RTHK: London climate change protesters propose a truce Climate change protesters who have brought parts of London to a standstill said on Sunday they were prepared to call a halt if the British government will discuss their demands. Some 963 arrests have been made and 42 people charged in connection with the ongoing Extinction Rebellion protests. On the seventh day of demonstrations that have occupied key spots in the British capital, Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the demonstrators, telling them: "Humanity is standing at a crossroads." Organisers said they were willing to switch tactics from disruption to dialogue next week -- if the government enters talks. "We are prepared to pause, should the government come to the negotiating table," Extinction Rebellion spokesman James Fox told AFP. "What the pause looks like is us stopping an escalation. We can discuss leaving if they are willing to discuss our demands. At the moment, we haven't received a response from the government... so we're waiting on that." Extinction Rebellion was established last year in Britain by academics and has become one of the world's fastest-growing environmental movements. Campaigners want governments to declare a climate and ecological emergency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2025, halt biodiversity loss and be led by new "citizens' assemblies on climate and ecological justice. "We're giving them an opportunity now to come and speak to us," Fox told AFP. "If they refuse to come and negotiate with us, then this is going to continue and this is going to escalate in different, diverse and very creative ways." Thunberg, the 16-year-old activist who has inspired pupils worldwide to boycott classes to join climate protests, addressed the cheering crowds at the Marble Arch landmark, the only authorised demonstration site. "For way too long the politicians and people in power have got away with not doing anything at all to fight the climate crisis and ecological crisis," she said. "But we will make sure that they will not get away with it any longer." She continued: "How do we want the future living conditions for all living species to be like? Humanity is now standing at a crossroads. We must now decide which path we want to take. We are waiting for the others to follow our example." Police said they had managed to clear the protesters from Parliament Square and the Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus junctions. Those charged range in age from 19 to 77. They hail from around England and Wales, with one person from France charged. The charges are for various offences including breaching public order laws, obstructing a highway and obstructing police. Calling for an end to the protests, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said more than 9,000 police officers had been responding to the demonstrations, which had left the force as a whole overstretched. "This is now taking a real toll on our city... this is counter-productive to the cause," he said. "I'm extremely concerned about the impact the protests are having on our ability to tackle issues like violent crime. "You must now let London return to business as usual." In the blazing sunshine on Waterloo Bridge, police lifted protesters and carried them off to waiting police vans. "I'm genuinely terrified. I think about it all the time. I'm so scared for the world. I feel like there is going to be calamity in my lifetime," student Amber Gray told AFP. "I don't even feel comfortable bringing children into this world knowing that that is coming. "And I don't want people in the future to say to me, 'why didn't you do anything?'." (AFP) This story has been published on: 2019-04-21. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. milanvirijevic/iStock(NEW YORK) -- Fundraising, grants, loans and credit card debt are now terms just as commonly associated with infertility as the words baby and pregnancy. The average cost of one in vitro fertilization, or IVF, cycle in the United States is $12,400, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, a non-profit organization founded by fertility experts in the 1940s. Add to that the reality that most pregnancies require more than one IVF cycle, plus ancillary expenses including medication, doctors appointments, genetic testing and embryo storage, and then subtract the fact that insurance coverage for infertility treatments is limited, and you have what often becomes a cost-prohibitive, or financially crippling, scenario for women trying to get pregnant. Still, more than seven million women, nearly 12 percent, have used infertility services in their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As a result of the rising costs and rising frequency of fertility treatments, a whole separate industry has sprouted to just financially help people have children. Here is a look at some of the resources now available: Grants and scholarships Certain hospitals, foundations and even states, such as New York, now offer grants and scholarships to help cover the cost of infertility treatments. Some require you to live in certain states and to meet certain requirements, and some charge fees for applying. Make sure to carefully vet the grant or scholarship-giving institution before you share any information online. The Kevin J. Lederer Life Foundation in Chicago is one foundation that offers grants to cover the medical costs of IVF treatments. Other resources include the Kyle Busch Foundation, the Baby Quest Foundation and the Cade Foundation. The Baby Quest Foundation offers around 10 grants for every 300 to 400 applications it receives, according to Pamela Hirsch, who founded the charity in 2011 after watching her daughter go through unsuccessful IVF treatments before turning to surrogacy to have her two children. "Infertility becomes an issue of class because it's only available to those people who can afford it," she said. "There so many different types of issues that we try to address and it's frustrating that we don't have the funds to help more people than we do." Baby Quest gives scholarships that fill the gap, so if an IVF treatment costs $10,000 and a grant recipient can only contribute $2,000, the foundation will give them $8,000. Other grants and scholarships give certain amounts of money and have different requirements, so applicants must do their research first. "All we can do is offer an opportunity to remove that financial burden to allow them to pursue IVF or surrogacy," Hirsch said. FertilityIQ, an online resource started by a couple searching for a fertility doctor, offers a state-by-state guide to available grants and charities, mostly for IVF. The National Infertility Association, aka RESOLVE, national patient advocacy organization founded by a woman, offers a list online of grant and scholarship opportunities. Fertility Within Reach, a national non-profit organization, also offers an online guide for everything from infertility treatment grants to adoption grants, fertility medication grants and programs for veterans and current members of the military. Employers and insurers More than 400 U.S. companies offer benefits for fertility treatments, according to data collected by Fertility IQ, a fertility information website. Even with some employers adding such benefits, the majority of IVF patients treated last year paid for all or some of their treatment out-of-pocket, according to Fertility IQ. Fertility-focused organizations have begun to offer tips for employees who want to ask their employers for IVF benefits. ABC News Chief Business Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis, who became pregnant thanks to the help of infertility treatments, also shared these three tips for women. 1. Call your insurance provider: [Call] whatever insurance you're getting through your company and ask them what fertility benefits they offer. Typically it's the insurance providers themselves that can explain which benefits you're eligible for. Also, ask your insurance provider about different plans -- sometimes it's different coverage depending on which plan you're on, and it might make sense to switch. 2. Look at your partner's insurance: In some cases that's going to be a bigger benefit than the one you're getting from your company. 3. Negotiate: When you're going out and talking to these various fertility providers, negotiate. Caution against just making choice on cheapest option. If they're not the strongest provider, you could be setting yourself up for multiple rounds of treatment which becomes more expensive. Only a handful of states require insurance providers to cover infertility treatments. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine maintains an online database of state-specific insurance requirements so you can know your rights in your state. Financing Some fertility clinics offer their own discounted treatment packages and financing, and there are independent companies that offer financing and loans to cover the cost of treatments. RESOLVE offers a comprehensive online guide to infertility financing programs. Fundraising A quick search on GoFundMe, the crowdfunding platform, shows dozens and dozens of couples and individuals asking for financial help with their IVF journey. The website even has a page titled "Get help with IVF fundraising." One couple profiled by ABC News, LaTanya and James Braxton, of Antioch, Tennessee, turned to GoFundMe after they realized the loan they took out to cover the $19,000 cost of their IVF treatment didn't account for the high cost of medicine that comes with an IVF cycle. "We decided to be creative in exploring the different ways we could cover the difference and GoFundMe was one of the best opportunities we have," James said. The Braxtons posted a video on their GoFundMe page explaining their decision to go this route. Using social media in addition to GoFundMe was a way for the couple to keep family and friends up to date on their IVF journey in a personable and relatable way. The couple's GoFundMe page currently shows they have raised $10,685 of their $16,350 goal. After experiencing a miscarriage with twins after their first round of IVF, the Braxtons still have nine frozen embryos and intend to try IVF again when LaTanya's body is ready. Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. The creation of an upper house of parliament in Egypt came as no surprise to many When Egypt's parliamentary majority bloc Support Egypt submitted proposed amendments to Egypt's 2014 constitution, it came as no surprise to many that one of the objectives of these amendments is to create a second house to be called 'the Senate'. The original draft of the amendments stated that a second house by the name of the Senate would be created and that it would comprise 250 members. But the final draft, approved by parliament on 16 April, states that the Senate shall comprise 180 members at least, and its term will be five years. The amended Article 250 also states that two thirds of the Senate members shall be elected in a secret ballot, and a third will be appointed by the president. Abdel-Hadi Al-Qasabi, head of the Support Egypt coalition, told a meeting held by parliament's constitutional and legislative affairs committee on 14 April that the objective of the formation of a Senate is to widen the scope of political participation. "The restoration of the bicameral system in Egypt shall give the opportunity for many sections of society to join parliamentary life, voice their opinions about public policies and help improve the legislating process," said Al-Qasabi. A 51-page report prepared by the constitutional and legislative affairs committee also indicates that the formation of the Senate will open the door for high-profile public figures, experts and the intelligentsia to contribute to improving public policies and drafting legislations in Egypt. "Many of these figures refrain from standing in parliamentary elections, but with the formation of the Senate and via appointment they will be able to have their voices heard and participate in shaping public policies," said the report. A study by Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS) explains that the bicameral system has always been a feature of Egypt's political and parliamentary life. "Egypt had the two-house system as far back as the end of the 19th century, and after the promulgation of the liberal constitution in 1923, a bicameral system was again introduced, including two chambers the House of Representatives and the Senate," said the study. "But a new constitution in 1956 adopted a one house parliament the National Assembly and this lasted until 1980 when late President Anwar El-Sadat decided to form the upper consultative house of the Shura Council." When a 50-member constituent assembly met in 2013 to draft Egypt's current constitution, it came under heavy pressure from the public to relinquish the Shura Council. Sayed Abdel-Aal, chairman of the leftist Tagammu party, told Ahram Online that "in addition to the fact that the Shura Council had no significant roles, it was also costly." Abdel-Aal said that El-Tagammu and many other opposition forces in parliament stipulated during the national dialogue hearing sessions that a second house should have significant legislative and supervisory roles. "Although our party approved the amendments in general, it rejected the idea of creating a toothless upper house," said Abdel-Aal. The committee's report said that the Senate will have complete legislative powers. "This will help in that the final say on laws and policies will not be the privilege of one parliament, not to mention that this will also prevent any one political force from dominating any of the two houses," said the report, adding that "as a result, it will be obligatory for the Senate discuss and approve any future constitutional amendments." "The state's social-economic development plans, foreign agreements, laws, and other public policy matters will also be required to be discussed by the Senate," said the report, adding that "it will be compulsory for all of the above issues to seek the Senate's approval, but the final say and vote on them will be the prerogative of the lower house of parliament (the House of Representatives)." As for supervisory roles, the report indicated that members of the Senate will be privileged with opening a debate on certain public issues or government policies, and submitting proposals, and in this respect the Senate will be authorised to summon cabinet ministers to know their comments on such public issues and policies. "This is the case in many world countries adopting bicameral systems, and these make governments answerable to the lower house only," said the report. Also, the report indicated, "it is not new for the president to be empowered with appointing one third of the Senate members." "This is the rule in many world countries, not to mention that Egypt's rulers, whether they be kings or presidents, had always been given the right to appoint a third of members of the second upper house," said the report. The report explains that the president's right in appointing a third of Shura Council members will be governed by certain conditions. "In fact, it isn't the president himself who will select the name of the appointees, but he will have to receive lists of nominations from certain public institutions such as universities and syndicates," said the report, adding that "based upon these lists and in accordance with the law which will be issued to regulate the performance of the Senate, the president will move to select the names of a third of the Senate's appointees." The report said that the committee rejected the stipulation that the Senate should comprise 250 members, as originally drafted. "This had been the case under the two regimes of Sadat and Mubarak," said the report, arguing that "this number would be too much at the present time." "The US Senate comprises just 100 members, while the House comprises 435 deputies, and so we think that the number of the Senate's members should not be too much, and that it should be at least 180, leaving the final say to the law which will be issued in this respect," said the report, also revealing that "the constitutional amendment stipulating that women will be allocated 25 percent of seats in the lower house will not apply to the Senate." The report concludes that the committee decided that a Senate member should be no less than 35 years of age, hold a university degree, and have full Egyptian nationality. "The Senate law, which will be passed in the future, will also stipulate other conditions that a Senate member should have," said the report. Search Keywords: Short link: Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Thieves steal $45K in diamonds, valuables from salesmans car The Humble Police Department and Houston Crime Stoppers are looking for two men who may have targeted a jewelry salesman and made off with nearly $50,000 in merchandise and valuables. The thieves scored big when they broke into the salesmans vehicle and stole a bag containing diamonds, police said. The theft happened Feb. 11 at about 6:25 p.m. at a restaurant in the 20300 block of U.S. Hwy. 59 in Humble. The jewelry salesman, who was in Houston on business, was having dinner at a restaurant when the incident occurred, KPRC reported. According to a press release from Crime Stoppers, two men driving a white Toyota 4-Runner pulled into the parking lot and parked next to the victims vehicle. Detectives said one of the men got out of the back seat and shattered the rear passenger window of the victims vehicle and stole a black bag filled with valuables worth more than $45,000. Both suspects fled the scene in an unknown direction of travel. The first suspect is a black male wearing a black shirt and dark-colored pants at the time. The second suspect, who was driving the 4-Runner, was described as a black male wearing a white T-shirt. Crime Stoppers may pay up to $5,000 for information leading to an arrest in this case. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS (8477). This story comes to us from our news partner, Patch.com. Huberty amends senate bill to include $30 million for dredging Lake Houston residents have cause for celebration upon hearing the news that State Rep. Dan Huberty has successfully convinced House Appropriations Chairman Dr. John Zerwas to accept a $30 million amendment to Senate Bill 500. The $30 million would fund the ongoing dredging projects in Lake Houston, specifically to dredge the sand bar at the junction of the San Jacinto West Fork and Lake Houston. The Texas Senate passed the omnibus appropriations bill known as SB500 March 13. When the bill moved to the Texas House for review, Huberty added the amendment. Specifically, the $30 million will be dedicated to the Texas Water Development Board to provide a grant to Harris County to purchase and operate the equipment to remove the accumulated sand and silt deposits at the river-lake confluence, work that was not covered in the original dredge scope. Nearly a year ago, Lake Houston residents were shocked to learn that the dredge project would only encompass a 2.1 mile area and would not include the mouth bar. The fight to add the mouth bar to the dredge project has continued ever since. Although two dredge operations started in September and October 2018, the confluence dredge was out of scope of the original FEMA project since the FEMA projects sole purpose is to restore the river to pre-Harvey levels. The entire new dredge project is estimated to be $50 million, requiring not only Hubertys proposed $30 million, but $20 million from other entities. Arguments regarding the confluence dredge have been ongoing since early 2018. Several parties, including FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, the state, Harris County and the City of Houston are all involved. Most of the arguments have been about how much of the sediment at the mouth bar was actually deposited as a direct result of Harvey. FEMA is supposed to kick in some funding, but the agency takes its orders from the Stafford Act, which states that FEMA can only remove sediment deposited as a result of Harvey. It is still unclear whether FEMA will contribute to the mouth bar dredge. Arguments continue. The central issue is that despite bathymetric studies and core samples, no one seems to be able to definitively determine how much sediment was due to Harvey. Some estimates attribute as much as one-third of the sediment to the devastating hurricane that hit the Lake Houston area hard in August 2017. Theoretically, Harris County should pay for at least 20% (or $10 million) of this additional confluence dredge. The $2.5 billion Harris County flood bond approved by voters in August 2018 indeed included $10 million in matching funds for dredging of both forks of the San Jacinto and Lake Houston. Harris County committed to partnering with the state, the City of Houston and the Coastal Water Authority to complete the dredging to reduce flood risks. Kingwood had a huge voter turnout for the bond and voted in favor of the bond, mainly due to the intent to prioritize bond money based on a worst first criterion, a fact that is reiterated on newly elected County Judge Lina Hidalgos own Harris County Flood Control District website; high priority will be given to projects with the most bang for flood control buck. However, Hidalgo is a new judge, having defeated incumbent Judge Ed Emmett, who was instrumental in structuring and selling the bond to voters. With slippery bond wording like potential partnership and Hidalgo herself muddying the waters by suggesting reprioritization of funds away from Kingwood, it is also now unclear whether Harris County will actually contribute the funds as promised to voters for the mouth bar project. Hubertys $30 million proposal bypasses all the bureaucracy and gets the ball rolling. Because it calls for purchase of the dredge equipment, the Lake Houston area would be able to actually use it whenever it is needed. USACE all along has emphasized maintenance dredging to prevent a re-accumulation of sediment. Regarding dredging, bureaucracy is clearly a factor as bickering over which sediment removals are in which project scope and arguments over who does what and when continue. The clock is ticking. The current FEMA dredge project will be completed in April, and if the additional dredge can be finalized while the dredge equipment is still in place, taxpayers could save nearly $20 million the cost of re-mobilization if the equipment were to be removed and then reinstated. Lake Houston residents know all too well that it took nearly four months for the original dredge projects to be fully mobilized. The cost of remobilization amounts to about 25% of the total project cost. What happens now? The Texas Senate must approve Hubertys change, then the bill is destined for Governor Greg Abbotts desk. For Lake Houston residents, signing the bill cannot come fast enough. The Lake Houston area dodged a bullet in the 2018 hurricane season with a relatively mild weather system, yet residents are still very nervous even with relatively small rains. It is a vicious cycle. Rains are small, but the mouth bar sediment deposited by Harvey creates backwater in the river, which forces the city to release water ahead of storms to avoid flooding. At nearly 600 days post-Harvey, residents grow tired of endless studies and can almost be heard chanting dredge, baby, dredge. This sentiment is echoed by Dianne Lansden, chair of the Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative: If this appropriation actually comes to fruition, it could get the ball rolling quickly on the dredging of the mouth bar between Royal Shores and Atascocita Point that has the very real potential to exacerbate flooding in the Lake Houston area. The red tape that is involved with trying to get FEMA to fund this mouth bar dredging has dragged on long enough. Hurricane season will begin soon! Will the City of Houston save taxpayers millions in dredging fees? A lot needs to happen in April for that to be possible core sample results, grants, permits and a public comment period. As each day passes, and the process remains mired in red tape, it appears the city will have to pull off a miracle for this to happen. Recap: The Best Lines from 'Veep,' 'South Carolina' By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 22, 2019 | No show on television, and certainly not SNL, has come close to being able to successfully satirize the Trump presidency until now. The seventh season of Veep is terrifyingly good. The show has been able to take something as inherently absurd as Donald Trumps 2016 campaign and somehow squeeze more absurdity out of it. Its goddamn brilliant watching Selina Meyer and Jonah Ryan both running as Democrats divide up the Trumpian themes of 2016 between themselves, with Selina trying to appeal to white voters while also stepping ass-backwards into the illegal aid of China, while Jonah has gone pure populist while also embracing #MeToo allegations against a woman who tries to force him to sign an NDA denying that they ever went out on a date because shes too ashamed to admit it. This is satire with teeth, so much so that there were a few lines that so crossed the line that they only work within the context of the show (and thus, I couldnt bring myself to reprint them even here in the context of a Veep recap.). Its a high-wire act and a half to caricature Trumps racism and sexism without coming off as racist or sexist, but Veep is absolutely killing it this year. And here were the best lines from last nights episode, South Carolina. Selina wins the New Hampshire primary, but her slogan, Man Up! is obscured, so all we see on our screens is Man. Selina on her successful Man Up! slogan: Its universal. Men hate women, women hate themselves. Its the Geraldine Ferraro principal. Selina to Gary: Can you get me a waxing appointment in Charleston? Im feeling very patriotic. Gary: Got it. The full bald eagle. Jonah: Math is a plot invented by the Chinese to make smart Americans feel dumb. Jeff Kane (Peter MacNicol) to Jonah in his triumphant, hysterical return: Shut the f*ck up! When youre President, Ill jam my fist up my dickhole and pull out a 40-piece set of Danish cutlery Selina Meyer is a legitimate candidate, not a human pool skimmer last used to de-spunk a Provincetown hot tub party. Selina (awkwardly boasting) to minister Dr. Jordan (Michael Keegan) in an effort to gain his endorsement in South Carolina over the Black candidate: Can I tell you something? Your Daddy used to say to me that youre the blackest white woman I ever met. Dr. Jordan: Can I tell you something? My Dad used to say that to a lot of white women. It was his move. Selina, still trying to outflank Kemi (the Black female candidate) with Black voters, on a new mailer in which Selina (below, right) looks darker than Kemi (left): What the tragic mulatto f*ck? Kemi looks like an albino, and Im so black people are going to start calling me articulate. Selina, after realizing that shes not going to win the Black vote, takes a hard swing to the white. How are we doing with college-educated whites? Kent: In South Carolina, that is not a significant slice of the pie. Kent, on what non-educated white voters in South Carolina want: My polling shows their main wants are jobs, education, and an adequate safety net Selina: OK, we can speak to that Kent: Im not finished maam. to be denied to African Americans. Selina: What you need to do is get me in front of a huge white audience. Something that makes a NASCAR race look like a Jay Z concert. Marjorie: Excuse me, maam. But Jay Z concerts are almost all white people. Gary: You just left her in there? With him? Marjorie: I was following orders. Gary: So was Hitler! Selina, after sleeping with Tom Jane (Hugh Laurie) and seeing on TV the next morning that he didnt endorse her: He f**ked me right in the ass. Ben: Son of a bitch wouldnt endorse you. Selina: That too! Amy, who had an abortion earlier this season: I should have aborted myself. Jonah, taking a hard right turn into Trumpian territory: You know what I just found out from my father-in-law? That math was created by Muslims. And we teach this Islamic math to children. Math teachers are terrorist! Algebra? More like Al Jazeera. Under a Ryan presidency, I will ban this Sharia math from being taught to American children. There will be no more math (starts No more math! chant). Selina: Hows the [voter] turnout? Ben: Like my prostate. Mostly black and much larger than wed like. Amy, slipping into pure Kellyanne Conway: Frankly, Jonah Ryan is the only candidate who is honest about his dishonesty. 'Barry' Recap: Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just a Rat in a Cage | 5 Shows After Dark: 'Gentleman Jack' Premiere HBO, 'Under the Wire' on Starz Dustin is the founder and co-owner of Pajiba. You may email him here, follow him on Twitter, or listen to his weekly TV podcast, Podjiba. Header Image Source: HBO Paper Excellence Canada Announces Two-Week Curtailment on PMs 10 and 11 at Powell River Mill The Powell River mill has two paper machines and produces newsprint and uncoated mechanical specialty papers. The mill has the capacity to produce 350,000 tonnes per year of specialty papers. By Paul Galinski April 22, 2019 (Powell River Peak) - Paper Excellence Canada has announced a shutdown of its two paper machines in Powell River (British Columbia, Canada) for a two-week period. Graham Kissack, vice president of environment, health, safety and communications with Paper Excellence, said paper machines 10 and 11 will be curtailed from April 19 to May 2. Paper Excellence will continue to operate the boiler and energy island and will continue to supply power to the electricity grid in British Columbia during the curtailment. The curtailment itself is a result of weak orders due to the very soft North American paper markets for printing and writing papers, but also due to the ongoing, very, very tight BC raw fibre market, said Kissack. We get wood chips from the central or southern Interior, or the Okanagan. That supply is tight for us. Kissack said it's expected that the paper machines will be back up on May 2. This isn't of course the first curtailment we've had, said Kissack. It has certainly been part of the business over the past few years. It's challenging for us. We are actively working, though, to grow new customer areas away from printing and writing papers, actually towards packaging and food grade. We think that will help us in the longer term." We are also continuing to bolster up our fibre supply, to search out more cost competitive fibre sources around British Columbia. Go to the original story at: Powell River Peak . SOURCE: Powell River Peak ( www.prpeak.com ) PaperAge, Editor's Note: Paper Excellence Canada acquired the Powell River mill as part of its acquisition of Catalyst Paper Corporation, March 18, 2019. The Powell River mill has two paper machines and produces newsprint and uncoated mechanical specialty papers. The mill has the capacity to produce 350,000 tonnes per year of specialty papers. At the seventh annual, Dallas-based, rewardStyle conference, called #rStheCon, PAPER got a firsthand look at just how far global social media influencers have come in recent years. RewardStyle is an invite-only tech platform with an engaged influencer database of more than 40,000 people around the world. It provides free data-driven marketing services that help people with ideas, products, or dreams to reach massive markets, partner with global brands, and get their ideas and products out to millions. Sound simple? It isn't. Related | The Platform Helping Influencers Become Influential In 2012, Amber Venz Box co-founded (along with her husband Baxter Box) rewardStyle and its shoppable, consumer-facing LiketoKNOW.it app, to create a space she longed to be a part of. The 30-year-old entrepreneur, who has been named Glamour's Woman of the Year in tech and hit Forbes 30 Under 30 list, was once an aspiring magazine editor. Despite her hard work and talent, Venz Box couldn't get callbacks from her favorite fashion publications, so she did like many frustrated Millennials armed with Blogspot, WordPress, and Tumblr accounts did once upon a time, and started an online hub capturing her daily outfit inspirations and styling tips and tricks, called Venz Edits. As Venz Box slowly grew an organic following, first in the blogosphere, then on platforms including Pinterest and Instagram, she attended national bloggers' conferences to learn how she could better monetize and promote her ideas. She'd hear shrugged-off bits of advice suggesting she should "keep trying like really hard," and would become even more frustrated. It turns out, frustration was the kernel of inspiration Venz Box needed, and rewardStyle was born. Today, a database of more than 4,500 retailers invest over $100 million dollars into the platform to help sell their products online through the power of influencer marketing. And in turn, the self-sustained business of being an influencer becomes a lucrative one for those utilizing rewardStyle's services: an internal rewardStyle report notes that 83% more influencers using the service earned $100,000+ each in 2017 than in previous years. PAPER caught up with Venz Box at her hotel before the three-day conference's ballerina-filled (and of course, Instagram-ready) finale party. She candidly discussed the scrappy early days of rewardStyle, how to keep it real online, diversity in tech, and why women rule the internet. How are you feeling about how things have evolved from when it was a baby dream to now? Back in 2012, we aimed really high as a team of 12 people running ragged, and we had some of the most influential people in the world there. At the time I called it Forget the Fluff, that was the theme of it. I had been to a blogger conference, I've been to many before, and everybody would get on stage and someone in the audience would ask how they made money blogging. And some girl on stage would go "I try so hard, and you just gotta keep trying like really hard." I would be standing there like, Was that it? Are we really done? Was that really your answer to that question? And that's where you come in? I found that no one was ever honest, and whenever people got on stage everyone was just like, Be authentic. But what does that really even mean? You have 100,000 views on your blog, like what does that mean to be authentic? And so we wanted to do something that we felt brought real business value to our clients, but in going up on stage I was just about to throw up. I remember we had a black drape over a pipe in a hotel with low ceilings and not great lighting. The venue could hold maybe 60 to 80 people. There weren't slides on the screen. Regardless, it provided value intellectually. People loved it, and they loved that they got to meet each other from all over the country. It was the beginning of something really cool. "If my followers love me and what I'm about, then I don't have to sell them the jumpsuit I'm wearing, because they're interested in me, so of course, they'd want my jumpsuit." Now you have a network of over 40,000 influencers using rewardStyle around the world. Yes! It's become this flagship event that still is a community-driven event where you are learning from your peers. We actually place people at networking tables because not only are they part of the 200 most influential influencers in the world, but they actually have something that's similar about them. Maybe they're all trying to break into YouTube or they all have a product line, and at the conference, we facilitate those conversations along with the classroom sessions, brand meetings, and mainstage education. Going back to your point about authenticity, what have you learned about what people using social media or influencer types should and shouldn't show? The way that the Dallas Cowboys approach this is through incorporating the motto, "don't tarnish the star." That's their way of saying honor your brand when you're building it, because you want people to love your brand. So let's use the Cowboys as an example: if followers or fans love the brand, I don't have to sell them a jersey; they already want that jersey. So I apply that to myself: if my followers love me and what I'm about, then I don't have to sell them the jumpsuit I'm wearing, because they're interested in me and of course want my jumpsuit. It's not about selling something specific, it's about buying into a brand, or in many cases, the person you're interested in. How does that "don't tarnish the star" logic apply to products though? It's ultimately about people, no matter what you're selling. Look at Emily Weiss of Glossier. She was one of our top clients for our first five years. She was a blogger! And she used rewardStyle and then headed Into the Gloss, and they won awards with rewardStyle every year. She then wanted to start a beauty line and we were like, That's cool, we'll support you! And now look what it has become, it's incredible. It's built around a person and a perspective and that's the same thing with these influencers, they're buying into a person and a perspective, and people are following people, not just brands. Let's say you've built a following and become a mother and want to show strollers that you're picking out. It's not "now I'm a stroller blogger," but it's literally "this is the stroller that I picked as a new mother to my baby." The Cowboys aren't doing ads on television for their jerseys, but they're making a lot of money off their jerseys. It's because of brand loyalty. That goes a long way. Sometimes, it's what you don't show that is the most interesting to your followers. For anyone who wants to be influencer, what can they begin doing now to build an engaged following? Look at the most successful people you follow and scientifically study them. Look at their feed, look at the types of things they post, look at how they caption, how much they post, and then unpack that for yourself. How do you want to get your message across? You also want to be speaking to something that you have an endless amount of content for. I'll use the trite example of a mommy blogger: all you are thinking about is bottles, strollers, carseats, toys, preschools, what to feed your kids, playtime, holiday activities, et cetera. It's endless, so you don't have to wake up every morning and try to create that content because it's happening in your life and if you just share your life, that's a business. It's hard to say you're going to be a fashion blogger today, because if you work at a retail store and can get a new outfit everyday then you are set for that position. But if you don't have an endless budget or some sort of access to wardrobe that you can shoot fresh constantly, then maybe being a fashion blogger is not what you're going to do. Maybe you're going to show what you're wearing, but you actually spend a lot of your time around coffee shops. Maybe your whole deal involves touring the best coffee shops in town, and people just like your clothes because they also happen to like your taste in coffee. "Girls of all backgrounds from all over the world run the Internet." So, do you think building an engaged audience is about thinking of zags where others would zig? I think everyone wants a connection with what they're interested in. That's the thing about authenticity, people use it loosely. It is a real thing, but I have friends who I don't know what their life struggle is, but everyone has a life struggle that they're going through or something they're really excited about, and as you become older and you become busier with your work, you don't always have time to tell people about your life, whether you're buying a house or going through in-vitro multiple times. What you find is that you don't always know that deeper level or double click down within your friends, but as an influencer you need to be that double click in. People don't want to know you tangentially because they know everyone else in their life tangentially surface level of people having the best overalls or the best lipstick or whatever. You also need to know more about what is happening in their world to care more about that person. That's again where the authenticity piece comes in. Because then tomorrow if you're wearing overalls I don't like, I don't care what you're doing. It's the same thing with influencer marketing, if you throw up a post and you're a home blogger and I think your living room is ugly, I'm not there today. You don't have a chance to sell me your Dr. Pepper. Related | How Paris Hilton Invented the Social Media Star In documentaries like The American Meme, OG influencers from Paris Hilton to the Fat Jewish talked about the invisible pressure they face to keep up, and how so much of that is based on likes. Do you feel that pressure? So, we have an internal business intelligence team. They helped me learn what's working and not working, and despite knowing it I still don't do it that well. I know that I need to be looking at Stories with my face having a conversation with somebody, and that's how I'm their friend and I need to be their friend. I am terrified of doing that and I can't make myself do it. And I know that it would help my business, and then also vulnerability. Along with the blogger, I'm also a business owner and I have investors and if my investors think Wow, Amber has had a bad day for three days in a row now. How is she performing at work? There's always things in people's lives that stifle their ability to be as transparent as they'd like to be. Regardless of likes, I try to open up more. And that's because with a blog name I felt like I needed to be more of a media company, and I needed to put out posh content because I know I can and I know how to take a good photo. I felt very stuck, to the point of no action. I started not posting which I have never done, but I was so fearful because the algorithm just makes you feel so poorly and makes you overthink everything. All of a sudden you're worried about not getting enough likes for brands and being embarrassed about posts. I know what you mean and it's crazy-making. I've even taken posts down if they don't immediately hit certain likes-to-minutes ratios. That visibility hurts and it paralyzed me to the point of not publishing. I have a manager for my blog business, separate from rewardStyle staff, and she was like Just give people what you're actually doing. I changed my handle to my actual name and started sharing more candid photos.. So this year my husband, who refuses to be an Insta-husband started snapping cute photos of me playing with our kids. Sometimes I post them, sometimes I don't. But before, I was fearful and I was not going to stop during a real moment, like when I'm bathing the kids, just for a perfect photo opp. But it's crazy too because often those are the ones where you get the most engagement. Suddenly people care about your turquoise tub or how you got the baby to sit still long enough for a photo. Can you tell me a little more about your selection criteria for who attends the conference? When people come onto rewardStyle what we want the mutual understanding to be is that you are approaching this as a business and you're investing as a business. You can think of it like an incubator: in many tech spaces, there are incubators that take a piece of the business and help you grow, they give you the connections, they make it all happen for you. But return of investment is very important. So if you fit those markers, and you care about growth, you're in. "Being an influencer is actually not for rich people, because you have to work." There has been criticism in the past, from those who have been invited and those who haven't, that the conference has been very white. How have you been addressing that? As an entrepreneur, you can become so focused on literally just the business, like just sitting in the numbers, that we appreciate someone bringing attention to something we are missing. People have blind spots everywhere, and I appreciate whoever brings our blind spots, whatever they might be, to our attention. We brought in HR when we were about 30 people strong and they helped us to understand what we were missing from growing the talent from within our organization. So that sort of started from an early stage. What is always worth thinking about in considering diverse representation is this: is someone not getting where they want to be because they didn't earn it, or did something else in a flawed system happen to block their opportunity? Look at online spaces, which had until recently, had a huge blind spot in terms of female representation. 80% of the Internet is girls buying online for themselves and other people. Girls of all backgrounds from all over the world run the internet. I guess the reason I'm trying to talk about all this things is... We invite based in performance on the platform, and we used to look at it as a pure hard line of retail sales figures and inviting the top 200. So we weren't thinking beyond that, and then what we realized was we had a platform to champion people and to give people opportunities, so that they can be successful and make the connections that even I wasn't able to make. I think as rewardStyle becomes more democratized, with content, and people really start honing in on what they want we've made it more accessible for everyone to become successful. And we have 250 people on our team who speak over a dozen languages from all over the world, and we hear all those perspectives too. Now more than ever, diversity is reflected in our consumers: we now have over 4 million active users on the app, so who is that? What does that look like? I think that's been something that's totally transformed our landscape. What do you feel are some misconceptions about influencer culture in general? It's easy when you look in a room and see a lot of very well-dressed people who take care of themselves to judge what they're doing. It's easy to say that they have access to money and things that other people don't have, and the reason why people think it's so easy is because they only see pictures of people doing cool things around the world. But the idea that this is easy is 1000% not true. These are the hardest working girls and guys. One of them is Christine [Andrew of Hello Fashion], who came from very humble beginnings when she started blogging at 18 and now has 3.5 kids and lives in a multimillion-dollar home. She also has millions of followers, but what does that look like? She told us it's just her, her husband, her assistant, and they live in Utah. So I think the misconception of becoming an influencer is that it's easy and for rich people. Being an influencer is actually not for rich people, because you have to work. Do celebrities ever use your service? One of the biggest fails of several years ago was years ago when we started working with Hollywood talent agents. They wanted all of their celebrities using rewardStyle to grow their platform, and they were interested in the money. We spent so much time in L.A. training everybody and they made no money. It's because they were all just waiting for opportunities to make quick money. And these girls on rewardStyle really grind it out. And again, not everyone succeeds. But the influencers I know became who they are today because when doors closed for them, they'd build windows. It's official. After announcing their extremely fun reunion, dropping a couple new bops, scoring an SNL gig and convincing the world obsessed with them again after six years broken up, The Jonas Brothers have announced a new album. Their fifth studio album and first in 10 years is titled Happiness Begins, and is out June 7. Aw! The brothers do seem genuinely pretty happy these days, enjoying their pleasantly resilient mid-career wealth and fame especially now that they're all shacked up, deflowered and chilled out enough to collaborate again. So chilled out. In the Urban Outfitters-worthy, Instamatic album art, the brothers sprawl by the pool looking out at the palm-treed LA hills. No doubt, the photog snapped away while they reflected on how much older and wiser they are than when they first arrived in this crazy town, chuckling about all the good times they've had and all the shit they've seen. Fanfic dialogue: "Hakuna matata, boys. We've made it. And I'm so glad we did it together" sighs Joe. Here's a question though, which one is Joe? The brothers' enjoyable, denim-covered butts feature prominently on the cover. But it's a puzzle to match each faceless ass to the right JoBro. Based on concert photos and their past album covers, Joe used to take the middle spot for performances, but as of late, their photos reveal a consistently rotating middle bro. Cheaply, they did tag themselves in the pic, but true fans will test their knowledge and take on the #JoBrosButt challenge. Here's what we have to work with: over the last 10 years, little baby Nick became a hulking, underwear model beefcake and the largest brother in mass. Additionally, at this point... probably only Kevin would pair paisley with such shiny pants? The purple workout jacket and light-wash jeans also somehow feel very Joe in light of his festival-ish electro-pop project DNCE. Finally, putting the least famous and beloved Kevin in the middle is a tactful solution to the classic boy band power struggle between Nick and Joe over who is the real frontman. Though the slouchy pose makes their builds hard to scope out, it appears that the Jonas on the left is the biggest. Indeed, the correct order is Nick, Kevin, Joe. Well played, JoBros. Did you get it right? The Jonas Brothers last album was 2009's Lines, Vines and Trying Times: their moody, rock album grappling with the state of the world (Nick told Rolling Stone: "Lines are something that someone feeds you, whether it's good or bad. Vines are the things that get in the way of the path that you're on, and trying times well, obviously we're younger guys, but we're aware of what's going on in the world and we're trying to bring some light to it"). On the decade-old album cover, Joe scored the middle spot, in between a skinny-scarfed Kevin, and plaid-adorned Nick. The main single was called "Paranoid," their hair was big and struggle was in their eyes. Not a cheerful, relaxed, lounging ass in sight. How times change: Happiness Begins will apparently be all about its eponymous emotion. According to a little intro video, the Jonas Brothers promise the new album will bring us "all the joy and happiness you bring us every day." Photo via Instagram Voting is going on normally and in an orderly fashion on the third and final day of a referendum on constitutional amendments in all parts of Egypt, the National Election Authority (NEA) said Monday. Polling stations across the country opened on time at 9.00 a.m., said NEA chairman Lashin Ibrahim. The NEA has not received any complaints regarding the vote in any of the governorates, he noted. Citizens are voting on amendments to 12 articles of the Egyptian constitution under full judicial supervision. More than 61 million citizens are eligible to cast their ballots in the referendum. Search Keywords: Short link: Iranian Actress Maryam Moghaddam Asks Minister Why She Was Pulled from Film Set Based on "Order from Above" 04/22/19 Source: Center for Human Rights in Iran Iranian actress Maryam Moghaddam (also referred to as Moqadam), has written an open letter to Iran's Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Abbas Salehi asking why she was suddenly barred from working on a movie. Iranian actress Maryam Moghaddam "Mr. Minister! This is the state of the film industry you are in charge of: I was pulled from a film project on the first night of shooting based on 'an order from above' and warned that if I complained, I would face bigger problems; I would be reprimanded and arrested," she wrote in the letter published by the Persian-language "Cinema Cinema" magazine on April 14, 2019. Moghaddam, 49, who also holds Swedish citizenship, said she was given no explanation for her forced departure. "Except for the two years that I was officially banned because of acting in Jafari Panahi's film, I have never been prevented from working," she wrote. "If the situation has changed, please let me know." After playing the lead female role in the film "Closed Curtain," directed by Panahi and Kambuzia Partovi in 2013 (for which Panahi won an international award for best script), Iranian authorities confiscatedMoghaddam's Swedish passport. In 2010, Panahi was sentenced to six years in prison and banned from making films for 20 years. Panahi's prison term has not been enforced but he has been prohibited from leaving the country. Despite the ban, Panahi has continued to make films and submit them to international festivals. In 2012, the European Union co-awarded the prestigious Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Panahi and human rights attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh, who is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence. In 2015, Panahi's film "Taxi" won the top prize at the Berlin Film Festival. "Today I am writing this letter because I can no longer tolerate the pain I have felt on several occasions during my film career in Iran," Moghaddam wrote in her letter to Minister Salehi. "I will not remain silent as I have in the past." "I do not know if writing you a letter will solve anything or make the situation harder for me but it does not matter," she added. "It is certainly better than keeping quiet." She continued: "You know very well that other than myself, there are many film artists and professionals who are exiles in their own country. It is no longer a secret to anyone that all the job opportunities and financial resources have been monopolized by a few individuals." "For how long do you expect everyone to be scared of saying something?" she asked. "Are you not hearing the voices of the innocent people surrounding you?" Members of Iran's film and theatre industry, like all other artists in the country, are expected to abide by stringent rules, some of which are arbitrarily enforced, such as forcing women to wear hijabs at all times and not allowing men and women to engage in close contact on camera. In January 2019, prominent Iranian theater director and playwright Mohammad Rahmanian was charged with "propaganda against the state" based on a complaint by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for allegedly featuring a female soloist in his play. Locusts Hit Iran's Southern Provinces 04/22/19 Source: Radio Farda Iranian Plant Protection Organization (IPPO) warned on Thursday, April 18, that if the necessary budget for fighting desert locusts is not provided within two weeks, nothing could be done, and a locust breakout turns into a new crisis, alongside the flash floods. Source: Iranian daily Sazandegi According to the government's official news agency (IRNA), desert locusts from Saudi Arabia have penetrated the provinces of Bushehr, Fars, Hormozgan, Kerman, Khuzestan, and Sistan -Baluchestan. IRNA has cited the head of IPPO, Mohammad Reza Dargahi, as admitting that 200,000 hectares of agricultural lands in Iran are still at the mercy of desert locusts. "Only 40,000 hectares of farmlands in six southern provinces of Iran have so far been prepared for fighting the attacking swarms of desert locusts," Dargahi has lamented. Furthermore, Dargahi has cautioned that failure in controlling the locusts will jeopardize 1,250 trillion rials (approximately $30 billion) of agricultural products. Locusts attacking southern provinces of Iran has forced FAO place Iran from "yellow" in the "orange" category, IRNA reported. FAO's decision means Iran should remain vigilant and seriously conduct field surveys, and conduct controlled operations. The IPPO has demanded 120 billion rials (approximately $3 million) credit line for combating the outbreak, but Iran's Crisis Headquarters has only allocated 100 billion rials for the fight. Earlier, the local news outlets had reported that IPPO applied for the credit last February, but President Hassan Rouhani's Administration has not yet approved the request. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan have been placed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the group of countries where crops face the threat of desert locusts. To keep the world informed of the seriousness of the current locust situation, FAO's Locust Group uses a color-coded scheme; green for "calm," yellow for "caution," orange for "threat" and red for "danger," FAO says on its website. The desert locust is potentially the most dangerous of the locust pests because of the ability of swarms to fly rapidly across great distances. Plagues of desert locusts have threatened agricultural production in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia for centuries. The livelihood of at least one-tenth of the world's human population can be affected by this voracious insect. In 1961, desert locusts attacked agricultural lands in Iran and damaged nearly 2.5 million hectares of farms across the country. Since desert locusts fly over the Persian Gulf, they are also known also as "Marine Locusts" among Iranians. In its official website, FAO warned two weeks ago that desert locusts have attacked 80,000 hectares of lands on both sides of the Red Sea in March, and because of the drought, they have migrated to Saudi Arabia and Yemen. FAO's report, at the same time, had warned Iran of a locust outbreak, saying that soon swarms of the locusts would also reach the southern parts of the country. These locusts are capable of flying 200 kilometers (approximately 125 miles) per day. The greedy creatures that swiftly multiply destroy all the vegetation on their way. Meanwhile, several local news outlets have warned of a "famine" breakout in Iran. The state-run Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) has also quoted the deputy head of Agriculture Jihad Department in Bushehr, southern Iran, Khosro Omrani, as saying, "The second wave of attacking migrant locusts is expected to commence sometime in next May." Regardless of Dargahi's comments on the possibility of repelling the locusts, Omrani believes that the migrant insects will remain for at least four years in Iran, and a well-prepared plan is needed to contain them. According to IRNA, a swarm of desert locusts can easily cover 1,000 square kilometers (roughly 390 square miles), and they can consume 100,000 tons of vegetation per day. Distinguished Iranian Artist Monir Farmanfarmaian Passes Away 04/22/19 Source: Radio Farda Iranian artist Monir Farmanfarmaian has passed away at the age of 97, according to ISNA news agency. Monir Farmanfarmaian: 1924-2019 (December 2017 photo by Honar Online) A versatile artist Monir participated in the Iran Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1958, 1964, and 1966. She also had solo exhibitions in New York and Paris during her distinguished career. Born in Iran in the northern province of Qazvin in 1924, Monir wanted to study art in Paris but this was not possible because of World War II. Monir was able to get to the United States and study at Cornell University and at the prominent Parsons School for Design where she received a certificate in fashion illustration. After 12 years in New York she returned to Iran where she actively participated in local art scene. Monir was known for her micro-mosaic and glass sculptures, but she also worked alongside with Andy Warhol as an illustrator at the Bonwit Teller luxury department store in the 1950s. During Warhol's visit to Tehran in 1976 Monir presented him with her Mirror Ballworks. She did not return to Iran after the 1979 revolution, as many of her works and her home were confiscated including an extensive collection of folk art that she acquired during her vast travel around Iran. She returned to Iran in 2004 and in 2017 The Monir Museum opened in Tehran which features over fifty pieces of her work. This was a first museum in Iran that was dedicated to the work of a female artist. Monir Farmanfarmaian museum (photo by Honar Online) Sources: The New School of Design,Mehr News Agency, Gugenhaime andartasiapacific.com, RFE/RL, The Monir Museum The leadership of the Car Owners and Dealers Association will next week meet the Ministry of Finance to discuss the luxury Vehicle Tax policy. The association maintains the policy is crippling their businesses hence its call for it to be scrapped. This tax was introduced by the government in 2018 to increase domestic revenue mobilization. Speaking to Citi News the president of the Car Owners and Dealers Association, Eric Boateng said he is hopeful the government would listen to their concerns about the tax. [We are meeting the ministry] for the abolition of the luxury tax which we demonstrated against. We sent our petition to all the ministries, including the finance ministry, parliament and the Jubilee house. We were waiting for their response which never came, but fortunately two days they (finance ministry) gave us a call that we should come to the negotiation table for discussion. Luxury vehicle tax ill-conceived, govt must scrap it Mahama The Presidential candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama has said his administration will scrap the luxury vehicle tax if it comes to power. Describing the levy as an ill-conceived one, he said its introduction has overburdened commercial drivers. Mr. Mahama has thus urged drivers to exercise restraint as the NDC will not hesitate to abolish the policy. Not too long ago, the government introduced the luxury vehicle tax. This tax was not well thought through before it was rolled out. They should have exempted all commercial vehicles. There are commercial vehicles without the yellow plates, but rather white plates yet they carry commercial goods. Once they exceed three litres, they are charged this luxury tax. This has brought untold hardship on some of the drivers especially those who work for the companies and others. Just recently, I heard that government has only been able to raise GHC 25million from the luxury tax if that is the case, then they should abolish it. If they dont, we the NDC government will abolish it when we come into power, he added. Luxury vehicles tax The government has collected some GH21.3 million in taxes from the use of vehicles with engine capacities of 2.9 litres and above between August and December last year, provisional fiscal data on public finances for last year has shown. The amount is GH82.7 million or 79.52 per cent below the GH104million that was projected to be collected within the period. The projections were contained in the 2018 mid-year budget review. The government expects to rake in at least 300 million cedis from the tax on luxury vehicles by the end of 2019 The tax, which forms part of the new policy measures introduced in the midyear budget review, is to help bridge the gap in revenue for the first half of the year [2018]. The figure was disclosed when Parliament passed the four bills approving the taxes introduced by the government. Source: citi Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The Association of Oil Marketing Companies (AOMCs) has expressed concern over the numerous operating charges and fees imposed on Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) thereby suffocating the operators in the sector. These unprecedented charges, have the tendency of becoming a cost component, which would eventually increase the overhead cost of operation, hence the fuel price hikes in this era of already high cost of petroleum products, the AOMC, stated in a statement signed by Mr Kwaku Agyemang-Duah, Industry Coordinator. The statement addressed to some Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) and obtained by the Ghana News Agency said the OMCs were over burdened with the numerous charges and fees. The AOMC Chief Executive Officer noted that the business signage fees, and other materials displayed at Filling Stations which were part of mandatory requirements for the granting and issuance of a permit to construct a Filling Station by the National Petroleum Authority attracted fees also from the MMDAs. These charges and fees being collected within the MMDAs jurisdiction appear to be duplicating the fees and other charges paid to statutory and regulatory bodies, the AOMC reminded the MMDAs. Some of the fees and charges suffocating the OMCs are; Environmental Protection Agency Processing and Permit Fees; MMDAs Business Operating Permit Fees; MMDAs Signage and Advert Fees; Fire Permit Fees; Ghana Standards Authority Verification Fees charged per each pump. Other charges are; Vehicle Branding Fees; Ground Rent and Stool Lands Fees;; Royalty Fees; Ghana Music Association Fees; Business Operational Fees and Ghana Highway Authority entry and exit fees. The OMCs also paid Ghana Revenue Authority, National Petroleum Authority, Factories Inspectorate and other mandatory taxes and levies. Scores of OMC operators told the GNA that these fees and charges were chargeable per each filling stations per year, the net effect is too huge which accounts for the fuel prices hikes. Most institutions including; statutory bodies, MMDAs and private sector actors see the OMCs as financial reservoirs to siphon money from. We are into business, so we will invariable transfer the huge overhead cost to the consumer. The OMC Operators therefore appealed for a regulated mechanism to ensure that the MMDAs and other regulated authorities synchronised their charges and levies to eliminate double taxation. The OMCs said those operating in traditional areas also paid additional dues and fees to the traditional rulers. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has paid a glowing tribute to the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, for his untiring efforts at promoting peace and development in Ghana. He said since his ascension to the golden stool 20 years ago, Otumfuo had demonstrated greater commitment to the development and promotion of education, health, sanitation and peaceful coexistence among all Ghanaians. President Akufo-Addo gave the commendation at the Akwasidae Kese durbar of the chiefs and people of Asanteman to climax the 20th-anniversary celebration of the enstoolment of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, as the 16th occupant of the golden stool. Hundreds of people from within the country and outside it thronged to the Manhyia Palace to pay homage to the Asantehene, who sat in state in a splendid Kente cloth. President Akuffo-Addo commended Otumfuo for particularly helping to bring lasting peace to Dagbon, which had resulted in the selection and enskinment of a new Yaa Naa for the people in the area. He asked the Asantehene to continue to lead his people to chart the course of development, peace and prosperity not only for Asanteman, but Ghana as a whole. Otumfuo Osei Tutu II on his part commended all the five Presidents he had worked with since his assumption onto the golden stool 20 years ago. He said his efforts at promoting peace among the Asante people and other tribal groups in Ghana was to ensure that all Ghanaians lived in peace and unity in diversity to promote development in all parts of the nation. Otumfuo Osei Tutu appealed to the President, former Presidents, elder statesmen and political party leaders to work together to curtail the current state of rancor, bitterness and animosity that had characterized the political discourse of the nation. He said unity in diversity was what was needed now to ensure that all Ghanaians put their hands on the wheels of development to reduce poverty, disease and under development. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The Egyptian-European Council (EEC) welcomed in an event on Monday a number of newly appointed ambassadors to Egypt. The event was headed by chairman of the council Mohamed Abul-Enein, deputy chairman Ihab Sorour and council founder Ibrahim Kamel. The ambassadors of the United Kingdom, Australia and Armenia were welcomed by the councils members, who wished them a pleasant and successful mission in fostering friendly relations between their respective countries and the Egyptian people. The discussions between the councils members and the ambassadors focused on cooperation between the council and the embassies in promoting the interests of Egyptian business communities in developing the volume of economic cooperation with their respective countries. The ambassadors expressed their deep respect and appreciation for the Egyptian people and leadership in their determination to develop the Egyptian economy and society at large. The council also welcomed cooperation with the embassies in developing African and Arab business and cultural activities, capitalising on the vast experience of its members and its two committees handling both regions. Search Keywords: Short link: Dr. Mensa Otabil, the General Overseer of International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) on Sunday said the resurrection of Jesus Christ is not a myth but a historical fact. Dr. Otabil said the empty tomb discovered by the women proves that the resurrection of Christ is not a fabricated story. According to him the tomb never became the message but the cross did and nobody could challenge it. He said that Christs encounter with his disciples affirms that he resurrected because they carried their testimonies of his resurrection with them adding that their persecutions and their horrific deaths did not change their testimony. The impact of the early church on people is the greatest attestation of his resurrection. In his sermon on Easter Sunday at ICGC Christ Temple on the theme Christ our saviour is risen he said Christs resurrection is the present reality since he lives his life through humans, and noted that even though his power is at work in us, Human beings want to accomplish their successes and achievements on their own. Christ touches the world through us, he heals through us therefore as a believer you cannot lean on your own understanding, you cannot give up in the face of challenges. No matter what happens you can look to Christ and overcome. The resurrection is indeed our reality so our end will be glorious. Pastor Otabil said the resurrection was the living hope, just like there was life beyond womb so is there life beyond death. He explained that death was not the end but the beginning since humans escaped the womb and came to earth, they would escape death to eternity. He said the resurrection was the eternal inheritance of every believer because God had prepared a glorious place for all believers in heaven adding that none of the most beautiful places on earth could be compared to heaven and all who believe in him would live eternally in Gods presence. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Mr Divine Addo-Dankwa Kwapong, a former Director of Communications of the Judicial Service is not dead. The Ghana News Agency inadvertently used his picture for the Sakumono Estate news item on the death of a former High Court judge, Justice Ringo Cass Akurugu Azumah who was found dead in his house in Sakumono Estates, Tema, on Friday. The Ghana News Agency unreservedly apologies to Mr Kwapong, his family and the public for the wrong usage of his picture as that of the deceased. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Afia Tenge, the Public Relations Officer, Accra Regional Police Command, said her outfit on April 19, 2019, received information of the death of Justice Ringo Cass Akurugu Azumah in his apartment in Sakumono from a complainant. She said immediately, a team of Crime Scene Experts from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters in Accra were dispatched to the scene where a male adult about 60 years was lying dead. ASP Afia Tenge further stated that, after careful inspection of the body, with no marks of violence detected, the body was deposited at the Police Hospital morgue in Accra for preservation pending autopsy to ascertain the cause of death. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Inmates at the Akuse Local Prison in the Greater Accra Region are reportedly battling skin diseases, cough and flu due to overcrowding. The Prison built in 1911 in the then Gold Coast, has the capacity to accommodate 90 inmates. However, as at April 22, 2019, the inmates population stood at 225. This came to light when the RoyalHouse Chapel (Holy Ghost Temple Branch), Michel Camp, visited the Prison to make Easter donations. Chaplain of the Akuse Local Prison, DSP Darko Henry, who revealed this, says the overcrowding situation has been a major challenge over the years, saying coughing, skin diseases, and flu have been our daily problem. The facility itself is under serious stress, he lamented. The Prison, he says, has a mandate of safe custody and the provision of basic needs such as places of convenience. The last time expansion works were done at the Prison, he disclosed, was around 1994 when the female branch was added. According to him, the Prison was last painted in 2012. Source: Daily Guide Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Daniel Nii Kwartei Titus Glover, Deputy Minister for Transport, has declared President Akufo-Addo a messianic gift from God to Ghanaians, saying Nana is the only latter-day Ghanaian leader who can save Ghana. All leaders, who preceded President Akufo-Addo in the Fourth Republic acknowledged the fact that Education is key and ought to be free, but only Nana Addo had the courage to implement Free SHS. Again, all his predecessors acknowledged that Ghanas biggest economic problem is the lack of manufacturing base, but none had the courage and foresight to initiate the building of the factories, Akufo-Addo has started that through one district, one factory, Titus Glover said after a cleanup exercise in Tema New Town. Speaking in an interview on the sidelines of a clean-up exercise that he organised in Tema New Town and the Tema Fishing Harbour recently, Titus Glover, who is also the Member of Parliament for Tema East, said the signs that President Akufo-Addo is Ghanas best leader in the 4th Republic were all over the place for people to see. The clean-up brought the people together in a self-help move led by their MP to de-silt gutters, sweep the streets and clear bushes in the Constituency. The Member of Parliament said one of the key signs that Akufo-Addo was a gift from God was the ease with which he ended the Dagbon conflict. He cited also, the passage of the Right to Information Bill into a law under President Akufo-Addo as evidence that Nana was a man of fearless accountability and champion of media freedom. I think you in the media can attest to this even better than us politicians was it not Akufo-Addo who repealed the Criminal Libel Law as Attorney General under Kufuor? That same man today, has overseen the passage of the Right to Information Bill into law! Titus Glover said. Citing further, he pointed out that the creation of the six additional Regions fulfilled the long-held dreams of the millions of people who lived in those new regions, to have regions of their own and it took Akufo-Addo to fulfil those dreams. I can promise all Ghanaians that what you have seen so far is just a tip of the iceberg, there are many more things that President Akufo-Addo has for this country and by the time he finishes his second term, the salvaging of Ghana from the several years of retrogression will be completed, Titus Glover said. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video As the National Democratic Congress(NDC) prepares to decide the next candidate to represent the party in Ningo-Prampram Constituency for the 2020 general elections, voters need to reflect over important issues before making their final decision. There is no doubt that the current member of Parliament, Hon. Samuel George Nartey has become stale, and oblivious to the most current political, social, economic and cultural philosophies that the most progressive members of parliament are churning out and executing. Its been said that the level of enlightenment of a society must not be judged by the conditions of life of its strongest members, but rather by the conditions of the weakest. In Ghana, its the other way round. The NDC at Ningo-Prampram can help us, put an end to this stagnation and kleptocracy by taking a momentous step retiring their inefficient and tired member of parliament. The NDC must modernize. This means that a whole generation of NDC politicians must give way to a newer, more objective, and better informed generation. Forget about the usual African deference to gerontology; its the reason why we had slavery and still have child labour in our culture. Im not saying the older generation of politicians must be locked up in a closet and the keys thrown into a KVIP. No. They are all welcome to participate in one way or the other in the continual edification of the nation. However, we all just have to realize that the time for meritocracy has come and is here to stay. The old and tired political nepotism practiced by Ghanas elite, both traditional and business, must give way to a more objective, merit-based system. Thats how nations unearth the best leaders, like Barack Obama of the U.S., David Cameron of the U.K., Manmohan Singh of India, and Naoto Kan of Japan. We will be circum-ambulating in the desert of penury, poverty, and backwardness forever if we fail to admit this fact and act accordingly. And who can undertake this Herculean task of bringing the people of Ningo-Prampram into the 21st Century? I strongly believe that Tetteh Mike Kwetey is a powerful metaphor of the new generation of Ghanaians who are ready and willing to oversee this transitioning of governance systems. He must be seriously considered for leadership of the NDC at the constituency level (and, by extension, national) at the next elections, or at any other opportunity for that matter. There are scores of reasons why I give him my vote of confidence. Here are a few of them: 1. Tetteh Mike Kwetey is an intelligent and tenacious person. He is self-made, and the epitome of the tried, tested and workaholic. 2. Tetteh Mike Kwetey is righteous to boot and can make the case that needs to be made. He has a well-honed international outlook on life, unlike some of our present MPs who cannot see beyond their villages and tribes. Tetteh Mike Kwetey can relate to anybody from anywhere, be they child or adult, male or female, black or white, educated or uneducated, northerner or southerner, westerner or easterner, mediocre or talented. He can inspire a new generation to new heights of social responsibility with his exemplary biography. 3. Where else can Ghanaians find a comparable role model for their children, the future rulers of Ghana? No one can deny the fact that the decades of bad role models in political leadership have had a markedly negative impact on the psyche, discourse and behaviour of Ghanas youth. So much so that most young people have lost respect for themselves, their elders, and authority in general. Tro-tro and taxi drivers are screaming profanities at each other, popular music is openly touting promiscuity, and public discourse is rotten and full of abrasiveness. If the leaders can open their mouths and utter whatever untreated sewage, what do you expect the children to do? Speak and act like the Pope? When the fish begins to rot, it starts from the head. Tetteh Mike Kwetey can sanitize public discourse with his civilized and polished oratory. I could go on and on, so I will conclude. If the NDC is to survive at Ningo-Prampram the likes of Samuel George Nartey must graduate into retirement and allow a new leadership to emerge. If Ghana is to modernize culturally, economically, politically, and behaviourally, the most enlightened of her children must lead the way. Tetteh Mike Kwetey wants to, can and will lead the way if given the opportunity. Tetteh Mike Kwetey is noble, maybe not by birth, but certainly by virtue. Such are the people who should be allowed to lead, as John Fletcher pointed out over 500 years ago. He certainly has the wherewithal, the stature, the credibility, the personality and the sincerity to lead the NDC at the Ningo-Prampram Constituency. It must also be admitted that he is well liked. He has the reputation for being affable and charming, and most constituents and Ghanaians for that matter alas-seem to have soft spot for him as a result of his philanthropic work. More importantly, we know Tetteh Mike Kwetey just like any other human being isn't perfect, but then all we really crave for is an honest man or woman, who will do an honest job and not continue to sleep on the job. The NDC needs a new crop of selfless activists who looks ready for the future and really wants the job. The party has to move on and offer an alternative to underperforming MPs. Some of these non performing MPs are desperate to hang on to power in spite of their failures but the voters are disenchanted. Forget all the dirty ethnic politics going on. The NDC at Ningo-Prampram have only one option for parliamentary candidate for 2020 general election. And Tetteh Mike Kwetey is your best bet. To you, Tetteh Mike Kwetey, I say this: go for it, brave soul, and pull no punches. Whether you discover the New World or not, you would have made an indelible statement. God be with you! Source: Dela Coffie Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form You May Also Like Chang'e-4 lander powered down at 16:00 UTC Thursday 11 April ahead of a 4th lunar night in Von Karman crater. Yutu-2 followed at 16:38 UTC. Both craft are expected to awaken on April 28 UTC. Thursday saw a ceremony in Beijing for the handover of the first science data to representatives for the mission payloads from Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. The southern Chinese city of Zhuhai will host a Lunar and Deep Space Exploration conference in July, where it is hoped some of the first results from Change-4 science payloads will be released. Other Change-4 announcements could come on or around Chinas fourth annual space day, which is marked on 24 April to commemorate the countrys first orbital launch on that date in 1970. On Wednesday a poster for the upcoming occasion was unveiled, which features the mythological Chinese goddess of the Moon, Change, for which Chinas robotic lunar missions are named. Also visible among the mix of symbolism from Chinese history and culture are some recent space-related achievements and a bridge of magpies, or Queqiao, the name given to the Change-4 relay satellite. KAMPALA Cabinet is considering proposals from several companies that are seeking to venture into growing cannabis in Uganda for medicinal purposes. In Uganda, the use of cannabis for recreational purposes is illegal but Cabinet is considering proposals from a series of foreign firms that seek to make the banned substance produce drugs. Government cannot ignore the proposals given the amount of money involved (over UGX11 trillion) and now it is believed they are concentrating on regulation. A Cabinet information paper tabled by the Ministry of Health reads; The minister of Health has received applications from 14 companies interested in the cultivation, extraction and export of cannabis oil for medical purposes in line with the provisions of Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act 2015. There is a big economic value potential for the country considering the rate at which countries are opening up their markets for the sale of cannabis products for medical purposes, the Ministry of Health notes in the brief to Cabinet. The minister lists the benefits to include employment opportunities, taxes, technology transfer, investment opportunities, and trade surplus, among others. For example, the paper notes, cannabis farming is labour intensive, all plant care and harvesting are done by hand, providing employment opportunities. The Health Ministry, however, warns that there is reasonable fear that legal cultivation of medical cannabis could lead to an increase of the product, which will lead to the escalation of cannabis abuse and associated consequences. The risks associated or resulting from the legal cultivation of cannabis are mitigated by the fact that cannabis is a highly controlled plant globally, regulations are overly strict, which ensures maximum adherence, she adds. In the Cabinet paper, it is proposed that the Minister of Health will issue written consent for the cultivation of prohibited plants, NDA will issue production and export licences and both the police and NDA will conduct inspection and enforcement of the law. As much as the area of cannabis cultivation and extraction on an industrial scale is new in Uganda, stringent measures are in place to regulate it. These projects will create jobs, bring in foreign currency, and above all, there is no imminent threat to the people of Uganda or the environment if the measures put in place are adhered to, the Health Ministry memo to Cabinet concludes. Already, Industrial Hemp Uganda Ltd has been licenced to deal in cannabis in the country for the past decade with operations in Kasese and other areas. The cabinet is thus studying the applications to ensure that the sector is not messed up. Across the globe, cannabis is one of the most exciting growth industries and is garnering significant attention from investors, manufacturers and researchers. Section 14 Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substance (control) Act, 2019, which commenced on January 16, 2019, empowers the National Drug Authority (NDA) to issue licences for export, import, manufacture, etc. (a) issue licences, for sale, manufacture, production or distribution of specified narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances; (b) prescribe the manner in which a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance is to be packed or marked for export; (c) prescribe the records to be kept for the export, import, receipt, sale, disposal or distribution of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance; and (d) determine the line of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances which may be supplied and prescribed for medical, dental and veterinary purposes and prescriptions. Section 4 of the Act criminalises possession of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and provides sanctions, including lengthy prison sentences and fines. Exceptions. The exception is in Subsection (3) (a) a person who has possession of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance under a licence issued under Section 27 of the National Drug Policy and Authority Act, permitting him or her to have possession of the narcotic drug or psychotropic substance; (b) a medical practitioner, dentist, veterinary surgeon or registered pharmacist who is in possession of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance for any medical purpose; (c) a person who possesses a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance for a medical purpose from, or using a prescription of, a medical practitioner, dentist or veterinary surgeon; or (d) a person authorised under regulations made under this Act to be in possession of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance. Countries such as Uruguay, Canada, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, some states in the United States, Germany and many other countries in the European Union have legalised cannabis for medical use. In Lesotho, for example, Cannabis is widely produced and is a leading cash crop for the country. In 2017, Lesotho became the first African country to grant a licence for the cultivation of medical cannabis for export. Currently, the UK is the largest exporter of medical cannabis in the world. According to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), 95 tonnes of cannabis was produced in the UK for medicinal and scientific use, accounting for 44.9 per cent of the world total Hemp is commercially grown in Africa by Egypt, in America by Canada, USA, and Chile. In Asia, it is grown in China and India and China is the biggest exporter of hemp paper and textile, earning at least $200m (Shs745b) per year. Canada is now the biggest producer and exporter of hemp seed products, including hemp oil, hemp protein powder. It accounts for 60-90 per cent of the total USA hemp import market. In Europe, it is grown in Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Britain, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine. Europe hemp industry is focused on industrial uses such as materials for automobiles and construction. European Union subsidies farmers at $400 (Shs1.5m) per acre. Related Cairo is set to host consultation summits to discuss the ongoing Sudanese and Libyan crises under an African Union (AU) umbrella, Egyptian presidency spokesman Bassam Rady announced on Monday. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, who is also this year's chairman of the AU, is set to host a meeting attended by regional partners in Sudan with the participation of counterparts from Chad, Djibouti, Rwanda, Congo, Somalia, South Africa. Also participating is the chief of the AU commission, the Ethiopian deputy prime minister, the South Sudanese advisor for security affairs, as well as officials from Uganda and Nigeria. The summit aims to discuss the developing conditions in Sudan and boosting joint work and consultations over the best methods to deal with developments in the country and continuing to support stability and peace. The Egyptian president is set also to host a meeting on Tuesday of the AU's troika summit and the chairmanship of the Libya committee in the African body to discuss the latest developments in Libya and the means to contain the current dilemma and revive the political process in Libya and eliminate terrorism. The meetings come as both Libya and Sudan are continuing to witness political and security flare-ups. In Libya, clashes have been erupting in Tripoli between Libya's internationally recognised government and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) following an offensive by the army towards the southern part of the country. Sudan has been witnessing a clash between the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TMC) and protesters over the handover to civilian rule, only 10 days after the ousting of strongman ruler Omar Al-Bashir. The talks between both the TMC and the opposition, including the main Sudanese Professionals' Association, have broken down as both exchanged threats. Search Keywords: Short link: The choir of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Detroit will perform in the Music at Cherry Hill concert series May 5, at 4 p.m. The performance will be held at Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church, located at 24110 Cherry Hill Road in Dearborn. The choir, under the direction of Choirmaster Jeremy David Tarrant and Organist Charles Miller, will present a Choral Evensong-a beautiful service of prayer and music for the close of day. The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys was founded in 1884 and enjoys one of the longest unbroken traditions of any such choir in the U.S. while the Girls and Womens Choirs were formed in 1917. In 2001, the Schola Cantorum, a small chamber choir was added, and together these three ensembles present a breadth of sacred choral music in liturgies and concerts. The choirs have performed throughout North America and at cathedrals in Washington, D.C. and England. Tarrant is a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Music where he earned Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in organ performance and sacred music. Tarrant is adjunct professor of organ at Oakland University. Organist Miller, a native of Traverse City, Mich., also earned Bachelor of Music degree in organ performance at UM and a Master of Music in choral conducting from the University of Connecticut. Both have performed extensively in the U.S. and abroad. There is no admission for the concert. A free will offering will be received. For additional information, please contact the Rev. Mark Phillips at 313-563-4800. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Posted by Adam on at 12:30 AM CST Saturday's panels atCelebration Chicago 2019 had a heavy vintage focus, featuring Toltoys from Australia, Palitoy from the UK as well as Prototypes and Kenner Concept Models and the Toys That Made Us!Presenters: Brody Walker, Ben Sheehan, Mark SalottiWhenlanded down under in 1978, Australia, with a population of 14.4M, received less than 1% of the figures received in the US, which numbered 222.6M.Toltoys handled distribution across South East Asia and Australasia, alongside Kenner, Kenner Canada and even some Palitoy product, and the first five figures which were released on Toltoys 12-backs from Taiwan were Darth Vader along with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca and R2-D2 as featured in the Early Bird kit. This was followed by Han Solo, See-Threepio (C-3PO), Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Stormtrooper, Death Squad Commander and Tusken Raider, meaning that Australia never received the Jawa on a 12-back! The cloth-caped Jawa and cantina aliens were shipped on 20-backs from Hong Kong along with the first 11 figures.There were differences, anomalies and errors on the cardbacks, and images of these were shown, including changes to the measurements which showed the imperial system in print, then with a sticker showing the metric measurements and subsequently the same measurements in print, while some also had the imperial measurements completely blacked-out. Australia received A & B versions of the 20-back and on one of the Taiwan cardbacks, a typo that showed Toltotys (sic).In addition to action figures, among the other items that came with a Toltoys logo were playsets, vehicles and games, including the cardboard version of the Death Star, Luke's Landspeeder, Han's Laser Pistol, the Stormtrooper Laser Rifle, die-cast vehicles, board games and a projector. Large-size figures were also released with Princess Leia Organa, Boba Fett and Luke Skywalker all being released on acard with the Toltoys logo, while Chewbacca and Vader were released with Empire-branded packaging.A difference between the Australian Survival Kit Offer fromand the one found in the U.S. was that the labeling referred to it as a Special Offer in the former, and free in the States. Furthermore, only Yoda shipped during the Survival Kit offers, on cards with no sunburst special offer text on the front.When it came to the AustralianDisplay Arena offer, dimensions for the Australian offer were metric vs the US imperial measurement, and the Display Arena also sold at retail on a limited basis, in a plain brown mailer box, while4-LOM offer appeared both printed and also as a sticker on cards and was exclusive to Australia, when it was applied to remaining stock at the end of the Empire-line. Once theDisplay Arena mail-away offer expired in Australia, it was offered as a two-pack, glued back-to-back with the figures. The expire sticker came on both the U.S. and Australia-address cards, while even the Australian offers came with "Not Available in Australia" stickers. Items released as part of the line-up forthat were initially unavailable down under were the AT-ST, the Battle-Damaged X-wing and the Rebel Transport.Walton's, which was a chain of stores in Australia, sold the Landspeeder, Dewback, Imperial Attack Base, Tauntaun and Wampa with a Special Offer sticker added to the packaging. Mail-away offers featured on the Micro Collection sets came in 2 versions with different stickers, while not all of the Micro Collection sets which available.The vinyl-cape Jawa that came on an Empire-card featured a darker cape than that of its U.S. counterpart, and it was also common for the figure to suffer from faded limbs and dis-colouration, as well as only being found on the 41-back Empire card.When it came toand the Nien Nunb offer, Australia received an additional 17 figures compared to the 48 that were available in the U.S. oncardbacks showing the offer. Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise), Squid Head and Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit) were released with a "Revenge of the Jedi" offer, and a sticker covering it to correct the title. Strangely enough, Nien Nunb was one of the additional 17 figures that featured the offer!Another difference with the U.S. was in relation to the Power of the Force (POTF) coins, such that instead of being a mail-away offer, the coins were typically available in Ma & Pa stores, and involved a lucky dip to pick out the coin. 16 coins were available this way, with 33 in total being released in Australia, and stores received stickers and coins in Trivial Pursuit boxes!Ultimately, Australia became a dumping ground for the remaining POTF figures, and while Nikto, AT-AT Driver and Gamorrean Guard were exclusive to Australia, they were packaged with Warok coins! The Anakin Skywalker figure offer was not available in Australia, and instead the country received 70,000 of the figures which were then sold for 99 cents.Yak Face was the 93rd figure in a 92-figure line-up and there were 96,000 sold in Australia for 99 cents at Toy World, with Toltoys sending Yak Face due to stock shortages, while the Hong Kong warehouse had an overstock, which led a sharp-minded collector to swap hundreds of Yak Faces for Meccano carded Jawas! The Hong Kong warehouses dump also yielded numerous carded prototype figures, with the most common being a first-shot Rebel Commando and unpainted Bib Fortuna onLando Calrissian cards. A pink poncho Leia was even sold at retail and has been found with a "Venture" price stickers and among the other prototypes found were bubble test early productions of Nikto on a Walrus Man card and Snaggletooth on a Yoda card.Another thing that was unique to Australia were the Benson's show bags, offered at Royal Shows around the country that included 4 carded-figures and one baggie. After its run, much of the remaining stock was purchased by Wynnum battery store, a gas station and repair shop in Queensland.New Zealand card sizes were smaller than Kenner 20-backs, while the 31-backs forwere bigger and featured crudely pressed and oversize bubbles, and48-backs came from Toltoys New Zealand.New Zealand boxed pieces included the Landspeeder, cardboard Death Star, the Creature Cantina withpackaging, Droid Factory, Land of the Jawas and Imperial Attack Base that was the only item in the line to feature a very colourful Toltoys logo on a sticker.The presentation also included a section on Australian ice creams, with Streets cut-outs, Paul's Admiral Ackbar offer, Peter'scompetition, while Kelloggs and Nabisco cereals included a poster offer and a decoder game, as well as masks fromAmong the other Australian rarities were those from fast-food establishments, including Coca-Cola cups fromthat were available at McDonalds, while Hungry Jacks, which is the name for Burger King down under, offeredglasses, and rounding out the list was a Gamorrean Guard bank, an electronic toothbrush from Toltoys, and a General Electric R2-D2 &promotion.Attendees to this panel received the Rebel Fleet Trooper Star Tot.Presenters: Gus Lopez, Will Grief, Mattias RendahlStarting with a quick overview, the panel was broken down into a section on Kenner that would include figures, vehicles, Micro Collection, coins and other items, a section on othercollectibles and then finally a look at collecting strategies.Among the items covered were the Kenner Early Bird Certificate display, a Boba Fett mail-away, a toy shop ad showing wax sculpts circa 1995 and kit-bashed figures from Kenner photography, including Boba Fett, that was pictured in a display case tray. Also discussed were an electronic R2-D2 and Princess Leia Organa in Boushh disguise with a rocket-mounted backpack, as well as hand-drawn cardboard mock-ups showing Weequay and Gamorrean Guard that were used by Palitoy at the UK Toy Fair.Next up was a Darth Vader figure design drawing that was sent to a contract sculptor, followed by blueprints of the Luke figure design and an original wax sculpt of Chewbacca. In a similar vein, photographs were shown of wax molds and metal armature and a sculptor at his work bench refining the unreleased Admiral Screed from theline, as well as the silicon mold of the Wicket figure from. The section continued with photographs showing a Luke in Jedi "robes" hard copy, which had been painted over with grey primer prior to the detailed painting, and then a proto-molded Morag figure, that was intended to be included in theline, but was ultimately never released.Many a collector's holy grail, first-shots of the rocket-firing Boba Fett were then shown, including an unpainted L-slot and painted J-slot, before moving onto photographs of a Luke Skywalker first-shot, a first-shot of Double-Telescoping Lightsabers still on the sprue, and a first-shot of another unreleased figure from theline, Mungo Baobob.Packaging Design was the next topic covered, with photographs of the very first original sketch for Kenner's line offigures being shown, as well as conceptual artwork using a star background, more conceptual photographs, conceptual mock-ups and design elements, along with the 12-back artwork for Luke's lightsaber and the Landspeeder. Sticking with packaging design, photographs were shown of some of the original photo art for the cardbacks, including an error whereby Logray's picture was shown on a Chief Chirpa cardback. The packaging design steps were discussed, with photographs shown of original artwork for the Mungo Baobob figure mentioned above as well as a paste-up board, a blue line copy and 2-card cromalin alongside that of another figure, Gaff. Following that were photographs of an uncut four-card proof sheet from POTF,mock-ups, unproduced POTF mock-ups of Lando, Greedo, Bossk, Pruneface and Cloud Car Pilot, a 'charcoal' Anakin first-shot that was carded and finally a sample on a8D8 card.For Kenner vehicles, first up were photographs showing concept art and kit-bashed models of the Security Scout and a wood pattern of the Jawa Sandcrawler. Sticking with wood patterns, photographs were then shown of a die-cast X-wing, which is about 8x the actual scale, as well as a Star Destroyer from the same line which was approximately 2x the scale, along with theB-wing. Shown next were acetate sculpts and molds of Luke and C-3PO for the die-cast Landspeeder, which was then followed by box artwork for theA-wing, and more artwork for the Security Scout, in the form of photo art and proofs, and also box art for an unreleased POTF X-wing. Moving onto the Micro Collection, photographs were shown of some prototypes, including acetate sculpts, 4-ups, molds, hard copies and paint masters, and these were then followed by POTF coin prototypes including the coin album, a mock-up card and a prototype album featuring the 63rd coin. The panel concluded with photographs of prototypes of unreleased large-scale figures that featured Han Solo (Hoth), Bespin Luke and Leia, Lando, that included an incredible head-sculpt, C-3PO 12" action figure hard copies and finally Rumph Mug prototypes of Chewbacca and Obi-Wan as well as unproduced Yoda and R2-D2 mugs.Gargan was the Star Tot given out at the end of this panel.Presenters: Dave TreePalitoy was responsible for the manufacturing and distributing oftoys in the UK. Dave spoke briefly on the history of the company, beginning with Alfred Pallett who made toys under the name of Caselloid, before they were purchased by General Mills in 1968 and subsequently amalgamated, along with other companies to form the Palitoy Co. In 1983, Palitoy owned 15% of the toy market in the UK, including, Action Man and Action Force. In the late 70s, the UK toy retail landscape was very different to the U.S., having just one TV channel to support commercials, while comics were produced weekly instead of monthly and the majority of toy retailers in the country were independent, single stores. Ahead of the release of, commitment from retailers was slow, such that Palitoy recognised that cost engineering was needed to reduce the wholesale price for the purpose of encouraging retailers. Among those changes were the stripping-out of electronics that provided light and sound in the X-wing, substituting plastic injection molding for vac-forming bases in the creature cantina and droid factory and reducing the part count in the Landspeeder. Furthermore, the range of items made available was reduced based on the price point, while at the same time, new products were created to fulfill the range gaps, such as the cardboard Death Star which featured in Palitoy's first toy commercial that was then played.Comics became the default advertising platform, with mutiple titles being released each week featuring adverts created by artist Brian Bolland, including the promotion for Boba Fett as the first mailaway figure that Palitoy offered. Dave commented on the fact that it was actually a repainted large-scale Boba Fett made to look like the 3.75" figure that appeared in the television commercial, something that the broadcasting standards authority would undoubtedly object to in this day and age! A similar promotion for Dengar appeared in both comics and also in package, and in an effort to leverage the direct to consumer channel, Palitoy created the Bounty Hunter Capture Log.At the same time that there was more product, more product support and more marketing, due to restructuring, there was also a lot of redundancies. Sales of other Palitoy products were in decline, most notably Action Man, resulting in Palitoy launching Action Force, which shared the same shelf space, marketing andparts, including figures packed with' weapons! By the time of, sales of Star Wars toys had hit 50m, and then following further restructuring at General Mills, the decision was made fortoys to share common packaging across European territories. This resulted in more vanilla promotional material that was more in line with Kenner marketing, although there was a Darth Vader tour, which was a UK-led marketing program. There was also theCommand Satellite, which was an expensive interactive touring display that played television commercials and had toy displays inside. As a result of no furthertoys, Palitoy collapsed in 1986 and was sold to Tonka, and in 2017, Leicestershire County Council installed a heritage plaque in Coalville, in recognition of the company's contribution to the area.The Star Tot handed out to attendees of this panel was the Sandtrooper.Presenters: Chris Georgoulias, Jim SwearingenMany attendees of the Collecting Track panels will be familiar with Kenner legend Jim Swearingen, who worked at the company from 1972 - 1992 and was pictured making apresentation to Jerry Springer in 1978, who was Cincinnati mayor at the time.Beginning with concept models, Chris and Jim showed photographs and discussed the preliminary/early concepting phase, how the models were created to show a basic idea, being made from scratch-built parts, kit-bashed from model kits and other toy parts or a combination of both, typically for toy catalogs.Photographs were shown of the 9 figures that were originally proposed, both as hand-drawn concepts and then as concept models, with the Tusken Raider, Jawa and Death Squad Commander later being added to make-up the first 12 figures. The kit-based figures were created using Fisher-Price's Adventure People, and photographs were put up to show how Dick from the Mountain Climbers' set was used for Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Rescue Team Susan for Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca was originally the Bionic Big Foot from the Six Million Dollar Man's Dual Launch Drag Set, while bondo was used to sculpt the Stormtrooper's helmet, R2-D2 was completely kit-bashed and C-3PO was still a cardboard drawing. The photographs also highlighted different approaches for the lightsabers, including a monofilament line that used an internal spool and a plastic rod hidden in the arm. Starting with the original 9, the number jumped to 11 with the addition of the Tusken Raider and Jawa, after which the Death Squad Commander was later added.Taking a closer view of the Death Squad Commander, photographs showed how it initially looked more like a Shadow Stormtrooper, before being switched-out with a cardboard drawing more in line with the figures final look, while a black Stormtrooper was used in a TIE Fighter concept TV commercial. An early in-house display showed the familiar Death Squad Commander graphic, albeit the Shadow Stormtrooper was still used as the concept model, before an artistic represenation of the final assortment was shown followed by the final product.The next set of photographs showed 8 figures that were either kit-bashed or actual hard copies, including Luke (X-wing pilot) who was based on a Fisher-Price figure, the Death Star Droid that had a praying mantis head from AMT's Gigantics Colossal Mantis Diorama on C-3PO's body, while Power Droid and R5-D4 were kit-bashed by the model shop. The photos also showed that Walrus Man originally had an orange top and brown pants. Next up was Boba Fett, whom Kenner employees first met at Skywalker Ranch, and photographs were shown of their kit-bashed version which comprised C-3PO's torso, the legs from a Death Squad Commander, arms from a Stormtrooper, while the rocket pack used the arm from Mattel's Shogun Warrior. Over time, the progression of the figure resulted in the removal of the cape, colours and other features, including changing from a button to a J-slot for the rocket-firing feature. Another kit-bashed set was that of Chewbacca's family from 1978's, photographs of which were also shown in the previous day's panel that looked at the much-maligned TV spin-off. Again using Fisher-Price Adventure People, Lumpy was created from the Johnny figure from the Wild Animal Safari set.Following on from that were photographs of an in-house display of the Early Bird Kit and a mock-up of the Action Display stand, as well as the Cantina Adventure Set with cardboard characters, none of which were blue Snaggletooth. A slew of photographs then showed an early version of the Creature Cantina, Land of the Jawas cardboard cut-out featuring the early Power Droid and R5-D4 figures shown previously, an early Droid Factory using model kits to show the idea, the Death Star Space Station and an early version of the Patrol Dewback with sculpted legs. There were yet more photographs, among them an early version of the X-wing model that included buttons from Radio Shack, a very plain TIE fighter without accents on the panels, Luke's Landspeeder and Sonic Landspeeder, where the original artwork was closer to the actual design, Darth Vader's TIE fighter, which was a painted white TIE fighter with new wings added, and also the radio-controller Jawa Sandcrawler. Another Kenner/Hasbro legend got a mention, when a photograph of Mark Boudreaux's Millennium Falcon was shown, as was an early version of the Imperial Troop Transport with its very angular design and an X-wing engine on top and black-painted R2-D2 with cut-down legs to fit in the front.Die-cast vehicles were next, with photographs of a TIE Fighter and X-wing, Y-Wing, Star Destroyer and Millennium Falcon, before moving onto large-size figures, with Luke and Leia using existing dolls. Bionic Big Foot once again served as the basis for Chewbacca, while the Parker Stevenson Hardy Boys' doll became not only Han Solo and Obi-Wan, but also rather shockingly, the same doll was repainted to represent the ultimately unproduced Lando.Design sketches of Boba Fett by Joe Johnston were shown next, followed by the large size figure of the popular bounty hunter, and then an unproduced R2-D2 with projector, which was eventually turned into a radio-controlled version. Plush toys, inflatable lightsabers and the 3-position laser rifle and Han's laster pistol came next, before taking a look at a rendering of a Play Doh action set, an Electronic Laser Battle Game, an X-wing Aces Game that was repurposed from an earlier World-War version and a Movie Viewer. It was fitting that the final slide of the presentation was of the unproduced Star Tots line, with four actual figures based on the Tree Tot line being developed, from a planned total of 10 figures that omitted the Tusken Raider and Death Squad Commander from the regular 3 3/4" line, along with an X-wing and Luke's Landspeeder.Attendees of this panel received the Darth Vader (Unmasked) Star Tot.Presenters: Brian Volk-Weiss, Rich Mayerik, Billy GalaxyAs many action figure collector are aware, before POTF2, there were Bend-Ems and then interest inwas re-ignited following the release of the Laser-Disc and the VHS re-release of the original trilogy.When the marketing began for the new POTF2 figures, there was an adverse reaction to the bulked-up design that was inspired by the GI Joe and Spawn figures of the time, along with the "Monkey Leia" and the multitude of inexplicable variants such as short-sabers in long trays and holofoils. Nevertheless, the line did mean more film characters, such as Admiral Piett and General Veers as well as more accurate costumes, and the presentation included a Fruit Loops commercial for the Han Solo in Stormtrooper Disguise mail-away offer.A changing toy landscape led to the dawn of the "Collector Age", with multiple publications such as ToyFare, Tomart's Encyclopedia & Price Guide to Action Figure Collectibles and Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review having a heavy focus towardstoys. Furthermore, many collectors developedfigure fever, getting into the habit of regularly hitting every Toys "R" Us, Wal-Mart and Target within their vicinity, as well as no longer opening their toys, all of which was accompanied by the rise of eBay and online toy dealers.Along with photographs of many of the figures from the line, both carded and loose as well as some of the variations and mail-aways, images were also shown of the marketing for the Power F/X X-wing from the POTF2 line as well as the Expanded Universe andThe Star Tot handed-out to attendees of this panel was Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Poncho).Check out the audio for these panels at the Collecting Track's - Celebration Chicago 2019 YouTube channel , with video to follow. Over the past several months numerous articles have emerged documenting questionable practices within the NRA's leadership. While the sources are ones that undoubtedly have an anti-gun tilt or even agenda, much of the information had been confirmed by NRA insiders. Just this past week, an article was published in the New Yorker which outlined a swath of problems including related party transactions (self-dealing), financial mismanagement, and complaints regarding the lack of transparency. On Thursday, Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund filed a Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint with the IRS. The complaint alleges that Directors or Officers are using income or assets for personal gain and the organization itself is engaged in commercial, for-profit business activity. The complaint was accompanied by a five-page letter which detailed the alleged violations and requested that the IRS investigate NRA's tax-exempt status and revoke it if appropriate. Accordingly, and for the reasons set forth below, we call on the IRS to commence an investigation into whether (i) the NRA has violated the federal laws governing 501(c)(4) charitable organizations, and (ii) if so, consider what remedies are warranted, including potential revocation of the NRAs 501(c)(4) status. The letter cites a number of matters raised in the New Yorker article as a basis for an investigation. Reports such as the NRA Board of Directors Audit Committee retroactively signing off on some of NRA's financial disclosures (which have been characterized as problematic) and documentation that was purportedly prepared in advance of an emergency meeting to discuss whistleblower reports (listing concerns that NRA was paying over-billed, deceptive, and vague invoices to preferred vendors) were listed as a few reasons for the basis of an investigation. In response to the New Yorker piece, Bill Brewer, a lawyer who represents the NRA, said that the organization has serious concerns about the accuracy of this reporting and The New Yorkers sources. Of course, we cannot comment on privileged communications or personnel matters. Even if the IRS takes no action against the NRA, the organization's well-being is at serious risk. NRA is chartered in New York, which means that it is subject to New York laws. It is no secret that Governor Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James harbor disdain for the organization. As reported in the New Yorker James Fishman, a co-author of New York Nonprofit Law and Practice: With Tax Analysis, a leading text on nonprofit law, [stated], There is no such thing as a director who doesnt direct. Youre responsible to make yourself aware of whats going on. If the board doesnt know, theyve breached their duty of care, which is against the law in New York, According to Owens, the former I.R.S. official, New York State could sanction board members, remove board members, disband the board, or close down the organization entirely. About the Author Adam Kraut is a firearms law attorney practicing in southeastern PA and across the country federally. He hosts The Legal Brief, a show dedicated to crushing the various myths and misinformation around various areas of the gun world. He was also the general manager of a gun store in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi will host two summits on Tuesday to review the recent developments in Sudan and Libya, presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said Monday. The summit on Sudan will be attended by the presidents of Chad, Djibouti, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and South Africa. Also attending will be the deputy of Ethiopian prime minister, South Sudans presidential adviser for security affairs, the Ugandan and Kenyan foreign ministers, and Nigerian undersecretary of foreign minister, as well as chairman of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki. The summit aims to review the means of dealing with Sudans current developments and how to contribute to backing stability and peace there. El-Sisi will also host the meeting of a troika summit to discuss the political and security situations in Libya and means to contain the current crisis and eradicate terrorism. The summit will be attended by the presidents of Rwanda, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and chairman of the AU Commission. Search Keywords: Short link: Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi received on Tuesday the head of Sudan's National Security and Intelligence Service Abu Bakr Demblab, a statement by the Egyptian presidential spokesperson said. The meeting was attended by Egypt's head of intelligence Abbas Kamel. Demblab delivered to El-Sisi a letter from the head of Sudan's Transitional Military Council, Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, who briefed the Egyptian president on the latest developments in Sudan. Sudan has been witnessing a clash between the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TMC) and protesters over the handover to civilian rule, only 10 days after the ousting of strongman ruler Omar Al-Bashir. "The Sudanese head of national security expressed his hope that Egypt will continue to support the security and stability of Sudan to help overcome this stage, in light of the everlasting ties between the people of the Nile Valley and the pivotal role Egypt's plays in the African continent," the Egyptian presidency's statement said. El-Sisi conveyed to the Sudanese envoy his greetings to Al-Burhan, expressing his appreciation for the efforts exerted by the council in dealing with the current situation in the country. The president affirmed "Egypt's full and unconditional readiness to provide all means of support for Sudan." Search Keywords: Short link: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Citing the example of the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka that killed 290 people, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday claimed that India is now virtually "terror free" barring some pockets of Jammu and Kashmir. Addressing an election rally at Pimpalgaon here, Modi said: "Scores were killed in Sri Lanka when the terrorists struck at the innocent Christians peacefully engaged in prayers in churches. "What was the situation in India prior to 2014? There were regular terror strikes in Maharashtra, Ayodhya, Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country. The (then) Congress-Nationalist Congress Party government just mourned and kept crying about Pakistan." "But after coming to power in 2014, your 'Chowkidar' changed that strategy and rammed the terrorists inside their dens and the result is before all to see," he said, referring to the February 26 Indian Air Force strikes in Balakot, Pakistan, after the February 14 Pulwama attack which killed 40 CRPF troopers. "Terror is now practically erased from the country, barring some pockets in Jammu and Kashmir but even there, our security forces regularly keep killing the terrorists... The terrorists are scared that under 'Modi' they cannot escape punishment." Modi arrived here on Monday morning to address two campaign rallies -- first in Nashik and later at Nandurbar which will go to elections in the fourth phase on April 29. Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The 3D cell culture market revenues surpassed US$ 778 million in 2018, as per a new FMI study. The market is estimated to grow at 7.8% y-o-y in 2019; key factors responsible for the projected market growth include, A steady rise in global research and development expenditure Efforts to leverage the potential of 3D cell culture to replace animal model testing Increasing demand for biosimilar products Extensive application of stem cell research and a growing emphasis on regenerative medicine To Get Sample Copy of Report visit at: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-2843 "While 2D cell culture revolutionized the research efforts in stem cells, tissue engineering and molecular biology, 3D cell culture has pushed the boundaries of traditional 2D cell culture technique with functional superiority. As the R&D efforts continue to rise in a bid to investigate the cause of different diseases and improve human health, 3D cell culture is set to remain a highly sought-after technique in the coming years," says FMI. The FMI study finds that scaffold-based 3D cell culture techniques are highly preferred over scaffold free 3D cell culture. Owing to a significant adoption of scaffold-based 3D cell culture, study finds that this techniques garnered over 81% of the global market revenues. Scaffold based 3D cell culture techniques deliver researchers with additional functional operations in terms of material natural or synthetic and different mechanical properties. The technique uses either hydrogel-based support or polymeric hard material based support. Both types of supports find equivalent penetration in terms of application, however revenues garnered from polymeric hard material based support are higher. According to the study, revenues of polymeric hard material based support held over half the scaffold-based 3D cell culture technique revenues in 2018 and the trend is expected to continue in the future. Application of 3D Cell Culture in Cancer Research Prominent The FMI study estimates that 3D cell culture application in cancer research accounted for over 31% of the 3D cell culture market revenues in 2018. Cell culture is an integral part of cancer drug discovery practices. Greater strides are underway in the field to precisely characterize the diseases and develop advanced tumor cell lines using 3D cell culture techniques. 2D culture lines are considered as a standard for in vitro pre-clinical cancer treatment screening. However, more recently, the field is turning to 3D cell culture techniques to implement an ideal experimental model that mimics the human body environment to its best. Stem cell technology is another lucrative field for 3D cell culture market. According to the FMI study, application in stem cell technology accounted for over one-fourth of the 3D cell culture market revenues in 2018. While 2D cell culture posed challenges of scalability in stem cell technology, apart from few challenges, 3D cell culture has provided greater density and multi-fold expansion of the culture system in stem cell technology. Other fields that utilize 3D cell culture techniques are tissue regeneration, regenerative medicine and drug discovery. Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Prominent End-Users The study reveals that the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries were accounted for over one-fifth of the global 3D cell culture market revenues in 2018. Buoyancy in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries can be profitable for the 3D cell culture market in the coming years and over 9% growth is projected in 2019 over 2019. Academic research institutes are the second prominent end-users of 3D cell cultures wherein they accounted for over one-fourth of the global 3d cell culture revenues in 2018. Government funding in cancer research projects carried out at academic institutes and organizations has increased significantly, thereby supporting the investments in advanced technologies including 3D cell culture techniques. Need more information about Report Methodology @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/askus/rep-gb-2843 Revenues in North America Continue to Surge North America continued to spearhead the revenues of 3D cell culture market during the historical period and the status-quo is likely to continue in the future. In 2018, North America accounted for over two-fifth of the global 3D cell culture market revenues. The study estimates that regional revenues are expected to grow at 8% in 2019 over 2018. Funding in research and development, especially in cancer research remains higher in the United States as compared to other developed countries. Europe also presents significant funding in R&D activities. The FMI study finds that over one-fourth of the 3D cell culture market revenues were accounted for the Europe region in 2018, of which a bulk of revenues come from Western European countries such as Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain. Polling stations nationwide in Egypt closed their doors late on Monday, concluding the third and final day of voting in a referendum on 14 amendments to the constitution. The National Elections Authority (NEA) says that the voting process passed smoothly. For the past three days, Egyptians at home cast their ballots on 14 amendments to the 2014 charter, which were overwhelmingly approved by parliament, with 531 out of 596 members voting in favour, 22 voting against and one abstention. The amendments include changing the length of presidential terms from four to six years. They also extend the second term of President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, which is set to end in 2022, by two years, and allow him to run for office for another term in 2024. El-Sisi was first elected president in 2014 and was re-elected last year in a landslide victory where he secured 97 percent of the vote. Results NEA spokesman Judge Mahmoud El-Sharif has said the results of the referendum are expected to be announced by the NEA on 27 April. He also said that the authority will announce the result of the entire vote at once, for both Egyptians at home and abroad. Voting inside Egypt El-Sharif said that the referendum process was being conducted in 10,878 polling stations and 13,919 committees, while the number of judges supervising the referendum is about 20,000 from different judicial bodies, and they are assisted by some 120,000 employees. He also highlighted that the number of eligible voters is 61,344,503; the number of male voters is 30,788,369 and the number of female voters is 30,446,134, he said. El-Sharif stressed in a press conference on the second day of voting that the process has been conducted "with transparency and without ambiguity. Fifty-eight local and 22 foreign NGOs have been following the referendum, he said, and 152 international media outlets and 40 local outlets have been covering it. Expat voting Egyptians abroad began voting last Friday at 140 Egyptian consulates and embassies in 124 countries. Polling stations inside the embassies of France, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, Uganda, Ukraine, Russia, and other countries opened at 9am in each countrys local time. According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS), there are 9.5 million Egyptians living abroad in 2019. During the 2014 constitutional referendum, the number of eligible overseas voters was 681,346 Egyptians, and an estimated 103,000 expatriates participated in the poll. Search Keywords: Short link: Northbrook, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- [168 Pages Report] The 5G fixed wireless access market is expected to grow from USD 396 million in 2019 to USD 46,366 million by 2026, at a CAGR of 97.47%. The growing demand for high-speed internet connectivity and broad network coverage with reduced latency and power consumption, increasing adoption of advanced technologies such as machine-to-machine (M2M)/Internet of Things (IoT) millimeter-wave in 5G FWA are a few major factors driving the growth of the 5G fixed wireless access market. However, delay in making decisions related to the standardization of spectrum allocation, high infrastructural costs, and adverse impact on the environment are expected to limit the growth of this market. Ask for PDF Copy: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=41266711 By offering, services segment is expected to be largest contributor to 5G fixed wireless access market during forecast period The evolution of 5G is likely to take fixed wireless access services to a new level with the use of a wide range of radio spectrum owing to which consumers can achieve major capacity gains and low-latency connectivity. 5G FWA is likely to enhance network performance capabilities and deliver high-speed network coverage compared to currently used connectivity networks. Further, increasing adoption of connected devices, such as smartphones, laptops, smart devices, in several commercial and residential applications, such as distance learning, autonomous driving, multi-user gaming, video conferencing, live streaming, telemedicine, and augmented reality is expected to generate the demand for 5G FWA services to achieve extended coverage. Already, in October 2018, Verizon launched 5G FWA services in 4 major cities in the US, namely, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. The company is offering a 3-month free trial period before paying USD 70 per month (or USD 50 per month for existing Verizon customers) and the promise of no data caps. These customers will also receive a free Apple TV 4K or Google Chromecast Ultra device at installation. 5G fixed wireless access market for semi-urban areas to grow at highest CAGR from 2019 to 2026 The 5G fixed wireless access market will somewhat behave according to different spectrums used across different areas. For instance, in sub-urban areas and urban areas, the higher spectrum would be preferred, whereas rural areas can use lower frequencies for FWA services. Initially for the first few years, this market will be majorly dominated by the semi-urban areas, post which we can see a larger impact of FWA in rural areas. With high power transmission/reception and advanced antenna technologies, this 5G FWA could be a game changer for semi-urban customers. 5G fixed wireless access market for residential applications to grow at significant rate from 2019 to 2026 5G fixed wireless is an ideal alternative mainly for residential customers as users can get gigabits of speeds at a competitive price, with no installation issues. There are more than 2 billion families across the world. Observing the current industry trend, less than half of the families are likely to opt for a fixed copper or fiber broadband connection by 2023. In many countries, it is not economically viable to build a fixed broadband infrastructure. Based on ITU data, the addressable market can be close to 1 billion households, with either no or poor fixed broadband connectivity. North America to hold major share of 5G fixed wireless access market in 2019 North America is expected to hold the largest share of the global 5G fixed wireless access market during the forecast period. In North America, the US is considered to have the most engaged user base, and a similar trend is expected to continue with the addition of new subscribers. With full-fledged 5G implementation in North America, it is expected to boost on-demand video services. In the current scenario, the market for such services is growing continuously. Companies such as AT&T (US) and Verizon (US) are driving the telecom sector, but both these players are looking to diversify their business from core mobile services and compete more effectively in internet services. In October 2018, Verizon launched 5G FWA services in 4 cities in the US. Get 10% Free Customization on this Report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestCustomizationNew.asp?id=41266711 Key Market Players Major players in the 5G fixed wireless access market include Qualcomm Technologies (US), Nokia Corporation (Finland), Samsung Electronics (South Korea), Huawei (China), Ericsson (Sweden), Mimosa Networks, Inc. (US), Cohere Technologies, Inc. (US), Siklu Communication, Ltd. (Israel), AT&T Inc. (US), Verizon Communications Inc. (US), Cisco (US), Arqiva (Hampshire), Cellular South, Inc. (C Spire) (US), Orange S.A. (France), United States Cellular Corporation (US), TELUS Corporation (Canada), Telefonica (Spain), Mobile Telephone Networks (MTN) (South Africa), Swisscom (Switzerland), and Hrvatski Telekom (Croatia). About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets provides quantified B2B research on 30,000 high growth niche opportunities/threats which will impact 70% to 80% of worldwide companies' revenues. Currently servicing 7500 customers worldwide including 80% of global Fortune 1000 companies as clients. Almost 75,000 top officers across eight industries worldwide approach MarketsandMarkets for their painpoints around revenues decisions. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. MarketsandMarkets now coming up with 1,500 MicroQuadrants (Positioning top players across leaders, emerging companies, innovators, strategic players) annually in high growth emerging segments. MarketsandMarkets is determined to benefit more than 10,000 companies this year for their revenue planning and help them take their innovations/disruptions early to the market by providing them research ahead of the curve. MarketsandMarkets's flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "Knowledgestore" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. Contact: Mr. Shelly Singh MarketsandMarkets INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA : 1-888-600-6441 sales@marketsandmarkets.com Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Global 5G Infrastructure Market Insights by Application, Product Type, Competitive Landscape & Regional Forecast 2025 is latest research study released by HTF MI evaluating the market, highlighting opportunities, risk side analysis, and leveraged with strategic and tactical decision-making support. The study provides information on market trends and development, drivers, capacities, technologies, and on the changing capital structure of the Global 5G Infrastructure Market. Some of the key players profiled in the study are Qualcomm (United States), Intel (United States), Ericsson (Sweden), Samsung (South Korea), Fujitsu Ltd (Japan), NEC (Japan), Qorvo (United States), AT&T (United States), Huawei (China) and Nokia (Finland) are some of the key players profiled in the study. Additionally, the Players which are also part of the research are MediaTek (Taiwan), Cisco (United States), Cavium (United States), Analog Devices (United States), Verizon Communications (United States), ZTE (China), Korea Telecom (South Korea), China Mobile (China), MACOM Technology Solutions (United States), SK Telecom (South Korea) and T-Mobile (United States). 5G Infrastructure Market Overview: If you are involved in the 5G Infrastructure industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. It's vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Radio Access Network, Core Network, Transport Network, Energy and Utilities, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer Electronics and major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement. Enquire for customization in Report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/1499331-global-5g-infrastructure-market-14 5G Infrastructure Market: Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2023 Research study is to define market sizes of various segments & countries in previous years and to forecast the values to the next 5-8 years. The report is designed to comprise each qualitative and quantitative elements of the industry facts including: market share, market size (value and volume 2012-17, and forecast to 2023) with admire to each of the areas and countries concerned inside the examination. Furthermore, the report additionally caters the detailed statistics about the vital elements which includes drivers & restraining factors which will define the future growth of the market. Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year 2013-2017 Base year 2018 Forecast period** 2018 to 2023 [** unless otherwise stated] Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players. The designated segments and sub-section of the market are explained below: The Study is segmented by following Product Type: Radio Access Network, Core Network, and Transport Network Major applications/end-users industry are as follows: Energy and Utilities, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer Electronics. Some of the key Manufacturers Involved in the Market are Qualcomm (United States), Intel (United States), Ericsson (Sweden), Samsung (South Korea), Fujitsu Ltd (Japan), NEC (Japan), Qorvo (United States), AT&T (United States), Huawei (China) and Nokia (Finland) are some of the key players profiled in the study. Additionally, the Players which are also part of the research are MediaTek (Taiwan), Cisco (United States), Cavium (United States), Analog Devices (United States), Verizon Communications (United States), ZTE (China), Korea Telecom (South Korea), China Mobile (China), MACOM Technology Solutions (United States), SK Telecom (South Korea) and T-Mobile (United States). You can get free access to samples from the report here: https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/1499331-global-5g-infrastructure-market-14 For each region, market size and end users are analyzed as well as segment markets by types, applications and companies. If opting for the Global version of 5G Infrastructure Market analysis is provided for major regions as follows: - North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) - Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) - Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) - South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) - Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) Buy this research report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=1499331 Key Answers Captured in Study are Which geography would have better demand for product/services? What are the strategies adopted by big players in the regional market? Which country would see the steep rise in CAGR & year-on-year (Y-O-Y) growth? What is the current & expected market size in next five years? What is the market feasibility for long term investment? What opportunity the country would offer for existing and new players in the 5G Infrastructure market? What is risk involved for suppliers in the geography? What factors would drive the demand for the product/service in near future? What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global 5G Infrastructure market growth? What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are? Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/1499331-global-5g-infrastructure-market-14 There are 15 Chapters to display the Global 5G Infrastructure market. Chapter 1, About Executive Summary to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Global 5G Infrastructure market, Applications [Energy and Utilities, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer Electronics], Market Segment by Regions North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific etc; Chapter 2, objective of the study. Chapter 3, to display Research methodology and techniques. Chapter 4 and 5, to show the Overall Market Analysis, segmentation analysis, characteristics; Chapter 6 and 7, to show the Market size, share and forecast; Five forces analysis (bargaining Power of buyers/suppliers), Threats to new entrants and market condition; Chapter 8 and 9, to show analysis by regional segmentation[North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific etc ], comparison, leading countries and opportunities; Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis Chapter 10, focus on identifying the key industry influencer's, overview of decision framework accumulated through Industry experts and strategic decision makers; Chapter 11 and 12, Market Trend Analysis, Drivers, Challenges by consumer behaviour, Marketing Channels and demand & supply. Chapter 13 and 14, describe about the vendor landscape (classification and Market Positioning) Chapter 15, deals with Global 5G Infrastructure Market sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia or Oceania [Australia and New Zealand]. Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Radiation therapy or particle therapy is exhibited as a more promising treatment option for cancer treatment. Radiation therapy also affects the adjacent organs or make delivery of doses too difficult because numerous radiation morbidities might occur. Absorbable tissue spacer is introduced to overcome the therapeutic and anatomical problems and deliver effective radiation doses. Absorbable tissue spacer is effective to block particle beams and separate normal tissue from the radiation field. Absorbable tissue spacer has reduced the effect of radiation therapy on adjacent organs. Absorbable tissue spacer is Bioabsorbable spacer which injected into place before to start of radiation treatment. Absorbable tissue spacer remains stable during radiation therapy and slowly absorbed by the body after radiotherapy has been completed. Nonwoven fabric spacer, absorbable polyglycolic acid (PGA) and absorbable hydrogel spacer are some of the absorbable tissue spacers. Absorbable tissue spacer such as absorbable hydrogel spacer is used during prostate radiotherapy to create distance between the prostate and the rectum. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancer types in men. Absorbable polyglycolic acid (PGA) spacers are effective to treat upper abdominal tumors. Absorbable tissue spacer such as PGA spacers is majorly used for pancreatic cancer which used to keep away gastrointestinal tract from radiation. Request Sample Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-8507 Absorbable Tissue Spacer Market: Drivers and Restraints- The increasing prevalence of prostate cancer expected to drive the growth of the absorbable tissue spacer market. National Cancer Institute estimated that 164,690 new cases of prostate cancer in 2018. High adoption of radiation therapy or chemotherapy to treat cancer are expected favors the growth of the absorbable tissue spacer market. Increasing number of cases of pancreatic cancer expected to spur the demand for radiation therapy and favors the growth of the absorbable tissue spacer market. According to the American Cancer Society estimated 55,440 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018. Growing development of new technology and products for effective cancer treatment expected to drive the growth of the absorbable tissue spacer over the forecast period. Absorbable Tissue Spacer Market: Segmentation On the basis of product type, absorbable tissue spacer market can be segmented as: Absorbable Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Spacers Absorbable Hydrogel Spacer On the basis of application, absorbable tissue spacer market can be segmented as: Pancreatic Cancer Liver Cancer Prostate Cancer Others On the basis of the end user, the absorbable tissue spacer market can be segmented as: Hospitals Cancer Treatment Centers Cancer Research Centers Absorbable Tissue Spacer Market: Overview Absorbable tissue spacer is Bioabsorbable tissue spacer used for protection of adjacent tissue during the radiation therapy. Absorbable tissue spacer is made from nonwoven fabric and hydrogel which exhibit the more focused effect on the target tissue. Absorbable tissue spacer is used for providing appropriate protection and create strong protection barriers. Absorbable tissue spacer is expected to create strong demand for prostate cancer. Absorbable Tissue Spacer Market: Region-wise Outlook In terms of geography, the market has been divided into seven regions including North- America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Asia- Pacific excluding & Japan (APEJ), Japan, Middle-East & Africa, and Latin America. North America is the most dominating market for absorbable tissue spacer market due to high prevalence of prostate cancer in United States. According to National Cancer Institute, in 2015 around 3,120,176 men living with prostate cancer in United States. Western European expected to contribute second largest revenue share in absorbable tissue spacer market due to high adoption radiation therapy for cancer treatment and growing demand of technologically advanced products. The Asia Pacific excluding Japan absorbable tissue spacer market is expected to gain a high growth rate over the forecast period due to increasing healthcare spending and government support for cancer treatment. Request to View TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-8507 Absorbable Tissue Spacer Market: Key Market Participants Example of some market players participants in global absorbable tissue spacer market identify across the value chain are Boston Scientific Corporation (Augmenix Inc.) and others. Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Over the years, more than dozens of people would be involved in washing an aircraft, which was not only immensely time consuming, but the eminence of work was also not up to international standards. On an average, a team of 17 to 20 people would take about 9 to 10 hours to clean one Jumbo (707) aircraft. Also, there are other issues to be considered, such as injuries caused by even a minor carelessness. Presently, in many countries aircraft washing and cleaning is assigned to manual labor. In India, Indira Gandhi International Airport (New Delhi) will soon get washing robots to clean jumbo jets. According to DIAL (Delhi International Airport Limited), the technology will be imported from Sweden. Currently, apart from British airports, this technique is used by Qatar and Thai airways. The new aircraft washing systems will be entirely computerized and will comprise spray nozzles, cleaning brushes and mobile power units. In the Middle East region, the aviation industry is very keen on green practices. Airlines cannot afford spending extensive periods of time on cleaning activities. Therefore, a company named Clean Middle East developed a new aircraft washing technology known as "dry wash". Dry wash is developed and produced by Rhoba-Chemie GmbH, (Germany) to clean aircrafts without water. This concept has a big edge over its counterpart since it inhibits corrosion, improves physical appearance, reduces chemically contaminated waste water and minimizes water consumption. As the use of airplanes has increased exponentially, commercial and private aircraft agencies spend billions of dollars every year in aircraft maintenance. Now, international standards of aviation safety and rules also mandate aircraft cleaning. Cleaning is done by both, private and in-house agencies. However, cleaning is not a secondary job and must be carried out with possible aircraft washing systems (equipment). Download Sample Copy @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-2855 The commonly used aircraft washing equipment are: Carts used to clean the floor of an airplane are included in aircraft washing systems Coatings used to add extra shine are included in aircraft washing systems Aero brushes used to remove dust from surface are included in aircraft washing systems Wax and buff balls used in the belly area are also included in aircraft washing systems Aircraft squeegee used to remove water and liquid from different areas are included in aircraft washing systems Washing mops used to clean the surface are included in aircraft washing systems Aircraft washing systems companies such as Riveer (U.S.) have launched automated aircraft washing systems. Such aircraft washing systems take two minutes to clean the aircraft and the wash water is reclaimed and reused again. Aircraft Washing Systems: Dynamics There is a never ending battle against corrosion in aircraft maintenance, particularly in rotary aircrafts operating over saltwater. Therefore, the U.S. Department of Defense has concluded on rinsing the aircrafts on a weekly or daily basis to combat this problem. Increase in these aircrafts and their running is forecasted to directly create demand and a large growth opportunity for the aircraft washing systems market. Aircraft Washing Systems: Segmentation by Method When it comes to washing the exterior of an aircraft, there are two types of methods: dry and wet. The wet wash requires water and cleaning agent (soap) in three steps, i.e. scrub, rinse and dry. The major problem with this method is that the water needs to be clean and mineral-free. However, most water has some mineral content, which actually captures dirt and leaves deposits on the surface. On the other hand, the dry wash method cleans and shines the surface in a single step and hence, is becoming a more popular choice. As compared to a wet wash, the cost of dry wash chemicals are expensive and much like waxing your car. This process involves a lot of elbow grease but end results are often less intrusive. With a dry wash interior cleaning and maintenance can be performed simultaneously. Aircraft washing systems: Market Participants Examples of some of the market participants in the global aircraft washing systems market identified across the value chain include: Riveer Nordic Aerowash Equipment Hydro Engineered Inc. Cleaning Debrring Finishing Inc. JRI Indstries Stoelting Cleaning Eqipment Utrasonic Power Corporation Jensen Fabricating Engineers Inc. Wanner Engineering Inc. Ransohoff Cincinnati Encon Evaporators Daimler Industries Inc. KMT Aqua Dyne Inc. Download Key Insights Information @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-2855 Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Chromatography is the most essential and well known separation technique which is extensively used across various industries. Chromatography is referred to as a technique that is used for the purification of biomolecules in which the components that are to be separated are distributed between two phases. Among these two phases, one is stationary phase and other is a mobile phase. All types of chromatography systems work on the same principle i.e., separation of sample mixture into stationary phase (solid or liquid supported on solid) and mobile phase (liquid or gas). Over the years chromatography technique and its instrument are being used in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies for the development of pure drug molecule. The instruments that are utilized in the chromatography have benefitted the researches due to their ability to separate, analyze and purify a molecule in an efficient and effective manner. These chromatography instrumentation techniques are used in various application areas such as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food production, diagnostics, genetic engineering, drug discovery and water analysis. The global market for chromatography instrumentation can be segmented as follows: By system Gas chromatography system Liquid chromatography system High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) Ultra high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) Low pressure liquid chromatography (LPLC) Request Sample Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-383 Others Ion-exchange chromatography Affinity chromatography Super critical fluid chromatography Column chromatography Thin layer chromatography By consumables and instruments Columns Syringe filters Vials Tubings Detectors Autosamplers Pumps Fraction collectors Others By end users Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industries Hospitals and research laboratories Agriculture and food industries Others (cosmetic industries, environmental agencies and nutraceutical companies) The market for chromatography instrumentation holds an immense potential due to increasing number of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Rising government investments for research purpose, expansion of chromatography companies in the Asian region and increasing collaborations among the existing players in the market are some of the other propelling factors for this market. The chromatography instrumentation market is also witnessing huge advancements in the design of column which is consequently raising the demand for development of better analytical resins and reagents. Additionally, emergence of green chromatography, usage of nanomaterial in chromatography and increasing usage of chromatography instrument for monoclonal antibody purification are some of the other opportunities that are fuelling the growth of this market. However, high cost of the chromatography systems and economic slowdown across the globe has resulted in decreased sales of chromatography systems. In addition need of skilled personnel for operates chromatography instrument is a factor which might restrict its demand in the global chromatography instrumentation market. Geographically, North America accounts for the largest share of the chromatography instrumentation market followed by the European region. The dominance of these regions in this market is seen due to growing government investments and funding for research. Further, augmented research and development activities of drugs and biologics and increasing number of conferences on chromatography are some of the key drivers of this industry. However, in the near future the U.S market is expected to decline its market share owing to the market maturity. Asia-Pacific region is expected to show healthy growth in the near future due to expansion of chromatography companies in the regions of India, China, Japan, Singapore and Vietnam. Additionally, several major pharmaceutical companies are also increasingly outsourcing their drug and development services especially in the Asian region which is indentified as another major driver that is augmenting the demand of chromatography reagents in this region. Request to View TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-383 Major players operating in this market includes Agilent Technologies, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Bio-Rad Laboratories, GE Healthcare, Life Technologies Corporation, Pall Corporation, Regis Technologies, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, Waters Corporation, Helena Laboratories, Phenomenex, Inc. WWR International, Tosoh Corporation and others. Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- HTF Market Intelligence released a new research report of 105 pages on title 'Global Coal Market Insights by Application, Product Type, Competitive Landscape & Regional Forecast 2025' with detailed analysis, forecast and strategies. Request a sample report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/1536231-global-coal-market Summary Scope of the Study Coal is the second largest energy source worldwide behind petroleum and other liquid covering 30% of global primary energy consumption. It is a form of rock strata, which is predominantly an indigenous fuel. Coal is mostly carbon which constitutes of variable amount of other elements chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen. Global Coal demand appears likely to grow during foretasted period. According to International Energy Agency report Asia- Pacific to produce 70% of the world's coal. Whereas the Global Coal market growth is driven by increase in both industrial output and electricity use, with 61% of coal used to generate electricity while 18% went mostly for iron and steel production. The market study is being classified by Type (Lignite (brown coal) , SubBituminous , Anthracite , Bituminous and Other (Peat , Graphite)), by Application (Electricity , Industrial , Chemistry , Families and individuals and Other) and major geographies with country level break-up that includes South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America) , Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific) , Europe (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Rest of Europe) , MEA (Middle East, Africa) , North America (United States, Canada, Mexico) . Make an enquiry before buying this Report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/1536231-global-coal-market Alpha Natural Resources , Arch Coal Inc , Alliance Resource Partners LP , Cloud Peak Energy , CONSOL Energy Inc , Murray Energy Corp , Peabody Energy Corp , Revelation Energy LLC/Blackjewel LLC , NACCO Industries Inc , Westmoreland Coal Company , Vistra Energy , Coal India Limited (India) , China Shenhua Energy Company (China) , Beijing Jingmei Group Co. Ltd (China) , ChinaCoal (China) , Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan) , Anglo American (U.K.) , Aurizon Holdings Limited (Australia) , Cloud Peak Energy and Jindal Steel & Power (India) are some of the key players profiled in the study. Additionally, the Manufacturers which are also part of the research are RWE AG (Germany) , BHP Billiton (Australia) , Datong Coal Industry Company Limited (China) , PT Adaro Energy, Tbk (Indonesia) , Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (China) , Tech Resources (Canada) , Rio Tinto Group (Australia) , Southern Copper , Freeport-McMoRan , Newmont Mining , Potash Corp Saskatoon (Canada) , Goldcorp (Canada) , Barrick Gold (Canada) and Franco Nevada (Canada). Market Drivers Growing use of Coal produced coke in Steel industry High Dependency of emerging economies on coal with Rise in electricity demand Market Trend Automation in coal mining industries leading to rise in production Restraints Stringent Government Regulations for Emission Control High Transportation and Infrastructure Cost Scarcity of Raw Materials Causing Price Hikes of Coal Opportunities Growth in Economy and Infrastructure of Emerging Countries and Cutting Down the Production Cost and Emission by Using Innovative Techniques Market Leaders and their expansionary development strategies In Dec 2018, Mitsubishi has signed agreements to sell thermal coal mine. Mitsubishi will sell its 31.4% stake in Clermont coal mine to a joint venture between Glencore and Sumitomo Corp, while it plans to sell its entire 10 % stake in Ulan coal mine to Glencore. Buy this report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=1536231 The Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 sets the guidelines for the action of the Mine and Health Administration. This allows to strengthen and expand the rights of miner and enhance he protection of miner from retaliation for exercising such rights. and The Clean Air Act, a federal law enacted by United States congress to control air pollution on a national level. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) develop and enforce regulation to protect general public from exposure that are hazardous to human health. Global Coal power generation has augmented by 3% accounting for 40% of the additional power generated worldwide. According to the International Energy Agency, South East Asia Coal demand is expected to grow at fastest rate in the globe with rise of 5% yearly through 2023. Whereas India to account for the largest rise in Coal use, with economic annual growth of 8% to 2023 which will lift power demand by more than 5% yearly. Key Target Audience Regional manufacturers' associations and general coal associations Raw material manufacturers Traders, distributors, and suppliers of coal Government and regional agencies and research organizations Table of Contents 1 Market Overview 1.1 Coal Introduction 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.3 Market Analysis by Applications 1.4 Market Analysis by Regions 1.4.1 North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) United States Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Canada Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Mexico Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) 1.4.2 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Germany Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Northbrook, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The report "Concrete Cooling Market by Type (Water Cooling, Ice Cooling, Air Cooling, Liquid Nitrogen Cooling), Application (Highway Construction, Dams & Locks Construction, Port Construction, Nuclear Plant Construction) and Region - Global Forecast to 2026", The global concrete cooling market was valued at USD 936.0 Million in 2015 and is projected to reach USD 1,722.4 Million by 2026, at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2016 to 2026. Increasing demand of concrete cooling systems from the Middle East region and regions which have high temperatures and require large amounts of concrete are projected to drive the growth of the market in the future. Browse 95 market data tables and 34 figures spread through 137 pages and in-depth TOC on "Concrete Cooling Market - Global Forecast to 2026" Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=18993232 Water cooling is the fastest-growing type segment of the global concrete cooling market The water cooling segment is projected to be the fastest growing segment in the concrete cooling market, by type, from 2016 to 2026. This growth can be attributed to the easy availability of water in most regions across the world. Water cooling is also an easy to use, cost-effective method of concrete cooling which makes it widely acceptable across regions. Highway construction application accounted for the largest market share in the global concrete cooling market The highway construction segment accounted for the largest market share in 2015. This large share can be attributed to the regions that have a hot climate. Local geography, climate, and architectural design of the highway being constructed are some of the key factors that are to be considered while selecting the type of concrete cooling system. The right cooling method helps in improving the strength of the concrete in the long-term, thus making the structure strong enough to last for years. The Middle East region was the largest market for concrete cooling systems in 2015 The Middle East region was the largest concrete cooling market in 2015 owing to the rise in demand for concrete cooling systems in this region. This increased demand can be attributed to the growing construction activities and the high temperatures in the region. To achieve appropriate curing of concrete in such temperatures, concrete cooling solutions usage is quintessential. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar led the Middle East concrete cooling market in 2015 in terms of consumption. The concrete cooling market in Saudi Arabia is projected to grow at the highest CAGR among all countries in the Middle East region between 2016 and 2026. Get 10% FREE Customization on this Report @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestCustomizationNew.asp?id=18993232 Key players operational in the concrete cooling market include KTI-Plersch Kaltetechnik GmbH (Germany), Fujian Snowman Co., Ltd. (China), Coldcrete Inc. (U.S.), ConCool LLC (U.S.), Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited (India), LINTEC Germany GmbH (Germany), Icelings (India), North Star Ice Equipment Corporation (U.S.), Recom Ice Systems (Netherlands), and Focusun Refrigeration Corporation (China). About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets is the largest market research firm worldwide in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to a multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. M&M's flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. The new included chapters on Methodology and Benchmarking presented with high quality analytical infographics in our reports gives complete visibility of how the numbers have been arrived and defend the accuracy of the numbers. We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository. Contact: Mr. Shelly Singh Markets and Markets UNIT no 802, Tower no. 7, SEZ Magarpatta city, Hadapsar Pune, Maharashtra 411013, India 1-888-600-6441 Email: sales@marketsandmarkets.com Harrisburg, NC -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the Electric Tailgate market and contains qualitative and quantitative insights, historical and forecasted data, competitor and regional analysis from 2014 to 2025. The research report provides analysis and information according to categories such as market segments, geographies, types and applications. Request a Free Sample Report before Purchase: https://www.marketinsightsreports.com/reports/04181190413/global-electric-tailgate-market-insights-forecast-to-2025/inquiry?source=releasewire&Mode=11 The report covers the profiles of major players in the global Electric Tailgate market such as: Robert Bosch, Magna International, Faurecia, Plastic Omnium, SEOYON E-HWA Automotive Slovakia, Woodbine Manufacturing, Go Industries, Gordon Auto Body Parts. Electric Tailgate Market, by Types: Plastic Tailgate Metal Tailgate Others Electric Tailgate Market, by Applications: Passenger Cars Commercial Vehicles Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa. Several important Key questions answer covered in this Electric Tailgate market research report: - What is status of Electric Tailgate Market? -This Overview Includes Analysis of Scope, Prospect, Growth trend, Sales by regions, manufacturers, types and applications. - What trends, challenges and barriers are influencing its growth? - What is Electric Tailgate Market forecasts (2019-2025)? Considering Sales, Revenue, Growth rate, Price and Trends for Regions, Types and Applications? - Who Are Electric Tailgate Market Key Manufacturers? - What will be the market size and the growth rate in 2025? -What are the key factors driving the global Electric Tailgate market? - What are the key outcomes of the distinct analysis of the world Electric Tailgate Market-Analysis done by considering prime elements? Browse Full Report: https://www.marketinsightsreports.com/reports/04181190413/global-electric-tailgate-market-insights-forecast-to-2025?source=releasewire&Mode=11 The research includes historic data from 2014 to 2018 and forecasts until 2025 which makes the reports an invaluable resource for industry executives, marketing, sales and product managers, consultants, analysts, and other people looking for key industry data in readily accessible documents with clearly presented tables and graphs. The study comprises a mix of data pertaining to the key restraints, drivers, competitive landscape, regulatory forces, key strategies implemented by the key players, and opportunities, expected to have a profound impact on the scope of growth of the market. A detailed analysis of these factors allows the report to present a reliable forecast regarding the future growth dynamics of the Electric Tailgate market. About MarketInsightsReports MarketInsightsReports provides syndicated Market research reports to industries, organizations or even individuals with an aim of helping them in their decision making process. MarketInsightsReports has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain. Contact US: Irfan Tamboli (Head of Sales) Market Insights Reports Phone: + 1704 266 3234 | Mob: +91-750-707-8687 sales@marketinsightsreports.com | irfan@marketinsightsreports.com Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The Exploration study offers deep assessment of the Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Market and helps market participants to gain a solid base in the industry. The Research report presents a complete assessment of the market and contains Future trend, Current Growth Factors, attentive opinions, historical data, facts and statistically supported and industry certified market data. It delivers regional exploration of the Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water market to expose key prospects presented in different parts of the world. The study is segmented by products type, application/end-users. The competitive scenery is generally appraised along with company profiling of leading players operating in the Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water market. Some of the Most Important Key Players Involved in the Study are PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Suntory, Unicer, Icelandic Glacial, CG Roxane, Vichy Catalan Corporation & Mountain Valley Spring Company. If you are involved in the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. It's vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Applications Retail Stores, Supermarkets & E-retailers, Product Types such as [, PET Bottles, Stand-Up Pouches, Glass Bottles & Others] and some major players in the industry. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement. Grab Free Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Market Research Report Sample:- @: https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/1777784-global-united-states-european-union-and-china-flavoured-bottled-water-market The Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water market report gives an exceptional, first-time present and attentive analysis of the size, patterns, division and lookout in the production and supply of Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water on the world. It also talks almost the market size of different sections and their progress features along with growth trends, various stakeholders like investors, traders, suppliers, CEOs, Research & media, Global Director, Manager, President, SWOT analysis i.e. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat to the business and others. MARKET SPLIT BY PRODUCT TYPE AND APPLICATIONS: The report segments the Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Market on the basis of Types as follows: , PET Bottles, Stand-Up Pouches, Glass Bottles & Others On the basis of Application/End-Users, the Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water market is segmented into: Retail Stores, Supermarkets & E-retailers Players Profiled: PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Suntory, Unicer, Icelandic Glacial, CG Roxane, Vichy Catalan Corporation & Mountain Valley Spring Company Region Analysis - Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific) - North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) - Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Rest of Europe) - Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, UAE and South Africa Rest of Middle East) - Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Rest of L.A.) Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/1777784-global-united-states-european-union-and-china-flavoured-bottled-water-market Stay up-to-date with Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water market research offered by HTF MI. Check how key trends and emerging drivers are shaping this industry growth as the study avails you with market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional breakdowns, competitive landscape, shares, trend and strategies for this market. In the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Market Analysis & Forecast 2018-2023, the revenue is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2023, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2023. The production is estimated at XX million in 2017 and is forecasted to reach XX million by the end of 2023, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2023. In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water are as follows: History Year: 2013-2018 | Base Year: 2018 | Estimated Year: 2019 | Forecast Year 2019 to 2024 Research Objectives: Focuses on the key Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water manufacturers, to define, pronounce and examine the value, sales volume, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis, and development plans in the next few years. To share comprehensive information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (opportunities, drivers, growth potential, industry-specific challenges and risks). To analyze the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water with respect to individual future prospects, growth trends and their involvement to the total market. To analyze reasonable developments such as agreements, expansions new product launches, and acquisitions in the market. To deliberately profile the key players and systematically examine their growth strategies. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/1777784-global-united-states-european-union-and-china-flavoured-bottled-water-market Key Points sheathed in the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Market Report Coverage: Market share study of the top manufacturing players Market share debts for the regional and country level segments Premeditated references for the new competitors Competitive landscaping planning the key common trends Tactical endorsements in key business segments based on the market estimations Market Trends (Constraints, Drivers, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, recommendations and Investment Opportunities) Company profiling with detailed strategies, financial and latest developments Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements There are 15 Chapters to display the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Market Chapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water, Applications of Global (United States, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water, Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type [,, PET Bottles, Stand-Up Pouches, Glass Bottles & Others], Market Trend by Application [Retail Stores, Supermarkets & E-retailers]; Chapter 3, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, Export & Import, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 6 and 7, to show the Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, European Union & Rest of World (Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 8, to analyze the Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Segment Market Analysis (by Application [Retail Stores, Supermarkets & E-retailers]) Major Manufacturers Analysis; Chapter 9, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 10, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water by region, type and application ; Chapter 11, to describe Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 12, 13, 14 and 15, to describe Global (, European Union and China) Flavoured Bottled Water sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Buy this research report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=1777784 Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. About HTF Market Report HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the "Accurate Forecast" in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their "Goals & Objectives". Edison , NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Homeland security is a government initiative for protecting nations from natural and man-made calamities. It is a system that increases the resilience of a nation against threats such as terrorism, illegal immigration, smuggling, natural disasters, cyber frauds, and others. Homeland security plays a key role in providing emergency service during disasters. Fires, earthquakes, cyclones, floods, and hurricanes are some the natural disasters that demand immediate action for saving the lives of humans and animals as well as protecting property and infrastructure. Further, an increasing number of cross-border disputes and civil wars in various countries around the world is driving the Global Homeland Security market. Advance Market Analytics recently introduced Homeland Security Market study with in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Industry Scope and elaborates market outlook and status to 2024. Homeland Security Market explores effective study on varied sections of Industry like opportunities, size, growth, technology, demand and trend of high leading players. It also provides market key statistics on the status of manufacturers, a valuable source of guidance, direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry. Get Free PDF Sample Pages Of Homeland Security Market Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/4409-global-homeland-security-market Major Key Players in This Report Include, BAE Systems (United Kingdom), IBM (United States), General Dynamics (United States), Lockheed Martin (United States), Northrop Grumman Corporation (United States), Raytheon (United States), Elbit System (Israel) and Unisys (United States) The report focuses on Global Homeland Security Market major leading industry players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials, equipment and downstream consumers analysis is also carried out. What's more, the market development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. On the basis of geography, the market of Homeland Security has been segmented into South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Rest of Europe), MEA (Middle East, Africa), North America (United States, Canada, Mexico). North America region held largest market share in the year 2018. Asia Pacific on the other hand stood as second largest market due to the presence of key companies into the region and high technological advancement. If we see Market by End users, the sub-segment i.e. Public Sector will boost the Homeland Security market. Additionally, the rising demand from SMEs and various industry verticals gives enough cushion to market growth. The research methodology used to estimate and forecast the Homeland Security Market began with capturing data from the key vendors' revenue and market size of the individual segments through secondary sources, industry associations, and trade journals, such as the World Analytics Association and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The bottom-up procedure was employed to arrive at the overall market size of the market from the individual segments. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market was split into several segments and sub segments, which were then verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with the key industry personnel, such as Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Vice Presidents (VPs), directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures were employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all the segments and sub segments. For Early Buyers | Get Up to 20% Discount on This Premium Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/4409-global-homeland-security-market Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Homeland Security Market: Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Homeland Security market Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Homeland Security Market. Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Homeland Security Chapter 4: Presenting the Homeland Security Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis. Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2018 Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Homeland Security market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions. Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Finally, Homeland Security Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies. Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Homeland Security Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry's value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects. In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age. For More Information and Customization: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/4409-global-homeland-security-market Contact Us: Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218 sales@advancemarketanalytics.com Connect with us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/advance-market-analytics https://www.facebook.com/AMA-Research-Media-LLP-344722399585916 https://twitter.com/amareport The international delegation tasked with observing and following up on the referendum on Egypt's constitutional amendments said that the voter turnout doubled nationwide on the third day of the voting, compared to the previous two days. According to the commission's report, there was a huge turnout in the various districts of Egypt's governorates, particularly in Cairo, Port Said, Menoufiya, Faiyum and Kafr El-Sheikh. The delegation also noted that a number of rallies were held in several areas in Cairo in support of the constitutional amendments. The international delegation had 69 members monitoring the voting process in 14 governorates. The delegation is a coalition of four international and local NGOs from three continents. The NGOs are EKO from Greece, Jalis forum from Uganda, Volunteers Without Borders from Lebanon, and Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights from Egypt. Search Keywords: Short link: Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Future Market Insights (FMI) delivers key insights on the wood pellet market in its latest report titled, 'Global Wood Pellet Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment, 20172027'. According to the report, the global wood pellet market is projected to expand at a healthy CAGR of 8.7% during the forecast period in terms of revenue. Wood pellets are defined as are biofuel made from compressed organic matter or biomass. These technologies use a wide range of materials such as forest & wood waste, agricultural residue, and other substances. Factors such as increasing consumption of wood pellets, increasing health consciousness among consumers, high consumption of wood pellets for residential heating, growing demand for wood pellets for electricity generation, growing exports of wood pellets rapidly growing demand for domestic wood pellets and energy, and climate change are the factors that drive the market. Enterprises and individuals, nowadays, need products that are environmentally-friendly. Collaborations between suppliers and producers ensure a strong bonding and progressive activities, and enhance the development process. This demand has given rise to the increased production of wood pellets. A sample of this report is available upon request @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-484 Government certification is a valuable tool to assure customers that the wood pellets are made from sustainably managed forests. Increasing certification criteria is the key restraining factor of the North American wood pellet market while exporting to other countries, where various rules mandate renewable energy production. The procurement policy of wood pellets is also one of the key restraining factors in the market here. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative and Forest Stewardship Council are the certification organizations in North America. 19% of U.S. commercial forestland is certified by major U.S. standards. According to the Wood Pellet Association of Canada, approx. 9% of the world's forests are certified. Out of them, more than 40% forests are in Canada, which makes these forests as an ideal source of wood pellets. On the basis of region, Western Europe is estimated to be the largest market for wood pellets, accounting for 72.6% value share of the global wood pellets market in 2017. The region continues to dominate the market, and is expected to continue to do so throughout the forecast period. Eastern Europe exports most of its produced wood pellets to other countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom, where it requires certification for exports. Various industries are focusing on getting certified with DINplus and green energy certifications, which will help in exporting the produced wood pellets. The rapid rate of the production of wood pellets in countries like Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia is a major driving factor of the wood pellet market in Eastern Europe, owing to the high amount of exports to the other developed countries of Western Europe. On the basis of end use, the industrial pellets for co-firing segment is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 11.0% and and 9.1% in terms of market value and volume, respectively, during the forecast period. This is attributed to the increasing demand for wood pellets in a wide range of end-user applications. The markets in APEJ, Western Europe, MEA, and Latin America are anticipated to contribute majorly to the global wood pellet market. The market in Western Europe is expected to account for 69.6% share in terms of value in the global wood pellet market, and be valued at US$ 14,694.6 Mn by 2027 end. The increasing demand for wood pellets for residential heating and energy and climate change in Western Europe is expected to fuel revenue growth of the market in the region. The market in Western Europe is estimated to be valued at US$ 6,686.2 Mn by 2017 end, and projected to expand at a CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period. Download Methodology of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/customization-available/rep-gb-484 Factors such as increasing consumption of wood pellets, increasing health health consciousness among consumers, high consumption of wood pellets for residential heating, growing demand for wood pellets for electricity generation, growing exports of wood pellets, growing demand for domestic wood pellets and energy, and climate change are expected to drive revenue growth of the global wood pellet market. Key market participants covered in the report include Drax Biomas Inc, Rentech, Inc, Enviva Partners, LP, German Pellets GmbH, Viridis Energy Inc, AS Graanul Invest, Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc, Lignetics of Idaho, Inc, Zilkha Biomass Energy, LLC, and Energy Girvan Limited. Edison , NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- A rising young population and changing lifestyle will help to grow the global mixto tequila market. Tequila is a type of alcoholic drink made from the blue agave plant. Mixto tequila contains a minimum 51 percent of blue agave. Mixto tequila is formed with some amount of sugar. The demand for mixto tequila in cocktails is not restricted to bars and restaurants; it has also increased spaces in parties planned at families. In the younger population, from binge drinking to more classy drinking such as tequila. Advance Market Analytics recently introduced Mixto Tequila Market study with in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Industry Scope and elaborates market outlook and status to 2024. Mixto Tequila Market explores effective study on varied sections of Industry like opportunities, size, growth, technology, demand and trend of high leading players. It also provides market key statistics on the status of manufacturers, a valuable source of guidance, direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry. Get Free PDF Sample Pages Of Mixto Tequila Market Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/29637-global-mixto-tequila-market Major Key Players in This Report Include, Tequila Cuervo La Rojena (Mexico), Diageo (United Kingdom), Casa Corralejo (Mexico), Tequila512 (United States), Ambhar (United States), Dos Lunas (Mexico), El Grado (United States), Sauza (Mexico), El Jimador (United States) and Familia Camarena Tequila (United States) The report focuses on Global Mixto Tequila Market major leading industry players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials, equipment and downstream consumers analysis is also carried out. What's more, the market development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. On the basis of geography, the market of Mixto Tequila has been segmented into South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Rest of Europe), MEA (Middle East, Africa), North America (United States, Canada, Mexico). North America region held largest market share in the year 2018. Europe on the other hand stood as second largest market due to the presence of key companies into the region and high technological advancement. If we see Market by Distribution Channel, the sub-segment i.e. Supermarkets and Hyper-Markets will boost the Mixto Tequila market. Additionally, the rising demand from SMEs and various industry verticals gives enough cushion to market growth. The research methodology used to estimate and forecast the Mixto Tequila Market began with capturing data from the key vendors' revenue and market size of the individual segments through secondary sources, industry associations, and trade journals, such as the World Analytics Association and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The bottom-up procedure was employed to arrive at the overall market size of the market from the individual segments. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market was split into several segments and sub segments, which were then verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with the key industry personnel, such as Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Vice Presidents (VPs), directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures were employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all the segments and sub segments. For Early Buyers | Get Up to 20% Discount on This Premium Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/29637-global-mixto-tequila-market Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Mixto Tequila Market: Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Mixto Tequila market Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Mixto Tequila Market. Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Mixto Tequila Chapter 4: Presenting the Mixto Tequila Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis. Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2018 Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Mixto Tequila market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions. Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Finally, Mixto Tequila Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies. Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Mixto Tequila Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry's value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects. In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age. For More Information and Customization: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/29637-global-mixto-tequila-market Contact Us: Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218 sales@advancemarketanalytics.com Connect with us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/advance-market-analytics https://www.facebook.com/AMA-Research-Media-LLP-344722399585916 https://twitter.com/amareport Northbrook, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The report "Oxygen Scavengers Market by Type (Metallic, and Non-Metallic), End-use Industry (Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Power, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Pulp & Paper), and Region Global Forecast to 2022", The oxygen scavengers market was valued at USD 1.80 Billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 2.41 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2017 to 2022. Browse 65 Market Data Tables and 31 Figures spread through 137 Pages and in-depth TOC on "Oxygen Scavengers Market Global Forecast to 2022" Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=101926191 The increasing demand for high-quality packaged food is one the major drivers for the growth of oxygen scavengers market. Factors, such as increasing disposable income and changing lifestyle of the middle-class population in emerging countries are expected to fuel the demand for packaged food. This increase in demand is consequently expected to drive the growth of the oxygen scavengers market in the coming years. The growing awareness regarding the reduction of food wastage and the increased demand for advanced packaging among consumers are expected to further aid the growth of the market during the forecast period. - Based on type, the metallic segment is projected to be a larger segment of the market during the forecast period - The food & beverage segment of the market is projected to the largest segment of the market from 2017 to 2022 - The Asia Pacific oxygen scavengers market is projected to witness the highest growth from 2017 to 2022 Companies, such as Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company (Japan), BASF SE (Germany), Ecolab Inc. (US), Clariant Ltd. (Switzerland), Arkema Group (France), Baker Hughes Incorporated (US), Sealed Air Corporation (US), Solenis LLC (US), and Kemira OYJ (Finland) adopted both organic as well as inorganic strategies, such as new product developments/product showcases, mergers & acquisitions, investments & expansions, partnerships, agreements, and collaborations to efficiently serve customers and increase their market shares. New product developments/product showcases and mergers & acquisitions were the key strategies adopted by major players in the oxygen scavengers market. These strategies accounted for a share of 60.7% of the total growth strategies adopted by major market players between 2012 and 2017. Companies operating in the oxygen scavengers market adopted investments & expansions as a strategy to expand their regional presence. This strategy accounted for a share of 28.6% of the total growth strategies adopted by the players between 2012 and 2017. Partnerships, agreements, and collaborations accounted for a share of 10.7% of the total growth strategies adopted by the market players between 2012 and 2017. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company (Japan), one of the leading manufacturers of oxygen scavengers, adopted new product developments/product showcases as its primary growth strategy. The company provides oxygen scavengers through its information and advanced materials business segment. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company is strengthening its foothold in the oxygen scavengers market through new product developments and product showcases. For instance, in 2017, the company participated in Interphex Osaka in Japan and showcased its pharmaceutical oxygen scavengers, namely, Ageless ZM, and Ageless Omac. The product showcase will help strengthen the position of the company's products in the market. In 2016, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company launched Oxycapt multilayer-plastic containers for injectable drugs in an exhibition in the US. The product launch will help the company to strengthen its position in oxygen scavengers market. Speak to Analyst @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=101926191 BASF SE is also one of the major manufacturers of oxygen scavengers in the water treatment application. The company has developed a strong client base by expanding its distribution network to better serve its customers and offer customized products in Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. The company provides oxygen scavengers through its performance products segment, which accounted for 26.1% of the company's total revenue in 2016. The company is focusing on strengthening its position in the market by adopting organic growth strategies. In March 2017, the company invested approximately USD 57 billion (50 million) in its new innovation campus in India, which accelerated BASF's growth in the oxygen scavengers market. About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets provides quantified B2B research on 30,000 high growth niche opportunities/threats which will impact 70% to 80% of worldwide companies' revenues. Currently servicing 5000 customers worldwide including 80% of global Fortune 1000 companies as clients. Almost 75,000 top officers across eight industries worldwide approach MarketsandMarkets for their painpoints around revenues decisions. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. MarketsandMarkets now coming up with 1,500 MicroQuadrants (Positioning top players across leaders, emerging companies, innovators, strategic players) annually in high growth emerging segments. MarketsandMarkets is determined to benefit more than 10,000 companies this year for their revenue planning and help them take their innovations/disruptions early to the market by providing them research ahead of the curve. MarketsandMarkets's flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. Contact: Mr. Shelly Singh MarketsandMarkets 701 Pike Street, Suite 2175, Seattle, WA 98101, United States 1-888-600-6441 Email: sales@marketsandmarkets.com New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The market intelligence assessment on the Panic Bars market blends in the best of both qualitative and quantitative research techniques to explore market performance for the forecast period, 2019 - 2025. Subject matter experts behind the study dive deep into the competitive landscape to assess the top performers across the world and unearth the strategies that have given them a competitive edge over others operating in the Panic Bars industry. Other vital aspects including the market share, size and growth rate for the forecast period, 2019 - 2025 also forms an important of the study and valuable resource for business owners, stakeholders, and marketing personnel planning to zero in on their business strategy. In market segmentation by manufacturers, the Panic Bars market report covers the following companies- - Stanley Black & Decker - Fapim - Nuova Oxidal - ECO Schulte - D-Line - Idomus - JNF - DORMA Download FREE Sample Brochure of report @ https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/sample/27680 The market intelligence report focuses primarily on the market size, share and growth rate of the industry during the estimated period with the aim to help business owners make a wise investment decision and chalk out a blueprint of profitable business strategies. Apart from this, the valuable document weighs upon the performance of the industry on the basis of a product service, end-use, geography and end customer. A high focus is maintained on factors such as demand and supply, production capacity, supply chain management, distribution channel, product application and performance across different countries. The report not only offers hard to find facts about the trends and innovation driving the current and future of Panic Bars business, but also provides insights into competitive development such as acquisition and mergers, joint ventures, product launches and technology advancements. In market segmentation by geographical regions, the Panic Bars Market report has analysed the following regions- - North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) - Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) - Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) - South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) - Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) In market segmentation by applications of the Panic Bars, the report covers the following uses- - Safety door - Other In market segmentation by types of Panic Bars, the report covers- - One locking points - Two locking points - Three locking points The study has been conducted on the basis of inputs from the industry leaders. Thus, a conscious effort to dive deep and unearth hard to find information pertaining to the growing market landscape and growth prospects over the next few years is clearly visible in the study. The market intelligence report further comprises of discussions about the major vendors operating in the Panic Bars space. The research provides answers to the following key questions: - What will be the size of the Panic Bars market and growth rate for the forecast period 2019 - 2025? - What are the major driving factors expected to shape the future of the Panic Bars market in the coming years? - Who are prominent players dominating the Panic Bars market? What have been their winning strategies so far? - What are the key trends anticipated to influence the development of the industry worldwide? - What are major threats and challenges hindering the growth of the market across different regions? - What are the opportunities prominent vendors are eyeing to stay competitive in the global market? Purchase Panic Bars Market Research Report@ https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/checkout/27680 Table of Content: 7 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Panic Bars Business 7.1 Stanley Black & Decker 7.1.1 Stanley Black & Decker Panic Bars Production Sites and Area Served 7.1.2 Panic Bars Product Introduction, Application and Specification 7.1.3 Stanley Black & Decker Panic Bars Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019) 7.1.4 Main Business and Markets Served 7.2 Fapim 7.2.1 Fapim Panic Bars Production Sites and Area Served 7.2.2 Panic Bars Product Introduction, Application and Specification 7.2.3 Fapim Panic Bars Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019) 7.2.4 Main Business and Markets Served 7.3 Nuova Oxidal 7.3.1 Nuova Oxidal Panic Bars Production Sites and Area Served 7.3.2 Panic Bars Product Introduction, Application and Specification 7.3.3 Nuova Oxidal Panic Bars Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019) 7.3.4 Main Business and Markets Served People Also Viewed:- Energy Bars Market Insights - Global Trends, Opportunities, Analysis and Forecast by 2025 https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/36829/energy-bars-market About Market Growth Insight Market Growth Insight is a one-stop solution for market research reports in various business categories. We are serving 100+ clients with 10000+ diverse industry reports and our reports are developed to simplify strategic decision making, on the basis of comprehensive and in-depth significant information, established through wide ranging analysis and latest industry trends. Contact us : 502, Sai Radhe, Kenedy Road, Behind Hotel Sheraton Grand, Near Pune Station, Pune-411001, Maharashtra, India. sales@marketgrowthinsight.com Contact No- +919673535933 Website- https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Pediatric Neuroblastoma Treatment Market - Overview This report by Transparency Market Research analyzes the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market for the period between 2018 and 2026. An in-depth market assessment has been made, which offers readers accurate analysis. Market projections have been offered in terms of value (US$ Mn). Stakeholders of this report include companies and intermediaries engaged in the manufacture and commercialization of various products as well as new players planning to enter this market. The global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market has been studied for the forecast period from 2018 to 2026. For research, 2017 has been considered as the base year and 2016 as the historical year. The market report comprises an elaborate executive summary that provides overall information about various segments of the market. The report provides a detailed competitive landscape by major players operating in this market along with their shares (value %) of the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market for 2017. The report also provides detailed company profiles of emerging market players operating in the global market. Request A Sample Copy @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=37835 The market overview section comprises impact factors such as key market dynamics including drivers, restraints, and opportunities, affecting the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market. These factors are likely to aid stakeholders establish a strong foothold in the global market. Furthermore, the overview section comprises market attractiveness analysis, global market analysis, and forecast of the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market. The market attractiveness analysis provides a graphical view comparing the growth and market dynamics in various segments and countries to identify the most attractive market. Scope The global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market has been segmented based therapy type and distribution channel. In terms of therapy type, the global market has been classified into immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and others. Based on distribution channel, the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market has been categorized into hospital pharmacies and retail pharmacies & drug stores. In terms of region, the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. Moreover, quantitative analysis for major countries comprising the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, the U.K., Italy, Spain, Russia, China, Japan, India, and Australia & New Zealand has also been provided in the report. A detailed qualitative analysis of factors responsible for driving and restraining the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market in various regions has been provided in this section. Request Brochure @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=37835 The report provides a detailed outline/blueprint of the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market that is expected to assist new companies establish their presence and expanding their share in the market. The report concludes with the company profile section, which includes company overview, financial overview, SWOT analysis, product portfolio, business strategies, and recent developments. Competitive Landscape Major players operating in the global pediatric neuroblastoma treatment market include United Therapeutics Corporation, APEIRON Biologics AG, Baxter, Cellectar Biosciences, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., MacroGenics, Inc., and Bayer AG. Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- Portable clinical analyzer is an analyzer commonly used in healthcare domain which is used to conduct critical tests such as blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites, and coagulation tests. Portable clinical analyzer is mainly used in hospitals at patient's bedside for fast health checkup and instant treatment decision making. Recently, portable clinical analyzers are made available with efficiency features making them superior over conventional analyzers. Portable clinical analyzer requires a few blood drops (lesser quantity) for testing which lies between 65 and 95 l. Providing quick quality test results is one of the prime factors that is contributing to the market of portable clinical analyzers. Portable clinical analyzers are equipped with various features which is helpful in taking timely decisions related to patient's health. Benefits and features such as simple to use, broad test menu, streamlined information management, and wireless connectivity positions portable clinical analyzer as a user-friendly product, boosting market growth. Portable Clinical Analyzer Market: Drivers and Restraints User-friendly interface in portable clinical analyzers drives the market significantly Increasing healthcare facilities including health clinics across the globe improves the overall diagnosis results of the patient's health. Introduction of advanced and innovative healthcare equipments in hospitals help doctors to monitor the patients' health with ease. Increasing healthcare expenditure over the years is contributing to the growth of portable clinical analyzer market globally. High adoption of advanced portable clinical analyzers in hospitals improves the overall treatment process. Get Sample Copy of Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-9436 Doctors prefer portable clinical analyzer over other different analyzers as it is more user friendly. Various governments all across the globe are investing massively in the healthcare industry is ultimately driving the portable clinical analyzer market. Easy functioning and accurate testing results provided by portable clinical analyzer reduces the incidence of errors and promotes safety of the patients. Introduction of portable clinical analyzers with upgraded features such as automation, ease of usage, accurate diagnostics is among the key strategies adopted by manufacturers in portable clinical analyzer market across the globe. On the other hand, absence of healthcare facilities in some underdeveloped region is one of the restraints for the portable clinical analyzer market. Portable Clinical Analyzer Market: Segmentation On the Basis of application, portable clinical analyzer market segmented into Blood gases testing Coagulation Testing Haematology Testing Others On the basis of end use, Portable clinical analyzer market Segmented into Hospitals Laboratories Health Clinics Others Portable Clinical Analyzer Market: Competition Landscape Portable clinical analyzer manufacturers are constantly focusing on adding new innovative features in portable clinical analyzer to attract the major portion of the customers. Key manufacturing players of portable clinical analyzers are Abbott, HORIBA, Ltd., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, SAMSUNG, and DIAGON Kft. Recently, Abbott, one of the leading manufacturer of the portable clinical analyzer launched Abbott i-STAT portable clinical analyzer with innovative features such as automatic calibration, biosensor technology, portable battery operation, assure test result integrity and liquid quality control. Adequate presence of key manufacturers in developed and developing countries accelerates the growth of portable clinical analyzer market. Producing affordable potables clinical analyzers is one of the prime concern on which manufacturers are focusing. Launching portable clinical analyzers with upgraded features is the key strategies adopted by the manufacturers in the portable clinical analyzer market. Request to Browse Full Table of Content, figure and Tables @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-9436 Portable Clinical Analyzer Market: Regional Overview In terms of adoption of advanced portable clinical analyzer, North America region holds the significant market share of a portable clinical analyzer market. Well Equipped healthcare facilities in this region are boosting the growth of portable clinical analyzer market. Increasing health awareness and precaution measures taken by patients suffering from critical diseases is boosting the growth of portable clinical analyzer market. Increasing investments in the healthcare industry in recent years, especially in India and China, is also contributing to the growth of the portable clinical analyzer market. Moreover, improving healthcare facilities in the MEA region over the years is expected to witness significant market growth over the forecast period. Rockville Pike, MD -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The report on vegan baking ingredients market offer all-inclusive and valuable insights into the vegan baking ingredients market. A comprehensive analysis of all the factors influencing the performance of the vegan baking ingredients market has been provided in the report. Additionally, the report provides a detailed opportunity assessment of the vegan baking ingredients market. A list of all the macro and microeconomic facets influencing the growth of the vegan baking ingredients market have been compiled in the report. The report on vegan baking ingredients market also includes an analysis of the level of competitiveness prevalent in the vegan baking ingredients market. To Get Sample Copy of Report, visit @ https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=3072 Sales Underpinned by Innovation in Ingredients Manufacturing Baking industry is struggling to produce quality vegan baked goods, owing to the loss of functionality, texture, and mouthfeel that eggs provide. Finding ingredients that can potentially replace eggs in vegan baked goods limits the scope of development for the baking industry. However, innovations in vegan baking ingredient manufacturing are slowly enabling bakeries to bridge the gap between vegan baked goods and normal bakery items. Numerous companies are working towards the production of vegan baking ingredients that could mimic the texture and taste of bakery products. For instance, KaTech, a leading manufacturer of stabilizers and emulsifies, announced the launch of new bakery concepts tailored to address the shortcomings in the vegan bakery ingredients. The company launched an assortment of alternative dairy fillings in different variants such as low-fat and reduced sugar to meet the burgeoning demand for healthier vegan bakery products. Demand Surges in Line With Large Scale Production and Launch of Vegan Bakery Chains A substantial increase in the number of people following veganism, coupled with a rise in the overall demand for vegan bakery products has led food processing companies to adopt large-scale production. For instance, Greggs, a leading bakery chain based in Britain recently reported a shortage in supply of its new product offering in vegan sausage rolls alluding to the surging demand for vegan bakery products. The sudden increase in the demand for vegan bakery goods is prompting new installments of all-vegan bakeries around the world. E-commerce giants announced the launch of an all-vegan online baking store in 2018 after witnessing the massive demand for the products during the Great British Bake Off Week. To capitalize on the growing demand for vegan bakery products, existing bakeries are also launching new vegan product lines. Large scale investments in all-vegan baking stores are estimated to bolster the demand for vegan baking ingredients. Get complete information about this report @ https://www.factmr.com/report/3072/vegan-baking-ingredients-market Sustainability Prevails as a Key Growth Determinant Growing awareness about the relationship between food production and its impact on the environment is prompting consumers to shift towards brands that incorporate sustainable solutions in food processing and manufacturing. Although vegan baking ingredients conform to ethical concerns regarding animal treatment, manufacturers are increasingly focusing on streamlining their supply chain operations to keep consumers informed of their sustainable practices and promote sales. A recent development alluding high traction of sustainable practices in the food processing industry is the Iceland's ban on palm oil use in vegan bakery products, following reports of child labor, deforestation, and decreasing animal population in Malaysia and Indonesia where it was being sourced from. Over Half Market Shares Remain Clustered Among Multinationals The vegan baking ingredients market remains highly consolidated with leading players holding over 50% of the market share. These vegan baking ingredients producing giants are focusing on scaling their production facilities, launching innovative and novel products, and strengthening their distribution network to extend their global reach in the vegan baking ingredients market. Some of the notable developments in the vegan baking ingredients market have been listed below: Ingredion, a leading player in the vegan baking ingredients market launched a novel product, potex, which is manufactured using potato fibers and will enhance the texture, freshness, and visual appeal of vegan bakery products. The launch of the product is aimed to cater to the needs of vegan bakeries who are seeking products which could aid them in producing bakery goods with texture and appeal similar to that of the normal bakery products. Lallemand recently made two new additions to its line of yeast products in Instaferm and VitaD. The new products launched were Instaferm Inactive and VitaD Plus Concentrate yeasts which are rich in vitamin D content. The vitamin D in the yeast is obtained from natural plant-based sources and aid in the production of an assortment of vegan bakery goods. Pak Group, a vegan baking ingredients manufacturer, recently launched a vegan egg wash replacer under its brand Bellarise. The product named Bellarise Shine provides a vegan alternative to commercial bakeries for achieving the ideal glaze for clean label bakery goods. Cargill, a prominent player in the vegan baking ingredients market, signed a fresh agreement with six distribution partners in North America to strengthen its network in the continent. Vegan baking ingredients supplier, Bakels opened a new distribution center in Bicester in 2018. Built with an investment of 10 million, the company plans to use the 80,000 square foot facility to store finished goods as demand for vegan bakery ingredients continues to burgeon. Key players profiled in the vegan baking ingredients market report include Associated British Foods, BASF SE, Kerry, DuPont, Dohler Group, Kerry, and Dawn Food Products. For Further Insights and Segment-Specific Information, Contact a Market Analyst at @ https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=AE&rep_id=3072 About Fact.MR Fact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized market insights reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; that's why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports. Contact Us Fact.MR 11140 Rockville Pike Suite 400 Rockville, MD 20852 United States Email: sales@factmr.com Web: https://www.factmr.com/ New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/22/2019 -- The report by Persistence Market Research (PMR) expects the global wax market to witness sluggish growth. It is also anticipated to register CAGR of 2.9% during the forecast period between 2017 and 2026. The global wax market is also expected to bring in US$ 11,017.7 million revenue towards the end of 2026. There are different types of waxes being used for various applications. For instance, the fossil-based wax is being largely used for making candles, coatings and polishing, and in packaging. Meanwhile, paraffin wax which is derived from various processes of crude oil refining is being used in beauty and cosmetic care industry as it is safe to use. However, the demand for paraffin wax is declining as the demand for bio-based wax is growing, especially in the various countries in Asia-Pacific. The fully refined waxes are also widely used for candle making and as wax coatings for paper, film and foil substrates used in the packaging. The global wax market has also become highly volatile in the recent years owing to the price volatility of crude oil. Increasing Application of Wax in Various Industries to Impact the Market Growth Strengthening economy in the developed nations is supporting the manufacturing sector. Hence, the industrial wax is witnessing a rise in demand for adhesives, inks and coatings, and plastic and rubber processing. Meanwhile, these processing mostly uses cost-effective wax. The wax is expected to witness strong demand in the manufacturing sector and in construction activity. However, owing to the closure of some wax producing plants in North America and Europe is resulting in the decline in the wax market. Meanwhile, the demand for vegetable and synthetic wax has increased. Moreover, it is also becoming inevitable for wax producing companies to shift from petroleum wax to natural vegetable and synthetic wax. These companies are therefore adopting innovative technologies in their production facilities. Request For Sample : https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/20479 Global Wax Market: Segment-Wise Analysis The global wax market is segmented into the industry, application, product type, and region. Based on the product type, paraffin wax is expected to emerge as the largest product in the market. By the end of 2026, paraffin wax is estimated to surpass US$ 3,700 million revenue. Based on the industry, plastic & rubber industry is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period 2017-2026. By the end of 2026, plastic & rubber industry is estimated to bring in more than US$ 2,400 million revenue. Based on the application, the global wax market is segmented into rheology/surface applications, candles, polish, rubber, cosmetics, hot-melt adhesive, soap wax, and other. Among these, candles are expected to emerge as the largest application segment in the wax market. Candles are estimated to create an incremental opportunity of more than US$ 900 million between 2017 and 2026. Geographically, the global wax market is segmented into Latin America, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). Among these, APEJ is expected to emerge as the most attractive market in the global wax market during the forecast period 2017-2026. Global Wax Market: Competitive Analysis The report provides a detailed profile of various companies operating in the global wax market. Some of the leading players in the market are Exxon Mobil Corporation, Royal Dutch Shell plc., BP plc., Akzo Nobel NV, The Lubrizol Corporation, Honeywell International Inc., Cargill, Inc., Archer Daniels Midland Company, BASF SE, and Evonik Industries AG. The leading players are entering into a partnership and merger and acquisition to expand their reach and improve market share. Request For TOC : https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/methodology/20479 The face of a 4,000-year-old dog has been brought back to life by a team of researchers and forensic artists. In 1901, archaeologists found the 4,000-year-old remains of at least 24 dogs in Cuween Hill chambered cairn on Orkney, off the northern coast of Scotland. Now, a team of scientists at Edinburgh Universitys Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies has CT-scanned one of the Cuween Hill canine skulls. This enabled the researchers to make a 3D print, which was in turn used by forensic artist Amy Thornton to create a realistic model of the dogs head, building up muscle, skin and hair in the same way she would approach a human head. The size of a large collie, and with features reminiscent of that of a European grey wolf, the Cuween dog has much to tell us, not only about ceremonial practices and the symbolic significance of the dog in Late Neolithic Orkney but also about the appearance of domestic dogs in the third millennium BC, said Dr. Alison Sheridan, Principal Archaeological Research Curator in the Department of Scottish History and Archaeology at National Museums Scotland. Just as theyre treasured pets today, dogs clearly had an important place in Neolithic Orkney, as they were kept and trained as pets and guards and perhaps used by farmers to help tend sheep, said Dr. Steve Farrar, Interpretation Manager at Historic Environment Scotland. But the remains discovered at Cuween Hill suggest that dogs had a particularly special significance for the farmers who lived around and used the tomb about 4,500 years ago. Maybe dogs were their symbol or totem, perhaps they thought of themselves as the dog people. While reconstructions have previously been made of people from the Neolithic era, we do not know of any previous attempt to forensically reconstruct an animal from this time. Looking at this dog helps us better relate to the people who cared for and venerated these animals, people whose ingenuity and sophistication made Orkney such an important place in the Neolithic and who have left us with such a rich legacy of monuments today. This reconstruction has been a particularly interesting project to be involved in, as it marks the first time Ive employed forensic methods that would usually be used for a human facial reconstruction and applied these to an animal skull, said Thornton, who trained in facial reconstruction methods while undertaking an MSc in Forensic Art at the University of Dundee. This brought its own set of challenges, as there is much less existing data relating to average tissue depths in canine skulls compared to humans. The reconstruction was originally created in clay using traditional methods, with a 3D print of the Cuween Hill skull as the base to build the anatomy on to. The completed sculpture was then cast in silicone and finished with the fur coat resembling a European grey wolf, as advised by experts. The resulting model gives us a fascinating glimpse at this ancient animal. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met on Monday Speaker of the Cypriot parliament Demetris Syllouris. Welcoming the speaker, El-Sisi underscored the deeply rooted ties between both friendly nations, asserting Egypt's keenness to bolster these ties at various levels, Presidential Spokesman Bassam Radi said. El-Sisi also commended constant coordination and consultation with President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades to explore means of furthering bilateral as well as trilateral cooperation among Egypt, Cyprus and Greece, which sets a model for constructive cooperation across the Eastern Mediterranean. Syllouris conveyed the Cypriot president's greetings to President Sisi, voicing pleasure for his current visit to Cairo at the invitation of House Speaker Ali Abdel Aal. Hailing the recent development in the bilateral ties, Syllouris also stressed his country's commitment to fostering them. The meeting took up aspects of cooperation as well as the results of first-ever formal meeting between the parliament speakers of Cyprus, Greece and Egypt, which took place in Cyprus in February with a view to deepening trilateral relations, the spokesman added. The two sides also exchanged views on the latest developments on several regional issues. House Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal attended the meeting. Search Keywords: Short link: Sudans ruling Transitional Military Council (TMC) warned on Monday against protesters blocking roads and limiting the movement of citizens as protests continued after president Omar al-Bashir was forced from power. The TMC also said it was unacceptable that some young people were exercising the role of the police and security services, in violation of the law, a reference to youths who have been searching protesters taking part in a sit-in outside the Defense Ministry. The TMC and the opposition have traded threats since Sunday, with the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), the main organizer of the protests, saying it would suspend talks with the Council. We have decided to opt for escalation with the military council, not to recognize its legitimacy and to continue the sit-in and escalate the protests on the streets, Mohamed al-Amin Abdel-Aziz of the SPA told crowds outside the Defense Ministry on Sunday. The protesters have kept up the sit-in outside the Ministry since Bashir was removed by the military on April 11 and have demonstrated in large numbers in recent days, pressing for a rapid handover to civilian rule. TMC head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan told state TV on Sunday that the formation of a joint military-civilian council, one of the activists demands, was being considered. The issue has been put forward for discussion and a vision has yet to be reached, he said. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates said on Sunday they had agreed to send Sudan $3 billion worth of aid, throwing a lifeline to the countrys new military leaders. Search Keywords: Short link: Speaking at Keppel Corp's first quarter results announcement on Thursday ceo Loh Chin Hua said that Sete Brasil had recently called a tender on two semi-submersible rig under construction at BrasFELS in Brazil, as well as two drillships being built by Sembmarine for the Brazilian owner. A bid has been submitted by Magni Partners, owned by Tor Olav Troim chairman of Borr Drilling, for all four rigs and Keppel has also submitted a bid for the two rigs that were being built at BrasFELS. Asked why it is bidding for its own rigs Loh said: "The bid reflects our confidence in the Brazil market. Moreover, the rigs come with a long-term charter, 10 years, at a charter rate of $299,000 per day. So we see that as an opportunistic bid and also a show of our confidence" If Magni Parnters emerges as the winning bidder he said, We have discussed with Magni Partners on the cost of completing the rigs if they win the bid." A decision on the award of the tender will be announced at a later date by Sete Brasil, after they have evaluated the bids. Read more: Keppel stops work on $4.9bn Sete Brasil rig orders, takes $160m provision Magni Partners is an investment and own of two vehicles through which Troim owns his holdings in Borr Drilling. Since its founding in 2016 Borr Drilling has expanded rapidly in the rig owning market through the purchase of distressed assets including newbuildings ordered at Keppel. Sete Brasil ordered six semi-submersible drilling rigs from Keppel, but progress payments stopped being made in November 2014, and work stopped on them in February the following year. In July 2014 Keppel said the first three of the SSTM 38E designed semi-submersibles drilling rigs was 90%, 63% and 36% completed, respectively. The first two rigs were being built in Keppels Brazilian yard Keppel BrasFELS. Read more: Sembmarine slumps into the red hit by provisions including for Sete Brasil orders Keppel had received $1.3bn from Sete Brasil before payments stopped in November 2014. Sete Brasil also had seven drillships on order from Keppel's compatriot builder Sembmarine and payments similarly stopped in November 2014. Four of the seven drillships were between 90% and 50% complete. The rigs orders formed a very substantial part of the orderbooks of Keppel and Sembmarine and were worth $4.9bn and $4.8bn respectively. Villar urges farmers to be climate-smart To beat the effects of El Nino and the changing climate, Re-electionist Senator Cynthia Villar urged farmers to be climate-smart. "Our farmers will have better chances of beating El Nino and the effects of climate change if they are educated on the actions to be taken in order to avoid agricultural losses," Villar said. Villar, chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture and Food, made this statement following a report by the Department of Agriculture saying that the damage to rice and corn crops due to El Nino has reached P5.7 billion. Villar said training programs such as the Climate-Smart Farm Business School are offered by the Agricultural Training Institute and farm schools nationwide to help farmers build resilience in the face of a changing climate. The Nacionalista Party Senator also cited the steps taken by government in order to cushion the agriculture sector from the negative effects of El Nino through the planting of drought-tolerant seeds, cropping calendar adjustment, use of rainwater-harvesting system and cloud seeding. For localities severely affected by El Nino, Villar urged local governments to declare a state of calamity in order to make use of the calamity fund to help farmers cope and recover from the damage. "We need these critical interventions so that our farmers, who are among the most vulnerable groups in climate change, would be guided on what's best to do in terms of managing their farms in the face of this global dilemma," Villar said. Through the Villar Social Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Governance (Villar SIPAG) Farm Schools, the lady senator said she will support the free training of farmers for a climate-smart agriculture. No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks but Sri Lanka's defence minister, Ruwan Wijewardene, said the culprits had been identified and were religious extremists. He said suicide bombers were responsible for the majority of the morning's bombings and that the wave of attacks was the work of a single group. The prime minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, said security services had been "aware of information" of a possible attack up to 10 days ago. "We must also look into why adequate precautions were not taken," he told reporters on Sunday. Twenty-four people have been reported to have been arrested so far. [Content Note: Terrorism; death; injury.]There are a number of major international news items today to which I wanted to direct your attention. The four stories here are obviously not the only significant news from around the world, but these are particularly on my radar today; please feel welcome, as always, to share additional items in comments.1. There was a major terrorist attack in Sri Lanka yesterday, with a series of explosions at churches and hotels, leaving at least 290 people dead and 500 injured. At theHaroon Siddique has an excellent summary of what we know so far I am just so sad and so angry. My condolences those who lost loved ones in the attack. My sympathy to those who were injured. There just aren't adequate words to convey the depth of my grief and rage and compassion and all the other emotions that swirl together after a thing like this happens.There are a number of fundraisers which are being promoted on social media to raise money for survivors of the blasts and/or victims' families. I have not been able to verify the legitimacy of any of them, and I urge you to be patient if you are considering making a donation to a fundraising campaign. It usually takes a couple of days to establish which are the most reliable campaigns.2. Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy has won the presidency in Ukraine's election, the BBC reports: "Zelenskiy has scored a landslide victory in the country's presidential election. With nearly all ballots counted in the run-off vote, Mr Zelenskiy had taken more than 73% with incumbent Petro Poroshenko trailing far behind on 24%. ...Mr Zelenskiy, a political novice, is best known for starring in a satirical television seriesin which his character accidentally becomes Ukrainian president."There are, of course, grave concerns that Zelenskiy will not be able to effectively stand up to Russian aggression, which is a continuing and urgent crisis. Just this past January , the Secretary of Russia's Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, threatened that Ukraine may split apart and lose its statehood, blaming the Ukrainian government in Kiev for that, despite the fact that Russia has put Ukraine under sustained military, technological, infrastructural, and informational attack for years now.Vladimir Putin will almost certainly try to exploit Zelenskiy's inexperience to further undermine Ukraine, as swiftly and devastatingly as possible. I hope that Zelenskiy is up to the task, and fear that he isn't.3. Speaking of Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has announced that Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un are scheduled to meet by the end of this month: "Last week the Kremlin said that Kim Jong Un would travel to Russia this month, announcing the first Russia-North Korea summit since Kim came to power in 2011."4. Eastern Burkina Faso has fallen to militants , reports Ruth Maclean at the"Relative to its Sahelian neighbours, Burkina Faso was until recently considered one of west Africa's more peaceful and moderate countries. But over the past two years the authorities have lost control of large regions to a spreading insurgency. Conflict has escalated dramatically, researchers say. Over the past five months, the civilian death toll has risen by 7,000% compared with the same period last year."What's happening in Burkina Faso is largely because of corrupt government: "The armed groups are painted as 'terrorists,' and it is true they are backed by extremist groups. But in the east, where conflict is rising fastest, the groups are made up of ordinary Burkinabes taking up arms against a 'predatory' government seen as taking land and mineral wealth while offering nothing in return."It's emblematic of the sort of unrest whether expressed at the ballot box or the end of a gun we're seeing around the world right now, in response to unfettered government avarice and the exploitation of average people. The rejection of oppressive corruption simmers everywhere. New Delhi: The implementation of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model in Indian cities will require the investment of $5 billion (around Rs 34,695 crore) per year, a joint report by industry chamber Assocham and British advisory multinational Ernst & Young (EY) said on Sunday. The study titled, "The big 'W' impact: effective urban waste management solutions in India" suggested the need for a comprehensive and forward-looking policy which can accelerate a shift towards a modern and healthy urban living. "We need appropriate policy prescriptions to ensure that waste management should be an important part of the economic cycle," said the report, adding that, besides toilet construction and eliminating open defecation, an increased focus on waste management under the government's Swachh Bharat program will be a value addition. According to the report, since the responsibility to ensure proper service delivery and compliance of standards, remains with the local bodies, there is a need to develop in-house financial and managerial capability to award contracts to the private sector and monitor the services provided. MSWM is a fit case for the PPP model in India as urban local bodies are not financially and technically strong enough to manage solid waste, it said. The collection efficiency in urban areas of the country is poor at 70 per cent, and is still manual in nature, according to the report. It recommended the use of emerging technologies such as blockchain for waste management and sanitation. According to sources, the Committee of Creditors (CoC) has asked Adani Infrastructure and Developers to submit their bid by April 24 as the committee would finalise the best bid on April 30. New Delhi: As the May 6 deadline approaches to resolve the Jaypee Infratech Ltd (JIL) insolvency case, the battle to acquire the debt-laden company has become more intense with NBCC submitting a fresh bid on April 24 and the Adani Group also entering the fray. According to sources, after its previous bid scored less than Suraksha, the other bidder, the NBCC board will meet on April 23 and approve a fresh bid before submitting it to the CoC on April 24. In its letter of intent dated April 15, Adani Infrastructure and Developers requested the CoC to allow it to submit its resolution plan by April 27. The company, too, had earlier submitted a failed resolution plan to acquire Jaypee Infratech. "We continue to be interested in participating in the resolution of the corporate debtor and in implementing a turnaround in its business, in the interest of all stakeholders, including homebuyers," it said. Meanwhile, in a bid to retain the company, JIL's promoters Jayprakash Associates (JAL) on Friday offered to complete the projects in four years if the homebuyers paid their balance due amounts to Jaypee in a lump sum, which offer the latter are unlikely to accept. Jaypee Group Chairman Manoj Gaur apologised to the homebuyers for the delay in completing the homes and offered to infuse Rs 1,500 crore and complete the projects, given homebuyers pay a lump sum amount of around Rs 3,400 crore. "To the homebuyers he is saying, I have got Rs 2,700 crore worth of inventory, which I will sell and collect the money. I am expecting Rs 3,400 crore from homebuyers, Rs 1,175 crore from plot buyers. I will collect all this money and I will infuse the shortfall of 1,500 crore and complete and deliver," Sanjeev Sahani, a JIL homebuyer and member of the homebuyers' association told IANS. "He doesn't realise that homebuyers will not even pay him Rs 10 more, till the flat is ready for possession," he added. Although Jayprakash Associate's resolution bid has not been admitted in the process, but sources said that the lenders have turned in their favour as Gaur has promised there will be "no haircut" in their loan recovery. Sahani said that both consensus and resolution seem unlikely. "Banks are likely to favour JAL and if put to vote in the current situation, homebuyers will go for NBCC," he said. In such a situation, homebuyers say the likelihood is that JIL would go for liquidation, and if that happens, the homebuyers would stop paying their EMIs, take control of their flats and complete them. The realty firm has an outstanding debt of nearly Rs 9,800 crore and over 22,000 of its flats in Noida remain incomplete. The homebuyers are hoping that the lenders arrive at a consensus by April 30 on which company gets the responsibility of handing over the flats. Markets were on a roll last week and gained on two of the three trading days. The benchmark indices also hit new highs on Tuesday and Thursday and saw profit taking on Thursday before a long-extended weekend holiday set in. The undercurrent remains strong and the tussle between the bulls and bears is deeply set in. Nothing is going to end in a jiffy for sure. The BSE SENSEX gained 373.17 points or 0.96 per cent to close the week at 39,140.28 points. NIFTY gained 109.35 points or 0.94 per cent to close at 11,752.80 points. Markets saw the benchmark indices make substantial gains on Thursday and then recede on account of profit-taking. BSE SENSEX touched a new life-time high of 39,487.45 points and then corrected to 39,083.16 points and finally settled at 39,140,28 points. NIFTY hit a life-time high of 11,856.15 points, and then corrected to 11,738.50 points before closing at 11,752.80 points. The week gone by saw two IPOs list on Monday and Tuesday. Monday saw Metropolis Healthcare Ltd make its debut. Shares which were issued at Rs 880 saw the share gain on day one to close at Rs 959.55. They gained further on Tuesday, but lost on Thursday to close at Rs 966.25, a gain of Rs 86.25 or 9.80 per cent. The other share to list was Polycab India Ltd with shares were issued at Rs 538. The share closed for the week at Rs 640.45, a gain of Rs 102.45 or 19.04 per cent. This issue had seen huge response from leveraged HNIs and was subscribed by them 110 times. Their cost of funding was roughly Rs 80-82. The week ahead sees April futures expire on Thursday, April 25. This would be the last expiry before the election results. The action thereafter would shift to May series where the expiry is after May 23 when results would be declared. The current value of NIFTY at 11,752.80 points is higher by 182.80 points or 1.58 per cent which is not very significant considering the volatility and the fact that we are around life-time highs. The bulls would like to build upon the advantage they have and not squander it away. Secondly, the fall or correction on Thursday has triggered an alarm and one would have to be wary of a correction in the coming days. This is not to suggest that the bull run is over. Volatility would continue to rise and one would have a both direction market, hence forward rather than the by and large upward market. Also, one should expect a bigger move forward in the days hence. Jet Airways has probably ended its life in its Silver Jubilee year. Its catch line, the joy of flying, had turned onto a nightmare in the last couple of months. It appears for sure that there was diversion of funds in the last few years of its existence as well-managed airlines do not grind to a halt in this manner. Reliance Industries has issued yet another media briefing about it not having violated any US laws in dealing with Venezuela. Knowing the way Reliance operates, yet another briefing is completely unexpected and one can be reasonably sure that in this case, there can be no smoke without fire. This can be interesting development going forward and should be keenly tracked as the share is a heavy-weight in the benchmark indices. The week ahead would have full five trading days and are likely to see larger moves. Trade cautiously and probably a change in strategy may be better advised instead of the earlier buy on dips and sell on rallies, it may be better to continue to sell on rallies and wait for buying opportunities. (Arun Kejriwal is founder of Kejriwal Research and Investment Services) ABC/Randy HolmesJudah & the Lion will play an intimate show next week as part of the Bud Light Dive Bar Tour, which brings big-name artists to small watering holes across the country. The "Take It All Back" rockers' Dive Bar show will take place April 29 at an undisclosed location in Denver. Stay tuned to BudLight.com/DiveBarTour for more info. Judah & the Lion is currently in the midst of a listening event and storytelling tour ahead of the band's upcoming album, Pep Talks, which features the single "Over My Head." They'll launch a full North American tour behind the record, which is due out May 3, in August. Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Tensions escalated in Sudan on Monday after talks broke down between protesters and the country's military rulers, who called for the reopening of roads blocked by sit-ins established during the uprising that drove President Omar al-Bashir from power. The protesters, who have been rallying outside the military headquarters in Khartoum since April 6, have demanded a swift handover of power to civilians. A military council has ruled since al-Bashir was forced from office on April 11 after nearly four months of mass protests against his 30-year rule. The military council issued a statement Monday calling for the ``immediate opening of the roads and removal of the barricades'' around the sit-in in Khartoum. It asked that other roads, closed by similar protests across the country, also be opened. The Sudanese Professionals Association, which has led the protests, vowed to carry on with their sit-in. The umbrella of professional unions called for a march Tuesday and mass rallies on Thursday, when it plans to announce its own civilian transitional council in a challenge to the military. Large crowds gathered outside the military headquarters overnight, singing and dancing as protest leaders delivered fiery speeches. Qurashi Diefallah, a protester, said the army is ``just an extension of the regime, which stole 30 years from us.'' The organizers on Sunday suspended talks with the military council, saying it had failed to meet their demands for an immediate transfer to a civilian government. Spokesman Mohammed al-Amin Abdel Aziz said the military council ``is delaying its response to our proposals, saying that they are considering proposals from all political forces,'' he said. That has raised fears among the protesters that Islamists and other factions close to al-Bashir, who is now jailed in Khartoum, will have a role in the transition. They fear that could leave much of his regime intact or pave the way for another strongman. The SPA has instead called for a Cabinet of technocrats to run the country's daily affairs. They want a legislative council, in which at least 40 percent of the membership would be women, to draft laws and oversee the Cabinet until a new constitution is written. Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, the head of the military council, said Sunday it would hand over power immediately to a ``civilian government agreed by all political forces.'' Burhan said the council had received ``more than 100 visions'' from various political factions for the future the county, including that of the protest organizers. He said the military would respond to proposals within a week. Those remarks angered the protesters, who saw them as an effort to sideline the SPA by portraying it as one of many political factions. Hani Raslan, an expert on Sudan at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo, said the inclusion of figures once close to al-Bashir in the military council, and its outreach to political parties that had taken part in a national dialogue with al-Bashir, had angered the protesters. ``The protesters say the council, by these actions, is reproducing the old regime,'' he said. ``The council could accelerate some measures against al-Bashir's regime to calm down the situation and get the SPA back to the negotiation table.'' Search Keywords: Short link: Decades before Deepika Padukone chose to play a girl with an acid-scarred face on the big screen, Zeenat Aman and Rekha essayed strong women with disfigured faces in films, a medium where the heroine has typically lent glamour. The instances may be few and far between, but are welcome at a time when creating an inclusive society is the buzzword. With Chhapaak, director Meghna Gulzar - known for her deft handling of sensitive subjects - has given Deepika a chance to raise the bar for her already versatile filmography by playing an acid attack survivor who looks beyond her scars with "immense courage and strength in the face of crippling adversity". For Laxmi Agarwal, whose heart-wrenching story has inspired the film, the fact that a star like Deepika not just chose to act in, but also produce such a story, was overwhelming. "I felt, 'See, they are finding beauty in an acid-burnt face'," Laxmi told IANS of the roaring response that the actress' avatar for the film, got all over social media. Interestingly, last year, the British Film Institute (BFI) had announced it would no longer fund movies featuring villains with facial scars. This was in support of an #IAmNotYourVillain campaign by a charity group on a mission to de-stigmatise facial scars in film and television, since scarring has often been used on villains like "The Joker" and "Darth Vader". Actress Tamannaah Bhatia, ardently called "milky beauty" for her glowing skin, has gone multiple shades darker for two films - Devi 2 and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. "I don't think much of it (the 'milky beauty' tag) except for the fact that it's the love of my fans. But especially in a country like ours where colour is such a big deal, I don't support it. I think it's important to understand that beauty has nothing to do with colour. I spend hours tanning myself with make-up, trying to make myself a different colour," Tamannaah told IANS. The actress, who has worn nerdy spectacles in the Telugu remake of Bollywood film Queen, added: "Beauty is in being the person you are, and being in your skin is most important." While film historian SMM Ausaja may not contest that, he averred that the essential element of a heroine remains beauty. "There have been stray incidents where actresses have played de-glamourised roles, but it can't be taken as a trend, or a breaking the mould kind of scenario. That glamour element will never go away," Ausaja said. Pointing out that Zeenat Aman's Satyam Shivam Sundaram, in which she flaunted a partially disfigured face, was a piece of bold cinema which dealt with a rarely taken subject head-on in the late 1970s, Ausaja said the film didn't do well commercially. "These things discouraged filmmakers from taking the risk of showing the heroine as such," he explained, but said that "cinema is an art form and everyone has the freedom to depict anything that stirs the society". Bhumi Pednekar's Dum Laga Ke Haisha was an impactful telling of the pitfalls of being a plus-size girl. She is one actress who hasn't been afraid of trying de-glam roles in films like Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Sonchiriya and her upcoming Saand Ki Aankh. Take Alia Bhatt's portrayal in Udta Punjab, or Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's role in Sarbjit or Anushka Sharma's part in Sui Dhaaga - Made in India, for instance. Among the men, Ranveer Singh carried a 'brown face' in Gully Boy with pride. Of course, the acceptance to these avatars has come along with the acceptance to differentiated scripts. But it's worth a notice. For actress and former Miss India Neha Dhupia, the current times are interesting to mentor and judge contestants for the annual fbb Colors Femina Miss India contest, because as a concept, beauty itself has undergone such a mature transformation. "My parameter to judge is to find someone who is real, and that's the climate we are living in. Anyone who is real ends up looking beautiful. They should look the way they think, and that's the most beautiful thing about any woman. The current climate is one that is accepting of women or beauty no matter how different they are. "There are different versions of beauty... Not that they weren't there earlier, but the different thing is that they are accepted now across the board," Neha summed it up. Text: IANS Images: Instagram/Twitter Five Algerian billionaires, some of them close to former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika who quit over mass protests, have been arrested as part of an anti-graft investigation, state TV said on Monday. The five are Issad Rebrab, considered the richest businessman in the energy-rich north African nation who is especially active in the food and sugar refining business, and four brothers from the Kouninef family, it said. Rebrab is chairman of the family-owned Cevital company, which imports raw sugar from Brazil and exports white sugar to Tunisia, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East. The Kouninef family is close to Bouteflika, who ruled Algeria for 20 years. Bouteflika stepped down three weeks ago, bowing to pressure from the army and weeks of demonstrations by mainly younger Algerians seeking change. There was no immediate statement from those arrested. The move came after Algerias army chief, Lieutenant General Gaid Salah, said last week he expected members of the ruling elite in the major oil and natural gas-producing country to be prosecuted for corruption. An Algerian court has already summoned former prime minister Ahmed Ouyahia and current Finance Minister Mohamed Loukal, two close associates of Bouteflika, in an investigation into suspected misuse of public money, state TV said on Saturday. Mass protests, which began on Feb. 22 and have been largely peaceful, have continued after Bouteflikas resignation as many want the removal of an entire elite that has governed Algeria since independence from France in 1962. They also want the prosecution of people they see as corrupt. Bouteflika has been replaced by Abdelkader Bensalah, head of the upper house of parliament, as interim president for 90 days until a presidential election is held on July 4. Hundreds of thousands protested on Friday to demand the resignation of Bensalah and other top officials. Bensalah has invited civil society and political parties on Monday to discuss the transition to elections but several parties and activists said they would not participate. The army has so far patiently monitored the mostly peaceful protests that at times have swelled to hundreds of thousands of people. It remains the most powerful institution in Algeria, having swayed politics from the shadows for decades. Salah said on April 16 that the military was considering all options to resolve the political crisis and warned that time is running out. It was a hint that the military was losing patience with the popular upheaval shaking Algeria, a major oil and natural-gas exporter and an important security partner for the West against Islamist militants in north and west Africa. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt expects its borrowing needs to reach 820.7 billion Egyptian pounds ($48 billion) in fiscal 2019/20, a 26 percent increase from the previous year, the draft budget seen by Reuters showed. The draft showed domestic borrowing would increase by 45 percent to 725.2 billion pounds, while foreign borrowing would decline by 36 percent to 95.6 billion. Egypt expects to issue 435.1 billion pounds worth of treasury bills, against 350.8 budgeted for the 2018/2019 fiscal year, a 24 percent increase, the draft showed. It also plans a 93 percent increase in treasury bond issuance to 290.1 billion pounds from 150.3 billion. Egypt also aims to review the general rate of its value-added tax, the draft said, introduced as part of reforms tied to an IMF loan. It will review the list of exemptions in the 2019/20 fiscal year. There is no intention to adjust the general price of the value-added tax in the coming period at all, an official at the Finance Ministry told Reuters on Monday. The matter will be studied in the coming months and year. There is no specific vision or intention to adjust at the moment, the official added. The document also said Egypt aims to issue its first green bonds in the 2019/20 fiscal year to finance environment-friendly projects. It further aims to raise tax revenue to 865.5 billion pounds from 759.6 billion, a 13 percent increase, the document showed. Search Keywords: Short link: With Egypt being the 2019 chairman of the African Union, quarterly periodical 'International Relations' (Al-Siyassa Al-Dawlya) by Al-Ahram tackled the long-neglected issue of Egyptian-African relations from various angles under the title It is Africas time. On the economic side, a sustainable development plan was formulated and a specific action plan was suggested to the political leadership to follow up on. The main axes suggested using work via the Red Sea, Horn of Africa countries and Nile Basin countries, as well as the activation of collective work mechanisms with East African countries, as a model to be replicated in other parts of the continent if they are successful. Another innovative aspect that was researched is Egyptian soft power and how it could be used to maintain security and peace in Africa. Away from the Coptic Church and Al-Azhar University and their historical relations with the various religious institutions in different parts of the continent, the African cultural identity needs to become a priority in the collective efforts of the continents countries. The globalisation and the technological development that has reached the continent combined with the weak infrastructure of its media organisations which are still under governmental control has put the African culture at a disadvantage against Western media in particular. Allowing the different cultures to express themselves freely through various venues, strengthening the venues and highlighting the particularity of the African regions shall be adopted through the exchange of cultural weeks. Egyptian venues will be supported in English and French to reach a bigger African audience (longer hours of broadcasting, diversified programmes) and collaboration will take place to reduce the technological gap between African countries. Another equally important matter studied in the issue is the 40th anniversary of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, which did not get enough coverage in the media. On 26 March 1979, the treaty was signed in Washington DC between the long-time enemies under the patronage of the United States. The belief at the time was that it was a fragile treaty that would not hold up against the waves of opposition within both countries and in the region in general. The Egyptian leadership was able to contain the Israeli provocations and war crimes committed in 1982 in Sabra and Shatila using political tools such as withdrawing the ambassador after the massacre, as well as using direct political communication on the highest levels when crisis occurred here or there and cooperating on the security front to fight and contain terrorism. Playing the role of the middleman between the Israeli and the Palestinian authorities and Hamas is another factor that kept a stable relationship between Egypt and Israel. The result of a 40-year peace between the two countries led to retrieving all of Egypt's land in Sinai and maintaining a solid political relationship with a neighbouring country while insisting that the Palestinian problem is the main obstacle to a long-lasting peace in the region and that no one speaks for the Palestinians but their own leadership. With the right wing in power in Israel trying to get out of the two-state solution, the political responsibility of the Egyptian leadership becomes greater to try to reach the lasting peace that was the original vision of President Anwar El-Sadat when he signed the treaty 40 years ago. The cold peace, as it is described by many political analysts in both countries over the years, has averted war between Egypt and Israel for at least two generations, and is therefore an impressive peace. Search Keywords: Short link: ABC News(NEW YORK) -- Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts announced he's mounting a bid for president in 2020, expanding the Democratic field to 19 candidates. "I'm here to tell you and to tell America that I'm running for president of the United States," Moulton told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America Monday. During his campaign, Moulton said he plans to "talk about patriotism, about security, about service. These are issues Democrats too long have ceded to Republicans." Moulton, a former Marine and an outspoken critic of his own party, was elected to the House in 2013 and has served three terms. At 40, he's the second-youngest candidate, three years older than Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, whom Moulton has described as a friend and fellow veteran. He's also the third candidate who represents Massachusetts, joining fellow Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Gov. Bill Weld, the first Republican to challenge President Donald Trump ahead of the primaries. Moulton enters the race with a moderate voting record, currently representing the heavily blue district north of Boston, and was most recently ranked as the 65th-most-bipartisan member of the U.S. House of Representatives by The Lugar Center and Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy. The former Marine routinely expresses support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage. During his time in Congress, he's also been a loud advocate for banning semi-automatic assault weapons. "There's simply no reason for a civilian to own a military-style assault weapon," Moulton wrote in an editorial for the New York Daily News in 2016. "It's no different than why we outlaw civilian ownership of rockets and landmines." Moulton is one of many Democrats from Capitol Hill to join the race, including potential front-runners like Warren, Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California -- not to mention other Democrats who don't currently hold office in Washington but are making a splash, like Buttigieg and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke. Though he joins an ever-growing pack of Democratic candidates, many of whom have more Washington experience and star power, Moulton has set himself apart from his party before. In 2018, he was part of the small minority of Democrats who voted against Nancy Pelosi returning to the speaker's chair. At the time, he explained his decision with an echo of his original campaign pitch from when he first ran for Congress in 2013: Washington needs new leadership. "The American people sent a very clear message in the election last week, that they want new approaches to politics and new leaders in Washington," Moulton said in an interview MSNBC just after the midterms. "If we answer that call for new leadership by reinstalling the same status quo, establishment leadership that we've had in this party since 2006, then we're letting down the American people." Pelosi eventually secured his vote after she pledged to limit her speakership to two terms, but some saw his objection as a sign of ageism or sexism. Moulton is no stranger to bucking party leadership. It's how he started his career. When Moulton first entered the race to represent his Massachusetts district, he challenged an 18-year incumbent Democrat. Immediately, Moulton said, he received sharp criticism from the Democratic Party, which warned him about running against a longstanding elected official. He continued to run, a bold move he said he owes to the training he received as a Marine. "They said you're going to lose, and by the way, you'll never run for anything again because you don't challenge the establishment," Moulton said in an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers in 2018. "Fundamentally, what they were saying to me as a veteran is, 'Do not participate in the democracy you risked your life to defend.' And that's wrong," Moulton said. Through his Super PAC, Moulton endorsed veteran candidates in 28 states ahead of the midterm election that saw 21 seats flipped. Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. BEIJING, Apr. 22 (ChinaMil) --- Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe met on Sunday with Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, Chief of the Naval Staff of Pakistan, in Beijing. Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi visits China to participate in the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. During the meeting, General Wei said that thanks to the support and guidance of leaders of both countries, the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership has maintained a high-level operation. China-Pakistan defense and security cooperation is a key pillar for bilateral relations, and over the years, Chinese and Pakistani militaries have witnessed frequent high-level interactions, realizing remarkable cooperative achievements in various fields, he added. Wei stressed that the Chinese military is willing to constantly deepen pragmatic cooperation with its Pakistani counterpart in areas like high-level exchange of visits, joint military drills and trainings, military equipment and technology, and counterterrorism, thus making positive contributions to the development of relations between the two countries and their militaries, especially the relationship between the two naval forces. Abbasi noted that Pakistan values its traditional friendship with China very much, and is grateful for Chinas support and help. He added that Pakistan military is willing to further strengthen high-level interactions and strategic communication, continually enhance cooperations with the Chinese military in combating terrorism, maintaining security for the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and other realms, and actively push forward the development of relationship between the two countries and their militaries. PLA Navys Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Zhang Wendan and others also attended the meeting. QINGDAO, April 22 (ChinaMil) -- The port city of Qingdao, east Chinas Shandong Province will hold the upcoming multi-national naval fleet review to mark the PLA Navys 70th anniversary on April 23, 2019. Same as 10 years ago, the sea and air space in the vicinity of Qingdao will once again become the venue for the grand maritime parade. Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, director of the PLA Navys Expert Consultation Committee, said that Qingdao is the optimal choice for hosting a large-scale international military fleet review in terms of port conditions, naval culture and urban openness, etc. Qingdao is blessed with good port conditions, added Yin. It is suitable for the berthing of submarines and large surface ships. Furthermore, Qingdao is the location of the navy headquarters of the PLA Northern Theater Command, which facilitates the organization of activities and the staging of naval ships and aircraft. Historically, Qingdao has been closely related to the development of the PLA Navy, as multiple naval units have been born and grown here. PLA Navys first aviation school was established in Qingdao in early 1950. Soon after, the first naval anti-aircraft artillery unit and gun artillery regiment were established there too. Two years later, the PLA Navy began to build its first submarine base in Qingdao. In June 1954, the first submarine force of the PLA Navy was established in Qingdao. The people of the port city always retained a close tie and strong feelings with the Navy, who undoubtedly will fully support the hosting of the maritime celebration activities. Yin added that Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city with a buzzing and cosmopolitan atmosphere, making it easier to arrange activities on the shore for international fleets. He also believes that foreign military officers and soldiers will appreciate the enthusiasm and charm of Qingdao while taking part in the celebration activities. The Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov (Hull 454), also known as Project 22350, arrives at Wharf Dagang in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province on April 21, 2019. A total of 16 naval vessels from 11 countries arrived at Qingdao to join the upcoming multi-national Chinese maritime parade and other activities in celebration of the 70th founding anniversary of PLA Navy. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Dong Zhaohui) BEIJING, Apr. 22 (ChinaMil) -- 16 naval ships from 11 countries including Indias indigenous stealth destroyer INS Kolkata arrived at the Port of Qingdao on April 21 for the naval activities marking the PLA Navys 70th anniversary two days later. The rise of the Chinese navy has been a hot topic of discussion internationally in recent years. And this time, the grand multinational naval activity has naturally attracted enormous global attention. Citing Russian military expert Vasily Kashin, Russias news agency Sputnik reported that the progress made by the Chinese navy is beyond imagination. The military parade will be a major event in the history of Chinas military development, providing an opportunity for the world to better understand the Chinese navy. The National Interest magazine of the US said that the construction of the domestically-made aircraft carriers is a milestone in Chinese navys rapid rise. The Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger recently reported that the US can no longer rule the Pacific Ocean without any restrictions. However, its strength is still far ahead, with 11 aircraft carriers and more than 3,700 aircraft in the Navy. Chinese military expert Li Jie said on April 21 that China has made improvements in large and medium-sized warships and submarines. The integration and equalization capabilities are also increasing. However, there are inadequacies in areas such as informationization and systemization. China still lags the US in terms of actual combat capabilities. QINGDAO, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Seven decades after its founding, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has developed into a strategic force consisting of five services and with both nuclear and conventional weapons, playing an important role in safeguarding world peace. On Tuesday, China will hold a grand naval parade in the port city of Qingdao and its nearby sea areas and airspace, displaying 32 Chinese vessels and 39 warplanes, including the country's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and latest nuclear submarines, destroyers and fighter jets. Nearly 20 foreign vessels from around a dozen countries, including Russia, Australia and India, will also take part in the parade. BUILDING A WORLD-CLASS NAVY Over the century before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, world powers made some 470 invasions into China via the sea. In the 1950s, Mao Zedong gave the important instruction of building a strong navy step-by-step, laying the foundation for decades of rapid development of the naval force. The development of the navy gained new momentum with the initiation of China's reform and opening-up. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that strengthening China's maritime defense was a "priority vital to the fate of the country and its people." In the 1990s, as the PLA Navy strove to enhance its modernization capabilities, its development entered a new phase. In 1995, Jiang Zemin called for prioritized efforts to build the navy and accelerate its modernization drive. In 2006, Hu Jintao stressed the building of a strong navy force in accordance with the missions of the PLA in the new century and at the new historical stage. As socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era, Chinese President Xi Jinping laid out plans for the navy's development, opening a new chapter of building a world-class navy. On Dec. 8, 2012, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, boarded a navy destroyer, the Haikou, in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, for a four-hour inspection voyage. It was his first visit to a PLA force outside Beijing after the 18th National Congress of the CPC. On April 9, 2013, Xi encouraged a female Uyghur officer to make her own contributions to the defense of the country during an inspection to the navy stationed in southern Chinese city of Sanya. On Aug. 28, 2013, Xi boarded the Liaoning during a visit to a training base of the navy and urged officers and soldiers to make contributions to building a strong navy. On May 24, 2017, during an inspection to the PLA Navy headquarters, Xi called for efforts to build the PLA Navy into a strong and modern force to lend support for the realization of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation and the dream of a strong army. On April 12, 2018, Xi called for the building of a world-class navy in a navy review in the South China Sea, the largest of its kind since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. On June 11, 2018, Xi stressed building an elite maritime force during an inspection to the navy under the Northern Theater Command of the PLA. During the past 70 years, the navy has also made great strides in the development of military equipment, with the launch of the first home-made aircraft carrier and the mass deliveries of carrier-based J-15 fighter jets. The navy has also completed the mass upgrading of its fighter jets, early warning aircraft, anti-submarine patrol aircraft, as well as the deployment of new missiles and torpedoes. PROMOTING INT'L COOPERATION FOR PEACE, SECURITY On April 4, 2019, a PLA Navy fleet set sail from a port in east China's Zhoushan for the navy's 32nd escort mission in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off the Somali coast. The blue seawaters have served as a witness to the navy's voyages outbound and across the globe. In 1980, the navy dispatched a fleet out of Chinese territorial waters for the first time. It made its first overseas visit and first global voyage in 1985 and 2002, respectively. In 2008, the first Chinese naval fleet charged with an escort mission arrived in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia to escort Chinese and foreign ships. In 2009, China held its first multinational naval events to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. Xi has proposed building a community with a shared future for humanity, calling for efforts to exercise the concept in maritime space and to foster new thinking on common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. On Feb. 6, 2014, during a visit to Russia, Xi, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, made video calls with commanding officers of the Chinese and Russian navy vessels that were jointly escorting the shipments of Syrian chemical weapons set to be destroyed, encouraging them to complete the UN mandated mission and work together to safeguard international and regional security. After civil war broke out in Yemen in the spring of 2015, Xi decisively ordered the Chinese fleet that was conducting the Chinese navy's 19th escort mission in the Gulf of Aden to help evacuate Chinese nationals from the war-torn country. The fleet managed to evacuate 621 Chinese citizens as well as 276 people of 15 other countries out of Yemen. In November 2017, Xi inspected via video a support base in Djibouti, the PLA's first overseas support base, encouraging troops stationed there to help promote international and regional peace and stability. Having participated in the Gulf of Aden escort missions, the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the global circumnavigation of the 152 Naval Fleet, among other missions, the PLA Navy has become an important force of safeguarding world peace and promoting win-win cooperation. Since 2008, the PLA Navy has sent 32 escort fleets, 103 vessels, 69 helicopters, and more than 27,000 officers and soldiers to escort over 6,600 vessels, more than a half of which were foreign ships. As of April 2019, the PLA Navy has paid over 100 visits to 138 ports of 94 countries and has participated in more than 60 joint military drills with foreign navies. Since 2010, the naval hospital ship Peace Ark has traveled to 43 countries and regions and provided free medical services to over 230,000 people. Man at Work/iStock(WASHINGTON) -- A cast of Russia-linked figures caught up in special counsel's probe have begun emerging out from under a veil of suspicion now that Robert Mueller has delivered his verdict that there was no incontrovertible proof of collusion. For the first time in more than a year, for instance, a Maltese academic who told then-Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos about the Russians possessing "dirt" on Hillary Clinton has reportedly been spotted in public. Mueller's prosecutors described in the report released on Thursday how Joseph Mifsud tried to broker meetings between Papadopoulos and Russians. It also reported that Mifsud had interactions with a former Russian troll factory employee and contacts linked to the Russian military unit accused of hacking into Clinton's campaign and the Democratic Party's emails. On Thursday evening, Papadopoulos' wife Simona Papadopoulos tweeted out an Italian news article that reported that the formerly London-based professor, who apparently disappeared from public view early last year, had been "hiding in Rome" for a seven-month stretch in an apartment paid for by a university where Mifsud had taught a course in political science. Mifsud's profile on the school's website was taken down in January 2018 and Mifsud hasn't been seen at the university in some time, according to a BuzzFeed News report. There was even an unconfirmed report this past year which surfaced in a Democratic Party lawsuit -- that Mifsud had may have died. At the time, a man identifying himself as the professors lawyer told ABC News and others that the report was nonsense. Another mystery man who has resurfaced with the conclusion of the Mueller probe is Belarusan-American businessman Sergei Millian. He has been identified by news reports, and later corroborated by sources interviewed by ABC News, as an unwitting source of the some information contained in infamous dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele for Washington-based research firm Fusion GPS. Millian has long denied this claim. A naturalized U.S. citizen, Millian became active in supporting the Trump campaign while still promoting his nonprofit group, called the Russian American Chamber of Commerce. But as figures central to the investigation, including Papadopoulos and Trump's former longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen, began describing interactions with him, he largely disappeared from public sight. Congressional investigators last year tried for months to serve him a subpoena to testify, but their process servers could not find him. Several people who knew Millian told ABC News he had vanished. A July 2016 interview with ABC News is his only appearance on U.S. television. The Mueller report indicated that Millian in August 2016 sent a Facebook message to Papadopoulos offering to share with him "a disruptive technology that might be instrumental in your political work for the campaign." Papadopoulos claimed to have no recollection of the matter, according to the report. Mueller's prosecutors went on to say that their team was "not fully able to explore the contact" Millian had with various figures in Trumps orbit because he remained out of their grasp. Nonetheless, Millian on Thursday tweeted that he is "feeling totally exonerated by the recent report," and urged public officials to "find the truth" about Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson. Millian has tweeted several Mueller probe-related comments over the weekend, celebrating "truth coming to light" and calling his experience over the last three years an "unprecedented smear campaign." Not all of the figures described in the Mueller report have maintained quite such a low profile. Washington-based Russian expert Dimitri Simes, who appears to have had influence on Jared Kushner's foreign policy platform, based on the Mueller report, has made occasional appearances during the past two years though more frequently in Russian media outlets. The Mueller report says that during the 2016 campaign, Simes, who heads a think tank called the Center for the National Interest, prepared a "Russia Policy Memo" for Kushner. In it, Simes described "a well-documented story of highly-questionable connections between Bill Clinton" and the Russian government. The memo was forwarded to senior Trump campaign officials, including then-Trump campaign Paul Manafort and deputy chairman Rick Gates. Mueller's prosecutors described Simes in the report as personally having "many contacts with current and former Russian government officials," and cited his think tank's own description of itself as having "unparalleled access to Russian officials and politicians among Washington think tanks." According to the report, the center grew out of an organization founded by former President Richard Nixon. According to the report, however, Simes had also previously advised Kushner that it was "bad optics" for the campaign to develop "hidden Russian contacts," and told Kushner to not "highlight Russia as an issue" and to handle any Russian contacts with care, according to the report. The report also revealed that after the 2016 election, Simes was contacted by an associate working for Petr Aven, the head of Russia's biggest bank -- Alfa Bank -- to establish direct communication between the Trump administration and the Russian government. The report said he declined, saying he did not want to be seen as an intermediary between Trump world and Kremlin. Rinat Akhmetshin, a well-known Russian-focused lobbyist in Washington, D.C., attended the infamous June 2016 meeting at the Trump Tower. He said recently he was "happy and relieved" the investigation was winding down after nearly two years. "It hit me hard financially and led to baseless personal attacks," Rinat Akhmetshin told ABC News in a statement, saying that the process took a "heavy toll on me and my family." "As a result," Akhmetshin added, "my ability to earn a living has been impaired, my professional standing has been undermined and my personal relationships have suffered." Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. PYONGYANG, April 22 (Xinhua) -- An art delegation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army visited the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from Wednesday to Monday and gave performances to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Among the audience were generals and officers of the Korean People's Army including Ri Du Song and Kim Hyong Ryong, officials and artists, according to a report by DPRK's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). The two other churches to suffer the attacks were in Negombo, a Catholic majority town just north of Colombo and in the eastern district of Batticaloa. The capital Colombo, where three major hotels and one church were targeted, bore the brunt of the mayhem. Ambulances wailed through its streets and hundreds turned out to donate blood as the injured were rushed to hospital. Thousands of police were posted in the streets while the army stood guard outside state buildings. The blasts shocked the island nation that has been relatively peaceful since a bloody civil war ended 10 years ago. Seven people have been arrested in connection with the attacks for which no one has claimed responsibility. The first six blasts that began around 8:45 a.m. local time were coordinated and claimed most of the fatalities while two smaller blasts took place several hours later. The targets of the bombings were Catholic worshippers attending Easter prayers at churches in three cities and tourists. In the deadliest violence in Sri Lanka in a decade, multiple explosions ripped through churches and luxury hotels on Easter Sunday leaving more than 200 dead and more than 400 others wounded. The gothic-style St. Sebastian's church in Negombo appeared to have taken the worst hit. Photos posted on Facebook by church authorities, who issued appeals for help in the aftermath of the bombing, showed a shattered roof, blood-stained pews and bodies on the floor. Witnesses said they saw smoke billowing out of the targeted churches. The blasts in the afternoon took place at a small hotel close to the national zoo near Colombo and another at a house in the capital city. Around 30 foreigners, including American and British citizens were among those dead and injured in the attacks. Lying in the Indian ocean on India's southern tip, Sri Lanka's sandy, tropical beaches are a popular tourist destination in South Asia. The hotels hit were the Shangri La, Cinnamon Grand and Kingsbury Hotel. "Horrible scenes, I saw many body parts strewn all over," said senior minister, Harsh de Silva after visiting a church and a hotel in Colombo. Police say they are investigating whether suicide bombers are involved in the attacks. Authorities ordered a night time curfew and blocked access to major social media and messaging sites including Facebook and WhatsApp in a bid to stem the flow "misinformation and rumours." Schools have been shut until Tuesday and police advised people to stay indoors. As rumors about the possibility of more attacks spread rapidly in a bewildered nation, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe appealed to people to stay "united and strong." Condemning the "cowardly" attacks, he said on a Twitter post, "Please avoid propagating unverified reports and speculation. The government is taking immediate steps to contain this situation." Defense Minister Ruwan Wijewardena blamed extremists for what he called the "unfortunate terrorist incident." Statements of condemnation came in from top officials. Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera said the blasts appeared to be a "well-co-ordinated attempt to create murder, mayhem and anarchy." President Maithripala Sirisena said he has ordered the police special task force and military to investigate who was behind the attacks and their agenda. Christians make up about seven and a half percent of the mostly Buddhist nation of 21 million. Sri Lanka witnessed nearly a quarter century of violence, bombings and terror attacks that often hit high profile targets during a bloody civil war led by Tamil guerrillas for an independent homeland for the ethnic community, but the insurgency was crushed in 2009. Since then the tiny country has witnessed some political instability and sporadic incidents religious and ethnic violence, but no violence of the kind that shattered its calm on Sunday. Christian groups have said they face increasing intimidation from hardline Buddhist monks in recent years. However such harassment is on a relatively minor level, says Jehan Perera who heads the National Peace Council in Colombo. Pointing out that churches were hit, he asks "Who would target Catholics? There has been anti-Christian sentiment but on a very small scale with regard to conversions that are happening in different localities but not to the extent that people would be killed. Sometimes there were stones thrown, sometimes a pastor were chased away, but not massive blood letting." Condemnation of the deadly bombings poured in from leaders across the world including U.S. President Donald Trump. The head of Sri Lanka's biggest neighbor, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said "there is no place for such barbarism in our region." Pope Francis condemned the attacks during his Easter Sunday address in Rome and offered condolences to "the victims of such cruel violence." In an interview to a local television network, Colombo's Archbishop, Malcolm Ranjith called on people to remain calm. He has also asked authorities conduct an impartial, strong inquiry and to punish those responsible "mercilessly." A U.S. spy plane was scrambled over the Seoul metropolitan area after North Korea tested what it said was a new tactical guided weapon last week. A South Korean military officer on Sunday said the RC-135W Rivet Joint has seldom flown over the Seoul area but normally stuck to the West Sea and nearby areas. The last time it was scrambled over Seoul was when the North conducted a series of missile tests in 2017. Over two days, the RC-135W Rivet Joint covered an area from Seongnam in Gyeonggi Province and Incheon to Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, south of the no-fly zone set up under a cross-border military agreement signed in September last year. The plane chiefly captures remote signals generated when a ballistic missile is fired. The new weapon the North fired last Wednesday is thought to have been a short-range missile. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is expected to leave Pyongyang by train on Tuesday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok. The summit will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, probably at Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island off Vladivostok. Kim's head of protocol Kim Chang-son inspected the university last week. The 700-km train journey from Pyongyang to Vladivostok takes about 10-15 hours. The North's official Korean Central News Agency on Friday said that Kim wrote a letter to Putin on April 18 in reply to a letter from April 12 congratulating him on his reelection as chairman of the State Affairs Commission, the country's highest decision-making body. "I am willing to cooperate closely with you to defend peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and in the world," KCNA quoted Kim as saying. Kim is desperate for support from Russia after an abortive summit with U.S. President Donald Trump in February failed to ease international sanctions. Police in Los Angeles last Thursday arrested a Korean-American ex-Marine named Christopher Ahn for his suspected involvement in a daredevil raid on the North Korean Embassy in Madrid in February. Officers also raided the home of Adrian Hong Chang, who has been identified as the leader of the raid, but he was out. This is the first arrest in connection with the raid. The U.S. government has distanced itself from the incident and denied any responsibility, though the shadowy guerrilla group called Free Joseon that carried it out said it handed over materials it took from the embassy to the FBI. The group later complained of "betrayal" from the FBI for leaking its involvement. Lee Wolosky, an attorney for Free Joseon, said the group was "dismayed" by the arrests. Ahn is a U.S. citizen, while Hong holds a Mexican passport and a U.S. residency permit. Wolosky told the Chosun Ilbo on Sunday that he believes U.S. law enforcement officials were tracking other Free Joseon members. Ahn was arraigned in a Los Angeles federal court last Friday. Wolosky said Ahn played a pivotal role in rescuing Kim Han-sol, the son of Kim Jong-un's half-brother Kim Jong-nam who was assassinated by North Korean agents in Kuala Lumpur. His name was not included on a list of suspects drawn up by a Spanish court after the embassy raid. But AP reported that Ahn's name surfaced later in the investigation and Spanish authorities issued an international arrest warrant for him and another man named Sam Ryu late last month. The warrant gave the U.S. little choice but to make the arrest. It is a setback for Free Joseon, which seems to have been enjoying a degree of impunity in its campaigns against the North Korean regime, and could end up revealing the names of other members during proceedings. Nam Joo-hong at Kyonggi University said, "The U.S. appears to be sending a message to Spain that it respects the laws of its allies and to North Korea that it has nothing to do with Free Joseon and wishes to continue dialogue." U.S. President Donald Trump gave his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in a message for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un when the two presidents met in Washington on April 11, Cheong Wa Dae said Sunday. A Cheong Wa Dae official responded to a CNN report about the message by saying, "I believe the message will be delivered if a fourth inter-Korean summit takes place." Trump asked Moon during their summit to give him South Korea's assessment of North Korea's position on any denuclearization road map as soon as possible. A Cheong Wa Dae spokesman was cagey about what the message contains, saying only, "All relevant information including the results of the latest Washington summit will be shared" by the two Koreas. A ruling-party official said, "Even if Trump's message is delivered, it won't be easy to reach agreement unless the North shifts its position. The gap in opinions between the U.S. and North Korea is just too wide." The United States is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information that disrupts the finances of Lebanon's Hezbollah militant organization. The U.S. State Department announced the award Monday, saying it would be paid to those who give information about major Hezbollah donors and financiers as well as businesses that support the organization and banks that facilitate the group's transactions. The payments will be made by the State Department's Rewards for Justice program, which until now has focused on offering cash rewards for information that leads to the capture of wanted terrorists. As if Boeings pasting in the public eye over the 737 MAX wasnt enough, reports are surfacing that the company could be cutting corners at its Charleston, South Carolina, plant that builds the 787 Dreamliner. According to an exhaustive report in The New York Times, Boeing management has been accused by former and current employees at the plant of overlooking manufacturing issues to speed production and drive efficiencies. The Times reviewed hundreds of pages of internal emails, corporate documents and federal records, as well as [conducted] interviews with more than a dozen current and former employees that reveals a culture that often valued production speed over quality. Over the weekend, Brad Zaback, general manager of the 787 program, said that the report paints a skewed and inaccurate picture of the program and of our team (at the plant). Where the 737 MAX debacle has led to speculation that Boeing pushed ahead quickly with a substantial redesign of its evergreen jet, in lieu of creating an entirely new aircraft to battle Airbus, the revelations by employees in Charleston suggest a company trying to reduce production times and cost. According to the report, line workers have found evidence of foreign objects left from the manufacturing and assembly processes. Tools and metal shavings have routinely been left inside jets, often near electrical systems. Aircraft have taken test flights with debris in an engine and a tail, risking failure, the Times said. Dreamliners have taken off on test flights with loose hardware in the engines, and acceptance pilots for major airlines have reported finding their own examples of FOD (foreign object debris) on board new aircraft. Its worth noting that the 787, aside from the grounding after battery fires early in its service history, has not had an accident. More than 800 Dreamliners have been delivered while Boeing is reporting a current order book of nearly 700 aircraft to be built. . () () 2:0 ... ABC News(WASHINGTON) -- When Attorney General William Barr released special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, he released 448 pages of written research and analysis. He also attached 2,375 footnotes. A close read of the fine print reveals fresh details about the investigation -- who provided input, what documents proved revealing and what considerations were made by the special counsel as he unearthed new material. While many are mundane, here are 10 citations ABC News found enlightening: 1. Those tapes: Footnote 112 (Volume II pg 27-28) describes conversations between Trump associates about rumored video recordings of the candidate in a Russian hotel room with prostitutes: In 2016, a dossier compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele brought to light the possible existence of a Russian-recorded video of Donald Trump during a 2013 visit to Moscow showing Trump cavorting with prostitutes in his suite at the Moscow Ritz hotel. A footnote in the Mueller report discusses the unverified allegation, which President Trump has maintained is false. Two weeks before the election, the report says Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen received a text from a Georgian businessman Giorgi Rtskhiladze that said, "Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there's anything else. Just so you know ..." According to the Mueller report, the businessman said the "tapes" referred to compromising tapes of Trump rumored to be held by persons associated with the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group, which had helped host the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Russia. The report and footnote do not give information on Trump's response to Cohen's alleged briefing on the matter, nor does it explain why Rtskhiladze wouldn't have told Cohen the tapes were fake. "112 Comey 1/7/17 Memorandum, at 1-2; Corney 11/15/17 302, at 3. Comey's briefing included the Steele reporting's unverified allegation that the Russians had compromising tapes of the President involving conduct when he was a private citizen during a 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant. During the 2016 presidential campaign, a similar claim may have reached candidate Trump. On October 30, 2016, Michael Cohen received a text from Russian businessman Giorgi Rtskhiladze that said, 'Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there's anything else. Just so you know . . .. ' 10/30/ 16 Text Message, Rtskhiladze to Cohen. Rtskhiladze said 'tapes' referred to compromising tapes of Trump rumored to be held by persons associated with the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group, which had helped host the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Russia. Rtskhiladze 4/4/ 18 302, at 12. Cohen said he spoke to Trump about the issue after receiving the texts from Rtskhiladze. Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 13. Rtskhiladze said he was told the tapes were fake, but he did not communicate that to Cohen. Rtskhiladze 5/10/18 302, at 7." 2. Dossier diss: Footnote 117 (Volume II pg 28) describes Former FBI Director James Comey and Former Director of National Security James Clapper exchanging emails in 2017 about Trump's request that they discredit the Steele Dossier: On Jan. 10, 2017, Buzzfeed News published portions of the Steele Dossier online, and Comey briefed the then-president-elect on the report. According to the Mueller report, Trump asked members of his national intelligence team to publicly refute allegations made in the dossier. Trump's FBI director and director of national security exchanged emails about Trump's request, according to the footnotes. Clapper emailed Comey, stating Trump wanted him to say the dossier was "bogus, which, of course, I can't do." "See 1/11/17 Email, Clapper to See I /11 /17 Email, Clapper to Comey ('He asked if I could put out a statement. He would prefer of course that I say the documents are bogus, which, of course, I can't do.'); 1/12/17 Email, Corney to Clapper ('He called me at 5 yesterday and we had a very similar conversation.'); Comey 11/15/17 302, at 4-5." 3. Congressional choices: Footnote 1091 (Volume II pg 178) suggests Congress can either craft new rules to stop a president from trying to thwart an investigation, or pursue impeachment as a drastic measure: The second volume of the Mueller report assesses whether the president obstructed justice. Mueller's team declined to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment on the matter, but in the footnotes Mueller notes that Congress could still take up the matter by crafting new laws to prevent a future president from conducting behavior described in the report. The Mueller report states that "Congress has authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice." One way that Congress could exercise this authority, according to the footnote, is to clarify an already existing opinion established by the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel, which found that a president could be held accountable for his or her actions after they leave office. Another option available to Congress, according to the footnote, is to pursue impeachment "as a drastic and rarely invoked remedy." "A possible remedy through impeachment for abuses of power would not substitute for potential criminal liability after a President leaves office. Impeachment would remove a President from office, but would not address the underlying culpability of the conduct or serve the usual purposes of the criminal law. Indeed, the Impeachment Judgment Clause recognizes that criminal law plays an independent role in addressing an official's conduct, distinct from the political remedy of impeachment. See U.S. CONST. ART. I, 3, cl. 7. Impeachment is also a drastic and rarely invoked remedy, and Congress is not restricted to relying only on impeachment, rather than making criminal law applicable to a former President, as OLC has recognized. A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution, 24 Op. O.L.C. at 255 ('Recognizing an immunity from prosecution for a sitting President would not preclude such prosecution once the President's term is over or he is otherwise removed from office by resignation or impeachment.')." 4. Considering charges: Footnote 1278 (Volume I pg 176) describes how the office of the special counsel considered whether to bring charges on the grounds that the dissemination of stolen Democratic National Conventions emails could constitute trafficking in or the receipt of stolen property. As part of the Russia Investigation, members of the special counsel considered whether or not to pursue charges on the grounds that releasing stolen emails was a form of trafficking in the release of stolen property. Ultimately, the special counsel decided not to pursue this option. "The Office also considered, but ruled out, charges on the theory that the post-hacking sharing and dissemination of emails could constitute trafficking in or receipt of stolen property under the National Stolen Property Act (NSPA), 18 U.S.C. 2314 and 2315. The statutes comprising the NSPA cover 'goods, wares, or merchandise,' and lower comts have largely understood that phrase to be limited to tangible items since the Supreme Court's decision in Dowling v. United States, 473 U.S. 207 (1985). See United States v. Yijia Zhang, 995 F. Supp. 2d 340, 344-48 (E.D. Pa. 2014) (collecting cases). One of those post-Dowling decisions-United States v. Brown, 925 F.2d 1301 (10th Cir. 1991}-specifically held that the NSPA does not reach 'a computer program in source code form,' even though that code was stored in tangible items (i.e., a hard disk and in a three-ring notebook). Id. at 1302-03. Congress, in turn, cited the Brown opinion in explaining the need for amendments to 18 U.S.C. I030(a)(2) that 'would ensure that the theft of intangible information by the unauthorized use of a computer is prohibited in the same way theft of physical items [is] protected.' S. Rep. 104-357, at 7 (1996). That sequence of events would make it difficult to argue that hacked emails in electronic form, which are the relevant stolen items here, constitute 'goods, wares, or merchandise' within the meaning of the NSPA." 5. Early warning: Footnote 155 (Volume II pg 32) suggests Former National Security Adviser Flynn was on "thin ice" even before he began to take criticism for his calls to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. This is largely because of a guidance that then President-Elect Trump got from President Obama: According to the report, on Jan. 26, 2017, Former White House Counsel Don McGhan notified Trump that he had been told Flynn may have lied about what he discussed in a meeting he had with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The report states that Trump allegedly responded "not again, this guy, this stuff." According to the footnotes, Trump responded this way because he was already unhappy with Flynn for other reasons. One such reason is because Obama "had warned him about Flynn" shortly after the election. "Priebus I 0/13/17 302, at 8. Several witnesses said that the President was unhappy with Flynn for other reasons at this time. Bannon said that Flynn's standing with the President was not good by December 2016. Bannon 2/12/18 302, at 12. The President-Elect had concerns because President Obama had warned him about Flynn shortly after the election. Bannon 2/ 12/18 302, at 4-5; Hicks 12/8/ 17 302, at 7 (President Obama's comment sat with President-Elect Trump more than Hicks expected). Priebus said that the President had become unhappy with Flynn even before the story of his calls with Kislyak broke and had become so upset with Flynn that he would not look at him during intelligence briefings. Priebus 1/18/ 18 302, at 8. Hicks said that the President thought Flynn had bad judgment and was angered by tweets sent by Flynn and his son, and she described Flynn as 'being on thin ice' by early February 2017. Hicks 12/8/ 17 302, at 7, 10." 6. Paragons of loyalty: Footnote 297 (Volume II pg 51) shows Trump pointed to Eric Holder and Robert Kennedy for how he felt an AG should act: The president regularly made public statements criticizing former Attorney General Jeff Sessions after Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe. Part of the reason for this criticism, according to the footnotes, stems from the role Trump believed an attorney general should play to protect the president. The footnote states that Trump, according to former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, pointed to Kennedy and Holder as attorney generals who protected their presidents. Trump pointed to Holder's willingness to take a contempt of Congress charge for President Barack Obama during the fast and furious controversy. "McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 3. Bannon said the President saw Robert Kennedy and Eric Holder as Attorneys General who protected the presidents they served. The President thought Holder always stood up for President Obama and even took a contempt charge for him, and Robert Kennedy always had his brother's back. Bannon 2/ 14/18 302, at 5. Priebus recalled that the President said he had been told his entire life he needed to have a great lawyer, a "bulldog," and added that Holder had been willing to take a contempt-of-Congress charge for President Obama. Priebus 4/3/18 302, at 5." 7. An alternative theory: In Footnote 500 (Volume II pg 77) the special counsel explores whether Trump might have fired Comey to protect other conduct that could come to light because of the probe, including Michael Cohen's campaign finance violations: The report states that "the evidence does not establish that the termination of Comey was designed to cover up a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia," but the footnotes show that the special counsel looked into other reasons why the president might have had an interest in terminating Comey. One such reason the special counsel explored was that the Russia investigation might reveal other incriminating matters, such as Cohen's campaign finance violations that he later pled guilty to in the Southern District of New York, but did not establish that this was a motive. "In addition to whether the President had a motive related to Russia-related matters that an FBI investigation could uncover, we considered whether the President's intent in firing Corney was connected to other conduct that could come to light as a result of the FBT's Russian-interference investigation. In particular, Michael Cohen was a potential subject of investigation because of his pursuit of the Trump Tower Moscow project and involvement in other activities. And facts uncovered in the Russia investigation, which our Office referred to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, ultimately led to the conviction of Cohen in the Southern District of New York for campaign-finance offenses related to payments he said he made at the direction of the President. See Volume II, Section II.K.5, infra. The investigation, however, did not establish that when the President fired Comey, he was considering the possibility that the FBT's investigation would uncover these payments or that the President's intent in firing Comey was otherwise connected to a concern about these matters coming to light." 8. Russian visas: Footnote 363 (Volume I pg 76) describes Cohen texts discussing plans to send Trump's passport information to a Russian associate. The information was never sent, but the texts show Cohen's travel plans forming: Ongoing discussions between Cohen and Russian associates about a possible Trump Tower Moscow deal were the focus of a great deal of the Mueller report, largely due to lies Cohen told about when conversations related to the potential business deal concluded. Cohen had been in conversations with Russian businessman Felix Sater about taking a potential trip to Russia, both independently and potentially with Trump, to discuss the business dealings further. The footnotes give new details about conversations between Sater and Cohen related to the trip. In one such text exchange, Sater asks Cohen for Trump's passport information. Cohen doesn't appear to give it and instead tells Sater he'll wait until he visits Moscow first. "On December 21, 2015, Sater sent Cohen a text message that read, "They need a copy of DJT passport," to which Cohen responded, "After I return from Moscow with you with a date for him." FS00004 (12/21/15 Text Messages, Cohen & Sater)" 9. The Trigger: Footnote 465 (Volume I pg 89) lays out how the Russia investigation began, when an unpaid policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, told a representative from a foreign government that the Russian government had damaging information on Hillary Clinton: George Papadopoulos, a former unpaid policy adviser to Trump, told a member of a foreign government about meetings he had had in 2016 where he learned that Russia might have incriminating information on Hillary Clinton. According to the footnotes, that foreign government conveyed what Papadopoulos had said to the U.S. government on July 26, 2016, just after WikiLeaks released incriminating information on Clinton. Just after that, the FBI opened its investigation into the Trump campaign. "The information is contained in the FBI case-opening document and related materials. The information is law enforcement sensitive (LES) and must be treated accordingly in any external dissemination. The foreign government conveyed this information to the U.S. government on July 26, 2016, a few days after WikiLeaks's release of Clinton-related emails. The FBI opened its investigation of potential coordination between Russia and the Trump Campaign a few days later based on the information." 10. Stubborn witness: Footnote 489 (Volume I pg 92) reveals that former Trump policy adviser George Papadopoulos wouldn't help decipher his own handwriting: Even the special counsel has a tough time reading bad handwriting. During the special counsel's interviews with Papadopoulos, prosecutors asked for Papadopoulos' help deciphering his handwriting on a note. Papadopoulos declined to assist. Turns out he couldn't read his own handwriting either. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in October 2017. "Papadopoulos declined to assist in deciphering his notes, telling investigators that he could not read his own handwriting from the journal. Papadopoulos 9/19/17 302, at 21. The notes, however, appear to read as listed in the column to the left of the image above." Copyright 2019, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Check concentrate feeder accuracy WITH the cost of dairy cow concentrates rising farmers have been urged to check the accuracy of their feeders to ensure they are not overfeeding, or indeed underfeeding, their livestock. Welcome to followthemedia.com The article or material you have chosen... Michael Hedges April 22, 2019 - When confronted with yet another example of injustice, press and media freedom advocates typically issue sternly worded condemnations. Dictators and similarly-minded autocrats pay no attention. Criticism is irritating: stop the press and other enemies. But an interesting thing happens when they are sent into exile. Press Freedom Solution: Exile The DictatorsMichael Hedges April 22, 2019 - Follow on Twitter When confronted with yet another example of injustice, press and media freedom advocates typically issue sternly worded condemnations. Dictators and similarly-minded autocrats pay no attention. Criticism is irritating: stop the press and other enemies. But an interesting thing happens when they are sent into exile. ...is available for restricted access. You may access this specific article or material for 4 If you are an ftm Member, please go to the home page HERE and log in ftm Members can access all site material at no additional charge. You can JOIN ftm here The ftm newsletter available at no charge to all with registration To register click here. In addition to the fact that limousine travel is very glamorous, it is also the most comfortable trip you can... South Koreas Fair Trade Commission has laid plans to review the consumer practices, particularly policies dealing with in-game purchases, of game companies. According to the Korea Herald, the FTC announced it aims to extensively review those consumer regulations, and has reached out to 10 game companies in the country including Nexon, NCSoft, Blizzard, and Riot Games for information on the subject. Its an investigation that comes as more and more governing bodies are starting to pay closer attention to in-game monetization practices, including organizations in the US. South Korea is ranked as one of the top four markets for video games in the world, with the large majority of paying players buying virtual goods, the sale of which could be affected by government regulation. The proposed review would look at clauses related to underage players' in-game purchases and other policies. The Korea Herald says some companies have policies that require parental approval for teenaged players, limit refunds for in-game purchases or presents, or restrict how a gifted item can be used and the FTC plans to evaluate the fairness of such practices. A representative from the commission notes, however, that the goal is not to make refunds easier to obtain. Some news reports suggest that it may become easier for people to get refunds for in-game purchases if they can prove that their children used credit cards without permission, an FTC representative tells the Korea Herald. But if an underage user actively deceives parents, thats on the kids. If a minor spends more than the legally allowed amount of 70,000 won ($62) a month, he or she will be held accountable. Hong Kong: Co-living brings people together Residents of a Hong Kong Council of Social Service Community Housing Movement co-living space in To Kwa Wan are a close-knit community. They share more than just common areas - they provide tutoring, meals and a wide range of activities to support each other. One of these bonding activities was a Chinese dessert night organised by Sydney, who moved into the space in November last year. He said activities such as dessert night bring neighbours together. The activities let us get to know each other better. We can share our feelings on living here and the problems that we face. That way, we can help each other out. Mutual support The co-living space at Ha Heung Road is the sixth one under the Hong Kong Council of Social Service Community Housing Movement. It is operated by the Salvation Army and its 53 units provide rooms for 76 families. To live here, applicants must fulfil the councils tenancy eligibility. Eligible tenants should be living in subdivided flats and been on the waiting list for public rental housing for at least three years, or have urgent housing needs, Salvation Army Community Project Service Supervisor Tom Ma said. They also need to have a full-time job or have applied for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance. In addition, they should agree with the concept of co-living and be able to live alongside other households. Tenants should provide services to their community. For example, youths can help tutor children and hold special interest classes, while seniors can cook meals for others. Initially, Sydney was unsure about living with other families, but he realised that this is what made the co-living space unique. A mother and her son live in the next room. I was afraid I wouldn't get along with them, but they are very friendly. The mother prepares meals for me and at the same time, I have my own room where I can study hard without any distractions. I really appreciate this housing movement. Sydney lives in a 100 sq ft room where there is a fan and an air conditioner, while a refrigerator and a stove are provided in a shared kitchen. Enhanced living Aside from being part of a unique community, tenants can also save money on rent. Hong Kong Council of Social Service Business Director Anthony Wong said: Statistics show that the average rental fee was around $4,000 before living here. After they moved here, the rent is around $3,000 which saves them about $1,000. The average living space has also increased from 60 sq ft to 106 sq ft. The councils Community Housing Movement was launched in 2017 and aims to provide 500 units for 1,000 families by 2020. The Community Chest has injected $50 million into the project while the Government advises on the projects building layout plans to ensure the residential units are suitable for families and adhere to fire safety regulations. The 2019-20 Budget set aside $2 billion to support non-governmental organisations in constructing transitional housing. The council believes the measure can be used for renovating the units and to encourage more NGOs to join programme. This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. A pregnant woman was killed and her friend was repeatedly stabbed early Saturday in a Brooklyn public housing complex, and police said both women were attacked by an ax-wielding suspect. The friend's ex-boyfriend was arrested, after he was interviewed by a TV producer. Jerry Brown, who calls himself the "Grim Creepa," told PIX 11 he didn't remember what happened: "Somebody woke me up. I have a staple in my head. I woke up on the floor. I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I was on the floor in the hallway of a building... I woke up and was trying to crawl. My head was busted, my lip was busted and my hand is cut." Authorities arrived to the Bushwick Houses around 1:30 a.m. on April 20th, when the friend, Angela Valle, "flag[ged]" an Uber driver. The driver called 911 upon seeing Valle, who was apparently stabbed on her head, chest, arms, stomach, and throat. Valle was taken to a hospital for her life-threatening injuries, but managed to tell first responders that Savannah Rivera was in her apartment at 811 Flushing Avenue. Police went to Valle's 8th floor apartment, where they found Rivera, 20, dead with stab wounds all over her body. She was reportedly nearly decapitated, and Valle's four-year-old daughter was found uninjured in a bedroom. Rivera's family say she was 9 weeks pregnant. Authorities found an ax in the trash compactor of the building, and employees of a nearby hardware store told the Post that the $39.98 ax was sold there. "It was purchased on our store. I recognize it by price tag," a Florama worker said. "The cops showed me a picture they took of it, it is our price tag." Another employee said the buyer "asked if there is a cheaper one. Then he asked if we can sharpen it for him. I said its sharp enough as is. I left him looking at it." When PIX 11 spoke to Brown on Saturday, he told the station that he suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and has bipolar disorder. The boyfriend, who could be heard sniffling and crying on the phone call, wanted to know if his girlfriend was "okay." PIX11 News told him that she is still fighting for her life. Jerry continued to cry, and said he and Angela Valle have been together for seven or eight months. He then asked, "What do you think I should do?" PIX11 urged the man who said he was scared because he doesn't want to "commit suicide" to turn himself in to police. After repeating that he really needs his medication, he asked if the police would give him his medicine. PIX then asked if he knew anything about an axe. After a brief moment of silence, the man with a self-professed injured hand saidno. After a continued exchange, the boyfriend asked for the telephone number to the 90 Precinct. "I will turn myself in. I'll call the police myself," the boyfriend said with a quivering voice. Brown contacted the police, who then charged him with second-degree murder, second-degree attempted murder. Neighbors said that they had heard Valle and Brown arguging in Valle's apartment. Valle apparently once posted a social media comment calling him "Mr. 187," using the California penal code number for murder. According to the NY Times, "Before Sunday, Mr. Brown had been arrested 13 times, according to public records. He pleaded guilty to attempted murder in 2003, after a witness told police she saw him shoot someone in the chest in a Williamsburg park in August 2002, according to state prison records and a criminal complaint. He served about seven years in prison for the shooting, and after his release in 2009, returned to prison three times for parole violations, according to corrections records." Rivera, who had a three-year-old son, have moved into Valle's apartment two months ago. Her grandmother, Elsa Collazo, told the Daily News, "For two months I told her to come back. [She and Valle] were best friends. Since they were young." "She didnt have to die like that. Its hard. Every time I think about it, I want to cry," Rivera's aunt Margaret Cruz said to the NY Times. "I want to go over there and squeeze him, Tell me, why? Why would you do this to her?" Nxivm founder Keith Raniere's last two co-defendants have pleaded guilty, leaving the alleged sex cult leader to stand trial alone. On Friday, Seagrams heiress Clare Bronfman, who purportedly financed Nxivm's sexually abusive and exploitative activities, copped to one count of conspiracy to conceal and harbor an undocumented immigrant for financial gain, and one count of fraudulent use of identification. Bronfman admitted to helping Raniere commandeer a dead woman's credit card information, and during her hearing, acknowledged that she had misused the family fortune. She "received a great gift from [her] grandfather and [her] father that does not come with the ability to break the law," she told United States District Judge Nicholas Garaufis, according to the Times Union. Rather, she continued, her wealth "comes with great responsibility to uphold the law." "I am truly remorseful," she continued. "I endeavored to do good in the world and help peoplehowever, I have made mistakes." Bronfman was arrested in July, along with another three of the Nxivm's top officials, after an investigation into the supposed self-help group suggested it operated as a sexual pyramid scheme. Some members, brainwashed and isolated from the outside world, found themselves recruited into a secret sorority, branded with Raniere's initials and held as sex "slaves" under unflinching surveillance. Prosecutors alleged that the group's leaders brought people into the country illegally, holding them against their will; that they hacked into members' digital accounts to monitor their communications; and that they had obstructed justice in trying to hide evidence from investigators. Bronfman was originally charged with money laundering and identity theft, and for her plea, could spend between 21 and 27 months in prison, and pay a $6 million penalty. She will be sentenced on July 25th. Nxivm accountant Kathy Russell also entered a guilty plea on Friday afternoon, admitting to one count of visa fraud, following allegations that she had falsified the documents necessary to smuggle a Mexican woman into the U.S. from Canada, and that she had instigated the installation of some of the software the group used to spy on people's emails. She could spend six to 12 months in prison. "I know what I did was wrong," she said at sentencing, according to the Times Union. "I'm very sorry for the trouble I have caused. I have compromised my own principles, and I'm going to have to live with that for the rest of my life." Of the members of Raniere's inner circle charged with criminal activity related to the alleged cult, Bronfman and Russell had been the last two guilty plea holdouts. Raniere's right-hand, Smallville's Allison Mack, pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy and one count of racketeering earlier this month; in March, Nxivm co-founder Nancy Salzman and her daughter, Lauren Salzman pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy, respectively. The about-face has raised the possibility that the prosecution will call on Raniere's former co-defendants when he stands trial on a slew of charges, including forced labor conspiracy, sex trafficking, and child pornography. Jury selection begins Monday, and opening arguments are slated for May 7th. Raniere continues to insist on his innocence. Meanwhile, Nxivm doctor Brandon Porter, engineer of appalling "fright experiments" performed on members, has filed for bankruptcy and has reportedly been living off loans from friends. According to the NY Post, Porter has borrowed $60,000 to survive while he hides out in a house in Halfmoon, New York, near the group's Albany headquarters. A company called Percenceo, Inc.of which Bronfman's sister, Sara, reportedly ranks as founding presidentowns the house, and although Sara has not been indicted in the course of the investigation into the alleged cult, she did bring her sister into the fold. According to the NY Times, Sara enlisted Clare in the early 2000s, and both dumped money into Nxivm's coffers for over 10 years. Sara subsequently pulled away from the group after getting married and having a family, however. In any case, Porter apparently hasn't totally severed ties with the group. He also hasn't been charged, although his practices are under investigation by the New York medical oversight board. According to the Post, health officials believe Porter forced his "human subjects" to view "an actual video of the horrific and brutal murders and dismemberment of four women by machetes; and violent film clips, including a male African American being viciously stomped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape." He has reportedly been lying low since medical board made its allegations against him a year ago, and has been working as a door-to-door salesman slinging home insulation. Police have arrested a 20-year-old man for allegedly stabbing an MTA conductor multiple times in the Bronx this weekend. The incident occurred on the platform of the 149th Street-Grand Concourse station just before 11 a.m. on Sunday. Police say Walter Rivera, 20, approached the conductor in front of the Manhattan-bound 4 train and stabbed him four times in the abdomen and shoulder. The wounded conductor, with the help of a second MTA employee, managed to apprehend the attacker until police arrived, according to the Transit Workers Union Local 100. Rivera was charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapona knife that police officers recovered at the scene. The 33-year-old victim, whose name has not yet been released, has worked for the MTA for five years, the union said. He was transported to Lincoln Hospital and is in stable condition. "We demand that the full weight of the law now come down on the individual arrested for this attack," TWU President Tony Utano said in a statement. "We also demand that the city step up and make the subway safer for both workers and riders. We want to go to work and return to our families safe and sound." Utano's statement also said that according to initial reports, "the attacker is an emotionally disturbed person. Too many of these unfortunate people use the subway system for refuge, and some of them pose a serious threat to workers and passengers, as it appears was the case this morning. The city is failing to address some very serious social issues, and it falls well short of its responsibility to move these people from the subway system to proper shelters where they can receive the care and treatment they need." This past summer, the transit union warned that misdemeanors and felony assaults against subway workers have been steadily rising for the last few years. Earlier this month, two female MTA workers in the Bronxa subway conductor and bus driverwere attacked with an unknown liquid believed to be urine. The individual responsible for those attacks has not yet been arrested. Some MTA employees will march to the authority's headquarters on May 3rd to demand further action be taken to stop violence against transit employees. "This wasnt an assault on the conductor, it was an attempted murder," Tramell Thompson, an organizer of the march and MTA conductor, told Gothamist. "Lets not water this down." The first New Deal implemented the Agricultural Adjustment Act to keep farmer incomes steady by controlling overproduction. It levied taxes on processors and middlemen, stored excess grains in national reserves (selling them when supply got low) and paid farmers not to grow more than was needed in order to ensure parity pricesthat is, food commodity prices that covered the cost of production. This meant farmers were not forced to overproduce their way out of poverty and debt, as Iowa farmer George Naylor explains. It was understood that the farmers individual freedom to do whatever he or she wished with the land would be tempered for the good of all farmers and society. A social contract was established. The Green New Deal provides an opportunity to establish a new social contract today to once again prevent agricultural overproduction. Imagine a contract in which a farmer is ensured a parity price if their farm uses agroecological methods and does not overshoot environmentally sound levels of productiondoes not mine the soil, pollute the air and waterways, or extract more water and resources than can be seasonally replenished. These farmers would not have to overproduce to stay in business. They could set more land aside for conservation and forests, to capture carbon and provide home to wildlife. Or they could raise grass-fed livestock, which, under certain conditions, can sequester enough carbon in the soil to offset methane emissions. They could afford to pay farmworkers (and themselves) a fair wage for their highly skilled labor. Meanwhile, government could stop subsidizing cheap grains and meat. In fact, stricter regulation could put a price on pollution and squeeze CAFOs out of business. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was able to implement the New Deal despite opposition from entrenched corporate interests because there was a groundswell of support from farmers unions, labor unions and the citizenry suffering under the Great Depression. To beat opposition from Big Ag, the Green New Deal will need endorsements from frontline organizations in the food, farm and climate justice movements. That support will largely hinge on the participation of these communitiesmany of which are already advocates and practitioners of agroecologyin the actual drafting of legislation. Clearly, the Trump administration is neither willing nor capable of taking on Big Ag. But the Green New Deal could be the catalyst to build the broad-based, working-class, multicultural movement needed to vote the bums out and bring Green New Dealers in. Then we need to make them do the right thingstarting with a new social contract for farmers. Eric Holt-Gimenez is the executive director of the Institute for Food and Development Policy, better known as Food First. A food systems analyst and agroecologist, his latest book is Can We Feed the World Without Destroying It? Yet simply adding more renewables to the grid wont be enough to drive down fossil fuel usage to the extent needed. Even as solar and wind have gotten cheaper and more widespread in the last several years, the share of energy they generate nationwide has remained largely flat. Fossil fuel usage and extraction have each continued to increase and show few signs of slowing downparticularly as the United States becomes a net exporter of fossil fuels. In other words, the good isnt out-competing the bad. In such a context, placing real constraints on coal, oil and gas companies is the only way to ensure we can reach our climate goals. In the climate policymaking world, the standard answer to curbing fossil fuel use has been a carbon tax: If emitting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were more expensive, both consumers and companies would adjust their behavior accordingly. Its a soothingly simple theory, but has struggled to gain political traction beyond Beltway wonks and academic economists. Even in deeply Democratic Washington state, voters rejected a carbon tax in a November 2018 referendum. And the belief that a tax alone could wean us off fossil fuelsthat once we set a price on carbon, the market will take care of the restdepends on the assumption that energy markets are free, efficient and hyper-responsive to price tweaks. But, as none other than Energy Secretary Rick Perry has argued, There is no free market in the energy industry. There are more straightforward places to start. One would be by ending the roughly $20 billion in subsidies the U.S. government hands over to the fossil fuel industry each year at the state and federal levels, including longstanding tax giveaways. (Permanent tax breaks to the fossil fuel sector are seven times greater than those awarded to renewables.) In banning new offshore drilling exploration, the United States would follow the example already set by New Zealand. And a Green New Deal could move to end the practice of leasing federal lands and waters to drillers, as well as granting permits for the kind of new infrastructure that allows companies to export oil and gas abroad. These handouts to the fossil fuel industry are so extensive that the Stockholm Environmental Institute has estimated that as much as half of new oil and gas development would be unprofitable without them. Removing the perverse incentives that keep them afloat should be a no-brainer. At the state level, campaigns to take power systems back into public hands are making strides. In California, the failures, greed and bankruptcy of the statewide grid operator, PG&E, has prompted activists to push for public ownership instead of an investor bailout. In Rhode Island, the Democratic Socialists of Americas #NationalizeGrid campaign against power company National Grid is picking up steam. In January, Rick Savage, a Republican and business owner from Bethel, Maine, responded to the possibility of a public utility quite straightforwardly: Creating Maine Power will reduce costs to businesses like mine, put the control back in our hands, and put money back in our pockets as Mainers. The Green New Deal could give communities the much-needed financing, legal authority and capacity to kick out investor-owned utilities in favor of community-run, renewable-powered ones by launching a Community Ownership of Power Administration, akin to Roosevelts REA. We also need to think about large-scale planning that can structurally shift entire systems to serve the many. Here, another program of the original New Deal shows what can be done: The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), a government-owned corporation created in 1933, was part rural electrification program, part agricultural management, part river management and part jobs program for a region of the country hit hard by poverty. A large-scale experiment in regional planning, TVA now provides wholesale energy to seven states and 10 million customers. It should be noted that TVA backed away from an initial vision of more bottom-up democratic control, and its record on equity is far from perfect. When building its dams in the 1930s, it used eminent domain to take over farming land and failed to adequately support displaced black farmers. Its environmental record, too, is spotty, marred by large hydropower dams, nuclear and coal power. Estimates of how much the world needs to spend annually to mitigate climate change range as high as $2.4 trillion. The United States, responsible for a quarter of both historical emissions and present global GDP, should arguably cover hundreds of billions of this cost. Yet the U.S. government spent only $13.2 billion in climate change funding in 2017, combining domestic spending and foreign aid. The pledged U.S. contribution to the Green Climate Fund, a multilateral financing mechanism for climate mitigation and adaptation in the Global South, is only $3 billion (and only a third has been delivered, the remainder suspended by the Trump administration). To create a powerful political narrative in support of fair U.S. contributions, its critical to frame them as compensation, not charityin effect, a form of reparations. Some of this compensation must also take the form of technology. Much of renewable energy tech, however, is patented by private companiesfrom Tesla to IBMprotected under intellectual property provisions in free trade agreements that allow them to charge higher prices and licensing fees. But private intellectual property claims ultimately rely on publicly produced knowledge, and there is no justification for letting them get in the way of climate action abroad. For example, research funded through government programs, such as the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), has been a major driver of the falling costs of renewables, because open-ended, early-stage research is often not profitable enough to attract private sector funding. Another obstacle posed by neoliberal free trade and investment agreements is investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions, which subject a countrys domestic regulations (including environmental protections) to legal challenges by corporations. Disputes are heard by unelected panels of trade experts whose decisions are final. In effect, corporations can block governmental climate action that interferes with trade. After Canada issued a moratorium on fracking in the St. Lawrence basin, for example, U.S. oil and gas company Lone Pine Resources sued Canada under NAFTA; the case is ongoing. The United Nations ISDS case database shows that 74 of 972 ISDS cases have been filed by fossil fuel extraction companies (about 7.6 percent), and another 173 by utilities, which include fossil fuel power and distribution companies (though also many renewable energy companies). In We Produce Too Much Food. The Green New Deal Can Stop This., Eric Holt-Gimenez of Food First reminds us that we have a food overproduction problem. How baffling is it that we waste roughly 40 percent of our food in the United States? A study once found that Chicagoans fruits and vegetables travel an average of 1,500 miles from farm to table; we also slather them with fossil fuel-based chemicals, from everything ending with -cide to the plastic packaging. In the meantime, Indigenous nations worldwide are adapting to the times. Through the agroecological techniques Holt-Gimenez proposes, we could grow less food, nearer to home, and grow it better. Organic agriculture sequesters carbon and rebuilds top soilmight want to stick with ancient, time-tested wisdom. The carbon needs to be in the soil, not the air. In Making the Green New Deal Work for Workers, Jeremy Brecher of the Labor Network for Sustainability points out that cleaning up this mess will mean jobs. Lots of them. America has a D+ in infrastructure. For every $1 million invested in energy efficiency alone, anywhere from 12 to 20 jobs are created. Restorative economies are full of employment, and a Green New Deal can require fossil fuel companies to invest in them. Its about making the spoiled children known as American corporations clean up their own messes before they go bankrupt. In The Green New Deal Must Have a Zero Waste Policy, Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson says its time to tame your inner Wiindigo. So much of the stuff we produce ends up in a landfill. No time like the present to change that. We need to move from a production chain to a production cycle based on reuse, and start banning plastic straws, bags and all that stuff. And then we figure out how to do this all, better. No way should we be trying to fill our gullets with so much excess; what we need is to be efficient and elegant. Finally, in How Trade Agreements Stand in the Way of an International Green New Deal, Basav Sen of the Institute for Policy Studies shows we need to look beyond the invisible borders created by colonial powers. I think of this land as Akiing, the land to which the people belong. Those borders make no sense to a storm, a flood or the wind. Climate change is international. We must be, too. The Anishinaabeg are instructed that in each deliberation, we must consider the impact upon the seventh generation from now. This teaching can guide a life, a social movement and ultimately an economy. The essential elements of intergenerational equity involve renegotiating and restoring a relationship to ecological systems, to Mother Earth. Its not just making sure that you can buy a solar cellphone charger from Amazon. It means a restorative and regenerative economy. It also means justicefrom a just transition for workers, to an interspecies, intergenerational and international justice. The time you kill a Wiindigo is in the summer. When the warmth of the sun returns to the north country. Theres a proverb, They tried to bury us, but they didnt know we were seeds. Its time to plant the seeds. Winona LaDuke is Anishinaabe, a writer, an economist and a hemp farmer, working on a book about the Eighth Fire and the Green New Deal. She is ready for the Green Path, and would prefer not to spend her golden years cleaning up the messes of entitled white men. LaDuke lives and works on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota, where she founded the White Earth Land Recovery Project. She is program director of Honor the Earth and a two-time vice presidential candidate with Ralph Nader on the Green Party ticket. As Jet Airways comes to a halt, airfares for New Delhi take off The last-minute airfares to New Delhi shot up to as high as Rs50,000 after the shutdown of Jet Airways last week. Hundreds of passengers have since been affected by high airfares while travel agencies say it may go up further if the seat shortage gap is not taken care of immediately. As Ncell mulls over the tax decision, legal experts say it has no options but to pay its dues Two days before the deadline set by Large Taxpayers Office for Ncell to clear its dues expires, the mobile company says it has still not taken a decision on the amount determined by the tax office. 2,500 kg contraband black pepper seized in Saptari Police seized 2,500 kg of black pepper from Chhinnamasta Rural Municipality-3 in Saptari district on Saturday. Belt & Road Forum declaration to incorporate projects for Nepal under the initiative At the end of the BRI conference on April 27, a joint communique will explicitly incorporate projects for Nepal under the initiative, enabling an environment for their execution, according to officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. City dwellers do not support government health programmes and services Working as a female community health volunteer in city areas is more difficult in comparison to remote villages and hinterlands. Health volunteers say city people are not supportive of the governments health programmes. Families of windstorm victims denied relief due to lack of documents Families of the people killed in the devastating windstorm in Bara district on March 31 have been deprived of relief extended by the provincial government due to a lack of necessary documents. ICYMI: Here are our top stories from Monday, April 22 Here are some of the top stories from The Kathmandu Post (April 22, 2019). Jumping on the gravy train The private sector has gained notoriety in recent days by becoming part of high profile corruption cases, whether it is their role in tax scams, illicit financial flows, cost escalation of public infrastructure projects, opaque dealings in airplane procurements or encroachment of public lands. NGOs-turned microfinance asked to deposit fund into state coffers Non-government organisations which were converted into microfinance institutions as per the policy of Nepal Rastra Bank need to deposit the reserve fund they earned in the capacity of NGO into the governments treasury, the Office of the Auditor General has said. Police arrest three of six persons suspected in Ranibari house robbery incident Six men had broken into the house of 79-year old Lalendra Sherchan at around 11:30 am on April 10 and robbed jewellery and cash worth Rs 560,000 after tying the hands and legs of Sherchan, his wife Bhanu Devi and their domestic help Mithu Thakali. Police form three teams to look into the death of 15-year-old boy in custody Three separate teams have been carrying out investigation into the suspicious death of 15-year-old Kiran Karki Dholi in police custody in Birtamod, Jhapa. Stop the promotion of hate and faith-based violence In an extremely tragic incident, more than 200 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded in a series of bomb blasts that hit hotels and churches across Sri Lanka. Students demand Gandaki college to honour agreement Students have complained that Gandaki Medical College has been reluctant in returning additional amount charged to students. Sugar mills lobby to continue import restriction again In a public notice issued on Sunday, Nepal Sugar Mills Association said that the domestic sugar production is expected to hover at 190,500 tonnes this sugarcane crushing season that is likely to end in mid-May. Tara Air plane veers off runway at Manthali airport A Tara Air plane skidded off the runway at Manthali Airport in Ramechhap on Monday morning. Top secret The criteria for the appointment of judges as given in the constitution and the Judicial Council Act, 2016 seem like good initiatives, but they are found to be vague and inadequate. Prithvi Man Shrestha is a political reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering the governance-related issues including corruption and irregularities in the government machinery. Before joining The Kathmandu Post in 2009, he worked at nepalnews.com and Rising Nepal primarily covering the issues of political and economic affairs for three years. 1. Yes. Patrol cars in the lot and armed officers inside would deter would-be criminals. 2. Yes. Police should announce their plans and be highly visible during store hours. 3. No. The citys police officers have other obligations. More private security is the answer. 4. No. Perhaps, but installing more surveillance cameras would be a better deterrent. 5. Unsure. More police might help, but it could also stretch KPDs resources too thin. Vote View Results By JOB BWIRE. Police have recovered the body of International Hospital Kampala (IHK) doctor who has been missing for days. Kampala metropolitan police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango said on Monday that Dr Catherine Agabas body was recovered in a septic tank at her home in Muyenga, a Kampala suburb. Mr Onyango said that a guard, who was arrested last night led police detectives to where her body was dumped. After arresting the askari in Apac District in northern Uganda, he confessed and said he had participated in her murder and led us to Muyenga where he had dumped the body in a septic tank, said Mr Onyango. The area LCI chairperson identified the suspect as Ronald Obonga, a 24-year-old guard. He said the house belongs to Kooki Chiefdom Prime Minister Hajji Ahmed Kiwanuka. Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki, left, and Lee Jae-woong, CEO of car-sharing company Socar / Korea Times file By Kim Bo-eun A controversy is brewing over a government plan to ease conditions for businesses to get certain exemptions on inheritance tax. Policymakers are moving to overhaul the taxation system to support smaller firms with limited cash reserves, but some business leaders are saying it will kill the innovative spirit in the market. Korea imposes a 50 percent inheritance tax on businesses, the second-highest among OECD member states, after Japan's 55 percent. This compares with France's rate of 45 percent, the U.S. and U.K.'s 40 percent, and Germany's 30 percent. For small- and medium-sized enterprises here, there are many cases in which those who inherit businesses do not hold enough cash reserves to pay the inheritance tax. In such cases, the government has devised a system through which businesses that make less than 300 billion won ($263.85 million) a year can benefit from a 50 billion won deduction from their taxable revenue. But to receive this they are not allowed to change their type of business and need to keep employment circumstances the same for a decade. Against this backdrop, there have been growing complaints that the conditions required for firms to qualify are too rigid. This has resulted in owners giving up on their businesses instead of handing them down in order to avoid paying the steep inheritance tax. In response, Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki said a week ago the government is reviewing a plan to cut the number of years the businesses need to adhere to rules to receive exemptions, from the current 10 to seven. He also said the system could undergo changes so that different rates of exemptions are made according to the number of years the businesses maintain conditions. However, not all welcome the move to ease rules to make it easier for businesses to be inherited. Lee Jae-woong, CEO of car-sharing business Socar, stated in a Facebook post that alleviating preconditions for inheritance tax "stifles innovative growth." He referred to the system of exempting taxes for inherited family-owned businesses as "a policy that makes it easy for those in power to hand down their businesses." Korea's high inheritance taxation rate stems from the view that the privileged who are able to inherit wealth or a business without their own effort should pay more. Inheritance tax exemptions are viewed as discouraging startup ventures, which begin with little financing. Kang Sung-hoon, a professor of policy studies at Hanyang University, said a system that allows inheritance tax exemption does not favor businesses. "Businesses that received an inheritance tax exemption later need to pay taxes if they sell assets that have increased in value," he said. "Owners will have only the choice to sell off their business if rules on inheritance tax exemptions are too rigid." The professor noted that other conditions besides the period businesses need to adhere to the rules should also be alleviated, such as being able to change the number of employees when circumstances get tough. "As of now, it appears reasonable for the government to reduce the period first, and then make further adjustments based on the results," he said. A mock North Korean Scud-B missile, left, and South Korean missiles are displayed at the Korea War Memorial in Seoul, April 18. North Korea said April 18 it had test-fired a new type of "tactical guided weapon" the day before, its first such test in nearly half a year. AP-Yonhap By Jung Da-min North Korea's recent test launch of its new tactical weapon wasn't of a ballistic missile but was believed to be a "weapon for ground combat," military analysts said Sunday. They said the weapon test announced by North Korea on April 18 did not appear to involve a ballistic missile given that there were no alarming announcements from the United States, Japan or Seoul. Rather, they speculated that the test could have involved "anything" from a small anti-tank missile to relatively routine artillery as the test of ballistic missiles or surface-to-ship missiles would have been detected by radar. Shin Jong-woo, a senior analyst at the Korea Defense and Security Forum, said the U.S. and Japan showed a relatively muted response to the test, indicating that the test was not on their radar. "We cannot really confirm what type of weapon it was, as we are just speculating based on our detection system, but from what the Joint Chiefs of Staff has so far said, it is cautiously thought that the North has developed a Spike anti-tank guided missile," Shin said, referring to the Israeli guided missile with a maximum range of around 25 kilometers. On April 17, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un guided a test-fire of a "new-type of tactical guided weapon" conducted by the Academy of Defence Science, according to a report made by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) the following day. The test was the first public weapon test since the failure of the second summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim in Hanoi, Vietnam, late February. No deal was signed as Trump didn't accept the North's request for an easing of economic sanctions in exchange for the regime's promise to completely shut down its major Yongbyon nuclear complex. But citing recent remarks by Trump and Kim, both of whom said they were open to hold a third summit, in addition to the ongoing diplomatic efforts by Washington, Pyongyang and Seoul to keep the nuclear diplomacy working, experts said the North would not want to break the ongoing momentum for nuclear dialogue with the United States. Given these perspectives, they stressed the test seemed to be targeting the internal unity of North Korean society, while its leader Kim has yet to bring any substantial results in terms of getting economic concessions. "Kim's guidance on the test following his inspection of an exercise by an air force unit the day before, were all planned moves to tighten the internal unity of North Korean society while also giving a message to the outside world that it is carrying on its self-reliant economy despite the ongoing sanctions," said Kim Dong-yub, a professor at Kyungnam University's Far East Institute. "By showing that the government is committed to the economy but never neglects security issues, [North Korean leadership] is trying to dismiss North Korean people's concerns about the possible military actions by Washington after the breakdown of the Hanoi summit with the U.S., so that they can focus on economic activities." Seen is ROKS FFG-812 Gyeonggi, the Republic of Korea Navy's Incheon-class guided missile frigate. The ROK Navy on April 20 sent the 2,500-ton fleet to a port in Qingdao, China, to participate in an international fleet review for the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's 70th founding anniversary. Courtesy of ROKN By Jung Da-min Both South and North Korea have sent Navy ships to China for an international fleet review, raising speculation about a possible inter-Korean meeting there. On April 20, the Republic of Korea Navy sent the 2,500-ton FFG-812 Gyeonggi, South Korea's second Incheon-class guided missile frigate launched in 2013. The South Korean delegation led by Vice Admiral Kwon Haek-min, South Korea's vice chief of naval operations, arrived at a port in Qingdao, Sunday. North Korea also sent a ship on April 20 with Admiral Kim Myong-sik, commander of the Korean People's Army Naval Force on board, according to the country's state-run Korean Central News Agency. The international fleet review off the coast of Qingdao is a four-day event from Monday to Thursday held by the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to celebrate its 70th founding anniversary. According to the ROK Navy, the South Korean delegation will participate in an array of events, including a massive international fleet review and parade, while seeking military cooperation with other participating nations. More than 60 countries have sent naval delegations, including Japan, South Korea, North Korea and Singapore. But the U.S. said it would not send its fleet to the event. The possible meeting between the military leaders of the two Koreas came when the nations' leaders reached the Sept. 19 Comprehensive Military Agreement at the third inter-Korean summit last year. The military agreement included a joint war remains excavation project but the North has yet to respond to the South's earlier request to send a list of their taskforce team. Starting April, the South's defense ministry kicked off the project as scheduled in the border area at a location called Arrowhead Ridge, an upland region in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, while saying it would wait on the North's response. The defense ministry said last week that it has discovered nine bone fragments, believed to belong to at least one soldier killed in the 1950-53 Korean War. The Ministry of Unification said Monday that South Korea would soon send a message to North Korea regarding an event to mark the one-year anniversary of the historic April 27 summit between President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held at the truce village of Panmunjeom in the border area between the two nations. 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The recommendations were met with mixed reactions from the Georgian political spectre.While the members of the ruling party, as well as the chairperson of the parliament, Irakli Kobakhidze said that the published opinion was mostly positive, the opposition had different views about the 14-page document that the Venice Commission published.The second hearing of the draft law was scheduled on April 17. Members of the opposition, as well as some MPs from the ruling party, asked the Chairperson to postpone the hearing until the VC recommendations are reflected in the bill.After the Majority meeting on April 17, Irakli Kobakhidze announced that The Parliament would resume consideration of the bill on Selection and Appointment of the Supreme Court Judges on April 18 after reflection of the Venice Commission recommendations.Eka Beselia, along with Zviad Kvachantiradze and Gedevan Popkhadze, previous members of the ruling party, held a special briefing regarding the VC document.According to Beselia, the opinion was more critical than expected; therefore the draft law should be changed.Everyone who says that the opinion is positive is either lying or lies to themselves. This is a strict and critical evaluation. What is not criticized is only the title of the bill, everything else- is said Beselia about the VC opinion.I think that all of us together should properly meet the published recommendations to share it fully and we will fight for every article to be taken into account in detail. If the ruling doesnt take all the recommendations into account, we will demand categorically that it shall not be adopted. Without considering the recommendations, adopting the law would be going into a deadlock said Zviad Kvachantiradze.Meanwhile, the Chairman of The Legal Issues Committee and a representative of the ruling party, Anri Okhanashvili, assessed the recommendations as positive: All the important aspects are evaluated as positive. Concerning the recommendations, we have resources to discuss each recommendation, analyze them and take them into account accordingly. The opposition will have to face the fact that the Venice Commission Opinion is positive.One of the more critical articles of the Opinion concerns the low trust that the High Council of Justice (HCoJ) has from the large segment of society. Based on this, the VC is concerned that the public wouldnt trust the Supreme Court that will be selected by the HCoJ.Another important recommendation of VC is that the current Parliament should only appoint half of the Judges in the vacant spots and that the further appointments may then be made by Parliament elected at the next general elections.Yesterday, Irakli Kobakhidze met with the diplomatic corps, NGOs and different Governmental branches to discuss VC recommendations.After the meeting, the EU Ambassador to Georgia, Carl Hartzell made comments about the political nature of the abovementioned recommendation.The Venice Commission understands that this is a political recommendation; however, this is not included in the list of major recommendations. The main recommendations apply to judicial and technical issues. This issue should be considered said the Ambassador.Representatives of the Georgian NGOs also made comments on the VC Opinion and highlighted the fact that most of the recommendations are in line with their own comments.As mentioned above, the bill on Selection and Appointment of the Supreme Court Judges will be discussed today, on April 18, after reflection of the Venice Commission recommendations. It remains to be seen whether the ruling party will follow up on their promise to take the VC recommendations into account. [April 22, 2019] Datamatics Expands its Partner Footprint - Ties-up With TechniSMART Solutions to Bring Enterprise Grade RPA Product, TruBot, to the UK & European Markets MUMBAI, April 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Datamatics Global Services Ltd. (DGSL), a global IT & BPM company, today announced its strategic partnership with TechniSMART Solutions Limited to further expand foothold in the UK & European markets for its RPA product, TruBot. TechniSMART Solutions Ltd is a business transformation partner serving the UK & European market to drive enterprise-wide change in business process, using 4Gen solutions. Datamatics is aggressively investing in expanding its partner network and has included 48 new partners in the last 12 months. The evolving partner ecosystem will increase the sales momentum and will ensure smooth implementation and support for TruBot globally. Datamatics TruBot is a versatile, multi-skilled bot that automates a range of repetitive and rule-based processes without any manual intervention. TruBot has 95 customers globally and has automated more than 800 processes across multiple industries including Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing and Healthcare. The partnership will bolster Datamatics presence in the global markets and will provide access to strong customer base of TechniSMART Solutions in Manufacturing and Healthcare space. TechniSMART Solutions will be Datamatics' value added reseller and implementation partner. The partnership will provide TechniSMART Solutions complete access to various modules and platforms of TruBot, access to partner training & technical programs and support to create marketing visibility in the desired markets. Speaking about the partnership, Mr. Murali Sathya, Vice President & Global Head of Channels, Datamatics, said, "We are glad to have partnered with TechniSMART Solutions. The partnership will enable Datamatics to tap the growing RPA market globally. TechniSMART's strong technical expertise along with its delivery and implementation capabilities will enable enterprises to realize the full potential of TruBot." "We are thrilled to partner with Datamatics. As per the industry research, RPA market is witnessing double-digit growth and we see increasing traction among customrs to automate their routine, mundane processes and reap the benefits of Automation. TruBot is a leading RPA product and has been recognized by multiple industry analysts for its ease of use, matured Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities and vertical specific frameworks. The product is highly scalable and has the ability to automate complex process, thus giving an edge to our customer in their automation journey," said Vivek Maladkar, CEO & Co-Founder at TechniSMART Solutions. About TechniSMART Solutions Founded in 2018, the TechniSMART Solutions was pioneered to help UK & European organizations make informed business decisions. TSS consultants, work closely alongside FDs, CEOs and business owners throughout the UK/Europe as trusted consulting partners, helping them to drive change within their business process to increase profitability, competitiveness, and growth. With the UK firmly embedded into the 4th Industrial Revolution, in which disruptive technologies and trends such as; the Internet of Things, Robotics, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence are changing the way we live and work - there has never been a more important time for organizations to innovate within their business processes. About Datamatics Global Services Datamatics (BSE: 532528) (NSE: DATAMATICS) provides Intelligent Solutions for data driven businesses to increase productivity and enhance customer experience. The company's portfolio of service offerings spans across Information Technology Services, Business Process Management, Engineering Services and Big Data & Analytics all powered by Artificial Intelligence. It has established products in Robotics Process Automation, Advanced Analytics, Business Intelligence and Automated Fare Collection. Datamatics services over 500 customers globally across Banking & Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, International Organizations and Media & Publishing. Headquartered in Mumbai, the Company has presence across 4 continents with major delivery centers in the USA, India and Philippines with an employee base of 10,000. To know more about Datamatics, visit http://www.datamatics.com. Safe Harbour Some of the statements in this update that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include our financial and growth projections as well as statements concerning our plans, strategies, intentions and beliefs concerning our business and the markets in which we operate. These statements are based on information currently available to us, and we assume no obligation to update these statements as circumstances change. There are risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events to differ materially from these forward-looking statements. These risks include, but are not limited to, the level of market demand for our services, the highly-competitive market for the types of services that we offer, market conditions that could cause our customers to reduce their spending for our services, our ability to create, acquire and build new businesses and to grow our existing businesses, our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel, currency fluctuations and market conditions in India and elsewhere around the world, and other risks not specifically mentioned herein but those that are common to industry. For media queries, please contact: Sudeshna Mukherjee Manager- Marketing & Corporate Communications sudeshna.mukherjee@datamatics.com +91-7738574137 Mehul Mehta President - Dickenson Financial PR Mehul.mehta@dickensonIR.com +91-9820280325 [ Back to the Next Generation Communications Community's Homepage ] Im not sure my husband has forgiven me for this one. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I convinced him we should go to a Christmas parade. The grandkids would love it all the lights and Christmas joy and Santa how could we not? We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. "From the creators of "Ocean's 11" comes the new Christmas movie "How the Grinch Stole the Casino." Christopher Swenson were this week's winners. The winners' names will be put into a drawing for a free month subscription or extension. Look for a new photo Monday. King Mohammed VI has expressed condolences and compassion to the President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, in the wake of the terrorist attacks on churches and hotels. I was deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the terrorist attacks on hotels and churches in Sri Lanka, during Easter services, in which scores of innocent victims unfortunately lost their lives. May they rest in peace, said the king in a message. The kingdom of Morocco strongly condemns this heinous, terrorist act, which is utterly inconsistent with the teachings of all religions and with human values, the king said. At least 207 people were killed and hundreds more were injured on Easter Sunday after eight simultaneous blasts on St. Anthonys Shrine in Colombo, St. Sebastians Church in Negombo, and the evangelical Zion Church in Batticaloa, 196 miles away from Colombo on Sri Lankas east coast. Additional explosions occurred on Sunday morning at high-end hotels in Colombo: the Cinnamon Grand, Shangri-La Hotel and The Kingsbury. An island-wide curfew starting at 6 p.m. local time was imposed until the following morning, while social media sites were blocked as investigations took place. Christianity is a minority religion in Sri Lanka, accounting for less than 10% of the total population of 21.4 million. The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have granted Sudan a $3 billion aid package, of which $500 million will go to the central bank of Sudan. The move is meant to strengthen Sudans financial position, ease the pressure on the local currency and increase stability in the exchange rate, Saudi state news agency SPA reported. After a 20-year US trade embargo was lifted in 2017, government officials predicted an economic revival, but instead, the economy has faltered and the value of the Sudanese pound plummeted. The country has also suffered from an acute lack of foreign currency, which became a key factor behind the nationwide protests that led to the removal of President Omar Al Bashir by the army earlier this month. The shortage of foreign currency made it difficult to import even crucial medicine. The UAE and Saudi aid package was to strengthen the financial position and ease the pressure on the Sudanese pound, the Saudi Press Agency said, adding that the aid package was also to be spent on urgent needs such as food, medicine and oil. The Sudanese pound surged on the black market on Sunday over expectations that Al Bashirs removal would lead to new inflows of dollars and ease the foreign currency shortage. According to a Tel Aviv-based newspaper, Haaretz, the two countries have ties with the head of Sudans Transitional Military Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his deputy, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, through their participation in the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen. The Sudanese military removes President Omar al-Bashir, but renewed protests in Khartoum are calling for a civilian government. President al-Bashir, who ruled Sudan in autocratic style for 30 years, was overthrown and arrested in a coup by the armed forces. The ouster of Bashir, 75, followed months of demonstrations against his rule. The head of Sudans Transitional Military Council said on Sunday that the formation of a joint military-civilian council was under discussion. The ministers and officials in charge of environment and sustainable development attending the fifth Africa Regional Forum for Sustainable Development (ARFSD) held last week in Marrakesh have reaffirmed their governments commitment to fully implementing the sustainable development goals for the benefit of all on the continent. The ministers, who were joined by policymakers and experts, representatives of governments, intergovernmental organizations, parliaments, the private sector and civil society of the member States, called for further efforts to foster and promote innovation and technology to fill the gaps in data needed for the preparation and implementation of national and regional development policies, said the UN Economic Community for Africa in a press release. We reaffirm our commitment to implementation of the sustainable development goals and our adherence to the guidelines set out for implementation of the 2030 Agenda by the regional meetings, of a general or sectoral nature, and also the key messages adopted at the current fifth session of the Africa Regional Forum in 2019, the participants said in a final declaration. We reiterate the strategic importance of mobilizing adequate, predictable and additional financial resources to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs in Africa; urge member States to establish effective financing strategies and call upon our development partners to meet their respective commitments in support of Africa. They highlighted difficulties faced by a number of African countries in reporting on SDG indicators and called for the establishment of a solidarity fund for statistical development, designed to support African countries in the collection of necessary statistical data. The ministers called on all African countries to strengthen South-South cooperation and the sharing of experience to help tackle multiple and complex challenges they are meeting in implementing the 2030 Agenda. Nations were also encouraged to build multi-stakeholder partnerships, plans and programs of action at regional and sub-regional levels to ensure the desired development that leaves no one behind. Regarding climate change, the participants have reaffirmed the urgent need to take appropriate measures swiftly to bring the consequences of global warming under control, limiting it to a level not exceeding 1.5C, in accordance with the recommendations of the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They emphasized the interdependence of peace, security and sustainable development, and recognized the progress that has been made by African countries in that regard. Key messages of the forum will be presented to the high-level political forum (HLPF) on sustainable development and the World Summit on Sustainable Development, to be held in New York in July and September 2019, respectively. The forum, held on the theme Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality, was co-hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco and the Economic Commission for Africa, under the high patronage of King Mohammed VI. The Tunisian foreign ministry Saturday blocked a press conference that the Libyan east-based government, opposed to UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), was planning to hold in Tunis. The press conference that was to be held Saturday by the foreign ministry of Beida government did not go as planned, reported Libyan Observer, citing sources in Tunisia. The Tunisian foreign ministry opposed the presser recalling that it only recognized the GNA as the sole Libyan administration. The Beida Government, linked to warlord Khalifar Haftar who is currently staging an offensive to seize Tripoli, announced in a statement that it postponed the conference intended to brief media on the latest developments in Libya, Libyan Observer added. The press conference was cancelled following a phone conversation between the Tunisian foreign minister Khemaies Jhinaoui and Haftar on Thursday. Jhinaoui, according to his office, called on the Libyan renegade military commander to halt his offensive and back a political solution to the Libyan crisis. Haftar, according to the Tunisian foreign ministry, stressed that he is keen to stop the offensive, which has already killed over 200 people according to UN figures. Jhinaoui also on Thursday held separate talks with the UN envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame, and GNAs Foreign Minister Mohamed Taher. The oil-rich African country has witnessed since early this month an escalation of tension between the two rival administrations after Haftar, backed by Beida government, launched on April 04 an offensive to seize Tripoli in an alleged fight against terrorism. Libya Observer also reported that Tunisia is getting ready to host a meeting of foreign ministers of Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt in Tunis to coordinate the efforts of the three countries with the aim of ending the tension in Libya and resuming political talks. Egypt last week indirectly endorsed Haftars military action during the latters visit to Cairo. The Sahrawis sequestered in the Tindouf camps can no longer take it. They are fed up with the corrupt, feckless and repressive leaders of the Polisario separatists, who are armed, funded and sheltered by the Algerian regime. These Sahrawis held against their will organized lately in the so-called wilaya of Boujdour a sit-in to protest against their dire situation, enduring sufferings, systematic violations of their human rights and the siege imposed on them by the Polisario armed militiamen. According to some press reports, the protesters were initially planning to focus on social woes. However, the unbearable status quo of the Sahara issue led the camps inhabitants to rise up against the Polisario leaders who were gathering at the so-called Sahrawi National Council (Sahrawi Parliament) in presence of the Polisario chief Brahim Ghali. The protesters have thus moved their sit-in to the site where the separatists leaders were gathering to vent their anger and denounce the lamentable situation of the sequestered Sahrawis, taken hostage by the Polisario to serve the agenda of the Algerian Generals. The demonstrators clashed with the inner circles and operatives of the Polisario leadership. Fearing to see the situation getting out of hand and leading to a bloodshed, Brahim Ghali asked his so-called Interior Minister Mustapha Mohamed Ali Sid El Bashir to go out and meet the protesters. In an attempt to defuse tension and contain a volatile situation, El Bachir offered to receive some representatives of the protesters to discuss their grievances. The furious sequestered Sahrawis warned that procrastination tactics will not work and that their protest movement will continue until their demands are fulfilled. Leaders of the Sudan uprising that brought down Omar al Bachir said Sunday they have suspended negotiations with the military council and will step up demonstrations until their demands for civilian transition rule are met. Mohamed al-Amin, a spokesman of the demonstrators coalition, told protesters who have been gathering in front of the defense ministry in capital Khartoum over the past days they will remain camped in front of the military compound until their demands for power transfer to a civilian rule are fulfilled. Several months of protests, which started last year, pressed the army to depose President Omar Beshir two weeks ago. The army appointed a military council to run affairs for a two-year transition, a period deemed too long by protesters and the international community who are calling for a quick power handover. Al-Amin, in the call to escalate the demonstrations, said the coalition of the demonstrators views the council as a continuation of the former regime. Also on Sunday, the military council leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan reportedly indicated that he was committed to handing power to the people and pledged to respond to demonstrators demands within a week. Tunisian tourism has scored a 17.4 percent in the number of arrivals in the first quarter of the year, while yearly revenues of the sector have jumped by 35.1 percent from last years proceedings. The figures were reported by London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily, which quoted tourism minister Rene Trabelsi. The increase generated $262.6 million in revenues; a 35.1 percent increase compared to 2018 figures in the same period, the official noted. Tunisia has been witnessing an impressive revival of its tourism sector after it was nearly brought down following several terrorist attacks in 2015 in which 70 people had been killed by the Islamic state groups (ISIS). Foreign tourists, mainly British holidaymakers, shunned the country after 30 British nationals were gunned down in June 2015, in Sousse in one of the attacks that rocked the North African country that year. Trabelsi noted that European arrivals to Tunisia rose by around 22.3 percent, but the North African country is still waiting for British tourists return. With a record figure last year of 8.3 million visitors, Tunisia is aiming to welcome around 9 million holidaymakers this season with the target at 1 million tourists from France; 640,000 from Russia; and 390,000 from Germany. The tourism sector accounts for 8 per cent of the countrys GDP and provides 400,000 jobs. Morocco has renewed its unwavering commitment to supporting the holy city of Al Quds and preserving its religious character. Morocco is fully committed, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, to all efforts aimed at supporting Al Quds and preserving its religious, civilizational and historical character, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mounia Boucetta, said Sunday in Cairo, where she represented the Kingdom at an emergency meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers held Sunday. Mounia Boucetta told the meeting that the Palestinian cause is a central issue for Morocco, and underlined the Sovereigns tireless efforts to support Al Quds and the Palestinian causes. The Kingdom continues to support the various Arab, regional and international initiatives defending the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, she said. Recalling the Al-Quds Call, signed in Rabat by the King and Pope Francis, the Moroccan official underlined that this document calls for the preservation of the Holy City, as a meeting place and symbol of peaceful coexistence for the followers of the three monotheistic religions. The State Secretary also recalled that Morocco announced last week that it would make a financial grant as a contribution to the restoration and development of some areas inside the holy Aqsa mosque and its surroundings. During the Cairo meeting, Arab Foreign Ministers pledged to activate a financial safety net of $100 million per month to help the Palestinian government meet the political and financial pressures it is facing, after Israel blocked tax transfers earlier in the year. Israels decision came as the Palestinians face major budget cuts after the United States last year slashed funding for the UNs Palestinian refugee program, UNRWA, and for development programs in the Palestinian territories. The World Food Program also cut back services due to funding shortages. The funding reduction is a major setback for the Palestinian Authority, which faces constant budget shortfalls. A 38-year-old Moroccan woman was injured in Sundays terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka, the Moroccan embassy in India said on Monday. Hajar A., a flight attendant working for Saudi Airlines carrier, was injured in a bomb blast in a hotel in Colombo that claimed many lives, according to the Moroccan embassy. Following the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka, the Moroccan Embassy in India, also accredited to Sri Lanka, has contacted the Sri Lankan authorities to take the necessary measures and provide assistance to the Moroccan national, said the embassy, adding that the medical reports it received indicate that the Moroccan national suffered minor injuries. At the request of the embassy, the Moroccan victim will be transferred from a public hospital to a specialized clinic to receive the necessary medical care. Sri Lankan police sources on Monday announced a new death toll of 290 and 500 wounded in the series of bombings that targeted hotels and churches across the country. King Mohammed had condemned the bombings as a heinous and terrorist act. In a message of condolences sent to president of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, the Sovereign said Morocco strongly condemns this heinous, terrorist act which is utterly inconsistent with the teachings of all religions and with human values. I was deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the terrorist attacks on hotels and churches in Sri Lanka, during Easter services, in which scores of innocent victims unfortunately lost their lives, said the Monarch in his message. There is more than one way to highlight and punish the presidents misconduct. Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images Shortly after the release of the redacted Mueller Report, when Democrats were engaged in a simmering debate on whether to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president, you occasionally heard talk about the less drasticand easier to accomplishoption of censuring him. Now that an impeachment inquiry is underway, the shoe is on the other foot, and among those Republicans who arent just angrily defending everything Trump has ever done, we are beginning to hear mutterings about censure as a way for the GOP to express disapproval of the presidents conduct without removing him from office. Heres Washington Post conservative columnist Henry Olsen following Gordon Sondlands testimony establishing Trumps efforts to pressure Ukraine to mess with the Bidens: Republican members of Congress should seek to do justice in all of its elements here. That could easily involve acquittal in the Senate, because all this does is put the final decision to the American people. But they should also act to both condemn what Trump has done and try to ensure that no other president is ever tempted to do something similar. The condemnation can take the form of a resolution to censure Trump over this matter. He will surely be upset at such a move, but the president was also upset about Congresss resolution disapproving his national emergency declaration this year to obtain funds to build his wall on our southern border. Many Republicans voted for that, and none were ostracized as a result. Trump would, in time, likely view a censure resolution similarly. Interestingly enough, another Washington Post columnist, Karen Tumulty endorsed this same course of action in the wake of the Mueller release, while noting its shortcomings: [T]here is another option: Either house, could, with a majority vote, formally censure Trump, something that has not happened to any chief executive since the Senate censured Andrew Jackson in 1834. While this would be dismissed in some quarters as merely a symbolic act, it would be a historic rebuke of the Trump presidency and would, properly, leave it to the voters to decide whether they have had enough of it. Unlike impeachment, a presidential censure has no specific constitutional authorization. Censure has been more customarily meted out by Congress to its own members (most famously Joe McCarthy in 1954) as a disciplinary measure short of the constitutionally sanctioned remedy of expulsion. As Tumulty noted, the Senate (controlled by the opposition Whigs) censured Jackson during a dispute over the Bank of the United States, but Democrats had the measure expunged from the record when they regained control of the chamber. Censure resolutions have been introduced but not enacted during multiple presidencies. Indeed, Trumps behavior has already inspired the introduction of two House resolutions (one for his comments after the white-nationalist riot in Charlottesville, and another after his racist reference to Haiti and African nations as shithole countries). The most relevant recent precedent, however, is almost certainly the effort by Democrats (encouraged by the White House) to censure Bill Clinton instead of impeaching him; Republicans defeated measures in both chambers (one in the House Judiciary Committee and the other on the Senate floor) to substitute censure for action on impeachment. In the identical situation, if Trump is impeached by the House with acquittal by the Senate being a virtual certainty, more Republicans may jump on the censure bandwagon, and Senate Democrats will have to decide whether to support it as a sort of withered booby prize since taking Trump down was beyond their powers. Its even possible that if the impeachment effort in the House somehow goes awry, and/or if public opinion turns against it sharply, Democrats could shift to censure as a Plan B. A censure resolution with enough enumeration of misconduct, especially if it is supported by lawmakers in his own party, might put a bit of a dent in the presidents reelection effort, while setting Republicans who love him against those who simply tolerate him. But at this late date, the fires of the impeachment fight are burning too hot and bright for most officials on either side to reach for a fire extinguisher. This post has been updated. Nothing wrong with a little white lie. Photo: Paul Sancya/AP/REX/Shutterstock A couple of very long years ago, 62.9 million Americans voted to make a racist reality star who, by his own account, had no experience at governing, but plenty at groping random married women their president. By the time these votes were cast, Donald Trump had called for banning all Muslims from the United States, led a movement contesting the first black presidents legitimacy, insinuated that the bulk of Mexican-Americans were drug dealers or rapists, praised his supporters for assaulting (nonwhite) protesters, and vowed to subject each and every one of Americas 11 million undocumented immigrants, including those brought to the U.S. as children, to deportation. Nevertheless, 46 percent of the U.S. electorate thought him worthier of the White House than a former senator and secretary of State (who just happened to be the first major-party nominee with the kind of genitalia that Trump boasted about grabbing). For many liberals, it is difficult to reconcile this set of facts with a magnanimous view of their Trump-voting compatriots. And it is harder still to hear nonpartisan political analysts and even some putatively progressive pundits attribute the demagogues victory to motives as innocent as economic anxiety, or even to his opponents failures of empathy. As if Republican voters decision to rally behind a self-professed pussy-grabber had somehow discredited Hillary Clintons suggestion that there were deplorables among them. For decades, progressives had been begging the mainstream media to acknowledge the centrality of racial animus and misogyny to the GOPs appeal. Now, the party had traded its dog whistle for a foghorn; self deportation for a Muslim ban; and the patriarchys polite, paternalistic superego for its bawdy, hateful id. The mask was off. The unsightly (and oddly orange) face of reaction fully exposed. And the press was just going to veil it with thousand sympathetic profiles of Trump country and its humble, forgotten folk? Academic autopsies of the 2016 election have largely validated blue Americas exasperation. A hefty body of political-science research has established that the more racially conservative, hostilely sexist, concerned about immigration, or distrustful of Muslims a 2016 voter was, the more likely they were to support Trump, no matter their partisan or ideological self-identification. No similar correlation has held between Trump support and economic dissatisfaction. More broadly, Trumps coalition was almost identical to Mitt Romneys and while the 2016 GOP nominee did attract a bit more support from working-class whites, the available data suggests that this had less to do with the moguls sporadic appeals to economic populism than with his near-constant stoking of white racial resentments and anxieties about demographic change. To be sure, economically insecure Rust Belt voters who pulled the lever for Trump primarily out of a well-founded resentment of Clintons support for NAFTA, or of Barack Obamas failure to arrest their regions postindustrial decline surely exist. And there is evidence that human beings become less tolerant and more tribal amid conditions of scarcity. Thus, its conceivable that Trumps brand of white grievance politics would have had less appeal in 2016, had policy-makers averted the past four decades of stagnant middle-class wages and soaring individual and regional inequality. Finally, it would be unfair (or at least ungenerous) to deny the existence of conservative voters who oppose mass immigration primarily out of an aversion to change, rather than an investment in a soft form of white nationalism (there are millions of nonwhite Trump voters in this county, after all). All that said: The idea that the typical Trump voter (or even, typical Obama-to-Trump voter) was a downwardly mobile proletarian who grudgingly looked past Trumps racism and sexism out of desperate hope that an outsider might deliver genuine economic change has no empirical validity. And yet many of the Democratic Partys 2020 hopefuls are preaching that convenient untruth, anyway. On a recent trip to South Carolina, Pete Buttigieg argued that a lot of Trump voters knew the mogul was not a good guy, walked into the voting booth and voted to burn the house down because of some very deep issues that motivated them to send a message. But the politicians primary vocation isnt to speak truth to power it is to win power, and then exercise it in a manner that advances the greater good. Some of which I think we should give no quarter to, like racism, but others of which deserve to be taken seriously, the mayor of South Bend continued. The sense of displacement, and the belief that Democratic and Republican presidencies have let them down, and the failure of this enormous American prosperity to reach so many people in so many communities. Bernie Sanders expressed similar sentiments at a CNN town hall last month. Im not going to say that within Trumps camp there arent some people who are racists and sexists, the Vermont senator said. There are. We have seen that. But I dont believe that is the case for most of those folks. I think many of these people are people who have worked hard their entire lives and their standard of living is going down, in many cases, theyre making less today than they did 30 or 40 years ago. Sanders and Buttigieg are far from alone among Democratic candidates in insisting that there was really only ever a thimbleful of deplorables. Plenty of others have suggested that a 2016 Trump vote is (more or less) the language of the unheard. And all things considered, thats probably for the best. The political scientists have only interpreted the marginal Trump voters motives in various ways. The point is to change them. The politician and the public intellectual have two very different jobs. The latter is tasked with telling the best approximation of the truth they can muster especially when said truth is uncomfortable or unpopular. We need political scientists willing to overturn our most cherished presumptions about actually existing democracy, historians eager to recover our republics most violently suppressed memories, and commentators who illuminate our collective complicity in contemporary injustice. In certain contexts, on certain subjects, we need elected officials to do the same. But the politicians primary vocation isnt to speak truth to power it is to win power, and then exercise it in a manner that advances the greater good. In a representative democracy, that typically means rallying the largest possible coalition behind you, your party, and its governing priorities. Depending on ones definition of the greater good, that task may well involve a great deal of uncomfortable truth telling. But any politician who cares more about expressing (what she perceives in a given moment to be) the unvarnished truth than about using state power to improve peoples lives has chosen the wrong line of work. Democratic candidates may do well to describe the Republican Partys agenda, elected officials, and electoral strategy in unflinching terms. The modern GOP exists to entrench plutocracy by cultivating white Americans racial and cultural animosities. It is becoming increasingly forthright in its opposition to democracy and contempt for the most basic rights of vulnerable minorities. Refusing to indulge in euphemism when describing where the conservative movement is taking the country seems both socially useful and (relatively) electorally benign. Donald Trump is an immensely unpopular president. The less distance there is in the popular imagination between his illiberalism and extremity and the Republican Partys, the better off Team Blue will be. But to insist that Democrats explicitly impute ignominious motives to GOP voters is to insist on the commission of political malpractice. It may be a sociological fact that most conservative voters who support Trumps immigration agenda and revile Barack Obama do so (at least in part) out of an anxiety about white Americas declining cultural and political dominance. But the percentage of soft Trump supporters who consciously understand themselves to be motivated by racial anxiety or animus is bound to be on the smaller side. And you wont win many swing voters hearts and minds by telling them you know their hearts and minds better than they do (no matter how many links to regressions of voter file data you provide them). You cant build a coalition without telling a few white lies. Hillary Clinton spent much of 2016 arguing that Ronald Reagan would never vote for Donald Trump. At the Democratic National Convention, a series of speakers including Barack Obama argued that the patron saint of the conservative movement would recoil at Trumps authoritarian ethos. At a September press conference, the Democratic nominee suggested that the Gipper would be incensed to see the Republican nominee praise Vladimir Putin while disparaging the American president. One of her super-PACs final campaign ads cast Reagans ghost as a Clinton surrogate. Clintons campaign did not embrace such messaging out of sincere reverence for the man who killed off the New Deal consensus. And when promoting the idea that Trumps GOP represented a radical break from Reagans, her team certainly wasnt telling difficult truths. There are worthwhile distinctions to be drawn between Trumpism and Reaganism. But the president who launched his 1980 campaign by preaching states rights in Philadelphia, Mississippi, had no intolerance for racial demagogy. And the commander-in-chief who presided over Iran-Contra was no stalwart opponent of authoritarianism or defender of (small-r) republican values. Clinton did not favorably contrast Reagan (and Paul Ryan and Bob Dole) with her opponent out of fidelity to the truth. She did so because she believed such comforting fictions might make it easier for Trump-averse GOP voters to cross the aisle in 2016. Human beings do not forfeit old identities with ease or eagerness. Revising ones self-conception can be painful, particularly when doing so involves admitting error. Thus, Clinton offered longtime GOP voters a way to vote for her without having to disavow their previous voting behavior or self-conception as Reagan conservatives. This was hardly a novel gambit (see Nixon, Democrats for). And many Mitt Romney voters accepted Clintons offer and if they didnt (almost) all happen to live in the suburbs of deep blue states, she would have won the presidency as a result. When Buttigieg, Sanders & Co. suggest that most Trump voters backed the mogul out of an understandable (if misplaced) desire for economic change, they are performing the same maneuver. The point is to make it as unthreatening as possible for such voters to change their minds. I understandably felt that Trump was the candidate most likely to address my legitimate concerns, but he has now broken his promises, and betrayed my trust is an easier thing to tell oneself than I backed Trump out of a desire to protect my unearned racial privilege, but I now recognize the shamefulness of my white fragility (and that of most of my friends and family). As Alana Conner, executive director of Stanford Universitys Social Psychological Answers to Real-World Questions Center, told Voxs German Lopez in 2018, Telling people theyre racist, sexist, and xenophobic is going to get you exactly nowhere. Its such a threatening message. One of the things we know from social psychology is when people feel threatened, they cant change, they cant listen. Another well-documented aspect of human psychology is that we are not always conscious of the motivations governing our behavior. And the way we remember the motivations behind our past decisions or even what those decisions were is influenced by our perceptions in the present. In fact, it is quite common for people to misremember whom they voted for in the past so as to reconcile it with how they currently wish to vote, a phenomenon researchers call reconciliation. One implication of these realities: Even if a given Trump voter did not support the president in 2016 on the basis of economic concerns, it is conceivable that a sufficiently talented and charismatic Democratic politician can convince said voter that she did. The unwoke will always be with us. Some liberals may see the empirical work showing the prevalence of reactionary racial attitudes among Trump voters in general, and Obama-to-Trump voters in particular, as evidence that no significant number of such voters are winnable, no matter how nonthreateningly theyre approached. And perhaps this is the case. But that argument sits in tension with the fact that the Democratic Party already depends on the support of voters with what some political scientists categorize as racially resentful views. Although the Democratic coalition is becoming more racially liberal, Vanderbilt political scientist Larry Bartels has shown that, in 2017, some 33 percent of Democratic voters agreed with the statement, discrimination against whites is as big a problem today as discrimination against blacks and other minorities; 39 percent felt that people who disrespect the American flag dont belong in this country; and some 55 percent insisted that speaking English is essential for being a true American. Many progressive policies and value propositions enjoy majoritarian support. But the percentage of Americans who hold the liberal position on each and every political question is tiny (as is the percentage that espouses uniformly conservative views). For progressives, there is no alternative to finding ways to make common cause with the unenlightened. Some may argue that Democrats could reduce their dependence on such voters by bringing more people of color into the electorate, and that calling out the racism of Trump voters (or at least avoiding the temptation to impute empirically baseless motives to them) will further that objective. And without question, registering nonwhite voters and defending their right to the franchise from Republican attacks should be a top priority of the Democratic Party. But the notion that there is an inherent trade-off between courting marginal Trump voters (by paying lip service to their theoretical economic anxiety), and mobilizing politically disengaged nonwhite voters, is under-substantiated. No modern-day political figure has ever had more success at mobilizing disengaged nonwhite voters than Barack Obama and he devoted far more rhetorical energy to scolding black America for its cultural pathologies than to upbraiding white Republicans for their complicity in structural racism. Regardless, due to the way political representation is apportioned in this country, there are significant limits to what a progressive movement can achieve without making some inroads with the kinds of white, non-woke voters who backed Trump in 2016. You cant free African-Americans in Oklahoma from the scourge of reactionary rule through increasing nonwhite voter turnout alone. To make transformative change in the long term, progressive activists and intellectuals might well need to awaken their fellow citizens to the ubiquity of white revanchism in American politics while also expanding the popular definition of racism, so as to stigmatize forms of political behavior that indirectly perpetuate racial inequity. But to minimize the power of an increasingly racist and authoritarian Republican Party in the immediate term, Democratic presidential candidates need to court the racially innocent, economically anxious white Trump voter even if he does not (yet) exist. Larry Mitchell Hopkins in March 2019. Photo: PAUL RATJE/AFP/Getty Images On Saturday, the FBI arrested 69-year-old Larry Mitchell Hopkins, the New Mexico conspiracist leading a militia illegally detaining migrants at the southern border. Hopkins heads United Constitutional Patriots, an armed vigilante group that allegedly detained or kidnapped, according to the ACLU around 200 asylum seekers who crossed into the U.S. near Sunland Park, New Mexico, earlier this week. Hopkins was arrested on charges of possessing firearms and ammo as a convicted felon. His past felony charges, according to the Daily Beast, include felony firearm possession and impersonating an officer. New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas attest he and his militia may be doing it again: These individuals should not attempt to exercise authority reserved for law enforcement, Balderas said in a statement. Dressed in camo, bulletproof vests, and carrying assault rifles, the United Constitutional Patriots have posted videos that appear to show their members aiming guns in the direction of migrant families. In a phone interview with the New York Times, UCP spokesman Jim Benvie said their actions were equivalent to a verbal citizens arrest. Theres no question about whether or not we work with Border Patrol, Jim, a UCP spokesman who declined to give his last name, told the Daily Beast. (Its unclear if there are two Jims in the unit, or if Benvie forgot he gave his name to the Times.) Unsurprisingly, Border Patrol does not agree: U.S. Customs and Border Protection does not endorse private groups or organizations taking enforcement matters into their own hands, an official told the Daily Beast. Hopkins claims he once met President Trump in a random encounter in a Las Vegas casino and the two have kept in touch ever since. In an November 2018 interview with the Southern Poverty Law Center, Hopkins said that very high level law enforcement had prewarned him of armed groups already in the United States planning on flanking us to shoot us. Its one of several conspiracy theories that Hopkins and his group promote. The UCP has a radio show that discusses QAnon and has suggested that Ilhan Omar is trying to impose Sharia law. In addition to losing their leader this week, United Constitutional Patriots were banned from PayPal and GoFundMe on Friday. It could be a major blow for the UCP, which has reportedly claimed nonprofit status on Facebook despite not registering for the tax status on a federal or state level. On Monday, documents unsealed in federal court revealed that the FBI received reports in 2017 that Hopkins was training to assassinate Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros. Hopkins could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted of the new possession charge. Giuliani making one of many paid appearances at the conference of a controversial Iranian opposition group that wants foreign governments to help it overthrow Irans government. Photo: Zakaria Abdelkafi/AFP/Getty Images Trump defense attorney Rudy Giuliani was back on the air Sunday to respond to the newly released Mueller report, and for fans of his unique brand of headline-making if he did it legal speculation, the former New York mayor did not disappoint. Theres nothing wrong with taking information from Russians, Giuliani explained to State of the Union host Jake Tapper on Sunday morning though he added that he wasnt sure he would have decided to do that himself and would have advised Trump against it. The comments were in response to Senator Mitt Romneys recent statement that he was sickened by what he read in the Mueller report and appalled that fellow citizens working in a campaign for president [Trump] welcomed help from Russia, including information that had been illegally obtained, that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement. At first, Giuliani seemed to imply that Romney shouldnt be criticizing others for accepting foreign assistance to a presidential campaign, remarking, Man, if I could tell you the things [Romney] wanted to do [in the 2012 presidential campaign]. He then told Romney to stop the bull and to stop this pious act that you werent digging up, trying to dig up dirt on people, putting dirt out on people. But pressed on the point that Romney wasnt accepting information from foreign governments, Giuliani conceded that he did not know if Romney had done that. The hypocrisy, he maintained, was because any candidate in the whole world in America would take information, negative [information]. From a hostile foreign source? Tapper followed up. Who says its even illegal? Giuliani replied, going on to make the point that the fruits of Russias hacked labor were printed by every newspaper. Theres nothing wrong with taking information from Russians, he soon added. It depends on where it came from. (On Meet the Press, Giuliani was similarly asked whether it is now okay for political campaigns to work with material stolen by foreign adversaries? His response was, It depends on the stolen material.) Theres no crime, Giuliani maintained on State of the Union, getting annoyed with how Tapper kept wanted to know if he thought it was ethical to accept stolen information from a hostile foreign power in order to win a presidential campaign (rather than just let Giuliani try to articulate his narrow focus on the legality). Then again, Americas Mayor also tried to the muddle the difference between Muellers team finding insufficient evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy and not finding any evidence at all. They couldnt find a single piece evidence for anything, hacking, dissemination, claimed Giuliani. Theres an entire volume of evidence, replied Tapper. There is an entire volume of stuff, of stuff, not of evidence, the Trump lawyer responded. Later on the show, former federal prosecutor Preet Bharara criticized Giuliani over his nonchalant views on the Trump campaigns documented transgressions: The idea that it is okay separate and apart from it being a criminal offense that we should be telling future candidates in the run-up to an election in 2020 that if an adversary, a foreign adversary, is offering information against a political opponent, that its okay and right and proper and American and patriotic, it seems hes saying, to take that information and thats okay thats an extraordinary statement and I would hope he would retract it. Photo: Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty Images Thousands of Google employees around the world walked out of their offices in November 2018, demanding change at the company. They walked out for pay equity, for transparency, for more effective sexual misconduct reporting procedures, and for a seat at the table with the board of directors. Since then, Google has made a few of these demands reality. First, it ended forced arbitration for individual sexual harassment and sexual assault claims. Months later, it updated that change to include any situation in which an employee might want to sue Google. (Any full-time employee, that is. The same protections do not apply to Googles many contract workers, who are predominantly women and people of color.) But, according to a report Monday from Wired, in addition to glacially making policy changes to save face, Google may also have been retaliating against the very workers who stuck their necks out and directed Google to those issues that needed changing in the first place. From Wired: Claire Stapleton, another walkout organizer and a 12-year veteran of the company, said in the email that two months after the protest she was told she would be demoted from her role as marketing manager at YouTube and lose half her reports. After escalating the issue to human resources, she said she faced further retaliation. My manager started ignoring me, my work was given to other people, and I was told to go on medical leave, even though Im not sick, Stapleton wrote. After she hired a lawyer; the company conducted an investigation and seemed to reverse her demotion. While my work has been restored, the environment remains hostile and I consider quitting nearly every day, she wrote. Meredith Whittaker she heads Googles Open Research Group and the Google Measurement Lab was recently told her position was going to change dramatically, Wired also reports. Whitaker, in a message she and Stapleton sent internally, said the company told her she would need to stop her work at an AI research center she founded at New York University. The pair are coordinating a town hall meeting later in April for other employees to share their own stories. Hopefully, there wont be any others. Realistically, this wont be the case. We prohibit retaliation in the workplace, and investigate all allegations. Employees and teams are regularly and commonly given new assignments, or reorganized, to keep pace with evolving business needs. There has been no retaliation her, a Google spokesperson said in a statement provided to Intelligencer. Sign Up for the Intelligencer Newsletter Daily news about the politics, business, and technology shaping our world. Email This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Terms & Privacy Notice By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us. Trumps actions will only embolden Russia. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images The most important line in the Mueller report appears in the introduction to Volume I: The Russian government interfered with the 2016 election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Our presidents response has fallen woefully short. And now we know why. As with all things, Donald Trump made the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller all about him. But it is about so much more: our national security and the future of our democracy. Trumps failure to protect our country from future attacks is his biggest betrayal. Mueller has published a detailed accounting of Russias attack on our presidential election. His report describes how Russia conducted a social-media disinformation campaign and weaponized email messages to sabotage the election. Muellers description of the Russia attack makes it clear that information warfare is the new battleground. And yet Trump continues to minimize the threat to our national security. Concerned more about the legitimacy of his presidency than the integrity of future elections, Trump still downplays the Russian attack. The Mueller report offers insights into Trumps thinking: Several advisors recalled that the President-Elect viewed stories about his Russian connections, the Russia investigations, and the intelligence community assessment of Russian interference as a threat to the legitimacy of his electoral victory. Former communications director Hope Hicks said that Trump viewed the intelligence community assessment as his Achilles heel because, even if Russia had no impact on the election, people would think Russia helped him win, taking away from what he had accomplished. Her predecessor, Sean Spicer, recalled that the President thought the Russia story was developed to undermine the legitimacy of his election. Former deputy campaign chairman Richard Gates said the President viewed the Russia investigation as an attack on the legitimacy of his win. White House chief of staff Reince Priebus recalled that when the intelligence assessment came out, the President-Elect was concerned people would question the legitimacy of his win. In other words, Trump was more concerned about appearing to have won a decisive victory in the election than about acknowledging and addressing an attack on our country by a foreign adversary. Trumps receptiveness to Russias overtures may even have encouraged the attacks. Despite Attorney General William Barrs characterization that Mueller found no collusion, Muellers report tells a different story. Mueller says that the evidence was not sufficient to charge any member of the Trump campaign with conspiring with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election. But the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign. Trumps denials of Russian interference date back to the campaign. In July 2016, the Democratic National Committee announced that it had been hacked by Russian government actors. Rather than denouncing the attack, Trump playfully encouraged Russia interference, at one point publicly asking, Russia, if youre listening, I hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. According to Muellers report, within five hours, Russian hackers tried to hack Hillary Clintons personal email. While the episode was not part of a formal agreement to interfere with the election, it was the kind of mutually beneficial conduct that encouraged Russia to continue its aggression. During his first debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump deflected blame from Russia, when he famously said, I dont think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay? Even after winning the election and becoming president, Trump continued to shift blame from Russia. In June 2017, Trump tweeted that Russian hacking was a big Dem HOAX, asking Why did the DNC REFUSE to turn over its Server to the FBI, and still hasnt? Its all a big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election! Then last July, Trump stood next to Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and outraged many American government officials when he indicated that he believed Putin when he said that it was not Russia who had interfered with the election, despite such a finding by the U.S. intelligence community. Now we know why Trump continues to minimize Russias role. Trumps narcissism about the legitimacy of his election has prevented him from publicly acknowledging Russias attack and providing the leadership necessary to protect us from more. A president whose focus was on leading our nation would eagerly provide deterrence to Russia in the form of sanctions and retaliation for election hacking. (While the U.S. has imposed new sanctions, at times Trump has resisted congressional efforts to punish Russia.) In addition, a responsible president would make cybersecurity a top priority of the Department of Homeland Security. Instead, Trump sows discord in our country by making immigration enforcement his prime focus. Trumps reaction to Russia interference will only embolden our adversary for future attacks. His self-absorption prevents him from fulfilling his duty that the laws be faithfully executed. Now that the Mueller investigation is over, and Trumps motives have been exposed, staffers and Congress must play a stronger role in pushing Trump to the side and hardening our election system against attacks. A devastated church in Sri Lanka. Photo: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images A lot of Americans are understandably weary of conservative Christian self-pity over the indignity of having to share their country with sodomites, feminists, and environmentalists, not to mention the active persecution associated with having to subsidize reproductive medical services, cater to the patronage of same-sex couples, and worst of all, experience wishes for Happy Holidays every Christmas season. But as the horrendous Easter Sunday massacres in Sri Lanka illustrated, in many other countries there really is active discrimination against, and sometimes violence targeting, Christians. Indeed, the Sri Lanka attacks did not come out of a clear blue sky. The country developed a reputation for communal violence during its interminable civil war (which ran roughly from 1983 until 2009), though most of the atrocities reflected the intense battle between the majority ethnic Sinhalese, mostly Buddhist, and the minority ethnic Tamil, mostly Hindu. Still, last year there was a wave of mosque bombings, and in the past Christian churches have occasionally been targeted by local Buddhist and Hindu groups angry about proselytization and conversions. As Reuters reports, such incidents have been common: Last year, there were 86 verified incidents of discrimination, threats and violence against Christians, according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), which represents more than 200 churches and other Christian organisations. This year, the NCEASL recorded 26 such incidents, including one in which Buddhist monks allegedly attempted to disrupt a Sunday worship service, with the last one reported on March 25. According to the Sri Lankan government, the Easter massacres were actually the work of suicide bombers from a radical Islamist fringe organization; scattered reports suggest that it might have even been an act of revenge for the recent mass murder of Muslims in New Zealand. But regardless of the perpetrators, the attacks reflect an increasingly critical set of problems facing Christians in various parts of Asia, as the New York Times notes: Over the past year, deadly bombings of churches by militants claiming allegiance to the Islamic State have rocked the Philippines and Indonesia. In India, the Hindu right, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has targeted Muslim and Christian minorities, the latter group because of its symbolic association with British colonialism. The ruling party in Bangladesh, the secular-leaning Awami League, has partnered with conservative Muslim clerics who routinely call for the persecution of religious minorities, including Christians. In Myanmar, Christian minorities fear they will be the next targets of the Buddhist-dominated government. Anti-religious governments have been a problem, too. North Korea is famously hostile to Christianity. And in China, while persecution of Muslims has gotten the most attention, newly restrictive regulations have affected millions of Christians, particularly those worshipping in smaller, less established churches without official regulation. According to the South China Morning Post, the situation in China is deteriorating rapidly: Yang Fenggang, the founder of the Centre on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University in the United States says: Under Xi Jinping, the suppression of Christian churches and other religious organisations is being carried out nationwide with unprecedented determination By Open Doors [a group dedicated to monitoring anti-Christian persecution] reckoning, more than 20 million [Chinese] Christians experienced persecution last year, and it forecasts that number to increase to 50 million in 2019. It cited the countrys revised Religious Affairs Regulations, which have governed the practice of all religions since the 1980s; an array of crackdowns and raids; and a wave of church closures such as that of Beijings Zion Church in September. In China, our figures indicate persecution is the worst its been in more than a decade alarmingly, some church leaders are saying its the worst since the Cultural Revolution ended in 1976, said Henrietta Blyth, chief executive of Open Doors UK and Ireland, in a statement. Violence against the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East is better known, including the persecutions conducted by the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and the periodic attacks on Copts in Egypt. Their numbers are steadily dwindling, as the Times of Israel observed last year: Christians have been rooted in the Middle East as minority communities since the birth of the religion, but their numbers are dwindling amid conflict and jihadist attacks. Today they make up only four percent of the regions population, down from 20% before the First World War, Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said this month. Overall, Christians rival Muslims in having recently become the target of persecution. A 2016 Pew report showed that Christians were the most regularly harassed religious group in 144 countries, while Muslims achieved that dubious status in 142. The three countries with the most extensive violence against Christians as of 2018, according to Open Doors, were Pakistan, Nigeria, and the Central African Republic. Presumably Sri Lanka will soon join the list of countries where martyrdom is a strong possibility for Christians. Their co-religionists in the United States should feel shame for considering themselves the objects of persecution. I was voted the least likely to ever have a backpack, but if you travel a lot, this one will change your life. The best way to minimize stress when traveling is mise en place a place for everything and everything in its place. I carry my 15-inch laptop in one of those fancy zipped TSA-approved sleeves, my iPad Plus, wallet, two hardcover books, a big Ziploc bag of my healthy snacks, two cases for my glasses, a magazine or two, my journal, my ear pods, and all of my pens and pencils. It has a great compartment for my phone and waterproof side pockets for a water bottle or umbrella. And it has a sleeve on the back that fits over the handle of my carry-on. Ive had it for years and never worn it on my back. I even put a small purse in it for running around once Im on the ground somewhere. Ive converted everyone at work! Decrease Font Size Font Size Increase Font Size Article body Auburn Universitys Korea Corner has played a pivotal role in planning the first Korean American Grassroots Conference in Alabama. Korea Corner worked jointly with the Korean American Grassroots Conference in Washington, D.C., the Overseas Koreans Foundation and the Alabama Governors Office of Minority Affairs to bring the event to Auburn on April 27. The Korean American Grassroots Conference, the largest nationwide network of Korean American voters, has hosted a national conference every summer since 2014 in Washington, D.C. The Alabama conference maintains a similar purpose: to promote civic engagement of the Korean American community through civic education and voter mobilization. The local conference is scheduled for 8 a.m.-4 p.m., in the Legacy Ballroom of The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. It is free and open to the public. Young adults, college students and high school students are strongly encouraged to attend. For more information, visit aub.ie/koreanamericangrassroots. Speakers include Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill; Georgia Rep. Sam Park; Nichelle W. Nix, director of the Alabama Governors Office of Minority Affairs; Auburn Mayor Ron Anders; Royrickers Cook, vice president for University Outreach and associate provost at Auburn; and Wonseok Song, executive director of the Korean American Grassroots Conference. Programming for the day-long conference is designed to foster collaborative efforts between Korean Americans and elected officials in order to develop and implement civic education and voter registration programs, as well as to better coordinate the Korean American communitys advocacy efforts on the national level. The Korea Corner at Auburn University operates within University Outreach through the Office of Professional and Continuing Education with support from the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Atlanta. The corner provides educational resources and experiences designed to meet the changing needs of citizens in a global society and strengthen the connection of members of the Korean community to American culture and society. With an uncertain future staring at over 22,000 employees of the grounded Jet Airways, bank unions Monday suggested offering special loans to them to tide over RPT over the financial criss arising from non-payment of salaries. Last week bank unions had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding the government take over the carrier to secure the jobs of its employees. In a letter to the Indian Banks Association, the union requested the banking lobby to "ask member banks to device a special loan scheme to the Jet staff to help them tide over their present financial problems." The unions also suggested banks can extend special and exclusive loans to the airline to pay the salary dues or some subsistence payments to them against proper collateral. Jet Airways chief executive Vinay Dube had Saturday said around Rs 170 crore would be needed to clear at least a month's salary. After flying for 25 years, Jet last week announced grounding after its lenders declined an interim funding of Rs 400 crore. Dube, along with Maharashtra finance minister Sudhir Mungantiwar, civil aviation secretary Pradeep Singh Kharola, chief financial officer Amit Agarwal, representatives of unions of the pilots, engineers, cabin crew and ground staff met Finance Minster Arun Jaitley in Delhi over the weekend. Jaitley had assured to look into the issues of the grounded airline. The airline owes over Rs 8,500 crore to banks and around Rs 4,000 crore to its vendors and aircraft lessors and months of salaries to the employees apart from thousands of crores of rupees in ticket refunds to passengers. That apart it has an accumulated loss of over Rs 13,000 crore. A consortium of banks led by State Bank had said they were hopeful of a successful bidding process for stake sale in the airline. Bank unions said they were happy that lenders are not showing any hurry to further lend to the airline and have invited bidders to take over. "When promoter Naresh Goyal is unable to bring in further capital, and when the airline is already cash-starved, it is most prudent that banks do not extned any fresh loans unless some viable proposals come to take over and run the airline," the letter said. If viable proposals do not come at the earliest to take over the airline, banks should recommend to the government to either take over the airline or merge it with Air India, the union said. Also Read: US may ask India and four others to completely end Iranian oil imports: report Also Read: Silver exports fall 75% after Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi flee India Lok Sabha election 2019: Lok Sabha election 2019: Voting in 115 constituencies across 15 states will be held tomorrow in Phase 3 of the Lok Sabha elections. Of total candidates this time, as many as 316 are from national parties; 76 from state parties; 496 from registered unrecognised parties; and 724 independents. A total of 392 candidates are crorepatis, with around 10 per cent (around 160) having assets above Rs 5 crore. All parliamentary constituencies in Goa (2), Gujarat (26), Kerala (20), Dadra and Nagar Haveli (1) and Daman and Diu (1) will go for polling in the third phase. Here are the latest updates on the phase 3 of the Lok Sabha election 2019. 1.59pm: BJP chief invokes the Balakot strikes in West Bengal. BJP President Amit Shah in Birbhum, West Bengal: Hamare 40 jawan ko maarde us ke sath baat-cheet karni chahiye ya bomb girana chahiye?Kya karna chahiye?Mamata di aapko terroriston ke sath ilu-ilu karna hai to kariye. Ye BJP ki sarkar hai,Pakistan se goli aegi, yahan se gola jaega pic.twitter.com/cGNmypWCdH - ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2019 1.40pm: DM Rampur Anjanay Kumar: "An offence report to be registered against Abdullah Azam Khan (SP leader Azam Khan's son) for calling Jaya Prada 'Anarkali'. 12.34pm: PM Modi talks about air strikes in Balakot during his election rally in Maharashtra. PM Narendra Modi addressing a public rally in Dindori, Maharashtra: Aaj har aatanki ko pata hai ki agar desh ke kisi hisse mein bomb dhamaka kiya, toh yeh Modi hai, yeh unhe pataal mein bhi khoj kar saza dega, unhein khatam karega pic.twitter.com/MaLHlFidHB - ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2019 12.28pm: The SC has issued a notice to BJP leader and Union minister Smriti Irani on plea filed by Congress leader Sanjay nirupam to quash the criminal defanation case against him. The matter will be heard on Monday. "Why do you go for TV debates when you enter into a fight and then go to the court," comments the Supreme Court. Nirupam had been charged with defamation after making certain derogatory remarks against Irani during a TV debate. 12.19pm: The full list of Congress candidates for Delhi. Congress Central Election Committee announces candidates for the ensuing elections to the Lok Sabha from NCT of Delhi. pic.twitter.com/MLnHg8eHlP - Congress (@INCIndia) April 22, 2019 12.08pm: Congress President Rahul Gandhi files his response in the Supreme court in connection with a contempt petition filed by BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi over his statement on Rafale verdict. The SC will hear the case on Tuesday. 12.01pm: Congress releases list of 6 candidates for Delhi; Sheila Dixit to contest against Manoj Tiwari. Sheila Dikshit, Former Delhi CM & Congress candidate from (NE) Delhi: I'll do my best to fulfill the responsibility given to me. I've contested from here earlier, I know the people here and they know me. We had started Metro from here, our reputation is of working for the people. pic.twitter.com/sdvuOYHess - ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2019 10.40am: PM Narendra Modi: "Whenever Congress comes to power: Prices are high. Taxes are high. Irrigation projects are delayed. National security is ignored. BJP's development agenda empowers millions." Whenever Congress comes to power: Prices are high. Taxes are high. Irrigation projects are delayed. National security is ignored. BJP's development agenda empowers millions. Here are highlights from Rajasthan yesterday. pic.twitter.com/w5afrbrvuG - Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 22, 2019 10.30am: "Mamata Didi has created an atmosphere of fear in the minds of voters," says Amit Shah. 10.15am: Amit Shah on Sadvi Pragya: "Sadhvi Pragya was charged in false cases. The question is where are the original culprits of the Samjhauta blast." 10.00am: BJP National President Shri Amit Shah during a press conference in Kolkata says the Opposition has failed on all fronts, and have not been able to put forward a formidable leader. 9.50am: SP chief Akhilesh Yadav's serious charge against BJP. '' '-' , . . . pic.twitter.com/67Z7Kwl6aW - Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) April 21, 2019 - Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) April 21, 2019 9.29am: The Congress party has released another list of five candidates for Haryana. Former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda has been fielded from Sonipat. The party has replaced Faridabad candidate Lalit Nagar with Avtar Singh Bhadana. Congress Central Election Committee announces five more candidates for the ensuing elections to the Lok Sabha from Haryana. pic.twitter.com/DQVPUzpZlT - Congress (@INCIndia) April 21, 2019 9.15am: The Congress party is expected to candidates for 7 Delhi Lok Sabha seats today. 9.00am: The Congress party chief will hold roadshows in Tiloi and Salon region during his stay in Amethi and will also address nukaad sabhas. Rahul Gandhi is seeking re-election from Amethi Lok Sabha seat and is contesting against BJP's Smriti Irani. 8.45 am: Congress President Rahul Gandhi will be campaigning in Amethi district of Uttar Pradesh today. 8.30am: PM Modi to address four rallies in Maharashtra and Rajasthan today. 8.15am: The BJP has claimed that the outlawed National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) is campaigning in favour of the Congress in the East Tripura Lok Sabha constituency, where polling was rescheduled from April 18 to April 23, reported PTI. The saffron party has also filed a complaint with the Election Commission in this regard. "NLFT's self-styled secretary Utpal Debbarma alias Uthai has asked people to vote for the Congress. We have got records of his appeal," BJP spokesperson Nabendu Bhattacharya said. 8.00am: Supporters of CPI candidate from Bihar's Begusarai Lok Sabha seat, Kanhaiya Kumar, and a group of locals clashed on Sunday, after the former JNU students' union president was shown black flags during a roadshow, police said, reported PTI. The incident occurred when more than a dozen local youths raised slogans against Kumar and waved black flags at him, while he was taking out a road show at Koray village in Gadhpura block of the constituency, a police officer said. Kumar is pitted against Union minister and firebrand BJP leader Giriraj Singh. Congress President Rahul Gandhi, in response to a defamation suit filed against him, has expressed regret for attributing the "Chowkidar chor hai" remarks to the Supreme Court. Taking a jibe at Prime Minister Modi, Rahul Gandhi had said that the SC had confirmed "Chowkidar hi chor hai" after the apex court passed an order to examine fresh pleas in the Rafale case on April 10. Filing an affidavit in SC today, he clarified that he had "incorrectly attributed" the remark to the apex court. The Congress President's reply comes days after BJP leader and lawyer Meenakshi Lekhi filed a defamation suit against him over the issue. The BJP MP had sought criminal contempt against the Congress president. "Filed a Criminal Court of Contempt against serial offender Rahul Gandhi. He attributed his own statements as Court's verdict. Misrepresenting and lowering the dignity of the SC. Vilifying the Constitutional authorities!" she said on Twitter. Reacting to Rahul's response, Lekhi said: "It's an admission of guilt & thus Contempt". It's an admission of guilt & thus Contempt . Considering the need to protect the integrity of the court in these testing times,such an admission is a vindication of the petition. I hope & pray that it is responded with strictest rebuke by the court. - Chowkidar Meenakashi Lekhi (@M_Lekhi) April 22, 2019 In an affidavit filed in the SC on Monday, Rahul Gandhi said his statement was made in the heat of political campaigning, and that they had been misused by his opponents. After the filing of the defamation case, the SC asked him to reply before April 22. The SC bench, led by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, had also said that Rahul's remarks were incorrectly attributed to the SC. The apex court will hear the matter on Tuesday. Congress President Rahul Gandhi files his response in Supreme court in connection with a contempt petition filed by BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi over his statement on Rafale verdict. SC will hear the matter tomorrow. (File pic) pic.twitter.com/uOo5tQDWdx - ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2019 Besides, Bihar Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi has also filed another defamation case against the Congress President over his "all thieves share the Modi surname" remark. Rahul Gandhi, during a rally in Kolar, Karnataka, had said: "I have a question. Why all the thieves have Modi in their names whether be it Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi and Narendra Modi? We don't know how many more such Modis will come out." Edited by Manoj Sharma Lok Sabha Election 2019: Poll dates, full schedule, voting FAQs, election results, constituencies' details Lok Sabha Election 2019 Phase 3 Live Updates: Congress releases list of 6 candidates for Delhi; Sheila Dixit to contest against Manoj Tiwari In the wake of the serial bomb blasts in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, two domestic airlines are offering a reprieve to passengers headed to the island country in the next two days. "In light of the recent events in Colombo, we are providing full fee waiver on rescheduling/cancellation for all flights to/from Colombo for travel scheduled till April 24, 2019," IndiGo tweeted yesterday. In light of the recent events in Colombo, we are providing full fee waiver on rescheduling/cancellation for all flights to/from Colombo for travel scheduled till April 24, 2019. Our prayers are with the affected. IndiGo (@IndiGo6E) April 21, 2019 The country's largest airline connects close to 40 Indian cities with Colombo, including several Tier 2 cities such as Bhubaneswar, Indore, Jaipur, Kozhikode, Jammu, Nagpur and Vijayawada. In another tweet, IndiGo also asked passengers headed back home to reach Colombo airport well in advance. "With the recent turn of events, there is heightened security at Colombo Airport. Request passengers to reach 4 hrs prior to their departure to avoid any inconvenience," read the post. With the recent turn of events, there is heightened security at Colombo Airport. Request passengers to reach 4 hrs prior to their departure to avoid any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding. IndiGo (@IndiGo6E) April 21, 2019 Similarly, Air India, which reportedly operates two daily flights to Colombo from the national capital, has also made a similar announcement on Twitter. "In view of the situation in #Srilanka #AirIndia has waived off all charges for rescheduling/cancellation of bookings on its flts to/from Colombo for travel till April 24, 2019," the airline tweeted. Incidentally, Air India Express, too, flies a daily Chennai-Colombo flight, an official told PTI. #FlyAI: In view of the situation in #Srilanka#AirIndia has waived off all charges for rescheduling/cancellation of bookings on its flts to/from Colombo for travel till April 24, 2019.Passengers are requested to report well in advance to clear security at Bandaranaike Int'l Apt. Air India (@airindiain) April 21, 2019 India is the largest source market for Sri Lanka, accounting for close to 20% of the 2.3 million tourist inflow in 2018. In fact, the island nation was expecting the total Indian tourist arrivals to cross the one million mark in 2019, but local tour operators and hoteliers say that the recent blasts, with a death toll of over 200, will have an "adverse impact" on the summer holiday season. With PTI inputs Also read: Sri Lanka blasts: External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj assures Indians of assistance; says monitoring situation Also read: Three Indians killed in Sri Lanka blasts: Sushma Swaraj Also read: Sri Lanka blasts: Curfew declared; 2 more blasts reported after 6 explosions kill 185 people Realme 3 Pro is set to launch today during an event at 12:30pm in New Delhi. The launch event will be live streamed on the company's social media channels and its website. The successor to Realme 3, the Pro variant is expected to outshine Xiaomi's Redmi Note 7 Pro smartphone by offering better specs and will be a sub-20,000 phone. The phone will be exclusively sold via Flipkart in India. Also Read: Realme 3 Pro to launch in India on April 22; here's all we know Realme3 Pro has been teased several times on the social media cannels, with the latest being the capability of Realme 3 Pro to take 64MP shots. In a tweet, CEO of Realme, Madhav Seth said, "I tried using Ultra HD mode on rm3pro Amazing shots #64MP #SpeedAwakens Will show you the samples at launch event on 22nd April." Other than that the camera specifications include HDR support and a selfie camera with a resolution greater than 12 MP, similar to the one found on the Redmi Note 7 Pro. Other details have not been made public, but the rear camera is expected to come with a 48-MP sensor to take on Redmi Note 7 Pro's bigger camera. As far as the internals are concerned, the Realme 3 Pro runs on a Snapdragon 710 SoC and comes with 6GB of RAM. In comparison, the Redmi Note 7 Pro is powered by Qualcomm's less powerful Snapdragon 675 chipset paired with up to 6GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage expandable via microSD card. The Realme 3 Pro is expected to be priced at around Rs 12,599, which is the price of the outgoing Realme 2Pro. The price will surely be less than the price of Xiaomi's Redmi Note 7 Pro which is priced at Rs 13,999. Spotted on Geekbench and Bluetooth SIG, the Realme 3 Pro features a 6.3-inch full-HD display and comes with a 3,960mAh battery, which is slightly less than the 4,230mAh battery found on the Realme 3. The leaks also disclosed the presence of ColorOS 6.0 user interface running on top of Android 9 Pie. The Realme 3 Pro's connectivity options will include 5 GHz WI-Fi, Bluetooth, and a fingerprint sensor. Edited By: Udit Verma Also Read: Best smartphones under Rs 10,000 in India: Redmi Note 7, Realme U1, and more Also Read: Realme 3 sells 5 lakh units within 3 weeks, next sale on April 9 Also Read: Realme 3 to go on sale on Flipkart; check offers, price, features 290 ppl died in Sri Lankan bomb blast on Easter 290 ppl died in Sri Lankan bomb blast on Easter13 suspects were arrested on Monday in connection with Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka that targeted churches and hotels, killing at least 290 people and leaving 500 others wounded, police said, as a curfew imposed yesterday was lifted. Authorities have not made public details on those held after Sunday's attacks, but a police source told AFP the 13 were detained at two locations in and around Colombo. The source said the 13 men are from the same group. At least two of the eight attacks were carried out by suicide bombers, according to police and other sources, and three police were killed when another suicide bomber detonated explosives during a raid on a house where suspects were. Police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera declined to give a breakdown of those killed and wounded in each of the blasts. He added that police are investigating whether suicide bombers were involved in all of the blasts. The government said the dead included three Indians, three Britons, two from Turkey and one Portuguese national. Two people holding both British and US passports were also among the fatalities. "Additionally, while nine foreign nationals are reported missing, there are 25 unidentified bodies believed to be of foreigners," the foreign ministry said. A government source said President Maithripala Sirisena, who was abroad when the attacks happened, has called a meeting of the National Security Council early today. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe will attend the meeting, the source said. The scale of the bloodshed recalled the worst days of Sri Lanka's 26-year civil war, in which the Tamil Tigers, a rebel group from the ethnic Tamil minority, sought independence from the Buddhist-majority country. The Tamils are Hindu, Muslim and Christian. According to a Dawn report, a common factor linking the church attacks was that they predominantly targeted Tamil Christians. The St Anthonys Catholic church in Kochchikde, located in a conclave near the Colombo port, was among the first to be bombed, when a mass in the Tamil language was going on. The St Sebastian church in Negombo came under attack soon afterwards. Negombo is a popular tourist destination about 35km from Colombo. Also coming under attack was the Christian Zion church in Eastern Batticaloa, a district which is populated primarily by Tamils and Muslims. Only a small fraction of mainly Buddhist Sri Lanka is Catholic, but the religion is seen as a unifying force because it includes people from both the Tamil and majority Sinhalese ethnic groups. Last year, there were 86 verified incidents of discrimination, threats and violence against Christians, according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), which represents more than 200 churches and other Christian organisations. This year, the NCEASL recorded 26 such incidents, including one in which Buddhist monks allegedly attempted to disrupt a Sunday worship service, with the last one reported on March 25. Out of Sri Lanka's total population of around 22 million, 70pc are Buddhist, 12.6pc Hindu, 9.7pc Muslim, and 7.6pc Christian, according to the country's 2012 census. In its 2018 report on Sri Lanka's human rights, the US State Department noted that some Christian groups and churches reported they had been pressured to end worship activities after authorities classified them as "unauthorised gatherings". The defence ministry said a temporary social media shutdown imposed yesterday would extend until the government concludes its investigation into the bomb blasts that rocked churches, luxury hotels and other sites. However, NetBlocks observatory cautioned that such post-attack blackouts are often ineffective. "What we've seen is that when social media is shut down, it creates a vacuum of information that's readily exploited by other parties," said Alp Toker, executive director of the London-based group. "It can add to the sense of fear and can cause panic." The group said its monitoring of Sri Lankan internet connectivity found no disruptions to the fundamental infrastructure of the internet, meaning the blackout was directed at specific services. Some social media outlets, such as Twitter, appeared unaffected, but the blockage affected popular messaging services. Imran Khan announced five per cent quota in Housing Scheme for Shia Hazara community QUETTA: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday announced five per cent quota in the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme for those families of Shia Hazara community who had lost their loved ones in terrorist attacks. He made this announcement during a meeting with relatives of the victims of the Hazarganji suicide attack that left 22 people dead, including eight of the Hazara community, on April 12. The prime minister was in the city on a brief visit to meet suicide attack victims families and attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the housing scheme. He expressed his sorrow over the tragedy, offered condolences to the bereaved families and prayed for the departed souls. Speaking on the occasion, he called for joint efforts to foil the enemys nefarious designs for stirring chaos in the country. He said implementation of the National Action Plan against terrorism was inevitable and the government was determined to eliminate terrorism and extremism. Mr Khan said providing security to citizens was a responsibility of the federal and the provincial governments and they would accomplish this task. The prime minister said the day was not far when people would live in a peaceful atmosphere. He said anti-state elements wanted to create division among the people and called for joint efforts to foil their designs. He said personnel of the Pakistan Army, police and Frontier Constabulary as well as the general public, had rendered immense sacrifices and helped in improving security situation. He assured the affected families that the government stood by them and perpetrators of the Hazarganji attack would be brought to justice. No laxity would be tolerated in maintenance of peace, he added. Addressing the groundbreaking ceremony of the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme, the prime minister said the political leaders who had plundered the country during the last decade and burdened Pakistan with excessive debts would be taken to task. We will get them punished... so that they serve as a deterrent for those contesting elections in future, he remarked. The ceremony, held at the Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences, was attended by Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani, Governor Amanullah Yasinzai, Federal Minister for Housing Tariq Bashir Cheema, federal and provincial cabinet members and senior government officials. A sizeable number of students were in attendance as well. The prime minister unveiled the plaques about construction of 110,000 houses in Quetta and Gwadar, including 54,000 units for fishermen. During the first phase of the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme, 135,000 units would be built across the country, he said, adding that 25,000 apartments would be built in Islamabad for federal government employees. He said the Sharif family and Asif Zardari wanted to remove the government because they were afraid of jail as new facts (about their corruption) were being unearthed with each passing day. He said even enemies did not do what the Sharif and Zardari families had done to the country. For the first time in 70 years big dacoits were arrested and sent behind bars, the prime minister said. Previously only poor people were sent to jail. In Musharraf government, I myself was imprisoned and found only poor people in the prison, Mr Khan said. He said Maulana Fazlur Rehman wanted to wind up the whole system after facing defeat in the general elections last year. He said the project to build five million houses was aimed at realising the dream of those people who could not afford to build their houses, particularly the salaried and other low-income groups. Despite being a basic need, owning a house has become more difficult with the skyrocketing real estate prices. Unfortunately, under the existing banking system, loans were given only to the elite, the PM said, adding that the government was preparing laws to extend loans to the low income group. Imran Khan said currently only 0.2 per cent people in Pakistan availed housing finance against 80-90pc in Europe, 30pc in Malaysia and 10pc in India. He said foreign companies were interested in investing in the housing project. If they did so, 40 other industries would benefit and thus job opportunities would be created. He advised unemployed youth to launch construction firms instead of waiting for government jobs and said opportunities would be created for the youth to enable then to form construction companies to benefit from the coming housing boom. He directed the Balochistan chief minister to design a master plan for Quetta and allow vertical construction to discourage the horizontal spread of the city. Imran Khan condemned terrorist attack in Sri Lanka on Easter Prime Minister Imran Khan Sunday strongly condemned the horrific terrorist attack in Sri Lanka on Easter resulting into the loss of over 200 precious lives besides leaving hundreds others injured. My profound condolences go to our Sri Lankan brethren. Pakistan stands in complete solidarity with Sri Lanka in their hour of grief, the prime minister said in a tweet. According to Sri Lankan state-run news agency, over 200 people were killed and over 300 injured in the coordinated bomb attacks on churches and hotels as the Christians in the country celebrated the Easter. Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Faisal said in a tweet that people and government of Pakistan stand by people and government of Sri Lanka at this moment of tragedy. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Queshi also conveyed his deepest condolences to Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on terror attacks in Colombo. In a message on Twitter, Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Faisal said that Foreign Minister Qureshi has offered all possible assistance and support to Sri Lanka at this difficult time. We are watching the situation carefully. Any Pakistani in Sri Lanka needing help or assistance may contact on the phone numbers: 011205568, 0112055682 and 0767773750, the spokesperson said. Imran Khan visited shrine of Hazrat Imam Raza (AS) in Mashhad Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday visited the shrine of Hazrat Imam Raza (AS) in Mashhad during his brief stopover at the start of his two-day official visit to Iran. The prime minister paid respects at the shrine and offered nawafil. He also prayed for the peace and prosperity of the country, a PM Office statement said. At the invitation of Iranian President Dr Hassan Rouhani, this is the first visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan to Iran after assuming the office. On his arrival at the Mashhad airport, the prime minister was received by Governor General Khorasan-e-Razavi province Alireza Razm Hosseini and senior officials. The prime minister is accompanied by Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari, Minister for Maritime Affairs Syed Ali Haider Zaidi, Adviser to PM on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis Sayed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on National Health Services Dr Zafarullah Mirza and Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Petroleum Nadeem Baber. Mashhad is known for its religious and spiritual appeal to millions of Muslims particularly because the holy shrine of Imam Ali Ibne Musa Raza (AS) is located there. Every year, a huge number of pilgrims visit the city. More than 350,000 pilgrims from Pakistan alone visited Mashhad last year. The prime minister held a meeting with Custodian of the Holy Shrine Hojat-ul-Islam Val Muslemin Ahmad Marvi, besides visiting the Museum of Holy Quran situated in the premises of the shrine. He thanked the government of Khorasan for facilitating a very large number of pilgrims from Pakistan during Muharram and Arbaeen. He said the government of Pakistan is also taking a number of steps to facilitate the movement of Pakistani Zaireen (pilgrims) to Iran. The prime minister expressed happiness on starting his visit from the holy city of Mashhad. He added that the guiding light for his government are the principles on which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) based the State of Medina. He said Pakistanis can never forget that Iran always stood with Pakistan in difficult times, and underlined Pakistans desire for closer relations with Iran. Hojjatuleslam Valmoslemin Ahmed Marvi underlined the importance of unity of Muslim Ummah. He said the Muslims can get united only if they follow the teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH), Khulafa-e-Rashdeen and Imam Reza (AS). During his meetings with the leadership of Khorasan-e-Rizvi province, the prime minister underscored the importance Pakistan attaches to expanding bilateral relations with Iran in diverse fields. He said maintaining good relations with neighbourly countries is the cornerstone of his governments foreign policy. Later, he left Mashhad for Tehran where he will call on Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Seyyed Ali Khamenei, besides holding in-depth talks with President Dr Hassan Rouhani on Monday (today). He will also meet members of the Iranian and Pakistani business community in Iran. The state-run IRNA news agency said Imran Khans trip is expected to help develop ties between the two countries, especially those related to regional cooperation in fighting terrorism and safeguarding borders. Iran and Pakistan share a long border that runs near the volatile southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan, which has witnessed numerous attacks on Irans security forces over the years. Pakistans relations with Iran are marked by close historic and cultural linkages and strong people-to-people exchanges. Both countries are also members of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Pakistan released 100 more Indian fishermen Pakistan released 100 more Indian fishermen from Central Jail Karachi. The said fishermen had been arrested for illegally fishing in Pakistani waters during various operations. They would be taken to Lahore via train. There, they would be handed over to the Indian authorities at Wagah Border. It should be mentioned here that Pakistan has freed 360 Indian fishermen as a goodwill gesture during the last month. Sharif family-Asif Zardari want to dislodge govt due to fear of jailed: Imran Khan Prime Minister Imran Khan Sunday said the political leaders who plundered the country during the last decade and burdened the country with excessive debts will be taken to task. No matter how long it takes, we will get punished those who have done this to the country, just to make them a deterrent for those contesting election in future, the prime minister said during his address at the ground breaking ceremony of Naya Pakistan Housing Program here. Sharif family and Asif Zardari want to dislodge the government due to fear of being jailed as new facts concerning their corruption are coming to the fore with each passing day, he said, adding that Maulana Fazlur Rehman wants to wind up the whole system after he faced defeat in last election. The prime minister said the project of five million houses aims at fulfilling the dream of those who cannot afford to build their own house, particularly the salaried class and other low-income groups. He said despite being a basic necessity, owning a house has become much difficult nowadays due to the skyrocketing real estate prices. He said, unfortunately, in the existing banking system, the loan facility is limited to the elite class only. However, the government is making legislation to extend it to the low-income groups. Currently, only 0.2 per cent people in Pakistan avail housing finance against 80-90 per cent in Europe, 30 per cent in Malaysia and 10 per cent in India, he said, and told the gathering that foreign companies are interested to invest in the housing project that will also boost another 40 linked industries and create vast job opportunities. The prime minister, who earlier unveiled the plaques for construction of 110,000 houses in Quetta and Gwadar including 54,000 units for the fishermen, said instead of awaiting the government jobs, the youngsters should form their own constructions firms. He directed the Balochistan chief minister to design a master plan of Quetta and allow the vertical construction to discourage the spread of the city. The prime minister urged the youth to study the principles of state of Madina which conquered two super powers of that time despite being far smaller in size and resources. He said during the last 70 years, only the elite class enjoyed all the facilities in Pakistan, including quality education and healthcare. It is for the first time that influential corrupt elements are being arrested, he added. Separately, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed condolences with the families of the victims of recent terror attack in Quettas Hazarganji market, and called for joint efforts to foil the enemys nefarious designs for creating chaos in the country. He expressed grief over the loss of precious lives in the ruthless incident and said the government shares the grief of the bereaved families of Hazara community and others. He said the implementation of the National Action Plan is inevitable and the government is committed to eliminate terrorism and extremism from the country. He said the federal and provincial governments are responsible to provide security to their citizens and if God willing, we will accomplish this mission. He said time is not far when the government will be able to provide a peaceful atmosphere to its citizens. The prime minister said the anti-state elements wants to create division and chaos among the masses. He said Pakistan Army, security forces, police and FC personnel as well as the people have rendered numerous sacrifices to help improve the security situation in the country. He assured the victim families that the government stands by them and the perpetrators of the Hazarganji incident will be brought to justice. No laxity will be tolerated for maintenance of peace, he added. RTHK: Pipe bomb found near Colombo airport An improvised pipe bomb discovered close to Colombo's main airport has been defused by the air force, according to Sri Lankan police, following the deadly bomb attacks across the island. A police source said the "homemade" pipe bomb had been found late on Sunday on a road leading towards the main terminal, which remains open with heavy security. The discovery comes after a series of eight bomb blasts ripped through churches holding Easter services and high-end hotels, killing over 207 people. "It was a crude six-foot pipe bomb that was found by the roadside," an air force spokesman said. "We have removed it and safely defused it at an air force location." There were disruptions to flights, but Sri Lanka's national carrier Sri Lankan has already asked leaving passengers to report to check-in counters at least four hours prior to departure because of tight security checks at the Bandaranaike International Airport. The apparently co-ordinated attacks were the deadliest to hit the country in the decade since the end of a bloody civil war between the government and Tamil separatists that killed up to 100,000 people. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. COLOMBO: More than 200 people were killed and at least 450 injured in bomb blasts that ripped through churches and luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, the first major attack on the Indian Ocean island since the end of a civil war 10 years ago. The government declared a curfew in Colombo and blocked access to social media and messaging sites, including Facebook and WhatsApp. It was unclear when the curfew would be lifted. But in a sign that the attacks on three churches and four hotels could lead to communal violence, police reported on Sunday night that there had been a petrol bomb attack on a mosque in the northwestern district of Puttalum and arson attacks on two shops owned by Muslims in the western district of Kalutara. The government has acknowledged that it had prior information of attacks on churches involving a little known local Islamist group but didnt do enough about it. Out of Sri Lankas total population of around 22 million, 70 per cent are Buddhist, 12.6 per cent Hindu, 9.7 per cent Muslim and 7.6 per cent Christian, according to the countrys 2012 census. In February-March last year, there were a series of religious clashes between Sinhalese Buddhists and Muslims in the towns of Ampara and Kandy. Police killed On Sunday afternoon, three police officers were killed during a security forces raid on a house in the Sri Lankan capital several hours after the attacks, many of which officials said were suicide bomb explosions. Police reported an explosion at the house. Thirteen arrests have been made, all of whom are Sri Lankans, police said. Altogether, we have information of 207 dead from all hospitals. According to the information as of now, we have 450 injured people admitted to hospitals, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera told reporters. Government officials said that 32 foreigners were killed and 30 injured in the explosions that tore through congregations and gatherings in hotels in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa. They included five British people, two of whom had dual US citizenship, and three Indians, according to officials in those countries. Also among the fatalities were three people from Denmark, two from Turkey, and one from Portugal, Sri Lankan officials said. There were also Chinese and Dutch among the dead, according to media reports. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said US nationals were among those killed, but did not give details. Prior information There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attacks in a country which was at war for decades with Tamil separatists until 2009, a time when bomb blasts in the capital were common. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremsinghe acknowledged that the government had some prior information of the attack, though ministers were not told. He said there wasnt an adequate response and there needed to be an inquiry into how the information was used. He also said the government needs to look at the international links of a local militant group. Agence France Presse reported that it had seen documents showing that Sri Lankas police chief Pujuth Jayasundara issued an intelligence alert to top officers 10 days ago, warning that suicide bombers planned to hit prominent churches. He cited a foreign intelligence service as reporting that a little-known Islamist group was involved. A Sri Lanka police spokesman said he was not aware of the intelligence report. Blood on church pews Dozens were killed in one of the blasts at St. Sebastians Gothic-style Catholic church in Katuwapitiya, north of Colombo. Gunasekera said the police suspected a suicide attack there. Pictures from the site showed bodies on the ground, blood on the church pews and a destroyed roof. Local media reported 25 people were also killed in an attack on an evangelical church in Batticaloa in Eastern Province. The hotels hit in Colombo were the Shangri-La, the Kingsbury, the Cinnamon Grand and the Tropical Inn near the national zoo. There was no word on casualties in the hotels, but a witness told local TV he saw some body parts, including a severed head, lying on the ground beside the Tropical Inn. The first six explosions were all reported within a short period in the morning just as church services were starting. One of the explosions was at St. Anthonys Shrine, a Catholic church in Kochcikade, Colombo, a tourist landmark. The explosion at the Tropical Inn happened later and there was an eighth explosion at the house that was the subject of the police raid in Colombo. I strongly condemn the cowardly attacks on our people today. I call upon all Sri Lankans during this tragic time to remain united and strong, said Sri Lankas prime minister in a Tweet. Please avoid propagating unverified reports and speculation. The government is taking immediate steps to contain this situation. President Maithripala Sirisena said he had ordered the police special task force and military to investigate who was behind the attacks and their agenda. The military was deployed, a military spokesman said, and security stepped up at Colombos international airport. Schools, universities and the Colombo Stock Exchange will be closed on Monday as the island state tries to recover from the attacks. Attacks on Christians The Christian community had already felt under pressure in Sri Lanka in recent years. Last year, there were 86 verified incidents of discrimination, threats and violence against Christians, according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), which represents more than 200 churches and other Christian organisations. This year, the NCEASL recorded 26 such incidents, including one in which Buddhist monks allegedly attempted to disrupt a Sunday worship service, with the last one reported on March 25. The heads of major governments condemned the attacks. US President Donald Trump said America offered heartfelt condolences to the Sri Lankan people and stood ready to help, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said there was no place for such barbarism in our region, and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said the bombings were an assault on all of humanity. Pope Francis, addressing people in St. Peters Square, said: I wish to express my affectionate closeness to the Christian community, hit while it was gathered in prayer, and to all the victims of such cruel violence. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Day after his death on the cross. Recently, to resolve the capital shortage problem, some banks moved from selling shares to a sole strategic partner to selling shares to many financial foreign investors. Basel II requires adding USD 20bn At the beginning of 2019, Vietcombank successfully sold 111.1mn shares to GIC Private Limited and Mizuho bank for VND 6,200bn (USD 265mn). GIC bought 94.4mn shares, equivalent to 2.55% stake, while Mizuho bought 16.6mn shares to maintain its holding of 15% in Vietcombank. By selling 3% stake, Vietcombank successfully added a significant amount to its capital, making it the biggest bank in Vietnam in terms of market capitalization. This is a typical example of the importance of foreign investment for raising capital in banks. The investment of GIC and Mizuho helped to increase Vietcombanks chartered capital to VND 37,100bn (USD 1.6bn) and created a foundation for Vietcombank to qualify for Basel II standards. However, it is notable that the issue is just one third of total shares that Vietcombank intends to sell to foreign investors. The investment of GIC and Mizuho helped to increase Vietcombanks chartered capital to VND 37,100bn (USD 1.6bn) and created a foundation for Vietcombank to qualify for Basel II standards. However, it is notable that the issue is just one third of total shares that Vietcombank intends to sell to foreign investors. The banking sector is strongly under pressure for raising capital. The Fitch Rating Report in September 2018 found that Vietnam banks have to raise at least USD 20bn (9% of GDP) to meet Basel II requirements. Over the last few years, banks have been applying many solutions to raise their capital, such as issuing long-term-deposit certificates to increase their tier 2 capital and no cash dividend payment to maintain the equity amounts. Banks usually issue bonus shares or split stocks by issuing new shares to current shareholders. Some other banks plan to increase their tier 2 capital by issuing long-term bonds. However, the above solutions could not help banks solve their problems completely and the results were limited. illustration Capital raising strategy changes Finding a strategic partner to sell the shares has become a priority for most banks as the Basel II deadline closes in. According to Moodys, many Vietnam banks are facing difficulties in meeting capital requirements of Basel II, which will be effective in 2020. The capital raising in 2019 will be mainly dependent on foreign investors, given the low developed domestic capital market. The divestments of foreign strategic partners in some banks recently have created some barriers for other banks to find a foreign strategic partner. Since 2017, the success of HDBank in selling 21.5% shares to 76 foreign investors has changed the raising capital strategies of other banks. In spite of selling to sole strategic partners, banks are selling their shares to many foreign investors. In 2018, VPbank sold its shares to 50 investors (including GIC, Deccan, Clermont, Dragon Capital) for IPO and stock listing. The foreign ownership at VPBank increased to 22.34% in 2018 from 0% (since OCBC divested). TPBank was also successfully selling shares to 20 investors (including PYN Ellite, SBI Holding) to get VND 2,190bn in 2018. This year, many banks plan to sell their shares to foreign investors and ignore mention of strategic partners. SCB will increase its chartered capital by VND 3,000-5000bn by selling 500mn shares through private placements to its current shareholders with ownership above 0.5%, said Vo Tan Hoang Van, member of SCBs Board of Directors, at the banks AGM. OCB also plans to sell shares to foreign investors before listing on stock exchange in 2019. VPB is seeking shareholders approval to issue maximum 260mn new shares for VND 2,600bn. The specific number of shares will be calculated and informed later to make sure the foreign ownership does not exceed 30%. The current cap of foreign ownership at banks shows some limitations in banks ability in raising capital. The government has been discussing the issue to see if it eases this rule. However, most people expect that if there is a change, it would be applied only on weaker banks. This year, to be well prepared for Basel II by 2020, many banks plan to sell shares to smaller individual investors to ease process of raising capital. Selling shares to foreign investors also increases chances for banks to receive support from many other investors. Do Linh Seguin, TX (78155) Today Mostly cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low around 40F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Mostly cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low around 40F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on April 22, 2019 2019/04/22 Q: According to reports, students of Niles North High School in the US State of Illinois recently wrote a letter in Chinese to President Xi Jinping, and President Xi replied to them. Can you tell me why he wrote back and what's the significance of his letter? A: You may have learned from the news that President Xi Jinping recently wrote back to the students of Niles North High School in Illinois and encouraged them to contribute to the friendship between the Chinese and American people. As far as I know, this is not the first time that President Xi Jinping wrote back to foreign students, which tells us how much President Xi values people-to-people exchange and cooperation between China and other countries. This time, the letter President Xi received was written in Chinese by over 40 students from a Chinese class of Niles North High School in Illinois. They raised many interesting questions in the letter. In his reply letter, President Xi answered those questions about his work, life, and hobbies, encouraged them to make new progress in learning Chinese and contribute to the friendship between the Chinese and American people, and welcomed them to China for a visit. I learned that most of the students who wrote the letter have never been to China or had learned any Chinese before starting the class. After just one semester, they became very interested and decided to write a letter in Chinese to President Xi to extend the heartfelt greetings of American high school students. We are pleased to see in the young generation of the US such a strong interest in the Chinese language and culture and such pure friendliness towards China. Just as President Xi wrote in the letter, the youth represent the future of China-US friendship. We hope our two countries can join efforts to deepen cultural and people-to-people exchange and cooperation in youth, education and other fields, enhance the mutual understanding between our two peoples and strengthen the public support for China-US relations. Q: According to media reports, the second round of voting in Ukraine's presidential election concluded at 8 o'clock (local time) on April 21. After exit poll results were released, Petro Poroshenko conceded defeat and congratulated his rival Volodymyr Zelenskiy who declared victory. Do you have any comment on it? Has China sent a congratulatory message to Zelenskiy? A: Ukraine is a friend of China's. We respect the Ukrainian people's choice and sincerely wish the country peace, stability and prosperity. We attach importance to China-Ukraine relations and will work with the Ukrainian side to advance our cooperation in various fields under the Belt and Road Initiative. Q: According to media reports, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US would not renew the sanctions waivers on oil exports from Iran after May 2. Does China have a comment? A: This is the first time I hear you asking a question in Chinese. As I recall, your questions were mostly in English. But you speak Chinese well. Maybe you can raise more questions in Chinese in the future. (The journalist laughed.) China opposes the unilateral sanctions and so-called "long-arm jurisdictions" imposed by the US. Our cooperation with Iran is open, transparent, lawful and legitimate, and thus should be respected. Our government is committed to upholding the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies and will play a positive and constructive role in upholding the stability of the global energy market. Q: Reports say hundreds of people were killed or injured in a series of bomb blasts in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo and other cities on April 21. Do you have any comment on that? A: On April 21, heavy casualties were caused by a series of blasts in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo and other cities. President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi have sent messages of condolences to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana respectively, expressing deep condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured and the bereaved families. In their messages they emphasized that the Chinese government and people stand firmly with the Sri Lankan people and resolutely support Sri Lanka in safeguarding its national security and stability. After the incidents took place, the Chinese foreign ministry and the Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka immediately activated emergency response mechanisms, prioritizing the verification of casualties of Chinese citizens. We have been doing our best to look for the missing persons, sent our staff to visit the injured, and reminded Chinese institutions and individuals there to take precautionary measures to ensure safety. Results of an initial verification show that there were Chinese citizens killed or missing in the incidents. Five Chinese were injured but not in life-threatening conditions. They are now receiving medical treatment and their conditions are stable. We will closely monitor the situation and spare no efforts in our work. For Chinese citizens in Sri Lanka in danger, please dial 0086-10-12308, the Chinese foreign ministry's hotline for consular protection, or contact our embassy in Sri Lanka via its consular protection hotline 0094-11-2676033. Q: The Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Keshav Gokhale is reportedly visiting China and held talks this morning with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Can you just update us on the details of the talks and the issues discussed? A: Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Keshav Gokhale is visiting China from April 21 to 22. This morning, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with him and Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou held talks with him. As far as I know, Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng and Deputy Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee Liu Jianchao will meet with him respectively this afternoon. In the meeting and talks held this morning, the Chinese side said that as neighboring major countries, representatives of emerging economies and strategic cooperative partners, China and India should step up strategic communication, enhance political mutual trust and maintain close coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs. Our shared interests far outweigh differences. The two sides need to strengthen solidarity and coordination, keep the positive momentum of the sound and steady development of bilateral relations achieved since the Wuhan summit between our leaders, and uphold the common interests of emerging markets and developing countries. Foreign Secretary Vijay Keshav Gokhale said in the meeting and talks that since the Wuhan summit, the two sides have had active political interactions, advanced practical cooperation and successfully held the first meeting of the India-China high level people-to-people exchanges mechanism. India stands ready to maintain high-level exchange with China, enhance mutual understanding, accommodate each other's concerns and strive for greater progress in bilateral relations. Follow-up: Did the two countries discuss issues related to the listing issue at the 1267 Committee and India's participation in the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation? A: I've just briefed you on the meeting and talks held this morning. As I said earlier, the shared interests between our two countries far outweigh the differences. We hope the two sides can strengthen coordination and communication and keep the positive momentum of the sound development of bilateral relations. China stands ready to work with India to this end. This series has two aims. The first is to deepen anthropological engagement with a novel biomedical technology to prevent HIV. The second is to help bridge the divide between critical and applied approaches in our discipline. Over the following months we will publish a series of articles that work toward these joint goals. To introduce this series I begin with a brief background note about the biomedical prevention of HIV then offer a conceptual framework to understand what a critically applied approach might be. The biomedical prevention of HIV In 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the commercial use of an antiretroviral drug to prevent HIV through a method known as HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP. This drug is marketed by Gilead Sciences and sold under the brand name Truvada. In 2016, the European Medicines Association (EMA) also approved use of Truvada for PrEP, and shortly thereafter the World Health Organization (WHO) issued recommendations to implement PrEP around the world through the distribution of this single brand name drug as well as its generic equivalents (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate [TDF] and emtracitabine [FTC]). Currently, the cost of PrEP in several high-income countries is mostly covered by public and private insurance plans as well as a co-pay card from Gilead, though people in many states still face challenges to access. Meanwhile, in middle- and low-income countries, PrEP implementation is being supported by global health organizations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). While the precise impact of PrEP on health outcomes is hard to determine, current estimates indicate there are approximately 390,000 people in PrEP programs: the United States has the highest number of PrEP enrollees (192,000-197,000) and Kenya has the second highest (53,000-54,000) (AVAC 2019). As Truvada moves across continents and into local formularies, our understanding of HIV prevention is being destabilized. For the past forty years, under the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the WHO, public health departments have focused primarily on preventing HIV by promoting abstinence, behavior change, and condoms (ABCs). However the biomedical paradigm is shifting global strategies to address this disease (Nguyen 2011). For some, the introduction of PrEP inspired new reason for hope. Many people were reassured that with this new technology we might be able to slow HIV incidence, as part of a larger effort to treat our way out of this epidemic. Moreover, for people whose intimate lives have been shaped by HIV, PrEP opened new opportunities for intimacy, including by easing concerns about relationships across HIV-status and quelling anxieties about the risk of acquiring a virus during sex. As one PrEP advocate I met put it, the approval of the drug meant we could have sex free of fear! (Whitacre 2018). But PrEP also introduced new concerns, including about the safety and efficacy of taking an antiretroviral drug to prevent HIV. Some gawked at the high cost of the single brand name product available for use and expressed concerns that PrEP might influence risky behavior if people start taking this drug, will they stop using condoms? Will they have unsafe sex? These hopes and concerns have consistently animated conversations about the implementation of PrEP in diverse geographies and a similar set of concerns will likely shape the development of the next generation of PrEP technologies. While tracing these many debates about the ongoing implementation of this novel biomedical technology, in this series we are primarily concerned with how to think about and engage with PrEP, as anthropologists trained in critical social theory and committed to applied approaches for improving health outcomes. Writing from research universities as well as departments of public health in Geneva, London, Memphis, Oslo and San Francisco we are working to better understand the place of this technology in our contemporary world, wherein just over half of people living with HIV have access to treatment [21.7 of 36.9 million], 1 million people [670,0001.3 million] die of AIDS-related illnesses each year meanwhile nearly 2 million [1.4 million2.4 million] more acquire the virus (UNAIDS 2018). We are heartened by recent progress to expand access, and concerned that the Trump administration just halted PEPFAR support in several high-burden countries (amfAR 2019). We share a common concern that geopolitics and pharmaceutical profit are being prioritized over human life. We are also aware that the sexualities of entire sub-populations have been characterized by the risk of acquiring HIV and are cautious that PrEP (like statins) may be redefining what we mean by health through abstracted measures of risk (Dumit 2010). However we also see how a biomedical solution may be an important tool to treat our way out of this epidemic and heal risky sexualities. Looking across this global landscape in which hope, risk, pleasure and desire are recombining in new ways, we believe it is our task to hold in mind the many opportunities and challenges that PrEP presents, and explore the tensions they reveal. From this standpoint, we might be able to think PrEP and engage with it. A critically applied approach Recognizing how much work it takes to comprehend the potential of this single technology, we think PrEP is an interesting case for a broader conversation about how anthropologists engage with biomedicine today. On one level, we believe PrEP is a good case for understanding our role in the ongoing response to epidemics as well as the development and use of biomedical technologies. On another, we find that PrEP provides an opportunity to better understand the direction we want to lead the field, as scholars committed to critical and applied approaches in medical anthropology. So just as we aim to deepen anthropological engagement with a novel biomedical technology to prevent HIV, we also want to help bridge the divide between critical and applied approaches in our discipline. As a way of digging up the divide and highlighting its place in the field, I turn to the writing of Nancy Scheper-Hughes. And following her example, I begin with a joke: A doctor and three medical anthropologists Hans Baer, Michael Taussig, and Arthur Kleinman are standing by a river. Suddenly, they hear the final cries of a drowning man. The doctor jumps into the river and, after battling against the swift current, hauls in and tries to resuscitate the dead man. After a short while another body floats by and the same attempt is made to save it. Another and another comes down the stream. Finally it occurs to Hans Baer to head up stream in order to investigate the contradictions in the capitalist mode of production that are responsible for the mass fatalities. Meanwhile Taussig goes off, very much on his own, bushwalking in search of the cryptic message in the bottle that at least one dying man or woman would have had the foresight to send out. Dr. Kleinman, however, stays behind at the river bank in order to help facilitate the doctor-patient relationship (Scheper Hughes 1990). In 1990 Nancy Scheper-Hughes begins an article with this somewhat satirical scene and she uses it to open a discussion about critical and applied approaches in medical anthropology. In particular, she highlights how those who are said to be critical, namely Baer and Taussig, are shown to move away from medicine, while he who is said to be applied is granted space alongside the doctor. Indeed, Dr. Kleinman is the only one granted the privilege of being recognized in the clinical encounter and thus seen to be applied. Scheper-Hughes expresses concern that such a conception of the applied (in the joke, and the discipline), which focuses on the clinic and the doctor-patient relation, reduces many of the central ambitions of medical anthropology. She also expresses frustration that critical conversations do not seem to have a place within the clinic. Here, she finds herself caught between wanting to matter inside the clinic, and wanting to show that what really matters is outside of it. Working from this admittedly contradictory position, Scheper-Hughes contends we need a critically applied approach, and she offers three propositions. First, we should reduce the parameters of medical efficacy and thus slow the momentum of medicalization (Illich 1975). Second, we should identify alternatives to biomedicine, including other ways of understanding the body, health, and healing to cultivate medical pluralism. Third, we should radicalize medicine that is, harness its power, inhabit its knowledges and practices, and orient the entire social institution toward equitable ends. Now it is worth emphasizing that much has changed since the time Scheper-Hughes authored this piece. Michel Foucault hadnt been recited ad nauseum. Judith Butler hadnt popularized performativity. HIV hadnt grown into a global epidemic. Paul Farmer hadnt named structural violence. Ontology was just a twinkle in the eye of 19th century philosophy. Indeed, our field has advanced in many important ways in recent years. Yet Scheper-Hughes words still provide a vital guide because we are still grappling with the divide between critical and applied. This series aims to help bridge the gap. This will be evident in the papers you will read. While they are empirically focused on the recent emergence of a biomedical technology to prevent HIV something I can tell you personally that Scheper-Hughes definitely didnt see coming they are also theoretically invested in advancing anthropological engagement with the central concepts she describes: medicalization, medical pluralism, and radical medicine. Indeed, there was plenty Scheper-Hughes did foresee and several paths toward praxis we have journeyed down. And here we are decades down the path wondering which directions we might go. As you read the contributions to this series, we invite you to look down the path with us to help us refine and expand the anthropological imagination to conceive what a critically applied medical anthropology might be today. Works Cited amfAR: The Foundation for AIDS Research. The Effect of the Expanded Mexico City Policy on HIV/AIDS Programming: Evidence from the PEPFAR Implementing Partners Survey : HIV / AIDS Research, 2019. https://www.amfar.org/issue-brief-the-effect-of-the-expanded-mexico-city-policy/. AVAC. Country Updates. PrEPWatch (blog), 2019. https://www.prepwatch.org/in-practice/country-updates/. Dean, Tim. Mediated Intimacies: Raw Sex, Truvada, and the Biopolitics of Chemoprophylaxis. Sexualities 18, no. 12 (February 1, 2015): 22446. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363460715569137. . Unlimited Intimacy: Reflections on the Subculture of Barebacking. Chicago ; London: University Of Chicago Press, 2009. Dumit, Joseph. Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health. 1 edition. Durham: Duke University Press Books, 2012. Illich, Ivan. The Medicalization of Life. Journal of Medical Ethics 1, no. 2 (July 1, 1975): 7377. https://doi.org/10.1136/jme.1.2.73. Nguyen, Vinh-Kim, Nathalie Bajos, Francoise Dubois-Arber, Jeffrey OMalley, and Catherine Pirkle. Remedicalizing an Epidemic: From HIV Treatment as Prevention to HIV Treatment Is Prevention. Aids 25, no. 3 (January 1, 2011): 29193. https://doi.org/10.1097/QAD.0b013e3283402c3e. Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. Three Propositions for a Critically Applied Medical Anthropology. Social Science & Medicine 30, no. 2 (January 1990): 18997. https://doi.org/10.1016/0277-9536(90)90079-8. UNAIDS. Global HIV & AIDS Statistics 2018 Fact Sheet, 2019. http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/fact-sheet. Whitacre, Ryan. Intimate Innovation: Subjectivity, Political Economy, and a Novel Method to Prevent HIV. Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco, 2018. https://search.proquest.com/pqdt/docview/2124411373/abstract/EAA52ACEB03045C7PQ/1.I Ryan Whitacre is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. His research explores interactions among finance, bioscience and intimacy. He recently completed a dissertation entitled, Intimate Innovation, which examined how the ethics of intimate relationships and systems of pharmaceutical innovation jointly facilitated the re-commercialization of Truvada for PrEP. He is currently exploring how the overlapping economies of biomedicine, tech, and real estate shape contemporary life in hubs of innovation including San Francisco and Nairobi. Share this: Share Email Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr LinkedIn [view academic citations] [hide academic citations] Whats in a name? For many transgender and non-binary people, their birth names can be painful daily reminder of the misunderstanding they face. My Name is Now is a poetry and installation project that will illuminate the stories of trans and gender non-conforming individuals and amplify the voices of those most affected by policy and prejudice. The project is part of O, Miami, an annual month-long festival that aims to expose every resident of Miami-Dade County to versein one form or another. The workshop, facilitated by Elia Khalaf and June Romero in collaboration with the Yes Institute, will bring together a group of trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming youth to write poems that will be displayed in the form of bathroom signs throughout the HistoryMiami Museum and other public spaces. The project came about as a result of my own relationship with my name, explained Khalaf, a graduate art therapy student. Because [Elia] is non-binary, Im often misidentified, based on my name. It came from a personal place. Khalaf, a 27-year-old immigrant originally from Lebanon, describes his own gender identity as an interesting relationship and noted that a name can become a manifesto for people who dont fit into societys gender stereotypes. I decided to tackle a project that would support this population and their relationships with their names, Khalaf said. Choosing their own name is a vital process while trans people transition to their true gender. The act of self-naming becomes a significant one-word manifesto marking rebirth, representing a cultural background or departure from it, while an added surname can spell independence and/or family acceptance. Thereafter, dead-naming, or referring to a person by their previous and imposed birth name, is considered oppressive. The written poems will be showcased as signage on the restroom doors of Miami, the citys inconspicuous sites of identity. Given the politicization of trans bathroom use in recent years, Khalaf thought bathrooms just might be the perfect setting for the exercise. Restrooms have historically been an area where there has been segregation and regulations. It started with race, but shifted to gender, Khalaf said. They are so divisive. On Thursday, April. 19, 15 youth will embark on a poetic journey with Khalaf and Romero at HistoryMiami Museum. The participants will work within the safe, inclusive space to share their own stories and craft those experiences and raw emotions into a poem. Eventually, they will emerge from that safe space and inject their words into the public conversation through the bathroom signs that will be on display for weeks to come. Words do have power, concluded Khalaf. For more information about My Name is Now and O, Miami, go to OMiami.org. Since taking over the landmark Bona Italian Restaurant more than two years ago, Glen Weinzimer and his team have made some significant changes, all while keeping the things about Bona that the community enjoyed the most (including maintaining some of the long-time servers). Bona also has instituted some new policies. One of those is giving back to the community. Bona supports the community through its Give Back Monday policy, donating 10 percent of each check to a local charity. As Weinzimer explains, We established our Give Back Monday policy two years ago. We wanted to be able to give back to the community consistently and help organizations principally in our backyard that work to enhance our community from the arts to social groups that do good. We wanted to help those organizations that work on LGBT rights and those who work with HIV and AIDS care, issues and education. We also love animals and have worked with pet rescue organizations as well as those who save our turtles. We believe in celebrating the work and highlighting the energy of the arts, the social groups like the Bears of South Florida, the choruses, the symphony and others that light up our world. In the past two years when we tallied what the community has helped give back by the 10 percent that goes back every Monday from dining, it totaled more than $25,000. No check is enormous, but we hope the collective impact is. In addition to that program, those who announce that they are attending a play at Island City Stage before or after dining at the restaurant, will have 10 percent of their check total donated to Wilton Manors resident theater company. Neither of these programs cost Bona customers a cent, the money is donated from Bonas profits. Bona has also responded to its customers interests which show up on the menu. With more diners requesting gluten or carb-free options, the restaurant offers a pizza with a cauliflower crust and zucchini noodles as an option instead of pasta. It also offers eight vegan options on the menu. Instead of paper or plastic straws, Bona will provide pasta straws for customers. This kind of attention to the community and customers needs has made Bona one of the most popular dining options on the Drive. Even in off-season the dining room is always buzzing with activity. Tidbits Candela has revised its menu, reducing the price of many entrees by as much as 10 percent. It has also added some new dishes. Diners can now enjoy some new dishes; cerdo segoviano, a lasagna filled with a savory beef ragout and roasted branzino with shrimps in garlic sauce. Happy hour features dozens of glasses of wine priced less than $10 a glass and a dozen or so traditional tapas dishes, also priced less than $10 each, including; olives, boquerones, patatas bravas, tortilla de patata, a variety of croquetas and steamed mussels. The Grille on the Drive will offer its buffet brunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the regular price of $24.95. Plated dinner service, with seatings at 5, 7 and 9 p.m. will feature a special menu for $34.95. Courtyard Cafe will feature its regular menu, as well as a few specials on Easter Sunday and will also offer a $3.50 Bloody Marys and $3 mimosas all day long. The skies lit up on Sunday, Dec. 12 with many of the fireworks perfectly timed to lyrics from music played at the base of the pier on the Skechers stage. By Gemma Handy "HYPOCRITICAL, "imperialistic and "insensitive are among the charges levelled at London by Opposition Leader Washington Misick who on Thursday (April 18) broke his silence regarding the controversial Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) report. Misick urged Islanders to take a stand against recommendations contained in the document such as forcing through gay marriage legislation and expanding the voting population to include resident Brits, "even if it means ending the relationship with Britain. The release of the report in February followed a several months-long scrutiny of the UKs governance of its 14 remaining territories. It contained a slew of proposals which ignited consternation across the region. The PNP leader accused British politicians of seeking to "neutralise the authority of their Caribbean territory counterparts, while ignoring the "cultural diversity of their respective populations. Regional leaders reacted angrily to the FACs stance that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office should set a deadline for same-sex marriage legislation to be enacted and "step in via an order in council if the deadline was not met. Even Amnesty International a long-term campaigner for gay marriage was quick to point out the hypocrisy of such a statement while a same-sex marriage ban remains in place in Northern Ireland. "It is insensitive and imperialistic to threaten, through whatever means, the imposition of standardised cultural values of the UK and Europe on UK Caribbean overseas territories by persons unelected by them, and who cannot identify with their past or understand their aspirations, Misick said. He added that the FACs position was also at odds with Brexiteers sentiments that remaining part of Europe undermined their sovereignty, calling it a "direct contrast to what Britain wants for itself. Some observers have questioned the rationale of the FAC advocating same-sex marriage, rather than secular civil partnerships, given many Caribbean countries religious leanings. Misick defended individuals right to practice same-sex relationships. "What people do in the privacy of their own space should be of no concern to anyone else. But to require a country to legislate behaviour contrary to their belief system is a violation of their rights and must be resisted to its fullest, he maintained. "Many of us have family members and friends with same-sex preferences. This does not interfere with our empathy or love for them, but when same-sex marriage is regarded by the majority of Turks and Caicos Islanders as being anathema to the direct admonition of God, to whom we believe we owe our greatest loyalty, any attempt to force it into law is contrary to the will of the people and will be resisted by the PNP, the Opposition leader stated. "Turks and Caicos Islands must now take a stand even if it means ending the relationship as we now know it. A recipe for wholesale takeover Misick was also vehement in his aversion to enabling UK and British overseas territories citizens living in TCI to vote and hold elected office. With "an estimated 55 per cent of TCI residents already non-TCI Islanders, the move would see further "political and cultural marginalisation, he claimed. As labour demands grow and more foreigners move to the TCI, the franchise will automatically broaden, he said, and the PNP would not "accede to the FAC agenda of accelerating its "dilution. "The TCI has several pathways to citizenship including through investment, marriage and residency, the PNP leader continued. "Attainment of citizenship status in some cases is as short as five years. Relaxing the rules on who may vote and hold officeis a recipe for wholesale takeover of the Islands and the relegation of the indigenous people to the margins of society, he added. Among the reports 48 pages of findings and recommendations, there was also a call for clarity on replacing lost EU funding after Brexit, and for speedy implementation of public registers of beneficial ownership. Plans to introduce the latter have also met with fierce resistance in the Caribbean OTs. Misick accused the UK of "duplicitous standards for not similarly imposing compliance on its Crown dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. Overall, his response to the FAC report struck a slightly more vociferous note than that of Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson. Speaking in February she said: "We may be an overseas territory, but we are first and foremost Turks and Caicos Islanders. We have our own identity, our own aspirations, our own beliefs and values and our own democracy. "We cannot and must not let anyone force their values and culture on us. The Opposition leader is the latest to add his voice to the debate with fellow PNP members - including his predecessor Rufus Ewing - stridently condemning the report in recent weeks. Ewing called on Premier Robinson to tell the FAC "where to jump, while Donhue Gardiner dubbed it an "impending crisis which could pave the way to independence. So far, the UKs Foreign and Commonwealth Office has remained tight-lipped on the report saying merely it would be "carefully considered and that the office would respond fully in due course. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. Saudi Arabia will be hosting the 15th annual Group of 20 (G20) Leaders Summit on November 21 and 22, 2020 in Riyadh. It will be chaired by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. G20 is a premier forum for international economic cooperation. The G20 countries represent two-thirds of the worlds population, 85 per cent of its economy, and 75 per cent of international trade. Saudi Arabia is fully committed to G20s objectives and prosperity of the international economic system. The country also aims to strengthen its ties with other G20 countries and to reach international consensus on the summits agenda items, said an expert in Saudi Press Agency. The Riyadh summit will be the first G20 Summit to be hosted in the Arab world. The Summit will be attended by the leaders of the worlds largest economies, as well as leaders of other guest countries, international and regional organisations. The summit agenda will cover financial, economic and social issues, including energy, environment, climate, digital economy, trade, agriculture, healthcare, education and labour. It will aim to develop effective policies to achieve sustainable and balanced development and create job opportunities. Jebel Ali Customs Centres in Dubai, UAE carried out around 766,000 customs transactions and made 30 seizures during the first quarter of 2019, a media report said. The strategic customs management, which performs all customs operations of Jebel Ali Port; the largest marine terminal in the Middle East and the flagship facility of DP Worlds portfolio of over 65 marine terminals across six continents, showcased its latest achievements to the director of Dubai Customs, Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, during his visit to the centre, reported state news agency Wam. Musabih met with Yousef Al Hashimi, director of Jebel Ali Customs Centres Management and the managements employees. "Its no surprise Jebel Ali Customs Centre has achieved remarkably in the first quarter, thanks to their highly trained staff and sophisticated devices and equipment," said Musabih. "They thwarted a number of smuggling attempts as part of their role and vision of protecting society and sustaining economic growth." The centre has recently applied a smart inspection system which is more effective in organising the flow of containers and tracking them. Goods entry and exit permits and paying their fees have been automated to save time and effort. The full X-ray container detection system, the first of its kind in the world can deal with 150 containers per hour. Musabih added, "These achievements and this high level of readiness at the Jebel Ali Customs Centre Management support our preparations at Dubai Customs for the upcoming Expo 2020. Exhibitors and companies will be surprised by the seamless system and services in offer for them. This again is synonymous with Dubai and its great efforts in embracing very promising projects like the Dubai Silk Road and in fulfilment of the wise vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai." Showman Volodymyr Zelensky won the runoff stage of the Ukrainian presidential election. The victory is landslide. Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC) has yet to announce final results, but it is already clear that the gap is colossal - Volodymyr Zelensky garnered about 70% of the vote in the runoff, Petro Poroshenko - about 24%, with the voter turnout of almost 63%. Fifth president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has already accepted the obvious fact and thanked the voters and his team for their support. "Never give up, they say me, and now, when I see these exit polls results, which are obvious, they give me reason to call my opponent and congratulate him ... The elections were fair, transparent and in full compliance with European standards, we kept democracy in the conditions of war. Dear Ukrainians, I will resign as head of state next month. By the choice of most Ukrainians I make this decision," Poroshenko said after the exit-poll result was announced. Volodymyr Zelensky also thanked the voters in the video message: "I want to thank you all for being with us all these four months. This is a responsible work that you did, not just me. We did it together. And the main thing that we did - we have united Ukraine, united our lives, united our people." The rivals, the stand-off between which was rather tough, exchanged pleasantries. Poroshenko promised to back the sixth president of Ukraine in any matters. Zelensky, in turn, did not rule out that the predecessor could have a high-ranking position, but only "if it is the wish of the society," and added that "it's not today's personnel decision." "Let's try to do something in the new composition. I really want to," he said. It is curious that, being guided only by exit polls, Volodymyr Zelensky was congratulated on the victory by... the U.S. embassy. Unprecedented. "We thank all those who contributed to ensuring Ukraines presidential election was conducted in a peaceful manner," the embassy wrote on Twitter. At the same time, the Ukrainian internet-newspaper 'Strana' reports that Petro Poroshenko received a guaranteed immunity from Washington after leaving the office. According to the publication, the transparent message was sent to the election winning team - Poroshenko shouldn't be affected. Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs and CEC reported that no mass violations that could affect the voting results were recorded. However, law enforcement agencies received more than 1000 reports of various violations resulting in more than 15 criminal proceedings. The most active, according to the CEC, were the voters in Donetsk and Lugansk, who ensured Zelenskys landslide victory. This may indicate that the residents are tired of living in limbo and they pin their hope in a better future on the new government. It is no accident that one of the first appeals of the runoff stage winner was to a certain extent addressed to that part of the electorate. "In any case, we will act within the Normandy format, we will continue the Minsk process, we will reload it. I think we will have staff reshuffling, in any case, we will continue work in the Minsk format," Volodymyr Zelensky said. He has promised to come up with a plan of action to stop hostilities in Donbass. "We will plunge into a serious information war in order to stop hostilities in Donbass. Very soon, we will announce our plan of action. We will tell everything to our journalists, bloggers," he told a briefing. But at the same time, Zelensky refused to disclose details of the plan, saying only it will be made public soon. "Our election campaign demonstrates what we can do, that we have a strong young team. We have creative ideas but we need your help," Zelensky said addressing journalists. In principle, Volodymyr Zelensky won in all regions - according to preliminary data, his worst result was recorded in western Ukraine, where the advantage, however, exceeded 10%. But as indicators become more precise, the gap between Zelensky and Poroshenko increases, and the west of the country will not be an exception. "Poroshenkos defeat was complete and devastating. This seems to be the result of the elections. Ukrainians did not vote for hatred against Russia, which was Poroshenkos only election program," member of the Federation Council Alexei Pushkov wrote on Twitter. At the same time, he believes that they voted not so much for Zelensky, but for his hero Goloborodko from the television show Servant of the People. "But politics is not a movie," Alexei Pushkov summarized. The ending of the epic is, of course, surprising. It's not just about Zelensky's overwhelming advantage, but his victory in general. Still, one could hardly believe in the opposition candidate's success. No sense in hiding now - shortly before the runoff stage, the author of this article predicted the victory of the incumbent president, believing that the Ukrainians had already expressed their attitude to the election participants - politicians in the first round, the vast majority of whom were at various high positions and didn't impress the voters. Demonstrating their categorical rejection and, conversely, their willingness to put the comic who grew out of students parties on a presidential chair, in such a difficult and crucial period for the Ukrainian state the population still vote for an unpleasant but still experienced politician. He, in turn, keeping in mind the first round results, will have to draw quite concrete conclusions for himself, realize his mistakes made during the first presidential term and start to correct them. The reality turned out to be different and much more harsh for the authorities. The level of the Ukrainian society's rejection of the current government was high and categorical. Now the question is what will happen to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The fact is that, due to the constitutional complexities, the parliament can be dissolved by the president only until May 27. But Volodymyr Zelensky may take over the presidential watch on June 3, not later. Thus, now everything depends on when the new presidential team will assume office. If it happens after the parliament dissolution deadline, then Ukraine's sixth president will have an extremely difficult time in the absence of his people in the Verkhovna Rada. Meanwhile, according to the Constitution, Ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential republic, so Volodymyr Zelensky will not be free in making and implementing any decisions. Baghdad is seeking to fashion itself as a mediator between regional powers, but bringing Riyadh and Tehran closer together could prove to be a difficult task. Iran and Saudi Arabia are at odds across the region. Deutsche Welle reports in its article Iraq hosts regional archrivals Iran and Saudi Arabia that Iraq hosted senior officials from Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey on Saturday in a bid to bolster its nascent role as a regional mediator. The one-day conference in the capital Baghdad discussed regional security, diplomacy and economic issues, a parliamentary spokesman told media. Iran, now one of Iraq's closest allies in the region, but a fierce opponent of Saudi Arabia, was represented by a "senior official," the spokesman added. The conference was hosted by Iraq's youngest-ever speaker of parliament, the 38-year-old Mohammed al-Halbusi, who said Friday that his country was "honored by the presence of its neighbors in Baghdad." A tough diplomatic job Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi recently visited both Iran and Saudi Arabia, which vie for dominance in the Middle East. The two regional foes are at odds across the deeply divided region, with both Riyadh and Tehran supporting different groups in war-torn countries like Yemen and Syria. Read more: Yemen is 'the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world' Saudi Arabia, a Sunni-majority country, is a close ally of the US, while Iran, a Shiite country, is one of Washington's "worst enemies" in the region. Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump's administration designated Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. Iraqi PM Mahdi says his country wants to maintain strong relations with Iran, but also with the United States and Saudi Arabia. Ties between Turkey and Iran have also deteriorated since the start of the Syrian war in 2011. Ankara and Tehran have backed rival groups in the eight-year war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians and displaced millions. The Baghdad conference was also attended by a large Syrian delegation, led by parliament chief Hammudeh Sabbagh. As part of its mediation efforts, Iraq is seeking to bring Syria back into the Arab League regional group. However, Iraq's regional mediation efforts are being lauded as Saudi Arabia and Iran participating in the same events is extremely rare. Nearly 300 people have been killed in simultaneous explosions at churches and hotels in Sri Lanka that also injured several hundred victims. The coordinated attacks took place on Sunday morning. As Foreign Policy writes, according to media reports, there were eight blasts in all, including at churches in Negombo and Kochchikade in the countrys west, and Batticaloa in the east. Three luxury hotels in the capital Colombo were also targeted. Sri Lankas government says the attacks were carried out by National Thowheeth Jamaath, a little-known radical Islamist group. Colombo has declared an indefinite national curfew and blocked social media networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp in order to prevent the spread of rumors that might spark intercommunal violence, as happened in March 2018when Buddhist mobs attacked Muslim mosques, businesses, and homes. The targets Sri Lanka has more than 22 million inhabitants. Of these, about three-fourths are ethnic Sinhalese, most of whom are Buddhist. About a sixth of Sri Lankans identify as Tamileither of Sri Lankan or Indian descentand are mostly Hindu. About 10 percent of the population is Muslim, and 7 percent Christiana group that includes both Tamil and Sinhalese. Given that three of the blasts occurred at churches, timed for Easter services, at least part of the attack was aimed at the countrys more than 1.5 million Christians. The almost simultaneous blasts left no time to warn other churchgoers. Reuters cites the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, which represents more than 200 churches and Christian organizations, as having recorded 86 incidents of discrimination, threats, and violence against Christians last year. The other main targets seem to be people who would frequent Colombos hotelsusually a mix of tourists, business people, and wealthy locals. At least 30 of the dead are believed to be foreigners. The ability to launch several attacks all at once suggests a degree of sophistication, planning, funding, and reach. While authorities are still piecing together what happened, the blasts bear at least some resemblance to the November 2008 attacks in Mumbai, which simultaneously targeted two luxury hotels, a busy railway terminal, and a Jewish outreach center. According to Indian intelligence, the Mumbai attacks were designed not only to cause the highest possible number of casualties but also to target groupssuch as Western touriststhat would lead to the greatest amount of international media coverage. One of the 2008 attackers was apprehended, and the others were successfully identified, leading authorities in India to declare the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group responsible. But there are several differences with Sundays attacks in Sri Lanka, not least the fact that they were spread out across the country instead of concentrated in a single city, and that unlike in Mumbai, no hostages were taken. Was there any warning? On April 11, a top Sri Lankan police official reportedly issued an advisory warning of potential suicide attacks on churches. (This letter has not been independently verified by Foreign Policy.) In that advisory, Deputy Inspector General Priyalal Dassanayake wrote that the radical Islamist group called National Thowheeth Jamaath was planning nationwide attacks. On Monday, Sri Lankan Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne addressed a press conference and pointed to outside help: There was an international network without which these attacks could not have succeeded. Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe acknowledged that some information about a planned attack had been circulating. We must also look into why adequate precautions were not taken, he said. Wickremesinghes comments could be interpreted as a criticism of President Maithripala Sirisena, the commander of the countrys security forces. Leadership tussle Sri Lankas politics have been in turmoil recently. Sirisena became president in 2015 after he won a surprise victory over the strongman Mahinda Rajapaksa, who had controlled the countrys politics for more than a decade. Sirisena appointed his ally Wickremesinghe as prime minister, and the two set out to reform the countrys economy and seek accountability for atrocities committed during the countrys civil war. But Sirisena and Wickremesinghe fell out in 2018, leading the former to suspend Parliament and appoint his onetime rival Rajapaksa as the new prime minister. Weeks later, under pressure from the countrys Supreme Court, Sirisena reinstated Wickremesinghe as prime minister. Relations between the two have not recovered, with observers expecting Sirisena to seek a fresh mandate at the polls. Meanwhile, Sri Lankas economy has grown at a tepid 4 percent, the currency has weakened, and Colombo has struggled to repay loans from donors such as the International Monetary Fund. In one case, Sri Lanka lost a major portas well as 15,000 acres of landto China after it could not repay funds it had borrowed for infrastructure projects. A history of violence While its unclear if the countrys history played a role in Sundays attacks, Sri Lankans have experienced decades of sectarian violence. In 1948, Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon, won independence from British rule. The countrys Sinhalese majority, countering what they saw as colonial favoritism toward Tamils, disenfranchised Indian Tamil migrants, leading to the groups neglect. That led to the formation of an armed insurgent group known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 1976. The group initially campaigned for a Tamil homeland in the countrys northeast. But the movement turned violent, with the LTTE attacking police and army forces as it sought greater national prominence. The Tigers became known for their suicide bombings, which they were among the first militants to pioneer, and deployment of child soldiers. In 1997, the U.S. State Department officially designated the LTTE a terrorist group. For years, Sri Lankas armymostly Sinhalese and Buddhistcarried out campaigns to root out the insurgents from their hideouts in the countrys northeast. The war finally ended in 2009 after the army killed LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran. But watchdog groups say both the LTTE and the army were guilty of war crimes and rights abuses. According to the United Nations, about 40,000 civilians were killed in the final stages of the civil war. Tourism dropped sharply during the war years, hitting a low point after a tsunami devastated Sri Lanka in 2004. There were only 500,000 visitors in 2009; the industry has since recovered to attract 2 million visitors last year. Even so, the tensions of Sri Lankas bloody history have lingered. The final, intense period of the civil war left hundreds of thousands of Tamils displaced, thousands of whom are still missing. Communal tensions reignited last year: In the central district of Kandy, Buddhist Sinhalese mobs attacked mosques and Muslim establishments. In response, Colombo imposed a nationwide state of emergency. In 2016, Sri Lankan authorities reported that 32 Sri Lankans had joined the Islamic State, but the terrorist group is not known to have a presence in the country. Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) officials condemned the attack against Main Opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairman Kemal Klcdaroglu and wished him a speedy recovery. "We condemn all types of violence," party spokesman Omer Celik said, adding that the perpetrators will be found and held accountable for their crime. Turkey's Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul also condemned the attack, saying that they will not allow violence to cast a shadow on politics, Daily Sabah reported. Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairman Devlet Bahceli said it was "impossible" to be comfortable with the attack against Klcdaroglu. Klcdaroglu was attacked by a group of men during the funeral of a fallen soldier in Ankara yesterday. The delegation led by Azerbaijans Deputy Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Kerim Veliyev will take part in 8th Conference on International Security to be held in Moscow on April 23-25, according to Azerbaijans Defense Ministry. The participants of the conference will discuss the issues of global and regional security. Regional security aspects and regional specifics of defense agencies response to national threats and challenges will be discussed among other issues of the conference agenda. The conference was organized by Russia's Ministry of Defense. Azerbaijan and Turkey will hold joint tactical live-fire exercises dubbed 'Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - 2019' on May 1-3, 2019, according to Azerbaijans Defense Ministry. The drills will be held in accordance with the agreement on military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey. A solemn welcoming ceremony was held for the military personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces who arrived in Azerbaijan to participate in the exercises. At first, the ceremony participants laid flowers to the bust of national leader Heydar Aliyev at the territory of the military unit. They paid tribute to the memory of the Great Leader and the martyrs who died in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by observing a minute of silence. The main objective of the exercises is to achieve coordination of interoperability between the military units of Azerbaijan and Turkey by preparing joint headquarters' plans, increasing the level of combat readiness of military personnel and developing their skills in conducting joint operations. The exercises also aim at maintaining relations and mutual understanding of the servicemen of the two countries at a high level. The joint exercises will involve military personnel, armored vehicles, artillery mounts and mortars, combat and transport helicopters of the Air Force, and Air Defense and Anti-Aircraft Missile units of the armies of the two countries. During the preparatory period, it is planned to hold a number of cultural events for the Turkish servicemen. The 4th SOCAR International Caspian and Central Asia Downstream Forum: Trading, Logistics, Refining, Petrochemicals opened in Baku today. Convened annually since 2016, this years Forum brings together nearly 300 participants from over 20 countries and top managers from the leading national and overseas companies and fuel-energy, petrochemical and logistics facilities in the Caspian region and Central Asia as well as relevant forefront experts, analysts, representatives from the diplomatic corps, and a wide range of other specialists. The forum offers participants the opportunity to gain insights into the prospects of oil & gas industry development in Azerbaijan, oil & gas markets in the Caspian region and Central Asia, hydrocarbon logistics and transit potential, major export routes, crude and products trade flows, modernization of the refineries and petrochemical plants, innovative technologies in the oil & gas industry, and explore various other observations and expert opinion. Azerbaijan's Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov said that 104.2 billion cubic meters of gas and 25.1 million tons of condensate were produced at the Shah Deniz field in Azerbaijan. He added that that 69.7 billion cubic meters of gas produced at this field were exported during this period. According to the minister, in January-March 2019, gas production in Azerbaijan increased by 25.1% compared to the same period last year reaching 9.1 billion cubic meters of gas. Gas exports for the same period increased by 26.6% amounting to 3.2 billion cubic meters of gas, Shahbazov said, adding that 4.3 billion cubic meters of gas and 1 million tons of condensate accounted for the share of production at the Shah Deniz field. According to Azerbaijan's Minister of Energy, the oil prices are at a satisfactory level now, while the level of compliance with the December OPEC deal + is increasing monthly. He noted that the adoption of a new decision to reduce oil production in June greatly depends on a number of geopolitical factors and, to a certain extent, on the decrease in commercial oil reserves. "From the very beginning of the conclusion of the deal within OPEC+, Azerbaijan was its active participant," Shahbazov recalled, adding that the country's revenues from profitable oil and gas reached $9.8 billion in 2018. First Vice-President of SOCAR Khoshbakht Yusifzadeh said that until today, Azerbaijan has supplied 506 million tons of oil to foreign markets. He noted that out of this volume, 383 million tons were delivered via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC). Yusifzadeh also said that about 1.6 billion cubic meters of gas were exported through the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) so far. BP Azerbaijan Vice President Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli said that until 2049, there are plans to produce another three billion barrels of oil at the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) block of fields in the Caspian Sea. "Until today, $36 billion have been invested in the development of the ACG block, and 3.5 billion barrels of oil have been produced," Trend cited him as saying. In addition, 44 billion cubic meters of associated gas were collected and transferred to the Azerbaijani state, Aslanbayli said. BP Azerbaijan Vice President also said that a powerful infrastructure has been created in the Caspian Sea region. "It includes the Sangachal terminal, which is one of the biggest oil and gas terminals in the world," Aslanbayli noted. Azerbaijan's Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev noted that after Azerbaijan regained the state independence, the government began to pay special attention to managing emissions and protecting the environment. He added that industrial production, which has been conducted in Azerbaijan for 170 years, has affected the environment and climate of Azerbaijan. "The issue of emissions management is kept in the focus of attention by the state. Ratification of the Convention on the Status of the Caspian Sea will give an even greater impetus to this," Babayev stressed. The forum organised with support from SOCAR by Baku Higher Oil School in partnership with British company Confidence Capital Ltd. will be held until April 25. Forum participants are expected to visit SOCAR Carbomide, SOCAR Methanol, SOCAR Polymer, and Sangachal Oil Terminal. China consistently opposes unilateral U.S. sanctions against Iran, the Chinese foreign ministry's spokesman Geng Shuang said amid reports that Washington is expected to announce that buyers of Iranian oil must halt imports soon or face sanctions. The spokesman, speaking at a daily news briefing, said Chinas bilateral cooperation with Iran was in accordance with the law, Reuters reported. Geng said Beijing opposes Washington's "unilateral sanctions and long-armed jurisdiction." However, Geng gave no indication what Beijing might do if Washington went ahead with sanctions against China. U.S. officials told the Washington Post newspaper earlier that the Trump administration will inform other governments they no longer will be exempt from sanctions. Clashes broke out yesterday in Georgias northeastern Pankisi Gorge region between police and residents protesting the construction of a hydropower plant. The protest grew into a serious clash between the civilians and law enforcers, who were mobilised by the Economy Ministry to ensure security and order around the construction site. The residents of Pankisi oppose the construction of the Khadori-3 hydropower plant, saying it could harm the environment in the mountainous region and force them to leave their homes. The protesters threw stones at police, who used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse them. Georgia's Interior Minister Giorgi Gakharia was among the ministers who visited Pankisi Gorge and met with the local population. The minister said after the meting that although the construction works have been suspended for now, those who have violated the law will be strictly punished. "We have postponed [construction] of HPP and agreed on that it will only be built if 90% of the population supports the idea," Agenda.ge cited Gakharia as saying. He also underscored that the company responsible for the construction works will continue negotiating with the locals. As a result of the clash, 55 people, inducing 38 police officers, were injured. Political scientist Gela Vasadze, speaking to Vestnik Kavkaza, noted that the incident in the Pankisi Gorge was another big mistake in the government's internal policy. "It was necessary to negotiate the construction of hydropower plant long before it was started. As there were no agreements, the residents started protests. Then the authorities made it even worse - they called the special forces, finally confirming their incompetence. The special forces showing weakness was the third mistake. The citizens started to throw stones sticks at police in a live television broadcast - it was a strong blow to the image of the authorities," he explained. "Its good that the authorities made a concession in the end, but the main problem remained: there is no real local government in Georgia. If there was a local government that could clearly explain to the population that they could receive natural rent from a facility located on their territory, then such wouldn't have happened," Gela Vasadze added, stressing that the Pankisi Gorge itself is not a problem region of Georgia. "The overwhelming majority of the Pankisi Gorge residents are quite respectable citizens. Moreover, the murder of Tamerlan Machalikashvili and the murder of David Saralidze de facto combined the general political agenda of both Pankisi and Tbilisi. The majority of our citizens were sympathetic to the fact that the Pankisi Gorge residents opposed the infringement of their rights, that is, they supported this protest," the political scientist said. The head of the Institute of Management Strategy, Petre Mamradze, agreed with Vasadze. "The clash was caused by another manifestation of the authorities' weakness and short-sightedness. The hydropower plants must be built. But it requires working with the local population, with potential opponents of power plants, and showing them their benefits so that they themselves ask to build there hydropower plants," he said. "There are no high principles in such conflicts, no struggle against environmental damage from hydropower plants either, it's only interests. Instead of normal work with people, the authorities first provoke a conflict with them, and then are forced to make the hardest compromise. The condition of 90% is simply unfeasible, because there is no such measure which wouldn't be protested by at least 10% of the population. In general, both the beginning and the subsequent actions of the authorities in Pankisi are a manifestation of a blatant incompetence, inability and lack of political will of the authorities," Mamradze said. "But the Pankisi Gorge has been peaceful for a long time. There are no longer militants or drug and weapon depots, as before. Now it's much calmer there than it was under Saakashvili. Yes, a few dozen people left Georgia and fought in the banned in Russia terrorist group ISIS, but in general there are no problems there. And there will be no problems in the future, if the authorities star to behave adequately," the political scientist concluded. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- A wholly-owned subsidiary of National New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. has acquired a land parcel for residential and commercial use on April 17 in Tianjin, at a consideration of RMB364.9 million, according to an announcement released by Tianjin Land Exchange Center. The land parcel, located at Tianjin Binhai Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area, covers an area of around 72,400 square meters and occupies a planned floorage of 130,300 square meters, said the announcement. In accordance with the agreement, the auction winner should start construction within one year and complete programs within four years after signing the land transaction contract. Besides, the auction winner should signed agreements with local authority over an industrial planning that is to implement a new energy vehicle manufacturing program with an investment of no less than RMB2 billion before signing the land transferring contact. National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB (NEVS), the major shareholder of National New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd., is 51% owned by Evergrande Health, a subsidiary of China's real estate developer China Evergrande Group. Local media reported earlier this month that Evergrande National New Energy Vehicle (Guangdong) Co.,Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Co.,Ltd that was established in January this year, got the right to use an industrial land in Nansha District, Guangzhou. The land will be used to research and develop automotive engineering as well as manufacture new energy complete vehicles and auto parts. In a joint letter as Volodymyr Zelenskiys landslide victory in Ukraine's presidential runoff was confirmed, European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker praised the conduct of the election. Tusk and Junker noted that the people of Ukraine have demonstrated "the strong attachment to democracy and the rule of law" throughout the electoral process. "This is a major achievement in the complex political, economic and security environment, against the backdrop of continuous challenges to Ukraine's territorial integrity," the said in a letter. "Significant progress has been made in the five years since Ukraines Revolution of Dignity," they wrote. "And much remains to be accomplished to fully realise the peaceful, democratic and prosperous Ukraine that its citizens have called for." The wrote that as President of Ukraine, Zelensky can count on the EU's strong support to Ukraine's reform path, including consolidating the rule of law, fighting corruption, maintaining macro-financial stability and pursuing the essential reform of the energy sector. "We strongly believe the further implementation by the EU and Ukraine of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, can be a crucial instrument in this respect. You can also count on the EU's continued and steadfast support of Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," the statement reads. Proposing an early meeting with Zelenskiy, Tusk and Juncker said further steps to implement Kievs trade and political pact with the Union could provide crucial help. Former chief of Compulsory Enforcement Officer of Judicial Acts of Armenia Mihran Poghosyan has been arrested in Russia's Karelia, spokesperson of the Armenian Special Investigation Service Marina Ohanjanyan said. "The process of extradition is in progress," Sputnik Armenia cited her as saying. Mihran Poghosyan is involved in the headline-making case of money laundering through an offshore company. Earlier this week the judge rendered a decision to remand Poghosyan. He has been included as an accused-on-trial for committing publicly dangerous acts (using official position, confiscating property in particularly large amounts through squander and misusing official powers, which led to heavy consequences). Iran will disrupt oil shipments through the Strait of Hormuz, if the United States tries to strangle Tehrans economy by halting its oil exports, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards navy, General Alireza Tangsiri said. "According to international law, the Strait of Hormuz is a marine passageway," Tangsiri recalled. "If we are barred from using it, we will shut it down," the Fars news agency cited him as saying. "In case of any threat, we will have not even an iota of doubt to protect and defend the Iranian waters," Tangsiri added. About 20% of the world's oil and about a third of all petroleum shipped by sea passing through the Strait of Hormuz. It will only be possible to judge new Ukrainian president by his actions, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. Russia respects the choice of Ukrainian people, "moreover that this choice is rather obvious," he noted. "At the same time, the legitimacy of this election in general was put into question when three million Ukrainian citizens, who live in Russia, were denied the right to vote," Peskov stressed. The Kremlin also believes that speaking about Russian President Vladimir Putin sending his congratulations to Vladimir Zelensky, as well as their cooperation is premature. "It is too early to talk about President Putins offering his congratulations to Zelensky, as well as speaking about the possibilities of working together," TASS cited Peskov as saying. Ukraines presidential runoff took place on April 21. With 99% of the vote counted, leader of the Servant of the People political party Vladimir Zelensky has received 73.21%, while incumbent President Pyotr Poroshenko gained 24.46%. The presidential inauguration is expected to take place no later than May 31. German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Vladimir Zelensky on his landslide victory in Ukraines runoff presidential election. "I congratulate you on being elected to the Ukrainian presidential post with all my heart," Merkel said in her telegram sent to Zelensky and published by the German cabinets press service. "The German government in the future will continue actively supporting Ukraine, especially in its right to sovereignty and territorial integrity," she added. "I would be happy to soon receive you in Berlin," Merkel noted, wishing Zelensky good luck and success on this post. Ukraines runoff presidential election was held on April 21. With 97.65% of the vote counted, showman Vladimir Zelensky, a candidate of the Servant of the People party, is winning by a landslide with 73.14% of the vote. Pyotr Poroshenko, who has ruled the country for five years, gets 24.53%. North Korea's defense minister headed to Moscow today to take part in an international security forum, according to state media. A delegation headed by minister of the People's Armed Forces No Kwang-chol left Pyongyang to take part in the 8th Moscow Conference on International Security, the Korean Central News Agency said. Hosted by Russia's defense ministry, the annual event will be held on April 23-25. Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has congratulated Volodymyr Zelensky on his victory in the presidential elections in Ukraine. "I sincerely congratulate Volodymyr Zelensky on the convincing victory in the democratic elections of the President of Ukraine. I am confident that in this position you, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, will make every effort so that the friendly relations between Armenia and Ukraine could be brought to a new level and serve our people. I wish you success," Pashinyan wrote on Twitter. The tweet was in the Ukrainian language. According to exit polls, Zelensky polled more than 70%. Poroshenko admitted defeat after the exit polls. Nine people have been detained in the assault of Turkey's main opposition Republican Peoples Party leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who was hit during a soldiers funeral, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said. Kilicdaroglu was attacked yesterday as he attended a funeral in a northern district of Ankara for a soldier killed in clashes with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants. Soylu added that Kilicdaroglus recent "contacts" with the Kurdish party (HDP) made him a target. "CHPs contacts with the HDP, and HDPs policy that doesnt distance itself from the PKK are all happening before the public eye. Kilicdaroglu should have informed the authorities if he wanted to attend the funeral," Reuters cited the minister as saying. Its wrong to blame the interior ministry for such incidents while partnering with the political arm of the PKK at the same time, Soylu added, saying Kilicdaroglus party was trying to make political gains from the attack. Leader of Turkeys main opposition Republican Peoples Party (CHP) Kemal Kilicdaroglu was attacked at a soldiers funeral in Ankara before security guards led him away. Kilicdaroglu had attended a funeral for one of four Turkish soldiers killed on Friday in clashes with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Several TV broadcasters showed video in which Kilicdaroglu was hit on the head at least twice as a clutch of security guards and a police officer attempted to keep dozens of fist-pumping men away. Kilicdaroglu edged through the crowd to a nearby house, according to broadcaster NTV. More than an hour later he was driven away in an armoured vehicle by police officers. Ankaras chief prosecutor, Yuksel Kocaman, said six attackers were identified and investigators are looking into whether the incident is terrorism related, according to Anadolu agency. Two Turkish citizens were among those killed in bomb blasts at three churches and four hotels in Sri Lanka, Turkeys government said. The Turks were Serhan Narici and Yigit Cavus, engineers working on a project in Sri Lanka, Anadolu agency said, citing Turkeys ambassador to Sri Lanka and its foreign ministry. "Unfortunately we lost our citizens...in the treacherous attacks in Sri Lanka," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in a statement. Cavusoglu said the ministry was in contact with their families and it would ensure that the funerals were held in Turkey shortly. A total of 215 people were killed and almost 500 people injured in multiple blasts, targeting churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Sunday. All I Want for Christmas is You Mary, Did You Know? Oh, Holy Night O Little Town of Bethlehem What Child is This? The Little Drummer Boy White Christmas Ill Be Home For Christmas Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Frosty the Snowman Jingle Bells Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Rockin Around the Christmas Tree Vote View Results Ukraines presidential runoff took place on April 21. With 99% of the vote counted, leader of the Servant of the People political party Vladimir Zelensky has received 73.21%, while incumbent President Pyotr Poroshenko gained 24.46%, according to Ukraine's Central Election Commission. Thus, Zelensky was supported by 13.4 million people in the country, while Poroshenko - by only 4.4 million people. In accordance with the Ukrainian law, the Central Election Commission must publish the official election results no later than ten days after the election day, that is, before May 1, 2019. The presidential inauguration is expected to take place no later than May 31. A member of two Councils under the President of the Russian Federation - for Civil Society and Human Rights and for Interethnic Relations, Alexander Brod, speaking with the correspondent of Vestnik Kavkaza, said that we shouldn't expect a sharp change in Kiev's foreign policy course under Zelensky. "Zelensky and his team will not start a conflict with the de facto governors of Ukraine. Perhaps there will be some thawing of relations with Russia, since the expected limitation of supplies of Russian oil products and refusal to buy Ukrainian products are causing very serious tensions in Ukraine," he said. "If failures continue in attempts to integrate with the European Union, then protest actions will resume. In general, the situation is unpredictable so far, and I wouldnt say that the course for a dramatic improvement is visible. Ukraine is at a crossroads and everything will depend on the country's leadership," Aleksndr Brod stressed. Commenting on Zelensky's landslide victory, the member of the Councils for Civil Society and Human Rights explained it with a protest vote of Ukrainian citizens. "The former government worked on its own pocket, destroyed the economy and social sphere, causing the impoverishment of millions of Ukrainian citizens, forcing them to emigrate either to Russia or Western Europe. Poroshenkos regime became hostile for the population of Ukraine, and some young man appeared against this background. The society voted for him - unfortunately, there was no other choice," he stated. Member of the Russian Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations Bogdan Bezpalko noted that such a result of the election was expected. The first round was unexpected when the gap was so big. After that, it became obvious that Zelensky would win in the runoff. Vladimir Zelensky was a request from Ukrainian citizens for a change of power, for Poroshenkos dismissal, because lives of Ukrainian citizens have deteriorated sharply over the past five years: mass migration, declining living standards, high unemployment and the destruction of the industry," he said. "Poroshenko was well supported in the western regions of Ukraine, but even there Zelensky won in most areas, except Lvov. It is important to emphasize that there are no ideological differences between Poroshenko and Zelensky. Both support the movement towards the EU and NATO. Both call Vladimir Putin and Russia enemies, both of them want to incorporate Donbass and Crimea back to Ukraine. In this situation, a resident of Western Ukraine, who is unhappy with Poroshenko, could reasonably vote for Zelensky, because he saw him as a follower of the ideology, which is the most important for him," Bogdan Bezpalko stressed. "In the best case, we can expect that Zelensky will release a number of prisoners, such as Yevgeny Mefedov, Sergey Dolzhenkov, Alexey Sedikov and Denis Sidorov, will punish the killers of Valery Ivanov. Maybe he will close the Mirotvorets website, will allow politicians, public figures, actors and ordinary people from Russia to enter Ukraine, but still there will be no significant changes," the expert concluded. Oxford, Conn. April 22nd, 2019 The D-Day Squadron, part of the Tunison Foundation, announced the starting point for the Squadrons journey to Europe over the original Blue Spruce route to commemorate the 75the anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy. Aircraft will depart from Waterbury-Oxford Airport in Oxford Connecticut on May 19th 2019, but there will be a full week of activities to kick off this event, including a special Squadron flyover of the Statue of Liberty. Arriving in Oxford on May 12th, 2019. Aircraft and crews will spend the week practicing critical skills such as formation flying, survival skills training, Oceanic Procedures and European Union Operations Training. Thursday, May 16th 2019 will feature a special day for the media ( members of the media can register HERE), including a 9 A.M press conference and media flight at 11 A.M. Saturday, May 18th 2019, will see the entire D-Day Squadron (conditions permitting) fly in formation from Oxford, up the Hudson River in New York, over Manhattan Island, and around the Statue of Liberty. Its very likely well never see an event like this again, declared Moreno Aguiari, Director of Marketing and Public Relations for the D-Day Squadron. And its for a very good reason. There are only a few members of the Greatest Generation still with us, so we wanted to put together the most significant tributes we could to honor their sacrifice and commitment. These tributes will start here and then extend all the way across the Atlantic. After departing on May 19th, 2019, the C-47s will stop to refuel in Goose Bay Airport (CYYR) in Newfoundland, Canada, Narsarsuaq Airport (BGBW) in southern Greenland, Reykjavik Airport (BIRK) in Iceland and refueling a final time at Prestwick Airport (EPIK) on the Western coast of Scotland before making the final leg to Duxford Airfield (EGSU) north of London. Once arriving in Duxford Airfield, the D-Day Squadron will join with its European counterpart, Daks over Normandy, to participate in multiple events on June 2nd-5th, 2019. The combined fleet of historic aircraft will cross the English Channel on June 5th, fly over Normandy, France, and participate in multiple events at Caen-Carpiquet Airport from June 5th-9th, 2019. Be sure to keep up with the latest news and events as the D-Day Squadron will be making the final push to Normandy this spring. About the D-Day Squadron The D-Day Squadron is the part of the Tunison Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. In June 2019, the D-Day Squadron will lead an American fleet of historic, restored C-47 World War II military aircraft in Daks Over Normandy, a flyover of more than 30 international aircraft to drop 250 paratroopers over the original 1944 drop zones in Normandy commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day. The event will honor the citizen soldiers of the War, whose bravery led the Allies to the liberation of France, and then to an end of the devastating War in Europe. The Squadrons education program takes the compelling story of the citizen soldier to audiences at airshows and events off the flight line to honor these brave Americans and ensure their memory and significance is appreciated for generations to come. The groups efforts are funded through the generous tax-deductible contribution of their supporters. Learn more at DDaySquadron.org. Advertisement By The Associated Press Apr. 20, 2019 | FRANKFORT By The Associated Press Apr. 20, 2019 | 11:19 PM | FRANKFORT Never one to duck controversy, Kentucky's Republican governor has feuded with teachers and insulted judges. He stunned GOP lawmakers recently by vetoing a pension bill counted on by an array of state-funded agencies, provoking a spat with the state Senate's top leader. Just weeks away from a primary election testing his standing with fellow Republicans, Gov. Matt Bevin intends to call lawmakers back for a special session on pensions. The date hasn't been set, but the last one he called collapsed when the legislature went home without giving Bevin what he wanted. Kentucky's lightning-rod governor also has run the risk of firing up Democratic voters heading into the November general election. Still, Bevin will be difficult to unseat. He leads a state that's moved decidedly toward the GOP. He's presiding over an economy with a low statewide unemployment rate. And he has a political soul mate in the White House who carried Kentucky by a landslide in 2016 and has called Bevin "a great governor." "The best thing that Matt Bevin has going for him, other than a good economy, is Donald Trump," longtime Kentucky political commentator Al Cross said. The two businessmen are similarly unconventional conservative politicians. Both favor social media over traditional media and attack critics fiercely. A Bevin defeat this year would send shock waves through Republican circles nationally heading into 2020. At least publicly, Bevin seems unfazed by any political fallout from his pension bill veto. "Have you ever been under the assumption that I do things based on political calculation?" he said. "That's not my motivator here. My motivation is purely what is the right thing to do for retirees." The vetoed measure was intended to give regional universities, county health departments and many other agencies relief from a spike in pension costs looming July 1. Bevin said the bill would have broken the "inviolable contract" guaranteeing employees get the benefits promised when hired. Some Republicans disagreed. When Senate President Robert Stivers called Bevin's veto "perplexing," the governor said his fellow Republican's remarks "indicate either a remarkable misunderstanding of the legislation you just voted for, or an intentional misrepresentation of the facts." Stivers said Bevin had signaled support for a Senate version of the pension bill he said resembled the measure rejected by the governor. One of Bevin's GOP challengers tried to capitalize on the veto. State Rep. Robert Goforth one of three Republicans running against the governor in the May 21 primary accused Bevin of trying to impose "his own toxic recipe for pension reform" on lawmakers. Bevin is widely expected to win the GOP primary despite an aggressive campaign by Goforth. But a strong showing by the challenger could signal vulnerability for Bevin heading into the general election. GOP strategist Scott Jennings rates Bevin as the favorite to win reelection, despite the rancor over pensions. "He is certainly in danger, but given the political bent of the state and Trump's popularity these days, he'd have to screw up royally to lose," he said. Still, a prominent Republican who lost narrowly to Bevin in a GOP primary four years ago said Bevin has work to do. "I think that if the election were today, he would lose," U.S. Rep. James Comer said this week on a TV political talk show syndicated across Kentucky. "He has no form of a campaign out there. I haven't seen the first sign or bumper sticker out there." Comer said Bevin has plenty of time to "get it together," though, and predicted that "he'll be the one probably to beat in the end." Last year, thousands of teachers closed schools across Kentucky to protest changes to the state's public pension system, among the worst funded retirement systems in the country. Last year, Democrats attacked Bevin for criticizing teachers as they campaigned in state legislative races. It didn't work Republicans maintained overwhelming majorities in the Senate and House and Jennings doubts it will work this year. "There are scores of people out there who don't get guaranteed pensions and are mightily inconvenienced when schools are closed abruptly," he said. "They don't have the luxury of calling in sick when they aren't and would probably be fired for doing so." After last week's veto, some top Republican lawmakers said it's up to Bevin to line up legislative support for a new pension bill. "Basically, the ball's kind of in his court," said House Majority Floor Leader John "Bam" Carney. "He's going to have to put something together that members could support before we come back, or it would be futile to bring us back." Despite all the turmoil, unseating a Republican governor won't be easy in a state where the GOP has successfully nationalized state and local races. Democrat Greg Stumbo, a former House speaker running for attorney general, said his party's gubernatorial nominee will likely emerge from the primary either even or ahead of Bevin. But he concedes the challenge remains formidable. "I'm not saying Matt Bevin will go silently into the night," Stumbo said. "He's a pretty good politician. He's a salesman. But he's going to have a race on his hands." By West Kentucky Star Staff Apr. 17, 2019 | 10:03 PM | PADUCAH; KNOXVILLE A doctor from Paducah is among eight people indicted in Tennessee and dozens nationwide, as federal officials fight illegal prescribing and distribution of opioids and other drugs.According to US Attorney General William Barr, on Tuesday a federal grand jury indicted 58-year-old Dr. Henry Babenco of Paducah, who is associated with the LaFollette Wellness Center in Lafollette, Tennessee. Three other associates at Lafollette were also indicted; 53-year-old Sharon Naylor, 29-year-old Alicia Taylor, and 54-year-old Gregory Madron. All were indicted on the charge of conspiracy to distribute Schedule II controlled drugs. Naylor and Babenco were also charged with money laundering in the investigation.Three other doctors from Knoxville, Maryville and Manchester were also indicted Tuesday. Another Maryville doctor was indicted April 2.In total, 60 defendants have been charged in 11 federal districts. They include 31 doctors, 7 pharmacists, 8 nurse practitioners, and 7 other licensed medical professionals."The opioid epidemic is the deadliest drug crisis in American history, and Appalachia has suffered the consequences more than perhaps any other region," Attorney General William P. Barr said. "But the Department of Justice is doing its part to help end this crisis." On the Net: Willamette Law graduates are well prepared and ready to practice law upon passing the bar, says Phylis Myles, assistant dean of the Placement Office. The school once again posted the top employment numbers in the state of Oregon for the class of 2018. Since 2012, the school has been number one in Oregon six out of seven times. Just over 80% of 2018 Willamette Law graduates were employed in what the law school calls gold standard positions by March 2019. Gold standard refers to jobs that are full-time, long-term, and bar passage required or JD advantage. These are the kind of jobs students come to law school to get, and it is how we measure our success, says Dean Curtis Bridgeman. The Placement Office connects with law students as 1Ls, with a mandatory meeting during their first year. They are required to fill out an Individual Development Plan that includes a self-assessment, as well as information on current legal skills and interests, Myles says. Once we have identified their interests, we provide contact names for informational interviews to learn more about a particular area of law. The Placement Office continues educating and preparing students for careers throughout their time at law school. First-year students can sign up for the Attorney Mentor Program, where they are matched with an attorney to learn about legal careers. Students also attend a Career Boot Camp to work on career development skills. Mock interviews, job blasts, visiting employers and resume review events are available to help students develop professionally prior to graduation. Kevin Gleim JD18 benefited from the personalized approach in the Placement Office. He says he considered multiple opportunities for post-graduate employment and discussed the options, along with his goals, with placement counselors. That valuable insight led me to a wonderful position as an associate attorney at Garrett Hemann Robertson P.C. in Salem, he says. I am surrounded by great colleagues and doing work that I enjoy. The Placement Office does all it can to check in with students after they leave Willamette, even texting them if thats what works best. We meet with them for coffee to talk about search strategies if they are in Salem or Portland, Myles says. We continue to work with all alumni even after they have been practicing for several years. About Willamette University College of Law As the first law school in the Pacific Northwest, Willamette University College of Law boasts an innovative program designed to prepare leaders in government, private practice, and business with the lawyering skills needed in the 21st Century. Willamette Laws small class sizes foster an interactive learning environment among our diverse student population with a thriving externship and clinical program, ample practical skills courses, and a new Business Lawyering Institute. With a one student at a time placement approach, our students are given individualized development plans and tools for success in todays legal job market. In recent years, outside industry watchers such as Moodys and The National Jurist Magazine have recognized Willamette Law for its positive job placement results. Willamette lawyers are the best dealmakers, problem solvers, community leaders, and change-makers in the most innovative and exciting region in the country. Our location nestled in the heart of the Willamette Valley and across the street from the Oregon State Capitol, Supreme Court and many state agencies is an advantage that cannot be matched anywhere in the region. In a tweet, Mr Poroshenko said a new inexperienced Ukrainian president could be quickly returned to Russias orbit of influence. Source: Ukraine election: Comedian Zelensky wins presidency by landslide BBC News Let us truly hope that Ukraine will return to Russias influence and save herself WtR Apr 17, 2019 | By Thomas French biotechnology company Poietis has announced the granting of a third patent for its laser-assisted 3D bioprinting technology. "We were the first to explore the industrial potenfial of laser assisted bioprinting technology in various applications. The granting of this series of European patents further supports Poiefis position in the field of 3D bio-printing," stated Fabien Guillemot, President and CEO of Poietis. Based on its expertise in bioprinting technologies and in particular high resolution laser bioprinting, Poietis has also developed the multimodal bioprinting platform NGB (Next Generation Bioprinting). The NGB platform aims to give tissue engineers and researchers greater freedom in the choice of biomaterials and hydrogels. Winner of the 2014 ILab Contest (French National Competition for Innovative start-up Creation of the Ministry of Research, Creation-Development category) and the 2016 Worldwide Innovation Contest, Poietis' laser-assisted 3D bioprinting technology us initially developed at the INSERM and Bordeaux University. The laser-assisted bioprinting technology can position cells in 3D with extremely high cellular resolution (on the order of ten microns) and cellular viability (over 95%). In 2015, BASF signed an agreement with Poietis to use their technology for research and development purposes. Both companies are looking at ways of applying Poietis bioprinting technology to BASFs existing processes in an effort to improve the companys skin equivalent model Mimeskin. Poietis has also partnered with Servier Laboratories to create 4D printed liver toxicity detection device. Most recently, the company has announced its 4D bioprinting platform, an automated robotic system to improve the standardization of manufacturing processes and the functionality of biological tissues. The latest patent issued by the European Patent Office, Patent No. EP3233499, is entitled Laser printing method and device for implementing said method. It follows the 2017 Patent No. EP2542659 entitled Bioprinting Station, assembly comprising such bioprinting station and bioprinting method which relates to the adaptation of the printing patterns on substrates; and 2018 Patent No. EP3234102 entitled Method for laser printing biological components and device for implementing said method, which covers the laser-assisted bioprinting and multimodal bioprinting processes in Europe. The grant of these patents strengthens Poietis intellectual property asset, explained Bruno Brisson, General Manager and VP Business Development at Poietis. It is also additional protection of important technological bricks that are integrated into the NGB-R, next-gen bioprinting systems that we commercialize now. Posted in 3D Printer Company Maybe you also like: Mach Networks provides fully managed wireless WAN connectivity solutions for SMBs and large enterprises. Their mission is to make it easy and profitable for agents, resellers and service providers to add wireless solutions to their portfolio. We dont do anything else we are really good at one thing and thats all we do. We dont sell cell phones and arent integrators, exclaimed Don Ochoa, CEO in an exclusive, live, in-person interview. The company actively monitors wireless connections every few minutes to determine if there are any issues with a connection in which case, they alert customers. He said they are now taking their fully managed solutions to the AT&T reseller community. Most people in the telecom community are used to selling traditional products and services. He exclaimed. But if you look at the AT&T partner community, less than 10% have sold an LTE or wireless solution. He said there is a huge transformational shift from wired to wireless SD-WAN, 5G and IoT. 60% of distributed enterprises will have some sort of SD-networking solutions by 2021, Don said. They have three products: Mach Managed failover Mach Managed Routers connectivity, ATMs, kiosks, video surveillance, transport, SD-WAN Mach Managed LTE Data Plans The first two options are a router and data plan with aggressively managed usage and network resilience. If your network goes down employees stand idle. You cant afford 15 minutes, let alone 5 hours of downtime, Don exclaimed. They started as a white-label solution for companies like Windstream and are now making it available to the channel. Finance, healthcare, retail and transportation are hot markets he explained. He said some companies put in 2 T1s for redundancy but a flood, hurricane or backhoe could take them out simultaneously. With cellular, he explained (we are aware you know this but we strive to be accurate ), traffic goes over the air. They sell SD-WAN two-to-one over failover and this line item is growing at 73%. Our inside sales team only supports our partners, he concluded. Allocate your 2020 budget here! Register now. Learn about the latest in UCaaS, the Channel, MSPs, IT, IOT, Edge, Cybersecurity, AI, SD-WAN, IoT and the Future of Work at the worlds only #TechSuperShow, ITEXPO, Feb 12-14, 2020 Fort Lauderdale, FL. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw a perfume on the violet William Shakespeare: King John Electronica artist Max Cooper and I launch a new project this spring, a collaboration called Glassforms. Its a commission from the Philharmonie de Paris and we will play it as part of their Philip Glass weekend in May. Shows follow in London, Barcelona, and Bordeaux. We overlay electronic sounds onto piano music by Glass. There have been Glass remixes before, Glassforms is something else. Live onstage, I play an acoustic grand piano (with MIDI output), and the computer, the synths, the electronic effects respond to what I do, differently at each performance. The MIDI information coming from the piano allows precise rhythmic syncing, making possible many layers of correspondence between real-time details in piano playing and electronic sound. Maxs algorithms generate material that may precisely coincide with the rhythms I play, or, alternately, add greater complexity to the overall rhythm fabric of the music. The colors and the mixture of the colors of the electronic sounds are highly controlled yet vary considerably. As I am playing Glassforms, I am frequently surprised. Its like playing chamber music with a colleague who plays different pitches and rhythms in their part every night! Geoffrey Hulme: Glass Blowing, Harry Hassent and No. 8 Pot In Glassforms, everything emanates from the touching of the piano keys. If I dont play, no electronic sounds are heard. I can provoke the synths to make sounds by silently depressing piano keys. I sometimes do this in the short interludes that I improvise between pieces. In the interludes, I also make sounds by playing on the keys in the conventional way. We are giving the classics of the Philip Glass piano repertoire a 21st-century context, or frame, or new clothes! Theres a long history of arranging and rearranging music for keyboard. The very earliest keyboard music adapts pre-existing vocal music. Virtuoso pianists have made transcriptions of famous pieces with new fashionable harmonies or fancy embellishment, Leopold Godowskys chromaticizations around Schuberts Unfinished Symphony, Godowskys arrangement or Sorabjis adaptation of Chopins so-called Minute Waltz or Marc-Andre Hamelins mannerist Minute-Waltz comedy! Arrangements can be modernizations. There are Robert Schumanns piano accompaniments for Paganinis solo violin caprices, or Charles Gounods melody added to the first prelude of The Well-Tempered Clavier. Around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, there was a taste for ragtime versions of familiar classical piano pieces. Some were published or these treatments might be spontaneous. James P. Johnson and others were known for raggin the classics, syncopated rhythms and jumping accompaniments applied to well-known piano favorites. This was a bridging between musical practices, also a societal interconnection. Perhaps Glassforms does something similar The music of Philip Glass is not exactly classical music. I do play it on an acoustic grand piano. For many, the big grand piano is a symbol of high European culture. Max Coopers electronic sound world is associated with dance clubs or dance music festivals. The largest number of people listening to music in the world today are hearing electronically processed sounds. The effects of electricity may be subtle. Often though, our electronic processes lead to transformations of musical sound and design. In popular music theres a strong attraction to obvious manipulation of the human voice (the vocoder), and to looping and beats made possible by the computer. Glassforms brings acoustic piano music into that electronically enabled 21st-century practice of music. As early as the 1970s, Karlheinz Stockhausen suggested that the satisfying presentation of piano music in a concert hall would require elaborate amplification, so that a large audience could hear the small details of piano inflection that can be clear in sound recordings. Soon after the beginning of the 21st century, Nico Muhly and I played Haydnseek. Electronic sounds, melodies, extended harmony, distortion were all added to piano sonatas by Franz Joseph Haydn played in real time by me (and slightly amplified). Some points in the performance were like putting graffiti on Haydns music, Nico said. Mick Zais, the No. 2 official at the U.S. Department of Education, said at a U.S. Department of Education event Monday that during his 30-plus years in the U.S. Army, he met plenty of young people who were in the armed services because a judge had given them the option of enlisting in the militaryor serving jail time. Most went on to law-abiding lives and productive careers, he said. The majority of young people who get a rocky start can turn their lives around, Zais said at the event, Rethinking Education for Incarcerated Individuals. The Trump administration has made the issue a priority in the wake of bipartisan prison reform legislation that passed last year. Zais said opening up educational opportunities to prisoners is generally best done at the local level. But he highlighted one key federal initiativeallowing incarcerated individuals to take advantage of Pell Grants, which help low-income students attend college. The Obama administration started a pilot project for so-called Second Chance Pell. And the Trump administration has continued it. States have a stake in making sure incarcerated individuals are able to join the workforce once their sentences end, said Asa Hutchinson, the governor of Arkansas, who delivered the keynote address at the event at the U.S. Department of Education. For one thing, ex-offenders who are able to get jobs are less likely to wind up back in prison. For another, there are jobs in the state that desperately need to be filled, at a time when unemployment is just 3.7 percent. We have companies that are coming to Arkansas that need workers, Hutchinson said. He shared the story of a former inmate who was able to get his GED while in prison and begin work at a hardware store. He was also able to get a drivers licensesomething he hadnt had for 30 years, Hutchinson said. The event also featured Amy Lopez, the deputy director of the D.C. Department of Corrections, who talked about the partnerships her organization has with nearby universities like Georgetown. Another speaker, Steve Good, the executive director of Five Keys Schools, a charter network that operates in prisons in California. Five Keys has a placement program that helps its graduates find jobs after their sentences end, he said. Derrick McDougal, right, a youthful offender at the O.H. Close Youth Correctional Facility, displays a website he helped design, at a computer coding class, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019, in Stockton, Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom toured the facility and visited the class that teaches computer coding. Newsom is proposing to put Californias juvenile prisons under the states Health and Human Services Agency instead of the same agency that runs adult prisons. --Rich Pedroncelli/AP Follow us on Twitter at @PoliticsK12 . by Bernardo Cervellera One Easter Vigil lasted over two hours with some 5,000 people present. Another Vigil had been celebrated hours earlier. A South African man and three Filipino women received baptism and confirmation. The liturgical service was efficient, with dozens of ciboria and aspersoria. The Islamic call from a nearby mosque could be heard during the liturgy. Prayers were recited for our "brothers and sisters of Yemen". Archbishop Hinder called for sharing the dismay of women at the tomb and the strength of the angel's proclamation. Abu Dhabi (AsiaNews) - The joyful and uplifting sound of the Hallelujah from Handel's Messiah swept over the huge crowd as people moved towards the exits of the courtyard of St Joseph's Cathedral in Abu Dhabi, after participating in the Easter Vigil led by Mgr Paul Hinder, apostolic vicar of southern Arabia. At least 5,000 people were present, spread over the large courtyard, as well inside the churches of Saint Joseph and Saint Theresa connected by closed-circuit TV. In addition to the 2,500 plastic chairs placed around the stage-like presbytery, many of the faithful brought folding chairs, like those taken to concerts, in order to sit during the liturgy, which lasted well past midnight. Mgr Hinder had already celebrated another Easter Vigil at 6 pm attended by at least 3,000 people. The few local churches that exist, granted by the government (two in Abu Dhabi), bring together Christians from all over the emirate. For this reason, Masses on Easter Sunday are performed in 13 different languages with hundreds taking part in each. The Easter Vigil that began at 10 pm was the most solemn. Mgr Hinder baptised and confirmed some adults: Deon, a young atheist man from South Africa; Mercy and Edith, from the Philippines; Kimberly, also from the Philippines, received only confirmation. Men and women from Kenya, Uganda, the Philippines, India, Korean, United Kingdom, Lebanon, and Syria follow one another in reading biblical passages and singing in English, which has become the lingua franca of the multi-ethnic community. A liturgical service for such a large number of people was made possible by careful preparation by various groups of volunteers: readers, choir, altar decorators, technical service. Even the size and number of liturgical ornaments were impressive: dozens and dozens of ciboria, "stacked" to save space on the tabernacle, as well as dozens and dozens of oriental-style aspergilla. When it was time for sprinkling the lustral water, priests and nuns present moved towards the points in the assembly equipped with aspersoria to bless the crowd waiting with raised hands for at least a drop of water. However, the area was large and the water ran out quickly. Hence, some volunteers in suits were ready to draw water from large basins of freshly blessed water, to enable priests and nuns to continue their work. Another major aspect, linked to the large number of faithful, was the presence in the church courtyard of a refreshment service. Several Filipinos provided food (rice, meat, vegetables, etc.), drinks, and fruit, to sell to those who, living very far from the church, did not have the opportunity to eat at home. Because of the heat, a first aid service is also present at this time of the year when temperatures soar above 35 degrees - some adults and an altar girl became indisposed and were taken away in a wheelchair to cool off. Next to the cathedral stands an elegant mosque that changed its name a few years ago. The ruling prince, to whom it was dedicated, decided that it should be named after "Mary mother of Jesus", as a sign of tolerance and friendship. Sometimes the schedules and announcements of the Islamic prayer - made over loudspeakers from the four minarets - drown out Christian prayers and songs. When this happens, the liturgy stops for a few minutes to resume after loudspeakers fall silent. During the Easter Vigil, this happened twice. In his homily, Mgr Hinder mentioned again our "brothers and sisters of Yemen" who cannot celebrate any liturgy due to the lack of priests. He asked those present to pray for them and for the people of Yemen torn by war, misery and disease. A special prayer was also dedicated to the rulers of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, who guarantee freedom of worship, a rare gift in the region. Following the Gospel, where it recounts the astonishment and fear women felt at the tomb and the angel's appearance, the bishop ended his homily by saying: We too, every day, share the dismay of [those] women in the face of death, difficulties, powerlessness. But we also share the strength of the angel's announcement: Christ is risen. Hallelujah!" Todays guest blog is written by Michael Fullan, an international expert on leadership and school systems. Five years ago, we started to work with education systems on deep learning. We did this partly because increasing numbers of students were bored with regular schoolingas many as 70 percent were disengaged. However, we also found that the world was becoming increasingly troubled because of climate change, an unclear and diminished job market, growing inequity, increased anxiety and stress, wild and unpredictable technology, deterioration of trust, increased inequity, and crumbling social cohesion. Overall, one could say that far from being an agent of local and global improvement, education was increasingly on the receiving end of a bad society. Through our work, we co-developed with our partners in schools a framework that enabled and supported the work. It focused on six Global Competencies: character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. To support the six competencies, we developed four learning pillars that support deep learning: partnerships, high-yield pedagogy, learning environment, and leveraging digital technologies. The competencies and pillars in turn were linked to conditions at the school, district (or region), and system levels. We found that deep learning well implemented gave students a sense of focus and increased their consciousness of being a learner. I will label this the pedagogical pathway. Recently, a new strand is emerging that I will call the political pathway. Both of these must be pursued and feed on each other as students negotiate their way through life. Why Pedagogy and Politics Pathways Must Partner A pedagogical pathway is paved with engaging (learning about) the world, and changing it for the better. Pedagogical efficacy is not sufficient for all changes in the lives of our students. It will certainly help the individual do better in life. And many individuals and groups will take up aspects of societal improvement after they leave school, but it wont be enough to change education policy. What now is emerging is the possibility that pedagogical savvy and political action may make for a surprising combination with students as a force for change. Ontario has long been seen globally as one of the best-performing education systems in the world. Whether it be the results from the Programme for International Student Assessments (PISA) or from the research that has come out of Ontario focusing on inclusion, equity or literacy, Ontario has shown great success. Conservative populism has taken hold in various places around the world, where ideology takes precedence over evidence. Ontarios newly elected government is no exception as it continues its attack on critical fundamentals that heretofore have made Ontario a global leader. The government tried to roll back the sex-ed curriculum to a 1995 version but had to retreat due to widespread criticism. Another action that the government took in March caught peoples attention in a big wayespecially on the part of students. The government announced that it would increase class size from 22 to 28 students in high schools, resulting in the loss of 3,500 positions, which would be accommodated through attrition. This meant, for example, that students entering grade 9 would experience their entire high school tenure with hardly any new teachers being hired. In this context, our work on deep learning is critical to a more informed and democratic future. In the case in hand, and seemingly at the speed of light, the students in the province organized a demonstration that resulted in a protest of more than 100,000 students that occurred on April 4 and was reported by the Toronto Star newspaper. The government quickly dismissed the event as organized by teachers union leaders that they called thugs. The students became incensed and sent Premier Doug Ford the following letter on April 6: We, the provincial organizers of Students Say No, felt it necessary to release an official statement to Doug Ford [Premier], Lisa Thompson [Minister], and the Ford government as a whole in response to their disrespectful, dismissive, and completely false allegations about the origins of our movement. Students Say No was founded by Natalie Moore, a grade 12 student from the Avon Maitland District School Board in rural Ontario [the education ministers own riding (electoral district)]. Natalie decided to start the walkout after hearing about the proposed cuts that she knew would be absolutely catastrophic to the education system we have here in Ontario, as well as to its most vulnerable students. Quickly, the movement spread across social media, and she was joined by the student organization March for Our Education as well as thousands of students across Ontario. There was absolutely no union or adult involvement at all in any part of our journey, and honestly, I m sure you know this. We would greatly appreciate it if you stopped lying to the people of this province in order to discredit our work. The movement spread quickly because students care about their education and are begging to be heard. To claim that this walkout was organized, orchestrated, or puppeteered by adults is not only false, but extremely insulting to the young people of Ontario. The attempts to diminish these efforts speak for your government loud and clear: You are scared of us. The youth of Ontario are a force to be reckoned with, and we took this opportunity to show you exactly how strong we are, and youve made it clear as day that our strength terrifies you. What you must understand is that this province is a democracy, not a dictatorship. You cant ignore, discount, and dismiss the voices of people who are telling you that youre harming them. Youre here to serve us, not the other way around, and we the students will not stand for having our voices and our lives ignored. You do not sit in these classrooms. You do not have to take these online courses. You do not suffer from these cuts. The people who see the difference in class sizes and online learning and autism funding are telling you that this will not work for the students of Ontario, and youre making the conscious decision to ignore us. We are smart enough to know when we are being shortchanged for your own gain. And we are tired of being disrespectedbeing told that we dont have the autonomy, the power, or the responsibility to organize ourselves. We are the students, and were making our voices heard. It would be wise to listen. Signed, The letter was signed by two student organizersthe first of whom was Natalie, who goes to school in one of our Deep Learning Districts with all of its 10 secondary schools involved in deep learning implementation. On April 6, 10,000 teachers demonstrated, many of them inspired by their students but also having their own agenda. On April 10, the Toronto Star published another article with the headline: Students at North Yorks Emery C.I. have always felt left behind. Fighting Fords cuts helped them raise their voice.. The article focused on why the students spoke out and how they felt after they did. There were many great points by the students, but one that stood out is: Emery has not been heard before in that way. It really empowers us. It just allows us to say, 'Well you know, we do have a voice.' " And, "We need more than a teacher, we need a student-teacher relationship, because a school is a safe place for us. The school is a place where we forget about our financial problems, we forget about our father being jobless, we forget about our mother being disabled." Students, in other words, were speaking for equity and had the sensitivity to know that quality relationships with their teachers are critical factors for their learning and well-being. Conclusion The two statements above from students reflect the political pathway of deep learning on the rise. School doesnt directly prepare students to be political. However, we are finding that deep pedagogical learning (Engage the world, Change the world) predictably makes them more sensitive to their environments, locally and globally. It doesnt mean that the students will always be right, just that they should be a partner in education improvement that should be taken seriously. Political sensitivity and action are a natural byproduct of engaging the world, changing the world. The stronger the pedagogical base, the more effective the political pathway if the latter is chosen. In this context, our work on deep learning is critical to a more informed and democratic future in dealing with the increasing disrespect for evidence. Is it an accident that those who eschew evidence in relation to their self-serving ideological pursuits seem to disrespect and disinvest in high-quality education that is designed to develop effective problem-solvers. Students in Ontario are serving notice that governments will be held to the same standards of evidence that that they themselves expect as students of a high-quality education system. Additionally, environments are deteriorating. One item of particular significance is the relentless increase of inequity. We have found that deep learning is good for all students but is particularly good for students who are disaffected. In this domain, the pedagogical and political pathways can combine as a particularly powerful combination. Deep learning students are needed as part of determining societal solutions. The combination of deep learning (the pedagogical pathway) and political action (the political pathway) may turn out to be the strongest force we have ever seen in the cause of social justice and high-quality education essential for the rest of the 21st century. Michael Fullan, O.C., is the global leadership director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning and a worldwide authority on educational reform with a mandate of helping to achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. A former dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto, Michael advises policymakers and local leaders around the world to provide leadership in education. Michael received the Order of Canada in December 2012. He holds honorary doctorates from several universities in North America and abroad. For more information from our team, see: Fullan, Quinn and McEachen, Deep Learning: Engage the World Change the World (Corwin 2018), and Dive Into Deep Learning: Tools for Engagement . Quinn, McEachen, Fullan, Gardner & Drummy, Corwin, in press). Photo courtesy of Shutterstock. "All the Gospels highlight the role of women, Mary of Magdala and the others, as the first witnesses of the resurrection," said the Pope. "Let us allow ourselves, therefore, to reach out from the consoling message of Easter and wrap ourselves in its glorious light, which dissipates the darkness of fear and sadness. The Risen Jesus walks beside us. He manifests himself to those who invoke and love him." Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Pope Francis, after reciting the Regina Coeli in lieu of the Angelus in St Peters Square on Easter Monday, turned his thoughts to Sri Lanka and its people. In his address, the pontiff called on everyone to "condemn the terrorist acts" in Sri Lanka, which are "never justifiable". He went on to express his "spiritual and paternal closeness to the dear people of Sri Lanka", calling on "everyone not to hesitate to bring help" to that country. Previously, Francis had stressed the fundamental role women played during the Resurrection, for they were the first to meet the Risen One and to inform the apostles. "Today, and throughout this week," said Francis, "the Paschal joy of the Resurrection of Jesus continues. We commemorated this wonderful event yesterday". "On this Easter Monday, the liturgy, with the Gospel of Matthew (see 28.8-15), brings us back to the empty tomb of Jesus. The women, full of fear and joy, left in a hurry to bring the news to the disciples. At that moment, Jesus appeared to them. 'They approached, embraced his feet, and did him homage' (Mt 28:9). "Jesus cast fear from their hearts and encouraged them even more, to announce to the brothers what happened. All the Gospels highlight the role of women, Mary of Magdala and the others, as the first witnesses of the resurrection. The men, frightened, were closed in the Cenacle. Peter and John, warned by Magdalene, rushed to the tomb, which they found open and empty. But it is women who were the first to meet the Risen One and to bring the announcement that he was alive. "Today, dear brothers and sisters, the words of Jesus addressed to women also resound for us: 'Do not be afraid. Go tell [. . .]' (Mt 28:10). After the rites of the Easter Triduum, which made us relive the mystery of death and resurrection of our Lord, now with the eyes of faith, we contemplate him risen and alive. We too are called to meet him personally and become his heralds and witnesses." "With the ancient Paschal Sequence, we repeat at this time: 'Christ, my hope, is Risen!' And in Him we too are resurrected, passing from death to life, from the slavery of sin to the freedom of love. Let us allow ourselves, therefore, to reach out from the consoling message of Easter and wrap ourselves in its glorious light, which dissipates the darkness of fear and sadness. The Risen Jesus walks beside us. "He manifests himself to those who invoke and love him. First of all in prayer, but also in the simple joys experienced with faith and gratitude. We can feel Him present as well by sharing moments of cordiality, hospitality, friendship, contemplation of nature. May this day of celebration, in which it is customary to enjoy a bit of leisure and spontaneity, help us experience the presence of Jesus. Let us ask the Virgin Mary to enable [us] to draw full peace and serenity, gifts of the Risen One, and share them with our fellow human beings, especially those who need comfort and hope the most." by Melani Manel Perera The death toll rises to 290 people with the number of wounded topping 500. According to police, the dead include 35 foreigners. An internal memo showing that intelligence agencies had been warned of the danger of attacks raises questions. Muslim officials express solidarity. Colombo (AsiaNews) - Sri Lankan police are questioning 24 people arrested in connection with a series of attacks on Easter Sunday in three churches as well as three major hotels in Colombo. Police took into custody the driver of a van suspected of carrying the explosives used in the capital. Whilst the death toll reached 290 people, and more than 500 wounded, the authorities have declared tomorrow, 23 April, a national day of mourning. Yesterday's blasts are the most serious acts of violence since the end of the country's 30-year civil war in 2009, which pitted the Sri Lankan military against Tamil Tiger rebels. More recently, the island nation has been rocked by a serious constitutional crisis between the parties that support Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and those who back former dictator Mahinda Rajapaksa. Holy Week was also marred by an incident that saw the head of the Church taken hostage along with some co-religionists, which, in the light of what happened, was a harbinger of the subsequent massacre. Yesterday, some press reports cast a shadow over the country's ability to guarantee peace and stability. An internal police memo dated 11 April addressed a warning of possible attacks to a number of key officials in the security services, including the Directors of the Ministerial Security Division (MSD), the Former Presidents Security Division and the Ambassadors Security Division. Telecommunications Minister Harin Fernando tweeted a shot of the internal memo, criticising the inefficiency of the country's intelligence apparatus. According to investigators, yesterday's attacks were carried by suicide bombers. The victims include a woman and two little girls found in a Dematagoda apartment where a bomb exploded yesterday afternoon. This comes on top of the six attacks against churches filled with worshippers attending Easter celebrations and hotels crowded with tourists. The authorities have confirmed that at least 35 foreigners are among the dead, from Poland, Denmark, China, Japan, Pakistan, the United States, India, Morocco, and Bangladesh. Sri Lanka's Information Department announced that the curfew imposed a few hours after the attack until 6 am this morning, will be imposed again from 8 pm today until 4 am tomorrow. Meanwhile, solidarity from around the world continues to reach victims. Many Christians in various Asian countries and world leaders expressed their condolences as Pope Francis did during his Urbi et Orbi blessing, yesterday in St Peter's Square. In Sri Lanka, Card Malcolm Ranjith, archbishop of Colombo, was the first to condemn the attacks, appealing for blood donation for the wounded. The Catholic Cardinal's prayers have been echoed by Bishop Dhiloraj Canagasabey, Anglican Bishop of Colombo (Church of Ceylon). I join all people who are going through untold hardship, suffering and loss of [the] lives of their loved ones on the day when we are supposed to celebrate the resurrection of Lord Jesus. It is sad that such a thing should happen in a country like ours, the prelate said. Muslim leaders also condemned the attacks against worshippers, places of worship and resort areas. In a statement, the President of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU), Mufti M. I. M. Rizwe, said, this is a shameful and heinous act which no human being can tolerate for any reason. Though the attacks were carried out on a day holy to a particular religious community, it is a very sad day for all Sri Lankans. AwazToday.pk Privacy Policy: We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here. Disclaimer: AwazToday.pk is not responsible for any content linked to or referred to from these pages. All videos, live tvs, blogs or video links point to content hosted on third party websites or members. We are using third party links for live tvs. Users who upload these videos or blogs agree not to upload illegal content when creating their user accounts. AwazToday.pk does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites or by the members. If you have any questions please contact us. Copyright 2000-2021 AwazToday.pk. All rights reserved unless where otherwise noted. RTHK: Outcry after charges dropped over murdered maid A Malaysian woman has reportedly been cleared of murdering her Indonesian maid, who was tortured and forced to sleep outside with a dog. Adelina Sau died in February last year after being found outside her employer's home on the northern Malaysian island of Penang, with her head and face swollen and covered in wounds. Many Indonesian maids work in more affluent Malaysia and tales of abuse are common, but the horrific nature of Sau's case generated headlines and sparked diplomatic tensions between the neighbours. Her employer, S. Ambika, was charged with murder - which carries a mandatory death sentence in Malaysia - shortly after the 21-year-old was rescued but then died in hospital. But the High Court in Penang dropped the murder charge against her last week, local media reported, without saying why. Prominent Malaysian human rights lawyer Eric Paulsen called the decision "shocking and unacceptable". "This was one of the most public and harrowing abuse cases ever recorded and yet the attorney-general's chambers somehow saw fit to drop the charge," said Paulsen. Steven Sim, an MP from the area where Sau died, said the court decision was "as tragic as the death of Adelina". Sim said he had contacted the attorney-general, Tommy Thomas, who had vowed to look into the case. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Washington The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday said it would decide whether the main federal job-discrimination law protects workers based on sexual orientation or gender identity, an issue that is significant not only for school employment but also for whether a related federal law would protect students on the same basis. The justices granted review in two consolidated cases that raise the question about whether the prohibition against sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 encompasses sexual orientation. Those cases are Bostock v. Clayton County, Ga. , (No. 17-1618) and Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda (No. 17-1623). The two federal appeals courts that ruled in those cases came down on different sides of whether Title VII covers sexual orientation, but the trend among the federal circuits generally has been to recognize that the federal law covers bias involving sexual orientation or gender identity. The court also granted review in R.G & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (No. 18-107), which the justices refashioned the question presented as this: Whether Title VII prohibits discrimination against transgender people based on (1) their status as transgender or (2) sex stereotyping under Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins . The high courts 1989 Price Waterhouse decision suggested, in a plurality opinion, that an employers reliance on sex stereotypes could be evidence of impermissible sex discrimination under Title VII. The transgender case may be particularly relevant for the widespread legal debate involving whether transgender students are protected under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which bars discrimination based on sex in federally funded schools. In several cases in which federal courts have held that Title IX protects transgender students, those courts have relied in part on federal appeals court rulings that have interpreted Title VII as covering sexual orientation and gender identity. The court granted the three Title VII cases after consideration at multiple of its private conferences in recent months. There is a hint on the courts docket that the eventual Title VII transgender ruling will have an impact with regard to Title IX and transgender student rights. The justices have repeatedly rescheduled consideration of a pending appeal brought by students who object to a Pennsylvania school districts policy of allowing transgender students to use restrooms or locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. A federal appeals court in that case had ruled last year that forcing transgender students to use facilities that match their birth gender was harmful, and it rejected the privacy claims brought by several students who did not want to share restrooms or locker rooms with transgender students. That appeal, Doe v. Boyertown Area School District (No. 18-658) has been relisted on the Supreme Courts conference list for this week. The justices could grant or deny review in the student case, but it seems more likely that they will hold on to it while they decide the Title VII transgender case, since some of the legal principles involved are the same for both Title VII and Title IX. Granted Cases The R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes case involves an employee who was born biologically male and known as William Stephens before realizing her female gender identity and becoming known as Aimee Stephens. She was dismissed by the Michigan funeral home, which said Stephens would be in violation of its sex-specific dress code if she did not wear male dress attire at work. The EEOC sued on Stephens behalf, and lost in a federal district court, but won in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, in Cincinnati, which held that Stephens was fired because of her failure to conform to sex stereotypes, in violation of Title VII. The funeral homes appeal to the Supreme Court put the EEOC and President Donald Trumps administration in a bit of a pickle. The EEOC has long considered bias based on gender nonconforming behavior to be covered by Title VII. But in October 2017, then U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo that said Title VII does not cover discrimination based on gender identity. In the funeral home case, U.S. Solicitor General Noel J. Francisco sought to walk a tightrope by saying in a brief that the administration disagrees with the 6th Circuit court that Title VII covers bias based on sex stereotyping, but that this case was not a good one for deciding the issue because the 6th Circuit is the only federal appeals court to have ruled on that specific issue. (The brief further said that if the court were to take up the Bostock and Altitude Express cases on whether Title VII covers sexual orientation, it should hold the funeral home case for the outcome.) The first sexual orientation case involves Gerald Bostock, a gay child-welfare services coordinator assigned to the Juvenile Court of Clayton County, Ga. His sexual orientation and involvement with a gay softball league became the target of concern by some court administrators, he charges, and an audit resulted in concerns over Bostocks handling of county funds, and he was fired. The audit was a pretext for firing him for being gay, Bostock contends. Bostock sued under Title VII, but both a federal district court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, in Atlanta, held that the federal statute does not cover sexual orientation. The Altitude Express case involves Donald Zarda, a gay employee of a New York state skydiving company who alleged discrimination by his employer, a skydiving firm, after he was fired. Zarda has since died, and his suit is being carried on by his estate. The estate lost on the Title VII claim in a federal district court, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, in New York City, last year revived that claim, holding that sexual orientation is a function of sex and, by extension, sexual orientation discrimination is a subset of sex discrimination. The Trump administration did not file a brief in either Bostock or Altitude Express, but likely will chime in on both sexual orientation cases and anew in the transgender Title VII case before the court hears arguments during its next term. Shanghai has opened a talent hub in its free trade zone aiming to streamline procedures for attracting foreign professionals. Visa applicants can obtain work and residence permits by making a single visit at the Shanghai Pudong International Talent Hub, located in the heart of Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park in the Pudong New Area, the China Daily reported. A French national poses with his work card issued by the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shanghai, June 20, 2016. [File Photo: IC] Also unveiled is a one-stop online service platform, where applicants can book physical examinations and apply for both permits by filling in one online form, the newspaper said. Previously, foreign professionals had to make at least three trips to government departments - for foreign experts affairs, human resources and public security - to obtain a work visa, it said. A professional team will also assist family members with the relevant procedures. Under the initiative, applications can receive approval in five days, said Xiao Lin, a director in charge of administrative approval systems in the Pudong New Area. "This is achieved by cutting the number of approval phases by 70 percent, shortening the examination time by 60 percent, and halving the types of materials," Xiao said. Wang Fanglei, a human resources director at Shanghai Suoguang Visual Products Co, also touted the convenience of the new system when she helped a Japanese expert apply for credentials. "Information such as birth date and nationality are automatically recorded when the scanned version of a passport is uploaded. The system can also adjust the photos to fit corresponding requirements in size and precision, saving time and improving accuracy," she said. To better serve foreign talent, a number of domestic and international human resources industry leaders have also set up offices in the talent hub, including Manpower, Shanghai Foreign Service Group, CDP Group and Liepin.com, China Daily reported. Shanghai has spared no efforts in simplifying procedures to make itself a magnet for top-notch global talent. For instance, top-talent confirmation letters issued by local administrators can make it easier for foreigners to get an R visa, which is issued to high-level personnel and top professionals. Since last year, holders of this visa are permitted to stay in China for 180 days at a time and make multiple entries for up to 10 years. The previous limit was five years. The Most Extensive and Reliable Source of Information Related to the Mexican Drugs Cartels. You will not find this level of coverage anywhere else, join us! Send information, pictures or videos, you remain 100% anonymous. Envia fotos, videos, notas, enlaces o informacion todo 100% Anonimo. Borderland Beat? We love to have you in our team, send Sol Prendido or HEARST an email! Want to be a contributor or citizen reporter forBorderland Beat?We love to have you in our team, sendoran email! WARNING: Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. COMMENTS: We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. NEWTOWN >> In response to TikTok posts concerning the threat of violence at schools around the nation on Friday, Dec. 17 Newtown Township Police conducted high visibility patrols around its schools in Newtown Township and Wrightstown Township, but reported "no credible information" to suggest any threat specific to any school in its jurisdictions. "We were in contact with Council Rock... Campus News New renderings offer sneak peek inside One World Cafe This rendering from CannonDesign shows an overhead view of the first floor of the 500-seat dining area inside One World Cafe. By MICHAEL ANDREI I like the idea of using all of the fresh ingredients and offering a greater selection of seasonal choices. This will be great for UB. Vicky Zheng PhD student On Thursday in Silverman Library, students were offered an opportunity to view renderings not yet seen by the university community of the inside of One World Cafe, UBs much-anticipated signature addition. They also had an opportunity to talk to project designers about what will be a unique space, unlike anything else on the North Campus. Offering authentic internationally-themed food choices in a multicultural environment, One World Cafe will also engage the broader goals of UBs Heart of the Campus initiative, seeking to serve the diverse UB community and support the universitys larger mission. As One World Cafe begins moving through summer preparations for the start of construction, members of the projects steering committee wanted to ask students: How do you see yourself using this space? What I like is the architecture, second-year student Margaret Lowe said following one of four slide show presentations in Silverman Library by two members of the CannonDesign project team. It is so open, with lots of windows and light. The colors are clean and inviting and appeal to everybodys eye. Yes, definitely, said Vicky Zheng, a PhD student. It is not bricked in and I love that. I also think with the size of the dining area, it will help with the peak rush period. I like the idea of using all of the fresh ingredients and offering a greater selection of seasonal choices. This will be great for UB. During the event, students and other visitors enjoyed samples of two potential menu items for One World Cafe: a Mediterranean entree, Chicken with preserved Lemons & Couscous, and an Indian entree, Dal Tadka & Basmati Rice. The central hearth on the first floor will welcome visitors to One World Cafe. A touchstone for the campus From this projects inception, we have continually sought out the benefit of a broad sampling of ideas and suggestions from our campus stakeholders, including students, says Graham Hammill, vice provost for educational affairs and dean of the Graduate School. One World Cafe is designed to be much more than a place to eat. With the start of construction for this project only a few months away, we are keeping the UB communitys point-of-view foremost, added Hammill, who chairs the steering committee. Ike Lowry, a CannonDesign associate vice president and a 2001 graduate of UBs School of Architecture and Planning, told student audiences gathered for the slide shows, We know students today care where the ingredients in their food come from and how it is made. One World Cafe will offer authentic foods, freshly prepared, and students can watch as their meal comes together for them. It is nice to offer students more options, said Sasha Shapiro, a third-year student. It will be especially so for students who are vegetarians. Emile Seraphin, a second-year student, said, I like the idea that everyone can study there and get a good meal without leaving Capen. Right now there are not a lot of options to do that. I think One World Cafe will be really great for UB students, said Marnie Mancuso, facilities planning and management officer in University Libraries, after listening to the CannonDesign presentations. I think, especially, for a research institution, she said. It will help students who are so focused on studying and labs to have a place they can go, where they can see other students, study, or just take a break and be with people, in-person. The message I am hearing about One World Cafe is that you wont feel you have to eat there to be there. It will be a touchstone for the campus. During the presentations, students submitted a wide range of ideas for One World Cafe, including cooking classes; international nights; a game night; live music; performances by UB dance teams; and an outdoor farmers market. Luke Johnson, CannonDesign lead designer, and also a graduate of UBs School of Architecture and Planning, told students that improved directional guidance through the North Campus will also result from the construction of One World Cafe. This will do a lot to improve wayfinding around the North Campus, Johnson said. As a UB alum, I know it can be challenging navigating your way through the center of the campus on those really cold winter days. Youll be able to travel The Spine inside once all of this is finished. Getting up and down The Spine, while staying inside, will be very good, said first-year student Joshua Hulbert. I also like the idea of actually having a branded space on campus, offering great new food and lots of space to meet people. Visitors to One World Cafe will find tiered seating on the second floor, overlooking the main dining area. Construction town hall meetings to begin One World Cafes central location, under the overhangs of Capen Hall and Founders Plaza, between Capen and Norton Halls, means it will be built to serve the high traffic that is found there. As with any major construction project taking place within a built environment, this also means a significant amount of disruption for members of the UB community. The construction of One World Cafe will affect everyone on the North Campus, says Hammill. While there is no way around this, members of the steering committee, together with Rhonda Ransom, UB Facilities Design and Construction project manager, and our construction manager, Turner Construction, will be doing everything we can to communicate what will be happening, when and where, to those who will be directly affected, Hamill says. Town hall meetings for all affected groups will begin by the end of the spring semester, says Ransom. We are in the process of compiling a comprehensive list of stakeholder representatives, so we will be in touch with those of you who are located in Norton and ground, first and second floor Capen Hall. Faculty and staff are our key audiences right now, she says. Our goal is to address areas that will be immediately impacted this summer. By late summer, communications will begin with new and returning students regarding areas to be affected by construction, according to Ransom. These will start in July, with orientation groups. Ransom says additional communication outreach efforts will include: Town halls held in late April and early May captured live on video (possibly through Web-X ), and posted to the Heart of the Campus (HOTC) website for anyone unable to attend. UBNow articles will be published with information regarding construction. This information will be made available on the HOTC website. Employee listserv messages will also carry construction information. An effort will be made to seek publication of this information in The Spectrum, as well. In addition, we are planning to make use of signage and messaging on the construction barriers and fencing, for wayfinding through the campus, says Ransom. The goal for this technique is for Admissions tour guides to make use of these signs and images as stopping points, to convey information about One World Cafe to new students and families. We are seeking information about any groups that will be impacted short term by construction barriers that will be going up in June, Ransom says. We are reaching out to entities that need to be aware of immediate project impact, as well. Information of this type should be directed to University Facilities Customer Service at custserv@facilities.buffalo.edu. READER COMMENT China on Monday published a report elaborating on the progress, contributions and prospects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Officials brief the media on a report elaborating on the progress, contributions and prospects of the Belt and Road Initiative during a press conference held in Beijing on Monday, April 22, 2019. [Photo: SCIO] The document, prepared by the office of the leading group for promoting the BRI, was released ahead of the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held from April 25 to 27 in Beijing. The Belt and Road Initiative is an initiative for peaceful development and economic cooperation, rather than a geopolitical or military alliance, said the report. "It is a process of open, inclusive and common development, not an exclusionary bloc or a 'China club'." "It neither differentiates between countries by ideology nor plays the zero-sum game. Countries are welcome to join the initiative if they so will," according to the report. The BRI has turned ideas into actions and vision into reality, and itself into a public product widely welcomed by the international community, the report said. [File photo: China Business News/IC] Since 2013, the BRI, with policy coordination, connectivity of infrastructure, unimpeded trade, financial integration and closer people-to-people ties as its main goals, has advanced in solid steps, the report said. "Significant progress has been made, including a number of landmark early results. Participating countries have obtained tangible benefits, and their appreciation of and participation in the initiative is growing," according to the report. With a view to building a global community of shared future, the BRI upholds the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits, the report said. "Through the initiative China has made a constructive contribution to the reform of the current global governance system and to economic globalization," according to the report. The report said China would face many problems and challenges in pursuing the BRI in the future as well as unprecedented opportunities and prospects for development. "We believe that with the passing of time and the synergy of all parties, Belt and Road cooperation will definitely become deep and concrete, steady and extensive," the report said. "The Belt and Road will become a road of peace, prosperity, opening up, green development, innovation, connected civilizations, and clean government. It will make economic globalization become more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all." Kah Walla - CPP Archives Edith Kah Walla, President of the Cameroon Peoples Party (CPP) has in a statement made clarifications on what she said at the George Washington University Institute for African Studies during a conference at which she spoke. In her Easter Sunday outing, Kah Walla said it would seem in the last 72 hours there has been quite a frenzy about a video snippet from the said conference. This frenzy has resulted in some persons in the Diaspora calling me an enabler and declaring me an enemy of Anglophones and demanding that I should be arrested and tried. She insists that: The fact that the Biya Regime is absolutely culpable does not negate the fact that those who decided to take up arms to fight for independence misled and lied to the population from Day 1 and have continued to do so for the past 3 years. Though Kah Walla did not call names, The SUN recalls that Mark Bareta on April 19, 2019, through a Facebook post, declared Kah Walla an enemy of the people. It Is Finished: Bye Bye Kah Wallah, Bareta captioned his message, stating that his declaration was informed by a useless short clip of Lady Kah Wallah he had listened to. Hear him: Her words today sitting in an all-white forum castigates the sacrifices of the suffering people of Southern Cameroons, it reduces the people of Southern Cameroons especially those back home as a people without their own convictions, their own actions. It legitimizes Cameroun actions and atrocities on our people and effectively offers a safety net and gap for Cameroun military to continue doing what they are doing on our people. For this reason, Kah Wallah has today declared herself AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE by her own making not ours. For doing this and under MY PERSONAL NAME AND SEAL, I AM DECLARING HER A PERSONA NON GRATA. In what appeared as a threat to KAh Wallas life, Bareta goes on to write that: All patriotic Southern Cameroonians both home and diaspora (Including French Cameroun), Ambazonia fighters everywhere they are must treat her henceforth as an enemy and SHE SHOULD BE ARRESTED any time she set her foot in Ambaland. In fact, she is banned from entering Ambazonia and all items, activities, persons linked to her operating in Ambazonia must be considered as ENEMY ENABLERS. She is the greatest ENABLER of our time. Bye Bye Kah Wallah. Good Night. Kah Walla replies! In a rather composed tone, Kah Walla told her followers and the general public opinion that she has no fear in her heart and remains unwavering in her position. Please be assured, I am serene and focused on the fight for change for Cameroon, as I have been for decades. There is absolutely no fear in my heart. No fear of visiting the South West and North West regions, which I will do upon return to Cameroon. No fear for my life, she said. She goes on to add that: Let me confirm some of the statements made at GWU, once again. There is an Anglophone problem in Cameroon which is over 60 years old. In the current phase of the Anglophone Crisis which erupted in October 2016, the Biya Regime holds 100% of the blame for the instigation and the escalation of the crisis. The Biya Regime refused to dialogue, refused to address fundamental problems and responded to non-violent protests with violence and killing. The Biya Regime cut off the internet for 3 months to the North West and South West. The Biya Regime radicalized the population and led to the taking up of arms by some groups. Now let me get to the part of my comments at George Washington University which some have found controversial. The fact that the Biya Regime is absolutely culpable does not negate the fact that those who decided to take up arms to fight for independence misled and lied to the population from Day 1 and have continued to do so for the past 3 years. The Biya Regime has killed Anglophones indiscriminately and committed all sorts of abomination on the population. This does not negate the fact that those who decided to take up arms have also used intimidation and violence from Day 1. It does not negate the fact that their choice to take up arms has created a situation in the North West and South West regions which is catastrophic and untenable for the population. In fighting the Biya Regime, we are fighting a regime which has lied to us, manipulated us, intimidated us and used corruption and violence on us for the past 37 years. It is inconceivable to me that those who want change would use the same tactics of lies, manipulation, intimidation, corruption and violence on the population while trying to bring about change. Whether it was the intention of those who fight for the independence of the South West and North West regions or not, that is what has happened and continues to happen on the ground. We can no longer keep silent about it. A wide variety of political opinions exist among Anglophones. At the very least, there are: Those who believe in an armed fight for independence; those who believe in independence, but not in an armed fight; those who believe in regional autonomy of various types = Federation; Those who still believe in the unitary state (Yes, Anglophones who are part of the regime are still Anglophones). Personally, I believe in regional autonomy or what some call federation. However, I also believe, all the different opinions have a right to exist and to be expressed. We cannot build change, if we intimidate and are violent with those who have a different opinion from our own. I strongly and openly disagree with the maintenance of the status quo of a unitary state. I also strongly and openly disagree with the strategy of an armed fight and have stated clearly since 2016 that I believe this strategy will endanger the lives of Anglophones and will do little to advance their rights. The facts on the ground today, have confirmed that belief. I will not allow anyone to intimidate me or stop me from expressing my opinion. No threat of violence or arrest will affect me. I have fought one oppressor in the person of Mr. Biya and his regime for decades, I will certainly not be afraid of Facebook oppressors living thousands of miles from the people they say they are fighting for, or any other oppressors in whatever form they may come. From October 2016 to September 2017 the fight for Anglophone rights was largely non-violent. During that period, we counted less than 100 deaths (all these deaths could be attributed to government forces), ZERO refugees, ZERO internally displaced persons, ZERO villages burned. The choice to take up arms gave the Biya Regime, which we all know to be violent and repressive, the foreseeable opportunity to intensify its violence. From September 2017 to date the fight for Anglophone rights has included armed groups. During this period, we are counting at the very least 1000 dead (attributed to government, but also to armed groups), about 50,000 refugees and close to 500,000 displaced persons and thousands kidnapped. The education of an estimated 2,500,000 children is in jeopardy. The economies of the North West and South West are in shambles and fertile ground has been created for extreme violence and criminal behavior. The population lives in poverty, fear and confusion. In my opinion, it is time to reassess the armed strategy and define new ways of fighting the Biya Regime that do not put Anglophones in the midst of violence, kidnappings, murder and general mayhem. You can agree or disagree with my opinion. What you cannot do is intimidate or threaten me. Some have issued veiled threats to my life. I am amused. At the very least 1,000 people have died in the North West & South West. My life is not so special. If I lose it, and Cameroonians who remain behind gain freedom and better lives, you can imagine I made my peace with that many years ago. The Biya Regime has its soldiers, those who are fighting for independence have their armed groups. I am part of that majority of Cameroonians who have no guns and no army. We will however not be intimidated or silenced by those who have arms on either side. We will speak our minds and fight for our freedom without violence. You have killed many, and you may still kill many, including me. Know that however many you kill, there will still be others to rise up and fight for their rights, without violence and without guns. We believe in our country, Cameroon. We believe in our future, we are on the ground fighting for our rights. We will not be silenced. Thank you. Paul Biya et le Pape Francois en tete-a-tete le 13 mars 2013 Jeune Afrique Roman Catholic Pontiff, Pope Francis has prayed for the resolution of all conflicts in the world, mentioning those in Cameroon in his Easter "Urbi et Orbi", Sunday, April 21, 2019. The sovereign of the state of Vatican said prayed that the light of the Risen Christ should shine in the darkness of conflicts around the world, especially those in Cameroon, Syria, Yemen, Israel and Palestine, Libya, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan, eastern Ukraine, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. The Easter Day violence in Sri Lanka overshadowed the mass and the Pontiff offered his "affectionate closeness" to the community there. To the suffering people in the world, like those in Cameroons restive North West and South West Regions, Pope Francis addressed words of comfort and hope. Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world. Everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life, the Pope said, adding that: Easter, is the beginning of a new world, set free from the slavery of sin and death: the world open at last to the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom of love, peace and fraternity. Jesus, he added, does not abandon those who face hardship and sorrow, and he named the many parts of the world that are witnessing various forms of conflict, including Cameroon. After citing conflicts in the Middle East, Eastern Ukraine, and the Americas, Pope Francis then turned to the African continent, first calling for the end to bloodshed in Libya, where defenseless people are once more dying in recent weeks and many families have been forced to abandon their homes. He urged those involved to choose dialogue over force. The Pope said parts of the continent are rife with social tensions, conflicts and at times violent forms of extremism that leave in their wake insecurity, destruction and death. He specifically mentioned Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Burkina Faso. Sudan, he said, is experiencing a moment of political uncertainty, voicing his hope that all parties will be heard. Pope Francis prayed that God sustain the efforts towards peace in South Sudan, following a recent spiritual retreat in the Vatican. May a new page open in the history of that country, in which all political, social and religious components actively commit themselves to the pursuit of the common good and the reconciliation of the nation. It should be noted that the Vatican had offered to mediate an end to the crisis in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon, Pope Francis emissary to President Paul Biya had revealed in Yaounde on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.. Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States at the Holy See indicated the Vaticans readiness to help Cameroon resolve the crisis in Cameroons North West and South West Regions. After an audience with Cameroons Minister of External Relations, Lejeune Mbella Mbella, in Yaounde on Monday, February 25, 2019, the Papal envoy commended the efforts made so far by the government, stating that he is willing to mediate the crisis on behalf of the Holy See. Paul Richard Gallagher went on to request, on behalf of the Apostolic Nuncio, Julio Murat, an audience with President Biya. The Catholic Church and religious denominations in general, are suffering the consequences of the crisis in Anglophone Cameroon with apostolic and educational activities almost at naught. Priests and the laity have been targets as the belligerents continue to show the might of their firepower. Many are those who now look up to the Holy See for not only prayers, but for speedy action that can lead to peace. Siege d'Elections Cameroon Archives Media persons have been drilled on election reporting, an initiative conceived by Elections Cameroon(ELECAM), in partnership with the United Nations, despite calls for a boycott by armed Separatists. This was during an encounter between electoral stakeholders and the UN which took place on Thursday April 18 in Yaounde. The meeting was aimed at building the capacities of all actors that will contribute in the upcoming legislative, municipal and regional council elections. Following presentations made during the workshop, media persons were cautioned on the indispensability of accuracy and simplicity in writing. Stakeholders hammered on the fact that the success of any election depends on how precise the media can enlighten the public on the exercise. Media persons were also urged to treat all political parties equally and place every contestant at the same level. As Cameroon and the UN lay ground works for upcoming elections in Cameroon, political analysts suggest that it comes to support the organisations stance for a United Cameroon. UN project on election began in 2018, and is expected to run till 2020. Critics say while separatists are pushing hard to gain UNs recognition towards an independent Southern Cameroons state called Ambazonia', the United Nations is busy helping Cameroon to successfully organise its upcoming elections, by training stakeholders on their respective roles. ELECAM on its part, had in March, adopted a roadmap to ensure the successful organisation of legislative, municipal and regional council elections in 2019, where they planned to install a permanent consultation framework with other electoral stakeholders, consolidate institutional cooperation, intensify training and update the capacities of its staff for smooth elections. Senator Vanigansen Mochiggle Atia Azohnwi Vanigansen Mochiggle, Senator of the North West Constituency (Mezam) and Member of the opposition Social Democratic Front (SDF) party has described as a shear hypocrisy the response given by Cameroons Senate President to a European Parliament Resolution on Cameroon. The SDF key player it is ridiculous for the Senate President and his cronies of the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement (CPDM) to claim to be reacting on an issue they have vehemently refused to discuss in the Senate, both in plenary and in-camera. They have refused to listen to those of us who come from the field and directly from the affected area. So how can they address something they know nothing about? Mochiggle wondered aloud. He went on to say that: Niat has the right to say whatever he likes; after all it is simply his position and that of the CPDM. Mochiggle said they will be sitting together in the days ahead to come up with a common position after studying the European Parliament resolution on Cameroon and the counter signed by Cameroons Senate President. Mochiggles remarks yesterday come after that of Senator Kemende Henry Gamsey, his SDF colleague. Kemende is of the opinion that the government bench has monopolized parliament, thus influencing her every decision. He said the European Parliaments interest on the goings-on in Cameroon is welcome, but regretted that action is yet to be seen. He suggests that an ultimatum be given government so that the problems in the country can be speedily handled. The President of Cameroons Senate, Marcel Niat Njifenji had blasted the European Parliament for embarking on a smear campaign against the sovereign state of Cameroon when they released resolution 2019/2691(RSP) of April 18, 2019 in relation to the socio-political climate in the countrys North West and South West Regions. In a press release dated April 19, 2019, the Senate President said the European Parliament resolution on Cameroon contains a litany of falsehoods on the socio-political and security situation in Cameroon. The State of Cameroon, deeply attached to its territorial integrity and its unitary and decentralized status, has through its Government spared no effort in providing ideal solutions to the problems faced in the North West and South West Regions ever since the tabling of the unionist and corporatist claims, Niat wrote. Even though the North West and South West Regions remain restive, Niat maintains that: The Senate of the Republic of Cameroon is convinced of the relevance of the measures taken by the State of Cameroon, through its Government, to curb the violence perpetrated by the Boko Haram terrorist sect in the Far North Region, and to ease the situation in the North West and South West Regions, for the populations which are victims of these terrorist attacks to get the fulfillment of peace which is their legitimate right. The Senate President is also of the believe: The State of Cameroon, deeply attached to its territorial integrity and its unitary and decentralized status, has through its Government spared no effort in providing ideal solutions to the problems faced in the North West and South West Regions ever since the tabling of the unionist and corporatist claims. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday sent condolence messages to their Sri Lankan counterparts, respectively, after multiple deadly attacks shook the country. Sri Lankan police officers clear the road as an ambulance drives through carrying injured of Church blasts in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on April 21, 2019. [Photo: AP/Eranga Jayawardena] In his message to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Xi said that he was shocked to know the series of explosions in Sri Lanka, which have caused large casualties. "I, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, as well as myself, send my deep condolences to the victims, and my sincere sympathy to the injured and families of the victims," he added. The Chinese government and people will firmly stand by the people of Sri Lanka and firmly support the Sri Lankan government's effort to maintain national security and stability, Xi said. On the same day, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also sent condolences to Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe over the attacks. Photo: Contributed The Upper Room Mission will make Easter special for hundreds of people today. The mission is expecting to provide a hearty, festive meal for some 300 people. "Easter Dinner has always been one of the most attended meals services of the year at the mission. It is up there with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Homeless Memorial Dinner," said URM general manager, Cera Brown. "We are expecting another large crowd this year." For almost 40 years, the society has provided respite to whoever is experiencing poverty or scarcity of food or lack of community. One of the oldest charities in Vernon, it was created by then-Vernon sheriff, Ron Morgan, who says on the URM website, The idea was in my heart, and I couldnt get rid of it. Every month, more than 5,500 meals are provided. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served Monday through Friday. "Because we are a non-profit, non-government funded organization, we rely heavily on community support," says Brown. "None of what we do at the Mission is possible without that community support." Their community partners range from large supermarket chains, corporate restaurants and coffee shops to independent bakeries, small businesses and individual donors. - Cindy Rhyason Photo: Google Maps Burnaby police officers are investigating after a stabbing occurred inside a karaoke bar. When police arrived at Gal Chae Karaoke on Imperial Street at about 4 a.m., they found a 23-year-old stabbed in the leg. Staff Sgt. Ken Moe told CTV News there appears to been a dispute between people who knew each other. The victim was taken to hospital and released. Moe says what happened isnt clear because the victim is not cooperating with police. - with files from CTV Vancouver Manila (CNN Philippines Life) On a good day, Miguel* is already in the hospital at 5 a.m., doing rounds of his ward patients. If its a bad day, he clocks out at 12 midnight and starts work again at around 3 a.m. Uuwi ako ng two to three hours lang ligo, tulog, bangon, pasok ulit, he says. Most days, hes carrying specimens to the lab, getting blood, extracting blood, putting intravenous therapy, pushing carts to the emergency room, counselling families, filling out forms, shelling out money for patients who have zero cash on them, answering incessant phone calls and text messages of patients, updating his seniors, assisting his seniors, studying for exams, and sometimes, he rests. Miguel is a first-year resident at the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), the state-owned tertiary hospital and the biggest in the country, established during the American colonization in the restless streets of Ermita, Manila. The neo-classical building receives about 600,000 Filipinos every day from across the Philippines, some even travelling from as far as Mindanao and arriving at the hospital at 4 in the morning, only to be seen for a couple of minutes. Tinatanong ko nga, ano tong pinasok ko? Pero iniisip ko na lang yung mga taga surgery. At least lamang ako sa kanila. Two hours [na tulog] at least meron ako, he says, emphasising that surgical residents do have the worst hours as opposed to other medical specializations because of the number of patients that need attending. Pediatric surgeon Esther Saguil says that when she started as a medical resident in 1992, they only had an allowance of 1,000 a month. Fortunately, when the Magna Carta for Public Health Workers was imposed in 1994, they were entitled to a salary, one that has steadily increased over the years. Photo by IYA FORBES Esther Saguil, a pediatric surgeon and the current Chair of the Outpatient Services of PGH, says that it has been this way even during her time as a resident in general and pediatric surgery from 1992 to 1998. In those days, the policy of PGH was admit all. So any patient that goes to the ER has to be seen, has to be admitted, she shares. We had no sleep at all. There were days where we had no baths. This dilemma isnt unique to PGH; government hospitals in other areas endure the same problem. Jade Javellana, a former emergency department nurse at a provincial hospital in Region XII, describes his everyday work as hellish, having to attend to at least 13 to 26 patients from the previous shift and then cater to around the same number for his own shift. This particular hospital is just supposed to cater to a maximum of 200 patients, but they had to cater to around 450 patients everyday. I had an experience wherein we were able to revive a patient who arrived in the ER with no pulse, no breathing, and almost flat ECG tracing, he shares, but two hours later, the stabilized patient was endorsed to the ward, where she died in less than an hour, because of the lack of nurses to monitor and to take care of her in the ward. Salaries of government health workers With the hours that our government health workers need to put in, it is then hoped that they at least be compensated properly. During Saguils time as a resident in 1992, they were only paid 1,000 per month, as a sort of allowance. This changed in 1994, under Fidel V. Ramos administration, when the Magna Carta for Public Health Workers was established, which promised the health workers the following: a. To promote and improve the social and economic well-being of the health workers, their living and working conditions and terms of employment b. To develop their skills and capabilities in order that they will be more responsive and better equipped to deliver health projects and programs; c. To encourage those with proper qualifications and excellent abilities and remain in government service. The Magna Carta also includes the implementation of salary grades as well as additional compensations, such as hazard allowance, subsistence allowance, longevity pay, laundry allowance, and remote assignment allowance. By 1994, Saguil and her co-residents started receiving around 7,000 per month. Pinakamalaking pasahod yung sa government nurses sa Pilipinas. Well-compensated naman, says Miko Abat, a nurse at PGH. Pero sobrang dami lang talaga ng pasyente namin. Photo by IYA FORBES Salaries of public health workers have steadily increased in the succeeding years. On March 15 this year, President Duterte issued amendments to Executive Order 201, which scheduled the fourth tranche of adjustments under the salary standardization law on Jan. 1, 2019. Today, a resident like Miguel who is classified as a Medical Officer falls under Salary Grade 21, receiving at least 57,805 every month. Medical Specialists II and III (usually medical fellows and consultants) can also earn at least 73,811 and 83,406, respectively. Meanwhile, a Nurse II at PGH earns 30,531. Miko Abat, a bedside nurse at PGH, says that this is typically enough for him. Pinakamalaking pasahod yung sa government nurses sa Pilipinas. Well-compensated naman, he says, pero sobrang dami lang talaga ng pasyente namin. While the salaries of government workers seem to be adequate, there are still limited plantilla positions provided by the government, which inhibits hospitals to take in more permanent staff and instead, hire contractual workers. Javellana was a job-order nurse at the provincial hospital. Prior to being part of the contractual pool, he was considered a volunteer nurse, working 12 hours per shift for four to five times a week, while only receiving an allowance of 1,000 per month. Some of my colleagues had been volunteer nurses for four years and received nothing from the government on their first few years, he shares. He only got promoted into a Job-Order nurse on his 11th month and received a stipend of 600 per 12-hour shift. A year later, he received 832.50 per 12-hour shift in addition to 5,000 PhilHealth shares. The salary was tolerable, he says, however, the work itself was not. Department of Health Undersecretary Rolando Domingo on the Universal Health Care Law: When you hear it, it's like all of your healthcare needs will be given, he says. But there's no Universal Health Care in the whole world that will give you everything that you will need because resources are not unlimited. Photo by IYA FORBES Universal Health Care Law in motion According to the latest data of the Department of Healths Bureau of Health and Facilities, there are 428 government-run hospitals while there are 808 private hospitals in the Philippines. Another report shows that for a population of around 100 million people, the country only has 98,155 hospital beds, with 49,372 in public hospitals and 48,783 in private facilities. The hospital bed density rate in the country is also the fourth lowest in the ASEAN region, following Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia. Considering that 50 percent of Filipinos still consider themselves poor and with the Philippines ranking third in the number of population that live below the poverty line in Southeast Asia, it is expected that Filipinos run to government hospitals rather than private ones, exacerbating the number of patients that these government facilities serve. On February, President Duterte signed the Universal Health Care Law (UHCL) to the rejoice of many. The bill will expand the coverage of PhilHealth to all Filipinos both home and abroad, whether as indirect or direct contributors. PhilHealth coverage will also cover free diagnostic services, consultation fees, and medical tests. Department of Health Undersecretary Rolando Domingo explains that this simply means that when care is delivered whether the patient is hospitalized or is in the outpatient department everything will be reimbursed. He does warn, however, that Filipinos should temper their expectations. When you hear it, it's like all of your healthcare needs will be given, he says. But there's no Universal Health Care in the whole world that will give you everything that you will need because resources are not unlimited. The recurring complaints from health workers on the overwhelming number of patients is one that the UHCL aims to resolve. With the 257 billion that the government has allocated for the new law, Domingo says that this will completely change the way healthcare is delivered. Besides the health insurance being made available to everybody, the law also prioritizes setting up primary healthcare services. Jose Jonas Del Rosario, MD, the coordinator for public affairs in PGH, says of the prospective surge of demand in the hospital: We have to be ready. We have to appeal. It's not that easy to ask for plantilla positions, he says. The UHCL has to be properly funded and implemented. The IRR [Implementing Rules and Regulations] should be well-written, well-drafted hindi ningas kugon. It has to diba? Kailangan niyan ma-maintain, ma-sustain. Photo by IYA FORBES Most Filipinos don't really see doctors unless there's something severe, something that's really terribly bothering them, before they go to the hospital, he says. And then they go directly to the hospital, which leads also to congestion of our hospitals kasi people don't go to the primary and secondary care level eh. Diba lahat ng Pilipino gusto, espesyalista? Punta agad sa cardiologist, punta agad sa pulmonologist when they have a cough and cold. When a primary care setting is in place, Filipinos will have the opportunity to regularly consult for diseases and not only be seen when conditions are worse. The primary care physician will then refer if you have to go to the secondary or tertiary hospital. This aims to decongest the hospitals and also ensure that everybody will receive care in a timely manner and in a way that's appropriate to the level of care that they need. The working conditions will be better for everybody and the outcomes should be better for the hospitals. Instead of having one nurse for 30 patients, we should be having one for every 10 to 15 patients, he explains. Jose Jonas Del Rosario, a physician and the public affairs coordinator of PGH, says the UHCL is a welcome change in the health system but that there is a need for more permanent staff. We have to be ready. We have to appeal. It's not that easy to ask for plantilla positions, he says. The UHCL has to be properly funded and implemented. The IRR [Implementing Rules and Regulations] should be well-written, well-drafted hindi ningas kugon. It has to diba? Kailangan niyan ma-maintain, ma-sustain. Saguil also adds that the UHCL certainly is a god-send, relaying stories of how most doctors in government hospitals do shell out their own money to help their patients. When we had sweldo, that sweldo was used to help the patient, she says. Even patients who can go home ... You give them money just so they can go home. Kung hindi ka kaalyado, you might not be getting the number of health workers that you need just because you're not aligned with the provincial governor. Dr. Van Philip Baton on the UHCL being implemented by local government units However, a looming issue that comes with the UHCL is its implementation by local governments. The UHCL has mandated the Local Health Boards of Local Government Units to be the ones to propose yearly budget allocations for the operation and maintenance of health facilities. Moreover, Section 21 of the UHCL states that all income derives from PhilHealth payments shall accrue to the Special Health Fund used exclusively for the improvement of the LGU health system. This means that the LGUs have the power to determine how the funds will be used, which can, essentially, shape how the new law is implemented. Van Philip Baton, a doctor stationed at the Department of Health (DOH) in Cebu, underscores that giving more local funding to the provincial government can be problematic, as there can be too much space for politicization. Personally speaking, mahirap kasi [kung] ibigay mo to somebody who's more a politician rather than a policy maker on the ground kasi isa sa mga fears na iniisip namin is that gamitin tong political tool, he says. Kung hindi ka kaalyado, you might not be getting the number of health workers that you need just because you're not aligned with the provincial governor. For policy makers in the regional and national level, Baton says it may be easier to manage the fund because you only have to talk to one person the governor. The danger lies in the idea that just because a governor is amenable, then the mayors are also given the support. Baka in reality is that hanggang usap lang kay governor pero selective pa rin ang pag-implement ng program because nga may political color ang mga pag-iimplement ng programs yun yung fear namin, he shares. We even see that in the municipal level na may mga barangay na may consistent support from the city while other barangays that are not allied with the current mayor, eh kawawa din. Kulang yung improvement, kulang ng tao, hindi nabibigyan ng support. In PGH, some patients would text the 8888 hotline or the Citizens Complaint Hotline meant for government malpractices such as red tape, graft, and corruption. This has been shown to add stress and anxiety to government nurses and doctors. Photo by IYA FORBES Respect for government doctors, nurses It has become clear that in order for the UHCL to work, there needs to be proper cooperation and coordination among the local government units, the policy makers, and the health workers. Undersecretary Domingo also stresses that UHCL needs the help of the people it is trying to serve; that there should be a shift in the health-seeking behavior of Filipinos for the law to be effective. Gusto namin top of mind lagi kung may nararamdaman, I'll go to my primary care physician. I'll go to my primary care worker. And then siya yung parang mag-dedecide kung kailangan ka i-refer, he says. It's going to be a complete change so challenge yan sa patients, and challenge din yan sa side ng doctors kasi maninibago sila. Domingo also hopes that through the new health care law, Filipinos will be more empowered to see a doctor and to be free from the fear of the possible repercussions of health concerns. Ngayon, takot na takot yung mga tao, kasi magastos. he says. With the UHCL, pag nagkasakit ang Pilipino, hindi siya kailangan magpili between bebenta niya ba ang kalabaw niya o maghihintay ba siya ng another six months. He adds: We want protection from poverty na hindi pwede yung health problem ang magiging dahilan because every year until now, one million Filipinos go into poverty every year just because a family member gets sick. While healthcare is a right and one that every Filipino should demand from its State, Saguil also hopes that patients can be more understanding of public health workers who are often on the receiving end of complaints. In PGH, patients would even text the 8888 hotline or the Citizens Complaint Hotline that is meant for government malpractices such as red tape, graft, and corruption. Abat, the nurse, says that hes seen this happen. Minsan, makapagreklamo lang eh. Parang sumama lang yung loob, text agad yun sa 8888, he says. Ang ginagawa naman ng 8888, kinaklaro kung totoo. Kadalasan naman talaga, reklamo lang. With the UHCL, pag nagkasakit ang Pilipino, hindi siya kailangan magpili between bebenta niya ba ang kalabaw niya o maghihintay ba siya ng another six months. DOH Undersecretary Rolando Domingo A year ago, videos and photos of sleeping nurses in a public hospital in Metro Manila made rounds on social media, which started an online discussion on the amount of tasks our health workers have to deal with as well as the glaring gap in our healthcare system. Broadcaster Ramon Tulfo also famously took a video while spewing expletives to a PGH physician for not immediately attending to a child his staff member bumped in a street. Saguil, being the chair of the outpatient department, can attest that nurses and doctors indeed have a lot of fear that theyll be seen on social media. That's become a source of major stress, she says. I now have nurses who have post-traumatic stress disorders because of that. Del Rosario adds that as the UHCL is on its way, patients do need to understand the volume of work government health workers have to face on a daily basis on top of the huge, often understated responsibility of dealing with actual lives. Eto, you're like in a war zone in a way, he says. You end up assuming so many responsibilities outside of being a doctor But in the end, you do come out of the hospital a more complete physician. Ginawa mo na lahat eh. But at what cost? Yung humanity ko talaga minsan, question mark na, says Miguel. May patient [ako] na sobrang poor prognosis. Then, nag-text sakin yung family na namatay yung patient. Tapos tinignan ko lang cellphone ko then [kausap ko na yung] next patient, Hello, magandang umaga po. Ganon lang. *Name has been changed to protect his privacy. Photo: The Canadian Press A jeep makes its way along a flooded road in the town of Rigaud, Que, west of Montreal, Sunday, April 21, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes Quebecers whose homes are repeatedly flooded may eventually be forced to move, Premier Francois Legault said Sunday as he toured an area enduring its second bout of spring flooding in three years. Legault visited Laval's Ile Bigras, where soldiers from the Canadian Armed Forces were busy stacking sandbags up a barrier along the shore's edge as the already-swollen river threatened to further spills its banks. He noted that many residents in the same areas were still in the midst of renovating their homes after flooding in 2017. As a result, Legault said the government was reviewing its programs to ensure that those who need compensation get it earlier, but also that there are incentives in place for those who want to move to higher ground. "We have to adjust our programs to rapidly compensate people who have cleanup, renovations to do," he told reporters. "But we have to be clearheaded, and if its necessary to force people to move, we'll do it." Legault said he doesn't want taxpayers to be on the hook for repairing the same homes over and over again, especially when such events appear to be happening more frequently, possibly due to climate change. He did not specify how the program would work, but said the government may put a limit on the amount of repair money a homeowner can receive before they are asked to move. Near the entrance to the island on the southwest edge of Laval, several roads were closed due to flooding and one home appeared partially surrounded by water as small waves lapped at a picnic bench and a "For Sale" sign on the lawn. But Legault said he hoped the current flood would be less catastrophic than in 2017 due to better preparation, which included delivering sandbags to homes at risk of flooding and the government's decision to call in the army before the situation got out of hand. But the positive words didn't lessen the anxiety for homeowners Anna Lin and Eddy Girard, who on Sunday afternoon watched the river rushing along the edge of their lawn on Ile Bigras. Since the 2017 floods, the couple has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on major renovations, including raising the entire home and building a waterproof basement. Now, they're worried it won't be enough. "It's discouraging, hard on the morale, hard on the family," said Girard. "Do we rebuild, do we let it go? We have to look to the future." Lin and Girard said that many of their neighbours are still in the process of rebuilding from the last floods, after having to wait months or years for government compensation or simply the permission to rebuild. The house next to theirs was demolished and the one next to that is still under construction. The couple has spent the last few days laying down sandbags, sealing windows moving items to higher ground. They say municipal and provincial officials appear much better prepared this time, and are hopeful the water will stay out their home. If it doesn't, they're not sure what they'll do. "We're in a 100 year flood zone, and in three years, we've been hit two times," Girard said. Many people across Quebec and New Brunswick have been filling sandbags in an effort to protect their homes, as officials warned water levels are expected to rise in many regions due to warming temperatures that contribute to snowmelt and ice movement. About 200 soldiers started filling sandbags and carrying out evacuations in Quebec's Outaouais and Mauricie regions overnight, and by Sunday afternoon about 600 were on the job across the province. Public affairs officer Pierre Leblanc said the armys priority in the Laval area would be filling and stacking sandbags and protecting critical infrastructure near the river, which he said was rising about one centimetre each hour. Urgence Quebec said that as of Sunday afternoon, 1,280 residences across the province had been flooded and more than 1,500 people had left their homes. Five major floods were identified as threatening thousands of Quebecers, and so far one death has been blamed on the high water. Police say 72-year-old Louise Seguin Lortie died Saturday morning after driving her car into a sinkhole caused by flooding in the Pontiac area, about 30 kilometres northwest of Ottawa. Some of the worst flooding has been in the Beauce region south of Quebec City, where 883 homes were swamped and 765 people evacuated by Sunday morning, up from 94 the previous day. Meanwhile, about 120 Canadian soldiers were being deployed across western New Brunswick to help residents threatened by rising floodwaters. Fifteen communities in that province have been warned to remain on high alert. Four teenagers from eastern New Brunswick died late Saturday when the vehicle they were in flipped after it veered off a wet, rural road and landed on its roof in a ditch filled with icy water. The Miramichi Police Force said heroic efforts were made to save the two males and two females, but all four later died from their injuries at Miramichi Regional Hospital. Police said the victims were 17-year-old Cassie Lloyd of Escuminac, 18-year-old Emma Connick of Baranaby, 17-year-old Logan Matchett and 16-year-old Avery Astle, both from Strathadam. There was no evidence to suggest drugs or alcohol were a factor, but it was raining at the time, police said Sunday in a statement. Police say speed and poor road conditions may have contributed to the crash, which happened around 10:30 p.m. on Nelson Street, south of Route 118. Miramichi Mayor Adam Lordon posted on Twitter that he was devastated when he heard about the deadly crash. "My heart breaks for the four teens and their families," Lordon said in a tweet. "The love, support and prayers of the whole Miramichi are with them today and always." Two local high schools were opened Sunday between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to give students an opportunity to meet with grief counsellors. The local member of the legislature, Michelle Conroy, issued a statement that said she learned about the crash from her youngest son. "He knows the four people who were travelling together," Conroy said. "It's every parent's worst nightmare. Words can't describe the heart-break ... In a small community, it hurts everyone. Everybody is feeling the pain and was touched, in some way, by these kids." The Anglophone North School District confirmed that two of the victims attended James M. Hill Memorial High School in Miramichi, and the other two attended North and South Esk Regional High School in nearby Sunny Corner. Meredith Caissie, a spokeswoman for the Anglophone North School District, said the school authority is taking steps to help people cope. "With everything that has happened over the last several hours, our concern and our thoughts are with the families, students and our school community," she said in an interview from Miramichi. "Our focus right now is providing support for our students and staff." Both schools issued similar statements on Facebook. "In difficult times like what we are now experiencing, it is important to support one another, and to look after one another," the statement said. "We encourage our students to reach out for any support they may need at this time." Messages expressing condolences filled the Facebook page for James M. Hill Memorial High School. Amid many images of broken hearts, some tried to put their raw feelings into words. "Just heart-broken," said one message."No words can express the grief. My heart, prayers and thoughts go out to all." Photo: The Canadian Press Britain's Prince Harry arrives to attend the Easter Mattins Service at St. George's Chapel, at Windsor Castle in England Sunday, April 21. Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her 93rd birthday, which this year coincides with Easter Sunday. The queen is marking Easter by attending a service with other senior royals at St. George's Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle, west of London. She was joined by Prince William and his wife Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince Harry, whose wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, is expecting their first child in the coming weeks and did not attend. Harry and Meghan did post a birthday greeting for the queen on their Instagram page: "Happy Birthday Your Majesty, Ma'am, Granny. Wishing you the most wonderful day! Harry & Meghan." The queen's birthday is marked this year by an unusual sunny spell that has sent flowers blooming on the extensive castle grounds. Sunday is the first of two birthday celebrations each year for the queen. She marks her official birthday in June with the Trooping the Color parade. The two-birthday tradition dates back more than 250 years, when it was instituted by King George II. Elizabeth is the longest-reigning monarch in British history. She still maintains an active schedule, although she does not travel as often as she used to. Her 97-year-old husband, Prince Philip, has retired from public duties and did not attend the service. Photo: The Canadian Press In this file photo dated Tuesday, March 27, 2018, a view of the Rialto bridge, in Venice, Italy. The recent devastating Notre Dame fire in Paris was a warning bell that all of Europe needs to hear, since so many monuments and palaces across the continent are in need of better upkeep according to European officials. National governments are increasingly looking for private donors to renovate major monuments prompting Diesel brand to back improvements for the Rialto bridge in Venice. It's a thin line where the patina of age on Europe's countless monuments gives way to the onset of neglect. Like with so many loved ones, all is assumed to be fine, until suddenly it's not. In the wake of the fire last week that gutted Notre Dame, questions are being raised about the state of thousands of other cathedrals, palaces and village spires that have turned France as well as Italy, Britain and Spain into open air museums of Western civilization. If even an iconic building like Notre Dame could not be protected from devastation, if such a potent symbol of France had to scramble for maintenance funds, that lays bare a culture of apathy that can undermine a shared history as well as the multibillion-dollar tourism industry upon which much of Europe depends. "We are so used to our outstanding cultural heritage in Europe that we tend to forget that it needs constant care and attention," Tibor Navracsics, the European Union's top culture official, told The Associated Press. Some say the wake-up call, not just for Europe but the whole world, rang in Paris. Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovicis, head of the Europa Nostra heritage foundation, said it was "as if Notre Dame decided to set itself on fire to ring the alarm bell. As if she wanted to sacrifice herself for the cause." Devastating fires have robbed mankind of its knowledge, art and treasures since the famed library of Alexandria in northern Egypt burned down in ancient times. Prior to Notre Dame, the last global warning came when Brazil's Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most important cultural institutions in South America, burned down in September. "Unfortunately, the fire in Notre Dame is just one of many examples," said Navracsics. Experts look at the near-endless list of fires at historical sites in Europe and wonder why officials so often don't learn before it's too late. Data on such fires is limited, because monuments are so varied. Some were accidents, others arson. "There are no exact statistics," said Didier Rykner of France's La Tribune de l'Art, but added that France sees "several fires every year in historic buildings, which is already way too much." A 2015 study by the German engineering giant Siemens showed that Scotland had about 10 damaging fires a year, while England lost at least a dozen listed buildings a year. Germany has seen 70 such buildings destroyed since 2000. "Every year, there's lightning or something else that destroys a tower or a roof," Juan Antonio Herraez, who is in charge of preventive conservation at Spain's Cultural Heritage institute, told the AP. In 1985, the tower of Luxembourg's main cathedral caught fire and burned down. In 2004, a fire in the Duchess Anna Amalia library in Weimar, Germany, caused an estimated 80 million euros in damage. In Italy, the historic La Fenice opera house in Venice was destroyed by fire in 1996, and a year later, that happened at Turin's Sindone Chapel of the Holy Shroud. And all too often, fires happen during restoration work. The Glasgow School of Art's Mackintosh Building was gutted by fire last year for the second time in four years as it neared the end of a multimillion-pound (dollar) restoration project. In Spain, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Barcelona's opera house was destroyed almost entirely in 1994 by a fire caused by spark that fell on a curtain during routine repair work. Experts say what's lacking is the constant attention and regular maintenance that could help avoid the need for major restoration work, but that costs money. The problem has been exacerbated by the austerity budgets many European nations adopted after the 2008 financial crisis and during Europe's subsequent debt crisis. After austerity cuts, Rykner said, "you need some drastic restorations that either you don't do, or you do them badly or cheaply. And it can lead to fires." Herraez wants officials to shift their focus to prevention instead of only reacting to building disasters. "Reparation or restoration should be seen as the failure in conservation," he said. "We would be spending money in maintenance but we will be minimizing potential future damages." Navracsics echoed that thought. "We should never forget that there's also a cost to non-action, a lack of maintenance or a lack of prevention," he said. The problem is that prevention is practically invisible but grand restorations can be a boon for the politicians cutting the ribbons. The fire at Notre Dame had barely been doused when two of France's richest men, rival billionaires, stepped up with flashy, competing donations of hundreds of millions of euros to rebuild the Paris cathedral. Notre Dame donations now stand at over 1 billion euros ($1.12 billion) or about three years of France's national restoration budget. This massive outpouring of donations grates on those who have begged for years for a few thousand euros to restore a local but valuable monument. "You have seen that, now, the money is not the problem," said Quaedvlieg-Mihailovicis. "There is a lesson. Could we not invest smaller amounts, and not just for the biggest and the most iconic monuments?" The EU itself has allotted 4.7 billion euros ($5.28 billion) for restorations in the 2014-2020 financial budget on top of what individual nations do. As state funding dries up, governments are increasingly looking for private donors to renovate major monuments. In Italy in recent years, Tod's luxury shoes sponsored the Colosseum face-lift, while the Fendi fashion house helped the Trevi Fountain in Rome and Diesel backed improvements for the Rialto bridge in Venice. "We do need to invest more, but this is a shared responsibility for governments, businesses and citizens across Europe," said Navracsics. Nations will reap the benefits of such spending for years to come. Tourism in Britain and France alone amounts to about 7% of their Gross Domestic Product, good for around 150 billion euros and 170 billion euros (around $170 billion and $190 billion) a year. Some say world-renowned monuments like Notre Dame are the driving force behind such tourism and deserve more respect. "Cultural heritage is a gold mine. You cannot exploit it and then just leave the mine and go to another one. It is something you really have to cherish," said Quaedvlieg-Mihailovicis. Photo: The Canadian Press Aleksandra Kozhevnikova, 92, an injured survivor of the Yonge Street van attack, is photographed at her home in Toronto on Sunday, April 21, 2019. Aleksandra Kozhevnikova doesn't remember being hit by the van that careened through north Toronto and mowed down pedestrians on a busy thoroughfare last April. Nor does the 92-year-old woman, one of the 16 injured who survived, want to talk about the attack that killed 10 people and robbed her of the independence she so valued, her son, Vadym Kozhevnikov, said. Before the incident, the retired grandmother lived alone, led an active life and largely took care of herself, Kozhevnikov said in a recent interview. A year later, she requires constant care from a personal support worker and can't walk more than a few steps without assistance or switching to a wheelchair, he said. And though she's been told what happened, Kozhevnikova avoids any reminders, her son said. "She is very, very sensitive now, she can start crying . . . she worries about everything," he said. His mother even cast aside a prized red walker she got a year or two before the attack and often took with her to run errands, he said, because it stirred up too many emotions. "It was very nice, everybody asked, 'Wow where did you get it?' . . . This one was very fancy," he said. But in the wake of the crash, "she put it into (the) garbage," he said. The brazen daytime attack that played out on Yonge Street on April 23, 2018, sparked a wave of fear and grief in Toronto and beyond, with some saying the city would bear permanent scars. Police allege Alek Minassian deliberately drove a rental van onto the crowded sidewalk. The 26-year-old is charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder, allegations he will face in a trial scheduled to begin next February. A year later, the more than $4 million raised in support of the victims and their families have been disbursed, and consultations are underway to build permanent memorials. While some wish to avoid memories of the incident, families and communities across the city are marking the grim anniversary with events dedicated to those they lost. A service will be held at a Toronto church to honour Munir Najjar, an 85-year-old Jordanian citizen who was visiting his children in Toronto with his wife when he was killed in the attack, said Harry Malawi, a family friend and president of the Jordanian Canadian Society. Najjar's wife has been in and out of the city in the last year and their son, a musician with the Canadian Arabic Orchestra, has returned to work, Malawi said. "They're trying to live their life, they're trying to move forward," he said. Marking the milestone is key to ensuring those who lost their lives are not forgotten, he said. "It may bring, on one hand, bad memories but it also brings healing thoughts," he said. A ceremony is also planned at the Buddhist temple that Renuka Amarasingha, another victim of the crash, attended weekly, said Rev. Ahangama Rathanasiri, chief monk at the Mahavihara Buddhist Meditation Centre. Amarasingha, 45, was an active member of Toronto's Sri Lankan community and a single mother. Her son Diyon, now eight, was taken in by family friends and continues to attend Sunday school at the temple, Rathanasiri said. Manjula Wickramaratne, a family friend who takes Diyon to the temple each week, said the boy is doing well and has reconnected with his father. The father, who lives in Montreal, is in the process of working out a custody arrangement, she said. Thousands of people donated to an online fundraiser for the child, for a total of nearly $360,000. A note on the fundraiser page dated a few weeks after the attack said the organizers were working through the "legal formalities" of setting up a trust for Diyon. The last year has involved legal battles for several of those hurt or grieving as a result of the attack. Three people who were injured Amaresh Tesfamariam, Catherine Riddell and Amir Kiumarsi have filed lawsuits against Minassian, as has the family of Anne Marie D'Amico, who was killed in the crash. The lawsuits, which have not been tested in court, are seeking millions of dollars from Minassian and Ryder Truck Rental Canada, alleging the devastating injuries and deaths on that day were due to an intentional act by Minassian and negligence on his and the rental company's part. The lawyer representing the D'Amico family has said that any money his clients may be awarded would be donated to the Anne Marie D'Amico Foundation, which supports women who are victims of violence. Kozhevnikova, meanwhile, was locked in a dispute with her insurance company, which was withholding payments because it contested the gravity of her injuries, her lawyer said. The matter seemed poised for resolution recently after medical experts hired by the company deemed her to be "catastrophically" injured, Michael Taylor said. Kozhevnikova, who suffered neck and spinal injuries, is "as catastrophic as catastrophic can ever get," Taylor said in a recent interview. The medical designation should raise her insurance coverage limit to $1 million from $65,000, he said. Though Kozhevnikova does not fully grasp the issue, the outcome is a "huge relief," her lawyer said. Overall, Kozhevnikova has remained positive, though her moods and her ability to communicate can be erratic, he said. "She went through a lot of things in her life. She went through the war as a teen, she went through immigration that wasn't easy also she survived the van attack," Taylor said. "She's just thankful of being alive." Photo: File photo Eric Foster has some concerns about farm land. The Vernon-Monashee MLA is concerned changes to Agricultural Land Commission rules will negatively impact farm families. During a presentation to the Regional District of North Okanagan last week, Foster touched on new rules regarding residences within the ALR. "This is hurting family farms. It makes it difficult for families to stay together," said Foster, noting additional residences will not be allowed, and neither will detached suites and manufactured homes for family members. And for principal residences, the total floor area must not exceed 500 square metres. Foster says he supports some regulations regarding the location and size of residences on agricultural land, but the new policies are out of step with farm activities in the North Okanagan. Most RDNO directors are concerned about the rules as well. "We have a bunch of bureaucrats on a power trip telling me how to develop my property," said Rick Fairbairn, a rancher and rural Lumby director. Fairbairn added that while the ALC is responding to concerns about monster homes on farm land in the Fraser Valley, "one size (regulations) does not fit all," in the rest of the province. - with files from The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce Photo: Contributed From left, Charles Chau, Artist; Ling Fu, President of OCCA; Bob Evans, KGM Board Chair; Dr. Meng Hua, Founding Council Member of OCCA; Randy Benson, KGM Executive Director. Things will be blooming at the Kelowna Gospel Mission, thanks to the Okanagan Chinese Canadian Association. Over the weekend, executives of Kelowna's Gospel Mission and representatives of the OCCA planted seeds of the Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Kelowna's official flower, in the downtown property on Leon. The planting officially kicks off a mural project sponsored by the City of Kelowna and Central Okanagan Foundation, led by OCCA, to commemorate the history and contribution of early Chinese settlers in the region. We love the visual representation of planting, nurturing, growing, and harvesting, says Randy Benson, mission executive director. Not only does it signify one of the important economic activities of our region and that of early Chinese farmers especially after the mining and railway building periods, but it also shares our similar values of planting hope within the hearts of those we serve through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Charles Chau, a Hong Kong-born artist and resident of Kelowna, has been commissioned to work on the project. I was thrilled and honoured to be part of this. When I started on this project, I began researching on the history of early Chinese settlers in the Okanagan region and was thrilled by the many contributions they made, said Chau. The mural project borrows the visual form of traditional handscroll painting where stories are unfolded and to be read from right to left in sequential order. The mural will depict the stories of Okanagan Canadian Chinese from early 19th century to 1960s with the highlight of historical Chinatown which previously marked the area on Leon and Harvey between Water and Abbott. We are extremely grateful for the funding of City of Kelowna and the Central Okanagan Foundation to make this happen. We hope the mural project when completed will depict a visual history of early Chinese Canadians in Kelowna and the Okanagan region, said Dr. Meng Hua of OCCA. An official unveiling is planned for the end of June, when the painting will be completed. A documentary video on the project to be shot by videographer Franklin Lau will be presented and made available online. Photo: Contributed A federally commissioned report says many Indigenous communities lack policing services that meet their safety and security needs despite long efforts to improve. It says numerous communities are stuck with a colonial policing model that overlooks Indigenous cultural traditions and fails to create the bonds of trust needed for successful police work. Public Safety Canada asked the Council of Canadian Academies to assess the role of police services in First Nations and Inuit communities. The council's report says the federal First Nations Policing Program has been a source of frustration for many Indigenous communities, partly due to inadequate funding. The report says the most promising ways to promote safety and well-being involve building relationships among police, other service providers and community members. It comes as the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women prepares to release its own findings in early June. Photo: The Canadian Press President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump greet children during the annual White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House, Monday, April 22, 2019, in Washington. Taking part in one of the oldest White House traditions, President Donald Trump blew a whistle and sent spoon-wielding kids into a frenzy Monday as they used the wooden utensils to coax hard-boiled eggs to the finish line during the annual Easter Egg Roll. "This is 141 years that we've been doing this," Trump said, addressing the crowd from the Truman Balcony, where he was joined by first lady Melania Trump before they came downstairs to mingle with guests on the South Lawn. "I don't remember the first one," Trump joked of the tradition that began in 1878 under President Rutherford B. Hayes. After blowing the whistle to begin one of many egg rolls taking place throughout the day, Trump joined children seated at a picnic table, where they colored cards for U.S. troops. He appeared to answer a question from a child about the wall the president wants to build along the U.S.-Mexico border. "Oh, it's happening. It's being built now," Trump said at the table. "There's a young guy just said, 'Keep building that wall.' Do you believe this? He's going to be a conservative someday." The president also talked about the economy and the military, telling the crowd on a sunny morning that "Our country is doing fantastically" and that he is rebuilding the armed forces "to a level we have never seen before." More than 30,000 adults and children were expected to stream through the gates all day for a chance to participate in the main event, rolling eggs across the lawn. Tens of thousands of eggs were donated for the event. Some were given away as "egg pops," hard-boiled eggs on a stick. The first lady added two new activities this year - musical eggs, played just like musical chairs, and hopscotch - to a roster that included a musical stage, an egg hunt, egg and cookie decorating, and multiple photo opportunities, including at a mini presidential lectern. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) Summer is among the most anticipated seasons. During this time, families flock to beaches to beat the scorching heat. But while summer is a time for enjoyment, this season is also the time when people are most prone to hair loss. In an interview on CNN Philippines' MedTalk, aesthetics and rejuvenation expert Dr. Risa Caldoza said temperature and daylight affect one's vulnerability to hair fall. Citing the results of a study published by the British Association of Dermatologists, Caldoza explained that exposure to sunlight may lead to less production of melatonin, which affects the hormone levels in the scalp. This effectively signals hair follicles to carry out their natural shedding phase for longer periods of time than usual, she added. Caldoza said early warning signs of hair loss include excessive hair fall, hair thinning, receding hairline, and bald patches. These, according to her, are commonly caused by several factors like genes, stress, autoimmune disease like Alopecia areata, poor nutrition, hormonal change, extreme weight loss, and excessive use of chemical-based hair products. The most effective way to address or better yet prevent hair loss is by using natural hair care products. "As soon as they start noticing hair fall they shift their haircare products to something natural," she said. "It has no chemicals and is very safe. It is very important nowadays because we don't want anything on our hair that will make our hair fall," she added. The product should be approved by the Food and Drug Administration and an ASEAN Cosmetic Directive compliant, which means it is paraben-free. Paraben, a chemical commonly used as a preservative in cosmetic and personal care products, prevents the growth of microbes. Caldoza cited three natural ingredients that are important in addressing hair loss, such as ginger that helps stimulate blood circulation and nutrient distribution to the hair and scalp, shikakai that helps reduce hair fall, promotes hair growth and helps prevents dandruff, as well as safflower that makes hair softer and healthier. These qualifications and natural ingredients are all found in Novuhair, Natures Answer to Hair loss. "I've been recommending Novuhair to my patients and I've been using it also myself," she said. Novuhair is made of 19 natural ingredients that work synergistically to help promote new hair growth and prevent hair loss. Based on the clinical trial, it is also proven to be safe and effective, and is recommended by experts and celebrities like fanny Serrano, Cory Quirino, and Gary Valenciano. Novuhair, Caldoza added, is suitable for early hair loss prevention and hair care maintenance. "So even if you're not at the drastic stage of hair loss or total baldness, you can still use Novuhair. Just use it religiously, ideally twice daily, morning and night for at least six months. And be patient with it because it is a process and it takes time for you to grow your hair," she said. "Let's protect our hair especially when we are at the beach or when we're swimming this summer. Use natural products for your hair, hair loss prevention is always better than cure," she added. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said India missed an golden opportunity to resolve the Kashmir dispute during the 1971 war when under global pressure it released hundreds of Pakistani troops, who were in the custody of Indian Army. At an election rally in Barmer, Modi said then Congress government signed the Shimla agreement (in 1972) under global pressure and released over 90,000 prisoners of war (PoWs) instead of resolving the Kashmir dispute in lieu of the PoWs. Pakistan troops were in our custody. A big area of Pakistan was also captured by the Indian forces in 1971 but the Congress government lost it on table in the Shimla agreement and they were released, he said. The government crumbled under global pressure and signed the Shimla agreement and the matter was closed. PoWs and the captured land were released. That was a golden opportunity to resolve the Kashmir dispute in lieu of the PoW, he said. Modi said India was not afraid of nuclear threats from Pakistan any more. Otherwise, Pakistan used to give nuclear threats. What do we have? Have we kept it for Diwali (Warna aay din nuclear button hai, ye kehte the. Hamare paas kya hai. Ye diwali ke liye rakha hai kya), Modi said. Addressing another rally in Gujarats Patan, Modi said he had warned Pakistan of consequences if it did not return Indian Air Force pilot Abhinandan Varthaman. He asserted his governments commitment towards national security and said whether the prime minister's chair remains or not, he has decided that either he will be alive or the terrorists. He also took a jibe at NCP leader Sharad Pawar, saying if he is unaware of his next move, then how can Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan gauge what he will do. Modi urged the people of Gujarat to help the BJP win all 26 Lok Sabha seats in his home state. Following the air strike at Balakot terror camp in Pakistan, there was a dogfight between Indian and Pakistani fighter planes on February 27 in which the IAF wing commander was captured by the neighbouring country and released on the night of March 1. He said after Abhinandan was caught, Opposition started seeking a reply from him. We held a press conference and warned Pakistan that if anything happened to our pilot, you will keep telling the world what Modi did to you. A senior American official said on the second day that Modi has kept 12 missiles ready and might attack and the situation will deteriorate. Pakistan announced return of the pilot, or else it was going to be a qatal ki raat, he said. This was said by America, I have nothing to say about this now, I will speak about it when the time will come, he said. The (PMs) chair remains or goes, I have decided that either I remain alive or terrorists will, he said. He said the air strike at terror camps in Pakistan was people expected from him. When Pulwama happened, what did the country expect Modi to do? Would you, would the country have pardoned me had I done what the Manmohan Singh government did after 26/11, he asked. Hitting out at the opposition parties, he said the Balakot strike made them uncomfortable. Pakistan was repeatedly saying India bombed us, but people here were questioning if this was India's Balakot. They were proved false, he said. He also attacked the Congress for not providing new howitzers to the Army since 1985 and said his government has arranged for artillery manufacturing at three factories in the country, one being at Hazira in Gujarat which manufactures K-9 Vajra Howitzer. "Our Army will now get new howitzers regularly. We have made a howitzer that can strike Pakistan 48 km from Nadabet (in Gujarat bordering Pakistan)," he said. Slamming the Congress, he said that since 1985, it did not care about securing Gujarat, a state bordering Pakistan, which needs Air Force, Army and Navy bases. "A big air force station is taking shape near Deesa which will ensure safety of the entire state," he said, adding the factory at UP's Amethi will manufacture AK-47 assault rifles for the military and also export them. "We are moving ahead with the promise to make India strong across land, water, air and space," Modi said, adding that the country was now capable of destroying a satellite. "They (opposition) had problem with this also, saying the Model Code of Conduct was in force. Is there a code of conduct in such things? We are people who follow rules, but national security is a very important matter, and what India did made it the fourth superpower in the world. -PTI Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) San Mig Light ended Women's month by sparking conversation on gender-related issues in the Philippines. In a roundtable series held last March 28, San Mig Light gathered Filipinas from different industries for a 'Mahaba-habang Usapan' on women empowerment in the an ongoing problem for women in our country. Guests filled the Mess Hall to listen to five strong women share stories on gender inequality in their professional lives and give advice to fellow women on how to empower themselves in various situations. These gender advocates include world-renowned fashion designer and co-founder of Grrrl Gang Manila Mich Dulce, founder of youth against sexual harassment Atty. Alex Castro, courtside reporter and award-winning writer Ceej Tantengco, assistant professor of History from the Department of Social Science at UP Manila, Mary Dorothy Jose and lastly, commercial airline pilot, registered nurse, and mother Chezka Gonzales-Garrido. San Mig Light also celebrated empowering stories of women from different walks of life including actress, writer and proud transwoman Mela Habijan, founder of Grit Girls Lexi Gancayco and more, all who were present to support the worthy cause. A brand that continuously celebrates womanhood, the night aimed to shed light not only on empowering stories of successful women but to celebrate all things that Filipinas are and #FilipinasCan. Media Invite Village Hotel at Sentosa! There is a new kind of family-friendly staycation fun - and it comes in the form of the newly-opened The Adventure Pool Children's Play Pool Lazy River Pool Pamukkale Pool GIVEAWAY! CLOSED I have a 2D1N Family Room staycation with breakfast (worth over $580) for a family for four to give away! Congrats to SHIRLEY HO ! You have won a 2D1N Family Room staycation with breakfast (worth over $580) for a family for four! The stay includes: One night stay in a Family Room (for 4 pax) Breakfast at Native Kitchen Complimentary Sentosa entry Please email me at kelvin@cheekiemonkie.net for prize collection details. TERMS & CONDITIONS - Valid for use at Village Hotel at Sentosa only - Redemption letter will be valid for 6 months from date of issue (27 April 2019) - Prior booking of at least 14 days to arrival with Village Hotel at Sentosa is required and is subject to room availability. Last minute reservation will not be entertained. - Blackout dates apply and not valid on the eve of Public Holidays and Public Holidays - The redemption letter certificate is non-replaceable, nonrefundable and is not redeemable for cash. The redemption letter is not valid without the Hotel's authorized signatories and not applicable for use with other promotions, offers, letters or discount cards - Strictly no extension of the redemption letters validity period after its expiry date To participate, all you have to do is the following: 1. LIKE Village Hotel at Sentosa's Facebook page HERE 2. Tell me why you wish to win the 2D1N stay package. Leave your comment either in the corresponding Facebook post HERE or in this blog post. TWO WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING! 1. SHARE this blog post of the giveaway on Facebook for a BONUS chance! Remember to set your profile to public so that I can see the shared post. 2. Head to my post on Instagram to score more bonus chances! Giveaway ends on 28 April 2019, 2359 hours. GOOD LUCK! Useful Information Village Hotel at Sentosa I went for the media preview in November 2018 and even though the hotel was not in operation yet, I was certain even back then that this hotel will be one that is loved by both parents and kids. Yes, the amazingly gorgeous pool - or rather, pools - definitely play a huge part in that but I will get to that bit in a minute. I promise.Located just behind KidZania Singapore and a stone's throw away from Palawan Beach, Village Hotel at Sentosa is part of the three new hotels under Far East Hospitality. The other two hotels are The Outpost Hotel (an adult-only hotel) and The Barracks Hotel (opening in Q3 2019).So for families, Village Hotel at Sentosa will be your best bet for an outrageously fun staycation and the kid-friendly bit begins the moment you step into the spacious lobby for your check-in.At Village Hotel at Sentosa, KIDS are, otherwise known asillagemportantids. And they are tasked with the 'check-in' process! No kid is too tiny to do the check-in, as a cute flight of steps is even provided so that kids can reach the counter and sign the check-in form.How cool is that???Well, Daddy or Mummy still has to foot the bill but still... After the check-in, comes the rooms! There are three room types at the hotel: Premier Room (offering sweeping sea views), Deluxe Room and Family Room.The Deluxe Rooms have a variety of views from Pool Deck, city view of KidZania or the Merlion, to sea views of the Southernmost point of Continent Asia. Deluxe Twin rooms also come with a bathtub.But if you are having a staycation with the kids, go for the Family Rooms which are essentially two connecting rooms. But the two rooms come with two connecting doors, two vanity areas, and two bathrooms. No more fighting for the toilet!The rooms are a tad smaller compared to the usual hotel rooms though, but what I love about them is the use of scandinavian decor and cheery prints on the walls to make it feel like one is truly on a beach holiday.Also, every child (up to age 12) who stays in the Family Room will have a set of their own amenities upon request. Depending on the age, this includes baby cots, bathtubs, baby toiletries, corner protectors and kid-sized bathrobes.Honestly, I had the intention of just chilling on the bed and let the monkies do their own stuff.But it was never ever going to happen... all because of this.From design, ambience to the choice of furnishings, Village Hotel at Sentosa is decorated in sun-washed hues of nature by the sea and is is gorgeous. Presumably made even more so by the presence of FOUR pools!Yes, there are four pools at the hotel - three for families and one solely for adults.Soak up the sun at this free-form pool which has social pods in the middle of the pool that mimic tiny islands. This is the largest pool at the hotel, and also one where kids will have the most fun at. I know the monkies sure did!Babies and toddlers will love this pool! With kiddy slides, water features including a water fountain, and even a man-made 'beach', this ankle-depth pool kid-friendly water play section.Want a more relaxing bit to the staycation? Grab a doughnut float and let the gentle current sweep you along the river.Compared to other Lazy Rivers found at swimming complexes and water parks, this one feels a little underwhelming - and short. So I reckon this will actually be great for younger kids because the current isn't too strong and the water isn't deep too.Hey, there's even a mini 'jacuzzi'! But the most beautiful (read: instagrammable) pool of them all is the Pamukkale Pool, which is inspired by the cascading pools in Turkey.An infinity pool overlooking the seaside and comes complete with a pool bar, this pool is THE prime spot to chase the sunset while enjoying a cool dip at the same time. Plus, you can see the daily evening fireworks by Wings of Time from the pool too!The only no-no? Kids are NOT allowed at this pool, only adults. So if you are looking to steal some time away from the kids, you know where to go.As for food options, besides a cafe selling snacks and drinks, Village Hotel at Sentosa is also home to Native Kitchen, which serves up a fusion of Asian and Polynesian cuisine.The unique thing about Native Kitchen is it only serves a buffet spread for breakfasts. For lunch and dinner, it reverts to an ala-carte concept.The buffet breakfast at the hotel is like your typical hotel buffet breakfasts. Nothing fanciful, but adequate to keep families happy.After breakfast though, the menu changes.At Native Kitchen, guests can tuck into the best of land and sea with a tropical twist. From the land, key signatures include a hearty Big Kahuna Burger, a savoury Mojo Pork Cubano Sandwich and comforting Bebek Goreng. From the sea, the refreshing island ceviche, Misoyaki Butterfish and Steamed Barramundi are not to be missed. For more local staples, order its signature Native Kitchen's Nasi Lemak, Hainan Island Chicken Rice and Singapura Laksa.And as if the fun isn't enough, the hotel organises activities like pool games, face painting sessions, balloon sculpting, and even movie nights by the pool on weekends too!Let's just say watching a movie by the pool against a backdrop like that is simply too beautiful.Although the monkies might beg to differ... since they love swimming in the pools so so so much!I think Village Hotel at Sentosa is a fantastic new option for families if you are looking for a staycation, especially since it is just beside KidZania and Palawan Beach!If you can peel the kids away from the hotel that is. 10 Artillery Avenue, #02-01, Sentosa Island, Singapore 099951Family rooms start from S$280++ Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 22) The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said on Monday it would submit the budget ceilings of each government agency for 2020 before the 17th Congress adjourns in June. House Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had ordered the early submission of the budget ceilings to avoid a repeat of the controversies that happened with this year's budget. She noted that approval of the 3.7 trillion budget for 2019 was delayed because the DBM failed to inform lawmakers about the higher ceiling set for the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). Arroyo said it was important for the House to know as early as possible the maximum amount allotted for government agencies to avoid confusion during congressional deliberations. The controversy of the 2019 budget began with the ceiling issue, Arroyo said on Monday. That's why we need to know the ceiling now. As we understood, as it was presented to us in July 2018, the DPWH said they had a ceiling of less than 500 nillion but when the proposed GAB (General Appropriations Bill) came, it was almost 600 billion. DPWH officials told lawmakers last year that its budget ceiling was only 482 billion, but the printed copy of the proposed National Expenditure Program showed the departments budget was actually 555 billion. Then Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno admitted during the question hour in the House that 75 billion was added to the DPWH budget for infrastructure projects. Traditionally, the budget department submits the Executive's proposed spending plan for the next year to the House of Representatives soon after the President's State of the Nation address in July. For 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte is proposing a 4.1 trillion budget. Brian Enyart, chef and co-owner of Dos Urban Cantina, says that while the heirloom masa costs more, it's still not that much compared with how much he spends on other ingredients. Plus, the flavor is genuinely better. "I know that saying it tastes more like corn doesn't make sense, but it really does," says Enyart. "It's subtle. You might not notice the difference at first, but you can create this magical experience that you can't quite put your finger on." Every taco on the menu is inspired by a specific memory in his life. Suzuki, whose father is Japanese, grew up in Chicago before moving to New York, then Tokyo, back to New York, then back home to Chicago. While in New York, he graduated from the French Culinary Institute (now International Culinary Center) and worked for a company that exported American produce to Japan in massive quantities. But he wanted to change his focus to a more local one, so he moved back to Chicago in 2015. He's often very funny as, to cite just one moment, when he comes to realize the magnitude of the task in hand, a little comic clown having to mop up what the patriarchy has piled up right in front of his face. It's all a metaphor for the pain, and the necessity, of resistance. Lane is always at his best when he shows you the world-weariness of his allotted role in life, a realization that only grows as we age. Never has that been clearer than in "Gary," as important and risky a role that he ever has assumed. Even if some of his normal public will smell a bait-and-switch. The hour-long episode of Murder Made Me Famous, which is scheduled to air at 7 p.m., features interviews with Dr. John Schmale, the brother of Nina Jo Schmale; Dr. LeRoy Smith, a former Cook County Hospital surgeon who recognized Speck and alerted police as he treated his wounds from attempted suicide; Dr. Jan Leestma, a Chicago neuropathologist who performed an autopsy of Specks brain; Daniel Johnson, a Speck acquaintance; longtime Chicago journalist Bill Kurtis and People magazine senior crime reporter Steve Helling. Reelz says the episode features never-before-seen photographs. Matt Liberatore, director of professional learning and student services at Arlington Heights-based Township High School District 214, said students now are much more in tune to the finances and what that degree is going to cost. He said counselors and teachers work with the students to understand whats right for them. Is the place youre going to go going to be the most economically affordable for what you want to do? I think there are many ways to get to the end point. Long known as a haven for patronage jobs, Browns office is the official record keeper for the county court system and has an annual operating budget of more than $100 million. Brown won a fifth term as clerk in 2016 even though the Cook County Democratic Party had dropped its endorsement of her after the federal investigation was disclosed. Among them was a 35-year-old man who was seriously wounded in West Garfield Park as he unloaded his car around 10:50 p.m. in the 4100 block of West Wilcox Street, police said. He was shot in the chest and was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital. Despite her opposition to abortion, she said in a January 2018 interview with the Tribune that throughout the re-election campaign, she and Rauner were on the same plane and were in sync as far as messaging and the things that we believed in and what we wanted to deliver for the people of the state of Illinois. President Donald Trump has decided not to reissue the waivers when they expire on May 2, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. The Trump administration, which has engaged in maximum pressure campaign against Tehran, had been giving nations time to wean themselves off of Iranian oil, but has decided that waivers will no longer be issued. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 22) The Philippines is eyeing to take home five agreements during President Rodrigo Dutertes attendance at the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China, the Department of Foreign Affairs said on Monday. Duterte will attend the forum, an initiative which envisions global connectivity through infrastructure and facilitation of free trade among others. It will be held in Beijing from April 25 to 27. DFA Assistant Secretary for Asian and Pacific Affairs Meynardo Montealegre said that about five agreements with China are being finalized for signing. "We are looking at some possible agreements in the areas of education, anti-corruption, official development assistance, as well as drug rehabilitation. Its in the final stages of consultations," he said in a media briefing. He added there could also be agreements on infrastructure. Montealegre said economic managers are expected to make a pitch for Chinese investments in projects under the Duterte administration's big-ticket infrastructure "Build, Build, Build" program. National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Chief Ernesto Pernia, Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez, former House Speaker Jose de Venecia, acting Information and Communications Technology Secretary Eliseo Rio, Trade Chief Mon Lopez, and Tourism Secretary Berna Romulo Puyat were among those directly invited by the Chinese government to participate in the forum. Philippine business leaders will also attend some meetings during the Belt and Road Forum. Duterte will have a bilateral meeting with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. He will also meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. In the meeting with President Xi Jinping, they are expected of course to chart the course of further development of bilateral relations in various areas like defense, security, economics, and development, as well as regional and international issues of mutual importance, the DFA official said. Montealegre said he does not want to speculate if the territorial dispute in the Spratly Islands will be tackled during meetings with Chinese leaders, but it could be a topic up for discussion. "The President has always been saying that we will stick to Philippine interests and position. But as I said, I cannot preempt what the specific discussion will be," he said. Since then, Trump only has dug in. He said at a news conference in Helsinki after his 2017 summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin that he gave weight to Putin's denial that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, despite the firm conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that it had. "I don't see any reason why it would be" Russia, Trump said. And earlier this year, Trump called national security assessments "naive," tweeting "perhaps intelligence should go back to school." Once these students graduate, the vast majority stay and work in the area. They form families, buy homes and cars, frequent restaurants and museums and sporting events and, yes, they pay local and state taxes that help fund not just our current government but also help ensure a bright future for our great state. Many of them will start their own businesses, and some will create nonprofits to try to make this world a better place. The Border Patrol agent who guides me through this Border Patrol station, and another one nearby known as Station No. 1, points out food, diapers and formula stacked in every corner and in refrigerators and freezers. He tells me that he and his colleagues are caring professionals who are pained by the suffering of the migrants and angry at the unfair criticism they often face for trying to cope with the breakdown at our borders. As he walks through the crowds held in tents at Station No. 1, he points out that the migrants do not shrink away in fear. He tells me that as a father of three young daughters, he thinks of his girls every day as he faces waves of infants and toddlers who come to the border his agents patrol. The USMCA would replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, the 1994 deal that removed most tariffs and other trade barriers between the three countries. NAFTA was a major achievement, but in need of updating, because the world has changed a lot since the days before smartphones, Netflix and autonomous vehicles. President Donald Trump was determined to get some big changes in what he reviled as perhaps the worst trade deal ever made. Muellers report contains page after page of examples of Trump lying, instructing others to lie, fighting desperately to end or interfere with an investigation and eagerly seeking information obtained illegally by a foreign power. As a candidate, Trump and his team knew Russia was trying to interfere with the election and, rather than report those actions and denounce them, they encouraged them and sought to use them to their political advantage. People who choose not to have their children vaccinated do not make this decision lightly. They do their research and determine that the benefits do not outweigh the risks for their children. This is their right. Studies have actually shown that parents who choose to either not submit their children to vaccinations or choose to delay and spread out vaccinations tend to be highly educated. They get their information from credible sources. This public information is readily available to anyone who wants to avail themselves of it. In fact, people who choose to receive a vaccine or to sign a consent for their child to receive one (or five at a time!) really should not do so until they've educated themselves by at least reading the manufacturer insert for each vaccination recommended. We can't rely on physicians to give us the complete information. Illinois is neither the most populous (and becoming less so) state nor the largest, yet we have the most units of government of any state in the union. One-third of school districts only have one school! Why would a 15 percent reduction in spending have to involve drastic cuts? Few politicians have the political will to address this, and no one is going to voluntarily give up their seat on the gravy train that is Illinois government. An article published in Forbes in July 2017, Why Illinois Is In Trouble 63,000 public employees with $100.000+ salaries cost Taxpayers $10B, should be required reading for every resident in this state. For almost three years now, much of the American political media -- what I've been calling the Democratic Media Complex -- has been clinging to a fantasy about President Donald Trump and Russia. You might call them bitter clingers. They cling to the fantasy that Trump won the 2016 election only because he was the servant of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin . And they believed, really believed, as a matter of faith, that their saint, special counsel Robert Mueller , would clap Trump in irons for his sins, or at least drag him out of the White House, and their long nightmare would be over. But when presented with the Mueller report, which showed there wasn't enough evidence for criminal charges against the president, what did they do? They babbled and floated, stubbornly, willingly, deeper into the whirlpool, like Blanche DuBois. For years now, Blanche has been insisting that Shep Huntleigh (Robert Mueller) would be coming any day, to save her from the barbarian Stanley Kowalski (Trump). When the report was released, if you walked past a news screen, you would have heard them babbling. CNN had several panels of experts channeling Blanche DuBois, and none of them said anything about depending on the kindness of strangers. Instead they damned Attorney General William Barr, a longtime friend of Mueller's, as a creature of evil. Some of the more tribal residents of the left might want to condemn me for conservative thinking. But it's not about left or right. It's about reality. And the journalist Glenn Greenwald is not a conservative by any measure. He is a man of the left, a founder of The Intercept and no fan of Donald Trump. The other day, Greenwald noted that years ago, journalists who supported the Bush administration's war on Iraq on false premises had reason to search their souls and spend time in self-reflection. Some of us apologized, publicly, for groupthink, and vowed never to be herded again. I apologized, publicly and repeatedly. "But here I don't see any of that," Greenwald told Tucker Carlson on Fox. "They've just put collusion and conspiracy and all those conspiracy theories they've spent the last three years endorsing, just flushed it down the toilet like they don't exist and seamlessly shifted to obstruction. And then conflating them to claim, essentially, that they were right all along. And that is really the alarming thing." They're doubling down, moving quickly from the Trump collusion narrative. And since they can't sell that one, they'll sell the obstruction narrative instead. But if there isn't enough evidence to charge a crime of conspiracy to collude with Russia, how do you make a credible case of obstruction for a crime that didn't happen? No crime means that dog won't hunt. Democrats like Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland and even Mr. Collusion himself, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, say there is no chance for impeachment now. Everything else, then, is political noise. Ever since Trump and his basket of deplorables defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, Democrats and their journalistic handmaidens have been unwilling and unable to deal with it. They worked together to undercut his presidency. Is Trump a good man? No, of course not. Anyone who talks about grabbing women by their genitals is not a good man, but that's irrelevant here. What is relevant is the republic. And if we bend the rules to subvert election outcomes -- and if media groupthink prevents us from understanding this -- the republic is in serious jeopardy. America can withstand Trump as we withstood Obama. What we can't withstand is willfully shutting our eyes to how this started. And what's relevant is what is not in the Mueller report: an explanation of the so-called Steele dossier, a political opposition research hit on Trump, funded in part by Hillary Clinton, that was provided to American intelligence and law enforcement, and formed the basis for the investigation. Before the release of the Mueller report, I spoke to Tom Bevan, publisher of Real Clear Politics, on my podcast "The Chicago Way." "One possibility is that Donald Trump and members of his campaign colluded with Russia to basically fix an American election and manipulate it and win it," Bevan said. "That's a huge, huge scandal worthy of investigation, worthy of a Pulitzer Prize ." But the other scenario? "The top echelon of the U.S. government intelligence agencies conducting investigations on a political opponent of one party, and using the powers of government surveillance and overseas assets to try and trap this person, and basically undermine not only the election results itself but also his legitimacy," Bevan said. "And then cover it up. That is also a huge, huge story worthy of any reporter's time, worthy of a Pulitzer Prize if it were true. "So, which of those two stories has gotten the lion's share of coverage?" The one that Blanche DuBois likes the best, the one that sings to her, the one that reinforces her fantasy. The one that makes her feel like she's going home again, on the arm of Robert Mueller, and where she's safe from Stanley Kowalski. Let's hope the media complex stops the "A Streetcar Named Desire" rewatch and tries another old film about an addiction to destructive fantasy. "The Bridge on the River Kwai" is about a British colonel and prisoner of war (played by the late Sir Alec Guinness) who helps the Japanese build a railway through the jungle that will cost Allied lives. But he escapes fantasy, enters reality and redeems himself, at the end, with this iconic line: "What have I done?" (John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. His Twitter handle is @johnkass.) (c) 2019 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. RTHK: White House tightens sanctions noose on Iran The United States announced on Monday it will no longer grant sanctions exemptions to Iran's oil customers, potentially punishing allies such as India as it tries to squeeze Tehran's top export. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated that Washingtons goal was to bring down exports of Iranian oil to zero. Today I am announcing that we will no longer grant any exemptions, Pompeo said in a briefing. We are going to zero. Were going to zero across the board. The White House said Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- close US allies that back President Donald Trump's hawkish stance against regional rival Iran -- would work to make up the difference in oil to ensure that global markets are not rocked. "This decision is intended to bring Iran's oil exports to zero, denying the regime its principal source of revenue," the White House said in a statement. "The Trump administration and our allies are determined to sustain and expand the maximum economic pressure campaign against Iran to end the regime's destabilizing activity threatening the United States, our partners and allies and security in the Middle East," it said. Eight governments were initially given six-month reprieves from the unilateral US sanctions on Iran. They include India, which has warm ties with Washington but disagrees on the US insistence that Iran is a threat. Other countries that will be affected include China and Turkey, opening up new friction in contentious relationships if the United States goes ahead with sanctions over buying Iranian oil. The others -- Greece, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan -- have already heavily reduced their purchases from Iran. Trump last year withdrew the United States from an accord negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama, under which Iran drastically scaled back its nuclear program in return for promises of sanctions relief. The Trump administration, backed by Saudi Arabia and Israel, has instead unilaterally imposed sanctions and demanded that other countries follow suit. US officials say that they are aiming at choking off Iranian revenue so as to reduce the clerical regime's regional clout, notably its support for militants groups such as Lebanon's Hezbollah. (AFP, Reuters) This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 22) The government on Monday claimed there is an ongoing ouster plot against President Rodrigo Duterte that is backed by journalists, news-related organizations, and lawyers critical of his administration. Journalists and a lawyers' group named among those supposedly involved immediately denied the allegations, with one dismissing them as "hilarious." Presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo revealed the matrix of those involved in the plan to unseat Duterte. The matrixs alleged starting point is "Bikoy," the anonymous man who tagged Duterte's children and former aide in the illegal drug trade. Bikoy claims to be a former drug syndicate operator. It then leads to the name of veteran journalist and blogger Ellen Tordesillas. Malacanang claimed Tordesillas sent Bikoy's videos to media outfits Rappler and the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ). The nonprofit organization recently came out with a series of reports on the Duterte familys alleged sudden rise in income. Tordesillas also allegedly sent the information from Bikoy to the National Union of Peoples Lawyer (NUPL), the group that filed a complaint against Duterte before the International Criminal Court. The matrix also included fact-checking group VERA Files. Panelo said he received an order from Duterte to release the matrix. "Ang ibig sabihin, the source is Bikoy. Gumawa siya ng fake news Pinadala niya kay Tordesillas. Pinadala naman ni Tordesillas sa tatlo, tapos kinalat na nila. 'Yun lang naman ang ibig sabihin nito eh," he said in a media briefing. He said those in the matrix want to destroy the governments credibility, which could jumpstart an administration's fall. Matrix validation Duterte earlier said he had intelligence information on those behind Bikoy's videos information that came from an unnamed foreign country. Panelo said only Duterte knows which country was involved in gathering the information. Through monitored phone conversations in the country, Malacanang said the matrix has been validated. "What you did not know is that you are being listened to habang ginagawa ninyo 'yang mga kalokohan niyo It was an intelligence report not from us but from another country," Panelo said. Philippine laws prohibit wiretapping, but for the Palace, that is not even an issue. "'Yan ang tinatawag na sharing of intelligence information. Thats standard for all countries if it affects security of a particular country," Panelo said. Despite the supposed intelligence gathering, Malacanang still has no information on who is behind the videos and allegations released by Bikoy. Security forces however said there is no clear evidence that will link the journalists to any ouster plot. As of this time, we don't have specific evidence on that," Philippine National Police Chief Police General Oscar Albayalde said on Monday. The Armed Forces of the Philippines also echoed that there is no information to back the claim of the Palace. "Sa ngayon there is no specific threat tayo na nakikita," AFP Public Affairs Chief Colonel Noel Detoyato said. Journalists, lawyers fight back Tordesillas called the allegation linking her and her media organization Vera Files to the supposed destabilization plot as "downright false" and "hilarious." She also questioned the vetting the matrix has gone through before it was released to the public. "What I find disturbing is, if this is the kind of intelligence report that the President gets and bases his actions and policies on, the country is in big trouble," said Tordesillas, the President of VERA Files. Luz Rimban, among those tagged in the alleged destabilization plot, said she has not been connected with Vera Files since April 2018 and has been working as executive director of the Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University. The PCIJ, which was also tagged in the alleged plan, said three individuals identified with them in the matrix have resigned between March 2018 and January 2019. They include Otso Diretso senatorial candidate Chel Diokno and Summit Media publisher Lisa Gokongwei-Cheng, who previously sat in the PCIJ's Board of Editors. The PCIJ also denied having ever received any e-mail from Tordesillas on the Bikoy videos. It added that the Manila Times story where the alleged ouster plot was first revealed admits that a crime may have been committed and the privacy of journalists may have been violated. "It offers tacit admission that these 'experts,' apparently working with the Office of the President, had invaded the privacy of the emails and correspondence of journalists now being singled out," the PCIJ said. Journalist Inday Espina Varona, who was shown in the matrix as part of the NUPL, is not a lawyer. "My former employer just promoted this University of the Philippines dropout to lawyer. Journalist to lawyer. Just on those glaring errors of fact, that article fails big time," said Varona, who was once an editor for The Manila Times. The NUPL said they are being tagged in the supposed ouster plot for their criticisms against Duterte and his actions against drug suspects and members of the church. They remain unfazed. "We will not blink nor look the other way. We are unfazed even as we are disturbed. Criticism is not ousting. Lawyering is not destabilizing," its national executive board said in a statement. Rappler's CEO Maria Ressa, who was also named in the matrix, in a tweet said "it's bad when the government lies through its paid PR to manipulate the people," She said it's been years since she and Tordesillas emailed each other. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines said the publication of the alleged ouster plot "lays the ground for more attacks against independent media." Panelo said they are free to file libel charges against the government. CNN Philippines senior correspondent Ina Andolong contributed to this report. As another year marked by the global pandemic comes to an end, our photojournalists remain challenged and, frequently, awed - by the constant state of change. We documented our ever-evolving world in ways few photo staffs could as we all worked to regain normalcy amid COVID-19s seemingly unbreakable hold on our communities. We showed the relieved faces of people receiving a coveted vaccine, telling the story of a scientific breakthrough with images of those benefitting from it. We covered new workplace policies, school protocols and policing practices. We traveled half-way across the world to an Olympics where the athletes couldnt hug each other, masked medalists step atop the podium and no one came to watch. The Chicago Tribune faced its own series of changes, too. We have new owners. New bosses. Endured another move. Gained new talented journalists and lost many others from the newsroom ranks. The one constant has been our dedication to providing photography on a daily basis that is relevant to the communities we cover: The joy of picnicking at the lakefront on a summer afternoon, the pain of children, police officers and neighbors all falling victims to violent crime. Documenting whos in and whos out in the political landscape, escaping to your favorite cultural event or sports competition. We hope this installment of the annual Photos of the Year project reminds us of the moments that shaped our lives and the thoughtful way we portray them. Its also a platform for acknowledging the talent and dedication of Tribune photographers, and all photojournalists, who make change a way of life. The Chicago Tribune staff photographers for 2021: Brian Cassella, Erin Hooley, Terrence Antonio James, Vashon Jordan Jr., John J. Kim, Youngrae Kim, Jose M. Osorio, Antonio Perez, Armando L. Sanchez, Chris Sweda, Abel Uribe, E. Jason Wambsgans, Stacey Wescott and Raquel Zaldivar. Tribune visual editors: Mark Hume, Andrew Johnston, Marianne Mather, Steve Rosenberg and Peter Tsai. - Todd Panagopoulos, Director of Content/Visuals In the past few months since receiving this diagnosis from both Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, the 57-year-old former medical secretary has become such an advocate for getting the word out about the disease and the dangers of implants that, on March 26, she was among 65 women from all over the country to testify at the first Breast Implant Hearing in front of the Food and Drug Administration in Washington, D.C. Cranstons body crashed through the windshield and landed in the passenger seat. Hampton then drove 12 miles and dumped the body in Alsip, where it was discovered two days later, according to the Tribune article. After dumping the body, Hampton drove the car to a wooded area near Blue Island, where the vehicle was set on fire, the article said. "Even though singing seems easy, there's a lot of work that goes into it, but all that work pays off," she said. "When you have a group of people together and they all have it down, it's very rewarding." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines Staff) More than a month after a week-long crisis that affected over a million households, water supply in the east zone of Metro Manila has yet to fully normalize. In a media briefing Monday, Ayala-controlled Manila Water Company, Inc. said 99.8 percent of its over 1.2 million customers in the area now have water supply. The water concessionaire, however, said this only means water availability for "at least eight hours." Manila Water eyes to fully restore water availability among its customers in May through supply from sources other than the La Mesa dam reservoir in Quezon City, including Angat dam in Bulacan that supplies 11 to 13 million liters per day (mld) or almost all of Metro Manila's needs. "Under the directive of the President, which is to make sure that Metro Manila gets its 4,000 mld intact, so that is secure. So the question right now, the policy decision is how to temper the irrigation flows," Manila Water President and CEO Ferdinand Dela Cruz said. But with Manila Water "already alarmed" with the current water level in Angat, Dela Cruz said they are looking at three other options. "First is Wawa Kalawis, which is up to 512 mld with the Razon group, second we signed (a memorandum of understanding) for 300 mld with Laguna Lake and theres a TWG (technical working group) on how exactly that can be done, then third, 750 mld from Sierra Madre by 2023-2025 because this is quite far. These are options on the table. Of 600 mld of Kaliwa, we will get 450 mld," he said. Manila Water has disclosed that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with shipping magnate Enrique Razon Jr.'s Prime Metroline Infrastructure Holdings, Inc. to develop Wawa dam in Rodriguez, Rizal as additional water source for Metro Manila. Dela Cruz said the company is also working on projects for additional sources of water. "If we want water from Angat to last until the rains come, then we're saying that we have to do something already now," he said. "We are working with [this]. This is not a decision for us to make, we are just saying that given the supply deficit we have, even if the allocation of Metro Manila is intact, we have to make sure that there will still be water before the rain comes," he added. On March 7, Manila Water customers were surprised by an unannounced water interruption. Since then, its customers comprising 1.2 million households have been experiencing no water supply or low water pressure. The water concessionaire attributes the shortage to the lowering level of water at the La Mesa reservoir in Quezon City due to the dry spell. The water interruption prompted separate investigations by the Executive and Congress. We are lucky because we have Elm Place for swing space, so we can move students out (of Northwood) completely, which is safer and allows construction to go faster, said project architect Leanne Meyer-Smith, vice president of architecture for Wight and Co. That saves money in the long run for taxpayers. One of my favorite stories is the time one of our clients was about to start a new job but needed black shoes to wear. We just happened to have a pair in her size and she had what she needed to start her new job, Doering said. Tickets will be available on the day of the walk for $35 each, with the walk beginning at 12:30 p.m. May 5 at Willard Elementary School, 1250 Ashland Ave., in River Forest. The walk is expected to last from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. We have a number of friends in the community, so when we learned Park Ridge was an opportunity for us, we were so excited, Susan Dominguez said. Just the chance to offer to the community what weve seen our kids benefit from is huge. Other problems that need to be addressed, Pelath and others have said, include stabilizing the rivers banks, which have been prone to collapsing during floods, and creating areas to store water before it reaches the river. Some areas also could be restored to their pre-dredging condition. The February vote supporting the bans sent a chill through UMC-affiliated colleges and universities, including DePauw University in Greencastle. Prior to the vote, the presidents of 93 institutions signed a letter encouraging a policy of inclusion.It is clear to all of us as heads of seminaries that if the traditional plan passes, many students and prospective students may decide there is no place for them in this denomination, the statement said. If the traditional plan passes, we may very soon lose an entire generation of leadership here in the United States. Each of the panelists have had their own inspiration for whats kept them going, they said. Cox said she thinks of all the people shes mentored and those who have mentored her. Trump draws on the women who raised her to believe she could do whatever she wanted. Her single mother raised three children, she said, while her grandmother was a truck driver. The problem is the truck is on its last legs and needs to be replaced, Myers said. As president of the department, I take a great deal of personal responsibility to see that our firefighters, comprised of dads, brothers, uncles and grandfathers, have the best that firefighting offers in technology to help keep them safe on the dangerous job we do. To the Trump lemming who asked the question of which president created the highest National debt: That's easy, George W. Bush with his two wars, his tax cuts (trickle down economics) and his Plan D to Medicare with no way to pay for these actions. The Bush administration, lacking transparency, failed to include these two wars into the debt. When Obama became president (whom I'm sure this lemming is trying to blame for the uptick in the debt), his administration showed us the true National Debt which he INHERITED from the previous administration. You are here: Arts The China Coal Mine Art Troupe folk orchestra will hold its 18th May Day concert at the National Library Art Center on April 29 and 30. Musics including "On The Hopeful Field" will be performed to reflect the reform and opening up and all walks of society, said sources with the art troupe. The orchestra will also adapt musical works with revolutionary themes, such as "Home in Anyuan" and "Suite of Tunnel Warfare." The China Coal Mine Art Troupe was created in 1947 and launched the May Day concert in 1996. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 22) The Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) admitted that provincial buses can only be blamed for a small fraction of the traffic in the metro, amid the dry run of the provincial bus ban. 'Yung provincial bus, napakaliit ng percentage na 'yan ang cause of traffic. Siguro nasa five percent lang 'yan eh ng total traffic. Kaya lang we need to start from somewhere, MMDA General Manager Jojo Garcia told CNN Philippines The Source on Monday. [Translation: Provincial buses only account for a very small percentage of traffic. Maybe just around five percent of the total traffic. But we need to start from somewhere.] The MMDA is testing a ban on provincial buses entering Metro Manila to ease traffic congestion in the region, which is estimated to cost billions daily. It eyes full implemention within the next two months. Once in full force, provincial buses from the south can only unload at the temporary terminal in Santa Rosa, Laguna, while provincial buses from the north can only unload at the temporary terminal in Valenzuela City. For now, provincial buses can still enter Metro Manila, but the MMDA is encouraging them to pass by the terminals to get a feel of the new scheme. However, as of 10 a.m., only one bus has volunteered to pass through an interim terminal. The interim terminal in Valenzuela would not open for a dry run until May 15, as some issues are still being addressed, Valenzuela City Mayor Rex Gatchalian told CNN Philippines. Gatchalian said the Valenzuela local government wants the Land Transportation Franchise Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to first certify that the interim terminal passes their standard and to issue provisional franchises to buses, jeeps and UV Express units to ensure that there are enough modes of transportation from there to the rest of Metro Manila. He added that the local government also wants the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) to open another entry away from the main roads of Valenzuela to avoid traffic congestion in the city. Gatchalian said the LTFRB and the NLEX management have agreed to their conditions. All these will be met by the time the interim terminal opensfor a dry run in May, he added. I will not agree to the dry run period unless these three requirements are met, Gatchalian said. We dont want the commuting public to be hassled because these requirements are not in place. Garcia said the provincial bus ban is different from the "no loading, no unloading policy" along EDSA, where provincial buses can only unload passengers in terminals. He said that although this has always been in place, it was not strictly implemented. Masasanay rin yan, yung tao. Nasanay sa mali eh. Nasanay sa walang disiplina. Nasanay sa kung saan-saan bumababa. Tinatama lang natin, Garcia said. [Translation: The people will get used to it. They got used to doing the wrong thing. They got used to having no discipline. They got used to alighting anywhere they want to. Were just correcting it.] Bus ban can be pushed back However, the policy has raised eyebrows among some commuters and lawmakers, who have decried it as inconvenient and even anti-poor. Itoy talagang pahirap at karagdagang gastos, inconvenience at stress sa ating mga mananakay Itoy hindi pinagaralan at basta lang ipapasa yung burden at pahirap doon sa mga galing sa probinsya, said AKO BICOL party-list Rep. Alfredo Garbin, one of the authors of a House resolution calling on the MMDA to reconsider the provincial bus ban. [Translation: This is a burden and an additional expense, inconvenience and stress for our commuters ... This was not studied and just places the burden on those who hail from the provinces.] Garbin added that traffic congestion would not be solved by removing provincial buses, but by implementing traffic rules and regulations along EDSA and by providing mass transportation to commuters, like buses. But Garcia said the measure, which has been given the nod by the Metro Manila Council composed of the regions mayors, is not aimed at making commuting harder even if he admitted that it will burden some commuters. Garcia also said the eventual ban will ease traffic along the yellow bus lanes on EDSA, compensating for the additional travel time expected by provincial commuters as they would have to transfer from one bus to another. He added that they are working with the Land Transportation Franchise Regulatory Board to extend the routes of city buses to Santa Rosa, Laguna and to ensure that bus fares would not shoot up. However, Garcia clarified that the bus ban is not all green and go. Kaya nga may dry run. Kapag nakita naming sakit ng ulo, walang sistema, pwede naman naming iusod yan eh, he said. Garcia said they are looking at mid-May or June this year to fully implement the system. [Translation: Thats why theres a dry run. If we see that its just a headache, if theres no system, we can push it back.] The MMDA also faces the challenge of closing down provincial bus terminals in Metro Manila, which would require the cancellation of their business permits issued by local government units. The MMDA has previously attempted to ban provincial buses from plying along EDSA, but has repeatedly suspended it. The Beijing Film Market announced a contract signing with a record-breaking value of more than 30.9 billion yuan (US$4.6 billion) in Beijing on Friday during the 9th Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF). The director of the Beijing Film Bureau, and vice chairman of the Committee of the Beijing International Film Festival, Chen Mingjie, announced at the contract signing ceremony that the contract value of the Beijing Film Market this year is 10 times that of the first one. He added that this came after eight years of development and pointed out that the BJIFF is now attracting more and more attention from the film industry and all over the world. At the start of the ceremony, Yang Shuo, vice chairman of the BJIFF committee and the director general of the Beijing Administration of Film, Television and Radio remarked on the four main achievements of the Beijing Film Market, a major section of the BJIFF. "First, there is now more international cooperation and exchange. The successfully held Indian Film Week has expedited the export of Chinese films to foreign markets," he said, "Second, there are a lot more new projects, new companies and new technologies being showcased. The increase in the quantity is evidence of the efforts to scale up the Beijing Film Market. " Yang continued, "Third, there are more investors who have invested in new projects which have borne fruit. And fourth, industrial dialogue and special events held now also accurately reflect the ethos of the times. The topics covered are more forward looking, well-targeted and very well received." A total of 77 companies and agencies signed on major projects. China Film Co. Ltd signed on projects such as the "Zhu'a International Cultural & Creative Town" and the "China Chaohua International Film and Television Hub." The Zhu'a project has a total investment of seven billion yuan (US$1.04 billion) and is expected to be completed by 2023. Under the guidance of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Beijing Film Market has also achieved fruitful results in the exchange and cooperation between China and foreign countries this year. Some of the new projects include the China-Thailand film "Mr. Heartbreak" and the China-India film "The Zookeeper." The Beijing Bona Film Group and Sony Pictures also signed an overseas release contract of the upcoming film "The Bravest." Compared to past years, the Beijing Film Market extended its duration from three to four days, enlarged its exhibition space by 20% and increased the number of featured international copyright companies, thereby boosting the attractiveness of the BJIFF. The Beijing Film Market has also intensified its efforts in inviting overseas exhibitors. This year it attracted 71 international exhibitors and 36 international guest buyers from 16 nations including India, Ukraine, New Zealand, Singapore, Austria, Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Japan, the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia and Thailand. The Beijing Film Market also added the international copyright trading zone and invited 11 renowned copyright businesses from eight countries such as France, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Mongolia and South Korea, serving as a convenient channel for communication between Chinese and foreign film markets. A record-breaking total of 735 projects from 10 nations and regions were showcased at the Project Pitches segment that began on Feb. 3, 2018 and concluded on March 3, 2019. In recent years, a bevy of remarkable movie projects have emerged from the BJIFF. More than 150 film projects have benefited from the training, recommendation, showcase and resource matchmaking of the BJIFF's Project Pitches platform, and over 30 young directors have been propelled into the spotlight in both domestic and foreign film industries. The Beijing Film Market also organized five movie industry summits, which delved into various aspects of industry development. This included perspectives such as content creation, production, marketing and distribution, copyright protection, and intellectual property commercialization and merchandise. The section hosted a total of 35 special events and activities and included cooperation and communication in almost every aspect, which touched on the hottest themes and presented them in diverse formats. The myriad of small events and activities underpinned and supported the main forums of the Beijing Film Market in various ways. For instance, the Beijing Film Market led the way with the China-India Film Co-Production Dialogue, which was supplemented by a diverse range of multi-regional Chinese-foreign communication channels. Shanghai will keep introducing and implementing more opening-up policies as it continues to make a name for itself as a key global investment choice, according to municipal authorities. The city will prioritize attracting foreign investors in the following three areas: those engaged in the services sector, those hosting regional/country headquarters, and those seeking to establish research and development sites, Shanghai Mayor Ying Yong said. "Opening-up has always been Shanghai's biggest advantage. The city is rooted in it and thrives on such a premise," Ying said. Ying, who was speaking on April 10 at a media briefing on Shanghai's high-quality growth, said the city's confirmed foreign capital reached $17.3 billion last year, accounting for 12.8 percent of the national total. He said Shanghai is now home to some 50,000 overseas companies, the highest number of foreign firms among all cities on the Chinese mainland. These include 677 regional or country headquarters and 444 R&D centers. While accounting for just 2 percent of all types of enterprises in the city, foreign enterprises have created one-fifth of all job opportunities, contributed to 27 percent of GDP and roughly one-third of tax income, made up 60 percent of industrial output and 65 percent of imports and exports. To facilitate engagement between the government and foreign enterprises, the city also plans to host about 10 roundtable sessions this year with foreign companies, said Yang Chao, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce. A list of renowned multinational corporations, including Johnson & Johnson, General Electric and Bosch, have or are on course to unveil innovation incubators in Shanghai, he added. The city is a budding hot spot for attracting some of the world's iconic projects. For instance, Tesla's Gigafactory 3 recorded the largest single foreign investment Shanghai has ever received, whereas Shanghai Disney Resort marked the biggest ever joint venture in the services sector in China. Meanwhile, there has been a shift in composition of the incoming investment. Europe led the growth pack in 2018, with the actual arrival of investment from the region standing at $2.8 billion, up 68.2 percent year-on-year. This was followed by strong growth by Singapore, which rose 47.6 percent to hit $1 billion. Investment from Japan and the United States in 2018 dropped 17.1 percent and 16 percent from a year ago, respectively, registering $653 million and $465 million. To date, authorities have implemented 93 points of the 100-point circular Shanghai municipal government introduced last year to liberalize capital markets and loosen investment rules, Ying said. Ongoing liberalization of the financial sector has paved the way for the opening of ICBC-AXA Asset Management Co, China's first asset management company established via a joint venture. "Shanghai's ambition to become a global financial center, its sound infrastructure, vast talent pool and strong government support have made the city 'the best choice' to host such a pioneering facility," said Ma Jian, chairman of ICBC-AXA, which is slated to open in the second half of this year. Ying also pledged to make the most of the China International Import Expo by making it bigger, better and more immersive. Global professional service firm Deloitte is doubling the size of its booth at the expo this year with "more sufficient preparation and a larger-scale of investment", said Deloitte China Innovation Leader Dora Liu. "Our theme for this year's CIIE is 'Smart+'. We want to bring our latest solutions on smart city, smart healthcare and smart finance," she said. Cosmetics giant L'Oreal is planning to offer online-to-offline interactions during this year's expo in a bid to explore new ways to "satisfy people's purchasing impulse as they visit the show", said Lan Zhenzhen, vice-president of L'Oreal China. China had built a team of nearly 3.61 million medical doctors as of the end of 2018, sustaining the world's largest healthcare system, the country's top health official said Sunday. These medical doctors treat about 8.3 billion patients on average every year, said Ma Xiaowei, head of the National Health Commission (NHC), in a report submitted to China's top legislature for review at its ongoing bimonthly session. As of the end of 2018, the number of China's medical doctors increased by 80.4 percent compared with 1998, and the annual number of treated patients increased by 290.1 percent, according to Ma. As of the end of 2018, the infant mortality rate in China dropped to 6.1/1,000 from 33.2/1,000 in 1998, and the maternal mortality rate dropped from 56.2/100,000 in 1998 to 18.3/100,000, Ma added. Main health indicators of residents in China have surpassed the average standards in middle and high income countries, Ma said. The NHC will actively cooperate with the legislature to revise and improve the laws on medical doctors, he said. China had around 160,000 medical practitioners working for more than one institution as of the end of 2018, which efficiently relieves the shortage for doctors at private and primary-level healthcare institutions, according to Ma. Measures will be taken to improve the doctors' pay level, career prospect, working environment and social status, so as to create a proper mechanism to motivate medical doctors and guarantee their interests, Ma said. Visual China Group could not have expected the first image of a black hole in space to result in the company being the target of public criticism and triggering debate about copyright protection nationwide. The image led to the company, a leading media stock-picture and footage provider, becoming involved in a copyright scandal and being temporarily closed for "rectification" work. On Friday, the Tianjin Cyberspace Administration, in the city where the company is located, fined it 300,000 yuan ($44,750). The administration said many of the images published by the company had been harmful. In the meantime, a nationwide campaign to regulate copyright images is being launched. With the company being questioned for improper use of copyright images, legal professionals said the incident could be a "good thing" if the country learned from the case by improving copyright laws and stepping up management of stock-image platforms. On April 10, netizens found the first image of the black hole had been added to Visual China Group's stock with a copyright claim, meaning anyone using it without paying the company would be infringing on the copyright. The next day, the company issued a statement in response to questions about the claim. It said the image of the black hole belonged to the European Southern Observatory and had been authorized for use, but not for commercial purposes. However, the observatory, a 16-nation intergovernmental organization for ground-based astronomy, said the company never contacted it for any purpose regarding the photo. It added that the company's behavior in using the "so-called authorization" as copyright to sell the image in China and profit from it was illegal. The incident quickly triggered public outcry after it swept across social media. But what heightened the outrage and sparked nationwide discussion on copyright was a micro blog from the Communist Youth League of China. The micro blog posted two photos taken of the company's website, showing images of China's national flag and emblem watermarked as being Visual China Group's copyright and were for sale. The company said anyone using images of the flag and emblem for magazine covers should pay it at least 1,000 yuan ($149). According to the micro blog, for other commercial uses, the price needed to be further negotiated. Several large enterprises, including search engine giant Baidu, major retailer Suning and security software provider Qihoo 360, posted comments on the micro blog, saying their own logos had been used by Visual China Group for profit. They said the company claimed to have the copyright for these images. The company later issued another response, saying images of the national flag and emblem were provided by contracted contributors, and conceding that it had failed to strictly carry out its "review and management duties". The company also apologized to the public, adding that it had withdrawn the improperly-posted images and would strengthen review of its practices in line with the law. On the evening on April 11, the Tianjin Cyberspace Administration, where the company is based, summoned senior Visual China Group executives,. It ordered the company to review all historical stock and remove improper listings, as well as sending a team to inspect the "rectification" work. On April 12, the National Copyright Administration said on its website it would launch a special crackdown to further regulate copyright image this year to safeguard owners' legitimate rights and interests. The copyright watchdog also said: "Companies must improve copyright management and handle image copyright in accordance with laws, not abuse them." The same day, the company closed its websites to carry out "self-examination". Increased disputes Li Shunde, a senior intellectual property researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, applauded the campaign as a timely and necessary step to regulate those providing stock images. "We should abide by laws and litigation to protect copyright instead of abusing them to profit improperly," he said. On April 15, the Shanghai Observer reported that the company, which was founded in June 2000 and partners with the photo agency Getty Images in the United States, had faced increased copyright-related disputes since it set up a special rights protection division in 2016. The company was involved 2,279 cases in 2017 and 1,908 last year, the report said, adding that most court rulings had been in its favor. A search by China Daily for the company's name on China Judgments Online, a website operated by the Supreme People's Court that discloses verdicts, resulted in more than 1,600 lawsuits being found, most of them related to copyright. In April 2017, for example, the company took technology giant Tencent to court and asked for 180,000 yuan in compensation after Tencent used nine Visual China Group images without permission, Beijing Youth Daily reported. Tencent said the images involved could also be found on other websites, or the company could not prove it had authorization for the photos. The court finally ordered Tencent to pay 40,000 yuan to Visual China, the report added. Wang Weiwei, a lawyer from the Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, said, "Mushrooming copyright-related disputes can be acceptable if a stock-image agency, such as Visual China Group, gets authorization for images from copyright owners. "Any litigation caused by true copyright infringement is no problem and is justified, as it is also to help protect the legitimate rights and interest of the copyright owners," he said. "But if the stock-image platform doesn't get authorization but still asks for compensation by resorting to litigation, I think such behavior may be an alleged fraud," he said. The core of the problem lies in whether stock-image providers get authorization from copyright owners, he added. Zhao Zhanling, a legal researcher who specializes in intellectual property cases at the China University of Political Science and Law, agreed, but said copyright owners and institutes given copyright authorization should respect this right and not abuse it for gain. He said stock-image companies need to make authorization a priority in their operations and pay more effort to finding a balance between commercial interest and public interest. The litigation right that is to safeguard copyrights must not be abused, he added. Laws need to be improved Although the scandal involving Visual China Group exposed disordered copyright management by stock-image providers, legal professionals said the increased efforts to protect copyright should be applauded. For example, the National Copyright Administration has launched crackdowns against pirated works every year, aiming to increase copyright protection through administrative measures. Last year, it took online short videos, audio material, literary articles and music as major targets. It eliminated 1.85 million web links with content that infringed copyright, and confiscated 1.23 million pirated works. Wang, the Beijing lawyer, said he appreciated government attempts to protect copyright, but said such efforts are still insufficient. He called for the country to improve copyright-related laws as soon as possible, and especially to issue a specific rule for footage, pictures or other photographic works. "In my opinion, the price of an image depends on how difficult it was to take the picture and the occasions when will be used," he added. Chen Jing, another Beijing lawyer, said, "Footage and photos have yet been priced as standardly as written work, and without clear pricing, some companies may sell the images at an unreasonably high price or claim an expensive compensation but fail to make a reasonable payment to the authors," said. "It results in the authors not being able to have adequate rights protection, consumers paying too much and companies gaining relatively high profits, which, from our current analysis, are illegitimate," said Chen, from the Commerce & Finance Law Office. She agreed with Wang on improving laws to change the situation, and told China Daily a new version of Chinese Copyright Law is being discussed. "Contents regarding collective copyright management organizations, including stock image platforms, have been debatable and remain a key issue among lawmakers," she said. "I believe such copyright agencies will be regulated in the future version of the law after Visual China's incident, and our IP protection will also be further strengthened thanks to the case," she added. Supervision and self-examination Different from many comments that criticized the company and its business, Chen said it is "Okay" for stock image platforms to profit from selling images or filing copyright lawsuits. "Proper commercial operations can help defend the rights of individual creators, as it is difficult and costly for individuals to sift through seas of information and find out who infringes their rights," she said. "Or such platforms create a better environment for copyright owners to easily and effectively safeguard their rights." But she suggested the country set up a third-party to supervise the platforms' operation to prevent them from exercising the rights beyond the legal scope. Pan Juanjuan, another IP attorney from DeHeng Law Offices in Shanghai, called for stock image providers to give stricter self-examinations on their source of copyrights, "as the unclear source could also bring them a string of disputes". She said some stock image platforms that file a lawsuit for one image improperly used remains controversial, adding it is believed to be a waste of judicial resources. "One company might have improperly used a dozen of pictures on social media then it will face a dozen of lawsuits. The amount of litigations will be huge for judicial resources to tackle," she explained. She said she hopes a stock image company, regulated with clear authorization, can resort more to non-litigation solutions when dealing with infringement, for example, through negotiation and mediation. To better regulate the image copyright market and balance the commercial providers, she also suggested the public to set up a shared platform of stock image where uses, authors and content creators can authorize each other. No longer dominated by language teachers, job positions in other industries for foreigners in China have seen rapid increase in recent years, according to figures from the 2019 Job Fair for Foreigners in Beijing. Job openings in service sector, IT and media industries, including journalists, brand and communication managers and software engineers, take up nearly half of the job vacancies at the fair, which is organized by the Foreign Talent Research Center and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs on Sunday. The fair has attracted more than 500 expats and offered about 1,000 job vacancies in multiple sectors, China Daily reported Monday. Foreign job seekers with Mandarin proficiency is likely to get more pay. "Positions that require fluent spoken and written Mandarin tend to pay more than the same jobs without the language requirement," said Yang Jiayin, project manager of the research center. More than 50 percent of job seekers are from European countries, mainly Spain and Portugal, and about 25 percent are from Asian countries, with a majority from India, according to data collected at the Beijing job fair from the previous 10 years. The income gap between foreigners and Chinese employees in the same positions has reduced in past decades as salaries paid to Chinese have risen faster than expat salaries, Yang added. In 2018, China issued approximately 336,000 work permits to foreigners and over 950,000 foreigners were working in the country as of the end of last year. Cooperation, connection and competition are the watchwords most commonly associated with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, in the context of today's global economic and political environment, the BRI should be seen as a truly visionary series of interconnected plans, which outshine the boldest projects of the leading capitalist states. This is because, in the U.S., Japan and Europe, the pursuit of profit is elevated to the driving force of economic activity, and state involvement is relegated to a supportive role. State-driven investment is frowned upon outside of a few selected fields, most often in the military domain, as the economic role of the state is said to sap away at the entrepreneurial Geist. This profit-seeking "animal spirit" as the economist John Maynard Keynes called it is treated as the beating heart of capitalist innovation and creativity, thereby serving the long-term good of humanity. Therefore, the task of capitalist governments is to help profit-seeking companies flourish, and to intervene to ensure that the dominance of narrow private interests does not provoke systemic crises that endanger the system itself. However, the military, political and economic domains closely intersect, particularly in the USA. As the world's hegemon, it naturally seeks to defend, protect and extend its global interests and power. In 2008, the Great Recession and the subsequent decade of sluggish and anemic growth once again revealed the core vulnerabilities of world capitalism. The conflict between the world division of labor and the interests of the nation state returned to haunt humanity. Ever-increasing global integration began to be challenged as socio-economic problems were blamed on "jobs moving to China" or elsewhere. As world economic growth failed to keep pace with rising expectations and demands, mass migration towards wealthy regions and countries increased. The protection of financial interests led to impossible debt obligations being transformed into government austerity programs. Such measures were imposed by a thousand cuts on the most vulnerable and the poor in a range of diverse states. Perhaps the most dramatic example was Greece. When Yanis Varoufakis became the Greek finance minister in 2015, the newly elected Greek government and the EU were on a collision course. The EU and the IMF put enormous pressure on the Greek government to make drastic cuts to the state budget, to privatize its state assets and slash spending on public welfare and social services. At the time, a deal to sell the Port of Piraeus to COSCO, a state-owned Chinese company, was already in its final stages. However, when Varoufakis started negotiations with Beijing he was "very pleasantly surprised by the way in which the Chinese authorities managed to combine their sense of self-interest with a patient investment attitude and a genuine commitment to renegotiate and negotiate and discuss again and again and again with us, with a view to achieving a mutually advantageous agreement." Varoufakis suggested to Chinese negotiators that he would prefer to strike far- reaching plans for cooperation and development between the two countries. This encompassed "railways, technology parks, involving all sorts of activities where our economy needed patient capital, like shipbuilding and shipyards and tourism. We came to a magnificent agreement." Varoufakis added that the Chinese side "showed broadmindedness, and were prepared to accept collective bargaining agreements with trade unions." They were also happy to sequence the deals in ways that were mutually beneficial because China seeks long-term strategic deals that will still be significant in 100 years. Unfortunately, at that time, Germany vetoed the deal because Berlin was preoccupied with defeating the popular rebellion in Greece. They feared that concessions to Greece might inspire copycat rebellions in other disgruntled EU states. Indeed, had Greece not been treated so atrociously, the Brexit vote would probably not have won a majority in Britain. President Trump and his allies often blame U.S. economic difficulties on China, and immigration is used to divert attention away from the problems facing the workers and the poor at home. After 2008, as the world economy slowed down, pressures in Sub-Saharan and North Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central and South America produced huge waves of mass migration that became "unmanageable." Migration marches from South America to the North, and rickety boats carrying hundreds of desperate Africans on perilous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea from Libya, have become the face of a global migration crisis. In 2015 an image of the lifeless body of Syrian boy on a Turkish beach who drowned whilst on the crossing to Greece, became etched in Western consciousness. But his corpse represents just one of tens of thousands drowned through economic desperation during recent waves of migration. Most are swallowed up by the sea, where their remains become food for marine life. Rather than building walls, erecting barriers to trade, and pursuing narrow nationalist objectives, we need to move in the opposite direction. Our response to the challenges of an ever more complex division of labor, to the interconnection of global production and consumption, and to the economic and ecological interdependence of humanity should be to boldly construct the infrastructure of the future. The BRI represents such a dramatic alternative vision of hope. Its network of railroads, transport hubs and shipping lanes can lay the basis for a unified and integrated world. It will provide the physical infrastructure network required to match the process of cybernetic globalization that has linked humanity together since the turn of the millennium. Heiko Khoo is a columnist with China.org.cn. For more information please visit: http://china.org.cn/opinion/heikokhoo.htm Opinion articles reflect the views of their authors, not necessarily those of China.org.cn. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at opinion@china.org.cn. You are here: World Flash Sri Lankan Police said on Sunday that 13 people had been arrested over a series of blasts which killed 228 people across the island nation. The police, quoted by local media reports, said the 13 people had been taken into custody in the capital of Colombo and 10 of them had been handed over to the Criminal Investigations Department. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told reporters that all those arrested were Sri Lankan nationals and search operations were underway to hunt for more suspects. He said 228 people were killed and 450 were injured from eight explosions on Sunday. President Maithripala Sirisena has appointed a special commission to probe the attacks. The explosions were reported across Sri Lanka on Sunday as hundreds of worshippers gathered at churches to commemorate Easter Sunday, the police said. Police spokesperson SP Ruwan Gunasekara said an explosion struck St. Anthony's Church in Kochchikade in Colombo and another hit St. Sebastian's Church in Negombo, on the outskirts of the capital on Sunday morning. A third explosion rocked Zion Church in the eastern city of Batticaloa. Blasts also ripped through three five-star hotels in Colombo, while on Sunday afternoon an explosion was reported from a hotel opposite a zoo in Dehiwala and another one from a housing complex in Dematagoda, both in the capital. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 22) Holy Week this year was "generally peaceful, orderly and uneventful," the Philippine National Police said Monday. P/Gen. Oscar Albayalde, PNP chief, said there were no reported major "untoward incidents" apart from petty crimes such as robbery. "The observance of Holy Week was generally peaceful without any significant untoward incident in the magnitude of a national emergency," Albayalde said in a media briefing. However, he noted that 56 people have died and 128 were injured from 88 "isolated incidents," while 45 people drowned while some died in vehicular crashes. Earlier, Albayalde said they deployed over 90,000 police officers nationwide to secure the regions. He said there are still more than 24,700 police personnel manning assistance desks along major roads and transport terminals as people go back to Metro Manila from their provinces. Albayalde said they will step up their intelligence monitoring against possible security threats in the wake of attacks against churchgoers in Sri Lanka that killed over 200 people. He added they do not plan to augment police presence in public areas to avoid causing unnecessary alarm. "What we do is basically intensification ng intel monitoring. We don't want to create undue apprehension sa ating mga kababayan [to our fellowmen]," he said. Flash Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday sent condolence messages to their Sri Lankan counterparts, respectively, after multiple deadly attacks shook the country. In his message to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Xi said that he was shocked to know the series of explosions in Sri Lanka, which have caused large casualties. "I, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, as well as myself, send my deep condolences to the victims, and my sincere sympathy to the injured and families of the victims," he added. The Chinese government and people will firmly stand by the people of Sri Lanka and firmly support the Sri Lankan government's effort to maintain national security and stability, Xi said. On the same day, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also sent condolences to Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe over the attacks. You are here: World Flash The death toll from the multiple explosions which shook Sri Lanka on Sunday has risen to 290, while over 500 have been injured, the police said Monday. Earlier reports put the number of casualties at 228, with 450 wounded in the nine attacks that occurred at three churches and four hotels across the country on Sunday. The Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority said Sunday evening in a statement that 32 foreigners were among those killed. Police Spokesperson, SP Ruwan Gunasekara said 24 suspects had been arrested so far and investigations were ongoing to nab more suspects. Two of the suspects arrested were nabbed from Dambulla in the Central Province on Monday morning, the spokesperson said. Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said all arrested were local citizens. President Maithripala Sirisena, who was abroad when the attacks happened, called a meeting of the National Security Council early on Monday. Police investigation into the bombings will examine reports that the intelligence community failed to detect or warn of possible suicide attacks before the violence, according to local media reports. Gunasekara said the islandwide curfew which was imposed indefinitely from Sunday afternoon was lifted on Monday morning and public transport has resumed to normal. However, schools would remain closed on Monday and Tuesday. Security had been beefed across the country and tight security would remain in place, the police said. People were advised to remain cautious. An improvised pipe bomb discovered close to Colombo's main airport was successfully defused by the Sri Lanka airforce, police said Monday. The "homemade" pipe bomb had been found late Sunday on a road leading towards the main terminal. The attacks started Sunday morning as explosions were reported from the St. Anthony's Church in Kochchikade in capital Colombo and another from the St. Sebastians Church in Negombo, in the outskirts of the capital. A third explosion was reported from the Zion Church in Batticaloa, in the east. Explosions were also reported from three star-class hotels in Colombo while on Sunday afternoon an explosion was reported from a hotel, opposite the zoo in Dehiwala, in Colombo and another from a housing complex in Dematagoda, in Colombo. The attacks marked the most deadly violence in Sri Lanka since a bloody civil war ended 10 years ago. You are here: World Flash The United States confirmed on Sunday that "several U.S. citizens" had been killed in the multiple deadly attacks in Sri Lanka. "While many details of the attacks are still emerging, we can confirm that several U.S. citizens were among those killed," said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest terms the terror attacks," Pompeo added. The death toll from the multiple blasts that ripped through Sri Lanka on Sunday rose to 228 while 450 others were injured, local media quoting hospital sources said. The Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority said in a statement that 32 foreigners from the United States, Britain, Belgium and China were among those killed. You are here: World Flash Two Chinese nationals were confirmed killed in a series of explosions in Sri Lanka on Sunday, the Chinese Embassy in Colombo said. The embassy is verifying the number of Chinese injured in the attacks. The death toll from the blasts has risen to 228, and over 450 people were wounded, Sri Lankan police said. Earlier information from the embassy said that four Chinese nationals were injured in the multiple church and hotel explosions that ripped through the island nation on the Easter day. The Chinese Embassy has activated an emergency response mechanism immediately after the blasts, and embassy officials have visited the injured who were in hospital for treatment. Security has been beefed up in Sri Lanka as the government imposed a curfew from 6 p.m. Sunday to 6 a.m. local time on Monday. Flash Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent a reply letter to a group of U.S. high school students, encouraging them to make contributions to promoting friendship between the Chinese and American peoples. The group of over 40 students from Niles North High School in Illinois state, the United States, have written in Chinese to Xi, asking him about his work, life and hobbies. The students said in their letter that they are studying Chinese, that they love Chinese language and characters, as well as music and Chinese food, and that they would love to have the chance to visit China. In his reply letter to the students, Xi thanked them for their letter, saying he feels their love for the Chinese language and their interest in the Chinese culture. Studying Chinese helps better understand China, make more Chinese friends, and also make many friends who can speak Chinese across the world, Xi said. He praised the students' neat writing and correct wording in Chinese, and encouraged them to continue the efforts to achieve greater progress in Chinese learning. "I have visited the United States for many times, and was deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery, hospitable people and diverse culture there. I have also made many American friends, including young friends," the president said. "My job is to serve the people. It is very tiring, but also very fulfilling," he added. The president said he has strong interest in philosophy, history, literature, culture, music and sports, among others, adding that many of his hobbies have been kept since his middle school years. Calling the young generation the future of China-U.S. friendship, Xi said he hopes that the students will cherish their youth, study hard and make contributions to promoting friendship between the Chinese and American peoples. Noting that it is better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times, the president said the students are welcome to visit China. Xi's letter was met with an enthusiastic response in Niles North High School, where teachers and students said they can feel Xi's amiability and are moved by his care for young people in China and the United States. Xi's letter will encourage more local students to learn Chinese, know about Chinese culture and participate in friendly exchanges between the two countries, they added. Niles North High School, established in 1964, is a public school in the U.S. state of Illinois. Having more than 2,000 students, the school pays special attention to international exchanges and encourages students to learn foreign languages. The school has included Chinese in its curriculum since 2008, and currently has 11 classes of students learning Chinese as an elective course. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 22) House Appropriations committee chair Rep. Rolando Andayas arraignment for corruption charges over the alleged Malampaya fund scam was reset again. Andayas arraignment did not push through before the Sandiganbayan Third Division because of a pending appeal. He appeared before the court on Monday. The court earlier denied his motion to quash the charges against, him which he is appealing. One of his co-accused, businesswoman Janet Lim Napoles, meanwhile, refused to enter a plea. The court entered a not guilty plea on her behalf. Andaya and 24 others were charged with graft and malversation over the P900-million Malampaya fund scam which allegedly happened when he was Budget chief under the Arroyo administration. The funds intended for relief and rehabilitation efforts for tropical storm Ondoy and typhoon Pepeng in 2009 supposedly ended up in ghost livelihood projects. Quezon (CNN Philippines, April 22) The ongoing dry spell in Calabarzon triggered a forest fire in Tagkawayan town in Quezon on April 20, Black Saturday. The blaze, which first happened in the morning and again at around 9 p.m., destroyed three hectares of forest land. Members of the fire bureau quickly responded to stop the blaze so it doesn't reach the nearby residential areas. Firefighters had a hard time stopping it because of the strong winds in Barangay San Vicente. It was declared fire out at 11 p.m. The local fire bureau has yet to determine the origin of the fires. Local officials are closely monitoring the sudden fire associated with the scorching weather caused by the ongoing El Nino. CNN Philippines stringer Ron Lozano contributed to this report. By Shi Yinglun, Xinhua | Apr. 22, 2019 A bomb threat on a domestic flight triggered an emergency at an airport in Pakistan's northwest provincial capital of Peshawar on Monday, local media reported. According to the reports, captain of the flight PK 350 belonging to Pakistan International Airlines, which came from southern port city Karachi, informed the control tower at the Bacha Khan International Airport in Peshawar about the threat. Following the information, an emergency was imposed at the airport and the airplane was parked away from the runway after its landing at 11:49 a.m. local time. Security forces managed quick and safe evacuation of all the passengers and launched a search operation in the plane. The captain of the plane reportedly received the threat about a bomb in the cargo section of the plane after taking off from the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi. The civil aviation authority of Pakistan has cancelled all the flights at the airport until further notice. The nature and source of the bomb threat are not known yet. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 Humanitarian actions win praise as the force celebrates its 70th birthday. Zhang Zhihao reports. In May 2002, vessels from the People's Liberation Army Navy embarked on the force's first round-the-world voyage, opening a new chapter in its global outreach and cooperation. Having set sail from a base in Qingdao, Shandong province, guided-missile destroyer CNS Qingdao and supply ship CNS Taicang visited 10 countries, from Singapore to Brazil. The voyage lasted four months and covered more than 30,000 nautical miles (55,560 kilometers), according to records from the Ministry of National Defense. (CNN) More than 100 U.S. troops began an unexpected exercise in southern Syria on Friday in direct response to a series of Russian military threats, according to a U.S. defense official. The exercise was detailed in a statement from the U.S. Central Command but did not mention that the command ordered the exercise specifically after a September 1 warning from Russia that it was going to enter a restricted area of southern Syria where U.S. troops are located, the official said. The exercise, which may last for several days, involves U.S. troops flying into the coalition's At Tanf garrison by assault helicopter and conducting live fire drills. "Our forces will demonstrate the capability to deploy rapidly, assault a target with integrated air and ground forces and conduct rapid exfiltration," said Capt. William Urban, the chief Central Command spokesman. The exercise is specifically designed for Russian and regime units in the area to see the activity and understand U.S. capabilities, defense officials say. Russia on Thursday, via a note, had warned the US for the second time it was going to attack the At Tanf area to go after militants there. But the second warning specified Moscow would use "precision strikes," according to Cmdr. Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman. The use of the wording "precision strikes" in a written note to the US sparked alarm with US commanders that the Russians are signaling their intent to strike with aircraft firing precision weapons, or missiles launched from Russian ships in the Mediterranean, U.S. defense officials tell CNN. Attacking with those types of weapons in a specific campaign against the U.S. protected area at At Tanf would be a significant escalation in the sporadic violence in the area. The Pentagon has been unusually public in disclosing the potential Russian threat, in hopes that its statements will warn the Russians off the area. The first Russian warning came via the U.S. Russian deconfliction line that has been used for the last several years to ensure both sides have visibility on what is happening in the area. In turn, the U.S. used the deconfliction line to tell the Russians the ongoing U.S. military activity is an exercise. "The United States does not seek to fight the Russians, the government of Syria or any groups that may be providing support to Syria in the Syrian civil war. However, the United States will not hesitate to use necessary and proportionate force to defend U.S., coalition or partner forces, as we have clearly demonstrated in past instances," Robertson said. The exercises come as the Trump administration continues to deliver increasingly strident warnings over an assault on Idlib. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned Friday that if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia, and Iran carry out an assault on Idlib, "the consequences will be dire." "The United States has been very clear," she said at a UN Security Council meeting, "with Russia and with the broader international community: we consider any assault on Idlib to be a dangerous escalation of the conflict in Syria." This story was first published on CNN.com, "US begins military exercise in Syria in response to Russian military threats." Fugitive law changes 'will uphold justice, plug legal loopholes' Updated: 2019-04-18 07:14 By Joseph Li in Hong Kong(HK Edition) Regina Ip urges LegCo to pass proposed amendments before summer recess There is an urgent need to pass the proposed amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance in July this year before the summer recess of the Legislative Council, says lawmaker Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee. If the amended bill is passed into law in July, Ip, who also chairs the New People's Party, said it is likely that the Hong Kong resident accused of killing his girlfriend in Taiwan in February last year would continue to be held in custody pending extradition to Taiwan to face a murder trial. The suspect, surnamed Chan, is being detained in Hong Kong pending sentencing for theft and money-laundering. If the amended bill is enacted, it would also enable the special administrative region to surrender fugitives hiding in the city to other parts of the country, including the mainland, Taiwan and Macao. However, Ip isn't optimistic about the new law being passed on time after the first bills committee meeting on Wednesday turned into a farce. The meeting was supposed to have elected a chairman and vice-chairman, but Democratic Party lawmaker James To Kun-sun, who chaired the meeting in his capacity as the most senior lawmaker, resorted to disgraceful filibustering tactics with other opposition legislators using procedural matters as a pretext. The elections had to be shelved during the two-hour meeting. "Time is very tight. If we can successfully amend the law, we can plug the loopholes and combat cross-boundary crimes," Ip, who was secretary for security from 1998 to 2003, told China Daily in an exclusive interview. "Even if we can't get the job done in July, we still need to continue trying to close the loopholes." The SAR government said earlier this year it planned to amend the said ordinances, but the proposal has since stalled. After listening to suggestions from a wide spectrum of the community, including the business sector, the Security Bureau last month decided to drop nine categories of commercial crimes from the proposed amendments. They include offenses relating to bankruptcy, company law, copyright, securities, environmental pollution and gaining access to computer with dishonest intent. The threshold has also been raised, with only offenders who are likely to face imprisonment of not less than three years to be subject to extradition. The offenders' behavior must also constitute a criminal offense in both places. "The Security Bureau has made a lot of concessions, which should have largely eased the concerns of the business sector. However, businesspeople are still not satisfied and have been making a lot of noises. I think some of them have vested interests," said Ip. "I think it's wrong in principle to exempt offenses relating to securities, copyright and intellectual property rights because they are serious crimes. At most, I can only accept company law and bankruptcy cases being exempted because they're not criminal offenses," she said. Ip believes there are enough legal safeguards in the amendments, and Hong Kong businesspeople need not worry too much because the law is only aimed at fugitive offenders who have fled and left the Chinese mainland. "Hong Kong law states that offenders will not be surrendered for political and religious reasons. For example, they can still apply for habeas corpus or seek a judicial review from a Hong Kong court in case they face extradition. Such legal procedures will take two to three years and why would the mainland authorities bother to do that?" Ip cautioned. She noted that Joseph Lau Luen-hung - a fugitive Hong Kong tycoon and former chairman of Chinese Estates Holdings who was convicted by a Macao court for bribing a senior government official and sentenced to five years' imprisonment - has applied for a judicial review of the proposed amendments for fear he would be handed over to Macao. "But, there's a very slim chance he'll win because you can't overturn something before it comes into existence," Ip said. joseph@chinadailyhk.com (HK Edition 04/18/2019 page4) 'Easter Worshippers' Disrespects Persecuted Christians "Islamic jihadists have no hesitation about slaughtering Christians on the holiest day of the year, the day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection. So why are certain American politicians and talking heads so squeamish about identifying the victims as Christians and now calling them Easter Worshippers?" -- IRD International Religious Liberty Program Director Faith J.H. McDonnell NEWS PROVIDED BY April 22, 2019 WASHINGTON, April 22, 2019 / Christian Newswire / -- Coordinated bombings targeting multiple churches, as well as hotels, on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka highlight, once again, the growing persecution of Christians in South Asia and around the globe. The New York Times reports that at least 290 people were killed and 500 others injured by the terrorist attacks, many a part of Sri Lanka's minority Christian community. Three coordinated suicide bombings took place during Easter Sunday morning services at St. Sebastian's Church in Negombo, evangelical Zion Church in Batticaloa, and St. Anthony's Shrine in Colombo, Sri Lanka's commercial capital and largest city. The Sri Lankan government suspects the bombings were carried out by the National Thowheed Jamaath, a local Islamist militant group with international ties, as reported by the Washington Post. IRD International Religious Liberty Program Director Faith J.H. McDonnell commented: We are deeply saddened by the murders of these innocent people, our brothers and sisters in Christ, celebrating their Risen Lord, as well as all the others. Their families and community, and the entire nation of Sri Lanka is in our thoughts and prayers. Islamic jihadists have no hesitation about slaughtering Christians on the holiest day of the year, the day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection. So why are certain American politicians and talking heads so squeamish about identifying the victims as Christians and now calling them Easter Worshippers? This reticence to name Christians as targets of persecution is also seen in Nigeria, where the slaughter of entire communities of Christians by Boko Haram and Fulani jihadists is euphemistically referred to as "clashes between farmers and herdsmen." It is time that Christians who are standing and even dying for their faith in Jesus received the honor that they deserve. Four years ago 147 Kenyan Christian young people at Garissa University were murdered by al Shabaab. We at IRD denounced the euphemisms used by President Obama and others that avoided explicitly stating that these students were Christians who were killed because they were Christians. Christians are tiring of these euphemisms. Currently, #Easterworshippers is trending on Twitter. Christians who still have freedom in the West should speak the truth freely and boldly about the persecution of their brothers and sisters. SOURCE Institute on Religion and Democracy CONTACT: Chelsen Vicari, office 202-682-4131, cell 540-239-2170 Related Links Franklin Graham Shares Hope-Filled Easter Message on the Colombia / Venezuela Border News provided by April 22, 2019 CUCUTA, Colombia, April 22, 2019 / Christian Newswire / -- Cucuta, Colombia, is a beautiful, quiet city, surrounded by mountains and lined with palm trees. Its joyful and passionate residents love their "small town" (with a population of approximately 800,000). While Cucuta has a rich and complex history -- including being recognized as the area where Colombia was born -- it has been the focus of international news in recent months for another reason, as nearby Simon Bolivar Bridge has become a main artery for beleaguered Venezuelans crossing over into Colombia. Some are merely coming for much-needed groceries. Others -- often carrying small children -- are setting out for an arduous journey, beginning in Cucuta and ending somewhere in the unknown, perhaps never to set foot in their homeland again. In the midst of this environment, evangelist Franklin Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association alongside more than 450 local churches proclaimed the Gospel message of God's love in Cucuta on Easter weekend. Including a Thursday morning children's event called FestiKids, a total of 116,500 attended the Festival de Esperanza (Festival of Hope) at Estadio General Santander, enjoying lively music from Latin American and United States-based artists, as well as hope-filled messages from Graham. "Jesus was crucified, died, and buried--but He didn't stay in that grave. The tomb is empty! He's alive! He's risen," said Graham. "And He offers us salvation and eternal life in heaven if we will repent of our sins and put our faith in Him." More than 7,550 people, including many Venezuelans, accepted the invitation to make a commitment to Jesus Christ. An additional 1,552 people responded for prayer. "People are coming to know that their major need is not money or better social status, but rather the peace in their spirit through salvation in Jesus Christ," said Pastor Jose Satirio dos Santos of Iglesia Centro Cristiano Los Pinos, who has served on the Festival Executive Committee. "I believe that the families that have brought friends will do a great job of discipleship. Churches will grow, more will be baptized, more people filled with the Spirit." The Festival de Esperanza was held in cooperation with Samaritan's Purse, the international relief organization also headed by Graham, which has been actively working in Colombia, providing food, shelter, medical care and supplies to fleeing Venezuelans and distributing Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to poverty-stricken children. For articles and photo galleries from the Festival de Esperanza, visit www.BillyGraham.org About the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by every effective means available. From its headquarters in Charlotte, N.C., the BGEA directs a wide range of domestic and international ministries, including: large-scale festivals led by evangelists Franklin Graham and Will Graham; The Billy Graham Library; The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, located outside of Asheville, N.C.; SearchforJesus.net, an Internet evangelism project reaching thousands of people for Christ online; and many others through print, television, telephone, radio and the Internet. For more information, please visit www.billygraham.org SOURCE Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Related Links Supreme Court Responds to Christian Plea for Relief from Anti-Christian Attacks News provided by Public Advocate April 22, 2019 April 22, 2019 WASHINGTON, April 22, 2019 / Christian Newswire / -- Public Advocate heartily thanks the U.S. Supreme Court for taking up the issue of the wrongful expansion of Title VII rights via the reinterpretation of "discrimination on the basis of sex" to include sexual activity. "Most cases don't get heard and we are elated that Christians get two hearings at the Supreme Court on cases in which non-existent or fabricated legislation seems to restrict the religious beliefs of Christians in two separate cases," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate. Full statement of Eugene Delgaudio on Supreme Court taking up two cases Altitude Express v. Zarda and Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC: ON THE WRONGFUL EXPANSION OF FEDERAL LAW WITHOUT LEGISLATION This clause in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was clearly intended to prevent discrimination on the basis of biological sex or gender -- i.e. being a Man or a Woman. It was never intended to address sexual behavior -- such as homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality. Nor was it intended to address the practice of pretending to change one's gender/sex -- i.e. transsexuality/transgenderism. The Homosexual Lobby and their allies have pushed a false narrative across the country that all such perverse behavior is already enshrined in the Civil Rights Act due to the flexible grammatical nature of the word "sex." President Obama illegally used his power of executive orders to mandate this false interpretation across the federal government. And lower Circuit Courts have issued rulings that drastically reinterpreted this clause. However, none of this is supported in the legislation that was voted upon by Congress and signed into law. And no legislation has ever been passed since to alter this language. ON THE MATTER OF HARRIS FUNERAL HOMES In Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC, the funeral home is fighting for their right to terminate the employment of employees who choose to identify and present themselves at work as the wrong gender. Furthermore, the owner of the business is a strong Christian whose faith holds that "transgenderism" is immoral -- he believes that endorsing such behavior in his business would be a violation of his faith. Clearly the First Amendment protects the right of Christian business owners to employ workers whom they feel morally comfortable with. Furthermore, "transgender" is clearly not a protected category under Title VII and thus this law cannot be used to punish Harris Funeral. ON THE MATTER OF ALTITUDE EXPRESS v. ZARDA In Altitude Express v. Zarda, a terminated employee sought revenge on his employer by claiming he was only fired over his homosexual behavior. Regardless of whether this is true or not, Title VII, rightfully understood, in no way protects the practitioners of homosexuality from being terminated from work over such practices. IN SUMMARY ON BOTH CASES. Delgaudio concluded: Public Advocate of the United States filed an Amicus brief in support of Harris Funeral Homes and in support of Altitude Express. In fact, ours was the only brief filed in defense of Altitude Express. This is America's chance to set the story straight on Title VII, and Public Advocate will be in this fight every step of the way. With President Trump's two appointments of Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court, this is an excellent time to address this issue. Activist judges should not be allowed to legislate from the bench. Public Advocate Amicus Briefs in Harris Funeral v. EEOC and, separately, Atltitude Express v. Zarda posted here: http://publicadvocateusa.org/news/article.php?article=11468 Hon. Eugene Delgaudio Twitter @eugenedelgaudio Facebook facebook.com/eugenedelgaudio SOURCE Public Advocate Related Links We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. (CNN) It has been a testing week for Christians everywhere. Easter Sunday, in Christian teaching tradition began with a frightening shock. The resurrection. Jesus of Nazareth's body was discovered missing from the cave his disciples left it in following his crucifixion days earlier. It has since become one of the most sacred precious and holy days in the Christian calendar. A moment of spirituality and communion with others in the faith This past Monday saw some of those faithful fall to their knees in prayer and hymn as their beloved Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burned as they watched. They gasped as the 150-year-old spire of the iconic cathedral first leaned, then twisted and fell crashing through the roof to the altar below. As if prayers were answered, the walls held and holy icons including the crown of thorns that many believed Jesus wore at his crucifixion were saved. Paris prosecutors were investigating if an electrical short-circuit caused the fire in the 850-year-old building, where renovations had been taking place. Across the Atlantic in New York, police intercepted a would-be arsonist as he stepped into St. Patrick's Cathedral's venerated halls. Loaded with cans of gasoline, lighter fluid and lighters, a second cathedral fire in a week was averted. Not so fortunate in Louisiana a few weeks earlier, arsonists set fire to three historically black churches. Fires burned at St. Mary Baptist Church in Port Barre on March 26, Greater Union Baptist Church in Opelousas on April 2 and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas on April 4. All this at a time when the Catholic Church struggles with an abuse scandal that stretches the breadth of the it reach, straddling generations of victims and clerics, throwing up an indigestible litany of wretched wrongdoing and suffering. Easter this year already had an ecclesiastical cloud hanging over it. The faithful tested in their belief that good will triumph over evil. The grasp on that faith stretched more on Thursday when one of Northern Ireland's most promising young journalists was shot dead by teenage dissident Irish republicans. Lyra McKee, 29, was rated in a top 30 under 30 media list by Forbes. Her writing had a formidable capacity to reach into her readers emotions. A talent most can only dream of. Easter played its role in her death. Ahead of Irish Republican Easter parades, commemorating the 1916 uprising against British rule, police raided a Catholic neighbourhood in Derry, Northern Ireland. Events turned violent late Thursday night as local young people threw petrol bombs at police. As McKee stood at the back of one of the police's armored vehicles, a teenage gunman, police described as "a new breed of terrorist" from the New IRA terror group, fired shots. McKee was hit in the head, her bright light, as her partner said the following day, was "snuffed out". With the holy day, Easter, came the worst. A shock, not spiritual like the resurrection, but a blow to Christians everywhere, an attack on the faithful while at worship. In any religion, little can be more heinous than this. The church teaches forgiveness, and so it will, but not before horror and anguish have spent their way through all those involved. In Sri Lanka, bombs causing carnage that as horrible as the previous week was, left those events paling in the shadow of a lesser cloud. Not buildings that can rebuilt, not holy relics to be retrieved and revered, but lives, like Lyra McKee's shattered and lost forever. Hundreds of bright lights darkened. Families devastated, faith tested. A most unholy week. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Questo comunicato e stato pubblicato piu di 1 anno fa. Le informazioni su questa pagina potrebbero non essere attendibili. Listeriosis is a dreadful common bacterial infection named listeria monocytogenes. Listeriosis spreads by consumption of contaminated food, such as ready-to-eat meats, raw or unpasteurized milk, cheeses, processed foods, vegetables, and smoked fish products. Infection with listeria Monocytogenes results in mild to severe gastroenteritis and can lead to meningitis and septicemia. In people with weak immune system it can lead to diabetes, HIV, cancer, chronic liver, and kidney disease. Additionally, listeriosis is a threat to life in pregnant women resulting in stillbirth, premature delivery, and meningitis in the infants leading to permanent disability. Click To Read More On Listeria Monocytogenes Infections Treatment Market. New findings to develop novel therapeutic approach and major investments in research and development activities by FDA are expected to stimulate the growth of the listeria monocytogenes infection treatment market Currently there is no specific treatment available for listeriosis. New research findings may help to develop new strategic treatment for the listeria monocytogenes. For instance, in May 2017, Prof. Birgitte Kallipolitis from the University of Southern Denmark conducted a study on listeria monocytogenes and found a potential health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to deactivate the genes in listeria monocytogenes. According to the Prof. Kallipolitis, the omega-3 fatty acids may help to possibly develop new treatments against listeria monocytogenes. In October, 2017, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggested to develop a new therapeutic approach for the listeria monocytogenes infection considering the constant outbreak of listeriosis in the U.S. and FDA recommends to increase research and development activity on listeria monocytogenes to reduce the threat of outbreak in the U.S. Thereby, need of treatment shown by FDA generate an opportunity to develop breakthrough therapies on listeriosis and is expected to stimulate growth of the listeria monocytogenes infection treatment market over the forecast period. In May, 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made public health announcement of avoiding restaurants food. Retailers recalled raw milk cheeses made by Vulto Creamery. Creamerys raw milk cheeses were distributed in over the U.S. in March, 2017. Afterwards outbreaks of listeria infection were observed all over in the U.S. Regulatory officials, the CDC, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigated an outbreak of listeria monocytogenes infections caused by Vulto Creamerys raw milk cheeses and strict actions was taken for food safety and prevention, which results in product recall. Thereby, constant outbreak of listeriosis demand for precise treatment, which would help to gain listeria monocytogenes infections treatment market growth. Ask For Sample Copy Of This Business Research Report : https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/1014 Increasing incidence of listeria monocytogenes infection and initiative action by government in prevention and treatment measurement is expected to fuel the growth of the listeria monocytogenes infections treatment market As listeriosis poses a potential threat to an individuals health, in October, 2017, the Ministry of Health and Welfare China with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) China is planning to officially assign listeriosis as a statutory communicable disease, a condition which requires to report local health authorities a confirmed infection within 72 hours. The Ministry of Health and Welfare China intends to trace the origin of unknown food safety accidents with the help of CDC authorities. Thereby, such plan is expected to help in development of better treatment for listeriosis. This in turn is expected to boost the growth of the listeria monocytogenes infections treatment market over the forecast period. According to the Public Health England, in 2014, around 180 cases of listeriosis were reported, among which around 87% were non-pregnancy associated and 12.4% were pregnancy associated listeriosis. Therefore, rising incidence of foodborne listeriosis infection and growing demand for reliable treatment is expected to fuel the listeria monocytogenes infections treatment market growth. About Coherent Market Insights: Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity. Contact Us: Mr. Shah Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Tel: +1-206-701-6702 Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.com Hong Kong: Bureau heads see Shanghai dev't Three bureau heads today visited a number of innovation and technology bases and financial institutions in Shanghai to learn about the citys development. Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip, Secretary for Innovation & Technology Nicholas Yang and Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury James Lau continued the Legislative Council joint-Panel duty visit to the Yangtze River Delta Regions major cities. They visited Zhangjiang Science Park in Pudong New Area in the morning to learn about the development of the integrated national science and technology centre and its innovation and technology projects. The delegation also toured the National Center for Protein Science Shanghai, an important national-level scientific research facility in the science park. They then paid a visit to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to get updates on the development of the newly launched Science & Technology Innovation Board and Chinese Depository Receipt. The delegation also met Hong Kong people living, working and studying in Shanghai. They then visited Chang Yang Valley, an innovation and startup hub revitalised from a textile factory, and toured the West Bund Xuhui Waterfront, a cultural landmark project in Shanghai, to stay updated on the city's planning on cultural conservation. In the evening, the delegation met Shanghai Mayor Ying Yong to discuss co-operation between Hong Kong and Shanghai. They also took a boat trip along Huangpu River to get first-hand knowledge of the development along the riverbank and to enhance their understanding on Shanghai's tourism industry. This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. The Sunday attacks were the worst ever against Sri Lanka's small Christian minority. (Photo:AP) Colombo: Sri Lanka was in shock Monday as the death toll from a deadly series of bombings on Easter Day rose to nearly 300. Here is what we know so far about one of the worst attacks in the island nation's history, which targeted churches and high-end hotels: What happened? Powerful explosions struck in quick succession at three hotels in the capital Colombo. The Cinnamon Grand was hit at around 8:30 am (0300 GMT) Sunday, and the Shangri-La soon after at 9:05 am. The Kingsbury Hotel was also hit. Three churches were also targeted in that wave of blasts: Colombo's historic St Anthony's Shrine, the St Sebastian's church in the town of Negombo -- north of the capital -- and the Zion Church in the east-coast town of Batticaloa. All six blasts were suicide bombs. Hours later, police raided two addresses. There were explosions at both of these addresses, with three police officers killed at one location in a suicide blast. A home-made bomb was defused at the Colombo airport late Sunday. A Sri Lankan Police officer inspects a blast spot at the Shangri-la hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo:AP) Who were the victims? The Sunday attacks were the worst ever against Sri Lanka's small Christian minority. The blasts hit the three churches when they were full of worshippers gathered for Easter services. More than five hundred people were injured in the bombings on churches and hotels. At least 37 foreigners died, according to the government, including three Britons, two Turkish nationals, a Portuguese citizen, and two people holding both British and American passports. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said "several US citizens were among those killed". Three Danes, a Japanese citizen, two Chinese nationals, and at least five Indians also died in the attacks, their respective governments confirmed. Relatives of a blast victim grieve outside a morgue in Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo:AP) Stef Blok, the Netherlands' foreign minister, said on Twitter that one Dutch national was among the victims a 54-year-old woman, according to Dutch newspaper AD. The Sri Lankan foreign ministry said nine foreign nationals have been reported missing, and there are 25 unidentified bodies believed to be of foreigners. Who did it? There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Police said a total of 24 people have now been detained over the attacks, but have not provided any details about them. The island nation suffered deadly militant attacks for years, especially by ethnic Tamil militants during a decades-long civil war that ended in 2009 when Sri Lankan forces crushed the insurgency. A view of St. Sebastian's Church damaged in blast in Negombo, north of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo:AP) In recent years, there have also been clashes between the majority Sinhalese Buddhist community and minority Muslims, and in March last year, the government imposed a 12-day state of emergency to quell anti-Muslim riots. Christian groups have also complained of increased harassment from hardline Buddhist groups. Lalitha, center, weeps standing beside the coffin with the remains of 12-year old niece, Sneha Savindi, who was a victim of Easter Sunday bombing at St. Sebastian Church, in Negombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo:AP) According to documents seen by AFP, the country's police chief warned top officers 10 days ago of possible suicide bomb attacks on churches and the Indian high commission by the National Thowheeth Jama'ath (NTJ), a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka. He cited reports by a "foreign intelligence agency", according to the documents. Authorities have said they will look into whether the attackers had any "overseas links". There have been no attacks in Sri Lanka linked to foreign terrorist groups, but in January, police seized a haul of explosives and detonators following the arrest of four men from a newly formed radical group. How did Sri Lanka react? Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe urged people to "hold our unity as Sri Lankans" and pledged to "wipe out this menace once and for all." The Archbishop of Colombo, Malcolm Ranjith, described the attackers as "animals" and called on authorities to "punish them mercilessly". Security has been beefed up. An initial nationwide curfew was lifted early Monday, but schools have been ordered shut for two days and the Colombo stock exchange was closed. Sri Lankan Army soldiers secure the area around St. Anthony Shrine after a blast in Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo:AP) Authorities also put in place a "temporary" ban on social media platforms on Sunday "in order to prevent incorrect and wrong information being spread". It was not immediately clear Monday which apps and websites were partially or completely affected by the restrictions. Security at Colombo's airport was also enhanced, according to SriLankan Airlines, which advised its passengers to arrive four hours before their flights. Embassies have warned their citizens to stay inside. By Reuters April 20, 2019 MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico said on Saturday it had deep concern about armed groups that intimidate and extort migrants on the border, shortly after the ACLU and Democratic senators called for a probe into such citizen efforts to block migrants from crossing. These types of practices can drive human rights abuses of people who migrate or request asylum or refuge in the United States, Mexicos Foreign Relations Ministry said in a statement, referring to militia groups in New Mexico. By Daily Mail, April 21, 2019 Sri Lanka's police chief warned of potential suicide bombing plots on 'prominent churches' from Islamic extremists ten days before today's attacks which killed 207 people, according to reports. Seven suspects have been arrested so far after the blasts hit high-end hotels and churches holding Easter services in Sri Lanka on Sunday, injuring as many as 500 people. By Texas Tribune, April 18, 2019 El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley are less than two weeks away from the scheduled opening of temporary detention centers that will each house up to 500 migrants who have crossed the border to seek asylum. The facilities, commonly referred to as a tent cities, are the federal government's response to the ongoing crush of migrants, mainly from Central America, who continue to cross into Texas after traveling through Mexico. Former CEO of Lynch, Jones & Ryan brokerage now works to improve the business district of Fifth Avenue in New York City. The lefts bizarre, irrational hatred of MAGA By Rachel Alexander Make America Great Again is a patriotic slogan that President Trump uses. Its no different than phrases like America the Beautiful or Let Freedom Ring. But because it has become associated with Trump and Republicans, the left has developed an irrational hatred of it. The left is committing acts of violence against conservatives merely for wearing a MAGA hat. The hat doesnt even say Donald Trump or Republican on it. Its fairly tame free speech. But the left has become increasingly intolerant of free speech in recent years. And while acts of violence are committed against conservatives wearing MAGA hats, the left is trying to pretend that the violence is going the other way. Actor Jussie Smollett paid two men to fake a hate crime against him, and told police they were wearing MAGA hats. Its gotten so bad that the left now equates MAGA with white nationalism. Even though there is no association whatsoever, the left is trying to convince people there is a correlation. Plenty of black people wear MAGA gear. If it really was a racist slogan, minorities wouldnt display it. Its a clever tactic by the left to equate all of conservatism with white nationalism. If they can convince people that the slogan is racist, then they can convince them to stop displaying it, ruining a very successful campaign slogan that helped Trump get elected president. So far, the left may be having some success, since people are now afraid to wear MAGA hats in the large blue cities. It seems like every few days theres another report of a MAGA hat wearer getting attacked. This is frightening, because it is a sign the left is moving away from a civilized society. Conducting violence to shut down the opposing side exercising their right to free speech and relatively tame speech at that is the beginning of a descent into either anarchy or totalitarianism, depending on how much control the left gets over government. There is a reason why the right to free speech is the First Amendment to our Constitution, because it is that important. The left is badly trampling over the Constitution. The left doesnt really believe the MAGA slogan is that bad. But they know if they repeat over and over again that it is associated with white nationalism, that some people will start to believe it. The hat and the MAGA acronym have really become shorthand for this white nationalist movement, claims Barbara Perry, a professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and an expert on the far right. But regular conservatives during the presidential campaign wore MAGA hats. Regular conservatives today still wear MAGA hats go to a Trump campaign rally and theyre everywhere. Black hip-hop artist Kanye West, one of the most influential musicians in the country, has worn one. Just because a handful of racists support something doesnt make it racist. Notably, Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, but the left and their comrades in the mainstream media didnt then claim Clinton was a white nationalist. They hardly even reported it. The left also lumps Trump in with white nationalists even though those on the left were great friends with Trump before he ran for president. They act as if he suddenly became a white nationalist when he ran for president as a Republican (Trump was a Democrat for most of his adult life). Speaking about white nationalists, Amira Elghawaby, a human rights advocate and board member of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said, It gives them credibility that if this is from the president of the United States, then it must be all right to have those views. But where has Trump promoted white nationalism? The instances the left cites are hardly examples of white nationalism. One article in The Atlantic, entitled Trumps White-Nationalist Pipeline, features a photo of white nationalist leader Jason Kessler posing with a flag outside the fence in front of the White House. This is grasping at straws. Kessler could easily be posing like that in front of anyones house. It says nothing about Trumps viewpoints. The left claims Trump hasnt denounced white nationalists enough yet Fox News ran a compilation of video clips of Trump repeatedly denouncing David Duke and white nationalists. In fact, in 1986, Trump received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in celebration of patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity. He posed for a picture with fellow recipients, including Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali. The best ammunition conservatives have to fight back against false accusations equating MAGA with white nationalism is to call the left out on their real, flagrant racism. Such as aggressively promoting welfare, which disproportionately leaves blacks and other minorities impoverished. Supporting anti-Semitic politicians like Louis Farrakhan and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Referring to conservative blacks using the n-word. The left uses Alinskyite tactics, which include lying, so the right will always have to work twice as hard to defeat them, but it can be done. Eventually most people are going to realize that everyone on the right cant be a white nationalist. Its a lie. Rachel Alexander and her brother Andrew are co-Editors of Intellectual Conservative. She has been published in the American Spectator, Townhall.com, Fox News, NewsMax, Accuracy in Media, The Americano, ParcBench, Enter Stage Right and other publications.mericano, ParcBench, Enter Stage Right and other publications. Home Sanctuary neighborhood prepares to repel invaders By Michael R Shannon Arlandria is a sanctuary neighborhood in a sanctuary city next to a sanctuary county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Residents there are worried about a caravan of Priusdriving invaders that threaten to change the culture of the neighborhood. This concern requires some clarification. Arlandrians arent opposed to semiliterate identity thieves sneaking across the border to depress US wages, burden the schools and require the rest of us to Press 1 for English. Those folks might be relatives! Residents arent opposed to Hispaniards gaming the asylum system to take advantage of US welfare. Nor are they against chain migration that UHauls entire Latin American villages north. Why that would be wrong! That sort of thinking is classist, racist, xenophobic and antiDemocrat. What toasts their tamales is the prospect of wellpaid, highly literate, childless Amazon workers moving into their transplanted Hispanic culture and buying a house while making a significant contribution to the tax base. The Washington Posts coverage of this example of NEMPTism (Spanish for NIMBY) is additional proof irony is dead on the left. The WoePost reporter cant see the humor in a neighborhood that turns a blind eye to illegals protesting when citizens might move in, too. This quote says it all, and in Spanish no less, We have to organize, we have to be unified, we have to have one objective, one solution, Luis Salmeron, a 17-year resident, said through a translator. This is as much for me as for our kids, our grandkids and future generations. We want to be a collective force to preserve our community. Arlandria is where More than half of the residents are younger than 30, and nearly half were born in Latin America, according to the 2017 U.S. Census American Community Survey. And men lean on cars to discuss in Spanish the issues of the day. In the mid1980s so many residents came from a town called Chirilagua , fleeing civil war the neighborhood was soon called Chirilagua. That was then. Today these refugees enjoying the laughably termed Temporary Protected Status are still there lingering on through the decades. The civil war is long over. Now Salvadorians remain claiming fear of gang violence, political oppression or bad weather (global warming), while simultaneously providing a beachhead for illegals heading north. Gentrifying Gringos have already made attempts to impose their will on the neighborhood. Some Arlandria residents still resent a developer who renamed a strip shopping center in the heart of their neighborhood Del Ray North and rented space to an upscale pet store. Why the nerve of that capitalist! There is no market for Corgis in Arlandria. Now Amazon is building a headquarters in Arlington and Virginia Tech is constructing a $1 billion graduate campus in the vicinity. Employees, academics and students will have to live somewhere and Arlandria residents are thinking there goes the neighborhood. Thats why la gente are up in arms. Or at least the gente with a media connection. Sinister market forces are at work right now. The man who owns the Tiger Market grocery and deli was presented with a buyout offer that would pay him $1.5 million more than what he owes on the property and activistas want to put a stop to those shenanigans muy pronto. Meanwhile the Tiger Market jefe intends to stay put and upgrade his inventory to attract more affluent customers. Its unknown whether activistas will consider the addition of kale and freerange tofu to be an insult to the barrio. The owner of a barber shop believes Amazon means jobs for his clients. The nonentrepreneurial agitator fighting Amazon believes, What is coming is displacement. And there you have it. It was one thing to flee MS13 in El Salvador and only to discover the gang is now next door. Its another kettle of pez entirely to flee Amazon in Virginia. The situation does disprove one conservative complaint regarding mass illegal immigration. These Arlandrians have taken a tentative step into the much despised melting pot and potential assimilation. They now fit quite nicely into the mold of the lefts permanent grievance industry. Michael R. Shannon is a public relations and advertising consultant with corporate, government and political experience around the globe. He is a dynamic and entertaining keynote speaker. He can be reached at mandate.mmpr (at) gmail.com. He is also the author of Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!). Home Ex-Peruvian president Alan Garcia We know the various ways to measure the human costs of corruption: depletion of the public fisc, unequal access to government services, shoddy contracts awarded to sub-standard providers, the de facto business tax that makes economies less efficient, and so on. But we have now received painful reminder of the highest and most shocking of corruptions costs: human life, even the life of a nations two-time president. Alan Garcia, who was president of Peru in the 1980s and again in the 2000s, died on April 17, 2019 of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. As Reuters reports, police had just informed President Garcia of his imminent arrest for his role in the Odebrecht bribery scandal. President Garcia told the police he needed to call his attorney, and retreated to an upstairs room. Within minutes the gunshot sounded. We may never know which kind of shame motivated this suicide: the shame of corruption, or the shame of arrest. But in a world where enforcement is increasingly rigorous and multijurisdictional where Brazil, a country once renown for systemic bribery is today among the worlds leading anti-corruption enforcers these two kinds of shame may now be inextricable. The stigma of corruption is as old as the FCPA, and in fact, much older. Remember that a principal catalyst to enacting the FCPA was revelations of bribery by a U.S. defense contractor in the Netherlands, Italy, Japan, and elsewhere. The uncovered facts produced public scandals that led to the resignation of leading government officials and to the worldwide embarrassment of the United States. And this was in the early 1970s, now almost a half-century ago. Corruption may have been endemic in various parts of the world then, just as it is now. But the revealed facts are still scandalous. Its a sad fact of human existence that these terrible stories remind us of truths that we otherwise so easily forget. Each of us wants to believe that out labors are, on balance, for good. When all is said and done, and we look back upon our lives, all of us every single reader of this blog post will want to believe that we had a positive impact, big or small, on the world. Ample social science supports this fact, as do the teachings of innumerable intellectual and religious traditions. President Garcias final thoughts were almost certainly otherwise. Despite the storied career of this larger-than-life Latin American politician, his mortal journey ended in the darkest way imaginable. And the apparent cause was corruption. As a memorial to this much-loved leader, I propose the following. Lets all do something that isnt easy, that we dont want to do, that may even come at substantial cost to ourselves, but that we know is right. Lets each of us do that now. ____ Andy Spalding chairs the Olympic Compliance Task Force. He is Professor at the University of Richmond School of Law (Virginia, USA), a Frequent Visiting Instructor at the International Anti-Corruption Academy in Austria, and Senior Editor of the FCPA Blog. Audioburst, a Palo Alto, CA-based provider of a voice search platform, raised US$10m in funding. Dentsu and Hyundai Motor Company are joining other strategic investors including Samsung Ventures, Nippon Broadcasting Inc. and Advanced Media Inc. These investments bring Audiobursts current funding to $25M. The company plans to build unique advertising and in-car voice-based experiences with the two brands. Dentsu will work closely with Audioburst to build a new market for personalized audio as an effective advertising channel for brands in Japan. For Hyundai, the investment also includes plans to accelerate the development and deployment of the next generation infotainment system with the companys personalized audio search, playlists and Deep Analysis API. This will provide consumers with a screen-free and original-voice experience, and Hyundai with an in-depth understanding of the content being searched for and enjoyed in real-time. Led by Amir Hirsh, Co-Founder and CEO, Audioburst powers personalized, next-gen listening experiences with audio bursts. Pulling from talk radio and podcasts, the company uses automated speech recognition and natural language processing to listen, distill, contextualize and index a large library of spoken word audio content into short form snippets. Its API enables companies to leverage audio content as a new layer of user engagement and monetization while consumers enjoy audio content discovery, recommendations, and a deep level of personalization through textual search or voice interaction across all devices. The experience is already available on several interfaces such as Audioburst Search, Alexa, and Google Home. Additionally, developers can access the Audioburst API to tap into the Audioburst Content Library and introduce a more dynamic and personalized listening experience for users across in-car infotainment systems, voice assistants, IoT gadgets, and smartphones. The companys solutions are integrated or being built into products from brands including Samsung, LG, Bytedance, Nippon Broadcasting System, Dentsu and Hyundai. FinSMEs 22/04/2019 Pax Labs, Inc., a San Francisco, CA-based consumer technology brand, secured $420m in equity financing. Backers included global institutional investors representing technology, healthcare, consumer products and diversified public equities and existing investors Tiger Global Management and Tao Capital Partners. The company intends to use the funds to invest in new products and new markets, including international growth in markets like Canada and exploring opportunities in hemp-based CBD extracts. Led by CEO Bharat Vasan, Pax is a leader in the design and development of premium app-controlled vaporization technologies and devices to take the guesswork out of cannabis. Its flagship vaporizers are PAX Era for concentrates and PAX 3 for flower. The PAX mobile app allows consumers to control the temperature and draw strength of their vaporizer, providing predictability in each session. The company has sold more than 500,000 Era devices for oil concentrates and over one million devices in the flower vaporizer category. FinSMEs 22/04/2019 PopBase, a Burbank, CA-based creators of interactive digital fan clubs for social media influencers, raised funding from Queen City Angels and the Brandery. The amount of the deal was not disclosed. The company intends to use the funds to: accelerate technology platform development and launch with a select group of influencers. Led by Lisa Wong, co-founder and CEO, PopBase provides a digital distribution platform that connects brands and consumers through a gamified experience, hosted by a digital avatar. Consumers engage with the avatar through play on any device (mobile, web, PC etc). Brands personalize and gamify every aspect of the experience through a web-based dashboard. The company plans to launch its Alpha platform with YouTube stars Snarled, Lazypillow, Larry Bundy Jr, MarzGurl and WillBits in summer 2019 on iOS and Android. Additional features and influencers will roll out over the course of the next 6 to 12 months. FinSMEs 22/04/2019 Signing ceremony of memorandum of intent (Source: http://tgvn.com.vn) Under the memorandum of intent signed on April 20th, USAID and the Standing Office for the National Committee on the Settlement of Post-War Unexploded Ordnance and Toxic Chemical Consequences (Office 701) will coordinate with the Ministries of Public Health, and Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and local organisations in providing direct care, improving the capacity of rehabilitation services, and developing social services to better serve people with disabilities in the central provinces of Quang Tri, Thua Thien-Hue, Quang Nam and Binh Dinh, and southern Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc and Tay Ninh provinces. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh said that over the past years, Vietnamese and US offices and organisations have worked closely in caring for people with disabilities who are victims of dioxin and toxic chemicals, thus helping boost the Vietnam-US relations. He expressed his hope that after the signing ceremony, USAID and Office 701 will carry out specific projects to support more persons with disabilities in general and dioxin victims in particular. Michael Greene, Mission Director for USAID Vietnam, said that USAID continues its support to persons with disabilities in Vietnam through eight projects which aim to expand rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, increase social support, improve disability policies, and reduce environmental barriers. The agency supports the development of local Disabled Persons Organisations and their advocacy efforts. The signing of the memorandum of intent was witnessed by Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh, visiting US Senator Patrick Leahy, Vice Chairman of the US Committee on Appropriations and other US senators who are on the Vietnam visit./. Sofinnova Investments, a Menlo Park, Calif.