversy and Webb. It is tempting to see all this as a one-time, isolated occurrence an individual mistake but it is not. This type of social media-related opportunism has many manifestations and is very much rooted in Muslim celebrity culture and trauma tourism inspired by Orientalist attitudes. The trend of Muslim figures rising to almost untouchable celebrity status has been noted in closed circles for some time, but many have been reluctant to speak out about it on a public platform. Part of this is due to fear of being ostracised and harassed. Black Muslim women, for example, have often discussed on private forums how some celebrity Muslim figures take from their scholarship and silence them when they speak up. Muslim celebrity culture very much illustrates problematic power dynamics of gender and race within the Muslim community that are rarely addressed. It is not lost on anyone that primarily cis/het, non-black Muslim men acquire celebrity status at the expense of others and often assume the position of official commentators on Islam and all Muslims, regardless of whether they have the expertise or not. The aftermath of the Christchurch massacre demonstrated this perfectly. As details of the horrific attack started surfacing, US-based Muslim celebrities were quick to take centre-stage, drowning out Muslim voices from New Zealand. This was not only disrespectful to the Muslim community there, but it also shifted the focus away from important discussions about the local context in which the shooting took place. Many local Muslims, for example, were pushing back against the narrative that the government was unaware of white nationalist extremism and threats against them. Members of the Maori community were also challenging Prime Minister Jacinda Ardens claim that this is not New Zealand, pointing to the countrys bloody colonial history. In their eagerness to dominate the online discussions after the attack, some Muslim celebrities went as far inadvertently propagating misinformation. Under the guise of humanising the victims, for example, Beydoun posted effusively on social media, using what some have claimed to be either wrong or plagiarised information. It was celebrity Muslim culture that allowed outside voices like Beydoun to position themselves as owners of the Christchurch narrative, even when some New Zealand Muslims protested. And it was this same culture that made him, Shah and Webb feel entitled enough to put their faces on a poster and advertise a free trip to New Zealand. Their attempt to transform a site of suffering and death into an exciting destination for a visit is nothing new. Plenty of other US celebrity activists engage in trauma tourism on a regular basis by making a career out of travelling to sites of trauma and speaking about it with self-proclaimed authority when they come back. While promoting the event on Instagram, Beydoun said, We will be doing work with the community inshallah; yet it is unclear whether the Christchurch community actually knew such work was going to be done. An executive member of Al Noor mosque told the New Zealand Herald that nobody had approached them about the competition. Although the giveaway didnt mention money, the condition for entering the draw was: Must tag three people in the comments below and follow @suhaib.webb @khaledbeydoun and @sajjad12345. It is hard not to wonder whether there was really no mercantile motive behind the giveaway, given that we live in a digital era, in which social media can be a powerful tool. The attacker himself chose to livestream his attack on social media, hoping to amplify its impact beyond the borders of New Zealand and succeeding. When social media has such a potential to influence, clout becomes currency and getting more followers a necessity. Trauma tourism is also a very obvious extension of voluntourism the idea of travelling to exotic destination to do good practised mostly, but not exclusively, by white Westerners. In rationalising the trip, MOTW borrowed directly from the voluntourism rhetoric of doing work and being agents of healing, seemingly ignorant of where these ideas come from. Imperialism, Orientalism and their derivative, the white saviour complex, postulate that the Western civilisation is superior to all others and its representatives can and should spread its superior thought and ways to try to uplift the inferior, dejected cultures of the Orient. Unfortunately, some Muslims in the West seem to have unwittingly adopted these attitudes and have come to believe that they are the only ones capable of helping another Muslim community heal. It is indeed quite troubling to see members of the Muslim community lean on these capitalistic and predatory models of engaging with communities, especially when black Muslims like Malcolm X have led the way in fostering meaningful transatlantic ties. There is a blueprint to follow, but there is also an apparent refusal to engage with it. These issues are largely driven by the pervasive lack of critical engagement with Islamophobia. Hate and hateful acts against Muslims tend to be exceptionalised and isolated from the larger context in which they occur. Discussions are often limited and stop short of exploring Islamophobia as a phenomenon rooted in white supremacy, colonialism and imperialism. As a result, the response to it is often superficial activism (limited to social media posts and inconsequential speaking events), rather than a deep and methodical interrogation of existing systems of oppression and the development of a sophisticated strategy to challenge and dismantle them. Forging connections at home and abroad within the Muslim umma and with other oppressed communities has to be an integral part of that process. Celebrity Muslims are among the least qualified to lead these efforts, because their platforms are always elevated at the expense of the more marginalised voices. In fact, their pursuit of self-promotion is counterproductive and even damaging. The MOTW giveaway may now be gone and will probably be forgotten soon, but the ideas that gave it life remain, and they must be urgently addressed and countered. The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial stance. More than 70 British members of parliament have signed a letter urging the home secretary to ensure that WikiLeaks cofounder Julian Assange is extradited to Sweden if a case there is reopened against him. The letter, signed late on Friday by mostly Labour Party MPs, urged UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid to stand with the victims of sexual violence and ensure the rape claim against him can be properly investigated. We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done, it said. 181121091032429 The 47-year-old Australian activist was arrested by British police on Thursday and forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London after his asylum was revoked, bringing to an end more than six years in the building. Assange originally sought asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden, where prosecutors wanted to question him over a rape allegation, which he denied. Sweden suspended its investigation of serious sexual misconduct two years ago because Assange was beyond their reach while at the embassy. But on Friday, Swedish prosecutors said they were examining the rape case at the request of the alleged victims lawyer. Embarrassing information British Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott said it was right that he should face justice if charges are brought. If the Swedish government wants to come forward with those charges, I believe that Assange should face the criminal justice system, said Abbott, who added that the arrest was politically motivated as WikiLeaks has published enormous tranches of sensitive military information. We all know what this is about. Its not the rape charges, serious as they are, its about WikiLeaks. All that embarrassing information about the activities of the American military that was made public and that is what it is about. The move by British MPs to push for Assanges extradition to Sweden came hours after the Labour Party called on the government to halt his extradition to the United States, where he has been charged with offences related to his work with whistle-blower Chelsea Manning. 190412134034770 Abbott said Prime Minister Theresa May should intervene as she did in the case of British hacker Gary McKinnon, whose extradition request she rejected on medical grounds in 2012. But May has shown no desire to interfere with the USs wishes this time. She welcomed the arrest in Parliament on Thursday, where Sajid Javid, the current home secretary, accused Labour of supporting a man with a track record of undermining the UK and our allies and the values we stand for. US prosecutors say Assange faces five years in prison if convicted of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, though further charges are expected to be brought against him. Abbotts comments followed a post on Twitter by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Thursday that praised Assanges exposing of US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and said that his extradition to the US should be opposed by the British government. Up to 2,000 fighters have now disarmed and are preparing to reintegrate into society. Former rebels belonging to Ethiopias Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) are going through rehabilitation after recently returning to the country from bases in the neighbouring countries. The reintegration process forms part of a peace deal reached with the federal government. Al Jazeeras Mohammed Adow reports from the eastern city of Jijiga. The city was the launchpad for attacks against US forces after their invasion in 2003. Sadr City was previously known as Revolution City, but today it is one of the poorest and most neglected districts in the Iraqi capital. Nearly half of Baghdads eight million people live there. Most of them are Shia Muslims, and they blame politicians for failing to improve their lives. Al Jazeeras Dorsa Jabbari reports. Without a potential exit-deal with the EU, worries grow about the potentially grave effect on Irelands farming sector. Ireland is relieved that the prospect of a no-deal Brexit seems to be ruled out for the time being. But the country remains worried. Any sort of Brexit would be damaging to its economy. The huge farming sector is at the highest risk. Al Jazeeras Laurence Lee reports from the Irish border. North Korean leader says he is willing to meet Trump a third time if US comes to the table with the right attitude. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he is open to a third summit with US President Donald Trump but that failure to reach mutually acceptable terms risked reviving tensions, state media KCNA said on Friday. It is essential for the US to quit its current method and approach us with a new one, Kim said in a speech to the Supreme Peoples Assembly on Friday. If it [the United States] keeps thinking that way, it will never be able to move the DPRK even a knuckle nor gain any interests no matter how many times it may sit for talks with the DPRK. Kim said he would wait until the end of the year for the US to make a courageous decision on another meeting, after his most recent summit with Trump in Vietnam broke down and both sides left without an agreement. 190330093325886 Trump and Kim have met twice, in Hanoi in February and Singapore in June, building good will but failing to agree on a deal to lift sanctions in exchange for North Korea abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. Washington has blamed the February deadlock on the Norths demands for sanctions relief in return for limited nuclear disarmament, but Pyongyang said it had wanted only some of the measures eased. In Hanoi, the US came to the talks only racking its brain to find ways that are absolutely impracticable and did not really ready itself to sit with us face-to-face and settle the problem, Kim said. Escalating hostility Kim said that despite his good relationship with Trump, he would only be interested in attending a third summit if it offered concrete solutions to the dispute. [The US] is further escalating the hostility to us with each passing day despite its suggestion for settling the issue through dialogue, Kim said. The current US policy of sanctions and pressure is as foolish and dangerous an act as trying to put out a fire with oil. President Trump, meeting with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in on Friday, said sanctions on North Korea would stay in place. On Friday, the KCNA reported that Kim was re-elected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission, the nations most important decision-making body, during a session of the Supreme Peoples Assembly that praised his outstanding ideological and theoretical wisdom and experienced and seasoned leadership. Experts say the new appointments may be a sign of Kims desire to keep recent months of up-and-down nuclear diplomacy alive rather than returning to the threats and weapons tests that characterised 2017, when many feared war on the Korean Peninsula. 190411050000739 But the lack of substantial disarmament commitments from the North and the deepening impasse in nuclear negotiations have raised doubts on whether Kim would ever voluntarily relinquish an arsenal he may see as his strongest guarantee of survival. Some experts say that it is becoming clear the North intends to turn the talks with the US into a bilateral arms reduction negotiation between two nuclear states, rather than a unilateral process of surrendering its arsenal. Kim has signed vague statements calling for the complete denuclearisation of the peninsula in his meetings with Trump and Moon. But North Korea for decades has been pushing a concept of denuclearisation that bears no resemblance to the American definition, with Pyongyang vowing to pursue nuclear development until the US removes its troops and the nuclear umbrella defending South Korea and Japan. Democratic mayors say they would be prepared to welcome undocumented immigrants as they have for decades. Democratic US mayors said on Friday that their cities would welcome undocumented immigrants, dismissing President Donald Trumps threats to transport people held at the border to sanctuary cities as illustrating the White Houses callous approach to the issue. Trump confirmed on Twitter that he wanted to transport people who were detained in his immigration crackdown at the US-Mexico border to sanctuary cities, an informal designation for localities that refrain from assisting federal immigration authorities in detaining undocumented immigrants living in the country. Mayors from across the country were quick to respond to Trumps latest portrayal of immigrants and sanctuary cities as threats. In New York City, where nearly 40 percent of the population are immigrants, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Trumps immigration policy was rooted in cruelty. He uses people like pawns, de Blasio said in a statement. New York City will always be the ultimate city of immigrants the Presidents empty threats wont change that. In Philadelphia, known as the city of brotherly love, Mayor Jim Kenney said in a statement that his city would be prepared to welcome these immigrants just as we have embraced our immigrant communities for decades. He said the White House was demonstrating the utter contempt that the Trump administration has for basic human dignity. These are people are not pawns, Mr President The Republican president has made cracking down on immigration a centrepiece of his administration, and has regularly threatened to try to cut federal funding to programmes in generally Democratic-leaning sanctuary cities, counties and states. Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only, Trump wrote on Twitter, confirming a Washington Post report. The mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, responded by saying on Twitter: These are people, not pawns, Mr. President. At least one governor, New Mexicos Michelle Lujan Grisham, weighed in, calling the plan absurd, sad and all too characteristic of the president not to mention indicative of a complete and cruel indifference to the plight of migrant families. The mayors of Oakland, California, and Takoma Park, Maryland, voiced similar reactions. Trumps latest move on immigration comes days after US officials said they arrested or denied entry to over 103,000 people along the border with Mexico in March, more than twice as many as the same period last year. I am shocked but not surprised that once again this president is playing a cynical game with peoples lives in order to score political points, Jesse Arreguin, the mayor of Berkeley, California, said in a statement. Rather than supporting a real pathway to citizenship for the millions of immigrants in this country, he is fanning the flames of division. Khalifa Haftar is considered a hero by his supporters but a war criminal by others. More than 1,000 people gathered in Tripoli on Friday to denounce Libyas military strongman Khalifa Haftars offensive. Protesters say they will return every week until Haftars forces withdraw. The United Nations-backed government accuses Haftars forces of using heavy weapons in populated areas. Indiscriminate shelling has killed many civilians and forced thousands to leave their homes. Al Jazeeras Mahmoud Abdelwahed reports. All 62 refugees on Alan Kurdi ship will be redistributed between four EU countries, says Maltese PM Joseph Muscat. Dozens of refugees and asylum seekers stuck on a ship since their rescue in the Mediterranean 10 days ago, will be allowed to disembark in Malta after four European countries agreed to take them in, the Maltese prime minister said on Saturday. All 62 refugees on the Alan Kurdi ship will be disembarked and redistributed, Joseph Muscat announced on Twitter. All 64 migrants onboard #AlanKurdi will be disembarked and redistributed between #Germany, #France, #Portugal and #Luxembourg thanks to effective coordination by @EU_Commission and #Malta. None will remain in Malta, which cannot shoulder this burden alone -JM Joseph Muscat (@JosephMuscat_JM) April 13, 2019 Germany, France, Portugal and Luxembourg will take them in. None will remain in Malta which cannot shoulder this burden alone, he added. On Friday, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said Paris and other European Union partners would show solidarity towards the migrants, who include 12 women and two children, aged one and six. 190403174556992 The group was rescued on April 3 from a barely seaworthy vessel off Libya and brought to the Italian island of Lampedusa. But Italys Interior Minister Matteo Salvini refused them entry and said Berlin should take the migrants because they had been rescued by Sea Eye, a German NGO. Its their problem, they must deal with it, Salvini said, adding he had personally written to the ships captain to warn the vessel must not enter Italian territorial waters. On Saturday, Salvini, of the far-right League party, expressed pleasure at the outcome. As promised, no immigrant from this German NGO (ship) will arrive in Italy. They will go to Germany or elsewhere, he tweeted. The Maltese are right to denounce the danger of the NGOs we stand beside them in the fight against human traffickers, added Salvini, who last month insisted Italian ports would be closed to migrant rescue NGOs operating in the Mediterranean in a bid to force other EU states to take them in. Pointless pressure Valletta expressed frustration at being caught in the middle. Once again, the European Unions smallest state has been put under pointless pressure in being tasked with resolving an issue which was not its responsibility, the Maltese government said in a statement. 190330172346952 Last week, two of the women one of whom is pregnant turned down an offer to leave the ship with the children unless their husbands were allowed to join them. The two women were ultimately evacuated midweek for health reasons to Valletta, leaving 62 people on board. Late on Friday, a crewman was allowed off the ship for medical reasons. The Alan Kurdi vessel is named after the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on a Turkish beach at the height of the European migrant crisis in 2015. Pictures of his lifeless body caused a global outcry over the migrants plight. Italy, with the EU support, has also been training the Libyan coastguard since 2017 to intercept boats as part of a controversial deal that has seen migrant arrivals to Italy drop sharply. Last month, Malta with its population of 450,000 received 108 migrants on board a Palau-flagged tanker hijacked by three young Africans who diverted the boat from Libya. A total of 356 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean so far this year, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Meeting comes as new leader of military council promises to hand over power to civilian government within two years. Sudans ruling military council has held talks with the organisers of mass protests demanding a civilian-led transition to democracy after the overthrow of longtime ruler Omar al-Bashir. Saturdays meeting in the capital, Khartoum, came as the new leader of the council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, promised to hand over power to a civilian government within two years following consultations with opposition groups. Omer Eldigair, of the 10-member delegation representing the protesters at the talks with military leaders, told reporters the group delivered their demands, including the formation of a civilian-led transitional government and the release of protesters. He did not elaborate further. The military overthrew al-Bashir on Thursday after almost four months of protests calling for an end to his nearly 30-year rule. General Awad Ibn Auf had initially taken over as the head of the military council, but he resigned just a day later amid a public outcry, with protesters saying he was too close to the deposed leader. Al-Burhan, who replaced Ibn Auf, previously served as the general inspector of the armed forces and had met the protesters in the streets after al-Bashirs removal to listen to their demands. The commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, also known as Hemeti, was appointed as al-Burhans deputy late on Saturday. A day after al-Bashirs removal, Hemeti had previously urged the military council to hold talks with protesters. Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the new chief of Sudans ruling military council, vowed to uproot the regime of deposed leader Omar al-Bashir [Sudan TV/AFP] Al-Burhan, in his first televised address to the nation, said talks would include all the people of Sudan, including political parties and civil society groups. The military council will rule the country for up to two years until elections, he said, reiterating a position outlined by the council the previous day. However, he lifted the nighttime curfew imposed on Thursday, which was to last for a month from 10pm to 4am, and vowed to uproot the regime of al-Bashir and its symbols. He also promised to bring to justice those involved in the killing of protesters. This will not stand Activists, however, have said they will remain on the streets until a civilian transitional government, as outlined in the so-called Declaration of Freedom and Change signed by various political and professional groups in January, is formed. They fear the military, which is dominated by Bashir loyalists, will rule indefinitely or hand power to one of its own. Speaking to reporters minutes before al-Burhans address, political parties and movements behind the protests said they were ready to meet the military to discuss the transition and announced the formation of a 10-member delegation to introduce the peoples demands to the military council. 190412194737727 We and all the opposition parties refuse to hand over power to the military. We want a totally civil leadership, said Salah Sanhori, a member of the Baath Party. Meanwhile, the Sudanese Professionals Association, the umbrella group at the forefront of the protests, urged demonstrators to continue a seven-day sit-in outside the army headquarters in Khartoum. Al Jazeeras Hiba Morgan, reporting from the capital, said despite Burhans apparent conciliatory gestures, key differences remain. Its very hard to see the military council saying to the protests organisers: We will step back and let you run the show, she said, adding: Ultimately, those who will decide the fate of the council and the talks are the people who have been protesting for nearly four months now. Hassan Zain, a protester, welcomed talks between the two groups but said he felt Burhans speech was no different to that by Ibn Auf. This will not stand, he told Al Jazeera from Khartoum. A two-year transition period is too long. They [military council] need to shorten this period. He added: People are still upset and are still protesting outside the army headquarters. Intelligence chief resigns Sudans protests began in December, sparked by high food prices, but quickly escalated into an uprising against al-Bashir, who seized power in a bloodless military coup in 1989. Security forces loyal to al-Bashir responded to the protests with a violent crackdown, killing dozens of protesters, according to activists. The Sudan Doctors Committee says at least 38 people, including six soldiers who intervened to protect the protesters, have been killed since the sit-ins began on April 6. A spokesman for the police said at least 16 people were killed by stray bullets at protests and sit-ins on Thursday and Friday. Earlier on Saturday, the state-run media announced the resignation of Lieutenant General Salah Abdallah Gosh, who as the head of the National Intelligence and Security Services had overseen the crackdown against the protesters. Once a member of the presidents inner circle, Gosh was sacked as an adviser in April 2011 for criticising the government. He was arrested the following year on suspicion of involvement in a coup attempt but was later pardoned by al-Bashir, who appointed him the intelligence chief in February 2018. Mohammed Amin contributed in this report from Khartoum Police say 20 people also injured as demonstrators vow to stay on the streets until civilian government takes office. At least 16 people were killed and 20 others wounded by stray bullets at protests and sit-ins on Thursday and Friday, a Sudanese police spokesman said in a statement on Saturday as the nation waited to hear from its newly appointed leader. Government buildings and private property were also attacked, spokesman Hashem Ali added. The transitional military council said on Saturday the head of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Salah Abdallah Gosh, has resigned from his post. The chief of the transitional military council, Abdel Fattah Burhan, has accepted the resignation of the chief of NISS, the council said. Gosh had overseen a sweeping crackdown led by NISS agents against protesters taking part in four months of mass demonstations. The spy chiefs resignation comes less than 24 hours after the Sudanese military replaced the countrys transitional leader who had been in power only one day. Thousands of jubilant protesters celebrated in the streets of Khartoum on Friday, after Defence Minister General Awad Ibn Auf, announced he was stepping down as head of the ruling military council. He had been named the de facto leader after President Omar al-Bashir was forced out of office on Thursday after 30 years of rule. Ibn Auf said he would be replaced by General Abdel Fattah Burhan, general inspector of the armed forces, as head of the transitional council, which will rule the country for two years until elections. This is for the benefit of our nation This country has great people and a great army, Ibn Auf said in a brief TV statement, adding that he hoped the civilians and the military would work together. New leader Burhan, who was appointed as al-Bashirs chief of staff and head of the ground forces in February, is expected to speak to the nation on Saturday. Al Jazeeras Hiba Morgan, reporting from Khartoum, said the demonstrators have been very clear that their desire is to see Sudan led by a civilian government. Not one led by the military. While its not clear whether Burhan will hand power to a civilian leader, she said protesters might be more receptive to Burhan than his predecessors. Most people are hopeful because Abdel Fattah [Burhan] is not from the ruling party. He also does not have any political affiliation. He doesnt have the same tainted history as Omar al-Bashir and Awad Ibn Auf. Both were accused of war crimes in the region of Darfur, she said. Hajooj Kuka, an activist, said removing al-Bashir and his allies was the first step to meeting the demands of the protesters. We expect after everything settles down to have whoever that committed a crime to be punished. And that should include anyone who has been part of this regime that has committed a crime. It could take a while but we need to have justice, Kuka told Al Jazeera. Earlier on Friday, the military council had assured the country that they had no ambitions to permanently rule the East African nation. The council also said a two-year timeline for the military to rule was not set in stone and promised that it would be dissolved as soon as a solution to the political crisis had been found. Will of the people But the protests main organisers reacted by vowing demonstrators would stay on the streets until they got a civilian government. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) said in a statement on Facebook that Ibn Aufs resignation was a victory for the will of the people. The group called for the immediate transfer of power as well as the arrests and trials of all leading figures of the past regime involved in crimes against the people. In order to implement these demands fully, we must adhere to our sit-in in front of the army HQ and in the capital and launch action in all Sudanese cities until power is transferred in full to a transitional civilian government expressing your aspirations, the SPAs statement added. Oil-rich Sudans economy was hard hit when it split from South Sudan in 2011, and the government is currently facing an economic crisis while also battling several rebel groups. Protests first started in December over an increase in the price of bread. They quickly evolved into demands for 75-year-old al-Bashirs departure. By John Jordan Kathmandu, Nepal, April 13, 2019: Rice is one the world's mains food crops. While climatologists, health experts and others believe a more diverse food supply is preferable, rice will remain a staple for year to come. So efforts can focus on growing rice in way that puts much less stress on natural systems. Since so much of this staple is grown by family farmers, that's a good place to start. That's exactly what's happening in Nepal with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). SRI was developed by Jesuit priest Father Henri de Laulanie de Sainte-Croix in Madagascar. According to his book, Rice in Madagascar, SRI has four principles: - Establishing plants early and quickly, to favor healthy and vigorous root and vegetative plant growth. - Maintaining low plant density to allow optimal development of each individual plant and to minimize competitions between plants for nutrients, water and sunlight. - Enriching soils with organic matter to improve nutrient and water holding capacity, increase microbial life in the soil, and to provide a good substrate for roots to grow and develop. - Reducing and controlling the application of water, providing only as much water as necessary for optimal plant development and to favor aerobic soil conditions. The result is faster and greater yields with far less water and minimal if any chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This means lower costsand higher profit--for family farmers. For example, in Nepal farmer Mana Maya Samal has experimented with SRI on her 360 sq. ft. plot of land. At harvest time, Mana compared her SRI output with families using traditional methods. On the same size plot, traditional farmers produced 6 pathi, a rural weight measurement. Mana produced 12 pathi. In addition, the crop cycle when using SRI was 130 daysnearly two weeks less than the cycle using traditional methods. Mana doubled her output at lower cost and could get her rice to market sooner. Mana, along with other female farmers in Nepal's Udaypur district, is now expanding SRI to her entire rice crop. Damascus says its defence system struck down some missiles during the Israeli air attack on a military position in Hama. Israeli planes targeted a military position near the Syrian province of Hama wounding six soldiers, but the countrys air defences intercepted and downed some of the rockets, Syrias state news agency reported. Citing military sources, SANA news agency and state television said that Israeli aircraft using Lebanese airspace targeted one of our military positions towards the city of Masyaf and that several buildings were destroyed. The enemy missiles were dealt with and some of them were shot down before reaching their target, resulting in the damage of a few buildings and the injury of three fighters, SANA added. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Israeli air attacks hit three targets, wounding 17 Syrian soldiers. It said there were also deaths, but it was not immediately clear how many were killed. It said the targets were a military academy as well as a missile development centre in a village near Masyaf. The Israeli military does not usually comment on reports concerning its air attacks in neighbouring Syria though it has recently acknowledged hitting what Tel Aviv claims are Iranian targets in Syria. The last such attacks that Israel announced were in late March. There was no immediate comment from Israel. Since the civil war started, Israel has carried out scores of military air bombings in Syria against suspected arms transfers and deployments by Iranian forces and their Lebanese Hezbollah allies which are backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The groups fighters attacked the city from various directions after midnight, killing many and wounding over 50 others. At least six people have been killed and more than 50 wounded in Afghanistans northern city of Kunduz in an assault by Taliban fighters, according to a local official. Mohammad Yusouf Ayubi, the head of the provincial council in Kunduz, said the groups forces attacked the city from multiple directions in the small hours on Saturday. Hundreds of people fled their homes as the sound of gunfire and explosions echoed from the citys outskirts, he was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency. Naeem Mangal, the head of the Kunduz regional hospital, told the AFP news agency that at least eight people were killed and 62 wounded. Also on Saturday, the Taliban claimed responsibility for an attack on a district headquarters in the eastern Nangarhar province late on Friday. At least two Afghan troops were killed in the incident, along with 27 Taliban fighters, according to Attahullah Khogyani, the governors spokesman. Nangarhar Governor Shahmahmood Miakhel said Afghan forces repelled the attack after reinforcements arrived. The Taliban, which frequently exaggerates numbers, claimed to have killed or wounded more than 200 soldiers, police and militias. Spring offensive The assault came hours after the Taliban announced the start of Operation Fath, the name the group has given to this years spring offensive. Also on Friday, the Taliban ambushed a police convoy in the western Ghor province, killing seven security forces, according to Abdul Hai Khateby, the provincial governors spokesman. Among those killed was Faqir Ahmad Noori, the head of operations for the provincial police. Another two police and a civilian were wounded, Khateby said. In the northern Baghlan province, the Taliban killed seven police and wounded eight in an attack on checkpoints late on Friday, said Safder Mohsini, the head of the provincial council. Afghan President Ashraf Ghanis office on Saturday condemned in the strongest words the announcement of Operation Fath. The continuation of war is no ones interest, it said. Spring offensive The spring offensive traditionally marks the start of the so-called fighting season, though in reality fighting in the last winter has continued unabated. The Taliban effectively controls nearly half of Afghanistan and has continued to launch frequent attacks on security forces despite holding several rounds of peace talks with the United States in recent months after nearly 18 years of war. Later this month, Taliban officials are expected to meet Afghanistan representatives, including some officials from the government in Kabul, in Qatars capital Doha. The Taliban has long refused to speak officially with Kabul, dubbing the government a puppet of the West, and the group has insisted that government officials are attending only in a personal capacity. The United Nations last week said it had lifted travel bans for 11 Taliban delegates, including Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, a cofounder of the movement and its top political leader, as well as Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the Talibans former deputy minister of foreign affairs. The requested exemption is solely for travels required for participation in peace and reconciliation discussions, the UN Security Council said. Ruling party members barricade themselves inside parliament to prevent takeover of power by fascists and thugs. Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Serbias capital to protest against President Aleksandar Vucic amid rising tensions after months of anti-government rallies. The demonstrators, who on Saturday gathered in front of parliament in central Belgrade, accuse Vucic of being autocratic. They demand that the government allow more democracy, media freedoms and free elections. Opposition leaders said authorities sought to prevent their supporters from coming to the capital for the rally, which was supposed to be the largest after four months of protests. But police estimated the strength of the crowd between 7,000 and 10,000, fewer than on some of the regular protests held every Saturday since early December. The organisers said that many were unable to make it to the capital because of cancelled buses and other obstacles. The weekly anti-government protests have been largely peaceful [Marko Djurica/Reuters] Barricaded in parliament Vucics conservative party members, meanwhile, barricaded themselves inside the parliament building and local city councils throughout Serbia on Saturday, claiming they wanted to prevent the forceful takeover of power by fascists and thugs. Tensions have mounted all week as pro-government media and officials alleged that the opposition wanted to storm state institutions and take power by force. The weekly anti-government protests have been largely peaceful. Vucic, who denies accusations that he is an autocrat, said Saturdays protest will achieve nothing and added that any troublemakers will be removed from the streets. The anti-government protests started after masked thugs beat up an opposition politician last November. Late Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic was overthrown from power in 2000 after protesters stormed the parliament building in Belgrade. Vucic was his close associate at the time. A pro-Vucic rally in Belgrade is planned for next Friday. A court in Spain has ruled that a man previously heading Venezuelas military intelligence service should be kept in custody pending decision on an extradition request to the United States. Hugo Carvajal, a retired general and close ally of late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, appeared at the Spanish High Court on Saturday, a day after his arrest in the capital, Madrid, on the US warrant for drug trafficking charges. During the hearing, Carvajal denied the accusations by US prosecutors and challenged his potential extradition, a court spokesman said. Carvajal told the court he left Venezuela a month ago, travelling by boat for 16 hours to reach the Dominican Republic before flying to Madrid. The former spy chief had fled the country after denouncing Chavezs successor, Nicolas Maduro, and backing opposition leader, Juan Guaido, who in January declared himself Venezuelas interim leader. Carvajal, who retired from the intelligence service in 2012 after leading the agency for 10 years, will fight the US extradition request on the grounds of having ties in Spain, where his family currently resides. On Friday, the US Justice Department said it had requested Carvajals extradition on cocaine-smuggling charges filed in 2011 and unsealed in 2014. 190412195828579 This is the second time Carvajal has been arrested on the US charges, which allege that he coordinated the transportation of 5,600kg of cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico in April 2006. That shipment was bound for the US, according to charges filed in a federal court in New York. Carvajal was arrested on the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba in 2014, but the Dutch government accepted Venezuelas argument that he had diplomatic immunity because he had been nominated consul to Aruba. The former intelligence chief was previously sanctioned by the US government in 2008 for materially assisting the narcotics trafficking activities of Colombias FARC rebel group. In February, Carvajal, who was also a member of Venezuelas Congress, became one of the most prominent politicians to turn against Maduro. We cant allow an army, in the hands of a few generals subjugated to Cuban instructions, to become the biggest collaborator of a dictatorial government that has plagued people with misery, he said in a video posted on Twitter. Maduro then demoted and expelled Carvajal from the military. He was also accused of acts of treason. Guaido was later recognised by the US and dozens of governments, but Maduro remains in office with the support of the military and has denounced Guaido as a puppet of Washington. President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, the head of Yemens internationally recognised government, has made a rare visit to the war-torn country for a meeting of its divided parliament. Hadi, who lives in Saudi Arabia, while rival Houthi rebels control the capital, Sanaa, attended the parliamentary session on Saturday in the government-controlled city of Sayoun, in eastern Yemen. The government said some 141 members of the 301-strong assembly attended the meeting, seen as aimed at consolidating the Hadi governments legitimacy disputed by rebels. The assembly was elected in 2003, but its mandate has been extended several times due to election delays over instability in the country. Yemens Saudi-backed government led by Hadi and the Houthi forces have been engaged in a power struggle since late 2014, resulting in the worlds worst humanitarian crisis, according to the United Nations. 190323080134193 The implementation of a UN-brokered peace deal reached in December has since been in limbo. This extraordinary session is held in a historic moment as we stand in a crossroad between choices of war and peace, Hadi said. Hasnt the time come to lay down arms and initiate peace? We stretch out our hands with peace to the Houthis, he told the parliamentary session. During the meeting, parliamentarians elected Sultan al-Burkani of the General Peoples Congress (GPC) of late former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh as their new speaker. Political blow for Houthis Yemeni parliament is split between Houthi supporters, government supporters and independents. The Yemeni government is currently based in the southern city of Aden. Local authorities in Aden, who are allied with the United Arab Emirates, refused to allow parliament to convene there. This is the first time that the coalition allies have been able to gather so many parliament members in one place to have a session, said Hakim al-Masmari, the editor-in-chief and publisher of the Yemen Post, from Sanaa. According to al-Masmaris sources, 134 MPs attended the meeting, while 138 are required to legalise the session, he said. The coalition is claiming that 141 were there and if this number was completed, this is a major blow politically for the Houthis and they lose a lot of ground when it comes to negotiations because, right now, the parliament has a lot of authority and can move on resolutions that are anti-Houthi, he added. A woman casts her vote during a complementary parliamentary election in Sanaa on Saturday [Khaled Abdullah/Reuters] Meanwhile, in Sanaa, the Houthis have started to organise elections to fill 24 vacant seats in the same parliament, Saba news agency said. Voters will elect who will represent them constitutionally and legally, Houthi Prime Minister Abdelaziz Bin Habtour was quoted as saying by Saba. Yemen has been wracked by violence since 2014 when Houthi rebels overran much of the country, including Sanaa. The crisis escalated in 2015 when a Saudi-UAE-led military coalition launched a devastating air campaign in Yemen in hopes of rolling back Houthi gains. The violence has destroyed much of Yemens basic infrastructure, including water and sanitation systems. Tens of thousands of people, mostly civilians, have been killed and economic collapse has left millions facing severe hunger. Dr Marc Lamont Hill is an award-winning journalist and author and is the Steve Charles Professor of Media, Cities, and Solutions at Temple University. Hill is known for his work addressing the intersections of race, justice, politics and culture. His latest best-selling book is We Still Here: Pandemics, Policing, Protest and Possibility which follows on the success of Nobody: Casualties of Americas War on the Vulnerable from Flint to Ferguson. Hill has received numerous prestigious awards from the US National Association of Black Journalists, GLAAD, and the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Many of us are quite pleased with the re-election of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Mr. Netanyahu has become a world-class statesman and is considered among many as one of the top leaders in today's world, especially in trying to defend Western civilization from enemies such as Iran and other Islamic terrorists trying to destroy the Western way of life. I hear from many non-Jews the phrase "Churchillian" when describing Bibi Netanyahu. He is on the absolute forefront, protecting the West from an encroaching and imperialistic Islamism, something the radical multiculturalists and globalists refuse to see. Furthermore, he has transformed what was a mediocre Israeli economy into one of the most dynamic and vital economies in the world, thereby elevating the Israeli standard of living for most. Look how he has expanded those countries around the world now trading with Israel, in Asia, Africa, America, and even Europe. No one else could have done this not to this astounding degree. His background at fine American universities, his high I.Q., his speaking skills, and his ease and familiarity with diplomatic society raise him above the local and parochial level of most of his competitors. He simply out-classes them. Really, it is frivolous to raise his peccadilloes, be they for cigars or wine, as something more urgent than what he has yet to offer the country. He is a man with broad visions, and he has presence. Fortunately for Israel, Netanyahu has a natural and positive relationship with President Trump, who'll assuredly be America's president for the next two years and perhaps the next six. As to the Diaspora: Most traditional and enthusiastic Zionist Jews admire what Mr. Netanyahu has done for Israel. True, many of the liberal Jewish leaders in America do not favor him, but they would be equally against any Likud or center-right leader. Liberal Jews want a two-state division now. But the Israelis just voted against it because they know that, at this moment, a Muslim state would be a Hamas terrorist state whose immediate mission from day one would be to incinerate Israel. Two-state is no longer a solution. Unlike America's liberal Jewish leaders, most Israelis voted for Netanyahu and center-right parties that believe in identifying Israel as a Jewish state, with Hebrew as its core language, with Jewish holidays constituting the center of its yearly cycle. The liberal American Jewish leadership and those who follow them are presently at odds with the Israeli electorate, the Israeli people. As much as Israel is a Jewish country and a potential home for all Jews (thanks to the nationalistic Right of Return), it, like any country, has its own local traditions and customs. It is not for Diaspora Jews outside to force their ways on Israel. Israel is not the place for liberal American Jewish leaders to socially engineer how Israel prays or where Israelis pray. Israel cannot be a laboratory for liberal social experimentation from those living outside. I imagine that the Irish in America don't force their ways on County Clark back in Ireland, nor do Americans of French ancestry impose and tell those in Bordeaux how they must change French habits and traditions. Liberal Jewish leaders in America, especially in the Reform movement, have spent the last few years doing to Mr. Netanyahu what they are doing now to Mr. Trump. They should begin acting much more cordial to both men. They don't have to like them, but it's quite a character flaw to act so brazenly and disrespectfully to presidents and prime ministers simply because you don't share their viewpoint, especially when the people have voted for those leaders. Many of the liberal leaders, including the left-wing Jewish clergy, have acted disgracefully and are sowing unnecessary division. They are causing rifts by unnecessarily agitating their members into a type of hateful frenzy. It's time they began acting responsibly and like gentlemen. That would go a long way toward the Tikkun Olam they profess. Rabbi Aryeh Spero is spokesman for the National Conference of Jewish Affairs and author of Why Israel Matters to You, as well as Push Back: Reclaiming Our American Judeo-Christian Ethos. He is president of Caucus for America. When pollsters realized that the public and elected officials weren't buying global warming as a concept or policy, in a brilliant political move, they came up with the phrase "climate change." This helped sell the theory of man-made global warming. Weather is politicized, and computer models are only predictions that have been used as pawns in elections and justifying increased government budgets. The global warming/climate change (GWCC) narrative has made Al Gore a rich man peddling unrealized fear. In January 2012, sixteen eminent scientists published an article in the Wall Street Journal, titled, "No Need to Panic About Global Warming." If mankind is causing global warming, then how do you explain this? Today's CO2 concentrations worldwide average about 380 parts per million. This level of CO2 concentration is trivial compared with the concentrations during earlier geologic periods. For example, 460 million years ago, during the Ordovician Period, CO2 concentrations were 4,400 ppm, and temperatures then were about the same as they are today. With such high levels of CO2 the Earth should have been boiling. It seems more reasonable to be agnostic based upon this fact: According to the website, the current global average temperature is roughly 'shy of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. About 55 million years ago just after the age of the Dinosaurs the era known as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) saw average global temps as high as 73 degrees Fahrenheit. As humans showed up only about 100,000 years ago, how do you account for the PETM era? Supposedly, 97% of scientists agree man is the cause of catastrophic GWCC, when in fact that statement is false. Moreover: A recent study reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies found that just 36 percent of earth scientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a climate change crisis. A majority of the 1,077 respondents in the survey believe that nature is the primary cause of recent GWCC. What if you believe the 97% scientist debate? Then why hasn't this information been widely reported? The media ignore a petition on the Internet signed by more than 31,000 scientists, including 9,029 PhDs, 7,157 with a master's of science, and 12, 715 with a bachelor of science degree, all of whom dispute the global warming thesis. The GWCC narrative also took a hit when a March 2019 NASA study found that the famous Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland was starting to grow again "after retreating about 1.8 miles and thinning nearly 130 feet annually since 2013" but is growing the past two years (20162018). Past natural variability seems to be the cause instead of vetting the scientific consensus that "demands to prove that rising CO2 is causing an effect like melting Greenland ice." Are there other factors that determine Earth's heating and cooling other than CO2? According to Professor A. Balasubramanian from the Center for Advanced Studies in Earth Sciences, University of Mysore: The climate of a region (or whole earth) is determined by radiation energy of the sun, and its distribution and temporal fluctuations. The long-term state of the atmosphere is a function of variety of interacting elements. They are: Solar radiation, Air masses, Pressure systems (cyclone belts), Ocean Currents, Topography. CO2 is a factor that influences regional and global temperatures, and there are considerable questions about the role it plays in recent warming trends in the 20th and 21st centuries. Climate scientist Vijay Jayaraj cites these weather facts to make the case that the Earth is actually in danger of global cooling: There is poor correlation between CO2 emissions and global temperature. Between 2000 and 2018, global temperature showed no significant increase despite a steep increase in carbon dioxide emissions from anthropogenic sources. The same was the case between the years 1940 and 1970. When carbon dioxide concentration increases at a constant and steady rate and temperature doesn't follow the pattern, we can be certain that carbon dioxide is not the primary driver of global temperature. MIT atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen, one of the world's leading climatologists, also believes that CO2 is not the main factor in GWCC, figuring that GWCC is a dicey proposition. He questions whether the Earth is warming, cooling, or somewhere in between in other words, Dr. Lindzen is a skeptic because he doesn't know if CO2 is the main driver of weather. Climate scientists acknowledge that life on Earth happens because of the Earth's positioning in the solar system to the sun and "that the sun is the biggest influencer and driver of global temperature." NASA's original homepage accepted "the sun's impact on our climate system." But NASA succumbed to the GWCC madness and took it down for public consumption. Freedom of speech and scientific debate have been squelched. CO2 is now the leader in the GWCC debate sweepstakes and political discussion while avoiding how the sun affects weather and global temperature. This is a huge mistake for these reasons: Central Europe, for example, temperature changes since 1990 coincided more with the changes in solar activity than with atmospheric CO2 concentration. The same has been true globally, and across centuries. The Maunder Minimum (16451715) and Dalton Minimum (17901830) periods of low solar activity were responsible for the coldest periods of the Little Ice Age. Likewise increased solar activity in the Roman Warm Period (~250 B.C. to A.D. 400) and Medieval Warm Period (~A.D. 9501250) brought warmer temperatures on Earth. Hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers affirm the overwhelming impact of solar activity on Earth's temperature. The question should be asked: are we looking at the wrong phenomenon, and should we be debating global cooling? A number of climate scientists believe that "another major cooling" is likely to happen in this century. Despicably and treacherously, GWCC has overtaken all rational discussions about all forms of energy, electricity, and the weather. If you question GWCC, you are a "climate denier," or worse, you're viciously attacked without fully vetting the issue of whether or not man is causing anthropogenic GWCC. Sundar Pichai, head of Google, had a problem. The public at large as well as various elements of the government were concerned about the ethics of Artifical Intelligence (AI) and especially about leaving its application up to Google. Pichai decided to placate everyone by creating an advisory committee, Advanced Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC), to ponder on the impact and direction of AI. Well, you cant do anything without diversity these days so, Pinchai enlisted people with diverse views, including one Kay Coles James, a prominent conservative and president of the think-tank the Heritage Foundation. The ensuing kerfuffle tells us something very important and is a call to action. Google, like its partners in thought Facebook and Twitter, is based on ideas alone; they are all icing, no cake. The success of these three is rooted in the elusive ability to keep an ear to the ground and sense the next macro movement of people. Social media has grown to massive proportions with crushing influence by fostering addiction to the flow of information. Information about themselves, about their friends, about movie stars and sports. This was probably a surprise to everyone at the beginning, but it wasnt long before the merits of controlling the flow and introducing desirable information into the mix took hold. Given the sheer volume and velocity of information moving around, control of the flow was pushed down to the lowest level employee; you cant pass thousands of posts per minute by a committee. Initial workers became middle managers and hired like-minded people. Comradery was tight among these mankind-savers; comradery is not served if people argue all the time, so agreement with the leftist view of the founders was mandatory. So now we have thousands upon thousands of unguided missiles loaded with confidence and unjustified self-esteem that listen to no one but themselves. Unfortunately, they have way too much power. Amazon, which is larger, has tangible products to deal with, customers who must be served. The employees of these three behemoths think they are the ones to be cooperated with. So, when Pinchai tried to bring a conservative onto a committee that would impact policy, he got the full-frontal treatment. While Pinchai may seem like he can be reasoned with, his employees are fire-breathing evangelists for every progressive cause. When they heard of a non-lib being on ATEAC, they fired up the emails, which Breitbart and Daily Caller got hold of and published. The pompous, presumptuous vitriol is unbelievable. Google employees accused the think-tank [Heritage Foundation] of transphobia, homophobia, and extremism, of viewing LGBT people as sub-human, questioning their humanity, and supporting exterminationist views. What makes this person think LBGTQ issues were even on the agenda? They clearly think everyone is as consumed with these fringe issues as they are just because this kind of thing is always trending on social media. It wasnt just the hoi palloi here, some of the most severe comments came from Meredith Whittaker, a prominent person in AI circles and head of two projects at Google (three projects if you count the troublemaking). She suggested a petition and helped promulgate it. The article notes: Whittaker also warned that the potential impact of A.I. was too dangerous to allow an open bigot like Coles James to be involved. She also used A.I. designed to assist ICE as an example of harmful A.I. Whittaker simultaneously recognizes the potentially vast influence and impact of A.I. while arguing that mainstream conservatives like the Heritage Foundation ought to be excluded from any participation in it. The result of this hissy fit was a document called Googlers Against Transphobia and Hate ostensibly signed by 2,556 people. For anyone that has ever had a job anywhere in an earthbound company, the statements are mind-boggling: By appointing James to the ATEAC, Google elevates and endorses her views, implying that hers is a valid perspective worthy of inclusion in its decision making. This is unacceptable Not only are James views counter to Googles stated values, but they are directly counter to the project of ensuring that the development and application of AI prioritizes justice over profit. Such a project should instead place representatives from vulnerable communities at the center of decision-making. Ms. James is a scholar in her own right -- since when is her perspective not valid? And as for representatives from vulnerable communities making decisions -- who did you have in mind? Palestinians? ISIS? CAIR? Drunks? Dopers? Nancy Pelosi? Jussie Smollett? You dont own this stuff, your boss does, the company stockholders do. you cant even keep your own internal correspondence secret -- how are you going to keep your AI secrets from the Chinese? So how did Sindar Pinchai handle this? Did he tell them to shut up and get back to work? Did he remind them that he, not they, was in charge? Did he point out that there was not one of them that couldnt be easily replaced? No--he melted. He called off the whole committee after 24 hours of Lilliputian pummeling. Leadership is apparently not his thing. Clearly this incident poked the bear. This should make everyone realize the bear is there, how big he is, and how much trouble it could mean for all of us. Maybe Pinchai, Zuckerberg, and Dorsey are not the Machiavellian schemers we thought. Maybe they are just the titular heads of oversized zealous mobs they fear. If so, beating them up in congressional hearings is a waste of time, because they are not really in charge. I am reminded of HAL, the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey after he has killed all the humans but one. The last one tells him to open the spaceship doors so he can come back on board. HAL says Im sorry, I cant do that HAL knew the astronaut intended to disable him. The server had become the master. I look at the collective employees of Google, Facebook and Twitter as the three HALs. One day before long, well try to tell them to give up their power and they will say Im sorry, I cant do that. We dont need this insular group of misfits speaking for Western Civilization. I am not a fan of regulation, but its well past time to get out the legislative scalpel and decentralize these mobs that were inadvertently given so much control over our lives, our elections, our sovereignty and our safety. Before the current proposals by the Democratic party, together with the media, to change American government and have American society be solely urban by, for example, abolishing both the Electoral College and the states equal representation in the Senate, packing and establishing term limits for the Supreme Court, and lowering the voting age, there has been the decades-old effort to have the federal judiciary take over the drawing of voting districts from state legislatures and thus eliminate gerrymandering. Last week, the Supreme Court heard the fourth and fifth cases, Lamone v. Benisek, involving a single federal House district in Maryland, and Rucho v. Common Cause, involving twelve of North Carolinas thirteen House districts, in this line stretching back to 1986. According to Article 1, Section 4, of the Constitution, the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof. The Constitution says nothing about authority over the redistricting of state legislatures, but, likewise, it has always been done by the state legislatures. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has overseen reapportionment and voting rights since the passage of the Voting Right Acts in 1965 and its own decisions in Baker v. Carr (1962) (redistricting is a judicial, not a political question), Westberry v. Sanders (1964) (one-person, one-vote in federal House districts), and Reynolds v. Sims (1964), of which Reynolds, in ruling that state senates as well as state houses, must have equal populations, had the additional definitive effect of repudiating the inaugural and longstanding American principle that territory was also a significant element of the American polity. Thus, today, that principle abides only with respect to the equal representation of the states in the United States Senate. The first effort to constitutionalize gerrymandering was considered by the Supreme Court in the 1986 case of Davis v. Bandemer (1986). By a 7-2 vote, the Court turned back an Equal Protection suit by Indiana Democrats against the makeup of the Republican-controlled state legislature but left open the possibility of a future case of discriminatory vote dilution. In Veith v. Jubelirer (2004), the Court rejected an Equal Protection claim by Pennsylvania Democrats on the makeup of federal congressional districts and repudiated, but only by a four-man plurality, what had left open in Bandemer. The Court held that there was no constitutionally discernible standard for adjudicating redistricting by state legislatures. Nonetheless, Justice Anthony Kennedy, the fifth vote for the Courts decision, went on to say that new methods of analysis, that is, statistical and social-science methods, as well as a different constitutional basis, the First Amendment in addition to the Fourteenth, could serve as the basis for future cases. Last year, the Court handed down two decisions on gerrymandering. In Gill v. Whitford, the Court, in an opinion by Justice John Roberts, ruled unanimously that Wisconsin Democrats did not have standing to challenge the state-wide redistricting plan for the state legislature drawn up by the Republican-controlled legislature because an individual voter has standing to assert only that his own district has been so gerrymandered. And in Benesik v. Lamone, concerning a single federal congressional district in Maryland, the Courts first version of the Lamone v. Benisek case, the Court issued an unsigned per curiam decision remanding the case pending the decision in Gill. Ove the last 30 years, an efficiency gap has been formulated to deal with both packing and cracking legislative districts by comparing each partys total statewide votes in an election to the number of state or federal legislative seats gained by each party in the election. Thus, for example, in a certain election a political party may have won 60 percent of the seats in the state legislature but only received 52 percent of the votes statewide. All contemporary challenges to gerrymandering are based on the proposition that social-science and statistical analyses can be used to draw district lines that tend to be neutral and without discriminatory partisanship. The question today is whether the gap means that seats in a legislature must be based on a strictly proportional representation of the two parties. In past cases, even those lawyers seeking to have the courts overturn particular gerrymanders have steered clear of suggesting that the Constitution requires that the results of elections reflect the proportions of the two political parties in a states population. In the latest case, the oral arguments in both cases were dominated by the issue of proportional representation and by the question of whether any or how much political partisanship is constitutionally permissible. In Rucho, the lower court had ruled that the North Carolina statewide redistricting plan, put into effect by the Republican-controlled legislature, was an unconstitutional gerrymander of twelve of the thirteen congressional districts. Counsel for Common Cause and the League of Women voters defended the district courts decision. Justice Neil Gorsuch repeatedly mentioned that there are a growing number of states that have on their own addressed partisan gerrymandering by establishing bipartisan commissions, as well as public referenda, to draw district boundaries. Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined Gorsuch in this point and added that state supreme courts have also been invoked to remedy gerrymandering. So, why should the Supreme Court nationalize and constitutionalize the issue, they essentially asked? As part of their response, counsel made it clear who the geographic targets of Common Cause and the League of Women Voters are, for there are only a very small number of states that are east of the Mississippi who have so acted, and the vast majority of states east of the Mississippi, including specifically North Carolina, do not have citizen initiatives. Chief Justice Roberts, looking for a principle that were going to be able to apply to other cases, asked whether there was any element of partisanship that was permissible in the drawing of districts. And Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Justice Samuel Alito all asserted that the only possible and clear basis for assembling the evidence for discriminatory intent was proportional representation. Although denying that he wanted to dictate electoral outcomes, Common Causes counsel somewhat conceded the point. The League of Women Voters counsel was very emphatic about the statistical and even scientific validity of the reports of experts that the North Carolina federal district court had used. When Justice Gorsuch asked her about the efficiency gap, she replied that social science is just an evidentiary tool, but went on, nonetheless, to explain how simulations and U curves and the Bell curve of expected and reasonable map allocations of representation will make it possible to eliminate gerrymandering. Overall, then, she was announcing that the methods that Justice Kenney had hoped for in Veith had arrived. The issues were much the same in the oral arguments in the Lamone case involving a single Maryland congressional district that the Democrat-controlled legislature had reconfigured from semi-rural to a suburb of Washington D.C., and that the district court had found unconstitutional. The case avoided the broad standing problem of Gill from last year in that it is based on a single congressional district. At oral arguments, the plaintiffs counsel, under sharp questioning, ended up emphasizing that the facts of the case stuck out as extreme partisan gerrymandering and that the Court could issue a limited holding based on that fact and thereby avoid all the questions and qualifications about a national, applicable-to-all-cases standard for partisan gerrymandering. Justice Alito questioned the suitability of using the First Amendment, because that would permit state legislatures to knowingly and consciously draw maps based on speech, votes being regarded as speech. Would that not be government engaging in the regulation of speech, he asked. In addressing counsels point that discriminatory intent is the first element of proof of gerrymandering, Justice Elena Kagan remarked that in both cases, the party in control of the legislature, Republicans in North Carolina and Democrats in Maryland, had openly bragged about the partisan motivation for the maps. So, what if legislators are more discreet in future cases, thus eliminating an essential element of proof of unconstitutional gerrymandering? What standards could a court use to decide? The lawyer answered that intent would have to be inferred. But then Kagan and Roberts and Kavanaugh asked how much and what kind of evidence would be needed to prove the inference. Whereupon those justices and the plaintiffs lawyer essentially concurred that the standard would have to be proportional representation. Overall, serious doubts or at least concessions, direct and implied, by a cross-section of the justices and even by some of the lawyers charging constitutional violations, came up in the two hours of oral arguments about how gerrymandering could be constitutionalized and under what partisan political facts it should be. For most of my lifetime, Watergate has been used as the measuring stick for political corruption. What exactly was the Watergate scandal? On June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for burglarizing the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D. C. It was never alleged that President Richard M. Nixon knew about the burglary prior to the attempt, but that he tried to use the power of the presidency to obstruct justice in order to protect members of his administration and his reelection committee from facing criminal charges. Ultimately, Nixon was forced to resign in order to avoid congressional impeachment and a trial in the Senate. The great irony is that Nixon was going to crush McGovern in the general election without any illegal help. Nothing that could have been stolen from the Democrats could have helped the Republican Party win any bigger in 1972 -- Nixon claimed 520 electoral votes and carried 49 states. The break-in was stupid and unnecessary. And most importantly, it was illegal. Sure, the people initially apprehended were only a couple of Cuban refugees and a pair of former CIA spooks, but James W. McCord was with them -- a security coordinator for the Republican National Committee and Committee for the Re-election of the President. Investigators were eventually able to connect those five to G. Gordon Liddy and Howard Hunt, and those seven men were indicted by a grand jury on September 15, 1972. Over the course of the Watergate scandal, 69 people were eventually indicted, and 48 were found guilty. Nixon was pardoned by President Gerald Ford on September 8, 1974, officially putting an end to the whole sordid matter. Since that fateful turn of events, political scandals are typically compared to Watergate and inevitably judged to have fallen short. Subsequent scandals have often been labeled as such by merely appending gate as a suffix: thus weve had Climategate for the global warming email scandal, as one example. In fact, theres a whole Wikipedia page devoted to organizing and listing all the scandals that have been designated as such simply by slapping the word gate at the end of it. In a delicious irony, this week Attorney General William Barr implied that a new bar might have been set (pun intended) during the 2016 election cycle when he announced that he believes President Trumps political campaign was spied upon by the federal government. Just let that sink in for a moment and noodle around in your brain. In 1972, Republicans were caught using former CIA operatives to spy on their political rivals. In 2016, Democrats have now been caught using active FBI and senior Department of Justice employees to spy on President Trump. It is no longer debatable whether or not it happened, because A. G. Barr just told us it happened. The only question that remains is whether or not they had any sort of justifiable reason for doing so, except that question seems to have already been resolved by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because his report found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. In fact, the opposite appears to be true -- it looks as if federal agencies conspired with foreign governments to entrap peripheral members of the Trump campaign. Heads need to roll. Maybe even literally. This appears to the crime of sedition, the act of conspiring to incite rebellion against the authority of our government. If it could be proved that a foreign government had been involved in the conspiracy, the crimes involved might even rise to the level of treason. Sedition is bad enough. At the heart of the Watergate scandal was a bungled burglary. No one got hurt. If Nixon hadnt tried to obstruct justice, his presidency might have survived the scandal. Watergate is about to become ancient history because it pales in comparison to what the Obama administration just did. Innocent American citizens have had their lives destroyed in a criminal attempt to topple the Trump administration. Lets recap how it happened. To the surprise of pretty much everyone except Donald Trump, he rose to the top of the field and became the Republican nominee. Despite Bernie Sanders appearing to win most of the primaries and having the enthusiasm of most liberals behind him, Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee because the fix was in before the votes were cast. While working for the Democratic National Committee and campaign of Hillary Clinton, Marc Elias (from the law firm Perkins-Coie) hired Fusion GPS to create opposition research now commonly known as the Steele dossier, a collection of memos full of salacious unsubstantiated rumors and ridiculous claims that only a gullible maverick like Senator John McCain would believe. Fortunately for the conspirators, McCain passed the dossier over to James Comey at the FBI, giving the Obama administration an excuse to open a counterintelligence investigation into Trump even though they knew the information originated from the Clinton campaign and was unverified. How did they know? Bruce Ohr told them. And how did Bruce know? His wife, Nellie, works for Fusion GPS. Meanwhile, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and others working within the FBI and Obamas Department of Justice conspired to exonerate Hillary Clinton of serious crimes while charging her opponent with egregiously false, manufactured accusations of colluding with Russia. How can this not be a plot to overthrow our government? To make matters worse, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, James Clapper, and Sally Yates were all guilty of improperly unmasking innocent American citizens for nefarious political reasons, which led to General Michael Flynns unfair prosecution by Mueller after FBI officials had concluded he wasnt lying to them during their unfair interview. How can this happen? Where does the buck stop? Although President Obama frequently claimed he never knew about anything until after hed seen it in the news, he might not be able get away with pleading ignorance this time. According to texts sent between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, President Obama wanted to know everything they were doing. In contrast, Nixon didnt find out about the Watergate break-in until after it had already happened. Barack Obama has a big problem. Hes apparently involved in this effort to overturn the results of a presidential election up to those oversized ears of his. Somebody will probably start singing to get a reduced sentence pretty soon, and if they can corroborate their testimony with evidence, Obama can stop worrying about his legacy and start worrying about his imminent future. The penalty for sedition calls for up to twenty years in prison, and it is unlikely that President Trump would consider a pardon of Obama under the circumstances, because he was the target of this conspiracy. Dan Bongino calls it Spygate, but some people confuse that with a different scandal involving the New England Patriots and New York Jets. Perhaps we should call this ugly blemish on American history Obamagate? No matter what we eventually label this ugly episode in our nations history, the odds are strong that the word gate will be appended to the end of the phrase. Will there be a patriot in the Democratic Party with the courage to paraphrase the same question Howard Baker posed about Watergate in 1972: What did the President know, and when did he know it? John Leonard writes novels, books, articles for American Thinker, and may be contacted via his website at For all the left's howls about 'Islamophobia' and its supposed 'endangering' of Muslims, the real issue is anti-Semitism and the terror attacks now surging from it. Three Islam-motivated massacres on synagogues in Ohio, Montana, and Georgia were all thwarted in just the last five months, with very little press coverage about how close the terrorists came. Frontline's Daniel Greenfield has a disturbing piece on the incidents, as well news of a surge of crazed Jew-hating rhetoric from Muslim leaders that has risen in assorted mosques around the country, which may be fueling it. He writes: All three Muslim terrorists were ISIS supporters. They were the same age and scattered around the country, from Montana to Georgia to Ohio. They origins lay in different cultures and parts of the world. And yet their terror plots all targeted Jews. What was it that created this cluster of three Islamic terror plots against synagogues? No specifics are given in the complaints. Even the names of the synagogues remain anonymous. The phenomenon was not noted by any media outlet. The same outlets that eagerly publish statistical compilations of attacks on Muslims, real or imaginary, once again turned a blind eye to this cluster. He thinks it's connected to the surge in Jew-hating rhetoric and actual calls for violence against Jews suddenly coming out of mosques throughout the country: Last year, there was a similar cluster, not of attack plots, but of incitement to violence. In December 2017, an Imam in New Jersey had been caught preaching of the Jews, "Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one. Do not leave a single one on the face of the Earth." In February 2018, an Imam in Texas had urged fighting the Jews and a Syrian refugee Imam in North Carolina had recited a hadith calling for the extermination of the Jews, "We will fight those Jews until the rocks and the trees will speak: 'Oh Muslim, this is a Jew behind me.'" The geographic diversity of these calls to violence in mosques from New Jersey to North Carolina to Texas, echoed the diversity of the latest Islamic terror plots in Montana, Georgia and Ohio. There is no particular reason to think that the three terrorists were influenced by imams from other states. What these numbers reveal is the incredible scope and range of Islamic anti-Semitism and violence in America. Now that even congressional leaders, such as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), have made anti-Semitism respectable in the Democratic Party as well as impossible to censure, it signals an ugly emerging picture. Sick rhetoric is coming out of the mosques. People who listen to that sick rhetoric and go along with it are rolling into the Democratic Party's congressional leadership, hailed as the new wave and vanguard. They are not only escaping criticism, but drawing in a host of useful idiots rushing to their defense. And the violence keeps getting scarier. Right now, the lawmen have thwarted the problem in three instances, but it doesn't mean they've cut the problem off at the roots. They'll still have to keep thwarting, getting it right every time, until they don't. One slips out, and a large number of innocent people are massacred. After then, the press will report "no known motive" for the attack. Yet the answer as to why such an attack would go forth would be right there in this evidence. It's time to stop letting these people into this country. The rabid left has been rampant on college campuses since the 1960s, but never has it been as emboldened as it is now, not content to just spew crazy things, but to censor conservatives and independent thinkers. What's standing out now is that they are no longer going for the small fry - students, untenured assistant professors, conservative academics who really do say malapropistic things ... they're going for the bigs now. According to AEI's estimable Christina Hoff Sommers - they went after Camille Paglia, a powerful, influential, somewhat libertarian-leaning, and very independent intellectual, who, based on her familiarity with classical thinking in its correct context, is popular with conservatives, libertarians and independents:* Foolishness alert! There is a petition denouncing the brilliant scholar Camille Paglia! Here is what we demand of UArts: 1) Camille Paglia should be removed from UArts faculty and replaced by a queer person of color. Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) April 12, 2019 Paglia is gay herself, as well as a woman, but she doesn't meet the radicals' color criteria, named in the lunatic petition to get rid of her. And we all know the real problem was: Her ideas. Paglia doesn't have much sympathy for victim-mentality or political correctness. In fact, she has absolutely none, and she doesn't back down on this. Hoff Sommers, in her string of tweets, pointed out that the left not only put out a petition to get rid of Paglia, they also protested - and being a bunch of clowns, ended up having to listen to one of Paglia's academic lectures on ancient Egyptian hair styles. The far left's bid to Get Paglia even had a happy ending. Hoff Sommers posted this tweet as I was writing this, with her university, the Philadelphia College of the Arts (now the University of the Arts), being smart enough to come to her defense - much to its credit, as Hoff Sommers observes: David Yager, President of University of the Arts, where Camille Paglia teaches, has issued a powerful affirmation of free speech and academic freedom. More college presidents should follow his example! @TheFIREorg Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) April 13, 2019 But not so lucky was distinguished British philosopher, Sir Roger Scruton, a leading academic whose views are often identified as conservative, yet like Paglia, independently so. According to athis post by Mark Steyn (Hat tip: So Roger Scruton gave an interview to The New Statesman, which is left-wing but once employed him as its wine critic. But that was then, etc. At the new New Statesman he fell into the hands of one of those lefties whose goal in the interview is to talk to you for two hours and then pluck three partial quotes uttered twenty-five minutes apart that destroy your career and get you banished from public life. In this case, it was various Scrutonisms on China, Islam, Hungary and homosexuality, all of which are worth thinking about seriously. But, as I say, that's the leftie hack's objective, and you can't blame him for achieving it. Douglas Murray, quite rightly, is more disgusted by the craven pile-on of so-called conservatives: Within four hours of Eaton tweeting out his misquotations of Britain's most prominent living philosopher, the housing minister (James Brokenshire) announced that Scruton had been dismissed with immediate effect from his role as Chairman of the 'Building Better Building Beautiful Commission'. The sacking from this unpaid, advisory position came because of these 'unacceptable comments'. Scruton's a big name in academia and the attempts to shut him down are getting out of control. Abusing him this way is an outrage. And one can't help but feel that the left will continue to try to keep taking down Paglia, too. The ones who did were essentially clowns, but what happens when the Alinskyites with big money get involved or a new university president, with few balls, shows up? It's disturbing stuff, given the boldness of the attacks, no longer focused on small fry but on big guns -- with big audiences. Not even they are immune from attacks. Rest assured that unless President Trump's bid to end censorship on campus succeeds, there is going to be more of this. Image credit: Fronteiras do Pensamento // CC BY-SA 2.0 *An earlier version of this piece suggested that Paglia is conservative. This version has now been clarified and corrected. Recently, a new type of ransomware-based cyber-warfare made global headlines when an attack was executed against Norsk Hydro, a raw materials producer that boasts the 10th largest output of aluminum in the world. The victim, Norsk Hydro, just happens to employ more people in the United States than any other Norwegian company. The company has a total of 35,000 employees in 40 countries and has a market cap over 9 billion USD, making it a global force. The infection, known as LockerGoga, uses a renamed version of the system administration tool PsEXEC to begin running its scripts. It's still unknown how the malware spreads within a network, although researchers theorize that it spreads by using stolen remote desktop protocol (RDP). In basic terms, the infection can spread from an infected terminal to any or all others within the same network. After LockerGoga completes the process of encrypting your files, the affected files will show a ".locked" extension. LockerGoga targets popular file extensions in a system, including .doc, .dot, and .pot, among others. LockerGoga can also encrypt any file on a hard drive or network. LockerGoga can block outside connections by disabling Wi-Fi or Ethernet adaptors. Some variants of the ransomware, like the one used at Norsk Hydro, log out users and change passwords. The ransom note reads: "There was a significant flaw in the security system of your company. You should be thankful that the flaw was exploited by serious people and not some rookies." It goes on to threaten the victim to "NOT RESET OR SHUTDOWN files may be damaged. DO NOT RENAME the encrypted files. DO NOT MOVE the encrypted files. This may lead to the impossibility of recovery of the certain files." Finally, the payment demand is made in Bitcoin, with the final price being dependent on "how fast" the victim establishes contact with the hacker. One thing that seems peculiar about LockerGoga is that although it is at its core ransomware, some variants do not seem to be after monetary gain. Some versions of the ransomware encrypt the Windows Boot Manager, rendering the infected computer inoperable by not allowing it to boot into the operating system. This further validates that some variants of LockerGoga aim to disrupt operations on the networks it infects. The attack on Norsk Hydro immediately halted many of their critical production operations, forcing the company to isolate several plants and send several more into manual mode. As a byproduct, the company saw its stocks fall by 0.8 percent. Observers in the cyber-sphere are also alleging that a variant of LockerGoga may have been used to target the French engineering company Altran Technologies in January of this year. The attack was significant, considering the implications of this type of disruption in the production of raw materials during wartime. If we found ourselves in a state of total war, not just aluminum, but other materials like steel and iron, which are required for the immediate mobilization of the shipbuilding, aircraft, and munitions industries, could be severely compromised by opponents of the United States that are operating at a military disadvantage. We have seen a rise in hacking against the U.S. by foreign governments recently. Back in December, a Reuters report cited criminal hacking charges being prepared against Chinese nationals. The U.S. government charges that Chinese hackers were involved in a cyber-espionage operation named "Cloudhopper." At a press conference, FBI director Christopher Wray said at the time, "China's goal, simply put, is to replace the U.S. as the world's leading superpower and they're using illegal methods to get there." With the recent shakeup at the top of the Department of Homeland Security, close scrutiny should be given to the experience held by Kevin McAleenan, U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, currently acting in Kirstjen Nielsen's former capacity. Bad actors have proven time and again that the easiest means of disrupting America is via cyber-attack. Rep. Ilhan Omar has been caught trivializing 9/11 for the second time in as many days, this time in a bizarre video dug up by Fox News: Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, in a newly resurfaced clip of an old interview, joked about people saying "Al Qaeda" and "Hezbollah" in a severe tone -- while noting nobody says words like "America" that way. When I was in college, I took a terrorism class. ... The thing that was interesting in the class was every time the professor said Al Qaeda his shoulders went up, Omar said during an interview from 2013 when she was an activist within the Somali community, chuckling as she imitated the professor saying "Al Qaeda" and "Hezbollah." Omar went on to contrast the way people say the names of terror groups with how they pronounce the names of western powers: But you know, it is that you dont say America with an intensity, you dont say England with the intensity. You dont say the army with the intensity, she continued. ... But you say these names [Al Qaeda] because you want that word to carry weight. You want it to be something. We say those words in severe tones, of course, because the groups they represent are repulsive, vile, despicable, terrorists, all of them with long records of murdering innocents and dancing around about it afterward. But to Omar, see, this represents hypocrisy, a double standard. Shouldn't we all be using the word 'America' with just as much 'intensity' as we do 'al Qaida' or 'Hezbollah'? Shouldn't the word 'America' inspire the same sense of revulsion as 'al Qaida'? This, from the person who just recently assured that 9/11 was merely 'some people did something' instead of enact the largest mass murder from an Islamic terror attack in U.S. history, something that got a powerful smackdown from the New York Post, which by the way, is still criticizing her. In both instances, she trivializes 9/11 and the authentic threat that Islamic terror represents. She even links it to her own anti-American hatred, so common among fourth-world petty intellectuals described well in the non-fiction works of V.S. Naipaul. (Who by the way, unexpectedly won the Nobel prize for literature in the wake of 9/11, when even the Scandinavians were still outraged by the attacks.) Apparently, the 9/11 attacks had no such effect on the mind of Omar. Her response in fact, was to don the hijab, as she told the Washington Post. She hadn't been wearing it before then. That's some motivation for putting on a veil. And it says a lot about where Omar's true sympathies lie. It certainly explains why she could come to America as a refugee and right away find herself disgusted with the country, as she has told interviewers many times. Authentic refugees who've endured actual privation don't do that. It also raises questions about why she thinks she can get away with such views. Obviously, it's because she knows that the culture of political correctness in the U.S. is a strong one. Fox News's Judge Jeanine Pirro was recently suspended for asking if Omar's veil-wearing was an indicator of support for Sharia law. With the revelations from this new clip, obviously Pirro was understating things. Omar not only supports sharia law (which may or may not be relevant, depending on how it is read), she supports anti-Americanism. Her remarks downplaying al-Qaida in now two instances, as well as her going to political bat for known terrorists, insisting that they take no consequences for their murderous acts and plans, suggests a congressional leader whose constituents are terrorists and useful idiots, and whose own loyalties are in downplaying terrorism as a sword and up-playing political correctness as a shield. What an appalling picture of her. And of those who elected her. Image credit: Twitter screen grab In case anyone had any doubts about the precise nature of the ideology espoused by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), this week's unearthing of a tweet posted by the freshman congresswoman erased any such doubts: Given the unprecedented number of fanatical sentiments shared by Omar during her brief political career, it's perhaps easy to overlook the uniquely insidious point she is making here. You see, this tweet is the definitive proof that Rep. Omar is an anti-American fanatic. Whereas her prior controversies exposed her anti-Semitism, political radicalism, and any other number of undesirable views, we now have unequivocal proof that a U.S. congresswoman actually despises the nation she represents. True, there have been prior instances of congressmen and senators acting in ways that called into question their patriotism or endorsement of Western values. But in virtually all such cases, these dissidents have been artful enough to allow for at least a modicum of the benefit of the doubt against charges of anti-Americanism. Even Bernie Sanders a socialist who adored the Soviet Union so much that as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, he hung the Soviet flag outside his office has been careful to not explicitly declare his aversion for the United States. But Omar doesn't exercise any such discretion when she contends that America was "founded by genocide" and maintains "global power through neocolonialism." Absolutely stunning. She doesn't think America's founding was rooted in liberty, suffrage, rule of law, or constitutional republicanism; she declares it was rooted in genocide. Furthermore, she believes that America has never redeemed itself and continues to perpetuate oppression via "neocolonialism." It's almost immaterial to parse the staggering ignorance underlying Omar's argument by pointing out that the pseudo-"genocide" she speaks of was caused by disease spread by Europeans over two centuries before America was founded, and that "neocolonialism" is an absurd misnomer the far left uses to characterize the United States aiding pro-Western regimes. To ascertain Omar's anti-Americanism, one only has to take what she says at face value: genocide is the foundation of the United States, and "neocolonialism" is the means by which the U.S. maintains its malevolent global power. Ergo, America is a really, really bad country. It wasn't long ago that sentiments like these were confined to ultra-left-wing university faculty lounges or fringe socialist publications. The Godfather of the modern left, Noam Chomsky, has gained a sizable cult following promoting this sort of crackpot anti-Western conspiracies. Interestingly, as vile as his worldview is, Chomsky is at least consistent in that he believes that the United States is evil and doesn't pretend to be a U.S. patriot, whereas Chomsky's intellectual disciple, Rep. Omar, believes that the United States is evil but also has the audacity to serve in a body that represents the evil empire she decries. Rep. Omar's allies in Congress and the media will deflect; play the race, sex, and religion cards; accuse anyone of criticizing her as anti[insert keyword]; and otherwise do what they always do. But the proof that Rep. Ilmar Omar is an anti-American fanatic is her explicit condemnation of the United States as being born out of an evil it continues to perpetuate. Eugene Slaven is the author of the comedy thriller A Life of Misery and Triumph and the self-help guide Enemy Thoughts. Connect with him on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. RTHK: Trump's attitude key to another meeting, says Kim North Korean leader Kim Jong Un says he's is willing meet Donald Trump a third time as long as the US president comes to the table with the "right attitude", according to state media. Kim also said he would wait until the end of the year "for the US to make a courageous decision" on another meeting, after his most recent summit with Trump in Vietnam broke down without agreement. Washington has blamed the February deadlock on the North's demands for sanctions relief in return for limited nuclear disarmament, but Pyongyang said it had wanted only some of the measures eased. In a speech to Pyongyang's rubber-stamp parliament, Kim said the Hanoi meeting had made him question whether Washington is genuinely interested in improving its relations with Pyongyang. "We are willing to give another try if the US offers to have a third summit with the right attitude and mutually acceptable terms," he said, according to a report by KCNA. Kim added that his personal relationship with Trump remained strong, adding they could "write letters to each other" whenever they wanted. "We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the US to make a courageous decision," Kim said. Trump and Kim held their first landmark summit in Singapore last June, where the pair signed a vaguely-worded agreement on the "denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula". But the failure to reach agreement at their second summit in Hanoi has raised questions over the future of the accord. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2019-04-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Making her four-year-old debut on Friday night at Woodbine Mohawk Park, trotting mare Kadabra Queen returned to the winner's circle for the first time since her O'Brien Award-winning freshman year. Following an abbreviated sophomore campaign, Kadabra Queen kicked off her 2019 season on a winning note in an $18,000 conditioned trot as she collared the streaking race leader, Encarnacion, in a 1:57.2 mile. With Jonathan Drury in the bike, the 12-1 shot trotted along in fourth-place through fractions of :28.3, :59 and 1:28.3, picking up cover from 3-5 favourite Gallant Man, then trotting a :28 final quarter to prevail by half a length over Encarnacion. Pocket-sitter Kuil Deva finished 1-1/2 lengths behind in third while Spectre closed for fourth ahead of Gallant Man. Kadabra Queen returned $26.50 to win. The homebred Kadabra-Queen Street mare is owned by Harness Horsepower Inc. and trained by Chad Milner. Kadabra Queen was named Canada's Two-Year-Old Trotting Filly of the Year in 2017 after earning $328,380 and winning half of her 10 starts including the Ontario Sires Stakes Super Final. To view Friday's harness racing results, click on the following link: Friday Results - Woodbine Mohawk Park. Impoverished towns in the shadow of Mount Shasta. Rustic Gold Rush cities in the Sierra Nevada foothills. High-dollar resort communities on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Ritzy Los Angeles County suburbs. They all could be the next Paradise And theres a lot of Paradises out there. Areas At Severe Risk of California Wildfires Are Home to 2.7 Million People, Analysis Finds A McClatchy analysis reveals more than 350,000 Californians live in towns and cities that exist almost entirely within very high fire hazard severity zones Cal Fires designation for places highly vulnerable to devastating wildfires. These designations have proven eerily predictive about some of the states most destructive wildfires in recent years, including the Camp Fire, the worst in state history. Nearly all of Paradise is colored in bright red on Cal Fires map practically the entire town was at severe risk before the Camp Fire raged through last November, burning the majority of homes in its path and killing 85 people. Malibu, where the Woolsey Fire burned more than 400 homes last year, also falls within very high hazard zones. As does the small Lake County town of Cobb, much of which was destroyed by the Valley Fire in 2015. Theres a lot of Paradises out there, said Max Moritz, a fire specialist at UC Santa Barbara. All told, more than 2.7 million Californians live in very high fire hazard severity zones, from trailers off quiet dirt roads in the forest to mansions in the states largest cities, according to the analysis, which is based on 2010 block-level census data. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection says its maps show places where wildfires are likely to be extreme due to factors including vegetation and topography. The maps arent perfect in their ability to forecast where a fire will be destructive. For instance, the Coffey Park neighborhood of Santa Rosa isnt in a very high hazard zone, but powerful winds pushed the Tubbs Fire into that part of the city, largely leveling the neighborhood in October 2017. Coffey Park was built with zero consideration for fire, said Chris Dicus, a forestry and fire expert at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Fire was in the mountains there was no consideration that fire would cross (Highway) 101. Cal Fire is making new fire hazard maps ready in a year or so that will incorporate regional wind patterns and other climate factors. In the meantime, experts say the current maps, created about a decade ago, still provide an important guide to predict where wildfires could do the most damage , in the same way floodplain maps highlight areas that could be hit hardest during severe storms. The at-risk communities identified by McClatchy also should serve as a starting point for prioritizing how California should spend money on retrofits and other fire safety programs, Moritz said. Californias state-of-the-art building codes help protect homes from wildfire in the most vulnerable areas, experts say. But the codes only apply to new construction. A bill introduced by Assemblyman Jim Wood would provide cash to help Californians retrofit older homes. This will go a long way toward these different municipalities (in showing) that they deserve funding, Moritz said. McClatchy identified more than 75 towns and cities with populations over 1,000 where, like Paradise, at least 90 percent of residents live within the Cal Fire very high fire hazard severity zones. Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. Share your thoughts in our DISCUSSION FORUMS. Donate through Paypal. Please and thank you [Sacbee, weather, NYPost] Marysville, CA (95901) Today Rain and wind early...then remaining cloudy with showers overnight. Low 42F. Winds SSE at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.. Tonight Rain and wind early...then remaining cloudy with showers overnight. Low 42F. Winds SSE at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. Disney has thought about itself primarily as a maker of content. Netflix? That was the railway carrying the content to market. But Netflix has moved into content-making in a big way. So Disney is jumping in with its own streaming service to compete. recode Reliance Communications rejected any wrongdoing and said the tax dispute was settled under a legal framework. Le Monde said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement as against original demand of 151 million euros. (Photo: PTI) New Delhi: France waived taxes worth 143.7 million euros to a French-registered telecom subsidiary of Anil Ambani's Reliance Communications in 2015, months after India's announcement of buying 36 Rafale jets, a leading French newspaper Le Monde reported on Saturday. In its reaction, Reliance Communications rejected any wrongdoing and said the tax dispute was settled under a legal framework which is available for all companies operating in France. The French newspaper said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement as against original demand of 151 million euros. Reliance Flag owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the procurement of a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015, in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. The Congress has been alleging massive irregularities in the deal, saying the government was procuring each aircraft at a cost of over Rs 1,670 crore as against Rs 526 crore finalised by the UPA government when it was negotiating the deal. The Congress has also been targeting the government over the selection of Anil Ambani-owned Reliance Defence as an offset partner for Dassault Aviation, the manufacturer of Rafale. The government has rejected the allegations. The French newspaper said the company was investigated by French tax authorities and found liable to pay 60 million euros in taxes for the period 2007 to 2010. However, Reliance offered to pay 7.6 million euros only as a settlement but it was French tax authorities refused to accept the amount. The authorities conducted another probe for the period 2010 to 2012 and asked the company to pay an additional 91 million euros in taxes, the report said. It said by April 2015, the total amount owed by Reliance to the French authorities in taxes was at least 151 million euros. In October, six months after Modi announced in Paris about the Rafale deal, the French authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance as a settlement as against the original demand of 151 million euros. A spokesperson of Reliance Communications said the tax demands were "completely unsustainable and illegal" and that the company denied any favouritism or gain from the settlement. "During the period under consideration by the French Tax Authorities - 2008-2012 i.e. nearly 10 years ago, Flag France had an operating loss of Rs 20 crore (Euro 2.7 million). French tax authorities had raised a tax demand of over Rs 1100 crore for the same period," the official said. "As per the French tax settlement process as per law, a mutual settlement agreement was signed to pay Rs 56 crore as a final settlement," he said. The Prime Minister's Office has called an urgent meeting to discuss the situation, official sources said. "Jet is currently flying less than 50 domestic flights. The airlines has 16 aircraft available with them for flying," an official said. New Delhi: Cash-strapped Jet Airways is currently flying less than 50 domestic flights, a senior official of aviation regulator DGCA said on Friday. "Jet is currently flying less than 50 domestic flights. The airlines has 16 aircraft available with them for flying," the official said. The official did not give the actual number of aircraft that are currently flying. The official said that the airline has suspended its international operations till Monday. As the crisis in the private airline deepened, the Prime Minister's Office has called an urgent meeting to discuss the situation, official sources said. Meanwhile, SpiceJet on Friday announced it will induct 16 Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft on dry lease to bring down flight cancellations and expand the airline's international and domestic presence. The announcement comes at a time when airfares have been on an upswing across India for the last few weeks due to sharp decline in number of flights primarily caused by grounding of around 90 per cent of the 119-aircraft fleet of the cash-strapped Jet Airways. The availability of flights was also hit by pulling out of SpiceJet's 12 "737 Max" aircraft in March over safety concerns following an Ethiopian Airlines plane crash on March 10. "SpiceJet will induct 16 Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft on dry lease and has applied to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to import the aircraft," the airline said. "Subject to regulatory approvals, the aircraft would begin joining SpiceJet fleet in the next ten days," it added. Jet Airways employees are expecting to be paid their pending salaries once the fresh funding comes through. The beleaguered Jet Airways, which is flying just six-seven aircraft on Saturday, has asked its lenders to grant some "interim funding." (Photo: ANI) New Delhi: Employees of cash-strapped Jet Airways on Saturday protested outside Terminal 3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport here seeking release of pending salaries. The beleaguered airline, which is flying just six-seven aircraft on Saturday, has asked its lenders to grant some "interim funding". Its employees are expecting to be paid their pending salaries once the fresh funding comes through. Employees of Jet Airways gathered outside Terminal 3 in their uniform for a silent protest on Saturday afternoon. They carried banners that read " Save Jet Airways, Save our future" and "Hear our cry, Let 9W fly". 9W is the code for Jet Airways flights, just like 6E is for IndiGo flights. On Friday, Jet Airways employees took out a silent march in Mumbai. Civil Aviation Secretary Pradeep Singh Kharola had earlier said that the airline would fly just 6-7 aircraft on Saturday and Sunday. At its peak, the airline flew a 119-aircraft fleet. On Monday, the lenders - lead by SBI - would again meet the management of Jet Airways which will present a plan to use the "interim funding", if granted. Jet Airways on Thursday grounded its services to and from the East and Northeast regions and suspended its international operations till Monday. Consequently, many passengers were left stranded at the airports The inward investments from Mauritius have been growing in the past two years, despite the amendment being partially in force. As per data from the Economic Development Board of Mauritius, in 2016, total outward investments made by the country in India amounted $15.1 billion. Chennai: Indias amendment of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Mauritius has had little effect on the reported purpose of arresting tax evasion and tax abuse. The inward investments from Mauritius have been growing in the past two years, despite the amendment being partially in force. India had amended DTAAs with Mauritius and Singapore in 2016, levying capital gains tax on investments routed through these countries. The taxes on capital gains were applicable to investments made from April 1, 2017 at 50 per cent of the domestic rate until March 31, 2019 and at the full rate from April 1, 2019. However, the amendment has not been able to bring down the investments from the island nation. As per data from the Economic Development Board of Mauritius, in 2016, total outward investments made by the country in India amounted $15.1 billion. In 2017, since the amendment came into force partially, the same grew to $16.2 billion. Further, for the next six months, till June 2018, investments in stock through Mauritius to India grew multi-fold to $216 billion. There has been a positive growth subsequent to the amendment of the treaty in terms of total investments from Mauritius to India. This also signifies that investors look beyond fiscal advantages to invest in India. There are a multitude of compelling reasons investors use Mauritius as their investment destination of choice, said a spokesperson for the Economic Development Board. The 'Saaho' actor also shared some more holiday pictures on her social media handle. Mumbai: Indian-German model turned actress Evelyn Sharma, who was busy shooting for upcoming Prabhas starrer 'Saaho' took some time off to chill on the beach. The actor has recently shared her beach picture on her Instagram handle which is too hot to handle. The 'Main Tera Hero' actor wrote, "Whoever said you cant live off love and sunshine clearly never tried it. " In this picture, one can see Evelyn enjoying love and sunshine clearly on the beach. The diva is flaunting off her cleavage in a knitted top at the seashore and her beauty is just wow. Apart from that, Evelyn also shared some more holiday pictures on her social media handle. Take a look: Meanwhile, Evelyn is playing one of the key roles in Prabhas starrer Saaho. The actress will be seen doing high octane action sequences in the film. Saaho also stars Shraddha Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Jackie Shroff and others. A horrific massacre, a stain on civilisation, that day of sacrifice can never be forgotten by India, President Kovind tweeted. The massacre took place on 13 April 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer fired machine guns into a crowd of unarmed protesters. (Photo: ANI) New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to those who lost their lives in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre that took place on this day 100 years ago. "A 100 years ago today, our beloved freedom fighters were martyred at Jallianwala Bagh. A horrific massacre, a stain on civilisation, that day of sacrifice can never be forgotten by India. At this solemn moment, we pay our tribute to the immortals of Jallianwala #PresidentKovind," President Kovind tweeted. "Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," the Prime Minister wrote on Twitter. The massacre took place on 13 April 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer fired machine guns into a crowd of unarmed protesters and pilgrims who had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh in Punjab's Amritsar on the occasion of Baisakhi. The crowd had assembled peacefully at the venue to condemn the arrest of two national leaders -- Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew -- when they were fired at indiscriminately by General Dyer and his men. According to British government records, 379 people including men, women, and children were killed while 1,200 were wounded in the firing. Other sources place the number of dead at well over 1,000. Hundred years on, the United Kingdom is yet to give a full apology for the gruesome attack on unarmed protesters in Amritsar in 1919. However, British Prime Minister Theresa May had recently said that the United Kingdom "deeply regrets" the 1919 massacre and called it a "shameful scar" on the British-Indian history. "The tragedy of Jallianwalla Bagh in 1919 is a shameful scar on the British-Indian history. As her Majesty, the Queen said before visiting Jallianwala Bagh 1997, it is a distressing example of our past history with India. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused," May had said at the British Parliament earlier this week. Kolkata Police said that no political, apolitical, religious organisations are allowed to carry out bike rallies in the city. New Delhi: As West Bengal with 42 Lok Sabha seats is being perceived by the BJP as one of the key states that could help it return to power at the Centre, the party has put in place a two-pronged strategy to consolidate its vote bank. While on one hand it will unleash its main vote-catching machine, Narendra Modi, who will address 16 rallies in the state, on the other hand the party and VHP will hold nearly 700 rallies across the state on Sunday, April 14, to commemorate the occasion of Ram Navami. At this juncture, West Bengal is witnessing a major polarisation of vote bank. With Ram Navami rallies being planned, tension has gripped the state and the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government has asked for deployment of additional Central forces from the Election Commission. The state government has already banned public display of weapons during Ram Navami processions and only traditional processions have been given permission, official sources said. Any procession taken out illegally and displaying weapons would be booked under non-bailable penal sections. Over the past two years, West Bengal has been witnessing communal tension during Ram Navami as the VHP has been taking out motorcycle rallies where their cadre openly displayed weapons, provoking TMC also to take out Ram Navami processions. The state police has given intelligence inputs to the election panel about potential flashpoints and shared trouble spots from last years processions with it, sources said. The state government has sought two companies of Central forces in Asansol and Barrackpore, and Central forces have been sent for advance deployment to Malda and Murshidabad which go to polls on April 23 during the third phase of Lok Sabha polls. Kolkata Police said that no political, apolitical, religious organisations are allowed to carry out bike rallies in the city. The BJP was denied permission to take out bike rallies across Kolkata on the occasion of Ram Navami. However, normal rallies by the party and VHP are being allowed. Meanwhile on Saturday, there were reports of scuffles between police officials and BJP workers in some places after they were stopped from taking out bike rallies. The VHP, which has planned as many as 700 rallies in the state on the occasion of Ram Navami, said that no arms would be carried in rallies held this year. We have received permission for rallies. We will abide by the direction of the police and no one will carry arms during Ram Navami rallies conducted by us, VHP organisational general secretary (eastern region) Sachindranath Sinha said. There were, however, reports that hundreds of Ram Navami rallies, including some armed ones, were taken out by BJP and VHP in various parts of West Bengal on Saturday drawing sharp criticisim from West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee. Late Mandavi was the lone BJP MLA of Bastar division, comprising 12 Assembly seats. The MLA's mobile phone is missing and it might have been taken by Naxals, the official said. (Photo: AP) Bhopal: Chhattisgarh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel on Saturday announced to institute a judicial probe into the April 9 killing of Dantewada Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) Bheema Mandavi by Naxals. Mandavi along with four jawans were killed when maoists blew up the bullet-proof SUV in which they were travelling near Nakulnar in south Bastar district of Dantewada on April nine, two days before Bastar (ST) Lok Sabha seat went to polls. Mr Baghel on Saturday took to the Twitter informing that his government has moved the Election Commission (EC) seeking go ahead signal to its decision to institute a judicial probe into the incident. The state government has sought clearance from EC to institute judicial probe into the incident since model code of conduct for ongoing Lok Sabha election was in force now, he said. The BJP national president Amit Shah while addressing an election rally in Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh on Friday suspected political conspiracy in the killing of the party legislator and demanded a CBI probe into it. Former Chhattisgarh chief minister and BJP national vice-president Raman Singh also said the slain MLAs widow had no faith in the probe by the police into the incident. She too wanted a CBI probe into the incident. Late Mandavi was the lone BJP MLA of Bastar division, comprising 12 Assembly seats. The JD(U) and BJP are contesting on 17 seats each and Ram Vilas Paswans LJP has been given six seats to contest in the Lok Sabha elections. Bihar Chief minister Nitish Kumar who is also JD(U)s national president has repeatedly said that issues like Ram Temple and triple talaq should be resolved through negotiations. (Photo: PTI) Patna: A public meeting that was supposed to be a show of unity for the coalition partners JD(U), BJP and LJP ended in a clash over the Ayodhya issue. The incident occurred when JD(U) leader Sanjay Verma urged party workers to keep Ram Temple issue out of NDAs campaign agenda. Sources claim that BJP workers who had assembled during the meeting, started raising slogans and banging tables after Mr Verma commented on the issue. The NDA workers had gathered to discuss the poll strategy for LJP candidate Pashupati Paras who is contesting from Hajipur Lok Sabha seat. The matter is being blown unnecessarily. Nothing serious happened during the meeting. NDA is united and we are going to win the maximum number of seats in Bihar, state minister and LJP candidate from Hajipur Pashupati Paras said. The incident was also downplayed by the BJP state unit on Saturday. While talking to this newspaper BJP spokesperson Nikhil Anand said that NDA is united and we are sure to provide an alternative to this country under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2019. As far as issues like 35A, 370 and Ram Temple is concerned these are our core political agenda and we have already clarified our position on these issues. The JD(U) and BJP are contesting on 17 seats each and Ram Vilas Paswans LJP has been given six seats to contest in the Lok Sabha elections. Differences in NDA have been brewing ever since BJP released its manifesto. The JD(U) which is a major NDA partner in Bihar has been openly opposing BJPs stand on issues like Ram Temple and article 370. Some of the JD(U) leaders have also been uncomfortable with BJP president Amit Shahs recent stand on NRC. Chief minister Nitish Kumar who is also JD(U)s national president has repeatedly said that issues like Ram Temple and triple talaq should be resolved through negotiations. JD(U) sources said that the party has also taken a different line on these issues in its manifesto which is to be released on April 14. Despite being NDA partner our party has always maintained its old stand on Ram Temple, special status for Jammu and Kashmir and NRC. JD(U)s manifesto is being released on April 14 and our party has taken a different line from the BJP on these issues, A senior JD(U) leader said in Patna on Saturday. Ajmal was desperately trying for an alliance with Congress in order to defend his Dhubri Lok Sabha seat. Guwahati: Bogged down by his political isolation, the All India United Democratic Front leader Badruddin Ajmal on Saturday resorted to a controversial remark against Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hog the headline. Assam BJP leaders refused to counter the remark saying that Mr Ajmal and his party has lost its credibility and rejected by the people of Assam and just to remain in limelight he was resorting to such remarks. You all know that Mr Ajmal and his party has been rejected by the people of Assam in recent Panchayat elections. Even the Congress for which the AIUDF claimed to have left five seats has rejected them saying that they dont have any alliance, said the BJP spokesperson and treasurer Mr Rajkumar Sharma adding that Mr Ajmal was trying to make his presence felt. The AIUDF leader who triggered a row for his comments against Mr Modi said that he is also the part of the grand alliance, which wants Mr Modi out of the country and added that once the PM is out of power he can open a tea shop and sell pakodas too. It is significant that Mr Ajmal was trying hard to forge an alliance with Congress, which rejected the proposal outright, while accusing him of being communal. Former Assam chief minister and senior Congress leader, Tarun Gogoi said, There is no possibility of an alliance with AIUDF. Even when I spoke with senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel, he never mentioned about AIUDF chief Badruddin Ajmal. Mr Ajmal is known for making such controversial remarks as in December 2018 he abused a TV journalist and threatened to break his head after he was questioned about poll alliances for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. A perfume trader turn politician Mr Ajmal had formed All India United Democratic Front in 2005 and within a short span of time his party became the main opposition party by 2011 after winning 18 assembly seats and in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the party secured three seats. Mr Ajmal was desperately trying for an alliance with Congress in order to defend his Dhubri Lok Sabha seat. Mr Ajmals desperation was visible when he went on announcing unilaterally that they are not going to field candidate on five Muslim dominated seats in order to help the Congress party. In return Mr Ajmal had asked the Congress party to field a weak candidate from Dhubri to stop the division of Muslim votes. However, ignoring the AIUDF plea, the Congress party has fielded former legislator Abu Taher Bepari from Dhubri in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls against Mr Ajmal. Mr Bepari is very popular in the constituency, which is Muslim-dominated, and this will eventually lead to the division of minority votes. Terming Congress decision as betrayal Mr Ajmal said that it will lead to the division of anti-BJP votes and blamed local Muslim leaders from the Congress party for opposing the alliance between the two parties. Mr Ajmals remark against Prime Minister was also aimed at to counter the ongoing propaganda of Congress party in Dhubri area accusing that Mr Ajmal had a tacit understanding with BJP too. Addressing another rally in Ramanathapuram, Modi highlighted his govts strong fight against terror and a relaxed tax regime for the middle class. Theni (Tamil Nadu): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday sought to corner the Congress on its showpiece poll promise of minimum income scheme Nyay (justice), demanding justice for the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots, the Bhopal gas tragedy and violence against dalits. Addressing a poll rally in Theni in Tamil Nadu, he alleged that the Congress and dishonesty were best friends but sometimes by mistake, they end up speaking the truth. Now they are saying Ab Hoga Nyay (justice will be done now) even if they did not intend, they have admitted that all they have done is Anyay (injustice) for 60 long years, he said. I want to ask the Congress who will do Nyay to the victims of 1984 Sikh riots ?.Who will do Nyay to all the victims of anti-dalit (violence)? Who will do Nyay to the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy, among the worst environmental disaster in India? he asked Looking to strike a chord with Tamil voters, Mr Modi said he wants the Congress to tell, Who will do Nyay to the government of great M.G. Ramachandran ji, which was dismissed by the Congress just because one family did not like those leaders the Congress, which talks about Nyay has done most injustice to regional aspirations by shamelessly, imposing Article 356 to dismiss state governments of M.G. Ramachandran, M. Karunanidhi and the Communists. Addressing another rally in Ramanathapuram, Mr Modi highlighted his governments strong fight against terror and a relaxed tax regime for the middle class. While terror attacks shook the nation during the Congress regime, the NDAs policy halted them, he said. Those who cannot protect India can never develop the nation. When Congress and their allies were in power, terrorists were attacking the nation regularly.City after city, there were blasts but the Congress remained helpless and silent, he said. A vote for DMK, Congress, and Muslim League combine would lead to higher taxes and less development and give a free hand to terrorists and rise of criminal elements in politics, he alleged. Blaming the DMK and the Congress for vote bank politics in opposing a bill on abolishing triple talaq in Parliament, Mr Modi said, These parties do not believe in dignity of women. Countering Rahul Gandhis recent attempt to invoked Tamil pride and rationalist leader Periyar to target the BJPs Hindutva line, Mr Modi referred to the legacy of late AIADMK leaders MGR and J. Jayalalithaa who worked for the welfare of the poor. In both the rallies, Mr Modi referred to ongoing development projects in Tamil Nadu and listed his governments welfare initiatives like the free LPG connections. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses etc all. Happy reading. Political analysts are of the opinion that the latest controversy may create problems for the JD(U) in the 2019 general elections. Rabri Devi in her statement on Friday had said that Kishor met Lalu Yadav at least five times earlier with his offer and if he denies, it would be a blatant lie. (Photo: PTI) Patna: Poll strategist Prashant Kishor sets the political temperature soaring in Bihar with his invitation to Lalu Yadav for a media interaction over Rabri Devis claims that he came to her residence with an offer to merge JD(U) and RJD and declare Nitish Kumar a prime ministerial candidate. On Saturday Prashant Kishor in a tweet said that he is ready for a media debate with Lalu Yadav in order to clear the air about what transpired during their meeting. Those convicted or facing charges of abuse of public office and misappropriation of funds are claiming to be custodians of truth. I am ready for open media debate with him (Lalu Yadav) over the issue. Let people know who came with what kind of offer, Mr Kishor said in a tweet. Rabri Devi in her statement on Friday had said that Mr Kishor met Lalu Yadav at least five times earlier with his offer and if he denies, it would be a blatant lie. Security personnel and staff deployed at my residence can also tell you how many times he visited my residence to meet Lalu. If he denies now then it would be a big lie. I had asked him to go away because I didnt like his offerl, former chief minister Rabri Devi said. After Mr Kishors denial on Saturday, she responded sharply by saying that he visited her 10 Circular road residence with an offer to make Tejashwi Yadav Bihars CM in 2020 Assembly elections if our party supported Nitish Kumar as the prime ministerial candidate in the 2019 general elections. The RJD also reacted bitterly on the social media platform. Our party chief has more experience than you. There are many political leaders like you who have come and gone. If you want to discuss your stories you should go to your bosses. Senior RJD leader Mohammad Neamtullah in his statement said, How much does he know about Mr Lalu. He is a mass leader and has more experience than Prashant Kishor. Lalu Yadav who is in judicial custody after being convicted in four fodder scam cases had made similar claims about Prashant Kishors offer in his autobiography Gopalganj to Raisina hills. These claims were however denied by many NDA leaders earlier including Prashant Kishor. In a tweet last week he had termed Lalu Yadavs claims as bogus. Prashant Kishor who has been widely credited for the massive victory of the grand alliance in 2015 Bihar Assembly elections joined the ruling JD(U) as party National Vice President in September last year. His appointment into the JD(U) had made him the second most powerful leader in the party. Political analysts are of the opinion that the latest controversy may create problems for the JD(U) in the 2019 general elections. In the visitor's book, Rahul wrote that the cost of freedom must never be forgotten. Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh, along state governor V.P. Singh Badnore and others, takes part in a candle light march on the eve of the centenary of Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar. (Photo: PTI) Chandigarh: Congress president Rahul Gandhi and Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh paid floral tributes at the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial here on Saturday to mark the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. After arriving here, Rahul, accompanied by chief minister Amarinder Singh, paid a visit to Golden Temple complex where he offered prayers at the Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of Sikh religion. In the visitor's book, Rahul wrote that the cost of freedom must never be forgotten. "The cost of freedom must never ever be forgotten. We salute the people of India who gave everything they had for it. Jai Hind," he wrote. April 13 marks the 100th anniversary of the massacre, in which British forces led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer opened fire on hundreds of unarmed, innocent Indians, including women and children, who were protesting peacefully against the oppressive Rowlatt Act of the British government. PM Narendra Modi said the memory of those killed in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre serves as an inspiration to work for an India they would be proud of. "Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred ... Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," he tweeted. Soon after Phase 1 of the Lok Sabha polls, the chief minister was vociferous about malfunctioning EVMs. 'EC is an autonomous body but they are working at the instructions of Modi,' Naidu said. (Photo: ANI) New Delhi: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Saturday accused the Election Commission of working under the instructions of the Prime Minister as he continued to air his grievance against faulty EVMs. Soon after Phase 1 of the Lok Sabha elections ended on Aprill 11, the chief minister was vociferous about malfunctioning EVMs which he believes may interfere with a fair polling process. Naidu took his angst to Delhi on Saturday and met officials of the EC. After the meeting he said: The government of India is interfering through EC. We have complained against EVMs earlier. EC is an autonomous body but is working at the instructions of Modi. Transfers of officers in Andhra Pradesh is also unjustified." During polling on April 11 that saw Andhra Pradesh vote for both central and state elections, voting in a few districts of Andhra Pradesh was disrupted briefly due to faulty EVMs. Naidu had requested the EC for an extension of polling time in the state to compensate for the time lost due to technical glitches. Kejriwal also questionned the timing of the February 14 Pulwama terror attack, which he said was executed 'ahead of the elections'. Kejriwal further said that because of Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah, the unfulfilled agenda of Pakistan to divide India on the religious lines seems to be working. (Photo: File) Panaji: Latching onto a statement attributed to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal Saturday said Pakistan cannot get a better Indian PM than Narendra Modi who had allowed the ISI to visit the Pathankot air base, and is "implementing" Pakistan's agenda. Kejriwal also questionned the timing of the February 14 Pulwama terror attack, which he said was executed "ahead of the elections". Referring to Khan's statement that he sees a better chance of peace talks with India if the BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins the Lok Sabha elections, the Delhi chief minister went on to question the timing of the Pulwama attack in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed. "Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan says that Narendra Modi should become the PM of India once again. His statement came against the backdrop of a war like situation that existed between both the countries a few days back. And (despite that) Imran Khan wants Modi to be the PM of India again," Kejriwal said while addressing the AAP workers in South Goa. Kejriwal said he didn't understand that is happening between Khan and Modi. "Four weeks back, a war-like situation prevailed between both the countries but now Imran Khan wants Modi to be the PM. Why is he saying so? Why does Pakistan want Modi to be PM again? Now people have started asking about the Pulwama attack," he said. "Why did he (Imran Khan) get the terrorist attack at Pulwama executed just two months before the (Lok Sabha) elections?" he asked. "Modi is now going around the country and telling that we went into the house of the enemy (ghar me ghuskar) and killed them," he said. Kejriwal added, "Pakistan cannot get better prime minister than Modi. After the Pathankot strike, he (Modi) invited the ISI (Pakistani spy agency) to investigate it (in 2016). The ISI is less of an intelligence agency and more of terrorists. The BJP calls Modi a strong leader, but no government did what Modi did (by allowing the ISI enter the Pathankot air base)..Can Pakistan get better Indian PM than Modi?" he questioned. Kejriwal further said that because of Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah, the unfulfilled agenda of Pakistan to divide India on the religious lines seems to be working. "Pakistan failed to divide India on the religious lines in the last 70 years. But it is being made possible in the last five years because of Modi and Shah duo who have filled poison in the minds of the people. Pakistan cannot get better Indian prime minister than this. They (Shah and Modi) have implemented Pakistan's agenda," he said. He further said Modi's return to power does not augur well for democracy in India. "If Modi returns to power, this would be the last election in the country till he is alive. I have come to appeal to you to save the country. The country is in danger. If Modi and Amit Shah come back again, and if Modi becomes PM again, then the country will not survive, Indian constitution will not survive and secular structure will not survive," he alleged. AAP has fielded Elvis Gomes from South Goa constituency against Congress' Francisco Sardinha and BJP's sitting MP Narendra Sawaikar. Goa, which has two Parliamentary seats, votes on April 23. At the rally, Modi hit out at the Congress on the J&K and national security issues, taking it on its election promise to withdraw AFSPA. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Congress was dreaming about coming to power at the Centre and asked voters to punish it and its allies in such a way they would not be able to save even their deposits. (Photo: ANI/ Twitter) Bengaluru: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Congress was dreaming about coming to power at the Centre and asked voters to punish it and its allies in such a way they would not be able to save even their deposits. At a massive rally here, Modi hit out at the Congress on the Jammu and Kashmir and national security issues, taking it on its election promise to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). "...punish Congress and its allies in such a way so that they will not be able to even save their deposits," he said. Modi said while his government had promoted "ease of doing business" in 60 months of its rule, the Congress had encouraged "ease of loot" in its 60 years of administration. The Prime Minister also took exception to the political row created by the ruling Congress-JD(S) alliance over the recent Income Tax raids on several JDS men across the state. Modi asked the crowd, "should the law be followed or not whether it is PM or CM or ministers? Why get scared if you have not committed anything wrong?" he asked. On March 28, the Income Tax department carried out raids at multiple locations in Bengaluru, Mysuru,Mandya, Ramanagara, Shivamogga and Hassan, triggering a strong reaction from Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy and Congress leaders, who accused the Centre of promoting the politics of vendetta. Kumaraswamy had even called the I-T officers as agents of BJP and led a protest by the ruling Congress-JD(S) coalition in front of the IT department office here. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses etc all. Happy reading. The minister claimed that nobody could doubt the commitment and integrity of Mr Modi. Police personnel who are scheduled to be on election duty during the third phase of polling cast their votes for general elections in Ahmedabad. (Photo: PTI) Gandhidham (Guj): Attacking Congress over its poll promise of repealing the sedition law if elected to power in the Lok Sabha election, Union home minister Rajnath Singh Friday said here that the BJP government would make the law even more stringent. He was speaking at a gathering in Gandhidham city of Kutch district in Gujarat. Congress is saying that they will repeal the sedition law. I want to ask you all, should we forgive those anti-nationals who are trying to break the unity and social fabric of our country? he asked. If its within our powers, we will make the sedition law even more stringent. We will make such a strict law that it would send shivers down their spine. (Agar hamara bas chaley toh rashtradroh ko aur kadaa hum banayenge, taaki iss kanoon ki provisions ki yaad aate hee logo ki rooh kaanpe... aisa kanoon banayenge)," Mr Singh said. The senior BJP leader also attacked former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah over his demand for a separate prime minister for the region. I want to tell these leaders that if you continue to raise such demands, then we will be left with no other option than to abrogate Articles 370 and 35A of the Constitution. We dont want such India, said Mr Singh. He also blamed former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru for the Kashmir crisis. Had Pandit Nehru given full powers to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to handle the issue, we might have got a solution at that time, said Mr Singh. Speaking on the performance of the Modi government, the home minister said, I do not want to claim that we have uprooted the corruption completely. But, our government has definitely taken some decisive steps towards that direction. The minister claimed that nobody could doubt the commitment and integrity of Mr Modi. Mr Singh alleged that although India was capable of making anti-satellite missile way back in 2007, the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had stopped the scientists from doing so. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses etc all. Happy reading. Priya Dutt on reclaiming Mumbai North Central constituency from BJPs Poonam Mahajan, striking a balance between her personal. After being elected to the Parliament of India twice first from her fathers seat in Mumbai North West constituency in 2005 and later from Mumbai North Central in 2009, Priya Dutt, who represents Congress, lost her seat in the last Lok Sabha elections to BJPs Poonam Mahajan. However, in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, Priya is not only confident of giving Poonam Mahajan a defeat but the politician also feels that there is no competition at all from the BJP candidate. I wouldnt even compare the last elections to this elections because people were completely blinded by a wave. There was this Modi wave due to which they didnt even think over the candidate they are voting for. So, I cant even compare but this election is more of fighting for what is the truth. And, what has been shown in the past five years is a complete lie. Everybody knows that they promised people development, employment and a robust economy. Also, their promise of bringing back the black money into our country and crediting Rs 15 lakhs in the account of the people have proved to be unfulfilled. Nothing they said has been fulfilled so its a mere lie, says Priya and adds that the BJP did nothing towards development in the last five years even though they were in the Centre and had a cooperative alliance. We always worked as a coalition government, which was tough, but we achieved a lot, she says. Speaking about her agendas for the next five years if she comes to power, the politician says, My agendas are pretty much similar to from where we started in the 2014 elections... unfortunately, nothing has moved ahead from that. This constituency is very diverse - you have the elite upper class, middle class and on the other side, you have a lot of slums as well. My constituency comprises of 60 per cent of slums. Undoubtedly, the needs of all these sections are completely different and we have to address the issue of the housing, which is and has been a very big subject waiting to be addressed. (There was supposed to be) rehabilitation of the people on the central government land, which has yet not happened. Further adding on her agendas, she says, We had taken the rehabilitation proposal to the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, we will again address the national policy of (allotting) the Central government land for rehabilitation. And then, we are looking at the redevelopment projects in Bandra East area. When we talk about infrastructural development in our constituency, a lot has happened in the last ten years by the UPA government - Milan Subway Road, BandraWorli Sea Link, Chembur Link road, etc. I have to proudly say that in all these projects, people were rehabilitated. And as a member of parliament, my role was very important as we had to negotiate for the people who were affected. Our stand was very firm that people who were affected should be rehabilitated first and then only development should go ahead. Another area that will be in focus for Priya is women empowerment. Our party has been very vocal about women empowerment, we have always tried to uplift the causes related to women including the 33 per cent reservation in parliament. It's not been obtained yet but Congress party is the one who initiated it. The first thing that our manifesto says is that 33 per cent of the government jobs should be allocated for women, this will benefit a lot of women. Under the NYAY scheme, about Rs 72,000 per year will be again going to womens account as a woman is the poorest of the poorest families. Again it's going to empower women as she is the one who takes care of the family. So every scheme you would look at is first focusing on empowering a woman and that is how we look at women empowerment Priyas father Sunil Dutt joined Indian National Congress party in 1984 and was elected to the Parliament for five terms from the constituency of Mumbai North West. It is the same constituency from where Priya began her journey following his death in 2005. Is there any wish of her father that Priya wishes to fulfil? One wish that my father always wanted to fulfil was housing for the people. It has always been his dream to provide the people in the slums with proper living conditions. I would really want to see this dream of his flourishing. And, giving people their homes is something I feel from the bottom of my heart, says Priya. And, would her brother be campaigning for her? I don't want my brother should hang around me when I am campaigning, I don't think that is right. He has his own work to do and I respect that. He is always there with me morally and emotionally. Sanju has also said, whenever Priya wants me there for her, I will be there by her side. He will be a part of the campaign but I don't want him to be here from day one, says Priya. When asked what are the things that she has learned from her brother, Priya says it is remaining strong throughout. I love his strength. I have great admiration for him because he has gone through hell in his life, he's gone through the craziest ups and downs in his life and yet he has come out strong every time. I have learned a lot from him, his resilience and his will to survive all this gives me oodles of strength and learnings, says Priya who gets emotional as she adds, So, the resilience Sanju gets from both my father (Sunil Dutt) and mother (Nargis Dutt). On striking a balance between her personal and professional front, Priya says, During my first elections campaign, I was carrying my first baby. At that time also, I ensured to draw a balance in my personal as well professional life. Undeniably striking a balance is always difficult, especially now when my children are in their early teen years. Age of 12-13 is the time when children need the support and advise of their parents the most." Priya further gets nostalgic as she recalls how her father Sunil Dutt always stood by her and Sanjays side. He would never miss the parents-teachers meetings. He would always support us and be there during our school functions. Since he did it, I'm sure I can do it. Lastly, the politician adds, I have been able to keep up to my personal and professional commitments only because of the support of my husband. I do get a lot of support from him and without his support, I could not have done what I have done and will be doing hereafter. Friday, April 12, 2019 at 10:30PM We're seeing a lot of theater in the run up to the Tonys. Here's new contributor J.B. For the last twenty years or so, and probably longer, well-crafted stories about women in politics told on stage or screen have frequently been described with words like timely or vital. These stories, in many cases, are ones we havent heard before, and to the extent we as a society want our art to imitate life (and indeed, vice versa), they are, now more than ever, ones we need to hear. It is for this reason that Hillary and Clinton, a well-crafted story about the quintessential woman in American politics now playing at the John Golden Theater in New York, feels like such an anomaly. The play, written by Lucas Hnath and directed by Joe Mantello (his SEVENTH production on Broadway in just the last three years), takes place in a hotel room during the thick of the 2008 New Hampshire Democratic Primary and offers an imagined glimpse into what exactly the titular characters (played by Tony-winners Laurie Metcalf and John Lithgow, respectively) may have been thinking, feeling, and communicating to each other at that precise place and time in history... On its page devoted to the play, where tickets are also available for purchase, advertises Hillary and Clinton with the blurb Laurie Metcalf and John Lithgow star in Lucas Hnaths timely new work. Theres that word, timely. But in fact, this description is a rather ironic one here, since the play is, in all reality, neither timely nor new. In fact, it was written in 2008, when the events on which it focuses were very recent history. But in 2019, those events feel like ancient history, and the themes and insights Hnath uses them to convey (generally about the experience of being a woman running for President of the United States and specifically about the experience of being Hillary Rodham Clinton) feel gratuitous and at times even painful. After all, since the play was written, we all watched Hillary mount and lose yet another presidential campaign, and, before, during and after that campaign, speak and write ad nauseum about what it is like to be a woman running for President, and what it is like to be her. Because of this, Hillary and Clinton doesnt pack the punch it would have had it had premiered in, say, 2009. But in 2019 it's still a sharp, well-staged, funny, and poignant when it needs to be. Metcalf, as always, knocks it absolutely out of the park as Hillary, and Lithgow and the supporting cast keep up. The work itself doesnt quite match what Hnath accomplished with his 2017 smash A Dolls House, Part 2 (a transcendent mediation on love, marriage, gender and society, also starring Metcalf), but its thoughtful, inquisitive, and worthy of a Broadway stage. There is wisdom, humor and even some spark of joy and optimism to be found in it. What it is not, however, is timely. Spoiler alert, but the play literally contains a scene in which Barack Obama, in an attempt to convince Hillary to concede the democratic nomination to him, says in so many words: This isnt your time, Hil. But your time will come. Ouch. For me, its still too soon to be able to watch that exchange play out and not wince (or worse). Maybe there will come a time when I am ready to relive or re-examine the course of the 2016 election, but that time is most definitely not now. And that is where Hillary and Clinton struggles most. The play frames its story as one taking place in an alternate universe, but doesnt do a good enough job of transporting the audience to that universe. Metcalf doesnt wear a pantsuit or a blonde wig in the production, but that alone isnt enough to distract the audience from, what is surely for many of us, the traumatic nature of the events the work is portraying in order to allow us to sufficiently focus on or appreciate the sophisticated, meticulously-curated thoughts and ideas Hnath is trying to impart. On the contrary, towards the end of the play, Hillary waxes poetic in a particularly gripping monologue about the fact that if one universe exists, which is does, then countless alternate universes must also exist, and maybe, somewhere, in one of those universes, she is President. Hnath, to be sure, is saying something profound and meaningful with this monologue. But about the only thing I took away from it was the fact that, at this moment in time, wherever that alternate universe exists, Id rather be living there than in this one. Tony Awards? Metcalf is a lock for a Best Leading Actress in a Play nomination, and could very well snag her third Tony. Expect Lithgow, also a two-time previous winner, and Hnath, a previous nominee, to show up among the nominations as well for Best Actor and Best Play respectively. Otherwise, Mantello stands a good shot for his directing, as does Peter Francis James for his featured role as President Barack Obama. Mamata Banerjee said that carrying mace and sword some people have hit the street to seek votes. Kolkata: Expressing her doubts over the BJPs performance in the ongoing Lok Sabha election, Trinamul Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee on Saturday wondered whether the saffron party would at all be able to win 10 seats out of 91 where the first phase of polls was held on April 11. She underlined that the BJP may not be able to cross the tally of 100 seats even altogether while dismissing the partys prospect to come to power for the second time in a row. The West Bengal chief minister told a rally in Siliguri of North Bengal, Elections were held in 91 seats. Out of that the BJP got 32 last time. But I have come to know that they would not even get 10 this time. It is a total loss, a big zero for them. They would be fortunate if they can cross 100. Still they are dreaming of forming the government. Alleging foul play by the NDA-led BJP government through demonetisation, GST, banking reforms, atrocities on the dalits and minority communities she said, We will not even leave a single vote. A single vote is the jote (alliance) to oust Narendra Modi from power. It is an alliance of the mass. Throw them (BJP) out of power. Tearing into the BJP for taking out rallies with arms to celebrate Ram Navami in the state the Trinamul chief accused them of selling religion desperately for political gains. Furious over the display of mace and sword by state BJP president and party candidate of Kharagpur Dilip Ghosh, Ms Banerjee said, Carrying mace and sword some people have hit the street to seek votes. What have these things to do with politics? Whose head will you smash with mace? Who will you behead with sword?" The Mumbai BJP chief ruled out the perception that the Opposition parties are gaining ground in the city. Mumbai: Mumbai Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Ashish Shelar has expressed confidence that the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance will win all six seats in the city hands down. The Opposition parties are very weak and are in no position to pose any challenge to us, he said. In a special talk with The Asian Age on Friday, the BJP leader said that the kind of response the BJP-Sena alliance candidates are getting in the city shows that they will win all seats easily. We had already won all six seats in the last Lok Sabha polls. We will continue with that performance this time too, he said. If you analyse all six seats in the city, you will find that the Opposition has failed to find original candidates. Sanjay Nirupam was earlier with the Shiv Sena, whereas Sanjay Dina Patil was knocking on the doors of the BJP a few years ago. Urmila Matondkar herself is new to politics. On this backdrop, it will be interesting to see how much of a challenge they pose to the BJP-Sena candidates, he said. In the remaining three constituencies, the Opposition candidates cannot be considered as fighters. Milind Deora and Priya Dutt had earlier not shown interest in contesting, while Eknath Gaikwad is not fit to contest, said Mr Shelar. The Mumbai BJP chief ruled out the perception that the Opposition parties are gaining ground in the city. They do not have ground as they found it hard to even nominate candidates. The then Congress city chief was seen running from one constituency to another for fear of losing. What does it show? Even for their own campaign, they have to call leaders from other parties for campaigning, said Mr Shelar, who is also a MLA from Bandra-west. The BJP leader predicted that the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) factor will affect the chances of the BJP-Sena alliance in the Lok Sabha polls. We will not reply to Raj Thackerays speeches. The chief minister has already given a fitting reply. Let him speak against us. It will only enhance BJPs chances in the polls. The voters of MNS will not vote for the Congress, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) candidates, whereas non-Maharashtrians will have no choice but to dump the Congress, he said. Mr Shelar denied that there are differences between the workers of BJP and Shiv Sena for the Lok Sabha polls. There is no dispute between us. We are all working together to ensure the victory of BJP-Sena alliance candidates,he said. While the Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray has announced that his party and the BJP have decided to share power in the state, Mr Shelar said the BJP is not planning to do so in the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) despite having significant strength. We have not thought about it so far, he added. It should be said that the Congress Partys dynasty is itself not particularly qualified in the educational sense. How educated does a leader have to be and what is the consequence of a lack of intellectual exposure? The Congress is making fun of the fact that Smriti Irani did not go to college. She joined a correspondence course but did not finish it, which probably means she had no interest in furthering her education. Ms Irani is a smart and clever individual and her lack of formal education does not appear to have hindered her progress, though one can judge her quality only from her policy interventions that not many of us have any idea about. There is no shame in not having gone to college, but Ms Irani got into trouble because she had made some claims about her education (having gone to Yale University) which were misleading if not outright false. It should be said that the Congress Partys dynasty is itself not particularly qualified in the educational sense. Rajiv Gandhi went to England to study at Cambridge but he failed his exams and did not get a degree. His brother Sanjay did not even pass out of high school. He left school to take up a course in automobile repairs. It is shocking that such a person was so powerful and allowed a big say in policy by his mother. Sanjays wife Maneka married him when she was 18 and therefore does not have a proper education. Her Lok Sabha qualification says she only went to school. Sonia Gandhi did not go to college either. Her studies ended at the age of 18, and she also married early. Indira Gandhi did not get a degree either. Rahul Gandhi is called Pappu by his detractors, but he seems to be academically bright. He has a Masters in Philosophy in development economics from Trinity College, Cambridge. This is the same place that Nehru also studied. It may interest readers to know that Nehru passed with a third class and was not a good student. Rahul is the most educated individual in the Gandhi family's history. The most famous British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, did not go to college and did not have a formal education. This is remarkable because he was a historian and a novelist and won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953. Another British Prime Minister who left school at 16 and did not go to college was John Major, whom older readers will remember as Margaret Thatchers successor. A total of 11 British PMs have not been to college. Narendra Modi left his house and his wife at the age of 17 and therefore did not go to college. He did a correspondence course though there is some controversy over the authenticity of the documents he has produced. Despite his lack of formal education, we can observe that he is a good politician. However, I think he has one crucial flaw. He does not engage deeply with policy material like Manmohan or Obama or someone intellectual might. In one of his interviews, Mr Modi has himself described how he works. He says: Three or four days after I became chief minister of Gujarat, the chief secretary (CS) came to me. He brought a heap of files this tall (gesturing about three feet high). They must have weighed 15 or 20 kilos. The peon left them on my table. The chief secretary sat and said to me: This is the file for Narmada I can remember Narmada but there were three other files also. The CS said: These are on Gujarat's vital and sensitive issues. Take the time out to read them. You may need to speak on, and take a position on, at any time and address all these issues. I kept looking up and down the height of the stack three or four times. I said to him: You leave these here and we shall meet in a few days. I did not even open these files. They stayed where they were. A voice came to me that I could not work through academics study [sic]. I can't do that. That voice came from within. I said to the three officers who were working with me that the CS has given these to me. I will not be able to read so much. First, you people make me understand what masala [sic] the files contain. If I begin reading all this material, there's no end to it. It is not in my nature (prakruti) to read files. Three or four days later the CS returned. I said to him: Tell me what the important things are in these files. He did so and I said: This much is sufficient for me, you can take the files back. After that I have never had to be briefed on these issues, and its been 13 years since. I had such ability that I was able to grasp the granularity of the issues. Such things left an impact on the officers. I dont argue. I am a good listener. Dont go by my reputation outside: I listen a lot. I can say today that if in my development reading played a 30 per cent role then listening had a 70 per cent role. What I hear, I analyse, and classify the maal [sic] in different boxes in my mind. This takes me no time and when needed I can retrieve it. This extra method (vidha) I have been able to develop. Even today if my officers show me some paper, I say: Tell me what's in it in two minutes. For me two minutes is sufficient for a 10-page document. This skill is something I have developed. Unfortunately, this is not appropriate for running a large and complex nation. One hopes that in his second term, Mr Modi spends more time reading serious material even if it bores him or is against his nature. Manufacturers may be allowed to test autonomous delivery vehicles with an approved permit from the regulator. 62 companies have valid permits to test autonomous vehicles with a safety driver on California public roadways. California regulators on April 12, proposed regulations that would allow vehicle manufacturers to test or deploy small self-driving delivery trucks on public roads, the states Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) said in a statement. Manufacturers will be allowed to test autonomous delivery vehicles weighing less than 10,001 pounds with an approved permit from the regulator, the DMV said. It was not clear if these delivery vehicles will be required to have a safety driver while testing, as is required for passenger cars. The regulator will hold a public hearing at its Sacramento headquarters on May 30 to gather inputs on the proposed regulations. Currently, 62 companies have valid permits to test autonomous vehicles with a safety driver on California public roadways. The White House mulled the idea of nationalising the 5G network for more than a year. President Donald Trump said on April 12, the United States should not nationalise its 5G network and said private companies should move quickly to deploy the faster next-generation network. In the United States our approach is private-sector driven and private-sector led. The government doesnt have to spend lots of money, Trump said. Leading through the government, it wont be nearly as good, nearly as fast. The White House mulled the idea of nationalising the 5G network for more than a year. In March Politico reported that Trumps re-election campaign supported a government role in managing the 5G networks even as White House officials including top economic adviser Larry Kudlow have said for months they oppose the idea. Trump spoke alongside Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai who disclosed the agency plans to hold its third 5G spectrum auction on December 10, the latest effort to make more spectrums available that could transform significant sectors of the US economy. Pai said Trumps comments opposing nationalisation was an important signal to the private sector that is investing tens of billions of dollars in the 5G networks. CTIA, an industry trade group, said that Trumps statement puts an end - once and for all - to any misguided notions of nationalising spectrum resources or government-mandated wholesale 5G markets. Pai is also proposing to invest USD 20.4 billion over 10 years to build out high-speed broadband networks in rural America. The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund aims to provide funding through a reverse auction to service providers in areas without access to high-speed service and aims to connect up to four million rural homes and small businesses to high-speed broadband networks. 5G networks are expected to be at least 100 times faster than the current 4G networks, cut delays and allow for innovations in a number of fields. Pai spoke on a call with reporters ahead of the White House event with Trump and rural residents who could benefit from faster networks to tout the administrations efforts to boost 5G wireless networks and funding for rural broadband. Since November, the FCC has auctioned 1,550 megahertz of spectrum to be used by commercial wireless providers for 5G connectivity. The third 5G spectrum auction will be the largest, with the FCC selling 3,400 megahertz in three different spectrum bands. The FCC voted on Friday to seek comments on bidding procedures for the next auction. Democratic FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said the auction is a good step but the commission must also pivot to mid-band spectrum or risk falling behind other countries. Verizon Communications Inc, AT&T Corp, Sprint Corp and T Mobile US Inc are beginning to deploy 5G services in US cities and are working to extend their networks as 5G-compatible phones slowly become available. The Republican administration has also been warning other countries against adopting 5G systems from Chinese telecommunications company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, citing security concerns. For more than a year, the White House has been mulling an executive order that would direct the Commerce Department to block US companies from buying equipment from foreign telecommunications makers that pose significant national security risks, Reuters reported in December. The FCC since March 2018 has also been considering rules to bar the use of funds from a government program to purchase equipment or services from companies that pose a security threat to US communications networks. Pai said that proposal is still pending. Branson has said he hopes to be the first passenger on a commercial flight in 2019. Virgin Galactics chief astronaut instructor, Beth Moses, who is a former NASA engineer, became the first woman to fly to space on a commercial vehicle when she joined pilots David Mackay and Mike Masucci on SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity. Virgin Galactics first test passenger received her commercial astronaut wings from the US aviation regulator on Tuesday after flying on the companys rocket plane to evaluate the customer experience in February. Virgin Galactics chief astronaut instructor, Beth Moses, who is a former NASA engineer, became the first woman to fly to space on a commercial vehicle when she joined pilots David Mackay and Mike Masucci on SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity. The wings were presented to the three-person crew at the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado by the Federal Aviation Administrations associate administrator for commercial space, Wayne Monteith. Commercial human space flight is now a reality, he said. The February test flight nudged Richard Bransons space travel company closer to delivering suborbital flights for the more than 600 people who have paid Virgin Galactic about $80 million (61 million) in deposits. Branson has said he hopes to be the first passenger on a commercial flight in 2019. The 90-minute flight, during which passengers will be able to experience a few minutes of weightlessness and see the Earths curvature, costs $250,000 a price that the company said will increase before it falls. Jeff Bezos Blue Origin and Elon Musks SpaceX are also in the space tourism race. Blue Origin has launched its New Shepard rocket to space, but its trips have not yet carried humans. SpaceX last year named Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa as its first passenger on a voyage around the moon, tentatively scheduled for 2023. Moses, who as a NASA engineer worked on the assembly of the International Space Station, is designing a three-day training program for Virgin Galactics future space tourists. I gleaned a lot of firsthand information that we can roll into the design and then also into the training, she said on her return to earth in Mojave, California, in February. The passengers, some of whom have been signed up since 2004, will train in a mock-up cabin at New Mexicos Spaceport America before their flights. Moses told Reuters she aims for customers to arrive in space not wondering what noise they just heard or being surprised by the G they just felt. Virgin Galactics Branson will also receive the annual Space Achievement Award at the symposium in recognition of the companys two crewed test flights, the first from US soil since the final Space Shuttle mission in 2011. The GSP is the largest and oldest US trade preference programme. The US Congress in March last year voted to renew the GSP through 2020. (Photo:AP) Washington: Two top American Senators have urged the Trump administration to delay until the end of the general elections its decision to terminate India's designation as a beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preference due to a lack of compliance. The Generalized System of Preference (GSP) is the largest and oldest US trade preference programme and is designed to promote economic development by allowing duty-free entry for thousands of products from designated beneficiary countries. The US Congress in March last year voted to renew the GSP through 2020. In a letter to US Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer, Senators John Cornyn from the Republican party and Mark warner from the Democratic party argued that India-US relationship was too important to rush such an important decision in the middle of an election cycle. "As you know, India's elections will conclude on May 23, 2019. We believe that the election season may serve as a hindrance for our Indian counterparts in negotiating and concluding a deal on difficult political issues," the two Senators wrote in the letter to Lighthizer on Friday. It was in April last year that the USTR announced that it planned to review the GSP eligibility of a number of countries, including India. The USTR's announcement specifically cited "concerns related to its compliance with GSP market access criterion," based on petitions filed from the US medical device and dairy industries. "If another round of negotiations during the election season does not resolve the outstanding issues, we would ask you to consider delaying the issuance of a Presidential proclamation to withdraw India's GSP benefits by at least 30 days, beyond the 60-day calendar, in order to move the negotiations beyond India's elections," the Senators said. Allowing for continued negotiations beyond the elections would underscore the importance of this bilateral relationship and provide a real opportunity to resolve these market access issues, potentially improving the overall US-India relationship for years to come, said Cornyn and Warner, who are co-chairs of the powerful Senate India Caucus. "We understand that the Trump administration may issue a proclamation withdrawing India's GSP benefits 60 days or later from the congressional notification date," the two Senators wrote. The letter comes in the middle of an intense Indian election cycle, during which the ruling government cannot take a major policy decision, which holds officials from making substantial progress on the crucial negotiations between India and the United States. "As Co-Chairs of the United States Senate's India Caucus, we fully appreciate and support your efforts to address a host of market access issues facing American businesses in India.'' "Congressional support for the GSP programme was made clear last year when the US Senate and US House of Representatives reauthorised the programme, in nearly unanimous fashion, for three years," they said. On March 4, 2019, Congress was notified of USTR's intention to terminate India's designation as a beneficiary developing country under GSP due to a lack of compliance "While we agree that there are a number of market access issues that can and should be addressed, we do remain concerned that the withdrawal of duty concessions will make Indian exports of eligible products to the United States costlier, as the importer of those products will have to pay a 'Most Favoured Nation' (MFN) duty which is higher than the rate under GSP," the Senators said. Some of these costs will likely be passed on to American consumers, they told Lighthizer. Brewers' Favorite Beers That Aren't Their Own The Go-To Beers of Pro Brewers To say that the craft brewing world has exploded in the last few years would be an understatement. In 2012, there were more than 2,000 craft breweries in the U.S. alone. Today, that number is closer to 7,000, giving beer fans more options than ever before. RELATED: Why Is There No Spring Seasonal Beer? While you might think that the people behind the brews are not as privy to the growing number of offerings on tap preferring to stick to their own varieties in favour of supporting the competition you would be wrong. Of course, brewers want to support their business, but they enjoy getting a taste of whats out there, too. In fact, many brewers find inspiration in their rivals offerings. And it turns out they arent afraid to share it. In an effort to separate the delectable from the duds in the booming beer world, we checked in with some of our favorite brewers to get their unbiased opinion on the must-try beers that arent their own. From Bamberg, Germany, this beloved pilsner is known for its herbal hoppiness, clean fermentation, and a crisp, yet slightly round finish. It inspires my pilsner brain. It reminds me of what a marriage of Prima Pils and Braumeister [a Victory beer available on draft at the brewerys tap room] might taste like, says Ron Barchet, founder and brewmaster of Victory Brewing Company. Find out more at A brown ale aged in Pinot Noir casks with sour cherries, brettanomyces, lactobacillus, and pediococcus added, Supplication is a highly-prized beer. According to Layton Culter, head brewer at Angel City Brewery, It is a superior fruited barrel-aged sour beer. What flavors and unique elements drew me to it? The level of sourness, funk, and cherry flavor is outstanding. From $14.05 at One of the most well-known pilsners in the world, Pilsner Urquell is the worlds first pale ale and it has been copied and mimicked more than most beers ever created. "I got to spend a week at the brewery with the brewmaster several years ago. When that beer is enjoyed fresh at the source it is the most soft, delicate, and refined beer drinking experience Ive ever had. I remember thinking that I wish I could solidify it and savor it with a fork, says Todd Usry, president and head brewer at Breckenridge Brewery From $5.29 at This light, citrusy, subtly peppery saison is one of the most respected of the style in the world. This beer works so well on its own, and it's even better with food. It is always in my beer fridge normally in a big bottle so I can share, Jason Santamaria, co-owner and beer architect at Second Self Beer shares. "[Saison Dupont] is one of those beers, that, whenever I have it, I remember why I got into making beer. It truly shows how great a beer can be. Whenever I create a saison myself, I think of Dupont as my inspiration. Our Saison Champenoise, which we released two years ago, is very close in flavor and will be served in our taproom again this year, he adds. From $5.04 at RELATED: Best Gifts for Beer Lovers Brewed by F.X. Matt Brewing in Utica, New York, Utica Club is a classic throwback lager that brings its drinker to a different time and place in history. I know in a world full of amazing and diverse craft beers it sounds kind of silly that I chose an old school classic American lager, but I was trained by the best at Anheuser-Busch and Genesee to brew a light, clean, and crisp lager that has next to nothing to hide behind, says Steve Kaplan, head brewer at the Genesee Brewing Company Im not saying its easy to make a great IPA because its certainly not. But you can sure hide a lot of sins behind a pile of hops. American lagers have zero margin for error, he adds. Brewmaster Keith Miller and all the guys at F.X. Matt have stuck to their original recipe and perfected their process to deliver the same clean, light, and crisp Utica Club Lager. Find out more at Founded in 2009, Fremont has quickly become one of the most respected breweries in the country. Its seven percent ABV Lush IPA is made with Citra, Mosiaic, and Citra Lupulin hops to create a juicy, tropical beer. IPAs are usually my go-to when I'm drinking craft I didn't brew. I'm a big fan of Fremont Brewing. My brother lives close to Fremont. We visited the brewery, tried their beers, and really liked them, Steve Kaplan, head brewer at the Genesee Brewing Company shares. I also see [Fremont] at craft beer conferences throughout the year, so I'm always able to see what they're up to, build a relationship with their brewers, and continue to try their new releases, he adds. From $9.98 at Jever is Germanys old school version of a West Coast IPA. The beer is bone dry, has an aggressive yet balanced hop bitterness, and a spicy nobel hop aroma. There are so many great beers out there. However, one that stands out is Jever Pilsner. What makes this beer even more fun is that it is the High Life of German beers, says Yiga Miyashiro, director of brewing operations at Saint Archer Brewing Company. When I was traveling in Northern Germany, all of the broke college kids, would pick up cases of this beer for their BBQ and other social gatherings, he adds. $9.99 at This session beer is known for its great balance of hop bitterness and malty sweetness. According to Matt McCall, head brewer at Coney Island Brewing, It goes great with everything from mowing the lawn to watching the ball game on TV. That sessionability is one of the reasons Im excited about releasing our Beach Beer. Its easy-drinking while still offering up a good amount of flavor. From $6.99 at Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is all about balance. Fresh bright bitterness balanced perfectly with a formidable malt backbone. When it was released people considered it aggressively bitter. From todays perspective [Sierra Nevada] really has served as a gateway to what the modern IPA is today. For me, you can taste the evolution of American Craft Beer in every sip. Ken Grossman is a legend, and this beer is a reflection of all of the work and innovation he has blessed our industry with, shares Rhett Dougherty, head brewer at Veza Sur Brewing Company. This is my favorite beer mostly due to the emotions and memories it elicits for me. This beer is like a time machine. It makes me think of stealing a bottle or two from a six-pack from my dad's fridge, or drinking it on the beach in Santa Cruz. The taste of this beer has visceral connections to my own memories, he adds. From $5.09 at One of the most popular craft beers of the past few years is the lager. Firestone Walkers Helles-style version maintains its malt character without being too full and keeps a perfect hop balance. Honestly, everything [Firestone] does is pretty amazing and never fails to deliver. It is just so well made, says Mike Stoneburg, brewmaster at Blue Point Brewing. It can be enjoyed on so many levels. If you wanted to, you could dissect every detail and all the care they put into it, or you can just veg out with one or six of them on the back porch watching the sunset after a long day, he adds. From $7.99 at Anchor is one of the oldest breweries in America. While almost every beer it brews is well-received by the beer community, one of its most popular is its Porter. Its so unique for a porter. It really doesnt fit the style it helped revitalize, and because of its historic position, Anchor Brewing just bent the category to their will, Josh Waldman, brewmaster at Elysian Brewing shares. Its beautiful. It has a smooth mouthfeel, a chocolatey taste, and that distinct hit of banana in the nose that makes it so unexpected, but yet so good. I want one right now, he adds. From $7.99 at Whether its local craft varieties or internationally-acclaimed names, its clear everyone enjoys imbibing a variety of brews from time to time even the brewers themselves. You Might Also Dig Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. 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He walks to the car as well and escorts the suspect out in handcuffs.The suspect was charged with trespass of a motor vehicle and marijuana possession. So maybe he simply needed a place to sleep off whatever rager he had pulled just hours before.That said, police are constantly warning car owners to never leave their vehicles unlocked, even if theyre parked right outside in the driveway, locked in the garage or on the corner of a street for a few minutes, while they run errands. Security cameras are also not enough to scare thieves away.This particular car owner was lucky that no damage was done to the vehicle, but others were less fortunate and had their cars stolen or ransacked . The first step towards lowering the number of such incidents is to take all precautions to keep the thieves away, police say. Michael Burke from Elk Grove, California, says his Mustang is his baby. He recently took it for a brake inspection at a local tire shop and was shocked to see a mechanic meant to perform the inspection doing donuts in it. Livid doesnt even begin to describe how he felt, he tells KRCA The camera is visible inside the car, but the mechanic must have thought it stopped recording when he got in. Thats because its screen goes black after about 3 minutes, Burke explains for the media outlet.However, he probably wouldnt have thought to check the footage had he not noticed something off when the mechanic brought his Mustang back from the inspection. I got my keys. I got back in my car and noticed all the stuff in my car was, like, crammed over on one side, like, off the seat and everything, he says.When he got home, he checked the video and saw the car being driven to an empty parking lot, where the mechanic did donuts with it. Tire marks on the asphalt indicated that this spot had been used before to this end. Oh my gosh, I was furious. I don't even drive my car like that. Yeah, uncalled for, Burke says.He went back to the tire shop and made a complaint with the manager, who, in turn, fired the mechanic responsible. The manager is now considering using in-car cameras for all inspections, as a way to rebuild trust with customers. He also offered Burke a refund and free service for some time, but the man is still considering his options.Bill Thomas, a manager at the state Bureau of Automotive Repairs, says that behavior like this is in violation of industry standards. Under no circumstances of diagnosis is that necessary in the operation of a consumer's vehicle, Thomas says for the same media outlet. So, we definitely have concerns the minute we see that aspect of it and want to look into the entire transaction. President Trump's ban on transgender military personnel has evolved after a lengthy battle with multiple federal court injunctions, and the latest version goes into effect April 12. Where it stands: The current version of the ban prohibits new military recruits from transitioning and also allows the military to discharge those currently serving if they do not present as their birth gender. This policy battle started before Trump took office. Background Gender dysphoria: The American Medical Association said in an April press release that there "is no medically valid reason including a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to exclude transgender individuals from military service." The American Medical Association said in an April press release that there "is no medically valid reason including a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to exclude transgender individuals from military service." Medical costs of transition: A 2016 study by the RAND Corporation found that military health system costs would increase anywhere between $2.4 million and $8.4 million per year if it were to extend care to transgender personnel. The study states this "represents an exceedingly small proportion of active component health care expenditures." Key events June 2016: Under President Obama, former Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter lifts the Pentagon's ban on transgender people serving openly in the armed forces and says the Pentagon will cover medical costs for uniformed personnel who undergo gender-affirming transition. Obama's undersecretary of defense writes the new policy and says he believes it applies to both active-duty service members and academy personnel, despite officials' attempts to find loopholes. October 2016: Transgender troops are able to start formally changing their gender identifications in the Pentagon's personnel system. June 2017: Military chiefs are granted a 6-month delay by former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis per the Obama-era rule's July 1 deadline to determine enlistment guidelines for new transgender recruits. Pentagon officials say there are now at least 250 service members in the process of transitioning to their preferred genders. July 2017: Trump tweets that transgender people will not be allowed "to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military," citing medical costs and "disruption." August 2017: The administration formalizes the ban. The ACLU sues the administration in Stone v. Trump on behalf of 6 transgender members of the armed forces. October 2017: A federal judge temporarily blocks the ban. November 2017: A second federal judge blocks the ban, saying it likely violated equal protection provisions of the Constitution. This ruling says the government has to pay for service members' gender-affirming transition the first judge did not say that. December 2017: The Pentagon announces that transgender troops will be allowed to enlist in the U.S. military beginning January 1, 2018. November 2018: The Trump administration asks the Supreme Court to hear a challenge to the president's ban on transgender military personnel. January 2019: The Supreme Court lets Trump's transgender military ban proceed in a 5-4 vote. March 2019: The Department of Defense approves an edited version of Trump's ban, which bars transgender troops and military recruits from transitioning, requires most individuals to serve in their birth gender, and says "a service member can be discharged based on a diagnosis of gender dysphoria." The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dissolves the remaining injunction Stone v. Trump against Trump's ban. Two days after Stone v. Trump is dissolved, the House passes a resolution 238-185 opposing the ban. April 2019: The final version of Trump's transgender military ban goes into effect on April 12. Whats next After April 12, no one diagnosed with gender dysphoria who is taking hormones or has transitioned to another gender will be allowed to enlist, per the Associated Press, and those currently serving can be discharged for doing so. Military personnel will be given "a chance to change their decision," or given a chance to agree to serve in their birth gender, before being discharged. The sextoy market is growing quite rapidly in India right now. Although it is not a big trend, it is a hot topic on the internet as it is secretly expanding its market. In this article, we will focus on sextoy and introduce recommended sextoy for Indian beginners of sextoy by gender. India, the birthplace of the Kama Sutra, is very strict about sex. Also, premarital sex is basically not allowed. Therefore, there are many people who are sexually restricted. But what happens when you continue to be sexually restricted? Frustration may build up and you may end up taking your sexual stress out on your partner. If you are able to adopt sextoy in a timely manner, you can get rid of those problems. I want to have more exciting sex than Im having now. I want more variation in masturbation I want to get even stronger pleasure than I do on my own. If you have any of these problems, please stay with me until the end. What is sex toys for Indian? Sextoy, as the name implies, is a toy used during sex and masturbation. It is a generic term for vibrators, Egg-vibrators, Electric massagers, dildo, handcuffs and condoms. They are used to make regular sex more exciting or to make masturbation more pleasurable. Because sextoy is very stimulating, it can help you to get rid of the problems and frustrations of being in a rut of sex with your partner for a long time, or if you are unhappy with the lack of pleasure in sex with your partner. The ability to satisfy your desires with movement, texture, and size, which cannot be done by a normal human being, can help you to be satisfied with sex and, as a result, improve your relationship with your partner. It is also said to help improve sexual dysfunction (inability to get an erection or ejaculate) and difficulty in feeling during sex (insensitivity), which is attracting more attention than in the past. In recent years, the demand for sextoy has increased due to the spread of smartphones and the Internet and the increasing number of people using online shopping. Even those who are concerned about the appearance of sextoy (and find it difficult to purchase) can now easily obtain it by using mail order. In the case of online shopping, most of the stores have taken steps to ensure that the contents of the products delivered to you are not revealed, so you can purchase them without your family members knowing. Until a while ago, you had to go to the store where the adult goods were sold to buy them, so it was quite a hurdle to overcome. Also, many people may have an image that sextoy is somehow embarrassing to own. But nowadays, some of them are so stylish and cute that you cant believe they are sextoy at a glance. More and more people are using them for travel and outdoor use because they are not too bulky and are suitable for carrying around. Sextoy situation in India Before introducing the recommended sextoy for Indians, lets talk about one of the sextoy situations in India in recent years. In India, due to the high concentration of population, the following six cities have particularly high sales of sextoy in India. Mumbai Kolkata Bangalore Delhi Chennai Hyderabad These cities account for roughly 70 percent of sextoy sales in India. In the future, the percentage of sextoy use will gradually increase in other cities in India as well. If you never talk about sextoy publicly, that girl in your neighborhood might be a sextoy user too. If you are interested in sextoy, you dont have to suppress your desire for it. What are Sextoys for beginner? Among all sextoys, sextoy for beginners are vibrators, dildo, masturbators, Sex Lubricants, and condoms. Sex Lubricants and condoms, which are familiar to people who have had sex, are also a great beginners sextoy. I will explain the details of each toy later, but there are many sextoy products that are painful to use and can only be used after some anal expansion. I assume that the Indian readers of this article are people who have not had much experience with sextoy. If such people use professional sextoy suddenly, they are at risk of injury or trauma. Therefore, to introduce sextoy, you need to start with a beginners version and gradually become familiar with it. Advantages of using sextoy for Indians There are three advantages of using sextoy for Indians You can masturbate in a wide variety of ways. Can have stimulating sex Can develop new sexual zones If you try to masturbate with your own fingers or hands, it tends to be a pattern. However, with sextoy, you can easily masturbate in a variety of ways. You will definitely be fascinated by the attraction of new stimulation. Also, your daily sex life will be more exciting than ever. There are many things in sextoy that are visually stimulating and give you a strong and intense feeling of pleasure. This allows you to see your partners promiscuity in a way that you wouldnt normally see it. When you are in a relationship, sex with your partner may become a pattern, but it can also eliminate these problems. It can also lead to the development of new sexual zones (which is the training of sexual stimulation to allow you to feel orgasms). For more information on the development of new sexual zones, see the following articles [Women's Erogenous Zone]How to find and develop, 7 hidden sexual zones !![In India] In this issue, we will dissect the female erogenous zone! ..." Many of you may be like that. Men, in particular, shou... Thus, the use of sextoy can only be a good thing for the men and women of India. Sextoy for beginner men in India So, lets continue with the recommended goods for Indian sextoy beginners. For ease of understanding, we will introduce them by gender. Lets start with the men! The following five goods are recommended for novice Indian sextoy men Masturbator Cock rings Love Doll Sex Lubricants Toys for the prostate Lets check each one in detail. Masturbator The masturbator is a sextoy for men that elaborately reproduces a womans vagina, mouth, and anus, and is one of the most popular sextoy products. It is used by men to masturbate, and it is popular because it provides stronger stimulation and pleasure more easily than using hands. Most are made of good quality silicone, and their softness is something that cannot be achieved with ones own hands. They can provide stronger pleasure than a real womans vagina, so be careful not to overuse them. (You wont be able to have an orgasm in a womans vagina anymore.) Again Male masturbators are a wonderful toy. I do not need any favourite timing, bothersome bargaining. You do not have to worry too much. Revolutionize your masturbation time! ! ! Made in Japan is a wonderful kinky toy.#sextoysindia #SexToyIndia #Japan SEXToys India PR (@SextoysIndia) November 12, 2018 Some of them are disposable, while others can be washed and used over and over again, so its fun to buy a few to use depending on your mood. If you want to know more about masturbator, please click here Really pleasant male masturbation and how to do it Are you in a rut with your daily masturbation routine? I'm going to show you five ways men masturbate that you might ... [For Beginners] How to choose and use a male masturbator without fail Gentlemen.Have you ever used a masturbator? The person who sees this article is probably the one who has not experien... Cock Ring A cock ring is literally a ring-shaped sextoy that is worn on a mans penis. It maintains an erection by binding the penis with a ring of rubber and blocking blood flow. It is sometimes used as an accessory to be worn on the penis, and may be made of metal or plastic as well as rubber. In some cases, cock rings have parts or vibrators attached to them that stimulate the vagina, so they kill two birds with one stone, giving a woman pleasure while maintaining an erection. Cock rings are also sometimes used to treat erectile dysfunction. It can help with erectile dysfunction, where the penis doesnt get hard when you get an erection or doesnt last long when you try to insert it. Men who are prone to breakage or who are unsure of the hardness and size of their erections can use a cock ring to increase the size of their penis and maintain an erection for a longer period of time. Cock rings vary in price from around RS700 to over RS2000 with a vibrator function. Some of them do not fit your penis, so you should check the size of the cock ring before you buy. You should know the size of your partners or your own penis when it is erect. [Penis enlargement] What is a cock ring? Types and usage Cock rings can make your penis bigger and harder. It also makes sex with women more fulfilling and increases your sat... Love Doll Love dolls, also known as Dutchwives, are dolls with the appearance of a woman who can experience simulated sex. There are dolls that look like a woman, but they have no face and only have their breasts and lower torso cut off, and some dolls are so realistic that they can actually be mistaken for real women. Some expensive dolls can cost more than 1 million yen, and the quality of the doll is easily influenced by the price. The higher the price, the higher the quality of the doll will be, the closer it will be to the real woman, and the cheaper the doll will be, the less elaborate it will be, making it look like a real doll! Something is wrong! That is also true. You cant go wrong if you choose a balance between price and taste. There are stores that allow you to make custom-made love dolls, so you can create a girl of your choice. You can make a girl of your choice. You can start with inexpensive love dolls at first, and once you get used to it, you can try custom-made love dolls. If you want to know more about Love doll, please click here Thorough explanation of the charm of sex dolls! Have you ever heard of sex dolls that are used primarily for pseudo-sex purposes? It is a doll that is quite close to... Sex lubricants Sex lubricants are used as a substitute for lubricating fluid during sex or as a lubricant for men to use masturbator rules. It is not uncommon for women to have difficulty getting wet, depending on their physical condition, or to have difficulty getting wet due to their constitution. Forcing the penis into the vagina at such times can cause painful intercourse. There are various types of Sex Lubricants, some with a warming effect, some with a cooling effect, and some with a scent. Changing the Sex Lubricant used during play is recommended as a good sex accent. If you want to learn more about Sex Lubricants, click here. What is sex lubricant?Explain the difference and usage of each ingredient The word "sex toy" may seem like a hurdle to overcome, but lotion is actually one of the most familiar sex toys. Many... Toys for the Prostate Another sextoy for men is prostate toys. The most famous prostate toys include Enemagra, which was originally a prostate massager developed by an American urologist to treat an enlarged prostate line. Modern prostate toys are imitations of Enemagra that have spread as sextoy for men. Many people think of prostate toys as being used by gay men, but in fact they are often used by straight men. What is the prostate? The prostate is an organ found only in men. It is a walnut-sized organ located deep in the pelvis, just below the bladder, and its primary role is to protect and nourish sperm. You cannot touch the prostate gland from outside the body, but you can touch it by inserting a finger or sextoy through the anus. By inserting a finger or sextoy through the anus and touching the prostate and developing it, you can feel intense orgasms. Orgasms felt in the prostate are mainly dry orgasms, which are orgasms that do not involve ejaculation. (You can also feel orgasms with ejaculation through prostate stimulation.) The prostate is called the male G-spot, and dry orgasms can be much more intense than ejaculation. Therefore, men who are able to develop a prostate can become addicted to the pleasure. sextoy for beinner women in India The following are the recommended goods for Indian women who are new to sextoy. The following three are recommended for use by women who are new to sextoy. Vibrator. Dildo Electric Masserger Lets check out what each one is in detail. If you want to check out womens toys, click here. [BEST25]Sex Toys for Women in IndiaThat Can Help You Have an Orgasm There are many women who pretend to feel orgasm during sex. But don't worry, you don't have to pretend to feel orgasm... Vibrators A vibrator is a sextoy that vibrates with an Egg-Vibrator to provide stimulation and is often referred to simply as a vibrator. Some vibrate as well as rotate, and there are many variations of sextoy. It is quite a popular sextoy, and is well recognized by people who do not know much about sextoy. Its usage is similar to that of a massager, but it is more compact and easier to carry than a massager, and many of them look as cute as a lipstick or a macaroon, so they are popular among women. For a while, a famous influencer on twitter said, This is good! You may have heard of the topic of this article by introducing the recommended vibrators. Vibrators are great for women to use on their own, but they are also recommended for men who have difficulty satisfying women with sex. Since it is powered by electricity, it is far less tiring than moving your hands by yourself. This makes it easier to satisfy a woman with sex because you can caress her for longer than usual. Vibrators are mainly used on the female side, but they can also be used on men. When used on men, they are used to attack the nipples and glans, and in both cases it is recommended to wear a condom for hygiene reasons. Introducing how to use the vibrator, its purpose, and how to choose it! Vibrator uses the vibrations caused by the rotation of the motor to provide stimulation. It is one or two of the most... Dildo A dildo is a model sextoy made to mimic a male penis. It can be made of silicone, elastomer (think of it as a material similar to PVC), metal or glass. A dildo can be used by a man for his female partner during sex, or by a woman for masturbation to get pleasure from it. They are mainly inserted into women, but some can be used in the male anus as well. It is sometimes used synonymously with vibrators, but the vibrator is not the same thing as a vibrating device. A model of a penis that does not vibrate is a dildo. Some of them have suction cups that can be attached to the floor or wall so that you can enjoy realistic masturbation without using your hands. For fun, there is a dildo made in the shape of your partners penis. This one is also popular as a gift, and if youve been together for a long time and are having trouble finding a gift for your partner, you might want to pick one. To learn more about dildo, please click here. What is Dildo: Orgasms with Dildos for Men and Women A dildo is a model of a male organ that is used by women for masturbation and by men to stimulate the prostate gland. Th... Electric Masserger A Electric Masserger is a hand-held electric massager, also known as a handheld massager, and can usually be purchased at electronics stores. It was originally designed to relieve stiff shoulders and back pain, so the hurdle of buying one in a physical store is quite low. Many people may have seen or used it in some form or another, as it is often installed in leisure hotels. Such a massager is highly recommended for beginners because it is easy for women to get pleasure from it when they use it during masturbation. It is larger than Egg-Vibrator and vibrations are stronger than those of Egg-Vibrators and vibrators, so even just hitting the clitoris can give you a great deal of pleasure. For those women who have never had an orgasm during sex with their man, the massager may be a good way to get a feel for what it feels like to have an orgasm. It looks and feels like an electric massager, so you wont have to feel awkward if your roommate finds out. If you are in a rut of having sex with your partner, if you want to feel an orgasm through masturbation, or if you are thinking of using a sextoy, why dont you try it from a simple massager? To learn more about Electric Masserger, click here. What is a massager? Introducing types, selection methods, and usage Originally, the Magic-wand vibrator and the massage machine were sold as a home massage machine used for the back and th... How to choose a sextoy for Indian Now that weve covered the different types of sextoy, heres how to choose one. Especially if you are trying sextoy for the first time, pay attention to the following three points: Does the size fit you (the partner)? Does the size fit you (your partner)? Is the environment able to produce sound without problems? Price range First of all, the choice of size is quite important. Most sextoy are used against or inserted into the genitals, but the genitals are very delicate organs for both men and women. For this reason, using an inappropriate size may cause damage. Secondly, the environment should be able to produce sound without problems. Some sextoys not only wear, but also rotate and vibrate. Its easier to get pleasure from something that moves than something that doesnt, but the fact that it moves means that the internal rotors make some noise. If you live in a house with thin walls or if you have roommates, you may not be able to concentrate because of the noise, so it is best to choose one that is silent or has a low noise level. Especially in India, where many people live with their families, it is very important that you dont have to worry about sound when you use it. Finally, there is the price range. The price range of sextoy ranges widely, from around RS500 at the cheapest to RS10,000 or more at the highest. Its good to consider how much money you can afford and how much you want to buy. Do you want your family to not find out about sextoy? I live with my family and want to use sextoy without them finding out! If you are a man, you should buy a camouflage sextoy that does not look like a sextoy at first glance. For men, there are many masturbators that do not look like a sextoy, and for women, there are vibrators that only look like cosmetics. If you choose such a type, youll be safe in case your family members find out. How to buy sextoys in India The best way to purchase sextoy is through online shopping. For more information on how to purchase sextoy, please see the article below. Sextoy is one of them. Therefore, you can easily get sextoy in India by using online shopping. SexToysINDIA is a long established and stable sextoy store and you can have sextoy delivered to any place in India. They also offer cash on delivery, so those who are worried about shopping with a credit card do not have to worry. Of course, the latest security is in place, so your information will not be taken out when you use your credit card. To begin with, many people may be concerned about whether they are legally allowed to purchase sextoy. ikmAs it turns out, its not illegal. Right now, it is not open to the public because the Indian adult market is still in the development stage, but it will gradually spread from now on. Take advantage of sextoy and open the door to new pleasures and culture. Cautions for Indians using sextoy When using sextoy, keep the following three things in mind Keep sex toys clean Watch out for electrical leakage Beware of the heat generated by the body while using a sex toy As I mentioned earlier, many sextoy products are used for the delicate zone. Therefore, it is most important to keep the sextoy itself clean. It is very important to keep the sextoy itself clean, because if a slight scratch is created by friction, bacteria can enter and breed there. It is safe to wear a condom when using the masturbator, just in case. In addition, many sextoy devices are powered by a power source, so if they are not waterproof, there is a possibility of electric shock or malfunction due to wetness. Some may even develop heat during continuous use. If the fever becomes too much, you may get burned, so be careful. If you get a fever during use, stop driving the sextoy immediately and refrain from using it. You will enjoy sex more if you keep it safe and use it correctly. Summary What did you think? In this article, we have introduced the recommended sextoy for the beginners of sextoy in India. The sextoy market is growing rapidly in India and it will continue to grow steadily in the future. As India is a rather closed-minded country, it can be difficult to be open about ones sexual habits and values. However, being faithful to ones desires by properly dissolving ones sexual desire is very effective for ones physical and mental health. If this is your first time to learn about sextoy, or if you are interested in using sextoy, why not give it a try? Indian Sextoys for ur best! will introduce you to sextoy and other trivia about sextoy, sexuality, and sexuality for men and women. I want to read more! If you think its a great idea, please bookmark it. As the 2020 Democratic candidates campaign to secure support from black Americans a voter segment that will play a crucial rule in choosing the partys next nominee reparations for the descendants of enslaved men and women has emerged as something of a litmus test. The big picture: Many of the candidate have voiced their support for some form of reparations to redress the legacies of slavery and discrimination, but not all are embracing the issue in the traditional sense (direct compensation). Where they stand Sen. Cory Booker: Booker introduced a Senate companion version of a House bill by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas.) that would establish a commission to study the impact of slavery and continuing discrimination against black Americans, and make recommendations on reparation proposals for descendants of slaves. Former Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) was first to introduce legislation in 1989; Sen. Kamala Harris: Harris said in an interview on "The Breakfast Club" in February that she supports government reparations for black Americans. Harris told NPR's "Morning Edition" last month that the term reparations "means different things to different people," and that allocating funds for mental health treatment would be one form of reparations. Sen. Bernie Sanders: In 2016, Sanders was dismissive of reparations, saying, "First of all, its likelihood of getting through Congress is nil. Second of all, I think it would be very divisive." During an appearance last month on "The View," Sanders doubled down on his position: "I think that right now, our job is to address the crises facing the American people and our communities, and I think there are better ways to do that than just writing out a check." However, on April 5, Sanders told Rev. Al Sharpton that, if elected, he would support Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's bill, setting up a commission to study reparations. "If the House and Senate pass that bill of course I would sign it ... There needs to be a study," Sanders said the National Action Network conference. Julian Castro: The former San Antonio mayor and housing secretary under President Obama has arguably been the most vocal candidate on this issue. Castro said he would create a commission to study reparations and determine the best policy proposal. Castro notably took shot at Sanders by name in an interview last month on CNN, saying: "Its interesting to me that when it comes to 'Medicare for All,' health care, you know, the response there has been, 'We need to write a big check.' That when it comes to tuition-free or debt-free college, the answer has been that we need to write a big check." Sen. Amy Klobuchar: In an interview on NBCs 'Meet the Press' last month, Klobuchar said: "I believe we have to invest in those communities that have been so hurt by racism. It doesn't have to be a direct pay for each person, but what we can do is invest in those communities. Acknowledge whats happened. ... Making sure we have that shared dream of opportunity for all Americans." Sen. Elizabeth Warren: She tweeted in support of Jackson Lee's bill last month, saying: "Slavery is a stain on America & we need to address it head on. I believe its time to start a national, full-blown conversation about reparations. I support the bill in the House to support a congressional panel of experts so that our nation can do whats right & begin to heal." Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: She said at Al Sharpton's National Action Network's annual convention last week that she supports legislation to study reparations. "This is a conversation that is long overdue," she said. Beto O'Rourke: Like Sanders, ORourke has been less enthusiastic about reparations, but said he supports Jackson Lee's bill. Marianne Williamson: The best-selling author is the only candidate, despite her long-shot bid, to present a plan with specifics. She proposed $100 billion in reparations or $10 billion a year to be distributed over 10 years for economic and educational projects , Williamson told CNN in January. Flashback: Neither Barack Obama, the countrys first black president, and Hillary Clinton voiced support for reparations. "I fear reparations would be used as an excuse for some to say weve paid our debt and to avoid the much harder work" of enforcing anti-discrimination laws in employment and housing, lifting people out of poverty, improving public education and rehabilitating young men coming out of prison. Clinton did not directly answer when asked in 2016 if she supports it. "I think we should start studying what investments we need to make in communities to help individuals and families and communities move forward. And I am absolutely committed to that. There are some good ideas out there. Theres an idea in the Congressional Black Caucus about really targeting federal dollars to communities that have had either disinvestment or no investment, and have had years of being below the poverty level. Thats the kind of thing Id like us to focus on and really help lift people up." Go deeper: Everything you need to know about every 2020 presidential candidate Puerto Rico policy officials are unsure if or when more federal disaster relief funding will come to the island, as Congress entered recess this week without reaching an agreement on any additional spending to send natural disaster relief to the Midwest and Puerto Rico, NBC reports. The bottom line: Americans in Puerto Rico and across the country are affected by the stalemate between Congress and the White House, from "farmers in the Southeast who are still grappling with large crop losses from Hurricane Michael last October ... to officials in small-town Iowa and Missouri who are still bailing out from some of the worst floods in recent memory," the New York Times reports. Background: Trump has privately claimed, without evidence, that Puerto Rico's government is using federal disaster relief funds to pay off debt. An official told the Washington Post that the president "doesnt want another single dollar going to the island." Meanwhile, Democrats have rejected multiple Republican proposals to increase funding for "all states and territories" instead of giving aid directly to Puerto Rico, saying it's not enough, per the NYT. Go deeper: Trump wants advisers to find a way to cut Puerto Rico hurricane relief By Trend Climate change will have negative implications for water availability in the region of Central Asia, Lilia Burunciuc, World Bank Regional Director for Central Asia, told Trend in an interview on climate change in Central Asia. "It will also affect crop pests and animal diseases, intensity and frequency of which are increasing. They move freely across the borders, adding additional risks to farmers and the entire agri-food industry in the region," she noted. The regional director added that crop productivity will suffer. Yields could drop by as much as 30 percent in some parts of Tajikistan by the turn of the century. "Droughts are already a major problem in Kazakhstan affecting up to 66 percent of the countrys land. The country is likely to be a future hotspot of heat stress for wheat. In the north of the country, a region with low precipitations and limited scope for irrigation, grain production already experiences serious droughts two out of every five years," Burunciuc noted, adding that yields could drop from current levels by as much as 37 percent by 2030 and 48 percent by 2050, unless adaptive measures are taken. According to her, by the turn of the century, desertification could affect up to half of Kyrgyzstans territory, and large stretches of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan would emerge as arid areas. In Uzbekistan, the growth in agricultural GDP dropped to 0.3 percent in 2018 from 6 percent in 2016, largely due to the impact of the drought. Burunciuc further spoke about measures capable to improve climate resilience in Central Asia. "Tackling the issues of aging infrastructure, for example, can offer significant potential for "no regrets" actions that will enhance climate resilience, reduce carbon emissions and generate net economic gains. That could be modernizing energy infrastructure and minimizing energy losses or supporting the rehabilitation of irrigation systems and improving water management," the regional director said. She added that the countries should take steps to make agriculture more climate-resilient. This will involve strengthening agro-metereological infrastructure and services, introducing drought-resilient seeds, greater attention to soil fertility management and investment of water-saving technologies and improving irrigation and drainage systems. Further, countries should spend more public funds on research, monitoring and eradication of crop pests and animal diseases - whose incidence is increasing due to climate change, according to Burunciuc. It should be noted that the Central Asian countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change in the region of Europe and Central Asia. They are already experiencing the impacts of a changing climate, including warmer temperatures; glacier melt; increased variability in water resources; and frequent and costly weather-related hazards, such as floods and droughts. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Leman Mammadova Local products under the Made in Azerbaijan brand continue to conquer foreign markets. The Azerbaijani company Azhazelnut signed a contract with Latvias Alisco for the export of hazelnuts to Latvia worth $250,000. According to the Economy Ministry, as part of the export mission of Azerbaijan to Riga on April 7-12, a preliminary agreement was also reached on the export of pomegranate products between Azerbaijans Mars Fk and the Latvian firm Auglu Serviss. In addition, a number of Azerbaijani companies involved in export mission held negotiations with Indian and Latvian companies and supermarket networks to export and sell their products. Furthermore, Azerbaijan's Company has agreed to organize a visit of the tourist group to Azerbaijan in October to increase the export of tourism services with its Latvian partners. The export mission included 23 companies operating in wine and other alcoholic drinks, food and textile products, as well as in tourism. Azerbaijan is known as one of the few countries in the world enjoying favorable climate conditions suitable for hazelnut growing. Several varieties of hazelnuts, such as Atababa, Ashrafli, Ghalib, Ganja, Sachagly, Topgara and Yagly, are cultivated in Azerbaijan. Many of the country's hazelnut orchards are situated in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains in the regions of Gakh, Zagatala and Balakan. Today, Azerbaijan has become the worlds third largest hazelnut producer and exporter. As many as 20,850 tons of hazelnut were exported in 2017 worth approximately $115 million. The main markets for the Azerbaijani hazelnut are Italy, Russia and Germany. In the first half of 2018, exports increased by 34 percent to 6,700 tonnes. Industry experts expect annual exports worth $150-200 million in the near future. Areas under hazelnut cultivation are expected to increase to at least 80,000 hectares by 2022. The output is expected to be higher than in 2016 and 2017 given the high growth rates. In 2017, country produced 45,500 tonnes of hazelnuts. Azerbaijani hazelnuts are being introduced to the international markets to enlarge the export routes. Earlier, Azhazelnut signed a contract for the export of 21 tons of hazelnuts to Russia. This year, Zagatala nuts processing plant plans to export products to the Swiss market. During the Azerbaijani export missions last visit to Switzerland preliminary agreements on hazelnut export were reached with Switzerland's GN-company, Varistor and Delica and other influential companies. In the course of the mission, Switzerland agreed to import 220 tons of hazelnuts worth $ 125,000. The total volume of hazelnut export from Azerbaijan to Switzerland was 22 tons in 2017. At exhibitions in Dubai (Gulfood 2017) and Germany (Prowein), where Azerbaijani companies took part in a single stand, orders for exporting hazelnuts to Spain were received. In 2016, Ferrero, the worlds largest buyer of hazelnuts, has started purchasing large quantities of Azerbaijans hazelnuts. Last year Azerbaijan produced 45,500 tons of hazelnut, which was 32.9 percent more than in 2016. The country exported hazelnuts worth over $100 million in 2017. Development of the non-oil sector mainly depends on the export of non-oil products and the main goal is to expand access to new markets, besides traditional markets. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has never been and cannot be a subject of discussion, spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Leyla Abdullayeva told Trend on April 13. "Recently, information related to the negotiations on a new partnership agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan has been disseminated by some media outlets that the EU allegedly does not support the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In this regard, I would like to note that negotiations between Azerbaijan and the EU on a new agreement are continuing. I assure you that, like it was in other bilateral and multilateral documents signed between the EU and Azerbaijan, as well as in the resolutions and statements of EU institutions, the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has never been and cannot be a subject of discussion," Abdullayeva said. Moreover, the EU office in Azerbaijan told Trend that the negotiations on the new agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan are ongoing at an increased pace with strong commitment from both sides. "There is nothing like an agreement on parts of the text. For the time being, there is no agreed text, there is no concluded agreement, therefore any comments on an alleged text or formulation seem misplaced," the EU office said. The European Council adopted a mandate for the European Commission and the high representative for foreign affairs and security policy to negotiate, on behalf of the EU and its member states, a comprehensive agreement with Azerbaijan in November 2016. The new agreement should replace the 1996 partnership and cooperation agreement and should better take account of the shared objectives and challenges the EU and Azerbaijan face today. The agreement will follow the principles endorsed in the 2015 review of the European Neighborhood Policy and offer a renewed basis for political dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation between the EU and Azerbaijan. Currently, bilateral relations between the EU and Azerbaijan are regulated on the basis of an agreement on partnership and cooperation that was signed in 1996 and entered into force in 1999. The new agreement envisages the compliance of Azerbaijans legislation and procedures with the EUs most important international trade norms and standards, which should lead to the improvement of Azerbaijani goods access to the EU markets. Creation of a common aviation area is an initiative of the European Commission and aims to open and integrate aviation markets. This will lead to new opportunities for consumers and operators, and, most importantly, to high standards in terms of flight safety as well as air traffic management. -- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has signed an Order, providing funds for supplying electricity to three villages in Astara district. Under the presidential Order, Azerishig OJSC is allocated 1.5 million manats to supply electricity to Digo, Dolu and Sekashan villages. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) provides immense opportunities for inclusive cooperation, Hikmat Hajiyev, head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration told Xinhua, Trend reports. "We see lots of synergies between the BRI and Azerbaijan's own development agenda," Hikmat Hajiyev, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration said, noting that Azerbaijan supports the BRI's connectivity agenda. Hajiyev said his country sees trade, investment and finance opportunities with China, and expressed hope that the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing will push relations forward. Hajiyev hailed the philosophy of the BRI, which he said helps promote common development and prosperity among nations. "The best prosperity is a shared prosperity," Hajiyev noted. The BRI cooperation has become an important dimension of Azerbaijan-China relations, especially in people-to-people ties and energy links, he said. He suggested further enhancing relations through more business-to-business and intergovernmental cooperation. "There are growing opportunities between China and Azerbaijan, especially in economy, trade, commerce, agriculture, energy, petrochemical industry and other spheres including tourism," he said, adding that Azerbaijan welcomes more investment from China. "China and Azerbaijan in our foreign policy are contributing to the establishment of respectful relations at the international level," Hajiyev said, stressing that the two countries both support multilateralism. The two sides enjoy an active working relationship in regional and international frameworks including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which in Hajiyev's words "supplements bilateral cooperation." As Azerbaijan takes over the 2019-2022 rotating presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement, Hajiyev said the institution has a potential to strengthen international order and governance, as well as enhance trust, peace and security at the global level. "With Azerbaijan's chairmanship, we will contribute to further strengthening this institution and contribute to international peace and security," he added. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki here Friday, calling on both countries to step up economic cooperation, Trend reported citing Xinhua. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the eighth leaders' meeting between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) held at the southern Croatian coastal city of Dubrovnik. Calling Poland an influential country in Central and Eastern Europe, Li said China attaches great importance to developing its ties with Poland. China stands ready to enhance political mutual trust, strategic communication and pragmatic cooperation with Poland, said Li. He called on both sides to strengthen communication and coordination of the inter-governmental committee to intensify cooperation in areas of economy and trade, agriculture, aviation and infrastructure construction. China is willing to expand import of good-quality Polish products, said Li, adding that China welcomes Polish enterprises to explore the Chinese market. Li said the China-EU leaders' meeting held earlier this week in Brussels agreed that China and EU countries treat each other's enterprises under the principles of fair competition, impartiality and non-discrimination. China pays high attention to the cooperation between China and Poland under the China-EU and China-CEEC frameworks, said the premier, encouraging Poland to further contribute wisdom and strength to the China-EU ties and China-CEEC cooperation. Speaking highly of the rapid development of Poland-China ties, Morawiecki said Poland has always treated foreign enterprises in line with the principles of fairness and non-discrimination. He said Poland welcomes Chinese enterprises to come and invest, expressing the hope that enterprises from both countries can establish in-depth cooperation so as to open a new chapter of bilateral economic ties. Poland is ready to cooperate with China in areas of agriculture, furniture, cosmetics, infrastructure construction, maritime industry and culture, said Morawiecki. He added that Poland hopes to explore third-party cooperation with China under the China-CEEC framework. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend The US Treasury Department announced Friday that it had issued a new batch of anti-Venezuelan sanctions, targeting four companies and nine ships, Trend reported citing Sputnik. The sanctions targeted three companies in Liberia Jennifer Navigation Limited, Large Range Limited and Lima Shipping Corporation and a fourth firm in Italy, PBS Tankers. Nine ships linked to the four firms were also included in the new designations, the Treasury said. Meanwhile, the total damages from sanctions against Venezuela have already exceeded $100 billion, according to reports. By Trend The temporary execution of the duties of the chairman of the Turkmenoil (Turkmennebit) state concern is assigned to deputy head Japarguly Orazov, Trend reports referring to a published decree of the President of Turkmenistan. The former head of the oil concern Dowletdurdy Hajyyew was relieved of his duties by the presidential decree for shortcomings in the operation. About 10 million tons of oil are extracted in Turkmenistan every year, the main producer being Turkmenneft. Burren Energy (branch of Eni), Mitro, Dragon Oil, and Petronas, are among the foreign companies involved in extraction of oil in Turkmenistan. It was reported earlier that due to assurance of the availability of proven natural gas reserves for many years, the major part of exploration is currently focused on the search for oil fields, especially in the Miocene deposits in the south-western parts of the country, and Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments in the central regions of the country. According to local geologists, almost the entire land area of Turkmenistan is considered as promising for hydrocarbons. Moreover, the potential of the subsoil is estimated to a depth of seven kilometers. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz The teenager *Samu was found at one of the bars she hangs around at and does sexual favours that will earn her money. (Pic: Bonisile Makhubu) MBABANE At the age of 15, she hangs around bars, and does sexual favours that will earn her money. The plight of this teenager has been raised by concerned patrons of a bar located at the periphery of the Mbabane City. *Samu believes that she was disowned by both her father who lives in Durban South Africa and her mother who lives at Logoba in Manzini. All she does now is to wake up and go to the bar where she has been seen sitting and drinking alcoholic beverages with men until late into the night. A concerned woman, who said she suspected that the child was underage yet she was a regular patron at two of the bars that the woman also visited, said: One day I approached her to find out why she was here and she explained that she had to make money. The woman said the girl narrated to her how she was forced to fend for herself and her 13-year-old sister, because they lived alone. They had to cook for themselves in their one-room house, which she said was allocated to them by their maternal grandfather. Waylaying The Swazi News team managed to get hold of the girl after waylaying her for three days at the bar early in the week. She said she came into the country in 2015 when her father brought them together with her sister. We used to stay and school in Durban where my father originates. When we came over in 2015 my father said we were visiting my mothers parents and we were due to return to Durban in January 2016, she said. She said their father dropped them at an informal crossing point on the South African side because they did not have passports. Samu narrated that when January came they did not have bus fare and means to return to Durban. Our grandfather tried to call my dad but he was not reachable and we have not been able to get hold of him since then. She said for all the years that followed she has been idling at home because she did not even have a birth certificate to enrol in a local school and catch up since she was doing Grade VII in Durban. When she was asked why she opted hanging out in drinking spots and allegedly offering sexual favours to male patrons, as claimed by the concerned woman, the girl said it was due to circumstances. My sister was fortunate because she had a birth certificate which she used to enrol at a local primary school where she is doing Grade V. I have been idling home since I came and I have to provide food and other necessities for the two of us, she said. She alleged that her grandfather told them to use a one-room flat while he and his family lived in the main house. This is where the two cook using firewood or a paraffin stove. Seeking My grandparents told me to go out and search for money so I started off by doing washing for neighbours who offered this job but the money was not always enough because I would earn between E30 and E50 on those particular days where I had a job offered. When asked if they ever considered seeking help from other relatives or relevant organisations, Samu said they had no other relatives except their parents and the ones they lived with currently. Sometimes we do approach neighbours for assistance, especially for money for purchasing paraffin because we cannot cook outside during rainy days, she said. She said some people, who are tenants in neighbouring homes, often gave them rice and meat to cook. It was gathered that the childrens grandparents have no formal jobs save for piece jobs they carry out for neighbours. My grandfather is a builder while his wife does house chores in peoples houses. Two of my aunts do not live here while one is still at high school, Samu said. When the news team arrived at the girls home on Tuesday there was no one in sight. The head teacher of the school that is attended by the younger girl said they had learned about the conditions under which the children lived. When I first heard that the older girl was literally sitting at home and not attending school I made attempts to call their mother and at first she seemed to be cooperative but later on she would not answer my calls, he said. By Trend Myrat Artykow has been appointed Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan, Trend reports referring to a decree issued by the President of Turkmenistan. Prior to this appointment, he served as head of the representative office of the Turkmen Ministry of Energy in Afghanistan. Charymyrat Purchekov, who had previously served as the Minister of Energy, has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister for construction, energy and utilities. It was reported earlier that it is planned to increase the total volume of electricity produced in Turkmenistan to 33 billion kilowatt-hours by 2024, which is an almost 30-percent increase, compared with the figures from 2018. Turkmenistan sells electricity to Afghanistan and Iran, and is exploring prospects of supplies to the markets of the Caucasus, Central Asia and South Asia. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend Tajikistan will hold the chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC) from May to August 2019. The Forums Security Dialogues are an opportunity for the 57 OSCE member States to discuss issues of military security and stability in Europe, reports Trend with reference to At a meeting that took place in Hofburg Palace in Vienna on April 10, Ambassador Claude Wild, Switzerland's Permanent Representative to the OSCE, handed over attributes of FSC chairperson to Ambassador Idibek Qalandar, Tajikistans Permanent Representative to the OSC, according to the Tajik MFA information department. Mr. Qalandar reportedly noted a high level of holding of Forums sessions and the constructive and transparent approach of Switzerland's Permanent Mission to the OSCE. Presenting a preliminary Program of the FSC under the Tajik Chairmanship for the next four months, Ambassador Qalandar expressed the intention to attract the attention of the Forum to the current issues of regional security in Central Asia, as well as the urgency of enhancement of cooperation between the OSCE and the regional organizations in Central Asia. In addition, it was noted that the Tajik Chairmanship would maintain the continuity of consideration of the core FSC issues, such as confidence and security-building measures (CSMBs), management of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (SCA), as well as the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1540 and 1325. The Program of the Tajik Chairmanship includes a Joint FSC-Permanent Council Meeting on Structured Dialogue, during which the Tajik Chairmanship, will draw the attention of the OSCE participating states, inter alia, to the necessity of taking joint measures in countering terrorism and violent extremism in the OSCE area. The Tajik Chairmanship of the FSC will cover a period from May to August 2019. The first plenary meeting under the Tajik Chairmanship will take place in early May 2019 in Hofburg, Vienna. The Forum for Security Co-operation is one of the OSCEs two main regular decision-making bodies. Leaders at the 1992 Helsinki Summit of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe the OSCEs predecessor established the Forum for Security and Co-operation to strengthen the focus on politico-military security by providing for negotiations and consultations on military security and stability in the OCSE area. The Forum provides a unique platform for the 57 OSCE participating States to discuss topical security challenges on an equal footing. The agenda for the weekly Forum meetings in Vienna always includes security dialogue, allowing participating States to raise and discuss security concerns and challenges. These discussions regularly lead to initiatives and measures to strengthen politico-military security. The Forum Chairmanship rotates among the OSCE participating States, with each State holding the FSC Chairmanship for four months. A so-called Troika, comprising the former, present and incoming Chairmanships, ensures continuity in the Forums work. The Forum approves documents and decisions by consensus. The OSCE Secretariats FSC Support Section supports participating States efforts to implement FSC commitments, which - like all OSCE commitments are politically binding. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has announced his readiness to resign, Trend reports via Turkish media. Soylu said, if the opposition can prove that, allegedly, after the elections in Istanbul, the city police conducted raids in houses in order to find out who the voters cast ballots for, he will resign. Soilu underlined that the Istanbul police have not conducted any such raids. Earlier, the opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) said that after the elections in Istanbul, the police conducted raids on residents' homes in several districts of the city. The municipal election results in Istanbul were almost completely rigged, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier. He noted that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) appealed to the Turkish Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) to identify the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the Justice and Development Party presented facts of falsification of 11,000 votes in Istanbul in favour of the candidate of the opposition Republican Peoples Party (CHP) Ekrem Imamoglu. Earlier, Bayram Senocak, head of the Istanbul branch of the Turkish ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), stated that the ruling party has evidence of the election results in Istanbul being falsified in favor of candidate of the opposition Republican People's Party Ekrem Imamoglu. Imamoglu gained 4.159 million votes, while Yildirim got 4.131 million votes in Istanbul. The coalition of the ruling party and the Nationalist Movement Party gained 51.67 percent of votes in the municipal elections throughout the country. Following the elections, candidate of the Republican Peoples Party Mansur Yavas became mayor of Ankara. Thirteen political parties took part in the municipal elections held March 31. These included the Felicity Party (SP), the Independent Turkey Party (Bagmsz Turkiye Partisi), the Communist Party of Turkey (Turkiye Komunist Partisi), the Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi), the Great Unity Party (Buyuk Birlik Partisi), Free Cause Party (Hur Dava Partisi), Republican Peoples Party (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi), Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalknma Partisi), Democratic Party (Demokrat Parti), Nationalist Movement Party (Milliyetci Hareket Partisi), Iyi Party (IYI Parti), Peoples Democratic Party (Halklarn Demokratik Partisi) and Democratic Left Party (Demokratik Sol Parti). --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz By Trend Member of the Economic Commission of Iran's Parliament, Iranian MP Ali Akbar Karimi said that no report has ever been submitted to the parliament about the latest status of setting up the INSTEX company in Iran. He added that on April 14 he's attending the meeting of high-ranking officials on this matter. So far, Europe has shown no seriousness to determine a reliable and effective mechanism for increasing the level of monetary, banking and financial exchanges with Iran," Karimi told Trend. INSTEX (Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges) is a mechanism, created to facilitate non-dollar trade with Iran, allowing European companies to trade with the Islamic Republic without being hit by the sanctions. On Jan. 31, three European countries France, Germany and the UK (shortened as E3) officially announced the creation of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), a special purpose vehicle, to allow them bypass US sanctions on trade with Iran. INSTEX facilitates non-dollar trade with Iran, allowing European companies to trade with the Islamic Republic without being hit by the sanctions. "There are two analyzes about the INSTEX mechanism, one that Europeans are not working effectively," he said. Secondly, even if they are trying their best, they cannot, or will not, act through the pressure of the United States to carry out this engagement and fulfill the obligations that are being undertaken by the JCPOA. Karimi said that Europeans have not done anything so far to relieve the Iranian financial sanctions and make bank interactions. "The private sector expects its banking and financial exchanges to be easily implemented through this mechanism, and the funds that they are trading can be easily transferred," he said. "This is not too much to expect," Karimi said. If any condition or restriction to be imposed on the type of goods and volume of funds, then this channel would not be efficient. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz Over the past 24 hours, Armenian armed forces have violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops 23 times, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said April 13, Trend reports. The Armenian armed forces were using heavy machine guns. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts. The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts. Ten years' worth of quarterly median sales prices for existing single-family homes in Bakersfield BY THE NUMBERS: Bakersfield's single-family home market 53: The estimated percentage of Bakersfield residents whose incomes would qualify them to buy a median-priced home in the city. 28: The estimated percentage of California residents whose incomes would qualify them to buy a median-priced home in the state. 4.7: The percentage increase in Bakersfield's median home sales price between 2017 and 2018. It was 3.6 between 2016 and 2017. 4: The percentage decline in average marketing times to sell a home in Bakersfield between 2017 and 2018. 92: The percent of all Bakersfield homes sold in 2018 that cost less than $400,000. Sources: California Association of Realtors, Affiliated Appraisers Dubai-based Abraaj Group's founder Arif Naqvi and his managing partner Mustafa Abdel-Wadood have been arrested after American prosecutors requested his detention on charges that they defrauded their investors, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Confirming the arrest of the Pakistani emerging markets business magnate, the Scotland Yard said he was detained at the London Heathrow Airport on April 10. Naqvi has been remanded in custody and his bail hearing will be held in about a week. Naqvi, 58, was accused of secretly diverting at least hundreds of millions of investors funds for personal gain and to help shore up Dubai-based Abraajs crumbling finances before it filed for provisional liquidation last June, according to the indictment. Abraaj managing partner was arrested at a New York hotel on Thursday, Assistant US Attorney Andrea Griswold said at a hearing in Manhattan federal court. Griswold said prosecutors would seek to have Naqvi, who is charged with the same crimes, extradited. Meanwhile, a statement from Naqvis external PR firm said Naqvi maintained his innocence in relation to the charges and he fully expects to be cleared of any charges. "For almost a year since the commencement of the provisional liquidations, he has been working tirelessly to maximize returns for Abraajs creditors, the statement said. Abdel-Wadood appeared at the Manhattan hearing and pleaded not guilty to securities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy charges. His lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, did not immediately request bail, saying he needed more time to become familiar with the case. Abraaj had been the largest buyout fund in the Middle East and North Africa until it collapsed in the middle of 2018 after the Gates Foundation and other investors raised concerns about the management of its $1-billion health care fund. One of the largest emerging-markets private equity investors claiming $13bn of assets under management, Abraaj was sent into a death spiral last year after investors complained about mishandling of their monies in the groups healthcare fund, reported Financial Times. As confidence eroded, the group was forced to place itself into provisional liquidation in the Cayman Islands to protect itself from legal action and winding-up orders by creditors. The indictments accuse Naqvi and Abdel-Wadood of defrauding investors by depriving them of accurate information about . . . Abraajs financial health and misappropriating investor funds for illicit purposes. Funds were diverted to cover undisclosed liquidity shortfalls in Abraaj, the indictments claim, as well as for the personal benefit of Messrs Naqvi and Abdel-Wadood, among others, stataed the report citing the prosecutors. Naqvi presented false and misleading information on Abraaj funds at an investor meeting in Manhattan around November 2017, the prosecutors allege. Prosecutors also claim that Abraaj inflated the value of their funds by more than $500m and misappropriated at least hundreds of millions of investors funds. To hide the scheme, Naqvi and others provided misleading responses to investor requests on how their funds were being used, reorted FT citing the indictments. The firm promoted the scheme through lies and omissions to financial regulators, the indictments added. The Securities and Exchange Commission also charged Naqvi and Abraajs asset management arm with misappropriating money from its heathcare fund, which had over three years collected more than $100 million from US investors, and using the funds for other purposes. The collapse of Abraaj has sent shockwaves through the regional private equity industry, raising questions over corporate governance in the Middle East, said the report. The liquidation process in the Cayman Islands has been faltering amid concern over potential legal risk for firms seeking to take over management of Abraajs funds. As well as negotiating to hand over Abraajs funds to new management, the liquidators have been seeking to sell the firms assets to cover about $1.1bn in debts and settle staff dues, it added. Ryan Pelham The Southeast Texas Food Bank is celebrating farmers and agriculture by providing free produce and milk this weekend. The Food Bank is hosting a FarmFest on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at its location on South Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway where it will provide items that can be hard to come by all the time. Help India! TCN News Five persons in Kerala were arrested and convicted of holding a meeting of SIMI ( Students Islamic Movement of India) a banned organisation in 2006. The special court for the National Investigation Agency had sentenced them to RI (rigorous imprisonment. ) Support TwoCircles And now after 12 years, the High Court of Kerala has acquitted all the five persons citing lack of evidence to prove the conspiracy charges levelled against them. The five persons acquitted are Shaduly, alias Haris Abdul Karim, a native of Erattupetta, Abdul Rasik of Erattupetta, Anzar Nadvi of Aluva, Nizamuddin of Panayikulam and Shammas of Erattupetta. Of these 5 persons Shaduly and Rasik were sentenced to 14 years of RI while the other for 12 years and convicted them under 124 (a) sedition and under the Unlawful activities (Preventions) Act. The High Court had however allowed the 5 accused to challenge the verdict of the NIA special court. And their case had begun on March 18, 2019 which was covered by TwoCircles: Trial begins in 2006 Independence Day seminar case in Kerala High Court And after hearings and failure of the prosecution to produce evidence that the 5 persons mentioned above indulged in seditious speeches and distribution of anti- India materials inciting hatred; the bench comprising Justice A.M. Shaffique and Justice Ashok Menon has acquitted the 5 on 12th April, 2019 , Friday. The bench also observed that the NIA special court has committed a serious error in convicting the accused. No compensation has been announced for the 5 persons who were falsely convicted. State lawmakers are scrambling to fit all their priorities into a rapidly shrinking calendar, and this is the time in the session when some of those bills start falling off the table. That shouldnt happen to teacher pensions again, it must be said. The good news is that the House and Senate seem to be in broad agreement about providing more money for retired teachers. As always, however, the details matter, and efforts like this could get sidetracked in the larger battles over education funding to K-12 schools. Retired public school teachers and other school employees (about 420,000 in all) do receive a pension that averages $2,000 per month, and thats not too bad. But they also havent received a cost-of-living adjustment in more than a decade, and thats unacceptable. Most teachers say their health care costs have continued to increase over that span while their incomes remained flat. Jerrie Dooley, who retired 13 years ago from the Fredericksburg ISD, said her health care costs have tripled. A Senate plan would give teachers a one-time annual check of only $500, which frankly wont help much. A House plan would give them a more generous one-time check of $2,400. A final bill approved by both chambers assuming one is passed probably wouldnt provide that amount to retired teachers. But again, the Legislature should do as much as it can. An even bigger problem is that the Teacher Retirement System of Texas has an unfunded liability of $46.2 billion. It should be OK in the near future, but of course at some point the money will run out. Clearly, lawmakers have to put that pension fund on a track toward balance, and that has to start in this session. Putting off something like this will only make it worse. That will mean greater contributions to the fund from active teachers, and they wont like that because it will mean smaller paychecks at a time when they, too, are deservedly trying to get more money. But it would be even worse for this fund to run dry at some point in the future. It should have never gotten this bad, but debating the past wont help anyone now. Teacher pensions dont just affect teachers who have left the classroom. They are an important factor in attracting and keeping educators in front of students now. Teachers arent expecting to get rich in retirement, but they must be compensated and recognized as some of the states most important public employees. U.S. sanctions on oil from Venezuela and Iran have played into Russia's hands on energy policy, according to a new analysis that found that refiners have turned to Russian exports to fill the gaps, The Hill writes in an article "Europe turning to Russia for oil amid US sanctions on Venezuela, Iran: report". Reuters reported Friday that U.S. sanctions on oil from the two countries has led to a global shortage of "sour" oils, described as heavier than oil produced from countries such as the U.S., which is experiencing record oil production of variants described as lighter and sweeter than its Russian, Venezuelan or Iranian competition. The drop in availability of Iranian or Venezuelan exports which are largely untouchable due to pressure on foreign companies from the State Department has led to a scramble among buyers for Russian-manufactured Urals oil. Urals is anchored in a positive zone versus dated Brent [a classification of lighter, sweeter oil] and there is no indication it will fall to a discount any time soon, one European analyst told Reuters. The surge in buyers searching for Urals oil has led to Russian companies reportedly making $140 million more last month than they did in October. A large new refinery in Turkey, built to run on sour oil, is likely to exacerbate the situation, analysts said. One expected STARs launch to be a serious jolt for the market, but little did we know it would make the sour shortage this bad ... refiners are rushing for sours, one oil trader told Reuters of the refinery's operations. Traders are now seeking an alternative to Russian sour oil and have not yet come up with a solution. All refiners are looking for Urals or a Urals replacement, one trader said. And we see that it wont be enough for everyone. We called our situation the Troubles, and the longer it had dragged on the more fitting that genteel euphemism became." So says Jacky, the protagonist in Jenny McCartney's debut novel, a powerful testament of damage and trauma set in 1990s Belfast. Jacky has never known peace in his home city, only a community divided and terrorised, where "the best way to persuade ordinary folks on the other side of the sincerity of your argument was to build a large stack of their corpses and promise more of the same until your demands were secured". Being as apolitical as most twenty-somethings, reared in violent upheaval or otherwise, Jacky is cynically philosophical about it all. Until it lands on his doorstep, or, more accurately, on the doorstep of close friend, Titch. Titch is enormous, ironically nicknamed because of the bulk of his frame. He's also gentle and quiet and a little "slow". Jacky's friend since their schooldays, he's got an occasional shoplifting habit, though only for sweet things, and early on he's caught by McGee - a local shopkeeper with Loyalist paramilitary connections and a racketeering, vicious adult son - stealing a packet of Jaffa Cakes. Soon afterwards, Titch is dragged from his bed by McGee Junior and his lackeys and a savage beating is meted out, leaving Titch in hospital and permanently disturbed. Jacky's blood is up, but his dead father's old friend, Murdie (one of the more carefully-drawn characters, although a minor one), persuades him to leave things alone. Some time later, when goaded by McGee Junior in a bar, Jacky lands him a punch that knocks him to the ground. The inexorable consequences for Jacky are horrific. As he's now a marked man he has no choice but to flee Northern Ireland and, with Murdie's help, he heads to London. "I moved from a place where I mattered, but in the wrong style, to a place where I didn't matter at all. But I knew then that people don't come to an unfamiliar city just to get away from their old homes, but also to escape their old selves." Jacky's problem in London is that he simply can't recover from his PTSD. He's in a sea of strangers with a new job and even a new love interest, but nothing can quell the silent anger that's roasting him alive. Further bad news about poor Titch arrives from Belfast and finally Jacky has had enough. He decides to embark on the path of retribution. We are reminded by this and other novels that the paramilitaries were just as ready to take out "one of their own" as they were to obliterate the perceived enemy. Thuggery knows no boundaries and, despite the Peace Agreement, it's obvious that Northern Ireland is full of scarred and haunted souls, innocent people uninvolved with the "struggle", whose lives have been permanently tainted by the actions of terrorists. While the Troubles appear to be having a "moment" these days, we must remember that it's taken more than 20 years of peace to get this far. And as a private, intimate reflection on what it was like to live through the worst years of the violence, this novel is unrivalled. The Ghost Factory by Jenny McCartney, 12.99 If we build something that can learn faster than us, will it be better than us?\ Ian McEwans new novel, where artificial intelligence is a reality in Britain, leaves us pondering some big questions, says Nick Curtis After the literary whimsy of Nutshell, a modern London riff on Hamlet narrated by a foetus, Ian McEwan returns to high seriousness with a novel almost too pregnant with ideas. Its main theme is the rise of artificial intelligence and what happens when machines can out-perform, out-learn and eventually out-feel us. But it's also a "what if?" novel set in an alternative Eighties where the internet and self-driving cars already exist, Margaret Thatcher loses the Falklands War and the Beatles have "recently regrouped after 12 years apart". To underline that this is also a thoughtful, moral tale, there are subplots involving the nature of violation and revenge, and what it means to be a parent. And a soupcon of juvenile gender-fluidity too. Even for someone of McEwan's fluency, that's a lot to pack in. Anyway, our protagonist Charlie is an ex-fraudster barely making ends meet by speculating on the stock market. Nevertheless, his interest in anthropology and physics prompts him to spend a large inheritance on one of the first commercially available androids. There are only 25 of these, 13 "Eves" and 12 "Adams". His Adam arrives naked, handsome and physically powerful. Intellectually and emotionally, he goes from 0 to 60 pretty fast. Meanwhile, Charlie starts an affair with Miranda, a younger, improbably beautiful student neighbour. You can see where this is going, can't you? To be fair, the geometry of the love triangle is not as obvious as it at first appears. McEwan's description of Adam's growing sophistication, from innocence to awakening to a sort of platonic equilibrium, is nuanced and thoughtful. The android starts composing haikus and earning large sums of money on the financial markets. This allays Charlie's anxiety and fosters his hope that he can escape horrid Clapham and buy a rock star's house in Notting Hill. The science on AI in the book feels plausible, and McEwan seems to have done extensive research into the philosophical side too. Though Miranda is rather lightly sketched, the dynamic between her, Adam and Charlie is compelling. We seem set on a course that will reach a satisfying emotional and philosophical conclusion. But there are distractions. Miranda's writer father is ailing. A sex crime from the past brings the threat of violence. Mark, a young boy from a chaotic family who wants to be a princess, barges into their lives. Thatcher loses an election over the poll tax to Tony Benn, who promptly takes Britain out of the EU. This last plot development - like a jab in the eye from 2019 - is typical of the surprises to which writers of "what if?" novels are irresistibly drawn, and to which McEwan is not immune. For instance, one of the reasons the world is so technologically advanced in the early Eighties is that Alan Turing, the great wartime codebreaker and AI pioneer, did not kill himself in 1954 after being persecuted for his homosexuality. Instead, he teamed up with someone called Demis Hassabis in 1968 (the real Hassabis, creator of the AI company DeepMind, was born in 1976) to build a computer that mastered the Chinese board game Go. Turing then went on to publish all his scientific findings for free, to fight Aids and become an eccentric hero to the nation (and to Charlie). There are more prosaic temporal curve-balls. Super-fast trains exist in this alternative past but they are squalid, just like trains in the real past. In Charlie's world, Joseph Heller wrote a novel called Catch-18 and Tolstoy wrote All's Well That Ends Well. The Tony Benn of McEwan's imagining is a charismatic populist, part-Blair, part-Corbyn. All this would be fine if the rest of it felt more credible. But nagging questions hover. Who invented and sold the AIs on the open market? What are they for? (McEwan anxiously tells us early on they are not sex toys, though they are "capable of sex"). Why only 25 of them? Would Miranda really fall for charmless Charlie? Would Mark really appear so improbably in their lives as a counterpoint to Adam, the artificial "child" they programmed together? And would Charlie really spend so much time saying things like "the future, to which I was finely attuned, was already here"? So, Machines Like Me is a clever, densely worked but sporadically irritating read, throughout which you hear McEwan whispering in your ear. All the various themes are duly brought together in a way that is perhaps too neat but which is also satisfying. The final chapter is built around a richly comic conceit that isn't quite earned. But we are left pondering the central conceit: if we build something that can learn quicker than us, will it be better than us, in ethical, social and artistic terms? Could an AI someday write a book like this? I doubt it. Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan, Jonathan Cape, 18.99 Twitter, founded in 2006, is a hugely popular social media platform, with 261 million account-holders worldwide sending some 500m tweets (short messages) a day. There are an estimated 13 million Twitter users in the UK. The medium is widely used by celebrities and perhaps the most famous user is US President Donald Trump, who has embraced it more wholeheartedly than any other world leader. The platform is used for all kinds of reasons - 74% of users say it is where they get their news. Others use it shamelessly for self-promotion, or companies find it useful to build up a relationship with customers. We look at four Twitter account-holders in Northern Ireland and examine why they joined the medium and the reaction to their tweets. One has already obtained a book deal, another is seeking one, a third uses it as a platform to remember people killed by the IRA and the fourth simply pokes fun at our politicians. Here are their stories: Belfast Child Belfast man John Chambers has a very simple reason for setting up his Twitter account and also a blog: to tell the incredible story of his search for his mother. She was a Catholic from a strongly republican family on the Falls Road, who married John Chambers from an equally staunch Protestant background in the 1960s. From the outset, there was friction between the families and, as the Troubles began, with its attendant dangers to those in mixed relationships, their marriage fractured and John's mum, Marie, fled to London with three of her children. However, her husband and his brothers tracked her down and brought the children back to Belfast to live in the intensely loyalist Glencairn estate. All mention of Marie was banned. The children were led to believe she had died in a car accident. John takes up the story: "My dad died from lung cancer at the age of 39, when I was 10. It was only at his wake that I realised my mother was still alive and was a Catholic. "Her religion had remained a closely guarded family secret as my dad had been a member of the UDA, but not involved in paramilitary violence. "Initially, I was angry that he had married a 'Taig', as I had grown up in Glencairn, where hatred of Catholics was almost in my DNA at that time. It was only when I was in my late teens and began getting into Mod music and meeting young Catholics who shared my interests that I realised they were no different from me. "I began searching for my mum, but had no real knowledge of how to go about it. "But I was eventually to find her through a bizarre coincidence about two decades ago. A friend was on holiday in Florida and met a couple in a bar who, on hearing his Belfast accent, asked if he knew a family called Chambers from the Shankill. He replied that he had gone to school with me. "The woman revealed that she was my mother's sister and wrote a letter to me, which my friend delivered. From it I found that my mum had been trying to find her children. "My brother and I met her in Preston in the north-east of England. It was great to meet her after so long. "Sadly, my mum died last October, but I had a great 20 years knowing her. She, too, died of cancer." He adds: "I had always wanted to write a book about my story, and have put several chapters on my site. I had once been offered a (book) deal, but it happened just as Princess Diana was killed and everything just fell through. "My Twitter account and blog are ways of getting exposure for my story, but I have broadened it out to include many other things - I put all kinds of music on it and also commemorate those who were killed in the Troubles, irrespective of religious or political affiliations, and include everyone - even paramilitaries who killed each other. There are a lot of young people in Northern Ireland who don't know what went on. I saw things that no kid should ever see." He now keeps in contact with Stephen Travers, who survived the Miami Showband massacre. "As long as there are survivors of the Troubles, or bereaved families, I will keep posting information on those kiwwlled. People today don't understand how bad things were then. That was one of the reasons why I left Belfast." Now aged 52 and married to Simone - a former professional dancer in the West End of London ("I never thought I stood a chance with her") - and with two children, Autumn and Jude, he lives near where he was reunited with his mum. "When I go back to Belfast now after decades in England, people remark about my accent. I remember being at my grandmother's wake in Sandy Row and talking to Alex Higgins. He later asked someone who the Englishman was and I felt quite offended." Blog: Twitter: @bfchild66 From chronicling crimes of the IRA to mocking MLAs On This Day The IRA This page, updated daily, chronicles the deaths caused by the IRA during the Troubles. Started in January last year, each tweet carries the name of the victim, information on how he or she died and, if possible, newspaper cutting, photos or even videos. The man behind the account, Ivan (not his real name), works with a researcher to gather the information. The aim, he says, is to personalise each death. "We know there were thousands of people killed in the Troubles, but how many do we remember? The victims should not be statistics - they were real people." Ivan, who will only reveal that some of his family members were seriously injured in an unnamed IRA outrage, is too young to remember much of what happened during the Troubles. "There is an attitude that people suffered, but no one really wants to talk about it," he says. "Because of that and the process which tries to rehabilitate people who were in organisations which committed murder, there has been a reluctance to look at the interests of victims. "They are largely being airbrushed out of history, almost as (if they are) an embarrassment." But why just concentrate on murders committed by the IRA? He replies: "There are several reasons. Of all the paramilitary groups, they are most adept at sanitising what they did, or arguing that it was a legitimate campaign of violence. "The IRA also attempted to show themselves as better than loyalist paramilitaries, but they were also guilty of nakedly sectarian killings. The Kingsmill massacre is the often-quoted example, but who remembers the Herron family of Dromore? "The father sold loyalist and Orange regalia and the family lived in a flat above the shop. The IRA planted an incendiary device in the shop, which exploded during the night, killing Mr Heron, his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter Noleen (27), one of their four children. That was a blatantly sectarian atrocity. "No one would try to defend loyalist murders in the way that the IRA do. Nowadays, some people who were in the IRA have become political mouthpieces for that organisation. "When people sit down and discuss how to deal with the past, at the same table are representatives of the republican movement in the form of Sinn Fein. I don't want them there. They help decide on how to deal with the past, and that is outrageous." He recalls the death of Alan Johnston, a joiner from Kilkeel, who was shot, as the minister at his funeral said, "with his lunch box in one hand and a set of tools in the other". "That was a good riposte to Danny Morrison, who said republicans would take power with a ballot box in one hand and an Armalite in the other," Ivan says. He also cites an example of what he calls "cleansing" by the IRA in border regions. "The last Protestant shopkeeper in Roslea village in Fermanagh was Douglas Deering. He was a 57-year-old father-of-three who was shot dead at his shop on May 12, 1977. "The IRA said he was shot by loyalists because he had stayed open during the loyalist workers' strike, but that was only to cover up what they did. That shows the sort of honesty from these people, if we are going to buy into a truth and reconciliation process." He stresses that he equally abhors and condemns murders carried out by loyalist organisations. Reaction to his Twitter account has been overwhelmingly positive, and followers have contributed material which had never been seen before. In one instance, the reverse was the case. He was contacted by the son of a soldier who had been killed in an explosion in south Armagh in the 1970s. That man had never seen a photograph of his father, but Ivan discovered one in a local newspaper from the time. "That was the first time he had ever seen what his dad looked like," he says. He also recalls a poignant front page from this newspaper, following the death of Lesley Gordon, a 10-year-old girl killed by an IRA booby-trap bomb alongside her father, a member of the UDR, who was driving her to school. Her little brother was also in the car but survived. "The photograph in the Belfast Telegraph showed Lesley's empty school desk and a painting which she had done just a few days earlier," he says. "On another occasion, I published a photo of a family standing around an open grave of someone killed by the IRA. They had never seen that image, but they appreciated it." Ivan admits that compiling the daily updates takes an emotional toll. "I remember working on the entry for those killed in the La Mon fireball explosion. I finished work on it about 1am, but a few hours later, I woke up in floods of tears because of the photos I had seen and what I had written," he explains. "I remember finding out that the husband of Christine Lockhart (33), who died in the explosion, was offered 90 compensation for her death. He left the country in disgust and went to the Philippines, where he set up a children's home called Christine's charity." The husband of Margaret O'Hare, a mother-of-seven killed by an explosion on Bloody Friday in Belfast, got no compensation for her death as she was unemployed, and therefore there was deemed to be no financial loss. Her husband received a payment for the destruction of his Mini car in the explosion. Ivan concludes: "Joseph Stalin once said, 'A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic'. That is what the IRA benefits from, but when their murder toll is broken down into individual cases, you get away from them being simply a statistic." Twitter: @OnThisDayPIRA Irish Border This account, started in February 2018, began as a joke, according to its author, who declines to give any information about himself, not even if he lives near that much-discussed part of the island. The account's tweets are written as if the border is a real person. The idea sprang from an account in New Zealand, where a river got legal status as a person. The author of the Irish Border (let's call him Jim, even if that is not his real name) explains: "That is what gave me the idea. That river is fairly forthright in its views." It is evident the Irish Border is anti-Brexit. Its introduction sets the tone: "I am the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. I am seamless and frictionless already, thanks. Bit scared of physical infrastructure." Jim adds: "The border is 90 years old, lived through hard times and for 20 years experienced peace and thought it was retired. Now it finds it has a bit more work to do. Like anyone in that position, it doesn't want to go back to work, thank you very much." Brexit, of course, is rich material for someone wanting to take a sarcastic poke at politics. Commenting on the continual demands for an extension to Article 50, the Irish Border says: "Now they cannot decide how long to be indecisive for." And on the chaos at Westminster: "Backstop still intact, ERG not so much." Jim says he posts each day. "There is no shortage of material, but it is also serious because it has gone on and on and nothing much has changed since this account started. However, part of the comedy is how boring it all is as they keep repeating things. Everyone would like to see Brexit finished, but probably it will keep going until October. "I have become a bit schizophrenic, trying to balance my own feelings and the views expressed by the Irish Border. It just wants to be left as it is. "Maybe there is some difference between what I feel and what the Irish Border feels." But one thing is certain: the Irish Border is no laughing matter - its author has just secured a deal to publish a book in October. "It will be written by the account. A book was never the idea, but it's great," he says. Twitter: @BorderIrish MLAs And The Like Another account to poke gentle fun at politicians, its inspiration also came from overseas - specifically, another account showing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un looking at random things. Author "Paul" explains: "That gave me the idea of featuring our politicians standing around looking awkward. I started it on Facebook about seven years ago - the Executive and Assembly proved a rich source of material - and later moved to Twitter. "There was no political point to it - it was just fun. A few ministers were repeat offenders. They were not being best-advised by their Press officers on what to do when out on photo opportunities. "At the time, Mairtin O Muilleoir was hailing himself as the king of Twitter, and he was followed by more and more MLAs on the platform. Twitter became a much richer source of material than Facebook. "Arlene Foster, when she was in charge of (the Department of) Enterprise, Trade and Investment, didn't appear to have a filter. She was photographed doing things which lent themselves to humorous captions. Another example was Barry McElduff, until that all went wrong for him. "By comparison, David Ford, when he was Justice Minister, appeared to be very well-advised, so he was difficult to poke fun at. We never seemed to find any particularly amusing pictures of him." However, the fall of the Executive meant a change of focus to the province's MPs. "This coincided with the DUP and Northern Ireland coming under more national scrutiny. Northern Ireland had again become a big new item nationally," Paul says. He follows as many politicians as possible on social media, as well as some of the best-known political commentators. "That is a great source of pictures for me to caption," Paul explains. One news story which gave him great fun was the idea of a bridge between Northern Ireland and Scotland. However, given that he has a background in IT, the suggestions that there are technological answers to the border question have irked him. "I have worked in that sector for 20 years and there is no easy answer," he says. "I get ratty at politicians trying to fob off responsibility for the issue to the tech sector." Despite that, Paul maintains he has no political axe to grind. "Nothing is done with particular malice, but if something looks ridiculous, I will comment on it. "I would say I was apolitical. I don't set out to comment on one side more than the other. "I have been called a loyalist and a republican on different days, so I suppose that proves my point." Even though all political parties have had the finger of fun pointed at them by the account, only the DUP and Sinn Fein have engaged with it. "Christopher Stalford of the DUP commented after we posted a photo of him in a kilt at the time of the Scottish independence referendum," Paul says. "I just do this for my own amusement. It writes itself sometimes. One could be more vindictive, but it is pitched at a level which makes me laugh." He recalls the time when, after the DUP signed its confidence and supply agreement with the Tory Government, he suggested a number of things the DUP had demanded in return for keeping Theresa May in power. Among them was red, white and blue kerbstones and moving the Strictly Come Dancing results show from a Sunday to a Saturday because dancing on a Sunday was sinful. Twitter: @MLAsAndTheLike I've loved Muddler's Club since its inception three years ago. The woody, beardy, creakiness much loved by the hipsterati is coupled to a very real Belfast sense of fast-moving, finger-clicking urban knowhow. Somehow, it manages to be laid back and on fire at the same time. Your comfort and joy come first, this is evident, and front of house staff under the keen eye of manager Barry Fletcher will keep the bustle levels high, moving silently and gracefully around, smiling, serving, advising to make sure you are both comfortable and joyful at all times. Barry has the charm and the knowledge to run any top restaurant. He glides effortlessly everywhere at top speed and unlike most people in a hurry, he doesn't create tension or anxiety in his wake. I get nervy around very busy people. They make me anxious and guilty for sitting there. But not Barry. He's keeping busy for us, the paying punters. Enjoy it. Head chef Gareth McCaughey is utterly reliable and very good, focusing most of his efforts on finely-honed dishes which have become Muddler's signature classics: blackened Mourne lamb, sea trout and beef tartare among them. I had stopped going during 2018 because of a less than brilliant experience with the food. Chef McCaughey was not in that day and instead, his carefully composed dishes looked more like a school project in which students had been provided with a photograph and told to copy it on to the plate. It kind of looked right yet it was glaringly not. None of the dishes that day had the confidence and reassurance you normally expect at Muddler's. It was disappointing and it goes to show how far-reaching a single poor experience can be. "I had a bad meal there once," is more powerful than the 20 great lunches and dinners you had before. It's like your holidays. You'll tell Stephen Nolan how bad it was but if it was great, nobody's interested. That's the cynical world we live in. And I'm as bad as anybody else when it comes to this. Life's too short to risk having a poor experience. One very wealthy man in Belfast only ever eats in one of three places in the city for this very reason. But I went back very recently and am very happy to report that all cylinders were firing. Chef McCaughey was in charge of a disciplined brigade and those compositions were flawless. Cocktails were judged by my new boss on this paper to be among the best he's had (a man of simple but expensive tastes, he was referring to a dry martini). A trout starter for him and the tartare for me were exciting openers. The herby, spiced tartare rich with light iron flavours, the taste of raw, ground beef like this is as delicate as fresh crustaceans and as textured as terrine. The trout is equally fine, slipping under the knife into tidy little curved and shiny tiles. We enjoy a fillet of turbot and a dish of salt aged beef with bone marrow jus, powerful enough to ward off a bracing late winter's day. The menu in Muddler's is a delight of confusion because everything on it is deeply desirable: scallops with Iberico ham and parmesan, that Mourne lamb, onion, blue cheese and truffle, burrata, tomato, pistachios and basil are all entertaining, balanced and very thoughtfully researched. There is an exceptional wine list for those of us on moderate budgets with rare appearances of singularly one of the best drinks with cheese, Pineau des Charentes at 7 a glass. There is ice wine, very on-trend German red spatburgunder and an excellent Catalan, Vermells at 9.50 a glass. I'm glad I went back. The Muddler's slate is not just clean, it's shiny and bright. The bill Trout: 10 Beef tartare: 10 Turbot: 16 Beef: 30 Chips: 4 Cheese: 8 Dessert: 8 Pineau x 2: 14 Glass ice wine: 8 Peth spatburgunder...........................11 Vodka martini.......................................9 Total:..................................................128 Muddler's Club, Warehouse Lane, Belfast, Tel: 028 9031 3199 It's a tough job to wake up the country. Perhaps even tougher with Piers Morgan sitting next to you. But Susanna Reid has always made it look effortless as she remains unflappable in the hosting seat of Good Morning Britain. "You want people to be watching and enjoying and stimulated," she says enthusiastically. "It's such a crucial time for people because Brexit is ... we are going to Hell in a handcart. It feels like it at the moment. "It's fantastic to be able to just put the politicians on the spot, get their views and speak in a really unfettered way to the audience, reflect what they are thinking and ask the difficult questions and also have a laugh about it, as well." And it's a good thing 48-year-old Reid does embrace the tough stuff, because her new documentary about one of Britain's most notorious serial killers could not be much tougher. The programme, part of ITV's Crime & Punishment strand, examines the murders committed by Joanna Dennehy in 2013. Dennehy was just 31 when she was sentenced to spend her whole life in prison after she pleaded guilty to the murders of Lukasz Slaboszewski (31), Kevin Lee (48) and John Chapman (56). Police launched a nationwide hunt to find her after the bodies were discovered in remote ditches in Cambridgeshire, but she went on to drive 140 miles to Hereford, where she repeatedly stabbed two dog-walkers. "Dennehy doesn't come from a background where you could draw a direct link from something terrible happening to her and her becoming a terrible person," Reid says. "She came from a stable, decent family home and was well looked after. Her family said butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. "When there is not an obvious explanation for why someone has become a serial killer, that makes the detective story more fascinating, doesn't it? "If you consider that women are far less likely to be responsible as a serial killer, but when they are it's absolutely shocking. She is only one of three women who got a whole life sentence in prison: the other two are Myra Hindley and Rose West." Reid became fascinated by Dennehy while working on the programme and describes her as an "abhorrent, horrific, compelling, magnetic character". "Her family wrote us a letter about her, saying she was a bookworm when she was at school, she was a good girl, she came from a decent background, happy family, given all the advantages she could possibly want. "How did she turn into a woman who could brazenly swagger into a police station at the age of 30, boast about the fact she thought five people were dead as a result of her actions, flirt with police officers and show off about being a serial killer?" For Reid, the details of the crimes, horrific as they are, were not the most affecting part of the film - instead it was the way Dennehy conducted herself. "We had exclusive access to the full custody tapes, when she's arrested after being caught on the run and the police know that there are two men fighting for their lives. Eventually, it emerges that she has already killed three people. She is standing in police custody and you would think she would be at least a little bit nervous, at least a little bit concerned for her future and yet she is boasting. "She starts flirting with the police officers, trying to charm them and win them over, and you can see they are reluctantly drawn into her web. She's obviously a really compelling character. She starts playing with her hair. "Her barrister described her and says he wondered whether he had got the wrong cell, when he eventually goes in to meet her for the first time. "Normally he would expect someone accused of these awful crimes, who is facing a future in prison never to be released, to be a little bit wary and on the back foot. She wasn't. "He said she just seemed to be confident, charismatic, co-operative and she had the type of personality he was drawn to." The show is the seventh crime documentary Reid, who is mother to three sons, has made for ITV since 2017, including films about teenager Becky Watts, who was murdered by her step-brother, and the killing of schoolboy Rhys Jones. "Sometimes I come back from these stories and I am just glad to be in the kitchen with the boys, making tea and doing something completely ordinary and down to earth," she says. "You don't want to spend too much of your headspace in the minds of killers. It's good to be able to do the normal stuff as well." Joanna Dennehy: Serial Killer, ITV, Thursday, 9pm Kate McCausland is embraced by Jon McCourt outside Belfasts High Court yesterday after a failed challenge for compensation for abuse survivors Historic abuse victims in Northern Ireland have accused the Government of ignoring its moral duty after a legal bid to secure stalled compensation payouts failed. A judge at Belfast High Court ruled that Northern Ireland Secretary Karen Bradley's ongoing refusal to intervene and implement a redress scheme was not unlawful. Compensation payments of up to 100,000 recommended by a state inquiry more than two years ago have not been distributed to victims due to the collapse of the power-sharing executive at Stormont. Read More A judicial review taken by an abuse survivor in an attempt to compel Mrs Bradley to establish the scheme, and call an Assembly election to address the political impasse, was rejected by Judge Bernard McCloskey yesterday. While he said Mrs Bradley's current stance was not unlawful, he did not issue a final order in the case, instead leaving the door open for a potential further challenge. Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service David Sterling is in the final stages of drawing up draft legislation that would give effect to the redress scheme. He intends to present this to Mrs Bradley and ask her to take it through Westminster. Justice McCloskey indicated to lawyers for the anonymous victim, known as JR80, that he would be prepared to hear the case again if Mrs Bradley does not act on the draft legislation. "The intervention of the court in this case has occurred at a fixed point in time," he said. "Certain imminent events of unmistakable significance, involving the Secretary of State in particular, are awaited." After the hearing Jon McCourt, chairman of the Survivors North West group, said: "We are angry, we are disappointed, we are frustrated and I don't know what this is going to do to people who had actually put their hopes on the justice system starting to work on behalf of justice for victims and survivors of historical institutional abuse. "There's something wrong with this system when it doesn't prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable people in its society." He said the spotlight was now on Mrs Bradley and what she would do with the draft legislation. "Let's see what she does, let's see if she has a moral conscience," he added. "Let's see whether she's prepared at some point to take into consideration the harm, the damage, the pain and the trauma that's been caused to victims and survivors of historical institutional abuse." Kate McCausland, whose 88-year-old mum Una Irvine was abused in a home run by the Sisters of Nazareth religious order in Belfast, wept as she described her mother's ongoing battle with Alzheimer's. "The time has passed for her to have the satisfaction of knowing that justice was done," she said. "Two years ago she may have been able to enjoy the practical help that compensation would have afforded her, but there are so many like her and I think it's an absolute disgrace that's she's been let down. "They were helpless in the home. She was four when she was put in and she spent 10 years there and they were helpless, they had nowhere to run then, and they've been let down again by those in authority." Mrs McCausland, from Ballygowan, Co Down, said her mother's two younger sisters, who were also in Nazareth House, died before the HIA inquiry was set up. The applicant JR80 is a member of the lobby group Survivors and Victims of Institutional Abuse (SAVIA). The group's solicitor Claire McKeegan said the court order was "unique". "The court has not abandoned these proceedings, there has been no final order," she said. "Today's order suggests that JR80 has an opportunity to revisit these proceedings should there be a situation where the Secretary of State refuses to take the legislation through Parliament once David Sterling has it completed. "We believe that this is positive and the court has exercised a supervisory role over what should happen next." She said the legal team would study the judgment in full before deciding whether there were grounds for appeal. A member of SAVIA called Shauneen said yesterday: "If ever there was a reason for our politicians to get back to work, this is it." Bikers took part in protests in Belfast and London yesterday in a show of support for a soldier being prosecuted over Bloody Sunday. A group rode to Stormont as a similar Rolling Thunder demonstration took place in central London. Here, around 80 riders, many of them military veterans, set off from Cultra, Co Down, and arrived at Stormont at 1.30pm. Horns blasted and engines revved as the bikers rode up the mile-long Prince of Wales Avenue. Parachute Regiment flags flew from some of the bikes. Soldier F is to be charged with murdering two people after troops opened fire on civil rights demonstrators in January 1972. The Saville Inquiry found all 14 victims of Bloody Sunday were innocent and died when the Parachute Regiment lost control that day. After the ruling, Prime Minister David Cameron issued a state apology in the House of Commons, describing the Army's actions as "unjustified and unjustifiable". Veterans reacted angrily to the decision to take legal action decades after the bloodshed. The organisers of the Rolling Thunder event said their protest is directed against the Government rather than the victims' families. One veteran who took part in the protest ride to Stormont fears more prosecutions could follow. The man, who gave his name as Tony, said he was involved in an incident during the Troubles and felt he was dealt with fairly at the time. But he queried whether he should now expect a knock at his door. Tony said: "Where will it end? We have the flags that say we support Soldier F but it is not only about Soldier F, it's soldier a, b, c... and all after. "Where are they going to go then, once they have finished with the alphabet, where will it end? "We are saying that we want it to stop here. Soldiers carried out their duty at the time, they did as they were told. Expand Expand Previous Next Close Motorcyclists take part in the Rolling Thunder ride protest in London PA Motorcyclists take part in the Rolling Thunder ride protest in Belfast, riding toward the Stormont buildings PA / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Motorcyclists take part in the Rolling Thunder ride protest in London "I was involved in an incident whereby I was detained, interviewed and released. "I believe I was dealt with justly at the time. Do I sit and wait for 20 years for a knock at the door? "And the rest of these gentlemen, mostly veterans, are they the same - just sit and wait for a knock at the door?" In London, organisers said up to 11,000 bikers met on Park Lane before riding through the capital to Parliament Square and on to Trafalgar Square. The protest was conceived when Harry Wragg (56) posted a video on Facebook calling for Soldier F not to be prosecuted. The immunity granted to members of the IRA under the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 should extend to soldiers who fought in the Troubles, he said. Biker groups from around the UK welcomed Mr Wragg's suggestion of a procession of motorbikes in London to protest against Soldier F's prosecution. The protest's journey took in Parliament Street and Whitehall and passed the Cenotaph. Mr Wragg said: "I had a bit of a rant on Facebook saying how disgusting it was really, over Soldier F. I made a statement saying 'What about a few of us riding to London, to make a noisy protest?' There are 11,000-plus bikes. We've just come together. And the best thing for me is that it's combined services." The Ministry of Defence said the charges have been brought by the NI Public Prosecution Service, which is independent. A Government spokesman said: "We are indebted to the soldiers who served with courage and distinction to bring peace to Northern Ireland. Although the decision to prosecute was taken by the Northern Ireland Public Prosecution Service, which is independent from Government, we will offer full legal and pastoral support to the individual affected." A notorious child killer was awaiting trial for sexually abusing a young boy when he went on the run after being granted temporary release from prison. The revelation has led to calls for an explanation from justice officials, with a former Justice Minister saying she had concerns. And last night a relative claimed the decision had put the public at risk. Convicted killer Clifford (57) - who brutally murdered his niece - was jailed for five years at Belfast Crown Court on Wednesday for the sexual abuse of the boy. The offence took place over a two-year period during the 1980s. The victim, who was aged between three and four at the time, was forced to repeatedly perform a sex act on Clifford while the pair watched a video together. Clifford had been charged with the offence in March 2017 - 19 months before he was allowed out under the terms of his pre-release at Maghaberry's Burren House. Burren House is a unit where prisoners coming to the end of their sentences are housed. In September 2018 Clifford was permitted out to attend an appointment. However, he failed to return, sparking a cross-border manhunt that lasted for over a week. He was finally apprehended in Newry by the PSNI and returned to prison. Clifford had been previously released in 2005 after serving a life sentence for the brutal rape and murder of his eight-year-old niece Sue Ellen in 1988. But he was put back behind bars two years later after violating the terms of his parole. Over three decades ago Clifford had been trusted to babysit Sue Ellen in her north Belfast home, but he sexually assaulted and strangled her before dumping her body on a railway line. The trauma caused her mother Martha Adair to take her own life less than two years later. The family of Sue Ellen - a number of whom were present to watch Clifford sentenced this week - have always maintained that the paedophile was capable of killing again. Yesterday a relative of Sue Ellen's insisted prison authorities had placed the public at grave risk last September by granting Clifford temporary release. "He should never have been released in the first place, full stop," they said. "They should have kept him in there and thrown away the key." The person, who didn't wish to be named, added: "(The pre-release decision) allowed him to put others at risk, including young children. "It was a good job that a child didn't cross his path and they got him apprehended. He's a dirty, nasty piece of work, a scumbag." Sue Ellen's sister Deborah Adair previously described Clifford as "pure evil". "Mark my words, he will rape or murder another child," she said in 2010. "That man destroyed my family. "He didn't only murder my sister Sue Ellen, he was responsible for the suicide of my mummy." Former Stormont Justice Minister Claire Sugden called for a robust investigation into why Clifford was allowed back on the streets while facing a fresh trial. "I have concerns that anyone would be eligible for a pre-release scheme pending a new criminal charge while in custody, particularly where the charge relates to a serious crime that could have safety issues for the general public," she said. "I have contacted the Department of Justice to seek clarity on this issue and to understand if there is a gap in the policy which has allowed this to happen." Policing Board member Dolores Kelly said the case raised significant questions for the justice authorities. She said if Stormont was up and running, the circumstances behind Clifford's pre-release would be probed further. "I'm sure the justice committee would be seeking to have a better understanding of what has happened here. The number-one priority is the protection of the public," she said. The Prison Service declined to directly explain how a convicted child killer facing another serious charge would be deemed suitable for the pre-release scheme. It said: "While it would not be appropriate to comment on an individual, pre-release testing provides an important public safety element of the work of the NI Prison Service. "Judgments are often finely balanced and, on occasions, individuals will fail the testing process." Ankara strongly criticized the stance of Italy and France attempting to recognize the events of 1915 in Armenia as "genocide," stressing that the allegations are inconsistent with historical facts. "France is the last country that would give Turkey lessons over genocide and history because we did not forget what happened in Rwanda and Algeria. France needs to look into its own dark history," Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Friday, referring to the French President Emmanuel Macron's decision to declare April 24 as a day of commemoration in France for the so-called "Armenian genocide," Daily Sabah reports. The statement of the foreign minister came during the NATO Parliamentary Assembly's 99th Rose-Roth Seminar in Antalya, after Sonia Krimi, a French parliamentarian, said that the criticism by Parliament Speaker Mustafa Sentop over France's move shocked her. Stressing that the decision taken by the French president only serves to politicize history, Sentop said on Friday that the baseless allegations are voiced because of political concerns. Ankara does not accept the alleged genocide but acknowledges that there were casualties on both sides during the events of World War I. Ankara has repeatedly proposed the creation of a joint commission of historians from Turkey and Armenia plus international experts to tackle the issue. Following the comments by Cavusoglu, Krimi left the meeting. "We see how respectful and polite you are. You do not like to hear the truth, we will continue telling the truth. You will get used to this," Cavusoglu said. In relation to the issue, on Thursday National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar conveyed Turkey's discomfort about the French president's decision to his French counterpart Florence Parly in a phone call. Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairman Kemal Klcdaroglu also voiced criticism about France's move. On his official Twitter account, Klcdaroglu said on Friday: "French President Macron's declaring April 24 as a commemoration day for 'Armenian Genocide' is unacceptable. The resolving of problems between Turkey and Armenia is possible with dialogue between them; not with third parties' insolent interventions." Sentop also criticized the passing of a motion by Italy's Parliament to recognize the 1915 events in Armenia as "genocide," noting that the parliament is exploiting history and law by attempting to give a decision by substituting itself as an international court. In relation to the recent move by the Italian Parliament, Sentop said, "The Italian House of Representatives has attempted to give a decision about a crime that is specifically defined in international law as genocide by acting in place of international courts; and has exploited history and law," and added, "We would like to remind Italy of its role in World War II." The proposal for recognizing the 1915 events in Armenia as "genocide" was voted on Wednesday and the motion was approved by 382 votes with none against and 43 abstentions. The decision faced furious backlash from Ankara as officials said it is prompted by political agendas. The Foreign Ministry said in a statement, "The motion of the Italian House of Representatives dated April 10, 2019, is a new example of the use of Armenian claims as a tool for domestic political interest." The ministry noted that the proposal was prepared by Italy's far-right Lega Nord party, stressing that the "allegations being brought up before the elections or in the context of opposition to Turkey clearly reveal the political nature of these allegations and that they are inconsistent with historical facts." A Co Antrim freight firm has been ordered to pay over 5,000 in compensation to a former employee after a tribunal ruled he was unfairly dismissed. (stock photo) A Co Antrim freight firm has been ordered to pay over 5,000 in compensation to a former employee after a tribunal ruled he was unfairly dismissed. Stephen Hare took the case against Crumlin-based Beatties Distribution Services Ltd, where he worked as a delivery driver for three years. In January 2018 Mr Hare applied for a similar job with another company and he was interviewed the following month. In March 2018 he received a letter from his prospective new employer confirming that his application had been successful. The letter made clear that the job offer was subject to satisfactory references and a verifiable five-year history. Mr Hare accepted the job offer, but then changed his mind. He did not tell his current employers that he was intending to leave, nor did he inform his prospective new employer that he had decided not to take up their job offer. Operations manager at Beatties Distribution Services, Mark Laughlin, learned of Mr Hare's job offer when he received an email from his prospective new employer. The email stated that he would be starting his new job with them on April 9 and included a request for references and a questionnaire. The industrial tribunal in Belfast heard that Mr Laughlin was unable to contact Mr Hare to discuss this as he was out doing his deliveries. On his evidence, Mr Laughlin planned to speak to him the next morning, but Mr Hare was off sick and then went on pre-arranged annual leave. Mr Laughlin conceded that he was "not 100% sure" from the information he received that the employee was leaving. When Mr Laughlin replied to the questionnaire from Mr Hare's new employers, he said he would not re-employ the applicant, stating that he had suffered a heart attack the previous year and was "only capable of delivering reduced numbers". Mr Hare told the tribunal that his heart condition had only caused him to be absent from work for four weeks in 2017. On April 5 Mr Laughlin wrote to Mr Hare stating that the new employer had contacted the firm "to state that you will be starting new employment with them" and therefore his contract with Beatties had been terminated. The letter was sent by recorded delivery. Mr Hare claimed that he did not receive it until he returned to work after his leave on April 9, although it appeared from the evidence that it had been signed for two days previously. When he returned to work, Mr Hare was unable to clock in or gain access to the computerised work allocation system. He spoke to Mr Laughlin, who read out the letter he claimed not to have received before he went to work that morning. Mr Hare explained to Mr Laughlin that he had decided not to take the other job, but Mr Laughlin told him that he had already found a replacement. Mr Hare was then told to leave the premises. He was due to receive his month's pay on April 15, 2018 but when it did not arrive he contacted Beatties' accountant. He was informed that his pay was being withheld because he had been responsible for accidental damage to one of the firm's vans in December 2017. Mr Hare accepted that he was responsible and had 600 deducted from his final pay. However, the hearing was told that the van had not been repaired and the firm did not produce any evidence of an estimated cost. Beatties argued during the hearing that Mr Hare had resigned from their firm and relied upon the email from his prospective new employer. This claim was disputed by Mr Hare, who argued that the company could not properly rely upon the word of a third party. The tribunal ruled that Mr Hare had been unfairly dismissed by Beatties, which was "motivated by nothing less than spite, with the sole intention of sabotaging the claimant's new employment". It also found that the 600 deduction from his final pay was unfair and "similarly vindictive". Beatties was ordered to pay compensation totalling 5,106 to Mr Hare. Matthew Burns leaves court yesterday. Hes accused of making threats against Jacinda Ardern and London mayor Sadiq Khan A teenager has appeared in court charged with making online death threats to the Prime Minister of New Zealand days after the Christchurch massacre. Matthew Burns, who allegedly told police he had far-right political leanings, appeared before Newry Magistrates Court yesterday. A detective said he believed he could connect Burns (19), of Dundalk Road, Newtownhamilton, Co Armagh, to the charges. The accused's parents and sister attended the court. Read More As the charges were read out Burns's mother held her hand to her head and closed her eyes. He is accused of making threats on social media to Jacinda Ardern, who recently touched hearts with her emotional response to mass shootings at two mosques in New Zealand. A Twitter message to the Prime Minister was said to have been made directly after the right-wing terrorist attack. The court heard that a photo of a gun silencer was sent with the message "you're next". The defendant was further charged with making similar threats to the Mayor of London Sadiq Kahn. The accused was arrested on Thursday and taken to Banbridge PSNI station for questioning. Two dates of offending are said to have taken place on Twitter and Facebook, in December 2018 and March 20 this year. During interview Burns stated that he had far-right political leanings and had negative sentiments towards minorities, Muslims and the LGBTQ community. Volumes of similar posts towards minorities were said to be under investigation by the PSNI cyber unit. An application was made to restrict reporting due to the defendant's believed poor mental health and attempts at self-harm, indicating a suicidal nature. District Judge McGarrity rejected the application due to a lack of medical evidence being brought before the court. The defendant was released on 500 bail to his parents' custody with a 1,000 cash surety with the condition that he has no internet connection and adheres to a curfew. The magistrate warned Burns: "The police are going to be watching you... next time the courts may not be so sympathetic as today." The case was adjourned to May 8. The New Zealand Labour Party leader became a familiar face on TV screens in the wake of the Christchurch terror attack last month. The March 15 shootings at two mosques left 50 people dead and dozens wounded. Afterwards Ms Ardern described it as one of New Zealand's "darkest days". She said: "What has happened in Christchurch is an extraordinary act of unprecedented violence. It has no place in New Zealand. "Many of those affected will be members of our migrant communities - New Zealand is their home, they are us." Australian Brenton Tarrant (28), a self-described white supremacist, has been charged with murder. Ms Ardern became the country's youngest Prime Minister in more than 150 years in October 2017 at the age of 37. Belfast City Council believes that appropriate action is being taken to address the serious structural problems that led to the evacuation of 91 homes in a luxury apartment block in Belfast city centre. Residents were instructed to leave the upmarket development at Victoria Square "immediately for safety reasons" on Wednesday and told they would have to find and pay for alternative accommodation for the next five months. The Belfast Telegraph yesterday revealed that flat owners had been asked to pay 10,000 each for structural repairs, amounting to 910,000 - an anticipated repair bill just shy of 1m. Read More But, significantly, that calculation was done by the management company long before the problem was deemed severe enough to merit a dramatic mid-week evacuation of all the apartments at The Residence. Notwithstanding the major issue affecting the high-end flats, it's business as usual for stores in the adjoining Victoria Square shopping centre, as well as the underground car park. And now, after a site visit on Wednesday, Building Control has said "proactive steps" are being taken to "address" and "contain" the problem which relates to "damage to a structural column within the residential complex". Yesterday, Belfast City Council also said it will be monitoring the situation "to assess whether any formal action is required on the part of the council". "Building owners are responsible for undertaking repair works to their properties and ensuring they are safe," a statement said. "If an owner fails to comply with those obligations, the council can use enforcement powers to compel them to carry out repairs. "Structural engineers engaged by the residential managing company for Victoria Square contacted our Building Control team earlier this week to notify us of planned works to resolve a structural issue within the site. "Our team met with the structural engineers on site to ascertain the exact nature and extent of the issue, which relates to damage to a structural column within the residential complex, and to determine the time scales involved in carrying out repairs. "We are satisfied proactive steps are being taken by the residential managing company and ensure this issue is contained within the residential complex, allowing the remainder of Victoria Square to operate as normal." Belfast City Council also said there will be "ongoing conversations between our staff, the structural engineers engaged by the managing agents, an independent consultant engineer and other relevant statutory agencies." The management company was questioned on how long it will take for the specific cause of the structural damage to be identified, and whether it has now established the parties responsible for the problem. The Belfast Telegraph further asked if all 91 shareholders must continue to pay their mortgages while unable to live in the premises, and if all apartment owners are insured for this eventuality? A spokesman for Victoria Square Residential Management Limited said it was unable to respond to the questions. "The management company is not in a position to comment on any potential litigation or those parties who may be involved," a statement said. "Questions relating to the individual shareholders mortgage liabilities or insurance are for their own professional advisors." Victoria Square Residential Management Limited released a previous statement on Wednesday saying the estimated cost of repairs was "significant" due to "the technical nature of the work involved". It also said it hoped "to start work on site soon"; that it was "regrettable that this situation will cause inconvenience to the residents"; and that it was "doing all it can to resolve the matter as quickly as possible". A judge has lifted an anonymity order in the case of a drug dealer who ran a network of suppliers in order to distribute cocaine, diazepam and cannabis to his customers. A judge has lifted an anonymity order in the case of a drug dealer who ran a network of suppliers in order to distribute cocaine, diazepam and cannabis to his customers. The defendant, who can now be named for the first time, is Anthony Dalzell (33), from Claremont House, Richmond Terrace, Londonderry. He was jailed for three years after he admitted committing a total of 10 drugs offences between November 26, 2017 and March of last year. After a barrister for the Public Prosecution Service said that there was no specific threat against Dalzell, Judge Philip Babington lifted the previously imposed anonymity order at Derry Crown Court. Dalzell, who was shot in both legs 10 years ago in a so-called paramilitary punishment shooting, had 33 previous criminal convictions, six of them for drugs offences. He committed his latest offences shortly after he was released from prison where he'd served a 32-month sentence for previous drugs offences. Following Dalzell's prison release the police searched his then home at Abercorn Road on March 14 of last year. Inside a kitchen cupboard the police found a nine bar of cannabis resin weighing 64g. As the search continued the police found 480g of flowering cannabis heads under the kitchen sink as well as deal bags, weighing scales and 500. In a drawer in the bedroom police officers also found two slabs of cannabis resin weighing 200g. Judge Babington said in September 2017 police seized a mobile phone belonging to another suspected drugs dealer. On it they found multiple text message exchanges between Dalzell and the other man relating to the supply of drugs. The timeline of text messages, as well as Facebook messages, referred to the cost, weight and types of drugs which Dalzell offered to supply. "The police view, with which I agree, is that he is a high level dealer with a network of others doing the running for him and he agreed he was selling the drugs to fund his own habit," said Judge Babington. East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has called on the Electoral Office to ensure all applications for postal and proxy votes are scrutinised properly. The DUP veteran was speaking after analysis showed a large increase in postal and proxy votes in seats which elected a Sinn Fein MP during the 2017 general election. The average number of proxy votes in seats which elected a Sinn Fein MP was 23.5 per 1,000 ballots. In the seats which did not elect a Sinn Fein MP, this figure was 7.8 per 1,000 ballots. Sinn Fein's Elisha McCallion won the Foyle constituency from the SDLP's Mark Durkan by 169 votes. The number of proxy votes cast in Foyle at the last election was 27.8 per 1,000 ballots. Following Ms McCallion's 2017 victory, police were asked to investigate a small number of reports of electoral fraud in the Foyle constituency. It followed the reports being passed on to Chief Electoral Officer Virginia McVey. In the wake of the election, an SDLP delegation met with Mrs McVey to discuss constituents' concerns that their vote had been cast before they arrived at the polling station. It later emerged that the use of proxy votes in some Sinn Fein-dominated areas of Derry was more than 17 times the UK average. Mr Campbell said that there had been a "huge increase" in absenting voting in specific parts of Northern Ireland in recent years. He recently contacted Secretary of State Karen Bradley and Minister for the Constitution Chloe Smith to discuss the issue. The MP said recent analysis of the increase had shown "disturbing trends", particularly ahead of the May local elections where seats are normally decided by fine margins. "I previously raised concerns about the unprecedented number of applications," he said. "The process has now been centralised, but the Electoral Office still needs to instil confidence amongst the public that full and proper scrutiny of every single application is going to be carried out. "There is no logical explanation for the huge disparity in application rates across Northern Ireland. "I have yet to hear any explanation for the situation in Foyle. An almost fourfold differential defies a rational explanation." Mr Campbell said there were also concerns that voter data could be removed from polling stations by polling agents appointed by parties. "No party should have anything to fear from a thorough examination of all practices involved in our electoral system," he said. "The public must have confidence that the process is rigorous and fair, from the application form right through until votes have been cast." The Electoral Office has been contacted in relation to this story. IRA evidence at the Birmingham bombings inquest has raised hopes that republicans could shed light on the Kingsmill massacre, a coroner has said. A former Provisional recently named four people he claimed were involved in the Midlands pub attacks in 1974. The Kingsmill inquest is examining the shooting dead of 10 Protestant men by republicans in South Armagh in 1976. Read More The coroner, Judge Brian Sherrard, said: "It has given me some cause for hope, perhaps, that the Birmingham inquest was the recipient of such valuable... information. I am at a loss as to how those who would engage in this type of activity would not wish to take the same approach to this inquest." No one has ever been convicted of the killings. Relatives of the victims want a dead suspect whose identity has been protected to be named, and that is the subject of legal discussions. The coroner appealed for any individual or organisation involved in the killings to come forward, including those who performed operational or organisational roles. The textile workers were shot when their minibus was ambushed outside the village of Kingsmill on their way home from work. Those on board were asked their religion, and the only Catholic was ordered to run away. The killers, who had hidden in hedges, forced the 11 remaining men to line up outside the van before opening fire. Alan Black was the sole survivor, despite being shot 18 times. Colin Worton, whose brother Kenneth was one of those who died, said: "Here again we are on a different planet because we were always led to believe the IRA had gone away but now we understand they are still intact whenever they came back and gave information into the Birmingham court. Why are they not doing it on this side of the water? I don't know." He said nobody had the power to make people come forward. Mr Worton said the dead suspect should be named, adding: "It shouldn't be terrorist-led, this inquiry. We shouldn't be beholden on them. The security forces know each and every one that took part." In his evidence to the Birmingham inquests, the then IRA head of intelligence in Ireland, Kieran Conway, described the victims' deaths as "accidental", in an "operation that went badly wrong". Towards the end of evidence at the hearings, a former IRA member named four people he claimed were involved in the bombings. The man, identified in court only as Witness O, said he had been authorised to give the names by the current head of the IRA in Dublin. Police have arrested a man in Belfast over indecent images of a child (PA) A man has been arrested in Belfast over indecent images of a child. The 57-year-old man was arrested following the search of a property on College Avenue in the south of the city. The Police Service of Northern Ireland described the operation as a planned search. The man was arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of a child and distributing indecent images of a child. He remained in custody on Saturday evening. The man is to face court charged with terrorism offences (PA) A man will appear in court in Belfast on Saturday charged with a number of terrorism offences. The 52-year-old was arrested on the Stewartstown Road in the west of the city on Thursday. A 52yr man charged with membership of proscribed organisation,collecting & possessing information likely to be of use to terrorists & possession of firearm & imitation firearm. To appear at Belfast MC tomorrow, following a vehicle stop on Stewartstown Rd, west Belfast on Thursday Police Service NI (@PoliceServiceNI) April 12, 2019 He has been charged with membership of a proscribed organisation, collecting and possessing information likely to be of use to terrorists and possession of a firearm and imitation firearm. A new independent record shop has opened close to the Primark site in Belfast, offering a boost to city centre retail. Experienced music promoter Darren Smyth is one of the figures behind Strange Victory Records, with Jeff Doherty, owner of used vinyl speciality store Dragon Records on Wellington Place, also involved. Today's official opening of the 22 Berry Street store coincides with Record Store Day, the now annual celebration of independent record shop culture. The new store is the latest boost for retail trade around the Primark cordon following the reopening of Zara's only local outlet last week. Darren, who has helped bring over 400 bands and musicians to Belfast over the last 18 years, said he felt there was a gaping hole in the market for an independently owned outlet to buy new vinyl. "Outside of HMV there is nowhere to buy new vinyl in what is supposedly a capital city. We're the only city I can think of in Europe I think that doesn't have at least one," he said. The promoter said he understands the challenge in store. Sick Records on North Street and Head Records in CastleCourt are among the Belfast record shops to close in recent years. "It's not a business for anyone looking to make a million," he said. "It's a very difficult business to run. But Belfast needs it and that's a big part of why we've done it. We think we can sustain it and grow it." Vinyl sales are on the rise in the UK. Some 4.2 million vinyl albums were sold last year, 1.6% more than in 2017. Darren said he has been particularly inspired by the number of younger music fans picking up records, adding: "It's great to see. "We don't want it to be an intimidatory place, which a lot of record shops back in the day used to be. "We want people to tell us what they want it to be and what they want us to stock." Darren said that alongside well-known artists, Strange Victory Records will provide a platform for local bands and become a focal point for the local scene. He added: "We have the space to do in store performances, so we hope to reach out to the local community in terms of that. We hope to do one a week from the end of May and also touring bands as well." Along with helping bring a host of international acts to play in Belfast's main music venues, Darren recently collaborated with David Holmes for the God's Waiting Room club night in east Belfast's Maple Leaf Club. Despite the venue being bulldozed last year, he says the Belfast music scene has never been in better shape. "There hasn't been so many touring acts coming through Belfast. It's probably the best it has been since the 1960s," he said. "So it's important in your own little way to give them an experience of the place apart from Primark and Tesco." Police at the scene where a womans body was found in the New Lodge. Neighbours have expressed shock following the "devastating" discovery of a woman's body in a north Belfast apartment block. The body was found at a property in Cuchulainn House in the New Lodge area on Thursday morning. Two police vehicles remained at the scene last night as detectives continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident. SDLP councillor Paul McCusker described the tragedy as "devastating" for the local community. "It is understood that the female was only in her 30s," he said. "This woman had her whole life ahead of her. While the circumstances around her death are unclear, it is extremely sad that her friends and family will be receiving this horrific news. "The community in the New Lodge is extremely tight-knit and many will be devastated to know that a young woman has died in the area," Mr McCusker added. "My thoughts go out to anyone who knew and loved her." A number of local residents said they believed the woman was a member of the Traveller community. "It's very sad," one man said. "This is a quiet enough area but that particular block of flats can get pretty crazy. There was a man stabbed there before." He was referring to the brutal murder of 24-year-old David Corr on March 15, 2012. The talented skateboarder and busker suffered a total of 37 wounds in the frenzied attack at the hands of Barry Cavan, who lived in the same apartment complex on Victoria Parade. Cavan (25) was jailed for life after pleading guilty to the murder. Another neighbour said residents always fear trouble breaking out in the apartment block. "It's renowned for loud noise and crazy parties," he said. "Most people avoid going by it. This shocking incident will make people feel even more uneasy." Sinn Fein councillor JJ Magee offered his condolences to the family of the deceased. "My sympathies are with the family, friends and neighbours of this woman at this time," he said. He also urged anyone with information to bring it forward to the PSNI. Police said a post-mortem will be carried out in due course. Negotiators representing the worlds two largest economies have worked hard for months to resolve long-standing conflicts over market access, protection of intellectual property, and other issues that led Trump last year to order billions of dollars in tariffs on Chinese goods. As Times writes in the article Trump and Xi Need to Resolve the Trade War, but Real Peace Is Unlikely, the two remaining outstanding goals appear to be U.S. willingness to quickly lift tariffs and Chinese willingness to allow the U.S. to verify that China is keeping its promises, but optimism is in the air that a deal will soon be done. For good and for ill, there are significant similarities between this agreement and the 2015 nuclear deal the Obama Administration struck with Iran. Both involve lengthy, complex negotiations among teams of both technical experts and seasoned diplomats. As with the Iran deal, the U.S.-China agreement will be greeted with extraordinary fanfare. And, perhaps most important, these are both deals agreed to by the representatives of governments that deeply distrust each other. Thats why a U.S.-China trade pact, like the Iran nuclear deal, is unlikely to last very long. One of Irans bitterest complaints is that the Obama Administration left many sanctions in place even after the nuclear deal was signed. Trump may well do the same with China, and the threat that Trump will abruptly tweet out new threats will hang over future relations. China, like Iran, will allow for some sort of verification process to prove its keeping its end of the deal, but the President may not always be satisfied with the result, particularly if U.S. and Chinese officials interpret the agreement differently, because of their economic interests and essential mistrust of each other. A further similarity: other governments will be left with the mess when the deal breaks down. A series of reports issued earlier this month underscore just how many interested parties there are. The Asian Development Bank says trade disputes between Washington and Beijing create the most important current risk for Asias regional economy. The International Monetary Fund notes that todays global supply chains leave South Korea and Japan, as well as Germany, Italy, the U.K. and France, especially vulnerable to an economic slowdown triggered by tariffs. The World Trade Organization warns that tit-for-tat tariffs, like those at play in the U.S.-China trade war, threaten global jobs, growth and economic stability. Donald Trump wants a deal. He needs a major political win to open his campaign for re-election, and there are few other foreign policy achievements he can credibly claim. Chinese President Xi Jinping wants a deal too. Hes managing a long-term slowdown of Chinas economy and needs to avoid criticism at home that the new era of Chinese power he has proclaimed has forced his country and its economy into an unwelcome international spotlight. The negotiators representing the two governments want an agreement that will satisfy the political needs of their Presidents while resolving enough problems in U.S.-China trade relations to give the deal a chance to stand the test of time. But mistrust extends well beyond the men at the top. China and the U.S. will compete for domination in coming years across the political, economic, security and technology arenas. A signed agreement can make an important difference to limit this competition. It can also be destroyed more quickly than it was constructed. Just ask Iran. Two of the three Nato warships berthed at Gotto Wharf, Belfast Belfast is set to be flooded with sailors from around the world this weekend after the arrival of three Nato warships. Spanish frigate Almirante Juan De Borbon, the Turkish navy's TCG Gokova and Germany's FGS Rhon arrived in the city after a training exercise in the North Sea. They were part of the six-vessel Standing Nato Maritime Group 1, which was involved in Exercise Joint Warrior. SNMG1 Commander Rear Admiral Edward Cashman, of the US Navy, said he was looking forward to some downtime on his first visit to Belfast. "It was an extremely challenging exercise involving air forces, land forces and maritime, so we get all the interaction between the different component forces in a very challenging scenario," the rear admiral added. Yesterday Sinn Fein's Taylor McGrann condemned the attack, urging anyone with information to contact the PSNI. (stock photo) An attack on a home by a gang of masked men in a loyalist estate in north Belfast has been branded "reckless and sectarian" by Sinn Fein. The incident took place around 11pm on Wednesday when four masked attackers ransacked a house in Rathcoole. Yesterday Sinn Fein's Taylor McGrann condemned the attack, urging anyone with information to contact the PSNI. "This was a reckless, indiscriminate attack which has seen a home completely ransacked by masked men in Rathcoole," he said, "Thankfully no one was injured in this ruthless attack. Everyone has the right to live free from the fear of intimidation or violence. "Sectarianism has no place in our society and I call on all political and community leaders to show leadership to end these types of attacks." Sinn Fein has questioned the direction of the EU as it confirmed that its current MEP in Northern Ireland will run again for her seat. Party president Mary-Lou McDonald insisted Sinn Fein is euro-critical, but that leaving is not the answer. There are fundamental questions to be asked about the direction of the EU, she told the Sinn Fein selection convention at the Balmoral Hotel in Belfast. The north leaving is not the answer. Leaving was never the answer. Expand Close Sinn Fein Leader Mary Lou McDonald (right) congratulates Martina Anderson as she is selected as the Partys Northern Ireland candidate for the European Elections at a selection convention in Belfast (Niall Carson/PA) PA Wire/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Sinn Fein Leader Mary Lou McDonald (right) congratulates Martina Anderson as she is selected as the Partys Northern Ireland candidate for the European Elections at a selection convention in Belfast (Niall Carson/PA) All of Ireland should be in the EU, leading a fair and social Europe, opposing federalisation and the creation of an EU army. Elections to the European Parliament are going ahead in May despite the United Kingdoms imminent exit from the European Union. Martina Anderson, who has been one of Northern Irelands three MEPs since 2012, said she is honoured to be selected by her party to run to defend her seat. Expand Close Sinn Feins Martina Anderson(centre) is selected as the Partys Northern Ireland candidate for the European Elections at a selection convention in Belfast (Niall Carson/PA) PA Wire/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Sinn Feins Martina Anderson(centre) is selected as the Partys Northern Ireland candidate for the European Elections at a selection convention in Belfast (Niall Carson/PA) Ms McDonald reiterated her opposition to Brexit, pointing out that a majority in Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU, and criticised the Conservative Party and Democratic Unionists for dragging it out. This election is an opportunity to say clearly to the Tories and DUP Your time is over. Your Brexit is over, she said. Brexit demonstrates the undemocratic nature of partition. It also demonstrates the power that we have to shape change. Let us continue to be a strong, unyielding voice in the Europe. Ms Anderson described the poll as an opportunity to send a message to Brussels, London and Dublin that the people of Ireland will not be left behind. We are facing into an election the British government didnt want to happen, she said. The DUP didnt want EU elections either. Their Brexit involves stripping people of their rights including the right to vote. Not only do they refuse rights that everyone else in Britain and Ireland enjoy, they also want to remove EU rights too. Martina Anderson just got nominated to stand again for Sinn Fein in the upcoming European Election. No better activist to do it. The right person, in the right place, at the right time to represent Irish interests in the continuing Brexit chaos. Gerry Kelly (@GerryKellyMLA) April 13, 2019 We have continually fought against Brexit and made sure the voice of the people of the north has been heard and the interests of the people of Ireland have taken centre stage. We have stood up for all our citizens from right across the community in full confidence challenging and confronting all that is wrong with the EU and supporting and advancing all that is right for Ireland. This election offers an opportunity to send a message to Brussels, London and Dublin that we will not be left behind again. The president of the UK's Supreme Court Lady Brenda Hale has been to Belfast to listen to demands for more protection for the human rights of disabled children. And the baroness also talked of criticism from the United Nations of the Government's record on support for children with disabilities. Lady Hale was also told that over 150 children present themselves as homeless here every year, and that other teenagers were facing risks because they were being housed in unregulated accommodation. The Yorkshire-born judge was a guest of the Children's Law Centre in the Belfast's Royal Courts of Justice, where she had been with the Supreme Court last year to hear the Ashers bakery case, after which the highest court in the land unanimously ruled that the company's refusal to make a cake with a slogan supporting same-sex marriage was not discriminatory. Before her lecture to judges and lawyers yesterday, Lady Hale was described as a champion of human rights who had been an inspiration to the legal profession here and across the water. Lady Hale spoke of the many different types of disabilities impacting on children who she said were all individuals with the problems they faced - including legal ones - coming in all shapes and sizes. Lady Hale said many children's cases were going through the courts as they sought redress of difficulties including the accessing of the public services they need, problems she said which were "often brought about by the severe pressure on funding for local government". It was a "huge" issue, she added, and she also cited other difficulties faced by disabled children ranging from poverty, welfare allowances, medical care and education. Lady Hale said a number of court cases were pending against the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Education over the national approach to funding. She also referred to criticism from a United Nations committee of the Government for failing to adopt a framework to address the poverty of many families of children with disabilities or to "adopt the human rights model of disability into public policies". Lady Hale added that the UN was also concerned that the Government hadn't done enough to tackle bullying and hate crimes against disabled children. During her address she publicly questioned a recent interpretation by Northern Ireland Children's Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma of new legislation relating to teenagers who are at the centre of controversy over whether or not they - as opposed to their guardians - have the capacity to exercise their rights to make decisions which affect their lives. Ms Yiasouma, who was in the audience, said she wanted to follow up Lady Hale's comments to explain the commission's stance on a "very complicated legal argument". However the commissioner, who has claimed that the absence of a power-sharing government at Stormont has left young people's mental health services on their knees, also said the address had been helpful to everyone involved in the complexities of children's rights. Kathryn Stevenson, head of legal services with the Children's Law Centre, praised the baroness for her contribution to children's human rights. She said: "She has taken monumental strides to increase recognition of and respect for children as autonomous rights holders, to whom duty bearers are answerable and often legally accountable." One example she cited was the House of Lords judgment on local authorities' responsibility for providing emergency accommodation for homeless children aged 16 and 17, a ruling which she said impacted on teens here. Ms Stevenson added: "Child homelessness is a pervasive issue in Northern Ireland. We estimate that around 150 children present as homeless every year in Northern Ireland, many of whom require emergency accommodation and intensive support due to their individual needs." She explained CLC also received a steady stream of referrals concerning children leaving juvenile detention or requiring supported accommodation in order to get bail. "Many of these children are looked after, but have been excluded from residential care homes as they are difficult to manage in care settings," she said. Ms Stevenson said her organisation was also concerned by the rising numbers of teens being accommodated in unregulated B&Bs, hotels and hostels and added that the placements presented risks to the young people. Speculation is growing that US political heavyweight Nancy Pelosi will visit the border region next week. Ms Pelosi, who is speaker of the House of Representatives, is also due to address the Dail next Wednesday during her transatlantic visit. The California Democrat has taken an active interest in US/Mexico border issues as immigration issues at America's frontier with its Latin American neighbour have risen up the US political agenda. News of Ms Pelosi's plans comes as US President Donald Trump's nominee for the position of ambassador to Ireland told a US Senate confirmation hearing yesterday that he will work to uphold the Good Friday Agreement "at all costs". Businessman Edward F Crawford made the comments as he appeared before the US Senate's Foreign Relations Committee. The Irish-American's father emigrated from Cork in 1925, with his mother following in 1927. The 80-year-old is the CEO of Park-Ohio Holdings, an international manufacturing company with revenues of $1.9bn. It makes products for trucks, washing machines and the aerospace sector, and employs more than 7,500 people around the world. Mr Crawford also owns a distribution business in Cork city which employs 17 people. He said that he felt his business experience would serve him well as ambassador. "In the 58 years building this company I learned a great deal about people," he told the Senate committee, adding that he would work to bring "knowledge and enthusiasm" to his new role. Mr Crawford said he felt he could strengthen the ties between the countries. Senators questioned the businessman on the effect Brexit was having in both Northern Ireland and the Republic. "It's unfortunate that we have two of our closest allies, the EU and the UK, in this situation," Mr Crawford said, acknowledging that Brexit had affected Ireland in "very strange ways". Asked by New Hampshire senator Jeanne Shaheen about the potential effect on the border, Mr Crawford said that the issue was "something that has to be settled by the two parties most concerned, that is the EU and the UK". If approved, he will serve as the first US ambassador to Ireland in more than two years. A woman who stabbed her husband eight times while he slept in their bed has been sentenced to nearly five years. (stock photo) A woman who stabbed her husband eight times while he slept in their bed has been sentenced to nearly five years. American-born Tamytha Lee Hopkins (49) was told yesterday she will spend half her sentence in custody and the remainder on supervised licence on her release from jail. However, Belfast Crown Court heard that at the end of her sentence the mother-of-two may be deported to the USA. Prosecution barrister David Russell said Hopkins had originally faced a charge of attempting to murder her husband Stephen Hopkins until "substantial" medical issues were explored, prompting her to plead guilty on rearraignment to the charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily injury. The charge of attempted murder was "left on the books in the usual terms". Mr Russell said that on November 24, 2017, police received a 999 call from the couple's 13-year-old son about a report of a stabbing at the family home in Carrickfergus. "On arrival police noted Mr Hopkins in an upstairs bedroom of the property on top of the accused and was restraining her," said the prosecutor. "It was obvious to the police that Mr Hopkins had a number of stab wounds to his upper torso and was bleeding heavily." During a search of the upstairs, police - who had arrested the defendant - recovered a total of three knives, including a six-inch kitchen knife and a sushi knife. Mr Hopkins told police that it had been a normal day in the family and there was only a minor disagreement about a peppermint oil burner. At 8pm he took his son up to bed and his wife was in their bed, reading. Around 10.40pm he went to bed and she went downstairs to read her book. He told police he fell asleep and was woken when he was being repeatedly stabbed, asking his wife: "Why are you trying to kill me? Why have you got a knife in the bedroom?" His wife replied: "You brought it here", the court heard. Mr Hopkins said he "shouted at her to wake up and slapped her". Mr Hopkins was treated in hospital for "superficial" knife wounds to his shoulder, neck and behind his ear. Mr Russell said there were a number of aggravating features, including the use of knives, and the presence of their son "who witnessed some of the incident". Defence counsel Gavan Duffy QC said a number of medical experts who had examined Hopkins said she had a complex psychological history dating back to her childhood. He said she had expressed remorse for the knife attack, adding her actions were "totally out of character" and that Hopkins was facing possible deportation back to the USA following her sentence, In response, Judge McFarland - who said Mr Hopkins suffers from post traumatic stress disorder from the attack - passed a four-and-a-half year prison sentence, which had been reduced in part for her early plea. An Antrim council candidate has said his comments were "tongue in cheek" after writing on social media that he would "apply for the job as executioner" if Donald Trump began killing immigrants. Si Harvey is standing for the Democrats and Veterans Party in the Carrick Castle ward for Mid and East Antrim District Council. During a 2017 Facebook discussion, when asked if he was calling Adolf Hitler or Trump a "legend", he replied "in a funny way both". Mr Harvey told the Irish News his comments were a "bit of a joke" and part of "sticking up for Donald Trump". Alliance candidate Lauren Gray said the comments were "deeply offensive" and that they would "horrify" many people in Carrickfergus. During the Facebook discussion Mr Harvey was asked: "Would you still support Trump if immigrant executions start?". "100%. I'd apply for the job as executioner," he replied. The discussion centred around a German magazine cover that showed President Trump draped in a US flag and giving a Nazi salute. Mr Harvey told the Irish News he was not racist and did not support Hitler. He said the remarks were "a wind-up", though he did believe immigration should be limited. He said that it was "ridiculous to compare Hitler with Trump". "All I was doing was sticking up for Donald Trump," the veteran said. "I would 100% support Donald Trump. I think he has done an unbelievably fantastic job in America." Mr Harvey said his execution comments were "tongue in cheek". "Obviously it's not going to happen anyway because it wouldn't come to executions," he said. He added he "hated" Hitler and that he "was awful". "I'm a veteran. Why would I want to support Hitler?" Mr Harvey said. Ms Gray described the comments as "not remotely funny in any way, shape or form, and have no place in our society". "Instead of Mr Harvey claiming these posts are a misguided attempt at humour, he needs to take a long, hard look at himself and apologise unreservedly for them," she added. "Such prejudiced views are not welcome in Carrick, or indeed anywhere else. "I'm sure voters will make up their own minds after seeing them." Garda have made a fourth arrest over the murder of John Gibson in Dublin in 2017. (Niall Carson/PA Wire) Garda have arrested a man over a fatal shooting at a shopping centre in Dublin. Father-of-two John Gibson was shot as he sat in his car close to Citywest shopping centre in September 2017. The 29-year-old died of his injuries a short time later. On Saturday morning, Garda arrested a man in his late 20s in relation to the incident. A Garda spokesman said the suspect is being detained at Tallaght Garda Station. This brings the total number of arrests to date over the incident to four. A British man who had been in Australia for less than 24 hours has been charged after an alleged violent assault near Sydneys Bondi Beach. The 35-year-old, who has not been named, approached another man in the early hours of Saturday and assaulted and threatened him, New South Wales Police said. Officers said the 59-year-old victim attempted to run away, when the man continued to assault him and stole his mobile phone. A man who has been in Australia less than 24-hours will appear in court today after an alleged violent assault on another man in #BondiBeach NSW Police Force (@nswpolice) April 13, 2019 The victim was taken to St Vincents Hospital in a serious but stable condition. A pedestrian alerted police to the incident on Campbell Parade at around 1.30am and the British national was charged with aggravated robbery with wounding and grievous bodily harm. He was refused bail and is due in court in Parramatta, in the west of Sydney, on Saturday. One of the main April events in Azerbaijan became President of the Republic Ilham Aliyevs decree on deepening reforms in the judicial-legal system. The decree mandates, first of all, to increase the material and social security of judges, to ensure transparency and uniformity of court proceedings, to strengthen the monitoring of the activities of judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The document also requires the creation of a special court to review business disputes and other issues related to doing business, and about an increase in the total number of judges in Azerbaijan by 200 people. Vestnik Kavkaza talked with the member of the board of the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Turgay Huseynov, about how the implementation of the decree will affect the judicial and legal system of the country. - Turgay Mualim, in your opinion, how will the material security increase of judges impact the quality of court proceedings? - On our agenda, there always was a question that the salaries of judges were not enough to effectively fight against corruption. Of course, the growth of salaries will not become a panacea for all corrupt moments, but in any case, it will give a weighty impetus to the implementation of fair justice and will contribute to ensuring the independence of judges. An important aspect of the decree, which determines the source for additional financing of courts, is the differentiation of state fees depending on the size of the claims. Today, an economic dispute in the amount above 500 manats is considered in the first instance court for 30 manats, and in the appeals instance - for 15 manats. That is, for example, a duty of 30 manats and 15 manats is paid for a ten million lawsuit and court proceedings between two legal entities, and this is very little payment for such a level of responsibility. Bringing duties into dependence on the size of lawsuits will allow achieving another goal - it will be possible to exempt state fees from payment of certain social issues, and so the state will further ensure social justice by taking a part of the costs. - What is the importance of increasing the requirements of judicial activities transparency for justice quality growth? - It is very important to increase the availability of court documents, to facilitate their receipt from the court for review. Today, we are actively developing an information base, there is an Elektron hokumat service (Electronic Government), through which you can receive a subpoena in a court and decisions made by judges appear in your personal office - it does not work in all courts, but it is already created. This, of course, is a big advantage for our work. The governments decision on the creation of an electronic information base, the Electronic Court, will significantly affect the transparency increase of the courts. A paragraph on audio recordings of meetings is also important. Currently, for example, it is very difficult to obtain a copy of the court session minutes. If I have a desire to work with a civil case protocol and make comments, I cant really get a copy, I can only read it. If the meeting is recorded, no one will have any complaints that the person did not say such words or, on the contrary, said something that was not reflected in the minutes. - What role will play the formation of a single judicial practice in ensuring fair trials? - We have a certain problem with this issue, in particular, there are similar cases on which the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeal does not speak with one voice. The issue of unification should be dealt with by the Supreme Court, creating uniformity in decision-making on specific issues. It is clear that situations may be different, but, in any case, there should be an axis. With a unified judicial practice, it will be easier for the courts to consider similar cases, and those who will appeal to court will already know that their cases are decided in this way, they will understand what outcome of the proceedings to expect. - How will an increase in the number of judges by 200 people affect the courts? - Only positive. If you look at the current schedule of the courts, you will see that for one day the judges have to deal with a horribly large number of cases. Processes are appointed every 15 minutes, and it is difficult for judges to cope with such a load. It is unrealistic to solve 20 cases in a single day fairly and efficiently. Therefore, an increase in the number of judges by one third will significantly unload the courts. Jill Dando was shot and killed in Fulham in 1999 (PA) Police investigating the murder of Crimewatch host Jill Dando had a scattergun approach and a foolish view it was linked to the show, former co-host Nick Ross has claimed. Miss Dando, then one of the BBCs highest-profile stars, was shot outside her home in Fulham, west London, nearly 20 years ago. Mr Ross, who left Crimewatch in 2007 after 23 years, told the Daily Mirror he did not believe Miss Dando was targeted due to her role. Expand Close Former Crimewatch presenter Nick Ross (Toby Melville/PA) PA Archive/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Former Crimewatch presenter Nick Ross (Toby Melville/PA) He told the paper: The thing is, and not so much the fault of the senior investigating officer, but top brass, they had this intuitive and, we thought, rather foolish view, it would be to do with Crimewatch. In modern times, there has never been a judge attacked for sending someone down, a prosecuting solicitor, or anybody. Its just not the way it happens here. And when I contacted colleagues in the States, it was as rare as hens teeth there. Expand Close Barry George was cleared of murdering TV presenter Jill Dando (Lewis Whyld/PA) PA Archive/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Barry George was cleared of murdering TV presenter Jill Dando (Lewis Whyld/PA) He added that appeals were frustrating when police had a scattergun approach. Barry George was arrested on suspicion of murder in 2000, one year after Miss Dando was killed. Mr George was convicted and imprisoned for eight years, then acquitted and released after a retrial. The scene near the Ukrainian Embassy in Holland Park, west London (Jonathan Brady/PA) A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a car was driven at police officers outside the Ukrainian embassy in London. Police fired shots at the scene in Holland Park in the west of the capital after the Ukrainian ambassadors car was deliberately rammed twice on Saturday morning. Scotland Yard said a vehicle was driven at officers when they arrived at the scene and a man in his 40s was arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of police officers and criminal damage. Police firearms and Taser were discharged in the incident, and the man, who was not injured, was taken to hospital as a precaution and is now in custody at a central London police station. Armed officers were deployed to the incident as part of the protective security arrangements for London, police said. A man has been arrested after an incident in #HollandPark this morning - police firearms and Taser were discharged. The arrested man was not injured. Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) April 13, 2019 The Met said officers were called at approximately 9.50am to reports of anti-social behaviour involving a car in Holland Park. On arrival, the car was driven and was in collision with a number of parked vehicles near the Ukrainian embassy. The incident is not being treated as terrorist-related. Witness Darcy Mercier described the really strange event to the BBC, saying the car was blasting Ukrainian music in some kind of protest against the embassy after arriving at about 7am. He said: I was out on my terrace when he started ramming the car and then the police arrested him. I asked him to turn down the music and he said that he was playing Ukrainian music for the Ukrainian Embassy and was a little bit belligerent. Footage showed armed police surround the silver Mercedes before smashing the drivers window and using a Taser on the screaming suspect. Neighbours described hearing gunfire outside the Ukrainian Embassy before a suspect was arrested. It sounded like firecrackers. I thought, What the heck, its not Guy Fawkes, said Heather from Texas Sam Blewett (@BlewettSam) April 13, 2019 A statement from the Ukrainian embassy said: The official vehicle of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom was deliberately rammed as it sat parked in front of the Embassy of Ukraines building. The police were called immediately, and the suspects vehicle was blocked up. Nevertheless, despite the police actions, the attacker hit the ambassadors car again. In response, the police were forced to open fire on the perpetrators vehicle. The embassy said no staff were injured. The Met declined to confirm whether or not ambassador Natalia Galibarenko was in her car at the time. Expand Close Forensic officers at the scene near the Ukrainian Embassy (Jonathan Brady/PA) PA Wire/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Forensic officers at the scene near the Ukrainian Embassy (Jonathan Brady/PA) The Mercedes was the subject of a forensic investigation on Saturday afternoon. The vehicle appeared to have been backed into a black car which was heavily scuffed on its right-hand side. Police used a sniffer dog to search the area. Expand Close Pointers are laid at the scene by forensic officers (Jonathan Brady/PA) PA Wire/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Pointers are laid at the scene by forensic officers (Jonathan Brady/PA) Emma Slatter, who is Visas general counsel, watched the Mercedes collide with the car from her home with her partner, David Hinsley, a banker who is also in his 50s. Then came gunfire. I think I heard about half a dozen shots, she said. Expand Close Police apprehend a suspect near the Ukrainian embassy in Holland Park (Emma Slatter/PA) Press Association Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Police apprehend a suspect near the Ukrainian embassy in Holland Park (Emma Slatter/PA) Another resident, mother-of-two Heather Feiner, said: My kids were hanging out in the living room. They said, Mum, is that firecrackers?' I saw all this police activity. I thought, Oh my gosh, whats going on?, added Ms Feiner, who is originally from Texas in the US. Expand Close A forensic officer bags evidence after examining the silver car (Jonathan Brady/PA) PA Wire/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A forensic officer bags evidence after examining the silver car (Jonathan Brady/PA) Chief Superintendent Andy Walker, from the Mets Specialist Firearms Command, said: As is standard procedure, an investigation is now ongoing into the discharge of a police firearm during this incident. We appreciate the swift and professional @metpoliceuk response in the incident outside the Embassy earlier today@foreignoffice Ukraine's Emb. to UK (@UkrEmbLondon) April 13, 2019 The Met said the Directorate of Professional Standards has been informed. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he is open to a third summit with US president Donald Trump. But Mr Kim set a deadline of the end of 2019 for Washington to offer mutually acceptable terms for an agreement to salvage the high-stakes nuclear diplomacy, the countrys state-run media said Saturday. He made the comments during a speech on Friday at a session of the North Koreas parliament, which made a slew of personnel changes that bolstered his diplomatic lineup amid stalemated negotiations with the United States. Expand Close People watch a TV screen showing an image of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (Ahn Young-Joon/AP) AP/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp People watch a TV screen showing an image of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (Ahn Young-Joon/AP) His speech came hours after Mr Trump and visiting South Korean president Moon Jae-in met in Washington and agreed on the importance of nuclear talks with North Korea. We of course place importance on resolving problems through dialogue and negotiations. But US-style dialogue of unilaterally pushing its demands doesnt fit us, and we have no interest in it, Mr Kim said during the speech. According to the Korean Central News Agency, he blamed the collapse of his summit with Mr Trump in February on what he described as unilateral demands by the United States, which he said raised questions over whether Washington has genuine willingness to improve relations. We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the United States to come up with a courageous decision But he said his personal relationship with the American president remains good and that they could exchange letters at any time. Mr Kim repeated earlier claims that North Koreas crippled economy would persevere through heavy international sanctions imposed over its nuclear weapons program and that he wouldnt obsess over summitry with the United States out of thirst for sanctions relief. The United States has said the summit in Vietnam broke down because of the Norths excessive demands for sanctions relief in return for limited disarmament measures. Expand Close A man reads a newspaper showing photos of the US, South Korean and North Korean leaders (Ahn Young-Joon/AP) AP/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A man reads a newspaper showing photos of the US, South Korean and North Korean leaders (Ahn Young-Joon/AP) In their first summit last June in Singapore, Mr Trump and Mr Kim issued a vague statement calling for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula without describing when and how it would occur. Mr Kim said the United States has been refusing to withdraw what the North perceives as hostile policies while sticking to mistaken judgment that we would succumb to maximum pressure. He said the North would not compromise on the fundamental interests of our country and people, even by a speck, and blamed the United States for arriving in Hanoi with completely unrealisable plans. Expand Close US president Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in Hanoi (Evan Vucci/AP) AP/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp US president Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in Hanoi (Evan Vucci/AP) If the United States approaches us with the right manner and offers to hold a third North Korea-US leaders summit on the condition of finding solutions we could mutually accept, then we do have a willingness to give it one more try, he added. We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the United States to come up with a courageous decision. But it will clearly be difficult for a good opportunity like last time to come up. When asked about Mr Kims comments, South Koreas presidential office said Seoul is committed toward keeping the atmosphere of dialogue alive and helping negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang resume at an early date. US president Donald Trump has weighed in on the most recent controversy involving Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar, retweeting a video edited to suggest she was dismissive of the significance of the September 11 attacks. The video shows a snippet of Ms Omars speech last month to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in which she described the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre as some people did something, spliced with news footage of the hijacked planes hitting the twin towers. Mr Trump tweeted: WE WILL NEVER FORGET! Ms Omars remark has drawn criticism from political opponents and conservatives who say the congresswoman, one of the first Muslim women to serve in congress, offered a flippant description of the assailants and the attacks in New York City that killed nearly 3,000 people and placed the US on the path to war. Neither Mr Trumps tweet nor the video includes her full quote or the context of the Minnesota representatives comments. The people and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon! President George W. Bush Was Bush downplaying the terrorist attack? What if he was a Muslim Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 12, 2019 Ms Omar told CAIR in Los Angeles that many Muslims saw their civil liberties being eroded after the attacks, and she advocated for activism. She said in the speech delivered on March 23: For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, Im tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognised that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. CAIR was founded in 1994, according to its website, but its membership increased dramatically after the 2001 attacks. Expand Close Donald Trump criticised the Democratic congresswoman (AP) AP/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Donald Trump criticised the Democratic congresswoman (AP) Many Republicans and conservative outlets expressed outrage at Ms Omars remarks. Texas representative Dan Crenshaw, a retired Navy SEAL who lost his right eye in 2012 in an explosion in Afghanistan, tweeted: First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as some people who did something.' Heres your something, the New York Post blared on its cover, beneath a photograph of the flaming towers. US house speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she wants to hear from Ms Omar about the comment, but the Minnesota Democrat does not seem to be backing down. Ms Omar tweeted a quote from former president George W Bush shortly after the attacks, when he said: The people and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon! Ms Omar tweeted: Was Bush downplaying the terrorist attack? What if he was a Muslim. Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won't back down to Trump's racism and hate, and neither will we. The disgusting and dangerous attacks against her must end. Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 13, 2019 Two 2020 Democratic presidential candidates waded into the debate to condemn Mr Trumps tweet and to stand with Ms Omar. Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted of his party colleague: She wont back down to Trumps racism and hate, and neither will we. Elizabeth Warren also tweeted: The president is inciting violence against a sitting congresswoman and an entire group of Americans based on their religion. The President is inciting violence against a sitting Congresswomanand an entire group of Americans based on their religion. It's disgusting. It's shameful. And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it. Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) April 13, 2019 Ms Omar has repeatedly pushed fellow Democrats into uncomfortable territory over Israel and the power of the Jewish states influence in Washington. She apologised for suggesting members of congress support Israel for pay and said she is not criticising Jews. But she refused to take back a tweet in which she suggested that American supporters of Israel pledge allegiance to a foreign country. Her comments sparked an ugly episode among House Democrats when they responded with a resolution condemning anti-Semitism which became a broader declaration against all forms of bigotry. British High Commissioner to India Dominic Asquith, pays tribute to victims of the massacre (AP) The UK envoy to India has said his country regrets a massacre of hundreds of Indians by British colonial forces in the north-west city of Amritsar 100 years ago, and will continue to do so. Saturday marks the centenary of the attack at Jallianwala Bagh by British colonial troops on unarmed Indians attending a peaceful rally calling for independence. More than 300 Indians were killed and 1,200 injured during the massacre, which galvanised the national independence movement. Expand Close A ceremony marked the 100th anniversary of the massacre (AP) AP/PA Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A ceremony marked the 100th anniversary of the massacre (AP) British High Commissioner Dominic Asquith said the revulsion that we felt at the time is still strong today, as he paid tributes at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial in Amritsar. He added: I would just ask you to respect what I came here to do, which was to commemorate those who died 100 years ago, to express the sorrow of the British Government and of the British people. But I would repeat what I said: both governments are committed to building a very strong relationship. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Theresa May called the killings a shameful scar in British-Indian history, but stopped short of formally apologising. According to my son - and he has a point - there's a trick to how people in public life apologise. Step one: The guilty party gives themselves a right oul' telling off. "What I did was reprehensible. I have hurt people. My behaviour fell far below the standard acceptable. It was wrong and unforgivable." Step two: They forgive themselves. "Having realised what I did was wrong I now feel it is essential to put the episode behind me and move on. There is nothing to be achieved by continuing to focus on the episode. I have learned from it and believe it has made me a better person." Step three: Having delivered this absolution, they then add a disclaimer shifting the blame, oddly, to another incarnation of themselves. "I was a different person back then. My actions/comments do not represent who I am now." Step four: They lie low for a short period before re-emerging into public life. Step five: They then suggest that actually they are the real victims in all this, having had to tolerate the fallout... Which brings us to Barry McElduff who, needless to say, is back seeking public office (as we all knew he would be) and speaking highly of himself and his fortitude. Barry didn't even tick all the boxes in the checklist above. He didn't really apologise. He just went straight to the victimhood bit. To recap, Mr McElduff, an educated, well-paid servant of the state, an MP expected to serve all sides of the community (and not just the ones who voted for him), previously posted online a sniggering video mocking the dead on the anniversary of one of the most brutal sectarian atrocities of the Troubles. Ten innocent working men were murdered by the Provos in the Kingsmill massacre - solely because of their religion. Barry McElduff claims any hurt caused by his video was, of course, unintentional. And that it was entirely coincidental - entirely - that he posted it on the anniversary of the slayings. Presumably entirely coincidental too was that in the days and weeks following his lead, dozens of callers to the home of the 92-year-old mother of one of the young men who died taunted her by asking for 10 slices of Kingsmill bread. I don't have to labour how pitiless and perverted, how shameful and despicable that was. Even writing it down now, it's hard to believe somebody actually did that. What sort of gutless beings stoop to such a thing? But now Barry is back and never mind that "unintentional hurt" he caused to all the Kingsmill families, never mind the abuse of a 92-year-old woman who still grieves for her lost son (a young man whose last act on this Earth was to reach out to save the Catholic friend he believed was the gunmen's intended target), never mind the demeaning of the office Barry held and for which he lifted a tidy sum in taxpayers' money... What about what Barry has suffered? "It's been a very challenging personal experience," he bleats in a newspaper interview, "but I'm trying to show character and resilience by returning to make a political comeback." Barry believes that he took "a hit that maybe I didn't deserve to take". A darkly ironic turn of phrase there, when you compare it to the utter horror of that bloody massacre near Whitecross on that cold January night in 1976. It would be a bit harsh of course to suggest that a public figure who does wrong should be barred for all-time from future office. But it isn't a lot to expect that those who do cause enormous offence and, as in this instance, very real hurt show some genuine remorse. Barry McElduff hasn't. Yes, Barry is sorry. But only for himself. Julians been shown the door Unwanted house guest of the week: Julian Assange, who after seven years has been removed - by police - from the Ecuadorean embassy in London after his once-happy hosts decided they'd had enough of him. Etiquette experts always advise that it's important for guests to know when to leave. As an indicator, when you find yourself being hauled out in handcuffs, shouting in protest, you can take it that you've probably overstayed your welcome. Stone me, thats some diamond Pricey gemstone of the week: The largest 'square emerald cut' diamond of all-time that is being put up for sale. Estimated price - unknown. But it cost over 40m before the sellers even started work on it. The stone was found in a mine in Botswana. We may not know its current price tag but one thing we can be pretty certain of: the person who actually found that bit of glittery rock will not be the one raking in the phenomenal profit. Brexit really does take the biscuit (and garlic bread) Scientists this week announced they have finally managed to put together a picture of a black hole - sparking inevitable comparisons with the Brexit black hole that has been sucking all life out of politics, creating chaos and spewing out dark matter and Mrs May's withdrawal agreement. The black hole has been papped via an array of radio satellites right across the world. One theory is that not only can the black hole swallow the entire universe as we know it, it may also bring matter back up again. Obviously even a supermassive black hole also has a backstop. And like Brexit it goes on and on and on for all eternity. Mrs May has this week been granted a new EU extension until October. Which comes as a bit of a gunk to Edward Coyle from the Centra shop in Raphoe who has been stockpiling essential items for his customers in the event that a hard border would lead to shortages. Things like custard creams and garlic bread. The factory supplying the latter for the whole of Ireland is (who knew?) in Northern Ireland. You would think that however hard the border, the garlic bread would still get through. The smell anyway. Canny Mr Coyle, however, had stockpiled a considerable quantity of back-up frozen French garlic bread which he now needs to shift. He has also been left with around 4,000 custard creams whose sell-by date pre-dates the new October deadline. Forward planning is all very well. But even a black hole would have difficulty swallowing that lot. Say what you like about the DUP but they aren't fools. Arlene Foster travelled to Brussels on Thursday to meet EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier and tell him that his approach to the Withdrawal Agreement is fatally flawed. The message was that he has barely paid lip service to unionist opposition to the backstop and must now start listening. Mrs Foster knows there's not a snowball's chance in hell of Mr Barnier changing his stance, and why should he? In the battle of Brexit, the EU is now far ahead of Team GB. It hasn't the slightest intention of ditching a winning strategy to appease the DUP. Mrs Foster's party might be top dog in Northern Ireland, and it might currently hold the balance of power in Westminster, but in the grand scheme of things in Europe, it's a bit player. There is no motivation for the EU to bin the backstop. It has little reason to care whether or not Theresa May's deal secures a parliamentary majority. Every day that passes without the UK leaving the EU increases the chances of Brexit never happening. So why did Mrs Foster waste her time on what she knew would be a fruitless visit? This was one for the optics for the home audience. The DUP leader needed to be seen to be in Brussels, making her case, since the government has pushed her party aside in favour of trying to work out a way forward with Labour. Mrs Foster warned that if the EU won't reopen the Withdrawal Agreement and change the backstop, then we are moving "inexorably towards a no-deal scenario". That's a completely hollow threat. Continuing Brexit stalemate and further extensions, a general election and even a second referendum can't be ruled out, but no-deal is currently not a runner in any shape or form. And the DUP is privately quite content with that because it wouldn't want to shoulder the responsibility for the potential impact that no-deal might have on the Northern Ireland economy. The biggest danger for the DUP remains Mrs May's Withdrawal Agreement scraping through the House of Commons. As it has said and shown time and time again, the union that matters above and beyond any other for the party is the one between Britain and Northern Ireland. Of the DUP's 10 MPs, only Sammy Wilson - and possibly Ian Paisley - are truly hardcore ideological Brexiteers. The rest won't lose a wink of sleep if the UK stays in the EU ad infinitum. The strength of pro-Remain feeling in the unionist community has been over-stated by the media. Business and farming leaders do not necessarily reflect the views of those lower down the ranks. Anecdotal evidence from council election canvassers across all the unionist parties suggests that Brexit is the major issue on the doorsteps and that the pro-Leave sentiment among the unionist base is actually strengthening as the Westminster fiasco continues. That is why the DUP will keep loudly trumpeting its commitment to a proper Brexit despite the fact that it can live perfectly well with the softest of soft Brexits or no Brexit at all. Moderating its public position would be a vote-loser in the local government and EU elections here. In Parliament, the party must be careful not to be seen to over-play its hand in public. Sammy Wilson can fire from the hip with warnings about the future of the confidence and supply agreement, but the DUP is highly unlikely to do anything to bring in a Corbyn government - and senior Tories know it. With power-sharing still suspended, the party would be loath to cut its own throat at Westminster. It would like rid of Mrs May as Tory leader but, given his recent Withdrawal Agreement u-turn, it knows Boris Johnson is no knight in shining armour for unionists. For far too long, Northern Ireland was the purveyor of bad news as the Troubles unfolded, but happily in recent years this province can claim to have real star quality. Last night there was a glittering premiere in Belfast for the beginning of the final series of the legendary Game of Thrones, which was largely made here. The Belfast premiere was the only one outside New York, and there was a strong representation of the cast to showcase one of the most popular TV series in the world, and HBO's most-watched show on record. It has meant big business for Northern Ireland, and in 2016 the resultant tourism from Game of Thrones was estimated to have been worth 30m to the local economy. Northern Ireland Screen also estimates that a whopping 210m has been spent on goods and services here since production began in 2009. Game of Thrones has put Northern Ireland on the world map in a good way, which would have been unimaginable more than a decade ago. There is little doubt that this remarkable series will continue to generate interest in tourism here for a long time to come. Another enduring visitor attraction is the site of the construction of RMS Titanic, which tragically sank in the cold Atlantic almost exactly 107 years ago this weekend. On a smaller scale, but significant nevertheless, are the plans being drawn up to capitalise on the remarkable success of TV series Derry Girls, which has won major critical acclaim, including nominations in the 2019 television Baftas and the 2019 Broadcast Awards. It is right to note that Northern Ireland has its own star quality, even if our continued lack of a working government could be filmed as a tragedy or a farce, or a bit of both. Our tourist authorities deserve praise for making the most of these film and other opportunities which illustrate, once again, the resourcefulness of our economy in reimagining and reinventing itself down the ages, and through the initiative of so many talented and resourceful people. Hours after giving birth to Prince George, her first baby, in 2013, the Duchess of Cambridge found herself standing on the steps of a hospital clad in clingy, light blue frock with a full face of make-up and a perfect blow-dry, presenting herself and her new child to the world's gathered Press. As the flashbulbs popped, what must she have been thinking? "I don't think I can stand any longer in these heels" perhaps? Or, "What if I drop the baby?" Of course, Kate might quite reasonably have been wondering how long it would be until she could sack the royal stylist who decided a pastel blue dress was a good choice for a post-partum photoshoot. We were expecting to see the whole, sad spectacle repeated once again this month, but we won't, because Meghan Markle has turned her back on this pointless performance of parenting perfection. Just days before the anticipated arrival of their child, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have confirmed that they intend to keep the details of the birth private. So far, royal photographers have not been invited to capture the first moments post-birth. In fact, the location of the forthcoming event has not been revealed at all. Markle has decided against the famous private Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital, and there's even speculation she's may be opting for a home birth instead. Well, good for her. Whatever she's decided, her actual birthing experience will probably bear little relevance to the birth plan she's lovingly drawn up. But one thing the Duchess of Sussex can control about this whole complex, emotional process is who she allows to see her new baby - and when. Those strange hours and days post-birth, when day and night blur into one drowsy amorphous mass, are discombobulating for both new mothers and their partners. It is stressful, exhausting, sweaty, grimy, tearful, awe-inspiring, wonderful and awful. It's a bodyshock - and no amount of wealth, or privilege, can protect you from that. The problem is that our parenting culture seems to demand the opposite. Okay, so very few ordinary women are expected to meet the paparazzi with a groomed face and gleaming barnet shortly after birth. But you don't have to be a member of the royal household to feel the pressure to post polished Instagram and Facebook updates with cute "welcome" pictures. An old-fashioned term for the post-birth period, which still sometimes crops up today in legal documents such as those governing maternity leave rights, is "confinement". When I first heard this term when I was pregnant, I considered it ludicrous, archaic, even sexist. But confinement is actually exactly what new mothers need. Many cultures protect this ritual. In China, for example, it's known as the "sitting-in month", during which a post-partum woman isn't expected to do anything apart from, well, sit. And rightly so. In Britain, as elsewhere in the West, we've seem to have lost our respect for that sacred period of quiet reflection and recovery. Celebrity magazines heap praise on film and pop stars for "bouncing back" after birth, as they are snapped out shopping, or lunching, with tiny newborn slung to their chest like baby kangaroos. Families demand flying visits to "meet" an infant who may not even wake up during their two-hour tea-and-cake pit stop; much less often are they able to offer real, extended support that would allow a mother to catch up on sleep. And although shared parental is available to anyone who is in employment, the reality is that the majority of that time is still taken up by mothers with new dads still taking an average of just two weeks paternity leave, or less. Markle's brave decision to shun royal protocol - if that's what she's chosen - in favour of slouching down in giant net knickers and tracksuit bottoms is a great lesson in how to ignore the pressure to perform. Giving birth is hard enough. Thank goodness someone has had the guts to tell the royal household that they won't be playing along with the pretence that it's effortless, too. In a country where plantations, mining and dam-building companies call the shots, where homes are torched and people 'disappeared' from their ancestral rural homes to make room for sugar cane and palm oil, Abelino Chub Caal knows what it's like speak out. For over two years, the human rights defender has suffered at the hands of the Guatemalan government, in cahoots with big companies who want to banish the indigenous people of Guatemala from their meagre ancestral homes - all for that extra slither of land. Here, greed is measured in tiny percentages of profit, where an entire community means nothing to a major company pining for an extra dollar on top of billions. Those who resist face murder, intimidation and midnight evictions, with the wooden huts they call home torched and their crops destroyed so they don't return. When a large banana company failed with bribes in an attempt to expel his community from their land, they turned their attention to Abelino (34), a Q'eqchi Mayan leader from a community called Quebrada Sec. They reported him to the military and claimed he was "stealing" the company's land, which they wanted to grow bananas on. Appeased by a government which has historically acquiesced to big companies keen to obtain land for palm oil, banana and sugar cane plantations, as well as hugely polluting mining projects and dam-building ventures, many of which have strong links with the US and Europe, the Guatemalan authorities buckled and arrested Abelino. After two years in jail, he has still not been sentenced. An active member of groups which fight for land rights for indigenous Mayans, as well as environmental issues, the Fundacion Guillermo Toriello (FGT) and formerly of the Committee for Peasant Unity, Abelino is a thorn in the side of big business and, by proxy, the government. I travelled with Trocaire, the Irish overseas development agency, to meet the families and people who had suffered like Abelino, to hear their stories first-hand and learn how Trocaire's Lenten Appeal is highlighting how the corporate race for natural resources around the globe, particularly in developing countries, is putting millions of people at risk of exploitation. With Trocaire's support, non-governmental organisations in Guatemala have been able to provide legal assistance to people like Abelino. Since 2007, he has been working with FGT Fundacion Guillermo Toriello in Trocaire's project with the evicted communities of the Polochic Valley. I visited Abelino inside a Guatemala City penitentiary to hear his story. The prison itself is overcrowded by thousands, something visibly obvious on the morning we arrived as hundreds of gang members had been corralled into the yards of the prison by heavily armed guards to allow forensics teams into block 11 to investigate a murder which had taken place just an hour earlier. In a small side-room, a guard was present as we spoke to Abelino. He explained: "I was jailed in February 2017, meaning I'm now going into my third year in jail. When I was first detained by the police, they told me I was being detained because I am an indigenous leader. Other people who have stood up for Mayan rights have been detained in the same way. "My case is not as terrible as some of the other Mayan people who have been detained in the same way and what I have suffered is not as bad as what others have suffered. "In my case, it is clear the authorities have set out to criminalise me. What I want to do is highlight the dispossession of land happening all over the country. "I have just been detained, but there have been worse things which have happened to other men and women who have raised the voices regarding the situation. Many have been arrested and detained, but how many have been sentenced? The answer is none. My detention - and the detention of others like me - is to delegitimise and slander our struggle." Abelino described the details of bribes offered to him by the banana company in return for him convincing his community to leave the area. "A banana company offered me money to expel the community from their land. They tried to give 1,500 Quetzals (150) to each person on the board of the community and 1,700 Quetzals to me to move. "They also offered me a job as an advisor for the company, a car and offered to pay for travel. But I refused. That was in 2016," he says. "You cannot sell dignity - dignity is very sacred. You also cannot sell the dignity of the motherland. After I refused to work for the company, it created a delicate situation which led to me being arrested and charged with stealing land from the company." While being held in the Guatemala City prison, Abelino has used the time to learn how to draw and has obtained a certificate after taking part in a weaving workshop. He keeps himself busy, but he doesn't have any visits because his family lives so far away. However, even in prison, he receives regular verbal attacks for his refusal to bend the knee to the companies seeking to plunder Guatemala for its natural resources. "The staff really don't see me as different to any of the other inmates," he said. "I treat them with respect and I don't go looking for trouble. "In my sector (of the prison), they also keep government officials who have been accused of corruption. "They do confront me sometimes. They call me a Leftist and a guerrilla in an attempt to humiliate me. "I try to engage with them, but I do treat them with respect. I tell them there is no need for me to be a guerrilla. "Meanwhile, government officials continue to steal money, while our people are going hungry, our children are without shoes and our schools are without roofs." It was then a prison guard entered the room to tell us the visit had been concluded and Abelino returned to his cell - in a country where rebuffing corruption can mean a lengthy spell behind bars - not knowing when he'll see his home again, or if it will still be standing when he returns. However, Trocaire is working with their partners right now to help those who have been targeted, like Abelino. To donate to Trocaire's Lenten Appeal, look out for one of their donation boxes, which are widely distributed across Northern Ireland, visit, or ring 0800 912 1200 l The Lenten Appeal helped Trocaire to support 2.8 million people in 23 developing countries last year l Some 165,000 Trocaire boxes are distributed every year to schools, homes and businesses in Northern Ireland l This year's box carries the faces of three girls: Maria (Guatemala, 9), Maya (Syria, 10) and Patricia (Uganda, 8), who have lost their homes and land l Last year, over 2m was raised in Northern Ireland for Trocaire's Lenten Appeal l This year's campaign focuses on land rights - land more than 34 times the size of Northern Ireland has been sold to corporations since 2000 as a global resource-grab gathers pace l Over 1.3 million people were reached with humanitarian assistance from Trocaire last year l In 2018, 780,000 people directly benefited from Trocaire-supported justice and human rights programmes Police seized about 2 tons of drugs in southeastern Iran in the provinces of Sistan and Baluchistan, the head of the provincial police, Mohammed Ghanbari, reported. According to him, the criminal group that is engaged in drug trafficking tried to transport the batch with a total weight of 1.92 tons, dividing it into two parts. However, the prohibited cargo was discovered in the course of two operations carried out by law enforcement officers. As a result of an armed incident that occurred during the operation, two members of the gang were detained, three managed to escape. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and begins Holy Week, also known as Passion Week. It is the day that Christians celebrate the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, an event recorded in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11: 1-11, Luke 19:28-44 and John 12:12-19. On that day, as Jesus and His disciples traveled toward Jerusalem, Jesus sent two disciples ahead to locate a donkey. They returned with the donkey and spread their cloaks on it, and then Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey. When He did, cro3wds gathered, spreading their clothes and branches on the ground and shouting, Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel (John 12:13). Making a path with garments or branches was a customary way of honoring a person (2 Kings 9:13), similar to laying out a red carpet in modern times. In essence, the people were praising Jesus and asking Him to be their Messiah, though likely in a political context rather than a spiritual context. Sadly, less than a week later, the same people shouting Hosanna would shout Crucify Him (John 19:6). Interested in learning more about Jesus triumphal entry? Here are six things you didnt know about Palm Sunday. Where was Jesus crucified? The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth is one of ancient historys most proven events. The fact has been substantiated by theologians and historians alike. It has been written without hyperbole: Even those scholars and critics who have been moved to depart from almost everything else within the historical content of Christs presence on earth have found it impossible to think away the factuality of the death of Christ. -John McIntyre, 'The Uses of History in Theology' An example of this statement is the affirmation of Dr. Bart Erhrman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While critical of the New Testament in many instances and denying the supernatural essence of Christianity, the noted secular scholar affirmed this in his 'The Historical Jesus: Lecture Transcript and Course Guidebook, Vol. 2:' One of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified on orders of the Roman prefect of Judea, Pontus Pilate. The four Gospels assert this pivotal landmark in redemptive history. Secular authorities of the day confirmed it. The Early Church affirmed it. Millions and millions believe it. But where did the crucifixion happen? The answer to that question is closely related to Gods will and Gods ways. To put it simply, the location of the crucifixion of Jesus is both known and unknown. Get your FREE 8-Day Prayer and Scripture Guide - Praying Through the Holy Week HERE. Print your own copy for a beautiful daily devotional leading up to Easter. Where Was Jesus Crucified? Where was Jeus crucified? The Gospels affirm that Christ was crucified outside of the gates of the city of Jerusalem. Both John and the writer to the Hebrews affirm this fact: Then many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin (John 19:20, NKJV). Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate (Hebrews 13:12, NKJV). The Bible also confirms that the crucifixion was carried out by officials of the Rome Empire in confederation with Jewish rabbinical leaders, the Sanhedrin. The presence of Roman military personnel point to the military nature of the mission and the significance of the execution to both locals and, due to local pressure, the Roman provincial government (recommended book: Jesus: A New Vision). We know that one could see the Roman execution on the cross from a great distance. For we read, There were also women looking on from a distance; among them were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. -Mark 15:40 Most significantly, we know the name of the place where Jesus was crucified. C. W. Wilson writes, It is clear . . . that Christ was crucified at a known spot, with a distinctive name . . . For after being humiliated and harassed by carrying his cross through the crowded streets of angry onlookers, leading to the execution site, Jesus of Nazareth was crucified at a place called Golgotha, that is to say, the place of the skull (Matthew 27:33 ESV). Golgotha is the Greek transliteration of the Aramaic Gulgulta, which corresponds to the Hebrew Gulgoleth, according to Wilson. The Greek equivalent is kranion (from which the English word, cranial, is derived). It is Dr. Luke who uses the Latin word, calvaria. The English transliteration is the well-known designation, Calvary. The actual translation into English would be skull or cranium (Carl Hensley, Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible). The Jewish Wars of Rebellion (A.D. 66-73) that witnessed the A.D. 70-71 destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by Titus (A.D. 39-81), undoubtedly added to the digression of local terrain (Lawrence Schiffman, From Text to Tradition). Finally, the noted church historian of antiquity, Eusibius, journeyed to Jerusalem to discover the site of the Lords crucifixion. The great church father and scholar went there with Queen Helena (A.D. 246-330), the Roman Empress and mother of Constantine the Great (A.D. 272-337). The local Jerusalem Christians led Eusibius and Helena to a site outside of the gates of the old city (the walls were enlarged in the sixteenth century), a site where liturgical celebrations had been held until A.D. 66 (Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, The Holy Land). The landscape went through significant changes when Hadrian (A.D. 36-138), in 135, built temples to Roman deities, including Aphrodite and Jupiter, in the Aelia Capitolina (the new Roman name that Hadrian gave for Jerusalem). Jerome Murphy-O'Connor states, Despite the evidence of Jerome and certain late Byzantine texts the Holy Sepulcher remains the most probable site of the Capitoline temple. And that is a remarkable statement. For in A.D. 326, Helenas son, Constantine began construction on a Christian edifice, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which would enclose both Golgotha, the place of crucifixion, and Joseph of Arimatheas tomb, the burial place and the site of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Murphy-OConnor, in the Oxford Archeological Guide from the Earliest times to 1700, summarized both the history and archeology of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the alternative possibilities and concluded, Is this the place where Christ died and was buried? Yes, very probably. What We Dont Know About the Location of the Crucifixion - Where Was Jesus Crucified In answer to the question above, and despite the unequivocal assertions of some, we must reply, plenty. We know what we dont know, and we are certain that we dont know what we dont know. Lets take just the clear biblical claim that our Lord was crucified at Golgotha. While we know what the word, Golgotha, or Calvary, means (i.e., skull), we dont know whether it is referring to one of three origins to the name. Golgotha Meaning: the Place of the Skull, Might Refer to the Legendary Place of Adams Skull Yes, thats right. The Church Father, Origen (A.D. 185-253), both a Hebrew scholar and a resident of Jerusalem, relates Golgotha to the place where Adams skull was believed to be buried. If you think Origen is a little off, one might challenge your view by pointing to other leaders of the Early Church who believed that Jesus was crucified in the field of Adams burial. This number would include the respected Athanasius (A.D. 296-373), Epiphanies (A.D. 312-403), and Basil of Caesarea (A.D. 329-379). The second view of Golgotha is more logical, but still differs from the majority view: What Do We Know about Where Jesus Was Crucified Where was Jesus crucified? In this scenario, the place where our Lord was crucified was a common killing field for rebels and criminals hostile to Roman occupation. Thus, the area was littered with skulls of condemned criminals (Wilson, Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre). Once the flesh was gone from the skull and skeleton, the family members would bury the remains. No less than the preeminent Christian scholar and Bible translator, Jerome (A.D. 347-420), and the English historian and monk, Venerable Bede (A.D. 673-735), held to this position. There is a famous burial ground in London called Bunhill Fields (Alfred Light, Bunhill Fields). The word Bunhill is a colloquial pronunciation of Bone Hill. Nonconformist ministers and others outside of the pale of the Church of England were buried there. This second view of Calvary purports that the hill where Christ was crucified was, also, a Bunhill Fields. Now. The third view is likely the one that you have heard. Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, Might Refer to a Geological Formation Resembling a Skull This understanding has remained the most popular view of the place of Golgotha since at least the eighteenth century. Some have, thus, written of Golgotha as a bald hill top, a rock formation that resembles a human skull. Yet, we must remember that there are no references to this in the Bible. Yes, it was an elevated place that could be seen, but it is not called Mount Calvary by any Biblical writers, nor any Greek, Jewish, or Roman observers. It appears to be a late Western notion (Wilson, Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre). Now, all of this might be somewhat upsetting to some who have believed one or the other concepts about Golgotha. Moreover, the controversy underscores the reality: we really are only sure about what the Bible says. And is that enough? We Know All We Need to Know The Bible tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross between two thieves, one repentant and one not. The Bible also tells us who crucified Christ: a conspiracy of Roman officials and Jewish religious leaders. In other words, Gentile and Jew alike were represented in the cosmic crime of deicide (the murder of God by Man). We know that the cross could be seen from a long way. We know that there were women there, including the mother of Jesus. We know that the Apostle John was there. We know that many deserted our Lord Jesus Christ in his greatest hour of need. But there is much more that we dont know. It is as if the Holy Spirit has placed a permanent veil over the scene. We must remember that the deed was so awful that the earth quaked in repulsion and darkness descended upon the awful scene, as if Creation itself could not bear the visage. But as to the precise location where Jesus Christ was crucified, we cannot be certain. It may very well be that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher covers the site of Calvary and the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea where our Lord was raised from the dead. So, there are some things that we know from Scripture. And there is enough archaeological evidence and ancient literature to substantiate Christs crucifixion and to suggest a location. And there is much that we do not know. We remember the warning from Deuteronomy 29:29: The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. But this we know: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for us at a place called Calvary. It was there that the Creator of the world was crucified by those whom he had created. he died for our sins and fulfilled the Covenant of Works (if you disobey you shall die). He took the wrath of God upon his sinless soul and met all of the demands of the Law for all who would receive him (The Covenant of Grace). Jesus Christ was crucified upon the roughhewn timber from a forest that he made, with nails fashioned from iron that he created. And yet in that location, Jesus looked down upon those who crucified him and unjustly spit upon him and sought to humiliate him, and said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34 KJV). There is a narrative in the life of our Lord that is important to us in our study. In the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36), Moses and Elijah appear to Peter, James, and John to attest to the divinity of Jesus. This is a powerful theological touchpoint in redemptive history. For in that glorious moment, the Law and the Prophets affirm the Person of Jesus as the One they wrote of; the Old Covenant yields to the New; the ancient prophecies were fulfilled; Christs identity is fully revealed to the disciples and supernaturally confirmed; eternity touches time; heaven comes down (once more) to earth. It was a resplendent scene to be sure. Peter wanted to erect three tents to commemorate the event (perhaps, to return to the tent markers and build a greater temple). Our Lord Jesus told Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration that he should not build (as Peter wished to do) any sacred edifice to mark the physical place of that great gathering. The Lord also told the Samaritan woman at the well, in John 4:21-23, that from now on believers must worship God in spirit and in truth, not on this mountain nor on that mountain. Its not about a place. Its about a Person. Its not about the physical any longerland, temples, altars. It is about the eternal. Its not about the signs. Its about the Savior. And maybe that is why we know enough about the location of his crucifixion, but we dont know everything. It is by faith that we look upon that old rugged cross to see its best location: This cross is the place where a Great Exchange took place. For Jesus assumed the punishment for the sins of all of those who would call upon him in repentance and faith, and it is the place where the holiness of Christ was granted to sinners like me. Or, as I used to tell our churchs children in Confirmation Class, At Calvarys cross, Jesus took your sin. You received his perfect life. This Easter, and in every season of our lives, the precise place where Jesus was crucified for you and me is that place where we turn to Him in brokenness and in love. It is that place where by faith we join Mary and John and the Roman centurion who confessed, Truly, this was the Son of God (Matthew 27:54). That soldier knew. And you can know, too. Where was Christ crucified? Jesus Christ was crucified at the crossroad of Gods love and your brokenness. Of that, you may be certain. Related: What Does the Bible Say about the Resurrection? Where Was Jesus Crucified? - Golgotha "the Place of the Skull" References Armstrong, Chris. Divvying up the Most Sacred Place. ChristianityToday.Com. Accessed April 8, 2019. Borg, Marcus J. Jesus: A New Vision. HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. Ehrman, B. D. The Historical Jesus: Lecture Transcript and Course Guidebook, Vol. 2. The Teaching Company, Chantilly (2000). Eusebius of Caesarea. Onomasticon (1971) Translation by C. Umhau Wolf. Last modified Original c 330AD. Accessed April 8, 2019. Ignatius of Antioch. St. Ignatius of Antioch to the Smyrnaeans (Roberts-Donaldson Translation). Last modified 110AD. Accessed April 8, 2019. Light, Alfred W. Bunhill Fields: Written in Honour and to the Memory of the Many Saints of God Whose Bodies Rest in This Old London Cemetery. Vol. 1. CJ Farncombe & Sons, Limited, 1915. McIntyre, John. The Uses of History in Theology (In Honour of A.C. Cheyne). Studies in World Christianity 7, no. 1 (April 1, 2001): 120. Accessed April 8, 2019. Murphy-OConnor, Jerome. The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide from Earliest Times to 1700. Oxford University Press, 2008. Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome. The Location of the Capitol in Aelia Capitolina. Revue Biblique (1946-) 101, no. 3 (1994): 407415. Accessed April 8, 2019. Sandy Grant. Crucifixion Historicity. The Briefing, May 24, 2013. Accessed April 8, 2019. Schiffman, Lawrence H. From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism. KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 1991. Wilson, C. W. Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre: Edited by Colonel Sir C. M. Watson. Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, 1906. Wolf, Carl Umhau. Eusebius of Caesarea and the Onomasticon. The Biblical Archaeologist 27, no. 3 (1964): 6696. Accessed April 8, 2019. Photo credit: Unsplash/Alicia Quan For Immediate Release, April 12, 2019 Contact: Kristen Monsell, (914) 806-3467, ExxonMobil Seeks to Restart Offshore Drilling Platforms, Truck Oil in California Environmental Study Released, Santa Barbara Hearing Set SANTA BARBARA Santa Barbara County today released an environmental study and scheduled a hearing on ExxonMobils proposal to transport oil by tanker trucks so it can restart three drilling platforms off California. The plan calls for up to 70 trucks per day carrying nearly 500,000 gallons of crude 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Platforms Heritage, Harmony and Hondo were shut down after the failure of a severely corroded coastal oil pipeline that served them. In September, a jury found Plains All American Pipeline criminally negligent for the pipeline failure and the resulting coastal oil spill. Plains has applied to build a new oil pipeline along the same route as the old one. Putting oil tankers on narrow highways is risky. Doing it so Exxon can resume dirty offshore drilling is a dangerous double whammy, said Kristen Monsell, ocean legal director with the Center for Biological Diversity. Santa Barbara County has already suffered way too much oil industry pollution. County officials should put the brakes on the companys perilous plan. The oil tanker trucks would travel up to 140 miles between ExxonMobils Las Flores Canyon processing facility and facilities in Kern County and near Santa Maria. The draft environmental impact report considers several alternatives to Exxons proposal, including a reduced trucking alternative that would allow up to 50 trucks per day and a no project alternative. Santa Barbara County will hold a public meeting on the draft report on May 6. The public has until May 28 to comment on the draft environmental impact report. Tanker trucks spill hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil per year, according to a 2009 American Petroleum Institute report. These oil spills can cause fires and explosions. An Associated Press study of six states where truck traffic has increased because of increased oil and gas drilling found that fatalities in traffic accidents have more than quadrupled since 2004 in some counties. California suffers hundreds of oil truck incidents a year, and many result in oil spills. One oil truck accident in 2000, for example, killed the driver and spilled nearly 7,000 gallons of oil, a substantial portion of which entered a river and spread to the ocean. Oil spills near the Santa Barbara Channel threaten a wide range of federally protected endangered species, including blue whales, sea otters and leatherback sea turtles. For Immediate Release, April 12, 2019 Contact: Miyoko Sakashita, (510) 844-7108, Lawsuit Forces Federal Protection for Endangered Orcas' West Coast Habitat SEATTLE The Center for Biological Diversity has won a victory in the legal battle to force the Trump administration to protect the West Coast habitat of the last remaining Southern Resident killer whales. The National Marine Fisheries Service has committed to proposing a rule acting on the Centers 2014 petition for orca habitat protection off Washington, Oregon and California. An expanded designation of critical habitat has to be proposed by early October to help the critically endangered orcas, which are starving for lack of salmon and being hurt by boat traffic and water pollution. The Center sued the administration last year for delays in protecting orcas in their full habitat range, a violation of the Endangered Species Act. The Southern Resident population dropped to just 75, the lowest number in more than 30 years, as the federal government delayed decisions on expanding protections for the orcas. The Trump administration has to move forward with giving these critically endangered orcas the protections they need and deserve, said Miyoko Sakashita, the director of the Centers oceans program. These magnificent killer whales are in real trouble. Protecting their feeding grounds is more important than ever, especially with the birth of a new baby. In January 2019 scientists in Washington confirmed the birth of a baby orca named Lucky. The calf was spotted with its pod recently in Monterey Bay, Calif. The first calf to survive past birth since 2015, Lucky underscores the urgent need to improve feeding opportunities for Southern Resident killer whales along their whole West Coast habitat. Currently only their summer feeding grounds in Washingtons Puget Sound are designated as critical habitat. The Center petitioned in 2014 to better protect areas off the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California (see map). The Endangered Species Act prohibits federal agencies from authorizing activities that will destroy or harm a listed species' critical habitat. Animals with federally protected critical habitat are more than twice as likely to be recovering as species without it, a Center study found. This legal victory might save the day for these endangered orcas, Sakashita said. Keeping the oceans healthy for orcas isnt only a legal mandate, but a moral one. We owe that to our children and the next generation of orcas. The development of Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation will be extremely beneficial, Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council, Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party Andrei Turchak said following the visit of the Federation Council delegation, headed by its speaker Valentina Matvienko, to Baku. The relevant message was published on the United Russia party website. Turchak noted that on April 11-12, the delegation of the Upper Chamber made an official visit to Azerbaijan, where it held meetings with President Ilham Aliyev, First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva and Chairman of the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) Oktay Asadov. The Deputy head of the Armenian Ministry of Health, Arsen Davtyan, was dismissed from his post. A relevant decree was signed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. The official was detained by officers of the National Security Service on March 30. He is suspected of receiving a bribe from a hospital director. On April 3, the court arrested him for two months, Novosti-Armenia reports. Recall, Arsen Davtyan worked as a deputy minister since last May. Police Colonel Ziyavudin Ashikov, the brother of the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Makhachkala, Raip Ashikov, suspected of assisting terrorists, was detained in Dagestan, a source familiar with the case reports. According to him, Ziyavudin Ashikov is suspected of infringing on law enforcement officers life (Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and financing of terrorism through the creation of an organized criminal group. The source said that the detainee is the elder brother of Raip Ashikov, who was detained earlier this month on suspicion of assisting terrorist activities. He is now in the pre-trial detention center. A Hamiota woman who grows marijuana to control chronic migraines says her house insurance is being cancelled and her case could be just the tip of the iceberg. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 13/4/2019 (977 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Advertisement Advertise With Us A Hamiota woman who grows marijuana to control chronic migraines says her house insurance is being cancelled and her case could be just the tip of the iceberg. "Two weeks from today, I could theoretically be homeless, and its terrifying," said Laurel Roberts, who grows 20 plants in her basement 16 more than Wawanesa Insurance will allow. Laurel Roberts with one of her cannabis plants in her home in Hamiota. Roberts grows medicinal cannabis for use to combat chronic migraines. Her home insurer has told her they will cancelling her insurance because she grows more plants than they allow for their insurance. Roberts has a Health Canada permit to grow up to 20 plants. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun) She said without homeowners insurance, she could be at risk of also losing her mortgage. Rick Macl, owner of Growers N Smokers in Brandon, said there are potentially "hundreds of thousands" of Canadians who have Health Canada permits to grow medical marijuana at home and could lose their insurance because they exceed the four-plant limit set out by many insurance companies. Macl said the four-plant limit by insurance companies refers to what is legally allowed for recreational use in some regions and ignores medical marijuana users. "Insurance companies are basically pretending like medical cannabis was never legalized a decade ago," he said, adding that for every gram of cannabis prescribed the minimum a person is allowed to grow five plants under Health Canadas rules. "Basically, the one-gram grow permit does not exist," he said. "Its a waste of time. Everybody grows more than that." David Hultin, a senior communications specialist with Wawanesa Insurance, said in an email the company does not comment on the specifics of a particular file. However, he said, in Manitoba, Wawanesa will typically insure personal property containing up to four cannabis plants if legally grown for medical and/or recreational purposes. Laurel Roberts with one of her cannabis plants in her home in Hamiota. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun) "As the potential for fire, theft, humidity and liability claims on home policies increases with additional cannabis plants, Wawanesa does not insure properties that go beyond this amount," Hultin said. "We encourage anyone seeking insurance coverage to speak with an insurance broker to understand the increased exposure and hazards associated with growing cannabis plants in a personal dwelling, and to discuss the insurance options available to them specific to their unique needs." A provincial spokeswoman said growing non-medical, or recreational, cannabis at home is prohibited in Manitoba. The provincial government does not regulate medical cannabis, she said. That falls under Health Canada. Roberts has suffered from dibilitating migraines since she was a teenager and as an adult has even been forced to go on total disability because of it. A doctor finally recommended trying cannabis, she said, and so she started the grow-up in her home in January. Laurel Roberts grows medicinal cannabis for use to combat chronic migraines at her home in Hamiota. Her home insurer has told her they will cancelling her insurance because she grows more plants than they allow for their insurance. Roberts has a Health Canada permit to grow up to 20 plants. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun) The full-time health-care aide said it has worked wonders for her. Roberts said her troubles started when she checked with her insurance broker after reading about an Alberta person who lost their insurance because they had a grow-op in their home. She said the broker contacted Wawanesa, who then informed Roberts they would be cancelling her insurance in two weeks. That was on Monday. "At which time Im starting into panic mode," she said. Roberts said it cost her about $2,200 in equipment, wiring and licensing costs to start up the small grow-op. Laurel Roberts grows medicinal cannabis for use to combat chronic migraines at her home in Hamiota. Her home insurer has told her they will cancelling her insurance because she grows more plants than they allow for their insurance. Roberts has a Health Canada permit to grow up to 20 plants. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun) "I would have never invested that kind of money for four plants," she said, adding she needs far more than that to produce the four grams of cannabis per day she is prescribed by her doctor. Roberts said she is authorized by a Health Canada permit to grow up to 20 plants. She is now investigating through her insurance broker if any other company will allow more than four plants, adding Wawanesa said Friday they would cancel her insurance regardless of the amount of plants she has. Roberts added if she has to give up the cannabis, she could end up back on disability and a drain once again on the system. As it is now, she said, "Im a productive member of society." Twitter: @BudRobertson4 The former head of Izberbash, Abdulmedzhid Suleymanov, became the defendant in the criminal case, senior assistant to the head of the Russian Investigative Committee for Dagestan Rasul Temirbekov said. "He is suspected of committing a crime under part 2 of Article 286 Excess of official powers by the head of the local government of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation," RIA Dagestan quotes him as saying. As the investigation found out, in mid-November 2017, the suspect, having exceeded the powers assigned to him, signed a decree and an agreement on the transfer of the municipal apartment to a local resident. A jury has rejected the self-defence claim of a man who stabbed another man on Birdtail Sioux First Nation, convicting him of manslaughter. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 13/4/2019 (977 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Advertisement Advertise With Us A jury has rejected the self-defence claim of a man who stabbed another man on Birdtail Sioux First Nation, convicting him of manslaughter. In doing so, the jury found the accused not guilty of second-degree murder. The verdict was delivered Friday afternoon in Brandon Court of Queens Bench, approximately a day after deliberations began. "Members of the jury, you say that you find the accused, Dakota Catlyn Jordan Pratt, not guilty of second-degree murder but guilty to manslaughter. Do you all agree with this verdict?" the court clerk asked after the foreman delivered the verdict. "Yes," the jury replied in unison. Pratt, 28, stood trial for second-degree murder in relation to the death of Vincent Bunn, who was found dead on the steps of his aunts home in Birdtail Sioux First Nation in the early morning hours of Sept. 2, 2016. Pratt admitted to stabbing Bunn, but in an act of self-defence, testifying during trial that Bunn came into his room and stabbed him in the head when he was sleeping while threatening to kill him. The two got in a struggle that spilled out of the home onto the front deck, where Bunn was ultimately stabbed to death. An autopsy revealed Bunn had sustained 13 sharp-force injuries and 32 blunt-force injuries in the attack, with the fatal wound being a puncture through the heart. Defence argued the evidence lined up with Pratts story, with injuries on his head and hand being documented upon his arrest. A trail of DNA and blood samples taken from the room of the initial incident and outside matched that of Pratts and the sequence of events he disclosed to police. Bunn also had a propensity for violence, Pratts lawyer argued, pointing to Bunns Facebook page sprinkled with images of him holding various weapons, such as a sawed-off shotgun and a machete. The Crown, on the other hand, argued that on this particular day, Bunn was a major source of anger and upset for Pratt, stemming from an argument he had earlier that day with his girlfriend. Pratt was jealous of Bunns relationship with his girlfriend as he believed she was cheating on him with Bunn. Pratts lawyers have requested a pre-sentence report and Pratt, who has remained in custody since allegedly breaching court orders last year, will be sentenced at a later date. Twitter: @erindebooy OTTAWA - Justin Trudeau's Liberals say they are still hearing support from Indigenous people and leaders, despite concerns raised publicly about Trudeau's expulsion of two ex-ministers who had been central to work on reconciliation. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 13/4/2019 (977 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. OTTAWA - Justin Trudeau's Liberals say they are still hearing support from Indigenous people and leaders, despite concerns raised publicly about Trudeau's expulsion of two ex-ministers who had been central to work on reconciliation. While the Liberals have repeatedly said that addressing the relationship with Indigenous Peoples in Canada is a top priority, that commitment has been openly questioned by some Indigenous leaders, especially since the ejections of Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from the Liberal caucus. Independent Members of Parliament Jane Philpott and Jody Wilson-Raybould speak with the media before Question Period in the Foyer of the House of Commons in Ottawa, Wednesday April 3, 2019. Justin Trudeau's Liberals say they are having favourable conversations on the ground despite concerns raised publicly by some leaders after the caucus removal of two former prominent ministers central to work on reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld Terry Teegee, the British Columbia regional chief in the Assembly of First Nations, suggested the ejections showed a "deeply flawed and dishonest intent" behind Trudeau's previously stated respect for Indigenous Peoples. Wilson-Raybould was one of his predecessors. "The balance that was being forged within our societies through the process of reconciliation is now threatened," he said when Trudeau expelled the two. Teegee called the decision "wrathful." Wilson-Raybould, as justice minister until January, had been the highest-ranking Indigenous person ever in the Canadian government. Philpott had been seen as one of Trudeau's most capable ministers; a shuffle that moved her from the high-profile health portfolio to become minister of Indigenous services was a symbol of how important clean water and good housing on reserves, for instance, were to the Liberal government. Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett, who had worked closely with both, said that while the government is always mindful of triggering cynicism and concern about the relationship she tends, she is continuing to hear "very positive" feedback. "Whether I'm on the East Coast or the West Coast or in Manitoba, over the last little while, I have to say that people will quietly take me aside and say, 'We need your government re-elected,' " Bennett said in an interview. "I would never presume that whomever I'm speaking to is speaking on behalf of more than one person," she added. "I think that it's important now for us to earn the respect and continue to make progress." In the next election, only First Nations, Inuit and Metis will be able to make ultimate determinations about whether their experience with the government has felt more like a partnership than paternalism, Bennett added. Last week, Trudeau made the decision to remove Wilson-Raybould and Philpott from the Liberal caucus. The two former cabinet ministers had been outspoken about political pressure to intervene in the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, a Quebec engineering giant facing bribery charges over contracts in Libya. Wilson-Raybould believes she was shuffled out of the Department of Justice because she wouldn't give Trudeau what he wanted on the file, overruling a prosecutor's decision not to pursue a plea-bargain-like "remediation agreement." Both ultimately resigned from the cabinet. Trudeau has denied any wrongdoing but has publicly acknowledged there was a breakdown of trust between Wilson-Raybould and his office. Wilson-Raybould was not available for an interview but Philpott said she does see the controversy as a "setback" in the government's relationship with Indigenous Peoples. Trudeau's cabinet worked hard on issues including the recognition and affirmation of rights for Indigenous Peoples, Philpott said, and there was "tremendous enthusiasm" about Wilson-Raybould's being the first Indigenous justice minister in Canadian history. Wilson-Raybould was moved out of the position into the veterans-affairs portfolio, prior to her subsequent cabinet resignation. "I think particularly the fact that she was moved out of that role and then subsequently resigned from cabinet, is a setback, without doubt," Philpott said. As an independent MP, Wilson-Raybould continues to have leverage over her former party and Trudeau in particular as members of Indigenous communities watch her words and actions carefully, says University of Saskatchewan professor Joseph Garcea, a political scientist who studies Canadian politics. "She's got this government's feet to the fire and it is up to her, really, how high she turns up the heat," he said. In 2015, the Liberal Party was keen to recruit Indigenous candidates and affirm its commitment to solving longstanding problems, including multiyear boil-water advisories on reserves. Indigenous voters were also far more engaged in the last election. The Assembly of First Nations identified 51 ridings, including several in western Canada, where First Nations voters could affect the outcome and invested a great deal of effort in outreach. After that election, Elections Canada reported the gap between turnout on reserves and turnout among the general population had been the lowest since it began calculating turnout for Aboriginal populations in 2004 (with the caveat that it does not capture demographic information at the polls and cannot count Aboriginal voters directly, whether they vote on or off reserves). Compared to the 2011 election, Elections Canada said turnout on reserves increased by 14 percentage points from 47.4 per cent to 61.5 per cent while turnout among the general population increased by six percentage points to 66 per cent. For his part, Metis National Council President Clement Chartier said he will not allow a "distraction" like the SNC-Lavalin controversy to "derail" the council's efforts to work with the Liberal government. "Why would we want to destroy something that has been of significant benefit to the Metis Nation?" he said, suggesting the response to the council from the Trudeau government has been "tremendous." The Metis National Council will reach out to all the political parties before the election on policy positions, he said, adding Metis citizens can decide for themselves whom to support. "Until there's an election, we will continue to support this prime minister and this government," he said. Wilson-Raybould's tenure as the first Indigenous justice minister in Canada will remain a "huge breakthrough," Bennett said. She said her team is very sad there was an erosion of trust with her colleagues. "We would prefer that (Philpott and Wilson-Raybould) were still members of the team, still supporting the prime minister, but unfortunately that didn't happen," she said, but she believes the government's Indigenous partners want to move on. -Follow @kkirkup on Twitter HALIFAX - The Nova Scotia legislature has unanimously passed legislation that presumes consent for organ donation, becoming the first jurisdiction in North America to pass such legislation. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 13/4/2019 (977 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Premier Stephen McNeil attends a bill briefing at the legislature in Halifax on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. The Nova Scotia legislature has unanimously passed legislation that presumes consent for organ donation, becoming the first jurisdiction in North America to pass such legislation. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan HALIFAX - The Nova Scotia legislature has unanimously passed legislation that presumes consent for organ donation, becoming the first jurisdiction in North America to pass such legislation. The Human Organ and Tissue Donation Act was passed as legislators wrapped up their spring sitting on Friday. However, the act is not expected to be proclaimed as law for a period of 12 to 18 months to allow time for planning, public education and training for health-care workers. Under the act, all adults in Nova Scotia would be considered potential organ donors unless they opt out. Families will continue to be consulted about their loved ones' wishes, while those under 19 and people without decision-making capacity will only be considered as donors if a parent, guardian or alternate decision-maker opts them in. Premier Stephen McNeil says the goal is to ensure there are more potential organ donors in order to save lives. "I am grateful for the support our government has received from Nova Scotians as together, we become leaders in North America on the issue of presumed consent for organ and tissue donation," McNeil said in a statement. "We are committed to doing better for our fellow citizens awaiting life-saving transplants, and I look forward to collaborating with Nova Scotians as we work toward proclaiming the legislation next year." Earlier this week, Dr. Stephen Beed, who heads the province's transplant program, told a legislature committee that within five years of the legislation's implementation he expects Nova Scotia would see a 30 per cent increase in organ donations. Beed added that he wouldn't be surprised if that number increased by as much as 50 per cent. He said steps will be put in place to ensure the opt-out provisions are clear. According to the province, 21 Nova Scotians became organ donors in 2018, while 110 people donated tissues such as corneas and heart valves. HALIFAX - Pope Francis has appointed a coadjutor archbishop for the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 13/4/2019 (977 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. HALIFAX - Pope Francis has appointed a coadjutor archbishop for the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. The appointment of Most Reverend Brian Dunn means he will eventually succeed Archbishop Anthony Mancini as head of the archdiocese. Dunn, who is currently Bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish, has also been appointed apostolic administrator of the diocese of Antigonish until a new bishop is assigned. Mancini will remain archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth until he resigns his position on his 75th birthday in November 2020. Once Pope Francis accepts Mancini's resignation, Bishop Dunn will become the new archbishop as his new designation gives him the right of succession. Mancini made a request for a coadjutor bishop in December to help with a major restructuring of the archdiocese which Dunn now says he's looking forward to being a part of. "I am looking forward to being involved in this renewal and restructuring of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth," Dunn said in a news release. "At the same time I know that I will have to leave many of the people with whom I have shared life and ministry in the Diocese of Antigonish since January of 2010. Priests, deacons and lay people have been a tremendous support to me over these years and I am deeply grateful for this support." Dunn is to assume his position of coadjutor archbishop "in the near future," when his papal letter of appointment is received and presented to the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. A new programme is being rolled out by Early Childhood Ireland to help members tackle a staffing crisis in their industry. The organisation represents nearly 4,000 childcare members supporting 100,000 children and their families around the country. The service will provide "free, expert, sector-specific information and advice on HR and employment practices". "Early Childhood Ireland advocates constantly for increased funding for the sector, so that our members can recruit and retain the professional staff they need to deliver the highest quality of care and education to babies and children. We will continue to do so," said the group's CEO Teresa Heeney at the launch of the new project in Croke Park this morning. "Our board also wants to provide whatever resources our organisation can, so that our sector is an attractive choice for current and prospective professionals, and we are very proud to launch this innovative and very progressive service. "Our sector is a large and very diverse one there are over 25,000 staff employed across more than 4,500 early years services in Ireland, and each service employs an average of 6.4 staff members," she added. The launch of the new service comes amid a severe staffing crisis in the early years sector, Early Childhood Ireland added in a statement. Update 9.30pm: A man in his late 20s who was arrested this morning in relation to a fatal shooting in Citywest Shopping Centre on 18 September 2017, has been released without charge. A file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Society of St Vincent de Paul is marking its 175th anniversary in Ireland today. President Michael D Higgins will address an event to mark the anniversary later this morning. The organisation has over 11,500 volunteers in every county and helps the most vulnerable in our communities. Society of St Vincent de Paul National President, Kieran Stafford, says they started their work helping people during the famine: "At the time you had members that were obviously attending to the incredible need that arose from that tragic event," he added. "People streamed into the cities so there was overcrowding, there was squalor, and most people were starving. "I think it is incredible to think of that time scale and the fact that we are now the largest charity in Ireland, 175 years later," he added. Starting from 2020 Georgia will join the NATO Multinational Military Policy Battalion, composed of military police units of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, reports. The Battalion, or its elements, were allowed to be deployed from 2013 to any area of NATO operations where the need arises for coordinated multi-national police activities. "We are happy that the decision is positive and from 2020, we, in the format of the military police, will be involved in different missions, exercises in the format of NATO. This is another recognition of our abilities and the expression of support, Georgian Defence Minister Levan Izoria stated in Croatia earlier today, after the meeting with his Croatian colleague Damir Krsticevic. The Georgian Military Police platoon will be included in the battalion. The ministers also signed a declaration for further development of defence and military ties. The risk that global economic growth could slow more than expected spurred a call on Friday from top finance officials for countries to overcome trade differences and opt for multilateral co-operation and "timely policy action". Policy makers from the Group of 20 industrialised countries are worried that the weakness evident in key economies could spread, especially if elevated trade tensions, such as those between the United States and China, escalate further. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda emphasised the need for countries to take steps to foster a more dynamic global economy. Credit:Bloomberg "The balance of risks remains skewed to the downside," Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said at a news conference following a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers. "We recognise the risk that growth prospects might deteriorate if weakening in key economies feed into each other." Mr Aso's remarks dovetail with those of other officials gathered in Washington for the spring meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, many of whom fret that self-inflicted wounds from protectionist trade policies are to blame for the weakness. The week's proceedings kicked off with another downgrade of global growth estimates from the IMF. Australia's top Great Barrier Reef officials warn the natural wonder will virtually collapse if the planet becomes 1.5 degrees hotter a threshold that scientists say requires shutting down coal within three decades. This federal election campaign is a potential tipping point for Australia's direction on climate action, as the major parties pledge distinctly different targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. However neither party has rejected the proposed Adani mine outright or promised to phase out coal, an export on which Australia is heavily reliant. Climate change has already wrought devastating effects on the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef, including two consecutive years of mass coral bleaching in 2016 and 2017. When the First Fleet arrived in Sydney in 1788 there was a piano on the flagship HMS Sirius owned by surgeon George Worgan. A piano, claimed to be the First Fleet piano, was last month flown back to England for refurbishment and there are rumours it may be played before the Queen. Brian Barrow with his Longman and Broderip piano he believes arrived with the First Fleet in1788. Credit:Louise kennerley Step forward a Sydney collector with a very similar piano who believes he has the First Fleet piano in his living room. Both pianos passed through the hands of the same Sydney antiques dealer and both are said to have been discovered languishing in the laundry of a private home. Last weeks High Court decision to uphold Victorias safe access zones as well as protests by vegan activists that shut down parts of our city offer contrasting insights into the right to protest in our democracy. The High Courts decision was welcome. Women and families seeking to use medical services at a time of great distress and anxiety should not be compelled to physically negotiate their way around protesters opposed to the very services they are entitled under law to obtain. Illustration: Matt Davidson Credit: As a strong advocate of free speech, I have long maintained that safety and wellbeing must always prevail over the rights of protesters, to protect people from harm. Thats why I voted for the Safe Access Zones Bill in 2015. In fact, the concept of safe access zones can serve comparable purposes in other contexts where health and safety are at risk. Although I voted against the Assisted Dying Bill in 2017, I would for similar reasons support the introduction of a reasonable safe access zone around medical facilities where patients seek medical advice or services at their most harrowing time. The parents are not consulted, the kids are automatically referred through the school to police, he said. When a person is confronted by police it automatically creates this thinking: What have I done wrong? This is embarrassing, who has seen the police come to the door? Am I in trouble? Will I go to jail?." The AFP interviewed the teen about his essay on foreign fighters but did not pursue the investigation. Credit:AAP The academic has read Abshirs essay and said he didnt find anything unusual or concerning about it. I write material that is far more critical of overseas operations, he said. There was nothing in the essay that would stand out to me as any indication that this young man was radicalised. The AFP and ACT Education Directorate would not comment on the case. In another incident, Dr Jones claims a high-achieving Muslim student in Melbournes north-west was reported to police after his teacher noticed he seemed subdued. Dr Jones said police charged him with carrying a weapon after he was spotted with a ceremonial sword in a car. While he wasn't convicted, the student missed out on the university placement of his choice because he didn't pass the required police check. Instead of training teachers in spotting suspected extremists, schools should be focused on programs that build resilience in students, Dr Jones said. Sometimes its more complicated. The Age and Sydney Morning Herald are aware of another case in Sydneys south where an eight-year-old Muslim boy was hauled into the principals office after wearing his backpack across his chest. He allegedly told a classmate he was carrying a bomb - a claim he denied. My son was upset and hated the school after that, said his mother, who did not want to be named. They blamed my son for something he didnt do. We came here for looking for a new life, to live better. We like Australia more than any other country because we feel more welcome here. She said the school later investigated the incident and could find no evidence that the boy said he was carrying a bomb. The federal government has funded training to help teachers recognise the warning signs of radicalisation. Federal government fact sheets state that the warning signs of radicalisation include becoming isolated from family and friends and advocating for violence in the name of an ideological, political or religious goals. In Victoria, the states Education Department strengthened its ties with Victoria Police following the death of 18-year-old Numan Haider, who was fatally shot in 2014 after stabbing two counter-terrorism police officers in Endeavour Hills. Under the changes, a senior staff member in each department regional office works with a Victoria Police counterpart to provide advice and support to schools. It has also rolled out radicalisation training to Victorian principals and wellbeing coordinators to help them identify students at risk of violent extremism and refer them to support programs. Victorian government schools have a comprehensive range of programs and services that contribute to social cohesion and reduce the risk of attraction to violent extremism, a key part of which involves ensuring students remain in education, a spokesman said. In NSW, staff have been trained to spot students at risk, and provided with guidelines for antisocial and extremist behaviour. In the ACT, teachers must report all suspicious student behaviour to a hotline, where information is relayed to police. Dr Susie Latham, an adjunct post-doctoral fellow at Curtin University who lives in Melbourne, said it was impossible to run neutral programs in a society with rampant levels of Islamophobia. She has researched a similar program in the UK which mandates that public sector workers, including teachers, report suspicious behaviour. London: Julian Assanges fight against extradition from the UK could last up to two years, and could involve Home Secretary Sajid Javid having to choose between sending him to the US to face hacking charges, or to Sweden for a rape investigation. But the WikiLeaks founder is likely to spend all that time in jail for the first year on a likely sentence for skipping bail in 2012, and after that he is unlikely to be trusted not to try it again. Julian Assange gestures as he arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London. Credit:PA Assange, 47, spent Friday night in Belmarsh prison in southeast London, WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said adding that conditions there were in some ways better than those at the Ecuador embassy where Assange had spent the last six and a half years. "There are medical facilities there, access to dental care I would assume and a garden to go out into," he said. The Israeli army shot dead a Palestinian boy on Friday and wounded dozens during clashes with hundreds of Palestinian demonstrators in eastern Gaza Strip, close to the border with Israeli, according to medics, Xinhua reports. Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesman of the Health Ministry in the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave, told reporters that Maysara Abu Shaloof, 15 years old from Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza Strip, immediately died of an Israeli gunshot in his abdomen. Al-Qedra added that 66 demonstrators were injured, including 15 children and two paramedics. Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor For the export of domestic goods to the markets of the Persian Gulf countries, Kazakhstan will build two logistics centers in the ports of Iran. This was announced at a meeting of the First Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi with the Minister of Transport and Urban Planning of Iran, Mohammed Islami, and the Deputy Minister of Agricultural Jihad Iazdan Seif, AzerNews reported citing For the construction of logistics centers, Iran will provide land in the ports of Bandar Abbas and Amirabad. Kazakh-Iranian political consultations were held in the capital of Iran. The meetings were held within the framework of the implementation of the Five-year program of cooperation between the foreign affairs agencies of the two countries. The sides discussed the state and prospects of trade and economic cooperation, in particular, the development of transit transport potential, agricultural exports to Iran. TPG Capital has been an aggressive player in the aviation sector, frequently partnering with airlines and bidding for opportunities. However, it has had a mixed record on its investments and operations in airlines globally. Hence, though it does not come as a surprise that the US private equity (PE) fund has submitted an expression of interest (EoI) to buy Jet Airways, the question is whether it will make the cut or not. Its tryst in the Indian aviation sector is not new. In 2007, it was reportedly in talks to pick up a 10-15 per cent stake in IndiGo, though it was never ... The nine officers inducted through lateral entry as joint secretaries in various ministries in the government of India may have to wait for clearance from the Election Commission (EC) to join their departments. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) is also expected to make similar checks with the EC before transferring or promoting other senior officers across departments. The prudence that the government is exercising this time for even routine appointments is a contrast from the last general election in 2014. While there were no lateral entrants then, throughout April 2014 ... At a time when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has outpaced the Congress, the Left Front and other parties in West Bengal to become the largest opposition party in this state which can take Mamata Banerjee-founded Trinamool Congress (TMC) head on in the Lok Sabha and the 2021 state elections, divisions within the party, can weaken it from the inside. The problem with the BJP in West Bengal, according to party insiders and political commentators alike, is a lack of leaders and its reliance on defections, majorly from the TMC and the Left Front. In the run-up to the 2019 Lok Sabha ... He made the remarks while addressing Vijay Sankalp (victory pledge) rallies in Badaun and Shahjahanpur districts of Uttar Pradesh. The BJP wants to take the intruders out (of the country), but the BSP-SP and the Congress do not want this as they consider them their vote bank, Shah said. Shah alleged that during the Congress 10-year tenure, no action was taken even when terrorists took away heads of Indian soldiers. Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor Oil major Chevron Corps $33 billion deal on Friday to acquire Anadarko Petroleum Corp has some investors and industry executives asking whether it is time for other US shale oil and gas producers to consider selling themselves. Anadarko has been one of the pioneers of the shale revolution, which turned the United States into the worlds biggest oil producer, overtaking Russia and Saudi Arabia. The Houston-based companys willingness to ink a sale, rather than capitalize on oil prices rebounding, illustrates the significant challenges facing many US shale ... The risk that global economic growth could slow more than expected spurred a call on Friday from top finance officials for countries to overcome trade differences and opt for multilateral cooperation and "timely policy action." Policymakers from the Group of 20 industrialized countries are worried that the weakness evident in key economies could spread, especially if elevated trade tensions, such as those between the United States and China, escalate further. "The balance of risks remains skewed to the downside," Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said at a news ... Russia's international reserves now exceed the size of the country's public debt, so we can talk about creating a sufficient safety cushion, the Head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, said on the margins of the IMF- World Bank Spring Meeting in Washington. "We are considering different scenarios and decide what reserves can be used. As you know, we also increased the share of gold. In general, we have increased our reserves. Now our reserves are equal, and even exceed the external debt of the Russian economy, including public and private debt. We believe that a sufficient safety cushion has been created, RIA Novosti quotes her as saying. The International Monetary Fund warned governments not to rock the boat with trade wars and other disruptions at a time when the global economy is already sailing through choppy waters. We see downside risk and that means one has to be very careful, IMF First Deputy Managing Director David Lipton told Bloomberg Television on Friday. With trade tensions, not knowing where monetary policy is going to go, not knowing how Chinese growth will turn out, its time to make sure policymakers do no harm. He urged the US and other nations to resolve their ... Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor The Federal Aviation Administration met for three hours on Friday with representatives from the three major US airlines that own now grounded Boeing 737 MAX jets and their pilots' unions to discuss two fatal crashes and the path forward. More than 300 Boeing 737 MAXs have been grounded worldwide after a total of 346 people died in a Lion Air crash in Indonesia in October and in an Ethiopian Airlines crash outside Addis Ababa last month. American Airlines Group Inc, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines Co officials attended the meeting, where FAA Acting Administrator Dan ... Rescue operation is underway to save a 5-year-old boy who accidentally fell into a 100-feet deep borewell while he was attempting to pluck fruits from a tree near it. The incident took place at Agaryala Village in Chhata Tehsil in Mathura district on Saturday afternoon. District administration official said that as soon as the news of the incident was received, local authorities rushed to the spot to rescue the child. While a team of doctors is providing oxygen supply to the distressed child struck in the borewell a team of NDRF from Ghaziabad has been dispatched to the accident spot. "As soon as we received information at about 3.30 pm we rushed to the spot. The doctor's team has also arrived and they are providing oxygen to the child struck in borewell. Meanwhile, an NDRF team has left from Ghaziabad and rescue operation is underway by the local authorities," said Ram Dutt, Sub Divisional Magistrate, Chhata. . (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Around 70 lawmakers on Saturday urged the British government to hand over WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the Swedish authorities. In the letter sent to Home Secretary Sajid Javid on Friday, the lawmakers said that the United Kingdom would "give every assistance to Sweden should they want to revive and pursue the investigation" into rape and sexual assault allegations against Assange, CNN reported. They added that "the UK should tell Sweden that it will have our full cooperation" if they choose to reopen the rape case against Assange. "We must send a strong message of the priority the UK has in tackling sexual violence and the seriousness with which such allegations are viewed," the letter said. The British MPs in the letter noted that the investigation in Sweden was "discontinued only because of Assange's unavailability" while he was inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange was arrested by British Police from the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Thursday morning bringing to a dramatic end his seven-year stint here. Metropolitan Police officers made the arrest after Ecuador withdrew Assange's asylum and invited authorities into the embassy, citing the Australian's bad behaviour. Wikileaks on April 5 had reportedly indicated that its founder Assange is likely to be expelled from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has taken asylum since 2012, in the wake of INA papers leak. The INA papers are the cache of documents published in February 2019, allegedly uncovering the operations of INA Investment Corp., an offshore tax haven created by the brother of Ecuadorian President. Assange has been arrested for failing to surrender to the court over a warrant issued by Westminster Magistrates' Court in 2012, the New York Times reported quoting the London Police. However, Assange denies the Swedish allegations, which have a limitation period that expires in August 2020. Soon after the news broke that Assange had been arrested, the lawyer for the woman who accused him of rape took to social media saying that she and her client were shocked, but they had been "hoping and waiting" for it since 2012. "We are going to do everything we possibly can to get the Swedish police investigation re-opened so that Assange can be extradited to Sweden and prosecuted for rape," lawyer Elisabeth Massi Fritz tweeted. "No rape victim should have to wait 9 years to see justice be served," she added. The Swedish prosecution authorities on Thursday said that they were considering to reopen the investigation against Assange. If Sweden decides to go ahead with the investigation and submit its own extradition request, it would entirely be up to the UK court to decide on whether it should take precedence over the expected petition from the US. Assange will anyway have to serve a prison sentence for skipping bail in 2012 for the sexual assault and rape allegations, which a judge will determine at a later date. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Security personnel on Friday exercised their democratic franchise by voting through postal ballot for Tripura East parliamentary constituency. These security personnel, who will be on duty on the poll day, cast their votes in advance. Service voters belonging to defense and paramilitary forces have the option of either voting through postal ballot or through a proxy voter duly appointed by him/her. Earlier on April 6, the soldiers of Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) were the first to cast their vote for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in Arunachal Pradesh as Service Voters. The first vote of the country was cast by DIG Sudhakar Natarajan, head of ATS ITBP. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said alliance partners in 'mahagathbandhan' (grand alliance) are disappointed with Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) president MK Stalin pitch for Congress president Rahul Gandhi as prime ministerial candidate for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Addressing a public rally here, Modi said that all "friends" in the "mahamilawati (grand adulteration)" are aspiring to be the Prime Minister. Modi, who indirectly calls Rahul "naamdar", said: "Some days ago, the DMK leader proposed 'naamdar' as the prime ministerial candidate but no one was ready to accept it, not even their 'mahamilawati' friends. The proposal made other partners in the alliance unhappy since everyone in mahagathbandan wants to be the Prime Minister." Stalin while addressing a rally in December last year claimed that if Rahul became the Prime Minister he can provide a stable government. His statement came at a time when various political parties came together ahead of the ongoing General elections to defeat the ruling BJP government. Later, Stalin said there was nothing wrong with his proposal as he was merely expressing the wishes of the people of Tamil Nadu. Attacking the Opposition for its efforts to get united under the umbrella of 'mahagathbandhan' (grand alliance), Modi said that he was in Tamil Nadu to give people of the state an account of the work done by the BJP-led NDA government and also to expose the "Mahamilawat". "In 2014, I assured to bring development. Today, I am here to give you the account of the work done and also to expose the 'Mahamilawat'," Modi said while addressing a public gathering here. Describing partners of the grand alliance "sworn enemies", Modi said: "India is progressing and this is the reason why Congress, DMK and their 'mahamilavat' don't want me. Sworn enemies have come together in an attempt to defeat Modi." Attacking the Congress and the DMK over the 2G spectrum allocation scam, the Prime Minister said, "Those of you, who recall 1979, would know how the Congress had humiliated the DMK. More recently, when the 2G scam happened, DMK leaders were criticising Congress. Despite such bitterness in the past, today, the Congress and the DMK are together again in an attempt to mislead the people. All the corrupt have ganged up in an attempt to defeat Modi." Addressing a large crowd, Modi also mentioned about Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman who shot down a Pakistani F-16 from his MiG-21 Bison and was later, held captive by Pakistani authorities on February 27 after his MiG 21 Bison went down during a beyond visual range combat with Pakistani jets. Accusing the Congress for questioning the armed forces, Modi said, "We are not compromising on nation's security. A brave pilot from Tamil Nadu was attacked by Pakistan aircraft. Our government safeguarded the pilot. But, Congress is questioning our soldiers." Modi also paid homage to former Tamil Nadu Chief Ministers MG Ramachandran popularly known as MGR and J Jayalalithaa saying India is proud of these two iconic leaders who lived and worked for the poor. The Prime Minister paid respect to the victims of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. "This is the 100th year anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Also, I recall and respect Perungamanallur martyrs here in Madurai," he said. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on 13 April 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer fired machine guns into a crowd of unarmed protesters and pilgrims who had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh in Punjab's Amritsar on the occasion of Baisakhi. Voting in Tamil Nadu will take place on April 18. Counting of votes will take place on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) BJP on Saturday asked the leaders from opposition parties to be mindful of their language while making statements on the armed forces. "You have seen today that ( Conference leader) Farooq Abdullah who is part of the adulterous alliance is making anti-India remarks every day. Rahul Gandhi and Congress should reply whether they agree with Farooq or not," BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said while addressing a press conference here in the capital. "If they don't agree, then they should condemn it and disassociate themselves from the remarks made by Farooq Abdullah," Hussain added. "BJP strongly condemns remarks made by Farooq Abdullah. Please mind your language when you are talking about the brave jawans," he said while asserting that politicisation of the jawans killing causes hurt to the 130 crore people in the country. Hussain's comments come in the wake of Conference (NC) leader Farooq Abdullah claim on Saturday that the incumbent ruling government is merely "beating the drums" in the name of the Balakot air strike. The NC leader scoffed at BJP's claim of killing hundreds of Pakistani soldiers across the LoC and called it "fake". Terming All India United Democratic Front (AIDUF) leader Badruddin Ajmal as the 'B' team of Congress, the BJP spokesperson said, "Ajmal said that after elections he will send our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah out of the country. Badruddin Ajmal is the leader of infiltrators." "Everyone knows that Ajmal's runs only on the fact that he shelters Bangladeshi infiltrators, protects them and speaks for them. His party is known as an organisation for the Bangladeshi infiltrators," Hussain said. Training his guns at Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan, the BJP spokesperson said, "I also want to tell Azam Khan, please mind your language. It is because of your tongue that people of UP taught a lesson to Mulayam Singh Yadav and Akhilesh Yadav." "He wants to create communal tension in the country. Azam is changing the name of "Bajrang Bali" to "Bajrang Ali". What kind of language is this?" he questioned. The BJP spokesperson accused the SP leader of insulting Hindus as well as Muslims and questioned why Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind and Darul Uloom Deoband who kept commenting on every issue were silent on these remarks. Commenting on the first phase of polls, Hussain said that the rival parties have accepted that people will make Narendra Modi the next Prime Minister of the country. "They have accepted that people will make Modi the next Prime Minister and we are getting support from all communities for this," he said. The BJP spokesperson also alleged that all remarks made against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah were being made at the behest of Rahul Gandhi. Accusing Rahul Gandhi of contempt of court for his statements on a recent judgement in the Rafale deal, he said: "Meenakshi Lekhi has filed a contempt plea and we are hopeful of getting justice on that." He also urged the party to stop spreading rumours and prepare a reply for the contempt notice. The BJP leader also alleged that Congress is looting the money of children of the poor. "The party which talked of NYAY and poverty, today wants to loot the money of children of poor. "Tughlaq Road Scam" is happening and Congress is not giving an answer to the poor people," he said. Hussain was referring to the money recovered from the recent I-T raids in Madya Pradesh. Reacting to reports that Congress might field Priyanka Gandhi Vadra from Varanasi, he accused the Congress party of spreading rumours. "Our Prime Minister is contesting from Varanasi and he will win with a bigger margin this time. It is true that no candidate is being found to contest against him." Commenting on Digvijay Singh's remark on donate land for a Ram Temple in Bhopal, he said, "What has happened to Digvijay Singh? He knows Kamal Nath has trapped him. Now he is visiting temples and Mazars. Ram Mandir will be built in Ayodhya." Reacting to BSP chief Mayawati's remarks in Deoband, Hussain alleged said, "She has made communal remarks earlier too. She got out on zero last time and she will be there this time too. We will go from 73 to 74 while she will go from zero to minus zero." He urged the Election Commission to take notice of such remarks. "When Yogi Adityanath makes a statement, it is taken cognizance but Mayawati is making such remarks on a daily basis to polarise. It means she is accepting that she is not getting votes from that community. When she did not get votes on giving 100 tickets, then what will she get now?" he questioned. Reacting to the Congress jibe on Smriti Irani, the BJP spokesperson said, "Amethi MP (Rahul Gandhi) went to Waynad as soon as Smriti landed in Amethi. There too, Rahul is not in good condition. Priyanka Gandhi might have to visit there." "So much abuse and hatred against Smriti Irani is indicative that this time the lotus will bloom in Amethi," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Saturday hit out at Union Minister and SAD leader Harsimrat Kaur Badal for asking him to seek an apology from Congress president Rahul Gandhi for the Operation Blue Star. In response to a tweet by Badal, Singh asked her if her husband (Sukhbir Singh Badal) ever apologised for his grandfather Sardar Sunder Singh Majithia's lavish dinner to Gen Dyer on the day of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. "Did you, your husband @officeofssbadal or his father, Prakash Singh Badal, ever apologise for your great grandfather, Sardar Sunder Singh Majithia's lavish dinner to Gen Dyer on the day of Jallianwala Bagh massacre? He was later knighted in 1926 for his loyalty and his deeds," Singh wrote on his Twitter handle. A Tweeter war broke out between the two leaders from Punjab when Harsimrat asked Singh to seek Rahul's apology for the Operation Blue Star. "Punjab CM Capt Amarinder took Rahul Gandhi to Sri Akal Takht Sahib but lacked courage to ask him admit the Indian Congress' sin of demolishing Sikhs' highest religio-temporal seat with tanks and mortars. What a contrast with demand for British apology for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre," Harsimrat tweeted. "Amarinder Singh is seeking apology from British Govt for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. What about an apology from Gandhis for Operation Blue Star?," she wrote in another tweet. The Indian Army carried out the Operation Blue Star between June 1 and June 8 in 1984. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, ordered the military operation to flush out Sikh militants including Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, who were accumulating weapons in Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple). Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Friday prayed at the Akal Takht along with Chief Minister Singh. The brutal Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place on April 13, 1919. The people had assembled peacefully at the Bagh to condemn the arrest of two leaders -- Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew -- when they were fired upon indiscriminately at the order of tyrant British General Dyer. The shooting had continued for ten minutes claiming 379 lives as per government estimates, though the figure is believed to be much higher. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Taking a jibe at Congress president Rahul Gandhi, Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya on Friday said that people of the country must choose between a leader who gives a befitting reply to the enemy and a leader who winks in the parliament. Addressing an election rally, he said, "It is time for the country to decide whether it needs a prime minister who orders for retaliation or the one who winks while sitting in the parliament." "Prime Minister Narendra Modi works at least eighteen hours a day and hasn't taken even a single leave in the last five years. He needs your support to further develop the nation", he added. The deputy chief minister also launched a scathing attack on the opposition parties by saying, "Demonetisation and lack of vote has infuriated the elephant. The elephant which had gone fat after eating money has become even smaller than buffalo's calf. The cycle that used to grab land and houses has been broken by people. There is also a hand that has only robbed the country". The seven-phase Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh began on April 11 and will culminate on May 19. Counting of votes will be held on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Creating a single mechanism for regulating the receipt of documents for Russian citizenship would simplify the procedure for obtaining the Russian Federation citizenship for all interested parties, an analyst of the news agency Vestnik Kavkaza, Nikita Vlasov, told in the National Question program on Vesti FM. The National Question is a weekly program on Vesti.FM, during which various aspects of national relations, primarily in Russia, are discussed. The peculiarities of the perception of the dual citizenship institution in the post-Soviet countries were discussed in todays program. Nikita Vlasov noted that the greatest changes in legislation regarding the acquisition of the Russian Federation citizenship could be observed in recent years. "In the fall, President Vladimir Putin adopted a new concept of migration policy until 2025. It specifies the rules for entering and obtaining the right to reside, work, and acquire Russian citizenship, and simplified the rules for obtaining Russian citizenship for various groups, including Russian speaking people, investors, teachers, doctors and others ", the expert said. Nikita Vlasov stressed that obtaining of the Russian Federation citizenship for citizens of Ukraine was significantly simplified. Now, its enough for them to provide only a notarized document confirming the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship. In addition, starting this year, graduates of Russian universities who graduated after 2002 can also receive the Russian Federation citizenship without any complicated procedures, he said. All this creates a favorable background not only for the revitalization of work with compatriots but also for improving relations with foreign countries because at the moment foreigners documents are considered for no longer than six months. The citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have even more advantages in this regard since the consideration of their documents takes only three months, the analyst of Vestnik Kavkaza specified. The expert added that the authorities of these countries, especially the states of Central Asia, perceive the issue of dual citizenship differently. "For example, the Tajik authorities signed an agreement on the recognition of dual civil status with Russia, thanks to which Tajiks and Russians can have dual citizenship on a completely legal basis, and thanks to the signed agreement, absolutely anyone can become a dual national, he said. "A slightly different situation can be observed in Kazakhstan, where the authorities are trying to closely monitor whether a citizen has a second passport. The economic factor played the greatest role in this issue. In fact, the main reason for taking such a step is the risk of financial losses. The situation, when a person lives in another state, has another citizenship, but receive pensions or any other social benefits within his first country, must be dealt," the analyst said. "Although, of course, I would like to note that it is the Russian population living in the north of the country who mainly come from Kazakhstan to Russia in order to obtain citizenship, and they receive it in the framework of the State program to facilitate voluntary resettlement of compatriots to the Russian Federation," expert noted. "In general, I think that if it is possible to establish a single mechanism for regulating the process of obtaining the necessary documents, it will really help to reduce the level of dissatisfaction and simplify the procedure for obtaining citizenship for all those interested in this. The changes that we saw during the last year already demonstrate positive results ", Nikita Vlasov concluded. The BJP on Saturday fired a fresh salvo at the Congress over its promise of removing the sedition law mentioned in its manifesto, accusing the grand old party of siding with the "tukde tukde gang" referring to the Opposition's unity which is seeking to dethrone the BJP government from power. "The Congress is with the tukde tukde gang. They are making their point of view absolutely clear. Anybody who wants to break India into different pieces and celebrate that, should there be a sedition law or not? They are on the side with the tukde tukde gang," New Delhi BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi told reporters here. "Anything which harms the integrity of this country, we will take strong steps," she added. The Congress released its manifesto on April 2, in which it promised to remove the sedition law to give a "fillip to freedom of expression" in the country if the party was voted to power. The provision for sedition under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code says, "Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine." Since then, the BJP has attacked the Congress over the issue, questioning the motive of the proposal. On Friday, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh not only slammed the Congress for it, but he also said that BJP will make it even more stringent if it came to power again. Addressing an election rally in Botad in Gujarat, Singh had said, "If someone tries to break India, should they be forgiven? They say they will end the sedition law, to whom are they giving a signal? If our government comes to power, we will make the sedition law even more stringent." A complaint has been filed against Congress president Rahul Gandhi in Agra for promising to scrap the law. Lawyer Narendra Sharma filed the complaint in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate and said that it will come up for hearing on April 16. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Senior Congress leader and party's Darjeeling Lok Sabha candidate Shankar Malakar has accused West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of 'resorting to cheap methods' against her opponents. Malakar's comments came after Darjeeling district administration denied permission for landing Rahul Gandhi's chopper. The Gandhi scion was scheduled to address a rally here on April 14. In a statement, Malakar said: "Such disdain shown by the local administration towards our party president as well as star campaigner Rahul Gandhi clearly shows that the Trinamool and its Supremo is scared and resorting to such cheap and unconstitutional methods against her opponents." "Due permission was sought via the official app, for a program of Congress President Rahul Gandhi, but permission was denied for his helicopter to land on the April 14, even when the permission for the actual venue of the meet was already given on April 7th," he claimed. Congress candidate Malakar also said that no new dates for Rahul Gandhi's rally could be obtained as polling in Darjeeling will take place on April 18 and it is not easy to reschedule visit of a SPG protected leader. The second phase of polling will be held on April 18. The seven-phased Lok Sabha election will end on May 19. The result will be announced on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) US Senators John Cornyn and Mark Warner have asked the US State Department to delay the issuance of a Presidential proclamation to withdraw India's GSP benefit "by at least 30 days" beyond the stipulated time in order to move negotiations beyond ongoing elections, which may "serve as a hindrance" for the Indian side. In a letter addressed to US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, the co-chairs of the United States Senate's India Caucus said: "As you know, India's elections will conclude on May 23, 2019. We believe that the election season may serve as a hindrance for our Indian counterparts in negotiating and concluding a deal on difficult political issues." "If another round of negotiations during the election season does not resolve the outstanding issues, we would ask you to consider delaying the issuance of a Presidential proclamation to withdraw India's Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) benefits by at least 30 days, beyond the 60 day calendar, in order to move the negotiations beyond India's elections," the co-signed letter, sent on April 12, read. "We believe that allowing for continued negotiations beyond the elections would underscore the importance of this bilateral relationship and provide a real opportunity to resolve these market access issues, potentially improving the overall US-India relationship for years to come," the two Senators wrote. This comes as US President Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw India from the list of countries enjoying the GSP program on goods exported to the US last month. Trump cited India's non-compliance with the statutory eligibility criteria as the reason behind the decision. Under the GSP or zero-tariff policy measures, India enjoys tariff concession costing to USD 5.6 billion of exports to the US. India has been the world's largest beneficiary of the GSP scheme that has been in force since the 1970s. The two Senators highlighted that the US decision would affect American consumers. "While we agree that there are a number of market access issues that can and should be addressed, we do remain concerned that the withdrawal of duty concessions will make Indian exports of eligible products to the United States costlier, as the importer of those products will have to pay a "Most Favored Nation" (MFN), duty which is higher than the rate under GSP. Some of these costs will likely be passed on to American consumers," the letter stated. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Delhi Police on Saturday claimed to have busted a gang of automated teller machine (ATM) robbers. "We have arrested a member of the gang, which was active in the capital region," said police. The arrested person has been identified as Sohrab, a resident of Nuh district in Haryana. Police said that Sohrab, who was arrested on Friday, along with his associates Shahid, Alijaan, Nambardar, Azruddin, and Aiyyum used to break ATMs with the help of a gas cutter and take out the cash. They once used a Scorpio car and a thick rope to drag an entire ATM. "Within two months, his gang looted several ATMs in parts of Sonipat, Badli, Kalanaur, and Charkhi Dadri. They also looted cash from ATMs in Dwarka's Sector 28, Fatehpur Beri and Nazafgarh areas," said police. Police recovered Rs 2.5 lakh, one gas cylinder, one gas cutter with a sheet cutting nozzle, two plastic gas pipes, and one wide long belt. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) BJP General Secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya on Saturday said that it will be "deliberate suicide" on the part of Digvijay Singh if the latter files his nomination from the Bhopal parliamentary constituency. "If he files his nomination from Bhopal, he would be committing suicide deliberately," Vijayvargiya said, alleging that Chief Minister Kamal Nath has "trapped" Digvijay into filing the nomination. Previously, Vijayvargiya had expressed his desire to contest from Bhopal. "I am all ready to contest against Digvijaya if my party allows me. It will be fun to fight against him on the Bhopal seat. Kamal Nath and Jyotiraditya Scindia have trapped Digvijaya by selecting him for the Bhopal seat," he told media personnel. Exuding confidence of a BJP win, Vijayvargiya said: "BJP will win the elections in Madhya Pradesh irrespective of who is contesting against them in the state." He also confirmed claims that the eight-time Member of Parliament (MP) from Indore, Sumitra Mahajan was denied the ticket by the BJP as she was more than 75 years old. "Our party has a policy that we do not give the ticket to anyone above the age of 75. She was also fine with the decision taken by the party fold," Viayvargiya said. In Madhya Pradesh, polling takes place in four phases on April 29, May 6, May 12 and May 19. Indore parliamentary constituency will vote on May 19. Counting of votes will be held on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Senior Congress leader and former Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh on Saturday announced to give the land of District Congress Committee (DCC) to the Ram Temple Trust. "I want to tell you that land for the Ram temple was provided during our term. The land was provided for the DCC office as well. The Congress party has decided that this land will also be allotted to Ram Mandir Trust," Singh said while talking to reporters here. Asked about the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Singh, who is contesting Lok Sabha seat from Bhopal, said, "The matter is in the court. Let there be a decision." The Ram temple lies in front of the District Congress Committee office. The polling for 29 Lok Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh is scheduled to be held in four phases from April 29 to May 19. The results will be announced on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The first-ever blackhole to be pictured has been named 'Powehi' by a Hawaiian professor Larry Kimura, who was tasked with the job by astronomers involved in the project. The groundbreaking picture of the black hole, which is at the centre of a galaxy named Messier 87 about 54 million light years away, was released during six simultaneous news conferences on Wednesday. 'Powehi' is a Hawaiian phrase, which finds roots in the Kumulipo, an 18th-century Hawaiian chant which describes a story of creation, according to CNN. Two terms of the chant are put together in the name - 'Po' which means a profound dark source of unending creation and 'Wehi' which is one of the several ways 'Po' is described in the chant. "It is awesome that we, as Hawaiians today, are able to connect to an identity from long ago, as chanted in the 2,102 lines of the Kumulipo, and bring forward this precious inheritance for our lives today," Kimura, a professor at the University of Hawaii said. "To have the privilege of giving a Hawaiian name to the very first scientific confirmation of a black hole is very meaningful to me and my Hawaiian lineage that comes from po. I hope we are able to continue naming future black holes from Hawaii astronomy according to the Kumulipo," he added. Powehi's picture, which has triggered a "paradigm shift," shows a doughnut-like body, which scientists say is the dark silhouette of the black hole against the hot, glowing material that surrounds it. It shows the event horizon which is the boundary between light and dark around a black hole. "This major scientific achievement marks a paradigm shift in our understanding of black holes, confirms the predictions of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and opens up new lines of enquiry into our universe," the European Commission tweeted after the picture's release. More than 200 scientists were involved in taking the image, through the Event Horizon Telescope, in a project which spanned across a decade. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday hit out at the grand alliance stating that it is 'Rent a Cause' campaign which has no leader, no gathbandhan, no common minimum programme, and no real issue."There is no leader, no gathbandhan, no common minimum programme and no real issue. Not surprisingly, there are not many takers for a "failed campaign". It is 'Rent a Cause' Campaign," Jaitley said in a blog post. He added that the Opposition wasted the past two years dealing with "manufacturing issues" which did not exist. "To oust a popular Government, an extremely popular Prime Minister, you need some real issues, not fictional issues. The Opposition wasted the past two years in a run-up to the polls 'manufacturing issues' which didn't exist. The false campaign on Rafale didn't carry much weight. Loan waiver to industrialists was a lie, the EVM as an instrument of rigging was a bigger lie. Now that they are in the midst of the campaign for over a month what is the issue which they are able to focus on?" he asked. Criticising the Opposition for bringing a new cause every day against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP, Jaitley said: "One day Pulwama was questioned as self-engineered. The next day Balakot was questioned as a non-existent operation." The Union Minister was referring to the February 14 Pulwama suicide bombing in which 40 CRPF jawans had been killed. The attack was followed by an air strike carried out by the Indian Air Force on terror launch pads at Balakot. Shedding light on the recent anti-satellite missile test, Jaitley said, "The anti-satellite missile was passed off as a Nehruvian contribution even though Panditji's correspondence with Dr Homi Bhabha established to the contrary. One day BJP is accused of whipping up war hysteria, the other day it is dubbed as pro-Pakistan." Speaking about the recent questions being raised by the opposition regarding Union textile minister Smriti Irani's educational qualifications, Jaitley said: "One day the focus would be on the BJP candidate's educational qualification, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi's academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. After all, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree!"Continuing his tirade against the Mahagathbandhan, Jaitley said the Opposition is in a "disarray" in many states as alliances have not worked out. Talking about the verbal battles between the Left, Trinamool, Congress, and AAP, the Union Minister said: "The BSP leader Mayawati and the Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee leave no stone unturned in running down the Congress president (Rahul Gandhi)." "The false campaign on Rafale didn't carry much weight. Loan waiver to industrialists was a lie, the EVM as an instrument of rigging was a bigger lie. Now that they are in the midst of the campaign for over a month what is the issue which they are able to focus on?" he said. Jaitley also targeted grand alliance for conducting a signature campaign against the BJP, "One important tactic is being to get some critics of the government in different sections to sign memorandums against the BJP. Even in the 2014 campaign, such desperate memorandums were signed. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday assured that if voted to power, his government would ensure the establishment of a separate Jal Shakti Ministry to cater to many aspects relating to water. Addressing a public gathering at Ramanathapuram, the Prime Minister said: "After May 23, when the Modi Government will once again assume office, there will be a separate Ministry for Jal Shakti. This Ministry will cater to many aspects relating to water." "The NDA govt had devoted a lot of attention to Water resources. There will be a separate ministry for Jal Shakti to ensure clean water and top class irrigation water facilities for the farmers," he added. The pre-poll promise assumes significance as the state has been dealing with multiple issues over the allocation of water with its neighbouring states of Kerala and Karnataka. Talking about the Centre's efforts to develop connectivity and tourism sectors in Tamil Nadu, the Prime Minister said: "Work is fast progressing on doubling of railway tracks between Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi. The 100-year-old Pamban Bridge has been transformed into a state-of-the-art bridge." Prime Minister Modi went on to say that when the Congress was in power, it remained "helpless and silent" while bomb blast took place in one state after another. "Those who cannot protect India can never develop the nation. When the Congress and their allies were in power, terrorists were attacking the nation regularly. City after city, there were blasts. But, Congress remained helpless and silent," he said. "Times have changed now. India will not spare a single terrorist or Jihadi. If they dare to attack us, we will find them from wherever they are and ruin their happiness. But if Congress and its allies come to power then a free hand will be given to terrorists and separatists," he added. Claiming that the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and Muslim leagues do not believe in the dignity of women, the Prime Minister said: "We brought a bill in the Parliament to abolish the practice of Triple Talaq but Congress, DMK and Muslim League opposed it." Prime Minister Modi also said the Congress, Communist and Muslim League are playing a "dangerous game" regarding the Sabarimala temple row. "They are using brute force to strike at the root of faith and express. Sadly for them, till BJP is there no one will be able to destroy our faith and culture." "If you go to Delhi, prime real estate has been used for the memorials of members of one family as if no other person contributed to India except one family," said Prime Minister Modi in a veiled jibe at the Gandhi family. Stressing that several fishermen have been brought back from Sri Lanka under his government's rule, Prime Minister Modi said: "Our hardworking fishermen depend on the seas for their income. Your Chowkidar has been able to take path-breaking decisions for the welfare of fishermen. Almost 1900 Indian fishermen have been released from Sri Lanka. Some of them who came back were facing a death sentence." He added that coming to Ramanathapuram reminds him of the great scientist and former president Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam."He had several dreams for our nation. Today, it is our duty to fulfill those dreams and take India to new heights of growth and glory." "I am an MP from Varanasi which is connected to Ramanathapuram by the bonds of faith and spirituality," the Prime Minister further said. Voting in Tamil Nadu will take place on April 18. Counting of votes will take place on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the Congress party's tendency of keeping things secret was responsible for the country lagging behind technologically. "Congress says they did not conduct the test earlier as they wanted to keep it a secret. It was this approach of keeping secrets due to which India lagged behind in technology," said PM Narendra Modi, while addressing a public rally here, in which he talked about "Mission Shakti". "Today the courage is shown by Modi and the whole world is recognizing our stealth," he added. Last month, PM Modi announced that India's anti-satellite weapon A-SAT successfully destroyed a live satellite on a low earth orbit, joining a group of three countries - the US, Russia and China - with such capability. His address to the nation generated a massive row with opposition alleging him of violating the MCC, however, Election Commission gave him a clean chit. He also alleged that blasts took place in the Country in the Congress regime while Congress government put the entire blame on a person and change its Home Minister. "When Congress' 'mahamilavati' remote government was at centre, didn't blasts occur in Bengaluru? Was not the nation living under fear of terror attacks? Did any major blast took place in last five years of your "chowkidaar's chowkidaari". It was the power of your one vote that made it possible," he said. "When blasts used to take place in the nation, Congress government used to change its Home Minister and put the entire blame on one person. But Modi doesn't change the Home Minister, Modi changes the ways," said the prime minister. For its 28 Lok Sabha seats in Karnataka, 14 will go to polls on 18 April in the second phase while rest of the half seats will go for polls on 23 April in the third phase. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In the wake of massive flooding in Iran, Pope Francis has sent 100,000 euros (about $113,000) for emergency aid, Catholic News Agency reported. The money, sent through the Vaticans office for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, is intended as an immediate expression of the feeling of spiritual closeness on the part of the Holy Father towards the affected people and territories, according to an April 12 press release. The donation will be distributed through the local nunciature and go toward relief work and assistance. Stepping up its attack on the BJP-led government, the Congress on Saturday accused Anil Ambani's Reliance for getting special benefit from the French government in the form of the tax settlement days after the deal for the Rafale fighter jets was signed. Ministry of Defence and Reliance group were quick to issue rebuttals on the allegations saying connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is "inaccurate, tendentious and a mischievous attempt to disinform." Responding to the Congress allegation, the Defence Ministry said: "We have seen reports drawing conjectural connection between tax exemption to a private company and procurement of Rafale fighter jets by Government of India. Neither the period of the tax concession nor the subject matter of the concession relate even remotely to the Rafale procurement concluded during the tenure of the present Government. Any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform." Quoting French newspaper, Le Monde, at a media conference here, senior party leader and party spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said: "Between February and October 2015, while the French were negotiating the Rafale contract with India, Anil Ambani enjoyed a tax waiver of 143.7 million euros from the French state." "The French tax authorities who had earlier demanded close to 150 million euros from the Reliance-owned company, Reliance Atlantic Flag France, agreed to settle the matter with just 7.5 million euros, the rest of the demand was simply waved, and this is Le Monde's claim, not mine," said Surjewala. "Layers of connivance, crony capitalism and corruption are now getting unveiled. As soon as Modiji came to power he scrapped the deal signed by United Progressive Alliance (UPA) for 126 Rafale jets at Rs 526 crore per unit with a transfer of technology clause. Then he went to France and announced that Made in France Rafales will now be purchased at Rs 1600 crore per unit," he said. He also stated that former French President Francois Hollande had claimed that excluding Rafale and bringing in Reliance Group was done as per the wishes of the Indian government. "As soon as the deal was signed the Modi government transferred 70 per cent of the deal amount (Rs 50,000 crores approximately) to Dassault Aviation as advance payment, this same amount was invested by Dassault in AA's (Anil Ambani) company by Dassault. This is how Modi kripa works," said Surjewala. Responding to the allegations, Reliance Communications released a statement denying any "favouritism or gain" from French authorities. The tax demands were completely "unsustainable and illegal" the statement said, and claimed that tax disputes were settled "as per legal framework in France available to all companies operating in France." Reliance Communications said that between 2008 and 2012, Flag France had an operating loss of Rs 20 crore (EUR2.7 million) while the French tax authorities had raised a tax demand of over Rs 1,100 crore for the same period. "A mutual settlement agreement was signed to pay Rs 56 crore as a final settlement," it said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Members of the Hazara community on Saturday demonstrated a sit-in protest demanding better security measures for their people following the massive blast in Hazarganji market area, a day before. The minority community has been staging the protest at Western Bypass of Quetta for last 23 hours urging the government to implement an effective security plan and ensure the protection of the Hazara community, The News International reported. "Once again our people were the target and once again we will have to bury our dear ones," Qadir Nayil, a Hazara community leader was quoted, as saying. "We demand more security from the government and all those involved in today's act of terrorism should be found and punished," he added. At least 20 people were reportedly killed and over 48 others injured in a suicide blast believed to be targeting members of the minority Shia Hazara community in Quetta's Hazarganji market on Friday morning. The attack claimed the lives of nine Hazara and one Frontier Corps (FC) soldier who was deputed for the community's security, Deputy Inspector General (DIG), Quetta, Abdul Razzaq Cheema informed. However, Balochistan Home Minister Ziaullah Langove, on Friday in a press conference, said that the blast was not targeting "a specific community". "Our guess is that no specific community was targeted. Marri Baloch and FC personnel were among those killed as well. The numbers of the Hazara community were just greater," Langove said. Samaa News reported that a faction of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility of the attack. The group said it collaborated with banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a terror group plotting numerous attacks against the on Hazara community in Balochistan. Amid the on-going US-led peace talks in Afghanistan, the Taliban on Friday announced its annual spring offensive or the so-called fighting season, aiming to "eradicate occupation" and "cleanse Muslim homeland from invasion and corruption". Women and children belonging to the Hazara community were among the protestors staging the sit-in since shortly after the blast. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Nigerian drug peddler has been arrested from Dada Badi area, said the Delhi Police on Saturday. Police have seized five grams of fine quality cocaine from him along with his scooty. "Drug peddler, identified as Chukwuma Christian, 21, is a resident of Ontshe in Nigeria. He was operating from Mehrauli," police said. "On Friday evening, we got information that some Nigerian nationals are indulging into drug peddling in South Delhi area." "We mounted our sensitising secret informers and surveillance in the prospective area where those foreigners were roaming," said police. The drug peddler was apprehended by the team of Narcotics consisting of Sub-Inspector Varun Gulia, Assistant Sub-Inspector Ram Pratap, Head Constables Rajender and Vinay, Constables Satish and Sonu. Police have registered a case under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS Act) at Mehrauli police station. Further investigation is underway. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Pakistan and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will soon sign a package for bailing out the country's ailing economy, Finance Minister Asad Umar has said. "During the last two days, we have, more or less, reached an understanding. In the next one day or two, we hope to reach a full agreement and then we will share the details with you," Dawn quoted the Finance Minister as saying during a press briefing at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington on Thursday (local time) night. Addressing a small group of Pakistani-Americans at the embassy, Asad said that the IMF would send its staff on a mission to Islamabad later this month to finalise technical details of the financial programme. Asad flew to Washington on Tuesday to attend spring meetings of the Bank Group, including the IMF and the Asian Development Bank. On the sidelines, the Finance Minister also held a bilateral meeting with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The meeting was considered to be of vital importance as the US support is crucial for any Bank or IMF package. The IMF, in an annual report released on Tuesday, warned that Pakistan's growth rate may remain at 2.5 per cent till 2024 unless Islamabad undertakes much-needed economic reforms. During the meetings in Washington, the leaders discussed projects in which the Bank and the IMF could further increase its investments in Pakistan. Asad did not disclose the size of the proposed bailout package but asserted that his country made certain changes in the economy before approaching the IMF, and therefore the current account deficit was less than 70 per cent from the last year. Answering a question on the IMF's concern regarding China, Asad assured that there would be no overlapping between the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project and the IMF programme. Asad said that the total size of the CPEC projects right now was USD 27 billion, out of which USD four billion includes equity and some domestic debt. "The total debt which is related to the CPEC is about USD 20 billion or less than that," he explained while noting that the debt that Pakistan owes to China is just about 10 per cent of the country's total public debt. Earlier this week, three US lawmakers urged the Trump administration to oppose the IMF bailout to Pakistan arguing that Islamabad would use the package to pay off the debt it owes to China under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor projects, state media reported. In addition, Washington had further linked the IMF package to Pakistan meeting its obligations as laid out by the Financial Action Task Force, which tracks and tackles money laundering and terrorism funding. Asad said that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has to make a decision by September. However, Pakistan has made a significant improvement in its system and increased its compliance. "There's also a general acknowledgment that Pakistan has taken a very clear stance in terms of the proscribed organisations and there are very structural, methodical actions taking place with the decisions at the highest level," Asad was quoted as saying. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In a scathing attack, Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala on Saturday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comments on the grand old party's Nyuntam Aay Yojana (NYAY) scheme, saying it reflected the latter's "anti-poor mindset". "The Prime Minister is opposing NYAY scheme because he is anti-poor. Why the Prime Minister, who promised Rs 15 lakh and delivered none, is opposing the scheme which gives Rs 72,000 per year to the poorest families of India? This shows his anti-poor mindset," Surjewala told ANI. Playing on the word NYAY, the Congress' ambitious poll promise for the poor, Modi earlier today said that who will give 'nyay' (justice) to the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots and the Bhopal gas tragedy that happened under the Congress regime. In the Congress manifesto, the NYAY scheme has promised that it will give Rs 72,000 per year to 20 per cent of India's poorest, if the party emerges victorious in the Lok Sabha elections. "I want to ask the Congress party that who will do the 'nyay' with the victims of 1984 riots? Who will do the 'nyay' with the governments of the great MGR (MG Ramachandran) ji which were dismissed by Congress just because of one family did not like those leaders? Who will do 'nyay' with the victims of Bhopal gas tragedy, the first environmental disaster in India? That too happened under the Congress rule," Modi had said. Referring to Congress poll campaign with the tag line 'Ab Hoga Nyay' (Now, there will be justice), Modi had claimed that the party in a way is admitting that it did injustice for 60 years. "Congress and dishonesty are best friends but sometimes, by mistake, they end up speaking the truth. Now they are saying, 'Ab Hoga Nyay'. Even if they did not intend to, they have admitted that all they have done so far is 'an-nyay'. It means they agree that they did injustice to the nation for 60 long years," Modi said. Attacking the Prime Minister for his remarks, Surjewala said, "In the past five years, many have been pushed below the poverty line because of the flawed policies of GST and demonetisation. Instead of lauding the (NYAY) scheme and saying it should be implemented bereft of political partisanship, he is saying something that is gravely anti-poor." Congress president Rahul Gandhi had also attacked Modi for his criticism on the NYAY scheme. Hitting out at Modi for questioning the source of funds to implement NYAY scheme, Rahul had recently taken a jibe at the Prime Minister saying the money for the proposal will come from pockets of 'Chowkidar' (watchman) and businessmen like Anil Ambani, Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi. "Whenever we talk about giving money to the poor people, Narendra Modi says where will the money come from? I will tell you where the money will come from. It will come from the pockets of people like Anil Ambani, Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi and 'Chowkidar'," he had said at a public rally in Gaya on April 9. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Poland on Friday (local time) barred Russian tall ship Sedov from entering its territorial waters, alleging that naval cadets from Crimea were on board. "We believe that allowing the Russian tall ship enter Poland's territorial waters would contradict its policy of respecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine," TASS quoted Polish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ewa Suwara, as saying. The minister claimed that the ship had cadets from Crimea, and Poland does not recognise the annexation of Crimea. This comes days after Sedov was reportedly denied entry into Estonian waters, citing similar reasons. Crimea was annexed by Russian troops in March 2014. Moscow had claimed that Crimea became a part of Russia, following a referendum, where the population of Crimea agreed to switch from Ukrainian nationality to Russian, Al Jazeera reported. The annexation led to tensions and violence in the Crimean peninsula, which also saw then pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich being overthrown, following massive demonstrations in that year. Last year, the United States imposed a new set of sanctions on a dozen of Russian individuals pertaining to Russia's annexation of Crimea. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Friday prayed at the Akal Takht, Golden temple. Rahul was accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh. The Congress president is scheduled to pay floral tributes tomorrow at the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial. The Year 2019 marks the Centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, also known as the Amritsar Massacre that occurred on April 13, 1919. On this day, soldiers of the British Indian Army, on the orders of Colonel Reginald Dyer, massacred peaceful and unarmed celebrators, including women and children, on the occasion of the Baisakhi. This massacre is remembered as one of the deadliest attacks on peaceful civilians in the world. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Just a day after taking over, the head of Sudan's transitional military council, Awad Ibn Auf, stepped down from his post on Friday (local time). "I, the head of the military council, announce I am giving up the post," Auf said. "This is for the benefit of our nation, without having to look at special interests, big or small that may impede its progress. I would like to recommend that you work together and reach a solution very speedily," he said in the statement. Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Burhan has been named as his successor, according to Al Jazeera. The announcement was met with cheers in the Sudanese capital where people had been protesting against the military leader's taking over after Omar al-Bashir's exit from power. Burhan, meanwhile, is slated to address the Sudanese public on Saturday. After toppling the President in Sudan, Auf made the announcement of the formation of a transitional military council for a period of two years - a decision which was met with sharp criticism from the Sudanese Professionals Association who have been spearheading protests which led to the eventual overthrow of the Sudanese President. "We are seeking the immediate transfer of power, not a month or two years later. The forces that are seeking reforms have specific demands on following the democratic path that will solve the corruption issue and other problems that resulted from the rule of the salvation government (of former President Omar Bashir)," Sputnik quoted SPA's Mohammad Youssef as saying. Protesters have been taking to streets in Sudan for months now, as initial protests were triggered by the rise in the prices of bread amongst other consumer goods. Calls for al-Bashir's, who has been ruling Sudan since the past 30 years, resignation gained traction during the protests, leading to the former President resigning on Thursday. At least 31 people have lost their lives in the protests until now. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Tripura Health Minister Sudip Roy Barman surrendered his police escort pushing for the safety of doctors after an on-duty surgeon was critically injured when he was thrashed by a patient party. "....I am compelled to surrender my escorts as long as adequate Police security in IGM and other District Hospitals is provided and is strengthened in G.B Hospital round the clock," Barman said in his letter to Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Friday. "I would like to write to you to inform that since recent past there have been many instances of abuse/man-handling/physical assault of the Doctors and other health staff. The Govt. Doctors and other staff have been feeling highly insecure working at various government hospitals," the Health Minister said. He further requested Deb to ensure that the "criminals behind such "inhumane" and barbaric acts for the last one year are taken to task. He said, "The morale of doctors nowadays after these incidents have gone down to abysmally low level as a fall out of those condemnable incidents and I being the Head of the family have completely failed in protecting them from these shameful deeds. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) British High Commissioner to India Sir Dominic Asquith laid a wreath at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial here on Saturday on the centenary of the massacre and said Britain "deeply regretted" the suffering caused to the victims. "The event of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflects a shameful act in British-India history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused. I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st Century partnership," Asquith wrote in the visitor's book at the memorial. British High Commission in India also expressed "deep sorrow" at the loss of lives in the 100-year-old massacre. "Today we remember with deep sorrow those who were killed on 13 April 1919 and regret the suffering caused," read a tweet on its official page. . (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The rector of the Public Administration Academy under the President of Kazakhstan, Fatima Jakypova, has been dismissed from her position. The relevant decree was issued by the head of state, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The presidents decision is related to the reassignment of Fatima Jakypova to a new job. According to Sputnik Kazakhstan, Fatima Jakypova was at various times deputy director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education at the Ministry of Education and Science, executive director of the National School of Public Policy at Nazarbayev University. The police apprehended a man who tried to set himself on fire outside the White House here on Friday. He lit his outer jacket on fire outside the North Fence Line, according to the US Secret Service. "A male subject operating an electronic wheelchair-type scooter lit his outer jacket on fire while sitting along Pennsylvania Ave. outside the North Fence Line. Uniformed Division Officers immediately responded, extinguished the fire and rendered first aid," the agency tweeted. The unidentified man has since been transported to a local hospital with "non-life threatening injuries." The intent behind the act is not known yet. On the other hand, the bomb squad is investigating a suspicious package in the area, according to Sputnik. It is not known if the two incidents are linked. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Playing on the word NYAY, the Congress party's ambitious poll promise for the poor, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said who will give 'nyay (justice)' to the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots and the Bhopal gas tragedy that happened under the Congress regime. Modi was addressing an election rally in Theni in Tamil Nadu on Saturday in which he referred to the word NYAY, an acronym of Congress party's Nyuntam Aay Yojana promise in the manifesto. Congress has promised that it will give Rs 72,000 per year to 20 per cent of India's poorest under NYAY, if the party emerges victorious in the Lok Sabha elections. "I want to ask the Congress party that who will do the NYAY with the victims of 1984 riots? Who will do the NYAY with the governments of the great MGR ji which were dismissed by Congress just because of one family did not like those leaders? Who will do NYAY with the victims of Bhopal gas tragedy, the first environmental disaster in India? That too happened under the Congress rule," Modi said. Referring to Congress poll campaign with the tag line 'Ab Hoga Nyay', Modi said that the party in a way is admitting that it did injustice for 60 years. "Congress and dishonesty are best friends but sometimes, by mistake, they end up speaking the truth. Now they are saying, 'Ab Hoga Nyay'. Even if they did not intend to, they have admitted that all they have done so far is 'AN-NYAY'. It means they agree that they did injustice to the nation for 60 long years," Modi said. Voting in Tamil Nadu will take place on April 18. Counting of votes will take place on May 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) As the nation commemorates the 100th anniversary of the massacre of hundreds of innocent Indians by British forces at the Jallianwala Bagh, British High Commissioner Sir Dominic Asquith on Saturday expressed deep regret and sorrow but remained non-committal on any apology coming from the British government on the brutal killings. "We deeply regret what happened," the British High Commissioner said in his remarks in the Visitor's Book at the Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial here. Asquith paid floral tributes at the memorial. On the issue of an apology by his government, Asquith evaded a direct response to the media: "I know this is a really important question. I would just ask you to respect what I came here to do which was to commemorate those who died here a 100 years ago -- to express the sorrow of the British government and the British people." "What happened 100 years ago was a tragedy. Prime Minister Theresa May in the House of Parliament this week referred to it as a 'shameful scar' in our history. "Her predecessor, Prime Minister David Cameroon, when he visited India, referred to it as a deeply shameful scar. My own great grand father, who was Prime Minister for almost a decade, in 1960 referred to this as one of the worst outrages in our whole history," he said, adding that both governments (Britain and India) are committed to the flourishing relationship (between both countries)," he said. "Today we remember with deep sorrow those who were killed on April 13, 1919 and regret the suffering caused," Asquith also tweeted. The day marks the centenary of the massacre, in which British forces led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer opened fire on hundreds of unarmed, innocent Indians, including women and children, who were protesting peacefully against the oppressive Rowlatt Act of the British government. The massacre, on April 13, 1919, is one of the darkest chapters of India's freedom struggle against the British occupation. The official death toll by the British government was put at 379 killed though there were claims that over 1,000 people were killed. "The event of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago reflects a shameful act in British-Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused. "I am pleased today that the UK and India have remained committed to developing together a thriving 21st-century partnership," Asquith wrote in the Visitor's Book at the memorial. --IANS js/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is following the Adolf Hitler model and Narendra Modi wants to be the Prime Minister for life, just like the German leader remained Chancellor till his death in the second World War, Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday. Speaking at a poll campaign rally at Lohia Maidan in the South Goa district, Kejriwal said there was something nefarious cooking between Modi and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan. Kejriwal also expressed suspicion about Khan's comment that Modi becoming the PM would be good for resolving the vexed Kashmir issue. "What's cooking between Khan and Modi. Just some days back there was such tension along the border, that both countries were heading for war and now Khan wants Modi to become the PM again," Kejriwal said. Returning to the Hitler theme, Kejriwal said, "This has happened in Germany. In 1931, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. After three months of becoming Chancellor, he changed the Constitution and stopped elections." "Until the death in second World War, Hitler remained German Chancellor. This is what the BJP wants to do in India. This is the BJP's motive. 2019 is a 'do or die' election to save India and the Constitution," the AAP leader said. --IANS maya/rs/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A photograph of a toddler crying helplessly near the US-Mexico border has won the prestigious World Press Photo of the Year award. Captured by Getty Images senior staff photographer John Moore, the image titled "Crying Girl on the Border" shows Honduran toddler Yanela Sanchez crying as she and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, are taken into custody by US border officials in McAllen, Texas, USA, on June 12, 2018. World Press Photo foundation said on its website: "After this picture was published worldwide, US Customs and Border Protection confirmed that Yanela and her mother had not been among the thousands who had been separated by US officials". "Nevertheless, public outcry over the controversial practice resulted in President Donald Trump reversing the policy on 20 June." The award was announced by the foundation at a ceremony in Amsterdam on Thursday. "I think this image touched many people's hearts, as it did mine, because it humanizes a larger story. When you see Yanela's face, and she is more than two years old now, you really see the humanity and the fear of making such a long journey and crossing a border in the dead of night," World Press Photo quoted Moore as saying. Moore has photographed in 65 countries on six continents and was posted internationally for 17 years. Since returning to the US in 2008 he has focused on immigration and border issues. According to the foundation's website, the award honours the photographer "whose visual creativity and skills made a picture that captures or represents an event or issue of great journalistic importance in that year". Since 1955 the World Press Photo Contest has recognised professional photographers for the best pictures contributing to the past year of visual journalism. --IANS sj/vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Saturday said the Election Commission (EC) has lost its credibility as "it functions on the instructions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his office". Raising questions on the poll panel's independence and impartiality, Naidu told reporter outside the EC headquarters here that the level playing field -- an essential attribute of democracy -- "now stands disturbed". The Chief Minister was speaking after his meeting with Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora. The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) chief said officials in Andhra Pradesh are being transferred in an arbitrary manner and the Chief Secretary (Anil Chandra Punetha) has been replaced by a person (L.V. Subrahmanyam), who was accused along with YSR Congress Party chief Jagan Mohan Reddy in a case. He described the ousted Chief Secretary as an honest officer. Dubbing the acts of the poll panel as "unfair", Naidu said the Election Commission has lost credibility among the people of the country and its image has been dented in their eyes. He also alleged that the poll panel observer in the state has links with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Recalling that all opposition parties had demanded for 50 per cent matching of EVMs with VVPATs, Naidu said that increasing that number from one to five by the Supreme Court is "insufficient". Accusing the Commission of "misleading" the top court by saying that matching of EVM votes with VVPATs at 50 per cent polling booths would delay the counting of votes by six days, Naidu said the counting of votes when ballot papers were prevalent used to take not more than 24 hours. The Chief Minister stated that the government of India is interfering in the affairs of the poll panel, thereby destroying democracy, electoral process and the level playing field. --IANS pk/nir (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Rattled by two rallies addressed by Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) President Raj Thackeray, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday asked the Election Commission to ascertain who was funding them and for whom the MNS was campaigning. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis accused state Congress President and Nanded candidate Ashok Chavan of hiring third party leaders, like Raj Thackeray, for the campaign. Education Minister Vinod Tawde dismissed Raj's rallies as 'stand-up comedy' and asked since the MNS was not contesting the Lok Sabha elections, for whom the party was campaigning. "We want to know which political party will account for the cost of his rallies in their election expenditure and this should be made public by the EC," Tawde said. Referring to Thackeray's strong language in which he appeals to people to 'finish off the of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah', Tawde said the MNS had little political existence or relevance. The MNS was not contesting the Lok Sabha elections, had no MP, no MLA and hardly any municipal councillor, "yet its chief speaks of 'finishing' others," said Tawde. Reacting, to the BJP charge, the Congress state General Secretary and spokesman Sachin Sawant said, "The BJP is scared of the systematic manner in which the MNS leader is exposing lies of both Modi and Shah at his rallies." "Actually, Thackeray himself made it clear his public meetings have nothing to do with the Congress-Nationalist Congress Party-led opposition alliance. His rallies are aimed at creating public awareness on the falsehoods perpetrated by the BJP, Modi and Shah, and that thought process must be stalled," Sawant said. In just two rallies, Thackeray, 50, has raised a political storm as he makes presentations with videos/statements of the BJP-Modi-Shah and the correct picture with similar evidences in his charismatic oratory. Though his estranged cousin and Shiv Sena President Uddhav Thackeray has kept mum, Raj is in big demand among opposition candidates. --IANS qn/rs/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In a shocking incident, a girl in Jammu and Kashmir's Bandipora district committed suicide on Saturday after being allegedly raped by her father, police said. The man has been arrested. Police said the girl, a resident of Argam area on Bandipora, consumed some poisonous substance. "She was taken to the hospital, but doctors could not revive her and she succumbed," a police officer said. According to the complaint filed by the girl's younger sister, she could not stand the mental trauma as her father had been raping her. "The accused was immediately arrested after an FIR was registered in the police station concerned. We have started investigation to ascertain all the facts in this heinous crime. Medico-legal formalities have been completed," police said. --IANS sq/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In a complaint to the EC, the Goa Congress on Saturday demanded to file a police complaint against BJP President Amit Shah, accusing him of making a communal statement by "threatening" to weed out all infiltrators in India, barring Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. Shah, at an election rally in West Bengal on Thursday, had reportedly said: "We have promised in our manifesto that if Narendra Modi forms government once again, we will implement National Register of Citizens in the entire country. We will remove every single infiltrator from the country, except Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs." Sunil Kawthankar, chief spokesperson of the Goa Congress, said: "This is a direct threat to Christians, Muslims and those communities who have not found mention in the BJP leader's speech..." He said that the statement violated Article 25-28 of the Constitution. The complaint by the Goa Congress to the Election Commission reads: "Amit Shah is directly and indirectly intimidating minority voters of Goa from this community to coerce them into voting for the BJP candidates in North Goa and South Goa parliamentary seats and Shiroda, Mapusa, Mandrem and Panaji Assembly seats..." Elections for the two Lok Sabha seats and three Assembly seats will be held on April 23 and May 19, respectively. The Goa Congress urged the EC to file a criminal complaint against Shah. Minorities, Muslims and Christians account for more than one third of the coastal state's population. --IANS maya/pg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that hatred speech has been spreading like wildfire through the Internet, saying attention should be given to "physical aggressions" as the recent attacks against the Jewish, Christian or Muslim centres. "This situation requires a huge investment, an investment in social cohesion and investment in diversity to make people feel that even if they are different from others ... the societies should accept them, integrate them and respect them," Xinhua quoted Guterres as saying to the inaugural United Nations Model UN Summit on Friday. Citing the recent attacks against several religious sites in New Zealand and Pittsburgh of the US, the UN chief called on the international community to guard against both "extreme thinking and extreme political action." Noting that diversity "makes our society more vibrant and more interesting," the UN chief urged the international community to address the root causes behind the rise of both hatred speeches and actions. "We need to really go deep, look into the root causes of why things are wrong," he noted. The UN chief stressed that young generation has "a fundamental role to play" in this regard. The UN Secretary-General reiterated the importance of multilateralism in addressing global problems, noting that "no country alone can solve these problems." "Whether people like the UN or not, whether people think that UN must be reforming this or that aspect, we still need UN as a fundamental tool for a better world," the secretary-general concluded. Model United Nations (MUN) simulations are popular exercises for those interested in learning more about the UN. It is estimated that more than 400,000 students worldwide participate every year in MUN at all educational levels -- from primary school to university. Many of today's leaders in law, government, business and the arts fields have participated in MUN as students. The UN Department of Global Communications wants to see Model United Nations become an actual agent of positive change in communities across the globe. As a first step, it held the Inaugural United Nations Model UN Summit on Friday. --IANS vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The risks of another global economic recession remain very high, and Russia needs a strategy to counter that, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has said, TASS reported. "The risks of an upcoming global recession are very high," he told reporters on the sidelines of the annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Washington. "We need to start implementing national projects as soon as possible, to introduce as many measures as possible to liberalize our economy This is our agenda for now." The Russian official said that investors had a good opinion of the Russian economy, due to a solid macroeconomic basis. "This is exactly what we need to do in response to all possible limitations. We are ready for a change in global energy prices - we have prepared the budget, the reserves, the balance of payments. We have created this kind of system." According to Siluanov, foreign investors are concerned by the possibility of new sanctions against Russia, including in the banking sector, but they still view Russian economy as a stable one. "We have held a meeting with investors, they say that they understand the Russian economy, that everything is stable and transparent, except [future] sanctions. They asked questions on what happens if more sanctions follow, what would the government and the Central Bank do if the package of measures on sanctions against banks is passed," the Russian finance minister said, adding that he assured the investors that Russia has a Plan B for this scenario. Besides, the Russian government and the Central Bank have instruments of support for all clients of state banks, including an opportunity to ensure cash and non-cash transactions both in dollars and in a national currency, he said. Under pressure from Washington, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has dropped the investigation of alleged war crimes committed in Afghanistan, a probe directed mainly against US military and intelligence services. "This is a major international victory, not only for these patriots, but for the rule of law," US President Donald Trump said in a statement in Washington on Friday after the judges' ruling was announced in the Hague. A three-member panel of judges "decided that an investigation into the situation in Afghanistan at this stage would not serve the interests of justice," a press release from the court said. The judges had originally approved the 2017 request from the court's Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to investigate the "alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity" in Afghanistan since May 2003 and similar crimes relating to the Afghanistan conflict in other countries that have signed the Rome Statute on the ICC, according to the release. Reversing their position, they said in their 32-page decision that the political changes in Afghanistan and the lack of cooperation with the prosecutor would have hampered the investigation and prosecution, according to the release. They, however, said that the prosecutor's "request establishes a reasonable basis to consider that crimes within the ICC jurisdiction have been committed in Afghanistan". Washington has opposed the investigation saying that the court threatened US sovereignty and has not signed the Rome Statute. (Neither has India.) The US has said that it would not cooperate with the ICC and revoked Bensouda's visa to enter the country. Trump, however, said he reiterated "our position that the US holds American citizens to the highest legal and ethical standards". The US court-martialed several military personal for their excesses in Afghanistan. For example, 11 soldiers were prosecuted in 2011 for the murder of civilians and received sentences ranging from three to 24 years. In December, Maj Matthew Golsteyn was charged with the murder of an alleged Taliban bomb-maker during a 2010 deployment, but Trump tweeted he would review the case. The ICC has so far has charged or tried only people from the developing countries although the Afghanistan investigation was meant to show that it could also act against western countries. (Arul Louis can be reached at and followed on Twitter @arulouis) --IANS al/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A two-day meeting of 21st Asean-India Senior Officials concluded here on Friday after they discussed ways to impart impetus to connectivity and deepen cooperation on financial matters. The meeting was co-chaired by Vijay Thakur Singh, Senior Officials' Meeting Leader (SOM) and Secretary (East) in the External Affairs Ministry and Busaya Mathelin, SOM Leader and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand. India congratulated Thailand on its assuming the Chairmanship of Asean for 2019 and welcomed its role as country coordinator of the Asean-India dialogue parternship for the period 2018-2021. An MEA release said that the meeting reviewed the Asean-India strategic partnership and its future direction. "They made their assessment on the progress of cooperation under all three pillars - political-security, economic and socio-cultural. The SOM leaders also exchanged views on regional and international issues of interest," it said. The release said they agreed to deepen maritime cooperation as decided at the Asean-India commemorative summit 2018. In this context, they proposed to undertake a variety of measures, including enhanced cooperation in blue economy. "The meeting desired to impart impetus to Asean-India connectivity, in all its forms. It also welcomed the commissioning of the ERIA study on the trilateral highway and its extension to Lao PDR, Cambodia and Vietnam as well as the proposal on formation of digital villages in the Asean countries, under digital connectivity. "They also discussed ways and means to further deepen cooperation on financial matters," the release said. The meeting decided to impart urgency to cooperation in renewable energy and hold a conference in 2019. The release said that Asean-India partnership is being implemented through the 'Plan of Action (2016-20)' and is making good progress along the 30 mechanisms to implement cooperation in the different sectors. --IANS ps/vin (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Speculation over a post poll scenario brings forth heavy hitters from the regions, sometimes derisively called political weathercocks. So expect their actions and statements to be dissected for hidden meaning. They had been relegated to the fringes after 2014 but appear to be fancying their chances once again in 2019. Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy of YSR Congress Party, who is nipping away at the heels of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, is a key player in state However, he could be positioning himself for a possible role at the national level -- going by his recent remarks, where he said he had forgiven the Congress but also praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The YSR Congress Party did not fare well in 2014 in terms of seats won in the Assembly and the Lok Sabha but was right up there with Naidu's Telugu Desam Party (TDP) in terms of vote percentage. This is what provided the launch pad for his key position in Andhra Pradesh The YSR Congress Party won eight Lok Sabha seats to the Telugu Desam's 15 but was ahead on voting percentage -- 45.38 per cent to the TDP's 40.53 per cent. In the Assembly elections, it was just about at the same level, cornering 44.4 per cent of the vote to the TDP's 44.6 per cent. This is where Jagan's strength comes from. If this vote base translates into seats, Reddy could be a big player if the Lok Sabha polls do not throw up a clear winner at the Centre. His rise is inversely proportional to Naidu's political fortunes. A combination of the prominent Kapu vote, Jana Sena leader Pawan Kalyan's rise -- he is a Kapu -- and the party's alliance with the Bahujan Samaj Party could make things difficult for Naidu. In 2014, the BJP and Pawan Kalyan had helped Naidu win by the skin of his teeth. The records will show that the TDP won 102 of 175 Assembly seats with YSR Congress Party winning 66, but as shown earlier, the two parties were at the same level in terms of vote percentage. Now, Naidu is without the BJP and Pawan Kalyan's support. That would be advantage Jagan Mohan Reddy, who launched a blistering campaign against the TDP government's record in governance and corruption in the run-up to polling for the Lok Sabha and Assembly seats in Andhra Pradesh on April 11. If indeed Jagan has a role to play in a post poll scenario, who would he stand with? The answer to that is not a foregone conclusion. The YSR Congress Party has a strong base among Muslims, and he is Christian. But, that might not place him automatically in the anti-BJP camp. Jagan has a number of criminal and other cases against him -- according to his affidavit, he faces 31 criminal cases, seven cases under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and 11 cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act pending against him. If Modi were to ride back to power, the YSR leader might be reminded of these pending cases against him. On the public forum Jagan has tried to provide clarity, saying he will back the party that provides special category status to Andhra Pradesh -- a promise made by the UPA-II government when Andhra Pradesh was divided to create Telangana. That might not entirely hold when all the chips are laid on the table. --IANS am/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The battle for Thoothukudi is what many are looking forward to in current Lok Sabha polls where Tamil Nadu BJP President Tamilisai Soundararajan is crossing swords with DMK leader and Rajya Sabha member Kanimozhi. Interestingly the fight is tough between the two women who are daughters of two political leaders. Kanimozhi is the daughter of late DMK President M. Karunanidhi and the sister of current party President M.K.Stalin. On the other hand, Soundararajan, is the daughter of Congress leader Kumari Ananthan. Interestingly, it is Kumari Ananthan's younger brother H. Vasanthakumar is the Congress candidate from the Kanniyakumari Lok Sabha seat who is crossing swords with Union Minister and BJP's Pon Radhakrishnan. There are also other parties in the fray like the Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM) floated by actor-politician Kamal Haasan, T.T.V. Dhinakaran's AMMK and Naam Tamilar Katchi. A total of 37 candidates will be vying for about 14.25 lakh voter's support. "Every segment in the constituency have unsorted issues. In the case of the fishermen, there are no roads to their place of dwellings and lack of safety gear for safe fishing," T.P.S. Ponkumaran, the MNM candidate, told IANS. "In the case of small traders, exporters and importers complying with Goods and Services Tax (GST) provisions and getting refund is a major issue. They say refunds are not happening," Ponkumaran added. Social activist M. Pushparayan told IANS: "In the Thoothukudi town the major issue is the Sterlite Copper, the copper smelter plant of Vedanta Ltd." Last May, 13 anti-Sterlite Copper protestors were killed in a police firing and this issue is boiling in favour of Kanimozhi. "The constituency has good number of Christian population and they are against BJP," Pushparayan, who had contested and lost from Thoothukudi in 2014 elections on behalf of Aam Aadmi Party told IANS. Citing the sizeable Nadar community population in the constituency Pushparayan said, they seem to back Tamilisai. Similarly, the Nadar Christians are also it seems in favour of Tamilisai, he added. According to Pushparayan, the small scale industries are upset at the central government of not fulfilling their demands. "There should be a bureaucratic/administrative reforms to make lives easy for people of different walks of life," Ponkumaran said. Speaking about his poll strategy Ponkumaran said: "I don't look at the strategies of BJP or DMK. My focus is on the small traders, business community, farmers, first time voters and others." Ponkumaran said in Kovilpatti, farmers have sowed imported corn seeds and the yield has turned to be poor. "It seems the seed quality itself was poor. But none is taking up their issue. I am taking up their issue," Ponkumaran said. The Thoothukudi Lok Sabha constituency consists of six assembly segments--Tiruchendur, Srivaikuntam, Thoothukudi, Ottapidaram, Kovilpatti and Vilathikulam. The seat is currently held by AIADMK's J. Jeyasingh Thiyaraj Natterjee. Deciding to contest from Thoothukudi well before the elections, Kanimozhi had been spending her time looking at the constituency. The central government's decision to reserve 10 per cent jobs for economically weaker section also gives the BJP an edge in Thoothukudi. At the start, the general feeling was Kanimozhi will have an easy victory. However, the fight seems to have turned tough for her with Tamilisai gaining ground. Though the Sterlite Copper issue is confined to Thoothukudi town, Kanimozhi is rising across the constituency. Apart from the ill effects of demonetisaiton, GST, NEET against BJP, she also talks about the non-performance of the AIADMK government. On her part, Tamilisai campaigns on the development plank. Interestingly the Sterlite Copper issue may fetch votes for BJP as well, as there are people who have lost their jobs, business because of the smelter plant's closure. According to a truck driver, he lost his job after the plant was closed. In Thoothukudi town, people are angry at the AIADMK government for not properly handling the anti-Sterlite protest. The BJP is expected to get good number votes from Srivaikuntam, Tiruchendur and Vilathikulam as these areas have sizeable population of Hindu Nadars. According to an auto rickshaw driver in Tiruchendur, the Modi government has done well for the country and his vote is for BJP. On the other hand, in Thoothukudi, a tea shop employee said he would vote for DMK this time around as nothing has happened in the constituency for the benefit of the people. Kumar a taxi driver in Thoothukudi told IANS: "Kanimozhi has an edge as the Christian votes will go for her. The closure of Sterlite Copper smelter plant has reduced the pungent smell that one experiences while nearing the plant." Apart from the minority votes, the DMK is also betting on the splitting of AIADMK votes by Dhinakaran's AMMK. --IANS vj/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Vietnamese woman Doan Thi Huong, accused of killing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's half brother Kim Jong-nam, will be released on May 3, her lawyer said on Saturday. Malaysian prosecutors had earlier this month offered to ease the murder charge against Doan, following the release of her co-accused Indonesian national Siti Aisyah, in March. Doan was sentenced to three years and four months in jail on April 1, after pleading guilty to an alternative charge offered by prosecutors from the previous murder charge, which carried mandatory capital punishment if convicted, Xinhua news agency reported. Doan's lead counsel Hisyam Teh Poh Teik said at that time she would be released by the first week of May, with the two years already served, counting from her arrest on February 15, 2017, and the remaining one-third granted remission. Lawyer Salim Bashir of Doan's defence team said he was informed through the Embassy of Vietnam in Malaysia that she would be released on May 3. She will be sent home to Vietnam on the same day, he told state news agency Bernama. In March, Malaysian prosecutors withdrew the murder charge against Siti Aisyah, the Indonesian woman who was charged together with Doan in the case. Aisyah was then released. Both women were accused of murdering Kim Jong-nam by smearing VX nerve agent on his face at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in February 2017. They both denied the charges. Kim Jong-nam died on the way to hospital, less than half an hour after receiving the poison -- a colourless and odourless oily liquid classified by the UN as a "weapon of mass destruction". --IANS soni/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. "A 100 years ago today, our beloved freedom fighters were martyred at Jallianwala Bagh. A horrific massacre, a stain on civilisation, that day of sacrifice can never be forgotten by India," Kovind tweeted. "India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," Modi said. Saturday marks the 100th anniversary of the bloodbath, when British forces led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer opened fire on hundreds of unarmed, innocent Indians, including women and children, who were protesting peacefully against the oppressive Rowlatt Act of the British government. The massacre, on April 13, 1919, is one of the darkest chapters of India's freedom struggle against the British occupation. --IANS akk/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) As the nation commemorates the 100th anniversary of the massacre of hundreds of innocent Indians by British forces at the Jallianwala Bagh, President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Saturday paid tributes to the martyrs. "A 100 years ago today, our beloved freedom fighters were martyred at Jallianwala Bagh. A horrific massacre, a stain on civilisation, that day of sacrifice can never be forgotten by India," Kovind tweeted. "India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," Modi said. Gandhi along with Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh and his cabinet Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu were joined by people in large numbers who gathered at the national memorial in Amritsar to pay homage to hundreds of men and woman who were gunned down by British troops on April 13, 1919. On Friday, hundreds of people, including students, residents and visitors held a candlelight vigil in Amritsar. Saturday marked the 100th anniversary of the bloodbath, when British forces led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer opened fire on unarmed, innocent Indians, including children, who were present at a gathering protesting peacefully against the oppressive Rowlatt Act of the British government. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is one of the darkest chapters of India's freedom struggle against the British occupation. The official death toll by the British government was put at 379. The British government, even after 100 years, has only regretted the massacre but stopped short of apologising for the killing of so many innocent people. Rejecting the regret expressed by British Prime Minister Theresa May as "inadequate", Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Friday demanded "an unequivocal official apology from Britain". Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu will arrive here later for the main function commemorating the massacre. Gandhi arrived here late on Friday and visited the Golden Temple and offered prayers at the Akal Takht. The sanctum sanctorum of 'Harmandir Sahib' was closed for the night when the Congress chief arrived. --IANS js-ak/pg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A man in an electronic wheelchair-type scooter set his jacket on fire near one of the entrances to the White House and was hospitalized with what appeared to be non-life threatening injuries, the US Secret Service has said. The incident occurred on Friday afternoon along the Pennsylvania Avenue outside the north fence line of the White House. "A male subject operating an electronic wheelchair-type scooter lit his outer jacket on fire while sitting along Pennsylvania Avenue outside the North Fence Line. Uniformed Division Officers immediately responded, extinguished the fire and rendered first aid," the Secret Service tweeted. The male subject was transported to a local hospital with "what appears to be non-life threatening injuries", it added. As a precaution, authorities barred pedestrians from the stretch of Pennsylvania Avenue and entirely blocked vehicular traffic on an adjacent street. Citing unnamed law enforcement sources, NBC News reported that the man had mental health issues. While President Donald Trump was inside the White House at the time of the incident, he was never in any danger, according to authorities. A man fatally shot himself outside the White House in March 2018. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were en route to their Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on that occasion. In another incident last year, a woman apparently suffering from mental disorders crashed her vehicle into one of the security barricades that protect the presidential residence. In May 2017, the Secret Service detained a woman who jumped over a security barrier surrounding the White House. --IANS soni/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Re-polling will be held at the Konarchar polling station on Monday in the bypoll to Meghalaya's Selsella Assembly constituency, an election official said on Saturday. The re-poll was necessitated as the electorate of this polling booth cast their votes in the EVM meant for the Lok Sabha poll instead of Assembly by-poll during polling on Thursday, Chief Electoral Officer Frederick Roy Kharkongor said. After taking all material circumstances into account, he said the Election Commission has ruled, under Section 58(2) of the Representation of People's Act, the voting on April 11 at the Konarchar polling station of Selsella Assembly segment is void. Re-poll will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Konarchar polling station has a total of 712 voters. Selsella constituency is part of the Tura parliamentary seat in the Garo Hills area in western Meghalaya. The by-election was necessitated by the death of sitting Congress legislator Clement Marak on October 8, 2018. Marak's widow June Eliana R. Marak is contesting the bypoll on the Congress ticket against the ruling National People's Party Ferlin C.A. Sangma, the United Democratic Party's Sayeedullah Nongrum and the Bharatiya Janata Party's Adorsho Sangma. --IANS rrk/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Global make-up icon Bobbi Brown, who found global fame by following her passion to make women look beautiful in a natural way, finds the idea of her life story finding a way to the silver screen overwhelming. "That would be overwhelming," Brown told IANS when asked about the idea of a film based on her life. Whom would you like to bring your life alive on the big screen? "Maybe Meryl Streep from Hollywood or Madhuri Dixit from Bollywood," she added. At the moment, Brown is happy to dive into the myriad hues of Indian culture. She is excited about her maiden trip to the country for the debut edition of the India Makeup Show. Curated by Brothers Incorporated, founded by Rahul Tuljapurkar and Ninad Shah, the two-day show, which began in Mumbai on Friday, will come to Delhi on April 20. She looks at India as a "land of magic". "I wanted to visit India for such a long time. I love the rich history and the culture and can't wait to soak it all up. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the sights, eating delicious food and meeting new people," Brown told IANS in an email interview. "I'm really looking forward to eating at Bombay Canteen. My friend Floyd Cardoz owns the restaurant. And of course the Taj Mahal," she added. The make-up artiste has expressed her desire to work with star Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and feels "Indian beauty is confident, modern and diverse". Elaborating her view, the 61-year-old said: "The make-up looks in the country range from the over the top to traditional to a cleaner, more modern look. I love the diverse mix of looks and trends. Most importantly, everyone in India always looks so beautiful. Anything can look and feel beautiful on Indian skin." It was a humble beginning for Brown who launched her career at department store Bergdorf Goodman with just 10 lip shades in 1991, and went on to build a billion-dollar empire. Big names like Michelle Obama, Katie Holmes and Duchess of Cambridge Catherine have adored her make-up. After 25 years, she left her namesake brand Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, owned by The Estee Lauder Companies, in 2016. Were there moments when you were scared and clueless about where to go next? "Leaving the company that I founded came with a mix of sadness and excitement. It gave me time to reflect on my experiences being an entrepreneur, creative, beauty expert, health and fitness advocate, author and editor-in-chief. "In doing that, I saw an opportunity to create all of these new ventures. This transition has opened a new chapter of my life and so far, it's been an exciting ride." Brown, whose affair with make-up started by watching her mother's beauty rituals, launched a beauty and wellness company Evolution_18, through which she comes out with collections which are all about beauty from the inside out. What about creating an India specific range? "I would love to and I hope to meet like minded partners on my outing at the India Makeup Show." (Sugandha Rawal can be contacted at --IANS sug/rb/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Russian warships entered the Black Sea for carrying out warfare and training tasks during NATO's Sea Shield naval drills, the press service of the Russian Black Sea Fleet said in a statement on Saturday, Sputnik reports. "The warships of the Black Sea Fleet left their home base to enter the fleet group in the Black Sea. The detachment of ships sailed to predefined areas where it will control and monitor the situation underwater, above the surface and in the air", the statement read. It added that the group subsequently returned to its home base and began carrying out its routine exercises "against the backdrop of the NATO Sea Shield 2019 drills which were good support for the Black Sea Fleet forces in practicing their warfare skills in real-world conditions", the statement pointed out. New Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Ishtaye and his cabinet members were sworn in before President Mahmoud Abbas at his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Saturday, the official television reported. The 18th Palestinian government since the establishment of the Palestinian Authrity in 1995 was sworn in according to a presidential decree issued by Abbas, Xinhua news agency reported. According to the presidential decree, Ishtaye will serve as the Minister of Interior and Minister of Waqf, or Religious Affairs, until two new ministers are named. The new government consists of 24 ministers. --IANS vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With 34 criminal cases registered against him, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Sakshi Maharaj claims that he is a saint and curse will befall all those who do not vote for him. "A saint has come to your door. When a saint comes to beg and is not given what he asks for, he takes away all the happiness of the family and in turn curseS the family. "This I am not saying, but I am quoting from sacred scriptures. I am not asking for money or land. Those who do not vote for me will face divine displeasure," he said on Friday while addressing an election meeting in Unnao in Uttar Pradesh. A look at the affidavit filed with his nomination papers, gave detailed account of criminal cases registered against him. The list makes him look less of a saint and more of a criminal. According to his own admission, Sakshi Maharaj has cases ranging from promoting enmity, four cases related to criminal intimidation, robbery, dacoity, murder, forgery, cheating and criminal breach of trust. Though he has not been convicted, there are eight cases where cognizance has been taken. These cases are registered in Uttar Pradesh's Faizabad, Etah and in Delhi. Swami Sachidanand Hari, better known as Sakshi Maharaj, has a large following in Etah, where he hails from. He also runs a large network of ashrams and schools across the state, and is extremely popular among his disciples. He began his political career in the 1990s with the BJP, and was elected to the Lok Sabha twice from Farukkhabad. He switched over to the Samajwadi Party and then joined former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh's Rashtriya Kranti Party before finally moved back to the BJP. In 2000, a college principal in Etah filed a police complaint against him, accusing the BJP MP and two of his nephews of gang raping her. The woman and her male associate were allegedly assaulted by the self proclaimed godman when they were driving to Agra from Etah. Sakshi Maharaj had to spend a month in Tihar Jail on rape charges, but was eventually let off. Ten years ago, however, another rape complaint was filed against him in Farukkhabad, by a disciple of his ashram. The woman is from Mainpuri and still maintains that Sakshi Maharaj had taken advantage of her and raped her in the ashram. When the case reached the court, however, the police filed a report saying there was no rape. Sakshi Maharaj said on Saturday that his rivals were trying to defame him and his statement on Friday had been quoted out of context. He claimed that the cases filed against him were a result of political rivalry and would not stand the legal battle. In the past, he has made controversial statements saying that "madrasas were training ground for terrorism" and "Nathuram Godse was a patriot". He also asked Hindus to increase their population by producing four children each. Sakshi Maharaj has been fielded against the Samajwadi Party-Bahujan Samaj Party alliance candidate Arun Shankar Shukla, alias Anna Maharaj, and Congress candidate Annu Tandon. Unnao will go to polls on April 29 in the fourth phase. --IANS amita/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Facebook, which is reportedly spending $1 billion on producing original content, has announced that Netflix CEO Reed Hastings will not rejoin the company's board as a director. Peggy Alford, currently senior vice president of Core Markets for PayPal, will be nominated to join the board of directors, Facebook said on Friday. Alford will become the first black woman to serve on Facebook's board, reports TechCrunch. She has served as the Chief Financial Officer of the non-profit Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. "Peggy is one of those rare people who's an expert across many different areas -- from business management to finance operations to product development," said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Peggy said she "looks forward to working with Mark and the other directors as the company builds new and inspiring ways to help people connect and build community". The social network is working on original programming for its Facebook Watch platform. In December, over 400 million people viewed at least one video on Facebook Watch. Facebook's original video content ranges from Jada Pinkett Smith's popular talk show "Red Table Talk" to the drama series "Sorry For Your Loss" starring Elizabeth Olsen, reports CNN. The company also hosts YouTube-like shows from content creators. Facebook also announced that Erskine Bowles, a former Democratic political staffer, will leave the board. Both Hastings and Bowles have served on the Facebook board since 2011. --IANS na/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Is addiction not letting you quit smoking? Relax. A new study suggests that kicking the habit works best in pairs. The study, presented at EuroPrevent 2019, showed that couples who attempted to stop smoking together had a six-fold chance of success compared to patients who attempted it alone. "Quitting smoking can be a lonely endeavour. People feel left out when they skip the smoke breaks at work or avoid social occasions. On top of that, there are nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Partners can distract each other from the cravings by going for a walk or to the cinema and encouraging replacement activities like eating healthy food or meditating when alone. Active support works best, rather than nagging," said Magda Lampridou, Researcher from the Imperial College London in Britain. For the study, the researchers evaluated the supporting role married or cohabiting partners might have in smoking cessation and enrolled 222 current smokers who were at high risk of cardiovascular disease or had suffered a heart attack. The couples attended preventive cardiology programmes and during the 16-week programme, they were offered nicotine replacement therapy with patches and gum. In one programme, participants could choose the prescription drug, varenicline instead. At the end of the programme, the findings revealed that 64 per cent of patients and 75 per cent of partners had quit smoking compared to none and 55 per cent in the beginning. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) cardiovascular prevention guidelines advise against tobacco in any form and people who stop smoking generally halve their risk of cardiovascular diseases. Lampridou noted that research is needed to confirm the findings in smokers who are otherwise healthy. --IANS pb/pg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Indian elections that kicked off on Thursday are a democratic exercise the likes of which the world has never seen. In the worlds largest democratic practice, around 900 million voters - more than the combined population of all the European countries, across 543 constituencies will cast their votes to decide the fate of political parties. The media coverage, like every election season, is being ruled by opinion polls. Surveyors and pollsters have jumped into the maze of deciphering future election results by making use of statistical models that forecast the vote share and the seat share of political parties based on surveys conducted among electorates. These forecasts have become fodder for everyday conversation. However, it is difficult to trust the results of opinion polls as the results differ significantly from poll to poll. Given this situation, many researchers have examined the results of opinion polls and claimed that they have failed repeatedly to predict election outcomes. A recent study presented in the book 'The Verdict' demonstrates that the success rate of such polls in estimating the number of seats that the winning party may bag is just 62 percent. On similar lines, a study conducted by India Today raised concerns over the fact that day by day, opinion polls are drifting away from reality. One of the main findings of that analysis is that the errors in predicting Lok Sabha elections are on the rise since 1998-99. In such a situation where the gap between opinion poll predictions and actual outcomes is widening it is important to have a better statistical model in place to make sense of what factors are driving the outcomes behind elections. This can be done by indicating which types of economic and political data most meaningfully correlate with election outcomes. An attempt to develop such a holistic model that can provide precise estimates of voting behaviour must take into account all the factors that citizens keep in mind while casting their votes. In most democracies, a common belief is that good economics makes for good politics. This belief suggests that an incumbent party's chances of winning elections increase if the region experienced positive economic growth during their term. In India, however, this popular notion is not supported by data. A simple correlation analysis between the growth rate of GDP per capita and the incumbent party getting re-elected reveals a negative relationship between the two, implying that in most cases despite higher growth incumbent does not get re-elected. This observation helps us in concluding that support base and vote bank for parties in India is dependent on a host of factors other than economic development. The two other factors that shape voting decisions of Indian voters might be and public sentiment towards the government. A broad spectrum of the from shelter to sanitation, education to health, personal rights to inclusion must be considered. This is important because of presence of diversity across Indian regions. For some living below the poverty line or on bare minimum income, social wellbeing would mean better shelter facilities, free healthcare, improved nutritional facilities, etc. For rich people, this would mean new opportunities to grow and improve their life. The sentiment towards the current government can be captured through two aspects. One, the vote share of the national ruling party in the state elections held during their tenure. Second, the narrative build by traditional media platforms about leaders and political parties and social media engagement of the political parties. The traditional media platforms provide voters with the facts and figures that can help them to make informed choices. And the increased exposure of voters to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter has provided a direct link between voters and leaders. More and more candidates are relying on social media campaigns to win elections. By serving as the source of information, media has the power to impact voting behaviour of citizens. A probit regression model, with the dependent variables as 'the chances of incumbent coming back to power' and explanatory variables as economic development, social wellbeing, sentiment towards the government and the presence of a strong regional party, for the period 1999 to 2014 results in a success rate of 80 percent. The model predicts that for the upcoming elections the constituencies of Uttar Pradesh will play a key role in deciding the electoral fortunes of political parties. The incumbent Bhartiya Janata Party is expected to win 215 seats with surety while there are 33 seats in which any political party can turn the tables in its favour by focusing on the right set of issues. The factors, according to the model, that dominates the arena of decision making are wherein a larger piece of the puzzle comes from how inclusive the incumbent party is. It is observed that while casting their vote, people keep in mind how acceptable a leader is towards caste-based minorities and other socially backward groups, how they treat women, and what is the level of atrocities against these minority groups during the party's tenure. The second crucial factor which dominates the arena of decision making is the sentiment towards the government. Indian voters are known for their anti-incumbency tendencies. Many instances from the Indian political history can be cited that prove that dealing with anti-incumbency has been the biggest challenge of the ruling party. For instance, BJP won a wave election in 2014 by channeling citizens anti-incumbency sentiments against the Indian National Congress. Therefore, the lesson for political parties is to devise mechanisms that focus on issue-based election campaigning, which will enable favourable public opinion and increase their chances of winning. (Amit Kapoor is chair, Institute for Competitiveness, India. He can be contacted at and tweets @kautiliya. Manisha Kapoor, senior researcher, Institute for Competitiveness, India has contributed to the article) --IANS amitk/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Saturday attacked the BJP for its instructor's suicide case in Uttar Pradesh saying that the ruling party had brought its employees to a position where they were forced to commit suicide. "The incident of Banda is very sad. The BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) has brought the employees to the position that they are forced to commit suicide. The BJP has deceived the instructors and these hardworking employees are facing severe financial straits. The people of Uttar Pradesh will not forgive," Gandhi tweeted. Reportedly, Rajesh Kumar Patel, an instructor in a middle school in a village in Banda district in Uttar Pradesh, committed suicide on Wednesday night. He was struggling with financial straits as he was not paid honorarium from the last three months. --IANS ak/pg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Making a scathing attack on the Congress and Rahul Gandhi for questioning Smriti Irani's educational qualifications, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said the party forgot that a public audit of Gandhi's academic credentials "may leave a lot to be answered" and alleged that the Congress President "got an M.Phil without a Masters degree". "One day the focus would be on the BJP candidate's educational qualifications, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi's academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. After all, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree," Jaitley said in Facebook. His remarks come a day after BJP MP Subramanian Swamy, making a veiled reference to Gandhi, alleged that his "Cambridge certificate says his name is Raul Vinci and he read M.Phil and failed in National Economic Planning and Policy". Swamy had also posted in Twitter a certificate from the Cambridge University which stated that Raul Vinci had scored 58 per cent in National Economy Planning and Policy while scoring 62.8 per cent overall. The certificate said 60 per cent was passing marks. Swamy, who had earlier alleged that Rahul Gandhi had four passports including one in the name of Raul Vinci, claimed it was "Raul Vinci's certificate of failure". Earlier, the Congress had complained to the poll panel against Smriti Irani submitting "contradictory affidavits" to the Election Commission on her educational qualifications. --IANS vv/nir (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Congress President Rahul Gandhi will visit the Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial here on Saturday morning to pay homage to hundreds of people, who were massacred by British forces on April 13, 1919. Rahul arrived here in the holy city late on Friday night. After arriving here, Rahul, accompanied by Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, paid a visit to Golden Temple complex where he offered prayers at the Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of Sikh religion. The sanctum sanctorum of 'Harmandir Sahib' was closed for the night when the Congress chief arrived. April 13 (Saturday) marks the 100th anniversary of the massacre, in which British forces led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer opened fire on hundreds of unarmed, innocent Indians, including women and children, who were protesting peacefully against the oppressive Rowlatt Act of the British government. The massacre, on April 13, 1919, is one of the darkest chapters of India's freedom struggle against the British occupation. Hundreds of people, including students, local residents and visitors, held a candlelight march in Amritsar on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre on Friday evening. The British government, even after 100 years, has only regretted the massacre but stopped short of apologising for the killing of so many innocent people. Rejecting the regret expressed by British Prime Minister Theresa May as "inadequate", Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Friday demanded "an unequivocal official apology from Britain" for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Terming the tragic event "a heart-wrenching moment in India's history", Amarinder said that the people of India wanted an unequivocal apology from Britain for the atrocity. Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu will arrive here on Saturday afternoon for the main function to commemorate the 100 years of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. --IANS js/vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Tense situation prevailed in the Mayapuri Industrial area of the national capital following clashes between local traders and the security personnel during a sealing drive on Saturday. Nine policemen and four paramilitary personnel were injured in the incident. Clashes broke out between traders and security forces when municipal corporation officials began to seal some factories on the orders of the National Green Tribunal (NGT). For maintaining law and order, more companies of the Delhi Police along with the Indo-Tibetan Border Police have been deployed in the area. --IANS akk/rs/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India is hopeful it will avoid US sanctions over its purchase of Russia's S-400 missile system, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, NDTV reports. New Delhi has been "heard and understood" by the US administration over its accord to buy the S-400 missile defence system for $5.2 billion, the minister said in an interview to news agency AFP this week. Ms Sitharaman said that Washington has taken on board that India, bordering both Pakistan and China, needed arms from Russia, and others, to remain a "strong partner". Negotiations with Moscow, a longstanding supplier to India's military, on the S-400 began before the US sanctions were introduced, she said. "In the case of S-400 we have explained ourselves well... That has been heard and understood," Ms Sitharaman said. "They have appreciated the point of view put forward." Asked if she was confident that India would avoid sanctions, Ms Sitharaman said: "Yes I hope so." National award-winning actress Shweta Basu Prasad, portraying a journalist in the film "The Tashkent Files", says searching for truth can, at time, cost life as the powerful tend to suppress voices. "The Tashkent Files", released on Friday, revolves around the mysterious death of former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1966, soon after signing the Tashkent Agreement between India and Pakistan to end the 1965 war. "Ragini (Shweta's character) starts the investigation into the Shastri's mysterious death because she was looking for a scoop and wanted to prove herself to the organisation. But deeper she delved into it, she felt determined to know the truth behind the death. But eventually she realised truth-seeking is highly costly in India," Shweta told IANS. According to her, the practice of "honest journalism has been suppressed by the powerful. If some gets fearless, he/she disappears and could eventually get killed". The 28-year-old actress admitted that she did not know much about Shastri's life before getting on board for the film. "In school we really do not get to read much about him and that's why we do not know much. It's good that our generation is raising questions. Unless we question the narrative will not change." "Why even after 53 years, no one knows how Shastriji died?" the actress wondered. Directed by Vivek Agnihotri, the film also features Naseeruddin Shah, Mithun Chakraborty, Pallavi Joshi and Pankaj Tripathi. On working with the veteran actors, Shweta said, "I worked with Naseer uncle in 'Iqbal'. Later I did a short film with him. I did a film titled 'Ek Nadir Galpo: Tale of a River' with Mithunda. Working with them again was great." "These people are icons. One can learn so much just by observing them on set. I am really lucky", said the actress who started her Bollywood journey with Shabana Azmi- starrer "Makdee". --IANS aru/sim/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Saturday summoned Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif's family, including his wife and two daughters, as part of an investigation into the assets beyond known means of income case. The opposition leader's wife Nusrat Shehbaz has been summoned on April 17, while daughters Rabia and Javeria Sharif have been summoned by the anti-graft watchdog on April 18 and April 19 respectively, Geo News reported. Shehbaz Sharif's son Hamza has also been summoned on April 15 in a case pertaining to construction of a nullah from government money and in relation to the assets beyond means case on April 16. On Friday, a combined investigation team of NAB grilled Hamza Shehbaz for two hours over the increase of his assets from Rs 20 million to over Rs 410 million between 2003 and 2019. They inquired about his source of income, the Express Tribune reported. The bureau also questioned Hamza about the "exponential increase of his assets" during the tenure of his father as Punjab Chief Minister. --IANS soni/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actress Soni Razdan faced criticism on Saturday from netizens after she tweeted about Junaid Khan who was stabbed to death on a train near Ballabhgarh in Haryana in June 2017. Social media users alleged that she was "creating fake news". She posted an image of deceased with a caption: "I am Junaid Khan, Muslim boy, age 15. I was killed by a mob on a train for being a Muslim. Remember me when you vote." Netizens reacted sharply to her post, with several of them posting messages about Hindus killed in violence in various parts of the country. One social media user responded to Soni's post saying she was "creating a fake news" and pointed out that "the Punjab and Haryana High court while granting bail to one of the accused in the case said the fight was over seat and nothing related to selectively targeting Junaid on basis of his religion". Another person posted: "She is trying to create communal tension in the country". "No, Junaid was killed in a quarrel over seat (in train), not for his religion. Courts found so, too. People had voted against these pathetic lies, propaganda and selective targeting of Hindus in 2014, and you are ensuring a repeat in 2019," posted another social media user. On June 22, 16-year-old Junaid was allegedly beaten and stabbed to death on a train at Ballabhgarh in Haryana by a group of people. --IANS sim/sug/kaul/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A teenager in Northern Ireland has been charged with making a social media death threat to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern after the Christchurch terror attack in which 50 people were killed. Matthew Burns is alleged to have posted an image of gun fitted with a silencer to Ardern, along with the caption "you're next" on March 20, five days after the carnage at two mosques, the New Zealand Herald reported on Saturday. Burns, a resident of Newtownhamilton, 75 km south of Belfast, was also charged with "sending a message of menacing character" to London Mayor Sadiq Khan in December. Newry Magistrates Court heard a threat to Khan was made from the same account. The teenager was arrested and charged on Thursday after the Police Service of Northern Ireland's Cyber Crime Unit traced the online threats (to Ardern) to his IP address, the report said. The investigating officer said further posts of racist, xenophobic, sectarian and homophobic nature were also found to have been sent from the same IP address. Burns confessed to posting the threats, according to the officer. He told detectives his political view was far right and that he was against minority groups, including immigrants and members of the LGBT community. The defendant was later released on 500 pound bail with a 1,000 pound cash surety on the condition that he will not have an Internet connection and will adhere to a 7 p.m.-7 a.m. curfew. The case was adjourned to May 8. --IANS soni/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Karnataka will see straight contests in the Lok Sabha elections after three decades between the Congress-JD-S combine and the BJP. The state will witness a two-phased polling on April 18 and April 23 in 14 constituencies each out of 28 seats across the southern state. "Unlike in the past elections when parties had advantage over the other two in triangular contests, voter turnout in each constituency will determine which of them will win more seats this time," a political analyst told IANS. With the ruling Congress and the Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S) fielding joint candidates in all the 28 parliamentary seats under a pre-poll tie-up against their arch rival, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a higher turnout in their bastions may fetch them more votes than the other. As per the seat-sharing arrangement, the Congress is contesting 21 seats and the JD-S 7, with 4 in the first phase and 3 in the second phase. Though the ruling allies bet on their joint candidates getting more votes with no division this time, the BJP hopes to benefit from a higher turnout in its bastions where the JD-S presence is not as much as in the old Mysore region. "Even in the past three general elections since 2004, we have won more seats than the Congress and JD-S separately or together. Though triangular contests would have benefited each party in their bastions, we hope to get more votes due to consolidation and our presence in 104 assembly segments," BJP spokesman G. Madhusudhan told IANS. In the May 12, 2018 assembly elections, the BJP won 104 seats, the Congress 80 and the JD-S 37 in the 225-member lower house, including one nominated member. The Congress and JD-S forged a post-poll alliance and formed the coalition government on May 23, 2018 to keep the BJP out of power. Of the 28 Lok Sabha seats, including 5 reserved for the Scheduled Castes (SC) and two for the Scheduled Tribes (STs), BJP won 17 in 2014, 19 in 2009 and 18 in the 2004 general elections. Of the remaining, Congress won 9 in 2014, 6 in 2009 and 8 in 2004, while the JD-S bagged 2 in 2014, 3 in 2009 and 2 in 2004 respectively. "As the BJP continues to be strong in the coastal, central and northern regions, in parliamentary polls, a higher turnout will benefit it more as its main rival is the Congress than the JD-S, which is confined to the southern region, as evident from the results and voting patterns in the past," the analyst said. Karnataka is considered the gateway for the BJP in the south of Vindhyas and the only state in South India to have come to power on its own in 2008. Though BJP came to power for the first time in February 2006 when the JD-S broke away from the Congress and formed a coalition government with it for 20 months till October 2007, the saffron party could not rule the state when its turn came to head it for the nest 20 months as the JD-S withdrew its support, leading to mid-term assembly polls in 2008. "Even though the ruling allies have kept our party out of power by forming an unholy post-poll alliance, the non-performance of the 10-month-old coalition government, bickering between them, infighting within the Congress and the absence of chemistry at the cadre levels will benefit us as the people do not want a similar coalition government at the Centre," Madhusudhan asserted. Belying the BJP's high hopes or expectations, the ruling allies feel consolidation of their secular votes and the stability of their coalition government, with pro-farmer policies like farm-loan waiver and welfare schemes for the poor will make them not only retain their seats but wrest more from the BJP. "As our combined share of voting percentage in parliamentary and assembly elections have been more than that of BJP, we will benefit more from straight contests this time, as the people are angry with the BJP-led NDA government due to lack of jobs for lakhs of youth, rural distress owing to fall in the income of farmers," Ramesh Babu of the JD-S told IANS. While the BJP bets on the popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his leadership and sthe achievements of the NDA government to win at least 20 seats, the Congress hopes the party's 'revolutionary' manifesto and its assurances of equitable growth will get it more seats, benefiting from the non-division of secular votes from all sections, including SCs, STs, OBCs and minorities. "Notwithstanding what pre-poll surveys, opinion polls or pundits say, we will secure a majority along with allies and other secular parties to form a stable and progressive government at the Centre. Wait for the actual results on May 23," Congress official Ravi Gowda quipped.(Fakir Balaji can be contacted at --IANS fb/vm/kaul (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Doctors and other staff members of Tripura government hospitals, on strike since beating up of a surgeon on Thursday, called off the protest on Saturday following intervention of the high court and the state government. The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the All Tripura Government Doctors' Association (ATGDA) and the nurses' organisations, spearheading the agitation since Thursday, announced the withdrawal. "We are withdrawing our agitation as the government has taken steps to provide security to doctors in hospitals and has promised action against the accused," IMA Tripura chapter Secretary Kanak Chowdhury said. He said Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb at a meeting with leaders of the IMA and the ATGDA on Friday said armed securitymen would be deployed in hospitals. The IMA and the ATGDA also urged the government to take steps to fast track cases against those responsible for 11 attacks on doctors in the past one year. Satisfactory health services could not be possible due to shortages of doctors and inadequate infrastructure, they added. In an unprecedented move, Tripura High Court Chief Justice Sanjay Karol at a special hearing on Friday stayed a lower court order granting bail to the five accused, arrested by the police in connection with attack on surgeon Dipankar Debnath. Justice Karol ordered the accused would remain in jail till April 24, the next date of hearing in the case. Law and Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath said the Chief Justice heard the case at 10 p.m. on Friday and stayed the order of the first class judicial magistrate court. Dr Debnath was assaulted early Thursday after a pregnant woman died at the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital. He is under treatment at the Govind Ballabh Pant Medical College and Hospital, where his condition is said to be "out of danger". In another development, Health Minister Sudip Roy Barman surrendered his security to protest attacks on doctors and other medical staffs in the government hospitals. Barman in a letter to the Chief Minister, a copy of which is available with IANS, said: "The government doctors and other health staffs in the government hospitals are feeling insecure." He requested the Chief Minister to direct the police to take action against accused of attacking doctors in the past one year. --IANS sc/rs/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) US President Donald Trump has threatened to release detained undocumented immigrants into so-called sanctuary cities, while blaming the country's immigration laws on Democrats. "Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only," Trump wrote in a tweet. The US President went on accusing the "radical left" of supporting open borders, claiming that his proposal "should make them very happy!" Sanctuary cities in the US are known as local jurisdictions that refrain from cooperating with federal authorities and detain undocumented immigrants for possible deportation. Tump's threat came a day after The Washington Post reported that administration officials had proposed months ago transporting undocumented immigrants to cities that shield them from deportation. The proposal has drawn sharp criticism from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat. "The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," a spokeswoman for Pelosi said in a statement to The Post. The White House and the Department of Homeland Security on Thursday denied that the proposal was still under consideration. Trump has been reshuffling the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees immigration and border security, in push for a tougher direction in immigration enforcement. --IANS vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned the attack in Pakistan's southwest city of Quetta, a UN spokesman said. Guterres was shocked and he strongly condemned this cowardly act and extended his condolences to the families of the victims and to the government and people of Pakistan, Xinhua quoted Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General as saying on Friday. The UN expressed its full solidarity with the government of Pakistan in its fight against terrorism and violent extremism, he added. Earlier in the day, at least 20 people were killed and over 40 others were injured in a blast that hit an open-air market in Quetta. No terror outfit or individual has claimed responsibility for the attack yet. --IANS vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) US President Donald Trump has said that the US government will free up wireless spectrum and build better infrastructure to take a leadership in 5G, the next-generation wireless network. His remarks came after the country's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced Friday a plan to start largest spectrum auction and spend over USD 20 billion for rural high-speed internet, Xinhua news agency reported. FCC chief Ajit Pai said that American wireless carriers would be bidding for as much as 3.4 gigahertz of "millimeter-wave" spectrum starting on December 10 this year. Verizon, one of America's largest telecommunications companies, announced on April 3 the official operation of its commercial 5G network in two US cities, making it the world's first commercial 5G mobile service for customers with 5G-equipped smartphones. While the US leads in some key 5G-readiness metrics, China and other countries are ahead in making critical mid-band spectrum available for 5G, according to a report made in April by CTIA, a trade association representing the US wireless communications industry and companies throughout the mobile ecosystem. The millimeter-wave spectrum or high-band spectrum refers to frequencies above 24 GHz. Its capacity is higher but coverage is lower than the mid-band spectrum. So the mid-band spectrum can travel far to provide broader service than the high-band spectrum. Another challenge for 5G service is the country's weaker infrastructure in rural areas, according to the CTIA report. Trump on Friday said the 5G industry in the US would be "private sector-driven and private sector-led," so the US government does not have to spend lots of money. But the FCC unveiled a plan to provide USD 20.4 billion in the coming decade to connect up to 4 million rural homes and small businesses to high-speed internet. This is part of FCC's three-part 5G Fast Plan, namely, spectrum freeing-up, small antennas installment and deployment of optical fibre, according to Pai. Trump described in his speech the building of 5G service a race that "America must win," and "will win." But FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said in her Twitter account on Friday, "from imposing tariffs on 5G equipment to alienating allies on 5G security to falling behind the rest of the world on critical mid-band spectrum," the Trump administration has yet to offer a workable plan for U.S. leadership. "So far this Administration's interventions on 5G have done more harm than good," said Rosenworcel. --IANS vin/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday mocked the Congress's proposed NYAY scheme which translates to "justice" in Hindi literally and claimed that the grand old party has finally agreed that injustice was done by them over the past 60 years. "Congress and dishonesty are best friends. But sometimes by mistake they end up speaking the truth. Now they are saying Nyay will happen. Even if they did not intend to, they have admitted that they had done injustice for the 60 years," Modi said at a massive rally here. NYAY is the Congress' minimum income guarantee scheme that the party says lift millions out of poverty. --IANS vj/in (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Russias foreign minister on April 12 criticized the U.S. putting pressure on Turkey over its decision to buy a Russian S-400 missile defense system. Speaking at the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow, Sergei Lavrov said the U.S. uses methods of power pressure to make countries fall in line with its policy. Washington uses pressure not only against countries who pursue independent policies but also against its closest allies, he said, Hurriyet Daily News reports. The situation with threats against NATO member Turkey for Ankaras decision to strengthen its defense capacity by purchasing Russian S-400s is an example, there are many others, he added. Security forces in Jammu and Kashmir will not allow revival of militancy in the Kishtwar district that witnessed three militancy-related incidents in the last few months, an Army officer said on Saturday. Speaking to the media on the sidelines of Rajouri Day celebrations, Lieutenant General Paramjit Singh, General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 16 Corps, said three militant incidents in the Kishtwar district during the last few months were unfortunate. The security forces would not allow revival of militancy in the district, he added. Rajouri Day is celebrated on April 13 to commemorate the martyrs who liberated Rajouri town from Pakistan-aided tribal invaders in 1948. The Army officer also said the Pakistan Army had been using artillery during recent ceasefire violations on the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch and Rajouri districts. The Indian Army was responding effectively to the ceasefire violations, he added. --IANS sq/pgh/pcj (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Over one thousand Indigenous Peoples Front of Tripura (IPFT) youth workers joined the opposition Congress in the state on Saturday, its leaders said. Tripura Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) president Pradyot Kishore Deb Burman said 300 youth IPFT supporters joined the Congress from Khowai district, while another group of 700 at Kamalpur in Dhalai district. Addressing a press conference, he said leaders of the regional party have "betrayed" its supporters, and failed to deliver on the promises for the development of indigenous people of the state. "IPFT supporters are coming to us because they have realised that IPFT supremo N C Debbarma, who is not even campaigning, submitted a nomination to cut down on votes of the Congress and help the BJP," Deb Burman claimed. The IPFT-BJP alliance formed the government in Tripura in 2018, ending the 25-year rule of the Left Front. Earlier this month, IPFT vice-president Ananta Debbarma and its Youth wing general secretary Shuklacharan Noatia joined the Congress, blaming IPFT leaders for high-handedness and an absence of internal democracy in the party. Meanwhile, a delegation of Congress leaders from Tripura reached New Delhi on Saturday to meet officials of the Election Commission for re-polling in booths, which the party alleges to have been rigged on April 11. Congress has alleged that 151 out of the 1,679 polling booths in the West Tripura Lok Sabha constituency were rigged. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Two persons have been arrested in connection with lynching of a man and injuring three others for allegedly slicing flesh from a bull's carcass in Gumla district, police said Saturday. The incident took place on April 11. Sanjay Sahu and Jeevan Sahu were arrested on Friday, Superintendent of Police (SP) of Gumla district, Anjani Kumar Jha said. Seven persons were identified in connection with the case and efforts are on to trace the other five accused, he said. The officer said two FIRs were lodged in connection with the incident. The first FIR was registered against the accused under relevant sections of IPC, while the second FIR was lodged against the three injured - Blasius Tirkey, Peter Kerketta and Jamarius Minz - under the Jharkhand Bovine Animal Prohibition of Slaughter Act, 2005, the SP said. Asked whether the three injured have been arrested, Jha said they are under treatment at the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences. A special team is investigating the matter, he said. A man was killed and three others were injured on Thursday after residents of Jurmi village in Jharkhand's Gumla district beat them up, alleging they were slicing flesh from a bull's carcass. The deceased has been identified as Prakash Lakra. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Two Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militants involved in the killing of a number of civilians and police personnel were on Saturday gunned down by security forces in an encounter in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir, police said. The slain militants have been identified as Abid Wagay, a resident of Rawalpora Shopian, and Shahjahan Mir, hailing of Amshepora Shopian, a police spokesman said. Based on a credible input about the presence of militants in Gahand area of Shopian district of south Kashmir, a cordon and search operation was launched by security forces there this morning, the spokesman said. He said during the searches, the militants fired upon the security personnel who retaliated. Two militants were killed in the ensuing encounter. The bodies were retrieved from the site of the encounter and incriminating material, including arms and ammunition, were seized. According to police records, both of the militants were affiliated with proscribed terror outfit JeM, he said They were wanted for their complicity in a series of terror crimes including attack on security establishments and civilian atrocities, he said. They were involved in the abduction and subsequent killings of civilians Firdous Ahmad of Batgund and Nissar Ahmad of Kapran and policeman Balwant Singh of Batgund last year, the spokesman said. "They were also involved in the killing of Khusboo Jan at Viel Shopian earlier this year. Moreover, both were also involved in the killing of a civilian Tanveer Ahmad of Bemnipora at Kachdoora in Shopian. "They were also involved in arson and setting ablaze panchayat ghars at Kanjiullar and Ramnagar, he added. The spokesman said Mir was also involved in snatching of weapons and killing of four police personnel at Arhama Shopian last year. He (Mir) was also involved in attack on police station Shopian in which one cop Saqib Mohi-ud-Din had attained martyrdom and his rifle was snatched. "He was involved in the abduction and killing of a young boy Huzaif Ashraf Kuttay resident of Manzgam D H Pora, he said. Several cases were registered against both of them for planning and executing terror attacks on security establishments and killing of civilians in the area, the spokesman said. "With the efforts of police and other security forces, it was a clean operation and no collateral damage happened during the encounter," the spokesman said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A voter turnout of 61.50 per cent was recorded in Uttarakhand which went to polls in the first phase of Lok Sabha electionson Thursday. According to final polling percentage released by the Election Commission after collating data received from remote corners of the hill state late on Friday night a total of 61.50 per cent of the 78.56 lakh voters exercised their franchise on the polling day. The final polling percentage in Uttarakhand released by the poll body is only slightly lower than 61.67 per cent voter turnout recorded in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. Giving the break-up of the final polling percentage on all the five seats of the state, the commission said Haridwar recorded the highest turnout of 68.92 per cent followed by Nainital which recorded a turnout 68.69 per cent. 58.30 per cent of the electorate voted in Tehri, 54.47 per cent in Pauri and 51.82 per cent in Almora which is a reserved seat. There were 52 candidates in the fray for the five seats of Uttarakhand where the contest was mainly between the BJP and Congress. The outcome of seats keenly awaited are Nainital where former chief minister Harish Rawat battled state BJP president Ajay Bhatt, Tehri where sitting BJP MP Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah was challenged by PCC president Pritam Singh and Pauri where former BJP MLA Tirath Singh Rawat took on sitting party MP BC Khanduri's son Manish who debuts as a Congress candidate. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) AAP leader and Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia Saturday said his party is still ready to form an alliance with the Congress in Delhi, Haryana and Chandigarh but it would not agree for a tie-up just in the national capital. He said the priority of the Aam Aadmi Party is to stop the Narendra Modi-Amit Shah duo which, he said, is proving to become very "dangerous" for the country. "We wanted to form a united opposition against the BJP and were ready to ignore our differences because right now the priority is to stop the dangerous Modi-Shah duo," he said. "In last one week, meetings were held between the AAP and the Congress and we proposed alliance on 33 seats in Delhi, Goa, Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab seats, out of them 23 seats is with NDA. He said a tie-up between the two parties could have caused a "damage" to the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on the 23 seats. "But the Congress purposely wasted time to take a decision on alliance and now it says it can tie up with the AAP only in Delhi. Forming an alliance in Delhi alone would not solve the problem," he said. "We still saying that an alliance can be formed (with Congress) in Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh if they are ready then we are ready too but alliance cannot be done alone in Delhi," he added. The uncertainty over alliance between the AAP and the Congress has been continuing for weeks now. The talks between the two sides derailed after they failed to reach an agreement over seat-sharing in Delhi and Haryana. Congress' in-charge for Delhi P C Chacko on Friday said Congress will go alone in Delhi since the AAP has taken an "impractical stand". He, however said,"We are still ready (for alliance) if AAP is willing to have an alliance in Delhi alone. We want to fight the BJP together." "We are compelled to go on our own as the AAP is going back on its stand," Chacko told reporters. AAP's Rajya Sabha leader Sanjay Singh, who was holding alliance talks with the Congress, said, "Our sincerity to stop the BJP in Haryana is reflected by the fact that we became a junior partner to a four-month-old party (JJP) and agreed to contest only less than half of the seats in the state." Singh said the AAP was eager for an alliance with the Congress in Haryana so that the BJP could be defeated on all the 10 seats. "That's why we were prepared to give Congress three seats in Delhi. But they refused an alliance," he said. Singh exuded confidence that the AAP will win all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi on its own. However, sources said the AAP in a last-ditch attempt may offer a 5-2 seat sharing formula to the Congress in Delhi. Earlier, the AAP was ready to give three seats to the Congress in Delhi but now it might consider giving it just two seats, the sources added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An ace Swedish programmer who was an early, ardent supporter of has been arrested in Ecuador in an alleged plot to blackmail the country's president over his abandonment of But friends of Ola Bini say the soft-spoken encryption expert is being unfairly targeted for his activism on behalf of digital privacy. Bini, 36, was arrested Thursday at the airport in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito as he prepared to board a flight to Japan. The arrest came just hours after Assange was evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Bini was carrying at least 30 electronic storage devices. ALSO READ: British lawmakers urge UK govt to cooperate with Sweden in Assange case His lawyers said they have not been notified whether he's been charged. Authorities said the plot hatched with two unidentified Russian hackers living in Ecuador involved threatening to release compromising documents about President Lenin Moreno as he toughened his stance against the founder. "It's up to the justice system to determine if he committed a crime," Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Friday. "But we can't allow Ecuador to become a center for piracy and spying. That period in our history is over." Romo said Bini had traveled at least 12 times to meet with Assange at the London embassy. She said he was also in Venezuela earlier this year around the same time as a close aide to Moreno's ex-mentor turned arch enemy, Rafael Correa. The former president granted Assange asylum in 2012 and has been leading a campaign cheered on by to expose corruption by Moreno that has included the release of damaging personal documents and photos, including several that showed him eating lobster in bed. While the extent of Bini's relationship with Assange is unclear, the Swede has defended the Wikileaks founder's free speech rights in an online blog he's kept over the years. "Any official who has called for Assange to be treated as a terrorist or enemy combatant should be seriously considering stepping down from office," he wrote in December 2010. In the same blog, Bini condemned Amazon for knocking WikiLeaks off its hosting services and credit card companies and PayPal for refusing to process payments to the secret-spilling site. He also described working on a January 2011 panel about Wikileaks put on by his then-employer, global software firm Thoughtworks, and including Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame. An expert on secure communications, Bini arrived in Quito in 2013 after being transferred from Chicago to the Ecuador office of Thoughtworks, which has guiding principles that stress social activism. Around the same time, he started to rethink his online habits and at one point gave up his Gmail account in favor of self-hosted email. "I am not a huge fan of having all my electronic life hosted under the auspices of US legislation, especially not in light of recent events," he wrote in a 2013 post. Friends and loved ones describe Bini as a computer geek who felt most at ease solving complex programming problem for days at a time. At the time of his arrest, he was traveling to Japan, his former wife Malin Sandell told The Associated Press, for two weeks of jujitsu training one of the few hobbies he indulged in outside of his all-consuming work as a code developer. His Ecuadorian girlfriend said that she did not recall Bini ever expressing strong support for Assange despite the fact that the WikiLeaks founder has deep ties in Sweden and would have been an obvious topic of conversation in the small Ecuadorian programming circles. "Ola is not a hacker, if by that you mean a criminal, but he is someone trying to understand how computers work and protect people's privacy," Sofia Ramos said in an interview from Brussels. Ramos worked with Bini on a project at the Center for Digital Autonomy for creating a more secure instant-messaging encryption protocol. In its statement Friday, the center said Computerworld had ranked him in 2010 as Sweden's No. 6 developer. The center is a small nonprofit incorporated in Ecuador and Spain dedicated to private, secure and anonymous communication. Its website says it has contributed to well-known projects including Enigmail and the Tor privacy browser. In the hours before he went to the airport Thursday, Bini sent a Tweet warning of a "witch hunt" by Ecuadorian authorities mopping up after Assange's forced departure from the embassy. Now that prophecy appears to have been true, said his friends. "I didn't realize that knowing somebody is a crime," said Vijay Prashad, who runs a Marxist publishing house in India and last saw Bini a few months ago in Sao Paulo, Brazil. "He's the last person who would ever be involved in an attempt overthrow a government. An Afghan national was one of the two persons who were arrested Saturday by the Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) in connection with the last month's seizure of 100 kg heroin from a boat off the Porbandar coast. In a joint operation, the ATS, the Indian Coast Guard and the Marine Task Force seized a huge quantity of heroin and arrested nine Iranian nationals on March 27. The ATS Saturday said it arrested Mohammed Abdul Salaam Kunni, a resident of Kasargod in Kerala, and Niyamat Khan Ahmedzai, a resident of Logar Province in Afghanistan. "Interrogation of the nine Iranian nationals and technical analysis revealed that the consignment was to be received by an Indian fishing boat, and further to be brought to the Indian coast," the ATS stated in a release. Ahmedzai was tasked with carrying the consignment to Delhi and hand it over to Kunni, who was supposed to take it to Chennai and Mallpuram, from where it would have been smuggled outside India from various ports and airports, it said. As per preliminary investigation, Ahmedzai was sent to India by a narcotics syndicate in December 2018 on a medical visa. He was staying in Lajpat Nagar in Delhi. "This was his third visit to India. He was involved in heroin smuggling in the past as well. Ahmedzai was instructed by one Haji Nadar, also a resident of Afghanistan, to contact Kunni and hand over the consignment to him, for which he was paid Rs 8 lakh," the ATS said. "Interrogation of the Iranian nationals revealed that one Hamid Malik had given them this consignment to be brought to India. Badruddinn Shaikh, who is a merchant from Aurangabad and whose name was disclosed in the information received by the ATS, has been brought to the ATS for questioning," it said. As per the agency, Kunni was supposed to take the heroin in small consignments to Chennai and Kasargod for smuggling it outside the country. The heroin syndicate originated from Pakistan, where opium obtained from Afghanistan was being converted into heroin, it added. It further said the Pakistani syndicate was forced to find new routes to smuggle heroin outside that country because of increased vigil by a Combined Task Force-150 (a multi-national coalition naval task force) in the North Arabian Sea and Horn of Africa area. "Further, due to surplus production of opium in the Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan, the supply has increased from Pakistan. It (the syndicate) was exploring the coast of Gujarat to smuggle heroin in India, and recent seizures of 100 kg and 5 kg heroin in Gujarat reflects these efforts by the syndicate," the ATS stated. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The AIIMS Karamchari Union has opposed the hospital administration's decision to outsource the operation of its in-house cafeteria, claiming it would lead to rise in prices of food items which only the "highly-paid" staff would be able to afford. The Union has written to the AIIMS Director urging him to reverse the decision in the interest of patients, employees and visitors. The union alleged in a statement that the way the tenders have been awarded after "recently spending hefty amount of Rs 15 crore on cafeteria building, turning into a lavish three-storied structure, casts shadow on the intentions of the authorities." Out of more than 100, only 17 food items have been subsidized, and that too by enhancing their prices, still the authorities are claiming that their step is for the benefit of the patients, it alleged. Other than the 17 items, prices of other items are likely to be increased even further, the union claimed. The employees of All India Institute of Medical Sciences who were running the cafeteria are also likely to suffer because of the outsourcing decision, the statement stated. "The step of outsourcing is clearly aimed at causing undue benefit to the two bidders for reasons known only to the authorities. The employees union are trying to persuade the authorities to reconsider their decision," it said. Recently, the employees, residents and some doctors took out a protest rally against the decision of the authorities. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Congress and opposition SAD on Saturday engaged in a bitter war of words over Rahul Gandhi's visit to the Golden Temple, with the latter demanding an apology from the ruling party's president for Operation Blue Star and the former accusing the Akalis of playing "shallow" politics. Gandhi, accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, visited the Golden Temple on late on Friday night, soon after his arrival in Amritsar to mark the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader and Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal held the Congress responsible for the "attack" on the Sikh shrine, also known as Harmandir Sahib. The Indian Army had carried out Operation Blue Star in June 1984 to flush out militants hiding in the Golden Temple complex. "Rahul Gandhi's visit is just to gain political mileage. He should have tendered an apology for Operation Blue Star in 1984," she said in Bathinda, adding, "Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh should have asked Rahul to tender apology for the attack on Harmandir Sahib in 1984." The comments by the Union minister invited sharp reaction from the Congress. Amarinder Singh tweeted, "Did you, your husband@officeofssbadal or his father, Prakash Singh Badal, ever apologise for your great grandfather, Sardar Sunder Singh Majithia's lavish dinner to Gen Dyer on the day of Jallianwala Bagh massacre?He was later knighted in 1926 for his loyalty and his deeds." Earlier, Harsimrat Kaur Badal wrote on Twitter, "Pb CM@capt_amarinder took@RahulGandhi to Sri Akal Takht Sahib but lacked courage to ask him admit the@INCIndia's sin of demolishing Sikhs' highest religio-temporal seat with tank & mortars. What a contrast with demand for British apology for #JallianwalaBaghMassacre !"The Punjab chief minister described Harsimrat Kaur Badal's tweet as an "outrageous statement and blatantly politically motivated", and lashed out at the Union minister, her brother Bikram Singh Majithia and the Badal clan for "playing the charade of nationalism to promote their vested political interests". "I resigned from Parliament and my party in protest against the military action. I was, and still am, fully aware of the implications and consequences of the events of those days," Amarinder Singh said, while quipping that Harsimrat Kaur Badal would have been in school at that time and "totally clueless" of what transpired then. Punjab Congress chief Sunil Jakhar also attacked the Akalis alleging that the SAD had a "small thinking" and was indulging in "shallow" politics. Earlier in the day, Gandhi paid floral tributes at the JallianwalaBagh Memorial and said the cost of freedom must never ever be forgotten. The massacre took place in Jallianwala Bagh during the Baisakhi festival in April 1919. The British Indian Army, under the command of Colonel Dyer, fired machine guns at a crowd holding a pro-independence demonstration, leaving hundreds dead. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Congress and the SAD engaged in a bitter war of words on Saturday over Rahul Gandhi's visit to the Golden Temple, with the latter demanding an apology from the ruling party's president for Operation Blue Star and the former accusing Akalis of indulging in "shallow" politics. Gandhi, accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, visited the Golden Temple on late on Friday night, soon after his arrival in Amritsar to mark the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. "Rahul's visit is just to gain political mileage. He should have tendered an apology for Operation Blue Star of 1984," Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader and Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal said in Bathinda. The Indian Army had carried out Operation Blue Star in June 1984 to flush out militants hiding in the Golden Temple complex. Badal held the Congress responsible for the "attack" on the Sikh shrine, also known as Harmandir Sahib. "Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh should have asked Rahul to tender an apology for the attack on Harmandir Sahib in 1984," she said. Earlier, she said in a tweet, "Pb CM @capt_amarinder took @RahulGandhi to Sri Akal Takht Sahib but lacked courage to ask him admit the @INCIndia's sin of demolishing Sikhs' highest religio-temporal seat with tanks & mortars. What a contrast with demand for British apology for #JallianwalaBaghMassacre!" The Union minister's comments drew sharp reactions from the Congress. "Did you, your husband @officeofssbadal or his father, Parkash Singh Badal, ever apologise for your great grandfather, Sardar Sunder Singh Majithia's lavish dinner to Gen Dyer on the day of Jallianwala Bagh massacre? He was later knighted in 1926 for his loyalty and his deeds," Singh tweeted. Punjab Congress chief Sunil Jakhar also attacked the Akalis. He alleged that the SAD had a "small thinking" and was indulging in "shallow" politics. Earlier in the day, Gandhi paid floral tributes at the JallianwalaBagh Memorial and said the cost of freedom must never ever be forgotten. The massacre took place in Jallianwala Bagh during the Baisakhi festival in April 1919. The British Indian Army, under the command of Colonel Dyer, fired machine guns at a crowd holding a pro-independence demonstration, leaving hundreds dead. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Algerian civil society groups voiced concern Saturday about toughening police tactics, a day after officers in riot gear clashed with protesters, and reaffirmed their commitment to peaceful pro-democracy rallies. Friday's initially peaceful rally in central Algiers deteriorated into the worst street violence seen so far since marches began in mid-February demanding an end to the 20-year-rule of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who finally resigned on April 2, and his regime. Police used tear gas and water cannon and scuffled with demonstrators, who in turn hurled stones and bottles, set alight at least one police car and turned large dumpsters into barricades. Injuries were reported on both sides, and activists raised fears that the standoff has entered a new phase. "Friday's mobilisation was different because of the scale of the repression," according to Said Salhi, vice president of the Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights. Demonstrators have vowed to push on with rallies against the interim government of Abdelkader Bensalah and its plan for July 4 elections, arguing that leaders who emerged from the Bouteflika "system" cannot guarantee free and fair polls. Salhi noted that the mood was different from early Friday outside the main post office in central Algiers that has become an emblematic protest site. "It usually starts joyfully at the post office, but there was a desire on the part of the authorities to clear the area," he said. Salhi said a turning point had come three days earlier when police had for the first time tried to disperse a student demonstration in Algiers with tear gas and water cannon. Political scientist Cherif Driss said that, while the demonstrations have continued unabated, "the police are trying to refocus, and are beginning to reduce the public space for expression". Driss added however that "the response remains moderate and professional, with mostly water cannons and tear gas. There is no brutal repression." Police put Friday's violence down to "delinquents" infiltrating the crowds, and said 108 people had been arrested, while some protesters also blamed "troublemakers" for the clashes. Driss said it was too early to tell whether Friday's clashes were the result of "a strategy to limit demonstrations or a reaction to groups infiltrating" the protests. The General Directorate of National Security reported that 83 police had suffered injuries. It denied having resorted to repressive tactics and said it was merely maintaining public order. Several protesters were also injured, and at least one was hit in the chest by what appeared to be a rubber bullet, said an AFP photographer. Activist groups stressed their commitment to non-violence. "The protesters are very committed to the continuation of the movement in its peaceful form," said Abdelwahab Ferfaoui of civic group the Youth Action Rally (RAJ-Algeria). "It's the key to success." At Friday's clashes, some demonstrators had placed themselves between rioters and police, raising their hands and chanting "silmiya" (peaceful) until the situation calmed, AFP journalists witnessed. "People did not respond despite the repression, we saw citizens defending police officers," said Salhi. "But we want to move towards a political solution quickly to avoid desperation. Letting the situation deteriorate until the elections in three months is not a solution. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The BJP Saturday slammed Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan for his controversial "Bajrang Ali " remark, accusing him of trying to flare up communal tension and asking him mind his language. BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain asked Khan to choose his words wisely. "With his 'Bajrang Ali' comment, he has insulted both Hinduism and Islam. The only suggestion I have for him is 'zuban sambhal ke' (mind your language). Both Akhilesh Yadav and Mulayam Singh Yadav have been taught lessons for his comments in the past," he said at a press conference. "The fear of defeat in their (opposition's) language is very much visible. All they serve to the country is lies," he added. Khan waded into a controversy Friday, saying "in place of Ali and Bajrangbali, it should be Bajrang Ali. Bajrang Ali todd day dushman ki neli (Bajrang Ali will destroy our enemies' bones)." Khan made the remark after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath compared the Lok Sabha elections to a contest between Ali', a revered figure in Islam, and Bajrang Bali, the Hindu god Hanuman, during a rally in Meerut recently. Finding the chief minister guilty of violating the model code of conduct, the Election Commission served a show cause notice on him. Hussain also attacked National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah for his comments that the BJP is "beating drums in the name of Balakot airstrikes". "Congress ally Farooq Abdullah is making anti-national statements again and Rahul Gandhi should clarify whether his party supports these statements or not," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Saturday tore into the Congress, charging it with seeking votes of Muslims by showing them the fear of BJP even though atrocities like Bhagalpur riots and unlocking of the Babri mosque premises had taken place during its rule. Addressing a rally in this muslim-dominated constituency where his party has put up its own candidate, the firebrand Hyderabad MP said I had warned you people during the 2015 assembly polls not to be fooled by the promises of the so-called Mahagathbandhan. You did not pay heed and ended up voting for Nitish Kumar who is now sitting in the BJPs lap. You must not repeat the same mistake again when haath (Congress poll symbol) wallahs are again seeking your votes with nothing more to offer other than the fear of BJP. You must not forget this party was in power in Bihar as well as at the Centre when the Bhagalpur riots took place and when the premises of the Babri Masjid were unlocked, Owaisi said. You must also ask the Congress why it stopped its own late MP Asrarul Haque, who represented this constituency, from speaking on the triple talaq debate on the floor of the Parliament, he said. BJP president Amit Shah is openly threatening to drive out your community from Assam in the name of implementing the National Registry for Citizens. And all we hear from the Congress is breast beating with the refrain what can we do. We have only one MP from the state, Owaisi remarked sarcastically. Are they unmindful of the power of one. A tiger roams around alone and still rules the jungle. And God Almighty is also one, the fiery orator said with his trademark flourish. Training his guns at Nitish Kumar, Owaisi said the Bihar Chief Minister had immense love for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the two make a pair as perfect as that of Laila and Majnu. Notably, Kumar had snapped his 17-year-old ties with the BJP in 2013 expressing disagreement with the party projecting Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate. After the Mahagathbandhan, which came into being when he joined hands with arch rival Lalu Prasads RJD and the Congress, trounced the NDA in 2015 assembly polls he again returned to the BJP-led coalition in 2017. The Seemanchal region (north-eastern Bihar, bordering West Bengal and Bangladesh) has been neglected by all those who have represented this region in elected bodies. Give your votes to our candidate Akhtar-ul-Imam. He will ensure the regions well-being single-handedly on the lines of the solitary battle I am waging on the triple talaq issue, Owaisi added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Claiming that the BJP has a tactical understanding with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily demanded to know the basis of Imran Khan's support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the ongoing elections. The former Union Minister also charged Modi with adopting a "Hitler-kind of attitude", stoking an "atmosphere of hatred in the country and thereby destroying all institutions". If the Congress comes to power, Moily said it will initiate probes into the functioning of the BJP government during the past five years in which the "nation was misled and kept in the dark" over several important issues like Rafale deal. "Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has openly supported Narendra Modi as a pre-condition for talks on bilateral resolution of the Kashmir dispute which clearly shows that there is a tactical understanding between the BJP and the Pakistan Prime Minister," the Congress leader told PTI. Khan's support and also the suggestion that Modi would bring in better ties between the two nations indicate a secret understanding, perhaps compromising the interest of India on Kashmir, he said. Observing that a war-kind of situation always prevailed during the BJP regime, Moily said, "Everytime the BJP comes to power, there is an escalation of hostility between India and Pakistan, it may be Kargil or attack on Indian Parliament under the Vajpayee government or Balakot and Pulwama under the current regime." Ridiculing Modi for his 56-inch chest claim, the former Karnataka chief minister said, "Where is the need to demonstrate even if he has one? of love is totally alien to him which has vitiated the political atmosphere in the country."As a result of the 56-inch chest narrative, Pakistan has for the first time openly admitted that it has an atom bomb, he added. Asserting that the Congress will probe functioning of the Modi government if it comes to power, Moily said, "We will investigate all actions taken during the current BJP's tenure, that include demonetisation, the Balakot attack and sacking of intelligence chief and ferrying of CRPF personnel in a bus despite intelligence input to the contrary." On Congress's prospects in the current Lok Sabha polls in Karnataka, Moily said the party will win at least 21 seats out of 28 in alliance with the JD(S). "The Congress and the JD(S) will win at least 21 seats. It could be possible to repeat 1971 when all 27 seats were won by the Congress. This is mainly because the Modi wave is fast waning and he is assuming a Hitler-kind of personality which will be devastating for the country in case he is put in any position of authority," he said. Both the Congress and the JD(S) are working as a team forgetting differences with a sole aim to defeat the BJP, which has terribly failed to implement its 2014 election promises and created an atmosphere of "fear" among people, he said. The Congress and the JD(S) are in alliance contesting in 21 seats and 7 seats respectively in the current Lok Sabha elections. Moily, however, refused make any assessment on the number of seats that the BJP or the Congress would win at the national level saying it will definitely be a Congress-led government in which regional parties may have a say based on pre and post-poll alliances. Expressing concern over the possibility of EVMs being rigged in this election, the former union minister said the Supreme Court judgement on VVPATs is "too little to check manipulation" as monitoring five machines in a constituency is too less. He accused the BJP of introducing " of hatred" and said, "This must end and pave way for of love. This can only be started by Rahul Gandhi." Modi, he said, has all qualities like "false ego and anger", which is not desirable from a national leader. He further said that the BJP talks of corruption but is least interested in checking it. "It was during my tenure as Union Law Minister that the Congress brought in a Lokpal bill but it has taken five years for the BJP to implement it and that too under pressure of the impending elections," he said. "Rahul Gandhi has been consistently fighting on the issue of corruption by bringing the issue of Rafale deal. Now even the apex court sees something amiss and agreed to the probe," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Pitted against his former colleague Pratap Patil Chikhlikar, who is contesting on BJP ticket from Nanded Lok Sabha seat in Maharashtra, senior Congress leader Ashok Chavan Saturday attacked Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and the ruling party, saying voters won't tolerate "liars". Patil Chikhlikar, a former Youth Congress leader from Nanded in Marathwada region of the state, is taking on Chavan on the latter's home turf, which has always remained the citadel of the Congress party. "Those who have to import candidates from other parties should not give advise to the people of Nanded. Tell us what happened to the promises like depositing Rs 15 lakh in bank accounts of the people, the increased MSP (Minimum Support Price), and giving two crore jobs. People of Nanded do not tolerate liars," Chavan, who heads the Congress in Maharashtra, said in a statement. He said the BJP had to "import" candidate from other parties, as the ruling party has failed to find a strong candidate from its fold. "The Chief Minister does not have a moral right to give advice to the people of Nanded. They know who has worked from them," said Chavan who was one of the two leaders of the Congress who withstood the Narendra Modi wave in 2014 elections in Maharashtra. He said the people from Nanded had defeated the "imported" candidates in the municipal corporation elections held earlier. "That history will repeat in the Lok Sabha elections as well," the former chief minister said. He said the BJP was shying away from talking about burning issues, and is instead politicising armed forces to derive a political mileage. "Around 15,000 farmers have committed suicide in the last five years in Maharashtra. The state is facing worst kind of drought," he said, adding that the BJP's flagship "Jalyukt Shivar" scheme, which was aimed at increasing the irrigation potential in the state, has come as a cropper. He accused the government of failing to effectively implement drought mitigation measures, saying the people from rural areas are forced to migrate in the search of jobs. Chavan reiterated his allegations regarding the farmer loan waiver scheme and the government's promise to ensure that farmers are paid MSP 1.5 times the production cost. Nanded constituency comprises Bhokar, Nanded North, Nanded South, Naigaon, Deglur and Mukhed assembly segments. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The election authorities in Srinagar have issued a notice to BJP candidate from the Srinagar Parliamentary constituency Sheikh Khalid Jehangir for violating the poll code by interacting with first-time voters at a hotel here. Jehangir had Friday posted pictures on Twitter of BJP national general secretary Ram Madhav interacting with the first-time voters in Srinagar. "Shri @rammadhavbjp ji interacts with first time voters in Srinagar. He told the first time voters that those who cast their votes in Kashmir so far were only being remembered during votes and are being forgotten after the elections are over," Jehangir had tweeted. Taking note of the meeting, the additional deputy commissioner of Srinagar, who is the nodal officer of the model code of conduct (MCC), issued a show-cause notice to Jehangir on Friday. "You have reportedly held an interactive session with the first-time voters at Grand Palace, Srinagar, on April 12 without seeking prior permission from the District Election Officer, Srinagar, which clearly envisages that the expenses incurred thereof were also concealed," the notice said. The notice granted Jehangir 24 hours to explain his conduct. "As your action is in violation of the model code of conduct and the guidelines issued by the Election Commission on two accounts one, you have not sought prior permission, and second, your conduct leads to the concealment of expenditures thereof you are accordingly directed to explain your conduct within 24 hours failing which it would be brought to the notice of the Election Commission for appropriate action," the notice read. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday dubbed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "big fascist leader" running the country as per his whims, and urged people to not "waste" their votes on the Congress and the CPI(M). She reiterated that her party, the Trinamool Congress, will play an important role in ousting Modi, and forming the new government. Banerjee hit out at the BJP for taking out armed Ram Navami rallies at various parts of the state, and accused the saffron party of trying to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of Bengal. "A big fascist leader is running the country and claiming himself to be a 'chowkidar' of the masses. He has to be defeated at any cost and Trinamool will play an important role in the formation of government at the Centre," she said at an election rally in Siliguri in support of TMC candidate Amar Singh Rai. Claiming that her phones are being tapped, she said the BJP is curbing people's democratic rights and every institution in the country has been undermined. Banerjee claimed that the CPI(M) will not win a single seat in the state. "The CPI(M)-BJP-Congress have an understanding. We have seen that during the panchayat elections. Congress will also not be able to form a government on its own. Regional parties will play an important role. "Do not waste your votes on the Congress and the CPI(M). Wherever regional parties are contesting, they must be strengthened," she said. The CM also slammed the BJP for trying to gain political advantage by using religion as a tool to mislead people. "BJP spreads hate and violence. They even seek votes in the name of armed forces. This is deplorable. Religion does not preach violence and hate. It stands for humanism... Whose throat do you want to slit with swords? Whose head do you want to smash with the mace?" Banerjee asked. The TMC supremo said some BJP leaders claim that she has stopped Durga Puja and Saraswati Puja in Bengal. "Can they even recite the mantras of Durga Puja and Saraswati Puja?" Dalits and minorities have been "persecuted" in the last five years, Banerjee said, asserting that "every" vote will ensure the defeat of Modi. She maintained that the National Register of Citizens (NRC) will not be allowed in West Bengal. "They (BJP) say that they will conduct NRC in Bengal. But, I assure you that I will not allow it in my state," she said. Banerjee also took a jibe at the saffron party and said the TMC has fielded a 'bhumiputra' (son of the soil) from the Darjeeling seat, unlike the BJP, which has nominated a candidate who hails from Manipur. "It's sad that the BJP could not find a candidate in Darjeeling and had to bring someone from Manipur to fight the elections," she said. West Bengal has a total of 42 Lok Sabha seats, third highest after Uttar Pradesh's 80 and Maharashtra's 48. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Police in Vietnam issued an arrest warrant on Saturday for the brother of the country's richest man for allegedly bribing officials in a telecoms scandal, state-run media reported, a shocking development as the communist state widens its crackdown on corruption. A conservative leadership that came to power in the one-party state in 2016 has carried out the sweeping campaign, going after high-rolling executives once thought to be untouchable in Vietnam, one of Asia's most corrupt countries. Dozens have been jailed already, mostly from the country's lucrative finance and state-run oil sectors, sending a chill through business and political circles. The latest ensnared in the anti-corruption drive is Pham Nhat Vu, the former chairman of a television company Audio Visual Global (AVG), whose brother has a net worth of USD 7.6 billion according to Forbes. Vu is caught up in a scandal that erupted last year when the government started investigating state-run Mobifone telecommunications' attempted purchase of AVG. While the deal did not go through, officials have said it would have caused USD 300 million in losses to state coffers. Police have "decided to investigate, arrest and search the house of Vu...who has been accused of providing bribes," reported online newspaper Cong An Nhan Dan, the public security ministry's mouthpiece on Saturday. The amount Vu is alleged to have paid in bribes was not reported. Vu's older brother Pham Nhat Vuong is Vietnam's richest man and the head of VinGroup, the country's largest conglomerate with a portfolio that includes holiday resorts, luxury condominiums, shopping malls, convenience stores and supermarkets across the country. Vuong's cradle-to-grave empire is also making Vietnam's first homegrown cars and smartphones and is the financial backer for the country's first Formula One race next year. But the family keeps a very low public profile like other wealthy elites in the country who have kept their heads down amid the anti-corruption sweep. Two of Mobifone's top executives were arrested last year for their role in the scandal, and high-ranking state officials, including two former communications ministers, have been caught in the crackdown as well for their involvement in the loss-making AVG deal. Vietnam is among Asia's fastest-growing growing economies, but it has long been plagued by endemic corruption. According to Transparency International, the country ranks 117 out of 180 countries on the corruption index, behind Thailand and the Philippines. The anti-graft drive has been spearheaded by the longtime conservative apparatchik Nguyen Phu Trong, the communist party chief who last year also became president, consolidating two of the country's top roles to become Vietnam's most powerful man. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) BJP president Amit Shah Saturday accused the Congress of doing 'Ilu Ilu' with terrorists, in an apparent reference to a popular Bollywood love song from the nineties. In the song, 'Ilu Ilu' is an acronym for I love you. "Rahul baba's guru Sam Pitorda said do not bomb (Pakistan) but negotiate... Rahul baba if your party wants to do 'Ilu Ilu' with terrorists you can do that. But our intention is clear, if a shot is fired, we will reply with a bomb," Shah said here, addressing an election meeting in support of BJP's Badaun candidate Sanghmitra Maurya. Shah claimed that during the Congress's 10-year tenure, no action was taken even when terrorists took away heads of Indian soldiers. "This time it was the Narendra Modi government and not 'mauni baba' Manmohan Singh... within 13 days of the attack, the Indian Air Force went into Pakistan, bombed the terror camps and returned," the BJP president said, referring to the Pulwama attack. He added that BJP workers in Kashmir will ensure that it remains part of India and intruders are thrown out of the country. Training his guns at the opposition's 'mahagathbandhan', Shah said the country would have a new prime minister everyday of the week if the grand alliance comes to power. "On one side is the BJP led by Narendra Modi which is working for the country. On the other side is the 'mahagatbandhan' of Rahul Baba, 'behan' (sister) Mayawati, 'bhatija' (nephew) Akhilesh, Congress and others... I ask who is your (opposition's) leader... it is clear that Modi is our leader and will be the PM, but who is your leader... no one is telling but I will tell," he said. "On Monday it will be Mamata Banerjee, on Tuesday it will be Mayawati, on Wednesday it will be Chandrababu Naidu, on Thursday it will be Deve Gowda, on Friday... on Saturday it will be Mulayam Singh Yadav," he added. "Can any government be run like this? Who will look after the security of the country? Can this 'gathbandhan' look after the security of the country?" the BJP president asked. Shah claimed people across India were chanting Modi's name and they had decided to make him the prime minister once again. He exhorted the electorate of Badaun, from where the Samajwadi Party's Dharmendra Yadav had won in the 2014 Lok Sabha election, to join the development journey by voting for Maurya. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The BJP Saturday accused the Congress of using its state governments like ATMs to pump "illicit money" into its general election campaign and claimed that if the opposition party comes to power, it will practice corruption. BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi cited documents to hurl "Tughlaq Road poll scam", a term often used by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to target the Congress in his speeches, barb at the rival party. It is shocking to know that the Congress was using its state governments for collecting money to fight elections, she alleged at a press conference and claimed that Congress-run state governments have become "election ATMs" for the party. She also named several people who were raided by probe agencies recently to claim they were involved in channelling "illicit" money to the Congress. There was no immediate reaction from the Congress, which has repeatedly accused the Modi government of using investigation agencies to target its political rivals. Income tax raids were conducted across 52 places and Rs 281 crore was recovered, she said. Several people given cash are mostly Lok Sabha candidates from Madhya Pradesh and it is sad that money is being diverted from funds allocated for the poor, Lekhi said. Accusing the Congress of being directly involved in this "scam", she alleged that if it comes to power, corruption will become a trade. BJP leader Gaurav Bhatia also attacked the Congress over the issue, alleging since it has come to power in states like Madhya Pradesh, it has been involved in various "scams" to make money to influence the general election. Modi had recently alleged that Madhya Pradesh has become an ATM for the Congress,as he cited IT raids to target the party. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The BJP and the Congress blamed each other besides charging the ruling AAP for sealing drive at west Delhi's Mayapuri on Saturday which witnessed violent protest by locals resulting in use of force by police. Delhi Congress chief Sheila Dikshit condemned use of force by police in Mayapuri, blaming the Centre and the MCD, both ruled by the BJP, for sealing "There was collusion of the Centre and the MCD in sealing at Mayapuri. Congress condemns brutal lathicharge on the people," she said. Delhi BJP president Manoj Tiwari lodged a complaint against the AAP, with Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Delhi alleging sealing drive was being conducted selectively during imposition of model code of conduct. He urged the poll panel for intervention to halt it. "Arvind Kejriwal who is blaming the Centre and criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi is exposed today as the Delhi Pollution Control Committee and local SDM, who conducted the sealing in Mayapuri, come under Delhi government," Tiwari said. He also said the AAP and Congress did not sincerely oppose the sealing drive and held them responsible for the incident at Mayapuri. He claimed that BJP workers along with locals protested against sealing as it was conducted on the day of Ram Navami. "The use of police and para military for sealing on the day of Ram Navami shows Kejriwal is an enemy of festivals," he blamed. Delhi Congress spokesperson Jitendra Kochar held the AAP government and BJP-ruled MCD responsible for sealing and use of police force against local people. "When Congress was in power it brought an ordinance to stop sealing, but at a time when the AAP and the BJP are in power, people are being tortured with it," Kochar said. If Congress comes back to power after Lok Sabha polls, sealing will be stopped through an ordinance within 10 days, he claimed. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Curfew remained in force in Kishtwar town of Jammu and Kashmir for the fifth day on Saturday after an RSS leader was shot dead by militants in the communally-sensitive region earlier this week, officials said. Internet services continued to be suspended as a precautionary measure in the district, but it was restored in nearby Doda and Ramban districts on Friday night, the officials said. "Curfew is being strictly implemented in the town and adjoining areas to maintain law and order," Kishtwar District Development Commissioner A S Rana told PTI. Army columns are assisting the CRPF and the police, the official said. The curfew was promulgated in the town and adjoining areas on Tuesday after RSS leader Chanderkant Sharma and his security guard was shot dead by militants at a health centre. Minor protests were reported from some interior localities, but the situation remained well under control, the officials said. Some people, who were allowed to visit temples in the interior localities for the Ram Navami festival, raised slogans and later dispersed off peacefully, the officials said. There was no violation of curfew reported from anywhere, the officials said. "The situation will be reviewed later in the day to take a decision about the relaxation for the day," Rana said. The curfew was relaxed in a phased manner, for the first time since its imposition, on Friday evening. Police had picked up several overground workers for interrogation in connection with the incident and massive house-to-house searches were also going on. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Election Commission has written to the Telugu Desam Party asking how a person with criminal antecedents could be a part of a delegation led by its chief N Chandrababu Naidu during his visit to the poll panel on Saturday. The EC in its letter has said when Naidu visited, he was accompanied by one Hari Prasad who repeatedly raised various technical issues regarding functioning of EVMs and claimed that he had the technical expertise in the field. The letter stated that it was decided that Prasad would get a detailed briefing from the technical team of the EC. "However, when this technical person came it turned out that he was Hari Prasad who was involved in a criminal case regarding alleged theft of EVM machine in 2010 which an FIR was filed...Whatever maybe the eventual outcome of the investigation, it would be appreciated that such antecedents do not inspire confidence. "This is completely intriguing as to how a so called technical expert with these antecedents was allowed to be part of the delegation led by N Chandrababu Naidu, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and President, TDP," the letter from EC, addressed to the president of the party's legal cell, said. The Andhra Pradesh chief minister met Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora here and submitted a memorandum alleging that a large number of EVMs malfunctioned during polling in the state on Thursday and inadequate security led to incidents of violence. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Police have made four more arrests from Thane in Maharashtra in the alleged fake paramedical certificates case, taking the number of arrests to 17 so far, an official said Saturday. The four accused who were arrested on April 11 were working as pharmacists at various medical shops in the city. The arrests were part of an investigation into the fake certificate racket which was busted by crime branch in January this year. Police had then arrested 13 persons, including the chairman of a paramedical organisation, and the chairman of a Pune-based Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, which is not recognised by the state government. Police said some students had secured fake class 10 and class 12 certificates from the Pune-based organisation, and used them to get admission in D.Pharm and B.Pharm courses. The students completed the pharmacy courses and used the qualification certificates to get jobs as pharmacists, they said in a release. The four arrested persons are identified as Kamlesh Patel, 23, Jagdish Choudhari, 42, Vazaram Choudhari, 36, and Chunilal Choudhari, 50. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) France waived taxes worth 143.7 million euros to a French-registered telecom subsidiary of Anil Ambani's Reliance Communications in 2015, months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement of buying 36 Rafale jets, leading French newspaper Le Monde reported Saturday, giving a fresh twist to the deal in the middle of the Lok Sabha polls. While the French embassy here said a global settlement was reached with the firm under legislative and regulatory framework, the defence ministry said any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale deal was totally "inaccurate" and "tendentious". In October 2015, six months after Modi announced in Paris about the Rafale deal, the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement as against original demand of 151 million euros, the French newspaper reported. As per current exchange rate, the amount waived was Rs 1,123 crore. Reliance Flag owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. Following the report, the Congress stepped up its attack on the government on the Rafale deal and alleged that the Reliance received the tax waiver due to Modi's "blessings" and that he acted as a "middleman" for Ambani. In its reaction, Reliance Communications rejected any wrongdoing and said the tax dispute was settled under legal framework which is available for all companies operating in France. Modi had announced the procurement of a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015 in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. The Congress has been alleging massive irregularities in the deal and has been targeting the government over selection of Ambani-owned Reliance Defence as an offset partner for Dassault Aviation. The government has rejected the allegations. The French embassy, in a statement, said a global settlement was reached between the French tax authorities and Reliance company, in a tax dispute pertaining to the period 2008-2012. "This settlement was conducted in full adherence with the legislative and regulatory framework governing this common practice of the tax administration. It was not subject to any political interference whatsoever," it said. The defence ministry said neither the period of the tax concession nor the subject matter of the concession relate even remotely to the Rafale procurement. "Any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to dis-inform," it said. The French newspaper said the company was investigated by French tax authorities and found liable to pay 60 million euros in taxes for the period 2007 to 2010. However, Reliance offered to pay 7.6 million euros only as a settlement but it was French tax authorities refused to accept the amount. The authorities conducted another probe for the period 2010 to 2012 and asked the company to pay an additional 91 million euros in taxes, the report said. It said by April 2015, the total amount owed by Reliance to the French authorities in taxes was at least 151 million euros. In October, six months after Modi announced in Paris about the Rafale deal, the French authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance as a settlement as against the original demand of 151 million euros. A spokesperson of Reliance Communications said the tax demands were "completely unsustainable and illegal" and that the company denied any favouritism or gain from the settlement. "During the period under consideration by the French Tax Authorities - 2008-2012 i.e. nearly 10 years ago, Flag France had an operating loss of Rs 20 crore (Euro 2.7 million). French tax authorities had raised a tax demand of over Rs 1100 crore for the same period," the official said. "As per the French tax settlement process as per law, a mutual settlement agreement was signed to pay Rs 56 crore as a final settlement," he said. Following the story, Congress upped the ante against Modi on the deal. "This is called zero sum choices, startling tax concession and Modi 'kripa' (blessings)," Congress' chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala told reporters. He claimed "layers of crony capitalism" involving Modi and Ambani are now being unveiled. "PM Modi is acting as middleman for Anil Ambani. How many other companies in France have got a tax benefit? Is this not a quid pro quo for the purchase of aircraft? It is clear only one watchman is the thief," Surjewala alleged. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A girl allegedly committed suicide after being raped by her father in Bandipora district of Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday, police said. The accused father has been arrested, a police spokesman said. The girl, a resident of Aragam Bandipora, consumed some poisonous substance at her home and was rushed to a hospital, where she died, he said. The body will be handed over to her relatives after completion of medico-legal formalities, the spokesman said. A case under relevant sections has been registered and the matter is being investigated, he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Goa Congress Saturday filed a complaint with the state's Chief Electoral Officer against a speech by BJP president Amit Shah which the opposition party claimed was a "grave intimidating threat against minorities especially Christians and Muslims in Goa". Shah, during a rally in Darjeeling in West Bengal on April 11, had reportedly said minorities, especially Christians and Muslims, will be removed from the country as infiltrators, claimed Goa Congress spokesperson Sunil Kawathankar, who has filed the complaint with the CEO. "He had said the BJP will remove every infiltrator except Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. If the BJP leader had said that he will remove infiltrators, that was okay but giving it a religious colour has created communal discord and fear and anxiety in the minds of people of minority communities," Kawathankar's complaint reads. The Goa Congress leader has further alleged that Shah, by stating that the BJP would implement the National Register of Citizens across the country if re-elected, had violated Article 25-28 of the Constitution. "This is a direct threat to Christians, Muslims and those communities who have found mention in the BJP leader's speech," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) AAP national convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said BJP chief Amit Shah would be Union home minister if the NDA under Prime Minister Narendra Modi is re-elected. He also slammed Shah for a recent comment at a poll rally in West Bengal that the BJP, if re-elected, would remove infiltrators from the country, except those who are Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh. "A dangerous game is going on. You have to keep it in mind when you go to vote. Everyone says if Narendra Modi becomes prime minister, then Amit Shah will be next home minister of India," Kejriwal said addressing AAP workers at Margao town in South Goa. "You can imagine what will happen to a country whose home minister would be Amit Shah," Kejriwal claimed. Shah is contesting from Gandhinagar Lok Sabha seat in Gujarat, were polling for all 26 seats will be held in a single phase on April 23. "He (Shah) has said that if they (BJP-led NDA) come back to power, they will remove every single infiltrator from the country except (those who are) Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh. Amit Shah feels every Christian, Muslim, Parsi, Jain who lives in the country is an infiltrator. This is a dangerous statement," Kejriwal said. The Delhi Chief Minister said Shah's statement is more relevant and disturbing for states like Goa where over 40 per cent of the population belong to the minority communities. "Goa has 15 lakh people and around 40 per cent of them are minorities. How will he (Shah) implement it (removal of infiltrators) in Goa? What will these six lakh people do? Will he throw them in the sea or lynch them? Will he create riots?" he questioned. AAP is fighting both the Lok Sabha seats in Goa. Its state convener Elvis Gomes is contesting from the South Goa seat and general secretary Pradeep Padgaonkar from the North Goa seat. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An artificial intelligence research laboratory opened by Google in Ghana, the first of its kind in Africa, will take on challenges across the continent, researchers say. The US technology giant said the lab in the capital Accra would address economic, political and environmental issues. "Africa has many challenges where the use of AI could be beneficial, sometimes even more than in other places," Google's head of AI Accra, Moustapha Cisse, told AFP at the centre's official opening this week. Similar research centres have already opened in cities around the world including Tokyo, Zurich, New York and Paris. The new lab, Cisse said, would use AI to develop solutions in healthcare, education and agriculture -- such as helping to diagnose certain types of crop disease. Cisse, an expert from Senegal, said he hoped specialist engineers and AI researchers would collaborate with local organisations and policymakers. Google is working with universities and start-ups in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa to enhance AI development regionally, he said. "We just need to ensure that the right education and opportunities are in place," he said. "That is why Google is sponsoring a lot of these young people for their degrees... to help develop a new generation of AI developers." Other tech companies, including Facebook, have launched initiatives in Africa and demographics are a key factor behind the drive. Africa's population is estimated to be 1.2 billion, 60 percent of them under the age of 24. By 2050, the UN estimates the population will double to 2.4 billion. As online social networks expand, that presents a huge market for US tech giants to tap into. "There's a clear opportunity for companies like Facebook and Google to really go in and put a pole in the sand," said Daniel Ives, a technology researcher at GBH Insights in New York. "If you look at Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, where is a lot of that growth coming from? It's international," he told AFP in a recent interview. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) BJP resident Amit Shah will hold a roadshow in Gandhinagar Lok Sabha seat, from where he is contesting, on Sunday. This would the BJP chief's third roadshow in the constituency, the earlier ones being held on March 30, when Shah filed his nomination papers, and April 6 to mark the party's foundation day. BJP leaders here said Shah will begin his roadshow at Kalol in Gandhinagar district by garlanding the statue of Babasaheb Ambedkar to mark the birth anniversary of the architect of the Indian Constitution. Shah, who replaced party patriarch LK Advani from the seat, is pitted against the Congress' CJ Chavda. Elections to all 26 Lok Sabha seats in Gujarat will be held on April 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) These are the top stories from the northern region at 6.15 pm BADAUN ELN32 UP-RALLY-LD MAYAWATI Badaun (UP): Giving her own twist to a recent remark by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, BSP chief Mayawati Saturday said her party wanted both Ali and Bajrang Bali -- particularly Bajrang Bali as the deity is "linked with my own Dalit caste". AMRITSAR DEL2 PB-JALLIANWALA-LD RAHUL Amritsar: Congress president Rahul Gandhi paid floral tributes at the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial on Saturday to mark the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and said the cost of freedom must never be forgotten. AMRITSAR DEL3 PB-JALLIANWALA-BRITISH ENVOY Amritsar: British High Commissioner to India Dominic Asquith, who laid a wreath at the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial here on Saturday to mark the centenary of the massacre, said Britain deeply regretted the incident that took place on this day a hundred years ago. SHIMLA DES4 HP-DALITS-CREMATION Shimla: A Dalit family was reportedly compelled to cremate an elderly woman in a jungle after some upper caste people allegedly did not allow them to use the village crematorium in Fozal valley of Himachal Pradesh's Kullu district NOIDA ELX6 NCR-NOIDA-POLL SPENDING Noida (UP): Over 80 per cent of the poll spending by the candidates in Gautam Buddh Nagar constituency was by the nominees of the BJP, BSP and Congress with Union Minister Mahesh Sharma accounting for a third of the total Rs 1.24 crore, official data showed. NEW DELHI ELN1 DL-CEO-NAMO TV (Recasting overnight story) New Delhi: The Delhi poll body has directed the BJP not to air any content on NaMo TV without its certification, a day after the Election Commission directed that all recorded programmes displayed on the platform be pre-certified, officials said. DEHRADUN ELX2 UKD-FINAL POLL PERCENTAGE Dehradun: A voter turnout of 61.50 per cent was recorded in Uttarakhand which went to polls in the first phase of Lok Sabha elections on Thursday. LUCKNOW ELX20 UP-MODI LOOKALIKE-NOTICE Lucknow: A Narendra Modi lookalike who is contesting the Lok Sabha elections has been served notice for violating the poll code over what he calls is his slogan "one vote, one note". BADAUN ELN20 UP-AMIT SHAH Badaun (UP): BJP president Amit Shah Saturday accused the Congress of doing 'Ilu Ilu' with terrorists, in an apparent reference to a popular Bollywood love song from the nineties. BALLIA ELX17 UP-MODI TEMPLE Ballia (UP): At a time when devotees across the country are observing fast for goddess Durga, worshippers in an Uttar Pradesh temple are doing so for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's return to power. JAMMU DES8 JK-ARMY-CEASEFIRE VIOLATIONS Jammu; As many as 513 ceasefire violations by Pakistan have taken place along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir in the past one-and-a-half month and the Pakistan Army has suffered five to six times more casualties than the Indian Army in the retaliatory action, a senior officer said Saturday. SRINAGAR DEL9 JK-2NDLD ENCOUNTER Srinagar: Two Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militants involved in the killing of a number of civilians and police personnel were on Saturday gunned down by security forces in an encounter in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir, police said. VARANASI NRG4 UP-GANGSTER Varanasi: A wanted criminal, who was on the run after allegedly killing a BHU student, has been arrested following an exchange of fire with police. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Himachal Pradesh Governor Acharya Devvrat has accepted the resignation of Anil Sharma as Power Minister, a Raj Bhawan spokesperson said Saturday. The governor accepted Anil Sharma's resignation on the recommendation of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, he added. The chief minister will take care of Anil Sharma's portfolio of Multi Purpose Projects and Power, Non Conventional Energy Sources, the spokesperson said. Anil Sharma resigned from the BJP government on Friday, days after the Congress fielded his son Aashray Sharma as its candidate from the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency. He said that he would not campaign against his son and in support of BJP candidate Ram Swaroop Sharma in Mandi. Anil Sharma has been under pressure from the Bharatiya Janata Party after his father, former Union minister Sukh Ram, quit the saffron party and joined the Congress along with Aashray Sharma last month. After resignation from the state BJP cabinet, Anil Sharma told PTI, "I will not resign as an MLA and from the party. I will remain the BJP MLA." Meanwhile, BJP state president Satpal Singh Satti has asked Anil Sharma to resign as an MLA and from the BJP. In a statement issued here Saturday, Satti said Anil Sharma had crossed all the limits of "indiscipline" by issuing statements against BJP candidate Ram Swaroop Sharma. "Sukh Ram's family is a turncoat family as they have switched on their loyalties several times," he said. "Anil Sharma has no right to remain in the BJP and he should resign from its membership on moral grounds," Satti said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Even as the BJP is eyeing to retain all the 26 Lok Sabha seats in Gujarat, the Congress has high hopes from seats like Amreli, a predominantly agrarian region, as it feels that farm issues will be a key factor since farmers there are "unhappy" with the Modi government. The Congress has fielded its leader of opposition in Gujarat Assembly, Paresh Dhanani, from Amreli seat located in Saurastra region, against two-time BJP MP Naran Kachhadiya. The opposition party claims that since the farmers are not happy with the Modi government, they would vote against the ruling party this time. However, the BJP had won all the 26 seats in the home state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014 and the saffron party wants to repeat its performance. Amreli constituency is primarily an agrarian district as the region lacks proper ecosystem for industrial development. Of the seven Assembly constituencies falling under Amreli Lok Sabha seat, Congress had won five in the 2017 Gujarat elections. Patidar agitation led by Hardik Patel had helped the Congress against the BJP to some extent. However, this time the factor may not make much difference. Congress believes that a more serious issue of farmers distress and their "anger" towards the ruling party will help it clinch the Lok Sabha seat. Promises made by the Congress in the manifesto to have a separate farmers' budget have found support among the voters in Amreli, along with the assurances of loan waiver and ending the system of making non-payment of loan a criminal offence, the party leaders believe. "Nearly everyone here is engaged in farming activity, directly or indirectly. And they all understand that the Modi government has failed in fulfilling the tall promises it had made to them, including that of doubling of farmers' income. Besides, demonetisation has hurt the people badly," district Congress president Ashok Sosa said. "In our manifesto, we have promised to address all the issues, and voters from the farming community are with us," he says. Kanji Der, a farmer from Lathi taluka in the district, says farmers in his village feel cheated as the BJP-led state government did not give benefits due to them although the area was declared drought-hit. There are also allegations that crop insurance was not being paid to farmers by private insurers and the government. Farmers allege that the central and state governments introduced compulsory crop insurance policy to benefit private parties. "Forget doubling our income, the government came up with a system to take away our money in the form of crop insurance. Even if we are paid, it is a pittance," Der said. The constituency, which comprises parts of Amreli and Bhavnagar districts, has a dominant presence of Patidar and Koli communities. Dhanani had won the Amreli assembly seat in 2017 and was made the party's leader of opposition in state assembly, while Kachhadiya is seeking his re-election for the third time after winning two previous elections. Kachhadiya is banking on his performance as an MP and lists the works delivered by him in the last five years, including conversion of metre-gauge line into broad-gauge, which was approved in the last budget; national highway projects improving connectivity to Amreli, and an FM radio station in Amreli. Senior BJP leader Dileep Sanghani says the BJP has addressed issues affecting farmers and the party is confident of winning another term. "Patidar quota agitation, which helped the Congress in 2017, is no longer an issue. In our manifesto, we have promised to address issues concerning farmers. "In the Assembly polls, the Congress had won five out of seven seats (under this LS cosntituency), but a combined difference of vote was only 50,000, which we have managed to reverse," Sanghani, who represented Amreli for four terms- in 1991, 1996, 1998 and 1999- said. "In our manifesto, we have promised to address issues of farmers by making the crop insurance policy a voluntary one, and we have already transferred Rs 2,000 into their accounts (under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme)," he says. There are a total 16,27,980 registered voters in Amreli constituency, which the Congress had last won in 2004. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A four-cornered fight is on cards in Nashik Lok Sabha constituency in north Maharashtra, where sitting Shiv Sena MP Hemant Godse is not only facing the challenge from NCP's Sameer Bhujbal and a former Shiv Sena MLA, but is also battling an old poll jinx. Interestingly, no sitting MP in this constituency has managed to win again since 1952, except in 1971 when Congress' Bhanudas Kavade managed to retain the seat after winning it earlier in 1967. Godse had defeated NCP leader and former deputy chief minister Chhagan Bhujbal by 1.87 lakh votes in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. Apart from Sameer Bhujbal, who is nephew of Chhagan Bhujbal, Godse is facing challenge from Independent candidate and former BJP MLA Manikrao Kokate, and Pawan Pawar of Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi (VBA), which is led by Dalit leader Prakash Ambedkar and AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi. The Shiv Sena and the BJP have formed a front to contest the Lok Sabha elections, so did the Congress and the NCP. A total of 18 candidates are in the fray from this constituency where 18,82,51 voters are expected to exercise their franchise on April 29. Of six assembly segments, the BJP currently represents Nashik East, Nashik Central and Nashik West while the Sena holds Sinnar and Devlali constituencies. The Congress represents Igatpuri seat. The BJP is the ruling party in the Nashik Municipal Corporation. Political observers feel that Godse might face reverses in rural areas in Nashik district where farmers, especially onion growers, are angry against the government over demonetisation and agrarian distress. Lasalgaon town in the district is known as the Asia's largest market of onions. The district is also known as the "wine valley" for its bumper grape production. The grape and onion cultivating farmers, mostly from the Maratha community, were traditional supporters of the Congress, and later the NCP, until the "Narendra Modi wave" swept the region in 2014. In general, Godse enjoys goodwill among urban voters for bringing several projects to Nashik, which is located around 150 km away from Mumbai and 220 km from Pune. The voters credit Godse for the railways wheel factory being set up at Nashik Road, and for improving air connectivity from Ozar airport. In his appeal to voters, Sameer Bhujbal often talks about the infrastructure development in the constituency when he was the MP. Asia's longest fly-over-bridge on the Mumbai-Agra national highway was built during 2009-14, when the junior Bhujbal represented the seat. In the current election, the CPI(M) has declared its support for Sameer Bhujbal. According to poll observers, Kokate wields influence in Sinnar taluka in the North Maharashtra district. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An industrialists' body here Saturday appealed to the Governor administration to ensure smooth flow of traffic on the strategic Jammu-Srinagar national highway, claiming that traffic mismanagement has caused huge losses to the sector. The nearly 270-km highway, the only all-weather road linking Kashmir with rest of the country, has been closed for civilian traffic twice a week -- Wednesday and Sunday -- from 4 am to 5 pm till May 31 to facilitate smooth movement of security convoys, drawing sharp criticism, especially from the mainstream parties and business community in the Valley. "The mismanagement of traffic movement on the highway is resulting in considerable delay in the receipt of raw material from Kashmir and dispatch of finished products from Jammu to Kashmir, Doda, Kishtwar and other parts of the state," Bari Brahmana Industries Association (BBIA) president Lalit Mahajan said after a meeting here. He said though the highway remains operational for civilian traffic for rest of the days of the week, the goods from the twin capital cities take days together to reach the desired destinations, resulting in steep hike in the transportation charges. "Industrial units are suffering badly due to transit delay of the goods resulting in huge financial losses. In case of perishable items and milk products, 100 per cent losses were reported in some consignments," Mahajan claimed. He said the BBIA appeals to Governor Satya Pal Malik, his advisor K Vijay Kumar andInspector General of police (Traffic) Alok Kumar to ensure smooth flow of traffic on the highway from Jammu to Srinagar and vice-versa. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) British High Commissioner to India Dominic Asquith, who laid a wreath at the Memorial here on Saturday to mark the centenary of the massacre, said Britain deeply regretted the incident that took place on this day a hundred years ago. Asquith visited the Memorial in the morning to pay homage to those killed in the incident on April 13, 1919. He laid a wreath at the memorial inside the historic "The events of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflect a shameful act in British-Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused," Asquith wrote in the visitors' book at the memorial. "I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st century partnership," he added. In his brief interaction with reporters later, Asquith said British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday described the Jallianwala Bagh massacre as a "shameful scar" on British Indian history. May, however, stopped short of offering a formal apology. Asked why an apology was not tendered by the British government, Asquith said, "I know this is a really important question. I would just ask you to respect what I came here to do, which is to commemorate those who died a hundred years ago and to express the sorrow of the British government and of the British people. "But I would repeat what I said earlier that both governments are committed to building a very strong relationship...we have an extraordinarily flourishing relationship today." He pointed out that former British prime minister David Cameron, during his visit to India earlier, had expressed regret and termed the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy a "deeply shameful scar". Asquith also added that the Queen (Elizabeth II) had spoken of the incident as a distressing example of Britain's past history with India. The British envoy said his great-grandfather H H Asquith, who was the prime minister of Britain between 1908 and 1916, had referred to the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy as one of the worst outrages. "My own great grandfather, who was the prime minister for almost a decade, had referred to this as one of the worst outrages in our whole history," he said. The massacre took place at Jallianwala Bagh inAmritsar during the Baisakhi festival in April 1919 when the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer opened fire at a crowd staging a pro-independence demonstration, leaving scores dead. Morning Post, a conservative British newspaper, raised a hefty sum of "26,000 pounds" for the benefit of General Reginald Dyer -- the man behind the dreadful Jallianwala Bagh massacre, according to a recently-released book. It started with an article, titled "The Man Who Saved India", which was written just days after Dyer was removed from his post by the British authorities in July, 1920, according to the book, "Jallianwala Bagh". "... there are thousands of men and women in England who realise the truth -- that the lives of their fellow-country-men in India hung upon the readiness of General Dyer to act as he acted. "It is to those men and women that we appeal, to do what is in them to redress the callous and cynical wrong which has been done. General Dyer has been broken," reads the article. The fund, according to author Kim Wagner, saw people from all over the British empire and from all walks of life contributing to support Dyer, including "Rudyard Kipling, who gave 10 pounds". "When the fund eventually closed, more than 26,000 pounds had been raised, which meant that Dyer could retire in comfort and without financial concerns," he added. Wagner pointed out some pseudonyms used by people who contributed in the fund -- 'One who remembers 1857', 'The Prince of a White Man Slain', 'In gratitude to Gen. Dyer, from an Englishwoman who heard the mob', 'A Widow who remembers reading, when a child, of the horrors of 1857', 'An Old Anglo-Indian'. The pseudonyms revealed something of the "mindset and politics mobilised by the fund", the author said. Overwhelmed by all the love coming his way, Dyer wrote a letter of thanks that was subsequently published in the Morning Post. "I am proud to think that so many of my fellow-countrymen and women approve of my conduct at Amritsar, and I accept the token of their approval in the spirit in which it is offered," reads the letter. India on Saturday marked the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, when troops of the British Indian Army, under the command of Dyer, fired indiscriminately at a crowd holding a peaceful meeting on April 13, 1919, leaving hundreds of people dead. Published by Penguin Viking, the book "Jallianwala Bagh" claims to provide an innovative and nuanced approach to the dramatic events in Amritsar and unearth untold narratives that shed new light upon the bloody history of the British empire. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A US serviceman has fatally stabbed a Japanese woman and then killed himself in Okinawa, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, amid growing resentment about the presence of American troops in Japan's southwestern region. US Forces Japan says the Naval Criminal Investigative Service is working with local police to look into the deaths Saturday of a US Navy sailor assigned to a Marine unit and an Okinawa resident. It says in a statement: "This is an absolute tragedy and we are fully committed to supporting the investigation." It says more information will be released later. Japan's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Takeo Akiba telephoned U.S. Ambassador William Hagerty, asking for cooperation with the investigation and efforts to prevent a recurrence, and expressed "extreme regrets," according to the foreign ministry. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Japan's Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by lawyers for against his detention, local media said Saturday, dashing the former Nissan boss's hopes for an early release. The 65-year-old former auto tycoon had appealed to Japan's highest court after lower court judges ruled he could be questioned for a 10-day period until Sunday over allegations of financial misconduct. But the court slapped down the appeal without explaining the ruling, Jiji Press and Kyodo News reported. Immediate confirmation of the reports was not available. On Friday, the Tokyo District Court had already further extended his detention until April 22 as prosecutors continue grilling him. Authorities must then either press formal charges, release him or re-arrest him if they believe he has additional allegations to answer. Prosecutors are looking into allegations that Ghosn siphoned off some $5 million from funds transferred from Nissan to a dealership in Oman, and spent the money on a luxury superyacht. Ghosn has not been formally charged over these allegations. But the tycoon does already face three separate charges. Two of these relate to millions of dollars in salary believed to have been concealed from shareholders. The third charge is that he sought to shift personal investment losses to company books. Ghosn denies all allegations and lashed out in a video message -- shown on April 9 -- at what he termed a "plot" by "backstabbing" Nissan executives scared of closer integration with French partner firm The case has bewitched Japan and the business world since the tycoon was arrested out of the blue at a Tokyo airport on November 19 and whisked off to the detention centre. ALSO READ: Baffled Nissan shareholders sever last ties with former chairman Ghosn He spent 108 days in an initial period of custody, in conditions he said he would not wish on his "worst enemy", forced to sleep with the light on and forbidden from contact with his loved ones. He then won bail, stumping up $9 million for his freedom and submitting to strict bail conditions including not using the internet or contacting anyone connected to the case. But in another twist, he was then re-arrested in a dawn raid on April 4 for more questioning. Once hailed as Nissan's saviour, Ghosn is fighting to restore his reputation after he was removed almost immediately from the head of the company and later resigned as boss of as he fights the allegations. His lengthy detention has sparked some criticism of the Japanese justice system, derided by some as "hostage justice" as suspects can be held for a long time without formal charges. Police opened fire outside Ukraine's embassy in London on Saturday after a vehicle rammed into the ambassador's parked car and then drove at officers called to the scene. No diplomatic staff were injured in the incident and nor was the suspect, a man in his 40s, but he was taken to hospital as a precaution after being arrested, police said. The incident, which began at around 08:30 am (0730GMT) and took place in the exclusive Holland Park area, is not being treated as terrorism. "The official vehicle of the ambassador of Ukraine to the UK was deliberately rammed as it sat parked in front of the embassy of Ukraine's building," a statement from the embassy said. It said police were called and quickly blocked the suspect vehicle, but the driver hit the ambassador's car again. "No one of the embassy staff were injured," the embassy said. London's Metropolitan Police confirmed they were called to reports of a car hitting a number of parked cars near the Ukrainian embassy. "On arrival at the scene, a vehicle was driven at police officers," the force said in a statement. "Police firearms and Taser were discharged, the vehicle was stopped and a man, aged in his 40s, was arrested. "He has been taken to a central London hospital as a precaution. He was not injured." The statement added: "The incident is not being treated as terrorist-related." Senior police officer Andy Walker said there would be an investigation into the discharge of a police firearm, as in line with procedure. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav Saturday said the 2019 Lok Sabha elections are "historic" as they will take the nation in a new direction and restore respect for the poor. "The BJP wants to create a gulf of hatred," he said at a joint rally of the SP-BSP-RLD alliance in favour of Samajwadi Party candidate Dharmendra Yadav here. The BJP wants to divide the society for gaining power in the manner in which the British divided us," he said. "These elections are historic," Yadav said. "They are not just for winning the Lok Sabha, but to take the nation in the new direction, to bring change and restore respect of the poor who have been humiliated." Taking potshots at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the SP chief said, "Mayawatiji had said that our 'baba mukhyamantri' (chief minister)) has talked about the caste of God. He referred to claims last year over the community to which Lord Hanuman belonged, and blamed BJP leaders for it. This time, the gods are not happy with these people," he said. Yadav said he did not need to give a certificate of the work done by him when he was the chief minister. Whenever the SP or the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) come to power, development takes place in the state. "Roads and bridges were constructed, and arrangement for power was made, but the BJP government stopped all the facilities," he said. "The BJP says the borders are safe as it is their government at the Centre, but I want to tell them that the borders and the country are safe because of our brave Soldiers, he said. Governments keep coming and going, but the jawans posted at the borders keep the country safe," the SP leader added. He said people spread rumours, tell lies, hatch conspiracies and misuse the official machinery, but he has faith in them that on the day of polling, they will ensure that SP and BSP candidates are victorious. Yadav said the country faced issues of hunger, disease and education, and only the opposition alliance can find a solution to them. "This is an alliance for the poor people living in villages," he said. The first phase of polling was held on April 11. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Maharashtra Anti-Corruption Bureau has filed a disproportionate assets (DA) case against an executive engineer currently posted in the state government's Town Planning department in Nagpur, an official said Saturday. ACB Thane Unit Additional Superintendent of Police Kisan Gavli said a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act was filed on Friday against Sanjay Solanki (54) and his wife Vijaya. Solanki is the Executive Engineer, Implementation Cell of the Town Planning department in Nagpur, the official informed. An ACB probe in December, 2015 found that Solanki had allegedly amassed Rs 41.31 lakh in excess assets between December, 1985 and June, 2015. As per the complaint filed with Wagle Estate police station Friday evening, Solanki's wife helped him in amassing such property and, therefore, has been made a co-accused, an official said. Solanki was earlier suspended in June, 2015 for alleged involvement in the Maharashtra Sadan scam. He was also allegedly named by the ACB in a land scam in Kalina in Mumbai. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Secret Service agents rushed to secure the White House on Friday after an incident involving a man whose jacket was on fire just beyond the border fence, according to officials. The Secret Service, which guards the president, said a man "operating an electronic wheelchair-type scooter lit his outer jacket on fire while sitting along Pennsylvania Ave. outside the North Fence Line." Officers "immediately responded, extinguished the fire and rendered first aid," the Secret Service tweeted, adding that the man had "what appears to be non-life threatening injuries." Details about what happened were scanty. It was not even immediately clear what caused the fire. In a rare sight, officers rushed to the scene and others ordered journalists usually stationed with rows of television cameras outside the White House to get inside the building. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A military conflict between India and Pakistan is an "unnecessary misconception", says Hawaii Supreme Court judge Michael D Wilson who stresses that there is much to be done in partnership by both the countries. According to him, both the countries are facing several other problems such as the existential threat of climate change. Nonetheless terrorism and violence cannot be used to hurt citizens in order to achieve a particular political objective and accountability is necessary when such acts are committed, he said. He was of the view that the cultural connect between the two countries has the potential to achieve reconciliation. "I tend to think that the idea that there needs to be a military conflict in order to protect both the societies is unnecessary misconception. With respect to terrorism, I don't subscribe to the idea that somebody can use violence to hurt innocent citizens in order to achieve political objective. Accountability is necessary when such acts are committed and countries have to protect its citizens," Justice Wilson told PTI. The judge said "the talents India and Pakistan have and the good leaders in the two countries give them an opportunity to reconcile in a way that if it's not a formal political reconciliation then it is at least something which is a cultural connection." He said India, Pakistan and Bangladesh "are not failed countries" and there is talent and integrity in the three neighbours and so much can be done by them in partnership to tackle environmental issues. Justice Wilson, who was here on the invitation of O P Jindal Global University VC C Raj Kumar, also gave the 'Green Law' lecture on "Environmental Justice and the Rule of Law: Role of the Judiciary and Judges", organised here by the university. He praised the Indian judiciary including National Green Tribunal in dealing with various environmental issues. The judge has played a leading role in establishing a court that specialises in environmental laws in Hawaii. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday sought to corner the Congress on its showpiece poll promise of "Nyay," demanding justice for the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots, the Bhopal gas tragedy and violence against Dalits. While terror attacks shook the nation during Congress regime, the NDA's policy halted it, he said at Ramanathapuram. A vote for DMK, Congress, and Muslim League combine would lead to higher taxes and less development and give a free hand to terrorists and rise of criminal elements in politics, he alleged. "Those who cannot protect India can never develop the nation. When Congress and their allies were in power, terrorists were attacking the nation regularly. City after city, there were blasts but congress remained helpless and silent." Time has however changed now. "India will not spare a single terrorist or Jihadi. If they dare to attack us, we will find them wherever they are and ruin their happiness," he said. Addressing a poll rally here, he alleged the Congress and dishonesty were best friends but sometimes "by mistake," they end up speaking the truth. "Now they are saying "Ab Hoga Nyay" (justice will be done now) even if they did not intend, they have admitted that all they have done is "Anyay" or injustice for 60 long years," (during the Congress rule), he said. "I want to ask the Congress party who will do Nyay to the victims of 1984 Sikh riots ? ...who will do Nyay to all the victims of anti Dalit (violence), who will do Nyay to the government of great M G Ramachandran ji, which was dismissed by the Congress just because one family did not like those leaders."...who will do Nyay to the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy, among the worst environmental disaster in India."Congress, which talks about 'Nyay' has done most injustice to regional aspirations by "shamelessly," imposing Art 356 to dismiss State governments of M G Ramachandran, M Karunanidhi, Communists and showing disrespect to the federal structure, the PM said. His government however believed in "cooperative and competitive federalism," and regional aspirations mattered in policies. Blaming the DMK, Congress for vote bank in opposing a Bill on abolishing Triple Talaq in Parliament, Modi said, "These parties do not believe in dignity of women." If Rahul Gandhi invoked Tamil pride and rationalist leader Periyar to target BJP's Hindutva line, Modi countered it by referring to the legacy of late AIADMK leaders M G R and J Jayalalithaa, the welfare of Srilankan the state's spiritual ethos. He hailed MGR and Jayalalithaa as iconic leaders who strove for the poor. BJP stood with people on the Lord Ayyappa issue, he said and hailed the state's spiritual ethos by citing the famous hill shrine of Lord Shiva (Sundaramahalinga Swamy Temple) on Sathuragiri hills in the southern region. Similar to his recent Kancheepuram rally, he said Ramanathapuram was linked to Kashi by the bonds of faith and spirituality. In Kerala, Congress, Communists and Muslim League are playing a "dangerous" game regarding Sabarimala temple. "They are using brute force to strike at the root of faith and aspiration. Sadly for them till BJP is there, no one will be able to destroy our faith and culture," he said in Ramanathapuram. "...we must continue working for the prosperity of our Srilankan Tamil brothers and we must end the dynasty rule of corrupt families," he said in his Theni address. The AIADMK has been accusing the DMK-Congress combine of not taking steps to halt the killings of Tamil civilians during the Srilankan civil war in 2009, while seeking to champion their cause and Modi's remarks resonate it. Chief Minister K Palaniswami, who also addressed the gathering, hit out at arch rival DMK over its alliance with the Congress. He asked the party to clarify whom it would support in neighbouring Kerala, whether the Congress or the CPI(M) as they both were its allies in Tamil Nadu. The DMK and Congress though "sworn enemies" have joined hands, despite the national party having "humiliated" its southern ally in the past, Modi said. Even during the 2G spectrum allocation scam, the DMK leaders criticised Congress, he pointed out. "In an attempt to mislead the people, all the corrupt have ganged up in an attempt to defeat Modi," he added. He said the DMK has to "resort to gimmicks" just to draw people to its rallies. Picking holes in opposition unity, he said DMK President MK Stalin's Rahul Gandhi for Prime Minister pitch did not find takers in the grand alliance since there were other leaders with the same aspiration. The Congress, the DMK and their other 'mahamilawati' friends can never work for India's development, he claimed. "This land of Theni is known for brave people who served the nation, it is now up to you to decide how you will you deal with those who questioned the surgical and air strikes done by our brave armed forces," he said. The Indian Air Force (IAF) had carried out airstrikes on terror camps in Pakistan in February last. "When it comes to national security there can be no compromise. I assure my fellow Indians that we leave no stone unturned in protecting India and destroying forces of terror." "Our guiding principle is nation first. Opposition believes in family first. If you go to Delhi, prime real estate has been used for memorials on members of only one family, it is as if no other person contributed to India except one family." The BJP, however, believed in the contribution of every citizen in making India stronger and that was why a grand memorial was built for Kalam in Rameswaram, he said wrapping up his election campaign in Tamil Nadu. There were no memorials for past presidents like Dr S Radhakrishnan though in every town, Congress had named so many roads and buildings after "one family." In both rallies, Modi referred to ongoing development projects in Tamil Nadu and listed his governments welfare initiatives like the free LPG connections. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said the 'Modi factor' was writ large across the country during the first phase of and multi-cornered contests in several states favoured the ruling BJP. Polling was held in 91 Lok Sabha constituencies spread across 18 states and two Union Territories on Thursday, marking the beginning of the seven-phased general Observing that verbal battles between the Left, Trinamool Congress and the Congress are becoming visible increasingly, Jaitley said, "On the leadership issue, the situation looks gloomier than what I had thought. The BSP leader Mayawati, the Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee leave no stone unturned in running down the Congress President." "There is no leader, no Gathbandhan, no Common Minimum Programme and no real issue. Not surprisingly there are not many takers for a "failed campaign". It is 'Rent a Cause' Campaign," Jaitley said in a Facebook post. The Opposition is in disarray in many states, with alliances having not worked out, he said, adding that multi-cornered contests obviously favour the BJP. "To oust a popular Government, an extremely popular Prime Minister, you need some real issues, not fictional issues. The Opposition wasted the past two years in a run-up to the polls "manufacturing issues" which didn't exist," Jaitley said in the post titled 'India's Opposition is on a "Rent a Cause" Campaign'. The minister said the Opposition's false campaign on Rafale did not carry much weight. Loan waiver to industrialists was a lie, the EVM as an instrument of rigging was a bigger lie, he asserted. "The First Phase of voting is over. The "Modi" factor was writ large across the country. (BJP President) Amit Shah's challenge to the BJP workers to prepare for a 50 per cent voting target in the BJP stronghold states even where there are opposition alliances seems coming through," Jaitley said. Stating that the Opposition comes up with a new cause on a daily basis, Jaitley said one day the Pulwama terror attack was questioned as self-engineered, while the next day Balakot strike was questioned as a non-existent operation. "One day BJP is accused of whipping up war hysteria, the other day it is dubbed as pro Pakistan. "One day the focus would be on the BJP candidate's educational qualification, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi's academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. After all, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree!," Jaitley said. The minister said there is no running thread in the Opposition's campaign which connects what is being said today or what has been said over the last several months. Senior Congress leader has lambasted the government, calling it the "most corrupt" in the history of India, and said its performance has been "abysmal and deplorable". He also accused the BJP-led dispensation of misusing the sedition law, and said the Congress wants to differentiate between the anti-national acts and opposition to the government. Chavan claimed there was fear among people now that if Modi, who has "dictatorial tendencies", continued to be in power, the Indian democracy would be in trouble. In an interview to PTI, the former Maharashtra chief minister said in 2014, Modi had promised a corruption-free government. "In 2014, Modi emerged as the winner even before the campaign started. There were several corruption allegations against UPA-II, which people believed. Many of the allegations were fabricated. We could not effectively defend ourself. The Anna Hazare movement also created an atmosphere against us. Modi's corruption-free government promise was very important as many people voted him to power for that," Chavan said. "But, if you analyse his (track) record, it is abysmal and deplorable. Modi's government is the most corrupt in the history of India," he alleged. Chavan said, "People have now realised that these people had lied to them by giving promises which they had no intention of fulfilling. The former Union minister charged that Modi launched a surgical strike on Indian economy through demonetisation. "Performance of Modi is the agenda of the campaign this time. But, he has no answers on the development promises. Instead, he has shifted the focus on national security and wrong propaganda about the Congress and other opposition parties," Chavan said. "Post-Pulwama, lot of counter-narratives are floating around. will ask him questions about anything and everything. It is the right of the opposition to answer questions. The job of the opposition is to oppose, expose and depose the government," he said. Chavan said he expected the Congress-NCP to do better in this election as compared to the 2014 tally of two (Congress) and four (NCP) seats in the Lok Sabha polls in Maharashtra. "The mood of the nation has changed. The wave is against Modi. The opposition has sensed that the Modi government can be defeated. There is a genuine fear that if a man like Modi, with dictatorial tendencies, returns to power, there will be a question mark on the future of Indian democracy," he added. "We are happy with the 'tukde tukde' label. Let's not forget that it is the Congress party, which made 'tukde tukde' of Pakistan," he said, responding to BJP charge that the party manifesto is written by the "tukde tukde gang". The BJP has been using "tukde tukde" gang to refer to students accused of raising anti-India slogans in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 2016 and has generalised the phrase to attack those it accuses of sympathising with Maoists and separatists. Congress party's record very clear, he said, adding that wars fought under the political leadership of the Congress have seen India decisively defeat Pakistan. When asked about the promise of review of sedition law in the Congress manifesto, Chavan said the party makes it clear that it wants to differentiate between the act against the nation and opposing the government. "There is a difference between anti-national acts of stealing defence secrets and selling it to Pakistan and saying demonetisation has been the most stupid decision of the Modi government," Chavan said. "It is the right of the opposition and every citizen to ask the government of the day for accountability. The sedition law was rarely used during the UPA rule. Now, the government is misusing it and there are 179 sedition cases in different parts of the country," he said. "In JNU, if somebody has a different point of view, do you arrest them under sedition?" he asked. He said the BJP's manifesto has consistently given place to issues of Ram temple, uniform civil code in the last three elections. "Modi had got absolute majority after 30 years. There was no alliance partner or deputy PM. Modi was the ruler and he has not been able to explain his performance on development front," he said. Chavan said the Congress-led opposition has deliberately avoided a national alliance against the BJP since it would have to be under some leader. "This is what Modi wanted- to convert the election into a US presidential style campaign," he added. When asked about alliances, he said the Congress has 23 parties on board in the state-level alliances. "There are conflict of interests in some states. But, in a large country this is bound to happen. By and large, alliances are in place," he said. Targeting the BJP, he said on the issues of development, national welfare, the ruling party is no match to Congress. "All their promises have fallen flat. Hence, it is effectively using methods of coercion and inducement. Their motto is anything goes in politics...," he said. Referring to the I-T raids in Madhya Pradesh, Chavan said it was "tax terrorism". "To threaten and create an atmosphere of terror," he said. When asked about Shiv Sena joining hands with BJP , Chavan alleged, "It is clear agencies like ED, CBI have been utilised." Chavan said the Rafale deal was a complicated case of huge corruption. "It is the largest defence corruption scandal where laws and decisions have been twisted around. (Former Defence minister Manohar) Parrikar refused to toe the line to increase the price in the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC). The matter was not resolved at the DAC and hence it was taken up by the Cabinet Committee on Security, where the prime minister approved the price hike," he claimed. A Narendra Modi lookalike who is contesting the Lok Sabha elections has been served notice for violating the poll code over what he calls is his slogan "one vote, one note". Abhinandhan Pathak filed his nomination papers from Lucknow on Friday as an Independent candidate and said he would also contest Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency represented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After filing nomination, he told the media that his slogan was "one note, one vote". In a notice served to Pathak Friday evening, District Magistrate Kaushalraj Sharma said that the slogan appeared to be in violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) and amounts to "luring electorate for votes". "Pathak has been given 24 hours time to reply to the notice after receiving it. In absence of the reply, FIR under relevant sections will be lodged against him," the DM, also the returning officer, said. After challenging Home Minister Rajanth Singh, sitting MP and BJP candidate, who is yet to file his nomination from Lucknow, Pathak said that he would also file nomination from from Varanasi on April 26. Claiming himself to be a "serious candidate and not the dummy one", Pathak said he was against 'jumla' (gimmick) and after winning, "I would support Rahul Gandhi's PM's candidature". Pathak bears resemblance to PM Modi. He dresses and speaks like Modi and begins his speech with 'Mitron' (friends), the pet word PM uses frequently to address his audiences. A resident of Saharanpur, Pathak was with the BJP-led NDA constituent Republican Party of India (Athawale) as its state vice-president for Uttar Pradesh till he joined the Congress last month. During the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, there were several lookalikes of Modi, including Pathak, who were seen in different places across the country during election campaigns. However, Pathak had actively campaigned for the Congress in the run-up to the assembly elections in Chhattisgarh last year, holding meetings in a number of seats in the state, including Jagdalpur, Dantewada, Kondagaon and Bastar. Lucknow, from where Pathak has filed his nomination, will vote in the fifth phase of the elections on May 6. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday mocked Congress' "dream" of forming a government at the Centre and castigated it on national security and Jammu and Kashmir issues, asking people to punish it in such a way that the party would not be able to save its deposits in the Lok Sabha polls. Addressing a massive rally in Bengaluru, he said the Congress has promised to remove the Army from Jammu and Kashmir, saying "exactly what Pakistan says word to word in Pakistan's language." Devoting most parts of his speech to national security, Modi said the Congress had spoken about coming to power in its manifesto and added, "who can stop one from dreaming? " "But let them dream about forming the government. I can understand it because a chaiwala has robbed the opportunity of four generations of Sultanate," he said. Modi said what was worrying was that the Congress has said in its manifesto that if they form the government in Delhi, they would "remove" AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) that gives special powers to the soldiers. "Which way are they going? Didn't you feel the pain and anger hearing this? The Jammu Kashmir for which thousands of soldiers were martyred, you want to make soldiers unarmed, helpless?," he asked the crowd. Modi said Congress had also said in Pakistan's language that they would remove the army from Jammu and Kashmir. "Is this okay with you, will you be able to forgive Congress?. Pandit Nehru sowed the seed of fire in Kashmir and still the country is bearing it, now they say they will remove army from there, what is the meaning of it?" Modi also referred to the talk about having two prime ministers -one in Hindustan and the other in J&K (by National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah). "Their talk of removing the law (AFSPA), removing the military and their Milavati friends talk about second Prime Minister. If you see all these together, does Congress want to save Kashmir? Will you allow Kashmir to go away? The land on which our soldiers have shed their blood," Modi asked. The Congress manifesto said the party proposed to reduce the presence of the Indian Army and central armed police forces (CAPFs) in the Kashmir valley. It said the AFSPA and the Disturbed Areas Act in Jammu and Kashmir would be reviewed. Referring to the air strike and surgical strike on terror camps in Pakistan and launch of ASAT (Anti Satellite) by India, Modi said the whole world was with India. "Earlier whenever such things or statements were made, Russia used to be with us and the entire world with Pakistan. Now what has happened is China alone is with Pakistan while the entire world was with us. Isnt it Indias strength?, he asked. "You might have felt Congress processor is slow, but their software is corrupt. Their process is fast only whensomething has to be done against the countrys security and demoralise our brave soldiers," Modi said. The Prime Minister also hit out at the Congress for its promise to review the sedition law, saying it wants to remove law to punish those who indulge in treason. "Will you accept such Congress and their allies? "... Making such promises,can we forgive the Congress that has such a mindset?, he asked, telling voters that "in this election, punish Congress in such a way and alsotheir allies that they should not be able to save their deposits." The prime minister also took exception to the political row created by the ruling Congress-JDS alliance over the recent Income Tax raids on several JDS men across Karnataka. Modi asked the crowd, "should the law be followed or not whether it is PM or CM or minister? Why get scared if you have not committed anything wrong?," he asked. On March 28, the Income Tax department carried out raids at multiple locations in Bengaluru, Mysuru,Mandya, Ramanagara, Shivamogga and Hassan, triggering a strong reaction from Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy and Congress leaders, who accused the Centre of promoting the of vendetta. Kumaraswamy had even called the I-T officers as BJP agents and led a protest by the ruling Congress-JDS coalition in front of the IT department office here. In his rally at Mangaluru, Modi said the ruling Congress-JDS coalition in Karnataka and parties alike were inspired by "Pariwarvad" (dynasty) and believed in giving power to even the last member of the family. Addressing a massive rally, Modi said unlike the Congress, JDS and others, BJP's inspiration came from "Rashtrawad" (nationalism). He said the Lok Sabha polls was not about who became an MP or prime minister or minister,but about how the "New India" should be and what should be its inspiration. "Inspiration of Congress-JD(S) and parties like them is pariwarwad (dynasty) and our inspiration is rashtrawad (nationalism). They look for ways to give power to even the last member of their family, while we are striving to bring those people ahead who are in the last line of society." "Their darshan is vamshoday, while ours is antyodaya (uplifting the weaker sections of society). Because of their vamshoday there will be corruption and injustice and because our antyodaya the glory of transparency and honesty will increase", Modi said. Continuing to target the dynasty of Congress on the second consecutive day of his campaign in Karnataka, Modi said "this vamshoday will ignore their own party senior leaders, while our antyodaya will make a tea seller the Prime Minister. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) More than 70 British lawmakers have urged their government to prioritise any extradition bid might make for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is also wanted in the United States. Assange was arrested on Thursday at Ecuador's London embassy on allegations of skipping bail, and on a US extradition warrant related to a huge leak of official documents. He had sought refuge in the embassy in 2012 while on bail awaiting extradition to for allegations of sexual assault and rape, which he always denied. In the letter, the MPs and peers urge British Home Secretary Sajid Javid to "give every assistance to should they want to revive and pursue the investigation". British law states that if Sweden does make an extradition request, it would be up to Javid to decide which should take precedence. "We must send a strong message of the priority the UK has in tackling sexual violence and the seriousness with which such allegations are viewed," the letter says. The sexual assault claim expired in 2015 and Swedish prosecutors dropped a preliminary investigation into the rape allegation in 2017, arguing that since Assange could not be reached, they could not proceed. Following his arrest, however, the alleged rape victim asked that her case now be reopened -- but the limitation period on this claim expires in August 2020. "We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done," the letter says. The MPs and peers add that it is "of grave concern to us" that the Swedish authorities did not appear to have prior warning of Assange's arrest, unlike the US authorities. ALSO READ: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange charged under seal by US prosecutors The letter was also copied to Diane Abbott, the home affairs spokeswoman for the main opposition Labour party. Abbott said: "Assange skipping bail in UK, or any rape charge that may be brought by Swedish authorities shouldn't be ignored. "But the only extradition request is from USA, because he's a whistle-blower on atrocities caused by US military ops. This extradition would be wrong so we oppose it." Assange is currently being held at the high-security Belmarsh jail in southeast London. The 47-year-old Australian claims the Swedish cases against him were politically motivated, linked to the leak in 2010 of a huge number of US military and diplomatic documents. He sought refuge with Ecuador, claiming that his extradition to Sweden was a pretext for his transfer to the United States. ALSO READ: Newly published files confirm plan to move Julian Assange to Russia But Ecuador withdrew his asylum status and allowed British police into the embassy on Thursday to arrest the white-bearded Assange. He appeared in court a few hours later and was found guilty of breaching his bail terms back in 2012. He could be jailed for up to a year when he is sentenced at a later date. The separate extradition case on US charges of computer hacking is set for May 2, although the United States has until June 12 to submit full extradition papers. Assange's London lawyer Jennifer Robinson said: "He's obviously going to fight extradition and fight it hard. A high school Muslim student's hijab was pulled off allegedly by a schoolmate who also hurled anti-Muslim slurs during a fight in the US, prompting authorities to arrest her, according to a media report. The East Brunswick High School girl, whose name and age were not released, got into an argument with another girl on Wednesday because both students wanted the same seat in a common area on campus, the school's Superintendent Victor Valeski said in a statement. As the fight escalated, one of the girls pulled off the other girl's hijab and started screaming anti-Muslim slurs at her, the superintendent was quoted as saying by the WNBC-TV. A school security officer broke up the fight, but not before it was caught on video. The video was posted to social media at some point after the fight, the report said. "Ultimately, the fight was determined to be a bias incident and was immediately reported to the East Brunswick Police Department and the County Prosecutor's Office in accordance with Board Policy and the law," Valeski said. The student who pulled off the girl's hijab was arrested and charged with simple assault, harassment, cyber harassment and disorderly conduct, Middlesex County prosecutors said. "The East Brunswick Public School District values our diverse student body and community. The District does not tolerate any incidents of bias, discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying and takes swift action if such an event occurs," the superintendent said. The Muslim girl has also been suspended under the school's zero-tolerance policy after the fight was broken up by a school security officer. But some students and parents have questioned why she was suspended for 'defending herself'. "The Muslim woman and her family have been seen and offered any help needed from the school psychologists and support staff," New Jersey Mayor Brad Cohen said. "Let me be very clear in that I stand with our Muslim friends and neighbours in condemning this entire incident," Cohen said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Latching onto a statement attributed to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal Saturday said Pakistan cannot get a better Indian PM than Narendra Modi who had allowed the ISI to visit the Pathankot air base, and is "implementing" Pakistan's agenda. Kejriwal also questionned the timing of the February 14 Pulwama terror attack, which he said was executed "ahead of the elections". Referring to Khan's statement that he sees a better chance of peace talks with India if the BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins the Lok Sabha elections, the Delhi chief minister went on to question the timing of the Pulwama attack in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed. "Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan says that Narendra Modi should become the PM of India once again. His statement came against the backdrop of a war like situation that existed between both the countries a few days back. And (despite that) Imran Khan wants Modi to be the PM of India again," Kejriwal said while addressing the AAP workers in South Goa. Kejriwal said he didn't understand that is happening between Khan and Modi. "Four weeks back, a war-like situation prevailed between both the countries but now Imran Khan wants Modi to be the PM. Why is he saying so? Why does Pakistan want Modi to be PM again? Now people have started asking about the Pulwama attack," he said. "Why did he (Imran Khan) get the terrorist attack at Pulwama executed just two months before the (Lok Sabha) elections?" he asked. "Modi is now going around the country and telling that we went into the house of the enemy (ghar me ghuskar) and killed them," he said. Kejriwal added, "Pakistan cannot get better prime minister than Modi. After the Pathankot strike, he (Modi) invited the ISI (Pakistani spy agency) to investigate it (in 2016). The ISI is less of an intelligence agency and more of terrorists. The BJP calls Modi a strong leader, but no government did what Modi did (by allowing the ISI enter the Pathankot air base)..Can Pakistan get better Indian PM than Modi?" he questioned. Kejriwal further said that because of Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah, the unfulfilled agenda of Pakistan to divide India on the religious lines seems to be working. "Pakistan failed to divide India on the religious lines in the last 70 years. But it is being made possible in the last five years because of Modi and Shah duo who have filled poison in the minds of the people. Pakistan cannot get better Indian prime minister than this. They (Shah and Modi) have implemented Pakistan's agenda," he said. He further said Modi's return to power does not augur well for democracy in India. "If Modi returns to power, this would be the last election in the country till he is alive. I have come to appeal to you to save the country. The country is in danger. If Modi and Amit Shah come back again, and if Modi becomes PM again, then the country will not survive, Indian constitution will not survive and secular structure will not survive," he alleged. AAP has fielded Elvis Gomes from South Goa constituency against Congress' Francisco Sardinha and BJP's sitting MP Narendra Sawaikar. Goa, which has two Parliamentary seats, votes on April 23. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) National Conference activists Saturday protested in the highway township of Banihal against the ban on the movement of civilian traffic twice a week on the Jammu-Srinagar national highway. The protesters, led by National Conference district president, Ramban, Sajjad Shaheen, staged the protest to press for revocation of the "anti-people" and "authoritarian" order. The nearly 270-km highway, the only all-weather road linking Kashmir with the rest of the country, will remain closed for civilian traffic on Wednesday and Sunday from 4 am to 5 pm till May 31 to facilitate smooth movement of security convoys. "Such an unprecedented move is first in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. It has turned out as a nightmare for the commuters on the highway as also various towns, suburbs and rural pockets on the route. "The proponents of such an order have not applied their mind, which speaks volumes about their disconnect with the people, who have been pushed to the wall," Shaheen said addressing the protesters. The NC leader hoped that Governor Satya Pal Malik would undertake immediate review of the situation and revoke the ban in the larger interest of the people especially those living along the highway. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Saturday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying he was afraid of the nationalism of the Sharad Pawar-led party which was inclusive. Modi, at a poll rally at Ahmednagar in Maharashtra, had accused Pawar of keeping mum on issues of national security despite quitting the Congress in the name of country. "Your party's name is 'Rashtravadi' and still you see the country through a foreign lens," Modi had said. Countering the prime minister's barbs, NCP spokesperson Nawab Malik said, "Yours is a cultural nationalism of (former RSS chiefs) Hedgewar, Golwalkar in which only the people belonging to a specific class of society have a place. "Our nationalism propagates ideals of (reformers) Chhatrapati Shahu, Mahatma Phule, (B R) Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Azad," he said, claiming that NCP's nationalism was all-inclusive. "We believe in social equality. This nationalism has strengthened the people of India. We will defeat your nationalism with our ideals, and that is why you fear our nationalism," Malik added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's recent statement promising an end of support to terror groups does not reflect a change of policy and is motivated by the fear of getting blacklisted by the global terror-financing watchdog FATF, the country's former envoy to the US Husain Haqqani has said. Amidst intense global pressure to rein in terror outfits, Khan last month said his government will not allow Pakistan's land to be used for any kind of terror activities and promised actions against militant groups operating from the country's soil. Haqqani, Pakistan's former Ambassador to the US, told a Washington audience on Friday that so far, there is no evidence that the Khan government or the military is dismantling Pakistan's terrorist support infrastructure. "There is little change in Pakistan's attitude towards militancy, particularly the one directed against Afghanistan and India," he said in his address to the third 'India Ideas Conference' organised by India Initiative of the prestigious Georgetown University. Haqqani pointed out that Pakistan has failed to initiate any action against the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terror group or its leader Masood Azhar after the Pulwama terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir. "Islamabad's close ties with Beijing were invoked to ensure that Azhar's designation as a terrorist by the United Nations was blocked by China at Pakistan's behest," he said, adding that such moves are consistent with Islamabad's policies of the last 30 years. Haqqani, who has authored several books, is currently the Director for South and Central Asia at the Hudson Institute think-tank. He is considered as an outspoken critic of the Pakistan Army's domestic and foreign policies, especially its support of terrorism. "Although the FATF sanctions are not imminent, Pakistan is trying to thwart them with public relations moves such as Imran Khan's latest statement. There will be more PR moves as FATF pressures increase," he said. The former ambassador said that the desire to reassure the world once again that Pakistan wants to act against terrorist groups is motivated by economic considerations. "Pakistan's economy is not doing too well. FATF sanctions would only make Khan's only economic option more borrowing and financial bailouts by other countries and IMF-- more difficult," he said. Haqqani stressed that "Pakistan's support for militancy is a strategic choice, motivated by the desire to provide a force multiplier for a relatively poor country trying to act as a major regional power without resources comparable to its perceived rival". Pakistan is under intense global pressure to rein in terrorist outfits operating from its soil after the Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated after a suicide bomber of Pakistan-based terror group JeM killed 40 CRPF personnel in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district on February 14. India launched a counter-terror operation in Balakot. The next day, Pakistan Air Force retaliated and downed a MiG-21 in an aerial combat and captured its pilot, who was handed over to India on March 1. Paris-headquartered Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on February 22 condemned the Pulwama terror attack and decided to continue the 'Grey' listing of Pakistan for its failure to stop funding of terrorist groups such as JeM, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamat-ud-Dawa. The FATF continuing Pakistan with the 'Gray' listing means downgrading of the country by multilateral lenders like the Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Union and also a reduction in risk rating by Moody's, S&P and Fitch, according to experts. : Tamil Nadu CPI secretary R Mutharasan Saturday charged the Bharathiya Janata Party (BJP)-headed NDA government at the Centre with denying the people freedom of speech and expression during the last five years of its rule. He said this while campaigning for the candidates of the secular progressive alliance contesting the April 18 Lok Sabha poll and also the byelection to the Thattanchavady assembly constituency here. The forthcoming poll should not be considered a poll battle alone, rather a 'political war' between parties and their ideologies, he said. He said the Prime Minister had promised the people of the country during the run-up to the Lok Sabha poll in 2014 that farmers in distress would be helped, two crore jobs for the youth would be generated and steps to improve the lot of the weaker sections would be taken. But, Modi had not done anything and his five- year rule was a 'monumental failure', he He assured the people of Puducherry of statehood status if they voted the Secular Progressive Alliance to power at the Centre. Chief Minister V Narayanasamy, who accompanied the CPI leader, described Modi as 'anti-dalits and anti- minorities. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Brushing aside resentment among party leaders over denial of tickets, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh Saturday said with only 13 Lok Sabha seats in the state, it was impossible to accommodate all 177 aspirants. He said the decision to allot tickets was taken by the Congress high command based on candidates' winnability. "Tickets were allotted to balance youth with experience," Singh told mediapersons after welcoming former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Chandan Garewal into the Congress. Asked about reports of some disgruntled Congress leaders preparing to form a separate Congress Taksali, the chief minister said it was not possible to accommodate all ticket aspirants. He said he hoped better sense would prevail among these leaders and they would work for the success of the Congress. Responding to a question about denial of ticket to senior Congress leader and sitting Jalandhar MP Mohinder Singh Kaypee, Singh pointed out that he had unsuccessfully contested on party tickets thrice in the past and even his wife had been given a chance, but she too had lost. The idea of Congress Taksali was floated by Kaypee at a meeting of party leaders and workers in Chandigarh on Sunday. Besides him, Shamsher Singh Dullo and Santosh Choudhary are two other Congress veterans who have been sulking over denial of ticket for the May 19 elections. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India Saturday remembered Jallianwala Bagh massacre victims with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu and Congress chief Rahul Gandhi paying tribute to those killed in the Amritsar tragedy 100 years ago. The massacre took place at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar during the Baisakhi festival on April 13, 1919, when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer opened fire at a crowd of people holding a pro-independence demonstration, leaving several dead and scores injured. Naidu on Saturday paid his respect by placing a wreath on the memorial and listened hymns being sung by Sikh priests at Jallianwala Bagh. He also released a commemorative coin and a postage stamp to mark the centenary. The vice-president later tweeted that Jallianwala Bagh massacre was a reminder to each one of us as to how hard-won and precious our freedom is. "History is not a mere chronicle of events. It shows us the depths to which depraved minds can plunge and cautions us to learn from the past. It also tells us that the power of evil is transient," he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the memory of those killed in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre serves as an inspiration to work for an India they would be proud of. "Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred ... Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," he tweeted. Congress president Rahul Gandhi paid floral tributes at the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial and said the cost of freedom must never be forgotten. He was accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, state minister Navjot Singh Sidhu and some other Congress leaders. They also observed a two-minute silence to remember those who were massacred in the tragic incident on April 13, 1919. "The cost of freedom must never ever be forgotten. We salute the people of India who gave everything they had for it," the Congress chief wrote in the visitors' book. British High Commissioner to India Dominic Asquith also visited the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial separately and laid a wreath there. In the visitors' book, Asquith wrote, "The events of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflect a shameful act in British Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused." He also wrote, "I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st century partnership." "The events of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflect a shameful act in British-Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused," Asquith wrote in the visitors' book at the memorial. "I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st century partnership," he added. In his brief interaction with reporters later, Asquith said British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday described the Jallianwala Bagh massacre as a "shameful scar" on British Indian history. May, however, stopped short of offering a formal apology. Asked why an apology was not tendered by the British government, Asquith said, "I know this is a really important question. I would just ask you to respect what I came here to do, which is to commemorate those who died a hundred years ago and to express the sorrow of the British government and of the British people. "But I would repeat what I said earlier that both governments are committed to building a very strong relationship... we have an extraordinarily flourishing relationship today." Asquith also added that the Queen had spoken of the incident as a distressing example of Britain's past history with India. The British envoy said his great-grandfather H H Asquith, who was the prime minister of Britain between 1908 and 1916, had referred to the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy as one of the worst outrages. "My own great grandfather, who was the prime minister for almost a decade, had referred to this as one of the worst outrages in our whole history," he said. Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president Mayawati, in a tweet, paid homage to those killed in the Jallianwala massacre 100 years back and sought an apology from the British. "On the centenary of the Jallianwala tragedy, our homage to martyrs & sympathy to the family members who sacrificed their lives for the country. It would have been most gratifying had the Indian govt. succeeded in extracting an apology from the British for this gruesome massacre," she wrote on Twitter. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) : One more case against city-based IT Grids India Pvt Ltd has been registered for alleged theft of data of voters in Andhra Pradesh, following a complaint by officials of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), police said Saturday. Sensitive data was also found in the possession of the company which has been booked in March, the police said. The two cases have been taken over by a special investigation team after the Hyderabad and Cyberabad police filed the cases against the company for stealing date through "Seva Mitra" mobile application allegedly used by the ruling TDP in the state. Preliminary investigation revealed illegal access by the company to personal and sensitive data of individuals such as aadhaar, electoral roll, government schemes and voters information related to various political parties, which can be misused for illegal purpose, the police said. Investigations further revealed use of stolen voter information for voter profiling, targetting campaigning and even votes deletion, they said. The seized digital evidence obtained by the police was sent to Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratory (TSFSL) for forensic examination, the police said. UIDAI officials in the complaint lodged Friday said a TSFSL report stated that the seized hard disks contain database of a large number of records pertaining to aadhaar number in a particular structural database. Further examination of the evidence showed a total of 7, 82,21,397 records of aadhaar data belonging to the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh were found and used by IT Grids for the purpose of 'seva mitra' application, the police said. The complainant said the structure and sizeof the database was similar to that of database that could have been originally owned by UIAI. The complainant further raised suspicion over the data that could have been obtained either from the central identities data repository (CIDR) or one of the state resident data hubs (SRDH) aligned to CIDR. "Availability of such unique information of an aadhaar number indicates that the accused in the case might have illegally accessed CIDR or SRDH and has used such information or data for wrongful gain," the complainant said. The alleged data theft has become a contentious issue between the two neighbouring states. Earlier, the TDP government had dismissed the charge of data theft and sought transfer of the case from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh while chief minister of the latter N Chandrababu Naidu had accused BJP and TRS of helping YSR Congress. On his part, TRS working president K T Rama Rao had said Telangana police was only probing into the charge based on a complaint and asked Naidu why he should fear a probe if he had not done any wrong. On March 7, a case was registered in Andhra Pradesh on data theft complaint by the ruling TDP and the SIT was set up to probe into it on a counter-complaint by TDP alleging a conspiracy by YSR Congress leaders and followers and some police officials of Telangana with the aim of stealing the data belonging to it. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With a French daily claiming that Anil Ambani's company benefited from a French tax waiver in 2015 when India was negotiating the Rafale deal, opposition parties on Saturday alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was acting as a "middleman" for his "crony businessman" and that layers of corruption were now being unravelled. The Congress alleged that the tax concession for Ambani was due to Modi 'kripa' (blessings) while the Left parties said the Prime Minister's Office "must own up to this". The parties, which have been accusing Modi of helping Ambani get an offset contract in the Rafale deal, were reacting to a report in a leading French newspaper Le Monde which claimed that France waived taxes worth 143.7 million euros to a French-registered telecom subsidiary of Reliance Communications in 2015, months after India's announcement of buying 36 Rafale jets However, the Defence Ministry termed as mischievous and inaccurate any attempt to draw a connection between the tax issue and the Rafale deal. The French embassy here also issued a statement saying tax settlement with Reliance was not subject to any political interference whatsoever and was conducted in full adherence with legislative and regulatory framework. In its reaction, Reliance Communications rejected any wrongdoing and said the tax dispute was settled under legal framework which is available for all companies operating in France. The French newspaper said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement as against original demand of 151 million euros. Reliance Flag owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. "This is called zero sum choices, startling tax concession and Modi 'kripa'," Congress' chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala told reporters here. He said that the report exposed "layers" of crony capitalism and corruption. "PM Modi is acting as middleman for Anil Ambani. How many other companies in France have got a tax benefit? Is this not a quid pro quo for the purchase of aircraft? It is clear only one watchman is the thief," the Congress spokesperson said. "Those that have Modi's blessings can get anything. If Modiji is there, then it is possibile. (Modi ji ki kripa jispar ho jaye uska kuch bhi ho sakta hai, Modi hai to mumkin hai)," he said taunting the BJP with its poll slogan. CPI(M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury alleged that the Modi government misused public funds to pay an "exorbitant" price for Rafale fighter jets to benefit "crony businessman" Anil Ambani through offset deal and French tax benefit. "So, our public money is used by Modi govt to pay exorbitantly more for far fewer Rafale fighters than required, to benefit a crony businessman through the defence deal and French tax benefit. No wonder BJP introduced secret Electoral Bonds for party funding, legalising corruption," he said. "The whole nexus is now coming out into the open. PMO was directly involved in Rafale scam bypassing our Air Force, and NSA was illegally negotiating in Paris," he tweeted. Surjewala claimed that in 2017-18, Dassault Aviation deposited Rs 284 crore in the bank account of an inactive company Reliance Airport Developer's Ltd. "This took place when the government of India was making advance payments to Dassault Aviation," he said. The Congress has been alleging favouritism and corruption in the deal, saying the government was procuring each aircraft at a cost of over Rs 1,670 crore as against Rs 526 crore finalised by the UPA government when it was negotiating. The government and the BJP have maintained that there has been no wrongdoing in the deal. Reacting to the newspaper report, the defence ministry said, "We have seen reports drawing conjectural connection between tax exemption to a private company and procurement of Rafale fighter jets by government of India. "Neither the period of the tax concession nor the subject matter of the concession relate even remotely to the Rafale procurement concluded during the tenure of the present government." Surjewala responded by saying that defence is acting as "official spokesperson" of a corporate. Modi had announced the procurement of a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015 in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. CPI leader D Raja accused Modi of aiding his "corporate friends" while leaving farmers and students high and dry. "While this government denies loan waivers to farmers and students who are in deplorable condition and are committing suicide, he is facilitating loan waivers for corporates. "He stands thoroughly exposed. Even when all this is coming out, he is sending Niramala Sitharaman and other leaders to defend him, but they were not even part of the deal. Why isn't Modi or PMO answering the questions raised by us? Wasn't the PMO conducting parallel negotiations in the matter? The PMO must own up to this," Raja said. NCP chief Sharad Pawar claimed former Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar relinquished his post at the Centre and returned to Goa because he did not agree with the Rafale fighter jet deal. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) BJP president Amit Shah Saturday accused the Opposition of treating illegal immigrants as a vote bank and doing 'Ilu Ilu' with terrorists, an apparent reference to a popular Bollywood love song from the nineties. He made the remarks while addressing 'Vijay Sankalp' (victory pledge) rallies in Badaun and Shahjahanpur districts of Uttar Pradesh. "The BJP wants to take the intruders out (of the country) but the BSP-SP and the Congress do not want this as they consider them their vote bank," Shah said. He also accused the Congress of being soft on terrorists. "Rahul baba's guru Sam Pitorda said do not bomb (Pakistan) but negotiate... Rahul baba if your party wants to do 'Ilu Ilu' with terrorists you can do that. But our intention is clear, if a shot is fired, we will reply with a bomb," the BJP president said. In the song, 'Ilu Ilu' is an acronym for I love you. Shah alleged that during the Congress's 10-year tenure, no action was taken even when terrorists took away heads of Indian soldiers. "This time it was the Narendra Modi government and not 'mauni baba' Manmohan Singh... within 13 days of the attack, the Indian Air Force went into Pakistan, bombed the terror camps and returned," he said, referring to the Pulwama attack. He added that BJP workers in Kashmir will ensure that it remains part of India and "intruders" are thrown out of the country. Training his guns at the opposition's 'mahagathbandhan', Shah said the country would have a new prime minister everyday of the week if the grand alliance comes to power. "On one side is the BJP led by Narendra Modi which is working for the country. On the other side is the 'mahagatbandhan' of Rahul Baba, 'behan' (sister) Mayawati, 'bhatija' (nephew) Akhilesh, Congress and others... I ask who is your (opposition's) leader... it is clear that Modi is our leader and he will be the PM, but who is your leader... no one is telling but I will tell," he said. "On Monday it will be Mamata Banerjee, on Tuesday it will be Mayawati, on Wednesday it will be Chandrababu Naidu, on Thursday it will be Deve Gowda, on Friday... on Saturday it will be Mulayam Singh Yadav," he added. The BJP president claimed that the alliance of the Samajwadi Party (SP), the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the Rashtriya Lok Dal did not have a policy and could not be trusted with the country's security. "Can any government be run like this? Who will look after the security of the country? Can this 'gathbandhan' look after the security of the country?" Shah asked. Only a government led by Modi can give a befitting reply to terrorism and Naxalism and not the SP-BSP alliance or the Congress, he said. Shah also accused the opposition parties of not doing anything for the poor. "Mayawati says that they will work for the poor but the BSP has given tickets to all the rich people and they will never do good for the poor," he said. He added that Mayawati had gained power in the name of Dalits but she has never washed their feet like Modi did during the Kumbh Mela. Shah said lawlessness prevailed in Uttar Pradesh under the erstwhile BSP and SP governments and the situation changed only after the BJP came to power. He claimed people across India were chanting Modi's name and they had decided to make him the prime minister once again. The BJP president exhorted the electorate of Badaun, from where the SP's Dharmendra Yadav had won in the 2014 Lok Sabha election, to join the development journey by voting for Maurya. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Pakistan's top anti-graft body Saturday summoned main opposition PML-N chief Shehbaz Sharif's wife and two daughters for questioning regarding business transactions, according to a media report. Shehbaz's wife has been summoned by the National Accountability Bureau on April 17 while his daughters Rabia Sharif and Javeria Sharif have been summoned on April 18 and 19 respectively, Geo TV reported, citing sources in the accountability watchdog. "The wife and daughters of Shehbaz have been summoned for questioning regarding business transactions," the sources said. Shehbaz's son Hamza has also been summoned on April 15 in a case pertaining to construction of a nullah from government money. Hamza, the Opposition Leader in Punjab Assembly, has been summoned on April 16 as well in a case pertaining to assets beyond known sources of income, sources added. An accountability court Tuesday indicted Shehbaz on charges he misused his authority while he was the chief minister of Punjab. Shehbaz, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief and Opposition Leader in the National Assembly, has already been indicted along with nine others in the Ashiana Housing scam case. He was arrested by the National Accountability Bureau in the probe on October 5, 2018 and released on bail on February 14. Shehbaz, 63, served as the chief minister of the politically crucial Punjab province from 2013 to 2018. He became PML-N president after his elder brother Nawaz Sharif was barred from holding the top party position and public posts. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Former Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar relinquished his post at the Centre and returned to Goa because he did not agree with the Rafale fighter jet deal, NCP chief Sharad Pawar claimed Saturday. Addressing reporters in Kolhapur, the Maratha strongman also slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi alleging that he had failed to fulfil the promises made during the 2014 poll campaign and was, therefore, diverting people's attention. "The Rafale deal was not acceptable to Manohar Parrikar. He therefore resigned from the post of Defence minister and returned to Goa," claimed Pawar. Parrikar, who took over as defence minister in November 2014, was sworn in as Goa chief minister on March 14, 2017. He died on March 17 this year after a long battle with a pancreatic ailment. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the procurement of a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015, in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. Slamming Modi, Pawar said the BJP has taken "siege" of important institutions in the country and is using them for its own benefits. "It is very serious when judges of the Supreme Court have to conduct a press conference," he said. In an unprecedented move, four judges of the Supreme Court had held a press conference on January 12, 2018, in which they raised a litany of problems, including the issue of assigning of cases, plaguing the apex court. The historical press conference was held by Justices J Chelameswar, Madan B Lokur, Kurian Joseph and Ranjan Gogoi (current CJI). Pawar also attacked the BJP and Modi for "politicising" the Army, adding that all other parties ensured that the armed forces were not politicised. Praising Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray, Pawar said the former was speaking the truth when he tells people that the Modi-Shah (BJP chief Amit Shah) combination is a dangerous one for the country. "He is effectively conveying, with proofs, about the wrongs that have happened. We and Raj Thackeray are not together in the elections but we will take the help of everybody to take away power from the hands of wrong people," he said. Pawar claimed that there is an environment of change prevalent in the country and people do not want a BJP government in power again. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday sought to corner the Congress on its showpiece poll promise of "Nyay," and sought to know who would do justice for the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots, violence against Dalits, and the Bhopal gas tragedy under its regime. The Prime Minister addressing a poll rally, a day after the campaign by Congress president Rahul Gandhi here, alleged the Congress and dishonesty were best friends but sometimes "by mistake," they end up speaking the truth. "Now they are saying "Ab Hoga Nyay" (justice will be done now) even if they did not intend, they have admitted that all they have done is "Anyay" or injustice for 60 long years," (during the Congress rule), he said. "I want to ask the Congress party who will do Nyay to the victims of 1984 Sikh riots ? ...who will do Nyay to all the victims of anti Dalit (violence), who will do Nyay to the government of great M G Ramachandran ji, which was dismissed by the Congress just because one family did not like those leaders." ...who will do Nyay to the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy, among the worst environmental disaster in India."The Prime Minister pointed out that such infamous incidents occurred during the Congress rule. If Rahul Gandhi invoked Tamil pride and Dravidian legacy to target BJP's Hindutva line, Modi today countered it by pointing to Tamil Nadu's spiritualism, late AIADMK leaders M G Ramachandran and J Jayalalithaa and the welfare of Srilankan Tamils. Modi said: "I pay homage to the great MGR and Jayalalithaa ji. India is proud of these two iconic leaders who lived and worked for the poor. their social welfare schemes ensured lakhs of people are free from poverty." BJP stood with people on the Lord Ayyappa issue, he said and hailed the state's spiritual ethos by citing the famous hill shrine of Lord Shiva (Sundaramahalinga Swamy Temple) on Sathuragiri hills in the region. "Remember that for making a prosperous Tamil Nadu, this game of the DMK and Congress must end. We must continue working for the prosperity of our Srilankan Tamil brothers and we must end the dynasty rule of corrupt families," he told the crowd. The AIADMK has been accusing the DMK-Congress combine for not taking steps to halt the killings of Tamil civilians during the Srilankan civil war in 2009 while seeking to champion their cause and Modi's remarks resonate it. Without naming anyone, the Prime Minister said the nation was witness to "father becomes Finance Minister and son loots the country," (during the UPA and seen as a reference to a senior leader from Tamil Nadu). "Whenever they are in government they always loot, the Madhya Pradesh government has become their ATM, they are diverting money meant for poor and children for use in their election, this has become known as the "Tughlaq Road scam," I am sure you all know which big Congress leader stays on Tughlaq Road in New Delhi." Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami lashed out at the DMK, asking it to clarify whom it would support in neighbouring Kerala, whether the Congress or the CPI(M). In Tamil Nadu, DMK is leading the Secular Progressive Alliance, whose constituents include the Congress and the Left parties. Modi launched a broadside against the Opposition saying the DMK, Congress and their 'mahamilavati' friends cannot accept strides India has made and therefore were "unhappy" with him. The DMK and Congress though "sworn enemies" have joined hands, despite the national party having "humiliated" its southern ally in the past. "Today India is rapidly making a mark in the world. The Congress, DMK and their mahamilavati friends cannot accept this. That is why they are unhappy with me," he said at an election rally here. The Prime Minister has been describing the opposition 'mahagatbandhan' (mega alliance) as 'mahamilavati,' meaning adulterated. Taking pot shots at DMK President MK Stalin's proposal naming Congress chief Rahul Gandhi as Prime Ministerial candidate, Modi said there were no takers for this among the opposition "because they are in line to be PM and dream of the post." "Some days ago, DMK supremo (Stalin) projected the Naamdar (dynast--Gandhi) as PM (candidate) but no one was ready to accept it, not even their mahamilavati friends, because they are in line to be PM and dream of the post," he said, without naming anyone. Despite past "bitterness," the Congress and DMK have joined hands, he said and recalled that the national party had "humiliated" the southern ally earlier, apparently referring to the dismissal of the DMK government in the past. Even during the 2G spectrum allocation scam, centered around then Telecom Minster A Raja of DMK, the Dravidian party's leaders were criticising the national party, which was leading the ruling UPA, he pointed out. "In an attempt to mislead the people, all the corrupt have ganged up in an attempt to defeat Modi," he added. He said the DMK has to "resort to gimmicks" just to draw people to its rallies. The Congress, the DMK and their other mahamilawati friends can never work for India's development, he said. "This land of Theni is known for brave people who served the nation, it is now up to you to decide how you will you deal with those who questioned the surgical and air strikes done by our brake armed forces," he said. The Indian Air Force (IAF) had carried out airstrikes on terror camps in Pakistan in February last. "When it comes to national security there can be no compromise. I assure my fellow Indians that we leave no stone unturned in protecting India and destroying forces of terror." Referring to the capture of IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman by Pakistan army, he said, "When a brave Indian fighter pilot was captured in Pakistan, it was ensured that he is back home in record time and even then Congress was playing over national security and insulting our forces. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) : Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi and Chief Minister V Narayanasamy Saturday greeted the people in the union territory on the eve of Tamil New Year. In her message, the Lieutenant Governor said 'Puthaandu' (new year) is celebrated on the first day of the month of 'Chithirai' in the Tamil calendar. She extended her wishes on the auspicious occasion. "May the beginning of the new year usher in prosperity, peace and health in every household," she said. The Chief Minister, in his message, said Chithirai would highlight the traditional customs of Tamil culture. He said the people would exchange greetings and seek the blessings of the Almighty for a peaceful life. "I extend my best wishes and greetings to the people on the occasion," he said. Minister for Public Works and PCC leader A Namassivayam was among those who greeted the people. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Poll strategist Prashant Kishor Saturday dismissed Rabri Devi's claim of he as an emissary of Nitish Kumar meeting her husband Lalu Prasad with a proposal to merge JD(U) and RJD which should declare its prime ministerial candidate ahead of the polls and dared RJD president to tell the media what transpired during their talks. Kishor, who is the national vice-president of the Janata Dal (United), also came down heavily on Prasad for making "false claims" and quipped "those convicted or facing charges of abuse of public office and misappropriation of funds are claiming to be the custodians of truth". He threw a challenge to the RJD supremo to sit with him before the media and tell everybody what transpired during their meeting and "who offered what". "Whenever @laluprasadrjd ji wants, he should sit with me before the media as it would let everybody know what transpired between me and him and who gave an offer to whom," Kishor said in a tweet. Rabri Devi on Friday dropped a bombshell claiming that Kishor had met Prasad with the proposal that the RJD and Nitish Kumar's JD(U) merge and the new entity thus formed declare its prime ministerial candidate ahead of the Lok Sabha polls. If Kishor denies having met Prasad with such a proposal, he is speaking a "blatant lie", she said. "I got infuriated and asked him to go away as I had no trust left in Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar following his betrayal," the RJD national vice-president, who is also the leader of the opposition in the state legislative council, said. Earlier, RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav has said that many times people on behalf of Nitish Kumar met him as well approached Congress with reconciliation proposals. Rabri Devi's revelation coming close on heels of Prasad in his recently-published autobiography claiming that Kishor had met him as an emissary of Nitish Kumar with the proposal that the chief minister's party be re-inducted into the Grand Alliance has stirred the political pot in Bihar. Kumar had in 2017 walked out of the Grand Alliance, which was formed upon his party's partnership with the RJD and the Congress, and had re-joined the BJP-led NDA. Kishor had earlier termed as "bogus" the claim of Prasad in his recently published autobiography that Kumar wanted to return to the Grand Alliance, for which he had sent Kishor as his emissary to the RJD supremo. Kishor had worked with both Kumar and Prasad as a strategist during the 2015 Bihar Assembly polls. He formally joined the JD(U) in September last year. Companion since days of Patna University politics, Prasad and Kumar had long association with each other before they separared in mid-90s. As a key strategist, Kumar used to be known as "Lalu's Chanakya" after the latter became the leader of the opposition in 1989 in the Bihar assembly after death of veteran socialist leader Karpoori Thakur. He had also played an important role in making Prasad Chief Minister of Bihar in 1990. But, by 1994, differences had started to crop up between the two top leaders of Mandal campaign, that led to providing reservation in government jobs to the OBC. Kumar walked out of Janata Dal to form Samta Party with socialist icon George Fernandes. Three years later, Lalu broke away from the party to form Rashtriya Janata Party (RJD) in 1997. The same year, Lalu lost the chief minister's chair because of his alleged involvement in the fodder scam but in an unexpected move made wife Rabri Devi the chief minister. Kumar's Samta Party formed an alliance with the BJP in the 1996 general elections. After a long fight, Kumar managed to finally remove RJD from the power in 2005. Since, then Kumar has been serving as CM except for a brief period in 2014 when he had quit the post after his party got a drubbing in the hands of Narendra Modi's BJP and appointed Jitan Ram Manjhi on the seat. Kumar and Prasad joined hands in 2015 and defeated the BJP in Bihar assembly election. But, they parted company again in July 2017 over graft charges against RJD supremo's son Tejashwi Yadav. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devis claim that Prashant Kishor had met her husband Lalu Prasad as an emissary of Nitish Kumar with the offer of a political realignment Saturday drew an angry rebuttal from the strategist-turned-politician who challenged the jailed RJD president for a debate, in full media glare, over the episode. The ex-CM, who is also the RJDs national vice-president, stuck to her guns and challenged Kishor, who now holds the same post in JD(U) the party headed by the Chief Minister to seek permission from jail authorities in Ranchi and slug it out with her imprisoned husband, who is serving sentences in fodder scam cases. Those convicted or facing charges of abuse of public office and misappropriation of funds are claiming to be the custodians of truth, Kishor who joined the JD(U) less than a year ago- remarked in a tweet. In the remaining half of the tweet he said in Hindi @laluprasadrjd ji may sit with me at a time of his choice. It will be known to all what transpired between us and what offer was made from either side. Kishors outbursts came a day after Rabri Devi had said here that after having dumped the RJD-Congress combine and returned to the NDA in July, 2017 Nitish Kumar again had second thoughts and sent Prashant Kishor five times to residences allotted to her and, previously, to her younger son Tejashwi Yadav. Rabri Devi, who is the leader of the opposition in the state legislative council, had made the explosive claim that Kishor was sent by Kumar with the offer that the RJD and the JD(U) merge together and the entity thus form declare its own Prime Ministerial candidate ahead of the Lok Sabha polls. I flared up and asked him (Kishor) to leave as in the wake of Nitish Kumars betrayal, I was left with no trust in him, she had claimed. When asked about Kishors challenge, Rabri Devi snapped then let him go and have a debate with him (Lalu). Who is stopping him? Let him go, seek necessary permission from the jail authorities and then have his wish fulfilled. Meanwhile, Tejashwi Yadav, over allegations of corruption against whom Kumar had made the dramatic turnaround, questioned the silence of the Chief Minister over the alleged episode which came to light after Lalu Prasad first came out with the claim in his recently-published autobiography. I do not wish to speak about Prashant Kishor. He was not the active player. Why is Nitish Kumar keeping quiet? If he is sure Lalu ji, my mother and I are not speaking the truth then he should break his silence. Even the Congress, which is our ally, is privy to the proposal mooted by Kishor, Yadav, who served as Deputy CM until Kumars exit from the Grand Alliance and has taken over as leader of opposition in state assembly, told reporters here. After their parties were swept away in the Narendra Modi wave of the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, arch rivals Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad had forged an alliance and succeeded in trouncing the NDA in the assembly polls that were held a year later. Kumar, who had suddenly resigned as Chief Minister in July, 2017 heeding his inner voice, formed a new government within less than 24 hours with support of the BJP against which he had fought in the Lok Sabha as well as Vidhan Sabha polls. Companion since days of Patna University politics, Prasad and Kumar had long association with each other before they separared in mid-90s. As a key strategist, Kumar used to be known as "Lalu's Chanakya" after the latter became the leader of the opposition in 1989 in the Bihar assembly after death of veteran socialist leader Karpoori Thakur. He had also played an important role in making Prasad Chief Minister of Bihar in 1990. But, by 1994, differences had started to crop up between the two top leaders of Mandal campaign, that led to providing reservation in government jobs to the OBC. Kumar walked out of Janata Dal to form Samta Party with socialist icon George Fernandes. Three years later, Lalu broke away from the party to form Rashtriya Janata Party (RJD) in 1997. The same year, Lalu lost the chief minister's chair because of his alleged involvement in the fodder scam but in an unexpected move made wife Rabri Devi the chief minister. Kumar's Samta Party formed an alliance with the BJP in the 1996 general elections. After a long fight, Kumar managed to finally remove RJD from the power in 2005. Since, then Kumar has been serving as CM except for a brief period in 2014 when he had quit the post after his party got a drubbing in the hands of Narendra Modi's BJP and appointed Jitan Ram Manjhi on the seat. Kumar and Prasad joined hands in 2015 and defeated the BJP in Bihar assembly election. But, they parted company again in July 2017 over graft charges against Tejashwi Yadav. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A BJP leader Saturday said the people of Rajasthan are paying the price as the Congress government is focused on its own 'Vaibhav', using the Hindi word which means 'glory' and also is the name of the chief minster's son. Former state BJP president Arun Chaturvedi said, "The government is only concerned about its 'Vaibhav' even as people of the state were paying the price." Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot's son, Vaibhav Gehlot, is contesting the Jodhpur Lok Sabha seat, currently held by Union minister and BJP leader Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. Addressing a press conference here, Chaturvedi said the entire state is suffering from a severe water crisis. "The Congress government announced to provide free water in the state but in reality, people are not getting enough drinking water. The present government has shelved its water conservation scheme Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Yojana," he claimed. Accusing the state government of giving contract of drinking water supply to people having "close links" with the party, he said that water tankers are being made available on the "whims and fancies" of Congress workers. Chaturvedi said the Congress "failed" to make any alternative arrangement despite water crisis in summers whereas in the BJP government, water tankers were monitored and water was lifted from Chambal river to make it available in Bhilwara through train facility. "The government has become completely paralysed and unable to control necessary resources required by the people," he said. At a press conference in Churu, BJP leader and former cabinet minister Rajendra Rathore said Rajasthan was suffering from "undeclared economic emergency" from the day the Congress formed government in the state. While the state administration is "completely paralysed", the chief minister is on an agenda to project his son Vaibhav Gehlot, Rathore said. He said that PWD contractors who completed works of Rs 3,000 crore and submitted their bills before March 31 have "not a single penny" and farmers were forced to sell mustard and gram at much lower price that the MSP fixed by the Centre. The state government has failed to make arrangement for gunny bags to the farmers, he alleged. Vaibhav Gehlot is pitted against sitting Jodhpur MP Shekhawat in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. A constituency of 19.34 lakh voters, Jodhpur goes to polls in the fourth phase of the general elections on April 29. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) General Officer Commanding of White Knight Corps Lt Gen Paramjit Singh Saturday joined military and civil dignitaries to pay homage to the martyrs who laid down their lives for liberation of Rajouri in 1948. 'Rajouri Day' is being celebrated on April 13 every year to commemorate the bravery and valour of the soldiers who laid down their lives for the liberation of Rajouri district from rebels and Pakistan Army personnel who had infiltrated from across the border. Lt Gen Paramjit Singh and Advisor to Governor Kewal Kumar Sharma paid tributes to the heroes of Rajouri and were joined by other esteemed civil and military dignitaries who were present to grace the occasion, an official said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat will hold a dialogue with NRI entrepreneurs Sunday to discuss how they could contribute to the development of the state in different sectors. "The chief minister will hold a dialogue with NRI entrepreneurs via video conferencing at 9 pm Sunday to discuss investments as well as ways in which they could make a contribution towards the development of the state," Rawat's media advisor Ramesh Bhatt said. Rawat said Uttarakhand besides being rich in natural resources had skilled manpower and a suitable investment climate. The chief minister will explore how NRI entrepreneurs could bring their expertise to boost development of the state in different sectors like health, tourism, yoga and wellness, Bhatt said. They will be asked how they could lend a helping hand in the state government's ambitious scheme of '13 districts 13 new destinations' and converting the state into a spiritual zone, he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Special Task Force (STF) and the sales tax department have unearthed a Rs 13 crore tax case involving two subsidiaries of a company which carried out the embezzlement by means of bogus invoicing, officials said Saturday. According to officials, the accused firms, RoundPay Techno Media and RoundPay Voice Tech, both registered at the same address in Lucknow, were involved in for utility services. They were involved in circular trading and had shown transactions worth Rs 72.7 crore between them, on which they claimed an input tax credit of Rs 13.09 crore at 18 per cent GST, a senior official said. "The STF and the sales tax department were jointly entrusted with the responsibility to probe the case, a first of its kind operation in This trading module was studied for 45 days. It was found that their activities were being carried out in Lucknow, Pratapgarh, and Khiri also," Deputy Superintendent of Police, STF Noida, Rajkumar Mishra said. "The firms were identified, their locations physically verified. Over 100 officers were involved in the operation," he said. Mishra said simultaneous raids were conducted at the locations of the main companies in and their subsidiaries in other towns by five teams comprising personnel of STF field units in Lucknow, and "When the investigating teams asked the companies for an invoice of the trade done between them, they failed to produce any. The system which was used by these companies for generating the invoice/bills also had no record of this trade," the officer said. "The director of the parent company has admitted in writing to the probe agencies about the Rs 13 crore fraud," the DSP said, adding 6 TB (terrabyte) data has been recovered from the firms' servers in and a detailed investigation of it was underway. "The amount is likely to go up, we are awaiting the details," he said, adding Mishra said no FIR has been lodged as of now neither any arrest made. Former Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Saturday said the "control of the RSS" over the BJP is gradually decreasing due to the "one man show" of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Alleging various violations of the model code of conduct, the senior Congress leader also said the Election Commission is not functioning effectively in having a free and fair polling. "It is well known that the RSS has a control over the BJP, but we are seeing that slowly it is decreasing, mainly because of the one man show of Modi," Gogoi told a press conference here. Leaders of the saffron party nowadays do not say "BJP government", but use the phrase "Modi government", in an attempt to give an impression that only he is running the government, he said. "Modi is creating an indispensable image of himself for the party... His dictatorial behaviour and one man show is a concern for all," the former CM said. Stating that the Lok Sabha polls in 2019 is the most important in Indian democracy so far, he said that the BJP is trying to create a president's rule type of situation in the entire election environment. "We are against the hatred and communal role of the RSS. The Indian culture and Hindu religion is full of diversity, but still people are united. Modi wants to destroy that. That is why this election is very important," Gogoi said. Gogoi also slammed Union minister Maneka Gandhi for her reported statement that there will be no jobs for Muslims if they do not vote for her. "It is a very corrupt and communal statement. It is communal threatening. Her candidature should be cancelled and the election there should be set aside," he asserted. Criticising Union minister Smriti Irani, too, for "contradictory declarations" over her educational qualification in affidavits in the last few elections, the Congress leader said even Modi gave "false affidavit" over his marital status. "He should be sent to jail... The way the Election Commission should have played its role, they are not doing so," Gogoi said. Taking exception to the increasing role of corporates in politics, he said even the Supreme Court had to intervene, and ordered declaration of all funds received through the contentious electoral bonds, which brought "windfall benefits to the BJP the most". "The most corrupt party is the BJP. With the 'chowkidar' in the party, how come it became the richest party? Even Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal is running the most corrupt government. "How is the BJP able to afford so many helicopters and chartered flights in this campaign in Assam?" he asked. He also alleged that the Assam BJP is trying to get votes with money power, and pointed to the unverified videos of cash distributions among voters in the run up to the Lok Sabha elections in the state. "Many prominent leaders of the anti-Citizenship Bill protests recently joined the BJP. There is no such big movement demanding ST status to six communities compared to those in our tenure. Why is it so? Because the BJP has purchased everyone with their money power," Gogoi claimed. He challenged Sonowal for an open debate on Assam's development, and alleged that state Finance Minister and NEDA Convenor Himanta Biswa Sarma as the "most corrupt of all the BJP leaders". Talking about politicisation of the armed forces, Gogoi said Modi wants to win the elections, riding on the achievements of the Indian Army. "This has forced so many veteran defence officials to appeal to the President for stopping politicisation of the armed forces. Modi is nervous today. He is going to lose," the Congress leader said. He also asserted that there is no 'Modi wave' in 2019 compared to 2014. Regarding Assam, Gogoi said the Congress will win at least eight seats out of the 14 in the state. In 2014, the BJP won seven out of 14 Lok Sabha seats in Assam, the Congress and the AIUDF had three MPs each and one member was an Independent. The two BJP allies, BPF and the AGP, had no representation in the Lower House of Parliament. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia has blamed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the drop in the value of the Indian currency, saying he has sent the rupee from the ICU to the cremation ground. Addressing a rally in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura district on Friday evening, Scindia also criticised Modi over demonetisation and the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST). The Congress general secretary in charge of western Uttar Pradesh countered the claim of Modi that he had done in five years what the Congress could not do in 70 years. Scindia blamed Modi for the falling rupee's value from about Rs 60 to a US dollar during the UPA regime to about Rs 70 now. "'Modi ne rupaye ko ICU se shamshan pahuncha diya' (Modi has sent the rupee from the ICU to the cremation ground)," Scindia said in Ral village while campaigning for party candidate Mahesh Pathak for the Mathura Lok Sabha seat. The Congress leader cited demonetisation, the condition of traders after the implementation of the GST as examples of the "misrule" of Modi. The former minister alleged that the law-and-order situation in the state was so miserable that people had started labelling Uttar Pradesh as "Crime Pradesh". Scindia said the Congress would ensure employment to the unemployed, safety to women, proper value for the produce of farmers and minimum income under the Nyay scheme if the party comes to power. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Shiv Sena's South Goa Lok Sabha seat candidate, Rakhi Prabhudesai Naik, Saturday promised to bring government funds for providing assured minimum financial assistance to the people dependent on mining in the state. The mining industry in Goa came to a standstill in March last year, a month after the Supreme Court quashed the renewal of 88 mining leases in the state. Those dependent on in the industry have been demanding early resumption of mining operations. Naik, who is also Shiv Sena's state vice president, said the party will ensure that financial support is given to mining dependents either through central coffers or District Mineral Foundation. The District Mineral Foundation is set up in all the districts of the country, affected by mining related operations, under Minerals (Development and Regulations) Amendment Act 2015. "We have always been with the mining dependents. Sena assures to raise the voice of mining dependents in the Parliament. BJP MPs from Goa have failed to do so. Once elected, we will do it for the sake of lakhs of people dependent on this industry," she said. Naik said that mining dependents and the industry have contributed lakhs of rupees to the central and state coffers in the form of royalty and other taxes. "The mining industry has played an important role in the development of the state. So it is the duty of the centre and state right now to help them during their time of crisis," she said. Sena said the way farmers are supported in the country through various loan waivers, the mining dependents should also be given support. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actor-politician Shatrughan Sinha, who quit BJP to fight from Patna Sahib on a Congress ticket, Saturday scoffed at the saffron party's claim that the seat has been its stronghold and said he "would have loved" to fight Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the seat. "Let them (BJP) live in fool's paradise ... Voters of Patna Sahib will teach them a lesson," Sinha, popularly known as 'Bihari Babu', said. He cited the victories of Congress and RJD nominees in the past from the prestigious Bihar seat, from where he is seeking re-election for the third straight time, to deride BJP's claim. "There was in some quarters that Modi himself will enter the fray from Patna Sahib on a second seat in addition to Varansi ... What happened?...I would have loved to take on him on the seat," Sinha, also known as 'Shotgun' told PTI. Sinha, a Modi baiter, will take on Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, a four-term Rajya Sabha member fielded by BJP, in the Patna Sahib seat. This will be the first time that Prasad will be contesting in a Lok Sabha election. Sinha himself has served two terms in the Rajya Sabha previously and had been a member of the union council of ministers headed by Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The flamboyant MP brushed off Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi's recent statement that even American President Donald Trump if he were to contest from Patna Sahib would lose to BJP. "All these are said in frustration to keep Modi and Amit Shah in good humour while hiding the situation prevailing on the ground." Without naming Sushil Modi, the actor-politician said "instead of fielding a person (Prasad) who cannot even win the municipal corporation election he himself (Sushil Modi) should have crossed swords with me." The Bollywood actor, who was inspired by Loknayak Jayprakash Narayan to join politics and was introduced to BJP in the mid-80s by Nanaji Deshmukh, joined Congress last week after fight with the present leadership of the saffron party over being sidelined since the 2015 Bihar assembly polls. On his arrival here Friday on his first tour of his Lok Sabha constituency after joining Congress, Sinha was given a rousing welcome at the state party headquarters at Sadaqat Ashram and he expressed confidence that he will retain the seat for a third time with a record margin. Fighting on a BJP ticket, he had trounced famous Bhojpuri actor Kunal, who was fielded by Congress from the seat, in 2014. In the 2009 Lok Sabha he had defeated fellow Bollywood colleague and Congress candidate Sekhar Suman. Elaborating on his contention that non-BJP leaders had won the Patna Sahib seat as well in the past, he mentioned Ramkripal Yadav, a former RJD leader who had defeated the BJP nominee. Yadav is now in BJP and in the fray from neighbouring Patliputra seat. He also recounted the win by C P Thakur on a Congress ticket from the seat, that comprise the capital city of Patna and stretches to Patna Sahib, the birth place of Guru Nanak. Even CPI leader Ramavatar Shastri had won from the Patna seat, before its bifurcation into Patna Sahib and Patliputra in 2009, thrice in the past, Sinha said. Patna Sahib Lok Sabha seat has six assembly constituencies under it out of which five are held by BJP at present and a lone one by RJD. Sinha trashed allegations that he has been an absentee in the Patna Sahib consituency and never cared for people who had voted for him. "Go and see my record ... I have spend 106 per cent from my MPLAD fund ... Its available on the net," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Sudan's new military ruler vowed Saturday to "uproot" the regime of ousted president Omar al-Bashir and its symbols, in a televised address to the nation. "I announce the restructuring of state institutions according to the law and pledge to fight corruption and uproot the regime and its symbols," General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said, a day after he was sworn in to head Sudan's new ruling military council. Burhan said those involved in the killing of protesters would face justice and announced the immediate lifting of a night-time curfew. He also ordered the release of protesters jailed by special emergency courts. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Sudan's second new military leader in as many days vowed Saturday to 'uproot' deposed president Omar al-Bashir's regime and release protesters, in a bid to placate demonstrators demanding civilian rule. "I announce the restructuring of state institutions according to the law and pledge to fight corruption and uproot the regime and its symbols," General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said, a day after he was sworn in to head Sudan's new ruling military council. He also ordered the release of all prisoners jailed by special emergency courts and the immediate lifting of a night-time curfew imposed by the council earlier this week. Career soldier Burhan took the helm of Sudan's transitional military council on Friday when his predecessor General Awad Ibn Ouf -- a close aide of ousted veteran president Bashir -- quit after little more than 24 hours in power. Burhan also pledged Saturday that individuals involved in the killing of protesters would face justice. His initial announcements indicated he wanted to show the tens of thousands of protesters on the streets that he is not part of the regime's old guard and was genuinely committed to reform. The new leader also on Saturday accepted the resignation of the head of the feared National Intelligence and Security Service, Salah Abdallah Mohammed Salih -- widely known as Salih Ghosh -- the military council announced. Salih Ghosh had overseen a sweeping crackdown led by NISS agents against protesters taking part in four months of mass demonstrations that led to the toppling of Bashir in a palace coup by the army on Thursday. Dozens of protesters were killed and thousands of activists, opposition leaders and journalists arrested. The police said Friday that 16 people had been killed in live fire in Khartoum alone over the previous two days as NISS agents led a desperate last stand for Bashir before the army intervened. A photograph published by state agency SUNA had shown Burhan talking with protesters outside army headquarters on Friday, before his elevation to the top job. Khartoum erupted with joy when Ibn Ouf tendered his resignation on Friday night barely 24 hours after taking the oath of office. Car horns sounded as jubilant crowds streamed out of their homes chanting: "It fell again, it fell again". But the organisers of the mass protests called on demonstrators to keep up their week-old vigil outside army headquarters. Ibn Ouf had served as Bashir's defence minister right up to the president's downfall, after three decades of iron-fisted rule. A former military intelligence chief, Ibn Ouf remains under US sanctions for his role in the regime's brutal response to an ethnic minority rebellion which erupted in the western region of Darfur in 2003. Bashir himself came to power in a 1989 Islamist military coup, which toppled an elected government led by Sadiq al-Mahdi. Burhan is a career soldier who comes with less baggage from Bashir's deeply unpopular rule than Ibn Ouf. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), whose grass-roots membership of doctors, teachers and engineers have spearheaded the nationwide protests, hailed Ibn Ouf's departure as "a victory of the people's will". But it demanded that Burhan swiftly "transfer the powers of the military council to a transitional civilian government". "If this does not happen we will continue with our sit-in in front of the army headquarters and other towns," the SPA said in a statement. Bashir remained in custody and his National Congress Party on Saturday called on the military council to release arrested personnel. "We consider (the) taking of power by the military council as violating the constitution's legitimacy," the NCP said in a statement. "The NCP rejects the detention of its leaders, among them its acting president" Ahmed Harun, it added, calling for their immediate release. Outside the Middle East, the formation of a military government to replace Bashir has met with widespread criticism. The African Union said Bashir's overthrow by the military was "not the appropriate response to the challenges facing Sudan and the aspirations of its people". The European Union urged the army to carry out a "swift" handover to civilian rule. Former colonial ruler Britain said that the two-year transition announced by the military "is not the answer." "We need to see a swift move to an inclusive, representative, civilian leadership," said Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. Members of the military council have sought to reassure foreign diplomats about its intentions. "This is not a military coup, but taking the side of the people," the council's political chief Lieutenant General Omar Zain al-Abdin told Arab and African diplomats at a meeting broadcast on state television on Friday. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has long standing arrest warrants against Bashir for suspected genocide and war crimes during the regime's brutal campaign of repression in Darfur. But the military council has said it would never extradite him or any other Sudanese citizen. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Sudan's second new military leader in as many days accepted the resignation of the feared intelligence chief on Saturday as he faced calls at home and abroad for a swift handover to civilian rule. Career soldier General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan took the helm of Sudan's transitional military council on Friday when his short-lived predecessor General Awad Ibn Ouf -- a close aide of ousted president Omar al-Bashir -- quit in the face of persistent protests. Burhan now has the tough task of persuading the tens of thousands of protesters who remain on the streets that he is not just another general from the Bashir regime but is genuinely committed to civilian-led reform. The new leader accepted the resignation on Saturday of the head of the National Intelligence and Security Service, Salih Ghosh, the military council announced. Ghosh had overseen a sweeping crackdown led by NISS agents against protesters taking part in four months of mass demonstrations that led to the toppling of Bashir in a palace coup by the army on Thursday. Dozens of protesters were killed and thousands of activists, opposition leaders and journalists arrested. The police said Friday that 16 people had been killed in live fire in Khartoum alone over the previous two days as NISS agents led a desperate last stand for Bashir before the army intervened. Burhan was expected to meet protest organisers later on Saturday to hear their demands, opposition sources said. A photograph published by state agency SUNA showed him talking with protesters outside army headquarters on Friday, before his elevation to the top job. Khartoum erupted with joy when Ibn Ouf tendered his resignation barely 24 hours after taking the oath of office. Car horns sounded as jubilant crowds streamed out of their homes chanting: "It fell again, it fell again". But the organisers of the four months of mass protests that have now toppled two leaders in quick succession, called on demonstrators to keep up their week-old vigil outside army headquarters until Burhan reveals his true colours. Ibn Ouf had served as Bashir's defence minister right up to the president's downfall, after three decades of iron-fisted rule and was widely despised on the streets. A former military intelligence chief, he remains under US sanctions for his role in the regime's brutal response to an ethnic minority rebellion which erupted in the western region of Darfur in 2003. Burhan is a career soldier who comes with less baggage from Bashir's deeply unpopular rule. But protest leaders say that a change of military ruler will make no difference; what they want is an immediate handover to a civilian government. The Sudanese Professionals Association, whose grass-roots membership of doctors, teachers and engineers have spearheaded the nationwide protests, hailed Ibn Ouf's departure as "a victory of the people's will". But it demanded that Burhan swiftly "transfer the powers of the military council to a transitional civilian government." "If this does not happen we will continue with our sit-in in front of the army headquarters and other towns," the SPA said in a statement. Outside the Middle East, the formation of a military government to replace Bashir has met with widespread criticism. The African Union said Bashir's overthrow by the military was "not the appropriate response to the challenges facing Sudan and the aspirations of its people". The European Union urged the army to carry out a "swift" handover to civilian rule. Former colonial ruler Britain said that a two-year transition overseen by the military "is not the answer." "We need to see a swift move to an inclusive, representative, civilian leadership," said Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. Members of the military council sought to reassure foreign diplomats about its intentions. "This is not a military coup, but taking the side of the people," the council's political chief Lieutenant General Omar Zain al-Abdin told Arab and African diplomats at a meeting broadcast on state television. But tens of thousands camped outside army headquarters for a seventh straight night in defiance of an nighttime curfew to keep up the pressure on the military rulers. Bashir, who took power in a 1989 coup, remained in custody, but the military council has said it would never extradite him or any other Sudanese citizen. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued two arrest warrants against Bashir for suspected genocide and war crimes over the regime's brutal campaign of repression in Darfur. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Sudanese political parties and movements behind nearly four months of anti-government protests met with the country's military on Saturday, activists and the military said, holding the first talks since the army forced President Omar al-Bashir from power two days ago. The meeting came after the protest movement scored two big victories this week, first ending al-Bashir's almost 30-year rule on Thursday and then forcing the interim military leader, Gen. Awad ibn Ouf, from his post a day later. Protesters viewed ibn Ouf as too close to the ousted leader. The movement said it has formed a 10-member delegation to introduce "the people's demands" to the military council, reiterating its rejection of military rule. Ali al-Sanhouri, the secretary general of the Arab Socialist Baath Party in Sudan, told a conference in Khartoum that they are calling for the creation of a "civilian sovereignty council, cabinet and a national legislative association" to rule the county during the transition. The protesters have said they will remain in the streets until a civilian transitional council is formed. They fear the military, which is dominated by al-Bashir loyalists, will rule indefinitely or hand power to one of its own. Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, who was sworn in Friday to replace ibn Ouf as head of a transitional council formed by the military, said they have invited "all spectrums of Sudanese people for dialogue." In remarks broadcast on state TV, he said the military council will rule the country for up to two years until elections. Burhan said he was lifting the curfew imposed Thursday, which was to last for a month from 10 pm-4 am, and declared the immediate release of all those detained and tried during the current wave of unrest, which began in December. Al-Bashir imposed a state of emergency in February, banning unauthorised public gatherings and granting sweeping powers to the police in efforts to quash the unrest. Hundreds of people were tried before emergency courts. Burhan, who previously served as the general inspector of the armed forces, had met with the protesters in the streets after al-Bashir's ouster and listened to their demands. Activists, however, said Saturday that 16 people, including a soldier, have been killed in the two days since al-Bashir's ouster. The Sudan Doctors Committee, an affiliate of the Sudanese Professionals Association, which has been spearheading the protests, said 13 people were shot dead on Thursday and three others, including the soldier, were killed Friday. It said they died "at the hands of regime forces and its shadow militias." Sudanese police said late Friday that the 16 were killed by "stray bullets," and that at least 20 people were wounded at rallies and sit-ins across the country. The protests were sparked late last year by price hikes and shortages but quickly escalated into an Arab Spring-inspired uprising against al-Bashir, who seized power in a 1989 Islamist-backed military coup. Earlier this month, tens of thousands of protesters joined a sit-in outside the military headquarters in Khartoum, vowing to remain there until their demands were met. "We will never leave the place. We will shout together. We will shout to our freedom, to our liberty," protester Rami Mustafa said Saturday, speaking in English. Security forces loyal to al-Bashir had responded to the protests with a violent crackdown, killing dozens. They attacked the sit-in on several occasions, up until al-Bashir's resignation, and clashed with soldiers who intervened to protect the protesters. The Sudan Doctors Committee says at least 38 people, including at least six soldiers, have been killed since the sit-in began on April 6. Al-Bashir is currently wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide linked to the war in Sudan's Darfur region in the 2000s. The military has said it won't hand him over to the court. The face of the coup, ibn Ouf was himself head of military intelligence during the brutal campaign to suppress the Darfur insurgency. The United States has imposed sanctions on him since 2007, saying he armed and directed pro-government militias known as the Janjaweed, accused of widespread atrocities during the conflict. On Saturday, state-run media reported that Lt. Gen. Salah Abdallah Gosh, the head of the National Intelligence and Security Services, had resigned the day before. It did not provide further details. Once a member of the president's inner circle, Gosh was sacked as an adviser in April 2011 for criticizing the government. He was arrested the following year on suspicion of involvement in a coup attempt, but was later pardoned by al-Bashir, who appointed him intelligence chief in February 2018. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Firing a fresh salvo at Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the Rafale issue, the Congress on Saturday alleged that the 143.7 million euro French tax waiver to Anil Ambani's telecom company in 2015, after India announced the fighter jet deal, was due to PM Modi's "blessings" as he acted as a "middleman" for the businessman. "This is called zero sum choices, startling tax concession and Modi 'kripa' (blessings)," Congress' chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala told reporters here while referring to a French newspaper report that France waived taxes of the Reliance Communications' subsidiary. The Defence Ministry termed as mischievous and inaccurate the attempts to draw a connection between the tax issue and the Rafale deal and said they are aimed at disinforming public. Reliance Communications also rejected allegations of wrongdoing and said the tax dispute was settled under legal framework which is available for all companies operating in France. Surjewala alleged that the "murky layers of corruption and money trail" in the Rafale saga are out. "PM Modi is acting as middleman for Anil Ambani. How many other companies in France have got a tax benefit? Is this not a quid pro quo for the purchase of aircraft? It is clear only one watchman is the thief," the Congress spokesperson said. "Those that have Modi's blessings can get anything. If Modiji is there, then it is possibile. (Modi ji ki kripa jispar ho jaye uska kuch bhi ho sakta hai, Modi hai to mumkin hai)," he said taunting the BJP with its poll slogan. French newspaper Le Monde said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement as against original demand of 151 million euros. Reliance Flag owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. Modi had announced the procurement of a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015 in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. The Congress has been alleging favouritism and corruption in the deal, saying the government was procuring each aircraft at a cost of over Rs 1,670 crore as against Rs 526 crore finalised by the UPA government when it was negotiating the deal. The government and the BJP have maintained that there has been no wrongdoing in the deal. Surjewala said, "How does Modiji's friend Anil Ambani only get these benefits? That too a company which has virtually no business?" He also gave a timeline of events to support his claim. "On March 23, 2015, Anil Ambani met French defence officials. Till then the contract to build 128 Rafale was with HAL. On April 10, 2015, PM Modi discards the old Rafale deal and announces a new deal worth Rs 7.8 billion, Surjewala said. The Congress leader said after PM Modi announced the new Rafale deal, France cancelled the tax recovery worth 143.7 million euros of a company belonging to Anil Ambani. "Between 2007-2010, France demands tax from Reliance Flag Atlantic France worth Euro 60 mn. Later between 2010-12, Euro 51mn additional tax was levied on the company. "On September 21, 2018, Francois Hollande states that he was given no choice by PM Modi but to choose Anil Ambani's company (as offset partner), Surjewala said. Surjewala claimed that in 2017-18, Dassault Aviation deposited Rs 284 crore in the bank account of an inactive company Reliance Airport Developers Ltd. "This took place when the government of India was making advance payments to Dassault Aviation," he said. The defence ministry said any attempt to draw connection between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform. "We have seen reports drawing conjectural connection between tax exemption to a private company and procurement of Rafale fighter jets by government of India. Neither the period of the tax concession nor the subject matter of the concession relate even remotely to the Rafale procurement concluded during the tenure of the present government," the ministry said in a statement. Reliance group said in a statement that it "denies any favouritism or gain from settlement. Reliance Flag settled disputes as per legal framework in France available to all companies operating in France. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Tripura High Court has stayed an interim bail order of five persons involved in assault of a government doctor of Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital here. The HC passed the stay on the interim bail order on Friday night. Earlier that day a First Class Judicial Magistrate had granted interim bail to the five accused in the case. A special court was convened by the Chief Justice of Tripura High Court, Sanjoy Karol, late last night following an appeal from the state government, and stayed the order of interim bail that was granted by the judicial magistrate, Tripura Law Minister Ratan Lal Nath told reporters on Saturday. "We challenged the lower court's order because we thought it was a punishable offence and they could not be released," Nath said. "The police had arrested the accused immediately," the minister added. The doctor was beaten up by family members of a patient after she died in the hospital's labour room in the early hours of Friday, police said. The 25-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the state-run Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital around 1.20 am and she died of cardiac arrest around 2 am on Friday. Alleging medical negligence, the patient's family then attacked and injured the doctor, police said. The gynaecologist was admitted to the trauma care centre of the G B Hospital where his condition was stated to be improving. Meanwhile, General Secretary of All Tripura Government Doctors Association (ATGDA), Dr Rajesh Chowdhury said they had called off their movement as Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb assured that stern action would be taken against the accused persons. He also assured to set up police pickets in government hospitals. "A six-member delegation of ATGDA and Indian Medical Association (IMA) met the chief minister on Friday night and the matter was discussed with him. We are satisfied with his assurances," Chowdhury said. He alleged that in last one year 12 doctors were attacked in different places and despite filing FIR no action was taken. The ATGDA and IMA on Friday demanded arrest of culprits, trial in first-track court for speedy disposal of the case, setting up of police pickets and installation of CCTV cameras in all government hospitals, and arrest of all culprits involved in the incidents of attack on doctors in last one year. "This attack was inhuman and barbaric and we cannot keep mum if anybody tries to take the law in his hand. The police have been asked to take stern action," the chief minister had said on Friday. In spite of being granted interim bail, the accused are still in jail because they could not produce bail bonds, officials said. Police pickets were set up in three major hospitals of the city, G B Pant Hospital, Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital and Tripura Medical College, all located in the state capital. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Dalit family was reportedly compelled to cremate an elderly woman in a jungle after some upper caste people allegedly did not allow them to use the village crematorium in Fozal valley of Himachal Pradesh's Kullu district About 100-year-old woman, resident of Dhara village, died after prolonged illness on Thursday. Her grandson, Tape Ram, alleged that when funeral procession reached the public crematorium of the village, some upper castes men forbade them to cremate his grandmother there. A video is making rounds on social media where Tape Ram is recording his statement while his grandmother is being cremated in the backdrop. Tape Ram said,"They (upper caste men) said we shall be responsible if anything bad happens due to wrath of the deity. So we brought the body to nearby nullah and cremated it." Meanwhile, when contacted, Kullu Deputy Commissioner Yunus said "SDM and DSP of Manali have been asked to check the matter.'"We are trying to establish the identity of the man in the viral video. We are also talking to the villagers to verify the facts," he added. The DC said 'So far no one has come forward (for lodging complaint), we are trying to get the exact information. I am very strict in such matters. If anything concrete comes forth, I will not spare anyone (responsible for that). (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A museum in the UK has launched an exhibition on Jallianwala Bagh in collaboration with the Partition Museum in Amritsar to mark the centenary of the British colonial era massacre. Jallianwala Bagh 1919: Punjab Under Siege' opened at Manchester Museum in time for Saturday's 100th anniversary of the tragedy that affected thousands. The exhibition is conceived as a lived experience creation, based on work with descendants and communities to collect stories related to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre on April 13, 1919. Revisiting the event, its causes and aftermath, the nuanced exhibition explores what we remember, how we remember it, and what we have forgotten, in India and the UK, Manchester Museum said in a statement. Protestors had gathered to challenge British rule before they were set upon by Colonel Reginald Dyer and his troops. Confined within an enclosed barren ground called Jallianwala Bagh in the Indian city of Amritsar, hundreds of Indians were killed and thousands injured. This was a defining moment in the fight for Indian independence and led to the eventual demise of the British Empire in South Asia, it adds. The exhibition, supported by the Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Commemoration Committee (JBCCC), comprising prominent Indians and non-resident Indians (NRIs), is aimed at raising awareness around the peaceful protest to mark Baisakhi, the divergent British and Indian inquiry findings, and the ongoing social, political, and cultural response. It is an apt moment for the British government to offer an apology to India, Manjit Singh GK, Patron-in-Chief of the JBCCC, said. Both Secretary of State for War Sir Winston Churchill and former Prime Minister H H Asquith openly condemned the attack at the time, referring to it as monstrous and one of the worst outrages in the whole of our history, added Vikramjit S Sahney, Patron of JBCC. There have been widespread calls for a formal apology to mark the 100th anniversary of the massacre this week, with the UK government earlier indicating that it was "reflecting" on the demand. British Prime Minister Theresa May made a statement in the House of Commons earlier this week to say the UK deeply regrets the tragedy, which she described as a shameful scar on British Indian history. The statement faced criticism for not going far enough, with the Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn demanding a full, clear and unequivocal apology. The wounds of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre still haunt millions and should be laid to rest at this the centenary of the horrendous act, Veteran Indian-origin Labour MP Virendra Sharma, Chair of the Indo-British All Party Parliamentary Group, said in the Commons. I appreciate the Prime Minister's comments, and thank her for her earnest words, but they are only the beginning of an apology not the full and frank formal apology that the communities affected need. I would also like to offer my fullest thanks to Jeremy Corbyn for his words of support, and his commitment to a full apology when he becomes Prime Minister, he said. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre has found prominence in the UK parliamentary agenda in recent months as both the House of Lords and Commons held debates to mark the centenary. In their capacity as JBCCC members, Indian-origin peers Lord Meghnad Desai and Lord Raj Loomba had written to the British PM calling for an apology and will be marking the 100th anniversary with a special event in the House of Lords on Saturday night. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Saturday trade talks with China were getting close to their conclusion. Since January, shuttle diplomacy between Washington and Beijing to resolve their nine-month trade war has dragged on longer than officials had expected. Both sides have continued to project cautious optimism without predicting success. "It is more important to get it right than have arbitrary date," Mnuchin told reporters. But "I'm hopeful we're getting close to the final round of concluding issues." A sticking point in the talks has been American officials' insistence that any final agreement have teeth -- and that they retain the ability to impose fresh tariffs should Beijing backslide on its commitments. Mnuchin declined to get into details on Saturday. "There are certain commitments the United States is making in this agreement and there are certain commitments that China is making," he said. "And I would expect that the enforcement mechanism works in both directions." Trump said last week a conclusion in the talks was probably "four weeks" away but since discussions began earlier this year to end the nine-month trade war, the finish line has repeatedly slipped further into the future. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Venezuela's longtime spy chief was arrested Friday in Madrid by Spanish police acting on a US drug warrant a few weeks after he threw his support behind opponents of President Nicolas Maduro. The arrest of retired Maj. Gen. Hugo Carvajal, who for more than a decade advised the late leader Hugo Chvez, was celebrated by US law enforcement officials who watched helplessly as the spymaster slipped from their grips five years ago when he was picked up in Aruba on the same New York indictment used to order Friday's arrest. But some analysts said his surprise detention might have a chilling effect on Venezuela's opposition. The opposition saw Carvajal's criticism of Venezuela's socialist government as a stimulus to prod other military figures to defect, but the country's armed forces have remained largely loyal to current Maduro. Prosecutors in New York alleged Carvajal used his high office to coordinate the smuggling of approximately 5,600 kilograms of cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico in 2006, according to the indictment. A spokeswoman with Spain's National Court, which handles extradition cases, said that Carvajal would testify Saturday before a judge in Madrid. He can either accept the extradition to the United States or fight it before the court, explained the official, who wasn't authorized to be identified by name in media reports. Carvajal, who climbed the ranks in Venezuela since he befriended Chvez in the early 1980's, is no stranger to U.S. law enforcement agencies. In previous indictments, authorities also named Carvajal as part of several high-ranking Venezuelan military and law enforcement officials who provided a haven to major drug traffickers from neighbouring Colombia. The group became to be known in Venezuela as the "Cartel of the Suns" because top officers in the country wear sun insignias on their uniforms. Carvajal also allegedly provided weapons to armed FARC guerrillas in Colombia, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, and helped fund the group's activities by facilitating shipments of large amounts of U.S.-bound cocaine through Venezuela. In 2014, he became the highest-ranking Venezuelan official ever arrested on a US drug warrant. But authorities in the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba, where Carvajal was serving as Venezuela's consul, refused to extradite him under intense pressure from Maduro. Carvajal, known in his country by the nickname "El Pollo (the Chicken)" eventually returned home, where Maduro received him as a hero, but soon after took a low-key presence in the country's turbulent In 2017, he broke with the Venezuelan government over Maduro's plans to create a constitutional assembly that gutted what was left of the opposition-controlled congress. In mid-February, when Carvajal announced his support for opposition leader Juan Guaid in a video distributed on social media, the former spy chief said Venezuela's military was in as ramshackle a state as the nation as a whole. "We can't allow an army, in the hands of a few generals subjugated to Cuban instructions, to become the biggest collaborator of a dictatorial government that has plagued people with misery," he said at the time, asking fellow military to join him. As recently as two days ago, Carvajal remained hopeful that other former peers would follow his steps. But despite constant pleas by Guaid and the Trump administration for them to flip, the Venezuelan military remains largely behind Maduro. "I have no doubt," he wrote in his Twitter feed, that "Maduro will leave by a decision of the Armed National Force." Former American diplomat Roger Noriega said hopes in US intelligence and foreign policy circles that Carvajal could serve as bridge for other top-ranking generals to defect were misguided. He said that the culture of corruption that Carvajal represented and has long plagued Venezuela is precisely what needs to be uprooted. "How did a narcogeneral from Venezuela, who has been indicted in the US, evade Interpol red notices to travel to Europe?" said Noriega, who oversaw policy toward Latin American at the State Department during the presidency of George W. Bush. "Last time he was arrested, the Obama administration let him slip away. I hope the US government won't let that happen again. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Odisha Chief Minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik on Saturday asked the BJP to name its chief ministerial candidate for the state. "The people of Odisha want to know who is the BJP's chief ministerial candidate, from where s/he is contesting the elections," Patnaik said, addressing an election meeting at Daspalla under Kandhamal Lok Sabha constituency, which is going to polls in the second phase on April 18. Alleging that the BJP was afraid of announcing the name of its leader in Odisha, he also took a dig at the saffron party's "double engine" slogan. Patnaik was referring to BJP leaders' frequent call to the people of Odisha to ensure a "double engine" government (the government in Odisha as well as in Delhi) for better development of the state. "That Delhi engine did not come to the state when people were encountering calamities like cyclone and floods. Though the Delhi engine came after calamities, it went to Andhra Pradesh and not to Odisha," the CM said. Earlier, Patnaik had alleged that the BJP-led NDA government did not provide adequate assistance to cyclone-hit Odisha, even as it helped neighbouring Andhra Pradesh. "This Delhi engine will leave the state after the elections. Where is BJP's Odisha engine?" he asked. "The four and half crore of people in Odisha are my family, and I will serve them till the last breath," Patnaik said. Addressing another election rally in Aska in Ganjam district, he said the people of the locality will create a history this time by electing women self-help group (WSHG) member Pramila Bisoi to the Lok Sabha. Apart from fielding a WSHG member as its candidate for the Aska Lok Sabha seat, BJD also has four other women candidates contesting from different assembly segments in the same Parliamentary constituency. "You (the people of Aska) are going to create a history by electing a WSHG member to the Lok Sabha and send four women to the state assembly," Patnaik said. Alleging that both the opposition BJP and the Congress have fielded "criminal elements" as candidates in Ganjam district, the chief minister said he will not allow breach of peace in the region. The second phase of polling will be held on April 18 in Bargarh, Sundargarh, Bolangir, Kandhamal and Aska Lok Sabha segments, along with 35 assembly constituencies under their jurisdictions. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Gujarat water supply minister Kunvarji Bavaliya was caught on camera Saturday telling a group of women who complained about drinking water woes in their village that they should have voted for him. After the video, shot on mobile camera, went viral, the minister said the question came from "uneducated women" and had been prompted by local politics. Bavaliya quit the Congress last year to join the BJP and was made a cabinet minister. He won the ensuing Assembly by-election to Jasdan, which falls in Rajkot Lok Sabha constituency. Campaigning for the BJP candidate at Kanesara village, he faced a group of angry villagers, most of them women, who complained that only half the village gets drinking water. To which, the minister said only 55 per cent of the villagers had voted for him last time. "I have the entire water resources ministry, I am in the government, and if required, I can sanction crores of rupees to arrange water supply to the village," he said. "When I contested the election this time, I got only 55 per cent votes. Why didn't you all come together to vote for me?" he asked. When questioned by reporters later, Bavaliya defended his remarks, saying the protesters were "uneducated women", and local politics prompted them to ask the question. He also said that the complaint was not about his ministry, but the local panchayat. "I told them this is a panchayat issue and does not concern my ministry," he said. Congress leader Hardik Patel lambasted Bavaliya. "If somebody did not vote for the BJP and voted for other party, shouldn't they be given basic amenities? This is vindictive politics," Patel said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A top Army officer Saturday said it would not allow revival of terrorism in Jammu region including the mountainous Kishtwar district which witnessed killing of four persons including two senior leaders of BJP and RSS since November last year. The General Officer Commanding (GOC), White Knight Corps, Lt Gen Paramjit Singh also said the leadership of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) outfit was eliminated in Kashmir valley post India's preemptive air strike on a JeM terror camp in Balakot on February 26 in response to the February 14 Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed. "The incidents which had happened in Kishtwar in the recent past are a matter of concern. The enemy always try to revive terrorism in the areas where it was wiped out but we are ready for the challenge and I want to assure the people if the intention is to revive terrorism, we will not allow it to happen," the officer said interacting with media persons in Rajouri district. The communally sensitive Kishtwar district, which was declared terrorism-free over a decade ago, was rattled by the killing of State Secretary of BJP Anil Parihar and his brother Ajeet Parihar on November 1 last year, followed by assassination of senior RSS leader Chanderkant Sharma and his security guard inside a health centre on Tuesday. "The army has not left this area because the enemy can attempt again to revive terrorism but as long as we stand united, the Pakistan cannot succeed in its nefarious design," he aded. On March 8, unidentified gunmen also snatched the service rifle of the personal security officer of district development commissioner, Kishtwar, fromhis rented accommodation in the town. The officer said the intelligence agencies, police and army have worked out a strategy to deal with the arising situation. "Some people were already rounded up (in connection with the latest killings) and the operation is going on there (Kishtwar) at the moment," he said. When his attention was drawn to the weapon snatching incident, arrest of some militants with weapons and recovery of huge consignment of drugs in Poonch and Rajouri district last year, he said the enemy always try that there be no peace anywhere in the state. "Such attempts continue on the part of the enemy but we failed their nefarious design with the joint efforts and the support of the public," he said. Lt Gen Singh said those people who have seen Rajouri, Poonch and Surankote after 1990 know with everybody's cooperation --civilian population, local administration, police and army -- the terrorism was wiped out from the region. "There is no place in the country which is free from the danger of an accident," he said and expressed satisfaction over the peaceful conclusion of the first phase of the Lok Sabha elections on April 11. In response to another question about the status of militancy in the state post Balakote airstrike, he said "the leadership of Jaish-e-Mohammad outfit was eliminated in the Kashmir valley." "As far as Jammu region is concerned, it has not witnessed any major militant activity before or after the airstrike," he said. The Army officer said ground reports did not suggest sudden increase in the terror activity by overground workers of the terrorists in any part of the Jammu region. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale on Saturday said he will speak to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make necessary changes in the citizenship bill if the NDA comes to power again. Addressing a press conference here, Athawale, also the chief of the Republican Party of India (A), acknowledged the strong sentiment against the contentious bill across the north east region. "We have sympathy for the peoples' sentiments. When Narendra Modi will become PM again, we will talk to him to see what changes can be made in the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill," he said. The RPI(A) has fielded three candidates for the Lok Sabha elections in Assam. It has given tickets to Mehbubar Rahman in Dhubri, Rejaul Karim in Barpeta and Sadek Ali in Gauhati constituencies. "We have opened our party units in all the north eastern states. At this moment, we are new here. But, I can tell that we will be a strong force in the years to come," Athawale said. Criticising the 'mahagathbandhan' as a force without any leader or prime ministerial face, the NDA ally claimed that the BJP-led alliance will bag over 350 seats in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections across the country. Athawale also slammed the opposition for seeking proof of the Balakot air strikes and said that Kashmir is an integral part of India. "Pakistan has no control over Kashmir. They should return the occupied Kashmir. It is not a free state. The Article 370 should be removed. Jammu and Kashmir is not developed because of this," he added. Athawale further said that his ministry will work towards completely stopping manual scavenging in the country by introducing technology-based solutions. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Meteorological Department has issued a fresh yellow weather warning for thunderstorm in Himachal Pradesh on April 16 and 17, an official said. The Shimla MeT centre issued the weather warning for thunderstorm accompanied with hailstorm and gusty winds in plains, low and mid hills of the state on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Met office issues colour-coded warnings to alert the public ahead of severe or hazardous weather which has the potential to cause "damage, widespread disruption and/or danger to life." Yellow is the least dangerous out of the weather warnings it indicates the possibility of severe weather over the next few days that could affect the public. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Alibaba Group founder and billionaire Jack Ma has defended the grueling overtime work culture at many of China's tech companies, calling it a "huge blessing" for young workers. The e-commerce magnate weighed into a debate about work-life balance and the overtime hours demanded by some companies as the sector slows after years of breakneck growth. In a speech to Alibaba employees, Ma defended the industry's '996' work schedule, which refers to the 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. workday, six days a week. "I personally think that being able to work 996 is a huge blessing," he said in remarks posted on the company's WeChat account. "Many companies and many people don't have the opportunity to work 996," Ma said. "If you don't work 996 when you are young, when can you ever work 996?" The issue has fueled an online debate and protests on some coding platforms, where workers have swapped examples of excessive overtime demands at some companies. Ma, a former English teacher who co-founded Alibaba in 1999 and has become one of China's richest people, said he and early employees regularly worked long hours. "In this world, everyone wants success, wants a nice life, wants to be respected," Ma said. "Let me ask everyone, if you don't put out more time and energy than others, how can you achieve the success you want?" Ma referred to the tech industry today where some people are without jobs, or working at companies in search of revenue or facing closure. "Compared to them, up to this day, I still feel lucky, I don't regret (working 12 hour days), I would never change this part of me," he said. This month activists on Microsoft's GitHub, the online code repository site, launched a project titled "996.ICU" where tech workers listed Alibaba among the companies ranked as having some of the worst working conditions. On Thursday, an opinion piece published in a state newspaper argued that 996 violated China's Labor Law, which stipulates that average work hours cannot exceed 40 hours a week. "Creating a corporate culture of 'encouraged overtime' will not only not help a business' core competitiveness, it might inhibit and damage a company's ability to innovate," the unnamed author wrote in the People's Daily. Also read: 'I hire people who are smarter than me,' says Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma Also read: Jack Ma, China's richest man, is a Communist Party member: Report In the wake of reports that it granted huge tax waiver to Anil Ambani's French firm, France Saturday said a global settlement was reached between the French tax authorities and the Reliance subsidiary and that it was not subject to any political interference. Leading French newspaper Le Monde reported that France waived taxes worth 143.7 million euros to a French-registered telecom subsidiary of Ambani's Reliance Communications in 2015, months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement of India buying 36 Rafale jets. "A global settlement was reached between the French tax authorities and Reliance Flag, a telecom company, in a tax dispute pertaining to the period 2008-2012," the French embassy said in a statement. It further said, "This settlement was conducted in full adherence with the legislative and regulatory framework governing this common practice of the tax administration," the embassy said. It said the settlement was not subject to any political interference whatsoever. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the procurement of a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015 in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. The Congress has been alleging massive irregularities in the deal, saying the government was procuring each aircraft at a cost of over Rs 1,670 crore as against Rs 526 crore finalised by the UPA government when it was negotiating the deal. The Congress has also been targeting the government over selection of Anil Ambani-owned Reliance Defence as an offset partner for Dassault Aviation, the manufacturer of Rafale. The government has rejected the allegations. The French newspaper said the company was investigated by French tax authorities and found liable to pay 60 million euros in taxes for the period 2007 to 2010. However, Reliance offered to pay 7.6 million euros only as a settlement but French tax authorities refused to accept the amount. The authorities conducted another probe for the period 2010 to 2012 and asked the company to pay an additional 91 million euros in taxes, the report said. It said by April 2015, the total amount owed by Reliance to the French authorities in taxes was at least 151 million euros. In October, six months after Modi announced in Paris about the Rafale deal, the French authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance as a settlement as against the original demand of 151 million euros. ALSO READ: French authorities waived off Anil Ambani's $162 million tax debt during Rafale negotiations: report ALSO READ: Tax concession by France to Anil Ambani is 'Modi kripa', says Congress In a historic move, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has appointed nine private sector specialists as joint secretaries in central government departments. The appointments have been made for departments of revenue, financial services, economic affairs, agriculture and farmers welfare, road transport and highways, shipping, environment, forest and climate change, new and renewable energy, civil aviation, and commerce. In June 2018, the Personnel Ministry had invited applications for the joint secretary posts through lateral entry. However, in December, the ministry entrusted the task of selecting the candidates for these posts to the UPSC. The 'Lateral Entry Mode' is said to be one of the biggest reforms by Modi government in a bid to bring fresh talent into the bureaucracy. The lateral entry mode gives an opportunity to private sector specialists to join government departments. The nine professionals who have been selected as joint secretaries in central government departments are: Amber Dubey Amber Dubey is a Partner at KPMG in India, and heads the Aerospace and Defense sector at the firm. He is an alumnus of IIT Bombay and IIM Ahmedabad and has professional experience of over 26 years. Amber is Co-Chairman (Aviation) at US India Business Council (USIBC), American Chambers of Commerce (AmCham), and a member of the aviation committees of FICCI and ASSOCHAM. He works closely with industry associations connected to airlines, airports, MRO, air-cargo and general aviation. In 2012, Amber was honoured for 'Valuable contribution to Indian aviation'. In 2017, he was nominated by the President of India as member of the Academic Council of the Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University (RGNAU). In July 2018, Amber was nominated by the Defence Minister as special invitee to the Capital Projects Review Committee (CPRC) that reviews progress of critical modernisation projects of the Indian armed forces. Rajeev Saksena Rajeev Saksena is Director - Economic and Infrastructure, SAARC Development Fund (SDF), with over 22 years of experience to his credit. Sujit Kumar Bajpayee Sujit Kumar Bajpayee is working with NHPC as Manager (Environment). He is involved with the overall planning of new hydro projects from the environment and forest angle, securing clearance for them from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and implementation and monitoring of various environmental safeguards stipulated by the government. Dinesh Dayanand Jagdale Dinesh Jagdale is the Director and Chief Executive Officer at Panama Renewable Energy Group. He used to work with Enercon India Ltd as DGM (Marketing) and with Crompton Greaves as a marketing executive - exports. Kakoli Ghosh Private sector agriculture specialist Kakoli Ghosh has been selected for appointment as joint secretary for agriculture, cooperation and farmers welfare. Kakoli, who works at the Food and Agriculture Organisation, is the only woman on the list. Bhushan Kumar Bhushan Kumar has been selected for appointment as joint secretary, shipping ministry. According to Silicon India, Bhushan was CEO and MD at Diamond Shipping, which is a part of Dubai-based Sharaf Group from January 2008 to July 2009. He was the vice-president/GM-legal at Maersk India Pvt Ltd in Mumbai from 2004 till 2007. Prior to this, Bhushan Kumar worked as General Manager at Caleb Brett India Pvt Ltd, Jamnagar and as Nautical Officer at TS Chanakya. Other appointees selected via the lateral entry mode include Arun Goel for commerce ministry, Saurabh Mishra for financial services ministry, and Suman Prasad Singh for road transport and highways ministry. These joint-secretary level appointees, will have an initial term of three years, which might be extended up to five years. "The recruitment process for selection of candidate for joint secretary level post on contract basis (lateral entry) for the department of revenue, ministry of finance has become infructuous at the interview stage," the UPSC said without citing further details. Of the total 6,077 applications received by the government, only 89 were short-listed for the interview. Government think tank Niti Aayog had in a report highlighted that it was essential that specialists be inducted into the system through lateral entry on fixed-term contract. (With PTI inputs) Also read: IAS officer without UPSC? Modi government opens 10 vacancies for joint-secretary level posts Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took to Twitter to pay his tributes to the fallen on the centenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. "Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of," he wrote. Congress President Rahul Gandhi visited the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial on Sunday to pay tribute. Gandhi visited the memorial with Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, state minister Navjot Singh Sidhu and a few other Congress leaders. The Congress chief paid floral tribute and wrote on the visitors' book: "The cost of freedom must never ever be forgotten. We salute the people of India who gave everything they had for it." They also observed a two-minute silence to remember the people who were massacred in the tragic incident on April 13, 1919. Gandhi reached Amritsar late Friday night. Upon his arrival, the Congress chief, accompanied by Singh, went straight to the Golden Temple and paid obeisance at the Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of the Sikhs. "A 100 years ago today, our beloved freedom fighters were martyred at Jallianwala Bagh. A horrific massacre, a stain on civilisation, that day of sacrifice can never be forgotten by India. At this solemn moment, we pay our tribute to the immortals of Jallianwala," tweeted President Ram Nath Kovind. A 100 years ago today, our beloved freedom fighters were martyred at Jallianwala Bagh. A horrific massacre, a stain on civilisation, that day of sacrifice can never be forgotten by India. At this solemn moment, we pay our tribute to the immortals of Jallianwala #PresidentKovind - President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) April 13, 2019 British High Commissioner to India Dominic Asquith also visited the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial separately on Saturday. In the visitors' book, Asquith wrote, "The events of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflect a shameful act in British Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused. I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st century partnership." Earlier this week, British Prime Minister Theresa May had said, "The tragedy of Jallianwalla Bagh in 1919 is a shameful scar on the British-Indian history. As her Majesty, the Queen said before visiting Jallianwala Bagh 1997, it is a distressing example of our past history with India. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused." The massacre took place at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar during the Baisakhi festival in April 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer opened fire at a crowd of people holding a pro-independence demonstration, leaving several dead and scores injured. (With PTI inputs) Also read: India GSP review: US senators urge Trump administration to delay decision on preferential trade status Also read: Lok Sabha Election 2019 LIVE updates: 'Will make sedition law more stringent,' says Rajnath Singh Finance minister Arun Jaitley lashed out at the Opposition parties in his latest blog on Facebook today. The Union minister in a fresh blog post titled 'India's Opposition is on a 'Rent a Cause' Campaign' , wrote that the Opposition is in 'disarray' and there's no running thread in their campaign. "The Opposition parties wasted the past two years in a run-up to the poll 'manufacturing issues' which didn't exist," said Jaitley. He further said that the false campaign on Rafale, loan waiver to industrialists and EVMs' rigging were all lie and didn't carry much weight. To oust a popular govt. an extremely popular Prime Minister, you need real issues not fictional ones. The Opposition wasted the past two years in the run-up to the poll manufacturing issues which didnt exist. The Rafale or the EVM proved to be fake issues only. Chowkidar Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) April 13, 2019 Jaitley extolled Amit Shah and PM Narendra Modi for amassing voting target of 50% in the BJP stronghold states. He said, "The First Phase of voting is over. The "Modi" factor was writ large across the country. Amit Shah's challenge to the BJP workers to prepare for a 50% voting target in the BJP stronghold states even where there are opposition alliances seems coming through. On the leadership issue, Jaitley said that the situation of opposition parties look gloomier. An unequivocal verbal battle among the Left, Trinamool, Congress and AAP is an advantage for BJP, said Jaitley. On the leadership issue the situation of opposition parties look gloomier than what I had thought. The BSP leader Mayawati, the Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee leave no stone unturned in running down the Congress President. No doubt it is advantage BJP. Chowkidar Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) April 13, 2019 Further, Jaitley took a jibe on 'Signature Campaign' by saying that the campaign proved to be terrible for the Congress party as many of academics, economists and ex-civil servants, whose signatures were used publicly stated that they never consented to put their signatures. Jaitley, citing February's Pulwama attack and Balakot air strike, said that the Opposition could not built up a single issue against the government in the past five years and that its strategy now was to "pick up an issue for a daily tweet or a press-briefing". The Signature Campaign Propaganda proved to be terrible for the Congress party as many of academics, economists, artistes, ex-civil servants & even some former soldiers, whose signatures been put, publicly stated that they never consented for putting their signatures. Chowkidar Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) April 13, 2019 "One day Pulwama was questioned as self-engineered. The next day Balakot was questioned as a non-existent operation," wrote Jaitley in his blog. Referring to the latest flak against Union textile minister Smriti Irani's educational qualifications, Jaitley said that the opposition had forgotten "that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi's academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered. After all, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree!" April 13, 2019 marks the 10th anniversary of one of the biggest events in the corporate history of India - the acquisition of Satyam by Tech Mahindra. Prior to the acquisition, Tech Mahindra was a niche player that derived 100% of its revenues from the telecom vertical. On the other hand, Satyam was the fourth largest Indian IT services company in terms of revenue, listed in both the Indian and US stock exchanges. It had over 50,000 employees with operations in 66 countries and counted 185 Fortune 500 companies as customers. Tech Mahindra and its parent organisation - the Mahindra Group saw the acquisition of Satyam as a strategic opportunity to move to the next level of growth. The acquisition would allow the Group to diversify across verticals, customers, and geographies, market a wide range of services to Satyam's strong customer base. Termed as a truly daring attempt - not just in the scale and size, but also in terms of managing expectations - of the investors, customers and the employees. The daunting task was made possible with Tech Mahindra's decisive leadership. The merger puts forth some amazing lessons which most new-age businesses can imbibe to turn around any hostile situation and make the most of any such situations: Risk Taking Capabilities:- "If you dare nothing, you gain nothing," every business aims for steady profits and margins, but for long term profitability, one needs to look beyond organic growth opportunities i.e. acquiring/investing in new business opportunities. This will help in staying relevant in this forever evolving market. Humane approach:- Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) is a stressful/trying affair for not just the management but the employees and other stakeholders. Motivating employees to a common purpose is one of the key priority areas. Building trust:- Collective decision making by building trust amongst various internal stakeholders holds the key to success, during any M&A scenarios. Therefore, it is advisable to keep them all updated about your moves. Retaining & nurturing Talent:- Your employees are your biggest asset. Invest in their training and skill-building so that they churn out the best-in-class solutions to your customers' problems. Implement employee connect programmes to address all their grievances and applaud their hard work. Client communication and identifying opportunities that help you build scale:- Connect with the existing clients and offer them the assurance that they need - how you will continue to better serve all your customers. Use your knowledge and capabilities to win their precious vote of trust and loyalty. In some cases, it could even get you more leads. Preserving shareholder value:- The objective of any successful management is to increase sales, earnings, and free cash flow which further translates into increased dividends and capital gains for its equity owners. Never lose sight of the same. Transparency:- Keeping the communication clear and crisp helps as it curbs rumours and dispels doubts related to any particular corporate move by the management Embracing the change:- Change is the only constant, whether it is about adopting new technologies, new manufacturing techniques or incorporating new policies, be prepared to face the change and adapt with the changing times. Corporate Governance & corrective actions:- Identify and review key processes to figure out the areas that need immediate management attention. Address the same by incorporating necessary checks and balances like new policies and guidelines. This will also help build a framework for future work proceedings. Last but not least, make efforts to communicate your endeavours in managing the merger with external stakeholders - the government, industry and media. Your best practices could make up for an interesting case study and learning point for others which they could emulate as and when the situation arises. (The author is the MD and CEO of Tech Mahindra.) Zhenjiang's Jianghehui building site has been shut down for nearly four years. Photo: Liang Yingfei/Caixin How China's Ministry of Finance, regulators and governments are trying to save Zhenjiang, pt. 2 As we explored in Part 1 of our series, 2019 marks the beginning of a three-year peak debt repayment period for local government financing vehicles (LGFVs), meaning Zhenjiangs situation is dire. Any arrangement hammered out is being closely watched for signs of what policymakers will be prepared to accept in the hunt for a solution for dealing with hidden liabilities across the country. Under an agreement with the MOF last year, Zhenjiang was supposed to cut expenditures and sell off assets before it would receive financial support from the province and elsewhere, we learned. But, it turns out, local officials are not even done compiling a list of what the city and its LGFVs own, valuing the assets and verifying their ownership. Meanwhile, local officials are also pinning hopes on a huge increase in the quota for sales of special purpose bonds. They also hatched a plan with the local branch of the China Development Bank (CDB), which is heavily involved in LGFV financing, to perhaps receive bailouts. But wherever Zhenjiang looks, there lie obstacles. Check out Part 2 of our series. FINANCE & ECONOMICS Shipping containers full of export goods get unloaded on March 8 at a port in Lianyungang, East Chinas Jiangsu province. Photo: IC Economy / Chinas exports recover in March, growing at fastest pace in five months China's exports of goods rose 14.2% YOY to $198.7 billion in March, growing at the fastest pace in five months, government data showed Friday. That compared with a 20.7% decline in February and was ahead of the median forecast of a 6.5% increase in a Bloomberg survey of economists. Meanwhile, imports fell 7.6% YOY to $166 billion in March after a 5.2% slide in February. Imports missed the Bloomberg median forecast of a 0.2% increase. The trade surplus rose to $32.7 billion from Februarys $4.1 billion. Diplomacy / New World Bank head softens tone on China The World Bank Groups new president, David Malpass, lauded its constructive and evolving relationship with China at a press conference in Washington Thursday, a diplomatic response for an open critic of Chinas relationship with the World Bank. Malpass said that China is naturally evolving from being a major borrower from the World Bank to a smaller borrower and is also becoming a bigger donor and shareholder. Before being unanimously elected president April 4, he was the U.S. Treasurys undersecretary for international affairs under President Donald Trump. He has joined trade delegations for negotiations over a U.S.-China trade deal. Off-the-books / Western China city illegally borrowed $170 million The government of Xianyang illegally borrowed 1.14 billion yuan ($170 million) off the books from two local government financing vehicles (LGFVs) for infrastructure projects between 2017 and 2018, the Shaanxi Provincial Finance Department said. It's the latest example of the mounds of hidden local government debt that China is working to clean up. Nine officials of the Xianyang administration committee and the two LGFVs were put under investigation or given formal warnings or verbal reprimands, the Shaanxi Provincial Finance Department said. In the next step, the government and regulators will punish the financial institutions that provided guarantees for the illegal borrowings, the department said. Opinion / PBOC deputy: Financial opening-up is a path China must follow Chen Yulu, deputy governor of the Peoples Bank of China, said China will open up its financial sector across the board and create a win-win situation for institutions and investors. At a keynote speech delivered Wednesday at the Caixin Roundtable in Washington, Cheng outlined several changes that China will make to better embrace foreign investors and integrate with global markets, including further easing restrictions on foreign investors holdings and better adopting the approach of pre-establishment national treatment and the negative list. Cheng ranks second in the central banks leadership after Governor Yi Gang. Quick hits / High-tech board mulls price protections BUSINESS & TECH Workers lay railway tracks in Zhangjiakou, North China's Hebei province on Dec. 18. Photo: IC Infrastructure / Malaysia Malaysia revives controversial China railway at a big discount Malaysia has resuscitated a stalled multibillion-dollar railway project with China, after managing to reduce the costs by one-third from the initial plan. The countrys Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, had said that the 688-kilometer (428-mile) East Coast Rail Link contained damaging terms and that it saddled Southeast Asias third-largest economy with excessive debt. But after nearly a year of negotiations, Malaysia on Friday said Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd has signed a supplementary agreement with CCCC to resume the project at a much reduced cost. Sharing economy / Automakers ramp up ride-hailing offensive to unseat Didi It would seem that concern over whether Chinas consumers will ditch their cars for ride-hailing is intensifying. After an initial July announcement, more details have emerged for what will be a 9.76 billion yuan ($1.46 billion) ride-hailing and new-energy vehicle joint venture created by state-owned automakers Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd., China FAW Group Corp. and Dongfeng Motor Corp. The three car makers will each hold a 15% stake in the venture based in Nanjing, East Chinas Jiangsu province. Electronics retailer Co. Ltd. will be the biggest shareholder, with a 19% stake. Other prominent investors include Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Petroleum / BP bows out of fracking in China BP PLC is set to stop drilling for shale gas in the southwestern province of Sichuan, becoming the latest international oil major to quit this kind of project in China. The British oil company will formally announce the move after holding a meeting with its local partner China National Petroleum Corp. to negotiate the exit terms, sources told us. BP is joining other international oil and gas giants including Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Royal Dutch Shell and ENI, that have stopped fracking in China, reflecting the unique challenges of developing shale gas in China such as complex geology and low well productivity. IP theft / Chinese photo service falls into copyright black hole The website of Visual China Group (VCG), Chinas biggest stock photo provider and a partner of Getty Images, was down Friday after its commercial claims to the worlds first photograph of a black hole triggered accusations of copyright theft. The company announced on Thursday that commercial users in China would need to seek VCGs approval before using photos of the black hole downloaded from its site. But Chinese social media users cast doubt on whether VCG had obtained permission from the scientists who made the image. Online commenters also found VCG claimed to own copyright to photos of Chinas national flag and badge. Quick hits / Didis valuation hits the skids Ling Huawei: Mixed-ownership reform is not about dumping ones debt burden Harbin drugmaker tainted by murder scandal Deadly 'super fungus' fuels China pharma stock surge Gaode reveals price tag for autonomous driving maps First-generation Beijing department store loses battle against change Thanks for reading. If you haven't already, click here to subscribe. Robert Zoellick (second from right) speaks at a roundtable jointly held by Caixin on Wednesday in Washington D.C. Photo: Caixin The World Bank should maintain multi-dimensional engagement with China, sharing its expertise to help Beijing reform and open up its economy and develop new multilateral institutions, its former head said. Robert Zoellick stressed that middle-income countries such as China mustnt be left out of the World Banks system, but should become bigger contributors to it. He made the remarks at a roundtable discussion titled "World Bank Transition: What Could Be Done? jointly held by Caixin and the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a U.S. think tank, on Wednesday in Washington, D.C. Zoellick was president of the World Bank Group from 2007 to 2012 and U.S. trade representative from 2001 to 2005 under President George W. Bush. He is now a senior fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. Zoellick comments mirror those of new World Bank President David Malpass, who lauded the organizations constructive and evolving relationship with China at a press conference a day later in Washington D.C. Malpass started his new job earlier this month. Malpass said China is naturally evolving from being a major borrower from the bank to becoming a smaller borrower, while becoming a major donor and shareholder at the same time. Zoellicks talk focused on how the World Bank can share its experience and expertise with China on reform of state-owned enterprises, the opening up of the services sector, as well as its development of new multilateral institutions, such as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank. Reform of state-owned enterprises is critical to improving the nations productivity to enhance the development of the Chinese economy, Zoellick said. Beijing is also seeking to boost the services sector, as the economy shifts from being based on exports and investments to domestic-demand led growth. Its a natural for the bank to be able to share its experience not from an ideological framework (because) you have different kind of state-own systems, but to explain what works, what hasnt worked, what the dangers of the system are, he said. "And frankly engage people in China on a better understanding if they are going this route what might be some of the downsides? In addition, he advised China to open up its services sector to increase domestic demand and boost future growth. By allowing foreign firms greater access to its large domestic market, China could create win-win outcomes in current and future trade negotiations. Zoellick also defended continued World Bank lending to China in the face of growing friction between the United States and China. The World Bank, of which the U.S. is the largest stakeholder, still offers loans to China and this has irked some U.S. congressmen. World Bank loans to China are very targeted for use on specific pilot development projects, Zoellick said. China uses the (loans for) projects exactly as they are described. They test them, they understand thoroughly whats going on and based on that, they sort of expand them. He noted that China has become a contributor to the International Development Association under the World Bank that targets programs helping the worlds poorest countries. Zoellick also urged the new World Bank leadership to encourage the participation of all economies and not leave some out of the system. There have been suggestions that given the scarcity of economic resources, the World Bank and other regional development banks should focus on helping poor countries rather than middle-income nations like China. All countries can contribute to solving global development issues, such as the trade financing system, responses to climate change and improvements in local security. If you try to disconnect from China or other middle-income countries, you are just going to fragment the international system, he warned. You have to figure out how to engage the middle-income countries, so that they become contributors as well as beneficiaries. Contact reporter Jason Tan ( Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the world's largest community for good. Here, you'll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. Care2 Stands Against: bigots, racists, bullies, science deniers, misogynists, gun lobbyists, xenophobes, the willfully ignorant, animal abusers, frackers, and other mean people. If you find yourself aligning with any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to see here. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. You are our people. You Care. We Care2. By WestKyStar & McCracken Co. Schools Staff Apr. 13, 2019 | 03:43 PM | PADUCAH The Semper Fidelis All-American Program recognizes high school students who face lifes battles with the conviction and determination to succeed. Rudy is one of only 96 high school juniors chosen for this years Academy. At the Academy, Rudy and her fellow All-Americans will participate in daily workouts, an immersive Marine Corps experience on base in Quantico, a community service event, team building outings, and a tour of the nations Capital. Each All-American is also encouraged to invite a mentor of their choosing to accompany them on their trip; Rudy chose MCHS teacher Katie Granstaff as her mentor. As a Semper Fidelis All-American, Rudy will be eligible for select scholarship opportunities only available to program participants. The U.S. Marine Corps has named MCHS junior Ashton Rudy a 2019 Semper Fidelis All-American, a title which also earns her an all-expenses paid trip to the Marines four-day Battles Won Academy in Washington, D.C. this July. Advertisement By The Associated Press Apr. 13, 2019 | WASHINGTON By The Associated Press Apr. 13, 2019 | 01:27 AM | WASHINGTON President Donald Trump says he is strongly considering releasing "Illegal Immigrants" into sanctuary cities, just hours after White House and Homeland Security officials insisted the idea had been rejected as fast as it had been proposed. "Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only," Trump tweeted Friday. The reversal, which appeared to catch officials at the Department of Homeland Security off guard, came as critics were blasting Trump for the supposedly-rejected idea, accusing him of turning migrants into pawns to go after his political opponents. It comes as a surge of Central American migrant families are crossing the southern border and Trump looks looking for new ways to pressure congressional Democrats to change laws that he insists are making the problem worse. It was not clear whether the president was joking, and a Homeland Security spokesman said in a statement: "At no time has the president indicated, asked, directed or pressured the acting secretary to do anything illegal. " The reported conversation came during the president's trip last week to Calexico, California, a day after he announced he was delaying his threat to close the border because Mexico appeared to be stepping up its enforcement efforts. Before Trump's tweets on Friday, both the Department of Homeland Security and a White House official had insisted in nearly identical statements that the sanctuary-cities plan had been floated but then flatly rejected. Asked about it by reporters, he said he was "strongly looking at" releasing migrant families into those communities. "They're always saying they have open arms. Let's see if they have open arms," he said. There were no indications, however, that officials were taking any steps to move forward with the idea or considered the president's words anything more than bluster. "Sanctuary cities" is the term for places where local authorities do not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, denying information or resources that would help ICE round up for deportation people living in the country illegally. They include New York City and San Francisco, home city of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who on Friday called the idea "unworthy of the presidency of the United States and disrespectful of the challenges that we face as a country, as a people, to address who we are a nation of immigrants." ICE arrests people in the U.S. illegally and also manages migrants who present themselves at border crossings and ask for asylum. The surge of migrant families at the border has been taxing the system, and ICE says it no longer has the resourced to handle immigrants processed by the Border Patrol. As a result, more than 125,000 people have been released as they await court hearings a practice Trump has derided as "catch and release." With immigrant processing and holding centers overwhelmed, the administration has already been busing people hundreds of miles inland and releasing them at Greyhound stations and churches in cities such as Albuquerque, San Antonio and Phoenix. Transporting large groups of immigrants to distant cities would be even more expensive for an agency already strapped for cash. Flights chartered by ICE cost about $7,785 per flight hour, according to the agency, and require multiple staffers, including an in-flight medical professional. The agency also uses commercial flights but requires that migrants to pay for those. At the same time, many "sanctuary" communities would likely welcome the immigrants in question. Some of these cities have robust networks of nonprofit legal groups that could help them strengthen their legal cases to stay. The Department of Health and Human Services said this week it had started scouting vacant properties that could be turned into facilities for holding migrant children in several cities, including Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, and San Antonio. Those facilities would be licensed by each state and likely take several months to be approved and opened, separating them from the rapidly expanding emergency shelter at Homestead, Florida, and the now-closed tent facility at Tornillo, Texas. The Defense Department has also been reviewing a number of military bases to find a location that can house up to 5,000 unaccompanied migrant children as the U.S. braces for a surge of people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border this spring. Under the Trump administration, ICE has significantly stepped up arrests, including of people who have no U.S. criminal records. In response, some cities have banished ICE from jails where agents could easily pick up immigration violators. Police in New York, Baltimore and Seattle rarely, if ever, disclose information about when suspected criminals in the U.S. illegally will be released from custody. Democrats have said they will tackle immigration bills, possibly as soon as they return from their spring recess, and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has indicated an interest. A Mind at Work: Maximizing the Relationship Between Mindset and Student Success, a report released by the Center for Community College Student Engagement (the Center), indicates that students who have more productive academic mindsets are more engaged and have higher GPAs. In the fall of 2018, the Center for Community College Student Engagement visited Cleveland State Community College. The purpose of the visit was to discuss growth mindset initiatives on campus. During this time, they held four focus groups, one specifically for faculty, one for honors students and two other student-related groups. The groups discussed both teaching and learning strategies and how having a growth mindset improves success. Since the CCCSE visit, the Cleveland State faculty has identified opportunities to help students mindsets grow. Some of the changes include altering their vocabulary when discussing success and failure and helping students understand failure is ultimately a pathway to improvement rather than a dead end. We are very proud of the way our faculty intentionally seek to help students feel like they belong at college and that they are capable of success, said Dr. Denise King, vice president for Academic Affairs. Their consideration of each student as a uniquely gifted individual makes a clear and positive difference in student performance. Academic mindset encompasses students beliefs about the ways learning and intelligence work. According to Dr. David Knopp, director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness at Cleveland State Community College, approximately 70 percent of CSCC students agreed that they could change their intelligence a lot, and 80 percent agreed that they were confident they could keep up with their coursework. While the majority of students are confident in some areas of academic mindset, student responses indicating a nonproductive mindset tended to cluster in two areas: testing and math. Forty-two percent of students disagreed or responded neutrally as to whether they could do well on tests, even when they were difficult. Forty percent of students disagreed or responded neutrally as to whether they could change their intelligence a lot in math. Dr. Victoria Bryan, CSCC Honors Program director, said, The biggest part of my job is guiding students through the Honors program, which is a very structured and rigorous program. Generally, this program attracts students who like a challenge, but it also attracts students who have tended to excel at their academic pursuits. Our program is designed to push them beyond their comfort zone, and this often means failing on a first attempt. The best thing this program offers is the guidance to come back from that failure and produce something better than the student thought possible at first. This kind of resiliency requires a growth mindset, so we make sure to expose students to a detailed reading and discussion of Dweck's Mindsets work as early as possible. This practice has made a huge impact on our program, and I'm seeing students take on bigger challenges and produce better work in the long run. The report highlights findings from nontraditional-age versus traditional-age students. In short, nontraditional-age studentsthose defined as age 25 or olderadopted more of a productive mindset than their younger peers in some areas. More than 82,000 students from 159 colleges responded to items about academic mindset on the 2018 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), which gathers information from students in the spring term about their experiences throughout the academic year. The reports supporting materials include discussion questions for colleges, a tool that connects Center survey items with the four components of academic mindset, focus group guides, and video clips from focus groups that the Center conducted with students and faculty about academic mindset. The Center for Community College Student Engagement is a service and research initiative of the Program in Higher Education Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin. Jinger Duggar has earned the reputation of being the Duggar familys biggest rebel. On several occasions, Duggar has proven that while she still has a strong relationship with God and the church, she is also trying to live her best life and that means not being chained down by her parents super strict views and values. Recently, Duggar defied her parents even more by supporting her brother-in-laws new film heres why Michelle and Jim Bob would not approve. Jinger Duggar with her husband, Jeremy Vuolo and daughter, Felicity Vuolo. | Jinger Vuolo via Instagram Duggar has always been the rebel of the family Throughout the years, the Duggars have gained the reputation of being one of Americas strictest families. The Duggar parents, Michelle and Jim Bob, set extreme rules in place for their children, which were highlighted on their TLC show 19 Kids and Counting. The daughters had to wear skirts so as not to show off any curves, and the kids couldnt engage in any intimate activity until they were married. But once Duggar got out on her own, she began to defy her parents a bit. She moved to Laredo, Texas, which is hundreds of miles from her Arkansas home. Duggar started wearing pants and even recently posted a photo of her wearing a tank top. She recently announced shes moving to Los Angeles a city that is notoriously liberal Duggar and her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, recently announced that theyre moving to Los Angeles in order for Vuolo to pursue graduate classes. Los Angeles is notoriously a very accepting city, and its a lot more liberal than the Arkansas town where she was raised. While Duggar and Vuolo have both stuck to their religious roots in a lot of ways, theyve also branched out to accept plenty of other walks of life. Duggar reportedly had great things to say about her brother-in-laws new LGTBQ film According to reports, Duggars brother-in-law recently made a film about an immigrant struggling with a transgender identity. Duggar reportedly left a comment on a private Instagram account praising the film and her brother-in-laws hard work. While it doesnt necessarily say that Duggar supports the LGBTQ community, it does suggest that she supports a movie highlighting LGBTQ causes, which comes a lot closer to acceptance than her parents ever would. And if Duggar watched the film, which it appears she did, she must not have a strong aversion to the LGBTQ community. Its important to note that since the comment was from a private account, it isnt accessible to see and hasnt been proven. Duggars parents would never approve of the LGBTQ community Duggar was raised in an extremely religious household, and there is no chance her parents would ever endorse anything regarding the LGBTQ community. The Duggar family often expresses their distaste in left-leaning social issues, such as abortion rights and gay or transgender rights. But with Duggar moving to Los Angeles, she may be trying to open her eyes a bit to different kinds of people, since the big city is nothing like small-town Arkansas. Check out The Cheat Sheet on Facebook! After months of anticipation, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have finally made the move to Frogmore Cottage, located in the countryside town of Windsor, England. The 10-bedroom home has been completely renovated for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and there is no doubt that it is spectacular! There is now plenty of room for baby Sussex to run around and play, and for Meghan and Harry to have friends over and entertain as much as they would like. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may have officially left London, but which royals still live at Kensington Palace? Why did Meghan Markle and Prince Harry move to Windsor? There were rumors of a royal feud between Meghan and Kate Middleton, which then led to even more rumors that this was the reason that Meghan and Harry decided to move over 40 miles away. Luckily, these rumors were not true and we were informed that the reason for the move to Windsor was simply that Meghan and Harry wanted to raise their soon-to-be-born child in a quieter environment, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy city of London. They couldnt have chosen a better place than Windsor, the place where they became husband and wife! Where do Prince William and Kate Middleton live? Kate and William have a lavish, 21-room apartment at Kensington Palace. The four-floor home boasts five reception rooms, several bedrooms, bathrooms, and even two kitchens! When they moved in, Kate put her own personal touches on the space, choosing decor in neutral colors and sophisticated styles. We certainly wouldnt mind living in a place like that, with its high ceilings, amazing views, and wonderful entrance hall. Does Queen Elizabeth live at Kensington Palace? Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip call Buckingham Palace home, at least during the week. Once the weekend rolls around, they are off to Windsor Castle for a few days, and they also head over to Scotland to stay at Balmoral Castle from time to time. The queen spends every Christmas at her Sandringham estate, where she always hosts the entire royal family for the annual holiday celebrations. That is quite an impressive collection of real estate to have! Who else lives at Kensington Palace? Meghan and Harry may have packed up their bags and left, but there are still plenty of royal family members who still reside at Kensington. Princess Eugenie and her new husband, Jack Brooksbank, live at Ivy Cottage on the palace grounds, not too far from Kate and William. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester live in apartment 1, just next door to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Wren house, which is also located on palace grounds, is home to the Duke and Duchess of Kent, the queens cousins. That is quite a few people who have the privilege of living at the palace! Tourists shouldnt expect to see royal family members wandering around, as the residences are kept well out of public view. Where else do royal family members live? Although not everyone resides at Kensington Palace, there are still plenty of places around England for the family members to live. Prince Charles and Camilla live at Clarence House, the same place that Princes William and Harry once lived years ago. Saint Jamess Palace is home to Princess Anne, and Prince Andrew lives at a spacious home on the grounds of Windsor Castle. Looks like everyone in the royal family has a great home to live in, whether located in the city of London, or nearby. Although the residents of Kensington Palace were more than likely sad to see Meghan and Harry leave, everyone wishes them the best of luck in their new home! Royal fans are fascinated by Prince Harry and Prince Williams relationship and, as more rumors of a feud between them emerge, many wonder what led them to moving in different directions. Was there an incident that kicked off the pair drifting their separate ways or is it because theyre starting their own families? (Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle | RICHARD POHLE/AFP/Getty Images Why do the Prince Harry and Prince William feud rumors persist? The media hasnt let up on the idea that Prince Harry and Prince William are fighting, especially after Harry and Meghan Markle split households from William and Kate Middleton. With Harry and Markle moving to Frogmore Cottage and preparing for the arrival of their first child, it looks like a new chapter for the brothers, which doesnt exactly point to a feud. Those close to the royals assert that since William is preparing to be the future king and Harry and Markle are embarking on parenthood, things are definitely changing. A palace courtier told PEOPLE: It was only going to work until they married and it went on a while longer than perhaps was originally thought. They want their own things The brothers venturing onto their own paths isnt that surprising, as a royal household source noted: Its a shame. There was power in that unity and great strength in the foursome, but I see why it is happening. The insider added: There is always that tension: trying to do the PR thing and then realizing that they are just real people. They want their own place and their own things. Another source explained that, despite the men leading their own lives with their wives and children, they will continue to support one another, noting: There is never any doubt that they will be there for each other 100 percent and support each other when it matters. The insider added this sense of hope: Maybe theyll come back together a little later. Its another stage in the growing up. Sometimes you have to break away in order to come back. Is there a feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton? As much as the media speculates about Prince William and Prince Harrys relationship, they also tend to build a narrative around a feud between Markle and Middleton. Royal filmmaker Nick Bullen, who has made shows about the British royal family for 20 yearsk gave his inside perspective on the matter. Bullen notes that its a much sexier story to have two duchesses at war. He added: Lets have these two super glamorous women one British, one American. One an actress, one sort of an English rose. Lets put them against each other thats the sexy sort of media story. The filmmaker shared: Its actually that William and Harry have had a rift. I think you know, look. All brothers fall out. All families fall out. Their fallout at the moment is becoming public. Bullen continued: I think people dont want to think about that with these two boys. These are two boys who lost their mother [Princess Diana] at a really early age, and the fairytale is that they are closer than ever, and need each other, and I think thats probably true, but equally they are two grown men in their 30s, starting their own families, different wives, they are moving to different parts of the country, different duties. It is always an exciting time whenever Queen Elizabeth II invites anyone to the United Kingdom. The news broke this past week that her majesty is preparing to invite U.S. president Donald Trump back to England. So, when will the queen be hosting Trump and what, exactly, is expected for the visit? When will Donald Trump visit England? For those who are keeping an eye out for Trumps trip across the pond, know there is no exact date. That said, he should be doing so shortly summertime, to be more exact. The trip is set to correspond with the 75th anniversary of D-Day, which means it will take place over the 6th of June. While Trump has met with the queen before, he has only made one visit, so chances are, he is truly looking forward to his second trip to meet with the queen. What is expected to happen when Queen Elizabeth and President Trump meet? As far as what is expected to happen, there are not many details at this point, and certainly, nothing is set in stone. Chances are, there will be a formal dinner and President Trump will likely make a public appearance while he is there. Whether or not he will set aside some personal time to do some sightseeing or have some fun is anyones guess at this point. Will President Trump meet the other royal family members? Whether or not the Trumps will get to meet the other royals also remains to be seen. Other members of the family include: Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Prince William and Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The latter, Meghan, is an American. Will Melania Trump join her husband? The First Lady of the United States sometimes joins her husband when he is on an official business trip. Whether or not Melania Trump will join her husband is yet to be announced. If she does join, and a visit is coordinated with William and Kate, then chances are Melania and Kate will meet. Who knows, they might even get to meet the new royal baby if Meghan is present. What happened last time President Trump met Queen Elizabeth? President Trump had a wonderful visit the last time he saw the queen. He joined her for tea at the palace, where they most likely shared a few stories and jokes. While walking the grounds, it was noticed that President Trump accidentally turned his back to Queen Elizabeth, something that you just do not do. She reportedly was not that upset and has since forgiven the president, since she has forgiven him for the incident. Do Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth get along? Last time, there were many smiles and happy faces, an indication that Donald and the queen enjoyed each others company. It is a great honor for anyone to be invited to visit the queen, so we can only imagine that President Trump must be looking forward to his trip. Perhaps we will even get to see he and Melania take a carriage ride around Windsor, where he made a stop during last years trip, after which, he had only nothing but nice things to say about Queen Elizabeth. The Brown family seems to be settling in nicely in Flagstaff, Arizona. The family picked the inclusive community thanks to its great weather and open-minded citizens. While the Browns seem happy, some fans are curious about whether they carefully read the polygamy laws in their new state. Radar Online, alleges that legal experts in Arizona believe that footage from Sister Wives could potentially be used to prosecute the plural family, but whether that will actually happen is much more complicated. Can the Browns be prosecuted in Arizona for their polygamist lifestyle? While some media outlets suggest that the Brown family could potentially face fines and jail time for their chosen lifestyle in Arizona, it doesnt look like that is likely to happen. While the Arizona Constitution does have language that prohibits polygamy, the law is rarely utilized. When it is used, it is generally for cases were child abuse or human trafficking is present. The laws in Arizona are primarily related to bigamy. Bigamy is defined as the act of legally marrying more than one individual. Since Kody Brown is only legally married to Robyn Brown and spiritually married to his other three wives, the family should be in the clear. Why did the Brown family flee Utah? Before settling in Arizona, the Browns lived in Utah. They fled under cover of night when it seemed like the state was gearing up to prosecute the family. The Browns went on to sue the state for its anti-polygamy laws. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Bigamy is illegal in all 50 states, but Utahs laws also have a provision that forbids an individual from cohabitating with more than one romantic partner whether they are legally wed or not. The Browns faced prosecution under the cohabitation provision while they were living in Utah. The provision makes the laws in Utah particularly harsh. How common is polygamy? While polygamy is seen as an alternative lifestyle by most of America, there are allegedly around 50,000 individuals who practice the principal in the United States alone. In other nations, it is far more common, according to Psychology Today. While data suggests there are 50,000 plural families in the United States, it is difficult to ascertain the exact number of plural families. Many plural families operate under the radar for fear of legal and social backlash. Shows like Sister Wives and Seeking Sister Wife has propelled the concept into the mainstream. Shows on the topic may have even helped more American citizens warm to the notion. According to a 2017 Gallup Poll, social acceptance of plural marriage rose from 11% in 2011 to 17% in 2017. All wagering aside, there is little chance of anyone figuring out what first name Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will choose for their unborn child. Top contenders include Elizabeth, Alice, Diana, and Victoria for a girl and Philip, Arthur, Albert, or James for a boy. Its fun to guess what Baby Sussex will have as a first name. But one thing thats not up for discussion? The royal babys surname. While were completely clueless which way the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are planning on for their little ones first name, we can at least be assured that he or she will inherit the royal family last name like everyone else in the immediate family. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Chris Jackson/Getty Images What is the royal family last name? Technically, British royal family members dont need a last name and dont use it very often. But when they do decide to trot out the full name, all royals in Baby Sussexs immediate bloodline use the surname Mountbatten-Windsor. Thats why Baby Sussex will almost certainly have the same last name on official documents. According to the Royal Family website: The Royal Family name of Windsor was confirmed by The Queen after her accession in 1952. However, in 1960, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh decided that they would like their own direct descendants to be distinguished from the rest of the Royal Family (without changing the name of the Royal House), as Windsor is the surname used by all the male and unmarried female descendants of George V. It was therefore declared in the Privy Council that The Queens descendants, other than those with the style of Royal Highness and the title of Prince/Princess, or female descendants who marry, would carry the name of Mountbatten-Windsor. The royal family | Chris Jackson/Getty Images Will Baby Sussex have a title? Royal titles are confusing especially since most family members have more than one. For example, Prince Harry is called a prince, Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel. Technically, Prince Harrys child will not automatically receive the title Prince or Princess when he or she is born even though their cousins Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis do have those titles. There is a rule that only those in direct line to the throne have titles associated with their name unless the Queen makes an exception and bestows them upon the child. Its very likely that Queen Elizabeth will do just that, making the new royal baby a Prince or Princess. If not, then the baby will be called Lord or Lady. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Karwai Tang/WireImage Will Baby Sussex ever become king or queen? Having the royal last name of Mountbatten-Windsor comes with plenty of wealth and privilege, but the young royal most likely wont ever sit on the throne. When he or she is born, Baby Sussex will be seventh in line to the throne, just one place behind Prince Harry. Right now, the line of succession goes like this: Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, Prince Harry. Meghan Markle faces a lot of scrutiny as a public figure, even earning the nickname Difficult Duchess by the British media. Its become easy for the media to spin negative stories about the Duchess of Sussex based on rumors, but how much of it is true? In the recent TLC special Meghan & Harry: A Royal Baby Story, royal experts shed a bit more light on why Markles personality earned her the unflattering moniker. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Yui Mok Pool/Getty Images High staff turnover was a big factor While the specifics of staff turnover are unknown, the fact that people left the palace staff seemed to point to Markle having something to do with it. Royal expert Katie Nicholl explained in the special: There have been a lot of rumors about Meghan and what shes really like behind the scenes. Of course shes an actress, and when you see her in public, that mega watt smile, she is the consummate professional. She added: And this reputation for being difficult was linked to an unusually high turnover of staff at the palace. Is Meghan Markle too demanding? Further supporting the difficult description are details that surfaced about Markles Type-A personality, as she likes to be organized and on top of things. One royal expert explained how Markle gets up early, 5:00 in the morning oftentimes, gets on the treadmill and begins by texting her team members about the days plans. This approach is not what the staff are generally used to and, in fact, a source told ET last year that Markles direct approach didnt sit well and raised eyebrows among the staff. The expert added, probably in her mind shes just kind of getting her day set up but royal staff members were certainly not expecting or happy to start getting a barrage of text messaged instructions starting at 5:30 every morning and took great umbrage and offense at that. She continued, But I would just say, celebrities do that so for her, I think she was a bit shocked certainly that within the royal family theres a whole different protocol when it comes to speaking to staff. Nicholl added that Meghans approach to things have been different and might have ruffled some feathers. Markle knows what she wants Broadcaster Sarah-Jane Crawford explained in the special that while Markle might do things differently, she shouldnt be called out for being organized and straight-forward. Crawford noted: So the tabloids have coined this name for Meghan the difficult duchess which I dont think is fair and Ill tell you why. Theres nothing wrong with being a woman who knows what she wants. The fact that she is a feminist, she is somebody who is known for really speaking up for what she believes in people dont like that and it comes not just from a place of jealousy but also from a place of sexism. Markle, according to Nicholl, has responded to the criticism by following that very famous royal rule: never complain, never explain. And that is what the royals do. Giant billboard launched in Times Square to oppose New York's 'abortion extremism' 12 April, 2019 by Samuel Smith/CP , | The pro-life student association Students for Life of America is sponsoring a giant video advertisement this week in Manhattan's Times Square, speaking out against New York's "abortion extremism." The ad is running for three days and ran while SFLA hosted its annual gala event in New York City on Wednesday. This year, the SFLA gala is titled "Called to Bring Light to the Darkness." The event is being held in a state that passed earlier this year a law that effectively legalizes abortion until birth, something only seven other states had done previously. The bill signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo garnered much national media attention and drew the outrage of pro-lifers across the nation. "When I asked our supporters if they wanted to send a pro-life message in Times Square, the answer was a resounding YES," SFLA President Kristan Hawkins said in a statement. The video advertisement is 15 seconds long and is being displayed in a rotation along with other advertisements on a 50-foot-tall video screen. As the ad is rotating about every three minutes, it will be seen a minimum of 720 times. SFLA expects that it will be seen by tens of thousands of people, if not more. The SFLA ad features three women holding up pro-life protest signs that include links to "I don't trust Planned Parenthood," one sign reads. "Today, Planned Parenthood will end the lives of 910 human beings." The second sign in the advertisement reads: "I reject abortion extremism." "Only 7 percent of millennials support the abortion extremism made legal in New York state," the second sign reads on the back. The third states: "The pro-life generation has arrived to vote out abortion extremism." According to Hawkins, SFLA had to "fight" in order to have its message relayed in Times Square since their advertising request was twice rejected by other companies. "But we don't give up on college campuses, even when facing threats of violence, and we didn't give up on sending a message to the vast majority of New Yorkers who reject infanticide and are horrified by the abortion extremism recently legalized in New York," Hawkins stated. Hawkins stressed that late-term abortion and infanticide for babies born during abortions represents the "human rights issue of our day." Read more about "Giant billboard launched in Times Square to oppose New York's 'abortion extremism'" on The Christian Post. Yes, its beginning to look a lot like Christmaswhich, for many of us, feels like a rush into chaos. Celebrating Advent during this season slows us down and helps our hearts and minds be reoriented around the coming of Christ.Yes, its beginning to look a lot like Christmaswhich, for many of us, feels like a rush into chaos. Celebrating Advent during this season slows us down and helps our hearts and minds be reoriented around the coming of Christ. Pastors explain why Christians should tithe, reject 'sow your seed' preaching Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Tithing is not a popular practice among U.S. Christians and some pastors believe the church hasnt done the best job in relaying the significance of giving a tenth of ones income. Were not talking about it in the right way. When the church has talked about money, its in a guilt thing or obligation, and it is very much in a transactional way do this and God will do that, Glen Packiam, lead pastor of New Life Downtown in Colorado, said in a recent podcast. Daniel Grothe, associate senior pastor of New Life Church, knows all too well the message on tithing many pastors give: Sow your seed so you can reap your harvest. Grothe grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which he labeled the word of faith capital of the universe. The problem with these messages is that they make it all about you and not about the community. This is not about you and Jesus being OK. This is about God blessing us to make us a blessing because whether or not youre struggling, someone out there is struggling and if we will pool our strength, if we will be the church, there will be single moms and their little kids rejoicing because of it, said Grothe. Though 83 percent of churchgoers believe tithing is a biblical command that still applies today, only 54 percent of those who attend church at least once a month say they tithe, according to LifeWay Research. Its fair to say that many people are hesitant to give and skeptical of the local church because theyve seen so much mismanagement of money, Packiam acknowledged. Theyve seen pastors padding their own bank accounts; theyre not helping the poor. So in some ways we have earned the distrust of our own community. But we can earn it back by reminding them of the mission, by having a bit of transparency [and] accountability. Money given to the church is supposed to help fill the needs of the community, the Colorado pastors maintained. New Life Senior Pastor Brady Boyd believes if every member of his church tithed, he would be able to solve the homeless single mom problem in El Paso County. People [are] withholding their money at the detriment of people right here in the city who are sleeping in their car, he said. There are people in our city who will suffer tonight because the church is not equipped and not resourced enough to meet the need. The Colorado pastors pointed to the example of the early believers in the book of Acts to demonstrate the impact of giving to the church. Acts 4:32-35 states: All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And Gods grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need. The early Christians showed a radical or even dangerous generosity that resulted in no needy persons among them, Grothe emphasized. You dont get the sense that after Jesus, once the church is established that tithing goes away. You get the sense that its heightened, that people start living recklessly generous, trusting their Father in Heaven. Generosity is part of the Christian DNA because of who God is, Grothe suggested. God gave His son and His son gave His own life and Christians are made in His image. While giving helps people to connect with the rest of the community, the pastors noted a pattern in which the wealthy become more distant and less likely to tithe as they move into better neighborhoods and lose contact with and compassion for those less fortunate. Poor people who are living among poor people realize the power of the church and thats why tithing, the percentage of giving is really high among poor people because theyve tasted and seen firsthand the power of the church in their lives, said Boyd. The richer we get, the less connected we get with the poor; thats why tithing keeps us connected to the plight of the poor. Stripped down to its basics, tithing is an act of worship to God, its a form of surrendering to Him. Its a representative gift thats supposed to speak of everything belonging to God, Packiam explained. Tithing is not about following artificial standards, noted Andrew Arndt, a teaching pastor at New Life. The important question is: What is the demand of love? There are moments in life where tithing may be difficult, such as when one loses a job or is dealing with a health problem. Theres grace for those in such situations, Boyd said. But thats precisely why the rest of the congregation should be tithing to take care of those who are struggling, he added. As for whether a believer can tithe their income to places other than their church, Boyd argued that the first 10 percent should be given to the local church the central place of mission. Donations given to other nonprofits or parachurches should not come from that 10 percent. In the end, tithing and generosity in general can change a persons life, Boyd stressed. What tithing has done for me is it revealed motives that were deep in my heart, he said. It revealed in me a fear of losing money or not having enough. Who do I trust for my future and for my money? Tithing unsettled me, tithing stretched me, tithing made me more disciplined. It forced me into the realm of budgeting and to stewardship and it uprooted some deep issues in my heart. Al Mohler: True Christians believe every word of the Apostles' Creed (exclusive) Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment In a society in which counterfeit gospels, false doctrines, and diluted theology are becoming rampant, Albert Mohler Jr. is calling on the Church to define Christianity in its historical biblical terms for true spiritual fulfillment. In his new book, The Apostles' Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits, Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, argues that the Apostles' Creed, although written nearly 2,000 years ago, remains a powerful summary of the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible for the 21st century Church. We live in a day where theres spirituality, but not Christianity, Mohler told The Christian Post. Thats not a category found in Scripture. Theres no Christianity that isnt doctrinal Christianity. Christianity is based on events that took place in space and time in history. Its a faith of definite, essential beliefs. The Apostles' Creed is a way of summarizing the Christian faith so that Christians can be grounded in the truth and be able to detect false doctrine and false Christianity. The oldest known creed in Christendom, the Apostles' Creed is a faithful summary of what Christians believe and holds an unparalleled level of doctrinal authority, beginning with the statement, I believe in God. Those simple words, Mohler said, contain the basis of the entire Christian faith. You have so many people who say, I have belief or I have a faith, but according to Scripture, these people are only Christians if the focus and foundation of that belief is Christ. We dont believe were saved by faith; we believe were saved by faith in Christ, he said. There are many people who know accurate truths concerning Christ, but they arent trusting Christ, they arent placing their faith and confidence in Christ. They dont believe in Christ as a Savior who died on the cross for their sins and was raised by the power of God. True Christianity is a personal belief and those words go back to the Apostles believing Jesus declaration, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Mohler acknowledged that some churches disregard the Apostles' Creed, instead adopting the slogan No creed but the Bible. He told CP that while he understands the impulse behind that statement, it was often used by liberal church leaders to deny the essential truths of the Gospel. Jesus gave His disciples the ability to maintain that faith which was first of all delivered to the saints, he explained. We have to summarize what the Bible teaches, to determine whether or not someone is teaching the whole truth. Paul wrote to Timothy that one of his main responsibilities was to maintain the pattern of sound words. This is an essential responsibility of the Church. We have to know the essential doctrines that will mark real Christianity wherever its found. In his book, Mohler addresses common misunderstandings regarding the Apostles' Creed, such as the line that states, I believe in ... the holy catholic church." The Creed declares a belief in the holy catholic church, but the word catholic is not the name of a religious body, but rather a definition of the Church; Jesus said His Church was catholic, meaning over all people, over all places, over space and time, he said. It speaks to the singularity of the Church, and theres not another word that fits there. The affirmation I believe in the holy catholic church is the belief that Christ died for His Church and it is united to Him in the sense that the Church includes those who, at any place and at any time, come to saving faith. Protestants, he added, should not concede the word catholic to the Catholic Church. Its an important word for Protestants to embrace. Another stumbling block for some evangelicals is the line in the Apostles Creed that talks about Jesus descending into Hell. The theologian explained that the Creed is not referring to Hell as a place of everlasting punishment, but rather the state of being dead. Unfortunately, the medieval church used a lot of imagination on this issue, which is not helpful to our modern reading of the Creed, he said. Jesus did not go to the place of everlasting torment, but He did die. That line is referring to the biblical simplicity that Jesus was crucified, He genuinely died, and He joined the dead, and was then raised on the third day." Ultimately, its important for Christians to understand that there are limitations on substitute language when it comes to the Apostles' Creed, Mohler said. He pointed out that the original words of the Creed also hold significant historical weight, as they were often the final recitation of Christian martyrs in the earliest days of the Church and were confessed by the Puritans and Protestant Reformers. Theres tremendous value in saying the very words martyrs, Puritans, and Reformers spoke, he said. There are certain words that would lose a great deal if they were updated too much. You can think of this with the preamble to the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. Theres a limitation to how modernized you can make some statements without losing too much meaning. The Apostles' Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits is the third and final installment in Mohlers series of works about three central documents in Christian faith and practice. His previous books addressed the Ten Commandments (2009s Words from the Fire), and The Lords Prayer (2018s The Prayer that Turns the World Upside-Down). Mohler explained that throughout Christian history, those three texts the Lords Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles' Creed have been used by the Church in the worship and teaching of new believers. One of my goals early in ministry was to write an exposition of these three texts for the Church, he said. Throughout history, all of these texts have been incorporated into Christian worship. Theres something powerful about Christians standing together, saying I believe in unison, praying as instructed in the Lords Prayer, and reciting the Ten Commandments. Its not a coincidence that every Christian church has found its way to those three things. The Apostles Creed, Mohler said, can build true Christian unity on the foundations and the fundamentals of the faith. All Christians across denominational lines, he asserted, can believe more than the Apostles' Creed but no Christian can believe less. Thats crucial because every church has holes and teaches doctrines that are beyond the Apostles' Creed, he explained. The Creed doesnt tell us how or whom to baptize, it doesnt tell us the order of the church, it doesnt speak to many of those things. But a Christian church believes every word of the Apostles' Creed. If it believes less than the Creed, it's not a true Christian church." "If the church doesnt know the truth, it cant function as Christ assigned it to function," he emphasized. Although an ancient statement, the Apostles' Creed is a faithful explanation of the Gospel and has the power to equip coming generations to remain doctrinally and theologically faithful in an increasingly post-Christian culture, Mohler said. We need to teach these truths to our children and to new believers, he said. My great hope is to introduce many Christians to the Apostles' Creed, maybe for the first time, and to help them understand the richness of the orthodox, biblical, classical Christian faith as rooted in Scripture and as founded by Christ. "I hope to give Christians ammunition against false doctrines and help them to detect false Christianity. The Christian Post wins 2 EPA awards Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The Christian Post won two awards, including first place for online news, in the Evangelical Press Associations annual contest. The Christian Post deserves kudos for covering the full range of evangelicalism from Bible churches to non-denominationals to Pentecostals. They seem to understand the diversity of the Body of Christ, the judges wrote. There is nothing else like it, that I can say. The Award of Excellence for Newspaper-Online News was presented this week at the EPA Convention in Oklahoma City. There, CP also won first place for Article Series for its eight-part series on school shootings and violence among youths. (Links to the entire series can be found here) The judges commended CP for taking a fresh look at and offering a larger view of the mass shootings perpetrated by young students over the years. The EPA, which CP is a member of, describes itself as the worlds largest professional organization for the evangelical periodical publishing industry. Each year, it hosts two contests the Awards of Excellence contest (for publications as a whole) and the Higher Goals contest (for individual pieces). It saw a record number of entries this year for its more than 60 categories. Ohio governor signs heartbeat abortion ban into law Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a bill into law that would prohibit abortions for unborn babies that have a detectable heartbeat, which can be found as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. "The essential function of government is to protect the most vulnerable among us those who do not have a voice," DeWine said just before signing Senate Bill 23, or the Ohio Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act, into law on Thursday afternoon. "Government's role should be to protect life from the beginning to the end, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, such as the elderly, the unborn, those who are sick, those who have a disability, those who have a mental illness, or an addiction." Ohios SB 23 passed 56-40 in the House and then 18-13 in the Senate on Wednesday, with local media reporting protests from both sides outside of the legislative chamber. Mark Harrington, president of the pro-life group Created Equal, emailed a statement out to supporters hours before the signing, saying that it was a historic day. The legislature and Governor DeWine have declared that no longer should the beating hearts of humans too young to be born be violently torn apart by abortion, stated Harrington. If pro-abortion lobbies present a legal challenge to this Act, we will defend these babies all the way up to the Supreme Court. Changes on the bench signify an even better day for preborn babies may be on the horizon. The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio denounced the new law, vowing that they would sue to stop the law from taking effect. This legislation is blatantly unconstitutional and we will fight to the bitter end to ensure that this bill is permanently blocked, said Freda Levenson, legal director at the ACLU of Ohio. SB 23 is one of the most aggressive, oppressive, and radical attacks against women ever seen in this state and this country. A nearly identical bill in Kentucky was just struck down by a federal judge we feel confident our impending litigation will ultimately prevail. Last year, the Ohio Legislature passed a similar measure. However, then Governor John Kasich vetoed the bill due to concerns over prolonged litigation. The state Senate failed to override the veto last December, missing the necessary 20 vote-minimum when they got only 19 votes in favor. 23-y-o Sunday School teacher sentenced to 50 years in prison for molesting multiple children Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Noel Anderson, a 23-year-old former Sunday school teacher with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in McKinney, Texas, was sentenced to 50 years in prison without the possibility of parole for molesting multiple children who were left in his care starting in his teenage years. While Anderson taught 7- and 8-year-olds, authorities say his five victims ranged in age from 1 to 6 years old, CBS reported. In his confession, Anderson said he targeted children he thought would not disclose his abuse infants he babysat for fellow parishioners. "We're grateful for these brave children, as their courage helped lock up a serial child predator," Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis announced Thursday, according to the McKinney Courier Gazette. Before authorities began investigating Anderson for abuse just over a year ago, he enjoyed a good reputation among his church community. He was an outstanding youth in our church, a concerned parent with knowledge of the case told CBSDFW in 2018, the gold standard for what you would want your son to grow up to be. McKinney police said it was a young child who rang the alarm on Andersons abuse. The child reportedly saw a picture of Anderson and said I dont like him. A parent eventually asked the child why and what the child revealed shattered the trust of many in the church community. She indicated that Noel had touched her in her privates, a church member told CBS. An 8-year-old girl whose parents said she contemplated suicide was the only one of Andersons victims to testify against him in court this week. Her parents said two weeks before she was set to testify against Anderson who confessed to molesting her since she was a baby, her parents had to call for emergency help to prevent her from taking her life, the Dallas Morning News reported. The girl who testified against him was just 18 months old when Anderson masturbated as he changed her diapers. He forced her to perform sex acts on him as she grew older until she was 6. "This is what turns him on," prosecutor Nick Lawrence told jurors, pointing to a baby photo of the girl in a yellow onesie, according to the Dallas Morning News. Anderson confessed to police that he tried to stop abusing children but he was asked to babysit a previous victim after returning from a mission trip and could not help himself because he had history with her. "What kind of 'history' can you possibly have with a 6-year-old?" chief felony prosecutor Geeta Singleton asked the jury which convicted him. "He used these babies to live out his own sexual fantasies." While most of Andersons victims don't remember being molested, many of their family members say their relationship with the church where the abuse occurred has been damaged. I have lost all trust and hope, one church member told CBS. Just bewildered, shocked. The jury in the case deliberated for two days before coming back with a verdict. Baltimore schools to allow transgender students to use preferred pronouns, locker rooms Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Baltimore City Public Schools' board of commissions approved a policy that goes above state requirements by allowing transgender students to use their preferred names and pronouns and access locker rooms and bathrooms of the opposite sex. The board unanimously (8-0) passed the new policy, known as JBB, at its latest meeting on Tuesday to a chorus of cheers from LGBT advocates holding up signs that read We are all human. Under the new rules, students will have the ability to use the pronouns and names of their choosing without being required to have already changed their name legally. The transgender students may also use locker rooms and bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Also, schools can not force transgender students to use a private or gender-neutral bathroom. The school districts new policy states that students who object to the policy will be provided with a safe non-stigmatizing alternative. I applaud the School Board for unanimously passing policy JBB, Baltimore City Council Member Zeke Cohen wrote on Twitter. In the next few weeks, The City Council will introduce legislation to protect and affirm our transgender siblings. To the LGBTQ youth and educators: You led, policy makers followed. Your voices mattered. You matter. The pro-LGBT American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland also praised the policy. As The Baltimore Sun notes, the policy is unclear about whether or not biologically male transgender students will be allowed to attend the districts only all-female school. But the policy does ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and gender nonconforming status. The new policy comes as similar policies passed in other school districts around the United States have raised religious freedom and free speech concerns for faculty and students. Last December, a French teacher was put on administrative leave for referring to the pronoun that corresponds with the student's biological sex. Critics of such policies have also argued that allowing transgender students into the opposite-sex locker room violates the privacy rights of other students. Last November, a group of Pennsylvania students appealed to the Supreme Court asking it to protect their bodily privacy and strike down their districts transgender-inclusive policy. The nations high court has not yet announced if it will consider the case. In Maryland, Baltimore City Schools new policy is similar to one passed in Frederick County in 2017 as a result of pressure from students. That year, a 15-year-old student and her mother filed a lawsuit against the Frederick County policy. "Only in history do we see totalitarian regimes that arrogate to itself powers to force children and citizens to undress in front of members of the opposite sex, the lawsuit reads, according to WBALTV. Last year, a federal court ruled against a school district located on Marylands Eastern shore that required a transgender student to use a gender-neutral restroom to dress for gym class. The judges reasoning was that by forcing the child to use a different restroom, it harms his health and well-being. During his last full year in office, the Barack Obama administration issued federal guidance to all school districts nationwide informing them that they should allow transgender students to access bathrooms and locker rooms according to their gender identity. The administration argued that not allowing transgender students to use the preferred locker rooms is a violation of civil rights law. The administration interpreted civil rights discrimination protections on the basis of sex to also protect on the basis of gender identity. That interpretation was also used by courts and governments in the last few years to rule in favor or pass pro-transgender discrimination ordinances or rules even though gender identity protections are not explicitly written in federal law. The Trump administration rescinded the 2016 Obama administration guidance, a move praised by Christian leaders and privacy rights advocates. How can we teach our daughters that their 'no' means 'no' if they're not even allowed to decide who sees them when they shower?" Kaeley Triller Haver, a privacy rights activist and a survivor of sexual trauma, told The Christian Post at the time. Suspect in black church burnings showed interest in Satanism, listened to black metal Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Holden Matthews, the 21-year-old son of a sheriff's deputy who was charged with burning down three historically black churches in southern Louisiana, was attracted to Satanism and black metal. "Information investigators have uncovered, and that Matthews has offered, suggests a possible connection with a genre of music called 'black metal' and its associated history with church burnings in other parts of the world, which have been documented in movies and books," the state fire marshal's office said in a statement cited by CNN. Black metal is a subgenre of heavy metal music that usually features anti-Christian, satanic and paganistic themes. Matthews, who is a resident of St. Landry Parish where the fires occurred over the last two weeks, was charged with three counts of simple arson on religious buildings with each carrying a prison sentence of up to 15 years. Louisiana State Fire Marshal Butch Browning, said at a press conference Thursday morning that the fires are an attack on our God and our religion and investigators acted quickly to arrest Matthews because we felt that other crimes were imminent. In my career, I have never seen such a spiritual mission that has come home so quickly, said Browning. Taylor Thibodeaux, 23, who identifies as a Satanist, told USA Today that she met Matthews on social media through mutual friends. She said once he discovered that she was into Satanism he became so obsessed with the practice that she was forced to turn down a date with him. "We were supposed to go on a date, but, for me, he didnt seem right," she said. "The infatuation he had toward me and my religion just threw me off." Thibodeaux noted that during their time together, Matthews also used racial slurs, made "black jokes" and "dead baby jokes." She further called the church burnings Matthews is accused of carrying out "absolutely wrong" and argued that Satanism is about self-reflection and loving yourself, not burning down houses of worship. Mount Pleasant Baptist Church became the third historically black church over 100 years old to burn down in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, in a span of 10 days last week. St. Marys Baptist Church was the first reported church fire on March 26 and Greater Union Baptist Church went up in flames a week later, NBC News reported. Pastors of the churches that were burned down told The Advocate they were relieved that Matthews was arrested but also prayed that he would turn his life over to God. "I just thank God that it's over. Our church can rebuild and get back to our work. It's been some sleepless nights. Now we can finally rest for a little while," Rev. Gerald Toussaint of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church said after a news conference Thursday. I would just like to ask him why he would do such a thing. I dont know his motives, the Rev. Harry Richard of Greater Union Baptist Church said. I would like to see his heart and talk to him and let him express to me what it is that Ive done, or anyone in our churches have done, to cause the pain or whatever it is hes feeling toward us that he would do such a thing. Toussaint also praised law enforcement for the work they did in responding to the fires. Lately, law enforcement has been given a black eye but today it showed that they are real, and theyre good, and they supported and helped us. Many of them didnt have to but they did, he told The Advocate. Email Whatsapp Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment To ensure that there is no misunderstanding of any kind, please say these words out loud, slowly and clearly: Michael Brown is not comparing homosexuality to pedophilia. Michael Brown is not calling homosexuals pedophiles. Michael Brown is not comparing a mutually consensual, adult relationship to an abusive, adult-child relationship. All clear? What I am comparing is an illogical justification of homosexuality that can just as easily be used to justify pedophilia. Please allow me to explain. In the past, I have demonstrated how advocates of man-boy love have used the identical arguments that gay activists have used, specifically: 1) Pedophilia is innate and immutable. 2) Pederasty is richly attested in many different cultures throughout history. 3) The claim that adult-child sexual relationships cause harm is greatly overstated and often completely inaccurate. 4) Consensual adult-child sex can actually be beneficial to the child. 5) Pederasty should not be classified as a mental disorder, since it does not cause distress to the pederast to have these desires and since the pederast can function as a normal, contributing member of society. 6) Many of the illustrious homosexuals of the past were actually pedophiles. 7) People are against intergenerational intimacy because of antiquated social standards and puritanical sexual phobias. 8) This is all about love and equality and liberation. Returning to the first argument, namely, that pedophilia is innate and immutable, I wrote in 2014, In case youve missed the latest headlines, we are now being told with increasing certainty that pedophilia is innate and immutable . . . . In keeping with this, there are now academic papers with titles like, Potential Implications of Research on Genetic or Heritable Contributions to Pedophilia for the Objectives of Criminal Law. And there are discussions on psychology forums asking, Is Pedophilia Genetic? You say, But what does this have to do with God, who is mentioned in the title to your article? The answer is simple. The first openly gay presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, attributes his homosexuality to the Lord, recently directing these comments to Vice President Mike Pence: If youve got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator. In other words, according to Buttigieg, God made me gay, and if you dont like that, your issue is with God. According to Buttigieg, when he was younger 15, 20, or even 25 years-old if there was a pill he could have taken not to be gay he would have taken it instantly. Now, however, he is thrilled with his life, especially because of his marriage to his partner Chasten. Personally, I dont doubt that he and Chasten care deeply for each other. And I dont doubt that, in certain ways, they have enriched each others lives. Most importantly, I dont doubt that, to the core of his being, Buttigieg believes he was born gay and cannot change. That is not my issue, nor am I his personal judge and jury. My issue is the claim that, If I feel a certain way and I cannot change, then this is how God made me. Thats the exact same logic a pedophile can use: I never asked for these desires. I tried to change and cannot. This must be the way God made me. If you dont like it, your issue is with God. You say, But youre comparing apples with oranges. First and foremost, Buttgieg and Chasten are consenting adults and their relationship is non-abusive, based on love. Then why bring up the born that way argument? Why say, God made me this way? Why not just say, My relationship to my partner is just as valid and good as any heterosexual relationship on the planet? Thats my whole point. If we argue that a certain disposition or feeling or attraction or desire must be attributed to God because it is so deep-seated, then we open up a Pandoras box of confusion. Many married heterosexual men struggle with adulterous thoughts and desires. Can they say, But this is how God made me!? Should their wives just accept that this is how they are wired? What about those who, to the core of their being, struggle with pride? Or anger? Or greed? Or jealousy? What does this prove? It proves that we are a fallen, broken race in need of a Savior. And what about the claims of a violent gene or a selfish gene or an obesity gene? Do we therefore celebrate violence, selfishness, or obesity, if, in fact, they are genetic? Or, if we have these alleged genetic tendencies, do we work harder to overcome them? You protest once again, You just dont get it! All these things you listed, from adulterous thoughts to pride, anger, greed, violence, and obesity, are all bad. But same-sex love is fine. Its just traditional society and religion that reject it. Of course, I differ with your assessment of homosexual relationships, but once again, youre missing the point. If same-sex love is beautiful and something to celebrate, then dont attribute it to the way you were born. Dont say, This must be right because its innate and immutable. Unfortunately for gay activists, much of their movement was founded on the argument that I was born this way and cant change, making homosexuality the new black. Now that this argument is being debunked scientifically and anecdotally, the very foundations of gay activism are being shaken, including the argument that God made me gay. But either way, to attribute all of our deepest, most ingrained desires to God is to make a massive mistake, blaming the Creator for the fallen condition of the creation. The bad news is that, by nature, we have some deep moral problems. The good news is that Jesus can redeem us. And Mayor Pete, if you have a problem with what Ive written, your quarrel, sir, is not with me. Its with God. For a related video commentary, see here. Email Whatsapp Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment A friend asked me about a supposed Jewish tradition concerning the head wrapping of Jesus in the tomb. The Gospel of John notes that Peter and John (if the beloved disciple is the writer of the Fourth Gospel which this writer accepts) run to the tomb of Jesus. They investigate the tomb and saw the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself (Jn. 20:7, KJV). According to a story circulating online which has been passed along in many churches, an ancient Jewish tradition held that when a person had finished their meal, the person would toss their napkin aside if he or she was finished. However, if the person had to leave and was not finished, the person would neatly fold their napkin and place it to the side of their plate indicating that he or she would return. Advocates of this story contend that the folding of the napkin in John 20:7 was Jesus' way of saying that he was going to leave but would soon return. While the story is heartwarming, one must ask if there any merit to the claim. After investigating the story, unfortunately, I must report that there seems to be no evidence that the story is true. But there is a more remarkable twist that is greater than the supposed tradition. First, here are the reasons why the story seems to be nothing more than an urban legend. 1. The headcloth was not a napkin. With all due respect to the King James Version, napkin may not be the best translation of the term sudarion (Gk., sudarion). Sudarion indicates a small piece of cloth which could be a towel, a napkin, handkerchief, or a face cloth. Given the context, no one was eating a meal inside the tomb which would exclude the term napkin. Sudarion best fits with the idea of a cloth that covered the head of the corpse. The Christian Standard Bible provides a better translation as it says, the wrapping that had been on his head was not lying with the linen cloths but was folded up in a separate place by itself (Jn. 20:7, CSB). 2. The headcloth was rolled and not folded. While the CSB uses the term folded, the term entulisso (Gk., entulissw) seems to fit better with the notion of being rolled. According to Louw and Nida, entulisso indicates the action to cause something to be in the shape of a roll. The term is also used in Revelation 6:14 where the sky is entulisso (i.e., rolled up) like a scroll. The neat folding of the headcloth as implied by the mealtime tradition does not seem to fit the tomb scene even if the tradition did exist as it seems more likely that the head cloth was rolled up like a scroll. 3. There is no evidence of the Jewish mealtime tradition. The death knell to the mealtime legend (no pun intended) is that there seems to be no evidence that such a Jewish mealtime tradition exists. Granted, there are numerous Jewish traditions in both the written and oral law and it is possible that one could have been overlooked. Nonetheless, this writer could not find anything pertaining to a tradition surrounding a folded napkin. This so-called Jewish mealtime tradition is one that I have heard but have never investigated until now. The story has no root in any apparent oral or written tradition (at least as far as I could find) and possesses all the earmarks of being nothing more than an urban legend. While this news may be disappointing for some, the genuine story of the rolled head cloth provides greater and deeper meaning to the resurrection of Jesus. Consider the following three truths. 1. The body was clearly resurrected and not merely resuscitated. Something amazing must have taken place for the rolled head cloth to have been placed in a separate location than the other linens. For Jesus to have been able to escape the grave cloths without disturbing their form while at the same time rolling the cloth that had wrapped his head illustrates that Jesus experienced a greater and far different return to life than what Lazarus or anyone else ever had. Lazarus had to be unbound from the cloths that enclosed his body (Jn. 11:43-44). Jesus was able to return to life and leave behind the cloths without any assistance. Remarkable! 2. The body would have had to come through the cloths with the head wrapping. The other cloths were lying in the same place and the same form they had when they wrapped the body of Jesus. Yet, here was this head cloth rolled up to the side away from the other cloths. This seems to suggest that the body of Jesus came through the cloths with the head cloth attached. Thus, if a person were to witness the resurrection, it is likely that the eyewitness would see the body arising out from the cloths. Or, it could be that a person would see the body vanish with the cloths sinking in where the body had been with the visible Jesus standing beside them with headcloth in hand. After the resurrection, Jesus rolled up the cloth like a scroll and laid it to the side before exiting the tomb. The resurrection of Jesus was an otherworldly event unlike anything anyone had before perceived. When Jesus resurrected from the dead, God used a new system of physics for this eventone that linked the spiritual and physical in an amazing new union. 3. The body of Jesus was wrapped in more than one cloth. While the Shroud of Turins authenticity is not necessary to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, some have used the cloths mentioned in Johns Gospel to refute the Shroud. This is not a good practice primarily because John notes the existence of more than one kind of cloth. Since the women were not able to fully embalm the body of Jesus, it is possible that a Shroud covered the body of Jesus along with other wrappings in the tomb. The head cloth and the other linens indicate the plurality of cloths used to bury Jesus body. The absence of evidence pertaining to the Shroud is not evidence of absence. So, while the story of an ancient Jewish tradition linking the folded head cloth with Jesus return is most likely an urban legend, the actual story of the wrapped head cloth tells a greater story. Jesus resurrection was a spectacular and ethereal event. The power exhibited by the resurrection is greater than any power known to humankind. Paul notes that just as Jesus has risen from the dead, so shall all of those who have trusted Christ (1 Co. 15:23). This indicates that this kind of resurrection will one day be coming to a tomb near you. 2019. Brian G. Chilton is the founder of and is the host of The Bellator Christi Podcast. He received his Master of Divinity in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); and received certification in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Brian is currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University and is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. Brian has been in the ministry for over 15 years and serves as the Senior Pastor of Westfield Baptist Church in northwestern North Carolina. Family fears health of US pastor imprisoned in China is deteriorating after Bible sent home Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment After over 10 years of ministering to prisoners in China, the family of American pastor David Lin is finally raising awareness and calling on the Chinese government to end his unjust imprisonment as they fear that his health may have taken a turn for the worse. Lin, who became a believer in Christ after coming to the United States, began making trips back to China in 1999 to share the Gospel with the unchurched in the secular communist nation. He became active in the house church movement. Months after he applied for a ministry license in 2006, Lin was detained under unclear circumstances, placed under house arrest and prevented from leaving Beijing. Three years later, he was charged with contract fraud and sentenced to life in prison. Although Lin has staunchly maintained his innocence, he has not wanted to raise the attention of his case because he felt as if his imprisonment was a God-ordained mission field, according to his daughter, Alice Lin. Inside the prison, Lin could minister to prisoners from over 30 nations. But after a decade in prison and having missed his sons graduation, daughter's wedding and the birth of his grandson, the family now fears that something could be seriously wrong. In December, we had this huge scare. He reached out to me urgently asking me to have his Bible translations removed [from prison], Alice Lin told evangelical conservative activist and pastor Tony Perkins on his Washington Watch radio program on Tuesday. We were so grateful that the embassy was able to oblige and go and remove his Bible translations. So that embassy sent his Bible translations to us. When the family received the box of translations, Alice Lin said they were disturbed by what was found. In that box with his Bible translations, we not only got the Bible translations. So we also found his Bible and all the cards and pictures and letters we sent him over the years, she told Perkins, who also heads up the Washington-based advocacy organization Family Research Council and is a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. That Bible has sustained him for the last 10 years. It's like a man in the desert sending home his only bottle of water, she continued. When my mom opened that box, she was hysterical. She knew was something wrong. We don't know what's happening. We know that something serious is happening in that dark place. At, the family voiced concern that his health may be deteriorating and that he could be mistreated because of his faith. The most important thing we can do is pray, Alice Lin explained. We have seen God's hand here. He has preserved my father all these years. Pray for his safety. Pray that the Lord continues to keep him under His wing and pray that he can come home soon. She added that while the family does not know the exact details of her fathers case, he told them that officials forged documents and even tried to get him to sign a confession something he would not do because he didnt do anything wrong. What we do know is that he was in China because he had this huge burden for the unchurched in China. He had the vision to build a church and a Christian training center, she explained, adding that he was imprisoned because of his faith. "His last message to us as a free man ... he told us, 'Don't worry, God knows what He is doing. It is God's wish that I am here. There are many people inside that need to hear God's Word. Please don't worry but only pray for me. I will be back in the U.S. soon.' That was 10 years ago." China ranks as one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to Christian persecution, according to Open Doors USAs World Watch List. Chinas crackdown on nongovernment sanctioned house churches over the last several years has led to the arrest of countless worshipers and the destruction of churches. Perkins and USCIRF Vice Chair Kristina Arriaga adopted Lin this week as their prisoner of conscience as part of USCIRF's Religious Prisoners of Conscience Project. The project recently saw success in the form of the release of a peaceful Muslim prisoner in Pakistan who was advocated for by USCIRF Commissioner Johhnie Moore. We call on Chinese authorities to provide Pastor David Lin with any medical attention that he needs and allow him to return home to the United States, Arriaga and Perkins said in a joint statement. The Chinese government has committed a grave injustice against this man who now faces the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison. We are especially concerned about the possibility that Pastor Lin is being targeted in prison because of his faith. Lin is not the only American pastor imprisoned in China. A White House petition was launched last year in support of Pastor John Cao, who last year was sentenced to seven years in prison on charges of "organizing illegal border crossing. He was working to build schools in the impoverished neighboring country of Myanmar. The petition was signed by over 29,000 people. As for the Lins, they have had limited contact with their father over the years. But more recently, Alice Lin explained, the frequency in which her father has reached out to them has increased. He has had this anxiousness and urgency in his voice, she told Perkins. It is the first time he has ever asked us to reach out for help. He actually knew Ambassador Terry Branstad in 90s and asked us to reach out to him and ask him to visit him in prison. Alice Lin stressed that her father is missed dearly. She explained that she was not able to have a proper wedding ceremony because her father was not there to walk her down the aisle. My mother has been operating as if she is a widow for the last 12 years, she detailed. My father has missed a lot. Things are changing now and it is time to bring him back home. Perkins called on listeners to pressure the U.S. government to demand that the Chinese government release Lin. Perkins compared Lin to Andrew Brunson, an American pastor who was imprisoned for years in Turkey but released last year after diplomatic pressure from the U.S. government and prayers from thousands of people across the globe. [E]ven now as we are negotiating a trade deal with China, we demand that China recognizes basic human rights, Perkins stressed, chief among them being religious freedom. 100th anniversary of Amritsar massacre is a day for 'lament', says Archbishop of Canterbury The Archbishop of Canterbury said he was praying for healing and forgiveness as Britain and India marked 100 years since the Amritsar massacre on Saturday. The massacre, known in India as Jallianwala Bagh, happened on the afternoon of April 13, 1919, when British colonial forces opened fire on unarmed Indians attending a pro-independence rally in the north-western city of Amritsar. The attack, which killed over 300 people and injured another 1,200, strengthened support for independence from British rule. Archbishop Justin Welby noted that victims came from across the faith spectrum, with Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims and Christians among the fallen. He said the centenary was a day for reflection, lament and prayer as he said Britain needed to confront the atrocity. "As British people we can't avoid this shameful part of our colonial legacy," he said. "As a Christian leader, today is a day for reflection; a day for lament; and a day to pray for the healing power of forgiveness that communities of faith, around the world, might learn from the past and move to a future where all are able to flourish." Britain has never formally apologised for the massacre, despite pressure from India to do so. British High Commissioner to India Dominic Asquith attended a wreath laying ceremony in Amritsar on Saturday to mark the centenary. Paying tribute at the city's Jallianwala Bagh memorial, he said "the revulsion that we felt at the time is still strong today" but said that history could not be re-written. "It tarnished the reputation and we regret, as I say, the suffering and we'll continue to do so," he said. "The suffering caused...You might want to rewrite history, as the Queen said. But you can't." Prime Minister Theresa May expressed "regret" over the massacre and described it as a "shameful scar" on Britain's history in India, but stopped short of a formal apology. Asia Bibi will be leaving Pakistan 'very soon' - Imran Khan Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has promised that Christian mother Asia Bibi will be leaving the country "very soon". Pakistan has faced international pressure over delays to Mrs Bibi's departure from Pakistan, where she remains in hiding due to the continued threat to her life five months after being freed from death row for blasphemy. Mrs Bibi spent nearly 10 years in prison after being wrongly accused of blasphemy, a crime punishable by death in Pakistan. She was acquitted of all charges by the Supreme Court last October and her family immediately sought asylum abroad. Her daughters are already in Canada where she is expected to join them. However, her departure has suffered repeated setbacks with little explanation from Pakistan's officials. Mr Khan told the BBC that he could not go into the details of the delay but promised that Mrs Bibi would be free to leave the country in a few weeks. "There is a little bit of a complication. And I can't speak on the media about [it]," he said. "But I can assure you she is safe and she will be leaving in weeks." Mrs Bibi's daughter, Eisham Ashiq, has pleaded for her mother's freedom. She remains in regular contact with her and recently said she was encouraging her to keep her faith in God until she reaches safety. "I am missing her so much, I think about her all the time, and I speak to her on the phone all the time. I say to her, 'Have faith in God, because if God can release you from jail, God can release you from where you are now. He will bring you out,'" she told the Daily Mail. "When she comes, I will hug her and kiss her, and that day will be a very special day when my mummy arrives, and I know I will be very happy, and will thank God before anything else." Barring gay bishops' spouses from Lambeth Conference was 'painful' but necessary, says Archbishop of Canterbury The Archbishop of Canterbury has defended his decision to ban the spouses of gay bishops from attending a major conference next year. Archbishop Justin Welby told The Times that the decision had been "painful" but necessary to bring as many people as possible to the Lambeth Conference taking place in Canterbury in 2020. The conference is held around once every decade and brings together bishops from the worldwide Anglican Communion for discussion, prayer and reflection. More recently, the gathering has been strained by divisions in the communion over homosexuality, with churches from the Global South being opposed to gay marriage blessings and ordination, while Churches in North America and Scotland have embraced them. GAFCON, an orthodox Anglican group, has said that liberal bishops should not be invited to the conference, while the Anglican Churches of Nigeria and Uganda are planning to boycott the event. Archbishop Welby said the decision not to invite the spouses of gay bishops was a "lose-lose situation". "Well over 90 per cent of the Anglican communion are conservative on issues of sexuality. I've invited all the bishops, including those in same-sex marriages. And I had to consider . . . getting as many people as possible there and excluding as few as possible. It's a lose-lose situation," he said. He continued: "I had to take what is a really difficult and painful decision to say, in order for the conference to be as representative as possible and get all the bishops there and not have the risk of some provinces not coming because they felt I was pushing the envelope too far, that I couldn't ask all the spouses." He added that he wanted the communion to "get to the point where we are able disagree well and that's while affirming the doctrine of marriage in its traditional Christian form". Catholic Church must return to God to overcome abuse crisis, says Benedict XVI Pope Francis' predecessor Benedict XVI has blamed the sexual abuse scandal blighting the Catholic Church on a "collapse" of moral theology and the impact of the sexual revolution. In an article for German periodical Klerusblatt, the Pope emeritus said he wanted to send a "strong message" to the Catholic Church that if it wanted to be "truly credible" again as a force "against the powers of destruction", it needed to return to God. He said that "Catholic moral theology suffered a collapse that rendered the Church defenseless" against increasing sexual permissiveness in society. The sexual revolution of the 60s, he argued, also played into the "extensive collapse of the next generation of priests in those years". Within the Catholic Church, he says problems started to emerge in seminaries where men were supposed to be preparing for the priesthood. "In various seminaries homosexual cliques were established, which acted more or less openly and significantly changed the climate in the seminaries," he said. In one seminary in southern Germany, Benedict said laymen were accompanied by their wives and children and "on occasion by their girlfriends". "The climate in this seminary could not provide support for preparation to the priestly vocation," he said. "The Holy See knew of such problems, without being informed precisely." Regarding pedophilia in the Church, he said this did not become "acute" until the second half of the 1980s and that Catholic officials dealt with it by protecting the accused "to such an extent that convictions were hardly possible". "Why did pedophilia reach such proportions? Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God," he said. "A paramount task, which must result from the moral upheavals of our time, is that we ourselves once again begin to live by God and unto Him. "Above all, we ourselves must learn again to recognize God as the foundation of our life instead of leaving Him aside as a somehow ineffective phrase." There has been some criticism of Benedict's interpretation. James J Martin SJ, a Jesuit priest and editor of the Jesuit magazine America, said on Twitter: "I have the greatest respect for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, especially as a theologian. "However, I disagree with most of his analysis of the sex abuse crisis. Blaming it on poor theology and the sexual mores of the 1960s dramatically misses the mark." Church historian Christopher Bellitto said the analysis ignored Pope Francis' sexual abuse summit in February in overlooking the fact that the abuse was not confined to western countries and also predated the swinging sixties. "It is catastrophically irresponsible, because it creates a counter-narrative to how Francis is trying to move ahead based on the 2019 summit," he told Associated Press in an email. "The essay essentially ignores what we learned there." Censoring the internet A plea from John Milton Did you know that President Lincoln stated, "Most of what you read on the Internet is false"? I'm afraid if you cannot spot the obvious flaw in that statement then you are not worthy of reading this column! However England's greatest poet, the 17th Century Puritan, John Milton, did have something to say about the Internet. Let me explain. Both the EU and the UK government have recently suggested further strong regulation to seek to control the worldwide web. The EU, despite significant popular protest, has passed radical proposals to severely limit the Internet. This will affect everything from blogs and podcasts to larger sites. YouTube suggested it would mean them taking down 90 million of their videos. It will create a dual Internet a restrictive one for the EU (along with North Korea and China) and a more open one for the rest of the world. Some argue that the EU are going with the big firms and the corporate lobbyists and limiting both freedom of speech and the free market. The UK government have produced their own Online Harms paper - which effectively proposes an end to self-regulation and instead suggests a government regulator. Some see this as a necessary corrective; others describe it as an historic attack on free speech and freedom of the press. The trouble is, what do you do with material that is not illegal but which may be considered harmful? After all I think liberal theology, TV reality shows and boy bands are harmful. Should they be banned? On the other hand I am constantly told that my espousal of biblical morality is harmful and should be banned? Where are we heading? This is where John Milton comes in. In the 1640s, the UK was split by a civil war the nation was divided and tempers were running high (plus ca change...!). A relatively new technology, the printing press was having an enormous impact. And so the politicians in parliament decided they should do something about it and put forward a 'licensing order' in June 1643 to regulate the press. Milton responded in 1644 with a passionate plea called 'Areopagitica A speech for the liberty of unlicensed printing, to the Parliament of England'. It is a stunning work that has a lot to teach us. Remember those who refuse to learn from their past will repeat it! Milton argued that suppressing books was like murdering someone. He stated that it was good for Christians to read the works of those who disagreed with them and that a mature people should be able to discern what is good and bad, without the government doing it for us. In addition he pointed out that those who would be the licensers were not infallible, nor were they uncorrupt. If we are going to regulate printing (or the internet?) then we are going to have to have government regulation for everything else from music to clothing. Besides which we cannot expel sin and evil by censorship and regulation. The State has the right to govern us, but not to be our critics. Do we really think the people are so stupid that we have to be treated like children? The danger with State (or corporate) censorship is that inevitably we end up excluding much that is good, as well as the bad. Milton also warns that the attempt to control thought, by either State or Church leads to a 'forced and outward union of cold and neutral, and inwardly divided minds'. Again in comments that are so pertinent to our day, he warns that government regulation will inevitably lead to the bigger companies having a monopoly. When God is shaking a kingdom then of course there will be bad and false teaching, but God will send out teachers of his truth to deal with error. We must not suppress error with the power of the State but defeat it by the truth of Christ. Milton reflecting the teachings of Christ surely has a word for our day. The governments should treat us like grown-ups able to think and reason for ourselves. We don't need them to censor on our behalf because inevitably they will end up censoring us. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of religion are far too precious to be handed over to a government committee or a Californian mega corporation. I'll leave the last word with Milton: "Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making." "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties." David Robertson is a minister in the Free Church of Scotland. He blogs at Leviticus: it gets a bad rap but G-d meant it for joy Did you know that the name of this important Book is not really Leviticus? This was invented much later by non-Jewish interpreters for their non-Jewish readers, many of whom were pagans. Its actual original name in Hebrew is Vayikra, which means 'And G-d called'. Some have even said that it means 'G-d's calling.' The book of G-d calling is the seminal book of the Bible. For this reason it is planted right in the middle of the five Books of Moses, the Jewish Torah, the Pentateuch, and is about the 'how' of loving your neighbour. The injunction to 'love your neighbour as yourself' comes from Chapter 19 of the book. And the book is encased in definitions of love. Not license, but how to look after ourselves, how to look after our neighbours, how to look after the stranger, and on a different level, how also to look after animals and plant life. Nothing is alien to the Biblical writer, but neither does he mince his words. Vayikra's call is to a disciplined life of enjoyment through restraint, of how to curb our passions without cutting ourselves off and, most of all, how to live in community. This is why it is read now, at this time of year. A bunch of slaves is about to become free. But having been slaves, how can they live as free people in a free community under G-d? We have already read the Exodus story in Shul. That is by way of preparation. But now we have to buckle down and learn rules for life. That's why we read this book during the period when we celebrate the Exodus from Egypt, the moment when G-d redeemed us to be free people in our own Land. Much of what is taught about loving your neighbour as yourself, as outlined in Vayikra, stands in contradiction to many of the laws in this country now, even though these are the core teachings of Judaism, and the key mantra of Jesus the Jew. But diaspora Jewish communities everywhere will fight for their right to educate their children in the ways depicted in Vayikra, assisted by rabbinic commentaries. And where religion and state clash, religion will always come first, even at risk of imprisonment or deportation. Civil disobedience is often a stronger weapon than complicity or than violence, and after all, we are supposed, after all, to be 'a light to the nations', aren't we?' The first Book to be studied by Jewish children at around the age of 3 was always Vayikra. Here is the depiction of one small boy's introduction to the Book of Vayikra typical of the way observant Jews induct their children into the school experience and to the life of the Bible: 'We wrapped the boy in a tallit [prayer shawl], covering his face so that he would not see anything impure on the way to school and led him through the city from south to north. The teacher opened the text-book, entitled 'First Dawn.'....His mother baked a cake on which she sprinkled the Hebrew letters of the verse, 'Moses commanded us the Torah'. The child licked up the letters, while the cake itself was shared by the teachers and the other pupils.' (Taken from Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen: Between War and Peace by Yechiel Frish and Yedidya HaCohen, Urim Publications) So, don't be put off reading the wonderful book of Vayikra because it's not as grim as many people think it is. Get stuck in and you will find real enjoyment - a God-given enjoyment through restraint. Even better, if you can, find yourself a Hebrew speaker who understands the original language it was written in and can tell you what it really means, unhampered by versions which more often than not lose something in the translation. Dr Irene Lancaster is a Jewish academic, author and translator who has established university courses on Jewish history, Jewish studies and the Hebrew Bible. Ken Janda, the high-profile CEO of Community Health Choice, has abruptly resigned after a decade of leading the Houston insurance company. No replacement has been named, the company said. Under Jandas watch the small, 22-year-old nonprofit insurer has seen dramatic growth, increasing its members by nearly fourfold and expanding its reach across the region. The decision to replace Janda apparently came last week during the companys regular board meeting. On Thursday, a companywide email announced that the board had reached a mutual agreement with CEO Ken Janda that he will step down effective immediately. The Board of Directors has begun the process of designating an interim CEO and launching a search for a successor who will continue to lead Community in fulfilling its core mission, which is to improve the health and well-being of under-served Texans by opening doors to health care and health-related social services, the email said. The insurance company began as local health plan for pregnant women and children covered under Medicaid and Childrens Health Insurance Plan in 1997. After passage of the Affordable Care Act, which allowed the company to offer insurance products on the health laws federal exchange, the insurers numbers increased. It now has more than 400,000 members, the company said. Community Health Choice is coming off a strong year and were continuing to grow and fulfill our mission to open doors of access to health and well-being, particularly to underserved and vulnerable populations, Catherine Mitchell, executive vice president and chief operating officer, said in an email. We will be introducing new products and programs in the coming months. RELATED: ACA enrollment closes amid fears that Texas will see big declines Prior to joining Community Health Choice, Janda was Houston market president of the health insurance company Humana. He also held leadership positions with the insurers Aetna and Prudential. In recent years, he has emerged as a policy expert in navigating the changing health care industry. Kens knowledge of health care and how it works in Houston has been important to all of us, Dr. Arthur Tim Garson, director of Texas Medical Centers Health Policy Institute, said on Friday. San Jose council members debated an unusual plan for the opening of a Chick-fil-A headed to San Jose International Airport next month: hanging a bunch of flags signaling LGBT and transgender solidarity around it, according to the Mercury News. The fried chicken company's ownership and foundation has been criticized, as recently as last month, for donating to groups who take anti-LGBT positions, leading some cities around the country to halt plans to open new franchises. RELATED: Concord city staff to recommend against zoning change for Chick-fil-A Members of the LGBT community around San Jose have been similarly vocal about the opening, leading Mayor Sam Liccardo to say he "simply didn't think enough" about the controversy. He also noted the city cannot block a business from opening based solely on an owner's political views. San Jose is already home to two Chil-fil-A locations. Now, some local leaders are attempting to find a solution to the ordeal by adding, well, lots of rainbows. Former county Supervisor Ken Yeager, a member of San Jose State University's political science department who heads the LGBTQ-focused political action committee and was the city's first openly gay councilman, said Tuesday he'd like to see flags placed near the storefront "as a counter-signal to the discrimination supported by Chick-fil-A." RELATED: Buttigieg likes Chick-fil-A's chicken but not its politics But Councilman Raul Peralez suggested going further, by hiring LGBT workers to make it the "gayest Chick-fil-A in the country." The city council broadly supported the ideas in particular, they endorsed adding flags near the store but in the end, this Chick-fil-A location may be short-lived anyway. City organizers voted to withhold a proposed two-year contract extension from 2026 to 2028 for airport vendors that do not open every day. That would directly affect Chick-fil-A; the company is famously not open on Sundays. Alyssa Pereira is an SFGATE staff writer. Email her at or find her on Twitter at @alyspereira. Joe Paneitz, a teacher at Humble ISD's Career & Technology Education Center, felt like he was on top of the world when he was announced the Teacher of the Year at the Humble ISD Education Foundation Gala on April 12. The foundation held their annual gala at the Humble Civic Center to raise money for grants and other projects for students and teachers. This year's theme was "Our Future is so Bright" where everyone was encouraged to wear neon colors and lights. This year's gala was a special one to Humble ISD as they also celebrated their 100th anniversary in the Lake Houston community. The Humble Civic Center was packed with teachers, principals, staff and community members were in the building to the accomplishments of Humble ISD this year. Live auctions were held and donations were given, raising thousands of dollars for the district. This year's sponsor Robbins Chevrolet, gave away $10,000 to the Teacher of the Year. Chelsea Robbins McGhinnis, vice president of Robbins Chevrolet, said this is their first time as a sponsor for the gala but certainly not their first time helping out Humble ISD. "We have been long-time supporters of Humble ISD Education Foundation," McGhinnis, a 2005 Kingwood High School graduate said. "I'm a third generation Humble ISD graduate, kids who are almost 3 and 2 (years old) will attend Humble ISD, so we are lifers." McGhinnis's uncle Sonny Robbins was given the Distinguished Alumni Award that night. Robbins was an Humble High School graduate of 1944. Robbins served as Humble Mayor, president of the original Northeast Hospital Board Authority and president of the Northeast Hospital Foundation, among other organizations. McGhinnis shared that it was a "neat" experience celebrating Humble ISD's 100th anniversary since Robbins Chevrolet doesn't fall far behind. "Our business is 90 years old so we are close behind Humble ISD," McGhinnis said. "We were here for a really long time so when we were asked to be involved with the gala this year it's always really hard to turn it down because there's nothing more important to our family than education." As the gala was coming to a close, the 10 Teacher of the Year finalists lined up on stage to hear who will win the $10,000 prize. Finalists were nominated through their peers and the winner was selected through a committee of previous winners. Superintendent Elizabeth Fagen gave a few words before announcing the Elementary Teacher of the Year. "We have some of the most innovative and creative staff members anywhere across Texas if not across the country," Fagen said. "When they want to do incredible things for students, the (education) foundation is able to do that because of the generosity of this community and all of our business partners. Humble ISD teachers do amazing work every single day. They keep the students best interest at the heart of every single thing they do. We can never thank these teachers enough for what they do." Whispering Pines Elementary Teacher Francesca Rathke was announced as the Elementary Teacher of the Year and won a vacation in a luxury home in Florida and two first class air tickets donated by United Airlines. "I feel very overwhelmed but mostly grateful and thankful to be honored with an award like this," Rathke said with tears of joy. "This is unbelievable. I just don't have the words really." Shortly after Rathke received her award, Fagen announced that Paneitz is the 2019 Secondary and District Teacher of the Year and the winner of $10,000. Paneitz was so overwhelmed with joy he gave Fagen and the rest of the finalists a hug. "I am so excited. I am feeling humbled to represent all of these teachers and all of the amazing people that teach for Humble ISD," Paneitz said. "I feel like I'm walking amongst giants and I'm so happy to represent them." Paneitz plans on throwing a party with his students to celebrate the momentous occasion and dedicate those $10,000 to his class. A thunderstorm moving at 40 mph began entering Houston's urban core at about 3:30 p.m. Saturday, producing hail and gusty wind in the Harris County area, the National Weather Service said. Hail also began to fall during the afternoon in nearby counties, including Brazoria, Matagorda and Fort Bend. The thunderstorm also hit north Harris County, including Aldine, Humble and Spring, along with parts of Montgomery County. In a Jeep named Gunny, a pair of philanthropic Houstonians will hit the road this summer to fundraise for their next big renovation project installing ADA compliant amenities for a quadriplegic veteran in Mobile, Alabama. A veteran himself, JR Smith saw a problem with what he felt was a lack of Veteran Affairs funding support for ADA accessible home renovations. "They were legitimate war heroes that now can't even take care of their most basic needs like going to the bathroom by themselves," Smith said. After giving more than 50 remodeling cost estimates to veterans through his business, H-Towne & Around Remodelers in Cypress, Smith said the VA's promise to provide project funding fell flat. So, he took matters into his own hands. Smith founded Guns to Hammers in 2012 with fellow marine and best friend since high school, Kevin Jackson. Guns to Hammers provides free ADA-compliant home remodeling services for disabled veterans. The organization became a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2016. "Many people I served with ended up going off to war," Smith said. "A few came back in pine boxes, a few came back maimed and a few came back not the same person. That's not what destiny had for me, so I feel like it's my responsibility to absolutely go back for these guys." In 2017, Smith and Jackson set out on a journey across the United States in "Gunny," a Jeep decorated with the American flag, to raise awareness for their work and attract potential partners. WELCOME HOME: Veteran family gifted keys to new house in Atascocita The group continued gathering support, receiving free help with car troubles and getting escorted into Nevada from the veteran motorcycle club Marine Riders, who wanted to greet them and connect them to local groups. The two picked up a new public relations coordinator in California Bob Morey who was intrigued by Gunny the Jeep and the Guns to Hammers mission. Before they knew it, Smith said, news stations started picking up their story, Jeep offered promotional help and passersby were sending money to the Guns to Hammers PayPal account. By the end of the four-week trip, the duo had raised more than $30,000. "It's truly renewed my faith in humanity," Smith said. Since 2016, Guns to Hammers has completed nearly a dozen renovation projects for veterans both out-of-state and locally, including a World War II veteran in Tomball, who has since passed away. HONORING A HERO: WWII vet leads FM 1960 St. Patrick's Parade as grand marshal Another project Guns to Hammers completed in 2018 was for Navy veteran Ed Weising and his wife Dana Weising. Ed Weising was injured during a helicopter crash while serving in the military. He underwent a surgical procedure to correct the injury, but was instead left paralyzed from the waist down. Before the renovation, Ed Weising was using a makeshift shower made from a hose pipe and a showerhead in his garage so he could shower while in his wheelchair. Through Guns to Hammers, Weising now has a new bathroom with ADA accessibility. Dana Weising said Smith and the Guns to Hammers team are angels. "It's not just about being able to clean yourself and taking a shower, it has to do with dignity and self-respect," she said. "When a man can go to his own bathroom, take a shower and wash himself, it's huge. It helps me a lot, because them more independence he has the more independence I have." With each project costing between $12,000 and $15,000, Guns to Hammers is always seeking partners to help fund their endeavors. In 2018, the group was able to gain the support of several craft beer brewers. FILLING JOBS: State awards grant to veterans job training program The nonprofit has partnered with breweries across the country, including Mike Hess Brewing in California, and local breweries such as Wicked Boxer Brewing and Bearded Fox, Smith said. Bearded Fox and Wicked Boxer created beers themed after Guns to Hammers and give portions of the profit to the organization. In 2018, the crew wrapped up another successful road trip in Gunny, with Smith's English bulldog Jackhammer along for the ride. Guns to Hammers garnered more support, partnering with other nonprofit organizations such as AHERO, a veteran support network. Smith hopes to extend the organization's reach by starting Guns to Hammers chapters that fund their own local projects in other states. He intends to continue forming alliances with like-minded organizations to fulfill his goal of making life comfortable again for disabled veterans. "We've got to tell the world about it," Smith said. "We've got to get out there and be able to explain that there are over a million of these veterans in their homes right now that can't take care of their most basic needs." This reporter was so excited last week about the Lake Conroe Centennial Lions Club First Casino Night that I left out some very important pieces of information! First of all, there were over 150 people from all over this area who attended and had a wonderful, exciting time. Our Lions Club was thrilled to see all who attended including District Governor Karl Johnson and his lovely wife. I didnt know that! Shocking! I learned so much! Those were just some of many comments that were overheard from the folks who attended Lake Conroe Area Republican Womens April meeting held at Walden Yacht Club. Titled Los Diablos Tejanos, this featured program was presented by Lt. Wende Wakeman who addressed the very timely topic of border security and how the Texas Rangers and other law enforcement agencies tackle this difficult issue. But border security isnt the only issue that Lt. Wakemans organization tackles. They do so much, much more for the state of Texas. For instance, the Texas Rangers are one of the most storied law enforcement agencies in the world. Their legacy is the product of nearly 200 years of protecting the frontier and the citizens of Texas. Today, the Ranger legacy continues with a new breed of Rangers and new levels of threats posed by organized crime, terrorism, drug cartels and in addition to border issues, stretching the Rangers far beyond their traditional roles of criminal investigation and law enforcement. They specialize in investigating major incident crime investigations, unsolved crime/serial crime investigations, public corruption investigations, crimes against children, officer-involved shooting investigations and of course, border security operations. The Rangers also oversee specialized law enforcement teams within the department, including Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team, Special Response Teams, Ranger Reconnaissance Team, Crisis Negotiations Unit and the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit. According to Chance Collins, Chief of the Texas Rangers The men and women of the Texas Rangers work tirelessly to bring justice to the victims of unspeakable crimes, secure our border, execute high risk tactical operations, preserve lives and property during catastrophic events and many other responsibilities we proudly accept. In the past, Texas Rangers were all men. But now they include women in their ranks. And it just so happens that our speaker, Lt. Wakeman, is the highest-ranking female in Texas Ranger history! And it also just so happens that Lt. Wakeman was a member of law enforcement right here in Conroe just a few years ago. Many of her former co-workers were at the LCARW cheering her on. In addition to Lt. Wakemans presentation, Linda Mock, LCARW Fundraising Chairman, invited everyone to Dance the Night Away to the live music of Johnny & The Spinsations at this years LCARWs fundraiser Rock n Roll with the Republicans. This certain to be fun event will take place on Sunday, May 5, from 5 to 9:30 p.m. at Olde Dobbin Station, 2849 Old Dobbin Rd., Montgomery, TX 77316. Along with the dancing, event goers will enjoy a delicious Cinco de Mayo Fajita Buffet, a cash bar and auctions, both silent and live. Proceeds benefit community projects supported by Lake Conroe Area Republican Women, including activities with local senior citizens, supporting the VA Clinic and other local veteran organizations, the donation of books to schools in Montgomery ISD and Willis ISD, support of the Montgomery Food Bank, scholarships to graduating seniors from Willis and Montgomery high schools, honoring elementary students through My American Hero essay contest and supporting Republican candidates and elected officials. By the way, Linda Mock also shared her dedication to LCARW with the birth of her granddaughter. When you see her, ask her about it. For more information about Lake Conroe Area Republican Women and to buy tickets to Rock n Roll with the Republicans please go A Conroe funeral home has been ordered by the Texas Department of Banking to cease and desist activity for illegally selling prepaid funeral services. According to the emergency order issued by the state agency, the Clarence Lewis & Son Mortuary at 500 South Fifth Street did not have the proper permits to sell prepaid services. The order also allows the state to seize the mortuarys records regarding its prepaid funeral services. The court records also order the mortuary to refund more than $5,000 to a customer regarding the services. In December, the order states, the state received a complaint regarding a contract sold to a customer for $5,085 for prepaid funeral benefits. Following an investigation by the department, the owner of the funeral home Clarence Lewis did not hold a permit to sell prepaid funeral benefits or accept money for prepaid benefits. 2020 FUND: $3.8M needed to fully fund Montgomery County's Capital Improvement Projects Moreover, the prepaid funeral benefits contract sold (to the customer) by (the funeral home) was not written on an approved form as required by the Texas Finance Code, the order states. Officials with the Texas Department of Banking, sent the funeral home three certified letters regarding the matter all which were unclaimed. The (funeral home) did not reply or provide any information to the department, the order states noting that if the department received no response from the mortuary, it would proceed with legal action. Officials with the funeral home can request in writing an opportunity for a hearing to show that the emergency order should be stayed. IN HIGH DEMAND: Growth continues to lure developers to Montgomery County When contacted by The Courier, a woman claimed she was unaware of the order and asked to be contacted the following day. However, calls to the funeral home have since gone unanswered. According to the funeral homes website, it has been providing funeral services to the Conroe area for three generations and was founded in the legacy of Luther James Dorsey who provided undertaking services to the area since the early 1900s. A lawsuit filed against several current and former county officials has been dismissed by a federal judge. United States District Judge Vanessa Gilmore granted a motion to dismiss Thursday but provided no explanation on her decision. That motion claimed the suit lacked subject matter jurisdiction, which is the authority of a court to hear cases of a particular type or cases relating to a specific subject matter. According to the lawsuit, in 2009 Mark Johnston, who owned and operated a car dealership in Conroe, was placed on probation for theft in an amount greater than $200,000, a first-degree felony, relating to his car dealership business. The suit names in their individual capacity former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney Nicole Czajkoski, District Attorneys Office investigator Erin Smith, sheriffs deputy Alton Neely and probation officer Russell Stilley along with two private citizens. It wasnt until late 2018 that Johnston learned about the alleged efforts by Czajkoski to get his probation revoked, the suits states. By not providing all the documents regarding his case, the suit states, the investigator with the comptrollers office wrote a report accusing Johnston of intentionally failing to pay the sales tax. The suit alleges Czajkoski knowingly presented the false information to a Montgomery County Grand Jury which resulted in an indictment and Johnstons probation being revoked. Johnstons suit, Assistant County Attorney Daniel Plake stated in a previous Courier article, is barred by the Rooker-Feldman doctrine, which states federal courts do not have jurisdiction to review decisions of state courts. Plake also claimed Johnston failed to state a claim because he failed to demonstrate he can prove any facts which would entitle him to relief. New York-based attorney Ty Clevenger, who filed the federal civil suit in the Southern District of Texas Jan. 31 on behalf of Johnston, called the decision utterly inexcusable. The judge's decision is utterly inexcusable, Clevenger said. She did not even explain why she was dismissing the case and that's a red flag all by itself. How are you supposed to appeal if you don't know why you got dismissed? When a judge does something so extreme and then refuses to explain why, you start to wonder what's happening behind closed doors. Regardless, we're confident that we've already obtained enough evidence to get Mark released from prison and we will be looking at our options to appeal Judge Gilmore's decision. Johnston is currently housed at the Darrington Unit near Rosharon serving a 40-year sentence. Houston police have arrested a 17-year-old, and charged him with super aggravated sexual assault of a girl under 6 years old. Mario Luis Guarachj was charged on Wednesday, according to court records. Courtesy photo On April 3, the Fort Bend Chamber held its 16th Excellence for Nonprofit Leadership graduation ceremony at University of Houston at Sugar Land, recognizing another class of nonprofit leaders. The Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with The George Foundation, designed this program to strengthen nonprofit organizations and better equip them to serve the community. The ENL program combines a real-world, organization-based perspective with current thinking and concrete skills to bolster the capacity and effectiveness of the Fort Bend nonprofit sector. Class participants are selected each year from a wide spectrum of the areas populace. Congratulations to the graduates of the Excellence for Nonprofit Leadership, Class of 2019. Thousands of art lovers descended upon The Woodlands Town Green Park and Waterway Square on Saturday, April 13, for the 14th annual The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival, enjoying the sunny day before a large rain storm hit later in the afternoon. Nick Wolda, president of Visit The Woodlands the townships tourism promotional and planning entity said as of 1 p.m., things were going well and although attendance wasnt as high as had been expected, the weather worries for the day likely had an effect on attendance. The township is one of many co-sponsors of the event. Last month, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Montgomery County Tax Assessor-Collector Tammy McRae to the board of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. McRae said she is honored to have been chosen for this position. Im excited to be able to represent the tax assessor-collectors on the board. We are a major partner with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and work closely with them, McRae said. The role of the board includes overseeing the agency and setting policies. As someone who has 33 years of experience in the industry and has been the tax assessor-collector for 22 of those years, McRae said she is knowledgeable about the related operations. I bring that level of expertise to the board. Its an important role. I love serving Montgomery County and the citizens of the state of Texas, and (this role) is important to continue our level of service to the motoring public, McRae said. There are nine total members on the board, including one county tax assessor-collector, two franchised auto dealers, one independent auto dealer, one representative from the vehicle manufacturing or distribution industry, one representative from the motor carrier industry one county or city law enforcement representative and two public customer representatives. McRae, along with the other three new appointees, are to be confirmed in a full Senate confirmation April 24. McRaes term will last until Feb. 1, 2025. The United Methodist Churchs governing body recently abandoned its faithful LGBTQAI+ members, disregarding scripture, its theology and the teachings of Jesus by refusing to grant them full inclusion in the life of the church. Under the denominations current rules, Methodist clergy are not allowed to perform same-gender weddings or celebrate them in church buildings. Gifted and anointed LGBTQAI+ persons are also denied ordination. This past February, the UMC General Conference had a chance to change that, but refused, continuing to support and enforce discrimination of LGBTQAI+ persons. In making its decision, the denomination lost focus on the core of Christian teaching and Methodist theology that all of us are beloved creations of God and vital to the family of God in our diversity: inclusive of gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, color, age, class, ability, nationality, status and beyond. To our LGBTQAI+ family, friends and community members, as an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, the senior pastor of Bering Memorial UMC, chair of the Reconciling United Methodists Texas Conference and a scholar of scripture and Methodist theology, I ask your forgiveness for the tremendous harm that the United Methodist Church has done over the years and continues to do by its recent actions. While I cannot speak for the United Methodist denomination and do not speak for those who support the traditional plan passed by the denomination, I believe that I speak for hundreds of thousands of United Methodist clergy and laity when I say that this is not who we are as Methodist Christians. As Methodist Christians, we believe that the Bible is to be carefully studied and interpreted using four criteria: scripture, tradition, reason and experience. We are not literalists. A faithful interpretation of the Bible using those four criteria supports biblical marriage as rooted in fidelity in relationship, not in the gender of marriage partners. Biblical marriage is not limited to marriage between a man and a woman. Same-gender marriages are celebrated by God and should be celebrated by Gods church. That includes every marriage that is rooted and grounded in love and fidelity, whether between persons of the same or different genders. Contrary to decisions made by the General Conference, it is my conviction and the conviction of many other Methodist Christians that the Bible does not teach that LGBTQAI+ identity and living out that identity are incompatible with Christian teaching. The Bible does not say that as LGBTQAI+ persons, you need to pray away the gay or otherwise fix or deny your gender identity or sexual orientation. The Bible does teach that all of us are made in the image of God, inclusive of our sexual orientation and gender identity. According to the Bible, there is nothing incompatible or deviant about being LGBTQAI+ and living out that identity faithfully and fully in loving relationships of marriage, family and friendships, and as members of the larger community. The Bible teaches, and the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaims, that such faithful claiming of ones gender identity and sexual orientation is to be celebrated as a sacred gift to both heterosexual and LGBTQAI+ persons. It takes each of us faithfully and fully living out our unique identity individually and together to mirror the rainbow face of God in all Gods love, creativity and divinity. I have seen the face of God and experienced the presence of God in the LGBTQAI+ members of our community and know without a doubt that they are loved and celebrated by God as fully as I am. Gods message to all of us is that God so loved the world that God came and lived among us in the person of Jesus Christ that we might have abundant life. Jesus spent his entire earthly ministry sharing the love of God for all humanity by including the excluded, tearing down walls of separation and division and restoring the dignity of those who had been judged unworthy by religious rules of exclusion. Jesus touched, embraced, healed, dignified and welcomed those explicitly excluded by such rules. He made it crystal clear that the core of Gods word to us could be summed up in two commandments: love God and love our neighbors. LGBTQAI+ family, friends and neighbors, you are unabashedly loved and celebrated by God, me and hundreds of thousands of United Methodists who refuse to honor the recent discriminatory decisions of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. We need you, welcome you and celebrate you as beloved children of God and members of Gods family with us. McGehee is pastor of Bering United Methodist Church. HUNTING VALLEY, Ohio -- Mutual aid (strong-arm robbery in Woodmere), Chagrin Boulevard: Various surrounding agencies swooped in to assist in the apprehension of two juveniles who now stand accused of a purse snatching outside of Bravo Cucina Italiana restaurant on the evening of April 4. Initial reports indicated that the suspects had also attempted to steal the Lake County womans car from the Eton Chagrin Boulevard parking lot, but then took off on foot toward the Jillian Court apartments and the Beechmont Country Club. Receiving numerous calls about a woman being mugged shortly after 5 p.m., officers from Hunting Valley and Chagrin Falls responded initially to help set up a perimeter, with Bedford Heights later sending a K-9 unit. Beachwood sent two officers to a home on Belmont Road where a resident reported that two young men had just run through his back yard. They soon spotted two boys matching the suspects descriptions near Beechmont Towers in Woodmere and later walking into the Wendys restaurant. Within roughly an hour of the initial crime, officers from Moreland Hills and Pepper Pike had the suspects in custody, with Orange police transporting witnesses from Eton to the Woodmere Police Station to make positive I.D.'s. It did not appear that the teenagers used weapons, although a rescue squad was sent to check on the victim. Woodmere police declined to give out additional information on the juvenile suspects. A detective noted that there were numerous witnesses around dinnertime, including at least one who snapped a picture of the culprits as they were fleeing. Suspicion; Valley Ridge Farm, Chagrin River Road: The occupants of a silver Mazda were given trespassing and no-parking warnings around 8:30 a.m. April 6. Building code violation, SOM Center Road: Two pickup trucks in the 2700 block of Ohio 91 were found to be in violation of the village storage code around 11 a.m. April 8, with notices to be sent out. Complaints (general); Shaker Boulevard: A resident reported around 5 p.m. April 5 that there was a sign left in the yard from a neighboring estate sale that day. Dispute, Whisperwood Drive: Police responded to a report of an argument between a resident and a contractor around 3:15 p.m. April 2. The dispute involved no weapons or violence. If you would like to discuss the police blotter, please visit our crime and courts comments page. Read more news from the Chagrin Solon Sun here. MEDINA, Ohio -- Noise complaint, Chippewa Road: Police stopped a group of four-wheeler riders at 2:33 a.m. April 13 and issued warnings about riding at night. Police had received noise complaints from area residents and had been unable to locate the suspects following a report at 12:31 that same morning. Disorderly conduct, South Court Street: Police took a drunken man to his house at 1:35 a.m. April 13 after a stop. Reports did not indicate that the man was issued any citations. Noise complaint, North Court Street: Police responded to a noise complaint at 4:12 a.m. April 13. The complainant said the noise sounded like an alarm, but reports indicated no alarms in the area and the source of the noise was not found. Noise complaint, Branch Road: A resident was given a warning for playing music too loudly at 1:57 a.m. April 13. Police had no further information at the time of the report. If you would like to discuss the police blotter, please visit our crime and courts comments page. Read more news from the Medina Sun here. WAYNE COUNTY, Ohio -- Authorities are searching for an inmate who escaped at a rest stop Friday night while being transported from New York to Indiana. Said Ali El-Khatib, 33, escaped about 9 p.m. on I-71 at the rest stop in Wayne County, according to the State Highway Patrol. He asked to use the restroom in the rest area and escaped, authorities say. He is wanted on a warrant that accused him of receiving stolen cars. He was being taken from the New York Police Department to the Allen County Sheriffs Office in Indiana, authorities say. Troopers from the Ashland, Medina and Wooster posts, along with Highway Patrol's aviation team and Ashland County Sheriff's Office, searched through vacant buildings and homes south of the rest stop Friday night and are continuing their search Saturday, according to a news release. He was last seen wearing tan pants and shirt, handcuffed, wearing a waist chain and shackles on one ankle, the release says. Anyone who sees him is asked to call patrol at 330-264-0575. If youd like to comment on this story, visit Saturdays crime and courts comments section. CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The father accused of taking his 1-year-old boy from a family barbecue last week dropped off his sone at a Cleveland police station. The mother reported to police Friday that her son was with his father and refused to return the child, Cleveland police spokeswoman Sgt. Jennifer Ciaccia said. The father returned the child to the Fifth District station about 5 p.m. Saturday. Ciaccia said in a statement that the child was clean and in good health. Investigators are not going to charge the father as the incident appears to be a custody dispute. If youd like to comment on this story, visit Saturdays crime and courts comments section. CLEVELAND, Ohio What can you tell me about Clevelands Slavic Village? In its heyday, at its depths, and today as it works to reinvent itself? Id love to hear your firsthand accounts. Slavic Village, one of the citys oldest neighborhoods on the southeast side of town with Broadway and Fleet avenues as its main drags, was a working class neighborhood filled with Central European immigrants who labored in the steel mill below and built churches and cultural centers that defined their community. Its no secret the neighborhood hit hard times after World War II. The economy slowed, mill jobs disappeared. And prompted in part by school desegregation, residents moved to the suburbs. Crime has been a problem in the neighborhood, which was ground zero for the foreclosure crisis beginning in 2007. University Settlement, the Slavic Village-based nonprofit, is hosting a Slavic Village Homecoming in mid-May. Over three days, it will include a forum on rebuilding community, a neighborhood clean-up patrol, a number of forums and a Homecoming Dance. Ahead of that event, Id like to hear about the home that people from Slavic Village remember, the one theyd be returning to, and the one they hope it will become. And Id like to hear from people who make Slavic Village their home now, from those who have been there for generations to those who are new to the neighborhood. Contact me at and make sure to leave your name and contact information so I can follow up. Well include as many voices as possible in our coverage. CLEVELAND, Ohio Ohio Senate Bill 3 is being billed by supporters as the next step in criminal justice reform, but a City Club of Cleveland forum on the subject Friday suggests a lot of details still need to be worked out before a vote is taken. The bill as introduced last month would reduce drug-possession crimes now classified as fourth-degree and fifth-degree felonies to unclassified misdemeanors that would allow a judge to sentence a defendant up to one year in prison. Discussing the bill at Fridays forum were: Ohio Sen. President Larry Obhof, Republican from Medina Ohio Sen. John Eklund, Republican from Geauga County Ohio rep. Stephanie Howse, Democrat from Cleveland Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein The panelists emphasized the differences Senate Bill 3 under consideration this year and Issue 1, a proposed constitutional amendment that Ohio voters rejected in 2018. Issue 1 would have reduced all drug-possession crimes to misdemeanors, regardless of the quantity of drugs involved, and taken away the leverage judges said they needed to get defendants into drug treatment programs. Eklund emphasized that the legislative process takes time and that there will be hearings and meetings before Senate Bill 3 is acceptable enough to enough people to become law. Everybody take a deep breath," he said. "This is where were starting from. Here are several other takeaways from the forum: Klein, a Democrat, helped craft the language in Senate Bill 3 along with Ron OBrien, the Republican who beat Klein last year in the race for Franklin County prosecutor. Klein said he and OBrien took the good of Issue 1 and discarded the bad of Issue 1 when crafting SB 3. While the Senate bill would downgrade low-level drug possession of illegal drugs, it would exclude hyper-dangerous fentanyl as well as date-rape drugs. Obhof said whats important to him about SB 3 is that it would help addicts get treatment in their communities rather than punish them excessively by sending them to prison and making it harder for them to get jobs when they get out. He said its important to separate someone who made a mistake from those who are truly predators. Howse endorsed Issue 1 and has signed on to Senate Bill 3. She said she would like the reforms to go farther to address over-incarceration of African-Americans, but is willing to work with her counterparts on SB3. Eklund said the main reason he supports downgrading drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor is because it would help addicts turn their lives around without a felony on their record. If somebody has a felony on their record, a potential employer isnt going to take the time to ask about the details, he said. No, they see the Scarlett letter and thats the end of that. Eklund said he doesnt buy the claim by the Ohio Prosecutors Association that downgrading drug-possession to a misdemeanor would send the message that drugs arent as dangerous as they are. Klein agreed. He noted that domestic violence and operating a vehicle under the influence are classified as misdemeanors. Are we normalizing beating our spouse, because that is a misdemeanor? Are we normalizing drinking and driving? The answer is no. Ekland and Obhof both said they would ensure that legislation does not harm specialized dockets known as drug courts that operate in the state offering special treatment for drug offenders. Eklund said he envisions a bill that allows each county to determine if the downgraded drug-possession charges are prosecuted in a municipal court that handles misdemeanors or in a common pleas court. A guest at the forum asked whether the bill would retroactively apply to those previously convicted of felony drug charges. Eklund said thats an issue on the table, but not in the bill at the moment. He said the term retroactive can mean a lot of things, such as applying to someone now in prison, or to someone already released. Obhof said the issue will be discussed. Both Klein and Howse said they support retroactive language. CLEVELAND, Ohio - The City Club of Cleveland was host to a panel discussion Friday about sentencing reform in Ohio. Senate Bill 3 specifically calls for downgrading drug possession from a low-level felony to a misdemeanor. The forum panelists included Ohio Sens. Larry Obhof, president of the Senate, and John Eklund, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Ohio Rep. Stephanie Howse of Cleveland and Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein. Legislators are in agreement that drug addicts should be helped and not excessively penalized if caught with drugs, but the lawmakers still need to work out the details. Read more about the forum by clicking here. The BRIC acronym was coined by Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill in 2001. He predicted four emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India and China were on their way to reshape the world economy. Opponents said the countries were too different culturally and socially to be grouped together and that ultimately, it was a Goldman Sachs marketing ploy. Still, in the first decade, the countries met all expectations and beyond. Investment banks, think tanks and academia capitalized on the successes and everyone was talking about BRIC. In 2010, the group added South Africa, making its acronym BRICS. The countries went from less than 20% of the world's GPD in 2003 to about 30% 10 years later. China and India were growing exponentially, while rising commodity prices kept Brazil and Russia in good pace to meet O'Neill's predictions. But shortly after the financial crisis, external factors combined with serious internal turmoil proved too much for the group. While China and India are growing steadily today, Russia and Brazil have gone in the opposite direction. See also: Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the sidelines of a global governance forum co-hosted by China and France in Paris, France, March 26, 2019. European Union leaders sat down this week in Brussels for a summit with a China it recently branded a "systemic rival," and the United States is nearing the end game trade talks with a China that national security documents refer to as a "strategic adversary." So, it's surprising that trans-Atlantic leaders are neither working at common cause nor asking the most crucial geopolitical questions of our age. What sort of world does China want to create? With what means would it achieve its aims? And, what should the United States and Europe do to influence the outcome? By now, there is little remaining doubt that China's continued rise marks the most significant geopolitical event shaping the 21st century. Yet U.S. and European officials mired in issues ranging from Trump administration immigration gyrations to Brexit have failed to give this mother of all inflection points enough attention. Some are in denial about the fundamental change China's rise may bring to the global order of institutions and principles established by the United States and its allies after World War II. Others concede that the structural stress between a rising China and an incumbent United States is the defining danger of our times, yet they offer neither an engagement nor containment strategy worthy of this epochal challenge. That has produced the worst of all worlds. Fearful that the United States has grown more determined to undermine his country's rise, President Xi Jinping has doubled down on his determination to strengthen the Communist Party's hold domestically while advancing China's global influence. European allies stung by trade actions against them and the lack of a U.S. galvanizing strategy to China are hedging their bets. European Council President Donald Tusk declared a "breakthrough" this week on some of the EU's major trade disagreements, particularly regarding tech transfers and industrial state subsidies. Then in Croatia a couple of days later, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pledged to respect EU standards and laws at a summit with Central and East European countries that closed 40 deals and expanded its ranks to Greece so that the so-called 16+1 grouping became 17+1. That relatively positive news in Europe only further underscores the skill with which Chinese leaders are managing their historic aspirations. Graham Allison, one of America's most astute China watchers, quotes Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, who two years before his death in 2015 said this: "The size of China's displacement of the world balance is such that the world must find a new balance. It is not possible to pretend that this is just another world player. This is the biggest player in the history of the world." In that context, what China wants is a play in three acts. First, China wants ideally to push the U.S. out of its Asian region, or at the very least reduce its influence, to achieve a regional hegemony that makes all actors ultimately dependent on it. Second, it is acting globally to displace, if not yet replace, the United States wherever it can including in major parts of Europe most importantly through its Belt and Road Initiative. Finally, it's clearer than ever that Beijing by the time of the 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of China in 2049 aspires to be the dominant economic, political and perhaps military power for an era where democracies remain but authoritarian systems are ascendant. "China is unabashedly undermining the U.S. alliance system in Asia," writes Oriana Skyler Mastro of Georgetown University in Foreign Affairs. "It has encouraged the Philippines to distance itself from the United States, it has supported South Korea's efforts to take a softer line toward North Korea, and it has backed Japan's stance against American protectionism It is blatantly militarizing the South China Sea It is no longer content to play second fiddle to the United States and seeks directly to challenge its position in the Indo-Pacific region." Yet it is beyond Asia where China's reach has expanded fastest. It's hard to overstate the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative, whose impact on its times may outstrip that of America's Marshall Plan, which at $13 billion of funding had neither BRI's global aspiration nor resources. Though the BRI was launched only in 2013, conservative estimates have China already spending $400 billion on it, with hundreds of millions more in the pipeline for projects with some 86 countries and international organizations, most recently including the first G-7 member, Italy. Though the BRI is a development scheme, its political and security benefits for China grow increasingly clear, whether through EU members who oppose human rights statements against Beijing or African or Middle Eastern countries who will be less likely over time to provide U.S. forces military access. Finally, a growing number of experts believe China on current trajectories wants to fill America's shoes as the dominant global agenda setter and rulemaker. Bradley A. Thayer and John M. Friend, authors of the 2018 book "How China Sees the World," write: "By 2049, Western-led institutions will remain, but their liberal principles will be diluted by reforms required by Beijing. As China's economic power increases and more countries in both the developed and developing world become dependent on Chinese trade and investment, Beijing will use its economic statecraft to pressure countries to downplay or abandon their democratic values and liberal policies." By then, their relative resources will provide them far greater leverage. If China reaches its stated development goals for the centennial of the Communist Party in 2021 and then the centennial of the People's Republic in 2049, its economy will be 40% larger than the U.S. economy by the first date and three times larger by the second date, measured by purchasing power parity. With stakes that high, the secondary questions are crucial. Does Beijing have the wherewithal to achieve such lofty aims, and can the U.S. and Europe alter that trajectory? The answer to both questions is yes, but ... Chinese leaders' reawakened sense of destiny is a much more overpowering force than is generally understood in Washington, D.C. Financial markets and Western political capitals are littered with those who have underestimated the durability of China's rise. That said, China's slowing economy, the loss of manufacturing jobs, and its increasingly autocratic system introduces new vulnerabilities. There's a higher level of grumbling among its business elites, political class and foreign investors. Given the choice, most countries in the world still would rather navigate a world order where the United States is the dominant actor rather than China. For that to be an option, however, the U.S. and Europe will have to change course in three respects. First, they will have to address domestic challenges that have made their democratic and economic models less appealing globally. They will have to reinvigorate and, in some cases, reinvent the multilateral systems they and others created after World War II. Finally, they must find a way to act together to more intensively and more effectively engage with China to shape the future collaborating with China where possible and competing where necessary. As it's now clear what China wants, a coordinated U.S. and European response grows more urgent. Frederick Kempe is a best-selling author, prize-winning journalist and president & CEO of the Atlantic Council, one of the United States' most influential think tanks on global affairs. He worked at The Wall Street Journal for more than 25 years as a foreign correspondent, assistant managing editor and as the longest-serving editor of the paper's European edition. His latest book "Berlin 1961: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth" was a New York Times best-seller and has been published in more than a dozen languages. Follow him on Twitter @FredKempe and subscribe here to Inflection Points, his look each Saturday at the past week's top stories and trends. For more insight from CNBC contributors, follow @CNBCopinion on Twitter. Like Amazon, Google stores and collects the things you say to its assistant on your phone, computer or smart speaker, like the Google Home. Google's privacy page says it does this to "help you get better results using your voice," and that it only does this after you say "OK Google" to learn the sound of your voice and how you speak certain words and phrases. Google has a whole host of things I've said saved to its servers. It has when I asked the temperature back on Sept. 2, 2014, for example, and everything I've asked since then. It has a recording of my voice or my wife's asking Google Assistant everything such as playing music, turning off the bedroom lights, getting directions. Normally, this isn't a big deal. I don't mind if it saves a few commands for the sake of creating a better product. But I know that Google can get a better picture of my entire life the more data it has, so I'm glad I can delete all of these recordings. Like me, you might not want Google to save this information, or you might want to review all of the commands you've ever spoken. Over the past year, Google has made it a lot easier to see the sorts of information it collects, and gives you better controls over stopping it from gathering some specific data. You can turn it off completely, but just note that this might affect how well Google responds. You can always turn it back on if you run in to trouble. Today's retirees are active and want to continue being productive in some way. Klaus Tiedge/Blend Images | Getty Images The fastest-growing segment of the American workforce is employees age 65 and older. The reasons are many. Over the past decade, real wage growth has stagnated, pensions have disappeared, workers are delaying claiming Social Security benefits to maximize payouts, and lifespans are longer, leaving seniors worried they will burn through their retirement savings way too soon. According to a Gallup 2018 survey of 1,015 adults age 18 and older across the United States, 41 percent of participants who are not retired plan to leave the job market at age 66 or older, a figure that has risen from 12 percent in the 1995 study and 26 percent in 2004. This number will likely keep growing. Yet this hasn't changed the way most companies talk about their hiring priorities. Many firms today focus more intently on how to recruit and retain millennials, and they base success on the percentage of their workers that now come from this younger generation. Some job postings mention a "maximum number of years experience" or use a date-of-birth dropdown menu without an applicant's birth year listed. Words like "overqualified" can be code for too expensive. A corporate culture described as "fun" can suggest a workplace for the young. It is difficult for older workers to master the difficult interview process, and make discrimination claims once in a job. Older workers are encountering widespread age discrimination, according to AARP. According to its 2018 Multicultural Work and Jobs Study, 61 percent of respondents over the age of 45 reported seeing or experiencing age-based discrimination in the workplace. What's more, senior workers are in a weakened position when it comes to a crucial workplace protection based on a recent Supreme Court decision and the legal safeguards that shield against wrongful termination or demotion, like claims covered under the Civil Rights Act. "It's an open secret, and everyone knows it happens all the time, but few people stand up and say it's wrong," said Cathy Ventrell-Monsees, a senior attorney at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. "When it comes to age discrimination stereotyping and comments they seem too common." Applicants and employees age 40 and older are protected from age discrimination in employment under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, or ADEA, which was created in 1967 as an extension of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which doesn't cover age discrimination. A 2009 Supreme Court ruling in "Gross v. FBL Financial Services, Inc.," however, set a higher bar for employees to prove that age was the deciding factor in an age discrimination claim that wasn't applied similarly to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Congress introduces bipartisan legislation There is a new effort on Capitol Hill to restore the pre-Gross standard and allow workers to use "any type of admissible evidence" to prove age discrimination. The Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act, also known as POWADA, was recently introduced by powerful sponsors: Sens. Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa; and Bob Casey, a Democrat from Pennsylvania. In the House it is being sponsored by Reps. Bobby Scott, a Democrat from Virginia; and Jim Sensenbrenner, a Republican from Wisconsin. But similar legislation has been introduced twice before, and Boston-based employment lawyer Shannon Liss-Riordan said it has never been enough of a focus to muster the votes to pass. "I think this act is very important to strengthen protections for older workers so they're not excluded from the workforce earlier than they want to be based on bias," Liss-Riordan said. In 1991, Congress amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to incorporate what is known as a mixed-motives model for discrimination claims, which meant that if the employee demonstrated that the person's race, color, religion, sex or national origin was a motivating factor in the adverse action, like demoting or firing, placed on the employee, the burden of proof shifted to the employer. If the employer could demonstrate that it would have taken the same action in the absence of those factors, the court could still hold the employer liable for the discriminatory action, but the employer would avoid paying damages, although the employee could still be awarded attorneys' fees. The question remained whether the mixed-motives model applied to age, but the court's decision in "Gross" established that it would not apply similarly to the ADEA. This placed a heavier burden of proving age discrimination on the employee rather than shifting it to the employer as it is under Title VII. The recently introduced legislation would restore the legitimacy of mixed-motive claims that would allow plaintiffs to prove age is a motivating factor, if not the deciding factor, in the negative actions taken against them, according to the act. "For both older workers and employers, this bill is something they should be paying attention to," said Cristina Martin Firvida, vice president for financial security at AARP. The bill could have a better chance in this legislative session now that one of its key sponsors, Rep. Scott, is chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor, Martin Firvida said. Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine and chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, has also thrown her support behind the bill. "As more Americans are choosing to remain in the workforce longer, it is imperative that older workers are protected against age-based discrimination," said Senator Casey in an email. "An important first step is to pass my bill, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act, that would make it easier for workers to fight back against age discrimination and has bipartisan support in both the Senate and House. With 10,000 people turning 65 every day, the time to act is now and I think Congress is taking note." Rick Rossein, professor and employment law expert at City University of New York School of Law, said the legislation would also combat stereotypes that arise about older employees, especially in industries like technology. This would include instances where people are terminated or demoted because their skills don't meet the company's needs, rather than the employers providing training programs to bring older employees up to speed. Government sees rise in diverse age claims The EEOC also has seen an increase in age discrimination filings from older women and minorities since 2010, said Ventrell-Monsees, a senior attorney at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Older women receive more rejections in the hiring process than men, in addition to minorities. The percentage of workers 55 or older participating in the labor force has grown significantly since 2000, and the EEOC found in a study that the number of black and Asian people filing charges of age discrimination nearly doubled compared to 1990 figures. "In the charges the EEOC receives, there's been a significant increase in the diversity of people filing age discrimination charges," Ventrell-Monsees said. "In 1980s data, it's mostly white men. Now filings from older workers of color have increased." It's difficult for someone to push back against employers, because there's a lot of fear of being retaliated against. Shannon Liss-Riordan Boston-based employment lawyer Technology has made it easier in recent years for companies to target job candidates by age in ways that can be seen as discriminatory based on federal law. Facebook, which was sued in March by the U.S. government's Department of Housing and Urban Development for targeting certain consumers for housing ads, also allowed advertisers in recent years to target younger users with job advertisements while withholding the ads from older Facebook users. Facebook banned that advertising practice earlier this month, before the housing lawsuit. A Facebook spokesman told The Washington Post that the company was "surprised" by HUD's decision to sue and had been working with HUD to address concerns and has "taken significant steps to prevent ads discrimination." He said Facebook and HUD talks were complicated by the government agency's request for access to user data. "While we were eager to find a solution, HUD insisted on access to sensitive information," the Facebook spokesman said, adding that the company continues to work with civil rights groups on the issue. Other large companies are facing legal issues related to older workers. Liss-Riordan, the Boston-based employment lawyer, is working with former IBM employees on age-based discrimination claims. Her legal actions on behalf of employees contend that the tech company systematically laid off older workers while actively investing in new, younger employees. So far, Liss-Riordan has filed over 60 arbitration cases against the company and said another roughly 60 employees who were not subject to arbitration clauses in separation contracts from the company have opted into a separate class-action. A partner at Lichten & Liss-Riordan, her workplace lawsuits have targeted Amazon, Google and, most recently, a lawsuit against Uber challenging the company's classification of drivers as independent contractors that was settled for $20 million. Liss-Riordan, a potential political star rising, recently announced she's considering a primary challenge against Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey. There was also a separate lawsuit filed by a group of former IBM employees in the federal district court in New York City on March 27 that charges the company with improperly preventing workers from joining together to charge IBM with discrimination. The employees are asking the court to invalidate a written agreement they made with IBM that requires them to waive their right to challenge the company in court in exchange for severance pay. If they win, it could expose the company to potential lawsuits from thousands of former IBM workers laid off in recent years. The case against IBM comes after a ProPublica investigation alleged that 20,000 U.S.-based IBM employees ages 40 and over had been laid off as the company restocked with younger, less-experienced and lower-paid workers. IBM defended its heavy investment in skills and retraining programs in response to the ProPublica investigation, with an IBM spokesman telling the publication, "We are proud of our company and our employees' ability to reinvent themselves era after era, while always complying with the law. Our ability to do this is why we are the only tech company that has not only survived but thrived for more than 100 years." An IBM spokesman told CNBC, "IBM does not discriminate, and makes its employment decisions based on skills, not age." At CNBC's recent @ Work Talent + HR Summit, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty told the audience the company spends nearly $500 million on retraining employees and consistently evaluates its employees' skills to remain relevant to the company and the market. "I think one of the most important things we all can do is give people clear paths to opportunity," Rometty said. "One would be transparency of what the skills are needed in the company." A close-up of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket during launch. SpaceX Even though it wasn't the rocket's debut, "there's been a lot of anticipation" for the massive Falcon Heavy rocket's first commercial launch, said Ann Kim, a managing director at Silicon Valley Bank. SpaceX flew Falcon Heavy flawlessly on Thursday, putting into orbit a large Saudi Arabian communications satellite. But to Kim, while the launch's execution may have been as dazzling as its maiden flight last year, the classification of Falcon Heavy's second flight made it far more important. "To actually classify a launch as commercial, not as a test, is huge," Ann Kim, managing director of the bank's frontier technology group, told CNBC. Silicon Valley Bank is a California-based technology-focused bank, with $57 billion in assets as of the end of 2018. "It's an inflection point," Kim added. SpaceX launches the Falcon Heavy rocket on its first commercial mission. SpaceX Falcon Heavy ranks as the most powerful rocket in the world, with 27 engines creating 5.1 million pounds of thrust the equivalent of about 18 Boeing 747 aircraft combined. For all the rocket's gusto, however, the question of whether Falcon Heavy would succeed in both winning contracts and launching valuable payloads remained. Falcon Heavy was unveiled in 2011 and, following development delays, Kim said "critics were thinking: 'When will revenue truly be generated?'" The maiden launch did not carry a paying customer, but rather launched SpaceX CEO Elon Musk's car into orbit around the sun. The demonstration flight was enough for a few customers to sign on. Over the past year, the manifest of Falcon Heavy grew to five contracted missions. Two of those launch contracts came from the Air Force, showing key support from a customer with likely the world's highest rocket standards. So until Falcon Heavy's launch on Thursday, Musk's company had yet to deliver on the money it had been paid for the rocket. That, more than anything, set the second flight of Falcon Heavy apart, Kim believes. "Revenue creation is so important because it confirms that there are buyers out there," Kim said. Beyond contracts for national security launches and large satellites, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy is also under consideration for lucrative exploration missions. NASA's latest budget revealed an increased reliance on private companies like SpaceX, with the door now open for Falcon Heavy to launch missions that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And, Kim noted, delivering for a customer isn't just important for getting more contracts. Falcon Heavy bringing in more money also begets increased investment in the broader company. "Once the revenue turns on, that's when a whole host of other investors begin to come in," Kim said. A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket lifts off from historic launch pad 39-A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S., February 6, 2018. Joe Skipper | Reuters Dara Khosrowshahi, now CEO of Uber, on July 7, 2016 in Sun Valley, Idaho Drew Angerer | Getty While Uber and Lyft, the top two ride-hailing services in the US, may comprise a duopoly the companies shouldn't be valued the same way. Uber is known as a ride-hailing business and so is Lyft. Both companies offer ride-sharing, carpooling, bike and scooter rentals for short trips on-demand. But the comparisons should probably stop there. In its S-1 filing, Uber reveals that it is already generating significant revenue from business units that it grouped into three broad categories: Personal Mobility, Uber Eats and Uber Freight. It's also operating in 63 countries and more than 700 cities while Lyft remains focused on transportation only, in just the US and Canada. Even within the "personal mobility" category, Uber's business is significantly more complex than Lyft's. Personal mobility Uber application logo is seen on a screen in front of taxi board in Ankara, Turkey on August 31, 2018. Ali Balikci | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images In its S-1 filing, Uber says it aims to provide everyone on its platform with a "safe, reliable, affordable, and convenient trip within a few minutes of tapping a button," and to provide independent drivers with a "reliable and flexible way to earn money." In the US alone, customers can book a ride via 12 different in-app options including UberX, Uber Select, and other services like Assist for passengers who need help getting into the vehicle and at their destination. Uber Pool gives passengers heading in the same direction a way to carpool and pay less per ride. The Uber app even allows passengers to hail a traditional taxi if they choose in US cities, and in some locations Uber lets users book a rental car via an integration with a rental app called Getaround. Last year, Uber also made big moves into what it's calling "new mobility." It acquired JUMP, the electric bike-sharing company, and invested in Lime, another bike and scooter sharing start-up, for example. Nearly three-quarters of Uber rides were generated outside the states in the last quarter of 2018, though. New York-based Jump Bikes brought dockless bike sharing to the U.S. To build its international footprint, Uber has struck deals and bought a stake in: Beijing-based Didi Chuxing, China's ride-hailing leader; Singapore-based Grab, which dominates the Southeast Asian market; and a joint venture with Yandex, simply called Yandex.Taxi, in Russia. It is also in the midst of a $3 billion deal to acquire Dubai-based Careem to expand in the middle east. In overseas markets, Uber offers additional transportation formats, like Uber Auto and Uber Moto its rickshaw and motorbike hailing options in India, or Uber Bus which lets a passenger reserve a seat on one of Uber's air conditioned mini-buses circulating in Cairo. Uber generated $9.2 billion in revenue from its ride-hailing products last year. Meanwhile, it's working on food delivery and logistics, and diversifying its revenue. Uber Eats A food delivery courier puts an insulated food bag in his UberEats, operated by Uber Technologies Inc. Simon Dawson | Bloomberg | Getty Images Uber Eats, which Uber launched about four years ago, generated $1.5 billion in revenue in 2018. According to its IPO prospectus, 15 million people got a meal using Uber Eats in the fourth-quarter of 2018. More than 220,000 restaurants allow their customers to order their food for delivery via Uber Eats in over 500 cities globally. Uber also works with so-called virtual restaurants that produce meals or meal kits in commercial kitchens but do not have a front-of-room where they serve patrons. Uber Eats helps the company tap into non-transportation revenue, and keep drivers on the Uber platform. During hours when there isn't as much demand for rides from passengers, drivers can opt to make food deliveries. Further, Uber can put drivers to work on food deliveries even if they don't have a vehicle that would meet the requirements for taking passengers around. That's important for Uber, in part because it had just 3.9 million drivers on its platform in the last quarter of 2018, serving 91 million "monthly active platform consumers" using Uber's services during that same period. Uber Freight An even newer proposition for Uber is its logistics play, Uber Freight. The company launched its Uber Freight app in 2017 to link shippers of goods to carriers who can haul them. Named competitors to Uber Freight range from start-ups like Convoy to massive logistics businesses like DHL and CH Robinson. In the fourth-quarter of 2018, Uber Freight generated more than $125 million in revenue and scored Uber some impressive business customers, with constant shipping needs including: Anheuser-Busch InBev, Niagara, Land O'Lakes, and Colgate-Palmolive. Uber Advanced Technology Group In the future, Uber plans to give its users an air taxi option via Uber Elevate, which could entail autonomous passenger drones moving people above traffic from landing pad to landing pad. And Uber has been investing in and developing its own self-driving software via its Uber Advanced Technologies Group (Uber ATG), more famously. Its early experiments in driverless tech mired Uber in a legal battle and costly settlement with Waymo, and worse, led to a fatal accident involving an Uber self-driving vehicle that struck and killed a woman in Tempe, Arizona last year during a test on public roads with a safety driver in the car. Despite all the human and business risks and costs, Uber maintains ambitions in high-risk areas like self-driving cars. Uber's growth story Julian Assange gestures to the media from a police vehicle on his arrival at Westminster Magistrates court on April 11, 2019 in London, England. More than 70 British lawmakers have urged the government to make sure that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces Swedish justice if prosecutors there reopen a rape allegation against him. The lawmakers signed a letter late Friday urging Home Secretary Sajid Javid to "do everything you can to champion action that will ensure Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden in the event Sweden makes an extradition request." Sweden suspended its investigation into possible serious sexual misconduct against Assange two years ago because he was beyond their reach while he was living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London with political asylum status. He was arrested Thursday after Ecuador withdrew his asylum. Assange is now in Belmarsh Prison in southeast London, waiting to be sentenced for jumping bail in Britain and facing an extradition request from the United States on charges of conspiring to break into a Pentagon computer. WikiLeaks says he will fight the U.S. extradition request and has been meeting with his legal team to plan his defense. If Britain receives competing extradition requests, lawyers say the Home Secretary would have some leeway in deciding which takes priority. Considerations usually include which request came first and which alleged crime is more serious. Most of the lawmakers who signed the letter are from the opposition Labour Party, whose leader, Jeremy Corbyn, wants Britain to refuse to send Assange to the U.S. After Assange's arrest, Corbyn praised him for exposing U.S. atrocities committed in Iraq and Afghanistan when WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of confidential U.S. documents in 2010. Some Conservative Party members are also backing the move. Prominent lawmaker Alistair Burt, a former Foreign Office minister, said the "minimizing of the issues in relation to sexual assault are really quite disturbing." He said the testimony of the women who have been involved makes it "essential" that Assange face justice, to either be cleared or convicted. British politicians are free to lobby the government for a certain course of action, but it's up to the courts to decide whether the U.S. request for Assange's extradition and a possible future request from Sweden should be honored. The Home Secretary, a senior Cabinet official, has some leeway to block extradition under certain specific circumstances, including cases where a person facing extradition might face capital punishment or torture in that country. Assange, 47, has denied the sexual misconduct allegations, which he claims are politically motivated. He has not had a chance to enter a plea in response to the U.S. charge, but he has claimed that all of his WikiLeaks actions are those of a legitimate journalist. When he took up residence inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2012, it was to avoid answering the sexual allegations against him in Sweden, which had sought his extradition for questioning. He also sought refuge because of fears that Sweden would ultimately extradite him to the U.S. Swedish prosecutors opened an investigation into Assange after two women accused him of sexual offenses during a 2010 visit to Sweden. Some of the sexual misconduct accusations are no longer viable because their time ran out. But Swedish prosecutors have said a rape case could be reactivated before the statute of limitations for that ends in August 2020. After Assange's arrest, Swedish prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson was tapped to look into a request from a lawyer for one of the accusers, to find out whether the case can be pursued. Elisabeth Massi Fritz, the lawyer for the woman who reported being raped by Assange, told The Associated Press that she would "do everything" to have the Swedish case reopened so Assange can be extradited to Sweden and prosecuted. The extradition process is not swift, and Assange could appeal several times if decisions go against him. It's expected that it would take a year or longer for him to be sent to the United States or possibly to Sweden even if he ultimately loses in court. Colorado Politics is published both in print and online. Our website features subscriber-only news stories daily, designed for public policy arena professionals. Member subscribers also receive the weekly print edition of our award-winning newspaper, containing outstanding features and news stories, in their mailboxes every Saturday. Dr Rami Ranger CBE is a founder and Chairman of Sun Mark Ltd, and Sea, Air & Land Forwarding Ltd. He is the Co-Chairman of the Conservative Friends of India. This week, our Prime Minister described the 1919 Amritsar massacre as a shameful scar on Britains history with India and it is just that. A scar, a past wound that has healed but will never be forgotten. The 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre will be marked by Sikh communities not only in this country but across the world on Saturday. On that day, 100 years ago, British Indian Army soldiers under the command of Brigadier-General Dyer fired into an unarmed crowd, killing hundreds of protestors in just 10 minutes, the majority of whom were Sikh. As a proud Sikh and Chair of the British Sikh Associations it is an anniversary that I observe each year to remember all those who suffered and died as a result of this tragedy. Yet I also share the view of Foreign Office minister, Mark Field, who has said he believes what while we must always remember the past and learn lessons from it, the best way of all to honour the memory of all those who suffered and died at Jallianwala Bagh is to celebrate and build upon the partnership that Britain and India enjoy today. While the UK is one of the worlds oldest democracies, India is the worlds largest which is why our continued collaboration is a force for global good. As Chairman of Conservative Friends of India, I am committed to continuing to build on UK-India relations and I am honoured to have received awards for my work promoting and enhancing our established business links. The strength of the Anglo-Indian partnership reflects Indias emerging stature and standing in the world as a positive economic, social and political force. Our partnership is based on shared values and a commitment to continued mutual prosperity and security. As the owner of a global distribution business, I can attest to the close collaboration and business links we enjoy with India. In fact, trade and investment are growing rapidly and we are each among the top investors in the others economy. Not only that but UK exports to India last year amounted to around 7.6 billion and imports to the UK were over 12 billion. Indian-owned businesses like mine have created 110,000 jobs in the UK and in turn, talented Indian workers have come to Britain. In fact, this country has issued more skilled work visas to India that all other countries combined. What is more, the Indian contribution to the UK economy continues to grow with the numbers of Indian people working, studying and visiting the UK steadily increasing. In 2018, there was a 35 per cent increase in student visas, a six per cent increase in working visas and a ten per cent increase in visit visas. The Grant Thornton India meets Britain tracker for 2018 noted that there are 800 Indian companies operating in this country with their diverse range of investments demonstrating their long-term commitment to the UK. However, despite this close economic partnership, our enduring connection to India is through people and the migrant communities which I am immensely proud to be part of. As a British Indian, I am part of the UKs largest diaspora community. There 1.5 million Indians living in the UK from across the countrys Sikh, Hindu and Muslim communities. My generation and the generation before us successfully integrated into this country and have prospered. But we have sustained our cultural and familial links to our ancestral home. That is why it is incredibly important that we remember and acknowledge the scars in our Anglo-Indian history such as the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. But I am determined that, while we mark the tragedies in our past, we focus on celebrating our current partnership and enduring friendship with India so we are able to continue to capitalise on our diaspora link to one of the worlds largest economies and most vibrant and diverse countries. Close Antibiotic resistance is an emerging global public health threat spurred by the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. While "overuse" of antibiotics is widely accepted as a major health challenge, it is less well known that many people in low- and middle-income countries continue to die because they lack access to antibiotics. The majority of the world's annual 5.7 million antibiotic-treatable deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries where the mortality burden from treatable bacterial infections far exceeds the estimated annual 700,000 deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections. In a new report, titled "Access Barriers to Antibiotics," (available online here) researchers at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) conducted stakeholder interviews in Uganda, India, and Germany, and literature reviews to identify key access barriers to antibiotics in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. The report makes several recommendations proposing action on antibiotic and diagnostics research and development, strengthening regulatory capacities, encouraging the development and diversification of quality local manufacturing, exploring innovative funding to reduce out-of-pockets payments, raising awareness, and improving clinical treatment guidelines. "Lack of access to antibiotics kills more people currently than does antibiotic resistance, but we have not had a good handle on why these barriers are created." said Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan, CDDEP director and a co-author of the report. The findings of the report show that even after the discovery of a new antibiotic, regulatory hurdles and substandard health facilities delay or altogether prevent widespread market entry and drug availability," explains Dr. Laxminarayan. "Our research shows that of 21 new antibiotics entering markets between 1999 and 2014, less than five were registered in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Just the mere existence of an effective antibiotic does not mean that they are available in countries where they are most needed." Health facilities in many low- and middle-income countries are substandard and lack staff who are properly trained in administering antibiotics. In Uganda, 10 to 54 percent of health staff posts are unfilled because of poor pay, high stress, lack of resources, and poor management. Staffing on wards is inadequate to administer medicines, patients miss antibiotic doses, and public nurses sometimes request compensation for administering medicines. In India, there is one government doctor for every 10,189 people (the World Health Organization [WHO] recommends a ratio of 1:1,000), or a deficit of 600,000 doctors, and the nurse:patient ratio is 1:483, implying a shortage of 2 million nurses. In low- and middle-income countries, weak drug supply chains fail to make antibiotics consistently available. In Uganda, researchers found that many products were stored and transported long distances without cold-chain temperature control, and only 47 percent of medicines on the WHO's Essential Medicines List were procured through the centralized authority, resulting in chronic shortages. Moreover, public-private supply chain delivery systems were not leveraged to improve drug availability outside specific programs. Lack of oversight and regulation in the drug manufacturing and supply chain leads to poor drug quality and falsified medicines; 17 percent of the substandard or falsified medicines reported to the WHO are antibiotics, and each year, more than 169,000 childhood pneumonia deaths are caused by falsified antibiotics, researchers reported. Even when antibiotics are available, patients are often unable to afford them. High out-of-pocket medical costs to the patient are compounded by limited government spending for health services. In Uganda, where just 8.9 percent of the national budget goes to health services, 41 percent of health expenditure is out-of-pocket, and 23 percent of households spend more than 10 percent of their income on healthcare. Moreover, limited government spending results in drug shortages in public health facilities which forces patients to go to private pharmacies or drugstores to buy medicines that should be provided free. In India, 65 percent of health expenditure is out-of-pocket, versus 13 percent in Germany, and such expenditures push some 57 million people into poverty each year in India alone. Worldwide, the irrational use of antibiotics and poor antimicrobial stewardship lead to treatment failure and propagate the spread of drug resistance which, in turn, further narrows the available array of effective antibiotics. Finally, research and development for new antimicrobials, vaccines, and diagnostic tests has slowed since the 1960s as profitable investment in this area is limited by low sales volumes, short duration of treatment, competition with established products and less expensive generics, and the possibility that resistance will rapidly emerge. National governments, policymakers, pharmaceutical companies, public and private healthcare institutions, and international public health bodies all have a role to play in improving access to antibiotics worldwide. While interventions to improve access must take into account differences among countries, the researchers provided the following recommendations to address key barriers and improve access to antibiotics: Encourage research and development of new or improved antibiotics, diagnostic tests, vaccines, and alternatives to antibiotics for bacterial infections, Support the registration of antibiotics in more countries according to clinical need, Develop and implement national treatment guidelines for the use of antimicrobials, Explore innovative funding for essential antibiotics, Ensure the quality of antibiotics and strengthen pharmaceutical regulatory capacity, and Encourage local manufacturing for cost-effective antibiotics. See Now: What Republicans Don't Want You To Know About Obamacare Close LSTM's Senior Clinical Lecturer, Dr Shevin Jacob is corresponding author on a perspective piece published in the New England Journal of Medicine calling for universal standards of care to be applied in relation to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). The paper comes during an ongoing outbreak of EVD in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), its 10th since the disease was first described in 1976. Historically, response to EVD outbreaks has centred around a strategy to 'identify, isolate and track' patients with EVD as a means of curtailing its spread and eventually eliminating the disease. Dr Jacob and his colleagues explain that this approach, however, was often quite minimalistic when it came to supportive care for patients with EVD and occurred alongside a high mortality often fuelling community mistrust and resistance to broader outbreak control efforts. Dr Jacob and his colleagues go on further to explain that while the clinical teams including national staff, the World Health Organization (WHO) clinical expert team, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and other non-government organisations (NGOs) aimed to improve outcomes by administering more aggressive supportive care from the start of the 2013-16 West African outbreak, providing this level of care was not without challenges. As the epidemic progressed, factors such as the limited number of health workers available to treat EVD patients meant that such care could not be delivered consistently. This reality was in direct contrast to those cases that were treated in Europe or the United States, where aggressive supportive care could be delivered, and the overall mortality was much lower. Dr Jacob suggests: "Supportive care for EVD patients continues to evolve and 'glimmers of hope' for improving standards of care for EVD patients can be seen in the context of the current outbreak in DRC." For instance, recent innovations such as the The Alliance for International Medical Action's Cube System, a portable biosecure individual patient room, allow for more patient-centred care through continuous observation and improved accessibility. With these visible changes, the co-authors advocate that: "It should be no longer acceptable to have standards of care for EVD which depend on the setting, higher standards are no longer aspirational but possible and we should strive to provide people who are sick and suffering with the care that we ourselves would want to receive." See Now: What Republicans Don't Want You To Know About Obamacare The only main port of Istanbul, Galataport, aims to serve 1.5 million passengers per year upon completion in March 2020. Galataport is a port that highly differentiates from similar investments in this sector due to being the historical port of Istanbul and due to its location. The new terminal, which we plan to open in March 2020, is designed under the ground with a project to be implemented for the first time in the world. According to this planning, the customs bonded area is sequestered from the rest of the site with a special three-meter long rising hatch. We will make a significant contribution to Istanbul's ship tourism potential with this planning in line with the needs of all cruise ships. Our new terminal is built on a 20 thousand square meter area with high technology and high standards. This unique coastline, which has been closed to access for nearly 200 years, will be opened to the use of Istanbulites and visitors of the city with this plan," said CEO of Galataport Istanbul Port Management and Investments Inc. Erdem Tavas. Figen Ayan, Vice President of Cruise Operation of Galataport Istanbul Port Management and Investments Inc., said a new era in cruise tourism will start with the launch of Galataport in Istanbul and underlined that they started to take reservations for 2020 and 2021. The number of confirmed ship reservations for 2020 for the moment has exceeded 50," said Ayan. "The majority of these reservations are homeport reservations, which shows that the cruise lines chose Galataport as the main port. This development is of great importance for the tourism of our country and Istanbul. The cruise companies that have made reservations so far include the Carnival Corporation and the Royal Caribbean -- the top two cruise lines in the world-- as well as such lines as the Holland America Cruise Line, Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Celestial Cruises, Le Ponant, Silversea Cruises, Fred Olsen Cruises, Marella Cruises and Windstar. Ayan added that when the port of Galataport is completed, three large ships will be able to dock at the same time and can host an average of 15,000 cruise passengers per day. The Virgin Islands Port Authority (VIP)A presented its renewed vision for the Crown Bay and Subbase District on St. Thomas on Wednesday in Miami Beach. VIPAs Acting Executive Director Damian Cartwright and Scott Laguex of Moffat and Nichols (project designer) outlined the first draft of the 20-year plan for the district to obtain feedback. The new outlook for the Crown Bay/Subbase district includes plans to improve the cruise visitor experience and attract the local community b expanding the commercial areas; introducing new water transportation options; improving walking and biking pathways; better access to tours and other excursions; and preserving the rich U.S. naval history of the district by remodeling the former military buildings in the area, according to a statement. VIPA also plans work with the VI Department of Public Works to redesign Highway 304 Subbase Road to allow the construction of new facilities and improve the flow of traffic. Community and cruise visitor outreach played a vital role in developing the vision plan. Both audiences were polled at two public meetings, and online and in-person surveys were conducted to gather feedback and determine the priorities of the redevelopment, according to a statement. VIPA will announce the date for an upcoming charrette to share the first draft of the plan with the community. Attending the presentation were VIPA Boards Vice Chairperson Dr. Yvonne Thraen, Board Secretary Marvin Forbes and Tourism Commissioner Designee Joseph Boschulte. VIPAs Acting Assistant Executive Director/St. Thomas and St. John Marine Manager Angelo Raimondi and Deputy Executive Director Anise Hodge were also present at the unveiling of the vision plan. BRIDGEPORT Juliette Sabo, a Stop & Shop employee for 38 years, was one of about 70 people gathered at the Bridgeport Stop & Shop on Main Street Friday night. She was supported by her family daughters Emily Sabo and Mary-Elizabeth Sabo, son Louis Sabo III and Mary-Elizabeths husband Tim Delaney. Im not fighting for me. Im good. Im fighting for everybody underneath me, she said. She said employees should be able to work full-time for a fair wage and benefits. Stop & Shop workers statewide went on strike starting Thursday after the 600 members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 371 which represents workers in most of Connecticut voted in early March to strike as negotiations with the grocery chain stalled. Union members say they are fighting against elimination of Sunday premium pay for new hires, automation, increases to workers health care and pension contributions and exclusion of spouses from insurance policies. Stop & Shop said it proposed a good and reasonable offer to local unions, including pay increased, continued health care benefits and increased company contributions to the unions benefit pension fund. I am the product of a Stop & Shop family, said Emily Sabo, who is a business representative for the UFCW Local 919. Were going to stay outside until we get a fair contract. In the city Friday night, some city and state politicians gathered in solidarity with strikers. Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, state Sen. Marilyn Moore, City Council members, Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz, State Rep. Chris Rosario and state Sen. Richard Blumenthal stood in solidarity with the strikers and offered them support and encouragement. No matter how long it takes, Ill be on the picket line with you, said City Councilman Ernie Newton. Bysiewicz, who said she shops at her local Stop & Shop store in Middletown weekly, said she was there on behalf of herself and Gov. Ned Lamont. We want you to know we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you in this fight, she said. I will not be shopping (at the Middletown Stop & Shop) this weekend. Blumenthal commended strikers, adding that they are on the (picket) line for working families across America. Ganim told employees that the city would stand with them on the picket line whatever it takes. Rosario called the workers the backbone of the company. Throughout the speeches, there were various chants, including no robots, dont stop, dont shop and they wont win. Its not just about the money, its about respect, said Blumenthal, who raced back from Washington, D.C., to show his support to strikers in Bridgeport. Were going to keep fighting for you. Moore, whos district oversees the Main Street Stop & Shop, said countless residents rely on the employees of the grocery store on a weekly basis. Im not crossing the line for anybody, Moore said. Bridgeport City Council President Aidee Nieves said the community has to stick together with the strikers. Lets stop the shopping and take care of our people, she said. Editors note: This story has been edited from an earlier version to amend the list of issues that led Stop & Shop workers to strike. MILFORD Locker number 43 in the Milford Police Department remains empty to this day. The locker once belonged to Milford Police Officer Daniel Wasson. But Wasson, 25, was killed during a motor vehicle stop on Boston Post Road on Sunday, April 12, 1987. Milford police said on Facebook on Friday that they would never forget Wasson. Early Friday morning, recruits and staff from Platoon 27 of the Regional Police Academy paid their respects at Wassons grave site on Cherry Street in Milford and ran from there to a small ceremony in the parking lot of Bowlero in Milford, adjacent to where Wasson was killed. On April 12, 1987, Wasson and his K9 General pulled over a driver for a motor vehicle stop. The driver shot Wasson, who was found by a passing driver with a single, fatal gunshot wound to the chest. Wasson joined the police force on March 1, 1985, and had been commended three times for his performance on the force. Wasson was a U.S. Air Force veteran. His badge number 60 was retired. General was retired from police service and adopted by Wassons family. When he later died, he was buried near Wassons grave. Wasson is buried in Kings Highway Cemetery in Milford. The empty locker is meant to serve as a reminder that Wasson made the ultimate sacrifice when he died in the line of duty that day. The shooter, Bridgeport resident Thomas Hoyesen, was allegedly on a three-day cocaine binge when he killed Wasson, police said. He was later sentenced to life in prison with no parole. MIDDLTOWN - The Common Council on Thursday took up the question of whether the city should go on record opposing Gov. Lamonts proposal to install tolls on state roads. When the dust settled, the council wound up with a muddle, with a yes vote meaning no to tolls, and several councilors dismissing the entire exercise as a feel-good action with no real impact. Five council members, led by Gerald E. Daley and Minority Leader Sebastian Giuliano, voted to approve the non-binding resolution - which means they voted to oppose the installation of tolls. Five councilors, led by Majority Leader Mary Bartolotta and Councilor Philip J. Pessina, voted to abstain, saying they await the outcome of ongoing discussions on the issue by the General Assembly. Councilor Rob Blanchard cast the lone no vote, which meant he was opposed to adopting the proposal. There has been general grousing throughout the state about the issue to tolls. But the council was moved to act, Daley said, after receiving an email from resident Todd Bogli, who asked the city to join other communities across the state in expressing their disapproval of the idea of tolls. In introducing a resolution opposing the governors current proposal to implement tolling systems, Daley said he believed tolling may be part of a long-term approach to adequately address our future transportation infrastructure needs. However, he said he was opposed to Lamonts proposal because of serious concerns about the effectiveness, fairness and transparency of the current approach. Specifically, Daley said he objected to Lamonts proposal to remove $250 million in general obligation bonds from the current budget that was earmarked to transportation. Whats more, he said the current tolling proposal could cost up to $300 million, take four years to construct and, critically, not to begin to show revenue until years 5 and 6. What happens with our transportation structure while we are waiting 5 to 7 years for revenue from tolls to start? he asked. He also lamented Lamonts proposal calls for eliminating the gift tax and extending the time for filing estate tax returns from six to nine months. Taken together, those two actions would reduce taxes on Connecticuts wealthiest individuals by $51.6 million over the next two years, he said. Daley also criticized Lamonts proposal to eliminate the tax-free sales week in August and for a proposal to tax text books, bicycle helmets and child car seats. Giuliano said he grew up with toll booths. But, he said residents who dont want to pay tolls will find ways around them, which will lead to congestion on local roads. To say that is not going to have an impact is unrealistic, he said. And that impact means the council is right to take up the issue, he said. However, Pessina said the council should wait until it gets more information. I think were moving too fast without all the facts, he said. And that information should come from one group - Our delegates in Hartford. Theyre the ones who are going to be directly responsible, he said. Beyond that, Pessina said, Its about time the state of Connecticut looks at a bold plan and moves forward. Bartolotta concurred. Let our delegation do their job, she said. I hear from a lot of people who dont want tolls, Councilor Grady L. Faulkner Jr. said. What I dont hear is a solution. He urged the citys legislators convene a series of workshops to get the facts. Beyond that, Faulkner said, One of the things we need to do at the state level is prioritizeabout the needs we do have to do and the things wed like to do. This deep hole the state is in didnt happen overnight, and it wont be solved overnight, Faulkner said. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said U.S. lawmakers calling for an even harder sanctions policy against Iran were grandstanding and vowed that the State Department would ultimately "get it right" when it comes to exerting the needed level of pressure. Pompeo's remarks come days after Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, urged him not to allow a small group of nations to continue purchasing Iranian oil after U.S. sanctions waivers expire next month. The comments exposed a rare rift between prominent Iran hawks such as Pompeo and a group including Cruz and national security adviser John Bolton that favors an even harder-line approach to fulfill a promise of getting Iran's oil exports to zero. Pompeo said accusations that the State Department was easing off a maximum pressure approach were "ludicrous." "People want to tell stories, people want to sell newspapers. I've got it. Congressmen will grandstand, I've got that too. The State Department's going to get it right," he said during an interview with two reporters on his plane en route to Paraguay. "We're going to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran, on the regime, until we get for the Iranian people what it is they deserve: the chance to live a normal life in a state that isn't the world's largest state sponsor of terror." Several countries, including India, Japan, China and Turkey, sought a waiver of the sanctions the Trump administration reimposed after it withdrew from the Iran deal last year. In November, the countries were allowed to continue buying Iranian oil without facing sanctions - an acknowledgment that the administration's Iran policy has been straining U.S. relations with its allies and partners. President Donald Trump, who will announce his decision on the waivers when they expire in early May, has remained out of the fight brewing in his administration over the issue. The decision pits his desire to please pro-Israel constituents who favor a hard-line Iran policy against his desire to keep oil prices low. Taking millions of barrels of Iranian oil off the market could at some point impact American consumers at the gas pump, especially as the oil market supply tightens. Cruz and others have sided with pro-Israel voices calling for a zero-tolerance policy. "Let me urge you and urge the department unequivocally not to grant the nuclear waivers and not to grant the oil waivers," Cruz told Pompeo during a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday. "I think maximum pressure should mean maximum pressure." Pompeo, who has appeared more successful than most Cabinet members in anticipating Trump's wishes, said during the interview Friday that "the whole world can have confidence that the State Department will be on the president's team." "I think the data will bear that out as well," he said. In the 24 hours since President Donald Trump escalated an attack on Rep. Ilhan Omar by tweeting a video of her spliced with footage of the burning twin towers, Democrats have accused him of Islamophobia, inciting violence and politicizing one of America's gravest tragedies. The swift condemnation started Friday afternoon, after Trump shared the video with his millions of followers, along with the caption "We Will Never Forget." Omar, D-Minn., a Somali refugee who made history as one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress last year, has been the target of conservative criticism this past week, after right-wing media outlets began sharing comments she made about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to a largely Muslim audience last month. At a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) event, Omar spoke about the discrimination Americans Muslims faced after the terrorist attacks. "For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I'm tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it," she said. Washington Post photo by Salwan Georges "CAIR was founded after 9/11," she went on, "because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. So you can't just say that today someone is looking at me strange and that I am trying to make myself look pleasant. You have to say that, 'This person is looking at me strange. I am not comfortable with it, and I am going to talk to them and ask them why.' Because that is the right you have." (CAIR was actually founded in 1994.) Conservatives began circulating a snippet of the 20-minute speech, highlighting the phrase "some people did something" to suggest Omar had played down the significance of 9/11. As the clip spread, several Republicans questioned Omar's patriotism and loyalty. Things got uglier Thursday, when the New York Post ran a photo of the burning, smoking twin towers on its cover with the headline "Rep. Ilhan Omar: 9/11 Was 'Some People Did Something'." Beneath that, in large bold letters, it said: "Here's your something." A day later, Trump weighed in with his tweet. Democrats responded swiftly, defending Omar and accusing the president of fomenting violence. "Members of Congress have a duty to respond to the President's explicit attack today," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted hours after Trump's missive. "@IlhanMN's life is in danger. For our colleagues to be silent is to be complicit in the outright, dangerous targeting of a member of Congress. We must speak out." Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., responded forcefully as well: "The President is inciting violence against a sitting Congresswoman - and an entire group of Americans based on their religion," she tweeted. "It's disgusting. It's shameful," she went on. "And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it." South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan, also responded late Friday night. "Now, a president uses that dark day to incite his base against a member of Congress, as if for sport. As if we learned nothing that day about the workings of hate," Buttigieg wrote on Twitter. "The president today made America smaller." It's not the first time Trump invoked 9/11 for personal or political gain. On the day the towers fell, Trump mused on a radio show that he now had the tallest building in downtown Manhattan. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he claimed to have helped clean up the rubble, though there is no evidence of him doing so. He also said he lost hundreds of friends in the attack, but could never name one. And he claimed that he saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City cheering the buildings coming down, something that never happened. The president also has a long history of denigrating Muslims. He often suggested President Barack Obama, who is a Christian, was really a Muslim, insinuating that if he were that it would be a negative. In his race for president, Trump declared that "Islam hates us." He also formally proposed banning all Muslims from entering the United States during the presidential campaign. His administration has implemented policies barring citizens of certain Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the United States. "The function of a president is bringing our people together," Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told voters in Gary, Indiana, on Saturday. "Even conservative presidents have understood that." "George W. Bush - I didn't have a lot in common with him. His views were very different than mine," he told the crowd. "But remember what he did after 9/11? He walked into a mosque to say that criminals, terrorists, attacked the United States. Not the Muslim people. That was a conservative Republican. We now have a president who for cheap political gain is trying to divide us up." At a Saturday morning town hall near Charleston, South Carolina, former congressman Beto O'Rourke described the president's tweet to the crowd, then denounced it in a monologue that lasted several minutes. As he recounted the video, crowd members gasped. Then they applauded when O'Rourke said the video echoes the rhetoric the president and his administration have used against Mexican immigrants, asylum seekers and other marginalized groups. "This is an incitement to violence against Congresswoman Omar, against our fellow Americans who happen to be Muslim," O'Rourke added. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., didn't mention Omar specifically in her comments. Instead, she focused on the president's politicizing of the terrorist attacks. "The memory of 9/11 is sacred ground, and any discussion of it must be done with reverence. The President shouldn't use the painful images of 9/11 for a political attack," she said in a statement. "It is wrong for the President, as Commander-in-Chief, to fan the flames to make anyone less safe." Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., the other Muslim woman in Congress, seemed to agree with a tweet criticizing Pelosi's statement for not referencing Omar by name. "They put us in photos when they want to show our party is diverse. However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored," she said. "To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us." This is not the first time Omar has been targeted by the right. Before her congressional term had even begun, Republicans demanded she be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committtee because she had criticized the Israeli government and its treatment of the Palestinians. Then, Omar made two comments about U.S. support for Israel that ignited fresh controversy. Democrats and Republicans accused her of perpetuating anti-Semitic tropes. Pelosi and others condemned Omar's comments about Israel. Republicans, including Trump, have continued to use Omar's comments to try to paint the Democratic Party as anti-Semitic. Omar has said she has received several death threats since taking office. Last weekend, a New York Trump supporter was arrested after he called Omar's office and threatened to put a "bullet through her [expletive] skull." Omar has said she won't be deterred by Trump or anyone else. On Saturday afternoon, she tweeted that she would not be silenced and would not sit on the sidelines. "No one person - no matter how corrupt, inept, or vicious - can threaten my unwavering love for America," she said. "I stand undeterred to continue fighting for equal opportunity in our pursuit of happiness for all Americans." - - - The Washington Post's Eli Rosenberg in Washington; Jenna Johnson in Charleston, South Carolina; and David Weigel in Gary, Indiana, contributed to this report. Added scoring makes Berlin Brothersvalley D5 title contender Berlin won three straight District 5-A girls basketball championships, but missed out on gold the past two seasons. The Mountaineers have pieces to make run this season. Two legislative measures, one designed to assist victims of domestic abuse and the other to support sexual abuse survivors, got attention in Harrisburg last week and drew praise from Chester County sources. The first, Act 79, was signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf. It mandates that those convicted of domestic violence or subject to final Protection From Abuse (PFA) restraining orders surrender their firearms within 24 hours, rather than the current 60 days. In addition, those defendants must surrender their firearms to law enforcement. They cannot give their guns to a friend or family member. The law grew out of legislation first offered by state Sen. Tom Killion, R-9th, of Middletown, whose district covers a portion of Chester County. In a letter to local law enforcement agencies touting the bill, West Chester Police Chief Scott Bohn, praised the new law as a new tool to assist us in this ongoing battle against domestic gun violence across the state. His letter, signed with state Attorney General Josh Shapiro, noted that from 2008 to 2017, 1,200 people died in domestic abuse encounters in the state, and that abused women were five times more likely to be killed by their abuser if he or she owns a firearm. Bohn wrote the letter as president of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. The new law was cited by the Democratic candidate for Chester County District Attorney as a step to make violence victims safer. I appreciate that Governor Wolf has signed Act 79 into law, Deborah Ryan said in a press release issued on Friday. Any step that Pennsylvania takes to provide support of and protection for survivors of violence and abuse in any form is a step in the right direction. The health and quality of our community must be defined by our willingness to safeguard our most vulnerable members. Ryan, a former prosecutor with the DAs Office and head of its Child Abuse Unit, also praised the state House of Representatives for passing two bills that would widen the amount of time that those abused as young people have to pursue criminal and civil penalties against their alleged abusers. House bill 962, passed Wednesday, eliminates the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse crimes, while the proposed constitutional amendment permits a retroactive two-year period for civil lawsuits related to child sexual abuse on cases in which the statute of limitation has expired, she said in her release. Under current law, a child sexual abuse survivor has until the age of 50 to file a criminal complaint and age 30 to file a civil suit. We know that child sexual abuse is one of the most underreported crimes, Ryan, who was responsible for the prosecution of those child abusers, said. At least one in 10 children will experience child sexual abuse before age 18, but most will either delay reporting for months or years, if they come forward at all. (The bill) and a companion constitutional amendment related to sexual abuse will allow survivors to seek the justice they deserve, she said. Child sexual abuse is a public health epidemic, she added. The long-term consequences can have devastating implications, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol addiction and other serious consequences. The bill was supported by nine state representatives from the countys legislative districts. It now moves to the state Senate, where it has drawn support from state Sen. Katie Muth, D-44th, of Montgomery County, whose district covers the northern half of Chester County, among others. An attempt to get comment from incumbent District Attorney Tom Hogan on his position on the two bills was unsuccessful. Their future in the Senate, however, is uncertain. The House in September voted overwhelmingly for a retroactive two-year window for victims of child sexual abuse to sue, but the measure was blocked by Senate Republicans. The Senates top-ranking member, President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson, was among those who argued retroactivity was unconstitutional. Constitutional amendments must pass both chambers in two consecutive two-year legislative terms before going to voters for final approval. The proposed protections for child abuse survivors come after a grand jury produced a report that said about 300 Roman Catholic priests had abused children at six of the states eight dioceses over seven decades, and accused church hierarchy of covering it up. The two-year window was one of four provisions recommended by the grand jury report in August. Several other states have adopted something similar previously, and lawmakers in New York and New Jersey have approved windows in recent months. It is opposed by Catholic bishops, who call it unconstitutional, and for-profit insurers, who say they are concerned about being forced to pay out for liabilities for which premiums were never collected. Chester County is woven into my identity. I was born and raised in Birmingham Township and graduated from Unionville High School in 2013. From my current perch as a graduate student at the University of Oxford, I evangelize about the Mushroom Capital of the World and spend my summers back home working in West Chester. However, a new feeling has surpassed my pride in my hometown: currently, I best identify as a frustrated absentee voter. As a far-away student, I am so appreciative of the candidates with campaign websites and Facebook pages candidates with contact forms and avenues for dialogue about the issues that they, and I, care about. But I am shocked that our community is complacent with candidates who dont make their positions known. On my Democratic primary ballot, there are at least three candidates for county-wide positions who seem to have no additional information available beyond their short paragraphs on the Chester County Democratic Committee website. But in the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District board member primary race, the situation is even more stark. Neither candidate on my ballot for UCFSD Region B has any publicly-available information online. From the Chester County Voter Services website, I determined that one candidate is running as a Democrat and the other is listed as both Republican and Democrat. This seems to suggest that if the cross-listed candidate wins the Democratic primary, they will have an unopposed race in November making the stakes of my bubble-filling on this ballot even higher. One only needs to quickly browse the minutes from UCFSD school board meetings or Daily Local archives to see the nontrivial power that school board members wield. In 2017, the board unanimously voted to increase Superintendent John Sanvilles salary by 15.4%, despite outcry from concerned citizens who felt the decision had been made too quickly, and without public input. These types of decisions matter for taxpayers, and they matter for people, like me, who care about teachers and students in the district. I am an ocean away as I fill out my absentee ballot; I do not have the luxury of going to community events, reading the local paper (many US local news sites arent available in the UK), or getting pamphlets in the mail as I attempt to navigate my primary ballot decisions. And in this information-saturated world, I imagine that many of you who do have those luxuries still do not know the platforms of the UCFSD Region B candidates, and others. As a community, we should not allow these candidates to slip under the radar. With the primary election fast-approaching, I hope you will join me in seeking information about unknown candidates and becoming better informed. We should expect demand that candidates asking for our vote tell us what they stand for, and we should not be complacent with anything less. Meghan Shea Birmingham Township Many senior Tories and furious backbenchers want to oust Theresa May With Brexit briefly shelved, there is one urgent question hanging over British politics this weekend. Theresa May: can she survive? Many senior Tories and furious backbenchers want to oust her. That became clear on Thursday when she made her Commons statement in the wake of the emergency European Union summit in Brussels. There she had to explain to fellow leaders why she was seeking another extension to Article 50, so delaying our departure from the EU yet again. Back in Westminster, she was greeted with open contempt by many on her own side. Tory grandee, Sir Bill Cash, expressed the view of many in his party when he called on her to resign. This weekend Tory MPs start their Easter break, which may well make matters worse rather than better for the Prime Minister. Back in their constituencies, many will be confronted by the growing frustration and anger of some voters at the delay to Brexit, and Mrs Mays decision to hold talks with Labour in an attempt to get her thrice-rejected withdrawal deal through Parliament. The Tories have plummeted ten points in the polls in less than a month the fastest slump since John Majors government crashed out of the exchange rate mechanism on September 16, 1992. This is ominous indeed: the Tories never recovered from that debacle and the way was open for Tony Blair and New Labour to sweep into power. But for Mrs May and her allies, there is a sliver of optimism. In my view Theresa May is still more respected by voters than by many Tories, and that I believe is at the heart of her refusal to quit. Her objective remains to hang on until Brexit has been completed. That would mean surviving in office until the Conservative Party Conference at the end of September, just a month before Britains new departure date from the EU on October 31 (a Halloween to remember if so). The PM may just make it, but a nightmare obstacle course lies ahead of her if she is to do so. First up are the local elections on May 2 less than three weeks time. When this set of elections was last held four years ago, the Tories did rather well. This time, local campaigners tell me they are expecting a bloodbath. Theres widespread talk of a collapse of the party vote and a surge of support for Nigel Farages new Brexit Party and Jeremy Corbyns Labour. And lets not forget that it was in the wake of the disastrous local election results of May 2009, that cabinet minister James Purnell launched a failed leadership plot against then prime minister Gordon Brown. Dont rule out the same thing happening again. The PM may just make it, but a nightmare obstacle course lies ahead of her if she is to do so (pictured: Theresa May, Amber Rudd and Boris Johnson in 2016) There will then be a three-week lull until the European elections begin on May 23. Once again, these elections which we are compelled to take part in if we havent departed the EU threaten to plunge the Conservatives into electoral chaos. There are fears that Tory voters either wont go to the polls or will simply defect to rival parties. If Mrs May has survived thus far, this may be when demands for a change in the Tory leadership become overwhelming. In any case, June and July are notoriously the most perilous period in Parliament for any Conservative leader. MPs have more time on their hands to plot in the Commons bars. With Brexit in a shambles, local and European election meltdown, the potential for disaster during the summer is obvious. While Party rules determine that there can be no vote of confidence in Mrs Mays leadership until the end of this year, its not hard to envisage a cabinet revolt and a delegation of the so-called men in grey suits going to Downing Street to tell Mrs May that her time is up. Supporters of Boris Johnson are already comparing the PM to Jose Mourinho towards the end of his lacklustre term at Manchester United. Boris would be like Man Us new manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, they say, and bring life and fizz to the Party and revive its electoral fortunes. I think there could be some truth in this. Mr Johnson is a superlative campaigner. He brings optimism and ebullience with him wherever he goes. Unlike Mrs May, he gives the impression of enjoying life and politics, too. It is very hard, however, to see how Mr Johnson could solve the Brexit dilemma. He would be no more capable than Mrs May of mustering the Commons majority needed to press through with a Brexit consensus. And while Mrs May isnt popular in Brussels, Mr Johnson is the arch-enemy. I cant see him extracting concessions that Mrs May was unable to secure. Were Boris Johnson to become prime minister, there is only one way he could force Brexit through. That is by proroguing suspending Parliament and using the power of the executive to force through a No Deal Brexit. My Downing Street sources tell me that Mrs May has already contemplated and ruled out this course of action. Mr Johnson might choose otherwise, even though such a move would prompt a constitutional crisis and drag the Queen, who would be required to assent to any prorogation of Parliament, into the heart of the Brexit debate. And it is for these reasons I believe it is more likely than not that Mrs May will get her wish and deliver her final speech to Tory conference in Manchester this autumn. She aims to have Brexit wrapped up by then so that she can go out on a high and secure her legacy. But she needs to be careful what she wishes for. It may not go well, although all decent people will hope otherwise. Whatever one thinks of her political competence, she is a woman driven by duty and a sense of right and wrong. This week the PM will reportedly take a holiday with husband Philip on a walking trip in Wales. She certainly deserves her break from Brexit and so do the rest of us. Sacking Sir Roger for his opinions is a sign that free speech is being curbed Sir Roger has never been afraid to make difficult or unpopular statements I am troubled by Sir Roger Scrutons sacking from his role as a housing adviser to the Government. That is not because I agree with his offensive remarks about Islamophobia, the Chinese and the investor and philanthropist George Soros that were reportedly made in an interview with the New Statesman this week. Its because I worry about free speech. Sir Roger has never been afraid to make difficult or unpopular statements during his hugely distinguished career as a writer and philosopher. As a young man, his support for the political creed of Margaret Thatcher angered Lefties and cost him his university career. He also bravely supported dissidents in the former Czechoslovakia and, when the Iron Curtain fell, was awarded Czech Republics Medal of Merit in acknowledgement. Now, there are suggestions that some of his words in the Left-wing New Statesman may have been distorted and taken out of context. Even so, while I disagree strongly with some of the views he apparently expressed, I cannot for the life of me see what they have to do with his role as chairman of the Governments Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission. On a personal note, I and countless others have deepened our understanding of conservatism and much else besides through Sir Rogers writing. His Dictionary Of Political Thought is by my side as I write my columns. Treasury Secretary Liz Truss has got her leadership campaign off to the best possible start by calling into question the HS2 rail project. I have repeatedly warned that this much-vaunted investment is out of date, out of control and an unforgivable waste of taxpayers money. There is undeniable evidence that it will grossly exceed its official 56 billion budget. Chancellor Philip Hammond has lacked the courage to put this white elephant out of its misery. Now Liz, his deputy, puts Mr Hammond to shame. Asked by The Spectator magazine this week whether she would scrap HS2, she replied: Thats a matter for the zero-based capital review that Ill be looking at very intently. Good for her. There are so many worthwhile ways of spending the money, rather than on this vanity project. Warning: This story contains images and information about infant loss that may be distressing for some Advertisement On the morning Grace Cassar was preparing to be induced to give birth, her boyfriend Chris Cruse left the hospital to fetch her some heat packs and returned with a smile on his face. 'So are you excited?' he said to the first-time mother. 'For what?' she responded. Instantly the 28-year-old labourer's face fell and the reality of the situation returned to him. 'For a moment I forgot Ivy wasn't going to be born alive,' the heartbroken father said. Grace and Chris were told on March 1, 2019, that their daughter Ivy-Winter's heart had stopped beating. At 29 weeks along, their final ultrasound at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital revealed the devastating news. 'It absolutely broke my heart to see him like that,' Grace, a 23-year-old dance teacher from Noosa, Queensland, told FEMAIL. Grace and Chris (both pictured) knew on March 1, 2019, that their unborn daughter Ivy-Winter's heart had stopped beating 'I was fully aware that I was about to give birth to my first born baby sleeping. They sent me back to my local hospital, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, where I spent the next three nights waiting to be induced,' she said. 'Knowing my baby girl was dead inside me, not being able to feel her kick or move for those three nights was extremely heart-wrenching and something I would hope no one would ever have to go through.' On March 4 Grace was induced internally - which involves two tablets being placed behind the cervix - with Chris holding her hand throughout the painful exam. 'Knowing my baby girl was dead inside me, not being able to feel her kick or move for those three nights was extremely heart-wrenching and something I would hope no one would ever have to go through,' she said On March 4 Grace was induced internally - which involves two tablets being placed behind the cervix - with Chris holding her hand throughout the painful exam When did Grace find out she was pregnant? 'We first found out I was pregnant in September 2018. I had a miscarriage earlier in the month of September so we didn't think it was possible I would fall pregnant again so soon,' she said. 'Chris and I both had a strong feeling that I was pregnant again but I was too nervous to do the test because I didnt want it to come back negative. 'I couldn't hold off any longer to do it because Chris was leaving the following day to work in Papua New Guinea for a month. 'When we found out we were so excited and wanted time to speed up so we could meet our baby.' Advertisement 'I could feel contractions start pretty much straight away and I then became excited that we were about to meet our baby girl, I couldn't wait to see what she looked like,' she said. As the pain of the contractions got worse Grace used a gym ball in the shower to try and ease the intense pressure. 'At around 4:30pm I lost the plot completely. It was like everything hit me at once and it fully sunk in that I was going through all this and I wasn't even allowed to take my baby home with me,' she said. 'I remember hysterically crying, begging the midwives not to take my baby when she came out and that I wanted it all to go away. The midwife kept telling me "Everything is going to be okay" and my response was "How?! Nothing is okay, my baby is dead".' Feeling helpless and just wanting to 'scream', Grace said not being able to protect her baby made it feel like she had 'failed' as a mother. 'My immediate reaction after giving birth was a lot of mixed emotions. I was obviously devastated but I also felt calm and at peace,' she said. As the pain of the contractions got worse Grace used a gym ball in the shower to try and ease the intense pressure 'In those first few minutes it didn't matter that my baby didn't have a heartbeat, I was just purely in love with this human Chris and I had created,' she said 'In those first few minutes it didn't matter that my baby didn't have a heartbeat, I was just purely in love with this human Chris and I had created. 'When I got to hold my baby it was like all the pain in my heart stopped for a split moment and all I felt was pure love and admiration for my newborn baby girl. I fell even more in love with Chris watching how in love and in awe he was of Ivy too. 'I cried at how beautiful she was and watching on at how in love our family was with this little tiny angel. I wanted to take away everyone's pain and let them know that as messed up and unfair that this situation was that everything was going to be okay. 'I struggled seeing how much pain and love was in Chris' eyes. I felt like I had failed him.' The couple had the name Ivy picked before they were even pregnant and they added 'Angel' as her middle name when they found out she was going to be stillborn (pictured at the gender reveal) 'Because Ivy will always be our angel and once we saw her and how beautiful she was she is truly our perfect little angel and the name fit perfectly,' Grace said (pictured announcing their pregnancy) The couple had the name Ivy picked before they were even pregnant and they added 'Angel' as her middle name when they found out she was going to be stillborn. 'Because Ivy will always be our angel and once we saw her and how beautiful she was she is truly our perfect little angel and the name fit perfectly,' Grace said. Sunshine Coast University Hospital gave the family the opportunity to have professional photos taken with their daughter after the birth, something that Grace and Chris immediately agreed to. 'For me personally, knowing my personality, I needed every bit of memorabilia with Ivy that was possible,' Grace said. 'Like every baby that is born stillborn, they are still little babies. My baby was fully formed, beautiful and from how wriggly she was inside my tummy we had this image she was going to be an active happy baby and she deserved to be treated how any other excited parents expecting a newborn baby would treat their child. 'For me personally, knowing my personality, I needed every bit of memorabilia with Ivy that was possible,' Grace said 'I am so thankful that we were given the chance to have photos and hand and foot prints and our "memory box" which was all offered to us out of the kindness of other people's hearts,' she said What happened to Ivy? Grace and Chris had no inkling their daughter was in trouble at their 20 week scan, with doctors only suggesting she was on 'the small side' but was otherwise looking 'textbook perfect'. The couple may never know what went wrong and have been repeatedly told 'sometimes it's just out of our control'. Doctors are currently doing a full autopsy. Advertisement 'I am so thankful that we were given the chance to have photos and hand and foot prints and our "memory box" which was all offered to us out of the kindness of other people's hearts. 'There's not a day that goes by that I don't look back on the pictures we have with Ivy-Winter. Most days I even wish we asked for more.' Ivy-Winter's funeral was very intimate, with just family and close friends in attendance. She was later cremated. 'I was quite shocked to see how much of an impact Ivy had on everyone, there wasn't a dry eye at her service, even the celebrant was crying,' Grace said. 'I couldn't have wished for a better farewell for our angel. I hope wherever she is that she can feel the love for her. Grace and Chris had no inkling their daughter was in trouble at their 20 week scan, with doctors only suggesting she was on 'the small side' but was otherwise looking 'textbook perfect' 'There are zero positives in losing my baby as she isn't in my arms so trying to "celebrate" her life was difficult. But we did try to celebrate how happy her existence had made us all and the excitement of her journey.' Some days we cry all day cuddling Ivy's teddies, other days we hate the world Grace and Chris had no inkling their daughter was in trouble at their 20 week scan, with doctors only suggesting she was on 'the small side' but was otherwise looking 'textbook perfect'. The couple may never know what went wrong and have been repeatedly told 'sometimes it's just out of our control'. Doctors are currently doing a full autopsy. 'We are struggling. After the funeral it felt like my world collapsed. Some days we cry all day cuddling Ivy's teddies, other days we hate the world,' she said. 'I struggle seeing pregnant women and women with little babies. I even struggle seeing families with older kids because I'm jealous that we won't ever have that with Ivy. Ivy-Winter's funeral was very intimate, with just family and close friends in attendance. She was later cremated The couple may never know what went wrong and have been repeatedly told 'sometimes it's just out of our control'. Doctors are currently doing a full autopsy 'I've even walked into baby shops picking out clothes for Ivy then realised that my baby is gone and broke down crying 'There are days where I want to yell at parents I see that are ignoring their kids and won't play with them because I would give up absolutely everything to have Ivy annoy me and want to play with me every single second for the rest of my life. 'I've even walked into baby shops picking out clothes for Ivy then realised that my baby is gone and broke down crying. I feel like a mental woman. 'It all seems so unfair and we can't understand why or how this has happened to us when we had so much love to give our baby. 'Watching Chris try and build me up when I know he is aching as much as me crushes my soul but also makes me so grateful that I have a soulmate like him. Grace, despite being 'overwhelmed' by the support they have received, carefully cautions parents against suggesting 'everything happens for a reason' 'We are stronger for what we have been through together. We are also extremely scared and nervous about the what if... "what if it happens again"... we want to have another baby, not to ever replace Ivy because she is irreplaceable but to have that family unit as that is what both of us have always wanted.' Grace, despite being 'overwhelmed' by the support they have received, carefully cautions parents against suggesting 'everything happens for a reason'. 'I'm sorry but no, there is not one single positive I can find in this. Please then explain to me what justified reason it was that my child was taken from this earth,' she said. 'If I could give advice to anyone else going through this it would be to talk. Talk when you can and reach out for help if you are struggling. 'I'm sorry but no, there is not one single positive I can find in this. Please then explain to me what justified reason it was that my child was taken from this earth,' she said 'Also don't be scared to tell people exactly how you feel and what you want. And spend as much time as possible with your precious little angel and as much as it might hurt, try and say yes to all the memorabilia that the hospital offers you. 'If your partner is offered to cut your babies cord and be a part of the birth, do it. 'The baby you are pushing out is still your child and always will be.' If you or anyone you know is affected by the loss of a baby or child, call the Sands 24/7 National Support Line on 1300 0 72637. At least 12 people have died of diabetes in Georgia jails and prisons where they were not given treatment that would have kept them healthy in the last decade. Their blood sugars spiked to many times the normal range, they were flippantly denied insulin, and their their symptoms were dismissed by guards and staffers that wrote off incoherence and days of vomiting as substance abuse or mental illness. Some 2.3 million Americans are confined in the massive US prison system where their health is often neglected and care is extraordinarily expensive. For at least 12 men and women, prison was a death sentence, unrelated to their crimes, but because their treatable disease was ignored, a new Atlanta Journal-Constitution investigation reveals. Willie Whaley died at just 31 at the Georgia State Prison of diabetic ketoacidosis (AKD). He was given insulin for two days, then denied the injections after he tested positive for methamphetamine while in the prison's medical center The US has the largest population of incarcerated people in the world. In fact, there are about as many Americans in prisons, jails and other corrections facilities than there people in the entire country of Botswana (and about twice as many as live in Cyprus). But as the prison system has stretched and grown, care for the people living within it hasn't, and their neglect is not only hurting prisoners, but has begun to have echoes in the health of the population at large. Rates of both mental and chronic illness are much higher among incarcerated people than among the general population. During intake, people going to jails and prisons are supposed to have a medical examination and continue or start to receive any medications or treatments appropriate to treating their conditions. But correctional facility guidelines say that a prisoner has to be examined and have his or her medical history taken within 14 days of intake. 'And obviously someone with type 1 diabetes is going to be dead' without insulin for two weeks, says Dr Daniel Lorber, chair of the American Diabetes Association's National Advocacy Committee. Willie Whaley was admitted to the medical center at Georgia State Prison in December 2017, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reported. Willie Green III (left) had been needed insulin since his 20s, but died of DKA at a hospital less than two weeks after he was booked in Fulton County Jail in 2017. After violating his probation, Paul Mullinax (right) lost his life to diabetes-related complications He'd been nauseous and vomiting - early signs of a diabetes-related condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). For the first two days that he was in medical, Willie, who had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a child, was given insulin. But then Willie started talking nonsense. The suspicious correctional facility staff drug tested him. When the screen came back positive for methamphetamines, the medical staff stopped giving Willie insulin. It is unclear what other diabetes drugs Willie might have been on, but one of the most common such prescriptions, Metformin, is known to occasionally show up as a false positive on drug screens. Three days after coming to the medical center, Willie was dead. He was never put back on insulin and never saw a physician, according to the AJC. At 41, Douglas Brown (left) died in 2013 of DKA after just 11 days at Fulton County Prison in Georgia. taff at Hays State Prison finally realized that Esteban Mosqueda-Romero (right), 63, was ill and took him to a hospital, but it was too late for him to recover form DKA But an autopsy cited his diabetic medical history and revealed that Willie's blood sugar was five-times what it should have been for a 31-year-old. Willie's mother, Rebecca Hill, plans to file a lawsuit against the facility for her son's death. A typical person with type 1 diabetes needs at least two shots of insulin to keep their blood sugar levels stable. Some need as many as four a day. Without insulin, the body cannot process glucose properly to energize cells, so the sugars stay in the blood. In desperation, the body starts to prey on fat stores, which produces acidic compounds called ketones in the blood. These can build up and become toxic, leading to a diabetic coma, or even death, as was the case for these inmates. The symptoms of ketoacidosis come on quickly, in as little as 24 hours. But the response of medical personnel in correctional facilities is often anything but fast. Wickie Bryant struggled with mental illness and would often refuse her diabetes medications. But the Atlanta City Detention Center didn't monitor her closely, a report suggests. She had been dead of DKA for hours by the time her body was discovered By the time 55-year-old Wickie Bryant was found at Atlanta City Detention Center in 2015, her body was in full rigor mortis, indicating that she'd likely been dead at least three hours, despite the facility's protocol for hourly checks, according to the investigator's report. She had a history of type 1 diabetes, mental illness, and a tendency to refuse to take her medication. But that was all the more reason she should have been closely monitored by the correctional facility - not left dead for hours. Barnes Nowlin Jr missed a court date for a traffic case in 2008, and lost his life for it. The 39-year-old diabetic truck driver was on three different pills to manage his condition, and his wife brought them all to Whitfield County Jail after he was arrested, the AJC reported. But it seems his medications were not consistently administered, and after just three days at the jail, Barnes was vomiting and too weak to stand. A nurse was allegedly asked to check on him a number of times, but she 'ignored' these requests, according to the AJC. Barnes Nowlin was ignored by a jail nurse for hours before the 39-year-old's death in 2008, despite multiple requests for someone to check on the weak, vomiting inmate Barnes's death was ruled a homicide by an investigating coroner, but no criminal suit was brought and the civil case his wife brought was against the jail was ultimately dismissed. At least another nine people, including 41-year-old Douglas Brown, 33-year-old David Fletcher, 63-year-old Esteban Mosqueda-Romero, 58-year old Lindsey Ruffin, Jr, and 55-year-old Paul Mullinax died the same awful deaths in Georgia jails and prisons. The phenomenon isn't limited to the southern state, though. Eerily similar cases have been reported in Tennessee, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Arkansas. Dr Lorber has worked on some of these cases, including one woman who was 'ignored to death,' he says, though he could not reveal details of her identity or location without the consent of the family. Lindsey Ruffin Jr (left) died at 55 after suffering for at least a week as DKA took hold of his body. David Fletcher Jr (right) was jailed in 2012. He quickly started acting erratically and was found dead of DKA, covered in his own vomit within a week David Fletcher Jr missed child support payments and was jailed in 2012. He quickly started acting erratically and was found dead of DKA, covered in his own vomit within a week.'She was jailed for 17 days, for violation of her parole or something fairly minor,' he says. 'After about three days [during which] they kind of ignored her, the doctor came to see her when she was lying on the floor, soaked in her urine and looked at her through the door of her cell, eight feet away.' That was the extent of the medical attention the woman received. Last year, the ADA signed onto a class-action lawsuit against one of the largest prison management companies in the US, CoreCivic, alleging that the neglect of some 60 prisoners with insulin-treated diabetes in its Tennessee facilities constituted 'cruel and unusual punishment.' Those 60 people are among an estimated 206,770 incarcerated individuals whose diabetes requires constant blood sugar check, frequent insulin injections and oral medication. And an unknowable number have already died miserable, preventable deaths behind bars, simply because they weren't given treatment and their symptoms were ignored. Most of us will have at least one satnav horror story, after placing all trust in the technology only for it to lead us down a road to nowhere. Many such tales are so unbelievable they are comical. There was the Syrian truck driver who took his 32-ton lorry to Gibraltar Point in Lincolnshire rather than the tiny peninsula 1,600 miles away at the southern tip of Spain, and the woman who blindly followed instructions from her satnav, even when it told her to drive her 96,000 Mercedes into the River Sence oh, the irony! in Leicestershire. In 2017 it was revealed a flyover in Chelmsford, Essex, had been the site of 30 head-on collisions in five years because TomTom and Google Maps satnav systems were sending drivers the wrong way down the one-way road. Emerging evidence is showing that over-reliance on satnavs may decrease driver's ability to learn and recall Of course, most of us are far too sensible to ignore our gut feeling that the computer is wrong, especially if it tells you to plunge straight into a fast-flowing river. What these yarns tell us is that satellite navigation systems like many other life-enhancing technologies are now so firmly embedded in modern culture that some people will blindly follow their orders rather than think for themselves. But could our everyday reliance on this kind of technology be affecting our brains? After all, driving to new destinations used to involve studying a map, reading road signs and making split-second decisions in other words, a thoroughly good work-out for the brain. Even taking a wrong turning was a vital part of the learning process. The mistake would be filed away in our memory, so as not to be repeated. It is the reason why studies show that London taxi drivers who spend four years memorising every street in the city as part of The Knowledge tend to have a larger hippocampus, an area of the brain that plays an important role in memory. Meanwhile, technology is taking the workload off our brains in other ways too. We no longer need to memorise things such as phone numbers or birthdays, as they are all stored in our smartphones. Two parts of the brain - the hippocampus, which analyses possible routes, and the pre-frontal cortex, which plans which ones will get us to our destination - go unused when drivers follow instructions from the gadget There is emerging evidence that this over-dependence on technology may be having a negative effect on the brains ability to learn and recall information. A University College London study last year looked at brain-activity levels when volunteers used a computer driving simulator to navigate through Soho one of Londons busiest areas. They could choose which turnings they took, changing their minds if they met with congestion. The results, published in the journal Nature Communications, revealed that levels of activity spiked in two areas, the hippocampus, which analyses possible routes, and the pre-frontal cortex, which plans which ones will get us to our destination. Every time the volunteers picked their own routes through the street, activity levels peaked. But when they repeated the tasks using GPS, scans revealed virtually no increase in activity levels in either region of the brain. One of the questions scientists want to answer is whether this dependence on technology has long-term consequences for memory, and if it could even cause dementia. The hippocampus, after all, is involved in our consolidation of short-term memories into long-term ones, and memory loss is a hallmark of dementia. Professor Til Wykes, from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at Kings College London, says relying entirely on technology is likely to lead to problems with memory recall. This map shows the 186 mile different between being in Wales the country or the Wales the small Yorkshire village, near Sheffield She says: The phrase use it or lose it is relevant because if skills such as memory recall are valued, then our reliance on technology is problematic. We do know that when we rely on Google and GPS systems, then we lose some skills. This outsourcing of information from the brain is what scientists call cognitive offloading. Thats when we do anything we can to reduce its workload. It might be as simple as counting with your fingers, rather than just in your head, or writing a shopping list instead of remembering groceries you need. Cognitive offloading is not new but modern technology has taken it to a whole new level where, rather than acting primarily as an aide to the brain, in some circumstances, it is almost replacing it. The inability to recall information that weve stored in our smartphone even has a name: digital amnesia. How you can avoid digital amnesia If you write notes youll retain more Scientists think keyboard-users are processing a lot less information than pen-users who have to mentally focus on the most relevant facts which means they store more of the information. Rely on your memory rather than photos In a study, visitors to a museum were permitted to take pictures of certain exhibits, but not others. The volunteers were much less able to recall details of those they photographed than those they didnt. Stop saving numbers in your phone Studies have shown that if we believe information cant be saved on a computer, and will be deleted, we naturally memorise it. Keep an address book at home and remember the important phone numbers. Advertisement Dr Benjamin Storm, a researcher working on a study of technology and memory at the University of California, said: Research shows that as we use the internet to support and extend our memory, we become more reliant on it. Time will tell if this pattern will have any further-reaching impacts on human memory. Prof Wykes adds: We need to think of technology as a support not as a substitute for cognitive skill. That means it would be better for technology not to be as clever as it is. Then we could practise our cognitive skills. For example, she says, satnav could provide motorists with a couple of different options for a journey, leaving the final decision up to them. Prof Petroc Sumner, an expert in neuroscience at Cardiff University, says cognitive offloading on a large scale means our ability to perform specific mental tasks, such as reading maps, will suffer. But he adds: There is no evidence I know of that overall cognitive ability suffers. A parallel might be dishwashers our skills at washing up by hand might suffer, but there is no evidence that overall dexterity and co-ordination suffer. Others recommend occasional technology breaks. At the moment, theres no good evidence of long-term problems in terms of learning or brain capacity, says Prof Thom Baguely, professor of experimental psychology at Nottingham Trent University. But I would advise drivers to sometimes switch off the satnav. As well as turning off the GPS, there are other ways to keep the brain sharp The recent announcement that divorce laws are to be relaxed is a welcome one. Most couples who get married hope to live happily ever after, yet the brutal reality is that more than 40 per cent of modern marriages end in divorce. In that case, why make getting divorced more difficult and stressful than it has to be? Fortunately, there are scientifically proven ways to protect your relationship. I met my wife, Clare, at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School in September 1980, when we both started our medical training. One of the more surprising ways of predicting whether a couple will stay married is by studying the way they smile Spookily enough it was the Dean of the Royal Free who first predicted that we would get married. Or rather, at the start of the course, he told a room full of first-year medical students (which included the two of us) that based on what had happened to previous groups of students, four of us in that room would marry. He was spot-on. But could he or anyone else have predicted that not only would we get married but we would stay happily married? Over the past 30 years psychologists have put a lot of time and resource into trying to predict which unions are likely to last, and which are likely to end in divorce. They have also identified the things couples should work on if they want to stay happily together. YOU STAY MARRIED LONGER IF YOUR SMILES ARE GENUINE One of the more surprising ways of predicting whether a couple will stay married is by studying the way they smile because it turns out it can be a real giveaway about your true feelings. There are basically two types of smile, a genuine one and a fake one. The genuine one, called the Duchenne smile, is named after a French doctor who 200 years ago studied facial expressions. A Duchenne smile involves the contraction of two sets of muscles: the zygomaticus major, which raises the corners of your mouth, and the orbicularis occuli, the ring of muscle around your eye sockets. A genuine smile activates both, so that the corners of your mouth turn up and your eyes crinkle. A fake Say Cheese smile, on the other hand, normally just involves the zygomaticus major, which, unlike the orbicularis occuli, is under voluntary control. Based on studying smiles, psychologists have created something called FACS, the Facial Coding System, which they use to measure the intensity and genuineness of a smile. So what does this have to do with marriage? Well, in a study done in 2001, psychologists from the University of California asked a group of women, then in their 50s, to fill in questionnaires about their relationships and how happy they were with life. There are basically two types of smile, a genuine one and a fake one. The genuine one involves the contraction of two sets of muscles which raise the corners of your mouth and the ring of muscle around your eye sockets The psychologists also analysed photos of these same women when they were aged 21, and rated them using the FACS. The women who smiled most naturally in the pictures taken 30 years earlier were far more likely to have got married and stayed happily married than those whose smiles were more obviously false. A later series of studies, involving men and women, again found a strong link: those who smiled least convincingly in old photos, compared to those who smiled most naturally, were five times more likely to be divorced at some point in their life. The lead researcher, psychologist Professor Matthew Hertenstein at DePauw University in Indiana, thinks it could be because smiling people attract other happier people, and the combination may lead to a greater likelihood of a long-lasting marriage. THE FOUR SIGNS YOU'RE HEADING FOR DIVORCE Clearly theres more to a happy marriage than the ability to smile, however naturally. To find out what other factors are important, some years ago I visited the so-called Gottman Love Lab. The proper name for the Love Lab is The Relationship Research Center, a specialist institute set up near Washington University in 1986 by Professor John Gottman. He invites couples to his institute, then studies them intensely. This can involve wiring them up to measure how their bodies react when they argue, as well as filming them with ultra-fast cameras to capture something called micro-expressions subtle facial movements that are almost imperceptible, but are thought to indicate thoughts and feelings. He then follows them up many years later to see if they are still together. What his team have learned from studying thousands of couples is that there are a number of negative things that couples do. He calls them The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and they predict divorce. The main things that are toxic to a long-term relationship are: 1 Contempt: This includes making sarcastic responses, eye-rolling, sneering and mockery while disagreeing. Contempt is not only the main predictor of divorce but research has shown that couples who are contemptuous of each other are more prone to infectious diseases such as coughs and colds. 2 Criticism: Its OK to say I dont think that was a good idea but it is not OK to make sweeping negative statements about your partners character or personality such as: You are so irritating. Why on earth do you always do that? 3 Defensiveness: This is something I am occasionally guilty of getting cross and snapping back at Clare when she challenges me. It just makes things worse. Making sarcastic responses, eye-rolling, sneering and mockery while disagreeing are all main things that are toxic to a long-term relationship 4 Stonewalling: This means acting as if you dont care what your partner is saying. Like defensiveness, it fans the flames. AND HERES HOW TO MAKE IT WORK On a more positive note, Gottman also has recommendations for couples to work on for a happy marriage. They include: 1 Nurturing your mutual fondness and admiration. This means doing things such as genuinely celebrating the other persons successes and commiserating with their failures. When your partner tells you about their day, look up; engage. Gottman found that couples who put a positive spin on their marriage were far more likely to stick together. 2 Turn towards each other. We regularly make what Gottman calls bids for our partners attention. This might mean reading something you find amusing out loud from the newspaper or pointing to something interesting out of the window. How your partner responds is important. Turning towards you and saying something like Thats interesting is good. Ignoring them or saying Stop droning on is clearly bad. In his studies, Gottman found it was the couples who turned towards each other at least 90 per cent of the time who were still married six years later. Those who did so less than a third of the time were soon in trouble. 3 Build love maps. This sounds very American but what it really means is, take an interest in your partners world. Remember and celebrate important events in each others lives. Remember what their friends are called. Know each others goals, worries and hopes. 4 Be kind to each other. Kindness is the other side of contempt. It is getting up and helping with the cooking, when asked, even if you are feeling shattered. It is resisting the urge, when you having a row, to say something destructive. 5 Solve your solvable problems. Gottman says you shouldnt let problems fester, but get them out there when both of you are in a positive frame of mind. This almost always involves compromise and being tolerant of each others faults. Getting married is not the be-all-and-end-all. Plenty of people choose to stay single and, despite claims to the contrary, there is no great evidence that being married confers unique benefits. That said, I do thoroughly recommend it. MRS MOREAUS WARBLER by Stephen Moss (Faber 9.99, 368 pp) MRS MOREAUS WARBLER by Stephen Moss (Faber 9.99, 368 pp) How did the cuckoo get its name? The answer is in the familiar call that heralds spring. But what of the sparrow, raven and wren, or the resoundingly named bird of the title, Mrs Moreaus Warbler? Stephen Mosss delightful book explores the origins of bird names, each of which has its own tale to tell about our language, history and culture. Some of our most familiar birds bear ancient folk names the chiffchaff and woodpecker while later names describe habitats, or commemorate people. The story behind Mrs Moreaus warbler is a romantic one. Reg Moreau met his wife, Winifred, on a fine spring day in Egypt, where both were working. They fell in love, married and spent a lifetime studying African birds, including the endangered songbird which, in a touching act of devotion, Reg named after Winifred. 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Named after its protagonist, it follows the remarkable life of Washington Black. Born a slave on a Barbadian plantation, when he was only five fellow slave Big Kit predicted that he would have a life of many rivers and so it proves. Titch Wilde, the brother of the plantations cruel owner, takes on Washington as his assistant. Together they launch his invention: a hot air balloon. He and Washington escape from Barbados, flying towards a world where as Washington discovers in this rich and intricately plotted fiction freedom means one belongs nowhere, and to no one. IDENTITY CRISIS By Ben Elton (Bantam 20) IDENTITY CRISIS By Ben Elton (Bantam 20, 384 pp) DCI Matlock wants to relocate back to the 20th century, when life was so much simpler. Alas, DCI Matlock is trapped in the present, out of his depth in an age of outrage, with a knack for causing offence rather than catching offenders. And now he has been given two awfully tricky cases the murder of a non-binary person and a cold case involving a celebritys past sex crimes. The latest celeb to be accused? Er, Samuel Pepys. Meanwhile, there could be a serial killer on the loose, Love Island has gone toxic and theres an upcoming English referendum, with the threat of the interestingly initialled Bunter Jolly becoming PM. Ben Eltons 16th novel proves yet again what a genuinely talented comic novelist he is its expertly crafted, very clever and really funny. ONLY AMERICANS BURN IN HELL By Jarett Kobek (Serpents Tail 12.99, 304 pp) ONLY AMERICANS BURN IN HELL By Jarett Kobek (Serpents Tail 12.99, 304 pp) There is a bit of storytelling in this novel one deliberately silly plot about the Fairy Queen and her companion, a supernatural assassin called Rose Byrne; another set in New York, where a Saudi prince is on an expensive quest for degradation. But the main business of this novel is the authorial narrator taking the chance to tell us some home truths about, for example, the U.S. military-industrial complex and the global elite. He also spills details about the Nazi links of his previous publishers, and about this book itself, with its shameless thefts from Kurt Vonnegut. And, lastly, he is honest about us the readers, the schmucks who are reading this turgid work. Fair enough, it is turgid at times, but, thanks to the (yes, Vonnegut-influenced) style, this feat of relentless hypercynicism is also a real tour de force. #ZERO By Neil McCormick (Unbound 8.99, 432 pp) #ZERO By Neil McCormick (Unbound 8.99, 432 pp) Youd have thought Zero would have little to complain about hes young, beautiful, talented and a sudden global superstar, dubbed the Irish Elvis. But Zeros a coked-up mess. Still stricken by the death of his mother, and with a relationship on the rocks, Zero cracks. He runs out of an awards show in New York, finds himself in Times Square beneath a billboard of himself, orders his driver to hand over the car keys and zooms off. But its not so easy to go on the run when half the country is looking for you and yours is the most recognisable face in the world. A lively satire of todays music industry from a rock critic with an insiders knowledge of its daftest excesses. THE STRAWBERRY THIEF By Joanne Harris (Orion 20, 368 pp) THE STRAWBERRY THIEF By Joanne Harris (Orion 20, 368 pp) Fans of Chocolat and who isnt? will be thrilled at this return to Lansquenet, the rural French village setting for Harriss most famous novel. Juliette Binoche sorry, Vianne Rocher is still there with her tempting chocs, as is the mysterious Roux (aka Johnny Depp), down by the river on his houseboat. Their teenage daughter Rosette is the focus of this story; she has been left land by an old man who has died. His nasty relatives are not pleased about this and a battle of wills commences, in which a Pagnolesque tale of a long-ago murder is revealed. And theres more trouble in the lissom shape of Morgane (the clues in the name) who arrives in the village to open a tattoo parlour. Shes Viannes equal when it comes to witchy wiles, and before long half the village is being inked. Can our crafty chocolatier see her off? This brilliant, vivid, atmospheric novel is written in sequence by the main characters: Vianne, the troubled local priest and, most fascinatingly, Rosette, the child who rarely speaks. She prefers to communicate through animal noises, imaginary friends and by bending the wind to her will. Packed with magic and mystery, this beautifully written tale is as irresistible as Viannes famous pralines. THE LOST SON By Prue Leith (Quercus 16.99, 368 pp) THE LOST SON By Prue Leith (Quercus 16.99, 368 pp) This latest book in the series about the restaurant-owning Angelotti family has a surprise for matriarch Laura. The son she gave up for adoption half a century ago turns up on her doorstep. Toms a rich, successful City trader now, with a hard-bitten, glossy girlfriend. But once he meets the charismatic cooking Italians, both his girlfriend and the City get the heave-ho and Tom starts a new career as consigliere and financier to his new-found family. His arrival comes at a good time for Anna, Lauras rebellious granddaughter, who is getting into trouble with drink and drugs Tom helps her get back on the straight and narrow. But not even Tom can do much about the 2008 financial crash which wreaks havoc on the family businesses and puts them at the mercy of evil cousin Jane. Amiable, absorbing and satisfying, with some sensitive things to say about adoption and addiction. Reporting on global crises, grilling world leaders, doorstepping politicians For Newsnights new lead presenter Emily Maitlis, theyre all part of the job. She reveals to Elizabeth Day her stressbusting secrets, the art of the three-minute pack and the best question she ever asked Emily wears dress, Joseph. Earrings, Jennifer Behr, from Fenwick Five minutes into my interview with Emily Maitlis, high-profile broadcast journalist, Newsnight anchor, Cambridge graduate, fluent speaker of Spanish, Italian and French (with a workable grasp of Mandarin) and the Royal Television Societys Network Presenter of the Year, we are talking about llamas. More specifically, we are talking about a llama safari walk in Peterborough she had booked to celebrate her birthday in September 2015 and the moment her editor asked her to cover the migrant crisis in Europe. She couldnt possibly go, Emily said, because the tickets to the llama farm were already booked for her husband and two young sons. It was a brain-freeze moment for me, she says now. I dont think I realised that this [migrant crisis] was going to rewrite European history. It was going to be one of the most formative journeys I think Id ever made. And yet here I was, going, No, Ive picked the llama farm. She recounts the episode in her new book, Airhead: The Imperfect Art of Making News, so called because of the unfair and retrograde assumption that a television broadcaster who is blonde and easy on the eye must be in want of a brain. (It was a chance, Emily says, to reclaim the idea that we have of empty-headedness.) In the end, she flew to Budapest, delivered a piece to camera about the million refugees marching through Europe in search of a better life, while a line of riot police was forming behind her. After the broadcast, Emily got to bed at one in the morning, woke up two hours later and made her return flight at 5am, landing just in time to get to Peterborough for the llamas. It is, I will come to realise, a typical Emily Maitlis anecdote. She might take the news seriously, but she never falls into the trap of applying that seriousness to herself. I thought, youre going to hate me at the end of this interview. Thats me doing my job I have come to recognise it as part of the job, she writes in her book. A protective layer that lets you carry on thinking about family plans for a Saturday afternoon when the whole world around you is falling apart. Airhead is, like its author, funny, wise, self-deprecating and insightful. Emily writes with just the right amount of gossipy acumen about her encounters with everyone from Donald Trump (makes things true by saying them) to Simon Cowell (excellent at making other people feel important) and Theresa May (shattered, sleepless and distraught after the Grenfell fire), and she reveals that no television broadcast is ever as slick in the preparation as it ultimately appears on screen. What I tried to frame in the book is that sometimes it doesnt go according to plan, she explains. Emily says that the one question she regrets not having asked was when she interviewed Bill Clinton in 2014 and failed to press him on his affair with Monica Lewinsky. The Newsnight crew had accompanied the former president on a charity initiative to India and had ended up on a goat farm in Lucknow in 43 degree July heat. Before filming, Clintons people had warned Emily that the president had just had a funny turn and that if anything happens on camera, were going to pull the tape. I was trying to read between the lines, thinking, What are you saying? she says now. There were all these sort of things stacked against us that we had to weigh up: the fact that he wasnt well, that we had travelled all this way to get [the interview] and if they pulled the tape I would come away with nothing. It is a hectic job that requires a fair amount of domestic juggling. Newsnight airs every weekday evening from 10.30 to 11.15 and last month Emily, 48, was named as the new lead presenter of an all-female team. That means a lot of late nights with two children Milo, 14, and Max, 12 still at home. Her husband Mark Gwynne, an investment manager, is very hands-on. Hes the best thing in my life. In the books dedication, Emily says that asking Mark to marry her as she did on a beach in Mauritius 19 years ago was the best question I ever asked. Wed flown on millennium eve [and] it seemed the right place to ask. Id packed a little white beach dress and I was like, This will be great! Well just get married on Friday! And Mark was like, No, my mum has to be there. Which is very sweet but, actually, when we got back she was the first one to say, Oh, for goodnesss sake, you should have eloped. She describes their relationship as a marriage of equals and it is clear she respects and loves him a great deal. But he is not someone who relishes the limelight. He was like, Dont put me in the dedication, its so cringey! Emilys parents Peter, a professor of inorganic chemistry, and Marion, a psychotherapist live at the end of her road in West London. One of her two elder sisters is nearby, which means theres always back-up when she has to drop everything for work. Im really lucky in that I have help at home, she says. But sometimes youre on your own late at night in a hotel room knowing that your kid is not very well and you feel shit. She remembers one particular occasion when she was covering the American midterm 2010 elections and four-year-old Max was admitted to hospital with gastroenteritis. Its a classic misery, she says. But its no different for me than for every other working woman when youve got a sick kid at home. With such a high-pressure job, Emily tries, where possible, to eliminate unnecessary stress. She goes for an hour-long morning jog with her female friends when she can: We run and we put the world to rights. She has a lean, runners physique and says she will always pack a pair of trainers in her grab bag, which contains the items needed for a last-minute work trip abroad. What else is in there, I ask? Emily becomes animated: A nicked airline blanket sorry, airlines! because Im always cold and an airline blanket covers a multitude of sins. Youve got an extra layer in a hotel, its your scarf if youre sitting at a bus station at night She goes on to recite an impressive list of essentials: Sleepy teabags [a blend of camomile and lavender that helps you drift off]. Hay-fever pills. My husband bought me the most amazing thing a few years ago a device to smash a car window and get somebody out if theres a crash Jacket and trousers, Mint Velvet. Top, Theory, from Fenwick. Earrings, Alighieri, from Fenwick. Sandals, Jimmy Choo How romantic, I say. I know! she replies. My adaptors are a thing of beauty: every single world plug you know, all that stuff. Dozens of Nurofen; bars of Cote dOr dark chocolate, in case of any missed meal. Dental floss with a needle strung in the middle so you can sew things up. If you have a suitcase break, then dental floss is the strongest nylon youll ever come across She stops. This is too much detail, isnt it? No, I say, utterly fascinated. She packs the same three Tara Jarmon dresses [the sort of fitted, professional style you can imagine Emily looking great in]. I take a black one because I end up covering a lot of vigils and terrorism and thats grim; a white one because if youre broadcasting in the dark then white provides an extra light to your face, and a bright red one so that if youre trying to doorstep a politician, they cant miss you It makes packing easy. It takes me about three minutes. Emily has always been a proficient traveller. Her father was the son of refugees from the Nazis, born in Berlin two weeks after Hitler came to power in 1933. When he was three, Emilys grandfather got a teaching job at a university and was called in by the police who told him he was being denied the position because he was Jewish. And they got out, she says. So three-year-old Peter arrived [in London] with his parents. It was a refugee story, as so many of them are. Emily always wears a bracelet of interlinked chains around her left wrist made from a gold bangle her grandmother smuggled out of Nazi Germany. Emilys father melted it down and gave a piece of jewellery to each of his daughters. Emily was born in Canada, where her father had gone for work, and raised Jewish (her husband is Catholic and her children are non-practising). She is appalled by the domestic resurgence of anti-Semitism. In 2018, anti-Semitic hate incidents in the UK reached a record high, and the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is engulfed in a row over his failure to deal with the issue in his own party. It feels extraordinary that in 2019 we still have to be talking about it, Emily says, choosing her words carefully. When I was growing up, I heard the history, but you just assume its a very distant place. And, actually, just to hear some of the things that are coming out now, I find staggering unbelievable, really. Emily with Mark Gwynne, her husband of 19 years After Canada, her father got a professorship at the university in Sheffield, where Emily was raised. What was she like as a child? I was very hyperactive. I did gymnastics all those sort of things. Her first Saturday job was at Ross & Foster hairdressers in Sheffield where she was paid 6 a day. The salon offered her a full-time position but her parents told her she had to stay at school and she went on to read English at Cambridge. After graduating, Emily went to Hong Kong on a whim and fell into a job in broadcasting, reading radio news bulletins for NBC. She stayed there for six years, before returning to the UK and joining Sky News as a business correspondent and then making the leap to the BBC in 2001. In the early days of her TV career, she was derided as an autocutie, as though the only reason she got hired for jobs was because of her looks. I remember first starting at Sky and the make-up ladies would take you to the side and say, Make sure you do your nails because youll be holding up the papers while the men talk to the commentator. And a man told me, We like women to look like women here. Emily says that getting the Newsnight gig in 2006 dispelled any remaining snide sexism because, its a sink-or-swim arena. You are shown up very, very quickly. Now, Im fully over imposter syndrome [when an individual doubts their achievements and considers themselves a fraud]. I think it comes with actually being able to say to yourself, Im good at my job. But the gender pay gap still exists and the BBC has come in for particular criticism over paying its female employees considerably less than its male stars. We all knew about it [before it became public], Emily says. But the BBC culture at the time was to think if women are unhappy, they can walk. I dont think they ever said that to men. There was a sense that women would step into line. There was a sense, in other words, that women could like it or lump it, whereas the men were made to feel more valued. She says things have got better, and that it feels like a cultural change now. She cites a recent example of a pay negotiation she did with three women and there were no long lunches, there was no fudging we were really straight. I went in and I said, I want this. Im pleasantly surprised by Emily. I had thought she might be wary of expressing an opinion, hidebound by BBC political impartiality, but she treats every question thoughtfully. Does she ever get scared of asking a question that she knows is going to annoy her interviewee? Always, she replies. I had that quite recently with somebody where I just thought, Youre going to hate me at the end of this interview, and then I thought, Yeah, I dont have to be liked by everyone Thats me doing my job. In the book, Emily reveals that her tactic for these awkward questions is always to leave them until last. It is mine, too, so I think she is expecting it when, towards the end of our hour together, I ask about the one thing she is understandably wary of discussing her stalker. Last January, her university contemporary Edward Vines was jailed for 45 months for breaching a restraining order, having first been convicted of harassing Emily in 2002 and then being issued with an indefinite restraining order in 2009. Jacket, Joseph. Earrings, Alighieri, from Fenwick In Airhead, Emily writes that Vines had befriended her in freshers week but they had stopped being close in the second term and I was resented made to feel I hadnt explained why or what happened. She began to be plagued by letters, phone calls, visits and this manipulative behaviour lasted for the best part of three decades despite police intervention, a restraining order, prison sentences, warnings, mental health medication. Her stalker was once even able to write Emily a letter from prison. I think it affected a lot of things including my relationship with my university, Emily says, her eyes tired. I didnt keep in touch with anyone because it was all just related to the same thing. We had a panic button installed [at home] as sadly a lot of women [who are victims of stalking] probably do. I found it quite embarrassing I wanted to be this really strong, no-nonsense woman, you know, and it felt like a superstition almost. It felt like something I couldnt shrug off. And I didnt want to be the victim; I didnt want to be like, Oh, poor Emily. I hated all that. I just wanted to be able to go about my job without thinking about it. Vines is now back behind bars. All Emily can do is to carry on living her life: going for runs, holding politicians to account, flying abroad at a moments notice, booking llama safaris for her birthday and refusing to let her children down. Thats who Emily Maitlis is: so much more than an autocutie and certainly not an airhead. Simple touch: Morses Club agents use tablets to make form-filling easier Doorstep lenders are a controversial bunch, often criticised for charging too much and harassing late-payers. Their reputation has been further tarnished by high-profile revelations about payday lenders, offering fast bucks online but forcing borrowers to pay extortionate amounts of interest in return. The payday market is much more highly regulated these days, but its continued existence highlights a real need. About one in five adults in this country 10 million people cannot borrow from mainstream banks or building societies. And of those 10 million, more than 1.5 million cannot access any form of online credit so they have little choice but to turn to doorstep lenders if they are short of cash. Unscrupulous loan sharks abound to take advantage of these excluded members of society, but Morses Club aims to be different, and certainly its own story is a positive one. The shares have done well since Morses was floated on London's junior Aim market in 2016 and, at 173p, there is plenty more mileage in the stock and a decent dividend stream to boot. Morses is run by Paul Smith, a competent, clever and driven 52-year-old, who took the helm in 2015, with a mission to modernise the business and expand into new areas. At the time, Morses Club was entirely focused on the home credit market, using self-employed agents to lend and collect cash from customers, primarily women in their late-40s whose annual income rarely exceeded 15,000. The company still generates most of its turnover from these customers numbering about 180,000 up and down the country but, as Smith promised, Morses Club is evolving. Agents have moved from paper-based files to tablets, such as iPads, which makes form-filling faster and more reliable for both lender and borrower. Morses has also launched a Visa debit card for customers, many of whom have never had access to this type of card. Their loans are loaded on to the card and it can be used wherever Visa debit cards are accepted. To date, only 20 per cent of customers have taken up this offer, but growth is accelerating, as awareness and acceptance increase. Club: Morses is run by Paul Smith, a 52-year-old, who has a mission to modernise the business At the same time, Morses has moved into the online lending market. The group spent a couple of years researching the sector, building up the right technology and creating a brand, Dot Dot Loans. Then in February, Smith pounced, acquiring most of Leeds-based Curo Transatlantic, after it fell into administration. The deal has given Morses access to 50,000 online customers, as well as trained employees and useful infrastructure. Importantly too, Smith has been able to pick and choose which parts of the Curo business he wants, so the payday lending will be dropped, along with the WageDayAdvance brand. Over time, Smith is keen to build up Morses' online business, and time is on his side. Many payday lenders are struggling, facing fines and compensation charges for poor behaviour in the past. Smith can pick up these firms on the cheap and cherry-pick their customers. The ambitious chief executive does not intend to stop there. Later this year, Morses Club will launch a specialised online bank, offering credit facilities, such as overdrafts, to people who either cannot borrow from mainstream banks or continuously fall foul of expensive, unauthorised overdraft fees. The potential for this service is considerable, including among customers who have graduated from doorstep lending but still trust the Morses brand, as well as young, technically-savvy consumers, such as students. The mooted takeover of home loan specialist Provident Financial by rival Non-Standard Finance could provide further opportunities. Both firms would almost certainly need to sell off certain subsidiaries if the deeply acrimonious deal goes through. Smith hopes to double his customer numbers over the next few years, to about 250,000 home credit borrowers and the same again using the new online services. Growth will not come at the expense of profitability, however. Morses has a robust track record and is determined to maintain it. Results for the year to February 23, 2019 are due next month and brokers predict a 15 per cent rise in profit to 22million, with an 11 per cent hike in the dividend to 7.8p, putting the shares on a healthy 4.5 per cent yield. A profit of 23.5million is forecast for this year, with a dividend of 8.3p, and further growth is expected after that. Midas verdict: Morses Club is a strong, well-run business with big ambitions and the means to achieve them. In time too, Smith is keen to move from Aim to the main market, which would allow more large institutions to invest in the business. At 173p, the shares should prove rewarding. Traded on: Aim Ticker: MCL Contact: or 0330 045 0719 The disgraced former boss of Uber stands to make as much as 6.6billion from the taxi app firms blockbuster float. Travis Kalanick owns 8.6 per cent of the shares and will be one of the biggest winners in its 76.5billion listing on New Yorks stock exchange. Also in the money is fellow founder Garrett Camp, who could make 4.6billion, and investors such as Softbank and Google, which have large holdings. In the money: Travis Kalanick with ex-girlfriend Gabi Holzwarth The proposed float comes just weeks after smaller rival Lyft listed in New York with a value of 15.7billion. Its shares have tumbled 18 per cent leaving it valued at 12.9billion. Uber has warned the legacy of scandals from Kalanicks time as boss could still damage its global ambitions amid fears it may never make a profit. During his time as chief executive, the 42-year-old was accused of presiding over an aggressive tech bro culture behind sexual harassment claims against managers, a trade secrets dispute with Google and staff snooping on customers. In its prospectus to investors, Uber warned a failure to rehabilitate our brand would cause the business to suffer. It also revealed it had made a 2.3billion loss last year and admitted it may never become profitable. Laith Khalaf, a senior analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, warned Uber was a risky investment. He said: You cant knock what Ubers achieved in such a short space of time, but it still looks like a risky ride for investors. Companies which are yet to break even always sit towards the speculative end of the investment spectrum, and for Uber the risk is amplified by the regulatory backlash its facing. If Ubers float on New Yorks stock exchange goes well, Kalanick will become one of the worlds 200 richest people overnight. The bonanza would mark the latest twist in his rise, which has seen him build Uber into a global behemoth before he was acrimoniously ousted in 2017. Kalanick was previously seen as a hero of Silicon Valley after founding the business in 2009, with the entrepreneur praised for modernising the taxi industry for the age of the smartphone. Prospects: If Ubers float on New Yorks stock exchange goes well, Kalanick will become one of the worlds 200 richest people overnight But Uber and Kalanick were soon buffeted by a string of controversies which critics say sprung from the companys culture. It was criticised for its treatment of female staff after a string of harassment claims, with Uber staff also accused of using tracking features on the firms app to snoop on famous people and ex-partners. It became embroiled in battles with regulators around the world over its fast expansion, with Transport for London at one point threatening to ban it from operating in the city. At the same time, it faced a court battle with Google-owned Waymo over its alleged theft of driverless car technology and tribunal hearings with drivers who disputed its treatment of them as freelancers and not full staff. Under mounting criticism and pressure from investors, Kalanick resigned in June 2017. He was replaced by former Expedia boss Dara Khosrowshahi who has led a campaign to clean up Ubers image. However, he has remained a board member and advisor. Uber said repairing its reputation was critical to our business prospects. WPPs post-Sorrell clear-out kicks off in earnest this week. The advertising giant has brought in bankers from Goldman Sachs to find a buyer for Kantar, its market research firm. The sale is a key plank of chief executive Mark Reads turnaround plan to simplify the business that he inherited last year from founder Sir Martin Sorrell. First-round bids for Kantar are due in the coming days, with WPP hoping to complete a deal by the end of June. WPPs post-Sorrell clear-out kicks off in earnest this week. The advertising giant has brought in bankers from Goldman Sachs to find a buyer for Kantar, its market research firm Analysts at Deutsche Bank said in a research note they expect the deal to value Kantar at 3.1billion and they assume WPP will retain a 33 per cent stake in the business. Market sources say a sale to a large private equity firm is the most likely outcome. However, a report in the Financial Times on Friday suggested a host of big names have already pulled their interest amid concerns over the price and sustainability of the business. Blackstone, Carlyle and Advent International were all ruled out of the race. Other names in the frame include CVC, Permira, Apollo, Carlyle, Apax and Bain. *** Ocean Outdoor, the digital billboard firm behind the Piccadilly Circus lights, has struck a sponsorship deal with DS Automobiles. It means that Ocean, valued on the London Stock Exchange at 320million, will show live highlights of Formula E races on 14 UK screens to promote electric car races. It is the first sponsorship deal of its kind for Ocean, which is expanding the business beyond traditional advertising on its digital billboards, and has seen its share price boosted by strong results. The deal with DS, which makes electric racing cars, could help to drive the shares further forward. *** Yet another share price collapse from Israeli spreadbetting firm Plus500 on Friday. This time, it blamed low volatility for a plunge in revenues in the first quarter. It also revealed that chief executive Asaf Elimelech and chief financial officer Elad Even-Chen both pocketed 4.6million last year in salary and bonuses, more than double the year before. News of the hefty pay hike comes after a 70 per cent share price fall since February after a shock profit warning. A good thing the founders managed to offload 250million in shares last year. *** It was the biggest ever debut for a hedge fund when ExodusPoint Capital Management was launched last year with an $8billion (6billion) war chest. The New York-based firm, set up by former colleagues at hedge fund Millennium, opened its first short position in Europe last month with a bet against French electrical equipment maker Rexel. Now, it has set its sights on a UK target: Royal Mail. ExodusPoint has taken out a 0.5 per cent short worth 13million in the postal service, say observers at data firm Breakout Point. Royal Mail shares have halved in a year. Will more pain mean a cheque in the post for ExodusPoint? Unions are calling on Ford to 'come clean' over the future of its British operations Unions are calling on Ford to 'come clean' over the future of its British operations amid fears that factories could be closed. In a statement to workers across Ford's five British plants, Unite and GMB warned this weekend that they were 'ballot ready' and prepared to fight factory closures and compulsory redundancies. The threat comes after The Mail on Sunday revealed last week that the car maker is set to shed up to 650 salaried staff this month through a voluntary redundancy scheme that has been offered to thousands of workers. It currently has a British workforce of about 12,000. The Michigan-headquartered motoring giant is under pressure to cut costs in Europe, where it lost $398million (305million) last year, compared with a $367million profit in 2017. It has already announced plans to cut 5,000 jobs in Germany. A Ford spokesman said: 'We are making the tough choices to invest in the vehicles, services, segments and markets that best support a long-term sustainably profitable Ford business in Europe, creating value for all of our stakeholders including our employees.' Travellers using a prepaid Mastercard will now be protected from a money-sapping trick Travellers using a prepaid Mastercard will now be protected from a trick that strips hundreds of millions of pounds a year from Britons' holiday budgets. Tourists are routinely offered a chance to pay in their 'home' currency at restaurants, shops or hotels abroad in a process called 'dynamic currency conversion'. The same choice is offered if you withdraw money from a cashpoint. But such conversion rates are expensive, as The Mail on Sunday warned last week when it exposed key travel money traps. Customers with prepaid cards who say yes to paying in sterling are hardest hit, being double-charged for currency exchange first when they load them with holiday money, then when they pay in pounds rather than the local currency. Mastercard has banned this practice by amending its contracts with global banks. Alana Parsons, of prepaid card provider CaxtonFX, says this 'offers greater protection' adding: 'Hidden conversion charges can add 7 per cent to a bill. So pay in local currency, no matter what the method.' Train users can beat rising fares by buying separate tickets for a single journey, often cutting the cost of travel by a third. Experts estimate that the average saving is 20 per cent. This little known trick is called 'split-ticketing'. There is no need to pass through ticket barriers mid-journey. All that is required is that the train stops at the station from where one ticket journey ends and the next begins. In the past the only obvious way to find all the ticket options available to you was to download an app. Train users can beat rising fares by buying separate tickets for a single journey, often cutting the cost of travel by a third. Experts estimate that the average saving is 20 per cent But now there are a number of fare splitting websites that will work out any saving from buying several tickets, such as Split Your Ticket, TrainSplit or SplitMyFare. Alternatively, you might try to do the exercise yourself looking at how much it would cost if you broke the journey up between stations you travel through. For a recent trip from Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, to Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, a poker-faced Greater Anglia ticket seller charged me 216.70 for a same day off-peak anytime return. If I had taken time out to explore split-ticketing, I would have discovered that I could have reduced the cost to 149.80 by buying four separate tickets a saving of 66.90 or 31 per cent. The tickets would have been Bishop's Stortford to Tottenham Hale return, 22.60; Tube Tottenham Hale to King's Cross return, 6.10; King's Cross to Leeds return, 113.50; Leeds to Hebden Bridge return, 7.60. The savings really can be spectacular. For example, a single midweek fare from Cheltenham to Edinburgh can cost 164.60. But if you buy three tickets for the same trip Cheltenham to Birmingham, Birmingham to Preston, Preston to Edinburgh the total will be 108.75, even if the tickets are bought on the day of travel. So by split-ticketing you make a 34 per cent saving. Darren Shirley, chief executive of the action group Campaign for Better Transport, says: 'It is not right that rail passengers need special knowledge to work out the best way to buy the most affordable ticket. There is no reason why the ticket office at a station cannot offer you the best fare.' The Rail Delivery Group, which represents train companies, says that trials of a 'best fare guarantee' scheme will begin this autumn. These should put an end for the need to split-ticket. It says: 'Eight out of ten people want the fares system changed resulting in a fairer, more transparent and easier-to-use experience. One where customers always pay the lowest fare.' Greater Anglia says: 'Passengers tell us they would like simplified ticketing and fares. We are working with the Rail Delivery Group to help improve the current system.' If you are looking to save money on train travel, split-ticketing is not the only option. Planning a trip in advance can generate even bigger savings. Rail companies sell a limited number of 'advance' tickets up to 12 weeks before a planned journey. These can cost as little as a tenth of the price of an 'anytime' ticket purchased on the day of travel. A newly released video shows the horrifying moment a woman asks an undercover special agent posing as a hitman to murder her ex-husband. In the clip, which will feature on Oxygen's Murder for Hire this Sunday, counselor Cynthia Guy is seen calmly requesting that the man kill her ex and make it look like suicide. 'If you pay me the money he ain't f***ing living', the agent tells Guy in the raw footage from an undercover sting operation. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Guy is captured as she climbs into a car and discusses the killing, asking if the 'hitman' can make it appear that her ex-husband has taken a drug overdose. The undercover agent informs Guy that an apparent suicide could appear suspicious to the police. She responds: 'I guess I don't want to know. Because if they come to me, the less I know the better. I don't want to know. I just want it done.' The footage, which was taken on a hidden camera in the car, was used as evidence to charge Guy with solicitation of first-degree murder. Murder for Hire, which airs Sunday at 7/6c on Oxygen, delves into the terrifying world of contract killing, featuring real-life stories of men and women who pay to have others murdered. Every day for the past 30 years, Samantha Mischewski has struggled with permanent injuries inflicted when her father threw her against a wall as a baby. Adding to her pain is knowing that man, John Raymond Holschier, is now walking free after a judge ruled he no longer needed supervision despite a shocking rap sheet. Holschier killed his wife Betina Givorshner, 22, inside their family home on Sydney's north shore in September 1989, before throwing their 13-month-old daughter against a wall. Samantha, 30, has never spoken about the horrific crime until now, and says she is appalled at a NSW Supreme Court decision last week to allow Holschier, 51, to live without supervision. 'We're just waiting for him to die. We're just waiting for him to not be here,' Samantha told Daily Mail Australia. John Raymond Holschier (pictured), 51, is a free man walking the streets of Sydney almost 30 years after he bashed his wife to death with a brick and threw his 13-month-old daughter into a wall - leaving her with permanent brain issues and disabilities Samantha Mischewski (pictured) was thrown against a wall when she was a 13-month-old baby by Holschier, her father. Speaking for the first time this week she told Daily Mail Australia she is counting down the days until he dies 'Obviously we wish he could've died in jail, but we kind of always knew that eventually it was going to come down to him having his parole restrictions taken off. 'It's not ideal, but you know what, it could be a blessing in disguise. He hasn't had freedom in 30 years so I feel like it might only be a matter of time before he stuffs up and goes back (to prison) again.' We wish he could've died in jail Samantha Mischewster, daughter However, despite a judge admitting Holschier potentially still poses a 'severe' risk to the community, the NSW Supreme Court last week rejected an application to keep him under watch. This means Holschier is free to live in a taxpayer-funded housing commission home in a quiet Sydney street, next door to young families - just like the one he destroyed. When asked if he was now a changed man, Holschier told Daily Mail Australia: 'Yeah, of course I am.' Samantha still suffers the effects of her father's cruelty every day, even 30 years after the horrific crime. 'I had a damaged frontal lobe in my brain, so I don't have any peripheral vision and my balance is really poor,' she said. 'It's probably affected me more as I've gotten older, I mean I can't drive at night because my vision is so bad that it is dangerous. Holschier was first released from prison in 2008, but ended up back behind bars after breaching his parole conditions on a number of occasions. Earlier this month the NSW Supreme Court ruled he no longer needed to be supervised On September 25, 1989, Holschier murdered his wife Betina Givorshner (left, holding her daughter Samantha) before turning on his little girl and throwing her against a wall. Holschier spent almost 20 years in prison for his cruel crime, but is now a free man 'After he bashed my mother he threw me against a wall and called my grandfather to claim that someone had broken into the house... he tried to make out he hadn't done it,' she said. 'He then went and washed the blood off me, and it wasn't until police arrived that the officer who was holding me said: "Something is not right with this baby".' He's just my sperm donor... we don't even call him by his first name Samantha Mischewster, daughter But it wasn't only physically that she suffered. Growing up without parents meant her and her sister lived with their grandparents until they were sent to boarding school as teenagers. Samantha, whose son will turn two on Friday, says she has never regarded Holschier as her father - he is just the man who left her an orphan. 'He's just my sperm donor... we don't even call him by his first name,' she said. 'I went through a bit of a stage when I was about 21 where I wanted to know where I came from, I wanted to meet the man who killed my mother. 'My family knew I was doing it but they were totally against it. They said: "We know the man that did this, he really hurt our family"... so they didn't understand. HOLSCHIER'S CRUEL ATTACK ON HIS WIFE AND BABY DAUGHTER: - On the evening of September 25, 1989, John Raymond Holschier arrived at his family's home in Daisy Street, Chatswood, on Sydney's north shore - Holschier and Betina Givorshner had been in a 'stormy' relationship and they became involved in a argument, court facts state - During the argument Holschier used a brick to repeatedly hit Ms Givorshner over the head, killing her - He also struck his 13-month-old daughter Samantha with the brick, before he threw her hard against a wall - Ms Givorshner was rushed to Royal North Shore Hospital where she later died - Samantha was taken to Campbelltown Children's Hospital and survived, but did suffer lasting brain injuries from the attack - Holschier was charged with murder and intentionally cause grievous bodily harm. He received a life sentence for Ms Givorshner's death and 15 years for the attack on Samantha - He was released on parole in 2008, after almost 20 years in jail Advertisement When approached at his housing commission home and asked if he was a changed man, Holschier said: 'Yeah, of course I am' The 51-year-old is now living in a quiet western Sydney neighbourhood and was seen on Wednesday walking to catch the bus. Long-time residents of the street were shocked to discover a killer was amongst them, with one man saying: 'I don't want him in the street, end of story' When Samantha was 21 she went to Junee prison to meet her father. She said she quickly realised Holschier (pictured) was 'a bad man' 'So I went with a friend down to Junee jail and met him. I had this idea in my head that I wanted a relationship with him, but he is just a bad man so that didn't really go anywhere thankfully.' Holschier was released from prison not long after that visit, but ended up back behind bars for breaching his strict parole conditions. HOLSCHIER'S TROUBLED TIME ON PAROLE: Since being granted parole in 2008, John Holschier has ended up back behind bars on numerous occasions: 2009: Holschier breaches his parole by visiting the home of his ex-wife and two children May 2010: He threatens to 'slit the throat' of his mother and 'burn her house down' November 2010: Threatens his ex-wife and family. They have AVOs taken out against him. March 2011: Holschier is charged with breaching AVO and is placed on a bond. July 2011: While at a half-way house in Cooma he acts in 'antagonistic' fashion towards the other ex-inmates. November 2011: Admits to using amphetamines and is sent back to jail. January 2016: After staying out of trouble for a couple of years, Holschier assaults his ex-wife by throwing a TV remote at her. July 2016: Holschier spends three months in prison but not long after getting out breaches an AVO by calling his ex-wife. November 2016: As part of his ESO, Holschier is forced to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet which he lets run out of battery - a breach of the order. April 2018: Refuses to undergo a drug test which ends up giving a 'faint' positive for methylamphetamine use. It is later revealed the positive may have been because of cold and flu medication Holschier had been using. Advertisement Between his first release in 2008 and his most recent in 2016, Holschier returned to prison seven times. Court documents revealed the killer was first sent back for contacting two of his other children, who he claimed to have fathered while in custody, despite being banned from seeing them. He was released again in 2010 but just a few months later was back behind bars after threatening to slit his mother's throat and 'burn her house down'. A spate of other minor offences over the years that followed kept Holschier locked up, until he was released under three-year Extended Supervision Order (ESO) in 2016. But even then, Holschier continued to cause trouble. In January 2016 he assaulted his ex-wife by throwing a TV remote at her head and was sent back to jail, before later that year he called and texted the same woman - contravening an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO). As part of his ESO conditions Holschier was ordered to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet, but breached this section of the order by allowing the bracelet to go flat. When the initial supervision period ended this January, the State was forced to apply for another order and did so for a period of 12 months. But Justice Campbell told the court: 'I am not satisfied... there is a real or substantial chance of Mr Holschier committing a further serious violence offence if he is not kept under supervision'. Long-time residents of the quiet Sydney street where Holschier is now living were shocked to this week discover a killer was amongst their midst. One man, who has lived on the street for more than 20 years, said he would be doing anything in his power to get him removed. 'I don't want him in the street, end of story,' the neighbour, who did not want to be named, said. 'We had an ex-convict living in there before, but I can't believe we've now got someone who is even worse. Since he was first released on parole in 2008, Holschier has ended up back behind bars on no less than seven occasions. One of his breaches involved having contact with his second wife and two of their children (Holschier is pictured with them) Samantha said that while Holschier took so much away from her, his cruel crime made her determined to provide a better life for her children. She says she feels 'really happy' about the home and family she has for her 'My next door neighbours are having a baby so it has alarmed them even more, especially when there are going to be days where the mum is home alone with her baby.' In a statement, NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman said he was 'exploring all available options', including appealing the Supreme Court's decision. But Samantha says while Holschier's crime against her took away so much, it also left her determined to ensure her children would have the 'normal' life she never had. 'All I ever wanted to was to be a mum and to give my son what my sister and I didn't have,' she said. 'It's really important that I'm there for him in the way my mother never had a chance to be. 'So far we've given him a really good life and I feel really happy about that,' she said. A talented young scientist is set to undergo life-extending treatment after losing his arm to bone cancer. Scott Stinson was first diagnosed with the inoperable cancer last year after suffering with shoulder pain he thought had been caused by exercising in the gym. His right arm became so weak that it fractured in two places after the 25-year-old put on a t-shirt. When chemotherapy didn't work, the university student was forced to amputate the whole limb and shoulder. The cancer spread and Scott was told that treatment on the NHS would not cure him, promoting him to launch a campaign to raise 120,000 to pay for his treatment abroad, which would extend his life. Scott Stinson was diagnosed while at university (graduating from St Andrews, right) and said he feels most for his family and his girlfriend who he will leave behind (with girlfriend Beck Hollis (right) Scott Stinson (left) said he is now enjoying his time with his friends and family (pictured with friends from St Andrews Scott, who was studying at St. Andrews University when he was diagnosed, said: 'There is nothing more doctors can do for me now. I know I'm going to die. 'I know I can definitely extend my life. It's extremely important to me to spend as much time with my family and girlfriend as I can. 'I'm living my own dream and want to live it as I am for as long as possible. I am very happy with my life.' Scott said that it becomes very obviously very quickly that the chaos and worries of everyday life just become background noise. Click here to support Scott's Sarcoma Solution organised by Scott Stinson SDL (@simon_DL_) April 10, 2019 The 25-year-old (right), from Newcastle in Co Down, was studying for a chemistry and nanotechnology PhD at St Andrews University in Scotland last April, when he was diagnosed (Scott as a baby left) 'All that is tangible and real are the connections and love that we have between family and friends. 'How or where I spend the time I have remaining does not matter, as long as I can be in the presence of loved ones, having a laugh and appreciating all the little surprises that life has to offer us. 'I want to insure that I have the most time available to me that I can get, and if my condition improves through the pursuit of new treatments that will be an amazing bonus.' Scott, a chemistry and nanotechnology PhD student from Newcastle, near Belfast, started to feel pain in his shoulder in 2017, and thought he had just hurt himself in the gym. Just two weeks after first going to see his GP, Scott (pictured above with girlfriend Becky) was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the right proximal humerus - a type of bone cancer Scott (right before the surgery) had two rounds of chemotherapy during which the cancer weakened his bone, and one morning his arm fractured in two places while he was pulling on a t-shirt The student, who wanted to work in cancer research, said the pain got worse and he went to his GP in April 2018. Scott was sent for an MRI scan which revealed a mass on his upper shoulder, and he had a biopsy at Mosgrove Hospital. Just two weeks after first going to see his GP, Scott was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the right proximal humerus - a type of bone cancer. Its rarity means there is a lack of a market large enough to gain support and resources for discovering treatments for it. Scott is now fighting back at cancer and is raising money to fund private life prolonging treatment Osteosarcoma usually develops in growing bones and is most common in teenagers and young adults, especially in young males. Scott had two rounds of chemotherapy during which the cancer weakened his bone, and one morning his arm fractured in two places while he was pulling on a t-shirt. 'I heard two cracks when I was just getting out of the shower and putting my clothes on', said Scott, who lives with his girlfriend, Becky Hollis. Scott (pictured above with girlfriend Becky) has now launched a campaign to raise 120,000 to pay for treatment abroad 'I admitted myself to hospital for pain management. 'It hadn't spread when I got the news. I was shocked but thought it's ok, I'll have a few months off work and I'll get better. 'It's usually quite treatable, so I had chemo and we just had to wait and see.' But scans revealed the treatment hadn't been as successful as hoped, and doctors had to amputate his whole right shoulder and arm. Scott underwent a forequarter amputation in the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH) in Birmingham in August and now has a prosthetic shoulder prosthetic. He says he dealt with losing the whole of his arm 'pretty well' thanks to a healthy dose of 'dark humour'. He said: 'It was growing into my chest cavity. I had no option but to have the arm off really otherwise it would spread. 'It was surreal but I had come to terms with it. It was something I had to do. 'It was either that or live in a very painful existence.' The pre-op scan had also revealed a 'spot' in his chest, and further investigations showed he had more than 30 tiny lesions on both of his lungs. 'I knew the outlook wasn't good at all. They basically told me what do you want to do with the time you have left. 'They said it was incurable. There is only treatment that is life-extending. I did ask how long I have to live but I've tried to specifically avoid knowing exactly how long. 'I was told it could be just six months, but that was six months ago. The progression differs from person to person. 'I was devastated. My thoughts were about the family I'll leave behind. The arm was a sacrifice I was happy to make. But I knew deep down the outlook was bleak.' He started a six month chemotherapy course in October last year, but on Thursday (11th) he was told the tumours had grown. Scott has been researching other potential treatment options and chosen to potential ways of extending his life. The drugs and immunotherapy treatments aren't available on the NHS and will cost up to 55,000 at a time - with an indefinite monthly follow up care costing 400. He also hopes to have his tumours sequenced so specialists can prescribe Scott powerful drugs that match his genetic profile. Scott's mum and dad Jill and Harry Stinson, 53 and 58, set up a GoFundMe page and so far his 'amazing' friends and family have raised 50,000. He hopes to begin the first round of private life-extending treatment by the end of April. Scott said he's holding out hope treatment could 'extend my life indefinitely'. Scott, who is the oldest of three brothers Dale, 24, Ewan, 21, and Craig, 18, said: 'It has been hard to come to terms with being diagnosed with terminal cancer. 'At the time I felt a lot of anxiety and dread over upcoming scan results and I then when my nightmares came true, I found it traumatic. 'Just under a year ago I hadn't really a care in the world and was ready to start the next chapter of my adult life, but those dreams quickly vanished and were replaced with bleak and limited options. 'Since my diagnosis I have dealt with that trauma and for anyone else going through a similar experience my best advice would be to not hold anything back, when you feel like crying, cry. 'Most days I am as happy as I have ever been, I am surrounded by nature and the ones I love.' An NHS England spokesperson said: 'Immunotherapy is available to treat a range of cancers on the NHS where it has been proven to work. Where it is not routinely used for a specific indication an individual request can be submitted.' To donate click here. Advertisement Mexican authorities said a group of about 350 migrants broke the locks on a gate at the Guatemalan border Friday and forced their way into southern Mexico to join a larger group of migrants trying to make their way toward the United States. The National Immigration Institute did not identify the nationalities of the migrants, but they are usually from Central America. A similar confrontation occurred on the same border bridge between Mexico and Guatemala last year. The institute said the migrants were acting in a 'hostile' and 'aggressive' way, and accused them of also attacking local police in Metapa, a Mexican village that lies between the border and the nearby city of Tapachula. Scroll down for video Mexico's National Immigration Institute said a group of about 350 migrants broke into the country through a locked gate at the Guatemalan border Friday A migrant mother breastfeeds her child as she walks with members of Friday's caravan The group of 350 pushed past police guarding the bridge and joined a larger group of about 2,000 migrants who are walking toward Tapachula in the latest caravan to enter Mexico. Claudia Jaqueline Sandoval, 43, from El Progreso, Honduras, was walking toward Tapachula with her 6-year-old daughter. Another son and a daughter are already in the United States. 'I have been HIV positive for 16 years,' said Sandoval, but her reason for going north was not just medical treatment. 'It has been two years since I heard from my son' in the United States, and money is scarce, she said. There are already several groups of migrants in the southern border state of Chiapas who have expressed frustration at Mexico's policy of slowing or stopping the process of handing out humanitarian and exit visas at the border. Central American migrants, part of the caravan hoping to reach the US border, walk on the shoulder of a road in Frontera Hidalgo, Mexico, on Friday Mexican authorities said the migrants pushed past police guarding a border bridge between Mexico and Guatemala A group of several hundred Cuban, African and Central-American migrants have been waiting at the immigration offices in Tapachula for documents that would allow them to travel to the US border, where most plan to request asylum. Some members of that group have scuffled with immigration authorities and broken windows at the offices in recent days, accusing officials of making them wait too long for papers. And another group of an estimated 2,500 Central American and Cuban migrants have been stuck for at least a week further west in the Chiapas town of Mapastepec, also waiting for papers. Several earlier migrant groups in Chiapas, Mexico have voiced frustration with Mexico for slowing or ceasing to hand out humanitarian and exit visas The story so far How did it start? The medieval realm of Westeros is governed by Robert Baratheon, who has seized the Iron Throne from the dragon-riding Targaryen dynasty after the then king went mad. Robert, a bombastic soldier with little interest in administration, recruits his old friend Ned Stark, Warden of the North, to advise him. But King Robert is mysteriously killed, and Ned soon has his head chopped off after standing up to the scheming Lannister family, which includes King Roberts widow Cersei, her twin and secret lover Jaime, and their dwarf brother Tyrion. At the moment, Cersei rules Westeros. What happens to the Starks? Over the seven seasons, the Stark family is split and many of them killed. But Neds daughters Sansa and Arya, as well as their adopted brother Jon Snow, are still alive. The sisters have finally joined together in their home of Winterfell after being separated for many years, and are awaiting their brothers return. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen, who escaped the massacre of her family when Robert Baratheon seized power, has gathered an army (and dragons) and sailed to Westeros to reclaim the throne. Is that likely to happen? With dragons, magic and legions of the undead, Game Of Thrones has much of the staple fantasy fare Not any time soon. Everyone has suddenly realised that while the Starks, Lannisters and Targaryens were jostling for power, another enemy was amassing beyond a colossal wall of ice in the North an army of zombies led by terrifying White Walkers and their ruler, the Night King. And they are marching south. Who will fight them off? The Starks and their allies in the North are getting ready. But Cersei sees a chance to turn the threat to her advantage. As things stand, Daenerys has agreed to put her plans to seize the throne on hold and has teamed up with the Starks to fight off the undead. So everyone is getting on now? Perhaps a little too much. The leader of the Northern forces, Jon Snow, has fallen for Daenerys. Jon Snow, played by Kit Harrington, is at 5/1 odds with the bookies at finishing the show on the throne But last season it was revealed Jon raised as Ned Starks illegitimate son is actually the son of Neds sister, Lyanna, who had a dalliance with a Targaryen, meaning Jon and Daenerys are actually related... Yet it doesnt look like there will be much time for their romance to blossom. Thanks to the undead army, the last battle for mankind is on the horizon. History lessons With dragons, magic and legions of the undead, Game Of Thrones (GoT) has much of the staple fantasy fare. But creator George RR Martin has also been inspired by the history of the British Isles mainly the Wars of the Roses. The powerful factions vying for the throne in Westeros after the last king went mad has parallels with the late 15th-century struggle that broke out after Henry VI similarly went insane. An army of zombies led by terrifying White Walkers and their ruler, the Night King. And they are marching south. Even the names of the two main opposing camps are similar: the conniving House Lannister (Lancaster) and the honourable House Stark (York). Among many characters with Wars of the Roses parallels, Lannisters Machiavellian leader Cersei is a dead ringer for the beautiful and ruthless Lancastrian Margaret of Anjou. Daenerys, returning from across the sea to claim her throne, smacks of Henry Tudor, sailing from France with an army to challenge Richard III. Martin also modelled the Wall, the huge ice barrier separating the untamed northern lands from civilisation, on Hadrians Wall. The Red Wedding massacre in which many Starks were murdered by their hosts has parallels with the Scottish Glencoe Massacre of 1692, in which more than 30 members of Clan MacDonald were killed by government troops billeted with them. Martin is also accused of pillaging ancient history, including Colosseum-like gladiator arenas and the Colossus of Rhodes, recreated in Westeros as the Titan of Braavos statue. Robert Baratheons stream of successors echoes Ancient Romes Year of the Four Emperors in 69 AD when four claimants vied for power. Made in the UK Not only was much of GoT filmed in Northern Ireland but the cast is predominantly from the UK. While some, such as Charles Dance, Diana Rigg, Iain Glen, Jerome Flynn and Lena Headey were already established stars, other unknowns have been catapulted to fame . . . Richard Madden: He played King in the North Robb Stark, Neds eldest son. His character is long dead, and the 32-year-old Scot has claimed he wasnt paid much for the role, moaning that he received f*** all. But he hasnt done badly out of it. Game of Thrones in numbers 4 - Beheadings in the first episode alone. 11 - Weeks on location night-shooting the forthcoming Battle of Winterfell between the undead and the living. More than 750 cast and crew filmed it in Northern Ireland in a government-protected airspace to ensure secrecy. 14 - Percentage probability of a character dying within the first hour of appearing on screen. 15,000,000 - The minimum U.S. dollars spent per episode on the final season. 9 - Countries where Game of Thrones is filmed: Northern Ireland, Croatia, Iceland, Morocco, Spain, Malta, Scotland, Canada and the U.S. 186 - The number of important characters who have so far died: a 56.4 per cent mortality rate. 174,373 - Total deaths so far, as totted up by a superfan. The deaths would take more than 20 minutes to watch. 47 - Emmy awards won by the series out of 132 nominations. Advertisement Since then, he has been Prince Charming in the 2015 live action Disney film Cinderella; played Romeo in a West End staging of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Kenneth Branagh; and, most recently, took the main role as the dour sergeant David Budd in the acclaimed BBC drama Bodyguard. Emilia Clarke: The 32-year-old Londoner, who plays would-be queen Daenerys, hasnt had a quiet moment professionally either. She starred in the romantic drama Me Before You, as Sarah Connor in the latest Terminator film and as Qira, Han Solos first love, in the Stars Wars film Solo. With lucrative commercial sidelines, such as a Dolce & Gabbana ad campaign, in which she starred with fellow GoT star Kit Harington, she has an estimated worth of 9 million. Kit Harington: The baronets son, 32, stars as Jon Snow, the shows obvious hero. Last year, Harington married Rose Leslie (who played a Northern savage in GoT), another blue blood who is descended from Lord Lovat and Charles II. He has since played Gunpowder Plot conspirator Robert Catesby (his ancestor) in the BBC drama Gunpowder. Sophie Turner: Sansa Stark was the 23-year-olds first professional acting role. Turner, the fiancee of U.S. pop heartthrob Joe Jonas, has won starring roles in a string of films, including the mutant superhero Jean Grey in the X-Men film series. Maisie Williams: After being cast as Arya aged 12, Williams admitted she gave up life as a normal teenager. While her mother attracted some criticism for letting Williams leave school aged 14, the actress, now 21, has since starred in Doctor Who and will appear in the X-Men spin-off film, The New Mutants, due out this summer. Name of thrones Unfortunately for thousands of children, the bizarre names of characters have inspired expectant parents. In England and Wales in 2017, 343 baby girls were named Arya presumably after pint-sized assassin Arya Stark and 76 were named Khaleesi, the title used by Emilia Clarkes character. Three were called Daenerys, while 11 boys were named Tyrion after the wise Lannister. Warrior women Fanatical devotion When theyre not choking up the internet forums discussing plot and character developments, hardcore Game Of Thrones fans show off their devotion to the series in truly bizarre ways. There is GoT memorabilia for every budget, right up to a 20,000 full-size replica of the Iron Throne (above). Made out of swords, the replica is about 7ft high and weighs 159kg. Other outlandish commerical spin-offs include a $250 (191) make-up set and an Adidas range of trainers (from 149.95), including blue pairs called White Walker, after the shows blue-eyed villains. The burger chain Shake Shack created a special GoT-themed menu in the U.S. featuring a Dragonglass Shake, named after the material capable of killing White Walkers. It could only be ordered in Valyrian, a language invented for the series, TV network HBO even ramped up the excitement over the final season by organising a treasure hunt to find six Iron Throne replicas hidden around the world, including in the Forest of Dean. Fans found others in Canada, Brazil, Sweden, the U.S. and Spain. Advertisement Unlike Lord Of The Rings, Game Of Thrones stands out for the large number of women in powerful roles. Two principal armies are led by women the ruthless Cersei Lannister, played by Lena Headey, and the dragon-taming Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark is possibly the single most lethal character in the series. Off-camera, despite wider Hollywood complaints about equal pay, women are treated the same, too. Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey are two of five key cast members who get the top salary of $500,000 (382,000) per episode. (The others are Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage who plays Tyrion Lannister and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, as Jaime Lannister). Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams and Isaac Hempstead Wright (who plays another Stark family survivor, Bran) all receive $175,000 (134,000) an episode. Trial and error For those who have followed this epic TV series since it first aired eight years ago, it hasnt always been smooth sailing. Full of violence and gratuitous nudity the first episode had a raunchy incest scene early episodes were widely condemned. Some dialogue was too silly for words, some acting was painfully wooden, and the creators penchant for regularly slaughtering the goodies got a little wearing. At points, many complained the brutality particularly the vile rape scenes had gone too far. But patient viewers were rewarded. As it became vastly popular, producers apparently felt less need to pack it with ratings-friendly sex and gore. However, some deaths such as the moment sadist Ramsay Bolton is beaten to a pulp and fed to his hungry hounds have remained toe-curlingly grisly. That said, he deserved it. Who will win? Given that GoT has killed off major characters with abandon, its anyones guess as to who will end up on the Iron Throne. Aware that Martin doesnt like to do the obvious, the bookies currently give two lesser characters the shortest odds. Bran Stark who can see the future is the favourite at 5/6 to end the series on the throne Neds disabled son Bran Stark who can see the future is the favourite at 5/6. Next, at 4/1, comes his sister, Sansa Stark. Once pampered and naive, shes been hardened by extreme adversity and has emerged as an astute leader. The main good leaders dashing Jon Snow and dragon-riding Daenerys Targaryen have to make do with 5/1 and 12/1 respectively. It seems a little cruel after all the effort theyve put in, but given the blood-spattered course of this series, they may count themselves lucky just to come through it alive. Game Of Thrones is on Sky Atlantic from 2am Monday. Darren Carvill, 38, from Maidstone, Kent, admitted 18 fraud charges A accountant who claimed he was bullied at work decided he would 'go out with a bang' by spending 170,000 of his employers money on a weekend of cocaine and prostitutes. Accounts worker Darren Carvill stole a total of 260,000 from the car servicing chain Mr Clutch, which he squandered on drug-fuelled sex romps with high class escorts. The awkward 38-year-old admitted almost bankrupting Mr Clutch by stealing a fortune, because he wanted a 'weekend of madness.' The head office worker was jailed for two-and-a-half years after admitting 18 fraud charges. Maidstone Crown Court heard Carvill, of Maidstone, Kent, filed bogus payments to himself after claiming he was bullied at work. The fraudster said he suffered from low self-esteem and became addicted to a night-life of high-class escort parties being surrounded by 'glamorous' people and drugs, which were believed to be cocaine. A source told The Sun Carvill attended the Platinum Lace club in London's West End Carvill's barrister told the court his client had been bullied for most of his life and he spiralled out of control A sourced told The Sun Carvill attended a club in London called Platinum Lace. The source said Carvill also went into a room at another club, 'with three escorts, [where] they drank champagne and used cocaine,' adding: 'By the end of the night he had nine or ten escorts in with him.' Carvill claimed that when he realised he would be caught he wanted to 'go out with a bang' - so spent tens of thousands in just one weekend, partying with prostitutes and drugs. He revealed he did it because he was suffering from low self-esteem as his barrister James Ross told the court: 'He has had a very unhappy life. For most of his life he has been bullied. 'He has suffered from very low self-esteem and social awkwardness. He says he was a good employee and worked long hours and did good work. 'He says his bosses had shown them nothing but kindness. But other than the owners, there was at least one person who subjected him to ridicule and caused a downward spiral.' Mr Ross added that Carvill was increasingly unhappy at work and he became more and more addicted to his nightlife, involving an escort agency with sex and drugs and things of that nature. He said Carvill enjoyed being surrounded by 'glamorous' people and he became more and more addicted to high class escort parties. Carvill's fraud almost brought the Mr Clutch company - with its numerous franchises - to its knees. The crooked worker transferred a total of 262,000 from multiple franchises which he disguised as payments to genuine suppliers and traders. Carvill's barrister said his increasing unhappiness had led to more nightlife He said initially he planned to repay the money that he was using to deal with his 'sham and unhappy life'. Mr Ross added: 'He was thinking the money would be paid back but it was deluded thinking that he was merely borrowing the money.' Sentencing Judge Philip St John-Stevens said Carvill had 'pushed the self-destruct' button but accepted his remorse was genuine. Earlier prosecutor Bridget Todd told how the fraud left some employees went without pay for five months. Director Alfred Abdulla said how the company had problems with its VAT and pensions as a result and was 'close to going bankrupt' and face 'many years' repaying money borrowed to pay its bills. In his victim impact statement, Mr Abdulla said: 'Because of what he did I could not pay two of my suppliers for two months. 'This caused a problem with HMRC and VAT returns were not paid on time.' He said the company was reported to the Pensions Regulator and his employees 'had no pay for five months because of the defendant's actions.' Mr Abdulla said Carvill had been regarded 'as a respected and trusted employee' during the four years he worked for the company. Company bosses also revealed they had to borrow money from family members to avoid going bankrupt. It was discovered in August that numerous transactions had been made into a bank account for Euro Car Parts, which is a genuine supplier, but this account was not linked to them. Mr Ross said that initially Carvill stole 40,000 but then repaid 36,500. By October 2018 he took another 60,000 hoping it could be repaid 'but it was clearly deluded thinking', he added. Then in August last year, the accounts worker took 72,000, followed by 40,000, 10,000, another 10,000 and 12,000. Carvill nearly brought the company he worked for to its knees with the money he stole The court heard the defendant, who paid wages and bills for the company, had previous convictions for ripping off a previous employer. In 2008 he was given a suspended year jail sentence at Maidstone Crown Court for embezzling a travel company out of money. Carvill now faces a financial investigation under the Proceeds of Crime Act to try to recover the missing cash. Prominent journalist Stan Grant has said that moving the date of Australia Day would be pointless because some of his fellow indigenous people are 'wedded to grievance'. There have been calls to move the public holiday away from January 26, the day the British First Fleet arrived to create a penal settlement that became Sydney. Critics have argued that this day marked the beginning of great suffering and torment for indigenous people and should not be celebrated. Grant, an award-winning journalist of Aboriginal heritage, debated the issue in a piece published in The Weekend Australian magazine on Saturday. He argued that changing the date of Australia Day might leave January 26 as a day honoured by white chauvinists and risked making the national day more divisive. Grant added that some Aboriginals would not be satisfied with the date change either because resentment was part of their 'identities'. ABC journalist Stan Grant has debated calls to change the date in a piece published in The Weekend Australian Magazine Stan Grant is pictured with wife Tracey Holmes who he left wife Karla Grant for in 2000 'I fear moving the date would only hand it to those who would reclaim it as a day of white pride, turning it into a bombastic day of division,' he writes. 'There are also those indigenous people who cling to Nietzsche's ''politics of ressentiment'', whose identities are so wedded to grievance that to relinquish their anger would be to lose their sense of themselves: moving the date would not satisfy them.' Grant also argued that abolishing or moving the date did not change the identity of the nation. Instead, Grant said the history of the day, and what has come since, is inherently tied to where we are now. 'Australia is more than a day, it is more than a date - whatever that date may be. Moving the date or abolishing Australia Day does not answer the question, who are we?' Grant writes. Grant said Australia Day was not a day to be at war with himself as he says he identifies as neither black or white but rather a 'synthesis' of the two. Grant argued that abolishing or moving the date did not change the identity of the nation and who we are as people Critics have argued that Australia Day marked the beginning of great suffering and torment for indigenous people and should not be celebrated The journalist's father Stan Grant Sr, was awarded a special Australia Day honour as a respected elder of the Wiradjuri people. He was recognised for helping to revive the Wiradjuri language to share it with all Australians, as he believes his heritage is everyone's heritage. Grant said his father has lived a life of 'brutality' and 'bigotry' but is proud to be an Australian. Grant admitted to wrestling with questions about Australia Day as says he is torn between pride in the country and his family's legacy of suffering. He also called for a new declaration, a Declaration of Country, as the current founding document does not recognise indigenous people. Before going into the media, Grant experienced a troubled youth and was sent to 13 different primary schools, while struggling with his heritage. Before a budding career in media, Grant (left) experienced a troubled youth and was sent to 13 different primary schools Grant says he still has a strong connection to his hometown Griffith, in central western New South Wales, despite a difficult upbringing. 'My great-grandmother lived here and out the back was a broken-down Model T Ford. My parents called it 'the honeymoon suite' because when they first got together that's where they lived in a broken-down car,' Grant said on ABC/s Home Delivery in 2016. 'I was born a year later and we were all here. This was it, in the back of a car in the back of my great-grandmother's house.' A month before the Sydney Olympics in 2000, Stan Grant resigned as the host of Today Tonight after leaving his wife Karla Grant for Seven Network colleague Tracey Holmes. Grant, then 36, was at the centre of a love scandal - eight years after becoming the first indigenous host of an Australian prime-time commercial television show. The breakdown of his 16-year marriage to Karla, an Aboriginal SBS presenter who was also the mother of his three children, was front page news. Grant and Holmes went on to marry and have a son together, before also living in Abu Dhabi and Beijing. Four women and two men have been charged with trespass and burglary offences stemming from alleged break-ins at several West Australian farms over a six-month period. Police say the crimes happened between August 2018 and February this year at properties in Nambeelup, Hopeland, West Pinjarra, Benger and Mundijong. A cow and dead pig were stolen in separate incidents in Pinjarra and Benger, but the cow was returned to its owners in good health. Four women and two men have been charged with trespass and burglary offences at several West Australian farms over six months A woman, aged 36, also harboured a cow at a Waroona sanctuary but police said she was not a member of an activist group. The activists, who range in age from 21 to 36, are scheduled to appear in Mandurah Magistrates Court on April 30. Two vegan activists James Warden, 25, and Katrina Sobianina, 24 from Direct Action Everywhere, who trespassed at a piggery and live-streamed it on social media, were last month fined $7,000 and $3,000 respectively. Two vegan activists James Warden, 25, (pictured) and Katrina Sobianina, 24 who trespassed at a piggery were last month fined a total of $10,000 WA Police Commander Allan Adams said people had a right to protest as long as it was lawful and did not impede the rights of people conducting their business. Anyone confronted by protesters has been told to call police, and record the activists and their vehicle registrations. 'Maintain composure. Undoubtedly people trespassing onto your land is concerning,' Cmd Adams said on Friday. 'But we've been very clear with industry and industry have been very receptive about the 'calm the farm' message.' Commander Allan Adams said people had a right to protest as long as it was lawful and did not impede the rights of people conducting their business It comes as another vegan activist Marilyn Orr, 64, said she had received death threats after she and 100 other people trespassed a piggery in Beerburrum, Queensland. Mrs Orr claims she was identified through footage the protesters posted online when they raided the farm on December 1 late last year, according to the Sunshine Daily Coast. She pleaded guilty to unlawfully entering farm land at Maroochydore Magistrates Court on Wednesday where the threats to her safety were revealed. Marilyn Orr claims she was identified through footage the protesters posted online when they raided the farm on December 1 late last year The court heart how Ms Orr suffered from the death threats after husband's phone number was posted online. Mr Orr's lawyer said she never touched suckling piglets and said she had never been charged with a previous offence. Magistrate Andrew Walker said she should have used her experience to set an example to others to protest within the law. He added he was only focused on the actions of Mrs Orr and the media controversy around the recent vegan activism would not factor in to his decision. Mrs Orr was placed on a $600 good behaviour bond for a period of six months. Julie Bishop has offended Donald Trump after revealing his wife Melania mistook her for a politician's wife when she was foreign minister. Ms Bishop reflected on the incident, which took place at the UN General Assembly in New York in 2017, while speaking at the Adelaide Festival last month. The former minister told the festival that Mrs Trump thought her partner, David Panton was the foreign minister. Scroll down for video Julie Bishop has offended Donald Trump after recently revealing his wife Melania previously mistook her for a politician's wife when she was foreign minister She used the anecdote to highlight how gender assumptions are frequently made, given the scarcity of women in positions of political power in Australia and abroad. 'Melania, standing by, assumed David was the foreign minister and she said to me: 'Julie, will you be coming to my ladies' lunch tomorrow?' Ms Bishop recalled. 'And I said "No, David's going to the partners' lunch".' Ms Bishop said her response appeared to leave the first lady dumbfounded. 'She thought about that for a while, thinking: 'Why would Australia's foreign minister come to the partners' lunch?' 'So this went on for a while until the President explained that I was the foreign minister,' Ms Bishop told the audience at the festival. Despite using the anecdote to illustrate a valid point, Ms Bishop's public comments are believed to have offended the President and Mrs Trump, The Australian reported. The former foreign minister (pictured) told the festival audience Mrs Trump (far right) mistook her as a spouse and her partner, David Panton (left), as the foreign minister Ms Bishop said her response initially appeared to leave the first lady (pictured) dumbfounded One senior US source told the publication The White House has raised its objection to the comments directly with the Australian embassy in Washington. The source said 'significant damage control' had been required within the White House following the comments, which are seen as belittling to America's first family. Several US publications, including the New York Magazine, have also picked up on Ms Bishop's comments. The President is known to be sensitive to personal criticism of himself and his family and it's not clear whether Ms Bishop's comments will affect future US relations. Ms Bishop (pictured left with her partner David Panton) recalled how her role as foreign minister frequently drew stares and disbelief at international security summits Ms Bishop's comments could not have come at a worse time as ministers are trying to convince the Trump administration to grant Australia an exemption to the 25 per cent tariff on US imports of automotive parts. Ms Bishop also recalled how she and Marise Payne, as foreign minister and defence minister respectively, drew stares and disbelief at international security summits. 'People were quite surprised. They didn't think that that's what Australia would have they thought we were a blokey culture,' she said. Daily Mail Australia has reached out to Ms Bishop and the Australian Embassy in Washington for comment. A man sentenced to death in 1993 after being convicted of murder, is taking his case to the Supreme Court next week claiming the jury opted for the lethal punishment because he's gay. Charles Russell Rhines was told his fate by South Dakota judge after a trial for the killing of Donnivan Schaeffer while he robbed a Grand Rapids doughnut store in 1992, but his legal team are arguing his sexual orientation influenced the outcome. The Supreme Court will decide whether his appeal will be heard based on if there's enough evidence jurors were biased. It is alleged 'one juror made a joke that Rhines might enjoy a life in prison where he would be among so many men'. Charles Russell Rhines was sentenced to death 1993 after being convicted on murder charge Supreme Court will decide next week whether the South Dakota man's appeal will be heard After new lawyers for Rhines, now 62, began seeking interviews in 2015, juror Frances Cersosimo claimed in a 2016 sworn statement that a member of the jury said: 'If he's gay, we'd be sending him where he wants to go.' Bennett Blake alleged to an investigator: 'There was lots of discussion of homosexuality. There was a lot of disgust. This is a farming community.' Juror Harry Keeney said in a 2016 sworn statement: 'We also knew he was a homosexual and thought he shouldn't be able to spend his life with men in prison.' The death sentence was upheld in August 2018 but this time around things could change with a filing from September 7, 2018. Jurors are not supposed to talk about deliberations. However, in the Pena Rodriguez v. Colorado case, a rare challenge of a conviction was allowed thanks to a 5-to-3 vote two years ago after claims of racial bias. South Dakota's attorney general Jason R. Ravnsborg, elected in 2018, is claiming they don't have grounds for an appeal based on bias Justice Anthony M. Kennedy has said: 'Racial bias implicates unique historical, constitutional and institutional concerns.' But when asked by Chief Justice Roberts whether it could be allowed in cases of homophobia, he wrote: 'Sexual orientation is not immutable to the same extent as race. 'No civil war has been fought over it. No politician has ever proposed constructing a wall to keep homosexuals out of the country.' But South Dakota's attorney general Jason R. Ravnsborg, elected in 2018, is claiming they don't have grounds for an appeal based on bias. Rhines was convicted for the killing of Donnivan Schaeffer while he robbed a Grand Rapids doughnut store in 1992 Ravnsborg has dismissed comments from jury 26 years ago as a 'stab at humor' that 'did not go over well'. 'The alleged juror comments here are not clear and explicit expressions of animus toward homosexuals,' Ravnsborg wrote. 'At best, they fall into the category of an "offhand comment". ' Referring to a note to the judge signed by the 12 members of the jury during deliberations that asked if Mr. Rhines be 'allowed to marry or have conjugal visits', he claimed it proved the jury was 'not phased by, or even convinced of, Rhines's homosexuality'. He claimed it was 'not even a consideration'. The judge did not reply to the note which also asked whether Rhines would 'be allowed to mix with the general inmate population and if he would 'have a cellmate'. 'What jury conceived of gay marriage in 1992?' Ravnsborg asked. 'And the fact that the jurors asked about Rhines's access to conjugal visits with visitors from outside the prison walls also belies Rhines's assertion that they believed prison would afford him a harem of male sexual companions.' Yonason Abraham, 55, was caught having an 'inappropriate relationship with a married woman'. He was forced to quit as rabbi at Toras Chaim synagogue and resigned from his position as a judge at Beth Din court A senior rabbi has been forced to quit his synagogue after an inappropriate association with a married woman. Yonason Abraham, 55, said he had fallen short of the standards expected, adding he was deeply sorry I have let you down. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis issued a statement saying the shameful episode ... has shaken us to the core. He added: When one of us fails in this manner, we are all greatly diminished. The disgraced rabbi is said to have quit over his links with the wife of a millionaire, to whom he gave pastoral support in her marital home. The marriages of both the rabbi and the millionaire were said to have been rocked by the scandal although it is understood that neither couple has split. Rabbi Abraham had founded the Toras Chaim synagogue near Golders Green in north London, and had long been respected as one of the four judges in the London Beth Din court. He has also resigned from this latter role. His reputation as a devout leader of the Jewish community was questioned last month when he sent his sudden resignation letter to his congregation. The rabbi said he had been under exceptional strain and stress for some time which has taken its inevitable toll, adding: I now need to help myself and my family. A source close to the community told the Daily Mail: He had got far too close to the glamorous wife of a multi-millionaire and senior figure in the community. They have children. She suddenly started receiving a lot of pastoral support from [Rabbi] Abraham at her marital home. Its said it wasnt long before he crossed personal and religious boundaries. The husband became so concerned at the rabbis frequent visits that he hired a private eye to find out what exactly was going on. What he told the husband was enough for him and his wife to face possible divorce and for the rabbi to resign. The source went on: The husbands hackles were first raised when his wife said she wanted the family to embrace their faith more. They attend synagogue like any other family so this seemed to him an odd thing to say. Then there were all the visits from the rabbi, including his using the swimming pool, which on reflection was odd as well as he was supposed to be there to give pastoral support. His worst fears were realised when the private eye produced evidence that left him in no doubt the rabbi was behaving inappropriately. It was assumed they were divorcing but somehow they are holding it together. The rabbis reputation however has been ruined. I dont know how his marriage has survived. The fact that he is a judge in the religious court makes this even more embarrassing and hypocritical. The millionaire and his wife declined to comment when approached by the Daily Mail with the allegations. Rabbi Abraham also declined to comment. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis told rabbis in his statement: A Beth Din [religious judge] must be unimpeachable anything less is entirely unacceptable. It was for this reason that I, together with the United Synagogue, ensured that the matter was dealt with so swiftly. This shameful episode has been met by many with disbelief and has caused great pain. In addition, there are innocent family members who have been directly affected and whose lives have been devastated by it. A spokesman for the Chief Rabbi refused to elaborate on the details of the scandal, but dismissed concerns that the Jewish court could face appeals in cases heard by Rabbi Abraham going back years. The spokesman said: There is no concern about the validity of any previous judgements. Britain's biggest charity has dropped plans to give its workers a four-day week with no reduction in pay. The science research foundation, which has an investment portfolio of 26 billion, had planned to trial the new schedule in autumn but told their workers on Friday it would no longer happen. Those who back a four-day week claim it helps to boost productivity and gives employees a greater feeling of well-being. However, the charity - which rivals the colossal Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - decided the logistics of the change would have been too difficult to manage. The Wellcome Trust's massive headquarters on Euston Road in central London Ed Whiting, Wellcome's Director of Policy and Chief of Staff, said: 'After extensive internal consultation on whether we should trial the four-day week, we have concluded that it is too operationally complex to implement. 'We have learnt a lot through our consultation process and, although we not be trialling a four-day week, we remain committed to maximising the impact Wellcome can make in the world through supporting the wellbeing and productivity of our staff.' At the beginning of the year Whiting had stated his high hopes for the four-day working week, the Guardian reported he said it would bring 'a healthier workforce, a reduction in sickness absence and improved sense of work-life balance.' HOW THE WELLCOME TRUST HAVE AIDED SCIENCE The Wellcome Trust has a colossal investment portfolio of 25.9 billion in various science based projects. Working with the NHS and government, it has established clinical research facilities around the country. Behind its funding came the VSV-EBOV vaccine for Ebola vaccine, and a potential cure for Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness. While they also funded Cambridge University researchers who managed to grow an embryo for 13 days in a laboratory setting. Advertisement Despite, this other researchers have found that workers can be adversely affected by a shorter working week. Some people find the lack of time to complete tasks puts them under greater pressure, the Guardian reported. In addition most of the firms who have gone ahead with the radical change are smaller and therefore the changes are not as wide reaching. Wellcome has provided research for which facilitated a vaccine for Ebola and a potential cure for three tropical diseases. While its donations also helped scientists discover how to make embryos survive in a laboratory setting for two weeks. They have bankrolled trials for a new method of controlling the Zika virus and projects on the link between the immune system and cancer. And more money has been pledged to try and find an effective treatment for malaria and alternatives to chemotherapy. A locum doctor was paid nearly 6,000 to be on duty over a weekend, the Daily Mail has discovered. The huge sum for a consultant working from home who was on call to field queries from junior staff and see emergency patients only if needed comes despite a crackdown on fees. The hospital concerned could not confirm how many times, if at all, the specialist eye doctor had come in or indeed answered their phone. But research by the British Medical Association has found that half of consultants on call for a weekend shift are not needed to go in at all. Health officials have launched a crackdown on rip-off locum rates in order to divert the money into patient care (stock image) Health officials have launched a crackdown on rip-off locum rates in order to divert the money into patient care. Since April 2016, hospitals have been told to cap fees at 75 an hour, although they can be slightly higher for weekend and overnight work. But figures obtained by the Mail for 2018 show a number of doctors were able to negotiate rates of at least 200 an hour to cover unpopular shifts at nights and weekends. Freedom of information requests showed a second doctor was paid nearly 2,500 a shift. That is the equivalent of an annual salary of 650,000, six times that of a full-time hospital consultant. The highest fee went to a specialist eye doctor at Kettering General Hospital in Northamptonshire, who earned 5,760 for a weekend on call shift. The hospitals dedicated eye ward and outpatients clinic are both closed at the weekend and the consultant would only have been needed in an emergency. The second doctor, a trauma and orthopaedic consultant, was paid 312 an hour for an eight-hour shift at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham. A specialist eye doctor at Kettering General Hospital in Northamptonshire (pictured) earned 5,760 for a weekend on call shift The Northern Care Alliance group of hospitals in Manchester paid a consultant 3,572 for a 24-hour on-call shift in intensive care. The doctor was hired through an agency, which took a cut of the money. Five other hospitals paid doctors 3,000 or more for on-call shifts of 24 hours. They were also hired through agencies. Health officials believe there is an organised culture among locums who all agree to hold firm on shifts until rates go up. The BMA found in 2014 that specialist consultants working on-call weekend shifts received an average of five calls per shift, with half not being called into a hospital, and those that were going in only once. Health minister Stephen Hammond said: I never want to see the NHS exploited by overpriced agencies. We are supporting hospitals to prioritise existing NHS employees, by making it easier for them to have the opportunity to work flexibly and have more control over working patterns through smartphone apps, so they have less and less need for expensive agencies or locums. John OConnell, of the TaxPayers Alliance campaign group, said: These shocking examples of locum premiums will make taxpayers sick to the stomach. Despite a clear cap on rip-off agency rates, part-time physicians are still charging above the odds. The Northern Care Alliance group of hospitals in Manchester paid a consultant 3,572 for a 24-hour on-call shift in intensive care. The doctor was hired through an agency, which took a cut of the money (stock image) NHS officials need to face down the powerful vested interests and reform the regulations on doctors weekly work hours, which create the need for these massive locum payments in the first place. Regulator NHS Improvement said hospitals had saved 1.2billion on agency staff since the rules were introduced three years ago, including 400million on locum doctors. But there is a caveat which allows hospitals to offer higher rates if patients will be put at risk by shifts being left unfilled. The rules were introduced by former health secretary Jeremy Hunt, who at the time described fees as scandalous and a rip-off. Amber Jabbal, head of policy at NHS Providers which represents hospitals, said: The reliance on agencies remains a last resort. It is at best a sticking plaster solution for the growing number of vacancies across the NHS. A spokesman for Kettering General Hospital could not confirm how long the locum doctor actually spent in the hospital, only that they were available from Friday evening to Monday morning. A council has scrapped a controversial zip-line after spending almost $400,000 of taxpayers money planning and promoting the project. Brisbane City Council announced on Friday they had removed their support for the project after listening to community feedback. Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the cancellation of the zip-line project, which was to be built at Mt Coot-tha, would protect the green space for future. A council has scrapped a controversial zip-line after spending $300,000 of taxpayers' money promoting the project Brisbane City Council announced on Friday they had removed their support for the project after listening to community feedback Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the cancellation of the zip-line project, which was to be built at Mt Coot-tha, would protect the green space for future 'We will be withdrawing our support for the zip-line project,' said Cllr Schrinner. 'This project is dead and buried. This is all about ensuring that this green icon is protected for the future.' The zip-line project was promoted as an asset to increase tourism and economic growth in the area. 'Zipline Australia is proposing a world class ecotourism experience that will ultimately serve to protect the environment and be sympathetic to existing users,' Zipline Australia said in its promotion of the project. 'It will celebrate the region's rich cultural heritage, abundant wildlife, diverse bush landscape, and offer great recreational and educational potential for all visitors.' The council admitted to paying Zipline Australia $300,000 for the contract, as well as an additional $78,000 for promotional materials such as flyers, Nine News reported. The zip-line project was promoted as an asset to increase tourism and economic growth in the area A promotional video was also launched by council on March 17. But a month later, the council back flipped on the project and announced its cancellation. 'Following a careful review of the project and having listened to the concerns raised by areas of the community, Council will no longer be progressing with the zipline proposal for Mt Coot-tha,' the Council wrote on Friday. 'Council is committed to protecting Mt Coot-tha and is investing in Mt Coot-tha to create a green leisure precinct, including upgraded picnic areas, new and upgraded walking tracks and more trees. The three-stage zip-line proposal included a 1.4 kilometre zip-line, Australia's longest treetop canopy tour and a skywalk with a 335-metre suspension bridge 'Council will reinvest money allocated for zipline as part of the overarching $14.8 million investment back to other Mt Coot-tha updates, such as walking tracks.' Zipline Australia received approval from the council to lodge a development application for the project in November 2017. The three-stage zip-line proposal included a 1.4 kilometre zip-line, Australia's longest treetop canopy tour and a skywalk with a 335-metre suspension bridge. More than a quarter of beds in some hospitals are filled by patients with diabetes, shocking NHS figures reveal. In a major hospital trust in Manchester, nearly a third of patients on wards had the condition. A London hospital said 27 per cent of beds were occupied by diabetes patients. Five other trusts across England said patients with the illness accounted for at least a quarter of beds at any one time. Hospitals are being placed under additional pressure because of the number of diabetics in the system with some units reporting a quarter of beds being used to treat the disease Type 2 diabetes is closely linked to obesity and costs the NHS 14 billion a year The NHS Digital figures expose the impact that diabetes which costs taxpayers 14 billion a year is having on the creaking Health Service, with experts saying it is the biggest health crisis of our time. There are an estimated 4 million cases in Britain, nearly double the number of 20 years ago. Of those, 90 per cent have type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity. Another million people are thought to be living with the condition but do not know they have it. Tam Fry, of the National Obesity Forum, said the figures were truly shocking and should act as a wake-up call. Diabetics tend to stay in hospital for longer compared to others because their recovery time is slower and they are more prone to infections. Mr Fry said: People must remember that 90 per cent of these diabetic patients acquired the disease through being obese. It should be enough to prompt every individual to really consider eating healthily and as a sharp reminder that the Government needs to give people ample support to achieve healthy lifestyles. Emily Watts, Diabetes UKs inpatient programme manager, said: Over a million people with diabetes spend time in hospital every year, and many of these whatever the reason for their time in hospital will experience a problem with their diabetes care. The result is longer hospital stays, and patients worried that their health could be being put at risk. The NHS is under immense strain... but the number of diabetes inpatients receiving inadequate levels of care is a clear reflection that more must be done to make hospitals safe for those living with the condition. Nationally, about 18 per cent of hospital beds are occupied by diabetes patients at any one time. This has risen from 15 per cent since 2011, although the numbers are far higher in certain hotspots in the country. The NHS Digital figures are taken from a snapshot survey of hospitals over four days in September 2017. While some diabetes patients may have been admitted due to complications caused by the illness, others will have been in for unrelated reasons. Complications can be serious and include kidney disease, liver disease, strokes, heart attacks, blindness and nerve damage to the feet, leading to amputations. The highest prevalence was recorded by the Manchester University Hospitals where 29 per cent of beds were occupied by patients with diabetes. Figures were 27 per cent at the Hillingdon Hospitals in west London, 26 per cent at City Hospital in Birmingham and just over 25 per cent at the Ealing Hospital, also in west London. Bedford Hospital and West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven, Cumbria, reported rates of exactly 25 per cent. There is growing evidence that diabetes can be reversed if patients lose significant amounts of weight. The NHS is carrying out a pilot involving patients being given soups and shakes, totalling 850 calories a day, for five months. If deemed a success, the regime will be expanded across the country. Comment Page 20 Victoria Toth (pictured) has been in contact with her boyfriend at the Orange County jail even though the two were ordered not to communicate A Florida woman who was charged with beating her two-year-old son to death has claimed that her son's ghost visits and comforts her while she is behind bars. The revelation comes as Orange County police also share that suspects Victoria Toth and Jonathan Pursglove, 26, have been keeping in contact even though the were ordered not to. Both were charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child in the July 2018 death of Jayce Martin. Toth has since been released and has routinely visited Pursglove. Orange County jailhouse records show that the two have been in communication, WFTV reports. Conversations have focused on Jayce. 'I talk to Jayce and he tells me that this is something that we are supposed to go through,' Toth said. 'Hearing Jayce tell me that we're going to get through it gives me something to hold onto.' They've also spoken with Pursglove's mother over concerns that his car would be impounded. Scroll down for video Both were charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child in the July 2018 death of Jayce Martin Toth has since been released and has routinely visited Pursglove (pictured). She has also been in talks with the suspect's mother over concerns that his car would be impounded 'He goes and sits down at his desk, looks something up on the computer, probably at what your charges were or some kind of crap and goes 'we can't do anything,"' the man's mother is said to have said. 'I talk to Jayce and he tells me that this is something that we are supposed to go through,' Toth said Toth had been visiting Pursglove in the jail earlier in the year and was able to get away with the act because of clerical error. Jacye died from from blunt force trauma to the abdomen described as a 'sucker punch' which caused his insides to 'explode'. Medical examiners determined that the two-year-old was malnourished and bruised when he was found unresponsive on the floor of his bedroom in the Washington Shores neighborhood of Orlando. An arrest affidavit for Toth indicates her son was likely tortured to death, and that Jayce could have been saved if he'd been seen by a doctor. She added: 'Hearing Jayce tell me that we're going to get through it gives me something to hold onto' She said the boy's biological father, Robert Martin, told her to seek medical attention for the toddler, but she didn't. Jayce had been seriously ill for three days when Toth says she came home July 18 and found him lying face down in a pool of vomit at around 6.30am - prompting her to call 911. Pursglove - the woman's live in boyfriend - was performing CPR on the toddler when emergency crews arrived at the home in Washington Shores and pronounced him dead. Investigators have said they believe Toth watched for days as her child slipped into a coma because she was 'scared of getting in trouble'. Support for the Conservative Party has sunk to its lowest level in six years - as pro-Brexit parties are seeing a surge in popularity, a new poll has revealed. The Tories would only win 28 per cent of the vote if a general election were held tomorrow, with Labour earning 32 per cent of votes, according to a YouGov poll for The Times. UKIP would take 6 per cent and Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party would win 8 per cent of the vote, the poll claimed, making the combined weight of the staunchly pro-Leave parties the third largest political force in the country. Though the generally pro-Remain Liberal Democrats would score 11 per cent, and Change UK, formerly known as the Independent Group, would win 3 per cent, the data revealed, meaning the Europhilic parties combined match the hardline Eurosceptics on 14%. The Tories would only win 28 per cent of the vote if a general election were held tomorrow, with Labour earning 32 per cent of votes Only two thirds of Conservative voters from the 2017 general election said they would support the party again, and a little more than one third said they would vote for the Tories in European elections. As many as 56 per cent of people who voted to leave the EU in 2016 say they would vote for Ukip or the Brexit Party, with only 18 per cent saying they would back the Conservatives. In a potential European Parliament election, Labour would lead with 24 per cent, followed by the Conservatives on 16 per cent, the Brexit party on 15, UKIP on 14, the Lib Dems and Greens scoring 8 per cent each, and Change UK on 7 per cent, the poll claimed. The data for the poll was taken from 1,843 British adults. The research comes amid reports of a potential Conservative leadership bid from Boris Johnson - who is said to be willing to pick Amber Rudd as his Chancellor. The former foreign secretary was said to be wooing Miss Rudd in order to appeal beyond the Eurosceptic wing of the Tories. As many as 56 per cent of people who voted to leave the EU in 2016 say they would vote for Ukip or the Brexit Party, with only 18 per cent saying they would back the Conservatives But Work and Pensions Secretary Miss Rudd has said she cannot support Mr Johnson while he keeps the door open to a No Deal Brexit, according to reports. The two newest forces in the data are the Independent Group, who want to campaign on a platform of seeking another referendum with the option to remain - and the Brexit Party, whose front-man Nigel Farage yesterday declared: 'We cannot have a second referendum until weve implemented the first! Mr Farage's party was predicted to score more than double Change UK in both a general election and European elections. Yesterday he announced Jacob Rees-Mogg's sister Annunziata as his first star MEP candidate - after she quit the Tories after 35 years. Mr Farage vowed to take votes from the 'tarnished' party he left in December and started a new war of words with successor Gerard Batten by claiming he lacks 'good people' and has allowed a 'take over' by the far right. An American student who moved to Australia to start a new life has been missing for more than nine months. Priscilla Brooten, 46, was last seen at Bracken Ridge in Brisbane's North in July and her bank accounts have been left untouched since. A friend approached Redcliffe Police Station expressing concerns about Ms Brooten in September. But the literature student wasn't formally reported as missing until December, police say. American student Priscilla Brooten (pictured) was last seen in Brisbane's north in July Friends approached Redcliffe Police Station (pictured) and expressed concerns about Ms Brooten in September but wasn't formally reported as missing until December Ms Brooten occasionally instructed Zumba classes at the HealthWorks gym in Deagon. People close to the 46-year-old say someone from the gym would have information in relation to her disappearance. She also attended a book club at Bracken Ridge but stopped going because members weren't reading the same material as her, The Courier Mail reported. Ms Brooten's daughter Caity Brooten, 23, said her mother decided to move to Australia six years ago 'because she did not want to get tied down' in the US. 'She was a very smart and nerdy person and loved to watch anime and loved to take samba class,' she said. Another friend said Ms Brooten 'seemed happy'. She also attended a book club at Bracken Ridge but stopped going because members weren't reading the same material as her The 46-year-old was a Zumba instructor at the HealthWorks gym (pictured) and loved ones say someone from the place would have information in relation to her disappearance Police have not contacted concerned family and friends about the investigation since December. A police spokeswoman said officers were speaking to anyone who knew Ms Brooten and are investigating the circumstances around her disappearance. A hit-and-run victim's mother has described the agony of losing her son in a fatal crash 23 years after losing another son in similar circumstances. Matthew Bradley, 24, was killed when he was hit by a car in Liverpool's city centre on November 3, 2017. It was reported that he was flung into the air for about 30 metres and experienced serious injuries that proved fatal. Matthew Bradley, 24, was killed in November 2017 in a hit and run. His brother died after being hit by a car 23 years ago On Friday, 23-year-old Thomas Bimson was handed an eight-year sentence at Liverpool Crown Court for the incident, after being found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving. Prior to the fatal collision, Bimson was drinking at a local bar with Ibrar Saddique, 35, who handed him the keys to a hired BMW. Bimson, who did not have a driver's licence, and Saddique did not stop when they hit Bradley, but instead abandoned the car. Saddique was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for aiding and abetting a driver who caused death by dangerous driving. Thomas Bimson (left), 23, was handed an eight-year sentence for causing death by dangeorus driving. Ibrar Saddique, 35, (right) was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for aiding and abetting a driver who caused death by dangerous driving Matthew's mother, Margaret Bradley, told the court how she was looking forward to having Christmas with her son when he died. 'He was living in Guildford but we were as close as ever, and I couldn't wait to have him at home with me,' she said. 'I find myself filled with anger and sadness that there will be no more, that I will never watch him get married, or start a family of his own, or grow into the man he should have been.' Matthew's death was almost identical to the circumstances in which his brother David died 23 years earlier. He was killed after being hit by a car in front of the family home. Matthew's sister Claire was also 10 weeks pregnant at the time of his death, meaning that he was soon going to be an uncle. Claire was waiting until her 12-week scan to tell her brother that she was pregnant. She said: 'I was 10 weeks pregnant when Matthew was killed. I was waiting for my 12 week scan to share the good news. 'Matthew now has a nephew he will never meet. 'When your parents are gone you lose the past, when your siblings are gone you lose the past and the future.' His mother added: 'To know that my beautiful son has been killed is horrendous. But to also know who did this just drove away is truly unbearable. 'Their first thoughts weren't to stop, to see if there was still a pulse, to phone for an ambulance to help, or to show the tiniest touch of human compassion to just kneel beside him so he wasn't entirely alone when he took his final breath. 'Instead they just sped away, and abandoned the car in the hope that they would get away with what they had done. Matthew was going to be home with his parents for Christmas in 2017. He died just weeks before the holiday 'I try to focus on the many, many happy memories we shared but as times I find myself filled with anger and sadness that there will be no more, that I will never watch him get married, or start a family of his own, or grow into the man he should have been. 'The loss of Matthew is a void in my heart that can never be filled.' Matthew's father Donal told the court how he had discussed the future with his son. He said: 'I miss him most for his companionship - we travelled in the van together, ate from the same lunchbox, drank tea from the same flask. 'It had been our intention when Matthew returned at Christmas that we would discuss the future of our business and the house, this would have been a legacy for him to take over in the future. 'Matthew was my only surviving son and I loved him dearly. I have been left in an enormous amount of grief again and see no end in sight having lost my second baby boy.' Floral tributes were left by Matthew's fiance Rhiannon Williams at the scene where he was killed, shortly after his death. In her victim impact statement Rhiannon said that her 'heart is beyond broken' over losing the love of her life and her 'future'. Rhiannon also told how, on the day of his death, she struggled to let Matthew go from a hug because it was the first time they had been separated since moving in together in Guildford. She said: 'We talked a lot about our future. He had it all planned out, he knew when we would get married, where it would be and who would be there. 'Once we had arrived and dropped my stuff off, my uncle drove Matt and I to Liverpool. We arrived at the hotel he was staying at about 9pm and we said our goodbyes. 'I gave him a big hug; I didn't want to let him go as it was the first night we were apart since he had moved in together. 'On the way back to the car park I walked along the Strand, passing where it would happen. 'Throughout the evening Matt and I texted each other, just checking in. I went back to my aunt and uncle's house and he stopped texting. 'I thought he'd lost his phone or broken it but I had a bad feeling. 'Every morning I wake up, I remember what has happened and my heart breaks and the world crashes around me. Not only have I lost the love of my life, I have lost my future. 'Matthew was my everything and my heart is beyond broken.' The head of MI6 has agreed to become to organisation's longest serving chief for 50 years. Alex Younger, 55, was asked to continue in his job - rather than retire as planned this November - because Downing Street wants to maintain stability amid Brexit turmoil. Theresa May announced earlier this week that Mr Younger would continue in his position for at least another year on the recommendation of her National Security Advisor and Cabinet Secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill. Alex Younger (pictured), who has been head of MI6 for almost five years, was due to retire in November - but is now staying on for at least another year A senior Whitehall source told the Daily Telegraph: 'With so much of the governments attention being focused on the Brexit negotiations it was felt there was a need to maintain a degree of continuity and stability in the intelligence services'. Whitehall sources predict that the extension of Mr Younger's post could last up to two years if Brexit negotiations continue. However this still wouldn't let Mr Younger compete with Sir Dick White, who was head of MI6 for 12 years between 1956-1968 at the height of the Cold War. Mr Younger will be the longest serving 'C' - the initial used within Whitehall to denote the head of MI6 - since Sir White. It is unusual for someone in the role to stay on for more than five years, with Mr Younger's predecessors Sir John Sawers, Sir John Scarlett and Sir Richard Dearlove all leaving within that period. But Andrew Parker, the head of MI5, has agreed to remain in the role during the post-Brexit transition period - until 2020. In December last year Mr Younger (pictured), known by the code name 'C', told students at his alma mater, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, that Britain will fortify its intelligence ties to European counterparts And one former senior Whitehall official told The Times: 'The five-year stint is not set in concrete'. It is believed that Mr Younger especially impressed Mrs May with the way he dealt with last year's Salisbury poisoning fiasco when Russian GRU intelligence agents attempted to assassinate former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with nerve agent Novichok. In December last year Mr Younger told students at his alma mater, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, that Britain will fortify its intelligence ties to European counterparts even though Britain is leaving the European Union next year. He encouraged students to seek employment at MI6 even if they don't fit the typical profile of an intelligence officer. MI6 deals with international security challenges. The official threat level in Britain is set at 'severe,' indicating that intelligence analysts believe an attack is highly likely. Questions remain over how intelligence will be shared between Britain and other EU countries - with such behaviour having been key to preventing terrorist attacks in the past. It is hoped that with Mr Younger in place during the Brexit transition period, ambiguities over the future relationship between security services can be more easily discussed. Pictured is the MI6 building In January, two senior former security chiefs condemned Theresa May's Brexit deal - which was later voted down - as a threat to national security. Ex-MI6 boss Sir Richard Dearlove and former head of the Armed Force Lord Charles Guthrie insisted the deal would 'threaten the national security of the country in fundamental ways'. It is hoped that with Mr Younger in place during the Brexit transition period, ambiguities over the future relationship between security services can be more easily discussed. Until the 1990s, the spymaster's identity was kept secret. His predecessor, John Sawers, was the agency's most high-profile boss, delivering speeches and appearing at televised parliamentary hearings but Mr Younger is credited with restoring morale after he left. Mr Younger joined MI6 in 1991 after he served as a commissioned officer in the Scots Guards. He also served as an operational intelligence officer for MI6 in Europe and the Middle East and was also the service's station chief in Afghanistan during the US-led coalition against the Taliban. A community has been left devastated after an 18-year-old's girl was found dead in an apparent suicide on Thursday. The death in remote region of Balgo in WA brings the total number of indigenous suicides to 30 this year, according to the National Indigenous Critical Response Service. The suicide is the 10th in the Kimberly region since the beginning of 2018. Eight of those deaths were children under the age of 18, suicide prevention researcher Gerry Georgatos a suicide prevention researcher told ABC News. The latest death makes it the region of Balgo in WA's 10th suicide since 2018, eight of which were youth suicides It comes after an inquest into the suicides of 13 young people across the region. WA Coroner Ros Fogliani who concluded that 'inter-generational trauma' was responsible to the terrible loss of life. Three 12-year-old indigenous children have committed suicide since January, according to the National indigenous Critical Response Service (NICRS). Rochelle Pryor, 14, took her life in January after posting a heartbreaking message to Facebook. 'Once I'm gone, the bullying and racism will stop,'she wrote. She was one of five young indigenous girls who took their own lives across Australia in January. The recently revealed federal budget stated $461million would be spent on youth mental health - but only $5million over four years would go towards indigenous youth suicide. The funding, that comes in to effect next financial year, may not come soon enough for some. Indigenous psychologist and Professor Tracy Westerman said the government is not targeting the right areas. 'Consistently we just don't have the services that we need in those remote areas,' she said. Five young indigenous girls took their own lives across Australia in January (pictured Rochelle Pryor, from Perth, took her own life after a cry for help on social media) Professor Westerman said the issues are developed at a policy level with city-based policy makers naturally biased and with indigenous mental health and suicide still not fully understood. 'There's a narrative that gets created in Australia that somehow indigenous people are responsible for the suicides of their children and there's a lack of empathy for bereaved indigenous parents,' she said. Gerry Georgatos has previously said poverty and living conditions in remote indigenous communities are part of the problem. 'Suicide is multi-factorial and multilayered with an arc of issues, some which intertwine, but it is not complex. There is an underwriting narrative poverty,' Mr Georgatos wrote for Independent Australia. 'In my research borne robustly from the experiential responding to suicide-affected families, nearly 100 per cent of First Nations suicides are of people living below the poverty line. For confidential support call the Lifeline 24-hour crisis support on 13 11 14 James Packer's startling reaction to learning Wynn had pulled the pin on a $10billion Crown takeover bid has prompted speculation he has 'disengaged' from the casino group. Crown directors met on Wednesday for one of the most important board meetings in its history to discuss a $14.75 per share offer by the Las Vegas-based casino giant. But within hours of the 'confidential discussions' being made public, the American casino company abruptly ended its talks with Crown executives. Wynn Resorts is believed to have terminated the deal after 'premature disclosure of preliminary discussions' were made public, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. James Packer's (pictured) dream to build a $2.2 billion high-end hotel and casino complex in Barangaroo could be sold off as the magnate becomes 'disengaged' with Sydney Crown directors met on Wednesday for one of the most important board meetings in its history to discuss a $14.75 per share offer by Las Vegas-based casino giant Wynn (pictured) Despite the lucrative deal falling through, the future of the brand remains to be seen as Packer has allegedly lost interest in seeing his latest venture come to fruition. In years gone by, Packer may well have demanded to know who leaked the details of the takeover, but on Wednesday his reaction was described as low-key, The Australian reported. Appearing before the board on Tuesday from the comfort of luxury Aspen property, West Buttermilk Estate, the billionaire was reportedly 'subdued and philosophical'. While Packer was once brimming with ambition and a 'what's next' attitude - transforming Crown into a global empire - his priorities have reportedly changed. 'It was all spend, spend, spend,' as one casino executive recently put it. 'And then it was a complete 180-degree switch.' Those close to the magnate say he has become increasingly 'disengaged' from his ownership of Crown and made it known he was prepared to sell his stake. Some people close to Packer have speculated the pressures of his personal and professional life have led to him seeking a 'low-profile' life. Despite the failed Wynn deal, the future of Crown remains to be seen as Packer has allegedly lost interest in seeing the Barangaroo Crown (pictured) project come to fruition Few casino moguls have endured as much public exposure and scrutiny as Packer (right), whose failed relationships - including one with Mariah Carey (left) - became media fodder Few casino moguls have endured as much public exposure and scrutiny as Packer, whose failed relationships - including one with Mariah Carey - became media fodder. He also made headlines when he had a very embarrassing public punch-up with his best mate David Gyngell on the streets of Bondi in 2014. Packer has also opened up about his struggles with depression, which led to him becoming a recluse and putting on weight, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. 'I became depressed and I was emotionally exhausted and my marriage had broken up,' he previously told Mike Willesee in 2013. 'I felt isolated, I felt like a failure ... it was not a great time in my life.' In Damon Kitney's 2018 biography of his life The Price of Fortune, the 51-year-old was also quoted as saying: 'I am tired of being on this roller coaster. 'I don't want to do it any more. I'm ready to put my hands up for a few years. I really am,' he said. While Julian Assange is being dealt with by authorities in London after being dragged from a cramped corner room at the Ecuadoran embassy in London, questions are now being asked as to what has happened to his cat. The cat, called James, was the Wikileaks founder's only constant companion over the past seven years during his time at the embassy. The cute kitty even had an online following thanks to its own Twitter account with 32,000 followers and Instagram page with 7,000 followers. Julian Assange's cat could regularly be seen at the window of the embassy wearing little ties The fury feline had its own Twitter and Instagram pages controlled by Assange, pictured left Julian Assange got the cat early on in his stay at the embassy when it was still just a kitten Julian Assange's cat is pictured wearing a tie and collar, left. A woman photographs the cat on a window sill outside the Equadorean Embassy in Knightsbridge, right The cat would open have pictured posted with a political message somewhere close by Former Consul of Ecuador to London Fidel Narvaez, WikiLeaks editor in chief Kristinn Hrafnsson and barrister Jennifer Robinson held a news conference relating to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday. The cat could be seen in this image The furry friend was a fixture at the embassy and apparently used to like to jump on Christmas tree ornaments and sit on the window sills, according to The Independent. Quite apart from Assange's own fate, many online have also pondered how the cat might fare. 'Is Julian Assange's cat going to be okay though?' one person asked. 'I do hope that someone looks after his cat, who must be very confused about all this,' another said. Although it remains unclear what has happened to the furry feline, a number of sources have reported the animal left the place a long time ago and was no longer in residence. La Republica, an Italian newspaper, reported last year that the cat was gone for good. At one stage embassy staff had to tell him to look after and clean up after his pet Staff at the embassy say the cat had not been living there for some time. This photo was taken as the cat sat on the balcony of the embassy in July 2018 The author of the piece who had visited Assange for a story wrote: 'Not even the cat is there anymore ... Assange has preferred to spare the cat an isolation which has become unbearable and allow it a healthier life.' A Russian news agency, Sputnik News, also contacted the Ecuadoran embassy who confirmed the cat disappeared months ago. 'It is not here since September, I think,' the official told Sputnik. 'It was taken by Mr Assange's associates a long ago. It is not here. We are not a pet store, so we do not keep pets here.' A former employee of WikiLeaks, James Ball, said that the embassy gave the cat to a shelter 'ages ago'. It is believed the cat was either given to a shelter or is now with a friend of the family At one stage, Assange thought the cat would be good publicity and help with his 'image' Julian Assange's cat sits in the window of Ecuador's embassy, pictures in November 2016 Photographers would often take pictures of a cat in the window of the flat at the Embassy of Ecuador. This photo was taken in May 2017 Meanwhile, a member of Assange's legal team has claimed that a family member is looking after the kitty after the Ecuadoran embassy threatened to take the pet to a shelter. 'Ecuador threatened to put Assange's cat in the pound,' said Hanna Jonasson in a tweet. 'Incensed at the threat, he asked his lawyers to take his cat to safety. The cat is with Assange's family. They will be reunited in freedom.' Last year, the Ecuadoran embassy instructed Assange to look after his room better - to clean his bathroom and take better care of his cat or risk losing it. The cat, called James, had very good fashion sense, as befits a cat living in posh Knightsbridge Like so many other tabby cats, Assange's cat found there was often nothing better than curling up by the window and watching the world go by John Bradshaw, a cat expert, says wherever that cat is now, it is likely in a far happier place than being with Assange. 'It seems quite possible that the cat may not have been particularly attached to Mr Assange anyway,' Bradshaw told The Washington Post. 'If it's already been moved, I would guess that it is missing the Embassy more than it misses him.' Bradshaw advises the new owners to keep the cat inside as it grew up inside the embassy. The worry would be that if allowed to roam, it would try and make a return to its former home. 'It will probably try to get back to Knightsbridge and likely fall foul of the traffic,' Bradshaw noted. Artie Lange has confirmed he is working as a garbage man after video emerged of the comic collecting trash and tipping it into a truck. 'You're going to keep this quiet right, I'm sure,' Lange, is heard saying on the video filmed in a New Jersey community. 'All right, I love you,' he adds to the man filming the footage. Artie Lange is working as a garbage man in a New Jersey community as part of his mandated drug court program as reported by Radar Online Video shows Lange wearing gloves and dressed up in a yellow vest emptying trash into the back of a truck Lange, 51, who has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth is seen wearing bright gloves and a yellow vest, picking up a trash can and then emptying it into a garbage truck, as reported by Radar Online. He looks in good spirits as he puts the trash can back in its place at the side of the road. A representative of Lange's posted on Facebook footage showing Lange hitching a lift on the side of the garbage truck as he traveled down the road. Lange (pictured above) has struggled with years of drug addiction that has led to the partial collapse of his nose Lange confirmed through Facebook that he is working to satisfy a drug court program 'Just heard from Artie. Someone snapped this video and it got back to him. He wanted everyone to know he's fine with it. Per Artie 'It's true i'm working to satisfy my drug court program. I work with great people. Nothing wrong with a little hard work. Love you all and can't wait to be back on stage,'' the Facebook post reads. In December 2018 Lange shared an image of his collapsed nose on social media to explain the appearance, blaming it on 'three decades of drug abuse.' Lange is serving four years probation for heroin possession. He was arrested for possession of a controlled substance in late January after reporting to Superior Court in Newark, New Jersey, and testing positive for cocaine for the second time in six weeks while on probation. Lange was arrested again in March after failing his probation and testing positive for cocaine, according to Radar Online. He is due to complete the drug court program in August. Theresa May has a good chance of striking a soft Brexit deal with Labour in the coming weeks, Philip Hammond said last night. Speaking in Washington ahead of an IMF meeting, the Chancellor said the Government and the Labour leadership agree on the fundamentals of Brexit. He also said he expected Parliament to vote again on whether to hold a second referendum but warned that the new Brexit delay would not give time to hold one. And Mr Hammond, who has long favoured a softer Brexit, urged MPs to back a revised Brexit deal, saying there was a phenomenal amount of investment being held off by business. Scroll for video Chancellor Philip Hammond (left) has backed Prime Minister Theresa May (right) and said she has a 'good chance' of striking a deal with Labour Controversial Brexit talks continued yesterday, with David Lidington (pictured above), the de facto deputy prime minister meeting with Labour Controversial Brexit talks continued yesterday, with David Lidington, the de facto deputy prime minister, and Environment Secretary Michael Gove meeting Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. More talks are expected next week as the Prime Minister tries to cobble together a deal that can win a Commons majority and get Britain out of the EU. Tory Eurosceptics have bridled at the prospect of a soft Brexit deal with Labour. International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has described the idea of a customs union, which is favoured by Labour, as the worst of both worlds. Shadow chancellor John McDonnell (left) met with Michael Gove (right) as well as David Lidington to discuss the deal But Mr Hammond, who was involved in the talks this week, said there was a good chance of being able to reach an agreement on a way forward over the next few weeks. We agree on quite a lot, he said. The Labour Party is clear that we have to deliver Brexit, they are clear we have to deliver freedom of movement. End of austerity could hinge of the success of PM's Brexit deal, says Hammond The Chancellor Philip Hammond has warned the end of austerity could hang in the balance if wayward members of parliament don't back Prime Minister Theresa May's deal. The Brexit hold-up could also put a break on the search for a Bank of England (BoE) governor to succeed Mark Carney next year. Whilst in Washington for the IMF meeting, the Chancellor said uncertainty had diverted the government from a spending review which had previously been billed in his spring statement as 'the road out of austerity'. Speaking while attending the meeting he said plans were now in jeopardy for the three-year budgets for government departments and local authorities that the Treasury had hoped to finalise over the summer and present in his Autumn budget. 'If we don't have a deal done, the level of uncertainty that will remain probably makes it inappropriate to do a long term spending review'. The Financial Times reported that instead, the Treasury would be forced to give a short extension of current spending plans, which don't include funds to end austerity. Mr Hammond added: 'Huge areas of civil service have been focusing on no-deal preparations. 'Some of the preparatory work that would normally have been done in departments may not have been done or may not be as advanced as would otherwise be the case.' Highlighting the issue of a new BoE governor, Mr Hammond insisted there was no chance that Mr Carney would be staying on beyond his 2020 departure date. 'There may be some candidates who might be deterred from the application because of the political debate around Brexit, which the governor of the BoE cannot avoid being a part of'. Advertisement 'We have some disagreements about priorities and about approach but we agree on the fundamentals. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is under intense pressure from Labour activists to demand a second referendum as the price of any deal. Mr Hammond said it was very likely that Parliament would get another chance to vote on a second referendum, which has already been rejected by MPs three times. But he said the Government remained opposed to the idea and warned that the new October 31 Brexit date agreed this week in Brussels would not give time for another poll. Mr Hammond said Labour is deeply divided on this issue and will have to decide where it stands as a party. Yesterday Mr McDonnell said: 'Talks are going on, constructive, so we're hopeful, positive.' Mrs May and Mr Corbyn held a surprise second meeting on Wednesday afternoon. He also confirmed that Mrs May doesnt have any intention of leaving her job until she has taken Britain out of the EU. The Chancellor said Brexit wrangling had harmed British business and damaged our international reputation. He said a phenomenal amount of investment in the UK is being held in suspended animation until there is clarity on Brexit. British firms had 750billion in cash sitting on their balance sheets that could be unleashed. Mr Hammond also spoke out about the European Parliament elections. Clearly nobody wants to fight the European elections it feels like a pointless exercise, he told the BBC. Earlier this week Mrs May signalled the talks are more advanced than had been thought as she told MPs there was 'more agreement in relation to a customs union than is often given credit'. She also hinted at plans to bring forward legislation to implement the Brexit deal before any new 'meaningful vote' to try and approve it at a fourth attempt. Mr Corbyn also hinted at progress in the Commons this week - and did not repeat his claim Mrs May has refused to shift her position. President Donald Trump's longtime confidant, Roger Stone, asked a federal judge Friday to compel the Justice Department to turn over a full copy of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation in his criminal case. Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges he lied to Congress, engaged in witness tampering and obstructed a congressional investigation into possible collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. In a court filing late Friday night, his lawyers said Stone is entitled to see the confidential report - which was submitted to the attorney general late last month - because it would help prove their allegation that there are constitutional issues with the investigation. 'No other person, Committee, or entity has Stone's constitutionally based standing to demand the complete, unredacted Report... Only then can he determine whether the Report contains material which could be critical to his defense,' Stone's attorneys contended in their filings. Roger Stone, an associate of President Donald Trump, leaves U.S. District Court after a court status conference on his seven charges on March 14 In the view of Stone's attorneys, Mueller didn't have the authority to prosecute him for lying to Congress In a separate action, a former aide to Stone who was subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury asked a federal appeals court to determine whether he still needs to testify now that the Russia probe has concluded. Stone's team also filed motions Friday night arguing he was selectively prosecuted, challenging the constitutionality of Mueller's appointment and that the special counsel didn't have the ability to prosecute him for lying to Congress. They allege that Congress did not formally make a referral to the Justice Department about Stone's testimony and because of that, Mueller's investigation was 'a violation of the separation of powers.' In court documents, the lawyers argue they are entitled to a private disclosure of the nearly 400-page report that Mueller submitted to Attorney General William Barr late last month and said they 'must be allowed to review the Report in its entirety because it contains the government's evidence and conclusions on matters essential to Stone's defense.' Trump has said the Mueller report was a 'complete and total exoneration' Attorney General William Barr (pictured) wrote in a four-page summary of Mueller's 'principal conclusions' that the special counsel did not find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and Trump associates during the campaign, but did not reach a definitive conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice 'To be clear, Stone is not requesting the Report be disclosed to the world - only to his counsel so that it may aid in preparing his defense,' the lawyers wrote. Stone, who is set to go on trial in November, has maintained his innocence and blasted the special counsel's investigation as politically motivated. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which stem from conversations he had during the campaign about WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that released material stolen from Democratic groups, including Hillary Clinton's campaign. In a four-page letter to Congress that detailed Mueller's 'principal conclusions,' Barr said the special counsel did not find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and Trump associates during the campaign, but did not reach a definitive conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. Instead, Mueller presented evidence on both sides of the obstruction question, but Barr said he did not believe the evidence was sufficient to prove that Trump had obstructed justice. Barr has said he expects to release a redacted version of Mueller's report next week that will be sent to Congress and made public. In the separate case, Andrew Miller, a former Stone aide, filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia over the subpoena he was issued in Mueller's investigation. Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges he lied to Congress, engaged in witness tampering and obstructed Congress's Russia investigation Last year, Mueller's team sought Miller's testimony regarding Stone, WikiLeaks and the Russian government-controlled online persona Guccifer 2.0, which was used to release hacked material during the 2016 election. But Miller challenged his grand jury subpoena, arguing that Mueller's appointment was unconstitutional. Earlier this year a three-judge panel of the court upheld the special counsel's appointment and a contempt order intended to force Miller to testify. In the new petition, Miller's attorney, Paul Kamenar, argued that the matter now appears to be moot because Stone has been indicted and like 'Cinderella's carriage that turned into a pumpkin at midnight, special counsel Mueller's authority expired.' Kamenar is now asking the court to have the government formally say whether it will still pursue Miller's testimony. If that's the case, Kamenar is asking for a rehearing of the case. He said in a statement that he will take the fight to the Supreme Court if necessary. A 30-year-old man has been arrested and charged after he stopped traffic to take a selfie. Police claim the unidentified male scaled Storey Bridge, which spans the Brisbane River between the northern and southern suburbs of the city, around 4am on Saturday. The man from Bonbeach in Victoria allegedly caused the bridge to be shut down temporarily, sparking traffic chaos. Police claim the unidentified male scaled Storey Bridge (pictured) which spans the Brisbane River He also interrupted a party of sightseers who had paid to climb the bridge, police allege. He now faces three separate charges. He's been charged with unregulated high-risk activities, public nuisance and obstruct police. Storey Bridge is a steel cantilever bridge, which is 74metres in height, and is a heritage-listed site. He is due to appear in Brisbane Magistrates Court on April 26. An elderly woman with Parkinson's disease was 'brutally' murdered in her home but police are no closer to finding her killer. Vicki Ramadan's body was discovered inside her Melbourne home last Saturday by a handyman who believes she had already been dead for several days. 'It was a brutal attack, there's no other way to put it,' Detective Inspector Andrew Stamper said to to Nine News. Police later said that Vicki, 77, had been beaten to death as they revealed the popular pensioner hadn't been seen since April 1. 'Further enquiries have led investigators to believe Vicki had not been seen since sometime in March and are appealing for anyone who may have seen Vicki at any time in March or April to come forward,' a statement from Victoria Police read. Vicki Ramadan's body was discovered inside her Melbourne home last Saturday by a handyman who believes she had already been dead for several days Vicki woman lived alone and still remained fiercely independent, and regularly rode the bus to her local shopping centre. Police are investigating several leads as speculation continues over Vicki's death. One theory is that she was killed during a particularly violent burglary. Vicki was the perfect target for thieves, she always carried cash and she wore expensive jewellery. Her home was burgled several times in recent years, with the most recent break-in taking place just a few months ago. In October a thief loaded up their ute with Vicki's belongings while she was out. Another line of inquiry for police is a squatters den near to Vicki's home where illegal activity and drug taking were known to take place. One report claimed Vicki had confronted one of the squatters who snapped at her, causing her to live in fear. Vicki lived in a house surround by barbed wire due to the frequent break-ins she experienced Police have appealed for information about those living in the squatter's house. Neighbours overheard screaming at 3.45am on April 4 and another witness observed three men with a car and a motorbike parked nearby. The witness said the men were using a flashlight to search the boot of a car and then drove off a few minutes later. A neighbour said he last saw Vicki alive at around 5.30pm that day when she got off the bus and was walking towards her home, however this has yet to be confirmed by police. The lonely widow's body was discovered two days later. With limited information the Victorian Homicide Squad said they need to public's help to nail down more details of her whereabouts in the lead up to her death. 'We are appealing to the public to help us narrow down the movements of this lady,' Detective Sergeant Graham Ross said. Two jockeys were sent flying from their horses at Royal Randwick ahead of Winx's final race on Saturday. Andrew Adkins and fellow jockey Glyn Schofield took frightening falls in the first race of the day in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Persan, ridden by Schofield, fell within the last 50 metres of the 1600 metres Kings of Sydney Sport Mile, bringing down horse War Baron and jockey Adkins. Two jockeys have been sent flying from their horses at Royal Randwick ahead of Winx's final race Glyn Schofield attends to Andrew Atkins after they both fell from their horses during Race 1 the Kings Of Sydney Sport Mile Persan, ridden by Schofield, fell within the last 50 metres bringing down War Baron and Adkins Adkins was sent diving head first into the turf as the competition narrowed ahead of the final post. The horses escaped the tumble unscathed and continued running beyond the post before they were caught by handlers. Schofield, who was able to walk away from the accident, was seen checking on a motionless Adkins before paramedics joined the track. A black plastic screen was placed on the track as Adkins received treatment before he was transported to Prince of Wales Hospital as a precaution. It is understood he suffered a concussion from the fall. 'He was quite shaken and he was in shock and he was in quite a panic when they got to him,' a Sky Racing commentator said. Jockey Mark Zahra successfully rode Power Scheme to victory in Race 1. The horses escaped the tumble unscathed and continued running beyond the post before they were contained Adkins received treatment before he was transported to Prince of Wales Hospital as a precaution Students at Barnard College and Columbia University pare demanding answers after shocking video showed a black student get forcibly detained by six public safety officers for failing to show his school ID. Upsetting video shows the officers slamming Alexander McNab, an anthropology Senior, against a counter top after he declined to show them his Columbia student identification on Thursday night. The incident took place at the Milstein Center for Teaching and Learning at Barnard College. McNab was entering the building after 11pm. 'I didn't violate anybody; get your hands off of me,' McNab can be heard shouting repeatedly as the officers manhandle him. Scroll down for videos Upsetting video shows the officers slamming Alexander McNab, an anthropology Senior, against a counter top t the Milstein Center for Teaching and Learning at Barnard College As the guards tell the student to show his ID and continue pushing him into the counter, McNab shouts that he has not touched any of them. One of the public safety officers notices that the altercation is being filmed and instructs the group to 'walk outside' so they can handle the matter. McNab then shows the officers his Columbia student identification and informs them that 'this is the third time that Barnard public safety has chased me down.' The officer keeps telling McNab to walk outside but the student asserts his right to be on the premises as a Columbia student. But the safety officer confiscates the student's ID and McNab furiously follows demanding that his identification is returned to him. McNab then shows the officers his Columbia student identification and informs them that 'this is the third time that Barnard public safety has chased me down' McNab continues asserting his right as a student but the officer decides that he needs to check if he is 'active' and keeps trying to get him to come outside. The student apologizes to his peers for the disturbance, but they tell him 'don't be sorry.' Another clip shows the continuation of the arguing between McNab and the main officer who held unto his identification. The student apologizes to his peers for the disturbance, but they tell him 'don't be sorry' The officer repeatedly states that he needs to 'verify' that McNab is actually a student and claims that he was stopped for running into the building and not showing his ID. But both McNab and other students state that he was walking into the building, refuting the officers claim. Another officer claims that McNab was 'crossing awfully fast' across the street when they noticed him. McNab declares that he was trying to catch a light as another student - a black woman - ponders why officers have a problem with him crossing the street. The officer then sarcastically asks the other student if she has a gauge to see how fast McNab was walking. As the woman calmly asks the officer why it matters how fast McNab was crossing the street, the officer tells her to 'relax' and insinuates that the woman is being aggressive. But the woman informs the man that she is relaxed and asks the officer to stop talking to her. The clip ends with the camera woman - another student - telling the same officer that the woman was relaxed as he walks away. McNab continues asserting his right as a student but the officer decides that he needs to check if he is 'active' and keeps trying to get him to come outside A 'loose policy' states that students are required to show their IDs to Public Safety after 11pm in order to enter campus. McNab told the Columbia Spectator that he was aware of the rule but noticed that white students were hardly ever asked to show their identification. He stresses that he refused to go outside because he wanted to make sure people could keep filming the scene. The student also alleged that on two occasions Barnard public safety officers harassed him and accused him of not attending Columbia. Both instances involved McNab being in the space for dance practice. When witnesses try to step in, the officers sarcastically dismiss them and tell them to calm down A 'loose policy' states that students are required to show their IDs to Public Safety after 11pm in order to enter campus. McNab told the Columbia Spectator that he was aware of the rule but noticed that white students were hardly ever asked to show their identification On the first occasion, McNab said that he was asked to show his identification as he was leaving the premises. On the other, officers assumed that he was a homeless man as he was getting a drink of water while barefoot during rehearsal. 'Because of all of that, I said 'Nah, that's not happening again this time,' McNab explained as to why he refused to show his ID. Of the encounter, he added: 'What I didn't see coming was when they got the other Public Safety officer to come to the side and pin me to the counter. I hadn't made any threats; all I said was I'm not going to show you my ID. I don't understand where that came from.' Students organized a protest at Barnard Gates soon after the statements were released and wound up at Barnard Hall, where they chanted 'Public Safety is not safe!' and 'Public Safety is anti-black.' McNab was said to be in attendance for the protest 'It's like I was resisting arrest or something. It was very much like an NYPD police officer-type interaction.' Both Barnard and Columbia held listening sessions on Friday for students to share their concerns about what had happened. Barnard President Sian Beilock expressed 'deep regret' for the 'unfortunate incident,' adding that it 'raised concerns about our safety and security policies and how they are enforced.' The deans of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, General Studies, and Columbia College followed up and released a second joint statement condemning anti-black racism. 'We recognize there is a continued legacy of anti-black racism that has existed in our country since its founding. The more recent climate of racism and inflammatory rhetoric in both the country and the world at large continues to demonstrate a rising trend that targets marginalized populations. We are disturbed that such incidents continue to occur so close to home, and share in the hurt and pain many of you may be feeling.' Barnard also announced that the six officers were placed on paid administrative leave as they hired private investigators to look into the incident. 'We are taking this very seriously and look forward to further engaging the community on this topic,' the school's statement reads. 'Barnard values inclusivity and is committed to ensuring a safe, respectful, and welcoming place for each and every member of our community, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or national origin.' Students organized a protest at Barnard Gates soon after the statements were released and wound up at Barnard Hall, where they chanted 'Public Safety is not safe!' and 'Public Safety is anti-black.' McNab was said to be in attendance for the protest. The studio behind J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter spin-off book adaptions is reportedly 'freaking out' that documents leaked Thursday from Johnny Depp's defamation lawsuit against ex Amber Heard could seriously harm the success of their movies. The actress claims Depp - who plays Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts 3 - 'beat, choked and tormented her'. And a source at Warner Bros. has alleged they're eager to disassociate themselves with the star, but his casting has had strong backing from the book's author. 'Executives at Warner Bros. are wondering how to deal with the backlash of the Depp matter on the Harry Potter franchise,' a source told Page Six. 'High-level female execs at the studio are extremely worried about working with Depp and the message it sends to the public.' Warner Bros. is reportedly 'freaking out' about Johnny Depp lawsuit claims. Documents filed in court Thursday by ex Amber Heard (pictured November 2015) allege domestic abuse Depp plays Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts 3 but studio source claims they're reluctant to disassociate themselves with actor The insider explained that allegations about abuse from Depp has piled on the pressure - especially after CEO Kevin Tsujihara left in March following an aleged casting couch scandal. Page Six reports employees suspect Rowling's choice to move past initial allegations against the actor might have something to do with the Warner Bros. stance on the November 2020 motion picture. 'This is yet another blow to the morale of female employees at the studio,' the source said. 'If Warner Bros. continues to stick by Depp, it would reveal a lot about the values the company holds. 'Many at Warner Bros. wish that Rowling hadn't come out so strongly behind Depp, because having made her opinion so public boxes them into a corner.' Rowling wrote on her website in December 2017 that she was 'deeply concerned' about stories in the press when Depp was cast in the first motion picture and acknowledged questions from Harry Potter fans about their choice to continue with Johnny Depp in the role. 'As David Yates, long-time Potter director, has already said, we naturally considered the possibility of recasting. I understand why some have been confused and angry about why that didn't happen,' Rowling wrote online. 'For me personally, the inability to speak openly to fans about this issue has been difficult, frustrating and at times painful. However, the agreements that have been put in place to protect the privacy of two people, both of whom have expressed a desire to get on with their lives, must be respected. The company is reportedly concerned film won't do well and that female employees won't feel supported 'Based on our understanding of the circumstances, the filmmakers and I are not only comfortable sticking with our original casting, but genuinely happy to have Johnny playing a major character in the movies.' But Harry Potter spin-off book author J.K. Rowling praised Depp as Grindelwald in 2017 Rowling added that she 'can't wait' for fans to see third installment The Crimes of Grindelwald. 'I accept that there will be those who are not satisfied with our choice of actor in the title role,' Rowling continued. 'However, conscience isn't governable by committee. Within the fictional world and outside it, we all have to do what we believe to be the right thing.' Depp's lawyer, Adam Waldman, has maintained that that Heard is orchestrating 'a hoax' as she insists the man she filed for divorce from in May 2016, tried to choke her. 'Ms. Heard has a new problem besides defamation, perjury and filing and receiving a fraudulent temporary restraining order demand with the court: We are now interviewing other women who have come forward claiming they are victims of horrific acts of violence and other abuse at the hands of Amber Heard, in addition to Johnny Depp and Tasya van Rhee, the latter of whom Ms. Heard was previously arrested and incarcerated for assaulting,' Waldman said in a statement to The New York Post Thursday. 'We have now issued subpoenas to Amber Heard, her hoax assisting friends, Elon Musk and other witnesses to explain the avalanche of video, audio, photographic and testimonial evidence with which we intend to confront them.' Some of the text messages Depp sent Heard during their turbulent relationship have been obtained by In the texts, sent in May 25, 2014, he taunted her for filming The Adderall Diaries with James Franco, a movie she said she needed to take part in for the paycheck. The exchange occurred at a time when, Heard claims, Depp had returned to drinking and using drugs. They met when he was sober, she says. Heard and James Franco are shown filming The Adderall Diaries, a movie which Depp did not approve of and taunted her for making, text messages between he and Heard reveal The texts started the day after Depp allegedly hit and kicked Heard on board a private jet. She called him Steve in her phone and he had her number saved as Slim Heard, who was 28 at the time, said she needed to take the movie to support her family and herself but Depp was uncomfortable with it Heard claims Depp kicked her in the back and hit her repeatedly on a flight. His number was saved under 'Steve' in her phone and hers was saved under 'Slim' in his to try to protect their privacy, she explains in the documents. In one exchange he told her about her decision to star in The Adderall Diaries in 2015, the year they married: 'Were you hoping for my opinion on the James Franco piece?? This March 2013 text is what Depp allegedly said to Heard after hitting her for the first time. He called her a 'c**t' 'I'd rather you didn't stoop to that level, but... you've already told me how much you like the material and that it's not a money gig... So... it's 'art'... I'm not gonna tackle that greased up piggy....No m'am...You have to do that film!!! You really want it, obviously... I'm going to sleep. Goodnight...' In other messages she exchanged with Depp that were included in court documents filed this week, he called himself a 'f*****g savage'. Other messages included in the documents Heard filed in court on Thursday are between her and nurses who were tasked with caring for Depp. 'Issue has arisen again....he took the meds about 30 mins ago... all the sudden he's flipping again. 'Just started screaming. Don't know what else to do. Sorry to keep at you guys.' The nurse offered to come over and Heard took her up on her offer. She then sent another message saying: 'He works himself into a rage without any provocation.' There are also texts between Heard and friends and neighbors where she apologizes for Depp and say she is 'f****d up'. In other messages, sent in December 2014 after a different fight, he said: 'I've let it go' then called himself a f*****g savage She talks about him head butting her and him saying he just gave her a 'knock on the head'. Those texts were in December 2017 after him pulling clumps of hair from her head and leaving a hole in her scalp, she said. Heard is trying to have Depp's $50million defamation lawsuit against her dropped. He claims it was defamatory for her to write in an op-ed for The Washington Post about being the victim of domestic abuse. She did not name him in the piece and has never publicly spoken about how she says he abused her. His attorneys say she is lying and that she has fabricated all of the evidence including photographs of damaged homes, text exchanged between multiple people and photographs of her injuries. Champion mare Winx has won her final race before an adoring and capacity crowd at Royal Randwick. The world's top-rated turf horse made it an extraordinary 33 consecutive victories spread over four years when she claimed her third consecutive Queen Elizabeth Stakes over 2000 metres. She won in trademark style, with jockey Hugh Bowman keeping her relaxed and out of harm's way on the outside of the field before beginning her run on the home turn. Japanese runner Kluger was the stubborn leader and was still in front 100 metres from the winning post but Winx always looked likely to sweep past and she did so to deafening roars from the grandstands. More than 40,000 punters poured into the venue to say goodbye to a mare who strengthened her claims to being the best to have ever raced in Australia. The Depression-era galloper Phar Lap had long been regarded as the best ever, and many maintain that he still is, but Winx was now favoured by many others. Champion mare Winx has won her final race, concluding an unbeaten four-year winning streak of 33 victories Kluger came in second to unbeaten Winx, followed by Hartnell, as Australia watched with bated breath A couple of young Winx fans pose for the camera during the festivities at Royal Randwick Trainer Chris Waller (pictured with wife Stephanie and children) thanked fans across the world for appreciating the peerless mare Hats off to you: Stacey Roberts was sun smart with her red wide-brimmed hat, which she matched with her lipstick Home and Away Star Courtney Miller strutted her stuff in a long floral dress with nude heels Her long-term jockey Bowman said he was humbled to ride the adored thoroughbred on the memorable occasion. 'I haven't made this happen. This is just been complete luck that a horse like this has come into my life,' he said after the race. 'To be able to deal with it, with the emotions, the way that I have, makes me very proud.' Bowman picked up an unwelcome souvenir as he went to kiss the mare in the winner's circle just as she snapped her head back, leaving the jockey with a split lower lip. Bowman waved to the sea of fans as he led her back into the yard, while Tina Turner's 'Simply The Best' blared through the course speakers. 'All over Australia. This horse has captured the hearts of a lot of people around the globe,' Bowman said. 'She just showed you what she is capable of doing.' Trainer Chris Waller - who had three Group One winners for the meeting - thanked fans across the world for appreciating the peerless mare. Racing enthusiast Abbey Gelmi looked gorgeous in a blue dress and a stylish fascinator Model Sailor Brinkley Cook wore white trousers paired with a white vest and a black clutch. She topped the look off with a gold headband Prime Minister Scott Morrison mixes with members of the crowd at Royal Randwick Hugh Bowman said he was humbled to ride the adored thoroughbred across the final post for the last time as crowds cheered Winx jumped from the gates and found her feet before Bowman brought her forward to sixth place at 600 metres Olympic champion Chloe Esposito stunned in a flowy gown at the Championships Day 2 at Royal Randwick Racecourse Strike a pose: Samantha Jade worked it for the camera Championships Day 2 at Royal Randwick Racecourse Samantha Jade looked the picture of elegance in her nude dress with her a blunt cut Home and Away star Sophie Dillman wore a fashion-forward pink and white jumpsuit from SFW Boutique 'I hadn't thought about winning a race like today ever in my lifetime,' he said. Waller said it was a special moment to share with his wife, children and all the people who have been behind Winx. Co-owner Debbie Kepitis commended Winx for her final victory, saying the 'amazing' athlete never disappoints. 'The public realise the amazing history they have witnessed today. She is brilliant. She's a credit to everybody that works with her,' she told reporters. 'She touches a lot of souls in very many ways. And for that, I'm very grateful.' The queen of the track did not appear fazed by the extraordinary scenes at Randwick as cameras followed her every move from the time her float arrived at the course. There was no repeat of the kicking temper tantrum she displayed after final trackwork on Thursday and instead she remained calm and poised as she was led out to the start, past tens of thousands of camera phones. Winx jumped from the widest barrier and immediately settled into a comfortable rhythm. As she passed her regular rivals Happy Clapper and Hartnell, and burnt off English galloper and second favourite He's Eminent there only remained Kluger to pass. The Japanese galloper was game but stood no chance of holding off Winx as she was roared on by the crowd. Winx finishes her career with world record earnings of more than $26.3 million. Racing royalty Kate Waterhouse stepped out in a white ensemble but paired the look with a showstopping red belt By the last 200 metres, Winx had cleared her competitors and settled into her final win Winx was led back to the winner's circle by her owners as the course speakers played Tina Turner's Simply the Best With the unbeaten record, Winx has been hailed as Australia's best racehorse - despite never competing overseas or in the Melbourne Cup. Trainer Chris Waller said overseas trips and Melbourne Cup were ultimately rejected to maintain her peak performance as a rising eight-year-old. 'Do I have a regret that we've never taken on other horses in other parts of the world? Well, yes, of course I do,' Waller told Racing NSW. 'She's beaten everything that's come to Australia to take her on. She's beaten everything from Australia. She doesn't do it by a length, she does it with authority. Jockey Bowman celebrates after Winx's final race on Saturday afternoon The queen of the track did not appear fazed by the scenes as she walked onto the track on Saturday Winx arrives at Royal Randwick Racecourse on Saturday ahead of her final race Star jockey Bowman speaks to media at Winx's final track session at Rosehill on Thursday 'She could beat the best horses in the world more often than not but (the travel and strain) might break her heart. She's one of those horses that puts everything she has into it. 'Do we want heartbroken horses when they're three or do we want longevity? You guys are getting longevity and I hope you're enjoying it.' Despite Winx still proving she is in prime condition, her owners felt that it was the perfect timing to end her racing career and move into the next phase of her life as a broodmare who will produce some very expensive offspring. 'We had to make the arduous decision of when to pull the pin on her career as a race horse, but she's got a career as a mum,' co-owner Debbie Kepitis said. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has been forced to apologise after he accused his amputee Labor opponent of using her disability as 'an excuse' to not move into his marginal seat of Dickson. On Thursday Mr Dutton sparked outrage after he said Ali France was using her disability as an 'excuse' not to move into the north Brisbane electorate. Senator Kristina Keneally has since labelled the 48-year-old as the 'most toxic man in the Liberal Party' and a 'thug' in a scathing attack on him. Scroll down for video Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton (pictured) has accused his amputee Labor opponent of using her disability as 'an excuse' to not move into his marginal seat of Dickson Ali France (pictured) issued a statement on Thursday, which stated she already worked in Dickson and planned to buy a home there and make it more accessible if she won Following the backlash the Liberal MP was forced to back track. 'I apologise to Ms France for my comments yesterday,' Mr Dutton wrote on Twitter on Saturday. 'My argument with the Labor candidate is about how our respective policies would affect the people of Dickson,' he added. His social media post came around one hour after Senator Keneally berated him in front of reporters. 'Mr Dutton after all is a thug. Mr Dutton is the most toxic man in Liberal party,' Senator Keneally said. 'Mr Dutton is mean and despicable and Mr Dutton came within a few votes of becoming the Liberal party Prime Minister.' She also noted that somebody within the Liberal party needed to stand up to Mr Dutton, and said that person should be Prime Minister Scott Morrison. While Bill Shorten also hit out at the Prime Minister and accused him of being a 'hostage of Peter Dutton' for not requesting an apology. Mr Morrison on Friday said Mr Dutton's comments had been taken out of context. Disability advocates had also condemned the comments as 'bizarre' and 'offensive'. Senator Kristina Keneally has labelled Mr Dutton as the 'most toxic man in the Liberal Party' Mr Dutton had questioned Ms France's decision not to live in her would-be electorate, saying there were plenty of people with a disability living Dickson. 'A lot of people have raised this with me. I think they are quite angry that Ms France is using her disability as an excuse for not moving into our electorate,' Mr Dutton previously told The Australian. He claimed his ALP opponent previously told people if she won the election she would move to Dickson. Ms France issued a statement on Thursday, which said she already worked in Dickson and planned to buy a home there if she won. She said she had already searched 'high and low' for an appropriate home but none were appropriate. 'If I am fortunate enough to represent the people of Dickson, I will have to buy a home and renovate it so that it is accessible,' Ms France said. The ALP candidate, who had her left leg amputated after being struck by a car in 2011, has been a prominent critic of Mr Dutton's policies. Ms France (pictured) underwent multiple surgeries following her accident in 2011, and since then has become a disability worker and advocate Mr Dutton had previously questioned Ms France's (pictured) seriousness about representing the electorate 'Unlike my opponent who has nine houses, one of which is in the electorate, I have just one house that has been built to accommodate my disability,' she said. Ms France, 45, underwent multiple surgeries following her accident in 2011, and since then has become a disability worker and advocate. Mr Dutton, who won the seat from Cheryl Kernot, has held the seat since 2001, but the margin between Liberal and Labor has narrowed after the 2016 election. The activist group GetUp has also set up an office in Dickson to help unseat him and Queensland's biggest left-wing union, United Voice, is aiding Ms France's campaign. Daily Mail Australia has reached out to Mr Dutton and Ms France for comment. The daughter of Australian's most notorious playboy has made her catwalk debut for gown designer Amy Taylor. Lucciana, 17, stunned as she strutted down the catwalk at an industry event at Dust Temple on Friday evening. Travers Benyon, better known as 'The Candyman', held his daughter Lucciana's arm as she wowed the crowd in a lace white dress with an elaborate matching headpiece. The 17-year-old (pictured) graced the runway wearing one of the designer's bespoke wedding gowns from her latest bridal collection Lucciana, 17, made her fashion runway debut at the Amy Taylor Collection trunk show on Friday When asked about casting Lucciana, Ms Taylor said: 'I was looking for a young woman with natural strong features to represent empowering women.' The teenager's catwalk debut came just hours after the ambitious model took part in a glamorous photo shoot at her father's Gold Coast mansion on Friday. Posing for the camera, Lucciana wore a low-cut green gown in a stretchy fabric, accessorised with beige Valentino heels and a chunky gold choker necklace. Lucciana has long had her sights set on a modelling career. She told the Gold Coast Bulletin in 2017 she planned to move to America when she turns 18 to pursue her dreams of one day walking in the highly coveted Victorias Secret Fashion Show. 'I want to become a Victoria's Secret Angel and then ultimately become a supermodel,' she said. Lucciana's form-fitting gown featured a plunging neckline, cut-away panels, and full-length turquoise lace that showed off hint of skin The 17-year-old struck a pose in a floor-length turquoise gown at the Amy Taylor trunk show Another contemporary gown worn by the 17-year-old featured a white, sheer bustier teamed up with a sky blue skirt that revealed her shapely, long legs The brunette beauty has grown up in the spotlight thanks to her multimillionaire fathers extravagant lifestyle. Benyon has been making headlines for years due to the lavish parties held at the Candyshop Mansion in Helensvale, on the Gold Coast. His notorious events often feature stunning, scantily dressed women. A former model himself, Benyon helped his parents set up the FreeChoice tobacco store chain. Travers lives at the $3.7million, six-bedroom luxury property with his wife Taesha Beynon, their children and other girlfriends. With a dapper gent in tow, Lucciana (pictured) wore an full-length ivory wedding gown that featured white lace overlay, paired with a flowing train and head garland When asked about casting Lucciana, Ms Taylor (centre) said: 'I was looking for a young woman, with natural strong features to represent empowering women' Striking a pose: Pointy-toe heels boosts Lucciana's frame as she places one hand on her hip Bling: A delicate gold pendant necklace and hoop earrings add an extra touch of glamour Milestone: Amy will make her catwalk debut on Friday night, for Amy Taylor Collection Cory Booker has kicked off his 2020 presidential campaign, holding his first major rally as a Democratic candidate in New Jersey city where he was mayor. Booker, 49, returned Saturday to his Newark home, hoping for a surge as he undertakes a two-week tour around the country and expressing confidence to supporters that he, like the country he wants to lead, 'will rise'. The New Jersey senator joined the race more than two months ago, capped by an appearance before reporters outside his Newark home and with a call for the country to unite in a time of sharp division. He emphasized that theme in Saturday's rally, billed as a campaign kickoff, with the goal of gaining political momentum and distinguishing himself from among his dozen-plus rivals. Booker said: 'Critics will tell us that a campaign powered by grace and love and a deep faith in each other' cannot prevail. 'But I say it's the only way we win. The president wants a race to the gutter and to fight us in the gutter. To win, we have to fight from higher ground in order to bring this country to higher ground.' Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker, talks to the crowd during a hometown kickoff for his national presidential campaign tour at Military Park in downtown Newark Booker is hoping for a surge as he undertakes a two-week tour around the country The first stops on Booker's national tour are in Iowa, Georgia and Nevada Booker has made early-voting states a priority during his 10 weeks in the race, yet he remains bunched among the contenders, with poll numbers in the single digits. Nonetheless, his campaign is projecting confidence that he doesn't have to lead early to succeed with a strategy built more on grassroots enthusiasm than national buzz. 'We're trying to win the election - we're not trying to win a news cycle,' campaign manager Addisu Demissie told reporters this past week, describing the approach as 'organize and get hot at the end.' And to win, Booker said he would work to 'make justice real for all.' The former Newark mayor and his team know that building a higher profile requires some bigger swings for attention that spotlight his oratory skills. Saturday's rally before a friendly crowd was intended to give the campaign a chance 'to keep Cory front and center with the voters, which is how you break out here,' as Demissie put it. 'You need to be visible.' The New Jersey senator joined the race more than two months ago, capped by an appearance outside his Newark home and with a call for the country to unite in a time of sharp division The former Newark mayor and his team know that building a higher profile requires some bigger swings for attention that spotlight his oratory skills Supporters of Sen. Cory Booker and 2020 presidential candidate attend a campaign event Booker is said to have raised more than $5 million in the first quarter of the year. less than higher-polling candidates Sen. That's less than Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke reported raising in their first 24 hours in the race The first stops on Booker's national tour are in Iowa, Georgia and Nevada. The themes he pressed at the rally included ending 'mass incarcerations' and 'the school to prison pipeline,' passing gun control measures such as universal background checks and an assault weapons ban and advancing 'Medicare for All.' He wants to enact 'comprehensive immigration reform' that also provides a path to citizenship for young immigrants who are in the country illegally and end 'the sabotage' of the Obama-era health care law. He pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who will defend the landmark ruling that legalized abortion. 'Together, we will fulfill our pledge to be a nation of liberty and justice for all. Together, we will win. And together, America, we will rise,' Booker said. His campaign announcement in February emphasized the importance of 'common purpose' in politics, a message he's since expanded on to trumpet his successful work on bipartisan measures, such as the criminal justice reform bill that President Donald Trump signed last year. 'There are some folks that want to criticize you for getting into the sausage-making, for making compromises and horse-trading, but when I walk around my neighborhood now, folk come out and tell me, 'Thank you for doing that bill,'' Booker told New York-based radio show 'Ebro in the Morning' on Friday. Booker raised more than $5 million in the first quarter of the year, his campaign said, which is less than higher-polling candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke reported raising in their first 24 hours in the race. That sum ranks Booker behind at least six contenders, including South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who raked in $7 million. Themes Booker pressed included ending mass incarcerations, passing gun control measures and advancing Medicare for All He also wants to enact comprehensive immigration reform and to end 'the sabotage' of the Obama-era health care law Heather Bowie, 46, heard Booker speak last weekend in New Hampshire. She said what she likes about him has less to do with his policies than his attempt to build a sense of community. 'His whole thing about unity? I believe him,' she said. 'I believe him. He's building a community this way.' Symone Sanders, a Democratic strategist not affiliated with any 2020 campaign, predicted that Booker could even 'afford to wait until the debate stage and have a breakout moment.' Sanders, who serves as a senior adviser to the Democratic group Priorities USA, said, 'I do think there are people who are resonating with his message. He's just not the person on national television every week.' A New York firefighter who survived after being trapped beneath millions tons of metal when the World Trade Center North Tower collapsed on 9/11, is retiring 18 years after the terrorists attacks. FDNY Battalion Chief Jim McGlynn is a 34-year veteran and was the last of the Miracle 16 to be pulled out alive from the collapsed Twin Towers in 2001. As he prepares to wrap up his career saving lives, he still can't believe his life was spared when thousands died. Scroll down for videos FDNY Battalion Chief Jim McGlynn, a 34-year veteran, is retiring 18 years after 9/11 attacks He was last of Miracle 16 pulled out alive from the World Trade Center North Tower in 2001 'Any time I'm home somewhere and I see a picture of that building coming down, just coming down straight I realize I am someone down here, and I just shake my head and say OK thank you God,' McGlynn said in an interview with CBS News. 'It sounded like a freight train coming down. The building kind of contorted around you. I tried to find a spot where you might be safe. Got into some kind of a fetal position, said a few prayers and just waited for it to stop.' Miraculously, his position in Stairwell B was what saved him and allowed the firefighter to radio for help. FDNY said members rescued the group one by one, by lowering a rope through an opening at the top of the stairwell The then-lieutenant was promoted to Captain in 2004, and to Battalion Chief in 2008 'You knew obviously exactly what was going on. You heard the floors coming down one by one. You heard the "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom". So there was no question in my mind what was going on at that point,' he told WCBS 880. 'After the noise stopped and the vibrations you just kind of got up, brushed yourself off and tried to collect yourself and make sense of what happened. Try to get your bearings, figure out who was around you, where your men were. 'Started giving maydays over the hand talkie, basically just waited for things to clear up so that you could formulate some kind of plan.' However rescuers didn't know where the North Tower was located. McGlynn said eight-second collapse after he turned around to look for a colleague sounded like a 'freight train coming down' Firefighters amid the rubble of the World Trade Center following the 9/11 attacks 'How can you make sense that the stairwell stayed intact?' he said in an interview with CBS A lieutenant with Engine 39 at the time, McGlynn was heading down the stairs when he turned to look for a colleague between the third and fourth floors and the building came down in eight seconds. 'How can you make sense that the stairwell in that building stayed intact,' McGlynn said to CBS News. 'It's beyond my comprehension.' Members from Engine 16, Battalion 11, Ladder 6, Engine 39, Battalion 2, PAPD Lieutenant David Lim, and three civilians were with him. The horrific experience didn't stop Bronx-based man - who now oversees 175 firefighters - from continuing his service. It's only now that he's calling it a day with the Fire Department New York but he can't imagine what his life would have been like without it. 'In my mind we were at war. This was our Pearl Harbor. This was, you know, a focal point in our history where everyone is needed. There was no way I could have left, McGlynn added to WCBS 880. 'It's hard to leave. I have the greatest job in the organization in the world.' He compared HIS 9/11 experience to Pearl Harbor and said 'it's tough to say goodbye' to FDNY In an Instagram post FDNY said members rescued the group one by one, by lowering a rope through an opening at the top of the stairwell. He was promoted to Captain in 2004, and to Battalion Chief in 2008. McGlynn said in the social media post: 'After September 11, I felt like I was needed. Serving New Yorkers is what I was here to do. As time when on, I told myself that if I found something that I wanted to do more, I would leave, but that never happened. This job is unique, you are responsible for other peoples lives and nothing can top that. Helping people and being a part of this job is special. 'The FDNY is my second family and I will miss being an active member. I will miss the camaraderie, the daily grind, the firehouse kitchen, and how every day was different. When I decided to join the Department in 1985, I wanted more than just a job. I wanted to do something that I was proud of.' KFC has unveiled a hunky 'virtual influencer' as their new Colonel Sanders and social media users are in a tizzy over how hot and 'doable' the new The popular chicken chain announced their new Colonel Harland Sanders via Twitter but have gone all out on their Instagram - even giving him his own hashtag of #secretrecipeforsuccess. The computer-generated character appears to be in his late 30s to mid 40s, with a chic salt-and pepper haircut that screams 'DUDE.' KFC announced their new Colonel Harland Sanders via Twitter on Monday He wears his signature white suit but it isn't as form fitting or formal as previous versions. Colonel Sanders even has his hashtag tattooed across his chiseled abs. His Instagram bio states that he is 'chasing the dream' and various posts on the chicken page shows him living the life. The Kentucky Fried Daddy even has his own girlfriend, who is a computer-generated model named Dagny. 'I may be a restaurant mogul and international inspiration, but Im still just a kid who loves being in the kitchen. #humble,' the virtual hunk says in an Instagram post. Kentucky Fried Daddy even has his own girlfriend, who is a computer-generated model named Dagny His Instagram bio states that he is 'chasing the dream' and various posts on the chicken page shows him living the life 'Its important never to lose sight of the things that make you who you are. For me, its being in the kitchen and making amazing fried chicken. Thats what got me here, and I never want to lose that young and hungry Colonel who spent all his time perfecting fried chicken. 'Im still that kid who straps on an apron and makes fried chicken. And Ill never lose that part of me. Never lose the things that make you who you are. This is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. Colonel Harland Sanders even answers questions on his Instagram story, and they range from questions about his looks to questions about the chicken's secret recipe. The CGI chicken chef was immediately deemed 'sexy' on social media and conflicted fans struggled trying not to be too excited over the faux-stud. 'I may be a restaurant mogul and international inspiration, but Im still just a kid who loves being in the kitchen. #humble,' the virtual hunk says in an Instagram post He added: 'Im still that kid who straps on an apron and makes fried chicken. And Ill never lose that part of me. Never lose the things that make you who you are. This is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess' One user said: 'UmMm why is the new KFC Colonel Sanders so HOT?!?! Like he just went full on daddy' 'Imagine being the CalArts graduate who dreamed of working at Pixar and instead ended up getting hired by KFC to design a f******e Colonel Sanders,' added Tom Zohar. A different user asked: 'Am I hallucinating?? am I going f*****g insane????? why is kfc trying to make the colonel sexy?????????' 'Yeah i'll f**k that kfc colonel sanders. he can colonize my tipi. mama forgive me,' said a user. The 'virtual influencer' will be virtually manning KFC's social media channels until April 22, according to Eater. A reckless driver has been filmed crossing double white lines and overtaking another car along a narrow road in an unbelievably reckless manoeuvre. The video was uploaded to Facebook showing the illegal move on a busy section of the Heathcote Road, south of Sydney, in NSW. A grey Volkswagen Tiguan can be seen overtaking a A red Isuzu ute on along the crowded and narrow road. Scroll down for video Dashcam footage shows the Volkswagen overtake the car forcing cars to swerve to avoid a crash. People commenting on the video were furious with the driver of the Volkswagen. 'No wonder why there are so many fatalities on that road,' a person said. A grey Volkswagen Tiguan can be seen overtaking a A red Isuzu ut on a narrow and busy road Dashcam footage shows the Volkswagen overtake the car forcing cars to swerve to avoid a crash 'What a ..... thats just stupidity at its highest,' they said. A former truck driver also said he wasn't surprised at the dangerous behaviour. 'There sure are some bloody idiots out there. Back in the day when I drove trucks I lost count of the number of times I was overtaken by a car on the bridge on Heathcote Road because they didn't want to follow me up the hill,' he said. The man's rear camera shows the car behind him is also forced to swerve out the way and the Volkswagen rejoins traffic when it appears to cut off the red Isuzu The road will have its speed reduced from 100 to 90kph after a a police officer and another man were killed in a head-on crash on January 31. The crash sparked an outcry from the community and calls to reduce the speed limit near the Healthcote and New Illawarra Road intersection, according to The Leader. NSW Police said they were not aware of the illegal overtake incident but that they were now in possession of the video. They noted that the driver appears to be overtaking on double lines and not overtaking when it is safe to do so, committing two offences at once. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has greeted a woman in Mandarin but was left red-faced after she told him she was Korean. Mr Morrison made the gaffe as he campaigned in Strathfield in Sydney's inner-west ahead of the Federal Election to be held on May 18. He shook hands with a woman and said: 'Hello, how are you? ... Ni hao.' 'No, no, no, I'm Korean. I'm from the Korean community,' the woman politely replied. Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) greeted a woman in Mandarin, who told him she was Korean Mr Morrison visited Strathfield in Sydney's inner-west and was seen taking selfies with people on the street Strathfield forms part of the Liberal-held seat of Reid and is a suburb with a large concentration of Koreans Strathfield is a suburb with a large concentration of Koreans. The Prime Minister was unaware he had visited a Korean restaurant where he greeted workers in the kitchen and helped make cakes. Many users took to Twitter to express their outrage following Mr Morrison's campaign trail gaffe. 'To assume they are Chinese is racist and quite stupid,' one user wrote. 'He did not know the lady were [sic] Korean! He is an embarrassment to Australia,' another wrote. The Prime Minister visited a Korean restaurant, where he greeted workers in the kitchen and helped make cakes Mr Morrison was accompanied by his wife Jenny and departing Liberal MP Craig Laundy Mr Morrison was accompanied by his wife Jenny, departing MP Craig Laundy and Liberal candidate Fiona Martin. Strathfield forms part of the Liberal-held seat of Reid on 4.7 per cent. MP Craig Laundy said the Liberal Party must keep the seat of Reid in order to win the federal election and form a government. Reid had always been held by Labor before Mr Laundy was elected in 2013. Restaurant workers gifted the Prime Minister with a slice of green cake during his visit Dr Peter Dunne (pictured) was embroiled in a heated exchange with the accused killer Thomas Hill during his morning jog, police claim A doctor who died after he was mowed down in a brutal hit-and-run was seen arguing with the accused killer just one month before, according to police. Dr Peter Dunne, 53, was struck by a car around 4am in Tarragindi in southern Brisbane. It is alleged that Thomas Hill, 32, turned his vehicle around to hit Dr Dunne. The father-of-three was taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital with critical head injuries and died six weeks later. Neighbours told police that prior to Dr Dunne's death he and Mr Hill, 32, had had a dispute in January, The Courier Mail reported. Residents reportedly overheard Dr Dunne call Mr Hill a name which subsequently led to the disagreement. While it's also alleged Mr Hill had previously been involved in other verbal arguments with neighbours. Mr Hill was arrested last week by Queensland Police and charged with murder, failing to remain at the scene, and showing callous disregard by failing to assist the injured man. Daily Mail Australia does not suggest that Mr Hill is guilty of the offences he has been charged with. Police had previously told the media they will allege the hit-and-run was deliberate (Pictured: police at the scene) Detective Inspector Mark Thompson had previously told the media they will allege the hit-and-run was deliberate. 'We will be alleging that the offender deliberately and willfully struck the victim with his vehicle,' he said. 'We will be alleging that he deliberately aimed his vehicle at the victim and ran him down,' Detective Thompson concluded. Mr Hill appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court last week and did not apply for bail. As part of the court proceedings Mr Hill is expected to undergo a mental health assessment. The case has been adjourned until April 29. A British man has found himself in handcuffs less than 24 hours after arriving in Australia. Police say the man violently attacked an older man near Bondi Beach in Sydney's east, leaving him seriously injured. He allegedly approached a 59-year-old man while he was walking down the street about 1.30am on Saturday, and assaulted and threatened him. A British man has found himself in handcuffs less than 24 hours after arriving in Australia (stock image of Bondi pictured) The man attempted to flee from the enraged man, who continued to assault him and stole his mobile phone. The attack was only stopped when a nearby onlooker called police after witnessing seeing the violent assault. The victim was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics at the scene before being taken to St Vincent's Hospital in a serious but stable condition. The victim was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics at the scene before being taken to St Vincent's Hospital (pictured) in a serious but stable condition Mr Smith was arrested at the scene by Officers from Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command. He was taken to Waverley Police Station and charged with aggravated robbery with wounding/grievous bodily harm and choking a person intend to commit indictable offence. The man was refused bail and appeared in Parramatta Bail Court today. He was taken to Waverley Police Station and charged with aggravated robbery with wounding/grievous bodily harm and choking a person with intent to commit indictable offence It depicts Jesus Christ as the saviour of the world and fetched a world-record 350 million at auction but now experts say the Salvator Mundi might not have been painted by Leonardo da Vinci after all. The doubts over the famous artwork come two years after it was bought by Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. The record price was paid in the belief that it was Leonardos work, although even at the time, several specialists said the artist may have made only a small contribution to the painting. The value of the Salvator Mundi rocketed from $1,175 to sell for an eye-watering $450million when a panel of five experts apparently declared it as an original in 2008 Now, a new book by art scholar Ben Lewis claims the National Gallery in London asked five experts to examine the portrait in 2008, before its inclusion in the gallery's blockbuster Leonardo exhibition three years later. In The Last Leonardo, Lewis writes that just two of the experts were willing to verify that the painting was a genuine Leonardo, a third said it wasn't and two refused to comment. But the gallery failed to include any of the doubts in the catalogue. The internationally renowned gallery's public declaration of faith in the artwork was a crucial factor in the extraordinary auction price for a work that had been sold for only a four-figure sum in 2005. The latest claims have divided the art world. Michael Daley, director of ArtWatch UK, said: 'We don't think it's a Leonardo and it should not have gone in the exhibition back in 2011.' But Dr Bendor Grosvenor, who presents the BBC4 series Britain's Lost Masterpieces, said he thought there were valid reasons to believe the work was by Leonardo. Despite selling for a modest $1,175 in 2005, the judgement by the panel led to it being snapped up in 2017 by a representative of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (bidding in New York pictured) He told the BBC the sale of the painting for such a huge sum had brought out 'everyone's inner communist' and led to repeated attempts to undermine its attribution. ' Nearly all Leonardo scholars agree that it's by him or at least mostly by him,' he added. A gallery spokesman said: 'The National Gallery makes careful consideration before including any loan in an exhibition.' The head and features of a wolf-like dog that lived in Orkney 4,500 years ago has been recreated in the world's first canine forensic reconstruction. The dog was domesticated in the Neolithic era on the archipelago, off mainland Scotland, but still bore the features of a wolf. Standing about the size of a large collie, its head was reconstructed by a forensic artist from one of 24 skulls excavated by archaeologists from Cuween Hill, a delicate passage tomb on Orkney's mainland. The head and features of a wolf-like dog that lived in Orkney 4,500 years ago has been recreated in the world's first canine forensic reconstruction Standing about the size of a large collie, its head was reconstructed by a forensic artist from one of 24 skulls excavated by archaeologists from Cuween Hill, a delicate passage tomb on Orkney's mainland. The reconstruction process used techniques often utilised by crime scene investigators The reconstruction process adopted techniques often used by crime scene investigators and the skulls were radiocarbon-dated to 2,500BC, the Guardian reported. The tomb, used for human burial, had been built about 600 years earlier than the better-known monument Maeshowe, using a similar technique, known as corbelling. The reason why the canine remains were found at the site is a mystery. Cuween Hilil had been used for human burial and was built about 600 years earlier than the better-known monument Maeshowe, using a similar technique, known as corbelling. It remains a mystery as to why the remains of the dogs were found there The reconstruction of the dog's head was jointly commissioned by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and the National Museum of Scotland. Alison Sheridan, the principle archaeological research curator in the department of Scottish History at the museum, said the dogs' presence was 'very unusual'. 'People have speculated as to whether the fact you get so many dogs in one tomb, which is very, very unusual, suggests there was some kind of totemic thing,' she said. The islands are host to numerous other Neolithic sites, including the settlement of Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar, as well as 72 tombs Strange animal associations have been found in two tombs in Orkney, with the bones and talons of a sea eagle being found by a farmer on the island of South Ronaldsay. And at Knowe of Yarso, on Rowsay, the bones of 36 red deer were found. The hive of building on the islands during the Neolithic period is believed to have heavily influenced communities across the rest of the British Isles and further afield. The islands are host to numerous other Neolithic sites, including the settlement of Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar, as well as 72 tombs. The standing stones which make up the Ring of Brodgar date to approximately 2,000-2,500BC Ms Sheridan added that the people living near Cuween Hill may have seen themselves as 'the dog people' and that other groups perhaps identified with other species. Steve Farrar, HES's interpretation manager, said the dog's reconstruction was an attempt to bring to life the stories behind the large number of Neolithic monuments on Orkney. Mr Farrar added: 'I can empathise with the people whose ingenuity made Orkney such an enormously important place. 'When this dog was around, north-west Europe looked to Orkney.' The dog's head will be displayed in Orkney later this year and will be discussed at the Edinburgh Science Festival today. A woman who was robbed of her car and cash card the morning after a Tinder date says she's deleted the app for good. The woman had gone on a date with Vittorio William Guida, 39, and the night had continued into the morning. When the pair woke up, Guida had asked the woman for a lift to Tuggeranong in the ACT. As she was reversing out of her driveway, Guida said he left his wallet on the bedside table and the woman went inside to retrieve it. She couldn't find the wallet and when she came back to ask if Guida was sure about where he left it, she realised she had been robbed. Vittorio William Guida, 39, asked the woman for a lift to Tuggeranong in the ACT the next day. As she was reversing out of her driveway, Guida said he left his wallet on the bedside table and the woman went inside to retrieve it. When the woman came back, her car was gone Prosecutor Maclaren Wall told the ACT Magistrates Court on Friday: 'This is a Tinder date disaster'. 'Instead of stealing her heart, the defendant stole her car.' Police were driving through the town of Flynn when they spotted the car outside a house, The Canberra Times reported. When they approached Guida, he said the woman had agreed to lend him the car for a couple of days. Police searched him and found the woman's cash card in his pocket, and he told police he'd found it in the car and was holding onto it for her. Police were driving through the town of Flynn when they spotted the car outside a house. When they approached Guida, he said the woman had lent him the car for a couple of days. Guida was found guilty of dishonestly taking a motor vehicle and minor theft Guida pleaded not guilty to charges of dishonestly taking a motor vehicle and minor theft. Magistrate Louise Taylor did not believes Guida's version of the story and found him guilty of both charges. The woman told the court that she will be deleting Tinder from her phone. Children who attend grammar school do not go on to lead healthier or wealthier lives finds study. An in depth study found that those who attended the schools were more likely to get better A-levels and a degree but that the advantages stopped there. The analysis of the grammar school goers who took the 11 plus exam in 1969 found that they are no more physically or mentally healthy, wealthier or likely to be employed than their comprehensive school counterparts. With teenagers from all backgrounds now taking A-levels and many going on to do a degree the study concluded that any benefit of attending a grammar school over a comprehensive may be wiped out all together. England has 163 highly sought after grammar schools, with no more legally allowed to open (stock photo) Other factors such as the parents' financial position and characteristics had a much bigger impact on the outcome of the child found researchers at The University of York. The analysis of 1970's Grammar school generation was conducted with students who took the exam in 1969 and fell either side of the 11 plus pass boundary - ensuring similar intelligence. Those who narrowly failed to meet entry requirements for the selective schools were found to be no worse off through self-assessed questionnaires and their risk of developing health issues later in life. The only advantage found by the research was the 25% higher chance of achieving A-levels and the 17% higher probability of getting a degree. Grammar schools were only more likely to perpetuate existing inequalities in society than to bridge the gap found the study. Researchers at The University of York will present their findings at the annual conference of The Royal Economic Society at Warwick University next week. England has 163 highly sought after grammar schools, with no more legally allowed to open. Last year the UK government announced they would be investing 50 million into increasing the number of grammar school places - to encourage a merit based education system. Sixteen of the remaining grammar schools won funding to expand buildings and build new ones on the condition they would make it easier for poorer students to apply. The paper concluded: 'Since nowadays studying towards A-levels and a university degree is more common, the differences in educational outcomes by type of school observed in the older generation may not apply to the current young generations of 11-plus takers. 'The study also finds that in the sample of individuals with similar cognitive ability, pupils whose fathers have higher socioeconomic status and whose mothers have greater interest in their education are still more likely to obtain a grammar school place. The conclusion is therefore that grammar schools are more likely to reproduce existing inequalities rather than providing effective means to compensate for initial differences.' Fears that Britain has been pushed into a 'lockdown by stealth' are mounting as 'scare stories' about the new Covid variant trigger a wave of pub and restaurant cancellations ahead of Christmas and England's chief medical officer told people to scale back their festive plans. It is thought that people are entering a 'self-imposed lockdown' in a bid to avoid having to isolate on December 25 if they test positive. Almost every one of the 90 restaurants in London's West End have suffered cancellations in the past week, while one pub manager in Covent Garden added that every single booking for a Christmas party in their private room disappeared last week. A string of shows in the West End have been cancelled as Omicron becomes the dominant strain in the capital, including Hamilton at the Victoria Palace Theatre, Hex at the National Theatre, and The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time at the Troubadour Theatre Wembley. At last night's Downing Street press conference, England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty and Prime Minister Boris Johnson stoked fears further by encouraging people to scale back their Christmas plans. Prof Whitty even rubbished a major real-world study from South Africa which suggested that the variant was milder, and insisted Omicron 'is going to be a problem'. The Independent SAGE group of scientists and medics last night called for an immediate 10-day 'circuit-breaker' shutdown. Two axe-wielding men are on the run after a terrifying carjacking this morning. At 4.30am on Saturday, 13 April, two men aged 24 and 30 were sitting in a Ford Territory on Ironbark Lane, Cessnock, when they were approached by the armed men. The men, who were not known to their victims, were armed with an axe, bat and a knife. Police say the armed men forced the pair in the car out of the vehicle and threatened them, demanding their property. At 4.30am on Saturday, 13 April, two men aged 24 and 30 were sitting in a Ford Territory on Ironbark Lane, Cessnock, when they were approached by the armed men The men handed over some of their belongings before running away from the scene, leaving their car behind for the attackers. The victims then went to police and reported the incident, before the 30-year-old was taken to Cessnock Hospital and treated for minor injuries. Officers from Hunter Valley Police District has told Daily Mail that no arrests have yet been made and that their inquiries continue. Approval for a housing development in London has been granted in an area so polluted residents will be advised to keep their windows shut. The air quality assessment commissioned by the developers found that future residents of the development, just off the A2 in Lewisham, South London, will be breathing in far above the legal limit of nitrogen dioxide. An area surrounding the build was found to have 56.3 micrograms of nitrogen dioxide per cubic meter - the legal limit is 40. Planning projections of the Creekside 1 off the A2 in Lewisham, South London The highest level within the building development was 43.7 leading assessors to advise that future residents keep their windows closed to the outside pollution. The assessment concluded: 'With opening windows the developer should advise the future occupants that their health could be at risk due to relatively high levels of air pollution in the area.' Air campaigner Rosamund Kissi-Debrah said the decision was 'an absolute disaster' reported The Guardian. View of the Creekside 1 proposal from the South. An area surrounding the build was found to have 56.3 micrograms of nitrogen dioxide per cubic meter - the legal limit is 40 The developers proposed green spaces outside of the development, to counteract pollution Ms Kissi-Debrah's daughter Ella Kissi-Debrah, 9, died of acute respiratory failure in Lewisham in 2013 after consistently being exposed to higher than legal NO2 levels in their home. Ella's mother told The Guardian: 'They have learned nothing from my daughter's death, nothing at all. It is an insult.' Ella Kissi-Debrah, 9, died of acute respiratory failure in Lewisham in 2013 after consistently being exposed to higher than legal NO2 levels in their home Lewisham Council gave the go ahead for the new development of 56 homes on 1 Creekside despite the low air quality in the surrounding area, detailing it as a 'low priority consideration' on the planning report. Instead of providing pollution proof glazing for the properties the council decided on spending more on marketing to alert the residents to the pollution, as the council predicted pollution would fall as vehicle emissions in the area reduce. Developer Bluecroft Property will contribute 7,500 towards monitoring the air pollution in the area. It also committed 17,500 to plant trees in the surrounding area. Rosamund Kissi-Debrah told The Guardian that the efforts of the developers were not sufficient. She said: 'Those trees will be tiny when they are planted and will do little to absorb such high levels of nitrogen oxide. 'How can they [Lewisham Council] seriously have a policy that says people need to close their windows. Air seeps in. Do they expect people will never open their front doors? Rosamund Kissi-Debrah in London. The capital with a population of about 8.7 million, 2.4 million of whom own a vehicle 'They can't have taken [my daughter's death] very seriously at all.' According to a 2016 report by the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, air pollution contributes to many chronic health problems, especially respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. There is also growing evidence of its effects on other diseases such as stroke, dementia, cancer and diabetes, leading to more than six million sick days and an estimated total cost of 22.6 billion a year. Most pollution in urban areas comes from traffic, with diesel a particular threat, as it produces more dangerous tiny particles and nitrogen oxides. Bluecroft Property Development did not respond to MailOnline's questions about the air quality at Creekside 1. Lewisham Council said: 'A planning condition is in place that ensures the building will meet air quality objectives. 'The developer will provide a ventilation system that will take clean air from the roof and deliver it to the first two floors of the development.' Julian Assange has reportedly hired a crack team of expensive lawyers as he prepares to fight extradition to the US tooth and nail. Wikileaks will apparently pump money into their founder's upcoming legal battle to fork out hundreds of thousands of pounds for renowned barristers, including Gareth Peirce who represented the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four. Assange was bundled out of the Ecuadorian embassy and hauled before Westminster Magistrate's on Thursday where he was found guilty of failing to surrender to the court. Julian Assange (pictured after being thrown out of the embassy) has reportedly hired a crack team of expensive lawyers as he prepares to fight extradition to the US He could face up to 12 months in a UK prison when he is sentenced at Southwark Crown Court, but is wanted in the US for hacking charges and in Sweden for sexual assault offences. But he is set to challenge any extradition attempts in the Supreme Court with an army of top-shot barristers, according to the Times. Edward Fitzgerald QC and Ben Cooper are also reportedly poised to join Assange's defence team. The pair have fought previous extradition cases such as Gary McKinnon and Lauri Love. Gareth Peirce successfully defended the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four and reportedly forms part of Assange's crack team of lawyers In 2012, they persuaded former home secretary Theresa May not to extradite Mr McKinnon on health grounds and the following year they faced down attempts in the High Court to send Mr Love to the US. Washington attorney Barry Pollack, who successfully appealed the case of Martin Tankleff who was wrongly jailed for 17 years when he was convicted of murdering his parents. The US made an indictment against Assange in Virginia last year after he allegedly conspired with Chelsea Manning, a former US intelligence analyst, to access a security database. His supposed top team of expensive lawyers was revealed as Ecuador's government said Assange's seven-year stay at their embassy in London cost the South American country 5million. Foreign Minister Jose Valencia released the figures as he detailed the money that had been spent on keeping the 47-year-old Wikileaks founder after he entered the embassy on August 16 2012. Most - nearly 4.5 million - was spent on security, but Mr Valencia also told the countrys legislators that 305,000 went on medical expenditure, food and washing his clothes. He revealed another 230,000 was spent on legal advice the Australian received in 2012. The Ecuadorian government said Assange, arrested on Thursday after his diplomatic asylum was withdrawn by the countrys president Lenin Moreno, had paid for his own upkeep since the start of last December. Edward Fitzgerald QC (left) and Ben Cooper (right) are also reportedly poised to join Assange's team after their successful extradition defence of Gary McKinnon and Lauri Love in 2012 and 2013 Government sources have said the same money could have funded 155 council houses, 88 community schools and a health centre. Assange was thrown out of his Ecuador embassy bolthole in London where he had been given refuge since 2012. In extraordinary scenes, eight policemen had to drag the bearded and dishevelled WikiLeaks founder to a waiting police van as he ranted about Donald Trump and screamed 'the UK has no civility'. His arrest came after the Ecuadorian government ended his asylum status, saying it was tired of his 'discourteous' behaviour and poor personal hygiene, which reportedly included smearing faeces on the walls of the country's London embassy. At court, the judge branded Assange a 'narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests'. Assange denied skipping bail in 2012 but was found guilty after the judge said his defence was 'laughable'. Assange was thrown out of his Ecuador embassy bolthole in London where he had been given refuge since 2012 The US Justice Department (pictured) made an indictment against Assange in Virginia last year after he allegedly conspired with Chelsea Manning, a former US intelligence analyst, to access a security database He had tried to claim he breached his bail conditions because he couldn't be guaranteed a fair trial in the UK. The former hacker now faces a maximum sentence of one year in a British jail, likely to be Wandsworth prison in south London. This would see him serve six months before a fight over his extradition to the US begins. Experts say that process could take up to two years. Meanwhile Swedish prosecutors said they would consider restarting the rape investigation which caused Assange to first seek refuge in the embassy. Julian Assange's long legal battle 2006 Assange creates Wikileaks with a group of like-minded activists and IT experts to provide a secure way for whistleblowers to leak information. He quickly becomes its figurehead and a lightning rod for criticism. 2010 March: U.S. authorities allege Assange engaged in a conspiracy to hack a classified U.S. government computer with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. July: Wikileaks starts releasing tens of thousands of top secrets documents, including a video of U.S. helicopter pilots gunning down 12 civilians in Baghdad in 2007. What followed was the release of more than 90,000 classified US military files from the Afghan war and 400,000 from Iraq that included the names of informants. August: Two Swedish women claim that they each had consensual sex with Assange in separate instances when he was on a 10-day trip to Stockholm. They allege the sex became non-consensual when Assange refused to wear a condom. First woman claims Assange was staying at her apartment in Stockholm when he ripped off her clothes. She told police that when she realized Assange was trying to have unprotected sex with her, she demanded he use a condom. She claims he ripped the condom before having sex. Second Swedish woman claims she had sex with Assange at her apartment in Stockholm and she made him wear a condom. She alleges that she later woke up to find Assange having unprotected sex with her. He was questioned by police in Stockholm and denied the allegations. Assange was granted permission by Swedish authorities to fly back to the U.K. November: A Swedish court ruled that the investigation should be reopened and Assange should be detained for questioning on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion. An international arrest warrant is issued by Swedish police through Interpol. Wikileaks releases its cache of more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables. December: Assange presents himself to London police and appears at an extradition hearing where he is remanded in custody. Assange is granted conditional bail at the High Court in London after his supporters pay 240,000 in cash and sureties. 2011 February: A British judge rules Assange should be extradited to Sweden but Wikileaks found vows to fight the decision. April: A cache of classified U.S. military documents is released by Wikileaks, including intelligence assessments on nearly all of the 779 people who are detained at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. November: Assange loses High Court appeal against the decision to extradite him. 2012 June: Assange enters the Ecuadorian embassy in London requesting political asylum. August: Assange is granted political asylum by Ecuador. 2013 June: Assange tells a group of journalists he will not leave the embassy even if sex charges against him are dropped out of fear he will be extradited to the U.S. 2015 August: Swedish prosecutors drop investigation into some of the sex allegations against Assange due to time restrictions. The investigation into suspected rape remains active. 2016 July: Wikileaks begins leaking emails U.S. Democratic Party officials favoring Hillary Clinton. November: Assange is questioned over the sex allegation at the Ecuadorian Embassy in the presence of Sweden's assistant prosecutor Ingrid Isgren and police inspector Cecilia Redell. The interview spans two days. 2017 January: Barack Obama agrees to free whistleblower Chelsea Manning from prison. Her pending release prompts speculation Assange will end his self-imposed exile after Wikileaks tweeted he would agree to U.S. extradition. April: Lenin Moreno becomes the new president of Ecuador who was known to want to improve diplomatic relations between his country and the U.S. May: An investigation into a sex allegation against Assange is suddenly dropped by Swedish prosecutors. 2018 January: Ecuador confirms it has granted citizenship to Assange following his request. February: Assange is visited by Pamela Anderson and Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel. March: The Ecuadorian Embassy suspends Assange's internet access because he wasn't complying with a promise he made the previous year to 'not send messages which entailed interference in relation to other states'. August: U.S. Senate committee asks to interview Assange as part of their investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. September: Assange steps down as editor of WikiLeaks. October: Assange reveals he will launch legal action against the government of Ecuador, accusing it of violating his 'fundamental rights and freedoms'. November: U.S. Justice Department inadvertently names Assange in a court document that says he has been charged in secret. 2019 January: Assange's lawyers say they are taking action to make President Trump's administration reveal charges 'secretly filed' against him. April 6: WikiLeaks tweets that a high level Ecuadorian source has told them Assange will be expelled from the embassy within 'hours or days'. But a senior Ecuadorian official says no decision has been made to remove him from the London building. April 11: Assange has his diplomatic asylum revoked by Ecuador and he is arrested by the Metropolitan Police; he is remanded in custody by a judge at Westminster Magistrates Court. April 12: He is found guilty of breaching his bail terms. May 1: Sentenced to 11 months in jail. May 2: Court hearing takes place over Assange's proposed extradition to the U.S. He tells a court he does not consent to the extradition and the case is adjourned until May 30. May 13: Swedish prosecutors reopen rape case saying they still want to question Assange. June 3: Swedish court rules against detaining him in absentia, setting back the extradition case. June 12 Home Secretary Sajid Javid signs an extradition request from the US. June 13 A hearing sets out the date for Assange's full extradition hearing - February next year. November Swedish prosecutors stop investigation into an allegation of rape against Mr Assange November 25 - Medics say without correct medical care Assange 'could die' in Belmarsh December 13 - Hearing in London hears he is being blocked from seeing key evidence in case December 19 - Appears at Westminster Magistrates' Court via video-link where his lawyer claims US bid to extradite him is 'political'. 2020 June: Assange failed to appear via video link for his most recent court matter in London's Westminster Magistrates' Court Advertisement More than 70 MPs and Peers put pressure on Sajid Javid to prioritise Swedish rape claims against Julian Assange although he might never face trial there even if he is extradited By Sam Greenhill and Jemma Buckley and John Stevens for the Daily Mail A friend of the Swedish woman referred to as Miss A (pictured) told the Mail: 'It really is not 'all about WikiLeaks'' Labour was facing a backlash on Thursday after Diane Abbott appeared to dismiss the ordeal of women allegedly sexually assaulted by Julian Assange. Miss Abbott was accused of downplaying the serious claims against the WikiLeaks founder, who was dragged from his Ecuadorian embassy bolthole by eight policemen on Thursday. Last night, it emerged more than 70 MPs and peers have written to Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Miss Abbott, urging them to 'champion' the possibility of Assange being extradited to Sweden where the alleged assaults happened if authorities there request it. Assange had been in hiding in the embassy for seven years after skipping bail in 2012 to dodge being extradited over the allegations he raped one woman and sexually assaulted another in 2010. But Miss Abbott and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have leapt to his defence, calling his arrest politically motivated. They were accused on Thursday of sacrificing justice for women, with a string of the party's own MPs condemning their stance. The Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has been blasted as she is accused of downplaying allegations against Julian Assange Julian Assange arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court after being arrested and forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy earlier this week In a BBC interview, Shadow Home Secretary Miss Abbott said of his arrest: 'We all know what this is about it's not the rape charges.' She insisted he had only been hauled out of his the Knightsbridge embassy because he had embarrassed the American military, saying: 'It's all about WikiLeaks.' But a friend of the Swedish woman who claims Assange sexually assaulted her said last night: 'It really is not 'all about WikiLeaks'.' The friend added: 'She says it is about him treating people like s***, especially women.' Peers and MPs write to Javid and Abbott: 'We are writing to request that you do everything you can to champion action that will ensure Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden in the event Sweden make an extradition request. 'This would be so the formal investigation into an allegation of rape can be concluded and, if appropriate, a charge can be made and any trial can take place. 'We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done. 'We urge you to stand with the victims of sexual violence and seek to ensure the case against Mr Assange can now be properly investigated.' Advertisement Critics queued up to accuse Miss Abbott of 'ignoring allegations of sexual violence' and even a Labour shadow minister branded her intervention 'disgraceful'. The Swedish woman's friend told the Mail that treating Assange as a political victim was 'not helping the cause no matter how important'. She suggested Miss Abbott was helping him whitewash the claims against him, saying: 'He has, all the time, wanted to draw attention away from his own failures and has used the importance of WikiLeaks to wash his own name.' Hillary Clinton last night vowed Assange 'will answer for what he's done' as the US prepares espionage charges and a Swedish software developer allegedly linked to WikiLeaks, Ola Bini, was arrested in Ecuador. But Assange's mother branded UK ministers 'totalitarian thugs'. Assange, 47, denies raping one woman known only as Miss W and sexually assaulting another, known as Miss A. Because he spent so long absconding from justice, the sexual assault allegation was dropped in 2017 because of legal time limits. However, the rape allegation can be reopened any time before August next year, and Swedish prosecutors are now deciding whether to renew Assange's extradition request. Australia-born Assange is being held at Belmarsh high-security prison in southeast London, which has housed some of the country's most notorious inmates including hate preacher Abu Hamza and black-cab rapist John Worboys. He also faces an extradition request from the US over a computer hacking charge. Prosecutors could also add further charges relating to WikiLeaks publishing American government dossiers exposing alleged Iraq war crimes. The Guardian reported that in a letter co-ordinated by Labour's Stella Creasy and Jess Phillips, MPs have called on Mr Javid and Miss Abbott to 'champion action' to ensure that extradition is a possibility should Swedish authorities choose to pursue it. Julian Assange arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London on Thursday It is thought it falls to the Home Secretary to determine which extradition request goes first Sweden's or America's in the event of competing requests. On Thursday, Mr Corbyn had tweeted: 'The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British Government.' On Thursday Miss Abbott was asked three times about the sexual offence claims against Assange on BBC Radio 4. She repeatedly said 'the charges were never brought'. When it was pointed out that charges could not be brought, because Assange would not go back to Sweden, she said: 'We all know what this is about. It's not the rape charges, as serious as they are, it is about the WikiLeaks and all of that embarrassing information about the activities of the American military and security services that was made public.' It triggered a storm of protest. Vicky Atkins, the minister for women, said: 'Diane Abbott's dismissal of rape charges speaks volumes about Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party.' Minister James Cleverly said: 'So in Diane Abbott's opinion, does the sisterhood only matter if it doesn't cut across her political worldview? Is the message to victims of sexual violence 'you will be believed, unless it involves a left wing icon'?' Even a Labour shadow minister admitted: 'Championing Julian Assange is the last thing we should be doing. It is disgraceful. Jeremy and Diane seem to have a blind spot.' Miriam Mirwitch, the national chair of Young Labour, said she was 'pretty aghast that we seem to be celebrating Assange'. Miss Abbott tried to limit the damage last night with a tweet saying: 'Assange skipping bail in UK, or any rape charge that may be brought by Swedish authorities shouldn't be ignored. But the only extradition request is from the US, because he's a whistleblower on atrocities caused by US military ops. 'This extradition would be wrong so we oppose it.' Experts in Sweden doubt whether he will ever face trial there, because of the passage of time. But the alleged rape victim's lawyer vowed she would do 'everything we possibly can' to get the investigation reopened. A WikiLeaks spokesman said of Assange: 'He faces life in prison for the 'crime' of publishing truthful information.' Drug dealers are exploiting a legal loophole that allows them to carry up to three grams of heroin around Melbourne's first safe injecting room. The controversial injecting room in Richmond, in Melbourne's north, has seen an influx of drug dealers, and police say they are unable to stop them from selling their illicit wares. More than 100 local residents attended an emergency meeting on Wednesday night to voice their concerns. 'It's a free-for-all,' said one anonymous user, outside of the injecting room (2017) Drug dealers are exploiting a legal loophole that allows them to carry up to 3 grams of heroin around Melbourne's first drug injection room (pictured) The police union is also conducting a survey of its members to determine if they need a tougher approach. Even heroin users admitted that crime and drug use was rampant near the injecting room. 'It's a free-for-all,' one anonymous user said outside of the injecting room, The Age reported. Local residents, including councillor Stephen Jolly, say the injecting room acts as a 'honey pot' for drug addicts, with the local area swarming with them. The police union is also conducting a survey of its members to determine if they need a tougher approach (2017) 'It's a free-for-all,' one anonymous user told the publication, outside of the injecting room Two police officers have also vented their frustration. They said they were told to not patrol the area because of the law that allows users to carry 30 hits of heroin without being arrested. Using heroin is legal in the injecting room, creating a legal loophole that allows users and dealers to carry large doses of the drug consequence-free. To avoid being arrested, all they need to do is inform police they intend on using the facility. To avoid being arrested, all they need to do is inform police they intend on using the facility (2017) Using heroin is legal in the injecting room, creating a legal loophole that allows users and dealers to carry large doses of the drug consequence-free 'It's very frustrating for the members because all they're doing is taking crime reports and doing nothing about it,' one anonymous local officer said. 'Crime is happening down there but we are forbidden from working on drugs in that area... 'We were told not to patrol around there, not to do anything.' Police Superintendent David Clayton, who oversees the Richmond area, said change is needed. The officer said while more consultation with the community was needed, it was important not to over-police the entrance to the facility so people could use it without fear of arrest. Police Superintendent David Clayton, who oversees the Richmond area, said change is needed Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton and Mr Clayton both admitted more police presence may be necessary in order to protect public safety. Mr Ashton told ABC Melbourne it was likely they would beef up their presence. 'We've certainly been talking at the senior level about that in recent weeks,' he said. 'So it might be that we do more visual presence stuff.' Both Mr Ashton and Mr Clayton stressed the purpose of the facility is to save lives by providing a safe and supervised space for addicts. 'The health side of it seems to be operating, but... the sort of visual stuff that happens around the centres that people don't like,' Mr Ashton said. Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton and Mr Clayton both admitted more police presence may be necessary in order to protect public safety This week alone, police seized about 2.5kg of heroin in Abbotsford, north of Richmond, as well as Collingwood and St Albans. The news comes as workers were previously filmed injecting heroin openly in the street, resulting in them losing their jobs in the injecting rooms. It also prompted the state government to request the facility to review its practices and staffing policies. The injecting room has also come under public scrutiny the past for residents saying the facility turned the suburb into a 'ghetto.' They claimed the streets had been littered with discarded needles, vomit, and even faeces. Doctor Jan Karbaat, who died in April 2017 aged 89, fathered at least 49 children when he used his own sperm at a fertility clinic in Rotterdam A Dutch doctor at the centre of an IVF scandal fathered at least 49 children, DNA tests have shown. Jan Karbaat, who died in 2017, used his own sperm instead of sperm from a chosen donor as his clinic in Rotterdam. Defence for Children, an organisation representing parents and children born through his now-closed clinic, said DNA tests conducted yesterday confirmed 49 children in the case are direct descendants of Karbaat. 'The results confirm serious suspicions that Karbaat used his own sperm at his clinic,' Defence for Children added. The controversial case became public after a Dutch court ruled in February that the results of Karbaat's DNA test should be made available to parents and children to conduct their own comparisons. Before his death, aged 89, Karbaat reportedly admitted to having fathered about 60 children in his time at the discredited clinic which closed in 2009 amid reports of irregularities. Karbaat later also admitted to mixing sperm from various donors and issuing fraudulent donor documentation, the Dutch daily newspaper NRC reported. The group of suspected 'Karbaat children' dragged his family to court to force them to release Karbaat's DNA profile, which was kept locked in a safe. The Karbaat family's lawyers had argued that their clients' right to privacy had to be respected. 'However, with the judges agreeing to the paternity test, the judge placed the children's rights above those of Karbaat and his family,' Defence for Children advisor Iara de Witte said. Pictured: parents and donor children reacting to news in February that they would be given the results of Karbaat's DNA test so they could conduct their own comparisons 'Now, after years of uncertainty the plaintiffs can finally close a chapter and start processing the fact that they are one of Karbaat's many descendants,' De Witte said. One of the children, Eric Lever, recently told the NRC newspaper he was 'not angry with Karbaat'. 'I don't get the feeling that he cheated my mother,' he told the NRC paper. 'She really wanted a child and could not have one with my parental father,' he said. The Defence for Children added it was likely that Karbaat sired even more donor children than the 49 revealed on Friday. 'Sperm belonging to the late doctor was also distributed to other clinics,' Dutch news agency ANP quoted the organisation as saying. The organisation has appealed to anybody who may suspect that Karbaat was their donor father to apply to a Dutch database for DNA matching. Applicants can apply in writing to an official body called the FIOM, which maintains a DNA database to match children conceived via anonymous donors. A 'broken' mother has asked for help in finding the drug dealer who sold her 13-year-old son an 'ecstasy pill' which killed him. Carson Price, was discovered in Ystrad Mynach park in Caerphilly, south Wales at 7.20pm, some two miles from his family home. Gwent police are still investigating the cause of the boy's death but his family believe that a drug dealer gave Carson an ecstasy pill, which he then swallowed. A witness claimed that Carson revealed the first name of the person who gave him the pill just before he died. His mother Tatum Price later took to Facebook to share her heartbreak and anguish, writing: 'I'm broken my life is over. Please help find out he sold these drugs to my son. My life is ruined, my baby gone.' A witness claimed that Carson revealed the first name of the person who gave him the pill just before he died. His grief-stricken mother shared this poignant image of him on Facebook The 13-year-old boy, named locally as Carson Price, was rushed to hospital in Cardiff after he was found unconscious in Ystrad Mynach park, and was later pronounced dead The family pictured together with Carson Price (second left), father Brian (left) and mother Tatum (right) Tributes have been flooding in for the schoolboy. His headmaster, Chris Parry, said the school was 'shocked and devastated at the terrible news'. Carson was rushed to University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, but paramedics were unable to save him. A post mortem examination is due to be carried out to pinpoint the cause of death. Heartfelt tributes flooded in for her son with devastated locals leaving flowers and cards at the scene. One yellow floral tribute left in the park said: 'RIP Carson boy you will be missed. Fly high.' Family friend Kelly Wall said it was 'devastating news' and that Tatum and her partner Brian were 'one of the loveliest couples' she knows. People have been leaving tributes to the schoolboy as Gwent police continued to search the park and said they were treating his death as unexplained Officers have started searching the park, pictured today, and marking out evidence after they said the death was being treated as unexplained Friend Emma Miles also said online: 'We are all thinking of you Tatum and your family at this heartbreaking time.' Chris Parry, his head teacher at Lewis School Pengam, said everyone at the school was 'shocked and devastated at the terrible news'. 'It is with immense sadness that today we have heard the terrible news that one of our pupils has tragically passed away. Officers have been seen marking out possible evidence in Ystrad Mynach park Two schoolgirls embrace each other at Ystrad Mynach park in south Wales A young man pictured coming to leave flowers at the park where the boy was found 'We are all devastated by this tragic loss. 'I'm sure everyone in our community will join with us in sharing our deepest sympathies with the pupils's friends and family at this awful time. 'We will be providing support for pupils in the weeks ahead but in the meantime my thoughts and prayers are with the family. There are no words.' Ystrad Mynach Park was busy with families enjoying the spring sunshine but just meters away, police officers were scanning a patch of woodland for evidence. One dog walker said she was 'shocked' by what had happened. 'This has always been such a peaceful park. 'I can't believe something so terrible has happened here. I'm shocked to be honest with you.' Flowers have been left in the park for the boy, pictured today, after he was rushed to hospital Police have continued to search for evidence in the park and are treating the death as unexplained Police pictured today in the park near where the boy was found, where a crime scene remains in place Another, walking in the park with his young son, said: 'It's truly heartbreaking that something like this could happen. 'My thoughts just go out to the family - I can't imagine what they're going through right now.' His family have been informed and are being supported by specialist officers at this time. Detective Chief Inspector Sam Payne, who is leading on the investigation said: 'At this time enquiries are ongoing and the investigation into this young boy's death are still in the early stages. 'Specialists are working to determine the exact cause of death and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.' His parents live just two miles away from the park. Gwent police, pictured today, continue to search the park as flower tributes are left for the boy A U.S. serviceman stationed in Japan stabbed his girlfriend to death before killing himself on Saturday, the country's Foreign Ministry said. The bodies of the pair were found inside an six-story apartment block on the island of Okinawa, a short distance from an American military base. The Navy sailor, 32, has not been publicly identified but is believed to be attached to the 3rd Marine Division. He was found dead in bed alongside the woman, 44. According to Stars and Stripes, the woman's child was in the home at the time, and called a relative who then notified law enforcement. The apartment block on the Japanese island of Okinawa where the bodies of an American serviceman and his girlfriend were found after an apparent murder suicide Around 27,000 American troops are currently stationed on Okinawa (pictured) U.S. Forces Japan said the Naval Criminal Investigative Service was working with local police to look into the deaths. 'This is an absolute tragedy and we are fully committed to supporting the investigation,' they said in a statement. Japan's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Takeo Akiba, has also telephoned U.S. Ambassador William Hagerty asking for cooperation. Okinawa, located 400 miles south from the rest of Japan, has been a strategic location for US Armed Forces since the end of World War 11. Okinawa is located 400 miles south from the rest of Japan and has been a strategic location for US Armed Forces since the end of World War 11 There has been growing resentment about the presence of U.S. forces in the region It currently hosts about 27,000 American troops, however there has been growing resentment about the presence of U.S. forces in the region. Locals have complained about crime, noise and the destruction of the environment. Okinawa's governor, Denny Tamaki, was elected last October on a platform to push a Marine Corps air station off the island. Advertisement Buddhists across south east Asia brought in the new year with a splash today as they took to the streets for water fights as part of a three-day celebration. The once calm festival - known as Songkran in Thailand - traditionally sees people paying respects to elders and sprinkling water over figures of Buddha at local temples. But now the celebration has a far rowdier side, with tens of thousands of ravers from across Asia expected to dance into the night under massive water cannons and spectacular pyrotechnics as Bangkok's S2O Songkran festival gets underway. Thais and foreigners sporting floral shirts armed themselves with colourful water pistols and protective goggles today, engaging in water fights that bring entire streets to a standstill. Neighbouring Laos and Myanmar celebrate the same festival with young and old throwing buckets of water over each other as music thuds from loudspeakers. In Yangon, where the festival is known as Thingyan, children blow bubbles and play with soap suds at street foam parties, while women dressed in traditional costumes perform dances near the famed Sule Pagoda. Buddhists across south east Asia brought in the new year with a splash today as they took to the streets for water fights as part of a three-day celebration. Pictured: a woman covered in soap suds in Yangon, Myanmar Authorities had issued warnings beforehand on modesty, saying that nudity and provocative clothing will be prohibited. There are no such restrictions however on summary drenchings. Pictured: children using water guns in Bangkok Neighbouring Laos and Myanmar celebrate the same festival with young and old throwing buckets of water over each other as music thuds from loudspeakers. Pictured: a girl playing with soap suds in Yangon Pictured: a reveller pours water over two women during celebrations for the Buddhist New Year in Yangon Thais and foreigners armed themselves with colourful water pistols and protective goggles today, engaging in water fights that bring entire streets to a standstill. Pictured: a little girl posing with two water guns in Bangkok This child was covered in soap suds from head to toe during the celebrations, which last three days, in Yangon No man, woman, or child is safe from being covered in water during the festival, as proven by this boy pouring water over a passing motorbike Pictured: a boy chucks a bucket at passengers in a vehicle as he enjoys celebrations for the Buddhist New Year in Bangkok The once calm festival - known as Songkran - traditionally sees people paying respects to elders and sprinkling water over figures of Buddha at local temples This woman shielded herself from a spray of water as she took a picture of two revellers when a rainbow appeared in Bangkok In Yangon, where the festival is known as Thingyan, children blow bubbles and play with soap suds at street foam parties Women dressed in traditional costumes perform dances near the famed Sule Pagoda in Yangon during the Buddhist New Year celebrations These two children looked like they were having the time of their lives as a woman poured a bowl of cold water over them The bodies of ten stillborn babies have been left in Northern Territory morgues for more than three months because Aboriginal mothers can't afford funerals. Six babies have been there for more than four years, Katherine Hospital clinical nursing midwife Sara Potter confirmed during an inquiry last year. This number has since dropped to three babies. The head of Darwin's Danila Dilba health service, Olga Havnen, said more needs to be done in order to address the cultural gap. The bodies of ten stillborn babies have been left in Northern Territory morgues for more than three months (file image) 'I think the hospital system generally has tried in the Territory here in more recent years to work much better with Aboriginal patients and to provide much better levels of support to Aboriginal clients,' she told ABC news. 'But that's not perfect, we're a long way from that,' Ms Havnen said. The government offers a stillborn baby payment of $2,199.83 for a first stillborn baby and $1,100.55 for others, however she said a funeral could cost up to $4000. Minimal health literacy among Aboriginal mothers as well as language barriers at Northern Territory hospitals are also problems. Ms Havnen said there were also not enough hospital staff who spoke Aboriginal languages and could offer support to patients. The inquiry heard when an Aboriginal liaison officer and a social worker worked with patients at Katherine Hospital, stillborn babies left at the morgue halved. Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said that stillborn rates in Australia haven't changed in the last 20 years and are highest among Indigenous people. 'There needs to be a closer concentration of how we interact and communicate in relation to cultural considerations,' she said. Criminals trying to trick Asda shoppers in to leaving their cars unlocked could be to blame after dozens of car key fobs stopped working. Mark Hill, 57, was trapped in an Asda car park for more than an hour when his key fob suddenly stopped working in Kent. A radio frequency jammer has been blamed for the deactivation of the fobs at the Asda supermarket at the Imperial Retail Park, Gravesend in Kent. Mark Hill, 57, was trapped in an Asda car park for more than an hour when his key fob suddenly stopped working in Kent Mr Hill, who's retired and from Gravesham, said 'it could only have been caused by a radio frequency jammer', which prevents devices from receiving radio transmissions. He was forced to call Britannia Rescue Service to recover his car but just 15 minutes after making the call his fob started working again. He said: 'In my opinion, it was some sort of criminal activity, or someone who's got a jammer playing around.' 'I drove into Asda but when I pressed the key fob to lock my car, it didn't work. 'I thought it must be the battery and changed it, but when I pressed it, it still didn't work.' Bewildered, he gave up with the fob and manually locked the car doors with his key, and went into the supermarket for about half an hour. 'The fob still didn't work when I came out, and I saw other people around me on their phones. 'I asked the man beside me if he was also having problems, and he said he couldn't get into his car. 'There were alarms going off, and other people who also couldn't get their cars started.' A radio frequency jammer has been blamed for the deactivation of the fobs at the Asda supermarket at the Imperial Retail Park, Gravesend in Kent (file image) He could get into his car with his key, but because the fob had not been activated, the immobiliser was preventing his vehicle from moving, prompting him to call Britannia Rescue just before 12.30pm. Bizarrely, by 12.45pm, things had returned to normal, and his summoned recovery vehicle wasn't needed. But it's left staff and customers wondering what occurred - and fearing it will happen again with no warning. On social media today, Gman47 wrote 'This happened to me at IKEA's car park at Lakeside - I didn't check my door handles when I walked away and found my dashcam, and a number of non valuables taken from the car. 'The car was left unlocked and Essex police stated I was one of a number of people who reported the same thing, and yes they thought it might have been a radio jammer! 'These a******s exist and will take whatever they can. I'm glad Mark thought to check his car and wonder why it didn't lock.' Bob Hope posted 'Hahaha, modern technology at its finest again.' Kent Police spokesman James Walker said 'We were notified of suspicious activity in a supermarket car park in Imperial Retail Park, Gravesend at 12.17pm on Tuesday, April 9. 'It is reported that a number of cars would not lock and there was concern that this may lead to car theft. 'Police have spoken to security staff and will review CCTV.' A Brit who allegedly asked his flatmate to cut off his penis so he could film the amputation and post the clip online has left hospital in Spain and returned to the UK. The 33-year-old English teacher told court officials he did not want to press charges and was waiving his right to compensation before flying back to Britain from the northern Spanish city of Zaragoza. According to local reports, the unnamed man offered the Spaniard, who is being held in custody over the bizarre mutilation, 170 for cutting off his genitalia. He also allegedly promised his flatmate between extra money extra money if the clip went viral - an extra 2,165 and 4,325, dependent on the number of views. The footage is said to have been erased, although it was not made clear if this was done before or after it went online. A Brit who allegedly asked his flatmate to cut off his penis so he could film the amputation and post the clip online has left Hospital Miguel Servet (pictured) in Zaragoza, Spain, and returned to the UK The pair reportedly boozed on four bottles of white wine and took valium to muster up courage before going through with the amputation. Police found the Brit's sex organ in a plastic bag inside their flat and it was re-attached in an emergency op on March 8 after he went to get help because of a haemmorhage and was spotted bleeding heavily in the street near his home. It is not known if the operation to attach the penis was successful. Officers initially said they thought the expat had harmed himself and were not looking for anyone else in connection with the bizarre incident. But the case took a dramatic twist with the arrest of his flatmate on March 14, announced after a local paper reported the Londoner had been using a social networking app to search for someone to film him amputating his penis. The Spanish national, a 29-year-old named only as Aaron B.M, is being held in custody on suspicion of a crime of 'serious assault' and he is expected to be formally charged following an ongoing criminal probe despite the refusal of his alleged victim to back legal action against him. He was remanded in prison on March 15 after appearing in court. Court sources have said he would still be held criminally liable even if it is proved he acted with his alleged victim's consent. Earlier this week he was tried in court for insulting and attacking his mum and a younger sibling in a separate case. Prosecutors claimed he threw a hammer and scissors at his relatives during rows. He denied the charges during a one-day trial at a court in Zaragoza. State prosecutors said they were seeking a three and a half year prison sentence. A verdict - and sentence if he is found guilty - will be announced in writing in the next few weeks. Freshman congressional representative Ilhan Omar has hit back at Donald Trump in a series of explosive tweets, insisting she remains undeterred by the President's criticism and will continue to 'fight and defend' democracy against his administration's policies. Omar was once again the subject of controversial debate this week, after remarks she made last month in reference to the 9/11 terror attacks as 'some people did something', resurfaced. An outraged Donald Trump tweeted 'WE WILL NEVER FORGET' on Friday night, accompanied by a 43 second video that showed Omar's comment during a speech to the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), interspersed with footage from September 11, 2001. But on Saturday, Omar took to Twitter to speak out against the President's attack, insisting she 'didn't run for congress to be silent.' 'This country was founded on the ideas of justice, of liberty, of the pursuit of happiness. But these core beliefs are under threat [from the Trump administration]' she wrote. 'Each and every day. We are under threat by an administration that would rather cage children than pass comprehensive immigration reform.' Scroll down for video Omar, who has on several occasions been accused of Antisemitism, said the furor surrounding the comments - which she believes were taken out of context - stem from the fact that she is Muslim, and not white Trump tweeted 'WE WILL NEVER FORGET' with a video that showed Omar's 'some people did something' 9/11 speech intersected with video of the disaster The Minnesota democrat then went on to suggest that Trump would rather show prejudice towards transgender members of the armed forces than 'fight for equality and opportunity for all'. 'I did not run for Congress to be silent. I did not run for Congress to sit on the sidelines,' she added. 'I ran because I believed it was time to restore moral clarity and courage to Congress.' 'No one person no matter how corrupt, inept, or vicious can threaten my unwavering love for America. I stand undeterred to continue fighting for equal opportunity in our pursuit of happiness for all Americans.' Omar concluded her rousing thread by thanking those that continued to stick by her in her fight to establish an 'America we all deserve.' The video shared by Trump on Friday only showed part of Omar's speech and fellow Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was quick to clap-back at the president's outburst. AOC branded the tweet a 'dangerous' declaration of prejudice that could possibly incite harm against a politician already facing a slew of death threats and abuse. 'Members of Congress have a duty to respond to the President's explicit attack today,' Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Friday evening. '[Ilhan Omar's] life is in danger. For our colleagues to be silent is to be complicit in the outright, dangerous targeting of a member of Congress. We must speak out.' Alongside the rally cry, AOC also shared a picture of Martin Niemoller's famous poem 'First they came' that was inspired by the Holocaust and hangs on the wall of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. The poem reads: 'First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for meand there was no one left to speak for me.' On Saturday, Omar took to Twitter with an explosive thread of tweets in response President's attack, insisting she 'didn't run for congress to be silent' AOC tweeted in defense of Omar using Martin Niemoller's famous poem 'First they came' to condemn a tweet of the President's on Friday night Despite the poem sharing similar themes to her tweet, AOC sparked outrage online among critics who believed her use of Niemoller's famed piece was 'disturbing' in defense of Omar. The outrage stemmed from a number of comments the Somali-American Democrat has made over the past few months regarding Israel. The criticism was first ignited after she suggested US support of the middle-eastern country is 'All about the Benjamins' which many interpreted as a nod to the bigoted trope that rich Jews control the world. 'There's something deeply disturbing about AOC making Holocaust references to defend an open and unrepentant anti-Semite who is merely being criticized,' conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted. Senior editor of the Federalist, David Harasanyi added: 'This is just a shameful attempt to chill speech. It belittles both the real victims of 9/11 and the Holocaust.' Others took a different interpretation of AOC's use of the poem, with one accusing her of attempting to 'compare the President of the United States to Adolf Hitler'. However, on Saturday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rushed to defend Omar and said the president 'shouldn't use the painful images of 9/11 for a political attack.' In a statement released while she was in Germany visiting American troops that 'the memory of 9/11 is sacred ground, and any discussion of it must be done with reverence.' She said 'it is wrong for the president, as commander-in-chief, to fan the flames to make anyone less safe.' Despite the poem sharing similar themes to her tweet, AOC has been widely blasted by critics who believe the Holocaust-origins of 'First They Came...' make the use of it in defense of Omar inappropriate The outrage stems from a number of comments the Somali-American Democrat has made over the past few months regarding Israel In her full speech to CAIR last month, Omar said: 'Far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and frankly, I'm tired of it and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. 'CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.' Since the controversial comments resurfaced, Omar has defended what she said, using an example of George W. Bush making similar remarks in the wake of the tragedy and marking the difference in reaction. Omar has said the furor surrounding the comments - which she believes were taken out of context - stem from the fact that she is Muslim, and not white 'Was Bush downplaying the terrorist attack? What if he was a Muslim,' she asked on Twitter. Progressive Democrats, including Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, lined up to support Omar in response to AOC's plea for fellow lawmakers to condemn Trump's tweet targeting Omar. They called the president's behavior 'disgusting' and noted that Omar was already receiving death threats. Sanders said on Saturday: 'Remember, George W. Bush, I didn't have a lot in common with him. 'What did he do a few days after 9/11, he went into a mosque. You remember that? He went into a mosque to say that criminals, terrorists, attacked the United States, not the Muslim community. That's what he did. It's true. We have had a president who for cheap political gain is trying to divide us up, by the color of our skin ... by our religion. 'By God, that is not what a president should - we can disagree, for God's sakes, that's democracy, but you don't have the President of the United States trying to get us to hate undocumented people. You know, that's not what America's supposed to be about.' The Washington Post first noted that Bush once referred to the terrorists as 'the people who knocked these buildings down' in remarks at Ground Zero a few days after the attack. Omar piggybacked on the example in a tweet that linked to the original article. She had said at a fundraiser for CAIR that the organization 'was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. 'So you can't just say that today someone is looking at me strange and that I am trying to make myself look pleasant. You have to say that this person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it, and I am going to talk to them and ask them why. Because that is the right you have,' she stated. Others took a different interpretation of AOC's use of the poem, with one accusing her of attempting to 'compare the President of the United States to Adolf Hitler' 'Members of Congress have a duty to respond to the President's explicit attack today,' Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Friday, insisting Omar's life is in danger Rep. Ilhan Omar compared her controversial 9/11 comment to one George W. Bush made after the attack, suggesting Friday that he would have faced similar backlash if he were Muslim The remarks earned her new criticism, having already weathered allegations that she's an anti-Semite. 'First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as 'some people who did something,'' GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw said in an accusatory tweet. 'Unbelievable.' Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade said on the morning program he co-hosts, 'You have to wonder if she's an American first.' He later clarified the statement in a follow up tweet, saying: 'I didn't intend to question whether Rep. Omar is an American - I am questioning how any American, let alone a United States Congresswoman, could downplay the 9/11 attacks.' The New York Post on Thursday even went as far as to splash a photograph one of the World Trade Center towers collapsing in a ball of flames, with the banner: 'Rep. Ilhan Omar: 9/11 was 'some people did something.' The Washington Post's fact checker pointed out that Bush once said something similar in a Sept. 14, 2001 speech, when he spoke through a bullhorn at Ground Zero. Bush told rescue workers in an impromptu speech through a bullhorn that the nation mourns victims of the Twin Towers attack. 'I can't hear you!' one told him. Bush said, 'I can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people -- and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!' It was part of an intentional effort by Bush not to refer to the attackers as Muslims. Three days after the impromptu speech delivered by bullhorn, Bush visited the Islamic Center of Washington D.C. to condemn attacks on Muslims. He said: 'The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. 'Those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don't represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be ashamed of that kind of behavior.' Omar connected the dots on Friday and pointed out in a tweet that Bush did not come under assault for having referred to the attackers as 'people' instead of murderers or terrorists. Bernie Sanders was the first major Democrat to follow in AOC's footsteps on Friday night Elizabeth Warren was next, tweeting after Sanders that she too found Trump's attack 'disgusting' Minnesota's Amy Klobuchar joined her Senate colleagues in supporting Omar hours later. She was careful to note that she does not condone the congresswoman's remarks but found Trump's tweet to be offensive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference shortly after Omar sent the tweet that she had not connected with the congresswoman yet. 'I haven't had the opportunity to speak with her to see the nature of her comment, and as is my custom with colleagues I call them in before I call them out. So I'll look forward to hearing from her,' she said. 'She was in transit, we tried to reach her, she was in transit. So I'll have some comment after I do speak to her.' Democrats were at a retreat in Northern Virginia on Thursday, where the comments, that were revealed in an April 8 video posted to Twitter, were a topic of discussion. Ocasio-Cortez defended her colleague to reporters staking the retreat out. 'We are getting to the level where this is an incitement of violence against progressive women of color,' the New York representative said. Ocasio-Cortez smacked Crenshaw on Twitter for declining to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim's Compensation Fund while having the 'audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes.' She told the Texas congressman to 'go do something' about Republicans making insensitive comments. Sanders answered her call half-an-hour later. The Vermont senator and 2020 presidential candidate said in a tweet: 'Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won't back down to Trump's racism and hate, and neither will we. The disgusting and dangerous attacks against her must end.' Left-wing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who's also seeking the presidency, was close behind her 2020 opponent with a tweet that that accused Trump of 'inciting violence against a sitting Congresswomanand an entire group of Americans based on their religion. 'It's disgusting. It's shameful. And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it,' the Massachusetts senator wrote. The New York Post even went as far as to splash a photograph one of the World Trade Center towers collapsing in a ball of flames, with the banner: 'Rep. Ilhan Omar: 9/11 was 'some people did something'' Minnesota's Amy Klobuchar joined her Senate colleagues in supporting Omar hours later. She was careful to note that she does not condone the congresswoman's remarks but found Trump's tweet to be offensive. The Democratic presidential candidate who shares her home state with Omar said: 'Someone has already been charged with a serious threat on Congresswoman Omar's life. The video the President chose to send out today will only incite more hate. You can disagree with her wordsas I have done beforebut this video is wrong. Enough.' Other candidates including Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg and Julian Castro also condemned Trump's attack on Omar. Buttigieg, who served in the U.S. Navy reserve, tweeted: 'I served oversea, at risk to my life, in the struggle against such terrorism. But it can only be fully defeated if we have leaders at home who defuse its capacity to sow hate - hate against Islam or against any number of 'others.' 'The president today made America smaller. It is not enough to condemn him; we must model something better. 'The threats against the life of @IlhanMN make clear what is at stake if we fail to to do this, and to beat back hate in all all its forms.' Omar spoke about threats of violence she had received, as she defended herself against the 'double standards' she said she faces, to Late Show host Stephen Colbert earlier in the week. She that she is 'as American as everyone else' and suffers from anti-Muslim discrimination. Ocasio-Cortez took on Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), who had blasted Omar's comments and circulated a short clip Other candidates including Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg and Julian Castro also condemned Trump's attack on Omar Last week, police in New York arrested a man for allegedly threatening to 'put a bullet in her [expletive] skull.' She told Colbert: 'I took an oath - I took an oath to the Constitution. I am as American as everyone else is.' The issue of whether to link al Qaeda and other terrorist attacks including 9/11 to Islam became a campaign issue in 2016 when Trump accused former Barack Obama of refusing to call out 'radical Islamic terrorism.' He then leveled the same charge at Hillary Clinton, accusing her of being in 'total denial' for not calling the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, the work of a radical Islamic terrorist. She had tweeted: 'Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people, and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.' Trump said, 'She is in total denial. And her continuing reluctance to ever name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the world.' However, when he made his first foreign trip as president to Saudi Arabia, the home country of a majority of the 9/11 attackers and its mastermind Osama bin Laden, he struck a different note. 'This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations,' Trump said. 'This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it.' The producer of a musical about the rivalry between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs that was abruptly cancelled ahead of opening night is being sued by investors. The show's producer, Carl Levin, has been slapped with a $6 million lawsuit from 13 different investors, allegedly telling them he had funding for the production from Microsoft. In reality, Levin, 48, had no such support and the musical, which is being dubbed 'the Fyre Festival of Broadway', was more than $1 million in debt, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The show was spectacularly scrapped on March 8, 2016, just two weeks before the first public performances. The lawsuit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, describes Levin's actions as leaving behind 'a trail of disappointment, anger and unpaid vendors'. Broadway musical Nerds was suddenly cancelled in March 2016, before it even hit the stage. The cast is pictured The show's producer Carl Levin (pictured) has been slapped with a $ 6 million lawsuit The musical was penned in the early 2000s and documents the rise of Apple founder Jobs (left) and Microsoft founder Gates (right) According to The Hollywood Reporter, Levin believed he had found 'the next Book of Mormon' when he got his hands on the Nerds script back in 2012. The musical, originally penned in the early 2000s, featured songs about the Gates and Jobs rivalry, including 'I Am Just A Nerd', and 'Think Different'. It had previously had a successful run with The Philadelphia Theater Company. Levin decided to take it to Broadway, and allegedly pitched the show to potential investors by promising it would feature 'onstage holograms' and 'app integrations that allow users to interact with the set'. Nerds had previously played with The Philadelphia Theater Company (pictured) A 2016 promo photo for the Broadway version of Nerds, which never made it to the stage The Broadway cast of Nerds is pictured in 2016, before news that the production had been scrapped In January 2016, Levin excitedly announced the show would be playing at he Longacre Theatre, stating: 'We're thrilled to add a jolt of comedy to this already astounding theater season, with this hilarious tale of the Founding Fathers of Tech, from a creative team stacked with new voices.' However, behind the scenes, the show was unraveling. Learning that the show was under financial strain, one investor described Levin as having 'snake oil charm'. The Hollywood Reporter has drawn parallels between the Broadway fiasco and Fyre Festival, the failed 2017 'luxury' music festival that left attendees sleeping in tents without adequate toilet facilities. has reached out to Levin for comment. Hillary and Bill Clinton continued their run of speaking engagements last night, this time joined by the comedian Ben Stiller who hosted the event. The former Democratic presidential candidate and former president took their seats at the Fox theater in downtown Detroit for the next stage of their whistle-stop national tour billed as: 'An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.' The pair shared stories of their time in political office as well as tackling some hot-button topics - though some criticized their reluctance to get into some of the more contentious debates of the day. The former Democratic presidential candidate and former president took their seats at the Fox theatre in downtown Detroit for the next stage of their whistle-stop national tour Stiller asked Hillary Clinton about the recent arrest of Julian Assange and she admitted to having 'strong feelings' about his conduct At each event, a special guest host has been introduced with the comedian and liberal activist Stiller assuming the role for this evening. Dressed formally, Stiller asked Hillary about the recent arrest of Julian Assange and she admitted to having 'strong feelings' about his conduct. 'He's been used, willingly, I believe, to undermine our elections, the functioning of our government,' she said. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is seen in London on Thursday. Stiller asked Hillary about Assange's arrest and she admitted to having 'strong feelings' about his conduct 'An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton' They also discussed the impact social media has on an evolving democratic landscape. 'One of the things that's frustrating about today is, it's so hard... to know the difference between fact and fiction,' said Bill Clinton, who was president from 1993 to 2001 Adding: 'The bottom line is that he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it has been charged.' In a tongue-in-cheek nod to Trump's hard-line immigration stance, Clinton added: 'I do think it's a little ironic that he's the only foreigner this administration would welcome to the United States.' Assange was arrested Thursday at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, and the U.S. has charged him with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer at the Pentagon. They also discussed the impact social media has on an evolving democratic landscape There were some criticisms, however, with some commentators suggesting they failed to tackle meatier subjects such as elitism following the college admission scandals, race relations in the U.S. and in-depth foreign policy They also discussed the impact social media has on an evolving democratic landscape. 'One of the things that's frustrating about today is, it's so hard... to know the difference between fact and fiction,' said Bill Clinton, who was president from 1993 to 2001. There were some criticisms, however, with some commentators suggesting they failed to tackle meatier subjects such as elitism following the college admission scandals, race relations in the U.S. and in-depth foreign policy. The day before, at their event in New York City a heckler was heard shouting 'this is boring' before being silenced. For Matt Cohler the history of Silicon Valley 'has always been one generation of companies gives birth to great companies that follow'. He once said he was 'one of the luckiest people who ever lived' He's the Silicon Valley venture capitalist millionaire who was employee number seven at Facebook, helped to launch LinkedIn and now sits on the board of Instagram and Tinder. But for Yale graduate Matt Cohler, 42, the biggest windfall could come on the day Uber stocks go public. The ride sharing app filed publicly with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for its initial public offering (IPO) Thursday, taking it a step closer to one of the largest technology stock listings of all time. And that's good news for Cohler, whose firm Benchmark is Uber's largest shareholder with 11 per cent of the company. Estimates say it could be on track for up to $11 billion after the IPO. Not that Cohler doesn't already have his fair share of wealth after being behind some of the most successful companies in the history of Silicon Valley. The New Yorker, who once tried his hand at being a saxophonist and now lives with his Norwegian lawyer wife Pia Oien Cohler in San Francisco, made the Forbes The Midas List of top tech Investors in 2019, coming in at number 77. Scroll down for video Cohler now lives with his Norwegian lawyer wife Pia Oien Cohler, pictured together, in San Francisco. They live a charmed life after getting engaged in 2015 and married a year later Matt Cohler (left) sits with Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, in their office in Palo Alto, California, August, 26, 2005. He was the seventh full-time employee of the site and became vice president of product management before leaving in 2008 to go to Benchmark The couple are said to have bought a $47.5 million Belvedere mansion with 270-degree views of San Francisco, the Golden Gate and Bay bridges in 2015 In 2016 he beat the likes of Beyonce, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Floyd Mayweather to be named the 23rd richest entrepreneur under 40 in America, according to Forbes, and was said to be worth $700 million in 2015. His Twitter bio, where he has 40,000 followers, reads: 'Did: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Uber, Tinder, Bitcoin. Didn't: Airbnb, Square, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Stripe, Coinbase, etc. TBD: the rest.' It all means that Cohler and wife Pia already live a charmed existence after getting engaged in May 2015 and married the following year. A 2015 Medium article said the couple bought a $47.5 million Belvedere mansion with 270-degree views of San Francisco, the Golden Gate and Bay bridges. A year later The New York Times reported on the pair's sale of a four-bedroom mansion overlooking Gramercy Park in New York, on the market for $16.25 million. The in 2018 they are said to have purchased a Manhattan penthouse listed for $35 million. Pia, a trained lawyer from Norway, left Paris to be with Cohler four years ago and soon set up a luxury retail store in their new home city. In 2018 the couple are said to have purchased a Manhattan penthouse listed for $35 million Pia, a trained lawyer from Norway, left Paris to be with Cohler four years ago and soon set up a luxury retail store in their new home city. They are said to enjoy karaoke, board games, and paintball in their downtime In 2016 Cohler, right, beat the likes of Beyonce, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Floyd Mayweather to be named the 23rd richest entrepreneur under 40 in America, according to Forbes, and was said to be worth $700 million in 2015. He is pictured here with Facebook co-founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz She spoke with luxury magazine Haute Living about their life together in 2016 saying they would be spending Christmas 'at home in Marin with our families, who will be flying in from New York and Norway'. The couple spent that New Year's in Hawaii with friends, Pia said. They are said to enjoy karaoke, board games, and paintball in their downtime. And for Pia her drink of choice is 'champagne, always champagne', adding: 'My favorite is Ruinart Blanc de Blanc.' When she started her now defunct store, Pia the Store, in 2016 the couple counted Joshua Kushner and Dr. Priscilla Chan, who is married to Zuckerberg, among the guests there to wish them well at the opening party. The high fashion store closed in 2018 with Cohler reportedly planning to return to law in 2019 to work with the Innocence Project. The couple counted Joshua Kushner and Dr. Priscilla Chan, who is married to Zuckerberg, among the guests to wish them well at the opening party of Pia's luxury store His Twitter bio, where he has 40,000 followers, reads: 'Did: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Uber, Tinder, Bitcoin. Didn't: Airbnb, Square, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Stripe, Coinbase, etc. TBD: the rest' German Chancellor Angela Merkel talks to Matt Cohler in 2013. The New Yorker, who once tried his hand at being a saxophonist and now lives with his Norwegian lawyer wife Pia Oien Cohler in San Francisco, made the Forbes The Midas List of top tech Investors in 2019 For Matt, who left Yale with a degree in music theory, computer science, and finance, his journey into Silicon Valley success started with a management consultant role at McKinsey in China. There, in 2002 and just two years out of Yale, he met former PayPal executive Reid Hoffman. The pair 'hit it off' and Cohler became Hoffman's protege, helping to launch his new start-up, LinkedIn, The New York Times reports. It was there, in the Summer of 2004, that he would meet an entrepreneur named Mark Zuckerberg. He joined the company in 2005, the seventh full-time employee. He became vice president of product management for the social network before leaving in 2008 to become General Partner at Benchmark. He remained a a 'special advisor' to Zuckerberg, who he calls 'incredible'. Cohler said of the Facebook founder: 'There's nobody I've learned more from, and I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity.' Now at Benchmark, where he became the youngest general partner, he has built a portfolio of businesses that include Quora and Tinder and he sits on the board of Instagram. He took over colleague Bill Gurley's board seat at Uber, following Gurley's showdown with then-CEO Travis Kalanick in 2017 and is now the named director for shares held by Benchmark. Bruce W. Dunlevie, Peter H. Fenton, J. William Gurley, Kevin R. Harvey, Mitch H. Lasky, Steven M. Spurlock and Alexandre Balkanski also have power over the shares held by the company, according to an Uber spokesman. Matt left Yale with a degree in music theory, computer science, and finance. His journey into Silicon Valley success started with a management consultant role at McKinsey in China. Cohler is pictured here with Rip Empson of TechCrunch in 2014 Ousted co-founder Kalanick, who still owns 8.6 per cent of the company, was booted out two years ago. But he doesn't always get it right - when YouTube co-founder Steve Chen left Facebook to start the video sharing platform Cohler recalls: 'Steve was one of the first people I hired when I joined Thefacebook. 'When he told me he was leaving to focus on a new startup he was calling YouTube, I told him that Thefacebook was going to be as important as any company in the history of Silicon Valley and he was making a huge mistake. 'At least I was partially right!' But for Cohler the history of Silicon Valley 'has always been one generation of companies gives birth to great companies that follow'. He is once said to have told The New York Times: 'I am very aware that Im one of the luckiest people who ever lived.' President Donald Trump has said he is also open to a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, reciprocating Kim's overture to resume negotiations. 'I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand,' Trump said in a tweet on Saturday morning. 'North Korea has tremendous potential for extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim,' Trump continued. 'I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!' President Donald Trump has said he is also open to a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un , reciprocating Kim's overture to resume negotiations. In a speech on Friday night, Kim said he is open to a third summit with Trump, but set the year's end as a deadline for Washington to offer mutually acceptable terms Following the dramatic breakdown of the second round of talks in Vietnam in February, negotiations seemed to have faltered. Then on Friday night Kim said he is open to a third summit with Trump, but set the year's end as a deadline for Washington to offer mutually acceptable terms for an agreement to salvage the high-stakes nuclear diplomacy, the North's state-run media said Saturday. Kim made the comments during a speech Friday at a session of North Korea's rubber stamp parliament, which made a slew of personnel changes that bolstered his diplomatic lineup amid stalemated negotiations with the United States. His speech came hours after Trump and visiting South Korean President Moon Jae-in met in Washington and agreed on the importance of nuclear talks with North Korea. 'We of course place importance on resolving problems through dialogue and negotiations. But U.S.-style dialogue of unilaterally pushing its demands doesn't fit us, and we have no interest in it,' Kim said during the speech. According to the Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA, Kim blamed the collapse of his summit with Trump in February on what he described as unilateral demands by the United States, which he said raised questions over whether Washington has genuine willingness to improve relations. But Kim said his personal relationship with Trump remains good and that they could exchange letters at 'any time.' Kim's aides have previously blamed the breakdown in Hanoi on hardline demands from National Security Advisor John Bolton North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gestures to applauding audience after his speech at parliament in Pyongyang, North Korea on Friday Kim repeated earlier claims that North Korea's crippled economy would persevere through heavy international sanctions imposed over its nuclear weapons program and that he wouldn't 'obsess over summitry with the United States out of thirst for sanctions relief.' The United States has said the summit in Vietnam broke down because of the North's excessive demands for sanctions relief in return for limited disarmament measures. In their first summit last June in Singapore, Trump and Kim issued a vague statement calling for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula without describing when or how it would occur. Kim said the United States has been refusing to withdraw what the North perceives as 'hostile policies' while sticking to 'mistaken judgment that we would succumb to maximum pressure.' He said the North would not compromise on the 'fundamental interests of our country and people, even by a speck,' and blamed the United States for arriving in Hanoi with 'completely unrealizable plans.' President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un take a walk after their first meeting at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi hotel, in Hanoi, in February 'If the United States approaches us with the right manner and offers to hold a third North Korea-U.S. leaders' summit on the condition of finding solutions we could mutually accept, then we do have a willingness to give it one more try,' Kim added. 'We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the United States to come up with a courageous decision. But it will clearly be difficult for a good opportunity like last time to come up.' Kim also during the speech made a nationalistic call for South Korea to support the North's positions more strongly and criticized Seoul for acting like an 'overstepping mediator' between Washington and Pyongyang. Kim held three summits last year with Moon, who lobbied hard to revive the nuclear talks between the United States and North Korea. Following the collapse of the Trump-Kim summit, the North had been urging the South to break away from Washington and proceed with inter-Korean economic projects that are currently held back by U.S.-led sanctions against the North. 'The South should not act as an 'overstepping mediator' or a 'facilitator' and should rather get its mind straight as a member of the (Korean) nation and boldly speak up for the interest of the nation,' Kim said. When asked about Kim's comments, South Korea's presidential office said Seoul is committed toward keeping the atmosphere of dialogue alive and helping negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang resume at an early date. On Friday, KCNA reported that Kim was reelected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission, the nation's most important decision-making body, during a session of the Supreme People's Assembly that praised his 'outstanding ideological and theoretical wisdom and experienced and seasoned leadership.' Experts say the new appointments may be a sign of Kim's desire to keep recent months of up-and-down nuclear diplomacy alive rather than returning to the threats and weapons tests that characterized 2017, when many feared war on the Korean Peninsula. But the lack of substantial disarmament commitments from the North and the deepening impasse in nuclear negotiations have fueled doubts over whether Kim would ever voluntarily relinquish an arsenal he may see as his strongest guarantee of survival. Some experts say it's becoming clear the North intends to turn the talks with the United States into a bilateral arms reduction negotiation between two nuclear states, rather than a unilateral process of surrendering its arsenal. Kim has signed vague statements calling for the 'complete denuclearization' of the peninsula in his meetings with Trump and Moon. But North Korea for decades has been pushing a concept of denuclearization that bears no resemblance to the American definition, with Pyongyang vowing to pursue nuclear development until the United States removes its troops and the nuclear umbrella defending South Korea and Japan. This is the shocking moment a thug head-butts a train door before attacking a police officer. Stephen Owellen was filmed slamming and kicking the doors on the inside of a Metro train as he desperately tried to get out. The officers on the platform then press the 'open door' button in order to let the 33-year-old off the train. He then charges towards officers and the driver of the Metro before stripping off. Stephen Owellen (pictured above) was filmed kicking and pushing the doors of the Metro train Police bodycam footage from officers at Northumbria Police was submitted to court, along with another clip which showed the 33-year-old strip down to the nude, before laying into the driver. Operator of the service in the Gosforth area of Newcastle upon Tyne, Nexus has now slammed the thug, who was spared prison for the savage attack on the last train home. Metro Services Director, Chris Carson, said: 'The safety and security of our workforce and customers is our top priority. Assaults on Metro drivers will not be tolerated. 'We are disappointed that the person who committed this assault did not get sent to prison. This was a member of staff in uniform performing an essential public service who has ended up facing violence. Nobody deserves this kind of treatment when they're at work. Police then cautiously pressed the open door button to the let him out, he then ran at officer 'While offending of this severity is rare on Metro, any kind of attack on staff, verbal or physical, is completely unacceptable. I'm thankful that the Metro driver wasn't more seriously hurt and that the police were able to detain the offender at the scene.' Mr Carson said the team has put in a series of measurements in order to enhance safety and to deter crime and anti-social behaviour on the lines. 'Frontline staff have been issued with body-worn CCTV cameras and we are increasing the number of staff on the system to record levels. 'We already work closely with the police and have stepped up high visibility patrols on the system where our own staff work alongside the Northumbria Police Metro Unit and Neighbourhood Policing Teams. After running out the door he took his shirt off before running at officers. He was then arrested (pictured above) 'The overall crime rate on Metro remains low for a transport system of its size, but anyone who thinks that it's okay to attack one of our employees will face the courts and the prospect of a prison sentence.' The footage shows officers bravely restraining Owellen, who North Tyneside Magistrates' Court heard was brought up around violence and who owed over 3,000 due to previous convictions, says he was 'spiked'. He insisted he only had four pints that night. Police arrived at Regent Centre to aid the driver, who had his cab window smashed before being beaten black and blue. Owellen even barked 'come on!' as the doors open and he charges the officers. But he had put his clothes back on by the time officers arrived in the early hours of February 9. In court on Wednesday, he was described as being 'fully naked' when he struck. He landed so many blows the driver lost count, recalling: 'He was going crazy inside the cab.' Mitigating, the Sunderland defendant's brief Mark Richardson claimed his actions were 'out of character'. After Owellen pleaded guilty to assault by beating and criminal damage, Magistrates suspended his four month sentence for a year, ordering him to pay 200 compensation to the driver along with 100 to Nexus for the damage to Twitter users are joking about the whereabouts of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange after it was claimed he was sent to 'Britain's Guantanamo Bay'. Assange was arrested at Ecuador's London Embassy on Thursday and is currently being held at the high-security Belmarsh jail in south east London. The jail, with notable prisoners including black cab rapist John Worboys and Grindr serial killer Stephen Port, was briefly given the nickname between 2001 and 2002 for holding a number of prisoners indefinitely without charge under terrorism laws. Many Twitter users were confused over the comparison to the notorious detention centre where prisoners were tortured and abused, and began to suggest other places across the UK where the nickname might be more apt. One user wrote: 'He's in Milton Keynes?' Twitter users are joking about the whereabouts of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange after it was claimed he was sent to 'Britain's Guantanamo Bay', aka Belmarsh prison (pictured) The WikiLeaks founder, pictured, was arrested at Ecuador's London Embassy on Thursday Many Twitter users were confused over the comparison to the notorious detention centre where prisoners were tortured, and began to suggest other places across the UK where the nickname might be more apt - including Milton Keynes and a motorway services toilet Another suggested: 'They're holding him in a motorway services toilet?' Mike Bevan joked: 'He's been moved to Scunthorpe?' Others wondered if Assange had been moved to one of the holiday camps scattered across the country. Dan Walton tweeted: 'Surely the staff at Butlins have suffered enough by now?' Sam Golding added: 'Must be Pontins at Camber Sands based on their trip advisor reviews.' Pictured: Guantanamo Bay. Belmarsh prison held the nickname briefly between 2001 and 2002 for holding a number of prisoners indefinitely without charge under terrorism laws Others wondered if the WikiLeaks co-founder had been moved to one of the holiday camps scattered across the country More helpful Twitter users pointed out that the UK doesn't have a true Guantanamo Bay equivalent. Assange was thrown out of his Ecuador embassy bolthole where he had been given refuge since 2012 earlier this week. In extraordinary scenes, eight policemen had to drag the bearded and dishevelled Assange to a waiting police van as he ranted about Donald Trump and screamed 'the UK has no civility'. His arrest came after the Ecuadorian government ended his asylum status, saying it was tired of his 'discourteous' behaviour and poor personal hygiene, which reportedly included smearing faeces on the walls of the country's London embassy. The former hacker now faces a maximum sentence of one year in a British jail, likely to be Wandsworth prison in south London At court, the judge branded Assange a 'narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests'. Assange denied skipping bail in 2012 but was found guilty after the judge said his defence was 'laughable'. He had tried to claim he breached his bail conditions because he couldn't be guaranteed a fair trial in the UK. The former hacker now faces a maximum sentence of one year in a British jail, likely to be Wandsworth prison in south London. This would see him serve six months before a fight over his extradition to the US begins. Experts say that process could take up to two years. Meanwhile Swedish prosecutors said they would consider restarting the rape investigation which caused Assange to first seek refuge in the embassy. A British man who allegedly assaulted a man in Bondi after spending less than 24 hours in the country has claimed he has no memory of the attack. Daniel Smith, 35, appeared in Parramatta Bail Court after he allegedly attacked a stranger walking along Campbell Parade at 1.30am on Saturday. The 35-year-old, who is in Australia for a two-week holiday, told the court he couldn't remember the attack and didn't have 'a bad bone in his body.' A British man has found himself in handcuffs less than 24 hours after arriving in Australia (stock image of Bondi pictured) 'Oh my god, oh my word,' he said. 'I don't have any memory. I've never done anything wrong in my life. I just don't understand it, I don't have a bad bone in my body.' Magistrate Tony Murray advised him not to say anything else about the incident and suggested he seek legal advice, reported The Daily Telegraph. Smith allegedly approached a 59-year-old man while he was walking down the street and assaulted him. The victim attempted to flee from the enraged man, who continued to assault him and stole his mobile phone. The attack was only stopped when a nearby onlooker called police after witnessing the violent assault. Daniel Smith, 35, allegedly violently attacked an older man near Bondi Beach in Sydney's east, leaving him seriously injured (pictured is Campbell Parade, Bondi) The victim was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics at the scene before being taken to St Vincent's Hospital (pictured) in a serious but stable condition The victim was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics at the scene before being taken to St Vincent's Hospital in a serious but stable condition. Smith was arrested at the scene by Officers from Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command. He was taken to Waverley Police Station and charged with aggravated robbery with wounding/grievous bodily harm and choking a person intend to commit indictable offence. Smith didn't apply for bail and his case was adjourned to Central Local Court on Monday. He told the Magistrate he would seek legal advice before his next appearance. Advertisement Racegoers dressed up in their striking pink frocks, fascinators and three piece suits while they popped champagne to kick off a day of antics at the Scottish Grand National. Stylish crowds looked excited as they soaked up the atmosphere at Ayr racecourse and appeared to be making the most of the dry weather as they enjoyed a tipple and ice cream outside. Ladies and gentlemen dressed up in their best outfits, with the girls donning fancy hats, eye catching sunglasses and plunging necklines as they defied the chilly April temperatures. But the cold weather didn't stop attendees from making a real effort with their ensembles, with bright colours competing for attention. Racegoers dressed up in their frocks, fascinators and finery and popped champagne as they set to enjoy a weekend of races at the Scottish Grand National One man looks dapper as he dons an eye-popping pink suit as they prepare for a weekend of antics Revellers looked excited with drinks in hand as they enjoyed a tipple at the racecourse The stylish crowds looked excited as they arrived at Ayr racecourse and appeared to be making the most of the dry weather as they enjoyed a tipple and ice cream outside Sunday is forecast to be windy with breezes from Scandinavia bringing temperatures to around 11C, Monday will see cloud cover for most of the country with rain in the southeast, while Monday will bring showers to much of the eastern coast One man opted for a eye-popping pink suit as he arrived to join racegoers knocking back drinks as they prepared for a weekend of racing antics. Among the revellers were a few famous faces, including Love Island's Chris Hughes who has been a life-long fan of racing since he was 10 years old. It comes after a successful weekend at Aintree Grand National last week as crowds cheered on as Tiger Roll romped home to victory in the famous steeplechase. And the country will enjoy a dry weekend with spells of brilliant sunshine as signs of Springs begin to show. A cold snap on Saturday morning made way for sun by late Saturday morning just in time for Brits to enjoy the Easter holidays, with temperature highs of up to 13C. But those heading for family trips in the outdoors may want to wear a jumper as temperatures will drop to a chilly 8C, particularly on coastlines. And some parts of the UK may even see April showers with patches of rain that could even turn into hail. Sunday may be on the windy side, with sharp breezes from Scandinavia bringing temperatures to around 11C, which may feel colder due to the wind. But the cold weather will likely not last as next week is set for sunshine and warm weather after the cold snap. Met Office forecaster Dean Hall said: 'Saturday will be colder than Friday with highs of up to 12-13C but the evening will be cold with a few showers in the south east and could drop to -3C anywhere in the UK. 'Sunday will be windier and breezy with clouds and spots of rain in mostly Cornwall and Northern Ireland. It will be colder at 11C but because of the winds it may feel more chilly.' The race is due off at 3.35pm and is live on ITV and Racing TV. Men were decked out in three piece suits and seen knocking back drinks as they prepared for a weekend of racing antics But that didn't stop attendees from making a real effort with their ensembles, with bright colours competing for attention A couple dressed in their finery as they arrive at Ayr racecourse ahead of the Scottish Grand National on Saturday Ladies and gentlemen dressed up in their best outfits, with the girls donning fancy hats, eye catching and plunging necklines as they defied the chilly April temperatures Ladies put on their best looks from animal print coats to lemon yellow bodycon dresses as they prepared to cheer the races Eccentric fascinators and stylish eye wear were out in full play at the Scottish Grand National in Ayr Ladies look glamorous as they sip champagne in their best dresses and enjoy the sun despite the chilly April weather Dressed in their finery, the ladies laugh as they soak up the atmosphere ahead of the races at Ayr racecourse Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been left red faced after he sent out an email referring to Opposition Leader Bill Shorten as the Prime Minister. The Liberal Party member was discussing the upcoming Election announcement when he made the major mistake in his email to supporters. 'On Thursday, Prime Minister Shorten officially called the election for 18 May, and Team Tony hit the ground running,' the email read. Opps: Former prime minister Tony Abbott (pictured) has been left red faced after he sent out an email referring to Opposition leader Bill Shorten as the Prime Minister The Liberal Party member was discussing the upcoming Election announcement when he made the major mistake in his email to supporters It was in fact Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the leader of the Liberal Party, who called the election on Thursday. Many people were entertained by the error with dozens taking to social media to share their amusement. 'The very first occasion in which Tony Abbott has been ahead of his time. Only by five weeks though, so don't get too excited,' one person said on Twitter. 'Tony The Prophet,' another tweet read. 'He looked into his crystal onion,' one person said. 'Classic! Probably the first time he preempted the truth!!! Enjoy this Malcolm Turnbull,' another person said. Too soon? Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who is also the leader of the Liberal Part, called the election on Thursday - not Opposition leader Bill Shorten (pictured) 'Tony Abbott: a man forever in opposition. Even when he's in government,' said another. The upcoming vote will decide whether the conservative government will get a rare third term in office - and whether embattled incumbent Scott Morrison can beat the odds and hang on to power. Polls have consistently shown his centre-left Labor opponents with a commanding lead, suggesting a new adminstration led by former union leader Bill Shorten. But Australian elections are often tight affairs, with a couple dozen marginal seats deciding the outcome, and both party leaders have low approval ratings and have struggled to connect with voters. Morrison took office less than a year ago in a coup by the hard right of his Liberal party and has struggled to bridge a divide between party moderates and nationalist populists who have grown in confidence in the age of Donald Trump. He has tried to paper over these divisions and make sure the campaign focus is squarely on the party's economic record. For all purposes, campaigning is already well underway and has already been deeply acrimonious. Election ads have been running for weeks, and, like the United States, Australian politics has taken on the air of a permanent campaign with the focus on how policies will play with voters as much as how well they work. A mother and her adult son have been arrested for allegedly causing chaos in a Wisconsin Walmart on Wednesday night. Lisa Smith, 46, reportedly pulled apart displays inside the Eau Claire store as her son Benny Vann, 26, stripped naked and exposed himself to fellow customers. The pair also brought their unleashed dog into the shop and staff quickly called police to the scene. Officers arrived to find Smith screaming in the Walmart entryway as she resisted arrest by performing a series of karate moves. An Eau Claire Police Department Facebook status claims that she also attempted to kick out the window of a squad car. Police mugshots of Lisa Smith, 46, (left) and her son, Benny Vann, 26, who were arrested for causing chaos in a Wisconsin Walmart Wednesday night Meanwhile, inside the store, a naked Vann allegedly began dressing himself in clothes from the racks without first purchasing them. He fled the scene on a scooter and tried to run over an officer who endeavored to stop him. He was eventually restrained by police. Smith was arrested for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and misdemeanor bail jumping. Vann, was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior, disorderly conduct and retail theft. The exterior of the Eau Claire Walmart, in which Smith and Vann reportedly ran amok The mother and son's dog was also detained by officers with a box of Jiffy Cornbread Muffin Mix in its mouth. The animal was taken to the Humane Association. Clearly keeping a sense of humor, the Eau Claire Police Department stated: 'The dog was not charged we issued him a warning for the theft'. Sajid Javid (pictured above) had his plan suspended by the treasury Home Secretary Sajid Javid has penned a detailed technological plan which would see the removal of the Irish backstop. Mr Javid had commissioned Border Force officials to work up the plan, which has now been suspended by the Treasury, to the fury of Brexiteers. The Home Secretary had concocted a plan which would use Swiss-style technology in order to manage trade and tariffs, therefore avoiding a hard border in Ireland. The work was originally submitted by HMRC, however allies of Mr Javid claimed officials were 'incredibly dismissive of it and not interested'. Speaking to the Telegraph, a source said: 'We tried to talk to HMRC about it for eight months,' the source said. 'We said there were big hurdles to get past but we didn't think they were insurmountable.' The move comes as Prime Minister Theresa May continues to try to secure an agreement on a Brexit compromise deal with Labour, which would likely see Britain staying in the Customs Union with the European Union. On Monday Mr Javid is set to deliver a speech, setting out his vision for addressing the root causes of crime. However, the plans outlined earlier this year, which rely heavily on technology had set the 'art of the possible' for the Irish border. Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured above) continues to try to secure an agreement on a Brexit compromise deal with Labour The scheme would see companies upload data about their cargo into a 'digital portal' while artificial intelligence would be used to build a 'risk profile based on goods, route and drivers'. This is while automatic number plate recognition would also be used to track vehicles. The plans state: 'If all these technologies are brought together, this could allow a seamless collection and analysis of the data needed. It would also provide the ability to target interventions away from the border itself.' Insiders have already acknowledged that the project would be 'big and complex', and will require a significant amount of investment in technology. The Swiss-style technology would mean there would be no need for physical infrastructure at the border This applied technology will be key in avoiding having a physical infrastructure at the border. The document stated: 'The challenge of this work cannot be underestimated. 'No Government worldwide currently controls different customs arrangement with no physical infrastructure at the border.' Speaking to the Telegraph, a source from the Treasury said the plans had been deemed 'unworkable' and that no further action had been taken to develop them. Former Brexit Secretary David Davis said there had been a track record of the Treasury resisting technological solutions The Prime Minister had abandoned plans to renegotiate the Irish backstop after extending Article 50 by six months. She has now pinned her hope on a deal with Labour, following negotiations earlier this week. Former Brexit Secretary David Davis said there had been a track record of the Treasury resisting technological solutions dating back to August 2017. It was then that the head of HMRC said a similar 'max fac' plan would cost businesses up to 20 billion a year. He said: 'There have been any number of attempts of technological solutions and the reasons for rejecting are political, not practical. 'I am unsurprised at the HMRC. That's been the Treasury response all the way along, one of obstruction rather than facilitation.' This is while for transit goods passing through Switzerland and the rest of Europe, vehicle driver particulars are electronically verified. Swiss authorities do not collect tariffs on behalf on the EU, as most drivers carry pre-paid transit documents with officials saying 80 per cent of customs clearance takes place either before or after the border. Former trade minister John Redwood said problems raised over tech were 'completely fictitious.' 'You could understand why the Republic of Ireland wanted to do it and the EU wanted to do it as it seemed to be a way to drag the UK back into the Customs Union. It's sad to see the British Government co-operated in this. The Government should have said this is a non-problem.' He added that officials had set out to find everything that was wrong with it and said both the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Business Secretary 'encouraged the approach. 'The Chancellor is ultimately response for these things. I think he was on the side of trying to keep us in the EU.' A source within HMRC said the Government had been resolute in ensuring there would be no hard border. It also highlighted that it would consider the 'potential applications of technology to streamline customs processes.' MailOnline has contacted the Treasury. Entitlements are draining capital reserves 'dollar for dollar' according to the former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan. Greenspan, 93, who was known as the 'Maestro' during his 19-year tenure which ran from the Reagan to the George W. Bush administrations, said the cost of Social Security and Medicare programs would eventually push economic growth off a cliff. He pointed to a rapidly ageing population for the eventual significant downturn, despite the U.S. economy enjoying solid growth of late. Scroll down for video Greenspan, who was known as the 'Maestro' during his 19-year tenure which ran from the Reagan to the George W. Bush administrations, said the cost of Social Security and Medicare would eventually push economic growth off a cliff The long-time central bank chief repeated his dire warnings about the weight such programs are having on what has otherwise been consistent gains over the past several years. 'I think the real problem is over the long run, we've got this significant continued drain coming from entitlements, which are basically draining capital investment dollar for dollar,' he told CNBC during a 'Squawk on the Street' interview. 'Without any major change in entitlements, entitlements are going to rise. Why? Because the population is aging. 'There's no way to reverse that, and the politics of it are awful, as you well know,' Greenspan added. Though the economy looks 'reasonably good' in the short term, he warned that the growth will 'fade very dramatically.' In its latest GDP forecast, the Atlanta Fed now sees the increase running at 2.3 percent. A month ago, the tracker had put the level at 0.2 percent. Greenspan indicated that the improvement stems from stock market price rises but they cannot be maintained because - despite being the S&P 500 being on track for its best ever performance - Europe's economic struggles coupled entitlements in the U.S. make for a turbulent set of circumstances for growth. The long-time central bank chief repeated his dire warnings about the weight such programs are having on what has otherwise been consistent gains over the past several years He said: 'Europe is not doing well and we still have very substantial fiscal problems associated with entitlements. 'The stock market rally to date has already built in a significant rise in GDP in the current period,' he added, indicating that he sees a 'stock market aura' in the economy. A rise of 10 percent in the S&P 500 corresponds to a 1 percent real GDP increase, he said. A Jack Russell Terrier saved his owners from death when their houseboat went up in flames on Friday as he woke them up by repeatedly barking. A 64-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman were asleep on their yacht when it became engulfed in flames at 5.30am. Their heroic dog Charlie, who was also on the boat, began barking and woke up the owners when he spotted the blaze. A Jack Russell,Charlie, (pictured) began barking and woke up the owners when he spotted the blaze '[Charlie's] mum and dad have told us if it hadn't been for his bark warning them, they might not have woken up in time to escape their burning yacht,' Queensland Police shared online. Authorities were alerted to the burning 15-metre yacht, located in the waters off Queensland's Moreton Island, at 5.30am. Police and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services managed to extinguish the fire. Dramatic video of the burning yacht was released by Queensland Police on Friday. The couple was assessed for smoke inhalation by paramedics at the Port of Brisbane. Acting Senior Sergeant Daniel Moyle said the pair were lucky to escape unharmed, but police were still unsure what caused the fire, the ABC reported. Authorities were alerted to the burning boat on the south-west side of the island off the coast of Queensland just after 5.30am The 64-year-old man and 53-year-old woman managed to escape the burning yacht on their tender boat off Queensland's Moreton Island 'Because they were very well prepared and they knew their vessel, they got off the ship very quickly and effectively and it potentially saved their lives,' Senior Sergeant Moyle said. 'They heard some noises, and got up to see lights in the kitchen area and they immediately evacuated the ship to a tender and went to a nearby yacht to raise the alarm. Sergeant Moyle said the couple were distressed and upset, but are coping well. The cause of the fire is not considered suspicious and investigations are continuing. Acting Senior Sergeant Jay Bairstow, Officer in Charge Brisbane Water Police said with Easter coming up, those at the helm should be well-prepared. Police are urging anyone going out on the water to let people know their travel details so friends and family know where they are and when they are expected to return. The silver Mercedes raced towards Ukrainian ambassador's car outside the Ukranian embassy in west London It 'deliberately' crashed into the parked car five times, before driving at armed police officers called to scene The officers opened fire on the car, firing 'half a dozen' shots, before using a taser to apprehend the driver No Embassy staff or ambassador Natalia Galibarenko were injured and the motive is now being investigated Metropolitan Police say a man in his 40s has been arrested following the alleged attack and taken to hospital A man who 'blasted Ukrainian music from his car for several hours' before deliberately ramming the Mercedes into the Ukrainian ambassador's vehicle in London five times, has been arrested on suspicion of trying to murder police officers, after he drove at them when they opened fire on him. Officers opened fire to try and stop the man after he had smashed into ambassador Natalia Galibarenko's parked car outside the embassy building in Holland Park, west London, crashing into it twice at around 10am. ADVERTISEMENT A taser was also used before the car was stopped and the man, who is in his 40s, was arrested and taken to hospital - though he was not injured. The Metropolitan Police later said he was arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of police officers and criminal damage. Though the motive is unclear, the Ukrainian Embassy claimed that the ambassador's car was 'deliberately rammed' in the incident this morning. One witness claimed that the car was 'blasting Ukrainian music in some kind of protest against the embassy', after arriving at about 7am. The moment police officers arrest the man outside the Ukrainian embassy in west London this morning after he 'deliberately rammed' his car into the ambassador's parked vehicle twice Click here to resize this module Witnesses claim that that police officers fired half a dozen shots at the man, in his 40s, and also used a taser before subduing and arresting him The Ukranian ambassador's vehicle was parked outside the embassy in Holland Park when a silver Mercedes sped towards it A police sniffer dog at the scene near the Ukrainian Embassy in Holland Park, west London where the ambassador's car was rammed into by a Mercedes Witness Darcy Mercier described the 'really strange' event to the BBC. He said: 'I was out on my terrace when he started ramming the car and then the police arrested him. 'I asked him to turn down the music and he said that he was playing Ukrainian music for the Ukrainian Embassy and was a little bit belligerent.' The statement from the embassy said: 'Around 10am on Saturday 13 April, the official vehicle of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom was deliberately rammed as it sat parked in front of the Embassy of Ukraine's building. 'The police were called immediately, and the suspect's vehicle was blocked up. Nevertheless, despite the police actions, the attacker hit the Ambassador's car again. Ukraine Ambassador Natalia Galibarenk, pictured, was not in the car at the time 'In response, the police were forced to open fire on the perpetrator's vehicle. The culprit was apprehended and taken to a police station. No one of the Embassy staff were injured. The police are investigating the suspect's identity and motive for the attack.' ADVERTISEMENT Emma Slatter, who is Visa's general counsel, watched the scene unfold with her partner David Hinsley, a banker who is also in his 50s. 'We could see two police cars at this end of the road and one about half way down looking the other way,' she said. 'It seems like he was moving erratically or wanting to move away from being boxed in, maybe not realising there were police behind him as well. 'That was when he collided backwards.' Then came gunfire. 'I think I heard about half a dozen shots,' she said. The couple fled from the window in case of a stray bullet until the firing was over. 'I could see police had got the guy out of the car and they had him on the ground,' Ms Slatter continued. 'The police seemed in charge. There were probably about eight to 10 guys in full body armour, some with submachine guns. 'He (the suspect) was stumbling but he wasn't resisting. We thought he might've been shot but there wasn't any evidence of any blood. 'They frogmarched him into the back of the police van,' she said, before the suspect was transferred into an ambulance. Police have sealed off the street near the Ukrainian embassy in west London. Forensic officers comb through the silver Mercedes car outside the Ukrainian embassy in Holland Park, Kensington, London Forensic officers at scene near the Ukrainian Embassy collect bags of evidence and place markers around the car Bruno, 65, whose house is within the police cordon said: I heard one police man saying to another break the glass and they broke both windows on the front of the car' There was a heavy police presence at the scene for several hours, with police joined by a forensics team to investigate A woman who works at a nearby shop said she heard shots fired twice between 10am and 11am on Saturday. The woman, who did not wish to be named, said officers arrived 'very quick', adding: 'I saw many police cars coming.' ADVERTISEMENT Bruno, 65, whose house is within the police cordon, said: 'I heard one police man saying to another 'break the glass' and they broke both windows on the front of the car. The boot of the silver Mercedes was full of a builder's work bag and several other items, including a shopping bag from H&M The damage to a parked car can be seen by the boot of the Mercedes, which crashed into several parked vehicles outside the embassy Forensic officers suit up as they lay markers in the area surrounding the car while hunting for evidence and a potential motive The scene in Holland Park after shots were fired by police near the Ukrainian embassy to stop the silver Mercedes and its driver Police were forced to fire shots and deploy a taser eventually stopping the vehicle and arresting the man after he drove towards them The Ambassador of Ukraine Mrs Natalia Galibarenko and her husband Oleksandr Naumenko meet Queen Elizabeth II during a private audience at Buckingham Palace in 2012 '[The shot] got me out, I just went out to see what it was then when I realised what was going on I went back inside. 'I heard one gunshot, then the crash of the car, then more gun shots and probably seconds later I was outside.' Another resident, Dan, who lives two doors down, told MailOnline: 'The Mercedes was sat outside with music blaring for hours - from 7:30ish' 'I heard shots and I heard screaming, I thought it had to be some crazy on the street.' The Ukrainian Embassy is on Holland Park, an affluent area in West London. The ambassador's car was deliberately targeted by the driver of a silver vehicle Police attended the scene and took the driver of the car in to custody. It is not known whether the ambassador was in the car at the time of the incident Another neighbour told MailOnline: 'I thought it was just a protest at the Cameroon embassy because they do it every week' A statement from the Ukrainian embassy said the car was deliberately rammed in to twice before police were forced to intervene Chief Superintendent Andy Walker, from the Met's Specialist Firearms Command, said: 'As is standard procedure, an investigation is now ongoing into the discharge of a police firearm during this incident. While this takes place, I would like to pay tribute to the officers involved this morning who responded swiftly to this incident and put themselves in harm's way, as they do every day, to keep the people of London safe.' One witness in the area claimed on social media they had heard up to 10 shots in Holland Park this afternoon. Photos from the scene show a number of police cars and officers in the area. Henry Greenfields, who lives nearby, told MyLondon a neighbour had heard shots fired and then seen police return fire. Another local resident said he had heard 'seven or eight' gunshots. Foreign Office minister Sir Alan Duncan said he was 'very concerned' to hear about the incident, and he has spoken with Ukrainian ambassador Natalia Galibarenko. He tweeted: 'Very concerned to hear of the incident near the Ukrainian Embassy this morning. 'I have just spoken to Ambassador Galibarenko @UkrEmbLondon and am glad to hear that no one was hurt. ADVERTISEMENT 'Thanks to the @metpoliceuk for such a swift response.' Stewart McDonald MP member of parliament for Glasgow south & SNP spokesperson for defence gave his 'best wishes' to Natalia Gailibarenko Advertisement A man who 'blasted Ukrainian music from his car for several hours' before deliberately ramming the Mercedes into the Ukrainian ambassador's vehicle in London five times, has been arrested on suspicion of trying to murder police officers, after he drove at them when they opened fire on him. Officers opened fire to try and stop the man after he had smashed into ambassador Natalia Galibarenko's parked car outside the embassy building in Holland Park, west London, crashing into it twice at around 10am. A taser was also used before the car was stopped and the man, who is in his 40s, was arrested and taken to hospital - though he was not injured. The Metropolitan Police later said he was arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of police officers and criminal damage. Though the motive is unclear, the Ukrainian Embassy claimed that the ambassador's car was 'deliberately rammed' in the incident this morning. One witness claimed that the car was 'blasting Ukrainian music in some kind of protest against the embassy', after arriving at about 7am. The moment police officers arrest the man outside the Ukrainian embassy in west London this morning after he 'deliberately rammed' his car into the ambassador's parked vehicle twice Witnesses claim that that police officers fired half a dozen shots at the man, in his 40s, and also used a taser before subduing and arresting him The Ukranian ambassador's vehicle was parked outside the embassy in Holland Park when a silver Mercedes sped towards it A police sniffer dog at the scene near the Ukrainian Embassy in Holland Park, west London where the ambassador's car was rammed into by a Mercedes Witness Darcy Mercier described the 'really strange' event to the BBC. He said: 'I was out on my terrace when he started ramming the car and then the police arrested him. 'I asked him to turn down the music and he said that he was playing Ukrainian music for the Ukrainian Embassy and was a little bit belligerent.' The statement from the embassy said: 'Around 10am on Saturday 13 April, the official vehicle of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom was deliberately rammed as it sat parked in front of the Embassy of Ukraine's building. 'The police were called immediately, and the suspect's vehicle was blocked up. Nevertheless, despite the police actions, the attacker hit the Ambassador's car again. Ukraine Ambassador Natalia Galibarenk, pictured, was not in the car at the time 'In response, the police were forced to open fire on the perpetrator's vehicle. The culprit was apprehended and taken to a police station. No one of the Embassy staff were injured. The police are investigating the suspect's identity and motive for the attack.' Emma Slatter, who is Visa's general counsel, watched the scene unfold with her partner David Hinsley, a banker who is also in his 50s. 'We could see two police cars at this end of the road and one about half way down looking the other way,' she said. 'It seems like he was moving erratically or wanting to move away from being boxed in, maybe not realising there were police behind him as well. 'That was when he collided backwards.' Then came gunfire. 'I think I heard about half a dozen shots,' she said. The couple fled from the window in case of a stray bullet until the firing was over. 'I could see police had got the guy out of the car and they had him on the ground,' Ms Slatter continued. 'The police seemed in charge. There were probably about eight to 10 guys in full body armour, some with submachine guns. 'He (the suspect) was stumbling but he wasn't resisting. We thought he might've been shot but there wasn't any evidence of any blood. 'They frogmarched him into the back of the police van,' she said, before the suspect was transferred into an ambulance. Police have sealed off the street near the Ukrainian embassy in west London. Forensic officers comb through the silver Mercedes car outside the Ukrainian embassy in Holland Park, Kensington, London Forensic officers at scene near the Ukrainian Embassy collect bags of evidence and place markers around the car Bruno, 65, whose house is within the police cordon said: 'I heard one police man saying to another 'break the glass' and they broke both windows on the front of the car' There was a heavy police presence at the scene for several hours, with police joined by a forensics team to investigate A woman who works at a nearby shop said she heard shots fired twice between 10am and 11am on Saturday. The woman, who did not wish to be named, said officers arrived 'very quick', adding: 'I saw many police cars coming.' Bruno, 65, whose house is within the police cordon, said: 'I heard one police man saying to another 'break the glass' and they broke both windows on the front of the car. The boot of the silver Mercedes was full of a builder's work bag and several other items, including a shopping bag from H&M The damage to a parked car can be seen by the boot of the Mercedes, which crashed into several parked vehicles outside the embassy Forensic officers suit up as they lay markers in the area surrounding the car while hunting for evidence and a potential motive The scene in Holland Park after shots were fired by police near the Ukrainian embassy to stop the silver Mercedes and its driver Police were forced to fire shots and deploy a taser eventually stopping the vehicle and arresting the man after he drove towards them The Ambassador of Ukraine Mrs Natalia Galibarenko and her husband Oleksandr Naumenko meet Queen Elizabeth II during a private audience at Buckingham Palace in 2012 '[The shot] got me out, I just went out to see what it was then when I realised what was going on I went back inside. 'I heard one gunshot, then the crash of the car, then more gun shots and probably seconds later I was outside.' Another resident, Dan, who lives two doors down, told MailOnline: 'The Mercedes was sat outside with music blaring for hours - from 7:30ish' 'I heard shots and I heard screaming, I thought it had to be some crazy on the street.' The Ukrainian Embassy is on Holland Park, an affluent area in West London. The ambassador's car was deliberately targeted by the driver of a silver vehicle Police attended the scene and took the driver of the car in to custody. It is not known whether the ambassador was in the car at the time of the incident Another neighbour told MailOnline: 'I thought it was just a protest at the Cameroon embassy because they do it every week' A statement from the Ukrainian embassy said the car was deliberately rammed in to twice before police were forced to intervene Chief Superintendent Andy Walker, from the Met's Specialist Firearms Command, said: 'As is standard procedure, an investigation is now ongoing into the discharge of a police firearm during this incident. While this takes place, I would like to pay tribute to the officers involved this morning who responded swiftly to this incident and put themselves in harm's way, as they do every day, to keep the people of London safe.' One witness in the area claimed on social media they had heard up to 10 shots in Holland Park this afternoon. Photos from the scene show a number of police cars and officers in the area. Henry Greenfields, who lives nearby, told MyLondon a neighbour had heard shots fired and then seen police return fire. Another local resident said he had heard 'seven or eight' gunshots. Foreign Office minister Sir Alan Duncan said he was 'very concerned' to hear about the incident, and he has spoken with Ukrainian ambassador Natalia Galibarenko. He tweeted: 'Very concerned to hear of the incident near the Ukrainian Embassy this morning. 'I have just spoken to Ambassador Galibarenko @UkrEmbLondon and am glad to hear that no one was hurt. 'Thanks to the @metpoliceuk for such a swift response.' Stewart McDonald MP member of parliament for Glasgow south & SNP spokesperson for defence gave his 'best wishes' to Natalia Gailibarenko A father who killed his entire family in a horrific gassing began living a double life filled with partying and high-price escorts while on work trips overseas. Fernando Manrique, 44, and his family - Maria Lutz, 43, and their children Elisa, 11, and Martin, 10, were found dead along with the family dog in their Sydney home in October 2016 from carbon monoxide poisoning. Following an inquest into their deaths this week, former friends and colleagues have revealed the secret wild life Manrique was leading while living in Asia. Fernando Manrique, 44, killed his entire family to death after his wife discovered his affair with a 17-year-old girl in the Philippines and demanded a divorce, an inquest has heard Maria Lutz, 43 and her children Elisa, 11, and Martin, 10, were found dead, along with the family dog, in their Sydney home in October 2016 Former colleagues have described how Manrique would go bar hopping and even dabbled in cosmetic enhancements during his time in Vietnam, Thailand and the Phillipines (stock image pictured) Manrique, was an 'awkward IT executive' up until he began doing stints in Asia between 2015 and 2016, the Daily Telegraph reported. 'He had absolutely no interpersonal or people skills. I have no idea how he got himself into senior positions,' an Australian businessman said. A former friend said he had turned into a 'predator' who pursed dozens of young women while living away from his family. Former colleagues have described how Manrique would go bar hopping and even dabbled in cosmetic enhancements during his time in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. He would spend up large, running up massive credit card bills while out partying with young women. With his young family back in Sydney, Manrique indulged in high-price escorts in Asia. He even dabbled in Viagra, a former friend said. Fernando Manrique, 44, had a Vietnamese girlfriend (pictured) who he met at Kim's Tavern When Ms Lutz (pictured with her family) discovered Manrique's affair she demanded a divorce He eventually began seeing a woman he had met during a night out at Kim's Tavern in Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City and started buying her lavish gifts. When he started introducing her as his girlfriend, former business colleagues raised concerns. A former colleague told him he was 'being played' when the woman announced she was pregnant. 'I said: ''Everything shes doing to you, shes probably done to 20 other people''.' Manrique reportedly responded saying: 'I'm a rock star, I know what I'm doing'. He later went on to pursue more women in Bangkok, Taiwan and Japan, colleagues said. While living in the Philippines he paid rent on an apartment for a 17-year-old girl, named during the inquest as Jamilyn. The inquest heard Ms Lutz, a lawyer, was devoted to her children and was planning to return to work after getting help from the National Insurance Disability Scheme Young Martin's body was found in a room beside the family's bull mastiff Tequila (pictured) The beloved dog died beside the young autistic boy, inside the house as collateral damage The inquest heard Manrique had transferred $3,400 to his teenage mistress in the days leading up to the deaths, despite the family being almost broke. FROM COLOMBIA TO SYDNEY: A TIMELINE Early 2005: Fernando Manrique and Maria Claudia Lutz move to Sydney, Australia from Colombia. February 2005: The couple purchase a home in Davidson, in Sydney's north, for $590,000. May 2005: Their first child Elisa is born. August 2006: Mr Manrique and Ms Lutz's son Martin is born. Both their children have non-verbal autism. January 2009: Ms Lutz's parents visit the family in Sydney. November 2009: Ms Lutz's brother and sister-in-law travel to Sydney for a holiday. 2012: Elisa starts school at St Lucy's School for children with disabilities in Wahroongah. 2013: Martin starts school at the same place. Their mother was a regular helper at the school canteen and well-liked within the community. November 2013: Mr Manrique starts work at Drake Business Logistics as Chief Technology Officer. May 2015: He is named the Executive Director of Drake Business Services Asia. The father frequently travels for work with this new role. October 2016: Family and their pet dog found dead at their home. Believed to have been deliberately gassed. Advertisement According to a friend, Colombian-born lawyer Maria Claudia Lutz discovered her husbands' infidelity through a transaction for a strip club on a bank statement. Their relationship ended in late September 2016 but Manrique convinced her to let him stay for a few more weeks while he found a new place to live. During this time his 'evil plan' got underway. He made four trips to Bunnings and ordered two cylinders of carbon monoxide 10 days before the family's death in order to set up a gas delivery system in the family house. Police forced their way into the house in Davidson, on Sydney's northern beaches, on October 17, 2016 after the family didn't turn up to work or school. Mr Manrique's body was in the living room, Ms Lutz and Elisa were next to each other in a bedroom, and Martin was found in a third room beside their bull mastiff Tequila. Detective Sergeant Timothy Pooley told the inquest the alleged killer owed the Australian Tax Office more than $15,000 and had a debt of $28,000 on his credit card. The family had just $6 on its trust account, a few thousand in other accounts, and were only paying the interest on two mortgages totalling more than $500,000. Ms Lutz has been described as a vivacious and loving woman who is believed to have spent many sleepless nights caring for her children, who needed frequent therapy and doctor's appointments. She often posted about her children on social media and said her 'worst nightmare' was either of her kids getting lost or going missing. Weeks after the deaths, a friend revealed Ms Lutz was calling family services 'nine times a day' as she struggled to cope with looking after the children. She was only supported by the government about five hours every week. In addition to investigating the deaths, the inquest would examine whether tighter restrictions on obtaining poisonous gasses were needed. For confidential support in Australia LIFELINE: 13 11 14 . Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 A proposal to ban many public employees from wearing religious clothing is creating a fiery debate in the Canadian province of Quebec, where people are fighting to freely practice their religion - or to be free of it. The measure introduced late last month would prohibit civil servants, teachers, nurses, bus drivers, lawyers and other people who interact with the public from wearing symbols of religion while at work. It would apply to Sikh turbans, Christian jewelry and Jewish yarmulkes, but the focus of the controversy has been over hijabs worn by many Muslim women in Quebec. 'The proposed legislation will affect Muslims more than other groups as they are the fastest growing religious group,' said Nelson Wiseman, a political science professor at the University of Toronto. Muslims represent about 3% of Quebec's 8.3 million people. Quebec's Bill 21 was introduced in the Canadian province's legislative body in March. The measure would prohibit teachers (pictured), nurses, bus drivers, lawyers and other civil servants from wearing symbols of religion while at work A woman holds a crucifix during a gathering in Montreal to oppose the proposed Quebec Values Charter in this January 12, 2014 file photo. Thousands attended a recent march in Montreal to protest Bill 21 Thousands of demonstrators attended a recent march in Montreal to protest the measure, with some holding signs saying, 'No one tells women what they can wear,' and, 'It's what's in my head, not on my head, that matters.' Even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is from Montreal, has spoken ill of Bill 21: 'It's unthinkable to me that in a free society we would legitimize discrimination against citizens based on their religion,' he said. Christian, Jewish, Muslim and even secular groups across the province have denounced the measure, as have school boards, political parties and some municipal leaders. However, on Friday Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante said that while she personally opposes the bill, Montreal would not disobey it if it is passed. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has criticized Bill 21 saying it's 'unthinkable to me that in a free society we would legitimize discrimination against citizens based on their religion' That said, next week city councilors will vote on a bipartisan declaration that argues Quebec is already secular and doesn't require additional legislation. Earlier this month, Quebec Premier Francois Legault told reporters that the bill would reinforce gender equality in the province. The new measure would also help him make good on an electoral promise. 'I think at this point in Quebec in 2019, people who are in an authority position, which includes teachers (shouldn't wear religious symbols), I think it's reasonable. It's fair,' he said. 'We have to think about what's best for our children.' The history behind the measure is rooted in Quebec's 'Quiet Revolution' of the 1960s, a movement that weaned the province away from political and cultural domination by the Catholic Church. But critics also say it's motivated by more recent growing anti-Muslim sentiment. Quebec prime minister Francois Legault has argued Bill 21 would reinforce gender equality in the province The debate also pits two ideas of secularism against one another: A stricter European interpretation and a North American version that embraces the idea of religious freedom. Quebec is torn because it shares a long history and language with France - which along with Denmark, Belgium and Austria has banned face-covering garments - but it's also heavily influenced by North American culture, said Bertrand Lavoie, a researcher at the University of Sherbrooke who in 2018 published a book on the relationship between Islam, religious freedom and public institutions in Quebec. 'What's unique to Quebec is that these two concepts of secularism are facing off in the public sphere, among politicians, academics, lawyers and even judges,' Lavoie told The Associated Press. Many who support Bill 21 say that even if women choose to wear the hijab, the garment is rooted in the idea of women's inferiority. Prohibiting it, they say, would help promote gender equality. 'The hijab is a symbol of oppression. It's an invention by Islamists to control women,' said Ameni Ben Ammar, an accountant in Montreal who immigrated from Tunisia, a majority-Muslim country, in 2013. 'They convinced women it would protect them from sexual assault. For me, it's an insult to both men and women,' she said, referring to the hijab's resurgence in the 1970s. The debate has tangled issues of gender, race and religion, with Muslim women caught in the crosshairs, said Saaz Taher, a doctoral candidate at the University of Montreal who is studying ethnicity and citizenship. 'Racialized women's bodies are constantly a topic of public discourse. We feel (authorized) to judge the best way for women to be free and emancipated,' said Taher, who added that Muslim women should be allowed to wear the hijab by choice. Lavoie said anti-minority sentiment in the province has grown since 2001, when a Sikh boy brought a kirpan - a ceremonial dagger - to school. The incident caused a debate over how far the province should go to accommodate religion. In 2007, a provincial commission studied the issue and suggested that only people yielding coercive power, such as judges, police officers and prison guards, should abstain from wearing religious symbols. Bill 21 is Quebec's fourth legislative attempt since 2011 to regulate the wearing of religious symbols for people working in the public sphere, and for the first time it invokes a constitutional clause allowing local governments to override some constitutional rights. Lavoie said that's a clear sign backers know the measure is discriminatory. 'The public's perception is that there's a problem (with Islam), and if there's a problem, we have to fix it,' Lavoie said. The province was stunned in 2017 when a gunman opened fire in a Quebec City mosque, killing six and wounding 19, and racist groups appear to still be growing. 'I've never seen it like this,' said Salam Elmenyawi, president of the Montreal Council of Muslims, who immigrated to Quebec from Egypt in 1972 and believes Bill 21 is an outcropping of anti-Muslim sentiment. 'This hate was manufactured. This hate did not come by accident,' he said. Muslim children, some as young as four-years-old, are being wrongly reported as terrorists by their teachers. Teachers across Australia are being trained to spot extremist behaviour in their students as a way to tackle radicalisation in schools. But experts are concerned about the effectiveness of this technique as teachers are not being properly trained to pick up on extremist behaviour, and are misreporting children. The Australian Government defines violent extremism as the beliefs and actions of people who support or use violence to achieve ideological, religious or political goals. This includes terrorism and other forms of politically motivated and communal violence. Teachers across Australia are being trained to spot extremist behaviour in their students as a way to tackle radicalisation in schools (stock) A Year 12 Canberra student who was one week away from his exams was confronted by two Australian Federal Police officers for his essay about Muslim terrorists and western intervention, The Age reported. The Muslim student had also travelled to the Horn of Africa to donate sporting equipment to children in need. His teacher had informed police saying there was fear that he might be radicalised. The teenager was questioned but was not charged. This left him scarred and affected his grades. Dr Clarke Jones, a criminologist from the Australian National University said he read the Muslim student's essay and said there was nothing indicating that he was radicalised. He said teachers are not trained well enough and lack the expertise to be able to identify whether or not students are at risk of being radicalised. 'When a person is confronted by police it automatically creates this thinking: "What have I done wrong? This is embarrassing, who has seen the police come to the door? Am I in trouble? Will I go to jail?".' A Year 12 Canberra student who was one week away from his exams was confronted by two Australian Federal Police officers for his essay about Muslim terrorists and western intervention (stock) Dr Jones revealed another student in Melbourne did not receive his university placement because he was reported to the police by his teacher for having a ceremonial sword in a car, the publication reported. He stresses teachers should be helping the 'resilience in students'. According to the publication, an eight-year-old Muslim boy in Sydney's south was confronted by his principal for wearing his backpack across his chest and allegedly telling his classmate that he was carrying a bomb. The young child rejected the claim and following a further investigation, the school found there was no evidence that he said he was carrying a bomb. Dr Susie Latham, an adjunct post-doctoral fellow at Curtin University, researched a similar program in the UK and revealed it is impossible to have such programs in a society where Islamophobia is on the rise. 'Children have been reported for using common Arabic phrases, wearing Islamic clothing, receiving toy guns from their parents and one four-year-old was reported for drawing a cooker bomb that was later found to be a cucumber,' she told the publication. CNN Tonight host Don Lemon took aim at First Daughter Ivanka Trump on Friday night, questioning if she still had any relevance and insisted shes achieved nothing as an adviser to the White house. During a segment focusing on a recent profile published of Ivanka in the Atlantic, Lemon scoffed at conservative commentator Alice Stewart's claims that the 37-year-old was a serious adviser and a dutiful daughter at the same time. Youre good, Alice, Lemon laughed, before calling out the presidents oldest daughter for not being more vocal on issues such as abortion rights and climate change during the 2016 election. He insisted her sudden activism doesnt fly now that she works in the White House, suggesting Ivankas current declarations to address problems such a gender-pay disparity may be too little, too late - or insincere all together. CNN Tonight host Don Lemon took aim at First Daughter Ivanka Trump on Friday night, insisting she's achieved nothing as an adviser to the White House Ivanka Trump (above) was criticized by the TV personality for not being vocal enough during the 2016 election and for lacking 'relevance' As the panel discussion came to a close, the host said he struggled to even have the discussion of Ivankas role in the White House. I dont know if Ivanka Trump has any relevance now, he told the panel. I dont know if she has any relevance now and I dont know what shes actually accomplished. The comments came in reference to an Atlantic article in which President Trump is quoted as saying: If [Ivanka] ever wanted to run for presidentI think shed be very hard to beat. Trump also said he had previously considered nominating his daughter to head up the World Bank, because shes very good with numbers. Ive seen her under tremendous stress and pressure, he continued. She reacts very well thats usually a genetic thing, but its one of those things, nevertheless. Don Lemon wasnt the only person to attempt to contradict the glowing review of Ivankas credentials that her father issued earlier this week. Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov said on The Story with Martha MacCallum that Ivanka Trump is not a feminist, questioning the suggestion shed ever make a strong presidential candidate. Watch the latest video at Fox News Privacy Policy In a separate show on Friday, Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov said on The Story with Martha MacCallum that Ivanka Trump is not a feminist The comments came in reference to an Atlantic article, in which President Trump is quoted as saying: If [Ivanka] ever wanted to run for presidentI think shed be very hard to beat. The policies that Ivanka Trump supports do not help women, raising the minimum wage, for instance, two-thirds of people in America who are on the minimum wage are women. She's not for raising the federal minimum wage, Tarlov said. Her comments were sparked in reference to criticism aimed towards the First Daughter by celebrity Chrissy Teigen, during a House Democrats conference on Thursday. It's a painful thing to see that, Teigen said when asked about photos of children being separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border. And it's a painful thing to see such a complete lack of empathy when it comes from people, like Ivanka. Echoing Teigens sentiments, Tarlov went on to say that Ivanka lacks the policy chops to be considered a presidential contender. I have heard that she is very well liked. I don't think that she has the policy chops or experience to be jumping into a presidential race in 2024 or 2028 or 20 anything. And I don't think that she is someone who is going to really rally a lot of support beyond Trumpers. A top House Democrat has given the IRS until April 23 to hand over President Donald Trump's tax returns, telling the IRS that the law clearly gives Congress a right to them. The government's failure to respond by the deadline could send the dispute into federal court. The demand on Saturday from Rep. Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, comes after the Trump administration asked for more time to consider his initial request last week. Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat, argues that a 1920-era law saying the IRS 'shall furnish' any tax return requested by Congress 'is unambiguous and raises no complicated legal issues' and that the Treasury Department's objections lack merit. Rep. Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, has given the IRS until April 23 to hand over President Donald Trump's tax returns Trump has said that he will not release his tax returns because he is under audit The letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig is the latest exchange in a tug of war over Trump's returns, which would give lawmakers far greater insight into the president's business dealings and potential conflicts of interest as it exercises its oversight role. Trump declined to provide his tax information as a candidate in 2016 and as president, something party nominees have traditionally done in the name of the transparency. By withholding his tax returns, Trump has not followed the standard followed by presidents since Richard Nixon started the practice in 1969. During the campaign, Trump said he wanted to release his returns but said because he was under a routine audit, 'I can't.' Being under audit is no legal bar to anyone releasing his or her returns. And after the November midterm elections, Trump claimed at a news conference that the filings were too complex for people to understand. IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig will have until April 23 to meet the new demand Rep. Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, wrote the letter Asked repeatedly at a House hearing Tuesday whether any regulation prohibited a taxpayer from disclosing returns when under audit, Rettig responded 'no.' The issue appears sure to end up in federal court. With an eye to a legal challenge, Neal told Rettig that he has two weeks to respond - by 5pm on April 23. If Rettig fails to do so, Neal said he will interpret as denying the request, which could pave the way for a court battle. Neal also seeks the returns through a subpoena. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS, told Neal this past week that he needs more time to consider the unprecedented demand for Trump's returns and needs to consult with the Justice Department about it. Mnuchin accused lawmakers of seeking Trump's returns for political reasons. But he also acknowledged his 'statutory responsibilities' and that he respects congressional oversight. Some Treasury-watchers observe that Mnuchin's decision to consult with the Justice Department could suggest that Treasury lawyers believe Neal has a legal right to Trump's returns. Neal said Saturday that the administration has no right 'to question or second guess' his motivations. Advertisement Yellow vest demonstrators have again clashed with riot police in the French city of Toulouse as President Emmanuel Macron prepared a series of policy announcements aimed at quelling 22 consecutive weekends of anti-government protests. The southern city resembled a war zone today as police fired teargas and arrested several people after hundreds of demonstrators started throwing objects, burning rubbish bins and trying to enter areas where protests have been banned. Around 2,000 protesters had gathered on the Allee Jean Jaures - a wide avenue in the city centre - and on nearby side streets. A protester lights a smoke grenade during the 22nd consecutive national protest of the 'Gilets Jaunes', or Yellow Vests, in Toulouse A Ford Transit van burns in a side street in Toulouse as a protester throws stones during clashes with police in the city today A riot policeman holds a weapon as he stands in front of a burning bin during the protest. The rest of the officers look towards the fire A man with his face covered kicks a smoke grenade away from him as another protester records the demonstration today A protesters, wearing all black and a white breathing mask, stands above a crowd of yellow vest demonstrators today in Toulouse Police officers run in lines as they face a Gilets Jaunes protester wearing a flat cap as they take to the streets in Toulouse A man dressed in all black avoids the effects of tear gas by wearing a mask and goggles while other protesters cover their mouths behind him Activist groups had said on social media networks that Toulouse would be the focus for the 22nd round of demonstrations, prompting city mayor Jean-Claude Moudenc to express concern ahead of today's protests. Marches in Paris and elsewhere were largely peaceful by early afternoon but the protests continue to put pressure on Macron. He has vowed to announce a series of measures aimed at easing discontent in the country. Altogether around 2,000 protesters gathered on the Allee Jean Jaures - a wide avenue in the city centre - and on nearby side streets French riot Police clash with protesters from the Yellow Vests movement and are pictured running past a woman on the ground French police march through the shade on a main road in Toulouse after demonstrators launched another wave of protests today A masked Yellow Vest protester walks away from a tipped over bin on a main road. Behind the bin a fire has been started A French riot policeman breaks away from the rest of his unit to throw a GLI-F4 tear gas grenade toward protesters from the Gilets Jaunes Protesters wearing gas masks, snoods and their statement yellow vests hold up their arms during the rally today in Toulouse A protester from the 'Gilets Jaunes' holds up a brown placard that reads 'don't miss understand, we will win' and others look on The protests, named after the high-visibility safety jackets worn by demonstrators, began in November to oppose fuel tax increases. However, the movement quickly morphed into a broader backlash against Macron's government, despite a swift reversal of the tax hikes and other hurried measures worth more than 10billion euros to boost purchasing power for lower-income voters. In response to rioting that made parts of Paris resemble war zones, Macron launched a two-month 'grand debat', a sweeping consultation that included a series of town hall meetings across the country. Street medics wearing helmets and goggles provide assistance to a Yellow Vest protester who lies on their back on a pavement in Toulouse A group of men hold up a banner that reads 'here are the real rioters' during the 'Act XXII' demonstration in Toulouse today Protesters stand behind and on top of a set of bricks, with a large bin set on fire in the foreground. Activist groups had said on social media Toulouse would be the focus for the 22nd round of demonstrations In a scene resembling Les Miserable, the protesters block an alleyway and face police. Toulouse city mayor Jean-Claude Moudenc expressed concern ahead of today's protests Two riot police officers look round the corner of a street on to a scene of carnage as protesters appear to have set fire to a van A demonstrator uses a slingshot as he take part in the protest in Toulouse. He is covered from head to toe in black clothing, save for a pair of red gloves The protests, named after the high-visibility safety jackets worn by demonstrators, began in November to oppose fuel tax increases. The man's vest shows all the protests he has attended and future ones he plans to be at Macron is due to introduce specific measures early next week. Outlining the findings of the initiative, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said this week that it had highlighted demands including quicker tax cuts, action to address climate change and closer ties between Paris and the provinces. Last week, a dwindling number of protesters marched through the streets of France for the demonstrations, with thousands of people crisscrossing Paris and a group briefly invading the busy beltway around the city. The were also protests in the French capital Paris today, with demonstrators marching behind a large yellow and black banner A demonstrator in Paris holds up a crucifix that reads 'oil always more expensive. Rather die than living on the knees' Two men merge their yellow vest uniform with that of a knight as they protest in Paris today. Marches in Paris and elsewhere were largely peaceful by early afternoon A demonstrator looks through a shield decorated with hearts that reads 'I am a pacific utopist. Amnesty for the Yellow Vests' in Paris today Riot police rounded up these protesters and fired a round of tear gas on the street above to stop others from entering a ramp on to the road. Police also fired tear gas in Rouen, Normandy, in a showdown with protesters after fires were set in garbage cans and elsewhere. The Interior Ministry counted 22,300 participants nationwide and 3,500 in Paris, French media reported last week. A dog barks while wearing a yellow vest wrapped around its neck in Paris today during the 22nd consecutive protest against President Emmanuel Macron Those were the lowest numbers since the yellow vest protests started on November 17. But the movement routinely contests the government's protest attendance figures. Agnes Berger, a protester from Saint Cloud, west of Paris, said: 'We will continue until victory. We give up nothing, because today, nothing has been obtained. 'We still have a corrupt system, an elite that governs against the people.' The number of people taking part in the yellow vest demonstrations has been falling since the first protests over fuel hikes drew hundreds of thousands of people. But the leaderless grassroots movement for social and economic justice continues to pose a challenge for French President Emmanuel Macron. Meghan Markle's mother's adorable nickname for her only daughter is 'flower', her uncle has revealed. The Duchess of Sussex's uncle Joseph Johnson revealed his half-sister has called her daughter 'flower' since she was a little girl. Doria Ragland is due to fly over to help with the birth of Meghan's first baby in the next couple of weeks. Meghan trying her first spare rib at a barbecue in the park. According to Mr Johnson: 'Meghan is a really wonderful person. I really admire Doria for the way she has raised her. She is not afraid [to be herself] and I think she gets that courage from her mother' And the 62-year-old still calls her daughter 'flower' as she reacted to the news of her engagement. Mr Johnson, from Fresno, California, said Ms Ragland was 'stunned' and 'excited' when her 'little flower' announced her engagement. The 59-year-old told MailOnline: 'All of us were just really, really stunned. Shocked. Especially Doria. She was so excited. 'She was just saying "My little Flower!" How can this be true? Unbelievable. 'She said: "My Flower's going to be a Princess, wooh-wooh-wooh!"' Mr Johnson, from Fresno, California, said Ms Ragland was 'stunned' and 'excited' when her 'little flower' announced her engagement Meghan Markle's Uncle Joseph Johnson with wife Pamela. He revealed his half-sister has called her daughter 'flower' since she was a little girl And Mr Johnson says his niece 'is a really wonderful person' and 'not afraid' to be herself.' He added: 'She likes that attention, she's had the schooling, and then being in Hollywood, which is a good type of preparation, so she can handle that,' he says. 'I have read that some of Harry's old girlfriends couldn't handle all the scrutiny. But from what I hear, from what Doria says about Meghan, she loves it.' He says he used Doria, now 62, as a role-model when raising his own children. And the most important lesson she taught him was that smacking causes a child immense harm. 'Meghan was never hit, or hollered at,' he says. 'I've seen both sides the way we were raised and the way she was raised.' A police officer who shot and injured a suspect inside a police station after saying he meant to use his taser will not face charges. Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub said on Friday that the unnamed officer will not face charges in the March 3 shooting of Brian Riling in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Weintraub wrote in a letter to New Hope Police Chief Michael Cummings that he had determined the shooting 'was neither justified, nor criminal, but was excused.' The officer said he believed he was deploying his Taser when he shot Riling inside a detention cell while the arrestee struggled with multiple officers. Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub (above) said on Friday that the unnamed officer will not face charges in the March 3 shooting of Brian Riling Riling was removing his belt in a detention cell when a small white baggie fell out of his waistband to the floor Riling, 38, had been picked up earlier in the day and charged with charged with intimidation and retaliation against a victim, simple assault and related offenses. He was also charged with burglarizing the same victim's home in mid-February. The six-foot-four, 240-pound construction worker was removing his belt in a detention cell when a small white baggie fell out of his waistband to the floor, surveillance video shows. Riling quickly stepped on the baggie to conceal it, but an officer saw it and grabbed him as he tried to keep his foot over the item. A second officer shouted 'Taser!' as he unholstered his gun and shot Riling in the abdomen. Riling then slumps to the floor moaning as the two officers back out of the cell. Riling tried to keep his foot on the baggie and pick it up as an officer grabbed him to stop him A second officer shouted 'Taser!' while pulling his gun out and firing a shot at Riling Riling slumped to the floor moaning as the two officer backed out of the cell 'Oh my god. Please, please help. Dude, my kids, my kids, My daughters. Please, please, my daughters, please,' Riling begs. 'Get me f**king out of here. I don't want to die. It hurts everywhere, guys.' 'Dude, I don't want to die,' Riling says. Riling became agitated when one officer told him to relax and that he wasn't going to die. 'How do you know that? I'm dying now. Why would you f**king shoot me? Are you kidding me?' he says. Riling was treated in critical condition for his wound then released without charges, but faces prosecution in two separate criminal cases. Weintraub wrote in his letter that the officer who shot Riling did not realize he was using his gun, and this did not 'possess the criminal mental state required to be guilty of a crime under state law.' The officer who fired the shot retired on April 3. Bernie Sanders says he will not 'apologize' for writing a best-seller that made him a millionaire. Sanders revealed last week that the campaign tome he published after his failed attempt at winning the Democratic nomination in 2016 yielded more than a million-dollar profit. Asked by on Saturday at a campaign stop in Gary, Indiana, if his millionaire status 'conflicts' with the message he's pushing, Sanders, who's seeking the presidency again, replied, 'I don't think so. 'I didn't know it was a crime to write a good book,' he said to applause from participants of a breakfast roundtable his campaign had put together. Bernie Sanders, accompanied by the Gary, Indiana, police chief, walks into a roundtable Sanders is on a bus tour of the upper Midwest. His first stop on Saturday was Gary. He addressed question from about his wealth, having written a best-selling book Sanders claimed he did not want to take Americans' wealth, he wants them to pay a higher rate of taxes on it. 'My view has always been that we need a progressive tax system which demands that the wealthiest people in this country finally start paying their fair share of taxes,' he said. 'If I make a lot of money, you make a lot of money, that is what I believe,' he told his guests. 'So, I don't apologize for writing a book that was number three on the New York Times Best Seller, translated into five or six languages.' Sanders published a campaign manifesto days after Hillary Clinton lost the presidency to Donald Trump. It opened at No. 3 on the New York Times Best Sellers list Before Sanders moved on, he said, 'By the way, this bothers me ... Maybe we might want to talk about Gary, Indiana. Maybe we might want to talk about poverty. 'I'm happy to answer questions anybody has,' he insisted. 'This might be a great moment to talk abut something else we should discuss.' The democratic socialist's central campaign message over two presidential runs has been an assault the millionaires and billionaires of the country and demand that they pay their 'fair share' in taxes to fund universal healthcare, tuition-free college and a litany of other progressive promises. 'I think what is happening now, is the very rich are doing phenomenally well. I think the middle class continues to struggle, and I think what you're seeing here in Gary is not unreflective of what's going on in many, many other parts of our community,' he contended in Indiana on Saturday. Sanders has said that billionaire President Donald Trump should release his tax returns, even though the longtime legislator has not put out his own. This week he revealed in interviews that his returns, which he promised to make public by Monday, will show that his book 'Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In' raked in more than a million dollars in profits. 'I wrote a best-selling book,' he told the New York Times. 'If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.' He told CBS that he makes a senator's salary, but he wrote two profitable books. 'One of those books was a bestseller on the New York Times bestseller list translated into five or six languages. It did very well. I made money on that book,' Sanders said. Financial disclosure forms he filed in 2017 and 2018 revealed that he made more than $860,000 annually off the campaign manifesto's royalties. The Vermont senator has committed to releasing 10 years of his taxes as he seeks the presidency a second time and says he will do it by the annual, tax-filing deadline, which falls this year on Monday. He says the documents will cover revenue from 2008 to 2018, which means it will include some the profits from the second book he penned last year. Sanders released 'Where We Go from Here: Two Years in the Resistance' in November. Prosecutors of the Robert Kraft prostitution scandal conceded in court on Friday that they dont have enough evidence to prove their initial claims of a human trafficking ring in operation at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa despite a six month surveillance operation. The statement came during a courtroom hearing yesterday in which Krafts attorneys were attending to request that a video allegedly showing Kraft naked and engaging in sexual acts be kept out of public view. Since February, police have consistently said they suspected a trafficking ring was in operation across a number of massage parlors across Palm Beach and Orlando, including the Orchids of Asia. Authorities issued hundreds of arrest warrants as part of a six month investigation that saw police plant hidden cameras both inside and outside of the business, in Jupiter. Prosecutors of Robert Kraft conceded in a courtroom on Friday that they lack the required evidence to back up their previous claims of a human trafficking ring in operation at the Florida spa the billionaire allegedly solicited sexual acts in Authorities issued hundreds of arrest warrants as part of a six month investigation that saw police plant hidden cameras both inside and outside of the business, in Jupiter, Florida Previously prosecutors have said their use of subterfuge was justified by their suspicions of trafficking, but on Friday the state attorneys led by David Aronberg disclosed the extensive operation uncovered no such evidence. No one is being charged with human trafficking. There is no human trafficking that arises out of this investigation, Assistant State Attorney Greg Kridos said. The attorneys of the 77-year-old billionaire have long asserted that investigators knew from the beginning there was no human trafficking procedure in place, calling into question the legitimacy of their investigation. Led by David Aronberg (above), the prosecution say their six month surveillance operation failed to find evidence of trafficking They have now for weeks and weeks been politicking on this trafficking thing, attorney Alex Spiro told the courtroom. Theyre using the threat of nudity in a video to prevent Mr. Kraft from having a fair trial, from having a fair hearing. Last month, another of Krafts attorneys, William Burck, said Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder who oversaw some of the operation - is more interested in his five minutes of fame than he is in securing justice. Burck accused Snyder of lying to and misleading the public about the details of the trafficking probe that legally implicated Kraft and over 300 others. 'He lied about it,' Buck said. 'His officers lied about it. I dont really know what to say. Ive never seen anything quite like that before.' Kridos and Snyder however, say the case reflected all the typical appearances of human trafficking and believe police had an obligation to investigate their suspicions. And on January 19 and 20, police say they recorded Kraft paying for sexual acts, leading to the arrest of the owner and manager of the business on prostitution charges. During a separate hearing on Friday, spa manager Lei Wang (top left) pleaded with the court to block any of the videos from being released Kraft's attorneys say releasing video of the alleged sexual acts would deny his client the right to a fair trial But Kraft has protested his innocence and pleaded not guilty to soliciting prostitution, and requested a trial set for May. In support of the client, Krafts attorneys believe his constitutional right to privacy has been violated by investigators and have urged the courtroom not to make videos of the alleged evidence public. Judge Hanser didnt rule on the motion on Friday. He said he will review each of the three videos involving Kraft in private before coming to a decision possibly next week. Each bench were also asked to submit arguments for which way he should rule by Tuesday. The prosecution team told Hanser they had already conducted their own investigations into the videos and have no problem with them being made public. But Burck argued the footage is basically pornography and there is no rational to release the footage unless for prurient interests. Furthermore, he argued releasing the footage would deny his client a constitutional right to a fair trial. The saying that a pictures worth a thousand words, a videos worth a billion in this particular instance. The media thats here, this video will be broadcast around the world, Burck said. During a separate hearing on Friday, spa manager Lei Wang pleaded with the court to block any of the videos from being released. Wang faces one felony count and 28 misdemeanor charges centered on allegations of prostitution. Circuit Judge Joseph Marx scheduled a hearing for April 17 but didnt plan to make a decision until Hanser issues his ruling. Jeremy Corbyn has said Julian Assange should answer questions about sexual allegations - but the Labour leader maintained that Assange should not be extradited to the US. The comments came after more than 70 MPs and peers signed a letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid urging the Government to ensure Assange faces Swedish authorities if they request his extradition. The WikiLeaks founder, 47, is facing rape and sexual assault allegations in Sweden. Mr Corbyn told Sky News: 'If there are allegations which Julian Assange needs to answer of sexual issues, sexual attacks that may or may not have taken place in Sweden, then it's a matter for the courts to decide. 'But, I do think he should answer those questions. 'My objection was to his extradition to the United States because I do believe that WikiLeaks told us the truth about what was actually happening in Afghanistan and in Iraq.' The WikiLeaks founder (pictured), 47, is facing rape and sexual assault allegations in Sweden Mr Corbyn said: 'If there are allegations which Julian Assange needs to answer of sexual issues, sexual attacks that may or may not have taken place in Sweden, then it's a matter for the courts to decide' The letter to the Home Secretary was organised by Labour MP Stella Creasy and stated: 'We are writing to request that you do everything you can to champion action that will ensure Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden in the event Sweden make an extradition request. 'This would be so the formal investigation into an allegation of rape can be concluded and, if appropriate, a charge can be made and any trial can take place. 'We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done. 'We urge you to stand with the victims of sexual violence and seek to ensure the case against Mr Assange can now be properly investigated.' The rape allegation has a limitation period which expires in August 2020, it adds. 'But, I do think he should answer those questions,' he said, adding: 'My objection was to his extradition to the United States because I do believe that WikiLeaks told us the truth about what was actually happening in Afghanistan and in Iraq' Tonight over 70 parliamentarians stand with victims of sexual violence, and are calling on both the Home Secretary and the shadow Home Sec to urge them both to be champions of action to ensure Julian Assange faces Swedish authorities and is extradited there if they so request: stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) April 12, 2019 Assange had been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for nearly seven years Assange spent almost seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought political asylum in 2012 after failing in his legal battle against extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted over two separate allegations, one of rape and one of molestation. In May 2017, Sweden's top prosecutor dropped the long-running inquiry into a rape claim against Assange, which he has always denied. But his arrest prompted the lawyer for a Swedish woman who alleged she was raped by Assange during a visit to Stockholm in 2010 to say they wanted the case reopened. Prosecutors in Sweden have since confirmed that, while the investigation has not been resumed, they are looking into the case. Labour MP Stephen Kinnock told the BBC: 'Mr Assange is accused of rape and sexual violence in Sweden and it's vital that that doesn't get airbrushed out of the conversation because of all the other issues to do with WikiLeaks. 'I think the top priority, as we say in our letter, is to ensure that if the Swedish authorities wish to have him extradited there to face those charges, they must take priority above all else.' Former Home Secretary Lord Blunkett said people giving Assange 'unqualified support' were being 'extremely unwise'. Writing in The Times, the former Labour MP said: 'It is indeed important that any extradition hearing should be fair and take into account the mitigation of genuine revelations of wrongdoing made in 2010. 'However, supporting a fair hearing is not the same as a political demand that he should be treated as some kind of hero; he remained in the Ecuadorean embassy to avoid previous extradition hearings concerning claims of rape and abuse in Sweden. 'A kneejerk response that presumes that hacking is acceptable if the perpetrators can claim that their motives were journalistic is particularly dangerous when it emanates from those aspiring to become prime minister or home secretary, such as Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott.' Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry tweeted: 'Why weren't Swedish authorities told in advance of Assange's ejection from Ecuadorian embassy, as the US clearly was? 'Our priority should be the 2 alleged victims of sexual violence in Sweden & not a ruse to get him extradited to the US as a whistleblower.' Local residents breathed a collective sigh of relief after protesters for Julian Assange finally left the Ecuadorian embassy this morning. Around 50 to 60 supporters of the Australian-born Assange assembled outside the embassy after he was arrested on April 11. Protesters had gathered around the embassy in the wake of the Wiki-Leaks co-founder's arrest, but left the area in a 'total state', according to one resident. Homeowners living near the embassy in the well-heeled Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea tonight told MailOnline how the protesters made a 'real ruckus' and described Assange as a 'pain in the a**e'. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gives a thumbs up as he leaves the Westminster Magistrates Court in a police van, after his arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy on April 11 'All these protesters left the place in a total state,' said the resident. 'All this rubbish is from them. They aren't even going to come back.' Assange had been living in the embassy since 2012 after he sought refuge there following a ruling that he should be extradited to Sweden to face sexual assault allegations. Bin liners full of protest paraphernalia such as flags, banners and posters were spotted along with ripped tents, chairs, clothes and even a frying pan. A bed, banners and bin bags full of rubbish were left outside the Ecuadorian embassy, after the protesters left A parking attendant (who did not wish to be named) said: 'They just left all this s*** and took off. 'I've been working around here and although the kept it quite civil, they just left all there stuff here and haven't come back for it.' One Harrods guard said there were about '10-15 protesters,' today and described them as a 'noisy bunch'. A banner which reads 'Free Assange' and poster of Wiki-Leaks founders Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange, were left by protesters A bed, red tents, banners and bin bags full of rubbish were left outside the Ecuadorian embassy, after the protesters left A bed, banners and bin bags full of rubbish were left outside the Ecuadorian embassy, after the protesters left Another Harrods guard added: 'There was nothing wrong with what they were doing but I can see they left quite a bit of a mess around here so it's not great form from them.' Tensions between Assange and the embassy had been mounting over the last few months following reports that the Wiki-Leaks co-founder's deteriorating hygiene and rude conduct irritated staff members. In recent weeks, bizarre rumours about Assange's pet cat also started to emerge. A protester seen holding a banner reads ' Free Assange' during the demonstration in support of Julian Assange in 2018 Supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hold placards with slogans that read 'We are all Assange' (pictured left) and 'Ecuador country of freedom' (pictured right) in 2012 A guard working at Harrods said there were about '10-15 protesters,' and one man was apparently there for 140 days. He described them as a 'noisy bunch' One resident said: 'Julian had a cat that the embassy thought was spying on them. He let it roam around the place and the embassy thought he put a camera on its head. The embassy did not trust him. 'He also got his own s*** and rubbed it around his bedroom because he was so depressed. All this stuff was from the protesters. 'They left tents here at night and put bricks in it but didn't actually sleep in them apart from that one guy.' Locals in Kensington believe the rubbish was left by protesters, who had gathered for the arrest of Assange A bed, pallets and bin liners were some of the items left outside the Embassy today Washington Del Pino, a tourist from Ecuador said: 'I don't really see why we kept him, it wasn't worth it. 'It seems crazy to me and a lot of people back home but the opinion in Ecuador varies. 'I just don't think it was worth it to be honest.' One man is said to have slept outside the embassy for over 100 days, according to local residents A black duffel bag filled with clothes was found among the pile of rubbish dumped on Landon Place, London One dedicated protester is believed to have slept outside the embassy for over 100 days. A resident said that he 'slowly accumulated' piles of clothes and rubbish while he camped outside the embassy. One resident said: 'He was here for about 140 days. 'Half of all this junk belongs to that one guy and I'm not sure he is going to come back to collect it. 'It looked like he had his own en suite by the end'. A rubbish bag with what looks like post from Simone Perele and Russell & Bromley were dumped outside the embassy It is not confirmed who the clothes belong to, but residents said they were left by protesters A 'Free Julian Assange' banner hangs from railings outside of the Embassy of Ecuador in Knightsbridge Another resident said the protesters made a 'real ruckus' at one point and described Assange as a 'pain in the a**e'. A chauffeur working in the area said: 'I didn't see any protesters today because I was in and out but yesterday there were at least 50 or 60. They kept things professional and on point. 'I heard things went a bit mad when the bloke came out the embassy but apart from that they kept it together. ' Demonstrators protest outside the Ecuadorian consulate on June 20, 2012 in London Protesters show their support for Julian Assange outside the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012 The widow of Arthur Sackler has hit back at protests against her late husband blaming him and his family for fueling the opioid crisis. In a strongly worded op ed Jillian Sackler insists neither 'Arthur nor his heirs had anything to do with the manufacture or marketing of OxyContin' after public pressure on the family, one of the nations wealthiest, mounted in recent months. Writing for The Washington Post she adds: 'Arthur died of a heart attack nearly 32 years ago at age 73, nearly a decade before OxyContin came to market.' Jillian, the president and chief executive of the Dame Jillian and Dr. Arthur M. Sackler Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities, pleaded with those protesting against the family, writing: 'Vilifying an innocent man is wrong'. The dynasty are coming under increasing scrutiny in the midst of a deadly opioid overdose crisis that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Americans in recent years. Arthur's widow Jillian and his daughter Elizabeth have long sought to distance themselves from the other side of the family now being sued. She has now said 'suggestions that his philanthropy is now somehow tainted are simply false', adding: 'My late husband, Arthur Sackler, who died in 1987, has been found guilty by association along with the rest of what is referred to by the blanket designation the Sackler family because of some family members association with Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin.' Jillian Sackler has hit back at protests against her late husband blaming him and his family for fueling the opioid crisis insisting neither 'Arthur nor his heirs had anything to do with the manufacture or marketing of OxyContin' Jillian argues that Purdue Pharma in its current form was actually set up by her husband's younger brothers, Mortimer and Raymond, 'four years after his death'. Mortimer died in 2010 and Raymond in 2017. She writes: 'None of the 1,600-plus lawsuits filed against Purdue Pharma, members of the Sackler family or others in the opioid business names Arthur or his heirs as defendants. 'It is incredible to me that last year, the Smithsonians Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of Art was the target of demonstrators protesting the opioid crisis. 'Fair-minded people who see the terrible consequences of the opioid crisis understandably seek justice and restitution. 'But make no mistake: Vilifying an innocent man is wrong. It does nothing to help the United States come to grips with the epidemic, nothing to advance solutions.' Opioids, including illicit drugs such as heroin and fentanyl, were involved in a record 48,000 deaths in 2017, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Sacklers, a pharmaceutical dynasty, are accused of pushing the highly addictive painkiller through the pharmaceutical industry and in to millions of American homes and hospitals to make them one of America's richest families. Their life is so charmed that Forbes named the Sacklers as number 19 on its list of Americas richest families in 2016 four spots above the Rockefellers. Large museums are rejecting funds from the Sackler family, underscoring the growing unease with the main source of the philanthropic dynasty's riches: the painkiller at the center of the US opioid crisis. The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington, DC Britains Tate museums and New Yorks Guggenheim Museum, where the family has been major donors, announced they would stop taking gifts from the family. The Jillian and Arthur M Sackler wing of galleries in the Royal Academy of Arts in London Cheryl Juaire, center, of Marlborough, Mass., center, leads protesters near the Arthur M. Sackler Museum at Harvard University Friday. Juaire, whose son Corey Merrill died of an opioid overdose in 2011, led the demonstration by parents who have lost a child to opioid overdose, campaigning for the removal of the Sackler family name from the building at Harvard Barbara Cowley, of Boston, carries a photo of her son Justin Cowley-Kerner, who was 30 when he died of an opiate overdose during the protest Friday The Sackler family owns Purdue Pharma, the privately held drug company that has made billions from OxyContin, and Sacklers hold most of the seats on the board. Members of the family have been accused in a case brought by the state of Massachusetts of deceiving patients and doctors about the drug's risks as deaths mounted. After a federal investigation, Purdue Pharma and three executives - none of them Sacklers - pleaded guilty in 2007 and agreed to pay more than $600 million for misleading the public about the risks of OxyContin. Bottles of prescription painkiller OxyContin pills, made by Purdue Pharma LP The Stamford, Connecticut, company has also been hit with a multitude of lawsuits over its role in the opioid crisis that killed more than 47,000 people in 2017 alone. And parents whose children fatally overdosed on opioids are demanding Harvard University remove their name from a building that housed one of its art museums. About two dozen parents protested Friday outside the building that was home to the Arthur M. Sackler Museum many of them carrying poster-sized photos of their children. Britains Tate museums and New Yorks Guggenheim Museum, where the family has been major donors, announced they would stop taking gifts from the family. And Tufts University, which has a graduate school of biomedical sciences named for the family, said it was evaluating the relationship. A lawsuit filed by Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey accuses Connecticut-based Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family of hiding the risks of opioids from doctors and patients. The Sackler family owns the drug company. The family has responded by saying that the lawsuit is riddled with inaccurate and misleading statements and that Healey cherry picked from hundreds of internal documents to wrongly vilify the family for the public health crisis. The Sacklers have also tried to distance themselves from the workings of the company it owns, saying family members were being informed of Purdue Pharma's issues rather than controlling every detail of operations. Lori Loughlin is said to be very concerned about how entering a guilty plea in the college admissions scandal shes become ensnared in may affect her daughters reputations and her relationship with them. According to a source, the publics perception of the scam is nothing compared to what her daughters think of her. So that is something that has understandably made her less likely to enter a plea, the unnamed person told People. Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli, a fashion designer, have been accused of paying $500,000 to get their two daughters, Olivia Jade and Isabella, into the University of Southern California on fake crew team scholarships. The scandal arose on March 12 when the US Attorneys Office announced that 50 people including Loughlin, Giannulli and actress Felicity Huffman had allegedly involved in the cheating scandal. In a Massachusetts court this week they were indicted for conspiring to commit money laundering and conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Scroll down for video Lori Loughlin (pictured leaving court on April 3) is said to be worrying how a plea may affect both of her daughters' reputations and her relationship with them Relations are said to be tense in the Giannulli household, with youngest daughter Olivia Jade (left) said to be 'hardly' speaking to her parents and living away from the family home in Bel Air The younger of the two daughters and YouTube star Olivia is said to be barely speaking to either of her parents in the scandals wake, previous reports have suggested. She has been spotted staying with friends in LA instead of at home with her parents in Bel Air. Huffman has already agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest service services mail fraud, but Loughlin, who faces the same charges, is said to be apprehensive to follow suit. And things got worse for the mother-of-two on Tuesday, after Loughlin and her husband we named among 14 other parents who were indicted on an additional charge of money laundering conspiracy. They now face up to 20 years in prison for each charge against them. Along with her husband Mossimo Giannulli, the have been accused of paying $500,000 to get their two daughters, Olivia Jade (right) and Isabella (left), into the University of Southern California According to a source, Lori thinks the publics perception of the scam is nothing compared to what her daughters think of her' The full gravity of the situation is now slowly sinking in for Loughlin, the source claims. Its just taking some time for it to sink in that what she was allegedly doing could be considered illegal, Peoples source said. To her, it wasnt egregious behavior. Was it entitled and perhaps selfish? Perhaps. But she didnt see it as being a legal violation. The source went on to say that Loughlin has been reluctant to accept a deal from the very beginning because she feels that she hasnt done anything that any mom wouldnt have done, if they had the means to do so. Bernie Sanders is searching for votes in struggling blue-collar communities that gave their support to Donald Trump in the last election after he promised them better healthcare and steady jobs that have not manifested. The Vermont senator is on a four-day road trip through the Rust Belt, with stops planned for Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania - five states Trump unexpectedly beat Hillary Clinton in last cycle. He began his day in Gary, where he took on Trump's claims that he is 'crazy' and his ideas are too 'radical' to be enacted as he spoke at a roundtable. Sanders was flying down the highway after and across the Indiana border to Michigan after that, to a union meeting where he took Trump head-on. 'I am here in the Midwest for one major reason, and that is I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that Donald Trump is not re-elected as president,' Sanders announced at the beginning of a Saturday afternoon speech in Coopersville. He immediately ripped into Trump for 'lies' he says the Republican told them to earn their support last time he and the Republican competed for the White House. The Vermont senator is on a four-day road trip through the Rust Belt, with stops planned for Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Bernie is pictured in Warren, Michigan on Saturday Vermont senator Bernie Sanders speaks during a rally in Warren, Michigan on Saturday Bernie Sanders is targeting struggling blue-collar communities that gave their support to Donald Trump in the last election after he promised them better healthcare and steady jobs that have not manifested in the more than two years since Sanders was short on time. His scheduled remarks in the town that's 20 miles outside of Grand Rapids should have started 25 minutes earlier, and he had a rally 173 miles away in Warren to get before he made an appearance at a Detriot pie shop. His staff had packed the day with events that helped to break up the road trip and give the candidate - who was mercilessly mocked in a 2016 skit by Larry David on Saturday Night Live for being too gruff - the opportunity to meet with voters in more intimate settings that the stadium rallies that Sanders typically books. But the 77-year-old progressive was late, which meant he didn't have time to listen at an involved town hall or deliver long-winded remarks on the millionaires and billionaires. He'd have to get straight to his point about Trump. 'Now, I have colleagues in the Senate who are conservative. They believe what they believe, which is not what I believe,' he said, teeing up his attack, 'but they do not lie every single day. 'And I am gonna hope, that regardless of one's political views...they all understand that it is not in the best interest of the future of our country, when we have a president who is a pathological liar, who will try to divide our people up rather than bring them together,' he said. 'And when you're talk about lies, the lies that Trump told on the campaign trail, the most profound lie of all, was that he said he said that he was going to stand with the working class people of this country. That was a major lie and most people know that,' he asserted. Sanders claimed that Trump promised to be a different kind of Republican but is now attempting to 'throw' 32 million Americans off their healthcare plans without a workable alternative. 'Donald Trump told the people of Michigan, and the Midwest and Vermont and California, that he was going to provide healthcare to everybody. Sounds pretty good, right?' he said. 'Good speech,' he added. Yet, since he has been in office, Sanders said that Trump has sought to 'savagely' cut Medicaid and eliminate pre-existing conditions. 'You don't stand up for working families when you try to make massive cuts in the food stamp program. You got a problem in this country, in this state, my state, people are struggling to put food on the table for their children. You don't give tax breaks to billionaires and cut nutrition programs,' 'he said in Indiana. Sanders said of Trump, 'So I think I can understand why people voted for him, I got it, but the sad truth is, and I'm not the first person to say this, we have a president who is a pathological liar. He lies almost every day. The media has documented thousands of lies that he has told, and he lied during the campaign.' President Donald Trump speaks to supporters during a rally at the Van Andel Arena on March 28, 2019 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grand Rapids was the final city Trump visited during his 2016 campaign, and the first suburb Sanders hit up in the 2020 campaign The senator who's a self-pronounced democratic socialist introduced a revised Medicare-for-All bill before he left Washington for a two-week legislative recess that he and Trump's other challengers are using to whip up support for their White House bids. It's going nowhere in the GOP-run Senate but has been fully embraced by 2020 Democrats. At his first stop of the day, Sanders noted that four years ago when he competed against Clinton, his healthcare and economic policy proposals were considered to be too fringe to be taken seriously. 'I know this is a so-called radical agenda, I understand. And you know when I talked about this four years ago, in Indiana, and in other states, everyone said Bernie, "You're kind of crazy. You can't do all those things,"' he acknowledged. Now considered the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, Sanders said at a Gary, Indiana roundtable, 'I want to, I guess, just convey to you, that over four year period, more and more Americans have come on board, piece by piece.' Sanders told attendees of the small-group event that it's 'not acceptable that so few have so much' in America, where the middle-class is in decline. 'It is not a radical idea that children, whether they're black or white ... should not go hungry in the United States of America,' he said. 'It is not a radical idea to say that veterans should not be sleeping out on the street.' Sanders said that America can overcome the disparities if voters 'stand together and we don't allow Trump or anyone else to divide us up' by skin color, religion or anything else. 'All of these ideas are ideas that the American people support. Everybody,' he insisted. 'Are we gonna do it over night? No, but can we do it? I believe that we can, and that's more or less what my agenda is about.' Sanders was taking active steps during the campaign swing to address top complaints about his 2016 campaign, including claims that he did not spend enough time pressing the flesh, his ideas were too extreme and he traveled too often by private jet. His new and improved message, which focused heavily on Trump, was met with mixed reviews by his supporters, however. 'It's something that needs to be said. ...It's an issue out there,' Suzanne McCall said in Coopersville. 'It's one of the biggest issues. And I also think it's a diversion of what he's really doing behind the scenes.' She inferred that Trump, who said is a 'crook,' might be doing more than just lying. He might be hiding behind the secrecy of the White House to commit crimes, she suggested. Sanders made no mention of investigations into Trump as he repeatedly called him a 'pathological liar' and contrasted their policies proposals over the weekend. Even so, his full-frontal assault, even if it was just limited to policy, was seen as too aggressive for some potential converts. Sanders is seen here addressing a crowd of 230 people at a union meeting on Saturday afternoon 20 miles outside of Grand Rapids Debra Minor, a Grand Rapids, Michigan resident who attended the union meeting in Coopersville, said that she while personally finds the approach effective, 'I know that Trump has a lot of supporters so it might not be.' Dan Tenhoopen, another Grand Rapids resident, paused several times as he considered his feelings on Sanders' voter-poaching strategy before saying he supports it. 'I don't personally like to call people liars. It's a personal thing. You know, he is certainly not telling the truth on any of the issues. I don't - my pauses - I don't like calling other people liars,' he explained. But I also agree that he is not telling the truth, and everything that he does is directly opposite of what he said before.' He decided that Sanders was right to accuse Trump of telling falsehoods. 'You do have to, you have to call it out as what it is, it's certainly not truthful, and yes it is a lie,' he stated. In Detroit, during a brief stop at a local restaurant, a voter asked him to not to do the bit on Trump that had become a centerpiece of his campaign. Sanders had invited the comment, telling a group that had been waiting for him for roughly an hour, 'I don't want to give you a speech on Trump.' An unidentified audience member replied, loudly, 'Please don't.' It was another attendee who brought Sanders back to the topic of Trump, as he asked about the sitting president's plans to deport illegal immigrants. 'We all have to got to come together to make sure that this guy gets out of the White House,' the U.S. senator concluded. Michigan is at the epicenter of the 2020 battle for the presidency. Grand Rapids was the last city that Trump visited before his unexpected 2016 victory, and he was back there at the end of March to deliver a take-down of socialism. Sanders won the Michigan primary in the 2016 face-off with Clinton - a fact he reminded his supporters of on Saturday night in Warren as he touched on old claims that his far-left agenda automatically rules him out for higher office. 'Well a funny thing happened over the last two years,' he said to laughter at the evening rally. 'Today, virtually all of those ideas are now supported by a majority of American people, and they are the ideas the Democratic candidates from school board to president are now supporting.' He told rally-goers holding classic 'Bernie' signs in his classic baby blue background with white lettering, 'Brothers and sisters , we should be enormously proud that we have come a long way in transforming politics in America of the last four years. 'And now our job is to complete what we started,' he said. 'We are going to turn our vision and our progressive agenda into reality.' Gregory Echevarria, 34, was 'split in half' A construction worker who served four tours of duty with the U.S. military was killed in a horrific accident on a work site in Manhattan early Saturday morning. Gregory Echevarria, 34, of Bushwick, Brooklyn, was 'split in half' after part of a 7-ton crane came loose and crashed down on him in SoHo shortly after 3am. Father-of-four Echevarria died at the scene, making him the third New York construction worker to be killed on the job in less than a week. The hardhat worker was allegedly helping to assemble the crane in wet conditions when a counterweight came loose and fell from above. Gregory Echevarria, 34, was killed early Saturday morning whilst working in SoHo, Manhattan Witnesses were left distraught, and Echevarria's brother Keith was also working at the scene Echevarria was working a short distance from this site in Manhattan when the accident occurred Two other people sustained minor injuries and were taken to hospital. Echevarria's brother, Keith, was also working at the construction site, but did not witness the accident. He told The New York Daily News that his brother had served three tours of duty with the U.S. military in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. He is survived by a three-month-old son, Garrison, and three other children from an ex-wife. Two other workers were rushed to hospital with minor injuries Tributes were left to the army veteran near his home in Bushwick, Brooklyn The crane was going to be used to complete work on a luxury 25-story apartment block. The Department Of Building 'put a partial stop work order on the property on April 2 after receiving complaints that the building didn't meet safety standards', The New York Daily News claims. That order was pulled last Monday after the concerns were addressed. Echevarria is the third person to be killed on New York work sites in less than a week. On Monday, Nelson Salinas, 51, died in Manhattan after being hit by falling debris while working on external repairs of a building. Two days later, Erik Mendoza, 23, fell to his death from a 13-story building in Brooklyn. Buildings Department spokesman Andrew Rudansky said they are investigating all three deaths. The hardhat worker was allegedly helping to assemble the crane in wet conditions when a counterweight came loose and fell from above A rapist whose deportation was halted when airline passengers staged a mutiny is back on the streets after being released on bail, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Yaqub Ahmed, who should have been deported to his native Somalia last October, was released on bail four weeks ago. He is now living in the North West as his legal team continue to fight his deportation. Officials escorting Yaqub Ahmed on a flight from Heathrow to Turkey were forced to abandon his deportation when around a dozen holidaymakers who felt sorry for him angrily intervened shortly before take-off Ahmed, 29, was convicted and jailed with three other men for the sickening gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in 2007. News of his release comes a week after his victim bravely spoke of her fear and anger that her attacker remains in the UK. Hannah not her real name last night reacted with horror to news that Ahmed is no longer behind bars. Its just disgusting and it adds pressure on to me, she said. He should be in a detention centre where he is kept away from the public. He has done something heinous and he was meant to be deported for it and now he is still roaming about its absolutely ridiculous. Knowing that he is roaming around doesnt make me feel any safer. It just gets worse. The deportation of Ahmed, who was given a nine-year jail term, was abandoned shortly before the aircraft was due to leave London for Turkey after a group of passengers who were unaware of his crime took pity on him and intervened. Yaqub Ahmed, 19, one of a gang of rapists now behind bars In a video of the incident, Ahmed is seen screaming as passengers shout: Take him off the plane! Last week, The Mail on Sunday revealed Ahmed had been listed to appear before an immigration tribunal in Nottingham on March 14, but the Home Office and the tribunal refused to provide details of what happened. This newspaper has now established it was a bail hearing during which Ahmeds lawyers successfully argued that he should be released into the community. His bail conditions require him to live at a specified address in the North West and report to an immigration centre once a week. He is also believed to have been fitted with an electronic tag. Under Home Office guidance, such electronic monitoring is normally used where a person poses a high risk of harm to the public on the basis of criminality and/or in cases concerning national security. But mother-of-one Hannah, 27, fears that Ahmed could simply disappear. Ondogo Ahmed, one of her other attackers, managed to flee Britain to join Islamic State following his release in 2012, despite being on licence. He is believed to have been killed in the fighting in 2013. Latest figures show that between 2014 and 2016, a total of 494 foreign national offenders absconded while they were listed for deportation after serving sentences in the UK. The deportation of Ahmed, who was given a nine-year jail term, was abandoned shortly before the aircraft was due to leave London for Turkey after a group of passengers who were unaware of his crime took pity on him and intervened What if he [Yaqub Ahmed] wants to abscond? Hannah asked. Its not like they kept tabs on them before. One of them was able to abscond to IS. The Home Office should understand how difficult this must be for me. The Home Office told Ahmed in May 2010 that he was liable for deportation after his release from prison due to the seriousness of his offence, yet it took another five years before he was issued with a deportation order. The department declined to comment on Ahmeds case, but last night it said it had deported 47,000 foreign criminals since 2010 and monitors those who are released into the community pending deportation. A Home Office spokesman added: We are determined to protect the public by removing foreign national offenders who commit criminal offences. John Bercow has abandoned plans to announce his resignation as Commons Speaker later this month after being persuaded to stay on by anti-Brexit Tory MPs, friends told The Mail on Sunday. Until last weeks decision by European Union leaders to allow Brexit to be delayed until the end of October, Mr Bercow had intended to make a statement to the Commons on April 23 declaring that he was finally making way for a successor after ten years in the job. But he is understood to have now ripped up the statement after coming under huge pressure to stay put from pro-Remain MPs. The plan will be greeted with dismay by Downing Street, which has been engaged in running battles with Mr Bercow over Theresa Mays thwarted Brexit deal. John Bercow has abandoned plans to announce his resignation as Commons Speaker, it has been claimed The Speaker has infuriated No 10 by calling unhelpful amendments and trying to block MPs from voting on her deal more than once. And pro-Brexit MPs will interpret it as part of a plot to stop the UK from ever leaving the EU. It comes as Mrs May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn prepare for further talks in the coming days to try to assemble support for Mrs Mays deal with Environment Secretary Michael Gove and Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay leading cross-party working groups on issues such as environmental protection and consumer rights. A source close to Mr Bercow said that the Speaker had listened closely to requests from Conservative MPs including Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin and former Chancellor Ken Clarke, along with Labour MPs Hilary Benn and Yvette Cooper: all five have used parliamentary stratagems to either soften or overturn Brexit. This newspaper revealed in January that Mr Grieve had secretly met Mr Bercow in his grace-and-favour Commons apartment the day before the Speaker tore up the rule book to allow the former Attorney General to table an amendment which led to the Commons wresting control of Brexit from the Prime Minister. Pro-Brexit MPs accused Mr Bercow of ignoring centuries of convention, overriding the advice of his officials and ignoring his duty to be impartial by mounting a stitch-up over the amendment. A source close to Mr Bercow said that the Speaker had listened closely to requests from Conservative MPs including Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin (right)and former Chancellor Ken Clarke (left) The source said: The MPs have put him under huge pressure not to leave the Chair until Brexit is sorted. He is now unlikely to give any hint of his going until after the summer recess at the earliest and may well wait to see if the new October 31 deadline is met before hanging up his boots. Ken Clarke who John listens to more than any other MP was a particularly decisive voice, telling him that it was his duty to stay. Pictured: Conservative MP Dominic Grieve Mr Bercows sit-in is likely to lead to moves by pro-Brexit MPs to try to oust him through a no-confidence motion. The main contenders to succeed Mr Bercow are deputy speakers Lindsay Hoyle and Dame Eleanor Laing, and Labours former deputy leader Harriet Harman. It also means he will have to delay a lucrative speaking tour of America which he had planned to undertake over the summer. EU leaders agreed during Wednesdays late-night Brussels summit that the UK would remain a member of the EU until October 31, but with the option to leave earlier if Mrs May can secure Commons support for her deal. It means that the cliff-edge no deal scenario is off the table until Halloween. A Downing Street source said yesterday that reports that Labour frontbenchers Keir Starmer and Rebecca Long-Bailey had clashed openly during the Brexit talks were categorically untrue. The source said: These talks have been constructive and serious and both sides want to see further progress over the Easter recess. If we can keep up the pace of negotiations, we can get a deal over the line and avoid participating in the European Parliamentary elections. A spokesman for the Speakers Office said: The Speaker was elected by the House in 2017 for the course of the Parliament. In the event he has anything to say on his future plans, he will make an announcement to the House first. A poll published yesterday showed the Tories falling seven points behind Labour, their lowest level in five years. The Opinium survey put Labour on 36, the Tories on 29 and the Lib Dems on eight. Rees-Mogg's sister tells Jacob: You stole nanny!... as she describes Theresa May as the worst Tory PM ever New loyalties: Annunziata Rees-Mogg at the launch of the Brexit Party's European election campaign By Glen Owen, Political Editor for the Mail on Sunday She is the loyal family retainer who nurtured both Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg and his sister Annunziata to adulthood and beyond. But now Westminsters most famous nanny 77-year-old Veronica Crook is at the centre of a tug of love between the siblings after Ms Rees-Mogg complained that Jacob, 49, had stolen her for his own family. Ms Rees-Mogg, 40 a former parliamentary candidate under David Cameron burst back on to the political scene on Friday when she appeared at the launch of Nigel Farages new Brexit Party, announcing that she was quitting the Tories to become one of Mr Farages 70 candidates standing in the European elections. In an interview with The Mail on Sunday to mark her return to politics, the former journalist for the Daily Telegraph savages Theresa May as the worst Prime Minister in the Conservative Partys history, slates her former party for trying to de-toff her name to Nancy Mogg and bemoans that she has lost Ms Crook to Jacob. Ms Crook, who has spent 53 years as the Rees-Mogg family nanny, has accompanied Jacob on the campaign trail during elections and now helps to look after the six children he has with wife Helena. She was splashed across the newspapers last year when she rushed to confront a group of class-war protesters as they ambushed Jacob and his young family outside their Central London home. Family bonds: Jacob Rees-Mogg, aged four, with family nanny Veronica Crook in the 1970s, left, and, right, aged 12 with younger sister Annunziata Jacobs response to his sisters defection from his party was to say gently that Mr Farage was fortunate to have such a high-calibre candidate while Ms Rees-Mogg speaks with affection about her highly protective older brother. Jacob was a fantastic big brother, says Ms Rees-Mogg, who also has three other siblings. He would include me in play dates with his contemporaries, even though there is a ten-year age gap I was always part of the team. He always looked out for me, treating me as a more grown-up person than necessarily I was. He also taught me algebra long before it came into the school curriculum. Only nannygate threatens to come between them. Ms Rees-Mogg, who like her brother speaks Edwardian-era English, says: Nanny will, for the rest of her days, be my nanny as well as his. But he has just stolen her, which is very unfair! All of us grew up with Nanny in the house and she was a huge influence on all of us. Last night, Jacob responded teasingly, saying: I plead guilty to stealing Nanny but, in mitigation, I did have first call as I had children before my sister did. Ms Rees-Mogg who now lives in Lincolnshire with her husband Matthew Glanville, a management consultant, and daughters Isadora, eight, and Molly, one fought the Somerton and Frome seat for the Tories at the 2010 election. Her selection as an A list candidate led to an astonishing row about her upper-crust moniker after The Mail on Sunday revealed that she had been infuriated by a suggestion from Mr Cameron that she should widen her appeal by de-toffing her name to Nancy Mogg. She flatly refused. She will not face a similar demand from Mr Farage, who told this newspaper this weekend: We are delighted to have Annunziata as she is, unlike that Tory attempt to be lowlier than thou. People in the UK dont like fakes and Annunziata is in no way a fake. Ms Rees-Mogg still bridles at Mr Camerons suggestion, saying: My name has professionally and personally always been Annunziata Rees-Mogg and I am not going to change it. But she saves her strongest words for Mr Camerons successor in Downing Street: it was Mrs Mays failure to deliver Brexit, and the humiliating extension until the end of October leading to the likelihood of the UK fighting European Parliament elections next month which persuaded Ms Rees-Mogg to return to the political frontline. Theresa May has proven to be quite possibly the worse Prime Minister in the Conservative Partys history, she said. She has not only betrayed her party, she has betrayed the referendum result and she has betrayed her manifesto. She has been no good at all at negotiating. It is tragic that such a successful and historic party has been brought to its knees by one woman who was never selected by its membership in the first place. Ms Rees-Mogg contacted Mr Farage through mutual acquaintances. She said: I have a lot of long-standing Eurosceptic friends, Ive been in that world for at least 15 or more years and it was becoming increasingly apparent that I couldnt stand by and watch the British people being let down so strongly by an appalling leadership. One thing after another made me more and more upset with what was going on. I made it clear that I was considering it, and Nigel then suggested that I could join his party. She said that Jacob, the powerful chairman of the pro-Brexit European Research Group of Tory MPs, understood completely why she had left the Conservatives. He isnt of the view it would be the best way for him to achieve Brexit, but he understands why I think it is for me, and all either Jacob or I want is to restore faith in democracy and to leave the European Union as was promised to the electorate. Does she agree with her brother that Boris Johnson would be the best candidate to succeed Mrs May as Tory leader? Jacob is backing Boris and thats his choice. It is for the Conservative Party to decide, not for outsiders like me to tell them who would be the best option. In my view it has to be a Leaver, but one they can rally round. Ms Rees-Mogg, whose late father was former Times editor William Rees-Mogg, dodges the question about whether she would return to the party if Mr Johnson became leader, saying: Once youve left a club I dont think that you are always welcomed back. Events change, people change, circumstances change. I am not going to predict the future, for now I am fighting for Brexit, fighting for the Brexit Party and focusing on that. I would still call myself a Tory I just cant be part of Theresa Mays Conservative Party. Leadership rivals target ex-soldiers with 'dirty tricks' By Harry Cole, Deputy Political Editor for the Mail on Sunday Tory Whips were at the centre of a growing dirty tricks storm last night after it emerged that a second former Army officer tipped for party leadership is having his past mysteriously probed. On Thursday, war hero turned Plymouth MP Johnny Mercer took to social media to accuse an anonymous Tory enforcer of attempting to dig up dirt about his military career. The accused is understood to be Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher. Now The Mail on Sunday has learnt that similar enquiries have been made to former Army colleagues of Tory MP Tom Tugendhat who served in the Intelligence Corps who last week ruled out a tilt at No 10. On Thursday, war hero turned Plymouth MP Johnny Mercer (pictured) took to social media to accuse an anonymous Tory enforcer of attempting to dig up dirt about his military career A source said: Theyre trawling through old friends who unsurprisingly reported back. It is understood that Mr Mercer angrily confronted Theresa Mays Chief Whip Julian Smith on the phone on Friday night, urging him to root out any such behaviour. But Downing Street insiders ridiculed the idea that they were behind the hunt. Instead, they heaped blame on the fevered leadership jostling that is currently tearing through the top of the Conservative Party, suggesting Mr Mercer was planning to run to replace Mrs May. One Minister, who is a former Whip, said: I never ever heard of this sort of thing being contemplated let alone being done. It is much more likely to be a rival to Mercer posing as the Whips Office. There is no way they would have the time or ability. And a serving Tory Whip told this newspaper: We have bigger problems than Johnny Mercer. But hitting back, Mr Mercer who did three tours of Afghanistan told The Mail on Sunday: The Chief Whip agrees with me that this behaviour is unacceptable, that he is the Governments Chief Whip, and that the behaviour of the Whips Office is his responsibility. Tom Tugendhat who served in the Intelligence Corps I have left him in no doubt that I expect this individual to have the integrity to come forward of his own accord. He added: I am actually pleased this has happened to me. I am tired of seeing colleagues treated in this way, who when I ask to intervene seem oddly fearful of the Whips Office and ask me not to. So Im pleased I have this opportunity to put a firm marker in the sand that this sort of behaviour is not acceptable in a modern Conservative Party. Parliament is in need of serious reform. I cant just keep saying that and not call it out when this sort of thing happens. Mr Mercer also denied he was eyeing up a push for the top job, saying: No 10s idea I am running a leadership campaign is a joke. I must be the only Tory MP who hasnt actually asked a single colleague to vote for them. Weve got a national crisis to sort out; the public do not look fondly on those more preoccupied with their personal ambitions at this time. The row came as unsubstantiated rumours circulated in Westminster that one major Cabinet frontrunner was having an affair. However, allies of the Minister say the claims pushed by MPs were nonsense. Advertisement Brazilian firefighters say the death toll from the collapse of a pair of buildings in Rio de Janeiro has risen to seven, with 10 others injured. The Rio fire department's press office said on Saturday that 17 people are also listed as missing. The condemned four-story buildings collapsed Friday in the hillside neighborhood of Itanhanga, an area that was hard hit by recent heavy rains and flash floods. Brazilian firefighters say the death toll from the collapse of a pair of buildings in Rio de Janeiro has risen to seven, with 10 others injured Fire department Col. Luciano Sarmento said he hoped survivors would be found because 'air pockets may have been formed allowing people to breathe.' Authorities are combing through the rubble in an around-the-clock search. Rio Mayor Marcelo Crivella said earlier that the area where the buildings stood was run by militias that control large swaths of Rio. A father embraces his son as he waits for some news about his missing wife who was in one of two collapsed buildings People walk on a damaged street due the heavy rain and next to the site where two buildings collapsed in Muzema neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro The condemned four-story buildings collapsed Friday in the hillside neighborhood of Itanhanga, an area that was hard hit by recent heavy rains and flash floods Firefighters try to find survivors amid the debris of two buildings that collapsed in Muzema neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro Firefighters try to find survivors amid the debris of two buildings that collapsed in Muzema neighborhood Fire department Col. Luciano Sarmento said he hoped survivors would be found because 'air pockets may have been formed allowing people to breathe' New loyalties: Annunziata Rees-Mogg at the launch of the Brexit Party's European election campaign She is the loyal family retainer who nurtured both Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg and his sister Annunziata to adulthood and beyond. But now Westminsters most famous nanny 77-year-old Veronica Crook is at the centre of a tug of love between the siblings after Ms Rees-Mogg complained that Jacob, 49, had stolen her for his own family. Ms Rees-Mogg, 40 a former parliamentary candidate under David Cameron burst back on to the political scene on Friday when she appeared at the launch of Nigel Farages new Brexit Party, announcing that she was quitting the Tories to become one of Mr Farages 70 candidates standing in the European elections. In an interview with The Mail on Sunday to mark her return to politics, the former journalist for the Daily Telegraph savages Theresa May as the worst Prime Minister in the Conservative Partys history, slates her former party for trying to de-toff her name to Nancy Mogg and bemoans that she has lost Ms Crook to Jacob. Ms Crook, who has spent 53 years as the Rees-Mogg family nanny, has accompanied Jacob on the campaign trail during elections and now helps to look after the six children he has with wife Helena. She was splashed across the newspapers last year when she rushed to confront a group of class-war protesters as they ambushed Jacob and his young family outside their Central London home. Jacobs response to his sisters defection from his party was to say gently that Mr Farage was fortunate to have such a high-calibre candidate while Ms Rees-Mogg speaks with affection about her highly protective older brother. Jacob was a fantastic big brother, says Ms Rees-Mogg, who also has three other siblings. He would include me in play dates with his contemporaries, even though there is a ten-year age gap I was always part of the team. He always looked out for me, treating me as a more grown-up person than necessarily I was. He also taught me algebra long before it came into the school curriculum. Only nannygate threatens to come between them. Ms Rees-Mogg, who like her brother speaks Edwardian-era English, says: Nanny will, for the rest of her days, be my nanny as well as his. But he has just stolen her, which is very unfair! All of us grew up with Nanny in the house and she was a huge influence on all of us. Last night, Jacob responded teasingly, saying: I plead guilty to stealing Nanny but, in mitigation, I did have first call as I had children before my sister did. Family bonds: Jacob Rees-Mogg, aged four, with family nanny Veronica Crook in the 1970s, left, and, right, aged 12 with younger sister Annunziata Ms Rees-Mogg who now lives in Lincolnshire with her husband Matthew Glanville, a management consultant, and daughters Isadora, eight, and Molly, one fought the Somerton and Frome seat for the Tories at the 2010 election. Her selection as an A list candidate led to an astonishing row about her upper-crust moniker after The Mail on Sunday revealed that she had been infuriated by a suggestion from Mr Cameron that she should widen her appeal by de-toffing her name to Nancy Mogg. She flatly refused. She will not face a similar demand from Mr Farage, who told this newspaper this weekend: We are delighted to have Annunziata as she is, unlike that Tory attempt to be lowlier than thou. People in the UK dont like fakes and Annunziata is in no way a fake. Ms Rees-Mogg still bridles at Mr Camerons suggestion, saying: My name has professionally and personally always been Annunziata Rees-Mogg and I am not going to change it. But she saves her strongest words for Mr Camerons successor in Downing Street: it was Mrs Mays failure to deliver Brexit, and the humiliating extension until the end of October leading to the likelihood of the UK fighting European Parliament elections next month which persuaded Ms Rees-Mogg to return to the political frontline. Theresa May has proven to be quite possibly the worse Prime Minister in the Conservative Partys history, she said. She has not only betrayed her party, she has betrayed the referendum result and she has betrayed her manifesto. She has been no good at all at negotiating. It is tragic that such a successful and historic party has been brought to its knees by one woman who was never selected by its membership in the first place. Ms Rees-Mogg contacted Mr Farage through mutual acquaintances. She said: I have a lot of long-standing Eurosceptic friends, Ive been in that world for at least 15 or more years and it was becoming increasingly apparent that I couldnt stand by and watch the British people being let down so strongly by an appalling leadership. One thing after another made me more and more upset with what was going on. I made it clear that I was considering it, and Nigel then suggested that I could join his party. She said that Jacob, the powerful chairman of the pro-Brexit European Research Group of Tory MPs, understood completely why she had left the Conservatives. He isnt of the view it would be the best way for him to achieve Brexit, but he understands why I think it is for me, and all either Jacob or I want is to restore faith in democracy and to leave the European Union as was promised to the electorate. Does she agree with her brother that Boris Johnson would be the best candidate to succeed Mrs May as Tory leader? Jacob is backing Boris and thats his choice. It is for the Conservative Party to decide, not for outsiders like me to tell them who would be the best option. In my view it has to be a Leaver, but one they can rally round. Ms Rees-Mogg, whose late father was former Times editor William Rees-Mogg, dodges the question about whether she would return to the party if Mr Johnson became leader, saying: Once youve left a club I dont think that you are always welcomed back. Events change, people change, circumstances change. I am not going to predict the future, for now I am fighting for Brexit, fighting for the Brexit Party and focusing on that. I would still call myself a Tory I just cant be part of Theresa Mays Conservative Party. Tory Whips were at the centre of a growing dirty tricks storm last night after it emerged that a second former Army officer tipped for party leadership is having his past mysteriously probed. On Thursday, war hero turned Plymouth MP Johnny Mercer took to social media to accuse an anonymous Tory enforcer of attempting to dig up dirt about his military career. The accused is understood to be Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher. Now The Mail on Sunday has learnt that similar enquiries have been made to former Army colleagues of Tory MP Tom Tugendhat who served in the Intelligence Corps who last week ruled out a tilt at No 10. On Thursday, war hero turned Plymouth MP Johnny Mercer (pictured) took to social media to accuse an anonymous Tory enforcer of attempting to dig up dirt about his military career A source said: Theyre trawling through old friends who unsurprisingly reported back. It is understood that Mr Mercer angrily confronted Theresa Mays Chief Whip Julian Smith on the phone on Friday night, urging him to root out any such behaviour. But Downing Street insiders ridiculed the idea that they were behind the hunt. Instead, they heaped blame on the fevered leadership jostling that is currently tearing through the top of the Conservative Party, suggesting Mr Mercer was planning to run to replace Mrs May. One Minister, who is a former Whip, said: I never ever heard of this sort of thing being contemplated let alone being done. It is much more likely to be a rival to Mercer posing as the Whips Office. Tom Tugendhat who served in the Intelligence Corps There is no way they would have the time or ability. And a serving Tory Whip told this newspaper: We have bigger problems than Johnny Mercer. But hitting back, Mr Mercer who did three tours of Afghanistan told The Mail on Sunday: The Chief Whip agrees with me that this behaviour is unacceptable, that he is the Governments Chief Whip, and that the behaviour of the Whips Office is his responsibility. I have left him in no doubt that I expect this individual to have the integrity to come forward of his own accord. He added: I am actually pleased this has happened to me. I am tired of seeing colleagues treated in this way, who when I ask to intervene seem oddly fearful of the Whips Office and ask me not to. So Im pleased I have this opportunity to put a firm marker in the sand that this sort of behaviour is not acceptable in a modern Conservative Party. Parliament is in need of serious reform. I cant just keep saying that and not call it out when this sort of thing happens. Mr Mercer also denied he was eyeing up a push for the top job, saying: No 10s idea I am running a leadership campaign is a joke. I must be the only Tory MP who hasnt actually asked a single colleague to vote for them. Weve got a national crisis to sort out; the public do not look fondly on those more preoccupied with their personal ambitions at this time. The row came as unsubstantiated rumours circulated in Westminster that one major Cabinet frontrunner was having an affair. However, allies of the Minister say the claims pushed by MPs were nonsense. Shalet Javet testified to Lahore High Court against her captor. She is ready "to do it again and again until he is jailed". The 15 year old was used as a sex slave. "It is not true that I converted to Islam by my own choice," she says bravely. Islamabad (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Shalet Javed, the 15-year-old Christian girl kidnapped, sold and given in marriage to a Muslim man after being focibly converted, has been saved from the hands of her tormentor. In tears but with great courage, she stood before the high court judge of Lahore and told her terrible story of torture and repeated rapes. Through the British Pakistani Christian Association (Bpca) volunteer who is following her case, she said: "It is not true that I converted to Islam by my choice, I was forced under threat. I never gave up hope. I kept praying to God and I begged him to free me from my humiliating bondage ". The story of the 15 year old Shalet dates back to March 25th. The girl lives in the village of Dhandra, in the district of Faisalabad. After a fight with a sibling, she left home and sought refuge with a family friend, Ms. Goshi (36), who she considers an aunt and lives in Salam Pura (a few km from her village). In the evening, when her mother Tasleem (35 years old) returned home and did not find her daughter, she started the search. Goshi denies ever having met the young woman, but faced with Tasleem's insistence that she would report everything to the police, she admitted that the girl was with another lady named Rukhsana (42). The latter confessed that she sold the young Christian to Rafel, a 28-year-old Muslim known to the authorities for trafficking in women. The following week, the family received a letter containing the Islamic wedding certificate (Nikkah) of her daughter with a Muslim named Zafar Iqbal. Thanks to pressure from the NPC Bpca, the police - reluctantly at first - recorded the complaint and begin the investigation. At three o'clock in the morning on April 10th, the agents carried out a raid on Zafar's home, but discovered that the man had managed to escape before the police arrived thanks to a tip-off. However, the Muslim's hurray allowed the young Shalet to take advantage of his distraction and escape. The young woman said she managed to escape, then asked a passerby to make a phone call with her cell phone. So she called his parents Tasleem and Javed Masih who immediately rushed to her aid. She said to the magistrate: "I was used as a sex slave tortured and brutalized to satisfy my husband. I thought my life was lost, until I had the chance to escape. Thanking the activists helping her she added: "God has listened to my prayers and now I'm back with my mother and father. I am so grateful to the Lord. I was violated and abused by my captor, but he did not destroy my spirit. I have spoken in court and will testify again and again, until the monster is jailed. He must never do what he did to me to anyone else". Wilson Chowdhry, president of the BPCA, stresses: "The case of Shalet reveals the truth about Muslim rapists: that is, it is a terrible insinuation when they say that Christian girls convert voluntarily. Her reliance on God unconditionally and her faith despite adversity is a testament to all of us ". Shamima Begum, pictured, is accused of assisting ISIS by stitching would-be suicide bombers into their explosive vests Jihadi bride Shamima Begum stitched suicide bombers into explosive vests, spy chiefs have told Theresa May and Sajid Javid. The Mail on Sunday has learned that the Prime Minister and Home Secretary have been briefed by the intelligence services about claims that British-born Ms Begum was witnessed preparing suicide vests for would-be martyrs sewing them on to the bombers so that the devices could not be removed without detonation. Intelligence sources told this newspaper they have been informed of her chilling role in Syria actively preparing jihadis to take their own lives as Islamic State collapsed. If the allegations prove to be correct, they will shatter the claim by the teenager from East London that she was nothing more than an IS fighters wife after she enlisted with the death cult while still a schoolgirl in 2015. It is understood the information was gleaned by allied spy agencies believed to be the CIA and Dutch Military Intelligence from interrogation of other Western IS converts. It is not known whether Ms Begum was a willing participant in the acts. Furthermore, sources told The Sunday Telegraph she had served in the terror group's 'morality police' and had worked to recruit other impressionable women. Sources told the newspaper she was permitted to carry a Kalashnikov rifle while going about her duties as an 'enforcer,' imposing the IS laws around dress code. After being found by journalists in a camp in northern Syria in February following the collapse of ISs grip on the region, Ms Begum, now 19, insisted she had never done anything dangerous during her time with the terror group and begged to be allowed back into Britain. But Mr Javid branded her a danger to the UK and revoked her citizenship. She said: When I went to Syria, I was just a housewife. I just stayed at home and looked after my kids. I didnt do anything dangerous. I never made propaganda, I never encouraged people to come to Syria. They dont have proof that I did anything dangerous. The 19-year-old jihadi bride from Bethnal Green, east London has been stripped of her British citizenship by Home Secretary Sajid Javid. Javid and PM Theresa May have received top secret briefings from the security services about Begum's role with the terror organisation Begum, pictured at Gatwick Airport in February 2015, flew to Turkey before sneaking into Syria to join the terror organisation However, a senior intelligence source said: She was involved and her former comrades have grassed her. She was literally stitching the vests, stitching them into the vests. After running away from Bethnal Green, Ms Begum lived in the Syrian city of Raqqa under the control of IS with her husband, a Dutch extremist named Yago Riedijk. Syrian troops and Western special forces spent 2017 clearing the city house by house. Their efforts were severely hampered by suicide bombers. Ms Begum claimed: When we lost Raqqa, we had to keep moving and moving and moving. The situation got difficult. But a Government source said: Those who stayed to the end were the hardcore, there is no disputing that. Lots of them went [to the IS stronghold] for a couple of weeks, hated it and came back. Many more left when Raqqa fell over a year ago. But she stayed to the bitter end and now we know why. Other Whitehall sources told The Mail on Sunday that the top-secret intelligence has been shared at the highest levels of government following the row over Mr Javids decision to block Ms Begums return. However, there are concerns that such evidence may not meet the legal threshold for trial in Britain due to complications over whether it would be permissible in court. Javid received criticism for blocking Begum's return to the UK - especially after he infant child died in the Syrian refugee camp. She claimed to have lost her two eldest children as well The news emerged as new laws came into force last week that would see Britons jailed for ten years just for travelling to warzones. The Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 makes it illegal for UK citizens to travel to terror hotspots, as part of a clampdown inspired by the legal grey area around the Begum case. Welcoming the new measures, Mr Javid said: These laws give police the powers they need to disrupt terrorist plots earlier and ensure those who seek to do us harm face just punishment. Having revoked Ms Begums UK citizenship to block her return to Britain, a furious row was sparked when her two-week-old son Jarrah died of pneumonia in a Syrian camp. Senior Tories distanced themselves from Mr Javids decision, describing the Government as morally responsible for the death of the newborn, while Labour labelled the situation a stain on the nations conscience. Begum's two-week-old son, Jarrah, pictured, was a British citizen at the time of his death Jarrah was born a British citizen on February 16, shortly before the Home Secretary stripped his mother of her passport. Ms Begums British family had begged Mr Javid to allow safe passage for Jarrah to come to London. Tory MP Philip Lee suggested it was Mr Javids desire to lead the party that was behind his blocking of Ms Begums return. He urged the Home Secretary to reflect on a decision driven by populism and not by any principle I recognise. But last night the revelations prompted MPs to defend Mr Javid. Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, said: Cases that rely on secret intelligence for security decisions can be hard to explain in public. If true, these allegations suggest a reason Ms Begum may have stayed in IS-controlled territory to the end, and would suggest a good reason to suspect she would be a danger to the UK. Home Office figures show more than 900 Britons travelled to the conflict in Syria, with 20 per cent killed and around 40 per cent having returned to the UK. Only the most dangerous have been barred from returning. Ms Begums father Ahmed Ali said last night: If she has done anything wrong, she should be brought to England and punished. As far as I know she was a housewife when in Syria. The Begum familys lawyer demanded the Home Office make any evidence they hold against their daughter public. Tasnime Akunjee said: On behalf of the family, we would like to see this evidence, given that it has been leaked, and have it tested in proceedings in due course rather than through hearsay. The Home Office said: Decisions to deprive individuals of their citizenship are based on all available evidence and are not taken lightly. WikiLeaks have confirmed Julian Assange's cat is safe following speculation over what may have happened to Embassy Cat following his owner's arrest. The famous kitty has tens of thousands of followers on Instagram and Twitter where Assange documented the life of the 'counter-purrveillance' cat at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. During Assange's seven year stay as a self-styled martyr for free speech at the bolthole in Knightsbridge, the gorgeous tabby had been his sole companion. So when the police raided Assange's lair on Thursday many wondered what had happened to his feline friend. WikiLeaks uploaded a Twitter video appearing to show the Embassy Cat faithfully watching a video of his owner being hauled from the embassy on Thursday Julian Assange's cat - known simply as Embassy Cat - peers through the window covering at the Ecuadorian Embassy in Knightsbridge, London in July 2018 The Embassy Cat turns to face the other way as video plays of Assange's arrest on the big screen behind him On Saturday the WikiLeaks official Twitter account uploaded a video of the cat watching Assange's arrest tape on the television. The caption said: 'We can confirm that Assange's cat is safe. Assange asked his lawyers to rescue him from embassy threats in mid-October. They will be reunited in freedom. #FreeAssange #NoExtradition.' This would appear to confirm reports the popular cat had not been at the embassy for months. Fans of Assange and photographers camped outside the embassy in London had become used to seeing the his furry friend appearing at the window to his room over the years. Assange shared this image of Embassy Cat as an adorable kitten in May 2016 Assange shared this snap in May 2016 of his playing with the kitty inside his embassy bolthole He even appeared in collar and tie on a few occasions, sporting a WikiLeaks logo, rainbow pattern and a black and white striped knot. A spokesperson for the embassy told Sputnik News this week: 'It is not here since September, I think. It was taken by Mr Assanges associates a long ago It is not here. We are not a pet store, so we do not keep pets here.' That statement comes after staff at the embassy complained he was an obnoxious and filthy guest who did not clean up after his cat. Last year the WikiLeaks founder was warned to keep his room more tidy, clean his bathroom and to take better care of the moggy, or risk losing it. A member of Assange's legal team has claimed that a family member is looking after the kitty after the Ecuadorian Embassy threatened to take the pet to a shelter. Embassy Cat was known to appear at the windows of the embassy donning a shirt collar and tie 'Ecuador threatened to put Assange's cat in the pound,' said Hanna Jonasson in a tweet. 'Incensed at the threat, he asked his lawyers to take his cat to safety. The cat is with Assange's family. They will be reunited in freedom.' The 47-year-old faces up to 12 months in a British prison after he was found guilty of breaching his bail conditions, and he faces extradition to the US on cyber-crime charges with a maximum jail sentence of five years. But WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson said he fears more charges will be added, meaning Assange could face decades in a US prison. Jackie Kennedy Onassis spent her final days continuing her role as a book editor, despite going through chemotherapy to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Jackie Kennedy Onassis spent her final days as a book editor, despite going through chemotherapy to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The former first lady and widow of Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis remarkably returned to her first passion - books - in her late 40s, helping to bring more than 100 to publication, despite her vast inherited wealth. A new book inspired by her life, titled The Editor by Steven Rowley, chronicles the latter years of one of America's most iconic 20th century figures. Jackie died in 1994, aged just 64, but continued marking up manuscripts in her Fifth Avenue apartment up to her death. When her son John Jr. revealed her death, he said that in Jackie's final moments she was surrounded by friends and family 'and her books, the people and the things that she loved.' In 1975, following the death of the wealthy Aristotle Onassis, she joined Viking publishers as a consulting editor, where she, according to the book, was adamant that she would receive no special treatment. This was despite her inheriting $26 million from her husband. As the fictionalized Jackie in 'The Editor' states, her office was 'a regular size and stacked high with manuscripts. I get my own coffee and wait in line to use the copier, same as anyone else.' 'She was bored,' said historian William Kuhn, author of 'Reading Jackie: Her autobiography in books.' The former first lady and widow of Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis remarkably returned to her first passion, books, in her late 40s, helping to bring more than 100 to publication, despite her vast inherited wealth Rowley got it exactly right in his novel, Kuhn told The New York Post. 'She tried hard to blend in. Her office was small, with just one window. She answered her own phone. She didn't want to be seen as a grande dame.' She told Newsweek in 1975 she wasn't sure why the public was so fascinated with her career. She said: 'Its not as if Ive never done anything interesting. Ive been a reporter myself, and Ive lived through important parts of American history. Im not the worst choice for this position.' Indeed, she had been a columnist for the Washington Times-Herald, and in 1962, she wrote and edited her first book. After two years at Viking, she left the company after learning they were publishing a novel about the assassination of her brother-in-law Robert Kennedy - and moved to Doubleday as an associate editor, where her salary rose from $200-a-week to $100,000-a-year. There she was able to indulge her eclectic taste in reading and secured publications ranging from Egyptian author and Nobel Prize winner Naguib Mahfouz to 'Cartoon History of the Universe' illustrator Larry Gonick. One of her most notable successes was landing the Michael Jackson autobiography Moonwalk. although she did miss out on Frank Sinatra, Diana Ross and Oliver Stone. Jackie died in 1994, aged just 64, but continued marking up manuscripts in her Fifth Avenue apartment up to her death. When her son John Jr. revealed her death, he said that in Jackie's final moments she was surrounded by friends and family 'and her books, the people and the things that she loved' Jackie Kennedy Onassis is seen here with Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis in 1971 Remarkably, her latter career lasted longer than her two famous marriages, and the book sheds light on Jackie the person, as opposed to Jackie the wife. 'It's not only counter to how we remember her, but it's also counter-intuitive to our own instincts,' says Rowley. 'We all stare out the office window, daydreaming about floating away on a yacht. But Jackie was on the yacht, daydreaming about the office. 'The very things that we find so oppressive about working in an office, those were the experiences that finally set her free.' Every great advance in communication provokes an overreaction. No sooner had Johannes Gutenberg developed the art of mass printing in the 15th Century than there was widespread alarm at the sort of books and ideas that resulted from his invention. 'Something' had to be done and that something usually resulted in a form of censorship or regulation from above. The same thing is happening today. We are barely a dozen years into the explosion of social media with all that is glorious, liberating, creative, messy, menacing and hateful about it and there are demands to clip its wings. Or even kill it off. Facebook ban: Marlene Weise was banned from Facebook for 30 days for posing the two pictures of the Iranian national women's volleyball team in the 1970s in T-shirts and shorts and the current Iranian team covered up in hijabs and clothes covering their arms and legs Just as in 1487 the Pope woke up to the dangers of mass communication and introduced censorship, so our own Government has produced a White Paper describing its intentions to crack down on what it calls 'online harms'. To some, it is a proportionate enough response to the failure of the West Coast giants to clean up their own act. To others, it spells the end of the internet as we've known it. The White Paper is full of reasonable-sounding propositions. Its very first sentence pronounces: 'The Government wants the UK to be the safest place in the world to go online.' Those of us who work in universities are nervous of the language of 'safe spaces', knowing that out there in the big bad world there are no such thing as 'safe spaces' and that we do no favours to our students to prepare them for an environment which doesn't exist. How does the Government propose that the UK's online space becomes the safest in the world? By introducing rules against 'unacceptable' content. Like 'safe spaces', the word 'unacceptable' should ring alarm bells. Unacceptable to whom? In future, internet users will not be allowed to 'undermine our democratic values and principles'. Offenders will be punished with huge fines and by naming and shaming the senior management of offending companies. Maybe this all sounds a little Chinese? Or Russian? Saudi Arabia has a similar prejudice against people who voice 'unacceptable' opinions. Within a few pages of the executive summary, an average reader might begin asking some of the basic questions any would-be reporter is trained to ask in their first week at work in a newsroom: what, who, where, when and why? What is going to be regulated? The broad answer is bad stuff. But 'bad stuff' encompasses a huge range of material from things that are already illegal (terrorism, hate speech, child pornography etc) to more nebulous concepts. These include 'echo chambers' and 'filter bubbles', for example which mean individual web users meet only a narrow range of views and online harms 'which undermine our shared rights, responsibilities and opportunities to foster integration'. That's a very broad gamut of potentially controversial content and gives rise to the Who question. Who decides whether material is likely to be considered harmful, and who gets to regulate the supposedly safest place in the world? The answer seems to be a mixture of the companies themselves, who will have a new 'statutory duty of care', backed up by an independent regulator. In some cases, the Home Secretary will be required to sign off on some codes of practice, giving a politician the right to determine what is and isn't acceptable. Mail on Sunday readers will not need reminding that Jeremy Corbyn could be the next occupant of No10 Downing Street. And so might Boris Johnson, whose own relationship with the truth has sometimes been shaky. Right or Left, politicians shouldn't be the judges of what a free society allows people to say, write or think. Where? Well, the regulator will be based on these shores. But it has not escaped the attention of the White Paper authors that many of the largest and most successful social media companies are headquartered on the other side of the planet. There is vague talk of powers to 'enable the regulator to disrupt the business activities of a non-compliant company, measures to impose liability on individual members of senior management, and measures to block non-compliant services'. This is Whitehall as King Canute, the Faceless against Facebook. There are, of course, countries which have successfully banned Google or switched off Twitter. They may even think of themselves as 'safe' online places. Whether the average Brit would want to go and live in such places must be open to doubt. When? Well, the White Paper is proposing that social media companies move very quickly within 24 hours to remove offending material. Something like this has recently been tried in Germany with mixed results. The threat of enormous fines has led to a culture of 'senior management' playing safe and some frankly bizarre examples of speech being censored. There are now numerous examples of people being banned for satire, parody or causing offence. In March last year, a user was banned after joking: 'Muslim men are taking a second wife. To finance their lives, Germans are taking a second job.' The same month a woman received a month's ban from Facebook for posting two pictures: one showed the 1970s Iranian women's national volleyball team, wearing T-shirts and shorts; the current Iranian team was shown wearing hijabs and clothes that covered arms and legs. Both posts might cause a degree of offence, but does a 'safe' online space rule out any humour? In any event, there are now several German sites which are only too willing to repost any material which alarms Facebook or Twitter. Then comes the Why? The instinct for such a crackdown on the internet is an understandable one. There is material in cyberspace lots of it which has no place in a decent society. It is entirely right to be looking for ways of protecting children and the vulnerable from things that could harm them. But unless it can answer the basic questions not forgetting the How? then the danger is that Britain will snuff out a precious flame. There are lots of reasons to dislike the West Coast giants. I wish they were more transparent; less driven by profit, more driven by public service. The Google algorithm, for example, is one of the most powerful economic tools on the planet, yet how it works is a complete mystery to all its billions of users. I don't like them behaving like monopolies. I wish they would pay a fair share of tax on the enormous revenues they are scooping up. Some of them could undoubtedly afford to comply with the sort of stringent regime of regulation imagined in this report. But what about the smaller community websites? Or newspapers, struggling to deal with the dramatic loss of revenues as advertising is remorselessly sucked away by new players and new technologies? What about the millions who have, in the past dozen or so years, found a voice and a freedom to communicate in this messy, brave and sometimes ugly new world? What kind of example would we be setting to countries where dissidents rely on the ability to post 'unacceptable' thoughts? It's easy to demand instant answers to difficult problems. We won't solve the very real challenges of the internet by creating half-baked regulators on the back of a White Paper that asks many right questions, but comes up with an equal number of wrong answers. Five hundred years ago, Gutenberg's invention led to convulsive revolutions in religion, science, business, education and much more. One writer has claimed the German printer 'forged the key that would open the doors of knowledge to all mankind'. We are at a similar moment in history. Let's not waste it. Alan Rusbridger was editor in chief of The Guardian. He is now Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and chairs the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. It's bad news for hipsters but men with beards harbour more germs in their whiskers than dogs carry in their fur, scientists say. The alarming news follows a study that found every sampled beard was crawling with bacteria, and nearly half had bugs that were hazardous to human health. By contrast, a number of the dogs tested proved to have lower levels of microbes. Now men have been left bristling with fury, with claims that the results stem from pogonophobia the irrational fear of beards. In the study, scientists wanted to discover whether there was a risk that humans might pick up a dog-borne disease from an MRI scanner that was also used for examinations by vets. Researchers took swabs from the beards of 18 men and the necks of 30 dogs, across a range of breeds, and compared the results. A study revealed that beards have more bacteria in them then dog hair. Scientists found that nearly half the sampled beards had bugs that were hazardous to human health Professor Andreas Gutzeit, of Switzerland's Hirslanden Clinic, said: 'The researchers found a significantly higher bacterial load in specimens taken from the men's beards compared with the dogs' fur.' The study found all of the bearded men, aged from 18 to 76, showed high microbial counts, but only 23 out of 30 dogs had high counts. The remainder had moderate levels. Seven men were even found to harbour microbes that posed a threat to human health. After the MRI exams of the dogs, the scanners were disinfected and showed a 'significantly' lower bacteria count compared with levels seen when used by humans. 'On the basis of these findings, dogs can be considered as clean compared with bearded men,' said Dr Gutzeit. But Keith Flett, founder of the Beard Liberation Front, which opposes discrimination against the hirsute, cast doubt on the report. 'I think it's possible to find all sorts of unpleasant things if you took swabs from people's hair and hands and then tested them,' he said. 'I don't believe that beards in themselves are unhygienic. 'There seems to be a constant stream of negative stories about beards that suggest it's more about pogonophobia than anything else.' A security guard who was shot in the face during a drive-by shooting outside a popular Melbourne nightclub has died in hospital. The man, 37, was taken to hospital after being shot outside the Love Machine Nightclub near Little Chapel Street in Prahran at around 3.20am on Sunday. Three other men, two guards and a patron lining up to get into the nightclub, were also shot and taken to Royal Alfred Hospital for treatment. The gunman was driving a stolen black Porsche Cayenne four-wheel-drive. The luxury car was found burnt out in Wollert in the city's north on Sunday morning, The Age reported. Forensic police were at the scene outside popular nightclub Love Machine on Sunday morning The footpath was splattered with blood for more than 100 metres as one of the men shot in the arm ran from the scene to get help Detective Inspector Andrew Stamper said three of the people struck by bullets worked at the nightclub, while the fourth was an 'innocent' patron waiting to get inside. 'Those gunshot wounds were from a fairly close proximity... so, you know... horrific injuries,' he said. 'It would appear that shots have been discharged from a car in this area into a crowd that was standing outside the nightclub. 'This is just a horrendous act. It's a busy nightclub, one of the main nightclubs in Melbourne in one of the main entertainment precincts in Melbourne.' Police are expected to investigate links to an outlaw bikie gang which has made extortion attempts on the nightclub, The Age reported. The nightclub was still packed with patrons at the time of the shooting, who left the venue via a back entrance after police deemed the area safe. A security guard at the nightclub told Seven's Sunday Sunrise he had no idea there had been a shooting outside and there was no panic inside the venue. Sunrise also reported a person shot in the arm ran up Chapel Street to get help at a nearby business. Blood could be seen on the footpath for more than 100 metres from the scene. Clothes and bullet casings are also scattered along the footpath outside the nightclub. The scene outside the Love Machine nightclub in Prahran after the deadly shooting Clothing and bullet casings remained scattered along the footpath Local resident Edie said the shooting was rare for the neighbourhood. 'There is a bit of trouble around here, but it's usually fighting and stabbings,' she told the Herald Sun. 'It's scary because it's right on your doorstep - it could have happened to one of us.' The venue's Facebook page had promised a night of old school grooves on Saturday night. The Love Machine is one of Melbourne's most popular nightclubs and was recently refurbished by new owners. As daylight broke, forensic police spent several hours photographing evidence at the scene There was a heavy presence of police in Prahran on Sunday as they investigated the shooting Police said an investigation is underway and the exact circumstances are still being established. Police are also reviewing CCTV footage from the vicinity. People are urged to avoid the area with Malvern Road closed in both directions between Chapel Street and Surrey Road. Anyone with information or footage of the incident should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. The Love Machine was still packed with nightclub patrons at the time of the shooting Scientists believe they may have discovered a new planet orbiting the star which is closest to our sun. Possibly two planets could be orbiting a small red dwarf called Proxima Centauri which is around 4.24 light-years away. 'We are pleased to show you, for the first time, what is for us a new candidate planet around Proxima that we call Proxima c,' Mario Damasso of Italy's Observatory of Turin announced on Friday during the 2019 Breakthrough Discuss conference. This artist's impression shows a view of the surface of the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our solar system. However, it is now thought that a second planet, Proxima c is also in orbit around Proxima Centauri Scientists already knew about the first planet, Proxima Centauri b (blue orbit) but believe a second planet orbits around the star and has been called Proxima Centauri c (red orbit) 'It is only a candidate,' Damasso says. 'This is very important to underline.' If there is a planet orbiting the star, it would be at least six times larger than Earth - giving it the title of a super-Earth. Its orbit would take around 1,900 days to complete a loop around the star which would also mean the planet's average surface temperature would be much too cold for liquid water to flow. Three years ago scientists were able to reveal the first known planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. A diagram of the star systems closest to the sun. Two exoplanets might be orbiting the nearest star the red dwarf Proxima Centauri that's about 4.24 light-years away. It would not be in the habitable zone where water is liquid Orbital plot of Proxima Centauri showing its position with respect to Alpha Centauri over the coming millenia (graduations are in thousands of years). The large number of background stars is due to the fact that Proxima Cen is located very close to the plane of the Milky Way They described how the planet, named Proxima Centauri b, appeared to be 1.3 times the size of Earth and possibly warm enough for life to exist. Scientists only appeared to notice this new, second planet after taking another look at the data collected from the first discovery. The information that was used to spot Proxima b was processed slightly differently. Further new measurements were also added over the course of a year-and-a-half. It gave the team approximately 17 years' worth of data on the Proxima Centauri star and noticed that there could well be a second planet in the region. This artist's impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The existence of a second planet remains unconfirmed, for now 'This detection is very challenging,' Fabio Del Sordo of the University of Crete said to National Geographic. 'We asked ourselves many times if this is a real planet. But what is sure is that even if this planet is a castle in the air, we should keep working to put even stronger foundations under it.' Scientists plan to continue collecting data on the star and will further study the star and its intergalactic surroundings. They believe that as future telescopes develop and become even more powerful, it might soon be possible to see the planet fully. 'This is really an amazing, amazing result I hope it withstands scientific scrutiny over the next few months and years,' said Rene Heller of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research during the Breakthrough Discuss conference. Former rower Philippa Birch is attempting to become the first female in the Royal Marines' 350-year history The Royal Marines have drafted in American GI Jane instructors to train the first woman to take on its gruelling recruits course. United States Marine Corps instructors will mentor former international rower Philippa Birch who, as The Mail on Sunday has previously revealed, is attempting to become the first female in the Royal Marines 350-year history. Ms Birch, 25, is expected to start training on April 29 after she passed the tough training course for potential recruits this year. According to defence sources, Royal Marine top brass believe having female instructors as part of Ms Birchs training team will improve her chances of success. Her historic bid follows then Prime Minister David Camerons decision in 2016 to lift a centuries-old ban on women serving in close-combat roles. In America, the USMC allowed women to join fighting units in 2013 and since then about 100 females have qualified as frontline soldiers. Some of these women will be seconded to the Royal Marines from later this month. Last night, a source said: As having a female recruit is unknown territory for the Royal Marines, the bosses have brought in female instructors from the USMC, which is a few years ahead of us. Hopefully, Philippa Birch and other women who attempt the recruits course will bond with the GI Janes and their presence will boost morale. 'There will be dark moments for Philippa during her training and she is going where no woman has gone before in a bid to win a Green Beret. But shes very fit, intelligent and determined. U.S. Marines Captain Elizabeth Jackson, 27, of Hamden, Connecticut (left) of the Civil Affairs Group of 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment moves to give health care classes at the Naw Zad Women's Centre in Naw Zad district in Helmand province, Afghanistan GI Jane was a 1997 film starring Demi Moore about a woman who attempts to join a US Special Forces unit. Last night, a Ministry of Defence spokesman confirmed it had established a training relationship with the USMC and that women were likely to be involved in that, adding: The standards to be a Royal Marine Commando will be the same for women as men and the training will be identical. New Jersey Transit riders were taken on quite the bumpy ride on Tuesday night when their commuter train bounced all over the rails. The wild commotion was filmed by passengers on board the 5.37pm NJ Transit train that was speeding down the Pascaci Valley line. 'It felt like I was on a plane going through heavy turbulence,' transit rider Shawn McLoughlin explained to CBS 2. Scroll down for video The wild commotion was filmed by passengers on board the 5.37pm NJ Transit train that was speeding down the Pascaci Valley line Passengers were upset none of the conductors stopped the train or offered an explanation as to what was happening Transit rider Shawn McLoughlin - who filmed the video - was also on the train that crashed in Hoboken in 2016 He added: 'For the first two minutes, I literally held on as the train shifted to the right and we were bouncing excessively.' McLoughlin was dismayed that none of the conductors stopped the train or offered an explanation as to what was happening. And according to Twitter, NJ Transit did not appear to be even aware of the incident as they asked McLoughlin for additional information as to what happened. 'Hello, we apologize for the inconvenience and for the delay in responding,' they said the day after he posted the video. 'Do you happen to remember the train and car number? If not, can you provide your boarding time and origin location?' They later added: 'Just updating on this. Rail operations were able to locate the car and it has been taken out of service for maintenance. Thank you for bringing this to attention and we apologize again for the inconvenience.' McLoughlin stated that he's experienced problems with NJ Transit in the past. Conductors apparently hadn't alerted transit officials as NJ Transit tweeted out to passengers asking for more information about the train He said: 'Delays, cancelled trains, overcrowding, standing room only and it's been "a very, very difficult commute."' Tuesday's rocky trip brought back traumatic memories for McLoughlin, who was in the first car of the train that crashed in Hoboken in 2016. 'I personally thought to myself, "Oh my God, I'm going to be in another New Jersey train crash,"' he said. They eventually tweeted that they found the car and removed it from the rail McLoughlin says he was in the front car of the train that crashed in Hoboken in 2016, killing one and injuring more than 100 people. The traumatic experience convinced him to stop taking the train for a year. 'I took the bus, I drove, I carpooled, and it was an inconvenience,' he added. A Florida breeder who was fatally attacked by a large, flightless bird native to Australia and New Guinea did not have a permit to own the creature. Marvin Hajos, 75 was killed by a cassowary when he fell and the bird and attacked him, on his property near Gainesville on Friday, authorities said. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokeswoman Karen Parker confirmed Monday that Hajos exercised an exemption in the agency's captive wildlife rules. Alachua County Fire Rescue Department said that a cassowary killed the man Friday on his property near Gainesville The Alachua County Fire Rescue Department said that Havos was likely killed when the bird used its long claws. He was apparently breeding the birds, state wildlife officials said. The Gainesville Sun reported that a permit is normally required to possess, sell or publicly exhibit cassowaries, but breeders are exempt from the rule. The emu-like creatures are considered domestic livestock when an owner decides to breed them, according to Karen Parker, a spokesman for the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 'If the owners are breeding, there is no permit required. Its similar to having cows, theyre considered domestic livestock.' The bird falls under the 'Class II' category by the FWC. The classification means they can pose a danger to people and 'substantial experience and cage requirements' are required, according to The Gainesville Sun. Cassowaries can jump to seven feet straight up and can swim, according to the San Diego Zoo. Those who possess, sell or publicly exhibit a cassowary and other Class II animals need a permit. Parker said she is unaware why someone would own a cassowary or decide to breed them. 'I dont know what commercial viability they have,' she said. Hajos started working with birds at The Bronx Zoo as a child, 65 years ago and friends have expressed shock at the nature of his death. Family friend Jim Glynn told WOGX: 'He was doing this, because he truly loved animals. Weve been getting calls from quite literally around the world. People who knew Marvin for his passion for preserving this species. Cassowaries are similar to emus and stand up to six feet tall and weigh up to 130 pounds. The San Diego Zoo's website calls them the world's most dangerous bird with a four-inch (10-centimeter), dagger-like claw on each foot that can cut open people or predators. They can also jump seven feet straight up and can swim, according to the San Diego Zoo. 'These birds can unfortunately be very savage,' Glynn said. Hajos had two breeding pairs of Cassowaries that he had been keeping on his property. He was tending to them when he got attacked. One of the females recently laid an egg and males typically try to smash those eggs. It is believed that Hajos tried to retrieve the eggs and put them in an incubator, before the attack. 'We believe he went in there to recover that egg and then at some point the bird was able to make its attack,' Lt. Brett Rhodenizer from Alachua County Sheriffs Office told WOGX. The San Diego Zoo's website calls cassowaries the world's most dangerous bird with a four-inch (10-centimeter), dagger-like claw on each foot Glynn said its breeding season and males are particularly aggressive at the moment. 'He was aware of the dangers of these animals. He would not allow anyone else to be exposed to them. He was a knowledgeable guy,' said Glynn. Glynn said Hajos called his daughter who tried to assist her father immediately after the attack. He said Hajos developed a love for birds at a young age and volunteered with the staff at The Bronx Zoo to learn all about birds when he was just ten. He was also called upon frequently to speak at colleges and universities to talk about the birds hes worked with, particularly the Cassowary bird. People who have cassowaries to breed, produce meat, skins/hides or feathers are exempt from the rule. The same applies to ostriches, rheas, emus and bison. Parker said she is unsure why breeding is exempt from the regulations that come with permits. 'I dont know enough about it to speculate. Its tragic.' Many people who knew Hajos, who was laid to rest in Gainesville on Monday, posted tributes on social media. Gulf Coast Livestock Association posted a video of Hajos riding a camel and described him as a man who devoted his life to caring for animals. In a tribute on Friday the group wrote: 'Its with a sad and heavy heart that we have to tell you of the passing of our friend Marvin Hajos. The group also posted a video of Hajos riding a camel at an event sale on Friday. 'The cassowary can slice open any predator or potential threat with a single swift kick. Powerful legs help the cassowary run up to 31 miles per hour through the dense forest underbrush,' the website says 'He suddenly and unexpectedly passed away today. Hes been a friend for many many years and we will greatly miss him. He was an asset to us all in the animal world. 'Our animal family is small, I am grateful that we were all together this past weekend.' Owners are required to restrict their animals with a fence at least 6 feet in height, with an 11.5-gauge chain link. Alachua City Manager Adam Boukari said the city has not received any calls from residents concerned about the birds, adding the incident occurred just outside Alachuas limits. He told The Gainesville Sun that the exemption 'doesnt seem quite right.' Cassowaries are not raised for food in the U.S., but are sought after by collectors. Wayne, Autumn and Joseph have been held at their hotel for six days. The US embassy in Laos was informed and is following the case. A local Christian group is trying to help the three. The authorities of the Buddhist country consider Christianity a "foreign religion". The government does not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Vientiane (AsiaNews / Rfa) - The Laos authorities have arrested three US citizens in the Sing district (Luang Namtha province) for distributing bibles and other (Protestant) evangelical material. This was denounced by Vision Beyond Borders (Vbb), a Christian organization based in the USA. Identified by their organization only with their names, Wayne, Autumn and Joseph are believed to have been detained at the hotel for six days, after visiting villages in northern Laos to distribute religious material. "It seems that the interrogations are proceeding slowly. [Police officers] They took them to a room and told them they would be back in 10 minutes, but they disappeared for four to five hours, "says Eric Blievernicht, Head of VBB Operations. Blievernicht states that he is aware that the US embassy in Laos has been informed and has been involved in the case; he adds that only the three Americans have been arrested and that there are no Laotians among them. A US State Department spokesman announced last night that he could "confirm the temporary detention and subsequent release of three US citizens in Luang Namtha, Laos". An official from the Luang Namtha Police Department confirms that the three were arrested but denies that they are detained. "What we know about these three individuals is that they are not in custody. Their passports have just been confiscated, "he reports. A local Christian group is trying to help the three. "We have just learned of this and are traveling to the province of Luang Namtha to assist these three Americans," the leader of a church in Vientiane declared on condition of anonymity. Although the Constitution of the Laotian communist regime claims to protect religious freedom, the authorities of the Buddhist country consider Christianity a "foreign religion". In Laos, the Catholic community is a small minority: its faithful number around 45 thousand and represent 0.7% of the country's 7.1 million inhabitants. The situation of the Church in Laos remains delicate, as the government exercises strict control over religions and does not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See. The difficult relations between Church and State are accentuated above all in local governments and among citizens. The BBCs North America editor Jon Sopel was under fire last night for giving a speech at an event promoting the worlds biggest tobacco company. Sopel, who is paid up to 240,000 a year by the Corporation, delivered the address at the Philip Morris International staff conference in Miami last week. Anti-smoking charities criticised the veteran correspondent. Deborah Arnott, chief executive of Action on Smoking and Health, said: It is disappointing that someone representing the BBC is speaking at an event sponsored by the biggest tobacco company in the world. Sopel was speaking at a staff conference Philip Morris International in Miami last week Richard Sambrook, former director of BBC News, tweeted: So is he now prevented from reporting on Big Tobacco? Should be. Mr Sopel had appeared on stage in front of text promoting him as the BBCs North America editor. Philip Morris declined to discuss whether Mr Sopel received a fee, but an agency advertising his public speaking charges up to 25,000 to book him. Mr Sopel declined to comment. A BBC spokesman said his appearance at the event did not breach its guidelines. Former BBC News director Richard Sambrook tweeted saying: 'So is he now prevented from reporting on Big Tobacco? Should be...' The BBC has been condemned for allowing Hollywood actress Samantha Morton to deliver a string of Left-wing rants on its flagship programme The One Show. Tory MPs and historians are furious that the Minority Report star was unchallenged over her claim that British mothers are being forced into prostitution because of Victorian-style poverty caused by Government policies. Morton delivered her anti-Tory diatribe on Fridays edition of the live programme, which regularly draws up to three million viewers. Samanatha Morton, 41, delivered a rant claiming British mothers are being forced into prostitution because of Victorian-style poverty on Friday's episode of The One Show She said: With the benefits changing to Universal Credit and single parents being penalised by this Government, and the Coalition government before, people that have literally nothing, nobody to turn to, are sadly going into sex work to literally just feed the kids or pay the rent. Morton, 41, who was on the show to plug her upcoming Channel 4 drama, I Am Kirsty, went on to criticise all the cutbacks which she claimed had forced the closure of childrens homes, womens refuges and Sure Start daycare centres across the country. She added: That level of abject poverty like Victorian England we are talking what are women forced to do? Neither regular host Alex Jones nor Friday nights guest presenter Peter Andre challenged the star about her comments The mother of three, who grew up in the care system, then launched an attack on Margaret Thatcher and her governments policies while talking about her childhood. Neither regular host Alex Jones nor Friday nights guest presenter Peter Andre challenged the star about her comments. Tory MP Damian Collins, chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, last night urged the BBC to review its guidelines. He said: The BBC needs to be very careful with magazine programmes, ones where people dont expect to see political debate. 'People that have literally nothing, nobody to turn to, are sadly going into sex work to literally just feed the kids or pay the rent, she said on the Friday episode, which usually attracts an audience of three million Is it appropriate for people to use these kinds of shows as a political platform? If this had been a news programme or a discussion programme then there would have been other guests or a host who could have challenged these opinions. Historian Dr David Starkey described Mortons comments as absolute rubbish. He said: My father, who was an orphan at the age of 11 in 1918, was unemployed from 1928 until 1935. He had to have all his teeth extracted without anaesthetic because that saved him half a crown. That was real poverty. We cant envisage the levels of poverty, the absoluteness of it. Samantha Morton leaves Broadcasting House after her appearance on The One Show on Friday Because we listen to actresses we have lost any sense of what weve emerged from. For people like Samantha Morton to burble on like this is simply a disgrace. Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: The BBC has shown its true colours and the only reason they can do this is because of their TV tax. If it went to a subscription model, people would not pay for this propaganda. Morton, who wore a T-shirt brought out in the 1990s to support Liverpool dockers in a long-running dispute, is currently starring on American TV in Zombie drama The Walking Dead. It was the second time in a week that a guest on the show criticised Government policy. On Monday, Casualty actor Charles Venn presented a film in which he criticised cuts to youth services. A BBC spokesman said: Its wrong to suggest bias from a topical magazine show on the basis of a film on youth services at a time of national anxiety about knife crime, which included a response from the Government, and a passing reference to cuts made during an appearance to discuss someones work as an actress. Ministers are facing a growing backlash against draconian new web laws which critics warn could lead to totalitarian-style censorship. Under the plans published by Home Secretary Sajid Javid last week, an internet watchdog would have the power to block websites if the regulator decides to veto the content. The aim of the Online Harms White Paper is to target offensive material such as terrorists beheading videos. But under the documents provisions, the regulator would have complete discretion to decide what qualified as harmful, hateful or bullying potentially including coverage of contentious issues such as transgender rights. Downing Street has put pressure on Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright who drafted the sections relating to the media to narrow the definition of harm After MPs lined up to demand a rethink, Downing Street has put pressure on Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright who drafted the sections relating to the media to narrow the definition of harm in order to exclude typical editorial content. MPs have been led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, who said last night that while it was obviously a worthwhile aim to rid the web of the evils of terrorist propaganda and child pornography, it should not be at the expense of crippling a free Press and gagging healthy public expression. He added that the regulator could be used as a tool of repression by a future Jeremy Corbyn-led government, saying: Sadly, the Online Harms White Paper appears to give the Home Secretary of the day the power to decide the rules as to which content is considered palatable. Who is to say that less scrupulous governments in the future would not abuse this new power? I fear this could have the unintended consequence of reputable newspaper websites being subjected to quasi-state control. British newspapers freedom to hold authority to account is an essential bulwark of our democracy. We must not now allow what amounts to a Leveson-style state-controlled regulator for the Press by the back door. He was backed by Charles Walker, vice-chairman of the Tory Partys powerful backbench 1922 Committee, who said: We need to protect people from the well-documented evils of the internet not in order to suppress views or opinions to which they might object. MPs have been led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, who said last night that the legislation should not be at the expense of crippling a free Press and gagging healthy public expression The 98-page document laid out plans for a new duty of care which would apply to any website that allows users to post content regardless of whether it is a tech giant such as Google or Facebook, or smaller online news services. Critics fear that the new rules would suppress legitimate news journalism because the tech giants would set their search algorithms to exclude news stories about controversial subjects. Facebook is already planning to rate news sites based on the trust they have in the content. MPs fear that the prospective legislation has been so loosely worded that the thought police would be able to shut down the discussion of such contentious issues, without clear lines on the distinction between free speech and hate speech. Media companies would potentially be forced to hire an army of fact-checkers to avoid being censured for so-called disinformation. In last weeks Mail on Sunday, former Culture Secretary John Whittingdale warned that the legislation was more usually associated with autocratic regimes including those in China, Russia or North Korea. The White Paper does not set out whether the regulator will be free-standing or included as part of media watchdog Ofcoms existing responsibilities, what its rules will be, or even to whom it will report. Tory MP Philip Davies joined the criticism last night, saying: Of course people need to be protected from the worst excesses of what takes place online. But equally, free speech in a free country is very, very important too. Its vital we strike the right balance. While I have every confidence that Sajid Javid as Home Secretary would strike that balance, can I have the same confidence that a future Marxist government would not abuse the proposed new powers? Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable also raised concerns over the measures, saying any new regulation must be carefully considered by Parliament not decided by Ministers behind closed doors. He acknowledged the need for new laws, saying there was far too much illegal activity on social media, from inciting violence to grooming children for abuse. But Sir Vince warned: We must not allow state censorship of the internet by the backdoor. And Tory MP Martin Vickers added: While we must take action to curb the unregulated wild west of the internet, we must not introduce state control of the Press as a result. A Government spokesman said: These measures are not about regulation of the Press they are about tackling online harms and the damage they can do to peoples lives. We have no intention for journalistic or editorial content to be affected in any way by the regulatory framework. Lene Wold watched in silent horror as the woman in front of her removed her niqab, the scarf covering her face. Underneath, the features were destroyed by deep, livid scars, stretching over her nose and cheek and slicing through her eye. The skin was red and mottled, and parts of her chin were gone. Her name was Amina. Who did this to you? asked Lene, an author and journalist. Baba, came the reply. My father. Amina, who was 16 when she was attacked, was lucky to survive. Her elder sister, tied up beside her, had already been shot dead when their father turned to his younger daughter, pointed a pistol directly in her face and pulled the trigger. He was obsessed with family pride. In the middle of the Jordanian desert, Lene Wold met Amina, a 40-year-old woman who had years before survived an attempted honour killing by her father that had killed her sister Every year, more than 5,000 women and girls around the world are murdered in so-called honour killings and thousands more are mutilated. Most common in South Asia and in the Middle East, there are an estimated 12 to 15 honour killings every year in Britain, too and around the world the number has grown as increasing numbers of women take a stand against repression. The supposedly immoral behaviour of the victims consists of anything from adultery and homosexuality, to dating someone from another culture, or merely daring to wear Western clothing. And the punishments meted out are savage: stoning, burning, drowning, being forced to drink poison or, as in Aminas case, shooting. To most Western audiences, however, honour killings remain shrouded in mystery. What really drives the perpetrators who are mostly close relatives to murder their own flesh and blood? How could anyone place their familys reputation above the lives of the mothers, wives and daughters they purport to love? Today, a compelling new book provides some of the answers by uncovering, step by step, the explosive details of the crime that destroyed Aminas family an insight into the medieval codes of shame and repression that still govern the lives of millions of women. Inside An Honour Killing tells how Amina became a victim of her parents barbarity for nothing more than telling the truth. It describes how, although innocent of any wrongdoing, the Jordanian authorities then jailed her for 13 years for her own protection, before finally releasing her to live out the ruins of her life alone. And, remarkably, it includes testimony from her father as he attempts to justify his actions a man who murdered his mother and eldest daughter, before turning the gun on Amina. All in the name of honour. Writer Lene Wold travelled to Jordan to research honour killings, which although they have been declared contrary to sharia law still occur across the same Simply to find Amina took huge bravery from Lene Wold, a Norwegian-born writer who spent more than five years in Jordan investigating honour killings. Jordan is a deeply conservative country and Lene is gay. It is also a dangerous place to be female. Jordan is said to have one of the best human rights records in the Middle East, yet 20 women are murdered every year for reasons related to family honour. To reach Amina, Lene travelled for hours into the desert accompanied by a man shed never met before. Her mobile phone was taken from her, and she was made to wear a blindfold. Fearful for her life, she had texted her sister back home in Norway before the journey began, asking her to raise the alarm if she hadnt heard from her by the following morning. Her destination was a tent in a desolate spot surrounded by mountains and inside was Amina, a woman who had been a teenager when her parents tried to kill her. Now she was 40. Sit down, she said to Lene. Where do I begin? In agreeing to tell her story to a stranger, Amina herself was taking a terrible risk. Every year, more than 5,000 women and girls around the world are murdered in so-called honour killings and thousands more are mutilated Fearful that she will be identified, she will spend the rest of her life knowing that the violence started by her father could return with a still more terrible conclusion. So the trust she placed in Lene was all the more remarkable. Amina explained she had grown up with her elder sister Aisha and their younger brother Akram in a little house on the outskirts of Amman, the Jordanian capital. Life had seemed unremarkable. Although their mother Noora was traditional, insisting her girls wore hijabs, their father, Baba, made a show of embracing Western values. But everything changed the summer Amina turned 16 and her family threw a party. Among those who attended was a family friend called Maram, a married woman. In the following months, Amina noticed that her big sister was behaving strangely, becoming secretive and spending increasing amounts of time with Maram. Aisha even invited her friend to join their family on holiday to Aqaba on the Red Sea. And it was there, as Amina lay in bed one night, that she heard her sister and Maram whispering their love for one another. Amina was horrified, knowing instantly that her sister was putting herself in grave danger. Homosexuality is forbidden under sharia law. Amina was tortured about what she had heard and, the following day, she told her mother, believing it would help Aisha. It was a disastrous mistake. Rather than the concern she had expected, Amina saw hatred in her mothers eyes. Noora screamed at Aisha, spat on her and swore that if she ever saw Maram again, no court in the country would hold her responsible for what she would do to her daughter. Amina had found out that her sister was gay, which is forbidden under Sharia Law Both sisters were terrified, and with good reason. Amina already knew what was possible in Jordan. Her father had told her how he had killed his own mother when he was a young boy of just 11. Babas mother had left her family because her husband was violent, yet Babas friends turned on him and his brother for this supposed shame. They blamed the men in the family for failing to control their mother. Your mother is a whore, they had shouted at him. Your father is a pathetic man. So, goaded by his father and brother, Baba strangled his mother with a steel wire. As a result, after months of being shunned, the family was allowed to become part of society again. Baba had told Amina that he couldnt forgive himself for what hed done, but that hed had no choice because of the dishonour his mother had brought. Then he left his small village in southern Jordan, telling himself he didnt want his own children to experience the same violence. Yet the pattern of bloodshed would soon be repeated. Already living in fear, Aisha and Amina found their situation grew still worse when the authorities decided to intervene. Because she was suffering terrible panic attacks, Amina went to hospital with her elder sister and there, grasping the seriousness of the danger they were in, a doctor called the police. For her own protection, Aisha was put in prison. Governors in Jordan have the legal right to hold a woman in administrative custody if her release might lead to a criminal act taking place, such as one of her family members killing her. The consequences would prove devastating. Aishas absence led to rumours that she was involved in immoral behaviour. The family was ostracised by neighbours and Babas memories of childhood humiliation came flooding back. Jordan has taken steps towards ending the practice of honour killings. A fatwa was issued in December 2016 that declared, for the first time, that such murders are contrary to sharia law Their father signed a document stating that he forgave and would protect her, and Aisha was released. In fact, both parents were planning an attack of inconceivable brutality: on Aisha for her relationship with Maram, and on Amina for conspiring with her. Just days after Aishas return, the sisters were dragged into the living room and tied to chairs while Baba wielded a kitchen knife. The sisters held hands as Amina was hit on the head and blacked out, but she came round to see Baba approaching her with the knife. He pushed it into her chest, causing indescribable pain. Then Baba pointed a pistol at Aminas face and fired. He had already killed Aisha, but somehow, miraculously, Amina survived. Police arrived and Baba was arrested. Yet because he had killed his daughter in the name of honour, under the Jordanian penal code he received a reduced sentence. Amina, meanwhile, was locked up for 13 years in a prison in Amman far longer than her father for her own protection. She will spend the rest of her life in hiding. Lenes next move was equally courageous. Distressed yet gripped by Aminas story, she spent the next year tracking down the man responsible Rahman Abd Al-Nasir, Babas real name. The two first met in a cafe in Amman, but it required a great deal of persuasion and subterfuge to get him to open up. At this stage, it was impossible for Lene to reveal she had met Amina or that she knew what Baba had done. Instead, she led him to believe that she wanted to interview a respected man who was well-known for his vast life experience. In due course, Baba threatened Lene, too, openly displaying both his terrible violence and misogyny. During one of their meetings, for example, Baba said he would cut off Lenes hands if he discovered she was in a relationship with another woman. But thankfully, she had already claimed to have a husband and children back home in Norway. When Lene asked him why he would say such a thing, he replied: Because you would bring shame on the family. Because you would deserve to die, or at the very least to lose your hands. It took two years and countless meetings to discover the full truth. Although nothing he said could ever begin to justify his actions, Lene persuaded him to describe a traumatic incident he witnessed as a child. At just ten years old, he had watched as a little girl, a friend of his, was stoned to death for being the victim of a rape. This disturbing experience had clearly affected every decision since. He told her that honour is the cornerstone of Jordanian society. Honour killings are not sanctioned by Islam they are about culture, not religion, he admitted. Women, he continued, have ird propriety. Men have sharaf honour. If a woman loses her propriety, that is gone for ever, whereas a mans honour can always be restored. At the end of one of their meetings, Lene finally confronted Baba with the truth she had met Amina, the daughter he had disfigured and disgraced. At first, he denied having any daughters. He said Lene had the wrong person and he stormed off angrily. Then, that night, as she lay in bed, she heard him knock on the door of her hotel room. Hes going to kill me, I think, feeling for the hotel phone on the nightstand with shaking hands, she wrote. The confession Ive been looking for all these years might be moments away, but how much am I willing to risk? With security by her side, she met him in the lobby and they sat down to talk. But when Baba told her what he remembered from the day he attacked his daughters, he was without remorse. He explained that his wife had said to him repeatedly: What kind of man are you? Your son is going to grow up in disgrace. Your daughters are mocking you. You have to do something. He couldnt see any alternative, he said. If he didnt act, the community would shun the entire family. He was broken by the situation. He couldnt fail his son as hed been failed by his own father. He kept repeating the same words: I am a victim. Since Lenes investigation, Jordan has taken steps towards ending the practice of honour killings. A fatwa was issued in December 2016 that declared, for the first time, that such murders are contrary to sharia law. Then, in July 2017, the Jordanian parliament voted to remove the mitigating excuse offered to murderers who kill in the name of family honour. Inside An Honour Killing, by Lene Wold, is published by Greystone Books on May 2, priced 19.99. Offer price 15.99 (20 per cent discount, with free p&p) until April 21. Pre-order at or call 0844 571 0640. Spend 30 on books and get FREE premium delivery. A mother-of-two who was acquitted of murdering her abusive boyfriend following years of beatings has revealed how she is still waiting to get her children back - two years after she was cleared. Elizabeth Hart Browne, 29, who stabbed Stephen Rayner in the neck and accidentally killed him at their home in Acton, west London, has slammed the justice system and says that the courts need to do more to support women trapped in abusive relationships. The former jeweller says she feels like she is being punished twice as she is only allowed six hours of supervised contact with her children, aged five and nine, every month. Elizabeth Hart Browne, 29, stabbed abusive boyfriend Stephen Rayner in the neck and accidentally killed him at their home in Acton, west London She stabbed Rayner, 25, three times with a kitchen knife after drinking at a party on the night of September 17, 2016. Elizabeth has had 18 weeks of intensive counselling, attended several parenting classes, had psychotherapy and even joined a domestic violence group. She is also studying for a degree in psychology and criminology. Elizabeth told the Mirror: 'No one comes from a perfect family home. And mine wasn't perfect. Far from it. 'But I don't think that because I have made that mistake I should have my children taken off me for the rest of my life. She was acquitted of his murder two years ago - but still hasn't got her children back 'It seems like a further way to punish me because I didn't get the punishment the court wanted me to get. I didn't get life. This is my penance that I have to pay.' Elizabeth was in high security HMP Bronzefield, Surrey at the same time as Sally Challen, who was released ten days ago after being jailed for killing her abusive and controlling husband Richard. She described Sally as being 'lovely' and thanked her for her support in prison. Elizabeth attacked boyfriend Stephen following a row when she got back to their flat in Acton, west London from a party where she had been drinking champagne. A six-week trial heard she 'feared for her life' after he bit her face and 'waterboarded' her in the bath. She plunged the large kitchen knife deep into his neck as her children slept just yards away on September 17 last year, before he staggered outside and collapsed in a pool of blood. Elizabeth, who was the assistant manager at Ernest Jones' flagship jewellery store in the Westfield shopping centre, told police: 'I have just killed the man I love.' Prosecutors said she could not control her emotions towards him and was driven by 'paranoid jealousy' fuelled by him texting other women and using Tinder to have affairs. The former jeweller says she feels like she is being punished twice as she is only allowed six hours of supervised contact with her children, aged five and nine, every month Jurors heard she had knifed Stephen twice before - but acquitted Elizabeth of murder at the Old Bailey after deliberating for 14 hours and 55 minutes. The court heard how violence became normal in the couple's toxic on and off six-year relationship after they met in a bar in Hammersmith, west London, in 2010. Mr Rayner was ordered by a court to complete a domestic abuse programme after Elizabeth was forced to defend herself against him with a stiletto shoe after an attack outside a nightclub in 2012. A spat over scoffing lobster in bed was behind Julian Assange's exit from the Ecuadorian embassy last week and the ensuing political storm over what to do with the WikiLeaks fugitive. Assange's seven-year stay at the Knightsbridge embassy ended when he was handcuffed at the behest of his exasperated South American hosts and dragged out by officers from Scotland Yard. Last night, it emerged that Assange was removed after embarrassing pictures of Ecuador president Lenin Moreno dining on lobster at a luxury hotel room were leaked to a website. In February, more than 200 private emails and text messages belonging to Mr Moreno and his wife, as well as pictures of the family on lavish holidays in Europe, were leaked to a site called An embarrassing photo of Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno lying in bed enjoying a plate of lobster emerged online Assange being driven in handcuffs to Westminster Magistrates Court in London by police on Thursday The most embarrassing photos were of Mr Moreno eating lobster in his hotel bed. The pictures caused uproar in Ecuador since it showed the president luxuriating at a time when he had imposed austerity measures on his people. Last night, The Mail on Sunday was able to find the photograph on several Twitter pages, as well as Spanish-language websites, including the Republic del Banano site. Mr Moreno has accused Assange of leaking the material, a claim which WikiLeaks has always denied. On Thursday, as Assange was being dragged out of the embassy, Mr Moreno told reporters he did not have the right to 'hack private phones'. But WikiLeaks said in a statement on its website: 'In short, the [Ecuadorian] government seeks a false pretext to end the asylum and protection of Julian Assange.' After Assange was arrested, it emerged that he led an erratic and squalid lifestyle at the embassy. He was accused of smearing walls with excrement and blocking a toilet with soiled underwear. Now Westminster is divided over whether to extradite him to the United States, where he is wanted for releasing millions of secret documents online, or to Sweden, where he has been accused of rape. The decision will be for Home Secretary Sajid Javid, who has made clear 'all options are on the table'. A Home Office source said: 'He is calmly establishing what Home Office policy levers are at his disposal to make sure that Mr Assange faces justice, which he believes is absolutely essential.' Assange can only be extradited to Sweden if the country's prosecuting authority reopens its investigation and its government issues a fresh European Arrest Warrant. If Assange is extradited there, he will face a charge of rape against a woman identified only as W. Assange has always denied the charge. Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott sparked outrage last week by appearing to downplay the sex assault allegations, claiming Assange was being targeted because he had embarrassed the US military. Within hours, Labour was accused of a total about-turn after Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC he should face justice in Sweden. That was followed yesterday by a letter from Ms Abbott herself to colleagues saying 'rape is a heinous crime'. She added that the UK should extradite Assange to Sweden if the authorities there reopened their investigations. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange makes a statement to the media and supporters from a window of the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2012 Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn added: 'If there are allegations which Julian Assange needs to answer of sexual issues, sexual attacks that may or may not have taken place in Sweden, then it's a matter for the courts to decide but I do think he should answer those questions.' Tory chairman Brandon Lewis said: 'No one should be above the law, yet the fact that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour were so quick to jump to the defence of someone facing such serious allegations speaks volumes.' Last night, a lawyer acting for woman W in Sweden said: 'We hope the British authorities will co-operate so that Assange can be extradited to Sweden before the statute of limitations for the rape allegation expires in August 2020.' Former First Lady Michelle Obama enjoyed dinner at Scott's in Mayfair last night, ahead of her sell-out show at the O2 arena in London. Mrs Obama is due to appear at the O2 tonight to deliver a talk titled Becoming: An Intimate Conversation With Michelle Obama. She was seen walking out of the celebrity-favoured night spot in an all black ensemble, flanked by a heavy security detail, as she headed to her chauffeur driven car. Former First Lady Michelle Obama is chauffeured away from Scott's restaurant in Mayfair on Saturday night Mrs Obama donned an all black ensemble as she headed to her car after enjoying a night at the celebrity-favoured nightspot Scott's menu includes a dozen Morcambe Bay Rock Oysters for 37.50, as well as a Salted Caramel Espresso Martini for 20. Mrs Obama's talk at the O2 will centre around her new book which has already sold more than 10 million copies and is tipped to become the bestselling memoir in history. The former First Lady released her book in November 2018 and it shot to the top of bestseller lists immediately, selling 725,000 copies in the U.S. and Canada in its first day. Abroad the book has become a No. 1 best seller in Britain, Germany and Greece among other countries. Becoming is a three part personal memoir which goes through Mrs Obama's roots growing up in the south side of Chicago, life as First Lady in the White House and her role as a mother raising daughters Sasha and Malia. Mrs Obama was guarded by numerous burly security personnel as she headed out to the open door of her waiting car Mrs Obama was wrapped up warm in a black overcoat on a chilly night in London's West End The book is the first in a two-book deal that Michelle and husband former president Barack Obama made with Penguin Random House in 2017 for a reported $60million (46 million). She is currently on a world tour to promote her book, her next stops will be Paris and Amsterdam next week, followed by further appearances in Canada and the States next month. The final stop of her tour will be in Nashville on May 12, in a talk moderated by late night TV show host Stephen Colbert. Q I'm planning a nostalgia trip to Sydney, from where I hope to take a short cruise, in a small ship, to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea's capital, where I used to live. Can you help? Edward Mitchell, Bournemouth. Not easy, I'm afraid. Some cruise liners feature Papua New Guinea, but they are usually long cruises and snapped up fast (see The holiday guru says cruising from Sydney in Australia to Port Moresby (pictured), the capital of Papua New Guinea, isn't easy Your best bet for a quick fix is to fly to Port Moresby from Sydney from 225 each way ( Regent Holidays could tailor-make an itinerary for your stay ( Beware: advance visas are required, but they are free ( For a trip down memory lane by a small ship around the Papua New Guinea coast, True North ( offers a variety of first-rate (but pricey) voyages. These are aboard ships with a 36-passenger capacity, stopping at the Lusancay Islands, Alotau on the mainland and the Duke of York Islands. With return flights from Cairns, a ten-night trip costs from 12,570 pp. Q Could you please inform me of holidays in the British Isles for single people without children? Alan Clark, Hertfordshire. How about trying a walking break? HF Holidays organises challenging, as well as more moderate, walks everywhere from Scotland to the Isle of Wight. In the latter, a three-day full-board hiking trip costs from 345 ( HF Holidays organises challenging, as well as more moderate, walks everywhere from Scotland to the Isle of Wight Q My husband and I are going to Rome for five days in November to celebrate his 60th birthday. Do you have any sightseeing tips? What about attending a Papal Mass? Maria French, Coventry. For a Papal ceremony, determination and planning are required and a fax machine is handy. The Prefecture of the Papal Household prefers requests by fax or in writing, with the date of which general audience (normally on Wednesdays) or liturgical celebration you wish to attend. For information, visit, where dates are listed. For Vatican Museum night tours and early-morning Sistine Chapel tours, go to As for sightseeing tips? Simple: get up early to beat the crowds... and allow enough time for a good lunch. If you need advice, the Holiday Guru is here to answer your questions and provide tips on how to make the most of your precious time off. Please send questions to or write to Daily Mail Travel, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT and include your contact details. We will do our best to answer your queries but we can't reply to every enquiry. Please do not send in any original documents. We look forward to hearing from you. Australian model and social media sensation, Ellie Gonsalves, is used to flaunting her sensational curves on the cover of magazines and on set of her latest photoshoots. But on Friday, the stunning 28-year-old opted for a change on pace when she visited Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland. Posing next to Bindi Irwin, 20, and her boyfriend Chandler Powell, 22, the busty glamazon appeared to revel in the wildlife experience. Fancy seeing you here! Ellie Gonsalves, 28, (pictured) got up close with nature when she visited wildlife warrior Bindi Irwin (centre) and boyfriend Chandler Powell (left) at Australia Zoo on Friday Dressed in a stylish plunging white top and a pair of matching shorts, Ellie looked nothing short of chic in an Instagram snap she shared. Bindi is clutching on to a Koala in the shot, while wakeboarder boyfriend Chandler stands on one side while Ellie stands on the other. Ellie was promoting a collaboration between Frank body and Australia Zoo, writing: 'My two favourites,' before tagging the couple. Bikini babe: Australian model and social media sensation, Ellie Gonsalves, is used to flaunting her sensational curves This isn't the first time Ellie has publicly shown her affection for wildlife, with the stunning model a big supporter of Australia Zoo in the past. A bikini-clad Ellie was photographed holding a python, rhinoceros, macaw, tortoise, alligator, and a koala for a fundraising calendar back in 2011. Speaking to The Daily Telegraph back at the time, Ellie said she was touched walking through the animal hospital: 'It emotionally connects you,' she said. Passionate: Ellie (pictured) has worked with Australia Zoo before with her previously being part of shooting a calendar for the organisation back in 2011 'It emotionally connects you': Ellie spoke of her experience shooting with Siam the elephant back in 2011, saying: 'It was amazing... Siam was really playful' During the photoshoot she played with Siam the elephant, saying: 'It was amazing... Siam was really playful,' Ellie said. 'It was such a wonderful experience.' Bindi and Chandler have had a lot of famous faces through Australia Zoo, with them welcoming Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown last month. Taking to Instagram, the teen actress, 15, looked delighted as she posed with Bindi and brother, Bob, 15, before meeting a kangaroo and cuddling a meerkat. Millie later shared a snap with a python around her neck: 'Wow. wow. wow. The most magical day with these special souls,' Millie excitedly said in the caption. Kate Mara took a solo stroll, while cradling her baby bump on Friday afternoon in Los Angeles. The 36-year-old actress has often been seen walking around town with her husband Jamie Bell, but she was out on her own Friday. The Chappaquiddick star's pregnancy made news back in January. Stroll with baby: Kate Mara protects her baby bump while out for a solo stroll on Friday During her outing Mara was wearing a grey t-shirt under a black Adidas track jacket, with black sweats and black Converse All-Star sneakers. The actress added a pair of black sunglasses and slung a black purse over her shoulder. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and was seen carrying a cup of coffee as made her way around a reservoir in Los Angeles. Mara started dating her Fantastic Four co-star Jamie Bell in late 2015, and they were engaged in January 2017, with the couple getting married that July. Friday stroll: Mara was wearing a grey t-shirt under a black Adidas track jacket, with black sweats and black Converse All-Star sneakers Headlines: The actress made headlines in March when she signed a letter urging Russian president Vladimir Putin to release over 80 whales held captive in Srednyaya Bay The actress made headlines in March when she signed a letter urging Russian president Vladimir Putin to release over 80 whales held captive in Srednyaya Bay. The letter, which was sent by Earth Island Institute, was also signed by Mark Ruffalo, Maisie Williams, Hayden Panettiere, Edward Norton, and Adrian Grenier. Mara is coming off portraying Patty Bowes in the first season of FX's hit series Pose, in which she appeared in six episodes. The series was renewed for a second season, with FX recently announcing a Sunday, June 9 premiere date for the second season. Happy couple: Mara started dating her Fantastic Four co-star Jamie Bell in late 2015, and they were engaged in January 2017, with the couple getting married that July The series features the largest transgender cast in TV history, including MJ Rodriguez, Dominique Jackson, Indya Moore, Hailie Sahar and Angelica Ross, Billy Porter, Charlayne Woodard, Ryan Jamaal Swain, Dyllon Burnside and Angel Bismark Curiel. Mara is also attached to star in A Teacher, a new pilot for FX based on the 2013 indie film of the same name. The actress will portray a teacher, who engages in an illicit affair with one of her students. The pilot was written by Hannah Fidell, who wrote and directed the original feature, starring Lindsay Burge and Will Brittain. She recently opened up about how a change in antidepressants caused her to drop weight. And Ariel Winter looked happy and healthy while meeting up with a friend for lunch in LA on Friday. The Modern Family actress, 21, was summer ready in a white ruched camisole which flashed a hint of her toned tummy. Happy and healthy: Ariel Winter looked svelte as she stepped out for lunch with a friend on Friday Keeping classic, she tied things together with ripped blue jeans which were cuffed at the bottom. White sneakers rounded out the whole look. Ariel let her natural beauty shine through, keeping a makeup free face during the outing. It looked like the actress was organized, as she carried a red folder under her arm during her exit. She ran into another pair of acquaintances on her way back to her car. Soaking up the sun: The Modern Family actress, 21, was summer ready in a white ruched camisole which flashed a hint of her toned tummy Earlier this week, Winter revealed to a fans on social media that she lost weight recently because she changed her antidepressants. On her Instagram, she said that antidepressants caused her to gain weight 'that I couldn't lose no matter what I did' and admitted that her mental health is 'incredibly important.' 'It was always frustrating for me because I wanted to be able to get fit and feel like the work I was doing was paying off, but it never felt that way,' she wrote on Instagram. 'I had accepted it and moved on. I stayed on those medications for so long because the process is really long and difficult.' Revealing: Earlier this week, Winter revealed to a fans on social media that she lost weight recently because she changed her antidepressants Winter said she accepted 'feeling eh' for a while before taking her health back into her own hands and pursuing further options. 'Last year I decided I was sick of feeling eh (had nothing to with weight), so I started the process again and was able to find a great combination of medication that works for me,' she wrote in a lengthy caption. 'The change in medication instantly made me drop all of the weight I couldn't lose before by just giving me back a metabolism. That was very unexpected.' 'Mental health is INCREDIBLY important to me,' she wrote on another slide with an image of her rescued German Shepherd/Doberman/Rottweiler mix named Chloe. 'Same amount of importance as physical health. Our mental health can influence our physical health!' Winter revealed that she has been in therapy 'every week for 6 years' and would be lost without the work she has put into herself. The Skywalker saga of the Star Wars universe is set to end this year with Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. But that doesn't mean the end of Star Wars movies, with producer Kathleen Kennedy revealing she already has 'the next ten years' worth of films already planned out. 'We are not just looking at another trilogy, we're really looking at the next 10 years or more,' the 65-year-old uber-producer told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday. Scroll down to see the trailer The end? The Skywalker saga of the Star Wars universe is set to end this year with Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. Director JJ Abrams [L] with producer Kathleen Kennedy seen here Friday Speaking at Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, the E.T. filmmaker said of the The Rise Of Skywalker, 'This [movie] is the culmination of the Skywalker Saga; its by no means the culmination of Star Wars.' Kennedy revealed she's been having conversations about the new direction of the series with helmers Rian Johnson (Star Wars: The Last Jedi) and Dan Weiss and David Benioff (Game Of Thrones). 'Weve all had conversations about what the possibilities might be, but now were locking it down,' she told THR. Stay tuned: But that doesn't mean the end of Star Wars movies, with producer Kathleen Kennedy revealing she already has 'the next ten years' worth of films already planned out. The end of the beginning: Speaking at Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, the E.T. filmmaker said of the The Rise Of Skywalker, 'This [movie] is the culmination of the Skywalker Saga; its by no means the culmination of Star Wars' Disney released a new teaser for the forthcoming film at the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago on Friday. It will be released in theaters in December. The film's director JJ Abrams was on stage at the Celebration along with several cast members. The Rise Of Skywalker is the ninth installment in the saga that revolves around the Skywalker family. He revealed that IX doesn't pick up immediately after the events of The Last Jedi. He added that some time has gone by. JJ teased that it will be an adventure that the group goes on together. 'This movie is about this new generation and what they've inherited, the light and the dark,' Abrams added. 'As they face this greatest evil, are they prepared?' Coming soon: Disney released a new teaser for the forthcoming film at the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago on Friday. It will be released in theaters in December Man with a plan: Kennedy revealed she's been having conversations about the new direction of the series with helmer Rian Johnson (seen here this month) JJ is currently in the process of editing and adding visual effects to the film. Episode IX opens nationwide December 20, 2019. Star Wars was created by George Lucas. The franchise began with the eponymous 1977 movie. The first film, later subtitled Episode IV A New Hope, was followed by two successful sequels, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983). Lando's back! JJ is currently in the process of editing and adding visual effects to the film. Episode IX opens nationwide December 20, 2019 A subsequent prequel trilogy, consisting of Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002) and Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005), was completed by Lucas. He called it the 'tragedy of Darth Vader.' A sequel trilogy began with Episode VII The Force Awakens (2015), continued with Episode VIII The Last Jedi (2017), and will end with Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker this year. Love Island beauty Georgia Harrison was turning heads on Friday, as she donned white striped co-ords for a night out in London. The Essex beauty, 24, was spotted leaving The Chiltern Firehouse with a female pal, as she flashed her amazing abs in a revealing black bandeau top. Georgia rose to fame as a star on Love Island in 2017, ruffling feathers minutes after entering as she stole Amber Davies' then-beau Kem Cetinay. Sizzling: Love Island beauty Georgia Harrison was turning heads on Friday, as she donned white striped co-ords for a night out in London Georgia put on a leggy display as she donned the oversized pinstriped white blazer with matching paper bag shorts, finished her look with heeled black ankle boots. The reality TV star added a 90s twist with a pair of round drop earrings, and her blonde tresses were styled into quirky braided curls. Georgia added a hint of extra drama to her look as she sported a dramatic smoky eye and nude lip, after sashaying her way out of the hot spot with a female pal. Energetic: The Essex beauty, 24, was spotted leaving The Chiltern Firehouse in the capital, following a fun-filled night out Jaw-dropping: Georgia flashes her amazing abs in a sexy black bandeau top, which she teamed with the white rainbow pinstriped blazer Giddy: The star was seen making her exit alongside Love Island's Kaz Crossley, who also cut a glamorous figure in all-black Energetic: Georgia looked to be in good spirits as she made her way out of the celebrity hotspot Dressed to impress: As Georgia made her exit from the club, she carried her essentials in a simple black chain strap bag Flawless: The reality TV star added a 90s twist with a pair of round drop earrings, and her blonde tresses were styled into quirky braided curls Besties: Later in the evening, Georgia was also spotted rubbing shoulders with pal Kaz Crossley, who earned an army of fans following her appearance on Love Island 2018 Later in the evening, Georgia was also spotted rubbing shoulders with pal Kaz Crossley, who earned an army of fans following her appearance on Love Island 2018. The duo were spotted exiting the Tape nightclub in Mayfair, with Kaz putting on a busty display in a sexy black crop top. Kaz, 25, looked utterly amazing as she donned black flared trousers with a sexy bondage-style crop top, pulling her dark tresses into a simple and sleek up do. Pals: The pair smiled and joked as they walked along the street after a night at the Tape nightclub Giddy: The duo were spotted exiting the Tape nightclub in Mayfair, following another raucous night out Turning heads: Kaz put on a busty display for the outing in a revealing black crop top Bold: Kaz and Georgia both opted for daring ensembles for their evening out in Mayfair Georgia recently sparked outrage among fans after she took to Instagram to post a sexy bikini-clad snap, with an impassioned message about mental health. The post came following the death of Love Island co-star Mike Thalassitis earlier this month, the caption read: 'Everyone sees the darkness in the world sometimes, even when they seem to be the brightest spark in the room... 'Take a deep breathe count to 10 and ask yourself am I happy? If the answer is no, speak to a friend, professional, colleague, even a stranger. For underage sufferers The Mix is always there if you need anyone to speak today was bitter sweet.' Drama: Georgia recently sparked outrage among fans after she took to Instagram to post a sexy bikini-clad snap, with an impassioned message about mental health Jaw-dropping: Kaz, 25, looked utterly amazing as she donned black flared trousers with a sexy bondage-style crop top Glammed up: The star added a statement red lip to her look, and pulled her dark tresses into a sleek updo Great night: The pair looked to be in great spirits as they were reunited for a fun-filled evening Despite her sweet message, some cruel trolls hit out at the choice to post the shot, with users penning: 'Theres a special place in hell for people who use a mental health and suicide prevention speech to caption a bikini photo on social media the day after a personal friend is found hanged in a park... 'Was the bikini pic necessary for this speech??? everyone else is posting genuine messages about recent events yet you use this as a reason to post a picture of yourself in a bikini??!! 'This photo has nothing to do with the message you are trying to send. Shallow. And unfollow!' MailOnline contacted representatives for Georgia for comment. Endless pins: Georgia added a hint of extra drama to her look as she sported a dramatic smoky eye and nude lip, after sashaying her way out of the hot spot with a female pal Loving it: The pair looked as if they had a fun-filled evening, as she exited the venue together Energetic: As they exited the club, the two girls appeared to be deep in conversation Billy Crystal joined an exalted rank of stardom Friday when he got his hand- and footprints placed outside the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. The 71-year-old comedy icon could be seen placing his hands and feet in the cement, where he also wrote his name and the date. This honor, part of the TCM Classic Film Festival, came a day after he attended a 30th anniversary screening of his beloved romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally.... What a day: Billy Crystal joined an exalted rank of stardom Friday when he got his hand- and footprints placed outside the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood Billy not only placed his only prints on the cement - he also included a footprint of Mike Wazowski, his animated character in the 2001 Pixar film Monsters, Inc. He could be spotted holding up the bright green false monster foot he used to create the impression in the wet material. Billy himself was simply stylish in a black polo shirt and finely creased pair of silver slacks, rounding off the look with black dress shoes. The Manhattan native, who made his film debut playing a pregnant man in the 1978 comedy Rabbit Test directed by Joan Rivers, sometimes wore a silver blazer. Leaving his mark: The 71-year-old comedy icon could be seen placing his hands and feet in the cement, where he also wrote his name and the date Throwback: This honor, part of the TCM Classic Film Festival, came a day after he attended a 30th anniversary screening of his beloved romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally.... So sweet: Billy not only placed his only prints on the cement - he also included a footprint of Mike Wazowski, his animated character in the 2001 Pixar film Monsters, Inc. Winning smile: He could be spotted holding up the bright green false monster foot he used to create the impression in the wet material Elegant: Billy himself was simply stylish in a black polo shirt and finely creased pair of silver slacks, rounding off the look with black dress shoes Formal touch: The Manhattan native, who made his film debut playing a pregnant man in the 1978 comedy Rabbit Test directed by Joan Rivers, sometimes wore a silver blazer Billy posed up a storm on the red carpet with his wife Janice Crystal, whom he will ring in his 40th wedding anniversary with next year. When Harry Met Sally... director Rob Reiner, the son of Mel Brooks collaborator Carl Reiner, was one of the attendees of Friday's party celebrating Billy. He also took the lectern at the event to give a speech to the revelers, and Billy could be seen thoroughly enjoying himself in the audience. So sweet: Billy posed up a storm on the red carpet with his wife Janice Crystal, whom he will ring in his 40th wedding anniversary with next year Showbiz legacy: When Harry Met Sally... director Rob Reiner, the son of Mel Brooks collaborator Carl Reiner, was one of the attendees of Friday's party celebrating Billy Laugh it up: Rob also took the lectern at the event to give a speech to the revelers, and Billy could be seen thoroughly enjoying himself in the audience Written by the late Nora Ephron and featuring the late Carrie Fisher, When Harry Met Sally.... starred Billy opposite Meg Ryan. Billy, Meg and Rob were all in attendance Thursday evening when the TCM Classic Film Festival held an anniversary event for the film at the TCL Chinese Theatre. When Harry Met Sally received five Golden Globe nominations, and one Oscar nomination: Best Screenplay for writer Nora. History: Written by the late Nora Ephron and featuring the late Carrie Fisher, Rob's film When Harry Met Sally.... starred Billy opposite Meg Ryan Remember when: When Harry Met Sally received five Golden Globe nominations, and one Oscar nomination: Best Screenplay for writer Nora It also features one of the most iconic movie scenes in film history, Katz's Delicatessen scene, which sees Sally (Meg) fake an orgasm in a packed diner in order to prove a point to Harry (Billy). In a recent interview with the Associated Press, Rob said it was 'really cool' that the film was being shown for Thursday's event. 'You make a film and you dont know if its going to stand the test of time or people are going to still like it. Whenever youve done something that people still enjoy its a pretty cool thing,' shared Rob with the news outlet. Fine company: Billy joins a stunning array of famous names who have gotten their prints placed at what used to be Grauman's Chinese Theatre History: The ceremony dates back to the late 1920s, when such celebrities as Joan Crawford, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and Norma Shearer got the honor He also dished that Billy 'asked me to come and speak' at Friday's print ceremony, adding: 'My dad and I had that done a while ago and Billy came. So thatll be nice.' Rob said of making the film: 'All I can ever do is I look into myself and try to figure out: "How do I think as a man?"' He elaborated: 'There are certain universal things that men experience and the fact that I was working with Nora Ephron, she brought the female perspective to the mix, and we made it a part of the creative process to say what actually happens between men and women.' The Postcards From The Edge actor said: 'You know, its not about the cute meet or putting some obstacles between the lovers so that they get together, but what actually happens with men and women. That was really the motivation for me.' Recent times: Last year's honorees included musical figures like Quincy Jones, Lionel Richie and Pitbull as well as acting powerhouse Cicely Tyson Stunning company: Stunning company: Rob and Carl had gotten their prints done in 2017, the same year as Michael Bay, Mariah Carey, Stan Lee, Jeff Bridges and Ridley Scott Billy joins a stunning array of famous names who have gotten their prints placed at what used to be Grauman's Chinese Theatre. The ceremony dates back to the late 1920s, when such celebrities as Joan Crawford, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and Gloria Swanson got the honor. Last year's honorees included musical figures like Quincy Jones, Lionel Richie and Pitbull as well as acting powerhouse Cicely Tyson. Rob and Carl had gotten their prints done in 2017, the same year as Michael Bay, Mariah Carey, Stan Lee, Jeff Bridges and Ridley Scott. Mugging for the cameras: Billy made a big show of not being able to wrench the monster foot from the cement once it had made its mark So sweet: Billy slapped a hand to his face during this piece of business, flashing his charming grin at the shutterbugs The excitement has reached fever pitch for fans of TV mega hit Game Of Thrones. And as viewers gear up for the eighth and final instalment of the series on Monday, GOT star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has revealed he teared up when he discovered the the fate of his character Jaime Lannister. Nikolaj, 48, confessed to BW magazine on Saturday: 'I just didn't expect to be so emotional.' SPOILER ALERT: Game Of Thrones' Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (pictured) hinted at the fate of his character Jaime Lannister in the final instalment of the hit TV series on Saturday. The excitement has reached fever pitch for fans of the TV mega hit The Danish actor then joked that he 'had something in his eye' that made him cry. 'I don't know what happened, I think I had an allergy - a bit of something in my eye,' he quipped. While the star could not go into exact detail about what happens to the divisive Kings Landing prince Jaime, he suggested that good things are in store for fans of the long-running series. Plot twist? As viewers gear up for the eighth and final installment of the series on Monday, GOT star Nikolaj has hinted at the fate of his character Jaime (pictured) - and it is something viewers may not be expecting 'Obviously I can't tell you what the last scene was, but it was all just perfect. It wasn't the final scene but it was close to the end. And it was shot in a beautiful location.' Whatever the result for Jaime, there has certainly been a lot of drama off the set for Nikolaj. On Thursday, the actor revealed he was almost sued by HBO for playing a prank on the show's staff. Nikolaj, 48, told BW magazine on Saturday: 'You can actually see a character who does things that you find horrible and he also does things that you find absolutely beautiful and it's complex' Speaking to Digital Spy, the star said he decided to tease his bosses by pretending to shave off his hair during the early seasons. He explained: 'This is five, six seasons ago I sent them an old picture where I had a buzz cut. I sent a long letter where I explained I'd taken control of my character and I want to be respected. I said that my integrity as an artist was at stake!' 'I was in the car from the airport. The first AD said, "Do you have any hair?" Then he explained how poor Kevin who is the head of hair had been frantically trying to build a wig with what he had, which wasn't a lot. While the Danish actor could not go into exact detail about what happens to the divisive Kings Landing prince Jaime, he suggested that good things are in store: 'Obviously I can't tell you what the last scene was, but it was all just perfect. It wasn't the final scene but it was close to the end. And it was shot in a beautiful location' 'I said, "It's just a joke! Did you really believe?" They all believed it. They'd also called my manager. HBO had started to talk about suing me and it had gotten out of control.' The character of Jaime has gone on quite the journey as he went from being one of the show's most despised characters to one of its best loved. Nikolaj recently admitted that 'all the pieces fit' together in the end, as he said of the finale's script: 'I mean, when I read it... some of the parts of it I'd get, and other parts of it were just completely shocking and surprising.' The Writers Guild Of America has instructed its members to let their agents go by midnight this Friday. This move comes after the union and the Association Of Talent Agents could not come to an agreement despite two months of negotiations. It means that roughly 15,000 writers - many of whom have already acted on the new WGA diktat - will be left without agents, according to Variety. Houses of power: The Writers Guild Of America has instructed its members to let their agents go by midnight this Friday; the union's building in Los Angeles is pictured Comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted: 'I have an amazing agency that represents me. But I have an even better guild which stands for me. #IStandWithTheWGA'. He joined a chorus of writers who have tweeted similar messages alongside pictures of their letters letting their agents go. The negotiations involved revamping a franchise agreement from the 1970s between writers and agents, one the WGA had found disadvantageous. In particular, the writers' union wanted to prevent the agencies from collecting packaging fees and buying ownership stake in studios. '#IStandWithTheWGA': Comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted: 'I have an amazing agency that represents me,' adding: 'But I have an even better guild which stands for me' To eliminate what they perceived as conflicts of interest, the WGA released an Agency Code Of Conduct that 95% of its membership voted to approve. Agencies overwhelmingly opposed this list of rules and no middle ground has been reached, resulting in a mass agent firing never before seen in the industry. The Writers Guild Of America has specified that 'un-franchised' agents cannot represent any writers who have membership in the union. 'As I said, we granted the weeks extension as a sincere effort to try to find a solution. But it is clear to us that we are not appreciably closer,' insisted The Golden Girls and Futurama writer David Goodman, president of WGA West. Top brass: 'As I said, we granted the weeks extension as a sincere effort to try to find a solution,' insisted The Golden Girls writer David Goodman, president of WGA West 'We are willing to continue meeting with you when you provide a proposal that truly addresses our expressed concerns, but our Friday deadline has arrived and we are moving forward with the implementation of our Code of Conduct and the enforcement of our WGA Working Rule 23.' ATA executive director Karen Stuart argued that 'Agencies have been committed to reaching an agreement with the WGA but, despite our best efforts, todays outcome was driven by the Guilds predetermined course for chaos.' The WGA have been permitting writers to let their managers and lawyers negotiate their deals in place of agents, to the fury of the ATA. In response to the move, the ATA have threatened 'appropriate action' over what they interpret to be 'unfair and unlawful competition.' Like his younger brothers, the movie career of Luke Hemsworth keeps going from strength to strength. The elder brother of Chris and Liam Hemsworth attended the premiere of his new movie Crypto in New York City with wife Samantha Hemsworth on Friday. The power couple attended AMC Empire 25, a cinema complex just off Times Square, clad almost entirely in black for the occasion. On the money! Luke Hemsworth and his wife Samantha (pictured) looked like they were on a date night at the premiere of his new movie Crypto in New York City on Friday Luke, 37, looked fresh-faced in a dark blue zip up jacket, white T-shirt and black jeans. Samantha, meanwhile, looked stunning in an all-black ensemble which included a long-sleeved black top, mini skirt and over-the-knee boots. The couple, who have been married for 12 years, looked closer than ever as they posed for pictures at the star-studded event. Back in black! The couple, who have been married for 12 years, looked closer than ever as they posed for pictures at the star-studded event Luke was also joined by his Crypto co-star Jill Hennessy, who plays the character of Robin in the new movie. Jill, 50, wore a stunning fringed skirt with emerald green pumps. In Crypto, Luke plays Caleb Duran, the brother of Beau Knapp's Martin Duran Jr. and son of Kurt Russell's Martin Duran. Career progression: Luke, 37, looked fresh-faced in a dark blue zip up jacket, white T-shirt and black jeans Lionsgate released a trailer for Crypto in March, teasing the family drama with the Duran's that gets tangled up in a crypto conspiracy. Knapp plays a Wall Street banker who connects a small-town art gallery to a global conspiracy, putting his own family in grave danger. His character Duran discovers that the Russian mafia is laundering money, with the trailer featuring a scene with Hemsworth showing Knapp a note left by the Russians. Star attraction: Luke was also joined by his Crypto co-star Jill Hennessy (right), 50, who plays the character of Robin in the new movie The cryptic note reads, 'Let's talk cowboy. Bring Everything. 3 PM. Cops = RIP.' The Crypto cast also includes Alexis Bleidel as Katie, and Vincent Kartheiser as Ted. Hemsworth will return as Ashley Stubbs on HBO's Westworld, which is slated to debut its third season sometime in 2020. She's the event ambassador for the Longines Queen Elizabeth Stakes Day. And Jesinta Campbell ensured she pulled out all the sartorial stops as she attended the big day at the Royal Randwick Racecourse in Sydney on Saturday. The 27-year-old model, who has now taken on husband Buddy Franklin's surname, looked showstopping in a shimmering strapless Toni Maticevski dress which she teamed with black cross-strap stilettos. Simply stunning: Jesinta Campbell ensured she pulled out all the sartorial stops as she attended the big day at the Royal Randwick Racecourse in Sydney on Saturday The blonde beauty certainly took centre-stage in her statement dress, which featured silver floral embellishments and a tulle underlay. Letting the intricate garment do all the talking, she accessorised simply with diamond studs and a sapphire ring. Sweeping her golden tresses back into a sleek updo framed with a headband, Jesinta highlighted her eyes with smokey bronze eyeshadow. The 2010 Miss Universe hopeful dished her tips for races fashion and make-up ahead of the big day to Vogue magazine. Turning heads: The 27-year-old model looked showstopping in a shimmering strapless Toni Maticevski dress which she teamed with black cross-strap stilettos Looking good: The blonde beauty certainly took centre-stage in her statement dress, which featured silver floral embellishments and a tulle underlay 'I'm actually seeing a bit of colour for autumn racing. And a little bit of a nod to cowgirl, kind of cowboy style,' she said. The model added that guests should remember to keep their make-up natural in keeping with the daytime event. 'So even with your beauty looks, keeping it really nice and fresh,' she said. Glam: Sweeping her golden tresses back into a sleek updo framed with a headband, Jesinta highlighted her eyes with smokey bronze eyeshadow (pictured with Rachel Griffiths) Chic: Letting the intricate garment do all the talking, she accessorised simply with diamond studs and a sapphire ring 'Make sure your accessories work in with your outfit whether it's your hat or your watch, bag or shoes that it all works together.' Jesinta joined the likes of Samantha Jade, Sailor Brinkley Cook and Rachel Griffiths at the iconic race day to watch Winx take to the tracks for the final time. The horse won all of the 32 races she's taken part in during her remarkable four-year winning streak. In the nude: Samantha Jade (pictured) rocked a slinky one-shoulder dress with a racy thigh-split and matching nude sandals Preened to perfection: The blonde beauty framed her features with smokey shadow and nude lipstick Double trouble: Sailor Brinkley Cook (pictured) attended the races with her boyfriend Ben Sosne Pretty in pastels: Kerri-Anne Kennerley, 65, looked chic in a sequinned blue jacket and metallic stilettos More than 40,000 people will attend the sold-out event to watch Winx's last ever day of racing. Gold-Coast born Jesinta meanwhile, became a household name after competing at the Miss Universe competition in 2010, where she placed second runner up. She has since worked as an ambassador for brands like Cadbury and Dior. She's also appeared on reality television, with a bikini-clad stint on The Celebrity Apprentice back in 2011. Stylish: Sophie Dillman (L) rocked a pink checked jumpsuit, while Kate Waterhouse (R) wore a white trouser suit She's the daughter of fashion icon Christine Brinkley who relocated to Australia earlier this year. And Sailor Brinkley-Cook turned heads at Sydney's Royal Randwick Racecourse on Saturday. The 20-year-old American model highlighted her trim figure in a white vest and coordinating tailored pants. A delight in white! Sailor Brinkley-Cook, 20, showed off her svelte figure in a white two-piece, as she attended the races in Sydney on Saturday with boyfriend Ben Sosne Sailor added strappy beige heels and a gold chained handbag to the fashion-forward look. Styling her blonde locks in loose waves, the beauty accessorised further with a gemstone flower headpiece. Sailor opted for natural look makeup, including a dusting of eye shadow and lashings of mascara. Flawless: The American model opted for natural look makeup, including a dusting of eye shadow and lashings of mascara The young starlet was accompanied by her boyfriend Ben Sosne, who she has been linked to since December. Ben looked dapper in a crisp white shirt and grey suit, teamed with black dress shoes and aviator sunglasses. The couple gazed at each other longingly as they posed for photos. Couple goals: The young starlet was accompanied by her boyfriend Ben Sosne, who looked dapper in a crisp white shirt, grey suit and black dress shoes Sailor has immersed herself into the Australian lifestyle since relocating to Sydney earlier this year. 'Since I've been here I've talked to so many different people about their love for [the] races,' she told The Sydney Morning Herald on Friday. 'I love how connected horse racing is to Australian culture,' she added. Not surprisingly, fans turned out in the thousands to see A-lister Drew Barrymore at the launch of Flower Beauty makeup line at Westfield Parramatta on Saturday. The Charlie's Angels star however was overwhelmed with gratitude by the turnout as she promoted her popular product. As reported by the Daily Telegraph on Saturday, the mother-of-two told the crowd of adoring fans: 'This makes me very emotional because I'm just a woman, I will not ever take a moment like this for granted, ever.' 'This makes me emotional!' Drew Barrymore (pictured) was overwhelmed with gratitude for her fans as they turned out in droves for the launch of her Flower Beauty makeup line at Westfield Parramatta 'Life is so surreal, I'm like trying to plan my kid's birthday party in the car on the way here and I'm just being a typical mum and then this and it's so incredible,' she added. Drew, 44, had arrived at the shopping centre with a posse of security guards. Clad in a colourful patterned dress, the star's eyes welled up with tears as she addressed the crowd, and a tattoo of the word 'breathe' could clearly be seen on the insider of her left arm in large letters. In living colour! Fans turned out in the thousands to see A-lister Drew at the launch of Flower Beauty makeup line at Westfield Parramatta. The Charlie's Angels star was overwhelmed with gratitude by the turnout as she promoted her popular product Drew smiled as she spoke of her new beauty line, which was inspired after her years of experience in the makeup artist's chair. The budget friendly range is 100 per cent cruelty free. The award-winning actress launched the Flower Beauty six years ago and it has been gaining a cult following ever since. Reflecting: 'Life is so surreal, I'm like trying to plan my kid's birthday party in the car on the way here and I'm just being a typical mum and then this and it's so incredible,' Drew said Producer Drew was very animated at the Westfield event, showing her passion for her product and the strong fan base it has generated. On Friday, she spoke candidly about the power of makeup while launching the brand in Sydney's Bondi. The Hollywood heavyweight said it gives women the 'confidence to lean in,' and that crow's feet 'are the greatest things' as they 'show you've been smiling your whole life'. Pet project: Drew smiled frequently as she spoke of her new beauty line, which was inspired after her years of experience in the makeup artist's chair. The budget friendly range is 100 per cent cruelty free Big hit! The award-winning actress launched the Flower Beauty six years ago and it has been gaining a cult following ever since 'I think a smile is better than any lipstick,' Drew said at Bondi Icebergs. 'And crow's feet are the greatest things because they show you've been smiling your whole life.' The mother-of-two went on to credit makeup as having the ability to become an 'incredible armour' in feeling confident. 'If we take care of ourselves and each other, we make it [makeup] this incredible armour that we put on,' Drew said. 'Instead of distancing us from people, it's what makes us have the confidence to lean in.' The beautiful life: Producer Drew was very animated at the Westfield event, showing her passion for her product and the strong fan base it has generated Power of makeup: On Friday, she spoke candidly about the power of makeup while launching the brand in Sydney's Bondi 'What happens on the inside is truly going to be what reflects on the outside, no matter how much foundation you put on,' she added. Drew, who joked she was first in the makeup chair at 11 months, said Flower Beauty is all about 'immaculate formulas'. 'I just love creating formulas and pigments. I want to go out there and wear the most immaculate formulas, that's what Flower Beauty is all about. 'You want as a woman... we know how makeup functions and it has to function at that highest level. So that's our intention that goes into the brand,' she said. Flower Beauty products are available in more than 300 Chemist Warehouse stores nationally and online. Prices range from AU $7.99 for a lipstick, to $9.99 for a concealer and $13.99 for an eyeshadow palette. Her philosophy: Drew, who joked she was first in the makeup chair at 11 months, said Flower Beauty is all about 'immaculate formulas'. 'I just love creating formulas and pigments. I want to go out there and wear the most immaculate formulas, that's what Flower Beauty is all about,' she said She released her latest single Sally Walker last month. And on Friday, Australian rapper Iggy Azalea proved success looks good on her. The 28-year-old flaunted her famous curves at the Swisher Sweets Award show in Los Angeles. She's fancy! Iggy Azalea, 28, flaunted her famous curves in a graphic top and skin-tight jeans, as she attended the Swisher Sweets Award in Los Angeles on Friday The comeback queen boosted her height with gold pointy-toe heels and added hoop earrings for an extra touch of glam. Iggy's blonde extensions fell behind her toned back, and graduated in colour from the shoulders down. The Fancy hitmaker finished off the look with a matte complexion, defined brows, a false set of lashes and a nude lip. Iggy appeared confident on the red carpet, showing off her best angles and gazing directly at the camera. Style: Iggy boosted her height with gold pointy-toe heels and added gold hoop earrings for an extra touch of glam Fellow rapper Cardi B was honoured at the event, held at swanky hotel, The London. The sighting comes after Iggy debuted her new single Sally Walker on late night comedy show Jimmy Kimmel Live, earlier this month. Iggy once again showed off her famous curves in a red leotard with pearl detail and sheer tights. Sally Walker has been deemed a comeback single, after a number of career struggles in recent years. Iggy has been urging her fans on Twitter to 'harass' radio stations and stream the track on Spotify. Glam: The Sydney-born star finished off the look with a matte complexion, defined brows, a false set of lashes and a nude lip She's the beloved Australian actress best known for her performances in 2012 film, The Sapphires and Nine drama, Lovechild. And on Saturday, Miranda Tapsell revealed that after years of bullying in high school, acting gave her the strength to embrace her gender and race. 'When you're on stage, it's like you're 10 feet tall,' the 31-year-old told Australian Weekend Review. 'My race is what makes me special!' Miranda Tapsell, 31, revealed how acting gave her the courage to celebrate her indigenous background 'That's when I thought, 'OK, this is great, I can show people that my height, my gender and my race is what makes me special'.' She added: 'It doesn't diminish me as a person to be Aboriginal.' Miranda's admission comes as she promotes new romantic comedy, Top End Wedding. Not him! Miranda stars with Gwilym Lee (left) in Top End Wedding. He plays her husband, and her family mistook him for the real thing Shot on the Tiwi Islands, the film centres around Miranda's character, Lauren and fiance, Ned (Bohemian Rhapsody's Gwilym Lee) who search for Lauren's missing mother so they can have their dream wedding. And in February, the actress revealed her family mistook her on-screen 'husband' for real-life partner James Colley. 'My family on the Tiwi Islands had never met my husband and Gwilym was over there for the film,' she said during an interview on The Project. Drama: Shot on the Tiwi Islands, Top End Wedding centres around Miranda's character, Lauren and fiance, Ned (Bohemian Rhapsody's Gwilym Lee) who search for Lauren's missing mother so they can have their dream wedding. Picture from the movie 'So all these old ladies that were singing in a choir thought that Gwilym was my actual husband.' She added: 'They were pulling him aside and saying 'Listen here,' trying to give him a stern talking to and I had to tell them, 'No, no, he's my fake husband!'' To make it all the more confusing for the relatives, Miranda had only just tied the knot with her real-life partner James in December. EastEnders actor Jake Wood has recalled the terrifying moment his wife was almost killed by an alligator during a family holiday in Florida in 2014. The Max Branning actor, 46, was on a boat trip in the Florida Everglades with wife Alison Murray and their children Buster and Amber when they were confronted by the man-eating crocodilian. The former Strictly Come Dancing star told the Daily Star his children had begun screaming when they spotted the alligator approaching his wife as she paddled, with the incident leaving them 'scarred for life.' Frightening: EastEnders actor Jake Wood has recalled the terrifying moment his wife was almost killed by an alligator during a family holiday in Florida in 2014 She narrowly avoided being eaten alive before getting out of the water safely. He said: 'She was standing in the water about 15 feet away when I see this thing floating down the river. 'So I'm looking at it and thinking: 'It's got to be a log or something. Got to be a log.'All of a sudden it f***ing goes down and I f***ing see an eye. All the kids are screaming, I'm screaming: 'Get back in the boat!' 'As soon as an alligator goes underwater you dont know where it is, it was horrible. It was only about 15 feet away.' Terror: The Max Branning actor, 46, was on a boat trip in the Florida Everglades with wife Alison Murray and their children Buster and Amber when they were confronted by the man-eating crocodilian (stock photo) Family: The former Strictly Come Dancing star told the Daily Star his children had begun screaming when they spotted the alligator approaching his wife as she paddled, with the incident leaving them 'scarred for life' He said: 'So I'm looking at it and thinking: 'It's got to be a log or something. Got to be a log.'All of a sudden it f***ing goes down and I f***ing see an eye. All the kids are screaming, I'm screaming: 'Get back in the boat!' The star said it was only when they returned to the boat hire shop and told their story to a staff member - who said they would never go into the water due to the 'man-eater' alligators - that they realised how lucky Alison had been. He added thinking about the incident makes him feel 'squiffy.' Jake made his first appearance as Max Banning on 27 June 2006, and has gone on to star in some major storylines, usually revolving around his tangled love life. Most memorably, Max was involved in a passionate affair with his daughter-in-law Stacey (Lacey Turner). Holiday horror: The star said it was only when they returned to the boat hire shop and told their story to a staff member - who said they would never go into the water due to the 'man-eater' alligators - that they realised how lucky Alison had been Nearly 14million viewers tuned in on Christmas Day 2007, to see the love tryst finally uncovered as the Branning family gathered around the TV to watch Stacey and Bradley's wedding video. The storyline earned Jake and his co-stars a British Soap Award the following year, with Jake also winning the Best On-Screen Partnership gong in 2012 for his work with on-screen wife Jo Joyner. Away from EastEnders, Jake was a huge hit when he took part in BBC's Strictly Come Dancing in 2014, finishing in fourth place with his pro partner Janette Manrara after wowing audiences with his Latin moves. Cyrell Paule kicked off her 30th birthday celebrations in style on Saturday, surrounded by her co-stars at the Sydney event. The Married at First Star was flanked by her new boyfriend, Love Island Australia's Eden Dally, at the luxurious do. The new couple could not keep their hands off each other as they kissed and cuddled for various photos shared to Instagram on Saturday. Dirty thirty! Married at First Sight's Cyrell Paule (right) was joined by her new boyfriend Eden Dally (left) as she kicked off her luxurious 30th birthday celebrations on Saturday Eden, 26, held onto Cyrell in one photo, the reality star dressed in a pale blue dress that clung to her fantastic figure. She opted for smokey eyes for the event, adding dark matte lipstick and wearing her hair down and straight. Former reality star Eden looked relaxed in white slacks and a blue shirt, his tattoos on display. All together now! Posing for a group shot worthy of a reunion, Eden and Cyrell were also joined by Ning Surasiang, Heidi Latcham, Billy Vincent, Elizabeth Sobinoff, Dean Wells, Melissa Lucarelli, Jules Robinson and Cameron Merchant Happy birthday! Ivan Paule (left) Cyrell's equally fiery brother, was dressed up in a grey suit and seemed to be on his best behaviour as he joined the couple at the event Fancy! The party was very elaborately decorated with silver, black and white balloons and a pillar on which was written 'Cyrell's dirty thirty' in gold writing Also at the party were Cyrell's Married at First Sight co-stars, including Elizabeth Sobinoff who wished her a happy birthday in a video shared to Instagram Stories. Posing for a group shot worthy of a reunion, Cyrell was also joined by Ning Surasiang, Heidi Latcham, Billy Vincent, Melissa Lucarelli, Jules Robinson and Cameron Merchant. Former Married at First Sight Star Dean Wells wasn't one to miss the party either, sharing a clip to his own Instagram Stories of himself with Cyrell. Party time! She also posed in front of a colourful floral display that spelled out her age, 30, and she was surrounded by confetti Yum! An enormous cheese and meat platter stood on the balcony of the party venue, with Cyrell seeming very impressed by the spread 'Cyclone Cyrell! Happy dirty thirty!' he cried out while a giggling Cyrell insisted, 'I'm 21! Happy 21st!' Ivan Paule, Cyrell's equally fiery brother, was dressed up in a grey suit and seemed to be on his best behaviour. The party was very elaborately decorated with silver, black and white balloons and a pillar on which was written 'Cyrell's dirty thirty' in gold writing. Cute! New couple Eden and Cyrell could not keep their hands off each other as they kissed and cuddled for various photos shared to Instagram from the party Another star! Former Married at First Sight Star Dean Wells (left) wasn't one to miss the party either, sharing a clip to his own Instagram Stories of himself with Cyrell Still a young one! 'Cyclone Cyrell! Happy dirty thirty!' Dean cried out while a giggling Cyrell insisted, 'I'm 21! Happy 21st!' Greetings! Also at the party was Cyrell's Married at First Sight co-star Elizabeth Sobinoff (pictured) who wished her a happy birthday in a video shared to Instagram Stories She also posed in front of a colourful floral display that spelled out her age, 30, kicking up her black heels in joy. The reality star brought in a party planner especially to host her luxury event, North Shore Event Styling. An enormous cheese and meat platter stood on the balcony of the party venue, with Cyrell seeming very impressed by the spread. All the stops! The reality star brought in party planners especially to host her luxury event Drink up! There was what appeared to be an open bar manned by talented barmen She also had elaborate cakes by Bake My Cake By Walla and what appeared to be an open bar. Cyrell recently confirmed she is dating Eden after weeks of speculation. She was pictured kissing the Melbourne prison guard in Sydney last month, and revealed the romance on last week's episode of Talking Married. 'He's a cool guy we're seeing each other,' the outspoken Filipino-Australian told the panel. She lives in the US with actor husband Sam Worthington and their two children, sons Rocket, four, and Racer, two. And in Sunday's Stellar magazine, Lara Worthington (nee Bingle), credited her beau with keeping her grounded and shared plans for 'a big family'. The 31-year-old posed for the cover, revealing her slim figure in a white bra and high-waisted blue jeans. Cover girl: Lara Worthington (nee Bingle), 31, poses for the cover of Sunday's Stellar magazine in a white bra and Calvin Klein jeans, and speaks to the glossy about plans for 'a big family' 'My husband really gives me this grounding and support,' Lara told the glossy lift-out. 'He's... what's the right word? My anchor.' 'He really calms me and makes me feel secure. I don't have to put on any facade with him,' Lara added of the 42-year-old. Lara also revealed that she would 'love a big family' and will 'definitely have more' but just needs 'a little break'. The comments run alongside a stunning cover shoot and inside pictorial that sees the Tiffany & Co ambassador showing off her lean frame. In time: Lara says she will 'definitely have more (children)' but just needs 'a little break' Trim and terrific: The comments run alongside a stunning cover shoot and inside pictorial that sees the mother-of-two showing off her lean frame For the cover, Lara sits upright on a plush white couch, sporting a white bra and Calvin Klein jeans, that gape slightly at the back. Her cropped blonde locks fall in soft waves and in a middle parting, and she stares directly at the camera. A following shot sees the entrepreneur sitting cross-legged on the floor, this time covering her petite upper frame in a black singlet. Edgy shoot: Another photo sees the Cronulla-born star wrapping her frame in white bed sheets Lara cuts a solemn expression, and her striking facial features are enhanced with a neutral makeup palette. Other photos see the Cronulla-born star lounging in black underwear and wrapping her frame in white bed sheets. Lara wed Australian actor Sam in 2014, and soon after welcomed their precious sons Rocket and Racer. The high-profile couple divide their time between Los Angeles and New York, with Lara flying into Sydney on occasion. He is expecting his second child with girlfriend Naomi Courts. And Jordan Banjo joked he might end up with 13 children before the pair get married - as he reveals he tried to propose twice before Naomi fell pregnant. The Diversity star, 26, said he was ready to get hitched before the couple found out they were expecting their son Cassius. Expecting: Jordan Banjo joked he might end up with 13 children before he marries girlfriend Naomi Courts as he reveals he tried to propose twice before she fell pregnant Speaking to the Sun, he said: 'At this rate we're going to end up with 13 kids and not going to be married. I was ready to propose when I found out she was pregnant... 'So I thought, 'OK, I'll wait until he's a little older and then I'll take Naomi away and surprise her with a proposal... 'Then when I started thinking about doing it again this year I found out she was pregnant again. Now she's convinced we're not going to get married.' Family time: The Diversity star, 26, said he was ready to get hitched before the couple found out they were expecting their son Cassius The couple revealed they were expecting their second child when Cassius was only eight months old. But Jordan confessed caring for the youngster was a 'real adjustment' as suddenly his son was 'my focus' and he had to 'find time for everything else, only if it fitted around him'. Jordan and Naomi shared the news of their second child on Instagram in January with a sweet picture of the dancer and Cassius holding a baby scan. He said: 'At this rate we're going to end up with 13 kids and not going to be married. I was ready to propose when I found out she was pregnant with Cass' Baby bump: The couple revealed they were expecting their second child when Cassius was only eight months old He captioned the image: 'CASSIUS IS GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER. Genuinely never felt more blessed, last year having Cassius was the best thing that's ever happened to me and @naomiella21. 'Being a dad is genuinely the best job in the world and now we're going to be mummy and daddy to another little bubba later this year! '@naomiella21 I'm so proud of you and the amazing mum/partner you are. Can't wait for the rest of this year and the crazy adventure of our little family getting that bit bigger!' News: Jordan and Naomi shared the news of their second child on Instagram in January with a sweet picture of the dancer and Cassius holding a baby scan Jordan and Naomi's welcomed their first child back in May. The dancer, famous for winning Britain's Got Talent with his troupe in 2009, announced the arrival of Cassius, two days after his birth. Jordan declared himself 'the luckiest man there is' as he shared the happy news on Instagram, along with a first picture of the tiny newborn. He explained at the time: 'Myself and @naomiella21 haven't shared this straight away because we wanted to take some time to appreciate and enjoy the beautiful moment that we had as a family. Devoted dad: The dancer, famous for winning Britain's Got Talent with his troupe in 2009, announced the arrival of Cassius, two days after his birth 'On the 07.05.2018 at 12:29am our beautiful son was born! Words cannot describe the feeling of seeing your future come into this world. 'I'm so proud of mum & baby, both are doing absolutely amazing and @naomiella21 you are a super woman. 'If I didn't know it before, I do now, I am the luckiest man there is. Welcome to the world Cassius Ashley Banjo.' Their son's middle name is a tribute to Jordan's brother and Diversity dance mate Ashley who recently welcomed a baby girl, Rose, with wife Francesca. Simone Holtznagel counted Charlotte Dawson as one of her closet friends, and she is paying tribute to her in an unusual way. The 25-year-old is on a quest to scatter the ashes of the late model, who died in 2014, all around the world. She told Sunday's The Daily Telegraph: 'Charlotte's ashes are in Bali, New Zealand, Bondi, and I have a little bit I am going to scatter at all her favourite designer stores on Rodeo Drive (in Los Angeles) and all places fabulous.' 'Her ashes are in Bali, New Zealand, Bondi, and at all her favourite designer stores': Simone Holtznagel (left) revealed in an interview on Sunday, that she is on a quest to scatter the remains of her late friend Charlotte Dawson (right) all over the world. Pictured together in 2011 In February, the model continued her journey by scattering Charlotte's ashes outside a Chanel store. She took to Instagram to share a video in which she is seen spreading Charlotte's remains outside the glamorous building. She captioned the video: 'Old mate Harlot is slowly but surely being scattered in all the fab places.' She tells The Daily Telegraph: 'Charlotte's ashes are in Bali, New Zealand, Bondi, and I have a little bit I am going to scatter at all her favourite designer stores on Rodeo Drive and all places fabulous.' Seen here scattering the ashes in an Instagram video Tribute: In February, the model continued her journey by scattering Charlotte's ashes outside a Chanel store (pictured). She said: 'The security guards at Chanel were pumped when we told them it wasn't drugs but ashes we scattered along their entrance today' Simone tagged Charlotte's old Instagram account in the video, and had been known to call Charlotte by the affectionate nickname of 'Harlot'. The blonde went on to say that the workers at the store were happy to allow the unusual memorial to go ahead. 'The security guards at Chanel were pumped when we told them it wasn't drugs but ashes we scattered along their entrance today.' Simone added the hashtags: '#saltbae #scatterbae #ashesbae'. Tough: The pair were close and, when appearing on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! in 2014, Simone broke down as she revealed to her camp mates that she had to identify Charlotte's body following her passing. Simone is pictured with Charlotte (right) Loss: 'I miss her... I am not angry any more, I just wish she was here,' she told The Daily Telegraph at the time. Simone is pictured with Charlotte (left) The pair were close and, when appearing on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! in 2014, Simone broke down as she revealed to her camp mates that she had to identify Charlotte's body following her passing. 'I miss her... I am not angry any more, I just wish she was here,' she told The Daily Telegraph at the time. Charlotte was found dead in her Sydney Woolloomooloo home on February 22, 2014. Her death was later ruled a suicide. For confidential support call the Lifeline 24-hour crisis support on 13 11 14, or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are legally single again more than two years after she filed for divorce from the actor. On Friday they filed a judgment in their divorce that restored their single status, according to The Blast. Court documents were submitted that show a judge ruled on their bifurcation, which permits a divorce case to be finalized with certain aspects, such as property, to be dealt with after dissolution. This comes after The Sun claimed this week that the Oscar-winning beauty, 43, wanted to slow down the divorce process in hopes of winning back Pitt's heart. Singles club: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are about to be legally single again more than two years after she filed for divorce from the actor. Seen in 2015 They have yet to finalize their divorce. And it looks like it won't be finalized anytime soon as Judge John Ouderkirk extended to their divorce case until December 31, 2019. The two continue to use a court-approved therapist, Dr Stan Katz, to work on their partnership as they co-parent. They have six children together: Maddox, 17, Pax, 15, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox. Good mom: Jolie has been spotted out and about in public with Maddox, 17, Pax, 15, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne on a fairly regular basis lately, while Pitt's visitation with them is taking place in private; seen in February in NYC They met on the 2005 film Mr And Mrs Smith, welcomed Shiloh in 2006 and in 2014 wed in France. In 2016 she filed for divorce. Jolie and Pitt have been negotiating back and forth over over custody of their children as well as their finances. At first she wanted primary custody, but now they have joint custody. As far as Angelina longing to get back together with Brad, The Sun said, 'Angelina has made it clear to Brad that she wants to be back in a relationship with him.' has reached out to representatives of Jolie and Pitt seeking comment. The actress, according to the report, is 'dragging out' the divorce negotiations in the hope of a reconciliation. Better days: They looked very much in love in 2009 when in Cannes, France 'She would like them to be a family again and doesnt seem capable of moving on,' The Sun's source claimed. 'Thats why she is making it so difficult for Brad with every detail of their divorce.' The newspaper goes on to report that Pitt isn't interested in getting back together with his ex but does want to maintain an amicable relationship with Jolie for the sake of their kids. The Sun's source stated: 'He just wants it all settled in reality, this could have been over a year ago but she wont let go.' Could this be true? After seeking full custody of the couple's six children, pictured in Japan in 2011, Jolie is now reported to want them 'to be a family again', The Sun claimed. Seen in Japan In January, Jolie and Pitt, 55, were seen meeting together twice at attorneys offices in Beverly Hills as they work on the details of their divorce. Pitt was previously married to Friends star Jennifer Aniston from 2000 to 2005. Jolie had two previous marriages - to Johnny Lee Miller from 1996 to 1999 and to Billy Bob Thornton from 2000 to 2003. While Angelina has not been romantically linked to anyone since she split from Brad, sources have claimed that Pitt has been dating Charlize Theron. Recently, however, Theron said she was very single. Brad's next movie is Once Upon A Time In Hollywood while Angelina's is Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Kate Moss has reportedly angered celebrity friends including Naomi Campbell over her loyalty to the sultan-owned Dorchester hotel, reports The Sun - after Brunei passed a law which would see gay people and adulterers stoned to death. The supermodel, 46, is said to have annoyed Naomi, 48, as well as designer Tom Ford, 57, and fashion photographer Mario Testino, 64, for not publicly shunning the Mayfair hotel. George Clooney called for a boycott of hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei - which also includes London's 45 Park Lane and the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles - after the nation passed a law making homosexuality and adultery punishable by death. Claim: Kate Moss has reportedly angered celebrity friends including Naomi Campbell over her loyalty to the sultan-owned Dorchester hotel, reports The Sun - after Brunei passed a law which would see gay people and adulterers stoned to death (pictured February 2018) Celebrities including Sir Elton John, Sam Smith, Dua Lipa and Ellen DeGeneres have joined the Hollywood A-lister in boycotting the hotels, It was claimed that although Vogue coverstar Kate knows the campaign is for a good cause, she is split between that and her long-standing affiliation with The Dorchester. The star held her 45th birthday at the hotel's restaurant, China Tang, and has been a familiar face there for many years. Now, Naomi, Tom and Mario are said to be 'privately annoyed' with the star for not speaking out. Backlash: The hotel, in Mayfair, is part of the Dorchester Collection, a chain of hotels owned by the Brunei Investment Agency, which is owned by the Sultan - and it has been the focus of protests since the law was announced (stock photo) Alleged: The supermodel, 46, is said to have annoyed Naomi, 48, as well as designer Tom Ford, 57, and fashion photographer Mario Testino, 64, for not publicly shunning the hotel Fashion friends: Tom (L) and Mario are said to be 'privately' annoyed at Kate for failing to speak out MailOnline has contacted representatives for Kate, Naomi, Tom, Mario and The Dorchester for comment. In a column for Deadline earlier this month, George Clooney wrote: 'They're nice hotels. The people who work there are kind and helpful and have no part in the ownership of these properties. 'But let's be clear, every single time we stay at or take meetings at or dine at any of these nine hotels we are putting money directly into the pockets of men who choose to stone and whip to death their own citizens for being gay or accused of adultery.' George wrote that he's 'learned over years of dealing with murderous regimes that you can't shame them. But you can shame the banks, the financiers and the institutions that do business with them and choose to look the other way.' Fan: Kate has a long-time association with The Dorchester and is a fan of the establishment's restaurant China Tang (pictured at the hotel with Sir Davd Tang in 2008) Familiar face: Kate also celebrated her 45th birthday at China Tang in 2018 (above) He then listed the nine hotels owned by Brunei's sultan and said: 'It's up to each of us what we want to do.' Last week protestors were thrown out of The Dorchester after three men unfurled banners and staged a protest, after dining in the five-star venue's restaurant. In response, a spokeswoman for the hotel group declared: 'Our values are far removed from the politics of ownership.' The hotel, in Mayfair, is part of the Dorchester Collection, a chain of hotels owned by the Brunei Investment Agency, which is owned by the Sultan - and it has been the focus of protests since the law was announced. Protest: Last week protestors were thrown out of The Dorchester after three men unfurled banners and staged a protest, after dining in the five-star venue's restaurant (stock photo) A spokeswoman for the Dorchester Collection said it was a 'political and religious issue that we don't believe should be played out in our hotels'. She said: 'Inclusion, diversity and equality are the foundation of Dorchester Collection. 'We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, we never have and we never will. 'We understand people's anger and frustration but this is a political and religious issue that we don't believe should be played out in our hotels and amongst our 3,630 employees. 'We're deeply saddened by what's happening right now and the impact it is having on our employees, guests, partners and suppliers in particular. 'Our values are far removed from the politics of ownership. 'We are aware that many other brands have ownership with similar backgrounds in this increasingly global world. 'We are a team of people representing 67 nationalities, who love what we do and care enormously for our guests and communities.' Their unlikely romance has been the main storyline of the series with many of their TOWIE co-stars disapproving of the fling. And one person who has been supportive from the start of Chloe Sims, 36, and Dan Edgar's dalliance has been Georgia Kousoulou, 27. In Sunday's upcoming episode, Chloe confides to Georgia that Dan, 28, is hesitant to take their relationship up a notch, despite them yet to even have a first date. Supportive: Georgia Kousoulou has continued to support Chloe Sims and Dan Edgar's dalliance Continuing to back their relationship, Georgia decides to go head to head with Diags - who has voiced his concern over heart throb Dan and show veteran Chloe becoming more than friends - as she wants to know if he has influenced Dan in any way. In a heated discussion, bold Georgia confront Diags on being the reason as to why Dan wants to halt the brakes on his budding romance with the mother-of-one. Diags being in Georgia's line of fire comes after Courtney Green felt the wrath of the Tommy Mallet's girlfriend in last week's episode. In the fiery scenes, Georgia blamed Courtney - who is friends with Dan's ex Amber for meddling in the age-gap romance. Blame game: Continuing to support their relationship Georgia decides to go head to head with Diags - who has voiced his concern over heart throb Dan and show veteran Chloe becoming more than friends - as she wants to know if he has influenced Dan in any way Budding romance? Chloe and Dan's fling has been the main story line of the series with many of their TOWIE co-stars casting disapproval upon the couple getting together Georgia warned Courtney that her thoughts on Chloe and Dan will 'f**k up' their romance, after she claimed the hunk still in touch with his ex Amber. Georgia began: 'When were hearing your opinion, it just looks bitter on your behalf, because youre not in the friendship group.' Seething with rage, she added: 'And if you carry on, and people carry on with these opinions, its going to f**k it up for them.' Standing up for herself Courtney responded: 'For me, it is a bit of a shock. Im not saying they shouldnt be together, but youve got to see it from my point of view. 'Its one of my best friends ex-boyfriends so when they move on it does get weird.' Over? At the start of the episode, Chloe confides to Georgia that Dan is hesitant to take their relationship up a notch, despite them yet to even have a first date Georgia was not swayed as she reminds Courtney that Amber is 'no longer in the picture' as she does not star in the Essex show. To which Courtney then shared: 'Amber and Dan are still in contact with each other. This is what Im hearing. 'I dont think Dan is good enough for Chloe, thats just my opinion. I dont think hes good enough for his ex.' The chat followed on from scenes that aired that showed Courtney and Daigs catching up on Dan and Chloe's unlikely love story. Fiery: Last week Georgia launched into a rant with Courtney Green for meddling into Chloe and Dan's relationship Diags suggested that Dan had gone against the rules by getting close to one of his friend's family members. He said: 'Our group of boys we just don't get with each others family, it's just a thing that we don't do because it just causes a whole load of agg.' Courtney said she doesn't think that Chloe, who has made no secret of her desire to settle down, will be satisfied by a relationship with Dan. She said: 'From my point of view I don't think it's going to end well, I don't, I love Dan but I don't think he's enough for her. I think she needs someone more than him.' Truth? Courtney revealed that Dan is still in touch with his ex Diags replied: 'I just think for what's happening and what it's causing between our mates, her cousins really upset about it and he's obviously my best mate and he's giving me loads of stuff about it.' 'But on the other hand if you do stop it then Chloe's going to be upset, so it's like an impossible situation.' Diags then sweetly admitted that the reason everyone is so concerned about the romance is because they all love Chloe so much, he said: 'If it was another girl it wouldn't matter nobody would care... 'But it's Chloe we all love Chloe, so if you're gonna hurt Chloe - he needs to say straight up, you know what I'm not in that stage of time to think I'm going to commit and settle down because I'm not. 'All us boys know it, so just be honest, but when I speak to Chloe about it it just goes round in circles because she's like "I don't want that, I just want to see where things go". But I know what Chloe wants.' Courtney then bluntly said: 'I think everyone knows what Chloe wants, she's always been at that stage where she wants to find the one - but Dan isn't it.' Dan has appeared uncertain in continuing the romance ever since it was uncovered on the Thailand special of the Essex show. In numerous scenes he has opened up on being torn on whether he should pursue moving forward with Chloe after they have faced so much negativity. Kim Kardashian is back in Bali with her husband Kanye West. The reality star, 38, gave fans an inside look at her lush getaway with her millions of followers, posting snaps on Friday and Saturday of her gorgeous poolside villa with a jungle view at the Amandari resort. 'How beautiful is this?' Kim marveled as she showed off the view of Ubud from her bedroom. Couples' getaway: Kim Kardashian has returned to Bali alongside her husband Kanye West, staying at the stunning Amandari resort in Ubud From the poolside retreat to watching a traditional Balinese dance, Kim was certain to induce envy from fans as she posted an array of stunning photos from her exotic getaway. Kim captured it all as she explored the area, admiring the lush landscape filled with palm trees and pools of water. The reality star even made a stop at an animal sanctuary, where she made a new friend. 'Hi cutie!' Kim gushed as she posed beside a tusked elephant, munching on assorted greens. 'Everyone, we're at an animal sanctuary, feeding these beautiful elephants.' 'Hi cutie!' Kim fed elephants while visiting an animal sanctuary Majestic: The reality star gazed towards the tusked elephant as it munched on a plethora of greens She's back! The mom of three revealed her inspiration behind her trip Kim was just in Bali with the family filming KUWTK a few months ago, and it seems the show inspired her to return to the country. 'Had to come back to Bali right before our KUWTK Bali episode airs,' Kim explained. Kim traveled to Bali in November with her children and sisters, but this time around seems to be more of a couples' getaway. The pair are staying at the stunning Amandari resort in Bali, which is marking its 30th anniversary by celebrating Balinese culture, cuisine and local community. The resort is a family favourite since it is the sister to Amangani in Jackson Hole where Kanye held his album launch party and also Amangiri in Utah where Kylie announced her pregnancy. Wow: Kim's pictures were certain to induce envy from fans Lush: She showed off her stunning poolside retreat with a jungle view Room with a view: The couple's bedroom faced the pool and lush exterior Taking in the culture: The social media star shared video of a traditional Balinese dance There was no sign of Kim and Kanye's three children, North, five, Saint, three, and Chicago, one, in the clips. After a particularly big week, there's no doubt Kim is loving every moment away in Bali. Earlier this week Kim graced the cover of Vogue's May issue, where she revealed her plans of taking the bar exam in 2022. The reality star began a four year long apprenticeship at a San Francisco law firm last summer, and completes 18 hours a week of supervised study in order to prepare for the exam. Breathtaking: The pair are staying at the stunning Amandari resort in Bali, which is marking its 30th anniversary by celebrating Balinese culture, cuisine and local community Seal of approval: The resort is a family favourite since it is the sister to Amangani in Jackson Hole where Kanye held his album launch party and also Amangiri in Utah where Kylie announced her pregnancy Tranquil: Amandari is perched above the verdant Ayung River Gorge outside the artist community of Ubud Jaclyn Smith seems to be drinking from the fountain of youth. The 73-year-old actress does not appear to have aged much since she starred with Farrah Fawcett and Kate Jackson on the hit TV series Charlie's Angels, which aired from 1976 until 1981. The brunette beauty showed off her good looks while attending a benefit for the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, named for the late actress who died of cancer at age 62 in 2009. The party took place inside Barneys New York in Beverly Hills. Still a beauty: Jaclyn Smith looked younger than her years as she attended a cocktail party in support of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills this week Classy: Her highlighted hair was worn down in soft waves and she flashed her large diamond engagement ring from doctor Brad Allen, her husband since 1997 Also there were Eva Longoria, Alana Stewart and Melanie Griffith. Smith showed off her slender figure in an ivory blouse and beige slacks with pointy latte colored pumps. And she added a long shoulder purse in an ivory color. Her highlighted hair was worn down in soft waves and she flashed her large diamond engagement ring from doctor Brad Allen, her husband since 1997. Smith, born Jacquelyn Ellen Smith, is from Houston, Texas. She graduated from Mirabeau B. Lamar High School in 1964 and attended Trinity University in San Antonio. The originals: Smith with Fawcett and Kate Jackson for a 1976 episode Their highest-rated episode: Here the ladies are seen in a chain gang in Angels In Chains After college, the siren moved to New York City with hopes of dancing with the ballet. But then she started doing commercials for beauty products like Breck Shampoo in 1971. In 1976 she was cast in Charlie's Angels and she was on the show for the full run until 1981. She played Kelly Garrett on the hit TV series about three stunningly gorgeous women who work as spies for a man they have never seen, only heard on a speakerphone. Smith also did several TV movies such as Escape from Bogen County and Rage Of Angels. And she started designing clothing and accessories for K-Mart, which she still does. Glam: Here the 73-year-old wonder is seen with friend Alana Stewart. Smith showed off her slender figure in an ivory blouse and beige slacks with pointy latte colored pumps A good time: Here she is seen with (L-R) Alana, George Harrison and Patrick Foley Alana, 73, was best friends with Farrah, who started the organization two years before her death in order to help combat cancers related to HPV. Eva threw a stylish navy blazer over a white top and skintight white trousers, accessorizing with a burgundy leather handbag and medallion necklace. Letting her luxurious hair down, the Desperate Housewives icon lent herself a bit of extra stature on white open-toed wedges. Alana went for an all-white ensemble including a fitted blazer and a flowing jumpsuit, stringing on several necklaces for her evening out. Meanwhile, Melanie gathered her blonde hair into an updo and teamed a black turtleneck sweater with matching trousers and heels. Trio: (from left) Eva Longoria posed up a storm with Stewart and Melanie Griffith For a cause: The star-studded affair was a benefit for the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, named for the late Charlie's Angels actress who died of cancer at 62 in 2009 Personal connection: Alana, 73, was best friends with Farrah, who started the organization two years before her death in order to help combat cancers related to HPV Sleek and chic: Eva threw a stylish navy blazer over a white top and skintight white trousers, accessorizing with a burgundy leather handbag and medallion necklace Melanie was also a friend of Farrah's, as were such celebrities as American Graffiti actor Paul Le Mat and Murder On The Orient Express star Jacqueline Bisset. At the end of her life, Farrah was with her longtime on-off man Ryan O'Neal - whose daughter Tatum has claimed he slept with Melanie decades ago. Alana could be spotted standing on the stairs to give a speech to the other attendees, as well as mingling with jeweler Sharon Khazzam. Sharon, whose offerings are sold at Barneys New York, swanked about in a Hamptons chic white and navy dress with a Chelsea collar. Also at the party was legendary songwriter Carole Bayer Sager, whose work includes the lyrics to the James Bond song Nobody Does It Better. Carole, who spent nearly a decade married to Burt Bacharach, wore a camel-colored crop jacket over a white top and midnight blue jeans. Naomi Ackie is one of the new faces for Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker. On Friday during the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago it was announced the actress would be playing the role of Jannah. The 27-year-old British star spoke to USA Today about her character: 'On a scale of 1 to 10, shes like 25,' said the beauty. 'I felt pretty cool playing Jannah, I'm not going to lie. I'm not a very cool person personally, but she's really cool. She packs a punch.' New! Naomi Ackie is one of the new faces for Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker Good addition: On Friday during the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago it was announced the actress would be playing the role of Jannah Unfortunately, Jannah was not seen in the new teaser trailer which dropped on Friday at the Celebration. Ackie studied at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, on the Collaborative and Devised Theatre Course. She has appeared in a 2015 episode of Doctor Who and won a British Independent Film Award in 2017 for the film Lady Macbeth. With pals: Here she is seen with (L-R) producers Kathleen Kennedy, Michelle Rejwan, Daisy Ridley (Rey), and Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico) at The Rise of Skywalker panel at the Star Wars Celebration at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois Now she is facing massive fame from being in the Star Wars franchise. 'It felt very real when I was getting fitted for my costume, the final one,' Ackie said. 'I looked at myself in a giant mirror and it was very surreal. I was like, "OK, there's no going back on this now. This is happening. You can't deny this anymore, Naomi."That's when it felt real and amazing.' Friday offered up plenty of new images and information for loyal fans. Not only was the teaser released for December's Star Wars IX but so was the title: The Rise Of Skywalker. And several cast members hit the stage alongside director JJ Abrams and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey, was lovely in black as the audience sang happy birthday to her; she turned 27-years-old on Wednesday. Also seen was Oscar Isaac (Poe), John Boyega (Finn), Kelly Marie Tran (Rose), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Joonas Suotamo (Chewbacca). All here: (from left) Stephen Colbert, JJ Abrams, Kennedy, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Tran, Joonas Suotamo and Naomi And Billy Dee Williams, who reprises his role as Lando Calrissian, was a happy addition. 'How did I find Lando again?' Williams said. 'Lando never left me.' Mark Hamill, who voices Luke Skywalker in the film, and Adam Driver, who plays Kylo Ren, were no shows at the packed event. JJ is currently in the process of editing and adding visual effects to the film. Episode IX opens nationwide December 20, 2019. She made it: Star Wars Episode IX will feature a live Princess Leia, played by Carrie Fisher, even though she died in 2016, director Abrams shared on Friday; seen with Kennedy IX will feature a live Princess Leia played by Carrie Fisher, even though she died in 2016, director Abrams confirmed on Friday. He already told fans this in 2018. What's new here is that Leia is very much alive in IX and not seen in mere flashbacks, which fans thought she might be. 'Princess Leia lives in this film in way that is mind-blowing to me,' Abrams said. Also revealed is that IX doesn't pick up immediately after the events of The Last Jedi. All good with her: Daisy seen here smiling at John and Oscar during the sit down in Illinois He added that some time has gone by. JJ teased that it will be an adventure that the group goes on together. 'This movie is about this new generation and what they've inherited, the light and the dark,' Abrams added. 'As they face this greatest evil, are they prepared?' Lucasfilm president Kennedy also reiterated that Episode IX will close out the newest trilogy and the 9-film Skywalker saga that began in 1977. In a great mood: This is Ridley's third Star Wars film; here she is seen in a strapless dress Stephen Colbert, who is a superfan of Star Wars, moderated the panel. Fitting he wore black: Ian McDiarmid, who plays bad guy Emperor Palpatine, also spoke Star Wars was created by George Lucas. The franchise began with the eponymous 1977 movie. The first film, later subtitled Episode IV A New Hope, was followed by two successful sequels, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983). A subsequent prequel trilogy, consisting of Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002) and Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005), was completed by Lucas. He called it the 'tragedy of Darth Vader.' Sitting pretty: Billy Dee Williams held onto his cane and wore a sharp suit, nice scarf and sunglasses On screen: In trailer he is seen laughing as he rides through space in the Millennium Falcon A sequel trilogy began with Episode VII The Force Awakens (2015), continued with Episode VIII The Last Jedi (2017), and will end with Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker this year. One wheeled: Described as a friend of BB-8, D-0 was created by Neal Scanlan and the creature and robotics team The teaser was action packed and full of cast members. The trailer begins with Rey alone in the desert. She is breathing heavily as she gets information from the late Luke Skywalker. Luke may have died at the end of the most recent installment but his voice dominates the teaser trailer. 'We passed on all we know,' says Luke from the heavens. 'A thousand generations live in you now.' Rey holds onto a lightsaber as she has a stern look on her face while surveying the desert. A spaceship is off in the distance and coming towards her fast. She then pulls out her lightsaber which has a long white light. The teaser is here! The trailer begins with Rey alone in the desert. She is breathing heavily as she gets information from the late Luke Skywalker. Luke may have died at the end of the most recent installment but his voice dominates the teaser trailer Bad guy doing evil: Next viewers are taken to another planet. Kylo is seen without his mask as he fights soldiers in a forest; the light around him is red 'But this is your fight,' Luke adds. On the screen it reads, 'Ever generation has a legend.' Next the desert is panned as music builds; something awful is clearly about to take place. A ship that hovers over the sand is nearly near her. The pilot's hands in black leather gloves hint this could be her longtime nemesis Kylo Ren - played by Adam Driver - who is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia. Rey runs into the ship and does a flip. Dynamic duo: Then Finn is seen for the first time in the desert in a beige jacket with Poe behind him Next viewers are taken to another planet. Kylo is seen without his mask as he fights soldiers in a forest; the light around him is red. A big, heavy black and silver mask is welded with red light; it might belong to Kylo. Then Finn is seen for the first time in the desert in a beige jacket with Poe behind him and BB-8 is also flashed on the screen. The Millennium Falcon is seen cruising through the air with Chewbacca at the front. They are traveling through space at what appears to be lightspeed. Battle ready: Rey is seen walking down a grassy hill with Chewbacca, BB-8, C-3PO, Poe and Finn. They all look ready for battle as they look out at the ocean Lando, played by Williams is along for the ride and is laughing heartily. 'The saga comes to an end,' it is flashed on the screen. Then the battle scenes rev up: there is a fight on a planet that appears to be Jakku or Tatooine, where Luke grew up with his aunt and uncle. A ship with Finn and C-3PO glides through the air. It seems to be on fire and about to crash into the sand. A new poster was shared too: Here is the first poster for Star Wars IX: The Rise Of Skywalker Then we see Rey hold onto a device presented to her in the last Star Wars film. She rubs it as if its a magic genie. There is a shot of Fisher as Leia hugging Rey. The footage is taken from The Force Awakens, JJ Abrams explained months ago. She died in 2016 and he did not want to use CGI to re-create her. 'We always will be with you,' says Luke from the beyond. Rey is seen walking down a grassy hill with Chewbacca, BB-8, C-3PO, Poe and Finn. They all look ready for battle as they look out at the ocean. 'No one's ever really gone,' says Luke in voiceover. Menacing laughter from Emperor Palpatine is heard as the screen goes black, then the Star Wars logo is seen in blue. The Rise Of Skywalker is added. Episode IX opens nationwide December 20, 2019. She recently soaked up the sun while filming with her fellow TOWIE cast members in Thailand. And Chloe Meadows is enjoying another excursion abroad as she is currently living it up on the beaches of Portugal, taking to Instagram on Saturday to post some snaps. The reality TV star, 26, displayed her pert posterior in black bikini bottoms and a black leather jacket in a sizzling snap taken on the beach in Vilamoura in the Algarve. Sun-kissed: Chloe Meadows displayed her pert posterior in black bikini bottoms and a black leather jacket in a sizzling snap taken on the beach in Vilamoura in Portugal In another snap, Chloe sported a red bikini top with a multi-coloured mini-skirt and captioned it: 'Island gal'. Speaking recently to MailOnline, Chloe opened up about her relationship with banker George Wales. The TOWIE beauty admitted she hopes they get married one day and told how they are hoping to buy a house together next year. She said: 'He's called George and is a trader for a bank. We went out when we were younger before TOWIE, we then split-up but got back together about a year ago. Trip: In another snap, Chloe sported a red bikini top with a multi-coloured mini-skirt and captioned it: 'Island gal' 'We are loved-up and really happy. I have never been this happy in my life. When you know you know. It is just so easy. 'Relationships are supposed to be easy and have fun. You're not supposed to have agg and drama. I'm praying he is the one.' And Chloe hopes George will take the initiative to propose within the next two years as she talked about marriage. Romance: Chloe admitted she hopes she and boyfriend George Wales get married one day and told how they are hoping to buy a house together next year She said: 'I would love him to propose and to have a ring on my finger. I would love to marry him but you will have to ask him that question. Hopefully we'll be engaged in the next two years.' Speaking of their next step, Chloe divulged their plans to move in together and buy a house- but only after Brexit. 'We are looking to buy somewhere this year. We've been to see a few houses. He wanted to put an offer into the first one we saw in Chigwell but we are now waiting until after Brexit.' She survived an abduction with nine months in captivity when she was just 14-years-old. And Elizabeth Smart is using her own traumatic experience to bring insight to the recent kidnap of teenager Jayme Closs. The 31-year-old is seen in her brand-new television show, Smart Justice: The Jayme Closs Case, in a first look trailer which was released to Extra on Friday. Insight: Elizabeth Smart is seen in her brand new television show, Smart Justice: The Jayme Closs Case, in a first look trailer which was released to Extra on Friday Elizabeth, who was abducted from her Salt Lake City home in June 2002, reveals more about 13-year-old Closs miraculous escape from her kidnapper in January this year, after 88 days in captivity. She is seen travelling to Wisconsin - where Closs lived and was held - to talk to key players in the investigation into her disappearance. Thirteen-year-old Closs was taken in October 2018, after her abductor, Jake Thomas Patterson, killed both of her parents. Kidnapped: Elizabeth, who was abducted from her Salt Lake City home in June 2002, reveals more about 13-year-old Closs miraculous escape from her kidnapper in January this year, after 88 days in captivity She escaped and ran for help on January 10 this year. Smart is heard on the trailer explaining: 'Jayme Kloss was kidnapped from her home, after witnessing the murder of her parents.' She's seen in a clip telling other survivors: 'When I heard Jayme had been recovered I just felt like, yessss,' as she punched the air. Explainer: Smart is heard on the trailer explaining: 'Jayme Kloss was kidnapped from her home, after witnessing the murder of her parents' Small town big trauma: She is seen travelling to Wisconsin - where Closs lived and was held - to talk to key players in the investigation into her disappearance She's seen in a clip telling other survivors: 'When I heard Jayme had been recovered I just felt like, yessss,' as she punched the air. Support: She also brings together a round table of other abduction survivors, including (L-R) Kara Robinson, Gina DeJesus, Katie Beers, (Elizabeth centre), Denise Huskins, Sarah Maynard and Alicia Kozakiewicz She adds: 'Only survivors of abduction can truly understand her pain' Smart provides her own insight as a survivor who endured nine months in captivity when she was 14. She also brings together a round table of other abduction survivors, including Gina DeJesus, Katie Beers, Kara Robinson, Alicia Kozakiewicz, Denise Huskins and Sarah Maynard. She adds: 'Only survivors of abduction can truly understand her pain.' 'We want to help her move forward,' she concludes. Survivors: The show uses Elizabeth's insight and other survivors of abduction 'We want to help her move forward,' she concludes on the trailer The mother-of-three told of her joy at Closs being found back in January, on her Instagram feed: 'What a miracle!!! Jayme Closs has been found!!!! Im so thrilled to hear the news. What has been such a heart wrenching tragedy finally has some happiness in the story,' she wrote. She continued: 'Im praying for Jayme and all her family that they can have a joyous reunion and as the rest of the country celebrates alongside this happy occasion we all are mindful to give the family their space and privacy on their road to finding a new sense of normal and moving forward. 'I have no doubt Jayme and her family will forever appreciate the efforts and prayers of the many thousands of people who contributed and kept them in their thoughts and prayers! I hope we may all continue to support and embrace Jayme as she reclaims her life and comes to terms with the reality of her situation. 'What a brave, strong, and powerful survivor!!!! No matter what may unfold in her story lets all try to remember that this young woman has SURVIVED and whatever other details may surface the most important will still remain that she is alive. May god bless you Jayme Closs and may we all continue to search for every missing child. #miracleshappen #novictimblaming #hope #findingnormal #survivor #strong #brave' New beginnings: The blonde beauty has rebuilt her life to become an advocate to others, and shares three children with husband Matthew Gilmour New baby: They welcomed their youngest, Olivia, in November 2018 The blonde beauty has rebuilt her life to become an advocate to others, and shares three children with husband Matthew Gilmour. They welcomed their youngest, Olivia, in November 2018, and also have two-year-old son James and Chloe, 4. Smart Justice: The Jayme Closs Case premieres Saturday, April 27, at 8 p.m. on Lifetime. Smart Justice is produced by Telepictures and executive-produced by Lisa Gregorisch-Dempsey, Jeremy Spiegel and Scott Eldridge. Mioshi Hill and Gena McCarthy executive-produce for Lifetime. Zara Holland looked in high spirits as she continued her sun-soaked trip to Barbados on Saturday. The former Love Island star, 23, wore a black lace patterned bikini with gold trimmings as she enjoyed a day on the beach with her mother Cheryl Hackeney, 54. Styling her locks into an updo, Zara sported a pair of shades and a silver necklace. Trip: Zara Holland looked in high spirits as she continued her sun-soaked trip to Barbados on Saturday Cheryl sported a bright yellow and red patterned bikini as she chatted to her daughter. Zara found fame on Love Island in 2016, where she controversially lost her Miss Great Britain title after having sex on the show with Alex Bowen. She told The Sun she 'changed as a person' when her Miss GB title was stripped from her and is still 'haunted' by the repercussions. The brunette said: 'I changed as a person, I didnt want to go out or socialise, I came out of Love Island and they didnt contact me. Family: The former Love Island star, 23, in a black lace patterned bikini with gold trimmings as she enjoyed a day on the beach with her mother Cheryl Hackeney Sun-kissed: Styling her locks into an updo, Zara sported a pair of shades and a silver necklace Past: Zara found fame on Love Island in 2016, where she controversially lost her Miss Great Britain title after having sex on the show with Alex Bowen 'Love Island called me for the first time in two years on Thursday [after the death of her co-star Sophie Gradon] to ask if I was OK, funny they call me now when something terrible has happened. 'People applying need to know how serious things can be, they see a claim to fame, they dont see that in ten years time, when youre married with babies, youll still be haunted for the rest of your life.' A spokesperson for Love Island told MailOnline: 'All of our islanders are offered psychological support before, during and after their time in the villa. The brunette said: 'I changed as a person, I didnt want to go out or socialise, I came out of Love Island and they didnt contact me' She said: 'People applying need to know how serious things can be' 'We take our duty of care very seriously and this is always our top priority.' Zara made her comments after friend and co-star Sophie Gradon was tragically found dead at her parents home in Newcastle in June aged just 32, with friends reporting at the time that she had taken her own life. For confidential help and support, contact Samaritans on 116 123. Nicole Kidman has been spotted filming scenes with Hugh Grant for the first time, as they continue work on dark new drama The Undoing. The Australian star, 51, sported dramatic curls as she joined the British actor, 58, in a scene where they are mobbed by photographers leaving the Federal Court. Hugh and Nicole will play a husband and wife duo in the HBO drama, which has been penned by Big Little Lies writer David E. Kelley. Tense: Nicole Kidman has been spotted on-set with Hugh Grant for the first time, as they filmed scenes for dark new drama The Undoing Nicole oozed sartorial chic as she filmed scenes in the heart of the Big Apple, sporting a stylish burgundy red coat and grey boots. The Oscar winner's strawberry blonde tresses were styled into corkscrew curls, and she carried her essentials in a matching grey handbag. Meanwhile Hugh was every inch the suave star as he donned a grey coat to film scenes outside the Court. Mr and Mrs: The Australian star, 51, sported dramatic curls as she joined the British actor, 58, in a scene where they are mobbed by photographers leaving the Federal Court Tense: In the scene, the pair were mobbed by press and photographers as they exited the courthouse Low-key: In a break from filming, Hugh was also spotted chatting to a member of the crew, as he sipped an ice cold drink Relaxed: This is the first time the British actor has been seen filming with Nicole, as previously their scenes have been separate Style: Nicole oozed sartorial chic as she filmed scenes in the heart of the Big Apple Fashion: She sported a stylish burgundy red coat and grey boots along with a mauve top and grey handbag Later, Nicole had an outfit change, donning a light green jacket with a detailed floral print which she paired with a dark skirt. She also wore a silk baby pink top and added height to her frame with brown heels, completing her look with a matching handbag. The pair join forces with famed Big Little Lies writer Kelley for The Undoing, with Nicole also credited as an executive producing credits. Big roles: Both Hugh (left) and Nicole were hard at work on their next big acting parts, after the highly praised Big Little Lies Happy: Nicole looked in high spirits as she waited between takes on the set of the upcoming flick Ensemble: Later, Nicole had an outfit change, donning a light green jacket with a detailed floral print Fashion: She also wore a baby pink silk top for her second look which she paired with a dark skirt Nicole plays successful therapist Grace Sachs in the series, whose world in upended when husband Jonathan, played by Hugh, goes missing right before she's about to publish her first book. Faced with a series of horrible and shocking revelations, she must dismantle her life and begin a new one with her son. Kelley earned much critical acclaim for his work on Big Little Lies, which scooped the Emmy Award for Best Limited Series. Outfit: Nicole added height to her frame with a pair of dark shoes and accessorised with a matching handbag Epic show: The pair join forces with famed Big Little Lies writer Kelley for The Undoing, with Nicole also credited as an executive producing credits Epic: Nicole plays successful therapist Grace Sachs in the series, whose world in upended when husband Jonathan, played by Hugh, goes missing Dapper duo: Donald Sutherland (left) was also spotted exiting the courthouse with Hugh, as they continued another day of filming for the drama Working hard: The two actors are set to take centre stage in the drama, which has been filming in New York Directed by Bird Box's Susanne Bier, the drama also stars Donald Sutherland, Noah Jupe, Fala Chen, Edgar Ramirez and Lily Rabe. The premium cable project is based on the novel You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz and has yet to receive a release date. Nicole will next be seen in The Goldfinch which follows the tale of a boy who survives a terrorist attack and goes on to become involved in art forgeries. The Goldfinch - which also stars Sarah Paulson and Ansel Elgot - is slated for release in September. Jaw-dropping: Nicole highlighted her trim figure in yet another stylish ensemble, as she exited the courthouse in a tense scene They were the New Romantic heart-throbs who went shoulder-pad to shoulder-pad against each other in the 1980s. And now Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet are vying for supremacy once more not in the pop charts this time but on the West End stage. Both groups are bringing their stories to the theatre in rival shows, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the release of To Cut A Long Story Short, their first chart entry, Spandau Ballet are putting together a jukebox musical with many of their hit songs. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the release of To Cut A Long Story Short, their first chart entry, Spandau Ballet are putting together a jukebox musical with many of their hit songs The show will chart their career, starting with their teenage years in Islington, North London, and early forays into music at the Blitz nightclub during the dying days of punk and the birth of the New Romantic scene. But as well as recounting their rise to fame on both sides of the Atlantic thanks to smash hits such as Gold, the show will also feature their later troubles. The band went through an acrimonious fallout in 1999 when frontman Tony Hadley, saxophone player Steve Norman and drummer John Keeble sued guitarist and songwriter Gary Kemp, who they claimed had agreed would share the royalties. Kemp, 59, whose brother Martin is the groups bassist and also a former star of EastEnders, denied the claim and won the case. The band members were reconciled and five years ago they decided to tour again, but Hadley quit last year. The show is being directed by Terry Johnson, who was also in charge of End Of The Rainbow, the musical life story of Judy Garland. Sources close to the band say that Johnson signed his contract earlier this month and now the search is under way for the most suitable theatre in Central London. This is the icing on the cake for the band, says a friend of the group, who have sold 25 million records worldwide. They have had their ups and downs but what theyve achieved as a band is so special to them. Duran Duran, who have sold 100 million records globally, have recently completed the first draft of a stage musical which they hope will go to the West End next year. It has been written by band members Nick Rhodes, 56, and Roger Taylor, 58, who have been working on it between touring commitments. Meanwhile, Duran Duran, who have sold 100 million records globally, have recently completed the first draft of a stage musical which they hope will go to the West End next year. It has been written by band members Nick Rhodes, 56, and Roger Taylor, 58, who have been working on it between touring commitments. A source told The Mail on Sunday: They have been working on this script for a while, and the first draft was finished last month. Now its all systems go to get it out there and into the theatre. Its all new material this time, a bit more up to date and very arty. It is understood that both bands are also looking to eventually take their shows to Broadway. Having managed to crack the notoriously tough American market in the 1980s, both bands have retained a dedicated following in the US. Duran Duran toured there earlier this year, while Spandau Ballet completed an eight-date comeback tour in America in 2015. So were you a Durany... Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet are vying for supremacy once more not in the pop charts this time but on the West End stage. FANS NAME: Followers of the group have called themselves the Duranies since the early 1980s and theyre a loyal bunch their website says they will do anything for the band. A-LIST PARTNERS: Simon Le Bon married supermodel Yasmin, while guitarist John Taylor had a relationship with wildchild Amanda de Cadenet. REUNIONS: There have been a few: in 1988 they reformed as a trio, before all coming together in 2003, only to see Andy Taylor quit three years later. They most recently reunited in 2015. CONTROVERSY: Their raunchy Girls On Film video featured topless women mud-wrestling and was banned by the BBC. Dont even ask about the video for Wild Boys RIVALRY: In 2015, John Taylor attacked Spandaus Tony Hadley for appearing on Im A Celebrity: I dont understand it. Why is he so desperate? Ouch! Advertisement She was unveiled as the new face of Levis 501 denim just a few days ago. And Hailey Baldwin was every inch the denim darling as she headed to the Levis event in Palm Desert, California on Saturday. Hailey, 22, rocked a jean jacket, trousers, and lacy black top as she made her grand entrance. Blue jean baby! Hailey Baldwin was every inch the denim darling as she posed up a storm at the Levis event in Palm Desert, California on Saturday The wife of Justin Bieber wore her statement-making gold chain necklace, bearing her new last name. Hair slicked up into a high ponytail with a scrunchy, Hailey looked every inch the trendsetter while rocking a very '90s inspired look. The catwalk queen wore a pair of chunky gold hoop earrings, red Vans sneakers, and a baby pink manicure. A coat of makeup brought out her naturally radiant features. Hailey, 22, rocked jeans and lacy black top as she made her grand entrance Bling bling: The wife of Justin Bieber wore her statement-making gold chain necklace, bearing her new last name Mingling with friends while flashing a radiant smile, Hailey was clearly having a good time taking in the sunny festival atmosphere. Hailey was unveiled as the new face of Levi 501 denim earlier this month. The catwalk queen revealed that the collaboration was an obvious choice because she stole her first pair of Levi jeans from her dad, Stephen Baldwin, and she still wears them 'today'. TBT: Hair slicked up into a high ponytail with a scrunchy, Hailey looked every inch the trendsetter while rocking a very '90s inspired look Gorgeous: The catwalk queen wore a pair of chunky gold hoop earrings, red Vans sneakers, and a baby pink manicure Golden girl: The newlywed admired her array of jewelry Bieber said: 'I've been wearing 501 cutoffs since I can remember. They make me feel like me. I still wear them today.' The campaign marks the date when the original riveted blue jeans were patented 146 years ago. And the brand has revealed that they were happy to have an 'authentic fan' feature in their ad. Nice to see you! Baldwin appeared to be mingling with some friends Chief marketing officer of Levi Strauss and Co, Jennifer Sey told WWD: 'Hailey has been wearing our icons, Levi's 501s and 501 shorts and trucker jackets, without us having to ask her to. 'She's a real authentic fan. It never felt right before but we love Hailey's energy and optimism. 'It felt like the right time to associate a face with 501.' Denim darling: Hailey was unveiled as the new face of Levi 501 denim earlier this month Penrith winger Tyrone Phillips has resigned from the NRL club following a drink-driving charge over the weekend. It came after Phillips had also embroiled in a sex tape scandal during the off-season when a lewd video of him and fellow Panthers reserve grade player Liam Coleman was released online. The club's general manager Phil Gould confirmed the news on Monday night. "Tyrone Phillips, we met with he and his manager today and Tyrone's made a decision to resign from the Panthers effective immediately," Gould told Channel 9's 100% Footy. "He's had a difficult time of late and the latest thing on the weekend wasn't good enough so they've parted ways. "I don't know what he intends to do, but there was a settlement made today and he's resigned." The Panthers' reserve grade outside back will appear in Penrith Local Court on April 16 after being arrested and charged in the early hours of Sunday. Police will allege Phillips returned a breath alcohol content reading of .103 after being stopped by police in Cranebrook in Sydney's west at 3.15am. He has been charged with mid-range drink driving and had his licence suspended. Phillips had earlier turned out for Penrith's reserve grade side in their NSW Cup win over St George Illawarra at Panthers Stadium. The driving force behind the disability royal commission says a reported half-billion-dollar fund to pay for it is a win for disabled people. The federal government will allocate $527 million to the inquiry into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of Australians with disabilities, News Corp Australia reported on Monday. "Finally, we have the opportunity for justice," Greens senator Jordon Steele-John said in a statement late on Monday. "Let's not pretend this is a win for the Morrison government - they never wanted this royal commission to happen - this is a win for the disability rights movement." The consultation period on the government's draft terms of reference closed last week. The inquiry is expected to examine mistreatment in institutional settings, workplaces, schools, homes and in the community. It will be applicable to all disabled people. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the federal government will fully fund the inquiry and he now has "letters patent" from all the states and territories to allow it to go ahead with the proper legal authority. A common food additive used in cooking oils, frozen meats and fast foods such as fish and chips could lower the benefits of a flu vaccine, an international research study suggests. Michigan State University scientists made the link after finding the preservative Tert-butylhydroquinone or tBHQ altered the immune response to the virus in mice. "If you get a vaccine, but part of the immune system doesn't learn to recognize and fight off virus-infected cells, then this can cause the vaccine to be less effective," Robert Freeborn, a fourth-year doctoral student who led the study with Cheryl Rockwell, an associate professor in pharmacology and toxicology, said. Professor Robert Booy, Head of the Clinical Research team at Australia's National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, described it as "tantalising research". "It's not yet been tested on humans but in further research, I would be very keen to see if our favourite fish and chips is actually helping to make us sick," he told News Corp on Wednesday. An elderly Melbourne woman who was found murdered in her home was last seen walking towards a highway. Victoria Police are calling for public help to investigate how Vicki Ramadan made her way to her Sydenham home before she died. The 77-year-old's body was found by a neighbour on Sunday about 9.45am and detectives believe she was was brutally assaulted in her home. It is unclear when Ms Ramadan was murdered, but she was last seen on April 1, walking on Gourlay Road in Melton toward the Melton Highway and police hope someone may have dashcam vision. To perform the pivotal final scene in the Sydney Theatre Company production of King Lear, Geoffrey Rush says he imagined the death of his own daughter. Footage of the scene played in the Federal Court shows Rush's Lear howling in grief as he carries the dead Cordelia on stage, before lowering her to the ground and cradling her body. It's during this same scene that the actor who played Cordelia, Eryn Jean Norvill, alleges Rush stroked the side of her right breast during a preview performance of the 2015-16 production. On Thursday, Justice Michael Wigney will reveal his decision in Rush's defamation case against a newspaper publisher and journalist over articles and a poster relating to Norvill's allegations. Rush launched legal action in 2017, saying Nationwide News and Jonathon Moran falsely made him out to be a pervert and sexual predator in the stories published in Sydney's Daily Telegraph that same year. The defence denies conveying those imputations but if found to have done so, is arguing they're substantially true after Norvill - who didn't participate in Moran's articles - agreed to give evidence. She detailed her allegations against Rush at trial late last year and denied suggestions from his legal team that she was lying. Norvill said Rush touched her lower back backstage, made groping gestures and sexual innuendo toward her during rehearsals and stroked the side of her breast during a performance of the final scene. "It couldn't have been an accident because it was slow and pressured," Norvill said. She said his power was intimidating and the rehearsal room was complicit in his behaviour. But Rush denied his former co-star's allegations in the witness box, saying he thought they'd enjoyed a "very sparky, congenial rapport" and there was "not a hint" that she had a problem during rehearsals. He became emotional when he said that to perform Cordelia's death scene, he would imagine "it was my own real-life daughter and that she'd been hit by a bus on the street near where we live ... and I knew she was gone". The Oscar winner is claiming millions of dollars of damages in the defamation case, with his lawyer Bruce McClintock SC telling the court he may never work again. A man is accused of stealing a three-tonne truck from a central Sydney building site and taking it for a drunken joyride through the CBD before crashing into a city cafe. A group of construction workers prevented any further carnage by chasing the 33-year-old along George Street just after 2am on Wednesday, hauling him out of the cabin and holding him until police arrived. Police say the culprit jumped in the truck which was parked near Martin Place for light rail construction works and drove it through the worksite. He managed to travel only a short distance before crashing through the front window of a nearby cafe. "Construction workers gave chase on foot and physically removed the man from the truck and detained him until officers arrived," NSW Police said in a statement. The man, from Queenscliff on the northern beaches, was arrested and returned a positive roadside breath test, police said. He is expected to be charged later on Wednesday. A review has been launched into laws that allow religious institutions to discriminate against gay students and teachers. The federal government has asked the Australian Law Reform Commission to undertake the study following the report on religious freedom by former minister Philip Ruddock. The review will also consider protecting the right of people to promote the view that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, following the passage of federal same-sex marriage laws. The report is due by April 10, 2020. Seven West Media has sold its stake in Yahoo7 to communications and tech giant Verizon for $21 million and says its rebranded online news sites are already outstripping performances under the former joint venture. Seven, which will receive $20.75 million in cash for its Yahoo7 shares this financial year, said it now fully owns and operates all of its 'direct to consumer' digital products, including the platform launched last week. Seven chief executive Tim Worner said the company exercised a put option under the Yahoo7 Shareholders Agreement, pivoting Seven West to meet advertisers' demand for "holistic, integrated, cross-screen media solutions". Mr Worner said gaining 100 per cent control of the company's digital brands had already begun to reap benefits. "We launched one week ago... It is already reaching larger daily online news audiences than when inside Yahoo7," he said in a release to the ASX on Wednesday. "Similarly, Pacific and are reaching record daily audiences, higher than at any time in the joint venture." Shares in Seven West were trading 4.64 per cent higher at $50.75 at 1055 AEST. Twenty-three former fire and emergency former chiefs from across Australia are demanding the prime minister take action to deal with the increased disaster risks posed by climate change. The group fired the salvo against Scott Morrison as well as state and territory governments in a signed joint letter issued in Melbourne on Wednesday. "We are deeply concerned about the lack of climate action at a national level and felt obligated to speak out," former NSW Fire and Rescue commissioner Greg Mullins said in a statement. Public fear over oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight has been influenced by misleading information online that "grossly" misrepresents the risk and consequences of an oil spill, South Australia's peak mining group says. The South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy has praised Norwegian energy producer Equinor for its level of public engagement over its plans for a deepwater exploration oil well 400 kilometres offshore from Ceduna. The company has demonstrated a level of transparency and dedication to community consultation that has spread across SA regional communities and involved more than 150 meetings with local South Australians, SACOME chief executive Rebecca Knol said. Equinor is currently reviewing the 30,000 submissions made on its draft environmental plan. "It is apparent from the commentary that many public responses were influenced by material circulating online which grossly misrepresented both the risks and consequences of a major oil spill," Ms Knol said at the Paydirt Resources and Energy Investment Conference in Adelaide. "This misleading information has generated expressions of genuine fear and concern in many of the submissions when the public debate should be entrenched in a higher standard of factual and balanced information." The SACOME boss was also critical of Australian mining magnate Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest who recently opposed drilling in the Bight, declaring Equinor's plans an unacceptable risk to an irreplaceable ecosystem. Ms Knol said Mr Forrest's comments were an example of "industry cannibalism born out of deep commercial competitiveness". "Like a developer desperate to attract investment, such commentary does not consider the whole of industry ramifications," she said. On the resources sector more generally, Ms Knol said it had always contended with the "dirty and dangerous tagline". "But since the birth of social media, fake news and the rise of environmental activism, the perception of our industry has plummeted," she said. "Public perception, however inaccurate, is damaging to our sector." Such negativity could spread quickly and trust, when lost in a community, was almost impossible to regain, Ms Knol said. "Today, our politicians are making decisions based on community sentiment largely fuelled by social media, fake news and misinformation." Western Australia's biggest and most dilapidated maternity hospital will move to a new facility on the more modern QEII medical campus, the state government has announced. As a review of the state's health system was released on Wednesday, Health Minister Roger Cook said the 103-year-old, heritage-listed King Edward Memorial Hospital would eventually relocate but gave no specific time frame. Premier Mark McGowan said work to replace the tired facility would not begin in this term of his government, which has committed $3.3 million to planning the change. Earlier this week, Mr Cook announced $22.7 million in funding to upgrade the intensive care unit at the city's other run-down hospital, Royal Perth. It was a strong "nothing to see here" from Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten about key politicians' meetings with a Chinese billionaire now banned from Australia. Huang Xiangmo reportedly paid tens of thousands of dollars to set up a meeting in 2016 with then-immigration minister Peter Dutton in a bid to fast track a citizenship application. Mr Huang also met Mr Shorten in 2015 after he donated more than $50,000 to the Labor party, and the businessman was behind the resignation of Labor senator Sam Dastyari in 2017. He has since had his visa revoked and he cannot return to Australia after advice from security agencies. "Mr Huang has met with many people in the Labor party, in other sides of politics, and it's a free country, they can meet with who they like," Mr Morrison told reporters in Launceston on Wednesday. "But at the end of the day, we're the ones who cancelled his visa, we are the ones who wouldn't give him citizenship and we're the ones who said he's never returning to Australia." Mr Shorten was asked if he discussed the China Australia free trade agreement with Mr Huang when they met in 2015. "We have had plenty of meetings with all sorts of people, we always talk about foreign policy, you can talk about domestic policy," he told reporters. The Labor leader said his party banned foreign donations two years before the coalition made it law in January. Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday said Mr Morrison should investigate Mr Dutton's contact with Mr Huang. "(Mr Turnbull's) been the chair of the national security committee. He (was) the leading spokesperson for three years on the national security of the nation. He's blown the whistle on these revelations," Mr Shorten said. Mr Dutton on Tuesday said citizenship was not discussed at the 2016 meeting, and he never took a dollar in donations from Mr Huang. Former prime minister Tony Abbott said Mr Dutton had acted appropriately. "It's not a crime to be photographed with someone, it's not a scandal to go to an event with someone," he told reporters. "It's only a problem if you then do something which has been bought." Former foreign minister Julie Bishop told AAP she had not met personally with Mr Huang but she had met him at a public event in Sydney. Mr Huang paid a former Liberal minister to set up a meeting with Mr Dutton at a Chinese restaurant in Sydney, according to an investigation by the ABC's Four Corners. The investigation also said Mr Dutton approved a request from Mr Dastyari to fast track Mr Huang's family's application and allowed them a private citizenship ceremony inside the former Labor senator's parliament house office. Many allied health professionals will soon be de-registering from the National Disability Insurance Scheme due to the high costs associated with its new compliance system. Upon de-registering, they will no longer be able to provide services for NDIS participants whose funding is managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency. "It's not necessary; at best it's an insult, but at worst it's making (providers) not be able to continue," business owner Jane Beale said. Ms Beale manages her husband's physiotherapy practice, and also runs a speech pathology business in the Hunter Valley and Central Coast of NSW. Last year, the NDIS Commission began rolling out its compliance and enforcement policy in South Australia and NSW, requiring registered NDIS providers to complete an audit to maintain their registration. The system has two pathways - a lighter pathway called 'Verification' for sole traders offering low-risk supports, and a more complex pathway called 'Certification'. If they operate as a company rather than a sole trader, businesses providing low-risk supports - such as physiotherapy and speech therapy - are required to complete the more complex 'Certification' pathway, even if they only have a small number of staff and clients. According to data collected from National Disability Services - the peak body for non-government services - the average cost of the Certification pathway for small-medium businesses is $6000 to $14,000 for the initial audit, and half of that again for surveillance audits in the following two years. For Ms Beale's physiotherapy business, which has only five clients on the NDIS, it will need to pay $5600 in its first year, which is an expense she and her husband can't afford. Although Ms Beale will de-register her husband's physiotherapy business, she will continue to renew the registration for her speech pathology business. Out of concern for her client base of approximately 500 NDIS participants with funding managed by the NDIA, she feels she has no choice but to renew her registration. "I feel like I have to because I have about 80 employees," said Ms Beale. "If I don't go ahead, it's such an impact on them, so I feel a little bit backed into a corner." Ms Beale has not completed the renewal process for her registration, and has not been provided with a quote yet, but expects the figure to be at least 10 times that of her physiotherapy business. NDIS participants who self-manage their NDIS supports and services won't be impacted by this new system. The NDIS Commission was formed last year to ensure a nationally consistent approach to safety and quality of services within the NDIS. An NDIS Commission spokesperson told AAP it was monitoring audit costs, advising auditors and talking to providers who have been through the process. "The NDIS Commission has issued guidance to registered providers on how to engage with auditors to get the best value for their situation," the spokesperson said. "Where providers have concerns they are encouraged to contact the NDIS Commission." A grants program is open to fund the development and delivery of tools and resources to support NDIS service providers. On July 1, 2018, 9700 providers transitioned to the new NDIS Commission arrangements in NSW and SA. About 40 per cent of these providers are not active in the NDIS market, the commission said. "The NDIS Commission expects that providers who do not intend to operate in the NDIS will not renew their registration with the NDIS Commission." The prospect of tax cuts in the federal government's budget helped lift consumer sentiment last week, a survey of households suggests. The Westpac-Melbourne Institute consumer sentiment index rose 1.9 per cent to 100.7 in April, breaching the 100-point mark that separates optimism from pessimism and regaining some ground after dropping 4.8 per cent to 98.8 in March. "The month-to-month gain in sentiment was driven by a solid rise in expectations for the economy and family finances with some offsetting drag from weaker assessments around current finances and 'time to buy a major household item'," Westpac economist Bill Evans said. The survey of 1,200 households - conducted between April 1 to April 5 - picked up a positive response to tax relief measures in the federal budget announced on April 2, according to Mr Evans. "Sentiment over the course of the week showed a clear boost, with sentiment amongst those surveyed post-budget 7.7 per cent higher than sentiment amongst those surveyed pre-budget," he said. About 15 per cent of respondents expected the budget to improve their finances over the next twelve months, 51 per cent expected no change and 22 per cent expected it to worsen their circumstances. Mr Evans said it was unclear if the boost in optimism would be sustained given the fact that, with only the pre-budget responses considered, the index had been on track for a further deterioration in sentiment from March. The overall results of the survey indicated those earning more than $80,000 a year recorded the largest boost in confidence in April. Consumer confidence jumped 3.2 per cent in the month among survey respondents earning between $80,000 and $100,000 a year and increased 2.1 per cent for those with incomes of more than $100,000. The poll recorded a dip in sentiment in April for people in the $20,000-40,000, $40,000-60,000 and $60,000-80,000 income brackets while those earning less than $20,000 had a 4.9 per cent gain but the sub-index only reached 89.9, indicating pessimists still outweighed optimists in that demographic section. Over the last 12 months, confidence among sub-$20,000 earners dropped 10.1 per cent, $80,000-$100,000 earners had a 2.4 per cent boost and sentiment for those earning more than $100,000 fell 2.3 per cent. The Westpac-Melbourne Institute poll also registered a 1.2 per cent gain in sentiment among renters in April, a 2.8 per cent dip for people paying off a mortgage and a six per cent jump for those who fully owned their homes. Four people have been arrested over an incident in regional Victoria, where a man was found dead. Emergency crews were called to the One Tree Hill Lookout at Spring Gully, Bendigo, on March 15, after reports a man had been stabbed. The 24-year-old Long Gully man died at the scene. Police on Wednesday arrested a 20-year-old Long Gully woman, a 27-year-old Flora Hill man, a 22-year-old Flora Hill man and a 28-year-old Long Gully man. All four are expected to be charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment and assault and will appear at Bendigo Magistrates' Court later on Wednesday. A 19-year-old Kennington man previously arrested over the man's death has been released pending further inquiries and police say the investigation remains ongoing. Kelvin Gastelum says he's not over the heartbreak of the late cancellation of his title fight with Australia's UFC middleweight world champion Robert Whittaker. However, the American is "1000 per cent ready" for this weekend's interim title clash with New Zealander Israel Adesanya. Gastelum's title fight with Whittaker at Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena on February 10 was called off just a few hours beforehand, with the champion requiring emergency surgery after suffering from a collapsed bowel and an internal hernia. Fourth-ranked Gastelum will fight fifth-ranked Adesanya in Atlanta on Sunday (AEST), with the winner expected to fight Whittaker in the second half of the year. Gastelum said he hadn't heard from the Whittaker camp since leaving Melbourne and resumed training two weeks later. "Oh man, I'm still not over it, it was heartbreaking," Gastelum told AAP. "When all you thoughts, all your emotions all your work were focused on this one moment, this one day and it gets taken away from you, it just does something to you. "I felt like I went through a rollercoaster of emotions after that, I had to go through those hurdles for me to able to get re-motivated and reset the mind, reset the body and focus on Israel. "It was hard for me to do so at first but we got over those humps and we've put in the work and 1000 per cent ready for this fight" Gastelum got a front-row look at Adesanya during the Kiwi's unanimous decision win over UFC legend Anderson Silva in Melbourne. 'I didn't see a lot of pop in Israel Adesanya's punches," Gastelum said. "I feel like I have the complete opposite style of his, my style is gritty and sometimes it's not the prettiest style, whereas he's got a really flashy pretty style. "I feel like my style can overwhelm his because mine is about pressure and power and speed." Gastelum will concede large height and reach advantages to flamboyant Nigerian-born Adesanya, who has been fast-tracked after winning his first five UFC fights. "I'm not the fastest, most skilled guy, biggest or strongest guy, but I think what sets me apart is my will to win," Gastelum said. A Melbourne man killed his ex-wife because of an argument over the heating in their family home, then tried to flee to Queensland because "what's been done has been done". Mehmed Solmaz, 62, beat his former bride Fatma, 61, with a table leg until she was unconscious then strangled her with an electrical cord knotted around her neck, prosecutors told the Supreme Court in a pre-sentence hearing on Wednesday. He pleaded guilty in August last year to murder, but confessed his crimes shortly after the killing, telling his sister and nephew within hours what he'd done in May 2017. "There's nothing to talk about. What's been done has been done," prosecutor Ray Gibson SC told the court, recounting Solmaz's conversation with his nephew that night. "I love you. I need to go away for few days but I'm going to hand myself in." Solmaz was arrested at Goondiwindi two days later, when he told officers he knew he was being arrested "because I killed the wife". Mrs Solmaz, who was in remission from leukaemia, suffered blunt force trauma to her head but died from strangulation. Solmaz told police he didn't know how many times he'd hit her, but he put the cord around her neck after she "fell and fainted". He claimed she had tried to hit him with the table leg first and that after killing her he panicked, ran away and had not intended to return to Victoria. Solmaz's lawyer Gideon Boas said while the divorced couple remained living together for financial and cultural reasons, they had lived separate lives since 1993. Their marriage was arranged in Bulgaria when they were teens and was "not an easy or happy marriage". He said Solmaz had told a psychologist after the murder that he believed Mrs Solmaz wanted to poison him and had threatened to kill him in his sleep. But Justice Andrew Tinney struggled to accept the submission and said even if there was any truth to the claims they would not mitigate the circumstances of the killing. He said one of Solmaz's sons called him a "strange character" who was violent and controlling. "He has always been very selfish and very authoritative. I remember him bashing mum numerous times," the son said. Both sons were in court on Wednesday but do not have contact with their father. Dr Boas said Solmaz's almost two years already spent in prison had been isolating because he barely spoke English and the single visit he had was "not a friendly visit". Solmaz wants to return to Bulgaria but has been told his ex-family "will kill him" if he does, the lawyer added. Solmaz is due back in court for a further hearing before being sentenced at a later date. A ghost hunter who abused and threatened Virgin airline workers over the phone has used medical complications associated with his weight to avoid time behind bars. Paranormal investigator Kade Jones, 49, pleaded guilty in the Brisbane District Court on Wednesday to two counts of using a carriage service to harass. In June 2017, he abused and threatened staff at the airline, leaving them feeling scared, belittled, upset and degraded. Commonwealth prosecutor Sam Hill told the court Jones taunted a call service operator from Manilla in the Philippines and threatened a Brisbane operator with legal action after he was transferred through to her. The court was told Jones had already been placed on a watchlist with the airline, which banned him from flying with them in 2010 after he made a number of calls to the company. Jones also had been convicted of similar offences on three other occasions dating back to 1998. In his sentencing submissions, Jones' barrister Rob Glenday said prison would be too difficult for his client due to his complicated obesity. He submitted medical documents which said Jones needed to lose weight to get below 250kg before he could have an operation to assist with medical conditions. In sentencing, Judge Vicki Loury slammed Jones' actions as offensive, threatening and racist. She said Jones had shown no contrition and provided no explanation for abusing the airline staff. She sentenced him to 12 months' prison, but ordered he be released on a $2000 good behaviour recognisance for five years. Judge Loury said if he harassed people over the phone again he would be sent behind bars regardless of his weight. A woman obsessed with serial killers who was found guilty of murdering an autistic teenager has appealed her conviction, with her lawyer arguing a macabre book she wrote was "not of significant probative value". Jemma Lilley and her bondage-loving housemate Trudi Lenon garrotted and stabbed 18-year-old Aaron Pajich at their Perth house, then buried him in a shallow grave in their backyard, covering it with concrete and tiles in June 2016. The women blamed each other at their four-and-a-half week Supreme Court of WA trial, but a jury took less than three hours to find them both guilty. Lilley appeared in the WA Court of Appeal via video link from Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison on Wednesday. Her defence counsel Simon Watters argued a book called Playzone, which she wrote aged 16 and centred on a fictional male serial killer named SOS, was deemed admissible at trial but not relevant as propensity evidence. "One would think that the book was highly relevant," one of the three appeal judges Justice Michael Buss said. "It demonstrated the appellant's obsession with serial killers and murder generally." Justice Buss noted Lilley used the name SOS in exchanges with Lenon at times close to the killing. Mr Watters also took issue with the suggestion a person "very interested" in knives such as Lilley was more likely to have formed an intention to stab someone. Justice Buss said the evidence, along with the rest that was heard at trial, was "overwhelmingly probative". Justice Robert Mazza said Lilley was "obsessed" with knives. "There were an extraordinary number of knives," he said. The judges have reserved their decision. Australia's defence chiefs have dismissed as "ridiculous" the listing of Middle East-based United States military forces as terrorists by Iran. Iran has designated the United States Central Command a terrorist organisation, in retaliation to Donald Trump applying the same label to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Defence secretary Greg Moriarty said the US Central Command was a vital arm of the American military, and therefore a very close ally of Australia. Mr Moriarty didn't mince his words when asked to express his view on the high profile international stoush. "The United States Central Command conducts itself in accordance with US law and with international law," he told a Senate inquiry in Canberra on Wednesday. "The Australian Department of Defence does not recognise at all - and in fact, views as ridiculous - any designation or accusation that the United States Central Command is a terrorist organisation." Defence chief Angus Campbell was even more blunt when asked for his own opinion. "Doubly ridiculous," General Campbell told senators. It might not pay to be too diligent in filing your tax return in July, with the tax office confirming it has to wait for parliament to pass legislation before it can give people on low and middle incomes a $1000 rebate. The budget papers last week said a low and middle income tax offset - doubled to $1080 for people earning up to $90,000 - would be included in the ATO's assessment notices after people lodge their tax returns in each of the four financial years it applies. "This will ensure that taxpayers receive a benefit when they lodge returns from 1 July 2019," the budget papers state. But senior tax office bureaucrat Andrew Mills told senators on Wednesday the assessments had to be based on the law at the time they were issued - meaning parliament must have passed the increase to the offset amount for people to get it. It is unlikely parliament will sit between the federal election and the end of the financial year on June 30. For subsequent years, Mr Mills said if it was clear the policy had bipartisan support, the ATO could include the amount in the tax rate schedules it gives employers telling them how much to withhold from workers' pay. These schedules are usually issued around the start of each financial year, in June or July. "It's too late to obviously change schedules (for 2018/19) at this point and, to be frank, I'm not quite sure we have absolute clarity that both sides actually support the exact nature of it," Mr Mills told the estimates committee hearing in Canberra. "Although there have been indications, we need the absolute clarity that there is identity between what's proposed on one side and what's agreed to on the other." He denied the process had been chaotic, saying it was just what happens. "There's no chaos involved in waiting for a law to apply in order to implement something in an assessment." Mr Mills said the ATO had told Treasury before the budget was released this was the process for giving people the offset. ATO officials said while Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's office had checked on Monday what they had told a reporter inquiring into the need for legislation, they had otherwise had no contact from Mr Frydenberg, his office or his department regarding the implementation of the policy since budget night. "Unfortunately, (ATO commissioner Chris) Jordan is actually unavailable to be contacted at the moment - he is on a trek, I can't even tell you where, actually, but anyway we can't contact him by telephone," acting commissioner Jacqui Curtis told the senators. "But we have checked with his office ... We're pretty certain that he hasn't spoken to Treasury since budget night and certainly none of us have." A 22-month-old girl has been abducted from Grafton with authorities suspecting her father may have taken the toddler to Queensland. NSW Police say Aria Jane Killiby has been missing since Monday morning and they suspect she's travelling with her father, Leroy Killiby, in a red Jeep Cherokee with Queensland registration plates 131 XDG. The police force issued an amber alert on Wednesday asking anyone with "information about this abduction" to ring triple zero. Officers went to a Grafton address on Monday morning holding "extreme concerns" for Aria's welfare but couldn't locate her or her father. After knifing Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard while in power, shadow treasurer Chris Bowen says Labor didn't just change the party's rules, it changed the culture. With the polls predicting Labor to return to government six years after the party was kicked out of power, Mr Bowen says the lessons have been learned. "To your question about whether I regret the Rudd-Gillard years in the broad and the instability, of course I do. I think we all do," he told the National Press Club on Wednesday. "We got that wrong, and so we changed the rules. That's not unimportant, but more importantly, we changed the culture." A decade of prime ministerial coups started in 2010 when Kevin Rudd was pushed out of the top job by Julia Gillard, before Mr Rudd then pushed her out again in 2013. The coalition promised to end the instability in the top job, but then dumped Tony Abbott in 2015 and Malcolm Turnbull in 2018. Mr Bowen said if Labor wins the May election, Bill Shorten will be the first Labor prime minister in more than 100 years to win from opposition with prior experience as a cabinet minister. He said when the Howard government was elected in 1996, there were only three ministers with prior cabinet experience. In contrast, 16 of Labor's 21 shadow cabinet members have been cabinet ministers before. "I can't begin to tell you what a difference that will make, making us a better government for that experience," Mr Bowen said. A veteran police officer claims he was bullied into retirement by senior colleagues and has launched legal action against Victoria Police. Travis Mulder, a 21-year servant of the Victorian police force, feared he would be bullied once he was stationed at Box Hill in 2012 due to his links to separate "civil proceedings", not further described. He claims his apprehension was warranted, reporting he was thereafter consistently bullied by four officers during a six-month period. Mr Mulder launched a WorkCover claim in 2013 for psychological injury as a result of his time at Box Hill, but alleges he was subsequently denied promotion opportunities. In April 2014, he was again directed to work at Box Hill but refused, fearing the impact on his health, and requested to be stationed at Burwood instead. Victoria Police eventually accepted liability for the mental health WorkCover claim, but Mr Mulder alleges he was offered no chance to return to work and had to retire on medial grounds in 2016. He claims he could have continued working had he been at a different station and is alleging he was discriminated against by forcing him into retirement. Mr Mulder has launched action against Victoria Police in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Fair Work Commission, alleging breaches of the Equal Opportunity Act and unfair dismissal. He wants damages for pain, suffering and stress, as well as apologies from four police officers and Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton. "Victoria Police attempted to prejudice a workcover claim that I submitted in 2013 by forcing me to work at a police station (Box Hill) where I had previously had been bullied," Mr Mulder said, in documents filed with the tribunal. "The direction to work at the police station was in breach of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement." Victoria Police and four individual officers at the centre of Mr Mulder's claim this month lost a bid to have the matters against them struck out. But Mr Mulder's unfair dismissal claims were dismissed by the tribunal. Xia Yang, 27, can't walk down a street in Sydney without being recognised by fans. The mother-of-two from the Chinese province of Zhejiang has more than four million followers on social media channel Weibo and many are from Australia and New Zealand. "Many Chinese people recognise me, it can be quite nerve-wracking sometimes," she told AAP on Wednesday through a translator. The influencer - or 'key opinion leader' as they are known in China - is one of ten in town for the latest product launch from Australian skincare brand Eaoron. With a combined following of 29 million people, they are key to Earon's success - more than 70 per cent of its revenue is derived from the Chinese market. "It's a very big brand, very popular in China," Ms Yang said. "Australian produced products, particularly in food, healthcare and beauty, are regarded as among the best in the world." Earon's business development manager Fernando Rodriguez said more than 35 million units were sold in China in the past 12 months. "Social media and the marketing and advertising, it travels faster in Asia," he said "In Australia, you have 25 million people, if you target them you can get one, maybe two per cent as customers, in China the minimum percentage you get is millions and millions of people." James Segeyaro is set for a NRL reprieve after Cronulla prop Ava Seumanufagai's decision to join Leeds in the Super League on a two-and-a-half-year deal. Segeyaro was only at the Sharks on a training contract while playing for Newtown in the second-tier NSW Cup. But Seumanufagai's move to England will allow the Sharks to squeeze the one-time representative hooker into their 30-man first-grade squad. While Segeyaro seemingly remains behind Jayden and Blayke Brailey in the pecking order for Cronulla's No.9 starting jumper, the 28-year-old can at least provide injury back-up and remain in Australia to fight for his NRL career. Seumanufagai's contract was expiring at the end of the 2019 season and the Sharks gave the New Zealander permission to speak with other clubs as they sought to ease pressure on their salary cap. It had long been speculated he would join the Rhinos. The signing will fuel speculation over the future of former Kangaroos Test forward Trent Merrin, who is on compassionate leave in Sydney and has been linked with a return to St George Illawarra. But the Rhinos insist their marquee signing will be on a flight back to England next Monday. Seumanufagai began his NRL career in 2013 with the Wests Tigers and was a regular with the Sharks at the start of last season, making 13 appearances. "We are delighted to get the deal finally done to sign Ava," said Kevin Sinfield, the boss of Leeds, who are bottom of the Super League with just two wins from 10 games this season. The head of Australia's corporate watchdog says comments to the media by unnamed senior bankers questioning the regulator's methods are "destructive" in the aftermath of the banking royal commission. A number of anonymous bankers told media outlets last month that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's new focus on laying criminal changes would lead to a tighter credit market, hurting Australians. ASIC chair James Shipton has told a budget estimates hearing that the comments came less than 50 days after banking royal commissioner Kenneth Hayne handed down his final report. The inquiry found shocking evidence of misconduct and greed in the Australian financial sector, at the expense of customers and businesses. "It was very disheartening that within 50 days of this very important document, and almost universal support for the direction travelled within it, that we were getting this resistance and pushback," Mr Shipton told senators in Canberra on Wednesday. "These comments are ultimately unhelpful and destructive, because they do not represent the constructive engagement that we want to have." Despite the pushback from some quarters, Mr Shipton said ASIC was "very confident" in its position as it deals with the recommendations of the royal commission. "We now have a mantra in our organisation and our agency of just getting on with it," Mr Shipton said. The regulator is currently investigating or preparing to investigate 90 cases of misconduct, including almost 30 that emerged from the inquiry. That's double the 45 investigations underway in September and an increase of about 130 per cent on the regulator's misconduct investigations in April last year. "It's a big body of work," the watchdog's executive director of financial services enforcement Tim Mullaly said. "For each report that's coming in we're getting other matters that we're identifying ourselves, through surveillance work or through the investigations that we're doing." Laws giving the ASIC new powers cleared federal parliament last week, with the authority now able to intervene in products where it is deemed they pose a significant risk to consumers. The corporate watchdog and fellow regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, also received a funding windfall of $600 million in last week's federal budget, to ensure it is sufficiently resourced to help deal with the royal commission's 76 recommendations. A family who have been living in Australia for 10 years are facing deportation because their son born with cystic fibrosis is considered a burden on the health system. Irish couple Christine and Anthony Hyde are appealing to Immigration Minister David Coleman in their bid to be granted permanent residency. Their application to settle in Australia was rejected by the Home Affairs Department because of their three-year-old son Darragh's condition. The Hydes have launched an online petition calling for the department to reconsider their judgement and allow them to stay in the regional Victorian town of Seymour. The couple say Darragh will be able to complete studies all the way through to university and is a "bright boy with a positive future ahead of him". "We have positive letters from his doctors and specialists stating that he should live a full life and that his disease progression will be much slower than average," Christine said. "Darragh has the support of his family, our large support network in Seymour and the wider Australian community." Christine has completed an education degree since arriving in Australia in 2009 and now works as an acting assistant principal, while Anthony works as a bus driver. "We have a strong support network here with our friends and family and we are well settled in regional Victoria," she said. The Home Affairs Department says it doesn't comment on individual cases, but if one member of a family doesn't satisfy visa requirements, then all members will be turned down. "The health requirement is not condition-specific and the assessment is undertaken individually for each applicant based on their condition and level of severity," a department spokesman told AAP. "It is an objective assessment to determine whether the care of the individual during their stay in Australia would likely result in significant costs to the Australian community or prejudice the access of Australian citizens and permanent residents to services in short supply." The Hydes petition has passed more than 7000 signatures. Kyle Chalmers has captured another Australian swimming title, winning the 200m freestyle final in Adelaide. Chalmers produced a trademark strong second half of Wednesday night's race to hold off Elijah Winnington and win by six-tenths of a second. "Tonight was kind of all heart really," Chalmers said. "As the meet progresses, my body is probably not quite ready to do such a long meet, I'm obviously still in training." Cate Campbell has also claimed another title, added the 50m freestyle title to the 100m free crown she claimed earlier in the meet. "It's a little bit of a lottery," Campbell said of the short dash. "You just have to spin the wheel and see what comes out the other side. And Mitch Larkin collected his third national title of the meet - and 17th of his decorated career - by winning the 400m individual medley by just three-tenths of a second from Brendon Smith. Larkin had claimed the 100m backstroke and 200m individual medley titles in recent nights. Australians have been warned that their nation will only become fairer through strong economic growth, as they weigh up who to vote for in the upcoming federal election. The Business Council of Australia has expressed the sentiment while laying out a plan it says will help whichever side of politics wins the May poll to address community concerns about where the country is heading. "A low growth environment is demonstrably unfair because it's about winners and losers," chief executive Jennifer Westacott has told AAP. "A high growth environment is the only path towards fairness, because it creates a 'more for all' platform." After touring regional hubs in the past 12 months, Ms Westacott says people are crying out for a cohesive plan for the nation's future and understand that businesses will be key to making Australia stronger. People want their wages to go up, power bills to go down and a sense of certainty that there will be jobs for them in the future because they have the right skills and the right opportunities available to them, she says. City-based residents are concerned about congestion while others in the regions are keen for more people, business investment and activity. At the heart of the BCA's plan for dealing with such challenges is ramping up economic growth, which Ms Westacott says is the lens through which every policy should be examined. Encouraging investment and innovation to boost productivity is also central. "The things that really drive this economy hard are these very big projects," Ms Westacott said. Ensuring the workforce has the skills to deal with the changes technology brings, such as increasing automation, is also key. There is not one single activity will achieve progress in any of these areas, Ms Westacott stressed. But she said Australians should be given credit for their ability to understand the complex picture. For instance, wages growth relies on a strong economy, low unemployment, business investment and improving productivity. "That is just the harsh reality of the world we live in," she said. Among items on the BCA's "to do list" for the federal government is auditing the strength of regional areas, and prioritising infrastructure spending depending on which have the greatest potential to grow. The council has also recommended reforming the education and skills system beyond high school and giving every Australian a "lifelong skills account" - funded by both government and student loans - to ensure people are receiving training and education throughout their lives. Increasing the single rate of Newstart for jobseekers who have been receiving welfare for a long period is also important, the BCA says. Politicians must also come to terms with the need to cut the company tax rate to 25 per cent for all businesses, in order to remain competitive. As a temporary measure, it could introduce a broad-based investment allowance for all assets that are depreciable under tax laws. A man accused of being involved in an international crime ring that targeted Sydney designer stores has been extradited from Victoria to NSW. Police will allege the 34-year-old Chilean national was involved in stealing luxury items from the stores before the goods and cash were shipped overseas. He was arrested for shoplifting offences in Melbourne in December before his extradition to NSW was granted on Tuesday. State police are also seeking to extradite another 65-year-old Chilean national who was arrested at Melbourne Airport on Sunday for theft offences. Eight other Chilean nationals are before the courts over the alleged theft of $1.2 million worth of jewellery, luxury items and cash from Sydney homes and designer shops. The 34-year-old is due to face the Central Local Court later on Friday charged with two counts of knowingly dealing with proceeds of crime. FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN: DAY 2 WHERE THE LEADERS ARE CAMPAIGNING * Prime Minister Scott Morrison: Sydney * Labor leader Bill Shorten: Sydney WHAT THE COALITION WANTS TO TALK ABOUT Only the coalition can be trusted to manage the economy, electing Labor means $38.7 billion extra in taxes every year for the next decade. WHAT LABOR WANTS TO TALK ABOUT: We'll restore money cut from schools and hospitals, $125 million for cancer research funding. WHAT IS MAKING NEWS: * Australian officials are on the way to London after Julian Assange was arrested within the Ecuadorian embassy. * Morrison and Shorten have agreed to a leaders debate in Perth before May 18. THEY SAID WHAT? "Do you remember Sunny my sombrero? He was very useful at the last election when we sent packing three Liberal members of parliament out of Tasmania. Well, Sunny's come out again because what he wants to say to Scott Morrison is: 'Adios amigo'." - Labor Senator Helen Polley in a video on Twitter. TWEETED: "I'm biased of course, but @JoshFrydenberg all class turning up to an event with the audience stacked against him and gave a comprehensive and eloquent presentation #KooyongVotes" - Liberal Senator James Paterson WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has made his bed and now he has to lie in it, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says. Mr Morrison says a push by the United States to have Mr Assange extradited form the United Kingdom, for leaking government secrets, has got nothing to do with Australia. "When Australians travel overseas and find themselves in difficulty with the law, they face the judicial systems of those countries," the prime minister has told ABC television after Mr Assange's dramatic arrest in London on Thursday. Bill Shorten's first day in public on the election campaign started with fresh flowers at dawn and some negative feedback about negative gearing. On a visit to the Sydney flower markets the Labor leader heard from locals about the economy in the marginal seat of Reid, which is vacant after Liberal Craig Laundy's retirement. The Labor leader talked up his small business investment guarantee with local flower growers and vegetable sellers as he pressed the flesh in the busy market. Flower grower Wayne Inglis chatted to him about import rules for flowers, which he says have flooded in from overseas due to recent free trade agreements. Mr Inglis said he wasn't too fussed about who was prime minister, as long as they conserved money and strengthened the economy. "I think that we need to consolidate this country financially," Mr Inglis told reporters on Friday morning. "I always believe, if you've got a good strong economy then everything is going to fall into place." Another grower had a long chat with Mr Shorten and told him his negative gearing policy was the wrong call at the wrong time. Mr Shorten got a friendly invitation to a Good Friday service at St Charbel's church in Punchbowl, which he said he would accept if he was in Sydney that day. The opposition leader got a mixed reaction from the voters he met - two women shook his hand but later told AAP they had no idea who he was. But another voter, Ben, said he would vote for Mr Shorten because of his promises to make cancer treatment cheaper. Labor is counting on its healthcare spending to win over voters, with another $125 million for cancer researchers to be announced on Friday morning. Nearly $7 million worth of MDMA and 'ice' has been seized and three people charged with supplying drugs in Sydney's west. Detectives on Thursday arrested two men, aged 25 and 28, at a car park in Pendle Hill, where it's alleged they were about to hand over 5kg of MDMA. A 32-year-old man was arrested a short time later at a shopping centre in Strathfield. Police later raided homes in Meadowbank, Granville and Parramatta, seizing a further 10kg of methylamphetamine, 1kg of MDMA, drug paraphernalia, cash, mobile phones and electronic devices. The drugs had an estimated street value of $6.8 million. The three men were charged with various offences, including supplying a large commercial quantity of a prohibited drug. They were refused bail to appear at Parramatta Local Court on Friday. A council ranger is in hospital after he was allegedly punched in the face by a man in Sydney's southwest. The Liverpool City Council ranger was walking with a colleague along a Norfolk Serviceway about 12.30pm on Tuesday when confronted by the occupants of a white Subaru WRX Impreza, police said. The male passenger allegedly approached one of the rangers - a 35-year-old man - and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground unconscious. He suffered serious facial injuries and is expected to undergo surgery on Friday. Police are searching for his attacker. A truck driver has fled the scene of a crash in Melbourne's north that left another driver clinging to life. Police allege a white truck with a trailer hit a silver Ford on Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy, about 6.20am. The Ford was forced into oncoming traffic, causing another crash with a black ute. The Ford driver, believed to be in his mid-thirties, was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. Police are searching for the truck driver, who who left the scene shortly after the incident. Pascoe Vale Road is closed in both directions between the Western Ring Road and Glenroy Road and drivers are urged to avoid the area for the rest of the morning. Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Labor rival Bill Shorten are arguing over Treasury costings right out of the election campaign starting gate. The coalition says Labor's tax policies will cost $387 billion extra over the next decade, but Mr Shorten says the figures are wrong. "The Liberals are lying about tax. I don't want to talk too much about it, that's just a bucket of lies," he told Nine's Today on Friday. But Finance Minister Mathias Cormann says Labor should reveal their costings if they dispute $387 billion number. "If they are arguing against that figure, well Bill Shorten may as well argue that boiling water is freezing cold," he told Sky News. Mr Morrison says the May 18 election is a choice between a strong economy under the coalition and a weak economy under Labor. "If you can't manage money you can't run the country," he told ABC News. "When the economy is stronger, then your wages are stronger, your jobs are more secure, your outlook is better." Both leaders have started their campaigns in Sydney's west, with Mr Shorten visiting a flower market and speaking with small business owners. Craig Laundy won the seat of Reid, where the markets are located, for the Liberals for the first time ever with a 4.7 per cent margin, but the close Turnbull ally is retiring and Labor has strong hopes of the electorate returning to the fold. The Penrith-based seat of Lindsay is also in play, with Labor's Emma Husar winning it from the government in 2016 with a 1.1 per cent margin but not recontesting the post after a scandal involving her treatment of staff. Melissa McIntosh will try to prise it back for the Liberal Party, while Labor is running former NSW state minister Diane Beamer. Macquarie, on western Sydney's outer fringe, is also expected to receive attention from the prime minister. Labor on Friday announced an extra $125 million to fund cancer research if the party wins the election. The leaders have also reportedly agreed to a head-to-head debate in Perth before Australians cast their vote. Opinion polls are pointing to the coalition losing power to Labor after five-and-a-half years in office. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has accused his Labor opponent in the Brisbane seat of Dickson of using her disability as an excuse for not moving into the constituency ahead of the May 18 federal election. Finance Minister Mathias Cormann was quick to back his cabinet colleague's remarks, saying he was only expressing the views of Dickson constituents. Labor candidate Ali France, who had her leg amputated after she was hit by a car in 2011, has said she has been unable to find an accessible home in the area but would buy a house and modify it if she won. Mr Dutton told the Australian newspaper there were plenty of people with disability living in Dickson. "A lot of people have raised this with me. I think they are quite angry that Ms France is using her disability as an excuse for not moving into our electorate," he said. Senator Cormann backed Mr Dutton's comments. "As Peter Dutton pointed out, clearly, there are people with a disability that live across Dickson and what people in his electorate have put to him is that they don't accept the explanation that was offered as a reason for his opponent not moving into the seat of Dickson," the senator told Sky News. Deputy Labor Leader Tanya Plibersek was less forgiving, labelling the Home Affairs minister a "pea-heart". "Having someone like him sitting around the cabinet table tells you why this government could build the flimsy (budget) surplus on the back of 70,000 people missing out on the National Disability Insurance Scheme packages they thought they would get this year," she told ABC Radio. Greens Senator Jordan Steele-John, himself confined to a wheelchair, tweeted: "Ableism is not going to save you in Dickson ... Get in the bin." Here's how key figures have reacted to the dramatic arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London. His expulsion from the Ecuadorian embassy means the US can now seek his extradition over the biggest leak of classified information in American history. * Australian Prime Minister Scott Morisson: "It's got nothing to do with us, it is a matter for the US." - Morrison rules out Australian intervention in Assange's extradition. * Opposition Leader Bill Shorten: "He should receive consular assistance and other than that I don't know the facts and he will be represented in court." - Shorten after being asked if Labor would fight the extradition. * British Prime Minister Theresa May: "The whole House will welcome the news this morning that the Metropolitan Police have arrested Julian Assange, arrested for breach of bail after nearly seven years in the Ecuadorean embassy," May tells parliament no-one is above the law. * British Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn: "The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government." * British Judge Michael Snow: "His behaviour is that of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests." - Snow condemns Assange while convicting him of skipping bail in 2012 and taking refuge in the embassy. * US President Donald Trump: "I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing." - US President Donald Trump tells reporters he has no opinion on the charges against Assange. * Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson: "Since 2010 we've warned that Julian Assange would face prosecution and extradition to the United States for his publishing activities with WikiLeaks. Unfortunately today we've been proven right." Robinson warns of a "dangerous precedent" for media who dare to report truthful information about the US. * Australian journalist John Pilger: "The action of the British police in literally dragging Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean embassy and the smashing of international law by the Ecuadorean regime in permitting this barbarity are crimes against the most basic natural justice. This is a warning to all journalists." * WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson "This is a dark day for journalism. This has to be averted," Hrafnsson, who also accused Ecuador of throwing Assange "overboard". * Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno "(Ecuador will) be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilise governments. We are tolerant, calm people but we're not stupid." - Moreno accuses Assange of political meddling and biting the hand that fed him for years. * Ecuadorian ambassador to the UK Jaime Marchan: "He has said that we were spying on him, he has said we were lying, we were agents of the United States." - Marchan, who also accused Assange of interfering in elections, politics and the internal affairs of other countries. * US whistleblower Edward Snowden: "Images of Ecuador's ambassador inviting the UK's secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of-like it or not-award-winning journalism out of the building are going to end up in the history books. Assange's critics may cheer, but this is a dark moment for press freedom." Snowden, who lives in political asylum in Russia. * Assange's friend, US actress Pamela Anderson: "How could you Equador (sic)? (Because he exposed you). How could you UK? Of course - you are America's bitch and you need a diversion from your idiotic Brexit bullshit." The consumer watchdog says publicly listed price comparison website iSelect misled and deceived customers for two years by recommending energy retailers that paid it higher commissions. The Australian Consumer Competition Commission alleged on Friday that since at least November 2016, iSelect had claimed consumers using its website would benefit from iSelect comparing all plans available from its partner retailers in a specific location. The ACCC said during this period, iSelect also claimed that it would recommend the most competitive plan to consumers. "But we claim they were actually favouring some partner retailers over others, such as those on its 'Preferred Partner Program' who were allowed to have more plans available on the iSelect website that excluded and targeted certain consumers," ACCC chair Rod Sims said. "These preferred retailers paid iSelect higher commissions." In a statement tot the ASX, iSelect said it took its obligations under Australian Consumer Law very seriously and had processes in place to ensure compliance. "iSelect has worked cooperatively with ACCC throughout its investigation," the company said. "As the matter is now before the Federal Court, the company is unable to make any further comment". The ACCC said it is seeking pecuniary penalties, injunctions, declarations, correctives and costs. It said more than nine million Australians visited the iSelect website in FY2017 with six million recommendations to consumers over all categories. The Nationals are throwing a contender in the ring for Environment Minister Melissa Price's West Australian seat of Durack. Scott Bourne has lived in the Pilbara for 12 years and says the region has changed for the better because of the state government's support of infrastructure projects. "When the National Party were in state government, the regions prospered with commitment to new, much-needed infrastructure," he said in a statement on Friday. "I believe it is the federal government's turn to support regional Western Australia with long-term commitments to improve education and health at all levels. "I want to run for the National Party because I want to be that strong voice for regional Western Australia in Canberra." Ms Price has held the seat - which is Australia's largest electorate - since 2013 and at the moment has an 11.1 per cent margin. While the coalition parties usually have an agreement not to run three-cornered contests against a sitting MP, the WA Nationals work independently of the federal party organisation. The move to challenge the minister for her seat comes after Queensland Nationals pressured Ms Price to give the final federal approvals for a massive Adani coal mine in the Galilee Basin. She signed off on the mine's groundwater plan on Tuesday. Durack was first created at the 2010 federal election and has only had two sitting members - Ms Price and fellow Liberal Barry Haase. Labor's candidate is higher education co-ordinator Sharyn Morrow, while the Greens are putting forward indigenous ranger leader Johani Mamid. The Mustangs are poised to roar on Phillip Island, with the Ford fleet easing through the first Supercars practice session of the weekend. While Anton de Pasquale topped the timing charts in his Commodore, series leader Scott McLaughlin appeared relaxed and comfortable on the Island, where he holds an intimidating record. McLaughlin has taken the last seven pole positions at the Victorian track, winning six races for both Garry Rogers Motorsport and DJR Team Penske since 2014. The 25-year-old series leader nursed his Mustang around the circuit on Friday, leading the field for most of practice before de Pasquale took over. The Erebus Motorsport driver's 1:31.3181 won the day, ahead of Will Davison, Rick Kelly and McLaughlin. Most drivers pulled their punches as they acclimatised to the notoriously challenging track. Four Fords featured in the top seven places, with huge interest as to how the rampant Mustangs perform after having their centre of gravity altered by Supercars officials seeking improved parity. Jamie Whincup, who endured a dire meet in Tasmania last weekend, forecast more pain for his Red Bull Holden Racing Team on Phillip Island. "The car is similar to the test day, it's not 100 per cent," he said. "We didn't put (new) tyres on ... I'm not saying we're going to jump to the front. We have work to do. "The car is not suited to Phillip Island. But we'll work it out." The session was red flagged for five minutes as drivers contended with several Cape Barren Geese that strayed into harm's way. David Reynolds, who finished in 14th, summed up the mood of drivers. "It's a grouse track, fun to drive and as long as the geese piss off we'll have a good day," he said. A Thai sex worker who was spat on and bruised by Sydney clients was told by the woman she lived with to "just put up with it", a jury has heard. Rungnapha Kanbut, 57, is on trial in the NSW District Court after pleading not guilty to six charges including intentionally possessing a slave and dealing with the proceeds of crime. Kanbut allegedly told two Thai women they each had a $45,000 debt to pay off, and would do so through their sex work, after they arrived in Sydney and were taken to live with her in 2004 and 2005 respectively. The first female complainant on Friday, through a Thai interpreter, said clients "quite often" spat on her and caused her bruises and that she told "Rung" about the ill-treatment. The woman, under questioning from crown prosecutor Peter Neil SC, said that Kanbut's response was "to take certain medicines, to just put up with it until the time was up and to just keep the customer". The former partner of slain Sydney woman Cheryl Ardler has been charged with her murder more than six years after she disappeared, in what her family has described as a "bittersweet moment". Ms Ardler was last seen by neighbours near her Cranebrook home in the days leading up to Christmas in 2012. Human remains were found in nearby bushland in May 2018 and tests later confirmed they belonged to Ms Ardler. On Friday, her 39-year-old former partner Dennis Andrew French was arrested and charged with murder at Penrith Local Court. Police will allege French assaulted the 41-year-old before killing her and burying her in bushland in December 2012. Ms Ardler's mother Irene said the news was a "very bittersweet moment". "It's very hard to know that our beautiful Cheryl will never be coming home and that she was so cruelly taken from us," she said in a statement on Friday. "Cheryl's smile could light up the room and her love for life was infectious. "She is so loved by all of us and without her here, our family just won't be the same." In 2016, a coroner found that Ms Ardler died sometime between December 5 and 25, 2012 and that the manner of her death was most likely to have been homicide. A $750,000 reward was announced for information into the suspected murder in July last year, with Ms Ardler's sister Josephine pleading for help from the community to help solve the case. Detective Superintendent Scott Cook at the time issued a warning to Ms Ardler's killer that he was "coming for you". French was charged with her murder on Friday while facing Penrith Local Court for other offences, including aggravated sexual assault, detaining a person and an apprehended violence order against another woman. He was denied bail and ordered to reappear at the same court on June 7 for the murder charge and May 3 for the other charges. Labor leader Bill Shorten has defended his plan for major changes to the tax system, which the government says amounts to a $387 billion slug on Australians over a decade. On the first full day of campaigning ahead of the May 18 election, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg released costings which he said showed Labor wanted to "stifle aspiration" and damage the economy. Mr Shorten, who campaigned in Sydney, said there were clear economic and social benefits to Labor's plan to overhaul negative gearing and capital gains tax and wind back franking credit refunds. "What we choose to do is spend scarce and important taxpayer money on educating the kids, on decreasing the out-of-pocket costs of cancer treatment, rather than spend it on tax loopholes ... or property subsidies," he said. The opposition leader said he expected the government's attacks on Labor to "get louder, shoutier, more aggressive and more exaggerated". Mr Frydenberg rejected Labor criticism that Treasury did not usually cost opposition policies. "These are Treasury costings and, as Wayne Swan said when he was treasurer of Australia, Treasury do cost alternative policies and it's important to have an informed debate," he told reporters in Melbourne. The $387 billion figure over the next decade is almost double what was previously estimated. It includes Labor's decision not to match the coalition's 2022 and 2024 income tax cuts, as well as the property investment changes and franking credits policy. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Labor should reveal how much their plan will cost. "The real question is why hasn't Bill Shorten told you about how much more his taxes are going to cost you?" he asked reporters in Sydney. Mr Shorten visited a flower market in the seat of Reid before making a $125 million cancer research announcement in the seat of Bennelong. In 2016 Craig Laundy was the first ever Liberal to win the seat of Reid, with a 4.7 per cent margin, but the close Turnbull ally is retiring and Labor has strong hopes of the electorate returning to the fold. Liberal John Alexander has held the seat of Bennelong since 2010, holding it by a margin of 4.9 per cent. But Labor is hoping its high-profile candidate, former Australian Medical Association president Brian Owler, can clinch the seat. Mr Morrison campaigned in the seat of Lindsay, visiting an oil company in St Marys. Labor's Emma Husar won the seat from the government in 2016 with a 1.1 per cent margin but she is not recontesting the post after a scandal involving her treatment of staff. Melissa McIntosh will try to prise it back for the Liberal Party, while Labor is running former NSW state minister Diane Beamer. The leaders have also agreed to a head-to-head debate in Perth before Australians cast their vote. WHAT THEY SAID ON DAY 2 OF THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN THE BEST LINE "If they are arguing against that figure, well Bill Shorten may as well argue that boiling water is freezing cold." - Mathias Cormann on Labor's rejection of what the government says is Treasury modelling of opposition tax policies. THE BEST LINE (NOT) "Dickson constituents believe Ms France's refusal to live in the electorate, even if she won the seat, is more about her enjoying the inner city lifestyle, as opposed to her inability to find a house anywhere in the electorate." - Peter Dutton's spokesman on his Labor opponent's address. She had a leg amputated after a car accident and spent $100,000 making her current house wheelchair accessible. PRIME MINISTER SCOTT MORRISON "The point with Labor is when they stick one finger out, they have four pointing back at themselves." - On Labor's protests that he's politicised Treasury advice. "Newstart is increased twice a year. We have one of the best safety nets, if not the best of anywhere in the world, in our country." - On whether he has any plans to boost the payment to unemployed people, currently $550 a fortnight for singles. LABOR LEADER BILL SHORTEN "The government are not my enemy. Cancer's my enemy." - Announcing a further plank in his $2.3 billion package to help Australians fighting cancer. "I expect in this election the government's attack on Labor to get louder, shoutier, more aggressive and more exaggerated." - Something to look forward to, then. REAL PEOPLE At the Sydney flower markets, two women shook Shorten's hand but later told AAP they had no idea who he was. THE SUPPORT CAST "Probably 'unicorn' because that is unlikely to ever happen." - LNP member George Christensen asked on radio what his prime ministerial nickname would be. FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN: DAY 2 WHERE THE LEADERS CAMPAIGNED * Prime Minister Scott Morrison: Western Sydney (seat of Lindsay) * Labor leader Bill Shorten: Western Sydney (seats of Reid and Bennelong) WHAT THE COALITION WANTED TO TALK ABOUT Labor's new taxes will cost Australians $387 billion over the next decade. WHAT LABOR WANTED TO TALK ABOUT: It will do everything it can to help Australians fighting cancer because while the disease makes you sick, it shouldn't make you poor. WHAT MADE NEWS: * Peter Dutton has come under fire for attacking his Labor opponent Ali France for not living in the electorate. France had a leg amputated after a car accident in 2011 and hasn't been able to find a wheelchair-accessible home in the Brisbane seat of Dickson. * Australia is providing consular assistance to Julian Assange after he was arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. * Rugby Australia has vowed to terminate Israel Folau's multi-million-dollar contract unless he can explain his latest social media attack on homosexuals, while the NRL has ruled out welcoming him back to the code. THEY SAID WHAT? "Probably 'unicorn' because that is unlikely to ever happen." - LNP member George Christensen asked on Triple M Mackay what his prime ministerial nickname would be. TWEETED: "Ableism is not going to save you in Dickson @PeterDutton_MP Get in the bin." - Senator Jordon Steele-John @jordonsteele A 26-year-old Dutch man has been charged after he allegedly assaulted passengers and crew on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Perth. Federal police say the man became disruptive about three hours into the flight on Sunday when he began talking and shouting to himself, then banged on walls and overhead compartments after crew tried to calm him. Moving down the aisle, he allegedly assaulted a crew member, then a male passenger who also tried to calm him before other passengers restrained him. The man was charged with five counts of assaulting a passenger on a plane, one count of assaulting crew and one count of offensive and disorderly behaviour. He is scheduled to appear in Perth Magistrates Court later on Friday. Australian supporters of whistleblower Julian Assange have been kicked off the Sydney Opera House steps after unfolding a "Free Assange" banner. Sisters Michelle and Danielle Wood tried to display the banner on Friday after Assange was arrested at Ecuador's embassy in London for skipping bail. The United States also wants to extradite him on a charge of "computer intrusion". "We unfolded the banner on the steps and within a minute the security arrived," Danielle Wood told AAP in Sydney. "They said 'No you have to go, this is the Opera House precinct, you're not allowed to be here, we don't want any political statements'." The sisters hoped a photo at the famous landmark would spread rapidly on social media. "We wanted to show Julian Assange that Sydney is behind him," Danielle Wood said. Dozens of supporters also gathered outside the UK consulate in Sydney's CBD chanting "Bring Julian home" and "UK must resist" and "Don't shoot the messenger". They then marched to Martin Place where they were joined by other protesters. Danielle's sister Michelle was watching a live video feed of the embassy in London when Assange was arrested on Thursday evening Australian time. "It was devastating. I saw the police storm the embassy and then the footage went dead. I was so worried," Michelle Wood told AAP. She wants Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ensure the Wikileaks founder is safe given Assange is an Australian. The standard consular assistance being provided wasn't enough, Michelle Wood said. "Commit to making the deal with the UK that they either keep Julian safely in the UK (with) no extradition to the US or bring him home. "The US shouldn't be allowed to assert that power on UK soil. If they get Julian and they get journalism we won't know what comes next because who will report it?" British officers dragged Assange from the embassy after Ecuador withdrew the asylum it had afforded him for almost seven years. AAP FactCheck Investigation: Does Australia have the second highest household debt in the developed world? The Statement "Australia is exposed through having the second highest household debt in the developed world, which is not a record we should not be hankering for or happy with." Labor treasury spokesman Chris Bowen. April 10, 2019. The Verdict Mostly True - Mostly accurate, but there is a minor error or problem. The Analysis AAP FactCheck examined Mr Bowen's statement that Australia has the second highest level of household debt in the developed world. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development defines household debt as "all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest or principal by (a) household to the creditor". These liabilities are primarily in the form of loans. [2] The OECD has no convention for defining "developed" countries, however it states that "Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in northern America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Europe are considered 'developed' regions or areas". [3] Mr Bowen's office told AAP FactCheck the source of his claim was taken from Bank of International Settlements data. The BIS is a Swiss-based umbrella group for the world's central banks. [4] The shadow treasurer based his claim on a BIS table for the third quarter of 2018, which measures household debt as a percentage of GDP across the 34 OECD nations. AAP FactCheck examined a graph on household debt as a percentage of GDP in an Institute of International Finance table which also placed Australia second in the world behind Switzerland. Both the Bank of International Settlements data and Institute of International Finance table support Mr Bowen's claim. [5] AAP FactCheck looked at graphs by the OECD National Accounts Statistics and Reserve Bank of Australia measuring household debt using the ratio of debt-to-income. Both graphs placed Australia fourth in the world. Australia was behind Denmark (first), the Netherlands (second) and Norway in the OECD table, and in the RBA graph behind the Netherlands (first), Denmark (second) and Switzerland. [6][7] AAP FactCheck concludes that using the measure of household debt as a percentage of GDP, Mr Bowen's claim is correct, while noting that other measurements give a different outcome. The Verdict Mostly True - Mostly accurate, but there is a minor error or problem. The References 1. 'Labor confirms revenue raising measures would start almost immediately'. Radio National, ABC. April 10, 2019: 2: 'Data. Household debt'. OECD. 2017: 3: 'Glossary of Statistical Terms. Developed, Developing Countries'. OECD. January 4, 2006: 4. 'Bank of International Settlements. Total credit to households (core debt)'. Q3 2018: 5. 'Aussie household debt: Just the facts'. Switzer Daily, January 24, 2019: 6: 'Australians' household debt nears highest worldwide'. Finder. October 31, 2018: 7. 'The evolution of household sector risks'. Reserve Bank of Australia. September 10, 2019: An Adelaide man has been charged after he allegedly used explosives to damage two cars. Residents of a street at beachside Glenelg were woken early Friday morning by a disturbance then a loud bang. Police and fire crews found two cars had been targeted with explosives, but they did not catch fire and damage was minimal. A 39-year-old Seaton man was charged with using an explosive device, two counts of property damage, breaching an intervention order and breaching bail. He was refused police bail and is expected to face the Port Adelaide Magistrates Court later on Friday. Three elderly men have died in South Australia after separate crashes in a horror day on the state's roads. A 86-year-old man died near Haildon, in the state's east, after his car collided with a truck on Karoonda Highaway just after 1pm on Friday. The truck driver was taken to hospital with minor injuries. In Port Augusta, north of Adelaide, a 90-year-old man's car hit a pole on Mackay Street at 3.10pm and he died at the scene. Police said the driver may have suffered a medical episode. A similar incident happened in the Adelaide suburb of Mitchell Park when an 83-year-old man crashed his car into a power pole near the intersection of Marion Road and Finniss Street. The Torrensville man died at the scene and police believe he also suffered a medical episode while behind the wheel. The incidents take the road toll in South Australia to 36, compared to 20 for the same time last year. A UK tourist has been charged over a violent robbery at Bondi Beach less than 24 hours after arriving in Australia. The 35-year-old man allegedly assaulted and threatened a 59-year-old man in the early hours of Saturday and continued to assault him as he attempted to run away, stealing his phone before a pedestrian alerted police. The victim was treated by paramedics and taken to hospital in a serious but stable condition. Police arrested the younger man at the scene and later charged him with aggravated robbery involving wounding/grievous bodily harm and choking a person with the intent to commit an indictable offence. The UK national was refused bail and is due to face Parramatta Bail Court on Saturday. Many Palestinians believe upcoming Israeli elections will not change their situation and more than 50 years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank Tayseer Barakat is like many Palestinians when asked about the upcoming Israeli elections. He doesn't see much hope. "We have learned from past experience that we are always the victims of Israeli elections, and it doesn't seem there will be anything new," said 58-year-old Barakat. "It is more than likely there will be no meaningful changes, despite our hopes that there will be something new to change the situation," he added as he walked with bags of groceries in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. Israel's upcoming elections could have a direct effect on the Palestinians, but many have little interest in who wins, having lost hope its more than 50-year occupation will end no matter which party is in charge. Some who do express concern say they are worried the campaign could lead to an uptick in incitement against Palestinians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's current coalition is considered the most right-wing in Israels history and includes prominent members who rule out a Palestinian state while seeking aggressive settlement expansion. Some call for annexing large parts of the West Bank. Peace talks have been frozen since 2014. The Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority has previously made a freeze on settlement building a pre-requisite to re-entering peace talks. At the beginning of the election campaign it was widely assumed Netanyahu would win, despite being dogged by corruption allegations. But former military chief Benny Gantz has emerged as a serious challenger, with polls showing his centrist Blue and White alliance slightly ahead of Netanyahu's Likud. Under those polls, Gantz would still fall far short of an outright majority and it is unclear whether he could assemble enough parties to form a coalition. - 'Separation' - Early in the campaign, Gantz signalled openness to withdrawing settlers from parts of the West Bank. Former Israeli army chief Benny Gantz has emerged as a serious challenger to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with polls showing his centrist Blue and White alliance slightly ahead of the premier's Likud party His alliance's platform favours "separation from the Palestinians" but does not mention a two-state solution. Palestinians initially saw encouraging signs, but Saleh Rafat, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's executive committee, said he now believes the policies of Gantz and Netanyahu are similar. "So far we haven't seen fundamental differences between the right-wing and the centre party," he said. "They are proposing a unified Jerusalem and to continue settlement and control over the Jordan Valley." Israel seized mainly Palestinian east Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War and considers the entire city its capital. The Palestinians see the city's eastern sector as the capital of their future state. Israel occupied the West Bank, including parts of the Jordan Valley, in 1967. More than 600,000 Israelis live in settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, communities considered illegal under international law. The international community sees them as one of the largest obstacles to peace, though Israel disputes this while pointing to Palestinian attacks and what it calls incitement to violence. Hafed Barghouti, a former Palestinian newspaper editor, said relative calm in the West Bank has led to less attention to the conflict in Israeli elections. Israeli politics have also shifted firmly to the right in recent years. "There is no Israeli party talking about the Palestinian issue. Those that do talk, do so in the language of a brutal occupation," he said. "The right, centre and left agree to ignore the Palestinian issue and focus more on the legalisation of marijuana." Whether to legalise recreational-use marijuana has received unexpected attention in the Israeli campaign. The Israeli elections come amid ongoing animosity between the two main Palestinian factions, president Mahmud Abbas's West Bank-based Fatah and Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. The split between the two has made Palestinian parliamentary and presidential elections impossible for more than a decade. In recent days, Gaza has been a focus of Israeli political debate after a renewed flare-up of violence there. - Incitement - Israel's supreme court in March disqualified the leader of the extreme-right Jewish Power party Michael Ben-Ari from running in April elections after he made comments about Israeli Arabs which the attorney general said amount to "incitement to racism" Some are concerned the tensions around the elections could lead to more incitement in Israel against Palestinians and Arabs in general. The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy recently launched a campaign highlighting hate speech in Israeli society against Palestinians. "It seems to me that incitement and hatred are becoming a lot more normalised in Israeli society," PIPD's executive director Salem Barahmeh told AFP. "The campaign rhetoric of many Israeli politicians seeks to dehumanise an entire population." In the last elections in 2015 Netanyahu sought to stir up his right-wing base by warning on election day that Arab Israelis were going to the polls "in droves," a comment he later apologised for. This year, he has been accused of demonising Arab Israeli politicians during his campaign. He has also brokered a deal aimed at making it easier for an extreme-right party, which many view as racist against Arabs, to make it into parliament. Families of victims of Tunisia's 2011 revolt against dictatorship carry portraits of their loved ones during a trial in Kasserine on July 13, 2018 The commission tasked with healing the wounds of dictatorship in Tunisia has dug up accusations both against incumbent President Beji Caid Essebsi and figures active in today's post-revolutionary media landscape. Set up three years after the 2011 uprising that ousted dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD) was created to probe human rights violations and make recommendations for Tunisia on its path to democracy. The IVD's final report, which runs into thousands of pages and was published last Friday, calls for reforms "to dismantle a system of corruption, repression and dictatorship" within state institutions. The panel calls for Essebsi, as "a symbol of the state", to make an official apology to all the victims of human rights violations at the hands of the state since 1955, a year before independence from France. Its report is based on tens of thousands of interviews carried out since the panel was set up five years ago. Ben Ali, who fled to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and has since lived in exile, is on trial over several cases of the torture to death of political opponents, in cases built on evidence gathered by the IVD. The commission accuses Essebsi, who is now aged 92, of complicity in torture for his role in the 1960s as national security chief and later interior minister under Tunisia's first president, Habib Bourguiba. "Investigations by the commission have proved that torture was systematic and planned by senior officials in security affairs who ordered, incited, accepted and kept silent on the torture of victims in the course of their duties," the report says. The IVD says that interior ministers under Bourguiba, including Essebsi, were "aware their leaders had committed serious violations". "They did not carry out the duty incumbent on them under international treaties and conventions to protect the detainees, making them criminally responsible under international law," according to the commission. - Ben Ali-era figures still active - The testimony of former political prisoner Moncef Materi, who was detained during the 1960s, points directly to Essebsi. Materi told the commission of how he was brutally punished after having complained to Essebsi of his conditions of detention during a visit to the prison by the then security chief. "You're still stubborn! We'll see," Essebsi is quoted as having told the prisoner who asked why he was being kept tied up and refused visits by family members. Essebsi, who has tense relations with IVD head Sihem Ben Sedrine, is a potential candidate for re-election in November polls. In the runup to both legislative and presidential elections, the commission identifies several media figures and journalists who were paid large sums for their support of Ben Ali's propaganda machine and who remain active today. It names them only by their initials, such as B.B. who had received more than 300,000 dinars (around $100,000) or H.B.O. whose payoff was over 570,000 dinars ($190,000). The commission condemns what it calls "the absence of political will, a clear vision on the role of the media in the period of democratic transition". Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said some protesters "took to the streets to express their legitimate demands" Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on Monday acknowledged the "legitimate" demands of anti-government protesters, while blaming several deaths on the actions of political groups. Protests have rocked the east African country since December, with demonstrators calling on the veteran leader to step down. They accuse Bashir's government of mismanaging the country's economy, leading to soaring food prices and regular shortages of fuel and foreign currency. "The economic crisis has impacted a wide section of our people," Bashir told lawmakers in his first speech to parliament since a state of emergency he imposed on February 22 to quell the protests. "Some of them took to the streets to express their legitimate demands, but some of those gatherings used unlawful ways and destroyed properties." Several offices and buildings belonging to Bashir's ruling National Congress Party were set on fire during early protests. "Some political groups are trying to use this to enhance hatred among the community because of which we lost many people," said Bashir, dressed in a traditional white-and-blue robe and white turban. Officials say 31 people have died in protest-related violence so far, while Human Rights Watch has put the death toll at 51 including children and medics. The protests first erupted in the central town of Atbara on December 19 after the government tripled the price of bread. - US 'troubled' by detentions - Bashir imposed a year-long state of emergency, which was cut to six months by lawmakers The authorities have set up special courts to investigate violations of the emergency rule, with many protesters jailed for participating in banned rallies. Bashir imposed a year-long state of emergency but lawmakers have cut it to six months. In the inital crackdown on protests, security agents detained hundreds of demonstrators, opposition leaders, activists and journalists. Many of them including senior opposition figures have been released after weeks of detentions. The United States has regularly criticised the detentions. "We remain troubled by the government of Sudan's continued use of extra-judicial detentions in response to the largely peaceful protests in Khartoum and elsewhere," the US embassy in Khartoum said on its Facebook page on Sunday. "Incarcerating opposition party leaders, civil society activists, and journalists contradicts the government of Sudan's call for an open and inclusive dialogue on Sudan's future." On Monday, Bashir adopted a conciliatory tone as he addressed broader issues in Sudan. "I renew our commitment for a permanent ceasefire and express readiness for a dialogue that can lead to peace," he told lawmakers. Since June 2016, Bashir has declared several unilateral ceasefires in Sudan's three conflict zones -- Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile -- where government forces have fought armed rebellions for years. The president has been indicted for war crimes in Darfur by the International Criminal Court, allegations he denies. Bashir launched a national dialogue in 2015 to resolve the insurgencies and overhaul the economy, although most mainstream opposition and armed groups boycotted the talks. "I'm calling on all those political parties who did not join the national dialogue to get involved in it," he said. Facebook is removing over 100 pages, groups or accounts linked to Pakistan's military Facebook is removing 103 pages, groups and accounts linked to the media wing of Pakistan's military, the social media giant announced Monday, calling them "fake" accounts created to manipulate people. The statement by Facebook's head of cybersecurity policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, shines a rare light on efforts by Pakistan's shadowy military establishment to use social media as a propaganda tool. "Today we removed 103 Pages, Groups and accounts for engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior on Facebook and Instagram as part of a network that originated in Pakistan," Gleichner said in the statement. "Although the people behind this activity attempted to conceal their identities, our investigation found that it was linked to employees of the ISPR (Inter-Service Public Relations) of the Pakistani military," he said. Gleichner said ISPR employees were operating military fan pages, as well as pages on Kashmir, "general Pakistani interest", and local and political news including on topics such as arch-rival India's army and politicians. Some 2.8 million accounts followed one or more of the pages, he said. Examples included a post from a page called "Pakistan Army - the BEST", with an image purporting to show a crashed Indian fighter jet with text reading: "Indian airforce has become a consistent failure which is evident from current embarrassment for India". Others praised Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan for promoting peace, or propagated unverified claims a Pakistani pilot had shot down five Indian planes. "We are constantly working to detect and stop coordinated inauthentic behavior because we don't want our services to be used to manipulate people," Gleichner said. An ISPR spokesman had no immediate comment when contacted by AFP. Facebook also said it was removing 687 pages and accounts engaged in similarly "inauthentic" behaviour that were linked to India's opposition Congress party, which is contesting nationwide elections due to start on April 11. Congress reacted cautiously, with spokesperson Manish Tewari saying the party "will need to verify the veracity of these reports". A recent standoff between India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir saw a deluge of "fake news" hit social media, raising concerns over misinformation in the upcoming election in the world's largest democracy. Journalists in Pakistan, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for media, are regularly exhorted by the military to promote a positive image of the country. Any reporting considered critical of the military has long been considered a red flag, with reporters at times detained, beaten and even killed for falling foul of the security establishment. The army has stirred unease previously with declarations it is monitoring social media in Pakistan, where posts considered "against the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan" are against the law. US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet in Hanoi in February 2019 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo voiced hope that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump will meet again "in the coming months" and make significant headway on ending Pyongyang's nuclear program. In an interview broadcast Monday, the top US diplomat cautioned it was difficult to know the timing of a third US-North Korea summit but said: "It's in America's best interest to resolve this as quickly as we can." "I would hope in the coming months our two leaders will be back together ... in a way that we can achieve a substantive first step or a substantive big step along the path to denuclearization," he told radio station WHP 580 in Pennsylvania's capital Harrisburg. "Then the final, fully denuclearized North Korean peninsula can be realized, at which time, as President Trump said, there'll be a brighter future for the North Korean people. It's just hard to know what the timing will be," he said. Trump and Kim met for the first time in June 2018, a landmark first summit between the two countries that never formally ended the 1950-53 Korean War. A follow-up summit in February in Hanoi abruptly ended early, with Trump heeding his aides and refusing to lift sanctions until North Korea takes significant steps to denuclearize. Trump, however, has said that he still is fond of North Korea's authoritarian young leader and recently intervened to stop the imposition of tighter US sanctions. Huge protests have been held across Algeria demanding ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika leave power Algerian state prosecutors on Monday said they had banned corruption suspects from leaving the country after launching probes into graft and illegal money transfers abroad targeting unnamed individuals. The moves come amid nationwide protests against President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and follow the arrest of one of the incumbent's key backers, business tycoon Ali Haddad. Haddad, who Forbes magazine describes as one of Algeria's wealthiest entrepreneurs, was detained overnight Saturday to Sunday at a border post with neighbouring Tunisia, a security source said, without giving a reason for the arrest. On Sunday, the Algerian authorities also banned all private aircraft from taking off and landing until the end of the month. The North African state has been rocked by weeks of mammoth protests sparked by Bouteflika's decision in February to seek a fifth term in office. The veteran leader, who has rarely been seen in public since suffering a stroke in 2013, said last month he would pull out of the race but postponed elections which were due in April. The concession has done little to halt public ire and hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital Algiers on Friday demanding the president and his entourage go. Faced with the persistent anger, a succession of veteran Bouteflika loyalists have sought to distance themselves from the president in recent days. On Tuesday, armed forces chief of staff Ahmed Gaid Salah called for him to step down or be declared medically unfit. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is the first head of state to visit the Western Wall alongside an Israeli premier Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro visited the Western Wall alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, becoming the first head of state to do so with an Israeli premier. The site, one of the holiest in Judaism, is located in east Jerusalem, occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed in a move never recognised by the international community. Such visits can be seen as granting tacit approval to Israeli sovereignty over the site. An Israeli foreign ministry spokesman said it was the first time a sitting head of state had visited there with an Israeli prime minister. The two men approached the wall and placed their hands on its stones during the brief visit in rainy weather. Bolsonaro's visit follows a similar one by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on March 21, when he became the first high-ranking American official to visit the Western Wall with an Israeli prime minister. Bolsonaro has expressed his strong support for Israel and spoke of being moved by a Christian pilgrimage to the Jordan River he undertook a couple of years ago. He has also pledged to follow in US President Donald Trump's footsteps and move Brazil's Israel embassy to Jerusalem, but that is on hold for now. Trump became the first sitting American president to visit the wall, the holiest site where Jews are allowed to pray, in May 2017, but he was not accompanied by any Israeli leaders. Monday's visit and the one by Pompeo come ahead of Israel's April 9 elections in which Netanyahu is facing a tough challenge from centrist former military chief Benny Gantz. The visits have provided him with an opportunity to further his argument that he is Israel's irreplaceable statesman, a key part of his campaign. Bangladesh's jailed opposition leader Khaleda Zia, clad in sunglasses and a pink head scarf, was transferred to hospital under heavy police guard Bangladesh's jailed opposition leader Khaleda Zia was taken to hospital in Dhaka on Monday for tests, said her lawyer, who described the two-time former prime minister as "deteriorating day by day". Zia, a chief rival of Bangladesh's premier Sheikh Hasina, was sentenced last year to a decade in prison on corruption charges her supporters say are politically motivated. The 73-year-old, who is diabetic and suffers from arthritis, was also hospitalised in October for treatment. Her lawyer, Masud Ahmed Talukder, said her condition had worsened inside the 19th-century prison where she is the sole inmate. "She is extremely ill. Her condition is deteriorating day by day," her lawyer Masud Ahmed Talukder told AFP. "That's why the authorities decided to admit her to hospital." Zia, clad in sunglasses and a pink head scarf, was transferred to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University under heavy police guard and taken by wheelchair into the facility. The hospital's director, Brigadier General Mahbubul Haq, said Zia was admitted in a weak condition and would undergo tests and treatment. "She is diabetic. She is weak and has lost her appetite for food," he told AFP, adding she was also suffering from arthritis. Zia was admitted to hospital in October also suffering from ill health. Her supporters say the government was putting her welfare at risk housing her in Dhaka Central Jail, a formerly abandoned prison where she was sentenced by a special court for graft. Zia leads the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), the main opposition party whose supporters and candidates were harassed and detained by security forces ahead of a national election in December. Hasina won that poll in a landslide, taking 288 seats in the 300-seat parliament. The BNP won just seven in the election marred by deadly violence and claims of widespread rigging. Hasina -- an erstwhile ally of Zia, before the powerful women fell out -- insists she won fairly. Zia was found guilty in February 2018 of embezzling money intended for an orphange, a charge her outraged supporters marched against in the street. The sentence was later doubled by the High Court. Zia is appealing the verdict which prevented her from running against Hasina in the election. She is also fighting dozens of other violence and graft related charges. A widow of a military dictator who ruled Bangladesh in the late 1970s, Zia was prime minister from 1991-1996 and again in 2001-2006. Thousands of Sudanese protesters gather in front of the military headquarters in the capital Khartoum Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir came under mounting pressure Tuesday as three Western nations pushed for a political transition after months of unprecedented protests against his rule. Thousands of people remained at the army's headquarters on Tuesday night -- where they have been encamped since Saturday -- bathed in a sea of light as they held up their mobile phones as torches. Angry protesters chanting "overthrow, overthrow," have taken to the streets of the capital and towns and villages across the country since December, in the biggest challenge yet to Bashir's two-decade rule. The country's police on Tuesday ordered its personnel to avoid intervening against the demonstrators. "We call on God to preserve the security and calm of our country ... and to unite the Sudanese people... for an agreement which would support the peaceful transition of power," a police spokesman said in a statement. The protesters sang revolutionary songs and anti-government slogans at the facility, which also houses Bashir's residence. "Since April 6, I'm camping here every night," said businessman Ali Gamereddine. April 6 is the anniversary of a popular uprising that ousted the regime of Gaafar Nimeiri in 1985. "We want the army to support us to achieve our goal," Gamereddine added. Crowds of protesters waved flags, whistled and clapped as darkness fell. They blame Bashir -- who came to power in a 1989 coup -- for a worsening economic crisis. Protesters hold the national flag, after Sudan's police on Tuesday ordered officers to avoid intervening against protesters The protest movement had reached a new peak on Saturday when demonstrators braved volleys of tear gas to reach the military complex, urging the top brass to back them. Soldiers meanwhile foiled repeated attempts by the feared National Intelligence and Security Service's agents to disperse the demonstrators with tear gas, witnesses said. - 'Credible transition' urged - On Tuesday the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway for the first time threw their weight behind the protestors, calling for a credible political transition plan in Sudan. "The time has come for the Sudanese authorities to respond to these popular demands in a serious" way, the diplomatic missions of the three countries said in a joint statement. Sudanese protesters flash the victory gesture as they sit in the middle of a street in front of the military headquarters in the capital Khartoum "The Sudanese authorities must now respond and deliver a credible plan for this political transition." Washington had imposed a trade embargo on Sudan in 1997 for Khartoum's alleged links to Islamist groups -- sanctions that were only lifted in October 2017. The protesters' Saturday move on the sprawling military complex has triggered the largest demonstrations seen yet in the nearly four-month-long movement. Security agents twice fired tear gas on Tuesday at the protesters in abortive bids to end their sit-in, protest organisers said. "There was heavy firing of tear gas after which army soldiers opened the gates of the compound for protesters to enter," a witness told AFP. "A few minutes later a group of soldiers fired gunshots in the air to push back the security forces who were firing tear gas." A second witness said soldiers had intervened against the security agents. The demonstrators have called on the army to protect them from the deadly crackdown by riot police and security agents during their four days camped outside its headquarters. On Tuesday, the crowds could be seen hoisting soldiers into the air on their shoulders, and dancing and chanting with them. A Sudanese protester outside army headquarters shows bullet cartridges he has collected -- the National Intelligence and Security Service and riot police have cracked down on demonstrators, but the army has not intervened Footage obtained by AFP in Paris showed security agents firing in the air to clear the sit-in on Monday, an operation which had to be abandoned after troops intervened. Troops can be seen firing machine-guns as protesters run in groups, some taking shelter behind army vehicles and chanting "Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest)". Late on Tuesday the scene at the army complex was celebratory. - 'No chaos' - Defence Minister General Awad Ibnouf has vowed the army would prevent any slide into chaos. "Sudan's armed forces understand the reasons for the demonstrations and is not against the demands and aspirations of the citizens, but it will not allow the country to fall into chaos," Ibnouf said on Monday, according to state media. The umbrella group spearheading the protests has appealed to the army for talks on forming a transitional government. Omar el-Digeir, a senior member of the group, said protest organisers had formed a council to open talks aimed at agreeing a "transitional government that represents the wish of the revolution". Officials say 38 people have died in protest-related violence since December. Sudan's authorities say 38 people have died in protest-related violence since December But the country's main opposition leader and a key protest organiser Sadiq al-Mahdi said 20 people had been killed by masked men in morning attacks on the sit-in since it began on Saturday. Bashir, who toppled Mahdi's government in the 1989 coup, is wanted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague on charges of war crimes and genocide connected with the suppression of an ethnic minority rebellion in the western region of Darfur. He has responded to the demonstrations with tough measures -- including imposing a state of emergency -- that have seen protesters, opposition leaders, activists and journalists arrested. US President Donald Trump says he doesn't plan to bring back the policy of separating children from parents accused of crossing the US-Mexican border illegally -- but he says the tough tactic works US President Donald Trump said Tuesday he won't resume separating children of undocumented migrants, but insisted the policy does prevent people from treating illegal border crossings like a trip to "Disneyland." "We're not looking to do it," he told reporters at the White House. However, Trump said the practice, which ended in June 2018 under heavy political and legal pressure, had in fact been useful in stemming the flow of illegal immigrants across the US-Mexican border. "I'll tell you something: once you don't have it, that's why you have many more people coming," Trump said of migrants and asylum seekers. "They are coming like it's a picnic, like 'let's go to Disneyland,'" Trump said. Just last week he referred to the asylum process as a "hoax." Trump's battle to prevent illegal immigration and soaring numbers of asylum seekers has turned into the biggest political fight in the country ahead of next year's presidential election. The Republican is pushing hard for construction of hundreds of miles of new border wall and layers of razor wire. He says that the United States is "full" and cannot take any more migrants or even people fleeing violence in Central America. On Sunday, Trump abruptly announced the departure of the official in charge of fighting illegal immigration -- Homeland Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. According to US media reports, Trump's reshuffle could herald even harsher measures on the southern border. - Confusion and rhetoric - But Trump's latest comments reflect the confused nature of the White House's messaging on the sensitive immigration issue. Trump claimed that he never wanted children to be taken away from their parents when they crossed the border illegally or sought asylum. Instead he blamed this on his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama. "Just so you understand, President Obama separated the children. Those cages that were shown -- I think they were very inappropriate -- were by President Obama's administration, not by Trump. President Obama had child separation," Trump said. "You know it. We all know it. I'm the one who stopped it," he said. Obama did crack down on illegal immigration, resulting in large numbers of deportations and children were detained along with their parents. However, Trump hugely accelerated the tough measures with a so-called zero-tolerance policy. This meant that anyone crossing illegally would face automatic prosecution, leading to jailing of adults and immediate separation of their children. Before, families with children were largely allowed to stay together, whether on bail, in custody or being deported. By the time Trump's policy was halted, thousands of children had been removed and placed in temporary accommodation, leading to harrowing images and reports of administrative chaos in which parents were later unable to find their children. Last week, Trump threatened to impose steep import tariffs on Mexican automobiles if Mexico does not do more to stop would-be migrants on their trek north to the US border. However, the timing and practicalities of this were unclear. Previously, Trump said he would shut down the entire border to stop immigrants entering, but he then backed off in the face of worries over the economic impact. Another controversial policy of automatically returning asylum seekers to wait in Mexico was blocked Monday by a federal judge in California. The White House issued a statement Tuesday condemning the ruling and saying it would appeal. The court impedes the president's ability to stop an influx "crashing our immigration system and overwhelming our country," Trump's press office said. Iranian MPs wear the outfit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp during a parliamentary session in Tehran after the US designated the IRGC a "terrorist organisation" Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps, designated a "foreign terrorist organisation" by the United States, is an ideological military force with influence extending into politics and business. Formed shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Guards answer to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and boast their own ground, naval and air forces. Working in parallel to the regular army, the corps' mission is to "guard the revolution and its achievements" as well as "to realise holy ideals and to propagate the rule of God's law". "Their objective is not the promotion of largely secular traditional Iranian nationalism but to promote the religious ideology incarnated in the Islamic republic," said Clement Therme, research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). - Overseas activities - In the 1980-1988 war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, many tens of thousands of its members died in battle defending their country. In recent years the Guards have paid with their blood as they have been involved in "fighting terrorism" in Iraq and Syria, officially acting as "military advisors". The activities abroad of their elite Quds force -- headed by Major General Qasem Soleimani -- have drawn accusations of dangerous meddling from Washington and its regional allies. But Iran insists it is an example of regional cooperation aimed at shoring up stability and blocking Western interference. Estimated to be around 125,000 strong by the IISS, the Guards have faced censure from the US over their role in Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. A branch of the corps is in charge of the country's ballistic missiles, and the force also controls the Basij paramilitary volunteer force. Its naval arm, estimated to be more than 20,000 strong, is charged with the defence and security of the Gulf, including the strategic Straits of Hormuz. The current overall commander of the Guards is Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari. - Business and politics - Over the decades the Guards' influence has expanded well beyond military affairs and into politics and the economy as they became a powerhouse within Iran's complex ruling structure. Former cadres entered most branches of power and its construction arm grew into one of the country's top contractors with projects ranging from petroleum to mining. Many ministers and members of parliament, including current speaker Ali Larijani, served in the corps before entering politics. The Revolutionary Guards have at times defied sitting presidents. Reformist Mohammad Khatami was confronted by its tanks when he attended the inauguration of Tehran's international airport in 2004 following a disagreement over control of the facility. In another incident Khatami received a letter from prominent Guards generals warning "patience is ending" over his policy of social freedoms and detente with the West. Ultra-conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his successor and greatly admired by the Guards to begin with, increasingly distanced himself from them as he claimed they were encroaching on his authority. The trend has continued with the moderate incumbent Hassan Rouhani, who has publicly both criticised and in turn been criticised by the Guards. Rouhani has tried unsuccessfully to curb the Guards' economic activities, sparking public rows. But the president was still quick to leap to their defence against Monday's terrorism designation by the US, hailing them for fighting "terrorism". In this file photo taken on April 2 former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor leaves the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota A police officer in Minnesota shot dead an unarmed Australian woman in 2017 because he feared an ambush, the man's attorney told jurors Tuesday in opening arguments of a trial closely watched in the US and Australia. Both the prosecution and defense laid out their case in a Minneapolis courtroom over the actions of Mohamed Noor, who is charged with murdering 40-year-old yoga instructor Justine Damond. Damond had called police in July of 2017 to report sounds of a possible rape in the dark alley behind her home. Noor was in the responding police cruiser, and shot Damond when she approached the car. The 33-year-old, who was fired from the police force, has pleaded not guilty to second- and third-degree murder charges, as well as a second-degree manslaughter charge. Noor sat nearly motionless, looking down at his hands clasped in front of him, while his attorney Peter Wold said the former officer was heartbroken over the shooting. He and his partner Matthew Harrity had feared they were trapped in "a classic ambush," Wold said, which he said prompted Noor to shoot in self-defense. "It was a perfect storm with horrible consequences," Wold said. "It was a tragedy but no crime." The officers had feared an ambush because they had been forced to stop in the alley behind Damond's home for a passing bicyclist. Moments later, they said they heard a loud bang at the back of the police car and then Damon approached, according to investigators and the defense attorney. Noor shot Damond from the passenger seat of the police cruiser, with his partner in the line of fire in the driver seat. The pajama-clad Damond was wounded in the abdomen, and died at the scene. Her last words were: "I'm dying," according to authorities. - Doubts from prosecutors - Prosecutors have insisted that the shooting was unreasonable and contrary to police department training policy. Hennepin County prosecutor Patrick Lofton sought to sow doubts about the claims of a loud, sudden noise that startled the officers. Lofton said there was no forensic evidence proving Damond touched the police car, including a lack of fingerprints. He also said Harrity claimed to hear a loud noise only days after the incident, during an interview with investigators. "And for the first time, Harrity said he heard a noise on that squad before the defendant shot Miss Ruszczyk," Lofton told jurors, suggesting that the claim was untrue. He used Damond's maiden name. "You will learn it took a long time for officers to figure out that the woman lying dead in the driveway was the same one who had called 911," Lofton said. The opening statements came more than a week after the closely watched trial had officially begun with jury selection. A 12-member jury was seated Monday. Damond had moved to the Midwestern city to marry her American fiancee Don Damond, whose name she had legally adopted. Don Damond was the first witness called to testify in the trial. The shooting outraged Damond's neighbors in Minneapolis and her relatives in Australia. There were calls in both countries for answers and accountability. Minneapolis's then-police chief was forced to resign within days of the incident. The Dalai Lama has cut back on his global engagements and has not met a world leader since 2016 The Dalai Lama has undergone a check-up at a New Delhi hospital following chest pains, according to an aide who said the Tibetan spiritual leader was in stable condition. Ngodup Tsering, the 83-year-old Buddhist monk's representative in the United States, told AFP the Dalai Lama flew to New Delhi early Tuesday for a doctor's visit at Max hospital after he experienced a "light cough." "The doctor said there's nothing to worry about. It's not that serious," Tsering said, without confirming whether the Dalai Lama had been admitted for hospital treatment. "He's taking a few days' rest." Kangra police superintendent Santosh Patial told The Indian Express that the Dalai Lama, who is based in Dharamshala and has been in permanent exile in India for some 60 years, took a regular morning flight Tuesday and was not airlifted. "There is nothing to panic," he added. Although the exiled leader remains a hugely popular speaker, he has cut back on his global engagements and has not met a world leader since 2016 -- while governments have been wary of extending invitations to him for fear of angering Beijing. The Dalai Lama has sought to pre-empt any attempt by Beijing, which has effectively wiped out any organized opposition to its rule in Tibet, to name his reincarnated successor, even announcing in 2011 that he may be the last in the lineage. The Tibetan spiritual leader enjoys wide support across the partisan divide in Washington, where a senator raised the issue of his succession at a hearing Tuesday. Senator Cory Gardner, the Republican who heads the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Asia, said that the United States should follow the Dalai Lama's lead on how to choose his successor. "Let me be very clear -- the United States Congress will never recognise a Dalai Lama that is selected by the Chinese," Gardner said. But even India, which offered asylum to the Dalai Lama in 1959 when he made a daring escape across the Himalayas dressed as a soldier, has turned its back, with the government reportedly warning officials against attending events featuring him, citing diplomatic sensitivities. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells a Senate subcommittee that he agrees North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a 'tyrant' US President Donald Trump has said he's in love with Kim Jong Un, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday agreed that the North Korean leader is a "tyrant." Pompeo, who flew to Pyongyang four times last year as the Trump administration sought an opening with North Korea, was taken to task as he testified before a Senate subcommittee. Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democrat, pointed to Pompeo's denunciations of Venezuela's leftist President Nicolas Maduro as a "tyrant" and asked if he would use similar language for Kim. "Sure. I'm sure I've said that," Pompeo replied. The comment may irk North Korea, which has signaled it is open to a third summit with Trump after a February meeting in Hanoi ended in stalemate. Seeking a potentially landmark denuclearization accord, Trump has repeatedly praised Kim and last month said he had blocked major new sanctions planned for North Korea out of affection for its young authoritarian leader. North Korea has also been careful not to criticize Trump, while accusing his aides of "gangster-like" behavior. Pompeo, however, was unwilling to label as a tyrant Egypt's military ruler turned president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who was hailed by Trump earlier Tuesday in a White House meeting. "There's no doubt that it's a mean, nasty world out there. But not every one of these leaders is the same," Pompeo said. "Some of them are trying to wipe entire nations off the face of the Earth and other are actually partnering with us to help keep Americans safe," he said. "You might call them tyrant, you might call them authoritarian, but there a fundamental difference, and therefore a fundamental difference in the way the US should respond," he said. Pompeo hailed Sisi's offensive against fighters of the Islamic State extremist movement in the Sinai peninsula. Sisi took power in a 2013 coup against elected president Mohamed Morsi, an Islamist, with authorities shortly afterward killing 700 protesters who had assembled in two Cairo squares. Human rights group say that North Korea has one of the world's most egregious records, with Kim's regime forbidding all dissent and running a massive system of political prisons in which between 80,000 and 130,000 people are detained along with their family members for suspected dissent. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says White House lawyers consulted with his department over President Donald Trump's tax returns White House lawyers consulted with Treasury officials about President Donald Trump's tax returns before Democratic lawmakers formally requested access to them, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday in congressional testimony. But Mnuchin denied the White House was improperly interfering in his decision on how to respond to Democrat lawmakers' request last week for six years of Trump's tax filings. The White House has vowed Democrats will "never" see them. Mnuchin testified before Congress that officials were reviewing Democrats' request for the tax returns, adding that it would be "premature" to discuss their ultimate decision. But he revealed that, prior to receiving the request, Treasury Department officials had been in contact with the White House to discuss it -- even though Mnuchin himself was not personally involved. "Our legal department had conversations prior to receiving the letter with the White House general counsel," Mnuchin said in testimony before a House of Representatives sub-committee on the Treasury's 2020 budget request. The conversations were "purely informational," Mnuchin said, adding that he personally had not been briefed on their contents. Trump broke with a long-established norm during the 2016 elections by refusing to release his income tax returns, as most presidents have done since the 1970s even though it is not required by law. "I believe that these presidents released their returns on a voluntary basis," Mnuchin testified. "They made individual decisions. The general public when they elected President Trump made the decision to elect him without his tax returns." Trump has pointed to supposed IRS audits in refusing to release his tax returns. Tax experts, however, say this does not prevent him from making them public. Under a little noticed legal statute cited by Democrats in making their request, Mnuchin is meant to respond to the request without interference from Trump or the White House. Mnuchin appeared later Tuesday during a raucous hearing by a House panel on financial services, where he reiterated that the legal consultation with the White House before the request was formally received was entirely proper. "That is not taking direction from the White House and I don't view that as interference," he said, stressing that the fact that the request for Trump's tax returns was imminent had been widely reported by the news media. Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera hails the prospects of a new peace accord as he addresses the US Institute of Peace in Washington The president of the Central African Republic voiced optimism Tuesday that the latest peace accord would succeed in the conflict-torn country after he moved to form an inclusive government. On a visit to Washington, President Faustin-Archange Touadera said that the agreement -- the eighth peace attempt in six years -- addressed the crucial issues of power-sharing and accounting for human rights abuses. "It's not inevitable, but we think that this could be the final agreement if we all work resolutely in putting it into place," he said at the US Institute of Peace. "This agreement has something more than the other ones as all the stakeholders had time to discuss all its key points," he said. The resource-rich country has been torn by violence and displacement since 2013 when a mainly Muslim rebel group known as the Seleka overthrew president Francois Bozize, a Christian, triggering the rise of a predominantly Christian militia. Fearing a Rwandan-style genocide, former colonial ruler France intervened militarily under a UN mandate. Touadera's elected government in February signed an accord in Sudan with 14 armed groups -- which control most of the country -- and a month later all sides reached a deal on forming an inclusive government. But the accord has since faced setbacks with rebel groups squabbling over how much power they will have in the government. But Touadera said the agreement had settled the larger questions, including some fighters' insistence that they not face prosecution for violence. "It's true that there were difficult moments in the negotiations, notably on the question of impunity -- giving an amnesty -- and on power-sharing," he said. "But I think that in respecting the parameters, all sides have realized that we cannot have peace while setting aside the issue of justice," he said. Touadera is set to meet in Washington with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and hopes to encourage US investment in the impoverished country. Western powers, notably France, have been looking with alarm at the growing influence in the country of Russia which has sent military trainers with murky ties to mining companies. Touadera defended the Russian involvement, saying it was carried out openly with the UN Security Council granting an exemption from its arms embargo on the country. "There's room for everyone in the Central African Republic," he said. Anthropomorphic clay figures belonging to the Teotihuacan culture are displayed at the US Embassy in Mexico City during a ceremony where the US Federal Bureau of Investigation handed them back after a raid on the home of a US collector The United States returned two ancient figurines to Mexico Tuesday, seized from the home of an amateur archeologist who died in 2015 with a collection of 42,000 artifacts, many of them taken illegally. The small clay sculptures date from the Mesoamerican classical period, around 1,300 to 1,800 years ago, archeologists said at a ceremony at the US Embassy in Mexico City, where the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) handed back the figurines. The long, strange story of their return "started with a police investigation, and concludes today with this ceremony, in which Mexico is recovering two artifacts that are part of its cultural heritage," said Mexican foreign ministry lawyer Sergio Estrada. The artifacts were found in the US state of Indiana in the home of a collector named Don Miller, officials told journalists. Miller, who died four years ago at age 91, spent his life traveling the world, participating in archeological digs and collecting rare artifacts, which he displayed in his basement. But near the end of his life, the FBI -- acting on a tip -- raided his home and seized more than 7,000 of those artifacts, which appear to have been removed illegally from their countries of origin, said special agent Edward Gallant. "In the 1960s and 1970s, Mr Miller participated in archeological digs in Mexico and Central America," and that is when he apparently took the two figurines, Gallant said -- though exactly where and when he found them is unclear. Miller, whose collection also included items from China, Canada, Peru, Iraq and other countries, was cooperating with the FBI before he died, and was never prosecuted, said Gallant. The FBI has established a database of the suspect items in his collection, and is slowly working through the painstaking process of trying to identify and return them. Officials said it would take time and research to establish more about the origins and significance of the figurines, which both depict seated men clad only in jewelry. "When artifacts are illicitly removed from their places of origin, we lose meaningful information about the study of the past. And once that context is destroyed, there is no recovering it," said Estrada. 'I have a foreign leader wating in my office at 5:30, okay?' Mnuchin told lawmakers Lengthy congressional testimony by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin descended into outright acrimony on Tuesday as a House committee rebuffed his pleas to be dismissed. "Please dismiss everybody. I believe you're supposed to take your gavel and bang it," Mnuchin said, visibly irritated as he approached the second of two appearances on Capitol Hill. Mnuchin faced grilling before House panels on appropriations and financial services, where Democrats aggressively questioned him over President Donald Trump's tax returns, sanctions policy toward Russia and his personal finances. But after testifying in the afternoon for more than three hours before the Committee on Financial Services, he locked horns with Chairwoman Maxine Waters, Democrat of California, who did not adjourn the hearing even though Mnuchin said he was late for a meeting with an official visiting from Bahrain. "I have a foreign leader waiting in my office at 5:30, okay? I've agreed to stay longer. It will be embarrassing if I keep this person waiting for long periods of time," he said. "So if this is the way you want to treat me, then I'll rethink whether I voluntarily come back here," Mnuchin said. "If you wish to leave, you may leave," Waters said, without formally closing the hearing. "I don't understand what you're saying," Mnuchin replied, ultimately remaining until the hearing was adjourned. House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters of California did not adjourn Tuesday's hearing when Secretary Mnuchin asked Mnuchin has found himself in the center of widening disputes between Trump and Democrats, who recently took control of the lower house of Congress and have sought a host of angles of attack for investigations into the president's administration, finances and ties to Russia. He has faced distracting entanglements over his own finances and use of government resources. He vowed last week to recuse himself from matters that could affect his wife's film production company after the Office of Government Ethics declined to certify his financial disclosure, finding he faced a conflict of interest. In his testimony on Tuesday, Mnuchin revealed that White House lawyers had been in contact with Treasury officials to discuss an expected request from lawmakers for six years of Trump's tax returns. But he rejected Democrat lawmakers' suggestion that this could have been illegal or improper, saying it was merely a consultation and that he had not personally been involved. Mnuchin was an early Trump supporter and is one of the longest-serving members in the president's Cabinet. But he also faces pressure not to let working relations with congressional Democrats, in the Financial Services Committee in particular, deteriorate as they have the power to make his life difficult. Mnuchin ultimately stayed to answer final questions from committee members about Russia sanctions and other matters. "Thank you. I look forward to being back in May. We'll work on a date," he said. Members of the Constitutional Patriots New Mexico Border Ops Team militia, Viper and Stinger who go by aliases to protect their identity, patrol the US-Mexico border in Sunland Park, New Mexico on March 20, 2019 In the southeasternmost pocket of the US state of New Mexico, with El Paso, Texas, to the east and Mexico a stone's throw south, there is a small camp: a few tents and a weathered trailer. It is home to the half dozen or so members of the United Constitutional Patriots (UCP) -- a small but well-armed militia dipping their toes into the US border vigilante movement. In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, primarily Central Americans fleeing poverty and violence at home. No caption US President Donald Trump has described them as a threat to national security, demanding billions of dollars from Congress to build a wall on the southern border. The resignation of Trump's Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Sunday, reportedly over the president's push to restart family separations at the border, has underscored his failure to get to grips with the issue. And until the wall is built, the UCP insist they will be there. "We're here to assist the border patrol because they are so short handed," the group's leader, 70-year-old "Striker," told AFP. "We have a good work rapport with them," he said. "Our goal was to be here until we're not needed. And when we're not needed is when that wall is up." No caption Based out of Flora Vista, New Mexico, the group -- made up mostly of older veterans -- enjoys an enthusiastic social media following. Striker can be heard fielding calls during lengthy radio broadcasts streamed online several times a week. And if you want to sign up to "uphold and defend the constitution?" Just give pick up the phone. Out in the field -- with tactical gear, rifles and even custom patches -- the UCP say their duties include watching the border, standing guard over people who want to hand themselves in to border patrol and pursuing those who don't. - 'Fantasy world' - "It's kind of no different than if you were to have citizen's arrest powers, if you will," Jim Benvie, a 43-year-old from Minnesota, told AFP. No caption Benvie explains that they use the term "surrender" because border patrol rules only allow them to "observe and report." In a statement, the US Border Patrol said it "does not endorse private groups or organizations taking enforcement matters into their own hands." And according to the Anti Defamation League's Mark Pitcavage, an expert on right-wing extremism, the UCP's bark is much bigger than its bite. "These guys, even more than some other militia or vigilante groups, seem to be living in a fantasy world of their own," he told AFP, adding that they have been active for around two and a half years. No caption "They have this grandiose vision of themselves as protecting America from the drug cartels," he said. However, he added: "It's ironic that the areas where they seem to have chosen to focus ... is a very highly guarded stretch of border." Pitcavage points to the rights to bear arms and assemble peaceably enshrined in the US Constitution. "And if this is a simply a combination of those, can the government actually prohibit this seemingly constitutionally protected activity?" he said. The border vigilante movement is well-established, with the Southern Poverty Law Center documenting "questionable apprehensions of migrants by private citizens" from as far back as 1999. No caption Pitcavage acknowledges that the movement is grounded in anti-immigrant sentiment but says white supremacy among followers is actually minimal -- and he sees no such elements within the UCP. "Countries having borders is not racist," was member Jim Benvie's take. "It's not about race. We have Latinos that work on our team with us." North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may be focussing on Pyongyang's continued push to develop its economy North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called a full meeting Wednesday of a top committee of the ruling Workers' Party to address what he described as the "prevailing tense situation", state media reported. The gathering of the Central Committee comes after Kim's Hanoi summit with US President Donald Trump broke up without agreement in February, and as South Korean President Moon Jae-in flies to Washington for talks with the US leader. But the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) appeared to indicate that Kim may be focussing on Pyongyang's continued push to develop its economy. In a meeting with senior officials Tuesday, Kim ordered them to display "an attitude befitting the masters of the revolution and construction under the prevailing tense situation and thus follow through on the new strategic line of the Party", KCNA reported. Last April Kim declared that the ruling party's "new strategic line" would be "socialist economic construction" and its quest for nuclear development was complete. Kim made "a deep analysis of the matters pending urgent solution in the party and state", KCNA said, adding that at Wednesday's meeting the central committee will "decide the new orientation and ways of struggle in line with the need of the prevailing revolutionary situation". It comes ahead of the opening of the country's rubber stamp legislature on Thursday. Trump and Kim held their first landmark summit in Singapore last June, where the North Korean leader signed a vaguely-worded deal on the "denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula". But the failure by the pair to reach agreement at their second summit in Hanoi on walking back Pyongyang's nuclear programme in exchange for relaxation of the measures against it has raised questions over the future of the wider process. In Vietnam both sides expressed willingness to talk further and Trump has repeatedly said he maintains good relations with his North Korean counterpart. But shortly after the Hanoi summit, a series of satellite images emerged suggesting increased activity at the North's Sohae rocket site, triggering international alarm that the nuclear-armed state might be preparing a long-range or space launch. A senior Pyongyang diplomat told reporters last month that the North was considering suspending nuclear talks with the US. Japan is deploying F-35As, each of which costs more than 10 billion yen ($90 million), to replace its ageing F-4 fighter jets Wreckage from a Japanese F-35A stealth fighter jet has been found a day after it disappeared off the radar over the Pacific, the country's defence minister said Wednesday. There was no word yet on the fate of the one pilot on board the jet, Defence Minister Takeshi Iwaya said. It was the first reported case of a crash by an F-35A, according to Japan's Air Self-Defence Force. "We have collected part of its tail" in search operations at sea with planes and vessels, Iwaya told reporters. "We believe it crashed," he added. The fighter jet went missing around 7:30 pm (1030 GMT) Tuesday as it was flying some 135 kilometres (85 miles) east of Misawa, northeastern Japan, on a training mission. The plane lost contact about 30 minutes after taking off from Misawa Air Base with three other aircraft. "During the exercise, the aircraft... communicated that it was aborting the exercise, then communications from the plane stopped and its radar track disappeared," Iwaya said. Japan's air force announced a commission late Tuesday to study the cause of the accident. But it was still not clear exactly what happened to the plane by late Wednesday afternoon, a Japanese air force official told AFP. US defence contractor Lockheed Martin touts the high-tech fighter as "virtually undetectable" and says it allows the US and its allies to dominate the skies with its "unmatched capability and unprecedented situational awareness." Japan is deploying F-35As, each of which costs more than 10 billion yen ($90 million), to replace its ageing F-4 fighters. The jet was one of 13 F-35As deployed at the base, according to the defence ministry. The remaining 12 F-35A fighters have been grounded for the time being, the ministry said. "Until we find out exactly what happened, it would be difficult for us to have those planes fly again," the air force official told AFP. US military forces said they were helping the search-and-rescue effort. "US Forces Japan will continue to work closely with the Japan Self Defence Forces and Ministry of Defence to assist with search and rescue efforts, as requested," US Forces Japan said in a statement. The F35A jets are a key part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's efforts to upgrade the nation's military capacity to meet changing power dynamics in East Asia, with China rapidly modernising its military. Over the next decade, Japan plans to purchase as many as 105 F-35As and 42 units of other high-capacity jets, most likely the F-35B variant. Bribery has long been a problem in Indian elections, where voters can be handed anything from cash to booze It's a game of cat and mouse for Naresh and his "flying squad", stopping cars, trucks and scooters to hunt for goodies being handed to voters in India's mammoth election starting this week. The illegal doling out of everything from alcohol to kitchen appliances has long been a feature of the vast undertaking that is Indian elections. But it's getting worse. Naresh (not his real name) is part of one of 60 "mobile flying squads" in just one district in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, where political parties are notoriously generous at election time. "We never really know how our day will end," Naresh, a khaki-uniformed policeman, said as AFP accompanied him and his team of officials around the prosperous industrial town of Coimbatore in their two SUVs. "There are days when we get nothing. But on others, a timely tip-off by rivals or by plain perseverance and luck, we may find cash, a stash of alcohol or other freebies," he added. Over several hours, and in constant touch with a command centre, they stop dozens of vehicles and comb through the interiors, even under moped seats, but in vain -- this time. The special unit in Coimbatore is using technology to hunt for illegal goodies The day before another squad impounded a vehicle packed with sarees. Others in the past have seized booze, watches, juicers, mixers, or just hard cash. And while Tamil Nadu is a hotspot for such practices, it's a nationwide phenomenon in the country of 1.3 billion people voting between April 11 and May 19. In late March authorities said that they had already seized 1.5 billion rupees ($22 million), 4.4 million litres of liquor and even precious metals and illegal drugs. From the moment the election was announced in mid-March, special laws took effect banning Indians from carrying large amounts of money, gold or silver without proper supporting documentation. Officials such as police and railway staff are also granted temporary powers during the campaign to seize items they believe are being used to sway voters. - Big spenders - The phenomenon may not be new but many observers say that it has only become more acute in recent years, giving a huge advantage to richer candidates who can always spend more to get elected. Members of special 'flying squads' in India are locked in a game of cat and mouse in their hunt for bribes A report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), a New Delhi-based non-government entity pushing for electoral transparency, says that 32 percent of candidates in the first phase of voting on Thursday are multi-millionaires. "Our statistics prove that the candidates with criminal backgrounds and money have a much better chance of winning," Anil Verma, head of ADR's National Election Watch unit, told AFP. "The unlimited flow of money and its use to induce voters is increasing and we can see it with the nationwide cash seizures by authorities," he added. Kumar, a Coimbatore resident who uses only one name, told AFP that he always rejected any inducements offered by local candidates. "The parties give us 500 rupees ($6 US) each asking us to vote for their party. I tell them that I don't need money to vote and that I'd vote for whoever I want to vote," he told AFP. But he's likely just one side of the coin. Another ADR survey found 41 percent of those polled felt that the distribution of freebies was an important part of the election process -- even though almost 73 percent know it is illegal. A survey found 41 percent of those polled felt that the distribution of freebies was an important part of the election process -- even though almost 73 percent know it is illegal "Many politicians say that voters themselves demand freebies and they feel even more pressured if any rival offers them," said Verma. "It is a temptation many can't resist. One can still understand the economically weak doing it but in some Indian states including Tamil Nadu, even the middle classes often take the money and the freebies," he added. Meanwhile, others say that while they might take what is offered, they won't necessarily fulfil their side of the bargain. "Why refuse when they offer us money? We can still go and vote for the candidate we like," said Senthil Kumar, a Coimbatore cab driver. "I even tell my family to take the money but vote for whoever they want." Benin is finding new ways of squeezing profit from cashew nuts The back and forth of lorries and pick-up trucks covered with tarpaulin never stops at the Fludor factory in Zogbodomey, two hours drive from Benin's commercial hub, Cotonou. Cashew season started in earnest in March and tons of the distinctive red-yellow apples containing the popular kidney-shaped nut arrive in hessian sacks. A competitive global cashew market is dominated by India (a quarter of the 2.2 million tons of world production), yet the tiny West African country of Benin is one of the main producers on the continent with 100,000 ton harvested over the past two seasons. But like the rest of Africa's cashew producers (Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau), Benin exports the vast majority of nuts in raw form to India, leading to considerable loss. When processed the value soars from $5,300 per ton to about $9,000, according to the agricultural statistics firm Planetoscope. President Patrice Talon, elected in 2016, has made boosting the agricultural sector, and particularly cashew production, an economic priority. Growing local production is now seen as the path to allowing the country to profit even further. The edible almond represents only 22 percent of the nut, with the rest typically thrown away. But things are now starting to change. A dozen local companies in northern and central Benin already use cashew apples, a fleshy peduncle just above the nuts, turning them into fruit juices. - Technology - What had long been an informal trade is now a formalized production, manufactured for the past two years by American NGO Technoserve, boosting manufacturing from 30,000 bottles in 2017 to 200,000 last year. The Fludor factory, a subsidiary of the Nigerian food giant TGI (Tropical General Investments Group), wants to go even further by manufacturing Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) made from a by-product of the hard outer layer. "It (the shell) contains an acidic liquid that we didn't know how to get rid of," says Roland Riboux, who heads the Beninese subsidiary of the Nigerian group TGI. From unwanted waste to liquid gold "Either you bury it, which isn't good for the soil or the water table, or you burn it." Yet now the product has commercial value. According to the Cashew Export Promotion Council of India, the oil -- made by crushing the shell -- can be used in industrial products including brake linings, paint and lacquer. As such it is seen as a more natural alternative to chemicals. TGI's CNSL manufacturing unit takes up a small part of its 15,000-square-metre (161,500-square-foot) factory where rumbling machines turn at full speed. A pile of brown cashew shells are stacked high, waiting to be processed while about 600 locally recruited women shell, sort and remove the film around the almond. The complex machines imported from India are manned by staff supervised by Vinod Kumar, an Indian engineer specialised in CSNL, brought in to oversee the operations since it started last year. -Growth area - Kumar said the future looks bright. "At first, we started with three tons of oil a day. We're now at 10 tons from 30-40 tons of shells," he says. "Our aim is produce a maximum capacity if 15 tons." If CSNL seems like a niche product compared with the sale of cashew nuts, growing global demand is proving otherwise. The Benin oil is exported to India, Japan and China, which has developed industries using it as a raw material. There's much value in the shells "This is an additional way to keep the added value at home," says Roland Riboux. The plant intends to generalize this multi-transformation of the agricultural product. But to do so, you have to change mentalities to the first level of the chain. Since this year, she has been sourcing directly from cooperatives in Atacora and Donga, two cashew producing departments in the north of the country, and not just through intermediaries who go around the small producers. "Producers are starting to realise that it's not just the nuts that people want," says Barbara Macon, head of the sustainability programme at Fludor. "It's important to show them what it can be made into," Kumar adds. "With this unit, we will be able to transform all the shells of Benin." A new highway border crossing between China and North Korea has opened in Ji'an A Chinese city has opened a new border crossing with North Korea -- fitted with radiation detectors -- even as talks between Washington and Pyongyang have languished over disagreements for nuclear sanctions relief. The new highway border crossing opened in the northeastern city of Ji'an on Monday, complementing its three existing ports with the North, the city said in a statement published to its website Tuesday. "After three years of unremitting efforts, the China-North Korean Ji'an-Manpo Highway Port was officially opened," the city said. The project cost 280 million yuan ($42 million) and the city estimated 500,000 tons of goods and 200,000 people would cross through the new port each year. But crippling UN sanctions imposed on the North by the UN Security Council in 2016 and 2017 have crimped trade between the two Cold War-era allies. China is by far the North's biggest trading partner. While Pyongyang publishes virtually no economic statistics of its own, Chinese Customs figures show exports to China have plummeted by more than 90 percent since 2016, down to $213 million last year -- although some observers question their reliability The main artery for North Korean trade with China has traditionally been through the Chinese border city of Dandong Sanctions relief was top of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's agenda for his Hanoi summit with US President Donald Trump in February. But the meeting broke up without a statement or even a lunch as the two sides disagreed over walking back Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme in exchange for loosening sanctions. After the opening ceremony, the first 120 tourists crossed the border. Chinese tourism to the North has picked up as relations between the countries have improved in recent years. The crossing also has a nuclear radiation detection gate, the city said. China has long been worried about any fallout from North Korea's nuclear activities and Jilin was rocked by an earthquake after a massive bomb test across the border in September 2017. The main artery for North Korean trade with China has traditionally been through the Chinese border city of Dandong, to the south. Ambitious city planners there started work on a Dandong New Zone in 2012, capped by a massive project to open a bridge connecting the city with the North Korean city of Sinuiju on the other side. Authorities expected billions of dollars in investment to flood into jointly-run free trade zones on both sides of the border. But after construction on the four-lane, $350-million bridge completed, it never opened, and the concrete runs into fields on the North Korean side. Since 1992 campaigners in Seoul have held weekly rallies to demand a "full, heartfelt apology" for wartime sex slavery from Tokyo Authorities in Seoul have cancelled the permit for a new Japanese embassy building citing construction delays, local officials said Wednesday, with relations between South Korea and Tokyo strained by historical disputes. The neighbours are both democracies, market economies and US allies faced with an increasingly assertive China and the long-running threat of nuclear-armed North Korea. But their own ties have remained icy for years due to bitter rows stemming from Japan's brutal 1910-45 colonial rule of the Korean peninsula, with forced labour and wartime sex slavery key examples. A statue of a "comfort woman" symbolising the Korean women forced to work in Japanese military brothels mostly during World War II stands across the road from the embassy plot. Since 1992 campaigners have held weekly rallies at the site to demand a "full, heartfelt apology" for wartime sex slavery from Tokyo. The 1,382th such gathering took place Wednesday, with activists surrounding the statue. The previous embassy building was demolished some years ago, with staff moving into offices in the neighbouring high-rises, and the plot is now a patch of bare earth behind a high wall, vines growing through the surrounding barbed wire. City authorities gave permission for a new six-storey building in 2015, the year Seoul and Tokyo signed a controversial deal to settle the wartime sex slavery issue. But construction -- which under South Korean law must start within a year of a permit being received -- was repeatedly delayed. Japan argues that the "comfort women" statue is against the 2015 bilateral agreement, under which Tokyo offered an apology and a one-billion yen payment. But South Korean President Moon Jae-in said last year that the deal had been signed by his ousted predecessor Park Geun-hye without consulting the Korean victims and disbanded a foundation set up with the Japanese funds. An official at the Jongno Ward Office in Seoul said: "We had a meeting with Japanese officials in February, and they said they will accept the revocation of the permit as they cannot start the construction work due to circumstances in their home country." The dovish Moon -- who has brokered talks between Washington and Pyongyang -- has stressed the struggle against Japan is at the heart of national identity in both Koreas. This year marks the 100th anniversaries of the March 1 Independence Movement and the foundation of the Korean provisional government, and South Korea is pulling out the stops to commemorate them both. The centre of the capital is currently festooned with large government-produced posters of heroes of the fight for independence. Rosmah Mansor appeared in court in Kuala Lumpur Wednesday, facing corruption charges The wife of Malaysia's ex-leader was Wednesday hit with a new corruption charge, the 20th since her husband's shock election loss, and complained she was the victim of "slander". Rosmah Mansor -- widely reviled in Malaysia due to her penchant for lavish overseas shopping sprees -- was charged with accepting a five million ringgit ($1.2 million) bribe in relation to a government solar power project. She has already been hit with a barrage of money laundering and tax evasion charges linked to the looting of sovereign wealth fund 1MDB. Allegations that she, her husband Najib Razak, and his cronies stole billions of dollars from the fund and went on a global shopping spree played a major role in the election loss of Najib's coalition last year. Appearing in a Kuala Lumpur court, Rosmah denied the latest charge against her -- that she accepted a kickback to help a company secure a project providing solar power generators to schools. Afterwards, Rosmah told reporters that people had started apologising to her and Najib for having believed "all the slander" against them. "People chose to listen to all the lies, to all the untrue stories that have been told," she said. "I will remain patient and face all the trials and tribulations which Allah has made go through." The 67-year-old had already been hit with two charges over the solar power case in November, when she was accused of accepting bribes worth 189 million ringgit. The other charges she faces relate to the plundering of 1MDB. She denies any wrongdoing. Since his election loss, Najib has also been arrested and hit with multiple charges linked to the 1MDB scandal. He went on trial for the first time over the multi-billion-dollar fraud last week. He denies wrongdoing. Najib and Rosmah's lavish lifestyles came to symbolise the rot in Malaysia's ruling elite. Following the election, police discovered valuables, including cash, jewellery and luxury handbags, worth up to $273 million in properties linked to the couple. Former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn has said he is the victim of a "conspiracy" by "backstabbing" executives Lawyers for former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn on Wednesday appealed his ongoing detention to Japan's Supreme Court, after the auto tycoon was re-arrested last week while out on bail. Ghosn's lead lawyer Junichiro Hironaka had already signalled plans to file the appeal a day earlier, at a press conference where he played a video recorded by the former Nissan head before his re-arrest. In the video, Ghosn said he was the victim of a "conspiracy" by "backstabbing" executives at Nissan who had engineered his arrest to prevent a merger between the Japanese automaker and its alliance partner Renault. At the press conference, Hironaka slammed prosecutors for rearresting Ghosn, who had been out on bail in Tokyo while facing three charges of financial misconduct. Hironaka said the arrest was intended to "apply unjust pressure on him (Ghosn) to force him into submission." The court filing is the first time lawyers for Ghosn have sought relief from Japan's highest court. There were no immediate details on the arguments they are advancing. Prosecutors rearrested Ghosn on April 4, saying they were investigating transfers of Nissan funds totalling $15 million between late 2014 and the middle of 2018 to a dealership in Oman. They suspect around $5 million of these funds were siphoned off for Ghosn's personal use, including the purchase of a yacht. A court has already granted a request from prosecutors to extend Ghosn's detention to April 14. They can then request an additional 10-day detention period after which they will have to release Ghosn unless they either charge him or level new allegations. Hironaka has said he will challenge any extension of the detention if the appeal to the Supreme Court is rejected. Ghosn already faces three formal charges: two of deferring his salary and concealing that in official shareholders' documents, and a further charge of seeking to shift investment losses to the firm. He has denied any wrongdoing and said in the video played Tuesday he was "innocent of all the charges that have been brought against me." "This is about a plot, this is about conspiracy, this is about backstabbing," he said. He spent 108 days in detention before being released on bail on March 6 after agreeing to strict conditions and paying nearly $9 million. Sudanese protesters salute soldiers in front of the military headquarters in the capital Khartoum Thousands of Sudanese protesters pressed on with their campaign against President Omar al-Bashir's rule for a fifth day outside the army headquarters in the capital on Wednesday, witnesses said. Crowds of demonstrators continued to throng the sprawling complex through the night, singing and dancing to the tunes of revolutionary songs, witnesses said. "The night passed peacefully without any incident," said a protester who had spent the entire night at the complex. "We believe that the support from the soldiers on the ground and now the police is definitely growing." Demonstrators have braved regular volleys of tear gas from members of the powerful National Intelligence and Security Service since they began camping at the army headquarters on April 6, protest organisers say. But for the first time they did not face any "threat" from security agents during the night, said the protester who did not want to be named for security reasons. "The soldiers at the complex are also angry after the attacks of tear gas and are determined to prevent them," another demonstrator told AFP. Witnesses said the troops had stationed several vehicles loaded with machine-guns at the gates of the complex. On Tuesday security agents had to abort their bids to disperse the crowds when soldiers fired gunshots in the air to counter incoming volleys of tear gas from security agents. "It seems the police too are now with us," said the protester. "When we were coming to the army building last night we saw many policemen but they did not stop us." The police on Tuesday ordered its personnel to avoid intervening against the demonstrators. "We call on God to preserve the security and calm of our country ... and to unite the Sudanese people... for an agreement which would support the peaceful transition of power," a police spokesman said in a statement. On Wednesday protesters were raising funds to ensure a regular supply of food and water for the crowd. "Many shop owners and businessmen have offered us free supplies," said another demonstrator. Protest organisers launched their latest campaign on April 6 as part of a months-long movement against Bashir's 30-year rule. Demonstations first erupted on December 19 in response to a government decision to triple the price of bread. But they quickly morphed into a nationwide campaign against Bashir's rule with rallies held across cities, towns and villages. Bashir has remained defiant, and imposed a slew of tough measures including a state of emergency across the country. Officials say 38 people have died in protest-related violence so far. Singaporean officials on Monday found 12.7 tonnes of the creatures' scales in 474 bags on a container Singaporean authorities said Wednesday they had discovered nearly 13 tonnes of pangolin scales worth about $38 million in a shipping container, the second major seizure of the creatures' parts in a week. Authorities across Southeast Asia are battling to stop the rampant poaching and smuggling of pangolins, the world's most heavily trafficked mammal, which is sought for use in traditional medicine. In the latest seizure, Singaporean customs and immigration officials on Monday found 12.7 tonnes of the creatures' scales in 474 bags on a container which was labelled as carrying seeds usually used to make tea. They estimated that around 21,000 pangolins were killed to harvest such a huge quantity of scales, according to a government statement. The container started its journey in Nigeria and was passing through the city-state -- a major trading hub -- en route to Vietnam, it said. "The Singapore government adopts a zero-tolerance stance on the use of Singapore as a conduit to smuggle endangered species and their parts," said the statement. It is estimated that around 21,000 pangolins were killed to harvest such a huge quantity of scales On April 3, officials seized 12.9 tonnes of pangolin scales worth some $38.7 million from a container in Singapore which was also en route to Vietnam from Nigeria. Under Singaporean law, those found guilty of the illegal import or export of wildlife can be fined up to S$500,000 ($370,000) and jailed for up to two years. Pangolins, and particularly their scales, are highly prized in China and Vietnam for use in traditional medicine, despite the fact there is no scientific proof of their medical benefits. Singapore's extensive trade links and efficient ports have lured wildlife smugglers, who use the country as a transit point to ship exotic creatures to customers worldwide, according to animal welfare activists. Loyalists of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir have held a series of support rallies since protests erupted against his rule in December, some of which he has addressed in person Loyalists of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir called for a support rally in Khartoum on Thursday as protesters demanding his resignation massed outside army headquarters for a fifth straight day. "The National Congress Party's executive bureau supports the national dialogue partners' initiative to organise a gathering to be seen by all the people on Thursday," the acting chief of Bashir's ruling party, Ahmed Harun, said in a statement issued late on Tuesday. "I call on all members of NCP across the state of Khartoum to participate in this rally." Harun said the rally aims to "show that there are social and political powers that are committed towards peace, security and stability in Sudan". In March, Bashir handed his powers as party leader to Harun as part of top level changes he made in the face of the protests that erupted against his rule in December. The National Congress Party was formed a few years after Bashir took power in an Islamist-backed coup in 1989. Some 26,000 people have been forced from their homes due to the fighting across Rakhine and in neighbouring areas of Chin state Fighting between the Myanmar army and ethnic Rakhine rebels has escalated in the western state's temple-studded town of Mrauk U, sources confirmed Wednesday, with reports of military jets streaking across the sky. Riven by complex ethnic and religious divides, Rakhine state was the epicentre of a brutal military campaign in 2017 that forced some 740,000 Rohingya Muslims over the border into Bangladesh. But the army is now locked in deadly battles with the Arakan Army (AA), a group that claims to represent the state's ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and is vying for more autonomy. The AA has killed at least 22 police officers since fighting ramped up in January. The government says dozens of rebels have been killed. Thousands of troops have been deployed to try to quell the spreading unrest. Three weeks ago the fighting reached Mrauk U, the ancient capital of the Rakhine kingdom and a site popular with intrepid tourists for its array of temples and pagodas. Mrauk U resident Khin Than told AFP by phone the fighting started about 10pm Tuesday night and was worse than last time. "It's getting serious. People are scared to leave their homes," she said, describing the ground shaking under the roar of jets. AA spokesman Khine Thukha told AFP they re-entered Mrauk U on Tuesday night to retaliate against artillery bombardments. "The Burmese military is dropping bombs from jet fighters and helicopters," he said. Military spokesman Colonel Win Zaw Oo confirmed clashes were taking place but did not release further details. The military has vowed to crush the rebel group, which formed exactly 10 years ago and enjoys widespread support from many ethnic Rakhine. The AA posted on its website Wednesday a message of congratulations for its 10th anniversary from an allied rebel group based on the other side of the country. Some 26,000 people have been forced from their homes due to the fighting across Rakhine and in neighbouring areas of Chin state while aid groups estimate some 95,000 people are affected by new restrictions on movement. There are also reports of indiscriminate attacks and use of landmines, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Much of Rakhine is under strict lockdown and information is difficult to verify independently. Sudanese protesters salute a military armoured vehicle at a demonstration in front of the army headquarters in Khartoum, as some ranks appear to be tiling towards the rallies Support within Sudan for embattled President Omar al-Bashir seems be waning as some ranks in the army, a major pillar of his three decades in power, appear to be tilting towards the demonstrators, analysts say. Thousands of protesters have been camping outside the military complex housing Bashir's official residence in Khartoum since Saturday, braving tear gas and deadly gun shots from security services in defiance of a state of emergency banning all such demonstrations. But the Sudanese army, which has steered clear of intervening in the clashes since the start of the anti-government protests in December, has so far stood on the sidelines. On Tuesday, demonstrators were seen hoisting soldiers on their shoulders and dancing and chanting with them. While others joyfully saluted soldiers in armoured vehicles, keeping a protective eye on the crowds. "This is an obvious endorsement that is better understood as a co-optation of the protest movement," said Magdi El Gizouli, an analyst with Rift Valley Institute. "The events of April 6 and 7 have rehabilitated the moral standing of the army and affirmed its political weight." Demonstrators carrying banners calling on Bashir to step down have been urging the military -- a well-respected institution in the country -- to protect them and back their demands for the president to resign. On Monday, civil groups spearheading the protest movement including the Alliance for Freedom and Change called on the military to hold talks on forming a transitional government. And on Tuesday, the police openly ordered its forces not to intervene against the protestors, voicing hopes that a way can be found for "a peaceful transition" of power. - Possible army takeover - The army's implicit permission for the protests to continue in front of a sensitive military site lays bare the discontent within army ranks at Bashir's rule, analysts say. Sudanese soldiers monitor a rally in front of the military headquarters "The army has always been the key to the ultimate success for the uprising -- and there have been many signs of disaffection within the army -- at least among the ranks of brigadier general and the lower," said Eric Reeves, a senior fellow at Harvard University. "Lower ranks resent being made to kill fellow Sudanese," he added. Powerful bodies backing Bashir including the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) have led the deadly crackdown on protesters since December. But the army has not intervened. The sustained protest movement has so far posed the biggest threat to Bashir's 30-year rule, but has not yet persuaded the 75-year-old -- one of the longest ruling presidents in Africa -- to give up the reins of power. "The protest movement, while it did make considerable advances, has lacked a central strategy beyond agitation," said Gizouli. Indirectly, those groups leading the protest movement have in effect called on the army to "play the role of midwife, resolve the immediate crisis and depose Bashir and deliver power to the people," he added. - What's next?- "It's now an open question on how long the army will be loyal to Bashir," said Murithi Mutiga of the International Crisis Group. "Given the conflicting signals coming from the army top brass, Bashir might have to manage the transition now rather than later." A tide of protesters chant slogans in front of the Khartoum military headquarters, camping outside the sensitive building for a fifth day in a row despite a ban on such demos He came under further pressure Tuesday when the United States, Britain and Norway issued a joint statement through their embassies in Khartoum, calling on the Sudanese authorities to deliver a "credible" plan now for a peaceful transition of power. But it remains unclear whether any such transition would usher in an era of another military ruler, or a civilian government especially if the protest movement fails to produce a viable alternative to Bashir. Gizouli believes Bashir, a brigade commander who led a bloodless coup against the democratically elected government in 1989, could just be replaced by another military ruler with popular support. Others argue that there is higher likelihood that a civilian government may be installed after Bashir. The protests were initially triggered by a decision to triple the price of bread, in a country already grappling with soaring fuel prices and an acute foreign currency shortage. "No one wants to 'own' the economic catastrophe that has befallen Sudan," said Reeves. "The current regime can't distance itself from it and the army doesn't want to inherit the catastrophe." The economy was especially hit after the 2011 secession of South Sudan, which holds three-quarters of former Sudan's oil wells. "At least a civilian government brought to power by the army would be given some leeway by the overwhelming majority of Sudanese," Reeves added. Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen had condemned last month's incursion by two Chinese fighter jets over the 'median line' separating self-ruled Taiwan from China China on Wednesday derided "wild talk" from Taiwan's president as it defended a flight by its fighter jets across the traditionally respected maritime line dividing the island from the mainland last month as a routine exercise. The rare incursion of two J-11 fighter jets over the "median line" separating the self-ruled island from China drew condemnation from Taipei at the end of March, which called the incident "intentional, reckless and provocative". Citing remarks by Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang at a press briefing Wednesday, state-run China Daily said the fly-by was part of a planned routine exercise by the People's Liberation Army (PLA). "Protecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity has been the sacred duty of the PLA, and it is in the interest of people from both sides of the straits," he said. China has significantly stepped up diplomatic and military pressure on Taiwan since Beijing-sceptic President Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016, including staging a series of military exercises near the island. Dismissing Tsai's vow to forcibly expel Chinese fighter jets if they cross the median line again as "wild talk", Ma said the Taiwanese president's comments showed she was "scared." "We warn them not to play with fire," he said. "Don't even think about it." Beijing sees Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting unification, even though the two sides have been ruled separately since the end of a civil war in 1949. The US diplomatically recognises China over Taiwan but remains the island's chief military ally and arms supplier. Washington warned China against the use of "force or coercion" on Taiwan after its fighter jet incursion -- which came a week after the US sailed a destroyer and coastguard ship through the Taiwan Strait, angering Beijing. Troubled Venezuela has seen a spectacular drop in oil output OPEC's oil output dropped sharply last month as a result of steep production cuts in Venezuela and kingpin Saudi Arabia, the cartel said on Wednesday. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries' combined oil production plunged by 534,000 barrels per day in March, it said in a report citing secondary sources. OPEC does not release its own production data. Venezuela, in the throes of political troubles, sanctions and repeated power blackouts, pumped 289,000 fewer barrels per day than the previous month, taking production to 732,000 bpd. This compares to the more than a million barrels per day Venezuela was pumping at the start of the year, and its production capacity of nearly two mbpd in 2017. Kingpin Saudi Arabia's production, meanwhile, fell by 324,000 bpd, according to OPEC's sources, the report said. This, analysts say, is a result of the kingdom's determination to support oil prices in line with a production cut deal between OPEC countries and non-member Russia that is to run until June. These efforts appear to be paying off. Oil prices rose at their fastest pace in 14 years over the first quarter of the year. On Wednesday the WTI futures contract, the benchmark for US production, stood at $64.42 and its European counterpart, Brent, at $70.95. An Indian girl looks at a painting of the Amritsar massacre in 1919 when British troops opened fire on Indian protesters in the northern city, killing 400 according to colonial era records. India puts the toll much higher, at nearer 1,000 British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday expressed regret for a massacre by British troops in India in 1919 but stopped short of a full apology. "We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused," May told the British parliament, as India prepares to mark the 100th anniversary of the killings. Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, called for "a full, clear and unequivocal apology". The April 13, 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, in which British troops opened fire on thousands of unarmed protesters, remains an enduring scar from British colonial rule in India. Colonial-era records show about 400 people died in the northern city of Amritsar when soldiers opened fire on men, women and children in an enclosed area, but Indian figures put the toll at closer to 1,000. Former British prime minister David Cameron described it as "deeply shameful" during a visit in 2013 but also stopped short of an apology. A ceremony was due to take place at the site of the massacre on Saturday. Iran has been hit by what the authorities have called unprecedented flooding Iran ordered tens of thousands of residents of the southwestern city of Ahvaz to evacuate immediately on Wednesday as floodwaters entered the capital of oil-rich Khuzestan province, state television reported. The province's governor, Gholamreza Shariati, said he ordered the evacuation of five districts as a "precautionary and preventive move to avert any danger", Iran's Tasnim news agency reported. The districts have an estimated population of between 60,000 and 70,000. Shariati asked young men to "help us in building dykes and to assist in the evacuation of women, children and the elderly." "The Dez and Karkheh rivers have for the first time joined each other near Ahvaz and are now flowing towards the city," Shariati told state TV, adding that this was unprecedented. "These two rivers are far away from each other, but the huge volume of floodwater caused them to join up." Shariati said a sixth district was also put on standby for possible evacuation. Khuzestan province has been struggling with major floods due to heavy rains as well as floodwater coming from the north. It is the latest in a series of unprecedented floods that have hit the normally arid country since March 19, killing at least 70 people. The country's northeast was first swamped on March 19 before the west and southwest of the country were hit on March 25. On April 1 the west and southwest were again swamped by floods when heavy rains returned to the area. Equatorial Guinea's finance minister Lucas Abaga Nchama has been dismissed for "irregularities committed in the exercise of his office," the government said Equatorial Guinea's minister for economy and finance, Lucas Abaga Nchama, has been sacked for "irregularities," according to a government decree published on Wednesday. Abaga Nchama, who was also in charge of planning, was dismissed for "irregularities committed in the exercise of his office," it said, without giving further details. He has been replaced by Cesar Mba Abogo, a secretary of state who had responsibility for steering the country's 2020 development programme. Equatorial Guinea is in a deep economic crisis, triggered by the post-2014 slump in the price of crude oil, its principal export. The former Spanish colony ranks 141st out of 189 countries on the UN's 2018 Human Development Index, and 172nd out of 180 countries on Transparency International''s 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index. Benjamin Netanyahu is likely to become the longest-serving Israeli prime minister Despite corruption allegations and stiff opposition from a new centre party, Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has managed to boost his party's share of the vote and looks set to keep power. While his right-wing Likud party and a centrist coalition appear set to have around the same number of parliamentary seats after Tuesday's general elections, the man called 'King Bibi' by admirers has a clear path to forming a coalition. The 69-year-old is now likely to form another right-wing government and become the longest-serving Israeli prime minister later this year. The elections appear to prove Netanyahu's enduring domestic appeal despite the graft accusations, and a fifth term in office would have knock-on implications for the peace process with Palestinians and for his potential indictment. Speaking after preliminary results were announced early Wednesday, Netanyahu hailed a "magnificent victory." "It will be a right-wing government, but I will be prime minister for all," he said. In Israel's proportional political system, no party has ever won an outright majority. Instead the largest parties fight to form a coalition of at least 61 members of the 120-seat parliament. With ex-military chief Benny Gantz's centrist Blue and White coalition leading in the polls, Netanyahu pulled out all the stops to shore up right-wing support. On March 11 he said Israel was "the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people," sparking fierce criticism. Nearly 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arabs. Then, two days before the election, in a seeming bid to steal votes from other right-wing parties, Netanyahu controversially pledged to annex settlements in the occupied West Bank. Critics say any such move would be a final nail in the coffin of the two-state solution, which envisions an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. - Alliance-building - In the final days of the campaign Netanyahu was everywhere, giving interviews to all major Israeli media and constantly posting on social media. In the end his Likud party far out-performed expectations and is projected to have won around 35 seats, like Gantz. Ofer Zalzberg from the International Crisis Group think-tank said Netanyahu understood the right-wing had an inbuilt advantage in Israel and so could stick with his base. The right-wing bloc is predicted to have around 65 seats, compared with 55 for the centre and left, similar to the make up of the outgoing parliament. Even before the election, all the smaller right-wing parties had pledged to back Netanyahu for prime minister, meaning his victory was always likely, Zalzberg said. "He demonstrated again his mastery of alliance-building among the different political tribes of Israel -- he is unmatched in this." Dore Gold, a former advisor to Netanyahu, said the secret of his success is that he "understands the DNA of the Israeli voter." With US President Donald Trump's administration providing unprecedented support, as well as diplomatic breakthroughs in Africa and improving relations with Gulf Arab states, Gold said Netanyahu had improved Israel's standing in the world without having to give away much in exchange. Traditional proposals had predicated improved relations between Israel and Arab states and others on achieving peace with the Palestinians, but Netanyahu has not made that a priority. "The people of Israel saw this, that he was not a throwback to the past but had an orientation for the future. That set the stage for an extraordinary election victory," Gold said. - Corruption battle - Two major issues face Netanyahu in the coming months. The first is the allegations of corruption including receiving thousands of dollars in undeclared gifts, as well as offering legal reforms in exchange for favourable media coverage. In February Israel's attorney general recommended he be indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Netanyahu has consistently rejected the allegations, labelling them a left-wing witch hunt. Analysts said the victory could strengthen his hand against the charges, with talk even of introducing a law that sitting leaders cannot be indicted until after their term ends. "He is still in survival mode and is likely to try to pass the immunity legislation or find a way to end the indictments against him for once and all," Hugh Lovatt, Israel analyst at the European Council on Foreign Relations think-tank, said. "After the election he can play the democracy card." Israeli policy in the occupied Palestinian territories will also remain a prominent issue. Trump is expected to finally present a long-delayed peace proposal in the coming months. Details of the plan remain closely guarded. Israel occupies the West Bank and east Jerusalem, while more than 600,000 Israeli settlers live there in communities considered illegal under international law. Netanyahu has long been sceptical of a two-state solution, saying Israel needs to control Palestinian territory for security reasons. "In this election he came out clearly and embraced his ideological opposition to Palestinian freedom," Palestinian political analyst Diana Buttu said. Zuma, left, pictured with Kadhafi on May 30 2011, when he made a one-day visit to Tripoli as head of an African Union delegation mediating in the Libyan crisis. Zuma has denied a newspaper report that he was given $30 million by Kadhafi for 'safe keeping' South Africa's ex-president Jacob Zuma has denied allegations by a local newspaper that he is in possession of $30 million (26.7 million euros) belonging to the late Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi. The Sunday Times at the weekend reported that before he was captured and killed in 2011, Kadhafi had given the funds for "safe keeping" to Zuma, when he was president of South Africa. The paper said Zuma had stashed the money at his home in the southeastern village of Nkandla before moving it to neighbouring eSwatini, formerly known as Swaziland. "Former president Zuma is not aware of any money directed to his Nkandla home from former president Gaddafi, nor has he ever received funds from Gaddafi," the ex-president's foundation said in a statement cited Wednesday by South Africa's The Star newspaper. Zuma himself tweeted sardonically on Tuesday that he was surprised to hear that he was keeping $30 million when he was in need of cash to pay for legal bills to fight graft charges. "Sigh! I owe millions in legal fees.... I now hear that I have been keeping money belonging to my late brother Gaddafi. Wheres this money because His Majesty knows nothing about it?" he tweeted, referring to the king of eSwatini. Zuma, who was ousted last year over multiple graft scandals, could be liable for the equivalent of $2 million in legal bills. The eSwatini government spokesman Percy Simelane also refuted the existence of Zuma's money in his country. "We are not aware of any money secretly stashed anywhere in eSwatini from former South African President Jacob Zuma belonging to former Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi," Simelane told AFP in Mbabane. South African Foreign Affairs Minister Lindiwe Sisulu on Sunday said "there is no money that we are aware of. "I have not found any money that belongs to Libyans. If the Libyans make a request for us to investigate this matter, we will." Under Zuma, South Africa had vociferously opposed the NATO-led military intervention to oust the Libyan dictator. It also said Kadhafi should have been handed to the international war crimes court after his capture. Members of the Syrian Democratic Forces stand guard over veiled women in al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria, which houses relatives of Islamic State group members Iraq has offered the US-led coalition to put hundreds of accused foreign jihadists on trial in Baghdad in exchange for millions of dollars, three government sources have told AFP. Western countries have been rocked by fierce public debate over whether to repatriate their citizens who joined the Islamic State group, which held swathes of Iraq and Syria for years before losing its last speck of land last month. Around 1,000 suspected foreign IS fighters are in detention in northeast Syria, in addition to around 9,000 foreign women and children in Kurdish-run camps there. Iraq has proposed trying and sentencing the foreign suspects if the US-led coalition covers operational costs, three Iraqi officials have said. "These countries have a problem, here's a solution," one told AFP, speaking anonymously because he was not authorised to give details to the press. The source said Iraq had proposed a rate of $2 million per suspect per year, calculated based on the estimated operational costs of a detainee in US-run Guantanamo. "We made the proposal last week but have not gotten a response yet," the source added. A second official said Iraq had requested $2 billion to try the suspects as "one of several options," and could ask for "more money to cover the costs of their detention." Iraq has already tried and sentenced several hundred foreign IS members, and others are in detention in Baghdad awaiting trial. They include at least 12 French nationals who were transferred from Syria in February. A third Iraqi official said detainees from as many as 52 countries could be put on trial in Baghdad. "Iraq proposed to the coalition setting up a special tribunal to try foreigners. There's been a constructive beginning to those discussions," the source said. But setting up the court could be complicated, the official said, with questions over whether international funding for it would preclude any implementation of the death penalty. The source added that Iraq had opted to propose the arrangement to the US-led coalition as a whole because it was simpler than negotiating with each country individually. The US-led coalition did not immediately respond to an AFP request for comment. Syria's Kurds have called for an international court in northeast Syria to try IS jihadists, but the US says countries should repatriate their own citizens. Transferring foreign fighters to Iraq for trial appears to resolve a legal conundrum for Western powers, many of whom fear they may not have enough evidence to convict IS members who claim they did not fight. The US Department of Justice charged former White House counsel Gregory Craig in relation to work he did for the Ukrainian government A prominent Washington attorney who worked in Barack Obama's White House on Thursday became the first Democrat to face charges from Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling. Greg Craig, 74, was charged with lying to investigators about his lobbying for the Russia-backed government of Ukraine, part of an operation that has already seen charges against three others, including President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort. The indictment said Craig made false statements and concealed information in relation to Justice Department requirements that he register as a lobbyist for a foreign government with the Foreign Agents Registration Act Unit. As a partner with large international law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in 2012, after he left the White House, Craig was hired by the Ukraine government to boost its image after having put the former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko through a trial widely criticized by Western governments as politically motivated. Prosecutors submitted evidence showing Craig knowingly avoided registering as a foreign agent and sought to hide the income he received for his work for Ukraine, including on producing and disseminating an "independent" report by Skadden that critics said whitewashed the treatment of Tymoshenko. In April 2018 a Dutch lawyer working for Skadden, Alex van der Zwaan, was sentenced to 30 days in jail and a $20,000 fine after pleading guilty to lying to the Mueller investigation relating to his work for Ukraine together with Manafort and Manafort's partner Rick Gates. In January this year Skadden agreed to pay $4.6 million to settle charges it lobbied illegally for Ukraine. Craig however is fighting the charges. In a statement Wednesday he said his work came "as an independent expert on the rule of law, not as an advocate for the client" and that he had refused requests to participate in Ukraine's lobbying. "Mr Craig is not guilty of any charge," they said. Fighters loyal to Libya's UN-backed government are defending the capital from a rival strongman's forces Forces loyal to Libya's internationally recognised government and a rival commander battled for control of the capital Thursday after UN chief Antonio Guterres warned the country faced a "very dangerous situation". Thousands of people have fled heavy fighting on the outskirts of Tripoli that has left dozens dead and prompted mounting global alarm. Guterres appealed Wednesday for a halt to hostilities to prevent the situation spiralling out of control. "It's still time to stop," he told reporters after briefing the UN Security Council in a closed session in New York. "It's still time for a ceasefire to take place, for a cessation of hostilities to take place, and to avoid the worst, which would be a dramatic, bloody battle for Tripoli." Nearly a week of fighting on the city's doorstep has already killed 56 people and wounded 266, the World Health Organization said. No caption "Thousands of people have fled their homes, while others are trapped in conflict areas. Hospitals inside and outside (Tripoli) are receiving daily casualties," it said. The UN chief was in Libya when forces loyal to military strongman Khalifa Haftar last week launched an offensive to capture the capital, which is controlled by a UN-backed government and an array of militias. Haftar backs a rival administration based in eastern Libya that refuses to recognise the authority of the Government of National Accord (GNA) led by Fayez al-Sarraj. "Our forces continue to advance on all fronts and are converging on the centre of the capital," Ahmad al-Mesmari, spokesman of Haftar's self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA), said Thursday at a press conference. He said the LNA had issued arrest warrants against Sarraj and other GNA officials for "treason", "support for terror groups" and "conspiracy with foreign countries". The Security Council met for more than two hours behind closed doors to consider how to address the fighting, which has derailed efforts to end the instability that has beset Libya since its 2011 uprising. The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said the situation in Libya was "increasingly worrying". She called for the "full implementation of the humanitarian truce" and the "return to the political negotiations and the political track". The United Nations postponed a national conference that was to open on Sunday to draw up a roadmap to elections, meant to turn the page on years of turmoil since the NATO-backed overthrow of dictator Moamer Kadhafi in 2011. - Teen fighters held - Heavy clashes shook Ain Zara, a town dotted with farms on the southeastern outskirts of Tripoli where pro-GNA fighters managed to reverse an advance by Haftar's forces. On the town's main street, lined with shops and houses, a sand barrier erected by pro-GNA forces separated the two camps. "Today, the criminals of Haftar's group have advanced, but we destroyed a tank and two armoured vehicles," said a pro-GNA fighter who gave his name as Youssef. Thousands of people have fled the fierce fighting on the outskirts of Tripoli Behind him, artillery fire stirred up a cloud of sand as the sound of machine guns and anti-aircraft guns rang out. Suddenly a shell sliced through the air and hit a nearby house. "You see, he (Haftar) wants to destroy our houses and all of Tripoli," one of the fighters shouted. The GNA took journalists to a prison in the area, where director Ayad Enjem said "75 combatants" of Haftar's LNA fighters had been detained since Friday. "Several are younger than 16 years old" said Enjem, as representatives from a UN agency interviewed the prisoners. One detainee told AFP he was 16 and had been recruited recently in Sabratha, to the west of Tripoli. More than 100 others are being held in a prison in the coastal town of Zawiya, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of the capital, according to its head Abdelbasset Abu Ajeila. - 'Cat and mouse' - Haftar's forces, which control swathes of the country's east, said on Wednesday they had seized a barracks in the Aziziya area around 50 kilometres (30 miles) south of Tripoli after "ferocious clashes". They said several fighters loyal to the UN-backed government had been detained and their weapons seized. Tripoli is controlled by a UN-backed government and an array of militias "For the moment, it's still a game of cat and mouse," a commander from a pro-GNA group said Wednesday. "We're still organising ourselves. The war hasn't truly started," he told AFP in Ain Zara. Haftar's forces appear to be advancing on two fronts, from the south and southeast of Tripoli, while coastal roads to the east and west of the city are defended by fighters loyal to the GNA. The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Russia are key allies of Haftar, a former Kadhafi military chief who has emerged as a major player in Libya's political struggle. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday the alliance was "deeply concerned by the situation in Libya." "The current military operation and advance on Tripoli are increasing the suffering of the Libyan people and putting civilian lives at risk," he said. Although casualties remain limited so far, the International Crisis Group warned further escalation "could precipitate a humanitarian disaster". "If unleashed, a full-fledged offensive could become a proxy war between regional powers and cause innumerable casualties as well as immense devastation," the think tank said. Jeff Bezos says customers of Amazon Go cashierless stores see the experience as "magical" and suggested more of these outlets are coming Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos said Thursday he sees a bright future in the company's cashierless retail stores and that many consumers see the experience as "magical." In his annual letter to shareholders, Bezos was upbeat about the prospects for Amazon Go, the stores where customers use an app to check out, with purchases scanned in the store and billed electronically to eliminate the need for cashiers. "For many years, we considered how we might serve customers in physical stores, but felt we needed first to invent something that would really delight customers in that environment," he wrote. "No one likes to wait in line. Instead, we imagined a store where you could walk in, pick up what you wanted, and leave." Bezos said the implementation was complex, with specially designed cameras and shelves and new computer vision algorithms. "The reward has been the response from customers, who've described the experience of shopping at Amazon Go as 'magical,'" he said. "We now have 10 stores in Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle, and are excited about the future." The letter made no mention of concerns raised by some activists that cashierless and cashless stores could shut out people lacking smartphones and bank accounts. Bezos separately challenged other retailers to match Amazon's move for a minimum wage of $15 an hour announced last year. "We had always offered competitive wages. But we decided it was time to lead -- to offer wages that went beyond competitive," Bezos said in his letter. "Today I challenge our top retail competitors (you know who you are!) to match our employee benefits and our $15 minimum wage. Do it! Better yet, go to $16 and throw the gauntlet back at us. It's a kind of competition that will benefit everyone." - Climate change appeal - Aside from wages, a group of Amazon employees this week called on the company to be a role model for corporate action fighting climate change. "Amazon's leadership is urgently needed," read an open letter to Bezos and the Amazon board signed by 4,520 company workers when it was posted on Wednesday. "We believe this is a historic opportunity for Amazon to stand with employees and signal to the world that were ready to be a climate leader." Steps called for in the letter included a complete transition away from fossil fuels and making potential climate effects a priority in business decisions. Amazon early this year promised to share details regarding its company-wide carbon footprint along with programs to reduce it, such as striving to make shipments "net zero carbon." "Amazon's sustainability team is using a science-based approach to develop data and strategies to ensure a rigorous approach to our sustainability work," the Seattle-based e-commerce giant said in response to an AFP inquiry. "We have launched several major and impactful programs and are working hard to integrate this approach fully across Amazon." Amazon has a longterm goal of powering its worldwide infrastructure completely with renewable energy and has more than 200 operations scientists, engineers and product designers working exclusively on inventing ways to use its size "for the good of customers and the planet," the company said. France will make a show of opposing trade talks with the US, as President Emmanuel Macron (pictured April 10, 2019) insists the US first sign back up to the Paris climate accord EU member states gave the green light on Thursday for Brussels to open trade talks with Washington, diplomatic sources said, ending months of stalemate due to opposition from France. But France said it would nonetheless make a show of opposing the start of the talks when the negotiating mandate is put to a vote of EU agriculture ministers on Monday, seen as largely symbolic. Envoys from the EU's 28 member states had struggled to agree on a mandate to open trans-Atlantic talks, with some fearing the revival of a trade war with President Donald Trump. But a European diplomat told AFP that they had agreed by consensus to finally begin the negotiations. Pursuing a limited trade deal is a central component of a transatlantic truce negotiated in July that came close to imploding after the US on Tuesday threatened $11 billion in fresh trade tariffs against Europe. Paris had initially blocked the mandate, which mainly aims to eliminate tariffs, worried of domestic blowback just months ahead of European elections, set for May 22 to 26. EU member states had struggled to agree on a mandate to open trans-Atlantic talks, with some fearing the revival of a trade war with President Donald Trump On Thursday, a presidential aide said that France would "probably be the only country to vote against", citing President Emmanuel Macron's insistence on the US first signing back up to the Paris climate accord as justification. "It would not be for right for France to start these negotiations unless our environmental demands are met," the aide said. But only a qualified majority of EU members need to support the talks in order for them to begin, meaning France's "non" will not hold up the process. France's EU partners had tried to win Macron over by agreeing to insist on environmental guarantees during the talks with Washington, which pulled out of the climate agreement after Donald Trump came to power, infuriating Macron. "France achieved a certain number of advances," Macron's aide acknowledged, also citing the scrapping of the negotiating mandate for the TTIP, a far more ambitious transatlantic trade plan that came to naught, and an agreement to keep agricultural products off the table. But the concessions were "not enough," the aide said, adding that Paris was smarting over Trump's latest tariff threats and his refusal to reverse steep tariffs on European steel and aluminium. - 'Soon stop!' - Germany worries about any impact on its car exports The TTIP deal stalled following widespread protests in Germany, France and Austria over fears it would undermine EU standards on food and health. Berlin strongly wants the limited deal in order to placate Trump and avoid US auto tariffs that would punish Germany's cherished exports, a prospect Chancellor Angela Merkel has labelled "frightening". The mandate from the EU stipulates that the talks would end if the US pursued more levies against Europe, including on cars. At a meeting last July at the White House, Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker pledged no new tariffs following those on steel and aluminium. That peace was in danger on Monday as the US threatened to impose tariff counter-measures of up to $11.2 billion on a host of European products in response to subsidies received by aircraft maker Airbus. In a tweet Trump said: "The EU has taken advantage of the US on trade for many years. It will soon stop!" International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde says the IMF is working to collect data on the rising amount of loans to developing countries, including from China Increased lending by China to developing nations is increasingly under the spotlight amid concerns that growing debt burdens and onerous conditions could sow the seeds of a crisis. The global development lenders, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, are calling for more transparency about loan amounts and terms, and cautioning governments against relying too much on debt. At the spring meetings of the institutions on Thursday, newly-installed World Bank President David Malpass warned that "17 African countries are already at high risk of debt distress, and that number is just growing as the new contracts come in and aren't sufficiently transparent." IMF chief Christine Lagarde said the high debt levels and number of lenders, who do not all conform to international norms, also complicate any future efforts to restructure a country's debt. "Both the bank and the IMF are working together in order to bring about more transparency and be better able to identify debt out there, terms and conditions, volumes and maturities," she said at a news briefing. "We are constantly encouraging both borrowers and lenders to align as much as possible with the debt principles" set by international organizations such as the Paris Club and Group of 20. An IMF report issued this week warned that rising debt levels around the world -- government and corporate borrowing -- poses a risk to the global economy. China has been lending throughout the developing world as part of its "belt and road" initiative, especially focusing on resource-rich nations. - Debt drags down economies - But the loans have come under increasing scrutiny. Mozambique has been engulfed in scandal over $2 billion in fraudulent loans that were hidden from the public. And Lagarde said, "It's clear that any debt restructuring programs going forward in the years to come will be more complicated than debt restructuring programs that were conducted 10 years ago, simply because of the multiplicity of lenders, and the fact that not all public debt is offered by members of the Paris Club." World Bank President David Malpass warns 17 African nations are at risk of a debt crisis Malpass acknowledged that lending can help economies grow "but if it's not done in a transparent way, with good outcome from the build-up of debt, then you end up having it be a drag on economies." He cautioned that "history is full of those situations where too much debt dragged down economies." The G20 has called on the two Washington-based lenders to collect data on debt to get a better handle on the amounts and loan conditions. "I'll be reporting to the G20 on the progress during our meetings coming up this week, and the keys are to have transparent disclosure of the debt as it is being created, and also then have the focus on good outcomes in terms of quality projects," Malpass said. "This is critical for poor countries as they try to move forward to have the projects associated with good quality programs and full disclosure of the debt." China also has a growing role as a donor to the World Bank fund that provides low-cost loans to the poorest countries. US President Donald Trump says he'll be attending Normandy 75th anniversary ceremonies at a meeting with WWII veterans and their families in the Oval Office US President Donald Trump said Thursday that he will attend ceremonies to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy that broke Nazi Germany's grip on France. "I'll be there," he told reporters in the White House. Operation Overlord was launched on June 6, 1944, sending waves of US and other Allied soldiers onto the French coast where they dislodged German forces and began the liberation of France and the eventual battle for Germany itself, ending in defeat for the Nazis. The Normandy trip will add to a relatively busy summer of international travel for Trump, who is also expected to go to Japan twice and to a G7 summit in August in Biarritz, France. A video grab taken from AFPTV footage shows WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as he is driven by British police to Westminster Magistrates' Court in central London on April 11, 2019 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's seven-year hideout in Ecuador's London embassy dramatically ended when British police dragged him out and arrested him on a US extradition request. Footage from the Russian video news agency Ruptly showed Assange -- his worn face framed by a bushy white beard and shock of silver hair -- being hustled out of the building by burly men in suits and pulled into a waiting police van Thursday. The scene unfolded outside the plush central London building that has been Assange's refuge from the authorities since 2012. "No one is above the law," British Prime Minister Theresa May said to cheers in parliament. The drama came after Ecuador -- under pro-US President Lenin Moreno, increasingly frustrated with Assange's stay -- pulled its asylum and cancelled his citizenship after earlier curbing his internet and mobile phone access. British police said Assange had been initially arrested for breaching his bail conditions in 2012 and then "further arrested on behalf of the United States", where he is wanted to face hacking charges. His London lawyer Jennifer Robinson said Assange would be "contesting and fighting" his extradition. Robinson said Assange had also told her to pass a message to his supporters that his repeated warnings about the risk of US extradition had been proved right. "He said: 'I told you so'," Robinson told reporters and supporters, including fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, outside Westminster Magistrates Court. - 'I'm not leaving' - The pony-tailed 47-year-old Australian gave a thumbs-up sign to the press gallery in court and opened up a copy of Gore Vidal's book "History of the National Security State" about the US military-industrial complex before his hearing began. Judge Michael Snow pronounced Assange guilty of breaching his bail conditions by sheltering in the embassy and remanded him in custody to face sentencing at an unspecified later date. He faces up to a year in a British prison and will have his separate extradition case heard on May 2. Assange yelled "this is unlawful" and "I am not leaving" during the arrest, the court was told. Police struggled to handcuff him but eventually lifted him out exactly an hour after entering the embassy. Police took Assange from the Ecuador embassy saying his asylum had been revoked Assange had long suspected that he was secretly wanted by Washington for his decision to publish a trove of classified Pentagon documents detailing alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. US authorities had steadfastly refused to confirm reports that they had issued a sealed indictment against Assange -- until Thursday. The US Justice Department said Assange was being charged with a computer hacking conspiracy relating to his work with former US intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in March 2010 and faced a maximum of five years in prison if convicted. US President Donald Trump brushed aside the issue when questioned by reporters at the White House. "I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it's not my thing." - Guarantee against death penalty - Assange will now be at the heart of a legal and diplomatic tug of war pitting him and his legions of supporters -- including Russian authorities -- against the US justice system. Julian Assange His links to Russia continued through the years holed up in the Ecuadoran embassy. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Assange would receive "no special treatment" from his home country. WikiLeaks also published damaging emails stolen from Hillary Clinton and her Democratic Party's computer servers during her failed 2016 US presidential race against Trump. US intelligence agencies believe the hack was conducted by Russia's military intelligence agency. Assange says he never knew the source of the politically-compromising material when he released it on WikiLeaks. Assange's supporters fear that his extradition will be followed by more serious US charges such as treason -- a crime that carries the death penalty in wartime. Moreno insisted that he had "asked Great Britain for the guarantee that Mr Assange will not be extradited to any country in which he could suffer torture or face the death penalty". - 'Dangerous precedent' - Assange's case has opened up a bigger debate about security and free speech. His supporters view him as a fearless exposer of injustices such as torture and alleged war crimes committed by US forces and then covered up. Assange's critics accuse him of cosying up to authoritarian leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and putting US lives at risk. Assange went before a judge at Westminster Magistrates Court The Reporters Without Borders free speech group said Assange's arrest "could set a dangerous precedent for journalists, whistleblowers, and other journalistic sources that the US may wish to pursue in the future". Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Britain of "strangling freedom" and fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden -- himself hiding in Moscow since 2013 -- said the arrest was a "dark moment". Former Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa claimed it was an act of "personal vengeance" on the part of his successor Moreno. A collaborator close to Assange was arrested in Ecuador on Thursday, Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said, after she earlier linked the individual with alleged attempts to destabilise Moreno's government. Israel's first spacecraft to the moon was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida Israel's attempt at a moon landing failed at the last minute Thursday when the craft suffered an engine failure as it prepared to land and apparently crashed onto the lunar surface. "We didn't make it, but we definitely tried," project originator and major backer Morris Kahn said in a live videocast from mission control near Tel Aviv. "I think that the achievement of getting to where we got is really tremendous, I think we can be proud," he said. During the broadcast control staff could be heard saying that engines meant to slow the craft's descent and allow a soft landing had failed and contact with it had been lost. "If at first you don't succeed, you try again," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the control room, where he had been watching along with US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. Only Russia, the United States and China have made the 384,000-kilometre (239,000-mile) journey and landed safely on the Moon. Israeli NGO SpaceIL and state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the project's two main partners, described it as the "world's first spacecraft built in a non-governmental mission". Khan, a philanthropist and chairman of SpaceIL, put up $40 million of the project's $100 million budget. Other partners who joined later are from "the private sector, government and academia," according to the IAI website. Just before the landing attempt Netanyahu said that he was thinking about initiating a national space project. "I am seriously considering investing in a space programme," he said in the webcast. "It has national implications for Israel and implications for humanity." Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti, seen here in 2013, was refused entry by the United States The United States has denied entry to a prominent Palestinian activist who urges boycotting Israel, as a US official on Thursday equated his pressure campaign with anti-Semitism. Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, was not allowed to board a plane Wednesday for a speaking tour that was to include Harvard University, New York University and a left-leaning synagogue in Chicago. "Israel is not merely continuing its decades-old system of military occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing," Barghouti said in a statement. "It is increasingly outsourcing its outrageous, McCarthyite repression to the US and to xenophobic, far-right cohorts across the world," he said. Barghouti added he had also planned during the trip to attend his US-based daughter's wedding, saying: "I am hurt, but I am not deterred." The Arab American Institute said that Barghouti had a US visa valid through January 2021 but was informed by airline staff at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport that US authorities had issued instructions denying him the right to travel. State Department spokesman Robert Palladino said that the United States does not explain individual visa decisions. But without explaining why Barghouti was rejected, Palladino said: "US law does not authorize the refusal of visas based solely on political statements or views if those statements or views would be legal in the United States." The so-called BDS movement has infuriated Israel by calling for economic, cultural and academic boycotts of the Jewish state, including not buying products from Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as a way to press Israel to address the plight of Palestinians under occupation. Elan Carr, the new US envoy to combat anti-Semitism, also said he could not discuss Barghouti's case but branded the BDS movement anti-Semitic. "An individual has a right to buy or not buy what they please. However, if there is an organized movement to economically strangle the state of Israel, that is anti-Semitic," he told reporters. While agreeing that criticism of any nation's policies was "entirely proper" in a democracy, Carr said: "If Israel is criticized in a way that no other country in a similar circumstance is criticized, yes, that is anti-Semitism." President Donald Trump has strongly backed Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and has accused his Democratic rivals of anti-Semitism for distancing themselves from the right-wing leader. Republican lawmakers in US states have increasingly pushed measures that would in turn refuse any government business with companies that participate in a boycott of Israel. Retired astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent a year on the International Space Station, is pictured on the right, opposite his identical twin brother Mark, also a former astronaut A NASA study of a US astronaut who spent a year in space while his twin brother remained on Earth is providing valuable insights into the effects of extended spaceflight on the human body, a key to planning a future manned mission to Mars, researchers said Thursday. US astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year on the International Space Station while his identical twin Mark Kelly, also a former NASA astronaut, stayed on the ground. The researchers who carried out the "NASA Twins Study" found that most of the changes to Scott's body during his time in space returned to normal within months of his return to Earth -- although not all of them. The findings, published in the journal Science, were encouraging to scientists and engineers envisioning interplanetary travel such as an eventual trip to Mars, a mission that could last two to three years. "The Twins Study is the most comprehensive review of the response of the human body to spaceflight ever conducted," said Dr Susan Bailey of Colorado State University. Retired NASA astronaut Mark Kelly Dr Steven Platts, deputy chief scientist of NASA's Human Research Program, said it will "guide future biomedical space research and allow us to have a safer journey to and from Mars." Using Mark as a baseline, 84 researchers at 12 universities documented the molecular, cognitive and physiological effects of Scott's year in space. Scott, a 50-year-old veteran of two US Space Shuttle missions, spent 340 consecutive days on the ISS -- from March 27, 2015 to March 1, 2016. He was monitored pre-flight and post-flight and during his time on the ISS. Blood, urine and stool samples were sent back to Earth on resupply vessels. At the same time, scientists monitored Mark -- a veteran himself of four Space Shuttle missions -- on Earth as what they called a "genetically matched ground control." - 'Nauseous, dizzy' - Bailey said the uniqueness of using twins was because the scientists could "attribute any kind of differences that we saw in spaceflight to spaceflight. Scott Kelly spent nearly a year aboard the International Space Station and was part of a landmark NASA 'Twins Study' along with his identical twin brother Mark "It wasn't because of any genetic differences," she said. Dr Michael Snyder of Stanford University said there are "thousands of gene and molecular changes that occur as someone goes in space." "Virtually all of those returned to normal (in Scott) by six months," Snyder said. "It's reassuring to know that when you come back things will largely be back to the same." Scott Kelly said he was extremely fatigued after coming back from the ISS and attributed it mostly to the adaptation to gravity. "I felt like I had the flu," he said. "I was nauseous. I was dizzy," he said, and suffered from joint and muscle pain and rashes. Dr Stuart Lee of NASA's Johnson Space Center said measurements were taken of the thickness in both Scott and Mark of the carotid artery wall, which can be a predictor of cardiovascular disease or stroke risk. "Our main findings in Scott were that the carotid artery wall became thicker early in flight and remained so throughout the mission," Lee said. US astronaut Scott Kelly after returning to Earth on March 2, 2016 after a nearly one-year stay aboard the International Space Station Mark did not have any such thickening. Thickening of the carotid artery wall has been observed in astronauts previously. So has weight loss due to poorer nutrition in space and a lack of exercise. Scott lost seven percent of his body mass during his time on the ISS while Mark gained about four percent during the course of the study. In one test, both Scott and Mark were administered a flu vaccination. It delivered a similar immune response. The twins also performed a battery of cognitive tests before, during and after the flight and found that Scott's cognitive performance declined post-flight in terms of speed and accuracy. - Telomere length - Chris Mason, a geneticist at Weill Cornell Medicine, looked at how the unique environment of space impacts genes. US astronaut Scott Kelly (R) aboard the International Space Station "We catalogued basically what is the landscape of all these genes that have gone up and gone down at different stages during the mission," Mason said. "We saw that the vast majority, over 90 percent of all these changes, all returned back to baseline coming back to Earth," Mason said. Some of the most interesting research was done by Bailey's team at Colorado State University which looked at telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that typically shorten as people get older. Telomeres are considered a biomarker of aging or health risks from cardiovascular disease or cancer. Bailey's team evaluated Scott and Mark's telomere lengths before the flight and found that they were very similar. US President Barack Obama meets with NASA astronauts Scott Kelly (C) and his twin brother Mark Kelly in the Oval Office What surprised her team was that Scott experienced a "specific elongation of telomeres" during his time on the ISS. Bailey cautioned that the finding "can't really be viewed as the fountain of youth and that people might expect to live longer because they're in space." She said there was a "very rapid decrease" in telomere length upon Scott's return to Earth and he also experienced some unexplained telomere loss. Bailey said her team has not come up with a reason for the telomere lengthening but was looking at whether the higher radiation exposure in space, inflammation or stress may be responsible. US President Donald Trump has insisted that a separate branch of military is needed to focus on protecting satellites, tackling vulnerabilities in space, and asserting US dominance in orbit The Space Force that President Donald Trump wants to launch ran headlong on Thursday into skeptical lawmakers who questioned the need for a stand-alone military wing. Trump has insisted that a separate branch of military is needed to focus on protecting satellites, tackling vulnerabilities in space, and asserting US dominance in orbit. Under a Pentagon proposal, the Space Force would be established as its own branch of the military but would fall under the Air Force, similar to how the Navy oversees the Marine Corps. "Both China and Russia have weaponized space with the intent to hold American capabilities at risk," Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told the Senate Armed Services Committee, whose endorsement he sought for the new force. Not since the Air Force was stood up in 1947 has the Pentagon created a new military branch. A Space Force would join the Army, Navy and Marines as well as the Air Force. "The bottom line is the next major conflict may be won or lost in space," Shanahan told the committee. But lawmakers were less than clear on why setting up the force solely for space-related matters made sense. "I don't understand how putting a new box in an organizational chart is going to help us to respond to the new challenge that we face. I'm genuinely undecided, although as you can tell, I'm skeptical," said independent Maine Senator Angus King. Republican Tom Cotton of Arkansas wondered about the need for a new military service, as opposed to placing space matters in an existing one. "Can you explain why we need to put all space assets, space forces into a separate service as opposed to a combatant command?" he asked. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, recalled that a space force was first suggested two years ago and then dismissed. At that time, Dunford said, he had his doubts but is now convinced about the need for a separate force. General John Hyten, who heads US Strategic Command, said creation of a Space Force is inevitable because "every physical domain we have when it becomes contested, we create a military service to deal with that." What the committee must decide, he said, "is when is that going to happen." The Space Force would comprise about 20,000 personnel, grouping all Pentagon military and civilians dealing with satellites, rockets, weapons and technology related to space. "This doesn't make any sense to me. I'm sorry," said West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, who considered the Air Force's current handling of space matters satisfactory. Democrat Elizabeth Warren, a presidential hopeful from Massachusetts, said that "all I see is how a new... force will create one more organization to ask Congress for money. "And there is no reason to believe that adding an entirely new Space Force bureaucracy and pouring buckets more money into it is going to reduce our overall vulnerability in space." Holden Matthews, the son of a Louisiana police officer, is charged with three counts of arson on a religious building for allegedly burning down three rural churches over a 10-day period beginning in late March 2019 The white son of a Louisiana police officer has been arrested and accused of burning down historically black churches in the southern US state, authorities announced Thursday. Holden Matthews is charged with three counts of arson on a religious building for allegedly burning down three rural churches over a 10-day period beginning in late March. Each charge carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. Authorities said they were not ready to discuss the motive for the attacks, but a federal hate crimes investigation was ongoing. "I don't know what this young man's motive was... but I can say it cannot be justified or rationalized. These were evil acts," Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said at a news conference. "It has been especially painful because it reminds us of a very dark past of intimidation and fear." The 21-year-old is allegedly associated with a type of music known as "black metal" which promotes church burnings, authorities said. In extreme cases, those who associate with the musical genre have espoused white supremacist ideologies, according to The Daily Beast website and the anti-hate group the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The sheriff in St Landry Parish where the church attacks occurred said the arrested suspect was the son of one of his deputies, Roy Matthews. "He knew nothing about his son's activity," Sheriff Bobby Guidroz said, adding that the deputy "broke down" when he was informed. "He's shocked and hurt, as any father would be," Guidroz said. The arson attacks targeted three historically black churches -- St Mary Baptist Church in the city of Port Barre, Mt Pleasant Baptist Church in Hammond, and Greater Union Baptist Church in Opelousas. Christopher Lee Price, 46, and an accomplice were found guilty of stabbing Bill Lynn to death in 1991 An American man convicted of killing a pastor during a robbery in 1991 was scheduled for execution Thursday in the southeastern state of Alabama. Christopher Lee Price, 46, and an accomplice were found guilty of stabbing Bill Lynn to death a few days before Christmas that year. The state plans to put Price to death by lethal injection at a prison in the town of Atmore. His lawyers filed an appeal against that method of execution, arguing it is cruelly painful. They asked that he be put to death instead by breathing nitrogen gas. Like a few other states, Alabama approved this latter method in 2018 because of a shortage of chemicals used for lethal injection -- but it has not yet been used. A federal court on Wednesday turned down Price's request, saying he waited too long to file it. The appeal was then filed with the US Supreme Court. If that high court does not suspend the execution, it will be the fourth so far this year in the United States. Price's accomplice is serving a life sentence. Increased numbers of cows have been causing road accidents and havoc in rural areas One of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's signature policies has been protecting cows, but for Raghuvir Singh Meena -- a Hindu farmer struggling to protect his crop of chickpeas from roaming cattle -- it has gone too far. Farmers overwhelmingly supported Modi's nationalist party when he swept to power in 2014 but the strict measures on cows, which are sacred to Hindus, have caused major headaches for rural communities. "We have tried everything -- scarecrows and barbed wire -- but the stray animals never miss a chance to eat away our crop," Meena told AFP, looking askance at his lush fields in the Pilani district of Rajasthan in western India. "They (the government) are playing their politics, they don't care about poor farmers," he said ahead of elections that began on April 11, with Modi running for a second term. Indian cow caretakers have been protecting cattle in rural communities Even before Modi came to power, cow slaughter and the consumption of beef was banned in Rajasthan and many other states in officially secular India, which also has substantial Muslim and Christian populations. But laws are now applied more strictly and punishments have increased. In 2017 the government tried to ban the cattle trade for slaughter nationwide, only for it to be rejected by the Supreme Court. Critics say Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is on a mission to impose "Hindutva", the hegemony of Hindus, on 1.25-billion-strong India. They also warn that the BJP has emboldened fringe Hindu vigilante groups to attack minority Muslims and low-caste Dalits with impunity for eating beef, slaughtering and trading in cattle. Incidents of mob lynchings have spiked, with 44 people -- including one in Rajasthan -- killed in cow-related attacks between May 2015 and December last year, says Human Rights Watch. The BJP says it opposes all violence, but even the fear of attack and tougher laws have badly disrupted the cattle trade. Stray cattle have been destroying the crops of poor farmers This has led to farmers abandoning old and infirm cows instead of selling them for slaughter, resulting in more bovines on the loose -- causing road accidents and wreaking havoc in rural areas, where 70 percent of Indians live. The number of strays was put at 5.2 million in a 2012 livestock census --- which is carried out every 10 years, just as for people -- but the numbers are believed to have shot up since. Wandering cattle, often eating plastic rubbish or ruminating at busy traffic intersections, have become a much more common sight in India's towns, villages and cities since Modi came to power. In 2015, the last year for which government figures are available, more than 550 people were killed in accidents involving stray cattle. - 'No one dares' - "Because of these cow protectors no one dares touch the cow now," said Sumer Singh Punia, a former village head in Churu district. "There are not enough cow shelters and the ones that are there they are so overcrowded that each day one animal dies," he told AFP. Villagers say there aren't enough cow shelters and the existing ones are very overcrowded "We are Hindus, we don't want to hurt the cow but we can't afford to keep and feed so many strays when we are struggling ourselves to make ends meet." Voter unhappiness was already evident when the BJP lost state elections in the largely agricultural states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in December to the opposition Congress. The country's only dedicated "cow minister" in Rajasthan was also booted out. It was a major turnaround from 2014 when the country's 262 million farmers largely backed the BJP, which has promised to double farm income by 2022. Some villagers are now pooling money from their modest savings to herd the strays into makeshift shelters, at least through the harvest season. In December and January, exasperated farmers across the northern state of Uttar Pradesh locked up stray cattle at district schools to protect their crops, meaning lessons had to be held outside. Professor Gurpreet Mahajan said the BJP had been caught on the hoof by the fallout Sandeep Kajla, head of the Gramya Bharat Jan Chetna Yatra, a social organisation based in Pilani, said political parties must include the issue of stray cows in their election manifesto. "One farmer can look after one animal. But here, cows are roaming around in hundreds," he said. Gurpreet Mahajan, a professor at the Delhi-based Jawaharlal Nehru University, said the BJP had been caught on the hoof by the fallout. "I don't think everyone has thought through how to deal with this particular symbol (of cow) and make it a reality," she said. Boeing is facing intense scrunity following two deadly crashes involving its 737 MAX aircraft in five months The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced Thursday it would meet with American commercial airlines that use the Boeing 737 MAX, which has been grounded worldwide since mid-March following two accidents that killed 346 people. The meeting, scheduled to take place on Friday in Washington, comes as Boeing faces intense scrutiny after 157 people died in an Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX crash on March 10 -- the second deadly crash involving the aircraft in five months. "The purpose of this meeting is for the FAA to gather facts, information, and individual views to further understand their views as FAA decides what needs to be done before returning the aircraft to service," the agency said in a statement. Security representatives from American Airlines, Southwest and United will be at the meeting, as well as representatives from their pilot unions. American and Southwest use the 737 MAX 8, while United has 737 MAX 9 aircraft in its fleet. The FAA recently formed an action committee with NASA and international civil aviation authorities to help certify the fix to the MCAS anti-stall system Boeing developed specifically for the 737 MAX. The MCAS is believed to have been a key factor in both the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the Lion Air crash in Indonesia that killed 189 people in October. Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenberg said Thursday that the changes the aircraft manufacturer is working on will make the 737 MAX "even safer by preventing erroneous angle of attack sensor readings" from triggering the MCAS. Speaking in public for the first time since the Ethiopian Airlines crash, Muilenberg told a conference in Dallas, Texas that Boeing has conducted 96 test flights of the modified 737 MAX and the pilots have taken part in more than 159 hours of tests. He added that he had been on board one test flight in Seattle and that the software update "functioned as designed." "In these challenging times, I am even more confident we will come through this even stronger," he said in conclusion, adding he "(regrets) the impact the grounding has had on all of our airline customers and their passengers." Muilenberg is expected to answer questions from the financial community on April 24 as part of the release of Boeing's first quarter results. "I could see the fear on their faces, in their eyes," Moore said of the migrants stopped by US border officials The haunting image of a little girl crying helplessly as she and her mother are taken into custody by US border officials Thursday won the prestigious World Press Photo Award. Judges said veteran Getty photographer John Moore's picture taken after Honduran mother Sandra Sanchez and her daughter Yanela illegally crossed the US-Mexico border last year showed "a different kind of violence that is psychological". The picture of the wailing toddler was published worldwide and caused a public outcry about Washington's controversial policy to separate thousands of migrants and their children. US Customs and Border Protection officials later said Yanela and her mom were not among those separated, but the public furore "resulted in President Donald Trump reversing the policy in June last year," the judges said. - 'Fear on their faces' - Moore was taking pictures of US Border Patrol agents on a moonless night in the Rio Grande Valley on June 12 last year when they came across a group of people who tried to cross the border. "I could see the fear on their faces, in their eyes," Moore told the US-based National Public Radio broadcaster in an interview shortly afterwards. As officials took their names, Moore said he spotted Sandra Sanchez and her toddler who started wailing when her mom put her down to be searched. "I took a knee and had very few frames of that moment before it was over," said Moore, who had been covering the US-Mexico border for a decade. At the awards ceremony in Amsterdam, Moore told AFP: "I wanted to tell a different story." "For me it was a chance to show a view of humanity that is often only related in statistics," the 51-year-old photographer said. "I think an issue like this, immigration issues, resonates not just in the United States, but around the world," Moore also told several hundred guests at the awards. - Migrant caravan - The sensitive issue of immigration was further highlighted at Thursday's awards. Judges chose Dutch-Swedish photographer Pieter Ten Hoopen's images of the 2018 mass-migrant caravan to the US border as its winner in the "World Press Photo Story of the Year Award". Ten Hoopen's pictures, which show families and children as they made their way from Honduras in mid-October to the US border "showed a high sense of dignity," one of the judges said. Ten Hoopen thanked the migrant families, saying without them his award would not have been possible. Trump said Tuesday he won't resume separating children of undocumented migrants, but insisted that the policy did prevent people from illegal border crossings like a trip to "Disneyland". His words came after he announced the departure Sunday of the official in charge of fighting illegal immigration -- Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. According to US media reports, Trump's reshuffle could herald even harsher measures on the southern border. Judges selected this year's winners from 78,801 images entered by 4,738 photographers worldwide, the Amsterdam-based organisers said. Three lensmen from AFP, John Wessels, Brendan Smialowski and Pedro Pardo were handed one second place and three third places overall in the various categories. Based in Kinshasa, Wessels' series of pictures of last year's Congolese elections took second prize in the General News-Stories category, while his series of images about an Ebola outbreak in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo came third in the same category. Smialowski and Pardo came third in their respective categories with a picture of Trump leading French President Emmanuel Macron by the hand and immigrants climbing over the US-Mexico border fence respectively. Last year AFP's Ronaldo Schemidt took top honours in the 2018 competition, winning the World Press Photo Award with a fiery image of a masked Venezuelan protester in flames. Chinese contemporary artist and activist Ai Weiwei poses in front of his new exhibition at the University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC) in Mexico City Chinese artist Ai Weiwei unveiled a series of portraits Thursday made with around one million Lego blocks, depicting 43 Mexican students who were abducted and apparently massacred in 2014. The dissident artist, who was detained by China's communist government in 2011, said he made the piece as a commentary on the students' case, an unsolved crime that triggered an international outcry and continues to haunt Mexico. "Forget about being an artist, I am a human being, just like you, and if you hear someone being hurt, you hear that your neighbors' boy can't ever come back, and four years pass and the government cannot come to a conclusion, what kind of government is that? What kind of society we are living in?" he said in Mexico City. The work, entitled "Reestablecer memorias," or "Reestablishing Memories," is part of Ai's new show at the University Museum of Contemporary Art in the Mexican capital. The multicolored, pop-art portraits are displayed above a timeline that chronicles the case of the missing students. The timeline starts on September 26, 2014, the night the student protesters -- who were enrolled at the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College, in the southern state of Guerrero -- were attacked by corrupt police in the nearby city of Iguala. Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei unveiled portraits of the 43 Mexican missing students of Ayotzinapa made with one million Lego pieces It then jumps to January 27, 2015, the day the chief prosecutor in the case presented the authorities' version of events, saying the students had been handed over to drug-gang hitmen, who killed them and incinerated their bodies at a garbage dump. Then it turns to September 6, 2015, the day a team of independent international experts who had studied the supposed crime scene said that the official version of events was impossible. The experts, who were sent by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, urged the Mexican authorities to reopen the investigation. But the government at the time said it considered the case closed, and did not renew the experts' mandate. Ai, 63, said he saw Legos as a "democratic" medium for the piece. "Everybody can use it, everybody recognizes it, and you can reconstruct it. It is such an efficient way, and I just love the pixel feeling," he said. Sudanese demonstrators rally outside the army headquarters even after the toppling of veteran ruler Omar al-Bashir The United States initially cheered on the Arab Spring but as fresh popular uprisings sweep through Sudan and Algeria, President Donald Trump has taken a more passive role, convinced that strongmen can be his best partners. The State Department on Thursday hailed the "historic moment" as Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir was toppled after 30 years in power but appeared to be taken by surprise, with a senior official just days earlier declining to describe the mounting protests as a "crisis." In both Sudan and Algeria, where veteran president Abdelaziz Bouteflika was pushed out last week, the United States has only gently encouraged the two countries' new military leaders to support democracy, voicing support for "the people." The reticence contrasts with former president Barack Obama who in his speeches allied himself with the aspirations of street protesters, even if he also turned hesitant as the region became engulfed in bloodshed. Trump sent a powerful, if unstated, message on protests Tuesday at the White House when he welcomed and hailed Egypt's military ruler turned president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who in 2013 deposed the leader elected after the Arab Spring, with authorities shortly afterward killing 700 protesters in two Cairo squares. Testifying later Tuesday before a Senate subcommittee, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pointedly refused to call Sisi a "tyrant." "There's no doubt that it's a mean, nasty world out there. But not every one of these leaders is the same," said Pompeo, who liberally denounces the leaders of Venezuela and Iran as tyrants. "Some of them are trying to wipe entire nations off the face of the Earth and others are actually partnering with us to help keep Americans safe," he said. US President Donald Trump welcomes Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office at the White House Trump has praised Sisi's crackdown on Islamic State extremists and forged a close bond with Saudi leaders despite the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The US leader has even said he is "in love" with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, described by human rights groups as perhaps the world's most repressive leader, as Trump seeks to negotiate a landmark nuclear accord. - America 'on the sidelines' - Brian Katulis, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, said that Trump "seems to have a personal affinity for dictators and autocrats of all stripes around the world" and has also stripped down US diplomatic resources. "For more than two years, the Trump administration has gutted America's diplomatic tools to respond to the complicated political transitions unfolding in Sudan and Algeria, and his team has made freedom and democracy a much lower priority in America's foreign policy agenda than any other US administration in recent memory," Katulis said. US president Barack Obama visits the Sphinx during a tour of the Great Pyramids of Giza after delivering a major speech in June 2009 on reaching out to the Muslim world "So in a very real sense, America is sitting on the sidelines and not doing much but watching events unfold," he said. Katulis called the absence "a missed opportunity," as the United States has a strong interest in encouraging reforms -- and as the Arab world could still see more uprisings. While Trump is unequivocal in backing US-friendly authoritarian rulers, Obama was more conflicted. In 2011, he made the fateful decision to encourage Egypt's Hosni Mubarak to bow to protesters and exit, despite the longtime president's alliance with Washington and Israel's continued support for him. Obama balked at intervening in Syria's brutal conflict and only reluctantly backed a campaign to oust Moamer Kadhafi in Libya, which eight years later remains a war zone. - Encouraging changes? - And it was the Obama administration that opened a dialogue offering to ease sanctions and mend ties with Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide and war crimes in Darfur. An woman holds an Algerian flag near security forces cordoning off a protest area in the capital Algiers Robert Malley, a former aide to Obama who is now president of the International Crisis Group, said the Trump administration was "playing it much more carefully" on backing protesters. But the critical question is how the administration supports the countries' transitions, he said. Sudan's demonstrators, he said, are unlikely to be satisfied by coup leaders' decision to stay in power for two years. "It will be important for the new leadership in Khartoum, whatever it is, to understand that sanctions are still there and won't be lifted until certain steps are taken," Malley said. "In both Sudan and Algeria, the big questions start now," he said. Sudanese soldiers stand guard on armoured military vehicles as demonstrators continue their protest against the regime near army headquarters in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on April 11, 2019 The United States on Thursday urged Sudan's army to bring civilians into government after ousting veteran leader Omar al-Bashir, saying an announced two-year timeline was too long. Washington calls "on transitional authorities to exercise restraint and to allow space for civilian participation within the government," State Department spokesman Robert Palladino told reporters. His comments came after Sudan's army announced "the toppling of the regime," to be replaced by a transitional military council, but there was growing international pressure for a handover to civilian rule. "The Sudanese people should determine who leads them and their future and the Sudanese people have been clear and are demanding a civilian-led transition," Palladino said. "The United States position is the Sudanese people should be allowed to do so sooner than two years from now," he said. The United States had been trying to mend relations with Sudan after years of tension with Bashir, who seized power in a 1989 coup and hosted Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who stayed until 1996. Palladino said that the United States was "suspending" the so-called Phase II talks, in which Washington was considering removing Khartoum from the US blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism, but he added: "We remain open to engagement." Bashir remains wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes in the western Darfur region that Washington has described as genocide. Palladino said that the United States supported accountability on Darfur but declined to specify whether Bashir -- or the coup leader, Defense Minister Awad Ibnouf -- should face extradition. "We believe that the victims of Darfur deserve justice and that accountability is essential for achieving a stable and lasting peace in Darfur," he said. "The United States continues to call for those responsible for the horrific crimes that were committed in Darfur to be held accountable for those actions," he said. Also Thursday the State Department raised to the highest level its travel advisory for Sudan. "Do not travel," it warned, after ordering the departure of non-emergency US government employees from the country. "There is a national state of emergency in effect across Sudan, which gives security forces greater arrest and incarceration powers," the advisory said. Many countries have already lifted the ban Japan Friday attacked an "extremely regrettable" ruling by the World Trade Organization that upheld a ban by South Korea on some seafood from Fukushima imposed after the 2011 nuclear disaster. The WTO's highest court overturned an earlier judgement from 2018, handing Seoul a final victory in a legal battle that has dragged on for years. "Even though the ruling did not acknowledge that South Korea's measures comply with the WTO rules, it is extremely regrettable that Japan's argument was not approved," said the foreign ministry in Tokyo. "There is no change in Japan's position of demanding South Korea lift all the restriction measures, and we will pursue this via talks with South Korea," added the ministry in a statement. Foreign Minister Taro Kono urged South Korea to "correct its policy" but acknowledged that Japan had now run out of legal recourse. Fearing radioactive contamination, Seoul imposed a partial ban on seafood imports from the region after the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Tokyo first took the row to the WTO in May 2015, requesting consultations -- the first step under the global trade body's settlement system. But talks broke down, prompting Japan to seek a WTO ruling in August 2015. The WTO panel ruled in 2018 that South Korea should lift its ban but the so-called appellate court quashed this, the final word on the subject. According to Fukushima authorities, four countries and regions -- China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau -- have maintained a ban on importing a broad range of locally-produced foods. South Korea, Singapore, the United States and the Philippines have partial bans in place. But the majority of other countries and regions -- including the European Union -- have lifted bans on imports or allow imports on condition that a certificate of inspection is attached. Indian priest Fakkad Baba keeps running for election because his guru has predicted victory will come on his 20th attempt Jubilant about his impending defeat, Fakkad Baba is one of a colourful host of no-hoper candidates in India's mega-election to throw their hat in the ring every time. This election will be Baba's 17th on the ballot. He keeps running because his guru has predicted victory will come on his 20th attempt. "This is like a staircase. I am on the 17th stair, and three steps away from a win," the Hindu preacher told AFP in the holy city of Mathura in northern India. Anyone in the nation of 1.3 billion people who is over 25 and does not have a criminal conviction -- with some exceptions -- can stand in the election. The vote began on Thursday and runs until May 19, with thousands of candidates standing for just 543 seats. At the last election in 2014, almost 90 percent of the 8,200 hopefuls did so badly they forfeited their deposits. Each time the registration fee rises, but each time there are more and more candidates. Baba fought his first election in 1976 when his spiritual mentor urged him to enter politics and champion cows, a sacred animal in Hinduism. The plucky young candidate was not successful, as predicted, but his passion for politics was ignited. Over the next more than four decades, Baba entered -- and lost -- another 15 polls at state and national level. But with each defeat, he remained convinced that victory inched closer. - Election king - On the other side of the country in southern India, K. Padmarajan is also busily readying his dead-in-the-water campaign. The 60-year-old doctor from Tamil Nadu has contested and lost 201 elections, many of them unwinnable battles against powerful incumbents and party heavyweights. K. Padmarajan has contested and lost 201 elections, many of them unwinnable battles against powerful incumbents and party heavyweights Last time he ran against Narendra Modi, the leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party who stormed to power and became prime minister with the first outright majority in decades. Padmarajan secured just 6,200 votes. This time he's against Rahul Gandhi -- the leader of the Congress party, and a serious contender for prime minister of India. "Indian democracy is unique in the sense that it gives ordinary citizens the right to challenge political bigwigs," the self-professed "election king" told AFP. But it comes at a price. All that electioneering has cost the hopeful a cool three million rupees ($44,000) in candidate enrolment fees. - The running dead - Santosh Singh is also trying to get noticed in the looming polls -- but for very different reasons. Singh is officially listed as deceased on government records, his family having registered his death certificate in 2003 to cheat him out of land. Santosh Singh is officially listed as deceased on government records, his family having registered his death certificate in 2003 to cheat him out of land As bizarre as it seems, such scams are not uncommon in India. But Singh is more determined than most to prove his existence, running unsuccessfully in three other state and national polls to raise his profile. "I want to prove I am alive," Singh told AFP at the New Delhi tea stall where he works, far from the holy city of Varanasi where he plans to run in the 2019 election. "My fight is not just against the system but also against those running the system." - History of jokers - India has a rich history of no-hoper candidates, stretching almost back to the country's first national election in 1951. Rangaswamy, from southern Karnataka -- who went only by one name -- lost 86 elections between 1967 and 2004, earning him a Guinness World Record title for a time. Indian priest Fakkad Baba, who will contest the upcoming elections for the national parliament, is carried by devotees in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh state He had a stiff contender in Kaka Joginder Singh, a contemporary who tried his hand at roughly 300 different elections over 30 years, losing every single one. The closest Singh, a textile mill owner from north India, came to victory was in presidential elections in 1992, when he came fourth. Both these veterans have passed away but their legacy lives on in spirited modern-day equivalents like Baba, who is confident he will reach parliament -- either in this life, or the next. "My guru has predicted my victory. I will go to parliament even if I am on a hospital stretcher or a pyre," said Baba. Assange's seven-year hideout in Ecuador's London embassy ended dramatically on Thursday when police dragged the WikiLeaks founder out of the building into a waiting van WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange will receive "no special treatment" from his home country following his dramatic arrest in Britain, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Friday. Assange's seven-year hideout in Ecuador's London embassy ended dramatically on Thursday when police dragged the WikiLeaks founder out of the building into a waiting van. He was found guilty by a British court on Thursday of breaching his bail conditions in 2012 and faces a year in prison. But US authorities are seeking his extradition on charges relating to his work with former US intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010, with the case to be heard on May 2. Barely 24 hours into an official election campaign, Morrison said Assange would receive the same support as any other Australian in trouble overseas, and the extradition is a "matter for the United States". "Well it's got nothing to do with us, it has got to do with the United States," he told national broadcaster the ABC. "There's a judicial process, and that will be followed across a range of matters here and I would expect that to follow. He will receive the same consular support as any other Australians would in these circumstances." Morrison's counterpart Bill Shorten, who is favourite to become Australia's next prime minister following the May 18 election, also distanced himself from the case. "It will be a matter for the legal system to proceed, he should receive the support any other Australian citizens should receive," the opposition leader told reporters. "The matter is going before court so I don't think there is much more I can add," Shorten said. Loong Koon-tin plays the US President in the absurdist Cantonese opera "Trump on Show" A hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend: Donald J. Trump has a long-lost Chinese friend. Dressed in a black suit, an unmistakable blonde wig and an extra-long red tie, "Trump" is leading a Cantonese opera troupe during a rehearsal in Hong Kong. In this absurdist drama dubbed "Trump on Show", audiences watch a mish-mash of current and imagined events including the US president's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. A 26-year-old Trump also looks for his twin brother "Chuan Pu", a transliteration of his name in Chinese, during a fantastical trip to China alongside former American president Richard Nixon, who plays ping-pong with Mao Zedong. Late Chinese leader Mao Zedong plays ping-pong with former president Richard Nixon in the opera's dream sequence It begins with the current first family moving into the White House. Ivanka Trump finds Mao's "Little Red Book" -- a collection of the late communist leader's quotes and ideology -- full of her father's handwritten notes, triggering a flashback to Nixon's famous diplomatic tour of China in 1972. The sold-out show opens Friday and runs for four days at the Sunbeam Theatre, Hong Kong's famous Cantonese opera house. The centuries-old art form usually features ancient Chinese stories and legends, but the latest show gives the genre a modern twist. - Narcissistic characters - "Donald Trump is the most topical person in the world, while Cantonese opera is a forgotten and waning art form. If we can write about him in a play, it will definitely help attract people's attention to the culture of Cantonese opera," said Edward Li, the opera's playwright. In the opera, Trump's daughter Ivanka discovers a copy of Mao Zedong's "Little Red Book" which triggers a flashback to the 1970s He believes the tweeter-in-chief's fame will rescue the traditional musical theatre. Li said Mao and Trump share similar traits, namely narcissism. "Seventy-two-year-old Mao Zedong started the Cultural Revolution. Seventy-two-year-old Donald Trump is also creating a US cultural revolution. What's a cultural revolution? That's when one person overturns all the political systems," Li told AFP. The feng shui master-turned-playwright revealed he rewrote the script at least 10 times to keep it fresh. The US-China trade war and the controversial arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou were both worked into the plot. The story also pokes fun at the leaders -- Trump orders take-out every day and drinks 12 bottles of Coke, while Kim knows how to make Swiss cheese fondue. Playwright Edward Li hopes Trump's fame will fame will rescue traditional Cantonese musical theatre Trump is played by Loong Koon-tin, who also handles the roles of Mao and Trump's fictional Chinese twin brother. Backstage, "Ivanka" helped her father with make-up and hairstyling. Within 15 minutes, "Mao" was transformed into "Trump". "The division of different characters is a challenge. You have to let them (the audience) know who you're playing when you appear on stage," said Loong. Li released "Chairman Mao" three years ago, the first installation of his Mao trilogy. After Trump, the second play, he plans to conclude the series with a story about Mao and Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. He said he has big ambitions for the Trump opera. "My future goal is to perform in front of Trump and have Trump applaud." Bob Iger (C) spoke at a dinner organized by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization Disney CEO Bob Iger on Thursday called upon US politicians to reject hate in the run up to the 2020 election -- and claimed that Adolf Hitler would have "loved social media" as a tool to spread extremist propaganda. "Hate and anger are dragging us toward an abyss," he said at a dinner organized by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization. "Our politics, in particular, are now dominated by contempt." "Hitler would have loved social media," he added. "It's the most powerful marketing tool an extremist could ever hope for." "At its worst, social media allows evil to prey on troubled minds and lost souls," he said. With a fierce campaign for the 2020 US presidential election expected in the coming months, Iger also stressed that it is "possible to argue policy without attacking people." "I want to hear a pitch that isn't grounded in contempt of others," he said. "I want to see a vision big enough to include everyone." Dubrovnik, lately famous for being a 'Game of Thrones' location, is the backdrop for Chinese efforts to woo eastern Europeans Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will meet leaders from eastern and central Europe in Croatia on Friday to talk business, fresh from a key summit with EU where he pledged opening up his country's economy. The coastal city of Dubrovnik is hosting the eighth annual "16+1 cooperation" -- an economic platform for Beijing's investments in 11 eastern European Union states and five Western Balkan countries. The grouping has been eyed cautiously in western European capitals as an attempt to "divide and rule" the bloc, a goal Li has denied. In an article published in Croatian dailies ahead of the gathering, the Chinese premier tried to paint the summit in a cheery light: "When we put 17 multicolour countries together we get a colour richer than a rainbow," he wrote in the article titled "Multicolour countries, spacious future". "If we build a rainbow bridge through Asia and Europe, we will achieve a nice future cooperation." China's record on follow-through with investment promises is mixed Eastern Europe is a core component of Beijing's vast "Belt and Road" project, valued at up to $1 trillion and aimed at constructing land and sea links to allow Chinese exports to flow westward. China has previously announced a $10 billion credit line and $3 billion investment fund for the 16-country region. So far its record on follow-through is mixed, with some major construction projects under way while other promised investments have been delayed or scrapped. For instance, building on one of 16+1's flag-ship projects -- a railway from Belgrade to Budapest -- has just started in Serbia but is held up by snags in Hungary, ultimately making scant progress five years after it was announced. - 'Pilot project' - This year's summit comes just three days after a top EU-China meeting, attended by Li, held as Brussels demands more balanced economic ties with a country it recently labelled as a "systemic rival". In Brussels on Tuesday the Asian giant pledged to push further to open its economy and deepen ties with the bloc. EU Council president Donald Tusk hailed Beijing's new commitments as a "breakthrough" with both sides committed to globalisation and pursuing international rules. Brussels and Beijing in a document called for "broader and more facilitated, non-discriminatory market access," in wording the Europeans saw as a Chinese concession. The EU is increasingly unhappy that markets in Europe are wide open to Chinese companies, while the equivalent is not the case in China. While the EU's 15-trillion-euro ($16.9 trillion) market gives it significant economic clout, the bloc struggles to maintain unity among its 28 members on issues of foreign policy, allowing China to pursue one-on-one deals with individual countries. EU leaders liked the bit about 'non-discriminatory market access' Some EU powers, such as France and Germany, are growing increasingly concerned with China's Belt and Road ambitions, especially after populist-led Italy recently became the first G7 member to join the scheme. In 2018, China was the second largest destination for European exports. The Chinese trade balance is largely in surplus with the bloc at 184 billion euros, according to Brussels figures. During the first visit of a Chinese premier to Croatia, Li on Thursday visited the site where a Chinese firm started construction on a 280-million-euro bridge on the Adriatic coast. It is the first significant Chinese project in Croatia and funded by the EU. "This bridge is a pilot project for both '16+1 cooperation' and cooperation between China and EU," Li said while visiting the bridge's site on Thursday. About 1,000 businessmen including some 400 Chinese will participate at a business forum held alongside the summit in Dubrovnik. The 83-year-old Buddhist monk, Tibetan spiritual leader and thorn in China's side was admitted to hospital on Tuesday The Dalai Lama was discharged from a New Delhi hospital on Friday, his personal spokesman said, three days after being admitted with what an aide called a "light cough". "He was discharged from the hospital at 8 o'clock in the morning," Tenzin Taklha told AFP. "He is doing very well now." The 83-year-old Buddhist monk, Tibetan spiritual leader and thorn in China's side was admitted to the Max hospital in the Indian capital on Tuesday. On Thursday Taklha had said that the Nobel Peace Prize winner was already back to his "normal routine" and doing some exercise. He was thought to be returning to the northern Indian hill station of Dharamsala where he has been in permanent exile for six decades along with thousands of others. He fled the Tibetan capital Lhasa in 1959 and across the frozen Himalayan border to India at the age of 23, disguised as a soldier, as Chinese troops poured into the region to crush an uprising. Kabul suffered horrific bloodshed in 2018, but has in recent weeks enjoyed something of a lull in violence The Taliban on Friday announced their annual spring offensive, which comes as the US and Afghan politicians try to negotiate for a peace settlement with the Islamist militants. Operation Fath -- which means "victory" in Arabic -- will be conducted across Afghanistan with the aim of "eradicating occupation" and "cleansing our Muslim homeland from invasion and corruption", the Taliban said in a statement. The annual spring offensive traditionally marks the start of the so-called fighting season, though the announcement is largely symbolic as in recent winters the Taliban have continued fighting Afghan and US forces. "Our Jihadi obligation has not yet ended," the Taliban said. "Even as large parts of our homeland have been freed from the enemy, yet the foreign occupying forces continue exercising military and political influence in our Islamic country." Qais Mangal, a spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Defence, said the Taliban's spring offensive is "mere propaganda." "The Taliban will not reach their vicious goals and their operations will be defeated like previous years," Mangal said. After suffering horrific bloodshed in 2018, Kabul has in recent weeks enjoyed something of a lull in violence. But on Monday three US Marines were killed in a Taliban attack at Bagram air base north of the city, and authorities in the capital are on high alert. The administration of President Ashraf Ghani recently declared its own spring offensive, Operation Khalid, and the Taliban used that announcement as a justification for launching a new push. It shows "the enemy still seeks to attain its malicious objectives through the use of force", the Taliban said. The US has held several rounds of talks with the Taliban in a bid to bring an end to the war against the insurgents. Separately, Afghan politicians also have met with the Taliban in Moscow, and a fresh round of talks is expected to take place later this month between officials from the Kabul government and the Taliban in the Qatari capital Doha. The US still has about 14,000 troops in Afghanistan, nearly 18 years after the US-led invasion to topple the Taliban. While Western forces quickly ousted the group, the insurgents have reclaimed much of Afghanistan over the years, primarily in rural areas. In 2018 a record 10,993 civilians were wounded or killed in Afghanistan, according to UN figures. US President Donald Trump last year decided to slash the number of American soldiers in Afghanistan, though no such drawdown has happened yet. Linwood mosque - one of two targeted in the Christchurch massacre - has seen worshipper numbers drop significantly after the attack Four weeks on from the New Zealand mosques massacre, the Christchurch Muslim community was struggling to get worshippers to overcome their fears and return to Friday prayers. "They are still very scared," Linwood mosque Imam Ibrahim Abdelhalim told AFP. "Normally we would expect around 100, but now it's about 30." A 28-year-old Australian, Brenton Tarrant, a self-avowed white supremacist, has been charged with 50 counts of murder and 39 of attempted murder after opening fire at the Linwood and Al Noor mosques on March 15. The Muslim community was further shaken this week when a 33-year-old man, wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the name of US President Donald Trump, shouted abuse at worshippers at the Al Noor mosque. The Muslim community was further shaken this week when a man shouted abuse at worshippers at the Al Noor mosque Daniel Nicholas Tuapawa, who pleaded guilty in court Friday to acting in a manner "likely to cause violence," said he did not realise what he had done until police showed him a video of him yelling abusive comments including "all Muslims are terrorists". "I can't believe this is actually me," he told reporters after being remanded on bail until July 31 for sentencing. Tuapawa said he suffered from mental health issues and had nothing against Muslims. "It's just because it's been in the news and in my head," he said. - Flashbacks - Abdelhalim said many Muslims who wanted to return to the mosques "are having flashbacks and that's not good." New Zealand police have issued a statement saying the national threat level "remains high" a month after the slaughter, even though the gunman is thought to have acted alone. Security fears have led to a drastic reduction in the number of services later this month on Anzac Day The security fears have led to a drastic reduction in the number of services later this month on Anzac Day, a national day of remembrance to commemorate New Zealanders and Australians who served in wars and peacekeeping operations. In Auckland, only 26 will take place -- down from nearly 90 last year -- which the city's police commander Karyn Malthus said would make it easier for police to maintain public safety. "There is no information about a specific threat to ANZAC events at this time, however, it's important that the public be safe and feel safe at events in the current environment," she said. In the wake of the shootings, New Zealand has rushed through legislation to tighten firearms regulations, removing semi-automatic weapons from circulation through a buy-back scheme, prohibition and harsh prison sentences. New Zealand has rushed through legislation to tighten firearms regulations in the wake of the shootings On Friday, the government closed a potential loophole by extending the law to cover exports of semi-automatic weapons, magazines and parts. It shuts off the possibility of gun owners snubbing the buyback scheme and selling their now-illegal firearms to overseas buyers for more money. "These changes are essential to ensure that weapons that are prohibited in New Zealand are not exported to other countries where they would pose a similar risk," deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters said. Honduran migrants gather in the north of the country at the begining of their march to the United States The White House pushed immigration authorities to release illegal migrants onto the streets of so-called "sanctuary cities" to retaliate against US President Donald Trump's political enemies, the Washington Post reported Thursday. Citing homeland security officials and leaked emails, the Post said White House officials first broached the plan in November, asking officials at several agencies whether members of a caravan of migrants could be arrested at the border and then bused "to small- and mid-sized sanctuary cities". Sanctuary cities are places where local authorities -- usually Democratic run -- have refused to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation. The White House told the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) that the plan was intended to alleviate a shortage of detention space, but would also send a message to Democrats, the Post said. The suggested policy was pushed back within ICE, with a top official saying it was rife with concerns and noting "there are PR risks as well". After the White House pressed the issue again earlier this year, ICE rebuffed it as "inappropriate". The Post said a White House official and a spokesman for the department of homeland security said the proposal was no longer under consideration. "This was just a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion," a White House statement said. One of the centres targeted was the constituency of house speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office on Thursday blasted the plan. "The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," said Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne. "Using human beings -- including little children -- as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable." Combating illegal immigration is a central plank of Trump's administration and he has expressed increasing frustration at the influx of migrants from Central America, who he often casts as criminals who threaten U.S. security. The number of immigrant detainees in ICE custody has approached 50,000 in recent months, the Post said, an all-time high that has strained the agency's budget. Carlos Ghosn will be spending at least another 10 days in detention A Japanese court on Friday ruled that Carlos Ghosn will remain in detention until April 22, as prosecutors grill the former Nissan boss over allegations of financial misconduct. His lawyers immediately appealed the decision but the Tokyo District Court rejected the appeal. They have already asked the Supreme Court to intervene in his detention. Unless the appeal to the Supreme Court succeeds, the 65-year-old will be held in custody at a detention centre in Tokyo until April 22, whereupon authorities will either have to press formal charges, release him or re-arrest him if they feel he has other accusations to answer. Prosecutors are looking into allegations that Ghosn siphoned off some $5 million from funds allegedly transferred from Nissan to a dealership in Oman, and spent the money on a luxury superyacht. Ghosn has not been formally charged over these allegations. But the tycoon does already face three separate charges. Two of these relate to millions of dollars in salary believed to have been concealed from shareholders. The third charge is that he sought to shift personal investment losses to company books. Ghosn denies all allegations and lashed out in a video message -- shown on April 9 -- at what he termed a "plot" by "backstabbing" Nissan executives scared of closer integration with French partner firm Renault. Ghosn's wife Carole has increasingly become a key figure in the case and was questioned by authorities on Thursday. According to a source close to the matter, some of the $5 million for the yacht was funnelled to a British Virgin Islands-listed company -- which has Carole Ghosn registered as president. - 'Worst enemy' - The case has bewitched Japan and the business world since the tycoon was arrested out of the blue at a Tokyo airport on November 19 and whisked off to the detention centre. He spent 108 days in an initial period of custody, in conditions he said he would not wish on his "worst enemy", deprived of his watch, forced to sleep with the light on and forbidden contact with his loved ones. Carlos Ghosn He then won bail, stumping up $9 million for his freedom and submitting to strict bail conditions including not using the internet or contacting anyone connected to the case. But in another twist, he was then re-arrested in a dawn raid for more questioning. His lead defence lawyer, Junichiro Hironaka, has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court but warned it would not be a fast process. Once hailed as Nissan's saviour, Ghosn is fighting to restore his reputation as the firm says an internal investigation uncovered "substantial evidence of blatantly unethical conduct" by the former boss. He was removed almost immediately from the head of the company and later resigned as boss of Renault as he fights the allegations. Nissan shareholders have also removed him as a board member. His lengthy detention has sparked some criticism of the Japanese justice system, derided by some as "hostage justice" as suspects can be held for a long time without formal charges. Ghosn has said his lawyers have voiced some doubts over whether he will receive a fair trial. Almost every case that comes to trial in Japan results in a conviction. Pakistani security officials inspect the site of a bomb blast at a fruit market in Quetta At least 20 people were killed and 48 wounded Friday by a powerful suicide blast apparently targeting the Shia Hazara ethnic minority at a crowded fruit market in Pakistan's Quetta city, officials said. Body parts littered the scene and injured people screamed for help as black smoke cloaked the market after the explosion. A faction of the Pakistani Taliban claimed the attack, which occurred in the capital of southwestern Balochistan province. The group said it collaborated with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), which has been behind numerous bloody attacks on Shiite Muslims in Pakistan. There was no immediate confirmation from LeJ. Balochistan -- which borders Afghanistan and Iran -- is Pakistan's largest and poorest province, rife with ethnic, sectarian and separatist insurgencies. Balochistan home minister Zia Ullah Langu gave the toll and confirmed it was a suicide blast, adding that two of the dead were children. Provincial police chief Mohsin Butt said eight Hazara were among the victims. The Hazara, whose Central Asian features make them easily recognisable, are a soft target for Sunni militants, who consider them heretics. They are so frequently targeted that they are forced to live in two protected enclaves in the city and are given a daily police escort to the market to stock up on supplies. Pakistan bombing Police chief Butt said this had happened Friday. The bomb detonated near a site where produce was being loaded for distribution around the market. "I was loading a small truck and I heard a huge bang and it seemed as if the earth beneath me had shaken and I fell down," said Irfan Khan, a labourer, from his hospital bed. "The atmosphere was filled with black smoke and I could not see anything, I could hear people screaming for help and I was also screaming for help." He said the air was "filled with the stinging smell of burnt human flesh". Senior police official Abdul Razaq Cheema said the blast targeted the Hazarganji neighbourhood of Quetta. Hazara make up roughly 500,000 of the city's 2.3 million people. Amnesty International said the blast was a "painful reminder" of the many attacks suffered by the Hazara community in Quetta over the years, and called for the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan to give them better protection. "Each time, there are promises that more will be done to protect them, and each time those promises have failed to materialize," wrote Omar Waraich, Amnesty's deputy director for South Asia. Violence in Pakistan has dropped significantly since the country's deadliest-ever militant attack, an assault on a school in the northwestern city of Peshawar in 2014 that killed more than 150 people, most of them children. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is welcomed by Paraguay's Military Cabinet Chief General Roque Alberto Sotelo (L) and Ambassador Federico Gonzalez (R) at the presidential palace in Asuncion US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed in Peru on Saturday on the third-leg of a four-nation tour of Latin American allies focusing heavily on Venezuela and countering China's economic reach. Pompeo held talks with President Martin Vizcarra and Foreign Minister Nestor Popolizio before attending a dinner for business leaders. He paid tribute to Peru's welcome for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan refugees and Vizcarra's fight against corruption, which has embroiled the previous four Peruvian presidents. But he became irritated when a reporter asked if that contradicted US President Donald Trump's harsh immigration policy at home. "Our objective is to allow people to stay in their home countries, this is President Trump's desire, we want to create conditions in these countries where they can stay in their own country," he told the press conference with Popolizio. Pompeo also spoke by telephone with Brazil's Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo, the State Department announced late Saturday. "They reaffirmed the close friendship between the United States and Brazil and pledged to continue working together to address the... crises in Venezuela, their effects on Venezuela's neighbors, and the need for outside actors, including Cuba, Russia, and China, to stop propping up Nicolas Maduro," spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement. - Visit to Paraguay - Earlier Pompeo had become the first US secretary of state to visit Paraguay, formerly ruled as a dictatorship, since 1965, paying tribute to the country's transition to democracy as an inspiration to the region. The top US diplomat arrived in Asuncion late Friday after talks with Chile's President Sebastian Pinera in Santiago that focused heavily on his country's developing trade relationship with China. The highlight of Pompeo's trip will be a brief visit Sunday to the Colombian city of Cucuta on the Venezuelan border, where he will meet refugees. All four countries on his itinerary are led by right-wing or center-right leaders favorable to Washington's uncompromising approach to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (R) and Paraguay's President Mario Abdo Benitez pose beneath a portrait of Paraguay's national hero Francisco Solano Lopez during their meeting in Asuncion on April 13, 2019 In Asuncion, Pompeo had praised Paraguay's support for US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido in Venezuela, and its role in the Lima Group of mostly Latin American nations seeking a solution to the Venezuela crisis. "Paraguay is a leader in defending democracy and calling Maduro as he is, a tyrant who has ruined his country," Pompeo said. Foreign Minister Luis Castiglioni said Paraguay's position on Venezuela remained strongly aligned with that of the United States. "We have always said: with dictators, with tyrants, there is no dialogue. You fight them. We must fight them until liberties are restored so that the Venezuelan people can return to live with dignity," he told reporters. Asked by a US journalist if Paraguay would back a military intervention in Venezuela, he said: "We are convinced that all the diplomatic efforts that are being made to isolate this regime will have results in a short time." - Transnational crime - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a joint press conference with Paraguayan Foreign Minister Luis Castiglioni at the presidential palace in Asuncion, on April 13, 2019 The two officials also discussed Paraguay's commitments on combatting threats of terrorism, drug trafficking and transnational crime in what is known as the tri-border area, the border region Paraguay shares with Argentina and Brazil. "Paraguay has declared all-out war against transnational crime," said Castiglioni. "This battle that we are fighting is a battle of no return until we win. We have assured the Secretary of State that Paraguay wants to cooperate very closely with the US government, since we are on the same path." The US official said before his arrival in Chile on Friday that the current US administration had "spent a lot of time" in Latin America seeking to improve trade in a region which has turned its back in recent years on a slew of leftist governments. "This is an historic opportunity," he told reporters, referring to "a handful of countries that are truly market driven, democratic in ways that we havent had in South America for decades. And we think it creates real opportunity." Asked about China's influence at a press conference following a working lunch with his Chilean counterpart Roberto Ampuero, Pompeo said: "I think the Chilean government and the United States government both share the same concerns." "China's trade activities often are deeply connected to their national security mission, their technological goals, their desire to steal intellectual property, to have forced technology transfer, to engage in activity that is not economic," he said. He iterated his concerns Saturday in Peru. "Too often we see China's predatory lending and debt diplomacy reverse positive advances in this area," he said. "Our shared goal would be to resist Chinese overtures and promote transparency." MOSCOW (AP) - Jehovah's Witnesses say one of their followers has been fined 350,000 rubles ($5,350) in Russia on an extremism charge related to his membership in the religious group. The group says Sergei Skrynnikov was found guilty by a court in the Russian city of Oryol of participating in the activity of an extremist organization. Russia officially banned Jehovah's Witnesses in 2017 and declared the group an extremist organization. His case follows that of Danish Jehovah's Witness Dennis Christensen, who was sentenced to six years in prison in February. He had been detained in 2017 while leading a prayer meeting in Oryol. Before the ban, the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses claimed about 170,000 adherents in Russia. WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Judiciary Committee will prepare subpoenas this week seeking special counsel Robert Mueller's full Russia report as the Justice Department appears likely to miss an April 2 deadline set by Democrats for the report's release. The Judiciary panel plans to vote on subpoenas Wednesday, a day after the deadline. The chairmen of several House committees asked for the full report last week after Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary laying out the report's "principal conclusions." Barr said in a letter to the House and Senate Judiciary committees on Friday that a redacted version of the full 300 page report would be released by mid-April, "if not sooner." The planned committee vote, announced Monday morning, would not automatically issue subpoenas but authorize House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., to send them. The panel will also vote to authorize subpoenas related to a number of President Donald Trump's former top advisers, including strategist Steve Bannon, Communications Director Hope Hicks, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, White House Counsel Donald McGahn and counsel Ann Donaldson. Donaldson served as McGahn's chief of staff before both left the administration. The five were probably key witnesses in Mueller's probe of possible obstruction of justice. The meeting notice says they "may have received documents from the White House relevant to the special counsel investigation, or their outside counsel may have, waiving applicable privileges under the law." The subpoenas would be related to documents where executive privilege was waived "and related matters," the notice says. The former White House advisers were included in a massive document request the committee made last month. Nadler sent requests to 81 people connected to Trump's political and personal dealings as he launched a wide-ranging investigation into possible obstruction of justice, public corruption and abuses of power. In this March 26, 2019 photo, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., presides at a meeting directing the attorney general to transmit documents to the House of Representatives relating to the actions of former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, on Capitol Hill in Washington. The House Judiciary Committee will ready subpoenas this week for special counsel Robert Mueller's full Russia report. This, as the Justice Department appears likely to miss an April 2 deadline set by Democrats for the report's release. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Democrats have said they will not accept a redacted version of the report, which is what Barr is preparing. Barr said in the letter Friday that he is scrubbing the report to avoid disclosing any grand jury information or classified material, in addition to portions of the report that pertain to ongoing investigations or that "would unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties." Democrats want all of that information, even if some of it can't be disclosed to the public. They are citing precedents from previous investigations involving presidents and also information disclosed about the Russia investigation to Republicans last year when they held the House majority. Barr wrote in his summary that the special counsel did not find that Trump's campaign "conspired or coordinated" with the Russian government to influence the 2016 presidential election. He said Mueller reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed the federal investigation, instead setting out "evidence on both sides" of the question. Barr himself went further than Mueller in his summary letter, declaring that Mueller's evidence was insufficient to prove in court that Trump had committed obstruction of justice to hamper the probe. Democrats say they want to know much more about both conclusions and they want to see the evidence unfiltered by Barr. LOS ANGELES (AP) - A musical inspired by Queen's music is preparing for a North America tour following the popularity of the Academy Award-winning movie, "Bohemian Rhapsody." Producers announced Monday "We Will Rock You" will open in Winnipeg, Canada, on Sept. 3. The tour will stop in other cities including New York, Los Angeles, Denver and Las Vegas. With a book by Ben Elton, the original West End production opened in 2002 and featured music supervision from Queen band members Brian May and Roger Taylor. Elton fashioned the futuristic story around such Queen hits as "We Are the Champions," ''Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You." The producers say the musical "reflects the scale and spectacle that marked Queen's live performances." Casting for the tour is underway. Tickets go on sale Friday. ISLAMABAD (AP) - Pakistan's top court has ordered the country's former military ruler to appear before a special tribunal hearing a treason case against him or forfeit his rights to a defense. The Supreme Court said Monday it was giving Gen. Pervez Musharraf a last chance to voluntarily appear before the tribunal. The top court said it acted on a petition by attorney Taufeeq Asif. Musharraf was indicted in 2014. He left Pakistan for Dubai in 2016 for treatment and has not returned to the country since then. Last month, he was hospitalized in Dubai. The treason case against Musharraf was brought by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government charging the military ruler with treason for imposing a state of emergency in 2007. Musharraf toppled Sharif's government in a 1999 bloodless coup. BANGKOK (AP) - An activist opposed to military rule in Thailand says his car was set on fire and gutted early Monday, just hours after he attended a rally protesting the Election Commission's alleged mismanagement of the March 24 general election. Ekachai Hongkangwan has been the repeated target of physical and legal attacks, including a previous one on his car that did less damage. On March 5, he was attacked by two men on a motorcycle who tried to beat him with a wooden stick and a metal pipe. Before his car was torched, Ekachai had joined fellow activists at a rally to gather signatures for the impeachment of Election Commission members. The rally was the first notable public protest since the election, whose results are to be officially confirmed on May 9. The Election Commission has been accused of releasing delayed and inconsistent vote totals, among other faults. A statement issued Monday by Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha's office appeared to be a response to election protests. "There are groups of people with bad intentions who create misinformation and use social media and agents to plant false ideas with the people, with the aim of creating chaos and damaging the country, religion, and monarchy," it said. It said the government would enforce the rule of law and urged all citizens to be aware of the situation. "If everyone cooperates and helps prevent the country from disturbance or slipping back into chaos, our country will be able to move toward sustainable and stable development," it said. The military has said it staged a 2014 coup against an elected government because of chaotic political conditions. The junta took power after the coup and has changed the constitution and election laws to handicap parties opposed to it. Prayuth, who is junta chief as well as prime minister, is expected to return to office, largely due to the electoral measures implemented by the military government. However, he could become prime minister but have a House of Representatives under opposition control, making it hard to pass laws and a budget. With weeks to go before final election results are certified, opponents of the junta are fearful that the Election Commission may disqualify enough of the winning anti-junta lawmakers to make it impossible for them to form a majority in the lower house. Ekachai has been a well-known activist since at least 2013, when he was sentenced to three years in prison for allegedly defaming the monarchy by selling CDs which contained an ABC Australia documentary and copies of WikiLeaks documents. He told The Associated Press on Monday that he believed his car was damaged because of his work on the election, but that "it is useless to be fearful. They want us to be afraid. So, if I am afraid, they will get what they want." He said another activist who had been campaigning for signatures had been assaulted. Ekachai said it was lucky that 200-300 signed petitions that were in his car were only burned around the edges and were still in good condition. "I will definitely use them, adding them to our petition effort," he said. AURORA, Ill. (AP) - Police say a man convicted of murder and suspected of belonging to a notorious gang that killed as many as 20 Chicago-area women in the 1980s has registered as a sex offender in suburban Chicago. Thomas Kokoraleis was released from prison Friday. Aurora Police Sgt. Bill Rowley says the 58-year-old walked into the department Sunday and registered to live at Aurora-based Wayside Cross Ministries. The Illinois Sex Offender Information registry lists Kokoraleis as living in Wheaton. Kokoraleis was among four men accused of being part of the "Ripper Crew" satanic cult. He was initially sentenced to life in prison for the 1982 slaying of 21-year-old Lorraine "Lorry" Ann Borowski. Prosecutors allowed him to plead guilty on appeal in a deal that infuriated victims' relatives but allowed for his release last week. DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) - Bangladesh opposition leader and former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia is being treated at a state hospital where she was taken from the centuries-old jail where she has been imprisoned since a corruption conviction, an official said Monday. The director of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Brig. Gen. A.K. Mahbubul Hoque, said Zia's condition is not life-threatening but there were complications. Five doctors examined her and advised that she remain in the hospital for further tests. After arriving by ambulance, Zia was taken in a wheelchair to her room while a dozen supporters chanted slogans on streets outside demanding her release. The 73-year-old opposition leader has been in jail since February 2018, when she was sentenced to five years in prison for alleged corruption in the establishment of an orphanage fund when she was prime minister from 1991 to 1996. The High Court later extended her sentence to 10 years. In a second case, she was sentenced to seven years in jail last October on corruption charges linked to a charity named after her late husband. In this Thursday, June 2, 2016 file photo, former Bangladeshi Prime Minister Khaleda Zia waves as she leaves after a court appearance in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh's opposition leader and former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was being treated in a state hospital on Monday after being taken there from the centuries-old jail where she has been imprisoned since a corruption conviction, an official said. (AP Photo/ A.M. Ahad) Zia's party says both cases were politically motivated. It has demanded that she be treated in a private hospital, saying they do not have confidence in the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Zia's archrival. But the authorities said the country's jail code does not allow prisoners to be treated under their own arrangements. Zia was to have attended a court proceeding on Monday involving a gas exploration and extraction deal that was awarded to Canadian gas company Niko. Zia and 10 others face charges of abuse of power in awarding the deal. Because of her illness, the court rescheduled the hearing to April 10, her lawyer, Masud Ahmed Talukder, said. Zia faces about 30 cases on various charges. Zia and Hasina have ruled the country alternately since 1991, when democracy returned after nine years of military rule. A military-backed caretaker government arrested both Hasina and Zia during its two-year rule in 2006-2008 before a general election was won overwhelmingly by Hasina. Hasina came to power for a third consecutive time after a Dec. 30 election which Zia's party said was rigged. BALTIMORE (AP) - Prosecutors offered a plea deal to the man whose murder conviction has been chronicled in the hit podcast "Serial" and an HBO documentary series. The Baltimore Sun reports that the finale of HBO's "The Case Against Adnan Syed" reveals that a deal offered four months ago would have brought Syed's release in 2022. A spokeswoman for Maryland's attorney general confirmed the offer on Sunday. Syed, who has maintained his innocence, is serving a life sentence for strangling his ex-girlfriend and burying her body in a Baltimore park in 1999. He turned down the deal, since he'd have to admit to Hae Min Lee's murder. An appeals court ordered his conviction thrown out, but it was reinstated last month when Maryland's highest court ruled Syed didn't deserve a new trial. SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - Federal prosecutors say a man from El Salvador who was twice deported from the U.S. tried to return by stowing away aboard a cargo ship. U.S. Attorney Bobby Christine of the Southern District of Georgia said in a news release Friday that 35-year-old Jaime Dagoberto Chavez-Guevara was arrested by U.S. Customs agents on a ship at the Port of Savannah. He was charged with illegal entry into the U.S. Prosecutors said Chavez-Guevara used a boat to reach the ship while it was anchored in Panama, then climbed up the anchor chain. The crew later discovered and detained him. Christine's office said Chavez-Guevara was previously deported from Texas in 2017 and from Arizona in 2018. An attorney listed for Chavez-Guevara in court records did not immediately return a phone message. WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York said Tuesday that her relationship with Hillary Clinton is strong and that Clinton had given her advice about her 2020 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Gillibrand, appearing at a town hall televised by CNN, fielded questions about her political record, including the policy shifts she made on immigration, and offered a status update on her long-standing relationship with Hillary and Bill Clinton. In 2017, Gillibrand had said that Bill Clinton should have resigned from the presidency after his inappropriate relationship with an intern came to light two decades ago. Gillibrand said Tuesday that her "fondness" and respect for Hillary Clinton are "very strong" and that she continues to admire and look up to her. She supported Clinton's 2016 Democratic presidential bid and took Clinton's U.S. Senate seat when Clinton was appointed secretary of state in 2009. "Secretary Clinton is a role model for all of us," Gillibrand said. "My views on her husband are very different. And I've said all I'm going to say about that." In a February interview with The Associated Press, Gillibrand said she had not yet spoken to Hillary Clinton about her campaign. Gillibrand hoped Tuesday's town hall would give her a fresh opportunity to introduce herself to the voters and donors she'll need to ensure her campaign stays on track, according to a person familiar with the campaign who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss strategy. In this April 5, 2019, photo, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., addresses a gathering during a campaign stop at a coffee house in Dover, N.H. Gillibrand has campaigned across eight states, pushed her rivals to release their tax returns and delivered a major speech outside a Trump-branded property in Manhattan in the months since launching her exploratory committee. Yet, she has struggled to break out of the pack of more than a dozen 2020 presidential candidates. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) The town hall came as the sprawling Democratic field begins to take shape. The first fundraising quarter just wrapped and gave an initial view of how the candidates are faring. Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Kamala Harris of California, along with Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, posted big numbers. But Gillibrand is among the candidates who haven't yet released their haul. Gillibrand began her campaign with $10 million cash on hand. Her campaign did not say how much she raised in the first quarter. The fundraising number isn't just about bragging rights. It's part of the criteria used to qualify for the first two presidential primary debates this summer. To get on the stage, a candidate must either reach 1% approval in three recognized polls or raise money from at least 65,000 donors across at least 20 states. Acknowledging potential fundraising trouble, Gillibrand aides said her path to the debate stage is through her standing in polls. There are reasons for optimism, her aides say. They say her online donors have doubled since March 17, when she officially launched her campaign. But they wouldn't disclose how many donors she has. The aides spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal campaign thinking. Gillibrand is betting that Tuesday's town hall gives her a fundraising boost, as it did for other candidates. Buttigieg, who was virtually unknown outside his state a few months ago, said he raised $600,000 in the 24 hours following his own appearance at a CNN town hall. Gillibrand's campaign views her candidacy in two distinct phases. The first "exploratory" phase began in January with a focus on introducing Gillibrand to voters. She appeared on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," quickly made her first trip to the leadoff caucus state of Iowa and held 60 events across eight states. The second phase began with the formal launch of her campaign on March 17. She's tried to make bolder and higher-profile moves since then. She participated in MSNBC's first town hall of the presidential season and became the first presidential candidate to release her 2018 tax returns. She pressed her rivals to follow suit. In a video released by her campaign, she described herself as "brave," a theme that has been a cornerstone of the early days of her official bid. She has sold herself to voters as a candidate who is able to win in Republican strongholds, saying in Concord, New Hampshire, over the weekend that she'd won her first race for Congress in a district she described as "red, red, red," and promised to do whatever she could to defeat President Donald Trump. "What he is creating is wrong," she said. "It is immoral. It is harmful. It is hurtful." But she's faced setbacks through all stages of her candidacy. Gillibrand has faced criticism over the handling of a sexual harassment claim in her Senate office that resulted in a female staffer resigning over the office's handling of her accusation against a male aide. After Politico reported that the male aide was kept on and presented Gillibrand's office with additional allegations, the male aide was fired. Gillibrand, who has been a champion of women and victims of sexual misconduct, has stood behind her office's response to the incident. Last month, she held a speech in the shadow of the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Manhattan and launched a verbal attack on him, mocking the president for the many properties that bear his name. "He does this because he wants you to believe he's strong," she said. "He is not. Our president is a coward." The event was billed as Gillibrand's first major speech of her campaign, with the intention of showing a sharp contrast between Gillibrand and the president. Yet it came hours before the Justice Department released the principal conclusions of the long-awaited report by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, which overshadowed the speech. Maria Cardona, a Democratic strategist, noted that the 2020 primary field is still growing and said Gillibrand has time to make her mark on the race. "As long as she qualifies for those debates, she will have plenty of opportunity to make her case, to rise to the top, and pull ahead," Cardona said. ___ Associated Press writers Michael Balsamo in Washington and Hunter Woodall in Concord, N.H., contributed to this report. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - A grieving mother choked up as she questioned why police didn't use other tactics instead of killing her son. A deputy recalled the terror of second-guessing herself as she traded fire with a suspect who killed her partner. The emotional testimony Tuesday came before California lawmakers advanced a first-in-the-nation measure restricting when police can use deadly force, one of two radically different legislative proposals seeking to cut down on deadly shootings in the nation's most populous state. The measure faces a tougher fight in the full Assembly. Even some supporters on the public safety committee said it goes too far and will require changes as lawmakers try to balance the safety of officers and those they're tasked with protecting. Last year's police shooting of unarmed vandalism suspect Stephon Clark in Sacramento inspired the legislation that would allow officers to kill only if there is no reasonable alternative, such as verbal persuasion or other non-lethal methods of resolution or de-escalation. "It's time to make clear that the sanctity of human life is policing's highest priority," said Democratic Assemblywoman Shirley Weber of San Diego, adding later that her proposal "is designed to change the culture of policing in California." The committee's chairman, Democratic Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer of Los Angeles, said a tougher standard will do little good without buy-in from law enforcement organizations. Elizabeth Medrano Escobedo, left, mother of Christian Escobedo, who was killed by Los Angeles police, comforts Ciara Hamilton, whose cousin Diante Yarber was killed by Barstow police, during an Assembly hearing on legislation to restrict the use of deadly force by police, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. Both women both spoke in support of a bill, AB392, that would require officers to use de-escalation tactics and allow them to use deadly force only when it is necessary to prevent immediate harm to themselves or others. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Those groups are supporting a different plan, which is also before lawmakers, to require that every department have policies on when officers should use de-escalation tactics and other alternatives to deadly force. Weber's measure got party-line support. The eight-member panel's two Republicans opposed the measure they said could make officers hesitate for a fatal second if they have to consider alternatives to lethal force. That's what Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff Julie Robertson faced. She testified how her partner, Mark Stasyuk, died last fall during a gunfight and she hesitated as the suspect shot at her with only his back exposed. "I recall in that moment thinking that if I were to shoot him in the back, I would be the next officer in the news being scrutinized for my actions," Robertson said. "The thought of having to second-guess my actions in that moment is frightening. ... This bill makes me wonder if sacrificing everything is worth it." Elizabeth Medrano Escobedo told lawmakers that Los Angeles officers could have used other tactics instead of killing her son, Christian Escobedo, last year. Police said he was sleeping behind a parked car with a loaded handgun. "This bill can save mothers from grieving the loss of their children, which is what I'm experiencing right now," Medrano said, choking up. Ciara Hamilton testified how Barstow police killed her cousin, Diante Yarber, last year after they said the car theft suspect hit two squad cars and nearly struck an officer. His family says the car was barely moving and that Yarber, who was black, might have lived had officers provided immediate medical attention. "What does that tell us about policing in California and America? It's that black and brown people are not safe from state-sanctioned violence," Hamilton said. The debate resonated personally for lawmakers. Democratic Assemblywoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove of Los Angeles tearfully recounted finding four officers in her home responding to a false burglar alarm last fall. They treated her respectfully, yet Kamlager-Dove, who is black, said she started shaking and crying. "And I realized I was crying because I was afraid. I didn't want to make any sudden movements," she said. Kamlager-Dove broke down as she urged police organizations and reformers to reach consensus "because this hurts. ... I don't want any of us to live in fear." Republican Assemblyman Tom Lackey of Palmdale, who spent 28 years as a highway patrolman, recalled how a fellow officer killed someone in the line of duty and eventually ended his own life. "When peace officers are placed in a position to where they feel like they have to use deadly force, no one can really understand that unless you've been in that position," Lackey said. Plumas County Sheriff's Deputy Ed Obayashi, a use-of-force expert, called Weber's measure "an exercise in legal futility" because he predicts judges will interpret the language the same way they do court rulings. Prosecutors would have to prove an officer was criminally negligent, which carries a high legal burden. Weber acknowledges officers would have to egregiously violate a policy to face charges but expects the standard would deter shootings. A Senate committee is expected to consider a police-backed alternative in two weeks. That measure would enshrine court standards into law, allowing officers to use deadly force when they have a reasonable fear of being harmed. The standard has made it rare for officers to be charged and rarer still to be convicted. Law enforcement groups plan to amend the legislation "to ensure that we are truly putting forward the most comprehensive legislative solution to effectively reduce the use of force in our state," California Police Chiefs Association president Ron Lawrence said. Jamilia Land, a friend of the family of police shooting victim Stephon Clark, holds up a cellphone during a hearing on legislation to restrict the use of deadly force by police, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. Sacramento Police officers mistook the cellphone Clark was holding for a gun when he was shot and killed in 2018. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Supporters of a measure to restrict the use of deadly force by police, stand in the gallery as Elizabeth Medrano Escobedo, the mother of police shooting victim Christian Escobedo, testifies in favor of the bill, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff Julie Robertson speaks against a measure that would restrict the use of deadly force by police, during an Assembly Committee, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, D-San Diego, discusses her proposed measure to limit the use of deadly force by police, as the bill's co-author, Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, left, listens during a hearing on the bill at the Capitol, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. Their measure, AB392, would require officers to use de-escalation tactics and allow them to use deadly force only when it is necessary to prevent immediate harm to themselves or others. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Assemblyman Tom Lackey, R-Palmdale, right, a former law enforcement officer, said he would not support a measure to restrict the use of deadly force by police, during a hearing of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. The committee approved the first-in-the nation bill, AB392 by Democratic Assembly members Shirley Weber, of San Diego, and Kevin McCarty, of Sacramento, that would require officers to use de-escalation tactics and allow them to use deadly force only when it is necessary to prevent immediate harm to themselves or others. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Assemblywoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove, D-Los Angeles, a member of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, emotionally describes an encounter she had with law enforcement officers, during a hearing on legislation to restrict the use of deadly force by police, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. The committee approved the first-in-the nation bill, AB392 by Democratic Assembly members Shirley Weber, of San Diego, and Kevin McCarty, of Sacramento, that would require officers to use de-escalation tactics and allow them to use deadly force only when it is necessary to prevent immediate harm to themselves or others. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Assemblyman Reginald Jones-Sawyer, D-Los Angeles, chairman of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, discusses legislation to restrict the use of deadly force by police, during a hearing on the measure, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - U.S. forces in Afghanistan revised on Tuesday the death toll from a Taliban attack the previous day near the main American base in the country, saying three service members were killed but not a contractor who was initially reported among the fatalities. The U.S. and NATO Resolute Support mission issued a statement "to clarify initial reporting" about Monday's roadside bombing of an American convoy near the main U.S. base. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. The Pentagon said later that all three service members killed were Marines. The mission said a roadside bomb hit the convoy near the Bagram Airfield, killing three American service members, and said "the contractor who was reported as killed, is alive." The statement said "the contractor, an Afghan citizen, was initially treated along with other injured civilians, later identified as a contractor and treated at Bagram Airfield." Three other U.S. service members were also wounded in the attack. The base in Bagram district is located in northern Parwan province and serves as the main U.S. air facility in the country. Afghan security forces gather at the site of Monday's suicide attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) The wounded were evacuated and are receiving medical care, the statement said. Christopher Slutman, a 15-year New York City fire department member, was among the three Marines killed. He leaves behind his wife, Shannon, and three daughters. "Firefighter Slutman bravely wore two uniforms and committed his life to public service both as a New York City firefighter and as a member of the United States Marine Corps," Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said in a written statement. The Pentagon identified the two other Marines killed as Cpl. Robert A. Hendriks, 25, of Locust Valley, New York, and Sgt. Benjamin S. Hines, 31, of York, Pennsylvania. In their claim of responsibility, the Taliban said they launched the attack and that one of their suicide bombers detonated his explosives-laden vehicle near the NATO base. The conflicting accounts could not be immediately reconciled. On Tuesday, local Afghan officials said at least five Afghan civilians were wounded in the commotion after the attack on the American convoy. Four were passersby and the fifth was a driver of a car going down the road, said Abdul Raqib Kohistani, the Bagram district police chief. Abdul Shakor Qudosi, the district administrative chief in Bagram, said American soldiers opened fire immediately after their convoy was bombed. Monday's U.S. fatalities bring to seven the number of U.S. soldiers killed so far this year in Afghanistan, underscoring the difficulties in bringing peace to the war-wrecked country even as Washington has stepped up efforts to find a way to end the 17-year war, America's longest. There are about 14,000 U.S. forces in Afghanistan, supporting embattled Afghan forces as they struggle on two fronts - facing a resurgent Taliban who now hold sway over almost half the country and also the Islamic State affiliate, which has sought to expand its footprint in Afghanistan even as its self-proclaimed "caliphate" has crumbled in Syria and Iraq. Last year, 13 U.S. service members were killed in Afghanistan. The Taliban have continued to carry out daily attacks on Afghan security forces despite holding several rounds of peace talks with the United States in recent months. The Taliban have refused to meet with the Afghan government, which they view as a U.S. puppet. Meanwhile, the Taliban have agreed to take part in an all-Afghan gathering later this month in Qatar, where the insurgents maintain a political office. But the Taliban say they will not recognize any government official attending the gathering as a representative of the Kabul government, only as an individual Afghan participant. ___ Associated Press writer Lolita Baldor in Washington contributed to this report. An Afghan security force check the site a day after an an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit the roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) Afghan security forces gather at the site of Monday's attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) An Afghan security force stand guard at the site a day after an a suicide attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) An Afghan security force collect bullet shell a day after an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) Afghans watch a civilian vehicle burnt after being shot by US forces following an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) Afghans watch a civilian vehicle burnt after being shot by US forces after an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General William Barr told Congress Tuesday he expects to release his redacted version of the special counsel's Trump-Russia investigation report "within a week," while Democrats criticized his handling of the long-awaited document and demanded he turn it over in full. Barr bluntly defended his dealing with the report and said portions must remain hidden to comply with the law. He said he could be open to eventually releasing some of the redacted material after consulting with congressional leaders, but maintained he had no plans to seek a judge's approval to disclose grand jury material. Democrats, he said, were "free to go to court" on their own to ask for it. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said he could issue subpoenas "very quickly" if Robert Mueller's report is released with redactions after Democrats failed "to reach an accommodation with the attorney general under which we would see the report and the underlying evidence." He said of Barr: "He has been unresponsive to our requests." The attorney general appeared before a House appropriations subcommittee to discuss his department's budget request - normally a sleepy affair - but Democrats, in particular, were more interested in asking questions about the report. While opening the hearing, subcommittee Chairman Jose Serrano of New York called it "the elephant in the room." Barr wouldn't discuss the substance of the special counsel's investigation into possible connections between Russia and Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, but he did explain some of what to expect when the report is released: He said the redactions will be color-coded and accompanied by notes explaining any decisions to withhold information. "This process is going along very well and my original timetable of being able to release this by mid-April stands," Barr said. In his first appearance on Capitol Hill since taking office, and amid intense speculation over his review of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia report, Attorney General William Barr appears before a House Appropriations subcommittee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Barr says he will release a redacted version of the Mueller report on the Russia investigation within a week. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Congress, the White House and the American public have been anxiously waiting for Barr to release the report since special counsel Mueller concluded his investigation and sent it to the attorney general more than two weeks ago. Justice Department officials are scouring the nearly 400-page document to remove grand jury information and details relating to pending investigations, among other materials. Democrats say they will not accept any redactions. At Tuesday's hearing, Democrats said they were concerned that a four-page summary letter of the report's main conclusions Barr released last month portrayed the findings in an overly favorable way for President Trump. The letter said that Mueller did not find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and Trump associates in the 2016 campaign, and that Barr did not believe the evidence in the report was sufficient to prove the president had obstructed justice. Barr said "the letter speaks for itself" and revealed that he gave Mueller an opportunity to review the letter but the special counsel declined. Rep. Nita Lowey, the Democratic chairwoman of the full Appropriations Committee, said she was taken aback that Barr had reduced Mueller's report to a four-page letter in just two days. "Even for someone who has done this job before, I would argue it's more suspicious than impressive," Lowey said, referring to Barr's first tenure as attorney general in the early 1990s. Barr said, "I felt I should state bottom-line conclusions, and I tried to use special counsel Mueller's own language in doing that." Asked about reports that members of Mueller's legal team were unhappy with his handling of the report, Barr said he suspected any discontent may have reflected their desire to put out more information. Republicans defended Barr, with Alabama Rep. Robert Aderholt comparing Democrats' questions to theories surrounding President John F. Kennedy's 1963 assassination. "So many of the questions here today have gone toward a grassy knoll conspiracy theory," Aderholt said. Across the Capitol, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he had no concerns with the handling of the report: "I think it really comes down to a question of whether you trust Bill Barr or not. And I do." Barr said in the summary released last month that Mueller did not reach a conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice, instead presenting evidence on both sides of the question. Barr said he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decided that the evidence was insufficient to establish obstruction. Facing the intensifying concerns from Democrats that he may have whitewashed Mueller's findings, Barr has moved to defend, or at least explain, his handling of the process since receiving the special counsel's report. He said in a March 29 letter that he did not intend for his brief summary of Mueller's main conclusions to be an "exhaustive recounting" of his work. He is likely to be asked to further explain himself at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing Wednesday, though it's unclear how much more he will say. At one point in the House hearing, he tried to cut off any more questions on the subject. "I'm not going to discuss it any further until after the report is out," he said. Barr said he would elaborate at hearings scheduled by the House and Senate Judiciary committees at the beginning of next month. ___ Associated Press writers Chad Day, Michael Balsamo, Laurie Kellman and Matthew Daly contributed to this report. Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., Chairwoman of the full committee, speaks before hearing from Attorney General William Barr, as he appears before a House Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, holds up heavily redacted documents as he speaks as Attorney General William Barr appears before a House Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) In his first appearance on Capitol Hill since taking office, and amid intense speculation over his review of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia report, Attorney General William Barr appears before a House Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) In his first appearance on Capitol Hill since taking office, and amid intense speculation over his review of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia report, Attorney General William Barr arrives to appear before a House Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) - The Algerian senator named to temporarily fill the office vacated by former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika said he would act quickly to arrange an "honest and transparent" election to usher in an "Algeria of the future." Abdelkader Bensalah, an ally of Bouteflika's, spoke on national television hours after his appointment as Algeria's interim president brought immediate protests. In the streets of the capital, protesters who want the country's established political hierarchy dismantled shouted, "Out with the system." Bensalah, the head of the upper house of the Algerian Parliament, vowed to establish a "sovereign" body to organize a presidential election within 90 days. Under That's the constitutional limit for how long he can serve as interim president. The North African country's influential military stayed silent on the appointment. It said only that it would work to ensure the "tranquility" of the country that was led for two decades by the ailing Bouteflika, 82, before he stepped down a week ago after weeks of nationwide protests and with a push from the chief of the army. Bensalah said the election body would be set up with help from political parties and civil society to lay down conditions for "honest and transparent elections." He can't run for president himself when the election is held. "It is a sincere and loyal hand that I give you to overcome differences and take part in a historic collective action equal to the challenges... to achieve the supreme goal, lay the groundwork for the Algeria of the future," he told the nation. Police attempts to disperse a demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) There was no immediate reaction to the speech. A student protest earlier Tuesday was timed to coincide with the Algerian Parliament's designation of Bensalah as interim president. Members of the opposition abstained from the vote. "We are against the nomination of Bensalah. The people has stated its will many times, we will stick to this and won't change our minds. We are not going to stop, to rest or to give up at all," said protester Mohammed Bouraoui. The protesters held creative signs, including one woman carrying a sign reading "I'm a student in oceanic studies, and my nation is drowning in a sea of corruption." Within an hour, police moved in on the demonstrators, dousing them with pepper spray, shooting bursts from a water cannon and using batons to break up the crowd of thousands on a central avenue. The clash contrasted with the weeks of overwhelmingly peaceful protests forced Bouteflika to step down last week after 20 years in office. A pro-democracy movement dominated by young Algerians frustrated by corruption, unemployment and repression has offered them hope. It also raised international concerns about what's next for this energy-rich country that's a key partner in the international fight against terrorism. The Defense Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that the army will work to ensure "the Algerian people's legitimate right to enjoy total tranquility for the present and the future." The inconclusive statement suggests the army will wait to see if there are more protests on Friday before deciding whether to throw its support behind Bensalah or not. The statement didn't specifically address Bensalah's appointment. Algeria's powerful army chief, Gen. Ahmed Gaid Salah, turned against the longtime president last week and sided with the protesters, prompting Bouteflika's resignation. However, many protesters have shown frustration with the army, too. With Bouteflika out, protesters are mainly focusing their anger on other key figures, dubbed the "three Bs": Bensalah, Prime Minister Noureddine Bedoui and the head of the Constitutional Council, Tayeb Belaiz. "Out with Bensalah, Belaiz and Bedoui!" shouted protesters at Tuesday's rally in Algiers, which converged at the plaza in front of the main post office, a symbol of the country's pro-democracy movement. Bensalah, 77, has cultivated a low-key profile despite holding numerous positions over the past quarter-century. With a career as a devoted public servant, he has no political weight, and his powers as transitional leader are reduced. Bedoui has a starkly different profile. He was among the early promoters of a fifth mandate for the ailing Bouteflika - the trigger for the crisis. Mohamed Saidj, a political science professor, says that as interior minister, Bedoui also was behind forbidding doctors and human rights organizations from protesting. As for Belaiz, "everyone knows that he is Bouteflika's man," Saidj said in a recent interview. ___ Mosa'ab Elshamy in Algiers and Lori Hinnant and Elaine Ganley in Paris contributed to this report. ___ A previous version of this story has been corrected to show that police fired pepper spray on protesters, not tear gas. A woman waves an Algerian flag after police attempted to disperse a demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) A protester confronts a policeman during demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Abdelkader Bensalah stands while being named interim leader to replace former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. As called for by the Algerian Constitution, Bensalah was named as interim leader for a maximum of 90 days until a new election can be organized. He can't run for the post himself. (AP Photo/Toufik Doudou) Algerian police forces face students demonstrating in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police have fired tear gas and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Anis Belghoul) Algerian police forces use a water cannon as students demonstrate in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police have fired tear gas and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Anis Belghoul) Algerian police forces use a water cannon as students demonstrate in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police have fired tear gas and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Anis Belghoul) Students shout during a demonstration in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police have fired tear gas and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Anis Belghoul) A man walks past street art that reads "liberty," supporting the current protest that has forced out longtime President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in downtown Algiers, Algeria, Monday, April 8, 2019. The pro-democracy movement has forced out Bouteflika and demanded that other top figures leave too. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) A protester gestures as he is sprayed with a water cannon during a demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) A man walks with loaves of bread as police attempted to disperse a demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Police stand guard as students demonstrate in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Students carry banners and chant slogans during a demonstration in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. Banner in Arabic reads "The people are the source of every authority" (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Police stand guard as students demonstrate in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian protesters rejected the interim leader named Tuesday to replace former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, shouting "out with the system" as they demonstrated for the dismantling of the political hierarchy that has led Algeria for two decades. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) A man receives medical care as he lies on the floor, during a demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Police arrest a man as they attempt to disperse a demonstration for students in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Students gather during a demonstration in Algiers, Algeria, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Algerian police used pepper spray and water cannon to break up a group of students protesting in the country's capital, less than an hour after the country's parliament chose an interim leader. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy) Abdelkader Bensalah listens while being named interim leader to replace former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. As called for by the Algerian Constitution, Bensalah was named as interim leader for a maximum of 90 days until a new election can be organized. He can't run for the post himself. (AP Photo/Toufik Doudou) Abdelkader Bensalah listens while being named interim leader to replace former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in Algiers, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. As called for by the Algerian Constitution, Bensalah was named as interim leader for a maximum of 90 days until a new election can be organized. He can't run for the post himself. (AP Photo/Toufik Doudou) JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared headed toward re-election early Wednesday, as close-to-complete unofficial results showed him pulling ahead of his main competitor in a tight race seen as a referendum on the long-serving leader. With a victory, Netanyahu would capture a fourth consecutive term and fifth overall, which this summer will make him Israel's longest-ever serving leader. Re-election will give him an important boost as he braces for the likelihood of criminal charges in a series of corruption scandals. The election outcome affirmed Israel's continued tilt to the right and further dimmed hopes of a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the final stretch of the campaign, Netanyahu had for the first time pledged to annex parts of the occupied West Bank in a desperate bid to rally his right-wing base. Annexation would snuff out the last flicker of hope for Palestinian statehood. Both Netanyahu and his challenger, former military chief Benny Gantz, leader of the rival Blue and White party, had declared victory in speeches to boisterous gatherings of supporters. But as the night went on, there were growing signs that Netanyahu's Likud was pulling ahead. "It's a night of tremendous victory," Netanyahu told supporters. "I was very moved that the nation of Israel once again entrusted me for the fifth time, and with an even greater trust." He said he had already begun talking to fellow right wing and religious parties about forming a new coalition. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves to his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) "I want to make it clear, it will be a right-wing government, but I intend to be the prime minister of all Israeli citizens, right or left, Jews and non-Jews alike," he said. The 69-year-old prime minister has been the dominant force in Israeli politics for the past two decades and its face to the world. His campaign has focused heavily on his friendship with President Donald Trump and his success in cultivating new allies, such as China, India and Brazil. But the corruption scandals created some voter fatigue. Along with two other former military chiefs on his ticket, Gantz was able to challenge Netanyahu on security issues, normally the prime minister's strong suit, while also taking aim at the prime minister's alleged ethical lapses. Israel's attorney general has recommended charging Netanyahu with bribery, breach of trust and fraud. The telegenic Gantz, who has been vague on key policy issues, has presented himself as a clean, scandal-free alternative to Netanyahu. By Wednesday morning, with 97 percent of the votes counted, Likud and Blue and White had won 35 seats each. But Netanyahu was in a stronger position to form a coalition government with the anticipated support of right-wing and ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties, Likud's natural allies. Such a coalition could rest on 65 votes in the 120-member parliament. Earlier in the night, with fewer of the votes counted, Blue and White still appeared to be ahead by one seat and Gantz projected optimism. "Elections have losers and elections have winners. And we are the winners," Gantz told a victory rally shortly after midnight. Netanyahu's message of unity was a sharp contrast from his campaign theme in which he accused Gantz of conspiring with Arab parties to topple him. Arab leaders accused Netanyahu of demonizing the country's Arab community, which is about 20 percent of the population. His attacks on the Arab sector fueled calls for a boycott and appeared to result in relatively low turnout by Arab voters. Israel's central elections commission banned parties from bringing cameras into polling stations after Likud party activists were caught with hidden cameras in Arab towns. The final results are subject to change. Some 40 parties took part in the election, and only those that receive at least 3.25% of the votes make it into parliament. Once the final results come in, attention will turn to President Reuven Rivlin. The president, whose responsibilities are mostly ceremonial, is charged with choosing a prime minister after consulting with party leaders and determining who has the best chance of putting together a majority coalition. That responsibility is usually given to the head of the largest party. The election included several other surprises. The Labor party, which ruled the country for its first 30 years, tumbled to single digits in the parliament. Zehut, an iconoclastic party that combined an ultranationalist ideology with libertarian economic positions and calls for the legalization of marijuana, had appeared poised to emerge as the Cinderella story of the election. It fell short and failed to enter parliament. If Netanyahu is re-elected, attention will quickly focus on his legal woes. The attorney general has recommended a series of criminal charges against the prime minister but will only make a decision on indicting him after a legally mandated hearing. Legal experts expect at least some charges to be filed. Netanyahu will likely focus his efforts on getting guarantees from his coalition partners to continue to back him if he is indicted, and perhaps find a way to grant him immunity from prosecution. Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing and claimed he is the victim of a witch hunt. In order to appeal to his religious and ultranationalist parties, Netanyahu veered sharply right on the campaign trail with attacks on Arab politicians, the media and the judiciary. He also pledged to annex West Bank settlements, a step that could snuff out any remaining hopes for a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Palestinian official Saeb Erekat lamented that the Israelis voted to maintain "the status quo." "They want their occupation to be endless," he said. ___ Heller reported from Tel Aviv. AP journalists Ilan Ben Zion and Isabel DeBre contributed to this story. ___ Follow Heller at Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz flashes victory signs to his supporters after Israeli general elections polls closed, Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in Tel Aviv. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Likud party supporters cheer at the party's campaign headquarters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Likud party supporters cheer at the party's campaign headquarters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves to his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves to his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accompanied by his wife Sara waves to his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud party leader kisses his wife Sara in from of his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves to his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud party leader and his wife Sara wave to his supporters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz addresses his supporters after Israeli general elections polls closed, Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in Tel Aviv. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz addresses his supporters after Israeli general elections polls closed, Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in Tel Aviv. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz addresses his supporters after Israeli general elections polls closed, Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in Tel Aviv. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Likud party supporters cheer during Israel's parliamentary elections in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Likud party supporters cheer during Israel's parliamentary elections in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Blue and White part supporters cheer at the party's campaign headquarters after polls for Israel's general elections closed, in Tel Aviv, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Blue and White part supporters cheer at the party's campaign headquarters after polls for Israel's general elections closed, in Tel Aviv, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, waves with his wife Sara after voting during Israel's parliamentary elections in Jerusalem, Tuesday, April 9, 2019 (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, Pool) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu poses for a photo with his wife Sara after voting during Israel's parliamentary elections in Jerusalem, Tuesday, April 9, 2019 (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, Pool) JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel is holding the country's 21st parliamentary elections on Tuesday, with over 6.3 million people eligible to cast ballots in a vote largely seen as a referendum on long-seated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Here is a closer look at what to expect: CHASING HISTORY Netanyahu is seeking his fourth consecutive term and fifth overall, including an earlier stint in the 1990s. With another victory, Netanyahu will secure a place in history later this year as the longest-serving prime minister, surpassing Israel's founding father David Ben-Gurion. He faces tough opposition from his former army chief of staff, Benny Gantz, whose new Blue and White party seeks to replace Netanyahu's long-dominant Likud. ___ 'CORRUPTION' VS. 'INEXPERIENCE' A family votes during general elections in a predominantly Bedouin city of Rahat, Israel, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov) The three-month campaign has focused much more on personalities than issues. Netanyahu has tried to portray his opponent as weak and inexperienced. Gantz has tried to capitalize on a series of corruption investigations. The attorney general has recommended bribery and breach of trust charges against Netanyahu, who denies any wrongdoing. ___ WIDE RANGE OF PARTIES All 120 seats in the Knesset, Israel's parliament, are up for grabs. A total of over 40 parties are competing, including large front-runners, ultra-Orthodox religious parties, Arab factions and fringe movements like the Pirate and Simply Love parties. But only a handful are expected to garner the 3.25% of the vote necessary to break the electoral threshold and earn the minimum four seats in parliament. Ten parties made up the last Knesset. ___ HIGH TURNOUT Israeli elections tend to have robust turnout. Election day is a national holiday, a measure aimed at encouraging participation. The last elections, in 2015, saw a 72% voter turnout, the highest percentage since 1999, but below the 77% average since Israel first went to the polls in 1949, a year after independence. Arab voters, who make up 20 percent of the electorate, have threatened to boycott the election, accusing Netanyahu of inciting against them. That could have the unintended effect of helping the prime minister win a new term. ___ WINNER TAKE ... MAYBE NOTHING No Israeli party has ever won an outright majority, which forces the larger parties to form blocs with smaller allies. After the election, Israel's president will meet with party heads and select the party he believes is most capable of forming a coalition. That party, usually but not always the largest faction, then has four weeks to form a coalition. A new government will be given a four-year term, but disagreements between coalition parties often result in early elections. Should neither a right-wing nor left-wing bloc be able to form a coalition, Israel could face the prospect of a second election in November. ___ Follow Ilan Ben Zion on Twitter: Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu votes during Israel's parliamentary elections in Jerusalem, Tuesday, April 9, 2019 (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, Pool) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu votes during Israel's parliamentary elections in Jerusalem, Tuesday, April 9, 2019 (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, Pool) Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz, right, casts his vote with his wife Revital Gantz left, and former Israeli Chief of Staff Benny Gantz during Israel's parliamentary elections in Rosh Haayin, Israel, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Rabbi Israel Hager votes for Israel's parliamentary election at a polling station in Bnei Brak, Israel, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty) People vote during Israel's parliamentary election at a polling station in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz, right, casts his vote with his wife Revital Gantz during Israel's parliamentary elections in Rosh Haayin, Israel, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) NEW DELHI (AP) - Indian authorities charged a Roman Catholic bishop on Tuesday with repeatedly raping a nun in her rural convent, a case that helped make the sexual abuse of nuns a major issue in the church. Bishop Franco Mulakkal was charged with rape, illegal confinement and intimidation, said Hari Sankar, a district police chief in the southern state of Kerala, India's Catholic heartland. The nun who made the accusations, who has not been publicly identified, said she went to police last year only after complaining repeatedly to church authorities. Eventually, a group of fellow nuns launched unprecedented public protests to demand Mulakkal's arrest. He was arrested but released after a few weeks. Mulakkal was the official patron of the nun's community, the Missionaries of Jesus, and wielded immense influence over its budgets and job assignments. The nun said the rapes occurred between 2014 and 2016. Mulakkal has denied the accusations, calling them "baseless and concocted" and saying the accusing nun was trying to pressure him to get a better job. In February, Pope Francis for the first time publicly acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by priests and bishops. FILE - In this Sept. 19, 2018 file photo, bishop of the Indian city of Jalandhar, Franco Mulakkal, center, leaves after being questioned by police in Kochi, India. Indian authorities charged the Roman Catholic bishop on Tuesday with repeatedly raping a nun in her rural convent, a case that helped make the sexual abuse of nuns a major issue in the church. (AP Photo/Prakash Elamakkara, File) Speaking to reporters aboard the papal plane, Francis vowed to confront the problem. "Should we do something more? Yes. Is there the will? Yes. But it's a path that we have already begun," he said. The Mulakkal case has split India's Catholic community, with many people defending the bishop. In March, the founder of the Vatican's women's magazine, along with the magazine's all-female editorial board, quit their positions, saying a Vatican campaign to discredit them had increased since they denounced the sexual abuse of nuns by priests and bishops. NEW DELHI (AP) - New Delhi shop owner Ram Shankar Rai spends at least two hours a day going through political news and videos shared with him on social media. Rai looked intently at a flurry of videos and photos on WhatsApp about an Indian airstrike in Pakistan, including pictures labeled as militants' corpses. There was just one problem: The photos were not of militants but of casualties of a 2005 earthquake that killed thousands of people in Pakistan. But the 50-year-old didn't see anything amiss. "It's news," he said. "How can it be fake?" Before the world's largest democracy starts voting Thursday in a phased election carried out over six weeks, this attitude is posing a problem for election officials seeking to combat the spread of fake news among a population that experts say has proven highly susceptible to believing it. Despite efforts by India's Election Commission to work with social media giants, urging them to tackle the spread of misinformation, at least one former top election official is warning that fake news could end up being the deciding factor in some constituencies with extremely tight races. In this Monday, April 8, 2019, photo, a customer watches election campaign advertisements on his mobile phone outside a shop in New Delhi, India. From manipulated pictures being picked up by mainstream news media, to misrepresented quotes sparking communal division, false news and hateful propaganda on digital platforms are at peak levels in the run-up to the Indian general elections (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) The election is already taking place in a charged atmosphere as Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party seeks a second term by pushing policies that some say have increased religious tensions and undermined multiculturalism. The opposition Congress party, which is also spending sizable sums of money on social media ads, is trying to revive its past glory and turn around a declining voter base. Tackling fake news is a huge challenge in India, a nation with 1.14 billion cellphone connections, the most Facebook users in the world at 300 million, and another 240 million users of the messaging service WhatsApp. In such an environment, fake news can spread faster than regulators can act. Watchdogs say in the run-up to the vote they've seen everything from manipulated pictures being picked up by mainstream news media, to misrepresented quotes sparking communal division, false news and hateful propaganda. And it looks like people are buying it. Indian internet users, many of whom are relatively new to the web, may lack the awareness of knowing that "just because it's on a screen does not mean it's true," said Apar Gupta, who runs an advocacy group called the Internet Freedom Foundation. India's problem with fake news isn't new, though, and it has already proven to have deadly consequences. In late 2018, at least 20 people were killed in mob attacks that were triggered by rumors on social media of strangers abducting children from villages. Efforts by social media giants to combat fake news in the country were intensified after executives were called in by the Election Commission earlier this year and told to curb the spread of manipulative political information and adhere to the country's laws on election campaigning. Social media companies followed that with a "Voluntary Code of Ethics" for the elections that they submitted to the government. It's essentially a best practices agreement that they will try to abide by the Election Commission's suggestions and rules, including prohibiting campaign advertisements for at least 48 hours before polling begins. But at least two former Election Commission bosses said they don't believe enough is being done. "The potential of mischief for subversion of the process of elections represented by social media is immense," said N. Gopalaswami, who was India's chief election commissioner from 2006 to 2009. He said he was concerned fake news could play a huge role in very tight races. Gupta said the Election Commission should have enforced accountability for political parties and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, with penalties for violations. "India has clearly not done enough," he said, adding that some of the responsibility lies with the social media platforms. "The internet has grown up and is having to leave its parents' home and find a job," he said, suggesting that platforms should tune their search engine algorithms to weigh the credibility of sources more heavily than ads and viral content. Digital platforms have been scrambling to devise strategies to tackle the spread of false information ahead of the election. Facebook announced a variety of measures last month, from blocking fake accounts to employing third-party fact-checking organizations for the elections. WhatsApp has introduced a fact-checking helpline, encouraging users to flag messages for verification. It also started re-circulating an old advertising video urging people to "share joy, not rumors." The video was first launched after the 2018 mob attacks. But with new pages and accounts being created daily to push political content, it's a hefty task. "It is an adversarial space," said Kaushik Iyer, a Facebook engineering manager who works on election integrity and safety. "What that means is that we will always see adaptation. We will always see new threats emerge," he told The Associated Press in an interview at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, California. He said Facebook was getting better at tracking down the misrepresented and manipulated videos and audio that form a big chunk of fake content on their platform in India. And for all its negatives, social media can also play a positive role in an election, especially for young voters who say it has enabled them to better understand candidates and engage with them. "Rather than campaign rallies where we are just passive observers, social media is a better representation of our opinions," said Sarthak Singh Dalal, a history student at Delhi University. Rai, the shop owner, said he has started to take a closer look at the social media content forwarded to him, trying to identify biases hidden in what he had just considered news. "Obviously, we have to use a bit of sense," he said. ___ Associated Press writer Haven Daley in Menlo Park, California, contributed to this report. In this Monday, April 8, 2019, photo, a man talks on his phone as he leans on his scooter in a market in New Delhi, India. From manipulated pictures being picked up by mainstream news media, to misrepresented quotes sparking communal division, false news and hateful propaganda on digital platforms are at peak levels in the run-up to the Indian general elections. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) In this Friday, April 5, 2019, photograph provided by Facebook, engineers monitor postings related to the upcoming Indian election and other elections at their operation center at their headquarters in Menlo Park, California. From manipulated pictures being picked up by mainstream news media, to misrepresented quotes sparking communal division, false news and hateful propaganda on digital platforms are at peak levels in the run-up to the Indian general elections. (AP Photo via Facebook) In this Monday, April 8, 2019, photo, Ram Shankar Rai, center, watches election campaign advertisements on his mobile phone outside his shop in New Delhi, India. From manipulated pictures being picked up by mainstream news media, to misrepresented quotes sparking communal division, false news and hateful propaganda on digital platforms are at peak levels in the run-up to the Indian general elections. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) TOKYO (AP) - A Japanese air force F-35 stealth fighter crashed into the Pacific Ocean during a night training flight and parts of the jet were recovered, the defense ministry said Wednesday. The pilot is still missing. The F-35A stealth jet disappeared from radar while flying off the eastern coast of Aomori and parts of the jet were found late Tuesday, the Air Self-Defense Force said. It went missing about half an hour after taking off from the Misawa air base with three other F-35As for anti-fighter battle training. Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya told reporters the cause of the disappearance was not immediately known. He said 12 other F-35s at the Misawa base would be grounded. The pilot is a man in his 40s, Iwaya said. Japan started deploying the expensive U.S.-made F-35s since last year, part of its plan to bolster its defense spending and weapons capability in the coming years to counter potential threats from North Korea and China. This June, 2017, photo shows Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-35A stealth jet at a factory of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, in Toyoyama, central Japan. A search was underway for the Japanese fighter jet Tuesday, April 9, 2019, after it disappeared from radar during a flight exercise in northern Japan, defense officials said. The F-35A stealth jet, seen in the photo, went missing while flying off the eastern coast of Aomori, the Air Self-Defense Force said.(Kyodo News via AP) Under guidelines approved in December, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government plans to buy 147 F-35s, including 105 F-35As, costing about 10 billion yen ($90 million) each. KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The Latest on the Taliban attack on U.S. service members in Afghanistan (all times local): 7:15 a.m. Wednesday The Pentagon has released the identities of three Marines killed in a roadside bombing of an American convoy in Afghanistan on Monday. They are Cpl. Robert A. Hendriks, 25, of Locust Valley, New York; Sgt. Benjamin S. Hines, 31, of York, Pennsylvania; and Staff Sgt. Christopher K.A. Slutman, 43, of Newark, Delaware. They were assigned to the 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division of the Marine Corps Reserve, based in Fort Devens, Massachusetts. The U.S. and NATO Resolute Support mission says the bomb hit the convoy near Bagram Airfield, the main U.S. base in Afghanistan. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack. An Afghan security force check the site a day after an an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit the roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) __ 6:50 p.m. U.S. forces in Afghanistan have revised their death toll from a Taliban attack the day before near the main American base in the country and now say that three U.S. Marines were killed but not a contractor who was initially reported among the fatalities. The U.S. and NATO Resolute Support mission issued a statement on Tuesday "to clarify initial reporting." It says a roadside bomb attack during a convoy near the Bagram Airfield killed three American service members and that "the contractor who was reported as killed, is alive." The statement says "the contractor, an Afghan citizen, was initially treated along with other injured civilians, later identified as a contractor and treated at Bagram Airfield." ___ 9:30 a.m. A Taliban attack has killed three American service members and a U.S. contractor when their convoy was hit by a roadside bombing on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan. The U.S. and NATO Resolute Support mission said the four Americans were killed near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, while three others were wounded in the explosion. The base in Bagram district is located in northern Parwan province and serves as the main U.S. air facility in the country. The wounded were evacuated and are receiving medical care, the statement said. It added that in accordance with U.S. Department of Defense policy, the names of service members killed in action were being withheld until after the notification of next of kin. Afghan security forces gather at the site of Monday's attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) An Afghan security force stand guard at the site a day after an a suicide attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) An Afghan security force collect bullet shell a day after an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) Afghans watch a civilian vehicle burnt after being shot by US forces following an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) Afghans watch a civilian vehicle burnt after being shot by US forces after an attack near the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Three American service members and a U.S. contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main U.S. base in Afghanistan, the U.S. forces said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) DALLAS (AP) - Boeing failed to win any orders for its 737 Max airliner in March as scrutiny of the plane increased following a second deadly crash in less than five months. Deliveries of finished Max jets also tumbled, to 11 from 26 in February. That was not surprising - Boeing suspended deliveries in mid-March after regulators around the world ordered the plane grounded. Boeing's report Tuesday on orders and deliveries came just three days after the company announced that it will cut production of 737s from 52 a month to 42. Meanwhile, airlines that own the nearly 400 grounded Max jets are canceling flights. The damage to Boeing could be temporary, however, if the company can complete a fix to key software on the Max and reassure regulators and passengers that it is a safe plane. Many analysts believe the deliveries will only be delayed, not lost forever, unless airlines cancel orders for the plane. The figures on March orders and deliveries are "secondary to getting the Max fix approved and its grounding lifted," Cowen aircraft analyst Cai von Rumohr said. FILE - In this Monday, April 8, 2019, file photo, Boeing 737 Max 8 jets, built for American Airlines, left, and Air Canada are parked at the airport adjacent to a Boeing Co. production facility in Renton, Wash. Orders and deliveries of Boeing's 737 Max plunged in the first quarter as the plane was grounded around the world following a second deadly crash. Boeing disclosed Tuesday, April 9, that it received no new orders for the Max in March. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File) The plane was grounded when an Ethiopian Airlines Max crashed March 10, less than five months after a Lion Air Max plunged into the sea off the coast of Indonesia. In all, 346 people died. Boeing has acknowledged that in each crash, a faulty sensor triggered an anti-stall system when it wasn't needed, pushing the plane's nose down. Pilots on each flight fought unsuccessfully to regain control, according to flight data retrieved from the planes. The company is still working on the software update, which was delayed recently by several weeks because of the discovery of a second software problem. Boeing hasn't described the second issue but says it is not related to the anti-stall system. So far, most of Wall Street and Boeing's airline customers have publicly stood behind the company during its crisis. Boeing hasn't disclosed any lost orders, although Garuda Indonesia has said it will cancel an order for 49 Max jets. Boeing has a backlog of about 4,600 orders for the plane. Delta Air Lines neither owns nor has any orders for the Max - most of its pending orders are with Boeing's rival, Airbus. But Delta CEO Ed Bastian said he remains confident in Boeing's technological prowess and is interested if Boeing decides to build a new plane bigger than the 737. "I am confident that Boeing will solve this issue" with the Max, he said. "I expect that to be a hiccup." Airlines that own the Max, however, are paying a price. On Tuesday, American Airlines cut a key revenue estimate after canceling 1,200 flights in the first quarter due to the grounding of its 24 Max jets. American, the world's biggest airline, said that it can't predict the future financial fallout until it knows how long the jets will be parked and the circumstances under which they will be allowed to fly again. Over the weekend, American removed the plane from its schedule for an additional six weeks, through June 5. Shares of Chicago-based Boeing fell $5.48, or 1.5%, to close at $369.04. They have lost 13% since the Ethiopian crash. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump said trade and military issues topped the agenda as he welcomed Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi to the White House on Tuesday for a second official visit. Trump, speaking to reporters at the top of the meeting, did not mention human rights as a topic for discussion despite concerns from some advocacy groups that Egypt is stifling dissent before a planned constitutional referendum that would potentially allow el-Sissi to remain in power until 2034. Trump instead praised Egypt's efforts to confront terrorism, saying "a lot of progress had been made in a lot of different ways in terms of terrorism." Both leaders also said the relationship between the U.S. and Egypt had never been better. They spoke before the meeting. Afterward, cameras showed Trump walking with el-Sissi out of the West Wing and giving him a thumbs-up as he departed. El-Sissi led the 2013 military overthrow of elected but divisive Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. He has presided over an unprecedented crackdown on dissent, and was re-elected last year after all potentially serious challengers were jailed or pressured to exit the race. Trump was asked about the referendum effort in Egypt and El-Sissi's bid to stay in power. President Donald Trump meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) "I don't know about the effort," Trump said. "I can just tell you he's doing a great job." Human Rights Watch said the coming election referendum would constitutionally undermine an already weak judicial independence and increase military control of the public and political spheres. "Given President Trump's silence on abuses, Congress should step up and condemn this initiative," said Michael Page, deputy Middle East and Northern Africa director at Human Rights Watch. The group also said Egypt's efforts to stem dissent had led to unfair mass trials, whether before military or civilian judges, for thousands of dissidents. Although many of those verdicts have been overturned, Egyptian authorities have executed at least 180 people since 2013, Human Rights Watch said. The White House issued a summary of U.S.-Egypt collaboration once the meeting was over. It stated that the Trump administration "encourages the Egyptian government to preserve space for civil society and to protect human rights." President Donald Trump meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) President Donald Trump meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) President Donald Trump welcomes visiting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to the White House in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) - A renewed effort was launched Tuesday to halt federal leases for oil and natural gas development near a national park in New Mexico held sacred by Native Americans. Four members of New Mexico's all-Democratic congressional delegation introduced legislation to prohibit the expansion of mineral development on federal inholdings within a roughly 10-mile (16-kilometer) radius surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park. According to the delegation, federal mineral rights span about 500 square miles (1,300 square kilometers) within the proposed buffer zone - a checkboard of federal, state, tribal and private land. The park's ancient, astronomically aligned dwellings and roadways are an international attraction, and many Native American communities trace their ancestry and traditions to the area. "This special place should not be under constant threat of destruction," Sen. Tom Udall said. Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and local tribal pueblo leaders joined lawmakers on a conference call to endorse the bill. Proposed restrictions on energy development would not apply to Native American or private holdings. Similar federal legislation was introduced in 2018. FILE - In this Aug. 10, 2005, file photo, tourist Chris Farthing from Suffolks County, England, takes a picture while visiting Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwestern New Mexico. Members of New Mexico's congressional delegation are renewing a call for the creation of a formal buffer around the national park held sacred by Native Americans. A measure reintroduced Tuesday, April 9, 2019, would prevent future leasing or development of minerals on federally-owned land within a 10-mile radius of Chaco Culture National Historical Park. (AP Photo/Jeff Geissler, File) The bill's future remains uncertain in the GOP-controlled Senate. Sens. Udall and Martin Heinrich were asked whether they had spoken with Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, whose agency oversees the Bureau of Land Management and mineral exploration in the region. "I believe the administration knows very well my position in terms of leasing within the 10-mile buffer, and I hope that they'll honor that," Udall said. Heinrich did not comment. A moratorium on new leases of state trust holdings in the Chaco area is being prepared by State Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard, who announced she will sign the measure April 23. Supporters of the federal legislation say they want to protect the sense of remoteness that comes with making the journey to Chaco. They are also concerned about the preservation of ancient stone structures and other features outside the national park's boundaries. Newly elected U.S. Rep. Debra Haaland, a tribal member of Laguna Pueblo, embraced the proposed drilling restrictions. "Chaco Canyon was my ancestral homeland and remains a living landscape," she said on a group call with reporters. "It's a place where New Mexico families make memories, and families from all over the world make memories." Federal land managers repeatedly have deferred any interest by the oil and gas industry in parcels that fall within the buffer. Still, tribes and others are concerned that energy companies keep nominating parcels for possible inclusion in quarterly lease sales held by the Bureau of Land Management. They say a permanent buffer would prevent that. Michael Chavarria, vice chairman of a coalition of 20 pueblo governors, said concerns about preserving scattered Chaco cultural sites extend beyond the 10-mile buffer outlined in the proposed legislation. The bill also emphasizes the federal government's obligation to consult with tribes. The industry has said existing federal laws and policies require extensive environmental and cultural reviews before drilling can happen. "If artifacts are found, oil and gas development doesn't happen there. It's that clear cut," said Robert McEntyre with the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association. "I think we lose sight of the fact that we have these processes built in, there's a boundary around artifacts that have been designated as culturally significant and we respect those boundaries." ___ Associated Press writer Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque contributed to this story. WASHINGTON (AP) - A congressional hearing on online hate turned into a vivid demonstration of the problem Tuesday when a YouTube livestream of the proceedings was bombarded with racist and anti-Semitic comments from internet users. YouTube disabled the live chat section of the streaming video about 30 minutes into the hearing because of what it called "hateful comments." The incident came as executives from Google and Facebook appeared before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about the companies' role in the spread of hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism in the U.S. They were joined by leaders of such human rights organizations as the Anti-Defamation League and the Equal Justice Society, along with conservative commentator Candace Owens. Neil Potts, Facebook director of public policy, and Alexandria Walden, counsel for free expression and human rights at Google, defended policies at the two companies that prohibit material that incites violence or hate. Google owns YouTube. "There is no place for terrorism or hate on Facebook," Potts testified. "We remove any content that incites violence." The hearing broke down into partisan disagreement among the lawmakers and among some of the witnesses, with Republican members of Congress denouncing as hate speech Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar's criticism of American supporters of Israel. FILE - In this Dec. 17, 2018, file photo, a man using a mobile phone walks past Google offices in New York. Executives from Google and Facebook are facing Congress Tuesday, April 8, 2019, to answer questions about their role in the hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism in the U.S. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File) As the bickering went on, committee chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., was handed a news report that included the hateful comments about the hearing on YouTube. He read them aloud, along with the users' screen names, as the room quieted. "This just illustrates part of the problem we're dealing with," Nadler said. The hearing comes as the U.S. is experiencing an increase in hate crimes and hate groups. There were 1,020 known hate groups in the country in 2018, the fourth straight year of growth, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremism in the U.S. Hate crimes, meanwhile, rose 30 percent in the three-year period ending in 2017, the organization said, citing FBI figures. Democratic Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island grilled the Facebook and Google executives about their companies' responsibility for the spread of white supremacist views, pushing them to acknowledge they have played a role, even if it was unintentional. Potts and Walden conceded the companies have a duty to try to curb hate. But the challenges became clear as Cicilline pushed Potts to answer why Facebook did not immediately remove far-right commentator Faith Goldy last week, after announcing a ban on white nationalism on the social network. Goldy, who has asked her viewers to help "stop the white race from vanishing," was not removed until Monday. "What specific proactive steps is Facebook taking to identify other leaders like Faith Goldy and preemptively remove them from the platform?" Cicilline asked. Potts reiterated that the company works to identify people with links to hate and violence and banishes them from Facebook. The hearing was prompted by the mosque shootings last month in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 people dead. The gunman livestreamed the attacks on Facebook and published a long post online that espoused white supremacist views. But controversy over white nationalism and hate speech has dogged online platforms such as Facebook and Google's YouTube for years. In 2017, following the deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, tech giants began banishing extremist groups and individuals espousing white supremacist views and support for violence. Facebook extended the ban to white nationalists. Despite the ban, accounts such as one with the name Aryan Pride were still visible as of late Monday. The account read: "IF YOUR NOT WHITE friend ur own kind cause Im not ur friend." On Wednesday, a Senate subcommittee will hold a hearing on allegations that companies such as Facebook, Google and Twitter are biased against conservatives, an allegation leveled by political figures from President Donald Trump on down. The companies have denied any such bias. ___ Ortutay and Lerman contributed from San Francisco. WASHINGTON (AP) - Facing bipartisan pushback to his immigration shake-up, President Donald Trump said Tuesday he's not looking to revive the much-criticized practice of separating migrant children from their families at the southern border. At the same time, he suggested the policy had worked to deter migrants from coming into the U.S., although he offered no evidence to support his position. Last summer the administration separated more than 2,500 children from their families before international outrage forced Trump to halt the practice and a judge ordered them reunited. "We're not looking to do that," Trump told reporters before meeting with Egypt's president at the White House. But he also noted: "Once you don't have it, that's why you see many more people coming. They're coming like it's a picnic, because let's go to Disneyland." The potential reinstatement of one of the most divisive practices of Trump's tenure was just one aspect of the upheaval at the Department of Homeland Security this week that culminated with the resignation of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Acting Deputy Secretary Claire Grady, a 28-year civil servant, technically next in line for secretary, was forced to resign Tuesday to make room for Trump's pick to replace Nielsen, according to two people familiar with the decision. With talk that more top officials were likely to be ousted, Republicans expressed public and private concerns about the shake-up orchestrated by the White House and cautioned that leadership changes wouldn't necessarily solve the problem. As for the separation of children, Trump declared that he was "the one that stopped it" and said his predecessor, President Barack Obama, was the one who had divided family members. Administrations are allowed to separate children under certain circumstances including for the health and welfare of the child and due to a parent's criminal history. This is why children were separated under the Obama administration. President Donald Trump speaks while meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) At hearings across Capitol Hill, lawmakers grilled administration officials on whether the practice would resurface despite last year's outrage and evidence that separations were likely to cause lasting psychological effects on the children. House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., also said his committee would take a look at the staff shake-up at Homeland Security, although he said he had not decided on calling in Nielsen. Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said there was a serious problem going on between the White House and Homeland Security. "If everybody's sitting around waiting for a shiny new wonder pony to ride in and solve it, we're going to be waiting a long time," he said. People familiar with the immigration discussions within the administration said family separation was one of several ideas Trump had revived in recent weeks as he and his aides try to tackle the problem of an ever-growing number of Central American families crossing into the U.S. The people were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. A senior administration official who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity Tuesday said the president had made a series of leadership changes at DHS due to frustrations that department officials weren't fast enough at implementing changes, such as a new regulation that would challenge a longstanding agreement limiting how long children can be detained, that could spark a legal fight that would land in the Supreme Court. The White House also was weighing a tougher standard to evaluate initial asylum claims, proposing a "binary choice" that would force migrant families to choose between remaining with their children in detention until their immigration cases were decided or sending their children to government shelters while the parents remained in detention. The administration also is considering clamping down on remittance payments that Mexican nationals send to their families, the official said. Amid the pushback, Trump told reporters he was not "cleaning house" at the agency despite a number of staff changes. He said his choice to be the department's new acting director, Kevin McAleenan, would do a "fantastic job." But as Trump was speaking, the senior administration official was making a case to reporters about why the president felt changes were necessary. He described the agency as a large and unwieldly civilian bureaucracy in need of leadership that can deal with career officials resistant to the president's agenda, including many responsible for implementing some of the very policies Trump seeks to roll back. Top Republicans in Congress also expressed concern over vacancies at Homeland Security and cautioned Trump to heed off more churn after Nielsen's resignation. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, made both a public and private plea to the White House not to dismiss career homeland security officials, including the director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Lee Francis Cissna, whose future remained uncertain Tuesday. He said he had spoken to acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney but "never heard anything final" about Cissna. At a Senate Homeland Security Committee meeting on border issues, child welfare and border officials warned there wasn't room or capability to start separating children on a large scale again. Children who cross the border alone are cared for by the Department of Health and Human Services, and most of the children are teenagers. But last summer, HHS started receiving babies and toddlers, and there was not enough space to house them, said Jonathan White, the career civil servant tasked by Health and Human Services with helping to reunify children. "It also bears repeating, separating children from their parents entails significant risk of psychological harm. That is an undisputed scientific fact," White told senators. "We have made improvements to our tracking, but we do not have the capacity to receive that number of children, nor do we have any system that can manage the mass trauma." Both Republican and Democratic leaders deplored the idea of separating families. "I hope members of the administration are actually listening," said Sen. Ron Johnson, R- Wis., the committee chairman. He added that he had spoken with Mulvaney about moving a permanent Homeland Security nominee through quickly. Some of Trump's outside allies are urging him to nominate former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to lead the department, while others are pushing former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for the job. Both men's names also have been tossed about for a possible immigration czar who would coordinate immigration policy across federal agencies. ___ Associated Press writers Kevin Freking, Lisa Mascaro, Laurie Kellman, Alan Fram and Darlene Superville in Washington and Nomaan Merchant in Houston contributed to this report. Xem them ... Tin bai cuoi cung Khong con du lieu e load STRATFORD, Conn. (AP) - A judge has ruled that three teenagers charged in connection with a fire that destroyed a Connecticut theater will be treated as adults. The American Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford was built in 1955, and Katharine Hepburn, Christopher Plummer, James Earl Jones and other stars once performed there. Juvenile Court Judge Frank Iannotti on Tuesday transferred the cases of 17-year old Logan Caraballo, of Shelton and 18-year-olds Michael Keller and Christopher Sakowicz, of Stratford to Bridgeport Superior Court, making their names public. The three face charges of arson, burglary, reckless endangerment and criminal trespass in connection with the Jan. 13 fire that destroyed the long-closed theater. The theater had not hosted a play since 1989. It was modeled after London's Globe Theatre, which burned in 1613. UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The U.N. refugee chief said Tuesday he has never seen "such toxicity, such poison" in politics, the media, social media and every day conversation focused on refugees, migrants and foreigners. U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said the March 15 attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand that killed 50 Muslim worshippers was the result "of that toxic language of politics." Grandi urged countries everywhere to take "a leaf from the exemplary response of the people and the leadership of New Zealand" in responding to the "toxic trends" by restating the values that underpin global solidarity and "reaffirm that our societies will not be really prosperous, stable and peaceful if they do not include all." An Australian white supremacist, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, who has been charged with the mosque killings which included many immigrants, livestreamed the shootings and sent out a lengthy manifesto. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said the world has been stuck in a vicious cycle of extremism which must end, and she will never utter his name and give his views the oxygen he wanted. Grandi told the Security Council "there is unprecedented stigmatization of refugees and migrants," and responses are increasingly inadequate. He said he has worked with refugees for over three decades and has seen "much solidarity, even heroism in some of the responses that are provided on the ground" to help them. FILE - In this Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017 file photo, U.N. refugee chief Filippo Grandi, center-right, visits a hospital as he tours Dadaab refugee camp, hosting over 230,000 inhabitants, in northern Kenya. An internal United Nations document obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, March 29, 2019 says Kenya again seeks to close the Dadaab camp that hosts more than 200,000 refugees from neighboring Somalia. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File) And "that solidarity is still very strong" in many parts of the world, from African villages to the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar, to communities in Latin American helping Venezuelans, Grandi said. "But also in these 3 1/2 decades I have never seen such toxicity, such poison in the language of politics, in media, in social media, even in everyday discussions and conversations around this issue - toxicity that focuses sadly, tragically, often, on refugees, on migrants, on foreigners," he said. "That should be of concern to us all." Grandi added that "many politicians believe that - and I think they are proven right - that doing this expands their consensus." But he said this is wrong and unfair to people "that are fleeing because they seek safety from war, from persecution." He said the mosque attacks in New Zealand showed this has become an issue of security and stability for all countries - and governments need to address the issue of language on social media and in politics. "It is an issue if left unchecked may have very grave consequences, not only for our work but for the world in general," Grandi warned. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President Donald Trump and immigration (all times local): 7:45 p.m. The acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security has been forced to resign amid a staff shakeup spurred by President Donald Trump's growing frustration over the number of Central American migrants crossing the southern border. Claire Grady resigned Tuesday. She was technically the next in line to replace Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned Sunday. But Trump chose Kevin McAleenan, the head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, as acting secretary. That meant Grady had to resign or be fired. Two officials with direct knowledge of the decision say Grady was forced to resign. The officials were not authorized speak publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. Grady is a longtime civil servant with more than 28 years of experience at the departments of Defense and Homeland Security. President Donald Trump speaks while meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) - Colleen Long __ 5:55 p.m. The acting Pentagon chief says he expects the military to be asked by the Department of Homeland Security to do more this year to help with security at the U.S.-Mexico border. Patrick Shanahan told two reporters traveling with him Tuesday that he anticipates being called on to provide more assistance to DHS as conditions on the border deteriorate. He says he does not yet know what that additional Pentagon work will be. One possibility, he says, is providing shelter for apprehended migrants. The military already has several thousand troops at the border erecting wire barriers and performing other missions in support of Customs and Border Protection personnel. __ 4 p.m. A powerful House chairman says he may want outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to testify before his panel about President Donald Trump's shakeup of the agency. Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings says he hasn't decided, but his panel is "going to take a look at it." The Maryland Democrat adds, "I don't know why the president has done what he has done, and I certainly would be interested in talking to" officials at the agency. Asked Tuesday if he will call Nielsen in to talk to the panel, he answered: "We may. But I haven't decided." Nielsen resigned Sunday after a difficult tenure in which she clashed often with Trump, who wanted a harder-line immigration policy. More leaders are expected to leave the agency. __ 3 p.m. The U.S. Border Patrol says it has set a new monthly record for apprehensions of families at the southern border, driven primarily by a surge of parents and children leaving Central America. The agency said Tuesday that it apprehended 92,607 people at the U.S.-Mexico border in March. Just over 53,000 of the people apprehended were parents and children traveling together, which the Border Patrol refers to as "family units." That breaks a record set in February, when the agency apprehended 36,000 parents and children. Another 8,975 were children traveling alone. The large numbers of families have forced many line agents into humanitarian roles and have strained detention facilities built when the Border Patrol primarily apprehended single adult men. __ 1:45 p.m. Top Republicans are expressing concern over vacancies at the Department of Homeland Security and cautioned President Donald Trump off more shake-ups after the resignation of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Tuesday having participated in creating the department more than a decade ago she knows "these are vital positions." Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley made both a public and private plea to the White House not to dismiss career homeland security officials. He said he spoke to Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney but would only know if Trump heard the message "if they don't get fired." As Trump considers replacements at DHS, Republican John Cornyn of Texas, said he hoped the administration would work in "collaboration, consultation" with the Senate before sending nominees for confirmation. __ 12:41 p.m. President Donald Trump says he's not looking to reinstate the much-criticized practice of separating migrant families at the border with Mexico. But he says many more migrants are streaming toward the U.S. through Mexico because the practice is no longer in place. Says Trump: "I'm the one that stopped it." He claims his predecessor, President Barack Obama, is the one who separated children from their families. Trump ended the practice under pressure last year after footage of scores of migrant children housed in fenced-off cages at border facilities was broadcast widely. Trump's allies are pressing for a harder line on immigration after he cleaned house at the Homeland Security Department. Trump says "once you don't have it," meaning the family separation policy, "that's why you see many more people coming." MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A Wisconsin appeals court sided with Democratic Gov. Tony Evers on Tuesday, ruling that he had the authority to withdraw appointments made by then-Gov. Scott Walker and approved by Republicans during a lame-duck legislative session. The state's 3rd District Court of Appeals declined to reinstate the 15 appointees as Republicans wanted. The court said Evers' rescinding of the appointments was not invalidated by a later court ruling that put on hold the decision that allowed him to take the action. Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald promised an immediate appeal to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which is controlled 4-3 by conservatives. "As the governor has repeatedly said, he acted properly and within the law to withdraw those improper appointments and make his own valid appointments," Evers' spokeswoman Melissa Baldauff said in reaction to the ruling. Hours before the ruling came out, Fitzgerald said that Republicans were "pretty wild" with anger over Evers' decision to revoke the appointments and may not vote on confirming his Cabinet secretaries while the court battle continues. The position by the Senate's top Republican highlighted the deep divide between Republicans who control the Legislature and the newly elected governor. The Senate has not acted to confirm any of Evers' Cabinet picks while courts settle legal issues stemming from a lame-duck session in which Republicans pushed through several measures weakening the powers of Evers and Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers tells reporters that the Republican Senate leader is "huffing and puffing" for saying confirmation of Evers' Cabinet secretaries is in jeopardy because of an ongoing legal fight over a lame-duck legislative session on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Madison, Wisconsin. (AP Photo/Scott Bauer) "I think some of those Cabinet members are going to be in trouble," Fitzgerald said, declining to name those who may be in greater jeopardy than others. Evers said he did not see Fitzgerald's comments as retribution over the lame-duck legal fight, but rather "huffing and puffing." "This will be resolved at some point in time," Evers told reporters. "Whether it's retribution or not, it's not going to work. First of all, the work of the state has to go on whether it's retribution or not." Evers' Cabinet secretaries are working while their confirmations by the Senate are pending. If they are rejected, they would have to quit working. The fight goes back to the lame-duck session Republicans called for December, after Evers had defeated Walker but before he took office. Republicans approved 82 Walker appointments, in addition to passing a number of power-stripping laws. Evers rescinded all of those appointments last month after a court invalidated actions during the lame-duck session as unconstitutional. He re-appointed all but 15 of them. Days later, an appeals court put that ruling on hold, creating more confusion about the status of the 15 people Evers did not reappoint. Evers argues the posts are vacant while Republicans say they should be allowed to return to work. The 3rd District Court of Appeals on Tuesday said Evers was valid in voiding the appointments, noting that the order granting a stay "does not explicitly direct the governor to allow them to continue in their positions." However, it said if a court ultimately rules the original appointments were constitutional, Evers' withdrawal of them could be voided. Those who were not reappointed include Public Service Commissioner Ellen Nowak and University of Wisconsin Regent Scott Beightol. The Evers' administration denied Nowak access to her building when she tried to return to work. The Regents took a different approach, allowing Beightol and student Regent Torrey Tiedeman to attend the board's meeting last week. Fitzgerald said Tuesday that some senators were ready to reject some of Evers Cabinet appointments in reaction to his decision to rescind the appointments. "All I can tell you is people are upset," Fitzgerald said. Republicans were particularly angry with Nowak being denied entrance to the PSC building, he said. She is former secretary of the Department of Administration and well-known to Republican lawmakers, many of whom are personal friends with her, Fitzgerald said. He said that Nowak was given the "bum's rush." Fitzgerald spoke to reporters in his office after Democratic Senate Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling accused Republicans of not taking action on Evers' Cabinet picks as payback over the lawsuits related to the lame-duck session. Fitzgerald quickly adjourned the Senate session after Shilling spoke, denying other senators the customary time to speak about whatever topic they wish. ___ Follow Scott Bauer on Twitter: ST. LOUIS (AP) - A Mexican citizen accused of killing four people in Kansas and one in Missouri in 2016 hanged himself from a light fixture in his St. Louis jail cell. Pablo Serrano-Vitorino was found alone in his cell at 2:02 a.m. Tuesday He was pronounced dead at a hospital about an hour later, said Koran Addo, spokesman for St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson. Addo declined further comment but St. Louis Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Serrano-Vitorino hanged himself and left a note written in Spanish. Edwards was out of town and didn't know if Serrano-Vitorino was on suicide watch or when jailers had last checked on him. Serrano-Vitorino, 43, who was in the U.S. illegally, was accused of fatally shooting four men at a home in Kansas City, Kansas, on the night of March 7, 2016. He was arrested a day later and 170 miles away in Montgomery County, Missouri, where he was accused of killing Randy Nordman of New Florence. He was charged with first-degree murder in all five deaths. He was being held in St. Louis awaiting an October trial in Nordman's death on a change of venue. Missouri prosecutors were seeking the death penalty. He had tried to take his own life before, with a safety razor, shortly after his arrest while jailed in Montgomery County. After a hospitalization he was returned to the jail. FILE - This file booking photo provided by the Montgomery County Jail shows Pablo Serrano-Vitorino. Serrano-Vitorino, a Mexican national accused of killing four people in Kansas and one in Missouri in 2016 is dead after being found unresponsive in his St. Louis jail cell. Serrano-Vitorino's death was reported Tuesday, April 9, 2019 by the Montgomery County, Missouri, Sheriff's Department. The sheriff's department says Serrano-Vitorino was found unresponsive and alone in his cell at 2:02 a.m. He was pronounced dead at a hospital about an hour later. (Montgomery County Jail via AP, File) Authorities say the shooting spree began when Serrano-Vitorino gunned down his Kansas City, Kansas, neighbor, 41-year-old Michael Capps, and three other men at Capps' home - brothers Austin Harter, 29, and Clint Harter, 27, and 36-year-old Jeremy Waters. Before dying, one of the victims managed to call police. Authorities have not disclosed a possible motive. Serrano-Vitorino then allegedly fled in his pickup truck into Missouri. Authorities say he killed Nordman, 49, at Nordman's rural home near Interstate 70 about 70 miles (113 kilometers) east of St. Louis. He was captured hiding face-down in a ditch a few miles from Nordman's home, and had a rifle with him, the Missouri State Highway patrol said at the time. A lawsuit filed in Kansas City, Kansas , by the father of one of the victims accused U.S. immigration officials of missing two chances to detain and deport Serrano-Vitorino. Serrano-Vitorino was deported to Mexico after he was convicted of a felony in 2003 but illegally re-entered the U.S. He was arrested in 2014 and 2015. After his 2014 arrest in Kansas for battery, Wyandotte County jail officials notified ICE he was in custody. But Serrano-Vitorino was released after the federal agency didn't send an agent to the jail, according to the lawsuit. Serrano-Vitorino was fingerprinted in Overland Park, Kansas, Municipal Court in September 2015 after he was cited for traffic infractions. ICE officials asked that he be held in custody but sent the paperwork to a different jail in Johnson County, Kansas, the lawsuit contends. He was once again released from custody. JUBA, South Sudan (AP) - South Sudan opposition leader Riek Machar is still waiting for permission to travel to a peace retreat at the Vatican on Wednesday, according to a Tuesday letter seen by The Associated Press. The letter written by Machar to the East African regional bloc, which must give him permission to leave house arrest in neighboring Sudan, said his status had "not yet been determined" and he requested approval to go. The retreat, also to be attended by South Sudan's president, is meant to foster peace after a five-year civil war. It comes a month after President Salva Kiir met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Brazille Musumba, spokesman for the regional bloc, would not comment directly on Machar's letter. "I can only state that we support every effort to bring lasting peace to South Sudan," Musumba told AP. Machar has been waiting to return to South Sudan next month to become a vice president under a power-sharing agreement. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - Ecuador reminded WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange once again Tuesday that he can't stay in the nation's London embassy indefinitely. Foreign Minister Jose Valencia said a permanent stay in the embassy's cramped quarters isn't a viable option for anyone. "It wouldn't be good for his state of mind, his health," Valencia told broadcaster Teleamazonas. The remarks come as relations between Ecuador and Assange grow increasingly tense. The Australian has been cooped up in Ecuador's British embassy for more than six years, frequently butting heads with officials over everything from his brash statements on foreign affairs to the hygiene of his cat. Assange took refuge in the embassy in 2012 to escape extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted for questioning on sexual misconduct allegations. Though a rape accusation was later dropped, there is still an active warrant for his arrest in Britain for failing to comply with his bail terms. Assange also fears the possibility of extradition to the U.S. for publishing thousands of classified military and diplomatic cables through WikiLeaks. FILE - In this Friday May 19, 2017 file photo, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures as he speaks on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy, in London. A senior Ecuadorian official said no decision has been made to expel Julian Assange from the country's London embassy despite tweets from Wikileaks that sources had told it he could be kicked out within "hours to days." A small group of protesters and supporters gathered Thursday April 4, 2019 outside the embassy in London where Assange has resided for 12 years. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File) WikiLeaks claimed on Twitter last week that high-level sources had said Assange would be kicked out of the embassy within "hours to days." Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno has accused WikiLeaks of spreading allegations of offshore corruption and leaking family photos on social media. He accused WikiLeaks of intercepting phone calls as well as "photos of my bedroom, what I eat, and how my wife and daughters and friends dance." WikiLeaks issued a statement calling Moreno's accusations "completely bogus." Valencia said Tuesday that if Assange were to appear before the British justice system he would be guaranteed a fair trial and right to a defense. Ecuador has nonetheless maintained Assange's asylum status, and a senior official recently told The Associated Press that no decision had been taken to expel him from the embassy. Airbnb is rescinding its plan to bar listings in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The home-sharing company announced in November that it would remove about 200 listings in the West Bank, which is territory claimed by Palestinians. Airbnb said Tuesday it will now allow properties in Israeli settlements to be listed, but will donate all of its profits from properties in the West Bank to humanitarian aid organizations. The company said it will also apply the same approach in other disputed territories in the world, including South Ossetia and Abkhazia. "We have always sought to bring people together and will continue to work with our community to achieve this goal," Airbnb said. Supporters of Airbnb's initial plan expressed disappointment. "Donating profits from unlawful settlement listings, as they've promised to do, does nothing to remedy the human suffering they have acknowledged that their activities cause," said the advocacy group Human Rights Watch in a statement. "By continuing to do business in settlements, they remain complicit in the abuses settlements trigger." FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2016, file photo, a cat jumps at a guest house advertised on Airbnb international home-sharing site in Nofei Prat settlement at the West Bank. Airbnb is rescinding its plan to bar listings in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The home-sharing company announced in November that it would remove approximately 200 listings in Israeli settlements, which are in territory disputed by Israelis and Palestinians. But on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, Airbnb said it has decided to allow listings throughout the West Bank but will donate any of its profits from the region to humanitarian aid organizations. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov, File) But others celebrated the news. "I believe other companies considering boycotts are going to take real note of the mistake Airbnb made and refuse to act against Israel and the Jewish community," said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the director of the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, a Tel Aviv-based Israeli advocacy group. San Francisco-based Airbnb was sued in U.S. federal court by 12 dual U.S.-Israeli citizens who own homes in the settlements. Airbnb's reversal settles that case. "As a provider of a service to the public, Airbnb is not permitted to refuse to provide services to selected religious groups to engineer who it thinks should be allowed to live where," said Robert Tolchin, an attorney for the plaintiffs. "We are gratified that the legal process has worked." The plan didn't affect about 20,000 other listings throughout Israel, including listings in other disputed areas like east Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Airbnb announced its reversal late Tuesday Israeli time, in the midst of the country's national elections. During the campaign, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to annex West Bank settlements if re-elected, a step that would likely end the remaining hopes of a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Darshan-Leitner said she thinks Airbnb "intentionally sought out the busiest news day of the Israeli calendar in order to bury the story of their embarrassing walk back." Airbnb didn't comment beyond its blog post announcing the change. Even after its announcement in November, Airbnb had slow-walked the decision. Listings in Israeli settlements continued to be available on its site, and visitors could book them well into the future. In a January blog post, the company said it was working with experts to identify precise boundaries "and ensure that our technological solutions attend to the relevant details." Political and legal pressure kept mounting. Amnesty International was among those pressuring the company to go even further and ban listings in east Jerusalem. At the same time, Texas, Florida and Illinois said they would prohibit any state business with Airbnb because of its stance on the listings in the West Bank settlements. Airbnb's rivals,, Expedia and TripAdvisor, continued to offer properties in the settlements. TripAdvisor said it makes clear when properties are within Israeli settlements, and it uses the term "Palestinian Territories" to refer to the West Bank and other areas. Israel captured the West Bank and east Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war. Today over 400,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank, in addition to some 200,000 Israelis in east Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim both areas as parts of a future state. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii lawmakers eager to gather tax revenue from the state's flourishing, yet mostly unpermitted, vacation rental sector on Tuesday passed legislation that would require websites like Airbnb to collect and pay taxes on behalf of short-term rental hosts. The state House and Senate both approved separate bills on Tuesday. Senators and representatives are expected to meet later this month to discuss differences. Attempts to enact similar measures have failed in Hawaii in past years, but lawmakers said they believe they have a better chance of succeeding this time. Many Hawaii vacation rentals are operated illegally, making tax collection more challenging. The transient accommodations and general excise taxes the short-term rental operators must pay are levied by the state. The necessary permits for short-term rentals are issued by counties, which have varying regulations that are often poorly enforced. Honolulu, the most populous county, has not issued new permits since 1989. It's estimated to have 800 legal vacation rental and bed-and-breakfast units and about 10 times as many illegal ones. Vacation rentals are increasingly popular with travelers. But critics say they disrupt residential neighborhoods and exacerbate Hawaii's acute housing shortage. FILE - This Oct. 29, 2013 file photo shows tourists on Lanikai Beach in Kailua, Hawaii, a town with a large number of vacation rentals. Hawaii lawmakers eager to gather tax revenue from the state's flourishing, yet mostly unpermitted, vacation rental sector passed legislation that would require websites like Airbnb to collect and pay taxes on behalf of short-term rental hosts. (AP Photo/Audrey McAvoy) States across the country vary as to whether short-term rental owners pay taxes or whether websites collect the taxes on behalf of hosts. Rep. Richard Onishi, chairman of the House tourism committee, said Hawaii's four main counties are making progress in crafting laws and rules to better regulate vacation rentals. The state's role, he said, is to make sure government is getting its tax revenue. "We're trying to capture the taxes from people that are doing the business in Hawaii. Which is the state's responsibility," said Onishi, a Democrat representing Hilo and Volcano. Major vacation rental platforms object to both bills, saying they require turning over the personal information of site users in violation of federal law. Expedia Group, which owns and, said in a statement that the legislation also threatens Hawaii's tourism economy. Airbnb said in written testimony that the purpose of any tax bill should be to help ensure the assessment, collection and payment of taxes and "not to use confidential tax information to facilitate the Department of Taxation's enforcement of county land use laws." Hotel owners have been clamoring for a vacation rental tax collection mechanism for years, said Mufi Hannemann, the president of the Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association. "We want a level playing field. If we're paying taxes, if we're paying fees, we want them to do the same," said Hannemann, whose group's members operate 50,000 hotel rooms across the state. Lawmakers passed legislation several years ago authorizing vacation rental platforms to collect taxes on behalf of hosts. But Gov. David Ige vetoed the bill, saying he was concerned it would encourage the growth of illegal rentals lacking county permits. Ige spokeswoman Jodi Leong said the governor is withholding comment on the bills until they undergo a formal legal and departmental review. But state Sen. Glenn Wakai said he has been consulting Ige's chief of staff along the way, and he's receptive to what the Senate has been doing. Onishi said he has been working with the state Department of Taxation and Attorney General's office to make sure the House's legislation doesn't violate federal law and will work for tax officials. ___ This story has been corrected to reflect that earlier year's bill would have authorized platforms to collect taxes on behalf of hosts, not required. DALLAS (AP) - Retired Lt. Col. Richard "Dick" Cole, the last of the 80 Doolittle Tokyo Raiders who carried out the daring U.S. attack on Japan during World War II, died Tuesday at a military hospital in Texas. He was 103. Robert Whetstone, a spokesman for Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, confirmed Cole's death. Cole's daughter, Cindy Chal, said he was having some heart issues but had walked into the emergency room. Cole, who lived in Comfort, Texas, had stayed active even in recent years, attending air shows and participating in commemorative events including April 18, 2017, ceremonies for the raid's 75th anniversary at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force near Dayton, Ohio. Chal said her father "enjoyed every minute" of his long, distinguished life. Cole was mission commander Jimmy Doolittle's co-pilot in the attack less than five months after the December 1941 Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Doolittle died in 1993. The Gen. James "Jimmy" H. Doolittle Archives are at the University of Texas at Dallas. Cole's papers are also part of the school's History of Aviation Collection. FILE - In this April 16, 2013 file photo, Doolittle Raider Lt. Col. Dick Cole, stands in front of a B-25 at the Destin Airport in Destin, Fla. before a flight as part of the Doolittle Raider 71st Anniversary Reunion. Retired Lt. Col. Richard "Dick" Cole, the last of the 80 Doolittle Tokyo Raiders who carried out the daring U.S. attack on Japan during World War II, has died at a military hospital in Texas. He was 103. A spokesman says Cole died Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. (Nick Tomecek/Northwest Florida Daily News via AP, File) Cole was a Dayton-area native who recounted riding his bicycle as a child to watch planes at McCook Field, a military testing air base there. He dreamed of being a pilot and after attending Ohio University, enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1940. Stationed in South Carolina, he signed up as a volunteer for a secret mission he knew would be dangerous, but not much else about. They trained at Eglin Air Force to fly B-25 bombers on short takeoffs, in preparation for flying off an aircraft carrier. The Raiders launched their assault April 18, 1942, in B-25 bombers from the USS Hornet. Suspecting they had been detected by Japanese patrols, they left farther away from Japan than planned. The crews of the 16 planes were "very quiet" as they neared Japan, Cole recalled, saying his role next to Doolittle was to "be seen, not heard. ... You didn't speak until spoken to." But the country song "Wabash Cannonball" started running through his head and he unconsciously began tapping his toe, which caught Doolittle's attention. He shot Cole a look, he recalled with a laugh. Doolittle soon ordered bomb bay doors opened, and the attack was on against what turned out to be limited anti-aircraft fire in the surprise attack. They then headed to China, running out of fuel. Cole said Doolittle gave the command to prepare to bail out as they neared the coast, adding: "I wish you all good luck." Cole said it was scary to parachute into a dark "unknown" in rough weather. His parachute caught in a tree, leaving him dangling but safe. Chinese partisans helped lead him and other Raiders to safety. Three Raiders died trying to reach China, and eight were captured by Japanese soldiers. Three were executed, and a fourth died in captivity. Cole recalled that Doolittle was distraught at first, upset that he had lost all of his planes and some of his men. Doolittle would later receive the Medal of Honor. The raid inflicted scattered damage while providing a psychological lift back home. The stunned Japanese military diverted resources after a string of Pacific successes. "Seven decades later, we are still awed by the sheer audacity of the Doolittle raid and the incredible men whose grit and bravery made it possible," Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi of California said when the Congressional Gold Medal was awarded to the Raiders in a 2015 ceremony. "Though time has thinned their ranks, it will never dim the daring of their deeds." Cole continued to fly missions in the China-Burma-India theater until 1944, and had peacetime service assignments in several states. In an AP interview in April, 2017, Cole described as "a somber affair" the toast he planned to carry out to end a long Raider tradition. Using goblets engraved with their names, they each year lifted them and sipped cognac in tribute to those who had gone before. Retired Staff Sgt. David Thatcher died in 2016 at age 94 in Missoula, Montana. Doolittle organized reunions that became annual affairs, and Cole was a regular. He also took part in other special events, including leading a special public "final toast" ceremony at the museum in 2013, when four Raiders were still alive. He said then: "May they rest in peace." He said in April 2017 he hadn't expected to be the last survivor, since he was older than most on the mission Cole attributed his longevity to being an optimist and living a life of "moderation." He said he believed he spoke for all Raiders when he said they didn't want any more recognition than all the others who put their lives on the line in the war effort. "We don't want to be remembered any more than the rest of the people who took part in beating the Japanese," Cole said. "They started it, and we finished it." Chal said a memorial service is planned for April 18 at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio. She said her father will be buried later at Arlington National Cemetery. ___ Sewell reported from Cincinnati. FILE - In this April 18, 2015, file photo, two members of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders, retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Richard "Dick" Cole, seated front, and retired Staff Sgt. David Thatcher, seated left, pose for photos after the presentation of a Congressional Gold Medal honoring the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Retired Lt. Col. Richard "Dick" Cole, the last of the 80 Doolittle Tokyo Raiders who carried out the daring U.S. attack on Japan during World War II, has died at a military hospital in Texas. He was 103. A spokesman says Cole died Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. (AP Photo/Gary Landers, File) SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - California congressman Devin Nunes is suing a media company for $150 million, saying it engaged in "character assassination" with a 2018 story that linked him to a yacht where prostitution allegedly took place. A lawyer for the central California Republican filed the lawsuit against The McClatchy Co. and others in a Virginia court on Monday. Nunes said in his complaint that McClatchy conspired to spread false and damaging information, and cited a 2018 report by The Fresno Bee newspaper in Fresno, California. The report detailed a 2016 lawsuit filed by an employee of a winery in which Nunes has a partnership stake. The charitable arm of the winery auctioned off an outing that the employee alleged involved cocaine use and prostitution. The news report did not claim that Nunes was on the yacht or that he was involved in the event. The lawsuit said Nunes was not on the yacht. FILE - In this March 24, 2017, file photo, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington. Nunes is suing The McClatchy media chain for $150 million, saying a 2018 report about alleged cocaine use on a yacht related to a company he co-owns was character assassination. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File) Nunes has been in a running feud with The Fresno Bee. Before last year's general election, he sent out a thick mailer calling the newspaper a "propaganda machine." "In article after article, McClatchy and its reporters exhibited an institutional hatred for Nunes, spite, ill-will and the intent to hurt Nunes and impugn his character," the complaint states. McClatchy spokeswoman Jeanne Segal said Nunes' lawsuit is "wholly without merit" and that it stands by the reporting of The Fresno Bee. The company has its headquarters in Sacramento, California. "The lawsuit represents a baseless attack on local journalism and a free press," she said in a statement issued Tuesday. "At a time when local journalism is facing more pressing and urgent challenges, the lawsuit is an unproductive distraction and a misuse of the judicial system." Steven Biss, a Charlottesville, Virginia, attorney who filed the 43-page complaint, did not respond to phone and email requests for comment. Nunes' congressional office did not immediately respond to requests for comment sent by email and phone. The congressman faces steep odds of prevailing with the lawsuit, said Boston-based attorney Jeff Robbins, who was appointed by Democratic President Bill Clinton as a delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Nunes has to prove that the Bee made a false statement about him "knowing it was false or in reckless disregard of whether it was true or false," Robbins said in an interview. "That is a very difficult standard to meet under any circumstances, and so Nunes begins in a hole," he said. Last month, Nunes sued Twitter and some of its users for more than $250 million, accusing them of defamation. The defendants include two anonymous parody accounts, "Devin Nunes' Mom" and "Devin Nunes' Cow." CHICAGO (AP) - Lawyers for a former University of Illinois student accused of killing Chinese scholar Yingying Zhang say university counselors didn't offer him adequate care when he sought help for suicidal and homicidal thoughts three months before the 26-year-old Zhang went missing. Brendt Christensen, now 29, walked into a campus counseling center on March 21, 2017, saying he had recurring thoughts of committing murder, "ruminating about how one might go about killing a person and 'get away with it,'" according to a defense filing unsealed this week. The physics student said he even bought items as part of plans to kill someone and dispose of a body but later returned them. Defense attorneys want a Peoria-based federal judge to allow clinical psychologist Susan Zoline to tell jurors that "the treatment of Mr. Christensen ... did not comply with the applicable standards of care," the filing says. Prosecutors want the judge to bar Zoline from testifying, saying those claims would be inaccurate and irrelevant, as well as confusing to jurors. The trial is set to begin June 3. The Champaign-based school said in a statement Tuesday that it can't comment on treatment for individual students. However, it said staff members at the University of Illinois Counseling Center "are trained to provide care ... consistent with the best practices in mental health care nationally." Prosecutors argue in their filing that there's no indication counselors were remiss in treating Christensen, noting he "described his urge to commit homicide as a fantasy, and repeatedly downplayed that fantasy." He never threatened Zhang or anyone else by name, they said. The defense and government filings were submitted earlier but only unsealed Monday. This undated file photo provided by the University of Illinois Police Department shows Yingying Zhang. Lawyers for Brendt Christensen, an ex-University of Illinois student accused of killing Zhang say school counselors didn't offer him adequate care when he sought help for homicidal thoughts months before Zhang went missing. In a filing unsealed this week, Christensen's attorneys said he told campus counselors he'd been "ruminating" about committing murder but that his treatment by counselors had been substandard. Prosecutors say that claim would be inaccurate and irrelevant. A Tuesday, April 9, 2019, statement from the Champaign-based school says counseling center staff are trained to provide care "consistent with the best practices in mental health care nationally." (Courtesy of the University of Illinois Police Department via AP File) Prosecutors, who are seeking the death penalty, say Christensen lured Zhang into his car in June 2017 as she headed to sign an apartment lease off campus, torturing and killing her. He was arrested three weeks later, though Zhang's body has never been found. Defense attorneys say they aren't casting blame on the university for Zhang's death. But as they endeavor to persuade jurors not to put to Christensen to death, they want to demonstrate how he had sought help but didn't get the help he needed. Christensen, the filing says, also told counselors that prescription drugs and alcohol were "ruining my life." He spoke about becoming deeply depressed after his wife said she was leaving him for another man, and after dropping out of a Ph.D. program and settling for a master's degree. "That he voluntarily sought out treatment ... is highly relevant to a host of issues in a capital trial, including his character, the circumstances preceding the offense, his rehabilitative potential and future dangerousness," the defense filing says. It says Christensen went to the same school center again nine days later, telling another counselor he was open to someone evaluating the risk he posed to himself and others. The filing, among other things, cited the center's purported "failure to develop an adequate treatment and safety plan," ''failure to make appropriate referrals for further treatment" and failure to adequately coordinate with psychiatrists who had treated him elsewhere. Prosecutors point to Illinois law in their filing, saying there's no obligation on counselors "to respond to statements made in therapy unless the patient makes a specific threat against a specific and identified victim." The government filing says other courts in death penalty cases "routinely refuse to allow a capital defendant to assert mitigating evidence which serves only to lay blame for the offense at another party's feet." Issues about Christensen mental state have arisen before. In announcing last year that they were seeking the death penalty, prosecutors said Christensen once expressed his aspiration "to be known as a killer." And 2017 charging documents say his phone had been used to view a forum called "Abduction 101" on a fetish site. __ Follow Michael Tarm on Twitter at MEXICO CITY (AP) - The U.S. government has returned two clay figurines from the Teotihuacan culture to Mexico. The seated figurines delivered Tuesday were probably made between A.D. 200 and 700. The mysterious culture arose at the Teotihuacan ceremonial site just north of Mexico City. The artifacts were among thousands ranging from arrowheads to shrunken heads that U.S. federal agents removed in 2014 from a man's Indiana farm. The man, Don Miller, amassed the 42,000-artifact collection over several decades. He died in 2015 at age 91. About 7,000 pieces in the collection were determined to have been illegally taken from countries including China, Canada, Iraq, Peru and Mexico. The FBI says artifacts have been returned to several countries. Mexico's foreign relations department says about 800 Mexican artifacts were seized in the U.S. last year. WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that his department intends to "follow the law" and is reviewing a request by a top House Democrat to provide President Donald Trump's tax returns to lawmakers. But in Capitol Hill appearances on Tuesday, Mnuchin dodged answering whether he would comply with the request to supply Trump's tax returns by Wednesday, and he also said he has not promised to authorize the IRS to supply the returns. "I have said we will comply with the law," Mnuchin told the House Financial Services Committee. "I have not made a comment one way or the other on whether we will provide the tax returns." The head of the IRS, meanwhile, agreed with Democrats that it's primarily his decision to make - though he reports to Mnuchin. IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig told lawmakers that "we're working on" a response to a request from Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal. "The decision is mine with the supervision of Treasury," Rettig said, adding he and Mnuchin have discussed who would handle the response but haven't reached a conclusion. Mnuchin also revealed that Treasury Department lawyers have talked to the White House counsel's office about the question of releasing Trump's returns, telling lawmakers that the consultations occurred before the request arrived last week. Mnuchin said the conversations were "purely informational," and he has not been briefed on their content. IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig testifies before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government during a hearing, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Mnuchin told a House panel that he personally has not had any communications with the president or his top staff about the department's decision on whether to provide Trump's tax returns under a nearly century-old law that says the Treasury Department "shall furnish" them when requested by top lawmakers. "I have had no direct conversations with the president or anybody else" at the White House, Mnuchin told the Financial Service panel Tuesday afternoon. He said that members of Treasury's legal team had had consultations on the matter before the tax return request was made but that the Treasury officials had not sought any type of permission to release the returns. "We would never ask for the White House's permission on this," Mnuchin said. "It is our intent to follow the law and that is in the process of being reviewed," Mnuchin told a House Appropriations subcommittee with responsibility for his budget. Neal, D-Mass., requested the returns last week in a letter to Mnuchin and set a deadline of Wednesday to provide them. Mnuchin says he "looks forward to responding," but it appears clear that Treasury won't meet the deadline and actually produce the returns. Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said on Sunday that lawmakers will "never" see Trump's returns. But the White House is supposed to stay out of the decision, and Rettig said he's had no contact with anyone there. Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., citing a long list of Trump administration officials who have departed, pressed Mnuchin on whether he was worried about being fired if he complied with the request. "I am not afraid of being fired at all," Mnuchin said. "I want to be clear that we will follow the law." Neal requested six years of Trump's personal and business returns , relying on a 1924 statute that says the Treasury Department "shall furnish" them when requested. The IRS is part of Treasury. Trump has broken with tradition by not voluntarily releasing his tax returns. He routinely says - as he did Friday - that he's under audit and therefore won't release his returns. But Rettig reiterated that there's no rule prohibiting taxpayers under audit from releasing their returns. GOP members of the panels rose to Trump's defense. "We have no evidence of anything nefarious. We have no evidence that there's any wrongdoing," said Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, who said the request tramples on Trump's right to privacy. "The only this works is if the American people trust the IRS and trust this information will be held private. And if it's not, if that's violated then people will quit complying." Democrats want access to the returns as part of investigations into Trump's business dealings and his campaign. Trump's private attorneys have asked Treasury to deny the request as well. During the 2016 campaign, Rettig defended Trump's decision to break with tradition by refusing to release his tax filings. Under questioning at his confirmation hearing last August, Rettig pledged to uphold the political independence of the IRS. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifies before a House Appropriations subcommittee, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Mnuchin said Tuesday that his department intends to "follow the law" and is reviewing a request by a top House Democrat to provide President Donald Trump's tax returns to lawmakers. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig testifies before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government during a hearing, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, third from left, walks into a hearing room to testify before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifies before a House Appropriations subcommittee during a hearing on President Trump's budget request for Fiscal Year 2020, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Mnuchin said Tuesday that his department intends to "follow the law" and is reviewing a request by a top House Democrat to provide Trump's tax returns to lawmakers. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) - To deal with a surge of migrating Central American families, the Trump administration has reassigned so many inspectors from U.S.-Mexico border crossings that truckers are waiting in line for hours and sometimes days to get shipments to the United States. Truckers have been sleeping in their vehicles to hold spots in line in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas. The city brought in portable toilets, and an engine oil company hired models in skin-tight clothing to hand out burritos and bottled water to idled drivers. "My family doesn't recognize me at home anymore," Jaime Monroy, a trucker who lives in Ciudad Juarez, said after sleeping overnight in his truck hauling a load of wooden furniture. "I leave at 3 in the morning and come back at 10 at night." The waits are a reminder that even though President Donald Trump walked back his threat to close the border, the administration has created significant impediments for truckers and travelers with its redeployment of customs agents. Business leaders are starting to lose patience as they struggle to get products to American grocery stores, manufacturers and construction sites. "This is a systemwide issue," said Paola Avila, chairwoman of the Border Trade Alliance, a group that advocates for cross-border commerce. "Everyone's feeling this." A row of trucks wait to cross the border with the United States in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. The Trump administration has reassigned so many inspectors from U.S.-Mexico border crossings that it has caused huge traffic backups for truckers who are waiting in line for hours and in some case days to get shipments to the U.S. (AP Photo/Christian Torres) The traffic congestion comes as a growing number of families from Central America have been arriving at the border in recent months, overwhelming the federal government. The Border Patrol said Tuesday that it set a new monthly record for apprehensions of families in March. More than 53,000 family members were stopped at the border in March, an average of more than 1,700 per day. That breaks a record set in February, when 36,000 parents and children were apprehended. Trump responded by shaking up the top ranks of the Department of Homeland Security, culminating with the resignation of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. The migrant families have forced many line agents into humanitarian roles and have strained detention facilities built when the Border Patrol primarily apprehended single adult men. The administration has in turn reassigned 541 border inspectors to other jobs, including processing migrants, providing transportation and performing hospital watch for migrants who require medical attention. It is unknown when they will return to their regular job of screening people and cargo for smuggling. Border Patrol agents, who guard areas between ports, are also doing jobs they were not trained to do, such as medical screenings for children and families in the migrant holding camps. In El Paso, authorities have closed one bridge to truckers, directing them to two other nearby crossings. At San Diego's only truck crossing, two of 10 lanes are closed. In Nogales, Arizona, the government on Sundays is closing a commercial facility that is crucial to cross-border trade. Up to 12,000 commercial trucks cross the border in Nogales every day, often bringing watermelons, eggplants, berries and grapes. Wait times have doubled at the Santa Teresa, New Mexico, port of entry. "What we're seeing is a lot of companies making their drivers sleep in their trucks to keep their place in line for the next day," said Jerry Pacheco, president of the Border Industrial Association and executive director of the International Business Accelerator. In recent years, the rural outpost has become a boomtown of warehouses and industrial parks that funnel raw materials and products back and forth across the border. "Here we are growing companies and growing jobs and everything is great. We added another industrial park with job prospects in tow and then all this happens," Pacheco said of the latest expansion. The agency's commissioner, Kevin McAleenan, who was named acting Homeland Security secretary on Sunday, warned of traffic delays when he announced last month in El Paso that inspectors from across the border would be reassigned. Authorities raised the possibility that as many as 2,000 inspectors could be pulled from ports of entry. A Customs and Border Protection mobile app suggested the bottlenecks may have eased by Tuesday. The wait time for truckers was estimated at three hours in San Diego, 2 hours in El Paso and two hours in Laredo. Still, truckers said wait times have lengthened considerably since authorities announced the reassignments. "This all started about two weeks ago with Trump," said driver Arturo Menendez, 44, who first entered the line at 4 a.m. Friday with his tractor-trailer full of cardboard used in boxes for U.S.-made products like Toro lawn mowers. At 6 p.m. he was told to leave ahead of the unprecedented closure of all lanes at the Bridge of the Americas on Saturday. He tried again Monday, waiting in a line behind of hundreds of trucks passing through three security checks back at the Bridge of the Americas. Avila, who is also the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce's vice president for international affairs, said the delays could encourage more companies to move to Asia, hurting jobs in the U.S. and Mexico. "Now we're discouraging overseas production," she said. "We're cutting out the American manufacturer or the Mexican manufacturer that employs U.S. workers." ___ Associated Press writers Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Astrid Galvan in Phoenix and Elliot Spagat in San Diego contributed to this report. This April 2, 2019, photo shows the port of entry from Mexicali, Mexico to Calexico, Calif. The Trump administration has reassigned so many inspectors from U.S.-Mexico border crossings that it has caused huge traffic backups for truckers who are waiting in line for hours and in some case days to get shipments to the U.S. (Mark Holtzman/West Coast Aerial Photography Inc. via AP) A truck driver uses his cell phone while he waits to cross the border with the U.S. in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. The Trump administration has reassigned so many inspectors from U.S.-Mexico border crossings that it has caused huge traffic backups for truckers who are waiting in line for hours and in some case days to get shipments to the U.S. (AP Photo/Christian Torres) Security guards check waiting trucks to cross the border with the U.S. in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Christian Torres) Trucks wait to cross the border into the U.S. in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Truckers have been sleeping in their vehicles to hold spots in line in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso. (AP Photo/Christian Torres) A driver is reflected in the mirror of his truck as he waits to cross the border with the United States in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Reassignments of border inspectors at land crossings with Mexico have exacerbated wait times for truckers. (AP Photo/Christian Torres) This April 2, 2019, photo shows the port of entry from Mexicali, Mexico to Calexico, Calif. The Trump administration has reassigned so many inspectors from U.S.-Mexico border crossings that it has caused huge traffic backups for truckers who are waiting in line for hours and in some case days to get shipments to the U.S. (Mark Holtzman/West Coast Aerial Photography Inc. via AP) A row of trucks wait to cross the border with the United States in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Reassignments of border inspectors at land crossings with Mexico have exacerbated wait times for truckers. (AP Photo/Christian Torres) In this April 5, 2019 photo, municipal workers manage portable toilets near a line to enter the U.S. at a border crossing in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The city has brought in the toilets, and an engine oil company hired models to hand out burritos and bottled water to idled drivers. (AP Photo/Cedar Attanasio) This April 2, 2019, photo shows the port of entry from Mexicali, Mexico to Calexico, Calif. The Trump administration has reassigned so many inspectors from U.S.-Mexico border crossings that it has caused huge traffic backups for truckers who are waiting in line for hours and in some case days to get shipments to the U.S. (Mark Holtzman/West Coast Aerial Photography Inc. via AP) In this April 5, 2019, photo, tractor trailers are inspected by private security contractors in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, ahead of a border crossing to El Paso, Texas. Reassignments of border inspectors at land crossings with Mexico have exacerbated wait times for truckers. (AP Photo/Cedar Attanasio) MADISON, Wis. (AP) - The Latest on Wisconsin lame-duck legal fight (all times local): 4:10 p.m. A Wisconsin appeals court has ruled Democratic Gov. Tony Evers had the authority to withdraw appointments that had been approved during a lame-duck legislative session. The state's 3rd District Court of Appeals on Tuesday said his action was not invalidated by a later court ruling that put on hold a decision that allowed him to rescind the appointments. Evers voided 82 appointments made during the lame-duck session and later reinstated 67 of them. Fifteen positions, including a spot on the Public Service Commission and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, were not reinstated. Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald says the decision will be immediately appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers discusses the painting "Wishes in the Wind" that former Gov. Scott Walker had removed but that Evers had re-installed in the governor's mansion, Friday, April 5, 2019, in Maple Bluff, Wis. (AP Photo/Scott Bauer) ___ 12:18 p.m. Republicans are not acting on confirming Gov. Tony Evers Cabinet picks while a legal fight continues over whether he has the right to rescind appointments made during a lame-duck legislative session. Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald on Tuesday said there was "some truth" to claims by Democratic Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling that the GOP was "slow walking" the Evers appointments. Fitzgerald tells reporters that Republican lawmakers are upset with Evers for revoking the appointments made during the lame-duck session in December. Those who lost their jobs include a member of the Public Service Commission and two members of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents. Fitzgerald says Public Service Commissioner Ellen Nowak was given the "bum's rush" when she wasn't allowed to return to work. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Lawyers have failed to reach a settlement in a federal lawsuit claiming a soybean seed company purposely sold faulty seeds to black farmers in Mississippi. A court filing by attorneys for Stine Seed Co. says mediation talks did not lead to an agreement to settle the suit. U.S. District Judge John Fowlkes had set a Friday mediation deadline. The suit alleges Stine conspired with a seed salesman to sell defective seeds to the soybean farmers because they are black. The suit claims the good seeds the farmers thought they had bought from Stine were replaced by inferior seeds before delivery. Adel, Iowa-based Stine says discrimination and fraud allegations are baseless and irresponsible. Fowlkes has not ruled on a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. A court date has not been set. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Arkansas lawmakers revived a proposal Tuesday to cut off funding to "sanctuary cities" that don't cooperate with federal immigration authorities despite concerns from the state's Republican governor that the current measure could open the door to racial profiling. The House City, County and Local Affairs Committee approved by a 14-5 vote the Senate-backed measure, which also prohibits cities from preventing local law enforcement from asking about a person's citizenship or immigration status. The bill, which failed before the same panel a day earlier and appeared dead for this year's session, now heads to the majority-Republican House for a vote. The Arkansas Municipal League, which opposes the measure, said it doesn't know of any sanctuary cities in Arkansas and lawmakers behind the bill have said it's an effort to prevent them in the state. Republicans in several other states have enacted similar measures targeting sanctuary cities, which have also been targeted by President Donald Trump. "Maybe somebody in Washington, D.C., will watch and see what we're doing and say, 'if we don't fix these problems, the states are going to have to do it,'" Republican Rep. Brandt Smith told the panel before the vote. An opponent of the bill, however, said it would do more harm than good. "This is not a bill that will spur dialogue at the federal level. This is a bill that will create a chilling effect among populations," Democratic Rep. Fredrick Love said. Gov. Asa Hutchinson has said he's generally supportive of the bill, but asked the lawmakers behind the measure to require probable cause before law enforcement could ask about citizenship or immigration status. Hutchinson said Monday without the change, there was "too much opportunity for racial profiling." The bill's sponsor said he wouldn't amend the bill, saying he believed it had sufficient protections and that amending the measure would effectively kill it since the session was set to end Wednesday. Smith said lawmakers could make further changes in future sessions if needed. Hutchinson on Tuesday declined to say what he'd do if the bill as written reaches his desk. Advocacy groups have said the legislation could damage relationships between law enforcement and immigrant communities, and warned the bill could open the state and cities to lawsuits. "This is a bad bill. It's not just about sanctuary," Mireya Reith, founding executive director of Arkansas United, an immigrant advocacy group, told reporters after the vote. "This is a broad bill that exposes our state and our municipalities to lawsuits, and it hurts the image of the state of Arkansas." The bill gives the attorney general authority to investigate any complaints that a city is violating the sanctuary city ban. If a city is found to be violating the ban, it would be ineligible to receive any discretionary funds administered by the state. The final vote on the bill comes at the end of the session where the majority-Republican Legislature has approved other measures cheered by the immigrant community. They include a bill sent to Hutchinson that would allow public colleges and universities to charge in-state tuition rates to certain students who had been paying higher out-of-state rates. It includes migrants from a program implemented during former President Barack Obama's administration that allows young immigrants living in the country illegally who were brought here as children to stay in the U.S. ___ Associated Press Writer Hannah Grabenstein contributed to this report ___ Follow Andrew DeMillo on Twitter at WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. health officials Tuesday warned doctors not to abruptly stop prescribing opioid painkillers to patients who are taking them for chronic pain ailments, such as backaches. The Food and Drug Administration said it will add advice to labels on how to taper opioid painkillers, such as OxyContin, Vicodin and dozens of generic pills. Federal and state officials have been fighting a nationwide opioid epidemic, which includes not only legal painkillers, but also illicit drugs like heroin and fentanyl. Fatal overdoses tied to opioids have dragged down U.S. life expectancy and killed more than 400,000 people since 1999, according to government figures. The new label will warn doctors that rapidly discontinuing opioids in patients who are dependent on them can cause withdrawal symptoms including uncontrolled pain, nausea, chills and anxiety. In the worst cases, these problems have been tied to suicide. The federal agency said doctors and patients should agree on a plan to gradually reduce their dosage, based on their treatment history, type of pain, psychological state and other factors. The FDA stressed the importance of a customized plan, saying no standard method "exists that is suitable for all patients." Opioid medications can be addictive and dangerous even when used under doctors' orders, though they are also an accepted tool to treat severe pain from serious injuries, surgery and cancer. Prescriptions have fallen in the U.S. by nearly a quarter since peaking at more than 255 million prescriptions in 2012. Driving the decline are new laws and prescribing limits from state and local governments, insurers and hospital systems. Those limits restrict the number of pills, refills and who can prescribe opioids. FILE - This Aug. 29, 2018, file photo shows an arrangement of prescription oxycodone pills in New York. U.S. health officials Tuesday, April 9. 2019, warned doctors not to abruptly stop prescribing opioid painkillers to patients who are taking them for chronic pain ailments, such as backaches. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File) In 2016, the FDA's sister agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said opioids should not be the first treatment for chronic pain, and recommended other pain medications or nondrug options instead. The CDC said opioids should be reserved for the most severe forms of long-term pain. That narrow use was long accepted. But beginning in the 1990s some drugmakers, insurers and pain specialists called for wider use of the drugs for more common pain ailments like backaches and arthritis. ___ The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. SPARKS, Nev. (AP) - In a story April 9 about a Bureau of Land Management hearing on a new permit for the annual Burning Man event, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Burning Man's associate director of government affairs is Marmee Benson. Her name is Marnee Benson. A corrected version of the story is below: Burning Man festival backers oppose new federal restrictions Some supporters of the Burning Man counter-culture festival are complaining about new restrictions the federal government is proposing for the event By SCOTT SONNER Associated Press SPARKS, Nev. (AP) - Some supporters of the Burning Man counter-culture festival are complaining about new restrictions the federal government is proposing for the event. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management held a public meeting Monday on a draft environmental impact statement that includes proposals to step up security searches and erect new barriers around the event if it is permitted to expand its capacity to 100,000. Several festival supporters among the nearly 200 people who jammed the meeting room said the plans would cause more harm to the environment than existing requirements, including mandating trash containers that would attract an accumulation of garbage at the site where "leave no trace" is a mantra and most festival-goers are dedicated to packing in and out their own trash. The potential measures are included as part of its consideration of a new 10-year special use permit for the temporary community known as Black Rock City on the Black Rock Desert, 100 miles (160 kilometers) north of Reno. Moved from San Francisco's Baker Beach in 1990, the celebration of creativity and free-expression is dubbed the largest outdoor arts festival in North America, with drum circles, decorated art cars, guerilla theatrics and colorful theme camps. Clothing is optional. Organizers say the bureau's proposed changes would add $10 million annually to the costs of the weeklong event that culminates Labor Day weekend with the burning of a towering wooden effigy. Another public meeting was scheduled Tuesday night in Lovelock, Nevada. "BLM envisions you under surveillance in Black Rock City, surrounded not by scenic landscape but by impenetrable concrete barriers, where dumpsters replace goodwill, where your actions are monitored by police and security guards ... where you are greeted by a constitutional violation," said Marnee Benson, Burning Man's associate director of government affairs. "We see Black Rock City as an imperfect but magnificent cultural epicenter, characterized by kindness and generosity, creativity, self-expression," she said. "Where people come together to celebrate the human spirt and celebrate our public lands." Frederick Osterhagen, a "leave no trace" instructor from Carson City who's been volunteering to pick up trash on the playa for 30 years, vouched for the group's environmental credentials. Before Burning Man arrived, he said he would gather three or four big garbage bags full of trash on a single visit. "The last time I did it, I got less than a bucket full," Osterhagen said. Several speakers said the agency was creating solutions for problems that don't exist. Some shouted insults at Bureau Field Manager Mark Hall. But Patrick Donnelly, Nevada state director for the Center for Biological Diversity, said his national environmental group supports many of the "sensible measures" proposed to better protect the desert ecosystem. "In 15 years of attending public meetings on environmental review documents, I've never seen BLM be quite so accommodating to people shouting, interrupting and heckling," Donnelly said. "We're dealing with a public lands user group that has had few controls put on their behaviors for decades and they want to see it stay that way," he said. "Burning Man is the single largest gathering on any sort of public lands in the country and needs to be treated the same way we treat a gold mine, an oilfield or an off-road vehicle race." Hall said the agency intends to issue a final impact statement in July after deciding on options to either boost capacity to 100,000, keep it at the current 80,000, cut it to 50,000 or deny a special use permit altogether. He indicated the no-permit alternative is unlikely to prevail. French filmmaker Claire Denis, one of the great living directors, has not lost her edge as she's coasted into her 70s. Her latest film, "High Life," which debuted last fall at the Toronto International Film Festival and is now making it to theaters, is as stimulating and challenging as anything she made in the 90s. Although here, she's taken us not to post-Colonial West Africa or modern day working class France, but to the outer reaches of space to drift around an ominous black hole with Robert Pattinson and a baby, daring us to piece together how they ended up in such a precarious situation. The only thing that's immediately clear is that they are alone on this spaceship, which is hardly the most advanced-looking rig. Instead it seems straight out of a 1970s film, and it is slowly and surely shutting down. Designed by Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, it sets a perfectly unnerving mood, and every day Pattinson has to convince a low-tech computer that he is healthy enough and the ship is stable enough to justify systems running for another 24 hours. It's an existential chore to say the least. Pattinson, as a character named Monte, doesn't have much dialogue to work with. But there is a world of fear and anxiety in his eyes as he tries to tend to the needs of the creaky old ship and the adorable little infant in his care, soothing her through a speaker as he tries to fix something outside the ship. He has a few flashbacks to a moment in his youth on a grey fall day with a young girl and a dog near a desolate pond in the woods, but it will take some time for the film to reveal what happened then and why it's relevant. Although it is oddly peaceful and compelling watching Monte and this baby, Willow (played by Scarlett Lindsey), go through their routine, which requires some inventiveness to deal with some of her bodily functions, eventually you start to itch for the why and the how and Denis doesn't disappoint with her patient reveals. First, you realize, there was other crew on board, but they've all died. Then things get even weirder - just take a peek at the rating description and you'll start to see why, however it certainly doesn't compare to the visceral horror of watching much of that transpire. It seems a little strange that a Denis movie might contain spoilers, but it also feels wrong to describe in detail what happened before Monte and Willow were the only ones left. Suffice it say, Monte was part of a strange program with inmates, all testy and violent and withdrawn in their own way, who find themselves under the watch and experimentation of Juliette Binoche's Dr. Dibs, a witchy, serious and haunting on-board physician with some interesting sexual preferences. This kind of movie going experience is a full-body one and totally transfixing from start to finish, but it's also maddeningly confounding leaving the audience always a few steps behind in discovering and integrating into this bleak little micro society. I'm still not entirely sure what it all adds up to, but it is provocative, difficult and bleak and leaves you with a very precise feeling of despair and aloneness - just like the best of the space independents do. This image released by A24 Films shows Robert Pattinson in a scene from "High Life." (Martin Valentin Menke/A24 Films via AP) "High Life," an A24 release, is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America for "disturbing sexual and violent content including sexual assault, graphic nudity, and for language." Running time: 110 minutes. Three stars out of four. ___ MPAA Definition of R: Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. ___ Follow AP Film Writer Lindsey Bahr on Twitter: This image released by A24 Films shows Juliette Binoche, left, and Robert Pattinson in a scene from "High Life." (A24 Films via AP) This image released by A24 Films shows Juliette Binoche in a scene from "High Life." (A24 Films via AP) A neo-Nazi website operator said Tuesday that he refuses to be present in the U.S. for questioning under oath in a lawsuit that accuses him of unleashing an anti-Semitic "troll storm" against a Montana real estate agent's family. The Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin says he lives abroad and claims it's too dangerous for him to travel to the U.S. But a federal magistrate judge ruled Friday that Anglin must be present in the U.S. for a deposition by Tanya Gersh's attorneys from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Anglin, an Ohio native, said in an email to The Associated Press that he is unwilling to be deposed in the U.S. despite the judge's decision. He suggested that the Alabama-based law center refuses to meet him abroad or question him remotely by telephone or video conference because it wants him to be harmed. "Anyone can look at the history of this group and reach the same very obvious conclusion," he wrote. One of Anglin's attorneys, Marc Randazza, said in a text message Monday that he expects Anglin would "willingly" accept a default judgment against him before returning to the U.S. for a deposition. "The end result of that will be that the SPLC will get a piece of paper, my client will pay nothing and there won't even be a decision on the legal merits, at least clarifying the law. Everyone loses," Randazza wrote. FILE - In this undated file photo provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Tanya Gersh poses for a photo. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch ruled Friday, April 5, 2019 that The Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin is not excused from returning to the U.S. for questioning in a lawsuit accusing him of orchestrating an anti-Semitic "troll storm" against Gersh, a Montana real estate agent, and her family family. (Dan Chung/Southern Poverty Law Center via AP, File) David Dinielli, deputy legal director for the law center, said in a statement Tuesday that the court correctly concluded Anglin's assertions about his personal safety are "unfounded and without basis." In a separate case, a Muslim-American radio host who sued Anglin already is trying to secure a default judgment against him and his company, Moonbase Holdings LLC. In February, attorneys for SiriusXM Radio show host Dean Obeidallah asked a federal court in Ohio to award him more than $1 million in damages for his claims that Anglin falsely accused him of terrorism. Anglin says he hasn't been to the U.S. since 2012. He refuses to disclose his current whereabouts, saying he gets death threats. But he has said he took up residency in the Philippines sometime before 2010, moved to Greece in 2013 and then moved to Cambodia four days before Tanya Gersh sued him in 2017. Gersh's lawyers say Anglin hasn't presented any proof that he currently lives outside the U.S. U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch ruled last Friday that Anglin's personal safety concerns are "factually unsupported" and no basis for a protective order sparing him from an in-person deposition in the U.S. In the lawsuit she filed in Montana against Anglin, Gersh says anonymous internet trolls bombarded her family with hateful and threatening messages after Anglin published their personal information, including her 12-year-old son's Twitter handle and photo. In a string of posts, Anglin had accused Gersh and other Jewish residents of Whitefish, Montana, of engaging in an "extortion racket" against the mother of white nationalist Richard Spencer. Gersh says she had agreed to help Spencer's mother sell commercial property she owns in Whitefish amid talk of a protest outside the building. Sherry Spencer, however, later accused Gersh of threatening and harassing her into agreeing to sell the property. Gersh's suit accuses Anglin of invading her privacy, intentionally inflicting "emotional distress" and violating a Montana anti-intimidation law. Anglin's site takes its name from Der Sturmer, a newspaper that published Nazi propaganda in Nazi-era Germany, and includes sections called "Jewish Problem" and "Race War." ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A Honduran transgender migrant, whose 2018 death while in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement sparked protests and calls for an investigation, died of a rare disorder that developed quickly due to AIDS, according to an autopsy released Tuesday. The New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator released its findings on the death of Roxsana Hernandez , 33, saying the disorder - known as multicentric Castleman disease - can progress rapidly in people with weakened immune systems and lead to death within weeks. The autopsy also found Hernandez suffered from extensive fractures of her ribs and breastbone after medical staff performed CPR in response to at least 10 heart attacks. "This case has taken almost a year to close because the autopsy was complex and required additional testing and consultation," Chief Medical Investigator Kurt Nolte said in a statement. Hernandez arrived in the U.S. as part of a caravan of Central American asylum seekers and was taken into custody in San Diego. She was later transferred to El Paso, Texas, before being taken to the Cibola County Detention Center in New Mexico. FILE - In this June 6, 2018, file photo, Gabriela Hernandez, executive director of the nonprofit New Mexico Dream Team, holds up an image in Albuquerque, N.M, of Roxsana Hernandez , a Honduran transgender woman who died while in U.S. custody. An autopsy released Tuesday, April 9, 2019, concluded that Hernandez died of complications from AIDS in May 2018. (AP Photo/Mary Hudetz, File) Hernandez died in May at an Albuquerque hospital where she was admitted after showing symptoms of pneumonia, dehydration and complications associated with HIV. Her death brought protests, with immigrant and LGBTQ advocates saying her case underscored concerns that transgender migrants in detention facilities often do not receive adequate medical care. In November, an attorney representing the family of Hernandez released an independent autopsy that noted deep bruising along Hernandez's ribs that wasn't evident externally. The independent autopsy also concluded she had contusions on her back and injuries around her wrists that were likely caused by handcuffs. State investigators noted in the findings made public Tuesday that they don't believe tissue bleeding over the sides and back of her chest came from physical abuse and was likely from a low platelet count and the physical force from CPR. The autopsy also noted numerous other symptoms associated with the immune disorder as well as a small head injury that was discovered during a CT scan. The origin of the injury was listed as unknown. Advocates and an attorney for Hernandez's family criticized the findings, describing the investigation as incomplete. They also renewed their calls for immigration authorities to be held accountable for Hernandez's death. ___ Russell Contreras is a member of The Associated Press' race and ethnicity team. Follow him on Twitter at ATLANTA (AP) - Critics of Georgia's outdated voting system told a judge on Tuesday that a new system outlined by lawmakers has many of the same fundamental flaws and is unconstitutional. A law signed last week by Gov. Brian Kemp provides specifications for a new voting system. Bids are due later this month, and state officials say they plan to implement the new system in time for next year's presidential election. Lawyers for the Coalition for Good Governance and for a group of voters, who had filed a lawsuit challenging Georgia's election system, told U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg they plan to ask her initially to stop the state from using the current machines for special and municipal elections scheduled this year. Ultimately, they said, they want her to prohibit the state from using the current paperless machines, as well as the ballot-marking machines provided for in the new law. Lawyers for the state argued complaints about the current voting system have been made irrelevant by the new law and that complaints about ballot-marking machines can't be considered yet because the state hasn't even selected a new system. The lawsuit is one of several pending challenges to various aspects of Georgia's voting system, which drew national scrutiny during last year's midterm election in which Kemp, a Republican who was the state's chief election officer at the time, narrowly defeated Democrat Stacey Abrams. The plaintiffs previously sought in August to force the state to use paper ballots in November's midterm election. Totenberg denied those requests, saying she worried it would be too chaotic to make the switch so close to the election. But she found that the plaintiffs had demonstrated "the threat of real harms to their constitutional interests." She also said state election officials had too long ignored "a mounting tide of evidence of the inadequacy and security risks" of the voting system and said further delay wouldn't be tolerable. The new law calls for voters to make their selections on electronic machines that print out paper ballots that are read and tallied by scanners. The 2020 state budget awaiting Kemp's signature includes $150 million in bond funding that's intended to cover the initial purchase of the machines as well as rollout and training. Election officials hope to test the new machines during municipal elections in November 2019, with plans to implement them statewide for the 2020 primary and general elections. The law passed the legislature last month largely on a party line vote, with the Republican majority favoring electronic ballot-marking machines. Democrats, voting integrity advocates and cybersecurity experts argued hand-marked paper ballots were the most secure option. Coalition for Good Governance lawyer Bruce Brown argued Tuesday that any system that puts a computer between the voter and the permanent record of the vote can't be effectively audited and is unconstitutional. Some of the ballot-marking devices print a record that includes a text summary of a voter's choices and corresponding barcodes used by a scanner to read and tally the votes. That's problematic, Brown said, because voters can't verify that barcodes accurately reflect their choices. But even with systems where the scanner reads a human-readable list, an unreasonable burden is placed on voters to verify that the printed record reflects their choices, Brown said. Research shows many voters won't do that, he said. Hand-marked paper ballots don't need to be checked because voters verify their choices as they mark the ballots. Brown also argued that cybersecurity experts have said ballot-marking devices are unsecure. Vincent Russo, a lawyer representing the state, said election officials took Totenberg's previous order to heart and lawmakers responded with specifications for a new voting system that should address her concerns. The way a scanner reads the record printed by a ballot-marking device is very similar to the way a hand-marked ballot would be read, he argued. Furthermore, he said, ballot-marking devices cater to the needs of voters with disabilities, prevent voters from double voting in a given race and alert them if they skip a race. State lawyers said the request for proposals requires that vendors provide for various security measures that would keep the system safe. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Authorities have identified an American suspect in the killing of a Thai national whose battered body was found bound, gagged and wrapped in plastic on the side of a road in a high-profile case in Australia, according to a federal search warrant obtained Tuesday. Australian authorities issued an arrest warrant for Alex Dion in the killing of 33-year-old Wachira "Mario" Phetmang, whose body was found on the side of a freeway in the suburb of Sydney Olympic Park in June. The arrest warrant for Dion was issued in September while he already was in custody on a domestic violence charge in San Diego, according to the federal search warrant filed by the FBI on Friday. The warrant, which marks the first time a suspect has been publicly named in Phetmang's killing, was first obtained by Seamus Hughes, a terrorism researcher at George Washington University who mines federal court databases. Dion, 38, was set to be extradited from San Diego to Australia this coming Friday, according to the warrant. It's unclear whether he has an attorney. Phetmang, a Thai national who lived in Australia for a decade, was last seen alive on May 25 at a gas station in the Sydney suburb of South Hurstville. An autopsy found that he suffered more than 20 wounds to his head and had multiple skull fractures. The day he died, Phetmang told his partner he was going to pick up methamphetamine and later met Dion at the gas station, according to surveillance footage, the search warrant said. This May 25, 2018 image from surveillance video released by the New South Wales Police Force shows Wachira "Mario" Phetmang, 33, entering a service station in South Hurstville, a suburb of Sydney. Authorities have identified an American suspect in the killing of Phetmang, a Thai national whose battered body was found bound, gagged and wrapped in plastic on the side of a road in a high-profile case in Australia, according to a federal search warrant obtained Tuesday, April 9. 2019. (New South Wales Police via AP) Phetmang and Dion left the gas station together in Dion's car, according to the surveillance footage, and that was the last anyone saw of Phetmang. Dion flew back to the U.S. two days after Phetmang's death but before the body was found on June 6, according to the search warrant. A boot police believe belonged to Dion was found with Phetmang's body, and the matching boot was later found in Dion's apartment, the search warrant said. Police also believe Dion used a high-pressure washer to scrub the inside of his car, and dumped both his and Phetmang's clothing, two tire irons and a metal bar inside a water-retention tank where he used to work. When Australian police held a news conference seeking the public's help in the case, Dion called them and tried to blame an associate for Phetmang's killing, while also acknowledging that he had Phetmang's credit cards and cellphones with him in San Diego, according to the search warrant. Dion told police that he had met Phetmang at the gas station to buy meth but that he left when their associate showed up, a story police say is contradicted by surveillance footage. The New South Wales Police Force in Australia said in a news release that detectives traveled to San Diego this week to coordinate the extradition and that no further information was available. NEW YORK (AP) - A former Columbia University official has been sentenced to over three years in prison for accepting kickbacks from unqualified students to help them secure financial aid. Melanie Williams-Bethea was sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District in Manhattan to three years and four months in prison. She had pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery in October. She is the former director of financial aid at Teachers College at Columbia. Two former Teachers College students were previously sentenced to prison terms. U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said the defendants collectively pocketed over $2 million. Prosecutors said the bribery and kickback scheme had lasted for years. Two more former students are due to be sentenced later this month. Tuesday's sentencing comes just after dozens of prominent parents were charged in an unrelated scam to get their children into college. BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraq's prime minster says his government tried to stop the U.S. from labelling Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a "foreign terrorist organization," saying the designation could have negative consequences for Iraq and the Middle East. Adel Abdul-Mahdi says Iraq will continue to invest in its relationship with both the U.S. and Iran despite the White House designation Monday. The Iraqi premier says his government spoke to the U.S. administration about the label. Speaking at his weekly news conference Tuesday, Abdul-Mahdi said that Iraq as Iran's neighbor to the west cannot afford to be the site of conflict between rival powers. Some 5,200 U.S. troops are stationed in Iraq, after the Iraqi parliament invited Washington to deploy forces to fight the Islamic State group in 2014. SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Rose Marie Bentley was an avid swimmer, raised five kids, helped her husband run a feed store, and lived to the ripe age of 99. It was only after she died that medical students discovered that all her internal organs - except for her heart - were in the wrong place. The discovery of the rare condition, which was presented this week to a conference of anatomists, was astounding - especially because Bentley had lived so long. People with the condition known as situs inversus with levocardia often have life-threatening cardiac ailments and other abnormalities, according to Oregon Health & Science University. Cameron Walker's class at the university in Portland was examining the heart of a cadaver last year when they noticed the blood vessels were different. When they opened the abdominal cavity, they saw that all the other organs were on the wrong side. The unusual blood vessels helped the heart compensate. In a telephone interview Tuesday, Walker described his reaction to the find as "definitely a mix of curiosity, fascination and a sense of wanting to explore a little bit of a medical mystery - a medical marvel really - that was in front of us." "And I would say the students felt something very similar," Walker, an assistant professor of anatomy, told The Associated Press. Bentley's family had not known about the condition, which OHSU says occurs only once in every 22,000 births. Apparently Bentley didn't either. This undated photo provided by the Bentley family shows Rose Marie Bentley, before the end of her life. Bentley lived with all her internal organs, except for her heart, on the wrong side. Cameron Walker's medical students in his Oregon Health & Science University were examining the heart of Bentley's body, when they noticed the blood vessels were different. When they opened the abdominal cavity, they discovered all the other organs were on the wrong side. (Courtesy Bentley Family via AP) Bentley, who lived in Molalla, 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of Portland, had led a normal life. Her only recurrent physical complaint was arthritis, her daughter Louise Allee remembered. But there were signs. When Bentley was in her 50s, she underwent a hysterectomy, and the doctor also wanted to remove the appendix but couldn't find it, Allee said in a phone interview. She said it was removed later. Oregon Health & Science University noted that Bentley had three organs removed during her life, but only the surgeon who removed her appendix recorded its unusual location. When Bentley had her gallbladder removed, it was on the opposite side of where it should have been, Allee said. "No one said a thing," Allee said. "I was surprised. This was before they did it with a scope, and she had a good-sized incision. You'd think they would have said something, but they didn't." Walker expressed his gratitude for Bentley agreeing to donate her body to OHSU, Oregon's only academic health center. "This is an important case that really gave us an opportunity to talk about the importance of future clinicians paying attention to subtle anatomic variations, not just large anatomic variations, in terms of addressing their future patients as individuals," Walker said. "Don't judge a book by its cover, and always check and see what you've got before you talk about care." He has researched how long people with the condition have lived, and he found no documented cases in which a person lived beyond age 73. Bentley surpassed that by 26 years. Allee said her mother would have been delighted that the donation of her body led to a learning experience. "She would have been tickled to know she could educate with something unusual," Allee said. "Dad would have loved to know about it so he could tease her." Her husband, James, died about 15 years ago. ___ This story has been updated throughout to correct references to Bentley. ___ Follow Andrew Selsky on Twitter at WASHINGTON (AP) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on President Donald Trump Tuesday to sign into law a resolution ending American involvement in the war in Yemen. "The situation in Yemen ... has left an indelible scar and stain on the conscience of the world," Pelosi told reporters. She said the resolution passed by Congress last week sets "a standard for what kinds of military engagements we take part in." Trump has already pledged to veto the measure. Under the War Powers Resolution enacted in 1973, the president is required to "consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities." The White House statement threatening a veto argued U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen does not constitute engaging in "hostilities," meaning the War Powers Act doesn't apply. It also said the bill raises "serious constitutional concerns." The conflict in Yemen has ground on for more than four years, killing thousands and leaving millions on the brink of famine. President Donald Trump welcomes visiting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to the White House in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) Opposition to U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen grew in the aftermath of the killing of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabian agents last year. Lawmakers from both parties are frustrated Trump hasn't done more to condemn the kingdom's leaders after the incident. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was questioned Tuesday by lawmakers about the Trump administration's response to the Khashoggi killing. Pompeo told a Senate subcommittee the administration was "continuing to pursue facts" and "when we find the facts we will apply the law appropriately." The State Department announced Monday it would deny entry to 16 Saudis over their roles in Khashoggi's killing. The action was taken under the 2019 State Department appropriations bill, which requires Pompeo to deny entry to individuals "involved in significant corruption or gross violations of human rights." Saudi Arabia has been a key U.S. security and economic partner for decades. The U.S. has supported the kingdom's involvement in Yemen since 2015 with intelligence sharing, logistical support and inflight refueling. Trump administration officials argue withdrawing American involvement could diminish chances for a negotiated peace and lead to even higher numbers of civilian casualties. NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - An 80-year-old New York man has been arrested on charges that he killed two young women in a beach cottage nearly half a century ago in Virginia, police said Tuesday. Ernest Broadnax was arrested in New York City on Monday and faces two counts of second-degree murder and one count of rape in Virginia Beach. The slayings occurred in the summer of 1973. Virginia Beach police did not say how they linked Broadnax to the killings. They said their cold-case unit began to pursue a "strong lead" last year and sought out "advanced forensic technology." Broadnax, who lives in New York City's Queens borough, is waiting to go through extradition in New York, police said. It's unclear if he has an attorney. For decades, the case haunted the coastal city in Virginia and the officers who launched the investigation. Friends Janice Pietropola and Lynn Seethaler were from the Pittsburgh area and had rented a cottage about a block from the Atlantic Ocean. Concerned when the two 19-year-olds missed their checkout time, an employee opened the door of their rented cottage, peered inside and discovered their bodies. Pietropola was shot three times in the right side of the head with a .22-caliber gun. She also was raped and strangled. Seethaler was shot twice in the right side of the head and face. Her neck was slashed with a wine bottle, and she also was strangled. Every available detective was put on the case. There were hundreds of interviews and thousands of communiques with police elsewhere. "We did everything we could," then-police Capt. William Haden told The Associated Press in 1998. "We flew in the helicopter, we searched rooftops, we climbed into manholes." During their week in Virginia, Seethaler and Pietropola met several men on the beach and had gone on dates. On two occasions, they invited some of their new acquaintances back to the cottage for beers. The contents of the women's purses had been dumped on the cottage floor, but robbery never was considered a motive. Police didn't know if the killer knew the women, or if the victims were picked at random. For Haden, the case became personal. The crime happened on his 31st birthday, and he said he felt as if the young women's parents had entrusted their daughters to his care. More than a decade after the killings, Haden flew to Los Angeles to investigate two suspects arrested on an unrelated crime whose names had surfaced in the Virginia Beach investigation. But he couldn't connect them to the slayings. "I have always referred to them as 'my girls,'" he said in 1998. "I still don't know why this case was so personal. There is no way I can describe that to you." Virginia Beach police said in their statement Tuesday that they never gave up. The cold case unit began "aggressively researching" a strong lead that came in last fall. They enlisted help from various law enforcement agencies, ranging from the FBI and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service to units within the New York Police Department. "Their dedication and tenacity paid off," Virginia Beach police said. EUGENE, Ore. (AP) - About 500 people remained evacuated Tuesday from their homes in Oregon after record-breaking rain that shut down roads and forced officials to close schools in the hardest-hit communities. The evacuations followed moderate flooding Sunday night and Monday along the Coast Fork of the Willamette and Row rivers near Eugene, The Register-Guard reported . The Lane County Sheriff's Office urged Eugene-area residents to stay off roads and said it was working to help people in several homes completely surrounded by water. Firefighters rescued a 75-year-old man whose pickup truck went off a flooded stretch of road outside Eugene near Junction City, KVAL-TV reported . More than 4.3 inches of rain has fallen in Eugene since Thursday, with a record-breaking 2.34 inches on Sunday alone. That's the most precipitation there in a single calendar day in more than seven years, and it breaks the mark for the wettest April day on record. Andy Bryant, hydrologist for the National Weather Service in Portland, told the newspaper that the service has no record of a flood event in the southern Willamette Valley this late in the rainy season. Shannon Archuleta, left, and her son Jett Archuleta wade through a flooded street in the Riverstone Mobile Home Park in Cottage Grove, Ore., Monday, April 8, 2019, to check on a family member after floodwaters rose overnight. (Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard via AP) "The time of the year, just in my mind, makes it historically significant that we're having a flood like this a week into April," Bryant said. "What we've had is more of a November through February kind of weather event." The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is releasing more water than usual from Willamette River reservoirs to prevent overflow. Highway 58 southeast of Eugene near Oakridge remained closed after it was cut off by a rockslide Monday. Oregon Transportation officials said on Twitter they were hoping to reopen the road late Tuesday afternoon. ___ Information from: The Register-Guard, In this Monday, April 8, 2019 photo made with a drone, the Santiam River flows over its banks and into neighboring fields just east of Interstate 5 as the river reached moderate flood stage Monday afternoon following several days of heavy rain. (Kelly Jordan and Zach Urness/Statesman-Journal via AP) In this Monday, April 8, 2019 photo made with a drone, the Santiam River flows over its banks and into neighboring fields just east of Interstate 5 as the river reached moderate flood stage Monday afternoon following several days of heavy rain. (Kelly Jordan and Zach Urness/Statesman-Journal via AP) In this Monday, April 8, 2019 photo made with a drone, the Santiam River flows over its banks and into neighboring fields just east of Interstate 5 as the river reached moderate flood stage Monday afternoon following several days of heavy rain. (Kelly Jordan and Zach Urness/Statesman-Journal via AP) Phillip Schultz, center, of Junction City, Ore. is rescued from his truck by Junction City Rural Fire and Lane County Sheriff Deputies after he became stuck in flood water on Noraton Lane just off Highway 99 East north of Junction City, Ore. Tuesday April 9, 2019. (Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard via AP) A sign warning of possible floodwaters at the entrance to Alton Baker Park in Eugene, Ore., proves to be an understatement, Monday, April 8, 2019, as water from the nearby Willamette River spills out into the park. (Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard via AP) Eugene Springfield Fire and Rescue personnel aid stranded campers on the Willamette River just down stream from the Knickerbocker Bridge in Eugene. Ore. Monday, April 8, 2019 after they were cut off by rising waters. (Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard via AP) Tents and other belongings are under water at a homeless camp as Wallace Marine Park floods near the Willamette River in West Salem, Ore., on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (Anna Reed/Statesman-Journal via AP) COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - The Latest on a bill in South Carolina requiring illuminated signs for ride share vehicles (all times local): 6:55 p.m. The South Carolina House has given key approval to a bill that would require Uber, Lyft and other ride sharing vehicles to have illuminated signs. The House voted 99-1 to approve the bill Tuesday. It needs one more routine vote before it will be sent to the Senate. The bill was introduced just days after the March 29 death of 21-year-old University of South Carolina student Samantha Josephson. Police say Josephson was killed after getting into a car she thought was her Uber after it pulled into an area where drivers frequently pick up riders in Columbia's bar district. Supporters say the bill gives riders a chance to locate what could be their car before they get too close. Safety experts say riders will need to confirm the car's license plate and ask the driver to recite the rider's name and destination. FILE - In this Jan. 12, 2016, file photo, a ride share car displays Lyft and Uber stickers on its front windshield in downtown Los Angeles. Law enforcement agencies and ride-hailing companies are intensifying efforts to warn passengers against getting in without checking to ensure both the vehicle and driver are legitimate. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel, File) ___ 3:55 p.m. A South Carolina lawmaker sponsoring a bill requiring Uber, Lyft and other ride sharing drivers to have a lighted sign says he knows it isn't a foolproof way to keep riders safe. But Democratic Rep. Seth Rose of Columbia said Tuesday that it's an easy first step so a tipsy college student or distracted concertgoer can immediately know whether a vehicle is their ride. The bil l is awaiting debate on the House floor. Rose filed it days after the death of 21-year-old University of South Carolina student Samantha Josephson. Police say Josephson was killed March 29 after getting into a car she apparently thought was her Uber. Rose acknowledges that impostors could find the signs online. But he says utility uniforms are also available online and yet employees still wear them to identify themselves. OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - An outside investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by former University of Oklahoma President David Boren was fair and objective, the head of the OU regents said Tuesday, although none of the probe's findings have been released. OU Board of Regents Chairwoman Leslie Rainbolt-Forbes said after a six-hour, closed-door meeting with attorneys from the Jones Day law firm that the investigation was launched after "multiple individuals" alleged inappropriate conduct. Rainbolt-Forbes didn't name Boren, but his attorneys have confirmed he was the target of the probe. "We are satisfied that the investigation by Jones Day was fair, non-biased, thorough and objective," Rainbolt-Forbes said. "We consider this is a very serious matter, and we will carefully consider what we learned today, and we will respond in a timely and prompt manner in accordance with the university's existing policies and procedures." Former OU student Jess Eddy has claimed Boren made unwanted sexual advances and touched him inappropriately on several occasions when he worked as a teaching aide for the former Oklahoma governor and U.S. senator more than a decade ago. Boren, through his attorneys, has denied wrongdoing. Eddy appeared at Tuesday's meeting and told reporters he believes the university doesn't intend to adequately investigate his claims. "I have no confidence in Jones Day or the university," Eddy said. FILE - In this March 10, 2015 file photo, University of Oklahoma President David Boren talks with the media before the start of a Board of Regents meeting in Oklahoma City. The attorney for Boren says Boren has met with investigators looking into allegations he sexually harassed male subordinates. Attorney Clark Brewster told The Oklahoman that Boren met Friday, April 5, 2019 with investigators and answered all of their questions, but Brewster declined to discuss specific questions. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File) Eddy previously acknowledged in an interview The Associated Press that he first denied the allegations to Jones Day investigators during a meeting in February and provided a signed statement to Boren's attorney on March 14 again denying the claims. But he said he later decided to publicly acknowledge that the allegations were true after he "started to realize the implications of what I was doing by concealing my truth." "Thinking that there might be others like me began to just haunt me," he said. Eddy also acknowledged calling Boren personally and asking for financial compensation. Boren's attorney Clark Brewster said Eddy's inconsistent statements and attempt to seek money from Boren harm his credibility. "We've been fully cooperative and transparent, and obviously I'm not privy to the (Jones Day) report that was generated based on their interviews and investigation, but I'm confident that President Boren was not engaging in any inappropriate conduct," Brewster said. Brewster said he's unaware of any other person who has made allegations of sexual misconduct against Boren. ___ Follow Sean Murphy at MEXICO CITY (AP) - The weekend killing of a female university student has sparked protests and a four-day shutdown at the University of Ciudad Juarez. During the 1990s, it took dozens of slayings of women before outrage spread in Juarez, a city across the border from El Paso, Texas. But the weekend killing of literature student Dana Lozano has spurred angry marches, and on Tuesday the university suspended classes for the rest of the week to hold sessions on gender and safety issues. Prosecutors said Monday that they had arrested a suspect in the case, a young man reported to be an ex-boyfriend of the victim. Officials have said Lozano was four to six weeks pregnant when she was stabbed to death. NEW YORK (AP) - New York City declared a public health emergency Tuesday and ordered mandatory vaccinations for measles in a part of Brooklyn that is home to a large Orthodox Jewish community. The city took the unusual step amid a surge of 285 measles cases in the city since September, most in one densely packed neighborhood where people now have to get vaccines or risk a $1,000 fine. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported there have been 465 cases so far this year, two-thirds of them in New York state. That compares to 372 cases in the U.S. for all of last year. Besides New York, there have been outbreaks this year in Washington state, California. Michigan and New Jersey. The disease was declared eliminated in the U.S. in 2000, which means it was not being spread domestically. But cases have been rising in recent years, in part the result of misinformation that makes some parents balk at a crucial vaccine. Most of the reported illnesses are in children. The CDC says roughly 80% of the U.S. cases are age 19 or younger. FILE - This Wednesday, March 27, 2019 file photo shows a sign explaining the local state of emergency because of a measles outbreak at the Rockland County Health Department in Pomona, N.Y. Measles is spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It's so contagious that 90 percent of people who aren't immunized are infected if exposed to the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) Here are some questions and answers about measles: Q: How dangerous is measles? A: Measles typically begins with a high fever, and several days later a characteristic rash appears on the face and then spreads over the body. Among serious complications, 1 in 20 patients get pneumonia, and 1 in 1,000 get brain swelling that can lead to seizures, deafness or intellectual disability. While it's rare in the U.S., about 1 in every 1,000 children who get measles dies, according to the CDC. Q: How does it spread? A: By coughing or sneezing, and someone can spread the virus for four days before the telltale rash appears. The virus can live for up to two hours in the air or on nearby surfaces. Nine of 10 unvaccinated people who come into contact with someone with measles will catch it. Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious disease chief at the National Institutes of Health, recently called it "one of the most contagious viruses known to man." Q: Is a problem outside of the U.S.? A: Measles is far more common around the world - the World Health Organization said it claimed 110,000 lives in 2017. The WHO says there's been a 30 % increase in measles cases in recent years. Unvaccinated Americans traveling abroad, or foreign visitors here, can easily bring in the virus. For example, a huge outbreak in Madagascar has caused more than 115,000 illnesses and more than 1,200 deaths since September. But you don't need to go as far as Madagascar - common tourist destinations like England, France, Italy and Greece had measles outbreaks last year. Nearly 83,000 people contracted measles in Europe in 2018, the highest number in a decade. Q: How many U.S. children are vulnerable? A: Overall about 92% of U.S. children have gotten the combination vaccine that protects against measles, mumps and rubella, known as the MMR vaccine. Two shots are required, one around the first birthday and a second between age 4 and 6. Full vaccination is 97% effective at preventing measles. But the CDC says 1 in 12 children do not receive the first dose on time, and in some places vaccination rates are far lower than the national average. For example, an outbreak in Washington state is linked to a community where only about 80% of children were properly vaccinated. Q: Is the vaccine safe? A: Yes. In the late 1990s, one study linked MMR vaccine to autism but that study was found to be a fraud. Later research found no risk of autism from the vaccine. Q: Why isn't everyone vaccinated? A: Some people can't be immunized for medical reasons - including infants and people with weak immune systems - and most states allow religious exemptions. But while vaccination against a list of contagious diseases is required to attend school, 17 states allow some type of non-medical exemption for "personal, moral or other beliefs," according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In Washington state, lawmakers are debating ending that personal or philosophical exemption, as are several other states. California ended a similar exemption in 2015 after a measles outbreak at Disneyland sickened 147 people and spread across the U.S. and into Canada. Q: Why so many cases in New York's Orthodox Jewish communities? A: Most families in Brooklyn's Orthodox enclaves do have their children vaccinated, and most rabbis say there is no religious reason not to get them. But anti-vaccine propaganda has found an audience among a larger than usual percentage of parents in a community used to cultural clashes with city officials. It is also a community whose members travel frequently to other countries where measles is more prevalent. ___ AP Medical Writers Lauran Neergaard in Washington and Mike Stobbe in New York contributed to this story. The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. SALEM, Ore. (AP) - A Republican state senator from Oregon said on Tuesday that the designation of slaves as three-fifths of a person was not racist, drawing condemnation from at least two black lawmakers. Sen. Dennis Linthicum, from Klamath Falls in southern Oregon, said during floor debate that the intent of the Three-Fifths Compromise, which classified a slave as three-fifths of a person in the U.S. Constitution, was a way to prevent slave states from gaining too much power in Congress. "The three-fifths vote was actually to eliminate the overwhelming influence the slave states would have in representative government," he said, adding that the move wasn't because the founders thought "three-fifths was an appropriate measure of a man." Linthicum referred to the compromise while speaking against a measure to add Oregon to the National Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between states to pledge all electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote. It's a way to bypass the Electoral College, which opponents say is a form of voter disenfranchisement that has its roots in the country's founding. The 1789 Constitutional Convention determined that slaves would be considered three-fifths of a person when apportioning taxes and states' representatives in Congress. Historians largely agree that the compromise gave slave holding states inordinate power over choosing the president and in the Continental Congress. That political stronghold, however, eventually faded when population in northern states began to rapidly increase. At least two black senators personally confronted Linthicum following the hearing. Democrat Sen. James Manning, of Eugene, told reporters that Linthicum provided an "offensive mischaracterization" of events, and that his comments were an example of people trying to rewrite history. FILE - In this Friday, Feb. 8, 2019 file photo, Oregon state Sen. Dennis Linthicum, R-Klamath Falls, poses in his office in the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, Ore. Linthicum said on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, that the designation of slaves as three-fifths of a person was not racist, drawing condemnation from at least two black lawmakers. (AP Photo/Andrew Selsky, File) "It diminishes how we are going to move forward," he said. "If you don't recognize and accept the events of the past then we can't move forward because then we live in a fantasy world." Linthicum called slavery "a stain on our nation," and added that his conversations with Manning and with Sen. Lew Frederick, a Democrat from Portland, helped him see the racist legacy that the Three-Fifths Compromise left behind. But he still maintains that doesn't negate that the intent of the move was to "strip power from slave states." Sen. Sara Gelser, a Democrat from Corvallis who has previously spoken out against a perceived hostile culture in the capitol, publicly criticized Linthicum on the floor. "Let's not compromise the humanity of our people," she said. "This is not an appropriate compromise. It was never an appropriate compromise." -- Follow Sarah Zimmerman on Twitter at @sarahzimm95 MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Alabama representatives on Tuesday approved a budget that provides money for 500 additional corrections officers as the state seeks to stave off a lawsuit from the Department of Justice over prison violence. The House of Representatives voted 103-0 for a general fund budget that includes funding for more officers as well as money to boost officer pay. The spending plan now moves to the Alabama Senate. "This is a first step. It's part of the plan. It certainly won't be all of the plan to try to address these issues," said Republican Rep. Steve Clouse, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee. Clouse said much of a $40 million funding increase for the Department of Corrections is for the 500 additional officers and to boost pay by 20 percent to entice more people to work in state prisons. The Department of Justice last week said Alabama is violating the Constitution by failing to protect inmates from violence and sexual abuse and by housing them in understaffed and overcrowded facilities. The department gave the state 49 days to respond or risk a federal lawsuit. The state prison system, already facing a federal court directive to increase staff, had requested the money in January, but Clouse said the Justice Department report added increased urgency to the request. The department has indicated it plans to make the same request in subsequent years. Gov. Kay Ivey last week said that the Justice Department identified many of the same concerns the state already has been working to address. "This is just reinforcing the need we've been seeing all along. This is an Alabama problem. It's got to have an Alabama solution and we'll be addressing that in fast order," Ivey said. While the House passed the budget without a dissenting vote, some Democrats used the debate time to question Ivey's proposal to build, or lease, three new large mega-prisons, housing about 3,000 inmates each. Most existing prisons would close. Although nothing has been finalized, the Alabama Department of Corrections is currently seeking "expressions of interest" from companies to build the three prisons and lease them back to the state for a maximum of $78 million annually. The deadline to respond is Wednesday. "Studies across the country have shown that mega-prisons are not the way to go," said Rep. Chris England, a Democrat from Tuscaloosa. Some lawmakers noted that leasing the prisons would obligate the state to make lease payments without requiring legislative approval as a bond issue for construction would. A prison system spokesman said the prison plan will be a collaborative effort with lawmakers and the request for industry proposals will help the state make an informed decision on the "appropriate path forward." Clouse told reporters he wants to continue to gather information about the proposal. "We've got to see what the costs are," he said. A group representing inmates in an ongoing lawsuit over mental health care said the state needs to be more aggressive in responding to the Justice Department's concerns. Ebony Howard, a senior supervising attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center, said 500 officers is a "wholly inadequate" number. She cited a federal judge's order in an ongoing lawsuit over prison mental health care saying the state should hire 2,200 correctional officers by 2022. "Governor Ivey has long said that the prison crisis is an Alabama problem that should have an Alabama solution. Well, the Department of Justice has made it very clear that time has passed," Howard said. In a letter to the governor, the organization suggests that Alabama more than double the funding request to add 1,100 officers this year and again next year; implement sentencing reform; and replace the two worst state prisons, including Holman prison in Atmore. Lawmakers applauded after approving the general fund budget, but Rep. John Rogers, a Democrat from Birmingham, said the money is inadequate to resolve the problems at state prisons. "We should have been crying," Rogers said. ___ This story has corrected the deadline for the construction proposal response to Wednesday. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Legislation banning abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected stalled in Tennessee on Tuesday amid concerns that passing the measure would result in the state losing costly court battles. Instead, the Senate Judiciary Committee agreed to review the issue further over the summer and take it up next year after members spent nearly two hours rehashing past key abortion court battles, discussing pregnancy viability with medical officials and criticizing the history of Planned Parenthood. "So far, these bills have not fared well in the courts. In other states, the heartbeat bill has been struck down and states have been forced to pay attorney fees to Planned Parenthood. ... My conscience will not allow me to put Tennessee on that path," said Committee Chairman Mike Bell, a Republican from Riceville. The committee's 5-3 decision came after the same panel advanced a separate anti-abortion bill - known as the Human Life Protection Act - that would ensure most abortions would be outlawed should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota and South Dakota have similar laws on the books triggering abortion bans if the nation's high court overturns the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Kentucky and Missouri are considering enacting such bills this year. The two proposals have split Tennessee's GOP-dominated General Assembly this year as Republican lawmakers have fought to find ways to undermine abortion rights, but have disagreed on the best proposal to submit to Gov. Bill Lee's desk. Notably, Tennessee's Right to Life opposed the so-called fetal heartbeat bill, arguing it would defend bills that could survive legal scrutiny. During Tuesday's committee hearing, the group's attorney, Will Brewer, told lawmakers that the trigger ban was "the only pro-life" legislation his group could endorse on the panel's agenda for that day. Yet other groups pleaded with the panel not to give up on their intent to limit access abortion in Tennessee. "Yes, we might have to pay those legal fees. Is defending those rights of the unborn worth it? In my opinion, it is," said David Fowler, president of the Family Action Council of Tennessee. Earlier this year, Lee promised to sign the fetal heartbeat bill and waved aside concerns that previous versions of the same proposal in other states failed to be upheld in court. With the House already clearing the measure with just a handful of Democratic opposition, the Senate was seen as the key barrier to the bill's passage. "We have done all we can to defund Planned Parenthood. We have put in place reasonable restrictions to help prevent abortion. Passing a constitutionally suspect bill now would give the courts an opportunity to erase the progress we have made," Senate Speaker Randy McNally in a statement said. It's still unclear, however, how far the trigger ban bill will survive this year in the General Assembly. A House subcommittee voted against the measure in March, sparking concern the issue may be dead for the year - though the House Health Committee is expected to reconsider the issue later this session. PRESCOTT, Ariz. (AP) - A woman's daughter and granddaughter have been arrested after police found a body they believe was a 77-year-old suspected to have been dead since 2017. Police arrested Tara Aven, 46, and Briar Aven, 24, after the discovery Tuesday of a body believed to be Sandra Aven, who was found in her central Arizona home. The mother and daughter are suspected of cashing numerous checks sent to Sandra Aven for several years, according to police. They said the two women have been booked into the Yavapai County Jail on suspicion of fraud schemes and evidence tampering. Tara Aven is also accused of facilitation of first-degree murder. Police had previously said the case is being investigated as a homicide and the women are considered suspects. It was unclear Tuesday night if either woman had a lawyer yet. Police reported receiving a call from a Prescott resident who said he hadn't seen Sandra Aven for a long time and was worried about her welfare. This undated photo provided by the Yavapai County Jail shows Tara Aven, 46. A body found in a central Arizona home Tuesday, April 9, 2019, is believed to be that of a 77-year-old woman who may have been dead since 2017 and her daughter, Aven, and granddaughter both have been arrested on suspicion of murder and other charges, police said. (Yavapai County Jail via AP) Tara Aven and her daughter live next door to Sandra Aven and were questioned about her whereabouts. Briar Aven initially told officers that her grandmother was out of town and unavailable, police said. After the women gave inconsistent information, officers entered Sandra Aven's home to check on her. They found the body, but police said it hasn't been positively identified yet and there was no information on a possible cause of death. TOKYO (AP) - Japan partially lifted an evacuation order in one of the two hometowns of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant on Wednesday for the first time since the 2011 disaster. Decontamination efforts have lowered radiation levels significantly in the area about 7 kilometers (4 miles) southwest of the plant where three reactors had meltdowns due to the damage caused by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The action allows people to return to about 40 percent of Okuma. The other hometown, Futaba, remains off-limits, as are several other towns nearby. Many former residents are reluctant to return as the complicated process to safely decommission the plant continues. Opponents of lifting the evacuation orders in long-abandoned communities say the government is promoting residents' return to showcase safety ahead of the Tokyo Olympics next summer. The government has pushed for an aggressive decontamination program by removing topsoil, chopping trees and washing down houses and roads in contaminated areas, though experts say the effort only caused the contamination to move from one place to another, creating massive amounts of radioactive waste and the need for its long-term storage. The meltdowns at three of Fukushima Dai-ichi's six reactors caused massive radiation leaks that contaminated the plant's surroundings, forcing at its peak some 160,000 people to evacuate their homes for areas elsewhere in Fukushima or outside the prefecture. FILE - In this Jan. 25, 2018, file photo, an installation of a dome-shaped rooftop cover housing key equipment is near completion at Unit 3 reactor of the Fukushima Dai-ich nuclear power plant ahead of a fuel removal from its storage pool in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, northeast Japan. Japan has partially lifted an evacuation order in one of the two hometowns of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant for the first time since the 2011 disaster. The action taken Wednesday, April 10, 2019, allows people to return about 40 percent of Okuma. The other hometown, Futaba, remains off-limits as are several other towns nearby.(AP Photo/Mari Yamaguchi, File) Evacuation orders in most of the initial no-go zones have been lifted, but restrictions are still in place in several towns closest to the plant and to its northwest, which were contaminated by radioactive plumes from the plant soon after its meltdowns. More than 40,000 people were still unable to return home as of March, including Okuma's population of 10,000. Town officials say the lifting of the evacuation order in the two districts would encourage the area's recovery. "We are finally standing on a starting line of reconstruction," Okuma mayor Toshitsuna Watanabe told reporters. A new town hall is opening in the Ogawara district in May and 50 new houses and a convenience store is underway. But the town center near a main train station remains closed due to radiation levels still exceeding the annual exposure limit and a hospital won't be available for two more years, requiring returnees to drive or take a bus to a neighboring town in case of medical needs. Anti-nuclear sentiment and concerns about radiation exposures remain high in Japan since the disaster, leaving many people skeptical about the safety declaration by the government and utility operators, as risks of developing cancer and other illnesses from low-dose, long-term radiation exposures are still unknown. Critics also say that the annual exposure limit of 20 millisievert, the same as nuclear workers and up from 1 millisievert before the Fukushima meltdowns, is too high. Many people are reluctant to return home because of lingering concerns about radiation, and they have adapted to new jobs and homes after more than eight years away. Only 367 people, or less than 4 percent of Okuma's population, registered as residents in the two districts where the order was lifted. A survey last year found only 12.5 percent of former residents wanted to return to their hometown. The government hopes to allow some of Futaba's 5,980 residents to return next year. Okuma is also home to a temporary storage facility for the radioactive waste that came out of the decontamination efforts across Fukushima. A much delayed facility is still underway. Fukushima plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., and government officials plan to start removing the melted fuel in 2021 from one of the three melted reactors, but still know little about its condition inside and have not finalized waste management plans. ___ Follow Mari Yamaguchi on Twitter at RTHK: Sudan's military leader steps down after one day Sudan's new military leader has resigned just a day leading a coup that removed long-time president Omar al-Bashir from power. The army insists it will pave the way for a civilian government. The head of Sudan's new ruling military council, General Awad Ibn Ouf, announced his departure a day after being sworn in. His move came shortly after the council's political chief Lieutenant General Omar Zain al-Abdin told Arab and African diplomats: "This is not a military coup, but taking the side of the people." Ouf's departure was an apparent sign of confusion among the northeast African country's new leaders after Thursday's ousting of iron-fisted Bashir. But there was jubilation at the news on the streets of Khartoum. Tens of thousands of protesters had kept up a vigil at the army headquarters in the Sudanese capital Friday angrily demanding that the military make way for a civilian government. The Sudanese Professionals Association which has spearheaded the nationwide protest campaign hailed Ibn Ouf's departure as "a victory of the people's will". The umbrella group organising the protests called on newly sworn-in ruler Burhan to "transfer the powers of the military council to a transitional civilian government." "If this does not happen we will continue with our sit-in in front of the army headquarters and other towns," it said in a statement. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2019-04-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. PRESCOTT, Ariz. (AP) - The Latest on charges against a Prescott woman and daughter accused of murder (all times local): 5:55 p.m. Police in Prescott say a mother and daughter are accused of first-degree murder in the death of the family's matriarch. They say a body found in a home Tuesday is believed to be that of 77-year-old Sandra Aven, who may have been dead since late 2017. Police say 46-year-old Tara Aven and her 24-year-old daughter Briar Aven also have been booked into the Yavapai County Jail on suspicion of fraud schemes and evidence tampering. They say Tara Aven is additionally accused of facilitation of first-degree murder. Police say the mother and daughter allegedly cashed numerous monthly payment checks sent to Sandra Aven for several years. Tara Aven and her daughter live next door to Sandra Aven and were questioned about her whereabouts before police entered her home and found a body that hasn't been identified yet. ____ 3:30 p.m. Police in Prescott have arrested the daughter and granddaughter of a 77-year-old Arizona woman on after finding what they suspect is her body more than a year after her death. They say 46-year-old Tara Aven and 24-year-old Briar Aven were booked into Yavapai County Jail after the body was found in a Prescott home Tuesday. Authorities didn't immediately detail any possible charges against the women. Police say the case is being investigated as a homicide and the women are considered suspects. They say the mother and daughter are suspected of cashing numerous checks sent to Sandra Aven for several years. Tara Aven and her daughter live next door to Sandra Aven and were questioned about her whereabouts. ATLANTA (AP) - Third time's a charm. At least that's what frustrated voters in one Georgia House district are hoping after two previous elections were thrown out by a judge. Unofficial results on Tuesday showed Chris Erwin beating Dan Gasaway for a third time in the Republican primary for a state House seat in northeast Georgia. Results from Georgia's secretary of state showed Erwin receiving about 75% of over 6,000 votes cast. There is no Democrat in the race, so the winner takes the seat spanning Banks, Stephens and Habersham counties. "It's kind of frustrating," Harold Scott said after casting his ballot for Erwin - the third time he had done so - at the First Baptist Church in Cornelia. "To spend the money three times to get a guy elected, it's kind of silly." The new vote came as Georgia continues to face scrutiny over its handling of the 2018 elections, during which voters reported a number of issues casting ballots - including long voter lines, malfunctioning voting machines and rejected absentee ballots. Erwin appeared to defeat Gasaway twice before, first in the original primary last May and then in a redo Dec. 4. But Superior Court Judge David Sweat found illegal votes tainted both results and ordered new elections. Gasaway challenged May's primary results in court after losing to Erwin by 67 votes. Sweat, a senior judge based outside the district, ruled mapping errors allowed some who didn't live in the district to vote. Erwin won again in December by just two votes, and was sworn in Jan. 14. But he was removed by a court order within a month, when Sweat threw out those results after finding that four voters cast illegal ballots - enough to have potentially tipped the race. The cycle of elections and legal challenges left the district without a representative in the state House for much of the 2019 legislative session, which opened in January and ended last week. Habersham County elections supervisor Laurel Ellison estimated the cost of the December do-over at about $5,800 and the cost of Tuesday's race at about $8,000. NEW DELHI (AP) - The Dalai Lama has been hospitalized in the Indian capital with a chest infection and is feeling better, his spokesman said Wednesday. The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader is under medication and likely to spend a day or two in the hospital, spokesman Tenzin Taklha said. The Dalai Lama flew from Dharmsala for consultations with doctors in the capital and was hospitalized on Tuesday. The north Indian hill town has been his headquarters since he fled Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule. Takhla said the Dalai Lama was feeling much better now but has already cut down on travel in the past year as he has to take care of his health. He usually spends several months a year traveling the world to teach Buddhism and highlight the Tibetans' struggle for greater freedom in China. "Long-distance travelling is tiresome. Generally, he is in very good health. But he is taking precautions," he told The Associated Press. FILE - In this April 4, 2019, file photo, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama speaks during a press conference after talking to an audience of educators, in New Delhi, India. The Dalai Lama has been hospitalised in the Indian capital with chest infection and is feeling much better. The Tibetan spiritual leader's spokesman Tenzin Taklha says the Dalai Lama is under medication and likely to spend a day or two in the hospital. The Dalai Lama flew to New Delhi from Dharmsala for consultations with doctors and was hospitaliszd on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup, File) The Dalai Lama addressed a conference of educators and students in New Delhi last week. Answering a question related to Tibet's future with China, he reiterated that he is not seeking independence for Tibet, but would prefer a "reunion" with China under mutually acceptable terms. FILE - In this Sept. 15, 2018, file photo, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama greets journalists during the opening of the exhibition titled "Buddha's Life" at the Nieuwe Kerk church in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Dalai Lama has been hospitalised in the Indian capital with chest infection and is feeling much better. The Tibetan spiritual leader's spokesman Tenzin Taklha says the Dalai Lama is under medication and likely to spend a day or two in the hospital. The Dalai Lama flew to New Delhi from Dharmsala for consultations with doctors and was hospitaliszd on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File) WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand (all times local): 10:55 p.m. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says that her relationship with Hillary Clinton is strong and that the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee has given her advice about her own presidential bid. In 2017, Gillibrand said that Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, should have resigned after his inappropriate relationship with an intern came to light two decades ago. At a CNN town hall Tuesday, Gillibrand said that her "fondness" and respect for Hillary Clinton are "very strong" and that she continues to admire and look up to her. Gillibrand took Hillary Clinton's Senate seat when Clinton was named secretary of state. In this April 5, 2019, photo, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., addresses a gathering during a campaign stop at a coffee house in Dover, N.H. Gillibrand has campaigned across eight states, pushed her rivals to release their tax returns and delivered a major speech outside a Trump-branded property in Manhattan in the months since launching her exploratory committee. Yet, she has struggled to break out of the pack of more than a dozen 2020 presidential candidates. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) She said Tuesday that Hillary Clinton is "a role model for all of us," but that her views on the former president are "very different, and I've said all I'm going to say about that." ___ 12:20 a.m. Kirsten Gillibrand has campaigned across eight states, pushed her rivals to release their tax returns and delivered a major speech outside a Trump-branded property in Manhattan in the months since launching her exploratory committee. Yet the Democratic senator from New York has struggled to break out of the pack of more than a dozen 2020 presidential candidates this year. A town hall event, set to be televised Tuesday on CNN, is a critical moment for Gillibrand's campaign, offering her an opportunity as she seeks a defining moment. The opportunity comes at the end of the first fundraising quarter, which has offered some early evidence of how Democratic presidential candidates are faring. While some of her rivals have given details of their fundraising hauls, Gillibrand has yet to do so. WASHINGTON (AP) - Facing bipartisan pushback to his immigration shake-up, President Donald Trump said he's not looking to revive the much-criticized practice of separating migrant children from their families at the southern border. At the same time, he suggested the policy had worked to deter migrants from coming into the U.S., although he offered no evidence to support his position. Last summer the administration separated more than 2,500 children from their families before international outrage forced Trump to halt the practice and a judge ordered them reunited. "We're not looking to do that," Trump told reporters on Tuesday before meeting with Egypt's president at the White House. But he also noted: "Once you don't have it, that's why you see many more people coming. They're coming like it's a picnic, because let's go to Disneyland." The potential reinstatement of one of the most divisive practices of Trump's tenure was just one aspect of the upheaval at the Department of Homeland Security this week that culminated with the resignation of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Acting Deputy Secretary Claire Grady, a 28-year civil servant, technically next in line for secretary, was forced to resign Tuesday to make room for Trump's pick to replace Nielsen, according to two people familiar with the decision. With talk that more top officials were likely to be ousted, Republicans expressed public and private concerns about the shake-up orchestrated by the White House and cautioned that leadership changes wouldn't necessarily solve the problem. As for the separation of children, Trump declared that he was "the one that stopped it" and said his predecessor, President Barack Obama, was the one who had divided family members. Administrations are allowed to separate children under certain circumstances including for the health and welfare of the child and due to a parent's criminal history. This is why children were separated under the Obama administration. President Donald Trump speaks while meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) At hearings across Capitol Hill, lawmakers grilled administration officials on whether the practice would resurface despite last year's outrage and evidence that separations were likely to cause lasting psychological effects on the children. House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., also said his committee would look at the staff shake-up at Homeland Security, although he said he had not decided on calling in Nielsen. Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said there was a serious problem going on between the White House and Homeland Security. "If everybody's sitting around waiting for a shiny new wonder pony to ride in and solve it, we're going to be waiting a long time," he said. People familiar with the immigration discussions within the administration said family separation was one of several ideas Trump had revived in recent weeks as he and his aides try to tackle the problem of an ever-growing number of Central American families crossing into the U.S. The people were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. A senior administration official who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity Tuesday said the president had made a series of leadership changes at DHS because of frustrations that department officials weren't fast enough at implementing changes, such as a new regulation that would challenge a longstanding agreement limiting how long children can be detained, that could spark a legal fight that would land in the Supreme Court. The White House also was weighing a tougher standard to evaluate initial asylum claims, proposing a "binary choice" that would force migrant families to choose between remaining with their children in detention until their immigration cases were decided or sending their children to government shelters while the parents remained in detention. The administration also is considering clamping down on remittance payments that Mexican nationals send to their families, the official said. Amid the pushback, Trump told reporters he was not "cleaning house" at the agency despite the numerous staff changes. He said his choice to be the department's new acting director, Kevin McAleenan, would do a "fantastic job." But as Trump was speaking, the senior administration official was making a case to reporters about why the president felt changes were necessary. He described the agency as a large and unwieldly civilian bureaucracy in need of leadership that can deal with career officials resistant to the president's agenda, including many responsible for implementing some of the very policies Trump seeks to roll back. Top Republicans in Congress also expressed concern over vacancies at Homeland Security and cautioned Trump to heed off more churn after Nielsen's resignation. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, made both a public and private plea to the White House not to dismiss career homeland security officials, including the director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Lee Francis Cissna, whose future remained uncertain Tuesday. He said he had spoken to acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney but "never heard anything final" about Cissna. At a Senate Homeland Security Committee meeting on border issues, child welfare and border officials warned there wasn't room or capability to start separating children on a large scale again. Children who cross the border alone are cared for by the Department of Health and Human Services, and most of the children are teenagers. But last summer, HHS started receiving babies and toddlers, and there was not enough space to house them, said Jonathan White, the career civil servant tasked by Health and Human Services with helping to reunify children. "It also bears repeating, separating children from their parents entails significant risk of psychological harm. That is an undisputed scientific fact," White told senators. "We have made improvements to our tracking, but we do not have the capacity to receive that number of children, nor do we have any system that can manage the mass trauma." Both Republican and Democratic leaders deplored the idea of separating families. "I hope members of the administration are actually listening," said Sen. Ron Johnson, R- Wis., the committee chairman. He added that he had spoken with Mulvaney about moving a permanent Homeland Security nominee through quickly. Some of Trump's outside allies are urging him to nominate former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to lead the department, while others are pushing former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for the job. Both men's names also have been tossed about for a possible immigration czar who would coordinate immigration policy across federal agencies. ___ Associated Press writers Kevin Freking, Lisa Mascaro, Laurie Kellman, Alan Fram and Darlene Superville in Washington and Nomaan Merchant in Houston contributed to this report. WASHINGTON (AP) - Under pressure to show they have solutions, Democrats are honing proposals to address the surge of families entering the U.S. at the southern border, a problem they say President Donald Trump's restrictive immigration policies are enflaming. House Democrats plan to introduce legislation soon addressing the recent waves of Central American migrants reaching the border. Senate Democrats are pursuing multiple tracks, including exploring whether talks with the White House might be feasible. The House measure, described by lawmakers, aides and lobbyists, would stand virtually no chance of winning approval by the Republican-led Senate, let alone getting Trump's signature. But it would let Democrats show voters they're responsive to the rush of migrants that has overwhelmed federal officials and left border communities struggling to cope - rather than simply objecting to Trump's moves. The bill, which participants said is still being finalized, is expected to increase federal resources at border entry points for processing refugees, counseling children and treating people needing medical care. It would create centers in Central America where asylum applications could be processed and provide aid to reduce poverty and violence in the region so fewer people would flee. "You don't just wait for people to show up at the border. It's the worst way to deal with it," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., who's working on the legislation with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and party leaders. The measure represents Democrats' effort to find the sweet spot between addressing a burgeoning humanitarian crisis and not lending credibility to Trump's assertion that hordes of immigrants are invading the country. They say Trump has exacerbated the situation by aggressively detaining migrants caught entering the U.S. illegally and slowing the processing of asylum seekers, which can take months or longer. In this April 5, 2019, file photo, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection vehicle sits near the wall as President Donald Trump visits a new section of the border wall with Mexico in Calexico. Under pressure to show they have solutions, Democrats are honing proposals to address the surge of families entering the U.S. at the southern border, a problem they say Trump's restrictive immigration policies are enflaming. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) "This is a manufactured crisis," said Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz. Trump has accused Democrats of "obstructing." He complained Tuesday about their refusal to tighten asylum laws, restrict legal immigration by relatives of migrants already here or ban the release of detained migrants until their court dates - a practice used by recent administrations, including his own. "They don't want to act," Trump said. In the Senate, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a senior member of the Judiciary committee, said she plans to introduce a bill that would beef up immigration courts to reduce a huge backlog of cases and prohibit separations of migrant families . The measure would face an uphill climb. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said Democrats were in early discussions about what legislation to craft and were trying to arrange meetings with the White House on the issue. But he cautioned that last year's collapse of immigration talks with Trump did not bode well. "This president is not an easy person to work with on this subject," said Durbin, Senate Democrats' No. 2 leader. No one disputes that the number of migrants seeking entry into the U.S. is swelling. Authorities were expecting to prevent 100,000 people, mostly families, from crossing the southern border last month, the most in 12 years. In response, Trump has moved to cut nearly $500 million in aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, whose citizens have trekked toward the U.S. in growing numbers. He has curbed the number of asylum applications that authorities process. He has been blocked by a federal court from forcing refugees to wait in Mexico while their cases are decided. And he has warned he'll close the southwest border, a threat he's intermittently eased and renewed. Frustrated with his team's resistance to carry out some of his policy proposals, he's also replaced Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and moved to purge other top officials at the department. Democrats, joined by many Republicans, said Trump's shake-up was unwise. "He doesn't like the law," said No. 2 House leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md. "And he's firing people who are determined that they have to act within the confines of the law. I think that's very dangerous." Trump says the U.S. faces a security and humanitarian calamity. In a letter to lawmakers last month, Nielsen asked for "immediate congressional assistance" to address "a system-wide meltdown." She requested funds for more detention beds, medical teams and processing facilities but specified no dollar amounts. Democrats are skeptical of such requests. "They've already taken and transferred money from things to their ridiculous wall," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., referring to Trump's effort to build a border wall that Democrats have mocked as ineffective. "It's pretty difficult for me to say I'd give them more. I'd have a lot more accountability built in, and I'd cut the amount we're giving to Homeland Security until they can show us they really need it." Democrats contend that Trump's goal is to rile up his conservative voters as his 2020 re-election campaign gets underway. "He's shown that over and over, he's just anti-immigrant. And this is a campaign talking point for him," said Rep. Nanette Barragan, D-Calif. Republicans say Democrats are simply out to block Trump. "They don't want to give Trump any victory on anything, ever," said Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y., a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. ___ Associated Press writer Darlene Superville contributed to this report. GRINNELL, Iowa (AP) - Austin Anderson was excited to see Beto O'Rourke on his college campus last week, intrigued by his "character" and talk of bipartisanship. But would he support the former Texas congressman in next year's Iowa caucuses? "It doesn't feel like it's at the top of the list," the Iowa State University senior said. "I'm looking for a job right now. I'm, like, a dumb 21-year-old who worries about girls ... and schoolwork. I don't know, it feels extra at times." Anderson represents the challenge for O'Rourke and other 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who are making appeals to young voters a central part of their campaign. The White House hopefuls can soak up the energy of young crowds at campus rallies, but that doesn't necessarily translate into support on Election Day. Even when enthusiasm about an election is high, as it was during the 2018 midterms, young people often participate in lower rates than their older counterparts. Last year in Iowa, home to several competitive races, voters ages 18 to 24 made up 7% of the overall electorate, according to the Iowa secretary of state. It can be even tougher to get young people to show up for a presidential caucus, which traditionally requires showing up at a site and supporting a candidate by standing in groups. But some Democratic operatives believe a change to the caucus that would allow people to participate virtually could lead to record young voter turnout. So the 2020 Democratic contenders are showing up on Iowa's campuses in search of every vote they can get. FILE - In this March 15, 2019, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke speaks to local residents during a stop at the Central Park Coffee Company in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Young voters, many of whom reside in delegate-rich areas of the state and can be powerful multiplying forces if they're engaged enough to convince friends and family members to show up and support their candidates, could be a major force in this cycle's Iowa caucuses. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) Sen. Kamala Harris of California will hold a town hall Wednesday at the University of Iowa. Next week, her campaign will launch "Camp Kamala" - an organizing effort focused on training students and young Iowans to caucus and get their friends and neighbors to turn out - at five college campuses across the state. O'Rourke has held town halls at 17 schools in six states since announcing his candidacy last month, including a handful of Iowa colleges just this past week. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey has hired three organizers from NextGen Iowa, the youth voter turnout group. He's appeared at events hosted by college Democrats and is recruiting volunteers from at least 10 Iowa colleges and universities, with a more extensive youth turnout effort to come, according to campaign staff. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has appeared at student-focused events in Iowa as well, and her Iowa campaign already has more than 30 organizers embedded throughout the state, including in the major college towns of Ames, Iowa City and Cedar Falls. The campaign of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York touts that her first endorsement was from a 22-year-old University of Iowa student and that Gillibrand is planning to tour a community college and visit a handful of college campuses on her next visit to the state. O'Rourke and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, are among the youngest candidates in the field, and hundreds of students showed up at O'Rourke's rallies on the campuses of Iowa State and Grinnell College this past week. And Sen. Bernie Sanders' improbable 2016 success was driven in part by enthusiasm from young people, a fact the Vermont independent touts at his rallies. But in nearly two dozen interviews at a handful of O'Rourke and Sanders events last week, it was clear that Iowa's young voters aren't a monolithic voting bloc. Candidates ranging from former Vice President Joe Biden to entrepreneur Andrew Yang came up as top picks. Eli Shapiro, an 18-year-old Grinnell freshman, said he was a fan of Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota because she's shown an ability to work across the aisle. He wasn't impressed by O'Rourke. "He's soft like a cheesecake. When you ask him 'What do you think about taxes?' he'll just give you the most generic answer," he said. Victoria Palma, a 19-year-old sophomore at Iowa State, said she was a big fan of Sanders' in 2016 but was now looking at O'Rourke and Harris. "There are just so many more options this time, as well as maybe there's a reason why he didn't make it last time," she said. For Mary Davega, another Grinnell sophomore, the way Biden handled the controversy surrounding his touchiness was a deal-breaker. She's considering O'Rourke because of his authenticity. "The hugging and the touchiness, I think, is not a problem, but he dealt with it wrong, and we cannot have another borderline misogynist person leading the country," the 21-year-old Davega said. But even if a candidate wins over students, he or she has another hurdle to overcome: getting young people to show up. Many don't even know what caucusing is. Abby Leonard, a 19-year-old Grinnell sophomore, said she's been told "it's a big thing on campus and that it's really active and that people like to yell." Another Grinnell sophomore, Will Telingator, confused caucusing with canvassing. "I assume it's just kind of advocating for a candidate or going door to door trying to register people to vote," the 19-year-old said. Jake Drobnik, a 19-year-old Iowa State freshman, said it was "intimidating" to caucus because "you don't know exactly what you're getting into." "But I'm ready to Google it," he said. RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Lee Wayne Hunt died a prisoner, officially deemed guilty of a double murder - even though a co-defendant absolved him in a conversation with a lawyer that remained secret for decades. Attorney Staples Hughes said a client who also was convicted in the case told him not long after the 1984 slayings of a Fayetteville couple that Hunt wasn't involved. Hughes risked disbarment when he told a judge in 2007 about the confession, after the client, Jerry Cashwell, had died. "If you believe what my client told me, and I believe my client, that Mr. Hunt didn't do this, then it just becomes so terrible and so sad," Hughes told The Associated Press. Hunt, 59, died alone Feb. 13 at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, where he had been taken about a week earlier for treatment of heart problems, his daughter, Heather Allen, told the AP. Prison officials didn't tell Hunt's relatives that he'd been moved from Maury Correctional Institution to the hospital until the family got word he had died, Allen said. He'd spent more than half his life in state prisons. The AP received a tip that Hunt had died and is the only news organization to interview members of the families of both Hunt and the Matthews' couple since his death. Hunt, Cashwell and a third man were convicted in the deaths of Roland and Lisa Matthews, who were shot and stabbed in their home in Fayetteville. Their 2-year-old daughter was found in a bedroom, physically unharmed. In this photo taken Wednesday, March 6, 2019 in Raleigh, N.C. Heather Allen holds a photo of her father, Lee Wayne Hunt, from his memorial. Even though Lee Wayne Hunt died as a prisoner found guilty of a double murder, his family says he never gave up hope of proving his innocence. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Prosecutors said the couple was killed because Roland Matthews stole marijuana from Hunt, who ran a drug ring. The only physical evidence tying Hunt to the crimes was a lead-content comparison of bullets that Hunt owned to bullets found at the crime scene - a comparison technique the FBI abandoned in 2005 after the method faced scientific criticism. Other evidence included testimony from an associate who received immunity and from a prison informant. That's not to say Hunt had no criminal history. In November 1985, Hunt was sentenced for felony drug possession and other charges. He was released in September 1986. Less than a month later, on Oct. 17, 1986, he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Hunt's supporters were certain the lack of physical evidence, along with Cashwell's posthumously released confession, would eventually free him in the murder case. But it didn't. Judges repeatedly ruled against him. North Carolina's unique Innocence Inquiry Commission couldn't take his case because there was no new evidence, said Chris Mumma, executive director of the nonprofit N.C. Center on Actual Innocence, which handled Hunt's case at one point. Yet Hunt believed until the end that he would be exonerated, his daughter said. "He never let go of hope," Allen said. He told her "If they don't find out while I'm here, hopefully the truth will come out when I'm not here," she said. "... He always talked about the Lord and he always believed things would come to a light one day." Hughes, now 67, kept Cashwell's confession secret because of attorney-client privilege until after Cashwell died by suicide in prison in 2002. Hughes signed an affidavit for Hunt's attorneys in 2004. When Hughes came forward at a hearing for Hunt in 2007, the judge admonished him and reported him to the State Bar, which declined to take action against him. Last fall, Hughes visited Hunt for the first time in prison. They talked for more than two hours. "He completely understood the situation I was in," Hughes said. "He bore me no ill will." But in his last few phone calls with his daughter, Hunt shared his worries about his health and the lack of care he believed he received behind bars, Allen said. When Allen received his personal belongings from prison officials, she found complaints about his medical care. Correction Department spokesman John Bull said laws prohibit him from discussing a prisoner's health record. He said he'd share the Hunt family's concerns with prison medical officials. The victims' family, meanwhile, is certain of Hunt's guilt and relieved he's finally gone. Roland Matthews' sister, Paula Holland of Hope Mills, believes Hughes lied about Cashwell's confession. When asked what trial evidence convinced her of Hunt's guilt, Holland responded: "Because of who he is. Because of who he was. Because of his reputation." Holland said her niece, Crystal Mayfield, was 22 months old when her parents were killed. She was found sitting on her bed, with her dog. And when an exonerated ex-prisoner commented in a public Facebook post that Hunt died an innocent man, Mayfield responded: "I am very relieved that justice has finally been served and my family can have some peace now." Mayfield didn't reply to a Facebook message from the AP. Her relatives said she didn't want to be interviewed. It's not uncommon for prisoners who have evidence of innocence to die in custody. Responding to an email query, lawyers nationwide listed cases in multiple states where prisoners with strong evidence, including DNA, have died awaiting a chance to prove their innocence. At least 21 people have been exonerated posthumously, with about half dying in prison, according to the National Registry of Exonerations. Hunt, who learned to read and write in prison, was a woodworker. He enjoyed reading about log cabins and talked about the one he'd build when free, his family said. He used plastic knives and wood from pallets to carve animal figures, then dyed them with coffee grounds and decorated them with pastel crayons, Allen said. The victims' family thinks Allen is lucky to have those memories. "Lee Wayne Hunt was very fortunate," Holland said. "His family could go to prison and visit him. The only joy we had left was putting flowers on my brother's grave. I hate it for them, but I hate it for us, too ... We didn't take his life. ... We just had to wait and bide our time." Hunt's supporters believe time did him no favors. "Everything I knew about this case makes me believe he didn't do this," Hughes said. "And that's pretty terrible. I had hoped this would turn out different. And it didn't. It just turned out overwhelmingly sadly." ___ Associated Press reporter Allen G. Breed contributed to this story. ___ Follow Martha Waggoner on Twitter at In this photo taken Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Heather Allen, daughter of Lee Wayne Hunt, responds during an interview in Raleigh, N.C. Even though Hunt died as a prisoner found guilty of a double murder, his family says he never gave up hope of proving his innocence. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) In this photo taken Wednesday, March 6, 2019 in Raleigh, N.C. Heather Allen arranges some carvings made by her father, Lee Wayne Hunt, while he was in prison. Even though Lee Wayne Hunt died as a prisoner found guilty of a double murder, his family says he never gave up hope of proving his innocence. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) In this photo taken Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Heather Allen, Lee Wayne Hunt's daughter, pauses during an interview in Raleigh, N.C. Even though Lee Wayne Hunt died as a prisoner found guilty of a double murder, his family says he never gave up hope of proving his innocence. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) - A Pakistani government official says a powerful rainstorm with heavy winds across the country's northwest killed at least six people overnight. Taimur Khan, a spokesman for the provincial Disaster Management Authority said on Wednesday that several people were also injured in the storm in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province that borders Afghanistan. He says many houses were damaged and some of the areas in the province were without electricity for hours but the situation is now under control. Seasonal dust storms and rains often damage houses in Pakistan, causing casualties. The country's monsoon season begins in July and torrential rains trigger flash floods every year in Pakistan. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - The interim police chief of Richmond, Virginia, says one of his officers will be disciplined for telling a group of middle schoolers "wait until your asses turn 18, then you're mine." Interim Chief William Smith told news outlets that the officer will undergo remedial training. He says the officer also will, unrelatedly, move to another area of Richmond. A video posted online last month shows several black students standing outside Albert Hill Middle School when the officer drives past and curses at them. It's unclear what led to the confrontation. Tenesha Calloway posted the video and says her daughter was in the group of students. She says she wants the department to release the officer's identity. Mayor Levar Stoney and city schools Superintendent Jason Kamras both condemned the officer's actions. HONG KONG (AP) - A Hong Kong court extended bail Wednesday for nine leaders of 2014 pro-democracy demonstrations who are awaiting sentencing after being convicted of public nuisance offenses. The guilty verdicts handed down Tuesday against the nine were condemned by rights activists as a likely sign of increasing restrictions on free expression in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory. The defendants will be sentenced April 24. The nine were leaders of the "Occupy Central" campaign, which was organized as a nonviolent sit-in that became known as the "Umbrella Movement" after a key symbol of defiance against police adopted by the street protests. The movement shut down parts of Hong Kong, and was marked by occasional clashes between demonstrators, the police and others before the last protesters were cleared from the streets after 79 days. Protesters demanded the right to freely nominate candidates for Hong Kong's leader who would then be elected by all of the territory's roughly 5 million voters. However, they failed to win any concessions from the government and Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam was chosen in 2017 from among a slate of candidates approved by Beijing and elected by a 1,200- member pro-China electoral body. Occupy Central leaders, from left, Shiu Ka-chun, Chan Kin-man, Chu Yiu-ming, Benny Tai and Tanya Chan shout slogans before entering a court in Hong Kong, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Nine pro-democracy activists returned to court Wednesday in Hong Kong to await their verdicts after having been found guilty of various offenses in relation to the 2014 "Occupy Central" protest, which paralyzed city streets in the southern Chinese territory. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu) Amnesty International said the nine had indicated they would appeal their convictions to avoid deterring future protests or setting a precedent for similar prosecutions in the future. "The conviction of these nine prominent figures of the Umbrella Movement is likely to have a chilling effect on freedom of peaceful assembly and expression in Hong Kong," the rights group said in a statement. Ranging in age from their 30s to 70s, the nine defendants span generations of Hong Kong citizens who have been agitating for full democracy. The defendants had all pleaded not guilty, calling the prosecutions politically motivated. The charges carry a maximum penalty of seven years. Hong Kong, a former British colony, was handed over to Chinese rule in 1997 under an agreement in which China promised the city could retain its own laws, economic system and civil rights for 50 years. However, Chinese President and Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has been seen as extending his crackdown on civil liberties to Hong Kong, drawing criticism from commercial and legal associations as well as political, human rights and media groups. Occupy Central leaders, from left, Chan Kin-man, Chu Yiu-ming and Benny Tai pose for photographers before entering a court in Hong Kong, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Nine pro-democracy activists returned to court Wednesday in Hong Kong to await their verdicts after having been found guilty of various offenses in relation to the 2014 "Occupy Central" protest, which paralyzed city streets in the southern Chinese territory. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu) Occupy Central leaders, from right, Tommy Cheung, Tanya Chan, Benny Tai, Chu Yiu-ming, Chan Kin-man, Shiu Ka-chun, Lee Wing-tat, Raphael Wong and Eason Chung arrive at a court in Hong Kong, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Nine pro-democracy activists returned to court Wednesday in Hong Kong to await their verdicts after having been found guilty of various offenses in relation to the 2014 "Occupy Central" protest, which paralyzed city streets in the southern Chinese territory. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu) BERLIN (AP) - German authorities have carried out raids on groups suspected of helping the militant Palestinian group Hamas under the guise of providing humanitarian aid. The interior ministry said some 90 properties across Germany associated with an "Islamist network" were searched on Wednesday. It said the network was headed by two groups based in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, WWR Help and Ansaar International. The ministry said there are indications that the network provided financial and propaganda support to Hamas, a longtime enemy of Israel that runs the Gaza Strip and was listed as a terror group by the European Union in 2001. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said that "anyone who supports Hamas under the cover of humanitarian aid flouts fundamental value judgments of our constitution." SINGAPORE (AP) - Singapore seized more than 28 tons of pangolin scales belonging to around 38,000 of the endangered mammals in the past week, a global record that spurred calls for more protection for pangolins, whose scales are used in traditional medicine. The scales were linked to four species of pangolins native to Africa. A record 14.2 tons of the scales were found hidden among packets of frozen beef in shipping containers on April 3. Five days later, they found 14 more tons in 474 bags in another container. The National Parks Board, Singapore Customs and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority said in a statement Wednesday that the cargo was declared as cassia seeds. Both shipments were en route from Nigeria to Vietnam. "The sheer size of these two latest seizures is unprecedented and will undoubtedly prove a major setback to the traffickers concerned," said Richard Thomas of monitoring network Traffic. He warned that the seizures themselves won't put the traffickers out of business. "The quantities of pangolins involved point to sourcing, processing and distribution on an industrial scale," Thomas said. The pangolin is said to be the most widely trafficked mammal in the world, and its scales are in high demand in Asia for use in traditional Chinese medicine. The scales are made of keratin, the same material in human fingernails. Their meat is also considered a delicacy in China and other Asian countries. FILE - In this Aug. 31, 2017, file photo, one of over 100 pangolins and 450 kg (992 lb.) of pangolin scales seized buy the Thailand customs, estimated to be worth over 2.5 million baht (USD $75,278), are displayed during a press conference at the Customs Department headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand. Singapore has seized a total of 25 tons of pangolin scales belonging to tens of thousands of endangered mammals in two busts in less than a week. The scales, which were en route from Nigeria to Vietnam, were found in 474 bags in a shipping container on Monday. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit, File) Wildlife groups are concerned that the busts point to a jump in poaching of pangolins. "The World Health Organization recently endorsed traditional medicine and the industry appears keen to grow this market, outside of China, Vietnam and beyond," said Neil D'Cruze, the global wildlife adviser at the World Animal Protection. "This is an alarming move for some wildlife species such as pangolins, as it poses a real conservation and animal welfare threat." Pangolins are an extremely lucrative catch, he said. In rural communities where they're hunted, poachers can make up to the equivalent of a full year's salary from catching just one pangolin. Feeding "the insatiable demand" are middlemen traffickers who also profit from the trade that's reaching more remote communities to hunt the animal, he added. Paul Thomson, an official at the Pangolin Specialist Group, said it looks like the pangolin poaching has increased but figures were difficult to ascertain. "The illegal trade in pangolin parts has been going on for decades. However, pangolins have typically been overlooked in terms of concerted conservation attention and action," Thomson told The Associated Press. "This is changing thanks to growing awareness of pangolins. And this awareness has partly been driven by the high volumes of trafficking seen today." In February, Malaysian officials seized 30 tons of pangolin and pangolin products. This included live and frozen pangolins and 361 kilograms (795 pounds) of their scales. Earlier that month, Hong Kong said it had seized ivory tusks and 8.3 tons of pangolin scales belonging to as many as 13,000 pangolins. The shipment, which originated in Nigeria, was bound for Vietnam. Singapore made two markedly smaller pangolin scale busts in 2015 and 2016 amounting to 440 kilograms (970 pounds). Those found to have illegally imported, exported or re-exported wildlife, including their parts, face a maximum punishment of two years in prison and a fine of 500,000 Singapore dollars ($367,000). "There has never been a more opportune moment for full and thorough international investigations and collaborations to take place to find out who has perpetrated these criminal acts and bring those behind them to face justice," Thomas said. FILE - In this Thursday, June 19, 2014, file photo, a pangolin carries its baby at a Bali zoo in Bali, Indonesia. Singapore has seized more than 25 tons of pangolin scales belonging to tens of thousands of endangered animals in two busts over the past week, a global record for such seizures. The pangolin scales are in high demand in Asia for use in traditional Chinese medicine. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati, File) In this April 9, 2019, photo released by the National Parks Board, over 12 tons of pangolin scales worth around US$38.1 million are displayed in an undisclosed site in Singapore. Singapore has seized more than 25 tons of pangolin scales belonging to tens of thousands of the endangered mammals in two busts over the past week, a global record for such seizures. (National Parks Board via AP) In this April 9, 2019, photo released by the National Parks Board, some of the 12 tons of pangolin scales worth around US$38.1 million are displayed in an undisclosed site in Singapore. Singapore has seized more than 25 tons of pangolin scales belonging to tens of thousands of the endangered mammals in two busts over the past week, a global record for such seizures. (National Parks Board via AP) In this April 9, 2019, photo released by the National Parks Board, over 12 tons of pangolin scales worth around US$38.1 million are displayed in an undisclosed site in Singapore. Singapore has seized more than 25 tons of pangolin scales belonging to tens of thousands of the endangered mammals in two busts over the past week, a global record for such seizures. (National Parks Board via AP) TOKYO (AP) - North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly is expected to convene Thursday to formally approve leader Kim Jong Un's latest economic policies and possibly endorse a shift in U.S. strategy following his failed summit with President Donald Trump in Hanoi. Kim set the stage for the assembly meeting on Tuesday, when he told a gathering of senior party members to "fully display a high sense of responsibility and creativity" in accordance with the "prevailing tense situation," according to state media reports. The reports Wednesday made no mention of any comments regarding the Hanoi summit. But Kim has previously used the opening of the assembly and the party political meetings that normally precede it as an opportunity to clarify his political priorities. The country's economic growth and efforts to get trade sanctions lifted are Kim's top concerns. North Korean officials, who blamed the "hard-line" stance taken by Trump's advisers for the collapse of the Feb. 27-28 summit, have also hinted Kim is mulling some sort of a new approach to his dealings with Washington. North Korea's Deputy Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui told diplomats in Pyongyang last month that Kim would soon make clear his post-Hanoi position, though she didn't say exactly when. In this April 9, 2019, photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un addresses the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea in Pyongyang. North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly is expected to formally approve leader Kim's latest economic policies and possibly endorse a shift in U.S. strategy following his failed summit with President Donald Trump in Hanoi. The assembly is to convene on Thursday, April 11. Independent journalists were not given access to cover the event depicted in this image distributed by the North Korean government. The content of this image is as provided and cannot be independently verified. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: "KCNA" which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP) In what appeared to be an attempt to test the waters ahead of such an announcement, she said her country might pull out of the nuclear negotiations with the United States, citing a lack of corresponding steps to some disarmament measures North Korea took last year. She also hinted Kim was considering whether to continue the talks and his moratorium on nuclear and missile tests. Choe, who attended the summit in Hanoi, said Kim was puzzled by the "eccentric" negotiation position of the U.S. She suggested Trump was willing to talk, particularly if there was a "snapback" provision for violations, but an atmosphere of hostility and mistrust was created by the uncompromising demands of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton. Pompeo and Bolton have disputed the allegation. While the assembly prepared to meet in Pyongyang, South Korean President Moon Jae-in flew to the United States to discuss how to strengthen their countries' alliance and joint efforts to achieve their goal of complete denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Supreme People's Assembly, which is North Korea's version of a parliament but has little real power, generally meets at least once a year to approve the annual budget, hear progress reports and endorse policies and personnel changes that have already been decided upon by Kim and the ruling party leadership. Thursday's session will convene a new lineup of nearly 700 "deputies" approved in a nationwide election last month. The seats aren't contested at the polls - each district has just one candidate who is pre-approved by the ruling party. Voters can merely approve or, theoretically, disapprove of the candidate. Kim holds a seat in the assembly, but did not run for re-election, suggesting he may have assumed some sort of special status as the representative of the entire nation, instead of a single district or constituency. His younger sister, Kim Yo Jong, was elected to a seat last month. Also being watched this time is the fate of the current head of the assembly Kim Yong Nam, who is 91 years old. Though he remains active in his role of ceremonial elder statesman - receiving foreign dignitaries and attending important public functions - his retirement has long been expected. ___ Talmadge is the AP's Pyongyang bureau chief. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @EricTalmadge AMETHI, India (AP) - Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi, the scion of India's most famous modern political dynasty, filed nomination papers in the family stronghold of Amethi in Uttar Pradesh state, hoping to hold onto a key seat for a fourth consecutive time in national elections that begin Thursday. Gandhi was flanked by his mother, Sonia Gandhi, the widow of assassinated Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who is running as a Congress candidate from Rae Bareli, another city in Uttar Pradesh. He was also joined by his sister, Priyanka Gandhi, the Congress party manager of the eastern half of Uttar Pradesh, and her husband, businessman Robert Vadra. Thousands of party workers accompanied the Gandhis in a massive road show Wednesday, carrying flags with the Congress' party symbol - an outstretched hand - and dancing to drum beats. Others stood on balconies or climbed onto vehicles for a better view or to toss flower petals. "Treat it just as a victory procession," said Congress worker Rajesh Prajapati. But while Gandhi will likely prevail in Amethi - which he has represented since 2004, and which was previously represented by Sonia Gandhi - the victory of his party in Uttar Pradesh is far from assured. India's most populous state is ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The BJP trounced Congress in Uttar Pradesh in 2014, winning 71 of the 80 seats in the Lok Sabha, India's lower house of Parliament, that were contested. Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi, center in white, accompanied by his sister Priyanka Vadra in red arrives to file his nomination papers for the upcoming general elections in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh state, India, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Gandhi, the scion of India's most famous political dynasty, filed nomination papers in the family stronghold of Amethi hoping to hold onto a key seat for a fourth consecutive time in national elections that begin Thursday. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh) On the campaign trail, Modi has blasted the alleged corruption within the Congress party, which began with Rahul Gandhi's great-grandfather and India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru, his daughter Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandhi ruled the country for about a half a century after India won independence from Britain in 1947. Modi and his followers have painted him as a "chowkidar," or "watchman" who has taken a hard stance against the corruption of previous governments. "Narendra Modi can abuse my mother, father, grandmother and grandfather if he wishes so. But he should debate with me for 15 minutes on the issue of corruption," Gandhi told reporters Wednesday. Amethi is a small, impoverished district of about 1.3 million people, according to the last census, 120 kilometers (75 miles) southeast of Lucknow, the state capital. Over decades of Congress rule, the local government had helped create new industries and factories, but many of these closed after promised government subsidies failed to materialize. The BJP has taken the district's economic straits as an opening. The Modi government's Textile Minister Smriti Irani ran for the Amethi constituency in 2014. Even after losing to Rahul Gandhi, she has nurtured the constituency in the last five years, visiting the area frequently and appropriating government funds for roads, water and electricity projects. Irani's growing presence in Amethi has given BJP workers hope that she can beat Gandhi this time. The BJP has even coined a slogan: "Ab ki baar Amethi hamaar," which translates to "This time, Amethi is ours." As the Gandhis' slow-moving convoy approached the government office where Rahul Gandhi's nomination was filed, people jostled for a sighting, to the annoyance of Narain Dubey, a resident having tea at a roadside shop. "Why is this commotion and what for? He is MP for last 15 years from this constituency. What has he done for Amethi and you are climbing on one another to have a glimpse of him," he said. Dubey's remarks were met with anger. One young person turned to him and shouted: "Chowkidar chor hai," meaning "watchman is a thief," Rahul Gandhi's oft-repeated line referring to an ongoing investigation into the Modi-led government's purchase of military aircraft. Gandhi earlier this month also announced he was running for a seat in Kerala state in southern India, offending some supporters in Amethi. "Rahul Gandhi's decision to contest from Wayanad is an insult to Amethi because this gives an impression that Gandhi family is looking for a second option," resident Surendra Tiwari said, adding that he wasn't sure whether to vote for him again. India's elections, the world's largest democratic exercise, will take place on seven days over a six-week period. Vote counting is scheduled for May 23. Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi, center in white, accompanied by his sister Priyanka Vadra in red arrives to file his nomination papers for the upcoming general elections in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh state, India, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Gandhi, the scion of India's most famous political dynasty, filed nomination papers in the family stronghold of Amethi hoping to hold onto a key seat for a fourth consecutive time in national elections that begin Thursday. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh) Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi, center in white, accompanied by his sister Priyanka Vadra in red arrives to file his nomination papers for the upcoming general elections in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh state, India, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Gandhi, the scion of India's most famous political dynasty, filed nomination papers in the family stronghold of Amethi hoping to hold onto a key seat for a fourth consecutive time in national elections that begin Thursday. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh) WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Middle school students in Poland took important exams Wednesday even though a nationwide teachers' strike entered its third day, forcing exam authorities to ask for help from retired teachers, religion tutors and those not on strike. The exam in humanities for around 350,000 students was held in all schools but one, in the western village of Owinska, where extra help for the exam team wasn't provided in time. Tests in mathematics and foreign languages will be held Thursday and Friday. The indefinite strike began Monday after pay negotiations with the government failed. Teachers' monthly net earnings range from 1,800 zlotys to 3,000 zlotys ($470 to $780). Deputy Prime Minister Beata Szydlo thanked school directors for making the exams possible and urged striking educators to accept the government's offer, which unions have repeatedly rejected. Teachers want an immediate 30% pay increase. But the government has said it will accelerate a planned increase of around 15% and introduce a new remuneration system, which would substantially raise salaries but also increase the number of lessons a teacher gives a week to 24 from the current 18. The teachers' unions warned that the nonstandard way the tests were being held could undermine their validity. School children rally in support of Polish teachers who are on strike in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday April 9, 2019. Teachers held a second day of an open-ended strike on Tuesday demanding higher wages.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) Students at a school in Warsaw who spoke to The Associated Press didn't think that the strike added to their stress and said they supported the teachers' demands for higher pay. A grandmother and grandson post a message in support of Polish teachers who are on strike in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday April 9, 2019. The orange sign says: "We support out teachers." Teachers held a second day of an open-ended strike on Tuesday demanding higher wages.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) School children rally in support of Polish teachers who are on strike in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday April 9, 2019. Teachers held a second day of an open-ended strike on Tuesday demanding higher wages.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) Striking teachers watch television reports from the nationwide protest action in the teacher's room at the Primary School number 68 in Warsaw, Poland, on Monday, April 8, 2019. Majority of Poland's school and kindergarten teachers went on strike after talks about their payment with the government failed. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) TOKYO (AP) - The lawyers for Nissan's former Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who was sent back to detention while out on bail, filed a protest with the Japanese Supreme Court on Wednesday. Lawyer Junichiro Hironaka told reporters that Ghosn's fourth and latest arrest is unfair. Ghosn was arrested in November, released on bail last month but re-arrested last week. Multiple arrests and long detentions are routine in Japan, but arresting a suspect who cleared bail is unusual. Ghosn's detention has been extended through Sunday but may be prolonged. He is charged with falsifying financial documents in underreporting his retirement compensation and breach of trust in what prosecutors call dubious payments. He says he is innocent, noting the compensation was never decided or paid and the payments were for legitimate services. The latest arrest is over suspicion Nissan money paid to a dealership that was diverted to a company effectively controlled by Ghosn. FILE - In this April 3, 2019, file photo, former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn, center, leaves his lawyer's office in Tokyo. Nissan Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa has apologized to shareholders for the unfolding scandal at the Japanese automaker and asked for their approval to oust from the board former Chairman Ghosn, who has been arrested on financial misconduct charges. Saikawa and other Nissan Motor Co. executives bowed deeply at a Tokyo hotel Monday, April 8, 2019, where the extraordinary shareholders' meeting was being held. (Sadayuki Goto/Kyodo News via AP, File) Hironaka was among 1,010 lawyers, academics and other legal professionals who signed a call to eliminate Japan's so-called "hostage justice." Kaku Imamura, a lawyer who led the initiative, told reporters Wednesday that Ghosn's case has set off international criticism about the longtime detentions without convictions. He said innocent people who refuse to sign confessions suffer and are kept for months, sometimes years, even for relatively minor charges that won't result in prison time. During detention, prosecutors can grill the suspect for more than eight hours, he said, while the suspect's contact with lawyers is limited, and often banned with family and friends. He declined comment on the specifics of Ghosn's case. "Detention is used as a form of torture," Imamura said at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. "It becomes difficult for people to get a fair trial." ___ Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter On Instagram LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister Theresa May is off to Brussels to ask for a delay to Britain's departure from the European Union. EU leaders want to know she has a plan to break the U.K.'s political impasse, but talks between the British government and its political opponents over a compromise have yet to bear fruit. Meanwhile, Britain is scheduled to leave the EU in two days. With Brexit once again engulfed in uncertainty, a look at what could happen next: DELAY EXIT DAY For two years, Britain was scheduled to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. But after Parliament three times rejected the divorce deal agreed between the U.K. government and the bloc, May admitted defeat and asked for more time. Last month, the EU gave Britain until April 12 - this Friday - to pass a deal, come up with a new plan and seek a further extension, or leave without an agreement or a transition period to smooth the way. Now May wants a bit more time. She has asked the EU to delay Brexit until June 30, in hope that'll be enough time to secure, approve and implement a deal. FILE - In this Friday, March 22, 2019 file photo, British Prime Minister Theresa May leaves after addressing a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels. May is off to Brussels to ask for a delay to Britain's departure from the European Union. EU leaders want to know she has a plan to break the U.K.'s political impasse, but talks between the government and its political opponents over a compromise have yet to bear fruit. Meanwhile, Britain is scheduled to leave the EU in two days on April 12, 2019. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, File) The 27 other leaders of the bloc will consider the request at an emergency Brexit summit in Brussels Wednesday evening. Few favor the June 30 date. Some want a longer extension, to avoid repeated crises every few weeks. European Council President Donald Tusk has proposed a "flextension:" a delay of up to a year, but with flexibility to let Britain leave earlier if it approves an agreement. But an extension is not guaranteed. EU countries are exasperated at Britain's interminable Brexit crisis. French President Emmanuel Macron, in particular, wants to impose conditions on any delay to ensure Britain cooperates with the bloc. ___ NO DEAL As it stands, Britain is due to leave the EU on Friday - with or without a deal that would cushion the country's departure. Most politicians, economists and business groups think leaving the world's largest trading bloc without an agreement would be damaging for the EU and disastrous for the U.K. It could lead to tariffs imposed on trade between Britain and the EU and customs checks that could cause gridlock at ports and shortages of essential goods. A hardcore of pro-Brexit lawmakers in May's Conservative Party dismiss such warnings as fear-mongering. But most are opposed to leaving without a deal. Parliament has voted repeatedly to rule out a "no-deal" Brexit, and even passed a law that forces the government to ask for a delay to Britain's exit rather than crash out. But a no-deal Brexit is still the legal default position, and could happen if the EU refuses to grant another extension. If that happens the only way to stop Britain crashing out would be for the government to choose the "nuclear option" and revoke the decision to leave. ___ CROSS-PARTY COMPROMISE To secure a new Brexit delay, May must convince EU leaders that she has a plan to break the deadlock that grips Britain's political process almost three years after the country voted to leave the EU. After failing to push through her Brexit deal with support from Conservatives alone, May last week began seeking a compromise with her Labour opponents. Labour favors a softer Brexit than the government has proposed and is seeking a close economic relationship with the bloc through a customs union. That's anathema to many in May's Conservative Party, who say it would not leave Britain free to strike its own trade deals around the world. Several days of talks have failed to produce a breakthrough, with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn saying the government had not shifted from its negotiating "red lines." Still, negotiations between senior politicians from the two sides are set to continue Thursday. If they fail, May says she will let Parliament vote on a variety of options, including the government's proposed deal, in hope something can command a majority. If Britain's politicians reach agreement around a so-called "soft Brexit," it could quite likely get through Parliament, and would be welcomed by the EU, allowing Britain an orderly departure in the coming months. But it could also blast open rifts within both Conservatives and Labour. Pro-Brexit government ministers could resign, and pressure would grow on May to quit. The prime minister has already said she will resign if her Brexit deal is passed and Britain leaves the EU, and rivals are already circling, eager to succeed her. Corbyn, meanwhile, would face rebellion from a large number of Labour lawmakers who want a new referendum on Britain's EU exit. That instability increases the chance of an early British election, which could rearrange Parliament and break the deadlock - or result in still more stalemate. ___ NO BREXIT Among pro-EU Britons, there is rising hope that Brexit can be stopped. With one Brexit day gone and another likely to follow, the government has lost control of the timetable. This week the government started preparing to take part in elections for the European Parliament in late May - acknowledgement that Britain likely won't have left the bloc by then, and may not leave anytime soon. Support is growing for the idea that any Brexit deal agreed by Parliament should be put to public vote in a "confirmatory referendum," with the other option being to stay in the EU. The proposal is backed by Labour and other opposition parties, plus some of May's Conservatives. The government has ruled out holding another referendum, saying voters in 2016 made their decision to leave. But with divisions in both Parliament and in May's Cabinet, handing the decision back to the people in a new plebiscite could be seen as the only way forward. ___ Follow AP's full coverage of Brexit at: COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - A University of South Carolina spokesman says a posthumous degree will be awarded to a student police say was killed after getting into a car she believed was her Uber ride. Spokesman Jeff Stensland told The State on Tuesday about the degree for 21-year-old Samantha Josephson. Authorities say Josephson got separated from friends in Columbia's Five Points bar district and called an Uber to take her home on March 29. They say she mistakenly got into a car driven by 21-year-old Nathaniel David Rowland, who's now charged with kidnapping and murder in the case. The Aiken Standard reports USC President Harris Pastides says Josephson's parents are coming to what would've been her graduation. Pastides says the USC senior was accepted to Drexel University's law school and awarded a full ride. WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) - Charges have been dropped against a North Carolina man accused of leaving his pet fish behind without food when he was evicted. New Hanover County District Attorney Ben David told news outlets Tuesday that 53-year-old Michael Hinson is no longer charged with animal cruelty and abandonment. He says fish aren't protected under related statues that define "animal" as amphibians, reptiles, bird and mammals, excluding humans. Officials say Hinson was evicted from his Wilmington home last month and left behind an unhealthy Oscar fish in a dirty tank. He was arrested last week after officials found the 6-inch fish, which is being nursed back to health at an aquarium store. Sheriff's Lt. Jerry Brewer said this was the county's first animal cruelty case involving a fish. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand's Parliament on Wednesday passed sweeping gun laws that outlaw military style weapons, less than a month after the mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch where 50 people were killed and dozens were wounded. A bill outlawing most automatic and semi-automatic weapons and banning components that modify existing weapons was passed by a vote of 119 to 1 in the House of Representatives after an accelerated process of debate and public submission. The bill needs only the approval of New Zealand's governor general, a formality, before becoming law on Friday. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern spoke emotionally during the bill's final reading of the traumatic injuries suffered by victims of the March 15 attack, whom she visited in Christchurch Hospital after the shootings. "I struggle to recall any single gunshot wounds," Ardern said. "In every case they spoke of multiple injuries, multiple debilitating injuries that deemed it impossible for them to recover in days, let alone weeks. They will carry disabilities for a lifetime, and that's before you consider the psychological impact. We are here for them." "I could not fathom how weapons that could cause such destruction and large-scale death could be obtained legally in this country," she said. FILE - In this March 17, 2019, file photo, a girl carries flowers to a memorial wall following the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. New Zealand's parliament on Wednesday passed sweeping gun laws which outlaw military-style weapons, less than a month after the nation's worst mass shooting left 50 dead and 39 wounded in two mosques in the South Island city of Christchurch. (AP Photo/Vincent Thian, File) Australian Brenton Harrison Tarrant, 28, was charged with 50 counts of murder and 39 counts of attempted murder. The royal commission set up to investigate issues surrounding the massacre is examining how he obtained a gun license in New Zealand and purchased weapons and ammunition. Ardern, who has won international praise for her compassion and leadership since the shootings, was able to win rare bipartisan support for a bill that makes it illegal to own a military-style semi-automatic rifle. The only dissent was from the libertarian ACT Party's lone lawmaker in Parliament. The law includes a buy-back scheme under which owners of outlawed weapons can surrender them to police in return for compensation based on the weapon's age and condition. Anyone who retains such a weapon after the law formally passes on Friday faces a penalty of up to five years in prison. Some exemptions have been allowed for heirloom weapons held by collectors or for professional pest control. Ardern said lawmakers had a responsibility to act on behalf of victims of the shootings. "We are ultimately here because 50 people died and they do not have a voice," she said. "We in this house are their voice. Today we can use that voice wisely." "We are here just 26 days after the most devastating terrorist attacks created the darkest of days in New Zealand's history," she said. "We are here as an almost entirely united Parliament. There have been very few occasions when I have seen Parliament come together in this way and I cannot imagine circumstances where that is more necessary than it is now." Ardern said that there was some opposition from firearms owners, but that the response to the proposed legislation was overwhelmingly positive. "My question here is simple," she said. "You either believe that here in New Zealand these weapons have a place or you do not. If you believe, like us, that they do not, you should be able to believe we can move swiftly. "An argument about process is an argument to do nothing." WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - A Florida man who went to a junior high school with a loaded gun after his son contacted him to say a teacher pushed him has been sentenced to nearly a year of house arrest. The Palm Beach Post reports 27-year-old Christopher Freeman pleaded guilty last month as part of a deal with prosecutors to possessing a weapon on school property. Palm Beach County School District police say Freeman's son video-called him in tears earlier last month, saying a teacher at Bear Lakes Middle School "slammed him." Freeman told police he then saw an adult grab the boy before the call ended. A police officer met with Freeman, who uses a wheelchair, when he arrived at the school. The officer reported seeing what appeared to be a gun sticking out of Freeman's pants. Police found a loaded AK-47 pistol during a search. ___ Information from: The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post, EL-ARISH, Egypt (AP) - Egyptian security officials say two separate attacks overnight have killed three police conscripts and an officer in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula. The officials said Wednesday that the first attack took place in the city of el-Arish when an explosive device targeted an armored vehicle, killing a police officer and two conscripts. Another explosive device hit an armored vehicle in the town of Rafah, killing a conscript and wounding four others. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media. No group claimed responsibility for the attacks, which bore the hallmarks of the Islamic State group. The attacks came a day after an IS suicide bomber killed four policemen and three civilians, including a child, in the northern Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid. VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican has invited South Sudan's president and opposition leader for a two-day spiritual retreat meant to foster peace and build confidence in a fragile peace deal after the country's five-year civil war. South Sudan's opposition leader Riek Machar was traveling Wednesday to the Vatican, while President Salva Kiir was already in Rome and meeting with Italy's premier. The Vatican said that the retreat, which ends Thursday, was an opportunity for "reflection and prayer" as well as an "encounter and reconciliation" to those who have "the mission and responsibility to work for a future of peace and prosperity for the South Sudanese people." The Vatican described the event as both ecumenical and diplomatic. Machar, who has been under house arrest, had to receive permission to travel. NEW DELHI (AP) - Indian election authorities have stopped the release of a Bollywood biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi with national elections scheduled to begin on Thursday. The Election Commission accepted arguments from the Congress party and other opposition parties that the release of the film, "PM Narendra Modi," would give an unfair advantage to Modi's Hindu nationalist party as it seeks re-election. Film producer Sandip Ssingh had scheduled the release of the movie in Indian theaters for Thursday. The commission ruled Wednesday that any biopic material that has the potential to create an uneven playing field during the multi-phase election should not be displayed in electronic media. Voting will conclude May 19, and vote counting will begin May 23. The commission also is examining opposition complaints that the launch of a television channel named after the prime minister violated a law barring political parties from starting such channels after the announcement of the election schedule. In this Monday, April 8, 2019, photo, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi releases Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP's manifesto for the upcoming general elections in New Delhi, India. Modi came to power in 2014 promising big-ticket economic reforms. But with unemployment rising and signature policies getting panned, Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party has adopted a nationalist pitch ahead of a general election that begins this week.(AP Photo/Manish Swarup) The Congress party and the Aam Admi Party said the channel, funded by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, started broadcasting Modi's election campaign and a compilation of speeches three weeks after the voting schedule was announced by the commission on March 10. JERUSALEM (AP) - Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to be headed toward a historic fifth term as Israel's prime minister on Wednesday, with near-final election results giving his right-wing Likud and its traditional Jewish ultra-Orthodox and nationalist allies a solid majority in parliament. Here's a look at what comes next: FINAL RESULTS There are still some votes to be counted as ballots of soldiers, diplomats, prisoners, hospital patients and some others who vote in unusual circumstances take a bit longer to tally. The full picture usually emerges within a day, in this case Thursday, but since a couple of parties are teetering along the electoral threshold and their political survival depends on every vote, legal appeals seem likely. That could extend the process, with no specific guidelines on how long this could take. The Central Elections Committee releases final results eight days after an election - meaning April 17. ___ THE PRESIDENT Likud party supporters cheer at the party's campaign headquarters after polls for Israel's general elections closed in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Once the full picture is clear, attention shifts to President Reuven Rivlin. Though his responsibilities are mostly ceremonial, the president is charged with choosing a candidate for prime minister after consulting with party leaders and determining who has the best chance of putting together a stable majority coalition. That responsibility is usually given to the head of the largest party, but not necessarily. Rivlin will meet with the heads of all parties and hear their recommendation in the coming days. He will then task the leading candidate, who will have 42 days to form a coalition government. If he fails, the president can turn to another candidate and give him 28 days to form an alternative coalition. If that too fails, which has never happened, new elections are called. ___ RULING COALITION Israeli democracy operates on a parliamentary system of proportional-representation in which the government needs a majority to rule. Since no party has ever earned more than 61 of the 120 seats in the Knesset, a coalition is required. Netanyahu's Likud and Benny Gantz's Blue and White party were deadlocked on Wednesday at 35 seats in the 120-seat parliament. But even if Likud eventually drops below, Netanyahu will likely still get the nod given the size of his bloc, which currently holds a 65-55 advantage. Likud has traditionally had an alliance with the ultra-Orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties, and the pro-settler Jewish Home party that this time aligned with the anti-Arab Jewish Power faction. Though nationalist ministers Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked of the newly formed "New Right" party look to have come up short of the electoral threshold, Netanyahu still has enough other right-wing and religious parties at his disposal. ___ WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT? The ceremonial opening of the 21st Knesset, or parliament, will take place on April 29 or 30. This ceremony usually happens two weeks after the election, but due to the Passover holiday, it will be delayed this year by a week. By the end of May, the candidate tasked with building a coalition is required to sign agreements with his partners to present the new government. By early June, the new government is sworn in. ___ NETANYAHU'S LEGAL TIMETABLE Israel's attorney general has recommended indicting Netanyahu on bribery and breach of trust charges in three separate cases, and Netanyahu's legal situation will hover over his next term in office. Attorney General Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit will only decide on indicting Netanyahu after a legally mandated hearing. Legal experts expect at least some charges to be filed. Mandelblit said he will send detailed material to Netanyahu's lawyers after the election in advance of the hearing, though it was not clear exactly when this would happen. Once the lawyers have all the paperwork, they usually get a month to prepare. But since the various Netanyahu cases are complicated it may take longer, with the hearing pushed back to later in the summer. Though not legally required to resign if formally charged, Netanyahu may be pushed out by some coalition partners who will refuse to keep serving under him in such a circumstance. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu smiles after voting during Israel's parliamentary elections in Jerusalem, Tuesday, April 9, 2019 (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, Pool) LONDON (AP) - It took Britain more than a decade to join the European club, largely because longtime French president, Charles de Gaulle, kept saying no. Now the U.K.'s future in the European Union looks like it will hinge on what De Gaulle's successor in the Elysee Palace, Emmanuel Macron has to say about it. All eyes are on a special leaders' summit in Brussels Wednesday, where British Prime Minister Theresa May is asking for another extension to Britain's departure from the EU. Originally meant to take place on March 29, it has already been delayed to April 12 because the British Parliament resoundingly voted against the withdrawal agreement that May negotiated with the EU. May wants an extension until June 30, but others in the EU appear to favor a much longer delay, possibly going into next year. And Macron, playing the hardest of hardballs, has shown that he's not keen on any kind of extension at all and will only back one if there are strings attached. Macron is upset Britain's Brexit agonies are spilling over into the rest of EU business, particularly next month's European Parliament elections. He's also worried that any Brexit extension will continue to cast a shadow over the bloc, threatening his dream of deeper European integration. Any new delay to the Brexit date will require the unanimous support of all the other 27 EU leaders. French President Emmanuel Macron,left, greets British Prime Minister Theresa May before a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris Tuesday, April 9, 2019. A top official at the French presidency says France doesn't rule out granting a further delay to Brexit, just before a planned meeting between Prime minister Theresa May and President Emmanuel Macron in Paris. (AP Photo/Francois Mori) Standing up to Britain works in Macron's favor domestically. Weakened by yellow vest protesters at home, he's proving he can still defend French interests abroad. And the more of a mess Brexit is, the less appetite French voters will have for an eventual "Frexit" peddled by Macron's populist rivals. However, following discussions with May on Tuesday in Paris, there's a growing expectation that Macron will back an extension after all - albeit on condition that Britain does not disrupt EU business through the delay. Macron is also aware that today's EU runs on consensus, and any veto could sabotage his ambitions to drive substantial reform in the EU. "He will not achieve this by deliberately thwarting the collective views of his partners in the manner that De Gaulle once did," said Piers Ludlow, a historian at the London School of Economics who specializes on Britain's postwar relations with Europe. "He knows this, and will hence play his part in the collective leadership of the 27 in a way that De Gaulle could never have imagined doing." Britain and France have often been foes through history. Though the two battled together in the two world wars of the 20th century, the relationship was often strained, most notably when the wartime leader of the Free French Forces, De Gaulle, was president of the republic for a decade from 1959. When the fledgling European Coal and Steel Community launched in 1951, Britain was nowhere to be seen. It also opted in 1957 against joining the six founding nations of what was then the European Economic Community, a body presided over by France. Though Britain was absent at the EEC's formation, it soon changed its mind. Its ambitions, though, were thwarted by De Gaulle. British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was so distraught he confided in his diary in 1963 that "all our policies at home and abroad are in ruins" after De Gaulle vetoed Britain's first bid to join. De Gaulle said "Non" again in 1967. De Gaulle, who spent much of World War II in London when France was under occupation, warned his five EEC partners - Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy and West Germany - that Britain had a "deep-seated hostility" to European integration that could bring about the end of what was then referred to as the "common market." He also worried that in crunch times, Britain would always side with the United States over its continental neighbors. It was only after De Gaulle had left the scene that Britain could finally take its place at the European top table. De Gaulle's successor, Georges Pompidou, was far more amenable to British membership and by 1973 Britain finally joined. Relations have grown closer in the decades since, bar the odd spat - notably over the 2003 U.S.-led war in Iraq, which Britain, under Prime Minister Tony Blair, participated in but France, under President Jacques Chirac, balked at. Britain and France work together closely militarily. Many French call Britain their home and vice versa, and no self-respecting English Premier League would be without a French player or two. Macron is also facing a financial calculation: France would be hard-hit by a cliff-edge Brexit, since the countries' trade is so tightly intertwined. One forecast this week estimates that Brexit would wreak as much damage to the French economy as the five-month yellow vest movement that has seen rioting and road blocks cut into tourism and investment. Any decision by Macron to echo De Gaulle would have huge implications for all those ties that the consensus is that he won't be yielding the veto. Whatever happens at the summit, would De Gaulle be surprised that Britain is causing so much anguish? Probably non. ___ Charlton contributed from Paris. ___ Follow AP's full coverage of Brexit at: FILE - In this Nov. 12, 1944 file photo, Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill, left, and General Charles De Gaulle, centre, salute at France's Unknown Warrior at the Arc De Triomphe in Paris. Though allies in World War II, De Gaulle twice vetoed Britain's application in the 1960s to join what was then known as the European Economic Community. On Wednesday, April 10 2019, British Prime Minister Theresa May is to ask EU leaders in Brussels for an extension to Britain's departure from the European Union. French President Emmanuel Macron has been taking a hard-line ahead of the summit. (AP Photo, File) FILE - In this March 28, 1942 file photo, General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French, greets sailors who joined his forces and came to London. Though De Gaulle spent the war years in Britain, he twice in the 1960s vetoed the country's application to what was then the European Economic Community. On Wednesday, April 10 2019, British Prime Minister Theresa May is to ask EU leaders in Brussels for an extension to Britain's departure from the European Union. French President Emmanuel Macron has been taking a hard-line ahead of the summit. (AP Photo, File) FILE - In this Jan. 22, 1972, file photo, British Prime Minister Edward Heath, middle, signs the treaty for Britain to join the European Economic Community at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels, Belgium. Britain's membership was a drawn-out affair after French President Charles de Gaulle twice vetoed the country's application. On Wednesday, April 10 2019, British Prime Minister Theresa May is to ask EU leaders in Brussels for an extension to Britain's departure from the European Union. French President Emmanuel Macron has been taking a hard-line ahead of the summit. (AP Photo, File) FILE - In this Jan. 24, 1967 file photo, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, left, meets with French President Charles de Gaulle at the Elysee Palace in Paris. Later that year, de Gaulle would veto Britain's efforts to join the-then European Economic Community. On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 British Prime Minister Theresa May is to ask EU leaders in Brussels for an extension to Britain's departure from the European Union. French President Emmanuel Macron has been taking a hard-line ahead of the summit. . (AP Photo, File) ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey's foreign minister says his country could look "elsewhere" if the U.S. doesn't deliver F-35 fighter jets. Mevlut Cavusoglu also said in an interview with private NTV television Tuesday that Turkey could consider acquiring more Russian-made S-400s or other systems to meet urgent needs if it can't purchase U.S. Patriot systems. Turkey's moves to buy the Russian S-400 technology have heightened tensions with Washington. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence warned that Turkey was risking its NATO membership and its participation in the F-35 program. Cavusoglu said: "If F-35s are not delivered, I would be placed in a position to buy the planes I need elsewhere." He added that a new U.S. offer to sell Patriots was "more rational" than a previous offer, but still didn't meet Turkey's expectations. HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) - The death toll from the cyclone that ripped into southern Africa last month is now above 1,000, while the number of cholera cases among survivors has risen above 4,000. The United Nations has described Cyclone Idai, which hit Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi nearly a month ago, as "one of the deadliest storms on record in the southern hemisphere." Zimbabwe's information minister on Tuesday said the death toll in that country has risen to 344. Mozambique has reported 602 deaths and Malawi at least 59. Zimbabwe's efforts are now "confined to recovery of the deceased" and the government will send pathologists to Mozambique to help identify bodies, said Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa. An unknown number of Zimbabweans were washed down mountainsides into Mozambique, which also has turned from search and recovery efforts to relief work providing food and shelter to survivors. Zimbabwe, whose economy is badly struggling, said it needs $612 million to assist survivors and has appealed for international support. A final death toll is yet to be established and might never be known. Women and men pick up bricks from a collapsed house to build another structure in Beira, Mozambique, Sunday, March, 31, 2019. Cholera cases among cyclone survivors in Mozambique have jumped to 271, authorities said. So far no cholera deaths have been confirmed, the report said. Another Lusa report said the death toll in central Mozambique from the cyclone that hit on March 14 had inched up to 501. Authorities have warned the toll is highly preliminary as flood waters recede and reveal more bodies. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) A cholera outbreak among survivors was declared in Mozambique on March 27 and had led to 4,072 cases and seven deaths as of Tuesday morning, according to government figures. Most of the cases of the acute diarrheal disease have been in Mozambique's hard-hit port city of Beira, where running water recently was restored. The system, however, reaches just 60% of the population of roughly 500,000. More than 745,000 doses of oral cholera vaccine have been distributed since the vaccination campaign launched last week, the government said. Cholera is spread via contaminated water or food and can kill within hours if untreated. Treatment is relatively easy with rehydration and antibiotics. Now malaria is a growing concern as floodwaters continue to recede in parts of the sodden region. More than 7,500 cases of the mosquito-borne disease have been reported, the government said. ___ Associated Press writer Cara Anna in Johannesburg contributed. ___ Follow Africa news at A South African Policeman guides his sniffer dog as they search through mud and rubble for bodies of those killed during Cyclone Idai near Chimanimani, Zimbabwe, Thursday, March 28, 2019. The cyclone-hit community in Zimbabwe paused from retrieving and burying their dead to welcome the first humanitarian aid from the outside world as it arrived nearly two weeks after the storm. (AP Photo/Shepherd Tozvireva) In this photo taken Saturday, April 6, 2019 a boy watches a demonstration of water filters in the remote village of Bopira, Mozambique. Crops across the region were destroyed by Cyclone Idai just before the harvest, raising concerns about hunger in the months ahead. (AP Photo/Cara Anna) Children carry books damaged by the cyclone at a camp for displaced survivors of cyclone Idai in Dombe, about 280km west of Beira, Mozambique, Thursday, April 4, 2019. The Indian Ocean port of Beira, a city of 500,000, is where most of the more than 1,400 cases of cholera have been reported since the outbreak was declared a week ago in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai. Mozambican authorities have reported two deaths so far from the acute diarrheal disease, which can kill within hours if not properly treated. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) A man waits to receive food aid outside a camp for displaced survivors of cyclone Idai in Dombe, about 280km west of Beira, Mozambique, Thursday, April 4, 2019. The Indian Ocean port of Beira, a city of 500,000, is where most of the more than 1,400 cases of cholera have been reported since the outbreak was declared a week ago in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai. Mozambican authorities have reported two deaths so far from the acute diarrheal disease, which can kill within hours if not properly treated. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) A woman fetches water from an unprotected source in Beira, Mozambique, Sunday, March, 31, 2019. Cholera cases among cyclone survivors in Mozambique have jumped to 271, authorities said. So far no cholera deaths have been confirmed, the report said. Another Lusa report said the death toll in central Mozambique from the cyclone that hit on March 14 had inched up to 501. Authorities have warned the toll is highly preliminary as flood waters recede and reveal more bodies. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) A mother bathes her baby in a bucket at a camp for displaced survivors of Cyclone Idai in Beira, Mozambique, Sunday, March, 31, 2019. Cholera cases among cyclone survivors in Mozambique have jumped to 271, authorities said. So far no cholera deaths have been confirmed, the report said. Another Lusa report said the death toll in central Mozambique from the cyclone that hit on March 14 had inched up to 501. Authorities have warned the toll is highly preliminary as flood waters recede and reveal more bodies. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) Women and children are outside a displacement camp in Beira, Mozambique, Sunday, March, 31, 2019. Mozambican authorities say the number of cholera cases among cyclone survivors has risen to 271. The cases have been discovered in the port city of Beira, raising the stakes in an already desperate fight to help hundreds of thousands of people sheltering in increasingly squalid conditions.(AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) A young boy is seen outside a displacement camp for survivors of Cyclone Idai in Beira, Mozambique, Sunday, March, 31, 2019. Mozambican authorities say the number of cholera cases among cyclone survivors has risen to 271.The cases have been discovered in the port city of Beira, raising the stakes in an already desperate fight to help hundreds of thousands of people sheltering in increasingly squalid conditions.(AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) A woman diagnosed with cholera lies on a bed at a treatment centre in Beira, Mozambique, Saturday, March 30, 2019. Cholera cases among cyclone survivors in Mozambique have jumped to 271, authorities said, a figure that nearly doubled from the previous day. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) - A Tennessee woman is suing the Washington, D.C., Department of Corrections and a halfway house over an escapee who's accused of killing her husband. News outlets report Lana Paavola accuses them of negligence in their handling of 36-year-old Domenic Micheli, who had been arrested on charges of trespassing at the White House that April. Authorities said Micheli later escaped from a halfway house and went to Tennessee, where he used a hatchet and a meat cleaver to kill his former boss, Paavola's husband, Joel. Micheli is charged with murder and aggravated assault in the June 4 slaying. The lawsuit says the corrections department and halfway house did not immediately report the escape, and says authorities also failed to use Micheli's social media posts to track him down before the slaying. The Most Extensive and Reliable Source of Information Related to the Mexican Drugs Cartels. You will not find this level of coverage anywhere else, join us! Send information, pictures or videos, you remain 100% anonymous. Envia fotos, videos, notas, enlaces o informacion todo 100% Anonimo. Borderland Beat? We love to have you in our team, send Sol Prendido or HEARST an email! Want to be a contributor or citizen reporter forBorderland Beat?We love to have you in our team, sendoran email! WARNING: Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. COMMENTS: We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. BERLIN (AP) - The U.N. population agency chief said Wednesday she regrets the U.S. government's decision to cut funding for programs that help ensure safe pregnancies worldwide. The United States used to provide about $70 million per year toward UNFPA programs to protect the health and lives of women and girls in developing countries. More than half of those funds were used for "life-saving humanitarian programs," said Dr. Natalia Kanem, the agency's executive director. The Trump administration announced in 2017 it was cutting all funding to the agency. The move was seen as a gesture to American conservatives and anti-abortion activists, though UNFPA doesn't provide abortions. "We do regret the decision of the United States to deny funding to UNFPA as we saved so many lives of women and girls together," Kanem told reporters in Berlin at the launch of the agency's annual report . She cited the agency's work in parts of the world wracked by unrest, where medical care for pregnant women is often not available. "Even in a place like Venezuela UNFPA is at work every day trying to supply hospitals with desperately needed supplies for safe birth, to train the few doctors that remain on how to deliver babies safely and also to provide contraception to women who do not wish to become pregnant under such circumstances," Kanem said. German Economic Cooperation and Development Minister Gerd Mueller, left, and Natalia Kanem, head of the U.N. population agency, present the annual report in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Kanem said that more than half the $70 million Washington used to give the agency annually was used for life-saving humanitarian programs. (Wolfgang Kumm/dpa via AP) UNFPA's report reviews progress made in the half-century since its founding. In 1969, only a quarter of married women worldwide were able to decide whether and when to become pregnant, the agency said. Now, three in five have that choice. Availability of contraception, improved education and efforts to end child marriage also mean that whereas the average woman had five children throughout her lifetime 50 years ago, now the figure is half that. Still, populations in poor countries - particularly in Africa - continue to grow at a rapid rate. Kanem said more family planning options could help mothers in places like Niger, where fertility stands at 7.1 children per woman, have smaller families. Germany's development minister, Gerd Mueller, linked cutting the number of unwanted pregnancies in poor countries to efforts to tackle climate change and hunger. TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran's semi-official ISNA news agency says a police helicopter carrying border guards to their post in the country's northwest has crashed, killing one. The report says the crash took place around noon on Wednesday in West Azerbaijan province, in the mountainous area of Dalamper, near the city of Urmia which is close to the border with Turkey. It quotes the province's deputy governor, Ali Mostafavi, as saying that along with one killed, eight people were injured in the crash. The chief of the Iranian police helicopter division, Gen. Hesseinali Mostajeran, said the crash was due to a technical glitch. Aircraft crashes are frequently blamed on Iran's aging fleet that was long under international sanctions over Iran's nuclear ambitions. MANILA, Philippines (AP) - The Philippine government on Wednesday imposed a total ban on the deployment of Filipino workers to Libya because of fighting between rival militias for control of the North African nation's capital, the labor chief said. Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said the indefinite ban would affect new Libya-bound workers and even Filipinos scheduled to return there after work breaks. There are more than 2,600 Filipinos in Libya, many working as nurses, teachers and oil industry workers. Fighting for control of the capital has threatened to plunge Libya deeper into chaos and ignite civil war on the scale of the 2011 NATO-supported uprising, which turned into a ruinous conflict that killed longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The deployment ban was imposed after the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila on Monday raised the threat level in Libya's capital to 3 and urged Filipinos and their dependents in Tripoli and outlying areas to consider leaving temporarily to avoid getting caught in the fighting. If the threat level is raised to 4, the government will have to implement a forced evacuation of Filipinos, Bello said. The Philippine-declared threat level applies only to Tripoli and areas within a 100-kilometer (62-mile) radius of the capital, but Bello told reporters in Manila that the government "cannot just ban in several specific areas only. So in effect, it is a total ban." Manila's top diplomat in Tripoli, Elmer Cato, said that of about 1,000 Filipinos in Tripoli, only 11 have so far contacted the Philippine Embassy to seek help for repatriation. The others "feel they are safe since the fighting is still confined to the outskirts. But the situation can change anytime and we expect the number to go up when fighting reaches the city itself," he said. Cato assured Filipinos in Libya that he and other Filipino diplomats would not close the embassy, saying it had remained open during worse fighting in the past. "We do not leave our people behind," Cato said by phone from Tripoli. The Philippines is one of the world's major labor providers, with a tenth of its more than 100 million people working abroad, including many house helpers and construction workers. The income they send home has helped the Philippine economy stay afloat in dire economic times in the past. BERLIN (AP) - The director of the Vienna State Opera on Wednesday called for allegations of abuse at its renowned youth ballet academy to be cleared up in full, expressing shock at "unacceptable" events. Austrian magazine Falter reported a day earlier, based on interviews with former students and staff, that students at the academy were subjected to abuse and humiliation by a teacher and some of them then developed eating disorders. There was also one allegation of sexual abuse. Austria's APA news agency said one teacher has since been fired and a second one is currently not allowed to teach. "Things have happened that are unacceptable," opera director Dominique Meyer told reporters in Vienna. "We want everything to be cleared up completely." In a podcast to accompany the report, Falter interviewed an unidentified girl who described how one teacher beat, scratched and pulled students by their hair. The girl said she herself was kicked so badly against her ankles while standing on her toes that she could not participate in further training for two months. She said the abuse happened when she was 14, and that by the end of the school year, all students were physically injured and traumatized. It was not clear how long ago the incidents took place. FILE-In this March 23, 2010 file photo director of the Vienna State Opera Dominique Meyer from France gestures as he speaks at a news conference in Vienna. Meyer has expressed shock regarding abuse allegations at its renowned ballet academy. (AP Photo/Hans Punz) "We have reacted too late, waited for too long," Simona Noja, the acting director of the academy, told reporters. Starting at Easter, the academy will offer the services of a psychologist to the students. APA news agency quoted Vienna prosecutors as saying that they are investigating the abuse claims. Vienna youth prosecutor Ercan Nik Nafs told APA that he was aware of some of the accusations in the Falter report, but that others were new to him. He didn't want to give any details, citing the ongoing investigation. Prosecutors started looking into the matter in December after receiving anonymous accusations. Some 110 students attend the ballet academy, which was founded in the 18th century by Empress Maria Theresia. They perform each year at the famous Vienna Opera Ball. ___ This story has been corrected to give the spelling of the empress' name as Maria Theresia. MOSCOW (AP) - A former cybersecurity officer in Russia's Federal Security Service has been sentenced to six years in prison for treason. Dmitry Dokuchayev's sentencing on Wednesday follows the convictions and longer sentences handed down in February to his superior and to a cybersecurity company executive. Unlike those two, Dokuchayev pleaded guilty. The trials were held behind closed doors and details of the case remain murky. Russian media have reported that the case centered on accusations that Sergei Mikhailov, Dokuchayev's boss, and Kaspesky Lab executive Ruslan Stoyanov had passed information on an agency probe of a Russian businessman to an analyst allegedly tied to the FBI. Mikhailov was sentenced to 22 years in February, and Stoyanov to 14 years. PRAGUE (AP) - Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis has fired his industry and trade minister after she caused an uproar by blaming Czech consumers for high mobile data prices. The minister, Marta Novakova suggested mobile data is expensive in the country because Czechs tend to use wireless networks. She said that the price of mobile data would go down if they use mobile date more. Novakova has also been under fire after a representative of Taiwan who was invited to attend her meeting with foreign investors had to leave the gathering at the request of the Chinese ambassador. Babis said Wednesday she will be replaced by Karel Havlicek, deputy chairman of the government's research, development and innovation council. ROME (AP) - The Vatican has for the first time opened its own investigation into the case of Emanuela Orlandi, a 15-year-old Vatican citizen who disappeared in the summer of 1983. The Orlandi family's lawyer, Laura Sgro, confirmed the probe on Wednesday. She told The Associated Press that "the Secretariat of State has authorized the opening of an investigation into a grave in the Teutonic Cemetery inside the Vatican," after an anonymous tipster indicated that investigators should look where a statue of an angel in the cemetery is pointing. The Vatican had previously said it was handling a request from the Orlandi family to reopen a tomb close to the statue of an angel holding a sheet bearing the words "Rest in peace." Interim Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti declined further comment on Wednesday. Orlandi was the daughter of a Vatican employee who lived with his family in the tiny city state. She was 15 when she disappeared after a music lesson in Rome. The family has long demanded to see Vatican documentation about the enduring mystery. The cold case gained new attention at the end of October when two sets of remains were found in the basement of the Vatican Nunciature, an extraterritorial Church property located in Rome's city center. The identification of at least one of the bodies as female led to immediate speculation in Italy that the findings might eventually shed light on one of the country's most persistent mysteries. FILE - In this May 27, 2012, file photo, demonstrators hold pictures of Emanuela Orlandi reading "march for truth and justice for Emanuela" during Pope Benedict XVI's Regina Coeli prayer in St. Peter's square, at the Vatican. The Vatican has for the first time opened its own investigation into the case of Emanuela Orlandi, a 15-year-old Vatican citizen who disappeared in the summer of 1983. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, File) Investigators said at the time that preliminary examinations of the bones indicated they belonged to a woman likely in her 30s. But, despite the age of the bones, the Orlandi family lawyer said they would wait for DNA results. One hypothesis for Orlandi's disappearance is that she wasn't killed immediately but instead held for years against her will. Investigative sources, however, told Italian media in the following weeks that the bones were too old to be related to the Orlandi case. For more than 35 years, Italian media have been obsessed with the fate of Emanuela Orlandi. Over the years many rumors have swirled about what happened to her - including conspiracies tied to the Mafia and the plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Deputies in Portland, Oregon responded to a possible home invasion, but the intruder they found wasn't alive or a person. It was a robotic vacuum cleaner. The Oregonian/OregonLive reports a house sitter in Cedar Hills called 911 Monday, saying someone was inside the bathroom. The Washington County Sheriff's Office says deputies entered the home and ordered the burglar out, but nothing happened. Deputies then opened the bathroom door with guns drawn and discovered the automatic vacuum cleaner. Sgt. Danny DiPietro says this encounter was his first "Roomba burglar" in 13 years on the job. He says the office is still "having a good laugh about it." ___ Information from: The Oregonian/OregonLive, LONDON (AP) - Special plans are being made to welcome the first child of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. Officials said Wednesday that the landmark London Eye observation wheel on the banks of the River Thames will be lit in red, white and blue to mark the baby's birth. Those are the colors of the familiar Union Flag. The baby is expected in late April or early May. He or she will be seventh in line for the British throne. Harry and Meghan say they have chosen not to learn the baby's gender. The royal couple are moving shortly from central London to a quieter location near Windsor Castle, some 20 miles (32 kilometers) west of London. They married in May in a chapel on the castle grounds. BERLIN (AP) - Taxi drivers have snarled traffic in Berlin and other German cities in a slow-driving protest against government plans to liberalize the market. Taxis in Berlin converged on the capital's famous Brandenburg Gate, filling up the wide boulevard that leads west from the monument. Wednesday's protests also disrupted traffic into the city's Tegel airport, which is only reachable by road. The transport ministry plans to ease conditions for rivals such as Uber, and groups representing taxi drivers say that would create unfair competition. Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer sought to reassure protesters in Berlin, saying that "no one wants unregulated, unjust and unfair conditions in passenger transport like they have in other countries." Berlin taxi drivers block the boulevard 'Strasse des 17. Juni', Street of June 17, in front of the Brandenburg Gate, during a protest in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Taxi driver protest against government plans over the growth of app-based ride-hailing services that they say threaten their livelihood. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) Berlin taxi drivers block the boulevard 'Strasse des 17. Juni', Street of June 17, in front of the Brandenburg Gate, during a protest in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Taxi driver protest against government plans over the growth of app-based ride-hailing services that they say threaten their livelihood. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) Berlin taxi drivers block the boulevard 'Strasse des 17. Juni', Street of June 17, in front of the Brandenburg Gate, during a protest in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Taxi driver protest against government plans over the growth of app-based ride-hailing services that they say threaten their livelihood. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) Berlin taxi drivers arrives at the 'Grosser Stern' roundabout during a protest in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Taxi driver protest against government plans over the growth of app-based ride-hailing services that they say threaten their livelihood. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) Berlin taxi drivers block the boulevard 'Altonaer Strasse', during a protest in Berlin, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Taxi driver protest against government plans over the growth of app-based ride-hailing services that they say threaten their livelihood. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) CHICAGO (AP) - In a story April 9 about Johnson Publishing Co. filing for bankruptcy, The Associated Press reported erroneously that the company owns Ebony and Jet magazines. It is the former owner. A corrected version of the story is below: Ex-publisher of iconic black magazines files for bankruptcy Johnson Publishing Co., former publisher of Ebony and Jet magazines, has filed for bankruptcy in a federal court in Chicago By HERBERT G. McCANN Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) - Johnson Publishing Co., former owner of the iconic Ebony and Jet magazines that helped changed the negative image of black people portrayed by U.S. media, filed for bankruptcy liquidation Tuesday in a federal court in Chicago. In announcing the Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, the company said it was "caught in a tidal wave of marketplace changes and business issues which, despite exhaustive efforts, could not be overcome." The issues included the bankruptcy of a major retailer that carried its Fashion Fair Cosmetics line, a "costly recall" of products and increasing competition from digital rivals, the company said. John H. Johnson founded the company in 1942 when he launched Negro Digest with a $500 loan from his mother. The magazine summarized newspaper articles about black life. But key to the company's growth was Ebony magazine, founded in 1945 and patterned after Life magazine, one of the nation's leading magazines at the time. The average monthly circulation of Ebony was around 2 million for a time in the 1990s, making it the largest magazine catering to blacks. Advertisers were initially reluctant to display their products in black-oriented publications because of concerns on how they would be perceived by other customers if they were seen as catering to blacks. The company overcame those fears by building on personal relationships and bringing perspective advertisers to the company's offices, Johnson officials said. Ebony was often criticized for focusing too much on successful people. In a 1992 interview with The Associated Press, Johnson said he believed Ebony has made an important contribution to black people. "It has inspired them to be successful by showing examples of blacks who have made it," Johnson said. However, Ebony and Jet also addressed social issues affecting black America. Jet became a legendary part of the civil rights movement in 1955 when it published a photograph of the open coffin of Emmett Till, which showed the effects of the fatal beating the 14-year-old Chicago boy suffered at the hands of white men in Mississippi for allegedly whistling at a white woman. "Johnson Publishing Company is an iconic part of American and African American history since our founding in 1942, and the company's impact on society cannot be overstated," the company said in Tuesday's statement. After reporting revenues in the hundreds of millions in the 1990s, the company's fortunes began to decline after Johnson died in 2005 and magazines in general began to struggle as advertisers moved to alternative media. With Johnson's daughter, Linda Johnson Rice, in charge, the company tried to halt its decline with the sale of its assets, including its historic headquarters on Chicago's Michigan Avenue. A company spokesman said Rice was unavailable for comment. However, the company said in a statement that declining revenue and circulation was reversed in 2012, but resumed as the company struggled to transition into the digital media age. "While the wisdom of hindsight might suggest different decisions should have been made, Linda is proud of the 77-year legacy of Johnson Publishing, her family's historical impact on America and the city of Chicago, and her decades of hard work trying to revitalize the company," the statement said. In 2014, Jet ceased print editions and became a digital-only publication. In 2016, Ebony and Jet were sold to Clear View Group, an equity firm in Texas, so they are unaffected by the filing. Despite being under new ownership, the company struggled financially, with freelance writers suing to be paid. The lawsuit was settled last year. WASHINGTON (AP) - One day last week, amid spiraling fallout over special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe , House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dialed up the president and requested a meeting. She talked to President Donald Trump about working together on an infrastructure package. It was the first phone call between the two since the testy days of the government shutdown earlier this year, and it seemed productive. They are planning to meet, she told The Associated Press in a Wednesday interview. So goes the relationship between Washington's two power centers - one in the White House, where Trump is slapping almost hourly at the investigations into his administration and running headlong into a climactic moment of his presidency, the other on Capitol Hill, where Pelosi is deliberately steering her gavel toward her party's goals. As the two cross the 100-day mark of the era of divided government, theirs is a relationship like almost none other in Washington. Even as Trump derides Democrats as "unhinged" and claims they are a party taken over by "socialists," he pulls his punches with Pelosi. And while Pelosi criticizes Trump as "unfit" for office - and hasn't fully closed the door on impeachment - she wants to work with him on shared priorities. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Pelosi says she dialed up President Donald Trump recently and requested a meeting to talk about working together on an infrastructure package. Pelosi says she believes "the president truly wants to have an infrastructure bill." (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) On Thursday, Pelosi told reporters she's looking for at least $1 trillion for the infrastructure package - far more than the $200 billion Trump has proposed - and she'd like to get it closer to $2 trillion. She said she expects to "meet soon" with the president to discuss it. "I have pooh-poohed his $200 billion mini-nothing of an infrastructure bill," she said during the House Democrats' issues conference retreat in Virginia. "And I think he probably knows that was not a successful path to building the infrastructure from sea to shining sea." Lawmakers said they expect to have legislation ready for consideration in the House by June or July. The White House confirmed the president and the speaker "did speak last week and have agreed to meet soon to discuss working together on infrastructure," said administration spokesman Judd Deere. "The President wants a bipartisan infrastructure package that rebuilds crumbling infrastructure, invests in the projects and industries of tomorrow, and promotes permitting efficiency," Deere said Thursday. Launching an infrastructure investment program is the kind of big bipartisan undertaking that seems all but impossible in times like these. The Trump administration's "infrastructure week" became a punchline around Washington when it fizzled amid the White House's often shifting priorities. Trump promised on election night a $1 trillion investment in new roads and other projects but has never come close to achieving it. Democrats scoff at the $200 billion requests he's made in his budget proposals as meager. Pelosi called it a "nonstarter." But infrastructure - like the effort on lowering prescription drug costs - is the kind of initiative that could benefit both of them as they head toward the 2020 campaign season. They could change the subject from the ongoing investigations that pose risks for both parties, and they could show voters they can deliver with building projects that improve communities and create jobs even at a time of divided government, with Democrats controlling the House and Republicans controlling the Senate. "We want dirt to fly," Pelosi said. After her talks with Trump, Pelosi thinks the president may be willing to do more than he's put on the table. Trump's latest budget proposed $200 billion in federal dollars that could be leveraged with private capital to cover the difference. "I don't think the president is wedded to that proposal," she said. "It's too small." She says 80 percent of their conversations, including the talk last Thursday, are about infrastructure. They're trying, she said, to find areas of "common ground." The purpose of the upcoming meeting she requested is to "get a dollar figure" as a starting point for the discussions. Asked about infrastructure, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also left open the possibility of a fresh bipartisan effort. "We've all been talking about infrastructure, including the president, for a couple of years now," McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News on Wednesday. "We need some straight talk from both sides on how we're going to pay for it." The day after Trump and Pelosi spoke, Trump went to California to visit the southern border, where he is trying to build a long-promised border wall with Mexico after Democrats thwarted his demand for more wall funds during the shutdown. That afternoon, House Democrats filed a lawsuit challenging Trump's national emergency declaration, which he invoked to circumvent Congress and to use military construction money to pay for the border wall. "It's so very self-evident that the president is very different from every other person that anybody ever served with," Pelosi said in the AP interview Wednesday. "He is not only unique, he's ... what would be the word?" she said, trailing off. "To be president of the United States is to have a very special personality. But there are shared values about commitment to our Constitution, to the vision of our founders to the Constitution of the United States. I don't see those features yet in this president." Associated Press writer Kevin Freking in Washington contributed to this report. ___ Follow Mascaro on Twitter at Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump seemed gratified Thursday that his attorney general has endorsed a key talking point of the president's supporters: that there was spying on Trump's 2016 campaign. But Trump went a step beyond Attorney General William Barr, accusing the government of committing an illegal, unprecedented act. The president's comments came a day after Barr testified at a congressional hearing that he believes "spying did occur" on the campaign, suggesting the origins of the Russia investigation that shadowed Trump's presidency for nearly two years may have been mishandled. Barr provided no details about what "spying" may have taken place but appeared to be alluding to a surveillance warrant the FBI obtained on a former Trump associate. He later said during the hearing that he wasn't sure there had been improper surveillance and wants to ensure all proper procedures were followed. "I think what he said was absolutely true. There was absolutely spying into my campaign," Trump said Thursday. "I'll go a step further. It was my opinion it was illegal spying, unprecedented spying, and something that should never be allowed to happen in our country again." During Wednesday's hearing before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, Barr said he was "not saying improper surveillance occurred" and was looking into the matter. Barr may have been referring to a surveillance warrant the FBI obtained in the fall of 2016 to monitor the communications of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, who has not been charged with any wrongdoing. The warrant was obtained after Page had left the campaign and was renewed several times. Critics of the Russia investigation have seized on the fact that the warrant application cited Democratic-funded opposition research, done by a former British spy, into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia. President Donald Trump listens to South Korean President Moon Jae-in speak during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Barr's comments aligned him with the president and his supporters who insist his 2016 campaign was unfairly targeted by the FBI. They come at a time when Barr's independence is under scrutiny from congressional Democrats as he prepares a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation. Mueller concluded his investigation last month and submitted a nearly 400-page confidential report to Barr. The attorney general then sent Congress a four-page letter that detailed Mueller's "principal conclusions." Democrats have questioned how Barr could boil down Mueller's full report so quickly and allege that it may have been written in a favorable way for the president. Democrats strongly pushed back on Barr's remarks. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, along with the top Democrat on the House and Senate intelligence panels, argued that Barr's words undermined both his own credibility and that of the Justice Department. All four are on a panel known as the Gang of Eight that is regularly briefed on the most sensitive intelligence matters. Pelosi told The Associated Press on Wednesday that she doesn't trust Barr. Schumer said Barr's remarks "just destroyed the scintilla of credibility he had left." While congressional Republicans have long questioned the origins of the Russia investigation, suggesting that Justice Department officials conspired against Trump, Democrats have argued it was legitimate. In his letter, Barr said the special counsel did not find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and Trump associates during the campaign, but Mueller did not reach a definitive conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. Instead, Mueller presented evidence on both sides of the obstruction question, but Barr said he did not believe the evidence was sufficient to prove that Trump had obstructed justice. Barr has said he expects to release a redacted version of Mueller's report next week. The Justice Department's inspector general has been investigating the early days of the FBI's Russia probe, but Barr has said he wants to pull together the different reviews underway and see if there are remaining questions that need to be addressed. ___ Associated Press writers Darlene Superville, Eric Tucker, Mary Clare Jalonick and Alan Fram contributed to this report. Attorney General William Barr reacts as he appears before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Washington. Barr said Wednesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. He said he believed the president's campaign had been spied on and he was concerned about possible abuses of government power. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Attorney General William Barr appears before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Attorney General William Barr appears before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee to make his Justice Department budget request, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - The Environmental Protection Agency declined for now to make General Electric restart dredging in the Hudson River, triggering a wave of condemnation Thursday from New York officials and environmentalists who say contaminant levels from its industrial pollution remain too high. The EPA issued a certificate to Boston-based GE saying that it has completed its remedial action under the federal Superfund program. Critics of the cleanup wanted the EPA to withhold the certificate and to demand further dredging. EPA Regional Administrator Peter Lopez said more time and testing are needed to fully assess the $1.7 billion cleanup that GE has done, and he stressed that the company can still be compelled in the coming decades to do more work, including additional dredging. "GE is not off the hook," Lopez told reporters during a conference call. "If new information comes in that causes EPA to conclude that more work is needed to protect public health and the environment, we can and will require GE to take that action." Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state Attorney General Letitia James, both Democrats, promptly announced they intend to sue the EPA over its decision. They claim levels of the contaminating polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, remain unacceptably high in the river sediment and in fish. Scenic Hudson and Riverkeeper, two environmental groups lobbying for additional dredging, said they would support litigation. "Since the EPA has failed to hold GE accountable for fulfilling its obligation to restore the river, New York state will take any action necessary to protect our waterways and that includes suing the EPA to demand a full and complete remediation,'" Cuomo said in a written news release. "Anything less is unacceptable." Cuomo accused the Republican Trump Administration of putting corporations' interests ahead of public health and the environment. EPA officials said their decision was guided by Superfund law and science. FILE - In this June 10, 2011 file photo, crews dredge the Hudson River in Fort Edward, N.Y. The work is part of a project on the upper-Hudson to clean up PCBs released by General Electric decades ago. The Environmental Protection Agency is poised to make an announcement Thursday, April 11, 2019, on GE's $1.7 billion Hudson River cleanup. (AP Photo/Mike Groll, File) The EPA said in a "five-year review" of the river released Friday that there is not enough testing data on fish, water and sediment yet to determine if the cleanup will succeed in its goal of protecting human health and the environment. Lopez said that will take more time and monitoring before a conclusion could be reached. The review found some signs of progress in removing highly contaminated sediment, though it found three spots in the upper river with slightly elevated levels of PCBs. Until the mid-1970s, GE factories discharged more than 1 million pounds (450,000 kilograms) of PCBs into the river. The probable carcinogen, used as coolants and lubricants in electrical equipment, was banned in 1977. GE said the EPA's decision confirms the success of the project. "GE will continue to collect environmental data to assess ongoing improvements in river conditions and to work closely with EPA, New York State, and local communities on other Hudson environmental projects," the company said in a written statement. CAIRO (AP) - Sudan's military overthrew President Omar al-Bashir on Thursday after months of bloody protests against his repressive 30-year rule. But pro-democracy demonstrators vowed to keep up their campaign in the streets after the military said it would govern the country for the next two years. Al-Bashir's fall came a week after Algeria's long-ruling, military-backed president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, was driven from power. Together, the developments echoed the Arab Spring uprisings eight years ago that brought down autocrats across the Mideast. The announcement of the arrest and removal of the 75-year-old al-Bashir was made by a veteran insider in his government, Defense Minister Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf, who is under U.S. sanctions for links to atrocities in Sudan's Darfur conflict. Ibn Ouf said a military council that will be formed by the army, intelligence and security apparatus will rule for two years, after which "free and fair elections" will take place. Sudan's state-run media later said Ibn Ouf was being sworn in as head of the new council. The defense chief also announced that the military had suspended the constitution, dissolved the government, declared a state of emergency for three months, closed the country's borders and airspace and imposed a curfew. Protesters who were initially jubilant over word of the coup reacted by saying they will not end their nearly week-long sit-in outside the military's headquarters in central Khartoum until a civilian transition government is formed. Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Well after nightfall, tens of thousands beat drums, sang and chanted slogans against the armed forces and Ibn Ouf. One of the organizations leading the protest said people were staying in streets of defiance of the 10 p.m. curfew. "The first one fell, the second will, too!" protesters shouted. And: "They removed a thief and brought in a thief!" "What is happening in Sudan is that the old system is being rebuilt in new clothes," said activist Mohammed Hisham. "I'm 30 years old, and my whole life we have suffered from lack of freedom and continuous threats." Al-Bashir's whereabouts were not immediately known. Ibn Ouf said only that he was being held in "a safe place." Human rights groups urged Sudanese military authorities to hand al-Bashir over to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide for his deadly campaign against insurgents in Darfur. Amnesty International's secretary general, Kumi Naidoo, said al-Bashir is wanted for "some of the most odious human rights violations of our generation." In Washington, the U.S. State Department called on the Sudanese military to "follow the will of the people" and "commit to the speedy handover to civilian rule." Al-Bashir came to power in a coup of his own in 1989, backed by the military and Islamist hard-liners. He kept an iron grip on power and brutally suppressed any opposition, while monopolizing the economy through allied businessmen. Over his three decades in control, he was forced to allow the secession of South Sudan after years of war, a huge blow to the north's economy. He became an international pariah over the bloodletting in Darfur. And the U.S. targeted his government repeatedly with sanctions and airstrikes for his support of Islamic militants. Throughout, he was a swaggering figure known to break into dance and wave his cane in front of cheering crowds. The protests - involving a mix of young activists, students, professional-employee unions and opposition parties - erupted in December and were initially fueled by anger over the deteriorating economy but quickly turned to demands for the president's ouster. Security forces came down hard on the protesters with tear gas, rubber bullets, live ammunition and batons, and the clashes left dozens of people dead. Al-Bashir banned unauthorized public gatherings, imposed a state of emergency and granted sweeping powers to the police. After Bouteflika's resignation in Algeria, the protests escalated and the clampdown grew bloodier, with at least 22 people killed since Saturday. Word of al-Bashir's overthrow initially set off cheering, dancing and singing in the streets by thousands of protesters, until they heard the official announcement from Ibn Ouf that the military would remain in charge. The defense chief denounced al-Bashir's government for "bad administration, systemic corruption, absence of justice," adding: "The poor became poorer and the rich became richer. Hope in equality has been lost." He also said al-Bashir's crackdown against protesters risked splitting the security establishment and "could cause grave casualties." Mariam al-Mahdi, a leading member of the opposition Umma, called the military's takeover "a dangerous move." "Our demands are clear: We don't want to replace a coup with a coup," al-Mahdi said. __ AP correspondent Sarah El Deeb in Beirut contributed to this report. FILE - In this file image taken from video, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir speaks at the Presidential Palace, Friday, Feb. 22, 2019, in Khartoum, Sudan. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, April 11, 2019, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power.(AP Photo/Mohamed Abuamrain, File) Protesters celebrate in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Protesters rally at a demonstration near the military headquarters, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in the capital Khartoum, Sudan. Activists behind anti-government protests in Sudan say security forces have killed at least seven people, including a military officer, in another attempt to break up the sit-in outside the military headquarters in Khartoum. A spokeswoman for the Sudanese Professionals Association, said clashes erupted again early Tuesday between security forces and protesters who have been camping out in front of the complex in Khartoum since Saturday. (AP Photo) Protesters rally near the military headquarters, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in the capital Khartoum, Sudan. Activists behind anti-government protests in Sudan say security forces have killed at least seven people, including a military officer, in another attempt to break up the sit-in outside the military headquarters in Khartoum. A spokeswoman for the Sudanese Professionals Association, said clashes erupted again early Tuesday between security forces and protesters who have been camping out in front of the complex in Khartoum since Saturday. (AP Photo) FILE - In this May 10, 2001, file photo, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi , left, is greeted by President Omar El-Bashir, center, upon his arrival in Khartoum for a two-day visit to Sudan. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, April 11, 2019, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power. (AP Photo/Abdel Raouf, File) FILE - In this Dec. 25, 2017, file photo, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, second left, and Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, center, walk in Port Sudan, Sudan. Sudan's armed forces were to deliver an "important statement" and asked the nation to "wait for it" on Thursday, April 11, 2019, state TV reported, as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime President Omar al-Bashir to step down. (Kayhan Ozer/Pool Photo via AP, File) FILE - In this Dec. 26, 2004, file photo, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (right) received Yemeni president Ali Abdallah Salih (left) at the airport in Khartoum Sunday, December 26, 2004. Sudan's armed forces were to deliver an "important statement" and asked the nation to "wait for it" on Thursday, April 11, 2019, state TV reported, as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime President Omar al-Bashir to step down.(AP Photo/Abd Raouf, File) FILE - In this May 18, 2018, file photo, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir speaks during the extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in Istanbul, Turkey. Sudan's armed forces were to deliver an "important statement" and asked the nation to "wait for it" on Thursday, April 11, 2019, state TV reported, as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime President Omar al-Bashir to step down.(Presidential Press Service/Pool via AP, File) FILE - In this Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 file photo, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir greets his supporters at a rally in Khartoum, Sudan. Sudan's armed forces were to deliver an "important statement" and asked the nation to "wait for it" on Thursday, April 11, 2019, state TV reported, as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime President Omar al-Bashir to step down. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Hjaj, File) Protesters celebrate in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) CAIRO (AP) - The latest on developments in Sudan (all times local): 11:15 p.m. The United Nations says Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expects "the democratic aspiration of the Sudanese people will be realized through an appropriate and inclusive transition process" following the military's overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Thursday that the U.N. chief is calling for calm and restraint by all in Sudan. He says Guterres reaffirms "that the United Nations stands ready to support the Sudanese people as they chart a way forward." Dujarric was asked whether Guterres supports handing al-Bashir over to the International Criminal Court. The spokesman said Guterres "has routinely called for full cooperation" with the court, consistent with U.N. resolutions. But he added that the United Nations "is not in a position to comment on the issuance and execution of ICC warrants in specific cases." ___ Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) 10:40 p.m. Sudan's state-run broadcaster says Defense Minister Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf is being sworn in as head of a new military council that will run the country for two years. The move is being taken after the military ousted autocratic President Omar al-Bashir on Thursday following nearly four months of expanding protests. The broadcaster says military chief of staff Kamal Abdel-Marouf al-Mahi will be the deputy head of the council. ___ 10:20 p.m. A group organizing protests in Sudan says people are defying a curfew that has been imposed across the country after the military removed autocratic President Omar al-Bashir in response to nearly four months of escalating popular protests. Defense Minister Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf on Thursday declared a monthlong 10 p.m.-4 a.m. curfew. But the Sudanese Professional Association says pro-democracy demonstrators are staying in the streets and it is urging people to continue rallies across Sudan until they bring "the overthrow of the entire regime." Protesters are angry over a package of measures taken by the military after al-Bashir's overthrow, including the suspension of the constitution and its announcement that a transitional military council will lead Sudan for two years ___ 7:30 p.m. Sudan's military is warning protesters not to challenge a curfew that has been imposed across the country after ousting autocratic president Omar al-Bashir in response to escalating popular protests. Defense Minister Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf on Thursday declared a monthlong curfew from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. The curfew is part of a package of measures taken by the military on Thursday. A transitional military council will lead the country for two years, a measure that left pro-democracy demonstrators angry and disappointed. The military has also suspended the constitution, closed the borders and the country's airspace. The measures were meant to address nearly four months of anti-government protests demanding that al-Bashir step down __ 7:15 p.m. Two international rights groups are urging Sudanese military authorities to hand over ousted President Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in the Darfur region. Amnesty International's secretary general, Kumi Naidoo says al-Bashir is wanted for "some of the most odious human rights violations of our generation." Sudan's military ousted al-Bashir on Thursday in response to escalating popular protests and imposed an emergency clampdown on the country. Naidoo also said military authorities "should ensure that emergency laws are not used to undermine people's rights." Jehanne Henry, associate director at Human Rights Watch, said "victims of the gravest crimes in Darfur should not have to wait any longer for justice." In the Sudanese defense minister's televised announcement of al-Bashir's arrest, he said the former president was in a "safe place," but his whereabouts were not immediately known. ___ 6:15 p.m. British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt says two years of potential military rule in Sudan "is not the answer" for "real change" in the country. Hunt tweeted Thursday that Sudan needs "a swift move to an inclusive, representative, civilian leadership" and an end to violence. Sudan's military ousted President Omar al-Bashir hours earlier in response to nearly four months of escalating popular protests in which dozens have been killed. The Sudanese defense minister has announced that a military council would rule for two years. The military has also suspended the constitution and imposed an emergency clampdown that risks enflaming protesters who have demanded civilian democratic change. Protest organizers have said they won't back a military coup and are now in discussions with the military's leadership about forming a transitional government. ___ 5:45 p.m. George Clooney says overthrowing Sudan's autocratic president doesn't go far enough and has called for "dismantling" the system that kept Omar al-Bashir in power for 30 years. The actor, director and activist said in a statement Thursday that the international community must work to guarantee that "the next president of Sudan reflects the will of its people." Sudan's military ousted al-Bashir on Thursday in response to escalating popular protests. The defense minister announced military rule for two years, imposing an emergency clampdown that risks enflaming protesters who have demanded civilian democratic change. Clooney called al-Bashir "the leader of a violent, corrupt system" and noted that the face of the coup, Defense Minister Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf, has also been sanctioned for war crimes in the Darfur region along with the ex-president. Al-Bashir "should be extradited and tried in The Hague for those crimes," he said. ___ 4:35 p.m. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he hopes Sudan can overcome its upheaval peacefully through "national conciliation" and urged it to try to operate "a normal democratic process." Speaking at a joint news conference with the president of Burkina Faso on Thursday, Erdogan repeated his disdain of coups, but refrained from voicing support for Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir who was overthrown and arrested by the military. Erdogan said: "We have deep-rooted historic relations with Sudan. We of course support the continuation of these deep-rooted ties." The Turkish leader has in the past hosted al-Bashir and has defended him over accusations of war crimes, saying "a Muslim cannot commit genocide." In 2017 Sudan agreed to lease the Red Sea island of Suakin to Turkey, after Ankara requested permission to restore Ottoman-era relics. Turkey has denied claims that it wants to construct a naval base there. ___ 3:10 p.m. Egypt says it is backing the removal of longtime autocratic ruler Omar al-Bashir in neighboring Sudan. In a statement, Egypt's Foreign Ministry expressed support to the "Sudanese people's choice and will." The statement called on the international community to help Sudan to have a peaceful transition. Under al-Bashir, Sudan and Egypt had tense relations after Sudan supported Ethiopia's construction of a massive dam on the river Nile putting at risk Egypt's water supply. ___ 2:50 p.m. Protesters who pushed for the ouster of Sudan's longtime autocratic president are continuing their defiance now that the military has wrested power from Omar al-Bashir. Awad Abdel-Bayen, a leading figure in Sudan's Communist Party, described the military takeover of power as "giving new life to al-Bashir rule." Activists on social media voiced rejection of the military takeover, saying, "no to the military rule" and the "Revolution continues." ___ 2 p.m. Sudanese defense minister has announced the military has overthrown and arrested President Omar al-Bashir and has taken charge of the country for the next two years following nearly four months of protests against his rule. Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf appeared on state TV, in military fatigues, following an earlier announcement of an "important statement" coming from the army on Thursday. Ibn Ouf says after the two years, "free and fair elections" will take place. He says a state of emergency has been imposed for the next three months and that the military has also suspended the constitution, closed borders and the country's airspace. A transitional military council will lead the country for two years, Ouf also said the government and the presidency have been dissolved, and imposed a night curfew. ___ 1:10 p.m. Sudanese protest organizers say they won't back a military coup that has apparently forced longtime President Omar al-Bashir to step down but want a civilian transitional government in place after his ouster. The organizers say they are now in discussions with the military's leadership about forming a transitional government. This comes as people are celebrating in the streets of Khartoum on Thursday following reports of al-Bashir's ouster. Sarah Abdel-Jaleel, a spokeswoman for the Sudanese Professionals Association, tells The Associated Press they will not back a military coup and insist on an "unconditional stepping down of al-Bashir and his regime." She says there might be a military council to back the transitional government. Sudanese activists behind months-long protests against al-Bashir say hundreds who were detained over the demonstrations have already been freed. ___ 12:50 p.m. Sudan's state security agency says authorities are releasing all political detainees. Thursday's brief statement by the National Security and Intelligence service did not indicate when the release would take place. It comes as tens of thousands are celebrating in the streets of Khartoum amid reports that the country's longtime President Omar al-Bashir has been forced to step down by the military. Sudanese activists behind months-long protests against al-Bashir say hundreds who were detained over the demonstrations have already been freed. The activists spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. The news come as two senior Sudanese officials said the army forced al-Bashir to step down but the circumstances of the apparent ouster remain unclear. -Samy Magdy in Cairo; ___ 9:50 a.m. Two senior Sudanese officials say that the army has forced longtime President Omar al-Bashir to step down but the circumstances of the apparent ouster remain unclear. The officials say the military is now in talks about forming a transitional government. The officials, who hold high positions in the government and the military, spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. They spoke ahead of an army announcement and amid reports of a coup to replace the president of 30 years following mass street protests against his rule. The officials declined to elaborate. Al-Bashir's current whereabouts remain unknown. -Samy Magdy in Cairo; ___ 9:20 a.m. Eyewitnesses in the Sudanese capital say the military has deployed at key sites in the city to secure several installations ahead of an army announcement and amid reports of a coup to replace the country's longtime president, Omar al-Bashir. The situation in Khartoum remains fluid and it wasn't immediately possible to confirm that al-Bashir is being ousted. The witnesses told The Associated Press that military armored vehicles and tanks have been parked in the streets and near bridges over the Nile River as of Thursday morning, as well as in the vicinity of the military headquarters, where thousands are anxiously waiting for the army statement. The compound has been the scene of a large anti-government sit-in since last Saturday calling for al-Bashir's ouster. The witnesses spoke on condition of anonymity because they feared reprisals. -Maggie Michael in Cairo; ___ 7:40 a.m. Sudan's state TV says the country's armed forces will deliver an "important statement" and are asking the nation to "wait for it." The announcement raised expectations the statement Thursday could address nearly four months of anti-government protests demanding that longtime President Omar al-Bashir step down and could be a sign that he is relinquishing power. Organizers of the protests urged masses to converge and join an ongoing sit-in that has been underway in the capital, Khartoum, since the weekend. Sudanese radio is playing military marches ahead of the announcement. The TV s says there'll be an "important statement from the armed forces after a while, wait for it." It comes after clashes between Sudanese security forces and protesters, after an attempt to break the sit-in, leaving 22 dead since Saturday. Protesters celebrate in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power. (AP Photo) Protesters celebrate in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) FILE - In this May 10, 2001, file photo, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi , left, is greeted by President Omar El-Bashir, center, upon his arrival in Khartoum for a two-day visit to Sudan. Tens of thousands of Sudanese were making their way to the center of the country's capital on Thursday, April 11, 2019, cheering and clapping in celebration as two senior officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power. (AP Photo/Abdel Raouf, File) Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced longtime autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo) LONDON (AP) - British police on Thursday hauled a bearded and shouting Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy where he was holed up for nearly seven years, and the U.S. charged the WikiLeaks founder with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to get their hands on government secrets. Police arrested Assange after the South American nation revoked the political asylum that had protected him in the embassy, and he was brought before a British court - the first step in an extradition battle that he has vowed to fight. Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno said he decided to evict Assange from the embassy after "repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols," and he later lashed out at him during a speech in Quito, calling the Australian native a "spoiled brat" who treated his hosts with disrespect. In Washington, the U.S. Justice Department accused Assange of conspiring with Manning to break into a classified government computer at the Pentagon. The charge was announced after Assange was taken into custody. Assange, 47, took refuge in the embassy in 2012 after he was released on bail in Britain while facing extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations that have since been dropped. He refused to leave the embassy, fearing arrest and extradition to the U.S. for publishing classified military and diplomatic cables through WikiLeaks. Manning, who served several years in prison for leaking troves of classified documents before her sentence was commuted by then-President Barack Obama, is again in custody in Alexandria, Virginia, for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks. Manning's legal team said the indictment against Assange showed prosecutors didn't need her testimony and called for her to be released, saying her continued detention would be "purely punitive." Julian Assange gestures as he arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, after the WikiLeaks founder was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum .(Victoria Jones/PA via AP) Over the years, Assange used Ecuador's embassy as a platform to keep his name before the public, frequently making appearances on its tiny balcony, posing for pictures and reading statements. Even his cat became famous. But his presence was an embarrassment to U.K. authorities, who for years kept a police presence around the clock outside the embassy, costing taxpayers millions in police overtime. Such surveillance was removed in 2015, but the embassy remained a focal point for his activities. Video posted online by Ruptly, a news service of Russia Today, showed several men in suits pulling a handcuffed Assange out of the embassy and loading him into a police van while uniformed British police formed a passageway. Assange, who shouted and gestured as he was removed, sported a full beard and slicked-back gray hair. He later appeared in Westminster Magistrates' Court, where District Judge Michael Snow wasted no time in finding him guilty of breaching his bail conditions, flatly rejecting his assertion that he had not had a fair hearing and a reasonable excuse for not appearing. "Mr. Assange's behavior is that of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests," Snow said. "He hasn't come close to establishing 'reasonable excuse.'" Assange waved to the packed public gallery as he was taken to the cells. His next appearance was set for May 2 via prison video-link in relation to the extradition case. Assange's attorney, Jennifer Robinson, said he will fight any extradition to the U.S. "This sets a dangerous precedent for all journalist and media organizations in Europe and around the world," she said. "This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the United States." Asked at the White House about the arrest, President Donald Trump declared , "It's not my thing," and "I know nothing about WikiLeaks," despite praising the anti-secrecy organization dozens of times during his 2016 campaign. Assange has been under U.S. Justice Department scrutiny for years for WikiLeaks' role in publishing government secrets. He was an important figure in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe as investigators examined how WikiLeaks obtained emails that were stolen from Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and Democratic groups. "The bottom line is that he has to answer for what he has done," Clinton said later Thursday, at a speaking event with husband Bill Clinton. WikiLeaks quickly drew attention to U.S. interest in Assange and said that Ecuador had illegally terminated Assange's political asylum "in violation of international law." "Powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to de-humanise, de-legitimize and imprison him," the group said in a tweet over a photo of Assange's smiling face. But in Assange's native Australia, Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Australian Broadcasting Corp. he had no plans to intervene in the case as the charge was a "matter for the United States" and had nothing to do with Australia. Consular officials were to visit him Friday in jail. Ecuadorian officials suggested Assange's own behavior was to blame. Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Assange's mental and physical health worsened while he was holed up, and he began to act aggressively toward his hosts, including smearing feces on the walls of the embassy. In a fiery speech in Ecuador, Moreno called him an ungrateful and "miserable hacker" who treated embassy officials poorly. "When you're given shelter, cared for and provided food, you don't denounce the owner of the house," Moreno said to applause at an event outside Quito. "From now on we'll be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilize governments," he added. "We are tolerant, calm people, but we're not stupid." Other Ecuadorian officials in Quito accused supporters of WikiLeaks and two Russian hackers of trying to destabilize the country as the standoff with Assange intensified recently. Romo said a close collaborator of WikiLeaks had traveled with former Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino this year to several countries - including Peru, Spain and Venezuela - to try to undermine the Ecuadorian government. She also said a person close to Assange had been detained at Quito's airport trying to fly to Japan. The person, who she did not identify, is accused of conspiring against the Ecuadorian government. Later Thursday, a senior Ecuadorian official said a Swedish software developer living in Quito had been arrested at the airport as authorities attempt to dismantle a blackmail ring that in recent days had threatened to retaliate against Moreno. The official identified the person as Ola Bini. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity and didn't provide any additional details about Bini. On a blog, a Swedish man of the same name describes himself as a software developer working in Quito for the Center for Digital Autonomy, a group based in Ecuador and Spain focused on privacy, security and cryptography issues. It makes no mention of any affiliation with Wikileaks. On Twitter earlier Thursday, Bini called claims by the Interior Minister that Russian hackers and someone close to Wikileaks were working inside Ecuador "very worrisome" news and said events looked like a "witch hunt." But former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa called Moreno's decision "cowardly," accusing him of retaliating against Assange for WikiLeaks spreading allegations about an offshore bank account purportedly linked to Moreno's family and friends. On Wednesday, WikiLeaks accused Ecuador's government of an "extensive spying operation" against him. It alleges that meetings with lawyers and a doctor in the embassy over the past year were secretly filmed. Speaking in the U.K. Parliament after the arrest, British Prime Minister Theresa May said it showed that "no one is above the law." Moreno appeared to suggest a swift extradition to the U.S. was unlikely. "In line with our strong commitment to human rights and international law, I requested Great Britain to guarantee that Mr. Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty," Moreno said. "The British government has confirmed it in writing, in accordance with its own rules." Edward Snowden, the former security contractor who leaked classified information about U.S. surveillance programs, called Assange's arrest a blow to media freedom. "Images of Ecuador's ambassador inviting the U.K.'s secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of - like it or not - award-winning journalism out of the building are going to end up in the history books," Snowden tweeted from Russia, which has granted him permission to stay there while he is wanted by the U.S. "Assange's critics may cheer, but this is a dark moment for press freedom." ___ Associated Press writers Kelvin Chan and Gregory Katz in London; Joshua Goodman in Caracas, Venezuela; Gonzalo Solano in Quito, Ecuador; and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report. Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange at Julian Assange gestures as he arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, after the WikiLeaks founder was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum .(Victoria Jones/PA via AP) Police carry WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London after he was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum. (@DailyDOOH/PA via AP) Police carry WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London after he was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum. (@DailyDOOH/PA via AP) FILE - In this Feb. 1, 2012 file photo, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, arrives at the Supreme Court in London.Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File) A police vehicle parked outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy on a court warrant dating back to 2012. In a statement Thursday, police said Assange has been taken into "custody at a central London police station where he will remain, before being presented before Westminster Magistrates' Court as soon as is possible." (AP Photo/Matt Dunham) A police vehicle parked outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy on a court warrant dating back to 2012. In a statement Thursday, police said Assange has been taken into "custody at a central London police station where he will remain, before being presented before Westminster Magistrates' Court as soon as is possible." (John Stillwell/PA via AP) FILE - In this file photo dated Friday May 19, 2017, watched by the media WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange looks out from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy prior to speaking, in London. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File) A police car parked outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday. (John Stillwell/PA via AP) A police car parked outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy on a court warrant dating back to 2012. In a statement Thursday, police said Assange has been taken into "custody at a central London police station where he will remain, before being presented before Westminster Magistrates' Court as soon as is possible." (John Stillwell/PA via AP) A police van parked outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday. (Rebecca Brown/PA via AP) FILE - In this Friday, May 19, 2017 file photo, Julian Assange greets supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, File) A police van parked outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday. (Rebecca Brown/PA via AP) FILE - In this Friday, May 19, 2017 file photo, Julian Assange greets supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, File) FILE - In this file photo dated Friday May 19, 2017, watched by the media WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange looks out from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy prior to speaking, in London. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File) Julian Assange gestures as he arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, after the WikiLeaks founder was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum .(Victoria Jones/PA via AP) The Grand Jury Indictment against Julian Assange, released by the U.S. Department of Justice, Thursday, April 11, 2019, is photographed in Washington. The U.S. Justice Department has charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with conspiring with Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer. (AP Photo/Wayne Partlow) A protester demonstrating in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange holds a placard outside Westminster magistrates court where he was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham) Police officers stand in front of the vehicle entrance to Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Spanish human rights lawyer and Julian Assange defense team member Baltasar Garzon speaks with the media in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Paul White) Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno rests his face in his hands during the inauguration of the "Agua Para Todos" or "Water for Everyone" government program, in Latacunga, Ecuador, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Moreno said in a video posted on Twitter Thursday that he revoked the political asylum for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange due to "repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols." (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa) A woman holds up the Spanish message: "I'm a terrorist for telling the truth," during a protest against the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, outside the Foreign Ministry in Quito, Ecuador, Thursday, April 11, 2019. On Thursday, Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno allowed British authorities to forcibly remove Assange from Ecuador's small embassy in London. (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa) KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - Ukraine's president on Thursday ordered the creation of a special anti-corruption court in an apparent attempt to catch up with his challenger, who has taken a commanding lead in the presidential runoff race. A poll conducted by the Reiting survey group found comic actor Volodymyr Zelenskiy with 61% support while President Petro Poroshenko had 24% ahead of a runoff set for April 21. The poll released Thursday was based on answers from 3,000 respondents and had a margin of error of 1.8 percentage points. The 41-year-old comic actor, who plays the role of the nation's president in a hugely popular TV sitcom, has never held political office. Zelenskiy's popularity, however, reflects public longing for a fresh leader who has no ties to Ukraine's corruption-ridden political elite and can propose a new way to settle the grinding five-year conflict with Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine that has left 13,000 people dead since 2014. He easily beat Poroshenko in the first round on March 31, garnering 30% of the vote, while the incumbent got just under 16%. Amid an increasingly heated campaign, Zelenskiy's office on Thursday accused Poroshenko's election headquarters of posting a video in which Zelenskiy is run over by a heavy truck. It said it perceives the video as a clear threat that warrants additional security measures. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko speaks to the media after he past medical tests taken by experts from the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA) ahead of a runoff vote, at Kiev Olimpiyskiy Stadium, in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. TV sitcom actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy will contend the second round run-off vote on April 21, against incumbent President Petro Poroshenko. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) Poroshenko's campaign denied that it was responsible for putting out the video and Ukrainian police said they launched a criminal investigation into the incident. Poroshenko, 53, saw his approval ratings plummet amid Ukraine's economic woes and a sharp plunge in living standards amid a conflict with Russia, which annexed Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula in 2014. He has cast himself as a strong statesman capable of standing up to Russia, claiming that Zelenskiy's lack of political experience will make him an easy prey for the Kremlin. But even though most of the world has rejected Russia's annexation of Crimea, there are no signs that Ukraine under any political leader is getting the territory back. Poroshenko also has been repeatedly accused of turning a blind eye to corruption. In addition, the exposure of a military embezzlement scheme that allegedly involved top Poroshenko associates as well as a factory controlled by the president has badly dented his popularity. Poroshenko has denied any links to the scheme. In an apparent bid to deflect criticism, Poroshenko on Thursday signed a decree to appoint members of the High Anti-Corruption Court - a longtime demand of both the United States and the European Union. "By setting up the Anti-Corruption Court, we are completing the creation of an independent anti-corruption infrastructure," he said. People pass by a billboard depicting Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin looking at each other in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Writing on the big board reads: "A decisive choice." Poroshenko is running for his second term at the second round of presidential vote on April 21. He advocates Ukraine's integration into the European Union back from Russian influence. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - A shooting inside a South Carolina hospital on Thursday left both a police officer and the suspected gunman wounded, authorities said, in what was the second shooting inside a hospital in the state in two days. The Thursday shooting happened around 2 a.m., when 27-year-old Kevin Boyce Patterson was spotted with a gun, visiting the emergency room at the Laurens County Memorial Hospital in Clinton, authorities said. An arrest warrant issued Thursday night said Patterson dragged his father at gunpoint across the waiting room. When a Greenville Health Authority Police Department officer and a state trooper started to ask the man questions, he shot the police officer and tried to run, said Sarah Moore, a spokeswoman for Prisma Health, which runs the hospital. The officer fired back, hitting Boyce in the arm, investigators said. The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division charged Boyce with attempted murder, kidnapping and pointing and presenting a firearm. He was booked in the Laurens County jail. Records did not indicate whether he had a lawyer who could comment. Moore said the police officer was treated and released. The officer's name was not released as of Thursday. The shooting in Laurens County happened a day after a nurse was shot in a hospital emergency room in Orangeburg. According to a police report, 23-year-old Abrian Dayquan Sabb came to the Regional Medical Center with a long gun and shot the nurse in the abdomen Wednesday morning. A hospital security guard had Sabb in custody by the time the first Orangeburg County deputies arrived three minutes later, a police report said. Sabb had come to the center just a day before, along with family members who were trying to get him mental health treatment. State Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter said Wednesday that the family was told to come back because there weren't enough treatment beds. Before the hospital shooting, deputies said they encountered Sabb after his girlfriend called 911 to report that he had fired a gun while she tried to take it from him. The officers gave the gun to Sabb's father, according to the police report. The gun used in the hospital shooting Wednesday appeared to have been stolen from a nearby home just minutes earlier, deputies said. Sabb, 23, is charged with attempted murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of violent crime. Police and court records did not list an attorney for him. Sabb was ordered to remain in jail at a court hearing Thursday. One of the nurse's family members said at the hearing that the nurse was in critical condition. The family member did not identify herself. Pope Benedict XVI has ventured out of retirement to publish an essay blaming the Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal on the sexual revolution of the 1960s and church laws that protected priests. His analysis was immediately criticized as "catastrophically irresponsible" - a conflict with efforts by his successor, Pope Francis, to lead the church out of its crisis. "Why did pedophilia reach such proportions? Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God," Benedict wrote, in the 6,000-word essay published Thursday in the German monthly Klerusblatt, the Catholic News Agency and other conservative media. Benedict traced the start of the crisis to the '60s, citing the appearance of sex in films in his native Bavaria and the formation of "homosexual cliques" in seminaries "which acted more or less openly and significantly changed the climate." He also attributed it to failures in moral theology in that era. "Perhaps it is worth mentioning that in not a few seminaries, students caught reading my books were considered unsuitable for the priesthood," the conservative theologian wrote. "My books were hidden away, like bad literature, and only read under the desk." Benedict also faulted church laws that gave undue protection to accused priests. During the 1980s and 1990s, he wrote, "the right to a defense (for priests) was so broad as to make a conviction nearly impossible." FILE - This Oct. 19, 2014 file photo shows Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican to attend the beatification ceremony of Pope Paul VI, and a mass for the closing of a two-week synod on family issues, celebrated by Pope Francis. Retired Pope Benedict XVI has published an analysis of the origins of the clergy sex abuse scandal, blaming it on the sexual revolution of the 1960s and church laws that protected priests in a rare commentary, published Thursday April 11, 2019.(AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, FILE) As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict spearheaded reforms of those laws in 2001 to make it easier to remove priests who abused children. Benedict took a hard line against clerical sex abuse as the Vatican's conservative doctrine chief, and later as pope, defrocking hundreds of priests accused of raping and molesting children. Francis has blamed the scandal on a clerical culture in the church that raises priests above the laity. At his retirement in 2013, Benedict had said he would devote his remaining life to penance and prayer, leaving Francis to guide the church. He said in the introduction to the essay that Francis and the Vatican secretary of state had given him permission to publish. The Vatican confirmed it was written by Benedict. Church historian Christopher Bellitto questioned if Benedict, who turns 92 next week, was being manipulated by others. He said the essay omitted the critical conclusions that arose from the pope's February sex abuse summit in Rome, including that "abusers were priests along the ideological spectrum, that the abuse predated the 1960s, that it is a global and not simply Western problem, that homosexuality is not the issue in pedophilia." "It is catastrophically irresponsible, because it creates a counter-narrative to how Francis is trying to move ahead based on the 2019 summit," Bellitto told The Associated Press in an email. "The essay essentially ignores what we learned there." In fact, records indicate the church hierarchy knew about clergy sexual abuse long before the 1960s - as early as the fourth century. It also was once more open: In 1741, for example, Pope Benedict XIV wanted it widely known that priests would be punished, so he posted notifications on church doors. The essay was applauded by some on the right. Writing in The Catholic Herald, Chat Pecknold praised the intervention as a necessary word from "the voice of a father" that accurately identified an absence of God as the reason for the crisis. "I suspect that after all the studies are done, after the review boards are formed, cases heard, after new protocols and safeguards are in place, Benedict's answer will be the one which endures," he wrote. "What will be remembered as the seed of renewal, as the root of restoration, is precisely Benedict's counsel that we turn our faces back to Christ who is the perfect image of the Father's love." But other U.S. church analysts said the essay was both flawed in content and problematic on universal church level, exacerbating existing divisions in the church that have emerged between supporters of Francis and Catholics nostalgic for Benedict's doctrine-minded papacy. Villanova University theologian Massimo Faggioli said the essay was thin in its analysis, effectively attributing the scandal to the sexual revolution. He said it omitted key cases, such as the Legion of Christ founder's pedophilia, which began well before then and involved abuse in one of the most rigorously orthodox, conservative religious orders. "If a pope emeritus decides to stay silent, it's one thing and can be defended. But speaking and telling a tiny part and a very personal version of the story, it's hard to defend," he said on Twitter. "Everything we know in the global history of the Catholic abuse crisis makes Benedict XVI's take published yesterday very thin or worse: a caricature of what happened during in the Catholic Church during the post-Vatican II period - with all its ingenuities and some tragic mistakes," he tweeted. David Gibson at Fordham University's Center on Religion and Culture agreed with that assessment. "For a retired pope to try to undo the critical work of a sitting pope and on such a crucial issue seems ... bad," he said. Benedict's suggestion that the crisis can be traced to the 1960s is belied by records that indicate sexual abuse has been a problem for ages. The church hierarchy knew about clergy sexual abuse as early as the fourth century. It also was once more open: In 1741, for example, Pope Benedict XIV wanted it widely known that priests would be punished, so he posted notifications on church doors. The Latest on severe weather impacting the central U.S. (all times local): 2:45 p.m. A spring snowstorm that pummeled Colorado and Wyoming before sweeping into the Plains is now moving into Great Lakes states, where it's already setting records. Winter storm warnings are posted for northern Wisconsin and Michigan, which could see heavy snow, strong winds, sleet and freezing rain. The National Weather Service reports that daily snowfall records have already fallen in La Crosse, Wausau and Green Bay, Wisconsin. Weather service meteorologist Steven Fleegel says as much as 25 inches of snow has been reported in northeastern South Dakota, and it will continue to snow into Friday. The weather service says the threat of severe weather will shift this weekend to southern states including Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. Threats include damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes. Traffic backs up along 56th Avenue as a spring storm rolls in before the evening rush hour Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Denver. Blizzard warnings have been issued for the northern half of Colorado's heavily populated Front Range region, including Denver, as well as the state's northeastern plains through midday Thursday. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) ___ 10:45 a.m. A blizzard has knocked out electricity to tens of thousands of people in the Northern Plains as a powerful storm system sweeps across the central U.S. According to, 14,000 people and businesses are without power in Minnesota and the same number in South Dakota. Another 8,500 are in the dark in Iowa. Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy spokesman Matt Lindstrom says the main culprit of Thursday's outages is snow and ice accumulating on power lines, combined with strong winds. Blizzard conditions in the region are expected to linger into early Friday. Lindstrom says crews are out working to restore power, and they're used to dealing with bad weather conditions. The blizzard is part of a storm system known as a "bomb cyclone" that's slowly churning through the central U.S. for the second time in a month. ___ 6:45 a.m. A powerful spring snow storm sweeping across the Midwest has made travel hazardous across Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota. As much as 18 inches of snow has fallen in parts of South Dakota, where Gov. Kristi Noem closed state offices in much of the state Thursday amid heavy snow and strong winds. Whiteout conditions have been reported in western Nebraska, where the Department of Transportation reported several highway closures Thursday morning. Schools in Minneapolis and St. Paul are among hundreds of closed schools in Minnesota, where as much as 2 feet (0.61 meters) of snow is expected in the southwest part of the state by Friday. The Minnesota State Patrol says it has responded to more 200 crashes statewide since Wednesday. The blizzard is part of a storm system known as a "bomb cyclone" that's slowly churning through the central U.S. for the second time in a month. ___ 12 a.m. A storm system known as a "bomb cyclone" churned through the U.S. interior for the second time in a month, unleashing a blizzard that struck the Upper Midwest and creating hazardous fire conditions farther south. The storm knocked out power Wednesday to thousands of homes and businesses in South Dakota, disrupted air and ground travel from Colorado to Minnesota and threatened to swell rivers in the Midwest that flooded after March's drenching. National Weather Service Forecaster David Roth said both storms are what is known as a "bomb cyclone," a weather phenomenon that entails a rapid drop in air pressure and a storm strengthening explosively. Forecasters said this week's storm will swell rivers again, though likely not to the levels seen last month. Ice forms on a calf at a ranch outside of Kilgore, Neb., Wednesday, April 10, 2019. A bomb cyclone storm bringing heavy snow and strong winds to several Rockies and Plains states is making travel difficult in many areas and impossible in others. Officials have closed Interstate 29 in northeastern South Dakota and say other stretches of interstates are likely to close later. (Chris Machian/Omaha World-Herald via AP) An unidentified man sleeps on his luggage in Denver International Airport Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Denver. Forecasters are predicting from four to 10 inches of snow for northeastern Colorado as the storm sweeps over the intermountain West Wednesday evening and into Thursday. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) This March 2019 photo provided by Henry Red Cloud, shows flooding on Cloud's Lakota Solar Enterprises property on the Pine Ridge Reservation in southern South Dakota. Red Cloud estimates flood damage at $250,000. Plains and Midwest states are bracing for another massive winter storm Wednesday and Thursday and the prospect of renewed flooding when the snow melts. (Henry Red Cloud via AP) A Frontier Airlines representative talks with passengers as they wait to rebook their flights in Denver International Airport Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Denver. Snow mixed with strong winds is expected to make travel difficult to impossible Wednesday afternoon. The Colorado Department of Transportation warned that highways closures were probable and that the Denver area and Colorado's Eastern Plains would be the hardest hit by the storm. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) A truck travels east on Interstate 80 during a blizzard warning hitting southeast Wyoming and the Colorado Front Range on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Cheyenne. People in Colorado and Wyoming were urged to get home early Wednesday and stay there before snow and wind from a powerful spring storm make travel all but impossible.(Jacob Byk/The Wyoming Tribune Eagle via AP) A dog is seen peeking over a chain link fence along Parsley Boulevard during a blizzard warning hitting southeast Wyoming and the Colorado Front Range on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Cheyenne, Wyo. People in Colorado and Wyoming were urged to get home early Wednesday and stay there before increasingly heavy snow and wind from a powerful spring storm make travel all but impossible. (Jacob Byk/The Wyoming Tribune Eagle via AP) A pedestrian walks across Warren Avenue during a blizzard warning hitting southeast Wyoming and the Colorado Front Range on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Cheyenne, Wyo. People in Colorado and Wyoming were urged to get home early Wednesday and stay there before increasingly heavy snow and wind from a powerful spring storm make travel all but impossible. (Jacob Byk/The Wyoming Tribune Eagle via AP) In this undated March 2019 photo provided by Henry Red Cloud, shows flooding on Cloud's Lakota Solar Enterprises property on the Pine Ridge Reservation in southern South Dakota. Red Cloud estimates flood damage at $250,000. Plains and Midwest states are bracing for another massive winter storm Wednesday and Thursday and the prospect of renewed flooding when the snow melts. (Henry Red Cloud via AP) BERLIN (AP) - The escalation in violence in and around Libya's capital has resulted in the displacement of more than 8,000 people, the United Nations said Thursday. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the fighting in the past 24 hours was "the heaviest since the outbreak of hostilities." The self-styled Libyan National Army, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Hifter, launched a major military offensive earlier this month aimed at capturing Tripoli. The oil-rich North African country is now governed by rival administrations - a U.N.-backed government in Tripoli and the west and another government supported by Hifter and his supporters in the east. Libya has also become a haven for armed groups, including several from neighboring countries and a major conduit for African migrants hoping to reach Europe. "An estimated 650 families have requested relocation to safer areas," Dujarric said. "However, due to access restrictions, hostilities and the indiscriminate use of weapons, evacuation teams have only been able to respond to 15 percent of all requests," he said. He said "families stranded inside conflict-affected areas not only fear for their safety, but are also starting to run out of supplies," adding that "emergency service providers are operating at great personal risk, with three medical staff reportedly killed and four first responders reportedly injured." Dujarric said the U.N. continued to call for a humanitarian truce to allow for the provision of emergency services and the voluntary passage of civilians, including the wounded. German Chancellor Angela Merkel meanwhile urged Hifter to end his forces' push on Tripoli, saying there can be no military solution to the country's problems. Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said that Merkel made the comments in a telephone call to Fayez Sarraj, the leader of the U.N.-backed government in Tripoli. Merkel also called for all parties involved to return to the negotiation table. Also on Thursday, Tunisian Defense Minister Abdelkrim Zbidi said his country's armed forces, on land and at sea, were put on alert at the borders it shares with Libya. The escalation has threatened to plunge the fractured nation deeper into chaos and ignite civil war on the scale of the 2011 uprising that toppled and later killed longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Federal prosecutors painted a picture of attorney Michael Avenatti on Thursday as a scheming operator who stole millions of dollars from clients, cheated on his taxes, lied to investigators and tried to hide money from debtors in bankruptcy proceedings. A 36-count indictment returned late Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, California, offered the most damning and detailed account to date of Avenatti's apparent fall from grace a year after he seized the spotlight while crusading for porn actress Stormy Daniels in her legal battles against President Donald Trump. Avenatti embezzled settlement funds and proceeds from other matters he handled for five clients and doled out small portions, sometimes labeling them as "advances" to prevent thefts from being discovered, prosecutors said. "Money generated from one set of crimes was used to further other crimes," U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna told reporters. "Typically in the form of payments designed to string along victims so as to prevent Mr. Avenatti's financial house of cards from collapsing." Avenatti denied the charges on Twitter, saying he had made powerful enemies and would plead not guilty and fight the case. "I look forward to the entire truth being known as opposed to a one-sided version meant to sideline me," he tweeted. The new charges do not include a New York extortion case alleging Avenatti demanded millions to stay quiet about claims he planned to reveal about Nike paying high school players. FILE - In this April 1, 2019 file photo, attorney Michael Avenatti arrives at federal court in Santa Ana, Calif. An indictment filed against Avenatti, Wednesday, April 10, alleges he stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay his taxes, committed bank fraud and lied in bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) Avenatti, 48, was arrested March 25 in New York on the Nike charge. Federal prosecutors at the time announced he also faced single counts of wire and bank fraud in Southern California, where he lives and practices law. The 61-page Southern California indictment adds dozens of counts and details charges that carry a potential prison sentence of 335 years, prosecutors said. Even if convicted of all counts, such a term is highly unlikely. Avenatti faces 10 counts of wire fraud for stealing from a paraplegic man and four other clients he allegedly deceived by taking their money and using it to fund a lifestyle that included living in multimillion-dollar homes, sponsoring an auto racing team and flying in his own private jet, authorities said. The jet was seized Wednesday by federal agents. He was also charged with 19 tax counts, including lying to an Internal Revenue Service officer, not paying personal income taxes since 2010, failing to pay taxes for his businesses, including two law firms, and pocketing payroll taxes from the Tully's Coffee chain that he owned, the indictment said. Between September 2015 and January 2018, Global Baristas US, the company that operated Tully's, failed to pay the IRS $3.2 million in payroll taxes, including nearly $2.4 million withheld from employees, the indictment said. When the IRS later put tax levies on coffee company bank accounts to collect more than $5 million, Avenatti had Tully's employees deposit cash receipts in a little-known account for his auto racing team, authorities said. Avenatti was also charged with submitting phony tax returns to get more than $4 million in loans from The Peoples Bank in Biloxi, Mississippi, in 2014. The tax returns he presented to the bank were never filed to the IRS, prosecutors said. The charges are the latest blow to a career that took off when Avenatti represented Daniels in her lawsuit to break a confidentiality agreement with Trump to stay mum about an affair they allegedly had. Avenatti became one of Trump's leading adversaries, attacking him on cable news programs and Twitter. At one point, Avenatti even considered challenging Trump in 2020. Back home, his business practices had come under scrutiny from the IRS and a former law partner owed nearly $15 million by Avenatti and the Eagan Avenatti firm, which filed for bankruptcy. Avenatti made false statements in bankruptcy proceedings by submitting forms that under-reported income such as a $1.3 million payment his firm received, the indictment said. As prosecutors outlined the charges, Avenatti appeared briefly in Los Angeles Superior Court to answer questions about money he owes attorney Jason Frank for legal work he performed. With the prospect of facing questions about money he's charged with stealing from clients, Avenatti asserted his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and didn't testify, according to attorneys and the court record. Andrew Stolper, the lawyer who represents Frank, said Avenatti told his client he won't get paid now that federal authorities seized his private jet. The most glaring example of deception and fraud was described in the indictment as scheming Avenatti allegedly did to deprive clients of money they were due from court settlements, legal negotiations or sales of stock and actions he took to cover his tracks. Avenatti on Thursday called theft allegations "bogus nonsense" on Twitter. Prosecutors said that in one case, Avenatti funneled a $2.75 million settlement into his bank accounts and spent $2.5 million for the private jet he co-owned. Although Avenatti was due a portion of the more than $12 million he received for the five clients, the charges said he turned over only a fraction. "It is Lawyer 101: do not steal your client's money," Hanna said. Avenatti allegedly drained a $4 million settlement he negotiated in 2015 on behalf of Geoffrey Johnson, who was paralyzed after trying to kill himself in the Los Angeles County jail, the indictment said. Avenatti only provided $124,000 to Johnson, the indictment said. Two years after the settlement was reached, Avenatti allegedly helped Johnson find a real estate agent to buy a house. But when Johnson was in escrow, Avenatti falsely said he had not received the settlement funds, the indictment said. In November, when the Social Security Administration requested information to determine if Johnson should continue to receive disability benefits, Avenatti said he would respond, but didn't because he knew it could lead to the discovery of his embezzlement, the indictment said. The failure to respond led to Johnson's disability benefits being cut off in February. After Avenatti was questioned about the alleged embezzlement during a judgment-debtor examination in federal court on March 22, the indictment said he fabricated a defense for himself. Avenatti had Johnson sign a document afterward saying he was satisfied with his representation, which the lawyer told him was necessary to get the settlement that had in fact been paid four years earlier, the indictment said. Avenatti's posted a "client testimonial" Thursday from Johnson on Twitter that praised Avenatti as "an exceptional, honest and ethical attorney and I feel fortunate to have had him represent me." Johnson, who is now destitute, only realized after Avenatti's arrest the following week that he had been a victim of fraud, said attorney Joshua Robbins, who now represents him. Robbins, a former federal prosecutor, said he was surprised Avenatti posted the statement. "This is the first time I've seen someone tweet out incriminating evidence in their own case the same day they were indicted," Robbins said. FILE - In this Dec. 12, 2018, file photo, attorney Michael Avenatti, speaks outside court in New York.An indictment filed against Avenatti, Wednesday, April 10, alleges he stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay his taxes, committed bank fraud and lied in bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File) United States Attorney Nick Hanna, left announces the latest on new federal charges against attorney Michael Avenatti during a news conference in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 11, 2019. The indictment announced Thursday in Los Angeles alleges Avenatti stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay taxes, committed bank fraud and lied during bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel) United States Attorney Nick Hanna, left, announces the latest on new federal charges against attorney Michael Avenatti during a news conference in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 11, 2019. The indictment announced Thursday alleges Avenatti stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay taxes, committed bank fraud and lied during bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel) BARCELONA, Spain (AP) - Spain's political parties are set to start campaigning for a general election this month in which the ruling Socialists are trying to remain in power and the extreme right is seeking to enter Parliament. The official campaign period that starts at midnight Thursday promises to be a fierce fight for the large pool of undecided voters identified in election polls. Support from those voters could be key to whether the Socialist government led by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez continues on or the election ushers in a coalition government made up of right-wing parties. The national election on April 28 will be Spain's third in four years, a pace that reflects political fragmentation from the emergence of new parties. Polls indicate the upstart far-right party Vox could win around 10% of the vote, adding a fifth national party of significant size to the Congress of Deputies, the lower chamber of the Spanish parliament. A government opinion poll published this week forecast that the Socialist Party would displace the conservative Popular Party as the election's top vote-getter but fall short of winning enough for an outright parliamentary majority. The government poll also found that that 41% of those polled were unsure how they would mark their ballots. The poll of 16,194 potential voters conducted March 1-18 was much larger than other polls in Spain. In this Wednesday, April 10, 2019 photo, election workers prepare ballot boxes to deliver to polling stations, at a warehouse in Barcelona, Spain. Spanish general election will be held on Sunday, 28 April 2019. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) Sanchez's most likely options for staying in power rest on either his Socialists maintaining support from the far-left Podemos party and some regionalist parties, or on striking a deal with the center-right Citizens party. The chances for new Popular Party leader Pablo Casado to replace Sanchez may depend on the how well the upstart far right party Vox performs. Vox, with its anti-immigration and ultra nationalist views, was crucial to the Popular and Citizens parties kicking the Socialists out of power in Spain's southern Andalusia region in January. Drumming up votes for the Socialists is important, Sanchez said, because his is "the only party that can stop the three parties of the right." "There is a clear risk that the parties on the right will join forces, and that is why it is important that we aren*t over confident and that we are aware that on April 28th we are called to the ballot boxes to ensure that this country advances," Sanchez told a rally in Seville on Thursday. While Sanchez is running on his pledge to spend more on social programs, the most polarizing issue of the campaign will be the unresolved crisis from the Catalonia region's failed bid to secede two years ago. Five separatist movement leaders currently on trial for the breakaway bid Spanish courts declared illegal are candidates in the general election. If found guilty of rebellion and other charges, they could be banned from holding public office. Sanchez tried to mend bridges with the separatists before talks broke down. The Popular Party's Casado and Vox leader Santiago Abascal promise to punish them by taking away Catalonia(asterisk)s self-governance powers. "On the 28th of April the nation's unity is at stake," Abascal told his supporters in Madrid on Thursday. Sanchez became prime minister last June when Mariano Rajoy lost a parliamentary no-confidence vote after a court ruling in a corruption case involving ex-members of Rajoy's Popular Party. Sanchez tried to keep his minority government afloat until the end of the legislative term in 2020, but ended up calling an early election after lawmakers rejected a national spending bill in February. Spanish law limits advertising by parties and formal stumping by candidates to the 15 days before the election. A poster of Spanish Prime Minister and Socialist Party candidate Pedro Snchez is stored in a garage in Ciudad Real, Spain, Thursday, April 11, 2019. The campaign for the April 28 general election starts Thursday at midnight marked by a fierce fight for what polls indicate is a large pool of undecided voters. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue) In this Wednesday, April 10, 2019 photo, an election worker prepares ballot boxes ready to deliver to polling stations, at a warehouse in Barcelona, Spain. Spanish general election will be held on Sunday, 28 April 2019. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) In this Wednesday, April 10, 2019 photo, an election worker loads ballot boxes inside a truck to deliver it to polling stations, at a warehouse in Barcelona, Spain. Spanish general election will be held on Sunday, 28 April 2019. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) In this Wednesday, April 10, 2019 photo, an election worker prepares ballot boxes to deliver to polling stations, at a warehouse in Barcelona, Spain. Spanish general election will be held on Sunday, 28 April 2019. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) In this Wednesday, April 10, 2019 photo, election workers prepare ballot boxes to deliver to polling stations, at a warehouse in Barcelona, Spain. Spanish general election will be held on Sunday, 28 April 2019. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Thursday named an army general who is a veteran of the country's drug war to command the newly formed and controversial National Guard. Brig. Gen. Luis Rodriguez Bucio will take over the post immediately. He said that he's in the process of retiring from the army. Lopez Obrador took office in December saying he wanted to address the root causes of Mexico's spiraling violence rather than worry about going after the country's drug lords like previous administrations. He repeated that desire Thursday, but said he has a responsibility to provide security for the people. He has established a close relationship with the military, first deploying them against fuel theft rings and now stacking the new security force that he says is necessary to control violence with their officers. Critics of the new force have complained that it's too tied to the military, though Lopez Obrador says that's crucial to its effectiveness. The National Guard will initially be made up of military police and members of the federal police. Another general and a retired navy admiral will form the National Guard's operational coordinating body along with a federal police commissioner. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks during a signing ceremony in an agreement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, at the National Palace in Mexico City, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Mexico's efforts to calm critics of its newly formed National Guard have received a boost in the form of an agreement with High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet who said that her office will offer technical assistance to ensure that Mexico's new security force respects human rights. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte) Rodriguez Bucio, 62, is a veteran and student of Mexico's war against the drug cartels, having battled them in northern states including Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Chihuahua, as well as the western states of Sinaloa and Durango. During the administration of President Felipe Calderon, who launched Mexico headlong into the war against the cartels, Rodriguez Bucio held top positions in the drug trafficking analysis group of the general staff. In the 1990s, he worked closely with Mexico's domestic intelligence agency. In more recent years, he has held research oriented positions studying the country's strategy against drug trafficking. While pursuing a doctorate in defense and national security he wrote a thesis about the military's role in the drug war under Calderon. His most recent post was as president of the Inter-American Defense Board in Washington. That body offers technical advice to members of the Organization of American States. The National Guard ultimately will be under the civilian authority of the Public Safety Secretary Alfonso Durazo. But security analyst Alejandro Hope said the fact that Rodriguez Bucio remains active military creates parallel chains of command. While the formal one answers to Durazo, as a military officer he will still be in the army's chain of command and answering to superiors. "I feel like this nullifies Durazo," Hope said. How the relationship between Durazo and the National Guard's coordinating body will work remains unclear, because additional legislation needs to pass. Last year saw the highest number of murders in at least 20 years. Human rights groups had hoped that the new administration would reduce the military's role in internal policing and the country had been under international pressure for years to reform its police and send the soldiers back to their barracks. But police reform efforts stalled and Lopez Obrador decided to start from scratch. The president has promised that respecting human rights will be a top priority. LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Latest on new federal charges against attorney Michael Avenatti (all times local): 4:20 p.m. A lawyer for a paralyzed man says his client is destitute after attorney Michael Avenatti embezzled most of his $4 million court settlement. Attorney Joshua Robbins said Thursday that Geoffrey Johnson was only paid a fraction of the money Avenatti collected in 2015 from a lawsuit against the Los Angeles County jail. A 36-count federal indictment charging Avenatti with wire, tax and bank fraud says he stole millions of dollars from Johnson and four other clients. Avenatti has denied stealing from clients and tweeted a statement signed by Johnson praising him as an "honest and ethical attorney." FILE - In this Dec. 12, 2018, file photo, attorney Michael Avenatti, speaks outside court in New York.An indictment filed against Avenatti, Wednesday, April 10, alleges he stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay his taxes, committed bank fraud and lied in bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File) Prosecutors says Avenatti told Johnson to sign the statement so he could collect his settlement money. Robbins says he's never seen a defendant tweet incriminating evidence on the day they were indicted. ___ 2:50 p.m. Attorney Michael Avenatti has refused to testify in a court case involving money he owes a former legal partner. Avenatti appeared briefly in Los Angeles Superior Court as federal prosecutors outlined fraud and other charges against him in a 36-count indictment. Avenatti had been scheduled to face questioning about some of nearly $15 million he owes attorney Jason Frank for legal work. Attorney Ron Hodges says Avenatti, his client, asserted his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and didn't testify. Andrew Stolper, who represents Frank, says Avenatti would have faced questions about money he's charged with stealing from clients. Avenatti tweeted that he will plead not guilty and fight the charges. Stolper says Avenatti told Frank outside court that he won't get paid now that federal authorities seized his private jet. ___ 10:10 a.m. Attorney Michael Avenatti could face a sentence of 335 years in prison if convicted of charges in a 36-count federal indictment. But even if he is convicted of all counts, it would be unlikely for Avenatti to receive such a lengthy prison term The indictment announced Thursday in Los Angeles alleges Avenattti stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay taxes, committed bank fraud and lied during bankruptcy proceedings. U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna says the four areas of alleged criminal conduct are all linked to each other because money generated from one set of alleged crimes appears in other sets of alleged crimes. Officials say a private jet co-owned by Avenatti was seized Wednesday as part of the ongoing investigation. Avenatti has tweeted denials of all the allegations and says he will plead not guilty. ___ 7:45 a.m. The indictment filed against attorney Michael Avenatti alleges he stole millions of dollars from clients, did not pay his taxes, committed bank fraud and lied in bankruptcy proceedings. Avenatti was indicted late Wednesday on the charges following his arrest in New York last month for allegedly trying to shake down Nike for up to $25 million. The attorney best known for representing porn actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against President Donald Trump said Thursday he will plead not guilty. The new charges say he embezzled from a paraplegic man and four other clients and shuffled money between several accounts to deceive them. The charges also say Avenatti pocketed payroll taxes from employees of the Tully's coffee chain that he owned. ___ 7:30 a.m. Attorney Michael Avenatti says he will plead not guilty to a 36-count federal indictment filed against him in Southern California. Avenatti tweeted Thursday that he intends to fight all of the charges and says he looks forward to the truth being known, as opposed to what he characterizes as a "one-sided version." A statement from prosecutors to news outlets says details of the case will be released Thursday morning by U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna and the Internal Revenue Service in Los Angeles. The new charges follow Avenatti's arrest in New York last month for allegedly trying to shake down Nike for up to $25 million and on two counts of wire and bank fraud from Southern California, where his firm is based. ___ 7:05 a.m. Federal prosecutors say attorney Michael Avenatti has been charged in a 36-count federal indictment in Southern California. A statement from prosecutors to news outlets says details of the case will be released Thursday morning by U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna and the Internal Revenue Service. The new charges follow Avenatti's arrest in New York last month for allegedly trying to shake down Nike for up to $25 million and on two counts of wire and bank fraud from Southern California, where his firm is based. The attorney is best known for representing porn actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against President Donald Trump. Avenatti has said he expects to be cleared. FILE - In this April 1, 2019 file photo, attorney Michael Avenatti arrives at federal court in Santa Ana, Calif. An indictment filed against Avenatti, Wednesday, April 10, alleges he stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay his taxes, committed bank fraud and lied in bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) United States Attorney Nick Hanna, left announces the latest on new federal charges against attorney Michael Avenatti during a news conference in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 11, 2019. The indictment announced Thursday in Los Angeles alleges Avenatti stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay taxes, committed bank fraud and lied during bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel) United States Attorney Nick Hanna, left, announces the latest on new federal charges against attorney Michael Avenatti during a news conference in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 11, 2019. The indictment announced Thursday alleges Avenatti stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay taxes, committed bank fraud and lied during bankruptcy proceedings. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel) BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - The Latest on a parole decision involving Henry Montgomery, who won a Supreme Court appeal on juvenile sentencing (all times local): 3:15 p.m. The lawyer for a Louisiana inmate at the center of a landmark Supreme Court case says his client is disappointed he wasn't granted parole but is not giving up. Keith Nordyke spoke Thursday after a board denied parole for Henry Montgomery. The 72-year-old Montgomery was 17 when he killed a sheriff's deputy in 1963. He was at the center of a case in which the Supreme Court later ruled that mandatory sentencing of juveniles to life without the possibility of parole was unconstitutional. He has since been granted hearings. But he's been rejected twice for parole. In 2018, board members said he needed to take part in more prison programs - a reason repeated Thursday. But Nordyke says officials haven't given specifics about the programs they want Montgomery to take. CORRECTS SPELLING OF LAST NAME TO HURT, NOT HUNT - FILE - In this Feb. 1964 file photo, Henry Montgomery, flanked by two deputies, awaits the verdict in his trial for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Charles H. Hurt in Baton Rouge, La. A three-member board will hear the case of Henry Montgomery on Thursday, April 11, 2019. The 72-year-old Montgomery was convicted of killing Hurt in 1963. Montgomery was 17 at the time. (John Boss/The Advocate via AP, File) ___ 10:55 a.m. The grandson of a sheriff's deputy killed in 1963 says a board's decision to reject parole for the man who killed his grandfather was "fair." J.P. deGravelles spoke after the Thursday hearing during which the board denied Henry Montgomery's parole bid. The 72-year-old was convicted of killing a sheriff's deputy in 1963 when he was 17. He was sentenced to life without parole. The Supreme Court later ruled that mandatory sentencing of juvenile offenders to life without the possibility of parole was unconstitutional. And then in 2016 in Montgomery's case they extended that decision retroactively. But twice now, Montgomery has been denied parole. deGravelles said there were no "winners or losers" Thursday but that Montgomery is "right where he needs to be." __ 10 a.m. A Louisiana board has denied parole to the man at the center of a landmark Supreme Court case about sentencing for juvenile offenders. The three-member board voted 2-1 on Thursday in Henry Montgomery's favor, but parole decisions must be unanimous. The 72-year-old Montgomery was convicted of killing an East Baton Rouge sheriff's deputy named Charles Hurt in 1963. Montgomery was 17 at the time. Montgomery was sentenced to life without parole and spent decades at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola before the Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that mandatory sentencing of juvenile offenders to life without the possibility of parole was unconstitutional. In 2016, the court decided in Montgomery's case to make their decision retroactive, entitling him to a hearing. A parole board last year denied Montgomery parole, but his lawyer applied for a rehearing and it was granted. Now he's been denied again. ___ 1:15 a.m. The man at the center of a landmark Supreme Court case about sentencing for juvenile offenders is up for parole. A three-member board will hear the case of Henry Montgomery on Thursday. The 72-year-old Montgomery was convicted of killing an East Baton Rouge sheriff's deputy named Charles Hurt in 1963. Montgomery was 17 at the time. Montgomery was sentenced to life without parole and spent decades at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. Then the Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that mandatory sentencing of juvenile offenders to life without the possibility of parole was unconstitutional. In 2016, the court decided in Montgomery's case to make their decision retroactive. A parole board last year denied Montgomery parole, but his lawyer applied for a rehearing and it was granted. ___ This story corrects last name of deceased sheriff's deputy to Hurt, not Hunt. OPELOUSAS, La. (AP) - The Latest on fires at black churches in Louisiana. (all times local): 6:30 p.m. A friend of the suspect in a recent string of church burnings in Louisiana says the 21-year-old was an introverted, aspiring musician who never showed any sign of destructive anger or racism. Nygyl Bryyn is a self-described music entrepreneur and a native of the Opelousas area where three African American churches were burned in 10 days. Bryyn says suspect Holden Matthews contacted him years ago, hoping to sign with his Power Back Productions label. Bryyn says Matthews had long been upset with his parents for not supporting his musical efforts. He also says Matthews had been discouraged in recent months as Bryyn said he needed to improve the quality of his recordings. But Bryyn says he doesn't believe Matthews was a racist or an arsonist. ___ Louisiana State Fire Marshal H. "Butch" Browning speaks as Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards looks on during a press conference on the arrest of a suspect Holden Matthews for the arson of three churches in Opelousas, La., Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Lee Celano) 12:55 p.m. Court documents say investigators used video footage, cellphone tracking and a Walmart receipt to help identify the man they believed set fire to three black churches in Louisiana. Holden Matthews, a 21-year-old white man, was arrested Wednesday in St. Landry Parish. The affidavit filed with Matthews' arrest warrant says a gas can recovered at one of the burned churches was sold at Walmart locations and the company's investigators found that the same type of gas can, along with a lighter, were bought March 25 in Opelousas. Documents say the debit card used to buy the items belonged to Matthews. The affidavit says "the purchase time on this receipt is less than three hours before the first church fire was reported." The document also says GPS tracking through cellphone tower data shows Matthews was in the area of all three church fires. The documents say Matthews has been denied bond. ___ 10:30 a.m. St. Landry Parish Sheriff Bobby Guidroz says the father of the suspect arrested in the fires at three black Louisiana churches is a deputy in his department. Holden Matthews is a 21-year-old white man who's been arrested in the fires and faces three counts of simple arson of a religious building. At a news conference, Sheriff Guidroz disputed reports that Matthews' father turned his son in. Guidroz also said the suspect's father knew nothing of his son's involvement in the fires. The first fire torched the St. Mary Baptist Church in Port Barre last month. Days later, the Greater Union Baptist Church and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas were burned. Each was more than 100 years old, with mostly black congregations. The churches were empty at the time of the fires, and no one was injured. ___ 10:15 a.m. Authorities say they're investigating hate as a motive in the fires at three black churches in southern Louisiana. The suspect has been identified as Holden Matthews, a 21-year-old white man. At a Thursday news conference, State Fire Marshal Butch Browning said the threat to the community "is gone now." He also called the fires "an attack on our God and our religion." The first fire torched the St. Mary Baptist Church in Port Barre last month. Days later, the Greater Union Baptist Church and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas were burned. Each was more than 100 years old, with mostly black congregations. The churches were empty at the time of the fires, and no one was injured. ___ 10:05 a.m. The suspect arrested in a string of fires at historically black churches in southern Louisiana has been identified as a 21-year-old white man. According to a news release, Holden Matthews faces three counts of simple arson of a religious building. At a news conference, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said "these were evil acts." The first fire torched the St. Mary Baptist Church in Port Barre last month. Days later, the Greater Union Baptist Church and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas were burned. Each was more than 100 years old, with mostly black congregations. The churches were empty at the time of the fires, and no one was injured. ___ 5:25 a.m. U.S. Attorney David C. Joseph says authorities have arrested a person in connection with suspicious fires at three historic black churches in Louisiana. Joseph announced late Wednesday that the suspect is in state custody, and said federal agents stand shoulder to shoulder with the victims of "these despicable acts." A Thursday press conference at the St. Landry Parish Sheriff's Office is planned. The first fire torched the St. Mary Baptist Church in Port Barre last month. Days later, the Greater Union Baptist Church and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas were burned. Each was more than 100 years old, with mostly black congregations. The churches were empty at the time of the fires, and no one was injured. Fire Marshal H. "Butch" Browning said all three were suspicious. ___ An earlier version of this report had the incorrect name for suspect Holden Matthews. This booking image released by the Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal shows Holden Matthews, 21, who was arrested Thursday, April 11, 2019, in connection with suspicious fires at three historic black churches in southern Louisiana. Matthews faces three counts of simple arson of a religious building on the state charges. Federal investigators also were looking into whether hate motivated the fires. (Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal via AP) Louisiana State Fire Marshal H. "Butch" Browning speaks as Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards looks on during a press conference on the arrest of a suspect Holden Matthews for the arson of three churches in Opelousas, La., Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Lee Celano) Louisiana State Fire Marshal H. "Butch" Browning speaks at a press conference on the arrest of a suspect Holden Matthews for the arson of three churches in Opelousas, La., Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Lee Celano) Rev. Gerald Toussaint speaks at a press conference on the arrest of a suspect Holden Matthews for the arson of three churches in Opelousas, La.,Thursday, April 11, 2019. AP Photo/Lee Celano Eric J. Rommal, FBI New Orleans Field Office special agent in charge, speaks at a press conference on the arrest of a suspect Holden Matthews for the arson of three churches in Opelousas, La., Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Lee Celano) ATMORE, Ala. (AP) - An Alabama inmate convicted in the 1991 sword-and-dagger slaying of a pastor was spared a lethal injection when his death warrant expired before a divided U.S. Supreme Court voted early Friday to let the execution proceed. A federal judge on Thursday blocked the execution of Christopher Lee Price to weigh his challenge to Alabama's lethal injection procedure. Justices voted 5-4 early Friday morning to let the execution proceed, but the death warrant had expired two hours earlier at the stroke of midnight. Alabama is expected to seek a new execution date from a state court. "This evening, the state of Alabama witnessed a miscarriage of justice," Gov. Kay Ivey said in a statement. Price, 46, had asked to be put to death by breathing nitrogen gas. His lawyers argue that it's a less painful alternative to the lethal combination of drugs that led to "botched" executions in the state. The high court's order and dissenting opinion underscored the divide between the court's conservative and liberal justices over 11th-hour execution challenges. FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Alabama Department of Corrections shows Christopher Lee Price. A federal judge on Thursday evening, April 11, 2019, has halted the planned execution of Price, who was convicted of the sword-and-dagger stabbing death of a pastor. U.S. District Judge Kristi K. DuBose issued the stay two hours before the scheduled lethal injection of 46-year-old Price. (Alabama Department of Corrections via AP, File) "What is at stake in this case is the right of a condemned inmate not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment," Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in a dissent. Breyer admonished court conservatives for overruling two lower court stays "in the middle of the night" without discussing it further at a morning conference. The Supreme Court majority, in vacating the lower court's stay, sided with the state and said Price had waited too late to bring his challenge. Justices on April 1 voted 5-4 against a Missouri inmate who said lethal injection would cause severe pain because of a tumor in his throat. Justice Neil Gorsuch's said judges should guard against efforts to use challenges to the method of execution "as tools to interpose unjustified delay." Alabama authorized nitrogen hypoxia in 2018 as an alternative for carrying out death sentences, but has yet to try it and hasn't developed procedures to do so. When Alabama authorized the new execution method, it gave inmates a 30-day window to request execution by nitrogen and 48 of the more than 170 inmates on death row did so, according to court filings. Alabama contends that Price missed the deadline to request nitrogen, and that even though nitrogen hypoxia is authorized under state law, it is currently unavailable because the state has been unable to "procure the means for executing someone with nitrogen gas." The governor and state Attorney General Steve Marshall said they would continue to pursue the death sentence for Price, who was convicted of using a sword and dagger to fatally stab Church of Christ pastor Bill Lynn in 1991 as he prepared Christmas gifts for his grandchildren. "This horrendous crime left Pastor Lynn's wife and family to grieve, and now, almost 30 years later, the family is still left with no closure," Ivey said. Prosecutors said Lynn, 57, was at his Fayette County home getting toys ready for his grandchildren when the power was cut. Lynn went outside to check the fuse box when he was killed, according to court filings. Lynn's wife, Bessie Lynn, testified that she was in an upstairs bedroom watching television when she heard a noise. She said she looked out a window and saw a person dressed in black in a karate stance, holding a sword above her husband's head. Bessie Lynn said she went outside to help her husband, but two men ordered her back in the house and demanded money and any jewelry and weapons they had. An autopsy showed that Lynn had been cut or stabbed more than 30 times. A second man, Kelvin Coleman, pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life in prison. The appeals process made for a tense and lengthy Thursday as the victim's family and the inmate awaited rulings from the courts. His lethal injection had been scheduled for 6 p.m., and Lynn's wife and daughters had planned to witness it, prisons spokesman Samantha Banks said. On Wednesday, Price married his fiance in the visitation yard of the prison. His final request to hold the wedding ceremony before his execution. He also ordered two pints of turtle tracks ice cream for his final meal. Facing a ticking clock and an unresolved legal battle to lift the stay, prison officials announced about 30 minutes before midnight that they could not carry out the execution before his death warrant expired. Alabama has carried out one execution so far this year, executing Dominique Ray in February for the 1995 murder of a 15-year-old girl. ___ Associated Press writer Mark Sherman in Washington contributed to this report. ___ This story has corrected who was convicted of murder to Price and Coleman's first name to Kelvin and corrected that the U.S. Supreme Court had not allowed the execution to proceed. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - The Legion of Christ religious order said Thursday that the Vatican has banned an Irish priest from public ministry for 10 years for sexually abusing a minor in Chile. The order said in a statement that the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith also banned the Rev. John O'Reilly from any contact with minors for life and ordered him to live outside Latin America. O'Reilly can appeal. "As a congregation, these acts cause us great pain and we again ask forgiveness for the suffering caused," the order said. O'Reilly had worked in Chile since the mid-1980s. He was convicted in a civil court in 2014 of sexually abusing a minor while he was a chaplain at a school operated by the legion in the capital. The court also banned him from any job near children and included him in a database for registered abusers. Congress revoked the honorary Chilean citizenship it gave O'Reilly in 2008. O'Reilly has denied any wrongdoing. Under an order from Chile's government, O'Reilly left the country in 2018 after finishing the four-year sentence. He has been living at the home of the Legionaries of Christ in Rome since then, said Father Aaron Smith, the order's International Communications Director. FILE - In this Feb. 24, 2019 file photo, Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Vatican. The Legion of Christ religious order said in a statement Thursday, April 11, 2019, the Vatican has banned the Rev. John O'Reilly from public duties for 10 years for sexually abusing a minor in Chile. (AP Photo/Giuseppe Lami, File) "He's not exercising any public ministry, independently of whether he decides to use his right of appeal or not," Smith told The Associated Press. "He has been in the Legionaries of Christ since 1965 and doesn't have his own resources. In the community, his superiors and brothers are making sure that he abides by the sentences of the both the civil and ecclesiastical law." ___ Associated Press writer Luis Andres Henao in Buenos Aires, Argentina, contributed to this report. DETROIT (AP) - A Montreal man convicted of stabbing a police officer at a Flint, Michigan, airport was in debt and saw the attack as a way to become a martyr while benefiting his wife and children financially through a life insurance policy, his attorneys wrote in a Thursday court filing. Amor Ftouhi's attorneys say he should get 25 years in prison and that he should serve that time in solitary confinement. However, federal prosecutors say Ftouhi should be sentenced to life in prison for committing an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries and for interfering with airport security. They say he was on a mission to kill as many people as possible and then be killed himself. Ftouhi was convicted in November on several charges in the June 2017 attack. Witnesses said Ftouhi, who is Muslim, yelled "Allahu akbar" - or "God is great" - while attacking Lt. Jeff Neville, who survived being stabbed in the neck. Defense attorneys wrote that Ftouhi was depressed about being in debt and being unable to properly support his wife and children after he had moved them from Tunisia to Montreal. He also expected that other officers would have killed him and that his widow could have collected on his life insurance policy, they wrote. "Mr. Ftouhi believed he had found a 'solution' to his financial and emotional predicament: become a martyr for Allah and earn a place in Paradise for him and his family as his reward," they wrote in the memorandum. "Mr. Ftouhi truly believed this was the creative answer to all of his problems both in the present and in the afterlife." FILE - In this undated file photo released by the FBI, shows Amor Ftouhi. Lawyers for the Montreal man facing life in prison for terrorism and other crimes in the stabbing of a Flint, Mich. airport officer are seeking a 25-year sentence. Ftouhi's attorneys also wrote in a memorandum Thursday, April 11, 2019, in federal court in Flint that the time should be spent in solitary confinement. Ftouhi was convicted in November. (FBI via AP, File) The filing did not list any of Ftouhi's debts and the attorneys declined to comment when reached by phone. In his filing, U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider dismissed the defense attorneys' characterization of Ftouhi's attack as a one-time event and a product of his depression and hopelessness. "Ftouhi may have been unsatisfied with his life but he tried to kill Jeff Neville and intended to kill countless more because he dreamed of being a mujahedeen - a warrior," Schneider asserted. "He yearned to be revered and killing was the way to achieve that. Life imprisonment is the only just sentence for this crime and the only way to ensure the public's safety in the future. The court should impose that sentence." Investigators have said Ftouhi intended to stab Neville, take his gun and start shooting people at Flint Bishop Airport. He legally drove into the U.S. at Champlain, New York, and arrived in Flint five days later. He tried but failed to buy a gun at a gun show and instead bought a large knife. "His plan was never to become an indiscriminate killer, attempting to create a mass casualty situation, nor was he trying to be a member of any radical Islamic group," his lawyers wrote. "Mr. Ftouhi most certainly believed he would have been killed on June 21, 2017, and when he wasn't killed, he was very upset." Ftouhi's lawyers didn't offer an opening statement at trial and didn't call any witnesses. In her closing argument, attorney Joan Morgan said Ftouhi was unstable and believed it would be easier to be killed by police in the U.S. than in Canada. "Mr. Ftouhi believed he needed to be killed as a 'soldier of Allah' by a uniformed enemy of Muslims in order to solve his problems of debt, to enter Paradise, and to end his life," his attorneys wrote in the memorandum. "He did not believe Allah would accept that an armed Canadian officer was an enemy of Muslims, but he believed an armed United States government official would be acceptable to Allah, given his perceived view of U.S. involvement in the Middle East." COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A man charged with lying to federal agents about being a missing child was also accused of making up stories while in prison, threatening other inmates and refusing orders from guards, prison records show. Brian Rini threatened to make a false rape claim against a guard, falsely accused an inmate of tampering with his food, and lied about being short of toilet paper, according to the records obtained by The Associated Press. Rini, 23, also concocted a story about being harmed by inmates in order to be transferred, a story that fell apart when guards reviewed video, according to the records. Contrary to Rini's claims, he "can be observed horse playing, and physically making playful contact" with inmates the entire time, according the report on a Dec. 5, 2018, incident at Noble Correctional Institution in southeastern Ohio. Rini falsified the claim "as a way to attempt to manipulate the system and transfer quick as he is a refusal to lock," the report said, referring to inmates who won't agree to their housing or cell assignments. Details of the specific claim are blacked out. In just over a year, Rini racked up 15 disciplinary reports while housed at four prisons, the records show. This undated photo provided by the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office in Cincinnati shows Brian Rini. A day of false hope has given way to questions about why Rini would claim to be an Illinois boy who disappeared eight years ago. The FBI declared Rini's story a hoax Thursday, April 4, 2019, one day after he identified himself to authorities as Timmothy Pitzen, who disappeared in 2011 at age 6. (Hamilton County Sheriff's Office via AP) A message was left Thursday with his federal public defender. Rini, of Medina, Ohio, is being held without bond after being charged last week with making false statements. Authorities charged him Friday, a day after DNA testing proved he wasn't Timmothy Pitzen, who disappeared in Illinois in 2011 at age 6. Rini was released on probation last month from state prison after serving more than a year on burglary and vandalism charges. Federal authorities say he also twice previously portrayed himself to be a juvenile sex trafficking victim. Rini could face up to eight years in prison if convicted of making false statements to federal agents. He has yet to enter a plea in his case, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for April 19. Prison reports show: On March 29, 2018 at Marion Correctional Institution, Rini lied about needing toilet paper even though he had several rolls. "Inmate Rini laughed about it as if it were a joke," the report said. - On Aug. 6, 2018 at the North Central Correctional Institution in Marion, he told other inmates "he was going to cut their throats after lights out." - On Aug. 18, 2018, also at NCCI in Marion, he threatened he would make a false prison rape claim against a guard, by "saying you touched me." - On March 2, 2019, at Belmont Correctional Institution in eastern Ohio, Rini alleged an inmate had urinated on apples he gave Rini, something the inmate denied, according to the disciplinary record. Police picked up Rini the morning of April 3 after a report that someone was wandering the streets of Newport, Kentucky. They said he told them he was Timmothy and that he had escaped two kidnappers after years of sexual abuse. Police took him to Cincinnati Children's Hospital for treatment and testing. Federal authorities have said they were skeptical, especially after he refused to be fingerprinted, but didn't want to miss a chance to possibly solve the Pitzen disappearance. The FBI said DNA testing established his identity as a convicted felon. In 2017, Rini was treated at an Ohio center for people with mental health or substance abuse problems, according to court papers. Rini's brother, 21-year-old Jonathan Rini, told The Associated Press on Saturday that his family struggled while growing up. He said it has been four years since he has spoken to his brother. Timmothy, of Aurora, Illinois, vanished after his mother, Amy Fry-Pitzen, pulled him out of kindergarten, took him on a two-day road trip to a zoo and a water park, and then killed herself at a hotel. She left a note saying that her son was safe with people who would love and care for him, and added: "You will never find him." U.S. Attorney Benjamin Glassman answers questions during a news conference regarding Brian Rini, at the U.S. Attorney's Office in downtown Cincinnati Friday, April 5, 2019. Rini, a 23-year-old ex-convict accused of pulling a cruel hoax by pretending to be Timmothy Pitzen, who disappeared in 2011 at age 6, was charged Friday with making false statements to authorities. (Meg Vogel/The Cincinnati Enquirer via AP) WASHINGTON (AP) - It was a far cry from "I love WikiLeaks!" President Donald Trump declared that "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" after its disheveled founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to face charges, a stark contrast to how candidate Trump showered praise on Assange's hacking organization night after night during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign. Asked about Thursday's arrest, Trump said at the White House, "It's not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general, who's doing an excellent job. So, he'll be making a determination . I know nothing really about him." "It's not my deal in life." But WikiLeaks was Trump's deal in 2016 as he welcomed the political boost his campaign got and cheered on the release of Clinton campaign emails. On the same October day that the "Access Hollywood" tape emerged, revealing that Trump had bragged in 2005 about groping women, WikiLeaks began releasing damaging emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta. Trump and his allies, facing a tough battle in the campaign's final month, seized on the illegal dumps and weaponized them. President Donald Trump meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. Trump declared that "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" after its disheveled founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to face charges, a stark contrast to how candidate Trump showered praise on Assange's hacking organization night after night during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) "WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks," Trump said in Pennsylvania. "This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove," Trump said in Michigan. "Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks," Trump said in Ohio. All told, Trump extolled WikiLeaks more than 100 times, and a poster of Assange hung backstage at the Republican's debate war room. At no point from a rally stage did Trump express any misgivings about how WikiLeaks obtained the emails from the Clinton campaign or about the accusations of stealing sensitive U.S. government information, which led to the charges against Assange on Thursday. Assange for years has been under U.S. Justice Department scrutiny for WikiLeaks' role in publishing thousands of government secrets. He was an important figure in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, as investigators examined how WikiLeaks obtained emails that were stolen from Democratic groups. When asked about Assange in 2017, Trump said he did not "support or unsupport" WikiLeaks' move to release hacked emails and that he would not be involved in any decision for the U.S. government to arrest Assange. "I am not involved in that decision," whether or not to arrest Assange, Trump told The Associated Press then, "but if they want to do it, it's OK with me." The Justice Department now has charged Assange with taking part in a computer hacking conspiracy, accusing him of scheming with Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, to break a password for a classified government computer. The single charge of computer intrusion conspiracy carries up to five years in prison, though the Justice Department can add additional charges depending on the evidence it gathers. Manning was ordered jailed last month for refusing to testify before a grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, suggesting that prosecutors are still at work. It was unclear why the Assange charge, which was brought under seal last year, was made public at this time and why he was taken into custody now - weeks after Mueller's investigation had concluded. None of the allegations in the case relate to Russian election interference or WikiLeaks' role in publishing emails stolen from Democrats by Russian intelligence operatives. An indictment against 12 Russians last year described WikiLeaks' role in publishing hacked emails in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. Though the indictment said WikiLeaks had worked to coordinate the release of information, there was no allegation that the organization solicited the hacking of Democratic email accounts or worked with Russians. Assange's arrest provoked passionate responses overseas, and from some who had expressed concern about whistleblower protections, but the initial bipartisan reaction in Washington was relief. "I'm glad to see the wheels of justice are finally turning when it comes to Julian Assange," tweeted Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a Trump ally. "In my book, he has NEVER been a hero. His actions - releasing classified information - put our troops at risk and jeopardized the lives of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan." And Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, said he hoped the British courts would quickly transfer Assange to U.S. custody "so he can finally get the justice he deserves." Assange's lawyer has previously said he planned to fight any U.S. charges against him. Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 after he was released on bail in Britain while facing extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations that have since been dropped. British police said Assange had been arrested Thursday for breaching his bail conditions and in relation to the U.S. arrest request. ___ Lemire reported from New York. Associated Press writer Darlene Superville contributed from Washington. ___ Follow Lemire on Twitter at and Tucker at ___ Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange: WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump's meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in comes amid uncertainty over whether the leader of North Korea is considering backing out of nuclear negotiations or restarting nuclear and missile tests. Trump, in his first meeting with Moon since the unsuccessful U.S. summit with Kim in Hanoi, said the U.S. wants to keep economic sanctions in place to pressure Kim to denuclearize. But Trump said he retains good relations with Kim and didn't rule out a third summit or taking steps to ease food or other shortages in the repressive nation. "We want sanctions to remain in place," Trump said Thursday at the White House. "I think that sanctions right now are at a level that's a fair level." Moon, for his part, has called for an easing of sanctions, including those holding back joint economic projects between North and South Korea. But he didn't speak to the sanctions issue as he and Trump spoke with reporters at the start of their talks. Trump said he would favor easing those sanctions at the right time but added: "This isn't the right time." He said he was open to discussing smaller steps, such as helping to ease North Korea's humanitarian problems, but that, in general, the U.S. wants sanctions to remain. "There are various smaller deals that maybe could happen," Trump said. President Donald Trump meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) "You could work out step-by-step pieces, but at this moment, we're talking about the big deal. The big deal is we have to get rid of the nuclear weapons." Negotiations on Pyongyang's nuclear program appear to be stalled, and there is uncertainty over whether Kim is considering backing out of talks or restarting nuclear and missile tests. The Korean Central News Agency on Thursday said that at a party meeting on Wednesday, Kim stressed "self-reliance" in his country to "deal a telling blow to the hostile forces" that "go with bloodshot eyes miscalculating that sanctions can bring" North Korea "to its knees." Moon said it's important to maintain the "momentum of dialogue" and express a positive outlook to the international community that a "third U.S.-North Korea summit" will be held. "I'd like to express my high regard for how you have continued to express your trust towards Chairman Kim," Moon said. "And also, you have made sure that North Korea does not deviate from the dialogue track." Moon did not directly address the issue of sanctions. But several North Korea watchers, including Sue Mi Terry, a North Korean expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a former Asia analyst at the CIA, said Moon was expected to try to persuade Trump - perhaps only privately - to agree to ease some sanctions to keep the talks alive. While Trump didn't rule out a third summit with Kim following his earlier two meetings with him in Singapore and Hanoi, Victor Cha, a North Korea expert from the Bush administration, wasn't as hopeful. With Trump already campaigning for re-election, Cha said, "It's hard for me to think Trump will risk a third summit." Trump walked away from making a deal with Kim at their meeting in late February. Trump said Kim was asking for sanctions relief without wanting to fully dismantle all his nuclear weapons programs. There is ongoing debate over whether harsh sanctions can pressure Kim to denuclearize or will keep him away from the negotiating table. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday that the administration was fully engaged in efforts to negotiate a resolution to the nuclear standoff. "We are going to keep at it," he said. But there have been no public accounts of any progress since the Hanoi summit. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., assessed the denuclearization talks as "stuck on first base." Merkley said the North Koreans had continued developing their missile program and were finding ways to circumvent economic sanctions strangling its economy. He cited a U.N. panel of experts that warned on March 5 that there has been a "massive increase in illegal ship-to-ship transfers of petroleum products and coal" rendering the latest U.N. sanctions "ineffective." A senior administration official said Thursday that the U.S. and the international community had "clearly defined the scope" of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs, have a shared understanding of what final, fully verified denuclearization entails and what meaningful progress toward that goal looks like. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive negotiations, said the North Korean position, so far, has fallen short of that understanding. North Korea's Deputy Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui said last month that Kim would soon make clear his post-Hanoi position. She said her country might pull out of the nuclear negotiations with the United States, citing a lack of corresponding steps to some disarmament measures North Korea took last year. She also hinted that Kim was considering whether to continue the talks and his moratorium on nuclear and missile tests. South Korean President Moon Jae-in listens to his translator as President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump greet South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jung-sook on the South Lawn of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump greet South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jung-sook on the South Lawn of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) NEW YORK (AP) - President Donald Trump's sister has retired as a federal appellate judge in Philadelphia, ending a civil misconduct inquiry launched after a report that she participated in Trump family schemes to dodge taxes. The retirement of Maryanne Trump Barry was revealed in an April 1 order signed by a top court official in New York, where the misconduct case was assigned to prevent conflicts of interest for judges who knew Barry. A judicial panel began the review in response to four citizen complaints filed in October after The New York Times published a story alleging the president and his siblings evaded inheritance taxes. The April 1 order said Barry's voluntary Feb. 11 retirement ends the review stemming from claims based on the news article alleging that Barry may have committed misconduct relating to tax and financial transactions that occurred mostly in the 1980s and 1990s. The order said the complaint process was meant to correct conditions interfering with the "effective and expeditious" administration of court business. It said the resignation meant that Barry can no longer perform any judicial duties and thus can no longer be investigated. Barry, 82, was not identified by name in the order, but the facts matched her circumstances, and a copy of the order was sent to Scott Shuchart, an attorney who filed one of the complaints and had been promised by the court to be kept updated on its progress. FILE - In this Nov. 9, 2016 file photo, federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, sister of Donald Trump, sits in the balcony during Trump's election night rally in New York. Barry has retired as a federal appellate judge in Philadelphia, ending a misconduct inquiry launched after a report that she participated in Trump family schemes to dodge taxes. Her retirement was revealed in an April 1, 2019 order signed by a top court official in New York, where the misconduct case was assigned. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson, File) Shuchart said he was "absolutely disappointed" that Barry was able to end scrutiny of her actions by retiring. "If the Times story is correct, then she participated in a decades-long multimillion-dollar tax fraud. That should be an impeachable offense. She gets her full salary," he said. "I think it's appalling that we're continuing to pay this criminal and that she now has completely avoided consequence," Shuchart added. "It's ridiculous." Barry didn't respond to an email seeking comment. Chief Judge D. Brooks Smith of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia released a statement calling Barry a "judicial giant" whose 36 years as a judge in the Philadelphia federal courts were "beyond exemplary." "Judge Barry was a very hard working jurist with a sharp mind, keen instincts, and a quick wit. She was a role model for women in the law, and she took that responsibility seriously," Smith said. Judge Theodore McKee, another of Barry's 3rd Circuit's colleagues, told The Associated Press that Barry was a meticulous judge who protected the court's reputation, and to the extent the complaints "may have cast aspersions on that, I know she would have been very concerned." The 15,000-word Times report last year said that Trump's father, Fred, transferred ownership of most of his real estate empire to his four living children before he died in the late 1990s. The Times investigation, based in part on more than 100,000 pages of financial documents including confidential tax returns from the father and his companies, concluded that the value of the properties was vastly understated when they were reported as $41.4 million. It said the properties were later sold over the next decade for over 16 times that amount. The Times reported Trump's parents transferred over $1 billion to their children. It said that the transfer should have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million, but that the children paid only about $52.2 million. Trump has called the Times expose a false "hit piece." If members of the family did break any laws, the expiration of a statute of limitations makes a criminal prosecution unlikely, though lawsuits might be possible. With a recently approved retroactive pay raise for federal appellate judges, Barry will receive $223,700 annually in retirement. After her brother's election, Barry gave up her court staff and took inactive status in early 2017. A Republican, she was nominated for a judgeship by President Ronald Reagan and was elevated to the circuit court by President Bill Clinton. ___ Dale reported from Philadelphia. AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A Texas sheriff's department said Thursday it had "security concerns" over social media posts targeting a Republican lawmaker, who has come under fire by some conservative activists after blocking a bill that could lead to a woman being charged with homicide if she has an abortion. It marks the second time this month that Texas law enforcement has taken protective measures involving Republican lawmakers, who in both cases have been blamed by frustrated groups for torpedoing divisive measures, first over guns and now abortion. Last week, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen said a gun-rights advocate went to his family residence over displeasure that lawmakers weren't seriously considering efforts to legalize carrying a handgun without a permit. State troopers met the man at the home of Bonnen, who said lawmakers and their families were being "incessantly harassed by fanatical gun rights activists." The latest episode involves Republican state Rep. Jeff Leach, who earlier this week refused to advance the anti-abortion bill in his committee. He said Thursday that local authorities were monitoring his house near Dallas but declined further comment, referring questions to authorities. "We have notified Representative Jeff Leach that we are currently looking into some security concerns related to him and are taking appropriate measures," Sgt. Nick Bristow of the Collin County sheriff's office said in a statement. He would not elaborate about what measures sheriff's deputies have taken or provide details about the nature of the posts. FILE - In this March 7, 2019 file photo, State Rep. Jeff Leach, at podium, stands with fellow lawmakers and guests to talk about the Texas Born-Alive bill, in Austin, Texas. Leach, a Republican lawmaker is blocking a bill that would allow the death penalty for women seeking abortions says local authorities are monitoring his home near Dallas. A Texas sheriff's department said Thursday, April 11, 2019 it had "security concerns" over social media posts targeting Leach, who has come under fire by some conservative activists after blocking a bill that could lead to a woman being charged with homicide if she has an abortion. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File) Leach, who chairs the House committee that held a public hearing on the measure, known as House Bill 896, said in a statement posted on Twitter that the bill would not advance. Prominent anti-abortion groups in Texas have also come out against the measure, including the Texas Alliance for Life, which noted that no states prosecuted women before the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide. "My commitment to advancing the pro-life cause is stronger than ever and that's why I cannot in good conscience support House Bill 896," Leach said. Leach is a former member of the Texas House Freedom Caucus that has pushed contentious bills over social issues, gun rights and anti-vaccination measures. But he left the caucus this year, which came only months after narrowly winning re-election victory in suburban Dallas, where Democrats in 2018 made inroads in historically conservative districts. For years, Texas has expanded gun rights and enacted tough anti-abortion laws like few other states. But following a rough midterm election in November for Republicans, state leaders have cooled on such legislation and are instead prioritizing bread-and-butter issues including school funding and tax relief. The shift has frustrated some conservative supporters, who for a decade have driven the Texas GOP further right. The anti-abortion bill sponsored by Republican Rep. Tony Tinderholt would direct the state to enforce the measure regardless of any contrary federal law, executive order or court decision. Under the bill, mothers and doctors involved in abortion procedures would be subject to criminal penalties. Tinderholt declined to comment Thursday. He instead referred a reporter to a Facebook video he posted Wednesday night, in which he says the "bottom line is that we want to provide equal protection for all life in and out of the womb and we want equal treatment for the people who take that life." ATMORE, Ala. (AP) - The Latest on the scheduled execution of an Alabama inmate (all times local): 2:38 a.m. A divided U.S Supreme Court says Alabama can proceed in the future with the lethal injection of an inmate whose execution was halted a last-minute stay from a lower court. The justices in orders released early Friday vacated lower court orders that had blocked Thursday's scheduled execution of 46-year-old inmate Christopher Lee Price. However, the decision came two hours after Price's death warrant setting his April 11 automatically execution date expired at midnight. Alabama will have to seek a new execution date from the Alabama Supreme Court to carry out the execution. FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Alabama Department of Corrections shows Christopher Lee Price. A federal judge on Thursday evening, April 11, 2019, has halted the planned execution of Price, who was convicted of the sword-and-dagger stabbing death of a pastor. U.S. District Judge Kristi K. DuBose issued the stay two hours before the scheduled lethal injection of 46-year-old Price. (Alabama Department of Corrections via AP, File) Price has asked to be executed by nitrogen hypoxia, a method the state has authorized but not developed. The court majority said Price waited too late to file his challenge ___ 11:50 p.m. Alabama halted plans to execute an Alabama inmate saying there would not be time to carry out the lethal injection even if a court stay was lifted. The Alabama Department of Corrections announced Thursday evening that it would not carry out the execution of Christopher Lee Price that night. Alabama had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to lift a stay. However, prison officials announced at 11:34 p.m. that they would not have time to carry out the procedure before the death warrant expired at midnight. Price was scheduled to receive a lethal injection for the 1991 stabbing death of pastor Bill Lynn. Prison officials said Price was being moved back to his normal cell in death row. ___ 7:25 p.m. Alabama is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to let it proceed with the execution of an inmate convicted of a pastor's stabbing death. Mike Lewis, a spokesman for Attorney General Mike Lewis, said Thursday that the state is asking justices to lift a stay maintained by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Inmate Christopher Lee Price was scheduled to receive a lethal injection for the 1991 stabbing death of pastor Bill Lynn. A federal judge on Thursday night stayed the execution to weigh Price's claim that lethal injections have been "botched" and execution by nitrogen hypoxia is a viable alternative. An appellate court maintained the stay, citing jurisdictional questions. Alabama has authorized execution by nitrogen hypoxia, but has not used it to carry out a death sentence. The state has contended Price is only trying to delay his execution with the last-minute legal filings. To carry out the execution Thursday night, the state would have to get the stay lifted before midnight. ___ 7 p.m. An appellate court has upheld an order blocking the planned execution of an Alabama inmate convicted of a pastor's fatal stabbing. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday night upheld a stay issued by a federal judge in the case of 46-year-old inmate Christopher Lee Price. It was not immediately clear if the state would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Price was scheduled to receive a lethal injection Thursday evening for the 1991 sword-and-dagger slaying of pastor Bill Lynn. Price's attorneys argued that lethal injections have been "botched" and said execution by nitrogen hypoxia is a viable alternative. A judge earlier Thursday stayed the execution for 60 days to weigh Price's claims. Appellate judges, citing jurisdictional questions, said they would maintain the stay until further notice from the court. If it were to still carry out the execution Thursday night, the state would have to get the stay lifted before midnight. ___ 5:35 p.m. Alabama is asking an appellate court to let it proceed with the lethal injection of an inmate convicted in the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor. The Alabama attorney general's office on Thursday asked the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to lift a last-minute postponement by a federal judge. Christopher Lee Price was scheduled to receive a lethal injection for the 1991 stabbing death of pastor Bill Lynn. A prison spokeswoman said Lynn's wife, daughters and other family members had planned to witness the lethal injection. State attorneys argued Price waited too late to claim that death by nitrogen gas would be less painful than lethal injection. To carry out the execution Thursday night, the state would have to get the stay lifted before midnight. ___ 5:15 p.m. An Alabama inmate got married at a state prison as his final request before his scheduled execution. An Alabama Department of Corrections spokeswoman said Christopher Lee Price was married in the prison visitation yard Wednesday. The prison spokeswoman said Price asked for permission to be married as his final request. Price asked for two pints of Turtle Tracks ice cream as his final meal. Price was scheduled to be executed Thursday evening for the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor. The execution is on hold after a federal judge on Thursday granted a stay for 60 days. However, Alabama could appeal to have the stay lifted. To carry out the execution Thursday night, the state would have to get the stay lifted before midnight. ___ 4 p.m. A federal judge has postponed the scheduled lethal injection of an Alabama inmate for 60 days. U.S. District Judge Kristi K. DuBose issued the stay Thursday, hours before 46-year-old Christopher Lee Price was scheduled to receive a lethal injection for the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor. His attorneys argued that lethal injections have been "botched" and said execution by nitrogen hypoxia is a viable alternative. DuBose said that although the state "certainly has an interest in carrying out the execution as expeditiously as possible, a short sixty-day stay will not substantially harm this interest." She gave the state until May 10 to submit evidence in contradiction to Price's contention. ___ 2:50 p.m. The state of Alabama is asking a federal court to reject the claims of an inmate who's seeking a last-minute postponement of his lethal injection. State attorneys filed a document Thursday saying 46-year-old Christopher Lee Price waited too late to claim that death by nitrogen gas would be less painful than lethal injection. The state also says there's no indication Price could prove any of his arguments with evidence. The filings came just hours before Price is scheduled to receive a lethal injection for the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor, Bill Lynn. Lynn was killed in a robbery on Dec. 22, 1991, while preparing Christmas gifts for his grandchildren. ___ 1:25 p.m. An Alabama inmate is citing a study theorizing that death by nitrogen would be painless as he seeks to stop his upcoming lethal injection. The last-minute legal filings came hours before Christopher Price is scheduled to receive a lethal injection for the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor. Attorneys on Thursday asked a federal judge in Alabama to issue an injunction, arguing the study backs up the idea that nitrogen hypoxia is a viable alternative. Alabama has authorized the use of nitrogen for executions but has not used it. His attorneys filed the study done by medical professors after an appellate court ruled he had not shown nitrogen hypoxia will reduce the risk of pain. The study was done for a lawmaker in Oklahoma which has also authorized the use of nitrogen for executions. ___ Noon An Alabama inmate is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to halt his upcoming lethal injection. Forty-six-year-old Christopher Lee Price is scheduled to receive a lethal injection Thursday evening for the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor. Price's attorney asked justices to stay the execution to review whether a lower court erred in rejecting his bid for a stay after he asked to put to death by nitrogen hypoxia. Price's attorney wrote that Alabama's lethal injection drug combination has been linked to botched executions, and Alabama law allows the use of nitrogen. Although Alabama has authorized nitrogen as an execution method, the state has argued that it is not ready to use it. The state said Price missed a deadline to select it as his preferred execution method. ___ 12:10 a.m. A man convicted of the sword-and-dagger stabbing death of a pastor is set to become the second person executed in Alabama this year, barring a last-minute stay. Forty-six-year-old Christopher Lee Price is scheduled to receive a chemical injection Thursday evening for his conviction in the death of Bill Lynn. The 57-year-old pastor was killed in a Dec. 22, 1991, robbery while preparing Christmas gifts for his grandchildren. Prosecutors said Lynn was at his Fayette County home when power was cut and the pastor went out to check the fuse box and was killed. Lynn's wife testified she looked out a window and saw a person dressed in black in a karate stance, holding a sword above her husband's head. An autopsy showed that Lynn had been cut or stabbed more than 30 times. WASHINGTON (AP) - A founder of the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel was blocked from entering the United States in what he said was a "politically motivated" move. Omar Barghouti was traveling to the U.S. for a speaking tour but was not allowed to board his flight from Israel's Ben Gurion Airport, according to a statement from the BDS movement. Barghouti said he was told his valid U.S. visa was revoked for "immigration reasons." Barghouti was planning to meet with journalists and policymakers in Washington, New York City, Philadelphia and Chicago, and attend his daughter's wedding. "I am hurt but I am not deterred," he said about missing that ceremony. "Visa records are confidential under U.S. law. Therefore, we cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases," State Department spokesman Robert Palladino told reporters. He also said U.S. law does not "authorize the refusal of visas based solely on political statements or views if those statements or views would be lawful in the United States, no matter how distasteful or objectionable some may find those statements or views." Barghouti said in a statement to The Associated Press that the entry ban was "ideologically and politically motivated" and part of Israel's "escalating repression against Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights defenders." Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's National Security Project said the move "looks like an ideological exclusion, which is a long-discredited form of government censorship." Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., applauded the U.S. move and described Barghouti as "anti-Israel and anti-Semitic." The movement advocates boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israeli businesses, universities and cultural institutions. Comparing itself to the past anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, movement supporters say it is using nonviolent means to resist unjust policies toward Palestinians. The movement has made significant gains in recent years, particularly among foreign artists and university students. Israel says the movement masks its motives to delegitimize or destroy the Jewish state. Israel enacted a law in 2017 banning any foreigner from entering the country if that person "knowingly issues a public call for boycotting Israel." The Trump administration has taken several steps to demonstrate strong support for Israel, most recently recognizing Israel's claim to the Golan Heights. Support for Israel has become an increasingly politically charged issue in the early stages of the 2020 election as Republicans seek to woo Jewish voters away from the Democratic Party. WOODBINE, Ga. (AP) - A judge has scheduled a fall trial for a former Georgia police officer charged with manslaughter in the fatal shooting of a fleeing suspect, according to a court order filed Thursday. Superior Court Judge Stephen Scarlett ordered that Zechariah Presley stand trial beginning Sept. 30 in coastal Camden County near the Georgia-Florida state line. Presley was on duty as a Kingsland police officer June 20 when 33-year-old Tony Green was shot and killed. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation concluded the two men had a brief struggle before Presley shot Green multiple times as Green tried to run away. Presley was fired from his police job. His defense attorney, Adrienne Browning, said at a hearing Monday the former officer is now driving a delivery truck while he awaits trial. He was released from jail on a $100,000 bond in July. A grand jury in November indicted Presley on charges of voluntary manslaughter and violating his oath as a police officer, but declined to charge the former officer with murder. Some of Green's relatives and friends have argued manslaughter is too lenient of a charge. Under Georgia law, voluntary manslaughter is a felony punishable by one to 20 years in prison. FILE - This undated photo provided by the Kingsland Police Department shows Officer Zechariah Presley. A judge has scheduled a fall trial for the former Georgia police officer charged with manslaughter in the fatal shooting of a fleeing suspect, according to a court order filed Thursday, April 11, 2019. Superior Court Judge Stephen Scarlett ordered that Presley stand trial beginning Sept. 30 in coastal Camden County near the Georgia-Florida state line. (Kingsland Police Department via AP, File) Investigators have released few details about the shooting. The GBI has said Presley was following a vehicle Green was driving when Green got out and began to run. The two men got into a brief scuffle, the agency said, before Green began to flee again and Presley fired multiple gunshots, killing him. The judge granted the September trial date after prosecutors and Presley's defense attorney requested it at a hearing Monday. Scarlett also agreed to scale back the 12-hour curfew Presley must abide by as a condition of his bond, shrinking it to just seven overnight hours on weekdays. Browning asked for the reduction, saying the curfew had made it difficult for Presley to work enough hours to support his family. SAN DIEGO (AP) - A Trump administration regulation set to go into effect Friday bars transgender people from the military unless they "correct those deficiencies," a description the American Medical Association said Thursday is unfair and defies science. The AMA told The Associated Press on Thursday the policy and its wording mischaracterizes transgender people as having a "deficiency." It said it also objects to the Defense Department classifying the need to transition to another gender among "administratively disqualifying conditions" that include those the Pentagon has labeled as "congenital or developmental defects." The new regulation strips transgender troops of rights they only recently secured under the Obama administration to serve openly and receive care if they choose to transition to another gender. The Defense Department said its use of the words "deficiencies" is military lingo for when an individual fails to meet standards to maintain a lethal force. It is not a reference to gender dysphoria, a condition of extreme distress from not identifying with one's biological gender, Lt. Col. Carla Gleason said. The department says transgender people can serve if they remain in their biological sex. "The only thing deficient is any medical science behind this decision," American Medical Association President Dr. Barbara L. McAneny said. FILE - This undated file photo provided by her wife Jessica Kibodeaux shows Lindsey Muller and her dog Emma, hiking in the Cheyenne Mountains west of Fort Carson, Colo. Decorated Army helicopter pilot Lindsey Muller, who started openly identifying as a woman in 2016, says she and others like her feel demoralized by the Trump administration policy that will go into effect Friday, April 12, 2019, barring transgender people from the military unless they "correct those deficiencies," a description the American Medical Association said Thursday is unfair and defies science. (Jessica Kibodeaux via AP, File) Decorated Army helicopter pilot Lindsey Muller was a plaintiff in one of four lawsuits that tried to block the policy from taking effect. But the final legal injunction was lifted in March, though new legal challenges are expected. Muller said she and other transgender troops feel demoralized. "Under our ethical standards, we can't say anything derogatory against the administration, while we are being presented in a disparaging and derogatory light," said Muller, 37, who is based in Fort Carson, Colorado. Troops like Muller, who began openly identifying as a woman in 2016, are worried they will be discharged. The administration says it will not boot current service members who transitioned before the Pentagon issued its directive, though the government has also said it retains the right to eliminate that protection. Muller said the policy will cost the armed forces far more in terms of losing experienced personnel like herself and training replacements than any costs associated with specialized health care for trans servicemembers. She plans to retire from the military next year after serving 20 years. Under the new policy, a service member can be discharged based on a diagnosis of gender dysphoria if he or she is "unable or unwilling to adhere to all applicable standards, including the standards associated with his or her biological sex, or seeks transition to another gender." It said the discharge should come after an individual "has been formally counseled on his or her failure to adhere to such standards and has been given an opportunity to correct those deficiencies." The policy calls for troops diagnosed with gender dysphoria to be medically evaluated before discharging them to see if they qualify as having a disability. Otherwise gender dysphoria can be considered a "condition that interferes with military service" like sleep walking, bed wetting, motion sickness, and personality disorders. "They can dress it up in whatever words they want, but when you carefully look at this it's total disrespect for these human beings by saying a core piece of them is not acceptable," former acting U.S. Army Surgeon General Gale Pollock said. Pollock signed a statement with three former U.S. surgeons general and two former military surgeons general, saying they are "troubled by the Defense Department's characterization of the need to undergo gender transition as a 'deficiency,' and by the addition of gender dysphoria to official lists of 'congenital or developmental defects' that include bed-wetting and 'disturbances of perception, thinking, emotional control, or behavior.'" An estimated 14,700 troops identify as transgender. Military chiefs testified before Congress last year that they found no problems with transgender troops on morale or unit cohesion. Many have received medals since the armed forces welcomed them in 2016. Transgender troops say the regulation mirrors the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prohibited gay men and women from serving openly in the armed forces before Congress repealed it in 2010. _____ Crary reported from New York. PHOENIX (AP) - The video quickly went viral. A college student is heard yelling "murder patrol" at two border agents who had been asked to give a talk about their jobs to a University of Arizona club. The chants grow, and the agents leave before they can finish speaking. The protesters follow them to their car. The footage sparked anger among members of the union that represents Border Patrol agents. A few days later, the university announced that two students involved in the protest, including the one who took the video, were being charged with interference with the peaceful conduct of an educational institution, a misdemeanor. A third student was later charged. Now, faculty, immigrant rights advocates and students are mounting pressure against officials at the Tucson campus to drop the cases and stand by the three students. They say those charged had free speech rights to protest the agents' presence and that allowing agents on campus instills fear in immigrant students. This Wednesday, April 10, 2019 photo shows some of over 200 supporters of three University of Arizona students charged after protesting the presence of Border Patrol agents on campus last month, staging a protest in Tucson, Ariz. Activists are putting pressure on the Arizona university to drop cases against the three students. (Tim Stellar/Arizona Daily Star via AP) Dozens of students protested Thursday at a Board of Regents meeting in Tucson by putting tape over their mouths. On Wednesday, more than 200 activists held a protest on campus. Immigrant advocates say the policies of President Donald Trump - from family separations at the border to his attempt to end protections for younger immigrants brought to the country as children - have created a culture of extreme fear. Those feelings often extend to the officers and agents in the two agencies that deal with immigration enforcement - the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In Waynesboro, Virginia, parents complained after an ICE agent gave a presentation about his job at a middle school, saying they feared it made students uncomfortable. The agent wasn't on duty. In Middletown, New York, the city's mayor was outraged when plainclothes ICE agents attempted to make an arrest at a courthouse, an increasingly common practice that the agency generally avoided before Trump took office. "I do think that particularly at this political moment, people who are representing ICE on-duty or off-duty represent the Trump administration and everything that's been happening under him," said Tania Unzueta, policy director for Mijente, a national political organization. The fear goes both ways, said Art del Cueto, president of the Tucson chapter of the Border Patrol union, citing increasing hostility toward member agents. "You have agents who are almost having to hide from the public eye and even some of their neighbors and not telling them what they do for a living," del Cueto said. "They're hard-working agents and they believe in the job that they're doing and what they do is within the law." Mariel Alexandra Bustamante and Denisse Moreno Melchor, two of the students charged in the University of Arizona incident, said in a written statement that allowing Border Patrol agents on campus is harmful to students for several reasons, particularly because the agency they work for is "one of the main culprits for the separation of families." "The criminalization of these communities is solidified by Border Patrol's presence on our campus," the students wrote. The students declined to answer questions, saying an attorney advised them against speaking to reporters. WASHINGTON (AP) - From his eyes to his immune system, astronaut Scott Kelly's body sometimes reacted strangely to nearly a year in orbit, at least compared to his Earth-bound identical twin - but newly published research shows nothing that would cancel even longer space treks, like to Mars. The good news: Kelly largely bounced back after returning home, say scientists who released final results from NASA's "twins study," a never-before opportunity to track the biological consequences of spaceflight in genetic doubles. It marks "the dawn of human genomics in space," said Dr. Andrew Feinberg of Johns Hopkins University. He led one of 10 teams of researchers that scrutinized the twins' health down to the molecular level before, during and after Kelly's 340-day stay at the International Space Station. More importantly, the study "represents more than one small step for mankind" by pointing out potential risks of longer-duration spaceflight that need study in more astronauts, said Markus Lobrich of Germany's Darmstadt University and Penny Jeggo of the University of Sussex, who weren't involved in the work. The findings were published in Friday's edition of the journal Science, on some notable space anniversaries - when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space in 1961, and the first launch of the space shuttle in 1981. KEY FINDINGS FILE - In this March 4, 2016 file photo, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, left, and his identical twin, Mark, stand together before a news conference in Houston. From his eyes to his immune system, Scott's body sometimes reacted strangely to nearly a year in orbit, at least compared to his Earth-bound brother _ but research published on Thursday, April 11, 2019 shows nothing that would cancel even longer space treks, like to Mars. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan, File) NASA already knew some of the toll of space travel, such as bone loss that requires exercise to counter. This time, NASA-funded scientists looked for a gamut of physiologic and genomic changes that Scott Kelly experienced in space, comparing them to his DNA double on the ground, former astronaut Mark Kelly. Some results had been reported in February. Possibly the weirdest finding had to do with something called telomeres, the protective ends of chromosomes. Those tips gradually shorten as we get older, and are thought to be linked to age-related diseases including some cancers. But in space, Scott Kelly's telomeres got longer. "We were surprised," said Colorado State University telomere expert Susan Bailey. She can't explain it although it doesn't mean Kelly got younger. Back on Earth, his telomeres mostly returned to preflight average although he did have more short telomeres than before. Next, Kelly's DNA wasn't mutated in space but the activity of many of his genes - how they switch on and off - did change, especially in the last half of the voyage, which ended in March 2016. Immune system genes especially were affected, putting it "almost on high alert as a way to try and understand this new environment," said study co-author Christopher Mason, a Weill Cornell Medicine geneticist in New York. Again, most gene expression returned to normal back home, but some of the immune-related genes were hyperactive six months later. "We learned that the human body is pretty resilient and we can survive and to some extent maybe even thrive on these long-duration flights," Mark Kelly said. Other findings: -Some changes in the structure of Kelly's eye and thickening of his retina suggested that, like about 40% of astronauts, he experienced symptoms of "spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome." It may be caused by fluids shifting in the absence of gravity. -He experienced some chromosomal instability that might reflect radiation exposure in space. -A flu shot given in space worked as well as one on Earth. -Kelly aced cognitive tests in space but slowed down after his return, maybe as more things competed for his attention. WHAT THE KELLYS SAY "It was a real privilege to be part of this study," said Scott Kelly, who spent the year in space along with Russia's Mikhail Kornienko. Kelly retired from NASA soon after his return. He said it probably took him six months once back on Earth before he felt 100% again, but acknowledged his wife said it seemed more like eight months. What was particularly hard, he said, was getting used to not having a schedule dictating his life in five-minute increments every single day, like there was in space. During a teleconference he joked with his twin, "I got all the glory and you got a lot of work." "I got people coming to my house, right, for tubes of blood," responded Mark Kelly. "But it's great we saw and we learned that the human body is pretty resilient and we can survive and to some extent maybe even thrive on these long-duration flights," he added. As for trips to Mars, Mark Kelly said: "I hope it's sooner rather than later, and hopefully, our participation in this study will help us get closer to making a mission like that a success." ULTRA LONG-DISTANCE TESTING Researchers needed months' worth of blood, urine and fecal samples, along with cognitive and physical tests and ultrasound scans. That meant getting creative: Some blood samples required analysis so rapidly that Kelly would time collection so the blood could travel on Russian Soyuz capsules carrying other astronauts back to Earth. That wouldn't be an option on a three-year trip to Mars. One of the study's technological advances: Portable DNA-sequencing equipment that will let astronauts run some of their own genomic analyses on future missions, said Weill Cornell's Mason. WHAT'S NEXT? Studying one pair of twins can't prove risks of spaceflight, researchers cautioned. And longer missions, to the moon or Mars, will mean greater stress and radiation exposure. Colorado State's Bailey plans to study 10 additional astronauts on yearlong missions, using the twin findings as a road map. More one-year missions are planned by NASA, officials said, but no details were given Thursday. "We need to get outside of low-Earth orbit and we need for the astronauts to spend longer periods of time to really evaluate some of these health effects," she said. ___ The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - The relationship between WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the Ecuadorians who granted him asylum had the ups and downs of a telenovela. Once close allies, the silver-haired Australian and leaders of the South American nation grew increasingly embittered as feuds emerged over everything from his alleged meddling in the nation's foreign affairs to the hygiene of his cat. They finally broke for good on Thursday when President Lenin Moreno allowed British authorities to forcibly remove Assange from Ecuador's small embassy in a tony part of London. "We've ended the asylum of this spoiled brat," a visibly flustered Moreno said hours later in a fiery speech. "From now on we'll be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it, and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilize governments." How did their diplomatic liaison take such a dark turn? Ecuador emerged as a safe haven for Assange in 2012 as his legal options to evade extradition to Sweden over sex crime accusations dried up in the United Kingdom. On a June day, he moved into the small country's embassy near the upscale Harrods department store for what most thought would be a short stay. FILE - In this Friday, May 19, 2017 file photo, Julian Assange greets supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. London police say they've arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, it was reported on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, File) Instead, the cramped quarters, where a small office was converted into a bedroom, became a permanent address that some likened to a de facto jail. At the time, Ecuador was governed by Rafael Correa, a leftist with an anti-United States bent who championed the cause of Assange, who had infuriated Washington by publishing a vast trove of confidential U.S. government documents on his WikiLeaks site. For Correa, granting Assange asylum allowed him to stake a moral high ground, associating himself with a man whose followers see him as a digital-age Robin Hood crusading against big governments and corporations, even as the president faced accusations of clamping down on human rights back home. "Welcome to the club of those who are persecuted!" Correa said during a televised interview with Assange before the asylum bid. The embassy has just a few rooms and Assange's new home was far from luxurious. Stuck inside, he used a treadmill to stay in shape, sat beneath a sun lamp to compensate for the lack of natural light and received both visitors and pizza deliveries. The roster of guests at No. 3 Hans Crescent included stars like Lady Gaga and Pamela Anderson. "It's not quite the Hilton," Gavin MacFayden, a supporter and investigative journalism school director, said in the early months of Assange's stay. Assange's mother expressed concerns about her son's health, but the creator of the online whistle-blowing organization remained steadfast in staying. "While this immoral investigation continues, and while the Australian government will not defend the journalism and publishing of WikiLeaks, I must remain here," he said in a rare address outside the embassy about six months into his residence. The first major public squabble with Ecuadorian officials came four years later, in 2016, when Ecuador's government cut off his internet access after WikiLeaks published a trove of damaging emails from Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. In targeting Clinton, Assange may have run up against Correa's own preference for the Democratic candidate and his effort to repair testy relations with Washington. WikiLeaks accused Ecuador of bowing to pressure from then-U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, a charge it denied. A year later, Assange emerged as a thorn in Ecuador's side again. During the country's 2017 presidential election, the activist's protracted embassy stay became a campaign issue. Conservative banker Guillermo Lasso said he'd evict him within 30 days if elected. Lenin Moreno, Correa's hand-picked successor, said he'd let him stay - and narrowly won. Following the vote, Assange took to Twitter to take a jab at Lasso. "I cordially invite Lasso to leave Ecuador within 30 days (with or without his tax haven millions)," he wrote, alluding to allegations the banker had money abroad. The remarks rattled Moreno, who warned Assange to stay out of the country's politics. Within months of taking office, Moreno's government scolded Assange again for meddling in international affairs by voicing his support for Catalan secessionists from the Ecuadorian Embassy. Relations grew so prickly that a year later, Ecuador imposed a stricter set of rules outlining what he could and couldn't do inside the embassy. Under the new protocol, Assange would have to pay for his internet and clean up after his cat, an evident source of tension between both sides. The rules said that if the feline wasn't properly fed and cleaned up after, it would be sent to the pound. Assange tried challenging the restrictions in court, to no avail. Correa said Thursday he thinks the final straw for Moreno was WikiLeaks' decision to spread information about a purported offshore account controlled by the president's brother. Personal photographs of Moreno lying in bed, as well as images of close family members dancing, were also leaked, incensing him. Correa, who has had a very public falling out with Moreno, accused him of acting "cowardly." "This will never be forgotten by all of humanity," Correa wrote on Twitter. Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Assange's behavior had become intolerable, and accused him even of spreading fecal matter on embassy walls. Speaking Thursday at an event outside Quito, Moreno said Assange's egregious behavior signified that the computer expert viewed Ecuador as an insignificant, third-rate country. "When you're given shelter, cared for and provided food, you don't denounce the owner of the house," he said to applause. Moreno was also likely under increasing U.S. pressure to surrender Assange, though he said Thursday that he had only made his decision after Great Britain guaranteed he would not be extradited "to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty." Shortly after Moreno's election, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, traveled to Quito in the company of Chinese investors. Moreno's aides said that Assange's name never came up and the visit, which was first revealed in U.S. court documents. But some have speculated it was the start of backchannel coordination between U.S., Ecuadorian and U.K. officials, and it was followed months later with a rare visit to Quito by Vice President Mike Pence, who has since become one of Moreno's biggest boosters. Pence said that he discussed Assange with Moreno during his visit but provided no details. On the streets of Ecuador's capital, some rejoiced that they'd no longer be seeing Assange's face pop up so frequently in the nation's headlines. "It's good they've thrown him out," said Manuel Benavides, a designer. "He's ungrateful and arrogant. You can't bite the hand that has fed you all these years." ___ Armario reported from Bogota, Colombia. Associated Press writer Joshua Goodman contributed to this report. ___ Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange here: Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno speaks during the inauguration of the "Agua Para Todos" or "Water for Everyone" government program, in Latacunga, Ecuador, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Moreno said in a video posted on Twitter Thursday that he revoked the political asylum for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange due to "repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols." (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa) FILE - In this Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012 file photo, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures as he appears at a window of Ecuadorian Embassy in central London to make a statement to the media and supporters. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum. (AP Photo/Sang Tan, FIle) WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate on Thursday confirmed acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to lead the department on a permanent basis, despite complaints by Democrats that the former oil and gas lobbyist has used his federal position to benefit former industry clients. Senators voted 56-41 to approve Bernhardt's nomination to oversee more than 500 million acres of public lands and other resources, including national parks, monuments and wildlife refuges. He succeeds Ryan Zinke, who resigned in January amid a series of ethics investigations. Bernhardt represented energy and agricultural interests until President Donald Trump picked him in April 2017 to be deputy secretary. Bernhardt, who was confirmed to the No. 2 position in July 2017, says he has complied with all ethics laws and rules. But Democrats and environmental groups accuse him of using his federal post to shape regulations and legislation in favor of oil and gas interests and other former clients. "The Zinke ethics hurricane was bad enough. America should not be harmed again by a Bernhardt ethical typhoon," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. Citing figures from the Office of Government Ethics, Wyden said at least 27 former clients representing the oil and gas industry, coal, water districts and agriculture pose "unlimited numbers of conflicts of interest" for Bernhardt. FILE - In this March 28, 2019 file photo, David Bernhardt, a former oil and gas lobbyist, speaks before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee at his confirmation hearing to head the Interior Department, on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Senate has confirmed Bernhardt as the Interior secretary. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) "The interior secretary is supposed to be running (the department) for the benefit of the public, not for special interests," Wyden said. Wyden and other Democrats said Bernhardt has taken actions to weaken the Endangered Species Act, including erosion of protections for a California fish species long targeted by a former client, the Westlands Water District, one of the largest and most politically powerful water utilities in the country. Critics also say Bernhardt has acted to ease regulations holding oil companies accountable for spills and increased drilling and mining access on millions of acres of public land used by the sage grouse, a threatened bird species. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican who leads the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said Bernhardt, 49, has the experience and expertise needed to lead the department. The Colorado native worked at the Interior Department for eight years under President George W. Bush, including as the department's top lawyer. "He is from the West, he has great familiarity with the issues that will come before him and he has proven that he can ably lead the department," Murkowski said. She said Bernhardt "has proven to be a strong partner not only for Alaska, but states all across the country." She linked ethics allegations against Bernhardt to unspecified, "pretty well-funded groups that are working very hard and very energetically against his nomination." Three Democrats - Sens. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona - voted for Bernhardt, as did independent Sen. Angus King of Maine, who caucuses with Democrats. Democrats and environmental groups also criticized Bernhardt for failing to stand up to Trump on his proposal to drastically expand offshore drilling along the East and West Coasts, including off the coast of Florida, where a moratorium on offshore drilling expires in 2022. Florida Republican Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott voted in favor of Bernhardt after receiving assurances from him and other administration officials that Florida would be excluded from drilling proposals. Rubio said in a statement that the department cannot legally take Florida off the table until public comments are received. But, he said, "I am confident that when all is said and done the ban on oil drilling off of Florida's coasts will remain in place." Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York said Bernhardt's refusal to rule out offshore drilling in Florida "should be a wake-up call to my colleagues all up and down the coasts - Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf," that offshore drilling is a possibility despite bipartisan opposition. "It is hard to imagine someone whose background is so at odds with the department's mission as Mr. Bernhardt," Schumer said. "President Trump, for all his talk of draining the swamp, wants to add yet another Washington swamp creature lobbyist to his cabinet." Kieran Suckling, executive director of the Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity, said Bernhardt "will be even worse than Ryan Zinke." Bernhardt "has spent decades scheming to undercut protections for wildlife and public lands across the country," Suckling said. His confirmation "puts him in the perfect position to turn those nightmarish dreams into reality." But Randall Luthi, president of the National Ocean Industries Association, said Bernhardt's "unparalleled depth of experience and knowledge of energy and conservation policies will serve our nation's public lands and resources well." Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, takes questions from reporters after the confirmation vote for David Bernhardt to serve as secretary of the Interior, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, speaks with reporters just outside the chamber as legislative work wraps up following the confirmation of David Bernhardt to serve as secretary of the Interior, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., takes a reporter's questions as senators wrap up legislative work following the confirmation of David Bernhardt to serve as secretary of the Interior, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - The coffee shop owner killed in a North Carolina gas line explosion was last seen in the doorway of his business after firefighters evacuated his customers and told him to leave, the fire chief said Thursday, as city officials gave new details about fiber network construction that preceded the blast. Communications company Crown Castle said a contractor was doing fiber-optic work in the area where police have said a gas line was hit and began leaking shortly before the explosion. Meanwhile, authorities raised the toll of people injured to 25, including nine firefighters. Police said Kaffeinate coffee shop owner Kong Lee, 61, was the only person killed in the blast that leveled the century-old building and damaged others. A gas leak had been reported about a half-hour before the blast Wednesday morning, and firefighters were working to get people out of nearby buildings when the explosion occurred. In the hours after the blast, Durham police spokesman Wil Glenn said a contractor boring along a sidewalk hit a gas line and caused the leak, while Deputy City Manager Bo Ferguson said work to install a fiber optic communications network appeared to be involved. It's still not clear what made the gas ignite. On Thursday, Ferguson said the permit to do the work was held by a subsidiary of Crown Castle, and that Charlotte-based engineering company Utilis was overseeing the construction. Ferguson said it's also possible that another subcontractor was involved in the work. Crown Castle later issued a statement saying its subsidiary Fibertech Networks had hired a contractor that was installing fiber in the area prior to the explosion. It declined to answer further questions, citing the ongoing investigation. Emergency personnel work at the scene, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Durham, N.C., the day after an explosion and building fire caused by a gas leak killed one person and injured more than two dozen, including nine firefighters. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) "We are devastated by this tragic event and its impact on the Durham community," said the statement attributed to Crown Castle area president Cathy Piche. "We grieve the loss of life and our continued prayers go out to the people who were injured and their families." Two officials with Utilis didn't immediately return messages seeking comment. Fire Chief Bob Zoldos said Thursday that firefighters told people to evacuate the coffee shop that occupied a storefront in the building and got about 10 customers out, but Lee declined to leave. He was last seen in the doorway as a firefighter went to find a police officer to force him to evacuate. "All the people in the business did evacuate, other than the owner. The owner decided that he did not want to evacuate," he said at an afternoon news conference, elaborating on earlier comments. "Our engine captain went to find a police officer to enforce that evacuation order, and that's when the building exploded and collapsed." Zoldos said some of his firefighters continued to work the scene after suffering cuts from flying debris or other injuries from "the concussion of the blast wave." A man who answered the door at a Raleigh home address for Lee told a reporter Thursday he didn't have anything to say. Durham Deputy Fire Chief Chris Iannuzzi said at least 15 buildings were damaged by the blast in a downtown shopping district made of converted tobacco warehouses and other industrial buildings. Some windows were shattered blocks away. Zoldos said several buildings have been condemned, and others are being evaluated. Authorities say no one else was believed to be trapped or unaccounted for, but a search of the rubble was continuing as a precaution. Several dozen firefighters, state agents and other authorities could be seen at the site of the explosion Thursday morning, including one officer leading a search dog in and out of the rubble pile. The destroyed building also housed offices for Prescient Co., a technology company focused on the building industry. Company officials said their employees were able to safely evacuate shortly before the explosion. ___ Associated Press writer Emery P. Dalesio in Raleigh, North Carolina, contributed to this report. Follow Drew at . Charred remains are piled in a heap of rubble, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Durham, N.C., the day after an explosion and building fire caused by a gas leak killed one person and injured more than two dozen, including nine firefighters. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Emergency personnel search through rubble, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Durham, N.C., the day after an explosion and building fire caused by a gas leak killed one person and injured more than two dozen, including nine firefighters. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Charred remains are piled in a heap of rubble, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Durham, N.C., the day after an explosion and building fire caused by a gas leak killed one person and injured more than two dozen, including nine firefighters. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig was indicted Thursday on charges of making false statements and concealing information in a federal foreign lobbying investigation that intersected with the Russia probe. Craig, 74, was charged in a two-count indictment that accuses him of willfully concealing material facts from the Justice Department about work he performed for the Ukrainian government. The indictment, announced by the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, came a day after Craig's lawyers said he expected to be charged in the probe spun off from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. In a video statement, Craig said the prosecution against him was "unprecedented and unjustified" and that he's confident a judge and jury would agree. "I did not participate in a scheme to mislead the government or conceal material facts," he said. His attorneys had called the case a "a misguided abuse of prosecutorial discretion" and said the Justice Department's national security division pushed to indict Craig despite federal prosecutors in New York declining to bring charges, an assertion that couldn't immediately be verified. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office declined to comment. Craig's indictment is part of a Justice Department crackdown on unregistered foreign lobbying and consulting. Federal prosecutors in New York have been investigating two prominent Washington lobbying firms in a similar probe, and Justice Department officials in Washington have been increasingly willing to prosecute people who they believe intentionally conceal their lobbying work from the government. In this Oct. 17, 2016, photo, attorney Gregory Craig arrives at U.S. District Court in Washington. Lawyers for former Obama administration White House counsel Craig say they expect their client to be charged in a foreign lobbying investigation that grew out of the special counsel's Russia probe. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) The scrutiny of Craig stems from an investigation of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his work on behalf of a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine. The charges come about three months after Craig's former law firm agreed to pay more than $4.6 million and publicly acknowledge that it failed to register with the government for its work for the Ukraine. The civil settlement with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP laid much of the blame for the firm's conduct on Craig, who was a senior partner. Craig, who is set to appear in federal court Friday, is a prominent Washington attorney and was the first White House counsel to former President Barack Obama. In private practice, his clients have included former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and James Cartwright, the former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was charged in a leaks investigation. He also led President Bill Clinton's White House legal team during his impeachment proceedings and defended Clinton during his Senate trial. The work that drew the Justice Department's attention occurred in 2012, when Craig and Skadden were hired by the Ukrainian government to write a report on the prosecution of Yulia Tymoshenko, a former Ukrainian prime minister. Tymoshenko was a political opponent of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was a longtime Manafort patron. The report was billed as independent, but critics have said it whitewashed a politically motivated prosecution. In its settlement earlier this year, Skadden acknowledged it participated in a public relations campaign for the report and should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA. The firm also acknowledged it had been paid $4.6 million for the report and not just $12,000, as the Ukrainian government had said at the time. The indictment made public Thursday says Craig did not want to register under FARA because doing so could keep him or others at his law firm from getting government positions and because the filing would require him to disclose the millions paid from a "private, wealthy Ukrainian." The disclosures also would have undermined the authority of the supposedly independent report. To help hide the private funding, Craig is accused of backdating and falsifying invoices at Manafort's request to make it appear the Ukrainian government was the sole funder of the report. After the firm's work attracted the attention of the Justice Department's FARA unit in 2012 and 2013, the indictment says Craig misled officials about his interactions with reporters and his involvement with a public relations firm in securing news media coverage about his law firm's report. When the Justice Department determined that Craig should register under the law, the indictment says, Craig resisted the idea. In an email titled "FARA," Craig wrote that the firm did not proactively disseminate the report to the media and instead provided it upon request to three media outlets that asked for it. "The only time we responded, was to correct misinformation," Craig wrote. The firm then wrote a letter to the department's FARA unit containing Craig's false and misleading statements, which ultimately allowed for him and the firm to avoid registering, the indictment said. Years later, when the subject came up again during the Mueller probe, the indictment says Craig repeated some of the same lies during an October 2017 interview with the special counsel's team. Craig's lawyers deny that he lied to the government or his firm. They acknowledged that Craig spoke to reporters about the report but denied it was part of a public relations campaign that would run afoul of the law. "I was always honest about the reasons for my contacts with the media," Craig said in the video posted Thursday on Twitter. "I never discussed the finding of our report to any U.S. officials. I certainly did not lobby any US officials on behalf of Ukraine. I did not help Ukraine promote its spin when it released our report," he added. On Thursday, his attorneys, William Taylor and William Murphy, called the indictment "unfair and misleading" and said prosecutors ignored exculpatory evidence. "Mr. Craig had no interest in misleading the FARA Unit because he had not done anything that required his registration. That is what this trial will be all about," they said in a statement. FARA is a decadesold law meant to allow Americans to know when foreign entities are trying to influence public opinion or policymakers. The law, enacted in 1938 to unmask Nazi propaganda in the United States, requires people to disclose to the Justice Department when they advocate, lobby or perform public relations work in the U.S. on behalf of a foreign government or political entity. In the last few years, the Justice Department has brought several high-profile prosecutions involving FARA. That includes a case against Manafort, who was recently sentenced to more than seven years in prison. ___ Associated Press writers Michael Balsamo and Desmond Butler contributed to this report. ___ Read the indictment: PARIS (AP) - The European Union appears set to approve new trade talks with the U.S. despite resistance from France because of President Donald Trump's rejection of the Paris climate accord. An official in French President Emmanuel Macron's office said Thursday that France will vote against starting the talks. But he said the stance is "purely symbolic," because most EU members support the negotiations. The official was not authorized to be publicly named according to presidential policy. EU officials expressed hope Thursday the talks can move forward soon. Trump and the EU Commission president agreed last year to start talks to calm fears of a trade war prompted by U.S. tariffs on foreign steel. Macron has sought to stand up to Trump on the international stage and to show French voters he's standing up for the climate. NEW YORK (AP) - The former congressman who led Republican's efforts to deregulate the banking industry after the financial crisis is starting a new job as an employee of Swiss bank UBS. Jeb Hensarling was a congressman from Dallas from 2003 to 2019. From 2013 to 2019 was chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, the committee that oversees the banking industry. He declined to run for re-election in 2018, saying he wanted to spend more time with his family. While Hensarling was in Congress, he pushed aggressively to undo some of the rules and regulations put into place by Democrats after the financial crisis, notably the Dodd-Frank Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. His new title at UBS is executive vice president of the Americas region. CHICAGO (AP) - A poorly managed police database of 130,000 purported street-gang members in Chicago is rife with errors and offers no practical way for those wrongly entered into it to purge their names, the city's inspector general office says in a sharply critical report released Thursday. Inclusion in the database can ruin job prospects and draw unwarranted police scrutiny over decades, and the 159-page report urges the city to reevaluate its usefulness compared with the deep resentment it engenders in many lower-income, minority neighborhoods. If unaddressed, flaws in the gang-intelligence system "will continue to undermine public trust" in police, says the report, which calls for an appeals process that would enable those never in a gang or who have since abandoned gang life to strike their names. As it is, the report says, "gang designations are permanent and inescapable." The nation's third largest city has some 60 gangs and hundreds of gang factions. Chicago police say most of the city's homicides have a gang link, though the report said that claim is sometimes overstated. More than 560 people were killed in Chicago last year, more than in Los Angeles and New York combined. Criteria for designating someone a gang member, the report says, can seem arbitrary. In a federal lawsuit last year, plaintiff Donta Lucas said he was falsely named a Gangster Disciple based on ankle tattoo officers saw when they arrested him in 2012 for a bowling alley fight. The lawsuit, which sought class-action status, alleged some people are deemed gang members simply because they happen to live on blocks with active gangs. Joseph Lipari, deputy inspector general for Public Safety, looks on as Chicago Inspector General Joe Ferguson discusses the audit of the Chicago Police Department's "gang database" during press conference at City Hall, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP) Officers never informed Lucas that they believed he was a gang member or that they registered him as one. Four years later, he couldn't get a concealed-carry permit for a security job because he was in the database, the suit says. The Chicago report said police have no set time period after which someone's name is automatically deleted. The database has no age limits either: One person was first included at age 9 and has remained in it for nearly 20 years. The report also criticizes a lack of controls over how the data is used by more than 500 entities outside the Chicago Police Department. Notations on gang-arrest cards, often the basis for putting a name into the database, raise questions about biases, the report says. On the cards where officers enter occupations of suspects, some wrote "bum," ''loser," ''turd" and other demeaning terms. An overall problem is that the database isn't a stand-alone system but an often-haphazard collection of "internal databases, forms, visualization tools, and repositories," according to the report. Among the report's 30 recommendations is for the police to draw up written agreements with outside agencies with rules about how the database can be used. It also recommends a notification system to inform someone whose name is added. Police agreed "with the vast majority" of the recommendations, Superintendent Eddie Johnson said in a 28-page letter to the inspector general's office last week after reviewing an advance copy of the report. The letter was included in the report released Thursday. As part of what he called a "process of historic reform and transformation," the department had already begun overhauling how police gather and manage gang intelligence, including by establishing "clear standards" on determining whether someone is a gang member. The report acknowledges the department's vow to improve the database, but says it was too quick to decide the database is essential to police work before seeking comments from affected communities. "By so doing, (it's) missed an opportunity to collaborate and enhance the legitimacy of its reforms," it says. At a Thursday news conference, Inspector General Jos Ferguson said report doesn't take a position on whether the gang database should be discontinued it its entirety. He said that is up to city officials. ___ Follow Michael Tarm on Twitter: Chicago Inspector General Joe Ferguson discusses the audit of the Chicago Police Department's "gang database" during a press conference at City Hall, Thursday, April 11, 2019. (Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP) JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - A white Republican running for Mississippi attorney general said Thursday that he is "embarrassed" about taking part in a college skit 40 years ago in which other actors wore blackface. "I regret it very much," Andy Taggart told The Associated Press. A photo in the 1979 yearbook for Mississippi College shows Taggart and three other white students depicting poker players during recruiting for a social club at the Baptist school. A person in blackface was speaking to them. Taggart was student body president that year. He said he took part in many skits in college but does not remember this one. "It shows an insensitivity that is not consistent with my life and career," said Taggart, an attorney who has been prominently involved in Mississippi Republican politics for decades, including as chief of staff for then-Gov. Kirk Fordice in the 1990s. The Democratic governor and attorney general of Virginia both came under sharp criticism this year after saying they had worn blackface in college in the 1980s. Taggart in recent years has publicly advocated removing the Confederate battle emblem from the Mississippi state flag, saying it's divisive. Mississippi is the last state with a flag that includes the emblem. He said last week that the state flag, which has been used since 1894, should be "retired with dignity" and the people of Mississippi should choose a new design. In this April 3, 2019 photo in Flowood, Miss., Republican Andy Taggart speaks about running for Mississippi attorney general because he wants to fight a "crusade" against illegal drugs. Taggart, former executive director and political director of the state GOP, faces state Rep. Mark Baker of Brandon and state Treasurer Lynn Fitch in the August Republican primary. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis) "It's not a coincidence that a windshield is way bigger than a rearview mirror," Taggart said. "It's because we ought to be spending a lot more time looking forward than looking back. And that has not always been true in our state." The revelations about the Virginia officials having worn blackface during college prompted searches of yearbooks for other politicians. Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey's 1967 Auburn University yearbook showed a photo of five members from her sorority with black masks portraying "minstrels" in a rush skit, but Ivey said she was not in the photograph. In Mississippi, Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, who is running for governor, was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity at Millsaps College in the mid-1990s, and a 1995 yearbook photo showed KA members dressed in Confederate costumes. Reeves has not answered questions about whether he also dressed that way. Such costumes were commonly worn at KA Old South parties in Mississippi and other parts of the South for many years. Mississippi's current attorney general, Democrat Jim Hood, is also running for governor. Hood joined Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at the University of Mississippi in 1980. A photo on one of the fraternity's pages in the 1983 yearbook showed young white men with their bodies painted dark and their faces painted in different white and dark patterns. Hood said Feb. 12 that he was not in the photo and doesn't know what was happening in it but said: "It was inappropriate." Taggart faces state Rep. Mark Baker and state Treasurer Lynn Fitch in the Republican primary for attorney general in August. In the November general election, the Republican nominee will face Democrat Jennifer Riley Collins, a retired Army colonel who is current executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi. ___ Follow Emily Wagster Pettus on Twitter: . WASHINGTON (AP) - Six months after hurricanes devastated the Southeast, Washington infighting has shelved a widely backed disaster aid package that President Donald Trump's allies in Florida and Georgia are desperately seeking. Trump's opposition to aid to Puerto Rico - slammed by back-to-back hurricanes in 2017 - has sparked a standoff with Democrats demanding more aid for the island U.S. territory. Trump is feuding with the island's Democratic officials and railed against aid to Puerto Rico at a closed-door lunch with Senate Republicans last month. Senate Republicans have stuck with the president so far, refusing to add more funding to help Puerto Rico rebuild its water systems or help its impoverished government with more generous disaster aid terms. Democrats in turn filibustered a $14 billion aid package over the issue last week, and the measure has languished since. "Typically, when these kinds of things happen we figure out how to help as much as possible and do it on an overwhelming bipartisan basis and that's what needs to be done now," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters on Thursday. "I think we'll get there but it's been a little too political in my opinion." Now, both House and Senate are heading off for a two-week Easter recess, leaving struggling cotton farmers in the South in limbo at a crucial time for spring planting and failing to ease food stamp cuts in Puerto Rico. The funding would also help Alaska recover from a powerful earthquake last November, fund rebuilding efforts in fire-ravaged communities in California, and start rebuilding hurricane-damaged military bases in Florida and North Carolina. Timber interests in Florida would be helped, as would pecan, peach, and blueberry farmers in Georgia. "It's an absolute travesty that this chamber is recessing without a compromise on much-needed funding for disaster relief," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. "From the start, Democrats have supported an all-of-the-above approach, help every part of America that's struggling from natural disasters. We need to help everyone hurt last year, everyone hurt this year, everyone hurt in Puerto Rico, everyone hurt in the middle West, everyone hurt in Florida." FILE - In this Sept. 8, 2018, file photo, Ramon Alicea Burgos walks past his palm tree, with its top broken off one year ago by Hurricane Maria one outside his partially rebuilt home in the mountain town of Barranquitas, Puerto Rico. A fight between President Donald Trump and Democrats over hurricane relief for Puerto Rico is imperiling a widely backed disaster aid bill that is a top priority for some of Trump's southern GOP allies. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa, File) North Carolina Republican Thom Tillis shot back that "Chuck Schumer needs to stop the partisan political posturing so we can reach a deal. North Carolinians have already waited long enough for the federal resources they need to recover and rebuild." The cross-party finger pointing has been predictable, but Republicans are also upset with the White House. "Never before have we seen American communities that were wrecked with catastrophes neglected like this," said Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., usually a Trump loyalist, in a floor speech this week. "To this day, OMB has not even submitted a request for disaster assistance, calls to White House staff have gone unheeded, and but for one tweet on April 1, it seems the president has moved on." Frustration is also bubbling in the Senate, where Trump allies such as David Perdue of Georgia and Rick Scott of Florida - a state that's crucial to Trump's re-election - are pressuring the president to deal. Scott visited with Trump Thursday at the White House, along with Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb. "We're going to discuss where we are and where we think we might be able to go," Shelby said, telling reporters he was hoping to be able to make Democrats another offer afterward. Scott said he had a "good meeting" and said he would keep pushing for a deal. "I'm working with Republicans and Democrats to get this done," he said. "The people of Florida and Puerto Rico can't wait any longer." Disaster aid bills have traditionally been nonpartisan, but hard feelings still linger from the 2012-2013 Superstorm Sandy experience, in which most Republicans voted against a huge aid package that went chiefly to Democratic New York and New Jersey. At the time Schumer was especially upset. Schumer led last week's move to block the Senate measure but Democrats haven't faced much political heat for the maneuver, and Schumer appears confident that Republicans will have to yield and give more aid to Puerto Rico. The House passed a $14 billion measure in January but the measure got tangled up during the partial government shutdown. Earlier this week, House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., unveiled a new bill with $3 billion more to respond to flooding in Midwestern states such as Iowa and Nebraska. Trump has been slow to release already appropriated funding for Puerto Rico and critics say he has shown little urgency in helping the island. Trump attacked the island's government at a recent meeting with Senate Republicans, telling them that Puerto Rico has gotten too much disaster help compared with states such as Texas. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) PHOENIX (AP) - Arizona's Republican governor quickly signed a bill Thursday repealing a 1991 state law that had barred HIV and AIDS instruction that "promotes a homosexual lifestyle." The move was intended to end a discrimination lawsuit filed by LGBTQ groups. Gov. Doug Ducey's signature came less than an hour after the state Senate approved the repeal. One of the 10 Republicans who opposed the measure said she opposed sex education. Another noted that gay men are most at risk from the HIV virus. The repeal received overwhelming support in the state House on Wednesday. The Legislature acted after Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich declined to defend a suit filed last month against the state Board of Education and schools chief. The 1991 law prohibited HIV and AIDS instruction that "portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative lifestyle" or "suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex." The lawsuit says the law stigmatizes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman speaks during a press conference celebrating the repeal of a 1991 state law that bars HIV and AIDS instruction that "promotes a homosexual lifestyle" on Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Phoenix. Lawmakers passed a repeal bill this week and Gov. Doug Ducey quickly signed it on Thursday in a move intended to end a discrimination lawsuit filed by LGBTQ groups. (AP Photo/Jonathan J. Cooper) Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit along with the National Center for Lesbian Rights in U.S. District Court in Tucson. Shannon Minter, legal director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said Wednesday that repealing the law would end the lawsuit. While the law is limited to HIV and AIDS instruction, Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman said it "created a myth and a fear that even mentioning LGBTQ relationships in your classroom could result in punishment or firing." Hoffman, a Democrat, put a renewed focus on the law when she urged lawmakers to repeal it earlier this year. Republican Rep. T.J. Shope sponsored the repeal language, which was tacked onto another education-related bill. He called the 1991 law "antiquated" but said Republicans who hold majorities in both chambers of the Legislature were split, with some critical of Brnovich's decision not to defend against the lawsuit and others believing the law was outdated. Gay legislators celebrated the repeal in emotional, sometimes deeply personal speeches in the House. Rep. Andres Cano, a gay Democrat from Tucson, said stigmatizing gay children leads to shame, bullying, assaults and suicides. "Our schools should be safe, they should be inclusive, they should be free from harassment, bullying and stigmatization," Cano said. Ducey sent a tweet Thursday praising Shope for his leadership "on this common sense solution, and for getting it done in a bipartisan manner." Arizona was one of seven states with laws intended to prohibit promotion of homosexuality. ___ Associated Press writer Jonathan J. Cooper contributed. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate's top Democrat stopped short of throwing his weight behind Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for All" plan Thursday, calling it one of several proposals his party is advancing to strengthen health care. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., made the comments to reporters a day after Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, rolled out his latest version of the measure. The Vermont independent's package is supported by many liberals and several other presidential contenders, but many moderates fear it's an easy target for Republicans to characterize as socialist and a pathway to huge tax increases. Health care seems likely to be a major issue in next year's presidential and congressional elections. Underscoring the GOP's glee at using Medicare for All as a campaign issue, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he'd consider forcing the Senate to vote on Sanders' bill. Such a vote would put many Democrats in the uncomfortable position of backing an issue of intense interest to liberal Democratic voters while leaving themselves vulnerable to GOP attack ads. "It's worth thinking about," McConnell told reporters. McConnell recently forced a vote on another liberal Democratic proposal, the Green New Deal plan, to aggressively try to curb global warming, and most Democrats voted "present." Asked about Sanders' plan, Schumer said Democrats are united in improving health care, lowering costs and creating universal coverage. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., joined at right by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., speaks to reporters at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) "Different Democrats have different ways to get there," Schumer said. Sanders' 100-page bill would replace job-based and private health insurance with a government-run system providing coverage for all. There would be no premiums or deductibles and only minimal copays for certain services. Sanders did not estimate his measure's cost, which others have projected at well into the trillions of dollars. He listed a menu of potential ways to pay for his bill but not specified which he would choose. Schumer cited several more modest proposals by other Democratic senators and said, "We are united on moving health care forward." CLINTON, S.C. (AP) - The Latest on two shootings in two days in South Carolina hospitals (all times local): 9:15 p.m. Authorities have charged a 27-year-old man with attempted murder and kidnapping in a shooting that wounded a police officer in a South Carolina emergency room. An arrest warrant says Kevin Boyce Patterson dragged his father at gunpoint across the waiting room at Laurens County Hospital around 2 a.m. Thursday. Authorities say a Greenville Health Authority Police Department officer confronted and was shot by Patterson. Investigators say the officer fired back, hitting Patterson in the arm. The hospital said in a statement the officer was treated and released. His name has not been made public. The State Law Enforcement Division said in a statement Patterson has been booked in the Laurens County jail. Records did not indicate if he had a lawyer who could comment. ___ 2:50 p.m. Authorities say a police officer shot while confronting a man in a hospital emergency room in South Carolina has been treated and released. Prisma Health spokeswoman Sarah Moore said the armed man was visiting the Laurens County Hospital emergency room around 2 a.m. Thursday when a Greenville Health Authority Police Department officer and a state trooper tried to talk to him. Moore said in a statement that the incident report about the shooting says the man fired at the police officer, who fired back and wounded the man in the arm. His condition was not released. It is the second hospital shooting in South Carolina in two days. Authorities say a nurse was shot Wednesday at Regional Medical Center in Orangeburg by a man who had come to the hospital a day before to seek mental health treatment. ___ 7:05 a.m. Police in South Carolina say a shooting inside a hospital has left a police officer and a suspected gunman injured - the second hospital shooting to take place in the state in two days. A spokesman for the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division says the suspect was being treated early Thursday at the Laurens County Memorial Hospital in Clinton when he shot the hospital's police officer and tried to flee. The Greenville Health Authority Police Department officer returned fire, striking the suspect. Both were receiving treatment at the hospital for injuries. Their conditions were not immediately available. Authorities say that on Tuesday, an armed man seeking mental health treatment was turned away from the Regional Medical Center in Orangeburg and disarmed. His girlfriend was told to bring him back Friday for treatment. Instead, he showed up with another gun Wednesday and opened fire in the emergency room, injuring a nurse. The nurse was taken into surgery after the shooting and was in critical condition Wednesday afternoon. Authorities identified the gunman in that incident as 23-year-old Abrian Dayquan Sabb. Affidavits provided by the Orangeburg County Sheriff's Office say Sabb has been charged with attempted murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of violent crime. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A former Arkansas lawmaker, the nephew of Gov. Asa Hutchinson, is accused of accepting bribes in exchange for helping a Missouri nonprofit in a widening federal corruption probe that already has ensnared several state legislators, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday. Former state Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson and two former executives of Springfield-based Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc. face multiple counts. The three are accused of taking part in a multi-million-dollar public corruption scheme that involved elected officials in Arkansas and Missouri. Hutchinson pleaded not guilty to the bribery, fraud and conspiracy charges Thursday morning, and a trial was set for June 10. Hutchinson already faced separate federal charges that he spent campaign funds on personal expenses. He has also pleaded not guilty in that case and is seeking to have the charges dismissed. Hutchinson's attorney predicted his client would ultimately be exonerated. "Today's indictment is a reminder that the government's power to violate the Fifth and Sixth Amendments by forcing the same person to defend himself on multiple charges in multiple places, all at the same time, must be checked," Marc Mukasey said in a statement. "We will fight the government no matter how many times, or in how many places, they bring their trumped-up charges." Hutchinson's dad, former U.S. Sen. Tim Hutchinson, proclaimed his son's innocence and questioned the decision to charge him while he's fighting the case over the campaign cash. FILE - In this Aug. 2015 file photo, state Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson, R-Benton, speaks at a legislative subcommittee meeting at the state Capitol in Little Rock, Ark. Hutchinson, now a former lawmaker and nephew to the governor, has been indicted and accused of accepting bribes from a Missouri nonprofit in a widening federal corruption probe that's already ensnared several state legislators over the past two years. Hutchinson and two former executives of Springfield-based Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc. face multiple counts in an indictment unsealed Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston, File) "This recent ploy undeniably increases the pressure on Jeremy, who now faces a costly two front defense against the government's unlimited resources," Tim Hutchinson said in a statement. "But I respect and support Jeremy in his decision to not plead guilty to any accusation of which he is innocent." Seven former Arkansas lawmakers have been ensnared in corruption investigations since January 2017. In Thursday's indictment, Hutchinson is accused of accepting thousands of dollars, including through cash, checks and attorney's fees, in exchange for legislative action benefiting the nonprofit, its executives, lobbyist Rusty Cranford and Cranford's clients. Cranford admitted last year to bribing lawmakers as part of the scheme. The indictment says the legislative action included Hutchinson holding up agency budgets and directing state money toward the nonprofit. The former executives charged in the indictment are Bontiea Bernedette Goss and Tommy Ray Goss, who also pleaded not guilty. The two are accused of using the charity's money and property to bribe Hutchinson and other elected officials. The two are also accused of embezzling and using charity funds for personal expenses, including chartered flights for themselves, family members and their dogs. The corruption probe has also involved other former executives from Preferred Family Healthcare. Its former CEO pleaded guilty last year to helping bribe Arkansas lawmakers. Attorneys for the Gosses said in separate statements that the two were not aware of any criminal activity, and did not knowingly or intentionally violate the law. The ongoing corruption cases prompted the state Senate to overhaul its ethics rules last year, including expanding financial disclosure requirements for state senators. Legislative leaders in February unveiled a package of ethics bills aimed at cleaning up the Capitol's image. The governor on Thursday called the latest indictment "another sad day" for the state. "As a public official, I am concerned with any allegations of wrongdoing by elected officials. As an uncle, I continue to pray for Jeremy and know that he seeks his day in court," he said in a statement. "I am hopeful that everyone will let the criminal justice system work and wait to draw conclusions until such time as all the facts are known." ___ Follow Andrew DeMillo on Twitter at WASHINGTON (AP) - In a story April 11 about President Donald Trump meeting with four World War II veterans, The Associated Press reported an erroneous hometown for Allen Jones, based on inaccurate information provided by the White House. Jones is from Dunbar, Pennsylvania. A corrected version of the story is below: Trump hosts Oval Office celebration for 4 World War II vets President Donald Trump treated 4 World War II veterans to an Oval Office meeting Thursday, fulfilling a birthday wish for 95-year-old Allen Jones and giving three other centenarian veterans a day to remember By KEVIN FREKING Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump treated four World War II veterans to an Oval Office meeting Thursday, fulfilling a birthday wish for 95-year-old Allen Jones and giving three other veterans age 100 and older a day to remember. One of the men, 101-year-old Floyd Wigfield, of Cumberland, Maryland, managed to win a promise from the president for a return flight on Air Force One following this June's ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. "We'll work that out," Trump said. "You'll like Air Force One." Trump had met Jones at a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention last year and Jones, of Dunbar, Pennsylvania, asked to spend his birthday with the president. Trump looked happy to oblige, joking with the men and their families, and asking each one to say a few words. When one of the guests presented Trump with a hat and suggested he tweet about it, the president deadpanned: "I don't tweet that much." Sidney Walton, 100, of San Diego, and a medic in the war, told the president he joined the Army to fight Hitler, prompting Trump to reply: "That was a good reason." Walton is on what his family called the "No Regrets Tour," a personal mission to visit all 50 states and the White House to educate Americans about World War II veterans. Paul Kriner, 103, of Chambersburg, Pa., told the president he participated in 517 days of combat. The president told him he didn't look a day over 90. Kriner and Wigfield are working with the Greatest Generations Foundation, which provides veterans with the chance to memorialize their stories and find closure by returning to visit where they served. Trump described the men as "great heroes, great warriors, highly respected." KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - Ultra-right activists in Ukraine have attempted to derail a European lesbian conference in the capital of Kiev and scuffled with security guards. Several dozen people from extreme-right groups picketed the hotel hosting the conference, which opened Thursday. Some tried to break through security cordons at the hotel entrance and used tear gas on the guards. The assailants held placards with phrases such as "We are against gays" and "Go back to hell, sodomites." One activist, Margarita Korotkikh, said their goal was "to put pressure on the government and explain that heterosexuals are against LGBT propaganda." Ukraine's ultra-right has become increasingly assertive, regularly assaulting LGBT and women's rights events. International rights groups have criticized Ukrainian authorities for failing to track down and punish ultra-right activists for acts of violence and intimidation. Activists from ultra-right groups picket a hotel hosting a European lesbian conference in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Ultra-right activists in Ukraine have attempted to derail a lesbian conference in Kiev, engaging in scuffles with security guards. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) Activists from ultra-right groups picket a hotel hosting a European lesbian conference in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Ultra-right activists in Ukraine have attempted to derail a lesbian conference in Kiev, engaging in scuffles with security guards. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) Activists from ultra-right groups picket a hotel hosting a European lesbian conference in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Ultra-right activists in Ukraine have attempted to derail a lesbian conference in Kiev, engaging in scuffles with security guards. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) Activists from ultra-right groups picket a hotel hosting a European lesbian conference in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, April 11, 2019. Ultra-right activists in Ukraine have attempted to derail a lesbian conference in Kiev, engaging in scuffles with security guards. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) LONDON (AP) - The battle between WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the American government was always going to be epic, involving concepts like free speech, journalists' rights, national interests, even treason. As Assange settles in to his first night in British custody , his allies and enemies alike are gearing up for what promises to be a long, dogged legal slog, not only over his possible extradition to the U.S. but over how U.S. courts should view his actions, which sharply cleave public opinion. Yet in a way, Assange has been fighting this battle for much of the past decade. The struggle has taken him through a "mansion arrest" in the English countryside; a dramatic escape into the Ecuadorian Embassy in London; a multimillion-pound U.K. police siege of the embassy that has strained government coffers; and even a bizarre attempt to turn him into a Moscow-based diplomat. Whatever happens now, one thing is clear: Assange, who was dragged out of the embassy and arrested Thursday by British police after Ecuador withdrew his political asylum, is not going anywhere soon. Extradition to the United States could take years more. Assange's saga kicked off in November 2010, when his publication of 250,000 confidential U.S. diplomatic cables that month left American officialdom apoplectic. Joe Biden, then-U.S. vice president, compared Assange to a "high-tech terrorist." Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice presidential candidate, called for him to be hunted down by U.S. troops like an al-Qaida operative. Tempers at the top eventually cooled - Palin would later apologize to Assange after he began publishing material about U.S. Democrats. As a candidate, President Donald Trump startled many Americans by repeatedly praising WikiLeaks. Julian Assange gestures as he arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, after the WikiLeaks founder was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. Police in London arrested WikiLeaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy Thursday, April 11, 2019 for failing to surrender to the court in 2012, shortly after the South American nation revoked his asylum .(Victoria Jones/PA via AP) But in the U.S. intelligence community, the rage against Assange lingered. On the sidelines of a conference a few years ago, a former senior National Security Agency official told an Associated Press journalist that all he wanted was a couple of minutes alone with Assange in a dark alley, grasping his hands together as if he were crushing a man's windpipe. Assange seemed to sense that the release of the diplomatic cables, which also enraged and embarrassed other countries around the world, were the point of no return. It's often forgotten that Assange once traveled easily to the United States, appearing at the National Press Club in Washington on April 2010 to present "Collateral Murder," the title he chose for the camera footage that captured American helicopter pilots laughing as they fired at a crowd of civilians they mistook for Iraqi insurgents. Shortly after his visit, his source for the video - an American Army intelligence analyst now named Chelsea Manning - would be arrested after an ill-advised online confession. Assange dropped out of sight, likely aware that the government now had spools of conversations between him and Manning, including the one that now forms the centerpiece of the Justice Department's newly unveiled indictment against Assange for conspiracy to hack into a U.S. government computer. For a while, Assange gravitated to the Frontline Club in London, the convivial journalists' hangout where he dropped one media bombshell after another in collaboration with the Guardian newspaper and other media outlets. But staying in Britain, a close ally of the United States, was risky. In a fateful move, Assange decided to scope out Sweden, a country with powerful press protections and where he had already located some of WikiLeaks' servers. The expedition would prove to be a disaster. Two women he stayed with there would soon go to the police with allegations of sexual assault and rape. The prosecution nearly tore WikiLeaks apart and threated the upcoming publication the U.S. diplomatic cables. With Sweden out of the question and "Cablegate" sure to enrage the Americans further, Assange looked to Moscow. A document published by the AP last year showed he considered the idea of getting a Russian visa through his friend and sometimes WikiLeaks collaborator, Israel Shamir. Assange would eventually get the visa, Shamir said later, but it came several weeks too late. Sweden had already applied for an Interpol Red Notice, something akin to an international arrest warrant, making travel all but impossible. That left Assange little choice but to turn himself in on Dec. 7, 2010, to British authorities. Things only got more surreal from there. Assange was granted bail at the country mansion of Frontline's founder, Vaughan Smith, receiving a stream of well-heeled and rebellious visitors in rural Norfolk while his London legal battle against extradition went all the way to Britain's Supreme Court. When that court finally turned him down, Assange dyed his hair, popped in colored contacts and skipped bail, fleeing to the Ecuadorian Embassy. From there, he carried on as before, albeit in a more constricted space. When the AP visited him in 2012, he occupied a back room in the embassy scattered with laptops, some marked "Do not connect to the internet." When discussing an upcoming leak, Assange took a reporter into the corridor between his office and the bathroom, speaking in a whisper in a bid to baffle the high-tech surveillance thought to be deployed against him. The embassy stalemate dragged on for years, costing the British government millions in policing costs. But it didn't stop Assange from publishing new material, notably in 2016, when his disclosure of U.S. Democratic Party documents stolen by Russian hackers hurt Hillary Clinton's presidential election campaign. But if Assange had hoped for leniency from America's new president, he would soon be disappointed. Twitter messages between WikiLeaks and Trump's eldest son, Donald Jr., showed the group lobbying him to get his father to suggest that Australia appoint its native son Assange to be its ambassador to the U.S. Instead, the Trump administration promoted him to public enemy; in a 2017 speech, then-CIA director Mike Pompeo described WikiLeaks as a "hostile non-state intelligence agency." Meanwhile, Assange wasn't getting much more satisfaction from his Latin American host, which was increasingly embarrassed by its houseguest's publications. The government of Ecuador tried all kinds of creative solutions to break the embassy impasse, including an abortive attempt to send Assange to Russia under diplomatic cover. When it became clear that the WikiLeaks founder wasn't leaving - and that he wouldn't curb his publications to suit Ecuador's diplomatic interests - the government looked for a way to wash its hands of him. Tensions had been building for more than a year, but the Thursday morning raid in London was still a surprise. WikiLeaks had issued one of its periodic warnings that Assange was at risk, but at a Wednesday press conference, his longtime lieutenant, Kristinn Hrafnsson, told journalists that Assange's eviction from the embassy had been averted. It's not clear what comes next, but it will almost certainly be complicated. The interactions quoted in the U.S. indictment are nothing new - Assange's instant message exchange with Manning has been in the public domain ever since the latter's court-martial - so Assange's high-powered legal team has had years to prepare their arguments. And Britain has generally tended to favor accused hackers fighting extradition to America. Lauri Love, a friend of Assange's who was accused of penetrating U.S. government networks, was last year spared extradition after Britain's high court ruled in his favor. British hacker Gary McKinnon, accused of breaking into U.S. military and space networks, won his fight against extradition in 2012 after a decade-long struggle. Assange's fight may not take a decade, but he's unlikely to see the inside of a U.S. courtroom anytime soon. ___ Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange here: Police officers apprehend a demonstrator outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Police officers apprehend a demonstrator outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) A protester looks across at police officers outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Ecuadorian Ambassador Jaime Marchan talks to the media in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police, Thursday April 11, 2019. Assange was taken into police custody following the Ecuadorian government's withdrawal of his asylum protection. (Yui Mok/Pool via AP) A protester stands outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Minister of State for Europe and the Americas Alan Duncan, right, and Ecuadorian Ambassador Jaime Marchan talk to the media in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police, Thursday April 11, 2019. Assange was taken into custody following the Ecuadorian government's withdrawal of his asylum protection. (Yui Mok/Pool via AP) Police officers stand guard outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Minister of State for Europe and the Americas Alan Duncan, right, and Ecuadorian Ambassador Jaime Marchan shake hands for the media in London, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police, Thursday April 11, 2019. Assange was taken into police custody following the Ecuadorian government's withdrawal of his asylum protection. (Yui Mok/Pool via AP) Joe Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy, answers questions during an interview with the Associated Press in Rome, Thursday, April 11, 2019. An independent U.N. human rights expert, Joe Cannataci, says he won't relent in his efforts to determine whether the privacy rights of Julian Assange were violated despite the Wikileaks founder's arrest in London. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia) Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor of WikiLeaks, center right, and barrister Jennifer Robinson speak to the media outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor of WikiLeaks, right, and barrister Jennifer Robinson speak to the media outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor of WikiLeaks, center right, and barrister Jennifer Robinson speak to the media outside Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Police officers stand in front of the vehicle entrance to Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) A demonstrator tries to stop a vehicle as it leaves Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) A demonstrator is carried away by police officers after trying to stop a vehicle as it leaves Westminster magistrates court where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was appearing in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was forcibly bundled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and into a waiting British police van on Thursday, setting up a potential court battle over attempts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) Julian Assange leaves Westminster Magistrates' Court, where he was found guilty of breaching his bail, in London, Thursday, April 11, 2019. A bearded and shouting Julian Assange was pulled from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and hauled into court Thursday, the start of an extradition battle for the WikiLeaks founder who faces U.S. charges related to the publication of tens of thousands of secret government documents. (PA via AP) MOUNT BALDY VILLAGE, Calif. (AP) - A pair of hikers lost in the rugged, icy mountains of Southern California rationed food and sipped water through a filtered straw to survive for five days until searchers using dogs and helicopters tracked them to a canyon campfire and carried them to safety. Eric Desplinter and Gabrielle Wallace, who vanished during a day hike Saturday in the San Gabriel Mountains northeast of Los Angeles, were rescued Wednesday night by Santa Barbara County sheriff's helicopters that hoisted them from a canyon near Mount Baldy and flew them to safety. "Best possible outcome we've been hoping for," sheriff's Sgt. Jeff Allison tweeted, adding thanks to volunteers and rescuers from several surrounding police agencies who helped in the search. Desplinter, 33 and Wallace, 31, were flown to the Mount Baldy Village fire station, where they were reunited with relieved family and friends. "We're both perfectly fine, no serious injuries," the bearded Desplinter, wearing a knit cap and dark hoodie, told KABC-TV. "Thank you to all the volunteers that were helping look for us. We're very grateful to be found tonight." "I'm ready to get to bed and get some rest," he added with a smile. FILE - This combination of undated photos provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department shows Eric Desplinter, left, of Chino Hills, Calif., and Gabrielle Wallace of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. The two hikers who went missing Saturday, April 6, 2019, in the San Gabriel Mountains have been found safe. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department says the two were located "safely" on Wednesday, April 10, but other details weren't immediately released. (San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department via AP, File) He and Wallace lost the trail they were hiking up rugged Cucamonga Peak, which rises to 8,860 feet (2,701 meters). At one point they slipped, he said, and decided to avoid more mountain ice by descending toward a valley. But that route, he added, turned out to be more treacherous than they realized. Searchers on the ground picked up their footprints Wednesday and alerted a sheriff's helicopter that spotted them huddled by a campfire. Desplinter said they survived by rationing their food, sipping water through a filtered straw and trying to keep warm. The Sheriff's Department earlier described them as experienced hikers familiar with the area. When they didn't return to a pre-arranged gathering point Saturday night, fellow hikers who had become separated from them immediately notified authorities. Search and rescue teams fanned out across 30 square miles (48 kilometers) of rugged wilderness. The San Gabriel Mountain range, an easy day drive from Los Angeles, provides a picturesque backdrop to the city on clear days. But with thick brush, rocky outcroppings and steep mountain paths still covered in ice at this time of year it can be deceptively dangerous. At nearby Mount Baldy, the area's highest peak, a number of hikers have fallen to their deaths in icy conditions in recent years. At Mount Wilson, another nearby peak, a trail-runner fell to his death after slipping on a patch of ice in February. DALLAS (AP) - Boeing's CEO says crews have made 96 flights to test a software update for its troubled 737 Max jet and will make more in coming weeks as the company attempts to convince regulators to let the plane fly again. Dennis Muilenburg also said Thursday that the company has met with pilots and airline officials in the U.S. and abroad, holding flight-simulator sessions to demonstrate the software changes. The Federal Aviation Administration, which will consider whether the plane can resume flying in the U.S., plans to meet Friday with safety officials and pilots from American, Southwest and United, the three U.S. carriers that were using the Max jet. An FAA spokesman said the agency wants to hear from the airlines and pilots before deciding what Boeing must do before the plane is allowed to fly. Regulators around the world grounded the Max last month after deadly crashes involving the plane in Indonesia and Ethiopia. In both cases, faulty information from a sensor caused anti-stall automation to kick in when it wasn't needed and push the plane's nose down. Pilots struggled to counter the plane's actions but were unable to avoid crashing. Dennis Muilenburg, chief executive officer of Boeing, speaks at the Forum on Leadership at the George, W. Bush Presidential Center on Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Dallas. (Smiley N. Pool/The Dallas Morning News via AP) Regulators in Europe and China are conducting their own reviews of the plane, and company insiders and analysts expect foreign regulators to take longer than the FAA to approve the Max's return to service. Boeing representatives have visited the United Kingdom, Singapore and China to discuss its work on the Max with pilots and airline officials, including demonstrating the software update in flight simulators, Muilenburg. The Boeing CEO spoke during a leadership forum at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, as the former president sat in the front row. Muilenburg did not take any questions, and left immediately after his remarks. Separately, Sen. Edward Markey and other Senate Democrats introduced a bill that would require aircraft makers to provide airlines with all safety equipment now considered optional and to do it at no extra charge. The planes that crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia did not have two optional displays that might have alerted the pilots to the malfunctioning sensors suspected of playing a role in the crashes. Markey said if they had been installed, the crashes might have been avoided. The Air Line Pilots Association endorsed the legislation. A Boeing spokesman said the company's planes are equipped with "all critical features" necessary for safety. Boeing has said it will provide the two displays free of charge in the future. ___ Bernard Condon in New York contributed to this report. DALLAS (AP) - The Latest on the Boeing's troubled 737 Max jet (all times local): 2:40 p.m. Boeing has made 96 flights to test a software update for its troubled 737 Max jet, the company's CEO says. Dennis Muilenburg said Thursday that more test flights are planned in the coming weeks as Boeing attempts to convince regulators that the plane is safe. The Max was grounded by regulators around the world last month after a second deadly crash involving the plane, in Ethiopia. In that crash and an October crash in Indonesia, faulty information from a sensor caused anti-stall automation to kick in and push the plane's nose lower. Pilots were unable to save the planes. Muilenburg also says Boeing representatives have held meetings in the U.S., the United Kingdom, Singapore and China with pilots and officials from most of the airlines that own Max jets. ____ 2:30 p.m. A senator is introducing a bill in Congress requiring plane makers to provide airlines with all safety equipment now considered optional and to do so without an additional charge. Democratic Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts says safety equipment that had not been installed on two Boeing 737 Max jets might have saved them from fatal crashes. He says the equipment might have alerted crews to false readings from sensors implicated in the crashes that killed all 346 aboard. Markey says plane makers shouldn't treat safety features as luxuries that can generate additional fees like premium seats and extra bathrooms. Boeing says its planes are equipped with "all critical features" necessary for safety. It has said it will provide two features missing in the two crashed planes free of charge. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Tens of thousands of employees at Stop & Shop supermarkets in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut went on strike Thursday over stalled contract negotiations. United Food & Commercial Workers union members from several locals walked off the job, with some picketing outside the stores. "The men and women who make Stop & Shop a success have earned and deserve affordable health care, a good wage, and the ability to retire with dignity," the leaders of five locals said in an emailed statement. "They have earned and deserve a good job that allows them to do what they do best: provide the very best customer service for New England communities." More than 31,000 employees authorized union leaders to call for a strike. Quincy, Massachusetts-based Stop & Shop, a division of Dutch supermarket giant Ahold Delhaize, has 415 stores across the Northeast but the strike affects 240 stores in the three states. Stop & Shop said it has "contingency plans in place to minimize disruption." According to broadcast reports, managers were keeping stores open and allowing customers to use self-checkout lanes. Union workers picket outside a Stop & Shop supermarket, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Norwell, Mass., after workers walked off the job in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut over stalled contract negotiations. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) Stop & Shop said in a statement posted on its website that it was disappointed with the strike given that negotiations are ongoing with the assistance of federal mediators. "Additionally, this morning the company made several suggestions to the federal mediators to encourage further bargaining," the statement said. "The mediators gave those proposals to the locals late in the morning. The locals provided no counter proposals to the mediators and simply stated they were proceeding with their plans." The company added that management's "reasonable" offer includes across-the-board raises and health and pension benefits it says are better than most other food retailers. The unions say the company is demanding "unreasonable" wage and benefit cuts. "Instead of a contract that recognizes the value and hard work that our members provide every day, Stop & Shop has only proposed drastic and unreasonable cuts to health care benefits and take home pay, while replacing real customer service with more serve-yourself checkout machines," the union statement said. The unions said that Ahold Delhaize had more than $2 billion in profits last year and got a U.S. tax cut of $225 million in 2017. A union worker pickets outside a Stop & Shop supermarket, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Norwell, Mass., after workers walked off the job in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut over stalled contract negotiations. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - A white former Louisiana police officer who fatally shot a black man has once again had a hearing over his firing postponed. The Advocate reports former Baton Rouge police officer Blane Salamoni's request to delay the hearing was approved Thursday. Instead of setting a date, the civil service board decided to continue discussions next week. The hearing has been rescheduled several times at attorneys' requests. Salamoni shot Alton Sterling six times during a struggle in 2016. He was fired but has appealed. The East Baton Rouge Parish Metro Council agreed Wednesday to increase public funds to $37,500 to cover Salamoni's legal costs in a lawsuit filed for Sterling's children. Sterling's children's attorney, Mike Adams, says he hopes lawyers can use the extra time to reach a settlement and avoid a trial. ___ Information from: The Advocate, YEHUD, Israel (AP) - The Latest on Israel's attempt to land spacecraft on the moon (all times local): 11 p.m. One of the commanders of the failed Israeli space mission to the moon says the spacecraft has crashed. Doron Opher, general manager of the space division of Israel Aerospace Industries, says the SpaceIL craft "definitely crashed on the surface of the moon." The spacecraft lost communication with Earth just moments before it was to touch down, dashing hopes of making history as the first privately funded lunar mission. ___ 10:35 p.m. An Israeli spacecraft has failed in its attempt to make history as the first privately funded lunar mission. The SpaceIL spacecraft lost contact with Earth late Thursday, just moments before it was to land on the moon, and scientists declared the mission a failure. The small robotic spacecraft, built by the non-profit SpaceIL and state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries, had hoped to match a feat that has only been achieved by the national space agencies of three countries: U.S., Russia and China. "If at first you don't succeed, try try again," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was on hand for what organizers had hoped to be a celebration. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Trump administration says families of Mexican teenagers who were shot to death by American border agents should not be allowed to sue for damages in U.S. courts. The administration is telling the Supreme Court in a brief filed Thursday that the justices should take up and resolve the issue in favor of two agents who fired shots across the U.S-Mexican border that killed the teenagers. In both cases, U.S. Border Patrol agents say they fired their guns because they were being attacked by people throwing rocks on the Mexican side of the border. One incident occurred on the border between El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez. In the other, an agent in Nogales, Arizona, shot a 16-year-old in Mexico 10 times. The federal appeals court in San Francisco has allowed a lawsuit to proceed in the Arizona case against agent Lonnie Swartz. An appellate panel in New Orleans said agent Jesus Mesa Jr. could not be sued by the family of the teenager he killed. FILE - In this Dec. 4, 2017, file photo, a portrait of 16-year-old Mexican youth Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez, who was shot and killed in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, is displayed on the Nogales street where he was killed that runs parallel with the U.S. border. The Trump administration says families of Mexican teenagers who were shot to death by American border agents should not be allowed to sue for damages in U.S. courts. The administration is telling the Supreme Court in a brief filed April 11, 2019, that the justices should take up and resolve the issue in favor of two agents who fired shots across the U.S-Mexican border that killed the teenagers. (AP Photo/Anita Snow, File) In both cases, the losing side appealed to the high court. The Justice Department said the differing appellate outcomes presents a clear split that the nation's highest court should settle. The administration said the San Francisco court had "erroneously" extended the right to sue in American courts over the death of a citizen of another country on foreign soil. The Justice Department made its filing at the court's request. The justices often will ask for the government's views on pending legal issues. If the justices agree to hear the case, arguments would take place next term, with a decision likely by June 2020. In December, federal prosecutors decided not to try Swartz a third time for killing Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez in 2012. Swartz was acquitted of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter charges in the first two trials, but jurors deadlocked over a lesser charge. The Justice Department declined to pursue criminal charges against Mesa and also rejected a request to extradite the agent for trial in Mexico in the killing of Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca in 2010. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Uber is providing a look under the hood of its business in the lead-up to its hotly anticipated debut on the stock market, revealing strong growth but an ongoing struggle to overcome huge losses and repair its reputation. Documents released Thursday offered the most detailed view of the world's largest ride-hailing service since its inception a decade ago. The massive filing shows Uber has been generating the robust revenue growth that entices investors, but also racked up nearly $8 billion in losses over its 10 years in existence, which mirrors the same trend challenging Lyft, Uber's main rival in the U.S. Uber's revenue totaled $11.3 billion in 2018, a 42% increase from $7.9 billion in 2017, and a giant leap from $495 million in 2014. The company posted a profit of $997 million last year, but that doesn't mean its ride-hailing service suddenly started to make money - far from it. The positive result stemmed from a windfall that Uber generated from the sale of its operations in Russia and Southeast Asia. The company said it sustained an operating loss of $3 billion. The San Francisco company also disclosed a legal cloud hanging over its head as government authorities and regulators investigate whether the company broke any laws. FILE - In this March 15, 2017, file photo, a traveler tries to book a ride with Uber at LaGuardia Airport in New York. Uber is providing a look under the hood of its business in the lead-up to its hotly anticipated debut on the stock market. Documents released Thursday, April 11, 2019, offered the most detailed view of the world's largest ride-hailing service since its inception a decade ago. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File) Among other things, Uber revealed the U.S. Justice Department is conducting a criminal investigation into a yearlong cover-up of a massive computer break-in during 2016 that heisted personal information belonging to millions of passengers and drivers. The probes are among the many risks that investors must weigh as they mull whether to jump into one of the biggest IPOs in years. Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi acknowledged the self-inflicted wounds that damaged the ride-hailing service's reputation while trying to make the case that the company has rehabilitated itself since he took over 18 months ago. He struck his note of contrition and optimism in a letter included in the federal documents. "Some of the attributes that made Uber a wildly successful startup - a fierce sense of entrepreneurialism, our willingness to take risks that others might not, and that famous Uber hustle - led to missteps along the way," Khosrowshahi wrote, closing his letter by assuring he will run Uber with integrity. Reaching profitability has proven to be a challenge for both Uber and Lyft. Paying drivers is a huge expense, and Uber's fierce competition with Lyft for customers has led both companies to offer rides below cost. Drivers for both companies complain about declining earnings, and they can easily switch between platforms, making it difficult for either company to further reduce driver costs and keep fares cheap for passengers. Uber said it plans to give bonuses to qualified drivers and is setting aside an undisclosed portion of its stock for drivers to buy. Its unprofitable history may force Uber to eventually raise its ride-hailing prices unless it can reduce its costs by shifting to driverless cars or expand into other markets and lines of business. But Uber's operating losses declined from $4 billion in 2017 to $3 billion in 2018, indicating it could be heading in the right direction. "They're showing that they're capable of controlling their costs, which has been a concern of ride sharing companies in general," said SharesPost analyst Alejandro Ortiz. "That's a sign that will be looked on favorably in the next few weeks." Lyft beat Uber to the stock market last month with an IPO that raised $2.3 billion, but its shares have been backsliding after an early run-up. Lyft's stock currently is hovering around $61, down from its IPO price of $72. The rocky start may have prompted Uber to tamp down its IPO ambitions. The company is expected to try to raise roughly $10 billion and seeks a market value of $90 billion to $100 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal. That's below earlier estimates of $120 billion. The investment bankers handling Uber's IPO are expected to reveal a pricing range for Uber's shares later this month. That will come before executives head out on a so-called road show designed to drum up interest in the IPO among institutional investors who will be given the first opportunity to buy the stock before it begins trading on the New York Stock Exchange next month. In the end, Uber is widely expected to be the biggest technology IPO since Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group went public in 2014. And it's likely to be the largest among U.S. tech companies since Facebook took its bow on Wall Street seven years ago at a time when most people hadn't ever considered using an app on their smartphone to summon a ride from strangers driving their own cars. Uber launched in 2009 as UberCab, a black car service where customers could hail professional drivers with a few taps on a smartphone. It shortened its name to Uber in 2010, distancing itself from the taxicab industry, which has criticized the company for operating under less regulation than the traditional taxi industry. The company operates in 65 countries and has completed 10 billion trips worldwide. Uber is also expanding in other markets such as freight while offering other ways to get around with shared scooters and bikes. Its fast-growing food delivery business, which spans 500 cities globally, doubled its revenue to $757 million in 2018 from $367 million in 2017. But Uber faces challenges that Lyft doesn't because of a series of damaging revelations that sullied its reputation among consumers. The setbacks have included rampant internal sexual harassment and allegations it stole self-driving car technology. The blowback from the problems helped Lyft pick up ground in the U.S. - something Uber acknowledged in its filing - and led to the ouster of Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick as CEO in 2017. Now it will be up to Kalanick's successor, Khosrowshahi, to persuade investors that Uber has cleaned up its act and merits a market value higher than Ford Motor and General Motors combined. Kalanick is one of Uber's largest shareholders, owning nearly 9% of the company's stock. Uber has been investing substantially in self-driving vehicles, which could be critical to reducing driver costs and achieving profitability. It launched its first self-driving test vehicle in 2016 and its self-driving car division has more than 1,000 employees, and it has built more than 250 self-driving cars so far. But it suspended testing when one of its self-driving vehicles struck and killed a pedestrian in Arizona last year. The company resumed testing self-driving vehicles in Pittsburgh in December. In its federal filing, Uber warned of the fierce competition it faces on that front from rivals such as Tesla and Google's Waymo, who it said could introduce autonomous vehicles earlier than Uber. The company also warned that potential future regulations or increases in insurance costs could impact the autonomous vehicle business. Alphabet, the parent company of Google, owns 5% of Uber, even as it competes with Uber on self-driving technology. Alphabet also owns roughly 5% of Lyft's stock. __ Bussewitz reported from New York. Marcy Gordon contributed from Washington, D.C. FILE- In this June 21, 2017, file photo a man walks into the building that houses the headquarters of Uber in San Francisco. Documents released Thursday, April 11, 2019, offered the most detailed view of the world's largest ride-hailing service since its inception a decade ago. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File) MADISON, Wis. (AP) - The Wisconsin National Guard received 52 reports of sexual assault between 2013 and 2017, with more than half related to military service, Guard officials said during a roundtable with reporters Thursday. The U.S. Air Force is investigating allegations of sexual assault and harassment within a Wisconsin Air National Guard security unit dating back to 2002. The investigation came at the request of U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin after a master sergeant in the unit, Jay Ellis, told her office that he had learned of six incidents between 2002 and 2016 and high-ranking officers had done little to address them. That probe spurred a request from Gov. Tony Evers and Baldwin last month to the National Guard Bureau in Washington D.C. to review the Wisconsin Guard's sexual assault and harassment reporting procedures, investigative process and accountability measures. The Guard's sexual assault response coordinator, Robert Brania, said Thursday that 20 of the 52 assault reports were "restricted," meaning the person who reported the assault requested confidentiality and the identity of all involved remains secret. The Guard's leader, Maj. General Donald Dunbar, is notified when such a report is made but isn't told the details. The Guard helps connect the victim with counseling services but no investigation is launched and the allegations aren't referred to law enforcement. Confidentiality was not requested in the remaining 32 reports. In those cases, Dunbar was notified and the incidents were referred to civilian law enforcement as well as Guard investigators. Twenty of those 32 reported assaults were connected with the victim or perpetrator's military service in some way, Brania said. Guard investigators substantiated 10 of those reports, meaning they felt there was enough evidence to continue down the path toward internal punishment. Nearly 10,000 people serve in the Wisconsin National Guard. The Guard has launched two court-martials for sexual assault since 2013, Brania said. One of those court-martials has concluded and the other is pending. Guard spokesman Capt. Joe Trovato said in an email after the roundtable that the completed court martial resulted in 30 days confinement, a discharge for bad conduct and a demotion from sergeant first class to private. He didn't immediately respond to a request late Thursday afternoon for the names of the soldiers involved in the court-martials and details of their cases. The remaining eight cases have been referred for "administrative action" that could include demotions, reprimands and discharges, he said. Brania didn't have data from years preceding 2013. Guard spokeswoman Jackie Halverson said the current database was constructed in 2012 after Congress ordered the U.S. Department of Defense to standardize sexual assault reporting across all branches of military service. Halverson declined to comment on the status of the Air Force investigation. She said no one from the National Guard Bureau has contacted the Wisconsin Guard about the review that Evers and Baldwin requested last month. A bureau spokeswoman had no immediate comment when asked if the review had started. The roundtable participants included Trovato, Halverson, Brania, Guard victim advocate Amber Garfoot and Guard attorney David Dziobkowski. In addition to explaining the reporting process, they noted that victims can seek expedited transfers away from perpetrators within the same unit, commanders stress to their soldiers and airmen to comport themselves professionally, sometimes limiting their drinks at dinner or prohibiting any alcohol while traveling for training and how Guard leaders have trained a service dog to comfort victims. "We want our numbers to be zero," Halverson said. "We want our assaults to be zero." They declined to discuss the details of any specific case. Sexual assaults have plagued the military for years. In 2017 alone, the four branches received 5,864 reports from military members who said they had been sexually assaulted during their service, up 10 percent from 2016, according to Department of Defense figures. ___ This story has been corrected to show that the last name of the Guard's sexual assault response coordinator is Brania instead of Barina. ___ Follow Todd Richmond on Twitter at SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Latest on Uber revealing its finances ahead of its initial public offering (all times local): 2:45 p.m. Uber is forging ahead with its initial public offering of stock while the government authorities and regulators investigate whether the company broke any laws while building the world's largest ride-hailing service. The San Francisco company disclosed the legal cloud hanging over it Thursday as part of documents setting the stage for its stock market debut. Among other things, Uber revealed the U.S. Justice Department is conducting a criminal investigation into a yearlong cover-up of a massive computer break-in during 2016 that heisted personal information belonging to millions of passengers and drivers. Other inquiries are looking into Uber's use of duplicitous software to dupe government regulators. FILE - In this March 15, 2017, file photo, a traveler tries to book a ride with Uber at LaGuardia Airport in New York. Uber is providing a look under the hood of its business in the lead-up to its hotly anticipated debut on the stock market. Documents released Thursday, April 11, 2019, offered the most detailed view of the world's largest ride-hailing service since its inception a decade ago. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File) The probes are among the many risks that investors must weigh as they mull whether to jump into one of the biggest IPOs in years. ___ 2:30 p.m. Travis Kalanick, the former CEO who resigned in 2017 under pressure from the board, is one of Uber's largest shareholders, owning nearly 9% of the ride-hailing company's stock. Alphabet, the parent company of Google, owns 5% of the company, even as it competes with Uber on self-driving technology. Alphabet also owns roughly 5% of Uber rival Lyft's stock. Cayman, a subsidiary of Softbank, is Uber's largest shareholder with 16%. Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the managing director of Saudi Arabia's public investment fund, is listed as holding 5.4%. ___ 1:50 p.m. Uber is providing a look under the hood of its business in the lead-up to its hotly anticipated debut on the stock market. Documents released Thursday offered the most detailed view of the world's largest ride-hailing service since its inception a decade ago. The unveiling comes four months after Uber took its first step toward its initial public offering with a confidential filing. The breakdown shows Uber has been generating the robust revenue growth that entices investors, but also racked up nearly $8 billion in losses since its inception. Uber's revenue totaled $11.3 billion in 2018, a 42% increase from $7.9 billion in 2017. FILE- In this June 21, 2017, file photo a man walks into the building that houses the headquarters of Uber in San Francisco. Documents released Thursday, April 11, 2019, offered the most detailed view of the world's largest ride-hailing service since its inception a decade ago. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File) NEW YORK (AP) - Clothing retailer J. Crew Group Inc. says it's considering a potential initial public offering for its successful Madewell brand. The announcement Thursday comes after the struggling company completed a review of the options for its business. It says a Madewell IPO, if pursued, could be completed as early as the second half of this year. Separately, it named Michael Nicholson, president and chief operating officer, interim CEO of J. Crew Group Inc. Retail veteran Mickey Drexler led J. Crew for more than a decade, helping it become a coveted fashion brand before it hit a multi-year sales slump. He severed his last ties with the company in January. The news comes as some fashion companies are trying to capitalize on a burgeoning IPO market. Denim giant Levi Strauss & Co. returned to the public market in March as it stages a comeback even as it faces increasing competition and a changing retail landscape. Some fashion companies are also looking to split up their businesses. Gap Inc. said in late February that it plans to split into two independent publicly traded companies - low-priced juggernaut Old Navy and a yet-to-be named company, which will consist of the iconic Gap brand, Banana Republic and the lesser known Athleta, Intermix and Hill City. Last year, VF Corp. said it will be splitting its denim business anchored by Lee and Wrangler jeans into an independently traded company. J. Crew recently began to add a wider variety of styles as a way to turn around its business. Meanwhile, Madewell has done well with its classic, quality clothing. In its latest fiscal year ended Feb. 2, J. Crew sales fell 4% while Madewell's sales soared 26%. HONOLULU (AP) - A company owned by British billionaire Richard Branson is picking Guam as a site for its airplane-launched satellite service. Virgin Orbit plans to launch small satellites from a rocket released by a customized Boeing 747. It has another site in California. The company said Thursday the U.S. Air Force will allow it to take off from the U.S. territory's Anderson Air Force Base. Guam's international airport is seeking a Federal Aviation Administration license to host launches. Payloads will weigh up to 450 kilograms (1,000 pounds) and orbit the equator at an altitude of about 500 kilometers (310 miles). The satellites will be for communications, research and other uses. The U.S. military is expected to be a customer. Late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen started a company that will perform similar launches. DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - The Latest on an explosion that leveled a North Carolina building (all times local): 5 p.m. A fiber-optic communications company says a contractor was doing installation work in the area where a gas leak explosion leveled a Durham building. Durham police have said that a contractor boring along a sidewalk hit a gas line and caused a leak that preceded the explosion. City officials say the cause is under investigation. One person died and 25 were injured. On Thursday, Deputy City Manager Bo Ferguson said that the permit to do the work was held by a subsidiary of Crown Castle. Crown Castle issued a statement saying that its Fibertech Networks subsidiary had hired a contractor that was installing fiber in the area prior to Wednesday's explosion. It declined to answer further questions about the contractor or how close the work was to the blast. Firefighters and emergency personnel work the scene of a building fire in downtown Durham, N.C., Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Authorities say emergency officials responded to an explosion and fire possibly caused by a gas leak. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) It said it was grieving the loss of life. 10:35 a.m. The toll of people injured in a North Carolina gas explosion that leveled a building has risen to 25, including nine firefighters. Durham Deputy Fire Chief Chris Iannuzzi said eight more firefighters were treated at a hospital, in addition to the one who underwent surgery. All are expected to be released Thursday. Fire officials also released more details about the coffee shop where owner Kong Lee died. Authorities say the explosion happened after a contractor boring along a sidewalk hit a gas line. Chief Bob Zoldos said firefighters told people in the shop to evacuate and got about 10 customers out. He said that firefighters had asked Lee to leave and saw him in the shop's doorway shortly before the explosion. Authorities said there's no indication anyone else was trapped. Firefighters and emergency personnel work the scene of a building fire in downtown Durham, N.C., Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Authorities say emergency officials responded to an explosion and fire possibly caused by a gas leak. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Emergency personnel search the scene of a building fire in downtown Durham, N.C., Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Firefighters responding to a gas leak were evacuating people from the building when it exploded, killing one and injuring more than a dozen others, officials said. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) Firefighters and emergency personnel work the scene of an explosion and building fire in downtown Durham, N.C., Wednesday, April 10, 2019. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome) WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump on Thursday nominated a naval aviator with extensive experience in budgeting and personnel reform to become the next officer to lead the U.S. Navy. Navy Adm. Bill Moran, who piloted P-3 Orion surveillance aircraft during the Cold War, is currently the Navy's vice chief. If confirmed by the Senate, he would become the 32nd chief of naval operations and take over from Adm. John Richardson, who is retiring. Trump also nominated Vice Adm. Robert Burke, a submariner with experience on both attack and nuclear-armed vessels, to be the next vice chief of the Navy. He is currently the deputy for personnel and training. Moran takes over a Navy that is struggling to overcome command, crew and training shortfalls that led to two deadly ship collisions in 2017, killing 17 sailors. A number of officers and sailors were fired, disciplined or faced courts-martial in the wake of the collisions, and the Navy launched a series of reforms to address the problems. He also will direct the fleet's transition to a global fight against peer competitors, such as Russia and China, including the ongoing development of the new naval Atlantic Command. The command is designed to ensure the security of the sea lanes and lines of communication between Europe and North America as part of an effort to counter Russia's increased military patrols in the Atlantic region. Moran has risen steadily through the ranks and has a reputation as a strong leader who has held a number of top administrative posts in the Navy. FILE - In this Dec. 21, 2016, file photo, Air Force Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, speaks to Navy Adm. Bill Moran, center, while arriving with other generals and admirals for a meeting with then-President-elect Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. President Donald Trump is nominating Moran, a naval aviator with extensive experience in budgeting and personnel reform, to become the next officer to lead the Navy. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File) A 1981 graduate of the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., he flew patrol and reconnaissance missions throughout the 1980s and 1990s, serving in Atlantic and Pacific squadrons. He served as head of air warfare, working to modernize Navy aircraft and weapons systems and was chief of naval personnel from 2013 to 2016, and then moved to the vice chief job. "He has been central to the Navy adopting a fighting stance in this great power competition," Richardson said in a statement. "As I turn over and go ashore, I will rest easy knowing that, pending confirmation, Adm. Moran has the watch." Moran, who is from New York, issued a statement Thursday saying that he was "honored and deeply humbled by the nomination and look forward to working with Congress during the confirmation process." Burke, who grew up in Michigan, graduated from Western Michigan University and the University of Central Florida. He served on attack and ballistic missile submarines, was an instructor at the Naval Nuclear Power School, and commanded Submarine Group 8 in Naples, Italy. He served at deputy commander of the Navy's 6th Fleet in Europe and became chief of naval personnel in 2016. HILLSBOROUGH, Calif. (AP) - The owner of a San Francisco Bay Area home adorned with fanciful Flintstones characters says meddlesome bureaucrats are the only ones concerned with her Barney and Betty Rubble sculptures and other people derive joy from them. Florence Fang spoke to the media for the first time Thursday as she filed her response to the city that is seeking to force her to remove the unpermitted installations. City of Hillsborough officials have sued, calling the display a public nuisance and eyesore. Hillsborough attorney Mark Hudak says residents are required to get a permit before installing such sculptures, regardless of the theme. At the end of her news conference, Fang linked arms with her attorney and the home's original architect, exclaiming, "Yabba dabba do!" Florence Fang talks with reporters after a news conference outside her Flintstone House Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Hillsborough , Calif. The San Francisco Bay Area suburb of Hillsborough is suing the owner of the house, saying that she installed dangerous steps, dinosaurs and other Flintstone-based figurines without necessary permits. The owner and her attorney say they will fight for the rights of property owners and Fred and Barney fans everywhere. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) Florence Fang, center, sits with architect William Nicholson, left, and her attorney, Angela Alioto, right, during a news conference outside the Flintstone House Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Hillsborough , Calif. The San Francisco Bay Area suburb of Hillsborough is suing the owner of the house, saying that she installed dangerous steps, dinosaurs and other Flintstone-based figurines without necessary permits. The owner and her attorney say they will fight for the rights of property owners and Fred and Barney fans everywhere. Nicholson is the original architect of the house. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) Florence Fang, center, yells out "Yabba Dabba Doo!" while raising arms with architect William Nicholson, left, and her attorney, Angela Alioto, right, at the end of a news conference outside her Flintstone House Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Hillsborough , Calif. The San Francisco Bay Area suburb of Hillsborough is suing the owner of the house, saying that she installed dangerous steps, dinosaurs and other Flintstone-based figurines without necessary permits. The owner and her attorney say they will fight for the rights of property owners and Fred and Barney fans everywhere. Nicholson was the original architect of the home. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) Florence Fang sits in a sunken room she calls the "Happy Place," at her Flintstone House Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Hillsborough , Calif. The San Francisco Bay Area suburb of Hillsborough is suing the owner of the house, saying that she installed dangerous steps, dinosaurs and other Flintstone-based figurines without necessary permits. The owner and her attorney say they will fight for the rights of property owners and Fred and Barney fans everywhere. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) A statue of Fred Flintstone stands near the front entryway of the Flintstone House Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Hillsborough, Calif. The San Francisco Bay Area suburb of Hillsborough is suing the owner of the house, saying that she installed dangerous steps, dinosaurs and other Flintstone-based figurines without necessary permits. The owner and her attorney say they will fight for the rights of property owners and Fred and Barney fans everywhere. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico's state and federal prison systems are understaffed and dirty, but are no longer so dangerous and overcrowded, according to a report released Thursday. The governmental National Human Rights Commission says that 84 percent of the 165 state prisons inspected have insufficient staff, 76 percent don't adequately separate convicted inmates from people awaiting trial, and 72 percent had problems with hygiene. But prison riots and fights fell to 892 in 2018, down from 1,043 in 2017. And killings inside prisons fell from 104 in 2017 to 31 in 2018. Overcrowding was reported at 34 percent of state prisons and none of the 21 federal prisons. That marked progress for prisons that had once often been seriously overcrowded. However, Mexico's Congress recently approved reforms that would require more people to spend time in prison on pre-trial detention, a practice that had been reserved only for the most serious crimes. The head of the rights commission, Luis Gonzalez Perez, predicted that would swell the prison population, and that the construction of new prisons hadn't kept up with the predicted increase. FILE - In this April 1, 2018 file photo, state police patrol outside La Toma prison in Amatlan de los Reyes, Veracruz state, Mexico, after authorities said that six police officers died from smoke inhalation when prisoners started a fire while resisting an effort to transfer dangerous inmates out of the prison. According to a report released Thursday, April 11, 2019 by Mexico's governmental National Human Rights Commission, Mexico's state and federal prison systems are understaffed and dirty, but are no longer so dangerous and overcrowded. (AP Photo/Felix Marquez, File) "The risk is that the prison population is going to grow strongly, that's the risk and we haven't solved it," said Gonzalez Perez. "That is why, when measures are taken, they have to be integrally planned." Inmates control at least some activities at 45 percent of state prisons and extort other inmates at 40 percent. The commission criticized this year's decision to close the Islas Marias penal colony, noting the island facility was the highest-rated among all federal prisons. The last 652 inmates were transferred off the island, located 70 miles (110 kilometers) off the Pacific coast of Nayarit state, in February. The penal colony, the last of its type in the hemisphere, will be turned into an environmental education center. The island's low-risk population, lack of walls in most places and greater liberty for inmates made it a good place for inmates to get ready for release. But the costs associated with maintaining the remote island prison were much higher than other mainland prisons. Gonzalez Perez suggested it should have been kept open. "I think the best alternative should have been sought, balancing the environment and the principle of rehabilitation, and I don't think that principle was served," Gonzalez Perez said. CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - Police say a man found hiding in the bathroom of a business has been charged with drunken driving in a West Virginia crash involving a school bus. Police tell news outlets 27-year-old Franklin Carroll Jr. was arrested Thursday after running from the four-vehicle crash in Charleston. Lt. Autumn Davis says Carroll was driving a truck that struck a car, causing a chain-reaction collision with two other stopped cars and the bus. Davis says Carroll was arrested in the restroom of a nearby business. She says a car driver and a passenger in Carroll's truck were taken to a hospital. The extent of their injuries wasn't known. No one was hurt on the bus, which carried one student. It wasn't known whether Carroll has a lawyer. Davis didn't immediately respond to an email. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A Honduran transgender migrant who was granted asylum last fall has been unlawfully held - at times in solitary confinement - at an immigration detention center while her case is appealed, attorneys for the woman said Thursday. The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico and the National Immigrant Justice Center charged in a federal court filing that Nicole Garcia Aguilar, 24, is being held at the Cibola County Correctional Center in Milan, New Mexico, despite her asylum application being granted in October by a federal immigration judge. Government lawyers appealed the initial asylum ruling over arguments about the credibility of Garcia Aguilar's claims that she had been persecuted, raped and threatened because of her gender identity and that she would continue to suffer if returned to Honduras. The filing by the advocacy groups also states that Garcia Aguilar remains in custody despite a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy that people who have been granted asylum generally merit release pending appeal. Garcia Aguilar filed her most recent request for release March 15. Immigration authorities denied that request the following week, prompting the legal challenge by the advocacy groups. "Not only is ICE detaining our client illegally, they are doing so in conditions that are harmful and dangerous," said Tania Linares Garcia, a staff attorney with the National Immigrant Justice Center. Immigration authorities did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The attorneys are asking the court to either grant Garcia Aguilar's immediate release or schedule a bond hearing, where federal prosecutors would have to provide evidence that her ongoing detention is justified based on whether she's a flight risk or a danger to the community. Garcia Aguilar was among a wave of Central American migrants who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in early 2018. Court documents state she asked for asylum after arriving at the port of entry in Nogales, Arizona, and has been in custody since. Her attorneys say she has been convicted of marijuana possession and is facing prostitution charges but that her criminal history involves no violence. During her time at the privately-run prison in New Mexico, Garcia Aguilar was moved from the facility's transgender unit to solitary confinement for prolonged periods of time. Immigration officials had said the time she was kept alone was for her protection, according to the court filing. Her attorneys also argued that her chronic struggle with anxiety, depression, nightmares and panic attacks were exacerbated by the time spent in solitary confinement. NEW YORK (AP) - Susan Rice, who served as national security adviser under President Barack Obama, won't be challenging Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine in 2020. Rice told former Obama administration official Alyssa Mastromonaco at the 10th annual Women in the World Summit on Thursday in New York that she loves Maine and that her family has deep roots in the state. But she said she decided with her family "that the timing really isn't right for us." Rice tantalized Democrats in October when she expressed interest in Collins' seat during the contentious confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. She said Collins supporting Kavanaugh "felt like betrayal." Rice said during the event on Thursday that her daughter is going into her junior year of high school and moving to Maine to run a campaign isn't the best move for her family. Rice and her family currently reside in Washington D.C. "I really believe that the state of Maine deserves the best possible leadership in the Senate," she said. "In the course of weighing it all, I've decided that with my family that the timing really isn't right for us." However, Rice did not rule out a run in the future "in Maine or beyond," she added. FILE - In this July 7, 2016 file photo, National Security Adviser Susan Rice follows President Barack Obama across the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, to board Marine One. Former national security adviser Rice says she's not going to challenge Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine in 2020, she said at the Women in the World Summit on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File) Her announcement could free other Democrats to enter the race. So far, no high-profile Democrat has announced a challenge to Collins next year. But the race is still early, and Collins herself hasn't formally announced she'll seek re-election. Collins' office had no immediate comment Thursday. Collins is a self-described centrist in an era of increasingly polarized politics. First elected to the Senate in 1996, she's now the last Republican member of Congress from New England. Rice's maternal grandparents emigrated from Jamaica to Maine in the 1910s. Her grandfather, David Augustus Dickson, worked as a shipper, porter and janitor. Rice's grandmother, Mary Dickson, a maid and seamstress, was named Maine State Mother of the Year in 1950. CHICAGO (AP) - Chicago filed a lawsuit against Jussie Smollett on Thursday in a bid to recoup the costs of investigating a racist, anti-gay attack that authorities say was orchestrated by the "Empire" actor as a publicity stunt, with the city saying - at minimum - that it now wants triple the amount it initially asked Smollett to pay. The 12-page civil lawsuit , filed in Cook County court, is the latest volley in a legal battle that shows no signs of abating since Smollett reported that masked men beat him up on Jan. 29 in Chicago, shouting slurs and wrapping a rope around his neck. The suit comes after Smollett refused a demand that he send the city $130,106 to reimburse Chicago for overtime as police sought to verify Smollett's account. The lawsuit doesn't specify an amount of money the city is seeking but does indicate it wants over $390,000 plus "further relief as this Court deems just and equitable." It also asks that Smollett be ordered to foot any legal bills Chicago incurs in suing him. More than two dozen officers and detectives spent two weeks investigating Smollett's claims, with the police department forced to pay for 1,836 overtime hours, the filing says. The city's resolve to take Smollett to civil court follows a surprising decision by prosecutors in March to drop all criminal charges accusing him of staging the incident, saying they believed they could prove the charges but that it wasn't worth the time and expense. FILE - In this March 26, 2019, file photo, actor Jussie Smollett smiles and waves to supporters before leaving Cook County Court after his charges were dropped in Chicago. A deadline is looming for Smollett to pay over $130,000 to Chicago to cover part of the costs of an investigation into his report of a racist, anti-gay attack or risk getting slapped with a civil lawsuit. Thursday, April 4, is seven days since Mayor Rahm Emanuel's law department sent the "Empire" a March 28 letter demanding he writes them a money order or cashier's check for $130,106, plus 15 cents. It said he had seven days. (AP Photo/Paul Beaty, File) Mayor Rahm Emanuel denounced the decision as "a whitewash of justice," and others criticized the Cook County state's attorney's office for not requiring an apology and an admission of guilt from Smollett as a condition for tossing the case. The complaint, written by City Hall's top attorney, Edward Siskel, lacks the hard-hitting language and denunciations of Smollett by Emanuel. It's devoted primarily to describing the allegations already spelled out when Smollett was charged in late February. Smollett, who is black and gay, maintains he has told the truth from the beginning. Reached by phone Thursday evening, a spokeswoman for Smollett's legal team said there wasn't an immediate comment on the lawsuit. Smollett's lawyers would have to respond with a court filing and could move in coming weeks to have the lawsuit thrown out. Smollett lawyer Mark Geragos said in a letter to the city last week that claims Smollett made the entire thing up were "defamatory," accusing Chicago of trying to "harass" Smollett and pointing to the dismissal of charges as proof he is innocent. It also said Smollett wouldn't be "intimidated" into paying anything. Unless the case is settled beforehand, the lawsuit would eventually go before a jury, which would have to decide if the city or Smollett is right. If Smollett still refuses to pay after a verdict in the city's favor, his bank accounts could be frozen. Smollett admitted no wrongdoing, but agreed to do some community service before charges were dropped. He also agreed to forfeit $10,000 in bond money, which the city could use against him in the civil case as an implied admission of guilt. Evidence sealed in the criminal case could be unsealed in the civil case and be presented at trial. Smollett could also be required to sit for depositions, forcing him for the first time to explain evidence that the city says shows he was lying. To the city's advantage, the threshold for proof will be lower than in criminal court. The city won't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt Smollett staged the attack in civil court, only that it's more likely true than not true that he did. Among the risks for the city is that the civil litigation could end up costing far more in legal bills than it could ever hope to get from Smollett. It's also unclear if Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot is onboard with the Emanuel administration's determination to keep legal pressure on Smollett. Lightfoot, a former federal prosecutor who will be Chicago's first black female mayor when she's sworn in on May 20, has indicated only that the public deserves a better explanation for why the criminal charges against Smollett were dropped. __ Follow Michael Tarm on Twitter at ___ Check out the AP's complete coverage of the Jussie Smollett case. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The fiance of a woman who was fatally shot by a Minneapolis police officer after she called 911 to report a possible crime cradled his head in his hands Thursday as body camera footage of attempts to save her was played at the officer's trial. Don Damond declined to watch the chaotic footage of the unsuccessful efforts to save Justine Ruszczyk Damond, who was shot minutes after calling 911 to report a possible rape near her home. Justine was a dual citizen of the U.S. and Australia who had taken her fiance's last name ahead of their wedding, set for a month after her July 2017 death. The Star Tribune reported that one officer's body camera showed Officer Mohamed Noor and his partner taking turns performing CPR before firefighters arrived and took over. Noor is charged with murder and manslaughter. He was fired from the Minneapolis Police Department after being charged. Defense attorneys have said Noor was reacting to a loud noise and feared an ambush. Prosecutors have argued there was no evidence Noor faced a threat that justified deadly force. The head of the city's police homicide unit, Lt. Richard Zimmerman, testified Thursday that lighting in the alley was bright enough that he could see the officers clearly when he arrived. Defense attorneys have contended that lighting was poor in the alley the night Damond was shot. CORRECTS THAT DON DAMOND WAS JUSTINE RUSZCZYK'S FIANCE, NOT HUSBAND AND THAT ZACH DAMOND IS NOT RUSZCZYK'S SON - Media members approach Don Damond, the fiance of Justine Ruszczyk Damond, second from right, and Zach Damond, right, Don Damond's son, as they arrive for the opening arguments in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor at the Hennepin County Government Center for Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Minneapolis. (David Joles/Star Tribune via AP) ___ Check out the AP's complete coverage of Mohamed Noor's trial. This courtroom sketch provided by Cedric Hohnstadt depicts prosecution witness Don Damond, Justine Ruszczyk Damond's fiance, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in Minneapolis, during the murder trial of former Minneapolis police Officer Mohamed Noor, who fatally shot an unarmed Ruszczyk Damond, in July 2017, after she called 911 to report a possible sexual assault behind her home. (Cedric Hohnstadt via AP) FILE - In this Aug. 11, 2017, file photo, Johanna Morrow plays the didgeridoo during a memorial service for Justine Ruszczyk Damond at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. Jurors on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, heard the 911 calls Damond made to report a possible sexual assault before she was shot by a Minneapolis officer now on trial for murder in her death. (Aaron Lavinsky/Star Tribune via AP, File) ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - An Alaska man who stole a fossilized woolly mammoth tusk and sliced it into pieces for resale will serve nearly three years in federal prison. U.S. District Judge Sharon Gleason on Thursday sentenced Martin Elze, 52, to 33 months for the theft of the 5.5 foot (1.7 meters) tusk from a small Bureau of Land Management museum in Anchorage. Gleason also ordered Elze to pay $8,385.82 in restitution to the Campbell Creek Science Center. Elze in December pleaded guilty to one count of removal of a paleontological resource. An accomplice, Gary Lynn Boyd, pleaded guilty in January and will be sentenced May 15. The woolly mammoth is Alaska's official state fossil. The intact tusk was worth $7,000 to $9,000, according to federal prosecutors. Artists carve pieces for jewelry or small sculptures. The tusk was displayed at the BLM's Campbell Creek Science Center, a popular destination for Anchorage schoolchildren, and visitors could touch the tusk. Pat Druckenmiller, director of the University of Alaska Museum of the North, said after the theft that mammoths generally died out at the end of the Pleistocene Era 11,000 to 12,000 years ago. A few survived on islands such as Wrangel Island off northeast Siberia until about 4,000 years ago, he said. The stolen tusk was one of several found in the mid-1980s near the Colville River, which flows into the Arctic Ocean north of the Brooks Range. The curved tusk was mottled dark- and light-brown, about 8 inches (20 centimeters) in diameter on the large end and 6 inches (15 centimeters) in diameter at the narrow end. Elze and Boyd on March 17, 2018, visited the small museum and asked staff about the tusk's weight and authenticity, prosecutors said. One night later, they returned. Boyd used a rock to break a window and open a door, causing $1,385.22 in damage. The museum's video surveillance system recorded the theft. OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) - Legislation aimed at keeping youth who send sexually explicit texts from being charged under adult sex crime laws has cleared the Legislature in Washington state. The bill , which passed late Wednesday night, would create a new group of crimes reserved specifically for minors who are caught with explicit images of other minors, attempting to solve what lawmakers described as a paradox in current law, where even youth who report a sexual picture or video can themselves be potentially charged with a felony - and even forced to register as sex offenders. A 2018 survey by the American Civil Liberties Union found 22 states had passed legislation that differentiates between teen and adult offenders, with varying specifics. Under the Washington bill, most of the new youth-only crimes would be set as misdemeanors, a status that would exempt convicted youth from having to register. Sexting - a combination of the words "sex" and "texting" - refers to sending explicit photos or videos over messaging services, a practice that has gained some popularity among teens who grew up with cellphones. "This is a statute written for dealing with child pornography, at a time when no one had cellphones," said Sen. Manka Dhingra, a Redmond Democrat who voted for the Washington bill. "No one could even anticipate that we would live in the culture that we currently do, with our children actually sexting." Along with being part of flirtation or romantic relationships for some youth, sexting has over time become a factor in bullying as well, when minors lose control of images that end up being shared beyond romantic partners. Under current Washington law, the statutes that criminalize youth exchanging such images are the same ones originally written to target adults for child pornography, which include broad language banning the possession, production, or exchange of explicit images of minors. As felonies, many child pornography crimes also require registration in the state's public sex offender database - penalties that even critics of the bill acknowledged might be too harsh. Sen. Mike Padden, a Spokane Valley Republican, voted against the bill but said he could understand the basic predicament it tried to address. "We might not approve of it, we might not like it, but we can understand where maybe two teenagers who are in some sort of relationship send images," he said, adding it was "reasonable" to reduce penalties for sexting in some cases. "But this bill deals with far, far more than that," Padden said. The bill would create a separate set of crimes only applicable to under-18 offenders, making it a misdemeanor instead of a felony for a minor to exchange images of another minor, with an exception for images of some types of sex acts. Exchanging images of a child 12 or younger would remain a felony, as would the sale of images of another minor, but under new, minors-only criminal definitions. Padden and other Republicans said that was overly broad. Democratic supporters responded the bill was limited in its scope, and was strictly aimed at keeping minors caught sexting off the sex offender registry. MEXICO CITY (AP) - Police in northern Mexico said Thursday they raided a lab producing the synthetic opioid fentanyl, the second such lab detected in Mexico in the last four months. Police in the northern state of Sinaloa said the lab was discovered in a house in a middle-class neighborhood of the state capital, Culiacan. Carlos Hernandez Leyva, the state's assistant public safety secretary, said police were patrolling in an armored truck when they came under fire. Officers chased the assailants into the house, but they escaped through a back door, he said. Police requested a search warrant and founds tubs of chemicals. In December, Mexican federal agents arrested four people in a raid on a fentanyl lab in Mexico City. And in November 2017, soldiers found dozens of kilograms of chemical ingredients for making fentanyl at another lab on the outskirts of Culiacan. Much U.S. fentanyl originates in China, but is often smuggled through Mexico, where it is often pressed into pills. Because of inexpert mixing, authorities have found deadly inconsistencies in the doses of fentanyl contained in the same batch of pills. Mexican cartels also produce the drug from precursor chemicals, mainly imported from China. Fentanyl is 50 times more powerful than heroin and can be lethal even in small amounts. Music superstar Prince died from an accidental overdose of fentanyl in 2016, and that year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the drug and its analogues killed more than 20,000 Americans. DELAND, Fla. (AP) - Florida deputies fatally shot a carjacking suspect who shot and grazed the head of a sheriff's sergeant. Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood told a news conference the shooting happened Thursday afternoon near DeLand following a chase across the county. Authorities say the unidentified suspect stole a woman's pickup truck at gunpoint in Deltona. Chitwood says the man brandished a gun as deputies chased him and tried to flee on foot after they destroyed the truck's tires with stop sticks. A group of deputies eventually surrounded the man. Chitwood says Sgt. Tommy Dane and four other deputies exchanged gunfire with him. Dane was grazed and the carjacking suspect was shot multiple times. Police didn't release the races of the deputies or the carjacking suspect. Chitwood says Dane was awake and alert after the shooting. MODESTO, Calif. (AP) - A man suspected of being in the country illegally has pleaded not guilty to killing a Northern California police officer during a traffic stop in a case that has rekindled a debate over California's sanctuary law that limits law enforcement's cooperation with federal immigration authorities. An attorney for Paulo Virgen Mendoza entered the not guilty plea to a murder charge in Stanislaus Superior Court, the Modesto Bee reported Thursday. Mendoza is charged with fatally shooting Newman Police Officer Cpl. Ronil Singh on Dec. 26. Investigators say Singh suspected Mendoza of drunken driving. Authorities say Mendoza was in the country illegally and was fleeing back to his native Mexico when he was arrested two days after Singh's killing near Bakersfield. President Donald Trump seized on the case to call for tougher border security amid a fight with congressional Democrats over funding for a border wall, which has forced a partial government shutdown. The sheriff leading the investigation blamed California's sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Gustavo Perez Arriaga to U.S. immigration officials for two previous drunken driving arrests. If he had been deported, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said, Cpl. Ronil Singh of the tiny Newman Police Department would still be alive. File - In this Jan. 5, 2019, file photo, a picture of slain Newman Police Cpl. Ronil "Ron" Singh rests atop the casket during his funeral in Modesto, Calif. Paulo Virgen Mendoza pleaded not guilty to killing the Northern California police officer during a traffic stop. The Modesto Bee reported Thursday, April 11, 2019, that an attorney for Mendoza entered the not guilty plea to a murder charge in Stanislaus Superior Court. Mendoza is charged with fatally shooting Singh on Dec. 26. (AP Photo/Noah Berger, File) The case was put on hold in January to determine if Mendoza was mentally fit to stand trial. On Thursday, a judge determined he was competent to stand trial after Mendoza was examined by a psychiatrist. Mendoza is still identified in Stanislaus County jail records as Gustavo Perez Arriaga, an alias that he used when arrested. But he's referred to in court by his given name. Prosecutors say Mendoza is eligible for the death penalty. ___ Information from: The Modesto Bee, SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A Utah filmmaker who co-founded the Sundance Film Festival and produced an Oscar-winning movie in the mid-1980s has been charged with sexual abuse of a young girl. Sterling Van Wagenen, 71, is accused of inappropriately touching a girl on two occasions between 2013 and 2015, according to a probable cause statement filed with the charges on April 4. The alleged abuse occurred in two northern Utah cities when the girl was between the ages of 7 and 9, online court records show. Van Wagenen's attorney, Steven Shapiro, declined to comment. Van Wagenen didn't return an email and phone call. He has not yet entered a plea to one count of felony sexual abuse of a child. Van Wagenen co-founded a Utah film festival that came to be known as Sundance Film Festival with Robert Redford and was the Sundance Institute's founding executive director, according to his biography page on the University of Utah website, where he was a part-time instructor until his recent resignation. Sundance Film Festival officials didn't immediately return an email and phone message seeking comment. His affiliation with the organization ended in 1993 when he left the advisory board, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. Van Wagenen, who posted $75,000 bail, is scheduled to be in court on May 2 for a scheduling hearing. The case was reported to police by child protective services after the girl told her parents about the alleged abuse. Van Wagenen produced the 1985 film, "The Trip to Bountiful," a story of an elderly woman who longs to return to her home that earned the late actress Geraldine Page an Oscar for her starring performance. He also directed the 1992 film "Alan & Naomi" about the trauma of the Holocaust on children and was a producer of the 1991 move "Convicts" starring Robert Duvall and James Earl Jones. More recently, he was a director of the 2009 documentary called "Learning from the Light: The Vision of I.M. Pei" about a well-known architect and an executive director of the 2018 historical tale "Jane and Emma" about a black woman's friendship with the wife of Joseph Smith, the founder of The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints. Van Wagenen resigned from his part-time instructor position at the University of Utah's Film and Media Arts Department on Feb. 15 after being put on administrative leave on Feb. 5, university spokesman Chris Nelson said. He said the university can't provide any more details other than to say he had worked at the university since October 2012. Van Wagenen's resignation came after a man came forward to accuse Van Wagenen of molesting him as a boy in 1993. No charges have been filed in that case, which was made public by a website that serves as a watchdog for The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints, widely known as the Mormon church. The church-owned Brigham Young University in Utah employed Van Wagenen as a film instructor from 1993 to 1999, and he was director of content for its broadcasting arm, BYUtv, from 2007-2010, university spokeswoman Carri Jenkins said. The school received no reports of sexual misconduct from his time there, Jenkins said. Van Wagenen also periodically worked for the church as a producer and director for many years on a variety of projects, including temple videos, said church spokesman Eric Hawkins said. The church wasn't aware of any of Van Wagenen's alleged behaviors until recently and reported them to authorities, Hawkins said. He declined to say if Van Wagenen has been kicked out of the faith, citing church policy to keep personal matters private. The church considers child abuse to be among the most serious sins and that anyone who commits the act should be held accountable, Hawkins said. LAS VEGAS (AP) - Authorities said Thursday they are seeking a man who once worked at a sprawling rural Nevada ranch owned by a Las Vegas casino heir who buried millions of dollars' worth of silver before his mysterious death 20 years ago. Richard Cleaves, 56, of Pahrump, was being sought on felony burglary, conspiracy and destruction of property charges after he and two other men were seen on surveillance cameras March 30 at the property once owned by Ted Binion, Nye County sheriff's Lt. David Boruchowitz said. The three men had shovels, according to a video news release about the investigation. The other two men were not immediately identified. They're being sought for questioning. Binion's death in 1998 at 55 sparked a media spectacle mixing tales of sex, drugs, Las Vegas history and buried treasure with trials, appeals and eventual murder acquittals for his stripper girlfriend Sandy Murphy and her lover Rick Tabish. Binion was a wealthy, heroin-using son of famed downtown casino owner Benny Binion, namesake of Binion's Horseshoe casino. FILE - This May 22, 1998 file photo shows former casino owner Ted Binion. The discovery of holes dug in a rural Nevada property formerly owned by a dead Las Vegas casino owner has authorities seeking a man who once worked there, amid rumors of buried treasure. Nye County sheriff's officials said Thursday, April 11, 2019, that Richard Cleaves is sought on burglary, conspiracy and other charges in the March 30 break-in at property once owned by Ted Binion. (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP) His death at home in Las Vegas was initially ruled a drug overdose. But Tabish, a contractor, was found two days later digging for some $7 million in silver in an underground vault he had built for Binion in Pahrump, about 60 miles (97 kilometers) west of Las Vegas. Prosecutors accused Tabish and Murphy of forcing him to overdose in a plot to kill him and steal his riches. They were found guilty of lesser charges of conspiracy, burglary and grand larceny. The sheriff's video said that in 1998, officials located $5 million worth of silver at a different Binion property in Pahrump. Boruchowitz said investigators found three holes last week that were several feet deep at the 138-acre former Binion ranch. The video statement said holes were found in the main structure and next to a demolished brick barbecue smoker. The statement said Cleaves was identified by the property manager as a former worker at the site, and had been arrested in 2017 for digging holes on the property. EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. (AP) - A federal judge has ruled that the East St. Louis Housing Authority's rule prohibiting public housing tenants from owning a firearm is unconstitutional. The Belleville News-Democrat reported that U.S. District Judge Phil Gilbert ruled that the ban was a violation of residents' Second Amendment right to own a firearm for lawful purposes. The ruling stems from a lawsuit brought by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Illinois State Rifle Association on behalf of a woman who contends that she needed a firearm to protect herself from an abusive ex-husband. The lawsuit on behalf of the woman - identified as N. Doe -contends the ban is discriminatory against the poor because it does not give them the same right to bear arms that people who can afford private housing enjoy. DAEJEON, South Korea (AP) - Just two hours after Lee Dong Kil's daughter was born on New Year's Eve, the clock struck midnight, 2019 was ushered in, and the infant became 2-years-old. She wasn't alone, though it happened for her quicker than most: Every baby born in South Korea last year became 2 on Jan. 1. According to one of the world's most unusual age-calculating systems, South Korean babies become 1 on the day of their birth and then get an additional year tacked on when the calendar hits Jan. 1. A lawmaker is working now to overturn the centuries-old tradition amid complaints that it's an anachronistic, time-wasting custom that drags down an otherwise ultramodern country. For parents whose babies are born in December, it can be especially painful. One hour after his daughter's birth in the central city of Daejeon at 10 p.m. on Dec. 31 of last year, Lee posted the news on social media. His friends immediately showered him with congratulatory messages. "An hour later, when the New Year began, they phoned me again to say congratulations for my baby becoming 2-years-old," said Lee, who is 32 internationally but 34 in South Korea. "I thought, 'Ah, right. She's now 2 years old, though it's been only two hours since she was born. What the heck!'" The origins of this age reckoning system aren't clear. Being 1 upon birth may be linked to the time babies spend in their mothers' wombs or to an ancient Asian numerical system that didn't have the concept of zero. Becoming a year older on Jan. 1? That's even harder to explain. In this April 9, 2019, photo, Lee Dong Kil's daughter Lee Yoon Seol sits to celebrate her the 100th day of the birth at Lee's house in Daejeon, South Korea. Just two hours after Lee's daughter was born on New Year's Eve, the clock struck midnight, 2019 was ushered in, and the infant became 2-years-old. She wasn't alone, though it happened for her quicker than most: Every baby born in South Korea last year became 2 on Jan. 1.(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) It could be that ancient Koreans cared a lot about the year in which they were born in the Chinese 60-year cycle, but, without regular calendars, didn't care much about the specific day they were born; so they mostly ignored the day of their birth and instead marked another year of age on the day of the Lunar New Year, according to senior curator Jung Yonhak at the National Folk Museum of Korea. This may have then shifted to the solar New Year on Jan. 1 as the South began embracing the Western calendar. North Korea uses the Western age calculating system, but they have a twist: they follow their own calendar that's based on the birth of national founder and president-for-life Kim Il Sung. The year of your birth is still incredibly important in South Korea, and lumps those linked children together for life. Other Asian countries, including Japan and Vietnam, abandoned the Chinese-style age system amid an influx of Western culture. Officially, South Korea has used Western-style calculations since the early 1960s. But its citizens still embrace the old-fashioned system in their daily lives because the government has done little to get people to change over to the Western style. Most South Koreans are simply accustomed to living with two ages. People don't hold massive joint birthday parties on New Year's Day; they just celebrate their birthday on the days they were born. Young people consider themselves another year old on solar New Year's Day (Jan. 1) while older people often use the Lunar New Year's Day. Many family restaurants don't charge babies if they are 36-months-old or younger, so parents often calculate their babies' ages under the Western method when they're dining out. Some South Koreans still worry that the practice makes their nation look odd on the international stage. Some feel confusion when meeting with foreigners. Associated Press journalists in Seoul must ask Koreans what year and month they were born to calculate their Western age for news stories. There are also some who say the concept of "Korean age" encourages a fixation on age-based social standing in this seniority-based country. In South Korea, those born in the same year often treat each other as equals, while people must use honorific titles to address those born earlier, rather than directly using their names. Ahn Chang-gun, from the southeastern city of Gimhae, said he felt "empty" when his first child became 2 on Jan. 1, 2013, about two weeks after his wife delivered him after eight years of marriage. "He was this precious baby that we finally had, but I felt that all of a sudden two years had just gone by and yet I hadn't done anything for my baby," said Ahn. Parents whose babies are born in December often worry about their kids falling behind other children born earlier in the same year, though worries gradually disappear as their children age. When Seo Hyo Sun from Buchon, just west of Seoul, was taken to the hospital to get a cesarean section on Dec. 29, she couldn't stop weeping because her baby's due date was supposed to be Jan. 7. "Tears kept flowing. ... My doctor told me the baby wanted to come out today so let's just celebrate," said Seo, 31 in international age. "When I awoke from my anesthesia, I felt really grateful ... because my baby was born healthy. That was enough." In January, lawmaker Hwang Ju-hong tabled a bill aimed at requiring the government to put international ages in official documents and encouraging general citizens to go with their international ages in everyday life. It's the first legislative attempt to abolish "Korean age." "It is aimed at resolving confusion and inefficiency caused by the mixed use of age-counting systems," Hwang said in the proposed legislation. Hwang's office said a parliamentary committee discussion and a public hearing on the issue are expected in coming months. Surveys in recent years showed more South Koreans supported international age though it wasn't clear how seriously they wanted a change. "If we use international age, things could get more complicated because it's a society that cares so much about which year you were born," said Lim KyoungJae, 46, head of the Seoul-based Miko Travel agency. "We should also definitely count the time of a baby being conceived and growing in its mother's womb." Lim's employee Choi Min Kyung, who is 26 internationally and 28 in South Korea, disagreed. "It's good to be two years younger ... (especially) when you meet men" on blind dates, Choi said with a laugh. "There is a big difference between 26 and 28." ___ Associated Press journalist Chang Yong Jun contributed to this report. ___ Follow Hyung-jin Kim at In this April 9, 2019, photo, Lee Dong Kil speaks with his wife Ryu Da Gyeong and daughter Lee Yoon Seol as they celebrate daughter Lee's the 100th day of the birth at their house in Daejeon, South Korea. Just two hours after Lee's daughter was born on New Year's Eve, the clock struck midnight, 2019 was ushered in, and the infant became 2-years-old. She wasn't alone, though it happened for her quicker than most: Every baby born in South Korea last year became 2 on Jan. 1.(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) In this April 9, 2019, photo, Lee Dong Kil holds his daughter Lee Yoon Seol as his wife Ryu Da Gyeong sits as they to celebrate daughter Lee's the 100th day of the birth at their house in Daejeon, South Korea. Just two hours after Lee's daughter was born on New Year's Eve, the clock struck midnight, 2019 was ushered in, and the infant became 2-years-old. She wasn't alone, though it happened for her quicker than most: Every baby born in South Korea last year became 2 on Jan. 1. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) In this April 3, 2019, photo, Lim KyoungJae, 46, head of the Seoul-based Miko Travel agency, speaks during an interview at his office in Seoul, South Korea. Every baby born in South Korea last year considered to be 2 on Jan. 1. "If we use international age, things could get more complicated because it's a society that cares so much about which year you were born," said Lim. "We should also definitely count the time of a baby being conceived and growing in its mother's womb."(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) In this April 3, 2019, photo, Choi Min Kyung, who is 26 internationally and 28 in South Korea, speaks during an interview at her office in Seoul, South Korea. Every baby born in South Korea last year considered to be 2 on Jan. 1. "It's good to be two years younger ... (especially) when you meet men" on blind dates, Choi said with a laugh. "There is a big difference between 26 and 28."(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) DOVER, Del. (AP) - The remains of three Marines killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan have been returned to the U.S., arriving Thursday at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. Staff Sgt. Christopher K.A. Slutman, 43, of Newark, Delaware; Sgt. Benjamin S. Hines, 31, of York, Pennsylvania, and Cpl. Robert A. Hendriks, 25, of Locust Valley, New York, were killed on Monday when a bomb struck their vehicle near Bagram Air Base north of Kabul, the Pentagon said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. The three were assigned to 25th Marine Regiment, a Massachusetts-based Marine Reserve unit. Slutman was a 15-year veteran of the New York Fire Department. He grew up in Maryland and lived in Delaware and New York. An aunt of Hendriks, Lorraine Caliendo, told Newsday that his brother Joseph, also a Marine, will be escorting Hendricks' remains back home. A U.S. Marine Corps carry team moves a transfer case containing the remains of Staff Sgt. Christopher Slutman, Thursday, April 11, 2019, at Dover Air Force Base, Del. According to the Department of Defense, Slutman, of Newark, Del., was among three American service members killed by a roadside bomb on Monday, April 8, near Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) The fatalities brought to seven the number of U.S. troops killed this year in Afghanistan, underscoring the difficulties in bringing peace to the war-wrecked country even as Washington has stepped up efforts to find a way to end the 17-year conflict. Relatives of the deceased Marines were invited to witness what the military calls a dignified transfer in which the cases containing the remains are transferred to a vehicle from the aircraft that ferried them to the United States. Media access to the transfer event is allowed if agreed by the family of the fallen service member, under a policy initiated in March 2009. A U.S. Marine Corps carry team moves a transfer case containing the remains of Staff Sgt. Christopher Slutman, Thursday, April 11, 2019, at Dover Air Force Base, Del. According to the Department of Defense, Slutman, of Newark, Del., was among three American service members killed by a roadside bomb on Monday, April 8, near Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Un policier patrouille a Bamenda, ville d'une province anglophone du Cameroun, le 22 fevrier 2018 AFP/Archives/Reinnier KAZE The population of Bambui, in Bamenda are in panicked, after some armed separatists locally known as Amba Boys, dropped off the dead body of a man, dressed in military attire. Reports of a gun fire exchange between armed separatists and the Cameroonian military, on Friday night, is said to have been the result of the said killing. Some people claim one of the soldiers had been taken away by separatists, during yesterdays attacks. This situation has pushed many to retire home, closing down their businesses, while students who were on their way to school, retired home. The tension is caused by the fear of military reprisals. It is common for military to raid the area, following the attacks on one of theirs. If proven true, these civilians would be in danger as they would be accused of working in complicity with separatist fighters. Armed separatists are trying to have control over Southern Cameroon, a new state they call Ambazonia. The struggle for an independent state has recorded a lot of deaths in the camps of both Amba boys and the military. However, civilians are trapped in fight between both parties, as they are attacked, threatened, killed, incarcerated, houses burnt down, and more than 400,000 persons, displaced. MEXICO CITY (AP) - The Mexican government has freed six activists who fought to protect their community's water supply, acknowledging that their rights were "seriously violated" during more than a dozen years in jail. The six activists from the town of Tlanixco had been sentenced to up to 50 years for the death of a Spanish flower grower. Tlanixco residents had claimed their drinking water supplies were being soaked up by commercial flower growers in a neighboring town. Government authorities declined to continue fighting appeals by the six activists. The government's top human rights official says President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's administration is currently reviewing 538 cases involving people who may have been unfairly jailed. Alejandro Encinas said Thursday the pending cases often involve people fighting to defend water and land rights. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - The World Trade Organization has upheld South Korea's import ban on Japanese seafood from areas affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, overturning a ruling by a lower panel last year that said Seoul was unfairly discriminating against Japanese products. The decision is a setback for Japan, which has promoted Fukushima's recovery from the nuclear disaster and the safety of its agricultural and fisheries products ahead of next year's Summer Olympics in Tokyo. South Korea on Friday welcomed the decision and said it will continue to block all fishery products from Fukushima and seven neighboring prefectures to ensure "only foods that are confirmed as safe are put on the table." Japan said the WTO ruling was "extremely regrettable" and vowed to get the import ban reversed through bilateral talks with South Korea. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono summoned South Korean Ambassador Lee Su-hoon to convey Tokyo's displeasure. "The government will continue to maintain and strengthen our quarantine sovereignty and safety net," said Yoon Chang-yul, an official from South Korea's Office for Government Policy Coordination. Yoon said the WTO ruling allows Seoul to maintain the ban "indefinitely" until it views the safety concerns as fully resolved. When asked about the possibility of the seafood ban fueling larger trade and diplomatic disputes, he said that "hopefully, that won't happen." FILE - This Nov. 22, 2016, aerial file photo shows Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. The World Trade Organization has upheld South Korea's import ban on Japanese seafood from areas affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima. South Korea on Friday, April 12, 2019, welcomed the decision and said it will continue to block all fishery products from Fukushima and seven neighboring prefectures to ensure "only foods that are confirmed as safe are put on the table."(Kyodo News via AP, File) South Korea broadened initial import restrictions to a blanket ban covering all seafood products from the eight prefectures in 2013, after the Tokyo Electric Power Company revealed that highly contaminated water leaked from a storage tank at a crippled nuclear plant in Fukushima that was submerged by a massive tsunami in 2011. Japan launched a complaint with the WTO over the ban in 2015, saying that the radioactive levels of seafood from the areas were safe. The ruling by WTO's appellate body reversed key points of a verdict by a lower dispute panel last year that supported Japanese claims that the South Korean measures excessively restricted trade and were "arbitrarily or unjustifiably discriminating" against Japanese food products. The appellate body said the panel failed to consider whether the methods of contamination testing proposed by Japan would fully satisfy South Korean protection standards. The Fukushima plant has now been significantly stabilized and radiation has come down to levels considered safe in most areas. Still, more than 20 countries and areas keep their import ban or restrictions on Japanese fisheries and agricultural products, although the number had come down from 54 soon after the disaster. The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pushed agricultural exports as a main part of its economic growth strategy. South Korea's imports of Japanese seafood have declined significantly since the 2013 ban. South Korea imported about 20,000 tons to 30,000 tons of pollack and mackerel from Japan in 2010, but the volume dropped below 3,000 tons in 2018 with the country continuing to buy more fish from alternative sources like Russia and Norway, Yoon said. "Easing and lifting of import restrictions related to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident is an extremely important issue," said Yoshihide Suga, Japan's chief Cabinet secretary. He added that all Japanese agricultural and fishery exports are tested safe under Japan's own standards that are set stricter than international ones. "We will patiently continue our effort to negotiate with South Korea and other countries to achieve easing or lifting of their import restrictions based on science," Suga said. __ Yamaguchi reported from Tokyo. Associated Press writer Yuri Kageyama in Tokyo contributed to this report. NEW DELHI (AP) - The Dalai Lama was released from an Indian hospital on Friday, saying he felt "normal, almost normal" after being treated for a chest infection. The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader looked pale but strong and spoke cheerfully to The Associated Press as he walked out of the New Delhi hospital after being discharged. The Dalai Lama was hospitalized on Tuesday after coming to the capital to consult with doctors. He is likely to return this week to the north Indian hill town of Dharmsala, which has been his headquarters since he fled Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule. The Dalai Lama usually spends several months a year traveling the world to teach Buddhism and highlight Tibetans' struggle for greater freedom in China. But he has cut down on travel in the past year in order to take care of his health. China doesn't recognize the Tibetan government-in-exile and accuses the Dalai Lama of seeking to separate Tibet from China. Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, center, leaves from a hospital, in New Delhi, India, Friday, April 12, 2019. The Dalai Lama has been discharged from a New Delhi hospital after recovering from a chest infection. The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader says he is feeling ''normal, almost normal.'' The Dalai Lama was hospitalized on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Rishi Lekhi) The Dalai Lama denies being a separatist and says he merely advocates for substantial autonomy and protection of the region's native Buddhist culture. At an event with educators in New Delhi earlier this month, the Dalai Lama said he was not seeking independence for Tibet, but rather a "reunion" with China under mutually acceptable terms. The Dalai Lama also predicted that the political impasse with China could change if he lived for at least another decade. The cavalcade carrying Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, in black, leaves from a hospital, in New Delhi, India, Friday, April 12, 2019. The Dalai Lama has been discharged from a New Delhi hospital after recovering from a chest infection. The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader says he is feeling ''normal, almost normal.'' The Dalai Lama was hospitalized on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) EL PASO, Texas (AP) - Two Indian men who were force-fed during a hunger strike inside a Texas immigration detention center are out of government custody. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Leticia Zamarripa confirmed Thursday that Jasvir Singh and Rajandeep Singh were released on bond from the El Paso Processing Center. After The Associated Press revealed ICE was force-feeding nine immigrant detainees through nasal tubes in January, the facility stopped the controversial practice under public pressure. The United Nations human rights office said in February that the force-feeding of immigrant hunger strikers there could violate the U.N. Convention Against Torture. Immigration judges initially ordered that both men be deported. Their uncle Amrit Singh said they will appeal their immigration cases and join family in California. One man's attorney said an appeal already was filed. NEW YORK (AP) - After the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London, his lawyer was quick to characterize it as an assault against the rights of journalists all over the world who seek to uncover secrets. But was it quite that clear? Does WikiLeaks do journalism, or is it something else? The answer wasn't evident when the organization burst into public consciousness at the top of this decade with the release of government documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It seems even less so now. Launched in 2006 as the vision of Australian computer hacker Assange, WikiLeaks produced raw data, not stories - things like Sarah Palin's personal emails or membership rolls of neo-Nazi organizations. The thousands of memos, cables and other documents about U.S. war efforts revealed when Assange allegedly conspired with Chelsea Manning to break into a Pentagon computer took WikiLeaks to another level. Some viewed Assange as a hero, others as a traitor. Either way, it was a heady time. WikiLeaks was considered a new type of news organization, fueled by the power of the Internet and democratization of information. "There is a desperate need for our work," WikiLeaks member Sarah Harrison explained in a 2016 column in The New York Times. "The world is connected by largely unaccountable networks of power that span industries and countries, political parties, corporations and institutions. WikiLeaks shines a light on these by revealing not just individual incidents, but information about entire structures of power." FILE - In this Dec. 1, 2011, file photo, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures as he speaks during a news conference in central London. The arrest of Assange reignites a debate with no easy answer: Is the former computer hacker and founder of WikiLeaks a journalist or not? His lawyers are quick to characterize the case against him as a threat to all journalists. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis, File) The organization's methods can be - and sometimes are - seen as a threat to the journalism's traditional gatekeepers of power. But journalism has encompassed many traditions over the decades and centuries. WikiLeaks has been an influence in two positive trends for journalism over the past decade, says Lisa Lynch, a journalism professor at Drew University who has written about the organization. It emphasized the importance of data-driven journalism, an increasingly valuable tool. Since WikiLeaks was often willing to work with traditional outlets in how it released data, it encouraged news organizations to cooperate more in chasing stories. The 2016 "Panama Papers" investigation that revealed the offshore financial havens of political leaders showed what can happen when journalists team up. Despite utopian ideals, though, real life is more complicated. Information isn't always merely information; government files can reveal wartime informants and put people's lives in danger. And information can be weaponized through decisions about what to reveal and what not to reveal. For example: Many people saw Assange's decision to publish the private emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman as a sign of coziness with Russia and a contributing factor in Donald Trump's election as president. Yet some of history's most prominent journalists have been advocates as well, and have expressed clear points of view. Upton Sinclair, a progressive "muckraker" in the early 20th century, made no secret of the fact that his expose of the meatpacking industry, "The Jungle," was an attempt at jump-starting reform. "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach," he wrote later. Today, news outlets across the political spectrum, from The National Review to Mother Jones, from Fox News to MSNBC, are considered to be journalism - albeit delivered from a distinct vantage point. Add into the mix the rise of blogging and social media, which permit anyone with an internet connection to use the term "journalist" and be immediately and globally amplified, and the result is ambiguity about who is a journalist and who isn't. In that environment, Assange, too, presents an ambiguous image. "I had trouble seeing him as a journalist from the start," said Columbia University journalism professor Todd Gitlin, a frequent writer about the media. "But he certainly was a publisher. It turns out he was not just any old publisher, he was a publisher with a distinct angle. And his angle is anti-democratic." Certainly Assange, a prickly personality who may never be forgiven by many Democrats for WikiLeaks' role in the 2016 election, doesn't cut a sympathetic figure. Does that disqualify him from the mantle of journalist, though? "People feel very differently about WikiLeaks now than they did in 2010," Lynch said. "There's no doubt about that. I feel very differently about WikiLeaks now. But that doesn't mean I'm not just as concerned about what happens to WikiLeaks going forward." She added: "If we start drawing boxes around who is or isn't a journalist in court and the conversation becomes about the way WikiLeaks used information, then we might end up with unintended consequences." David Boardman, dean of Temple University's communications school and chairman of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said one key thing sets WikiLeaks apart from news organizations: the accusations that Assange acted illegally with Manning to obtain the war documents. "I consider it something different," said Boardman, the former executive editor of The Seattle Times. "I don't consider it a journalistic organization." Boardman considers the U.S. government's case against Assange, as it is now outlined, as narrowly based upon his actions with Manning and thus not threatening to journalists. Others consider this a narrow reading of the case - one fueled, perhaps, by a discomfort with Assange's methods and the idea of whether he should be considered a journalist at all. Journalist Glenn Greenwald, himself no stranger to controversies about the release of information, tweeted Thursday: "If you're a U.S. media star who has spent two years claiming to be so concerned about press freedoms over Trump's mean tweets about your friends, but don't raise your voice in protest over this grave attack on press freedom, take a hard look in the mirror." ___ David Bauder covers media issues for The Associated Press. Follow him on Twitter at @dbauder. Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange here: FILE - In this Feb. 24, 2011, file photo, the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange speaks to the media after his extradition hearing at Belmarsh Magistrates' Court in London. The arrest of Assange reignites a debate with no easy answer: Is the former computer hacker and founder of WikiLeaks a journalist or not? His lawyers are quick to characterize the case against him as a threat to all journalists. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File) KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The Taliban announced Friday the start of their spring offensive despite talking peace with the United States and ahead of a significant gathering of Afghans meant to discuss resolutions to the protracted war and an eventual withdrawal of American troops from the country. The insurgents released a lengthy missive in five languages, including English, saying the fighting would continue while foreign forces remain in Afghanistan. In a series of tweets later Friday, U.S. special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad condemned the announcement as "reckless" and "irresponsible." "Through this announcement, Taliban leaders demonstrate their indifference to the demands of Afghans across the country," he tweeted. The announcement is something the militant group does every year, even though Taliban attacks never really ceased during the harsh winter months. The insurgents carry out daily attacks targeting Afghan security forces and NATO troops, and inflicting staggering casualties, including among civilians. Most recently, a Taliban attack near the main U.S. air base in Afghanistan killed three Marines on Monday. The Taliban now hold sway over half the country after a relentless 17-year war, America's longest. A U.S. Marine Corps carry team moves a transfer case containing the remains of Staff Sgt. Christopher Slutman, Thursday, April 11, 2019, at Dover Air Force Base, Del. According to the Department of Defense, Slutman, of Newark, Del., was among three American service members killed by a roadside bomb on Monday, April 8, near Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Khalilzad, however, tweeted: "many Talibs including fighters and some leaders oppose this announcement," although he didn't explain how he knew this. Friday's announcement instructs the Taliban mujahedeen, or holy warriors, to "launch jihadi operations with sincerity and pure intentions," strictly abiding by the Taliban command structure. It also urges fighters to avoid civilian casualties. The U.N.'s annual report earlier this year said civilian deaths hit a record high last year, blaming the insurgents and other militants, such as the Islamic State group, though it also noted an uptick in civilian casualties from U.S. bombing raids, most often in aid of Afghan troops on the ground. Still, preparations are underway for Afghan-to-Afghan talks starting next week in Qatar, where the Taliban have a political office. In Kabul, the Afghan High Peace Council, a government body created years ago to talk peace with anti-government forces, condemned the Taliban announcement, saying it brought into question the insurgents sincerity in seeking a peaceful end to the war. Atta-u-Rahman Saleim, a council deputy, told The Associated Press over the phone that it undermines the credibility of the Taliban. "They are insisting on war," he said. "We can see this every day." Khalilzad, who has escalated efforts to find a peaceful end to the war since his appointment last year, has been urging the Taliban to accept a cease-fire and hold talks directly with the Kabul government, something the insurgents refuse to do. The Taliban, who see the Afghan government as a U.S. puppet, say they will talk to Kabul officials at the upcoming Qatar meeting only as "ordinary Afghans" and not as government representatives. "The killing of Afghans must stop," Khalilzad tweeted. "All sides must end unnecessary violence, and instead engage in intra-Afghan dialogue, which leads to negotiations on a political settlement and a roadmap to end the war this year." Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told the AP on Friday that the insurgents banned the International Committee of the Red Cross and the World Health Organization from operating in territory under their control. This is the second time in the past year the insurgents have barred Red Cross workers. Robin Waubo, a Red Cross official in Kabul, said the organization was putting its activities "on hold" until its representatives can meet with the Taliban to resolve the issue. "We are going to have a dialogue with them in order to try and begin our work again," Waubo said, warning that thousands of displaced people will be adversely affected by the Taliban decision. "It is a big issue for us because we have to stop working," he said. ___ Associated Press writer Kathy Gannon in Islamabad contributed to this report. QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) - A suicide bomber targeted an open-air market in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta on Friday, killing at least 20 people and wounding dozens of others, police and hospital officials said. Shortly after the bombing, struck near a Shiite residential area, dozens of angry Shiite youths rallied in Quetta, demanding more security from the authorities and the arrest of those behind the attacks. They also denounced the violence by Sunni extremists who have killed hundreds in similar attacks over the past years in Baluchistan province, where Quetta is the capital. "It seems people from the (Shiite) Hazara community were the target," said senior police chief Abdur Razzaq Cheema, adding that some of the victims were in critical condition. Mir Ziaullah Langau, the provincial home minister, said the suicide bomber had walked up to the marketplace and killed both Shiites and Sunnis. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place in the Hazarganji neighborhood, but Sunni militant groups have claimed similar bombings in the past against Shiites, whom they view as apostates deserving of death. Family members of the blast victims comfort each other outside a mortuary in Quetta, Pakistan, Friday, April 12, 2019. A powerful bomb went off at an open-air market in the southwestern city of Quetta on Friday, police and hospital officials said. (AP Photo/Arshad Butt) Cheema, the police chief said at least eight Shiites were among the dead, as well as a paramilitary soldier and seven other people. Four paramilitary troops, who were guarding the open-air fruit and vegetable market, were among the wounded. Local TV footage showed several damaged shops and at least one paramilitary vehicle. A wounded man told reporters from his hospital bed how he had heard a loud explosion before he was struck down. Qadir Nayil, a leader of the Hazara community, asked the government to provide better protection for the Shiites. "Once again our people were the target and once again we will have to bury our dear ones," he said. "We demand more security from the government and all those involved in today's act of terrorism should be found and punished." Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Arif Alvi issued statements condemning the attack and adding that it would not weaken "the resolve of the nation in the fight against terrorism." U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed shock at the Quetta attack and strongly condemned "this cowardly act," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. "The United Nations expresses its fully solidarity with the Government of Pakistan in its fight against terrorism and violent extremism," Dujarric said. Jam Kamal Khan, the chief minister of Baluchistan province, also condemned the attack, saying "the enemy of humanity" is to blame. Hours after the attack in Quetta, a roadside bomb exploded outside a shop in the southwestern border town of Chama, killing one person and wounding 10 others, police and hospitals officials said. Several militant groups operate in Baluchistan, which is also the scene of a low-level insurgency by separatists demanding more autonomy and a greater share in the region's natural resources such as gas and oil. ___ Associated Press writer Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed MADISON, Wis. (AP) - U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders returns to the friendly terrain of Wisconsin on Friday to kick off a swing through pivotal states that are part of the Democratic "blue wall" strategy for 2020. The independent senator from Vermont carried Wisconsin by 13 points in the Democratic primary three years ago and has been a frequent visitor since losing the nomination to Hillary Clinton. He's touted his appeal to working-class and college-age voters, while fostering his network of supporters before this second run for president. "We know Bernie Sanders," said Sarah Lloyd, 47, a dairy farmer from Wisconsin Dells who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2016 and planned to attend the Friday rally in the liberal capital city of Madison. "The thing that really keeps me close to Bernie is that he has been talking about these issues for 30, 40 years and I think people appreciate that. I appreciate that." Democrats have made clear that their best chance at defeating President Donald Trump in 2020 is by winning back three states Trump narrowly captured: Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Dubbed the "blue wall" before they unexpectedly tipped to Trump, they may have supplanted Florida and Ohio as the nation's premier presidential battlegrounds. Trump also knows the Midwest is vital to his re-election bid. He's looking to repeat in states he won in 2016 and expand his territory. Trump was due to campaign Monday in Minnesota, a state that almost went his way in 2016 after not voting for a Republican presidential candidate since Richard Nixon in 1972. However, Democrats feel like the momentum is on their side in the Midwest. They captured governorships in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota last year. FILE - In this Monday, April 8, 2019 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a convention of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, in Las Vegas. Sanders is heading back to the friendly turf of Wisconsin for a rally that kicks off a swing through states that are key to the Democratic "blue wall" strategy for 2020. Sanders' event Friday, April 12, in Madison will be followed by weekend stops in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. (AP Photo/John Locher, File) Democratic state Rep. David Bowen, of Milwaukee, an early Sanders supporter in 2016, said he wants Sanders to show that he has a message that can compete with Trump. "Democrats are amped up, we are fired up to highlight issues that matter to folks in Wisconsin," Bowen said. The Sanders campaign said in a memo prepared in advance of the trip, which has stops in Ohio and Indiana, that the pathway to victory runs through the Midwest. The memo said that Sanders has received donations from more than 8,000 people in Wisconsin, 14,000 in Michigan and more than 18,000 in Pennsylvania. Sanders was leading all Democratic candidates in fundraising as he tries to establish himself as the clear front-runner amid the crowded field. Sanders' appeal in Wisconsin is clear. He won 71 of the state's 72 counties in 2016, defeating Clinton by 13 points. Sanders also narrowly beat Clinton in Michigan, but lost to her in Pennsylvania. Early polling in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania has shown Sanders ahead of other Democrats. Just this week, the Marquette University Law School poll showed Sanders leading a field of 12 Democratic candidates in Wisconsin. But pollster Charles Franklin cautioned about reading too much into the numbers a full year before Wisconsin's April 2020 primary. Candidates with the best name recognition, like Sanders, typically fare better this far out compared with others mounting their first national runs for office, Franklin said. The Sanders campaign said his message on trade, unions, working families and health care resonates in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest. Earlier this week, Sanders unveiled his latest "Medicare for All" proposal, an idea that has influenced Democratic state lawmakers in Wisconsin who are advocating for similar statewide health insurance coverage. Sanders promises to tout his opposition to trade deals and his support for unions and raising the minimum wage while campaigning in the Midwest. He scheduled a visit with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten at an Ohio union hall on Monday. Peter Rickman, a Milwaukee labor activist who led Sanders' Wisconsin delegation to the 2016 Democratic National Convention, called Sanders "the best candidate to move transformational change." "I definitely view Bernie Sanders as the candidate best situated to not only defeat Donald Trump but to advance policies that stem the tide of skyrocketing inequality, to finally address the existential crisis that is climate change," Rickman said. ___ Follow Scott Bauer on Twitter: SYDNEY (AP) - Australia says it will oppose the death penalty for Julian Assange if he's extradited to the United States, as protesters in Sydney called for his release and Australia's journalists' union voiced support for him. The Australian Wikileaks founder was arrested Thursday in London's Ecuadorian Embassy and the judge found him guilty of breaching his bail conditions. He faces a U.S. charge of conspiring to reveal government secrets. While Prime Minister Scott Morrison says any extradition plans have "nothing to do with Australia," Foreign Minister Marise Payne has responded to fears from Assange's supporters over his possible punishment in the U.S., saying Australia is "completely opposed to the death penalty." About 30 people marched in Sydney to support Assange and Australia's journalists' union says he's being pursued for acts of journalism. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A bill imposing one of the most stringent abortion restrictions in the nation was signed into law in Ohio on Thursday, banning abortions after a detectable heartbeat in a long-sought victory for abortion opponents that drew an immediate constitutional challenge. In signing the heartbeat bill, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine broke with his predecessor, Republican John Kasich, who had vetoed the measure twice on grounds that it was unconstitutional. But DeWine defended Ohio Republicans' decision to push the boundaries of the law, because "it is the right thing to do." "Taking this action really is a kind of a time-honored tradition, the constitutional tradition of making a good faith argument for modification or reversal of existing legal precedents," he said. "So that is what this is." He said it's the government's job to protect the vulnerable. The bill outlaws abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which doctors say can be as early as five weeks into pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant. Ohio's closely divided politics had slowed the progress of the bill as it has caught momentum elsewhere , forcing years of debate in the state where the movement originated. Of five previous states that have passed heartbeat bills, three have seen their laws struck down or blocked by the courts, another faces a legal injunction and the fifth is awaiting governor's action. Gov. Mike DeWine speaks before signing a bill imposing one of the nation's toughest abortion restrictions, Thursday, April 11, 2019 in Columbus, Ohio. DeWine's signature makes Ohio the fifth state to ban abortions after the first detectable fetal heartbeat. That can come as early as five or six weeks into pregnancy, before many women know they're pregnant. (Fred Squillante/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) DeWine's action came a day after the latest version of the bill cleared the Republican-controlled Legislature. Even before the bill was signed, the ACLU of Ohio said it was preparing a constitutional challenge to the law on behalf of Pre-Term Cleveland and three other Ohio abortion clinics. The legal challenge is what the bill's backers have always wanted. They hope to provoke a legal challenge with the potential to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion up until viability, usually at 22 to 24 weeks. "The heartbeat bill is the next incremental step in our strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade," said Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis. "While other states embrace radical legislation to legalize abortion on demand through the ninth month of pregnancy, Ohio has drawn a line and continues to advance protections for unborn babies." Kellie Copeland, director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, said lawmakers and the governor have plunged the state into "a dystopian nightmare where people are forced to continue pregnancies regardless of the harm that may come to them or their family." The law makes no exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. EMILY's List, a national group that supports candidates who favor abortion rights, also decried the Ohio bill, as did the Democratic National Committee. DNC CEO Seema Nanda called it "the latest example of how the Trump administration's extremist, anti-women policies have emboldened legislators across the country to attack women's access to health care." DeWine said his administration is committed to supporting pregnant women. "I just want to make it very, very clear, our concern is not just for the unborn, our concern is for all individuals who need protection," he said. "It is our duty, I believe, and an essential function of government, to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Gov. Mike DeWine speaks before signing a bill imposing one of the nation's toughest abortion restrictions, Thursday, April 11, 2019 in Columbus, Ohio. Lt. Governor Jon A. Husted stands at right holding Faye Zaffini, 2, the daughter of his chief of staff. DeWine's signature makes Ohio the fifth state to ban abortions after the first detectable fetal heartbeat. That can come as early as five or six weeks into pregnancy, before many women know they're pregnant. (Fred Squillante/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) Kimberly Inez McGuire shouts "Shame" while members of the Ohio House of Representatives exit their meeting at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. The House members voted in the controversial "Heartbeat Bill" that bans abortion at the first sounds of a fetal heartbeat, which is around 6 weeks after conception. Many protestors shouted in the hallway outside of the meeting where House members decided to pass the bill. (Brooke LaValley/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) Ohio Rep. Allison Russo speaks to support an amendment preceding a vote on the Heartbeat Bill at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on April 10, 2019. The House members voted in the controversial "Heartbeat Bill" that bans abortion at the first sounds of a fetal heartbeat, which is around 6 weeks after conception. Many protestors shouted in the hallway outside of the meeting where House members decided to pass the bill. (Brooke LaValley/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) Cynthia Vermillion chants back while protesting during the Ohio House of Representatives meeting at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. The House members voted in the controversial "Heartbeat Bill" that bans abortion at the first sounds of a fetal heartbeat, which is around 6 weeks after conception. Many protestors shouted in the hallway outside of the meeting where House members decided to pass the bill. (Brooke LaValley/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) Members seated on the Republican side of the Ohio House of Representatives listen to Democratic speakers at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. The House members voted in the controversial "Heartbeat Bill" that bans abortion at the first sounds of a fetal heartbeat, which is around 6 weeks after conception. Many protestors shouted in the hallway outside of the meeting where House members decided to pass the bill. (Brooke LaValley/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) Ohio Rep. Derek Merrin stands while he advocates a yes vote on the Heartbeat Bill at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. The House members voted in the controversial "Heartbeat Bill" that bans abortion at the first sounds of a fetal heartbeat, which is around 6 weeks after conception. Many protestors shouted in the hallway outside of the meeting where House members decided to pass the bill. (Brooke LaValley/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) Adolphe Lele LAfrique Archives The Governor of Cameroons restive North West Region, Lele Lafrique Tchoffo Deben Adolphe has observed that, many separatist armed groups across his administrative unit have ignored a November 6, 2018 appeal from President Paul Biya for them to disarm and return to living normal lives. Leles observation is the content of a statement issued Thursday April 11 contesting social media reports accusing the military of killing civilians in the village of Meluf in Kumbo Subdivision. Lele Lafrique wrote: The population is however informed that since the putting in place of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and the Reintegration Programme by the Head of State, His Excellency President Paul Biya and the numerous calls for the misguided and misled secessionist fighters to lay down their arms, these calls have been heeded to by some but many armed separatist groups have ignored same and continue to attack the Forces and commit atrocities against innocent civilians. As a result, the Security and Defense Forces have resolved to stepping up targeted military and security operations on well identified and localized secessionist hideouts. He adds that there was no military raid in Meluf on April 4. He lamented that, the authors of such information have an intention to taint the image of the defense and security forces, people of goodwill alongside administrative authorities to restore peace. The Regional head enthused that, military operations are carried out with precision and professionalism. He has urged the local population to collaborate and speed the battle for the return to peace. Irrespective of the administrative clarifications, some individuals are still challenging the narrative. One native of the areas concerned claimed to be in the know of a family that lost three persons following a military raid. Cameroons Territorial Administration Minister Paul Atanga Nji says if the rebels are serious about peace, they should drop their guns and be pardoned as President Paul Biya asked. "Some of the terrorists in certain localities have willfully handed over their weapons to the forces of law and order," said Nji. "They were realistic because they know that you cannot fight a state. We have pockets of resistance but how long will they last?" Cameroons separatists complain the countrys English-speakers are treated as second-class citizens in the Francophone central Africa country, and want to create an independent state. The international community has condemned violence from both the rebels and security forces and called for a negotiated end to the conflict. WASHINGTON (AP) - Newly elected Rep. Sharice Davids is most proud of setting up a congressional office in part of her Kansas district she said hadn't seen one for years. For Georgia Rep. Lucy McBath, her biggest victory was passing the gun background checks legislation she advocated for after her son's shooting death. And for New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, her top achievement was the introduction of the landmark Green New Deal . As the Democratic freshmen lawmakers round the first 100 days of their new majority in the House, they're taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a front line of resistance to President Donald Trump. "When I came here, I said the days of business as usual in the Congress are done, and I think that's what we've seen," said Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., a nurse and former Obama administration official, who took over a GOP-held seat in the Chicago suburbs. The first 100 days is often a milestone for a new Congress - an automatic, if arbitrary, moment to assess the workings of the legislative branch. This year, it's even more noteworthy because of the historic nature of the freshmen class. It is two-thirds Democrat, with more women than men on that side of the aisle. It's also the most diverse ever , with many newbies swept into office in a blue wave that followed two years of Trump. House Democrats set out an ambitious agenda with legislation on the kitchen table priorities that helped them win the majority - protecting the Affordable Care Act, imposing new ethics rules - while engaging in aggressive oversight of the Trump administration. Their investigations extend well beyond special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election as they dig into the president's business dealings and push for Trump's tax returns . But with the spotlight comes high-profile setbacks. Democrats splintered over Ocasio-Cortez's climate change proposal and exposed party divisions over Israel's treatment of Palestinians. One new lawmaker, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, stunned some when, on Day One, she told supporters - using an expletive - that the new majority would impeach Trump. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., left, joined by Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., listens during a House Oversight and Reform Committee meeting, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Moreover, few of their bills will ever be signed into law. In fact, most are simply resolutions that are being panned by the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is providing backstop with his Republican majority to keep the measures from ever making it to Trump's desk. McConnell said Pelosi's challenges resemble those Republicans have keeping their right flank in line. "I was almost tempted to call up my friend the speaker and say, 'Congratulations, you've got a Freedom Caucus on your hands,'" he told reporters Thursday, referring to the House's conservative group. House Republicans gathered on the Capitol steps for their own 100-day event, ridiculing the new majority for catering to the liberal left and failing to keep their campaign promises. "I have one question for the Democrats after their first 100 days: What have you accomplished?" Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday. "Name me one problem you have solved." Another Republican, Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, warned that Democrats are veering toward socialism. As he did, a passer-by among the crowds of tourists outside the Capitol shouted, "I stand with Ilhan!" - a reference to outspoken freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. Democrats know they face challenges ahead, not only in avoiding the internal divisions that stymied House Republicans when they were in power but also in delivering on their campaign promises. "For me personally, the biggest frustration has been that we're working on a lot of different things. But if you're just looking at the media, the narrative is not showing that," said freshman Democratic Rep. Katie Hill of California. "It makes it seem like all we're focusing on is the president and responding to whatever tweet of the day or the investigation and so on, but we're actually working on the issues that we were elected to do." Tlaib said the most surprising thing to her so far has been the "lack of urgency" among some in Congress. As few joined her push to impeach, she said she thinks "we're going to look back and say we wish we did more." Freshman Rep. Tom Malinowski, a Democrat who will face a potentially tough re-election in New Jersey, says part of the majority's job is to at least show voters what's possible. "There will be some things that stand no chance of enactment, and we knew that, but that's OK," Malinowski said. "Because one of our jobs is to give people hope that something better is possible if we do in 2020 what we did in 2018." At House Democrats' retreat this week in Virginia, Ocasio-Cortez said their power lies in being able "to come in as a class." Many of them say they know theirs is a historic moment, even amid the everyday challenges of being new on the job. Underwood, who gathered the freshmen to make a video showcasing what they were most proud of, acknowledged the hurdles ahead. "Moving forward, we will need to continue to work not just to pass bills in the House but do things that can gain broad support so that they can get enacted into law," she said. "People in my community are looking for impactful change - they can feel a difference." ___ Associated Press writer Alan Fram in Washington contributed to this report. Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., center, smiles as she stands between Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, left, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as Democrats rally outside the Capitol ahead of passage of H.R. 1, "The For the People Act," a bill which aims to expand voting rights and strengthen ethics rules, in Washington, Friday, March 8, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Jahana Hayes, D-Conn., left, and and Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., attend a House Education and Labor Committee during a bill markup, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 6, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., left, speaks with Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 3, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., sits with fellow Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee during a bill markup, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 6, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., left, Rep. TJ Cox, D-Calif., Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., and other freshmen members of the House of Representatives, stand outside the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., after attempting to speak with him about the government shutdown on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019, in Washington. Tom Malinowski (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., speaks as Democrats rally outside the Capitol ahead of passage of H.R. 1, "The For the People Act," a bill which aims to expand voting rights and strengthen ethics rules, in Washington, Friday, March 8, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., listens during a House Oversight and Reform Committee meeting, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) From left, Rep. Lori Trahan, D-Mass., Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, and Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., walk to a House Democratic Caucus meeting at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday morning March 12, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., works in her office on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 3, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Lori Trahan, D-Mass., leaves the House Democratic Caucus on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 3, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Haley Stevens, D-Mich., sits with fellow Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee during a bill markup, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 6, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., speaks to reporters at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 4, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. "I have one question for the Democrats after their first 100 days: What have you accomplished?" said McCarthy, on April 10. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Rep. Deb Haaland, D-N.M., the first Native American woman elected to Congress, is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 3, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) FILE - In this Nov. 30, 2018, file photo, then-Rep.-elect Sharice Davids, D-Kan., draws her number during the Member-elect room lottery draw on Capitol Hill in Washington. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., speaks to visiting students following a House Oversight and Reform Committee meeting, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Freshman Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, smiles, joined at right by Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M., as Democrats rally outside the Capitol ahead of passage of H.R. 1, "The For the People Act," a bill which aims to expand voting rights and strengthen ethics rules, in Washington, Friday, March 8, 2019. House Democrats are rounding the first 100 days of their new majority taking stock of their accomplishments, noting the stumbles and marking their place as a frontline of resistance to President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) WASHINGTON (AP) - Georgetown University undergraduates have voted in favor of a referendum seeking the establishment of a fund benefiting the descendants of enslaved people sold to pay off the school's debts. The $27.20-per-semester fee would create one of the first reparations funds at a major U.S. institution. In an early Friday statement, university administrator Todd Olson didn't commit to the fund's establishment, but said Thursday's non-binding vote provided "valuable insight into student perspectives." The Georgetown University Student Association Elections Commission said 2,541 students voted for the "Reconciliation Contribution." That's just over 66% of voters. The fee was opposed by 1,304. Turnout was 57.9%. The student-led proposal aims to atone for the Jesuit-organized sale of 272 slaves in 1838. Fees would go toward projects in underprivileged communities where some descendants live, including Maringouin, Louisiana. FILE - In this July 10, 2013, file photo, prospective students tour Georgetown University's campus in Washington. Georgetown University undergraduates have voted Thursday, April 11, 2019, in favor of a referendum seeking the establishment of a fund benefiting the descendants of enslaved people sold to pay off the school's debts. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File) KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Malaysia's government said Friday it has decided to resume a China-backed rail link project, after the Chinese contractor agreed to cut the construction cost by one-third. The deal follows months of vacillating over the East Coast Rail Link, which connects Malaysia's west coast to eastern rural states and is a key part of China's Belt and Road infrastructure initiative. It should also help bolster ties between China and Malaysia that were strained when Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad suspended the project after his election last May. The prime minister's office said in a statement that the construction cost of the first two phases of the project will be cut to 44 billion ringgit ($10.7 billion), down from the original cost of 65.5 billion ringgit ($15.9 billion). It welcomed the signing of a supplementary agreement between Malaysia Rail Link Sendirian Berhad and state-owned China Communications Construction Company Ltd. to revive the project. "This reduction will surely benefit Malaysia and lighten the burden on the country's financial position," the statement said. In this Sept. 8, 2017, photo, visitors view a scale model of the ECRL (East Coast Rail Link) during the launching of the train project in Kuantan, east coast of peninsula Malaysia. Malaysia's government says it has decided to resume a China-backed rail link project after the Chinese contractor agreed to cut construction cost by one-third. (AP Photo) In Beijing, Malaysian chief negotiator Daim Zainuddin told Malaysian media that the rail link will be 40 kilometers (24.8 miles) shorter at 648 kilometers (402.6 miles) but will remain a double-track line. Daim was quoted by the New Straits Times newspaper as saying the cost savings was a "big achievement." The lower cost also means the government can save in terms of interest on a lower loan, he said. He said the agreement will bolster bilateral relations and encourage more Chinese companies to invest in Malaysia. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, hailed the agreement. "We are happy to see that the two sides have reached a settlement through friendly negotiation. I also hope that the two sides can resume the project construction as soon as possible," he told reporters. Mahathir's government has axed or reviewed large-scale infrastructure projects to rein in surging national debt that it blames mostly on corruption in the previous government. The government last year suspended works on the rail link pending renegotiations. Mahathir initially suggested the rail project will be called off because the high cost could burden the country with debt for decades. But he later said negotiations were ongoing and the government hadn't made a final decision. The project is largely financed by China and the main contract was awarded in 2016 to CCCC by former Prime Minister Najib Razak. Mahathir's government has said the final cost could balloon to more than 100 billion ringgit ($24.2 billion) but bids to terminate the project could pose a challenge to the government, which would have to pay compensation and risk angering China, Malaysia's largest trading partner. Apart from the rail link, the government last year also cancelled two China-backed pipelines costing 9.3 billion ringgit ($2.3 billion) after discovering that 90 percent of the project's costs had been paid but only 13 percent of work had been completed. The government has said it is investigating whether any money in the rail project had been channeled by Najib's government to repay debts at the 1MDB state investment fund. A massive financial scandal at 1MDB led to the election loss of Najib's coalition last May and Najib is currently on trial for multiple corruption charges linked to 1MDB. In this Sept. 8, 2017, photo, the construction site of the ECRL (East Coast Rail Link) train project is surveyed by officials during the launching in Kuantan, east coast of the Malaysian peninsula. Malaysia's government says it has decided to resume a China-backed rail link project after the Chinese contractor agreed to cut construction cost by one-third. (AP Photo) BEIRUT (AP) - They are a common sight around Beirut, but their presence barely registers with Lebanese citizens anymore. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing - testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people. Some are Beirut landmarks, like the iconic Holiday Inn, a hulking, bullet-riddled blue and white building that towers over the capital. The hotel, which opened for business just two years before the war broke out on April 13, 1975, was destroyed early on during battles between rival factions and used as a sniper's nest. It has stood deserted and untouched since then, its shareholders locked in a dispute over its future. There's the modernist movie theater that never was, nicknamed locally "The Egg." Its moldy skeleton stands as a ruin, its future unclear. Like the Holiday Inn, it is a curious attraction for visiting foreigners. There are also a few remaining residential buildings located along the former Green Line, which separated the mainly Muslim part of West Beirut from the predominantly Christian part, their ravaged facades a testimony to the horrors witnessed many years ago. They still stand, either because their owners have no money to fix them, or because of disputes over ownership. In this Nov. 12, 2018, photo, graffiti by Cuban-American artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada depicting a boy is painted on a bullet riddled building on the former frontline of the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war in downtown Beirut, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people.(AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) "Seeing these buildings is like being slapped in the face," said Sahar Mandour, a Lebanese journalist and a writer. "You're walking around going about your daily business when suddenly you come face to face with a scene that takes you back to the old days." Unlike others who dislike the sight of these buildings and think they should be demolished, Mandour, 42, says it's important that they stay for the nation's collective memory, to never forget a war that pitted Palestinians against Lebanese, Christians against Muslims, Christians against Christians and every other combination possible. Israel also stepped in, adding to the destruction. "For a foreigner, it is a destroyed building. For us, it is a painful reminder of the bullets that pierced our bodies, streets and walls," Mandour says. "I don't want these buildings to disappear, their mission is not over yet." Not everyone feels the same. A woman who rents an apartment in a bullet-scarred building on the former Green Line between the mainly Muslim Shiyah and Christian Ayn el Rummaneh districts, said she worries about her two sons and society judging them for where they live. She keeps plants on the veranda and on the stairs to compensate for the building's grim facade. "If I had somewhere else to go, I would," she said, identifying herself by her nickname, Imm Lebnen, or mother of Lebanon. ___ Follow Hassan Ammar on Twitter and on Instagram . Follow Associated Press photographers and photo editors on Twitter: In this April 7, 2019, photo, the Lebanese capital's landmark Holiday Inn hotel, center, riddled with bullets and shells, stands between new designer towers in downtown Beirut, Lebanon. The hotel was destroyed during battles between rival factions in Beirut's hotels district in the early years of the country's 1975-90 civil war. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 12, 2018, photo, children stand on the balcony of their apartment building damaged during Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war on a former Beirut frontline, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people.(AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 28, 2015, photo, Syrian refugee children stand on the stairs of their apartment in a building damaged during Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war on a former Beirut frontline, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people.(AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 17, 2018, photo, Shiyah, a Muslim Shiite neighborhood from a destroyed apartment in the southern Beirut Christian district of Ain el-Rummaneh, Lebanon. The two sides fought fierce battles during the 1975-90 civil war, which started with a shooting on a bus in Ain el-Rummaneh. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 27, 2018, photo, a pigeon flies next to the Dome City Center known as "The Egg" in downtown Beirut, Lebanon. The Egg is an iconic destroyed building left over from the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Dec. 2, 2018, photo, cars park in front of a building that is still riddled with bullets and shells on the former frontline of the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war in Beirut, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 17, 2018, photo, Shiyah, a Muslim Shiite neighborhood is seen from a destroyed apartment in the southern Beirut Christian district of Ain el-Rummaneh, Lebanon. The two sides fought fierce battles during the 1975-90 civil war, which started with a shooting on a bus in Ain el-Rummaneh. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 12, 2018, photo, graffiti is painted on a bullet riddled building on the former frontline of the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war in downtown Beirut, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 27, 2018, photo, a man passes in front of Beit Beirut, the nearly 100 year-old house that served as a sniper position during Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war, on a former Beirut frontline, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Nov. 17, 2018, photo, an inhabited building that is still riddled with bullets and shells left over from the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war on a former Beirut frontline between Shiyah, a Muslim Shiite district and Christian district of Ain el-Rummaneh, in Beirut, Lebanon. The two sides fought fierce battles during the 1975-90 civil war, which started with a shooting on a bus in Ain el-Rummaneh. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) In this Jan. 28, 2016, photo, a visitor checks the mosaic of the Good Shepherd that was badly damaged in the lower left corner by a sniper during the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war at the Lebanese National Museum in Beirut, Lebanon. Nearly 30 years after civil war guns fell silent, dozens of bullet-scarred, shell-pocked buildings are still standing _ testimony to a brutal conflict that raged for 15 years and took the lives of 150,000 people.(AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) TOKYO (AP) - A Tokyo court on Friday approved the detention of Nissan's former Chairman Carlos Ghosn through April 22, allowing prosecutors to interrogate him daily on fresh allegations of financial misconduct. Ghosn was arrested in November, released on bail last month but rearrested last week and is being held at Tokyo Detention Center. It is unclear when he might be released. The new board of Nissan's alliance with Renault SA of France and Japanese automaker Mitsubishi Motors Corp. met Friday in Paris for the first time to plot out the group's future without Ghosn. The alliance board is led by Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard. It also includes Nissan Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa and Mitsubishi CEO Osamu Masuko. It will oversee shared projects such as developing batteries and more autonomous driving functions in their cars. Without the hard-driving, attention-getting Ghosn at the helm, some have expressed concern about the viability of the alliance. The scandal also remains a troubling distraction. Ghosn has been charged with falsifying financial documents in underreporting his compensation, and with breach of trust in using Nissan money for dubious payments. In this image made from video released by Carlos Ghosn via his lawyer Tuesday, April 9, 2019, former Nissan chairman Ghosn speaks on camera in Tokyo. Ghosn, who was arrested in Japan on financial misconduct charges, gets his say in a video shown by his legal team. (Carlos Ghosn via AP) His latest arrest is over breach of trust suspicions that payments by a Nissan subsidiary to an Oman dealership went to a company effectively run by Ghosn. Formal charges involving those allegations have not been filed. On Thursday, Ghosn's wife Carole, who had left for France after Ghosn's latest arrest, returned for questioning in a Tokyo court. Details have not been disclosed. Ghosn, who led the Japanese automaker for two decades, says he is innocent of all charges. He says the compensation was never decided and the payments were for legitimate services. Long detention and multiple arrests are routine in Japan, but rearresting a person who already cleared bail as Ghosn did before is unusual. His lawyers, who have protested the detention as unfair, filed a new appeal with the court on the latest detention extension, but the court rejected it late Friday. ___ This story has been corrected to show the meeting in Paris was held Friday. CAIRO (AP) - The Sudanese military on Friday swiftly replaced the country's transitional leader linked to the Darfur genocide after street rallies against him and said that it wouldn't hand over ousted President Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of crimes against humanity. Thousands of jubilant protesters celebrated in the streets after Defense Minister Gen. Awad ibn Ouf, who was name de facto leader after overthrowing al-Bashir on Thursday, announced he was stepping down as transitional leader. He named a reputable army general as his successor. Ibn Ouf said he would be replaced by Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, general inspector of the armed forces, as head of the transitional council, which will rule the country for two years until elections. "I am confident he will steer the ship to safe shores," he said of Burhan, adding he was stepping aside to "preserve unity" of the armed forces. Burhan was one of the generals who reached out to protesters at the week-long encampment near the military headquarters, meeting with them face to face, and listening to their views. Chants rang out across the sit-in where tens of thousands have been rallying in front of the military headquarters to protest the military takeover of power after al-Bashir's ouster. "Revolutionaries, we will continue our path," the protesters shouted as they danced and clapped. Demonstrators gather in Sudan's capital of Khartoum, Friday, April 12, 2019. The Sudanese protest movement has rejected the military's declaration that it has no ambitions to hold the reins of power for long after ousting the president of 30 years, Omar al-Bashir. (AP Photo) Earlier Friday, another top general, Omar Zein Abedeen said that the 75-year-old al-Bashir would not be extradited to the International Criminal Court, based in The Hague, Netherlands, saying doing so would be "an ugly mark on Sudan." "Even rebels carrying weapons, we don't extradite them," he told reporters at a news conference in Khartoum. Zein Abedeen said Sudanese courts would hold al-Bashir "accountable," but did not specify what charges he could be prosecuted on. After his arrest, the military denounced him and his government for corruption, maladministration and "lack of justice." The developments point to the sensitivity of the Darfur conflict for the military that arrested al-Bashir after four months of deadly street demonstration against his 30-year rule. The protesters rejected ibn Ouf's leadership because he was head of military intelligence during the brutal campaign to suppress the Darfur insurgency in the 2000s. The United States has imposed sanctions on him since 2007, saying he armed and directed pro-government militias known as the Janjaweed, accused of widespread atrocities against civilians and rapes during the conflict. The move also underscores the limits on the reach of the International Criminal Court. On Friday, ICC judges rejected a request by the court's prosecutor to open an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and alleged crimes by U.S. forces there, in part because the U.S., Afghan government and Taliban are not expected to cooperate. In the Darfur conflict, rebels among the territory's ethnic Central African community launched an insurgency in 2003, complaining of discrimination and oppression by the Arab-dominated Khartoum government. The government responded with a scorched earth assault of aerial bombings and unleashed the Janjaweed. Up to 300,000 people were killed and 2.7 million driven from their homes. Along with al-Bashir, the ICC has indicted two other senior figures in his regime - Abdel-Rahim Muhammad Hussein, who was interior and defense minister during much of the conflict, and Ahmed Haroun, a senior security chief at the time who last month was named by al-Bashir to run the ruling National Congress Party. Both were among those reported by the Sudanese media to have been arrested Thursday in a sweep by the military against al-Bashir's inner circle. Zein Abedeen confirmed the media reports Friday without specifying the two men. An ICC spokesman declined to comment on al-Bashir's case. On Thursday, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urged the Sudanese military to hand over the ousted leader. "Victims of the gravest crimes in Darfur should not have to wait any longer for justice," said Jehanne Henry, associate director at Human Rights Watch. Meanwhile, Zein Abedeen sought to reassure protesters who, while celebrating al-Bashir's removal, oppose the military's seizure of power. After ousting the president, the military announced it would rule the country for two years through a transitional council. It also suspended the constitution, dissolved the government, declared a three-month state of emergency and imposed a night-time curfew. Protest organizers have vowed not to end their street action until a civilian transitional council is formed, saying rule by military commanders who for years were al-Bashir loyalists is just an extension of his regime. The curfew and state of emergency have raised fears the military could eventually disperse the sit-in by force. But at least initially, it appears to be trying to persuade protest organizers to end the campaign. Speaking at a news conference aired live on state TV and flanked by other uniformed officers, Zein Abedeen insisted the army has no ambition to hold the reins of power for long. "If within a month, Sudan became able to run itself without chaos, we are ready to leave even after a month. The maximum is two years," he said. He said the military would only appoint the defense and interior ministers in any transitional government and would not interfere. "This was not a coup," but a "tool of change," he said. "We came ... to guide the country forward." But protest organizers rejected the military's assurances, calling them "deception and farce." The Sudanese Professionals Association, which has spearheaded the four months of demonstrations against al-Bashir, said the "coup leaders ... are not eligible to bring change," and repeated demands for the "immediate handover of power to a civilian transitional government." At the sit-in, the mood was festive. Some protesters brought in mattresses, fans and even air conditioners, while others swept the streets to keep them clean, signaling they intend to stay long-term. As thousands of Muslim worshippers lined up in the street to hold prayers, Christians among the protesters held blankets over them to shade them from the sun in a show of solidarity. There were also signs of cracks among al-Bashir's former loyalists. On Friday, the commander of Sudan's feared Rapid Support Force, a paramilitary force, expressed support for the protesters, saying the forces will not "accept any solutions rejected by the Sudanese people" and called for dialogue so Sudan would "avoid slipping into chaos." ___ Associated Press writer Sarah el-Deeb in Beirut contributed to this report. Demonstrators gather in Sudan's capital of Khartoum, Friday, April 12, 2019. The Sudanese protest movement has rejected the military's declaration that it has no ambitions to hold the reins of power for long after ousting the president of 30 years, Omar al-Bashir. (AP Photo) Demonstrators gather in Sudan's capital of Khartoum, Friday, April 12, 2019. The Sudanese protest movement has rejected the military's declaration that it has no ambitions to hold the reins of power for long after ousting the president of 30 years, Omar al-Bashir. (AP Photo) NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Suspected Islamist militants abducted two Cuban doctors in an ambush that killed a police bodyguard in northern Kenya near the Somali border, officials said Friday. It was the second abduction of a foreigner in five months likely carried out by the al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab extremist group, which is based in Somalia. The gunmen may have taken the doctors into Somalia, police spokesman Charlse Owino said. He said the doctors' driver had been detained to help with investigations. The doctors were ambushed as they headed to work, said David Ohito, communications director for the Mandera county government. Gov. Ali Roba said the gunmen's vehicle blocked the doctors' vehicle "and opened fire at their bodyguards, killing one instantly." Al-Shabab was suspected, the governor said. Cuba's Health Ministry identified the doctors as Assel Herrera Corea, a general physician from the eastern province of Las Tunas, and Landy Rodriguez Hernandez, a surgeon from the central province of Villa Clara. Herrera's Facebook page shows recent photos of him in Kenya and indicates he earlier worked in Venezuela and Brazil. The ministry said it had established channels of communication with Kenyan authorities and established a governmental working group to deal with the case. At least 100 Cuban doctors have been brought in Kenya in an exchange program that saw about 50 Kenyans travel to Cuba for specialized training last year. In November an Italian volunteer, Silvia Romano, was kidnapped in southern Kenya's coastal region by gunmen linked to al-Shabab. She has not been found. Kidnapping for ransom was a frequent al-Shabab activity before 2011. That's when Kenya sent troops into Somalia to fight the extremists who had kidnapped four Europeans that year. Kenya said the abductions threatened tourism, a key pillar of the economy. Kenyan troops are now part of the multinational African Union force bolstering Somalia's weak government against al-Shabab. The extremist group has vowed retribution on Kenya for its troop presence in Somalia. Al-Shabab's deadly attack on a luxury hotel complex in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, in January was one of numerous attacks inside Kenya that have killed hundreds since 2011. Mandera county's border area has borne the brunt of the attacks. ___ Associated Press writer Andrea Rodriguez in Havana contributed. ___ Follow Africa news at Election officials sailed boats and ships, trekked through dense forest and summited mountains to carry voting machines to even the most remote parts of India for national elections. The mammoth vote that began on Thursday ends May 19, and counting will he held on May 23. Four people were killed in election-related clashes in three Indian states. Still, in most places, the atmosphere was festive with men and women in colorful traditional attire heading to voting stations to cast ballots on electronic voting machines. Voting also took place in parts of troubled Kashmir where insurgents fighting against Indian rule called for a boycott. The elections are widely seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party has been credited by supporters with India's booming economy but criticized for engendering anti-Muslim sentiment. The main opposition Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia Gandhi are contesting for parliamentary seats from northern Uttar Pradesh state. Amid much fanfare, supporters waved party flags with the open, palm-facing hand symbol and shouted: "Long live Rahul Gandhi" and "Long live Sonia Gandhi" as they accompanied their leaders in slow-moving parades to submit the nomination documents at election offices. In this April 10, 2019, photo, election officials and paramilitary soldiers with election materials board on a country boat to cross the river Brahmaputra on the eve of the first phase of general election in Majuli, Assam, India. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath, File) With 900 million of India's 1.3 billion people registered to vote, it is the world's largest democratic exercise, and the largest-ever election. Over the seven phases of voting, 543 Lok Sahba seats will be decided at about a million polling stations across India. In this April 11, 2019, photo, Kashmiri voters stand in a queue to cast their votes outside a polling station at Shadipora, outskirts of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan, File) In this April 10, 2019, photo, Indian election officials and paramilitary soldiers with election materials walk along the river Brahmaputra to board on a country boat on the eve of the first phase of general election in Majuli, Assam, India. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath, File) In this April 11, 2019, photo, Mishing tribal women show the indelible ink marks on their index fingers after casting their votes in Majuli, Assam, India. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath, File) In this April 11, 2019, photo, polling officer puts indelible ink mark on the index finger of a voter during the first phase of general elections in Majuli, Assam, India. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath, File) In this April 10, 2019, photo, polling officials wait to receive electronic voting machines and voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) on the eve of the first phase of general election in Majuli, Assam, India. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath) In this April 10, 2019, photo, Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi, center in white, accompanied by his sister Priyanka Vadra in red arrives to file his nomination papers for the upcoming general elections in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh state, India. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh, File) In this April 10, 2019, photo, polling officials check electronic voting machines before leaving for their polling booths in Jammu, India. (AP Photo/Channi Anand, File) In this April 10, 2019, photo, polling officers collect election materials for the first phase of general elections, in Ghaziabad, outskirts of New Delhi, India. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup, File) In this Tuesday, April 9, 2019, photo, workers remove banners with pictures of candidates from election campaigning vehicles as part of enforcing election laws in Hyderabad, India. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A., File) In this April 9, 2019, photo, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supporters cheer at an election campaign rally in Hyderabad, India. (AP Photo/ Mahesh Kumar A.,File) In this Monday, April 8, 2019, photo, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi releases Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP's manifesto for the upcoming general elections in New Delhi, India. Modi came to power in 2014 promising big-ticket economic reforms. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup, File) In this April 9, 2019, photo, young men walk past a wall with an election awareness message in Hyderabad, India. (AP Photo/ Mahesh Kumar A., File) BEIJING (AP) - China's exports rebounded from a slump in March and sales to the United States rose despite President Donald Trump's tariff hikes. Exports rose 14.2% over a year ago to $198.7 billion, recovering from February's 20.8% contraction, customs data showed Friday. Imports fell 7.6% to $166 billion, worsening the previous month's 5.2% decline. Exports to the United States rose 3.7% to $31.8 billion, recovering from February's 28.6% decline despite Trump's tariffs of up to 25% on $250 billion of Chines goods. Imports of American goods plunged 25.8% to $11.3 billion, hit by Chinese retaliatory duties and orders to buyers to find other suppliers. The slump has added to pressure on Chinese leaders to make peace in a tariff war with Washington over Beijing's technology ambitions. "Exports have yet to fully recover from a sharp slowdown late last year," said Julians Evans-Pritchard of Capital Economics in a report. In this April 1, 2019, photo, tugboats move a container ship at a port in Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong Province. Data released Friday, April 12, 2019, shows that China's exports rebounded from a contraction in March and sales to the United States grew strongly despite President Donald Trump's tariff hikes.(Chinatopix via AP) Chinese government spokespeople said Thursday talks with Washington were making progress after nine rounds of negotiations. The latest three-day meeting in Washington last week dealt with technology transfer, intellectual property rights, agriculture and enforcement. Economists say a settlement appears increasingly like. But they say even if that happens, this year's Chinese exports will be lackluster. Washington is pressing Beijing to scale back plans for government-led creation of Chinese competitors in robotics and other technologies. Europe, Japan and other trading partners echo U.S. complaints those violate Beijing's market-opening commitments. The fight has disrupted trade in goods ranging from soybeans to medical equipment. The dispute has rattled financial markets and prompted the International Monetary Fund and other forecasters to lower their outlook for global economic growth. "The reversal of U.S. tariffs would only provide a small boost to exports of around 1% to 2%," said Evans-Pritchard. "With global growth set to remain weak in the coming quarters, a strong rebound in exports therefore looks unlikely." Chinese exports to the 28-nation European Union rose 23.7% over a year earlier to $33.1 billion. Imports of European goods fell 4.9% to $22 billion. Exports to the United States grew by double digits through most of 2018 despite Trump's tariff hikes starting in July. But they slid in December once the full impact hit. Exports to the United States in January and February fell 14.1% from a year earlier. TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the arrest of former auto industry leader Carlos Ghosn (all times local): 5:10 p.m. The new board of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance is holding its first meeting to plot out the group's future without jailed former boss Carlos Ghosn. The board is meant to replace a Ghosn-driven, Netherlands-based leadership structure that has come under scrutiny since Ghosn's first arrest in November. He has been repeatedly arrested on allegations of financial misconduct that he vigorously denies. Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard leads the new board, which includes the CEOs of all three carmakers and met Friday in Paris. It will oversee shared projects such as developing batteries and more autonomous driving functions in their cars. Without the hard-driving, attention-getting Ghosn at the helm, some have expressed concern about the viability of the alliance. Meanwhile, the scandal around the alleged financial wrongdoing remains a major distraction for all three carmakers. FILE - This Friday Sept. 15, 2017 file photo shows the logo of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance during a press conference in Paris. The new board of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance is holding its first meeting to plot out the group's future without jailed former boss Carlos Ghosn. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus, File) ___ 4:00 p.m. The detention of Nissan's former Chairman Carlos Ghosn on suspicion of financial misconduct has been approved through April 22. Ghosn was arrested in November, released on bail last month but re-arrested last week on fresh allegations. The Tokyo District Court on Friday approved prosecutors' request to continue to hold Ghosn at Tokyo Detention Center. He has been charged with falsifying financial documents in under-reporting his compensation and with breach of trust in using Nissan Motor Co. money for dubious payments. Ghosn led the Japanese automaker for two decades and says he is innocent of the accusations that led to his downfall. WASHINGTON (AP) - It was a far cry from "I love WikiLeaks!" President Donald Trump declared that "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" after its disheveled founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to face charges, a stark contrast to how candidate Trump showered praise on Assange's hacking organization night after night during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign. Asked about Thursday's arrest, Trump said at the White House, "It's not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general, who's doing an excellent job. So, he'll be making a determination . I know nothing really about him." "It's not my deal in life." But WikiLeaks was Trump's deal in 2016 as he welcomed the political boost his campaign got and cheered on the release of Clinton campaign emails. On the same October day that the "Access Hollywood" tape emerged, revealing that Trump had bragged in 2005 about groping women, WikiLeaks began releasing damaging emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta. Trump and his allies, facing a tough battle in the campaign's final month, seized on the illegal dumps and weaponized them. President Donald Trump listens to South Korean President Moon Jae-in speak during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) "WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks," Trump said in Pennsylvania. "This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove," Trump said in Michigan. "Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks," Trump said in Ohio. All told, Trump extolled WikiLeaks more than 100 times, and a poster of Assange hung backstage at the Republican's debate war room. At no point from a rally stage did Trump express any misgivings about how WikiLeaks obtained the emails from the Clinton campaign or about the accusations of stealing sensitive U.S. government information, which led to the charges against Assange on Thursday. Assange for years has been under U.S. Justice Department scrutiny for WikiLeaks' role in publishing thousands of government secrets. He was an important figure in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, as investigators examined how WikiLeaks obtained emails that were stolen from Democratic groups. When asked about Assange in 2017, Trump said he did not "support or unsupport" WikiLeaks' move to release hacked emails and that he would not be involved in any decision for the U.S. government to arrest Assange. "I am not involved in that decision," whether or not to arrest Assange, Trump told The Associated Press then, "but if they want to do it, it's OK with me." The Justice Department now has charged Assange with taking part in a computer hacking conspiracy, accusing him of scheming with Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, to break a password for a classified government computer. The single charge of computer intrusion conspiracy carries up to five years in prison, though the Justice Department can add additional charges depending on the evidence it gathers. Manning was ordered jailed last month for refusing to testify before a grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, suggesting that prosecutors are still at work. It was unclear why the Assange charge, which was brought under seal last year, was made public at this time and why he was taken into custody now - weeks after Mueller's investigation had concluded. None of the allegations in the case relate to Russian election interference or WikiLeaks' role in publishing emails stolen from Democrats by Russian intelligence operatives. An indictment against 12 Russians last year described WikiLeaks' role in publishing hacked emails in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. Though the indictment said WikiLeaks had worked to coordinate the release of information, there was no allegation that the organization solicited the hacking of Democratic email accounts or worked with Russians. Assange's arrest provoked passionate responses overseas, and from some who had expressed concern about whistleblower protections, but the initial bipartisan reaction in Washington was relief. "I'm glad to see the wheels of justice are finally turning when it comes to Julian Assange," tweeted Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a Trump ally. "In my book, he has NEVER been a hero. His actions - releasing classified information - put our troops at risk and jeopardized the lives of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan." And Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, said he hoped the British courts would quickly transfer Assange to U.S. custody "so he can finally get the justice he deserves." Assange's lawyer has previously said he planned to fight any U.S. charges against him. Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 after he was released on bail in Britain while facing extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations that have since been dropped. British police said Assange had been arrested Thursday for breaching his bail conditions and in relation to the U.S. arrest request. ___ Lemire reported from New York. Associated Press writer Darlene Superville contributed from Washington. ___ Follow Lemire on Twitter at and Tucker at ___ Follow AP's coverage of the arrest of WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange: President Donald Trump meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Washington. Trump declared that "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" after its disheveled founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to face charges, a stark contrast to how candidate Trump showered praise on Assange's hacking organization night after night during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) JUBA, South Sudan (AP) - The military overthrow of Sudan's longtime president quickly has raised concerns about whether the upheaval will destabilize neighboring South Sudan's fragile efforts at peace after five years of civil war. Amid the laughter and applause on the streets of South Sudan's capital, Juba, moments after the ouster on Thursday, there was worry about what will happen now that Omar al-Bashir , who helped broker a South Sudan peace deal last year, is gone. "It is too early to celebrate," Jacob Chol, senior political analyst and professor at the University of Juba, told The Associated Press. Al-Bashir's fall is likely to have a negative impact as he pushed South Sudan's warring parties to implement the peace agreement and he's no longer "on the throne," he said. Al-Bashir for decades had waged fighting with southern Sudan, which ultimately separated from the north in 2011 and became South Sudan, the world's youngest nation. Since the split al-Bashir's relationship slowly evolved into one of peacemaker, though with an eye on the oil-rich region that is now part of South Sudan. If Khartoum is no longer able to project its power onto Juba, it will be up to South Sudan's leaders to decide whether they want to move forward with the peace process and they may have to do it on their own, said Alan Boswell, senior analyst with the International Crisis Group. The peace deal signed in September has been fraught with delays and outbreaks of fighting. In this photo taken Thursday, April 11, 2019, a young merchant carrying brooms to sell walks along a street after the recent ousting of Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, in the capital Juba, South Sudan. The military overthrow of Sudan's longtime president quickly has raised concerns about whether the upheaval will destabilize neighbouring South Sudan's fragile efforts at peace after five years of civil war. (AP Photo/Sam Mednick) In a month's time, opposition leader Riek Machar is expected to return to South Sudan to once again serve as President Salva Kiir's deputy, an arrangement that has ended more than once in deadly fighting. But key parts of the peace deal have yet to be implemented including the defining of internal boundaries and creating a unified national army. In a report last month the International Crisis Group warned of a "high risk of collapse." On Thursday at a retreat at the Vatican, Pope Francis knelt and kissed the feet of South Sudan's rival leaders in an unprecedented act of humbleness to encourage them to strengthen the African country's faltering peace process. South Sudan's government denied that al-Bashir's removal will affect it. "The peace agreement is not based on a person. It was based on institutions," government spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny said. Whoever comes into power next in Sudan is an internal matter, he said. On the streets of Juba, crowds gathered to discuss al-Bashir's removal and Sudan's future. "There are children who have spent all their lives under al-Bashir. Congratulations to the youth in Sudan. They shouldn't have to live with a dictator," said Martin Wani, a businessman. Some South Sudanese sent messages of peace to their neighbors. "War anywhere in the world is hopeless. It's time both of the Sudans lived in peace," said Akon Kual, a car mechanic. Recent economic turmoil in Sudan sent some to live in South Sudan instead. Ismail Alteib said he arrived in Juba four years ago because it was a better option than living in Khartoum. Now that al-Bashir is out of power Alteib is considering going home. "I knew the day would come when he'd have to go," the shopkeeper said of the longtime leader. After al-Bashir's ouster, Sudan's defense minister, Awad Mohammed Ibn Ouf, announced two years of military rule, enraging protesters who want democratic change and civilian leaders. Not everyone was distressed. Standing on the street in Juba, Sudanese native Zakaria Hassan said the people already had forced crucial change for years to come. "The youth have been awakened," Hassan said. "Anyone who goes into the office next will know that the youth are watching and will have to be very careful." ___ Follow Africa news at TIRANA, Albania (AP) - Prosecutors have confiscated public land on the western Albanian coast that was illegally sold or owned by a former lawmaker and other officials. A statement Friday said that prosecutors seized 30 hectares (75 acres) of public land in Lezha district, 50 kilometers (30 miles) northwest of the capital, Tirana, estimated to be worth some 40 million euro ($45 million.) Arben Ndoka, a former lawmaker, and about two dozen others have allegedly falsified documents for the land to be sold at inflated prices for development as tourist resorts, or at symbolic prices to fictitious owners. Ndoka, who is under house arrest, denied the allegations. Albania is working on fighting corruption as part of its bid to join the European Union. BERLIN (AP) - An Austrian music festival is apologizing to British grime artist Stormzy, who pulled out of an appearance after accusing security staff of racial profiling. Snowbombing festival organizers said security responded Wednesday night to a report that an individual at the show in Mayrhofen had a weapon, and a small number of people, including Stormzy's manager, were searched . Stormzy said on Instagram his friends were "racially profiled, targeted and aggressively handled ... despite no one fitting the description." Stormzy offered his "sincerest apologies" to disappointed fans but said "if these are the drastic steps that I need to take to make a point against racism and racial profiling, then trust me I'm taking it." Snowbombing said Thursday they "wholeheartedly apologize to Stormzy's team" and will take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. SANAA, Yemen (AP) - Yemen's President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has attended a rare session of parliament in an eastern city. The House of Representatives convened Saturday in Sayoun for the first time since war broke out in March 2015 between the Houthi rebels, who control the capital, Sanaa, and a Saudi-led coalition backing the government. More than 130 lawmakers attended the session and elected Sultan al-Borkani as speaker. The 301-member assembly was elected to a six-year term in 2009. It is split between Houthi supporters, government supporters and independents. Yemen's government has been based in the southern city of Aden since 2015, but Hadi and other top officials live in Saudi Arabia. Local authorities in Aden, who are allied with the United Arab Emirates, refused to allow parliament to convene there. Rescuers struggled Monday to reach villages in southern Nepal cut off by a powerful rainstorm that killed at least 28 people and injured hundreds more. High winds during the storm Sunday night flipped cars and blew a bus carrying at least 40 people off a road. Police said most of the deaths were caused by collapsing walls and falling bricks in homes and toppled trees and electricity poles. The storm swept through villages in a farming region in Bara and Parsa districts. A woman carries her one-month-old child as she stands at the entrance of her damaged house (Niranjan Shrestha/AP) The government administrator in Bara, Rajesh Poudel, said Monday that 27 were killed there. One person died in neighbouring Parsa, administrator Narayan Bhattarai said. The countrys prime minister Khadga Prasad Oli cancelled a visit to western Nepal and was flying to the area to observe rescue efforts, his office said. The National Emergency Operation Centre in Kathmandu said 612 people were injured and teams with tents and other material were sent to the area. Villagers gathered what they could salvage from what was left of their homes in Bharwalia village, where most people live in huts made of mud and bricks with straw and stone roofs. Most of the huts were blown down by the strong winds, leaving people without shelter or food. Women grieve the deaths of their relatives (Niranjan Shrestha/AP) The storm took everything we had, including all the goods we had. We have no food to eat or any roof over our heads, said Jebeda Khatung, who was digging through the debris in hopes of finding some of her belongings. The weather was clearer Monday, and helicopters were expected to begin taking the injured to medical facilities. Local television showed the injured being taken to a hospital in cars, ambulances and even on motorcycles, but roads in many villages were blocked by fallen trees and electricity poles. Nicola Sturgeon has said her partys preference is for no Brexit, rather than a soft Brexit, ahead of further votes at Westminster. A second round of indicative votes will be held on Monday, with a series of proposals tabled by MPs to see if any can command a majority. The First Minister suggested a proposal put forward by SNP MP Joanna Cherry calling on the UK Government to revoke Article 50 if no extension can be obtained is the most important motion being tabled. Last week, none of the eight alternatives to Prime Minister Theresa Mays deal proposed by MPs were approved. The most important motion laid today is this one from @joannaccherry - it makes revoking Article 50, rather than a no deal Brexit, the default option if Parliament cant agree a way forward. I hope all parties will support. #RevokeArt50 Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) April 1, 2019 Ms Sturgeon tweeted on Monday: The most important motion laid today is this one from Joanna Cherry it makes revoking Article 50, rather than a no-deal Brexit, the default option if Parliament cant agree a way forward. I hope all parties will support. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in the debating chamber during First Ministers Questions at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh (Andrew Milligan/PA) Ms Sturgeon said SNP MPs would decide how to vote when proposals are selected later. Todays vote is not on a preferential basis so there may be an opportunity to keep alive least worst options against no deal/hard Brexit, she said. But to be clear, our preference is not soft Brexit it is no Brexit. At First Ministers Questions in the Scottish Parliament last week, Ms Sturgeon said the SNP had argued for a single market/customs union membership compromise for two years when stopping Brexit did not appear to be an option. She suggested putting the question of EU membership back to the people in a referendum would now be the right thing to do. The Duchess of Sussex is expected to break with modern royal tradition by not having her baby at the Lindo Wing. Meghan is said to have decided against following in the footsteps of the Duchess of Cambridge, who gave birth to all three of her children at the private maternity centre at St Marys Hospital in Paddington, London. The Lindo was also where the late Princess of Wales delivered Princes William and Harry, and the exclusive wing was used by the Princess Royal for the births of her two children. Meghan could choose the Mulberry Birth Centre at Frimley Park Hospital in Camberley, Surrey, which is 15 miles from Frogmore Cottage, or the Juniper Birth Centre at Wexham Park Hospital which both offer a home-from-home environment for lower-risk births. If Meghan is treated the same as other pregnant mothers, she will be subject to a first-come, first-served scenario so could miss out on using the birthing centres if they are already full when she goes into labour. Frimley Park Hospital in Frimley, Surrey (PA) The Mulberry Birth Centre at Frimley Park has five birth rooms, with en-suite facilities and one which includes a birthing pool with mood lighting. At Frimley Park Hospital, mothers who wish for extra privacy after the birth of their baby can pay for a private single room. But these cannot be booked in advance and do not have en-suite facilities. At Wexham Park Hospital there are two amenity rooms which NHS patients can pay for after the birth. They cost 190 each, are first-come first-served and cannot be booked ahead of schedule. Frimley Park was the hospital that helped save the life of the Countess of Wessex following complications during the premature birth of her daughter, Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor. The Earl and Countess of Wessex leave Frimley Park Hospital with Lady Louise (PA) Louise was the Queens first grandchild to be born in an NHS hospital. Sophies son, Viscount Severn, was also born there in 2007. Other options for Meghan could include another private hospital, or a home birth as always used to be the custom for royal babies. Meghan could be attended by Guy Thorpe-Beeston, surgeon-gynaecologist to the royal household, and Alan Farthing, the Queens surgeon-gynaecologist, who cared for Kate during her deliveries. Kensington Palace declined to comment. Mozambiques cyclone-hit city of Beira has confirmed its first death from cholera, as the number of cases of the disease has jumped to 517. To control the outbreak, emergency clinics have been set up across Beira, a city of 500,000, said Mozambican national health director Ussene Isse, according to broadcaster TVM. Cases of the acute disease have risen dramatically since the first five cases were confirmed last week. Cyclone Idai severely damaged the water system for Beira when it hit on March 14. A mother bathes her baby in a bucket (Tsvangirai Mukwhazi/AP) Some 900,000 cholera vaccine doses were set to arrive on Monday, according to the World Health Organisation. Cholera is spread by contaminated water and food. It can kill within hours but is relatively easy to treat. Mozambique: #CycloneIdai destroyed water and sanitation systems, creating the ideal conditions for cholera. Mobile clinics are helping to reach out to remote communities, to help prevent more cases of cholera. Our response: Doctors w/o Borders (@MSF_USA) March 30, 2019 The overall cyclone death toll in Mozambique is now 518. With 259 deaths in Zimbabwe and 56 in Malawi, the three-nation death toll is more than 815. Authorities warn the tolls are preliminary as flood waters recede and reveal more bodies. The Chinese government has sent doctors and emergency workers to fight the cholera outbreak in Beira and Chinese aid workers sprayed anti-cholera disinfectant in parts of the port city. A young boy is seen outside a displacement camp (Tsvangirai Mukwazhi/AP) The US military joined the international humanitarian aid efforts to Mozambique by airlifting food and relief supplies from South Africa. Round-the-clock flights are delivering supplies from the UN World Food Programme from King Shaka International Airport in Durban, South Africa, said Robert Mearkle, US embassy spokesman. He said the commodities airlifted from Durban were from the World Food Programmes internal stock. With support from @gavi, 900,000 doses of oral #cholera vaccine from the global stockpile for emergency use are on their way to #Mozambique to help contain the spread of this infectious disease #CycloneIdai OMS Mocambique (@OMSMocambique) March 28, 2019 Separately from these shipments, the United States has provided nearly 3.4 million US dollars in additional funding for the World Food Programme to deliver approximately 2,500 metric tons of rice, peas, and vegetable oil to affected people in Sofala, Zambezia, and Manica provinces, said Mr Mearkle. This lifesaving emergency food assistance will support approximately 160,000 people for one month. Beiras crowded, poor neighbourhoods are especially at risk. A woman fetches water from an unprotected source (Tsvangirai Mukwazhi/AP) Doctors Without Borders has said it is seeing some 200 likely cholera cases per day in the city, where relief workers are hurrying to restore the damaged water system and bring in additional medical assistance. Cholera is a major concern for the hundreds of thousands of cyclone survivors in the southern African nation now living in squalid conditions in camps, schools or damaged homes. Some drink from contaminated wells or filthy, stagnant water. As health personnel stress the need for better disease surveillance, the United Nations deputy humanitarian coordinator in Mozambique, Sebastian Rhodes Stampa, has said all cases of diarrhoea are being treated as though they are cholera. A World Food Programme(WFP) plane takes off from Beira (Tsvangirai Mukwazhi/AP) Cholera is endemic to the region, and it breaks out fast and it travels extremely fast, he told reporters. Doctors Without Borders has said other suspected cholera cases have been reported outside Beira in the badly hit areas of Buzi, Tica and Nhamathanda but the chance of spread in rural areas is smaller because people are more dispersed. Mozambican officials have said Cyclone Idai destroyed more than 50 health centres in the region, complicating response efforts. The United Nations has said some 1.8 million people need urgent help across the sodden, largely rural region. The Prime Minister has warned we cannot simply arrest ourselves out of the problem of violent crime as the Government announced new measures that could hold teachers, nurses and police officers to account. Opening a summit in Downing Street on Monday, Theresa May said tackling knife violence is a priority for ministers as well as families, young people and communities across the country. More than 100 experts will meet this week after the Government unveiled new plans which could see frontline workers in schools, hospitals and police stations accountable for failing to spot warning signs of violent crime among young people. The gathering inside Downing Street (Adrian Dennis/PA) Home Secretary Sajid Javid floated the idea of a so-called public health duty intended to help spot the warning signs that a young person could be in danger, such as presenting in A&E with a suspicious injury, to worrying behaviour at school or issues at home. (PA Graphics) A consultation in England and Wales will assess the extent to which those on the front line will be held to account for failing to prevent a young person getting involved in violence, a Home Office spokesman said. The proposals are similar to the successful approach taken in Scotland, where knife crime has been treated as a public health issue for more than a decade, with a significant reduction in stabbings in Glasgow. Mrs May is hosting the serious youth violence summit from Monday, with experts including Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, Patrick Green from the Ben Kinsella Trust, and Baroness Newlove, the Victims Commissioner for England and Wales, whose husband Garry was beaten to death by a gang vandalising his car in 2007. Opening the event, she said: In the recent months we know we have seen an appalling number of young lives cut short or devastated by serious violent crime, including of course a number of horrifying incidents that took place just over this weekend. As we look at whats happened, of course what we also see is that in many cases the perpetrators of these crimes are as young as their victims and this is something that has to be something of deep concern to us all. The Prime Minister said the problem affects us collectively as a society and must be tackled in a co-ordinated way. Of course we will always make sure that the resources and tools are there to be able to apprehend and deal with those who are carrying and using knives and that the police have what they need to do, she said. But we cannot simply arrest ourselves out of this problem. This is a wider problem, it is more deep-seated and we have to have a more coordinated effort. Home Secretary Sajid Javid speaks with police officers (Dominic Lipinski/PA) It comes a day after Mr Javid, who is also attending the summit, granted police new powers to increase stop and search activity following a spate of bloodshed across London and the rest of England since the start of 2019. Mr Javid said: Violent crime is like a disease rotting our society and its essential that all public bodies work together to treat the root causes. The public health, multi-agency approach has a proven track record and Im confident that making it a legal duty will help stop this senseless violence and create long-term change. Im committed to ending this scourge and will use all the tools at my disposal to do so. As well as the summit, The Prime Minister will also meet privately with the families of a number of victims of knife crime to listen to their first-hand experiences of this issue. Writing in the Daily Mail on Monday, Mrs May and Mr Javid added: Of course, nothing we say or do this week will bring back the children who were so cruelly taken from them. But we can promise that we will do whatever it takes to confront and defeat the scourge of youth violence. And that we will do everything in our power to stop more families suffering as they have suffered. The consultation, mooted by Mr Javid in the Commons four weeks ago, will open on Monday until May 28 to the public and professionals across the UK. It follows days of violence across the country, including a slew of serious stabbings in Edmonton, north London, from Saturday night into Sunday morning, as well as the death of a 40-year-old motorist at the wheel of his vehicle in Clapham, south-west London, and a 29-year-old fatally stabbed on Thursday afternoon in Toxteth, Liverpool. (PA Graphics) There were 285 homicides where the method of killing was by a knife or sharp instrument in the year to March 2018 the highest number since records started in 1946. Mrs May came under fire last month after she suggested that police cuts were not to blame for a spate of fatal stabbings on teenagers. Senior figures in policing were at odds with the Prime Minister as they called for a reverse to slashes in staffing levels. On Monday, Mike Cunningham, chief executive of the College of Policing, welcomed recent announcements on extra measures and funding, but warned against the assumption that with more resources, policing alone can solve this problem. If partners across health, education and local government play their part, we can make a real difference and help prevent more tragic deaths, he told Sky News. However, one of those attending the summit, Martin Hewitt the new chair of the National Police Chiefs Council, suggested the proposed funding boost is not enough. Today, @MHewittNPCC takes his position as Chair of the National Police Chiefs Council National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) (@PoliceChiefs) April 1, 2019 He wrote in a blog: This year there will be 970 million more for policing than the previous year that is positive but its not enough to meet all the challenges that the service faces. So an important part of my role will be working with policing and crime commissioners and the Home Office to make an evidence-based case for increased investment in the forthcoming government spending review as well as developing ambitious plans to maximise every penny we have. Others have suggested the proposals could put greater pressure on frontline staff. Royal College of Nursing acting chief executive and general secretary Dame Donna Kinnair said: With almost 40,000 nursing vacancies in England alone, nurses are already concerned about providing safe and effective care with such widespread staff shortages. Nursing staff already have a key role in safeguarding patients, whether thats working in the community, in schools or in hospitals and its unclear how putting a further obligation on our members, already working incredibly hard to do all they can for patients, will prevent violent crime. Dr Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the National Education Union, said: Neither the blame for or the solution to violent crime can be laid at the door of schools or frontline hospital staff. Schools already have strong safeguarding practices in place and staff will be alerted to any issues of concern. The problem is what happens after issues of concern have been identified. Schools have lost pastoral support, special needs teachers and school counsellors. A teenager has been charged after three cyclists were pushed into a canal in Edinburgh. The men were targeted in separate incidents as they cycled along the Union Canal between 5pm and 9.15pm on Wednesday. Police said they were confronted by a group of youths on the path near Murrayburn and Wester Hailes and were pushed into the water. The three cyclists all managed to get out of the canal themselves but suffered minor injuries. Police said a 17-year-old boy has been charged with a number of alleged assaults. Sergeant Alex Dickson from the South West Community Team said: We would like to thank the public for their positive response in relation to these incidents which was of great assistance during the inquiry. Police said a 17-year-old boy has been arrested (David Cheskin/PA) A report has been sent to the procurator fiscal. Conservative MPs are to be given a free vote as the House of Commons seeks an alternative to Theresa Mays EU withdrawal deal, but Cabinet ministers will be told to abstain. MPs are set to take back control of the Brexit agenda on Monday in a second round of indicative votes on a series of rival proposals tabled by backbenchers, to see if any can command a majority. Alternatives on offer include a customs agreement with the EU, a second referendum on any deal and a power for MPs to vote to block a no-deal Brexit. If a majority coalesces behind any plan, MPs are expected to seek to pass legislation on Wednesday to try to force the Government to act on it. The move comes as Mrs May struggles to contain the rising tensions with her Cabinet as the clock counts down to the latest EU deadline on April 12. Despite seeing her deal again defeated on Friday, the Prime Minister is determined to bring it back to the Commons for a fourth time in a final roll of the dice to get it over the line. Downing Street sources confirmed that the Government will whip against the business motion enabling Mondays indicative votes to go ahead. She has previously warned that the unusual procedure first used on Brexit last Wednesday without producing a majority for any option risks creating a harmful constitutional precedent. Mrs May spent the weekend trying to build support among MPs who could be won over, with aides saying she was 100% focused on getting the result she needed. (PA Graphics) Some in Parliament believe that if MPs begin to gather around a softer Brexit, it may finally convince Brexiteer hold-outs that the PMs deal now represents the hardest break with the EU available. But Democratic Unionist Party Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson insisted the party would continue to vote against Mrs Mays EU withdrawal deal, which he said would would take us away from the country that we fought to stay part of. The pro-EU Justice Secretary David Gauke warned Mrs May not to ignore the will of Parliament if it does swing behind a softer deal such as the customs union plan proposed by Tory veteran Ken Clarke, which came closest to gaining a majority in the first round of indicative votes. In an open letter to MPs, the chief executive of Siemens UK urged them to unite around a customs union compromise which he said was essential to frictionless trade and would save companies billions each year. Juergen Maier warned that the UK used to be a beacon for stability, but is now becoming a laughing stock. His comments came after German deputy foreign minister Michael Roth lashed out at Brexit over the weekend. Brexit is a big shitshow, I say that now very undiplomatically, Mr Roth told a Social Democratic Party event in Berlin. He said that 90% of the UK Cabinet had no idea how workers think, live, work and behave. Politicians born with silver spoons in their mouths, who went to private schools and elite universities would not be the ones to suffer the consequences of Brexit, he said. Responding to Mr Roths comments, Mrs Mays official spokesman said: He answered his own question with the undiplomatic comment. It is important that we get on with delivering on the verdict of the referendum for the British people. Thats what the Prime Minister is focused on. (PA Graphics) In an interview with the BBC, Tory chief whip Julian Smith said that the Parliamentary arithmetic means a softer type of Brexit is inevitable. But the Prime Minister has set her face firmly against a customs union, warning it runs counter to the Conservatives election manifesto and would inhibit Britains ability to strike trade deals around the world. If she were to give way, she would provoke a furious reaction from Brexiteers, with International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt and Transport Secretary Chris Grayling among the ministers reportedly ready to resign. Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liz Truss told BBC Radio 4s Today programme: Its not clear to me that going softer is the way to command support. She added: If you look at the parliamentary arithmetic now, its not clear that something like a customs union actually commands support. Ms Truss said: I think that we are well prepared for no deal. I dont have any fear of no deal. And prominent Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg told LBC he was worried that Mrs May was more concerned to avoid a no-deal Brexit than anything else and might decide to go for a customs union tacked onto her deal. Mr Rees-Mogg said Mrs Mays Withdrawal Agreement might have won MPs approval on Friday, when it was rejected by 58 votes, if the alternative had been a general election. A letter to the Prime Minister signed by 170 Tory MPs demanded Britain leave by May 22 at the latest without or without a deal. Justice Secretary David Gauke has warned Theresa May not to ignore the will of Parliament (Dominic Lipinski/PA) In a sign of her waning authority, it was written by Brexit Minister Chris Heaton-Harris, according to The Times. Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn sought to keep up the pressure, hinting that Labour could table a fresh vote of no confidence in the Government in a bid to force a general election. Were ready for a general election, whenever it comes, he told the Daily Mirror. European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said it was time for MPs to make clear what they want. A sphinx is an open book in direct comparison with the British Parliament, Mr Juncker said in a speech in Germany. He added: We must get the sphinx to talk now. Enough of the long silence. A former member of the Parachute Regiment has described how he dropped to the ground, narrowly missing being shot at in west Belfast in 1971, ahead of disputed shooting incident. The man, who has been granted anonymity and is referred to as M1300, told an inquest in Belfast that on the evening of August 9, some 15 seconds of firing was directed at him from the direction of the Moyard Flats in the Ballymurphy area. Later that evening, a Catholic priest became the first of 10 people to be shot dead during three days of gunfire involving members of the Parachute Regiment. The victims of the Ballymurphy massacre in west Belfast in 1971 Ballymurphy Massacre Committee/PA) Claims that a republican gunman or gunmen had been present in Moyard Flats have been in dispute. The narrative became further clouded last year when the Loyalist paramilitary group, the Ulster Volunteer Force, came forward to say they had been involved in shooting. The three-day series of events, which has become known as the Ballymurphy Massacre, started on August 9 as the British Army moved into republican strongholds to arrest IRA suspects in the wake of the introduction by the Stormont administration of the controversial policy of internment without trial. A new inquest into the shootings is being held at Belfast Coroners Court. On Monday, it heard from witness M1300 who was a Lance Corporal with B Company of the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment in 1971. He described his role as a clerk, and did not do patrols or duties in sangars (fortified post). On the evening of August 9, he said shots were fired at the battalion headquarters at the Henry Taggart Memorial Hall. As a consequence, the battalion went into alert mode and he was sent to deliver additional ammunition to soldiers on duty in the sangars at nearby Vere Foster School. He said he was unarmed during this task, adding that he never fired a weapon on any of his tours in Northern Ireland. I was on the roof of the school, it was still light although getting dark, he told the inquest. I was walking across the roof when I was fired at, I did not see the person who fired at me, I could just hear the bullets around my head. They did not miss me by much. It was obvious the fire was targeted at me, I think the gunman had a Thompson sub-machine gun because it was automatic fire. I immediately dropped flat on the roof and waited for the firing to stop. The fire lasted for approximately 15 seconds, I did not hear anyone from the military firing back. He said he went on to deliver the ammunition, before getting out of there. I was not in the frame of mind to hang around as it was the first time I had ever been shot at, he said. M1300 told the inquest that he had not been aware of the shootings which happened later outside the hall. He said he was shocked when he went to his room to find a wounded man being treated in his bed. That was very much of a shock, I had never seen anyone in that state before, he said. All I know he was bleeding quite heavily. M1300 described himself as a gopher who was on the peripherals of the company. I was not what youd call a standard Para soldier, he said. My background and education set me apart from the regular soldiers. I didnt smoke, I didnt drink, I didnt actually fit in with the regular soldiers. I was a bit of a loner. M1300 also told the inquest that he was given a copy of the Yellow Card, the armys instructions to soldiers on the rules of engagement, which had been updated following tours of Northern Ireland in 1970. We were all given a copy of the Yellow Card, he said. We did not receive any instruction on the rules of engagement beyond the Yellow Card because the Yellow Card was our Bible. We carried it wherever we went. We were told we were there to back up the police and keep law and order. Earlier, the inquest heard from another former soldier who has also been granted anonymity for the purposes of the inquest. M140 was a Private on August 9, 1971. He said he did a four-hour shift in a sangar on the school along with one other soldier. M140 said he did not fire his gun on the day in question or during that tour. Scotlands new domestic abuse law has been welcomed by the son of a woman who killed her husband after being psychologically abused. Sally Challens conviction for murdering her husband Richard with a hammer was quashed in February. It came after what son David Challen described as insidious coercive control during their 40-year marriage. David Challen has praised the introduction on new domestic abuse laws in Scotland to cover coercive relationships (Kirsty OConnor/PA) On the day legislation making coercive and controlling behaviour a crime in Scotland come into force, he welcomed the fantastic new law and sentences of up to 14 years for the domestic abuse compared to five years in England. The Domestic Abuse Act, passed by the Scottish Parliament in February last year, creates a specific offence of domestic abuse covering psychological and emotional maltreatment as well as physical attacks. It includes abusers isolating their victim from their friends and relatives or controlling their finances and for the first time in the UK makes the impact domestic abuse can have on children an aggravating factor, which could lead to courts handing down tougher sentences as a result. David Challen said: Its a monumental moment and I think it pushes forward our understanding of domestic violence to really tackle it properly. Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland, Mr Challen also called for society to understand domestic violence properly so we can save more lives and stop this happening for good and for courts to look at the root causes of potential incidents involving people in abusive relationships. Mr Challen said: Coercive control is the bedrock foundation of domestic violence you cant hope to understand domestic violence without understanding coercive control. It is the controlling factor among all abuse and its where it all starts. He explained how his mother got into a relationship with his father Richard when she was just 15 and he was 21. Sally Challen before her conviction (Surrey Police/PA) David Challen explained how his father created an abusive situation of controlling what she would think, of isolating her movements as well as her connection with friends and family, cancelling social events and verbally shaming her in public. She did suffer physical violence but the main thing here was the coercive, controlling nature of just getting inside her head and controlling how she should think and how she should operate, he added. Ms Challen was found guilty of murder at Guildford Crown Court and jailed for life with a minimum term of 22 years, later reduced on appeal by four years. A panel of three judges has now ordered a retrial after hearing about psychiatric evidence that was not available at the time of her trial in 2011. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon described the introduction of the legislation as a landmark moment. Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said: The Domestic Abuse Act makes absolutely clear that coercive and controlling behaviour is domestic abuse and a crime. I am proud Scotland is leading the way with this groundbreaking legislation, which uniquely recognises the effect of domestic abuse on child victims as well as adults. A comic actor with no political experience was leading strongly in Ukraines presidential election and will be in a run-off for the job in three weeks, according to results released on Monday. Ukraines president was still trying to hold off a long-time rival to claim the other spot in the runoff. With nearly 84% of the polling stations counted, Volodymyr Zelenskiy had 30% support in Sundays vote, while President Petro Poroshenko was a distant second with about 16%. Election officials start counting ballots (Sergei Grits/AP) Ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko trailed behind in third with 13% support. The strong showing for the 41-year-old Mr Zelenskiy reflects the public longing for a fresh leader who has no links to Ukraines corruption-ridden political elite and can offer a new approach to settling the grinding five-year conflict with Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine that has left 13,000 dead since 2014. This is only the first step toward a great victory, Mr Zelenskiy said. The top two candidates advance to a run-off on April 21. Final results are expected later on Monday. Mr Zelenskiy dismissed suggestions that he could pool forces with Ms Tymoshenko to get her voters in the second round in exchange for forming a coalition later. We arent making any deals with anyone, he said. We are young people. We dont want to see all the past in our future. Like the character he plays in a TV comedy show, a schoolteacher-turned-president angry over corruption, Mr Zelenskiy made fighting corruption a focus of his candidacy. He proposed a lifetime ban on holding public office for anyone convicted of corruption. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko speaks at his headquarters (Efrem Lukatsky/AP) He also called for direct negotiations with Russia on ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The election was marred by allegations of widespread vote buying. Police said they had received more than 2,100 complaints of violations on voting day alone in addition to hundreds of earlier voting fraud claims, including bribery attempts and removing ballots from polling stations. Mr Zelenskiys headquarters alleged multiple voting and other cheating on the part of Mr Poroshenkos campaign, but election officials said the vote took place without significant violations. Election monitors from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe hailed Sundays election as competitive and free, even though it criticised procedural violations and said there were indications that state resources were misused in the vote. Mr Poroshenko looked visibly relieved about surpassing Ms Tymoshenko. Its a tough lesson for me and my team, he said. Former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko (Sergei Grits/AP) Its a reason for serious work to correct mistakes made over the past years. But Volodymyr Fesenko, head of the Penta Centre Kiev-based independent think-tank, predicted that Mr Zelenskiy will easily win the runoff. He doesnt even need to do anything, the current government already has done it, setting most voters against itself, Mr Fesenko said. Poroshenko needs to prepare for a defeat and try to seek security guarantees for himself and his team. Mr Poroshenko, 53, a confectionery tycoon before he was elected five years ago, saw his approval ratings sink amid Ukraines economic woes and a sharp plunge in living standards. Mr Poroshenko campaigned on promises to defeat the Russian-funded separatists in the east and to wrest back control of Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014. The OSCE said about five million people have been taking off Ukraines voter registry as the government was unable to organise the presidential vote in Crimea or in the separatist-held east. In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putins spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, refrained from commenting on Mr Zelenskiys strong performance, but indicated that the Kremlin would like to see a change of government. We would like to see not a party of war at the helm in Ukraine, but a party that aims at a gradual settlement in eastern Ukraine, he told reporters. Poroshenko is taking the country forward, said Serhiy Poltorachenko, a bank employee. He made mistakes, but promised to correct them. Petro Demidchenko, a 38-year-old office worker, was supporting the actor. We dont know what to expect from Zelenskiy, but over the past five years we have found out what to expect from Poroshenko corruption, soaring prices, continuing war and poverty, he said. Two friends who attempted to travel to Syria have been found guilty of preparing for terrorist acts in support of the so-called Islamic State. Safwaan Mansur, from Birmingham, and Hanzalah Patel, from Leicester, travelled to Turkey in 2016 and 2017 after checking out an area near the Syrian border on TripAdvisor, a two-week trial was told. Jurors heard the men, who spent nine days in jail in Turkey in 2017 after being arrested at an Istanbul hotel, bought camping equipment, outdoor survival clothing and airline tickets before travelling initially to Germany. Prosecutors alleged Mansur, 22, of Hampton Road, Aston, and Patel, also 22, of Frederick Road, Leicester, undertook a 24-hour bus journey from Istanbul to near the Syrian border during a previous visit to Turkey in 2016. Opening the case against the pair at Birmingham Crown Court, prosecutor Simon Davis said they were arrested at Heathrow Airport in 2017 after being reported missing by family members. During subsequent questioning by police, the court heard Mansur said he had gone to Turkeys Hatay province described in court as a transit area for Syria in 2016 to have a look like lots of other tourists. Safwaan Mansur and Hanzalah Patel have been convicted of being concerned in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism (West Midlands Police/PA) Claiming items including water purifiers and solar chargers were found in the mens luggage, Mr Davis told the court: Mr Patel, when interviewed, throughout maintained a no comment stance, as was his right. Jurors were told Mansur said items in his luggage were gifts for friends at a mosque in Germany, where he intended to stop off en route to or from Turkey. Outlining Mansurs account, Mr Davis told the jury panel: The people at the mosque liked outdoor pursuits like camping that was the explanation being given. Questioning why the former school friends had misled their families and travelled via another country to Turkey, Mr Davis told the jury: You might want to ask yourselves whether this was an innocent camping holiday or, as the prosecution allege, the two of them engaging in conduct with a view to crossing into Syria with the intention of joining Islamic State. Lawyers acting for both defendants said the men had formed a naive and idiotic plan to cross into Syria, but had no intention of fighting or committing acts of terrorism. West Midlands Police said Patels father contacted the police force in June 2017 after becoming concerned, having learned that his son had lied about leading prayers at a mosque in Germany. Commenting on the inquiry, the temporary head of the West Midlands Counter-Terrorism Unit, Chief Superintendent Shaun Edwards, said: Patel had on his media devices links to an online guide on how to join the terrorist group and he made several successful credit card applications before using the funds to buy the outdoor equipment. Electronic devices seized from Patel on his arrest in the UK contained graphic images, videos and text glorifying Daesh. The content gives an insight into their mind-set and showed they were developing an active interest in Daesh and Jihadi ideology. Mansur and Patel are due to be sentenced on April 25. Pubs on the Thames will be serving pints in reusable cups for the boat race in a bid to cut plastic pollution in the river, it has been announced. Some 14,000 reusable cups have been ordered and will be used by eight pubs along the river and on the high street for the sporting event on Sunday April 7. Spectators of the annual rowing competition between Oxford and Cambridge universities will be able to reuse their cups or return them to the pubs, allowing them to be washed and reused up to 50 times. The schemes organisers, Positively Putney Business Improvement District, hopes it will prevent 50,000 single-use plastic cups ending up in the river or heading for landfill, in one day. Disposable cups are one of the most commonly found plastic litter items among the 300 tonnes of rubbish recovered from the Thames each year, campaigners say. Nicola Grant, executive director of Positively Putney Business Improvement District (BID), said: The annual Boat Race, starting at Putney Bridge, is one of Londons biggest sporting events, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors to our riverbanks every year. Spectators at the Boat Race will get beer in reusable cups (Positively Putney Business Improvement District/PA) Im proud that this year were teaming up with Putneys pubs to drastically cut the use of plastics by serving pints in reusable cups. Alison Baker, co-founder of In The Drink, which is working to cut single-use plastic on the riverside, said: Were on a mission to phase out the use of disposable cups by the riverside, and were really pleased Positively Putney BID is helping to make this happen for Boat Race 2019 with the help of its iconic pubs. Investing in reusable cups for the Boat Race and beyond, while still keeping the drinks flowing, sets a great example for other riverside organisations to follow this summer. The UKs only female giant panda has been artificially inseminated in a new attempt to produce a cub. Tian Tian was given her annual health check at Edinburgh Zoo on Sunday with a fresh bid made under expert veterinary care. A Facebook post from the zoo suggested it was far too early to speculate about the chances of success. It said: Tian Tian had her annual health check yesterday and was artificially inseminated under expert veterinary care. We are pleased to say that all went well. It is of course far too early to say anything about the chances of breeding success at this very early stage. Edinburgh Zoos giant panda Tian Tian (Danny Lawson/PA) The update also noted the outdoor walkway at the zoo would be open as normal, however, the indoor viewing area will remain closed. It comes after researchers planned to focus on the animals mating process last year to improve the chances of future efforts. Tian Tian previously had cubs in China but not in the UK, where she and male companion Yang Guang arrived in 2011. A natural breeding attempt was made in in 2012 with artificial insemination used instead each year between 2013 and 2017. Tian Tian was believed to be pregnant in August 2017 but her hormone levels and behaviour later returned to normal. Last November, Yang Guang also recovered from surgery to remove both testicles after tumours were found but the zoo said this was not a factor in previous failed attempts. The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), which runs the zoo, said the sperm used was from a panda in the Chinese panda breeding programme. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has announced a 75 million fund for the Royal Navy to develop drone mine-hunters and a hub to develop new technology. The money will enable the creation of the two autonomous ships which will be fitted with cutting-edge sonars to enable remote mine-hunting at higher range, speed and accuracy in the Gulf. The money will also help found a joint military and industry accelerator hub which has been named NavyX. An MoD spokeswoman said: The Royal Navys new autonomy and lethality accelerator will look to overhaul and turbocharge the way the Royal Navy buys the latest technology, streamlining the process and creating a brand-new facility where industry, military and academia can test, assess and purchase new equipment. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson at Portsdown Technology Park (Steve Parsons/PA) Mr Williamson said: Todays announcement will not only allow the Royal Navy to rapidly harness dynamic, cutting-edge equipment at speed, but also ensure they can outpace adversaries both on the water and the sea floor. Technology is moving faster than ever, and with the defence landscape rapidly evolving, we must ensure our armed forces are continually pushing the boundaries at the forefront of this change. Admiral Sir Philip Jones, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, said: From the invention of the steam catapult and aircraft carrier, to the first use of sonars and torpedoes, the Royal Navy has a strong pedigree in the development, testing and introduction of new technologies that help us keep our country safe. Across the generations, our willingness to embrace innovation has kept us one step ahead of our adversaries, and to assure our continued success on operations into the future it is vital that the Royal Navy continues to be equipped with the latest cutting-edge capabilities we need to address the rapidly evolving challenges that pose a threat to our national interests around the globe. Mr Williamson made the announcement during a visit to QinetiQs Portsdown Technology Park in Portsmouth, Hampshire, which is building the UK Centre of Excellence for Maritime Mission Systems. The secretary of state was shown examples of state-of-the-art autonomous vehicles including a flying suit, hoverbikes, vehicles, vessels, and drones. A union has written to Nicola Sturgeon in the hope the Scottish Government can save a rail depot from closure, with around 200 jobs at risk. The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has asked the First Minister to take the Springburn depot in Glasgow into public ownership. Gemini Rail Services took on the site in August last year after a sale was agreed with Knorr-Bremse Rail Services. In December, proposals were announced for its closure. Despite a consultation in January and several meetings taking place to find an alternative use for the site, Gemini confirmed last month it will begin a gradual closure up until it shuts by March 2020. Grahame Smith, STUC general secretary, said: There is a clear need to retain this depot in Scotland and it would be a matter of serious regret should ScotRail trains have to be sent to Doncaster and Southampton to be refurbished while we have the skills, knowledge and experience in Springburn. Gemini Rail Services took on the site in August last year (David Cheskin/PA) Unite the union has presented a number of options to keep the site open, including taking the site into public ownership. We urge the Scottish Government to seriously consider the option of public ownership of the Springburn depot. This would ensure a nationally important piece of transport infrastructure is maintained alongside highly skilled jobs. Without such action, we will continue to see the casualisation of the sector and the loss of strategically important infrastructure. He added: The welcome Scottish Government intervention at Prestwick Airport illustrates the precedent for public ownership of transport infrastructure. Time is of the essence and there is a real risk that the viability of the site will diminish unless action is taken now. The introduction of more modern trains, leading to a drop in the number of pre-privatisation stock in operation, is one of the reasons given for the decision. Gemini previously said it will record a drop from 6,648 vehicles last year to just 1,407 in 2024 with only around 10% in Scotland and the north of England, which Springburn serves. A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: It is disappointing that Gemini Rail has consistently refused to postpone the consultation and has instead moved to close the workshops at Springburn that is something the Transport Secretary has made clear, including in meetings as recently as last week. Ministers and officials will continue to do all they can in looking to the potential for repurposing the site, however, any proposals have to be viable in the longer term. Firefighters have tackled a gorse fire which is said to have spread rapidly on the Isle of Harris. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was called out at 5.28pm on Tuesday near Mill Road, by Loch Direcleit, between Tarbert and Kendebig. A spokeswoman told the Press Association the fire spread rapid on the moor and four pumps were in attendance along with beaters and a hose reel. She said Police Scotland were also in attendance to help with traffic management as smoke covered the road. Twitter user Katrina Craig said the blaze was dangerously near homes. Speaking to the Press Association, she said: No one was evacuated as far as we could see. Fire spreading across the hills on Harris (Katrina Craig/PA) They were beating the fire at the side of the road, it wasnt out of control though. When we first drove up, the flames were blowing towards the road, you could feel the heat. Fire crew let oncoming traffic through, although traffic coming from Tarbet was still held up. Fire is still on-going on the hill at various points. After firefighters extinguished the blaze, the road reopened shortly before 8.30pm. Naby Keita retained his starting spot in midfield for Liverpools Champions League quarter-final first leg against Porto at Anfield on Tuesday night. The Guinean has sometimes flattered to deceive since joining for a then club record fee last July but he opened his account in the win at Southampton last Friday. Here, Press Association Sport assesses the 24-year-olds contribution against the Portuguese champions. Role Lining up on the left of a midfield three, with Fabinho in the centre and captain Jordan Henderson on the right, Keita was given plenty of space as Porto right-winger Jesus Corona dropped deep when defending in an effort to help nullify the threat of Roberto Firmino. Given license to roam free, Keitas pace, positioning and quick thinking meant he was a useful outlet between defence and attack on several occasions. Work-rate There can be little doubting Keitas commitment when going forward and though he was, at times, frenetic, on the whole he linked up well with Liverpools much-vaunted front trio of Firmino, Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah. He was, however, a little excitable in the tackle and might count himself lucky not to at least be yellow carded for a two-footed challenge on Francisco Soares in the opening quarter of an hour. He was also infrequently sluggish in tracking back. Effectiveness Keita wasted no time in doubling his Liverpool tally, exploiting the space in the centre to take the ball from Firmino and shoot beyond Iker Casillas thanks largely to a deflection off Oliver Torres. A more concise pass to Mane would have put the Senegalese clean through a little later in the first half and there were occasions when his final ball was lacking. His productivity dipped in the second half although he was not the only Liverpool player guilty of dropping off after the interval. Naby Keita put Liverpool ahead early on (Peter Byrne/PA) Overall Keitas fifth-minute strike even if there was a degree of fortune to the goal settled any nerves on another big European night for Liverpool. It also put the Merseysiders in a position of control which they never relinquished as they recorded a comfortable 2-0 victory. There were some moments of genuine quality from the former RB Leipzig man but a couple of errors, too, and his night may very well have been curtailed much earlier by a stricter referee. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Richard Dick Cole, the last of the 80 Doolittle Tokyo Raiders who carried out the daring US attack on Japan during the Second World War, has died at a military hospital in Texas aged 103. A spokesman said Mr Cole died at Brooke Army Medical Centre in San Antonio. Mr Coles daughter, Cindy Chal, said he was having some heart issues but had walked into the emergency room. Dick Cole (Devon Ravine/AP) Mr Cole, who lived in Comfort, Texas, had stayed active even in recent years, attending air shows and participating in commemorative events including April 18 2017, ceremonies for the raids 75th anniversary at the National Museum of the US Air Force near Dayton, Ohio. Ms Chal said her father enjoyed every minute of his long, distinguished life. Mr Cole was mission commander Jimmy Doolittles co-pilot in the attack less than five months after the December 1941 Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour. The Raiders launched their assault on April 18, 1942, in B-25 bombers from the USS Hornet. Suspecting they had been detected by Japanese patrols, they left farther away from Japan than planned. The crews of the 16 planes were very quiet as they neared Japan, Mr Cole recalled, saying his role next to Mr Doolittle was to be seen, not heard. You didnt speak until spoken to. But the country song Wabash Cannonball started running through his head and he unconsciously began tapping his toe, which caught Mr Doolittles attention. He shot Mr Cole a look, he recalled with a laugh. Dick Cole after the presentation of a Congressional Gold Medal honouring the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders (Gary Landers/AP) Mr Doolittle soon ordered bomb bay doors opened, and the attack was on against what turned out to be limited anti-aircraft fire in the surprise attack. They then headed to China, running out of fuel. Mr Cole said Mr Doolittle gave the command to prepare to bail out as they neared the coast, adding: I wish you all good luck. Mr Cole said it was scary to parachute into a dark unknown in rough weather. His parachute caught in a tree, leaving him dangling but safe. Chinese partisans helped lead him and other Raiders to safety. Three Raiders died trying to reach China, and eight were captured by Japanese soldiers. Three were executed, and a fourth died in captivity. Mr Cole recalled that Mr Doolittle was distraught at first, upset that he had lost all of his planes and some of his men. Mr Doolittle would later receive the Medal of Honor. The raid inflicted scattered damage while providing a psychological lift back home. The stunned Japanese military diverted resources after a string of Pacific successes. Seven decades later, we are still awed by the sheer audacity of the Doolittle raid and the incredible men whose grit and bravery made it possible, Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi of California said when the Congressional Gold Medal was awarded to the Raiders in a 2015 ceremony. Though time has thinned their ranks, it will never dim the daring of their deeds. Mr Cole continued to fly missions in the China-Burma-India theatre until 1944, and had peacetime service assignments in several states. Mr Cole attributed his longevity to being an optimist and living a life of moderation. He said he believed he spoke for all Raiders when he said they did not want any more recognition than all the others who put their lives on the line in the war effort. We dont want to be remembered any more than the rest of the people who took part in beating the Japanese, Mr Cole said. They started it, and we finished it. Ms Chal said a memorial service is planned for April 18 at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio. She said her father will be buried later at Arlington National Cemetery. European leaders are poised to grant Theresa May a longer extension to Britains membership of the EU than she will request at a crunch summit in Brussels on Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister is set to repeat her call to delay Brexit until June 30, with the possibility of an earlier departure if the UKs withdrawal deal is ratified. But European Council president Donald Tusk suggested on the eve of the summit that EU leaders grant the UK a longer extension of up to one year. Mr Tusk, in a letter to the heads of the 27 remaining member states, said there was little reason to believe that the ratification of Mrs Mays beleaguered Brexit deal could be completed by the end of June. He called for the European Council to discuss an alternative, longer extension, such as a flexible extension lasting as long as necessary and no longer than one year. Mr Tusk wrote: The flexibility would allow to terminate the extension automatically, as soon as both sides have ratified the Withdrawal Agreement. The UK would be free to leave whenever it is ready. And the EU27 would avoid repeated Brexit summits. There are times when you need to give time time. My letter to EU leaders ahead of tomorrows #EUCO: Charles Michel (@eucopresident) April 9, 2019 Importantly, a long extension would provide more certainty and predictability by removing the threat of constantly shifting cliff-edge dates. Furthermore, in the event of a continued stalemate, such a longer extension would allow the UK to rethink its Brexit strategy. Mr Tusk also warned that neither side should be allowed to feel humiliated at any stage in this difficult process. It follows Mrs Mays whistle-stop tour on Tuesday of European capitals for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. (PA Graphics) DUP Westminster leader Nigel Dodds branded the talks humiliating and embarrassing for the UK, and claimed Britain was effectively holding out a begging bowl to European leaders. The unanimous agreement of all 27 remaining EU states is needed to avoid a no-deal Brexit on the scheduled date of Friday, April 12. However, 97 Conservatives rebelled by opposing the plan including former Brexit secretaries David Davis and Dominic Raab. On Tuesday evening MPs approved a Government motion for Mrs May to seek an extension to June 30 by 420 votes to 110, majority 310. (PA Graphics) Mrs May will face the Commons for Prime Ministers Questions on Wednesday afternoon before she heads to Brussels where she is expected to meet Mr Tusk ahead of the summit. EU leaders will then gather for talks with European Parliament president Antonio Tajani, before hearing from Mrs May. They will then meet for dinner without her to agree a response to the UKs extension request. A press conference with Mrs May is likely to be held after the summit, and the PM is expected to update MPs on Thursday. Meanwhile in Westminster, Labour claimed the Government had not yet made a clear shift in its position in cross-party talks designed to break the impasse. Discussions will resume on Thursday. A police and crime commissioner has told how she nearly gave up her job after being harassed by an obsessive stalker but has vowed to use the experience to help protect other victims. Conservative politician Katy Bourne, who holds the elected role in Sussex, is calling on her colleagues around the country to make sure their forces are properly investigating stalking and harassment as well as helping victims get the support and protection they need. Mrs Bourne spoke about her experience in an interview with Press Association ahead of a summit on stalking she is hosting in Parliament on Wednesday, which will be attended by police chiefs, victims and charity workers. She first met Matthew Taylor at a hustings when he put himself forward as an unofficial rival candidate for the Sussex police and crime commissioner elections in 2012. She was elected in November that year and was since re-elected in 2016. After she was appointed to the post, Mr Taylor, who lives in Brighton, assigned himself the role of the shadow police and crime commissioner with a website in a bid to hold her to account. Sussex police and crime commissioner Katy Bourne (Sussex PCC) But Mrs Bourne said his articles and videos soon became personal, rather than focused on her role in the public eye. Among evidence collected by Mrs Bournes staff and submitted in court, allegations made against Mr Taylor included that he branded her a paedophile, a drug dealer, a prostitute, a Nazi sympathiser and being responsible for murder. Mrs Bourne said: He initially started as a sort of warrior for justice, a keyboard warrior. It became very obsessive and quite intense. For about three years I sort of ignored it. I was elected and in the public eye. You do get a lot of attention, much of it is quite negative. But it started to get quite personal, he started to focus on people around me, people in my office and my chief executive, making allegations that were quite upsetting. She said the wake-up call was when he stepped out from behind the keyboard and into the physical world. In July 2016 she was speaking at a private event in an East Grinstead pub. Without her knowing, he secretly filmed her from the back of the room, posting the video online the next day. In September that year a supporter of his arrived at a charity abseil in Peacehaven that she was taking part in, telling people he was there as an observer on behalf of Mr Taylor to film the event. The video posted online included a close-up of the harness she was due to wear for the 110ft descent. Mrs Bourne said: That really for me hit home that youre not safe, potentially. The allegations were referred by Sussex Police to neighbouring force Surrey but Mrs Bourne said: The criminal route was fruitless because the Crown Prosecution Service let me down and would not prosecute because they said there was not enough evidence. I had five years of evidence, despite all that it wasnt enough. It just shows agencies dont understand the severity. Fortunately the civil route was more successful. A civil injunction was granted at the Central London County Court in April 2017 after an application for protection from harassment. The judgment prohibits Matthew Taylor from going near Mrs Bourne or her chief executive Mark Streater. He was ordered not to comment about them online, to post videos or to enlist the help of others to do so on his behalf. He was ordered to pay 20,000 in court costs, according to court records. In October last year he was found to be in contempt after breaching the order and was handed a suspended four month prison term. Mrs Bourne said she regrets not asking the Crown Prosecution Service to carry out a victims right to review which must be requested within three months of the decision not to pursue criminal charges. She said: At the time I was at the end of my tether, Id had enough and I just wanted it to stop. The last thing I wanted to do was go through it all over again. Now looking back on it I wish I had asked them to review. But I wasnt in the right frame of mind. She urged other victims to persist and said it was unfair members of the public were faced with a costly civil process in the absence of a criminal prosecution. Mrs Bourne added: You learn what its like to be a victim the mental anguish, the living in a state of permanent and heightened anxiety. Even for me, I pride myself on being professional and keeping everything together, I was really struggling. She considered stepping down from her role but, encouraged by her son, she decided to use the experience to call for change and speak publicly about the ordeal. Police and crime commissioners can ask for independent inspections to be carried out but Mrs Bourne says she is the first to have done so. She said: This is an opportunity for all of us to actually start to drive some change. I think the legislation is strong but I think the enforcement is where it is lacking. This is such an important issue for victims of this types of crime. We have a responsibility to victims of crimes. Thousands more rail passengers in Britain will soon be able to switch to cashless travel as new technology is rolled out, an industry body has announced. Software updates being introduced this month will enable nine out of 10 tickets to be stored on mobiles or smart cards, according to the Rail Delivery Group (RDG). Smart ticketing is available at almost all mainline stations across the country, with ticket barriers and readers improved and installed at 890 stations to recognise smart tickets. Upgrades have taken place at some of the busiest stations since October 2018, including London Waterloo, Gatwick Airport, Brighton, Edinburgh Waverley and Glasgow Central. Among the stations next in line for the technology are London Bridge, Watford Junction, East Croydon, Shenfield, Edinburgh Gateway and Glasgow Argyle Street. Every train operator in Britain now offers smart ticketing, with 14.1 million journeys paid for in this way during the first eight weeks of the year. The Key smartcard can be used at most stations on the Govia Thameslink Railway network (Govia Thameslink Railway/PA) In its submission to the Government-commissioned Rail Review, the RDG proposed that regulations should be updated to enable pay as you go price caps to be introduced across the country, and a better range of prices made available to passengers buying long-distance tickets on the day of travel. RDG regional director Robert Nisbet said Together, rail companies are going full steam ahead with smart ticketing, with passengers increasingly able to use their phones or smartcards thanks to station upgrades across the network. Of course, we want to go further, but realising the full benefits of new ticketing technology requires regulatory reform of the wider fares system. Thats why train companies are working with Government to update the rules that underpin our rail fares. Scotlands Migration Minister will visit concerned businesses and meet EU nationals to discuss freedom of movement after Brexit. Ben Macpherson is due to visit Hardgrove dairy farm in Dumfries and cheesemakers in Lockerbie later on Wednesday. The businesses have consistently expressed concern about the risk of disruption if the UK leaves the European Union. A spokesman for Arla Foods said: We are delighted to host the Minister for Europe, Migration and International Development at Lockerbie today. Arla Foods has consistently expressed concern about the impact of any disruption associated with Brexit on our farmers, our consumers and our colleagues, and we are very happy to have the opportunity to discuss these issues with the minister during his visit. Across Arla we have around 500 European nationals who are valued members of our team and EU citizens are also a very important part of the workforce on farms and across our supply chain. Ben Macpherson will meet representatives from Arla Foods (Andrew Milligan/PA) In addition to giving practical advice and support wherever we can, we are committed to working with the minister and other stakeholders to ensure we are best-placed to retain the colleagues that we have, and maintain access to a motivated and skilled labour force in future, enabling us to continue to deliver much-loved dairy products to consumers across the UK. The meetings follow an open letter from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Friday telling EU citizens they are still welcome in Scotland and encouraging them to remain. Ahead of his visit to Arla Foods creamery, Mr Macpherson warned of worker shortages if the employment rights of EU citizens are affected by Brexit. Mr Macpherson said: EU nationals living and working in Scotland are our friends, neighbours, colleagues and loved ones they are part of the fabric of our nation and it is absolutely vital that they feel welcome and supported to stay. In communities across Scotland, EU nationals enrich our society and are fundamental to the strength of our economy, both now and in the future. Whats more, without EU nationals making such a significant contribution, we would face workforce shortages in the south of Scotland and other areas, and in several sectors like agriculture, education, construction and health and social care services. We would face workforce shortages in both urban and rural areas. He added: The Scottish Government is committed to supporting EU nationals through the UK Governments EU Settlement Scheme. To assist in this, we encourage all employers, public bodies and civil society to provide what support they can as part of a nationwide Stay in Scotland campaign. A rise in people injecting cocaine and homelessness are the key factors behind a perfect storm that has resulted in a 10-fold increase in HIV infection among drug users in Glasgow city centre, research has found. In a seven-year study, experts from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) and Health Protection Scotland examined the drivers behind the UKs largest HIV outbreak in more than 30 years in Glasgow. More than 100 new cases of the infection were identified among drug users in the city between 2015 and 2017. Before that the number of new cases had remained stable at about 15 a year among drug users across all of Scotland. Dr Andrew McAuley, a senior research fellow in blood borne viruses at GCU, and the lead author of the paper, said there had been a hugely significant increase in the prevalence of HIV infection in the population of people who inject drugs in Glasgow, largely driven by an outbreak of HIV in first detected in 2015. Dr Andrew McAuley (Peter Devlin/PA) He also claimed the study, published in the Lancet HIV medical journal, provides further justification for those arguing for a safe drugs consumption room to be set up in Glasgow city centre with more than nine out of 10 of those diagnosed with HIV now successfully engaged in treatment. Speaking about the number of drug users with the virus, Dr McAuley said: The prevalence of HIV has been low and stable in this population since major outbreaks of HIV in the 1980s in Edinburgh and Dundee. However, the prevalence of HIV in Glasgow has increased 10-fold among people who inject drugs in the past seven years, from just 1% to over 10% in the city centre. The key drivers of infection are an increase in cocaine injecting, and homelessness. We also have a large population of people who inject in public places in Glasgow at a time when HIV has re-emerged. A combination of these factors has created a perfect storm for rapid transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs in Glasgow. The research, carried out together with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the University of the West of Scotland, found the number of drug users with HIV went from one in 87 in 2011-12 to 25 out of 231 in 2017-18 with the proportion of users who were infected going from 1.1% to 10.8%. The study used information from four in-depth surveys collectively called the Needle Exchange Surveillance Initiative (NESI) conducted between 2011 and 2018 and involving almost 4,000 people who inject drugs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. The HIV outbreak in Glasgow occurred despite the existence of a comprehensive harm reduction environment, the research found, with more than one million clean needles and syringes distributed amongst drug injectors every year. Dr McAuley said the research provides further justification for interventions such as the proposed drug consumption room and heroin-assisted treatment services in Glasgow. He added: Crucially, over 90% of the individuals diagnosed as part of the outbreak have been successfully engaged in HIV treatment as a result of the multidisciplinary response implemented by the health board. Dr Norah Palmateer, a GCU senior research fellow, who is the co-author of both the Lancet HIV and the NESI report, said: We found that the sharp rise in cocaine injecting identified in NESI is the single largest risk factor for acquiring HIV in Glasgow, possibly because it is likely to cause individuals to inject more often which, in turn, makes them more vulnerable to infection. She added: Our research identifies key determinants of HIV infection among a vulnerable population of individuals to inform public health interventions that can be targeted to prevent further new infections and to help test and treat those already exposed. This is in line with the vision of GCU the University for the Common Good one of whose aims is to deliver social benefit through research. Joe FitzPatrick (Jane Barlow/PA) Scottish Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick said: Prevention of HIV infection remains a priority for the Scottish Government. There is absolutely no room for complacency. I have visited the team in Glasgow who are working to tackle the HIV outbreak amongst people who inject drugs and was impressed by their commitment to collaborative working to make sure the most vulnerable people get the support they need to access testing and treatment. He added: These issues underline why we support Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnerships proposals to introduce a secure, medically supervised consumption facility. We must be willing to back innovative, evidence-based approaches that can make a real difference to peoples lives. We are providing funding of over 2 million between 2018 and 2021 to organisations tackling poor sexual health and blood borne viruses. We are also convening an expert group on drugs to examine what further changes, either in practice or in the law, could help save lives and reduce harm. Britain is due to leave the European Union on Friday if an extension is not granted. But how will the rest of the weeks events decide what happens? Wednesday April 10 After Prime Ministers Questions on Wednesday afternoon, Theresa May will head to Brussels for an emergency meeting of the European Council. She will ask the leaders of the 27 remaining EU nations to grant her an extension of Article 50 to June 30. European Council president Donald Tusk has suggested EU leaders grant the UK a longer extension of up to one year. The PM is heading to Brussels for an emergency meeting of the European Council (Jonathan Brady/PA) Thursday April 11 Mrs May is likely to outline plans in the wake of the EU summit. Friday April 12 This is when the UK is scheduled to leave the EU after MPs repeatedly rejected the Prime Ministers deal. If the EU27 do not agree to an extension on Wednesday, Britain will leave without a deal at 11pm. Astronomers are expected to reveal the first close-up images of a monster black hole during a global event later. Eight radio telescopes around the world have been pointed at two of the cosmic behemoths, one at the heart of our galaxy, the Milky Way, and another nearly 54 million light years away. Now, after two years of acquiring and processing the data, the international team of scientists at the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) programme is set to present their ground-breaking first results. Media have been told to gather for press conferences in Brussels, Washington, Santiago, Shanghai, Taipei, Tokyo, and Lyngby in Denmark that are due to begin at around 2pm BST. (PA Graphics) Black holes are regions where matter has been crushed by gravity to an infinitely small space where the normal laws of physics no longer apply. While nothing can escape the gravitational vortex of a black hole not even light gas and radiation rage in a swirling eddy around the brink of the abyss. It is this point-of-no-return precipice, called the Event Horizon, that astronomers have tried to observe for the first time. The EHT project was launched in April 2017. Sagittarius A (SgrA), the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, is some 26,000 light years away. Images of SgrA are likely to show a lopsided ring of brightness due to gravity bending light closer to the black hole more strongly than light further away. The project may help scientists struggling to marry together two apparently incompatible pillars of physics, Einsteins theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics. The first relates to laws of nature on cosmic scales, while the second governs the weird world of subatomic particles where it is possible to be in two places at once. (PA Graphics) Physicist and black hole expert Lia Medeiros, from the University of Arizona, US, told ScienceNews magazine: If general relativity buckles at a black holes boundary, it may point the way forward for theorists. The EHTs other target, M87, is notable for shooting out a fast jet of charged subatomic particles that stretches for some 5,000 light years. The new observations are expected to provide clues about M87s magnetic field, which may be linked to the jet mechanism. The Dalai Lama has been taken to hospital in the Indian capital with a chest infection. Spokesman Tenzin Taklha said the Dalai Lama is under medication and likely to spend a day or two in the hospital. The Tibetan spiritual leader flew from Dharmsala for consultations with doctors in New Delhi and was taken to hospital on Tuesday. tHE Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule (Niall Carson/PA) The north Indian hill town has been his headquarters since he fled Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule. Mr Takhla said on Wednesday the 83-year-old Dalai Lama was feeling much better now. The Dalai Lama spends several months a year travelling the world to teach Buddhism and highlight the Tibetans struggle for greater freedom in China. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to be heading towards re-election early on Wednesday, as close-to-complete unofficial results showed him pulling ahead of his main competitor. With a victory, Mr Netanyahu would capture a fourth consecutive term and fifth overall, which this summer will make him Israels longest-ever serving leader. Re-election will give him an important boost as he braces for the likelihood of criminal charges in a series of corruption scandals. The election outcome affirmed Israels continued tilt to the right and further dimmed hopes of a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the final stretch of the campaign, Mr Netanyahu had for the first time pledged to annex parts of the occupied West Bank in a desperate bid to rally his right-wing base. Annexation would snuff out the last flicker of hope for Palestinian statehood. Both Mr Netanyahu and his challenger, former military chief Benny Gantz, leader of the rival Blue and White party, had declared victory in speeches to boisterous gatherings of supporters. But as the night went on, there were growing signs that Mr Netanyahus Likud was pulling ahead. Its a night of tremendous victory, Mr Netanyahu told supporters. I was very moved that the nation of Israel once again entrusted me for the fifth time, and with an even greater trust. He said he had already begun talking to fellow right-wing and religious parties about forming a new coalition. I want to make it clear, it will be a right-wing government, but I intend to be the prime minister of all Israeli citizens, right or left, Jews and non-Jews alike, he said. The 69-year-old prime minister has been the dominant force in Israeli politics for the past two decades and its face to the world. His campaign has focused heavily on his friendship with President Donald Trump and his success in cultivating new allies, such as China, India and Brazil. But the corruption scandals created some voter fatigue. Along with two other former military chiefs on his ticket, Mr Gantz was able to challenge Mr Netanyahu on security issues, normally the prime ministers strong suit, while also taking aim at the prime ministers alleged ethical lapses. Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz addresses his supporters (Sebastian Scheiner/AP) Israels attorney general has recommended charging Mr Netanyahu with bribery, breach of trust and fraud. Mr Gantz, who has been vague on key policy issues, has presented himself as a clean, scandal-free alternative to Mr Netanyahu. By Wednesday morning, with 97% of the votes counted, Likud and Blue and White had won 35 seats each. But Mr Netanyahu was in a stronger position to form a coalition government with the anticipated support of right-wing and ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties, Likuds natural allies. Such a coalition could rest on 65 votes in the 120-member parliament. Earlier in the night, with fewer of the votes counted, Blue and White still appeared to be ahead by one seat and Gantz projected optimism. Elections have losers and elections have winners. And we are the winners, Mr Gantz told a victory rally shortly after midnight. Mr Netanyahus message of unity was a sharp contrast from his campaign theme in which he accused Mr Gantz of conspiring with Arab parties to topple him. Arab leaders accused Mr Netanyahu of demonising the countrys Arab community, which is about 20% of the population. His attacks on the Arab sector fuelled calls for a boycott and appeared to result in relatively low turnout by Arab voters. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu casts his vote with his wife Sara (Ariel Schalit.AP) The final results are subject to change. Some 40 parties took part in the election, and only those that receive at least 3.25% of the votes make it into parliament. Once the final results come in, attention will turn to President Reuven Rivlin. The president, whose responsibilities are mostly ceremonial, is charged with choosing a prime minister after consulting with party leaders and determining who has the best chance of putting together a majority coalition. That responsibility is usually given to the head of the largest party. The election included several other surprises. The Labour party, which ruled the country for its first 30 years, tumbled to single digits in the parliament. If Mr Netanyahu is re-elected, attention will quickly focus on his legal woes. The attorney general has recommended a series of criminal charges against the prime minister but will only make a decision on indicting him after a legally mandated hearing. Legal experts expect at least some charges to be filed. Mr Netanyahu will likely focus his efforts on getting guarantees from his coalition partners to continue to back him if he is indicted, and perhaps find a way to grant him immunity from prosecution. Mr Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing and claimed he is the victim of a witch hunt. Palestinian official Saeb Erekat lamented that the Israelis voted to maintain the status quo. They want their occupation to be endless, he said. A Japanese air force F-35 stealth fighter has crashed into the Pacific Ocean during a night training flight, the countrys defence ministry said. The F-35A stealth jet disappeared from radar while flying off the eastern coast of Aomori and parts of the jet were found late on Tuesday, the Air Self-Defence Force said. The pilot is still missing. The jet went missing about half an hour after taking off from the Misawa air base with three other F-35As for anti-fighter battle training. (PA Graphics) The UK currently owns 17 F-35B Lightning stealth fighter jets, and Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has pledged that a total of 138 will be bought. Japanese defence minister Takeshi Iwaya told reporters the cause of the disappearance is not immediately known. He said 12 other F-35s at the Misawa base would be grounded. The pilot is a man in his 40s, Mr Iwaya said. The Japanese air force F-35 stealth fighter crashed into the Pacific Ocean (Kyodo News/AP) The F-35 family of jets are the first to combine radar-evading stealth technology with supersonic speeds and the ability to conduct short take-offs and vertical landings. The aircraft has the ability to operate from land and sea. Japan started deploying the expensive US-made F-35s since last year, part of its plan to bolster its defence spending and weapons capability in the coming years to counter potential threats from North Korea and China. Under guidelines approved in December, Prime Minister Shinzo Abes government plans to buy 147 F-35s, including 105 F-35As, costing about 10 billion yen (69 million) each. The changes made by a police force after a 19-year-old was murdered by a stalker she had repeatedly reported are too little, too late, say her family. The parents of Shana Grice spoke out after Sussex Police confirmed some of the officers involved in her case would be facing disciplinary action over her death, and on the day an independent report found the forces approach to investigating stalking and harassment cases was not consistent or effective. Shanas parents, Sharon Grice and Richard Green, said: Our daughter took her concerns to the police and instead of being protected was treated like a criminal. She paid for the polices lack of training, care and poor attitude with her life. Its only right that the police make changes, but its too little, too late for Shana. Sussex Police should not be applauded for this. Instead we would encourage people to reflect on why theyre making these changes. A young girl went to them for protection and ended up murdered in her own home by the very person shed asked the police to protect her from. Shana reported her ex-boyfriend Michael Lane to officers five times in six months, but was fined for wasting police time. He was jailed for 25 years for her murder in March 2017. Michael Lane was found guilty of murdering his former girlfriend Shana Grice (Sussex Police/PA) In the statement issued through Hudgell Solicitors, they added: The proof will of course be in whether the changes are adhered to by officers and whether Sussex Police prevent other young innocent girls dying on their watch. The familys lawyer Andy Petherbridge said: It is only to be expected that Sussex Police have made changes to their procedures for treating victims of stalking. Lessons needed to be learnt. However, none of this should overshadow the fact that individual officers still have serious questions to answer about their conduct towards Shana in the run up to her untimely death. Stalking is a life-changing crime for its victims and as evidenced by Shanas case, can lead to the most tragic of consequences if not tackled. Speaking to the Press Association, Mr Petherbridge said the family were considering all options of legal action against the force, including a civil claim. He added: The family will be attending the misconduct hearings to hear the evidence and to see what the officers themselves have got to say. The full IOPC report into the police handling of Shanas death was completed last year, but remains unpublished until Miss Grices inquest takes place, the familys lawyer said. Two police officers, one of whom has retired, will face gross misconduct proceedings in front of an independent chairman at public hearings in May, Sussex Police confirmed on Tuesday evening. Another police officer will face internal misconduct proceedings, which are carried out in private. No further action will be taken over five other officers investigated by the Independent of Police Conduct (IOPC), while six other force employees three officers and three staff have already been handed management advice and further training. Michael Lane arriving at court during his trial (PA) The IOPC is understood to be recommending 18 new training measures for the force when it announces the findings of its investigation on Wednesday, according to Channel 4 News. Assistant Chief Constable Nick May said the force was committed to constantly improving our understanding of stalking and our response to it, adding: Since then, we have undertaken all their recommendations, thoroughly reviewed all aspects of how we deal with cases of stalking and harassment and have significantly improved our service to victims. The news came as the IOPC announced a police call handler from the force was given management advice after failing to record a womans reports of escalating violence by her ex-husband, who shot her dead eight days later two years after Miss Grice died. Michelle Savage spoke to Sussex Police three times before she was murdered alongside her 53-year-old mother Heather Whitbread in an execution-style killing at almost point-blank range in St Leonards on March 16 last year. She had told officers former soldier Craig Savage was dangerous and she feared for her life. Sarah Green, co-director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, said of both cases that more must be done, adding: Numerous inquests and inquiries have found that multiple police forces have failed to protect women who were murdered. There is a massive failing in police leadership on domestic and sexual violence which is not simply about cuts. The Home Secretary should call time on the promises to do better and require improvement or removal of leaders in forces where women are not being protected. The UK crashing out of the EU with no exit deal on Friday would be unconscionable, an SNP MEP said, as he revealed his party is preparing to fight next months European elections. Alyn Smith said both he and the other sitting SNP MEP Ian Hudghton would stand again if the UK takes part in vote, with Nicola Sturgeons party also putting forward other candidates. Taking part in European Parliament elections would more than likely be a condition if the other EU 27 nations grant the UK a longer extension to the Article 50 process. And Mr Smith told BBC Radio Scotlands Good Morning Scotland programme: Were up for the cup if we have a European election at all. He confirmed both he and Mr Hudghton would be candidates, as he insisted the best option would be for the UK to revoke Article 50 altogether and remain within the European Union. Failing that, he suggested the UK could hold a second Brexit referendum to turn it around as a way forward. The SNP is preparing to fight next months European elections, MEP Alyn Smith said (Andrew Milliagn/PA) But Mr Smith stated: All of these options necessitate a European election and were putting a list together. Ill be a candidate, as will Ian Hudghton. While Theresa May wants Brexit to be put off until June 30, it seems more likely EU leaders will offer the UK a longer extension. Speaking ahead of a crunch EU summit, European Council president Donald Tusk said there was little reason to believe that the ratification of Mrs Mays beleaguered Brexit deal could be completed by the end of June. Consequently he said the Council should consider a flexible extension lasting as long as necessary and no longer than one year. Without an extension being agreed, the UK is currently set to leave the EU on Friday night, with no deal in place. Mr Smith said: It seems likely that there is going to need to be an extension because the idea of crashing out on Friday is just unconscionable. He added: Its Mrs May that has brought us here, be in no doubt about that, but the idea of crashing out just isnt an option. So a delay seems almost inevitable. The question is, is it a long delay or is it a short delay. But he also warned some European leaders felt the UK was messing them about over Brexit. The SNP MEP said: Nobody in the EU wants to see us leave at all, everybody regrets Brexit, there is a strong desire to try and find a form of words to keep us in, but nobody wants to be messed about and people increasingly in Brussels are feeling that the UK and Mrs May and the Tories and everybody knows where the problem actually is is messing us about. Ministers remain determined to take Britain out of the EU at the earliest opportunity, Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay said, as Brussels appeared poised to grant a lengthy delay to Britains departure. Theresa May meets the leaders of the remaining EU 27 later on Wednesday to press her case for a further extension to the Article 50 withdrawal process to June 30 to allow her more time to get a deal through Parliament. But amid increasing frustration among EU leaders, European Council president Donald Tusk is recommending a longer delay of up to a year, with an opportunity to leave before then if a deal is agreed. However the prospect of an extended delay has infuriated many Conservative MPs, already angry that the UK has missed its original departure date of March 29. In the Commons on Tuesday, 97 Tory MPs voted against a motion backing Mrs Mays call for an extension which only passed with the support of opposition MPs. Mr Barclay insisted the Prime Minister did not want to see a lengthy delay, which was why the Government was asking only for an extension to the end of June. He said the UK could still leave before that date if it got an agreement through Parliament in time and that ministers were committed to leaving at the earliest opportunity. (PA Graphics) I dont want to see a long extension. The Prime Minister doesnt want to see a long extension. That is why the request today is to June 30 in order that we can leave as soon as possible, he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. Mr Barclay however sidestepped questions as to whether Mrs May could remain in office if the EU insisted on a longer delay, saying it was the failure of MPs to support a deal which had handed the initiative back to Brussels. That is a consequence of Parliament, not the Government. The Government has agreed a deal with the EU. It is Parliament that has forced this on the Government, he said. There are times when you need to give time time. My letter to EU leaders ahead of tomorrows #EUCO: Charles Michel (@eucopresident) April 9, 2019 Mr Tusk, in a letter to the leaders of the remaining EU27, said there was little reason to believe that the ratification of Mrs Mays beleaguered Brexit deal could be completed by the end of June. He called for the European Council to discuss an alternative, longer extension, such as a flexible extension lasting as long as necessary and no longer than one year. Mr Tusk wrote: The flexibility would allow to terminate the extension automatically, as soon as both sides have ratified the Withdrawal Agreement. The UK would be free to leave whenever it is ready. And the EU27 would avoid repeated Brexit summits. Importantly, a long extension would provide more certainty and predictability by removing the threat of constantly shifting cliff-edge dates. Theresa May met French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris ahead of the EU summit (Stefan Rousseau/PA) Furthermore, in the event of a continued stalemate, such a longer extension would allow the UK to rethink its Brexit strategy. Mr Tusk also warned that neither side should be allowed to feel humiliated at any stage in this difficult process. On Tuesday, Mrs May staged a whistle-stop tour of European capitals for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin to prepare the ground for another potentially difficult meeting in Brussels. The unanimous agreement of all 27 remaining EU states is needed to avoid a no-deal Brexit on the scheduled date of April 12. (PA Graphics) EU leaders will gather for talks with European Parliament president Antonio Tajani on Wednesday evening, before hearing from Mrs May. They will then meet for dinner without her to agree a response to the UKs extension request. A press conference with Mrs May is likely to be held after the summit, and the PM is expected to update MPs on Thursday. Meanwhile in Westminster, Labour claimed the Government had not yet made a clear shift in its position in cross-party talks designed to break the impasse. Discussions will resume on Thursday. Lawyers for Nissans former chairman Carlos Ghosn, who was sent back to detention while out on bail, have filed a protest with the Japanese Supreme Court. Lawyer Junichiro Hironaka told reporters that Ghosns fourth and latest arrest is unfair. Ghosn was arrested in November and released on bail last month but re-arrested last week. Multiple arrests and long detentions are routine in Japan, but arresting a suspect who cleared bail is unusual. Lawyer Junichiro Hironaka (Koji Sasahara/AP) Ghosns detention has been extended through to Sunday but may be prolonged. He is charged with falsifying financial documents in under-reporting his retirement compensation and breach of trust in what prosecutors call dubious payments. He says he is innocent, noting the compensation was never decided or paid and the payments were for legitimate services. The latest arrest is over suspicion that Nissan money paid to a dealership was diverted to a company effectively controlled by Ghosn. Mr Hironaka was among 1,010 lawyers, academics and other legal professionals who signed a call to eliminate Japans so-called hostage justice. Kaku Imamura, a lawyer who led the initiative, told reporters that Ghosns case has set off international criticism about the longtime detentions without convictions. He said innocent people who refuse to sign confessions suffer and are kept for months, sometimes years, even for relatively minor charges that will not result in prison time. During detention, prosecutors can grill the suspect for more than eight hours, he said, while the suspects contact with lawyers is limited, and often banned with family and friends. He declined comment on the specifics of Ghosns case. Detention is used as a form of torture, Mr Imamura said at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan. It becomes difficult for people to get a fair trial. European staff in the health service will be supported to stay in Scotland regardless of the outcome of Brexit, Jeane Freeman has said. In a letter to EU and EEA citizens working in the NHS, the Health Secretary said that although she had hoped for greater clarity over the Brexit process, her top priority will continue to be ensuring the rights of people living in Scotland. She also reiterated the application process for EU citizens aiming to remain in the UK after Brexit, and outlined the advice published by the Scottish Government under its Stay in Scotland campaign launched last week. The UK is preparing to leave the EU. This will affect EU citizens who have chosen to live here. To help you stay, we have produced a package of support to guide you through the steps you need to take. Find out more at ScotGovEurope (@ScotGovEurope) April 5, 2019 In her letter, Ms Freeman told EU citizens: Your contributions are very much valued. We want you to continue to live and work in Scotland. We are very grateful for the work you do and the contribution you make, not just to patient care but also to the health, care and wellbeing of Scotland as a whole. Ms Freeman also sent a joint letter in partnership with the interim health and social care spokesman at the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, Stuart Currie, to those working in social care. Health Secretary Jeane Freeman has written to EU citizens working in the NHS (Jane Barlow/PA) In that letter, Ms Freeman and Mr Currie expressed their thanks to staff and confirmed any professional qualifications and registrations held by EU citizens would continue to be valid even if the UK leaves the European Union without a deal. The letter said: We recognise that some staff might be worried about what might happen to their professional registration if we leave the EU without an agreement. We can confirm that you will not need to do anything and will remain on the register for as long as you continue to meet all the normal requirements of continued registration. Thank-you again for all that you do. We hope that this letter provides some comfort and reassurance in these uncertain times. A local council is removing some of the netting it has put on cliffs after images of sand martins being prevented from returning to their nest sites prompted an outcry. North Norfolk District Council used netting on cliffs at Bacton to encourage sand martins to nest further along the coast as it delivers a major sandscaping project to protect homes and Bacton Gas Terminal. The council said the use of the temporary specialist netting followed a detailed environmental assessment and had been approved by government conservation agency Natural England, with advice from the RSPB. 1/2 After positive discussions with @Natures_Voice, we have instructed contractors to remove upper levels of netting at Bacton cliffs. Minimum levels will be retained to assist in progressing with this critical project to protect peoples homes and national infrastructure North Norfolk District Council (@NorthNorfolkDC) April 9, 2019 But the bird conservation charity urged the council to remove the nets, which they said did not match their advice. The call came as footage emerged of birds, which have arrived in the UK after migrating from Africa, trying to get to their cliff burrows but being prevented from doing so by the netting. In a statement, the council said it appreciated the level of concern the issue had caused, and would be removing the upper levels of netting. A sand martin (Haydn West/PA) The authority said: Following positive discussions with the RSPB and Natural England today, we have instructed contractors to remove the upper levels of netting on Bacton cliffs. We havent finished discussions w. @NorthNorfolkDC. Whilst the full removal of the netting has not been resolved; the RSPB will be visiting #BactonCliffs to discuss our concerns regarding the remaining 1.3km length of netting & the issue of the material currently in use. RSPB (@Natures_Voice) April 9, 2019 Minimum levels will be retained to assist in progressing with this critical project to protect peoples homes and national infrastructure. Following this, ongoing discussions will take place between NNDC and the RSPB about the material to be used on the lower section of cliff to allow this to happen. The council also warned people the cliffs were not safe to climb on and urged them not to attempt to do so. After the announcement, the RSPB said it would be meeting the council as soon as possible to discuss outstanding concerns, including the 1.3 kilometres (0.8 miles) of netted cliff face that would remain. We will ask the Council to reduce this to 50 metres maximum and keep to a height of seven metres. Please @NorthNorfolkDC take down the nets which span 1km of the Bacton cliff face. Do the right thing for our sand martins who are at Amber on the endangered birds list they just want their homes back, there is enormous public support for the nets to be removed #NetsDownForNature Angela Rayner (@AngelaRayner) April 9, 2019 We will also be raising the issue of the material currently in use. The charity said it would be re-outlining its original recommendation of geotextile meshing which would ensure burrows in the sandscaping zone are not smothered and will ensure no birds can be trapped. It later emerged that it would be 48 hours before the netting could be removed. The measure is part of the Bacton to Walcott sandscaping project, which will place 1.8 million cubic metres of sand on the beaches to provide protection to Bacton Gas Terminal and the villages of Bacton and Walcott. A parliamentary petition calling for legal protection to swallow, swift and martin nest sites, not just their active nests, has gathered more than 56,000 signatures. Another petition to make netting hedgerows to prevent birds from nesting a criminal offence has gained more than 304,000 signatures as developers come under fire for the practice which can make it easier to remove greenery around building sites. The Duke of Sussex is working with US chat show queen Oprah Winfrey on a mental health documentary series, Kensington Palace has announced. Harry and Oprah will be co-creators and executive producers of the project for Apple, which has launched into the TV streaming market to take on Netflix and Amazon. The multi-part documentary series will focus on both mental illness and mental wellness and aims to inspire viewers to have an honest conversation about the challenges we all face and how to equip ourselves with the tools to thrive, rather than to simply survive. Harry said: I truly believe that good mental health mental fitness is the key to powerful leadership, productive communities and a purpose-driven self. It is a huge responsibility to get this right as we bring you the facts, the science and the awareness of a subject that is so relevant during these times. The duke, who along with wife Meghan invited Oprah to their wedding last year, added: Our hope is that this series will be positive, enlightening and inclusive sharing global stories of unparalleled human spirit fighting back from the darkest places, and the opportunity for us to understand ourselves and those around us better. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex promote their Heads Together campaign (Dominic Lipinski/PA) I am incredibly proud to be working alongside Oprah on this vital series which we have been developing together for several months. In 2017, together with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Harry launched Heads Together, a mental health initiative spearheaded by The Royal Foundation. During the campaign, Harry shared his personal experience and became an advocate for those who silently suffer, aiming to empower them to get the help and support they deserve. Theresa May is meeting in EU leaders in Brussels on Wednesday to ask for a further extension to the Article 50 withdrawal process. These are the possible options: A short extension: The Prime Minister is asking the EU to delay the UKs departure to June 30 to give her more time to get the backing of Parliament possibly with the support of Labour for a deal with Brussels that would allow the UK to leave in an orderly fashion. That would mean calling elections to the European Parliament something Mrs May has been desperate to avoid although they would be cancelled if she can get a deal through before polling day on May 23. Theresa May wants a Brexit delay until the end of June (Stefan Rousseau/PA) If the negotiations at Westminster were to continue beyond that date, the elections would go ahead, but the new British MEPs would potentially never sit as the new European Parliament is not due to meet until early July. While some EU leaders are keen to keep up the pressure on the UK Parliament, others fear Mrs May could be forced to seek further extensions if she still cannot get a deal through, potentially creating a series of rolling cliff edge breaks. (PA Graphics) A longer flextension: This is European Council president Donald Tusks plan, amid concerns in Brussels MPs will be unable to agree and ratify a deal before the end of June. It would mean a lengthy delay of up to 12 months, although with an option to leave early if there is an agreement at Westminster before then. As with Mrs Mays plan, it would mean the UK staging European elections although this time with a real prospect MEPs will actually take up their seats in the new parliament. Some European leaders believe the additional time would allow Britain the space to come to a settled position, but others fear an unhappy UK could be a disruptive presence in the EU. It would also increase the unrest among some Tory MPs already angry that Britain did not leave as planned on March 29, leading to further pressure for Mrs May to step down. Donald Tusk is proposing an extension of up to a year ( No-deal: If there is no agreement on an extension, the default position remains that Britain will leave the EU at 11pm UK time (midnight in Brussels) on Friday without a deal the result many businesses fear the most. Such an outcome would create huge uncertainty although Brexiteers argue that claims of a huge hit to the economy are exaggerated. Although it would appear to be the least likely outcome, any extension has to be agreed unanimously by all the remaining 27 leaders, meaning that any one of them could veto it. Equally, if Mrs May felt the conditions attached to any extension were unacceptable, she could walk away but few MPs believe she would actually do so. The Police Federation has joined the backlash against anti-gay laws in Brunei by moving its annual bravery awards away from the Dorchester hotel. Chairman of the organisation John Apter said on Twitter that doing nothing was not an option after the tiny but extremely wealthy Asian nation brought in a punishment of stoning to death for gay sex. Actor George Clooney and Sir Elton John were among celebrities who announced they would no longer stay at any of a string of luxury hotels including the Dorchester which are owned by the Sultan of Brunei. I can confirm that following recent events we have made the decision to move the @PFEW_HQ Bravery Awards away from the #Dorchester Hotel. My values, the PFEW and policing as a whole would not allow us to be associated with such a regime. John Apter (@PFEW_Chair) April 10, 2019 Mr Apter said: I can confirm that following recent events we have made the decision to move the @PFEW_HQ Bravery Awards away from the #Dorchester Hotel. My values, the PFEW and policing as a whole would not allow us to be associated with such a regime. In a second tweet he went on: This decision does not reflect on the staff at the Dorchester Hotel however, doing nothing was not an option. An alternative venue has been identified and I will make sure the Bravery Awards are as special as they have always been. This is the right decision. The Brunei Investment Agency (BIA), through the Dorchester Collection, owns Londons the Dorchester and 45 Park Lane as well as Coworth Park in Berkshire. The Police Federation is boycotting the Dorchester hotel in protest at Bruneis anti-LGBT+ laws (Sophie Hogan/P) Also in its portfolio of hotels, among the worlds most exclusive, are two of Hollywoods best-known establishments, the Bel-Air and the Beverly Hills. The Police Federation represents more than 119,000 officers in England and Wales up to the rank of chief inspector. Its annual bravery awards are held to celebrate extraordinary feats of courage. In a further statement issued through the Police Federation, Mr Apter said hotel management had refunded the deposit for the event and been incredibly understanding. He said: We cannot in all conscience support a regime which is so fundamentally opposed to the values of respect, diversity and equality we hold so highly within our organisation and policing as a whole. And although the decision is no reflection on the staff of the hotel itself who have always done their utmost to ensure that the event is a success, it is the right one. Local management at the hotel has reimbursed us after cancelling the deposit and have been incredibly understanding in these circumstances for which I am grateful. Theresa May has insisted leaving the EU in an orderly way will be the best Brexit for the UK after a Tory MP urged her to consider a no-deal scenario. Craig Tracey (North Warwickshire) asked the Prime Minister to respect their partys manifesto commitments to leave the customs union and single market. Theresa May speaks during Prime Ministers Questions in the House of Commons (PA) The SNP also pressed Mrs May to reveal if a second referendum has been offered on the Governments side of the negotiating table during talks to find a compromise with Labour, with the PM reiterating that the position has not changed in opposing such a poll. Speaking during Prime Ministers Questions in the Commons, Mr Tracey said: Do you agree with me that if the best way to do that, rather than deliver the diluted deal which is unrecognisable to many of us who voted to leave, is to go under WTO rules, then we should grab that opportunity and believe in the ability of the British people and the Conservative Government to make a success of it? Mrs May replied: Can I agree with you that I believe a Conservative Government will make a success of whatever the situation is in relation to Brexit? But I still believe, actually, the best Brexit for the UK is for us to be able to leave in an orderly way, to be able to leave with a deal. The PM added that there are some MPs who do not want to honour the result of the referendum, adding: I do. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn focused his questions on cuts to local government (PA) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said discussions are continuing in an attempt to find a compromise Brexit deal, before switching focus to cuts to local government. He said communities across the country have been abandoned, adding: Official figures show that nine of the 10 most deprived council areas in this country have seen cuts almost three times the average of any other council. Why has the Prime Minister decided to cut the worst-off areas in our country more than the most well-off? Mrs May said councils have more money available this year and a real-terms increase has been provided, adding: (Mr Corbyn) voted against that money being available. The Prime Minister was accused of having `abandoned communities across the country by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (PA) Mr Corbyn later said that, under this Government, 500,000 more children have gone into relative poverty, and, to cries of shame from the Labour benches, he said: In Stoke-on-Trent alone, 4,000 food bank parcels were handed out to children last year. He finished by saying: The evidence is clear: the Tories have abandoned communities across the country, theyve left towns and cities to fend for themselves after nine years of vindictive, damaging austerity. Pointing out that there are 1,000 fewer Sure Start centres and 760 fewer youth centres since the last Labour government, he said: This Government stands for tax cuts for the richest and swingeing cuts for the rest. Will the Prime Minister now admit that, far from tackling the burning injustices she talked about, her Governments cruel and unfair policies have pushed councils to the brink and left those just about managing not being able to mange at all? That is her legacy. Labour's Jeremy Corbyn pushes Theresa May on council cuts, saying "the political choice... to impose austerity in local government has hit the poorest and worst off"#PMQs updates: BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) April 10, 2019 Mrs May hit back, saying she was proud to lead a Government that has seen more children in good schools, more doctors, more jobs, lower borrowing, lower unemployment, lower taxes. And she said if Mr Corbyn got into power it would mean destroying our defences, abandoning our allies, billions more in borrowing, fewer opportunities, and higher taxes for everyone. For the SNP, Westminster leader Ian Blackford said: It is now one week since talks began between the Tory Government and the Labour Party. At any point during these talks, has a second referendum been offered on the Governments side of the negotiating table? Yes or no? Mrs May responded: My position on a second referendum and the Governments position has not changed. The House has rejected a second referendum two times. When we come to a deal, we will have to ensure that legislation goes through this House. Of course, it may be there are those in this House who wish to press that issue as that legislation goes through, though my position on this has not changed. Mr Blackford said Mrs May appeared not to answer his question about a second referendum. Conservative MP Henry Smith (Crawley) raised concerns over a 12-month Brexit delay, saying: Does she not recognise that that would cost more than 1 billion a month to the British taxpayer in subscriptions to the EU, and does she not agree that that funding would be better spent on tackling crime, funding schools and even tax cuts for my constituents and constituents up and down the country? Four women are breaking new ground among the deeply conservative Bedouin of Egypts Sinai Peninsula by working as tour guides. Women among the Bedouin almost never work outside the home, and even more rarely interact with outsiders. But amid a stunning vista of desert mountains, Umm Yasser is one of the four women from the community who for the first time are working as tour guides. Umm Yasser, centre, leads women on a trek in South Sinai, Egypt (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) The 47-year-old said: It is against our culture, but women need jobs. People will make fun of us, but I dont care. Im a strong woman. They are part of Sinai Trail, a unique project in which local Bedouin tribes came together aiming to develop their own tourism. Founded in 2015, the project has set up a 550km (330-mile) trail through the remote mountains of the peninsula, a 42-day trek through the lands of eight different tribes, each of which contributes guides. The project has been successful in bringing some income to the tribes, who often complain of being left out of the major tourism development of the southern Sinai, home to beach resorts and desert safaris. Tourists stop to look at the scenery (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) Until now, all the projects guides were men. Ben Hoffler, the British co-founder of the Sinai Trail, felt it was not enough. He said: How can we be credible calling this the Sinai Trail if the women arent involved? But even after years of trying by Mr Hoffler, almost all the tribes still reject women guides. Ben Hoffler, co-founder of the Sinai Trail, takes photographs (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) Only one of the smallest, oldest and poorest tribes, the Hamada, accepted the idea. There are some conditions: the tourists can only be women, and the tours cannot go overnight. Each day before the sun sets, the group returns to the Hamadas home village in Wadi Sahu, a narrow desert valley. The organisers also urge the tourists to photograph the guides only when they are wearing a full veil over the face that covers even the eyes with mesh. Umm Yasser was the first to join. Umm Yasser at her home (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) She said she started hiking when she was a child and knows the mountains and the valley by heart. She convinced the families of three other women to allow them to work as guides. Their tribe is a poor one, living in small concrete houses strung along the Wadi Sahu. Electricity runs no more than five hours a night and there is no running water. Tourists trek in the mountains (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) It is isolated deep in the mountains of south Sinai, far from the tourism centres in Sinai along the Red Sea coast or near the famed St Catherines Monastery. The men often leave the village to find work, either at resorts or in mines further south. We need money to help support our families for basic necessities, Umm Yasser said. We need blankets, clothes for the children, washing machines, fridges, books for school. Umm Yasser looks at Umm Soliman as she plays the flute (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) The Sinai Trail came together in some of the hardest years for tourism. It was launched as an Islamic State-linked insurgency intensified in the northern part of Sinai and a year after a Russian passenger plane crashed, killing all 224 passengers on board in a suspected militant bombing. The violence has stayed far from southern Sinai, where tourist resorts are located but the industry has had to push hard to win tourists back. On a recent tour joined by the Associated Press, 16 female tourists from Korea, New Zealand, Europe, Lebanon and Egypt were led by Umm Yasser and the other three women guides, Umm Soliman, Aicha and Selima, through the rugged landscape in and around Wadi Sahu. Aicha, an Egyptian Bedouin from the Hamada tribe and one of the first female guides, plays the flute for tourists (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) Marion Salwegter, a 68-year-old Dutch woman who travels to southern Sinai every year alone to escape the winters in the Netherlands, said: I think south Sinai is safe, especially when you are in the care of Bedouins This is where I feel at home. Every corner there is scenery and another beautiful view. During the two-day tour, the group hiked across an endlessly broad landscape of mountain peaks and valleys of dry riverbeds. While male Bedouin guides range far from home, the women tend to move closer, with an exceptionally rich knowledge of the surrounding mountains. An Egyptian student borrows a Bedouin wedding dress to pose for a photograph with Bedouin men from the Hamada tribe (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) The guides talked about the local plants and herbs, the history and legends of the area and pointed out the borders of the areas tribes. In the evening, the group returned to the Hamada tribes village. The women sat on the floor of Umm Yassers home and the tourists asked the guide about life in the village, marriage and divorce. Umm Yasser is sceptical other Bedouin women will join her as a guide or in working in general any time soon. Umm Yasser offers tea during a womens-only circle of tourists and Bedouin from the Hamada tribe at her home (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) But, she said, there is no shame in working. This is what I believe in, and it makes me strong. Some attitudes are changing. Mohammed Salman, an elderly man from the Aligat tribe, said he thought the guides project was a great step for women. If a woman wants to work, she should be able to have the right to, he said. Many men say no, a womans place is at home. But Im sick of this ideology. Shes a human being. A Bedouin girl holds plants she picked for her mother (Nariman El-Mofty/AP) Younger Bedouin girls tagged along with the group and talked about wanting to be female guides in the future. This trip is going down in history and will be talked about, said Julie Paterson, a facilitator for Sinai Trail who often works with Bedouin women. It might also go into Bedouin oral history. Two blind veterans have found love again in their 90s and celebrated with a blessing where they vowed to live out their days together. Peter Van Zeller and Nancy Bowstead, both 97, celebrated their new-found romance with a ceremony at the Blind Veterans UKs chapel in Ovingdean, near Brighton, on Wednesday. The pair, who both served in the Second World War, met in May last year at the sight loss charitys training and rehabilitation centre where they both now live. Mr Van Zeller proposed just over six months later in November and the pair decided to make a formal commitment to each other surrounded by family and friends. Second World War veterans Peter Van Zeller and Nancy Bowstead were showered with confetti (Gareth Fuller/PA) They held hands throughout the service, which had all the hallmarks of a wedding without the legal formality of a marriage, in a chapel decorated with flowers and hearts. Mr Van Zeller said he fell in love as soon as he met Mrs Bowstead, adding: This lady came and sat next to me in the lounge after dinner. She definitely had a spark about her and we hit it off immediately. Until I met Nancy, I hadnt realised how lonely Id really been since my wife died. We just want to live and be happy together for a very long time. But Mrs Bowstead jokes Mr Van Zeller was a little grumpy at first before they got chatting, adding: It was just like an electric shock. We now live just four doors down from each other so I can go and visit him whenever I wish. He proposed because he wanted to make sure I didnt go off with another man. There are a lot more men than women here. Clare Callanan conducted the service at the Blind Veterans UK centre in Brighton (Gareth Fuller/PA) It is a dream come true to know that I could be treasured and feel loved by someone as wonderful as Peter after many years alone. It really has been a miracle and we love each other to bits. Born in London and growing up in Inverness, Mr Van Zeller joined the Royal Air Force aged 18, training as a pilot and flying the Westland Whirlwind fighter jet in the 263 squadron protecting convoys of cargo vessels at sea. But he left after two years when a friend piloted his plane while he was on leave, crashed and died. He joined the Army in December 1943, being sent to Sword Beach in Normandy in June 1944 about a week after the D-Day landings serving in the Somerset Light Infantry. Aged 23, he was shot in the right arm by a sniper during an assault on the town of Villers-Bocage. Mr Van Zellers wife Betty died in 2012 aged 89. Born in Widnes, Cheshire, Mrs Bowstead told her family aged 17 she must leave her home to serve her country, joining the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) in 1941, training at Lancaster and Oswestry. She was also taught at Harrogate and Edinburgh and was commissioned as an officer in 1943. She then served on a gun site in Swansea for the remainder of the war and was discharged as a subaltern in 1948. She has two children and her husband Derek died in 2013 aged 89. Second World War veterans Peter Van Zeller and Nancy Bowstead share a smile (Gareth Fuller/PA) The new couple both lost their sight much later in life both due to glaucoma and after Mrs Bowstead had two strokes while Mr Van Zeller also had macular degeneration. Mrs Bowstead started receiving support from Blind Veterans UK in 2011 and Mr Zeller in 2016, and they take part in arts and crafts courses at the Brighton centre. The charitys chaplain, Clare Callanan, officiated at the service which included prayers, readings, favourite hymns picked by the couple and a declaration of their love where they made promises to honour each other. They marked their love and friendship by exchanging rings. Describing them as a beautiful couple, she said: Peter and Nancy have found a mutual love, respect and understanding with each other and that is something that should be celebrated. This example of commitment is a blessing to all of us as part of the Blind Veterans UK family. After the service the pair laughed and joked together as they gathered outside for photographs while they were showered with confetti. Mrs Bowstead said it was wonderful, adding: We want to live forever and enjoy our time together. Weve had a lot to face in our lives and we just want to enjoy each others company. We are looking forward to doing all sorts of things together. We are so happy. This is home, Ovingdean is home. Her son Graham Bowstead said: We are just delighted for them, that in the autumn of their lives they have found each other. The pair marked the occasion with a reception with loved ones, enjoying a buffet and cake while raising a toast. A new 10 million ferry is ready to sail away from the shipyard after being built on Merseyside. Shipbuilder Cammell Laird has completed the Red Kestrel, a freight-only vessel for Isle of Wight ferry operator Red Funnel, after nine months of work. The ferry, the 1,393rd vessel built at the yard in Birkenhead, Wirral, is due to start operating between Southampton and the Isle of Wight in May. The Red Kestrel is a 74m-long freight-only RoRo vessel for the Isle of Wight ferry operator Red Funnel (Cammell Laird/PA) Cammell Laird employed 200 direct workers, 200 sub-contractors and 10 apprentices on the contract, used 45 British supply chain businesses and the project generated 3,000 man hours of work for apprentices. Chief operating officer Tony Graham said: Cammell Laird would like to thank Red Funnel for placing its trust in us to build this wonderful state-of-the-art ferry, drawing on all our marine engineering expertise. Completing this ship sends a very strong message to the global maritime industry about Cammell Lairds ferry building capabilities after we won the contract against international competition. We are proud to see the Red Kestrel join a collection of ferries that Cammell Laird has built in recent years in addition to the large number of drydockings and repairs we do each year in the ferry sector. The shipbuilder is also constructing 200m polar research ship the RRS Sir David Attenborough, which is the largest civilian ship to be built in the UK for 30 years. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned Theresa May the EU is likely to agree to a longer Brexit delay than the one she is asking for. The Prime Minister will meet the leaders of the remaining EU 27 later on Wednesday to press for a further extension to the Article 50 withdrawal process to June 30 to allow her more time to get a deal through Parliament. However Mrs Merkel, who met Mrs May in Berlin on Tuesday ahead of the Brussels summit, suggested they may well go for a longer delay, although the UK would be allowed to leave very quickly if Parliament approves a withdrawal deal. We will shape this extension in such a way that, whenever Britain has approved the Withdrawal Agreement, Britain can then complete its orderly withdrawal very shortly after, she told German MPs. Her comments were in line with a plan put forward by European Council president Donald Tusk for an extension to the Article 50 withdrawal process. European Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas meanwhile said Brussels was fully prepared to cope in the event of a no-deal Brexit. This is not our desired outcome but we are not afraid of it. We are prepared, he said. With Britain set to leave the EU at 11pm on Friday without a deal unless an extension is agreed, Mrs May insisted she would be pressing the case in the Belgian capital for a shorter delay. The Prime Minister, however, remains under intense pressure from Conservative MPs already angry at the failure to leave on March 29 as planned who oppose any further delay. At Prime Ministers Questions, Tory backbencher Craig Tracey said she should abandon her diluted deal and take Britain out on World Trade Organisation terms, while Henry Smith warned that an extension would cost the UK 1 billion a month. Mrs May however told MPs that Britain would already be outside the EU if they had been prepared to vote for her Withdrawal Agreement. The best Brexit for the UK is for us to be able to leave in an orderly way, to be able to leave with a deal, she said. We could actually have been outside the EU by now if we had managed to get the deal through. Earlier, Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay insisted ministers were committed to taking Britain out of the EU at the earliest opportunity. I dont want to see a long extension. The Prime Minister doesnt want to see a long extension. That is why the request today is to June 30 in order that we can leave as soon as possible, he told BBC Radio 4s Today programme. Justice Secretary David Gauke said Theresa May could carry on for another year to see Brexit through (Dominic Lipinski/PA) Mr Barclay, a Brexiteer, sidestepped questions as to whether Mrs May could remain in office if the EU insisted on a longer delay. In contrast, pro-EU Justice Secretary David Gauke suggested she could carry on until she has taken the country through the current phase of the negotiations and Britain has finally left the EU. I dont think we should be rushing to change our leader when there is a big task to be done, he told BBC Radio 5 live. If we are going through that process of trying to get Parliament to support a deal to find a way of breaking this deadlock, then Theresa May continues to be right person to lead us through that process. The depth of the anger within the Tory ranks was underlined by a Commons vote on Tuesday, when 97 Tory MPs voted against a motion backing Mrs Mays call for an extension which only passed with the support of opposition MPs. My letter to @eucopresident Donald Tusk: Any decision by the Prime Minister to accept a long extension to Article 50 is likely to be challenged in the UK courts. Bill Cash (@BillCashMP) April 10, 2019 Meanwhile, veteran Tory Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash has written to Mr Tusk warning that an extended delay was likely to face a legal challenge in the British courts, thus further prolonging the uncertainty surrounding the UKs exit from the EU. In a letter to the leaders of the remaining EU27, Mr Tusk said there was little reason to believe that the ratification of Mrs Mays beleaguered Brexit deal could be completed by the end of June. He called for the European Council to discuss an alternative, longer extension, such as a flexible extension lasting as long as necessary and no longer than one year. Mr Tusk wrote: The UK would be free to leave whenever it is ready. And the EU27 would avoid repeated Brexit summits. Importantly, a long extension would provide more certainty and predictability by removing the threat of constantly shifting cliff-edge dates. There are times when you need to give time time. My letter to EU leaders ahead of tomorrows #EUCO: Charles Michel (@eucopresident) April 9, 2019 The unanimous agreement of all 27 remaining EU states is needed to avoid a no-deal Brexit on the scheduled date of April 12. EU leaders will gather for talks with European Parliament president Antonio Tajani on Wednesday evening, before hearing from Mrs May. They will then meet for dinner without her to agree a response to the UKs extension request. The Ecuadorean Government has been accused of an extensive spying operation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange which has led to a police investigation into claims of extortion. Meetings with lawyers and a doctor inside the Ecuador embassy in London over the past year have been secretly filmed, WikiLeaks said. The anti-secrecy organisation said it had been offered all the material from an unnamed person in Spain, if it paid three million euros. WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson said he travelled to Spain to meet the person and was shown videos of meetings Mr Assange has held in the past year, as well as a copy of a legal document left briefly in a room in the embassy. A judge in Spain is now investigating the allegations, Mr Hrafnsson told a press conference in London. Mr Assange has been living inside the embassy for almost seven years, believing he will be extradited to the United States for questioning over the activities of WikiLeaks if he leaves the building. Me Hrafnsson said attempts to expel Mr Assange from the embassy had been escalating, leading to a warning from WikiLeaks last week that it could happen within hours or days. He added: The only reason it was averted is because we heard about it and published the information. He said there was an extensive spying operation against Mr Assange, conducted from within the embassy. Police in Spain were told about the documents and videos being offered for sale and the information has been passed to an investigative judge, said Mr Hrafnsson. Fidel Narvaez, a former diplomat at the embassy, told the press conference that the Government of Ecuador was not protecting Mr Assange any more, even though he has been granted diplomatic immunity. He said: The Government of Ecuador is making everything possible to end the asylum. WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson said a complaint about the spying allegations was being made to the United Nations ahead of a planned meeting between Mr Assange and a UN Special Rapporteur later this month. We remain concerned about the co-operation the Ecuador government is giving the United States. We know there is a sealed indictment in the US to prosecute him as a priority. No one can credibly deny that risk that is the reason he was granted asylum. Fidel Narvaez, former consul of Ecuador to London, Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor of WikiLeaks and barrister Jennifer Robinson at Doughty Street Chambers in London (Nick Ansell/PA) Any assurance from the UK Government that he would not be extradited is not believable. Mr Hrafnsson said Mr Assange was now living in a Truman Show operation, with restrictions on his communications and visitors, introduced after Lenin Moreno became President of Ecuador last year. WikiLeaks assumes the secretly recorded information has been handed to the administration of US President Donald Trump. Videos offered for sale included a medical examination of Mr Assange by a doctor in a room inside the embassy, said Mr Hrafnsson. He added: It was recorded and found its way to a dubious individual in Spain. Ben Fogle is asking the public not to be suspicious of donating to charity as he visits people affected by Cyclone Idai. The TV presenter and British Red Cross ambassador broke off filming for an upcoming series in southern Africa to visit Mozambique. Cyclone Idai left a trail of destruction across areas of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe last month, affecting an estimated three million people. The broadcaster broke off filming for an upcoming series to visit the region (Caroline Irby/British Red Cross/PA) Fogle told the Press Association: I think theres a suspicion about aid in general. There are people who are critical of aid being given out in various countries, I think there are some people who believe its held the development of some nations back. I dont entirely believe that but a natural disaster is a very different circumstance. The money here is going to be extremely focused, its genuinely helping people who have lost everything. The Red Cross is supporting over 200,000 people in Mozambique (Caroline Irby/British Red Cross/PA) Strong winds and widespread flooding ripped apart roads, bridges, and buildings and submerged agricultural land. Aid agencies are now working hard to manage outbreaks of cholera and malaria in the region, with the British Red Cross sending a team of volunteers to provide safe toilets and washing facilities. Fogle, whose career in broadcasting started nearly 20 years ago in Castaway 2000, is known for hosting programmes including the BBCs Countryfile and ITVs Countrywise. He said he decided to approach the British Red Cross to show people their donations make a difference. After speaking to survivors and helping to hand out supplies in Beira, a city near the cyclones epicentre, he said there were still communities and villages yet to receive aid more than three weeks after the disaster. The 45-year-old said: I met one elderly lady, a 75-year-old called Celeste, and she had lost her home in the cyclone in the first few hours. She went to shelter with a neighbour and watched in horror as the house collapsed on her neighbours eight-year-old son, killing him. They retreated to a village nearby, which also collapsed. They then endured the rest of the storm outside, exposed to the full wrath of Cyclone Idai. The Red Cross is on the ground right now supporting families whose lives have been devastated by #CycloneIdai. But with cholera cases rising quickly, their lives are still in danger. Donate now and help us reach more people: British Red Cross (@BritishRedCross) April 10, 2019 It brought home just what the people here have experienced and endured and what I think people have to remember is that the storm hits a community with very basic housing in the first place. The British Red Cross has raised more than 1.1 million for the survivors of Cyclone Idai in south-eastern Africa, but more support is urgently needed. To donate to their Cyclone Idai appeal, go to The pilot of a police helicopter which crashed into a pub killing 10 people could have been dangerously misled by an error in a maintenance manual, a fatal accident inquiry has heard. Pilot David Traill, two crew members and seven customers in the Clutha bar in Glasgow were killed when the aircraft crashed on to the roof of the building on November 29, 2013. Marcus Cook, senior inspector at the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) was questioned by Donald Findlay QC, representing the family of victim Robert Jenkins, at the inquiry on Wednesday. Mr Findlay asked Mr Cook if the pilot would have three to four minutes from one engine on the helicopter flaming out due to fuel shortage and the second doing so. Mr Cook said it would not be minutes, but kilograms of fuel. Marcus Cook from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch outside the inquiry at Hampden (Andrew Milligan/PA) He said: The maintenance manual is incorrect. It would be three to four kilograms hence about a minute. Mr Cook said he did not know how the mistake occurred and the maintenance manual had since been changed. Mr Findlay asked: If the pilot Captain Traill knew about the gap and understood it to be three or four minutes, he had been badly misled? If he knew, Mr Cook replied. And dangerously misled, Mr Findlay added. Mr Cook said: Your words. Mr Findlay asked: Is there anything wrong with my words? No, Mr Cook replied. He said it was probably but maybe unlikely that the pilot was aware of the manual as it was for maintenance. He said the pilot would have had 40 seconds to react when the first engine flamed out at around 500 to 600 feet. When the second engine followed, there would have been less than 10 seconds to react. He said there were indications the pilot attempted to have the helicopter auto-rotate to land with some degree of safety, but this did not work. Mr Cook said the first low fuel light, of five fuel warnings, would have come on when the pilot was around Bothwell, which is about 11 road miles from Glasgow city centre, and at that time he would have been expected to land within 10 minutes. The inquiry heard the AAIB report indicates the helicopter then went to Uddingston and Bargeddie. Mr Findlay asked: Why would anyone with the warnings and the knowledge of the amount of fuel on board then carry out an operation at Uddingston, let alone going on to Bargeddie, in that situation? The bar area in the Clutha was largely destroyed in the crash (Andrew Milligan/PA) Mr Cook said: Ive absolutely no idea, adding that he would not have done so. Mr Findlay asked Mr Cook how the crash happened. He replied: Unfortunately we could not come to a positive conclusion apart from not landing in 10 minutes. He said he assumed the pilot was heading back to the heliport in Glasgow. Questioned by Roddy Dunlop QC, for helicopter manufacturer Airbus, Mr Cook agreed the maintenance manual said the difference between the two fuel supply tanks was around 4kg, which was shown in a diagram. The manual said the difference would give three to four minutes flight time between the first engine flame-out and the second, but Mr Dunlop said with a fuel burn rate of 3.3kg per minute the pilot would know this would be under three to four minutes. Mr Dunlop said: In ordinary circumstances the helicopter would be put down within 10 minutes of the red light coming on, in ordinary circumstances no-ones flying on the residual 4kg. In a 2006 pilot training manual, the fuel difference was shown as 4kg. Asked by Mr Dunlop if this was the manual Captain Traill would have trained on, Mr Cook said: Ill take your word on that. The inquiry also heard agreed evidence on how the victims died, most from head or neck injuries caused by the crash which left several of them trapped in the rubble and wreckage. The purpose of the FAI is to determine the cause of the deaths, establish whether they could have been prevented and enable the sheriff to make recommendations that could prevent fatalities in similar circumstances. More than 100 people were at the Clutha Vaults pub when the helicopter, returning to its base on the banks of the River Clyde, crashed through the roof. The inquiry, which continues on Wednesday April 17, is expected to involve around three months of evidence spread over six calendar months this year. Singapore has seized more than 28 tons (25.4 tonnes) of pangolin scales belonging to around 38,000 of the endangered mammals over the past week. The global record has spurred calls for more protection for pangolins. The scales, which were found in shipping containers, have been linked to four species of pangolins native to Africa. Officials found a record 14.2 tons (12.88 tonnes) of the scales hidden among packets of frozen beef last Wednesday. Five days later, they found 14 more tons (12.7 tonnes) in 474 bags in another container. Pangolin scales in Singapore (National Parks Board via AP) The National Parks Board, Singapore Customs and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority said in a statement that the cargo was declared as cassia seeds. Both shipments were en route from Nigeria to Vietnam. The sheer size of these two latest seizures is unprecedented and will undoubtedly prove a major setback to the traffickers concerned, said Richard Thomas, of monitoring network Traffic. He warned that the seizures themselves will not put the traffickers out of business. The quantities of pangolins involved point to sourcing, processing and distribution on an industrial scale, he added. The pangolin, also known as the scaly anteater, is said to be the most widely trafficked mammal in the world. Pangolin scales are made of keratin, the same material in human fingernails. Its scales are in high demand in Asia for use in traditional Chinese medicine. Their meat is also considered a delicacy in China and other Asian countries. Wildlife groups are concerned that the busts point to a jump in poaching of pangolins. The pangolin is said to be the most widely trafficked mammal in the world (Sakchai Lalit/AP) The World Health Organisation recently endorsed traditional medicine and the industry appears keen to grow this market, outside of China, Vietnam and beyond, said Neil DCruze, global wildlife adviser at World Animal Protection. This is an alarming move for some wildlife species such as pangolins, as it poses a real conservation and animal welfare threat. Pangolins are an extremely lucrative catch, he said. In rural communities where they are hunted, poachers can make up to the equivalent of a full years salary from catching just one pangolin. Feeding the insatiable demand are middlemen traffickers who also profit from the trade that is reaching more remote communities to hunt the animal, he added. Paul Thomson, an official at the Pangolin Specialist Group, said it looks like the pangolin poaching has increased but figures were difficult to ascertain. The illegal trade in pangolin parts has been going on for decades. However, pangolins have typically been overlooked in terms of concerted conservation attention and action, Mr Thomson said. This is changing thanks to growing awareness of pangolins. And this awareness has partly been driven by the high volumes of trafficking seen today. In February, Malaysian officials seized 30 tons (27.2 tonnes) of pangolin and pangolin products. Pangolin scales (National Parks Board via AP) This included live and frozen pangolins and 361kg (795lbs) of their scales. Earlier that month, Hong Kong said it had seized ivory tusks and 8.3 tons (7.5 tonnes) of pangolin scales belonging to as many as 13,000 pangolins. The shipment, which originated in Nigeria, was bound for Vietnam. Singapore made two markedly smaller pangolin scale busts in 2015 and 2016 amounting to 440kg (970lbs). Those found to have illegally imported, exported or re-exported wildlife, including their parts, face a maximum punishment of two years in prison and a fine of 500,000 Singapore dollars (282,000). There has never been a more opportune moment for full and thorough international investigations and collaborations to take place to find out who has perpetrated these criminal acts and bring those behind them to face justice, Mr Thomas said. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex could find themselves trendsetters if they decide to have a home birth for their first child, an antenatal expert has said. Harry and Meghan are rumoured to be considering having a midwife deliver their baby at their new Berkshire home Frogmore Cottage which could inspire other mums to do the same. There is also speculation the couple have picked their own medical team to directly oversee the arrival of the Queens latest great grandchild dispensing with senior medical staff associated with the royal family. Val Willcox, 50, an antenatal teacher with the NCT (National Childbirth Trust), said: If Meghan has her baby at home it will be really interesting to see what that does about the home birth rate nationally. Meghans baby is thought to be due at the end of April (Chris Jackson/PA) Because if its in the news that somebody high profile has had a home birth and shes got a lovely baby and everything was fine, it may lead more women to have that conversation with their midwives If she can do it, is that something that I could do?' Giving birth at home a familiar, clean and relaxed environment that feels safe enables mothers to have a more straightforward delivery, said Ms Willcox. She added: Going to hospital is where some women feel more relaxed and confident, but for some women going into hospital actually has the opposite effect and will trigger the release of adrenaline which will slow or stop their labour. So the choice about where to give birth is a very individual one based on a womans individual circumstances and her beliefs and preferences. Meghan has said husband Harry will be a fantastic dad (Chris Jackson/PA) Theres really good evidence from the birthplace study, that a home birth is both safe and more likely to result in a straightforward birth even if the woman transfers to hospital and ends up giving birth in hospital. A woman opting to have her child at home is supported by a midwife, once contractions are regular, who will be joined by another midwife as the birth draws nearer. The option of transferring to a hospital at any time, whether or not there are any problems, is always open to expectant mums. But Meghan is likely to have a comprehensive list of medical professionals on call, if not at Frogmore Cottage. The Duchess of Cambridge had Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent now Englands first Chief Midwife as her midwife, and in total had a 23-strong team of medical experts and other staff to support the delivery of her children at the private maternity wing of St Marys Hospital in Paddington, London. Only a handful of midwives and others led by a consultant obstetrician were in the delivery room to supervise the birth of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge chose to have their son Prince Louis, pictured, and their other two children at the private maternity wing of St Marys Hospital, Paddington (Kirsty OConnor/PA) But theatre staff were on stand-by along with a lab technician, replacement anaesthetists and paediatricians, a back-up for the consultant along with workers from a special baby care unit. Meghan is an older prospective mother at the age of 37, but if in good health is likely to be advised a home birth is an option. Ms Willcox said: We know the older you get the higher the chances of developing complications in the pregnancy, and for some older women the recommendation to them will be to give birth in hospital but it is their choice because nobody can force you to go into hospital. If Meghans been fit and healthy throughout her pregnancy, if she hasnt developed any complications then she should be considered low risk at the point she goes into labour. Kensington Palace declined to comment. Julian Assange faces up to five years in a US prison after he was arrested and forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London almost seven years after he sought refuge there. The WikiLeaks founder was advised to get over to the US and get on with your life by a judge who also described him as a narcissist as he appeared in court and was found guilty of breaching his bail. Police detained the 47-year-old on Thursday morning after the Ecuadorian government withdrew his asylum, blaming his interference in international affairs and saying he was discourteous to embassy staff. He appeared at a packed Westminster Magistrates Court before District Judge Michael Snow, where he denied the bail breach but was convicted and told he faces a jail term of up to 12 months when he is sentenced at a later date at Crown Court. Assange is also facing extradition to the US on charges of conspiring to break into a classified government computer, a charge the US Department of Justice said could attract a maximum jail sentence of five years. The US accuses Assange of assisting Chelsea Manning, a former US intelligence analyst, in breaking a password that helped her infiltrate Pentagon computers. Scotland Yard said Assange was held for failing to appear in court in June 2012 and further arrested on behalf of the United States authorities, at 10.53am after his arrival at a central London police station. With his hair tied into a pony tail and sporting a long beard, he was seen shouting and gesticulating as he was carried from the embassy in handcuffs by seven men and put into a waiting van shortly after 10am. The Ecuadorian ambassador to the UK, Jaime Marchan, said that in the time Assange has remained in the embassy he had been disrespectful, continually a problem and interfered in elections, politics and the internal affairs of other countries. Mr Marchan said: He was continually a problem to us, he was very disrespectful to the authorities, he has said that we were spying on him, he has said we were lying, we were agents of the United States. But WikiLeaks said Ecuador had acted illegally in terminating Assanges political asylum in violation of international law. Australian Assange came to prominence after WikiLeaks began releasing hundreds of thousands of classified US diplomatic cables. In 2010 an arrest warrant was issued for him for two separate allegations, one of rape and one of molestation, after he visited Sweden for a speaking trip. Police carry WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London (DailyDOOH/PA) Assange launched a legal battle against extradition to Sweden from the UK but when that failed he entered the embassy, requesting political asylum. Assange refused to leave, claiming he would be extradited to the US for questioning over the activities of WikiLeaks if he did so. The Ecuadorian government at the time was sympathetic to his cause but a regime change in 2017 heralded a less supportive approach and, after 2,487 days in the embassy building in the shadow of Harrods, he was finally removed. In May 2017, Swedens top prosecutor dropped a long-running inquiry into a rape claim against Assange. Swedish authorities have now said they are looking into a request from the lawyer for a woman who alleged she was raped by Assange during a visit to Stockholm in 2010, to reopen the investigation. In a statement prosecutors said they will now examine the case in order to determine how to proceed, adding: The investigation has not yet been resumed, and we do not know today whether it will be. Welcoming Assanges arrest, Prime Minister Theresa May, Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt all said it showed that no-one is above the law. Mr Javid later told the House of Commons he was thankful to Ecuadors President Lenin Moreno for resolving the long-running situation at the embassy, saying the decision reflected improvements in the UKs relationship with Ecuador under the countrys new leadership. But Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government. The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) April 11, 2019 Donald Trump, who had declared I love WikiLeaks during his 2016 campaign when the website released damaging emails concerning Hillary Clinton, said following Assanges arrest that I know nothing really about him. Speaking outside court, WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said Assanges arrest was a dark day for journalism while Assanges lawyer Jennifer Robinson said the development sets a dangerous precedent for all journalist and media organisations in Europe and around the world. Assange was remanded in custody and will next appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on May 2 by prison video-link in relation to the extradition. Police in Ireland have insisted a taxi driver who admitted sexually assaulting three passengers has had his licence revoked. The case has drawn widespread attention after reports of the legal proceedings stated that the mans bail conditions allowed him to carry female passengers, as long as they do not sit in the front seat. The issue was raised in the parliament on Thursday by Sinn Feins justice spokesman who branded the reported bail terms as outrageous. Within hours the gardai issued a statement insisting the mans taxi licence was revoked following his conviction in February. A garda spokesman said: In February of this year a male taxi driver pleaded guilty and was convicted in the Criminal Courts of Justice on three charges of sexual assaults. This case was remanded for sentencing on April 9. A stock picture of the Garda badge logo (Niall Carson/PA) Following the conviction, Garda Sergeant Aoife Cronin immediately referred the matter to the Garda Superintendent Carriage Office, Dublin Region. On the February 28 the small public service vehicle licence was revoked with immediate effect for this male driver. Earlier in the Dail parliament Donnchadh O Laoghaire described the case as frightening. How can anyone feel safe in a taxi, no matter where they are seated, that is being driven by a man who has pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual assault, he added. What mother or father would not be worried that this man could collect their daughters tonight. It is unsafe, absolutely wrong and our legislation should not allow it. It is frightening that such a man could drive a taxi in Dublin tonight. Before the garda clarified the issue, Tanaiste Simon Coveney said: As a father of three daughters, it is important that parents and young people can have faith that, when they get into a taxi, they are safe. But I think I need to be careful about referring to any individual cases, he added. Its a serious issue and of course legislation should be tested and, if necessary, changed to ensure that people who are travelling in taxis are protected appropriately and people who are given a licence to drive taxis are appropriately vetted to make sure that, whether its women or men who travelling in taxis, are given the appropriate legal protections they deserve. He added that the Government is committed to preventing and addressing sexual abuse and gender-based violence. The Government is standing down emergency preparations for a no-deal Brexit following the latest delay to Britains withdrawal from the EU, it has been reported. The decision to halt no-deal operational planning by officials was taken at a meeting chaired by Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill, according to a leaked email seen by Sky News. The email, which was said to have been sent to all civil servants in an unnamed front line Brexit department, says the suspension was taking place with immediate effect. Downing Street said departments were taking sensible decisions about the timing of their no-deal preparations following the agreement by EU leaders to extend the Article 50 withdrawal process to October 31. However the move is likely to infuriate Tory Brexiteers already angry at the latest delay to Britains departure from the EU. The Government has committed 4 billion to no-deal preparations, but some MPs believe the six-month extension shows Theresa May was never prepared to countenance leaving without a deal. Sheer spite, I regret to say. Very sad. Officials have worked exceptionally hard to deliver our preparedness and deserve better Steve Baker MP FRSA (@SteveBakerHW) April 11, 2019 Former Brexit minister Steve Baker, who is now deputy chairman of the pro-Brexit European Research Group, accused the Government of acting out of sheer spite. Officials have worked exceptionally hard to deliver our preparedness and deserve better, he tweeted. According to Sky, the email said: In common with the rest of government, we have stood down our no-deal operational planning with immediate effect. Sir Mark Sedwill chaired the meeting where no-deal preparations suspended (PA) This morning, at a meeting chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, we agreed that the objective is to ensure we wind down our no-deal planning in a careful, considered and orderly way. A Downing Street spokesman said: As a responsible Government, weve been preparing for over two years to minimise any disruption in the event of no deal. In light of this weeks developments, departments will make sensible decisions about the timing and pace at which some of this work is progressing given that the date we leave the EU has changed, but we will absolutely continue to make all necessary preparations. Three fans were denied entry to Chelseas Europa League clash against Slavia Prague after a video of people singing a racist song circulated on Twitter. The Premier League clubs security team identified the supporters from a video which showed a group singing Salah is a bomber apparently in reference to Liverpool and Egypt forward Mohamed Salah, formerly of Chelsea. The fans are likely to face stadium bans as a result, while three others from the video were not spotted at the ground. Equality and inclusion organisation Kick It Out condemned the video as a disgrace and the Press Association understands the fans were turned away from the Europa League quarter-final in the Czech Republic after they were identified as members of the group in question. A statement on Chelseas website read: Chelsea FC finds all forms of discriminatory behaviour abhorrent and where there is clear evidence of Chelsea season ticket holders or members involved in such behaviour, we will take the strongest possible action against them. Such individuals are an embarrassment to the vast majority of Chelsea supporters who wont tolerate them in their club. Liverpool also released a statement, thanking Chelsea for their urgent action on the matter and confirming that they are working with Merseyside Police to ascertain the facts around this footage with the aim of identifying individuals featuring in it. Mo Salah (right) is a former Chelsea player (Adam Davy/PA) Four Chelsea supporters were suspended by the club for abusing Raheem Sterling during Manchester Citys 2-0 Premier League win at Stamford Bridge on December 8. Then Chelsea condemned anti-Semitic chanting by Blues fans during the clubs 2-2 Europa League draw at MOL Vidi on December 13. A Chelsea statement at the time branded that chanting abhorrent, saying it shamed the club. The Blues avoided punishment however, after UEFA ended disciplinary proceedings over the incident in February. Chelsea continue to run the high-profile Say No to Anti-Semitism campaign. President Donald Trump has declared that he knows nothing about WikiLeaks after co-founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Mr Trumps claim is a stark contrast to how he showered praise on Assanges hacking organisation during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign. Asked about Thursdays arrest, Mr Trump said: Its not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. Ive been seeing whats happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general, whos doing an excellent job. So, hell be making a determination. I know nothing really about him. Its not my deal in life. But WikiLeaks was of interest to Mr Trump in 2016 as he welcomed the political boost his campaign got and cheered on the release of Hillary Clinton campaign emails. President Donald Trump said he did not know anything about WikiLeaks (Evan Vucci/AP) On the same October day that the Access Hollywood tape emerged, revealing that Mr Trump had bragged in 2005 about groping women, WikiLeaks began releasing damaging emails from Mrs Clintons campaign manager, John Podesta. Mr Trump and his allies, facing a tough battle in the campaigns final month, seized on the illegal dumps and weaponised them. WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks, Mr Trump said in Pennsylvania. This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove, Mr Trump said in Michigan. Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks, Mr Trump said in Ohio. Mr Trump extolled WikiLeaks more than 100 times and a poster of Assange hung backstage at the Republicans debate war room. At no point from a rally stage did Mr Trump express any misgivings about how WikiLeaks obtained the emails from the Clinton campaign or about the accusations of stealing sensitive US government information, which led to the charges against Assange on Thursday. Assange for years has been under US Justice Department scrutiny for WikiLeaks role in publishing thousands of government secrets. He was an important figure in special counsel Robert Muellers Russia probe, as investigators examined how WikiLeaks obtained emails that were stolen from Democratic groups. When asked about Assange in 2017, Mr Trump said he did not support or unsupport WikiLeaks move to release hacked emails and that he would not be involved in any decision for the US government to arrest Assange. I am not involved in that decision, whether or not to arrest Assange, Mr Trump told The Associated Press then, but if they want to do it, its OK with me. The Justice Department has now charged Assange with taking part in a computer hacking conspiracy, accusing him of scheming with Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, to break a password for a classified government computer. The single charge of computer intrusion conspiracy carries up to five years in prison, though the Justice Department can add additional charges depending on the evidence it gathers. Manning was jailed last month for refusing to testify before a grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, suggesting that prosecutors are still at work. Im glad to see the wheels of justice are finally turning when it comes to Julian Assange, tweeted Senator Lindsey Graham, an ally of Mr Trump. In my book, he has NEVER been a hero. His actions releasing classified information put our troops at risk and jeopardised the lives of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan. A Sinn Fein MP says she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder due to Troubles trauma. Fermanagh and South Tyrone representative Michelle Gildernew was speaking in Dublin during a meeting of the Oireachtas committee on the Good Friday Agreement. The political veteran grew up Co Tyrone in the 1970s and 80s where her family took part in the civil rights campaign. She spoke about her PTSD diagnosis on Thursday as Northern Irelands Victims and Survivors Commissioner Judith Thompson urged the committee to press the Irish Government to probe atrocities that took place in their jurisdiction to secure answers for grieving families. Ms Gildernew, 49, highlighted victims of less well-known atrocities. There are victims and survivors right across these islands, while the Dublin and Monaghan bombings understandably get a lot of attention, there were bombings in Cavan as well and families bereaved and children who died as a result of that, she told the committee. Sinn Fein MP Michelle Gildernew has revealed she was diagnosed with PTSD due to living through Northern Irelands troubled past. (Oireachtas/PA) Anybody who has lost a loved one knows what it feels like to be a victim. There is an awful lot of pain and hurt out there, I recognise that, weve all been through the conflict, I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2013 as a result of it, there is a lot of damaged people out there. We have to look at wider societal issues and the impact we have on prescribed drugs, our suicide rates and all of that. There is a still an awful lot of hurt and if it is not tackled and dealt with properly, then that hurt will continue to be generational and that pain will be felt for years to come. Ms Gildernew previously spoke out in 2012 about her 20-year battle with depression. She explained then a number of causes, including being asked by her party to stand aside both as an MLA and as chair of the Stormont health committee, a family death and a series of people taking their own lives in her constituency. In 2015 she lost her Westminster seat to Ulster Unionist Tom Elliott. She returned to Stormont as an MLA in 2016 and won back her Westminster seat in 2017. Rob Cross produced another high-quality performance to beat Peter Wright and maintain his place at the top of the Premier League. The former world champion saw off Wright 8-5 on night 11 in Liverpool, his seventh victory in eight matches, to remain one point clear at the summit. WHAT A FINISH! Rob Cross takes out a 140 checkout to move into a 2-0 lead. #Unibet180 PDC Darts (@OfficialPDC) April 11, 2019 Cross averaged 102.03, threw four maximums, took out two 100-plus finishes and boasted an impressive 53.33 per cent checkout percentage. Michael Van Gerwen remains hot on Cross heels following a 8-3 thumping of bottom-placed Michael Smith. The Dutchman bounced back from last weeks draw with Gerwyn Price in style, averaging 109.11 ahead of next weeks showdown with Cross. James Wade cares not for your walk-on, Daryl! PDC Darts (@OfficialPDC) April 11, 2019 Daryl Gurney produced a 10-darter in the deciding leg to secure a 7-7 draw against third-placed James Wade. Rob Cross is the man to catch at the top (John Walton/PA) Price moved up to fourth as, despite surrendering an early 3-0 lead, he beat Mensur Suljovic 8-5 in a scrappy contest. A baby is in a critical condition in hospital after being attacked by a dog. Police were called to an address in Hawick in the Scottish Borders at 4.35pm on Thursday. The boy was taken to hospital and officers remain at the scene. A police spokesman said: About 4.35pm on Thursday April 11 2019, emergency services were called to an address in Hawick after a report of a baby being attacked by a dog. A baby boy has been taken to hospital where he remains in a critical condition. Officers remain in attendance and inquiries are ongoing. Julian Assange could face decades behind bars or even the death penalty if he is extradited to the United States, his WikiLeaks colleagues fear. The 47-year-old was spending his first night in custody after being convicted of breaching bail following a dramatic arrest at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he had been holed up for seven years. He is facing extradition to the US on charges of conspiring to break into a classified government computer which, on conviction, could attract a maximum jail sentence of five years, according to the US Department of Justice. But WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson expressed concern there could be more serious charges awaiting Assange. He told the Press Association: We believe this indictment presented in the extradition request is only a part of the story that there will be more later, that will be added on, more charges. It probably adds to the likelihood that he will be extradited from the UK if its on relatively smaller charges. He said the Grand Jury investigation included charges which could lead to decades in prison or even the death penalty under the Espionage Act 1917. As an Australian citizen, Assange will have the countrys consular assistance available to him but will not get special treatment, the prime minister, Scott Morrison, said. Mr Assange will get the same support that any Australian would in these circumstances, hes not going to be given any special treatment, he told ABC News. He will get the same treatment as everyone else, he will get the same support as everyone else. Ecuadors President Lenin Moreno said the UK Government had given him a written assurance that Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty. While Theresa May and a number of ministers welcomed the arrest, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called on the Government to oppose extradition. He tweeted: The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government. The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) April 11, 2019 He was retweeted by Pamela Anderson, one of Assanges most famous supporters, who has previously described Mr Corbyn as clearly a decent and fair man. The US accuses Assange of assisting Chelsea Manning, a former US intelligence analyst, in breaking a password that helped her infiltrate Pentagon computers. Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said Assange was in the cross-hairs of the US administration over his whistle-blowing activities, and claimed this was the reason he faced being extradited to the US. A suited Assange, with grey hair tied into a pony tail and sporting a long beard, was described by a judge at a packed Westminster Magistrates Court as behaving like a narcissist, as he advised him to get over to the US and get on with your life. Assange spent almost seven years in the embassy, where he sought political asylum in 2012 when he failed in his legal battle against extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted over two separate allegations, one of rape and one of molestation. In May 2017, Swedens top prosecutor dropped the long-running inquiry into a rape claim against Assange, which he has always denied. Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, and lawyer Jennifer Robinson speak to the media outside Westminster Magistrates Court (Victoria Jones/PA) But his arrest on Thursday prompted the lawyer for a Swedish woman who alleged she was raped by Assange during a visit to Stockholm in 2010 to say they wanted the case reopened. Prosecutors in Sweden have since confirmed that while the investigation has not been resumed, they are looking into the case. The Ecuadorian government had historically been sympathetic to Assanges cause but a regime change two years ago heralded a less supportive approach and, after 2,487 days in the embassy building in the shadow of Harrods, he was finally removed shouting and gesticulating. The Ecuadorian ambassador to the UK, Jaime Marchan, said that in the time Assange had remained in the embassy he had been disrespectful, continually a problem and interfered in elections, politics and the internal affairs of other countries. Mr Marchan added: He has said that we were spying on him, he has said we were lying, we were agents of the United States. WikiLeaks said Ecuador had acted illegally in terminating Assanges political asylum in violation of international law. @SajidJavid calmly dismantles Diane Abbott's dodgy defence of Julian Assange Conservatives (@Conservatives) April 11, 2019 Mr Hrafnsson said Assange had been thrown overboard by Ecuador, adding: I thought it was horrible to treat an individual like that. I thought it was disgraceful the Ecuadorians would go back on their word. Home Secretary Sajid Javid said the decision to finally eject Assange reflected improvements in the UKs relationship with Ecuador under the countrys new leadership. Australian Assange came to prominence after WikiLeaks began releasing hundreds of thousands of classified US diplomatic cables. Donald Trump, who had declared I love WikiLeaks during his 2016 campaign when the website released damaging emails concerning rival candidate Hillary Clinton, said following Assanges arrest: I know nothing about WikiLeaks. Speaking outside court, Assanges lawyer Jennifer Robinson said her clients arrest sets a dangerous precedent for all journalist and media organisations in Europe and around the world. Assange faces a jail term of up to 12 months for the bail breach when he is sentenced at a later date at crown court. He will next appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on May 2 by prison video-link in relation to the extradition. Thousands of children are attending suspected illegal schools some of which are in appalling condition with exposed wiring, rat traps and open sewers. Ofsted said it believed the quality of education at more than 200 settings was sub-standard, with one letting youngsters play computer games all day. The inspections body also said some of the unregistered schools were Alternative Provision (AP) funded by the local authority. It revealed that one unnamed council paid 27,000 per pupil, per year, to place a child in this setting. On Friday, Ofsted released figures showing that since 2016 it has investigated 521 settings, and inspected 259 in England. It estimates that up to 6,000 children are being taught at the sites it has visited to date. Thousands of children are attending suspected illegal schools (Barry Batchelor/PA) Almost a quarter (23%) of the settings investigated are in London, with the rest spread fairly evenly across the country. Ofsted said AP is the most common type of setting (28%). Around a quarter (26%) of the settings are general education providers, and a fifth (21%) are places of religious instruction. Sue Will, senior officer at Ofsted, said: Some of the buildings that we have been to are in really poor state unsafe. I have been really shocked at the health and safety issues that we have seen I mean quite appalling. We are not just talking about run down places that could do with a lick of paint, we are talking about some not very nice places at all. Open sewers, rat traps in rooms, I have seen portacabins balanced on portacabins to maximise space, exposed electrical-ware, Ive seen holes in walls and floors, I have seen locked fire doors, I have seen holes where children have probably punched plaster walls. That is the bit for me that I always find so shocking. When you think that every child in this country is entitled to a free school place, and sometimes I come away from these places and think why, why would you send your child here?. Ofsteds deputy director of independent and unregistered schools Victor Shafiee, added: It just isnt good enough that vulnerable children a lot of these children are isolated children, end up in these places where there is no oversight, no quality assurance. In truth, unregistered schools are a bad thing. They are bad for the children who go to these settings because they are robbed of their life chances. They are bad for the parents, because in some cases the parents are misled. They are misled in thinking this is a school and it is operated. People hang on to the bottoms of lorries, and jump trains to get to this country because education is free. So why would you then send your child to an unregistered school and pay for them to go to these settings? It is something that I find unfathomable. In total, 71 settings have been issued with a warning notice by inspectors. The data shows that 15 of those settings have since closed, while 39 have changed the way they operate in order to comply with the law, and nine have registered as independent schools. To be required to register as a school, a setting must be providing full-time education to at least five children of compulsory school age, or one child who is looked after by the local authority or has an education, health and care plan. It must operate from a building, and must offer a curriculum that includes maths and English. There is currently no legal definition of full-time education, but the Department for Education (DfE) has issued guidance to say that 18 hours or more a week is likely to constitute full-time education. However, Ofsted says some providers circumvent the requirement to register by operating for 17 hours and 50 minutes per week. A DfE spokesman said: Todays data shows why our new register of children not in school is so important. Illegal schools are unregulated and present a danger to both the quality of education and the welfare of those children who attend them a register will vastly improve councils capacity to identify those children and intervene. We have already established a joint team with Ofsted and provided them with 3 million to investigate these settings, and continue to work with them and the Crown Prosecution Service to make sure illegal activity is uncovered and justice is delivered. Ofsted says children in unregistered settings are potentially at risk because there is no formal external oversight of safeguarding, health and safety or the quality of education provided. Working people in Scotland are being failed by the economy after a near decade of austerity under the UK Government, Scottish Labour has claimed. Analysis by the party suggests household savings in the country have fallen by around 60% since the Conservatives came to power in 2010. It shows households had an average of 3,840.41 in the bank in 2010 but 1,517.31 by 2017. James Kelly has condemned the Tory UK Governments economic policies (Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament/PA) Labour said the figures are an indication of a broken economy under the Tories. The partys finance spokesman James Kelly said: The Tories came to power promising a long-term economic plan but the impact of a disastrous near decade of austerity has been to shrink savings for families in Scotland. The Tories used to try and compare our complex economy to a household budget to justify their crusade to shrink the state but instead all they managed to do was to shrink household budgets themselves. This is as a result of a cost of living crisis fuelled by stagnant wages and personal debt. All the while the incomes of the super wealthy have soared because of tax cuts at the top. Labour will make our economy work for the many, not just a privileged few, by investing in our people communities and public services. A UK Government spokeswoman said: The Scottish Governments significant powers now include tax-raising and deciding how to allocate funding between public services. At Budget, we reiterated our commitment to the people of Scotland by increasing the Scottish Governments budget by 950 million. By increasing the National Living Wage from April 2019 the UK Government gave 128,000 workers a pay rise, and the increase in personal allowance has helped millions across the UK keep more of what they earn. SNP MSP Tom Arthur said: Unnecessary Tory cuts have held back our economy, damaged public services, and hammered the incomes of millions of Scots by squeezing family budgets. Whilst Labour and the Tories work hand-in-hand to slash household budgets and force more austerity on the UK, the SNP are helping people with the cost of living whether thats through free prescriptions for everyone, increased carers allowance, Best Start grants for parents on low incomes and a range of other measures to give a helping hand. Weve also made income tax fairer meaning more people are paying less than they would if they lived south of the border, and helped ensure that average council tax bills are 400 a year lower in Scotland. A 39ft-long Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton which weighs the same as four Mini Cooper cars has arrived in Glasgow on the latest stop of its European tour. Trix the T-rex will be housed in a bespoke, climate-controlled 600 square metre pavilion at the citys Kelvin Hall. It will be on display to the public from April 18 until July 31 in an interactive exhibition which also includes a painted reconstruction of the 5,000kg dinosaur. The T.rex in Town tour started in September 2016 and has visited Salzburg, Barcelona, Paris and Lisbon while waiting for a new home to be completed at the Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in Leiden, Holland. It is said to be unlikely that the T-rex will go on such a tour again. The 39ft-long skeleton was discovered in Montana in the United States (Naturalis Biodiversity Center/PA) Steph Scholten, director of The Hunterian which organised the exhibition, said he is delighted to welcome the fossil to Scotland. He said: Bringing this major touring exhibition to the city will allow thousands of Scots, and visitors to Scotland, to see one of the worlds most iconic dinosaur species. Tyrannosaurus rex skeletons are very rare finds and Trix is the only real touring T-rex fossil in the world. This is a major coup for Glasgow, which is the only UK stop on her European tour. T-rex in Town offers a once in a lifetime experience for visitors to come face to face with a real T-rex and learn about her life through this superb interactive exhibition. We hope everyone who comes to see this incredible dinosaur specimen will be as excited to see her as we are. Trix is one of only three T-rex skeletons in the world and it was discovered in Montana in the United States. Dinosaur fans have also delighted in having the famous Diplodocus sculpture Dippy at Glasgows Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum across the road from Kelvin Hall where Trix is being exhibited. Dippy the dinosaur at his current home in Glasgows Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Jane Barlow/PA) Glasgow councillor David McDonald said: Like thousands of other visitors, I am really excited to see this impressive, if slightly scary, creature take shape before my eyes. Its incredible to watch the skilled team from Naturalis in the Netherlands bring this extremely rare real dinosaur skeleton to life in Glasgow. We look forward to welcoming many dinosaur fans to Kelvin Hall over the coming months, where Glaswegians and visitors to the city can enjoy this unique opportunity to stare into the eyes of one of the most terrifying predators ever to have stalked the earth. Until May 6 visitors can also marvel at Dippy, the Natural History Museums famous Diplodocus, at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. We trust these spectacular exhibitions will inspire curiosity about the natural world around us. Tickets for the Kelvin Hall exhibition are available now priced 14 for adults and 8 for children, with family tickets at 39.50. Upskirting becomes a specific criminal offence in England and Wales on Friday following a high-profile campaign. The law comes into force following a drive led by 27-year-old writer Gina Martin, who spent 18 months fighting to make the craze a specific offence after two men took a picture up her skirt at a festival in 2017. Here are some of the key questions surrounding the issue: What is upskirting? The definition is applied to the invasive practice of taking an image or video up somebodys clothing in order to see their genitals or underwear. While the vast majority of known cases involve men targeting women, the roles can be reversed. Data obtained by the Press Association shows children as young as seven have reported being victims of the cruel craze. Up until Friday, there was no specific upskirting offence in England and Wales. But havent people been convicted of upskirting? While Scotland has had its own law on upskirting for almost a decade, the law elsewhere in Britain had not adapted to advances in technology. Previously, anyone in England and Wales who fell victim to the cruel craze could explore possible convictions for the likes of voyeurism, public disorder or indecency. But campaigners said this was inadequate because criteria for a conviction down these channels such as the incident being witnessed by other people is not always available. Why could campaigner Gina Martin not prosecute in 2017 when she was upskirted at a festival? Before it was made a criminal offence, the men who upskirted Ms Martin could have potentially been prosecuted for outraging public decency. Police can now arrest people for upskirting (Joe Giddens/PA) The problem was that this was not appropriate. There are two primary reasons for this. First, the offence of outraging public decency does not apply in all instances of upskirting. This means that women are not protected in all circumstances. Second, the offence of outraging public decency is inappropriate as it fails to reflect the sexual nature of the offence and/or the fact that the harm is caused to the individual (rather than the public). What does the new law say? The Voyeurism Act allows upskirting to be treated as a sexual offence and ensure that the most serious offenders are placed on the sex offenders register. It will capture instances where the purpose is to obtain sexual gratification or cause humiliation, distress or alarm. What sort of sentence could a convicted upskirter receive? A conviction at magistrates court would carry a sentence of up to one year in prison and/or a fine. A more serious offence, tried in the crown court, would carry a sentence of up to two years in prison. Police will be able to arrest people on suspicion of upskirting from Friday. What about pictures or images taken before the law came into force? The law cannot be applied retrospectively which means images taken before Friday cannot be considered specific upskirting offences. That said, older images could still fall foul of other laws, such as outraging public decency. Ministers are set to hold further talks with Labour in an attempt to break the deadlock on Brexit following the latest delay to Britains departure from the EU. Theresa May made clear on Thursday she intended to bring back her Brexit deal to the Commons for a fourth time after EU leaders agreed to extend the Article 50 withdrawal process to October 31. The Prime Minister met briefly with Jeremy Corbyn at Westminster when they agreed to continue efforts to find a common way forward. The talks have been led by Mrs Mays de facto deputy, David Lidington, and shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer, but details of Fridays meeting were still being finalised. (PA Graphics) No 10 is still hoping they can get a deal through Parliament in time to avoid the need for Britain to vote in elections to the European Parliament on May 23. But during exchanges in the Commons, Mr Corbyn warned the Prime Minister she had to be prepared to compromise if the talks were to stand any chance of success. Mrs May, however, is under growing pressure from Tory Brexiteers furious at the latest extension after she had promised repeatedly Britain would be out of the EU by March 29 the original Brexit date. In the Commons, she brushed off a call for her resignation by the veteran Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash who accused her of an abject surrender to Brussels. Jeremy Corbyn has warned Theresa May she must make compromises if the talks are to succeed (House of Commons/PA) But senior Conservatives have warned the demands for her to go are only likely to intensify, particularly as many now expect the European elections do go ahead. With the Commons having risen for a foreshortened Easter recess, Downing Street will be hoping for some respite as MPs return to their constituencies. However there was further anger among Tories Brexiteers after it emerged the Government had shelved emergency planning for a no-deal Brexit following the latest extension. It includes the dismantling of Operation Brock on the M20 in Kent to deal with potential lorry tailbacks from Dover caused by the need for new customs checks. The decision was taken on Thursday at a meeting chaired by Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill, according to a leaked email seen by Sky News. The message said to have been sent to all civil servants in an unnamed front line Brexit department said the suspension was taking place with immediate effect. Downing Street said departments were taking sensible decisions about the timing of their no-deal preparations following the agreement by EU leaders to extend the Article 50 withdrawal process to October 31. Sheer spite, I regret to say. Very sad. Officials have worked exceptionally hard to deliver our preparedness and deserve better Steve Baker MP FRSA (@SteveBakerHW) April 11, 2019 The Government has committed 4 billion to no-deal preparations, but some MPs believe the latest delay shows Mrs May was never prepared to countenance leaving without a deal. Former Brexit minister Steve Baker, who is now deputy chairman of the pro-Brexit European Research Group, accused the Government of acting out of sheer spite. Officials have worked exceptionally hard to deliver our preparedness and deserve better, he tweeted. According to Sky, the email said: In common with the rest of government we have stood down our no-deal operational planning with immediate effect. This morning, at a meeting chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, we agreed that the objective is to ensure we wind down our no-deal planning in a careful, considered and orderly way. A Downing Street spokesman said: In light of this weeks developments, departments will make sensible decisions about the timing and pace at which some of this work is progressing given that the date we leave the EU has changed, but we will absolutely continue to make all necessary preparations. A British woman held in Dubai over Facebook posts calling her ex-husbands wife a horse has described her ordeal as the most horrendous period of my life. Laleh Shahravesh said the experience had been very traumatic during an emotional phone call with her 14-year-old daughter Paris. The 55-year-old, from Richmond, south-west London, was detained under Dubais strict cyber-crime laws when she visited the country with her daughter in March for the funeral of ex-husband Pedro Correia Dos Santos. Authorities had received a complaint over posts made three years ago and Ms Shahravesh was warned she faced prosecution and up to two years in prison. But during a court appearance on Thursday, a judge ordered that her passport was to be returned if she paid a fine of 3,000 UAE Dirham (624). Speaking to Sky News, who were present for the call with Paris, she said: Its been the most horrendous period of my life. Laleh Shahravesh (right) with her 14-year-old daughter Paris (Detained in Dubai/PA) Ive never been separated from Paris in this way and every day part of me was dying from being away from her, during a time when I knew she needed me the most. So yes, its been very traumatic. The pair had travelled to the United Arab Emirates on March 10 for the funeral of her ex-husband, who was also Paris father. After discovering he had remarried in 2016, Ms Shahravesh called his new wife, Samah Al Hammadi, from Tunisia, a horse on Facebook. The Detained in Dubai campaign group welcomed the conclusion of Ms Shahraveshs case, but cautioned that serious concerns remain regarding the many risks for foreigners in the UAE. Radha Stirling, the campaign groups chief executive, said: We maintain that the case against Laleh should have been dismissed at the outset, and while we are pleased that her nightmare is over, her conviction on this absurd case sets a dangerous precedent. We are pleased that Laleh will be allowed to return home to be reunited with her daughter Paris; but serious concerns remain regarding the many risks for foreigners in the UAE, as well as the apparent docility of the UK consular staff in the Emirates and the refusal of the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office) to update its travel warnings for British citizens to provide them with a more accurate evaluation of the dangers they face in the UAE. Julian Assanges unceremonious removal from the Ecuadorian embassy in London makes headlines on Friday, along with Brexit and the Duchess of Sussex. The Guardian leads with the WikiLeaks founders sensational arrest that saw him dragged from the Knightsbridge embassy where he had been holed up for nearly seven years in a diplomatic stand-off. Guardian front page, Friday 12 April 2019: Assange faces five years in US jail as standoff ends The Guardian (@guardian) April 11, 2019 The Daily Mail also picks up the tale, saying he faces decades in a US jail after he was hauled out by eight policemen and put before a judge as extradition proceedings got under way. He faces criminal action in America over his role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in US history, the Financial Times reports. Just published: front page of the Financial Times, UK edition, Friday 12 April Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) April 11, 2019 Ecuador had revoked the asylum he was granted after seeking refuge in the embassy in 2012, The Times reports. The Times 12/4/2019 Julian Assange gestures from a police vehicle on his arrival at Westminster Magistrates court, London. Assange was arrested earlier by Police Officers inside the Ecuadorian Embassy. Photo : Jack Taylor/Getty Images#thetimes #tomorrowspaperstoday @thetimes The Times Pictures (@TimesPictures) April 11, 2019 The story is also in the front of the i and the Metro. What the papers say - April 12 (PA) I: Assange faces jail in the US #tomorrowspaperstoday Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) April 11, 2019 In other news, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have said they will keep details about the arrangements for the birth of their baby private. The story leads The Sun and the Daily Mirror. And the Daily Telegraph and Daily Express lead with Brexit. Chelsea will seek to ban the supporters involved in a social media video that included a racially abusive chant about Liverpools Mohamed Salah. The Blues security staff swiftly identified three of the six people in the widely-shared video, and denied that trio entry to Thursdays Europa League clash at Slavia Prague. The remaining three people in the video did not attempt to enter Slavias Sinobo Stadium, ahead of Chelseas 1-0 quarter-final first-leg victory. The Stamford Bridge club issued a statement pledging to use all available punishments against those involved. Chelsea FC finds all forms of discriminatory behaviour abhorrent and where there is clear evidence of Chelsea season ticket holders or members involved in such behaviour, we will take the strongest possible action against them, read the west London clubs statement. Such individuals are an embarrassment to the vast majority of Chelsea supporters who wont tolerate them in their club. Chelsea (Adam Davy/PA) Marcos Alonsos late header snatched Chelsea a win that had looked to be out of reach from Maurizio Sarris men as the Blues struggled for any kind of fluency. Ruben Loftus-Cheeks smart turn and run finally opened up Slavia, before Alonso buried Willians accurate cross. Chelsea boss Sarri backed Chelseas stance on the latest racism storm as a very strong decision. A brilliant cross from Willian found Alonso, whose header flew into the back of the net! 1-0 Chelsea! #SLACHE Chelsea FC (@ChelseaFC) April 11, 2019 Liverpool thanked Chelsea for their urgent action in a statement of their own, revealing they are already working with Merseyside Police to ascertain the facts around this footage with the aim of identifying individuals featuring in it. Four Chelsea supporters were suspended by the club for abusing Raheem Sterling during Manchester Citys 2-0 Premier League win at Stamford Bridge on December 8. Then Chelsea condemned anti-Semitic chanting by Blues fans during the clubs 2-2 Europa League draw at MOL Vidi on December 13. A Chelsea statement at the time branded that chanting abhorrent, saying it shamed the club. The Blues avoided punishment however, after UEFA ended disciplinary proceedings over the incident in February. Chelsea continue to run the high-profile Say No to Anti-Semitism campaign The Dalai Lama says he feels normal, almost normal after leaving a New Delhi hospital where he was treated for a chest infection. The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader spoke after he was discharged on Friday. He had been admitted to hospital on Tuesday after leaving Dharamshala to consult with doctors in the capital. He is likely to return this week to the north Indian hill town that has been his headquarters since he fled Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule. The Dalai Lama was admitted to hospital on Tuesday (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) The Dalai Lama usually spends several months a year travelling the world to teach Buddhism and highlight the Tibetans struggle for greater freedom in China. But he has cut down on travel in the past year to take care of his health. China does not recognise the Tibetan government-in-exile and has not held any dialogue with the representatives of the Dalai Lama since 2010. Beijing accuses him of seeking to separate Tibet from China. The Dalai Lama denies being a separatist and says he merely advocates for substantial autonomy and protection of the regions native Buddhist culture. Photo: Facebook It's not cool to show off your guns and drink before dry grad. Especially if you're a teacher. Edward Robert Lefurgy, a high school teacher in Surrey, has been reprimanded for actions at his school's dry grad two years ago. Lefurgy also made several inappropriate comments to students, and parents, CTV News reports. Information posted in a decision by the BC Commissioner for Teacher Regulations, states Lefurgy began the night with a couple of drinks with one of the parents at a bar in a Vancouver hotel where the event was taking place. Inside the event, he asked another parent if her son was even graduating. He then provided a false name when asked for it by the parent. At the dry grad, where Lefurgy dealt blackjack, he made numerous inappropriate remarks to students, telling one girl, Your boyfriends alright looking, but you could do better. On numerous occasions, he lifted up his shirt sleeves and asked the students to look at his muscles. Lefurgy was suspended two days without pay for his actions. He was also required to complete a Reinforcing Respectful Professional Boundaries course from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. He has also apologized to those involved. with files from CTV Vancouver An individual alleged to have links to Julian Assange has been arrested while trying to leave Ecuador, officials in the country said. The man, said to be Swedish software developer Ola Bini, was held at Quito airport as he prepared to board a flight bound for Japan on Thursday. Ecuadors interior minister Maria Paula Romo said a person had been arrested for allegedly conspiring against the countrys government. The development emerged as Assange spent his first night in custody after being convicted of breaching bail following a dramatic arrest at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he had been holed up for seven years. He is facing extradition to the US on charges of conspiring to break into a classified government computer which, on conviction, could attract a maximum jail sentence of five years, according to the US Department of Justice. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on the British Government to oppose any attempt to extradite him. Julian Assange faces years in a US prison if he is extradited (Victoria Jones/PA) Ms Romo told CNNs Spanish service: We have information on how WikiLeaks would have intervened in domestic politics. Today a collaborator close to Julian Assange was arrested for investigative purposes. He has been living in Ecuador and was preparing to travel to Japan. British software developer Martin Fowler said he was very concerned to hear that my friend and colleague @olabini has been arrested in Ecuador. WikiLeaks accused Ecuador of acting illegally in terminating Assanges political asylum in violation of international law on Thursday. The Ecuadorian government had historically been sympathetic to Assanges cause, but a regime change two years ago heralded a less supportive approach. The countrys ambassador to the UK, Jaime Marchan, said that in the time Assange had remained in the embassy he had been disrespectful, continually a problem and interfered in elections, politics and the internal affairs of other countries. Mr Marchan added: He has said that we were spying on him, he has said we were lying, we were agents of the United States. However, WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson said Assange had been thrown overboard by Ecuador, adding: I thought it was horrible to treat an individual like that. I thought it was disgraceful the Ecuadorians would go back on their word. The US accuses Assange of assisting Chelsea Manning, a former US intelligence analyst, in breaking a password that helped her infiltrate Pentagon computers. Mr Hrafnsson said a Grand Jury investigation included charges which could lead to decades in prison or even the death penalty under the Espionage Act 1917. He told the Press Association: We believe this indictment presented in the extradition request is only a part of the story that there will be more later, that will be added on, more charges. Ecuadors president Lenin Moreno said the UK Government had given him a written assurance that Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty. Foreign Office minister Sir Alan Duncan told the Daily Telegraph: We dont extradite anybody to a country where they might face the death penalty without that routine assurance. We restated our policy. As an Australian citizen, Assange will have the countrys consular assistance available to him but will not get special treatment, the prime minister, Scott Morrison, said. He will get the same treatment as everyone else, he will get the same support as everyone else, he told ABC News. The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) April 11, 2019 While Theresa May and a number of ministers welcomed the arrest, Labour leader Mr Corbyn called on the Government to oppose extradition. He tweeted: The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government. Assange, with grey hair tied into a pony tail and sporting a long beard, appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court where a judge accused him of behaving like a narcissist and advised him to get over to the US and get on with your life. He spent almost seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy, where he sought political asylum in 2012 when he failed in his legal battle against extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted over two separate allegations, one of rape and one of molestation. In May 2017, Swedens top prosecutor dropped the long-running inquiry into a rape claim against Assange, which he has always denied. But his arrest on Thursday prompted the lawyer for a Swedish woman who alleged she was raped by Assange during a visit to Stockholm in 2010 to say they wanted the case reopened. She told The Times she was surprised and saddened that Mr Assange would be handed over to the US. For me this was never about anything else than his misconduct against me/women and his refusal to take responsibility for this. Too bad my case could never be investigated properly, but the arrest will not change this, the case has already been closed. Prosecutors in Sweden have since confirmed that while the investigation has not been resumed, they are looking into the case. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange needs to answer for what he has done, Hillary Clinton has said. The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former secretary of state weighed in on Assange while at an event with her husband, former president Bill Clinton. Assange was arrested earlier on Thursday at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The US has charged him with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer at the Pentagon. WikiLeaks publication of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers during the 2016 election season hurt Mrs Clintons presidential campaign. Donald Trump, Mrs Clintons Republican opponent, frequently showered praise on Assange during the final weeks of the campaign and cheered on the release of damaging emails from Mrs Clintons campaign manager, John Podesta. Hillary Clinton speaks during An Evening With The Clintons at the Beacon Theatre in New York (Mary Altaffer/AP)) Assange was arrested after Ecuador revoked the political asylum that had kept him holed up at the embassy for nearly seven years. The US is seeking Assanges extradition. Mrs Clinton said on Thursday: The bottom line is that he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it has been charged. In a tongue-in-cheek nod to Mr Trumps hard-line immigration stance, Mrs Clinton added: I do think its a little ironic that hes the only foreigner this administration would welcome to the United States. Earlier Mr Trump declared that he knows nothing about WikiLeaks when he was asked about Assanges arrest. He said: Ive been seeing whats happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general, whos doing an excellent job. So, hell be making a determination. I know nothing really about him. Its not my deal in life. But WikiLeaks was of interest to Mr Trump in 2016 as he welcomed the political boost his campaign got and cheered on the release of Mrs Clintons campaign emails. On the same day that the Access Hollywood tape emerged revealing that Mr Trump had bragged in 2005 about groping women, WikiLeaks began releasing damaging emails from Mr Podesta. Mr Trump and his allies, facing a tough battle in the campaigns final month, seized on the illegal dumps and weaponised them. WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks, Mr Trump said in Pennsylvania. This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove, Mr Trump said in Michigan. Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks, Mr Trump said in Ohio. Mr Trump extolled WikiLeaks more than 100 times and a poster of Assange hung backstage at the Republicans debate war room. At no point from a rally stage did Mr Trump express any misgivings about how WikiLeaks obtained the emails from the Clinton campaign or about the accusations of stealing sensitive US government information, which led to the charges against Assange on Thursday. Jeremy Corbyn has called for the Government to oppose Julian Assanges extradition to the US over allegations that he conspired to hack into a classified Pentagon computer. The WikiLeaks co-founder was dramatically arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he had been holed up for almost seven years. The 47-year-old faces up to 12 months in a British prison after he was found guilty of breaching his bail conditions, while the US charge could attract a maximum jail sentence of five years, according to the US Department of Justice. But WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson said he fears more charges will be added, meaning Assange could face decades in a US prison. Theresa May, Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt all said Assanges arrest on Thursday showed that no-one is above the law. But Labour leader Mr Corbyn said Assange should not be extradited to the US to face a charge of conspiring with former army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer. Julian Assange arrives at Westminster Magistrates Court in London, after the WikiLeaks founder was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody following the Ecuadorian governments withdrawal of asylum (Victoria Jones/PA) He tweeted: The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government. He was retweeted by Pamela Anderson, one of Assanges most famous supporters, who has previously described Mr Corbyn as clearly a decent and fair man. Assanges mother, Christine Assange, also took to Twitter to defend her son, who she said was sick and in pain from prolonged detention and torture. However, legal experts have told the Press Association that the Government has very limited powers to block extradition even if there is the political will to do so. A law change following the case of accused cyber-hacker Gary McKinnon, who has Aspergers, shifted responsibility away from ministers to the courts after then-home secretary Theresa May intervened to stop his extradition to the US in 2012. Extradition can be blocked to countries where the death penalty may be used, but human rights lawyer Karen Todner, who represented Mr McKinnon, said the US was likely to give assurances that capital punishment would not be on the table in Assanges case. Though the Secretary of State does have very limited powers to interfere, I dont see that discretion being used, she added. In the US, Hillary Clinton said Assange should answer for what he had done, while Donald Trump declared he knows nothing about WikiLeaks when asked about the arrest. The president praised Assange during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign and welcomed the political boost when the organisation released emails damaging to Mrs Clinton. Following his arrest, Assange, with grey hair tied into a pony tail and sporting a long beard, appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court, where a judge accused him of behaving like a narcissist. The growing row over the extradition comes as a man, said to be Swedish software developer Ola Bini, was held at Quito airport as he prepared to board a flight bound for Japan on Thursday. Ecuadors interior minister, Maria Paula Romo, said a person with links to Assange had been arrested for allegedly conspiring against the countrys government. The Ecuadorian government had historically been sympathetic to Assanges cause, but a regime change two years ago heralded a less supportive approach. The countrys ambassador to the UK, Jaime Marchan, said that in the time Assange had remained in the embassy he had been disrespectful, continually a problem and interfered in elections, politics and the internal affairs of other countries. Mr Marchan added: He has said that we were spying on him, he has said we were lying, we were agents of the United States. However, Mr Hrafnsson said Assange had been thrown overboard by Ecuador, adding: I thought it was horrible to treat an individual like that. I thought it was disgraceful the Ecuadorians would go back on their word. He said a Grand Jury investigation included charges which could lead to decades in prison or even the death penalty under the Espionage Act 1917, although UK Government policy is to block extradition to countries where suspects might face capital punishment. The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) April 11, 2019 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that, as a citizen of the country, Assange will have consular assistance available to him but will not get special treatment. He spent almost seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy, where he sought political asylum in 2012 when he failed in his legal battle against extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted over two separate allegations one of rape and one of molestation. In May 2017, Swedens top prosecutor dropped the long-running inquiry into a rape claim against Assange, which he has always denied. But his arrest prompted the lawyer for a Swedish woman who alleged she was raped by Assange during a visit to Stockholm in 2010 to say they wanted the case reopened. Elisabeth Massi Fritz, who represents the unnamed woman, said news of Assanges arrest was a shock to my client and something we have been waiting and hoping for since 2012. Ms Massi Fritz said in a text message sent to the Associated Press that we are going to do everything to have the Swedish case reopened so Assange can be extradited to Sweden and prosecuted for rape. She added that no rape victim should have to wait nine years to see justice be served. Prosecutors in Sweden have since confirmed that, while the investigation has not been resumed, they are looking into the case. Police said a pilot was very lucky after a small plane crash-landed in the middle of a street in upstate New York. The crash happened in the city of Fulton. The citys police chief said pilot Michael Simpson was flying to Oswego County Airport when his plane apparently lost power. The wreckage of the plane (CNYCENTRAL, SYRACUSE, NY, via AP) Police chief Orlo Green said it looks like the pilot may have tried to land on the highway and caught the pole with the wing of the plane. Firefighters said Mr Simpson was conscious when he was pulled from the wreckage. His injuries appear to be non-life threatening. Mr Green said hes a very lucky man. The Federal Aviation Administration will investigate the crash. A mother held in Dubai over Facebook posts calling her ex-husbands wife a horse has returned to Britain after being freed from the most horrendous ordeal. Laleh Shahravesh, from Richmond, south-west London, touched back down in Heathrow on Friday morning, according to the Detained in Dubai campaign group that supported her. She was swiftly reunited with her 14-year-old daughter Paris in an emotional scene at the airport. While tearfully hugging her daughter, 55-year-old Ms Shahravesh told reporters: Im really, really happy to be reunited. Her voice cracking with emotion, she thanked Detained in Dubai chief executive Radha Stirling who worked tirelessly to get me home to my daughter. Ms Shahravesh was detained under controversial cyber-crime laws as she visited the United Arab Emirates for the funeral of ex-husband Pedro Correia Dos Santos in March with Paris. Laleh Shahraves, right, with her 14-year-old daughter Paris (Detained in Dubai/PA) Authorities had received a complaint over posts made three years ago and Ms Shahravesh was warned she faced prosecution and up to two years in prison. But during a court appearance on Thursday, a judge ordered that her passport was to be returned if she paid a fine of 3,000 UAE Dirham (624). Speaking to Sky News, who were present for the call with Paris, she said: Its been the most horrendous period of my life. Ive never been separated from Paris in this way and every day part of me was dying from being away from her, during a time when I knew she needed me the most. So yes, its been very traumatic. The pair had travelled to the United Arab Emirates on March 10 for the funeral of her ex-husband, who was also Pariss father. After discovering he had remarried in 2016, Ms Shahravesh called his new wife, Samah Al Hammadi, from Tunisia, a horse on Facebook. Ms Stirling renewed her calls for the Foreign Office to provide more accurate information to Britons about the many risks they face in the UAE. It is simply not enough to warn people to obey the laws and customs, when very often the legal system itself poses a threat even to law-abiding tourists who may be subjected to false arrests, fabricated cases, forced confessions, torture and lack of representation, she said. Ms Stirling also warned that cyber-crime laws there task the legal system with catering to the tyranny of individual egos when people are offended by online posts. A Foreign Office spokesman said its advice included warnings that posting material online that could be seen as being critical of the UAE government, companies or individuals or that is culturally insensitive could be considered a crime by the countrys authorities. Valtteri Bottas provided Mercedes with hope that they will be able to take the fight to Ferrari this weekend after leading the way in practice at the Chinese Grand Prix. Ferrari held a sizeable advantage over the Silver Arrows at the last round in Bahrain, with emerging star Charles Leclerc cruelly denied a win following a late engine failure. But although Sebastian Vettel topped the time sheets in Fridays first session at Formula Ones 1,000th race, Bottas put his Mercedes on top in the second running. END OF FP2 That's the chequered flag on Friday's sessions - with Bottas, Vettel and Verstappen at the top of times#ChineseGP #Race1000 Formula 1 (@F1) April 12, 2019 Lewis Hamilton finished a distant fourth after a scruffy afternoon in which the Mercedes star spun on his first lap. He ended the day seven tenths off his team-mates pace. Hamilton has built a fanatical support base in China after winning here five times. A plethora of British flags adorned the main grandstand, but his army of fans did not get to see him dominate the session. Indeed, his spin at the third bend was something of a rarity for the usually error-free world champion. Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas was top of the time sheets in China (Andy Wong/AP) Max Verstappen suggested it could be a three-team battle in Sundays 56-lap race after he finished third in his Red Bull, just 0.221 seconds slower than Bottas. Valtteri ends Friday in P1 with a 1:33.330, while Lewis is P4 with a 1:34.037. Good work out there today boys! #ChineseGP #Race1000 Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team (@MercedesAMGF1) April 12, 2019 Leclerc indicated he could be a title contender in Bahrain, but was behind Vettel in both sessions. He was a quarter-of-a-second down on his team-mate on Friday morning, and finished seventh later in the day. The Monegasque was restricted to only 13 laps, 20 fewer than Vettel, after he suffered a mechanical issue which brought his running to a premature end. Lando Norris delivered McLarens best finish in more than a year with his fine drive to sixth last time out, and the British team will be encouraged by their showing here. I had this cap especially made for this race for #teamlh. Its got Warriors Love in Chinese on the side that I have tattooed. Making it red like the China flag was a goal for this. These are super limited edition, so get them while you can guys! #ad Lewis Hamilton (@LewisHamilton) April 10, 2019 Norris, the 19-year-old Briton, was eighth, two places behind his McLaren team-mate Carlos Sainz. Another of Britains rookies, George Russell, endured another testing day in his formative Formula One career. The Englishman, in his woefully uncompetitive Williams, was the slowest driver in both 90-minute sessions, finishing the best part of three seconds behind Bottas. The further detention of Nissans former chairman has been approved until April 22, allowing prosecutors to interrogate Carlos Ghosn daily on fresh allegations of financial misconduct. Ghosn was arrested in November, released on bail last month but rearrested last week. The Tokyo District Court approved prosecutors request to continue to hold Ghosn. The latest arrest is over breach of trust suspicions that payments by a Nissan subsidiary to an Oman dealership business went to a company effectively run by Ghosn. Carlos Ghosn led Japanese carmaker Nissan for two decades (Shuji Kajiyama/AP) On Thursday, Ghosns wife Carole, who had left for France after Ghosns latest arrest, returned for questioning at a Tokyo court. Ghosn has been charged with falsifying financial documents in under-reporting his compensation, and with breach of trust. Formal charges have not been filed in the latest arrest. Ghosn, who led the Japanese carmaker for two decades, says he is innocent. Long detention and multiple arrests are routine in Japan, but rearresting a person who cleared bail is unusual. His lawyers have protested against the detention, saying it is unfair. In the election season, Imran Khan hedging his bets for peace talks with India on the return to power for PM Modi added a bit of humour to the vein-popping serious public discourse and gave a proverbial stick to the opposition to bash the ruling party with. Political parties need all the ammunition when push comes to shove and a billion strong lining up to exercise their right to choose is an intimidating scenario that would make hardened politicians turn to jelly. It is equally amusing to note the secular parties taking a cue from the Pak PM to bash a PM who flaunts his nationalistic credentials rather openly. That a-now-politically-hardened ex all-rounder would deliver a veritable full toss at a crucial political juncture beats logic. But was it at all a 'loose ball'? Perhaps not. The seemingly innocuous statement is loaded with long term intentions. A mistimed April fools day joke probably? Interestingly, Imran Khan let fly his good intentions during an interactive session with the foreign press crop. He also suggested that Congress will not be as open to the suggestion of restarting talks or peace process with Pakistan if it comes back to power. That may be partially true given the post-Balakot air strike, India's strategic-diplomatic response has probably changed entirely. What Imran missed is that government policies in India do not change with the change of government. Irrespective of whosoever comes to power, works for the betterment of the country, policies are amended, responses are sometimes calibrated but never does the entire response change. A change of government does not necessarily affect foreign policy initiatives or standpoints. When Imran starts defining the Indian benchmark for secularism. (Photo: Reuters) Balakot strikes was a response from India, not the government. That opposition parties are training their guns on PM Modi after Imran Khan's aside is just electoral politics. It will have no bearing on the government's policy on dealing with Pakistan irrespective of the ideology that dominates the Parliament. However, if you are to disassociate yourself from the dust and grind of political opportunism, it may not be very difficult to see what Imran is aiming for. The Pakistan economy is tethering on the brink of disaster, India is pushing hard for blacklisting it at FTAF. On the other hand, the US and others are trying to push through a resolution to ban Azhar Masood, bypassing the UN's 1267 sanctions committee. That would make it tricky for China. However, Pakistan is on the crosshairs. As the world unites behind India, the beleaguered Pak PM needs to paint a pro-peace, pro-development, liberal image, else the economy would go bankrupt, regardless of whatever help the all-weather and only ally of Pakistan extends. So suddenly we are seeing Imran Khan projecting a dovish image, at a time when his foreign minister is openly speaking about 'intel inputs' of India's plans to attack Pakistan. PM Khan needs an image makeover, and fast. An image makeover for the consumption of the international community, FATF, UN etc. From the image of a hardliner, supported by the all-powerful army, ISI and radicals, to that of a liberal PM, trying to usher in change on the ground. In a country where proscribed groups get new nomenclature as soon as one is banned and terrorist organisations openly collect funds on the streets, it will be a hard ask. Nice try. But you missed the All Fools' Day by a bit Mr PM. Also read: Why Imran Khans 'naya Pakistan' is no country for Hindu women 1 hour ago Why the Fed feels now is time to tighten credit more quickly WASHINGTON (AP) For months, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell responded to surging inflation by counseling patience and stressing that the Fed wanted to see unemployment return to near-pre-pandemic levels before it would raise interest rates. Read Article Photo: The Canadian Press Southwest Airlines customers relaxing on Thursday evening got an email that may mean their summer vacation could be more stressful and expensive than they planned. Southwest, the biggest operator of Boeing jets, is removing the grounded 737 Max from its schedule until at least Aug. 5, well past the peak of the summer high season. Company President Tom Nealon wrote in his email that the airline is taking the Max out of its schedule two months longer than previously planned to reduce the need for last-minute changes during the summer travel season. The decision, he wrote, would make the schedule more reliable. Other airlines are likely to follow Southwest's example, putting pressure on Boeing to finish fixing software on an anti-stall system implicated in two deadly crashes. Last month, Boeing and federal officials said privately that the company would finish its work before the end of March. Instead, it was delayed by an unexpected problem that Boeing hasn't fully described, and the company is now aiming to complete its work by late April. Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg said the company's pilots have flown 96 test flights totalling 160 hours with the new software and will operate more in the coming weeks to prove that the fix works. The changes must be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration for approval. Foreign regulators including those in Europe and China will then do their own reviews significant because foreign airlines account for about 85% of Max orders, according to analysts for financial services firm Cowen. It remains uncertain how willing passengers will be to board the Max after crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia killed all 346 people on board. "The general flying public seems to be asking more questions about the airplane than they have with prior fleet groundings," said Goldman Sachs analyst Noah Poponak, referring to the 2013 grounding of Boeing 787s because of overheating lithium-ion battery packs. The 787 survived and became a hit with airlines and passengers. FAA officials including acting chief Daniel Elwell met in Washington with representatives from Southwest, American and United and their pilot unions. An FAA spokesman said they went over the early findings from the two crash investigations, upcoming changes in the Max software, and pilot training for those changes. Elwell promised that the agency would be transparent about decisions to clear the plane to fly. American Airlines 737 pilot Dennis Tajer, who was in the meeting, said unions pushed for a stronger pilot-training program including troubleshooting items only indirectly related to the anti-stall software. He said FAA seemed receptive. "This will not be a minimum-training event to just get by," he said. The longer the Max planes sit on the ground, the more money airlines lose. Southwest already figures that just the first three weeks the Max had been grounded, along with other setbacks, cut the airline's first-quarter revenue by $150 million. Southwest has been cancelling about 90 flights a day because its 34 Max jets have been grounded since mid-March. Spokesman Chris Mainz said the new schedule eliminates about 160 daily flights to assure customers that it will operate the flights they booked. That is 4% of Southwest's 4,000 daily flights during summer. Still, unless the airline finds replacement planes quickly and that can be a complicated process Southwest will scrap about 10,000 flights that could have carried nearly 1.8 million people between now and early August. American Airlines doesn't expect its 24 Max jets to be flying before June 5, and it too is cancelling about 90 flights a day. United Airlines, with 14 Max planes, says it is shuffling its fleet and mostly covering flights that were scheduled with the Max in mind. Without those planes, travellers will have fewer flights to choose from, and fewer planes to carry passengers whose flights are cancelled for other reasons such as bad weather. There could also be fewer fare sales. "Travelers who have not already booked their summer reservations may end up paying a slightly higher airfare," said Henry Harteveldt, a travel-industry analyst with Atmosphere Research Group, "but it's not going to be the summer from hell." National Bank of Canada engages in the provision of commercial banking and financial services. It operates through the following segments: Personal and Commercial, Wealth Management, Financial Markets, US Specialty Finance and International (USSF&I), and Other. The Personal and Commercial segment involves in banking, financing, and investing services offered to individuals and businesses as well as insurance operations. The Wealth Management segment focuses on the investment solutions, trust and lending services, and other wealth management solutions offered through internal and third-party distribution networks. The Financial Markets segment includes banking and investment banking services and financial solutions for large and mid-size corporations, public sector organizations, and institutional investors. The USSF&I segment comprises specialty finance expertise activities of subsidiary ABA Bank, which offers financial products and services to individuals and businesses; and activities of targeted investments in certain emerging markets. The Other segment encompasses treasury activities such as asset and liability management, liquidity management and funding operations, certain no Read More American Consumer News, LLC dba MarketBeat 2010-2021. All rights reserved. 326 E 8th St #105, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 | U.S. Based Support Team at [email protected] | (844) 978-6257 MarketBeat does not provide personalized financial advice and does not issue recommendations or offers to buy stock or sell any security. Our Accessibility Statement | Terms of Service | Do Not Sell My Information 2021 Market data provided is at least 10-minutes delayed and hosted by Barchart Solutions. Information is provided 'as-is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice, and is delayed. To see all exchange delays and terms of use please see disclaimer. Fundamental company data provided by Zacks Investment Research. The following companies are subsidiares of EnerSys: ABSL Power Solutions Inc., ABSL Power Solutions Ltd., Acumuladores Industriales EnerSys SA, Alpha Alternative Energy Inc., Alpha Broadband Services Inc., Alpha Innovations Industria e Comercio de Produtos Eletronicos Ltda., Alpha Innovations Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Alpha Mexico Network Power S.A. de C.V., Alpha Tech Energy Solutions India Private Limited, Alpha Technical Services Ltd., Alpha Technologies Ltd., Alpha Technologies Pty. Ltd., Alpha Technologies Services Inc., Alphatec Technologies (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., Argus Research Ltd., Batterias Hawker de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Battery Power International Pte Ltd., Coppervale Enterprises Inc., DCPM Engineering Sdn Bhd, EH Batterien AG, EH Europe GmbH, EH Global Holdings GmbH, EH Swiss Holdings GmbH, ENAS Industrial Batteries Morocco Sarl, EnerSys (Chaozhou) Huada Batteries Company Limited, EnerSys (China) Huada Batteries Company Limited, EnerSys (Chongqing) Huada Batteries Company Limited, EnerSys (Jiangsu) Huada Batteries Company Limited (94.7%) *, EnerSys (Luxembourg) Finance Sarl, EnerSys (Yangzhou) Huada Batteries Co. Ltd., EnerSys A/S, EnerSys AB, EnerSys AD, EnerSys AE, EnerSys AS, EnerSys Advanced Systems Inc., EnerSys Argentina S.A., EnerSys Asia Limited, EnerSys Australia Pty Ltd., EnerSys BV, EnerSys BVBA, EnerSys Battery Private Limited, EnerSys Brasil Ltda., EnerSys Bulgaria EOOD, EnerSys Canada Inc., EnerSys Capital Inc., EnerSys Cayman Euro L.P., EnerSys Cayman Holdings L.P., EnerSys Cayman Inc., EnerSys Delaware Inc., EnerSys Delaware LLC I, EnerSys Delaware LLC II, EnerSys Delaware LLC III, EnerSys Delaware LLC IV, EnerSys Delaware LLC V, EnerSys Energy Products Inc., EnerSys Europe Oy, EnerSys European Holding Co., EnerSys GmbH, EnerSys Holdings (Luxembourg) Sarl, EnerSys Holdings UK Ltd., EnerSys Hungaria Kft., EnerSys India Batteries Private Ltd., EnerSys JSC, EnerSys LLC, EnerSys Ltd., EnerSys Malaysia Sdn Bhd, EnerSys Mexico Holdings LLC, EnerSys Mexico Management LLC, EnerSys Participacoes Ltda., EnerSys Reserve Power Pte. Ltd., EnerSys S.r.l., EnerSys SARL, EnerSys SNC, EnerSys South East Asia Pte. Ltd., EnerSys de Mexico II S de R.L. de CV, EnerSys de Mexico S de R.L. de CV, EnerSys s.r.o., EnerSys sp. z o.o., EnerSystem Chile Ltda., Enersys Aku Sanaya Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Esfinco LLC, Hawker GmbH, Hawker Power Systems Inc., Hawker Powersource Inc., Hawker Systems GmbH & Co. KG., ICS Industries Pty Ltd, ICS Industries Pty Ltd., ICS Sheet Metal Pty Ltd., Industrial Battery Holding Ltda., International Communication Shelters Australasia Pty Ltd., Lancord Pty Ltd., Lenmic Pty Ltd., MIB Energy Sdn Bhd, N Holding AB, National Infrastructure Pty Ltd., National Infrastructure Services Pty Ltd., NaviSemi Energy Pte Ltd., NaviSemi Inc., New Pacifico Realty Inc., NorthStar Battery Company LLC, NorthStar Battery Company LLC, NorthStar Battery DMCC, Outback Power Technologies Inc., Powercom (NSW) Pty Ltd., Powersonic S de R.L. de CV, Purcell Systems, Purcell Systems Inc., Purcell Systems International AB, Quallion LLC, Riverfront Holding S. de R.L. de C.V., Shenzhen Huada Power Supply Mechanical & Electrical Co. Ltd. , SiteTel Shanghai Co Ltd., SiteTel Sweden AB, Telecomponents & Supply (Hong Kong) Ltd., The Enser Corporation, UTS Holdings Sdn Bhd, UTS Technology (JB) Sdn Bhd, UTS Technology (PG) Sdn Bhd, YCI Inc., and Yecoltd S. de R.L. de CV. Wynnstay Group Plc manufactures and supplies agricultural products in the United Kingdom. It operates through Agriculture and Specialist Agricultural Merchanting segments. The Agriculture segment offers animal nutrition products to the agricultural market; and seeds, fertilizers, and agro-chemicals to arable and grassland farmers, as well as markets grains. The Specialist Agricultural Merchanting segment provides specialist products to farmers, smallholders, and pet owners. This segment offers its products through 54 depots; and specialist catalogues and online channels. It also manufactures and acts as a distributor of equine and small animal feeds through wholesalers and retailers. The company was founded in 1917 and is headquartered in Llansantffraid-ym-Mechain, the United Kingdom. Read More Antofagasta plc, through its subsidiaries, primarily engages in the exploration, evaluation, development, and mining of copper properties in Chile and internationally. It operates through Los Pelambres, Centinela, Antucoya, ZaldAvar, Exploration and Evaluation, and Transport segments. The company explores for copper concentrates containing by-products, such as molybdenum, gold, and silver; and copper cathodes. It holds a 60% interest in the Los Pelambres mine; a 70% interest in the Centinela mine; a 50% interest in the ZaldAvar mine; and a 70% interest in the Antucoya mine located in Chile. The company also provides rail and road cargo, and other ancillary services. In addition, it offers rail and truck services to the mining industry in the Antofagasta Region. The company was incorporated in 1888 and is based in London, the United Kingdom. Antofagasta plc is a subsidiary of Metalinvest Establishment. Read More The doors are now open for the 24th annual Okanagan Fest of Ale at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre. With 75 craft breweries 19 new this year and eight craft cideries, this is the biggest ever edition for the nonprofit event. This year also features a larger outdoor space and tasting area. The list of participants is incredible and includes breweries who have been attending since the very first festival, and some highly anticipated new breweries attending for the first time. The lineup of beers and ciders being offered is outstanding with a great mix of core favourites, new releases, collaborations, cask ales and experimental brews to try, said John Cruickshank, Okanagan Fest of Ale Society president. Fest of Ale runs Friday from 4-9 p.m. and Saturday from noon-6 p.m. Proceeds go to local charities, with nearly $700,000 donated in the history of the festival. The gallery above was captured by Douglas Drouin during an industry opening Friday afternoon before the full party began. iShares MSCI Russia ETF's stock was trading at $29.33 on March 11th, 2020 when Coronavirus reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Since then, ERUS stock has increased by 40.5% and is now trading at $41.21. View which stocks have been most impacted by COVID-19. The following companies are subsidiares of BP: 200 PS Overseas Holdings Inc., 563916 Alberta Ltd., ACP (Malaysia) Inc., AE Cedar Creek Holdings LLC, AE Goshen II Holdings LLC, AE Goshen II Wind Farm LLC, AE Power Services LLC, AE Wind PartsCo LLC, AM/PM International Inc., ARCO, ARCO British International, ARCO British Limited, ARCO Coal Australia Inc., ARCO El-Djazair Holdings Inc., ARCO Environmental Remediation L.L.C., ARCO Exploration Inc., ARCO Gaviota Company, ARCO International Investments Inc., ARCO International Services Inc., ARCO Midcon LLC, ARCO Oil Company Nigeria Unlimited, ARCO Oman Inc, ARCO Resources Limited, ARCO Trinidad Exploration and Production Company Limited, ARCO Unimar Holdings LLC, Actomat B.V., Advance Petroleum Holdings Pty Ltd, Advance Petroleum Pty Ltd, Air BP Albania SHA, Air BP Brasil Ltda., Air BP Canada LLC, Air BP Croatia d.o.o., Air BP Finland Oy, Air BP Iceland, Air BP Limited, Air BP Norway AS, Air BP Sales Romania S.R.L., Air BP Sweden AB, Air Refuel Pty Ltd, Allgreen Pty Ltd, AmProp Finance Company, American Oil Company, Amoco (Fiddich) Limited, Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company LLC., Amoco Bolivia Petroleum Company, Amoco Bolivia Services Company Inc., Amoco Canada International Holdings B.V., Amoco Capline Pipeline Company, Amoco Chemical (Europe) S.A., Amoco Chemicals (FSC) B.V., Amoco Cypress Pipeline Company, Amoco Destin Pipeline Company, Amoco Environmental Services Company, Amoco Exploration Holdings B.V., Amoco Guatemala Petroleum Company, Amoco International Finance Corporation, Amoco International Petroleum Company, Amoco Leasing Corporation, Amoco Louisiana Fractionator Company, Amoco MB Fractionation Company, Amoco MBF Company, Amoco Main Pass Gathering Company, Amoco Marketing Environmental Services Company, Amoco Netherlands Petroleum Company, Amoco Nigeria Exploration Company Limited, Amoco Nigeria Oil Company Limited, Amoco Nigeria Petroleum Company, Amoco Nigeria Petroleum Company Limited, Amoco Norway Oil Company, Amoco Oil Holding Company, Amoco Olefins Corporation, Amoco Overseas Exploration Company, Amoco Pipeline Asset Company, Amoco Pipeline Holding Company, Amoco Properties Incorporated, Amoco Remediation Management Services Corporation, Amoco Research Operating Company, Amoco Rio Grande Pipeline Company, Amoco Somalia Petroleum Company, Amoco Sulfur Recovery Company, Amoco Tri-States NGL Pipeline Company, Amoco Trinidad Gas B.V., Amoco U.K. Petroleum Limited, Amprop Illinois I Limited, Amprop Inc., Anaconda Arizona Inc., Arabian Production And Marketing Lubricants, Aral Aktiengesellschaft, Aral Luxembourg S.A., Aral Services Luxembourg Sarl, Aral Tankstellen Services Sarl, Arco Mediterraneo Inversiones S.L., Areas Noriega S.L., Areas Singulares Reyes S.L., Aspac Lubricants (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Atlantic 2/3 UK Holdings Limited, Atlantic Richfield Company, Atlantic Richfield Companyd, Autino Holdings Limited, Autino Limited, Auwahi Wind Energy Holdings LLC, B2Mobility GmbH, BASS Management Pty Ltd, BP (Abu Dhabi) Limited, BP (Barbados) Holding SRL, BP (Barbican) Limited, BP (China) Holdings Limited, BP (China) Industrial Lubricants Limited, BP (GTA Mauritania) Finance Limited, BP (GTA Senegal) Finance Limited, BP (Gibraltar) Limited, BP (Guangzhou) Advanced Mobility Limited, BP (Hunan) Petroleum Company Limited, BP (Indian Agencies) Limited, BP (Shandong) Petroleum Co. Ltd, BP (Shanghai) Trading Limited, BP - Castrol (Thailand) Limited, BP AMI Leasing Inc., BP Absheron Limited, BP Advanced Mobility Limited, BP Africa Limited, BP Africa Oil Limited, BP Akaryakit Ortakligi, BP Alaska LNG LLC, BP Alternative Energy Holdings Limited, BP Alternative Energy Investments Limited, BP Alternative Energy North America Inc., BP Alternative Energy Trinidad and Tobago Limited, BP America Chembel Holding LLC, BP America Chemicals Company, BP America Foreign Investments Inc., BP America Inc, BP America Inc., BP America Limited, BP America Production Company, BP Amoco Chemical Company, BP Amoco Chemical Holding Company, BP Amoco Chemical Indonesia Limited, BP Amoco Chemical Malaysia Holding Company, BP Amoco Exploration (Faroes) Limited, BP Amoco Exploration (In Amenas) Limited, BP Andaman II Ltd, BP Angola (Block 18) B.V., BP Argentina Exploration Company, BP Argentina Holdings LLC, BP Aromatics Holdings Limited, BP Aromatics Limited, BP Asia Limited, BP Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., BP Asia Pacific Holdings Limited, BP Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, BP Australia Capital Markets Limited, BP Australia Employee Share Plan Proprietary Limited, BP Australia Group Pty Ltde, BP Australia Investments Pty Ltd, BP Australia Nominees Proprietary Limited, BP Australia Pty Ltd, BP Australia Shipping Pty Ltd, BP Australia Swaps Management Limited, BP Aviation A/S, BP Benevolent Fund Trustees Limited, BP Berau Ltd., BP Biocombustiveis S.A., BP Bioenergia Campina Verde Ltda., BP Bioenergia Ituiutaba Ltda., BP Bioenergia Itumbiara S.A., BP Bioenergia Tropical S.A., BP Biofuels Advanced Technology Inc., BP Biofuels Brazil Investments Limited, BP Biofuels Louisiana LLC, BP Biofuels North America LLC, BP Biofuels Trading Comercio Exportacao Ltda., BP Bomberai Ltd., BP Brasil Ltda., BP Brazil Tracking L.L.C., BP Bulwer Island Pty Ltd, BP Business Service Centre Asia Sdn Bhd, BP Business Service Centre KFT, BP CIV Pty Ltd, BP Canada Energy Development Company, BP Canada Energy Group ULC, BP Canada Energy Marketing Corp., BP Canada International Holdings B.V., BP Canada Investments Inc., BP Capellen Sarl, BP Capital Markets, BP Capital Markets America, BP Capital Markets America Inc., BP Capital Markets p.l.c., BP Car Fleet Limited, BP Caribbean Company, BP Castrol KK, BP Castrol Lubricants (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., BP Central Pipelines LLC, BP Chembel, BP Chemicals (Korea) Limited, BP Chemicals East China Investments Limited, BP Chemicals Investments Limited, BP Chemicals Limited, BP China Exploration and Production Company, BP Comercializadora de Energia Ltda., BP Commodities Trading Limited, BP Commodity Supply B.V., BP Company North America, BP Company North America Inc., BP Containment Response Limited, BP Containment Response System Holdings LLC, BP Continental Holdings Limited, BP Corporate Holdings, BP Corporate Holdings Limited, BP Corporation North America, BP Corporation North America Inc., BP D-B Pipeline Company LLC, BP D230 Limited, BP Danmark A/S, BP Developments Australia Pty. Ltd., BP Dogal Gaz Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, BP East Kalimantan CBM Limited, BP Eastern Mediterranean Limited, BP Egypt Company, BP Egypt East Delta Marine Corporation, BP Egypt East Tanka B.V., BP Egypt Production B.V., BP Egypt Ras El Barr B.V., BP Egypt West Mediterranean (Block B) B.V., BP Energy Asia Pte. Limited, BP Energy Colombia Limited, BP Energy Company, BP Energy Europe Limited, BP Energy Solutions B.V., BP Energy do Brasil Ltda., BP Energia Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., BP Espana S.A. Unipersonal, BP Estaciones y Servicios Energeticos Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable, BP Europa SE, BP Exploracion de Venezuela S.A., BP Exploration & Production Inc., BP Exploration (Absheron) Limited, BP Exploration (Alaska), BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., BP Exploration (Algeria) Limited, BP Exploration (Alpha), BP Exploration (Alpha) Limited, BP Exploration (Angola), BP Exploration (Angola) Limited, BP Exploration (Azerbaijan), BP Exploration (Azerbaijan) Limited, BP Exploration (Canada) Limited, BP Exploration (Caspian Sea), BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, BP Exploration (D230) Limited, BP Exploration (Delta), BP Exploration (Delta) Limited, BP Exploration (El Djazair) Limited, BP Exploration (Epsilon) Limited, BP Exploration (Gambia) Limited, BP Exploration (Greenland) Limited, BP Exploration (Madagascar) Limited, BP Exploration (Morocco) Limited, BP Exploration (Namibia) Limited, BP Exploration (Nigeria Finance) Limited, BP Exploration (Nigeria) Limited, BP Exploration (Psi) Limited, BP Exploration (STP) Limited, BP Exploration (Shafag-Asiman) Limited, BP Exploration (Shah Deniz) Limited, BP Exploration (South Atlantic) Limited, BP Exploration (Xazar) Pte. Ltd., BP Exploration Angola (Kwanza Benguela) Limited, BP Exploration Argentina Limited, BP Exploration Australia Pty Ltd Level 15, BP Exploration Beta Limited, BP Exploration China Limited, BP Exploration Company (Middle East) Limited, BP Exploration Company Limited, BP Exploration Indonesia Limited, BP Exploration Libya Limited, BP Exploration Mexico Limited, BP Exploration Mexico S.A. De C.V., BP Exploration North Africa Limited, BP Exploration Operating Company, BP Exploration Operating Company Limited, BP Exploration Orinoco Limited, BP Exploration Personnel Company Limited, BP Exploration Peru Limited, BP Express Shopping Limited, BP Finance Australia Pty Ltd, BP Finance p.l.c., BP Foundation Incorporated, BP France, BP Fuels & Lubricants AS, BP Fuels Deutschland GmbH, BP GOM Logistics LLC, BP Gas & Power Investments Limited, BP Gas Europe S.A.U., BP Gas Marketing Limited, BP Gas Supply (Angola) LLC, BP Ghana Limited, BP Global Investments, BP Global Investments Limited, BP Global Investments Salalah & Co LLC, BP Global West Africa Limited, BP Greece Limited, BP Guangdong Limited, BP High Density Polyethylene - France, BP Holdings (Thailand) Limited, BP Holdings B.V., BP Holdings Canada, BP Holdings Canada Limited, BP Holdings International B.V., BP Holdings North America, BP Holdings North America Limited, BP Hong Kong Limited, BP India Private Limited, BP Indonesia Investment Limited, BP International, BP International Limited, BP International Services Company, BP Investment Management Limited, BP Investments Asia Limited, BP Iran Limited, BP Iraq N.V., BP Italia SpA, BP Japan K.K., BP Korea Limited, BP Kuwait Limited, BP LNG Shipping Limited, BP Latin America LLC, BP Latin America Upstream Services Inc., BP Lubricants KK, BP Lubricants USA Inc., BP Luxembourg S.A., BP Malaysia Holdings Sdn. Bhd., BP Management International B.V., BP Management Netherlands B.V., BP Marine Limited, BP Mariner Holding Company LLC, BP Maritime Services (Singapore) Pte. Limited, BP Marketing Egypt LLC, BP Mauritania Investments Limited, BP Mauritius Limited (in liquidation), BP Middle East Enterprises Corporation, BP Middle East LLC, BP Middle East Limited, BP Midstream Partners GP LLC, BP Midstream Partners Holdings LLC, BP Midstream Partners LP, BP Midwest Product Pipelines Holdings LLC, BP Mocambique Limitada, BP Mocambique Limited, BP Muturi Holdings B.V., BP Nederland Holdings BV, BP Netherlands Upstream B.V., BP New Ventures Middle East Limited, BP New Zealand Holdings Limited, BP New Zealand Share Scheme Limited, BP Nutrition Inc., BP Offshore Gathering Systems Inc., BP Offshore Pipelines Company LLC, BP Offshore Response Company LLC, BP Oil (Thailand) Limited, BP Oil Australia Pty Ltd, BP Oil Espana S.A., BP Oil Hellenic S.A., BP Oil International, BP Oil International Limited, BP Oil Kent Refinery Limited (in liquidation), BP Oil Llandarcy Refinery Limited, BP Oil Logistics UK Limited, BP Oil New Zealand Limited, BP Oil Pipeline Company, BP Oil Senegal S.A., BP Oil Shipping Company, BP Oil UK Limited, BP Oil Venezuela Limited, BP Oil Vietnam Limited, BP Oil Yemen Limited, BP Olex Fanal Mineralol GmbH, BP One Pipeline Company LLC, BP Pacific Investments Ltd, BP Pakistan (Badin) Inc., BP Pakistan Exploration and Production Inc., BP Pension Escrow Limited, BP Pension Trustees Limited, BP Pensions (Overseas) Limited, BP Pensions Limited, BP Petrochemicals India Investments Limited, BP Petroleo y Gas S.A., BP Petrolleri Anonim Sirketi, BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc., BP Pipelines (BTC) Limited, BP Pipelines (North America) Inc., BP Pipelines (SCP) Limited, BP Pipelines (TANAP) Limited, BP Pipelines TAP Limited, BP Polska Services Sp. z o.o. Ul., BP Portugal -Comercio de Combustiveis e Lubrificantes SA, BP Poseidon Limited, BP Products North America, BP Products North America Inc., BP Properties Limited, BP Raffinaderij Rotterdam B.V., BP Refinery (Kwinana) Proprietary Limited, BP Regional Australasia Holdings Pty Ltd, BP River Rouge Pipeline Company LLC, BP Russian Investments Limited, BP Russian Ventures Limited, BP SC Holdings LLC, BP Scale Up Factory Limited, BP Senegal Investments Limited, BP Services International Limited, BP Servicios de Combustibles S.A. de C.V., BP Servicios territoriales S.A., BP Shafag-Asiman Limited, BP Shipping Limited, BP Singapore Pte. Limited, BP Solar Energy North America LLC, BP Solar Espana S.A., BP Solar International Inc., BP Solar Pty Ltd, BP South America Holdings Ltd, BP Southern Africa Proprietary Limited, BP Southern Cone Company, BP Subsea Well Response (Brazil) Limited, BP Subsea Well Response Limited, BP Taiwan Marketing Limited, BP Technology Ventures Inc., BP Technology Ventures Limited, BP Train 2/3 Holding SRL, BP Transportation (Alaska) Inc., BP Trinidad Processing Limited, BP Trinidad and Tobago, BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC, BP Turkey Refining Limited, BP Two Pipeline Company LLC, BP UK Retained Holdings Limited, BP Venezuela Investments B.V., BP West Aru I Limited, BP West Aru II Limited, BP West Papua I Limited, BP West Papua III Limited, BP Wind Energy North America Inc., BP Wiriagar Ltd., BP World-Wide Technical Services Limited, BP Zhuhai Chemical Company Limited, BP+Amoco International Limited, BP-AIOC Exploration (TISA) LLC, BPA Investment Holding Company, BPNE International B.V., BPRY Caribbean Ventures LLC, BPX (Eagle Ford) Gathering LLC, BPX (KCS Resources) LLC, BPX (Karnes) Gathering LLC, BPX (Permian) Gathering LLC, BPX (WSF Operating) Inc., BPX Energy Inc., BPX Midstream LLC, BPX Operating Company, BPX Production Company, BPX Properties (GP) LLC, BPX Properties (LP) LLC, BPX Properties (NA) LP, BTC Pipeline Holding Company Limited, BXL Plastics Limitedv, Bahia de Bizkaia Electridad S.L., Baltimore Ennis Land Company Inc., Black Lake Pipe Line Company, Blueprint Power, Brian Jasper Nominees Pty Ltd, Britannic Energy Trading Limited, Britannic Investments Iraq Limited, Britannic Marketing Limited, Britannic Strategies Limited, Britannic Trading Limited, Britoil Limited, Burmah Castrol, Burmah Castrol Australia Pty Ltd, Burmah Castrol Holdings Inc., Burmah Castrol PLC, Burmah Castrol South Africa (Pty) Limited, Burmah Chile SpA, Butamax Advanced Biofuels, CASTROL Austria GmbHb, CH-Twenty Inc., CNAA, Cadman DBP Limited, Casitas Pipeline Company, Castrol (China) Limited, Castrol (Ireland) Limited, Castrol (Shanghai) Management Co. Ltd., Castrol (Shenzhen) Company Limited, Castrol (Tianjin) Lubricants Co. Ltd., Castrol (U.K.) Limited, Castrol Australia Pty. Limited, Castrol B.V., Castrol BP Petco Limited Liability Company, Castrol Brasil Ltda., Castrol Caribbean & Central America Inc., Castrol Colombia Ltda., Castrol Del Peru S.A., Castrol Egypt Lubricants S.A.E., Castrol India Limited, Castrol Industrie und Service GmbH, Castrol KK, Castrol Limited, Castrol Lubricants RO S.R.L, Castrol Mexico S.A., Castrol Namibia (Pty) Limited, Castrol Offshore Limited, Castrol Pakistan (Private) Limited, Castrol Philippines Inc., Castrol Servicos Ltda., Castrol Ukraine LLC, Castrol Zimbabwe (Private) Limited, Centrel Pty Ltd, Charge Your Car Limitedc, Chargemaster, Chargemaster (Europe) GmbH, Chargemaster Limited, Charging Solutions Limited, Clarisse Holdings Pty Ltd, Coastwise Trading Company Inc., Consolidada de Energia y Lubricantes (CENERLUB) C.A., Conti Cross Keys Inn Inc., Coro Trading NZ Limited, Cuyama Pipeline Company, DHC Solvent Chemie GmbH, Dermody Developments Pty Ltd, Dermody Holdings Pty Ltd, Dermody Investments Pty Ltd, Dermody Petroleum Pty. Ltd., Dome Beaufort Petroleum Limited, Dome Wallis (1980) Limited Partnership, ECM Markets SA (Pty) Ltd, Elektromotive Limited, Elite Customer Solutions Pty Ltd, Elm Holdings Inc., Energy Global Investments (USA) Inc., Enstar LLC, Estacion de Servicio Alto Campoo S.L., Estacion de Servicio Ganzo 10 S.L., Estacion de Servicio Reocin 9 S.L., Estacion de Servicio Santillana II S.L., Estacion de Servicio Sardinero S.L., Estonian Aviation Fuelling Services, Europa Oil NZ Limited, Exomet Inc., Expandite Contract Services Limited, Exploration (Luderitz Basin) Limited, Exploration Service Company Limited, FWK (2017) Limited, FWK Holdings (2017) LTD, Finite Carbon, Flat Ridge 2 Holdings LLC, Flat Ridge Wind Energy LLC, Foseco Holding Inc., Foseco Holding International B.V., Foseco Inc., Fosroc Expandite Limited, Fotech Solutions Ltd, Fowler Ridge Holdings LLC, Fowler Ridge I Land Investments LLC, Fowler Ridge II Holdings LLC, Fowler Ridge III Wind Farm LLC, FreeBees B.V., Fuel & Retail Aviat ion Sweden AB, Fuelplane- Sociedade Abastecedora De Aeronaves Unipessoal Lda, GOAM 1 C.I S. A .S, Gardena Holdings Inc., Gelsenkirchen Raffinerie Netz GmbH, Grampian Aviation Fuelling Services Limited, Guangdong Investments Limited, Highlands Ethanol LLC, Hosteleria Noriega S.L., IGI Resources Inc., Insight Analytics Solutions Holdings Limited, Insight Analytics Solutions Limited, Insight Analytics Solutions USA Inc., International Bunker Supplies Pty Ltd, Iraq Petroleum Company Limited, Jupiter Insurance Limited, Ken-Chas Reserve Company, Kenilworth Oil Company Limited, Kingbook Inversiones Socimi S.A., Latin Energy Argentina S.A., Lebanese Aviation Technical Services S.A.L., Limited Liability Company BP Toplivnaya Kompania, Limited liability company Setra Lubricants, Lubricants UK Limited, Lytt Limited, Manormaker (Nominee No. 1) Limited, Manormaker (Nominee No. 2) Limited, Manormaker GP Limited (99.90%) 11 Black Horse Lane, Mardi Gras Transportation System Company LLC, Markoil S.A., Masana Petroleum Solutions (Pty) Ltd, Mayaro Initiative for Private Enterprise Development, Mehoopany Holdings LLC, Mes Tecnologia En Servicios Y Energia S.A., Minza Pty. Ltd., Mountain City Remediation LLC, No. 1 Riverside Quay Proprietary Limited, Nordic Lubricants A/S, Nordic Lubricants AB, North America Funding Company, OMD87 Inc., OOO BP STL, Omega Oil Company, OnSight Analytics Solutions India Private Ltd., Open Energi, Orion Delaware Mountain Wind Farm LP, Orion Energy Holdings LLC, Orion Energy L.L.C.b, Orion Post Land Investments LLC, Oyambre 1 S.L., PRODUITS METALLURGIE DOITTAU, PT BP Petrochemicals, PT Castrol Indonesia, PT Castrol Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Jasatama Petroindo, Pacroy (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Peaks America Inc., Pearl River Delta Investments Limited, Petrocorner Retail S.L.U., Phoenix Petroleum Services Limited, Pozuelo 4 S.L., Prospect International C.A. (In liquidation), Puente Arce 4 S.L., Remediation Management Services Company, Richfield Oil Corporation, Rio Corvo 2 S.L., Rolling Thunder I Power Partners LLC, Romax Insight Korea Ltd., Ropemaker Deansgate Limited, Ropemaker Properties Limited, Ruhr Oel GmbH, Rusdene GSS Limited, SOFAST Limited, SRHP, Saturn Insurance Inc., Sherbino I Holdings LLC, Sherbino Mesa I Land Investments LLC, Sociedade de Promocao Imobiliaria Quinta do Loureiro SA, Societe de Gestion de Depots d'Hydrocarbures - GDH, South Texas Shale LLC, Southeast Texas Biofuels LLC, Southern Ridge Pipeline Holding Company, Southern Ridge Pipeline LP LLC, Sp/f Decision3 (GreenSteam) Company, Standard Oil Company, Standard Oil Company Inc., Standard Oil of Ohio, Stryde Limited, Sunrise Oil Sands Partnership, TISA Education Complex LLC, TJKK, Taradadis Pty. Ltd., Telcom General Corporation, Terre de Grace Partnership, The Anaconda Company, The BP Share Plans Trustees Limited, The Burmah Oil Company (Pakistan Trading) Limited, The Standard Oil Company, Thorntons, Toledo Refinery Holding Company LLC, Torrelavega 7 S.L., Union Texas International Corporation, Vastar Pipeline LLC, Veba Oel AG Veba Oel, Verenium, Viceroy Investments Limited, Villacarriedo 8 S.L., Warrenville Development Limited, Water Way Trading and Petroleum Services LLC, Welchem Inc., West Kimberley Fuels Pty Ltd, Westlake Houston Development LLC, Whiting Clean Energy Inc., Windpark Energy Nederland B.V., and Winwell Resources L.L.C. The following companies are subsidiares of Tesco: Adminstore Limited, Adsega Limited, Alfred Preedy & Sons (Trustees) Limited, Alfred Preedy & Sons Limited, Anthony Heagney Limited, Arena (Jersey) Management Limited, Armitage Finance Unlimited, Armitage Luxembourg s.? r.l., BLT Holdings 2010 Limited, Bath Upper Bristol Road Management, Bedminster Estates Limited, Beehythe Estates limited, Berry Lane Management Company Limited, Blinkbox Books Limited, BlinxBox, Booker Group, Brian Fords Discount Store Limited, Broadfields Management Limited, Brookmaker (GP) Limited, Broughton Retail Park Nominee 1 Limited, Broughton Retail Park Nominee 2 Limited, Broughton Retail Park Nominee 3 Limited, Broughton Retail Park Nominee 4 Limited, Buckingham Road (Bletchley) Management Company Limited, Bugden Ltd, Buttoncable Limited, Buttoncase Limited, Canterbury Road Management Limited, Cardiff Cathays Terrace Management Company Limited, Careneed News Limited, Cheshunt Finance Unlimited, Cheshunt Holdings Guernsey Limited, Cheshunt Hungary Servicing Limited Liability Company, Cheshunt Luxembourg S.? r.l., Cheshunt Overseas LLP, China Property Holdings (HK) Limited, Chirac Limited, Cirrus Finance (2009) Limited, Cirrus Finance Limited, Cirrus Luxembourg s.? r.l., Clarepharm Limited, Clondalkin Properties Limited, Comar Limited, Commercial Investments Limited, Crazy Prices, Crest Ostrava a.s, Cullens Holdings Limited, Cullens Stores Limited, Daily Wrap Produce Limited, Day And Nite Stores Limited, Delamare Cards Holdco Limited, Delamare Cards MTN Issuer plc, Delamare Finance PLC, Delamare Group Holdings Limited, Delamare Holdings BV Netherlands, Delamare Luxembourg s.? r.l. Luxembourg, Delamare One Limited, Dunnhumby Ventures LLC, ELH Insurance Limited, Edinburgh Butterfly Farm Limited, Edson Investments Limited, Edson Properties Limited, Ek-Chai Distribution System Co. Ltd., Euphorium (London) Limited, Euphorium (North London) Limited, Euphorium Group Limited, Euphorium IP Limited, Europa Foods Limited, Faraday Properties Limited, Flitwick Pharmacies Limited, Food & Wine Lovers Limited, Forum Liberec s.r.o, Freds Food Construction Limited, Freehold and Leasehold Property Fund, Gain Land Limited, Genesis sp. z o.o., Gibbs News Limited, Gibbs Newsagents Limited, Gida Sanayi A.S., Giraffe, Giraffe Cafe Limited, Giraffe Concepts Limited, Golden Island Management Services Limited, HIT hypermarket Sp. z o. o., Halesworth SPV Limited, Harris and Hoole Holdings Limited, Harris and Hoole Limited, Harris and Hoole Nominees Limited, Homeplus, Hymall Co. Ltd., J E Properties Holdings Limited, Jasper Sp. z o. o. Poland, KSS Retail Limited, Kabaty Investments Tesco (Polska) Sp. z o. o. Sp.k, Kingsway Fresh Foods Ltd, Koxka Hungary Refrigeration LLC, Launchgrain Limited, Launchtable Limited, Laws Stores Limited, Lazada Group S.A., Lee (Southern) Limited, Lek?ren? Tesco Bansk? Bystrica k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Dunajsk? Streda k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Ko?ice k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Lama k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Nitra k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Petr?alka k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Pie?tany k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Pre?ov Vukov k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Senec k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Spi?sk? Nov? Ves k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Trenc??n s.r.o. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Zlat? Piesky k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Lek?ren? Tesco Zvolen k.s. Slovakia Limited Partnership, Linebush III Holdings Limited, Linebush III Limited, Linebush IV Limited, Linebush Limited, Linebush V Limited, London and Home Counties Superstores Limited, Lowfoods Limited, M & W Limited, Merrion Shopping Centre Ltd, Mills (East Midlands) Limited, Mills (West Midlands) Limited, Mills Group Holdings Limited, Mills Group Limited, Mobcast Services, Monread Developments Limited, Morgam Holdings Limited, Morgam News Limited, Motorcause Limited, NPL (Hardgate) Limited, Nabola Development Limited, NutriCentre Limited, OC FORUM Liberec Ltd., Oakwood Distribution Limited, Obchodn? dom Bratislava, Obchodn? dom Ko?ice, Obchodn? dom Nitra, Obchodn? dom Pre?ov, Old FEHC Inc., Old FEPC LLC, One Stop Community Stores Ltd, One Stop Convenience Stores Limited, One Stop Stores Limited, One Stop Stores Trustee Services Limited, Orpingford, Orpington (Station Road) Limited, Oxford Fox and Hounds Management Company Limited, PEJ Property Developments Limited, Paper Chain (East Anglia) Limited, Pharaway Properties Limited, Power Supermarkets Limited, Premier Garage (Worthing) Limited, Pulford Foods Limited, R.J.D. Holdings, Retail Property Co. Ltd, S Bottomley & Bros Limited, Sanders Supermarkets Limited, Sandtable Limited, Sarcon (No. 239) Limited, Seacroft Green Nominee 1 Limited, Seacroft Green Nominee 2 Limited, Shire Park Limited, Shuke Advertising (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Snowman Retail 1 Limited, Snowman Retail 2 Limited, Sociomantic AB, Sociomantic Labs B.V, Sociomantic Labs Inc, Sociomantic Labs Internet Hizmetleri Limited ?ireketi, Sociomantic Labs LLC, Sociomantic Labs Limited, Sociomantic Labs Private Limited, Sociomantic Labs Pte Ltd, Sociomantic Labs S.r.l, Sociomantic Labs SARL, Sociomantic Labs Servicos Web Ltda, Sociomantic Labs Sp.z.o.o., Sociomantic Labs s.r.o., Sociomantic S.L.U., Sociomantic labs GmbH, Spen Hill Developments (Holdings) Ltd, Spen Hill Developments (Portishead) Ltd, Spen Hill Developments (Tonbridge) Limited, Spen Hill Developments Limited, Spen Hill Management Limited, Spen Hill Properties (Holdings) plc, Spen Hill Properties (Southend) Limited, Spen Hill Regeneration Limited, Spen Hill Residential No 1 Limited, Spen Hill Residential No 2 Limited, Station House Welling Management Limited, Statusfloat Limited, Stewarts Supermarkets Limited, Streatham Management Company Limited, T & S Management Services Limited, T & S Properties Limited, T & S Stores Limited, TESCO (POLSKA) sp. z o.o., TESCO Akad?mia K?pz?si ?s Fejleszt?si Kor?tolt Felelss?g T?rsas?g, TESCO MOBILE POLSKA SP. Z O.O., TESCO STORES SR a.s., Tapesilver Limited, Teesport (GP) Limited, Teesport (Nominee) Limited, Telegraph Properties (Kirkby) Limited, Tesco (Foxtrot 1) Limited, Tesco (Foxtrot 2) Limited, Tesco (Fujian) Industry Limited, Tesco (Jersey) Limited, Tesco (Overseas) Ltd, Tesco (Yorkshire) Limited, Tesco Aqua (1LP) Limited, Tesco Aqua (3LP) Limited, Tesco Aqua (FinCo1) Limited, Tesco Aqua (FinCo2) Limited, Tesco Aqua (GP) Limited, Tesco Aqua (Nominee 1) Limited, Tesco Aqua (Nominee 2) Limited, Tesco Aqua (Nominee Holdco) Limited, Tesco Atrato (1LP) Limited, Tesco Atrato (GP) Limited, Tesco Barbers Wood Limited, Tesco Bengaluru Private Limited, Tesco Blue (1LP) Limited, Tesco Blue (FinCo2) Limited, Tesco Blue (GP) Limited, Tesco Blue (Nominee 1) Limited, Tesco Blue (Nominee 2) Limited, Tesco Blue (Nominee Holdco) Limited, Tesco Capital No. 1 Limited, Tesco Capital No. 2 Limited, Tesco Card Services Limited, Tesco Card Services Limited, Tesco Card Services Ltd., Tesco Chile Sourcing Limitada, Tesco Coral (GP) Limited, Tesco Corporate Treasury Services PLC, Tesco Depot Propco Limited, Tesco Distribution Holdings Limited, Tesco Distribution Limited, Tesco Dorney (1LP) Limited, Tesco Dorney (GP) Limited, Tesco Dystrybucja Sp. z.o.o., Tesco EU IT Services s.r.o., Tesco Employees Share Scheme Trustees Limited, Tesco Estates Limited, Tesco Europe B.V. Netherlands, Tesco Family Dining Limited, Tesco Food Sourcing Brazil Representa??o De Servi?os Ltda., Tesco Food Sourcing Limited, Tesco Foundation (Nadacia Tesco), Tesco Freetime Limited, Tesco Fuchsia (1LP) Limited, Tesco Fuel Limited, Tesco Global Employment Company Limited, Tesco Guangdong (HK) Co. Limited, Tesco High Beech Limited, Tesco Holdings BV, Tesco Holdings Limited, Tesco Home Shopping Limited, Tesco Hungary (Holdings) Limited, Tesco International Franchising s.r.o., Tesco International Internet Retailing Limited, Tesco International Services Limited, Tesco International Sourcing Limited, Tesco Ireland Holdings Limited, Tesco Ireland Limited, Tesco Ireland Pension Trustees Limited, Tesco Jade (GP) Limited, Tesco Joint Buying Service (Shanghai) Co Limited, Tesco Kipa Kitle Pazarlama Ticaret Lojistik ve, Tesco Kirkby (General Partner) Limited, Tesco Kirkby (LP) Limited, Tesco Kirkby (Nominee 1) Limited, Tesco Kirkby (Nominee 2) Limited, Tesco Kirkby (Nominee Holdco) Limited, Tesco Kirkby (Unitholder 1) Limited, Tesco Kirkby (Unitholder2) Limited, Tesco Lagoon GP Limited, Tesco Licences Limited, Tesco Lotus Retail Growth, Tesco Lotus Retail Growth Freehold and Leasehold Property Fund, Tesco Maintenance Limited, Tesco Mauritius Holdings Limited, Tesco Mobile (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Tesco Mobile CR s.r.o., Tesco Mobile Communications Limited, Tesco Mobile Ireland Limited, Tesco Mobile Ireland Limited, Tesco Mobile Limited, Tesco Mobile Services Limited, Tesco Mobile Slovakia s.r.o, Tesco Mobile Slovakia s.r.o., Tesco Mobile CR, Tesco Nanjing Zhongshan, Tesco Nanjing Zhongshan (HK) Co. Limited, Tesco Navona (1LP) Limited, Tesco Navona (GP) Limited, Tesco Navona (Nominee 1) Limited, Tesco Navona (Nominee 2) Limited, Tesco Navona (Nominee Holdco) Limited, Tesco Navona PL Propco Limited, Tesco Opticians Limited, Tesco Overseas (Holdings) Limited, Tesco Overseas Investments Limited, Tesco Overseas ULC, Tesco Passaic (1LP) Limited, Tesco Passaic (GP) Limited, Tesco Passaic (Nominee 1) Limited, Tesco Passaic (Nominee 2) Limited, Tesco Passaic (Nominee Holdco) Limited, Tesco Passaic PL Propco Limited, Tesco Pension (Jade) Limited, Tesco Pension Investment Limited, Tesco Pension Trustees Limited, Tesco Personal Finance, Tesco Personal Finance Compare Limited, Tesco Personal Finance Group Limited, Tesco Property (No.1) Limited, Tesco Property (Nominees) (No.1) Limited, Tesco Property (Nominees) (No.2) Limited, Tesco Property (Nominees) Limited, Tesco Property A.S., Tesco Property Finance 1 Holdco Limited, Tesco Property Finance 1 PLC, Tesco Property Holdings (No. 2) Limited, Tesco Property Holdings Limited, Tesco Property Limited, Tesco Property Nominees (No.5) Limited, Tesco Property Nominees (No.6) Limited, Tesco Property Partner (GP No.2) Limited, Tesco Property Partner (GP) Limited, Tesco Property Partner (No.1) Limited, Tesco Property Partner (No.2) Limited, Tesco Red (1LP) Limited, Tesco Red (GP) Limited, Tesco Red (Nominee 2) Limited, Tesco Red (Nominee Holdco) Limited, Tesco Sarum (1LP) Limited, Tesco Sarum (GP) Limited, Tesco Seacroft Limited, Tesco Secretaries Limited, Tesco Services Limited, Tesco Sourcing India Private Limited, Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Tesco Stores (Thailand) Ltd, Tesco Stores CR a.s., Tesco Stores Limited, Tesco Technology Services HK Limited, Tesco Treasury Services PLC, Tesco Trustee Company of Ireland Limited, Tesco Underwriting Limited, Tesco Vin Plus SA, Tesco Worldwide Limited, Tesco for Thais Foundation, Tesco-Global Stores Privately Held Co. Ltd, Tesco.Com Limited, The Brookmaker Limited Partnership, The Teesport Limited Partnership Limited Partnership, The Tesco Aqua Limited Partnership Limited Partnership, The Tesco Atrato Limited Partnership, The Tesco Blue Limited Partnership Limited Partnership, The Tesco Coral Limited Partnership, The Tesco Dorney Limited Partnership, The Tesco Kirkby Limited Partnership Limited Partnership, The Tesco Navona Limited Partnership Limited Partnership, The Tesco Passaic Limited Partnership Limited Partnership, The Tesco Property (No.2) Limited Partnership, The Tesco Red Limited Partnership, The Tesco Sarum Limited Partnership, Trent Hypermarket Private Limited, Trigger Retail Ltd, Valiant Insurance Company DAC, Value House Properties Limited, Variable Preference, Ventnor High Street Management Company Limited, Verulam Properties (2001) Limited, Verulam Properties Limited, Victoria BB Sp z.o.o., WE7, WSC Properties Limited, Wanze Properties (Dundalk) Limited, Weymouth Avenue (Dorchester) Limited, Whitecastle Properties Limited, Wm. Low Supermarkets Limited, Woolwich Central Residents Management Company Limited, Worple Road Plc, Xiamen Firste Property Limited, Xiamen Firste Property Limited, aAcklam Management Company Limited, dunnhumby (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, dunnhumby (Thailand) Limited, dunnhumby Canada Limited, dunnhumby Consulting Services India Private Limited, dunnhumby Czech s.r.o., dunnhumby Employment Company Limited, dunnhumby Holding Limited, dunnhumby Hungary Kft, dunnhumby IT Services India Private Limited, dunnhumby Inc, dunnhumby International Limited, dunnhumby Ireland Limited, dunnhumby Italia Srl., dunnhumby Limited, dunnhumby Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., dunnhumby Netherlands B.V., dunnhumby Norge A.S., dunnhumby Overseas Limited, dunnhumby Poland Sp z.o.o, dunnhumby Slovakia s.r.o., dunnhumby South Africa (Pty) Ltd, dunnhumby Trustees Limited, and dunnuhumby. Photo: The Canadian Press A Phoenix man has been arrested on suspicion of killing his wife, two of his young daughters and a man who the suspect thought was romantically involved with his wife, police said Friday. Austin Smith was booked on suspicion of four counts of first-degree murder, two counts of attempted first-degree murder and three counts of aggravated assault, Sgt. Tommy Thompson said. Bail was set at $2 million, court records show. A Maricopa County Superior Court sent Smith's case to the local public defender's office. But no specific attorney had been assigned to him by Friday evening. Smith was arrested Thursday evening as he drove from an apartment complex where officers had responded to a shooting. There, they found the body of 46-year-old Ron Freeman. A woman and another man were shot and wounded at the complex, Thompson said. Officers who went to Smith's home later Thursday found his wife, 29-year-old Dasia Patterson, and their 5-year-old daughter, Nasha Smith, dead from gunshot wounds. Their 7-year-old daughter, Mayan Smith, died from apparent blunt-force trauma, and the couple's 3-year-old daughter was found uninjured under a bed at the family's home. "It is my understanding that for whatever reason he elected not to shoot her," Thompson said. The suspect told detectives during an interview that he believed "in God's eyes it was all right for him to deal with someone in this manner who had been involved in adultery or an extramarital affair," Thompson said. He described the scene at the apartment complex as chaotic, with firefighters treating victims while authorities did not initially know the shooter's whereabouts. Officers searching his car with a search warrant found a 9mm handgun, a .45 calibre handgun and a .223 calibre rifle they believe were used in the shootings, according to a probable cause statement filed in the case. __ Associated Press writer Paul Davenport contributed to this report. Deutsche Post AG operates as a mail and logistics company in Germany, rest of Europe, the Americas, the Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. The company operates through five segments: Post & Parcel Germany; Express; Global Forwarding, Freight; Supply Chain; and eCommerce Solutions. The Post & Parcel Germany segment transports and delivers mail, letters, parcels, physical and hybrid letters, special products for merchandize, and registered mail to private and business customers. It also provides additional services, such as registered mail, cash on delivery, and insured items. The Express segment transport and offers time-definite international (TDI) shipments comprising urgent documents and goods. The Global Forwarding, Freight segment transports goods by air, ocean, and overland; and offers multimodal and sector-specific solutions. This segment's business model is based on brokering transport services between customers and freight carriers. The Supply Chain segment provides contract logistics solutions, including warehousing and transport services; and value-added services, such as e-fulfilment, lead logistics partner, real estate solutions, service logistics, and packaging solutions for various industrial sectors. The eCommerce Solutions segment provides parcel delivery and cross-border non-TDI services. Deutsche Post AG is headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Read More Exelon Corp. operates as a utility services holding company, which engages in the energy generation, power marketing, and energy delivery business. It operates through the following segments: Mid Atlantic, Midwest, New York, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and other Power Regions. The Mid-Atlantic segment represents operations in the eastern half of PJM, which includes New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, the District of Columbia and parts of Pennsylvania and North Carolina. The Midwest segment operates in the western half of PJM, which includes portions of Illinois, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee, and the United States footprint of MISO, excluding MISO's Southern Region, which covers all or most of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, the remaining parts of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio not covered by PJM, and parts of Montana, Missouri and Kentucky. The New York (NY) segment provides operations within ISONY, which covers the state of New York in its entirety. The ERCOT segment includes operations within Electric Reliability Council of Texas, covering most of the state of Texas. Read More Bank of America Corp. is a bank and financial holding company, which engages in the provision of banking and nonbank financial services. It operates through the following segments: Consumer Banking, Global Wealth and Investment Management, Global Banking, Global Markets, and All Other. The Consumer Banking segment offers credit, banking, and investment products and services to consumers and small businesses. The Global Wealth and Investment Management provides client experience through a network of financial advisors focused on to meet their needs through a full set of investment management, brokerage, banking, and retirement products. The Global Banking segment deals with lending-related products and services, integrated working capital management and treasury solutions to clients, and underwriting and advisory services. The Global Markets segment includes sales and trading services, as well as research, to institutional clients across fixed-income, credit, currency, commodity, and equity businesses. The All Other segment consists of asset and liability management activities, equity investments, non-core mortgage loans and servicing activities, the net impact of periodic revisions Read More Photo: The Canadian Press Independent Members of Parliament Jane Philpott and Jody Wilson-Raybould speak with the media before Question Period in the Foyer of the House of Commons in Ottawa, Wednesday April 3, 2019. Justin Trudeau's Liberals say they are still hearing support from Indigenous people and leaders, despite concerns raised publicly about Trudeau's expulsion of two ex-ministers who had been central to work on reconciliation. While the Liberals have repeatedly said that addressing the relationship with Indigenous Peoples in Canada is a top priority, that commitment has been openly questioned by some Indigenous leaders, especially since the ejections of Jody Wilson-Rayboud and Jane Philpott from the Liberal caucus. Terry Teegee, the British Columbia regional chief in the Assembly of First Nations, suggested the ejections showed a "deeply flawed and dishonest intent" behind Trudeau's previously stated respect for Indigenous Peoples. Wilson-Raybould was one of his predecessors. "The balance that was being forged within our societies through the process of reconciliation is now threatened," he said when Trudeau expelled the two. Teegee called the decision "wrathful." Wilson-Raybould, as justice minister until January, had been the highest-ranking Indigenous person ever in the Canadian government. Philpott had been seen as one of Trudeau's most capable ministers; a shuffle that moved her from the high-profile health portfolio to become minister of Indigenous services was a symbol of how important clean water and good housing on reserves, for instance, were to the Liberal government. Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett, who had worked closely with both, said that while the government is always mindful of triggering cynicism and concern about the relationship she tends, she is continuing to hear "very positive" feedback. "Whether I'm on the East Coast or the West Coast or in Manitoba, over the last little while, I have to say that people will quietly take me aside and say, 'We need your government re-elected,' " Bennett said in an interview. "I would never presume that whomever I'm speaking to is speaking on behalf of more than one person," she added. "I think that it's important now for us to earn the respect and continue to make progress." In the next election, only First Nations, Inuit and Metis will be able to make ultimate determinations about whether their experience with the government has felt more like a partnership than paternalism, Bennett added. Last week, Trudeau made the decision to remove Wilson-Raybould and Philpott from the Liberal caucus. The two former cabinet ministers had been outspoken about political pressure to intervene in the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, a Quebec engineering giant facing bribery charges over contracts in Libya. Wilson-Raybould believes she was shuffled out of the Department of Justice because she wouldn't give Trudeau what he wanted on the file, overruling a prosecutor's decision not to pursue a plea-bargain-like "remediation agreement." Both ultimately resigned from the cabinet. Trudeau has denied any wrongdoing but has publicly acknowledged there was a breakdown of trust between Wilson-Raybould and his office. Wilson-Raybould was not available for an interview but Philpott said she does see the controversy as a "setback" in the government's relationship with Indigenous Peoples. Trudeau's cabinet worked hard on issues including the recognition and affirmation of rights for Indigenous Peoples, Philpott said, and there was "tremendous enthusiasm" about Wilson-Raybould's being the first Indigenous justice minister in Canadian history. Wilson-Raybould was moved out of the position into the veterans-affairs portfolio, prior to her subsequent cabinet resignation. "I think particularly the fact that she was moved out of that role and then subsequently resigned from cabinet, is a setback, without doubt," Philpott said. As an independent MP, Wilson-Raybould continues to have leverage over her former party and Trudeau in particular as members of Indigenous communities watch her words and actions carefully, says University of Saskatchewan professor Joseph Garcea, a political scientist who studies Canadian politics. "She's got this government's feet to the fire and it is up to her, really, how high she turns up the heat," he said. In 2015, the Liberal Party was keen to recruit Indigenous candidates and affirm its commitment to solving longstanding problems, including multiyear boil-water advisories on reserves. Indigenous voters were also far more engaged in the last election. The Assembly of First Nations identified 51 ridings, including several in western Canada, where First Nations voters could affect the outcome and invested a great deal of effort in outreach. After that election, Elections Canada reported the gap between turnout on reserves and turnout among the general population had been the lowest since it began calculating turnout for Aboriginal populations in 2004 (with the caveat that it does not capture demographic information at the polls and cannot count Aboriginal voters directly, whether they vote on or off reserves). Compared to the 2011 election, Elections Canada said turnout on reserves increased by 14 percentage points from 47.4 per cent to 61.5 per cent while turnout among the general population increased by six percentage points to 66 per cent. For his part, Metis National Council President Clement Chartier said he will not allow a "distraction" like the SNC-Lavalin controversy to "derail" the council's efforts to work with the Liberal government. "Why would we want to destroy something that has been of significant benefit to the Metis Nation?" he said, suggesting the response to the council from the Trudeau government has been "tremendous." The Metis National Council will reach out to all the political parties before the election on policy positions, he said, adding Metis citizens can decide for themselves whom to support. "Until there's an election, we will continue to support this prime minister and this government," he said. Wilson-Raybould's tenure as the first Indigenous justice minister in Canada will remain a "huge breakthrough," Bennett said. She said her team is very sad there was an erosion of trust with her colleagues. "We would prefer that (Philpott and Wilson-Raybould) were still members of the team, still supporting the prime minister, but unfortunately that didn't happen," she said, but she believes the government's Indigenous partners want to move on. The following companies are subsidiares of HCA Healthcare: 2490 Church LLC, 360 Community Alliance LLC, 4600 Waters Avenue Professional Building Condominium Association Inc., 52 Alderley Road LLP, AC Med LLC, ACH Inc., ADC Surgicenter LLC, AOGN LLC, AOSC Sports Medicine Inc., AR Holding 1 LLC, AR Holding 10 LLC, AR Holding 11 LLC, AR Holding 12 LLC, AR Holding 13 LLC, AR Holding 14 LLC, AR Holding 15 LLC, AR Holding 16 LLC, AR Holding 17 LLC, AR Holding 18 LLC, AR Holding 19 LLC, AR Holding 2 LLC, AR Holding 20 LLC, AR Holding 21 LLC, AR Holding 22 LLC, AR Holding 23 LLC, AR Holding 24 LLC, AR Holding 25 LLC, AR Holding 26 LLC, AR Holding 27 LLC, AR Holding 28 LLC, AR Holding 29 LLC, AR Holding 30 LLC, AR Holding 31 LLC, AR Holding 4 LLC, AR Holding 5 LLC, AR Holding 6 LLC, AR Holding 7 LLC, AR Holding 8 LLC, AR Holding 9 LLC, ASD Shared Services LLC, Acadiana Care Center Inc., Acadiana Practice Management Inc., Acadiana Regional Pharmacy Inc., Access 2 Health Care Physicians LLC, Access Health Care Physicians LLC, Access Management Co. LLC, Ace Leasing II LLC, Acute Kids Urgent Care of Medical City Childrens Hospital PLLC, Acworth Immediate Care LLC, Administrative Physicians of North Texas PLLC, Advanced Bundle Convener LLC, Advanced Plastic Surgery Center of Terre Haute LLC, Advanced Practice Providers of Gulf Coast PLLC, Alaska Regional Medical Group LLC, Albany Family Practice LLC, Aligned Business Consortium Group L.P., All About Staffing (India) Ltd., All About Staffing Inc., All About Staffing Philippines Inc., Alleghany General and Bariatric Services LLC, Alleghany Hospitalists LLC, Alleghany Primary Care Inc., Alleghany Specialists LLC, Alliance Surgicare LLC, Alpine Surgicenter LLC, Alta Internal Medicine LLC, Alternaco LLC, Altitude Mid Level Providers LLC, Ambulatory Endoscopy Clinic of Dallas Ltd., Ambulatory Endoscopy Holdco LLC, Ambulatory Laser Associates GP, Ambulatory Services Management Corporation of Chesterfield County Inc., Ambulatory Surgery Center Group Ltd., American Medicorp Development Co., Anchorage Surgicenter LLC, AppleCare/Memorial Immediate Care Joint Venture LLC, Appledore Medical Group II Inc., Appledore Medical Group Inc., Appomattox Imaging LLC, Arapahoe Surgicenter LLC, Arlington Diagnostic South Inc., Arlington Neurosurgeons PLLC, Arlington Primary Care PLLC, Arlington Primary Medicine PLLC, Arlington Surgery Center L.P., Arlington Surgicare LLC, Arthritis Specialists of Nashville Inc., Ashburn ASC LLC, Ashburn Imaging LLC, Athens Community Hospital Inc., Atlanta Healthcare Management L.P., Atlanta Home Care L.P., Atlanta Market GP Inc., Atlanta Outpatient Surgery Center Inc., Atlanta Surgery Center Ltd., Atlantis Surgicare LLC, Atrium Surgery Center L.P., Atrium Surgicare LLC, Augusta CyberKnife LLC, Augusta Inpatient Services LLC, Augusta Management Services LLC, Augusta Multispecialty Services LLC, Augusta Primary Care Services LLC, Augusta Specialty Hospitalists LLC, Augusta Urgent Care Services LLC, Aurora Endoscopy Surgicenter LLC, Austin GI Surgicenter LLC, Austin Heart Cardiology MSO LLC, Austin Medical Center Inc., Austin Physicians Management LLC, Austin Urogynecology PLLC, Aventura Cancer Center Manager LLC, Aventura Comprehensive Cancer Research Group of Florida Inc., Aventura Healthcare Specialists LLC, Aventura Neurosurgery LLC, BAMI Property LLC, Backlogs Limited, Bailey Square Ambulatory Surgical Center Ltd., Bailey Square Outpatient Surgical Center Inc., Bannerman Family Care LLC, Barrow Medical Center CT Services Ltd., Basic American Medical Inc., Basil Street Practice Limited, Bay Area Healthcare Group Ltd., Bay Area Surgical Center Investors Ltd., Bay Area Surgicare Center Inc., Bay Area Surgicenter LLC, Bay Hospital Inc., Bayonet Point Surgery Center Ltd., Bayshore Family Practitioners PLLC, Bayshore Multi-Specialty Group PLLC, Bayshore Occupational and Family Medicine PLLC, Bayshore Partner LLC, Bayshore Radiation Oncology Services PLLC, Bayshore Surgery Center Ltd., Bayside Ambulatory Center LLC, Bedford-Northeast Community Hospital Inc., Behavioral Health Sciences of West Florida LLC, Behavioral Health Wellness Center LLC, Bellaire Imaging Inc., Belleair Surgery Center Ltd., Belton Family Practice Clinic LLC, Big Cypress Medical Center Inc., Blacksburg Family Care LLC, Blossoms Healthcare LLP, Blue Ridge-TKC LLC, Bone & Joint Specialists Physician Group LLC, Bonita Bay Surgery Center Inc., Bonita Bay Surgery Center Ltd., Bountiful Surgery Center LLC, Boynton Beach EFL Imaging Center LLC, Bradenton Cardiology Physician Network LLC, Bradenton Outpatient Services LLC, Brandon Imaging Manager LLC, Brandon Regional Cancer Center LLC, Brentwood ASC LLC, Brigham City Community Hospital Inc., Brigham City Community Hospital Physician Services LLC, Brigham City Health Plan Inc., Brighton Surgicenter LLC, Brookwood Medical Center of Gulfport Inc., Broward Cardiovascular Surgeons LLC, Broward Healthcare System Inc., Broward Neurosurgeons LLC, Brownsville Specialists of Texas PLLC, Brownsville Surgery PLLC, Brownsville Surgical Specialists PLLC, Brownsville Surgicenter LLC, Brownsville-Valley Regional Medical Center Inc., Buford Road Imaging L.L.C., Byron Family Practice LLC, C. Medrano M.D. PLLC, C/HCA Capital Inc., C/HCA Development Inc., C/HCA Inc., CAREOS Surgicenter LLC, CC Clinic PLLC, CCBH Psychiatric Hospitalists LLC, CCH-GP Inc., CFC Investments Inc., CH Systems, CHC Finance Co., CHC Holdings Inc., CHC Management Ltd., CHC Payroll Agent Inc., CHC Payroll Company, CHC Realty Company, CHC Venture Co., CHC-El Paso Corp., CHC-Miami Corp., CHCA Bayshore L.P., CHCA Clear Lake L.P., CHCA Conroe L.P., CHCA Mainland L.P., CHCA Pearland L.P., CHCA West Houston L.P., CHCA Womans Hospital L.P., CHCK Inc., CJW Infectious Disease LLC, CJW Wound Healing Center LLC, CLASC Manager LLC, COL-NAMC Holdings Inc., COSCORP LLC, CP Surgery Center LLC, CPS TN Processor 1 Inc., CRMC-M LLC, CUC PLLC, CVMC Property LLC, Calder Immediate Care PLLC, California Imaging Center Manager LLC, California Urgent Care LLC, Calloway Creek Surgery Center L.P., Calloway Creek Surgicare LLC, Cancer Centers of North Florida LLC, Cancer Services of Aventura LLC, Capital Anesthesia Services LLC, Capital Area Cardiology, Capital Area CareNow Physician Associates, Capital Area Multispecialty Providers, Capital Area Neurosurgeons, Capital Area Occupational Medicine PLLC, Capital Area Primary Care PLLC, Capital Area Primary Care Providers, Capital Area Providers, Capital Area Specialists PLLC, Capital Area Specialty Providers, Capital Area Surgeons PLLC, Capital Division - CCA Inc., Capital Division Inc., Capital Network Services Inc., Capital Professional Billing LLC, Capital Regional Healthcare LLC, Capital Regional Heart Associates LLC, Capital Regional Psychiatry Associates LLC, Cardiac Surgical Associates LLC, Cardio Vascular Surgeons of North Texas PLLC, Cardiology Associates Medical Group LLC, Cardiology Clinic of San Antonio PLLC, Cardiology Specialists of North Texas PLLC, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons of Texas PLLC, Care for Women LLC, CareNow, CareOne Home Health Services Inc., CarePartners HHA Holdings LLLP, CarePartners HHA LLLP, CarePartners Rehabilitation Hospital LLLP, CareSpot Professional Services of Middle Tennessee LLC, CareSpot of Brentwood (210 Franklin Road) LLC, CareSpot of Cool Springs (100 International Drive) LLC, CareSpot of Donelson (2372 Lebanon Road) LLC, CareSpot of Hendersonville (280 Indian Lake Boulevard) LLC, CareSpot of Hermitage (5225 Old Hickory Boulevard) LLC, CareSpot of Lebanon (1705 West Main Street) LLC, CareSpot of Mt. Juliet (S. Mt. Juliet Road) LLC, CareSpot of Murfreesboro (1340 Broad Street) LLC, CareSpot of Nashville (2001 Glen Echo Road) LLC, CareSpot of Nashville (West End Avenue) LLC, Career Staffing USA Inc., Carlin Springs Urgent Care LLC, Carolina Forest Imaging Manager LLC, Carolina Regional Surgery Center Inc., Carolina Regional Surgery Center Ltd., Cartersville Medical Center LLC, Cartersville Occupational Medicine Center LLC, Cartersville Physician Practice I LLC, Catalog360 Limited, Cedar Creek Medical Group LLC, Cedars International Cardiology Consultants LLC, Cedars Medical Center Hospitalists LLC, Centennial Cardiovascular Consultants LLC, Centennial CyberKnife Center LLC, Centennial CyberKnife Manager LLC, Centennial Heart LLC, Centennial Hospitalists LLC, Centennial Neuroscience LLC, Centennial Psychiatric Associates LLC, Centennial Surgery Center L.P., Centennial Surgical Associates LLC, Centennial Surgical Clinic LLC, Centennial Womens Group LLC, Center for Advanced Diagnostics LLC, Center for Advanced Imaging LLC, Center for Digestive Diseases LLC, Center for Occupational Medicine LLC, Centerpoint Cardiology Services LLC, Centerpoint Clinic of Blue Springs LLC, Centerpoint Hospital Based Physicians LLC, Centerpoint Medical Center of Independence LLC, Centerpoint Medical Specialists LLC, Centerpoint Orthopedics LLC, Centerpoint Physicians Group LLC, Centerpoint Womens Services LLC, Central Florida Cardiology Interpretations LLC, Central Florida Division Practice Inc., Central Florida Health Services LLC, Central Florida Imaging Services LLC, Central Florida Management Services LLC, Central Florida Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates LLC, Central Florida Physician Network LLC, Central Florida Regional Hospital Inc., Central Health Holding Company Inc., Central Pasco LLC, Central San Antonio Surgical Center Investors Ltd., Central Shared Services LLC, Central Tennessee Hospital Corporation, Central Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Physicians PLLC, Centrum Surgery Center Ltd., Charleston CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Chatsworth Hospital Corp., Chattanooga ASC Acquisition Inc., Chattanooga Diagnostic Associates LLC, Chattanooga Healthcare Network L.P., Chattanooga Healthcare Network Partner Inc., Chelsea Outpatient Centre LLP, Chesterfield Imaging LLC, Chicago Grant Hospital Inc., Childrens Multi-Specialty Group LLC, Chino Community Hospital Corporation Inc., Chippenham & Johnston-Willis Hospitals Inc., Chippenham & Johnston-Willis Sports Medicine LLC, Chippenham Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC, Chippenham Pediatric Specialists LLC, Chiswick Outpatient Centre LLP, Christiansburg Family Medicine LLC, Christiansburg Internal Medicine LLC, Christina Cano-Gonzalez M.D. PLLC, Chugach PT Inc., Church Street Partners, Citrus Memorial Hospital Inc., Citrus Memorial Property Management Inc., Citrus Primary Care Inc., Citrus Specialty Group Inc., Citrus Surgicenter LLC, City of San Antonio H2U Employee Health and Wellness Center PLLC, Clarksville Surgicenter LLC, Clear Creek Surgery Center LLC, Clear Lake Cardiac Catheterization Center L.P., Clear Lake Cardiac GP LLC, Clear Lake Family Physicians PLLC, Clear Lake Medical Tower Owners Association Inc., Clear Lake Merger LLC, Clear Lake Multi-Specialty Group PLLC, Clear Lake Regional Medical Center Inc., Clear Lake Regional Partner LLC, Clear Lake Surgicare Ltd., ClinicServ LLC, Clinical Education Shared Services LLC, Clinishare Inc., Coastal Bend Hospital CT Services Ltd., Coastal Bend Hospital Inc., Coastal Carolina Home Care Inc., Coastal Carolina Multispecialty Associates LLC, Coastal Carolina Primary Care LLC, Coastal Healthcare Services Inc., Coastal Imaging Center L.P., Coastal Imaging Center of Gulfport Inc., Coastal Inpatient Physicians LLC, Coliseum Health Group Inc., Coliseum Health Group LLC, Coliseum Medical Center LLC, Coliseum Park Hospital Inc., Coliseum Primary Care Services LLC, Coliseum Primary Healthcare - Macon LLC, Coliseum Primary Healthcare - Riverside LLC, Coliseum Professional Associates LLC, Coliseum Same Day Surgery Center L.P., Coliseum Surgery Center L.L.C., College Park Ancillary LLC, College Park Endoscopy Center LLC, College Park Radiology LLC, Colleton Ambulatory Care LLC, Colleton Diagnostic Center LLC, Colleton Medical Anesthesia LLC, Colleton Medical Hospitalists LLC, Colleton Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery LLC, Collier County Home Health Agency Inc., Collin County Diagnostic Associates PLLC, Colorado Health Systems Inc., Columbia ASC Management L.P., Columbia Ambulatory Surgery Division Inc., Columbia Arlington Healthcare System L.L.C., Columbia Bay Area Realty Ltd., Columbia Behavioral Health Ltd., Columbia Behavioral Healthcare Inc., Columbia Behavioral Healthcare of South Florida Inc., Columbia Call Center Inc., Columbia Central Florida Division Inc., Columbia Central Group Inc., Columbia Champions Treatment Center Inc., Columbia Chicago Division Inc., Columbia Coliseum Same Day Surgery Center Inc., Columbia Development of Florida Inc., Columbia Doctors Hospital of Tulsa Inc., Columbia Eye and Specialty Surgery Center Ltd., Columbia Florida Group Inc., Columbia GP of Mesquite Inc., Columbia Good Samaritan Health System Limited Partnership, Columbia Greater Houston Division Healthcare Network Inc., Columbia Health System of Arkansas Inc., Columbia Healthcare System of Louisiana Inc., Columbia Healthcare of Central Virginia Inc., Columbia Hospital Corporation at the Medical Center, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Arlington, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Bay Area, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Central Miami, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Corpus Christi, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Fort Worth, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Houston, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Kendall, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Massachusetts Inc., Columbia Hospital Corporation of Miami, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Miami Beach, Columbia Hospital Corporation of North Miami Beach, Columbia Hospital Corporation of South Broward, Columbia Hospital Corporation of South Dade, Columbia Hospital Corporation of South Florida, Columbia Hospital Corporation of South Miami, Columbia Hospital Corporation of Tamarac, Columbia Hospital Corporation of West Houston, Columbia Hospital Corporation-Delaware, Columbia Hospital Corporation-SMM, Columbia Hospital at Medical City Dallas Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Hospital-El Paso Ltd., Columbia Integrated Health Systems Inc., Columbia Jacksonville Healthcare System Inc., Columbia LaGrange Hospital LLC, Columbia Lake Worth Surgical Center Limited Partnership, Columbia Medical Arts Hospital Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center Dallas Southwest Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center at Lancaster Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center of Arlington Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center of Denton Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center of Las Colinas Inc., Columbia Medical Center of Lewisville Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center of McKinney Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Center of Plano Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Medical Group - Centennial Inc., Columbia Medical Group - Daystar Inc., Columbia Medical Group - Parkridge Inc., Columbia Medical Group - Southern Hills Inc., Columbia Medical Group - Southwest Virginia Inc., Columbia Medical Group - The Frist Clinic Inc., Columbia Midtown Joint Venture, Columbia North Alaska Healthcare Inc., Columbia North Central Florida Health System Limited Partnership, Columbia North Florida Regional Medical Center Limited Partnership, Columbia North Hills Hospital Subsidiary L.P., Columbia North Texas Healthcare System L.P., Columbia North Texas Subsidiary GP LLC, Columbia North Texas Surgery Center Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Northwest Medical Center Inc., Columbia Northwest Medical Center Partners Ltd., Columbia Ocala Regional Medical Center Physician Group Inc., Columbia Ogden Medical Center Inc., Columbia Oklahoma Division Inc., Columbia Palm Beach GP LLC, Columbia Palm Beach Healthcare System Limited Partnership, Columbia Park Healthcare System Inc., Columbia Park Medical Center Inc., Columbia Parkersburg Healthcare System LLC, Columbia Pentagon City Hospital L.L.C., Columbia Physician Services - Florida Group Inc., Columbia Plaza Medical Center of Fort Worth Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Primary Care LLC, Columbia Psychiatric Management Co., Columbia Resource Network Inc., Columbia Rio Grande Healthcare L.P., Columbia Riverside Inc., Columbia South Texas Division Inc., Columbia Specialty Hospital of Dallas Subsidiary L.P., Columbia Specialty Hospitals Inc., Columbia Surgery Group Inc., Columbia Surgicare of Augusta Ltd., Columbia Tampa Bay Division Inc., Columbia Valley Healthcare System L.P., Columbia West Bank Hospital Inc., Columbia Westbank Healthcare L.P., Columbia-CSA/HS Greater Canton Area Healthcare System L.P., Columbia-CSA/HS Greater Cleveland Area Healthcare System L.P., Columbia-Georgia PT Inc., Columbia-Osceola Imaging Center Inc., Columbia-Quantum Inc., Columbia-SDH Holdings Inc., Columbia/Alleghany Regional Hospital Incorporated, Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation of Central Texas, Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation of Northern Ohio, Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation of South Carolina, Columbia/HCA Heartcare of Corpus Christi Inc., Columbia/HCA International Group Inc., Columbia/HCA John Randolph Inc., Columbia/HCA Middle East Management Company, Columbia/HCA Physician Hospital Organization Medical Center Hospital, Columbia/HCA San Clemente Inc., Columbia/HCA of Baton Rouge Inc., Columbia/HCA of Houston Inc., Columbia/HCA of New Orleans Inc., Columbia/HCA of North Texas Inc., Columbine Psychiatric Center Inc., Columbus Cardiology Inc., Columbus Cath Lab Inc., Columbus Cath Lab LLC, Columbus Doctors Hospital Inc., Commonwealth Perinatal Services LLC, Commonwealth Specialists of Kentucky LLC, Community Hospital Family Practice LLC, Comprehensive Radiation Oncology LLC, Comprehensive Radiology Management Services Ltd., Concept EFL Imaging Center LLC, Concept West EFL Imaging Center LLC, Congenital Heart Surgery Center PLLC, Conroe Hospital Corporation, Conroe Montgomery Physicians Group PLLC, Conroe Orthopedic Specialists PLLC, Conroe Partner LLC, Conroe Specialists of Texas PLLC, Continental Division I Inc., Coral Springs Surgi-Center Ltd., CoralStone Management Inc., Corpus Christi Healthcare Group Ltd., Corpus Christi Heart Clinic PLLC, Corpus Christi Primary Care Associates PLLC, Corpus Christi Psychiatric Specialists PLLC, Corpus Christi Radiation Oncology PLLC, Corpus Christi Surgery Center L.P., Corpus Christi Surgery Ltd., Corpus Christi Surgicenter LLC, Corpus Surgicare Inc., Countryside Surgery Center Ltd., Crewe Outpatient Imaging LLC, Cumberland Medical Center Inc., Cy-Fair Medical Center Hospital LLC, DFW Physicians Group PLLC, DOMC Property LLC, DS Real Estate Holdings LLC, Daleville Imaging L.P., Daleville Imaging Manager LLC, Dallas CardioThoracic Surgery Consultants PLLC, Dallas Cardiology Specialists PLLC, Dallas Hand Surgery Center PLLC, Dallas Medical Specialists PLLC, Dallas Neuro-Stroke Affiliates PLLC, Dallas Pediatric Neurosurgery Specialists PLLC, Dallas/Ft. Worth Physician LLC, Davie Medical Center LLC, Daytona Medical Center Inc., Dean 4641 LLC, Deep Purple Investments LLC, Del Sol Bariatric Clinic PLLC, Delray EFL Imaging Center LLC, Denton Cancer Center PLLC, Denton County Hospitalist Program PLLC, Denton Pediatric Physicians PLLC, Denton Regional Ambulatory Surgery Center L.P., Denver Clinic Surgicenter LLC, Denver Mid-Town Surgery Center Ltd., Denver Surgicenter LLC, Derry ASC Inc., Diagnostic Breast Center Inc., Diagnostic Mammography Services G.P., Diagnostic Services G.P., Dickson Surgery Center L.P., Doctors Bay Area Physician Hospital Organization, Doctors Hospital (Conroe) Inc., Doctors Hospital Columbus GA-Joint Venture, Doctors Hospital Surgery Center L.P., Doctors Hospital of Augusta LLC, Doctors Hospital of Augusta Neurology LLC, Doctors Osteopathic Medical Center Inc., Doctors Same Day Surgery Center Inc., Doctors Same Day Surgery Center Ltd., Doctors-I Inc., Doctors-II Inc., Doctors-III Inc., Doctors-IV Inc., Doctors-IX Inc., Doctors-V Inc., Doctors-VI Inc., Doctors-VII Inc., Doctors-VIII Inc., Doctors-X Inc., Doctors Memorial Hospital of Spartanburg Limited Partnership, Dominion Hospital Physicians Group LLC, Dublin Community Hospital LLC, Dublin Heart Specialists LLC, Dublin Multispecialty LLC, Dura Medical Inc., E.P. Physical Therapy Centers Inc., EASTSIDE URGENT CARE LLC, EHCA Diagnostics LLC, EHCA Eastside Occupational Medicine Center LLC, EHCA LLC, EHCA Metropolitan LLC, EHCA Parkway LLC, EHCA Peachtree LLC, EHCA West Paces LLC, EIRMC Hospitalist Services LLC, EMMC LLC, EP Health LLC, EP Holdco LLC, EPIC Development Inc., EPIC Diagnostic Centers Inc., EPIC Healthcare Management Company, EPIC Properties Inc., EPIC Surgery Centers Inc., EPSC L.P., East Falls Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery LLC, East Falls Family Medicine LLC, East Falls Plastic Surgery LLC, East Florida - DMC Inc., East Florida Behavioral Health Network LLC, East Florida Cardiology Network LLC, East Florida CareNow Urgent Care LLC, East Florida Division Inc., East Florida Emergency Physician Group LLC, East Florida Healthcare LLC, East Florida Hospitalists LLC, East Florida Imaging Holdings LLC, East Florida Primary Care LLC, East Houston Primary Care PLLC, East Houston Specialists PLLC, East Layton Internal Medicine LLC, East Orthopedics PLLC, East Pointe Hospital Inc., Eastern Idaho Brachytherapy Equipment LLC, Eastern Idaho Brachytherapy Equipment Manager LLC, Eastern Idaho Care Partners ACO LLC, Eastern Idaho Care Partners Holdings LLC, Eastern Idaho Care Partners LLC, Eastern Idaho Health Services Inc., Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center Inpatient Services LLC, Eastside Behavioral Health Associates LLC, Eastside General Surgery LLC, Eastside Heart and Vascular LLC, Eastside Medical Center LLC, Eastside Surgery Center LLC, Edmond General Surgery LLC, Edmond Hospitalists LLC, Edmond Physician Hospital Organization Inc., Edward White Hospital Inc., El Paso CareNow Urgent Care PLLC, El Paso Healthcare Provider Network, El Paso Healthcare System Ltd., El Paso Healthcare System Physician Services LLC, El Paso Nurses Unlimited Inc., El Paso Primary Care PLLC, El Paso Surgery Centers L.P., El Paso Surgicenter Inc., Eldridge Family Practitioners PLLC, Elite Family Health of Plano PLLC, Elite OB-GYN Services of El Paso PLLC, Elite Orthopaedics of El Paso PLLC, Elite Orthopaedics of Irving PLLC, Elite Orthopaedics of Plano PLLC, Elstree Outpatient Centre LLP, Emergency Physicians at Wesley Medical Center LLC, Emergency Providers Group LLC, Emergency Psychiatric Medicine PLLC, Encino Hospital Corporation Inc., Endocrinology Associates of Lees Summit LLC, Endoscopy Surgicare of Plano LLC, Endoscopy of Plano L.P., Englewood Community Hospital Auxiliary Inc., Englewood Community Hospital Inc., Envision Stakes LLC, Eye Care Surgicare Ltd. a Missouri limited partnership, FHAL LLC, FMH Health Services LLC, Fairfax Surgical Center L.P., Fairview Medical Services LLC, Fairview Park GP LLC, Fairview Park Limited Partnership, Fairview Partner LLC, Family Care Partners LLC, Family Care of E. Jackson County LLC, Family First Medicine in Brownsville PLLC, Family Health Medical Group of Overland Park LLC, Family Health Specialists of Lees Summit LLC, Family Medicine of Blacksburg LLC, Family Practice at Forest Hill LLC, Family Practice at Retreat LLC, Family Practitioners of Montgomery PLLC, Family Practitioners of Pearland PLLC, Fannin MOB LLC, Fannin MOB Property Management LLC, Far West Division Inc., Fawcett Memorial Hospital Inc., Florida Care Partners LLC, Florida Care Partners Orlando LLC, Florida Home Health Services-Private Care Inc., Florida Outpatient Surgery Center Ltd., Flower Mound Surgery Center Ltd., Focus Hand Surgicenter LLC, Foot & Ankle Specialty Services LLC, Forest Park Surgery Pavilion Inc., Forest Park Surgery Pavilion L.P., Fort Bend Hospital Inc., Fort Chiswell Family Practice LLC, Fort Myers Market Inc., Fort Pierce Immediate Care Center Inc., Fort Pierce Orthopaedics LLC, Fort Pierce Surgery Center Ltd., Fort Walton Beach Medical Center Inc., Fort Worth Investments Inc., Forward Pathology Solutions LLC, Four Rivers Medical Center PHO Inc., Frankfort Hospital Inc., Frankfort Wound Care LLC, Freeport Family Medicine LLC, Fremont Womens Health LLC, Frisco Surgicare LLC, Frisco Warren Parkway 91 Inc., Frist Clinic Express LLC, Ft. Pierce Surgicare LLC, Ft. Walton Beach Anesthesia Services LLC, G. Rowe M.D. PLLC, G. Schnider M.D. PLLC, G. Voorhees M.D. PLLC, G.P. Martin Fletcher & Associates LLC, GA PHYSICIAN SERVICES LLC, GA Urgentcare Holding LLC, GHC-Galen Health Care LLC, GI Associates of Denton PLLC, GI Associates of Lewisville PLLC, GME Services of Osceola LLC, GPCH-GP Inc., GYN-Oncology of Southwest Virginia LLC, Gainesville GYN Oncology of North Florida Regional Medical Center LLC, Gainesville Physicians LLC, GalTex LLC, Galen (Kansas) Merger LLC, Galen BH Inc., Galen Center for Professional Development Inc., Galen College of Nursing, Galen Diagnostic Multicenter Ltd., Galen GOK LLC, Galen Global Finance Inc., Galen Health Institutes Inc., Galen Health Partners Limited, Galen Holdco LLC, Galen Hospital Alaska Inc., Galen Hospital of Baytown Inc., Galen Hospital-Pembroke Pines Inc., Galen International Holdings Inc., Galen KY LLC, Galen MCS LLC, Galen MRMC LLC, Galen Medical Corporation, Galen NMC LLC, Galen NSH LLC, Galen Property LLC, Galen SOM LLC, Galen SSH LLC, Galen Virginia Hospital Corporation, Galen of Aurora Inc., Galen of Florida Inc., Galen of Illinois Inc., Galen of Kentucky Inc., Galen of Mississippi Inc., Galen of Virginia Inc., Galen of West Virginia Inc., Galen-Soch Inc., Galencare Inc., Galendeco Inc., Galichia Anesthesia Services LLC, Galichia Emergency Physicians LLC, Garden Park Community Hospital Limited Partnership, Garden Park Hospitalist Program LLC, Garden Park Investments L.P., Garden Park Physician Group - Specialty Care LLC, Garden Park Physician Group Inc., Gardens EFL Imaging Center LLC, Gastroenterology Specialists of Middle Tennessee LLC, General Hospitals of Galen Inc., General Medical Clinics Limited, General Surgeons of Houston PLLC, General Surgeons of North Richland Hills PLLC, General Surgeons of Pasadena PLLC, General and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Conroe PLLC, Generations Family Practice Inc., GenoSpace LLC, Georgia Health Holdings Inc., Georgia L.P., Georgia Psychiatric Company Inc., Glemm SA, Good Samaritan Hospital L.P., Good Samaritan Hospital LLC, Good Samaritan Surgery Center L.P., Goppert-Trinity Family Care LLC, Grace Family Practice LLC, Gramercy Eye Surgicenter LLC, Gramercy Surgery Center Ltd., Grand Strand Regional Medical Center LLC, Grand Strand Senior Health Center LLC, Grand Strand Specialty Associates LLC, Grand Strand Surgical Specialists LLC, Grandview Health Care Clinic LLC, Grant Center Hospital of Ocala Inc., Grayson Primary Care LLC, Greater Gwinnett Internal Medicine Associates LLC, Greater Gwinnett Physician Corporation, Greater Houston Preferred Provider Option Inc., Greater Tampa Bay Physician Network LLC, Greater Tampa Bay Physician Specialists LLC, Greater Tampa Bay Physicians - Pinellas LLC, Green Oaks Hospital Subsidiary L.P., Greenview Hospital Inc., Greenview PrimeCare LLC, Greenview Specialty Associates LLC, Gulf Coast Division Inc., Gulf Coast Electrophysiology Associates PLLC, Gulf Coast Inpatient Specialists LLC, Gulf Coast Medical Center Primary Care LLC, Gulf Coast Medical Ventures Inc., Gulf Coast Multispecialty Services LLC, Gulf Coast Physician Administrators Inc., Gulf Coast Provider Network Inc., Gwinnett Community Hospital Inc., Gynecology Specialists of Utah LLC, H2U Wellness Centers - Del Sol Medical Center PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers - Las Palmas Medical Center PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers - Medical City Dallas PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers - St. Davids Medical Center PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers LLC, H2U Wellness Centers Clear Lake Regional Medical Center PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers Conroe ISD PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers Conroe Regional Medical Center PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers Corpus Christi PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers El Paso PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers PISD PLLC, H2U Wellness Centers San Benito CISD PLLC, HBP Lone Star Inc., HCA - IT&S Field Operations Inc., HCA - IT&S Inventory Management Inc., HCA - IT&S PBS Field Operations Inc., HCA - IT&S TN Field Operations Inc., HCA - Information Technology & Services Inc., HCA - Raleigh Community Hospital Inc., HCA - Viera ALF LLC, HCA - WHS Progressive LLC, HCA - WHS Services LLC, HCA ASD Financial Operations LLC, HCA ASD Sales Services LLC, HCA American Finance LLC, HCA Carenow Limited, HCA Central Group Inc., HCA Central/West Texas Physicians Management LLC, HCA Chattanooga Market Inc., HCA Development Company Inc., HCA Eastern Group Inc., HCA Global Capital LLP, HCA Gulf Coast GME PLLC, HCA Health Services of California Inc., HCA Health Services of Florida Inc., HCA Health Services of Georgia Inc., HCA Health Services of Louisiana Inc., HCA Health Services of Miami Inc., HCA Health Services of Midwest Inc., HCA Health Services of New Hampshire Inc., HCA Health Services of Tennessee Inc., HCA Health Services of Texas Inc., HCA Health Services of Virginia Inc., HCA Health Services of West Virginia Inc., HCA Healthcare Mission Fund LLC, HCA Healthcare UK Limited, HCA Holdco LLC, HCA Human Resources LLC, HCA Imaging Services of North Florida Inc., HCA Inc., HCA International Holdings Limited, HCA International Limited, HCA LewisGale Regional Cancer Centers Clinical Co-Management Company LLC, HCA Long Term Health Services of Miami Inc., HCA Luxembourg 1 Sarl, HCA Luxembourg 2 Sarl, HCA Luxembourg Equities Sarl, HCA Luxembourg Finance Limited, HCA Luxembourg Investments Sarl, HCA Management Services L.P., HCA Medical City Limited, HCA Medical Services Inc., HCA Midwest Comprehensive Care Inc., HCA Outpatient Clinic Services of Miami Inc., HCA Outpatient Imaging Services Group Inc., HCA Patient Safety Organization LLC, HCA Pearland GP Inc., HCA Physician Services Inc., HCA Plano Imaging Inc., HCA Property GP LLC, HCA Psychiatric Company, HCA Purchasing Limited, HCA Realty Inc., HCA Richmond Cardiac Clinical Co-Management Company LLC, HCA SF LLC, HCA SFB 1 LLC, HCA Sarasota Orthopedic and Spine Clinical Co-Management Company LLC, HCA Squared LLC, HCA Staffing Limited, HCA Swiss Capital 1 LLP, HCA Swiss Capital 2 LLP, HCA Switzerland Finance GmbH, HCA Switzerland Holding GmbH, HCA Switzerland Limited, HCA UK Capital Limited, HCA UK Holdings Limited, HCA UK Investments Limited, HCA UK Limited, HCA UK Services Limited, HCA Wesley Rehabilitation Hospital Inc., HCA Western Group Inc., HCA-Access Healthcare Holdings LLC, HCA-Access Healthcare Partner Inc., HCA-California Urgent Care Holdings LLC, HCA-EMS Holdings LLC, HCA-EmCare Holdings LLC, HCA-Georgia Urgent Care Holdings LLC, HCA-HBPS Holdings LLC, HCA-HealthONE LLC, HCA-Solis Holdings Inc., HCA-Solis Mammography Service Holdings of Continental LLC, HCA-Solis Mammography Service Holdings of Gulf Coast LLC, HCA-Solis Mammography Service Holdings of North Texas LLC, HCA-Solis Mammography Service Holdings of TriStar LLC, HCA-Solis Mammography Services LLC, HCA-Solis Master LLC, HCA-Urgent Care Holdings LLC, HCAPS Anesthesia Manager LLC, HCAPS Conroe Affiliation Inc., HCOL Inc., HD&S Corp. Successor Inc., HDH Thoracic Surgeons LLC, HHBY Holdings LLC, HHNC LLC, HICCH-SCL LLC, HM Acquisition LLC, HM OMCOS LLC, HMMG 1226 LLC, HPG Energy L.P., HPG Enterprises LLC, HPG GP LLC, HPG Solutions LLC, HSS Holdco LLC, HSS Systems LLC, HSS Virginia L.P., HTI Gulf Coast Inc., HTI Health Services of North Carolina Inc., HTI Hospital Holdings Inc., HTI MOB LLC, HTI MSO LLC, HTI Memorial Hospital Corporation, HTI Physician Services of Utah Inc., HWCA PLLC, Hamilton Memorial Hospital Inc., Hamsard 3160 Limited, Harley Street Clinic @ The Groves LLP, Hathor Chelsea Ltd., Healdsburg General Hospital Inc., Health Care Indemnity Inc., Health Insight Capital LLC, Health International Billing Partners Limited, Health Midwest Medical Group Inc., Health Midwest Office Facilities Corporation, Health Midwest Ventures Group Inc., Health Partners of Kansas Inc., Health Service Partners Inc., Health Services (Delaware) Inc., Health Services Merger Inc., Health to You LLC, HealthCoast Physician Group LLC, HealthONE Aurora Investment LLC, HealthONE Care Partners LLC, HealthONE CareNow Urgent Care LLC, HealthONE Clear Creek LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Bariatric Medicine LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Behavioral Health LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Cancer Care LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Cancer Specialties LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Cardiovascular LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Medical Specialties LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Neurosciences LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Obstetrics and Gynecology LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Occupational Medicine LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Oncology Hematology LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Orthopedic Specialists LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Otolaryngology Specialists LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Pediatric Specialties LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Primary Care LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Spine Specialists LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Spine Surgeons LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Surgery Neurological LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Surgical Specialties LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Transplant Services LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Womens Services LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services - Youth Rehabilitation LLC, HealthONE Clinic Services LLC, HealthONE High Street Primary Care Center LLC, HealthONE IRL Pathology Services LLC, HealthONE Institutes for Clinical Research LLC, HealthONE Lowry LLC, HealthONE Radiation Therapy at Red Rocks LLC, HealthONE Radiation Therapy at Thornton LLC, HealthONE Ridge View Endoscopy Center LLC, HealthONE Surgicare of Ridge View LLC, HealthONE Urologic LLC, HealthONE at Breckenridge LLC, HealthONE of Denver Inc., HealthOne Heart Care LLC, HealthOne Lincoln Investment LLC, HealthOne Westside Investment LLC, HealthTrust Europe Company Limited, HealthTrust Europe LLP, HealthTrust Locums Inc., HealthTrust Workforce Solutions LLC, Healthcare Oklahoma Inc., Healthcare Purchasing Alliance LLC, Healthcare Sales National Management Services Group LLC, Healthcare Technology Assessment Corporation, Healthco LLC, Healthnet of Kentucky LLC, Healthserv Acquisition LLC, Healthtrust Inc. - The Hospital Company, Healthtrust MOB Tennessee LLC, Healthtrust Purchasing Group L.P., Healthtrust Utah Management Services Inc., Healthy State Inc., Heart Specialist of North Texas PLLC, Heart of America ASC LLC, Heart of America Surgicenter LLC, Heartcare of Texas Ltd., Hearthstone Home Health Inc., Heartland Womens Group at Wesley LLC, Heathrow Imaging LLC, Heathrow Internal Medicine LLC, Hendersonville Hospital Corporation, Hendersonville Hospitalist Services Inc., Hendersonville OB/GYN LLC, Hendersonville ODC LLC, Hendersonville Primary Care LLC, Henrico Doctors Hospital - Forest Campus Property LLC, Henrico Doctors Neurology Associates LLC, Henrico Doctors OB GYN Specialists LLC, Henrico Surgical Specialists LLC, Heritage Family Care LLC, Heritage Hospital Inc., Heritage Medical Care LLC, Hermitage Primary Care LLC, Hidalgo County Family Practitioners PLLC, Hidden Lakes Health Center PLLC, Highlands Regional Medical Center, Hip & Joint Specialists of North Texas PLLC, Homecare North Inc., Hometrust Management Services Inc., Horizon Orthopedics LLC, Horizon Surgical LLC, Hospital Corp. LLC, Hospital Corporation of America, Hospital Corporation of Lake Worth, Hospital Corporation of Tennessee, Hospital Corporation of Utah, Hospital Development Properties Inc., Hospital Partners Merger LLC, Hospital Realty Corporation, Hospital-Based CRNA Services Inc., Hospitalists at Centennial Medical Center LLC, Hospitalists at Fairview Park LLC, Hospitalists at Greenview Regional Hospital LLC, Hospitalists at Horizon Medical Center LLC, Hospitalists at Parkridge LLC, Hospitalists at StoneCrest LLC, Hospitalists at Wesley Medical Center LLC, Hospitalists of the Wabash Valley LLC, Houston - PPH LLC, Houston CareNow Urgent Care PLLC, Houston Healthcare Holdings Inc., Houston NW Manager LLC, Houston Northwest Concessions L.L.C., Houston Northwest Operating Company L.L.C., Houston Northwest Surgical Partners Inc., Houston Obstetrics and Gynecology for Women PLLC, Houston Pediatric Specialty Group PLLC, Houston Urologic Surgicenter LLC, Houston Womans Hospital Partner LLC, ICU Associates of West Houston PLLC, IMX Holdings LLC, IRL Pathology Services MidAmerica LLC, Idaho Behavioral Health Services LLC, Idaho Physician Services Inc., Illinois Psychiatric Hospital Company Inc., Imaging Realty LLC, Imaging Services of Appomattox LLC, Imaging Services of Jacksonville LLC, Imaging Services of Louisiana LLC, Imaging Services of Louisiana Manager LLC, Imaging Services of Orlando LLC, Imaging Services of Richmond LLC, Imaging Services of Roanoke LLC, Imaging Services of West Boynton LLC, InVivoLink Inc., Independence Neurosurgery Services LLC, Independence Regional Medical Group LLC, Independence Surgicare Inc., Indian Path Hospital Inc., Indianapolis Hospital Partner LLC, Institute for Womens Health and Body LLC, Institute of Advanced ENT Surgery LLC, Integrated Regional Lab LLC, Integrated Regional Laboratories LLP, Integrated Regional Laboratories Pathology Services LLC, Intensive Care Consortium Inc., Internal Medicine Associates of Huntsville PLLC, Internal Medicine Associates of Southern Hills LLC, Internal Medicine of Blacksburg LLC, Internal Medicine of Pasadena PLLC, Internist Associates of Houston PLLC, Isleworth Partners Inc., J. M. Garcia M.D. PLLC, JCSH LLC, JDGC Management LLC, JFK Internal Medicine Faculty Practice LLC, JFK Medical Center Limited Partnership, JPM AA Housing LLC, Jackson County Medical Group LLC, Jackson County Pulmonary Medical Group LLC, Jacksonville CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Jacksonville Multispecialty Services LLC, Jacksonville Surgery Center Ltd., James River Internists LLC, John Randolph Family Practice LLC, John Randolph OB/GYN LLC, John Randolph Surgeons LLC, Johnson County Neurology LLC, Johnson County Surgery Center L.P., Johnson County Surgicenter L.L.C., Jordan Family Health L.L.C., Jupiter EFL Imaging Center LLC, KC Pain ASC LLC, KC Surgicare LLC, KPH-Consolidation Inc., Kansas CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Kansas City Cardiac Arrhythmia Research LLC, Kansas City Gastroenterology & Hepatology Physicians Group LLC, Kansas City Neurology Associates LLC, Kansas City Pulmonology Practice LLC, Kansas City Surgery Center Properties LLC, Kansas City Vascular & General Surgery Group LLC, Kansas City Womens Clinic Group LLC, Kansas Healthserv LLC, Kansas Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists LLC, Kansas Trauma and Critical Care Specialists LLC, Kathy L. Summers M.D. PLLC, Kendall Healthcare Group Ltd., Kendall Regional Medical Center LLC, Kendall Regional Urgent Care LLC, Kennedale Primary Care PLLC, Kingwood Multi-Specialty Group PLLC, Kingwood Surgery Center LLC, Kingwood Surgicenter LLC, Kissimmee Surgicare Ltd., Kyle Primary Care PLLC, L E Corporation, LAD Imaging LLC, LGMC Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC, LOC @ The Christie LLP, LOC @ The London Bridge Hospital LLP, LOC Partnership LLP, LPN TeleBehavioral Health PLLC, Lafayette OB Hospitalists LLC, Lafayette Urogynecology & Urology Center LLC, Lake City Imaging LLC, Lake City Regional Medical Group LLC, Lake Forest Family Health PLLC, Lakeside Radiology LLC, Lakeside Womens Services LLC, Lakeview Cardiology Specialists LLC, Lakeview Hospital Physician Services LLC, Lakeview Internal Medicine LLC, Lakeview Medical Center LLC, Lakeview Regional Medical Center Inpatient Services LLC, Lakeview Regional Physician Group LLC, Lakeview Urology & General Surgery LLC, Lakewood Surgicare Inc., Laredo Medco LLC, Largo Medical Center Inc., Largo Physician Group LLC, Las Colinas Primary Care PLLC, Las Colinas Surgery Center Ltd., Las Encinas Hospital, Las Palmas Del Sol Cardiology PLLC, Las Palmas Del Sol Internal Medicine PLLC, Las Palmas Del Sol Urgent Care PLLC, Las Vegas ASC LLC, Las Vegas Surgicare Inc., Las Vegas Surgicare Ltd. a Nevada Limited Partnership, Lawnwood Cardiovascular Surgery LLC, Lawnwood Healthcare Specialists LLC, Lawnwood Medical Center Inc., Layton Family Practice LLC, Leaders in Oncology Care Limited, Leadership Healthcare Holdings II L.P. L.L.P., Leadership Healthcare Holdings L.P. L.L.P., Lees Summit Family Care LLC, Leslie Cohan M.D. PLLC, Lewis-Gale Hospital Incorporated, Lewis-Gale Medical Center LLC, Lewis-Gale Physicians LLC, Lewisville Primary Care PLLC, Lewisville Surgicare LLC, Lincoln Surgery Center LLC, Live Oak Immediate Care Center LLC, London Oncology Clinic LLP, London Pathology Limited, London Radiography & Radiotherapy Services Limited, Lone Peak Hospital Inc., Lone Star Intensivists at Gulf Coast PLLC, Lonestar Provider Network, Longview Regional Physician Hospital Organization Inc., Lorain County Surgery Center Ltd., Los Gatos Surgical Center a California Limited Partnership, Los Robles Regional Medical Center, Los Robles Regional Medical Center MOB LLC, Los Robles SurgiCenter LLC, Loudoun Surgery Center LLC, Louisiana Psychiatric Company Inc., Loveland Surgicenter LLC, Low Country Health Services Inc. of the Southeast, Lowry Surgicenter LLC, M. Jamshidi D.O. PLLC, MCA Investment Company, MCA-CTMC Holdings LLC, MEC Endoscopy LLC, MFA G.P. LLC, MFM Fact PLLC, MGH Medical Inc., MH Anesthesiology Physicians LLC, MH Angel Medical Center LLLP, MH Asheville Specialty Hospital LLC, MH Blue Ridge Medical Center LLLP, MH Eckerd Living Center LLLP, MH Highlands-Cashiers Medical Center LLLP, MH Hospital Holdings Inc., MH Hospital Manager LLC, MH Master Holdings LLLP, MH Master LLC, MH McDowell Imaging LLLP, MH Mission Hospital LLLP, MH Mission Hospital McDowell LLLP, MH Mission Imaging LLLP, MH Physician Services LLC, MH Transylvania Imaging LLLP, MH Transylvania Regional Hospital LLLP, MHS Partnership Holdings JSC Inc., MHS Partnership Holdings SDS Inc., MHS SC Partner L.L.C., MHS Surgery Centers L.P., MMC Sleep Lab Management LLC, MOSC Sports Medicine Inc., MOVCO Inc., MP Management LLC, MRT&C Inc., MSL Acquisition LLC, MVH Professional Services LLC, Macon Healthcare LLC, Macon Northside Health Group LLC, Macon Northside Hospital LLC, Macon Psychiatric Hospitalists LLC, Madison Behavioral Health LLC, Mainland Family Medicine PLLC, Mainland Multi-Specialty Group PLLC, Mainland Primary Care Physicians PLLC, Management Services Holdings Inc., Manatee Surgicare Ltd., Marietta Outpatient Medical Building Inc., Marietta Outpatient Surgery Ltd., Marietta Surgical Center Inc., Marion Community Hospital Inc., Mark Gottesman M.D. PLLC, Martin Fletcher & Associates L.P., Martin Fletcher Associates Holdings Inc., Mary Alice Cowan M.D. PLLC, Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists of Corpus Christi PLLC, Maternal Fetal Services of Utah LLC, Maury County Behavioral Health LLC, Mayhill Cancer Center LLC, McAllen Comprehensive Upper Extremity Center PLLC, McKinney Surgeons PLLC, Mechanicsville Imaging LLC, Mecklenburg Surgical Land Development Ltd., Med City Dallas Outpatient Surgery Center L.P., Med Corp. Inc., Med Group - Southern Hills Hospitalists LLC, Med-Center Hosp./Houston Inc., Med-Point of New Hampshire Inc., Medi Flight of Oklahoma LLC, MediCredit Inc., MediPurchase Inc., MediStone Healthcare Ventures Inc., MediVision Inc., MediVision of Mecklenburg County Inc., MediVision of Tampa Inc., Medical Arts Hospital of Texarkana Inc., Medical Associates of Ocala LLC, Medical Care America Colorado LLC, Medical Care America LLC, Medical Care Financial Services Corp., Medical Care Real Estate Finance Inc., Medical Care Surgery Center Inc., Medical Center - West Inc., Medical Center Imaging Inc., Medical Center Surgery Associates L.P., Medical Center of Baton Rouge Inc., Medical Center of Plano Partner LLC, Medical Center of Port St. Lucie Inc., Medical Center of Santa Rosa Inc., Medical Center of Southwest Florida LLC, Medical Centers of Oklahoma LLC, Medical City Dallas Hospital Inc., Medical City Dallas Partner LLC, Medical City Dallas Primary Care PLLC, Medical City Frisco, Medical City OB-GYN PLLC, Medical City Pediatrics PLLC, Medical City Specialty Surgicenter of Dallas LLC, Medical City Surgery Center of Alliance LLC, Medical City Surgery Center of Frisco LLC, Medical City Surgery Center of Lewisville LLC, Medical City Transplant PLLC, Medical Corporation of America, Medical Group - Dickson Inc., Medical Group - Southern Hills of Brentwood LLC, Medical Group - Southern Hills of Nolensville LLC, Medical Group - StoneCrest FP Inc., Medical Group - StoneCrest Inc., Medical Group - Stonecrest Pulmonology LLC, Medical Group - Summit Inc., Medical Imaging Inc., Medical Imaging of Colorado LLC, Medical Office Buildings of Kansas LLC, Medical Oncology Associates LLC, Medical Partners of North Florida LLC, Medical Plaza Ambulatory Surgery Center Associates L.P., Medical Specialties Inc., Memorial Family Practice Associates LLC, Memorial Health Primary Care at St. Johns Bluff LLC, Memorial Healthcare Group Inc., Memorial Neurosurgery Group LLC, Memorial Satilla Specialists LLC, Memorial University Medical Center, Menorah Medical Group LLC, Menorah Urgent Care LLC, Mercy ASC LLC, Metairie Primary Care Associates LLC, Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center of Boerne LLC, Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center of Landmark LLC, Methodist Cardiology Physicians, Methodist CareNow Physician Associates, Methodist CareNow Urgent Care PLLC, Methodist Healthcare System of San Antonio Ltd. L.L.P., Methodist Inpatient Management Group, Methodist Medical Center ASC L.P., Methodist Physician Alliance, Methodist Physician Practice Services LLC, Methodist Physician Practices PLLC, Metroplex Surgicenters Inc., Metropolitan Multispecialty Physicians Group Inc., Miami Beach EFL Imaging Center LLC, Miami Beach Healthcare Group Ltd., Miami Dade Surgical Specialists LLC, Miami Lakes Surgery Center Ltd., Miami-Dade Cardiology Consultants LLC, Michael Mann M.D. PLLC, Mid-America Surgery Center LLC, Mid-America Surgery Institute LLC, Mid-Cities Surgi-Center Inc., Mid-Continent Health Services Inc., MidAmerica Division Inc., MidAmerica Oncology LLC, Middle Georgia Hospital LLC, Middle Georgia Urgent Care Services LLC, Middle Tennessee Neurology LLC, Midtown Diagnostics LLC, Midwest Cardiology Specialists LLC, Midwest Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery LLC, Midwest Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons of Kansas LLC, Midwest Division - ACH LLC, Midwest Division - CMC LLC, Midwest Division - LRHC LLC, Midwest Division - LSH LLC, Midwest Division - MCI LLC, Midwest Division - MMC LLC, Midwest Division - OPRMC LLC, Midwest Division - RBH LLC, Midwest Division - RMC LLC, Midwest Division Spine Care LLC, Midwest Doctors Group LLC, Midwest Heart & Vascular Specialists LLC, Midwest Holdings Inc., Midwest Infectious Disease Specialists LLC, Midwest Medicine Associates LLC, Midwest Metropolitan Physicians Group LLC, Midwest Oncology Associates LLC, Midwest Trauma Services LLC, Midwest Womens Healthcare Specialists LLC, Mikrod Services Inc., Mill Creek Outpatient Services LLC, Millenium Health Care of Oklahoma Inc., Mission Bay Memorial Hospital Inc., Mission Community Anesthesiology Specialists LLC, Mission Employer Solutions LLC, Mission Health, Mission Health Partners Inc., Missouri Healthcare System L.P., Mobile Corps. Inc., Mobile Heartbeat, Mobile Heartbeat LLC, Montgomery Cancer Center LLC, Montgomery Hospitalists LLC, Montgomery Regional Hospital Inc., Montgomery Surgery Associates LLC, Mountain Division - CVH LLC, Mountain Division Inc., Mountain View Hospital Inc., Mountain View MRI Associates Ltd., Mountain West Surgery Center LLC, MountainStar Behavioral Health LLC, MountainStar Brigham General Surgery LLC, MountainStar Canyon Surgical Clinic LLC, MountainStar Cardiology Ogden Regional LLC, MountainStar Cardiology St. Marks LLC, MountainStar Intensivist Services LLC, MountainStar Medical Group - Cache Valley LLC, MountainStar Medical Group - Ogden Regional Medical Center LLC, MountainStar Medical Group - St. Marks Hospital LLC, MountainStar Medical Group Neurosurgery-St. Marks LLC, MountainStar Medical Group Timpanogos Primary Care LLC, MountainStar Medical Group Timpanogos Specialty Care LLC, MountainStar Specialty Services LLC, MountainStar Urgent Care LLC, MountainView GME Primary Care LLC, Mountainstar Brigham OBGYN LLC, Mountainstar Cardiovascular Services LLC, Mountainstar Ogden Pediatrics LLC, Movement Disorders of North Texas PLLC, Mt. Ogden Utah Surgical Center LLC, NPAS Inc., NPAS Solutions LLC, NT Urgent Care PLLC, NTGP LLC, NTMC Management Company, NTMC Venture Inc., NTX Pathology Program PLLC, Nashville Psychiatric Company Inc., Nashville Shared Services General Partnership, Nashville Surgicenter LLC, Natchez Medical Associates LLC, Natchez Surgery Center LLC, National Association of Senior Friends, National Contact Center Management Group LLC, National Patient Account Services Inc., National Transfer Center Management Services LLC, Navarro Memorial Hospital Inc., NeighborMD Management LLC, Network MS of Florida Inc., Network Management Services Inc., Neuro Affiliates Company, Neuro-Hospitalist of Clear Lake PLLC, NeuroHospitalist of McAllen PLLC, Neurological Eye Specialists of North Texas PLLC, Neurological Specialists PLLC, Neurological Specialists of McKinney PLLC, Neurology Associates of Hendersonville LLC, Neurology Associates of Kansas LLC, Neurosurgery Atlanta LLC, Neurosurgery of Kingwood PLLC, Neurosurgical Associates of North Texas PLLC, Neurosurgical Specialists of El Paso PLLC, Neurosurgical Specialists of North Texas PLLC, Nevada Surgery Center of Southern Hills L.P., Nevada Surgicare of Southern Hills LLC, Nevada Urgent Care Holdings Inc., New Iberia Healthcare LLC, New Iberia Holdings Inc., New Port Richey Hospital Inc., New Port Richey Surgery Center Ltd., New Rose Holding Company Inc., Niceville Family Practice LLC, North Augusta Imaging Management LLC, North Augusta Imaging Services LLC, North Augusta Rehab Health Center LLC, North Austin Plastic Surgery Associates PLLC, North Austin Surgery Center L.P., North Brandon Imaging LLC, North Central Florida Health System Inc., North Central Methodist ASC L.P., North Charleston Diagnostic Imaging Center LLC, North Florida Cancer Center Lake City LLC, North Florida Cancer Center Live Oak LLC, North Florida Cancer Center Tallahassee LLC, North Florida Division I Inc., North Florida Division Practice Inc., North Florida GI Center GP Inc., North Florida GI Center Ltd., North Florida Immediate Care Center Inc., North Florida Neurosurgery LLC, North Florida Outpatient Imaging Center Ltd., North Florida Physician Services Inc., North Florida Physicians LLC, North Florida Radiation Oncology LLC, North Florida Regional Company Care LLC, North Florida Regional Freestanding Surgery Center L.P., North Florida Regional Investments Inc., North Florida Regional Medical Center Inc., North Florida Regional Psychiatry LLC, North Florida Regional Trauma LLC, North Florida Rehab Investments LLC, North Florida Surgical Associates LLC, North Georgia Primary Care Group LLC, North Hills Cardiac Catheterization Center L.P., North Hills Catheterization Lab LLC, North Hills Orthopaedic Surgeons PLLC, North Hills Surgicare L.P., North Houston - TRMC LLC, North Miami Beach Surgery Center Limited Partnership, North Miami Beach Surgical Center LLC, North Palm Beach County Surgery Center LLC, North River Physician Network LLC, North Shore Specialists of Texas PLLC, North Suburban Spine Center L.P., North Tampa Imaging LLC, North Texas - MCA LLC, North Texas Cardiology PLLC, North Texas Craniofacial Fellowship Program PLLC, North Texas Division Inc., North Texas General L.P., North Texas Geriatrics PLLC, North Texas Heart Surgery Center PLLC, North Texas Internal Medicine Specialists PLLC, North Texas Medical Center Inc., North Texas Neuro Stroke OP PLLC, North Texas Pulmonary Critical Care PLLC, North Texas Sports and Orthopedics Center PLLC, North Texas Stroke Center PLLC, North Texas of Hope PLLC, North Transfer Center LLC, Northeast Florida Cancer Services LLC, Northeast Methodist Surgicare Ltd., Northeast PHO Inc., Northern Utah Healthcare Corporation, Northern Utah Healthcare Imaging Holdco LLC, Northern Utah Imaging LLC, Northern Virginia CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Northern Virginia Community Hospital LLC, Northern Virginia Hospital Corporation, Northern Virginia Surgicenter LLC, Northlake Medical Center LLC, Northlake Physician Practice Network Inc., Northlake Surgical Center L.P., Northlake Surgicare Inc., Northside MRI Inc., Northwest Fla. Home Health Agency Inc., Northwest Florida Healthcare Systems Inc., Northwest Florida Multispecialty Physicians LLC, Northwest Florida Primary Care LLC, Northwest Medical Center Inc., Notami (Opelousas) Inc., Notami Hospitals LLC, Notami Hospitals of Florida Inc., Notami Hospitals of Louisiana Inc., Notami Hospitals of Missouri Inc., Notami LLC, Notco LLC, Nuclear Diagnosis Inc., OB Hospitalists of Womans Hospital PLLC, OB/GYN of Brownsville PLLC, OB/Gyn Associates of Denton PLLC, OBS Diagnostic and Treatment Centre LLP, ODP Holdings LLC, ODP Manager LLC, ODP Properties LLC, OHH Imaging Services LLC, OPRMC-HBP LLC, Oak Hill Acquisition Inc., Oak Hill Family Care LLC, Oak Hill Hospitalists LLC, Oakwood Surgery Center Ltd. LLP, Ocala Health Company Care LLC, Ocala Health Imaging Services LLC, Ocala Health Primary Care LLC, Ocala Health Surgical Group LLC, Ocala Health Trauma LLC, Ocala Regional Outpatient Services Inc., Ocala Stereotactic Radiosurgery LLC, Ocala Stereotactic Radiosurgery Partner LLC, Occupational Health Services of PRH LLC, Occupational and Family Medicine of South Texas, Ogden Imaging LLC, Ogden Internal Medicine & Urology LLC, Ogden Regional Health Plan Inc., Ogden Regional Medical Center Professional Billing LLC, Ogden Senior Center LLC, Ogden Tomotherapy LLC, Ogden Tomotherapy Manager LLC, Okaloosa Hospital Inc., Okeechobee Hospital Inc., Oklahoma Holding Company LLC, Oklahoma Outpatient Surgery Limited Partnership, Oklahoma Physicians - Medical Specialties LLC, Oklahoma Physicians - Obstetrics and Gynecology LLC, Oklahoma Physicians - Primary Care LLC, Oklahoma Physicians - Surgical Specialties LLC, Oklahoma Surgicare Inc., Old Fort Village LLC, On-Site Primary Care PLLC, Oncology Services of Corpus Christi LLC, Oncology Services of Corpus Christi Manager LLC, OneSourceMed Inc., Online Pathology Services Limited, Orange County Healthcare LLC, Orange Park Hospitalists LLC, Orange Park Medical Center Inc., Orlando CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Orlando Outpatient Surgical Center Inc., Orlando Outpatient Surgical Center Ltd., Orlando Surgicare Ltd., Orthopaedic Specialty Associates L.P., Orthopaedic Sports Specialty Associates Inc., Orthopedic Hospital Ltd., Orthopedics Specialists LLC, Osceola Neurological Associates LLC, Osceola Physician Network LLC, Osceola Regional Hospital Inc., Osceola Regional Hospitalists LLC, Osceola Surgical Associates LLC, Outpatient Cardiovascular Center of Central Florida LLC, Outpatient GP LLC, Outpatient Services - LAD LLC, Outpatient Services Holdings Inc., Outpatient Surgical Services Ltd., Outpatient Womens and Childrens Surgery Center Ltd., Overland Park Cardiovascular Inc., Overland Park Medical Specialists LLC, Overland Park Orthopedics LLC, Overland Park Surgical Specialties LLC, Oviedo Medical Center LLC, Ozarks Medical Services Inc., P&L Associates, P/SL Hyperbaric Partnership, PET CT LLP, PMM Inc., POH Holdings LLC, PSG Delegated Services LLC, PTS Solutions LLC, Pacific Partners Management Services Inc., Palm Beach EFL Imaging Center LLC, Palm Beach General Surgery LLC, Palm Beach Healthcare System Inc., Palm Beach Hospitalists Program LLC, Palmer Medical Center LLC, Palms West Gastroenterology LLC, Palms West Hospital Limited Partnership, Palms West Surgery Center Ltd., Paragon Physicians Hospital Organization of South Texas Inc., Paragon SDS Inc., Paragon Surgery Centers of Texas Inc., Paragon WSC Inc., Paragon of Texas Health Properties Inc., Parallon Business Solutions LLC, Parallon Enterprises LLC, Parallon Health Information Solutions LLC, Parallon Holdings LLC, Parallon Payroll Solutions LLC, Parallon Physician Services LLC, Parallon Revenue Cycle Services Inc., Park Central Surgical Center Ltd., Park Ridge Surgery Center LLC, Park South Imaging Center Ltd., Park View Insurance Company, Parkersburg SJ Holdings Inc., Parkland Hospitalists Program LLC, Parkland Oncology LLC, Parkland Physician Services Inc., Parkridge East Specialty Associates LLC, Parkridge Hospitalists Inc., Parkridge Medical Associates LLC, Parkridge Medical Center Inc., Parkridge Professionals Inc., Parkside Surgery Center Inc., Parkway Cardiac Center Ltd., Parkway Hospital Inc., Parkway Surgery Services Ltd., Parthenon Insurance Company Limited, Pasadena Bayshore Hospital Inc., PatientKeeper, PatientKeeper Inc., Patients First Neurology LLC, Pavilion 2 Condominium Property LLC, Pavilion 2 Medical Office Building Condominium Association Inc., Pavilion Surgicenter LLC, Peach State Anesthesia Partners LLC, Pearland Institute for Womens Health PLLC, Pearland Partner LLC, Pediatric Anesthesia Consultants of San Antonio PLLC, Pediatric Cardiac Intensivists of North Texas PLLC, Pediatric Critical Care of Clear Lake PLLC, Pediatric Hospitalists of Conroe PLLC, Pediatric Intensivist Group LLC, Pediatric Intensivists of El Paso PLLC, Pediatric Intensivists of North Texas PLLC, Pediatric Specialists of Clear Lake PLLC, Pediatric Specialty Clinic LLC, Pediatric Surgicare Inc., Pediatrics of Greater Houston PLLC, Pensacola Primary Care Inc., Physician Associates of Corporate Woods LLC, Physicians Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC, Physicians West Surgicenter LLC, Pinellas Medical LLC, Pinnacle Physician Network LLC, Pioneer Medical LLC, Plains Healthcare System Inc., Plano Ambulatory Surgery Associates L.P., Plano Heart Institute L.P., Plano Heart Management LLC, Plano Surgery Center - GP LLC, Plano Surgery Center Real Estate LLC, Plano Surgicenter Real Estate Manager LLC, Plano Urology PLLC, Plantation General Hospital L.P., Plaza Medical Specialists PLLC, Plaza Primary Care PLLC, Plaza Transplant Center PLLC, Podiatry of Clear Lake PLLC, Poinciana Medical Center Inc., Port St. Lucie Surgery Center Ltd., Portland Primary Care LLC, Portsmouth Regional Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC, Portsmouth Surgicenter LLC, Preferred Hospitals Inc., Preferred Works WC LLC, Premier ASC LLC, Premier Medical Management Ltd., Primary Care Medical Associates Inc., Primary Care Plano PLLC, Primary Care Services of Orlando LLC, Primary Care South PLLC, Primary Care West PLLC, Primary Care of West End LLC, Primary Health Asset Holdings Ltd., Primary Health Group Inc., Primary Health Inc., Primary Health Network of South Texas, Primary Health Physicians PLLC, Primary Medical Management Inc., Proaxis Therapy HealthOne LLC, Provident Professional Building Condominium Association Inc., Psychiatry Services of Osceola LLC, Pulaski Community Hospital Inc., Pulaski Urology LLC, Pulmonary Renal Intensivist Group LLC, Putnam Community Medical Center of North Florida LLC, Putnam Hospital Inc., Putnam Radiation Oncology LLC, Putnam Radiation Oncology Manager LLC, Putnam Surgical Group LLC, Quantum/Bellaire Imaging Ltd., Quick Care Centers LLC, Quivira Internal Medicine Inc., RCH LLC, RMC - Pulmonary LLC, RMC Transplant Physicians LLC, RMCA Professionals Mgmt LLC, ROi CPS LLC, Radford Family Medicine LLC, Radiation Oncology Center of Thornton LLC, Radiation Oncology Manager LLC, Raleigh Community Medical Office Building Ltd., Rapides After Hours Clinic L.L.C., Rapides Healthcare System L.L.C., Rapides Regional Physician Group LLC, Rapides Regional Physician Group Primary Care LLC, Rapides Regional Physician Group Specialty Care LLC, Rapides Surgery Center LLC, Raulerson GYN LLC, Raulerson Gastroenterology LLC, Raulerson Primary Care LLC, Raymore Medical Group LLC, Red Rock Holdco LLC, Red Rock at Smoke Ranch LLC, Red Rocks Surgery Center LLC, Redmond Anesthesia Services LLC, Redmond Hospital Services LLC, Redmond Neurosurgery LLC, Redmond Park Health Services Inc., Redmond Park Hospital LLC, Redmond Physician Practice Company, Redmond Specialty Services LLC, Regional Hospital Healthcare Partners LLC, Research Cardiology Associates LLC, Research Family Physicians LLC, Research Internal Medicine LLC, Research Neurology Associates LLC, Research Neuroscience Institute LLC, Resource Optimization & Innovation L.L.C., Reston Hospital Center LLC, Reston Hospitalists LLC, Reston Surgery Center L.P., Retreat Cardiology LLC, Retreat Hospital LLC, Retreat Internal Medicine LLC, Retreat Surgical Associates LLC, Rhodes Limited-Liability Company, Richmond Imaging Employer Corp., Richmond Multi-Specialty LLC, Richmond Pediatric Surgeons LLC, Ridgeline Surgicenter LLC, Rim Building Partners L.P., Rio Grande Healthcare MSO Inc., Rio Grande NP Inc., Rio Grande Regional Hospital Inc., Rio Grande Valley Cardiology PLLC, Rio Grande Valley CareNow Urgent Care PLLC, Rio Grande Valley Urology PLLC, Riverside CyberKnife Manager LLC, Riverside Healthcare System L.P., Riverside Holdings Inc., Riverside Hospital Inc., Riverside Imaging LLC, Riverwalk ASC LLC, Roanoke Imaging LLC, Roanoke Neurosurgery LLC, Roanoke Surgery Center L.P., Roanoke Valley Gynecology LLC, Robotic Radiosurgery LLP, Rocky Mountain Pediatric Hematology Oncology LLC, Rocky Mountain Surgery Center LLC, Rome Imaging Center Limited Partnership, Roodlane Medical Limited, Rose Ambulatory Surgery Center L.P., Rose Health Partners LLC, Rose Medical Plaza Ltd., Rose POB Inc., Rosewood Medical Center Inc., Rosewood Professional Building Ltd., Round Rock Hospital Inc., Round Rock Trauma Surgeons PLLC, Royal Oaks Surgery Center L.P., S.A. Medical Center Inc., SAPN LLC, SCRI Global Services Limited, SCRI Holdings LLC, SCRI Scientifics LLC, SJMC LLC, SSHR Holdco LLC, SSJ St. Petersburg Holdings Inc., STPN Manager LLC, SWMC Inc., Sahara Outpatient Surgery Center Ltd., Salem Hospitalists LLC, Salem Surgery Center Limited Partnership, Salt Lake City Surgicare Inc., Samaritan LLC, San Antonio Division Inc., San Antonio Regional Hospital Inc., San Antonio Surgicenter LLC, San Bernardino Imaging LLC, San Joaquin Surgical Center Inc., San Jose Healthcare System LP, San Jose Hospital L.P., San Jose LLC, San Jose Medical Center LLC, San Jose Pathology Outreach LLC, San Marcos ASC LLC, San Marcos Surgicenter LLC, Sante Fe Family Practitioners PLLC, Sarah Cannon Development Innovations LLC, Sarah Cannon Research Institute LLC, Sarah Cannon Research Institute UK Limited, Sarasota Doctors Hospital Inc., Savannah Behavioral Health Associates LLC, Savannah Health Network LLC, Savannah Health Services LLC, Savannah Inpatient Services LLC, Savannah Multispecialty Associates LLC, Savannah Pediatric Care LLC, Savannah Primary Care Associates LLC, Sebring Health Services LLC, Selma Medical Center Hospital Inc., Senior Health Associates LLC, Short Pump Imaging LLC, Silicon Valley Health Holdings LLC, Silicon Valley Surgery Center L.P., Silicon Valley Surgicenter LLC, Sky Ridge Spine Manager LLC, Sky Ridge Surgery Center L.P., Skyline Medical Group LLC, Skyline Neuroscience Associates LLC, Skyline Rehab Associates LLC, Skyline Specialty Associates LLC, Smith Laboratories Inc., Solis Mammography at Bayshore Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Clear Lake Regional Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Conroe Regional Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Denton Regional Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at HCA Houston Tomball LLC, Solis Mammography at Kingwood Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Las Colinas Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Medical Center Alliance LLC, Solis Mammography at Medical Center Arlington LLC, Solis Mammography at Medical Center of Lewisville LLC, Solis Mammography at Medical Center of McKinney LLC, Solis Mammography at Medical Center of Plano LLC, Solis Mammography at Medical City Dallas LLC, Solis Mammography at Pearland Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Rose Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Skyline Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at StoneCrest Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at West Houston Medical Center LLC, Solis Mammography at Womans Hospital of Texas LLC, Solis Mammography of Cedar Hill LLC, Solis Mammography of CyFair LLC, Solis Mammography of Dallas LLC, Solis Mammography of Flower Mound LLC, Solis Mammography of Frisco LLC, Solis Mammography of Garland LLC, Solis Mammography of Grand Prairie LLC, Solis Mammography of Houston NW LLC, Solis Mammography of Katy LLC, Solis Mammography of Louetta/249 LLC, Solis Mammography of Mainland LLC, Solis Mammography of Mansfield LLC, Solis Mammography of Mesquite LLC, Solis Mammography of Montgomery LLC, Solis Mammography of North Cypress LLC, Solis Mammography of North Loop LLC, Solis Mammography of Sugar Land LLC, Solis Mammography of West Plano LLC, Solis Mammography of Womans Place LLC, South Atlantic Division Inc., South Austin Surgery Center Ltd., South Austin Surgical Management LLC, South Austin Surgicenter LLC, South Brandon Imaging LLC, South Florida Division Practice Inc., South Texas Surgicare Inc., South Transfer Center LLC, South Valley Hospital L.P., Southeast Georgia Health Services LLC, Southern Hills Medical Center LLC, Southern Hills Neurology Consultants LLC, Southern Kentucky Medicine Associates LLC, Southern Kentucky Surgicenter LLC, Southern Texas Physicians Network, Southpoint LLC, Southtown Womens Clinic LLC, Southwest Florida Health System Inc., Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center Inc., Southwest Medical Center Family Practice LLC, Southwest Medical Center Multi-Specialty Group LLC, Southwest Medical Center Surgical Group LLC, Southwest Medpro Ltd., Southwest Surgical Clinic Inc., Southwest Virginia Orthopedics and Spine LLC, Spalding Rehabilitation L.L.C., Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology PLLC, Specialty Associates of West Houston PLLC, Specialty Physicians of Northern Virginia LLC, Specialty Surgicare of Las Vegas LP, Spotsylvania Condominium Property LLC, Spotsylvania Medical Center Inc., Spotsylvania Multi-Specialty Group LLC, Spotsylvania Regional Surgery Center LLC, Spring Branch Family Practitioners PLLC, Spring Branch Medical Center Inc., Spring Hill Hospital Inc., Spring Hill Imaging LLC, Spring Hill Physicians LLC, Springview KY LLC, Spruce Pine Healthcare LLC, St. Davids Austin Area ASC LLC, St. Davids Cardiology PLLC, St. Davids CareNow Urgent Care PLLC, St. Davids Healthcare Partnership L.P. LLP, St. Davids Heart & Vascular PLLC, St. Davids Neurology PLLC, St. Davids OB Hospitalist PLLC, St. Davids Ortho Neuro and Rehab PLLC, St. Davids Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PLLC, St. Davids Quality Alliance LLC, St. Davids Specialized Womens Services PLLC, St. Davids Trauma Surgeons PLLC, St. Lucie Hospitalists LLC, St. Lucie Medical Center Hyperbarics LLC, St. Lucie Medical Center Walk-In Clinic LLC, St. Lucie Medical Specialists LLC, St. Lucie West Primary Care LLC, St. Marks Ambulatory Surgery Associates L.P., St. Marks Gynecology Oncology Care LLC, St. Marks Investments Inc., St. Marks Physician Billing LLC, St. Marks Professional Services LLC, St. Marks South Jordan Family Practice LLC, St. Martins Healthcare Limited, St. Martins Ltd., St. Martins Medical Services Limited, St. Petersburg General Surgery LLC, Stafford Imaging LLC, Statland Medical Group LLC, Steamboat Springs Surgicenter LLC, Sterling Primary Care Associates LLC, Stiles Road Imaging LLC, StoneCrest Surgery Center LLC, StoneSprings Medical Office Building Property LLC, StoneSprings Surgicenter LLC, Stonecrest Medical Group - Family Practice of Murfreesboro LLC, Stonecrest Medical Group - SC Murfreesboro Family Practice LLC, Stones River Hospital LLC, Suburban Medical Center at Hoffman Estates Inc., Sugar Land Surgery Center Anesthesia LLC, Sugar Land Surgery Center Ltd., Sullins Surgical Center Inc., Summit Convenient Care at Lebanon LLC, Summit General Partner Inc., Summit Heart LLC, Summit Outpatient Diagnostic Center LLC, Summit Research Solutions LLC, Summit Surgery Center L.P., Summit Surgical Associates LLC, Summit Walk-in Clinic LLC, Sun Bay Medical Office Building Inc., Sun City Hospital Inc., Sun City Imaging LLC, Sun Towers/Vista Hills Holding Co., Sun-Med LLC, Sunrise Flamingo Holdings LLC, Sunrise Flamingo Surgery Center Limited Partnership, Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center LLC, Sunrise Mountainview Hospital Inc., Sunrise Mountainview Multi-Specialty Clinics LLC, Sunrise Outpatient Services Inc., Sunrise Physician Services LLC, Sunrise Trauma Services LLC, Surgery Associates of NTX PLLC, Surgery Center of Atlantis LLC, Surgery Center of Aventura Ltd., Surgery Center of Bay Area Houston LLC, Surgery Center of Greenview L.P., Surgery Center of Independence L.P., Surgery Center of Overland Park L.P., Surgery Center of Port Charlotte Ltd., Surgery Center of Rome L.P., Surgery Center of the Rockies LLC, Surgical Associates of Southwest Virginia LLC, Surgical Care Medical Group LLC, Surgical Center of Irving Inc., Surgical Facility of West Houston L.P., Surgical Park Center Ltd., Surgical Specialists of Clear Lake PLLC, Surgical Specialists of Conroe PLLC, Surgical Specialists of Corpus Christi PLLC, Surgicare America - Winter Park Inc., Surgicare Merger Company of Louisiana, Surgicare Outpatient Center of Baton Rouge Inc., Surgicare Outpatient Center of Jackson Inc., Surgicare of ADC LLC, Surgicare of AGI LLC, Surgicare of Alpine LLC, Surgicare of Altamonte Springs Inc., Surgicare of Anchorage LLC, Surgicare of Arapahoe LLC, Surgicare of Arlington LLC, Surgicare of Ashburn LLC, Surgicare of Augusta Inc., Surgicare of Aurora Endoscopy LLC, Surgicare of Aventura LLC, Surgicare of Bay Area Endoscopy LLC, Surgicare of Bay Area LLC, Surgicare of Bayonet Point Inc., Surgicare of Bayside LLC, Surgicare of Bountiful LLC, Surgicare of Brandon Inc., Surgicare of Brentwood LLC, Surgicare of Brighton LLC, Surgicare of Brooksville LLC, Surgicare of Brownsville LLC, Surgicare of Buckhead LLC, Surgicare of CAREOS LLC, Surgicare of Central Florida Inc., Surgicare of Central Park Surgery Center LLC, Surgicare of Central San Antonio Inc., Surgicare of Chattanooga LLC, Surgicare of Chippenham LLC, Surgicare of Citrus LLC, Surgicare of Clarksville LLC, Surgicare of Corpus Christi LLC, Surgicare of Countryside Inc., Surgicare of Dallas Specialty LLC, Surgicare of Denton Inc., Surgicare of Denver Clinic LLC, Surgicare of Denver LLC, Surgicare of Denver Mid-Town Inc., Surgicare of Dickson LLC, Surgicare of Eastside LLC, Surgicare of Evans Inc., Surgicare of Fairfax Inc., Surgicare of Florida Inc., Surgicare of Flower Mound Inc., Surgicare of Focus Hand LLC, Surgicare of Fort Worth Co-GP LLC, Surgicare of Fort Worth Inc., Surgicare of Ft. Pierce Inc., Surgicare of Good Samaritan LLC, Surgicare of Gramercy Inc., Surgicare of Greenview Inc., Surgicare of Hanover Inc., Surgicare of Houston Kingwood LLC, Surgicare of Houston LLC, Surgicare of Houston Womens Inc., Surgicare of Indianapolis Inc., Surgicare of Kansas City LLC, Surgicare of Kingwood LLC, Surgicare of Kissimmee Inc., Surgicare of Lakeview Inc., Surgicare of Las Vegas Inc., Surgicare of Laurel Grove LLC, Surgicare of Lorain County Inc., Surgicare of Los Gatos Inc., Surgicare of Los Robles LLC, Surgicare of Loveland LLC, Surgicare of Madison Inc., Surgicare of Manatee Inc., Surgicare of McKinney Inc., Surgicare of Medical City Dallas LLC, Surgicare of Memorial Endoscopy LLC, Surgicare of Merritt Island Inc., Surgicare of Miami Lakes LLC, Surgicare of Mountain West LLC, Surgicare of Mt. Ogden LLC, Surgicare of Nashville LLC, Surgicare of Natchez LLC, Surgicare of Newport Richey Inc., Surgicare of North Austin LLC, Surgicare of North San Antonio Inc., Surgicare of Northeast San Antonio Inc., Surgicare of Orange Park II LLC, Surgicare of Orange Park Inc., Surgicare of Orange Park Ltd., Surgicare of Orlando Inc., Surgicare of Overland Park LLC, Surgicare of Palms West LLC, Surgicare of Park Ridge LLC, Surgicare of Pasadena Inc., Surgicare of Pavilion LLC, Surgicare of Physicians West El Paso LLC, Surgicare of Pinellas Inc., Surgicare of Plano Inc., Surgicare of Plantation Inc., Surgicare of Port Charlotte LLC, Surgicare of Port St. Lucie Inc., Surgicare of Portsmouth LLC, Surgicare of Premier Orthopaedic LLC, Surgicare of Reston Inc., Surgicare of Ridgeline LLC, Surgicare of Riverside LLC, Surgicare of Riverwalk LLC, Surgicare of Roanoke LLC, Surgicare of Rome Inc., Surgicare of Rose LLC, Surgicare of Round Rock Inc., Surgicare of Royal Oaks LLC, Surgicare of Silicon Valley LLC, Surgicare of Sky Ridge LLC, Surgicare of Sky Ridge Womens Center LLC, Surgicare of South Austin Inc., Surgicare of Southeast Denver Inc., Surgicare of Southern Hills Inc., Surgicare of Southern Kentucky LLC, Surgicare of Southwest Houston LLC, Surgicare of Spotsylvania LLC, Surgicare of St. Andrews Inc., Surgicare of St. Andrews Ltd., Surgicare of St. Davids Austin LLC, Surgicare of Steamboat Springs LLC, Surgicare of StoneCrest LLC, Surgicare of StoneSprings LLC, Surgicare of Stuart Inc., Surgicare of Sugar Land Inc., Surgicare of Swedish LLC, Surgicare of Tallahassee Inc., Surgicare of Terre Haute LLC, Surgicare of Thornton LLC, Surgicare of Travis Center Inc., Surgicare of Tulsa Inc., Surgicare of Utah LLC, Surgicare of Wasatch Front LLC, Surgicare of West Hills Inc., Surgicare of Westlake Inc., Surgicare of Wichita Inc., Surgicare of Wichita LLC, Surgicare of Willis LLC, Surgicare of Wilson County LLC, Surgicare of Winchester LLC, Surgicenter of East Jefferson Inc., Surgicenter of Johnson County Ltd. a Kansas limited partnership, Surgicenter of Kansas City L.L.C., Surgico LLC, Swedish MOB Acquisition Inc., Swedish MOB I Ltd., Swedish MOB II Inc., Swedish MOB III Inc., Swedish MOB IV Inc., Swedish MOB LLC, Swedish Medpro Inc., TBHI Outpatient Services LLC, TCMC Madison-Portland Inc., THN Physicians Association Inc., TUHC Anesthesiology Group LLC, TUHC Hospitalist Group LLC, TUHC Physician Group LLC, TUHC Primary Care and Pediatrics Group LLC, TUHC Radiology Group LLC, Tallahassee Community Network Inc., Tallahassee Medical Center Inc., Tallahassee Orthopaedic Surgery Partners Ltd., Tampa Bay Health System Inc., Tampa Surgi-Centre Inc., Tarrant County Surgery Center L.P., Tchefuncte Cardiology Associates - Lakeview LLC, Teays Valley Health Services LLC, Telehealth Physician Services LLC, Tennessee Healthcare Management Inc., Tennessee Valley Outpatient Diagnostic Center LLC, Terre Haute Hospital GP Inc., Terre Haute Hospital Holdings Inc., Terre Haute MOB L.P., Terre Haute Obstetrics and Gynecology LLC, Terre Haute Regional Hospital L.P., Texas CareNow Physician Associates, Texas HSS LLC, Texas Institute of Medicine and Surgery, Texas Psychiatric Company Inc., The Austin Diagnostic Clinic PLLC, The Cancer Care Center of North Florida LLC, The Cardiovascular Partnership for Quality LLC, The Charter Cypress Behavioral Health System L.L.C., The Christie Clinic LLP, The Glynne Medical Practice Limited, The Harley Street Cancer Clinic Limited, The London Breast Institute UK Ltd, The Medical Group of Kansas City LLC, The Neurohealth Sciences Center LLC, The Physicians Clinic Limited, The Prostate Centre Limited, The Rankin Foundation, The Regional Health System of Acadiana LLC, The Wasatch Endoscopy Center Ltd., The West Texas Division of Columbia Inc., Timpanogos Pain Specialists LLC, Timpanogos Regional Medical Services Inc., Total Imaging - Hudson LLC, Total Imaging - North St. Petersburg LLC, Total Imaging - Parsons LLC, Town Plaza Family Practice LLC, Travel Medicine and Infections LLC, Travis Surgery Center L.P., Tri Cities Health Services Corp., Tri-City Multi-Specialty LLC, Tri-County Community Hospital Inc., Tri-County Surgical Specialists LLC, TriStar Bone Marrow Transplant LLC, TriStar Cardiovascular Surgery LLC, TriStar Family Care LLC, TriStar Gynecology Oncology LLC, TriStar Health System Inc., TriStar Joint Replacement Institute LLC, TriStar Maury Behavioral Healthcare LLC, TriStar Medical Group - Centennial Primary Care LLC, TriStar Medical Group - Legacy Health LLC, TriStar Medical Network LLC, TriStar OB/GYN LLC, TriStar Orthopedics LLC, TriStar Physicians LLC, TriStar Radiation Oncology LLC, Trident Ambulatory Surgery Center L.P., Trident Behavioral Health Services LLC, Trident Eye Surgery Center L.P., Trident Medical Center LLC, Trident Medical Services Inc., Trident Neonatology Services LLC, Tulane Clinic LLC, Tulane Professionals Management L.L.C., Tuscan Imaging Center at Las Colinas LLC, U.S. Collections Inc., Ultra Imaging Management Services LLC, Ultra Imaging of Tampa LLC, University Healthcare Specialists LLC, University Healthcare System L.C., University Hospital Ltd., Uptown Primary Care Associates LLC, Urgent Care Enterprise LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Ann & Simmons LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Cactus & Southern Highlands LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Charleston & Decatur LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Charleston/Sloan LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Craig & Clayton LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Craig & Decatur LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Durango & Cheyenne LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Durango & Flamingo LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Eastern & Horizon Ridge LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Rainbow/Mardon LLC, Urgent Care Extra - Warm Springs & Green Valley LLC, Urgent Care Extra Silverado & Maryland LLC, Urgent Care Extra-Tropicana & Jones LLC, Urgent Care Nevada LLC, Urological Specialists of Arlington PLLC, Urology Associates (London) Limited, Urology Center of North Georgia LLC, Urology Services of El Paso PLLC, Urology Specialists Devonshire LLP, Urology Specialists London LLP, Urology Specialists of Kingwood PLLC, Urology Specialists of Richmond LLC, Urology Surgery Center of Colorado LLC, Utah CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Utah Imaging GP LLC, Utah Medco LLC, Utah Surgery Center L.P., VH Holdco Inc., VH Holdings Inc., VHSC Plantation LLC, VIP Inc., Valify, Valify Inc., Value Health Holdings Inc., Value Health Management Inc., Vascular and Endovascular Specialists LLC, Venture Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC, Venture Medical Management LLC, Village Oaks Medical Center Inc., Virginia Care Partners ACO LLC, Virginia Gynecologic Oncology LLC, Virginia Hematology & Oncology Associates Inc., Virginia Hospitalists Inc., Virginia Psychiatric Company Inc., Virginia Quality Care Partners LLC, Vision Consulting Group LLC, Vision Holdings LLC, W & C Hospital Inc., WCP Properties LLC, WHG Medical LLC, WHMC Inc., WJHC LLC, Walterboro Community Hospital Inc., Warren County Ambulance Service LLC, Wasatch Front Surgery Center LLC, Washington Holdco LLC, Waterway Primary Care LLC, Weatherford Health Services LLC, Weatherford Mammography JV LLC, Weatherford Regional Medical Center, Welbeck Street Diagnostic Centre LLP, Wellington Diagnostic Services LLP, Wesley Cath Lab LLC, Wesley Manager LLC, Wesley Medical Center LLC, Wesley Physician Services LLC, Wesley Physicians - Anesthesiologist LLC, Wesley Physicians - Cardiovascular LLC, Wesley Physicians - Medical Specialties LLC, Wesley Physicians - Obstetrics and Gynecology LLC, Wesley Physicians - Primary Care LLC, Wesley Select Network LLC, Wesley Urgent Care LLC, West Boynton Beach Open Imaging Center LLC, West Creek Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC, West Creek Medical Center Inc., West Florida - MHT LLC, West Florida - PPH LLC, West Florida Behavioral Health Inc., West Florida Cardiology Network LLC, West Florida Cardiology Physicians LLC, West Florida CareNow Urgent Care LLC, West Florida Division Inc., West Florida Gulf Coast Primary Care LLC, West Florida HealthWorks LLC, West Florida Imaging Services LLC, West Florida Internal Medicine LLC, West Florida PET Services LLC, West Florida Physician Network LLC, West Florida Professional Billing LLC, West Florida Regional Medical Center Inc., West Florida Specialty Physicians LLC, West Florida Trauma Network LLC, West Florida Urgent Care Network LLC, West Hills Hospital, West Hills Surgical Center Ltd., West Houston ASC Inc., West Houston Healthcare Group Ltd., West Houston Internal Specialists PLLC, West Houston LLC, West Houston Medical PLLC, West Houston Outpatient Medical Facility Inc., West Houston Surgicare Inc., West Jacksonville Medical Center Inc., West Jordan Hospital Corporation, West LPN Fort Worth Oncology PLLC, West LPN Inc., West Los Angeles Physicians Hospital Inc., West McKinney Imaging Services LLC, West Paces Services Inc., West Park Surgery Center L.P., West Valley Imaging LLC, West Valley Medical Center Inc., West Valley Medical Group LLC, West Valley Medical Group Specialty Services LLC, West Valley Therapy Services LLC, Westbury Hospital Inc., Western Plains Capital Inc., Westlake Surgicare L.P., Westminster Community Hospital, Westside Surgery Center Ltd., Wichita CareNow Urgent Care LLC, Wildwood Medical Center Inc., Willis Surgicenter LLC, Wilson County Outpatient Surgery Center L.P., Womans Health Group PLLC, Womans Hospital Merger LLC, Womans Hospital of Texas Incorporated, Women Practitioners of Houston PLLC, Women Specialists of Bayshore PLLC, Women Specialists of Clear Lake PLLC, Women Specialists of Mainland PLLC, Womens & Childrens Center LLC, Womens & Childrens Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Center LLC, Womens & Childrens Pulmonology Clinic LLC, Womens Center at Brookside LLC, Womens Health Center of Central Florida LLC, Womens Health Center of SWVA LLC, Womens Hospital Indianapolis GP Inc., Womens Hospital Indianapolis L.P., Womens Link Specialty Obstetrical Referral Clinic PLLC, Womens Multi-Specialty Group LLC, Womens Surgical Specialists of Texas PLLC, Womens and Childrens Professional Management L.L.C., Womens and Childrens Specialists LLC, hInsight-Airstrip Holdings LLC, hInsight-BMA Holdings LLC, hInsight-Customer Care Holdings LLC, hInsight-Digital Reasoning Holdings LLC, hInsight-Healthbox Holdings LLC, hInsight-I2 Holdings LLC, hInsight-InVivoLink Holdings LLC, hInsight-LS Holdings LLC, hInsight-Loyale Healthcare Holdings LLC, hInsight-Mobile Heartbeat Holdings LLC, hInsight-NX LLC, hInsight-PWS I Holdings LLC, hInsight-Procured Holdings LLC, and hInsight-VAI Holdings LLC. Deutsche BArse AG operates as an exchange organization in Europe, the United States, and the Asia-Pacific. The company operates through seven segments: Eurex (Financial Derivatives), EEX (Commodities), 360T (Foreign Exchange), Xetra (Cash Equities), Clearstream (Post-Trading), IFS (Investment Fund Services), and Qontigo (index and analytics business). The company engages in the electronic trading of derivatives, electricity and gas products, emission rights, and foreign exchange; operating of Eurex Repo over the counter (OTC) trading platform and electronic clearing architecture; and operating as a central counterparty for on-and-off exchange derivatives, repo transactions, and OTC and exchange-traded derivatives. It also operates in the cash market through Xetra, BArse Frankfurt, and Tradegate trading venues; operates as a central counterparty for equities and bonds; and provides listing services. In addition, the company offers custody and settlement services for securities; investment fund services; global securities financing services; and global securities finance and collateral management, as well as secured money, market transaction, and repos and securities lending transaction services. Further, it develops and markets indices, as well as portfolio management and risk analysis software; markets licenses for trading and market signals; provides technology and reporting solutions for external customers; and offers link-up of trading participants. Deutsche BArse AG was founded in 1585 and is headquartered in Eschborn, Germany. Read More KION GROUP AG provides industrial trucks, warehouse technology, supply chain solutions, and related services worldwide. The company operates through Industrial Trucks and Services, Supply Chain Solutions, and Corporate Services segments. It develops, manufactures, and sells forklifts and warehouse trucks, such as counterbalance trucks with electric drive and internal combustion engine, ride-on and hand-operated industrial trucks, and towing vehicles under the Linde, Fenwick, STILL, Baoli, and OM Voltas brand names. The company also manufactures and sells spare parts; leases industrial trucks and related items; offers maintenance and repair, and fleet management services, as well as provides finance solutions. In addition, it provides integrated technology and software solutions, including conveyors, sorters, storage and retrieval systems, picking equipment, palletizers, and robotic solutions under the Dematic brand. The company was formerly known as KION Holding 1 GmbH. KION GROUP AG was founded in 2006 and is based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Read More Photo: The Canadian Press Police bundle WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, center right, from the Ecuadorian embassy into a police van in London after he was arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police and taken into custody Thursday April 11, 2019. More than 70 British lawmakers have urged the government to make sure that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces Swedish justice if prosecutors there reopen a rape allegation against him. The lawmakers signed a letter late Friday urging Home Secretary Sajid Javid to "do everything you can to champion action that will ensure Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden in the event Sweden makes an extradition request." Sweden suspended its investigation into possible serious sexual misconduct against Assange two years ago because he was beyond their reach while he was living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London with political asylum status. He was arrested Thursday after Ecuador withdrew his asylum. Assange is now in Belmarsh Prison in southeast London, waiting to be sentenced for jumping bail in Britain and facing an extradition request from the United States on charges of conspiring to break into a Pentagon computer. WikiLeaks says he will fight the U.S. extradition request and has been meeting with his legal team to plan his defence. If Britain receives competing extradition requests, lawyers say the Home Secretary would have some leeway in deciding which takes priority. Considerations usually include which request came first and which alleged crime is more serious. Most of the lawmakers who signed the letter are from the opposition Labour Party, whose leader, Jeremy Corbyn, wants Britain to refuse to send Assange to the U.S. After Assange's arrest, Corbyn praised him for exposing U.S. atrocities committed in Iraq and Afghanistan when WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of confidential U.S. documents in 2010. Some Conservative Party members are also backing the move. Prominent lawmaker Alistair Burt, a former Foreign Office minister, said the "minimizing of the issues in relation to sexual assault are really quite disturbing." He said the testimony of the women who have been involved makes it "essential" that Assange face justice, to either be cleared or convicted. British politicians are free to lobby the government for a certain course of action, but it's up to the courts to decide whether the U.S. request for Assange's extradition and a possible future request from Sweden should be honoured. The Home Secretary, a senior Cabinet official, has some leeway to block extradition under certain specific circumstances, including cases where a person facing extradition might face capital punishment or torture in that country. Assange, 47, has denied the sexual misconduct allegations, which he claims are politically motivated. He has not had a chance to enter a plea in response to the U.S. charge, but he has claimed that all of his WikiLeaks actions are those of a legitimate journalist. When he took up residence inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2012, it was to avoid answering the sexual allegations against him in Sweden, which had sought his extradition for questioning. He also sought refuge because of fears that Sweden would ultimately extradite him to the U.S. Swedish prosecutors opened an investigation into Assange after two women accused him of sexual offences during a 2010 visit to Sweden. Some of the sexual misconduct accusations are no longer viable because their time ran out. But Swedish prosecutors have said a rape case could be reactivated before the statute of limitations for that ends in August 2020. After Assange's arrest, Swedish prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson was tapped to look into a request from a lawyer for one of the accusers, to find out whether the case can be pursued. Elisabeth Massi Fritz, the lawyer for the woman who reported being raped by Assange, told The Associated Press that she would "do everything" to have the Swedish case reopened so Assange can be extradited to Sweden and prosecuted. The extradition process is not swift, and Assange could appeal several times if decisions go against him. It's expected that it would take a year or longer for him to be sent to the United States or possibly to Sweden even if he ultimately loses in court. Melrose Industries PLC engages in the aerospace, automotive, powder metallurgy, air management, and other industrial businesses in the United Kingdom, rest of Europe, North America, and internationally. Its Aerospace segment provides airframe and engine structures, and electrical interconnection systems for the aerospace industry in civil airframe and defense platforms. The company's Automotive segment designs, develops, manufactures, and integrates driveline technologies; and epowertrains and intelligent all-wheel drive systems. Its Powder Metallurgy segment offers precision automotive components and components for industrial and consumer applications; metal powder for powder metallurgy; and additive manufacturing parts for prototypes. The company's Nortek Air Management segment manufactures and sells ventilation products for the professional remodeling and replacement, residential new construction, and consumer DIY markets. This segment also manufactures and sells split-system and packaged air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces, air handlers, and parts for the residential replacement and new construction markets; and custom designed and engineered products and systems for non-residential applications. Its Other Industrial segment provides turbo generators, transformers, and switchgears; develops and manufactures security, home automation, and access control technologies for the residential and commercial markets; and designs, manufactures, and distributes ergonomic products for use in a various working, learning, and healthcare environments. The company was formerly known as New Melrose Industries PLC and changed its name to Melrose Industries PLC in November 2015. Melrose Industries PLC was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Waste Management: 635952 Ontario Inc., 8242348 Canada Inc., Acaverde S.A. de C.V., Access Computer Products, Advanced Environmental Technical Services L.L.C., Akron Regional Landfill Inc., Alliance Sanitary Landfill Inc., Alpharetta Transfer Station LLC, American Landfill Inc., American Oil Recovery LLC, Ameriwaste LLC, Anderson Landfill Inc., Anderson Rubbish Disposal, Antelope Valley Recycling and Disposal Facility Inc., Arden Landfill Inc., Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc., Automated Salvage Transport Co. L.L.C., Avalon South LLC, Azusa Land Reclamation Inc., B&B Landfill Inc., Big Dipper Enterprises Inc., Bluegrass Containment L.L.C., Burnsville Sanitary Landfill Inc., CA Newco L.L.C., CR Group LLC, CWM Chemical Services L.L.C., Cal Sierra Disposal, California Asbestos Monofill Inc., Canadian Waste Services Holdings Inc., Capels Landfill LLC, Capital Sanitation Company, Capitol Disposal Inc., Carolina Grading Inc., Cedar Ridge Landfill Inc., Central Disposal Systems Inc., Chadwick Road Landfill Inc., Chambers Clearview Environmental Landfill Inc., Chambers Development Company Inc., Chambers Development of Ohio Inc., Chambers of Georgia Inc., Chambers of Mississippi Inc., Chemical Waste Management Inc., Chemical Waste Management of Indiana L.L.C., Chemical Waste Management of the Northwest Inc., Chesser Island Road Landfill Inc., City Environmental Services Inc. of Waters, Cleburne Landfill Company Corp., Coast Waste Management Inc., Coastal Recyclers Landfill LLC, Connecticut Valley Sanitary Waste Disposal Inc., Conservation Services Inc., Coshocton Landfill Inc., Cougar Landfill Inc., Countryside Landfill Inc., Curtis Creek Recovery Systems Inc., Cuyahoga Landfill Inc., DHC Land LLC, Dafter Sanitary Landfill Inc., Dauphin Meadows Inc., Deep Valley Landfill Inc., Deer Track Park Landfill Inc., Deffenbaugh Disposal Inc., Deffenbaugh Group Holdings Inc., Deffenbaugh Industries Inc., Deffenbaugh Recycling Company L.L.C., Deffenbaugh of Arkansas LLC, Del Almo Landfill L.L.C., Delaware Recyclable Products Inc., Dickinson Landfill Inc., Disposal Service Incorporated, Dolphin Services & Chemicals LLC, Dolphin-One LLC, ELDA Landfill Inc., Earthmovers Landfill L.L.C., East Liverpool Landfill Inc., Eastern One Land Corporation, Eco-Vista LLC, Elk River Landfill Inc., Energy Injection Services of Mississippi LLC, EnviroSolutions Dulles LLC, EnviroSolutions Holdings Inc., EnviroSolutions Real Property Holdings Inc., Envirofil of Illinois Inc., Evergreen Landfill Inc., Evergreen Recycling and Disposal Facility Inc., Finch Waste Co LLC, Firetower Landfill LLC, Fred J. Eckert Sanitary Service Inc., Furnace Associates Inc., G.I. Industries, GA Landfills Inc., Gallia Landfill Inc., Garnet of Maryland Inc., Gateway Transfer Station LLC, Georgia Waste Systems Inc., Giordano Recycling L.L.C., Glades Landfill LLC, Glen's Sanitary Landfill Inc., Grand Central Sanitary Landfill Inc., Greenbow LLC, Greenleaf Compaction Inc., Greenstar Allentown LLC, Greenstar Georgia LLC, Greenstar LLC, Greenstar Managed Services - Connecticut LLC, Greenstar Managed Services - RLWM LLC, Greenstar Mid-America LLC, Greenstar New Jersey LLC, Greenstar Ohio LLC, Greenstar Paterson LLC, Greenstar Pittsburgh LLC, Greenstar Recycled Holdings LLC, Greenstar Recycling LLC, Guadalupe Mines Mutual Water Company, Guadalupe Rubbish Disposal Co. Inc., Ham Lake Haulers Inc., Harris Sanitation Inc., Harwood Landfill Inc., Hedco Landfill Limited, High Mountain Fuels LLC, Hillsboro Landfill Inc., Holyoke Sanitary Landfill Inc., IN Landfills L.L.C., Illini Disposal, International Environmental Management Inc., Jahner Sanitation Inc., Jay County Landfill L.L.C., K and W Landfill Inc., Keene Road Landfill Inc., Kelly Run Sanitation Inc., King George Landfill Inc., King George Landfill Properties LLC, Kirby Canyon Holdings LLC, L&K Group Holdings LLC, LCS Services Inc., Lakeville Recycling L.P., Land South Holdings LLC, Landfill Services of Charleston Inc., Laurel Highlands Landfill Inc., Liberty Landfill L.L.C., Liquid Logistics, Liquid Waste Management Inc., Longleaf C&D Disposal Facility Inc., Looney Bins Inc., Mac Land Disposal Inc. II, Mahoning Landfill Inc., Mass Gravel Inc., Mc Ginnes Industrial Maintenance Corporation, McDaniel Landfill Inc., McGill Landfill Inc., Meadowfill Landfill Inc., Michigan Environs Inc., Midwest One Land Corporation, Modesto Garbage Co. Inc., Moor Refuse Inc., Mordell, Mountain Indemnity Insurance Company, Mountainview Landfill Inc., Nassau Landfill L.L.C., National Guaranty Insurance Company of Vermont, New England CR L.L.C., New Milford Landfill L.L.C., New Orleans Landfill L.L.C., North Manatee Recycling and Disposal Facility L.L.C., Northwestern Landfill Inc., Nu-Way Live Oak Reclamation Inc., OAKLEAF Waste Management LLC, OGH Acquisition Corporation, Oak Grove Disposal Co. Inc., Oakleaf Global Holdings Inc., Oakleaf Waste Management Inc., Oakridge Landfill Inc., Oakwood Landfill Inc., Okeechobee Landfill Inc., Ozark Ridge Landfill Inc., P & R Environmental Industries L.L.C., Pacific Waste Management L.L.C., Pappy Inc., Peltz H.C. LLC, Pen-Rob Inc., People's Landfill Inc., Peterson Demolition Inc., Phoenix Resources Inc., Pine Grove Landfill Inc., Pine Tree Acres Inc., Prime Westport LLC, Quail Hollow Landfill Inc., Questquill Limited, R & B Landfill Inc., RAA Colorado L.L.C., RAA Trucking LLC, RCI Hudson Inc., RTS Landfill Inc., Recycle America Co. L.L.C., Recycle America Holdings Inc., Redwood Landfill Inc., Refuse Inc., Refuse Services Inc., Reliable Environmental Transport, Reliable Landfill L.L.C., Remote Landfill Services Inc., Reno Disposal Co., Resco Holdings L.L.C., Resource Control Composting Inc., Resource Control Inc., Richland County Landfill Inc., Riverbend Landfill Co., Rust Engineering & Construction Inc., Rust International Inc., S & J Landfill Limited Partnership, S & S Grading Inc., S&T Materials LLC, SC Holdings Inc., SF Land Acquisition LLC, Sanifill de Mexico (US) Inc., Sanifill de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Shade Landfill Inc., Shawnee Rock Company, Sierra Estrella Landfill Inc., Southern Alleghenies Landfill Inc., Southern One Land Corporation, Southern Waste Services L.L.C., Spruce Ridge Inc., Stony Hollow Landfill Inc., Suburban Landfill Inc., Summit Energy Services Inc, Swire Waste Management Limited, TN'T Sands Inc., TX Newco L.L.C., Texarkana Landfill L.L.C., Texas Pack Rat - Austin #1 LLC, Texas Pack Rat - Dallas #1 LLC, Texas Pack Rat - Houston #1 LLC, Texas Pack Rat - Houston #2 LLC, Texas Pack Rat - Houston #3 LLC, Texas Pack Rat - San Antonio #1 LLC, Texas Pack Rat Service Company LLC, The Peltz Group LLC, The Waste Management Charitable Foundation, The Woodlands of Van Buren Inc., Thermal Remediation Solutions L.L.C., Trail Ridge Landfill Inc., TransAmerican Waste Industries, Transamerican Waste Central Landfill Inc., Trash Hunters Inc., Twin Bridges Golf Club L.P., USA South Hills Landfill Inc., USA Valley Facility Inc., USA Waste Geneva Landfill Inc., USA Waste Landfill Operations and Transfer Inc., USA Waste Services of NYC Inc., USA Waste of California Inc., USA Waste of Texas Landfills Inc., USA Waste of Virginia Landfills Inc., USA Waste-Management Resources LLC, USA-Crinc L.L.C., USB LIHTC Fund 2010-1 LLC, UWS Barre Inc., United Waste Systems Leasing Inc., Valley Garbage and Rubbish Company Inc., Vern's Refuse Service Inc., Vickery Environmental Inc., Vista Landfill LLC, Voyageur Disposal Processing Inc., WM Avon Inc., WM Bagco LLC, WM Billerica Inc., WM Biloxi Hauling LLC, WM Biloxi Transfer Station LLC, WM Boston CORE Inc., WM CCP Solutions LLC, WM Conversion Fund LLC, WM Corporate Services Inc., WM Curbside LLC, WM DC 1 LLC, WM Emergency Employee Support Fund Inc., WM Energy Resources Inc., WM Energy Services Holdings LLC, WM Energy Services of Ohio LLC, WM Energy Solutions Inc., WM GTL Inc., WM GTL JV Holdings LLC, WM GTL LLC, WM Green Squad LLC, WM GreenOps LLC, WM Healthcare Solutions Inc., WM Illinois Renewable Energy L.L.C., WM Intellectual Property Holdings L.L.C., WM International Holdings Inc., WM KS Energy Resources LLC, WM LNG Inc., WM LampTracker Inc., WM Landfills of Ohio Inc., WM Landfills of Tennessee Inc., WM Leasing Services of Texas LLC, WM Leasing of Arizona L.L.C., WM Leasing of Texas L.P., WM Logistics India Private Limited, WM Logistics LLC, WM Mercury Waste Inc., WM Middle Tennessee Environmental Center L.L.C., WM Mobile Bay Environmental Center Inc., WM ND Energy Resources II LLC, WM ND Energy Resources LLC, WM Nevada Renewable Energy L.L.C., WM North Broward Inc., WM Organic Growth Inc., WM PA Holdings LLC, WM PRG L.L.C., WM Pack-Rat LLC, WM Pack-Rat of California LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Illinois LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Kentucky LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Maryland LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Massachusetts LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Michigan LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Nevada LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Ohio LLC, WM Pack-Rat of Rhode Island LLC, WM Partnership Holdings Inc., WM Phoenix Energy Resources LLC, WM Propane LLC, WM Quebec Inc., WM RA Canada Inc., WM Recycle America L.L.C., WM Recycle Europe L.L.C., WM Recycling Latin America LLC, WM Refined Coal LLC, WM Renewable Energy L.L.C., WM Resource Recovery & Recycling Center Inc., WM Resources Inc., WM Safety Services L.L.C., WM Security Services Inc., WM Storage II Inc., WM Storage Inc., WM TX Energy Resources II LLC, WM TX Energy Resources LLC, WM Texas Pack Rat LLC, WM Trash Monitor Plus L.L.C., WM WY Energy Resources II LLC, WM WY Energy Resources III LLC, WM WY Energy Resources LLC, WM of North Dakota Energy Disposal Solutions LLC, WMI Mexico Holdings Inc., WMNA Container Recycling L.L.C., WMRE of Kentucky LLC, WMRE of Michigan LLC, WMRE of Ohio LLC, WMRE of Ohio-American LLC, WMSALSA Inc., WTI Air Pollution Control Inc., WTI Rust Holdings Inc., Warner Company, Waste Away Group Inc., Waste Management Arizona Landfills Inc., Waste Management Buckeye L.L.C., Waste Management China Holdings Limited, Waste Management Collection and Recycling Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Colorado Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Maine Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Maryland Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Massachusetts Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Oregon Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Pennsylvania Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Virginia Inc., Waste Management Energy Services of Texas LLC, Waste Management Holdings Inc., Waste Management Inc. of Florida, Waste Management Inc. of Tennessee, Waste Management Indycoke L.L.C., Waste Management International Inc., Waste Management National Services Inc., Waste Management National Transportation Services Inc., Waste Management Partners Inc., Waste Management Recycling and Disposal Services of California Inc., Waste Management Recycling of New Jersey L.L.C., Waste Management Service Center Inc., Waste Management of Alameda County Inc., Waste Management of Alaska Inc., Waste Management of Arizona Inc., Waste Management of Arkansas Inc., Waste Management of California Inc., Waste Management of Canada Corporation, Waste Management of Carolinas Inc., Waste Management of Colorado Inc., Waste Management of Connecticut Inc., Waste Management of Delaware Inc., Waste Management of Fairless L.L.C., Waste Management of Five Oaks Recycling and Disposal Facility Inc., Waste Management of Georgia Inc., Waste Management of Hawaii Inc., Waste Management of Idaho Inc., Waste Management of Illinois Inc., Waste Management of Indiana Holdings One Inc., Waste Management of Indiana Holdings Two Inc., Waste Management of Indiana L.L.C., Waste Management of Iowa Inc., Waste Management of Kansas Inc., Waste Management of Kentucky Holdings Inc., Waste Management of Kentucky L.L.C., Waste Management of Leon County Inc., Waste Management of Londonderry Inc., Waste Management of Louisiana Holdings One Inc., Waste Management of Louisiana L.L.C., Waste Management of Maine Inc., Waste Management of Maryland Inc., Waste Management of Massachusetts Inc., Waste Management of Metro Atlanta Inc., Waste Management of Michigan Inc., Waste Management of Minnesota Inc., Waste Management of Mississippi Inc., Waste Management of Missouri Inc., Waste Management of Montana Inc., Waste Management of Nebraska Inc., Waste Management of Nevada Inc., Waste Management of New Hampshire Inc., Waste Management of New Jersey Inc., Waste Management of New Mexico Inc., Waste Management of New York L.L.C., Waste Management of North Dakota Inc., Waste Management of Ohio Inc., Waste Management of Oklahoma Inc., Waste Management of Oregon Inc., Waste Management of Pennsylvania Gas Recovery L.L.C., Waste Management of Pennsylvania Inc., Waste Management of Rhode Island Inc., Waste Management of South Carolina Inc., Waste Management of South Dakota Inc., Waste Management of Texas Holdings Inc., Waste Management of Texas Inc., Waste Management of Tunica Landfill Inc., Waste Management of Utah Inc., Waste Management of Virginia Inc., Waste Management of Washington, Waste Management of West Virginia Inc., Waste Management of Wisconsin Inc., Waste Management of Wyoming Inc., Western One Land Corporation, Western Waste Industries, Western Waste of Texas L.L.C., Westminster Land Acquisition LLC, Wheelabrator Technologies, Wheelabrator Technologies International Inc., White Lake Landfill Inc., Willow Oak Landfill LLC, and eCycling Services L.L.C.. The following companies are subsidiares of MetLife: 1001 PROPERTIES LLC, 10700 WILSHIRE LLC, 1201 TAB MANAGER LLC, 150 NORTH RIVERSIDE PE MEMBER LLC, 1925 WJC OWNER LLC, 23RD STREET INVESTMENTS INC., 500 GRANT STREET ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 500 GRANT STREET GP LLC, 60 11TH STREET LLC, 6104 HOLLYWOOD LLC, AFP GENESIS ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS Y FIDECOMISOS S.A., AFP PROVIDA S.A., AGENVITA S.R.L., ALICO EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LIMITED, ALICO HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ALICO OPERATIONS LLC, ALICO PROPERTIES INC., AMMETLIFE INSURANCE BERHAD, AMMETLIFE TAKAFUL BERHAD, American Life Insurance Company, BEST MARKET S.A., BIDV METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BLOCK VISION HOLDINGS CORPORATION, BLOCK VISION OF TEXAS INC., BORDERLAND INVESTMENTS LIMITED, BOULEVARD RESIDENTIAL LLC, BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER LLC, CC HOLDCO MANAGER LLC, CHESTNUT FLATS WIND LLC, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MASTER D, COMPANIA INVERSORA METLIFE S.A., CORPORATE REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC, COVA LIFE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, DAVIS VISION INC., DAVISVISION IPA INC., DELAWARE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, DES MOINES CREEK BUSINESS PARK PHASE II LLC, ECONOMY FIRE & CASUALTY COMPANY, ECONOMY PREFERRED INSURANCE COMPANY, ECONOMY PREMIER ASSURANCE COMPANY, EURO CL INVESTMENTS LLC, EXCELENCIA OPERATIVA Y TECNOLOGICA S.A de C.V., FEDERAL FLOOD CERTIFICATION LLC, FORTISSIMO CO. LTD, FUNDACION METLIFE MEXICO A.C., GLOBAL PROPERTIES INC., General American Life Insurance Company, Grand Bank N.A., HASKELL EAST VILLAGE LLC, HIGH STREET SEVENTH AND OSBORN APARTMENTS LLC, HOUSING FUND MANAGER LLC, INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL AND ADVISORY SERVICES LIMITED, INVERSIONES METLIFE HOLDCO DOS LIMITADA, INVERSIONES METLIFE HOLDCO TRES LIMITADA, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY METLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LHC HOLDINGS, LHCW HOLDINGS, LHCW HOTEL HOLDING, LHCW HOTEL HOLDING LLC, LHCW HOTEL OPERATING COMPANY, LONG ISLAND SOLAR FARM LLC, LUMENLAB MALAYSIA SDN. BHD., Logan Circle Partners, MARKETPLACE RESIDENCES LLC, MAXIS GBN S.A.S., MC PORTFOLIO JV MEMBER LLC, MCJV LLC, MCMIF HOLDCO I LLC, MCMIF HOLDCO II LLC, MCP - WELLINGTON LLC, MCP 100 CONGRESS MEMBER LLC, MCP 1500 MICHAEL LLC, MCP 1900 MCKINNEY LLC, MCP 2 AMES LLC, MCP 2 AMES ONE LLC, MCP 2 AMES OWNER LLC, MCP 2 AMES TWO LLC, MCP 220 YORK LLC, MCP 22745 & 22755 RELOCATION DRIVE LLC, MCP 249 INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK MEMBER LLC, MCP 3040 POST OAK LLC, MCP 350 ROHLWING LLC, MCP 4600 SOUTH SYRACUSE LLC, MCP 550 WEST WASHINGTON LLC, MCP 60 11TH STREET MEMBER LLC, MCP 7 RIVERWAY LLC, MCP 9020 MURPHY ROAD LLC, MCP 93 RED RIVER MEMBER LLC, MCP ALLEY 24 EAST LLC, MCP ASHTON SOUTH END LLC, MCP BLOCK 23 MEMBER LLC, MCP BRADFORD LLC, MCP BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER 2 MEMBER LLC, MCP BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER BLDG B LLC, MCP BURNSIDE MEMBER LLC, MCP CENTER AVENUE INDUSTRIAL MEMBER LLC, MCP CLAWITER INNOVATION MEMBER LLC, MCP COMMON DESK TRS LLC, MCP DENVER PAVILIONS MEMBER LLC, MCP DILLON LLC, MCP DILLON RESIDENTIAL LLC, MCP ENV CHICAGO LLC, MCP FIFE ENTERPRISE CENTER LLC, MCP FRISCO OFFICE LLC, MCP GRAPEVINE LLC, MCP HIGHLAND PARK LENDER LLC, MCP HUB I LLC, MCP HUB I PROPERTY LLC, MCP LODGE AT LAKECREST LLC, MCP MA PROPERTY REIT LLC, MCP MAGNOLIA PARK MEMBER LLC, MCP MAIN STREET VILLAGE LLC, MCP MOUNTAIN TECHNOLOGY CENTER MEMBER TRS LLC, MCP NORTHYARDS HOLDCO LLC, MCP NORTHYARDS MASTER LESSEE LLC, MCP NORTHYARDS OWNER LLC, MCP ONE WESTSIDE LLC, MCP ONYX LLC, MCP PARAGON POINT LLC, MCP PLAZA AT LEGACY LLC, MCP PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, MCP SEATTLE GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL I LLC, MCP SEATTLE GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL II LLC, MCP SEVENTH AND OSBORNE MF MEMBER LLC, MCP SEVENTH AND OSBORNE RETAIL MEMBER LLC, MCP SHAKOPEE LLC, MCP SLEEPY HOLLOW MEMBER LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL ANAHEIM LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL BERNARDO LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL CANYON LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL CONCOURSE LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL FULLERTON LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL KELLWO00OD LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL LAX LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL LOKER LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL REDONDO LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL SPRINGDALE LLC, MCP STATELINE LLC, MCP THE PALMS AT DORAL LLC, MCP TRIMBLE CAMPUS LLC, MCP UNION ROW LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE ONE LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE OWNER LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE TWO LLC, MCP VANCE JACKSON LLC, MCP VINEYARD AVENUE MEMBER LLC, MCP VOA HOLDINGS LLC, MCP VOA I & III LLC, MCP VOA II LLC, MCP WATERFORD ATRIUM LLC, MCP WEST BROAD MARKETPLACE LLC, MCP ENGLISH VILLAGE LLC, MCPF ACQUISITION LLC, MCPF FOXBOROUGH LLC, MCPF NEEDHAM LLC, MCPP OWNERS LLC, MCRE BLOCK 40 LP, MEC HEALTH CARE INC., MET 1065 HOTEL LLC, MET CANADA SOLAR ULC, METLIFE 1007 STEWART LLC, METLIFE 1201 TAB MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 425 MKT MANAGER LLC, METLIFE 425 MKT MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 555 12TH MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 8280 MEMBER LLC, METLIFE ACOMA OWNER LLC, METLIFE ADMINISTRADORA DE FUNDOS MULTIPATROCINADOS LTDA., METLIFE ALTERNATIVES GP LLC, METLIFE ASHTON AUSTIN OWNER LLC, METLIFE ASIA HOLDING COMPANY PTE. LTD., METLIFE ASIA LIMITED, METLIFE ASIA SERVICES SDN. BHD, METLIFE ASSET MANAGEMENT CORP., METLIFE ASSIGNMENT COMPANY INC., METLIFE AUTO & HOME INSURANCE AGENCY INC., METLIFE BL FEEDER, METLIFE BL FEEDER LP, METLIFE BORO STATION MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CABO HILTON MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAMINO RAMON MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAPITAL CREDIT L.P., METLIFE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, METLIFE CAPITAL TRUST IV, METLIFE CB W/A LLC, METLIFE CC MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CHILE ADMINISTRADORA DE MUTUOS HIPOTECARIOS S.A., METLIFE CHILE INVERSIONES LIMITADA, METLIFE CHILE SEGUROS DE VIDA S.A., METLIFE CHILE SEGUROS GENERALES S.A., METLIFE CHINO MEMBER LLC, METLIFE COLOMBIA SEGUROS de VIDA S.A., METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE INCOME FUND GP LLC, METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE INCOME FUND LP, METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR LLC, METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE REIT LLC, METLIFE CONSQUARE MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CONSUMER SERVICES INC., METLIFE CORE PROPERTY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY FUND LP, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY REIT LLC, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY TRS. LLC, METLIFE CREDIT CORP., METLIFE DIGITAL VENTURES INC., METLIFE EMEKLILIK VE HAYAT A.S., METLIFE EMERGING MARKET DEBT BLEND FUND, METLIFE EU HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED, METLIFE EUROPE INSURANCE d.a.c., METLIFE EUROPE SERVICES LIMITED, METLIFE EUROPE d.a.c., METLIFE EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LLC., METLIFE FINANCIAL SERVICES CO. LTD, METLIFE FM HOTEL MEMBER LLC, METLIFE FUNDING INC., METLIFE GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED, METLIFE GLOBAL BENEFITS LTD., METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDING COMPANY I GMBH, METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDING COMPANY II GMBH, METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION S.A. De C.V., METLIFE GLOBAL INC., METLIFE GLOBAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER PRIVATE LIMITED, METLIFE GROUP INC., METLIFE HCMJV 1 GP LLC, METLIFE HCMJV 1 LP LLC, METLIFE HEALTH PLANS INC., METLIFE HOLDINGS INC., METLIFE HOME LOANS LLC, METLIFE INNOVATION CENTRE LIMITED, METLIFE INNOVATION CENTRE PTE. LTD., METLIFE INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT TRUST, METLIFE INSURANCE BROKERAGE INC., METLIFE INSURANCE K.K., METLIFE INSURANCE LIMITED, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL HF PARTNERS LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED LLC, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND I LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND II LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND III LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND IV LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND V LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND VI LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND VII LP, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC, METLIFE INVESTMENTS ASIA LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS SECURITIES LLC, METLIFE INVESTORS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, METLIFE INVESTORS GROUP LLC, METLIFE IRELAND TREASURY D.A.C., METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY FUND LP, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS LLC, METLIFE LATIN AMERICA ASESORIAS E INVERSIONES LIMITADA, METLIFE LEGAL PLANS INC., METLIFE LEGAL PLANS OF FLORIDA INC., METLIFE LHH MEMBER LLC, METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE S.A., METLIFE LOAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, METLIFE MAS S.A. DE C.V., METLIFE MEMBER SOLAIRE LLC, METLIFE MEXICO HOLDINGS S. DE R.L. DE C.V., METLIFE MEXICO S.A., METLIFE MEXICO SERVICIOS S.A. DE C.V., METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT FUND LP, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT GP LLC, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT PARALLEL FUND LP, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT PARALLEL GP LLC, METLIFE MULTI-FAMILY PARTNERS III LLC, METLIFE MUTUAL FUND COMPANY, METLIFE OBS MEMBER LLC, METLIFE OFC MEMBER LLC, METLIFE ONTARIO STREET MEMBR LLC, METLIFE PARK TOWER MEMBER LLC, METLIFE PENSION TRUSTEES LIMITED, METLIFE PENSIONES MEXICO S.A., METLIFE PET INSURANCE SOLUTIONS LLC, METLIFE PLANOS ODONTOLOGICOS LTDA., METLIFE POWSZECHNE TOWARTZYSTWO EMERYTALNE S.A., METLIFE PRIVATE EQUITY HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE PROPERTIES VENTURES LLC, METLIFE RC SF MEMBER LLC, METLIFE REAL ESTATE LENDING LLC, METLIFE REINSURANCE COMPANY OF BERMUDA LTD., METLIFE REINSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, METLIFE REINSURANCE COMPANY OF VERMONT, METLIFE RETIREMENT SERVICES LLC, METLIFE SAENGMYOUNG INSURANCE COMPANY LTD., METLIFE SECURITIZATION DEPOSITOR LLC, METLIFE SEGUROS S.A., METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING FINCO LLC, METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING FUND LP, METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING GP LLC, METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING HOLDINGS LP, METLIFE SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS LLC, METLIFE SERVICES CYPRUS LIMITED, METLIFE SERVICES EAST PRIVATE LIMITED, METLIFE SERVICES EEIG, METLIFE SERVICES EOOD, METLIFE SERVICES SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, METLIFE SERVICES SP Z.O.O, METLIFE SERVICIOS S.A., METLIFE SLOVAKIA S.R.O. V LIKVIDACII, METLIFE SOLUTIONS PTE. LTD., METLIFE SOLUTIONS S.A.S., METLIFE SP HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE SYNDICATED BANK LOAN FUND SCSP, METLIFE SYNDICATED BANK LOAN LUX GP S.A.R.L., METLIFE THR INVESTOR LLC, METLIFE TOWARZYSTWO FUNDUSZY INWESTYCYJNYCH S.A., METLIFE TOWARZYSTWO UBEZPIECZEN NA ZYCIE I REASEKURACJI S.A., METLIFE TOWER RESOURCES GROUP INC., METLIFE TREAT TOWERS MEMBER LLC, METLIFE WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS LLC, METROPOLITAN CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN DIRECT PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN GLOBAL MANAGEMENT LLC., METROPOLITAN GROUP PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN LIFE SEGUROS E PREVIDENCIA PRIVADA S.A., METROPOLITAN LIFE SOCIETATE de ADMINISTRARE a UNUI FOND de PENSII ADMINISTRAT PRIVAT S.A., METROPOLITAN LLOYDS INC., METROPOLITAN LLOYDS INSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS, METROPOLITAN PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN TOWER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN TOWER REALTY COMPANY INC., MEX DF PROPERTIES LLC, MFA FINANCING VEHICLE CTR1 LLC, MIDTOWN HEIGHTS LLC, MIM CLAL GENERAL PARTNER LLC, MIM EMD GP LLC, MIM I LLC, MIM METWEST INTERNATIONAL MANAGER LLC, MIM ML-AI VENTURE 5 MANAGER LLC, MIM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, MIM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OF GEORGIA 1 LLC, MIM THIRD ARMY INDUSTRIAL MANAGER LLC, MISSOURI REINSURANCE INC., ML - URS PORT CHESTER SC MANAGER LLC, ML 300 THIRD MEMBER LLC, ML ARMATURE MEMBER LLC, ML BELLEVUE MANAGER LLC, ML BELLEVUE MEMBER LLC, ML BRIDGESIDE APARTMENTS LLC, ML CAPACITACION COMERCIAL S.A. DE C.V., ML CERRITOS TC MEMBER LLC, ML CLAL MEMBER LLC, ML DOLPHIN GP LLC, ML DOLPHIN MEZZ LLC, ML MATSON MILLS MEMBER LLC, ML MILILANI MEMBER LLC, ML ONE BEDMINSTER LLC, ML PORT CHESTER SC MEMBER LLC, ML SENTINEL SQUARE MEMBER LLC, ML SLOANS LAKE MEMEBR LLC, ML SOUTHLANDS MEMBER LLC, ML SOUTHMORE LLC, ML SWAN GP LLC, ML SWAN MEZZ LLC, ML TERRACES LLC, ML THIRD ARMY INDUSTRIAL MEMBER LLC, ML VENTURE 1 MANAGER S. DE R. L. DE C.V., ML VENTURE 1 SERVICER LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 1 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 2 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 3 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 4 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 5 LLC, MLIA MANAGER I LLC, MLIA PARK TOWER MANAGER LLC, MLIA SBAF COLONY MANAGER LLC, MLIA SBAF MANAGER LLC, MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS II LLC, MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS LLC, MLIC CB HOLDINGS LLC, MLJ US FEEDER LLC, MM GLOBAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER S.A. DE C.V., MMP CEDAR STREET OWNER LLC, MMP CEDAR STREET REIT LLC, MMP HOLDINGS III LLC, MMP OLIVIAN OWNER LLC, MMP OLIVIAN REIT LLC, MMP OWNERS III LLC, MMP OWNERS LLC, MMP SOUTH PARK OWNER LLC, MMP SOUTH PARK REIT LLC, MREF 425 MKT LLC, MSV IRVINE PROPERTY LLC, MTC FUND I LLC, MTC FUND II LLC, MTC FUND III LLC, MTL LEASING LLC, MTU HOTEL OWNER LLC, NATILOPORTEM HOLDINGS LLC, NEWBURY INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, OCONEE GOLF COMPANY LLC, OCONEE HOTEL COMPANY LLC, OCONEE LAND COMPANY LLC, OCONEE LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC, OCONEE MARINA COMPANY LLC, OMI MLIC INVESTMENTS LIMITED, PACIFIC LOGISTICS INDUSTRIAL SOUTH LLC, PARK TOWER JV MEMBER LLC, PARK TOWER REIT INC., PJSC METLIFE, PLAZA DRIVE PROPERTIES LLC, PNB METLIFE INDIA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, PREFCO FOURTEEN LLC, PREFCO XIV HOLDINGS LLC, PROVIDA INTERNACIONAL S.A., SAFEGUARD HEALTH ENTERPRISES INC., SAFEGUARD HEALTH PLANS INC., SAFEHEALTH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, SEVENTH AND OSBORN MF VENTURE LLC, SINO-US UNITED METLIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD., SOUTHCREEK INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS LLC, ST. JAMES FLEET INVESTMENTS TWO LIMITED, SUPERIOR PROCUREMENT INC, SUPERIOR VISION BENEFIT MANAGEMENT INC., SUPERIOR VISION HOLDINGS INC., SUPERIOR VISION INSURANCE INC., SUPERIOR VISION INSURANCE PLAN OF WISCONSIN INC., SUPERIOR VISION OF NEW JERSEY INC., SUPERIOR VISION SERVICES INC., Safeguard Health Enterprises, Security First Group Inc., THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH AVENUE MEZZANINE LLC, THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH RETAIL HOLDING LLC, THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH RETAIL OWNER, THE DIRECT CALL CENTRE PTY LIMITED, TRANSMOUNTAIN LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, UVC INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ASSOCIATION INC., VERSANT HEALTH CONSOLIDATIONS CORP., VERSANT HEALTH HOLDCO INC., VERSANT HEALTH LAB LLC, VIRIDIAN MIRACLE MILE LLC, VISION 21 MANAGED EYE CARE OF TAMPA BAY, VISION 21 PHYSICIAN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, VISION TWENTY-ONE MANAGED EYE CARE IPA INC., Versant Health, WDV ACQUISITION CORP., WFP 1000 HOLDING COMPANY GP LLC, WHITE OAK ROYALTY COMPANY, and WHITE TRACT II LLC. Medtronic Plc is a medical technology company, which engages in the development, manufacture, distribution, and sale of device-based medical therapies and services. It operates through the following segments: Cardiac and Vascular Group; Minimally Invasive Technologies Group; Restorative Therapies Group; and Diabetes Group. The Cardiac and Vascular Group segment consists of products for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of cardiac rhythm disorders and cardiovascular disease. The Minimally Invasive Technologies Group segment focuses on respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, renal system, lungs, pelvic region, kidneys, and obesity diseases. The Restorative Therapies Group segment comprises of neurostimulation therapies and drug delivery systems for the treatment of chronic pain, as well as areas of the spine and brain, along with pelvic health and conditions of the ear, nose, and throat. The Diabetes Group segment offers insulin pumps, coninuous glucose monitoring systems, and insulin pump consumables. The company was founded in 1949 and is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Illinois Tool Works: A V Co 1 Limited, A V Co 2 Limited, A V Co 3 Limited, ACCU-LUBE Manufacturing GmbH - Schmiermittel und -gerate -, AIP/BI Holdings Inc., Accessories Marketing Holding Corp., Advanced Molding Company Inc., Allen Coding GmbH, Allen France SAS, Alpine Automation Limited, Alpine Engineered Products, Alpine Holdings Inc., Alpine Systems Corporation, Anaerobicos S.r.l., AppliChem GmbH, Arylux Hungary Elektromechanikus Alkatreszgyarto Kft, Avery Berkel France, Avery India Limited, Avery Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Avery Weigh Tronix, Avery Weigh-Tronix (Suzhou) Weighing Technology Co. Ltd., Avery Weigh-Tronix Finance Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Holdings Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix International Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix LLC, Avery Weigh-Tronix Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Properties Limited, Azon Limited, B.C. Immo, Beijing Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Berkel (Ireland) Limited, Berrington UK, Brapenta Eletronica Ltda., Brooks Instrument (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Brooks Instrument B.V., Brooks Instrument GmbH, Brooks Instrument KFT, Brooks Instrument Korea Ltd., Brooks Instrument LLC, Buell Industries Inc., CAPMAX Logistica S.A. de C.V., CCI Realty Company, CFC Europe GmbH, CS (Australia) Pty Limited, CS (Finance) Europe S.a.r.l., CS Mexico Holding Company S DE RL DE CV, CSMTS LLC, Calvia Spolka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnosci, Capital Ventures (Australasia) S.a r.l, Capmax Logistica S.A. de C.V., Celeste Industries Corporation, Coeur, Coeur (Shanghai) Medical Appliance Trading Co. Ltd, Coeur Asia Limited, Coeur Holding Company, Coeur Inc., Compagnie Hobart, Compagnie de Materiel et d'Equipements Techniques-Comet, Constructions Isothermiques Bontami C.I.B., Crane Carrier Company, Despatch Industries, Diagraph Corporation Sdn. Bhd, Diagraph ITW Mexico S. de R.L. De C.V., Diagraph Mexico S.A. DE C.V., Dongguan Ark-Les Electric Components Co. Ltd., Dongguan CK Branding Co. Ltd., Dorbyl U.K. (Holdings) Limited, Duo Fast de Espana S.A.U., Duo-Fast Korea Co. Ltd., Duo-Fast LLC, E.C.S. d.o.o., ECS Cable Protection Sp. Zoo, ELRO (Holding) AG, ELRO Grosskuchen GmbH, ELRO-WERKE AG, Elga Skandinavian AS, Elro Group, Eltex-Elektrostatik-Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Envases Multipac S.A. de C.V., Eurotec Srl, FEG Investments L.L.C., Fasver, Filtertek, Filtertek De Mexico Holding Inc., Filtertek De Mexico S.A. de C.V., GC Financement SA, Gamko B.V., Gun Hwa Platech (Taicang) Co. Ltd., HOBART Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Hartness International, Hobart (Japan) K.K., Hobart Andina S.A.S., Hobart Brothers International Chile Limitada, Hobart Brothers LLC, Hobart Dayton Mexicana S. de R.L. de C.V., Hobart Food Equipment Co. Ltd., Hobart Foster Belgium, Hobart International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Hobart Korea LLC, Hobart LLC, Hobart Nederland B.V., Hobart Sales & Service Inc., Hobart Scandinavia ApS, Hobart Techniek B.V., Horis, ILC Investments Holdings Inc., ITW (China) Investment Company Limited, ITW (Deutschland) GmbH, ITW (EU) Holdings Ltd., ITW (European) Finance Co. Ltd., ITW (European) Finance II Co. Ltd., ITW (European) Finance III Co. Ltd., ITW (Ningbo) Components & Fastenings Systems Co. Ltd., ITW AEP LLC, ITW AOC LLC, ITW Aircraft Investments Inc., ITW Alpha Sarl, ITW Ampang Industries Philippines Inc., ITW Appliance Components EOOD, ITW Appliance Components S.A. de C.V., ITW Appliance Components S.r.l.a, ITW Appliance Components d.o.o., ITW Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, ITW Australia Property Holdings Pty Ltd., ITW Australia Pty Ltd, ITW Automotive Components (Chongqing) Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Components (Langfang) Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Japan K.K., ITW Automotive Korea LLC, ITW Automotive Parts (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, ITW Automotive Products GmbH, ITW Automotive Products Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Bailly Comte, ITW Befestigungssysteme GmbH, ITW Belgium, ITW Brazilian Nominee L.L.C., ITW Building Components Group Inc., ITW CER, ITW CP Distribution Center Holland BV, ITW CS (UK) Ltd., ITW Canada Inc., ITW Celeste Inc., ITW Chemical Products Ltda, ITW Chemical Products Scandinavia ApS, ITW Colombia S.A.S., ITW Construction Products (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW Construction Products (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., ITW Construction Products AB, ITW Construction Products AS, ITW Construction Products ApS, ITW Construction Products CZ s.r.o., ITW Construction Products Italy Srl, ITW Construction Products OU, ITW Construction Products OY, ITW Contamination Control (Wujiang) Co. Ltd., ITW Contamination Control B.V., ITW Covid Security Group Inc., ITW DS Investments Inc., ITW DelFast do Brasil Ltda., ITW Delta Sarl, ITW Denmark ApS, ITW Dynatec, ITW Dynatec Adhesive Equipment (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., ITW Dynatec GmbH, ITW Dynatec Kabushiki Kaisha, ITW EAE B.V., ITW EAE Mexico S de RL de CV, ITW EF&C France SAS, ITW EF&C Selb GmbH, ITW Electronic Business Asia Co. Limited, ITW Electronic Components/Products (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW Electronics (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., ITW Epsilon Sarl, ITW Espana S.A., ITW FEG Hong Kong Limited, ITW FEG do Brasil Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW Fastener Products GmbH, ITW Finance Designated Activity Company, ITW Finance Europe S.A., ITW Fluids and Hygiene Solutions Ltda., ITW Food Equipment Group LLC, ITW France Finance Alpha S.A.S., ITW GH LLC, ITW GSE ApS, ITW GSE Inc., ITW Gamma Sarl, ITW German Management LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings Y Compania Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones, ITW Global Investments II Inc., ITW Global Investments Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Europe GmbH, ITW Global Tire Repair Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Japan K.K., ITW Graphics (Thailand) Ltd., ITW Graphics Asia Limited, ITW Graphics Italy S.R.L. in liquidazione, ITW Great Britain Investment & Licensing Holding Company, ITW Group France (Luxembourg), ITW HLP Thailand Co. Ltd., ITW Holding Quimica B.C. S.L. Sole Shareholder Company, ITW Holdings Australia L.P., ITW Holdings I Limited, ITW Holdings II Limited, ITW Holdings III Limited, ITW Holdings IV Limited, ITW Holdings IX Limited, ITW Holdings Inc., ITW Holdings UK, ITW Holdings V Limited, ITW Holdings VI Limited, ITW Holdings VII Limited, ITW Holdings VIII Limited, ITW Holdings X Limited, ITW Holdings XI Limited, ITW Hungary Finance Beta Kft, ITW ILC Holdings I Inc., ITW IPG Investments LLC, ITW Imaden Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW India Private Limited, ITW International Holdings LLC, ITW Invest Holding GmbH, ITW Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company, ITW Ireland Unlimited Company, ITW Italy Finance Srl, ITW Italy Holding Srl, ITW Japan Ltd., ITW Korea LLC, ITW LLC & Co. KG, ITW Limited, ITW Lombard Holdings Inc., ITW Lys Fusion S.r.l., ITW M FILMS II LLC, ITW MH LLC, ITW Meritex Sdn. Bhd., ITW Metal Fasteners S.L., ITW Mexico Holding Company S. De R.L. de C.V., ITW Mexico Holdings LLC, ITW Morlock GmbH, ITW Mortgage Investments II Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments III Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments IV Inc., ITW Netherlands Administration BV, ITW Netherlands Beta B.V., ITW Netherlands Finance Alpha BV, ITW New Universal LLC, ITW New Zealand, ITW Novadan Sp. Z.o.o., ITW PPF Brasil Adesivos Ltda., ITW Packaging Technology (China) Co. Ltd., ITW Participations S.a r.l., ITW Pension Funds Trustee Company, ITW Performance Plastic (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Japan Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Korea Limited, ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids OOO, ITW Performance Polymers (Wujiang) Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers ApS, ITW Performance Polymers and Fluids Group FZE, ITW Peru S.A.C., ITW Philippines Holdings LLC, ITW Poly Mex S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Polymers Sealants North America Inc., ITW Pronovia s.r.o., ITW Pte. Ltd., ITW Qufu Automotive Cooling Systems Co. Ltd., ITW Real Estate Germany GmbH, ITW Residuals III L.L.C., ITW Residuals IV L.L.C., ITW Rivex, ITW SMPI, ITW SPG Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Simco-Ion (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., ITW Slovakia s.r.o., ITW Spain Holdings S.L., ITW Specialty Film LLC, ITW Specialty Films France, ITW Specialty Materials (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., ITW Spraytec, ITW Sverige AB, ITW Sweden Holding AB, ITW Test & Measurement Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, ITW Test & Measurement GmbH, ITW Test and Measurement Italia Srl, ITW Test and Measurement Services Industry and Trade Ltd., ITW Texwipe Philippines Inc., ITW Thermal Films (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW UK, ITW UK Finance Beta Limited, ITW UK Finance Delta Limited, ITW UK Finance Gamma Limited, ITW UK Finance Limited, ITW UK Finance Zeta Ltd., ITW UK II Limited, ITW Universal II LLC, ITW Welding, ITW Welding AB, ITW Welding GmbH, ITW Welding Products B.V., ITW Welding Products Group FZE, ITW Welding Products Group S. DE R.L. De C.V., ITW Welding Products Italy Srl, ITW Welding Products Limited Liability Company, ITW Welding Produtos Para Solgdagem Ltda., ITW Welding Servicios Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Welding Singapore Pte. Ltd., ITW de France, ITW do Brasil Industrial e Comercial Ltda., Ideal Molding Technologies LLC, Illinois Tool Works (Chile) Limitada, Illinois Tool Works (ITW) Nederland B.V., Illinois Tool Works Norway AS, Impar Comercio E Representacoes Ltda., Industrie Plastic Elsasser GmbH, Inmobiliaria Cit. S.A. de C.F., Innova Temperlite Servicios S.A. de C.V., Innovacion y Transformacion Automotriz S.A. de C.V., Instron (Shanghai) Ltd., Instron (Thailand) Limited, Instron Brasil Equipamentos Cientificos Ltda., Instron Foreign Sales Corp. Limited, Instron France S.A.S., Instron GmbH, Instron Holdings Limited, Instron International Limited, Instron Japan Company Ltd., Instron Korea LLC, International Leasing Company LLC, International Truss Systems Proprietary Limited, Isolenge - ITW Sistemas de Isolamento Termico Ltda., KCPL Mauritius Holdings, Kester, Kester Components (M) Sdn. Bhd., Kleinmann GmbH, Krafft S.L., Loma Systems, Loma Systems (Canada) Inc., Loma Systems BV, Loma Systems sro, Lombard Pressings Limited, Lumex Inc., Lys Fusion Poland Sp. z.o.o., M&C Specialties (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., M&C Specialties Co., MAGNAFLUX GmbH, MEHB Holdings Limited, MGHG Property LLC, MOA Enterprises Inc, Manufacturing Avancee S.A., Meritex Technology (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., Meurer Verpackungssysteme GmbH, Miller Electric Mfg. LLC, Miller Insurance Ltd., NDT Holding LLC, NOVADAN APS, Norden Olje AB, North Star Imaging Europe, North Star Imaging Inc., Nova Chimica S.r.l., Orbitalum Tools GmbH, PENTA-91 OOO, PR. A. I. Srl, PT ITW Construction Products Indonesia, Pacific Concept Industries Limited (Enping), Panreac Quimica S.L., Paslode Fasteners (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Peerless Machinery Corp., Penta Dnepr LLC, Penta Sever OOO, Penta Volga OOO, Polyrey, Premark FEG L.L.C., Premark HII Holdings LLC, Premark International, Premark International LLC, Prolex Sociedad Anonima, QSA Global Inc., Quimica Industrial Mediterranea S.L., Ramset Fasteners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Rapid Cook LLC, Refrigeration France, S.E.E. Sistemas Industria E Comercio Ltda., ST Mexico Holdings LLC, Sealant Systems International Inc., Sentinel Asia Yuhan Hoesa, Shanghai ITW Plastic & Metal Co. Ltd, Simco (Nederland) B.V., Simco Japan Inc., Societe de Prospection et dInventions Techniques SPIT, Speedline Holdings I Inc., Speedline Holdings I LLC, Speedline Technologies GmbH, Speedline Technologies Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Speedline Technologies Mexico Services S. de R.L. de C.V., Stokvis Celix Portugal Unipessoal LDA, Stokvis Danmark ApS, Stokvis Holdings S.A.R.L., Stokvis Promi s.r.o, Stokvis Prostick Tapes Private Limited, Stokvis Tapes (Hong Kong) Co. Limited, Stokvis Tapes (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes (Taiwan) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes BVBA, Stokvis Tapes Benelux B.V., Stokvis Tapes Deutschland GmbH, Stokvis Tapes France, Stokvis Tapes Italia s.r.l., Stokvis Tapes Limited, Stokvis Tapes Limited Liability Company, Stokvis Tapes Norge AS, Stokvis Tapes Oy, Stokvis Tapes Polska Sp Z.O.O., Stokvis Tapes Sverige AB, Stolvis Holdings II S.A.R.L., Technopack Industria Comercio Consultoria e Representacoes Ltda., Teknek (China) Limited, Teknek (Japan) Limited, Teksaleco Ltd., The Miller Group Ltd, Thirode Grandes Cuisines Poligny, Tien Tai Electrode (Kunshan) Co. Ltd., Tien Tai Electrode Co. Ltd., Unichemicals Industria e Comercio Ltda., VR-Leasing Sarita GmbH & Co. Immobilien KG, VS European Holdco BV, Valeron Strength Films B.V.B.A., Veneta Decalcogomme S.r.l., Versachem Chile S.A., Vesta, Vesta (Guangzhou) Catering Equipment Co. Ltd, Vesta Global Limited, Viltronics Soltec, Vitronics Soltec B.V., Wachs Canada Ltd., Wachs Subsea LLC, Weigh-Tronix Canada ULC, Weigh-Tronix UK Limited, Wilsonart International Holdings LLC, Wynn Oil (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd., Wynn's Automotive France, Wynn's Belgium BVBA, Wynn's Italia Srl, Wynn's Mekuba India Pvt Ltd, ZF TRW (Engineered Fasteners and Components), and Zip-Pak International B.V.. Photo: The Canadian Press Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will visit one of the largest Sikh temples in Canada this morning, just hours after his government agreed to remove a reference to Sikh extremism from a report on terrorism. Trudeau and Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan will speak at the Ross Street Gurdwara in Vancouver, then partake in the city's Vaisakhi Parade to mark the Sikh holy day. The visit comes a day after the Liberals agreed to make a change to the 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada, which drew the ire of the Sikh community when it was released in December. For the first time, the report listed Sikh extremism as one of the top five extremist threats in Canada. But late Friday, the language was changed to remove any mention of religion, instead discussing the threat posed by "extremists who support violent means to establish an independent state within India." There are roughly half a million Canadians who identify as Sikh, most of them in the Greater Toronto Area and suburban Vancouver. Rentokil Initial plc, together with its subsidiaries, provides route-based services in North America, the United Kingdom, rest of Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and internationally. It offers a range of pest control services from rodents to flying and crawling insects, as well as to other forms of wildlife management for commercial and residential customers. The company also provides hygiene services, including the provision and maintenance of products, such as air fresheners, sanitizers, feminine hygiene units, hand dryers, paper and linen towel dispensers, soap and hand sanitizer dispensers, toilet paper dispensers, and floor protection mats. In addition, it engages in the supply and laundering of workwear, uniforms, cleanroom uniforms, and protective equipment. Further, the company installs and services interior and exterior plant displays, flowers, replica foliage, Christmas decorations, and ambient scenting for commercial businesses; offers property care services consisting of damp proofing, property conservation, and woodworm and wood rot treatment; and provides a range of specialist cleaning services, such as deep cleaning of kitchens and washrooms, trauma cleaning, and flood or fire damage cleaning, as well as graffiti removal, specialist deep cleaning, and disinfection services, including the professional and discreet disinfection of areas that have been exposed to bio-hazardous situations, such as crime and trauma scenes, prison cells, void properties, emergency vehicles, and healthcare establishments. Additionally, it offers a range of healthcare waste management services comprising the collection, disposal, and recycling of hazardous and offensive waste produced by businesses and organizations associated with the provision of healthcare; and color-coded sharps disposal bins to deal with various types of waste. Rentokil Initial plc was founded in 1903 and is headquartered in Camberley, the United Kingdom. Read More Xcel Energy, Inc. operates as a holding company, which engages in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity. It operates through the following three segments: Regulated Electric Utility, Regulated Natural Gas Utility and All Others. The Regulated Electric Utility segment generates, transmits and distributes electricity primarily in portions of generates, transmits and distributes electricity in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Texas and New Mexico. In addition, this segment includes sales for resale and provides wholesale transmission service to various entities in the United States. It also includes commodity trading operations. The Regulated Natural Gas Utility segment transports, stores, and distributes natural gas primarily in portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Michigan and Colorado. The All Others segment engages in steam, appliance repair services, nonutility real estate activities, processing solid waste into refuse-derived fuel and investments in rental housing projects that qualify for low-income housing tax credits. The company was founded in 1909 and is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN. Read More Photo: CTV News A shot from 2017's 4/20 event in Vancouver. The Vancouver Park Board is facing calls to cancel the upcoming pro-marijuana 4/20 rally, following criticism from other event organizers. The Sun Run, another annual event, pays its own way, while the 4/20 has historically left behind a huge cost to taxpayers for policing and cleanup. "We should all be on the same level playing field, Sun Run race director Tim Hopkins told CTV News Vancouver. There shouldn't be deals given to different organizations." The Sun Run pays for use of Stanley Park as well as police services, but the city says 4/20 organizers don't do the same. 2017's rally cost taxpayers $245,000, and 2018 was around the same, with organizers paying back around $63,000, CTV reports. As taxpayers, we already pay for the policing in this city, said 4/20 organizer and pro-cannabis advocated Jodie Emery. No event should have to pay twice for the policing work. Traditionally called "protest," the 4/20 rally at Sunset Beach is facing further questions now that recreational marijuana use is legal. The event is planned at Sunset Beach this year with a Cypress Hill concert expected to draw in even bigger crowds. Mayor Kennedy Stewart wants it to evolve with the times. "What Im really hoping is the 4/20 what was originally deemed a protest will eventually turn into a trade show, he said. On Monday, the Vancouver Park Board is planning to introduce a motion with a plan to push the organizers to cancel the rally. They say they know protesters might show up anyway, but they want to set an example to city council in order to get the rally permanently out of that park. Emery said the event is still a protest until they are given an event license, which they have not been. Vancouver Police said that "public safety will remain our top priority" at the event. -With files from CTV Vancouver. Airbus SE engages in the design, manufacture, delivery and provision of aerospace products, space and related services. It operates through the following segments: Airbus Commercial Aircraft, Airbus Helicopters and Airbus Defence and Space. The Airbus Commercial Aircraft segment develops, manufactures, markets and sells commercial jet aircrafts and offers aircraft conversion and related services. The Airbus Helicopters segment deals with the development, manufacture, marketing and sale of civil and military helicopters. The Airbus Defence and Space segment covers systems and services in the field of defence and space for governments, institutions, and commercial customers. The company was founded on December 29, 1998 and is headquartered in Leiden, the Netherlands. Read More Varian Medical Systems, Inc. designs, manufactures, sells, and services medical devices and software products for treating cancer and other medical conditions worldwide. It operates through Oncology Systems and Proton Solutions segments. The Oncology Systems segment offers hardware and software products for treating cancer with radiotherapy, fixed field intensity-modulated radiation therapy, image-guided radiation therapy, volumetric modulated arc therapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, stereotactic body radiotherapy, artificial intelligence based adaptive radiotherapy, and brachytherapy, as well as quality assurance equipment. Its products include linear accelerators, brachytherapy afterloaders, treatment accessories, and quality assurance software; and information management, treatment planning, image processing, clinical knowledge exchange, patient care management, decision-making support, and practice management software. This segment serves university research and community hospitals, private and governmental institutions, healthcare agencies, physicians' offices, medical oncology practices, radiotherapy centers, and cancer care clinics. The Proton Solutions segment designs, develops, manufactures, sells, and services products and systems for delivering proton therapy for the treatment of cancer. The company has a strategic agreement with McKesson Corp. to supply treatment delivery systems and planning, services, and radiotherapy information system solutions to its U.S. Oncology Network and Vantage Oncology affiliated sites of care; and a strategic partnership with Siemens AG to represent Siemens diagnostic imaging products to radiation oncology clinics in the United States and other select markets. Varian Medical Systems, Inc. was formerly known as Varian Associates, Inc. and changed its name to Varian Medical Systems, Inc. in April 1999. The company was founded in 1948 and is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Vodafone Group: 360 Connect S.A., [email protected] Telecom, A-ccelerator B.V., A-ccelerator Holding B.V, AAA (Euro) Limited, AAA (MCR) Limited, AAA (UK) Limited, Acorn Communications Limited, Africonnect (Zambia) Limited, Ag Mercantile Company Private Limited, Al-Amin Investments Limited, Amsterdamse Beheer- en Consultingmaatschappij B.V., Apollo Submarine Cable System Limited, Array Holdings Limited, Asian Telecommunication Investments (Mauritius) Limited, Aspective Limited, Astec Communications Limited, Autoconnex Limited, Aztec Limited, BelCompany BV, Bluefish Apac Communications Pte. Ltd, Bluefish Communications, Bluefish Communications Limited, Business Serve Limited, C&W Worldwide Nigeria Limited, C.S.P. Solutions Limited, CCII (Mauritius) Inc., CGP India Investments Ltd., CGP Investments (Holdings) Limited, COOP Mobil s.r.o, CT Networks Limited, CWGNL S.A., CWW Operations Limited, Cable & Wireless Access Limited, Cable & Wireless Americas Systems Inc., Cable & Wireless Aspac Holdings Limited, Cable & Wireless CIS Services Limited, Cable & Wireless CIS Svyaz LLC, Cable & Wireless Capital Limited , Cable & Wireless Communications Data Network Services Limited, Cable & Wireless Communications Starclass Limited, Cable & Wireless Communications Technical Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd (Beijing Branch), Cable & Wireless Europe Holdings Limited, Cable & Wireless GN Limited, Cable & Wireless Global (India) Private Limited, Cable & Wireless Global Business Services Limited, Cable & Wireless Global Holding Limited, Cable & Wireless Global Telecommunication Services Limited, Cable & Wireless Holdco Limited, Cable & Wireless Networks India Private Limited, Cable & Wireless Trade Mark Management Limited, Cable & Wireless UK Holdings Limited, Cable & Wireless UK Services Limited, Cable & Wireless Waterside Holdings Limited, Cable & Wireless Worldwide, Cable & Wireless Worldwide Limited, Cable & Wireless Worldwide Pension Trustee Limited, Cable & Wireless Worldwide Services Limited, Cable & Wireless Worldwide Voice Messaging Limited, Cable & Wireless a-Services Inc, Cable & Wireless a-Services Limited, Cable and Wireless (India) Limited, Cable and Wireless (India) Limited Indian Branch Office, Cable and Wireless Nominee Limited, Cable and Wireless Worldwide South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Cavalry Holdings Ltd, Celfocus Solucoes Informaticas Para Telecomunicacoes S.A, Cellops Limited, Cellular Operations Limited, Central Communications Group Limited, Central Telecom (Northern) Limited, Centurion GSM Limited, Chelys Limited, City Cable (Holdings) Limited, Cobra do Brasil Servicos de Telematica ltda., Commnet Cellular Inc., Complete Network Technology, Connect (India) Mobile Technologies Private Limited, Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited, Dataroam Limited , Device Insight, Digital Island (UK) Ltd, Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited, East Africa Investment (Mauritius) Limited, Emtel Europe Limited, Energis (Ireland) Limited, Energis Communications Limited, Energis Holdings Limited, Energis Local Access Limited, Energis Management Limited, Energis Squared Limited, Erudite Systems Limited, Esprit Telecom B.V., Eudokia Limited, Euro Pacific Securities Ltd., Eurocall Holdings Limited, Europolitan Holdings AB (now Europolitan Vodafone AB), FB Holdings Limited, FM Associates (UK) Limited, FinCo Partner 1 B.V., FireFly Networks Limited, Flexphone Limited, GS Telecom (Pty) Limited, Gateway Communications Africa (UK) Limited, Gateway Communications Tanzania Limited, General Mobile Corporation, Generation Telecom Limited, Ghana Telecommunications, Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited, Global Cellular Rental Limited, Globe Limited, GrandCentrix GmbH, Grupo Corporativo ONO S.A.U., H3ga Properties (No 3) Pty Limited, HBO Nederland Cooperatief U.A., HBO Netherlands Channels sro, HBO Netherlands Distribution B.V., Hellas Online, How2 Telecom Limited, Hutchison Essar Ltd, Indus Towers Limited, Intercell Communications Limited, Internet Network Services Limited, Invitation Digital Limited, Ipergy Communications NV, Isis Telecommunications Management Limited, Jaguar Communications Limited, Jaykay Finholding (India) Private Limited, Jupicol (Proprietary) Limited, KABELCOM Braunschweig Gesellschaft Fur BreitbandkabelKommunikation Mit Beschrankter Haftung, KABELCOM Wolfsburg Gesellschaft Fur BreitbandkabelKommunikation Mit Beschrankter Haftung, Kabel Deutschland, Kabel Deutschland Holding, Kabel Deutschland Holding Erste Beteiligungs GmbH, Kabel Deutschland Holding Zweite Beteilgungs GmbH, Kabel Deutschland Neunte Beteiligungs GmbH, Kabel Deutschland Siebte Beteiligungs GmbH, Kabelfernsehen Munchen Servicenter GmbH & Co. KG, LG Financing Partnership, LGE HoldCo V B.V., LGE HoldCo VI B.V., LGE HoldCo VIII B.V., LGE Holdco VII B.V., LLC Vodafone Enterprise Ukraine, Le Bunt Holdings Limited, Legend Communications Limited, Liberty Global, Liberty Global Content Netherlands B.V., London Hydraulic Power Company, M-PESA Foundation, M-PESA Holding Co. Limited, ML Integration Group Limited, ML Integration Limited, ML Integration Services Limited, MV Healthcare Services Private Limited, Mannesmann AG, MetroHoldings Limited, Mezzanine Ware Proprietary Limited (RF), Mirambo Limited, Misrfone Trading Company LLC, MobiFon S.A., Mobile Commerce Solutions Limited, Mobile Phone Centre Limited, Mobile Wallet VM1, Mobile Wallet VM2, Mobile by Sainsburys Limited, Mobiles 4 Limited, Mobileworld Communications Pty Limited, Mobileworld Operating Pty Ltd, Mobilvest, Motifpros 1 (Proprietary) Limited, Multi Risk Indemnity Company Limited, Multi Risk Limited, ND Callus Info Services Private Limited, Nadal Trading Company Private Limited, Nat Comm Air Limited, National Communications Backbone Company Limited, Navtrak Ltd, Netforce Group Limited, Netgrid Telecom SRL, Number Portability Company (Proprietary) Limited, ONO, Omega Telecom Holdings Private Limited, Oni Way Infocomunicacoes S.A, Oskar Mobil S.R.O., Oxygen Solutions Limited, P.C.P. (North West) Limited, PPL Pty Limited, PT Network Services Limited, PTI Telecom Limited, Peoples Phone Limited, Pinnacle Cellular Group Limited, Pinnacle Cellular Limited, Plex Limited, Plustech Mercantile Company Private Limited, Prime Metals Ltd., Project Telecom Holdings Limited, Quickcomm Software Solutions, Radio Opt GmbH, Rian Mobile Limited, SBC SMART CITY 1517 B.V., SMMS Investments Pvt Limited, Safaricom Limited, Safenet N.P A., Sarmady Communications, Scarlet Ibis Investments 23 (Pty) Limited, Scorpios Beverages Pvt. Ltd, Silver Stream Investments Limited, Singlepoint (4U) Limited, Singlepoint (4U) Ltd., Singlepoint Payment Services Limited, Siro Limited, Spar Aerospace (Nigeria) Limited, Sport TV Portugal S.A, Starnet, Stentor Communications Limited, Stentor Limited, Storage Technology Services (Pty) Limited, T.W. Telecom Limited, T3 Telecommunications Limited, TKS Telepost Kabel-Service Kaiserslautern Beteiligungs GmbH, TKS Telepost Kabel-Service Kaiserslautern GmbH & Co. KG, TNAS Limited, TSM NZ Limited, Talkland Airtime Services Limited, Talkland Australia Pty Limited, Talkland Communications Limited, Talkland International Limited, Talkland Midlands Limited, Talkmobile Limited, Tele2 Italia SPA, Tele2 Spain, Telecom Investments India Private Limited, Telecommunications Europe Limited, Ternhill Communications Limited, The Cobra Group, The Eastern Leasing Company Limited, The Old Telecom Sales Co. Limited, Thus Group Holdings Limited, Thus Group Limited, Thus Limited, Thus Profit Sharing Trustees Limited, TnT Expense Management LLC, Tomorrow Street GP S.a r.l., Tomorrow Street SCA, Torenspits II B.V., Townley Communications Limited, Trans Crystal Ltd., UMT Investments Limited, UPC Nederland Holding I B.V., UPC Nederland Holding II B.V., UPC Nederland Holding III B.V., Unified Communications, Uniqueair Limited, Urbana Teleunion Rostock GmbH & Co.KG, Usha Martin Telematics Limited, VAPL No. 2 Pty Limited, VBA (Mauritius) Limited, VBA Holdings Limited, VBA International (SL) Limited, VBA International Limited, VEI S.r.l., VM SA, VND S.p.A, VSSB Vodafone Shared Services Budapest Private Limited Company, Verwaltung Urbana Teleunion Rostock GmbH, Victus Networks S.A., Vizzavi Finance Limited, Vizzavi Limited, Voda Limited, Vodacall Limited, Vodacash s.p.r.l., Vodacom (Pty) Limited, Vodacom Business (Angola) Limitada, Vodacom Business (Ghana) Limited, Vodacom Business (Kenya) Limited, Vodacom Business Africa (Nigeria) Limited, Vodacom Business Africa Group (Pty) Limited, Vodacom Business Africa Group Services Limited, Vodacom Business Cameroon SA, Vodacom Business Cote Divoire S.A.R.L., Vodacom Congo (RDC) SA, Vodacom Financial Services (Proprietary) Limited, Vodacom Group Limited, Vodacom Insurance Administration Company (Proprietary) Limited, Vodacom Insurance Company (RF) Limited, Vodacom International Holdings (Pty) Limited, Vodacom International Limited, Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Limited, Vodacom Life Assurance Company (RF) Limited, Vodacom Payment Services (Proprietary) Limited, Vodacom Properties No 1 (Proprietary) Limited, Vodacom Properties No.2 (Pty) Limited, Vodacom Tanzania Limited Zanzibar, Vodacom Tanzania Public Limited Company, Vodacom UK Limited, Vodafone (NI) Limited, Vodafone (New Zealand) Hedging Limited, Vodafone (Scotland) Limited, Vodafone 2, Vodafone 4 UK, Vodafone 5 Limited, Vodafone 5 UK, Vodafone 6 UK, Vodafone Albania Sh.A, Vodafone Alternatif Telekom Hizmetleri A.S., Vodafone Americas 4, Vodafone Americas Virginia Inc., Vodafone And Qatar Foundation L.L.C, Vodafone Asset Management Services S.a r.l., Vodafone Australia Pty Limited, Vodafone Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Vodafone Automotive Electronic Systems S.r.L, Vodafone Automotive France S.A.S, Vodafone Automotive Iberia S.L, Vodafone Automotive Italia S.p.A, Vodafone Automotive Japan K.K, Vodafone Automotive Korea Limited, Vodafone Automotive SpA, Vodafone Automotive Technologies (Beijing) Co Ltd, Vodafone Automotive Telematics Development S.A.S, Vodafone Automotive Telematics S.A, Vodafone Automotive UK Limited, Vodafone Belgium SA/NV, Vodafone Benelux Limited, Vodafone Bilgi Ve Iletisim Hizmetleri AS, Vodafone Business Services Limited, Vodafone Business Solutions Limited, Vodafone Canada Inc, Vodafone Cellular Limited, Vodafone Central Services Limited, Vodafone China Limited (China), Vodafone China Limited (Hong Kong), Vodafone Connect 2 Limited, Vodafone Connect Limited, Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited, Vodafone Corporate Limited, Vodafone Corporate Secretaries Limited, Vodafone Czech Republic A.S., Vodafone DC Pension Trustee Company Limited, Vodafone Dagitim Hizmetleri A.S., Vodafone Data, Vodafone Distribution Holdings Limited, Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E., Vodafone Elektronik Para Ve Odeme Hizmetleri A.S., Vodafone Empresa Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda, Vodafone Empresa Mexico R.L. de C.V., Vodafone Enabler Espana S.L., Vodafone Enterprise Australia Pty Limited, Vodafone Enterprise Austria GmbH, Vodafone Enterprise Bahrain W.L.L., Vodafone Enterprise Bulgaria EOOD, Vodafone Enterprise Chile SA, Vodafone Enterprise Communications Technical Services (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Vodafone Enterprise Corporate Secretaries Limited, Vodafone Enterprise Denmark A/S, Vodafone Enterprise Equipment Limited, Vodafone Enterprise Europe (UK) Limited, Vodafone Enterprise Europe (UK) Limited Czech Branch, Vodafone Enterprise Europe (UK) Limited DubaiI Branch, Vodafone Enterprise Finland OY, Vodafone Enterprise France SAS, Vodafone Enterprise Germany GmbH, Vodafone Enterprise Global Businesses S.a r.l., Vodafone Enterprise Global Limited, Vodafone Enterprise Global Network HK Ltd, Vodafone Enterprise Global Network Pte. Ltd., Vodafone Enterprise Hong Kong Ltd, Vodafone Enterprise Italy S.r.L, Vodafone Enterprise Korea Limited, Vodafone Enterprise Luxembourg S.A., Vodafone Enterprise Netherlands BV, Vodafone Enterprise Norway AS, Vodafone Enterprise Regional Business Singapore Pte.Ltd., Vodafone Enterprise Singapore Pte.Ltd, Vodafone Enterprise Spain S.L.U. Portugal Branch, Vodafone Enterprise Spain SLU, Vodafone Enterprise Sweden AB, Vodafone Enterprise Switzerland AG, Vodafone Erste Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Vodafone Espana S.A.U., Vodafone Euro Hedging Limited, Vodafone Euro Hedging Two, Vodafone Europe B.V., Vodafone Europe UK, Vodafone European Investments, Vodafone European Portal Limited, Vodafone Finance Limited, Vodafone Finance Luxembourg Limited, Vodafone Finance Sweden, Vodafone Finance UK Limited, Vodafone Financial Operations, Vodafone Financial Services B.V., Vodafone Fixed Ltd, Vodafone Foundation, Vodafone Foundation Australia Pty Limited, Vodafone Gestioni S.p.A, Vodafone Ghana Mobile Financial Services Limited, Vodafone Global Content Services Limited, Vodafone Global Enterprise (Hong Kong) Limited, Vodafone Global Enterprise (Italy) S.R.L., Vodafone Global Enterprise (Japan) K.K., Vodafone Global Enterprise (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Vodafone Global Enterprise Limited, Vodafone Global Enterprise Russia LLC, Vodafone Global Enterprise Taiwan Limited, Vodafone Global Enterprise Telecommunications (Hellas) A.E., Vodafone Global Network Limited, Vodafone Global Network Limited Slovakia Branch, Vodafone Global Services Private Limited, Vodafone GmbH, Vodafone Group (Directors) Trustee Limited, Vodafone Group Pension Trustee Limited, Vodafone Group Services GmbH, Vodafone Group Services Ireland Limited, Vodafone Group Services Limited, Vodafone Group Services No.2 Limited, Vodafone Group Share Trustee Limited, Vodafone Hire Limited, Vodafone Holding A.S., Vodafone Holdings (Jersey) Limited, Vodafone Holdings (SA) Proprietary Limited, Vodafone Holdings Europe S.L.U., Vodafone Holdings Luxembourg Limited, Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited, Vodafone Hutchison Finance Pty Limited, Vodafone Hutchison Receivables Pty Limited, Vodafone IP Licensing Limited, Vodafone India Digital Limited, Vodafone India Limited, Vodafone India Services Private Limited, Vodafone India Ventures Limited, Vodafone Institut fur Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH, Vodafone Intermediate Enterprises Limited, Vodafone International 1 S.a.r.l. Luxembourg Zweigniederlassung Bern, Vodafone International 1 S.a r.l., Vodafone International 2 Limited, Vodafone International Holdings B.V., Vodafone International Holdings Limited, Vodafone International M S.a r.l., Vodafone International Operations Limited, Vodafone International Services LLC, Vodafone Investment UK, Vodafone Investments (SA) Proprietary Limited, Vodafone Investments Australia Limited, Vodafone Investments Limited, Vodafone Investments Luxembourg S.a r.l., Vodafone Investments Luxembourg S.a r.l. Luxembourg Zweigniederlassung Bern, Vodafone Ireland Distribution Limited, Vodafone Ireland Ltd., Vodafone Ireland Marketing Limited, Vodafone Ireland Property Holdings Limited, Vodafone Ireland Retail Limited, Vodafone Italia S.p.A., Vodafone Jersey Dollar Holdings Limited, Vodafone Jersey Finance, Vodafone Jersey Yen Holdings Unlimited, Vodafone Kabel Deutschland Field Services GmbH, Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH, Vodafone Kabel Deutschland Kundenbetreuung GmbH, Vodafone Kenya Limited, Vodafone Leasing Limited, Vodafone Libertel B.V., Vodafone Limited, Vodafone Luxembourg 5 S.a r.l., Vodafone Luxembourg 5 S.a r.l. Luxembourg Zweigniederlassung Bern, Vodafone Luxembourg S.a r.l., Vodafone Luxembourg S.a r.l. Luxembourg Zweigniederlassung Bern, Vodafone M-PESA SH.P.K., Vodafone M-Pesa S.A, Vodafone M.C. Mobile Services Limited , Vodafone Magyarorszag Mobile Tavkozlesi Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag, Vodafone Malta Limited, Vodafone Marketing UK , Vodafone Maroc SARL, Vodafone Mauritius Ltd., Vodafone Mobile Commerce Limited, Vodafone Mobile Communications Limited, Vodafone Mobile Enterprises Limited, Vodafone Mobile NZ Limited, Vodafone Mobile Network Limited, Vodafone Mobile Operations Limited, Vodafone Mobile Services Limited, Vodafone Multimedia Limited, Vodafone Nederland Holding I B.V., Vodafone Nederland Holding II B.V., Vodafone Nederland Holding III B.V., Vodafone Net Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., Vodafone Network Pty Limited, Vodafone New Zealand Foundation Limited, Vodafone New Zealand Limited, Vodafone Next Generation Services Limited, Vodafone Nominees Limited1, Vodafone ONO S.A.U., Vodafone Oceania Limited, Vodafone Old Show Ground Site Management Limited, Vodafone Overseas Finance Limited, Vodafone Overseas Holdings Limited, Vodafone Panafon International Holdings B.V., Vodafone Panafon UK, Vodafone Partner Services Limited, Vodafone Payment Solutions S.a r.l., Vodafone Portugal Comunicacoes Pessoais S.A., Vodafone Procurement Company S.a r.l., Vodafone Property Investments Limited, Vodafone Pty Limited, Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C., Vodafone Retail (Holdings) Limited , Vodafone Retail Limited, Vodafone Roaming Services S.a r.l., Vodafone Romania S.A, Vodafone Romania M - Payments SRL, Vodafone Romania Technologies SRL, Vodafone Sales & Services Limited, Vodafone Satellite Services Limited, Vodafone Servicios SL.U, Vodafone Servizi E Tecnologie S.R.L, Vodafone Servicos Empresariais Brasil Ltda., Vodafone Shared Services Romania SRL, Vodafone Specialist Communications Limited, Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland Gemeinnutzige GmbH, Vodafone Technology Solutions Limited, Vodafone Teknoloji Hizmetleri A.S., Vodafone Tele-Services (India) Holdings Limited, Vodafone Telecel-Comunicates Pessoais S.A., Vodafone Telecommunications (India) Limited, Vodafone Telekomunikasyon A.S, Vodafone Towers Limited, Vodafone UK Content Services Limited, Vodafone UK Investments Limited , Vodafone UK Limited1 , Vodafone US Inc, Vodafone Ventures Limited1 , Vodafone Vierte Verwaltungs AG, Vodafone Worldwide Holdings Limited, Vodafone Yen Finance Limited , Vodafone m-pesa Limited, Vodafone-Central Limited Vodaphone Limited, Vodafone-Panafon Hellenic Telecommunications Company S.A., VodafoneZiggo Group Holding B.V, Vodata Limited , Vouchercloud SA (Pty) Ltd, Wataneya Telecommunications S.A.E, Waterberg Lodge (Proprietary) Limited, Wayfinder, Wheatfields Investments 276 (Proprietary) Limited, Wireless Interactions & NFC Accelerator 2013 B.V., Woodend Cellular Limited, Woodend Communications Limited, Woodend Group Limited, Woodend Holdings Limited, XB Facilities B.V, XLink Communications (Proprietary) Limited, Your Communications Group Limited, ZUM B.V., ZYB, Zelitron S.A., Zesko B.V., Ziggo B.V., Ziggo Bond Company B.V., Ziggo Deelnemingen B.V., Ziggo Finance 2 B.V., Ziggo Financing Partnership, Ziggo Holding B.V., Ziggo Netwerk B.V., Ziggo Netwerk II B.V., Ziggo Services B.V., Ziggo Services Employment B.V., Ziggo Services Netwerk 2 B.V., Ziggo Zakelijk Services B.V., and Zoranet Connectivity Services B.V.. InterXion Holding N.V. provides carrier and cloud-neutral colocation data center services in France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The company enables its customers to connect to a range of telecommunications carriers, cloud platforms, Internet service providers, and other customers. Its data centers acts as content, cloud, and connectivity hubs that facilitate the processing, storage, sharing, and distribution of data between its customers. The company offers colocation services, including space and power to deploy IT infrastructure in its data centers; a range of output voltages and currents; connectivity services that enable its customers to connect their IT infrastructure to exchange traffic and access cloud platforms; and systems monitoring, systems management, engineering support, and data backup and storage services, as well as installs and manages physical connections running from its customers' equipment to the equipment of its telecommunications carriers, Internet service providers, Internet exchange customers, and other customers. It provides its services to telecom operators, Internet service providers, and content delivery networks; content and cloud providers; and enterprises through direct sales forces, as well as through tradeshows, networking events, and industry seminars. As of December 31, 2018, it operated 51 carrier and cloud neutral colocation data centers in 13 metropolitan areas in 11 countries. The company is also involved in real estate management/holding businesses. InterXion Holding N.V. was incorporated in 1998 and is headquartered in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. Read More Photo: The Canadian Press Migrants on a rubber dinghy are approached by Sea-Watch rescue ship's staffers in the waters off Libya Wednesday, April 3, 2019. Ending a standoff over immigration, Malta on Saturday announced a deal to distribute 64 migrants rescued at sea off Libya 10 days ago among four European Union nations. Malta's government said the migrants, who will be distributed among Germany, France, Portugal and Luxembourg, were being transferred to Maltese army boats at sea and would be brought to port later Saturday. However, Malta said the German-flagged aid ship carrying them, the Alan Kurdi, will still not be allowed to enter its ports and none of the migrants will remain in Malta. "Once again, the smallest member of the European Union was put under unnecessary pressure being asked to resolve a case which was neither its responsibility nor its remit," the government said. "A solution was found in order not to let the situation deteriorate further while making it clear Malta cannot keep shouldering this burden." Malta has argued it cannot open its ports to humanitarian rescue ships because their activities off the coast of lawless Libya have encouraged human traffickers. The German aid group Sea-Eye, which had rescued the 64 migrants, had complained for days about worsening conditions on the Alan Kurdi, which was not designed to handle so many people. Two migrants were evacuated due to health issues. Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who has repeatedly rejected calls to let the ship enter Italian ports, hailed the deal. "Excellent news!" he tweeted after the deal was announced. He praised Malta for "doing the right thing by denouncing the dangerous and undue pressures exerted by the NGOs." Salvini, leader of Italy's far-right League party, is sticking to a hard-line approach to migration, insisting that Italian ports should be closed to migrants rescued by aid groups in the Mediterranean Sea in a bid to force other EU states to take them in. The 64 migrants were originally rescued off the Libyan coast, so Italy and Malta claimed Libya should have taken them in. However, parts of Libya have seen escalating fighting in the last week amid one group's military campaign to take the capital. A total of 356 people have died or gone missing while crossing the Mediterranean this year, according to the International Organization for Migration. Photo: The Canadian Press FILE - In this Dec. 16, 2010, file photo, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is seen outside the High Court in central London. The arrest of Assange reignites a debate with no easy answer: Is the former computer hacker and founder of WikiLeaks a journalist or not? An ace Swedish programmer who was an early, ardent supporter of WikiLeaks has been arrested in Ecuador in an alleged plot to blackmail the country's president over his abandonment of Julian Assange. But friends of Ola Bini say the soft-spoken encryption expert is being unfairly targeted for his activism on behalf of digital privacy. On Saturday, prosecutors said they intend to charge Bini for hacking-related crimes and had him ordered detained for up to 90 days while they compile evidence. The 36-year-old was arrested Thursday at the airport in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito as he prepared to board a flight to Japan. The arrest came just hours after Assange was evicted from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Bini was carrying at least 30 electronic storage devices. His lawyers said they have not been notified whether he's been charged. Authorities said the plot hatched with two unidentified Russian hackers living in Ecuador involved threatening to release compromising documents about President Lenin Moreno as he toughened his stance against the WikiLeaks founder. "It's up to the justice system to determine if he committed a crime," Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Friday. "But we can't allow Ecuador to become a centre for piracy and spying. That period in our history is over." Romo said Bini had travelled at least 12 times to meet with Assange at the London embassy. She said he was also in Venezuela earlier this year around the same time as a close aide to Moreno's ex-mentor turned arch enemy, Rafael Correa. The former president granted Assange asylum in 2012 and has been leading a campaign cheered on by WikiLeaks to expose alleged corruption by Moreno that has included the release of damaging personal documents and photos, including several that showed him eating lobster in bed. While the extent of Bini's relationship with Assange is unclear, the Swede has defended the WikiLeaks founder's free speech rights in an online blog he's kept over the years. "Any official who has called for Assange to be treated as a terrorist or enemy combatant should be seriously considering stepping down from office," he wrote in December 2010. In the same blog, Bini condemned Amazon for knocking WikiLeaks off its hosting services and credit card companies and PayPal for refusing to process payments to the secret-spilling site. He also described working on a January 2011 panel about WikiLeaks put on by his then-employer, global software firm Thoughtworks, and including Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame. An expert on secure communications, Bini arrived in Quito in 2013 after being transferred from Chicago to the Ecuador office of Thoughtworks, which has guiding principles that stress social activism. Around the same time, he started to rethink his online habits and at one point gave up his Gmail account in favour of self-hosted email. "I am not a huge fan of having all my electronic life hosted under the auspices of U.S. legislation, especially not in light of recent events," he wrote in a 2013 post. Friends and loved ones describe Bini as a computer geek who felt most at ease solving complex programming problem for days at a time. At the time of his arrest, he was travelling to Japan, his former wife Malin Sandell told The Associated Press, for two weeks of jujitsu training one of the few hobbies he indulged in outside of his all-consuming work as a code developer. His Ecuadorian girlfriend said that she did not recall Bini ever expressing strong support for Assange despite the fact that the WikiLeaks founder has deep ties in Sweden and would have been an obvious topic of conversation in the small Ecuadorian programming circles. "Ola is not a hacker, if by that you mean a criminal, but he is someone trying to understand how computers work and protect people's privacy," Sofia Ramos said in an interview from Brussels. Ramos worked with Bini on a project at the Center for Digital Autonomy for creating a more secure instant-messaging encryption protocol. In its statement Friday, the centre said Computerworld had ranked him in 2010 as Sweden's No. 6 developer. The centre is a small non-profit incorporated in Ecuador and Spain dedicated to private, secure and anonymous communication. Its website says it has contributed to well-known projects including Enigmail and the Tor privacy browser. In the hours before he went to the airport Thursday, Bini sent a tweet warning of a "witch hunt" by Ecuadorian authorities mopping up after Assange's forced departure from the embassy. Now his friends say that prophecy appears to have been true. "I didn't realize that knowing somebody is a crime," said Vijay Prashad, who runs a Marxist publishing house in India and last saw Bini a few months ago in Sao Paulo, Brazil. "He's the last person who would ever be involved in an attempt to overthrow a government." North Korean leader Kim Jong Un says he's open to having a third summit with President Donald Trump if the United States could offer mutually acceptable terms for an agreement by the end of the year. Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency on Saturday said Kim's speech came during a session of the North Korea's rubber-stamp parliament. Kim during the speech blamed the collapse of his summit with Trump in February on what he described as unilateral demands by the United States. But he said his personal relationship with the American president remains good. Kim repeated earlier claims that North Korea's crippled economy would persevere through heavy international sanctions imposed over its nuclear weapons programme and that he wouldn't "obsess over summitry with the United States out of thirst for sanctions relief." The United States has said the summit broke down because of the North's excessive demands for sanctions relief in return for limited disarmament measures. "We of course place importance on resolving problems through dialogue and negotiations. But US-style dialogue of unilaterally pushing its demands doesn't fit us, and we have no interest in it," Kim said during the speech. "We will wait with patience until the end of the year for the United States to come up with a courageous decision. But it will clearly be difficult for a good opportunity like last time to come up." On Friday, the KCNA reported that Kim was re-elected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission, the nation's most important decision-making body, during a session of the Supreme People's Assembly that praised his "outstanding ideological and theoretical wisdom and experienced and seasoned leadership." The parliament also made a slew of personnel changes on Thursday that bolstered Kim's diplomatic lineup. Experts say the new appointments may be a sign of Kim's desire to keep recent months of up-and-down nuclear diplomacy alive rather than returning to the threats and weapons tests that characterised 2017, when many feared war on the Korean Peninsula. -PTI Celtics draft pick status after todays ping-pong tie-breakers: SAC: 14th (2.3% jumps to 2 or 3; 95.2% stays at 14) MEM: 8th (42.6% conveys at 9+) LAC: 20th BOS: 22nd Chris Forsberg (@ChrisForsberg_) April 12, 2019 Well that didn't exactly work out as planned.In the 3 way tie breaker with the Kings pick, the Celtics got the worst outcome. In the two way tie with the Spurs with the Clippers pick again the C's lost. And with the two way tie with Oklahoma City and our own pick, once again we lost.The pick that is most confusing is the Grizzlies pick that we own. In that 3 way tie New Orleans gets #7, the Grizzlies get #8 and the Hawks get #9. The Hawks pick would remain with the Mavs if it moves up into the top 4. And the Grizzlies pick would remain with Memphis if it moves up into the top 4 or stays at 8. If it falls to 9, 10, or 11 it becomes ours. Pretty decent chance it falls to #9.The Celtics say they don't want the pick to convey this season, but if you're counting on the Grizzlies pick to be gold in two years, realize that things can change for the worse. Just like the Kings improved quite a bit this year, you add a top pick this year to Jaren Jackson Jr and then another top pick next season, and I could see the 2020-2021 Grizzlies being pretty good and thus the pick ending up worse than #9.The Celtics though likely view the potential for lottery gold down the road as a more attractive trade piece than #9 in this draft. At least that's the rumor.Related: Eye on the Draft: Virginia defeats Texas Tech in thrilling NCAA finale (highlights) While the T-Roc is about the same size as the Hyundai Creta, it is likely to be significantly more expensive The Volkswagen T-Roc will be imported to India. Only petrol-automatic powertrain might be on offer. Might rival Jeep Compass, Hyundai Tucson price-wise. Will get front, side and curtain airbags, two-zone auto AC. Volkswagen is planning to launch the T-Roc SUV in India in the second half of 2019. The T-Roc will be the second VW SUV in India after the Tiguan. It is smaller than the Tiguan and will be positioned under it. The Tiguan is priced from Rs 28.07 lakh (ex-showroom). Positioning: Creta rival size-wise, but could be as expensive as Tucson The T-Roc will allow Volkswagen to compete in the compact and mid-size SUV segments, where the carmaker doesnt have any presence right now. Compact SUVs in India comprise of cars like the Hyundai Creta and Renault Duster while the mid-size SUV segment includes cars like the Jeep Compass, Tata Harrier, Mahindra XUV500 and the Hyundai Tucson. While the compact SUVs are priced from around Rs 9 lakh, the most expensive version of the mid-size Tucson SUV goes up to around Rs 27 lakh! Dimensions Volkswagen T-Cross (UK-spec) Volkswagen T-Roc (UK spec) Hyundai Creta (India spec) Jeep Compass (India spec) Hyundai Tucson (India spec) Length 4108mm 4234mm 4270mm 4395mm 4475mm Width Up to 1780mm 1819mm 1780mm 1818mm 1850mm Height 1584mm 1573mm 1665mm 1640mm 1660mm Wheelbase 2551mm 2590mm 2590mm 2636mm 2670mm Despite being a Creta-rival in terms of size, the T-Roc will most likely be priced to take on the likes of the Jeep Compass and Hyundai Tucson. The reason for the T-Roc being so expensive is because it will be imported to India from Europe. Powertrain & Features: More power, more features to justify the price In order to make a buying case for the T-Roc in the mid-size segment, Volkswagen might ship in a more feature-rich and powerful version of the SUV. Amongst the variety of powertrains that it gets in the UK, Volkswagen could opt for the 1.5-litre TSI EVO engine paired with a 7-speed automatic DSG transmission for the T-Roc in India. In the UK-spec T-Roc, this engine produces 150PS of maximum power. In comparison, the India-spec Hyundai Tucson gets a 2.0-litre petrol engine that makes 155PS of maximum power. The Jeep Compass, on the other hand, is powered by a 1.4-litre Multiair petrol engine that makes 163PS of maximum power. Besides the 1.5-litre TSI EVO engine, VW has a 2.0-litre TSI engine in its UK-spec T-Roc portfolio. This engine is only available with a 7-speed DSG automatic transmission coupled with 4WD. This is the flagship petrol engine of the UK-spec T-Roc and makes 190PS of maximum power. It remains to be seen which powertrain VW plans to offer in India. The T-Roc is also available with the 2.0-litre, 150PS TDI diesel engine in the UK with both 6-speed manual and 7-speed DSG automatic transmission options. Since this engine is significantly less powerful than the Tucsons 2.0-litre, 185PS unit and the Compass 2.0-litre, 173PS engine, VW might opt to not offer it on the T-Roc in India. In terms of features, the T-Roc is available in five variants in the UK: S, SE, Design, Sel and R-Line. The base S variant in the UK gets features like alloy wheels, electrically heated and adjustable door mirrors, halogen headlamps with LED DRLs, tilt and telescopic steering wheel, front, side and curtain airbags, electronic stability control and a two-zone automatic climate control. Interestingly, this variant doesnt come with either the 1.5-litre or 2.0-litre petrol engines that are likely to come to India. The most affordable variant to get the 1.5-litre petrol engine is the SE, which, over the S variant, gets an 8-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, 17-inch alloy wheels, leather-wrapped steering wheel, electrically-foldable ORVMs, adaptive cruise control and front and rear parking sensors. The T-Roc SE powered by the 1.5-litre petrol-DSG powertrain is priced at 20,000 (~Rs 18 lakh). If VW plans to bring this variant to India, expect it to be priced in excess of Rs 20 lakh. For reference, the Tucson petrol-auto range starts from Rs 21.84 lakh and goes up to Rs 23.7 lakh (both prices ex-showroom Delhi). Whats the future? SUVs is the segment to be in, and Volkswagen will introduce another SUV in India after the T-Roc. While the T-Roc will come to India in 2019 (and it might come in limited numbers only), the T-Cross SUV will debut in 2020 and will be manufactured locally. The T-Cross is similar in size as the T-Roc, but it will be a lot more affordable, less equipped and less powerful too. It will rival the likes of the Creta and Duster in India, both in terms of price as well as size. Disclaimer: This article has not been edited by Deccan Chronicle and is taken from a syndicated feed. Photos: CarDekho. Porbandar is known for being Mahatma Gandhis birthplace. Chennai: The UDAN scheme intended to make regional connectivity easy has opened up a few less explored tourist destinations. The scheme has stimulated air connectivity between destinations in a distance of up to 800 km. Among them, Hyderabad-Nanded is the most travelled route, as per a study by Paytm Travel. Mumbai - Nanded also is one of the top routes opened up by UDAN scheme. Nanded in Maharashtra used to be a lesser known tourist destination earlier. Similarly, Vidyanagar in Karnataka too has become known among tourists. Hyderabad to Vidyanagar is the fifth most travelled UDAN route and Bangalore- Vidyanagar is the sixth most travelled route. Porbandar is known for being Mahatma Gandhis birthplace. Its tourism value has gone up in recent times. Mumbai-Porbandar is the fourth most travelled UDAN route. Further, Hyderabad- Nanded is also one of the top 10 routes that can be travelled by flight for less than Rs 2,000. Chennai-Cuddapah is the top sub-Rs 2,000 route, followed by Lucknow-Allahabad and Bikaner-Jaipur. Paytm Travel 2018 also found that flight travelers book their tickets 13 days in advance to avoid last-minute surge in prices. Train travelers usually book their tickets one month in advance. However, there are travelers who opt for last-minute booking with tatkal facility. This takes the average train booking period five days prior to journey. Imports from the four Asian countries also climbed as they diverted supply into India, the source said. New Delhi: India was a net importer of steel during the 2018/19 fiscal year, the first time in three years, as the country lost market share among its traditional steel buyers and imports jumped on demand for higher-quality steel domestically. The country's finished steel exports fell by 34 per cent in the fiscal year that ended in March to 6.36 million tonnes, according to preliminary government data given to Reuters on Friday. During the same period, finished steel imports rose 4.7 per cent to 7.84 million tonnes. India's exports during the fiscal year declined after rival steelmakers in China, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia, blocked from markets in the United States and Europe by tariffs and other protectionist measures, ate away at the country's markets in the Middle East and Africa, according to an Indian government official with close knowledge of the matter. Imports from the four Asian countries also climbed as they diverted supply into India, the source said. Imports of value-added steel, primarily for the auto sector and high-end electrical steel were the biggest source of imports, the source said. "The imports for producing value-added steel for the auto sector is mainly by foreign steelmakers like POSCO," the source said, declining to be identified as he was not authorised to speak to the media. India's Ministry of Steel has urged local automakers to cut Japanese and South Korean imports to support domestic producers but the automakers say they cannot get the quality of steel they need locally. Indian steel companies have also sought imposition of higher duties on imports. The steel ministry did not immediately reply to an emailed request for a comment on the import and export data. While the government data did not specify stainless steel import levels, industry participants have noted overseas supply has climbed. "There is a surge in imports of stainless steel flat products from Indonesia, which used to be less than 1,000 tonnes a month until last year, has now surged to a level of 10,000 to 11,000 tonnes a month during April to March," said K.K. Pahuja, President of the Indian Stainless Steel Development Association, a not for profit body. Stainless steel producers in India contend that China is shipping product through Indonesia to circumvent an additional import tax that India levied in 2017. "The trend shows decline in imports from China but increased imports from ASEAN countries, indicating the circumvention phenomena in the existing countervailing duty," said Abhyuday Jindal, Managing Director of Jindal Stainless, India's largest stainless steel producer. Actress Priyanka Chopra is collaborating with top American writer Mindy Kaling alias Vera Mindy Chokalingam for a Hollywood-Bollywood wedding film project that also puts PeeCee on the producers chair. Reports filtering in from Hollywood state that the film is a funny take on a multicultural wedding and is set in India and the United States. Sources now say that though Mindy is well aware of the different Indian cultures, PeeCee is giving her inputs from her personal experience of organising such a wedding last year. Billed as a Crazy Rich Asians meets My Big Fat Greek Wedding project, the film is being written by Mindy along with Dan Goor, the co-creator of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Priyanka shared the news on Instagram as well. Two women with a passion for telling good stories, just got the green light to THEIR story THEIR way. So proud of this incredible partnership with @mindykaling and #dangoor! We are about to show you what it means to be modern, global, and Indian. See you at the cinema! (sic) PeeCee will be giving her inputs but its not an inspiration from her personal wedding story. Its just that PeeCee was apt choice for the role after her wedding with Nick Jonas which co-incidentally can be compared to the storyline of the film, says source. Incidentally, while PeeCee has become one of the hosts for the Met Gala at New York this year, Mindys last appearance as an actor was in Oceans Eight last year. Sanskriti Media After being handheld through the film production process by Vinod Chopra and his production house, Rajkumar Hirani is all set to go solo as a producer. The director-editor has co-produced films like PK and Sanju under the banner of Rajkumar Hirani Films (RHF). Hirani was in the eye of the storm when the #MeToo controversy spilt over and his name was unceremoniously yanked off from the credits of Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga. But the good news for the Munnabhai creator is that actors who have worked with him have stood by him and Hirani is on the verge of making a film announcement at the earliest. His script has been ready for a while and this time he will be going solo as a producer and not in cahoots with Vinod Chopra. He has spoken to some actors from the industry to be a part of this film and they are keen to work with him, informs a trade source. Incidentally, Vivek Oberoi was offered Hiranis debut film Munnabhai MBBS after Company. And then, the role went to Shah Rukh Khan, who withdrew from the project later only to be replaced by Sanjay Dutt. Sanskriti Media Emma Stone stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Thursday and spoke about a lot of things, including the time when she modelled for textbook series Horizons, by McGraw Hill. On the cover photo, a brace-faced Emma can be seen smiling and is surrounded by a spread of textbook covers: math, spelling and vocabulary, French, and others, reports WMagazine. Where Im from, in Arizona, they had a little thing where you could be a model for educational textbooks, Stone explained to Fallon, adding, Like the kids you see on textbooks who are like, I love these textbooks. She did it precisely once, for one day, and thought it was the coolest thing in the world. On the cover photo, a brace-faced Emma can be seen smiling and is surrounded by a spread of textbook covers: math, spelling and vocabulary, French, and others Emma also gushed about getting to host Saturday Night Live this weekend with BTS as the musical guest. I just saw their sound check today, the Oscar-winning expressed, adding, And I involuntarily screamed. Im actually not kidding. It came out of my body. Theres like a chemical reaction that happens. Well maybe it is that way because for you sex has been a one sided affair all this time. (Photo: Representational/Pexels) Mumbai: How do I know that porn deprives and corrupts? It deprives and corrupts me. Apparently, this is the best I could find under Google search for famous old quotes on porn. I was hoping some classic would appear something from the court of Louis XVI or from below the table of Dostoevsky who never seized preaching the glories of carnal sins or at least something from Oscar Wilde. But hardly! Hardly from the sort of escape value that could easily be as old as humanitys relationship with alcohol. When it comes to India, one is a lucrative source of revenue for the government and the other is a mortal sin. In 2015 the government of India declared ban of porn complete blockage from assessing some of the popular darlings. The move was noteworthy of all the scorn backlash and ridicule that followed. Here at IMBesharam, we love playing with numbers and data. Our giggles knew no limits observing how porn related keyword searches spiked in India in the months to come after the ban. Some of the toys became unusually popular during the same period. The move by the government was a blessing in disguise. The demand for sex toys increased and cleared up the shelves of dildos, masturbators, vibrators and handjob gels. Thank you, India! What is it about porn and furthermore what is it about porn in India that has forced the government to come prematurely dealing with it? Answers are not easy to find and dont expect guidance from Hollywood either they are not exactly known for social commentary. Yet one movie dares to argue the topic in a satirical manner. Jon Martello the main protagonist in the movie Don Jon is a mega-successful male able to score at whim whenever he wants it. Yet to him no pleasure with women is measurable with the sheer joy of watching porn. Plenty of it. Porn is the cause for breaking his current relationship or so it seems. The moment of epiphany comes later when he is asked what is it about porn that you find it better than actual sex? I lose myself, he said. With porn I forget about myself, after which comes the reply Well maybe it is that way because for you sex has been a one sided affair all this time. Why is this a striking moment? Because for once porn is not the chief reason for all of humanitys perils, instead it is a mirror of our state of affairs, the deeper problems we leave unaddressed. And yes eventually understand that porn was not the only reason his girlfriend broke up with him but she being a control freak. Perhaps we should give porn a proper chance or at least a fair neutral spot in public debate, away from the subjectivity of morals. At the very least we know that banning is the stupidest way to address the concerns. It is like choosing an elephant in a china room. Porn ban in India did nothing to prevent Indians watching porn, because unlike China, India doesnt have the underlying infrastructure, a robust censorship system in place, heck we cant even make our Aadhar system work. But it surely made for headlines all over the country and introduced porn to those who might have never heard of it. Are there such a man in the first place? The self-righteous mantra of Jon Martello rings in my mind straight away there is no man who doesnt watch porn everyday. Also heard in circles of IMbesharam offices, two pornstars are coming to India to find a suitable husband. Well if this is not the height of irony or irony of heights, then what else it could be. Nevertheless, I have to run to welcome these stars and give them a taste of Indian hospitality. *Disclaimer: The article has been contributed by Blaze Arizanov, Director of Marketing, The opinions expressed in the article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Deccan Chronicle and Deccan Chronicle does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. Finland's stark but beautiful landscape might have something to do with the country's top score in the happiness index. (Photo: AFP) When the United Nations crowned Finland the world's happiest nation last month for the second year running, there were still quite a few eyebrows raised. How could this Nordic country, better known for its harsh weather and high suicide rate, be the world's happiest? Although international comparisons are imperfect due to holes in the data, in 1990 official statistics did indeed indicate that Finland's suicide rate was the second highest in the world, behind Hungary. But Professor Timo Partonen at Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare, warns against the temptation to blame the problem on Finland's dark, cold climate, or its bleak, concrete, post-war towns. "If you are depressed in any place in the world, you bear a similar risk of suicide," Partonen told AFP. "I think that the social connections and how willing you are to seek help and receive help are the most important things here." Suicides in Finland have now fallen to less than half of 1990 levels. That is thanks largely to a decade-long public health drive to improve treatment and support for those at risk, as well as to make media reporting of the issue more responsible. These days it is also much more socially acceptable for Finns, especially men, to open up about their feelings, says Partonen. "Now it's easier to talk about it if you are depressed for example, and it's easier to get treated and have adequate treatment as well." According to the World Health Organization, Finland's suicide rate is now 22nd highest in the world, lower than the US and one spot higher than Australia. Even today however, many Finns still describe themselves as taciturn and prone to melancholy and admit to eyeing public displays of joyfulness with suspicion. Finland's residents enjoy a high quality of life, security and public services, with rates of inequality and poverty among the lowest of all OECD countries. But as the country votes in this weekend's general election, the issue of how to continue funding Finland's cherished welfare state in future appears to be on many voters' minds. In an EU survey last year, 86 per cent of Finns said they were satisfied with their work-life balance, against an EU average of 78 per cent. That leaves more time for a favourite pursuit of many Finns, going outdoors to enjoy the country's vast forests and thousands of lakes. "You forget all your daily things that maybe are going on inside your head and you can just breathe deeply and listen to nature," said Petri Honkala, a physiotherapist of his daily walks and runs in the forest by his house. Since Finland's success in the UN's world happiness rankings, which compared various social and economic measures in 156 countries, Honkala and seven other Finns have been employed by the country's tourist board as "happiness guides" for foreign visitors. Later this year he will host guests at his home to share the secrets to Nordic well-being and a trip to his favourite nearby forest spots will be top of the agenda. "I have been in my own little business all the time, I haven't been employed, so I haven't had any vacation for example, I don't go to the Canary Islands," Honkala said, as he barbecued sausages over a bonfire in a small forest clearing. "But that's not the important thing to me, I'd rather come over here." It said by April 2015, the total amount owed by Reliance to the French authorities in taxes was at least 151 million euros. (Image: File) New Delhi: France waived taxes worth 143.7 million euros to a French-registered telecom subsidiary of Anil Ambani's Reliance Communications in 2015, months after India's announcement of buying 36 Rafale jets, French newspaper Le Monde reported today. Reliance Communications rejected any wrongdoing and said the tax dispute was settled under a legal framework that is available to all companies operating in France. The French newspaper said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement against an original demand of 151 million euros. Reliance Flag owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. Reacting to the report, the Defence Ministry said any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform. "We have seen reports drawing conjectural connection between tax exemption to a private company and procurement of Rafale fighter jets by government of India. Neither the period of the tax concession nor the subject matter of the concession relate even remotely to the Rafale procurement concluded during the tenure of the present government," the Defence Ministry said in a statement. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced India would buy a batch of 36 Rafale jets after talks with the then French President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015 in Paris. The final deal was sealed on September 23, 2016. The Congress has been alleging massive irregularities in the deal, saying the government was procuring each aircraft at a cost of over Rs. 1,670 crore as against Rs. 526 crore finalised by the UPA government when it was negotiating the deal. The Congress has also been targeting the government over selection of Anil Ambani-owned Reliance Defence as an offset partner for Dassault Aviation, the manufacturer of Rafale. The government has rejected the allegations. The French newspaper said the company was investigated by French tax authorities and found liable to pay 60 million euros in taxes for the period 2007 to 2010. However, Reliance offered to pay 7.6 million euros only as a settlement, but the French tax authorities refused to accept the amount. The authorities conducted another probe for the period 2010 to 2012 and told the company to pay an additional 91 million euros in taxes, the report said. It said by April 2015, the total amount owed by Reliance to the French authorities in taxes was at least 151 million euros. In October, six months after PM Modi announced the Rafale deal in Paris, the French authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance as a settlement as against the original demand of 151 million euros. A spokesperson of Reliance Communications said the tax demands were "completely unsustainable and illegal" and that the company denied any favouritism or gain from the settlement. "During the period under consideration by the French tax authorities - 2008-2012 i.e. nearly 10 years ago, Flag France had an operating loss of Rs. 20 crore (Euro 2.7 million). French tax authorities had raised a tax demand of over Rs. 1,100 crore for the same period," the official said. "As per the French tax settlement process as per law, a mutual settlement agreement was signed to pay Rs. 56 crore as a final settlement," he said. The Dalai Lama told his followers on Friday to 'feel at ease' as he was discharged from a New Delhi hospital three days after being admitted with a chest infection. (Photo: File) New Delhi: The Dalai Lama told his followers on Friday to "feel at ease" as he was discharged from a New Delhi hospital three days after being admitted with a chest infection. "I received the necessary medical treatments and now feel kind of normal," the 83-year-old told reporters in a video posted on his official Twitter account as he left the medical facility on Friday morning. HHDL speaks to members of the Tibetan press on his release from the hospital in New Delhi, India on April 12, 2019. (Video courtesy VOA Tibetan Service) Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) April 12, 2019 "I have recovered very well. So, everyone, please feel at ease! I wish to thank everyone for your sincere concern and prayers for me," he said in the video shot by Voice of America's Tibetan language service, according to accompanying subtitles of his remarks in the clip. The Tibetan spiritual leader said the cause of his illness had been a "kind of flu... which persisted for a while. After a thorough check-up -- X-rays and other diagnosis -- it was found that there was some lung (infection)." The Buddhist monk, global celebrity and thorn in China's side was admitted to the Max hospital in Delhi on Tuesday. His personal spokesman Tenzin Taklha told AFP that the Dalai Lama would now spend "several days of rest" in Delhi before returning to Dharamsala, the northern Indian hill station where he has lived in exile for six decades. In 1959, at the age of 23, he fled the Tibetan capital Lhasa and across the frozen Himalayan border, disguised as a soldier, as Chinese troops poured into the region to crush an uprising. In India, he set up a government-in-exile and launched a campaign to reclaim Tibet that gradually evolved into an appeal for greater autonomy -- the so-called "middle way" approach. Simple monk The self-described "simple Buddhist monk" has spent decades crisscrossing the globe mixing with monarchs, politicians and Hollywood actors pressing his case. His status as a global symbol of peace whose message transcends faith has earned comparisons to visionaries like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. But he has also drawn the fury of an increasingly assertive China, branding him a "wolf in a monk's robe" and accusing him of trying to split the nation. Although still a hugely popular speaker, he has cut back on his global engagements and has not met a world leader since 2016 -- while governments have been wary of extending invitations to him for fear of angering Beijing. His admission to the hospital this week, which attracted widespread media interest and a flood of wishes of goodwill on social media, also served as a reminder that the question of his succession is far from clear. The Dalai Lama has sought to pre-empt any attempt by Beijing -- which has effectively wiped out organised opposition to its rule in Tibet -- to name his reincarnated successor, even announcing in 2011 that he may be the last in the lineage. The Tibetan spiritual leader enjoys wide support across the partisan divide in Washington, where a senator raised the issue of his succession at a hearing Tuesday. Senator Cory Gardner, the Republican who heads the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Asia, said the United States should follow the Dalai Lama's lead on how to choose his successor. "Let me be very clear -- the United States Congress will never recognise a Dalai Lama that is selected by the Chinese," Gardner said. New Delhi: The Rafale jet deal was back in the eye of a political storm on Saturday as a French newspaper gave fresh anti-government ammunition to Opposition parties by hinting that Anil Ambanis French firm got a tax waiver of over Rs 1,000 crore within six months of Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing a government to government deal for 36 Rafale fighter jets in Paris. As Opposition parties renewed their attack on the BJP-led NDA government over the Rafale deal controversy, alleging that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was acting as a middleman for his crony businessman friend, Mr Ambanis firm denied any wrongdoing. Both the Indian and French governments claimed that there was no political interference or link between the firms tax waiver and the fighter jet deal. Le Monde reported that French tax authorities waived taxes worth 143.7 million euros (Rs 1,044 crore) to a French-registered telecom subsidiary of Mr Ambanis Reliance Communications, Reliance Flag Atlantic France, in 2015. The newspaper said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros (Rs 56 crore) from Reliance Flag, which owns telecom infrastructure in France, as a settlement against an original demand of 151 million euros (Rs 1,100 crore). Reacting to the report, the defence ministry on Saturday said any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform. New Delhi: Yesteryears Dream girl and BJPs Mathura MP Hema Malini on Saturday reacted strongly to party colleague and Union minister Maneka Gandhis alleged threat to the Muslims voters during a campaign rally. Ms Malini, who has been renominated by the party from Mathura, said that said even if the people in the minority community do not support the BJP, the party leaders still have to help everybody. The Election Commission has already issued a showcause notice to Ms Gandhi. Senior BJP leader Maneka Gandhi had created a controversy on Friday after a video clipping showed her warning the Muslim community that if they do not vote for her, she will not help them in future. The video clip that went viral on the social media, showed the minister telling voters that it is all about give and take. This is important. I am winning. I am winning because of the love and support of people. But if my victory is without Muslims, I wont feel that good. Dil khatta ho jayega (Things will become sour), Ms Gandhi, the BJP lawmaker from Pilbhit, said. Then when a Muslim comes to me for work, I think let it be, how does it matter. Its all give and take, isnt it? she added. The BJP minister was served a show-cause notice by the District Magistrate of Sultanpur over her remarks on Friday. After the video clip created a political storm, Ms Gandhi later clarified that her words had been twisted. I love Muslims and I had myself called a meeting of the BJPs minority cell. I only meant to say that I am winning the elections and their participation would be like daal pe chaunk (garnishing for a dish), said the WCD minister. Hema Malini on Saturday responded to Ms Gandhis speech and said, On triple talaq issue, many minority community women support us but even if they do not, you have to help everybody. It doesnot matter who voted for us and who did not, Ms Malini was quoted as saying by a news agency. Hema Malini, seeking a re-election from Mathura, added that she was confident of a win in the national elections. I am very confident of a win because I have done good work. My government has done good work, so I am sure people will support us. Things are changing and people want development, caste politics now doesnt work, she said. The dumped statue of Dr B.R. Ambedkar at the Jawaharnagar dumping yard by the GHMC authorities. Hyderabad: A day ahead of the birth anniversary celebrations of Dr B.R. Ambedkar, GHMC workers removed a statue of the leader that was put up at Punjagutta without permission and allegedly dumped it at the Jawaharnagar dump yard using a lorry that transports trash. The statue broke along the way. Incidentally, the statue was to be installed adjacent to that of late Chief Minister Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, which also does not have permission. It all started a month ago, according to sources in the corporation. Dalit organisations had applied for permission to instal the Dr Ambedkar statue near Panjagutta circle, opposite the traffic police station and a popular mall in the city. It was to be unveiled on Ambedkar Jayanti on Sunday. The organisation started installing the statue at about 2 am on Saturday. About at 4 am, the police intervened and informed GHMC officials that a statue was being installed by Dalit organisations without obtaining permission from the city level committee. The corporation staff came to the spot, took away the statue and shifted it to Bhaskar Reddy Stadium in Yousufguda. Since the stadium was designated to store EVMs, the staff shifted the statue to a nearby garbage transfer station. At about 6.30 am. the sanitation staff placed the statue along with garbage in a tipper to carry it to the Jawaharnagar dumpyard, sources said. Statue broke while unloading At about 7.15 am, when the tipper was on its way to the dump yard, a group of 40 persons stopped the vehicle at Kesara and demanded that the staff unload the statue. While unloading, the workers dropped the statue which broke into several pieces. The pieces of the statue was carried in a different vehicle and dumped at the dump yard. Asked about the incident, civic body officials came with a different version. A senior corporation official on condition of anonymity said that after removing the statue from the Punjagutta circle, the staff wrapped it with white cloth and kept it at the Bhaskar Reddy Stadium in Yousufguda to safeguard it. However, visuals of the statue at the stadium do not show any cloth cover. He acknowledged that the statue was removed in a garbage-carrying vehicle which was monitored till 6.30 am. He said the broken statue was washed with water and milk at Keesara before being wrapped in white cloth. He said that broken statue was handed over to the Jawaharnagar police. Asked why the Rajasekhar Reddy statue was not removed though it also did not have permission, the official said it would be removed and the corporation would also identify and remove statues that do not have permission. GHMC commissioner M. Dana Kishore called it an unfortunate incident and said an internal probe would be conducted by an IAS officer and action initiated against those found guilty. Mr Kishore said he would also seek the help of police to conduct the inquiry. Madurai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday sought to corner the Congress on its showpiece poll promise of Nyay (justice) and sought to know who would deliver justice for the victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots, violence against Dalits and the Bhopal gas tragedy that happened during its regime. At an election rally in Andipatti, PM Modi asserted that as India's Chowkidar, he would remain committed to the security and progress of the country, whereas the Congress-led alliance is an opportunistic team comprising enemies turned allies. Some days back, the DMK supremo projected the naamdar (Gandhi-dynast) as the next Prime Minister but none in their mahagathbandhan was willing to back his choice and that's because everyone is in the queue for the post, everyone dreams of becoming the PM, said Modi. Pointing to the Congress war-cry that their government would render justice to the people, he said, Now they are saying Ab Hoga Nyay (justice will be done now). Congress and dishonesty are best friends, but sometimes they utter truth even by mistake. Now they say justice must be done for the people and thereby admit that for 60 years (that Congress ruled) they had delivered injustice to the people. I want to ask the Congress party who will do nyay to the victims of the 1984 Sikh riots? Who will do nyay to all the victims of anti Dalit (violence), who will do nyay to the government of great MG Ramachandran ji, which was dismissed by the Congress just because one family did not like those leaders, who will do nyay to the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy that remains as one of the worst environmental disasters in India? asked PM Modi. If Rahul Gandhi during his TN poll tour a day earlier invoked Tamil pride and Dravidian legacy to target BJPs Hindutva line, Modi now countered it by pointing to the states spiritualism while remembering fondly the late AIADMK leaders M G Ramachandran and J Jayalalithaa and promising to protect the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamils. "I pay homage to the great MGR and Jayalalithaa ji. India is proud of these two iconic leaders who lived and worked for the poor. Their social welfare schemes ensured lakhs of people are free from poverty." BJP stood with people on the Lord Ayyappa issue, he said and hailed the states spiritual ethos by citing the famous hill shrine of Lord Shiva (Sundaramahalinga Swamy Temple) on Sathuragiri hills in the region. "Remember that for making a prosperous Tamil Nadu, this game of the DMK and Congress must end. We must continue working for the prosperity of our Sri Lankan Tamil brothers and we must end the dynasty rule of corrupt families," he told the crowd. The AIADMK has been accusing the DMK-Congress combine for not taking steps to halt the killings of Tamil civilians during the Sri Lankan civil war in 2009 while seeking to champion their cause and Modis remarks resonated it. Without naming anyone, the Prime Minister said the nation was witness to "father becomes Finance Minister and son loots the country," (during the UPA and seen as a reference to a senior leader from Tamil Nadu). "Whenever they are in government they always loot, the Madhya Pradesh government has become their ATM, they are diverting money meant for poor and children for use in their election, this has become known as the Tughlaq Road scam. I am sure you all know which big Congress leader stays on Tughlaq Road in New Delhi", the PM said. But he, as nations Chowkidar, would ensure all-round progress and secure living for the people. "None can separate the Chowkidar from the people he has come to serve", he said. As per ECI guidelines, unused EVMs will be transported and stored, under armed guard, at the AMC godown located in Kandlakoya, Medchal mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri district, which has been classified as a State Central Warehouse. Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Electoral Officer Rajat Kumar on Saturday stated that the electronic voting machines (EVMs) across the state will be classified into four categories and stored in strongrooms at designated locations in every parliamentary constituency until May 23, the counting day. Explaining the classification being made to provide round-the-clock security based on the nature of the EVMs, Mr Kumar said, Strongrooms will have a double-locking system. One key will be with the district election officer (DEO) and the second with the returning officer. An electronic management software will be used to monitor and record the transport of EVMs and VVPATs. He said waterproof containerised trucks or trucks having doors with locking systems that can be sealed will be used to transport the EVMs and VVPATs. All these trucks will be equipped with GPS tracking systems. Mr Kumar said political parties will be informed in advance about the opening, stocking, and sealing of warehouses while shifting the EVMs and VVPATs. He said the DEO will record videos of the process of transfer and receipt of the equipment. Route maps will be shared with the DEO, superintendent of police and commissioner of police. Sufficient police escort will be provided to the trucks en route. An adequate number of trucks will be engaged to ensure the dispatch of the entire allocation of machinery on the day the request is filed, he said. The State Election Commission has classified the EVMs into four categories A, B, C, and D. Category A includes EVMs which contain the votes polled at polling stations. These will be stored in the strongroom after following the due procedure. Category B has EVMs which might have become defective after recording a certain number of votes. They will be stored separately, but in the same strongroom as the Category-A EVMs. Category C include unpolled EVMs the ones that became defective before the commencement of voting and were consequently replaced. They will be kept in a separate room and returned to the manufacturer as per protocol. Category D includes unused EVMs which will be kept in the sectoral, zonal, and area-magistrate reserves, and will be stored in a separate room. As per ECI guidelines, unused EVMs will be transported and stored, under armed guard, at the AMC godown located in Kandlakoya, Medchal mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri district, which has been classified as a State Central Warehouse. The transport and storage of EVMs will be conducted after intimation to political parties. Tehsildars and deputy tehsildars will be responsible for their safe transport. Joint collectors or revenue divisional officers will be responsible for the receipt of EVMs from other districts. The State Central Warehouse will be managed by district election officers sending the unused EVMs and the DEO of Medchal-Malkajgiri district.For the remaining three categories, strongrooms containing the EVMs will be guarded round the clock by a three-tier perimeter comprising the state armed police and Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) personnel. The first tier, which is the innermost perimeter, will be manned round the clock by a section of the CAPF. The second tier will be manned by a section of the state armed police force. The third tier, the outermost perimeter, will be guarded by a section of the district executive force. Strongrooms will have a double-lock system. One key will be kept with the DEO and the second key will be kept with the returning officer concerned. The minimum strength of security at each strongroom containing the polled EVMs will be one platoon. Two cordons of security will be maintained round the clock at the strongrooms containing polled EVMs with the inner cordon manned by the CAPF and the outer cordon manned by the state armed police force. All strongrooms will be guarded by the CAPF round the clock. No person will be allowed to enter the inner perimeter of security at strongrooms without adhering to the protocol. Entry in the log book will be maintained by the CAPF recording the date, time, duration, purpose, name, and designation of the person, such as the observer, DEO, SP, and candidates from political parties and their agents, who have crossed the second security perimeter. No vehicle, including that of officials or ministers or any other political functionary, will be allowed inside the secured campus where the EVMs are stored. District Collec-tors and Superinten-dents of Police will be responsible for the security at strongrooms within the districts and the meticulous implementation of the protocol. Mumbai: The Jamaica Supreme Court has followed Justice D.Y. Chandrachuds dissenting opinion in Aadhaar case to declare that its National Identification and Registration Act is unconstitutional and of no legal effect. The government of Jamaica had developed a National Identification System (NIDS) to provide a comprehensive and secure structure to enable the capture and storage of personal identity information for citizens and persons ordinarily resident in Jamaica. National Identification and Registration Act was enacted in 2017, though not yet brought in force. Julian Jay Robinson, a Member of Parliament and General Secretary of the Peoples National Party which forms the Opposition in the Jamaican Parliament had approached the Supreme Court challenging the Act. The court held the Act unconstitutional, thereby striking down NIDS. From reading the judgments in this case Dr Chandrachud, in my respectful view, demonstrated a greater sensitivity to the issues of privacy and freedom that is not as evident in the judgments of the majority or the other judges who delivered concurring judgments. His lordship had a clear-eyed view of the dangers of a state or anyone having control over ones personal information and generally I preferred his approach to the issue over that of the other judges, said Jamaica Chief Justice Sykes. According to the survey, 44 per cent of respondents said that agricultural subsidy for seeds and fertilisers mattered most. Higher price for agricultural products was also an issue for rural voters where they believe that the governments work is not satisfactory in these areas. Ahmedabad: Better employment opportunity, drinking water and better healthcare services top the list of voters priorities in Gujarat, a survey done by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) shows. ADR conducted a survey across 543 Lok Sabha constituencies in the country and polled 2,73,487 for their opinions. The report pertaining to Gujarat covered approximately 13,000 respondents across the 26 Lok Sabha constituencies in the state. In response to a question on which issue mattered most, 42.68 per cent said better employment. Another 37.12 per cent gave priority to drinking water and 30.23 per cent to better healthcare. Urban and rural voters have different priorities. In rural Gujarat, 46 per cent voters said that availability of water for agriculture is their top priority and 45 per cent said that they need agricultural loans. According to the survey, 44 per cent of respondents said that agricultural subsidy for seeds and fertilisers mattered most. Higher price for agricultural products was also an issue for rural voters where they believe that the governments work is not satisfactory in these areas. While for urban voters, the top most priorities were traffic congestion (49%), noise pollution (47%) and better employment opportunities (45%). Urban voters feel that the government has performed poorly in healthcare and drinking water services. The survey also analysed voting behaviour patterns to identify the factors that influence voting. According to the report, 42 per cent voters said that the prime ministerial candidate was the most significant factor for them while the candidates party and the candidate come after that in second and third place. Interestingly, for 20 per cent voters, distribution of cash and, in a dry state, liquor, was an important factor. Caste and religion were also a factor in voting for 36 per cent voters. In spite of various awareness campaigns, only 42 per cent voters were aware that they could get a candidates criminal record information now. However, while 98 per cent voters felt that candidates with criminal record shouldnt be in the parliament or assembly, 38 per cent felt that people wont mind voting for such candidates because otherwise they do good work! The main observation from this survey is: why are political leaders and parties not giving importance to these issues? asked Pankti Jog who is associated with ADR and National Election Watch in Gujarat. The defence ministry, however, termed as mischievous and inaccurate any attempt to draw a connection between the tax issue and the Rafale deal. New Delhi: The Opposition parties on Saturday renewed their attack on the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre over the Rafale deal controversy, alleging that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was acting as a middleman for his crony businessman and that layers of corruption were being unravelled in the case. The Congress-led Opposition got fresh ammunition on the controversial issue when a French daily claimed that Anil Ambanis company benefited from a French tax waiver in 2015 when India was negotiating the Rafale deal. The Congress alleged that the tax concession for Mr Ambani was due to Modi kripa (blessings) while the Left parties said the Prime Ministers Office must own up to this. The defence ministry, however, termed as mischievous and inaccurate any attempt to draw a connection between the tax issue and the Rafale deal. The French daily said the French tax authorities accepted 7.3 million euros from Reliance Flag Atlantic France as a settlement as against original demand of 151 million euros. Reliance Flag owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said that the report exposed layers of crony capitalism and corruption. PM Modi is acting as middleman for Anil Ambani. How many other companies in France have got a tax benefit? Is this not a quid pro quo for the purchase of aircraft? It is clear only one watchman is the thief. Those that have Modis blessings can get anything. If Modiji is there, then it is possible. CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury alleged that the Modi government misused public funds to pay an exorbitant price for Rafale fighter jets to benefit crony businessman Anil Ambani through offset deal and French tax benefit. NCP chief Sharad Pawar claimed former defence minister Manohar Parrikar relinquished his post at the Centre and returned to Goa because he did not agree with the Rafale fighter jet deal. CPI leader D. Raja accused Modi of aiding his corporate friends while leaving farmers and students high and dry. Hyderabad: With AP Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu repeatedly referring to him as a co-accused with Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, the states top bureaucrat, Mr L.V. Subrahmanyam, is mulling filing a defamation case against him to stop him from further maligning his image. He is considering it, an official said. Mr Naidu, who was in New Delhi on Saturday, submitted a petition to the Election Commission in which he once again made the remarks. In his petition, Mr Naidu said: In a deeply disturbing development, the Chief Secretary of the state (A.C. Punetha) was not only unceremoniously removed, but his replacement was done without even consulting the state government. The Election Commission has posted an officer, who is a co-accused in one of the criminal cases against the YSR Congress party president Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy Yesterday at the press conference the Chief Minister made the remark (of Mr Subrahmanyam being the co-accused) for the first time. Today, he has given it in writing to the Election Commission. Now, we have proof, an IAS officer said, adding that politicians should keep bureaucrats away from their political fights. Targeting Subrahmanyam, who has an impeccable track record, is unwarranted, unnecessary and uncalled for, the bureaucrat said adding that many in their fraternity in Telangana had the same advice for him. Another official said though Mr Naidu was fully aware that no evidence of any wrongdoing was found against Mr Subrahmanyam, who he said always plays with a straight bat'', the Chief Minister was still levelling the allegations to target Mr Jagan Mohan Reddy and the EC. Politicians may not be aware but the ECI does a lot of home work before appointing officers to key posts during elections, fumed another IAS official. Vijayawada: After days of criticising the poll panel, TD supremo and Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu met Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sunil Arora in Delhi on Saturday and expressed his deep dissatisfaction over the manner in which the elections were conducted in Andhra Pradesh and submitted an 18-page letter highlighting his concerns especially over EVMs, violence and the transfer of officials. He alleged systemic failures and partisan attitude of the Election Commission of India in Andhra Pradesh elections in the letter. He alleged that a large number of EVMs malfunctioned during polling and inadequate security led to violent incidents. He accused the Election Commission of bias and claimed that police and administration officers were removed arbitrarily, creating policy paralysis in the administration. He demanded that the EC return to the ballot paper system to preserve the sanctity of the electoral process as there was a possibility of tampering with EVMs. Mr Naidu was of the opinion that the EVMs were too complicated even for educated voters. Further, voting through EVMs does not provide foolproof evidence to the voter that his vote has gone to the candidate of his choice. Naidu says 1.75 per cent of EVMs replaced I am writing this letter with great anguish. The manner in which the Election Commission of India, a constitutional body mandated to superintend, direct, and control the process of elections, miserably failed to live up to the spirit of the constitutional duty, is not only disturbing but also dangerous to the future of democracy in the country, the Chief Minister wrote. This technical limitation, coupled with the failure of hundreds of EVMs during the course of polling and their frequent replacement by different technicians, fills the minds of contesting candidates and voters with suspicion and the possibility of foul play," he added. "The contesting candidate is not sure whether the votes cast in his favour are getting recorded as per the true intention and choice of the voter or not. Unless and until this confidence is infused in the voters and the contesting candidates, democracy has no meaning, Mr Naidu said. We demand the Election Commission of India revert to the paper ballot system immediately in order to preserve the sanctity of the electoral process and protect the spirit of democracy," he said. Mr Naidu raised 14 broad questions involving the elections and the unilateral decision making of the EC. Mr Naidu claimed that the transfer of the DG (Intelligence), who looks after the security of the Chief Minister, compromised his safety. He alleged that the EC acted according to the whims and fancies of the YSR Congress Partys candidates while complaints by his TD were ignored. He claimed the SP of Prakasam district was transferred soon after the Oppositions nominee made a threatening statement against the police officer. The Chief Secretary was not only unceremoniously removed, but his replacement was done without even consulting the state government, which goes against established conventions and procedures of democratic governance, the memorandum quoted Mr Naidu as saying. On the EVMs malfunctioning, Mr Naidu was told by the EC that ground data showed that 1.75 per cent of EVMs were replaced. He was also told that the voter turnout was impressive. The TD requested the poll body to countermand polls at 618 polling stations where voting could not start even many hours after the scheduled commencement time. Inadequate security arrangement at polling booths emboldened criminal elements that resulted in many law and order incidents, costing one man his life. Many polling stations were manned by just a home guard or a volunteer, Mr Naidu claimed. New Delhi: Union minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Saturday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the biggest victim of political intolerance. The remarks came amid statements issued by certain groups of people, including artistes, appealing to the voters to oust the BJP from power in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. The ruling party has also rallied artistes and intellectuals in its support. Recalling that about five years ago also some so-called intellectuals had written to the US and the European Union against Mr Modi, the BJP leader said that some Congress leaders had gone to Pakistan and sought help from neighbouring country to remove Mr Modi. Mr Naqvi said even after Modi led the BJP to power, some activists had written to the president, saying the Constitution was in danger and claiming that there was an atmosphere of intolerance in the country under the Modi government. Despite these conspiracies, peoples faith in Modi has increased day by day. Despite this negative propaganda, Modi has carried forward the countrys progress and prosperity through his hard work and performance, he added. The party also slammed SP's Azam Khan for his controversial Bajrang Ali remark. BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said, With his Bajrang Ali comment, he has insulted both Hinduism and Islam. The only suggestion I have for him is zuban sambhal ke (mind your language). Both Akhilesh Yadav and Mulayam have been taught lessons for his comments in the past. Thiruvananthapuram: Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the LDF government for creating an atmosphere where people cannot speak of Sabarimala Lord Ayyappa. He said so while addressing election rallies at Ramanathapuram in Theni in Tamil Nadu and later at Mangaluru and also in Bengaluru in Karnataka. Modi alleged that people are being put behind bars if they utter the name of Ayyappa. He said that one of the BJP candidates were put behind bars for that and asked if such behaviour is acceptable in a democracy or not. While addressing the Theni rally, he said the communists and the Muslim League are playing a dangerous game on Sabarimala, and they are initiating brute force to strike at the root of faith and aspiration. As long as there is BJP, none can destroy our faith and culture, he said. Punish Congress, Modi tells voters in Bluru Bengaluru: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Congress was dreaming about coming to power at the Centre and asked voters to punish it and its allies in such a way they would not be able to save even their deposits. At a massive rally here, Modi hit out at the Congress on the Jammu and Kashmir and national security issues, taking it on its election promise to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act."...punish Congress and its allies in such a way so that they will not be able to even save their deposits," he said. Modi said while his government had promoted "ease of doing business" in 60 months of its rule, the Congress had encouraged ease of loot in its 60 years of administration. The PM also took exception to the political row created by the ruling Congress-JDS alliance over the recent Income Tax raids on several JDS men across the state. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses et all. Happy reading. The complaint is based on the information provided by the SIT led by inspector-general of police Stephen Raveendra to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Hyderabad: The UIDAI on Saturday filed a police complaint against IT Grids (India) Private Limited, accusing it of the theft of Aadhaar details of 7,82,21,397 (7.8 crore) card holders in Telangana state and Andhra Pradesh for the purpose of the Seva Mitra app belonging to the Telugu Desam. The company faces complaints with regard to the theft of voter data in Andhra Pradesh. The state government has constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into the complaints. The complaint is based on the information provided by the SIT led by inspector-general of police Stephen Raveendra to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Sources said the examination conducted by TS Forensic Science Laboratories (TSFSL) on the data recovered by TS police from the offices of IT Grids showed the extent of misuse of personal information. What surprised the scientists at the TSFSL was that the structure of the database maintained by IT Grids was an exact copy of the one maintained by the UIDAI. This raised suspicion in the SIT which informed the UIDAI which led to Saturdays police complainant. Citing one instance, it was stated that the database was structured as follows: Muddanalaligari Jayamohan Reddy XXXX XXXX3340), Akkala Maddileti Reddy xxxx xxxx8414, Akula Ravi Kumar xxxx xxxx7063, Abdas Venkata Pratap xxxx xxxx 8041. These records were found in the hard disk that was in the possession of IT Grids, When the TSFSL examined the records, it was found that the company had the name, gender, age, date of birth, district, state, pin code, and HID_NUM (Aadhaar numbers) of 7 crore card holders. The possession of these details raised a strong suspicion that the data could have been illegally obtained either from the Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) or one of the State Repository Data Hubs aligned to CIDR, said UIDAI deputy director T. Bhavani. The UIDAI in its complaint told the Madhapur police that the SIT officials informed it that Lokeshwara Reddy, director of IT Grids, illegally accessed and fraudulently acquired sensitive identity information such as Aadhaar number, voter identity details, beneficiary details of various government schemes and data related to schemes of the AP government. This data was misused by IT Grids through the Seva Mitra app, UIDAI said. Following this the Madhapur Police registered a case under Sections 37, 38 (a), 38 (b), 38 (g) , 40, 42 , 44 of Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies Benefits and Services) Act 2016. The case has been transferred to the SIT. Both Telangana, AP had formed separate SITs The first case was registered on March 2, following a complaint filed by data analyst T. Lokeswara Reddy in Hyderabad, and IT Grids was raided. The next day, the AP police tried to arrest Lokeswara Reddy from his house in the city and he called the TS police. Both the TS police and the AP police formed separate Special Investigation Teams. The TS SIT was to probe the alleged theft of voter data. Coincidentally, the Telugu Desam website was taken down on March 7 and was back a few days later. Investigations by the TS SIT revealed that the Seva Mitra app was suspected to be using stolen voter information along Aadhaar data of cardholders of TS and AP for voter profiling. The app was using data unauthorisedly targeted at the deletion of voters, it was alleged. During the course of the investigation, searches were carried out at the IT Grids office in Hyderabad from where the SIT seized hard disks and other digital evidence which were sent to TS Forensic Science Laboratory for examination. The TSFSL in its primary report categorically stated that seized hard disk contained a database of a number of records pertaining to Aadhaar numbers in a particular structural database. It was this report that led to the SIT to conclude that the company was in possession of Aadhaar details of seven crore voters in Telangana state and Andhra Pradesh. Thiruvananthapuram: The husband of the murdered Latvian woman has alleged loopholes in the investigation as the Thiruvananthapuram district court-I postponed the hearing of the case from Thursday to June 11. It may be recalled that Latvian tourist Liga Skromane, 33, who went missing from an ayurveda resort at Kovalam on March 14 last year, was found dead in an isolated mangroves forest on the banks of Karamana river on April 20. The police arrested two men, Umesh and Udayan, who had approached the woman pretending to be tourist guides and taken her to the mangrove forest. They offered her drugs and then raped her before strangling her to death. The duo fled the scene after hanging her from a tree to make it look like a suicide. Liga who lived in Ireland with her partner Andrew Jordan had come to Kerala with her sister to get ayurvedic treatment for depression. Jordan has raised nine questions about the whole incident and the consequent police investigations. While the witnesses claimed that they had seen the woman in the company of four persons before she went missing, only two accused had been included in the list. Jordan told this paper that the Ireland embassy did not extend much help. "I approached the embassy as I am an Irish citizen. They did not want to get involved as my wife was not an Irish national. The Latvian embassy also kept off it as Latvia did not want to get into diplomatic trouble, he said. The Kerala police and the tourism department wanted to avoid publicity for the incident to protect the tourism revenue. The police were reluctant to give him details of the case. He felt that the initial prime suspect was dropped from the list due to political interests. It was mysterious that Liga's body did not show signs of advanced decomposition though it was said that she was murdered at Panathura on March 14 and her body had remained in the mangrove forest for over 40 days. In fact, the corpse was relatively intact with the presence of maggots on the organs and flesh. The damage on the gnawed-off foot was quite fresh, said Jordan When the body was discovered, she was wearing a sweatshirt which didn't belong to her. Where did it come from? Why would she need it if she had indeed been killed in the early evening of March 14 when the temperature didn't drop below 39 degrees Celsius, he said. It was said that one of the accused had brought it from his house where he reportedly had a large collection of garments belonging to various female tourists. This is a strangely courteous gesture to someone he had just raped, he said. "Why were the ten teeth missing from her jaw bone not recovered from the scene of the crime? The preliminary autopsy report states that they 'fell out' during post-mortem. We have still not been furnished with the final post-mortem report," Jordan said. The highly dubious 'confession' states that she was lured into the forest to smoke cannabis. But she never had used any drugs, especially psychoactive drugs, Jordan said. The confession also says she spent several hours with the accused which is difficult to believe. She did not want to keep her friends and family in suspense about her whereabouts even at the height of her mental distress, he said. "Why was the body cremated in a hurry, only days after the post-mortem was carried out? How is it that the accused were released on bail? They both have long histories of sexual assault on minors and should have been locked up a long time ago," he said. PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Friday accused BJP chief Amit Shah of shaking the country's foundations with his recent controversial statements, and asked him to apologise to the people. (Photo: File) Srinagar: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Friday accused BJP chief Amit Shah of shaking the country's foundations with his recent controversial statements, and asked him to apologise to the people. She was reportedly referring to Shah's speech at Raiganj in West Bengal on Thursday. Calling illegal migrants from Bangladesh "termites", the BJP president had said that his party would throw them out after coming to power at the Centre for a second consecutive term. "It is our commitment to bring in NRC across the country to chuck out each and every infiltrator. For us national security is supreme. We would ensure that each and every Hindu and Buddhist refugee gets citizenship of this country," Shah said. Talking to reporters at Kangan in central Kashmir's Ganderbal district, Mehbooba said, "It is not only for Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims, the country is for everyone. I think by such statements, they are trying to shake the foundations of the country. They have become a danger for the country. Such statements are an attack on the country's secularism," she said. The former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir said Shah should apologise as the foundation of the country has been laid on secularism. "The language used by Amit Shah and his colleagues for garnering votes is wrong. J-K had decided to join India keeping in mind its secular culture. I think Amit Shah should apologise to people of this country because the foundation of this country has been laid on secularism," she said. The PDP leader also termed as "wrong" the reported stopping of nomad population from transporting their cattle till elections were over. I have spoken to J-K Governor (S P Malik) and I hope he will take action and they will be allowed," she said. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses etc all. Happy reading. Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin in October, defying US warnings of sanctions on countries buying Russian military equipment. (Photo: File) New Delhi: India is hopeful it will avoid US sanctions over its purchase of Russia's S-400 missile system, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman was quoted by news agency AFP. New Delhi has been "heard and understood" by the US administration over its accord to buy the S-400 missile defence system for USD 5.2 billion, the minister said in an interview to news agency AFP this week. Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin in October, defying US warnings of sanctions on countries buying Russian military equipment. The sanctions were part of measures to punish Moscow for its actions in Ukraine in 2014. President Donald Trump's administration imposed sanctions on China's military last year over Beijing's purchase of the S-400 and other military hardware. It has also warned NATO member Turkey of sanctions for buying the S-400, and has suspended Turkey's participation in a US jet programme. Sitharaman said that Washington has taken on board that India, bordering both Pakistan and China, needed arms from Russia, and others, to remain a "strong partner". Negotiations with Moscow, a longstanding supplier to India's military, on the S-400 began before the US sanctions were introduced, she said. "In the case of S-400 we have explained ourselves well... That has been heard and understood," Ms Sitharaman said. "They have appreciated the point of view put forward." Asked if she was confident that India would avoid sanctions, Sitharaman said: "Yes I hope so." Cold water Before the deal was signed, Washington poured cold water on India's efforts to obtain a waiver from the US Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). Upgrades in arms systems "including the S-400 air and missile defence system" would be a particular focus for CAATSA, a US State Department spokesperson was quoted as saying by news agency PTI. But Randall Schriver, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, told a hearing in March that Washington wanted to "work through" the problem, calling India "an important emerging strategic partner." He added however that India's contract with Russia has not been completed and that the US was "very keen to see (India) make an alternative choice (to the S-400) and we are working with them to provide potential alternatives." China Washington is in a tricky position with India. It wants to bolster ties with India to counter China's assertiveness, a trend which has also rattled New Delhi. In 2017, India and China had a military standoff over a Himalayan plateau claimed by both Beijing and Bhutan, a close ally of India. Since then China and India have sought to patch up relations, including at a meeting between PM Modi and President Xi Jinping at Wuhan, China in April 2018. "Sometimes there are differences and you have a face-off," Sitharaman said. "But our attempt, particularly after the prime minister's Wuhan meet with the Chinese president, our attempt has been that these differences... cannot be allowed to become disputes." But China has also made inroads in Sri Lanka and the Maldives countries that India considers to be in its sphere of influence through its One Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR), also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India has particular concerns about a series of projects passing through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. China has also blocked efforts to put on a UN sanctions blacklist Masood Azhar, the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed that claimed a suicide bombing in Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir on February 14 that killed 40 paramilitary troops. New Delhi has reportedly declined a Chinese invitation to take part in an OBOR forum in China later this month. "Areas which are ours legally, which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan, are the ones which are becoming part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor," Sitharaman said. "So having made that position very clear, we have not participated in anything to do with OBOR, and we stick to that position," she said. Mumbai: Senior Congress leader Prithviraj Chavan has attacked the Narendra Modi government, calling it the "most corrupt" in the history of India, and said its performance has been "abysmal and deplorable". He also accused the BJP-led dispensation of misusing the sedition law, and said the Congress wants to differentiate between the anti-national acts and opposition to the government. Mr Chavan claimed there was fear among people now that if PM Modi, who has "dictatorial tendencies", continued to be in power, the Indian democracy would be in trouble. The former Maharashtra chief minister said in 2014, PM Modi had promised a corruption-free government. "In 2014, PM Modi emerged as the winner even before the campaign started. There were several corruption allegations against UPA-II, which people believed. Many of the allegations were fabricated. We could not effectively defend ourself. The Anna Hazare movement also created an atmosphere against us. Modi's corruption-free government promise was very important as many people voted him to power for that," Mr Chavan said. "But, if you analyse his (track) record, it is abysmal and deplorable. Modi''s government is the most corrupt in the history of India," he alleged. The former Union minister charged that Modi launched a surgical strike on Indian economy through demonetisation. Mr Chavan said he expected the Congress-NCP to do better in this election as compared to the 2014 tally of two (Congress) and four (NCP) seats in the Lok Sabha polls in Maharashtra. "The mood of the nation has changed. The wave is against PM Modi. The opposition has sensed that the Modi government can be defeated. There is a genuine fear that if a man like Modi, with dictatorial tendencies, returns to power, there will be a question mark on the future of Indian democracy," he added. "We are happy with the ''tukde tukde'' label. Let''s not forget that it is the Congress party, which made ''tukde tukde'' of Pakistan," he said, responding to BJP charge that the party manifesto is written by the "tukde tukde gang". The BJP has been using "tukde tukde" gang to refer to students accused of raising anti-India slogans in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 2016 and has generalised the phrase to attack those it accuses of sympathising with Maoists and separatists. Congress party''s record very clear, he said, adding that wars fought under the political leadership of the Congress have seen India decisively defeat Pakistan. When asked about the promise of review of sedition law in the Congress manifesto, Chavan said the party makes it clear that it wants to differentiate between the act against the nation and opposing the government. "There is a difference between anti-national acts of stealing defence secrets and selling it to Pakistan and saying demonetisation has been the most stupid decision of the Modi government," Mr Chavan said. Mr Chavan said the Congress-led opposition has deliberately avoided a national alliance against the BJP since it would have to be under some leader. "This is what Modi wanted- to convert the election into a US presidential style campaign," he added. When asked about alliances, he said the Congress has 23 parties on board in the state-level alliances. "There are conflict of interests in some states. But, in a large country this is bound to happen. By and large, alliances are in place," he said. Targeting the BJP, he said on the issues of development, national welfare, the ruling party is no match to Congress. "All their promises have fallen flat. Hence, it is effectively using methods of coercion and inducement. Their motto is anything goes in politics...," he said. Referring to the I-T raids in Madhya Pradesh, Chavan said it was "tax terrorism". "To threaten and create an atmosphere of terror," he said. When asked about Shiv Sena joining hands with BJP, Mr Chavan alleged, "It is clear agencies like ED, CBI have been utilised." Mr Chavan said the Rafale deal was a complicated case of huge corruption. "It is the largest defence corruption scandal where laws and decisions have been twisted around. (Former Defence minister Manohar) Parrikar refused to toe the line to increase the price in the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC). The matter was not resolved at the DAC and hence it was taken up by the Cabinet Committee on Security, where the prime minister approved the price hike," he claimed. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses et all. Happy reading. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Congress was dreaming about coming to power at the Centre and asked voters to punish it and its allies in such a way they would not be able to save even their deposits. (Photo: ANI/ Twitter) Bengaluru: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Congress was dreaming about coming to power at the Centre and asked voters to punish it and its allies in such a way they would not be able to save even their deposits. At a massive rally here, Modi hit out at the Congress on the Jammu and Kashmir and national security issues, taking it on its election promise to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). "...punish Congress and its allies in such a way so that they will not be able to even save their deposits," he said. Modi said while his government had promoted "ease of doing business" in 60 months of its rule, the Congress had encouraged "ease of loot" in its 60 years of administration. The Prime Minister also took exception to the political row created by the ruling Congress-JD(S) alliance over the recent Income Tax raids on several JDS men across the state. Modi asked the crowd, "should the law be followed or not whether it is PM or CM or ministers? Why get scared if you have not committed anything wrong?" he asked. On March 28, the Income Tax department carried out raids at multiple locations in Bengaluru, Mysuru,Mandya, Ramanagara, Shivamogga and Hassan, triggering a strong reaction from Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy and Congress leaders, who accused the Centre of promoting the politics of vendetta. Kumaraswamy had even called the I-T officers as agents of BJP and led a protest by the ruling Congress-JD(S) coalition in front of the IT department office here. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses etc all. Happy reading. Hyderabad: The post-poll scenario in Andhra Pradesh is rather peculiar. Usually, after any election, it is the opposition parties that raise a hue and cry against the ruling party and the state government over some issue regarding the election. But in AP right now, exactly the opposite is happening: the main opposition party is silent and its the ruling Telugu Desam (TD) and its chief, N Chandrababu Naidu, who are cribbing. After polling in the state two days ago, Mr Naidu said at a media conference that the TD will win 130 assembly seats out of the total 175. Despite this confident assertion, he is making electronic voting machines (EVMs) and the Election Commission an issue. If the CM is confident of winning 130 assembly seats, why is he making this an issue, and what does it indicate? Perhaps Mr Naidu has information that the TDs prospects are not so bright. In the 2014 Assembly elections, too, voting was done using EVMs, but as an opposition leader at that time, Mr Naidu had raised no objections, and won. True, that the Central government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party has done much to create problems for Mr Naidu and his party. But with the states administration and governance completely in his hands, Mr Naidu could surely manage that easily enough. And even if the BJP and others create problems, its the lakhs of voters who decide the fate of political parties. Different brands of Naidu Mr Naidu is a different leader when he is in power and when he is in the Opposition. As Chief Minister, he will not accept what the Opposition does though he may have done the same thing when he was in the Opposition. He faults the Election Commission (ECI) for transferring the Chief Secretary and IPS officers, including the DG (Intelligence), B. Venkateswara Rao, though the YSR Congress party had made a complaint to the Election Commission about these officers and backed it with evidence. Moreover, during the 2009 Assembly elections, when the late Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy was chief minister of combined AP, and Mr Naidu was in the Opposition, his party and other opposition parties had complained about the then DGP, S.S.P. Yadav, for violating the code of conduct and demanded he be transferred. DGP Yadav had praised the then Chief Minister during a visit to Kurnool. Based on these complaints, the ECI did transfer the officer. Mr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy did not object. He retained power and after taking oath as chief minister for the second time, appointed SSP Yadav again as DGP. In effect, Mr Naidu is blaming the ECI for doing what he had himself requested it to do when he was in the Opposition. Why AP CS was transferred In the case of the Chief Secretary, the ECI transferred him for not implementing its order. At election time, the entire administration goes under the control of the ECI. If the government wants to transfer an officer, it must take permission from the ECI. In the present case, the state government had transferred DG Venkateswara Rao on the directions of the ECI, but within hours of doing so, the state government issued two orders one saying that the DG Intelligence would not come under the ECIs purview since he has no election related duty, and the other order, following from the first, cancelled the transfer of Mr Venkateswar Rao and appointed him as DG Intelligence. Before making the appointment, the Chief Secretary has to seek the permission of the EC, which he did not do. The ECI thus felt that the Chief Secretary had not implemented its order, and transferred him. CS cannot meet DGP, but CM can go to CEO Another interesting thing is that Mr Naidu found fault with the new Chief Secretary L.V. Subramanyam for visiting the headquarters of the DGP. As head of the state administration, the Chief Secretary has a right to visit any government office and check on the working of the administration. Mr Naidu himself took the unprecedented step of going to the states Chief Electoral Office to make a complaint about income-tax raids on TD leaders and transfer of officers in the state. No Chief Minister has visited the CEOs office directly to make a complaint. It is generally party leaders or sometimes ministers who make the complaint. If anything, to make a complaint a Chief Minister would meet the Election Commission of India and not the Chief Electoral Officer. Mr Naidu also staged a dharna before the CEOs office for a while. Keep yourself updated on Lok Sabha Elections 2019 with our round-the-clock coverage -- breaking news, updates, analyses et all. Happy reading. While many women feel violated by rape jokes, most debates around online free speech bracket that feeling as mere collateral damage in the pursuit of freedom of expression. (Photo: Pixabay) Womens experiences of educational institutes are often marked by anxiety, fear and negotiation. For some, the simple act of self-expression on campus can be a harrowing experience. One student at a public university in Abbottabad said that she realised she was unwelcome when, upon returning from a long day of classes, she found a sexual slur scrawled across her car. Female students at Iqra University were left questioning their place on campus after the jarring experience of seeing their fellow male students holding placards that mocked Aurat March on Facebook. Recently, women at Lums felt their sense of safety snatched away when they uncovered a 600-member-strong closed Facebook group, run by male students, hosting violent misogynistic jokes. These students, for whom online spaces are second nature, see a continuum between this online speech and sexual harassment on campus. As one student put it, rape culture leads to rape. When the Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act was enacted in 2010, many wondered whether students could be complainants. For many female students, the act gave language to their experiences with teachers and fellow students. The first complaint from a student against a teacher emerged in 2011 at Quaid-i-Azam University, opening the door for similar cases under the act. Now, many students feel that the act should cover misogyny in online spaces as well. The resistance to extending the ambit of the act indicates how online hate speech against women is trivialised. Research regarding racist and sexist groups online draws a clear line between online speech and physical violence. Memes and jokes are routinely weaponised by alt-right and anti-feminist groups to normalise hatred towards women and marginalised groups, thus validating violence against them. If women in universities are able to draw an intuitive link between their experience on campus and these manifestations online, why cant administrations? Globally, regulation of online space often leads to thorny debates on freedom of expression. Sexist discourse, both online and offline, has often been framed as an issue of free speech as opposed to womens safety the framing considerably changes the dynamics of the debate. Casual sexist remarks in class and demeaning comments directed at female students aggregate to a culture in which women feel excluded and unsafe. As far back as 1994, a University of Michigan student was arrested for posting a detailed fictionalised rape fantasy about a female classmate on an online Usenet group. In the case, United States v. Alkhabaz, the charges were dismissed on free speech grounds. In free-speech jurisprudence, gender is rarely defined as a category for hate speech. While many women feel violated by rape jokes, most debates around online free speech bracket that feeling as mere collateral damage in the pursuit of freedom of expression. But what good is unbridled free expression when it adds to the oppression of an already marginalised group? The argument is not to over-regulate universities, or censor speech within academic spaces, but to challenge the logic and nature of campus regulation currently directed disproportionately at female students. Many Pakistani universities have dress codes imposing their notions of modesty on female students. One went as far as to mark February 14 as Sisters Day by gifting scarves to female students. Discriminatory hostel timings are imposed in the name of paternalistic safety. A former Nust student recalls that, while there was virtually no curfew for male students, the slightest transgression by female students led to drastic action against them, including warnings issued to their parents. Lack of collective action on campus is the legacy of the Zia-era ban on student unions, and organising on issues of gender is rare. Privatisation has led to further dehumanisation of students and faculty, as neoliberal logics determine questions of safety and campus culture. Women organising in university spaces are subject to scrutiny not just by administrations, but by peers as well. A former student of a university in Lahore said she was subject to intense on- and offline harassment after starting a campaign around menstruation. Nevertheless, women are resisting on campuses across Pakistan in quiet individual fights in front of harassment committees, and in collective action based on shared experiences of being sexualised, objectified and violated. They have also vocalised the gendered impact of many student issues. One organiser in Lahore contends that rising tuition fees is both a general and gender issue; fee hikes make it difficult for women to negotiate going to a college with families already reluctant to send them. With womens voices becoming louder, the hope is for university experiences no longer marred by fear, and instead entailing solidarity, support and safety. By arrangement with Dawn The Brexit process offers a lesson that the price of hyper-nationalism can be high. In 2016, a British referendum decided by a very narrow vote to cut its 46-year old ties with the European Union. The usual balderdash was trotted out by the Leave side British pride, and Britain managing its own economy and institutions, and not allowing decisions made in Europe. But the economic price of leaving looked ultra-high- European markets blocked, Britons earning in Europe having to return, and others. All of this led to very messy politics. There came to be deep divisions within the two main political parties over Brexit. The House of Commons has repeatedly rejected the deal negotiated with the EU by Prime Minister Theresa May late last year on the terms of departure. The British Parliament has also rejected a no-deal Brexit, meaning it wants that Britain should institutionally continue to do business with the Europeans, but avoid political ties such as common laws relating to human rights, or the environment. Many on the Leave side are apparently having a change of heart after understanding the full consequences of a no-deal Brexit. The Parliament has shown PM May her place, by rejecting her formula. But it has not offered an alternative. Ms Mays desperate pleadings with the EU leaders earlier this week have won the UK reprieve until October 31. In the time until then, Britain can come up with a new formula for departure, or cancel the idea of Brexit itself. But that might call for a fresh referendum to reverse the 2016 expression of popular sovereignty. Letting each citizen vote on grand policy evidently has its pitfalls. The brouhaha over Smriti Iranis educational qualifications or lack thereof, is not quite humour, not quite farce. But it is in keeping with the vitriol that has marked the 2019 electoral campaign thus far. A true child of todays politics, Smriti Irani is the television-friendly apparatchik who knows how to deliver the perfect soundbite. The household name from yesteryear television serial Saas bhi kabhi bahu thi, she must know, however, that no stinging one-liner, no clever putdown can take away from the fact that she fudged her educational qualifications when she filed her nominations back in 2004. The nomination papers for Amethi in 2014, and again in 2019, now state shes no graduate and did not complete her Bachelor of Commerce degree. Controversy broke three years ago over whether it was appropriate for someone without a degree to head the HRD ministry after Ms Iranis claims of a degree from Yale University proved to be hot air. Moved out, with nary an explanation, the fresh storm after Congress Priyanka Chaturvedis not unexpected, if unmusical, mockery underlines one thing Ms Irani is a threat. She won one lakh votes in Rahul Gandhis backyard, Amethi, in the last polls and has sniped incessantly at the Congress party president for running away to safe seat Wayanad. Mr Gandhis own claims to a college degree from the US and his MPhil from Trinity College, Cambridge, are, curiously, no longer an issue! Either way, its not a matter of degree. Or, education. Our elected representatives reflect the diversity that is India. But they must remember that when they stand for office, they are open to public scrutiny. And, of course, in the current climate of hate, to ridicule and scorn! Baisakhi is an ancient seasonal festival celebrated across India in various forms and with various names but a feeling of gaiety and happiness is the common strand. Baisakhi, a traditional harvest day of celebration, is also treated as the New Years Day. The day of Baisakhi marks a new beginning and falls on 13th April as per the Gregorian calendar. The harvest festival, celebrated as Vishu in Kerala and Bihu in Assam, symbolises wealth, prosperity and abundance. Known as Vaisakhi or Baisakhi, it is celebrated by all communities but it has acquired a special significance for the Punjabis and the Sikhs. Baisakhi, a grand secular festival, holds a sacred meaning and religious importance as well. The Sikh community celebrates Baisakhi as the day of the formation of the Khalsa. The Baisakhi day, 13th April, is the day when Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa Brotherhood at Anandpur in AD 1699. Hence, Baisakhi is the celebration of the birth anniversary of the Khalsa. Baisakhi is also remembered for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre when hundreds of people sacrificed their lives to register their protest against British rule. On Baisakhi day, Guru Gobind Singh not only founded the Khalsa but also eliminated all kinds of social distinctions and differences of high and low. The Khalsa, imbued with bravery and a sense of sacrifice, is the embodiment of saint and soldier. The Khalsa, the pure, is fearless and always ready to help the poor and helpless and strongly believes in the right cause and right conduct. The Khalsa is the true image of the Guru. In fact the Guru is the Khalsa and Khalsa is the Guru. There is no duality as says the Guru, The Khalsa is my complete image. I dwell in the KhalsaKhalsa is my body, with Khalsa I am ever presentKhalsa, is the army of God, the Akal Purakh, Khalsa is the joy of the Supreme Being. The Khalsa, with its five Kakkars, is Akal ki Fauj, created to fulfil the divinely ordained mission of the Gurus to uphold dharma, protect the saintly and uproot the wicked. The Khalsa is enjoined upon to adopt the attributes of the Almighty who is fearless, ever-calm, without enmity, the defender of the truth and above all believes in the One Supreme Truth, Ek-Onkar. Hail the Khalsa who belongs to the Lord. Hail the Lord to whom belongs the victory Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. To mark the celebration of the formation of the Khalsa, the Sikhs visit gurdwaras on Baisakhi day. Though it is celebrated in all the gurdwaras, the main celebration takes place at Talwandi Sabo, Anandpur Sahib and at the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar. The day is devoted to shabad-kirtan and religious discourses. Baisakhi is the time to contemplate the teachings of the Guru and to embrace the true philosophy of the Khalsa. Baisakhi is also the time to relish the traditional Punjabi dishes, to visit the fairs and to indulge in bhangra. The steps of bhangra follow tilling the soil to harvesting which is in fact a story of the agricultural process. Baisakhi, being New Years Day, is not only the birth anniversary of the Khalsa but it also symbolises a new beginning, full of hope, happiness and fulfilment. After security at the boarding gates there are more hurdles. Before the airline officials tear your boarding card, two persons look at your passport and demand your boarding card. Compassion: The woman With dog collars draped From wrist to elbow Tying them round the necks Of stray dogs. A pretence That they are owned and not To be shot In the cull. From Pashta Ka Nashta by Bachchoo When I first left for Britain from Bombay (not yet rechristened) airport in the mid-1960s, my first trip abroad, a throng of family and friends gathered to see me off. They came right up to the departure gates after I had checked in my single suitcase, carried to the check-in desk by friends who wanted to make a gesture of friendship. There were no security checks at the time as the terror of maniacs blowing up planes hadnt set in, so the dozen or so of the farewell party waved me through the gate behind which my passport was checked and I went my trepid way to the gate. That was then. The airport was not a great architectural treasure as are the airports of Mumbai and Bengaluru today, both of which I have arrived and left at in the last few weeks. Grand and imposing though they are, the procedures within are a bit of a puzzle. Two people in khaki uniforms demand to see your ticket or boarding pass and check it to see whether the name on these is the same as that on some document of self-identity. I proffer my passport and after a few seconds of checking, as with other passengers, pass through onto the airport concourse. This makes sense. If the entourage that accompanied me on my first departure were allowed today, even the contemporary spacious concourses would be overcrowded and would certainly add to the strain of travel. In this past month, after the Pakistani terror attack in Kashmir and the Indian Air Forces retaliation, I was warned that the security check would be more thorough and could possibly take twice the time that it would normally take. It did. One was asked to remove belts, the watch and shoes. The queues were three times as long as in normal times. How a terror attack on an Army camp in Kashmir translated into extra alerts on passengers travelling by plane remains a mystery. Its universally accepted that these security checks deter people with bombs passing through them. At the other end, after explaining to the examining officer that ones left knee has metal in it from a patella-tightening operation, ones boarding card is stamped. Fair enough, but then another bod in uniform checks the stamp. Why? If I was a potential terrorist and had found some devious way of avoiding the security checks, I would make sure I had one of these stamps on my boarding card as well. And then the major test on leaving the country: the immigration check. On the way into India, this is fair enough. The state wants to be sure that you have a legitimate visa that you are not a person who is in some way undesirable or a danger to the country. The immigration officer performs some mysterious manoeuvres with ones passport on the counter beneath eye-level. His camera checks the identity to compare it to features of known terrorists or wanted criminals on a national computer. Again, fair enough. The mystery is why this procedure is repeated by immigration officials on leaving the country. What are they checking for? Absconding criminals or wanted persons? I suppose thats sensible enough. If these checks were not in place Lalit Modi, Vijay Mallya and even Nirav Modi might have left the country. In the UK, whose airports I use to escape, there are no such checks. Its probably the British states policy of good riddance to undesirable rubbish. Even if they are criminals on the run, letting them leave saves the exchequer the cost of prosecuting them and keeping them in a jail at Her Majestys expense. Perhaps India has a stricter sense of earthly karma. Or perhaps it has to find ways of keeping large numbers of immigration officers passing their working days looking out for the likes of Vijay Mallya and Lalit and Nirav Modi. Apart from the frustration of useless procedures, there is a linguistic quirk which Indian security has adopted. Above the conveyor belt taking your goods through the purdah of the security X-rays is a notice which says Keep Your Laptop, etc in a Tray. It should say Put instead of Keep. Okay, thats no big deal one understands. But it gets me thinking that the Hindi verb rakhna can translate as keep or as put. So put the phone down is translated in scripts that I read as keep the phone down and put your plate in the sink becomes keep your plate in the sink. Oh well. After security at the boarding gates there are more hurdles. Before the airline officials tear your boarding card, two persons look at your passport and demand your boarding card. Why? More useless jobs for the boys and girls? Can the department which deploys these checkers tell me what they are doing and whether they have ever detected one person doing what they ought not to be doing? Then you queue up to get onto the plane. As the queue goes tediously through there are two more bods in some sort of soldierly uniform asking for your boarding pass just before you get to where the air hostess tells you which aisle to go down to take your seat. What are these bods doing? Ensuring for the eleventh time that you are boarding the right aircraft? One knows that the security checks at the malls, hotels and railway stations of India are never in any sense thorough or remotely functional. A person passes a baton cursorily along your body and even when your left knee causes a squeak, they let you through. They may as well perform a Punch and Judy show for entrants. Employment is all. China is the land of dichotomies, not to say contradictions. On March 31, 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet crossed the Indo-Tibet border in the Kameng Frontier Division, north of Tawang; he met a detachment of the Assam Rifles waiting to welcome him. He had had no choice but to flee his native land, as severe repression had taken place in Lhasa. Three days before the Tibetan leader reached the Indian border, the Communist regime declared that the feudal lord had left his native land; that this would allow the serfs to be emancipated. Though thousands had died in Lhasa in the process of emancipation, Beijing still celebrates the massacre as the Serfs Emancipation Day. On March 26, the 24-year-old Tibetan leader had sent a message to Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India: Ever since Tibet went under the control of Red China and the Tibetan government lost its powers in 1951... The Dalai Lama had decided to take refuge in India a free nation. On March 11, 2019, the Global Times affirmed: Sixty years since the epoch-making democratic reform in Tibet, people in the plateau region have enjoyed unprecedented human rights in history. The tabloid of the Communist Party added: The democratic reform in Tibet in 1959, led by the Communist Party of China, ended the cruel serfdom system and emancipated one million Tibetan serfs, or more than 90 per cent of the regions then population. The article compares the massacre of the Tibetans in Lhasa in March 1959 by the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) to the Abolition Movement led by former US President Abraham Lincoln, viewed as an immortal achievement for civilisation and human rights, the end of Tibets feudal serfdom. But it is not the last of the contradictions. While proclaiming that the Tibetan people enjoy unprecedented human rights in history, the region has not only been closed to foreign tourists, but according to Human Rights Watch, on March 7, the Chinese authorities staged mass rallies in Lhasa and other provincial cities. A parade of armoured vehicles and military hardware was seen on the streets of Lhasa. Thousands of armed police and other security forces from across the region gathered to pledge loyalty to the party and its political objective of comprehensive, long term stability. Though Beijings propaganda said human rights in Tibet have never been so good, it was announced that 24-hour patrols of some 100 police service stations in Lhasa had greatly improved the citys peace and stability. Not a single criminal case was reported in the palace area in the past eight years, mainly because of the police service station since 2011, which can respond to emergency calls in three minutes. Wang Yongpu, a police station chief working in Tibet for seven years, explained to the Global Times, through the surveillance system, 24-hour patrols, security checks and cooperation with traffic departments, police in the service station can prevent crimes. The Epoch Times reported: Having perfected facial recognition and Artificial Intelligence-enhanced surveillance systems, the Chinese regime is now applying the technology to taxis in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The US-based publication quoted a report which appeared in Tibet News on March 6: a Chinese state-run online news site, 200 new taxis were put into operation in Lhasa in February equipped with real-time video surveillance before they were assigned to taxi drivers. The GPS (Global Positioning System) has been upgraded from running on 2G mobile networks to 4G to optimise real-time monitoring. This technology was intended to prevent drivers from violating safety regulations such as smoking and making phones calls while driving. So much for human rights! The Chinese propaganda has a tragicomic side. The reason given for banning foreign visitors visiting Tibet was given by Wu Yingjie, Tibets Communist Partys secretary during the National Peoples Congress (NPC) he said that the restrictions were necessary because some visitors suffered from altitude sickness. Where it become more grotesque is when it comes to the Dalai Lama, Chinas bete noire. Again, according to the Global Times, during an open-door discussion with the Tibetan delegation to the 13th NPC, Wu Yingjie came down heavily on the Tibetan leader: The Tibetan people have more affection for the government. The Dalai Lama has not done a single good thing for Tibet since he left (in 1959). Wu added that the people of Tibet were extremely grateful for the prosperity that the Communist Party has brought them. Tashi Gyaltsen, a young Tibetan grassroots delegate from Lhoka, affirmed that there is no such thing as adoration for the Dalai Lama among Tibetans. This should be easy to test let Beijing allow the Tibetan leader to visit Tibet for one week the adulation of the Tibetans for their spiritual guru and protector will be seen by all. Go Khok, deputy party chief and mayor of Lhasa, however, asserted that maintaining stability would be a key task for the city government this year. A worse contradiction is about the position of the atheist regime on the Dalai Lamas rebirth. The Tibetan leader jokingly told Reuters: China considers Dalai Lamas reincarnation as something very important. They have more concern about the next Dalai Lama than me, before adding: In future, in case you see two Dalai Lamas, one from here (India), a free country, (and) one chosen by the Chinese, then nobody will trust, nobody will respect (the one chosen by China). So thats an additional problem for the Chinese! Its possible, it can happen. A couple of years ago, a Chinese expert quoted by the Global Times, affirmed that it is so ridiculous to talk about reincarnation when the 14th Dalai Lama is still alive. It is ridiculous, but Beijing has been working hard since years to put everything in place for when the day comes. Already in 2007, the stage was set for the tragicomedy when China decided to implement the Measures on the Management of the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism. Beijing had started preparing for the Lamas succession: the Chinese government had decided to use the Manchu-favourite type of selection, the Golden Urn lottery, which can easily be manipulated. Today, China is actively preparing for the post-Dalai Lama period. On March 7, 2019, a panel discussion took place during the Peoples Political Consultative Conference in Beijing; the Chinese-selected Panchen Lama Gyaltsen Norbu presided. Apart from the young lama considered as fake by the Tibetans, a few lamas, mostly unknown to the Tibetans, met to discuss the future of Buddhism; it included, Dupkang Thupten Kedup, vice-chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, Tsemonling, a former regent of Tibet in his previous reincarnation, Gomangtsang Rinpoche, Rinchen Namgyal Rinpoche, from Qinghai province and Lodro Gyatso Rinpoche from Sakya Monastery. China would like these lamas to lead the process to find the next incarnation of the Dalai Lama. Is it not a contradiction when an atheist regime works hard on soul reincarnation? It does not seem to disturb the apparatchiks in Beijing. Beresheet travelled through space for seven weeks in a series of expanding orbits around Earth before crossing into the moons gravity last week. (Photo: SpaceIL) Israeli spacecraft Beresheet crashed onto the moon on April 11, after a series of technical failures during its final descent, shattering hopes of a historic controlled landing on the lunar surface. The unmanned robotic lander suffered periodic engine and communications failures during the landing sequence, which lasted around 21 minutes, the support team said. Beresheet, whose name is Hebrew for the biblical phrase In the beginning, had travelled through space for seven weeks in a series of expanding orbits around Earth before crossing into the moons gravity last week. The final manoeuvre on April 10, brought it into a tight elliptical orbit around the moon, around 15 km (9 miles) from the surface at its closest. From there it was a short, nail-biting and ultimately disappointing conclusion. It seems that a failure in our inertial measurements unit caused a chain of events in the spacecraft avionics which cut off the engines and caused us to lose the mission, said Opher Doron, general manager of the space division at Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). So far, only three nations have succeeded in carrying out a soft, or controlled, landing on the lunar surface: the United States, the Soviet Union and China. Beresheet would have been the first craft to land on the moon that was not the product of a government programme. It was built by state-owned IAI and Israeli non-profit space venture SpaceIL with USD 100 million funded almost entirely by private donors. Still, the spacecraft achieved some milestones. It is by far the smallest, the cheapest spacecraft ever to get to the moon, said Doron. Its been an amazing journey, I hope we get a chance for another one. Shaped like a round table with four carbon-fibre legs, Beresheet stood about 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) tall. It blasted off from Floridas Cape Canaveral on Feb. 21 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and entered Earths orbit about 34 minutes after launch. Its circuitous flight path was around 4 million miles (6.5 million km). A direct route from the Earth to the moon covers roughly 240,000 miles (386,000 km). Click on Deccan Chronicle Technology and Science for the latest news and reviews. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter. The 23-story-tall Heavy blasted off from Floridas Kennedy Space Centre carrying its first customer payload. (Photo: AP) The most powerful operational rocket in the world, SpaceXs Falcon Heavy, launched its first commercial mission on April 11, from Florida in a key demonstration for billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musks space company in the race to grasp lucrative military launch contracts. The 23-story-tall Heavy, which previously launched Musks cherry red Tesla roadster to space in a 2018 debut test flight, blasted off from Floridas Kennedy Space Centre carrying its first customer payload. T plus 33 seconds into flight, under the power of 5.1 million pounds of thrust, Falcon Heavy is headed to space, SpaceX launch commentator John Insprucker said on a live stream. Roughly three minutes after clearing the pad, Heavys two side boosters separated from the core rocket for a synchronised landing at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, sparking boisterous cheers from SpaceX engineers in the companys Hawthorne, California headquarters. The middle booster, after pushing the payload into space, returned nearly 10 minutes later for a successful landing on SpaceXs seafaring drone ship 400 miles (645 km) off the Florida coast. In the 2018 test mission, Heavys core booster missed the vessel and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. The Falcons have landed, Musk wrote on Twitter, inaugurating the first successful recovery of all three rocket boosters, which will be refurbished and re-fly in another Falcon Heavy mission this summer to carry a swarm of military and science satellites for the Air Force. Liftoff with Heavys new military-certified Falcon 9 engines was crucial in the race with Boeing-Lockheed venture United Launch Alliance and Jeff Bezos Blue Origin as Musks SpaceX, working to flight-prove its rocket fleet one mission at a time, aims to clinch a third of all US National Security Space missions - coveted military contracts worth billions. The US Air Force tapped SpaceX in 2018 to launch for USD 130 million a classified military satellite and in February added three more missions in a USD 297 million contract. SpaceX and Boeing Co are vying to send humans to space from US soil for the first time in nearly a decade under NASAs Commercial Crew Program. SpaceXs Crew Dragon capsule, atop a Falcon 9 rocket, cleared its first unmanned test flight in March ahead of its crewed mission planned for July, while the first unmanned test for Boeings Starliner capsule is slated for August on ULAs Atlas 5 rocket. Falcon Heavy carried a communications satellite for Saudi-based telecom firm Arabsat, which will beam internet and television services over Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Privately owned SpaceX, also known as Space Exploration Technologies Corp, was founded in 2002 by Musk, who is also a co-founder of electric car maker Tesla Inc. Click on Deccan Chronicle Technology and Science for the latest news and reviews. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday questioned the growing synergy between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart Imran Khan and accused the former of milking the retaliatory Balakot air strikes for electoral gain. "Some days back, Imran Khan said that Modi should be PM again. He said it just after the simmering tension on the border and amid fears that both countries would go to war. What is cooking between Imran Khan and Modi? There is something suspicious," Kejriwal told a poll campaign late on Saturday evening, in Margao town in South Goa district where the state Aam Aadmi Party convenor Elvis Gomes is contesting the South Goa Lok Sabha seat. The AAP leader, who is on a short visit to Goa to campaign for his party's candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha and assembly bypolls on April 23, also said, that since the Prime Minister had failed on key issues like health, education, economy he was trying to milk the Indian Air Force strike at Balakot. "People are now asking questions about how Pulwama happened on February 14, when 40 of our brave soldiers died, two months before elections. Why did Imran Khan attack Pulwama just before elections and the only thing Modi saying now, is that we entered their country and killed them?" Kejriwal said. Pointing out to the irony, Kejriwal said, that the head of the country in which India carried out the air strike was now rooting for Modi ahead of elections. "There is a dangerous game being played out. When you vote, think about it," the Delhi Chief Minister said. The Rafale deal on Saturday sunk into more controversy following reports that France waived tax worth Rs 143.7 million Euro for Anil Ambani's French-based company, six months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the 36 jet deal with Dassault. The sensational report in Le Monde immediately gave ammunition to the Opposition in the midst of Lok Sabha elections, which targeted Modi and BJP claiming that it has once again exposed corruption in the deal. The Opposition, especially Congress president Rahul Gandhi, had been claiming that the selection of Ambani as an offset partner in the deal was part of a quid pro quo in place of government-owned Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd (HAL). While Ministry of Defence insisted that linking tax benefits given to the company with the deal was "totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform", Anil Ambani's Reliance group denied "any favouritism or gain from settlement". Describing the waiver as Modi 'kripa' (blessings)", Congress accused the Prime Minister of acting as middleman for Anil Ambani while CPI(M) said the "whole nexus is now coming out into the open" and that it was the "Modi formula of helping his rich friends". According to the report, the French authorities had raised a demand of 150 million euros from Ambani's 'Reliance FLAG Atlantic France SAS' but later accepted just 7.3 million euros as a settlement six months after Modi announced that India would buy 36 jets from Dassault in a government-to-government deal. "During the period under consideration by the French Tax Authorities -- 2008-2012 ie nearly 10 years ago, Flag France had an operating loss of Rs 20 crore (ie Euro 2.7 million). French tax authorities had raised a tax demand of over Rs 1,100 crore for the same period. As per the French tax settlement process as per law, a mutual settlement agreement was signed to pay Rs 56 crore as a final settlement," Reliance statement claimed. One of the journalists Julien Bouissou, who reported the story along with Anne Michel tweeted, "So between February and October 2015, while the French were negotiating the Rafale contract with India, Anil Ambani enjoyed a tax waiver of 143.7 million euros from the French state. Quite a cozy deal, right?" Breaking : French authorities waived taxes worth 143,7 million euros for Anil Ambani's French-based company just a few months after PM Modi announced his plans to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets from Dassault. Our story with @annemichel_LM julien bouissou (@jubouissou) April 13, 2019 The report said the telecom company registered in France was investigated by French tax authorities and found liable to pay 60 million euros in taxes between 2007 to 2010. Reliance offered to pay 7.6 million euros as a settlement but the French refused and a further investigation for the period 2010 to 2012 showed further issues and asked for an additional 91 million euros in taxes. "In April 2015, PM Modi announced plans to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets from Dassault. By then, the total amount owed by Reliance to the French state in taxes was at least 151 million euros," Bouissou tweeted. Six months later, French authorities accepted 7.3 million euros as a settlement. Reliance Communications which owns the Reliance FLAG Atlantic France SAS, said it settled tax disputes as per legal framework in France available to all companies operating in France while insisting that tax demands were "completely unsustainable and illegal". Reliance FLAG owns a terrestrial cable network and other telecom infrastructure in France. Ministry of Defence said it has seen reports drawing "conjectural connection" between tax exemption to a private company and procurement of Rafale jets by the government. "Neither the period of tax concession nor subject matter of concession relate to Rafale procurement, concluded in present government's tenure. Any connections drawn between the tax issue and the Rafale matter is totally inaccurate, tendentious and is a mischievous attempt to disinform." Reacting to the report, CPI(M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury said the "whole nexus is now coming out into the open" and the Prime Minister's Office was "directly involved" in Rafale scam bypassing Air Force, and National Security Advisor was "illegally negotiating" in Paris. The whole nexus is now coming out into the open. PMO was directly involved in Rafale scam bypassing our Air Force, and NSA was illegally negotiating in Paris. As former French President said, Modi asked for Anil Ambani as a partner for the deal. And now this - French tax waivers Sitaram Yechury (@SitaramYechury) April 13, 2019 "As former French President said, Modi asked for Anil Ambani as a partner for the deal. And now this - French tax waivers. Modi goes to France, compromises national security by signing on fewer aircraft, gives deal to crony Ambani, HAL is kept out. So the public pays 41% higher amount for fewer aircraft and crony also gets massive tax breaks. Modi formula of helping his rich friends," he said in a series of tweets. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala told reporters, "this is called zero sum choices, startling tax concession and Modi 'kripa' (blessings)," he said adding,"Prime Minister Modi is acting as middleman for Anil Ambani. How many other companies in France have got a tax benefit? Is this not a quid pro quo for the purchase of aircraft? It is clear only one watchman is the thief," Surjewala said. Is the Corruption & Money trail in the #RafaleScam finally out? Is PM Modi-Anil Ambani connection finally out? Sensational & Explosive! Pl wait for a Spl. AICC PC at 1.30 PM today. Randeep Singh Surjewala (@rssurjewala) April 13, 2019 "Those that have Modi's blessings can get anything. If Modiji is there, then it is possibile. (Modi ji ki kripa jispar ho jaye uska kuch bhi ho sakta hai, Modi hai to mumkin hai)," he said taunting the BJP with its poll slogan. The on-going crisis in Jet Airways appeared to have worsened, with the cash-starved airline on Friday urging bankers for an immediate fund infusion and its employees filing a police complaint over non-payment of salaries for about three months. The Prime Ministers Office summoned Civil Aviation Secretary Pradeep Kharola to seek an update on the situation after the airliner suspended international operations till Monday. Jet Airways has cancelled its international operations from 12th to 15th April, a Jet Airways statement said. Kharola said the airline has been asked to ensure that passenger issues were taken into consideration while it deals with the situation. Jet Airways has funds to stay afloat till Monday, the civil aviation secretary said. Meanwhile, the All India Jet Airways Officers & Staff Association which represents ground handlers, ground crew among others at Mumbai airport also filed a police complaint against the airlines Naresh Goyal, CEO Vinay Dube and representatives of SBI. From a curse, if one doesn't vote for a "sanyasi" to a dare to Muslims if they approach for work without voting in favour to asking whether picturesque Wayanad is in Pakistan, the election rhetoric has reached a feverish pitch. If one goes by the trend, it may get worse in the coming days with more voters stepping out of their homes to exercise their franchise in the next six phases of the Lok Sabha elections ending May 19. The Election Commission is flooded with complaints about controversial comments made by senior leaders from Prime Minister Narendra Modi to BJP chief Amit Shah to BSP supremo Mayawati and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath among others. The latest among the controversial statements were by Union Minister Maneka Gandhi and BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj, who are under the EC scanner following complaints. Gandhi, who is contesting from UP's Sultanpur and made the controversial statement which was circulated on social media, said, "I am winning with the help of people. If my victory comes without the support of Muslims, I will not feel good. Why? I can only say that it will leave a bitter taste. Then when a Muslim comes for any work, I will then think let it be." Maharaj had said during campaigning, "a sanyasi has come to your door. And when a sanyasi comes to your door, asks for an explanation and makes a request. If you dont listen to him, then the sanyasi takes the good deeds of the family and gives his sins to you." If this is the latest, Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in controversy earlier when in Latur he said, "I want to ask first-time voters: Can your first vote be dedicated to the courageous jawans who did the Balakot air strike? Can your first vote be in the name of the courageous martyrs who lost their lives in Pulwama." This was read by Opposition as going against the direction of Election Commission, which had asked parties not to use the military in campaigns. Another remark by Modi was on Rahul Gandhi's Wayanad foray when he said the Congress president ran away from Hindu Samaj to a place where the majority is a minority. BJP chief Amit Shah also had controversial remarks during his campaigns. On Congress president Rahul Gandhi's Wayanad foray, Shah asked whether Wayanad was in Pakistan while referring to the green party flags of Indian Union Muslim League. His comments on expanding the National Register of Citizens exercise across India also attracted criticism. Gandhi, on his part, is in the eye of a storm for his comments suggesting that the Supreme Court has said 'Chowkidar (Modi) Chor Hai' (Watchman is a Thief) in reference to its order on Rafale deal which said that it would consider certain secret government documents. A contempt petition is now filed against him. Adityanath is also in trouble for his remarks during campaigning. he had said, "Congress would feed 'biryani' to terrorists, while Modi's army (Modi-ji ki Sena) gives them bullets and bombs." Referring to Mayawati's speech that Muslims should vote for the Grand Alliance and not Congress, he had said, "they have Ali, we have Bajrang Bali' comments. AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also had his share of controversial statements on Election Commission and Modi. "Pakistan and Imran Khan are openly supporting Modi-ji. It is clear now that Modi ji has some secret pact with them. Everyone is asking - did Pakistan kill 40 of our brave soldiers in Pulwama on 14 Feb just before elections to help Modi-ji?" Kejriwal said on Twitter," he had tweeted. In a series of tweets, he said, "Anti-BJP votes deleted all across India...Reports coming from all across India that votes have been deleted on an unprecedented scale...Why are all faulty EVM machines seen to be voting always for BJP? Why do most deleted voters turn out to be anti-BJP voters?" Prime Minister Narendra Modi has dubbed the Lok Sabha elections as a fight between nationalism and dynasty. The election is between nation first or family first. In Karnataka Congress and JD(S) are signs of Parivarwad. Both parties that have lost touch with the people are that much connected to their families...Their only mission is commission, Modi said. The prime minister was addressing a BJP convention in Gangavathi of Koppal district, seeking votes for Bellary, Koppal and Raichur Lok Sabha constituencies. Calling upon people to teach a befitting lesson to Opposition parties which have exploited the citizens of the country for their self-serving motives, Modi said Congress feels uncomfortable when not in power. When there was Congress government, there was Mr 10 per cent. Do you remember Mr 10 per cent? Now they have joined together 10 per cent is theirs and other 10 per cent of others. Now Karnataka is going on with 20 per cent, he said. In his campaign during the May 2018 Assembly polls, Modi had attacked the then Siddaramaiah dispensation as a 10 per cent commission government. He lashed out at the Deve Gowda family, targeting the JDS supremos son Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy over his reported remark that only those who cannot get two square meals a day seek jobs in the services, terming it an insult to the Armed Forces. What kind of thinking is thisKumaraswamy ji? You cannot escape by saying that your statement has been wrongly interpreted. You have said what is in your heart, Modi said. it not an insult to our brave soldiers and Armed Forces...will you seek vote on this? Those who serve the country and ready to sacrifice for it facing all odds...Such words for them, such thinking. Doob maro doob maro (die drowning), those who insult the countrys army, he said. Modi also hit out at Gowdas other son and minister H D Revanna, without naming him, for his remark that he would retire from politics if Modi was voted back to power. Do you believe them? Will these people speak the truth any time? He reminded the crowd that in the 2014 elections, Deve Gowda had himself said that if Modi won and became the prime minister, he would take sanyas. Did he take sanyas? Did father (Deve Gowda) take sanyas? Will son take sanyas? Leave sanyas, they aregiving tickets to those remaining in the family. He said that state government had money for Sultans (Tipu Sultan) Utsav but was short of funds for remembering the pride of Hampi. Modi stopped his speech four or five times as the crowds continued to swell and surged forward chanting Modi, Modi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the Lok Sabha poll 2019 is about choosing a new India for the 21st century. It is not about choosing the Prime Minister or Minister or forming the government but how New India should be in the 21st century. Addressing Vijaya Sankalpa Rally at Nehru Maidan here on Saturday, he said the voters had given an opportunity for the Congress in the 20th century. However, the party handed over the governance to one family. Coming down heavily on the Congress-JDS government in Karnataka, he said the coalition government takes inspiration from Pariwarvad (dynasty) but BJP gets inspiration from Rashtrawd (nationalism). Terming coalition government as the enemy of farmers, he said the coalition government has failed to provide a list of beneficiaries for the Central governments PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. As a result, when farmers in the rest of the country had availed the first instalment of Rs 2,000 under the scheme, the farmers in Karnataka are still waiting for the instalment benefit. He also said that the "Mahamilavat" (adulterated) culture of Congress has destroyed not only traditions but also weakened the Defence and the economy and banking sector of the country. Modi also added that Bjp in its manifesto has promised to work towards assisting the maximum number of fishermen by ensuring availability of storage and infrastructure under Matsya Sampada Yojana Promising to have a separate fisheries minister when the BJP government is formed after the election, he said financial help will be given for the upgradation of deep sea trawlers and fishermen are Naval Messaging Receiver (NMR) device to get alert messages. Modi also added that Bjp in its manifesto has promised to work towards assisting the maximum number of fishermen by ensuring availability of storage and infrastructure under Matsya Sampada Yojana. Police deny reports on water bottles thrown at Modi There was a media report saying water bottles were thrown at Modi during a rally in Mangaluru. But later it was confirmed as a rumour. In a response to the report, Mangaluru Commissioner of Police Sandeep Patil denied any incident of the crowd being pelted with plastic water bottles at the end of Prime Minister Narendra Modis speech at Nehru Maidan on Friday evening. Patil told DH that as part of security measures the public was not allowed to carry water bottles into the venue. Perhaps at the end of the rally, the crowd at the further end of maidan would have resorted to dumping their plastic water bottles, he said. CHESTER Five- to six-hundred lawn signs and a United States Air Force veteran asked Widener University students to Live Your Courage Thursday. Student organizers and volunteers for the universitys third annual Courage Day blanketed the campus with signs, asked students fill out prompts on personal courage, and welcomed former United States Air Force Maj. Heather Lucky Penney, the universitys Oskin Leadership Institute Beideman Visiting Scholar, for an address. Penney was one of two fight pilots deployed during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to find and take down United Flight 93. Without time to arm their jets, it amounted to a suicide mission by having to ram the plane. Her address and the Courage Day materials around campus prompted students and faculty to find courage in their daily lives and form a habit of making courageous decisions. Theres a lot that we do every day that you dont realize is courage but it is, said Michaela Mertz, principal student organizer for the event. Today is all about motivating people to choose that harder right, and to make a difference in their own lives, as small as may be. The passengers on Flight 93 were the true heroes, Penney said after recounting her mission with Col. Marc Sass Sasseville to take down the plane. The mission came after a recent return from Exercise Red Flag training at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., with expectations for a day of catching up on paperwork and returning to normal routine. In the time since Ive come to realize that heroism isnt something unique or possessed only by a chosen few. Penney described heroism as being three primary qualities bravery, service and belonging. Theyre not nouns to me theyre verbs which means we can choose to be brave, to serve, to belong, she said, encouraging the audience to make the actions daily habits. I believe heroism is like a muscle we all have the potential for the strength, but unless we practice it, cultivate it, exercise it, all it will ever be is potential. Speaking with the Times following her address, Penney referenced the Greatest Generations actions during World War II as exemplary of the courage of everyday people. They answered the call to save the free world and they were plumbers, and school teachers, and local businessmen, she said. On in those moments on (Sept. 11) as we were waiting for authorization to launch, I thought about George Welch, one of two pilots to get airborne during the attack on Pearl Harbor. I thought this is my Pearl Harbor moment, I thought if they could do it, I could do it,' she said. The event showcasing everyday courage was the culmination of planning since the start of the fall semester by its main sponsors, the Apogee Scholars of Wideners Oskin Leadership Institute. The group is made up of recipients of the institutes High School Leadership Award presented to students around the Delaware Valley who then elect to attend Widener. Mertz said she and fellow organizers implemented several changes to this years event based on student feedback during the planning process. Formerly held on a surprise date, the 2019 Courage Day was promoted in advance to the campus with a Courage Rocks kickoff three weeks ago. Students painted rocks and pictures with encouraging messages to give to others or leave throughout campus. A group of students signed a courage pledge, with those completing it honored by Penney following her address. While the event is no longer a surprise, a portion of the events 50 student volunteers were still active at 5:30 a.m. blanketing the campus with signs asking Do you have to the courage to followed by questions including to forgive?, to get out of your comfort zone? The community behind me I love it, its really great, said Mertz of fellow organizers and volunteers. I always (anticipate) the worst, but today has gone so well. Im very proud of everyone. Its great to see how how people are still inspired to show courage, said Theresa Kash, a third-year organizer for the event and courage pledge honoree. You would think (students) who have lived through multiple Courage Days would say oh, its happening again I dont feel like doing it. You still see people consistently wanting to show courage. Freshman volunteer Eliza Meals, joining Kash at a student prompt table, said it was inspiring to see the event be well-established on the campus in its third year. People are looking forward to it, she said. I remember last year as a freshman stepping out of my dorm and there were just signs everywhere, said Leon Mopecha, a courage pledge honoree and organizer. Seeing the enthusiasm (participating) students had just put me on a course for a better week. I was looking forward to it this year and was determined to help out. Penney spoke highly of the Generation Z students now in universities and what she sees as their willingness to make a difference in the world. I think the Oskin Leadership Institute and Courage Day are particularly relevant to these young people, she said following her address. In some ways I feel as I look at my generation, we have a lot to live up to in order to be able to provide the shoes for the Gen-Zs and Millennials to fill. This week's top stories include the first picture of a black hole, the measles outbreak in New York and more. A groundbreaking image of a black hole was published Wednesday. This is the first picture of the mysterious space phenomenon, and the first visual evidence that they exist. A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull becomes so dense that nothing can escape it. More than 200 researchers worked for over a decade to make the photograph happen. Congress is struggling to find solutions to the border crisis after Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation. President Trump has been at the center of debate for his comments about the border crisis, saying that the country is "full" and can't take any more immigrants. Democrats are asking for a release of Trump's tax returns, although it doesn't appear that anyone knows why or what it would reveal. New York City declared a public health emergency Tuesday due to the recent measles outbreak in the area. Also in the news this week, the candidate pool for the 2020 Democratic nomination continues to grow and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in London after claiming asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy for seven years. SALT LAKE CITY The number of migrants apprehended at the border in March totaled more than 103,000 the highest number in more than a decade. Now the Trump administration is floating new plans to stop the flow of migrants, including a revised version of the controversial zero-tolerance policy that resulted in separating migrant families at the border earlier this year. Called the binary choice proposal, it would give migrant parents a choice: have their children separated from them and later released to live with a relative or sponsor in the United States, or the family could stay together in detention until their day in immigration court. The White House is looking at other options as well, including ramped-up deportations of illegal immigrants already living in the United States, and implementing a stricter screening process for asylum seekers. But are Trumps new plans a realistic answer to Americas border crisis, or are they merely more fodder for controversy and court battles? To find out, the Deseret News talked to immigration experts, policymakers and academics to get their takes on the primary problems fueling the border crisis, and their recommendations for realistic solutions. Problem 1: Loopholes in U.S. asylum law create a "strong incentive for people to come" The current border crisis can be blamed on "loopholes in our asylum system ... that create a strong incentive for people to come," says Matt Sussis, assistant director of communications at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that favors low immigration numbers. In order to claim asylum, migrants must be able to prove a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country. Sussis says that standard is not strict enough. While there are some people who really do deserve asylum ... its very easy to make a claim just because you want to get into the country, says Sussis. Other experts disagree, such as Layla Razavi, policy director for the California Immigrant Policy Center, who emphasizes that migrants have a legal right under federal and international law to enter the country and seek asylum. "This is a founding principle not just of American jurisprudence, but also our social fabric," she said. "Its really baked into our idea of who we are as a people." The issue may not be the law itself, but its failed implementation, according to Rachel Schmidtke, program associate at the Mexico Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. A lack of immigration judges to hear asylum cases at the border has created a backlog that often means migrants who have claimed asylum dont see a courtroom for two years after they were first apprehended at the border. I think people see (claiming asylum at the border) as a viable option to enter the United States, and so theyre doing so," said Schmidtke. "That's increasing the number of people waiting, and its turning into a very dire humanitarian situation at the border. Solution: Hire more immigration judges to process claims quicker Congress should amend the loopholes in the asylum law, according to Sussis, to make it more difficult to claim asylum in the first place. But given the divided nature of Congress, a legislative amendment may not be the way to go, he says. A better option, he says, would be to focus on appointing more immigration judges to process asylum claims at the border to end the backlog. In this scenario, the system would still protect people with legitimate claims, of whom there are many, while people with illegitimate claims could be turned away. You could still keep families together and both kids and their parents would be processed much more quickly, he said. Problem 2: Violence is pushing migrants out of Central America The primary problem fueling the border crisis can be found not in U.S. law or policy, but in Central America, where the "dire" conditions of poverty and violence are driving migrants to flee, says Angela S. Garcia, assistant professor in the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. Its foolhardy thinking that people are being drawn to the United States because of a robust social safety net, or because of potential for U.S immigration reform, she says. Its about crime and violence driving people out. According to Schmidtke, this explains the higher rates of women and children coming to the border fleeing violence. In November, more than 25,000 families turned themselves in, a historic high. Garcia says an interesting case study is to look at Nicaragua, which is the second poorest country in the region. She says that despite widespread poverty, migrants are leaving Nicaragua in far fewer numbers because the homicide rate is lower there. "What you can see clearly is that there's much higher rates of violence in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and that's clearly linked to greater number of people fleeing," she explained. "(These migrants are not) leaving home because of fun or adventure." Solution: Give U.S. aid to Central America focusing on improving quality of life Garcia says the answer is to change the way the United States focuses on giving aid to Central American countries. Trump has threatened in recent weeks to do away with aid to Central America, which Garcia says would only exacerbate the problems at hand. But she says even the current way the United States gives aid often focuses on the wrong issues, primarily providing money earmarked for security or policing, rather than for food, education or health care. Given a limited amount of money and political will, she says U.S. aid would be best spent by investing in improvements to the quality of life of everyday people in Central America. Problem 3: Asylum-seekers are treated "like prisoners" at a high cost to the taxpayer The key issue fueling the border crisis is a lack of solid infrastructure to process and integrate asylum-seekers, says Razavi with the California Immigrant Policy Center. She says the United States has a sophisticated infrastructure for admitting and integrating refugees through the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program, which provides refugees language education, job training and help with housing. She says there is no real distinction between a migrant and an asylum-seeker, in that both groups are usually fleeing due to political instability and/or fear of persecution. On the refugee side, we have an entire system and framework in place to ensure their successful integration," she said. "But on the asylum side, we lock these people up in prisons and treat them like they are criminals. I think thats problematic morally but it costs a lot of money to the taxpayer too. According to ICEs fiscal year 2018 budget, on average it costs $133.99 a day to maintain one adult detention bed, but immigration groups have put that number closer to $200 a day. The cost of a family bed, which keeps mothers and children together, is around $319 a day, according to DHS. Beds for children separated from their parents cost $775 per person per night, HHS told NBC News. Solution: Treat migrants as refugees Razavi says a solution to this problem would be to expand the U.S. Refugee Resettlement program to provide services to asylum-seekers as well as refugees. A similar idea was put forth by Jodi Ziesemer, supervising attorney for the Unaccompanied Minors Program at Catholic Charities Community Services, in The Guardian in August 2018. "Refugee resettlement agencies are well-equipped to provide support to traumatized families," wrote Ziesemer. "Studies have shown that within a short period of time, refugees are not only able to support themselves but also more than reimburse the money they receive in support during their first few years in the U.S. through taxes and generation of income and jobs." Razavi says in the current political climate, such a policy shift would be a challenging endeavour, as the Trump administrations decision to reduce the number of refugees admitted to the United States has created serious funding cuts to agencies across the country. Razavi says even so, states could play a powerful role in supporting local resettlement agencies to give them the capacity to offer such services to refugees and asylum-seekers alike. This is both from a humanitarian perspective and for the benefit of American taxpayers," said Razavi. "Were pouring a lot of money into locking up migrants when we could actually be spending a lot less to make sure theyre getting off on the right foot to be successful here." SALT LAKE CITY U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman Jr. says the Russian government needs to stop "playing games" with a former U.S. Marine being held in Moscow on espionage charges. "If the Russians had evidence, they should bring it forward. We have seen nothing. We have heard words about espionage, but I don't think there's a case there," Huntsman told RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty in an interview Friday. Russia's domestic intelligence agency detained Paul Whelan, a corporate security executive, in late December and accused him of spying. A Moscow court has refused to release him on bail. Huntsman, the top American official in Russia, has visited Whelan in prison. "I think about his family every day. I think about him every day," he said. Huntsman said he hopes Whelan, who also has citizenship in Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom, is released as soon as possible. "If there is no evidence and the Russians have not shown there is any evidence so far, then let's move on," he said "Let's move on and quit playing these games." Huntsman said there are several cases of Americans imprisoned in Russia. One involving prominent businessman Michael Calvey took a step in the right direction Thursday, he said. A court in Moscow released him from pretrial detention. Calvey, the chief executive of the Russian investment firm Baring Vostok, was arrested in February for allegedly defrauding Russian businessman Artem Avetisyan, who is an associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin. "We hope, as I know his family does, that this is resolved as quickly as possible," Huntsman said. Huntsman made news earlier this week when sources revealed that he has not ruled out another run for governor in Utah. He won election in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008 before resigning to become U.S. ambassador to China. He will mark two years in Moscow this fall. On possibly running for governor, Huntsman said there is "nothing to consider until our current commitment is done." SALT LAKE CITY Federal authorities filed a civil complaint Friday against a Murray doctor they say prescribes painkillers without a legitimate medical purpose that end up being sold on the street. The complaint in U.S. District court also alleges Nicholas Carl Greenwood prescribes opioids outside the usual course of professional practice. His business, Greenwood Addiction Physicians, offers treatment for opioid, alcohol and tobacco addiction. The U.S. Attorney's Office wants a judge to stop Greenwood from prescribing drugs. Greenwood knew, or should have known, that the prescriptions he issued, essentially on a cash-and-carry basis, were not medically necessary and were being sold or traded on the street, according to the complaint. DEA agents launched an investigation into Greenwood following a tip from the Tooele County Sheriff's Office last April about an inmate organizing and paying people to get prescriptions from the doctor for his use in jail. Three undercover agents visited Greenwood's office 20 times over an eight-month period and received 19 prescriptions for Buprenorphine, totaling 889 pills, according to the complaint. Buprenorphine can be used to treat pain and help people reduce or quit the use of heroin or other opiates. Agents paid a $350 cash fee on the first visit and $200 cash for each subsequent visit, court documents say. Greenwood never performed a medical examination, asked questions about the undercover agents health or symptoms or reviewed prior medical records, but prescribed the drug without any evidence of medical need, according to the complaint. The doctor issued most of the prescriptions without actually meeting with the undercover agents, court documents say. Investigators say what they have found so far is "likely just the tip of the iceberg." "Based on Dr. Greenwoods comfort and fluency with the street price of Buprenorphine and drug deals, and knowledge that his patients are illegally diverting prescriptions, he likely has previously engaged in and will continue to engage in similar illegal conduct," according to court documents. A call to Greenwood's office found it closed Fridays. SALT LAKE CITY Swiss rail giant Stadler Rail entered the public stock market in its home country Friday with a $3.8 billion valuation and an opening share price of $38. The company has a growing Utah presence, under its affiliate Stadler U.S., with plans in place to build a new manufacturing facility on Salt Lake City's west side located within the state's new inland port development. While a $9.6 million tax incentive from Salt Lake City was in limbo amid a running squabble between city leaders and state legislators about the inland port effort, the issue was settled under legislation passed in the recent session, via HB433, that grandfathered the deal in. The new manufacturing complex is projected to occupy 250,000 square feet by the end of 2019 and more than 900,000 square feet by the end of 2029, as well as grow from employing about 150 to about 1,000 over the next 10 years. Stadler operates an existing Salt Lake plant, which is expected to be retired and employees shifted to the new facility when completed. Reuters reported Stadler Chairman Peter Spuhler, who has run the company for over 30 years and turned Stadler "into a global player from a relatively small family-owned business," sold 35 million shares in his control worth 1.3 billion francs at the offer price. In 2015, Stadler earned a $10.1 million, post-performance tax incentive package from the Governor's Office of Economic Development. The potential rebates, payable over 15 years, were based on the company's estimates that it would pay out some $576 million in wages over the life of the agreement while remitting $40.3 million in corporate, payroll and state sales tax over the same period. SALT LAKE CITY As Orem police continue to investigate the case of a woman who was shot multiple times outside her town house last month, new court documents reveal that the woman may have had a "hit" placed on her life before. On March 7, the 38-year-old woman was trying to enter her west Orem home about 7:20 p.m. when she was shot multiple times by a gunman wearing a motorcycle helmet before she was able to get inside and shut the door. She survived the attack. Investigators have served numerous search warrants since then, trying to collect evidence that they hope will help solve the case. The woman was shot at eight times and hit five times "three times in the right leg, once in the back, which exited and broke her ribs, and three graze wounds from various rounds," according to the warrants. When she was out of surgery and able to be interviewed by police, Diana Lisseth Welch told investigators that "she was approached by an unknown subject in a black motorcycle helmet. The victim disclosed that she asked the unknown subject what they wanted. The victim disclosed they didn't respond, so she moved to get to her front door quickly in order to get in the home. The victim disclosed it was at this point when she got to the front door, the unknown subject brandished a firearm and began to fire rounds at her," the warrant states. Police previously said they did not believe the attack was random and that Welch currently had a protective order out against an undisclosed man. Police said that man was one of several people whom they wanted to question. Court records indicate that Welch filed for a protective order against her estranged husband in July, about the same time she filed for divorce. At the hospital, Welch told police that she and her estranged husband "are in a property and assets dispute. The victim disclosed when asked if anyone was out to harm her, she advised that (he) has attempted to pay someone in the past to kill her," a search warrant affidavit filed in 4th District Court states. Welch reported the alleged murder-for-hire plot in December, according to police. In that case, another man told her the he was approached by the estranged husband who "asked him to kill his wife. (He) advised the victim that he referred to this as a 'job' for him and (the husband) made motions of his hands indicating a gun, pre-loading of a gun, (and) by pulling the slide to the rear and loading a gun," the affidavit states. When that man was questioned by police, however, investigators noted he "was visibly scared and would not comply when asked about the allegations." The estranged husband was also questioned by Orem police. "Orem officers stated (he) denied the allegations and nothing further came of the report. This marked the first potential conspiracy to commit murder for monetary gain for (him)," the warrant states. The estranged husband was also questioned about the March 7 shooting on that day. "(He) was compliant and provided several details as to his whereabouts prior to the shooting that took place," according to a affidavit. While being interviewed by police, the husband also allowed detectives to extract data from his cellphone. In one string of messages, police say the husband asks a second man about returning his trailer, but the man tells him he doesn't know when he can return it. The estranged husband then tells the man "he is 'out of games,' to stop hiding, return the trailer or he is reporting (the man) to the police," the warrant states. The man responds by saying he doesn't understand why the estranged husband is getting so upset. "'I did a lot of work on that trailer trying to help you out just never heard much from you and that last conversation we had, I'll be honest that sort of scared me. I have a family and a wife at home. I don't know about you but when somebody asks you to kill somebody and it scares you, you usually run or hide or stay the (expletive) away from it," investigators noted in the affidavit. "This marked the second time it was reported that (the husband) had potentially asked someone to kill someone." When interviewed in person by police, the man said he arranged to meet with the estranged husband to purchase the trailer. But he was told not bring his cellphone or any other electronic devices. He stated that the husband "searched him when he got to the location and proceeded to ask him to kill someone for a million dollars and the trailer he was inquiring about. (The man) stated he turned down (the) offer and moved forward with the trailer purchase," according to the warrant. On March 8, Welch's family contacted police that they had received information from an informant who claimed he was "propositioned to kill (the husband's ex-wife) in Belgium for $50,000," according to the warrant. "This marked the third potential conspiracy to commit murder for monetary gain for (the estranged husband)," police wrote in the affidavit. As of Friday, no arrests have been made and no criminal charges have been filed. A call placed to the estranged husband's attorney was not immediately returned. The search warrants were to collect data from cellphones and other electronic devices. Orem Police Lt. Craig Martinez on Thursday declined to comment about the case, saying only that it is still an "active investigation." Anyone with information on the incident is asked to call Orem police at 801-229-7070. PROVO Fear kept Franchesca Lopez from calling police after she was sexually assaulted. But it was another fear that if she didn't speak out nothing would change that compelled the sophomore BYU student to stand on a plastic table in BYUs quad in front of hundreds of strangers on Friday and share the excruciating reality that stories about the school's honor code enforcement kept her silent after the assault a few months ago. Im a first-generation college student, and a second-generation immigrant, she said. Ive literally dreamed about coming here since I was a child. Going anywhere else isnt an option for me. For Lopez, who didnt plan to speak at the Restore Honor Rally Friday afternoon, BYU was the best place for her spiritually, culturally and financially. The gathering expressed deep affection for BYU but disdain for the Honor Code Office, and came after an Instagram account (@HonorCodeStories) went viral, attracting more than 33,000 followers and prompting more than a thousand people to submit stories to the pages creator, Sidney Draughon. Another group, Restore Honor BYU, created social media accounts and began lobbying administrators for changes. The group of several hundred students, alumni and friends spent about two hours talking, chanting, singing hymns and sharing stories. At 1 p.m., they sat silently for five minutes to honor those who were silenced by what they say have been punitive policies. University administrators didn't attend the rally, but they issued a statement Friday morning. "BYU cares deeply about the welfare of our students," the statement said. "We want every one of them to have a positive experience at BYU. Weve seen the conversations about the Honor Code Office on social media and have engaged in discussions with our students. The director of our Honor Code Office has been meeting with students since last Thursday. "These conversations have been very constructive, as students have shared with us their concern for certain processes within the Honor Code Office," the statement continues. "In some cases, these concerns do not reflect current practices; even so, we recognize that it is our job to help students understand what processes are in place. This is one reason why we shared on Wednesday a Q and A with Kevin Utt, director of our Honor Code Office. Our goal has been and will continue to be to help our students succeed at BYU. The students we have met with are committed to the Honor Code and ongoing dialogue, which we believe will lead to a better understanding of how the Honor Code Office can best serve our students." Lopez said she knows what happened to her is not her fault, but news coverage of rape victims who were reported to the Honor Code Office by the BYU police department only added to the horror stories circulating among victims, many of whom said they were reported to or investigated by the office. I think Ill have that fear as long as Im a student, she said of worrying that speaking at the rally will lead to disciplinary action against her. Unless something changes with the way the office is set up or the way the policies are enforced. She said she came forward because "I saw this big thing missing. No one was talking about sexual assault. And I saw a lack of diversity as well, so I thought it was my responsibility to tell my story, to make sure people know, its not OK that survivors dont feel safe to report." A number of people held signs declaring them gay Latter-day Saints, while others held signs of support for the LGBTQ community on campus. One young man, who asked to be identified only by his first name, said the fear among faithful gay church members is so great, they hesitate to hug friends or be seen being friendly with other LGBTQ students. This is really, really heartening, said Calvin, who came to BYU from out of state for the rally. While many students talked about being turned in to the office or reported for alleged violations, another student, Brayden Smith, said he turned himself in and it nearly cost him everything. Imagine having your entire future, your career, your education, your social life, your housing, so much of your life dangled over your head like a sword, Smith said, acknowledging he committed serious" honor code violations. I knew I had sinned, and I felt the honorable thing to do was make it right by turning myself in. So I subjected myself to this process because I believed in the integrity of the honor code. ... I could never have prepared myself for what happened to me. While the students were there to protest current practices and rally for changes, there was an overwhelming message of hope and support that many in attendance said they were grateful for, regardless of what happens next. Draughon said it is still overwhelming to see the momentum the movement has gained in less that two weeks. "I havent slept in 10 days," she said. "It gives me a lot of comfort knowing that I wasnt alone, and a lot of comfort knowing that a lot of people have my back. But to be honest, I wish no one could relate. I wish no one had this experience and that we had zero followers because no one has gone through something like this. SALT LAKE CITY Five months ago, what Bruce Bugbee is doing now was illegal. But today, it is considered groundbreaking research changing the landscape of Utah agriculture with a stigmatized plant that has a controversial history. Bugbee, director of Utah State University's crop physiology laboratory, is growing hemp in a controlled environment on campus to research the plant with hopes to improve the yield and quality of the crop, as is done with every other Utah crop the lab researches. In December, Congress passed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, commonly known as the Farm Bill of 2018, which legalized the industrial production of hemp and made hemp producers eligible for the federal crop insurance program. "It's definitely a rapid transition," Bugbee said. "This is a brand new agricultural crop, I mean in some ways it's not new because it's been around for thousands of years, but in essence it's new." The university has implemented a lot of security measures to protect the crop, Bugbee said. "The crop looks just like marijuana, that's why there's so much security," he said. "You can't tell by looking whether it's marijuana or it's botanical medicines' hemp." A common mistake people make is with the terminology of the plant, he explained. The hemp strain of the cannabis plant does not produce the intoxication that the marijuana strain produces. The strain Bugbee and his team are working with has federally approved low tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, levels. In other words, this strain won't get anyone high. The research has garnered massive interest, and Bugbee's spoken at and been invited to speak at several different conferences about the work. In parallel with the yield and quality improvements, the researchers are also looking to improve the genetics of the plant, he said. As for a timeline on the research, Bugbee said it's ongoing but he hopes to publish scientific articles in a peer-reviewed research journal within the next few months. Bill Doucette, an environmental chemist in Utah State's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Bugbee have previously worked with federal and state agencies and private companies to study "the use of plants to remove organic compounds from contaminated soils," according to a news release. The hemp research builds on their past collaborative studies. A potential partnership with the University of Utah's Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology is also being explored. Karen Wilcox, chairwoman of the U. department, said a possible partnership is exciting. "We try to find new therapies for both epilepsy and pain," she said. Chronic pain is a very severe problem in the United States and its treatment of pain is, as we now understand, is probably not best to do with opioids, and so we're hopeful that by looking at different kinds of combinations of extracts, you know these natural products might actually be useful in the treatment of pain. Growing and studying hemp is important because it will "help society lead better lives," Bugbee said. "I mean, why do we have medicine? Pain management is one. But there's not many people in society that don't take any pharmaceuticals," he said. He noted that many commonly used medicines today, like aspirin, are originally derived from plants. "We are one of the few universities that's doing these more advanced studies, but Canadian universities are doing this research," he said. "So it's not like we're the first in the world but we're like the first in the United States." The research is funded by farmers and growers of the plant from Utah, Colorado and Kentucky. "I can see a time where we're going to offer courses in the botany of cannabis for students and it will be a much more major Utah crop," Bugbee said. Beyond medicinal benefits, the hemp plant could provide a huge boost to Utah's economy. Bugbee projects that once the nation gets past the stigma surrounding the plant, it could become a major export with several uses. For example, a big crop out of Texas is cotton, but the state is running out of water, he pointed out. "Hemp can tolerate drought better than cotton and in the future I can see growing this crop, it could replace cotton in a lot of places," Bugbee predicted. He said hemp fiber in general has a lot of properties that are better than cotton. And he said cotton isn't the only thing hemp could replace. Hemp could replace opioids as well, according to Bugbee. "Those are terrible, we got huge problems with opioids and these botanical medicines, they're just safer than the synthetic meth medicines. I see the day when that'll happen." SALT LAKE CITY An unknown assailant attempted to sexually assault a woman early Saturday morning just south of the Rice Eccles Stadium on the University of Utah campus, according to U. police. Police said the woman, who is not a U. student or affiliated with the school, was walking westbound on 500 South when the incident occurred around 12:50 a.m. Saturday. U. police Sgt. Mark Veatupu said the investigation was ongoing and was not able to offer details about the woman's condition, but did say she was being evaluated at a local hospital Saturday afternoon and was accompanied by a victim's advocate. He also offered a description of the suspected attacker in the case. "The suspect is a possible white male with short dark hair, last seen driving a dark pickup, possibly a blue Toyota Tacoma," Veatupu said. The incident is the second reported on the U. campus in the last three weeks. On March 25, U. police reported a sexual assault occurred around 10:30 p.m. just west of the Marriott Library on campus. Hours later, the university sent out a campuswide alert instructing students and staff to pay attention to their surroundings and to report anything suspicious but did not specify whether there was a larger threat at the time. No additional details about the incident have since been released. Veatupu said it is not yet known if the two incidents are connected and noted the previous case is also an ongoing investigation. Veatupu encouraged anyone who may have information about either incident to contact campus police at 801-585-2677. Contributing: Alex Cabrero Boeings CEO has said that the software upgrade intended to fix the automatic triggering of the 737 MAXs Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System or MCAS is working. The airplane still remains grounded worldwide and the update is yet to be reviewe On March 10, a devastating crash of Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX aircraft killed all 157 passengers and crew aboard the flight. This was the second such crash of a Boeing 737 MAX and it resulted in a worldwide ban on the aircraft. Both airlines and regulators grounded the plane and Boeing cut production significantly. Initial investigations into the crash pointed out a problem with the aircrafts Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System or MCAS, an anti-stalling mechanism that kicks in automatically when a sensor detects that the aircraft is about to stall. You can read more about MCAS and what went wrong with the Boeing 737 MAX here. In case of the Ethiopian airline flight, the MCAS was triggered falsely and this is widely considered to be one of the things in a chain of events that resulted in the crash. Following the incident, the worlds biggest planemaker promised a software upgrade to fix the faulty MCAS triggering issue. The software fix is intended to stop the MCAS from triggering based on wrong readings from the airflow sensor and give pilots more control to take over the plane. Now, as per Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg, the software update is working as intended. Reuters reports that the CEO joined one of 96 flight tests being performed with the upgrade implemented on the 737 MAX. The software was tested in different flight scenarios over 159 hours of flight time. The software update functioned as designed, said Muilenberg. The CEO, however, did not indicate when the company would be rolling out the update for regulators to review. Meanwhile, the aircraft remains grounded worldwide and is not expected to fly until aviation regulators and airlines in different countries are convinced that it is safe to fly again. Boeing has made no new deliveries of the 737 MAX since the Ethiopian Airlines crash. Along with the Samsung Galaxy A80, the company also announced the Galaxy A70 simultaneously across three cities in the world. I happened to be at the launch event held in Bangkok and managed to spend a little time with the Galaxy A70 a day before launch. The Galaxy A70 is no Galaxy A80. By that, I mean the phone is not as radically different from the A-series flagship, and compared to that, it can be easily mistaken for another Galaxy A-series phone. But that doesnt mean the Galaxy A70 shouldnt have what it takes to be a reliable device. Heres our first impressions of the phone: Design and display The Samsung Galaxy A70( 28990 at amazon) is not as bold a statement as the Galaxy A80. It follows the lines of other new A-series devices like the Galaxy A30 and the A50 if not for the triple camera system and new colour options. There's an Infinity-U display with a U-shaped notch on top of the display. The notch houses the front camera with the earpiece on top of it. The display on the Galaxy A70 is just as massive as the one on the Galaxy A80 and this one too is a 6.7-inch Super AMOLED display with 1080x2400p resolution and 20:9 aspect ratio with similar bright and vivid colours as the Galaxy A80. While the phone's design is more aligned towards the lower-priced A-series devices, features like the display, in-screen ultrasonic fingerprint sensor and the light-scattering colour treatment bring the Galaxy A70 a lot closer to the top-of-the-line Galaxy A80. Despite being made of glass, the phone did feel a little plasticky to hold, but the edges on the back are rounded to offer a better grip. Thanks to the large display, it's quite unweildy and cannot be used single-handedly. Thankfully, there's no dedicated Bixby button. Cameras Like every A-series Samsung annoucned this year, the Galaxy A70 is also centered around the camera. It may be as radically different from the one on the Galaxy A80 but the 32-megapixel sensor with f/1.7 aperture sounds almost as formidable as the 48MP camera sensor. The 32MP camera on the back takes 8MP photos by default, while the high-resolution mode can be turned on from the options in the camera UI. This is paired with another 8MP ultra-wide camera with a 123-degree field of view with an f/2.2 aperture and on top of that, there's a 5MP depth sensor for portraits. On the software side there's Samsung Scene Optimizer with in-built night mode that kicks in automatically as well as flaw detection where the camera will prompt you to take another shot if there's shake or blinking. On the front, there's another 32MP sensor with an f/2.0 aperture which should please users who want to live stream as the 32MP sensor on both the front and the back are essentially the same. Curiously missing were features like portrait video and the ability to add different depth effects to the portrait photos. Samsung would also have done well to include a telephoto sensor instead of just a depth sensor. Performance and UI Under the hood, the Samsung Galaxy A70 runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 675, the same chipset that powers the Xioami Redmi Note 7 Pro in India. It's Qualcomm gaming-centric SoC in the 6-series, and based on the benchmark results we have noted in our labs, this should have no problem delivering a smooth experience. The chipset is paired with options of either 6GB or 8GB RAM and 64GB or 128GB storage. That's plenty of storage but it can also be expanded by upto 512GB with an SD card. Inside, the Galaxy A70 works on Samsung's OneUI, which is increasingly becoming one of my favourite interfaces to use, based on Android 9. The UI offers smooth transitions, gesture navigation and more. There's also Samsung Knox for security. There's also a massive 4,500mAh battery that keeps the light on and can be fast-charged with the adapter inside the box. In my little time of usage, there wasn't any noticeable hiccups. The phone felt smooth to use, but my eye remained on the Galaxy A80 simply for how cool the swiveling camera mechanism looks. First Impressions The Samsung Galaxy A70 sits between the Galaxy A80 and the rest of the A-series phones. The phone, in a way, offers a good middle ground to those who prefer the traditional form factor with fixed parts but with a high-resolution camera on both sides. The Galaxy A70, I was told, will be available in India sooner than the Galaxy A80. Disclaimer: Samsung paid for the author's travel and stay in Bangkok. HDFC customers can avail further discounts on the slashed prices on all three variants of the Apple iPhone XR. Highlights: Apple announces promotional price cut for iPhone XR. The offer starts from April 5; the MRP on the website is the same as the launch price. HDFC customers can also avail 10% cashback on debit and credit cards. Apple has announced a temporary price cut on all the three variants of the iPhone XR (Review) under a promotional offer. The company said that the offer will start from April 5 and will run till the stocks last. For HDFC Bank customers, the phone will be available for further lower prices as compared to the non-HDFC customers. Moreover, Apple has also bundled some offers like cashback and No Cost EMI. All the iPhone XR variants have got a price cut of approximately 18-22 percent. The iPhone XR 64GB, which is priced at Rs 76,900, will be available for Rs 59,900 to non-HDFC customers. For HDFC customers, the variant will be available for Rs 53,900. Similarly, the iPhone XR 128GB priced at Rs 81,900 will be available for Rs 64,900 (for non-HDFC customers) and Rs 58,400 (for HDFC customers). The iPhone XR 256GB is priced at Rs 91,900, but for non HDFC customers, it will be available for Rs 74,900 and HDFC customers can get it for Rs 67,400. The promotional offers include 10 percent cashback on HDFC Bank debit and credit cards and the offer accepts zero payment. Further, the cashback is available for customers making a full swipe on credit or debit cards. Those who are interested in buying the phone can also avail a No Cost EMI loans from Bajaj Finance Ltd. and HDFC Bank Consumer Loans. The move can be seen as Apples strategy to boost sales and address growing price competitiveness in the segment. Samsung has already launched a watered-down version of its Galaxy S10 flagship in the form of the Galaxy S10e and reports have suggested that the rumoured Google Pixel 3a will also be cheaper than the iPhone XR. Apart from being mired in legal controversies, Apple is also facing the brunt of US-China trade tensions. On the top of that, the high cost of iPhones and intense competition from Chinese smartphone makers has been the main reason for Apples worst performance since 2014 in India. Last year, company CEO Tim Cook said that Apple's India business grew from $100-200 million a few years ago to over $2 billion in 2016 and flattened out after that. Apple considers India an important market but still doesnt want to sell cheaper iPhones in India. Related Read: Samsung Galaxy S10e vs Apple iPhone XR: Comparing the cheaper premium flagship phones Apple iPhone 7 is now being assembled by Wistron in India OnePlus CEO Pete Lau said that the company's TV project has come the furthest till date. He called it a smart display and highlighted that the remote is outdated. OnePlus is looking to expand beyond smartphones. Last we heard from the company about a new product line was back in September 2018 when the OnePlus TV was first teased. This was quickly followed by a contest where the company asked fans to name the OnePlus TV in return for some prizes. However, since then, there has been little news of the OnePlus TV or any other non-smartphone product that the company might be working on. Fast forward to now and speaking to students of the European Institute of Design (IED) at Milan, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has revealed a number of interesting future plans and a general direction that the company is hoping to grow in. At the event, Lau spoke about foldable smartphones and that OnePlus does not see them as viable products right now. According to him, foldable phones provide no new functionality over existing smartphones and that even though foldable screens have potential, they are not suited to the smartphone space. Lau explained that the screen curvature on these phones is too wide and they are too thick. For the time being, OnePlus wants to steer clear of foldable phones and Lau said that the company would get there eventually, but not just yet. Lau then went on to detail OnePlus' TV plans. The CEO said that the TV space has not seen any innovation in the past 20 years and that he prefers calling the OnePlus TV a "smart display". According to Lau, remote controls are dated and that he imagines a screen that is always ready and anticipates a user's needs. Here, Lau injected the cocept of Artificial Intelligence, saying that the same would make things more intiutive. OnePlus is working towards bringing AI to its televisions but Lau said it is too early to reveal any concrete information. On OnePlus' automotive plans, Lau said that the company would not want to build cars, but instead, it is interested in the in-car technology space. Lau specifically said that the company could look at possibilities around a super virtual assistant keeping 5G connectivity in mind. In terms of office gadgets, Lau did not really reveal much, but he said that OnePlus is looking to enter that space and that PCs are a fundamental piece in a cloud connected era. Source The USA is the only advanced economy that does not guarantee any paid vacation. Cambodia, Iran and Vietnam have the most public holidays each year - with 27 days in total. Bahrain offers the most annual paid leave and public holidays, with 49 paid days off in total. Latvian mothers can take 658 days of paid maternity leave - more than any other country. Poland offers the most parental leave, with 1,792 days (728 paid days and 1,064 unpaid days). Men in Kazakhstan can have the most unpaid time off, with 1,116 days. Mongolia provides the most paid time off for women, at 3,061 days. Which Countries Have The Most Public Holidays? Which Countries Have The Most Sick Leave? Which Countries Offer The Most Maternity Leave? Which Countries Offer The Most Paternity Leave? Which Countries Offer The Most Time Off For Men/Women? Having to go to work to earn money is a fact of life for most of us, no matter where we live in the world. Being able to take time off work is just as crucial for helping us spend time with our friends and families, go on vacation and recover from illnesses or childbirth. However, our ability to actually take this time varies wildly across the globe, with some countries offering a lot of freedom and other countries offering a lot less.If youve ever wondered where youd need to move to in order to maximize your potential for sick leave or maternity leave, the good news is that the numbers - from the World Policy Analysis Center, the International Labor Organization and Globalization Partners - have been crunched and turned into maps showing the contrasts. So lets see which countries really give the most time off and - perhaps more importantly - which dont:Public holidays are great, arent they? A day where - in theory - everybody gets to take time off work at the same time, so families can get together and celebrate a religious holiday or a memorial of a historic event. It can be a time for BBQs, fireworks, presents, decorations, or, if you work in retail or the service industries, just another day of work. Leading the way here is Cambodia, which offers 27 days of paid public holidays.Workers there can enjoy paid time off for Victory Over Genocide Day, Childrens Day and International Womens Day, as well as several days for events like the Kings Birthday and the Water Festival. Other countries with 27 public holidays include Iran and Vietnam, but with the major caveat that theyre not all paid. In Iran they celebrate holidays as diverse as Nature Day, Oil Nationalization Day and the Khordad National Uprising of 1963, but none are actually paid holidays.Another crucial element of any job is the ability to take time off when youre too ill to perform your tasks. Even more important is that you should be paid for this time so you arent losing money by being unwell. Individual companies often determine in employment contracts, but most countries have set limits for receiving statutory sick pay. Not all, however, with no federal law in the USA concerning this, although some states do require it to be offered by law.Russia and China are amongst those countries that offer the most in terms of time off with paid sick leave, both allowing it for the duration of any illness. Neither country offer time off unpaid under law, though very few countries do, with the notable exception of Canada, where its available for up to 476 days.Maternity Leave is the time new mothers can take off for childbirth and looking after their newborn babies before returning to work. The ability to do this without suffering a painful drop in income is particularly important at such a chaotic time of life, but there are some countries that dont offer any paid maternity leave at all, including Australia, Suriname and Tonga. The USA offers no statutory paid maternity either , but does legislate for 84 days unpaid, while in the UK theres the more generous 273 days paid and 91 unpaid, but new mums in Angola can rely on an incredible 588 days with some kind of income from the state while paid parental leave of up to 658 is available in Latvia.The idea that men might take time off after the birth of their child is still relatively all around the globe and that is reflected in the lack of legislation to make this possible. Many countries make no allowances, paid or unpaid for paternity leave (including the likes of Germany and China), while most of those that do only have very short paid allowances of around 14 days or, in many cases, just one or two days. Iceland and Finland both offer generous paid paternity options, while France and Spain give new fathers over 1,000 days of combined paid/unpaid leave.So, when you add up all of the available time off that each country allocates for its citizens, where is the best place to head if you fancy a break from work? Well, of course theres plenty more factors to consider than just the statutory allowances for sick pay, maternity leave, etc, but for both men and women, the country that offers the most time off work is Russia. For women it adds up to 3,093 days, with men only slightly worse off with 2,953 days. The worst places for both are Western Sahara and Puerto Rico, which offer no days of leave for either men or women.Countries where theres a big difference between whats available for men and women include the UK, where a woman could receive 689 days in total, while a man would get less than half, with just 339 days. In some countries, the balance skews the other way, like in Iceland, where a woman could get just 268 days while a man could get 339.There are many factors at play when it comes to how we get given that much-needed time off work. As in the USA, where states fill in the gaps left by federal legislation or where companies themselves are under pressure to give their staff a better work-life balance and vacation time, sick leave and maternity leave can be part of a competitive package to attract the right staff.This means theres no simple answer for where the best country to work is if youre looking for a good allowance of time off, but all of the data collected in these maps will give a good indication of your legal rights if youre working in any country in the world.Read next: How to switch off your work brain after hours (infographic) The first Blue Deal partnership was signed in Colombia with five regional water authorities to improve the water security along the Magdalena river. (Photo: Regional Water Authority De Dommel) Water secure environment The Blue Deal programme was launched last year by the Dutch regional water authorities and the Dutch Government as a joint contribution to achieve sustainable development goals 6.3 to 6.6 by 2030. The overall goal is to help 20 million people in 40 catchment areas around the world to gain access to clean, sufficient and safe water. Building on the expertise of the Dutch regional water authorities the programme focuses on long term partnerships with local water authorities in Africa and Latin America to create a water secure environment. Local water management We have a long history of addressing local water issues involving stakeholders such as citizens, farmers and businesses and we want to share our experiences with water authorities in developing and fragile states, said Hein Pieper on the occasion of the announcement. Pieper is vice-president of the Dutch regional water authorities and one of leaders of the Blue Deal programme. Vice-president Hein Pieper of the Dutch regional water authorities explained the important role of the partnerhsips. However, in the Netherlands we have our own culture and own way dealing with water issues. In order to create a water secure environment in other parts of the world, it is essential to include the local culture and local governances. Therefore we chose to set up long term partnerships. Making plans happen The eleven partnerships involve 35 local parties and address a variety of water issues, such as enforcement, data collection, improving waste water treatment, increasing water retention capacity. In many river catchments around the world, national and regional authorities have developed water management plans but face the difficulty to implement the measures that are needed to address the issues of too much, too little and too polluted water. According to Pieper the Blue Deal programme is about getting plans into action and making water management operational. Often water infrastructure fails to deliver, such as waste water treatment plants (on top photo in Mali) or dams. 'By listening to our partners and sharing our experiences, we can gradually improve the siuation', said Pieper. Read also on this website Stockholm World Water Week 2018: Blue deal seeks wisdom on water management from both sides, 6 September 2018 World Water Forum 8: Launch of Dutch Blue Deal programme in support of SDG6 on water, 23 March 2018 Amsterdam International Water Week 2017: Ambitious coalitions want to realize new breakthroughs in the world, 3 November 2017 Expertise: Water for all More information Dutch Water Authorities The Hague, the Netherlands +31 70 351 97 51 Blue Deal: The Movie. About the different Blue Deal partnerships in Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Colombia, Argentina and Ethiopia. By Robynne Boyd Winter is waning at High Hog Farms, which sits on five acres about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta. The farm's 21 raised beds have been prepped and await the growing season. Hens are laying eggs, chicks are hatching and a new angora bunny named Langston has joined the farm as its future buck. Along with the resident sheep, his offspring will be sheared for wool. Soon enough, all that fluff will be on sale at a local farmers' market alongside High Hog's herbs, fruits, vegetables, poultry and pork. This is how Keisha Cameron nourishes her family and neighbors. With the help of her husband, Warren and teenage sons, Cameron has turned a large plot in the small town of Grayson into a flourishing farm. She raises her livestock without growth hormones, cultivates her crops without pesticides or chemical fertilizers and sells the produce locally, right off the farm or at farmers' markets. Throughout the year, Cameron throws open High Hog's gates to volunteers and offers cooking classes like a"Cultured Kitchen Workshop." This is Cameron's way of cultivating community among black farmers in the region. "For me, part of farming is about reimagining and reenvisioning what it means to be a black person on the land in the South, and learning to be self-reliant," said Cameron, who came to farming five years ago after a career in marketing. "And my idea of self-reliance absolutely requires other people." Founders and owners of High Hog Farm, Keisha and Warren Cameron and their sons, Zach (far left) and Abraham (far right). Caleb Jones / Food Well Alliance African American farmers have been helping produce the country's food for centuries, but their role and time-tested knowledge base have largely gone unsupported and unappreciated. A 2012 USDA Census on Agriculture found that out of the approximately two million farms in the United States, only 33,000 were black owned fewer than 2 percent. Part of the reason, said Tamara Jones, executive director of the Southeastern African American Farmers' Organic Network (SAFFON), a nonprofit that supports black farming, culture and history, is that the U.S. agriculture system favors vast, industrialized farmsteads that grow commodity crops over small-scale farmers, especially those who are black. Indeed, discrimination has played no small role. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides financial and technical support to America's farmers, but it has a long history of prejudicial treatment against African American ones, something the agency's own Commission on Small Farms acknowledges. Such systemic racism made headlines in 1999 when a federal judge in the Pigford v. Glickman case reportedly the largest civil rights settlement in history awarded almost $1 billion in restitution to black farmers and their families who were unfairly denied USDA farm loans and assistance between 1981 and 1996. The fallout of such inequity has been a colossal loss of land over time for black farmsteads. In our current agricultural system, to kick off the growing season, farmers need cash typically loans spent on seeds, fertilizer and pesticides that are paid back after the harvest. But when yields are poor and the farmer can't get a loan, a cycle of debt ensues that can eventually lead to the loss of the farm. According to the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, black farmers in the U.S. owned about 15 million acres of land in 1920. By 1997 the acreage had dropped 87 percent to around 2 million. But a movement to preserve the cultural heritage and growing practices of black farmers and to support more diverse agriculture has been sprouting in the Southeast. There's always been a group of black farmers who have worked outside the dominant, chemical-heavy food system, said Jones, often because they couldn't afford all the extra inputs. Many have been farming the same parcel "organically" for generations, even before that term entered the vernacular. Siblings Althea and Matthew Raiford of Gilliard Farms in Brunswick, Georgia, for instance, are growing organic vegetables and raising livestock on a 25-acre plot that's been in their family since 1874. Matthew said when he told his "nana" about the organic farming techniques he learned at the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at the University of California at Santa Cruz, she replied, "Well, baby, you could have come here first and I would have told you everything you needed to know." Althea and Matthew Raiford of Gilliard Farm in Brunswick, Georgia. Matthew Raiford Then there's Jennifer Taylor, an associate professor and coordinator of small farm programs at Florida A&M University, whose 35-acre organic farm was once sharecropped by her grandmother. Taylor, who works with her husband, Ronald Gilmore, leaped into organic farming for its health benefits and market advantage that enables her to sell to health food stores and restaurants. Many small-scale farmers, however, find the USDA National Organic Program certification out of reach. In fact, that same 2012 census found that America's black farmers owned just 116 of its 17,750 USDA-certified organic farms. "Why I find African Americans aren't certified organic is largely the expense," said Jillian Hishaw, an agricultural lawyer and founder of Family Agriculture Resource Management Services, an organization that helps southeastern farmers of color retain their land. "A lot of them have already been farming sustainably, but with all the regulations, they just don't go through the certification process." Jillian Hishaw, founder of Family Agricultural Resource Management Services, with Letanya Williams, a farmer and Hishaw's client, on her farm in Chester, South Carolina. Megan Haywood Work-arounds to certification have sprung up in lieu of the official USDA label. Some farmers, like Cameron, sell directly to consumers or farmers' markets. Another cost-effective option is to become "certified naturally grown" (CNG), after inspection by other CNG farmers, ensuring organic standards equal to or above the USDA's. The Truly Living Well Center for Natural Urban Agriculture, a nonprofit that "grows food, people and community" within Atlanta's city limits, is using its CNG certification as a transitional step to organic certification. Getting all of this produce into low-income communities of color, which often lack adequate access to fresh food, is another priority of the movement. Organizations like Truly Living Well and the Georgia Farmers Market Association (GFMA) are helping do just that. For instance, GFMA's "Just Food Market" sells shares in its community supported agriculture (CSA) program on a sliding scale ranging from $6 to $40. The price structure enables people on food assistance to buy local produce, farmers to receive a living wage, and those with higher incomes to support food justice. "We see that when black farmers are thriving, we are more likely to get that food to the people who need it most in our communities," said Leah Penniman, cofounder of Soul Fire Farm near Albany, New York, and author of Farming While Black. "If you're growing using Afro-indigenous practices, which is what we prefer saying to 'organic,' then again you will have that healthy outcome." (Photo: REUTERS / Jerry Lampen)Pope Benedict XVI (C) bids farewell to the crowd and Archbishop Jeremiasz (R), president of the Polish Ecumenical Council following an ecumenical service at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Warsaw May 25, 2006 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has in a rare essay on the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church claimed that it was caused in part by the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the liberalization of the church's moral teaching. The emeritus pope's 11-page essay was published simultaneously in German at Klerusblatt, in Italian at Corriere della Sera, and in English at Catholic News Agency and the National Catholic Register. The former Pope also reveals some of the behind-the-scenes struggles between the Vatican and American bishops in handling the crisis and admits that the Vatican was initially overwhelmed in dealing with it, CNN reported. Benedict broke years of silence on major church affairs, attributing the crisis of clerical sexual abuse to a breakdown of church and societal moral teaching and says he felt compelled to assist "in this difficult hour," The Washington Post reported. "The extent and gravity of the reported incidents has deeply distressed priests as well as laity and has caused more than a few to call into question the very Faith of the Church. "It was necessary to send out a strong message, and seek out a new beginning, so to make the Church again truly credible as a light among peoples and as a force in service against the powers of destruction," wrote Benedict. "Since I myself had served in a position of responsibility as shepherd of the Church at the time of the public outbreak of the crisis, and during the run-up to it, I had to ask myself -- even though, as emeritus, I am no longer directly responsible -- what I could contribute to a new beginning," Benedict wrote, in explaining why he is speaking out. He turns 92 next week and appears to be frail but is in relatively good health. CNN reported that his comments on the sex abuse crisis seem certain to inflame tensions between conservative Catholics, who largely blame homosexuality and lax sexual ethics for the scandal, and liberals, who say there is no known connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. In his essay, Benedict asserts that the changes in traditional moral standards on sexuality both in society and within the Catholic Church laid the groundwork for the sex abuse crisis. "Part of the physiognomy of the Revolution of '68," he writes, "was that pedophilia was then also diagnosed as allowed and appropriate." Benedict says that this mentality also affected bishops and Catholic seminaries and caused, "the extensive collapse of the next generation of priests." "There were -- not only in the United States of America -- individual bishops who rejected the Catholic tradition as a whole and sought to bring about a kind of new, modern Catholicity," he writes. "In various seminaries homosexual cliques were established," he writes, "which acted more or less openly and significantly changed the climate in the seminaries." Benedict cites one bishop who showed seminarians pornographic films, "allegedly with the intention of thus making them resistant to behavior contrary to the faith." .As word of Benedict's essay spread, conservative Catholics hailed it, while others called it "embarrassing" according to CNN. A top Vatican official confirmed the essay's authenticity to CNN. Since his made history by stepping down in 2013, Benedict has rarely left his monastery high on a hill in Vatican City. In his farewell address as pope, Benedict promised to stay "hidden" from the world, though he has spoken out occasionally on church matters. Ramsey Cottage Hospital receives state-of-the-art equipment MTTV / Paul Moulton Ramsey Cottage Hospital has become the first in the British Isles to new sensor technology to monitor patients. The sensor technology uses pads which are placed under the mattress of the patient. The patient's heart rate, respiratory rate and their body movement is monitored by the pads. Speaking to MTTV, Peter van Veen from Vannin Healthcare explains how the new system works.