-based clinical stage biopharmaceutical investment firm, added Maha Katabi, PhD. to the investment team as a Partner. Maha Katabi, PhD., is an experienced investor in biopharma companies, with over 18 years in venture capital investing and public equities portfolio management. Prior to founding Oxalis in 2018, Katabi was a Partner at Sectoral Asset Management since 2008, where she formed and led a dedicated investment team and advisory board to drive investments in private companies. Additionally, Katabi was a Portfolio Manager for a family of funds that invested in publicly listed and private healthcare companies. Prior to Sectoral, she was Vice-President at Ventures West Management, a venture capital firm focused on technology and life sciences in Canada and the United States. Katabi started her venture capital career in 1999 at T2C2 Capital Bio, a seed fund targeting Canadian start-ups. With the addition of Dr. Katabi, Sofinnova will also be opening an office in Montreal, Quebec. The new location will enable the firm to work more closely with biotech companies based on the East Coast, in Europe, and in Canada. Sofinnova will now have three offices; Menlo Park, Ca., San Diego, Ca., and Montreal, Quebec. FinSMEs 22/04/2019 Quang Ninh is home to more than 2,000 islands along its 250km-long coast. Notably, its Ha Long Bay features 1,969 islands and islets covering 1,553 sq.km. The bay was recognised as World Natural Heritage by UNESCO in 1994 and 2000. It was also selected one of the new seven wonders of nature in 2011. Mustafa Ozkaya, Deputy General Director of Turkeys Anadolu Agency, said he was happy to visit Ha Long Bay and be warmly welcomed by local residents. Ozkaya said Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful places he has ever visited, and he would introduce it to Turkish people. Delegates from OANA members are on a ship to visit Ha Long Bay (Photo: VNA) Meanwhile, OANA Secretary General Vugar Seidov recommended Quang Ninh popularise its world natural heritage to news agencies as well as people of other countries. Promoting images is the best measure to promote tourism, and journalists are the best tool to carry out that promotion, he added. Quang Ninh is located in the northeast of Vietnam and has a total land and sea area of more than 12,000 sq.km. The province is described as a miniature Vietnam as it gathers all typical features of the country in terms of terrace, natural resources and landscapes. It shares both land and sea border with China and is an important trading gateway of Vietnam with China and ASEAN countries. In 2018, Quang Ninh welcomed about 12 million tourist arrivals with 43 percent of them foreigners, earning VND24 trillion (over USD1 billion) in tourism revenue, according to local authorities. The 44th OANA Executive Board Meeting was hosted by the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) in Hanoi from April 18th-20th under the theme of For a professional and innovative journalism./. Garcia's quick move to succeed Lowenthal, of whom he has been a longtime political ally, will likely be the first in a slew of Democratic candidacies for the heavily blue 47th Congressional District. Thailand's Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Myanmar authorities to foster sustainable and cultural travel routes connecting old cities in both countries. A tourist destination in Myanmar (Photo: AFP) Under the MoU, DASTA and authorities of Myeik, located in southern Myanmar, will together develop and promote tourism plans by linking historical sites from the ancient Dvaravati period, a powerful kingdom that flourished from the 6th to the 11th centuries. The first phase of the tourism project consists of five routes from Thailand's U Thong ancient city through western Thailand to Tanintharyi, an ancient city in Myanmar, namely U Thong-Suphan Buri, U Thong-Kanchanaburi, U Thong-Nakhon Pathom, U Thong-Prachuap Khiri Khan and U Thong-Myeik. DASTA Deputy Director Chumpol Musiganont said the new travel routes will help broaden ASEAN tourism. The routes will be managed under the Global Sustainable Tourism Council's criteria to sustain natural and cultural resources. Moreover, the initiative will preserve the authenticity of local lifestyles, customs and cultures in the ancient Dvaravati areas between Thailand and Myanmar./. Atlanta, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Television, Inc. (Gray, we, or our) (NYSE: GTN) announced today that its investigative unit, InvestigateTV, has been recognized by National Headliner Awards with two first place awards: First Place Health/Science Reporting - Licensed to Pill Lee Zurik, Jill Riepenhoff, Megan Luther, Andy Miller First Place Environmental Reporting - Nuclear Fallout Lee Zurik, Jamie Grey, Andy Miller, Rebecca Moss We are truly honored to receive this recognition, said Gray Chairman and CEO, Hilton Howell Jr. InvestigateTV is a critical initiative for Gray and integral to our commitment to journalism that makes an impact on all of the communities we serve. InvestigateTV was awarded first place in health/science reporting for Licensed to Pill, which exposed doctors prescribing addictive opioids at alarming rates and uncovered big pharma controlled the federal program designed to keep them in check. The investigation prompted federal authorities to raid the office of the nations top opioid prescriber and forced the FDA to tighten oversight. The InvestigateTV unit was also recognized with a first-place award for environmental reporting for Nuclear Fallout, produced in partnership with ProPublica and the Santa Fe New Mexican. Nuclear Fallout uncovered lax oversight that led to tens of thousands of U.S. nuclear weapons workers getting sick and dying from radiation exposure. We have great respect for all our fellow nominees and the whole team is thrilled to be recognized among this esteemed group in our very first year, stated Sandy Breland, Gray Senior Vice President-Local Media. InvestigateTV launched in 2018 and provides innovative, original journalism from a dedicated investigative team and partners, including ProPublica, News21 at Arizona State University's Cronkite School of Journalism, and NerdWallet. It is available on Roku, Amazon Fire, at InvestigateTV.com and across Gray broadcast and digital media properties. Founded in 1934 by the Press Club of Atlantic City, the National Headliner Awards program is one of the oldest and largest annual contests recognizing journalistic merit in the communications industry. ### About Gray: Gray currently owns and/or operates television stations and leading digital properties in 93 television markets, including the number-one rated television station in 68 markets and the first or second highest rated television station in 87 markets. Grays television stations cover approximately 24 percent of US television households and broadcast approximately 400 separate programming streams, including nearly 150 affiliates of the CBS/NBC/ABC/FOX networks. Gray also owns video program production, marketing, and digital businesses including Raycom Sports, Tupelo-Raycom, and RTM Studios, the producer of PowerNation programs and content. For further information, please visit www.gray.tv. Part of Safe City/Safe District effort Quests AI-based technology to improve School Safety, enabling real-time alerts SALT LAKE CITY, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quest Solution, Inc. (QUES) (Quest or the Company), a provider of Supply Chain and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions, announced today that it has integrated its Vehicle Recognition (VR) solution with the database of a municipal law enforcement department in a major U.S. state. The integration allows Quest to detect and provide real-time alerts to the state law enforcement department regarding license plate numbers (LPNs) that are considered to be suspicious. The solution, which supports police in reducing crime and also increases protection of schools and other soft targets, provides local law enforcement with immediate alerts of tagged license plates once detected by one of Quests AI-based cameras. Shai Lustgarten, President and CEO at Quest, commented, We are pleased to fully integrate our vehicle recognition system with law enforcement authorities and further support our partners in combatting crime and improving safety. We pride ourselves on providing critical real-time alerts to our customers, and as we optimize our applications with advanced vehicle identification features including License Plate, Color and Maker, we are focused on building strong relationships with law enforcement authorities and community leaders in order to keep their communities safe. About Quest Solution, Inc. Quest Solution is a Specialty Systems Integrator focused on Field and Supply Chain Mobility as well as a provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) monitoring and surveillance solutions. Additionally the Company is a manufacturer and distributor of consumables (labels, tags, and ribbons), RFID solutions, and barcoding printers. Founded in 1994, Quest is headquartered in Eugene, Oregon, with offices in the United States. Rated in the Top 1% of global solution providers, Quest specializes in the design, deployment and management of enterprise mobility solutions including Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC), Mobile Cloud Analytics, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), and proprietary Mobility software. Our mobility products and services offering is designed to identify, track, trace, share and connect data to enterprise systems such as CRM or ERP solutions. Our customers are leading Fortune 500 companies from several sectors including manufacturing, retail, distribution, food / beverage, transportation and logistics, health care and chemicals / gas / oil. The Companys HTS Image Processing subsidiary is a leader in computer vision image processing-based solutions using patented and proprietary AI technology to provide real-time surveillance and monitoring for homeland security, traffic & parking management, law enforcement and access control applications. Information about Forward-Looking Statements Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this press release relating to plans, strategies, economic performance and trends, projections of results of specific activities or investments, and other statements that are not descriptions of historical facts may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This release contains forward-looking statements that include information relating to future events and future financial and operating performance. The words may, would, will, expect, estimate, can, believe, potential and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which that performance or those results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time they are made and/or managements good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in or suggested by the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in demand for Quest Solution, Inc.s products, the introduction of new products, the Companys ability to maintain customer and strategic business relationships, the impact of competitive products and pricing, growth in targeted markets, the adequacy of the Companys liquidity and financial strength to support its growth, the Companys ability to manage credit and debt structures from vendors, debt holders and secured lenders, the Companys ability to successfully integrate its acquisitions, risks related to the sale of Quest Solution Canada Inc. to Viascan Group Inc. and other information that may be detailed from time-to-time in Quest Solution Inc.s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Examples of such forward looking statements in this release include, among others, statements regarding revenue growth, driving sales, operational and financial initiatives, cost reduction and profitability, and simplification of operations. For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting Quest Solution, Inc. please refer to the Companys recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which are available at http://www.sec.gov. Quest Solution, Inc. undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless otherwise required by law. Investor Contact: John Nesbett/Jen Belodeau IMS Investor Relations 203.972.9200 jnesbett@institutionalms.com VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Irving Resources Inc. (CSE:IRV) (Irving or the Company) is pleased to provide an update on drilling at its 100%-controlled Omu Gold Project in Hokkaido, Japan. To date, approximately 786 meters of diamond core drilling have been completed in two holes at Omu Sinter (also known as Otoineppu Mine). A plan map and cross section are presented in Figures 1 and 2. Highlights are discussed below. Highlights: Hole 19OMS-001, oriented northwest with an inclination of -45 degrees, reached a depth of 515 meters (photographs of core from 19OMS-001 will be available on Irvings website later today). Rhyolite and lesser andesite and volcaniclastic intervals were encountered. Rhyolite commonly displays flow-banding and spherulitic textures. Oxidation persists to 76.5 m. Hydrothermal alteration includes: intense silicification (top of bedrock to 49 m), mixed intense silicification and intense clay alteration (49-91 m), moderate clay alteration and/or silicification (91-227 m), weak to moderate clay alteration and/or silicification (238-327 m and 334-370 m) and moderate to strong clay alteration and/or silicification (370-515 m, end of hole). Notable zones of disseminated and/or veinlet sulfide (pyrite) mineralization include: relict (top of bedrock to 76.5 m), weak to moderate (76.5-88 m), moderate to heavy (88-119 m), weak to moderate (119-210 m), moderate (210-227 m), weak to moderate (238-327 m), weak to moderate (334-359 m), moderate to heavy (359-467 m), weak (467- 479 m) and moderate to heavy (479-515 m, end of hole). Hole 19OMS-001 tested the full width of the targeted N-S-trending magnetic low at Omu Sinter. The persistent nature of alteration, silicification and sulfide mineralization in this hole confirms the presence of a significant hydrothermal system measuring at least 350 m wide. Irving believes the intense silicification and clay alteration at the top of this hole represents a high level expression of a feeder system at depth. Hole 19OMS-002, currently in progress, is testing deeper parts of this area. Several small, but significant silica-pyrite veins present near the end of hole 19OMS-001 might suggest proximity to a feeder in this area. Given the length and increasing cost of this hole, the decision was made to further drill test this area from a different vantage at a later date. Hole 19OMS-002, collared 210 northwest of hole 19OMS-001 and oriented southeast with an inclination of -60 degrees, is currently in progress at a depth of approximately 271 m. This hole is designed to test deeper areas under a zone of intense silicification and clay alteration encountered in hole 19OMS-001 (photographs of core from 19OMS-002 to a depth of 264.5 m will be available on Irvings website later today). Like hole 19OMS-001, rhyolite is the predominant rock type. Oxidation persists from the top of bedrock to 19.5 m. Hydrothermal alteration includes: moderate to strong silicification and/or clay alteration (top of bedrock to 116.5 m), strong to intense silicification and lesser clay alteration (116.5-172 m), moderate to strong clay alteration and/or silicification (172-182.5 m), strong to intense silicification and/or clay alteration (182.5-271 m, current depth of hole). Notable zones of disseminated and/or veinlet sulfide (pyrite) mineralization include: relict (top of bedrock to 19.5 m), weak to moderate (19.5-129 m), moderate to heavy (129-169 m), weak to moderate (169-182.5 m), moderate to heavy (182.5-271 m, current depth of hole). Several narrow intervals of banded quartz vein occur between 185-189.5 m (see Figures 3, 4 and 5). Some dark grey bands display appreciable sulfide minerals, although too fine grained to identify. The Japanese term ginguro is commonly used to describe banded quartz-sulfide epithermal veins. At present, exact orientation of these veins and their true thickness are unknown. Broken fragments of vein material sporadically occur within the interval from 189.5-271 m, current depth of hole. Irving believes the zone of silicification and sulfide mineralization beginning at 182.5 m and continuing to the present end of hole may be a significant feeder zone to the Omu Sinter. Drilling at Omu Sinter is expected to continue over the next few weeks. Eight holes are planned as a first test. Beyond the initial eight holes, fifteen additional drill holes have been permitted within the target area. Logging and sawing of core is underway. Because there are no rock sample preparation laboratories in Japan, all drill samples must be shipped overseas for processing resulting in additional time required to generate assays. Irving will provide further updates on progress throughout the drill program. Quinton Hennigh (Ph.D., P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 responsible for, and having reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Dr. Hennigh is a technical advisor and director of Irving Resources Inc. About Irving Resources Inc.: Irving is a junior exploration company with a focus on gold in Japan. Irving also holds, through a subsidiary, a Project Venture Agreement with Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) for joint regional exploration programs in the Republic of Malawi. JOGMEC is a government organization established under the law of Japan, administrated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, and is responsible for stable supply of various resources to Japan through the discovery of sizable economic deposits of base, precious and rare metals. Additional information can be found on the Companys website: www.IRVresources.com . Akiko Levinson, President & Director Forward-looking information Some statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, without limitation, customary risks of the mineral resource exploration industry as well as Irving having sufficient cash to fund any planned drilling and other exploration activities. THE CSE HAS NOT REVIEWED AND DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY OF THIS RELEASE. Photos accompanying this announcement are available at http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/18b6b9a2-7dbb-4774-80da-f73b7dd870a5 http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/5a7b4a1d-0b09-4844-ae55-146a9b7327f0 http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0f8d1125-9168-4e6e-b454-45b3b3589818 http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a16615c5-aeaa-454f-80c8-23a27efa9d08 http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/f360547d-8518-4a7e-af16-c3223bf8d3a4 Norfolk, Va., April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Old Dominion University will host a green-carpet premiere of the ODU Roadtrip, a webisode series that chronicles the journey of three ODU students as they traveled to interview alumni last fall. The Final Stop, scheduled for 6 p.m. April 25 at Webb University Center, will feature footage of the three roadtrippers Chase Hewett, Mikalah Lake and Stephanie Rochelle and a Q&A about their experiences and interactions with Monarch alumni. The students are scheduled to arrive at 5 p.m. to be available for media interviews. Ellen Neufeldt, vice president of Student Engagement and Enrollment Services (SEES), and Roadtrip Nation co-founder Nathan Gebhard will also speak. Roadtrip Nation, a national career exploration organization that empowers people to define their own road in life, followed the students as they spent 10 days in November traveling in an RV, visiting and interviewing alumni in Virginia, Washington, D.C, Philadelphia and New York. The trip, which ended Nov. 15, highlighted the variety of successful career paths following college graduation. The ODU Roadtrip Nation webisodes and trailer can be seen at rtn.is/odu. One of only four schools nationwide selected to participate in Roadtrip Nations new pilot program, Old Dominion University was chosen because of its diverse student body, successful alumni and innovative approach to career exploration. Old Dominion graduates have a proven track record of success. In a survey of alumni, 92 percent of respondents reported that they were gainfully employed or pursuing graduate studies within six months of graduation. University alumni are encouraged to engage with students and share their professional successes through Roadtrip Nation's "Share Your Road" platform at odu.shareyourroad.com. The trip was funded by a grant made possible by the Strada Education Network. ### About Roadtrip Nation What should I do with my life? Since 2001, Roadtrip Nation has made it their mission to help individuals answer this question. Through best-selling books, an acclaimed documentary series and interactive classroom curricula, Roadtrip Nation empowers people to turn what they like into careers theyll loveand helps them navigate any obstacles encountered along the way. For more information, visit roadtripnation.com/about. About Old Dominion University Old Dominion University, located in the coastal city of Norfolk, is Virginia's entrepreneurial-minded doctoral research university with more than 24,000 students, rigorous academics, an energetic residential community and initiatives that contribute $2.6 billion annually to the Commonwealths economy. Attachment FORT WORTH, Texas, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) today announced its first quarter 2019 financial results. Highlights GAAP cash flow provided from operating activities of $261 million, and non-GAAP cash flow of $269 million GAAP net income of $1.4 million ($0.01 per diluted share), and non-GAAP net income of $90.7 million ($0.36 per diluted share) Utilized free cash flow to reduce borrowings on credit facility by approximately $48 million Production averaged 2,256 Mmcfe per day, including approximately 31% liquids Southwest Pennsylvania production increased 14% over the prior-year period to 1,915 Mmcfe per day Natural gas differentials, including basis hedging, averaged $0.04 per mcf above NYMEX Natural gas, NGLs and oil price realizations before NYMEX hedging averaged $3.31 per mcfe, a $0.17 premium to NYMEX natural gas Commenting on the quarter, Jeff Ventura, the Companys CEO said, Range is off to a great start in 2019, exceeding production guidance for the first quarter and paying down $48 million in debt with organically-generated free cash flow. Importantly, we remain on track to deliver on our annual production target while spending at or below budget for the year. Operationally, Range continues to focus on translating our best-in-class inventory and well-level returns into corporate-level returns in the form of significant free cash flow generation in 2019 and beyond, as we improve the balance sheet towards our longer-term target of under 2x debt-to-EBITDAX. Additionally, Range is actively pursuing multiple asset sales as we remain committed to accelerating our debt reduction timeline. Financial Discussion Except for generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) reported amounts, specific expense categories exclude non-cash impairments, unrealized mark-to-market adjustment on derivatives, non-cash stock compensation and other items shown separately on the attached tables. Unit costs as used in this release are composed of direct operating, transportation, gathering, processing and compression, production and ad valorem taxes, general and administrative, interest and depletion, depreciation and amortization costs divided by production. See Non-GAAP Financial Measures for a definition of each of the non-GAAP financial measures and the tables that reconcile each of the non-GAAP measures to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measure. First Quarter 2019 GAAP revenues for first quarter 2019 totaled $748 million (a 1% increase compared to first quarter 2018), GAAP net cash provided from operating activities (including changes in working capital) was $261 million, compared to $371 million in first quarter 2018, and GAAP net income was $1.4 million ($0.01 per diluted share) versus net income of $49.2 million ($0.20 per diluted share) in the prior-year first quarter. First quarter earnings results include a $61.7 million derivative loss due to increases in future commodity prices compared to a $14.0 million derivative loss in the prior-year first quarter and a $3.6 million mark to market loss related to the deferred compensation plan compared to a $7.4 million gain in the prior-year first quarter. Non-GAAP revenues for first quarter 2019 totaled $835 million, an increase of 9% compared to first quarter 2018, and cash flow from operations before changes in working capital, a non-GAAP measure, was $269 million, compared to $323 million in first quarter 2018. Adjusted net income comparable to analysts estimates, a non-GAAP measure, was $90.7 million ($0.36 per diluted share) in first quarter 2019, compared to $112.7 million ($0.46 per diluted share) in the prior-year first quarter. The following table details Ranges average production and realized pricing for first quarter 2019: Net Production Natural Gas (Mmcf/d) Oil (Bbl/d) NGLs (Bbl/d) Natural Gas Equivalent (Mmcfe/d) 1,561 8,951 106,806 2,256 Realized Pricing* Natural Gas ($/Mcf) Oil ($/Bbl) NGLs ($/Bbl) Natural Gas Equivalent ($/Mcfe) Average NYMEX price $ 3.14 $ 54.86 Differential, including basis hedging 0.04 (6.30 ) Realized prices before NYMEX hedges 3.18 48.56 $ 20.58 $ 3.31 Settled NYMEX hedges (0.09 ) 1.05 2.59 0.12 Average realized prices after hedges $ 3.09 $ 49.61 $ 23.17 $ 3.43 *May not add due to rounding First quarter 2019 natural gas, NGLs and oil price realizations (including the impact of derivative settlements which correspond to analysts estimates) averaged $3.43 per mcfe. Additional detail on commodity price realizations can be found in the Supplemental Tables provided on the Companys website. The average natural gas price, including the impact of basis hedging, was $3.18 per mcf, or a $0.04 per mcf premium to NYMEX, which compares to a $0.13 per mcf premium during the prior-year quarter. Crude oil and condensate price realizations, before realized hedges, averaged $48.56 per barrel, or $6.30 below West Texas Intermediate (WTI), compared to $4.08 below WTI in the prior-year quarter. Hedging increased price by $1.05 per barrel compared to a decrease of $7.82 per barrel in the prior-year quarter. Pre-hedge NGL realizations were $20.58 per barrel, or 38% of WTI, which compares to pre-hedge realizations of 35% of WTI during the prior-year quarter. NGL realizations including hedges, improved to $23.17 per barrel, which compares to $20.20 per barrel in the prior-year quarter. Unit Costs The following table details Ranges unit costs per mcfe(a): Expenses 1Q 2019 ($/Mcfe) 1Q 2018 ($/Mcfe) Increase (Decrease) Direct operating $ 0.16 $ 0.19 (16 %) Transportation, gathering, processing and compression 1.49 1.24 20 % Production and ad valorem taxes 0.06 0.05 20 % General and administrative(a) 0.18 0.23 (22 %) Interest expense(a) 0.25 0.26 (4 %) Total cash unit costs(b) 2.13 1.96 9 % Depletion, depreciation and amortization (DD&A) 0.68 0.82 (17 %) Total unit costs plus DD&A(b) $ 2.82 $ 2.79 1 % (a) Excludes stock-based compensation, legal settlements and amortization of deferred financing costs. (b) May not add due to rounding. Renewal of Bank Credit Facility Ranges existing $3.0 billion borrowing base and $2.0 billion commitment amount under its $4.0 billion bank credit facility were unanimously reaffirmed by its 27 lenders with no changes to the financial covenants. The credit facility matures on April 13, 2023 and is subject to annual redeterminations. Range reduced total debt outstanding by $48 million during the first quarter. At March 31, 2019, Range had total debt outstanding, before debt issuance costs of $3.8 billion, consisting of $2.9 billion in senior notes, $895 million in bank debt and $49 million in senior subordinated notes. The Company had $825 million of borrowing capacity under the current commitment amount at the end of the first quarter. Capital Expenditures First quarter 2019 drilling and completion expenditures were $210 million. In addition, during the quarter, $14.6 million was spent on acreage purchases and $1.1 million on gathering systems. Range remains on target with its $756 million total capital budget for 2019, which is expected to be funded within cash flows, excluding asset sale proceeds. Operational Discussion The table below summarizes estimated activity for 2019 regarding the number of wells to sales for each area. Wells TIL 1Q 2019 Calendar 2019 Planned TIL Remaining 2019 SW PA Super-Rich 3 14 11 SW PA Wet 0 41 41 SW PA Dry 20 33 13 Total Appalachia 23 88 65 Total N. LA. 3 8 5 Total 26 96 70 Appalachia Division Production for first quarter 2019 averaged approximately 2,027 net Mmcfe per day from the Appalachia division, a 12% increase over the prior-year first quarter. The southwest area of the division averaged 1,915 net Mmcfe per day during first quarter 2019, a 14% increase over first quarter 2018. The northeast Marcellus properties averaged 112 net Mmcf per day inclusive of approximately 15 net Mmcf per day of legacy acreage production during first quarter 2019. North Louisiana Production for the division in first quarter 2019 averaged approximately 229 net Mmcfe per day. The division brought on line three wells during the quarter and expects to bring on line five additional wells during the remainder of the year. Marketing and Transportation The first quarter saw the full utilization of the recently commissioned Mark West Harmon Creek I gas processing plant. This facility, along with the re-start of the Houston gas processing plant, saw strong run times for the first quarter and supported processing for wells focused in our liquids-rich acreage. The new plant allows Range to maximize utilization of its newly available downstream capacity. With significant long-haul takeaway capacity coming on-line over the last couple of years, local Appalachia pricing has improved significantly compared to prior years. Additionally, with the slowdown in southwest Appalachia production growth, local pricing is expected to remain strong, providing additional in-basin market growth opportunities with less transportation cost for incremental natural gas production. Range is actively engaged in developing in-basin demand to support expanded use of natural gas in local markets. During the first quarter, Range resumed the waterborne butane export program it began last spring. This was enabled via the newly operational Mariner East 2 pipeline and associated infrastructure at Marcus Hook. Going forward, Range has also positioned a portion of its butane volumes for export using an additional East Coast terminal giving NGL products another outlet for accessing premium international markets. Ranges first quarter NGL realization, including hedges, was $23.17 per barrel, an increase of 15% year over year. Based on recent strip pricing, Range expects pre-hedge NGL pricing for calendar 2019 to average 34% - 38% of WTI. On an absolute price per barrel basis, expected calendar 2019 realizations are now slightly better than the Companys original guidance in February. Based on recent strip pricing, Range expects pre-hedge NGL pricing for calendar 2019 to average 34% - 38% of WTI. The Mariner East 1 pipeline was temporarily taken out of service in late January following a subsidence along the pipeline route. Since that time, Ranges marketing team has worked diligently pursuing options to secure the flow of NGL production. For propane, Range has utilized multiple outlets to continue moving barrels to the Marcus Hook terminal for international export. In the case of ethane, Range has utilized various options for marketing production throughout the quarter, including both normal extraction and selling ethane as natural gas. Overall, despite the Mariner East 1 pipeline temporary disruption, Range has successfully moved NGL production to both domestic and international end-use markets through the optimization of rail and other infrastructure in the region. Range anticipates the Mariner East 1 pipeline will be returned to service in the next few days. Guidance 2019 Production per day Guidance Production for second quarter 2019 is expected to be approximately 2,270 to 2,280 Mmcfe per day. Production expectations for the full year 2019 remains approximately 2,325 to 2,345 Mmcfe per day. 2Q 2019 Expense Guidance Direct operating expense: $0.16 $0.18 per mcfe Transportation, gathering, processing and compression expense: $1.47 $1.51 per mcfe Production tax expense: $0.05 $0.06 per mcfe Exploration expense: $7.0 $9.0 million Unproved property impairment expense: $15.0 $18.0 million G&A expense: $0.18 $0.20 per mcfe Interest expense: $0.23 $0.25 per mcfe DD&A expense: $0.68 $0.74 per mcfe Net brokered gas marketing expense: ~$3.0 million 2Q 2019 Natural Gas Price Differentials (including basis hedging): NYMEX minus $0.24 Full Year 2019 Price Guidance Based on current market indications, Range expects to average the following pre-hedge differentials for calendar 2019 production. FY 2019 Guidance Natural Gas: NYMEX minus $0.15 to $0.20 Natural Gas Liquids (including ethane): 34% 38% of WTI Oil/Condensate: WTI minus $6.00 to $8.00 Hedging Status Range hedges portions of its expected future production volumes to increase the predictability of cash flow and to help maintain a more flexible financial position. Range currently has over 80% of its expected calendar 2019 natural gas production hedged at a weighted average floor price of $2.86 per Mmbtu. Similarly, Range has hedged over 70% of its calendar 2019 projected crude oil production at an average floor price of $56.29. Please see Ranges detailed hedging schedule posted at the end of the financial tables below and on its website at www.rangeresources.com . Range has also hedged Marcellus and other basis differentials to limit volatility between NYMEX and regional prices. The fair value of the basis hedges was a loss of $3.4 million as of March 31, 2019. The Company also has propane basis swap contracts which lock in the differential between Mont Belvieu and international propane indices. The fair value of these contracts was a loss of $0.8 million on March 31, 2019. Conference Call Information A conference call to review the financial results is scheduled on Tuesday, April 23 at 9:00 a.m. ET. To participate in the call, please dial 866-900-7525 and provide conference code 4086623 about 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. A simultaneous webcast of the call may be accessed at www.rangeresources.com . The webcast will be archived for replay on the Company's website until May 23, 2019. Non-GAAP Financial Measures Adjusted net income comparable to analysts estimates as set forth in this release represents income or loss from operations before income taxes adjusted for certain non-cash items (detailed in the accompanying table) less income taxes. We believe adjusted net income comparable to analysts estimates is calculated on the same basis as analysts estimates and that many investors use this published research in making investment decisions and evaluating operational trends of the Company and its performance relative to other oil and gas producing companies. Diluted earnings per share (adjusted) as set forth in this release represents adjusted net income comparable to analysts estimates on a diluted per share basis. A table is included which reconciles income or loss from operations to adjusted net income comparable to analysts estimates and diluted earnings per share (adjusted). The Company provides additional comparative information on prior periods along with non-GAAP revenue disclosures on its website. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital (sometimes referred to as adjusted cash flow) as defined in this release represents net cash provided by operations before changes in working capital and exploration expense adjusted for certain non-cash compensation items. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is widely accepted by the investment community as a financial indicator of an oil and gas companys ability to generate cash to internally fund exploration and development activities and to service debt. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is also useful because it is widely used by professional research analysts in valuing, comparing, rating and providing investment recommendations of companies in the oil and gas exploration and production industry. In turn, many investors use this published research in making investment decisions. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is not a measure of financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as an alternative to cash flows from operations, investing, or financing activities as an indicator of cash flows, or as a measure of liquidity. A table is included which reconciles net cash provided by operations to cash flow from operations before changes in working capital as used in this release. On its website, the Company provides additional comparative information on prior periods for cash flow, cash margins and non-GAAP earnings as used in this release. The cash prices realized for oil and natural gas production, including the amounts realized on cash-settled derivatives and net of transportation, gathering, processing and compression expense, is a critical component in the Companys performance tracked by investors and professional research analysts in valuing, comparing, rating and providing investment recommendations and forecasts of companies in the oil and gas exploration and production industry. In turn, many investors use this published research in making investment decisions. Due to the GAAP disclosures of various derivative transactions and third-party transportation, gathering, processing and compression expense, such information is now reported in various lines of the income statement. The Company believes that it is important to furnish a table reflecting the details of the various components of each line in the statement of operations to better inform the reader of the details of each amount and provide a summary of the realized cash-settled amounts and third-party transportation, gathering, processing and compression expense which were historically reported as natural gas, NGLs and oil sales. This information is intended to bridge the gap between various readers understanding and fully disclose the information needed. The Company discloses in this release the detailed components of many of the single line items shown in the GAAP financial statements included in the Companys quarterly report on Form 10-Q. The Company believes that it is important to furnish this detail of the various components comprising each line of the Statements of Operations to better inform the reader of the details of each amount, the changes between periods and the effect on its financial results. RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) is a leading U.S. independent oil and natural gas producer with operations focused in stacked-pay projects in the Appalachian Basin and North Louisiana. The Company pursues an organic development strategy targeting high return, low-cost projects within its large inventory of low risk development drilling opportunities. The Company is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. More information about Range can be found at www.rangeresources.com . Included within this news release are certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that are not limited to historical facts, but reflect Ranges current beliefs, expectations or intentions regarding future events. Words such as may, will, could, should, expect, plan, project, intend, anticipate, believe, outlook, estimate, predict, potential, pursue, target, continue, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. All statements, except for statements of historical fact, made within regarding activities, events or developments the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future, such as those regarding future well costs, expected asset sales, well productivity, future liquidity and financial resilience, anticipated exports and related financial impact, NGL market supply and demand, improving commodity fundamentals and pricing, future capital efficiencies, future shareholder value, emerging plays, capital spending, anticipated drilling and completion activity, acreage prospectivity, expected pipeline utilization and future guidance information are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information; however, management's assumptions and Range's future performance are subject to a wide range of business risks and uncertainties and there is no assurance that these goals and projections can or will be met. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Further information on risks and uncertainties is available in Range's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Unless required by law, Range undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events after the date they are made. The SEC permits oil and gas companies, in filings made with the SEC, to disclose proved reserves, which are estimates that geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions as well as the option to disclose probable and possible reserves. Range has elected not to disclose its probable and possible reserves in its filings with the SEC. Range uses certain broader terms such as "resource potential, unrisked resource potential, "unproved resource potential" or "upside" or other descriptions of volumes of resources potentially recoverable through additional drilling or recovery techniques that may include probable and possible reserves as defined by the SEC's guidelines. Range has not attempted to distinguish probable and possible reserves from these broader classifications. The SECs rules prohibit us from including in filings with the SEC these broader classifications of reserves. These estimates are by their nature more speculative than estimates of proved, probable and possible reserves and accordingly are subject to substantially greater risk of actually being realized. Unproved resource potential refers to Range's internal estimates of hydrocarbon quantities that may be potentially discovered through exploratory drilling or recovered with additional drilling or recovery techniques and have not been reviewed by independent engineers. Unproved resource potential does not constitute reserves within the meaning of the Society of Petroleum Engineer's Petroleum Resource Management System and does not include proved reserves. Area wide unproven resource potential has not been fully risked by Range's management. EUR, or estimated ultimate recovery, refers to our managements estimates of hydrocarbon quantities that may be recovered from a well completed as a producer in the area. These quantities may not necessarily constitute or represent reserves within the meaning of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Petroleum Resource Management System or the SECs oil and natural gas disclosure rules. Actual quantities that may be recovered from Range's interests could differ substantially. Factors affecting ultimate recovery include the scope of Range's drilling program, which will be directly affected by the availability of capital, drilling and production costs, commodity prices, availability of drilling services and equipment, drilling results, lease expirations, transportation constraints, regulatory approvals, field spacing rules, recoveries of gas in place, length of horizontal laterals, actual drilling results, including geological and mechanical factors affecting recovery rates and other factors. Estimates of resource potential may change significantly as development of our resource plays provides additional data. In addition, our production forecasts and expectations for future periods are dependent upon many assumptions, including estimates of production decline rates from existing wells and the undertaking and outcome of future drilling activity, which may be affected by significant commodity price declines or drilling cost increases. Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, available from our website at www.rangeresources.com or by written request to 100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1200, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. You can also obtain this Form 10-K on the SECs website at www.sec.gov or by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. Investor Contacts: Laith Sando, Vice President Investor Relations 817-869-4267 lsando@rangeresources.com Michael Freeman, Director Investor Relations & Hedging 817-869-4264 mfreeman@rangeresources.com John Durham, Senior Financial Analyst 817-869-1538 jdurham@rangeresources.com Media Contact: Michael Mackin, Director of External Affairs 724-743-6776 mmackin@rangeresources.com www.rangeresources.com RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS Based on GAAP reported earnings with additional details of items included in each line in Form 10-Q (Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 % Revenues and other income: Natural gas, NGLs and oil sales (a) $ 671,654 $ 696,629 Derivative fair value (loss)/income (61,731 ) (14,009 ) Brokered natural gas, marketing and other (b) 138,143 59,755 Other (b) 71 224 Total revenues and other income 748,137 742,599 1 % Costs and expenses: Direct operating 32,636 37,531 Direct operating non-cash stock-based compensation (c) 591 591 Transportation, gathering, processing and compression 302,655 244,628 Production and ad valorem taxes 11,310 9,926 Brokered natural gas and marketing 131,920 55,309 Brokered natural gas and marketing non-cash stock-based compensation (c) 385 285 Exploration 7,838 6,968 Exploration non-cash stock-based compensation (c) 373 751 Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties 12,659 11,773 General and administrative 37,117 44,329 General and administrative non-cash stock-based compensation (c) 8,815 23,911 General and administrative lawsuit settlements 706 177 Termination costs (37 ) Deferred compensation plan (d) 3,581 (7,397 ) Interest expense 49,749 50,533 Interest expense amortization of deferred financing costs (e) 1,788 1,852 Depletion, depreciation and amortization 138,718 162,266 Impairment of proved properties 7,312 Gain on sale of assets 189 (23 ) Total costs and expenses 741,030 650,685 14 % Income before income taxes 7,107 91,914 92 % Income tax expense: Current Deferred 5,688 42,676 5,688 42,676 Net income $ 1,419 $ 49,238 97 % Net Income Per Common Share: Basic $ 0.01 $ 0.20 Diluted $ 0.01 $ 0.20 Weighted average common shares outstanding, as reported: Basic 247,776 245,709 1 % Diluted 249,154 246,594 1 % (a) See separate natural gas, NGLs and oil sales information table. (b) Included in Brokered natural gas, marketing and other revenues in the 10-Q. (c) Costs associated with stock compensation and restricted stock amortization, which have been reflected in the categories associated with the direct personnel costs, which are combined with the cash costs in the 10-Q. (d) Reflects the change in market value of the vested Company stock held in the deferred compensation plan. (e) Included in interest expense in the 10-Q. RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION BALANCE SHEETS (In thousands) March 31, December 31, 2019 2018 (Unaudited) (Audited) Assets Current assets $ 382,332 $ 514,232 Derivative assets 14,552 92,795 Natural gas and oil properties, successful efforts method 9,105,269 9,023,185 Transportation and field assets 8,825 9,776 Operating lease ROU assets 49,329 Other 74,757 68,166 $ 9,635,064 $ 9,708,154 Liabilities and Stockholders Equity Current liabilities $ 651,946 $ 745,182 Asset retirement obligations 5,485 5,485 Derivative liabilities 13,369 4,144 Bank debt 884,652 932,018 Senior notes 2,857,297 2,856,166 Senior subordinated notes 48,700 48,677 Total debt 3,790,649 3,836,861 Deferred tax liability 672,376 666,668 Derivative liabilities 2,559 3,462 Deferred compensation liability 75,179 67,542 Asset retirement obligations and other liabilities 360,838 319,379 Common stock and retained earnings 4,063,652 4,060,480 Other comprehensive loss (598 ) (658 ) Common stock held in treasury stock (391 ) (391 ) Total stockholders equity 4,062,663 4,059,431 $ 9,635,064 $ 9,708,154 RECONCILIATION OF TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER INCOME TO TOTAL REVENUE EXCLUDING CERTAIN ITEMS, a non-GAAP measure (Unaudited, in thousands) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 % Total revenues and other income, as reported $ 748,137 $ 742,599 1 % Adjustment for certain special items: Total change in fair value related to derivatives prior to settlement (gain) loss 86,565 22,934 Total revenues, as adjusted, non-GAAP $ 834,702 $ 765,533 9 % RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (Unaudited in thousands) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Net income $ 1,419 $ 49,238 Adjustments to reconcile net cash provided from continuing operations: Deferred income tax expense 5,688 42,676 Depletion, depreciation, amortization and impairment 138,718 169,578 Exploration dry hole costs 2 Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties 12,659 11,773 Derivative fair value loss 61,731 14,009 Cash settlements on derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting 24,834 8,925 Amortization of deferred issuance costs, loss on extinguishment of debt, and other 1,807 1,312 Deferred and stock-based compensation 14,112 18,527 Loss (gain) on sale of assets and other 189 (23 ) Changes in working capital: Accounts receivable 134,006 53,913 Inventory and other (4,763 ) (5,294 ) Accounts payable (30,431 ) 47,453 Accrued liabilities and other (99,275 ) (41,517 ) Net changes in working capital (463 ) 54,555 Net cash provided from operating activities $ 260,694 $ 370,572 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH PROVIDED FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES, AS REPORTED, TO CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL, a non-GAAP measure (Unaudited, in thousands) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Net cash provided from operating activities, as reported $ 260,694 $ 370,572 Net changes in working capital 463 (54,555 ) Exploration expense 7,838 6,966 Lawsuit settlements 706 177 Termination costs (37 ) Non-cash compensation adjustment (386 ) 154 Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital non-GAAP measure $ 269,315 $ 323,277 ADJUSTED WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING (Unaudited, in thousands) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Basic: Weighted average shares outstanding 250,320 248,576 Stock held by deferred compensation plan (2,544 ) (2,867 ) Adjusted basic 247,776 245,709 Dilutive: Weighted average shares outstanding 250,320 248,576 Dilutive stock options under treasury method (1,166 ) (1,982 ) Adjusted dilutive 249,154 246,594 RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION RECONCILIATION OF NATURAL GAS, NGLs AND OIL SALES AND DERIVATIVE FAIR VALUE INCOME (LOSS) TO CALCULATED CASH REALIZED NATURAL GAS, NGLs AND OIL PRICES WITH AND WITHOUT THIRD PARTY TRANSPORTATION, GATHERING AND COMPRESSION FEES, a non-GAAP measure (Unaudited, in thousands, except per unit data) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 % Natural gas, NGL and oil sales components: Natural gas sales $ 434,720 $ 431,573 NGL sales 197,813 202,527 Oil sales 39,121 62,529 Total oil and gas sales, as reported $ 671,654 $ 696,629 -4 % Derivative fair value income (loss), as reported: $ (61,731 ) $ (14,009 ) Cash settlements on derivative financial instruments (gain) loss: Natural gas 872 (32,508 ) NGLs (24,864 ) 15,268 Crude Oil (842 ) 8,315 Total change in fair value related to derivatives prior to settlement, a non-GAAP measure $ (86,565 ) $ (22,934 ) Transportation, gathering, processing and compression components: Natural gas $ 189,082 $ 157,234 NGLs 113,573 87,394 Total transportation, gathering, processing and compression, as reported $ 302,655 $ 244,628 Natural gas, NGL and oil sales, including cash-settled derivatives: (c) Natural gas sales $ 433,848 $ 464,081 NGL sales 222,677 187,259 Oil sales 39,963 54,214 Total $ 696,488 $ 705,554 -1 % Production of oil and gas during the periods (a): Natural gas (mcf) 140,521,663 134,954,095 4 % NGL (bbl) 9,612,547 9,270,031 4 % Oil (bbl) 805,550 1,063,434 -24 % Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) 203,030,245 196,954,885 3 % Production of oil and gas average per day (a): Natural gas (mcf) 1,561,352 1,499,490 4 % NGL (bbl) 106,806 103,000 4 % Oil (bbl) 8,951 11,816 -24 % Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) 2,255,892 2,188,388 3 % Average prices, excluding derivative settlements and before third party transportation costs: Natural gas (mcf) $ 3.09 $ 3.20 -3 % NGL (bbl) $ 20.58 $ 21.85 -6 % Oil (bbl) $ 48.56 $ 58.80 -17 % Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) $ 3.31 $ 3.54 -6 % Average prices, including derivative settlements before third party transportation costs: (c) Natural gas (mcf) $ 3.09 $ 3.44 -10 % NGL (bbl) $ 23.17 $ 20.20 15 % Oil (bbl) $ 49.61 $ 50.98 -3 % Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) $ 3.43 $ 3.58 -4 % Average prices, including derivative settlements and after third party transportation costs: (d) Natural gas (mcf) $ 1.74 $ 2.27 -23 % NGL (bbl) $ 11.35 $ 10.77 5 % Oil (bbl) $ 49.61 $ 50.98 -3 % Gas equivalent (mcfe) (b) $ 1.94 $ 2.34 -17 % Transportation, gathering and compression expense per mcfe $ 1.49 $ 1.24 20 % (a) Represents volumes sold regardless of when produced. (b) Oil and NGLs are converted at the rate of one barrel equals six mcfe based upon the approximate relative energy content of oil to natural gas, which is not necessarily indicative of the relationship of oil and natural gas prices. (c) Excluding third party transportation, gathering and compression costs. (d) Net of transportation, gathering, and compression costs. RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION RECONCILIATION OF INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES AS REPORTED TO INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES EXCLUDING CERTAIN ITEMS, a non-GAAP measure (Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 % Income from operations before income taxes, as reported $ 7,107 $ 91,914 92 % Adjustment for certain special items: Loss (gain) on sale of assets 189 (23 ) Change in fair value related to derivatives prior to settlement 86,565 22,934 Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties 12,659 11,773 Impairment of proved property 7,312 Lawsuit settlements 706 177 Termination costs (37 ) Brokered natural gas and marketing non-cash stock-based compensation 385 285 Direct operating non-cash stock-based compensation 591 591 Exploration expenses non-cash stock-based compensation 373 751 General & administrative non-cash stock-based compensation 8,815 23,911 Deferred compensation plan non-cash adjustment 3,581 (7,397 ) Income before income taxes, as adjusted 120,971 152,191 -21 % Income tax expense, as adjusted Current Deferred (a) 30,260 39,517 Net income excluding certain items, a non-GAAP measure $ 90,711 $ 112,674 -19 % Non-GAAP income per common share Basic $ 0.37 $ 0.46 -20 % Diluted $ 0.36 $ 0.46 -22 % Non-GAAP diluted shares outstanding, if dilutive 249,154 246,594 (a) Deferred taxes are estimated to be approximately 25% for 2019 and 26% for 2018. RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME (LOSS), EXCLUDING CERTAIN ITEMS AND ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE, non-GAAP measures (In thousands, except per share data) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Net income (loss), as reported $ 1,419 $ 49,238 Adjustment for certain special items: (Gain) loss on sale of assets 189 (23 ) Change in fair value related to derivatives prior to settlement 86,565 22,934 Impairment of proved property 7,312 Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties 12,659 11,773 Lawsuit settlements 706 177 Termination costs (37 ) Non-cash stock-based compensation 10,164 25,538 Deferred compensation plan 3,581 (7,397 ) Tax impact (24,572 ) 3,159 Net income excluding certain items, a non-GAAP measure $ 90,711 $ 112,674 Net income (loss) per diluted share, as reported $ 0.01 $ 0.20 Adjustment for certain special items per diluted share: (Gain) loss on sale of assets 0.00 (0.00 ) Change in fair value related to derivatives prior to settlement 0.35 0.09 Impairment of proved property 0.03 Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties 0.05 0.05 Termination costs (0.00 ) Non-cash stock-based compensation 0.04 0.10 Deferred compensation plan 0.01 (0.03 ) Adjustment for rounding differences 0.01 Tax impact (0.10 ) 0.01 Net income per diluted share, excluding certain items, a non- GAAP measure $ 0.36 $ 0.46 Adjusted earnings per share, a non-GAAP measure: Basic $ 0.37 $ 0.46 Diluted $ 0.36 $ 0.46 RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION RECONCILIATION OF CASH MARGIN PER MCFE, a non-GAAP measure (Unaudited, in thousands, except per unit data) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Revenues Natural gas, NGL and oil sales, as reported $ 671,654 $ 696,629 Derivative fair value loss, as reported (61,731 ) (14,009 ) Less non-cash fair value (gain) loss 86,565 22,934 Brokered natural gas and marketing and other, as reported 138,214 59,979 Less ARO settlement and other (gains) losses (71 ) (224 ) Cash revenue applicable to production 834,631 765,309 Expenses Direct operating, as reported 33,227 38,122 Less direct operating stock-based compensation (591 ) (591 ) Transportation, gathering and compression, as reported 302,655 244,628 Production and ad valorem taxes, as reported 11,310 9,926 Brokered natural gas and marketing, as reported 132,305 55,594 Less brokered natural gas and marketing stock-based compensation (385 ) (285 ) General and administrative, as reported 46,638 68,417 Less G&A stock-based compensation (8,815 ) (23,911 ) Less lawsuit settlements (706 ) (177 ) Interest expense, as reported 51,537 52,385 Less amortization of deferred financing costs (1,788 ) (1,852 ) Cash expenses 565,387 442,256 Cash margin, a non-GAAP measure $ 269,244 $ 323,053 Mmcfe produced during period 203,030 196,955 Cash margin per mcfe $ 1.33 $ 1.64 RECONCILIATION OF INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES TO CASH MARGIN (Unaudited, in thousands, except per unit data) Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Income before income taxes, as reported $ 7,107 $ 91,914 Adjustments to reconcile income before income taxes to cash margin: ARO settlements and other (gains) losses (71 ) (224 ) Derivative fair value loss 61,731 14,009 Net cash receipts on derivative settlements 24,834 8,925 Exploration expense 7,838 6,968 Lawsuit settlements 706 177 Termination costs (37 ) Deferred compensation plan 3,581 (7,397 ) Stock-based compensation (direct operating, brokered natural gas and marketing, general and administrative and termination costs) 10,164 25,538 Interest amortization of deferred financing costs 1,788 1,852 Depletion, depreciation and amortization 138,718 162,266 (Gain) loss on sale of assets 189 (23 ) Impairment of proved property and other assets 7,312 Abandonment and impairment of unproved properties 12,659 11,773 Cash margin, a non-GAAP measure $ 269,244 $ 323,053 RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION HEDGING POSITION AS OF March 31, 2019 (Unaudited) Daily Volume Hedge Price Gas 1 2Q 2019 Swaps 1,350,000 Mmbtu $2.80 3Q 2019 Swaps 1,425,109 Mmbtu $2.80 4Q 2019 Swaps 1,428,261 Mmbtu $2.82 2020 Swaps 334,973 Mmbtu $2.77 Oil 2Q 2019 Collar 1,000 bbls $63 x 73 2H 2019 Collar 1,000 bbls $63 x 73 2Q 2019 Swaps 7,500 bbls $55.25 3Q 2019 Swaps 7,250 bbls $55.50 4Q 2019 Swaps 7,666 bbls $55.64 2020 Swaps 1,624 bbls $60.95 C2 Ethane 2Q 2019 Swaps 500 bbls $0.35/gallon C3 Propane 2Q 2019 Collars 1,000 bbls $0.90 x $0.96 /gallon 2Q 2019 Swaps 8,500 bbls $0.878/gallon C5 Natural Gasoline 2Q 2019 Swaps 5,000 bbls $1.341/gallon 3Q 2019 Swaps 1,500 bbls $1.472/gallon 4Q 2019 Swaps 1,500 bbls $1.475/gallon Range also sold call swaptions of 20,000 Mmbtu/d for winter 2019/2020 and 290,000 Mmbtu/d for calendar 2020 at average strike prices of $3.20 and $2.80 per Mmbtu, respectively SEE WEBSITE FOR OTHER SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR THE PERIODS AND ADDITIONAL HEDGING DETAILS INDIANA, Pa., April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Commonwealth Financial Corporation (NYSE: FCF) today announced that its banking subsidiary, First Commonwealth Bank (First Commonwealth), has signed a definitive agreement to acquire 14 branches located in State College, Lock Haven, Williamsport and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, with approximately $525 million of deposits and $120 million of retail and business loans (as of March 31, 2019) from Santander Bank, N.A. (Santander). The contiguous expansion of our footprint into these new towns, which have complementary demographics and culture to our core Western Pennsylvania markets, makes perfect sense for us. These branches have a long history as community bank branches. We look forward to improving the financial lives of our new neighbors and businesses in these communities, said T. Michael Price, Chief Executive Officer of First Commonwealth. The deposits that we are acquiring with these branches provide low-cost, stable funding that will immediately improve our profitability and, more importantly, allow us to continue the steady pace of our loan growth in the face of a competitive deposit market, Price continued. This transaction is similar in size and scope to the four low-risk transactions that we have completed in recent years, each of which has exceeded our expectations. The acquisition provides First Commonwealth with the opportunity to expand its Pennsylvania footprint by adding approximately 22,000 retail and small business households. First Commonwealth will pay a 7.05% premium on average total deposits acquired at close. First Commonwealth intends to apply the cash received at closing to repay wholesale borrowings, which is expected to reduce First Commonwealths loan to deposit ratio to 90% and improve its net interest margin. The acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to First Commonwealths earnings per share. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to close in the third quarter of 2019. First Commonwealth was advised by the investment banking firm of RBC Capital Markets and the law firm Squire Patton Boggs. An investor presentation accompanies this press release and can be found on First Commonwealths investor relations page www.fcbanking.com/investorrelations . About First Commonwealth Financial Corporation First Commonwealth Financial Corporation (NYSE: FCF), headquartered in Indiana, Pennsylvania, is a financial services company with 137 community banking offices in 22 counties throughout western and central Pennsylvania and throughout Ohio, as well as corporate banking centers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. The company also operates mortgage offices in Wexford, Pennsylvania, as well as Hudson and Dublin, Ohio. First Commonwealth provides a full range of commercial banking, consumer banking, mortgage, wealth management and insurance products and services through its subsidiaries First Commonwealth Bank and First Commonwealth Insurance Agency. For more information about First Commonwealth or to open an account today, please visit www.fcbanking.com . Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements about First Commonwealths future plans, strategies and financial performance that may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements are intended to be covered by the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and this statement is included for purposes of complying with these safe harbor provisions. These statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and often include words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or words of similar meaning, or future or conditional verbs such as "will," "would," "should," "could" or "may." These forward-looking statements are based on current plans and expectations, which are subject to a number of risk factors and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control. Risk factors relating both to the transaction and the integration of the branch customers into First Commonwealth after the completion of the transaction include, without limitation: Completion of the transaction is dependent on, among other things, receipt of regulatory approvals, the timing of which cannot be predicted with precision at this point and which may not be received at all. The transaction may be more expensive to complete and the anticipated benefits may be significantly harder or take longer to achieve than expected or may not be achieved in their entirety as a result of unexpected factors or events. The integration of the acquired customers and operations into First Commonwealth, which will include conversion of data and information from Santanders operating systems to our own, may take longer than anticipated or be more costly than anticipated or have unanticipated adverse consequences. First Commonwealth's ability to achieve anticipated results from the transaction is dependent on the state of the economic and financial markets going forward. Specifically, First Commonwealth may incur more credit losses from the acquired loan portfolio than expected and deposit costs or attrition may be greater than expected. For additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, please see First Commonwealth's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made. First Commonwealth undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made. Media Relations Jonathan E. Longwill Vice President / Communications and Media Relations Phone: 724-463-6806 JLongwill@fcbanking.com Investor Relations Ryan M. Thomas Vice President / Finance and Investor Relations Phone: 724-463-1690 E-mail: RThomas1@fcbanking.com English Icelandic Enclosed is information on candidates to the Board of Directors of Eimskip to be elected at the Extended Annual General Meeting 26 April 2019, cf. Art. 63 a., pg. 4, of Act no. 2/1995 respecting Public Limited Companies. Vilhjalmur Vilhjalmsson has withdrawn his candidacy to the Board of Directors, but declared instead his candidacy to the Alternate Board of Directors. Phil Quinlan has withdrawn his candidacy to the Alternate Board of Directors. According to the Companys Articles of Association, the Meeting elects five members for the Board of Directors. As five declared candidacy to the Board of Directors and the proportion between genders is in accordance with applicable law and Companys Articles of Association, candidates will be elected to the Board of Directors without ballot at the meeting. Candidates to the Alternate Board of Directors are: Erna Eiriksdottir, Johanna a Bergi and Vilhjalmur Vilhjalmsson. According to the Company's Articles of Association, the Meeting elects two alternate members for the Board of Directors. As three declared candidacy to the Alternate Board of Directors elections will be held on the Alternate Board of Directors at the meeting. Information on the candidates can be found on the Companys website: www.eimskip.com/investors/agm Eimskipafelag Islands hf.'s Extended Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 26 April 2019 at 16:00 (GMT) at the Company's headquarters in Korngardar 2, Reykjavik, Iceland. BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent a reply letter to a group of U.S. high school students, encouraging them to make contributions to promoting friendship between the Chinese and American peoples. The group of over 40 students from Niles North High School in Illinois state, the United States, have written in Chinese to Xi, asking him about his work, life and hobbies. The students said in their letter that they are studying Chinese, that they love Chinese language and characters, as well as music and Chinese food, and that they would love to have the chance to visit China. In his reply letter to the students, Xi thanked them for their letter, saying he feels their love for the Chinese language and their interest in the Chinese culture. Studying Chinese helps better understand China, make more Chinese friends, and also make many friends who can speak Chinese across the world, Xi said. He praised the students' neat writing and correct wording in Chinese, and encouraged them to continue the efforts to achieve greater progress in Chinese learning. "I have visited the United States for many times, and was deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery, hospitable people and diverse culture there. I have also made many American friends, including young friends," the president said. "My job is to serve the people. It is very tiring, but also very fulfilling," he added. The president said he has strong interest in philosophy, history, literature, culture, music and sports, among others, adding that many of his hobbies have been kept since his middle school years. Calling the young generation the future of China-U.S. friendship, Xi said he hopes that the students will cherish their youth, study hard and make contributions to promoting friendship between the Chinese and American peoples. Noting that it is better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times, the president said the students are welcome to visit China. Xi's letter was met with an enthusiastic response in Niles North High School, where teachers and students said they can feel Xi's amiability and are moved by his care for young people in China and the United States. Xi's letter will encourage more local students to learn Chinese, know about Chinese culture and participate in friendly exchanges between the two countries, they added. Niles North High School, established in 1964, is a public school in the U.S. state of Illinois. Having more than 2,000 students, the school pays special attention to international exchanges and encourages students to learn foreign languages. The school has included Chinese in its curriculum since 2008, and currently has 11 classes of students learning Chinese as an elective course. [ Editor: Zhang Zhou ] Description GIS 22 April, 2019: World Earth Day 2019 was marked, today, by the launching of a series of activities during a ceremony held at the Black River Gorges National Park. A poster on illegal dumping was also launched and medicinal plants were distributed to showcase the Mauritian Governments commitment to preserve the nature. Present at the event, the Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity, and Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr Etienne Sinatambou, spoke of the need for everyone to rethink their consumption patterns to help save the world. We should start by adopting actions that can help preserve the environment and the planet and embrace mitigation actions to eliminate the adverse effects of climate change, he said. The Minister highlighted that the theme for World Earth Day 2019, Protection of our Species, aims at raising awareness on the threat that the world is facing, that is, the greatest rate of extinction ever, as human beings have irrevocably upset the balance of nature. It is therefore crucial, he pointed out, for everyone to ponder on their actions and human behaviour and activities that are provoking complex environmental challenges and an unprecedented global destruction. Speaking about the alarming trend of overconsumption, Minister Sinatambou stated that the world is on the brink of facing a food crisis as figures reveal the persisting trend of depletion of resources. Humanity, he indicated, is continually exhausting nature's budget for the year and the supply in 2015 was already consumed on 13 August of that same year, in 2016 on 08 August, in 2017 on 02 August and 2018 on 01 August. Hence, he stated, it is imperative for everyone to reconsider and question their negative consumption patterns. Moreover, the Minister observed that climate change remains one of the most serious and pressing challenges that mankind is currently facing. The worsening tendency of climate change represents a major impediment on the survival of the planet and humanity. Furthermore, he dwelt on man-related activities such as deforestation and overconsumption of plastic that are exacerbating environmental challenges such as deforestation and affecting the fragile ecosystems and wildlife. On that note, Mr Sinatambou cautioned the population against the excessive use of plastics that are toxic for both the environment and humans who consume food intoxicated by plastic, while pointing out that in Mauritius itself, some 100 million bottle of plastics are used each year. Referring to World Earth Day, the Minister underlined that this opportune day is an urgent call to action for everyone to come together to help combat the various environmental challenges to help save the planet. As for Governmental efforts, he remarked that a Climate Change Bill has been elaborated to undertake urgent and concrete actions both in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation to save Mauritius. This represents a testimony of moral obligation to save the planet, he added. World Earth Day Earth Day is an international event celebrated on April 22 every year. It was initiated in the United States in 1970 and is an event through which various activities are held by Governments, private institutions and non-governmental organisations to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It is recalled that the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change was opened for signature by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on 22 April 2016. On this date, Mauritius signed and ratified the agreement. Moreover, World Earth Day is an occasion to inspire awareness about the environment and educate people on how simple actions adopted in our daily life can help to curb down global pressing challenges such as climate change and pollution. Call For Dialogue To End Stalemate In South Sudan Peace Agreement "The current leaders must show responsibility and avoid being sadly recorded in the history as entrepreneurs of political violence and strategists of disorder to remain in power". By Beny Gideon Mabor South Sudan, as an independent country borne out of bitter armed conflict that lasted for nearly four decades, must learnt to be exemplary for peace in Africa, and beyond. Remember that sovereignty comes with responsibility and everything in place: peace, security, development, and capacity to engage with other community of nations. These webs of issues require a great deal of responsible leadership. For example, the responsible leadership in Kenya and Ethiopia have shown it. It costs nothing to swallow empty pride, ignorance, and selfish interests and replace such vices with love, learning new things, and embracing public interest over private one. As a result, the courage that inspired warring parties and other South Sudanese stakeholders in January 2014 after an outbreak of political violence in mid December 2013, to engage in a political process that culminated into the agreement on the resolution of conflict in South Sudan and later revitalized peace agreement, should continue to guide you now in the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement. Equally important, we are all aware of matrix for implementation of the said peace agreement. Some activities are conditioned to the formation of the revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity. At the same time, such activities like security arrangements and other related matters come with financial and human resource capitals, some of which are outside the limit of all parties and the government as primary duty bearer. The two faces of the same coin have both challenges. In light of this situational background, I strongly advise that both the government, opposition groups, and other stakeholders need to exercise maximum restraint at this point in time just after many political and religious leaders returned from Vatican in a high level spiritual pilgrimage of the first kind, which was presided over by the Heads of Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian churches. In particular, the response from Deputy Leader of SPLM/A in Opposition and a person of high respect to me, Hon. Henry Odwar in a BBC interview as a follow up compliment for similar statement said earlier by the SPLM/A-IO Principal Dr. Riek Machar, is uncalled for. Threatening statements such as withdrawal of members from all mechanisms of the revitalized peace agreement and unilateral action to form the revitalized Transitional government on 12 May without a consensus are a great setback and disservice to the vulnerable men, women, and children dying of war, disease, and hunger. The current leaders must show responsibility and avoid being sadly recorded in the history as entrepreneurs of political violence and strategists of disorder to remain in power. In conclusion, South Sudanese must agree that any challenge can be resolved by dialogue. As a responsible citizen, I strongly call on President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Dr. Riek Machar, Gabriel Changson, Dr. Lam Akol and Principals of other coalitions to urgently convene an internal political process, mostly preferably in Juba to revisit timelines of unfinished activities and agree on whether to compromise on the said timelines and form the government on 12 May 2019 or voluntarily agree to extend the pre-transitional period to implement the remaining activities and subsequently form the government. Beny Gideon is South Sudan's Human Rights Commissioner and this piece is solely that of the author. He is reachable via benygmabor@gmail.com Recent headlines have brought awareness to human trafficking, but Dr. Jeff Brodsky, founder of Joy International, has been living totally barefoot since July 2010 to do the same. Both domestically and internationally, Brodsky has gone barefoot in solidarity with impoverished and trafficked children. Most of the time, he speaks to adults about the staggering statistics of child sex trafficking, but in his first children's book entitled "Why Are You Barefoot?," Brodsky seeks to educate elementary children about the human trafficking epidemic. The book is based on an actual presentation Brodsky gave in person to a school full of children. "I was asked to speak at an elementary school and I had to find a way to explain to these children why I was barefoot," says Brodsky. "Of course, I couldn't tell them what I would normally share with a group of adults about the child sex trade, so I had to find a way to make them aware of child trafficking by telling them a story in a way they would understand. When I finished speaking the school Principal came up to me and said, 'That was fascinating. What you just showed these students would make a great children's book.' That's what this new book details." Human trafficking has overtaken arms trafficking to become the second-largest black-market industry behind drug-running. It is also the fastest-growing global industry. According to a recent study funded by the Department of Justice, the average age of young girls forced into the sex trade in America is approximately sixteen years old. Though estimates vary, as many as 21,000 child sex slaves, or children who are trafficked, may exist in the United States alone. According to the FBI, girls that are trafficked for sex have an average lifespan of 5-7 years, typically dying of disease, suicide or murder. It was these facts, along with an encounter at a garbage dump in Cambodia, that first motivated Brodsky to begin his barefoot journey which is chronicled in his memoir, "The Least of These: One Man's Remarkable Journey in the Fight against Child Trafficking." "I was with a co-worker who had a program feeding impoverished children who lived in the dump. These children are at high risk of being snatched by predators and sold into brothels." says Brodsky. "The smell was nauseating. The children live there because that's where the freshest food is for them. As the group of a dozen or so children were eating a bowl of rice with chicken, I noticed they were all barefoot. I could not imagine walking barefoot among the trash and sludge. I even had a difficult time walking in there with shoes, tip-toeing across the garbage. When I got back to my hotel room that night, I could not get the picture of those bare feet out of my mind. I was also aware that brothel owners would take shoes away from children brought to the brothels to make it more difficult for them to run. I had a talk with God and felt He was impressing on me to go barefoot for one year in solidarity with those children, and with trafficked children around the world." Brodsky and his team have rescued thousands of children from sex trafficking-some as young as four-years-old- as well as conducted various undercover operations to aid law enforcement. The efforts of Joy International have helped to move Cambodia from a Tier 3 country (no efforts against trafficking) to a Tier 2. The U.S. is considered Tier 1 due to its aggressive laws and enforcement against trafficking. Joy International employs a Director of Global Police Training and Tactical Operations who was trained Special Forces Anti-Human Trafficking Police and SWAT teams. Their training techniques for airport personnel to spot potential human traffickers recently resulted in the rescue of a 9-year-old in the parking lot of an Alaskan airport. "People often turn a blind eye to human trafficking -similar to the three monkeys," says Brodsky. "They don't want to see it, hear about it or speak about it. It's easier to look the other way. When any society becomes permissive instead of protective, that society is in the throes of moral decay. That is unfortunately America and our world today. Awareness is good, but awareness without action is apathy." A few years ago, a youth group in Ohio where Brodsky spoke organized a fundraiser called The Barefoot Mile which has since been embraced by groups, churches and organizations around the globe. Brodsky says these events have offered communities a chance to stand with him in solidarity with victims of human trafficking. "On the one year anniversary of my decision to go barefoot, I was in my bedroom about to put on some socks for the first time in twelve months," says Brodsky. "But God wouldn't let me do it. I mean, the sock would, literally, not go on my foot! I cried out to God and asked Him what He wanted from me after I went barefoot for an entire year. I heard Him speak these words to me- 'Keep going, those children are still out there.' I knew in that moment that as long as my going barefoot could motivate just one person a year to take action in a way that will help us rescue even one more child each year, I'll go barefoot the rest of my life." About Dr. Jeff Brodsky: Dr. Jeff Brodsky is the founder of Joy International, a non-profit organization which exists to be involved in, or help to coordinate, the rescue, restoration, reintegration, and prevention of the commercial sexual exploitation of children, teens, and young women, both domestically and internationally. For over 37 years, to raise funds and awareness, he has performed as Snuggles the Clown, ridden a bicycle solo from California to New York City, led ten, 101-mile walks across Death Valley, and spoken in 50 nations. He and his wife, Gail, live in the foothills above Denver, Colorado and have three children and eight grandchildren. For more information, visit http://www.joy.org or http://www.thebarefootmile.org. Tags : Jeff Brodsky Jeff Brodsky new book Jeff Brodsky news Why Are You Barefoot? The Finnish car contract manufacturer revealed that it will recruit a total of 1,000 new employees at its assembly plant in Uusikaupunki, South-west Finland, and battery pack assembly plant to be opened by year-end in Salo, Western Finland. VALMET AUTOMOTIVE on Thursday announced it will launch yet another large-scale recruitment campaign. Most of the open positions are in production, but the company said it expects also the need for white-collar employees to increase from the previous year. Valmet Automotive is growing considerably this year with the battery plant in Salo. At the same time, we have a continuous need for employees at the Uusikaupunki car plant. The automotive industry attracts applicants in Finland, and interest in the open Salo positions has exceeded our expectations, said Olaf Bongwald, the CEO of Valmet Automotive. The contract manufacturer has recruited aggressively in recent years, adding 500 new employees at its assembly plant roughly a year ago and 2,400 new employees two years ago to ramp up the production of Mercedes-Benz A-Class vehicles. Tomi Salo, the director of human resources at Valmet Automotive, told Helsingin Sanomat on Thursday that the number of employees at the manufacturing plant has risen in two years from roughly 1,800 to 4,500. Were hiring all people on temporary employment contracts, but its quite typical in manufacturing that some people work for a relatively short time before moving forward, he added. Valmet Automotive in February announced it will establish the battery plant in premises previously occupied in Nokia in Salo. The plant is expected to start churning out battery packs for electric vehicles by the end of this year. Helsingin Sanomat on Thursday wrote that a yet-to-be-named car manufacturer has already agreed to buy the battery packs produced in Salo. Valmet Automotive reported an operating profit of almost 18 million euros on net sales of 663 million euros 20 per cent higher than the previous year in 2018. Aleksi Teivainen HT JUSSI HALLA-AHO , the chairperson of the Finns Party, has commented on his old blog entries in the face of mounting pressure from journalists, admitting that some of the passages cited recently in the media were stupid and ill-advised. My problem used to be especially that I said things in a way that was easy to interpret differently than I had intended. Thats what I meant by brutal expressions. My aim today is to be clear and unambiguous. Helsingin Sanomat on Wednesday published an in-depth report on some of his more controversial blog posts from the past decade-and-a-half. Halla-aho, for example, wrote in a since-deleted post in 2006 that he would be exclusively happy if a group of immigrants raped a woman who at the time was a Member of the Parliament for the Green League. Halla-aho himself long declined to comment on the posts and questioned the need to bring them up in the run-up to every election. I dont think that anyone should be raped, he tweeted on Saturday. The Supreme Court of Finland has found him guilty of ethnic agitation for describing Islam as a religion of paedophilia and plunder and estimating that leeching is a national characteristic of Somalis. Halla-aho shrugged off the ruling by describing it as the personal opinion of a handful of people. I dont regret that particular text, because it still makes the right point, he responded to a question on Twitter on Saturday. Uusi Suomi asked Halla-aho on Thursday to reveal whether he still considers the guilty-ruling as the opinion of a handful of people. Halla-aho dodged the question by accusing the media of having a double standard and drawing attention to a decision issued recently against journalist Johanna Vehkoo by the District Court of Oulu. The medias position seems to vary quite a lot in terms of the extent to which court decisions are the word of God and the extent to which they are interpretations, replied Halla-aho. The District Court of Oulu on 12 April found Vehkoo guilty of defamation for using the phrase Nazi clown to refer to Junes Lokka (PS), a councillor for the City of Oulu. Lokka is known primarily for his anti-immigrant views and for live-streaming his speeches from political events. Aleksi Teivainen HT Source: Uusi Suomi You Might Also Like Charlotte, North Carolina artist Young Prophit releases his brand new single, Energy. Produced by 5ickness of the legendary Def Squad, the 17 year old Young Prophit delivers a musical showcase fused with witty lyrics and punchlines that place him beyond his years. On Energy, Young Prophit melodically raps about being around a someone whose demeanor seems off, and not receiving the pure, loving and supportive energy hes expecting; a message that most can relate to. Prophit lets us know that he doesnt have time for that. In addition to his wittiness, Young Prophit implements impressive vocabulary in the single, a display of his personal and artistic maturity. Energy is the official follow-up single to his previous well received trendy single, Drip On Me, which earned him over 330k streams and radio play on over 12 different radio stations across the USA. This time around for Energy, hes aiming to show and prove how diversely talented he is! Prophit is a young talent that will change the face of the next generation of hip hop. The new single is now available on all streaming platforms! Mobile phones have come a very long way in a short space of time. They've gone from being very simple devices to what we now know as smartphones, which are devices that most people simply can't be without. This is because these mobile devices facilitate near enough everything the user desires, from getting weather reports all over the world from Dark Sky and booking a holiday via Trivago to playing bingo at mFortune and posting pics at Instagram. A lot of smartphone owners are likely to have heard of supercomputers, which are now classed as vintage, but could they still topple smartphones of today? Or, are smartphones far too advanced? Our first stop when it comes to use deciding who the winner of this battle is sees us head back to 1969, 50 years ago. It was at this time when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are said to have landed Apollo 11 on the moon. Dr Michio Kaku, who is an American theoretical physicist and futurist, said in one of his more recent books that "Today, your cell phone has more computer power than all of NASA back in 1969, when it placed two astronauts on the moon." These computers were responsible for helping guide spacecrafts while in outer space, but it already seems that smartphones have gained the upper hand on the supercomputers of that era. Discounting the supercomputers of NASA and 1969, we fast forward six years or so to 1975, when a new supercomputer by the name of Cray-1 came on the scene. Cray-1 brought to the table a hell of a lot more power than anything ever seen before, producing rates of up to 80MHz. However, even an outdated iPhone such as the 5S can outperform Cray-1, and it could also outdo the Cray-2 which was the world's fastest and most powerful supercomputer up until 1990. Taking GFLOPS rating as an example, while the Cray-2 produced up to 1.9 GFLOPS, the 5S can do around 77 GFLOPS, a huge difference. Advancing closer to the modern day, a supercomputer became somewhat famous when it beat chess world champion Garry Kasparov over six games. This is what many would describe as the final vintage supercomputer to make a name for itself, and while it does stack up better than the others mentioned in this article, older models of the Samsung's premium S range such as the S5 simply outdo it when it comes to speed and power. So, rest assured, as a smartphone owner, even if you don't have one of the latest or top of the range models, you're likely holding a device which packs a much bigger punch than a vintage supercomputer. Who would have thought that something so small in comparison could produce a lot more power? With technology continuing to improve and evolve at such an impressive rate, it's very hard to see any supercomputer that is given the vintage tag having enough under the hood to rival smartphones for speed or power. @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. RTHK: US to get tough over Iran sanctions The United States said on Monday it would start imposing sanctions on friends such as India that buy Iranian oil, in its latest aggressive step to counter Tehran that could jeopardize US relationships. One targeted country, Turkey, vowed to defy the US demands which sent global crude prices spiraling higher, although President Donald Trump tweeted that his close ally Saudi Arabia would "more than make up" for decreases in Iranian oil. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated that Washingtons goal was to bring down exports of Iranian oil to zero. Today I am announcing that we will no longer grant any exemptions, Pompeo said in a briefing. We are going to zero. Were going to zero across the board. In seeking to reduce Iran's oil exports to zero, the Trump administration is targeting the country's top revenue maker in its latest no-holds-barred move to crush the economy and scale back the clerical regime's influence. "The Trump administration and our allies are determined to sustain and expand the maximum economic pressure campaign against Iran to end the regime's destabilizing activity threatening the United States, our partners and allies and security in the Middle East," the White House said in announcing its move. Eight governments were initially given six-month reprieves from the unilateral sanctions on Iranian oil imposed last year by the United States. They include India, which has warm ties with Washington but disagrees on the US insistence that Iran is a threat. New Delhi has been working with Iran on a seaport in hopes of circumventing Pakistan, home to virulently anti-Indian militants. Other countries that will be affected include China and Turkey, opening up new friction in contentious relationships if the United States goes ahead with sanctions over buying Iranian oil. "We do not accept unilateral sanctions and impositions on the issue of how we will establish relations with our neighbors," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in response to the announcement, which he said "will not serve regional peace and stability." Pompeo insisted that the United States would punish countries that buy Iranian oil after May 2, without spelling out the scope of the sanctions. "We've made clear -- if you don't abide by this, there will be sanctions," Pompeo told reporters. "We intend to enforce the sanctions." The others -- Greece, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan -- have already heavily reduced their purchases from Iran. South Korea's foreign ministry said in a statement it was consulting with the United States and would do its "utmost" until next week's deadline. Trump last year withdrew the United States from an accord negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama, under which Iran drastically reduced its nuclear program in return for promises of sanctions relief. Pompeo said the United States would keep raising pressure until Iranian leaders come back to the table, although he appeared little concerned with wooing them, saying he was making his demands to "the ayatollah and his cronies." The Iranian foreign ministry said the US sanctions were "illegal" from the start. Trump's tough Iran policy has already alienated close allies, with the Europeans supporting the 2015 accord -- with which UN inspectors say Iran is complying -- and setting up a way for their businesses to evade US sanctions. A key backer of Trump's push is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who hailed the latest move as "of great importance." Just two weeks ago, Trump took another key step by designating Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards -- who are in charge of preserving the regime and have amassed vast commercial interests -- as a terrorist group, the first time such action has been taken against part of another government. Iran earned US$52.7 billion from petroleum exports in 2017, according to the oil cartel OPEC, before the reimposition of US sanctions. Experts say it is unlikely that Iranian exports will ever be reduced completely to zero, with a black market likely to exist. Oil prices jumped overnight on reports of the action by the United States. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for May delivery went up another 2.7 percent to US$65.70 a barrel by mid-morning in the United States. Backing Trump's comments, Saudi Arabia's Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said that the kingdom would work to "stabilize" the oil market. Energy-hungry India stands to be among the most affected by the decision and is also facing US pressure not to buy from Venezuela, where Trump is seeking to topple leftist President Nicolas Maduro. (AFP, Reuters) Last updated: 2019-04-23 HKT 00:55 This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Note: The following article is taken from the Chinese-language "Commentaries on International Affairs". On Thursday, the World Trade Organization (WTO) released a panel report on the case the United States lodged in December 2016 against China for its use of tariff-rate quotas for wheat, rice, and corn. The WTO panel ruled that Chinas administration of tariff-rate quotas violated its commitment to administer them transparently, while rejecting the appeal by the American side which demanded that China release the information on tariff-rate quotas. China has always maintained that its trade disputes with other WTO members should be properly handled according to the WTO dispute settlement procedures. It not only takes the initiative to file claims in order to safeguard its legal interests and the authority of the WTO rules, but also actively responds to charges, and respects and enforces WTO rulings. The WTO's ruling on this dispute over shows that the organization has an important role to play in safeguarding the multilateral trading system. It's not simply a matter of one side tallying up a victory against the other. The multilateral trading system, with the WTO as its core, has been a mainstay in promoting global economic development and building an open world economy. The WTO dispute settlement system is the organization's court for settling trade disputes. It maintains a balance between the WTO members' rights and obligations, and also ensures the effective implementation of WTO principles and rules. More than 500 cases have been handled through the WTO dispute settlement system. Although the rulings are not binding, most WTO members take them seriously and view the process as a normal part of their participation in the multilateral trading system, regardless of whether they win or lose any particular case. In doing so, they show their respect for the WTO's principles of consultation and consensus. China had filed 17 cases with the WTO as of April 2018, of which eight had been closed. At the same time, 27 cases had been filed against China with 23 closed. The United States has had more cases filed against it than any other member state in the WTO, and it lost quite a number of these cases. In 2016, for example, the WTO ruled against the United States with regard to a complaint from China in 2013 that it had violated WTO rules by imposing anti-dumping duties on a number of industries, including machinery, electronics, light industry, metals, and mining. A threat to the viability of the current WTO dispute settlement system is the unilateralism and protectionism of the United States. Specifically, this mechanism is in crisis because the United States has prevented the appointment of new judges to the appellate body. Experts have warned that if the appellate body were to shut down because of a lack of judges, global trade governance will be put back 20 years. Of course the WTO also needs to continually reforming itself so that it can keep up with the times, and many countries have put forward relevant suggestions. For instance, the European Union has released a paper putting forth ideas for a comprehensive modernization of the WTO, and the United States, Europe, and Japan have together submitted a their own proposed reforms. And in November last year, China announced that it supported necessary reforms of the WTO and raised five proposals that aim to firmly uphold the rules-based multilateral trading system, resist protectionism, and let the WTO play a bigger role in world trade. The settlement of the dispute over agricultural products between China and the United States is nothing out of the ordinary it is a normal part of Chinas engagement with the rules-based trading system. As Mr. Pascal Lamy, a former WTO director general put it, "China has delivered an 'A-plus performance' since its WTO accession," and no WTO member has been a perfect performer when it comes to WTO rules as each country has its own interpretation of the rules. China will regard every dispute settlement within the WTO framework as an opportunity to continuously adjust and improve its trade practices. Through the process, China will consult extensively with other WTO members in order to promote reforms of the WTO that enhance the organization's authority and effectiveness so that it can better safeguard free trade and the multilateral trading system. [ Editor: WPY ] A power outage hit the northwestern Venezuelan state of Zulia early Sunday, state-owned electric utility Corpoelec said. Zulia has been one of the states most affected by the power outages that started months ago and eventually forced the government to impose an electricity rationing system. Due to the rains adjacent to (the) Cuatricentenario (substation), an event occurred that interrupted electric service in Zulia, Corpoelec said in a Twitter post. The state-owned electric utility did not provide details about the cause of the outage, but opposition Congressman Edwin Luzardo, who is from Zulia, tweeted that a transformer exploded. Sadly, Zulia state has become the epicenter for a great deal of misfortunes ... Transformer explosion leads to a new blackout, the lawmaker said. Corpoelec said it was working to restore service, which is interrupted daily under the electricity rationing system implemented by President Nicolas Maduro s administration in 20 of this oil-rich South American nations 23 states on March 31 following a series of blackouts. Zulia has been dealing with power outages since last year. On March 7, Venezuela experienced a massive blackout that kept virtually the whole country in the dark for five days until the government managed to regain control of the situation and restore electric service. In all, Venezuela was paralyzed by power outages for at least 11 days in March. The government said at the time that sabotage at the Guri hydroelectric complex was to blame for the blackout. Maduro directly blamed the United States and the opposition for the alleged sabotage, claiming that electromagnetic attacks had been staged on the electric grid. The opposition, however, blamed the Maduro regime for failures in the system, saying that the governments poor management of the grid was the real cause of the outage. The early March blackout caused about 15 deaths due to the lack of electricity at Venezuelan hospitals, the opposition claims, while officials contend that just two people died. Union workers at Stoop & Shop were on strike for 11 days over stalled contract talks. Stop & Shop Strike Ends With Tentative Agreement NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Stop & Shop employees returned to work Monday as grocery chain and the union representing them reached a tentative agreement on Sunday. The strike lasted 11 days before a breakthrough in talks occurred late Easter Sunday. Membership will still have to vote on the contract for the protest to officially end. The three Stop & Shops in the Berkshires were open limited hours during the strike and some services were not available. "This is a very positive development that we could not have achieved without your unyielding support," reads a post on the UFCW Facebook page. "Please, stay closely tuned to this page over the next 72 hours as we will update you with more information when we have it." The supermarket chain's 31,000 workers walked out on April 11 after talks stalled over a new three-year contract. The members of five United Food and Commercial Workers International locals covering New England voted to authorize a strike on March 11; their contract ended in February. "This is a great victory for our union members," Tyrone Housey, president of UFCW Local 1459, said in a Facebook video posted on Sunday night. UFCW Local 1459 represents some 2,000 Stop & Shop employees in Western Mass, including the three stores in the Berkshires. Housey's video update on Saturday had shown the union and Stop & Shop were still far apart on health and welfare benefits and that talks were moving slowly. The union had objected to scheduled raises being immediately eaten up by increases in insurance premiums and lower tiers for part-time pension benefits. Stop & Shop has argued that being the only unionized chain left it at a disadvantage in a competitive market. Company officials pointed to the high wages and benefits its workers earn. UFCW responded that the chain's parent company, Dutch multinational Ahold Delhaize, made $2 billion in profits last year. The details of the agreement have not been released. According to joint statement by the unions, it "preserves health care and retirement benefits, provides wage increases, and maintains time-and-a-half pay on Sunday for current members." Stop & Shop made a similar statement and thanks customers for their patience. "Our associates' top priority will be restocking our stores so we can return to taking care of our customers and communities and providing them with the service they deserve. We deeply appreciate the patience and understanding of our customers during this time, and we look forward to welcoming them back to Stop & Shop," the company posted on its website. The Fellowship | April 22, 2019 This year the Jewish people began their celebration of Passover on the same day that Christians observed the crucifixion on Good Friday. Writing at Fox News, Fellowship President Yael Eckstein looks at this alignment of the two faiths holidays and finds gratitude for the natural friends among the Jewish peoples steadfast and faithful Christians: As a Jewish woman living in Israel, I have to admit that I wasnt surprised to see absurd, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories immediately emerge on social media blaming Frances Jews for the inferno that nearly destroyed the historic Notre Dame Cathedral on Monday. This is the challenge of being Jewish in a world that has too often hated Jews. Anti-Semitism is the worlds most ancient form of hatred, from Pharaohs army to the armed anti-Semite who attacked the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in October and killed 11 Jews gathered in prayer. The truth is that I felt a bit of my own soul burning when I watched fire consume the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral. This awful feeling came not simply from the cultural loss of Frances iconic 12th century cathedral, but from the growing friendship I have with Christians around the world. Jews and Christians ought to be considered natural friends, yet for centuries of Jewish and Christian history, it would have been totally unimaginable that such friendship would be as common as it is today. My late father, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, was disinvited from his own synagogue when he began to extend an olive branch to Christians 40 years ago after he left the Anti-Defamation League to form the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Many Jews didnt trust Christians for a reason. Christians were often oblivious to the fact that Jews around the world heard anti-Semitic undertones in the way Christians referred to the Pharisees and Sadducees and other Jewish leaders of Jesus time. Many Jews thought Christians had forgotten that Jesus was himself a Jew and that their Old Testament is actually the Hebrew Bible. Fortunately, those days are increasingly behind us Israel Offers Aid, Condemns Sri Lanka Terror Attacks Stand for Israel | April 22, 2019 Embed from Getty Images Hundreds of people celebrating Easter were killed in Sri Lanka on Sunday, with terrorist bombers targeting churches and tourist spots. In the wake of the devastation, Ynet News reports that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the murderous attacks against innocent people and said that his country is ready to assist at this difficult time: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined other world leaders in expressing shock over a series of blasts apparently targeting Christians on Easter Sunday, which killed at least 207 people and wounded more than 600 others. He also offered Israels assistance to Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the attacks. In the name of the citizens of Israel, I express deep shock at the murderous attacks against innocent people in Sri Lanka, Netanyahu said in a tweet in Hebrew. Israel is ready to assist the authorities in Sri Lanka at this difficult time. The whole world must unite in the struggle against the plague of terrorism. World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder called the attacks a heinous outrage and a truly barbarous assault on peaceful worshippers. World Jewry in fact all civilized people denounce this heinous outrage and appeal for zero tolerance of those who use terror to advance their objectives, he said in a statement. This truly barbarous assault on peaceful worshippers on one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar serves as a painful reminder that the war against terror must be at the top of the international agenda and pursued relentlessly Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, meets with national lawmakers attending the 10th session of the 13th NPC Standing Committee at a symposium in Beijing, capital of China, April 20, 2019. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin) BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) -- China's top legislator Li Zhanshu has stressed attaching importance to lawmakers' advice and suggestions in order to give fully play to the advantages of the people's congress system. Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks when meeting with 54 national lawmakers at a symposium Saturday. Speaking to these lawmakers, who were attending the top legislature's ongoing bimonthly session, Li said the top legislature will take targeted measures this year to improve its work based on lawmakers' advice. Wang Chen, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the symposium. China's top legislature started its bimonthly session on Saturday to review multiple draft laws and revisions to laws. [ Editor: Zhang Zhou ] Donald Trump Facebook page Washington, Apr 22 (Sputnik/UNI) The US Department of State will announce on Monday the cancellation of sanctions waivers for Iranian oil imports, local media have reported, citing anonymous officials from the department. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will make the announcement on Monday morning local time, the Washington Post newspaper specified. Pompeo will tell journalists that, starting May 2, the Department of State will no longer grant any sanctions waivers enabling countries importing Iranian oil to continue doing so. US President Donald Trump announced last May Washington's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. This triggered the re-imposition of sanctions against Iran, previously lifted under the agreement. Two rounds of sanctions have been reintroduced since then, including large-scale restrictions covering oil exports from Iran to other countries. In early November 2018, Washington granted six-month waivers from oil sanctions on Tehran, to eight countries dependent on Iranian energy imports Greece, Italy, Taiwan, China, India, Turkey, Japan and South Korea. The United States wants all countries to eventually cut their oil imports from Iran to zero, which is likely to have a significant impact on the country, where oil exports serve as one of main sources of revenue for the state. By Cesar Chelala April 22, 2019 " Information Clearing House " - President Donald Trumps recent veto of a bipartisan resolution to force an end to American military involvement in Saudi Arabias war in Yemen reminds me of some words by V.S. Naipaul, the Trinidadian author. In his book A Bend in the River, Naipaul says, The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it. The war in Yemen has reached a level of barbarism as few wars in recent history. It has become a humanitarian nightmare that only a cessation of hostilities by Saudi Arabia and the provision of immediate assistance to the people in Yemen can help solve. The Trump administration, however, has chosen to continue supporting the Saudi regime. U.S. military assistance takes several forms. It goes from refueling Saudi and Emirati jets leading the bombing campaign in Yemen, to providing targeting and military advice to the Saudi forces, and providing fuel and armaments, including precision-guided missiles for use against the Yemeni Houthis. The war against the Yemenis by Saudi Arabia flaunts international law and basic humanitarian principles. Years of conflict have all but destroyed the countrys public health system and fueled a humanitarian crisis of dramatic proportions. Since the escalation of the war in 2015, medical personnel and health facilities have been attacked and destroyed. As a result, thousands of people have been cut off from essential services. Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda? Get our FREE Daily Newsletter Yemenis are forced to travel long distances to reach the few remaining health facilities. As a result, pregnant women with complications arrive late, and those suffering from serious injuries lose precious minutes of care. In addition, the destruction of the health system has led to outbreaks of diphtheria, measles, and cholera. According to the annual Worldwide Threat Assessment report which reflects the insights of the U.S. Intelligence Community, including the CIA, the National Security Agency and the FBI, as well as many other federal agencies- of nearly 29 million people in Yemen, about 22 million need some form of humanitarian assistance. Among them, 16 million dont have access to food and drinking water, and more than one million Yemenis mostly children- suffer from cholera. In addition, 5 million people are at food emergency level, just short of famine, and there are 2.8 million internally displaced people. In the meantime, emergency life-saving medicines, trauma kits, diarrheal disease kits, and blood banks are urgently needed, while the public health system is under collapse. The war in Yemen is a flagrant violation of the principle of proportionality. According to this principle, The harm caused to civilians or civilian property must be proportional and not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated by an attack on a military objective. The Saudi attacks on Yemeni civilians and military targets make a mockery of this principle of international law. In his veto message, President Trump said, This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the lives of American citizens and brave service members, both today and in the future. Mr. Trump also said that he agreed with Congress that great nations do not fight endless wars. What he didnt say is that the war in Yemen is a carnage that gives a new meaning to the word barbarism. April 22, 2019 " Information Clearing House " - The moment the 54-year-old walks up to the car, it is obvious something is terribly wrong. The way he drags his feet, then stamps them on the ground and marches forward like a toy soldier, head lowered; then the way he looks up at you from beneath dark brows, in both greeting and concern. Taamy Wahab Mohamed al-Yasaari should have returned from the Isis battlefront to a land fit for heroes. For the Shia Muslims of southern Iraq, he counts among the heroes. When I ask him when he was wounded, he looks and stares at the wall in a distressed way, dark eyes framed by thick black hair but white beard. Several times I was wounded, al-Yasaari says. And you can tell that the bullets and shrapnel have framed a diary in his mind. On 28 April 2015 at Bayji, on 3 July 2015, again at Bayji, on 5 May 2016 on the Makhoul mountains near Tikrit, then on 3 July 2017 at Khalidiya in Anbar province. It was the last wound which did for him. I was leading a company of the Ali Akbar brigade into an attack on the enemy, and an Isis sniper shot me in the head. His bullet hit me in the back of the brain. And here al-Yasaari puts his left hand to the back of his head. I lost part of my skull and words are very difficult for me now. My memories are very difficult. I regret nothing. I followed the fatwa of our leader [ayatollah Ali al-Sistani]. Look, here are my wounds. And the staring eyes of al-Yasaari look at me as he rolls up his trousers to show scars and great searing cuts across his legs. There is a terrible mark on his calf, as if someone has sawed away at the flesh. He had paid the price of following Sistanis fatwa to fight a defensive war against Isis after the Islamist capture of Mosul in 2014 and it is clear that today he thinks of little else. Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda? Get our FREE Daily Newsletter He is still dressed in military uniform, constantly stretching his legs in pain, and in the little diwaniya reception room of his home on the outskirts of Kerbala there is a display of coloured photographs of a smiling, younger al-Yasaari, arms round friends at the war front, one of the pictures showing him firing a rocket-propelled grenade. He keeps looking at a camera video of the same scene. He lives in his own war museum. I thought I was dead, he says. So did my comrades. The back of my head was blown away. They called my brother Jassem, and said to him, Your brother has been martyred. Jassem asked them, Are you sure? They said, What do you expect us to say he was shot in the head! I was left for dead but two hours later they noticed my pulse. Jassem was asking if he could come and get me but they said the fighting was too bad. Eventually, they got me onto a helicopter and to the Kadimiyeh hospital [in Baghdad]. Then they took me to a Kerbala hospital where an Indian and Iraqi doctor told me that I had to sign an indemnity for an operation because there was only a 1 per cent chance of success. The bones at the back of my brain had to be taken out and replaced with titanium. There were no more bones behind my brain. I signed. Incredibly, al-Yasaari asked to return to the battle until another holy fatwa was given to leave, because I had to be with my comrades, even if I have to clean the lavatories to be with them. He was not granted his wish, but instead driven to his tiny house with its palm tree in the drive, receiving financial help from the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine group, a Shia organisation, as well as a pittance from the government. Suddenly, he stands up and begins stomping up and down the little room, a toy soldier again. He does not change, one of his relatives says. The Daesh [Isis] were all brainwashed all of them, he shouts. Saudis, Chechens, Turks, yes, there were Iraqis too. Their Islamist beliefs are corrupted by something that comes from the time before Islam from the time of the jahaliya, the time of ignorance before the Prophet. They want to push us back to that. Al-Yasaari knew who his enemies were. And his friends. But and this is a common theme in the Shia south of Iraq does his government care enough for him? The men of the Shia militias who helped to rescue the Iraqi government army as Isis advanced on Baghdad complain bitterly that their government cares little for them, that the most many families of martyrs received is a patch of land far away from the rivers of Iraq where nothing would grow. All armies expect to return from victory to be greeted as heroes. The British failure to keep that promise to the veterans of the First World War led to massive social upheaval. The families of the dead expect that their men will be forever honoured. Abbas Saadi lost his 23-year old son Maher on 7 July 2015, at the same battle of Bayji where Al-Yasaari was wounded for the second time four days earlier. I received a call from him 15 minutes before he was killed, Abbas Saadi says. We talked a lot on the phone. I said I missed him. He was a waiter in a local restaurant before he joined the Hashd al-Shaabi [the Popular Army]. Every time he came home on leave, he said he was sorry he had not been martyred on the battlefield. If you do not know the Shia history of martyrdom, of the Imams Ali and Hussein and of Abbas on the eight century fields around where the golden shrines of Kerbala and Najaf now stand, it is tempting to dismiss such remarks. What First World War soldier returned on leave to express his hope for death? But many returned willingly to the trenches, and their gravestones spoke though we might not believe it of giving their lives. So I ask Abbas Saadi about Maher with some trepidation: was it worth it? We are not regretting his death because he was following the fatwa, he replies slowly. We dont feel sorry. The fatwa was for all Iraqis. I thought of the word duty in the British military sense although Mahers death was curiously prosaic. There was a lull in the battle and he went to get some food. He was bringing a watermelon when an Isis sniper shot him in the chest, just to the left of his heart. He was pronounced dead after 10 minutes. And Abbas Saadi bewailed his lack of funds. The government, he says, has done little to compensate him for his son. They were supposed to give us a piece of land, he says. But the one we got was in the desert, there was nothing there, just sand. The Iranians look after their martyrs families [from the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war]. The holy shrine people look after us. But when we are in Baghdad and go to government offices and produce the papers showing our loss, they just tell us to put it back in our pocket. This is said in a slow, disturbing way. And the message is clear. If Iraq is to be unified, all who fought against its Islamist enemies must be respected by Sunnis and Shias alike especially since those enemies were Sunnis. But politics runs faster than memory, and Iraq is not yet a land fit for all its heroes. This article was originally published by " The Independent " - Do you agree or disagree? Post your comment here ==See Also== Note To ICH Community We ask that you assist us in dissemination of the article published by ICH to your social media accounts and post links to the article from other websites. Thank you for your support. Peace and joy Photo taken on April 20, 2019 shows CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal at Khalifa Port in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates. CSCL Mercury, a Chinese container ship with a capacity of 14,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit), on Saturday became the first visitor to the CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal of Khalifa Port in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal, built and operated by China's COSCO Shipping Ports Limited (CSP) and Abu Dhabi Ports, has a design capacity of 2.5 million TEU and begins with a handling capacity of 1.5 million TEU. (Xinhua/Su Xiaopo) ABU DHABI, April 21 (Xinhua) -- CSCL Mercury, a Chinese container ship with a capacity of 14,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit), on Saturday became the first visitor to the CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal of Khalifa Port in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal, built and operated by China's COSCO Shipping Ports Limited (CSP) and Abu Dhabi Ports, has a design capacity of 2.5 million TEU and begins with a handling capacity of 1.5 million TEU. "We are honored to be the first ship to visit the CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal," said Liu Lei, captain of CSCL Mercury. "I think it is operating efficiently and has high-level management. I saw the containers being unloaded up and down very fast," Liu added. CSCL Mercury began service in 2011. Its overall length and beam is 366 meters and 51.2 meters respectively. "Today is very important for us, as it marks the beginning of formal operation of the terminal", said Naser Al Busaeedi, deputy CEO of CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal. "It takes fewer than one year and a half from construction to operation. That's very fast," he added. The operation of the CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal, a key project under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, will further increase the capacity of Khalifa Port and make it a competitive shipping hub in the Gulf region, Busaeedi noted. China is the largest non-oil trading partner of the UAE. In 2017, trade between the two countries increased 15 percent to more than 53 billion U.S. dollars, representing 14.7 percent of the UAE's total foreign trade. 5 1 [ Editor: Zhang Zhou ] [Kushner] is so rational, and he is so pro-Israeli also, that he may neglect the point that if you offer the Palestinians the choice between surrendering and committing suicide, they may decide the latter. Somebody like Kushner doesnt understand that. French Ambassador Gerard Araud By Whitney Webb April 22, 2019 " Information Clearing House " - In an interview with the Atlantic last Friday, outgoing French Ambassador to the United States Gerard Araud made headlines after emphatically stating that Israel is already an apartheid state and that the Trump administrations so-called Deal of the Century aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict is 99 percent doomed. Araud whose first government post was in Frances Tel Aviv embassy, and who was the French ambassador to Israel from 2003 to 2006 made the claim after being asked about his views on the Israel-Palestine peace process. After stating that he enjoys a close relationship with Jared Kushner Trumps son-in-law who has spent the last two years drafting a peace plan for the Trump administration Araud noted that Kushners proposal is very close to what the Israelis want. This outcome has long been noted by many media outlets based on Kushners close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; his familys role in funding illegal West Bank settlements; and, more recently, statements made by those familiar with the negotiations and the fact that the Palestinians have refused to negotiate with Kushners team since the Trump administration decreed Jerusalem to be Israels capital in December 2017. Smart, no guts Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda? Get our FREE Daily Newsletter Araud, who first became Frances ambassador to the U.S. in 2014, later described Kushner as extremely smart, but he has no guts. He doesnt know the history. While Araud posited that there may be an advantage to not knowing the history of the conflict, he also noted that it was a double-edged sword, stating: [Kushner] is so rational, and he is so pro-Israeli also, that he may neglect the point that if you offer the Palestinians the choice between surrendering and committing suicide, they may decide the latter. Somebody like Kushner doesnt understand that. Like other politicians who have recently spoken about the peace plan, Araud has not seen the plan but was told that it was around 50 pages and very precise. Yet, drawing on his closeness to Kushner, Araud stated that the plan had been created based on three assumptions or bets made by Kushner, the first of which was that Trump would be uniquely able to push the Israelis, because he is so popular in Israel. The second bet, according to Araud, was that the Palestinians may consider its their last chance to get limited sovereignty, while the third element of the plan is Kushner is going to pour money on the Palestinians. Despite the fact that Araud clearly likes Kushner and parts of his approach, he said that the plan was almost guaranteed to fail: Is it doomed to fail? I should say 99 percent yes, but 1 percent, you never forget the 1 percent. Araud also raised the point that Israels government, despite all the concessions it has received from the Trump administration, would be uninterested in making any concessions, no matter how minor, as part of Kushners peace plan: The problem is that the disproportion of power is such between the two sides that the strongest may conclude that they have no interest to make concessions The status quo is extremely comfortable for Israel. Because they [can] have the cake and eat it. Arau summarized the status quo as follows: They [Israel] have the West Bank, but at the same time they dont have to make the painful decision about the Palestinians, really making them really, totally stateless or making them citizens of Israel. With Israels annexation of the West Bank looming following Netanyahus recent re-election, Araud further noted: They [Israel] wont make them [Palestinians] citizens of Israel. So they will have to make it official, which is we know the situation, which is an apartheid [sic]. There will be officially an apartheid state. They are in fact already. Israeli apartheid: recognition brings resistance Arauds statement that Israel is in fact already an apartheid state is not surprising, in the sense that Israeli apartheid has long been a reality on the ground in occupied Palestine. However, it is remarkable, in the sense that Arauds statements show that the reality is now near impossible to cover up or ignore and also that the reality of the situation is receiving more recognition than ever from the mainstream. Indeed, if Araud a former French ambassador to Israel who is close to Kushner and a well-entrenched figure of the Western political elite is able to make such statements without being accused of anti-Semitism, it definitively shows that Israels status as an apartheid state is quickly becoming an accepted truth in mainstream, Western political discourse. While Araud has been characterized for his bluntness in the past and as direct to the point of discomfort, his status as a member of the Western political elite that has long shielded Israeli apartheid and decades-long ethnic cleansing of Palestine from scrutiny highlights the dramatic yet unambiguous nature of the situation. As mainstream recognition of Israeli apartheid accelerates, so too will efforts to resist it, particularly among countries and political groups that have opposed apartheid in other places around the world, like South Africa. Such pushback for those who reject apartheid systems wherever they may occur appears to be a bet that Jared Kushner failed to consider when drafting his peace plan. Whitney Webb This article was originally published by " MintPress " - Do you agree or disagree? Post your comment here ==See Also== Note To ICH Community We ask that you assist us in dissemination of the article published by ICH to your social media accounts and post links to the article from other websites. Thank you for your support. Peace and joy By Alison Weir April 22, 2019 " Information Clearing House " - Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange has finally been imprisoned, an objective long sought by powerful parties he helped to expose over the past dozen years. Assanges crime was revealing deep, embarrassing, sometimes deadly, malfeasance by numerous actors, including the U.S. government, the media, the Democratic Party-Clinton machine, and Israel. Wikileaks revealed the U.S. governments cover up of torture, cruelty, the killing of civilians, spying on its own citizens and others. It exposed Democratic Party cheating and manipulation, the fraudulence of Russiagate. It unmasked Israeli plans to keep Gaza on the brink of collapse, to use violence against Palestinian nonviolence, to make war upon civilians. All of this will be detailed below. Without Wikileaks exposes, many of these actions would quite likely have remained hidden from the general public, as the perpetrators hoped. The actual charge against Assange is allegedly conspiring with Chelsea Manning to commit computer intrusion, violating a somewhat problematic law with what one expert terms overly expansive wording. The government seems to have resorted to this charge after the Justice Department had concluded in 2013 that it could not charge Assange for publishing the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs (which revealed various U.S war crimes detailed below), because government lawyers said this would also require charging various U.S. news organizations and journalists. The Washington Post reported that Justice officials realized that they have what they described as a New York Times problem. If the Justice Department indicted Assange, it would also have to prosecute the New York Times and other news organizations and writers who published classified material, including The Washington Post and Britains Guardian newspaper. Even the current charge, when examined closely, turns out to be problematic on free press grounds. As Glenn Greenwald notes: Assange is charged with helping a source preserve anonymity, a common practice by investigative reporters. Assange is being held in a maximum-security prison in London that has been called the UKs Guantanamo. It has been used to detain alleged terrorists, sometimes indefinitely. Assanges recent dramatic arrest in Britain has elicited excellent articles by a number of writers including Chris Hedges, Jonathan Turley, Pepe Escobar, Ray McGovern (also here), John Pilger, Jonathan Cook, David Swanson, and Paul Craig Roberts. Many of these were published by Consortium News, which, unlike mainstream media and journalism organizations, has been regularly covering the escalating persecution of Assange for his Wikileaks revelations. This article will quote from these valuable articles and others, and will also present additional information about Wikileaks exposes on Israel, which have largely gone unmentioned. Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda? Get our FREE Daily Newsletter The arrest Journalist Pepe Escobar writes that April 11th, the date of Assanges arrest, will live in infamy in the annals of Western values and freedom of expression. The image is stark. A handcuffed journalist and publisher dragged out by force from the inside of an embassy The U.S. magically erases Ecuadors financial troubles, ordering the IMF to release a providential $4.2-billion loan. Immediately after, Ecuadorian diplomats invite the London Metropolitan Police to come inside their embassy to arrest their long-term guest. Lets cut to the chase. Julian Assange is not a U.S. citizen, hes an Australian. WikiLeaks is not a U.S.-based media organization. If the US government gets Assange extradited, prosecuted and incarcerated, it will legitimize its right to go after anyone, anyhow, anywhere, anytime. Call it The Killing of Journalism. Media attacks and government black propaganda campaign against Wikileaks Many others in addition to Escobar have noted that the persecution of Assange threatens all journalists. Yet, the media have a history of largely opposing or ignoring Assange. Chris Hedges reports: Once the documents and videos provided by Manning to Assange and WikiLeaks were published and disseminated by news organizations such as The New York Times and The Guardian, the press callously, and foolishly, turned on Assange. News organizations that had run WikiLeaks material over several days soon served as conduits in a black propaganda campaign to discredit Assange and WikiLeaks. John Pilger describes this campaign: In 2008, a plan to destroy both WikiLeaks and Assange was laid out in a top secret document dated 8 March, 2008. The authors were the Cyber Counter-intelligence Assessments Branch of the US Defence Department. They described in detail how important it was to destroy the feeling of trust that is WikiLeaks centre of gravity. This would be achieved, they wrote, with threats of exposure [and] criminal prosecution and a unrelenting assault on reputation. The aim was to silence and criminalise WikiLeaks and its editor and publisher. It was as if they planned a war on a single human being and on the very principle of freedom of speech. Their main weapon would be personal smear. Their shock troops would be enlisted in the media those who are meant to keep the record straight and tell us the truth. Pilger writes in a more recent article: Assanges principal media tormentor, The Guardian, a collaborator with the secret state, displayed its nervousness this week with an editorial that scaled new weasel heights. The Guardian has exploited the work of Assange and WikiLeaks in what its previous editor called the greatest scoop of the last 30 years. The paper creamed off WikiLeaks revelations and claimed the accolades and riches that came with them. With not a penny going to Julian Assange or to WikiLeaks, a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie. The books authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, turned on their source, abused him and disclosed the secret password Assange had given the paper in confidence, which was designed to protect a digital file containing leaked US embassy cables. When Assange was still trapped in the Ecuadorian embassy, Harding joined police outside and gloated on his blog that Scotland Yard may get the last laugh. Media watchdog FAIR reports that virtually all the mainstream media, from left to right, have cheered Assanges recent incarceration, concluding: It seems clear he shares virtually nothing in common with those in positions of influence in big media outlets, who have been only too happy to watch his demise. The Onion, which satirizes the tone and format of typical news outlets, summarizes Assanges real crime in an article entitled Media Condemns Julian Assange For Reckless Exposure Of How They Could Be Spending Their Time. The piece includes an imaginary quote from Fred Hiatt, Washington Post editorial page editor: Its abundantly clear that Mr. Assange was focused on exposing documented evidence of U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan without so much as a thought for the journalists who faithfully parroted the U.S. militarys talking points when we could have been investigating information that ran contrary to that narrativedoes he realize how that makes us look? Media half-truths British journalist Jonathan Cook lays out the medias sins of omission and commission. For seven years, we have had to listen to a chorus of journalists, politicians and experts telling us that Assange was nothing more than a fugitive from justice, and that the British and Swedish legal systems could be relied on to handle his case in full accordance with the law. Barely a mainstream voice was raised in his defense in all that time. From the moment he sought asylum, Assange was cast as an outlaw. His work as the founder of Wikileaks a digital platform that for the first time in history gave ordinary people a glimpse into the darkest recesses of the most secure vaults in the deepest of Deep States was erased from the record. Assange was reduced from one of the few towering figures of our time a man who will have a central place in history books, if we as a species live long enough to write those books to nothing more than a sex pest, and a scruffy bail-skipper. The political and media class crafted a narrative of half-truths about the sex charges Assange was under investigation for in Sweden. They overlooked the fact that Assange had been allowed to leave Sweden by the original investigator, who dropped the charges, only for them to be revived by another investigator with a well-documented political agenda. They failed to mention that Assange was always willing to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London, as had occurred in dozens of other cases involving extradition proceedings to Sweden. Cook concludes: This was never about Sweden or bail violations, or even about the discredited Russia-gate narrative, as anyone who was paying the vaguest attention should have been able to work out. It was about the U.S. Deep State doing everything in its power to crush WikiLeaks and make an example of its founder. What caused the US government and others to desire Assange and Wikileaks destruction? Lets look at what they revealed. Some of the topics Assanges Wikileaks exposed : Wikileaks published a number of diplomatic cables and emails that exposed Israeli plans and actions, and U.S. collusion, that Israel and its partisans wished to keep hidden. Below are some of them. Israel planned to keep Gaza on brink of collapse In 2008 Wikileaks published a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Washington, that Israel had designated Gaza as a hostile entity. The cable said: As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed [to U.S. officials] on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge. The U.S. cable, classified secret, recommended that the U.S. try to persuade Israel to abandon this policy.The cable said that the U.S. should encourage Israel to review its present policies (as requested by the Office of the Quartet Representative and the PA) while pressing the Israelis to approve as much funding each month as possible under security constraints Israel used control over Palestinian money to control Gaza The leaked cable also described how Israel used its control over Palestinian currency to control Gaza. The cable said Israels monetary policy towards Gaza is consistent with its declaration that Gaza is a hostile entity. The cable reported that Israel believes that maintaining the shekel as the currency of the Palestinian Territories is in Israels interests.It reported that Israel treats decisions regarding the amount of shekels in circulation in Gaza as a security matter. Requests by Palestinian banks to transfer shekels into Gaza are approved or denied by the National Security Council (NSC), an organ of the Israeli security establishment, not by the Bank of Israel. The cable reported that Israels NSC has the final say in permitting new liquidity into Gaza and used this power to suppress Gazas economy.The cable reported that Israel had decided that Gaza should receive just enough money for the basic needs of the population but it is not interested in returning the Gazan economy to a state of normal commerce and business. Israel colluded with PA and Fatah A 2007 U.S. diplomatic cable, also marked secret, revealed the way in which Israel was using the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, the party of President Mahmoud Abbas. The cable, from the U.S. embassy, reported information given the by Israeli Security Agency (ISA) Head Yuval Diskin to U.S. officials. Diskin was concerned that Fatahs weakness compared to Hamas bodes ill for Israel, especially since Israel had established a very good working relationship with the Palestinian Authority. He said that PA security agencies were sharing almost all the intelligence they collected with Israel. Diskin said: They understand that Israels security is central to their survival in the struggle with Hamas in the West Bank. Israel planned violence against Palestinian nonviolence A 2010 U.S. cable published by Wikileaks was entitled: IDF PLANS HARSHER METHODS WITH WEST BANK DEMONSTRATIONS. The cable, again from the U.S. embassy, reported that Israel was greatly concerned by Palestinian nonviolence. A diplomat wrote: Less violent [Palestinian] demonstrations [were] likely to stymie the IDF. As MOD Pol-Mil chief Amos Gilad told USG interlocutors recently, we dont do Gandhi very well. The cable reported that an official expressed frustration with ongoing demonstrations in the West Bank. He said that the IDF would start to be more assertive in how it deals with these demonstrations, even demonstrations that appear peaceful. The cable reported that the official said Israel would start sending trucks with dirty water to break up these protests, even if they are not violent (NOTE: dirty water is a reference to the IDFs chemically treated water that duplicates the effects of skunk spray. End note.) The cable reported that Israeli officials had ordered the Palestinian security force commanders that they must stop these demonstrations or the IDF will. Israels nuclear monopoly, helping Israel by opposing Assad Wikileaks posted an email memo to Hillary Clinton saying: What Israeli military leaders really worry about but cannot not talk about is losing their nuclear monopoly. The memo recommended: The best way to help Israel deal with Irans growing nuclear capability [sic] is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. It reported: Israels leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests. The 2012 memo was apparently by James P. Rubin, assistant secretary of state during the Bill Clinton administration (and husband of CNNs Christiane Amanpour). Rubin emailed it to Hillary Clinton, who then forwarded it to her aide to print out for her. Susan Rice worked to protect Israel at the UN Foreign Policys Colum Lynch reported on diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks from U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice. They showed Rice working to stymie a UN investigation into Israels 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza, an investigation that led to the Goldstone report. In one pointed cable, Lynch wrote, Rice repeatedly prodded U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to block a recommendation of the board of inquiry to carry out a sweeping inquiry into alleged war crimes by Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants. In another cable, Rice issued a veiled warning to the president of the International Criminal Court, Sang-Hyun Song, that an investigation into alleged Israeli crimes could damage its standing with the United States at a time when the new administration was moving closer to the tribunal. How the ICC handles issues concerning the Goldstone Report will be perceived by many in the US as a test for the ICC, as this is a very sensitive matter, she told him, according to a Nov. 3, 2009, cable from the U.S. mission to the United Nations. Another cable reveals that Rice assured Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman during an Oct. 21, 2009, meeting in Tel Aviv that the United States had done its utmost to blunt the effects of the Goldstone Report and that she was confident she could build a blocking coalition to prevent any push for a probe by the Security Council, according to an Oct. 27, 2009 cable. Lynch wrote that the diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks provide a rare glimpse behind the scenes at the U.N. as American diplomats sought to shield Israels military from outside scrutiny of its conduct during Operation Cast Lead. They also demonstrate how the United States and Israel were granted privileged access to highly sensitive internal U.N. deliberations on an independent U.N. board of inquiry into the Gaza war, raising questions about the independence of the process. Eizenstat worked to influence Hillary on Israel A 2015 Wikileak consisted of an email from former U.S. Ambassador to the EU Stuart Eizenstat to top Clinton foreign policy advisor Jake Sullivan that was also sent to Hillary Clinton. The email revealed Eizenstats close ties to Israel and is another example of how advisors like Eizenstat and Rubin work to influence Clintons positions. Eizenstat had held numerous influential positions in both Israel and the U.S., including Chief Domestic Policy Adviser under President Jimmy Carter and Executive Director of the White House Domestic Policy Staff and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton. His bio states that Eizenstat served as the presidents special representative on Holocaust-related issues and negotiated major Holocaust restitution agreements with a number of European countries, and ==See Also== Note To ICH Community We ask that you assist us in dissemination of the article published by ICH to your social media accounts and post links to the article from other websites. Thank you for your support. Peace and joy By Andre Vltchek April 22, 2019 " Information Clearing House " - What is the Monroe Doctrine? In brief, it is a document which defines the entire Western Hemisphere as a backyard of the United States. It philosophically justifies Washingtons neo-colonialism, and the most barbaric coups it has been triggering, as well as covered and open interventions in the Caribbean, and in Central and South America. And now, National Security Advisor John Bolton, is using this term in connection with Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, outraging those who are opposing the US foreign policy in the region. What he means is clear, although it is never pronounced as bluntly as that: Countries in the Western Hemisphere should never be allowed to go socialist, and they should be prevented from disobeying Western dictates. In Doha, Qatar, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, expressed his outrage over Boltons evoking of the Monroe Doctrine now, when the West is doing all in its power to overthrow the democratically elected left-wing government of Venezuela: The theory and the practice of backyards is generally insulting Sergei Lavrov also added that: Since 1945, when the UN was founded, the international law is being regulated by this universal and the most legitimate organization. This is, obviously, not how the United States sees the world. Maybe it never even considered such an approach. But back to the notorious Monroe Doctrine. Surprisingly, it was not always intended to intimidate and brutalize independent and progressive Latin American nations. According to the definition of the United States Department of State: The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to take control of any independent state in North or South America would be viewed as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States. So, in theory at least, this policy was supposed to be putting the brakes on European colonialist expansionism. This may sound almost unbelievable now. How very unfortunate that it has evolved into one of the most unscrupulous tools of oppression in modern history! Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda? Get our FREE Daily Newsletter Contradictory to its original meaning, the United States used the Monroe Doctrine in order to overthrow basically all patriotic, progressive and left-wing governments in the Western Hemisphere; governments that resisted the selfish geo-political interests of Washington, or the interests of US corporations, including the infamous United Fruit Company which was notorious for treating virtually all Central American countries as if they were its private plantations. Then during the Cold War, US foreign policy towards Latin America was built on the belief that the Monroe Doctrine should be invoked in order to prevent the spread of Soviet-backed Communism in the region. What followed is well known: massacres in Central America, brutal coups and fascist dictatorships in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and elsewhere; tens of thousands of men, women and children disappeared. Death squads murdering, raping and torturing everywhere, from Guatemala and Salvador to Argentina and Chile. The fight for US hegemony was basically and cynically named as a fight for democracy. Slavery was defined as freedom. The Monroe Doctrine became synonymous with Plan Condor, with monstrous torture chambers and with people being thrown alive into the sea from helicopters. Now the Trump administration is re-deploying those old and fatal Cold War warriors, elevating them to high positions. The same people who were murdering, plotting and cheering assassins. The list reads like a Wanted for Genocide catalogue: Elliott Abrams, Michael Pompeo and yes: John Bolton. These individuals are, of course, unapologetic. Just recently, John Bolton declared: In this administration were not afraid to use the phrase Monroe Doctrine. This is a country in our hemisphere and its been the objective of American presidents going back to Ronald Reagan to have a completely Democratic hemisphere. He was talking about Venezuela, of course. And so, the almost 200 year old Monroe Doctrine has been revitalized; put to deadly work once again. As reported by the Daily Star: Mr. Bolton said the Donald Trump administration was not afraid to use the phrase Monroe Doctrine, when asked why it was targeting Venezuela while maintaining close alliances with tyrannies such as Saudi Arabia. The doctrine, dating back to the 1820s, denoted the Western hemisphere as a zone of US influence. It is clear that this time, what Mr. Bolton envisions under the Monroe Doctrine has nothing in common with the fight against European colonialism. It is a bellicose modern-day interpretation of the doctrine: the justification for Western imperialism all over the Hemisphere. And perhaps, all over the world. Sergei Lavrov correctly defined Boltons remarks as insulting. They are also deadly. As they are indicative of what Western foreign policy may soon become, or has already become: an unapologetic and uncompromising return to the harshest form of expansionism. What the US tried to avert (perhaps) some 200 years ago, it at some point joined, and then perfected. Now, it is trying to bring it to an absolute extreme. Andre Vltchek , This article was originally published by " New Eastern Outlook " - Do you agree or disagree? Post your comment here ==See Also== Note To ICH Community We ask that you assist us in dissemination of the article published by ICH to your social media accounts and post links to the article from other websites. Thank you for your support. Peace and joy "I Was The CIA Director - We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole" By Tyler Durden April 22, 2019 " Information Clearing House " - Former CIA director and now Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has long accused WikiLeaks of being a non-state hostile intelligence agency, usually manipulated by Russia. Since Pompeo first made this claim as CIA Director in April 2017, countless major US news sources from NPR to CNN to the Washington Post have uncritically repeated the line, smearing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as "Russian agents," and more broadly using the narrative to stifle independent journalism and government whistleblowers. But whether Pompeo or any other current or former CIA director makes such a bombastic claim without offering evidence such as more recently asserting that China and Russia have "helped destroy" Venezuela through faltering investments, should anyone ever believe a high CIA official? Certainly the mainstream media routinely takes intelligence officials simply at their word, but Pompeo himself recently admitted the CIA is in the business of lying, cheating, and stealing. Last week Mike Pompeo spoke at Texas A&M University, itself long known for being a favored recruiting ground of the CIA, considering too that one of the university's last presidents, Robert Gates, was CIA chief and later served as Bush and Obama's Secretary of Defense. Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda? Get our FREE Daily Newsletter During the Q&A session, Pompeo boasted that in the CIA both the training and culture are geared toward the following: "We lied, we cheated, we stole." Interestingly, a Christian religious news broadcaster was the only media that seemed to pick up on Pompeo's words last week, and described it as follows: "that's not the resume of the Secretary of State... that's the resume of Satan." "I was the CIA Director; we lied, we cheated we stole. We had entire training courses." -@SecPompeo pic.twitter.com/tehirq1cyX Jonathan Lalonde (@JonathanLalon12) April 19, 2019 The former CIA chief and now Secretary of State said the following: Whats the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. Its it was like we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment. Texas A&M University (April 15, 2019) Though some level of deception might be expected of spies placed in foreign settings to commit espionage, it's interesting that Pompeo framed it in terms "the glory of the American experiment" as if the CIA and government officials treat lying as a great American past time. Certainly Pompeo's frank admission is something to remember the next time intelligence officials weigh in on anything in front of the US domestic population. Another interesting and worrisome remark concerned Pompeo's vision of diplomacy as Secretary of State: Diplomacy and military strike go hand in hand, Pompeo said. They are indeed intimately related; each relies on the other. Here are Pompeo's full Q&A remarks at Texas A&M last week: This article was originally published by " ZeroHedge " - Do you agree or disagree? Post your comment here ==See Also== Note To ICH Community We ask that you assist us in dissemination of the article published by ICH to your social media accounts and post links to the article from other websites. Thank you for your support. Peace and joy (April 22, 2019), Milverton, ON- 22 Racing is pleased to announce today the addition of Rust-Oleum as a team partner for 2019. The Rust-Oleum line of automotive products will be used on our fleet of 2019 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1s driven by Alex Tagliani, Marc-Antoine Camirand and Donald Theetge at race tracks across Canada and in our 22 Racing shop. Rust-Oleum Corporation is a worldwide leader in protective paints and coatings for both home and industry. They offer a wide product range including decorative fashion paints, durable industrial roof repair coatings and, of course, the famous rust-fighting formula that started it all. I got a personal introduction to a large number of their brands and products this week at the Rustoleum warehouse in Concord, said Scott Steckly, team owner and Four-Time NASCAR Champion. Thank you, Kristen Nicol, for the tour and we are thrilled to have Rust-Oleum join our team in 2019. We have used a few of their brands over the years at 22 Racing so a partnership seemed a perfect fit for us. Rust-Oleum is thrilled to partner up with the 22 Racing team for 2019, said Kristen Nicol, Senior Brand Manager, HPC and Automotive. The combination of two great brands is a winning combination. The NASCAR Pintys Series is made up of thirteen races that take place across Canada with the addition in 2018 of their lone event out of the country at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Events take place on street courses, road courses and ovals with the first race on the calendar in 2019 on Sunday May 19th at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park just outside of Bowmanville, ON. A full schedule of events can be found at http://www.22racing.ca/schedule/. Follow the 22 Racing team on social media for behind the scenes updates on; Twitter @22RacingTeam, Facebook Fan Page 22racingteam and Instagram 22racingteam About Rust-Oleum Solving challenges is the very foundation of who we are. After all, in the beginning, our founder, sea captain Robert Fergusson, didnt particularly care about paint. He just wanted to keep his ship intact. Thats why, when he noticed that an accidental splash of fish oil had stopped the relentless spread of corrosion on his rusty metal deck, he immediately recognized it for what it was: A valuable solution. The same passion that drove the Captain to spend his next few years creating the worlds first rust-preventative paint still drives us today. When we see a problem, we work diligently until weve perfected a solutionwhich has led to some of the most cutting-edge, durable and innovative products in the industry. If youve got a surface you need to protect or a look you want to transform, youve come to the right place. We have a coating for every challenge. Welcome to Rust-Oleum, home of trusted qualityand powerful solutionssince 1921 Check out all the Rust-Oleum brands at www.rustoleum.com About 22 Racing 22 Racing is owned by Four-Time NASCAR Pintys Series Champion and Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame Inductee Scott Steckly. 22 Racing provides highly competitive race cars built in their world-class 7,500 square foot Milverton-based facility and maintained by a team of highly experienced crew members. 22 Racing offer turnkey solutions that range from research and development, construction, testing, logistics to marketing support. In 2019 they will field three full-time teams in the NASCAR Pintys Series with drivers Alex Tagliani, Marc-Antoine Camirand and Donald Theetge. Visit 22racing.ca for additional details and a list of previous notable drivers the team has prepared cars for. The 22 Racing Team is supported by the following sponsors: Erb Group of Companies, AW Millwrights, Castrol, Wendell Motors, Auto Glym, Mechanix Wear, Great Dane Glasvan, Safety Kleen, Wilride Transport, Lincoln Electric, Dickies, Dayco and Rustoleum. For more information please contact: Linda Jones 22 Racing (705) 730-4044 ljones@drivenmi.ca Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. The Earth Day celebration event took place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the library free speech zone April 22. Attendees had the opportunity to look at displays from sustainability-focused student, campus and community organizations and businesses. There were also free bike tune-ups and refreshments available. Last week was a bad one for Samsung as the display of the Galaxy Fold review units it sent out to certain publications broke within a day or two of use. Samsung was quick to issue a statement saying this is not a cause of concern and the launch of the Galaxy Fold will continue as planned. However, the company has now seemingly delayed the launch of the Galaxy Fold in China. The company has canceled the Galaxy Fold launch event in China. While the company is blaming the cancelation on an issue with the venue, it has not provided any new date as to when the event will be held. This is true, and two of Chinas activities related to Fold have been postponed. Ice universe (@UniverseIce) April 21, 2019 It is possible that Samsung has simply canceled the Galaxy Folds launch event in China until the first batch of Galaxy Fold units makes its way to customers in the United States. The Korean company just wants to make sure the retail units of the Galaxy Fold do not have the same issue of the display breaking as the ones faced by reviewers. Samsungs reasoning of the event location being an issue is false since the company has also canceled two other local Galaxy Fold activities in China. It is clear that Samsung is postponing the launch of the Fold due to the reliability issues. Our Take Launching the Galaxy Fold in China with an extremely fragile screen can spell trouble for Samsung. If Chinese consumers end up facing the same issue with the display of their Galaxy Fold as reviewers in the United States, it would greatly damage the companys reputation in China and it would face a backlash there. Thus, given the situation, it does make sense for Samsung to delay the Galaxy Fold launch in China until it is able to resolve the reliability issues with its foldable phones display for good. Update: Unsurprisingly, Samsung has delayed the launch of the Galaxy Fold in the United States to at least until next month. There has been no official word from the company about this delay yet but given that the smartphone was expected to ship this Friday, it should issue a statement soon. [Via WSJ Zillow rolled out its initial trial of 3D tours for homes in the state of Arizona back in 2017. Now, a couple of years later, the company has decided to expand the feature. As noted on Monday by VentureBeat, Zillows iPhone app now officially supports 3D tours of homes for all users. The feature relies on realtors taking panoramic photos of the houses they are trying to sell. The server, thanks to artificial intelligence, stitches those photos together to offer the 3D experience. This isnt a full augmented reality experience, but it should certainly fit the bill for most viewers. When the 3D tours are viewed online, visitors will be able to tap (while using the app, or clicking when looking on the web) the screen to change the point of view. They will also be able to drag or simply look around to check out rooms within the house they are interested in. For prospective home buyers, touring a house traditionally entails commuting to top prospects and painstakingly documenting each room with photos, but Zillow wants to drag the process into the 21st century. To that end, the Seattle, Washington-based real estate database company today announced the debut of 3D Home, an AI-powered iOS app that allows potential buyers to view 360-degree pics and tours of properties. The feature is rolling out this week, according to the original report. It will be available in the United States and Canada. As noted by Zillows director of product development, Josh Weisberg, this new feature within the app is free to potential home buyers: Making 3D home tours available for sellers and agents to capture and add to any listing, for free is a huge milestone in our work to make the real estate transaction a more seamless, on-demand experience for consumers, said Zillows director of product development, Josh Weisberg. Previously, 3D tours were only found on high-end or expensive homes, due to the high cost and time-intensive capture process. Now, with 3D Home, adding an immersive experience to a home listing is fast, easy, and free, which benefits buyers and sellers at all price points. We Want To Hear From You How helpful do you think this particular feature is for folks looking to buy a home? Download Zillow Free [via VentureBeat Staff Nurses Jobs 2019 For OPD Clinic in Islamabad Latest Clinic Medical Posts Islamabad 2021 Medical, health, mbbs and experienced personnel for the posts of Staff Nurses required urgently for a leading and well known OPD Clinic in Islamabad Pakistan 2019. How to Apply on Clinic Job Advertisement Apply as per details in job advertisement. In some cases, you may apply online at vacancies after registering at https://www.jobz.pk online. Note: Beware of Fraudulent Recruiting Activities. If an employer asks to pay money for any purpose, do not pay at all and report us at contact us form. Apply as per instuctions & dates mentioned in official job ad. Govt jobs may not be applied online here. Human typing error is possible. Error & omissions excepted. Vietnam and the US are carrying out a series of activities in the lead up to the 25th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2020, Nhan said, adding that the two nations have engaged in multifaceted cooperation and made efforts for mutual development. Nhan expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the US in general and Leahy in particular, in the settlement of war aftermath in Vietnam, including Agent Orange/dioxin-related issues. Regarding the matter of energy, Nhan informed his guests that Vietnam has yet to widely use renewable energy like wind or solar power in the daily life. He said the country is hoping that there will soon be solutions to boosting the use of renewable energy in the daily life and production. For his part, Leahy said the current trip helps his delegation understand more about Vietnam, and as such, know what should be done to propel the bilateral collaboration forward. He noted that to solve the issue of energy and other matters, the most important thing is the way of cooperation between the two sides. On behalf of Party and State leaders, VFF President Man wished Bishop Thomas Nguyen Van Tram, and Catholic dignitaries and followers good health and a merry Easter. The official stressed that Catholics nationwide, including those in Binh Thuan, have contributed significantly to the countrys socio-economic development and outstanding front works in the past time, particularly campaigns initiated by the VFF in building new-style rural areas, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection, among others. Noting that the VFF will hold its all-level and national congresses this year, he hoped the Catholic Church in Vietnam will support and make their contributions to the success of these events. For his part, Bishop Thomas Nguyen Van Tram thanked the Party, State, and VFF for their attention to the Catholic community. He pledged to continue encouraging local Catholic followers to respect the law, support the authorities, and contribute to the countrys socio-economic-cultural growth as well as solidarity building. Shenandoah, IA (51601) Today Evening clouds will give way to clearing overnight. Low near 15F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Evening clouds will give way to clearing overnight. Low near 15F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. * Mount Agung volcano in Bali resort Island of central Indonesia on April 21 spewed a column of ashes by up to two km onto the sky, leaving rains of ashes, a disaster agency official said. * Syria's President Bashar al-Assad on April 20 discussed with the visiting Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov the cooperation between both countries including the energy sector, according to the state news agency SANA. *Jordan said on April 20 that it will participate in a meeting on the Palestinian issue at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo on April 21. * Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on April 20 said that his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif has agreed to trace militants involved in a recent terrorist attack in Pakistan, and take due action against them after investigations. * A total of 220 people have been killed and 1,066 others injured in the fighting between the UN-backed Libyan government and the east-based army in and around the capital Tripoli, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on April 20. * Eleven people were killed and eight civilians wounded after assailants armed with gun, grenades and suicide bomb jackets stormed an 18-story government office building in the central of Afghanistan's capital of Kabul on April 20. * The Syrian army on April 20 denied reports about alleged clashes between Iranian and Russian forces in eastern and northern Syria, the state news agency SANA reported. * Three men were killed and one injured by strong wind in Myanmar's Kachin state, the Myanmar Police Force said on April 21. * A bus accident in Kazakhstan has killed 11 people and injured 29 others, the Kazakh Interior Ministry said on April 20. The accident took place on the early morning of on April 20 in the Kordai district in the southern Zhambyl region when a car collided with a truck on a highway and a following passenger bus made a rollover in order to avoid a collision with the vehicles. * Libya has reopened Mitiga airport - Tripoli's only functioning airport - according to a posting on the airport authorities' Facebook page on April 21. * Twenty-seven more people have been found dead from a boat accident on Lake Kivu in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo last week, bringing the total death toll to 40, interim interior minister Basile Olongo told Reuters on April 20. * A truck carrying more than 20 passengers on their way to a traditional event plunged into a ravine in the mountainous northern Philippine Kalinga province on April 20, killing at least seven people and injuring 15 others. Artist Kim Yong-ik poses for a photo in front of his studio in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi Province, Thursday. Kim will hold solo exhibitions at Berlin's Galerie Barbara Wien from April 27 and New York's Tina Kim Gallery from May 3. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk Korean artist holds exhibit in Berlin, New York By Kwon Mee-yoo Artist Kim Yong-ik ploughs a lonely furrow in the Korean art world. He was an aspiring modern artist, but he soon broke to Minjung art, a political and populist art movement in Korea, in the 1980s. Later, he practiced public art and experimented with alternative art spaces in Korea. Instead of being complacent, he always pursued something out of the norm. The 71-year-old artist still discovers new meanings from his old works and breathes new life into them. In recent years, he came to have a stronger presence in the international art scene, holding exhibitions at the Korean Cultural Centre UK in London and Spike Island in Bristol in 2017, followed by Cahiers d'Art in Paris in 2018. On April 27, Kim will be in Berlin to open his first solo exhibition in Germany at Barbara Wien Galerie, coinciding with Gallery Weekend Berlin. At the Berlin exhibit titled "This is not the answer," Kim will showcase an array of works dating back to the 1970s, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. "The Eye of Poetry #18-12018" by Kim Yong-ik / Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Kim took part in the Cabinet sector of Art Basel Hong Kong in 2018, where Barbara Wien, founder of the Barbara Wien Galerie, saw Kim's painting "Despair Completed #3" and invited him to hold a solo show at her gallery. "Barbara also came to see my Paris exhibit featuring prints and drawings and had her mind set (on the Berlin exhibition). Barbara liked the unfinished, less sacred aspects of my works. I call it a drawing, differentiating from a typical, concluded painting," Kim said in an interview with The Korea Times at his studio in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi Province, Thursday. "My works are slack and lax. In the world of modernism, artworks are perfect beings, sterilized and isolated from any trace of spoilage and decay. However, my works are imperfect. I paint over an existing painting or scribble my thoughts on them, instead of keeping them pristine them at the state of completion," Kim said. This comes from the artist's attempts to escape from modernist aesthetics, which are at the height of their presence in a sterile white cube gallery space. "I didn't like completing a piece even in my student days. I was not the tenacious type who digs into things, but more of a man of abandonment. I developed such a habit aesthetically," Kim said. "This is not the answer #18-3" by Kim Yong-ik / Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery The artist refers to his pieces as drawings, not paintings, but his drawings are different from traditional rough sketches. Kim defines drawings in several peculiar ways. By his definition, a drawing is a work that does not require much extraneous effort such as manual labor or complex technique, is continuously in progress and does not remain static after reaching a stage of completion, and does not conceal inadvertent blunders such as a blemish or smudge and is still in progress, perhaps in need of further production. "If we consider painting as the existence of modernist aesthetics, drawing can represent the exact opposite. Through this style of drawing, we can criticize modernist aesthetics, the modern world and even the purpose-driven modern civilization," Kim said. Most of Kim's recent "drawings" are not totally new, but remakes of his previous works including his signature polka-dot paintings. "To make an excuse in an aesthetic way, I don't make new works, but pursue the principles of appropriation. In the post-modern era, it is impossible to create something entirely new and editing the existing is the only way to create new things. For me, appropriation is a way of editing." "Untitled (Dedicated to the Exhibition 'Young Artists' in 1981)" / Courtesy of the artist and Ilmin Museum of Art One facing rework is the most seriously damaged. "Sometimes I paint over as if applying medicine, while adding more similar scars next to the harm. Sometimes I write down explanations with a pencil or put it in a coffin," he said. Such reappropriation is influenced by Kim's pessimistic yet objective perspective on art. "Basically, I don't trust art, or the role art plays in society. It is ironic for an artist, but I have to continue pursuing art," he said. "Many professional artists begin painting at a tender age, but I studied agriculture and life sciences at Seoul National University before I decided to become an artist. I don't have such an embodied affection for art and I can abandon it as suddenly as I started." After opening the Berlin exhibition, Kim will fly to New York to attend his second U.S. exhibition titled "Speaking of Latter Genesis" at the Tina Kim Gallery. Kim held his first U.S. solo exhibition at the same gallery in 2017 and received strong interest from major American institutions, leading his art to be acquired by institutions such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Installation view of "Flatland" at Kumho Museum of Art / Courtesy of Kumho Museum of Art At the New York exhibition, Kim will present his wall drawing series, which was showcased at "Flatland," a group exhibition held at the Kumho Museum of Art in 2018. Artworks will be placed on the floor instead and he will draw on gallery walls as an extension of his drawings. "I want to desecrate the modernist standard represented by white cube galleries. My work is subtle, sensitive and a kind of subversion of modernism. In Korea, modern history flowed to a violent, brutal overthrow, meaning artists cannot achieve a refined and sophisticated aesthetic overthrow," Kim said. "My dot paintings can be perceived as typical modernist geometric art, but I add another layer by painting over and scribbling. It is my understated way of damaging modernist authority." Justice Party floor leader Rep. Yun So-ha, left, speaks during a conference on the "stewardship code" operated by the National Pension Service (NPS) at the National Assembly on Yeouido in Seoul, Monday. Lawmakers discussed how the NPS should exercise its shareholders' rights in firms' governance and decision-making processes. / Yonhap Floor leaders of four major political parties, with the absence of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party (LKP), speak to reporters after reaching an agreement to fast-track bills on electoral reform and the establishment of a new investigative unit handling cases related to ranking government officials and the President's relatives, at the National Assembly, Monday. Each of the four parties will hold a general meeting next week to seek the floor leaders' agreement. After that, the parties will put the bills to votes at an Assembly session. The LKP, which has boycotted the reform talks, vowed to prevent the passage of the bills, likening the four parties' move to a coup. From left are Reps. Youn So-ha of the Justice Party, Chang Byoung-wan of the Party for Democracy and Peace, Hong Young-pyo of the Democratic Party of Korea and Kim Kwan-young of the Bareunmirae Party. Yonhap A doctor from CHA Bundang Women's Medical Center leaves the Seoul Central District Court in southern Seoul, Thursday, allowing the court time to review whether to issue an arrest warrant for him. The doctor allegedly helped cover up the accidental death of a premature infant at the hospital three years ago. The court issued the warrant later in the day. / Yonhap By Kim Hyun-bin Calls are growing to install CCTV systems inside hospital operation rooms, following a recent revelation of an alleged cover-up by doctors of an infant's accidental death. While patients' groups say the measure is needed to better prevent medical accidents and make surgery procedures more transparent, doctors are voicing strong opposition claiming that no one will treat high risk patients for fear of being sued. The push for CCTV installations has been recently fueled by an incident at CHA Bundang Women's Medical Center where a doctor accidently dropped a premature baby on the floor during a Caesarean section operation in August 2016. The infant was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit, but died several hours later. However, the hospital did not tell this to the parents and said the baby died "from disease," not from an external factor, despite records of the baby having a skull fracture and intracranial hemorrhage. With the case being recently discovered, two doctors at the hospital were arrested and seven others were booked on suspicions of doctoring the baby's cause of death. After the alleged cover-up attempt came to light, more people have voiced support for installing CCTVs in operation rooms to prevent and check on possible medical malpractice and eradicate the so-called ghost surgery, which refers to a situation where a patient's surgeon is substituted by another without the patient's consent while the patient is anesthetized. "The surgery room is fully secluded from the outside and the patient is under anesthesia, so no one is aware of what goes on inside the room. CCTV footage could become the sole source of evidence," civic groups and surgery victims' groups said during a press conference in front of the National Assembly Thursday. "People involved in a ghost surgery are all accomplices, so there are no leaks on what goes on. There needs to be legislation that makes it mandatory to install CCTVs in operation rooms," they added. Most of the public have voiced support for the installation. "I am in favor of the installations," Chung, a Seoul resident in her mid-30s, said. "Patients are unconscious during surgery so they have a right to know what's going on during the operation. It could also be used for countering medical accidents." Since last year, the Gyeonggi provincial government has sought to install CCTVs in all hospital operation rooms in the province, believing the measure will better protect patients' human rights and help prevent medical accidents and disputes. It started off with the local government-run Ansung Hospital but they faced a strong backlash from doctors, who claimed the measure would violate their human rights and hinder their surgical capabilities. "If CCTVs are installed in operation rooms, medical culture will inevitably change for the worse and the death rate will also rise as no doctors will want to conduct surgery on high risk patients out of fear that the footage could lead to lawsuits," Park Jong-hyuk, spokesperson at the Korean Medical Association, said. "When reviewing footage of the surgery, different surgeons could have different opinions on how to proceed. And if the surgery has a negative result, it can only lead to more lawsuits," he added. For six months since October, Ansung Hospital carried out 1,002 surgeries, and 63 percent of the surgeries were recorded through CCTV after gaining consent from patients and their families. Next month, the provincial government plans to install CCTVs in five more province-run hospitals in Suwon, Uijeongbu, Paju, Icheon, and Pocheon. Last month, the local government suggested the Ministry of Health and Welfare seek to revise the Medical Law to make CCTV installations mandatory in all surgery rooms of 1,818 hospitals with more than 30 sickbeds nationwide. It added that the state-run hospitals need to implement the system first so it can set an example and later be followed by the private sector. "The medical field is against the installation, thinking the cameras will observe all their medical procedures. However, the provincial government believes it can become a systematic backbone to enhance patients' human rights and prevent ghost surgery," an official from the Gyeonggi provincial government said. "We are looking at all means to expand the system to other hospitals." By Jung Min-ho Three Korean men have been arrested in Vietnam for allegedly running an illegal gambling website, according to . Local police arrested the men surnamed Kim, 46, An, 41, and Kim, 24 at their home in Vung Tau, the capital of Ria-Vung Tau Province in southern Vietnam, Friday (local time), on charges of operating an illegal gambling website for more than five months. They entered Vietnam on tourist visas and allegedly opened the website last November by using a server based outside the country. Police said transactions on the site totaled more than VND170 billion ($7.3 million). Investigators seized 39 desktop and laptop computers, 20 mobile phones, nine bank cards and devices for online payments. Blood stains the wall and a Jesus Christ statue at St. Sebastian's Church, after terrorist attacks in Negombo, north of Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 21. AP St. Sebastian's Church, after bomb blasts ripped through churches and hotels in Negambo, Sri Lanka, April 22. Reuters Shoes and belongings of victims at St Sebastian's Church. AFP By Jung Min-ho President Moon Jae-in. * A total of 254 people have been killed and 1,228 others injured in the fighting between the UN-backed Libyan government and the east-based army in and around the capital Tripoli so far, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on April 21. * US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke by phone on Saturday with Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani over the trapped peace talks between Afghan leaders and the Taliban, the US State Department said on April 21. * Egyptians voted on April 21 for a second day on whether to back constitutional amendments that could see President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stay in power until 2030. The three-day referendum was called last week, a day after Egypt's 596-member parliament endorsed the draft amendments by 531 to 22. * China had built a team of nearly 3.61 million medical doctors as of the end of 2018, sustaining the world's largest healthcare system, said Ma Xiaowei, head of the National Health Commission (NHC), on April 21. * Arab foreign ministers said on April 21 that their states will not accept any deal related to the Palestinian cause that does not conform with the international references. * The 16th Arab Media Forum kicked off on April 21 at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center in Kuwait City, capital of Kuwait. The two-day forum will discuss several topics including humanization of media, the reality and future of the Arab's media, the skill of dealing with social media and the language of dialogue. * Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan arrived in Iran on April 21 for talks with the Iranian officials to boost ties, official IRNA news agency reported. * Sudanese protest leaders on April 21 vowed to escalate demonstrations to confront the country's military rulers, as part of a widening campaign to push for the transfer of power to civilians. * Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack at the communications ministry in the Afghan capital Kabul that killed seven people, the militant groups Amaq news agency said on April 21. * Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced on April 21 a joint initiative to offer US$300 billion in aid to Sudan. By Fayez Al-Sarraj Our great Libyan people. These days, our country is going through exceptionally dangerous circumstances, due to erroneous political calculations by some local and international parties, that come at the expense of issues affecting the security and stability of the homeland, the unity of its soil and the territorial integrity of the country. This has to be addressed to you in every part of our beloved country and to the world that is closely watching the events on our soil, especially with regard to the most serious humanitarian issue, the issue of war and peace. We have been, just for a few days, talking and all optimistic about the existence of a real opportunity to achieve security, peace and stability in our country, and consensus and understandings on the exclusion of the military solution to the Libyan crisis. The comprehensive national forum put forward by the U.N. envoy is the gateway to a stable stage of building a democratic civil state. Regrettably, there were those who lay in these hopes, hiding a trend aimed at undermining the political process from the ground up, and plunging the country into a cycle of violence and destructive war, driven by personal desires and individual fancies. Our Libyan people. Since we came as the head of this Council, we have sought to promote reconciliation among our one people. We have met various parties and made many concessions for the sake of our motherland, ending the state of conflict and division, bridging the gap and healing wounds away from political, regional and ideological outbidding. Our greatest concern was to avoid bloodshed, to secure the safety of citizens, to protect the institutions of society and the state, and to keep the source of food of Libyans away from political conflict and military escalation. Our direction has always been and still is in Libya's interest and nothing else. In the framework of this, our meetings with many Libyan parties, including Mr. Haftar, have taken place on many occasions, from Al-Rajmma, through Paris and Palermo, to the meeting of Abu Dhabi in which we have prioritized the interests of the nation and we have put forward good intentions despite all the criticisms directed at us. All these meetings were in the framework of ending the crisis of the country, emphasizing the civil state and the democratic process, and lifting the suffering of the Libyans and we have spared no effort. We were encouraged by the understandings these meetings produced and we sought to build upon them. Everyone knows that we have instructed our officers to engage in a series of talks in Cairo, to unify the military establishment, and we have held difficult discussions and negotiations with all local, regional and international parties related to the Libyan issue. We have worked intensively with the United Nations Mission to support the National Collective Forum, in an effort to build a modern democratic civil state, with a view to strengthening the state of civil peace among all components of Libyan society. As the solution began to loom in the horizon, and Libyans portended the good and the world's attention was focused on Libya. During our hosting of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Covenant was overturned, a try of stabbing in the back and we were surprised by military moves accompanied by a mobilizing speech of Haftar; its vocabulary brings us back to the time of dictatorship and totalitarian rule, talking about the conquests and the liberation of our cities and our capital of terrorism and criminals, neglecting the sacrifices of our youth and suffering of their parents and their families, who set heroic epics in the face of terrorists and their supporters, and what we achieved by the liberation of Sirte and what our forces on top of the Albunyan Almarsous were able, in a record time, to accomplish and what our young people have made of heroisms to defend the homeland in other regions. On the contrary he sends our sons to the fate of the unknown to fuel a war with no winners in it but all losers and undermine the efforts of the Libyans and the international community to set a peaceful solution and to sit down for dialogue. There is nothing he can achieve from this but to undermine all endeavors and efforts aimed to resolve the crisis and to ignite a war in order to further bloodshed. Our great Libyan people. Officers and all members of the Libyan armed forces and their support forces, We have extended our hand to peace, but the attack that took place from the forces of Haftar, and his declaration of war on our cities and capital, and thus his announcement of a coup d'etat on the political agreement, he will not find from us but firmness and strength, so we issued our instructions and we announced the state of general mobilization for all Libyan armed forces and the security services. And at this time we salute our valiant Libyan armed forces, which are still coming from all over the country, for what they made and still make of sacrifices to protect civilians, and to defend the dream of the Libyans in a sovereign civil state. We hereby emphasize that all those involved and participating in acts that have caused loss of life and destruction of public and private properties will be brought to the local and international courts. In these circumstances imposed on us, we reassure all citizens in the area of operations on their lives and property. We assure all that this conflict is not a regional or tribal conflict in any way. We will never get dragged into it, and we reiterate the call for all Libyans throughout the country from the east and west and from the north to south. The necessity of giving priority to the interests of the nation, unifying the ranks, and working together to lift Libya out of this crisis. I say to the international community, you should not equate between the aggressor and the self-defender, or between those who seek the militarization of the state and those committed to a democratic civil state. And a final word for the countries that support fighting between Libyans: Fear Allah, stop interfering in our affairs, lift your hands off my country. God bless Libya. God save Libya. Fayez Al-Sarraj is the president of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord of Libya. Foreigners acquiring a bachelor's or higher degree in South Korea may soon find it easier to become naturalized here, as a group of lawmakers have proposed easing the nationality law to help overcome the nation's population reduction. Rep. Kim Kyung-jin of the minor opposition Party for Democracy and Peace said Monday that he and nine other lawmakers have jointly tabled a motion to revise the Nationality Act to the National Assembly, seeking to ease the rules on simplified naturalization. The proposed revision calls for allowing foreigners earning a bachelor's degree or higher in South Korea to be naturalized as a Korean citizen. It also obliges the government to flexibly devise and implement its nationality policies depending on special and economic circumstances. "The government has spent several hundreds of trillions of won over the past decade to overcome the population crisis caused by the severe low birthrate but failed to attain any visible outcomes," Kim said. "Our country should also implement a policy of naturalization that actively accepts foreign talent." The lawmaker said the proposed legal revision was based on the opinions of government officials and experts gathered from a forum in February. According to Statistics Korea, the nation's population is expected to peak at 51.94 million in 2028 before gradually decreasing to 39.29 million in 2067, a level seen in the 1980s. The number of foreigners living in South Korea was 2.18 million as of the end of 2017, up 6.4 percent from 2016, government data showed. The number of foreign students here also rose 16.5 percent to 135,000 in the same period. Kim said the current naturalization policy is focused on multicultural families based on international marriages and lacks consideration of foreign students and talent. "If talented foreigners will be able to become naturalized in South Korea more easily through the proposed legal revision, it will be helpful in resolving social and labor problems caused by the population reduction," Kim said. "As the population problem is a serious matter directly linked to the national fate, we will continue to make efforts to improve the nationality system in the future." (Yonhap) Lee Jeong-suk, left, an official of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, hands over a notification letter revoking the license for the Korea Kindergarten Association to the association's Secretary General Kim Cheol, at the group's office in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Monday. / Yonhap. By Bahk Eun-ji Seoul's education office said Monday it has revoked the license of the Korea Kindergarten Association (KKA) over the group's series of collective actions that inconvenienced parents and caused public criticism. The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE), which has authority over the nation's biggest association of private kindergartens, notified it of the decision to cancel the license. The decision came about two months after the KKA threatened to postpone the opening of the spring semester on March 4 in protest of the government's push to adopt a more transparent financial management system. The group said all of its 2,275 member kindergartens would not open, but only 239 took part in the strike, due to strong public criticism and the authorities' stern response to the collective action, and the KKA retracted the action later in the day. "We decided to nullify the KKA's license, as its collective action postponing the opening last month was threatening parents and children despite the educational authorities' strict warning of harsh administrative punishment," SMOE Superintendent Cho Hee-yeon said in a statement, Monday. According to the relevant law, the SMOE can revoke the license of a corporate body that acts against the public interest. The office said the KKA threatened parents and children through the collective closure, which was a clear violation of children's right to be educated and harmed public interest. "Even though the KKA canceled the strike within a day, still 239 schools postponed their opening. Their action forced parents to look for alternative childcare options. Moreover, relevant government agencies, such as the ministries of gender equality and interior and safety, had to operate an urgent childcare system in response to the association's action, resulting in large socio-economic costs," Cho said. Cho said the KKA also withdrew the strike in fear of public denunciation, not because it recognized its action violated children's basic right to be educated. The office also said the threats made by shutting down the KKA, which essentially held parents and children hostage to obtain their goals, didn't start this year but have been ongoing for years. It also said the group spent its funds on massive demonstrations it staged in protest of government policies, and such expenses are against the articles of the association, which is also a cause of license revocation. The license revocation stripped the association of negotiation power in the government's policymaking process. The KKA will now become nothing more than a social gathering of kindergarten operators. The group is considering filing an administrative suit to annul the SMOE's decision. The association has been fiercely protesting the government's drive to reform private preschools, after last year's state audit found many of them to have misused government subsidies. As the government planned to introduce Edufine, a state-management accounting system, for all private kindergartens as a countermeasure, the association denounced the move by claiming the government was trying to control their "private property." After the association backed down, almost all large private kindergartens accepted adoption of the accounting system, according to a survey by the education ministry last month. By Kim Jae-heun A 15-year-old Japanese boy, Akito Tani, has won the first International Tchaikovsky Online Piano Competition for Young Musicians, co-hosted by Seoul Cyber University (SCU) and the Association of Tchaikovsky Competition Stars and sponsored by the Korea-Russia Arts and Culture Society. A total of 163 young musicians from 17 countries participated in the online contest, with 30 making it through the first round. Seven young pianists advanced to compete in the final round, which was held at SCU's Tchaikovsky Hall on Thursday. Tani came in first place, followed by 11-year-old Korean Kim Sae-hyun in second and 16-year-old Russian Aleksandr Doronin in the third. Tani, Kim and Doronin received prize money worth $15,000, $10,000 and $5,000, respectively, while the remaining four finalists won $2,000. The award ceremony took place on Friday. It is the first Tchaikovsky competition where performers participate online. "It was designed to provide young pianists with a chance to master classical music and get assessment from renowned professional musicians," a school official said. Nine esteemed global musicians took part as jurors: Andrey Scherbak, general director of the Association of Tchaikovsky Competition Stars; Alexander Sokolov, the rector of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory; and pianists Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Tamas Ungar, Yasuo Watanabe, Pascal Nemirovsk, Liu Shin Kun, Lee Kyung-sook and Yoon So-young. The award ceremony and a gala show were held at the university's Tchaikovsky Hall on Friday along with the Korean Symphony Orchestra. "It is a meaningful event for Seoul to host the first Young Tchaikovsky International Online Piano Competition. I hope young pianists make their way to the bigger world stage through this opportunity," SCU President Lee Eun-jo said. Seoul Cyber University is the first school to establish a classical piano music major among local cyber institutions and it runs online lectures taught by professors from Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory and Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. Liberty Korea Party Chairman Hwang Kyo-ahn shakes hands with U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris at the National Assembly in Seoul, Monday. Yonhap By Lee Min-hyung, Joint Press Corps North Korean leader Kim Jong-un must now decide whether to move forward with the stalled nuclear dialogue with the United States, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris said Monday. "I believe that President Donald Trump has made his position very clear to Chairman Kim," Harris said during a meeting with main opposition Liberty Korea Party (LKP) chief Hwang Kyo-ahn. "And the ball is now in Chairman Kim's court." After the meeting with the LKP head, Harris had a press conference at his residence in Seoul where he shared his views on the recent Hanoi summit between Trump and Kim. "There was nothing good enough about the deal that Kim Jong-un offered on the table," Harris said. "That was not a choice between big deal and good enough deal. That was a choice between no deal and a bad deal, and President Trump made the right decision in choosing to make a no deal." The remarks came amid the ongoing stalemate in denuclearization dialogue between Washington and Pyongyang. Both sides had maintained months of momentum on denuclearization negotiations since Trump and Kim held the historic Singapore summit last June. The rare atmosphere for reconciliation between the decades-long enemies appeared to remain in place until the breakdown of their second summit in February. But with neither side signing a deal during the much-anticipated Hanoi meeting, North Korea has in recent weeks expressed a deep sense of discontent by ramping up criticism of what the North calls Washington's "unilateral dialogue style." Members of the main opposition Liberty Party Korea and its supporters hold a street rally to criticize the Moon Jae-in administration for what they called its poor economic and diplomatic performances in Seoul, Saturday. / Yonhap By Park Ji-won Ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) Chairman Rep. Lee Hae-chan and main opposition Liberty Korea Party (LKP) Chairman Hwang Kyo-ahn traded barbs, Monday, after Hwang described President Moon Jae-in as the "top spokesman" for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in a public speech. Lee warned Hwang over the remarks, saying Hwang should stop deepening the ideological divide in order to further his own political interests. "How come the leader of the main opposition can make such remarks against Moon. Hwang, who just started political activities, will have a bad ending with these current activities. It is not politics. If he makes such remarks again, I will not overlook it anymore." Lee's remarks came after Hwang made the comments at a large LKP rally held in Gwanghwamun, downtown Seoul Saturday, attended by 20,000 people, to condemn the government's poor economic and diplomatic performance. Using the criticism as leverage, the conservative party has been calling for the removal of senior presidential secretary for civil affairs Cho Kuk and senior secretary for personnel affairs Cho Hyun-ok for lax personnel verification. During the demonstration, Hwang also said that "Moon is traveling all over the world to ask for relief of sanctions imposed against the North while Pyongyang is threatening us with nuclear weapons." Describing the government as a "dictatorship by leftists," Hwang added that "Moon pushed ahead with the appointments of the new Constitutional Court members who will be loyal to him regardless of the country's economic situation." Political turmoil is expected to deepen over Hwang's controversial remarks. The two parties have already clashed over similar remarks made by Rep. Na Kyung-won, floor leader of the LKP, who also called President Moon Jae-in a "top spokesman for Kim Jong-un" by citing a Bloomberg report last September in a parliamentary speech in March. In the speech, Na slammed what she called the Moon government's defense of North Korea and its economic policies. Her remarks also sparked political warfare among parties over its appropriateness. Meanwhile, regarding Lee's criticism against him, Hwang immediately refuted it, saying "I am simply making suggestions to fix the government's failures in diplomacy and policies. If they are not listening to this, I have no choice but to take action." "When people are suffering from pain and national security is at risk, what I can say is the government is simply incompetent." Meanwhile, the lawmakers of the ruling and opposition parties stepped up criticism against Hwang. Rep. Woo Sang-ho of the DPK criticized Hwang in a radio interview on Monday claiming that Hwang's intention is to lower Moon's support rating before general elections in 2020. Rep. Lee Sang-don of the minor opposition Bareunmirae Party said that "what Hwang said is not considering the administration as a legitimate one." "In that sense, the presidential office and the ruling DPK will not have a conversation with the main opposition party, signaling that the parliament is meaningless." By Kim Yoo-chul President Moon Jae-in agreed with Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to boost economic cooperation in areas of advanced agricultural and water purification technology, Cheong Wa Dae said in a statement, Monday. As the last destination of his trip to three Central Asian nations, President Moon arrived in Nur-Sultan, the country's capital formerly known as Astana, Sunday evening. At a summit, the leaders discussed ways to further improve bilateral ties in other areas in which the two countries have mutual interests. This is in accordance with President Moon's signature New Northern Policy, which aims to boost ties with Central Asian and European countries. Kazakhstan is South Korea's largest trade partner in Central Asia, with bilateral trade reaching $2.2 billion last year, said the statement. After the summit, Moon held a separate meeting with the outgoing Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who still has a significant political influence in the former Soviet-bloc country, and shared Kazakhstan's denuclearization experience. "President Moon told Nazarbayev that Kazakhstan's decision to voluntarily dismantle its nuclear weapons will help the ongoing inter-Korean peace process. How the decision contributed to bringing peace in Central Asia and helped the country rise as one of the leading economies in the region were additional issues discussed at the meeting," a Cheong Wa Dae official said. The collapse of the Soviet Union left Kazakhstan with its own nuclear arsenal, but citizens in the country rallied in the then-capital of Almaty in 1989 against nuclear weapons. In return for financial assistance from the international community led by the United States, the Central Asian country completely abandoned its nuclear arsenal. President Moon will return home Tuesday night after wrapping up his eight-day tour that earlier took him to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. By Tong Kim At this point, the prospect of denuclearization appears gloomier and more distant than ever. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, addressing the14th Supreme People's Assembly on April 13, said that his country will not yield to sanctions pressure, but will rather "weather and foil" it through "self-reliance." He set a deadline for the process of negotiations till the end of this year. Kim also said that the U.S. should not miscalculate that its maximum pressure will "bring us to our knees." He questions if he has to respond to a third summit "just because of the issues of sanctions relief." Yet, he accepts "one more (round of) talks," if the U.S. chooses a new position, by dropping its "impractical" method of calculation, and if it comes up with "a certain methodology that can be shared with us." Kim's remarks came after President Moon Jae-in's meeting with President Trump on April 11, which did not result in changing Washington's policy on North Korea. Trump made it clear that he will keep the current level of sanctions, while looking for a big deal for now, rather than small steps that Seoul was considering as necessary to make progress in denuclearization. Apparently, Kim is not interested in responding to President Moon's call for another inter-Korean summit for the time being. Kim does not seem to believe he will hear anything new from Moon about Trump, other than that Trump, while not in a hurry, will look forward to meeting Kim again after "step by step" preparations. Moon has little to tell Kim with respect to how differently Trump may approach the nuclear issue in the aftermath of Hanoi. At the Supreme People's Assembly, in a seeming attempt to drive a wedge between Seoul and Washington, Kim also complained the South "should not act as an officious 'mediator' or 'booster' that adopts a vacillating stand depending on the trendbut be a party advocating the interest of the nation with its own spirit and voice, being part of the nation." On April 18, Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry director-general of American affairs Kwon Jong-gun demanded that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo be replaced as a participant in the top down summit diplomacy with someone more communicable and more mature. Although the comment was made in a lower form of official statement as an answer to a question from a KCNA reporter, it sent a clear message that the North did not appreciate Pompeo's role in Hanoi. Pompeo interpreted Kim's deadline as if it applies to the abandonment of nuclear weapons. Pompeo said Kim "wanted it done by the end of the year. I'd love to see that done sooner." Perhaps, worse to the North Koreans, Pompeo told a recent Senate hearing that Kim Jong-un was a tyrant, which they must have thought to have defamed the inviolable "dignity" of their supreme leadership. While the leaders of the U.S. and the DPRK keep saying their relations are on good terms, Pyongyang will not succeed to isolate Trump from his advisers, on whom Trump seems to have become more dependent for detailed implications of any top down decision that he may want to make impulsively. However, if a third summit does come around and Pompeo is still around to participate in it, it will be a very awkward situation. In the meantime, National Security Advisor John Bolton made another statement to the displeasure of the North Korean ear. He said for a third summit to happen, Kim Jong-un will have to make a strategic decision to denuclearize and there should be an indication that he will make progress on it. He sounds like saying that things ought to start from scratch all over again. On April 17, the North tested an unspecified new technical weapon that they claimed was equipped with a guided flight system and "a powerful warhead." It may be one way to keep the U.S.' attention, while avoiding any charges of breaking the moratorium on nuclear and ballistic missile tests that Kim has promised Trump. Yet, with strong messages from Pyongyang of determined resistance against sanctions and diehard rejection of the U.S. demands for an all in one big deal, the North appears to be preparing itself for meeting "an intolerable challenge" of the plight of economic difficulty. The North will try to get economic relief and political support from Russia, when Kim meets with President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok this week. But, this will not solve Kim's problem. It will take longer to find a breakthrough to the current deadlock, perhaps because of the deep distrust of the United States by Pyongyang and the intractable unilateralism by Washington. Tong Kim (tong.kim8@yahoo.com) is a Washington correspondent and columnist for The Korea Times. He is also a fellow at the Institute of Corean-American Studies. By Javier Solana MADRID Having secured a fifth term (and his fourth in a row) as Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu is on his way to surpassing David Ben-Gurion, the state's founding father, as his country's longest-serving leader. Yet Netanyahu's Israel would hardly be recognizable to Ben-Gurion, who strived to combine the country's Jewish character with democracy. As L.P. Hartley wrote in the opening of "The Go-Between": "The past is a foreign country: They do things differently there." While Israel's Jewish character has been strengthened, its democracy has been battered, and Netanyahu's re-election could sound its death knell. He has already signaled his intention to annex swaths of the West Bank where there are illegal Jewish settlements, and some of his allies want to go even further, by bringing the entire territory under Israel's absolute control. In any case, the prospect of a two-state solution is fading from view, and demographic realities are such that Israel will be able to preserve its Jewish identity only by sacrificing its democracy. As if to drive the point home, in this election, Netanyahu's Likud party installed cameras at polling sites in Arab communities, leading to allegations of voter intimidation. It would be naive to think that Netanyahu's ploys were mere electoral gimmicks: There are many reasons to believe that he will not moderate his behavior in his coming term in office. Netanyahu's increasingly hard-line policies are symptomatic of what international-relations scholars call a "security dilemma," whereby a state's efforts to maximize its security often lead to heightened insecurity. By annexing part or all of the West Bank, Israel would unnecessarily stoke tensions with the Palestinians, as well as with its Arab neighbors, and ultimately undermine its position in the region. Nonetheless, an expansionist discourse has permeated deeply into Israel's society, which finds itself trapped in a spiral fed by certain Israeli and Palestinian groups with an interest in perpetuating the conflict. With multiple corruption charges hanging over his head, Netanyahu framed the election as a referendum on his public absolution. Though he may be indicted shortly, he will be permitted to remain in office. In the meantime, his rightwing allies may acquiesce to legislative measures to grant him immunity, provided that he follows through with the annexations. Here, we see how the two threads of Israel's democratic decay territorial expansion and diminishing checks on the executive are closely intertwined. The conclusion is clear as day: Without peace with the Palestinians, there can be no democracy in Israel. Given that Netanyahu has no domestic incentive to change course, one might hope that international pressure could be brought to bear on his government. But in a world increasingly dominated by "strongmen" that is, weak men who must compensate for their inadequacies at all costs Netanyahu can count on a free pass. That is why he has gone out of his way to cozy up to proponents of illiberalism like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, despite Orban's embrace of anti-Semitic tropes. But no ally, foreign or domestic, is worth more to Netanyahu than U.S. President Donald Trump. Having already moved America's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Trump dedicated himself entirely to Netanyahu's re-election. First, he recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and then he designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization a label that the U.S. had never applied to another country's armed forces. Netanyahu made an appearance at the White House his red tie matching Trump's to accept the first gift formally, and he wasted no time in taking credit for the latter move. Trump's decision on the Golan Heights could become a particularly dangerous precedent. Israel seized the territory from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War, then formally annexed it in 1981, in both cases defying unanimous resolutions by the United Nations Security Council. Though the U.S. has blocked U.N. condemnations of Israel on 44 occasions, it did not exercise its veto over these resolutions, because legitimizing acquisition of territory by force was supposed to be a red line. That is no longer the case for the U.S. under Trump, who has given the green light not just to Netanyahu, but to all "strongmen" who favor raw power politics over international law. At this point, it goes without saying that whatever peace plan Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, comes up with will be dead on arrival. The Trump administration has made notable advances in uniting Israel and some Arab countries mainly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against Iran, but it has completely ignored the Palestinians. Of course, to the anti-Iran "hawks" now advising Trump, the Palestinian question is doubtless regarded as a minor inconvenience. They have relegated the conflict to the backburner, where they want it to remain. Decades of mutual acrimony and conflict have taken their toll on Israelis and especially on Palestinians, both psychologically and economically. Now, even the international community finds itself increasingly divided and disoriented. Given the frustrating lack of progress, it would be easy to yield to pessimism and apathy to lock the two-state solution in a drawer and throw away the key. But as my dear friend Amos Oz said shortly before he passed away, it is possible that someone who has already been born in Israel will grow up to realize U.S. President Harry S. Truman's idea of leadership: "the ability to get men to do what they don't want to do and like it." When that time comes, we all must be prepared to seize the moment. That means those who still yearn to see an Israeli state and a Palestinian state living side by side in peace must strive to keep the flame of hope alive now more than ever. Javier Solana, a former EU high representative for foreign and security policy, secretary-general of NATO, and foreign minister of Spain, is currently president of the ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, distinguished fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Europe. Copyright belongs to Project Syndicate ( www.project-syndicate.org ). Australian navy's guided missile frigate HMAS Melbourne arrives in the port city of Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, April 21, 2019, to join multinational naval events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. The events will be held between April 22 and 25 and a naval parade will be held in Qingdao and nearby sea areas and airspace on April 23.[Photo/Xinhua] The People's Liberation Army Navy held a gathering in Beijing on Sunday to mark the coming 70th anniversary of its founding. The gathering, approved by the Central Military Commission, was organized to review the achievements and historical experience of the Navy and also to declare its goal of becoming a world-class force. Ten units and 26 individuals who have made significant contributions to the Navy were honored at the ceremony attended by 1,300 military personnel. Russian navy's guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov arrives in the port city of Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, April 21, 2019, to join multinational naval events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. [Photo/Xinhua] A Navy statement published after the gathering said the service has been growing rapidly under President Xi Jinping's leadership. The changes the Navy has made to itself and the accomplishments it has obtained are historic and remarkable. The Navy is unprecedentedly strong, according to the statement. The Navy will continue to adhere to the guidance and instructions from Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission. It will accelerate its strategic transformation and maintain high standards of discipline among its members, the statement said. By Helder Ferreira do Vale Brazil's new president, Jair Bolsonaro, has now completed his first 100 days in office. During this important first phase of his presidency, Bolsonaro has proved himself to be a master in the art of misgovernment. Bolsonaro's rise to lead Latin America's biggest country was made possible by a "perfect storm" of overlapping political and economic crises that together created widespread democratic disillusionment among most Brazilians. Capitalizing on voters' frustrations, Bolsonaro won the 2018 presidential elections on the promises of a "better future." As Bolsonaro completes his first 100 days in office, increasing numbers of Brazilians are coming to the realization that their new government fundamentally lacks direction. According to a well-respected poll, the proportion of voters holding a positive view of his government dropped from 49 percent in January to just 34 percent in March the lowest rating ever recorded for a Brazilian president during their first three months in office. There are strong signs that Bolsonaro lacks democratic credentials to govern Brazil. Just a few weeks ago, during a speech given at a military ceremony, he revealed his beliefs about where true political power lies: "Liberty and democracy only exist when the armed forces want them to." A few weeks after, he called on Brazilians to honor the anniversary of the 1964 military coup, an event which ushered in a 24-year dictatorship. Bolsonaro's illiberalism, while disturbing, is not the only cause for concern. His choice of Cabinet ministers has been equally troubling. He has appointed to several important ministries committed ideologues that easily transform technical issues into ideological crusades. One of these controversial appointees is Damares Alves, who now heads the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights. On her first day in office, she declared in a celebratory tone that, "It's a new era in Brazil: Boys wear blue and girls wear pink." This outmoded vision of a "new era" is certainly not limited to gender issues, either. This new cycle of bad governance in Brazil is further exacerbated by Bolsonaro's nepotism. One of his four sons, Carlos Bolsonaro, controls the president's Twitter feed, with which he regularly attacks journalists and officials who voice any opposition to the government. In a recent interview, Bolsonaro suggested his son deserves a ministerial position. Bolsonaro promised during his campaign to fight rampant corruption, but he is turning a blind eye on increasing corruption allegations inside his own Liberal Social Party (PSL). The new minister of tourism, who coordinated the PSL's 2018 election campaign, is under investigation currently for allegedly creating fake candidates to embezzle public campaign funds. In another corruption case, his oldest son, Flavio Bolsonaro, who won a seat in the national senate in the last general elections, is being accused of taking part in a money laundering scheme in Rio de Janeiro'sl egislature. While Bolsonaro tries halfheartedly to behave within democratic institutions, his government is attempting to approve in a politically fragmented congress one of his main policies: the reform of the Brazilian pension system. The pension reform was one of Bolsonaro's main electoral promises to bust the ailing Brazilian economy. This reform is part of his economic plan to save Brazil $270 billion over the next 10 years by raising the retirement age and increasing individual contributions to the pension system. But his mismanagement of negotiations around the bill is frustrating the fragile, multiparty coalition of lawmakers working to pass his plan. Despite the importance of this bill for Brazil and for the survival of the new government, the main obstacle preventing its approval is Bolsonaro himself. Since congress began debating the bill, Bolsonaro has picked unnecessary fights with supporters of the reform, including the lower house speaker. For now, the pension reform, which requires three-fifths congressional support to pass, seems unlikely to happen soon, and it might not even happen at all. If Bolsonaro's first 100 days are an indicator of things to come, the country will soon once again be engulfed in a deep political crisis. The author is a professor at Hankuk University's Graduate School of International and Area Studies (GSIAS). By Gwynne Dyer It's moving fast now. For three months the protesters in Khartoum got nowhere with their demand that "the people want the fall of the regime," but recently they moved their protest to the real center of power in Sudan, army headquarters. On April 11, the army responded by arresting Omar al-Bashir, the brutal dictator who had ruled the country for the past 30 years. The generals were only trying to save their own skins, of course. Defense Minister Ahmed Awad ibn Auf, who was being groomed to step into the 75-year-old dictator's shoes, just arrested Bashir and declared that he would lead an interim military council that would hold elections in...oh, let's say two years. It was so stupid it was almost funny. Auf didn't even bother to talk to the protesters outside his headquarters before making his announcement, so they just ignored him and went on protesting. The other generals clearly felt that Auf hadn't quite grasped the seriousness of the situation. The crowds were not going away, and some of the army's own soldiers had fired on the regime's hired thugs when they tried to harass the protesters. Time to change horses again. So on Friday night they persuaded Auf to "resign," and made another general, Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan, head of the interim military council instead. Burhan had two advantages: He had gone out and talked to the protesters, and he didn't actually face International Criminal Court charges or international sanctions for genocide (as Bashir and Auf do). To sweeten the pot, the military also forced Salah Gosh, head of the murderous and universally hated National Intelligence and Security Service, to resign. Surely the protesters would now see sense. All the generals really wanted was two years to destroy the evidence and top up their pension pots with stolen government funds before they went into exile. No deal. When the crowds chanted "we want the fall of the regime," they really meant all of the regime. And then on April 16, the African Union (AU) chimed in with a threat to suspend Sudan from the pan-African organization if the military did not hand power over to the civilians within 15 days. The AU is a different outfit from its corrupt and useless predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Despite a few stumbles, the AU has managed to establish a genuine moral authority in African politics, and enjoys a higher reputation than any other regional grouping except the European Union. When it tells African soldiers to stop meddling in politics, they sometimes do stop. So it is reasonable to believe that we may soon see an all-civilian transitional government in Khartoum. No two-year transition, either. Three months to prepare a free election, six months tops. But then the real problems start. It's axiomatic that nonviolent democratic revolutions like this one inherit huge economic problems. If there weren't such problems, most people would not be out in the streets protesting. Sudan lost three-quarters of its oil income eight years ago when South Sudan broke away and took most of the oilfields with it, and there's really not much else to sustain Sudan's 43 million people. Agriculture could help if there were not massive corruption, but this is a country with millions of hectares of unexploited potential farmland where the price of bread tripled in the past three months. The soaring cost of food is what finally set off the revolution in Sudan, just as it set off most of those other attempted revolutions in the "Arab Spring" eight years ago. Only one of the six Arab countries that started down that road in 2011 is both democratic and at peace today, and it certainly feels as if the odds are also stacked against Sudan. The generals will probably make a deal now that the AU has come out against them. If they are wise, they will throw a few more of their senior colleagues to the wolves (including Burhan, who has worked closely with another of the regime's murderous paramilitary groups, the Rapid Support Forces, once known as the Janjaweed). Then they will withdraw and wait. The Sudanese Professionals Association that leads the protests is clever and disciplined, but once in power it will have to take deeply unpopular decisions to rescue the economy from its current paralysis. The Islamists, betrayed and sidelined by their former ally Bashir, will start coming out of the woodwork again. And a year or two from now, when everybody is thoroughly disillusioned by continuing economic hardship and political chaos, the military will try to take back control, just as they did in Egypt. Their success is not guaranteed, but they will have the full backing of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It is, alas, a likely outcome. Gwynne Dyer (gwynne763121476@aol.com) has worked as a freelance journalist, columnist, broadcaster and lecturer on international affairs for more than 20 years. He is the author of "Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work)." Time to push for deregulation for remote medical services South Korea is one of the leading information and communications technology (ICT) countries in the world. Unfortunately, however, when it comes to telemedicine and remote medical services, the nation is virtually at the bottom due to various regulations and the opposition of interest groups. The TV footage of President Moon Jae-in observing the treatment of a patient through a remote medical service in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, during his state visit last week suggested something important for Korea. The image underlined the urgent need for the nation to utilize telemedicine as soon as possible. This service has been already put into practice in many countries including the United States, Japan and China. The scene showed an Uzbek doctor in Tashkent and a Korean physician in Incheon jointly treating an Uzbek patient through the internet. The patient earlier visited Korea to get healthcare services at Inha University Hospital. The joint treatment testifies to the high level of South Korea's ICT and telemedicine knowhow. However, remote diagnosis and treatment by means of telecommunications technology are still not allowed here. In comparison, Uzbekistan which is far behind South Korea in terms of ICT is very active in introducing remote medical services for the people's health and a higher quality of life. The Korean Medical Association and other interest groups opposing telemedicine claim that remote medical treatment does not guarantee the safety of patients and the prevention of medical accidents. But the growing use of telemedicine among many countries around the globe means the technology of today is safe. Full-fledged 5G mobile communication networks are certain to give a boost to remote medical services. The global telemedicine market has already exceeded $30 billion in sales this year and is expected to expand to $41.2 billion by 2021. There is no reason at all to further delay the introduction of this state-of-art system. The National Assembly should revise the Medical Services Act as soon as possible to allow remote treatment through the internet. SK Telecom CEO Park Jung-ho, second from right, and figure skating star Kim Yu-na, left, pose for a photo during the mobile carrier's "Happy Community" launch ceremony at the firm's head office in Seoul, Monday. The firm said it will deliver voice-activated AI speakers and other ICT-based devices to senior citizens who live alone as part of its efforts to contribute to resolving challenges facing society. / Yonhap Students attending to LG Chem's science camp pose in this photo provided by the firm, Monday. / Courtesy of LG Chem LG Chem has grown into the country's leading chemical and battery firm. To become a more responsible company for the local community, it has also been making efforts to create more social value by implementing science education programs for children and conducting social contribution activities for biodiversity conservation, the firm said Monday. "To comply with the United Nations' sustainable development goals, a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, and create more social value, LG Chem has been providing diverse kinds of social contribution solutions," a company official said. The company said it has strengthened its social contribution activities for teenagers as they will eventually play leading roles in the society. Students at the LG Chem's science camp conduct a science experiment in this photo provided by the firm, Monday. / Courtesy of LG Chem For elementary school students, it has been operating a laboratory enabling students to conduct chemical experiments in order to get them interested in science classes. In the laboratory, students can participate in various kinds of science experiments. Also, the firm has been running the science camp program for the students. It has held 60 science camps since 2005 and garnered more than 7,000 students. Being recognized for its efforts, the Ministry of Education selected the firm as a superior company in contributing to education. To contribute to making society more eco-friendly, employees of the firm formed an in-house volunteering group Green Maker and have been conducting volunteering activities since 2017. For biodiversity conservation, the volunteer group visit Bamseom, a pair of uninhabited islets in the Han River, Seoul, four times a year and removed invasive plant species that disrupt the ecosystem of the islets. LG Chem employees pose while conducting activities on Bamseom, a pair of urban uninhabited islets in the Han River, Seoul, in this photo provided by the firm, Monday. The firm's employees have removed invasive alien plants that disrupt the ecosystem of the islets. / Courtesy of LG Chem By Jun Ji-hye LG Electronics has teamed up with Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Toronto to nurture specialists in artificial intelligence (AI) in a bid to enhance the firm's capabilities in future technologies, the tech company said Monday. The company said it will operate education and certificate programs jointly with the two world-renowned universities to nurture AI specialists. The firm has recently selected 12 AI developers at the company who will participate in the programs. Professors of the universities interviewed the 12 to verify the knowledge and expertise of the developers selected. The 12 will be given one-on-one tutoring by a professor from the universities for 16 weeks and carry out an individual project related to a voice-driven AI system, AI image reading technology or AI-based control systems. They will become LG Electronics' AI specialists if the results of their projects are confirmed by a deliberation of a panel of examiners from the universities. The firm said AI specialists will be tasked with developing core systems to resolve various issues related to the firm's major AI projects, and will play a role as mentors for other researchers. Carnegie Mellon University opened a master's and doctorate program in machine learning in 2002 for the first time in the world, while the University of Toronto has had outstanding research results in AI, according to LG Electronics. The Korean firm formed a strategic partnership with University of Toronto last year in a bid to secure source technology related to AI, which the firm cited as one of its future growth engines. In August last year, LG Electronics opened the Toronto AI Lab to strengthen its cooperation with local startups and other major universities in Canada. In cooperation with Carnegie Mellon University, the tech company has operated an educational course called Software Architect since 2011. "Through strategic partnerships with world-renowned universities specializing in AI research, we will speed up our efforts to nurture AI specialists and lead the AI era," said LG Electronics Chief Technology Officer Dr. I.P. Park. A Wall Street Journal reporter puts a sausage inside Samsung Electronics' Galaxy Fold smartphone. Captured from YouTube By Baek Byung-yeul The Wall Street Journal's "mocking" review of Samsung Electronics' Galaxy Fold smartphone has caused a controversy here as some internet users have criticized the U.S. newspaper for posting an "insensitive" video on YouTube. Critics said Monday the paper's journalist should have offered a thorough and independent review of Samsung's latest smartphone in the video rather than focused on ridiculing it. In February, Samsung unveiled its first foldable smartphone and the device is set to hit the U.S. market April 26, but the phone has been criticized by U.S. reviewers as the top layer of the display easily peels off, which can cause serious damage to the screen. WSJ reporter Joanna Stern posted the video review of the Galaxy Fold, Friday (local time). In the three-minute video, the reporter put a sausage inside the screen of the smartphone, showed clips of peeling a banana and orange and folded a colored piece of paper. The video has gone viral logging more than 570,000 hits as of 3 p.m. Monday, but has generated negative responses from some viewers, recording 22,000 thumbs-downs while having 10,000 thumbs-ups. More than 4,400 people left comments on the video, many expressing anger over mocking the device by putting a sausage and other objects inside the smartphone. "I can't believe you were the person who was given a phone for review... but instead put a hot dog in it," a user with ID TotaMay said. Another user wrote, "WSJ has generally been a loyal fan of Apple." No Wonder. A user with the ID "Bruno Godinho" wrote, "This review boils down to bad attitude and poor journalism." An expert in the IT industry said the foldable smartphone has been criticized excessively, but the reporter didn't focus on the review itself. "When writing product reviews, it is perfectly normal to make negative comments on drawbacks of the product because those critical reviews are really helpful for consumers who are about to make a purchase. However, those acts like putting a sausage inside the device is just to bring it up to ridicule," IT columnist Ham Young-min said. Ham also pointed out the attempt to peel off the outer layer of the Galaxy Fold seemed almost intended. "I have reviewed a slew of IT devices and I didn't try to peel something off on purpose when there is a warning message inside the manual or on the packaging box of the product. Well, it's okay to try everything with the product, but those attempts seemed intended to make a mockery of the smartphone," he said. Samsung Electronics' Galaxy Fold foldable smartphones / Courtesy of Samsung Electronics SK Incheon Petrochem plant / Courtesy of SK Incheon Petrochem By Nam Hyun-woo The scheduled U.S. announcement on ending waivers to Korea and other countries importing Iranian crude oil is expected to deal a blow to SK Incheon Petrochem, Hyundai Oilbank and other domestic petrochemical firms importing ultra-light oil from the Middle Eastern country, according to industry analysts, Monday. The Washington Post reported that the U.S. is "set to announce that all countries will have to completely end their imports of Iranian oil or be subject to U.S. sanctions" and will "no longer grant sanctions waivers" to countries currently importing Iranian crude. In November, the U.S. announced a ban on importing Iranian crude and gave 180-day waivers to eight countries Korea, China, India, Turkey, Japan, Greece, Italy and Taiwan. Of them, Greece, Italy and Taiwan have reduced their Iranian oil crude imports to zero, but Korea and four others are still importing Iranian oil. Since then, Korean refiners have been reducing Iranian imports significantly, but petrochemical firms still have a hefty reliance on Iranian ultra-light oil, or condensate, because naphta, which is the core material for petrochemical products, is abundant in Iranian condensate and the country's oil is cheaper than that of other countries. Currently, SK Incheon Petrochem, Hyundai Oilbank and Hanwha Total are importing Iranian condensate. Those firms refused to reveal the amount of condensate they imported from Iran, but they said roughly 51 percent of condensate imports in Korea in the first quarter last year was from Iran. "When imports from Iran get banned, there are alternative markets such as Qatar, the U.S., Russia and other countries. However, Iranian oil had more price advantages," a Hyundai Oilbank official said. "If Iranian crude gets banned, price hikes in other countries' crude will be inevitable." In January, Korea imported Iranian crude at $52.86 per barrel, which was far cheaper than $61.75 per barrel of Qatar, according to data from Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC). According to the data, Korea imported 11.6 million barrels of Iranian crude in March last year, which accounted for 14 percent or of Korea's total oil import that month. However, the number continued to drop to 6 million barrels in May and 2 million in August, accounting only for 2.1 percent of the total. From September to December, the country did not import Iranian crude but resumed trading in January this year by importing 1.96 million barrels and 8.44 million barrels in February. The state-run firm, which oversees domestic oil importers' trade, also does not provide separate numbers on Iranian condensate, but industry officials said approximately 70 percent of Iranian oil has been condensate and the volume imported from Iran in January and February were 100 percent condensate. "One of the reasons why Korean petrochemical firms rely on Iranian condensate is the quality of Iranian oil," an industry analyst said. "Iranian condensate's naphtha content surpasses approximately 70 percent, while that of other countries' condensate remains around 50 percent. This means domestic petrochemical firms need more oil to produce the same amount of naphtha if they use ultra-light oil from other countries." Mandarin learners encouraged to play parts in fostering bilateral friendship President Xi Jinping encouraged a group of United States high-school students to boost friendship between China and the US as he replied to their letter written to him in Chinese. "I hope you will make the best of your time, study hard and contribute your part to a deeper friendship between the people of our two countries," Xi wrote in the letter, saying the young generations represent the future of the Sino-US friendship. Over 40 students from Niles North High School in the state of Illinois who are studying Mandarin Chinese recently wrote to Xi, asking about his work, life and hobbies. They told the Chinese leader in the letter that they are studying Mandarin, and they love the Chinese language, music and cuisine. In his written response, Xi expressed gratitude to the students for their letter, and said he can feel from the letter their love of the Chinese language as well as their interest in Chinese culture. Xi shared some of his personal life. He said he has a deep interest in philosophy, history, literature, culture, music and sports, and that he first cultivated many of these interests back in middle school and they have stayed with him ever since. His job is serving the people, and he works hard with a busy schedule, but takes great pleasure in his work, Xi wrote. The Niles North students also inquired whether Xi likes the US. Xi answered in the letter that he has visited their country many times and is impressed with the "beautiful landscape, hospitable people and diverse culture", and he made a lot of friends, including some young people. He said the students are "wonderful" and expressed hope that they will make greater progress in studying Chinese. Learning Chinese will help them better understand China, and get acquainted with more Chinese friends and Chinese-speaking friends across the world, Xi said. He said seeing is believing and he welcomes the students to visit China in the future. Kendra Le, a Niles North freshman, was thrilled about Xi's response letter, the Chicago Tribune reported. "I was surprised, very surprised," Le was quoted in the report as saying. "It was an honor to receive a letter from him. It was really nice getting a letter from him." The report also said that Zhao Jian, the Chinese consul general in Chicago, personally delivered the letter to a gathering of students enrolled in Chinese classes at Niles North on April 3. Serena Meyers, a Niles North senior taking her first year of Chinese after three terms of Spanish, was not only happy to receive the response, but also pleased at how the Chinese leader made an effort to answer the questions her classmates posed. "I was absolutely surprised," she told the Chicago Tribune. "He has a lot to do and it was an honor he wrote back to us." The Niles North High School began offering Mandarin courses in 2008. City Parks Plan meeting slated for April 23 The City of San Diegos Parks Master Plan is now in year two of the three-year planning effort to improve City parks. Additional visioning meetings have been scheduled. None are in La Jolla, but the next one is 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 at the Balboa Park Club Ballroom, 2150 Pan American Road West, San Diego. cityofsandiegoparksplan.com Athenaeum calls for art entries The Athenaeum is calling for entries to its 28th annual Juried Exhibition. First, second, and third places as well as the Leslie Von Kolb Memorial Award will be awarded at the exhibitions opening reception, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Friday, July 19 at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St. (This years jurors are the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diegos assistant curator Anthony Graham and curatorial fellow Alana Hernandez.) Submission is open to artists who live, work or exhibit within San Diego County, working in 2-D and 3-D media (no functional or craft art). The work must have been completed within the past five years. The deadline to submit is Friday, June 7. (Artists will be notified after Monday, July 8.) Entry forms are at the Athenaeum and website. ljathenaeum.org DMV approves autonomous delivery testing The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has released proposed regulations establishing a path for companies to test or deploy certain autonomous delivery vehicles on public roads. The regulations OK vehicles weighing less than 10,001 pounds carrying deliveries with no delivery fee. The regulations view-able in the News and Updates section of the DMV homepage continue to exclude testing or deploying autonomous vehicles weighing more than 10,001 pounds. Currently, 62 companies have valid permits to test autonomous vehicles with a safety driver on California public roadways. One company has a permit for driverless testing. Public comments about the regulations may be submitted to ladregulations@dmv.ca.gov until May 27. DMV reps said they hope to have a firm set of regulations by years end. New choral director for La Jolla Symphony Ruben Valenzuela has been appointed choral director of the La Jolla Symphony & Chorus (LJS&C), following a nationwide search. Valenzuela is artistic director and conductor of Bach Collegium San Diego, a music performance ensemble he founded in 2003. Ruben Valenzuela is a consummate musician with great collaborative energy, deep roots in the community, and a superb artists keen insight to all aspects of music-making, said LJS&C music director Steven Schick. We are thrilled hell be joining us as choral director. Valenzuela is set to start his new role on July 1, preparing the chorus for the organizations subscription series, leading concerts of choral music at community venues, and sharing conducting duties with Schick. Im thrilled to work alongside Maestro Steven Schick and the entire La Jolla Symphony and Chorus community in shaping the future of this organization, said Valenzuela. Additionally, Im looking forward to diving into the unique programming tradition of La Jolla Symphony & Chorus and keeping excellence at the forefront as we forge ahead. Tunnel vision pops up at SIO Ocean Tunnel, a pop-up art installation, is on view at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) until Tuesday, April 30. The exhibit is the vision of Madeleine Hamann, an SIO physical oceanography Ph.D. student inspired to use an immersive art experience as a way to educate people on the change occurring in the oceans. The 125-foot-long, 8-foot-tall tunnel is adorned with murals of marine life painted on five arching panels. Upon entering, visitors find themselves surrounded by a diverse, healthy ocean with large fish and a variety of species. As they progress, the diversity dwindles and the fish become smaller, reflecting changes caused by human pressure on the oceans. Visitors end in a very different ocean than where they began, surrounded only by jellyfish; a future projection that could become reality. By and large, people arent connecting with the facts and figures scientists generate, said Hamann, who studies the dynamics of internal waves in La Jolla Canyon. Maybe thats because it just doesnt feel personal yet. Connecting people to scientists work through artistic experiences, though, might be a way to get people to realize and really care about the impact we make on a daily basis. The installation is located on the south side of Sverdrup Hall, near the intersection of La Jolla Shores Drive and El Paseo Grande. Parking is available on La Jolla Shores Drive, and the metered lots P002 and P003 on the Scripps campus are open for public parking during the weekends. (See related letter, page A22.) Business What is 4K Resolution? Why 4K? How 4K is Implemented | Soukacatv.com SKD3013 3 Channel HD Encode Modulator 22.04.2019 15:19:21 - 4K refers to one of two high definition resolutions: 3840 x 2160 pixels or 4096 x 2160 pixels. (live-PR.com) - 4K refers to one of two high definition resolutions: 3840 x 2160 pixels or 4096 x 2160 pixels. 4K is four times the pixel resolution, or twice the line resolution (2160p), of 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels). The other high definition resolutions in use are 720p and 1080i. These are the resolutions most frequently used in larger screen televisions to - 4K refers to one of two high definition resolutions: 3840 x 2160 pixels or 4096 x 2160 pixels.4K is four times the pixel resolution, or twice the line resolution (2160p), of 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels). The other high definition resolutions in use are 720p and 1080i. These are the resolutions most frequently used in larger screen televisions to create better detailed pictures. 4K resolution is used in commercial digital cinema using the 4096 x 2160 option, where many films are shot or mastered in 4K by upscaling from 2K (1998 x 1080 for the 1.85:1 aspect ratio or 2048 x 858 for 2.35:1 aspect ratio). HDMI Encoder Modulator,16in1 Digital Headend, HD RF Modulator at Soukacatv.com SKD3013 3 Channel HD Encode Modulator Under its two official consumer labels, Ultra HD and UHD, 4K is well established in the consumer and home theater landscape, using the 3840 x 2160-pixel option. In addition to Ultra HD or UHD, 4K is also referred to in professional settings as 4K x 2K, Ultra High Definition, 4K Ultra High Definition, Quad High Definition, Quad Resolution, Quad Full High Definition, QFHD, UD, or 2160p. Why 4K? What makes 4K resolution significant is that with the use of ever larger TV screen sizes as well as video projectors, it provides much more detailed and less pixel visible images than 1080p. 1080p looks great up to about 65-inches, and can still look good in larger screen sizes, but 4K can deliver an even better-looking image as screen sizes continue to increase. How 4K is Implemented There are plenty of 4K Ultra HD TVs available, as well as a growing number of 4K and 4K-enhanced video projectors. For added support in home theater setups, most AV home theater receivers have either 4K pass-through and/or 4K video upscaling capability. 4K content is available from several streaming sources, such as Netflix, Vudu, and Amazon, as well as via the Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc format and players. On the satellite part of the equation, DirecTV and Dish are able to deliver a limited selection of pre-recorded and live 4K content via satellite to its subscribers (provided they have both a compatible satellite box, compatible TV, and subscribe to the appropriate plan). For those that prefer accessing content via cable, your choices are definitely limited. So far, Comcast provides a limited amount of 4K live and on-demand programming, plus access to 4K Netflix. If you have a 4K Ultra HD TV, check with your local cable provider to see if they offer any compatible 4K service. Over-the-air TV broadcasting is where 4K implementation is lagging. Although South Korea and Japan have taken the lead with regular 4K TV broadcasts, it is still being field tested in the U.S. to iron out issues such as compatibility with the current broadcast system and added infrastructure costs that stations will need to incur. The U.S. 4K TV broadcast system being tested is referred to as ATSC 3.0 (NextGen). What 4K Really Means for Consumers The increasing availability of 4K delivers consumers a greatly improved video display image for larger screen applications, and can greatly reduce the ability for viewers to see any visible pixel structure on the screen unless you place yourself extremely close. This means even smoother edges and depth. When combined with faster screen refresh rates, 4K has the potential to deliver almost as much depth as 3D without the need for glasses. The implementation of Ultra HD doesn't make a 720p or 1080p TV obsolete, although, as 4K Ultra HD TV sales pick-up and prices come down (you can find some 50 and 55-inch Ultra HD TVs for less than $500), fewer 720p and 1080p TVs are being made. Also, the current HDTV TV broadcast infrastructure will not be abandoned anytime soon, even as ATSC 3.0 begins to be used for content transmission. Of course, just as with the 2009 DTV transition, there may come a date and time certain where 4K may become the default TV broadcast standard, but that means a lot of infrastructure needs to be in place. Beyond 4K and Ultra HD What lies beyond 4K? How about 8K? 8K is 16 times the resolution of 1080p. There are a limited number of 8K TVs available for purchase by U.S. consumers, with Samsung taking the lead, but there is no native 8K content available to watch in the U.S. This means that for some time viewers will be viewing images on 8K TVs that are upscaled from 4K, 1080p, 720p, or other lower resolution. However, Japan has started broadcasting one channel of 8K content. Video Resolution vs Megapixels Here's how to compare 1080p, 4K and 8K resolution to the pixel resolution of even modestly priced digital still cameras: 1080p (1920x1080) is 2.1 megapixels. 4K (3840 x 2160 or 4096 x 2160) is about 8.5 megapixels. Only with 8K (7680 x 4320 pixels 4320p) do you get into the pixel resolution range of the best professional digital still cameras 33.2 megapixels. You are most likely taking photos with much higher resolution than you can see on your TV screen when it comes to video content. Color, Contrast, and More Of course, all the above being said, you are the one that needs to be satisfied with what you are seeing on your TV screen increased resolution is one part, but other factors such as video processing/upscaling, color consistency, black level response, contrast, screen size, and how the TV physically looks in your room all need to be taken into consideration. Established in 2000, the Soukacatv.com main products are modulators both in analog and digital ones, amplifier and combiner. We are the very first one in manufacturing the headend system in China. Our 16 in 1 and 24 in 1 now are the most popular products all over the world. For more, please access to CONTACT US Company: Dingshengwei Electronics Co., Ltd Address: Bldg A, the first industry park of Guanlong, Xili Town, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 0755 26909863 Fax: +86 0755 26984949 Mobile: 13410066011 Email: Source: lifewire create better detailed pictures.4K resolution is used in commercial digital cinema using the 4096 x 2160 option, where many films are shot or mastered in 4K by upscaling from 2K (1998 x 1080 for the 1.85:1 aspect ratio or 2048 x 858 for 2.35:1 aspect ratio).HDMI Encoder Modulator,16in1 Digital Headend, HD RF Modulator at Soukacatv.comSKD3013 3 Channel HD Encode ModulatorUnder its two official consumer labels, Ultra HD and UHD, 4K is well established in the consumer and home theater landscape, using the 3840 x 2160-pixel option.In addition to Ultra HD or UHD, 4K is also referred to in professional settings as 4K x 2K, Ultra High Definition, 4K Ultra High Definition, Quad High Definition, Quad Resolution, Quad Full High Definition, QFHD, UD, or 2160p.Why 4K?What makes 4K resolution significant is that with the use of ever larger TV screen sizes as well as video projectors, it provides much more detailed and less pixel visible images than 1080p. 1080p looks great up to about 65-inches, and can still look good in larger screen sizes, but 4K can deliver an even better-looking image as screen sizes continue to increase.How 4K is ImplementedThere are plenty of 4K Ultra HD TVs available, as well as a growing number of 4K and 4K-enhanced video projectors.For added support in home theater setups, most AV home theater receivers have either 4K pass-through and/or 4K video upscaling capability.4K content is available from several streaming sources, such as Netflix, Vudu, and Amazon, as well as via the Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc format and players.On the satellite part of the equation, DirecTV and Dish are able to deliver a limited selection of pre-recorded and live 4K content via satellite to its subscribers (provided they have both a compatible satellite box, compatible TV, and subscribe to the appropriate plan).For those that prefer accessing content via cable, your choices are definitely limited. So far, Comcast provides a limited amount of 4K live and on-demand programming, plus access to 4K Netflix. If you have a 4K Ultra HD TV, check with your local cable provider to see if they offer any compatible 4K service.Over-the-air TV broadcasting is where 4K implementation is lagging. Although South Korea and Japan have taken the lead with regular 4K TV broadcasts, it is still being field tested in the U.S. to iron out issues such as compatibility with the current broadcast system and added infrastructure costs that stations will need to incur. The U.S. 4K TV broadcast system being tested is referred to as ATSC 3.0 (NextGen).What 4K Really Means for ConsumersThe increasing availability of 4K delivers consumers a greatly improved video display image for larger screen applications, and can greatly reduce the ability for viewers to see any visible pixel structure on the screen unless you place yourself extremely close. This means even smoother edges and depth. When combined with faster screen refresh rates, 4K has the potential to deliver almost as much depth as 3D without the need for glasses.The implementation of Ultra HD doesn't make a 720p or 1080p TV obsolete, although, as 4K Ultra HD TV sales pick-up and prices come down (you can find some 50 and 55-inch Ultra HD TVs for less than $500), fewer 720p and 1080p TVs are being made. Also, the current HDTV TV broadcast infrastructure will not be abandoned anytime soon, even as ATSC 3.0 begins to be used for content transmission.Of course, just as with the 2009 DTV transition, there may come a date and time certain where 4K may become the default TV broadcast standard, but that means a lot of infrastructure needs to be in place.Beyond 4K and Ultra HDWhat lies beyond 4K? How about 8K? 8K is 16 times the resolution of 1080p. There are a limited number of 8K TVs available for purchase by U.S. consumers, with Samsung taking the lead, but there is no native 8K content available to watch in the U.S. This means that for some time viewers will be viewing images on 8K TVs that are upscaled from 4K, 1080p, 720p, or other lower resolution. However, Japan has started broadcasting one channel of 8K content.Video Resolution vs MegapixelsHere's how to compare 1080p, 4K and 8K resolution to the pixel resolution of even modestly priced digital still cameras:1080p (1920x1080) is 2.1 megapixels.4K (3840 x 2160 or 4096 x 2160) is about 8.5 megapixels.Only with 8K (7680 x 4320 pixels 4320p) do you get into the pixel resolution range of the best professional digital still cameras 33.2 megapixels. You are most likely taking photos with much higher resolution than you can see on your TV screen when it comes to video content.Color, Contrast, and MoreOf course, all the above being said, you are the one that needs to be satisfied with what you are seeing on your TV screen increased resolution is one part, but other factors such as video processing/upscaling, color consistency, black level response, contrast, screen size, and how the TV physically looks in your room all need to be taken into consideration.Established in 2000, the Soukacatv.com main products are modulators both in analog and digital ones, amplifier and combiner. We are the very first one in manufacturing the headend system in China. Our 16 in 1 and 24 in 1 now are the most popular products all over the world.For more, please access to www.soukacatv.com CONTACT USCompany: Dingshengwei Electronics Co., LtdAddress: Bldg A, the first industry park of Guanlong, Xili Town, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaTel: +86 0755 26909863Fax: +86 0755 26984949Mobile: 13410066011Email: ken@soukacatv.com Source: lifewire Press Information: Dingshengwei Electronics Co., Ltd Contact Person: Phone: 13410066011 eMail: eMail Web: http://https://www.soukacatv.com 22.04.2019 15:19:21 - Disclaimer: If you have any questions regarding information in this article please contact the author. Please do not contact Live-PR.com. We are not able to assist you. Live-PR.com disclaims content contained in this article. Live-PR.com is not authorized to give any information about content and not responsible for content posted by third party. As two important civilizations along the ancient Silk Road, China and Italy will strengthen their cultural cooperation, deepening mutual understanding not only between the governments, but also among people of the two countries. The cultural exchange between China and Italy has been thriving for over two millennia. I believe the two nations have great potential in cultural cooperation, Lucia Borgonzoni, Italys deputy culture minister, told Peoples Daily Online, especially under the framework of the BRI. During Chinese President Xi Jinpings state visit to Italy in March, Italy has announced that 796 Chinese cultural relics that had previously been taken overseas would be returned to China. It is the largest scale international repatriation of lost Chinese cultural relics overseas since 1998, when around 3,000 artifacts were recovered from the UK. Moreover, China and Italy have signed several documents regarding cultural exchange and cooperation. The cultural landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces in Yunnan province and the vineyard landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato in Italy will become sister sites, as will the west lake cultural landscape in Hangzhou and Verona in Italy. According to Borgonzoni, Italy will increase efforts to present small Italian cities to the Chinese public, helping them to understand Italian culture, while diversified cultural cooperation, especially in tourism and film, will see rapid growth. During this years Venice Film Festival, we will organize the fourth edition of the Focus on China section. Moreover, weve included the US into a multilateral cooperation mechanism with China and Italy, in an effort to strengthen film cooperation among the three, said Borgonzoni. The second edition of the Venice to China section is ongoing at the current Beijing International Film Festival. We will also bring Italian movies to the upcoming Hainan International Film Festival. Normally, such movie events are held in big cities, but this time we want to extend our cooperation also to Hainan, as it may bring to both parties new ideas, new possibilities, and new opportunities, she added. FEFU scientists are developing brand-new method to heal brain cancer Scientists from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in cooperation with colleagues from Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center (Moscow), Switzerland, and Sweden for the first time studied proteins, which constitute WNT signaling pathway of the cancer stem cells of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM CD133+ CSCs), one of the most aggressive brain tumors. Researchers revealed a number of proteins, which are potential targets to attack during complex antitumor therapy. A related article was published in Oncology Reports. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most aggressive brain tumors that is extremely resistant to therapy. On average, patients with such diagnosis live for 15 months. Only 27% of patients live more than two years following the diagnosis. According to scientists, tumor resistance to treatment is associated with cancer stem cells, and, in particular, with the activation of WNT signaling pathways in them. WNT signaling pathways in human cells are responsible for a number of essential functions, including cell proliferation, i.e. their reproduction, and the ability to differentiate into other types of cells. Unfortunately, they can contribute to the proliferation of cancer cells. "The behavior of the stem cells of glioblastoma multiforme is an urgent spot calling for research in modern medicine. Irradiation, cytostatics, and contemporary targeted chemotherapy are almost ineffective against cancer stem cells. Our idea is to use radiation simultaneously with drugs that suppress DNA retrieval process in cancer cells, followed by aggressive chemotherapy, one of the strategic objectives of which is to attack cancer stem cells." said Igor Bryukhovetskiy, the author of the research idea, the Director of the Department of Fundamental Medicine in the FEFU School of Biomedicine. The scientist emphasized that he and his colleagues for the first time have managed to study proteins that form the WNT signaling pathway and directly interact with its components in human CD133 + stem cells of glioblastoma multiforme. The researchers found out that the set of proteins (proteome) in glioblastoma stem cells differs fundamentally from the one in other types of tumor cells. Scientists have also recognized other potential targets, the massive suppression of which can lead to a significant improvement of complex antitumor therapy outcome. These important results need further refinement during new in-depth research. How to affect the glioblastoma cancer stem cells is a conundrum far from a trivial. To crack one has engaged the world best laboratories. "In our research, we proceed from the fact we have proved previously: cancer stem cells execute their full potential when building up a bloodstream of a tumor, significantly accelerating its growth rate. Suppression of WNT-signaling proteins will allow increasing the effectiveness of anti-angiogenic therapy, i.e. treatment directed against the formation of new microvessels based on the vascular network already existing in the tissue. Such therapy is an integral part of the modern protocol for the comprehensive treatment of glioblastoma. The results of our studies can be brought into clinical practice in the near future." summed up Igor Bryukhovetsky. ### Original article: Proteins of the Wnt signaling pathway as targets for the regulation of CD133+ cancer stem cells in glioblastoma, DOI 10.3892/or.2019.7043, https:/ / www. spandidos-publications. com/ or/ 41/ 5/ 3080 This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. The Danish Movie Month will kick off in Beijing on April 26, introducing Chinese audiences to a variety of Danish movies and allowing Danish award-winning movie director Bille August to meet his Chinese fans. The Danish Movie Month will take place at CHAO Art Center in Beijing, Sanlitun, over three consecutive weekends from the end of April. 15 Danish movies will be featured, covering an array of themes and genres. The event has been organized by the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing and CHAO Art Center, and will present the works of major internationally recognized Danish directors, as well as films from new industry talents, with the aim of giving local film lovers a better understanding of contemporary Danish movies and society. Academy Award-winning director, Bille August, will give a talk at CHAO Art Center on April 27, allowing his Chinese fans a chance to meet and hear his views on the film industry. Two of his movies will also show during the Festival - Silent Heart and A Fortunate Man, a film based on a novel written by Danish Nobel Prize-winning writer, Henrik Pontoppidan. As part of the Danish Movie Month, CHAO Art Center will also host an exhibition with the theme CPH: Locations - Copenhagen On Film, showcasing images from famous works such as Danish Girl, Borgen, and The Killing, allowing audiences to experience the Danish capital Copenhagen. MOSCOW, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has facilitated the alignment of development strategies between China and Russia and raised bilateral relations to a higher level, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui said. He made the remark in an interview with Xinhua on Friday ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin's trip to China for the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) slated for April 25-27 in Beijing. Putin's participation in the first and second forums demonstrates that the China-Russia ties are special, Li said. The ambassador recalled that in May 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin signed a joint declaration on cooperation in linking the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), drawing a new blueprint at a strategic level for the development of bilateral relations. The BRI, proposed in 2013, aims to build trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia with Europe and Africa on and beyond the ancient Silk Road routes. The initiative comprises the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Established in 2015, the EAEU is a grouping of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, seeking to optimize the flow of goods and services among its members. The BRI has significantly expanded the room for China-Russia cooperation. Under the framework of the BRI-EAEU alignment, China and Russia, with complementary economic advantages, have further tapped their potential and embarked on practical cooperation in various areas, according to the envoy. China-Russia trade exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars last year, setting a new record in history, Li noted. Bilateral cooperation in energy, aeronautics and astronautics and infrastructure has been consolidated, Li said, adding that cooperation in the high-tech field, agricultural product trade, e-commerce and finance has become new growth points, and bilateral trade structure has seen continuous optimization. He also noted that landmark practical cooperation projects, namely the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline, China-Russia Tongjiang Railway Bridge and a cross-border highway bridge, will be completed this year. Li said the BRI has helped the two countries facilitate people-to-people exchanges and strengthen public opinions for a stronger bilateral relationship. In recent years, bilateral cultural exchanges have kept moving forward, and the two countries have held such state-level activities as the Year of Tourism, the China-Russia Youth Friendly Exchange Year, the China-Russia Media Exchange Year, and the year of China-Russia local cooperation and exchange, which have greatly promoted mutual understanding between the two peoples. In 2018, Chinese tourists made 1.8 million trips to Russia while Russian travelers made nearly 2 million trips to China, said Li, adding that the two countries have become major sources of tourists and travel destinations for each other. Currently, China and Russia both face the task of promoting economic development, improving people's livelihood, and realizing national rejuvenation, and enjoy enormous common interests, said Li, adding that the two countries need to grasp the historic opportunity, and take the joint construction of the Belt and Road as a chance to constantly expand two-way direct investment, step up economic and trade cooperation, and achieve sustainable economic growth. From forging their diplomatic ties to establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, the China-Russia relationship has seen 70 years of remarkable development, said Li, adding that the two sides have continuously deepened their ties, and found a right way to get along with each other through thick and thin. Strong political mutual trust is the most important feature of China-Russia ties and the basis of bilateral relations, Li said. He called on the two sides to abide by the spirit of the China-Russia treaty of good-neighborliness, uphold the traditional friendship, deepen mutual trust, support each other on issues concerning core interests, and lift China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination to a new level. Marsh introduces information to Chinese visitors at the UN headquarters in New York, Feb. 5, 2019. Photo by Ma Jianguo from Xinhua News Agency A young New Yorker, the only Chinese-speaking tour guide at the visitor center of the UN headquarters whose native language is not Chinese, is making a name for himself on Chinese social media. Oliver Marsh, who calls himself Ma Shaofei in Chinese, has attracted over 20,000 followers on Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer website. Growing up in the Big Apple, Marsh said hes proud to be a New Yorker. He loves his city because it is home to people from all over the world. Out of curiosity for other cultures and lifestyles, Marsh majored in East Asian studies at Princeton University and learned Chinese. Photo taken on April 17, 2019, shows Marsh at the UN headquarters in New York. Photo by Li Muzi from Xinhua News Agency He said it was fun to study Chinese and the more he learned, the more he was charmed by the language. Last October, Marsh joined the visitor center of the UN headquarters and became an English-speaking tour guide, while what he really wanted was to introduce the UN in Chinese. After training in January, he was finally qualified as a Chinese-speaking tour guide. Marsh was temporarily transferred to the Chinese-speaking team during the 2019 Spring Festival when the number of Chinese visitors peaked in New York. Every time I spoke Chinese, the visitors were shocked. Its probably because they thought it was rare to see a foreign tour guide who could speak Chinese, he said. Marsh explained that he had no idea about Chinas influence in the UN before his training. Now he knows the country like the back of his hand. He came to Xian, a historical city in northwest China in 2017 and worked as an overseas study consultant. By visiting the historical tourist attractions there, he experienced the profound history and culture of the city. Marsh introduces information to Chinese visitors at the UN headquarters in New York, April 17, 2019. Photo by Li Muzi from Xinhua News Agency Now he is an online celebrity on Zhihu, and answers questions related to Chinese and American culture and society, with a focus on the contrast and comparison between the two countries, such as how the poor people in the U.S. live and what stereotypes Americans have about China. So far he has answered about 50 questions and issued nine articles on the website since he joined a year ago the most read article has received over 1,600 likes and 600 comments. Marsh believes that China-US relations, as well as people-to-people bonds between the two countries, are of vital importance in the 21st century. He hopes that the Chinese can learn more about American life, and Americans can also understand more about China through his efforts. [April 22, 2019] Libre Wireless Technologies Partners with Gigaset to Bring Unique Telecom, Communication and Voice Features To New Amazon Alexa Built-In Products Libre Wireless Technologies, Inc., a leading embedded Wireless Voice/AI solutions provider, announced the launch of innovative new voice enabled communications products with Gigaset, Europe's largest Telco producer and top five in the world. These audio products are industry leading smart communications products featuring Alexa Voice Assistant Built-In that is seamlessly integrated with advanced voice calling features on traditional DECT (News - Alert) and PSTN phone systems. "The Libre Communicator" technologies provide a fusion of advanced Amazon voice calling and messaging features with DECT and PSTN bridging, call management, routing and coexistence that brings the best of new Voice/AI technologies together with existing telecommunication infrastructure in homes and corporate premises. This revolutionary product essentially reinvents the landline phone. Gigaset is a long established telecom and brand leader in Germany and Europe and is recognized world wide for their advanced telephones for private and business, smartphones and smart home products. Through this partnership, Libre and Gigaset have collaborated to introduce revolutionary new products that leverage "The Libre Communicator" ("TLC") technology features to bridge multiple ecosystems, wireless protocols and voice assistant features. This delivers to consumers the most unique and advanced voice services, communications and messaging services and experiences in the market. The Gigaset products take advantage of The Libre Communicators' unique, scalable voice/AI technology deployed on an array of Libre's network media modules and price/performance points to service their broad product line plans that begin with the launch of the Gigaset smart speaker L800HX launching in April 2019. In addition to the most advanced Amazon Alexa based voice and music features, this will be he first device that combines landline telephony featuring DECT technology from DSP Group (News - Alert), Inc. and smart speaker features. "Innovation is only possible with the right partners at hand," says Klaus Weing, CEO, Gigaset AG. "With Libre Wireless Technologies we found the right people to support our eager plans. They had the spirit and technology to really help in creating something totally new." "We are very proud to be partnering with Gigaset and Amazon and developing this market leading platform for communications," says Jordan Watters, Chief Executive Officer at Libre Wireless Technologies. "The Libre Communicator technologies bring tremendous value to both Operators and consumers by seamlessly bridging the latest voice assistant, calling and control features with easy to use traditional calling systems." About Libre Wireless Technologies, Inc. Libre Wireless Technologies has extensive expertise in developing WiFi (News - Alert)/Wireless technologies for IoT, media streaming, voice interface/control and AI applications. Libre delivers comprehensive hardware and software SDK platforms that are scalable across ecosystems, features, power and price. Libre offers a range of approved and certified electronic modules along with RF/antenna design solutions and extensive software that manages virtually all aspects of system, voice and connectivity features. The Libre team has deep WiFi/BT (News - Alert) technology, IoT and A/V system design experience combined with world wide sales, technical support and design partnerships. The Libre platforms incorporate unique media streaming technology, scalable mic-to-cloud voice processing modules, broad mobile platform ecosystem support, seamless interoperability, scalable price/performance solutions and flexible WiFi/Bluetooth/Zigbee/DECT options. Optimized for performance, power, size and cost, the Libre Wireless solutions provide ODM's and CE Brand customers with the most complete, flexible and ecosystem leading technology available. About Gigaset AG Gigaset is an internationally operating company in the area of communications technology. The company is Europe's market leader in DECT telephones and is also a leader in the international arena, with around 900 employees and sales activities in 50 countries. Its business activities comprise not only DECT phones, but also an extensive smartphone portfolio, cloud-based smart home security, comfort and care solutions as well as professional business telephony solutions for small, medium-sized and large enterprises. Gigaset is best known for its quality, design and sustainability of their products. View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190422005376/en/ [ Back To www.mobilitytechzone.com\broadband-stimulus's Homepage ] [April 22, 2019] L-com Launches New Line of Rugged Category 7 Cables with 10 Gig Rating for Outdoor and Industrial Applications IRVINE, California, April 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- L-com, an Infinite Electronics brand, and a preferred manufacturer of wired and wireless connectivity products, has unveiled a new line of Category 7 cables that are ideal for 10GBASE-T, Cat7 to Cat6a, factory automation, outdoor industrial Ethernet and machine vision applications. L-com's new Category 7 cables are constructed with an overall braid shield around individually shielded twisted pairs (S/FTP) and feature a ruggedized, die-cast metal RJ45 connector on each end. The halogen-free, TPU cable used in these assemblies is 10 Gig Category 7-rated, oil and UV resistant, flame resistant and is suitable for industrial or outdoor environments. Additionally, these cables have excellent flex characteristics with a bend radius of 1.39 inches. "Whether you are using this in a standard Ethernet or GigE application, these cables are perfect for rugged factory, industrial or outdoor applications," said Dustin Guttadauro, Product Manager. With included optional parts, the metal RJ45 connectors on these cables can easily be modified into a horizontal or vertical GigE configuration fr machine vision applications. This unified GigE bracket is easy to install and contains spacers for 2 mm and 4 mm, making the plug compatible with either of the common machine vision standards. These cables have a temperature range rating to +60C and are offered in off-the-shelf lengths of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 meters. L-com's new Cat7 10 Gig cables are in stock and available for immediate shipment. For more information about this release, please contact: Peter McNeil L-com 17792 Fitch Irvine, CA 978-682-6936 About L-com: L-com, a leading manufacturer of wired and wireless connectivity products, offers a wide range of solutions and unrivaled customer service for the electronics and data communications industries. The company's product portfolio includes cable assemblies, connectors, adapters, antennas, enclosures, surge protectors and more. L-com is headquartered in North Andover, Mass., is ISO 9001: 2008 certified and many of its products are UL recognized. L-com is an Infinite Electronics brand. About Infinite Electronics: Infinite Electronics is a leading global supplier of electronic components serving the urgent needs of engineers through a family of highly recognized and trusted brands. Our portfolio brands are specialists within their respective product set, offering broad inventories of engineering-grade product, paired with expert technical support and same day shipping. Over 100,000 customers across a diverse set of markets rely upon Infinite Electronics to stock and reliably ship urgently needed products every day. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/874305/L_com_Rugged_Category_Cables.jpg Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/430629/L_com_Global_Connectivity_Logo.jpg SOURCE L-com [ Back To www.mobilitytechzone.com\LTE's Homepage ] Care and Share donates to Shop with a Cop (Photo/CCTV) LOS ANGELES, April 19 (Xinhua) -- Samsung has heard from reviewers about screen breaking or malfunctioning of the Galaxy Fold, its upcoming foldable smartphone, and will find out the cause of the matter, a Samsung spokesperson told Xinhua via email on Friday. The Galaxy Fold, on sale from April 26 in the United States, resembles a conventional smartphone but opens like a book. The display has been transformed from a pocket-sized 4.6-inch phone into an expansive 7.3-inch dynamic AMOLED screen. Samsung has defined the Galaxy Fold as the "biggest breakthrough" since the launch of its mobile phone business. However, ahead of the official launch of Samsung's cutting-edge foldable phone, journalists supplied with samples reported malfunctions after just a few days of use. "A limited number of early Galaxy Fold samples were provided to media for review. We have received a few reports regarding the main display on the samples provided. We will thoroughly inspect these units in person to determine the cause of the matter," a Samsung spokesperson said. "A few reviewers reported having removed the top layer of the display causing damage to the screen," said the spokesperson. The main display on the Galaxy Fold features a top protective layer, which is part of the display structure designed to protect the screen from unintended scratches, according to the spokesperson. "Removing the protective layer or adding adhesives to the main display may cause damage." "We will ensure this information is clearly delivered to our customers," the spokesperson said. The malfunctions raised the specter of Samsung's doomed Galaxy Note 7 phone three years ago, some reviewers said. Battery and design flaws in the Note 7 resulted in some units catching fire or exploding, forcing Samsung to permanently stop its production and sales of the model globally in October 2016. Shares of Samsung Electronics dropped more than 3 percent on Thursday after multiple screen problems were reported. Some analysts believe that malfunctions in the first batch of a test model were of little surprise. The handset's in-folding design is more difficult to make than out-folding, as it adds higher pressure to the screen, they said. Regional Manipur Congress accuses ruling BJP of violating political rights Correspondent IMPHAL, Apr 21 | Publish Date: 4/21/2019 12:06:32 PM IST The Congress and BJP in Manipur have been locked in a war of words even after polling for the two Lok Sabha seats have concluded, and while pending re-poll in some polling stations yet to be confirmed from the ECI. Addressing a press conference, Manipur Congress spokesperson and sitting legislator, K Meghachandra alleged that BJP had violated political rights of voters during the poll in the Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency held on April 18. The spokesperson also demanded fresh poll in all the polling stations across the Andro Assembly segment of Inner Manipur PC where he alleged BJP workers had suppressed the political rights of the voters. The BJP workers took control of entire polling stations across the Assembly segment and barred not only polling agents of the other candidates but also candidate themselves from entering the polling stations, he alleged. For the sake of fair poll, fresh poll should be held at all the polling stations under Andro Assembly segment, he said. The sitting MLA further denied manhandling police personnel on poll duty which the state BJP strongly charged. He said, he had only questioned why police personnel on poll duty remained silent spectator instead of discharging their duty for conducting smooth and fair polls. He further alleged that BJP workers were station at almost all the polling stations in this Assembly segment and indulged in proxy voting by baring polling agents of other candidates from coming into the polling station. Flags of BJP were also displayed at most of the polling station which was total violation of Model Code of Conduct, he alleged. Andro Assembly segment is the home constituency of state forest and environment minister, Th Shyamkumar. On poll day, as many as three persons including a former gram panchayat pradhan sustained injuries after a clash between BJP and Congress workers. State CPI, in its complaint, demanded re-poll in 28 polling stations across the Inner Manipur PC. In its complaint lodged to ECI, CPI alleged mass proxy voting in as many as six polling stations in this Assembly segment. The allegation of political right violation by the BJP in the state came up at a time state BJP lodged a complaint against two Congress legislators for their alleged threat to police personnel on poll duty. The party alleged that the two legislators had threatened a police constable on duty at the polling station in front of public using un-parliamentary language. On the other hand, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Manipur has recommended re-poll at 12 polling stations of Inner Manipur PC which went to polls on April 18, as per a media report here. Citing damages done to EVMs and other electoral malpractices, CPI, Congress and other political parties have demanded re-poll at many polling stations. While recommending the re-poll in the 12 polling stations to the ECI, the CEO proposed conducting re-poll on April 22 or April 24. Regional Mass rally in Manipur to protest against SC verdict on adultery Protest rally against scrapping of adultery law by Supreme Court in Thoubal district on Sunday. Correspondent IMPHAL, Apr 21 | Publish Date: 4/21/2019 11:51:12 AM IST A mass rally was carried out on the streets of Manipurs Thoubal district to register a strong protest against Supreme Court verdict declaring that adultery is not a crime. In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court on September 27, 2018 ruled that adultery is not a criminal offence, thus striking down a century-old law which was introduced during the time of the British. Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code said that adultery is defined as a person having sex with a mans wife without taking prior consent from the husband. The law only applies to men women can neither be charged with adultery, nor can they be the complainant. The protest rally carried out under the aegis of Women Against Crime (WAC), Manipur was participated by hundreds of women and students of some schools. Placards with various slogans denouncing the Supreme Court verdict like Married woman eloping to other should also be punished, Women with adultery charge should also be punished, Dont suppress rights of children etc. were displayed during the rally. The rally kick-started from KM Blooming School, Khangabok and concluded with a public discussion at W Mani College, Thoubal. Talking on the sidelines of the rally, WAC secretary, A Robita said that they were strongly against the verdict of the Supreme Court, while questioning how adultery which is against the social norm was not a criminal offence. She said that WAC totally disagrees with the Supreme Court judgement on adultery and that it was anti-women. She alleged the judgment was similar to giving an open general license to the people of this country to be in marriages but at the same time have illegitimate relationships. At the same time, she protested the law applying to only men. We denounced the law that applies only to men. We want a law that govern women too, she said. Legal experts, who spoke at the public discussion, observed that the Supreme Court verdict was discriminatory against men and would diminish the few rights that men have in the country. Earlier, a charge of adultery could attract a penalty of five years. However, the new law has made adultery an offense only with respect to a man who has a relationship with somebodys wife. The wife is considered neither adulterous nor an abettor in law, while the man faces a jail term of up to five years. This is nothing but gender discriminatory, they observed. They felt that instead of decriminalising adultery, the SC should have made it gender neutral. QINGDAO, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has been active in providing security products for the international community since its founding, a senior naval officer said Saturday. Qiu Yanpeng, deputy commander of the navy, made the remarks at a press conference for the upcoming multinational naval events in celebration of the navy's 70th founding anniversary. The PLA Navy is always a force of peace, and will never pose a threat to any other country, he said. The navy has paid over 100 visits to 94 countries and 138 ports, and has held more than 60 joint military drills with foreign navies over the 70 years, according to Qiu. Since 2008, the navy has sent 32 escort fleets, 103 vessels, 69 helicopters and more than 27,000 officers and soldiers to escort over 6,600 vessels, more than a half of which were foreign merchant ships, he continued. Since 2010, the naval hospital ship Peace Ark has traveled to 43 countries and regions and provided free medical services to over 230,000 people, Qiu said. In 2015, a Chinese naval vessel evacuated 621 Chinese citizens and over 270 people of other nationalities from war-torn Yemen, he added. The Chinese Navy will continue to work hard to promote world peace, facilitate global development and safeguard the international order, while making new greater contributions to global and regional peace and stability, as well as the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, Qiu said. By PTI MUMBAI: With an uncertain future staring at over 22,000 employees of the grounded Jet Airways, bank unions Monday suggested offering special loans to them to tide over RPT over the financial criss arising from non- payment of salaries. Last week bank unions had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding the government take over the carrier to secure the jobs of its employees. In a letter to the Indian Banks Association, the union requested the banking lobby to "ask member banks to device a special loan scheme to the Jet staff to help them tide over their present financial problems." The unions also suggested banks can extend special and exclusive loans to the airline to pay the salary dues or some subsistence payments to them against proper collateral. ALSO READ| Investors demand write-offs as Jet Airways owes over Rs 11000 crore outstanding debt Jet Airways chief executive Vinay Dube had Saturday said around Rs 170 crore would be needed to clear at least a month's salary. After flying for 25 years, Jet last week announced grounding after its lenders declined an interim funding of Rs 400 crore. Dube, along with Maharashtra finance minister Sudhir Mungantiwar, civil aviation secretary Pradeep Singh Kharola, chief financial officer Amit Agarwal, representatives of unions of the pilots, engineers, cabin crew and ground staff met Finance Minster Arun Jaitley in Delhi over the weekend. Jaitley had assured to look into the issues of the grounded airline. The airline owes over Rs 8,500 crore to banks and around Rs 4,000 crore to its vendors and aircraft lessors and months of salaries to the employees apart from thousands of crores of rupees in ticket refunds to passengers. That apart it has an accumulated loss of over Rs 13,000 crore. A consortium of banks led by State Bank had said they were hopeful of a successful bidding process for stake sale in the airline. Bank unions said they were happy that lenders are not showing any hurry to further lend to the airline and have invited bidders to take over. "When promoter Naresh Goyal is unable to bring in further capital, and when the airline is already cash-starved, it is most prudent that banks do not extned any fresh loans unless some viable proposals come to take over and run the airline," the letter said. If viable proposals do not come at the earliest to take over the airline, banks should recommend to the government to either take over the airline or merge it with Air India, the union said. By Express News Service NEW DELHI: Twitter has appointed former Network18 Digital chief executive Manish Maheshwari as the managing director of its India operations. Maheshwari, who will take over the new role from April 29, will replace Balaji Krish who was appointed as the interim country head after Taranjeet Singh quit the microblogging site in September last year, the company announced in a statement on Monday. "India is one of the fastest growing audience markets globally for Twitter... Twitter continues to invest in India and its leadership team," the company said in a statement. In his new role, Maheshwari will be responsible for driving an integrated business strategy to accelerate Twitter's audience and revenue growth in the country, overseeing Twitter India's teams in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru, it added. He will also be responsible for growing its audience and revenue growth in the country, Maya Hari, vice-president and managing director, Asia Pacific said on Twitter. "Under his leadership, we will continue to empower all elements of Indian society to have a public voice to be heard through Twitter." Krish, meanwhile, will return to Twitter global headquarters in San Francisco to resume his role as Global Head of Revenue Strategy and Operations at Twitter. The appointment comes amid growing concern of misuse of social media platforms, including Twitter, particularly by political parties during the ongoing general elections in the country. "Ive been a Twitter user for more than 10 years now and Im excited to lead Twitter India now to greater heights in the country. With premium Indian content on the rise in multiple regions across the country, I believe we are scratching the surface of whats possible with Twitter in India. With our amazing teams across India, Im bullish about the overall impact that Twitter India can create in the country and the influence of India on our global platform, Maheshwari said in a tweet. Jayanta Roy Chowdhury By Express News Service NEW DELHI: The Trump administration has said it will end waivers to India, China and six other countries who had earlier been exempted from US sanctions against Iran and allowed to buy cheaper Persian oil. The US fiat means these countries cannot buy crude from Iran after May 2, this year. This is likely to hit Indias oil bill after a time lag as crude prices are expected to rise by up to 10 %. A costlier oil bill impacts the prices of almost all commodities as trucking and production costs go up with fuel price increases. However, the oil shock in prices will take time in coming as Indias fuel costs are decided by oil marketing companies like Indian Oil who have contracted most of their purchases till the middle of this year at fixed rates. Prices will take time in going up in India but unless the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ramp up their production, global crude prices can be expected to go up, said Prof. M Govinda Rao, former Member of the Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council. A US state department statement on ending the waivers issued on Monday said The United States, Saudi Arabia and UAE are committed that global oil markets remain adequately supplied. Last November, the State Department issued 180-day waivers to eight countries including India, China and Japan to give them more time to find alternative sources of oil. The Sensex fell by 495.10 points as markets reacted to news that US waivers were ending and crude prices may go up. India purchases about 9.4 % of its crude supplies from Iran at a discounted rate and had been working to reduce this to 5 % by finding alternate sources. Indias average price for crude purchases stood at $ 71.11 as on April 19, 2019. In anticipation of the US withdrawing its exemptions, Brent crude futures had jumped to $ 73.69 for deliveries on June 19, this year, up from about $54 a barrel in December-end. It was poor diplomacy on our part, we have been increasing tariffs on imports including those from the US and could not have expected a sympathetic ear on our demands for continuing with cheaper Iranian Oil, Prof. Rao said. Indian officials, however, said they would continue to work with the US to see if someway could be found. Said Pinak R Chakravarty, former Secretary (Economic Relations) in the Ministry of External Affairs India will, of course, continue engaging with the US on this issue however if suddenly exemptions are withdrawn it may have repercussions on US relations with a host of nations. Turkey, one of the nations affected by the US sanctions reacted strongly to the end of waivers. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu today tweeted Turkey rejects unilateral sanctions and impositions on how to conduct relations with neighbours. By Express News Service HYDERABAD: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials on Sunday arrested four persons, including National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) general manager and NSS Infrastructure employees, for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 27 lakh for official favours. According to CBI officials, the agency has registered cases under Section 7 and Section 8 of Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018 and Section 120 B (criminal conspiracy) of IPC. Gali Sridhar, the general manager of NHAI; Sudhakar Vaduppu and Pawan, who are employees at NSS Infrastructure; and Gali Sridhars relative Sai Prasad were booked under these charges. The cases were registered on the receipt of reliable information regarding the demand and acceptance of illegal gratification amounting to `27 lakh, for clearing the bills of NSS Infrastructure. Gali Sridhar, General Manager (Technical), National Highways Authority of India Limited (NHAI) demanded the amount of `27 lakh on April 17 at Hyderabad for clearing the bills pertaining to their ongoing work at NH 7 Madurai - Kanyakumari stretch of Tamil Nadu. On the instructions of Gali Sridhar, Sudhakar agreed to pay the bribe amount of `27 lakh. The money was carried by Pawan, an employee of NSS Constructions from Hyderabad, and delivered to Sai Prasad, a relative of Gali Sridhar, at Kadapa on April 21, the CBI officials said. The ACB wing of CBI Hyderabad trailed Pawan from Hyderabad till Kadapa, and nabbed both Sai Prasad and Pawan while they were exchanging the bribe amount. All of the four accused persons have been arrested. After the arrest, the CBI officials conducted searches at six places including the offices and residential premises of the accused at Hyderabad, Kadapa and Madurai. The agency seized some incriminatory documents pertaining to the case during the search. The agency would produce the accused before the the Special Judge for CBI cases in Hyderabad. By Express News Service HYDERABAD: After a 40-day period of observing lent and abstinence, Christians across the city celebrated the second coming of Jesus with Easter festivities. However, the celebrations were short-lived as the news of the serial bombing in Sri Lanka started to flood the internet and the news, leaving many faithful, in distress. Although Easter is considered a time to rejoice the resurrection of Jesus Christ after the crucifixion, this year it marked the death of over 200 civilians, including at least three Indians, in the suicide bombings. Meanwhile, the city police, along with intelligence officials, have alerted all the States police units to take precautionary measures and thwart any untoward incidents. As the blasts took place in Churches, hostels and other prominent places, the city police have asked the law and order department to keep a vigil at places of worships of all religions as part of security measures. A day after the National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials have questioned a few persons in the city in connection with terror conspiracy, the state agencies have issued alerts suspecting the role of terrorists in Sri Lanka blasts as well. Vehicle checks were carried out across various religious places in the city, by the police. The railway stations also saw extra security forces descending on their premises. By ANI WASHINGTON D.C.: Kim Kardashian has no time for criticism and she did not hold back on her viewers after facing backlash over working with US President Donald Trump. In June, last year, Kardashian commuted the life sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, who had been serving time in prison since 1996 for a first-time drug offense, reported E! News. Trump granted her clemency after Kardashian met him and spoke to him at the White House. 'The Keeping Up With the Kardashians' star later met Johnson after she was released on parole. Kardashian, who recently revealed that she is studying to become a lawyer, has continued to work for criminal justice reform. The 38-year-old star has maintained a relationship with the White House and is working with the officials to try to obtain more clemencies. "So many people have would say to me, 'Don't go to the White House, your career will be over. Don't go there,' and I just kinda weighed the decision where it was like, to save a life, or to get maybe bad tweets about me or a bad news story for a few days," she said on CNN's Van Jones Show in an interview recently. "I guarantee you the people sitting behind bars do not care who the president is. They just want that relief. And so if I could have done that, I don't care," she added. Many fans have contacted Kardashian to get her to try to use her celebrity status to bring more political change. She told Van Jones that people contact her "every time there is an issue going on in the White House, which is pretty often." "I think that people, I see on Twitter people writing me all the time, 'Kim, do something, do this, do that,' and I have been very honest with the administration," she said. "I have been very honest with everyone, from Jared [Kushner] and Ivanka [Trump] to everyone in the White House about how I feel about immigration in particular and we've had the conversations," she added. Last year, Kardashian spoke to Jones in a CNN interview, when asked about the skepticism over the reason for her meeting with Trump, she said "I have kids and why would I spend my time away from my kids...for a PR stunt? To a lot of people, it was a risky move to take, going. If there was a possibility that it could have hurt my brand, I mean, I wouldn't take that kind of PR risk." However, Jones stated at that time that people may think that Trump "used" her and that their meeting could be seen as her endorsing him. "I think Kanye's already given him legitimacy in that way," she said, talking about her husband Kanye West's support for the president, who he has also met Trump at the White House. "So I don't think I would be used, and at the end of the day, he heard me out. We got the job done," she added. Talking about the criticism, she said, "When I got the meeting, I knew there would be tons of backlash, I knew people wouldn't understand it. And at that point, I had to make a decision that this was bigger than me." On October 10, 2017, Kardashian met Trump in San Francisco for a Google Summit, which she had also documented on her social media. Since Johnson's commutation, Kardashian has worked with several activists and officials for criminal justice reform. Kardashian cited her father Robert Kardashian, who gained attention as O.J. Simpson's defense attorney, as her inspiration for studying to become a lawyer. Shilajit Mitra By Express News Service The Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) has objected to the title of Kangana Ranaut-Rajkummar Raos upcoming film Mental Hai Kya. In a letter addressed to CBFC chief Prasoon Joshi, IPS has argued that the films posters depict mental illnesses in a poor light and violate sections of the Mental Health Care Act, 2017. We take serious objections to the title of the movie which is discriminative, stigmatising, degrading and inhuman in projecting mental disorders and persons who suffer from mental disorders. We strongly demand the title to be removed with immediate effect preventing further damage to the modesty of mental health care service users, the letter reads. We reached out to Dr Mrugesh Vaishnav, President, Indian Psychiatric Society, who said: We have submitted our complaints to Prasoon Joshi, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathod (I&B Minister) and PM Narendra Modis office. Psychiatrists across India are trying hard to raise awareness about mental illness and bring mental patients to the societal mainstream. At this juncture, keeping such a title as Mental Hai Kya, is demeaning to our efforts. It will be used to make fun of mental patients. He added, (Producer) Ekta Kapoor claims the film is a work of creativity. Well, if that is the case, I pity their creativity. If you look at Hollywood, they are also coming out with movies about mental illness. But they carry a positive message. They do not ridicule or make a mockery of mentally-ill people. Dr Vaishnav added that the IPS is determined to fight till the end. As per Section 92 (2) of the new Mental Health Act passed by the Parliament, anybody who intimidates or insults the emotions of mentally-ill persons, either verbally or through behaviour, is liable for imprisonment for at least six months plus fine. Through our protest, we want to educate the filmmakers, as well the general public, about the stigmas surrounding mental health, he said, adding that he has requested a personal meeting with Prasoon Joshi over the matter. Meanwhile, the makers have insisted that, contrary to allegations, the film will encourage people to embrace their individuality and distinctiveness.Responding to the concerns raised by mental health care professionals, producers Balaji Motion Pictures on Saturday issued a statement defending the films intentions. The makers insisted that, contrary to allegations, Mental Hai Kya will encourage people to embrace their individuality and distinctiveness. They added that the film is a mainstream entertainer that makes a larger point. A Sharadhaa By Express News Service Telugu film Vaana (remake of blockbuster film Mungaru Male), which released in 2008, had Diganth playing a supporting role. After almost a decade, the actor is again getting ready to make a comeback to Tollywood. His second Telugu film will be bigger and better as the actor will be sharing screen space with Vijay Deverakonda. The latters upcoming film, titled Hero, to be helmed by Anand Annamalai (the dialogue writer of Kaaka Muttai) is set against a bike racing backdrop, and considering Diganths passion towards bike riding in real life too, he is sure to have a prominent presence in the film. Hero will roll in May, and he, along with Vijay Devarakonda, is said to start the race track shoot in Delhi some time in the middle of the month. It will be followed by the talkie portions. Diganths part of the project is yet to be officially revealed by the production house, and when happens, we will know more about the actors role in Hero. The film, bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers, has Shalini Pandey and Malavika Mohanan as female leads and is hinted to be releasing in multiple languages. On Sandalwood front, the actor has signed a Kannada film, which is produced by T R Chandrashekar of Crystal Paark films. Titled Huttu Habbada Subhashagalu, it will mark the directorial debut of Nagaraj Betlur. The shooting of this film, touted to be a comedy thriller, is set to start from the first week of May as Diganth is said to be juggling between this and his Telugu film. Meanwhile, Diganth looks forward to the release of his next Bollywood film, RamYug. A film based on Ramayana, which features the actor in the role of Ram, is being directed by Kunal Kohli. Currently in the post production stage, the makers are looking at an August release. With interesting projects on the cards, this year looks promising for Diganth. Namita Bajpai By Express News Service LUCKNOW: On a day when Congress chief Rahul Gandhi extended his apology to the Supreme Court for attributing his comments against PM Narednra Modi in Rafale defence deal to it, the intensity of his attack on PM over the same issue went a notch higher while addressing a series of public rallies in his pocket boroughs including Amethi and Rae Bareli. The Congress chief also held a public meeting in Barabanki and Sultanpur on Monday. Rahul Gandhis entire narrative on Monday revolved around PM Modi over a series of issues including Rafale, unemployment, farmers debt, alleged favour to handful of his (PMs) cronies besides highlighting the NYAY promised in Congress manifesto. Taking on Modi, Congress chief, who faced credibility crisis after his Supreme Court faux pass, commenced his address in Tiloi segment of Amethi by narrating how French premier was guided by PM Modi to favour Anil Ambani out of the way in Rafale defence deal. In another public meeting in Salone in Rae Bareli, the Congress chief, who is also contesting the ensuing election from the second seat in Wayanad, Kerala, accused PM Narendra Modi of doing injustice to people of Amethi and Rae Bareli. ALSO READ | Rahul Gandhi's nomination for Amethi Lok Sabha seat found valid Hopeful of forming the next government, Rahul Gandhi claimed that whatever PM had taken away from the twin constituencies, he would return its double to people of Amethi and Rae Bareli. If our government will be formed, Amethi will be gifted with a food park of 100 factories. My dream is that the chips manufactured in Salone are savoured by US president Donald Trump, said Rahul. He took the vow to punish Chowkidar (Modi) on coming to power for favouring the likes of Anil Ambani and Neerav Modi. Meanwhile, interacting with media persons in Rae Bareli, the Congress chief renewed invitation to the PM for a debate on corruption at Race Course Road. However, he was seen avoiding queries over his apology to SC over his comments on Rafale deal. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE Gandhi renewed his frontal attack on the PM saying by implementing Demonetisation and GST --Gabbar Singh Tax-- as he calls it, BJP government had dealt a severe blow to countrys economy. Industries are facing closure because of the demand crisis as people dont have money to buy things, he claimed. In the same breath, the Congress chief accused the PM of taking money from peoples pocket through GST and demonetisation to help his 15 capitalist friends. The Congress chief linked his minimum income guarantee scheme NYAY- with revival of economy by claiming that the cash flow would increase buying power of the people and it, in turn, would revive the industry and the economy. If voted to power, we will ensure a minimum income guarantee for 20 per cent of the poorest families. We will ensure 72,000 rupees annually to those families and the money will be deposited directly in the bank accounts of the women of the family. This scheme will be implemented without any problem to our economy, claimed the Congress chief. Reiterating his stand on unemployment, Rahul said: I promise jobs to 22 lakh youth in a year and to 10 lakh more in gram panchayats. He even tried to woo the farmers by promising them a separate budget for them. Sounding confident of making the next government at Centre, the Congress chief said: We will bring two budgets --- national budget and one dedicated to farmersafter forming the next government. No farmer will be sent to jail if he fails to repay the loan, he said reassuringly. By PTI KOLKATA: BJP national president Amit Shah Monday defended the party's decision to nominate Sadhvi Pragya as a Lok Sabha candidate saying the allegations against her are false and the real culprits in the Malegaon blast case have evaded the law. Sadhvi Pragya, who is out on bail in the Malegaon blast case of 2008, has been fielded by the BJP from Bhopal constituency. "It is absolutely a right decision. The allegations against her are baseless. Nothing against her or Swami Aseemanad have been proved," Shah said while addressing a media conference here. Claiming that the "real culprits" were let off after being arrested, he said, questions should be asked why they were released. Speaking on the contentious NRC and the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, Shah said refugees need not worry as after returning to power, the BJP will first bring the bill in Parliament and then implement the NRC across the country to weed out infiltrators. "The refugees will be given citizenship and they will remain in this country with full dignity. They should not pay heed to the misleading statements by Mamata Banerjee," the BJP president said. The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on January 8 but was not tabled in Rajya Sabha where the BJP does not have a majority. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE The picture of Rajya Sabha will change in favour of the BJP by 2020 and there will be no problem in passing the bill, he said. To a question on alleged discrepancies over citizenship and educational qualifications in Congress president Rahul Gandhi's poll affidavit filed at Amethi, Shah said the returning officer concerned should look into it. Asked if the BJP will seek support from the Trinamool Congress in case it falls short of a majority, he said, "The question does not arise. We will get full majority." Reiterating his charge that "democracy has ceased to exist in West Bengal", Shah exuded confidence that people of the state will defeat the Trinamool Congress in this election. The World Bank recently issued a series of articles, discussing the influence of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on infrastructure, foreign trade, cross-border investment, and inclusive and sustainable growth of countries and regions along the route. The organization believes that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an ambitious effort to improve regional cooperation and connectivity on a trans-continental scale. The BRI is expected to improve transportation infrastructure and economic environment, thereby substantially lowering trade costs, promoting cross-border trade and investment, and boosting growth for Belt and Road countries, regions and even the whole world at large, the World Bank said. Michele Ruta, Lead Economist in the Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment Global Practice of the World Bank Group, believes that the BRI regional cooperation will enhance transportation infrastructure such as railways, promote rapid growth of cross-border trade and investment, and drive the economy. According to the first-ever quantification of the influence of the Belt and Road construction on trade costs conducted by Ruta and his research team, for Belt and Road economies, the BRI transportation projects, either completed or under construction, can cut shipment time for Belt and Road economies by an average of 1.7 to 3.2 percent. For the world, the average reduction in shipment time will range between 1.2 and 2.5 percent. China carries out cooperation with other countries on building highways, railways and ports following the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. Progress has been made in the BRI hallmark projects, such as the high-speed rail line linking Belgrade to Budapest, and China-Laos railway. These projects will bring greater connectivity to those countries. The Bagamoyo Port project in Tanzania will benefit the country as well as other countries in the region. The Addis AbabaDjibouti railway and the improvement of Djiboutis port will contribute to a decrease in shipping time between Australia and Ethiopia of 1.2 percent. The initiative can have positive spillovers on other economies, Ruta remarked. A World Bank research found that the BRI-proposed transportation network could lead to a reduction in travel time. The reduction in time - and by extension transportation cost - could result in a 4.97-percent increase in total foreign direct investment flows to BRI countries. These positive effects can raise Sub-Saharan countries GDP growth by 0.13 percentage point. Maggie Xiaoyang Chen, professor of economics and international affairs at George Washington University and an economist in the research department of the World Bank, told Peoples Daily that the BRI is conducive to the soft infrastructure of the BRI countries, including the policies, procedures and mechanisms. She believes that soft infrastructure includes the facilitation of customs clearance, as well as the improvement of laws, regulations and business environment. World Bank studies indicated that BRI cooperation will cut the costs of global trade by 1.1 to 2.2 percent and those of trade along the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor by 10.2 percent. What is more, it will contribute at least 0.1 percent of global growth in 2019. The BRI provides a sustainable way to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity, according to the World Bank. A research showed that the promotion of the Belt and Road construction would accelerate global poverty reduction. In 2015, about 26 percent of the worlds population lived on less than $3.2 per day, and the figure is expected to fall to 10.2 percent by 2030. The BRI investments will lift up to 34 million people out of moderate poverty, of which 29.4 million people are from countries and regions along the Belt and Road. 52,000 people in Nepal who lived under the extreme poverty threshold of $1.9 per day have been alleviated thanks to BRI investment in infrastructure. It is expected that by 2030, there will be an additional one million people to be lifted out of extreme poverty in Kenya and Tanzania, and the figure in Pakistan is estimated to be 1.3 million. The BRI will bring tangible benefits to participating countries. For example, the BRI projects in Pakistan, including the Gwadar Port, Peshawar-Karachi expressway and the upgrading projects of the railway between the two cities, will increase the countrys real-term income by 10.5% in 2030. The major achievements of the Belt and Road construction in Kyrgyzstan fall on transportation such as railways and highways. The significant reduction in trade costs has benefited most economic sectors. It is estimated that the countrys actual income will increase by 10.4% in 2030. Caroline Freund, Director of Trade of the Regional Integration and Investment Climate at the World Bank, noted that improved integration could increase global real income between 0.7 and 2.9 percent, and real income for BRI economies between 1.2 and 3.4 percent. "There are huge opportunities: improved infrastructure means more trade, more investments, higher growth," said Freund. By Express News Service PATNA: Former Bihar CM Rabri Devi sparked a storm on Sunday when she alleged through a video message that the BJP was conspiring to poison her husband and RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav. Lalu is currently behind the bars in three cases of fodder scam. He is under medical treatment in jail at the paying ward of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences in Ranchi. In the video message that went viral in Bihar, Rabri warned that if anything happened to her husband in jail, the people will take to the streets. If the state and the central governments want to kill Lalu Prasad Yadav by poising, if they want to eliminate Lalus family, they can do that, but this kind of dictatorship will not work, she roared. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE Rabri alleged that the family members were not being allowed to meet him even on Saturday, when visitors are allowed, as part of the conspiracy. When Tejashawi Yadav went to meet Lalu Prasad Yadav on Saturday, he was not allowed. If anything happens to Laluji, the state and central government will be responsible. Rubbishing the charges, JD(U) spokesperson Ajay Alok said Rabri was being used by the RJD as a well-planned move to raise the emotional pitch in its favour and cash in on that in polls. BJP leader Mangal Panday also dismissed the allegations and said RIMS has been issuing a regular medical bulletin on Lalus health. By Express News Service BHOPAL: The Election Commission (EC) has ordered lodging a case for violation of model code of conduct against BJP candidate from Bhopal Lok Sabha seat Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur for making controversial statements about 1992 Ayodhya demolition. The development happened just a few hours after Thakur filed first set of nomination papers as BJP candidate at the district collectorate. According to Bhopal district election officer (DEO) Sudam Khade, it has been decided to lodge a case of poll code violation against the BJP candidate under Section 188 of IPC (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant). The Bhopal DEO had issued notice to Thakur on Saturday seeking reply within a day about the statements made by her on Ayodhya demolition. The BJP candidate who is also an accused in the 2008 Malegaon blast case replied to the notice on Monday, in which she had submitted that she made the statement before she hadnt filed the nomination as BJP candidate, so it didnt violate the EC model code of conduct. Her reply was unsatisfactory, as her statements prima facie violated the ECs model code of conduct, after which it has been ordered to lodge a case of poll code violation against her, said DEO Bhopal Sudam Khade. ALSO READ | Why EC not cancelling BJP 'gem' Sadhvi Pragya's nomination: Mayawati On Saturday, in an interview to a TV channel, Thakur had said that she was proud to be among those who pulled down the disputed structure at Ayodhya in 1992. I was among those who climbed on the structure and brought it down, as the structure was a blot on the country, Thakur had told the TV channel in an interview aired on Saturday evening. Taking suo moto cognizance of her utterances on the TV channel, the DEO Bhopal issued notice to her. Undeterred by the notice, Thakur had reiterated on Sunday that she was proud to be among those who had pulled the structure down in Ayodhya and would go there again for construction of a grand Ram temple. Also, following reply by Thakur to another EC notice over her controversial remarks about Ashok Chakra awarded ex-Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare, the DEO Bhopal prepared a final report in the matter which has been sent to the Election Commission, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO-MP) VL Kantha Rao said on Monday. ALSO READ | Amit Shah defends Sadhvi Pragya's candidature from Bhopal, says real culprits of Malegaon case evaded law Thakur files one set of nomination papers in Shubh Muhurt Earlier, in the day Thakur filed one set of nomination papers as BJP candidate before the DEO Bhopal on Monday. According to sources close to Thakur, she filed one set of nomination to ensure that she files her first set of nomination in Shubh Muhurat (auspicious period). She will file more set of nomination papers on Tuesday. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE Thakur who holds a Bachelor and Master Degree in Arts (BA and MA Final) from a Government College in Lahar-Bhind affiliated to Jiwaji University, Gwalior, also holds Bachelor Degree in Physical Education from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. In the affidavit submitted with nomination papers, the 2008 Malegaon blast accused Thakur has declared that she owns movable assets worth over Rs 4.44 lakh. She has declared that she is facing trial under the provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and Explosives Substance Act, besides under Section 302, 307, 324, 326, 427, 153A and 120B of IPC. By Express News Service Four Janata Dal (Secular) party workers were among the victims of the serial blasts that rocked Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. In a tweet, Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy said, "I am deeply pained at the loss of our people in the #Colombo attacks. Out of the seven missing after the #TerrorAttack, four have been declared dead. Their names are - Lakshmana Gowda Ramesh - K M Lakshminarayan - M Rangappa - KG Hanumantharayappa" All victims were #JDS workers from Karnataka and were on a tour to #SriLanka. I am deeply pained at the loss of their lives in the heinous attack. They were also committed workers of our party and their death has brought immense sorrow to us. H D Kumaraswamy (@hd_kumaraswamy) April 22, 2019 The Chief Secretary has spoken to High Commissioner of India in Sri Lanka. One group from Karnataka is returning from Kandy. They will help to identify the fifth body. The @IndiainSL will provide information on the other two missing persons as soon as it is received, the CS said. H D Kumaraswamy (@hd_kumaraswamy) April 22, 2019 Two of them have been identified by the Indian Embassy in Sri Lanka as K Hanumantarayappa and M Rangappa, both property developers. @SushmaSwaraj We sadly confirm the deaths of the following two individuals in the blasts yesterday: - K G Hanumantharayappa -M Rangappa. India in Sri Lanka (@IndiainSL) April 22, 2019 They were part of a team of seven members, all JD(S) workers and developers, who were visiting Sri Lanka after the completion of the first round of polling in the state on April 18. The other members of the group are Kathanahalli Lakshminarayana, Taluk Panchayat member and developer, Chandrashekar, Contractor, Tumkur Ramesh, a developer, Govenahalli Shivanna, founder Harsha school and Harsha hospital, Puttaraju from Harokethanahalli and Maaregowda from Adakimaranahalli. They were staying at the Shangri-La hotel and are unreachable. READ| Sri Lanka bombings: Police to probe possible intel failures against suicide attackers Earlier in the day, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj also tweeted the names of three more Indian nationals, Lakshmi, Narayan Chandrashekar and Ramesh. Indian High Commission in Colombo has conveyed that National Hospital has informed them about the death of three Indian nationals. Their names are Lokashini, Narayan Chandrashekhar and Ramesh. We are ascertaining further details. /3 Chowkidar Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) April 21, 2019 However, it is uncertain if these are members of the above group. Karnataka Home Minister MB Patil on Monday also said that official information had been recieved only about the deaths of Hanumantarayappa and Rangappa and that a total of 7 members were missing from the state. ALSO READ | All suicide bombers Sri Lankans, handiwork of National Tawheed Jamath suspected Speaking to TNIE, Shivakumar, a brother-in-law of Shivanna said, "Shivanna along with Chandrashekar, Ramesh, Maregowda and Puttaraju went to Colombo all together and checked into Shangri La hotel at 8 am. They were having breakfast when the blast took place and Rangappa and Hanumantharayappa were killed on the spot. Chandrashekar, Shivanna and Ramesh succumbed in the hospital. Maregowda and Puttaraj are still missing. They had to come back on Wednesday to Bengaluru as they went four days trip. Shivakumar's wife Sunanda is a member of Dobespet Zilla Panchayath" Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy tweeted, "I am deeply shocked at the loss of our JD (S) party workers, whom I know personally. We stand with their families in this hour of grief." Home Minister MB Patil is expected to hold a briefing shortly to announce the details of the missing and the dead. By Express News Service NEW DELHI: India and China have resumed talks on key issues concerning their relations, with Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale arriving in Beijing on Sunday to discuss key issues with top Chinese officials, including Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Gokhale is scheduled to hold bilateral consultations with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou on Monday and call on Wang, who is also the State Councillor, a high-level post in the hierarchy of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC), official sources said. The two countries are grappling with a host of issues, including Beijings continuous attempts to block efforts to list Jaish-e-Mohammeds chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. READ| China claims Masood Azhar issue at UNSC headed for settlement but says no April 23 deadline India-China relations gathered positive momentum after last years informal summit at Wuhan between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. However, Chinas move to block Pakistan-based Azhars designation as a global terrorist following the February 14 Pulwama terror attack carried out by a Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed, caused disappointment in India. The US, the UK and France moved a proposal under the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council, but China stalled it for the fourth time by putting a technical hold on the resolution, a move India termed as disappointing. The visit of Gokhale also assumes significance as China holds its biggest international event, the Belt and Road Forum, to showcase its trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in which the $60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a flagship project. India has protested to China over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as it is being laid through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, while pointing out the issue of sovereignty involved, and like in 2017, has decided to give the second edition being held from April 25-27 a miss. Wang has, meanwhile, said that differences over the BRI would not come in the way of the development of India-China relations. After the Wuhan summit, we see all areas or progress between the two countries and we have bright prospects for this relationship. We are now preparing for the next summit of our leaders, he said, without specifying any time frame. By IANS The Great Indian Election circus has just begun. So far, we have seen two phases of the elections in different states. The Big Bang of the election is Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For the opposition, he is the main agenda, how does one oust him in order to get the throne in South Block back. For the ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the issue is also Modi. He remains the brand equity of the party. The Sangh Parivar votebank argues that Modi is the victim. Lutyens' Delhi doesn't like him, as he isn't elitist. Modi wants to break away from the status quo of Delhi's ancient political corruption. The BJP clientele remains active in supporting him. It is Modi around whom the main polarisation is taking place. The so-called Left Liberal public intellectual, and the secular civil society remain highly intolerant regarding the intolerance of the Modi-era. On the other hand, the BJP thinks that in all the seats in the country, where the BJP is contesting, it is Modi who is contesting. ALSO READ: Willing to take on Narendra Modi in Varanasi constituency, says Priyanka In Indian politics, this extreme either-or situation has ironically happened only in the last few decades. That is, with Mrs Indira Gandhi. The Congress campaigned for her, with their slogan of 'garibi hatao' and it was the Left which was the demon. This ademonology', this politics of aothering', isn't new in India. It is like the pendulum of an old clock. It swings to one extreme, before moving to the other. It was anti-Congressism in 1967, reaching its extreme in 1989. Then, the BJP took the Congress space and the anti-BJPism started in full swing when Vajpayee was the PM. The Modi-era is a new phenomenon. The idea: a strong leader, with strong Hindu nationalism to back him, supported by a strong economy. In spite of all discontent, one has to accept that the economic conditions appear favourable to rapid growth in the country. The market has sensed it today, signs of upward movement in the market are there and the scene of market inflow seems positive. It remains a fact that while travelling in different villages in the country, several of Modi government's schemes - Swacch Bharat, LPG supply to rural areas, housing programmes, Modi's health care programme, the opening of Jan Dhan accounts - have all had a positive impact on the lives of the poor. These aren't very exciting hot potatoes for us in the media - but the actual beneficiaries might have a different reaction. ALSO READ: If Modi becomes PM again, he will definitely be Hitler of India, says Siddaramaiah Sitting in Delhi, this, is something we might forget and fail to understand. But it is also true that there is a strong sense of discontent in the urban populace over job creation. Price rise and unemployment have, like always, been the opposition's weapons. Jawaharlal Nehru would write letters to all his chief ministers, from the early days of 1947 till the last day in office in 1964, that 'employment, poverty alleviation, price rise' were the main challenges of the country. Over 70 years later, we are still fighting the issue and no one has figured out where the magic lantern remains hidden. The anti-Pakistan Balakot strike did change the election narrative. Modi and BJP were aggressive on national security and on Hindu nationalism. The opposition became defensive. Rahul Gandhi's Rafael issue became a non-starter. But after two phases of elections in Delhi, a lot of people asked me, "Is there a change in milieu? Is the nationalism plank down? Imran Khan said Modi should come to power, so they can start the dialogue. Did that spoil the BJP's anti-Pakistan stand." Be that as it may, I think that in these elections it remains Advantage-Modi. There is no tsunami in favour of Modi, like what we've seen in 2014. But after completing two phases of elections, the unanswered question is still there: What is the alternative? ALSO READ: Idea of smart city not clear even to Narendra Modi, says Digvijaya Singh Rahul Gandhi got the opportunity and he started well. The 2014 perception of him was very different from earlier, when the BJP had campaigned successfully against him, rendering him a 'pappu'. I took Rahul Gandhi's interview in 2014 for Anandabazar Patrika. I found him to be intelligent and a thorough gentleman. Even he told me that he was fighting against a hologram created by Modi and the BJP. He was the general of the party, so he didn't admit, but my impression through the conversation remained that he understood the situation and the fate of the 2014 polls before the results were announced. This time he has been more serious, more deliberate. His interactions abroad also got him momentum. His image was calibrated away from what was, to a more serious general of a party. But then again, he has fallen into the old trap. His main mistake was to not form an opposition-front before the election. Mamata Banerjee's proposal was to form a loose federation. At the time, Rahul Gandhi ignored not just Mamata, but also Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. Congress thought that the 'Aklo Cholo (Go alone)' policy' would be more useful than a compromise formula with regional forces. Rahul Gandhi thought that an alliance with regional parties would be a liability. Congress may get more seats in the country if they don't go for a new Federal Front like UPA III. Actually, this overconfidence of Rahul Gandhi will spoil the opposition unity index further. He got into an alliance with N. Chandrababu Naidu in Telangana, but this became counterproductive - its impact stretching to Andhra Pradesh. ALSO READ: Rahul Gandhi to be PM if Congress gets maximum number of seats, says Rajya Sabha MP Anand Sharma The victories in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh assembly elections disturbed Rahul Gandhi's long term strategy for 2019. In the Hindi-heartland, the Congress is in a sorry state: it is a poor No. 4. Ask Mayawati - the Congress is untouchable. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra landed with a message of sibling solidarity, but ask the local Congress worker, it is too little too late. It is clear that in this election, it is not just Mamata-Mayawati-Akhilesh Yadav or even Tejashwi Yadav who are fighting against Narendra Modi. These regional leaders are giving it their all. But where is the Congress? Where is Rahul Gandhi? (The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to senior journalist Jayanta Ghosal, and not necessarily to organisation, committee or other group or individual.) Rajesh Kumar Thakur By Express News Service Sharad Yadav, RJD candidate for Madhepura in Bihar, tells Rajesh Kumar Thakur that had he continued as the convener of the NDA and not been pressurised by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to quit, Narendra Modi would not have been Prime Minister. Excerpts from an interview: You were NDAs national convenor and are now in the opposite camp, joining a long-time foe. Is it about politics or something else? I have always been a votary of politics with principle. I never compromised with unethical politics whether I was in NDA or RJD. I joined hands with RJD chief Lalu Prasad for the sake of the poor people and to rescue the country from ruin. The NDA of Atal Behari Vajpayees and L K Advanis time has been dumped by the present NDA led by Narendra Modi, who is acting like a monarch and autocrat. If the country is in ruins now, who is responsible for this situation? Frankly speaking, had I continued as NDA convener, I would not have supported Modi as the NDA face for prime ministership. But it was none other than Bihar CM Nitish Kumar who pressurised me to such an extent that I had to quit. As a result, Modis name got unanimously endorsed and he became the NDAs face for PM and landed the country in chaos. Let me tell you a million-dollar startling fact even the RSS was not in favour of Modi as PM face. He is nothing but a situational prime minister of India. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE What is your estimation of the possible outcome of 2019 LS polls nation-wide? My sixth sense and political experience says India is on the edge of yet another round of political shift from NDA to Grand Alliance (Mahagathbandhan). The alliance has emerged as the last resort for people reeling under penury because of Modis imprudent politics. Whenever citizens get restless against an existing system of governance, the country witnesses a major change. Indias integration has been jeopardised by the divide and rule policy of Modi-led NDA on the lines of caste and creed. The Mahagathbandhan will secure a comfortable majority to form the government at the Centre and the NDA will not even be a strong Opposition. Such is the anger among the people against the NDA now. At a time when the NDA is pitching its development card, how will the Mahagathbandhans caste and quota cards impact poll outcome? Who says the Mahagathbandhan plays only caste and reservation cards in elections? The Mahagathbandhan is an alliance of social engineering in which castes are not counted but agendas are set to ensure social equality with equal dignity for people of all castes and creed. It is the NDAs poll gimmick to ignite the sentiments of people on the lines of caste and creed. They target the minorities in the name of saving cows. A fear psychosis has been created by promoting discriminatory and religion-based politics that would never succeed in its objective as long as Socialists leaders like me are alive. The NDA in Bihar is led by Nitish whose instability in any alliance and unreliability has attained notoriety. Shifting stance is his USP. How do you rate Modi, Nitish, Lalu and Rahul Gandhi by their politics? Thats a tough question. I have been one of those politicians who never surrendered to undue demands. I see PM Modi as a self-obsessed politician who cares for his own personal life. What he says, he never does and what he does, he never says. Nitish Kumar is rarest of the rare kind of politician who cannot ever be reliable and stable in alliance with anyone. He has now lost all political credibility... On the other hand, Rahul Gandhi is young and his enthusiasm is high. He has the potential to add a new chapter of people-oriented politics in Indias democracy. As far as RJD chief Lalu Yadav is concerned, he is a legend of politics who ensured equality and dignity of downtrodden people. He has created a political history of social engineering. How sure are you of your victory from Madhepura which faces a triangular contest, with two other rival candidates of the same Yadav caste to which you belong? Refer to the political profile of Madhepura, you will know that both I and Lalu were elected from here and delivered the best results to the people of the constituency. I dont like to name those in the fray against me but they would get a go sign from the voters. I dont see a triangular contest here. Even if Nitish Kumar settles down permanently in Madhepura, his candidate will never win. Sharad Yadav RJD candidate Fayaz Wani By Express News Service SRI NAGAR: The Peoples Democratic Party chief and former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti is facing an uphill task in her home turf to retain Anantnag Lok Sabha seat in south Kashmir. Once considered one of its bastions in the Valley, the seat has now emerged as a stronghold of militants. Eight candidates, including Mehbooba Mufti, state Congress chief Ghulam Ahmed Mir, Justice (retd) Hasnain Masoodi of National Conference, Sofi Yousuf of BJP, Chaudhry Zaffar Ali of PC, physiotherapist Rizwana Sanam and UP-based Supreme Court lawyer Shams Khwaja are in the fray for the Anantnag seat, where polling will be held in three phases because of security concerns. Anantnag constituency is spread over four districts Anantnag, Kulgam, Shopian and Pulwama and comprises 16 Assembly segments. Since militancy is rife in the area, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has reduced polling hours by two hours in the Anantnag constituency. Polling would now be held between 7 am and 4 pm, instead of 7 am to 6 pm. South Kashmir had been a bastion and stronghold of PDP since its formation in the 1990s. However, the party is battling anti-incumbency in the entire south Kashmir for its three-year alliance with the BJP and the alleged mishandling of 2016 unrest by Mehbooba-led PDP-BJP coalition government. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE After the unrest, during which 90 civilians were killed and thousands injured, most by pellets, the entire south Kashmir has emerged as a stronghold of militants, with the number of local militant recruits rising manifold. Since July 2016, south Kashmir has been in the grip of a festering turmoil, with encounters, stone pelting, protests, strikes, raids, and arrests becoming the order of the day. Braving peoples anger, Mehbooba has campaigned in some safe pockets of south Kashmir. However, her rallies largely failed to record a robust attendance and her convoy was even targeted by stone pelters. Political analyst Aadil Ahmad said this election is very important for Mehbooba, as a win would boost her reputation and help her keep the party intact and prevent further desertions. In a first, outsider enters fray in valley In a first, a non-state subject is contesting parliamentary election in Jammu and Kashmir. A 57-year-old lawyer from Uttar Pradesh is up against PDP president Mehbooba Mufti and State Congress chief Ghulam Ahmed Mir from prestigious Anantnag Lok Sabha seat in restive south Kashmir region of the state. Shams Khwaja hailing from Gautam Budh Nagar, UP is among 18 candidates in fray for Anantnag, which would go to polls district-wise in three phases on April 23, 29 and May 6 due to security concerns Khwajas nomination as an Independent candidate was contested by rival candidates before the District Electoral Officer on the ground that his name was not in electoral rolls of the constituency. However, he managed to convince his opponents and officials that in parliamentary elections any Indian citizen can contest from anywhere, including J&K. Khwaja said it was his desire to contest from one of the toughest Lok Sabha seats and he picked Anantnag. By PTI SRINAGAR: Former Jammu and Kashmir chief ministers Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah Monday appealed to the Centre to immediately release separatist leader Yasin Malik from the NIA custody in view of his failing health. Malik, who was placed under arrest by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in a case related to funding of separatists and terror organisations, had complained of chest pain on April 19. He was sent to Ram Manohar Lohia hospital in New Delhi for a medical check-up and doctors discharged him after a routine examination. He has since been sent to Tihar jail on judicial custody. "It is unfortunate. Malik is very ill. Sadhvi Pragya (Thakur) has been granted bail because of her ill health, but is contesting election and is spewing venom everywhere. She has been let off, but Malik, who is very ill and his life is under threat, has been kept in prison. "I would like to appeal the government to immediately release Malik so that he gets treatment. God forbid, if something bad happens to him, the outcome would be catastrophic," Mufti told reporters on the sidelines of a party function in south Kashmir's Kulgam district. The PDP president also said the Centre should allow Malik's wife and his daughter, who are in Pakistan, to meet him. "When (parliament attack convict) Afzal Guru was hanged, his family was not allowed to meet him. Malik is ill, so it is the Government of India's duty to let his wife and daughter meet him," she said. Malik's wife Mushaal Mallick had on Sunday said she would travel to India to meet her ailing husband. National Conference vice president Abdullah said the Centre should immediately move Malik to AIIMS or another suitable hospital so that doctors are able to "stabilise" his health. "That he is being investigated by the NIA is no justification for denying him proper healthcare or denying his family members access to him. If a terror accused like Pragya Thakur can be granted bail on health grounds only for her to turn around & use her freedom to contest Lok Sabha elections from Bhopal on a BJP ticket why should Yasin Malik be treated differently?" Abdullah wrote in a post on Facebook. By IANS NEW DELHI: Defence Minister and BJP leader Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said Congress President Rahul Gandhi has lost his credibility after he expressed regret over his remarks on the Supreme Court's order in the Rafale jet deal. The apex court had asked the Congress President to respond on his remarks made last week wherein had attributed his "Chowkidar chor hai" remarks to the top court. Gandhi on Monday accepted that the "court never said these words." Addressing a press conference, Sitharaman said the Congress had diluted its stand on national security after its leader P. Chidambaram sought to change India's behaviour toward Pakistan to normalise ties. ALSO READ: Dont allow the prince to ride to Delhi on a dead horse, says Nirmala Sitharaman Coming down heavily on Gandhi, the Defence Minister said the regret expressed by him was done as part of "political convenience" and to avoid "contempt of court". "It was done to escape the wrath of the court...I would definitely say that it is a matter of credibility which is affected badly when people in public life are pushed to the circumstances to have to regret having said something based on untruth," she said. "Rahul Gandhi's credibility has taken a beating. He keeps on repeating untruths. It is a matter of grief." Sitharaman said she felt "sorry" that the Congress was dependent on "falsehood". ALSO READ: Send message you don't need someone 'airdropped from Delhi': Nirmala Sitharaman to voters in Wayanad She asked the Congress to come clear on what behavioural change it wanted from the government in relation to Pakistan. "Do they want us to stop taking action against terrorism? Do they want us to compromise on our territory? Do they want the government of India to state that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory?" she said. She said it was "astonishing" that senior Congress leader Chidambaram wanted a behavioural change. Highlighting the Congress' electoral promises of dilution of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) and sedition laws, Sitharaman said the party's manifesto was criticised by people for being "terrorist-friendly". "They further diluted it by asking behavioural changes. It is surprising that such statements come from the Congress even during elections," she added. By PTI NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Madras High Court to decide on April 24 a plea of TikTok app seeking to vacate of its ban order. A bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said if the Madras High Court fails to decide on the plea of TikTok app then its ban order will stand vacated. The apex court had earlier refused to stay the Madras High Court order that directed the Centre to ban the "Tiktok" app over concerns about access to pornographic content through it. Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, appearing for the Chinese company ByteDance, had told the top court earlier that there were over billion downloads of the mobile app and ex-parte orders were passed by the Madurai bench of the Madras High Court. He had said the court did not even issue a notice in the matter and an order was passed without hearing them. The high court had on April 3 directed the Centre to ban mobile application "TikTok" as it voiced concern over "pornographic and inappropriate content" being made available through such apps. It had directed the media not to telecast video clips made with TikTok. The app allows users to create short videos and then share them. It had asked the government if it would enact a statute on the line of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act in the US and posted the matter for further hearing on April 16. The high court's interim order came on public interest litigation (PIL) which alleged the app encouraged paedophiles and the content "degraded culture and encouraged pornography". Even after the havoc caused by Blue whale online game, which reportedly led to suicides by several people, officials have not learnt that they should be alert to these types of problems, the high court said. Only when officials and policymakers were able to act on problems of society, a decision could be taken to prevent these kind of apps, it had said. Voicing concern, the court had said it was evident from media reports that pornography and inappropriate content were made available through such mobile applications. BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday sent condolence messages to their Sri Lankan counterparts, respectively, after multiple deadly attacks shook the country. In his message to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Xi said that he was shocked to know the series of explosions in Sri Lanka, which have caused large casualties. "I, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, as well as myself, send my deep condolences to the victims, and my sincere sympathy to the injured and families of the victims," he added. The Chinese government and people will firmly stand by the people of Sri Lanka and firmly support the Sri Lankan government's effort to maintain national security and stability, Xi said. On the same day, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also sent condolences to Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe over the attacks. By PTI PATNA: With his absence from Congress president Rahul Gandhi's rallies in Bihar triggering speculation of a rift in the Mahagathbandhan, RJD leader Tejashwi Prasad Yadav Monday dismissed the conjecture and asserted he would share stage with Gandhi in the state in coming days. He attributed this to part of strategy so that leaders of the grand alliance cover more places during campaign. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE Gandhi addressed four election rallies so far in the state in Purnea (on March 23), Gaya (April 9), Katihar (April 10) and Supaul (April 20), but Tejashwi Yadav did not share the stage with the Congress president which was taken as a signal of fissure within the opposition alliance. I will definitely share the stage with him (Rahul Gandhi) and you will see it in the coming days. This is a part of strategy that we (leaders of Grand Alliance) should cover more and more places during election campaigning, Yadav told reporters here. To present a picture of unity, prominent leaders of the alliance constituents were present at the press meet. Besides, Tejashwi Yadav, RLSP chief and former union minister Upendra Kushwaha, HAM(S) president and former CM Jitan Ram Manjhi, Bihar Congress head Madan Mohan Jha, senior Congress leader Akhilesh Prasad Singh, RJD MP Manoj Jha, RJD Bihar unit president Ram Chandra Purvey and a representative of Mukesh Sahni's Vikassheel Insan Party (VIP) sat together. Sahni was not available because of his engagement as polling will be held Tuesday in Khagaria from where he is contesting as a grand alliance candidate. The same thing was being said during the 2015 Bihar assembly polls as why Lalu Prasad, Rahul Gandhi and Nitish Kumar were not sharing the stage, Yadav said adding that even at that time it was the same strategy that the three leaders cover more and more assembly segments during campaigning. It was said at that time that Gandhi, who had tore an ordinance during the UPA rule against disqualification of a convicted politician from contesting election, wanted not to be seen with the RJD supremo, who ultimately was debarred from fighting polls. Taking a swipe at NDAs display of togetherness with Nitish Kumar, Ram Vilas Paswan and Sushil Kumar Modi addressing rallies jointly in Bihar, the leader of opposition in Bihar assembly said being together was their compulsion as none of them alone could fetch the crowd of even 1000. On JD(U) national president's presence during Prime Ministers rallies in Bihar, Yadav said Kumar knows it very well that if he does not go to PMs rally, then the BJP people will start doubting if he would switch side again. BJP leaders should take an undertaking on affidavit from Kumar that he would not cross over because he is master in switching sides, the RJD leader said while cautioning BJP leaders that even the RJD in Grand Alliance had offered JD(U) the same number of 17 seats as given by the BJP in 2019 Lok Sabha polls. But, RJD and JD(U) fought the last general election separately. Coming down heavily on Kumar, the RJD leader, who worked as Kumars Deputy during erstwhile grand alliance government, said that the chief minister used to flaunt that he would never compromise over subjects like crime, corruption and communalism, but his commitments on the three issues have been demolished completely. Kumar has been sharing stage with Prime Minister who is spreading communalism while he (Kumar) was grinning from ear to ear on the stage. How can you say that you would not compromise with communalism, the RJD heir apparent said. The candidates of the grand alliance will win on all the 40 Lok Sabha seats of Bihar, he claimed. By PTI JODHPUR: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday accused successive Congress governments of "not letting" the country become self-reliant in defence production after Independence, and termed it a "criminal negligence". At an election rally here, Modi said when India got Independence, the country had a 150-year experience in defence production and had 18 operational ordnance factories. "On the other hand, China had no factory in defence production during that period. But now the neighbouring country is not only self-reliant in that sector but is also an exporter," he said, adding when he came to power in 2014, he pushed defence production which has increased manyfold now. He also questioned the Congress' policy of zero-tolerance against terror. "After the 26/11 attacks of 2008, the Congress had promised zero tolerance against terrorism in its 2009 manifesto. "In Pune there was a blast, the Congress remained tight-lipped as if nothing had happened. Mumbai was rocked by blasts still the Congress' lips were sealed. There were blasts in Delhi, in Patna, but the Congress didn't react," Modi said. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE He said that during the UPA government, Pakistan "defamed" India on global platforms. The world started believing Pakistan's false narrative but the Congress and its allies remained in slumber and served their vote bank politics, he said. "This was the time when you gave a chance to 'chowkidar' in 2014 and the result is in front of you today," Modi said. "Ab kahan gayi Pakistan ki wo hekadi (where has the bluster of Pakistan gone now?)" Modi asked. "Today, India kills terrorists in their homes." He claimed the Congress manifesto blows Pakistan's trumpet. They want to remove the army from Jammu and Kashmir, they want to strip the army of its special powers, he said. "Is it not an insult to martyrs?" Instead of believing valour of the forces, "they trust Pakistan's propaganda" and are spreading disinformation, the PM alleged. "The Congress is all about vansh-vaad (dynasty) top-to-bottom and therefore it is afraid of talking about rashtra-vaad (nationalism)," he said. He also attacked Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, saying he is "roaming around in the streets to save his son" and not the Congress. The party has fielded Gehlot's son Vaibhav from the Jodhpur Lok Sabha seat. Modi alleged the Congress was threatening to raise taxes on the middle class if it is voted to power. "Can the country progress if the middle class is harmed?" he asked. "The Congress is an enemy of the middle class. They are saying that middle class is greedy. If they come to power, they will increase taxes to such an extent that the middle class will remember forever," he said. The Prime Minister said that in the last five years, he has worked to rectify "historic mistakes" committed by Congress governments while the opposition party found and hurled new abuses at him. He held the rally in support of BJP candidate from Jodhpur Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, who is the sitting MP and a Union minister of state. BJP state president Madan Lal Saini and other leaders were present in the rally. Kalyan Chakravarthi By TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu turned 69 on Saturday. Four decades in politics, he has fought many an election, pulled off a palace coup, and bounced back from the brink, helped along the way by lady luck. But the 2019 Assembly elections held on April 11 alongside the Lok Sabha polls in the state are different. They are unlike 2004 and 2009 when the Congress led by Y S Rajasekhara Reddy handed him shock defeats but left him in peace to pick up the pieces. 2019 is a battle of epic proportions where defeat is not an option. Not just for Naidu but also his opponent, 46-year-old Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy. Why are the stakes so high? The reasons are many, and include personal rivalry and the long shadows of the BJP and the Congressparties with little presence but determined to create space for themselves. To understand this House of Cards kind of politics, one needs to look at the larger picture from the perspectives of Naidu and Jagan. The latter began his journey a decade ago, impatient to step into his fathers shoes. Defying the then powerful Congress president Sonia Gandhi, he went on a yatra ostensibly to console families of those who had died of shock upon hearing of his fathers sudden demise, and floated his own party ringing the death knell for Congress in the then undivided Andhra Pradesh and paid the price for it. The petitions filed against him in the High Court by Congress and TDP leaders put him under the CBI scanner and he had to endure a humiliating 16-month long jail time. Jagan later regrouped his followers and fought the 2014 elections tooth and nailthe division of Andhra giving him an opportunity to square off with Naidu. His inexperience coupled with Naidus reputation and strategy to ride on the Modi wave ably supported by actor Pawan Kalyan meant Jagan fell short. A resurgent Naidu did everything to deliver a mortal blow to his challengers party, luring 23 legislators and several leaders to the TDP. Yet, Jagan persevered. He hired poll wizard Prashant Kishor and embarked on the longest padayatra (3,648 km) ever undertaken by a politician in independent Indias history. He was not just following in his fathers footsteps (YSR too had undertaken a padayatra ahead of the 2004 elections) but also owning his legacy and imagea feat that effectively gave him a new persona and appeal as a man of his word and a man of the masses. Kishors young turks brilliantly crafted his image with catchy slogans and songs and advised him on candidates selection a multi-pronged effort that created a Jagan buzz. If Jagan cannot cross the rubicon now, he can never ever. A loss would mean desertions, with Naidu possibly engineering them while trying to expedite pending cases to ensure a conviction, ending Jagans challenge for good. For Naidu, on the other hand, the nightmarish scenario is Jagan at the helm in AP, Narendra Modi at the Centre and K Chandrashekar Rao in Telangana. If that happens, Naidu will only have himself to blame. The heavy anti-incumbency is due in large measure to the free hand he gave his leaders, some of whom plumbed new depths to enrich themselves. The freebies he promised came too late in the day and his strategy of dividing the opposition votes with ample help from the Congress and Pawan Kalyan looks set to backfire. A poll debacle would put him in the direct line of fireJagan has vowed to constitute a special investigation team to probe his alleged corrupt activities. Jagans supporters believe it would be poetic justice to do to Naidu what he did to their leader. In such a case, the TDP, in the absence of an able successor, to Naidu could be up for grabsa prospect the saffron brigade is dreaming of. Naidus outbursts against the against the BJP and the Election Commission have been so acerbic that it makes one wonder if he will accept the verdict if it goes against him. Whether or not he does, the real war begins in Andhra on May 23. Kalyan Chakravarthi Deputy Resident Editor, Andhra Pradesh chakravarthy@newindianexpress.com Amit S Upadhye and Arockiaraj Johnbosco By Express News Service BENGALURU/MANGALURU: The serial bomb blasts in Colombo have claimed the life of a woman from Mangaluru while a businessman from Bengaluru suffered injuries. The whereabouts of his relatives are still unknown. Razeena Khader Kukkady (58), a resident of Surathkal, had travelled with her husband Abdul Khader Kukkady a week ago. Abdul works at a refinery in the United Arab Emirates. He left for Dubai from Colombo on Sunday morning and Razeena was to fly back to Bengaluru in the afternoon. When the blasts occurred at Shangri La hotel in Colombo, where the couple were staying, Razeena was having her breakfast. Purushotham Reddy (51) and his relative Nagaraj Reddy, both residents of Bengaluru, were on a business tour and were staying at the Kingsbury hotel in Colombo. Their families in Koramangala tried contacting them, but could not reach them. By evening, the family received information that Purushotham had been hospitalised. While Indian High Commission said the toll was three, it had not added Razeena. It named Lokashini, Narayan Chandrashekhar and Ramesh. All were reportedly dead at the National Hospital. Families of victims have harrowing time Razeenas family hailed from Kasaragod district in Kerala and had migrated to Sri Lanka some decades ago for business. But the families still have connections with Kasaragod and South Canara region. She got married to Abdul Khader Kukkady from Baikampady in Mangaluru 40 years ago and the couple have a son and daughter who are now in the United States. Although the family has been living in Dubai but making on and off trips to Mangaluru. Since my sister-in-laws family members and relatives are in Sri Lanka, the couple went there for a vacation. After my brother left for Dubai on Sunday morning, Razeena was to return to Bengaluru by afternoon. But her life has been snuffed out, said Usman Kukkady, Abduls brother. Yatish Baikampady, a friend of the Kukkadys, said, It has come as a shock that Raseena was killed in the blast. Abdul initially worked with MCF and later started working in refineries in Libya and the UAE. The family has been residing at Surathkal, he stated. Relatives said they will try to bring back the mortal remains of Razeena to Mangaluru for the last rites. Razeenas children are flying from the US to Colombo and other relatives from India are also reaching there, Usman added. In Bengaluru, a close relative of Reddys told TNIE that the family tried contacting the Indian High Commission in Colombo, but they did not get any information about the duo. Only in the evening we came to know that Purushotham is in hospital. The hotel management helped us trace him. The blast occurred when he was having breakfast, he said. Soon after news of the blasts emerged, the family tried reaching Nagaraj and Purushotham. Till evening, we had no information about their whereabouts. The family members are worried as the duo was staying in the same hotel. We are still trying to gather information about Nagaraj Reddy, he said. The family members questioned that how come the Indian authorities have not taken note of injuries to Purushotham Reddy. We tried contacting some friends and are still trying to gather information about Nagaraj Reddy. The Indian embassy has so far said three Indians have died in the carnage. But they do not have full information and this is worrying us, said another family member. A leading construction businessman from Anantapur was also injured in the blast. According to reports, Amilineni Surendra Babu was having breakfast in Shangri-La hotel when the explosion took place.Babu, MD of SR Constructions and a local TDP leader, was on vacation with five friends. Colombo helpline For help from the Indian mission in Sri Lanka, call +94777903082, +94112422788, +94112422789, 94777902082 or +94772234176. IndiGo and Air India have announced full waiver on rescheduling and cancelling all flights to and from Colombo till April 24. By Express News Service KOCHI: The Maradu Police on Monday took into custody Jayesh and Jithin, two staff of Kallada Travels (Suresh Kallada) for assaulting passengers on board. The search for the third accused in the case, Girilal, is still underway, they said. READ | Kallada Travels assault case: Two arrested; bus confiscated by police The staff of the Kallada Travels bus, which was travelling to Bengaluru from Haripad in Alappuzha district on Saturday night thrashed two passengers and forced them out of the bus on Sunday morning. The Maradu police booked the three persons, who were identified after a mobile video of the assault went viral on social media. "It all started when the luxury bus was broke down when it reached Haripad. The bus was stopped for over two hours and the passengers got into an argument with the driver. The passengers have intimated the police. The passengers were later shifted to another bus and the journey resumed. However, the bus halted at Vyttila in front of the office of Kallada Travels," said a police officer. Three staff of Kallada Travels entered the bus and assaulted the youths and forced them out of the bus, he added. The incident took place around 4 am on Sunday morning. CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO However, the Kallada manager earlier claimed the youngsters used foul language after picking up a quarrel with the bus crew as there was a delay in arranging alternative transit. Whereas according to police officials, the CCTV visuals reveal that the staffs of the Travels have assaulted the youngsters. "We see this as a grave offense and there will stringent action against the accused," said Maradu Police Station, SI Byju P Baby. The case has been lodged against the accused under the IPC sections 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or mean), 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), and 294-B (use of obscene words). By Express News Service A K Antony is one politician who usually sets the agenda on the states political sphere, before most elections. The Congress Working Committee member elaborates on why the Congress and its pre-poll allies will emerge as the single largest block to form the government at the Centre in the post-election scenario. In an interview with Express Chief of Bureau ANIL S, Antony, who holds the record for being the Defence Minister with the longest unbroken tenure in the countrys history, tears into Narendra Modi Government for attempting to politicise the armed forces. Q: The Indian National Congress is trying to make a comeback this time. With the second phase of polls now over, how do you assess the Congress prospects? A: The Congress and its pre-poll alliance will be the single largest claimant to form the government. Im sure the tally of BJP and its pre-poll allies together will be much less, compared to the Congress front. However, its too early to predict the exact victory margin. A K Antony Congress Working Committee member Q: The Congress has been moving ahead with the single objective of unseating Narendra Modi from power. Can you elaborate on the factors that could favour Congress? A: The fight is not against any individual. Our main agenda is to prevent the formation of a government backed by RSS ideology. It is a fight between ideologies. The concept of India evolved over the centuries. The Constitution seeks to protect the ethos of being an Indian. It is the only country in the world where there is no discrimination against any caste, creed or religion. The last five years have proved there is an overwhelmingly threat to this idea. The BJP want to bring in uniformity, but India exists and thrives because of its diversity. Q. The Congress has been alleging the BJP labels all and sundry as anti-nationals. A: They are the ones who tried to sabotage the freedom movement. History clearly records how they worked in tandem with the British. And now they have the temerity to label others as anti-national. I have served as Union Defence Minister. The Indian Armed Forces are apolitical. Do not politicise the Indian Armed Forces. People look up to them in times of calamities or national emergencies. They are there for us 24 x 7. They belong to all. That these people are trying to appropriate the Indian Armed Forces for their own is what is actually anti-national. Q: How do you see the efforts by the BJP-NDA Government to take credit for all that the armed forces have achieved in the last five years? A: During our time, all need-to-know details of operations undertaken by the Armed Forces were made public either by their spokespersons or respective chiefs. Political leaders did not come into the picture. Making public sensitive details does not bode well for the countrys security. During every governments tenure, both covert and overt operations are undertaken by the armed forces, but one doesnt brag about it. Q: The Rafale deal has kicked up a controversy against the Modi Government. As a former Defence Minister whats your take on this? A: Why cant they just constitute a Joint Parliamentary Committee to look into it? What have they got to hide? They now have a majority in Parliament, yet they are reluctant to face a probe. Q: Will the Congress be open to bargaining by regional parties in the post-poll scenario? A: In West Bengal, we were not able to forge a pre-poll alliance, but in Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Bihar, J&K, we are part of a pre-poll alliance. About how exactly it will work out, we will look into later. Q: CPM boss Sitaram Yechury had mentioned about how Congress was not ready to strike a pre-poll alliance with the Left in Bengal, though the CPM was open to the idea. A: Initially, our state unit was not willing, but they finally agreed to it. But later, differences of opinion cropped up. Q: Kerala is now the only state where the CPM-led Left indeed has a presence. Do you believe the Left, given the current national scenario, is losing its relevance in the countrys political landscape? A: Its definitely not because of the Congress. The Left should undertake a soul-search as to why they seem to be losing its presence in the current political scenario. There was a time the Left was considered an alternative to the Congress. When Panditji(Jawaharlal Nehru) was the PM, CPM stalwart A K Gopalan was the Leader of the Opposition. The Left recently staged a long march in Maharashtra, but they havent fielded a candidate from the state. Q: How do you assess the present Kerala political scenario? A: The situation is similar to 1977. And the Left may win a few seats, but the BJP wont win any. Keralites are an intelligent lot. In the case of Sabarimala, why didnt the Centre issue an ordinance to safeguard the traditions of the hill-shrine? The BJP kept mum when the case was on in the Supreme Court. Now, PM Modi claims they will safeguard all religions, once he is voted back to power. Why couldnt he do it in the last five years? The Congress was the only party that filed a review petition in the apex court. The CM on the other hand, was so hasty in implementing the SC verdict that he ended up hurting devotees sentiments. So in the electoral contest, the Peoples Court should punish the BJP for both the Centres inaction and subsequent violence unleashed by RSS in the state, while LDF should be punished for the Chief Ministers abetment to this violence. Toby Antony By Express News Service KOCHI: The tour agencies providing packages to a destination abroad are feeling the heat as the outbound tourism from Kerala to Sri Lanka to take a hit following the terror attack. Even though direct flights to Colombo are still operational, tour agents fear of trip cancellations to Sri Lanka following the recent developments there. Last year around 4.5 lakhs tourist from India had visited the Island nation. Over 50,000 travellers from Kerala have visited Sri Lanka in the same period. Sri Lanka is one of the most visited tourist destination abroad by travellers from Kerala. However, tourism agents in the backdrop of terror attack anticipate several cancellations of packages in the coming days. "There will be anxiety among the travellers from Kerala who have chosen Sri Lanka for the holiday trip. Similarly, there will be restrictions to visit all the tourist destination there in the backdrop of the terror attack which may turn out to be a reason for more cancellations. Some of the tourists are cancelling the package while some are preferring alternative packages to Singapore and other South East Asia countries," EM Najeeb, president, Confederation of Tourism Industry Kerala said. READ HERE | Sri Lanka blasts: Why is National Thowheed Jamath under the scanner? Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) Kerala Chapter chairman Paulose Mathew said peak time for tourist from Kerala to Sri Lanka is in the month of April. The flights to Colombo from CIAL and Thiruvananthapuram were fully filled. "The effect of the terror attack will be felt in the long run. Safety is one of the top priority for tourists visiting foreign countries. If any travel advisory on visiting Sri Lanka is issued, the situation will worsen further," he said. On the other hand, Kerala tourism might witness an increase in the footfall of foreign tourist following the developments at Sri Lanka. Paulose Mathew said Sri Lanka Tourism made fast growth in the past two years. The tourist destined to arrive in Kerala were attracted to packages provided by Sri Lanka. "After the end of civil war at Sri Lanka, the UN Council had brought out a resolution for the development of the island nation. As part of which, US, Canada and European nations promoted travellers to visit the Asian country. In the aftermath of the terror attack, there are possibilities that tourists may prefer Kerala tourism over Sri Lanka tourism. Kerala has geographical similarities with Kerala. The climate in Sri Lanka is also similar to Kerala. The packages provided at Sri Lanka are similar to one provided in Kerala," he said. ALSO READ | Fresh explosion near church; 87 detonators found as Sri Lanka declares emergency However, to promote tourism, Kerala will have to form an action plan to counter frequent hartal which has an adverse effect on the tourism sector. Similarly, the security of tourism, especially of women tourism, should be given utmost priority. "Kerala tourism can attract tourists who will look for alternative destinations following the terror attack. If proper steps are taken, foreign tourist arrival increase in Kerala," EM Najeeb said. By Express News Service KOCHI: The Maradu Police in the city on Monday arrested two staff and confiscated the bus of Kallada Travels (Suresh Kallada), a popular long-distance private bus operator, after passengers were assaulted on Sunday. The search for the third accused Girilal continues, said the police officials. The staff of the Kallada Travels bus, travelling to Bengaluru from Haripad in Alappuzha district on Saturday night, thrashed two passengers and forced them out of the bus early Sunday morning. The Maradu police booked three persons, all bus crew, who were identified after a mobile video of the assault went viral on social media. "It all started when the luxury bus was broke down when it reached Haripad. The bus was stopped for over two hours and the passengers got into an argument with the driver. The passengers have intimated the police. Though the passengers were shifted to another bus and the journey was resumed, the bus halted at Vyttila in front of the office of Kallada Travels," said a police officer. Three staff of Kallada Travels entered the bus and assaulted the young men and forced them out of the bus, he added. The incident took place around 4 am on Sunday morning. However, the Kallada manager earlier claimed the youths used foul language after picking up a quarrel with the bus crew over the delay in arranging alternative transit. Even after repeated tries by Express, the manager of Kallada Travels could not be reached. According to police officials, the CCTV visuals reveal that the staff of the Travels had assaulted the youths. "We see this as a grave offense and there will stringent action against the accused," said Maradu Police Station, SI Byju P Baby. The Transport Commissioner Sudesh Kumar has sought a report regarding the incident from the Motor Vehicles Department. "As per the orders we have assigned a motor vehicle inspector to probe and submit the report of the incident. At present, there is no cancellation of the permit. Based on the report, further action will be taken," Ernakulam RTO Joy P Jose said. KALLADA BUS ASSAULT: CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO Meanwhile, State Police Chief Loknath Behra through a Facebook post said that the Kerala police has confiscated the bus of Kallada Travels. "We have talked with the Transport Commissioner about the incident and further actions of temporarily suspending the services of the bus will be sorted. Directions have been given to Southern region ADGP Manoj Abraham to sent notice directing the owner of the bus company to arrive at the police station," he said. Over the phone, the police have contacted Jacob Philip, who had posted the video of the assault on Facebook, and collected the required information. Stringent action will be taken, Behra added. The case has been lodged against the accused under the IPC sections 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or mean), 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), and 294-B (use of obscene words). By Express News Service KALPETTA: AICC general secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Sunday said she is willing to take on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency if Congress president Rahul Gandhi desires so.Im willing to contest from Varanasi if the party president asks me to do so, Priyanka Gandhi told mediapersons after visiting the family members of CRPF jawan V V Vasantha Kumar --- who was killed in the February 14 Pulwama terror attack --- at his ancestral home in Vazhakandi near here on Sunday. Priyanka, who campaigned for the second straight day for her brother Rahul in Wayanad, said he has brought many developmental projects to Amethi. Priyanka appealed to vote for the UDF as the Congress and its allies were engaged in a fight, much bigger than just to gain power.Were fighting because suddenly in our own country we arent free to express ourselves. Suddenly people are afraid. The institutions which are there to protect the power of the people have been undermined. So too is democracy. And we must all realise this is not ordinary election. In this, the vote is either to save the country that we all love, the country that we all believe in, in which all of us are equal and are free to express ourselves, our religions, our ways of being, our ways of living, our ways of eating and a country in which rules are imposed on us by a narrow-minded ideology where only one kind of thinking prevails. A country in which a government is afraid of criticism, she said. Priyanka made a scathing attack on the Narendra Modi Government for making false promises to people and ignoring the countrys farmers. Responding to the remarks of the BJP on 26/11 Mumbai terror attack martyr Hemant Karkare, Priyanka said she has not understood the saffron partys selectiveness in this matter. A martyr is always a martyr, she said. FOLLOW OUR ELECTIONS COVERAGE HERE Priyanka reached the jawans residence at 2.30 pm by road from Vythiri, where she was staying. She interacted with Vasanthas mother Santha, wife Sheena, and children Anamika and Amardeep and spent about half-an-hour there. She had her lunch with the family members. Priyanka also met hundreds of party workers waiting outside the residence. Sreedhanya Suresh, the IAS rank holder from the tribal community, was the translator. Rahul had planned to visit the jawans house, but was denied permission due to security reasons.Priyanka condoled the deaths in the Sri Lanka serial bomb blasts. People were celebrating a day of happiness, but now theyre in immense grief. My condolences to all of them and support to all their families, she said.It was Priyankas second visit to Wayanad, having accompanied Rahul when he filed his nomination papers on April 4. BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) -- A meeting was held in Beijing Sunday to celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, which falls on April 23. Participants to the meeting reviewed the PLA Navy's history of developing from almost nothing to becoming strong, summarized its experiences on combat, reform, transformation, and military struggle preparedness, and looked into the bright future of building it into a world-class navy in the new era. It was pointed out that the PLA Navy has gradually developed into a powerful modern navy that can effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. In particular, the navy has undergone historic changes and made historic achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was held in 2012, the meeting concluded. It also vowed that officers and soldiers of the navy will make their contributions to speeding up the navy's transformation and development and building it into a world-class force. At the meeting, units and individuals were honored for making outstanding contributions to the navy's development. Over 1,300 people, including leaders from organs of the Central Military Commission, and representatives of the military units, attended the event. By Express News Service CHENNAI: Chief Electoral Officer Satyabrata Sahoo has recommended the Election Commission to conduct re-polling in 10 polling booths in the State. Speaking to reporters on Sunday, he said the recommendation was made based on reports he received from the District Electoral Officers and poll observers. Both parliamentary elections and bye-polls will be held again in Pappireddipatti in the Dharmapuri Parliamentary constituency, Panrutti in Cuddalore Lok Sabha seat, and Poonamallee in Tiruvallur. The re-polling dates will be announced shortly, he said. Of the 10, eight are in Pappireddipatti. Four booths in Nathemedu village, which falls in Pappidreddipatti Assembly constituency, were allegedly captured by supporters of PMK. The partys youth wing leader Anbumani Ramadoss in contesting from the Dharmapuri seat. A video of PMK supporters casting votes in the polling booths has gone viral. In Poonamallee, DMK alleged the booth agents of other parties were evicted by AIADMK supporters who captured the booth for more than an hour. In Panruti, two hours after polling began, it was found that the button for AMMK on the EVM was missing.Sahoo added that Tahsildar Samboornam, who tried to enter an EVM strongroom in Madurai has been suspended. By AFP CAIRO: The Arab League has pledged to pay $100 million a month to the Palestinian Authority to plug the gap left when Israel blocked tax transfers earlier in the year. "We confirm that Arab countries will support the Palestinian state's budget... (to) resist the political and financial pressure it faces," the League said Sunday following a meeting in Cairo. Israel collects taxes on behalf of the PA, but withheld $138 million in transfers in February over Palestinian payments to political prisoners jailed for attacks against Israelis. The Arab League's move comes as the Trump administration prepares to unveil a much-touted "Deal of the Century" for peace between the Palestinians and Israel in the coming months. The Palestinian leadership, which has boycotted Washington over a series of moves including recognising the bitterly disputed city of Jerusalem as capital of Israel, says it can no longer trust the United States as a broker. READ HERE | Netanyahu win gives US peace plan 'better chance:' Trump The Arab League said the deal "will not succeed in achieving long-lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East". The peace plan is being developed by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose close ties to right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have heightened Palestinian suspicions. Israel seized the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. By IANS DUBAI: A celebrity TV chef and her daughter were among the hundreds killed in the coordinated terror attacks that devastated Sri Lanka on Sunday, a family friend said. Shantha Mayadunne and Nisanga Mayadunne were killed in the Shangri-La Hotel blast in Colombo, one of four attacks that ripped through the capital, the Gulf News reported. "When I heard the news, I was left numbed and shocked. I don't know what more to say," their friend Radha Fonseca told the daily. Fonseca called Nisanga "bright and smart." She noted that Shantha was "an inspirational chef for Sri Lankans". ALSO READ | Mangaluru woman dies in Sri Lanka blasts, was eating breakfast at Shangri La hotel just before explosion ALSO READ | Sri Lanka Muslims had warned officials about group behind attack Some 290 people were killed in the bombings that targeted those attending Easter Mass and guests at high-end hotels popular with foreign tourists besides three churches. Shantha's daughter had posted a photo to her Facebook hours before the bombing, showing her family sitting around a table and smiling as they enjoy their Easter breakfast. "Easter breakfast with family," she wrote, along with a smiling emoji. By PTI BEIJING: Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale on Monday held talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and discussed the progress in bilateral ties since the Wuhan summit last year and said both sides were implementing the decisions in a manner in which "we are sensitive to each other's concerns". His meeting with Wang, who is also the State Councillor, a high-level post in the hierarchy of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC), took place as both the countries grappled with a host of issues, including Beijing's continued attempts block efforts list Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Muhammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar as global terrorist by the UN. In his opening remarks, Gokhale said it has been a year since Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping met at the Chinese city of Wuhan where the two leaders reached many understandings. He said both sides were making efforts to implement the understandings reached at the Wuhan meeting. "As your Excellency said we will work together with the Chinese side to deepen understanding to strengthen trust to implement the decisions that are taken by leaders and to do it in a manner in which we are sensitive to each other's concerns," he said. He also referred to the "brisk" political exchanges since the Wuhan summit, including Wang's visit to New Delhi to launch people to people mechanism and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is "looking forward to come to China this year". Gokhale, who arrived here on Sunday is also scheduled to hold detailed talks with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou on Monday. In his opening remarks, Wang said China and India are two emerging market countries besides neighbours and "each other's strategic partners." "In that sense, it is important for the two countries to work together to increase strategic communication, deepen mutual political trust and strengthen strategic cooperation on international and regional issues. "Given that it is timely and important for you to have regular consultations with the Chinese side," he said. One of the issues that was expected to figure during this round talk was China's continued attempts block efforts list JeM chief Azhar as a global terrorist by the UN. China blocked Azhar's designation for the fourth-time recently stalling efforts by the US, the UK, France move at the 1267 UN counter-terrorism committee following the February Pulwama terrorist attack. It was the first technical hold put up by China post-Wuhan summit. Also, India continues to have strong reservations to join China's mega Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) due to its objections over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as it is being laid through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Both the issues have become major irritants in the bilateral ties. In order to counter China's technical hold in the 1267 committee, the US, the UK and France have taken the Azhar issue to the UN Security Council (UNSC), which Beijing firmly opposed, saying that it should be resolved by the UN's 1267 Sanctions Committee. China also said the issue moved towards settlement and accused the US of attempting to scuttling its resolution. Gokhale's visit also coincides with China holding its biggest international event, the second Belt and Road Forum (BRF) next week to showcase its BRI projects. India, like the first BRF held in 2017, is reportedly not attending its second edition being held here from April 25-27. Foreign Minister Wang said on Friday that differences over the BRI would not come in the way of the development of India-China relations and China is preparing for a Wuhan-style summit meeting this year. He also said the CPEC is an economic project and has nothing to do with the sovereignty issues. "One of our differences is how to look at the BRI. The Indian side has their concerns. We understand that and that is why we have stated clearly on many occasions that the BRI including the CPEC is only an economic initiative and it does not target any third country and has nothing to do with the sovereign and territorial disputes left from history between any two countries," he said. By AFP TEHRAN: Iran and Pakistan have agreed to set up a joint border "reaction force" following a number of deadly attacks by militant groups on their frontier, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced Monday after talks with visiting Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. "We agreed to create a joint rapid reaction force at the borders for combatting terrorism," Rouhani told a joint news conference, following months of increased tensions over attacks on both sides of the frontier. The border skirts the volatile southeastern Iranian province of Sistan-Baluchistan which has been the scene of frequent attacks on Iran's security forces. Khan's visit to Iran, the first since he took office last year, comes after gunmen who Islamabad says were based in Iran killed 14 members of Pakistan's security forces last week in its own Balochistan province. "The security chief will sit down with his counterpart here and discuss (security) cooperation," Khan said, although no details were given on the joint force. "We trust that both countries will not have terrorist activities from their soil ... We will not allow any damage to your country from our soil," said the Pakistani premier who started a two-day visit on Sunday. READ HERE | Pakistan sends protest letter to Iran, demands action against killing of its 14 security personnel In March, Rouhani demanded Pakistan act "decisively against anti-Iranian terrorists", following a February 13 attack that killed 27 members of the elite Revolutionary Guards in Sistan-Baluchistan. Iran has said a Pakistani suicide bomber was behind the attack, claimed by the Sunni jihadist group Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice), which Tehran says operates mostly out of bases in Pakistan. On Saturday, Islamabad said it had evidence the "terrorist outfits" that carried out the attack in Balochistan had "training and logistic camps inside Iranian areas bordering Pakistan". Islamist, as well as ethnic Baloch separatists, operate in Balochistan, Pakistan's poorest province. 'No third country' Stressing that "no third country" could harm Iran-Pakistan ties, an apparent reference to the United States and its policy of isolating the Islamic republic, Rouhani said Tehran was ready to boost trade and business ties with Islamabad. "In the current situation the region's countries must decide and plan for their interests independently and directly," Rouhani said. "Iran is ready to meet Pakistan's oil and gas demands ... (and) we are ready to increase (electricity) exports to Pakistan ten-fold," he added. He said cooperation between Chabahar port in southeast Iran and Pakistan's Gwadar port can be increased, and that Tehran could facilitate the construction of a railroad connecting Istanbul to Islamabad. Chabahar, only about 100 kilometres (62 miles) from the Pakistan border and located on the Indian Ocean, is Iran's largest port outside the Gulf and the only one exempt from US sanctions. That is due mainly to the pivotal role of the port, and a planned railway line, in breaking landlocked Afghanistan's dependence on Pakistan for trade with the world, especially with Pakistan's rival India. For his part, Khan said his visit to Tehran -- the first by a Pakistani premier since Nawaz Sharif in 2016 -- aimed to "find ways to increase trade and cooperation... in energy and other areas", noting that two-way trade was "very limited". But he made no pledge on energy purchases or provide details on other economic links. Pakistan is a close ally of the United States and Saudi Arabia, both of which have ratcheted up pressure on Iran over its alleged meddling in regional affairs. Washington last year pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal signed by Tehran and world powers and reimposed harsh economic sanctions on the Islamic republic as part of a "maximum pressure" campaign. Saudi Arabia and a number of its Arab allies cut diplomatic ties with Tehran in 2016 after protestors burned Saudi diplomatic mission in Iran in reaction to the kingdom executing Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr. By Online Desk The dreaded Easter Sunday serial blasts which shook the island nation of Sri Lanka will go down in history as a black day. The eight bombs that ripped through Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa claimed 290 lives and left 500 injured. Also, 33 foreigners, including at least seven Indians, died in the cowardly attack suspected to have been carried out by a local Islamist outfit - National Thowheed Jamath. The blasts are the worst to hit Sri Lanka since the Army defeated the LTTE in 2009. The authorities have taken 24 suspects into custody for questioning. ALSO READ | Fresh explosion near church; 87 detonators found as Sri Lanka declares emergency NTJ: Its beliefs and origins The NTJ or the National Thowheed Jamath is a right-wing Islamic extremist outfit with a presence mainly in the eastern province of Sri Lanka. The group is also infamous for preaching Wahabi Islamic teachings to its followers. Besides this, it aggressively promotes Sharia law, building of mosques, and instructs Muslim women to observe purdah. Theres very little information available about this controversial outfit, but it is said to have originated in a Muslim-dominated eastern town of Sri Lanka Kattankudy. A run-down on the Islamist group The NTJ is believed to be a splinter group of the Sri Lanka Thowheed Jamaat (STLJ), another Islamist group based in the country. Abdul Razik, NTJs secretary, has been accused of giving inflammatory speeches during his sermons. Back in 2014, Razik also spewed venom against Buddhism. The NTJ was also linked with the vandalism of Buddhist statues in Sri Lanka last year, resulting in rising communal tensions between Buddhists and Muslims. Razik was arrested in 2016 on the charges of disrupting peace. READ HERE | Celebrity TV chef, daughter killed in Sri Lanka blasts hours after posting Easter breakfast selfie NTJs Indian connection Surprisingly, the National Thowheed Jamath has a counterpart in Tamil Nadu. The TNTJ aka Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath is a non-political Islamic organization based in Tamil Nadu, founded in 2004 by P Jainulabdeen. It has condemned the attacks. Unlike the Sri Lankan outfit, TNTJ is actively involved in social services like blood donation, flood relief programmes and creating awareness about dengue fever. However, what could come as a surprise to many is the fact that an FIR was lodged against TNTJ in 2016, where it was accused of converting and bringing Christian believers into the fold of Islam. International assistance suspected Cabinet minister and government spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said: "We don't see that only a small organisation in this country can do all that." The Sri Lankan presidency said in a statement that "intelligence sections have reported that there are international terror groups which are behind local terrorists. Whoever staged Sunday's attacks organised an extremely well-planned, coordinated assault." The Soufan Center, a New York based group that monitors global security threats, said the Sri Lanka bombings bore all the "hallmarks" of "attacks by other Salafi-jihadist groups, particularly those where local groups receive foreign support." A report released by the group in January said Al Qaeda and Islamic State wanted to recruit followers in South Asia and their propaganda "highlighted injustices against Muslims in Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, and Sri Lanka." (With inputs from AFP) By Bloomberg For members of Sri Lankas Muslim community, its no surprise that local jihadist group National Thowheed Jamath is being blamed for deadly bombings that killed nearly 300 people on Easter Sunday. Hilmy Ahamed, vice president of the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka, said he warned military intelligence officials about the group and its leaders about three years ago. On Monday afternoon, Sri Lankas government said National Thowheed Jamath was responsible for six suicide bombings at Christian churches and luxury hotels. Targeting the non-Muslim community is something they encourage - they say you have to kill them in the name of religion, Ahamed said in a phone interview from Colombo on Monday. I personally have gone and handed over all the documents three years ago, giving names and details of all these people. They have sat on it. Thats the tragedy. The National Thowheed Jamath has broken up into various groups as individual leaders pursued separate funding sources, Ahamed said. Although not all members of the group were radicalized, the group is "extremist in their thinking," he added. As Sri Lanka continues to treat the wounded, questions are being raised - including by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe - about why Sri Lanka didnt act more promptly on warnings ahead of the Easter attacks. The government is now investigating possible links to international terrorist organizations as well. Sri Lankas Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne on Monday called on the inspector general of police to resign. "The intelligence services had done the work, but it was not acted on at higher levels," he told reporters in Colombo. Harin Fernando, a cabinet minister, circulated an internal security memo dated earlier this month that warned the group was "getting ready for suicide attacks on popular Catholic churches and the Indian High Commission." It also said the groups members were "inciting hatred" among online followers. Serious action need to be taken as to why this warning was ignored, Fernando said. National police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera did not respond to several phone calls on Monday. ALSO READ| Fresh explosion near church; 87 detonators found as Sri Lanka declares emergency Civil War Sri Lanka only recently recovered from a brutal 26-year civil war between the predominately Buddhist Sinhalese majority and mostly Hindu Tamil minority. The long-running conflict killed more than 100,000 people before former strongman Mahinda Rajapaksa launched a final assault on the group in 2009. Since the war ended, Buddhist extremists have occasionally led attacks against Muslims in Sri Lanka. The most recent flare up was in March 2018 in Kandy and was widely viewed as fueled by Facebook posts that urged deadly violence against Muslims. One possibility is that Sri Lankas authorities, long used to dealing with Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam separatists, did not take seriously the idea that an Islamic extremist group was capable of coordinating such a well-planned and deadly attack, said Sameer Patil, director of the Centre for International Security at Mumbais Gateway House think-tank. "Even though their activity was picked up and the community reported this, the Sri Lankan security agencies still go on their long experience with the bloody insurgency," Patil said. "Their mindset is still attuned to any future terrorist attack coming from Tamil Tiger extremists." ALSO READ| Sri Lanka bomber queued at Cinnamon Grand hotel buffet then unleashed devastation He added its possible the attack may not have been carried out by the group itself but by an offshoot or members affiliated with the group. Barbed Warning Wickremesinghe, who returned to power in December after President Maithripala Sirisena fired him last year amid government infighting, said authorities had received warnings but not enough attention had been paid to them. The two leaders, from different parties, rule as part of a fractious coalition. The premiers comments amount to a "barbed reference" to Sirisenas control of the police and military, which fall under the office of the president, according to Jehan Perera, executive director at National Peace Council of Sri Lanka. He noted the Tamil Tigers were never able to mount such a coordinated attack in the capital, Colombo. The prime minister is making a barbed reference to the president, and what hes been up to, because his people - the police and military - have not been following up on leads, Perera said. The fact that this group was able to come in and do something in such a large scale way means that there must have been a breakdown of intelligence networks. By PTI COLOMBO: President Maithripala Sirisena on Monday appointed a three-member committee headed by an apex court judge to probe the country's deadliest terror attack and submit a report within two weeks, according to media reports. Supreme Court judge Vijith Malalgoda, former IGP N K Ilangakoon and Former Law & Order Ministry Secretary Padamasiri Jayamanne have been appointed as members of the committee, SundayTimes reported. READ | Foreign agency warned SL about possible National Thowheeth Jama'ath suicide attacks on churches The committee has been instructed to submit the probe report on the explosion within two weeks to the President, the report said. Sirisena, who was on a private visit to India and Singapore, returned to Colombo on Monday. Eight coordinated explosions targeted Easter worshippers and high end hotels popular with international guests. The blasts targeted St Anthony's Church in Colombo, St Sebastian's Church in the western coastal town of Negombo and another church in the eastern town of Batticaloa as the Easter Sunday mass were in progress. READ | 'Where is God?': Sri Lankans stunned after deadly blasts Three explosions were reported from the five-star hotels - the Shangri-La, the Cinnamon Grand and the Kingsbury. Foreigners and locals who were injured in hotel blasts were admitted to the Colombo General Hospital. According to the Government Analysts Department, a total of seven suicide bombers carried out the devastating blasts killed 290 people and injured 500 others. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but police on Monday arrested 24 people and declined to give further details. By AFP COLOMBO: The Easter Sunday attacks on three churches in Sri Lanka mark a devastating escalation of violence against a Christian minority that has been targeted in the past, but never to such brutal and deadly effect. Ethnic and religious violence has plagued Sri Lanka for decades, with a 37-year conflict with Tamil rebels that claimed 100,000 lives and an upswing in recent years in clashes between the Buddhist majority and Muslims. While there have been attacks on Christians, their community had been left relatively unscathed, with anti-Muslim riots -- whipped up in part by hardline, right-wing Buddhists grabbing the headlines. But that changed with Sunday's bombings on St Anthony's Shrine in Colombo, St Sebastian's in Negombo to the north of the capital and the church in the eastern city of Batticaloa. All three were left in ruins, bodies slumped over pews or lined up in aisles, torn bibles strewn over the floor. Along with attacks on four hotels, more than 200 people were killed. - Religious showdown - The US State Department's most recent report on religious freedom said the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka had documented "97 incidents" of attacks on churches, intimidation and violence in 2017. Only around six per cent of Sri Lanka's 20-million-strong population is Catholic. Analysts say the harassment is longstanding and goes on. "There is a long history of attacks on churches," said Alan Keenan, a Sri Lanka expert with the International Crisis Group, a monitoring body. "There was one on a Methodist church last week, though nothing as massive as this case. It just does not get international attention." Sunday's attacks were the worst acts of violence since the Tamil civil war that ended in 2009 and, during it's long history, saw numerous bombings and assassinations across the country. Rucki Fernando, a human rights activist, said there have been regular cases of "local villagers or Buddhist monks intimidating a pastor or interrupting a prayer service." "Sri Lankan governments have overlooked violence against religious minorities -- both Christians and Muslims -- that has been on the rise in recent years. "But we have never seen anything of this scale or magnitude before." Sri Lanka's police chief Pujuth Jayasundara issued a nationwide alert 10 days before the attacks saying suicide bombers planned to hit "prominent churches". Although no group has claimed responsibility for the bombings, a radical Muslim group named in the police alert, National Thowheeth Jama'ath, came to prominence last year when its followers were accused of vandalising Buddhist statues. The group's secretary, Abdul Razik, was arrested in November on charges of inciting religious disharmony. He was also detained in 2016 for comments about other religions. Galagodaatte Gnanasara, head of a radical Buddhist group, the BSS, warned then of "a blood bath" unless Razik was arrested. Gnanasara has himself since served a jail term for intimidating the wife of a missing journalist. Sri Lanka saw weeks of riots last year when Buddhist-majority Sinhalese mobs attacked Muslim targets in the central district of Kandy. Three people were killed and hundreds of homes destroyed. Sunday's assault on Christian targets will only widen the sense of fear and uncertainty fuelled by the communal tensions. "There is a lot of fear, not just in the Christian community but among everyone," said the activist Fernando. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, archbishop of Colombo, said those behind the attacks should be punished "mercilessly". "Only animals can behave like that," he told reporters. By PTI WASHINGTON: Known for his gaffes, US President Donald Trump yet again committed a faux pas on Sunday as he erroneously wrote that "138 million people" were killed in a string of blasts in Sri Lanka. The near-simultaneous attacks on Easter Sunday at three churches and as many luxury hotels frequented by foreigners killed more than 160 people and injured over 450 others, shattering a decade of peace in the country after the end of the brutal civil war with the LTTE. President Trump offered "heartfelt condolences" to the people of Sri Lanka and said the US stood ready to help. The US leader, however, erroneously wrote that "138 million people" were killed in the attacks instead of just 138. "Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more. We stand ready to help!" Trump said in a tweet which was taken down after more than 20 minutes. Trump's tweet did not go unnoticed by the agile twitterati who started poking fun at the appalling tweet. "138 million? Maybe you should wait for the facts pops," wrote one follower of the US president. "We are a population of 20 million. 138 million is mathematically impossible. Keep your icky condolences, we don't want it," responded another user. "138 million! More than the population of Sri Lanka. We are now an empty Country as per Donald!!" said another follower. Trump is known for his wrong tweets and for using embarrassing nicknames as well as 'mispronouncing names' of people such as "Jeff Bozo" in reference to Jeff Bezos of Amazon. In March, he mistakenly referred to Apple CEO Tim Cook as "Tim Apple", a verbal slip which netizens poked fun at by sharing rib-tickling memes on social media. Last year, he had called Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson "Marillyn Lockheed." Nepalese students consult with exhibitors during the Second Belt and Road Nepal China Education Fair held in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 21, 2019. The fair, jointly organized by the Teachers Association of Chinese Language and the Study China Center, Nepal, seeks to explore cooperation between the two countries in academic sector. (Xinhua/Sunil Sharma) KATHMANDU, April 21 (Xinhua) -- The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) offers immense development opportunities for Nepal and many other countries, Krishna Bahadur Mahara, speaker of the House of Representatives of Nepal, said on Sunday. Inaugurating the second edition of three-day Belt and Road Nepal China Education Fair in the Nepali capital, Mahara said it's an opportunity and pride for Nepal to participate in BRI cooperation. Proposed by China in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, aiming at building a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient trade routes of Silk Road. "Under the initiative, there are many possibilities of cooperation in connectivity, physical infrastructures, energy, tourism and education among others," Mahara said. China's miraculous development has given a new message to the world, the parliament speaker said, noting that the Himalayan country can learn a lot from the development. With regard to education in particular, the speaker called for cooperation between universities of the two countries to produce skilled manpower who can work for the welfare of both countries. "Chinese engineering education is regarded as one of the best in the world. Nepal can gain huge benefits from the progress and development achieved by China in technical education sector," Mahara said in his address. The fair, jointly organized by the Teachers Association of Chinese Language and the Study China Center, Nepal, seeks to explore cooperation between the two countries in academic sector. According to the organizers, over half a dozen Chinese universities including Beijing Normal University, Shandong University, Qufu Normal University, Zhejiang Normal University among others, have participated in the fair. Besides, the event will host separate interaction programs between Chinese and Nepali universities, colleges, scholars and students on education cooperation on Monday and Tuesday. One of Editor & Publishers 10 That Do It Right 2021 Letter to the Editor | It is not too late for our planet Mr Nip (second right), Mr Yang (first right) and Mr Lau (third right) visit Fudan University and chat with Hong Kong students studying there. Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip (second row, fifth right), Secretary for Innovation & Technology Nicholas Yang (second row, first right) and Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury James Lau (front row, fourth left) take a group photo with lawmakers at Hong Kong International Airport before departure. Three bureau heads started their visit to Shanghai with legislators today. Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip, Secretary for Innovation & Technology Nicholas Yang and Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury James Lau, together with Under Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Bernard Chan, joined the Legislative Council joint-Panel duty visit to the Yangtze River Delta Regions major cities. In Shanghai, the delegation visited a commercial aircraft manufacturing enterprise to learn about the production of Mainland-made aircraft and the development of the industry. The delegation also visited Fudan University where they met its management staff, professors and Hong Kong students studying there to exchange views on various issues relating to talent nurturing, including STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education. Sixteen universities from Shanghai and Hong Kong established the Shanghai Hong Kong University Alliance last year to foster exchanges and co-operation in higher education between the two places. The delegation will continue their Shanghai visit tomorrow. Chief Executive Carrie Lam On September 26, 2017, I attended the Shaw Prize Award Presentation Ceremony for the first time as Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. On that occasion, five distinguished scientists in astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences were honoured. They are distinguished individuals who have achieved significant breakthroughs in academic and scientific research and whose work has resulted in a positive and profound impact on mankind. As I was then drawing up a multi-pronged strategy to develop innovation and technology in Hong Kong, including the promotion of popular science education, I asked myself how we could bring together this pool of great scientific minds to help nurture the next generation of young scientists. This was the beginning of a year-long endeavour to create the Hong Kong Laureate Forum. Under the vision and generosity of the late Sir Run Run Shaw and with the unfailing support of his wife the late Lady Shaw, the Shaw Prize was established in 2002 to recognize advances and outstanding contributions in three disciplines, namely, astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences. In less than two decades, the Shaw Prize has become a world-renowned award for the highest achievements in mankind. Indeed, among the nearly 80 Shaw laureates since 2004, 19 of them have been awarded other world-renowned international awards, including 12 Nobel Prize awardees, five Fields medalists and two Abel Prize recipients. Hong Kong is blessed to have its home-grown international award and the Government fully subscribes to the Shaw Prizes vision - to further societal progress, enhance quality of life and enrich humanitys spiritual civilisation. Since taking office on July 1, 2017, I have put innovation and technology development at the top of my policy agenda. In less than two years time, we have made some promising progress on various fronts including boosting R&D funding, pursuing additional infrastructure, creating technology clusters, etc. and committed some $100 billion for a range of initiatives. To sustain I&T development, nurturing talents and promoting popular science education have an important part to play. I believe the best way to spark the younger generations enthusiasm for science is to provide them with opportunities for direct exchange and dialogue with the brightest minds in science. Being Asias world city, Hong Kong is an ideal place to organise a world-class academic exchange event to connect the current and next generations of scientific leaders. Linking this objective to the Shaw Prize immediately came to my mind. A good place to start was to look at how similar forums around the world are planned and organised. Taking advantage of an earlier encounter in Hong Kong with the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings organiser and my official trip to Europe in June 2018, I went to Lindau, Germany to attend the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. While in Lindau, apart from taking part in the opening ceremony and welcoming reception of the Lindau Meeting, I shared the stage with two distinguished Nobel laureates and spoke on the topic of Developing Stronger Science Leadership in Different Cultures China, US/Europe & Others as Basis for Innovation. The level of enthusiasm and interest shown by the young scientists in asking questions and presenting their views to the laureates reinforced my belief that a similar gathering of distinguished and young scientists will be a very meaningful endeavor for Hong Kong. While in Lindau, I also met with the Board Chairman of the Foundation for the Lindau Meetings Prof Jurgen Kluge to learn more about the organisation of the annual Lindau Meetings, and talked to five esteemed Shaw laureates who were also Nobel laureates. All of them warmly welcomed the idea of Hong Kong organising a Laureate Forum leveraging on the Shaw Prize. I was much encouraged. Supported by the newly created Policy Innovation & Coordination Office, preparation for the Hong Kong Laureate Forum began immediately after the delivery of my 2018 Policy Address. Thanks to the generosity of the Lee Shau Kee Foundation which has pledged full sponsorship for the forum, the support of the Shaw Prize Foundation, and a group of like-minded people who share my vision, we are able to take forward the initiative expeditiously. In April 2019, the Council of the Hong Kong Laureate Forum, which is responsible for the planning and organisation of the forum, was incorporated. Chaired by Prof Timothy Tong, immediate past President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the board of the council comprises 11 distinguished personalities and academics in Hong Kong as members. They are Mr Raymond Chan (Chairman of Shaw Prize Foundation), Dr Moses Cheng, Mrs Rita Fan, Mr Henry Fan, Dr Victor Fung, Dr Colin Lam and Mr Martin Lee (representatives of the principal sponsor), Mr Carlson Tong, Prof Tsui Lap-chee, Mr Joseph Yam and Prof Kenneth Young. To allow sufficient time for organising a world-class academic event and recruitment of young scientists from all over the world, naturally including Hong Kong, the council has decided to hold the inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum in November 2021. The forum is getting off to a very good start. I wrote personally to all the Shaw laureates in January 2019 introducing to them the Hong Kong Laureate Forum and inviting them to indicate their interest in attending the first forum in 2021. We are thrilled by the overwhelming response. So far, over two-thirds of them have indicated interest, of whom six are also Nobel laureates and two are Fields medalists. I am particularly moved by the words of encouragement from some of the laureates It is indeed a wonderful idea to host such an event after nearly 20 years of establishment of the Shaw Prize. These laureate meetings will further enhance the prestige of the Shaw Prize and will contribute to promotion of science in the world. Prof Henryk Iwaniec (mathematical science, 2015) I have fond memories of my visit to Hong Kong in 2016 and would be delighted to attend once again to discuss science. Prof Adrian Bird (life science and medicine, 2016) The Hong Kong Laureate Forum will also be an international platform to encourage cross-cultural dialogue and is therefore establishing links with similar organisations. The Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation is our very first one. Similar to the Lindau Meetings, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum is an annual scientific event held in Heidelberg, home of Germanys oldest university, for exchanges between recipients of the most prestigious awards in mathematical and computer sciences and young scientists. When I met with the Managing Director of the foundation Mrs Ruth Wetzlar in Hong Kong in January, she readily offered to present a lecture at the inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum featuring some of the laureates who are recipients of both the Shaw Prize and Fields Medal/Abel Prize. Backed by enthusiasm both locally and overseas, I am pleased to announce that the Hong Kong Laureate Forum was born! To celebrate the birth of the Hong Kong Laureate Forum, the council will stage a launching ceremony at Government House on May 14. Several Shaw laureates will join the ceremony to pledge their support for the initiative. university presidents, representatives of research institutions and major education bodies, members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, local young scientists, etc. as well as the media will be invited to the launching event. Such is the beginning of an exciting project. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Shaw Prize Foundation, the Lee Shau Kee Foundation, the chairman and members of the Council of the Hong Kong Laureate Forum and Shaw laureates for their encouragement and support. Lets join hands to make the Hong Kong Laureate Forum a shining example of furthering the understanding of science and its contribution to humanity. This article by Chief Executive Carrie Lam was published on the Chief Executives Offices website on April 22. Candidate actor Volodymyr Zelensky casts his ballot at a polling station in Kiev, Ukrain, April 21, 2019. Ukraine's presidential candidates, incumbent President Petro Poroshenko and actor Volodymyr Zelensky, on Sunday cast their ballots in the second round of the country's presidential election. (Xinhua/Sergey) KIEV, April 21 (Xinhua) -- The national exit poll showed on Sunday that Ukrainian actor Volodymyr Zelensky won the country's presidential election by gaining 73.2 percent of the votes in the second round as of 6 p.m. local time (1500 GMT), the Ukrainian government-run Ukrinform news agency said. A total of 25.3 percent of Ukrainians voted for incumbent President Petro Poroshenko, while 1.5 percent of the voters spoiled their ballot papers, the exit poll suggested. The exit poll was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation among 13,000 voters. Its margin error was plus or minus 1.3 percentage points. Voting in the second round of the presidential election in Ukraine kicked off at 8 a.m. local time (0500 GMT) and ended at 8:00 p.m. (1700 GMT). The results of the second round are set to be announced by the Central Election Commission by May 1 and the new president is expected to take office no later than June 3. Let us know what you're seeing and hearing around the community. Submit here Marijuana clones are taken as employees of Big Leaf Alaska, a marijuana trimming contractor, work at the Alaska Cannabis Cultivators facility Thursday morning, August 17, 2017. The Fairbanks City Council is considering taking on-site consumption to a public vote in October 2019. The Daily News-Miner encourages residents to make themselves heard through the Opinion pages. Readers' letters and columns also appear online at newsminer.com. Contact the editor with questions at letters@newsminer.com or call 459-7574. Community Perspective Send Community Perspective submissions by mail (P.O. Box 70710, Fairbanks AK 99707) or via email (letters@newsminer.com). Submissions must be 500 to 750 words. Columns are welcome on a wide range of issues and should be well-written and well-researched with attribution of sources. Include a full name, email address, daytime telephone number and headshot photograph suitable for publication (email jpg or tiff files at 150 dpi.) You may also schedule a photo to be taken at the News-Miner office. The News-Miner reserves the right to edit submissions or to reject those of poor quality or taste without consulting the writer. Letters to the editor Send letters to the editor by mail (P.O. Box 70710, Fairbanks AK 99707), by fax (907-452-7917) or via email (letters@newsminer.com). Writers are limited to one letter every two weeks (14 days.) All letters must contain no more than 350 words and include a full name (no abbreviation), daytime and evening phone numbers and physical address. (If no phone, then provide a mailing address or email address.) The Daily News-Miner reserves the right to edit or reject letters without consulting the writer. Study shows zoos and aquariums increase species knowledge index 800 percent Despite volumes of data currently available on mankind, it is surprising how little we know about other species. A paper published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) confirms that critical information, such as fertility and survival rates, is missing from global data for more than 98 percent of known species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. It's a gap with far-reaching implications for conservationists seeking to blunt the impact of the Earth's sixth mass extinction event. Scientists working worldwide on behalf of IUCN Red List, IUCN Species Survival Commission, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES), TRAFFIC, Monitor, and others, require demographic data to assess species populations and intervene where needed. "It seems inconceivable. Yet scientists tasked with saving species often have to power through with best-guess assumptions that we hope approximate reality," said lead researcher and Species360 Conservation Science Alliance director Dalia A. Conde. A multidisciplinary team led by researchers from the Interdisciplinary Center on Population Dynamics (CPop), Oxford, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, the University of Southern Denmark, San Diego Zoo Global, and Species360 Conservation Science Alliance, with participants from 19 institutions, believes we can substantially increase what we know about species population dynamics by applying new analytics to data that has been long overlooked. Predicting when species are at risk, and how best to bolster diversity and numbers, requires knowing at what age females reproduce, how many hatchlings or juveniles survive to adolescence, and how long adults live. To understand what data are currently available, and to measure the void, researchers developed a Species Knowledge Index (SKI) that classifies available demographic information for 32,144 known species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. "The demographic knowledge of species index provides significant information that, in conjunction with genetic data, allows estimations of events that affect population viability. Severe population declines, sometimes called genetic bottlenecks, influence the sustainability of populations, as we have found in studying endangered rhinos," said Oliver Ryder, Ph.D., Director of Conservation Genetics, San Diego Zoo Global. Turning first to go-to global sources of information, the index registers comprehensive birth and death rates for just 1.3 percent of these major classes of species. The map, which illustrates demographic knowledge for individual species, shows that many remain blank. That changed when researchers added data from a previously untapped source, the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS). Across classes of species, key blanks fill with salient data. "Adding ZIMS was like turning on the lights in an otherwise very dim room," said Conde. "Class by class, from mammals through amphibians, we saw large gaps fill with fundamental data needed to help conservationists assess populations and advocate for threatened, endangered, and vulnerable species." Incorporating ZIMS boosted the Species Knowledge Index eightfold for comprehensive life table information used to assess populations. Information on the age of first reproduction for females, a key piece to estimating how a population will fair in coming years, grew as much as 73 percent. ZIMS is curated by wildlife professionals working within zoos, aquariums, refuge, research, and education centers in 97 countries. It is maintained by Species360, a non-profit member-driven organization that facilitates information sharing among its nearly 1,200 institutional members, and is the world's largest set of wildlife data. The study, "Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology," suggests a value far beyond the data itself. As Conservation Science Alliance and other researchers apply analytics to data aggregated across global sources, including ZIMS, they glean insights that impact outcomes for species in danger of extinction. Moreover, this can provide key insights for comparative and evolutionary biology, such as understanding the evolution of aging. The team of 33 scientists including data analysts, biologists, and population dynamics specialists developed the first Species Knowledge Index to map just how much we know about species worldwide. The index aggregates, analyzes and maps data from 22 databases and the IUCN Red List of Threatened species. ### About Species360 Species360, a non-profit NGO and global leader in wildlife care and conservation, mobilizes a network of more than 1,100 zoo, aquarium, university, research and governmental members worldwide to improve animal welfare and species conservation. Our members address today's most urgent wildlife issues, including establishing best practices in husbandry, enrichment, medical care, welfare, reproduction, population management, and biodiversity. Together, Species360 members curate the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS), the world's most comprehensive open database of knowledge on more than 22,000 species. ZIMS vastly increases what is known about thousands of species, and is instrumental in identifying sustainability strategies for many of the species assessed as vulnerable, endangered, and extinct in the wild. Species360 Conservation Science Alliance researchers provide conservationists with evidence-based findings integrating the full scope of global data, including IUCN Red List, CITES, TRAFFIC, EDGE, AZE, ZIMS, and more. Research led in collaboration with IUCN Species Survival Commission, CITES, and others, drives insightful decisions, from enforcing illegal wildlife trade laws to calculating viability of species insurance populations. Founding partners include the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS), and Copenhagen Zoo. This story has been published on: 2019-04-22. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. BEIJING, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will be an efficient way to address the imbalance in global infrastructure development, according to U.S. engineering firm AECOM. Under the BRI, financing platforms including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund have emerged, which will help narrow the development gap, said Ian Chung, chief executive of AECOM for Greater China. "The BRI is an opportunity for all. It is open, inclusive, and will bring economic development to the next level," Chung told Xinhua. According to Chung, countries and regions of different development phases can all benefit from the BRI, especially in infrastructure. For developing economies, such as some in Africa, the BRI will significantly improve local infrastructure connectivity and boost economic growth, Chung said. For fast-growing economies such as some in Southeast Asia, Chinese firms could share their experience in high efficiency and green construction via the BRI to meet the rising demand for sustainable infrastructure, he said. As for many other developed countries, the demand for infrastructure still abounds, as many existing facilities are becoming aged, he added. The BRI has opened plenty of opportunities for AECOM, as the company has been partnering with Chinese firms on many overseas projects, offering consulting services on design, local regulations, environmental and safety standards. "Chinese firms excel in construction and financing, while we share a competitive edge in project design, knowledge of local regulations, procedures as well as culture. It's a win-win for all of us," Chung said. Seeing business opportunities from the BRI, the company set up a new department in its Beijing office three years ago to work with Chinese firms on BRI projects. The firm just opened its new offices in Chengdu and Changsha, following the set-up of its China headquarters in Shanghai last year, another sign that shows the company's confidence in China's development, Chung said. "I am very optimistic that we will have more value-added cooperation with Chinese firms under the BRI," Chung said. Officials of the Inspector-General of Police Intelligence Response Team, Lagos, have detained a driver, Abah Ali, for allegedly stealin... Officials of the Inspector-General of Police Intelligence Response Team, Lagos, have detained a driver, Abah Ali, for allegedly stealing the vehicle of his employer. It was gathered that Ali was employed by a company, Gharsu Service Limited, in July 2018, as a driver to the Chief Operating Officer. It was gathered that 24 days after the resumption, the suspect made away with the companys Toyota Highlander. According to his statement to the police, the Borno State indigene said he stole the vehicle over a sack threat he received. He said, I asked my boss for money to take care of my mother, who is very sick in the village, but he shouted at me and threatened to sack me. That was why I was tempted to steal his vehicle that was in my care. I got a buyer, who offered to pay me N1.2m for the vehicle. An initial sum of N500,000 was given to me. I left for my hometown without the knowledge of my wife before I was arrested by the police. My intention was to return to Lagos to resolve the matter and plead with my boss. The 31-year-old was arraigned before an Ogba Magistrates Court on two counts of stealing. The charge read, That you, Abah Ali, and others at large, on July 20, 2018, around 9.30am at Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way, Ikeja, in the Lagos Magisterial District, did conspire among yourselves to commit felony to wit; stealing, thereby committing an offence punishable under Section 411 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2015. That you, Abah Ali, and others at large, on the same date, time and place, in the aforesaid magisterial district, did steal one silver Toyota Highlander 2008 model, with number plate LSR 37 EY, and two HP laptops, valued at N8.5m, the property of Gharsu Service Limited, thereby committing an offence punishable under Section 280 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2015. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge. The presiding magistrate, Mr A. A. Fashola, admitted him to bail in the sum of N250,000 with two sureties in like sum. Fashola ruled that the sureties must be gainfully employed with evidence of three years tax payment to the Lagos State Government and must have their addresses verified by the court. He added that they must present their bank statements for three months and reside within the courts jurisdiction. The case has been adjourned to May 27, 2019. Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of an opposition party, PDP, has told the UK Government that the killing of a British aid w... Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of an opposition party, PDP, has told the UK Government that the killing of a British aid worker is not a Nigerian character. Atiku who said this while reacting to the killings condemned the atrocious actions of the attackers and the bad image it has portrayed to the international community. I want the government and people of the United Kingdom to know that these atrocious actions do not reflect Nigerias national character. I condemn the killing of British aid worker, Faye Mooney, and her Nigerian partner, Mathew Oguche two days ago in Kaduna State. Several other Nigerians were kidnapped during the episode. He explained that the continuous killings in the country will lead to the loss of investment opportunities and partners who are interested in the growth and development of Nigerias economy. These killings must end or Nigeria will lose desperately needed friends, partners and investors. Not only do I condemn this recent killing, but I make an urgent call for the federal and state authorities to track down the culprits and make them pay for their crimes. The time for empty rhetoric is long gone. Now is the time for urgent national action to stem insecurity. Nigeria must once again become synonymous with peace, progress and prosperity. This can only happen when crime and punishment are a natural cause and effect. As long as there is impunity, our nation will lack unity and security. Impunity must end and must end in earnest. These crimes continue to reoccur because previous killings have not been met with justice The former Vice President called on Federal Government to track down the culprits and also keep Nigeria safe for its people and for foreigners coming in and out of the country. We need to keep Nigeria safe for Nigerians and foreigners. The death of any Nigerian or foreigner from terror, crime or insecurity grieves my heart. Nobodys life is worth taking to advance a religious, political or criminal cause. The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai, says the Boko Haram terrorists are being contained with the recent renewed joint the m... The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai, says the Boko Haram terrorists are being contained with the recent renewed joint the military offensive against them in Northern Borno and border areas. Buratai said the offensive had pushed them to the remote Islands on the Lake Chad basin. Adeosun, the Chief of Training and Operations, the chief of army staff disclosed this in an interview with newsmen at Monguno in Borno North after celebrating the Easter with troops. Represented by Maj.-Gen. LamidiAdeosun, the Chief of Training and Operations, the chief of army staff disclosed this in an interview with newsmen at Monguno in Borno North after celebrating the Easter with troops. He said the containment of the terrorists was made possible by joint operations by troops of the Lake Chad Basin countries, including the Multinational Joint Task Force MNJTF. You will discover that the Boko Haram terrorists are now lurking around the borders, especially the dangerous and inaccessible areas of the Tumbun and Islands (of Lake Chad). And the best way to handle them is to have the concentration of forces, he said. joint operations between Nigerian and Chadian troops in Northern Borno, Buratai said that the coming of the Chadians had given a boost to troops and equipment concentration in the area. On the ongoingjoint operations between Nigerian and Chadian troops in Northern Borno, Buratai said that the coming of the Chadians had given a boost to troops and equipment concentration in the area. He said that this was necessary to route the terrorists from their hiding places in the Islands. Earlier, while addressing troops of Sector 3 of the Operation Lafiya Dole, Buratai expressed satisfaction that they had turned the tide against the terrorists, adding that it was no longer business for them as usual. I urge you not to relent; you must continue to heat the iron now that our iron is very, very red so that we can beat the iron to the shape that we all like. You must maintain the momentum; we must never ever allow the reverse to be the case again. Now that we are moving, we must continue to move. You must maintain the momentum; we must never ever allow the reverse to be the case again. Now that we are moving, we must continue to move. Now, we are pursuing, we must continue to pursue, we are on the offensive, we should never withdraw to a defensive position. You must remain bold and continue to do all that it takes to take the power, life and breath out of Boko Haram, the army chief charged the troops. You must remain bold and continue to do all that it takes to take the power, life and breath out of Boko Haram, the army chief charged the troops. Buratai also visited the Chadian troops deployed alongside their Nigerian counterparts for a joint operation at Cross Kauwa, the Headquarters of Sector 2 of Operation Lafiya Dole. In an address, he commended them for their zeal, courage and commitment, saying that they were not only working for the safety of Nigeria and their country, but humanity. He described the Chadian troops as brave soldiers, and assured them that their requirement in terms of logistics would be provided. While he prayed for the repose of the soul of personnel among them that had paid the supreme sacrifice, he also prayed for quick recovery of those wounded in action. Col. Bokit Ali Dijar, the Commander of Chadian troops in the sector, expressed happiness that countries in the Lake Chad basin were working in unity to tackle the Boko Haram menace which he described as a common enemy. Ali Dijar thanked Buratai for the visit, saying that they were honoured by the gesture. He also lauded the Theatre Commander, Operation Lafiya Dole, Maj.-Gen. Benson Akinroluyo and Brig.-Gen. O.T. Akinjobi, the Commander Sector 3, for always meeting their request. On April 18, troops of the MNJTF killed 39 Boko terrorists, captured much equipment from them as they attempted to attack military position at Cross Kauwa. Cross Kauwa is located in Kukawa Local Government Area of Borno. Between December 2018 and January 2019 a faction of Boko Haram led by Al Barnawi and Islamic State West African Province or ISWAP infiltrated Baga and surrounding towns, including Cross Kauwa and attacked military positions. They were, however, pushed out by sustained ground and air offensives after a few days. Reno Omokri, a former aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan has criticized President Muhammadu Buhari over his latest condemnation of... Reno Omokri, a former aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan has criticized President Muhammadu Buhari over his latest condemnation of bombing in Sri Lanka. Buhari, on Sunday expressed sadness over the horrific attacks on several churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on the holy day of Easter. The President in a statement by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu, in Abuja on Sunday extended his deepest condolences to the families of those killed in the attacks and wished speedy recovery to the injured. We stand with victims of terrorism all over the world because we know and understand this harrowing inhuman activity, the President said. But, reacting to Buharis statement, Omokri queried the president for not responding to the attack on expatriates and Nigerians at Kajuru castle, Kaduna. According to him, Buharis immediate response to attacks on other countries shows he is not a President but an Ambassador. Omokri on his Twitter page wrote: A British tourist was killed in Kaduna yesterday. Our inferiority complexed President said nothing. But he was quick to condemn the Sri Lankan killings in less than an hour. Buhari should be an ambassador, not President. Nigeria is not his priority. Inferiority complex President. Recall that two people were killed while three others kidnapped at a popular tourist resort in Kajuru Local Government Area, Kaduna State. were killed while three others kidnapped at a popular tourist resort in Kajuru Local Government Area, Kaduna State. A statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, Kaduna State Command, DSP Yakubu Abubakar Sabo, made available to newsmen on Saturday said, On 20/04/19 at about 0020hrs, we received an information through DPO Kajuru that at about 2340hrs, some suspected Kidnappers armed with dangerous weapons gained entry into a recreational resort called Kajuru Castle in Kajuru Local Government Area shooting sporadically and in the process shot dead two persons including an expatriate lady and took away three others. Femi Fani-Kayode the former Minister of Aviation has condemned the bomb blast in churches and hotels across Sri Lanka, which left no f... Femi Fani-Kayode the former Minister of Aviation has condemned the bomb blast in churches and hotels across Sri Lanka, which left no fewer than 207 people dead. Recall that eight bomb blasts in churches and hotels across Sri Lanka left no fewer than 207 people dead and 400 seriously injured. The coordinated attacks were said to have targeted congregants, who were taking part in Easter Sunday services at various churches when the blasts went off simultaneously. Guests in the luxury hotels of Shangri-La, Kingsbury and Cinnamon Grand in the heart of Colombo were also among the casualties where the attackers struck. Reacting, Fani Kayode on his Twitter page expressed shock over the incident, describing it as evil. The former minister, however, said the killing of Christians will not wipe out Christianity but rather increase dominance, adding that the more the terror and persecution, the more our faith and our glorious Church goes from strength to strength. Fani Kayode wrote: Shocked by what has happened in Sri Lanka. 137 killed and over 500 injured many of whom whilst celebrating Easter Sunday in Church? This is evil and condemnable. May the souls of all those that were murdered rest in peace and may God comfort the people of Sri Lanka No matter how many Christians you slaughter, no matter how many Churches you bomb, Christianity cannot be wiped out. File Photo: Tourists at Tiananmen Square on National Day, October 1, 2018. It would be a stretch to say that Western-style democracy is on the verge of collapse, but there is a real breakdown unfolding on the world stage. In Brexit Britain, people do not know where the country is heading. In the deeply-divided United States, the Democratic and Republican political parties cannot agree on much of anything, trapping the country in endless political fights. Look around the Western world, and the symptoms of the failure of their political systems are obvious. On the other hand, China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, is producing some amazing results and the people of China have strong confidence in their future. It is not hard to see why. According to data from the World Bank, Chinas GDP in current US dollars was just roughly $60 billion in 1960. It more than doubled to about $150 billion around the start of reform and opening-up and then quickly shot up to over $12 trillion by 2017. Despite what criticism China receives, the Communist Party of China has created a much better future for over 1.3 billion Chinese people, as well as for many others around the world. One of Chinas greatest achievements to date is its poverty reduction achievements. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN member states in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The primary goal, which is to put an end to poverty once and for all, is something that China, the worlds largest developing country, has always attached great importance to, lifting more people out of poverty than any other country in the world. Behind these results are the ruling partys organs at various level, which have been the fighting force in the countrys battles against poverty. One practice in Chinas poverty alleviation campaign is that the selection and assignment of capable persons to serve as the first secretary in impoverished villages to lead people in carrying out targeted and precise poverty relief measures. These leaders are carefully selected by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the nations HR department, which oversees some 90 million members. This unique practice has proven very successful and demonstrates the advantage that the Chinese political system has in mobilizing resources to achieve a certain goal. All in all, the Chinese model has been very successful. This is backed up by major polls, such as those by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Gallup, which show that not only are most Chinese people positive about the future of their country, but the Chinese model is gaining global admirers. For example, in 2018, Ipsos carried out a survey funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and found that 94% of Chinese youth (age 12-15) were optimistic about the future of their own country. The survey also found that 88% of Chinese adults were positive about the future of China. And just last month, Gallup found that a positive international perception of Chinese leadership continues to strengthen, with Chinas approval rating rising to its highest in almost a decade. But China would not be in the strong position it is in today if it had adopted the Western system that is premised on nasty confrontation. What keeps the nation together and moving forward is a powerful political force that acts as a bonding agent in a country with a long, complex history. Chinese experts, such as Fudan Universitys Zhang Weiwei, have pointed out that, as a super-large modern state with a long history, China has developed a tradition of governance by a unified ruling group, and the Communist Party of China maintains this tradition. During most of the countrys history of unified governance, China was arguably better governed and more prosperous than the West. The country only began to lag when it closed its door to the outside world and missed the Industrial Revolution, but China is now on the right path and is catching up fast to the West. The Chinese people are fortunate to have a political force that represents their overall interests. Moreover, unlike the West, the process of selecting officials is a careful and rational process and leaders in China are selected based on both integrity and ability. In the Western system, rookie politicians can win over voters by cheap talk and big money is used to influence outcomes. The end result of such a system is often constant bickering and fighting and a lot of governmental dysfunction. The China model is very different. As Zhang describes it, China practices a system of selection and election where competent leaders are selected based on performance and broad support after various types of evaluations and elections. Both models have elections baked into them, but the Western model lacks the rigorous testing process of the Chinese model, and instead depends on the rationality of everyday people to make the best decision, which in some cases, like the UKs Brexit referendum, the outcome can be irrational and, quite frankly, dangerous. This is what makes the Chinese political process unique. The Communist Party of China, the worlds largest ruling party, unites all political parties and people toward a common goal, overcoming the trap of nasty confrontation among multiple political parties. In the United States, partisan conflict is ripping apart the nation and undermining development efforts; in the United Kingdom, nasty confrontation is undermining political stability. Both countries lack an overarching political force to make political parties and people work together for the common goal of building a stronger country. Western parties are avowedly parties with partial interests, while the Communist Party of China is a party with integrated interests, which represents the long-term interests of the general public, according to Chinese scholars like Zhang. Countries with political systems representing the long-term interests of the general public will perform well in international competition in the 21st century, he said, adding: Thats why I am optimistic about Chinas political model. As the drama on the world stage shows, faith in the Western model is fading. Western-style democracy is not a one-size-fits-all system nor the end of history. A Sunday evening strike by unknown gunmen at Yar-Centre, Sherere village in Kankara Local government area of Katsina state has left 1... A Sunday evening strike by unknown gunmen at Yar-Centre, Sherere village in Kankara Local government area of Katsina state has left 10 persons reportedly killed and five others sustaining various degrees of injuries. The Katsina State Police command have confirmed the incident but said only nine persons were killed. Local sources in the area said the incident happened when the gunmen who rode on motorcycles stormed the area and opened fire on the villagers leading to the death of the persons and five injured. The source said the five injured have been transferred from Kankara to the Federal Medical Centre, FMC in the state capital for medical attention. Another source disclosed that the gunmen also set ablaze shops and vehicles belonging to residents. When contacted, the spokesperson of the Katsina State Police command, SP Gambo Isah said the incident happened about 18:30 hours of Sunday evening and nine people were killed in the attack. It would be recalled that weeks back 14 persons were reportedly killed in a clash between the Armed bandits and members of the vigilante group (7 from both sides) in Tsamiyar Jino village of Kankara local government area of the state. YBNL boss and rapper, Olamide Adedeji has urged Nigerians to avoid confrontations when dealing with police personnel. According ... YBNL boss and rapper, Olamide Adedeji has urged Nigerians to avoid confrontations when dealing with police personnel. According to him, citizens should be very careful and sensitive when they are faced with any issue involving the police due to the incessant extra-judicial killings by security operatives. The celebrated entertainer made this known via his verified Twitter handle. Olamide noted that safeguarding ones life was most important in such situations. He also cautioned the police to act better when addressing issues with the people, telling them to stop killing innocent citizens as it would add to the problems in their lives. He wrote: What is really going on? What is the way forward with this killing and police brutality? Its increasing everyday and I feel ashamed because I know we all can do better And for you, oga police, no matter what you are going through just know taking an innocent life wont solve your problem but add to your burden. We all can do better Everyone out there please try and be safe. theres nothing more important in life than keeping yourself alive. I think its better you follow them to station than get into unnecessary argument that might lead to violence. We all can do better, he wrote. The Police Command in Jigawa have confirmed the recovery of an abandoned newborn baby from a well in Kaugama Local Government Are... an abandoned newborn baby from a well in Kaugama Local Government Area (LGA) of the state. The Police Command in Jigawa have confirmed the recovery ofan abandoned newborn baby from a well in Kaugama Local Government Area (LGA) of the state. SP Abdu Jinjiri, the spokesman, Jigawa Police Command, made this known while speaking with the newsmen in Dutse on Monday. On April 20, at 4p.m., one AbdulAziz Lawan aged 40, who is the village head of Kuka-Kwance brought a newborn baby boy to the station. The baby was said to have been dumped inside an unused well immediately after delivery by an unknown person, jinjiri said. He explained that the baby is doing well after being taken to the hospital for medical examination. Upon receipt of the report, the baby was taken to hospital for examination and it is still doing well, he added. The spokesman added that investigations into the case are ongoing. (NAN) Otito Atikase, Senior Special Assistant to Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State on Political Affairs, has accused the National Chai... Otito Atikase, Senior Special Assistant to Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State on Political Affairs, has accused the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, and a leader of the party, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, of being behind the travails of his principal in the party. The National Working Committee, NWC, of the APC had reportedly suspended Governor Akeredolu for engaging in anti-party activities after issuing him query. However, the governor had in a terse SMS denied being suspended or issued any query by the APC leadership. But a statement issued yesterday by Atikase accused Oshiomhole and Tinubu of using Governor Akeredolu as opportunity cost for an alleged secret expansionist agenda they are purportedly pursuing. Atikase said: Akeredolu is a principled man who does not play politics with anything goes. He will not allow anything that is not right to be done. Tinubu and Oshiomhole should not rule the party for their expansionist and narrow agenda. All I can see is the aftermath of the defeat Tinubu suffered when he sponsored Alliance for Democracy, AD, against Akeredolu in 2016. What disciplinary action did the party put in place? Oshiomhole, on the other hand, wanted his candidate to be picked after him in Edo but Akeredolu supported the man on seat-Obaseki. Adams was very angry so he became Chairman of the party to witch-hunt our Governor. A man who claimed that his five-day-old baby was stolen at gunpoint in his home in Ijagbe, Mopa-Muro Local Government Area, Kogi, ... home in Ijagbe, Mopa-Muro Local Government Area, Kogi, is being held by the police as a suspect in the matter. A man who claimed that his five-day-old baby was stolen at gunpoint in hishome in Ijagbe,Mopa-Muro Local Government Area, Kogi, is being held by the police as a suspect in the matter. The man, Mr Tosin Ojuola, claimed that the baby was stolen 10 days earlier. It was learnt that the incident occurred at about 8 p.m. on April 11 when the gunmen invaded the home of the Ojuolas and forced the wife at gunpoint to surrender the child to them. At Nigeria Police Force headquarters in Lokoja on Sunday, Ojuola told newsmen that he left home barely 10 minutes when the gunmen invaded his apartment, beat up his wife and took away the child. I left home and was on my way to church for vigil on that fateful night when I suddenly heard my wifes voice crying and shouting for help. I quickly ran back to my apartment and my wife told me that two armed men had forcibly taken our baby away and run into the nearby bush. I shouted for help and some youths immediately joined me to go after the gunmen to rescue my baby but all our efforts yielded no result as we were not able to get them. We searched all the nearby bushes to some kilometres away but because it was night, we could not go very deep into the bush, he said. Ojuola said he reported the matter immediately at the Divisional Police Station in Mopa, where the police promised to investigate and search for the baby. Ojuola said that the following morning, more villagers were mobilised to search for the baby far into the bush, including farms and Fulani settlements, but that all efforts were abortive. He explained that the police came to his house the following day to arrest his landlord and a Fulani man, who was a tenant in the house. Ojuola said that the matter took a twist on April 14 when the police invited him for questioning and later detained him. The police told me that the community leaders demanded for my arrest, claiming that the village oracle (Ifa) revealed that I have a hand in the stealing of my own baby. Meanwhile, before my arrest, three of the community leaders came to my house on the third day and said that they were going to make sacrifice to their gods to expose the perpetrators and recover my baby. They asked me to provide axe, cutlass, hoe, palm kernel oil and fresh yam, which I did, and they asked me to take them to the spot where I buried the placenta of my baby. I took them there and they did some incantations and poured the oil on the spot and assured me that my baby would be found. To my greatest surprise and shock, it was the same people that asked the police to arrest and detain me for allegedly stealing my own baby, he said. Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Police Headquarters, Lokoja, on Wednesday. Ojuola stated that the case was later transferred to theCriminal Investigation Department (CID) at Police Headquarters, Lokoja, on Wednesday. I have since been in police cell for seven days without food and without any hope of finding my stolen baby. My image has been tarnished. Why would I do such evil against my own baby? I am a farmer, and a staff of Mopamuro Local Government Council, I have five children. The stolen baby was my sixth child. I am still owing N4,000 at the clinic where I took the baby to after he was delivered at home. I have spent over 11 years in the community, my aged parents are in the same community; I have never been involved in any crime in my life. I am innocent; I am a devoted and committed Christian. How would I steal my own baby, to do what and for what? he asked. I am appealing to the police to conduct a thorough investigation and fish out the perpetrators and help me to rescue my baby because I am helpless, Ojuola pleaded. Shade Ojuola, his wife, in tears, expressed sadness over the incident. him in bed and was receiving fresh air outside with the landlords wife when the gunmen emerged. She said that she had bathed the baby, laidhim in bed and was receiving fresh air outside with the landlords wife when the gunmen emerged. They flashed their torchlight and commanded us to hands up. I started shouting when they brought out guns and ordered me to shut my mouth; they forced the door open and carried my baby away. My husband had just left the house for church not up to 10 minutes when the kidnappers came, she explained. Shade, who corroborated her husbands earlier statements, called for immediate release of her husband to enable the family to continue the search for their baby. I am begging the police to please free my husband from cell in Lokoja because he is innocent; he can never do such a thing; he is a hardworking man and he fears God. We have been married for 11 years with five children and he loves me and all our children; I dont want to lose him, she said. The aged father of Tosin, Mr John Ojuola, 74, told our correspondent by telephone that some people in the community were conniving with the police to implicate his son. The police should concentrate their effort on finding the real perpetrators of the heinous act against my innocent grandson and bring them to justice, he said. The traditional ruler of Ijagbe, Chief Amushin Adeleye, who also spoke by telephone, confirmed the incident. He, however, denied any involvement in the arrest and detention of Tosin. He said that Tosin had never engaged in any form of criminality, violence or social vice in the community. man, Umoru Isah. The monarch further confirmed that the two people the community suspected after findings and consultations were Ojuolas landlord, Samson Johnson, and a Fulaniman, Umoru Isah. He said that the community later reported Johnson and Isah to the police. The traditional ruler appealed to the police to release the babys father and ensure that justice was done. When contacted, the Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Hakeem Busari, said that he was aware of the matter. When told that the complainant in the case, Mr Tosin Ojuola, had been in detention at the CID Section, Busari expressed shock and asked for time to enable him to find out the real situation from the Officer in charge of the CID. However, more than two hours after, the police Commissioner did not call back to tell newsmen his findings. Several attempts to re-establish link with him failed because he had switched off his mobile phone. The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, has said that a lot was being done to free Leah Sharibu, th... The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, has said that a lot was being done to free Leah Sharibu, the abducted Dapchi schoolgirl, from her captors. The Presidential aide, however, said that measure being embarked upon to free the teenager cannot be made public. He also expressed optimism that Nigeria would overcome its problems just as Jesus overcome death. Adeshina said this on Sunday at the Easter Concert of the Apostolic Faith West Africa entitled Christ the King held at the churchs National Headquarters in Lagos. According to him, the message of Easter is the message of victory over darkness, victory over death and the lesson we can learn is that whatever the problems that besiege this country. Whether killings, economic, political or social problems can be overcome; just as Jesus overcome death, we shall also overcome our troubles; Nigeria will resurrect just as Jesus resurrected. We will overcome all the problems facing the country; its a time for us to be encouraged, resonate and determined that God still rules in the affairs of men, and Nigeria. Speaking on efforts being made to secure the release of Leah Sharibu, the presidential spokesman urged Nigerians to keep faith, saying that the Federal Government was doing everything possible to secure her release. We believe that Leah will come back one day, a lot is being done, and you know you cannot begin to proclaim sensitive things like that on the pages of the newspaper, he said. He also said that the Next Level agenda for President Buharis administration is a consolidation of things that has been done, what is being done that is still pending. Security, reviving the economy, creating jobs and fighting corruption; Next Level is a consolidation of all these things. We will focus more on infrastructure, economy small and medium scale enterprises. There is going to be what we call money bank and enterprise bank and there is going to be inclusive government, he said. Also speaking, the District Superintendent of Apostolic Faith, Rev. Adebayo Adeniran, urged Nigerians to love one another and eschew hate speeches and bitterness. God has created us so that we can return to fellowship with him in Heaven; we need to look at the significance of Easter in Nigeria. We are not to live a selfish live, we should be able to invest in our country all that we have is for a purpose Jesus made the provision for the cleansing of corruption, God is averse to corruption Whatever we do that is not borne out of love is dangerous to even to ourselves and to others; he wants to repair relationships, all ethnic hatred, hate speeches does not come from the heart of love. It comes from a heart that has been corrupted; I pray that the power of Gods blood will work in our country, God will re-engineer our minds to have pure love so as to love one another. We should see through the lens of love, let love move round, Jesus died so that love could move round. Cyber defense competitions, a key practice to train talent and test defense systems, has been growing increasingly popular in China among its numerous cyber security services providers. Now, they are aiming to go global. This May, Chinas latest self-developed Cyber Mimic Defense (CMD) system will for the first time open itself to hackers from around the world to test its ability to withstand constant attacks for a whole year, Wu Jiangxing, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, also the founder of CMD theory, told Peoples Daily Overseas Social Media on Saturday on the sidelines of the West Lake Cybersecurity Conference in Hangzhou, east Chinas Zhejiang province. It will be unprecedented in the world. It will be like Alpha Go taking challenges from top chess players across the globe. Our CMD octopus is also up for challenges to test the theory and technological maturity, Wu said. The first international hacking competition on CMD system was held in May 2018 in Nanjiang, Jiangsu province. Photo by Jiang Jie/People's Daily Overseas Social Media Wus CMD system whose multiple sets of servers make it like an octopus with tentacles underwent the first-ever capture the flag (CTF) challenge last year and withstood over 500,000 attacks from several groups of international white hat hackers with no failure. The CTF challenge was first introduced into the Chinese mainland in 2013 by Dr. Zhuge Jianwei, a researcher with the Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University, who then launched the nations first CTF league, XCTF. The nations first attempt to make its cyber event to go global was a year later in 2014 when XCTF invited international players. Over time, CTF has become a common practice for the rising number of Chinese cyber security service providers and a number of CTF challenges, some of which involve international white hat hackers, are held every year in China. Apart from these competitions, there are also many skill contests that aim to train more cyber security talents. During the West Lake Cybersecurity Conference, a skill contest was held that offered a 4-million yuan prize for the winners. Through such contests, public awareness of cyber security can be raised and the students skills will be enhanced. It is also a good way to find talents, Fan Yuan, chairman of Hangzhou-based cyber security company Dbappsecurity Co. Ltd., which undertook the conference, told Peoples Daily Overseas Social Media. Fan also has his eyes set on hosting an international skill contest one day. As China promotes the Belt and Road Initiative, it is equally important to raise local peoples awareness on cyber security and help train more talents as the initiative pans out with more infrastructure construction that requires cyber defense efforts too, he concluded. Chris Anastasio (left), Mike Takahashi (middle), two international white hat hackers from the US, received top annual awards for contribution to Alibaba Security Response Center on April 19, 2019. Photo courtesy of ASRC BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) -- China's top legislature on Sunday began to review multiple reports submitted to it -- three by the central government on medical doctors, environmental protection, and rural industries respectively and one by the top court on improving court order enforcement. Li Zhanshu, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, attended the second plenary meeting of the ongoing bimonthly session of the committee. Minister of Ecology and Environment Li Ganjie briefed lawmakers on the environment report, which notes the steady improvement of China's environment in 2018 and outlines six tasks in 2019, which include pollution control, ecological restoration, nuclear and radiation safety, environmental inspection. Ma Xiaowei, head of the National Health Commission, briefed lawmakers on the medical doctor report, which reveals that China had built a team of nearly 3.61 million medical doctors as of the end of 2018, sustaining the world's largest healthcare system. The report also acknowledged some imbalances and insufficiencies in the development of medical professionals for meeting the rising health needs of the public. Han Changfu, minister of agriculture and rural affairs, briefed lawmakers on the rural industry development report, noting that measures taken in recent years to promote rural industry have resulted in remarkable progress. Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People's Court, briefed lawmakers on how the top court has worked to solve the difficulties in enforcing property-related court orders and the plans to eventually resolve this issue in the future. I am from Kenya, a country located in East Africa along the shores of the Indian Ocean, with a population of roughly 50 million. According to the latest government data, the poverty rate is around 50 percent. This means that the majority of citizens live on a dollar or less per day, according to World Bank standards. My village is roughly 400 km from our capital city Nairobi and 1,000 km from Mombasa, a tourist city which borders the ocean. Before 2017, many people in my village had not traveled past the capital to the coastal region because the bus ride to Mombasa took 18 hours. The journey is tiresome, not forgetting that the fare is $35. Surprisingly, even with my exposure and education level, I had only traveled to the coast once, as part of a class tour when I was in my third year at Moi University. Aerial photo shows a train travels on the Chinese-built Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya. (Photo/Provided by Victor Onyango) However, thanks to President Xi Jinpings Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Kenya is now benefiting from the construction of the Mombasa-Nairobi railway. Many can travel to Mombasa now that the 478 km Mombasa-Nairobi railway, also known as the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), has been completed. Now I can travel to Mombasa by train for only $ 7 in just four and a half hours. On the journey, I can observe our Tsavo National Park and see the variety of animals my country is home to. The railway line has continued the good feeling in Kenya that has existed since the end of the colonial administration, despite some people being swayed by Western opinion that the government made a mistake in signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Beijing to execute the goals of the BRI. The author Victor Onyango is a journalist with the Nation Media Group (NMG) newspaper Daily Nation (Photo/Provided by Victor Onyango) One thing those chastising Kenyas decision fail to comprehend is that since the project was completed, the country has welcomed more investment, and since bilateral ties between Kenya and China have deepened, the country has welcomed many Chinese tourists, with Kenya Airways opening a direct flight from Nairobi to Guangzhou. Kenyas economy has improved by 1.5 percent, and the railway has created more than 50,000 job opportunities for locals. With the implementation of the BRI in Kenya, China is trying to show Kenya the way to industrialization and this proves how much China respects and values its friendship with Kenya. I am convinced beyond any doubt that the BRI will unlock the countrys industrialization and infrastructural dreams, because as most developed countries have already proven, the road to industrialization begins with the upgrading of connectivity. Aerial photo shows the Nairobi railway station in Nairobi, capital of Kenya. (Photo/Xinhua) The author is a journalist with the Nation Media Group (NMG) newspaper Daily Nation and is currently participating in the China Africa Press Center 2019 program in Beijing. A freight train is travelling from Northwest China's Lanzhou for a journey en route to Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. (Photo/People's Daily Online) The Hunan Culture Poster Exhibition in Kathmandu and 'Nepal Thanka Art Exhibition' in Beijing both kicked off on the same day - April 13, 2019, though not coincidentally. The exchanges between the peoples linked by the worlds tallest peak Mt. Everest are only the latest instances of snowballing multifaceted cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). While further fortifying the age-old bond, the BRI has evidently mounted optimism in the Himalayan nation. People in Nepal take this initiative as an avant-garde platform. With the matchless model of Chinese infrastructure development pace, the BRI in Nepal is foreseen as a milestone to bridge the infrastructure gap for competitive growth and diversification of the landlocked state's trade exchanges. As an accumulative leap of Chinas four-decade-long experience of reform and opening up, the BRI is deemed a cooperation modality offered to struggling countries like Nepal. China has cultivated its experiences and expertise through an unprecedented economic growth and development model, throwing western economists. Nepal can learn from Chinas unrivaled approach to poverty alleviation and economic development via rapid infrastructural development in its poverty-stricken provinces. Bordering Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) with identical geography, Nepal is an important gateway of China to South Asia. Underpinned by strong investment in infrastructure and robust consumption, Tibet has recently observed the highest economic growth rate. It may sound unbelievable, but up to the mid-1990s, many consumer goods in Tibet were exported from Nepal. Now, the latter receives a wide variety of daily use articles from Tibet, while the autonomous region tells a persuasive tale of BRI boon. The author Saroj Gautam is associated with Nepals AP1HD Television (Photo/Provided by Saroj Gautam) Against this backdrop, Nepal's President Bidhya Devi Bhandari will attend the much-anticipated second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing this week. The visit has great significance as Mrs. Bhandari is Nepals first head of state to visit the Chinese capital after the abolition of the monarchy in Nepal in 2006. On the eve of the BRF, Nepal government decided to sign the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM) as a founding member. Moreover, the protocol of the new Nepal-China Transit Transport Agreement (TTA) is expected to be signed and exchanged between top leaders of both countries on the sidelines of the second BRF. The TTA holds an extraordinary connotation for Nepal as it allows the landlocked country to use four seaports in Shenzhen, Lianyungang, Zhanjiang and Tianjin and three dry ports at Lanzhou, Lhasa and Xigatse, paving the way to Chinese railway lines. Most importantly, it shall end Nepals sole dependency on India to trade with third-party countries. A week before Bhandari's trip to Beijing, two news headlines set a positive mood in the Himalayan country. China Overseas Engineering Group completed a 12.2 km tunnel as part of the Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project in a western district of Nepal a year before the deadline. The first use of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) was hailed as a breakthrough by Nepali leaders including Prime Minister KP Oli. China CAMC Engineering was another firm to receive praise when it completed the construction of Pokhara Regional International Airport, long before the given date. Nepali Prime Minister KP Oli attends the TBM Tunnel Breakthrough Ceremony. (Photo/Chinanews.com) The enthusiasm ignited by pictures of a freight train waiting at a station in Lanzhou en route to Kathmandu in May, 2016, in the aftermath of the Indian blockade, has not faded from mainstream and social media. Given its unique geographical location, Nepal plays a vital role in connecting South Asian countries to China. The scheduled attendance of President Bhandari to the 2nd BRF is confirmation of Nepal's commitment to the BRI and Chinas commitment to supporting Nepal. Nepal will harness the immense possibilities of economic cooperation between two neighbors through the widest and longest economic corridor to be built. With the sweet reminiscence of the past, people in Nepal are looking north for Chinese craftsmanship to fill the infrastructure paucity and financial gap. As the Chinese proverb goes, Do not be afraid of moving slowly. Be afraid of standing still." Nepal is casting its attention to Beijing this week in the hope of furthering cooperation with China at the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The author is associated with Nepals AP1HD Television. He writes on international affairs and diplomacy. You can follow him on Twitter @gautam_sarose. In the 18th century, the cabinotiers were experienced watchmakers workong in workshops called cabinets, located on the top floor of the Genevas buildings. Accomplished masters of their art, they cultivated a blend of technical and manual skills backed by vast scientific knowledge and curiosity for new ideas, nurtured by the philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment. In response to the highest technical, aesthetic and artistic challenges, the one-of-a-kind Vacheron Constantin models now crafted in its Les Cabinotiers department, heir to this prestigious past. The new Les Cabinotiers Minute Repeater Perpetual Calendar, driven by an unprecedented calibre, is a further illustration of this exclusive approach. Les Cabinotiers minute repeater perpetual calendar is equipped with a revisited movement: Calibre 1731 QP, combining minute repeater and perpetual calendar functions at the heart of a slender 42 mm-diameter gold case. Les Cabinotiers minute repeater perpetual calendar, white gold Vacheron Constantin The challenge for the in-house watchmakers lays in pairing two of the most sophisticated horological complications within an ultra-thin movement measuring just 5.70 mm thick, while ensuring precision, reliability and user friendliness. Among the technical feats accompanying the origins of this watch, the Maisons Les Cabinotiers department developed a perfectly silent strike governor serving to control the cadence of the hammers in striking the gongs. No less than 438 components, some of them no thicker than a hairs breadth, compose this mechanical manual-winding movement. Beating at 21,600 vibrations per hour (3 Hz) and endowed with a 65-hour power reserve, it drives the full set of hours, minutes, day, date, month, leap-year indication, moon phase and minute repeater functions. The new Les Cabinotiers Minute Repeater Perpetual Calendar model is the latest in a line of watches that have made their mark on their respective eras. In 1992, Vacheron Constantin presented reference 30020, an exceptional creation combining an hours, quarters and minutes repeating mechanism with a perpetual calendar. In 2013, the Maison launched the Calibre 1731, whose name pays tribute to the birth year of Jean-Marc Vacheron: an extremely slim manual-winding minute repeater movement inspired by historical calibres. Calibre 1731 QP Vacheron Constantin Despite the complexity of this watch, Vacheron Constantin was determined to make it a model cultivating the elegance, discretion and other aesthetic values that have become its signature. The 42 mm-diameter case in white or pink gold features extremely pure lines. Only the minute repeater slide on the left-hand side of the case expresses the complexity of this model. The gleam of the precious polished metal beautifully frames the deep colour of the midnight blue or brown dial, depending on the version. The day, date and month indications, appearing in the upper part of the dial, are displayed in an extremely legible manner, and thereby leave plenty of space for the gold Moon to pursue its poetic dance amid the stars, against a beautifully understated backdrop. This arrangement of the various dial indications ensures a pleasingly balanced and elegant watch face, while the blue and brown colour lends a dynamic and modern touch. The timepiece is fitted with a hand-stitched dark blue or black alligator leather strap, with half Maltese cross-shaped gold folding clasp. Itis presented in a Les Cabinotiers box made of Makassar ebony wood. The Center for Ballet and the Arts at New York University (CBA), an international research institute for scholars and artists of ballet and its related arts and sciences, today announced the 20 CBA Fellows for the 2019-2020 academic year. These distinguished individuals represent a wide range of disciplines and were selected among CBAs largest ever applicant pool. Choreographers Kimberly Bartosik, Emily Kikta, Milena Sidorova, and Preeti Vasudevan will receive The Centers annual Virginia B. Toulmin Fellowship for Women Leaders in Dance, a unique fellowship designed to support the work of female creators and promote broader equity in the field. The Center also announced that scholar Kara Yoo Leaman will receive this years Fellowship for the Study of Russia and Ballet, a joint fellowship with the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. 2019-20 Resident Fellows include dancer Jared Angle; choreographers Frances Chiaverini, Samar Haddad King, Abdul Latif, Alice Sheppard, and George Williamson; composer, educator, and former New York City Ballet dancer Aaron Severini; dance artist Ogemdi Ude; and scholars Kristin Boyce, Suzanne Carbonneau, Elizabeth Coker, Gillian Lipton, Barbara Gail Montero, Valleri Robinson, and Sophia Rosenfeld. (See full list of bios and project descriptions below.) Entering its sixth year, the CBA Fellowship Program invites scholars and artists to The Center to develop self-directed projects that expand the way we think about ballets history, practice, and performance. Fellows come from a multitude of disciplines and bring a breadth of experience to the residency. They are not required to be experts in ballet. The program encourages fellows to engage with ideas beyond their core disciplines and take risks with their work without the pressure of a finished product. Previous fellows have included art historian Claire Bishop, writer and reporter Alma Guillermoprieto, writer and critic Marina Harss, harpist and producer Bridget Kibbey, choreographer Lauren Lovette, designer Jean-Marc Puissant, scholar Janice Ross, choreographer Pam Tanowitz, singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega, and filmmaker Frederick Wiseman. Egypt parliament speaker Ali Abdel-Aal met Sunday with his Cypriot counterpart Demetris Syllouris, president of the Cypriot parliament (the House of Representatives). A statement released by the press office said the meeting reflected the growing relations between Egypt and Cyprus. "Parliament speaker Abdel-Aal visited Cyprus twice, one within the context of bilateral relations between the two countries, and one as part of the ongoing cooperation between Egypt, Cyprus and Greece at all levels," the statement said. The statement said the meeting covered important issues such as the coordination between the two countries in the fight against terrorism, the cooperation with Greece in the area of energy and the agreement on turning Egypt into a regional centre for gas markets. "We agreed that the three countries will form the nucleus of this regional centre, and that it will gain momentum in the coming stage," said the statement. The meeting also discussed economic cooperation between Egypt and Cyprus. "The two parties agreed that mutual investments should be promoted in the coming stage, particularly as the two countries have now favourable investment legislations and climate," said the statement. For his part, speaker of the Cypriot parliament said "cooperation between Egypt, Cyprus and Greece in the area of tourism has moved forward in recent years and that greater investments in this respect are badly needed." He also thanked Abdel-Aal for Egypt's positions which are in support of Cyprus in international circles. Search Keywords: Short link: Voting will end on Monday night on a series of constitutional amendments, including extending the term of the presidency The head of Egypt's National Elections Authority (NEA) Ibrahim Lashin said on Monday that the polls for the referendum on the constitutional amendments will close as scheduled at 9pm without any extensions. Egypts State Information Service (SIS) has also released a statement dismissing reports that bags of food were being given to some citizens in exchange for having them go to the polls. The SIS also said that the claims in some of these reports do not make sense, in that they alleged that citizens were being bussed to cities from villages even though there are polling stations near the residences of all citizens throughout the country. Meanwhile, the Future of the Homeland Party has issued a statement on Monday condemning what it said were supporters of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood who have tried to distort the image of the party, which is the biggest in Egypt's parliament. The party said that the Muslim Brotherhood was spreading false reports that citizens were being bribed in exchange for their vote. The party said that it has submitted "several reports to the prosecution against a number of individuals, sites and pages funded by the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters." The party also said that food packages were being handed out by charitable organisations to coincide with the upcoming holy month of Ramadan, and that this has nothing to do with the election. Polling stations nationwide opened their doors on Monday, the third day of voting in a referendum on constitutional amendments, with embassies and consulates abroad ended their three days on Sunday. More than 61 million Egyptians are eligible to vote in the referendum on the amendments to the 2014 charter, which were recently overwhelmingly approved by parliament. The referendum on the amendments to a number of articles of the constitution, which includes an extension of the presidential term began nationwide on Saturday and abroad on Friday. Earlier on Sunday, Egypts National Elections Authority (NEA) said it would not be extending its three days of voting, dismissing reports claiming otherwise. Head of Egypt's Judges Club Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen said on Monday that the club's central operations room has not received any complaints with regards to the voting process. In statements to MENA news agency, the club's spokesman Reda Mahmoud said that Abdel-Mohsen is receiving regular updates on the voting process, which is taking place under full judicial supervision provided by over 19,000 judges. The NEA said on Monday that voting is proceeding normally and in an orderly fashion in all parts of Egypt on the third and final day of the referendum. Polling stations across the country opened on time at 9am, and the NEA has not received any complaints regarding the vote in any of the governorates, said NEA chairman Lashin Ibrahim. Voting The constitutional amendments referendum abroad, which started on Friday, took place in 140 polling stations in Egyptian consulates and embassies in 124 countries. According to Ahram Arabic, the Egyptian embassies in Russia , Uganda, Ukraine , Saudi Arabia and United Arab closed their doors in front of expat voters as the referendum ended 9 PM according to their local time. Meanwhile, the NEA said it has not received any reports that voters were being "bribed" to cast their ballots in the ongoing national referendum on the amendments to the countrys constitution. The NEA didnt not mention specific numbers on the turnout in the referendum voting, however it said that the first day of voting [Saturday] saw "a higher turnout than any other first day of voting in any formerly held elections of any kind in the country." NEA's spokesperson Judge Mahmoud El-Sharif said that the authority would immediately deal with any electoral violations, including bribes, within the law. On Saturday, several reports suggested that voters were receiving a food package in exchange for voting on the amendments, which would see an extension of President Abdel-Fattah's El-Sisi's term from four to six years. Critics of the constitutional amendments fear they may constitute a step in the return to authoritarian rule in the country by increasing the president's grip on power. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypts government State Information Service SIS said the media coverage in the first two days voting in the referendum on the constitutional amendments largely referred to the safety enjoyed by voters, dismissing claims of providing voters with food and transport in exchange of voting. These claims are contradictory because polling stations are available in every village, and the state would not resort to such individual practices to influence voters, the SIS said in its statement analyzing foreign media coverage of the referendum on the constitutional amendment issued on Sunday night, where it highlighted the international attention given to the poll. The SIS said it had granted permits to 548 correspondents from the worlds top media organizations that work in several languages, rejecting only one permit. Further, the SIS said that such limited reports noted that businessmen were behind these acts, and not any state entity. As of releasing the statement, the SIS received no complaints from the hundreds of foreign correspondents practicing their jobs. Polling stations nationwide opened its doors on Monday, the third and last day of voting in a referendum on constitutional amendments, with embassies and consulates abroad ended their three days on Sunday. More than 61 million Egyptians are eligible to vote in the referendum on the amendments to the 2014 charter, which were recently overwhelmingly approved by parliament. The referendum on the amendments to a number of articles of the constitution, which includes an extension of the presidential term began nationwide on Saturday and abroad on Friday. Below is the full SIS statement: Statement by the State Information Service Foreign Media Coverage of the Referendum on Constitutional Amendments The State Information Service (SIS) followed up international media coverage of the referendum on the constitutional amendments in Egypt, for the second day of voting at home and the last day of voting abroad. The following points were observed: First: Size and Scope of Coverage The referendum on Egypt's constitutional amendments has received widespread media attention worldwide, including the broadcast and publication of thousands of news and video reports in thousands of newspapers, television channels and websites throughout the world and in all its languages. In Egypt, 549 foreign media correspondents submitted requests for coverage permits, where the National Election Authority granted permits to (548) correspondents, and only one request by the British Broadcasting Corporation was rejected, while the list of organizations that received permits includes the biggest international media organizations such as Reuters, AFP, and the Associated Press. Newspapers include the Washington Post, the New York Times, le Monde and The Times of London. Television channels include: CNN, Al Arabiya News, German Television, Sky News, France 24 and US Al Hurra. This coverage reflects the international interest in this great political event in Egypt, while at the same time highlighting Egypt's keenness to ensure and encourage media participation from all over the world in the coverage of the referendum with transparency. Second: Freedom of International Media Outlets Conducing Field Coverage of all the Referendum Stages in all Premises. Media outlets have covered both inside and outside the premises of the polling stations, and conducted hundreds of interviews with voters, officials, judges, opposition figures and others. All means of follow-up: print, audio and video were used freely in about 13919 electoral subcommittees in 10878 polling centers and 368 general committees, in addition to voting stations for Egyptians abroad. At the time of preparing this statement, no complaints were received from any correspondent that he/she was prevented from practicing his/her work or from entering the polling stations, or moving freely, or being restricted in any form. All correspondents were enabled to practice their profession and facilities were made available to them to give them access to everything related to the referendum process. Third: International Media Coverage Trends There is a global consensus on the integrity of the referendum procedures, a consensus on an atmosphere of complete stability and a 100% safe environment on the entire Egyptian territory, despite all the dangers of terrorism in the past. There was also no single media report on any difficulty faced by citizens in reaching their electoral premises, regardless of their political positions or party affiliations. There was also no complaint from any citizen regarding the accuracy and integrity of the voters lists, which makes the referendum one of the most accurate and successful logistical operations in the history of polling in Egypt. In terms of the freedom of the participants to vote or to influence their choices, the international media did not monitor in any way any intervention by the security, executive or other state agencies to influence the positions of voters in the referendum in any specific direction, despite the intensive presence of all parties concerned with maintaining the security and protection of citizens and the democratic process. In certain instances, some media outlets have published reports that have not been verified on bags of food being given to some voters. Noteworthy: The coverage of such claims was limited, not exceeding (4) media reports. The claims in these reports are contradictory, two of which referred to the transfer of citizens from villages and giving them food in return for voting, which is not true in light of the existence of electoral committees everywhere near the residence of all citizens. These reports mentioned that the purpose is to encourage the exercise of the right to vote and not to influence voters in a certain direction, which confirms the opposite of what the writers of such reports intended. There is no doubt that should the State with all its organs present at all the referendum premises, wishes to counter the will of the voters or influence them, did not need these limited individual practices to encourage voters to cast their ballots in the way they want. That in the four instances, it was noted that businessmen or party delegates are the ones who provided this assistance and not any State entity. In one of these reports, readers were misled by using old photos of food supply, including a photo that was published more than a year ago, to think that these photos were taken during the current referendum. Fourth: Several international media outlets traced the views, positions and activities of the parties and people opposing the constitutional amendments, including the activities of the Civil Democratic Movement, which many media outlets described as including 10 parties and which held a press conference calling for a no vote on the amendments, as well as other websites which some media outlets said they had tens of thousands of followers and invited them to vote against the amendments. The international media also polled the views of dozens of opposition figures on the constitutional amendments from all political spectrum, calling on citizens to vote against the amendments. All this has confirmed to everyone the utterly expansive atmosphere for all political parties to freely express their views and practice their political activities. Fifth: Regarding all that has been published in the media outlets around the world, or through some other organizations on the content of the constitutional amendments themselves, and the jurisprudence on what such amendments mean for the political system and political institutions in Egypt, all that has said in this regard is worthless false readings. The people of Egypt is the only entity, that has the right to express its decisive opinion about these amendments in a unique way known in the world and in all democratic systems through casting ballots. No one has the right to confiscate the will of the Egyptian people, or to jump on its position and decision, which is determined by the results of the voting on the referendum. All that is allowed for everyone is to make sure that the Egyptian people has been empowered to exercise the right to vote freely in the referendum. This is a fact recognized by all the political parties in Egypt and the media outlets that covered all stages of the voting process both in Egypt and abroad. Search Keywords: Short link: