The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has announced that it will launch a probe on Apple, Samsug and other tech companies that manufacture certain touch devices. Its decision was prompted by a complaint filed by Ireland-based company Neodron, which accused several device manufacturers of infringing on its touchscreen-related patents. Neodron's portfolio of patents was originally granted to Silicon Valley firm Atmel. It's a fairly new company founded in 2018 and is notorious for suing various tech corporations for patent infringement. For the case that prompted this particular investigation, it's asking the ITC to issue limited exclusion and cease and desist orders again several companies. The ITC says its probe will cover Amazon, Apple, Asus, LG, Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung and Sony. According to AppleInsider, two of Apple's products involved in the case are the iPhone 11 and the third-generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro. The ITC clarifies that starting an investigation on the companies doesn't mean it has already made a "decision on the merits of the case." It will set a target date for the probe's completion within 45 days after starting it and an evidentiary hearing will be held at a later date. Union Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai on Tuesday informed the Lok Sabha there have been reports regarding the presence of illegal immigrants in the country and that possibility of their staying in religious places may not be ruled out. The Minister gave out this information in a written reply in the Lower House of the Parliament. 'Some of them are illegally staying after the expiry of their stay' "There are reports regarding the presence of illegal immigrants who have entered the country without valid travel documents. Some of them are illegally staying after the expiry of their stay. Possibility of their staying in religious places may not be ruled out," said the Minister. To another question in Lok Sabha, the Minister said statistics of foreigners arriving into India are not maintained community-wise. "Statistics of foreigners arriving in India are not maintained community-wise. However, 25,782 persons belonging to minority communities in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan granted Long Term Visa (LTV) from 1 Jan 2015 to Dec 2019," Rai informed. The minister said the government has extended various facilities to such people living in India on LTV. These include a grant of LTV for a period of five years at a time, allowing their children to take admission in schools, colleges, universities, technical/professional institutions without any specific permission from the state government/UT administration, permitting them to engage in employment in the private sector, purchase of dwelling unit and accommodation for carrying out self-employment, the opening of bank accounts, issuance of driving license, PAN card and Aadhaar number, he said. Congress, NCP, DMK members walkout from Lok Sabha Meanwhile, Opposition members, including from the DMK, Congress and NCP, on Tuesday, walked out of the Lok Sabha claiming they were not allowed to ask supplementary questions during the Question Hour. Some Opposition members stood up in protest when Nityanand Rai was replying to a question related to the official language. As Speaker Om Birla took up the next question during the Question Hour, DMK leader T R Baalu vociferously protested that they should be allowed to ask supplementary questions. READ | MoS Nityanand Rai says NPR exercise to be carried out from April to September 2020 Amid the din, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi intervened and said it was an issue at the heart of the people of Tamil Nadu and that supplementary should be allowed. He was apparently referring to issues regarding the official language. READ | MoS Nityanand Rai confirms receiving proposal on renaming West Bengal to 'Bangla' With the Speaker continuing with the next question, members from various Opposition parties, including DMK, Congress, and NCP walked out from the House. Some Congress leaders were also seen talking to TMC leader Sudip Bandhoypadhya but the party's members remained in their seats. READ | 'Assam NRC data fully secured', says MoS Nityanand Rai, after list went offline last month READ | 'Existing laws for citizens' protection cover journalists too': MoS on scribes' safety (With agency inputs) Starting at midnight on March 17, Ukraine blocked all types of traffic across the state border as part of measures to combat the Covid-2019 epidemic. This was reported on the website of Ukraines Cabinet of Ministers. "From 00:00 March 17, 2020, all international scheduled services - air, rail and bus are canceled in Ukraine. The National Security and Defense Council recommends Ukrainian citizens refrain from traveling abroad and those who are outside the country now return home," the message says. The restrictions will remain in force until April 3, unless otherwise is decided in the fight against the coronavirus by the authorities. As we reported earlier, on Tuesday, March 17, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) will hold an extraordinary emergency meeting on counteraction of the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. According to sources, the meeting will focus on measures of counteraction of the spread of the coronavirus, and the NSDC will make a number of important decisions. People order drinks and crowd around the Field House bar in Center City Philadelphia on Saturday, March 14, 2020. People were celebrating in honor of St. Patrick's Day at the bar, despite social distancing recommendations due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. Read more The coronavirus pandemic has led many Philadelphians to begin preparing for significant disruptions to their lives, from emptying grocery store shelves to avoiding public transportation. But some young people are jumping at the chance to take advantage of cheap flights and hotel deals. And before Mayor Jim Kenney shut down nonessential businesses on Monday, young people were still going out to bars and restaurants through the weekend. This is not a smart move, physicians said, even if people under age 30 are less at risk for contracting coronavirus than older adults. Airplanes can be a potential means of getting the virus, said Ron Goren, an infectious-disease specialist at St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne and Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia. Even if you dont get the virus, you could wind up in quarantine for two weeks. Theres a reason why flights are so cheap. Its probably better to get a good book and Netflix, and hunker down for the time being. Lawrence Livornese, an infectious-disease specialist and the chairman of the department of medicine at Main Line Health, said that even though young people are at lower risk for dying from coronavirus, they need to follow recommendations from health officials to help prevent community spread. Research has shown that people can still spread the virus even if theyre not showing symptoms. Social distancing can help reduce the number of overall cases, keep the health-care system from being overwhelmed, and buy governments and the private sector time to develop treatments, testing kits, and other supplies. The whole concept of social distancing is to protect the community, Livornese said. Theres a social obligation to help protect the public, even if that doesnt directly affect you." Goren agreed. From a purely societal point of view, we may run out of ICU rooms and ventilators, he said. Young people can make a contribution by doing the best they can not to get it, so they dont spread it to other people they love who may be at a much greater risk than they may be at." Preliminary research from China has shown that while most COVID-19 cases can be managed at home, 15% of people who get infected have to be hospitalized, and 5% of them require intensive care. The statistics from Italy, where the population is older and more susceptible, are more concerning over half of infected individuals required hospitalization, and 10% needed treatment in the ICU. The more people that are sick, even if its a low percentage of 30-year-olds who get severely ill, that will be enough to flood the hospitals and stretch the health-care system, said Henry Fraimow, an epidemiologist at Cooper University Health Care. And for those young people who assume if they get COVID-19, theyll develop immunity, experts caution that thinking is dangerous. Fraimow said that physicians are not yet sure whether coronavirus immunity will work more like immunity to measles, which is lifelong, or like immunity to seasonal influenza, which can vary year by year due to small changes in the virus. For a lot of respiratory viruses, we have no preexisting immunity, especially when a new one like this shows up, Fraimow said. When you become infected, part of that response is that your body makes antibodies as a response, and the response gets more mature over the course of the infection. Goren cautioned that young people with underlying health issues, like asthma and diabetes, may be at greater risk. Thats a population that should be aware that they may run into trouble with coronavirus, he said. He also pointed out that not all young people who have gotten the virus have survived. Last month, Chinese citizens mourned the death of 34-year-old Li Wenliang, the ophthalmologist in Wuhan who first tried to warn his peers that the viral infections could grow out of control. Two otherwise healthy 29-year-old medical professionals in Wuhan fell ill after working long hours, and only one recovered. Doctors are also unsure of the long-term complications of contracting the disease. Livornese said that other respiratory viruses and infections can leave people with asthma, but cautioned that since the world is only two months into the outbreak, all preliminary reports must be taken with caution. Above all, get your information from reliable sources, like the CDC, Goren said. Dont read social media. Do things like hand washing, hand sanitizing throughout the day. Bump elbows instead of hugging or shaking hands. Stay home if you feel sick and out of crowded areas, and dont panic. Livornese said that when looking at other countries fighting the epidemic, there is no question about the seriousness of the situation. This is an event thats unprecedented in most peoples lifetimes, he said. Following the confirmation of three positive coronavirus cases in Kenya, Makueni County has banned touting and suspended all market days with immediate effect. Speaking on Monday at his office, Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana also ordered Muguka and miraa chewing joints to close down as a precautionary measure to avoid the spread of the virus in the county. Bars in the county will remain open from 5 pm to 11 pm but will be required to provide their clients with soap and water or sanitizers. The county boss further directed residents to limit funeral attendance to close family members and relatives and minimise on gatherings like weddings, meetings, workshops, seminars and religious meetings. Additionally, public transport vehicles including boda boda riders are required to use hand sanitizers or have handwashing facilities at various stages. Supermarkets, malls, places of work and gyms are also required to provide alcohol-based sanitizers or soap and water. We shall also enhance sanitation, especially along Mombasa Road stop overs with soap and water or sanitisers. We also encourage residents to have the same handwashing facilities at homes, said Prof. Kibwana. He said hospital visits for patients admitted in public and private hospitals will be limited to designated visitors. The governor also called on the members of the public to avoid panic buying of consumer goods and warned traders against inflating prices. We urge traders to observe consumer protection by maintaining fair prices, added the governor. Prof Kibwana said isolation centres had been established in all the six sub-counties to combat the virus. We are continually training health workers on the virus and have dedicated a county hotline 0790777756, he said. OTTAWAGen. Jonathan Vance says the Canadian military will take a hard look at how to respond to the skyrocketing number of requests for assistance with climate-related emergencies. The Canadian Armed Forces has seen a 1,000 per cent increase in the number of requests over the past four years as floods, snowstorms, fires and other emergencies have swamped different parts of the country. In a recent interview with The Canadian Press, Vance says providing such assistance is a key role for the Armed Forces, and one it is happy to do. But he says the growing frequency and scope of the disasters threatens to stretch the military thin, and is concerned it will start to detract from militarys primary focus preparing for war. The federal government is preparing to launch a major review of North Americas defences that will look at everything from ballistic missiles to cyberattacks and misinformation campaigns. But Vance says natural disasters will also figure in the discussion, including whether to boost the capabilities of the military, including the reserves, or civil organizations that are also tasked with responding to emergencies. The next hearing on March 23 will be closed to press and relatives of the victims The trial in the Netherlands of four men accused of murder over the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 will continue behind closed doors later this month due to the coronavirus outbreak, the court said on Tuesday. Pre-trial hearings in the case against three Russians and one Ukrainian began in Amsterdam last week, Reuters recalls. Prosecutors allege that the defendants helped to arrange the Russian missile system used to shoot down the civilian aircraft, killing all onboard. Of the 298 victims, most were Dutch. Read alsoDivine retribution. Will The Hague Tribunal bring Russian killers of MH17 passengers to justice The next hearing on March 23 will be closed to press and relatives of the victims, and the number of prosecutors and lawyers allowed into the court room will also be limited, the court said. Thereafter the case is scheduled to continue in June. UNIAN memo. Malaysia Airlines' MH17 Boeing 777 heading from Amsterdam for Kuala Lumpur was shot down on July 17, 2014, over Russia-occupied territory in Donetsk region. All 298 people on board who were citizens of 10 countries were killed in the crash. The majority of the victims, 196, were citizens of the Netherlands. The Dutch Safety Board October 13, 2015, issued a report on the causes of the accident. It was revealed that the plane had been shot down by a Buk anti-aircraft missile system. The Joint Investigation Team in its report published on September 28, 2016, confirmed that the plane had been downed by a Russian-made Buk brought to Ukraine from Russia. On June 19, 2019, JIT investigators accused four Russia-controlled military intelligence officers of involvement in a missile attack that shot down MH17. The first four suspects in the MH17 case are Russian terrorist Igor Girkin (AKA "Strelkov"), who in the summer of 2014 was the so-called "Minister of Defense of the Donetsk People's Republic" ("DPR"); Russian General Sergei Dubinsky (nom de guerre "Khmuryi"), who led the "DPR intelligence;" Oleg Pulatov (nom de guerre "Gyurza"), who in 2014 headed of "the 2nd division of the GRU of the DPR;" as well as Leonid Kharchenko (nom de guerre "Krot"), who was a leader of the "reconnaissance battalion" of Russia-led forces. The trial in the Netherlands started on March 9. Unfortunately for some shareholders, the Boston Scientific (NYSE:BSX) share price has dived 35% in the last thirty days. The recent drop has obliterated the annual return, with the share price now down 28% over that longer period. Assuming nothing else has changed, a lower share price makes a stock more attractive to potential buyers. While the market sentiment towards a stock is very changeable, in the long run, the share price will tend to move in the same direction as earnings per share. The implication here is that long term investors have an opportunity when expectations of a company are too low. One way to gauge market expectations of a stock is to look at its Price to Earnings Ratio (PE Ratio). A high P/E ratio means that investors have a high expectation about future growth, while a low P/E ratio means they have low expectations about future growth. Check out our latest analysis for Boston Scientific How Does Boston Scientific's P/E Ratio Compare To Its Peers? Boston Scientific's P/E of 8.16 indicates relatively low sentiment towards the stock. If you look at the image below, you can see Boston Scientific has a lower P/E than the average (32.7) in the medical equipment industry classification. NYSE:BSX Price Estimation Relative to Market, March 17th 2020 Its relatively low P/E ratio indicates that Boston Scientific shareholders think it will struggle to do as well as other companies in its industry classification. Since the market seems unimpressed with Boston Scientific, it's quite possible it could surprise on the upside. If you consider the stock interesting, further research is recommended. For example, I often monitor director buying and selling. How Growth Rates Impact P/E Ratios Earnings growth rates have a big influence on P/E ratios. That's because companies that grow earnings per share quickly will rapidly increase the 'E' in the equation. And in that case, the P/E ratio itself will drop rather quickly. So while a stock may look expensive based on past earnings, it could be cheap based on future earnings. Story continues Boston Scientific's earnings made like a rocket, taking off 179% last year. And earnings per share have improved by 136% annually, over the last three years. So you might say it really deserves to have an above-average P/E ratio. Don't Forget: The P/E Does Not Account For Debt or Bank Deposits The 'Price' in P/E reflects the market capitalization of the company. That means it doesn't take debt or cash into account. The exact same company would hypothetically deserve a higher P/E ratio if it had a strong balance sheet, than if it had a weak one with lots of debt, because a cashed up company can spend on growth. Such expenditure might be good or bad, in the long term, but the point here is that the balance sheet is not reflected by this ratio. So What Does Boston Scientific's Balance Sheet Tell Us? Boston Scientific's net debt equates to 25% of its market capitalization. While that's enough to warrant consideration, it doesn't really concern us. The Verdict On Boston Scientific's P/E Ratio Boston Scientific's P/E is 8.2 which is below average (12.7) in the US market. The company does have a little debt, and EPS growth was good last year. The low P/E ratio suggests current market expectations are muted, implying these levels of growth will not continue. What can be absolutely certain is that the market has become more pessimistic about Boston Scientific over the last month, with the P/E ratio falling from 12.5 back then to 8.2 today. For those who prefer invest in growth, this stock apparently offers limited promise, but the deep value investors may find the pessimism around this stock enticing. Investors should be looking to buy stocks that the market is wrong about. As value investor Benjamin Graham famously said, 'In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine. So this free visualization of the analyst consensus on future earnings could help you make the right decision about whether to buy, sell, or hold. Of course, you might find a fantastic investment by looking at a few good candidates. So take a peek at this free list of companies with modest (or no) debt, trading on a P/E below 20. If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned. We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading. A suspected robber accused of stealing 17,000 from a Singapore bank has been extradited from the UK to face criminal charges. David James Roach allegedly walked out of the Standard Chartered bank with an envelope of cash after handing a note to the cashier saying: This is a robbery, I have a gun in my bag. A 26-year-old cashier, fearing for her safety, quietly handed over the money in the July 7, 2016 robbery. Two days later Roach is said to have flown to Thailand. However, he was stopped at customs with an envelope of cash and sentenced to 14 months in prison for violating money laundering and Thai customs laws. The Canadian was deported in January 2018 and detained in London. Judges have now ordered his extradition back to Singapore to face robbery and theft charges. Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA) has urged Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan to provide an adequate number of masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to ensure the protection of doctors from the risk of coronavirus infections. In a letter to Dr Vardhan on Tuesday, the FORDA, an association created for the welfare of resident doctors all over India, has also highlighted that doctors in the country are not covered by any health insurance scheme. "Doctors are at the frontline and the first point of contact in emergency response. The medical fraternity stands in full support of the effort to control the COVID-19 pandemic. However, sadly the frontline warriors are ill-equipped in this battle and are at very high risk of contracting the infection and de, eloping the disease which has no cure or vaccine so far." "We would hereby like to request you to ensure the protection of doctors working in healthcare institutions in this on-going COVID-19 pandemic by making arrangements for health insurance cover and to provide an adequate number of masks and other PPE on an urgent basis," added the FORDA in the letter. The number of novel coronavirus cases in India rose to 126 on Tuesday, the Union Health Ministry has said. The country's highest tally of 36 cases is from Maharashtra, which includes three foreign nationals. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Annual General Meeting of Arion Bank 2020 was held at the Bank's headquarters at Borgartun 19, 105 Reykjavik, on 17 March 2020 at 16:00. Electronic voting was used at the meeting for the first time. When the results of the voting were examined at the end of the meeting it emerged that not all shareholders' votes had been counted in respect of certain items on the agenda. Due to human error, votes cast in a different system were not properly transmitted to the main voting system. In the case of the proposal under item 14 (Authorization to issue warrants and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association) this error meant that the incorrect result of voting on the proposal was announced at the meeting. It was incorrectly stated that the proposal had been rejected when in actual fact it was accepted with 80.8% of votes cast. The aforementioned error did not have any effect on the results of voting on other items on the agenda. The minutes of the AGM will be amended accordingly. Detailed results of the AGM will be published on the Bank's website within 15 days. Below are the results of the meeting: 1. The report of the Board of Directors on the Bank's operations, activities and financial situation during the last financial year was presented by Brynjolfur Bjarnason, Chairman 2. The Bank's annual financial statements were approved 3. A proposal on a dividend payment was postponed Before the AGM Arion Bank received written requests from shareholders controlling more than one third of the share capital of Arion Bank to postpone a decision at the AGM on dividend for two months. The requests were made on the basis of Article 84 (3) of the Public Limited Companies Act No. 2/1995. The request is in line with the suggestion of the Central Bank of Iceland that financial institutions reconsider their proposals on dividend in light of the economic uncertainty due to COVID-19. 4. Election of the Bank's Board of Directors The meeting approved the proposal from the Nomination Committee regarding the following candidates to be elected to the Board of Directors and the Alternate Board. Brynjolfur Bjarnason will be Chairman and Herdis Drofn Fjeldsted Vice Chairman. The Board of Directors is now presented by the following 7 candidates: Brynjolfur Bjarnason (Chairman) Herdis Drofn Fjeldsted (Vice Chairman) Gunnar Sturluson Liv Fiksdahl Paul Richard Horner Renier Lemmens Steinunn Kristin orardottir and the Alternates are: Olafur Orn Svansson Sigurbjorg Asta Jonsdottir rostur Rikharsson 5. It was approved that Deloitte ehf., will continue to act as the Bank's external auditors Deloitte ehf. was elected to continue to act as the Bank's external auditors until the next AGM. This proposal is based on an agreement between Arion Bank and Deloitte from August 2019 and Article 90 of Act no. 161/2002, on Financial Undertakings. 6. A proposal on remuneration to the Board of Directors and compensation to members of the Board's sub-committees was approved It was approved that the monthly salary of Board members be ISK 490,900, the monthly salary of the Vice Chairman be ISK 736,200 and the monthly salary of the Chairman be ISK 981,400. The salary of Alternate members will be ISK 248,600 for each meeting attended, up to maximum of ISK 490,900 in the case of more than one meeting a month. In the case of foreign Board members, the aforementioned figures shall be doubled. Board members residing in Iceland shall enjoy private pension rights (Ice. sereignarsparnaur) in accordance with the Confederation of Icelandic Bank and Finance Employees labour agreement. In addition, it will be permitted to pay those Board members who serve on Board committees of the company a maximum of ISK 196,300 a month for serving on each committee, and the chairmen of Board committees ISK 255,000 a month. 7. A proposal on remuneration to the members of the Nomination Committee was approved Members of the Nomination Committee, including the chairman of the Committee, will receive ISK 154,500 for each Committee meeting attended, up to maximum of ISK 154,500 per month in case of more than one meeting a month and maximum of ISK 927,000 per calendar year. 8. Share option plan The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to implement a share option plan for the Bank's employees on the purchase of shares in the Bank, limited to ISK 600,000 market value purchase price per annum every year for the next five years. The option plan will be enacted on the basis of the provisions of Article 10 of the Income Tax Act no. 90/2003. 9. A proposal from the Board of Directors concerning the Bank's Remuneration Policy was approved The meeting approved the Bank's Remuneration Policy as it was presented to the meeting. The full Remuneration Policy is attached. 10. Rules of Procedure for the Nomination Committee It was approved to change the Rules of Procedure for the Nomination Committee, as proposed by the Nomination Committee. The Rules of Procedure are attached. 11. Two members of the Bank's Nomination Committee were elected There were two candidates and they were automatically elected without voting taking place: Julius orfinnsson Sam Taylor 12. Proposal to reduce share capital by cancelling the Bank's own shares and a corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association was approved The Meeting resolved to cancel 84,000,000 shares amounting to ISK 84,000,000 of the Bank's share capital, reducing it from ISK 1,814,000,000 to ISK 1,730,000,000 at nominal value. The reduction will be executed by cancelling the Bank's own shares amounting to the above mentioned amount provided that all applicable legal conditions are met. 13. Renewal of an authorization to purchase own shares and a corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association was approved The meeting renewed the authorization to the Board of Directors, based on Article 55 of the Company Act No. 2/1995 to acquire on behalf of the Bank up to 10% of issued share capital in the Bank. The authorization shall be used for setting up formal share repurchase program or for the purpose of offering shareholders generally to sell their shares to the Bank, e.g. through auction, provided equal treatment of shareholders is ensured should such offer be made. The repurchase of shares under this authorization is conditional upon the prior approval of the Financial Supervisory Authority in accordance with paragraph 3 (a) of Article 84 of the Act on Financial Undertakings no 161/2002. In order to achieve the objective of implementing a formal share repurchase program the Board is authorized to repurchase shares in the Bank up to the authorized ratio of issued share capital, which is 10%. The highest permitted price for each share shall be the latest independent trade or the highest independent bid, whichever is higher. The Bank's transactions with its own shares under a repurchase programme shall be published in accordance with laws and regulations This authorization shall remain in effect until the Bank's Annual General Meeting in 2021 or 15 September 2021, whichever occurs first. Older authorizations to purchase own shares are cancelled by accepting this authorization. 14. Authorization to issue warrants and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association The Board of Directors of the Company was authorized, until the Company's Annual General Meeting in 2022, to issue warrants for up to 54,000,000 new shares in the Company. The Board of Directors is furthermore authorized for five years, until 17 March 2025, to increase the Company's share capital in relation to the exercise of the warrants. To whom the warrants are offered shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Neither shareholders, nor others, shall enjoy priority rights to the warrants nor shares issued in relation to their exercise. The Board of Directors determines the final price of the warrants on the basis of a book-building process in a private placement and other terms and conditions of the warrants. 15. Amendment to the Bank's Articles of Association was approved It was approved that Article 10.10 of the Bank's Articles of Association be amended in such a way that a shareholder's right to have a specific matter dealt with at a convened shareholders' meeting, if it makes a written or electronic request, be limited to the Annual General Meeting. 16. Other business Brynjolfur Bjarnason, newly elected Chairman of the Board, on behalf of the newly elected Board of Directors thanked the meeting for the trust shown to them. Todd McFarlane talks about his first Spawn team book and the culmination of the 'Year of Spawn' The comic book icon looks back at the 'Year of Spawn' and forward to his first-ever team book The Scorched Battling rising number of novel coronavirus cases, the Maharashtra government has suspended the use of breath-analyser for testing drunk driving cases for the time being. A senior Home Ministry official said the move is aimed at minimising the chances of viral transmission by restricting person-to-person contacts. "We have decided to suspend the use of breath-analyser apparatus for the time being," he said. It is in fact a very useful equipment to maintain the neutrality and objectivity of police officials who use this apparatus during checking, the official added. However, regular checking of vehicles by police personnel will continue. A circular in this regard was issued by Vinay Kargaonkar, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Maharashtra Highway Police, on Monday. "Outbreak of coronavirus has been reported in the state. To contain the spread of the virus, the police personnel need to take precautionary measures accordingly. "Hence, Traffic Police personnel in all police units should not conduct breath-analyser tests for alcohol consumption by motorists," stated the circular. The test would be resumed once the situation gets normal, he added. Kargaonkar told PTI in Nagpur that the decision was taken to prevent further spread of coronavirus infection. He said police personnel are vulnerable to the infection because they have to place the breath-analyser apparatus into the mouth of motorists to check whether they are driving drunk. Meanwhile, the Home ministry official said that though the number of drunk driving cases declined from 18,000 in 2015 to 11,700 in 2018, the number is still high. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Microsoft India and NASSCOM Foundation on Tuesday launched the Innovate for Accessible India campaign aimed at empowering people with disabilities with the technology and tools required for better integration into society and access to equal opportunities. The campaign will be an aggregator of workable technology solutions developed using Microsoft cloud, artificial intelligence and other technologies that address gaps faced by people with disabilities, especially in acquiring services and support in education, skill building, employment, mobility, rehabilitation and other government services. The campaign will invite applications from students, citizens and social impact organisations to build customised solutions that address challenges faced by people with disabilities across the 21 officially recognised disabilities. The10 best solutions that address key challenges faced by people with disabilities will be provided mentoring support by Microsoft and NASSCOM Foundation, along with grants to develop and scale their solution. The winning innovations stand to win a grant of Rs 10 lakh each in the established projects category (pilot testing with a group of more than 25 beneficiaries) and a grant of Rs 5 lakh each in the early stage category (working prototype tested by less than 25 people). "With over a billion people around the world living with some form of disability, it is critical that we find new ways to use technology to enable everyone to fully participate in the socio-economic environment around us," said Microsoft India President Anant Maheshwari. The campaign is in partnership with Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Department of Science and Technology, and National Research and Education Network. . (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) New Delhi, March 17 : Union Minister of State for Finance Anurag Thakur has said that people should not panic on the issue of coronavirus and take precautions instead. The MoS Finance also said that the Prime Minister has asked all the MPs to create awareness when they find time and on weekends. "Need to take precaution and not panic," said Anurag Thakur. The Government has already issued certain guidelines on the issue of spread of COVID-19, the government on Monday prohibited the entry of passengers from the European countries and Turkey as a precautionary measure from March 18 to 31. The government also announced to expand the minimum quarantine for people travelling to India from the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Kuwait. He said the decision will come into effect from March 18 12:00 GMT, at the port of first departure. He also said that the government has prohibited the entry of passengers from member countries of the European Union, the European Free Trade Association, Turkey and the UK to India with effect from March 18. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country rose to 126 with Odisha reporting its first COVID-19 patient and new cases in Karnataka, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala. The government has taken several steps to contain the virus, including suspension of all visas to India till April 15, after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) The Hagelgans family on their front porch in Souderton: (from left)Kendall, 12; Scott; Laura; and Ethan, 15. Lauren was working as a contract special needs physical therapist assistant at two suburban school districts, but when Montgomery County shut its schools, she lost her paycheck. Read more Hey, Washington and Corporate America: Its time to rescue the Hagelgans. And fast. This Pennsylvania family and countless others across the country are in financial crisis. They have been writing me from as far away as California since last week as the coronavirus pandemic has cut them off from paychecks. I had called for immediate aid in a column last week. They are our nations independent contractors, and they are desperately afraid. Heres what they need and what even deep-pocketed money guys agree is of utmost importance: The federal government must send cash for wages that have been cut off. Sizable cash not crumbs. Government must expand unemployment benefits, for which these gig-economy workers are ineligible. And the corporations that could bankrupt these folks must step up, too. The time is now for reductions in hefty monthly cable and cell phone bills not just deferments of late fees as their kids are home doing schoolwork on computers. Mortgage help, too, will be essential to keep Americans from losing their homes because theyve suddenly lost one or more incomes. Dont believe me. Listen to Lauren Hagelgans. The wife and mother of two cried as we talked from her Souderton home this week. I work in a school district. Theyre all closed, which means I have no work, which means I dont get paid, Lauren said. Id called after hearing from her dad, Inquirer reader Louis Russo, who was worried sick for his daughter. I receive nothing. And Ive got kids home. I have bills to pay. I have a mortgage. I have car payments. I have everyday household bills everybodys cell phones that right now I dont know whats going to happen. Lauren, 45, lost all income from her part-time contract job as a physical therapist assistant for special-needs children at two suburban Philadelphia school districts on Friday. It happened as Montgomery County schools were ordered shut to prevent further spread of the coronavirus in what, up to that point, had been Pennsylvanias epicenter of the outbreak just outside of Philadelphia. Its a job with no benefits through a third-party company. She had taken the post only after being laid off in October from a job that had paid sick leave and vacation time. The reason she had lost that other job? Changes in the federal governments Medicare reimbursements that forced cuts at the facility where shed worked. Her husband, Scott, a draftsman for a surveying company, is the familys financial anchor until and unless his own job falters in the weeks ahead. Hes lost jobs twice in the last 20 years due to the economy. My husband has a 401(k) and we borrowed against it so that we could get through those three months with Christmas and just regular household bills, Lauren said. And now were depleted, basically, at this point. [Combined], we make enough that we can pay our bills but not enough to put in savings. They have a 12-year-old daughter and a son who turns 16 in two weeks. They live in a $165,000 home. They pay $1,350 a month in mortgage and local taxes, more than $300 a month for cable, and more than $300 a month for the familys cell phones. Unlike the staff teachers alongside whom Lauren works at the North Penn and Norristown Area school districts, Lauren gets nothing while schools are closed. The same terror is spreading among restaurant workers, employees at other small businesses, and contractors everywhere who like Uber drivers or Realtors get paid no benefits and get no unemployment. Just hours after I visited Lauren and her family on the porch of their home Tuesday morning, President Trump announced a potential federal aid package that would send an unspecified amount of cash to Americans. His people were mum on how big those payments might be. But prior to his announcement Tuesday, Trump had been seemingly fixated on big-employer-friendly payroll tax cuts a useless remedy that would do nothing for businesses that close due to Americans holing up at home as many governors have now ordered. Meanwhile, a House-approved rescue bill that was hammered out last week with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi remains in limbo as the Republican-controlled Senate led by Mitch McConnell has sat on it This is not how you rescue ordinary Americans. We are in a once-in-a-century crisis. We must save people immediately and that means real money in real peoples pockets fast. Over the last decade, big-money investors have sought to glamorize the marginalization of good jobs by labeling benefit-less Uber drivers and other contractors as gig economy workers. As though the no-benefits work were akin to a jazz show in a grotto somewhere. In reality, the proliferation of these jobs has allowed corporations, universities, and school districts to get quality labor on the cheap, while turning private equity investors into billionaires by shoveling cash from gig economy industries into their already-overstuffed pockets. It is time for our capitalists to return the favor. The social compact of democracy calls for nothing less than all hands on deck and those hands had better start shelling out real cash to rescue this countrys workers and its families before its too late. Security guards are being redeployed to keep the peace in supermarkets and temperature-check office staff coming in to work. The security industry, which employs about 148,000 licensed personnel nationally, is bracing for a severe loss of business after the federal government banned gatherings of more than 500 people for the first time in a century. But Grant Talbot, director of Security Guards Melbourne, said businesses had been requesting guards do other services amid the coronavirus pandemic, including checking people's temperature at the front door. If you're 'a little too warm' you're not coming in. Credit:Andrew De La Rue "One of our major clients is an international chemical company we supply with 24-hour security [and] we are now scanning other employees coming in. And if they are a little bit warm they dont come to work." As of August 26th, 2021 Yahoo India will no longer be publishing content. Your Yahoo Account Mail and Search experiences will not be affected in any way and will operate as usual. We thank you for your support and readership. For more information on Yahoo India, please visit the FAQ One of the four death row convicts in the Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case on Tuesday moved a court here to seek quashing of his death penalty on grounds that he was not in the city on the day of the crime. Mukesh Kumar's plea before Additional Sessions Judge Dharmendra Rana claimed he was arrested from Rajasthan and brought to Delhi on December 17, 2012, one day after the crime. The plea, three days before the four men convicted for the gangrape and murder of the 23-year-old physiotherapy intern are scheduled to be hanged, also alleged that he was tortured inside the Tihar jail. The matter is scheduled to be heard later on Tuesday. On March 5, a trial court issued fresh warrants for the execution of Mukesh Singh (32), Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31) on March 20, 5.30 am. This is the fourth death warrant. The earlier three were deferred pending the exhaustion of legal remedies by the convicts. On Monday, Mukesh moved the Supreme Court seeking restoration of legal remedies and alleging that his earlier counsel misled and forced him to sign the papers. The apex court had refused to entertain his plea. On July 9, 2018, the court dismissed his review plea against its judgement. Later, his curative and mercy pleas were rejected by the top court and President Ram Nath Kovind respectively. The young woman, who came to be known as 'Nirbhaya' (the fearless one), was gangraped and savagely assaulted in a moving bus in south Delhi on December 16, 2012. She died after a fortnight. Six people, including the four convicts and a juvenile, were named as accused. Ram Singh, the sixth accused, allegedly committed suicide in Tihar Jail days after the trial began in the case. The juvenile was released in 2015 after spending three years in a correctional home. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Stormont Executive has agreed to introduce a package of measures in the coming weeks to mitigate against the worst effects of the coronavirus outbreak. Proposals include rates relief for businesses, the continuation of free meals after schools close and steps to protect the most vulnerable, specifically the elderly and the homeless. The decision was made at an Executive meeting on Monday night, after the meeting deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill repeated her call for schools to close immediately. It comes after Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged people to avoid non-essential contact with others and travel during a press briefing on Monday. However, he stopped short of closing schools, instead asking people to avoid pubs, clubs and other social gatherings. Mr Johnson said everyone should work from home if they can. The PM also said people with symptoms, or living with someone with symptoms should self-isolate for 14 days. We think at the moment, on balance, its much better if we can keep schools open for all sorts of reasons Boris Johnson Mr Johnson said he is confident people in Northern Ireland are being protected from coronavirus as well as those in the Republic of Ireland, despite the decision not to close schools. This position was reiterated in a statement from Northern Ireland's education minister in a statement on Monday afternoon. Peter Weir said he understands the concerns of schools and parents and said he wants to reassure them his department is working with partners in the education and health sector as well as across government. It's after Belfast's 10 special schools closed indefinitely from Monday as principals sought guidance from the Education Authority (EA) on the health and safety issues concerning children with special needs in relation to the virus. Several schools have taken the situation into their own hands and announced they will shut their doors. Queen's University Belfast has said all lectures will cease from Wednesday and course material will be delivered remotely. Arlene Foster said school closures could last up to 16 weeks when introduced. Meanwhile, Health Minister Robin Swann confirmed on Monday that there have been 52 positive test results for coronavirus in Northern Ireland - an increase of seven from Sunday. 54 new cases were confirmed in the Republic of Ireland. Read More A growing number of bars, restaurants and venues in Northern Ireland have also announced their temporary closure in a bid to stem the spread of the virus. A joint statement from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and Hospitality Ulster said jobs and livelihoods could "go to the wall" as a result. Check out our live blog to see how the latest coronavirus developments unfolded: India on Tuesday reported its third coronavirus fatality with a 63-year-old dying in Mumbai, health ministry officials said as the number of positive cases rose sharply to 137 and more parts of the country shut down to stem the spread of the infection. IMAGE: A man looks at the masks in the wake of deadly coronavirus at a market in Kolkata. Photograph: Ashok Bhaumik/PTI Photo The government, which on Monday banned the entry of passengers from European Union countries, Turkey and the United Kingdom from March 18 till March 31, also closed its doors to those from Afghanistan, the Philippines and Malaysia with immediate effect, according to an additional travel advisory. Unheard of till just a few days ago, 'social distancing' was the buzz-term as public spaces, including monuments such as the Taj Mahal, shut down and many thousands of people prepared to spend the next few days confined to home, working or studying online. The Mumbai patient with a travel history to Dubai is the first COVID-19 death in Maharashtra, which has the most number of coronavirus cases at 39, officials said. Earlier, a 76-year-old man from Kalaburagi in Karnataka with a travel history to Saudi Arabia and a 68-year-old woman in Delhi died after they tested positive for the infection that according to Johns Hopkins University has infected 1,82,000 people and claimed over 7,100 lives globally. The Maharashtra patient, whose wife also tested positive and is stable, was in a private hospital for five days and subsequently referred to Mumbai's Kasturba Hospital, officials said. He reportedly did not disclose his travel history when he was admitted to the private hospital. IMAGE: Passengers wear masks to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic at Chennai airport. Photograph: R Senthil Kumar/PTI Photo Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said the exact cause behind his death is being ascertained as he was also suffering from various ailments. The 137 positive cases, 23 more since Monday night, have been reported from 15 states and union territories. The number includes 24 foreign nationals. Among the new cases are two people from the suburb of Noida bordering the national capital. One recently returned from France and is already in isolation. The other has also been quarantined, Chief Medical Officer Anurag Bhargava said. In Bengaluru, two more persons tested positive for COVID-19 late Monday night. "We have got 2 more #COVID2019 cases in Karnataka taking the total number of confirmed cases to 10," Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Minister B Sriramulu tweeted. Both are admitted to a designated isolation hospital. One is a 20-year-old woman who travelled from the UK and the other a 60-year-old "contact" of the 76-year-old man from Kalaburagi who became the country's first coronavirus casualty last week, officials said. IMAGE: A security guard stands guard at the entrance gate of Safdarjung Tomb in New Delhi. All monuments are closed temporarily as a protective measure against coronavirus. Photograph: Reeti Agarwal/PTI Photo The Union ministry did not immediately add the figures to its national count. According to ministry data, 14 people have been discharged so far, including the three Kerala patients who were discharged last month following their recovery from the contagious infection with flu-like symptoms. Kerala also has the highest number of COVID-19 patients after Maharashtra with 26 patients, including two foreigners. Asking Bharatiya Janata Party MPs to spread awareness about the coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it clear the Budget Session of Parliament will not be curtailed as lawmakers should be seen to be doing their work at a time such as this. In his address at the BJP parliamentary party meeting, Modi heaped praise on doctors and other medical staff as well as airline crews and others involved in tackling the coronavirus crisis, saying they have worked positively and tirelessly, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi told reporters. Amid rising coronavirus cases, the government has said no community transmission of the virus has been observed and there have only been a few cases of local transmission so far. IMAGE: Sanitising operations at the Kempegowda international airport in Bengaluru. Photograph: PTI Photo With the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic, a health ministry official said over 5,700 people who had come in contact with the positive cases have been identified through contact tracing and are under vigorous surveillance. He said all essential facilities like community surveillance, quarantine, isolation wards, adequate personal protective equipment, trained manpower, rapid response teams are being strengthened. The Central Railway cancelled 23 trains citing preventive measures and also non-occupancy. And the DGCA instructed airlines to ensure that all aircraft are deep-cleaned and disinfected at least once in 24 hours. GoAir announces the suspension of its international operations and offered leave without pay for its staff on a rotational basis amid the sharp decline in air travel. The Central government also issued an order asking all ministries to install thermal scanners at government buildings and suspend the routine issue of visitors and temporary passes. As consternation mounted, public events such as concerts and plays and even weddings were called off or pushed indefinitely. People queued up to stock up on essential provisions in the eventuality of a lockdown of their neighbourhoods. Educational institutes, cinema halls as well as several gated communities and other residential neighbourhoods curtailed the number of visitors as did offices that asked many of their people to work from home. Photograph: Sahil Salvi/ IMAGE: A volunteer holds placard to create awareness about COVID-19 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus in Mumbai. "At midnight today we at first fiddle are shutting down all our restaurants till 31st March across the country and we will be back with a bang once the virus goes," said Priyank Sukhija who owns restaurant franchises, including Flying Saucer, Lord of the Drinks and Tamasha, across several cities. In Uttar Pradesh, the state government announced the closure of all educational institutions in the state till April 2. Competitive and other examinations have been postponed till April 2 and tourist places in the city shut, a minister said. Upcoming polls to Maha local bodies postponed The Maharashtra state Election Commission on Tuesday deferred the upcoming elections to local bodies in the state till further orders as a precautionary measure to check the spread of coronavirus. State Election Commissioner UPS Madan said the government had requested that the elections be postponed in view of coronavirus infection. The election commission also stayed the poll-related process. "As per a Bombay High Court order dated August 10, 2005, the SEC has powers to postpone elections in view of natural calamity or a sudden situation. Accordingly, the SEC has stayed the process of ward delimitation, voter list (updation) and other activities related to elections from today (Tuesday) onwards," Madan said. He said voting for 1570 gram panchayats was scheduled to be held on March 31. The nomination process was completed for this election. He said the process of finalising voter lists for the elections to Aurangabad and Navi Mumbai municipal corporations and for by-elections to one seat each in Nashik, Dhule, Parbhani and Thane municipal corporations, is also stayed. Madan said the process for delimitation of wards in the Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation, and municipal councils/nagar panchayats of Ambernath, Kulgaon-Badlapur, Wadi, Rajgurunagar, Bhadgaon, Varangaon, Kaij, Bhokar, and Movad has been stayed as well. The process was also stayed for Bhandara and Gondia zilla parishads and in 15 panchayat samitis under their jurisdiction, besides in 12,000 gram panchayats. The White House on Tuesday proposed a roughly $850bn emergency economic rescue package for US businesses and taxpayers amid the coronavirus crisis a sweeping stimulus package unseen since the Great Recession. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will outline the package to Senate Republicans at a private lunch, with officials aiming to have Congress approve it this week. It provides relief for small businesses and the airline industry and include a significant tax cut for wage-earners. Two people familiar with the request described it to The Associated Press news agency on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak publicly. The White House hopes the measure, first reported by the Washington Post, will pass quickly, possibly this week. It was an enormous political undertaking as the administration scrambled to contain the economic fallout of the severe disruptions to American life from the outbreak. Trump was been accused of initially downplaying the threat of the virus and not acting quickly enough. His administration has also come under fire for the lack of testing kits throughout the country. White House officials offered senators a preliminary briefing late on Monday at the Capitol, saying they want the plan approved by Congress as soon as possible, suggesting in a matter of days. ASAP, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said late Monday. Theres an urgency. Traders watch US President Trump on the monitor on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York The rush to inject cash and resources into the economy is an effort unlike any since the 2008 economic crisis, with political and economic interventions and eye-popping sums to try to protect Americans from the health and financial fallout. Weve got a lot of work to do from here, Mnuchin told reporters late Monday. House bill At the same time, Democrats have proposed their own $750bn package. Senators returned to an emptied out US Capitol, clear of tourists or colleagues from the House, to confront an even more dire situation than the one they left for a long weekend before Trump declared a national emergency. Pending is the House-passed aid package approved early on Saturday with sick pay, free testing and emergency food that is endorsed by President Donald Trump and ready to become law. But action was stalled for much of the day as the Senate waited on the House for technical corrections as Republicans and a leading small business group raised objections, a setback only resolved late in the evening with a House voice vote of approval. Senate passage could follow as early as Tuesday. All sides the House, Senate and White House agree the pending bill is not the last and not nearly enough to handle what is coming. At the start of the month, Congress approved $8.3bn in initial aid. Trump quickly signed into law the measure, which provided federal agencies money for vaccines, tests and potential treatments, and funding to help state and local governments respond to the threat. We will need big, bold, urgent federal action to deal with this crisis, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday. Schumer floated the Democrats proposal for at least $750bn to boost hospital capacity, unemployment insurance and other direct aid for American households, businesses and the healthcare industry. Republican senators conferred privately over their priorities. Republicans, often reluctant to spend federal dollars, did not flinch at the head-spinning number, as a roster of Americas big and small industries airlines, hotels, retailers lined up for aid. Republican Senator Mitt Romney called for sending $1,000 to every adult American. The president conveyed that legislators should not be impeded by the price tag, said Eric Ueland, the White House legislative director. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he wants a comprehensive approach with significant steps for the economy, particularly Main Street businesses. He opened the Senate on Monday with a message to Americans: The Senate stands with you. Pelosi exchanges an elbow bump, exhibiting caution amid coronavirus concerns, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at a Friends of Ireland luncheon on Capitol Hill [Tom Brenner/Reuters] The days ahead will test whether Congress can quickly respond to the crisis. Industries representing a broad swath of the economy are seeking help in withstanding the fallout as schools close and Americans are being told to stay inside, skip nonessential travel and avoid gatherings with 10 people or more. That means no dining out, no boarding planes, no shopping in malls as a great national shutdown sparks business closures, layoffs and lost paychecks for rents, mortgages and everyday needs. Requests for help The nations largest business organisation, the US Chamber of Commerce, asked the Trump administration and Congress on Monday to act rapidly to help companies have access to cash and avert a potentially devastating hit to the economy. The request from the US airlines alone could easily top $50bn, according to Airlines for America, the trade group representing the carriers. Were going to back the airlines 100 percent, Trump said at a White House briefing. Weve told the airlines were going to help them. Empty retail stores are seen in the Manhattan borough, following the outbreak of COVID-19 in New York City, US [Jeenah Moon/Reuters] In a letter to Trump and congressional leaders, the Chamber of Commerce called for legislation including a three-month cancellation of the taxes companies pay to support Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance. No family and no business should go bankrupt just because of the temporary disruption in income caused by the coronavirus, said the chambers CEO, Thomas J Donohue. The nations governors were also calling on Congress to swiftly bring economic aid, particularly for the unemployment insurance system to help displaced workers, and fast. We need a better response from the federal government, said Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, a Democrat. I am out of patience. What are we waiting for? Pulling together the new package will challenge the basic logistics of governing as Congress itself struggled to adapt to the new normal. House Democrats were told on a conference call they will not be recalled to Washington, DC, until the next package is ready for action, according to people familiar with the call but unauthorised to discuss it and granted anonymity. The 100-member Senate convened for an evening vote a potentially stunning sight in the new era of social distancing. While different authorities around the country have issued conflicting advice, the Trump administration said at a Monday news conference that Americans should not gather in groups of more than 10 people over the next 15 days. The No 2 Senate Democratic leader, Dick Durbin of Illinois, counting the number of senators on the floor, questioned what example they were setting. He urged swift passage of the House package. What are we waiting for? he asked. A Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) workers cleaning a station at the lobby of Grand Central Station during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease, COVID-19, in New York City, US [Jeenah Moon/Reuters] Despite Trumps robust support, a handful of Republicans said they wanted to make changes in the House-passed measure. It doesnt go far enough, said Republican Senator Tom Cotton. In addition, the National Federation of Independent Business, which counts hundreds of thousands of small-business members, initially opposed it. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover from the new virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover. Union Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai, however, said statistics of foreigners arriving into India are not maintained community-wise New Delhi: As many as 25,782 people belonging to minority communities in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan have been granted Long Term Visa (LTV) in last five years, Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday. Union Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai, however, said statistics of foreigners arriving into India are not maintained community-wise. A total of 25,782 people belonging to minority communities in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan have been granted Long Term Visa (LTV) from 1 January, 2015 to 31 December, 2019 after their arrival in India, he said replying to a written question. The minister said the government has extended various facilities to such people living in India on LTV. These include grant of LTV for a period of five years at a time, allowing their children to take admission in schools, colleges, universities, technical/professional institutions without any specific permission from the state government/UT administration, permitting them to engage in employment in private sector, purchase of dwelling unit and accommodation for carrying out self employment, opening of bank accounts, issuance of driving license, PAN card and Aadhaar number, he said. Advertisement An iconic market in the heart of a major Australian city sits practically empty as the hoarders tear each other apart at suburban supermarkets. Melbourne's iconic Queen Victoria Market was eerily quiet on Tuesday as Australians continue to lock themselves away amid coronavirus choas. Market shopkeepers wearing masks stared into the wilderness with tonnes of fresh produce untouched while maniacs punched on for scraps at the big supermarket chains. The Queen Victoria Market was eerily quiet on Tuesday morning when it would normally be bustling Fresh produce was in abundant supply, but hardly anyone was buying it. Smart shoppers raided the meat section, but there was still loads left my midday The Queen Victoria Market is a tourist hot spot and go to place for fresh produce. It was quiet on Tuesday as people stayed at home By lunch time the smart shoppers had cleared out much the meat section, but enough still remained. Any butcher will tell you stock is in healthy supply outside of the big chains. One butcher in Melbourne's west told Daily Mail Australia he had sold a month's worth of meat in a day, but expected supply to keep rolling in. Across Melbourne, it was a similar scene as bored shopkeepers wearing masks watched what remained of the world pass by. Shopkeepers that remained open on Tuesday are uncertain about how much longer they will be able to. Business has all but died anyway. While not totally empty, the streets of Melbourne have been reduced to what resembles a lazy Sunday in winter when an AFL game isn't being played. Hardly a soul walks down the Bourke Street Mall. The State Library just down the road is usually bustling with students and tourists who sit outside on its lush, green lawns. On Tuesday a rope had been strung across the doors and the grass was all but clear. The court district on the corner of William and Lonsdale streets has been reduced to a crawl. The Flinders Street Station clocks are a well known meeting place and are usually busy any time of the day. On Tuesday they were practically alone The Supreme Court of Victoria on Williams Street was quiet on Tuesday. Most trials have been put off due to the coronavirus outbreak The Bourke Street Mall looks like it might on a quiet Sunday when no footy is on in Melbourne While a few 'silks' can be seen walking along the road, the courts have practically come to a halt. Sitting by the Federal Court, one can hear the rattling of the flag pole. It is deathly quiet. Just off Collins Street, between Flinders Street, Degraves Street has become a shadow of its former self. It is the go to place for a quick feed for office workers and tourists alike. It's all quiet now. A stone's throw away at Flinders Street Station, the iconic clocks look sad and lonely. Hardware Lane is routinely packed throughout the day with diners and people just out for a coffee Chinatown has struggled now for weeks. Delivery vans continue to stop along the route, but very few people are Degraves Street is a go to place for city dwellers any time of the day. Its a hot spot for tourists too, but on Tuesday few ventured there They are usually a meeting point for hundreds of Australians who use their central position to meet. The normally busy intersection the station sits upon is devoid of the foot traffic it's accustomed to. In Chinatown, where the silence first hit, it remains desolate apart from the constant flow of delivery vans. It remains a wonder as to what the restaurants are doing with the product that continues to be delivered. With universities and schools moving to an online education model over the coming days and weeks, Melbourne is expected to come practically to a stand still. Trams and trains are already close to empty. A drive into Melbourne from the outer west took just 30 minutes in peak hour on Tuesday - and that was with a crash on the dreaded West Gate Freeway. Who knows what lays ahead tomorrow. EMpty seats outside Melbourne's iconic Queen Victoria Market. Meanwhile people in the suburbs have gone crazy to get food Thomas Maguire, 62, of Bensalem, Pa., after voting at Bensalem High School in a special election for a state House district in Bucks County on March 17, 2020. Read more County elections officials from across Pennsylvania are urging the state to postpone the 2020 primary election, currently scheduled for April 28 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Elections administrators from five counties in Southeastern Pennsylvania, the region hardest hit by the outbreak, are drafting a letter to send to Gov. Tom Wolf and the Department of State, which oversees elections, requesting that the primary be delayed until June 23. County officials elsewhere said in interviews that they are making similar pleas to lawmakers and the Wolf administration. Were having issues, said Deborah Olivieri, elections director for Berks County. Give us the time to do it right. In addition to public health concerns, the officials say it could be difficult to actually run an election. Some institutions are backing out of serving as polling locations, and some poll workers are saying they cant work on election day. We have to be able to literally hold an election, said Lee Soltysiak, Montgomery Countys chief operating officer and clerk of its elections board. Elections staff have stayed at home as part of a government closure there, and the elections offices in Philadelphia were similarly closed Tuesday and Wednesday this week. That means voters arent being registered, absentee ballot applications arent being processed, and other election preparations arent moving forward. Its nearly impossible, frankly, for us to continue making progress preparing for the April 28 primary, Soltysiak said. Retirement communities and nursing homes have been the first to say they dont want to host voting this time, given that older people are particularly at risk from the virus. But administrators also worry about churches and some other locations. And more poll workers, who tend to be older, will likely decide to sit out this election, they said. Were pulling fire alarms all over the place, trying to tell the state what bad situations were in, said Forrest K. Lehman, elections director for Lycoming County. It gets to the point where you have no infrastructure left. Other state political leaders said the situation was not yet dire. My own personal view is theres probably a little bit of time to make that decision," U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) said Tuesday, adding that its a decision for state officials to make, not federal lawmakers. "This is a late April primary, I think, and we do have mail-in ballots that can be used widely. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney told reporters Tuesday that he didnt have a position on moving the primary. We have to see where we are at the point in time when we have to make a decision," he said. But well consult with everyone involved and make that decision when its appropriate. I think its a little early. Philadelphias chief elections official, City Commissioners Chair Lisa Deeley, said Monday that having an in-person election on April 28 will be exceedingly difficult. In northwestern Pennsylvania, Mercer County elections director Jeff Greenburg said he gets frustrated when he hears people say there is still time to decide. The decision needs to be made now, he said. If we are going to move it, or we are going to make some other determination or contingency, we need to make that decision yesterday," he said. Its not comforting to hear from our leaders that ... we can hold off. Wolf has said state officials are considering their options for the primary, which in addition to the 2020 presidential race includes elections for U.S. House, state House, and state Senate races. READ MORE: Pennsylvania may delay its presidential primary election because of coronavirus Its unclear whether the governor can act unilaterally or whether lawmakers would need to amend the state Election Code, which sets the primary election date as the fourth Tuesday in April. Mike Straub, a spokesperson for the House Republican caucus, said lawmakers have already started to poke around at what can be done. Elections officials are generally loath to reschedule elections. But as the coronavirus pandemic has worsened, a handful of states have postponed primaries, and others are considering it. Bucks County officials tried Monday night to persuade a court to delay a special election held Tuesday, but they were denied. Delaware County Councilwoman Christine Reuther said June 23 would give her county enough time to prepare, and for schools to let out for the summer. One challenge, she said, is that the county wants to roll out new voting machines before November. If a decision is not made to postpone the primary ... it may also result in us not being able to deploy the machines, she said. The counties want to make sure the election is done right. No matter what, well do an election. Because thats peoples right, Reuther said. But how well it happens that is another issue entirely. Staff writers Jonathan Tamari and Laura McCrystal contributed to this article. Tourist information helpers wearing face masks walk along a nearly empty shopping street in Seoul, Tuesday, March 17, 2020. AP Ten more countries have banned the entry of people from South Korea over coronavirus concerns, raising the total number of countries and territories imposing such entry or quarantine restrictions to 150, even though Seoul has seen a marked drop in new infections. Eighty-five countries and territories were set to impose or were already imposing an entry ban on people from Korea, up from 75 the previous day, the foreign ministry's chart showed Tuesday. Canada was the latest in the list with its plan to bring into force an entry ban on Wednesday (Canada time). A few other countries, like Russia, Chile, Georgia and Paraguay toughened their measures for people from South Korea, as opposed to having imposed stricter quarantine procedures. Many of the new countries, like Suriname, a coastal nation in South America, now belong to this category, having declared national border closures and the banning of any arrivals by foreigners to stem the spread of COVID-19. Lithuania, Bulgaria, Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire also joined the list. Some exceptions apply to diplomats and those with long-stay visas, residential permits or other essential reasons. Azerbaijan was added to the list of 17 countries and territories, including 23 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, imposing stricter quarantine procedures for travelers from South Korea and several other virus-hit nations. Travelers flying into these countries and territories are required to go into isolation at designated facilities for at least two weeks. The number of countries and territories implementing stricter health screenings and requiring or recommending self-isolation stood at 43, joined by Greece, the United Arab Emirates and Guinea. Five countries were barring entry of people who have visited Daegu, southeast of Seoul, and North Gyeongsang Province the two epicenters of the virus outbreak in at least the past two weeks, unchanged from the previous tally. The rise in the number of number of countries restricting travel from South Korea comes as the number of new infections in the country has dropped significantly in recent weeks. South Korea reported 84 new cases of the virus Tuesday, bringing its total infections to 8,320, with 81 deaths. It was the third straight day that new infections were in double digits. U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams has also praised South Korea as a model in fighting the coronavirus. "We have a choice to make as a nation. Do we want to go the direction of South Korea and really be aggressive and lower our mortality rates or do we want to go the direction of Italy?" he asked in an interview on Fox News. Italy is the worst-hit country outside China, with at least 27,980 cases and 2,158 deaths. "And when you look at the projections there's every chance that we could be Italy," Adams continued. "But there's every hope that we will be South Korea if people actually listen, if people actually social distance, if people do the basic public health measures that we've all been talking about as doctors all along, such as washing your hands, such as covering your cough, and cleaning surfaces." (Yonhap) Italy's Coronavirus outbreak led to relocation of Tom Cruise blockbuster to England. Mission: Impossible 7 and its Hollywood star Tom Cruise have said 'arrivederci' to Italy and relocated to the UK, reports the British media. Production of the latest installment in the Mission: Impossible series came to a standstill three weeks ago in Venice, as filming coincided with the start of Italy's Coronavirus outbreak which has since been classed as a pandemic. Filming is reportedly taking place at Longcross Studios in Surrey where the 57-year-old Cruise has been photographed by The Daily Mail carrying out his own stunts, as per usual, alongside actress Rebecca Ferguson. Venice The first leg of filming had been scheduled to begin in Venice on 24 February however due to the Coronavirus outbreak the three-week film shoot in Venice was halted. Paramount Pictures explained that its measures were taken "out of an abundance of caution for the safety and well-being of our cast and crew, and efforts of the local Venetian government to halt public gatherings." After Venice, filming was scheduled in Rome, for a period of around 40 days from mid-March, with open-air film sets and car chases expected in the centre of the capital. Spanish Steps Insiders say it is unlikely that the film crew will be sent back to Italy for the "foreseeable" future, however The Sun reports that the new set will feature a replica version of Romes Spanish Steps. Mission: Impossible 7 is directed by Christopher McQuarrie and, in addition to Cruise and Ferguson, will star Nicholas Hoult and Hayley Atwell. It is set for release on 23 July 2021 however it is not known if the halt on filming could delay this. Tom Cruise and Italy Cruise filmed scenes for Mission: Impossible 3 in Rome in 2005, returning a year later to marry actress Katie Holmes in a sumptuous wedding ceremony at the Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano. When Cruise arrived in Rome to film the third installment of Mission: Impossible he and his entourage stayed in the Hotel Hassler, above the Spanish Steps. Cruise made headlines in Rome at the time for filming the unforgettable speedboat chase on the Tiber, which he did without stunt doubles. Movies in Rome by Woody Allen and of course, the James Bond movie In recent years there have been a string of international productions filmed in Rome, such as Zoolander 2 , To Rome with Loveby Woody Allen and of course, the James Bond movie Spectre with Daniel Craig in 2014. Movies filmed in Rome during the previous decade include Angels and Demons with Tom Hanks, The Talented Mr Ripley with Matt Damon, Eat Pray Love with Julia Roberts, and Gangs of New York with Leonardo DiCaprio in 2000. (Newser) China announced that it will revoke the media credentials of all American journalists at three major US news organizations, in effect expelling them from the country, in response to new US restrictions on Chinese state-controlled media. The foreign ministry said early Wednesday that American citizens working for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post with credentials expiring before the end of the year must surrender their press cards within 10 days, reports the AP. The move comes after the Trump administration designated five Chinese media outletsinclude the official Xinhua News Agencyas foreign missions and restricted the number of Chinese who could work for them in a de facto expulsion of about one-third of their Chinese staff. story continues below China described its steps as necessary and reciprocal countermeasures that China is compelled to take in response to the unreasonable oppression the Chinese media organizations experience in the US." Secretary of State Mike Pompeo disputed the comparison between the US and Chinese actions, telling reporters in Washington that they enjoy press freedoms that don't exist in China. "The individuals that we identified a few weeks back were not media that were acting here freely," he said. "They were part of Chinese propaganda outlets. We've identified these as foreign missions under American law. These arent apples to apples, and I regret Chinas decision today to further foreclose the worlds ability to conduct free press operations." (Read more China stories.) The number of federal MPs required in Parliament next week to pass emergency legislation will be cut by more than 40 per cent as access to the building is restricted amid the coronavirus outbreak. NSW Liberal senator Andrew Bragg became the third Australian MP to be infected with COVID-19 on Tuesday, following Queensland senator Susan McDonald and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton. A half-full house of representatives. Credit:AAP The measures, agreed by Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese on Tuesday, will see up to 30 pairs granted for MPs in the House of Representatives, meaning up to 60 out of 151 MPs and their staff will not need to be physically present. Pairing arrangements allow MPs from both major parties to miss votes without affecting the outcome. Parliament must sit next week to pass the government's $17.6 billion stimulus package. Up to $11 billion is set to be pumped out in less than three months, including cash payments worth $750 for more than 6.5 million students, pensioners and the unemployed. While much of the world heads into lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic, a group of penguins at an aquarium in the US have made the most of humanitys retreat into self-isolation. Schools have been closed, social gatherings banned and travel restrictions imposed throughout the country but for the rockhopper penguins at Chicagos Shedd Aquarium, this weekend brought a rare venture into the outside world. With the building closed to visitors as part of efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus, otherwise known as Covid-19, the animals were allowed to leave their usual habitat to explore the rest of the aquarium. Without guests in the building, caretakers are getting creative in how they provide enrichment to animals, the aquarium told the Chicago Tribune. Introducing new experiences, activities, foods and more to keep them active, encourage them to explore, problem-solve and express natural behaviours. In one video posted on Twitter by the Shedd Aquarium, a penguin called Wellington can be seen peering into the tank of a school of Black-barred Silver Dollar fishes. The aquarium said it would also be continuing to celebrate animal birthdays. While we are closed to the public ... animal care staff are onsite 24/7 to continue looking after the animals, including celebrating birthdays! Today on #PiDay giant river turtle Yam turns 28 years old...and so does animal care specialist, Evan! one tweet read. In a statement released on its website, the aquarium announced it is planning to close to the public until 29 March in the best interest of overall wellness for our community and for each other. While we are disappointed that we wont be able to welcome you to the aquarium during this time, we are closing out of an abundance of caution and to do our part in the social distancing efforts to help stop the further spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The aquarium added it would be continuing to provide round-the-clock care for on-site animals. Meanwhile, all bars and restaurants in Illinois have been ordered to remain shut to the public until 30 March. As of Monday morning, more than 3770 cases of infection and 69 deaths had been confirmed in the US. Hundreds of Chromebook laptops filled several boxes on carts just inside the vestibule of the Carusi Middle School in Cherry Hill shortly before 1 p.m. Monday. A dozen or more cars lined up outside with parents waiting for weapons to wage the next battle in the war on the coronavirus: laptops. Cherry Hill was one of over 600 districts statewide and thousands within a several state radius ordered to close to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Remote instruction over the internet is the goal here as it is in many other districts. District officials hope to help bridge an internet and equipment divide with loaner laptops for online classes. The district schools are scheduled to remain closed until March 30 but that could easily stretch another month if guidelines from federal health officials are heeded. On Monday, Cynthia Caldwell, a grandmother and retired Newark teacher, was helping out her three grandchildren in Cherry Hill by being the first in line to pick up equipment. I think its kind of sad that they have to go through this, said Caldwell, who retired 12 years ago after teaching 20 years in Newark and 10 in East Orange. Its going to be a lot of work on the teachers and administration. Its going to also be a lot of work on the parents. But its been a crisis where we have to do what we have to do and work as a team to make the dream work. A district worker hurried out to Caldwells car to get a student number for her grandchildren and hurried back with three laptops. Caldwell had thought she would have to hustle to another school to get laptops for her other grandchildren in 1st and 2nd grades but was surprised to find she was able to get them all in one stop here. Caldwell said she has another daughter who is currently teaching in Newark. She said her school there handed out work packets to be completed by students during the time school is closed. By the time she pulled out of the tight cul de sac where the school is located, nearly two dozen cars were lined up in both directions on Roosevelt Drive to make right and left turns into the cul de sac. School officials at Carusi Middle School in Cherry Hill hand out assigned laptops to residents lined up in their cars who pre-registered.Michael Mancuso | NJ Advance Med District officials said 1,000 new Chromebook machines were on hand in three locations to be distributed to parents who had applied to receive them. Cherry Hill is a district of 11,000 students in a K-12 district with 19 schools. It is 9 miles east of Philadelphia. Im confused about this whole thing and stressed out about it. I dont know what to say, said Ellen Morabico after she picked up two laptops for grandchildren in middle school and high school. Im 68 years old and this is the first time Ive experienced anything like this. Chimere Lynn, a mother with three high-schoolers and two in middle school seemed relieved after she was able to pick up five laptops at Carusi without making stops at two other distribution locations. I probably have one of the most difficult situations, Lynn said. I have five children in four different schools. I was supposed to go to multiple locations. I appreciate Cherry Hill would respond so quickly for our needs. I think theyve done a good job preparing." She paused and then thought about what happens next. Im interested to see how it pans out with all the kids at home, she said before navigating her way around traffic on the crowded street in front of the school. In addition to the distribution of laptops, district officials have also handed out information packets for families without adequate internet connections to receive free internet connection for the next three months from some major providers. Cherry Hill will also begin distributing breakfast and lunch meals Tuesday at Cherry Hill High School East and West from 10 a.m. to noon for students who qualify for free and reduced price meals, district officials said. Tell us your coronavirus stories, whether its a news tip, a topic you want us to cover, or a personal story you want to share. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. Bill Duhart may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @bduhart. Find on Facebook. Have a tip? Tell us. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 22:59:18|Editor: Mu Xuequan Video Player Close COTONOU, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Benin confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on Monday, the country's Ministry of Health said in a statement. According to this statement, the patient is a 49-year-old male of Burkinabe nationality, who entered Benin on March 12. "By retracing the route of the patient, it appeared that he left Burkina Faso on February 21 and stayed for 11 days in Belgium. He returned to Burkina Faso on March 4 and stayed there for 8 days until March 12, when he enterd Benin by air ", annonced the statement. He went about his business on March 12 and 13 and did not respect the self-isolation measures prescribed at the airport. The patient went to a clinic on March 14, after presenting signs such as coldscoughs and fever. "The patient went to the Cotonou isolation and care site on Sunday morning where he has received a test. The analyzes carried out on March 16 by the Beninese health authorities confirmed his diagnosis of COVID-19", added the statement. TEOCO and Swisscom Collaborate to Optimize Connectivity for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Posted by Publisher Telecommunication FAIRFAX, VA., USA ? TEOCO, the leading provider of analytics, assurance and optimization solutions to over 300 communication service providers (CSPs) and OEMs worldwide, together with partner Enkom, has today communicated a joint development cooperation with Swisscom, Switzerland\-\-s leading mobile operator, to optimize its mobile radio network to support commercial UAV traffic. In particular, TEOCO is helping Swisscom to explore the potential of their cellular network to support U-space, a set of new services designed to ensure the safe, efficient and secure access to airspace for large numbers of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Already deployed by several tier-one operators globally, AirborneRF ensures effective, mission-critical connectivity to enable efficient traffic management and control for UAVs in the lower airspace. This includes providing risk analysis of adequate mobile network coverage in the flight planning phase to support UAVs to reach their destinations safely and securely. ?Swisscom\-\-s reliable and secure mobile network is ready to support UAVs,? said Dr. Rico Schwendener, Head of Innovation at Swisscom. ?Our joint development cooperation will further help us providing the required levels of mobile broadband connectivity to support safe and reliable flights for UAVs, servicing a wide range of different use cases.? ?The aviation industry considers connectivity a given, but mobile networks are highly dynamic and by default not designed or optimized to support aviation,? said Thomas Neubauer, VP Business Development at TEOCO. ?Swisscom clearly recognises this challenge, but also understands what a great opportunity commercial UAVs can provide, beyond the provision of basic connectivity. With our AirborneRF solution we can help operators determine where it is safe to fly within their radio network and connect them with the aviation ecosystem. We have proven experience of deploying AirborneRF with other tier-one operators around the world and can share our experiences to drive uptake of commercial UAV traffic.? By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi and Oliver Hirt ZURICH (Reuters) - Credit Suisse will be giving employees needing to care for children and family members affected by the coronavirus outbreak a month of paid leave through mid-April, its chairman and CEO told staff in a memo late on Monday. As the global coronavirus pandemic spreads, business practices around the world have been affected by school closures, travel bans and lockdowns in a growing number of countries. "The Executive Board has decided to grant paid leave until mid-April for all those employees who have to find childcare solutions due to school closures or need to take care of older family members, in particular, as a result of the situation," Chairman Urs Rohner and new CEO Thomas Gottstein said in the memo to employees seen by Reuters. "We will continue our efforts to offer rapid and straightforward solutions if we have to make any further adjustments to our working models." Switzerland's second-biggest bank said it was in discussions with authorities about providing loans to sections of the Swiss economy particularly affected by the coronavirus. Credit Suisse and other Swiss lenders are considering a 20 billion Swiss franc ($21 billion) loan program to help small businesses, the Handelszeitung newspaper reported on Friday. (Reporting by Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi; editing by Jason Neely) Former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday said the BJP-JJP coalition government in Haryana was pushing the state towards "bankruptcy". The leader of opposition in the state assembly, Hooda also charged the state government with "fiscal mismanagement" and claimed that the state was "failing behind" on all key financial parameters and being pushed into a deep debt trap. "The state is failing on all key financial parameters and it is heading towards bankruptcy... Fiscal mismanagement of the BJP government has pushed the state into a debt trap," he claimed and demanded that the state government issue a white paper on its mounting debt. Hooda said the outstanding debt which stood at Rs 60,300 crore in 2013-14 had now risen to Rs 1.98 lakh crore. Till 2013-14, the ratio of debt against Gross State Domestic Product was 15.10 which now jumped to 21.14, he said. This increase in the debt to GSDP ratio demolishes all arguments that the BJP has in its defence as they had claimed that the debt had increased in line with the economic growth, said Hooda. "Haryana was earlier counted among the country's rich states, today it is in the list of states in deep debt," he claimed. The proportion of total government expenditure on loan and interest payments is increasing due to rising debt. In 2016-17, 18.51 per cent of the total debt was used to repay the debt, which has now increased to 28.61 per cent, he said. The two-time chief minister warned the state government against taking loans by "mortgaging the pride" of Haryana. The government should come up with a time-bound, clear plan to control the ever-increasing revenue deficit and cut fiscal deficit, he said. Hooda further said the fiscal deficit was 2.07 per cent during his term in 2013-14 which has now increased to 2.82 per cent in 2019-20. Similarly, the revenue deficit which was only 0.97 per cent in 2013-14 has increased to 1.76 per cent in 2019-20, Hooda said. "Our government brought hundreds of big projects, metro, railway lines, AIIMS, IITs, IIMs, medical colleges, power plants, nuclear plants and hundreds of big industries were established during our government," he said. "The BJP government must tell the state why they took massive debts when no institution, investment or industry was established in Haryana under BJP rule," he asked the BJP-led government. Hooda also attacked the state government over the issue of "farmers' distress" in the state. "Farmers are falling into debt trap due to the government's indifference towards them as they are left to fend for themselves in the wake of crop damages suffered due to inclement weather," he said and demanded compensation for the damage at the earliest. Hooda took on the government over the issue of "rampant" paper leaks and alleged that every paper, from the board exams to the recruitment exams, was being leaked during the BJP rule. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Wellington: The New Zealand government has splashed the cash in a bid to lessen an expected coronavirus-induced recession, unveiling a $NZ12.1 billion ($11.98 billion) support package. A wage guarantee, welfare increases, an aviation industry bailout, tax relief and new health spending feature in the bumper package, equivalent to 4 per cent of GDP - double Australia's spending per capita. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters speak to media at a press conference following a COVID-19 financial response package announcement at Parliament on Tuesday. Credit:Getty Images Finance Minister Grant Robertson was brutally honest about the economic turmoil to come, unveiling a new Treasury forecast that sees New Zealand slide into negative growth. "A recession in New Zealand is now almost certain with the advice that we are receiving that the shock will be larger than that seen during the global financial crisis," he said. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 Award Winning Digital Marketing Agency "We wont even sign a new client unless they are onboard with boosting their website's conversion rate, otherwise the channels we are managing for them wont do as well as they should, and we refuse to have any disappointed clients." Experience Advertising, Inc., an award-winning digital marketing and online advertising management agency based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is celebrating their 13 year anniversary as of March, 2020. Experience Advertising was founded by and currently led by e-commerce expert Evan Weber, who began his career in the digital marketing industry in 1997 when he launched a free auction website and started selling collectibles on eBay and through e-commerce websites. Evan Weber, CEO and Founder of Experience Advertising, Inc. stated, I couldnt be more delighted for my agency, staff members, and clients as we celebrate our 13 year anniversary as a cutting-edge digital marketing agency. Over the years, we have evolved into an award-winning digital marketing agency that provides industry-best digital agency services in as many as 10 distinct online marketing and digital advertising channels. Our team is made up of quality, competent digital marketing professionals that manage the top digital advertising platforms for our clients at the highest level in the industry. I would put our processes, procedures, optimization strategies, and results up against the largest digital agencies in the United States. However, we deliver these services at an affordable cost, as opposed to typical over-priced agencies with less than experienced account managers. Experience Advertising, Inc. began in 2007 as an affiliate program management agency (or OPM), specifically focused on growing and managing affiliate programs for companies on affiliate networks like CJ Affiliate, Linkshare/Rakuten, Shareasale, and inhouse programs. Over the years, Experience Advertising has added additional digital agency services to their menu of online marketing management services. Weber continued, Since I had the advanced background in managing and growing the core digital marketing channels from my previous successful Internet company, and given the fact that many companies desperately need better management of those digital marketing channels, it was inevitable that we would begin to offer agency management in a wider variety of online advertising channels. Now, when you come to us for a particular need like affiliate marketing, you may just end up having your paid search, SEO, retargeting, and website conversion rate strategies managed by us as well. Its a really exciting position to be in. In fact, I often tell prospective clients that when they hire Experience Advertising, they are getting much more than the typical digital marketing agency. Rather, they are getting to work directly with a true digital marketing and social media expert like myself, with a proven track record of exponentially growing online revenue for companies of all types. Someone that, with the click of a mouse, can increase the rate at which their website converts traffic into sales on all of their online marketing campaigns, which instantly increases their bottom line profitability and revenue. As you can imagine, they get pretty excited at the prospect of that occurring. Then, when it does occur, they get even more excited and we go from there to properly scale their company online. Experience Advertising places extreme importance on boosting their clients overall website conversion rate. Weber stated, We are one of the only digital agencies out there, if not the only, that is actually able to significantly increase our clients website conversion rate through a series of proven strategies, tools, and tweaks. When a websites conversion rate is increasing steadily over time, their website sales will increase proportionately. Also, the ROI on any current digital advertising campaigns will increase, which provides additional budget to drive more targeted traffic from the primary sources like Google Ads. Most companies arent able to realize all of their paid search volume, which is a huge problem. Therefore, by implementing effective conversion rate optimization tools and strategies, our clients are able to fully realize their online advertising potential. In fact, we wont even sign a new client unless they are onboard with boosting their website's conversion rate, otherwise the channels we are managing for them wont do as well as they should, and we refuse to have any disappointed clients. Experience Advertising has been implementing effective conversion rate optimization strategies for companies for 10+ years. Experience Advertising, Inc. manages the following digital marketing channels for their clients: If you are looking to work with one of the leading digital marketing agencies in the U.S., or directly with their CEO Evan Weber on a digital marketing consulting basis, contact Experience Advertising to learn more about their services and to contact them for a complimentary evaluation and proposal. Idris Elba has been praised by the Director-General of the World Health Organisation for his 'brave and powerful message' after confirming he has coronavirus. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 55, took to Twitter on Tuesday to commend the actor, 47, for speaking about COVID-19, telling him to 'take care and stay strong'. Idris revealed on Monday he had been tested positive for coronavirus and that he and his wife Sabrina Dhowre, 29, have gone into self isolation. Brave: The Director General of the World Health Organisation has praised Idris Elba after the actor and his wife Sabrina posted a 'powerful message' confirming he has coronavirus Dr Tedros wrote: 'Take care and stay strong, @idriselba! I admire your brave and powerful message to the world. We're all in this together. Solidarity will beat the #coronavirus. #COVID19.' Idris said in his video message he 'feels ok' and has no symptoms but has decided to self-isolate following his exposure to COVID-19. The Luther star had attended the WE Day UK Charity event and concert in London last Tuesday March 3 with Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Inspiring: Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 55, took to Twitter on Tuesday to commend Idris' for his bravery for speaking about COVID-19 (pictured last month) Stay strong: Dr Tedros wrote: 'Take care and stay strong, @idriselba! I admire your brave and powerful message to the world. We're all in this together. Solidarity will beat the #coronavirus' Isolating: Idris revealed he has tested positive for the coronavirus via Twitter on Monday She announced she tested positive for the virus last week and gone into self quarantine. Idris shared the video with the caption: 'This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. 'I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. 'Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how Im doing. No panic.' Isolating: 'Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how Im doing. No panic,' Idris said Event: Idris attended the WE Day UK in London last Tuesday with Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, spouse of the Canadian Prime Minister, and Lewis Hamilton. She has also tested positive Idris confirmed wife Sabrina had not yet been tested but said that she also 'feels ok' at the moment. The Luther star addedhe only got tested after coming into contact with someone who later confirmed that they had coronavirus, before quarantining himself and getting tested 'immediately'. He received the news of his results this morning. Keep calm: The Luther star added he only got tested after coming into contact with someone who later confirmed that they had coronavirus Reassured: The pair have also told their families and colleagues. Idris finished the clip by saying 'stay positive and don't freak out' (pictured in December 2019) 'Look, this is serious,' he continued. 'Now is the time to start thinking about social distancing, washing your hands. Beyond that there are people out there who aren't showing symptoms, and that can easily spread it. 'So now is the time to be really vigilant about washing your hands, and keeping your distance.' The pair have also told their families and colleagues. Idris finished the clip by saying 'stay positive and don't freak out'. Take action: 'Look, this is serious,' he continued. 'Now is the time to start thinking about social distancing, washing your hands' Fans were quick to share their best wishes with the star, praising him for using his platform to encourage people to take more precautions. Actress Ava DuVernay wrote: 'Thank you, @idriselba, for using your platform to educate and inform. No symptoms, but positive.' But others were quick to point out that his wife Sabrina should have separated herself, as she had not yet been tested for the virus. Another follower commented: 'If you are positive, and Sabrina has not been tested then why are you anywhere near her?' The news comes a week after Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson tested positive for the novel coronavirus during a holiday to the Gold Coast in Australia. The Forrest Gump actor and his wife, both 63, announced the positive test results on Instagram urging the public to 'take care'. Hanks revealed they had experienced symptoms including the common cold, body aches and chills before they decided to get tested. Taken ill: The news comes a week after Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson tested positive for the novel coronavirus during a holiday to the Gold Coast in Australia Before their diagnosis, the couple had visited crowded Australian hotspots including Bondi Beach and the Sydney Opera House - raising fears that others were infected. The opera house have been trying to track down 207 people who could have come into contact with the couple at a concert on Saturday night. And on Sunday night, former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko announced she had tested positive for the now-widespread virus. Star fever: Bond girl Olga Kurylenko - who starred opposite Daniel Craig in Quantum of Solace (pictured 2008) - has tested positive for coronavirus The 40-year-old, who played Camille Montes in 2008's Quantum of Solace, said she was diagnosed after feeling 'ill for almost a week' with fever and fatigue. She is now facing days in isolation and posted a picture of her locked window on Instagram last night as she revealed she was 'locked up at home'. The Soviet-born actress added: 'Fever and fatigue are my main symptoms. Take care of yourself and do take this seriously!' Taken ill: The actress (pictured in a photo she shared with her social media followers) said she was taking paracetamol and eating garlic The chief justice of Oregon on Monday imposed significant new limits on court operations statewide, curtailing all but essential court hearings to limit traffic in and out of courthouses and stem the spread of the coronavirus. Chief Justice Martha Walters announced the new limits late in the day. Court operations around the region were already straining under the toll of the public health threat. Early in the day, Multnomah County court officials sent home all jurors as a precaution. Walters said the restrictions will be in place until at least March 27 and may be extended. The nature of this public health emergency has led me to order the postponement of most trials and court hearings, Walters said in a statement. The guidelines that were issued just last Friday no longer reflect the recommendations from the Centers on Disease Control and changing circumstances here in Oregon. "We will do our best to provide people their day in court when we can safely do so, and we will pursue options for continuing our work without requiring in-person appearances, but, at the present time, limiting the number of people coming into our courtrooms and courthouses is paramount, she said. The announcement postpones with limited exceptions jury trials and other trials and hearings scheduled to begin between Thursday and March 27. Some courts will implement the postponements as early as Tuesday. Jury trials scheduled to wrap up by before Thursday will continue. The limited exceptions include court proceedings involving people in jail with a legal right to a speedy trial, civil commitment hearings and certain protective order, family law, guardianship and treatment court proceedings. Walters also banned in-state and out-of-state work-related travel and banned internal meetings of five or more people. Larger meetings will be conducted remotely or rescheduled. Presiding judges in each county will decide which judges and court staff need to work at the courthouse or remotely from home. The Oregon Court of Appeals has also canceled oral arguments that were scheduled to start Thursday. In Multnomah County, officials said civil commitment hearings will be held by phone instead of in person at hospitals. People who want to apply for stalking protective orders can do so at the Justice Center, located at 1120 S.W. Third Ave. Delinquency and dependency preliminary hearings and 10-day detention review hearings will be held at the Juvenile Justice Center. A half-dozen organizations that work with or in the criminal justice system had also pressed for far more limited court operations statewide in light of the spreading pandemic. The groups include the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, Disability Rights Oregon, Partnership for Safety and Justice, the Oregon Justice Resource Center, Sponsors and the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Together, they asked Walters to impose stricter limits on court operations across the state. Meanwhile, Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett on Monday took steps to reduce the jail population. Garrett said his staff identified about 60 inmates it considered eligible for early release due to their medical condition or the nature of their sentences. He said people serving short sentences or nearing the end of a sentence were considered for release. He said his office plans to expand the use of home detention bracelets and will cover their costs. People in custody for sex crimes and domestic violence are not eligible to leave early. He said he expects to release people by Tuesday. We are not just doing this to let offenders out of jail, he said. We are taking measures to prevent virus infections, to protect everybody in the jail facility and to maintain the long-term viability of our jail operations. Meanwhile, work crews made up of people who are incarcerated will focus their efforts on the cleaning the jail instead of outside assignments. Garrett said hes also asked local police chiefs to ask officers to issue citations when possible instead of booking suspects into jail. He said his goal is to book fewer people and to focus on serious violent crimes. That is going to trim the number of offenders who come into custody, he said. He said that change is going into effect immediately. A spokesman for the Clackamas County Sheriffs Office said the agency is not evaluating inmates for early release. -- Noelle Crombie;; 503-276-7184; @noellecrombie Subscribe to Oregonian/OregonLive newsletters and podcasts for the latest news and top stories. Click here for the March 18 update The state of Pennsylvania reported there were 96 positive cases of coronavirus as of 1 p.m., March 17, 2020. Here is the locator map and details of the known cases. Municipality maps, when available, are below the overall state map. If you are unable to view the map below, please click this link. This post and map will be updated throughout the day as additional details on cases are released by individual counties. Please note that starting March 16, the state has changed how it labeled cases from confirmed positive and presumed positive to either negative or positive. Allegheny County Two adults from Pittsburgh, who live in the same household. One is in their 70s and the other is in their 60s. Both are in isolation at home. An adult in their 60s is in isolation at home. An adult in their 60s is hospitalized at Jefferson Hospital in Jefferson Hills. Three people over the age of 18 have been diagnosed. Two were exposed during international travel, the third was exposed during domestic travel. They are in isolation at home. Beaver County An unknown person from this county has been diagnosed. Peter Carbone, superintendent of Aliquippa School District, indicated that the person is from Aliquippa. Bucks County Two adults who live in the same household, who attended an out-of-state gathering and were exposed to the virus. Both are in isolation at home. An adult, who had been in contact with the affected cardiologist from Montgomery County. They are in isolation at home. An adult, who recently traveled to Spain, is in isolation at home. Four unknown people from this county have been diagnosed. Chester County The county is maintaining a coronavirus database site. All information below has been pulled from it. EAST GOSHEN TOWNSHIP: Two cases have been reported - a 20-year-old woman and a 54-year-old man. EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP: Two cases have been reported - A 51-year-old woman and a 53-year-old man. NORTH COVENTRY TOWNSHIP: A 30-year-old man has been diagnosed. WEST PIKELAND TOWNSHIP: A 56-year-old woman has been diagnosed. Cumberland County Two adults and a child were diagnosed. Their ages and gender have not been released. Seven additional people from the county, whose ages or gender were not released, have been diagnosed. Delaware County An adult woman, who recently returned from a conference in Boston. She was treated at Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland. An adult man, who is employed at George W. Hill Correctional Facility. He contracted it from his son, a police officer who had tested positive for the disease in Montgomery County. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, 34 people including 11 inmates have been quarantined. Seven other people from the county, whose ages or gender was not released, were diagnosed. Lehigh County An adult from Bethlehem, who works for the Lehigh Valley Health Network. They are in isolation at home. Luzerne County An adult from the county, who was diagnosed after traveling, is in isolation at home. Monroe County The person, whose age or gender was not released by officials, is hospitalized. A second person, whose age or gender was not released by officials, is hospitalized after contact with a previously diagnosed Pennsylvania patient. A child, whose age or gender was not release by officials A five additional people from this county have been diagnosed. Their ages and gender has not been released. Montgomery County CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIP: A 70-year-old woman is hospitalized at a Philadelphia hospital. COLLEGEVILLE: A 45-year-old man and a 41-year-old woman, who both had contact with a previously identified person in Montgomery County with the virus. They are in isolation at home. CONSHOHOCKEN: 58-year-old woman, who had contact with a previously identified person in Montgomery County with the virus. She is in isolation at home. DOUGLASS TOWNSHIP: A 38-year-old has been diagnosed. EAST NORRITON TOWNSHIP: A 37-year-old has been diagnosed. LIMERICK TOWNSHIP: A 50-year-old has been diagnosed. LOWER GWYNEDD TOWNSHIP: Two women between the ages of 18 and 54 have been diagnosed. The teen is a student at Germantown Academy. Both live in the same household and they are in isolation at home. LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP: There are six cases so far in Lower Merion Township. They include: An adult man and woman who reside in the same household. Both are in isolation at home. A 58-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman who traveled within the US to an affected area. They are in isolation at home A fourth-grade teacher at Cynwyd Elementary School. The teacher is in isolation at home. A person, whose age or gender has not yet been released, was diagnosed in the township. LOWER MORELAND TOWNSHIP: A 20-year-old has been diagnosed. LOWER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP: Six people have been diagnosed between the ages of 18 and 58. They include: A 31-year-old woman who had contact with a previously identified case. She is in isolation at home. (Source) A 42-year-old who had contact with a previously identified case. She is in isolation at home. (Source) LOWER SALFORD TOWNSHIP: A 39-year-old who had traveled throughout the United States is in isolation at home. (Source) NEW HANOVER TOWNSHIP: A 2-year-old child has been diagnosed. PERIKOMEN TOWNSHIP: Two people have been diagnosed. The first, a 35-year-old police officer, works in Lower Providence Township. Officials believe he contracted it from a pediatrician at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphias location in King of Prussia. He is in isolation at home. The second, a 34-year-old, is in unknown condition. SKIPPACK TOWNSHIP: There are three cases so far in Skippack Township. They include: A 35-year-old man, who had contact with a previously identified person in Montgomery County with the virus. He is in isolation at home; A 37-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman in the same household. The man had contact with a previously identified person in Montgomery County with the virus, and the woman caught it from the man. They are in isolation at home. UPPER MERION TOWNSHIP: Two people have been diagnosed. One, a 62-year-old woman, is hospitalized at the University of Pennsylvania. The second, a cardiologist, is in critical condition at the University of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that more than 20 patients and 17 workers were exposed to the doctor. UPPER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP: A 72-year-old woman has been hospitalized. Officials say its the first case of community spread in the county. WORCESTER TOWNSHIP: Two people have been diagnosed between the ages of 43 and 56. Northampton County The person, whose age or gender was not released by officials, is hospitalized at St. Lukes Anderson Campus in Bethlehem Township. Pike County An adult resident is in isolation at home. Philadelphia County A man in his 50s from Philadelphia, who had traveled to an international location affected by the virus. He is in isolation at home. A female in her 50s from Philadelphia, who had close contact with the male above. She is in isolation at home. A person from Philadelphia, age and gender unknown, who had traveled to an international location affected by the virus. They are in isolation at home. Seven additional adults from the county, whose age or gender have not been not released, have been diagnosed. Washington County An adult from the county, whose age or gender was not released, has been diagnosed. An unknown person from this county has been diagnosed. Wayne County An adult man who traveled extensively in Europe was treated March 4 at Carbondale Family Health Center. He is in isolation. PLEASE NOTE: Additional details about the location of the cases and the ages of those affected have been included whenever possible. State officials are invoking a 1955 law in choosing to release only the county and whether or not theyre an adult. Any information beyond this is provided by the individual counties to the press. Text PennLive to 717-745-7532 to sign up to have breaking news and essential updates about the coronavirus delivered right to your mobile device. Data and messaging rates may apply. Pregnant Millie Mackintosh has penned an emotional Instagram post revealing her anxiety about being pregnant and giving birth amid the coronavirus pandemic. The ex Made In Chelsea star is expecting her first child, a daughter, with husband Hugo Taylor in eight weeks time, but has admitted her worries now the government has advised pregnant women to stay indoors for three months. Millie admitted she will keep busy by 'nesting' with Hugo and 'taking each day as it comes'. Difficult time: Pregnant Millie Mackintosh has penned an emotional Instagram post revealing her anxiety about being pregnant and giving birth amid the coronavirus pandemic Sharing a photo of pink blossom on a sunny London day, the reality star gave her 1.3m Instagram followers an update on Tuesday, writing that 'with a little under 8 weeks to go until our daughter is due to arrive, the situation the world finds itself in with Coronavirus is very much a concern'. 'Even though I'm fully aware that worrying gets you nowhere, it's understandable to be anxious about my baby arriving during this time, our natural instinct is to protect!' 'The final pregnancy stretch brings with it a whole wave of emotions and as I'm trying to get into nesting mode, the world around me is in panic mode!' Loved up: Millie admitted she will keep busy by 'nesting' with her husband Hugo and 'taking each day as it comes' She continued that she is trying to adapt to the changing situation and make the most of some enforced down time, explaining: 'I certainly didn't envision my daughter arriving into the world during the throes of a pandemic, however that is where we are and instead of resisting it and causing internal personal panic I am trying to embrace the uncertainty by taking each day as it comes and enjoying this enforced maternity leave.' ARE PREGNANT WOMEN MORE VULNERABLE TO COVID-19? There is no evidence that pregnant women become more severely unwell if they develop coronavirus than the general population. It is expected the large majority of pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate symptoms because more severe symptoms such as pneumonia appear to be more common in older people, those with weakened immune systems or long-term conditions. If you are pregnant you are more vulnerable to getting infections than a woman who is not pregnant, according to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. If you have an underlying condition, such as asthma or diabetes, you may be more unwell if you have coronavirus because is poses a higher risk to those with underlying health conditions. In terms of risk to the baby, there is no evidence right now to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage or transmission to the unborn baby via the womb or breast milk. Some babies born to women with symptoms of coronavirus in China have been born prematurely. It is unclear whether coronavirus caused this or the doctors made the decision for the baby to be born early because the woman was unwell. Advertisement The fitness fan added that she has plenty to keep her busy indoors, revealing: 'I plan on doing at home workouts, watching all the tv on my to watch list, cooking my favourite comfort foods, reading, organising the house for our daughters arrival and spending quality time with Hugo'. She ended her lengthy caption by urging her followers to look out for one another, writing that 'humans are wired for survival but that can sometimes take us to a negative space where we self serve and don't look after our community (remember it takes a village and in this case a nation).' 'Scare mongering and panic buying will only make things 10 times worse. Please look out for your family members, friends and those less fortunate around you, particularly elderly neighbours!!' 'Make calls and reach out to each other (perhaps not with our hands) and lets pull together (again, not literally) Be kind and take care. Wishing you all health and happiness during this daunting time.' During Monday's briefing from Prime Minister Boris Johnson, it was revealed that the Government have added mothers-to-be to the list of most 'at risk' people for the first time along with the elderly and those with health conditions. Officials said the measure was 'for precaution' because it is too early to say whether COVID-19 poses a significant threat to expectant mothers. Generally pregnant women are more likely to catch an infection than women who are not pregnant. Millie recently revealed she was 'starting to feel the strain' as she entered the third trimester of her pregnancy. The beauty explaining she is suffering from constant heartburn and struggling to sleep as her body adjusts to the final three months of carrying her 'precious baby'. The TV personality said her feet are 'aching so much she can only wear slippers or trainers' and revealed she's even struggling to walk at times after experiencing a 'flare up of pelvic girdle pain'. Difficult time: Officials said the measure was 'for precaution' because it is too early to say whether COVID-19 poses a significant threat to expectant mothers The beauty wrote: 'Pregnancy update - Entering the third trimester and oh boy is my body starting to feel the strain of carrying this precious baby around. 'My feet are aching so much I can only wear slippers or trainers. Hugo even suggested crocs to wear around the house! (not sure I'm there just yet!). 'The heart burn is pretty constant and I'm REALLY struggling with sleep (3am wake up calls are no fun), it's just so hard to get comfortable! 'More recently I've been experiencing a flare up of pelvic girdle pain which makes it painful to walk sometimes.....???? No wonder I've been feeling super emotional.' (sic) Millie and Hugo tied the knot in June 2018 at his uncle's country estate, Whithurst Park in West Sussex, one year after he proposed during a holiday to the Greek island of Mykonos. The couple briefly dated during their Made In Chelsea days back in 2011 and reunited in May 2016 shortly after Millie's split from her first husband, rapper Professor Green, 36. Millie was married to the musician, real name Stephen Manderson, for two-and-a-half years before they announced their split in February 2016. BJP member Jagdambika Pal's demand that the Centre either bear the GST of 12 per cent on the MP Local Area Development (MPLAD) fund or hike the annual amount of Rs 5 cr to negate the tax burden drew cross-party support in Lok Sabha on Tuesday. Members belonging to different parties raised different issues during the Zero Hour with Tapir Gao of the BJP highlighting incidents of discrimination against people from northeastern states in the wake of the coronavirus scare. He urged the Centre to issue a advisory to states against the alleged racial discrimination. Students from northeast states living in different parts of the country are being asked to vacate their rented accommodation, he said. Karti Chidambaram of the Congress spoke about complaints that people being quarantined over coronavirus suspicion, have been kept in "substandard" facilities under unhygienic conditions. He said many of these people, most of whom were quarantined following their return from abroad, have the wherewithal for self-isolation and should be allowed to do so. With the Congress, including its former president Rahul Gandhi, attacking the government over its handling of the virus, Chidambaram said should not be played over the issue and the government should be complimented for its efforts. Pal raised the issue of annual MPLAD fund of Rs 5 crore provided to every member of Parliament for development in their respective constituency. He said the UP government has been paying the GST on a similar kind of fund for the state's MLAs so that the entire amount they get is spent on development. The Centre should also pay the GST or hike the MPLAD fund by Rs 60 lakh so that Rs 5 crore is entirely spent on development projects, he said, drawing support from many members. Two National Conference MPs, Hasnain Masoodi and Akbar Lone, said the government should evacuate Indians who are still stranded in Iran, which has been hit hard by coronavirus. BJP's Jamyang T Namgyal, who represents Ladakh, said 836 Shia Muslims, most of whom are from his constituency, are still stuck in Iran and should be evacuated. BJP's Rajdeep Roy, who represents Silchar, raised the issue of non-tribals living in Meghalaya facing attacks from anti-CAA protesters and sought measures to prevent them. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Footfall in Dublin City centre has declined by 28% according to a representative group for businesses in the city, DublinTown. The data, for the period Monday March 9 Sunday March 15 revealed: * Grafton Street saw a reduction of 34% versus the same week in 2019; * OConnell Streets footfall dropped by 28%; * South William Street, with a large restaurant and pub offering, saw the greatest decrease, down 44%. Numbers in the city are expected to fall further this week. Reacting to the figures DublinTown has reiterated its call for specific supports to be introduced by the Government for retail businesses, in addition to the hospitality sector. CEO of DublinTown, Richard Guiney, said: While this drop was to be expected, they starkly illustrate the challenges facing businesses in the city. However, Dublin city has shown its ability to bounce back quickly before and DublinTown is calling on the Government to support hospitality and retail businesses at their time of need so they can emerge from the other side. We applaud the initiatives, like the Feed The Heroes campaign, being organised by people across Ireland to support front line staff with meal deliveries as they strive to keep us all healthy and safe. "This should be considered in calls for the blanket closure of providers of hot food services. Many restaurants either already offer or have started offering a takeaway service and have redesigned their seating layout to reflect social distancing recommendations as a means of continuing to meet the community need for hot food. Mr Guiney went to suggest that in order to aid businesses in the city and their employees the group were are calling on the government to develop specific supports for the hospitality and retail sectors. "DublinTown welcomes the Governments provision of 200m of financial support through SBCI. We further believe that it will be appropriate to utilise NAMA funds to augment the SBCI funds available to ensure that as many employers as possible can maintain their presence through the crisis. We have continuously indicated our belief that the standard rate of VAT should be reduced to 20% while the hospitality rate be reduced to 10% as a matter of course. However, there is a strong argument to suggest that for the duration of this crisis VAT should be reduced to the lowest level permissible in accordance with the EU Directives. "DublinTown also recommends the postponing of Employers PRSI until the crisis is resolved to assist employers in maintaining their core staff members. Mr Guiney also suggested that as income reduces, businesses will find it increasingly difficult to meet their costs. "The State through costs such as rates represent a significant proportion of these outlays. For the duration of the crisis DublinTown is calling for the state to meet these local authority costs through a HAP style scheme, which would see central Government meeting local authority charges. This scheme would unwind as the emergency reaches a conclusion. We are continuing our engagement with Government, and relevant local authorities, as we work together to find solutions to the issues at hand. We are calling for responsible, calm, and focused actions to achieve a collective effort, as people and their health will always come first. We are working to give our members the best advice now, in order to support them in the future. "Our team is providing information to members, including materials for premises relating to personal hygiene, contactless payments and more. We welcome every responsible action taken by our members in this time of crisis, who are working hard in unprecedented times. Stocks in Asia Pacific were mixed on Tuesday as they seesawed after shares on Wall Street plunged to their biggest day drop in more than three decades overnight, and the Philippines shut its markets temporarily. Stocks in Australia led gains among the region's major markets as they attempted to recover from the plunge a day earlier. The S&P/ASX 200 closed 5.83% higher at 5,293.40 after plummeting nearly 10% on Monday. In a Tuesday release of minutes from the Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) meeting in early March, the central bank said: "In considering the policy decision, members observed that it was becoming increasingly clear that COVID-19 would cause major disruption to economic activity around the world." The RBA cut its cash rate by 25 basis points in March to 0.5%, a new record low. Meanwhile, shares in mainland China ended their trading day lower. The Shanghai composite slipped 0.34% to around 2,779.64 while the Shenzhen composite edged 0.425% lower to approximately 1,704.74. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index advanced 0.61%, as of its final hour of trading. In Japan, the Nikkei 225 closed slightly higher at 17,011.53. The Topix index surged 2.6% to end its trading day at 1,268.46. South Korea's Kospi, on the other hand, closed 2.47% lower at 1,672.44. Overall, the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index slipped 0.12%. Meanwhile, Philippines halted trading at its stock exchange "until further notice." In a statement on the Philippine Stock Exchange website, it said trading was suspended "to ensure the safety of employees and traders in light of the escalating cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)." On Monday, the country's benchmark PSE Composite Index plunged almost 8%. Investors watched the rapidly evolving situation surrounding the global coronavirus outbreak, which has infected more than 168,000 across the world and taken at least 6,610 lives, according to the World Health Organization. Fears over the economic impact of the virus have triggered strong moves in global markets in recent days. "Drastic measures by the Fed and other Central Banks have failed to appease markets with investors still running towards the exit door of risk assets as governments step up their radical measures to contain the COVID-19 outbreak," Rodrigo Catril, senior foreign exchange strategist at National Australia Bank, wrote in a note. The U.S. Federal Reserve announced on Sunday a massive monetary stimulus, in an emergency move. On Monday, several central banks in Asia also announced measures to combat the impact of the coronavirus. "The problem is that we have an uncertainty that the market is finding it hard to parameterize," Timothy Moe, co-head of Asia macro research at Goldman Sachs, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Tuesday. "The economic impact of this viral outbreak is still hard to fully determine and the numbers keep moving around a lot." "I think as long as there is uncertainty about ... how to, you know, price and evaluate the economic effect, the market is likely to remain in quite a jittery mode," Moe said. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite House Democrats passed another version of their coronavirus relief bill late on Monday that made significant changes to their paid leave program. The new version tightens eligibility for sick pay beyond 12 weeks to only parents taking care of children. Businesses had warned they may not have enough money on hand to pay workers two weeks of sick leave for coronavirus. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. House Democrats quietly passed another version of their coronavirus emergency relief bill on Monday evening that scaled back who would be eligible for additional paid time off for sick leave. The Wall Street Journal reported that congressional Democrats modified their paid leave program they passed last week. It would still extend two weeks of sick pay to people who are affected by coronavirus, which includes those in quarantine and those caring for children whose schools closed their doors. Related Video: Pathologists Debunk 13 Myths About the Coronavirus But any extension beyond that 10 weeks would only be granted to parents taking care of children with shuttered schools and day care centers. Health care workers, emergency responders, workers in quarantine or looking after family members with coronavirus would no longer qualify for the extra time off, The Journal reported. Businesses had warned of the financial burdens of offering sick leave to their workers, given they may not have enough money on hand to pay workers as they confront significant disruptions. The legislation would have compensated them through tax credits. The original bill had a provision providing paid medical and sick leave for up to three months at two-thirds of a worker's wages. The Monday vote occurred as most House Democrats were away from Capitol Hill. The Democratic-controlled House voted on Friday to approve the bill, which boosts unemployment insurance, adds funding for food stamps, and makes coronavirus testing free. The Republican-led Senate still needs to pass its own version, which could include further adjustments. Story continues Read more: The best thing to do with your investments if the stock market drop has decimated your retirement savings There were already big exemptions in the emergency coronavirus bill that would have left out a significant segment of the American workforce. Companies employing more than 500 workers didn't have to comply with the rules compelling two weeks of sick pay to workers, even as they compose just over half of the labor force. Most large companies provide some form of sick leave, though it averages out to around eight days. Small businesses with fewer than 50 workers can also lobby for exemptions through the Labor Department. Experts like Elise Gould, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, said the original bill hadn't gone far enough to guarantee sick pay for American workers. "It will expand coverage to millions of workers, but at the same time millions of them will fall through the cracks with the bill," Gould previously told Business Insider. "The more people we send home, the more we flatten the curve," referring to efforts aimed at preventing the virus' spread to a point that's manageable for the nation's healthcare system. Business Insider When Olfert Landt heard about the coronavirus, he got busy. The founder of a small Berlin-based company, the ponytailed 54-year-old first raced to help German researchers come up with a diagnostic test and then spurred his company to produce more than 1.4 million tests for the World Health Organisation (WHO) by the end of February. My wife and I have been working 16 hours a day, seven days a week, ever since, said Mr Landt by phone about 1am on Friday, Berlin time. Our days are full. By contrast, over the same critical period, US efforts to distribute tests ground nearly to a halt, and the countrys inability to produce them left public health officials with limited means to determine where and how fast the virus was spreading. From mid-January until 28 February, fewer than 4,000 tests from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were used out of more 160,000 produced. The United States struggles, in Mr Landts view, stemmed from the fact the country took too long to use private companies to develop the tests. The coronavirus pandemic was too big and moving too fast for the CDC to develop its own tests in time, he said. Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Show all 20 1 /20 Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Top: Nabi Younes market, Mosul Bottom: Charles Bridge, Prague Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Grand Mosque, Mecca Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Nabi Younes market, Mosul Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Basra Grand Mosque, Iraq Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Charles Bridge, Prague Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Taj Mahal hotel, India Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Dubai Mall, UAE Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Beirut March, Lebanon Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Gateway of India, Mumbai Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo University, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Beirut March, Lebanon Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo University, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Victoria Memorial, India Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Sidon, Lebanon Reuters There are 10 companies in the US who could have developed the tests for them, Mr Landt said. Commercial companies will run to an opportunity like this. As the coronavirus continues to spread across the United States, causing more than 80 deaths and more than 4,000 confirmed cases, the struggles that overwhelmed the nations testing are becoming clearer. First, the CDC moved too slowly to tap into the expertise of academia and private companies such as Mr Landts, experts said. For example, it wasnt until last week that large companies such as Roche and Thermo Fisher won approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to produce their own tests. While FDA and CDC officials have attributed some of the testing delays to their determination to meet exacting scientific standards they said were needed to protect public health, the government effort was nevertheless marred by a widespread manufacturing problem that stalled US testing for most of February. The CDC has yet to fully explain the nature of the manufacturing problem but told the Washington Post on Monday that the design of the test could also have resulted in flawed tests. But the US Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the CDC, said earlier this month that it is investigating the defect in many of the initial coronavirus test kits. It has been long-standing practice for CDC scientists in emergencies to develop the first diagnostic tests, in part because the CDC has access to samples of the virus before others, officials said. Later, private companies that win FDA authorisation can scale up efforts to meet demand. In responses for this report, CDC spokesperson Benjamin Haynes said in a statement: This process has not gone as smoothly as we would have liked... CDC has a responsibility to ensure that all CDC laboratory research and development activities, testing processes, and data are the highest possible quality and are traceable, reproducible, and documented with appropriate rigour. He said the manufacturing problem may have arisen because of the tests design or because of contamination. Recommended CDC recommends no meetings of more than 50 people for next two months Finally, acknowledging that there is a great need for test manufacturers to rapidly make testing available, the statement said: Commercial labs are working to develop their own tests and hopefully will be available soon for clinical settings throughout the country. But critics say US government officials should have moved much more quickly to bring on expertise from outside the CDC. The CDC has good scientists and they are proud, Mr Landt said. But in this situation, they took the wrong approach. At the very beginning, US efforts to develop a diagnostic test for the coronavirus kept pace with the rest of the world. Shortly after publication of the viruss genome in early January, German researchers announced that they had designed a diagnostic test. Then, within days, scientists at the CDC said theyd developed one, too, and even used it detect the first US case. We actually do have laboratory diagnostics here at CDC that are stood up, Nancy Messonnier, the CDCs director of the National Centre for Immunisation and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters on 17 January. From there, however, US efforts fell behind quickly, especially when compared with the efforts of the WHO, which has distributed more than 1 million tests to countries around the world based in part on the method developed by the German researchers. As early as 6 February, four weeks after the genome of the virus was published, the WHO had shipped 250,000 diagnostic tests to 70 laboratories around the world, the agency said. By comparison, the CDC at that time was shipping about 160,000 tests to labs across the nation but then the manufacturing troubles were discovered, and most would be deemed unusable because they produced confusing results. Over the next three weeks, only about 200 of those tests sent to labs would be used, according to CDC statistics. Recommended Coronavirus photos show how pandemic has left world deserted In fact, the US efforts to distribute a working test stalled until 28 February, when federal officials revised the CDC test and began loosening up FDA rules that had limited who could develop coronavirus diagnostic tests. During that critical interval, the CDC repeatedly assured the public that progress was being made, even as public health officials around the country began to raise alarms about the shortage of tests. In January, CDC officials boasted during the coronavirus briefings that the United States has one of the strongest public health systems in the world. At a briefing on 12 February, Ms Messonnier said rapid development of a diagnostic and rapid deployment to the states is clearly a success. On 14 February, she said: We can be proud. . . . We moved quickly. On 21 February, Ms Messonnier acknowledged problems with the testing kits but described the issues as normal. But by that point, public health labs around the nation had run very few of the CDC tests, according to the agency. Health officials across the country began pleading for a test that worked, or at least the authorisation to use another test. In the absence of tests, the calls for the United States to tap into the expertise of academia, hospitals and private companies, such as Mr Landts, grew more insistent. It took [the CDC] a while to come up with the test, honestly, said Alex Greninger of the University of Washington. His lab had developed its own test and began seeking approval to use it on patients on 18 February. But that test, along with others that had been developed in various academic centres and hospitals, could not be used on patients until the FDA relaxed its testing rules on 28 February. He noted that many of the state public health labs had also figured out how to use the CDC test properly by removing one of its components but were not allowed to actually do so until the FDA approved the workaround that same day. We had all these state public health labs that had a perfectly good [test] on their hands, and they knew it, they were upset, Mr Greninger said. What surprised me the most was to hear how much emphasis there is at CDC on quality control to the point where, in my opinion, it really compromised surveillance, said Michelle Mello, a professor of law and medicine and Stanford who recently wrote a paper about the delays in testing for coronavirus in the United States. You cant track what you dont see. On 7 March, FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn stressed the importance of quality, noting that diagnostic tests in some other countries have been flawed. He did not specify which countries he meant, but Chinas test may have produced lots of false positives, according to a recent publication by Chinese researchers. Whats important here is that we have a test that the American people can trust, Mr Hahn said. But even a small firm is capable of producing a lot of high-quality tests and could have helped the efforts in the US, Mr Landt said. His company, known as TIB (short for TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH), based their tests on the methods the German researchers published in January. Though it has just 55 employees globally, TIB had experience in developing tests for Sars and the swine flu. It began producing the coronavirus tests in mid-January, just days after the Chinese researchers posted the viruss genome, Mr Landt said. It can produce about a million of them a week. As wearying as his schedule has been, Mr Landt said, I like the feedback from people. Exactly what went wrong with the CDCs first tests in the first critical weeks hasnt been fully explained by the agency, aside from the possibility that the design was flawed or that the tests were contaminated. While such diagnostic tests can vary in the specifics, they typically involve trying to match the genetics of a patient sample, taken from nasal and throat swabs, against those of the virus. In the case of the CDC method, the test consisted of attempts to match a patient sample against three distinct pieces of the viruss genetic code. A patient was declared to have coronavirus if each of those three attempts came back as a match. The trouble with the CDC test arose because the third attempt at a match, known as the N3 component, produced an inconclusive result even on known samples of the coronavirus. While the cause of the problem in the CDC test may be unknown, it meant that in the weeks before 28 February, the public health labs were left waiting for a usable test. By 8 February, public health labs were notifying the CDC of troubles with the test, and four days later, about a week after the first CDC tests had shipped, officials acknowledged the problem during a news conference. Some of the states identified some inconclusive laboratory results, Ms Messonnier said on 12 February. We are working closely with them to correct the issues and as weve said all along, speed is important, but equally or more important in this situation is making sure that the laboratory results are correct. In the following weeks, CDC officials repeatedly said they were working to resolve the manufacturing problem. Then, on 28 February, the agency announced that it would just scrap the N3 component of the test that had been causing trouble. Officials also contacted a private company called Integrated DNA Technologies and asked it to make new test kits, the company said. While the problems with the CDC test persisted, the vast majority of testing had to be done at the CDCs Atlanta lab, and the numbers being tested were woefully below what experts said was needed. As late as 27 February, 203 specimen tests had been run out of state labs; another 3,125 had been run out of the CDC. James Lawler, director of the global centre for health security and an epidemiologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Centre, was one of the infectious disease specialists who flew out to meet the Diamond Princess cruise ship passengers in Japan and flew back with them to the United States. Mr Lawler said the problem was not just in the manufacturing of the test but in the design. In his view, the test has design problems that make it too difficult for many labs to make it work unless they have perfect conditions. He said that even though the University of Nebraska Medical Centre a world renowned infectious-disease institution that houses the states public health lab was able to get the CDC version of the test to work, the Nebraska centre developed its own test based on the German lab design published by the WHO. Its very nuanced and complicated to make a diagnostic test, Mr Lawler said. If you dont go back and fix things . . . and realise, Hey, maybe I should try a different target, thats when you can run into problems. . . . Everything down to the details of the humidity and temperature in some peoples laboratories is going to be different. If the design of the test is flawed, he said, all of those conditions may come into play. Some people have been able to get reproducibly good results and others havent. Shortly after 28 February, when CDC officials announced the decision to reconfigure the CDC test, the number of those tests run by public health labs soared, from roughly 25 or fewer per day to as many as 1,500. At the same time, authorities were allowing other facilities to use their own tests including the Cleveland Clinic, Stanford University and Mr Greningers at the University of Washington. Even so, complaints of testing scarcity continued to roll in last week. And even as tests become more widely available, experts and officials have cautioned that a backlog will continue due to a critical shortages: swabs to collect patient samples, machines to extract the genetic material from the swabs, workers qualified to run the tests. Even if those problems are resolved, however, those critical early delays, when the CDC was struggling to issue tests to the states, significantly damaged efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus, experts said. In a CDC briefing on 29 February that included some local and state public health directors, local officials lamented the initial inability to test. A reporter asked: Did the lack of testing capabilities delay finding out who these cases were, particularly the person who died? In answer, Jeff Duchin, the public health chief in King County, Washington, where 37 deaths have been reported, suggested that the lack of tests was critical, in addition to the fact that authorities had limited who could be tested. Initially, they had said tests would only be used for those who had travelled in affected regions of the globe or had otherwise been in contact with an infected person. So, you know, if we had the ability to test earlier, Im sure we would have identified patients earlier in the community, possibly at hospitals, but we were also looking at not only availability of testing but whether patients met criteria for testing, Mr Duchin said. So, given the fact that we just recently acquired our availability of testing and new criteria were published, this person was brought to our attention. Thomas Frieden, an infectious disease physician who served as CDC director under Barack Obama, called on Sunday for an independent group to investigate what went wrong with the CDCs testing process. He said that in the past, the CDC moved quickly to produce tests for diseases such as H1N1, aka swine flu. We were able to get test kits out fast, Mr Frieden said on CNN. Something went wrong here. We have to find out why so we can prevent that in the future. Mr Frieden said the agency has been muzzled under Donald Trump and despite the multitude of problems with the rollout of testing, the CDC is still the greatest public health institution in the world. The Washington Post The novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, and the disease it causes, COVID-19, has spread to more than 100 countries and territories around the world, killing thousands. Below are March 17 updates. For March 18 updates, click here. White House Postpones Tax Payments for 90 Days for Most Americans Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin announced that the tax payment deadline for most Americans has been extended by 90 days amid the coronavirus epidemic. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has postponed the filing date to July 15, instead of April 15. Mnuchin said the reprieve would cover a number of small businesses. The IRS will continue to process tax returns, and taxpayers must file their returns by April 15 but can defer payment for 90 days, according to the Wall Street Journal. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: President @realDonaldTrump has authorized the deferral of $300 billion in payments to the IRS. The White House (@WhiteHouse) March 17, 2020 Read more here. NYC Mayor Warns of Shelter in Place Possibility New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters on Tuesday that people living in New York City should be prepared to shelter in place within the next 48 hours over the coronavirus outbreak. This is a reality that is being talked about because the crisis continues to grow. We are all deeply concerned about the direction and the trajectory, the mayor said at a news conference. It has not happened yet but it is definitely a possibility at this point. De Blasio said he is prepared to sign a shelter in place order but didnt say how it would be carried out in the city, which has a population of 8.5 million people. All New Yorkers, even though a decision has not been made by the city or the state, I think that all New Yorkers should be prepared right now for the possibility of a shelter-in-place order, he said, saying that there are more than 800 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, in the city. Read more here. Chinese Regime to Expel American Journalists The Chinese regime is set to expel U.S. journalists based in China who work for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, in retaliation for the Trump administrations recent actions targeting Chinese state-run media outlets in the United States. In early March, the U.S. State Department designated five Chinese state-run outlets as foreign missions, and slashed the number of Chinese staff allowed to work at the media outlets offices in the United States. An administration official previously labeled those outlets, including Xinhua News Agency and China Global Television Network, as explicit propaganda organs of the Chinese Communist Party. At the time, senior administration officials said such actions were an act of reciprocity against Beijings continued use of intimidation to silence members of a free and independent press. In retaliation against the United States for reducing staff sizes at those outlets, the Chinese foreign ministry said in a March 17 statement that it would require all journalists of U.S. citizenship employed at the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of the year to hand back their press cards within 10 days. Read more here. China Was Putting Out False Information: Trump President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the Chinese Communist Party provided information that was false about the COVID-19 coronavirus, which emerged in Wuhan, in his first critical comments towards the regimes handling of the outbreak. China was putting information which was false that our military gave this [virus] to them, he said. That was false, and rather than having an argument, I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China. He was responding to a question from a reporter about his Twitter post on Monday evening, where he referred to the novel coronavirus as a Chinese virus. I didnt appreciate the fact that China was saying that our military gave it to them, he said. Our military did not give it to anybody. The president told reporters the term doesnt create a stigma against China and described the term as accurate. Read more here. Spain Unveils Unprecedented 200 Billion Euros Coronavirus Package Spain announced a massive 200 billion euros ($220 billion) package to help companies and protect workers and other vulnerable groups affected by the spiraling coronavirus crisis. Police carried out checks at borders with France and Portugal, turning back foreigners attempting to enter Spain as part of strict measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus in Europes second worst-hit country. Half of the assistance measures, which are worth 20% of Spains economic output, are state-backed credit guarantees for companies, and the rest includes loans and aid for vulnerable people. Spanish stocks rose by more than 6% after the announcement. These are extraordinary measures, without precedent in our countrys democratic history, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told a news conference attended remotely by journalists. Spain will pay benefits to workers temporarily laid off and suspend mortgage payments for those whose employment has been affected by the outbreak, among other measures. We want to protect employment and we want companies to know the government will help them, Sanchez said. Nobody will be left behind. NY Officials Predict Peak in 45 Days New York public health officials believe the peak of coronavirus cases in the state will happen in 45 days, with as many as 110,000 patients needing hospital beds and 37,200 requiring beds in intensive care units (ICU) in hospitals. Officials made the announcement at a press conference on March 17 while reporting a surge in cases in the state to 1,374, with 432 new cases in the past 24 hours. New York has the most cases in the country. The virus, which originated in China last year, has infected over 5,700 people in the United States. Its killed dozens, including 12 in New York. Read more here. White House Seeking Huge Stimulus Package The White House is seeking what President Donald Trump called a big and bold coronavirus relief plan, said to be worth at least $850 billion. At a press briefing on March 17, Trump said that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was working with the Senate and the House on a package to provide relief from the economic fallout of the pandemic. COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, emerged in China last year before spreading around the world. It has caused major disruptions, leading businesses to shutter, and sparking fears of an imminent recession. Its going to be big, its going to be bold, and the level of enthusiasm to get something doneI dont think Ive ever seen anything quite like it, Trump said. Mnuchin said that while the administration favors tax relief in principle, the urgency of the situation demands quick action that will put cash into the hands of individuals and businesses amid virus-related shutdowns. Mnuchin said, a payroll tax holiday would get people money over the next six to eight months, and were looking to send checks to Americans immediately. Marirott Begins Furloughing Employees Marriott, the worlds largest hotel company, told several media outlets on Tuesday that it would furlough tens of thousands of employees as the company struggles amid the coronavirus pandemic. A spokesperson for the firm didnt say exactly how many workers would be furloughed. The firm is expected to close numerous locations around the globe to curb the spread of the virus. The spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal that there have been no layoffs at the corporate level, but its under discussion. Another spokesperson told Bloomberg News and the WSJ that employees can keep their health benefits for now. Marriott Chief Executive Officer Arne Sorenson and MGM Resorts International CEO James Murren are expected to meet with Trump administration officials Tuesday at the White House. Iran Death Toll Increases 13 Percent Iranian officials reported a 13 percent increase in deaths from COVID-19. Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said Tuesday the virus had killed 135 more people, raising total deaths in the country to 988 out of 16,000 confirmed cases. Officials have now implemented new checks for people trying to leave major cities ahead of Nowruz, the Persian New Year, on Friday, but have hesitated to quarantine the areas. A state television journalist, who is also a medical doctor, warned that hundreds of thousands of people could die. Dr. Afruz Eslami cited a study by Tehrans prestigious Sharif University of Technology, which offered three scenarios. If people begin to cooperate now, Iran will see 120,000 infections and 12,000 deaths before the outbreak is over, she said. If they offer medium cooperation, there will be 300,000 cases and 110,000 deaths, she said. But if people fail to follow any guidance, it could collapse Irans already-strained medical system, Eslami said. If the medical facilities are not sufficient, there will be 4 million cases, and 3.5 million people will die, she said. Eslami did not elaborate on what metrics the study used, but even reporting it on Irans tightly controlled state television represented a major change in a country whose officials had for days denied the severity of the crisis. Infections in Spain Soar The number of deaths in Spain due to the new coronavirus has jumped from 309 to 491 in 24 hours and new infections have risen to 11,178, nearly 2,000 more than a day earlier. The numbers were reported Tuesday by the nations health emergency center director, Fernando Simon. With a population of 46 million, Spain became on Monday the fourth country in the world with most coronavirus cases, surpassing South Korea and edging closer to Iran. Spanish police started enforcing land border checks Tuesday after the country, already under strict lockdown measures, banned people from entering or exiting the country in an attempt to contain the spread of the new coronavirus. At the La Jonquera border, a key crossing point for trucks from and to France in northeastern Spain, masked agents of Spains national and Catalan regional police stopped cars and trucks, checked documents, and redirected some of the vehicles back to France. Spanish citizens and residents are allowed to return home, and goods are allowed in and out. Vietnam to Stop Issuing Visas Vietnam will suspend the issue of new visas for all foreign nationals to curb the spread of coronavirus in the Southeast Asian nation, state media said on Tuesday. The government sees the visa suspension policy as an effective measure to constrain the rapid spread of the virus, given many countries are now at high risk of infection, the state-run Nhan Dan newspaper said. Its temporary. The restriction will be in place for 15 to 30 days, it added, without saying when the ban would take effect. Hanoi has denied entry to visitors from Europes Schengen visa-free area and Britain from Sunday, and ordered mandatory quarantine and testing for all arrivals from virus-hit areas. Schools stayed shut nationwide on Tuesday. Authorities have ordered the closure of cinemas, clubs and bars, massage parlors, karaoke lounges, and online game centers in urban areas until the end of March. Russia Closes Its Borders Until May 1 Russia will ban the entry of foreign nationals and stateless people from March 18 to May 1 in response to the coronavirus outbreak, the government said on Monday. The ban will not apply to diplomatic representatives, airplane crew members, and some other categories of people, it said. Russia has reported 93 cases of the virus so far. Indiana, Texas Report First Coronavirus-Related Deaths Governor of Indiana Eric Holcomb confirmed the first COVID-19-related death in the state in Marion County on Monday. The victim was over 60-years-old and had underlying medical conditions. It is believed to be a case of community spread as the individual had not traveled abroad. Indianas bars, nightclubs, and restaurants are now closed to in-person dining. Delivery and takeout is still allowed, the governor said. In Texas, a man in his late 90s from Matagorda County died on Sunday of symptoms consistent with COVID-19. A test confirmed on Monday that he was a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Officials said the man died at Matagorda Regional Medical Center. They added that the state has launched an extensive investigation into the origin of the infection, and that evidence exists of a possible community link to the earlier positive case in the county. Taj Mahal to Close Indias culture ministry has announced that it is closing the Taj Mahal to protect the thousands of visitors that visit the countrys monument of love every day. Culture Minister Prahlad Patel said it was imperative to shut it down, according to local media reports. India has confirmed 119 cases of COVID-19, with two related deaths. So far, around 6,000 people have been tested for the SARS-like virus. Patel said the monument, including other cultural sites across the country, would be closed until at least March 31. Hundreds of Inmates Escape Brazil Jails Hundreds of prisoners broke out of four Brazilian jails on Monday, the day before their day-release privileges were due to be suspended over the coronavirus outbreak, Sao Paulo state prison authorities and local media reported. The Sao Paulo state prison authority said it could not say how many inmates had escaped as it was still tallying the exact number of fugitives. Local media reported that as many as 1,000 had fled from four jailsMongagua, Tremembe, Porto Feliz, and Mirandopolisahead of the lockdown. The Sao Paulo state prison authority said acts of insubordination had taken place at the jails ahead of the suspension of the day-release program. The suspension was necessary, it added, because 34,000 convicts would be returning to jail and would have a high potential to install and propagate the coronavirus in a vulnerable population, generating health risks for servers and custodians. It said law enforcement was taking care of the situation. New Zealand Announces Large Stimulus Package New Zealands Labor government on Tuesday announced one of the largest per capita stimulus packages in the world, amounting to 4 percent of its GDP, in an attempt to soften the negative economic impact from the coronavirus outbreak. The NZ$12 billion ($7.3 billion) package was larger than that implemented during the global financial crisis, and bigger as a proportion of GDP than those announced by countries like Australia and Singapore, authorities said. The government is pulling out all the stops to protect the health of New Zealanders and the health of our economy, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in a news conference. The fiscal package included wage subsidies, tax cuts, income support, investments into health, and support for an aviation sector hit hard by travel restrictions. Finance Minister Grant Robertson said preliminary Treasury department forecasts showed annual growth was expected to contract by 1 percent year-on-year in March 2021 if the package is implemented, a slower contraction than the 3 percent forecast without the support. The stimulus will substantially increase debt, Robertson said, with core government debt now expected to exceed current New Zealands target of 15-25 percent of GDP. We will have an extended period of deficits and our debt as a country will have to substantially increase, he told lawmakers, adding a recession is almost certain. New Zealands central bank eased rates by 75 basis points following an emergency meeting on Monday, as it prepared for a significant impact on the economy. The fiscal injection is part of New Zealands Go hard, Go early, Contain COVID-19 strategy, Robertson said. This is not a one-off package, it is just the beginning. Millennials Core Group That Will Stop Virus Spread: White House The White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx singled out millennials on Monday at a press conference announcing new coronavirus guidelines, saying that millennials are the core group that will stop this virus. I want to speak to purely to our largest generation now, our millennials. Im the mother of two millennials, Birx said. They are the core group that will stop this virus. They are the group that communicates successfully, independent of picking up a phone. They intuitively know how to contact each other without being in large social gatherings. We are asking all of them to hold their gatherings to under 10 people, not just in bars and restaurants, but in homes, she added. Philippines Suspends All Financial Markets The Philippine Stock Exchange closed indefinitely on Tuesday while currency and bond trading were suspended, the first market shutdowns worldwide in response to the coronavirus, with authorities citing risks to the safety of traders. The shutdown comes after some markets around the world closed trading floors or paused trade after falls in market value, but it is the first blanket market halt. The Philippine Stock Exchange said trade was suspended until further notice to ensure the safety of employees and traders, amid a broader national lockdown. National Treasurer Rosalia de Leon cited the lockdown as the reason for the suspension of fixed income trade. Currency trading is to resume on March 18. The Philippines benchmark index fell 8 percent on Monday and is down 20 percent for March so far, already its worst since October 2008. US House Passes Bill Mandating Free Virus Testing The House on March 16 passed a revised multi-billion dollar emergency coronavirus relief package as the virus continues to spread across the United States. Lawmakers initially passed the legislation in a 363-40 vote in the early hours of Saturday morning, but it was later bought back to the floor after speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin together outlined technical corrections that could not be fixed administratively. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) had initially threatened to block the package until reviewing the details after expressing concerns that it would have harmful impacts on small businesses. However, he later withdrew his objection Monday evening. Read more here. Analysis: Why the Virus is Targeting Iranian Officials The coronavirus appears to be heavily affecting political circles in Iran, and there is mixed analysis as to why. The Chinese Communist Party, meanwhile, has launched a large-scale disinformation campaign against the idea that the virus originated in China. Watch the video analysis here. Hong Kong to Quarantine Everyone Entering the City Hong Kong will quarantine 14 days all people entering the city for 14 days starting midnight on Thursday, the Asian financial hubs leader Carrie Lam said on Tuesday. The government also advised its citizens to avoid all non-essential travel. Four of the 157 confirmed coronavirus patients in Hong Kong have died. The majority of the recent cases have been imported. Americans Told to Stop Eating Out, Avoid Gatherings of More Than 10 The White House coronavirus response team has recommended Americans stick to discretionary travel and avoid eating out and gatherings of more than 10 people, as well as to homeschool their children, in order to mitigate spreading of the novel coronavirus. President Donald Trump estimated the virus may wash through by July or August, based on the expert opinions hes received. The guidelines arent mandatory and are to be reevaluated in 15 days, the team announced during a March 16 press briefing at the White House. Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said the most effective measures to stop the spread of the virus are social distancing as well as self-quarantining the whole household when one member is diagnosed with the virus. Read more here. Zachary Stieber, Melanie Sun, Mimi Nguyen Ly, Joshua Philipp, Petr Svab, Katabella Roberts, The Associated Press, and Reuters contributed to this article. For March 16 updates, click here. From The Epoch Times But unlike in L.A., residents of the affected counties will also be mostly barred from leaving home except for essential activities and travel. What does that all mean? Heres what you need to know: How many people are affected? The counties that ordered residents to shelter in place have a combined population of roughly 7 million. For comparison, Los Angeles County has about 10 million residents, as we mentioned above, and Orange Countys population is about 3 million. But the Bay Area counties have been among the hardest hit by the virus, with more than 273 confirmed cases and four deaths attributed to the virus. And how long will this last? The order went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Its set to last until April 7, but officials could extend or shorten that time. I get that Im supposed to stay home and most businesses are supposed to close but can I still Go to work? Not unless you work for whats considered an essential business or service provider. (More on that below.) Youre also not supposed to travel including on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile or public transit unless its to do one of those essential things. Of course, if youre already working from home, then thatll probably continue. Go outside? Yes, but only if you can stay at least six feet away from any people you dont live with. That applies to shared outdoor space, say, at your apartment complex, and parks. Go to restaurants? No, except for takeout. Restaurants are considered essential businesses and officials are encouraging them to stay open, but only for pick up or delivery. If you can, call your favorite local restaurant to see what steps theyre taking. (Here in L.A., there are restaurants offering pickup specials or adding extra provisions to their menus.) Schools that feed students are also supposed to send the food home with them. Hang out with friends at their houses or at my house? Alas, not really. The order says that, all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, and that any time you leave your house, even for essential reasons, you should be able to stay at least six feet away from others. Are there exceptions to all this? live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More The Hinduja Group has sought the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) permission to raise their stake in IndusInd Bank to 26 percent from the existing 15 percent, The Economic Times reported. We have just recently written to the RBI to increase shareholding from 15 percent to 26 percent. When I saw that Kotak Mahindra Bank has got a dispensation, we also thought of writing to them. Why not give us that dispensation as well? Lets see how they respond, Ashok Hinduja, Chairman of the Hinduja Group of Companies (India), told the publication. Kotak Mahindra Bank's promoters recently received the RBI's green signal to cut their holding to 26 percent, capping their voting rights at 20 percent. The central bank's norms stipulate that a private lender's promoter needs to slash their holding to 40 percent within three years of receiving the banking license, to 20 percent within 10 years and to 15 percent within 15 years. This norm was relaxed for Kotak Mahindra Bank and Bandhan Bank, which received their banking license in 2003 and 2015. IndusInd Bank received its licence in 1994. My message to the regulator is that, when the original licences were given, promoters could hold more, about 40-49 percent. The stronger the promoter, the more committed he will be more capital will be infused by the promoter in the bank, Hinduja said. He added that when the stock market crashes, promoters are likely to sell their stake and even exits banks since they are financial investors. The IndusInd Bank stock has fallen almost 61 percent in the past one-year. This is the right opportunity for us to support the bank, though it does not need capital for two years, Hinduja said. It is always better to come in when the prices are down, he added. YEREVAN, MARCH 17, ARMENPRESS. The Government of Armenia has released information about the preventive measures, border crossing and movement restrictions and other necessary actions which are enforced during the state of emergency. Entry and Exit through the Armenian border Armenian citizens cannot leave the Armenian territory through the land border: with an exception of freight transport, for example drivers. Armenian citizens, their family members (regardless of citizenship), persons registered and residing in Armenia can enter the territory of Armenia. Other foreign nationals - who are citizens of countries with a tense epidemiological situation, or have traveled to such countries during the last 14 days, are banned from entering. The list of these countries will be decided by the commandant of the state of emergency. Regardless of all cases, diplomatic representations, for example ambassadors, representatives of consular offices and international organizations and their family members will be able to enter Armenia. At the same time, the commandant has the power to allow the entry of persons (otherwise banned to enter under the state of emergency) to Armenia based on situational circumstances and special cases. Preventive Measures Persons entering Armenia will be screened. In the event of symptoms, persons will be hospitalized, quarantined (self-quarantined) and (or) other restricting measures If a person refuses from such measures, they can be temporarily isolated in respective areas defined by the commandant with the purpose of testing, treatment and prevention of the virus spread. If it turns out that a person has arrived from such countries where a tense epidemiological situation exists, they will be transported to special quarantine zones or they can be instructed to self-quarantine in their homes or other places upon their discretion, ruling out contact with others. Restrictions on Movement Although the state of emergency has been declared nationwide, restrictions will be enforced only in communities and areas decided by the commandant. Communities where potential restrictions will be decided to be enforced will have the following regime: Special regime on entering or exiting the community will be enforced, which will be guarded by police, healthcare authorities, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other authorities. Entry and exits for the supply of goods, medicine, petrol and other first necessity products, as well as other urgent cases, will not be restricted. Quarantine (Self-Quarantine), regulation of free movement (time, number of people etc) can be implemented. Disinfection, anti-epidemic measures can be implemented in residents apartments. Suspected and confirmed cases of the virus will be quarantined. Participation in Events Assemblies and strikes are banned nationwide. In addition, the commandant has the power to define territories where public events such as sports, cultural, educational events, other leiruse events, birthday celebrations, weddings, funerals etc. can be banned. Such events will be banned in such territories if the number of participants exceeds 20 persons. Educational Process Classes are banned in all public, private schools, kindergartens, vocational schools and universities. The ban does not cover remote education (online). Other Restrictions Visits to prisons, military bases, psychiatric hospitals, social service institutions and institutions carrying our childrens case or defense facilities are banned. Publications Online and in the Press If individuals or news media want to publish information on social media or other means about the novel coronavirus cases, health condition of persons, virus sources, number of quarantined people, they must exclusively use and cite official information provided by the commandant (government) and maximally re-publish it. Published articles cannot contradict the official information. The same applies for information which cause panic or contain danger of causing panic situation. Such materials are subject to immediate retraction. Violation of the rules and regulations during the State of Emergency leads to administrative liability. Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan A security guard opens the door for a person entering a COVID-19 assessment facility, Saturday, March 14, 2020 in Ottawa. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms. For some it can cause more severe illness, especially in older adults and people with existing health problems. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP) As the number of cases of coronavirus continues to rise in Canada, several provinces and cities across the country are enforcing tougher measures in an effort to slow the spread. Provinces and territories under emergency advisories: Alberta (public health emergency) British Columbia (state of emergency, public health emergency) Newfoundland and Labrador (public health emergency) Northwest Territories (public health emergency) Nunavut (public health emergency) Ontario (state of emergency) Quebec (public health emergency) Prince Edward Island (public health emergency) Saskatchewan (state of emergency) Yukon (public health emergency) Manitoba (state of emergency) New Brunswick (state of emergency) Nova Scotia (state of emergency) Whats the difference between a state of emergency and a public health emergency? A state of emergency can be declared by a federal, provincial, or municipal government if they believe they need to take immediate, temporary and extraordinary measures in the interest of public safety. These can be enacted during times of war, natural disasters, major accidents or disease outbreaks. A public health emergency is declared using the province or territorys Public Health Act, which gives a variable level of authority (depending on the province) to the chief public health official. Depending on what powers the province needs will determine which declaration they use. Its entirely dependent on what powers are associated with that province or territorys health or state of emergency legislation. Nova Scotia becomes last province to declare state of emergency Premier Stephen McNeil and Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotias chief medical officer of health, declared a province-wide state of emergency, effective 6 a.m. on Mar. 23. Any resident who has travelled outside of Nova Scotia must self-isolate for 14 days. The only exemptions are for essential services such as trucking and healthcare. There will be border controls at every land, sea and air entry point. Story continues Gatherings are limited to no more than five people, and police are now authorized to enforce orders related to self-isolation and social distancing, and can issue summary offence tickets for people who are not adhering to those orders. Manitoba, New Brunswick declare states of emergency As of the COVID-19 pandemic continues, both Manitoba and New Brunswick have decided to enact a state of emergency for their respective provinces. Manitobas Premier Brian Pallister said the decision was made to protect citizens, with the province diagnosing 17 cases as of March 19. The measures will limit public gatherings of no more than 50 people, which includes places such as bars, restaurants and places of worship. New Brunswicks Premier Blaine Higgs made the same decision a day earlier, while ordering all public schools, universities and colleges to close, as well non-essential retail stores. Eight new cases prompts state of emergency in Saskatchewan Much like other provinces, Saskatchewan enacted broader powers on Wednesday in the interest of public health. Gatherings over 50 people are not permitted, and restaurants and bars must limit seating to 50 per cent of capacity or 50 people, whichever is lesser. Gyms, fitness centres, casinos and bingo halls are closed, and bills for crown-owned utilities will be deferred without interest for six months. It is also recommended that residents do not travel outside the province. Nunavut follows other territories, declaring public health emergency While there are no confirmed cases in any of the territories of COVID-19, Nunavut became the third province to declare an emergency situation on Wednesday. The public health emergency declaration expands the powers of the territorys chief medical officer to include: authorizing qualified people to render specific aid; enter into an agreement for services with any agency of the federal or another provincial/territorial government; get and distribute medical supplies and aid to any part of Nunavut, order travel restrictions to or from the territory, and take any other measures they deem medically necessary for the sake of public health. State of emergency declared in B.C. British Columbia declared a provincial state of emergency on Wednesday, which would allow the province to support provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry in any sweeping measures she may recommend for the safety of the province. Public safety minister Mike Farnsworth said the state of emergency ensures B.C. has access to a critical supply chain to ensure adequate food and supplies. A public health emergency was declared by B.C. on Tuesday. This order limits gatherings to no more than 50 people, and orders the closure of bars, pubs, night clubs and restaurants to close if they are unable to maintain social distancing of one to two metres, or offer only delivery or take out. Newfoundland and Labrador call public health emergency Newfoundland and Labrador announced on Wednesday that it would enter a state of public health emergency, declaring that gatherings of 50 people or more are no longer permitted. Dr. Janice Fitzgerald, the provinces chief medical officer of health, also said that certain businesses would be forced to close, including gyms, cinemas, arenas and bars. Yukon, Northwest Territories declare health emergencies Yukon also declared a health emergency on Wednesday, although at the time of publishing there were no recorded cases of COVID-19 in the territory. Schools have been ordered to close until April 15, and public recreation facilities will be shut. There will also be a restriction on hospital visits. The Northwest Territories also declared an emergency scenario, where there are also no confirmed cases of COVID-19. The declaration was made to allow chief public health officer Dr. Kami Kandola to make swift decisions in the interest of public health as needed. Kandola said on Tuesday that there should be no gatherings of more than 50 people. Schools are not yet closed. Remember: our best defense against this virus is each other, Kandola said. If youre sick, stay home, avoid contact with others, and call your local public health or healthcare centre. Wash your hands a lot. Keep at least two metres between yourself and others. Alberta enters public health emergency to discourage public gatherings Alberta announced on Tuesday that it would be invoking specific powers and restrictions. This includes prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people. Restaurants and bars are limited to less than 50 people or less than 50 per cent their capacity, whichever number is lower. Residents are prohibited from visiting public recreation centres, casinos, bingo halls, bars, nightclubs, fitness centres, arenas, museums, and indoor children's play centres. Alberta has now declared a public health emergency on #COVID19AB. Find out what that means here: The latest information on COVID-19 is always available at: Jason Kenney (@jkenney) March 17, 2020 Essential services, including grocery stores, airports, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and the Alberta legislature will all remain open. State of emergency declared in Ontario Earlier on Tuesday, Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency for the province, prohibiting all organized public gatherings of more than 50 people until March 31. This includes events like parades and services at places of worship. A state of emergency grants the premier special capacity to order the closure of public and private facilities, as well as restrict set prices for goods, to inhibit price gouging. It also gives the premier the power to restrict personal travel. In addition to the ban of public events, many facilities in Ontario will be forced to close. These include indoor community centres, libraries, daycares, private schools, theatres, music venues, and bars and restaurants, with the exception of those that offer take-out or delivery services. For the time being, public transit remains open, as well as office buildings and shopping malls. Our government is taking the necessary action to protect Ontarians and combat COVID-19 by declaring a State of Emergency up until March 31 2020. We are taking this extraordinary measure to ensure the health sector has every power possible to fight the spread of this virus. Doug Ford (@fordnation) March 17, 2020 The premier also announced the introduction of a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Package of just over $304 million. The funding will be spent on more hospital beds, assessment centres and medical supplies. It will also ensure resources for northern, rural and remote communities. Calgary first city to declare state of local emergency While Ontario is the first province to declare a state of emergency, Calgary was the first city in the country to declare a state of local emergency in response to continuing climb in numbers of COVID-19. On Sunday, Mayor Naheed Nenshi announced that all city-run recreational centres, pools, arenas, partner facilities like YMCAs and city library branches would be shuttered for the foreseeable future. The following day, Red Deer and Leduc announced a state of local emergency, closing all community, cultural and performing arts centres. In Red Deer, City Hall and other office buildings will remain open for now. Quebec enforces legislative tool for first time Quebec announced on Saturday it would invoke the Public Health Act, a section in the legislature relating to public health emergencies. Its the first time in the provinces history that this tool has been enacted. On Sunday, the province furthered restrictions on public places, ordering the closures of most recreational facilities, including bars, clubs and concert halls, in an effort to prevent the escalation of COVID-19. Schools and universities have also closed for the time being, while all sporting teams were forced to pause their seasons. While restaurants will remain open, Premier Francois Legault instructed that they not serve more than 50 per cent of capacity. P.E.I. follows similar measures as Quebec In P.E.I., Premier Dennis King followed similar measures as Quebec, in announcing a public health emergency, under the Public Health Act. Under the act, the Chief Public Health Officer has the power to: order Islanders to refrain from attending any public gatherings; align resources to where they are needed most; and manage hospitals and other health care facilities and ambulance services. The premier also announced funding for a contingency plan to support workers, small business and self-employed workers affected by COVID-19 in the province. The Swedish National Debt Office has been tasked by the Government to take preparatory actions for issuing state credit guarantees for Swedish airlines. The guarantee programme is a measure for mitigating the economic impact of the new coronavirus. In accordance with the mandate, the credit guarantees shall altogether amount to a maximum of SEK 5 billion. They are being issued to benefit companies with a Swedish licence for commercial air transport and which have their main operations or are domiciled in Sweden. As a first step, The Debt Office will now request information from the airlines that may be included. On the condition that the Riksdag and the European Commission approve the proposal, the guarantee programme will be set up as soon as possible. "The Debt Office continuously works with central government guarantees. Under crisis conditions, they are one of the tools we can use to maintain financial stability and protect the economy. Now, the Debt Office is working swiftly to be able to set up a guarantee programme. Thereby, the negative economic impact of the coronavirus can be mitigated and the Swedish economy supported," says Director General Hans Lindblad. The mandate stipulates that the issuance of guarantees shall be carried out in accordance with the Lending and Guarantees Ordinance (2011:211). New credits shall be able to be guaranteed up to 90 per cent of the loan amount. The companies' share of the guarantee framework is determined based on the size of the company. The share of the guarantee framework for SAS AB may amount to a maximum of SEK 1.5 billion. The unique market situation resulting from the new corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) means that the companies' financial standing and financial integrity should be assessed based on the previous year's annual accounts. The terms of the guarantee shall be designed taking into account the risk to the central government and to assert its rights. A guarantee may not be issued unless there are terms in the guarantee contract to prevent the guaranteed provision of liquidity being used for a purpose other than that which is absolutely essential to prevent the failure of the company, such as profit withdrawals or bonus programmes for senior executives in the company. Read the Government's press release Read more about the Debt Office's work with central government guarantees and lending The federal government is still considering whether to close the nation's schools as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases continues to rise. 'We are continuing to take the very best medical advice on that ... That advice is very clear at the moment that the best thing as a nation that we can do is keep our schools open,' Education Minister Dan Tehan told Nine's Today show on Wednesday. But some public and private schools have already opted to shut their gates. The federal government are considering whether to close Australian schools amid the coronavirus. Pictured: Epping Boys' High School was temporarily shut over virus fears Education Minister Dan Tehan (pictured) explained that medical experts said closing schools would impact the medical workforce and increase the virus risk for elderly Australians The federal Education Minister explained that medical experts said closing schools (file image pictured) would impact the medical workforce and increase the virus risk for elderly people 'That is up to them,' Mr Tehan said. The government has been hesitant about closing schools for two reasons. 'One is we have to look after our workforce and especially our medical workforce,' the minister said. 'Up to 30 per cent of our medical workforce could be impacted if schools close. 'The second reason is a health reason. If you have kids at home often elderly grandparents have to come in to look after them and that puts them at danger.' CORONAVIRUS CASES IN AUSTRALIA: 27,244 Victoria: 20,269 New South Wales: 4,273 Queensland: 1,161 Western Australia: 692 South Australia: 473 Tasmania: 230 Australian Capital Territory: 113 Northern Territory: 33 TOTAL CASES: 27,244 ESTIMATED ACTIVE CASES: 269 DEATHS: 897 Updated: 5.31 PM, 11 October, 2020 Source: Australian Government Department of Health Advertisement Recent cases in schools, including Epping Boys' High School and Willoughby Girls High School in Sydney, have resulted in them closing down for cleaning, but reopening within days. National coronavirus cases are approaching 530 and five people have died. Some 81,000 people have been tested, 99.5 per cent of whom returned a negative test. The pressure on schools to close steadily increased as the government continued to announce protective measures against coronavirus. On Tuesday, Australians who were overseas were urged to return home as soon as possible and would-be holidaymakers were told to 'reconsider their need for travelling'. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said: 'If you're already overseas and wish to return to Australia, we recommend you do so as soon as possible by commercial means.' The update was released a day after the Australian Government's 14-day self-isolation for all international arrivals came into effect on Monday. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 11:42:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HONG KONG, March 17 (Xinhua) -- China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Chief Executive Carrie Lam said Tuesday that Hong Kong will quarantine for 14 days all arriving passengers from outside the region starting from Thursday to curb the spread of the COVID-19. The new measure is included in a red outbound travel alert to be issued by the HKSAR government, which advises residents to avoid all non-essential trips abroad. For the past two weeks, 50 new confirmed COVID-19 cases were imported ones out of all the 57 confirmed cases, Lam said at a media session before the HKSAR Executive Council meeting on Tuesday morning. The nomination of ex-CJI Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha has drawn sharp criticism from several former judges, including Kurian Joseph, who said taking up post-retirement positions "demeans" the independence of judiciary. Joseph, who along with Gogoi and two other senior judges J Chelameswar, Madan B Lokur (all now retired), held an unprecedented presser on January 12, 2018 questioning the functioning of the apex court under the then CJI, said that Gogoi has "compromised the noble principles" of independence and impartiality of judiciary. "According to me, the acceptance of nomination as member of Rajya Sabha by a former CJI, has certainly shaken the confidence of the common man on the independence of judiciary, which is also one of the basic structures of the Constitution of India," the former apex court judge said. Referring to the press conference, Justice Joseph said he, along with the other three judges, had come out in public in an "unprecedented move", "to tell the nation that there was a threat to this foundation and now I feel the threat is at large." Recalling the statement made by Justice Gogoi in the presser, he expressed surprise as to how the ex-CJI accepted the Rajya Sabha nomination. "'We have discharged our debt to the nation' was the statement made by Justice Ranjan Gogoi along with the three of us on January 12, 2018. "I am surprised as to how Justice Ranjan Gogoi who once exhibited such courage of conviction to uphold the independence of judiciary, has compromised the noble principles on the independence and impartiality of the Judiciary," Justice Joseph said. Former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Justice A P Shah and retired HC judge R S Sodhi also reacted sharply to Gogoi's nomination by the government. Justice Sodhi said that a judge should never retire or accept post-retirement positions at all. "I have always been of the opinion that judges should not accept post-retirement jobs at all. Judges must be strong enough to resist any temptation of compromising their independence that is led by anyone in authority that can demean the independence of judiciary," he said. He said that the only solution to judges accepting post-retirement jobs is integrity of the judges. "The solution is your own integrity. A judge should never retire. There is no question of accepting post retiral benefit," Justice Sodhi said. Justice Shah, who is also former chairman of the Law Commission of India, in an interview to a web-site reportedly said the nomination of Justice Gogoi to Rajya Sabha was a "clear quid pro quo". Joseph said that he had decided not to take up any posts after retirement. Former apex court judge Madan B Lokur said that he will express his views once Gogoi speaks to the media in detail about accepting the offer of a seat to the Upper House. There has been a debate in political circles and other quarters on the nomination of Gogoi, who had retired in November last year as the CJI after serving for about 13 months. Gogoi, who headed benches that pronounced several key judgements including in the sensitive Ayodhya land dispute case, was on Monday nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the government. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Chloe wears the rainbow every day. Natasha is a confirmed colour-phobe. What started as a fun challenge to wear each others clothes for a week resulted in some startling, soul-searching discoveries for them both When youve found your signature style a way of dressing that makes you feel most you its tempting to stay in your sartorial sweet spot How we dress is about so much more than choosing clothes: its how we express our personality our identity every single day. What we wear tells a story about who we are serious, playful, rebellious, sophisticated. An outfit can say, Look at me, or Dont mess with me. Colour plays a huge part: a dress in neon yellow broadcasts a very different vibe to the same style in beige. Our clothes affect how we feel about ourselves, too. They can be mood-enhancing and confidence-boosting; thats why we reach for certain favourites when we need a little lift. The right outfit can set the tone for a big day (or night out). When youve found your signature style a way of dressing that makes you feel most you its tempting to stay in your sartorial sweet spot. But sometimes you need a little push to try something new. Natasha Tomalin-Hall and Chloe Sharp are YOU magazine staffers with polar opposite wardrobes. Natashas is a crisply curated, all-black affair. She never wears colour. Meanwhile, Chloes bulging wardrobes (plural) are a rainbow riot of clashing patterns and prints, with a lot of faux fur. The pair work together every day but what they wear couldnt be more different. So we set them the ultimate challenge: swap wardrobes for a week. Here is what they learned about fashion, identity and self-confidence. Chloe, 28, Art Director: Addicted To brights Chloe, 28, Art Director: Addicted To brights (Dress and boots, Each of the four wardrobes I have at home is an absolute tip. Im a magpie: I like colour, texture and anything iridescent or fluffy. Pink is my favourite shade but I also love lilac. My style influences are eclectic: a little bit 90s Spice Girl with a sprinkling of noughties Britney Spears. Growing up I always loved combining colours and patterns, much to my grandmothers dismay. Whenever I went to visit her in my printed dress and tights shed always change me into plain M&S clothes from a collection she kept just for me. Whereas Natashas look is very polished and sophisticated, mine is probably more childish and extroverted clashing prints, faux fur, patchwork, platform trainers. My idea of a formal shoe is a pair of mint-green mules. I dont really do smart and Ive found that even though Ive climbed the career ladder quickly for my age, Ive still had to prove myself in spite of my style. I dont want to sacrifice my personality in order to be seen differently in the office. Channelling Natasha and wearing only black was really weird. Putting on the first outfit a black blazer over a black blouse, with black trousers I felt as though I was heading to a funeral. Colour influences my mood and I felt really flat all week. I clung to my red lipstick because I had to get a little colour in somewhere. The first night I came home wearing Natashas floor-length black coat, my boyfriend asked me what was wrong and why I was dressed like an extra from The Matrix. In the past hes always been a bit shocked when Ive worn smarter things to the office, because it isnt really me. I know he found the whole week strange. Usually, my outfits are quite eye-catching and people will comment on them, but no one noticed me and I definitely missed that. Although I felt more groomed and chic, it seemed as though I was playing dress-up and I stared enviously at people wearing colourful clothes. It was frustrating not being able to express myself. I see why having an all-black uniform such as Natashas makes life simpler. I can be really indecisive and spend half an hour switching up elements of my outfit trying to find a look that works. During the style swap it took two minutes to get dressed. Even though Im jealous of how quickly she can get ready (and how tidy her wardrobe is compared to mine) I know Im always going to reach for colour. What I wear is an extension of how Im feeling each day. Although I like the idea of putting together outfits in a single colour its very striking and makes a real statement I think it would be cooler to do top-to-toe pink. Left: Top,, Trousers,, Shoes, Right: Dress,, Boots, Statement sleeve (left) I wore this to a night out at a ball pit with friends and I felt so weird and overdressed being head to toe in black in a fun place like that. None of my friends really noticed I was dressed differently, but they all sensed something was off one even asked if I was pregnant! Flattering fit (right) This was Natashas favourite on me she said it was really flattering but something this fitted makes me feel physically uncomfortable. All the compliments I got made me doubt myself. Do I look a lot bigger in my normal clothes? Id never wear this again. It isnt me at all. Left: Dress,, Tights,, Boots, Right: Blazer, Top, Trousers, Shoes, My kind of cut (left) At least this is a bit more of a me shape. I wish I could style it with a pair of coloured tights and a bright coat, though. I also like the boots although, again, Id rather team them with a fun outfit to give them more life. Mums favourite (right) I wore this for dinner with my mum who was annoyingly complimentary about it. Why dont you always dress like this? she said. You look so sophisticated and grown-up. I found this outfit the worst so severe and serious. I really did feel that I was dressing in someone elses clothes. From left: clashing prints aged three, 1994; sizzling summer-holiday style in Lisbon; wearing a corduroy suit in her favourite shade of eye-popping pink; Chloe cant resist texture and fluffy faux fur Natasha, 32, Creative Director: Allergic To Colour Natasha, 32, Creative Director: Allergic To Colour (Blazer, trousers and shoes, Top, Five years ago I started dressing solely in black. I can pinpoint the exact moment I made the decision: I was at a networking event and spotted a man dressed top-to-toe in black. He oozed cool, grown-up confidence and I thought, Thats who I want to be. I had just been promoted to a senior position at work but was struggling to feel like a boss and was worried about being taken seriously. Something needed to shift and changing how I dressed felt like a good place to start. I culled all the colour, florals and prints from my wardrobe: only my black clothes survived the purge. My new dress code instantly boosted my confidence. I looked sharper and more grown-up, which made me feel more authoritative. It sounds silly but I honestly felt as though I was better at my job. Black is now my daily uniform. I always feel chic, and its so easy. Everything in my wardrobe goes together and shopping online is simple: with one click I can filter out the colours. I dont think black has to be boring: I like interesting details an organza sleeve or a lace collar. I did wear white at my wedding, but my bridesmaids were in black. At work, Chloe is the ray of sunshine and Im the thundercloud thats what makes us a good team. Her style suits her but wearing her clothes for a week was horrible. I felt self-conscious and uncomfortable, like an entirely different person. Strangers would smile at me on the tube and I didnt like it. People I know blanked me on the street they just didnt realise it was me. When I met my friends for drinks wearing purple trousers and a candy-pink blouse they were genuinely worried: Who are you? What is going on?! My husband wears dark tones, too forest green, navy and I like the fact that we look chic when were out together. He laughed when he saw me in a green dress and furry fuchsia coat. By day three, though, hed warmed to the colours. The hardest part was feeling that I had lost some of my power. Turning up in the office wearing a pistachio trouser suit, three people told me that I looked so young. They meant it as a compliment but it touched on my old insecurity about being thought of as inexperienced. How I dress has become such a huge part of my identity; when I switched back to my trusty black, I noticed that I was much bossier in the office! My wardrobe will be staying monochrome but I am more open-minded about the cut of clothes I wear. Usually I stick to form-fitting styles, but trying the looser, less structured shapes Chloe likes has made me rethink. Although she can keep her neon tights. Left: Shirt,, Jacket and trousers,, Shoes,, Right: Sweater,, Trousers,, Sandals, Dont heart this (left) Chloe was most excited about me trying this outfit as she loved the pattern. I wore it for dinner with friends at a posh restaurant, but I felt like a little girl out with her parents. Used to seeing me in black, my friends werent impressed either some said I looked like a clown. The it-knit (right) I felt more chic in this outfit than any of the others. I assumed that the looser knit would swamp me, but it felt quite good when I put it on. Even though the jumper was oversized it actually made me feel sexier than the other outfits did. Left: Dress,, Tights,, Boots, Right: Dress,, Shoes, A dash of clash (left) I nipped out of the office at lunchtime to grab a sandwich when I was wearing this and spotted a friend in M&S. I waved at them and they blanked me. Its amazing that even though I was wearing so much colour, I felt invisible. A definite no-no (right) Ill be honest, I didnt even last a morning in this. I had to take the dress off because I felt so stupid in it. Some people said it didnt suit me, and I felt it made me look as though I was six months pregnant. My self-esteem was at an all-time low. From left: already drawn to the dark side, aged three; head to toe in black for a winter walk; proving that summer dressing doesnt have to be all about brights; wearing her go-to style staple last spring Hair: ALEX SZABO AT CAROL HAYES MANAGEMENT. Chloes faux locks: MeaKoom, Instagram/@khairsforyou. Make-up: Nadira v Persaud using Burts Bees Zubby Michael Nollywood actor, Zubby Michael has taken a swipe at organizers of the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards over an alleged snub of pillars of Nollywood. The actor who maintained that most organizers of the award are Yorubas, described it as a joke and highly political. Zubby also wondered why the original owner of Living in Bondage was snubbed while its remake got 8 awards. Read his post below; WASHINGTON In a massive federal effort Tuesday, President Trump asked Congress to speed emergency checks to Americans, enlisted the military for MASH-like hospitals and implored ordinary people particularly socially active Millennials to do their part by staying home to stop the spread of the coronavirus. His proposed economic package alone could approach $1 trillion, a rescue initiative not seen since the Great Recession. Trump wants checks sent to the public within two weeks and is urging Congress to pass the eye-popping stimulus package in a matter of days. As analysts warn the country is surely entering a recession, the government is grappling with an enormous political undertaking with echoes of the 2008 financial crisis. At the Capitol, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed the Senate would not adjourn until the work was done. Obviously, we need to act, McConnell said. Were not leaving town until we have constructed and passed another bill. But first, McConnell said, the Senate will vote on the Houses $100 billion package of sick pay, emergency food and free testing, putting it back on track for Trumps signature despite Republican objections. Gag, and vote for it anyway, he advised colleagues. Senators gathered at an otherwise shut-down Capitol as Americans across the country were implored to heed advice and avoid crowds. Young adults, in particular, are being urged to quit going out because even seemingly healthy people can be spreading the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness. After a savage drop at the start of the week, the stock market rose as Trump and aides sketched out elements of the economic rescue package at a briefing. Economists doubted that would be enough to stop millions of jobs losses, even if in the short term. Bigger than the $700 billion 2008 bank bailout or the nearly $800 billion 2009 recovery act, the White House proposal aims to provide a massive tax cut for wage-earners, $50 billion for the airline industry and $250 billion for small businesses. The amount that would be sent out in checks Americans is not yet disclosed. The White House said it liked GOP Sen. Mitt Romneys idea for $1,000 checks, though not necessarily at that sum and not for wealthier people. Also Tuesday, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice said the state has reported its first positive case of the coronavirus, meaning that all 50 states have now confirmed cases. Lisa Mascaro and Zeke Miller are Associated Press writers. U.S. Rep Peter DeFazio and two House Democratic leaders on Monday called on Homeland Security officials to delay the October requirement that all domestic air travelers have a federally-recognized form of identification to board airplanes or enter federal facilities. Starting this October, all domestic passengers on airplanes must have a federally recognized and secure form of identification like a Real ID, passport or passport card -- to board a plane. State drivers licenses that dont comply with the federal Real ID bill, which was passed by Congress in 2005, wont be accepted. Oregon is expected to be the final state in the country to have its Real ID program operational. The states 60 DMV locations wont start issuing those cards until July 6. DeFazio, a Springfield Democrat who chairs the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued a statement with several other House leaders calling on the Trump administration to push back the October deadline due to the coronavirus pandemic. The request comes also as the administration has cracked down on foreign travel from Europe, leading to scenes of massive crowds at airports in some portions of the country this weekend. While we recognize the administrations commitment to ensuring the nations full compliance with the REAL ID Act, the challenges presented by the coronavirus outbreak and its impacts on the aviation industry must lead DHS to delay the Oct. 1 implementation deadline, DeFazio, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and Rep. Lou Correa, D-Calif., said in a joint news release. For implementation to go smoothly, DHS would need tens of millions of Americans to get new identifications over the next several months. Creating lines at Departments of Motor Vehicles would be foolish during a pandemic. In January, DeFazio and Thompson and a bipartisan group of lawmakers asked Chad Wolf, the acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, to work with Congress on potential contingency plans. DeFazio said the administrations response was inadequate and instead focused on complete compliance with the Real ID act. In absence of DHSs articulation of viable contingency plans and the urgent need for certainty among the traveling public, we see no other alternative than to ask DHS to extend the REAL ID implementation deadline until a date that allows for widespread adoption by the public and a smooth implementation at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints, the lawmakers wrote. The travel and tourism industry, and the aviation industry in particular, have been hard hit by this global pandemic. The last thing travelers need is more uncertainty around traveling, they continued. They added that given the exceedingly large number of Americans who do not hold REAL ID-compliant identification, it is difficult to see a reality where enforcement of the current REAL ID deadline would not prolong this uncertainty. According to previous figures issued by the federal agency, some 95 million REAL ID cards had been issued. DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the lawmakers plea. Last month, DHS eased rules allowing states to accept some portions of personal identification from would-be drivers through websites before they visit an office, an effort to speed up the in-person delays that are expected to be significant in some states this summer. Tom Fuller, an Oregon Department of Transportation spokesman, said Oregon wont be one of those states allowing online submittal. The electronic submission of documents is not within the scope of our new software system and its too late for us to change the scope now so thats not an option for us, Fuller said. Oregon had estimated that some 960,000 drivers would want a Real ID card this summer. It estimated that would translate to 32 licenses issued per minute for 62 business days between July 6 and Oct. 1. Oregon last fall started encouraging residents who didnt have one to get a passport instead of banking on obtaining a Real ID during the summer crunch. According to the U.S. State Department, it can take six to eight weeks to obtain a passport. Passports can be expedited in certain cases or issued the same day in certain locations. Oregon is one of the last in the country to take action on Real ID because lawmakers stiff-armed federal regulators in 2009 and prohibited the state from spending money to comply with the federal act. The state wasnt the only one to do so, but it is likely to be the last to comply with the federal rules. In 2018, the state Legislature repealed the previously bill and set a path toward compliance by 2020. -- Andrew Theen;; 503-294-4026; @andrewtheen Subscribe to Oregonian/OregonLive newsletters and podcasts for the latest news and top stories. Poland's government was under quarantine on Tuesday after one minister tested positive for the novel coronavirus as authorities introduced sweeping measures to combat the spread of the disease. All members of the government who attended the March 10 meeting had been tested and the results should be known Tuesday, said Michal Dworczyk. "Until that time, all these people remain in quarantine," he told reporters. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nissan launched the Ariya Concept at last years Tokyo Motor Show, with its simple-yet-powerfully modern aesthetic called Timeless Japanese Futurism, featuring a shield front element. The Nissan Ariya Concept is the first example of an entirely new design direction for the company. It features a spacious, premium cabin with advanced technology and a body that conveys the pure, clean nature of electric cars, which dont need a traditional open grille to let air cool an engine. As a result, designers were able to experiment with the concepts signature V-motion design, creating the shield. Traditional hand-held shields used in battle merged function and design, utilising strong materials with intricate designs meant to communicate prestige and strength. The shield on the Ariya Concept shares the same statement, offering much more than an aesthetic placeholder for a grille. The final look and application is not only striking, it also allows the advanced technology behind it to work through the design elements without interference. By replacing the conventional grille with the tech shield with innovative 3-D texture within that goes beyond aesthetics we wanted a way to highlight the technology within the vehicle, just behind the surfaces, said Alfonso Albaisa, senior vice president of global design at Nissan. In this case, its advanced technology that helps the Ariya Concept read the road and visualise things the driver can't see making what is invisible, visible. The Ariya Concept is the ultimate expression of design freedom. The concepts 100 per cent electric vehicle platform allowed for new approaches to existing components, removing fundamental limitations. Traditional grilles on an internal combustion vehicle have taken all shapes and forms since their inception, but have needed to maintain a level of cooling for the vehicles engine cooling system and be strong enough to deflect the occasional rogue rock in flight. These functional aspects have limited their design, look and feel. Since the Ariya Concept has no engine, a grille in the traditional sense is unnecessary. Designers decided to repurpose this space to add a new type of frontal fascia. The shield is constructed as a single piece with a geometric traditional Japanese pattern composed within for a new EV expression while hinting at Nissans J-DNA. The surface has no gaps, explained Program Design Director Giovanny Arroba. Its smooth like a sheet of silent water, with the kumiko pattern sitting just underneath the surface. Capturing this stillness was a challenge in itself. Arroba and the design team set to work testing every element of the shield, from the thickness of the material to the amount of metallic flake in the paint that allows the kumiko pattern, reimagined for the EV era, to pop. To protect the shield and technology within against severe weather and road debris, designers utilised the same durable polycarbonate material found on the cars headlamps. They wanted the shield to not only be tough enough for the job, but also to look stunning, embrace aerodynamic proportions and fully embody the companys new Timeless Japanese Futurism design language. Of course, with a concept, we could have taken other direct approaches, Arroba said. But we wanted to find an authentic balance between the styling intention and mechanical requirements. The Ariya Concept embodies the companys Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision of personal transportation one where electrification and vehicle intelligence will offer seamless and adaptive travel experiences free of accidents or harmful emissions. Nissans new design philosophy directly supports this by blending advanced technology, including safety, connectivity and human machine interfaces, with a Japanese minimal approach to seamlessly fit the customers lifestyle. The Ariya Concepts shield stands out as one of the primary elements designers focused on that could exist in the real world. The car looks ready to roll down the streets of Tokyo, London or any global city. Features like the award-winning ProPILOT 2.0 advanced driver assistance system, e-Pedal and the e-4ORCE dual-motor all-wheel control system have already been put to the test. Concept cars have always been a tool to help visualise the future. But the Ariya Concept also shows how future Nissan cars will actually perform.-- Tradearabia News Service With the number of people infected by Novel Coronavirus outbreak in India crossing 100 and a number of states going into a partial lockdown, sale of automobiles in the country has plummet by as much as 70 percent in the last four days. This has prompted the Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) to knock on the doors of Supreme Court for an extension of the deadline for BS-IV vehicle registration beyond March 31. "In the past week there has been drastic drop in sales and customer walk-ins have reduced to a trickle as caution sets in due to fear of spreading of the virus. Counter sales has fallen by 60-70 percent across auto dealerships in these past few days," said Ashish Harshraj Kale, President, FADA. "The situation has worsened in the past 3-4 days with partial lockdown situation in many towns and cities and a few district magistrates have started issuing notices of closure of shops and establishments including auto dealerships to stop the spread of virus." The domestic industry, which is getting ready for the transition to BS-VI emission regime from April 1, 2020, finds itself in a catch-22 situation. In February, the Supreme Court had reiterated that no BS-IV vehicle could be registered for sale beyond March 31, putting the onus on dealers to liquidate all remaining stocks by then. The steep decline in footfalls at dealerships due to the spread of the virus has, however, put a serious doubt on that. "This is a situation that is beyond our control. The fact is many of our members may face dealership closures if leftover with unsold BS-IV stocks," Kale added. "We have once again approached the apex court with a request for permission of sale and registration of BS-IV vehicles till May 31, 2020 and hope to get an urgent hearing in the Hon'ble Supreme Court owing to the criticality of the issue and the deadline of 31st March approaching fast." ALSO READ:End of the road for Etios, Xcent, Safari, Storme, Bolero Plus ALSO READ:Hyundai's new Creta 2020 crosses over 10k bookings in just a week BAKU, Azerbaijan, Mar. 17 Trend: Azerbaijan's Ministry of Education has commented on the rumor of suspension of the educational process at the country's educational institutions. The information is false and groundless, Jasarat Valekhov, department head of the Azerbaijan's Ministry of Education told Trend. "If there are any changes regarding the education process, the public will be notified," he said. False information has been spread in social networks using the logo of the Ministry of Education that holidays in general education institutions will be extended till May 31, and that all academic debts of students are canceled and they are exempted from passing exams. The measure aims to combat the spread of coronavirus. Every day, around 415 thousand people cross the border between the two countries. Singapore imports over 90% of food from all over the world. Malaysia confirms another 125 new infections: the number rises to 553. Mosques closed in two states. Singapore (AsiaNews / Agencies) - This morning the Singapore authorities have assured its 5.7 million residents that the city-state can count on "months" of supplies of fresh and packaged food. The government promises to help companies cope with supply disruptions, while neighboring Malaysia says there will be no exceptions to border closures. Kuala Lumpur approved the measure yesterday to stem the spread of the coronavirus. The new Malaysian premier, Muhyiddin Yassin, explained that all Malaysians will be prohibited from leaving the country from March 18 to 31. Those returning from abroad will have to undergo health checks and a 14-day quarantine. Foreign visitors, including tourists, will also not be able to enter Malaysia during this period. Malaysia and Singapore, which split after a short union in the 1960s, have close economic ties and share a border. Every day, around 415,000 people use two checkpoints for work and school, or to transport goods to the city-state. Singapore imports over 90% of the food from all over the world. It is unclear what percentage of food supplies come from Malaysia, but government statistics show that in 2018 Kuala Lumpur supplied vegetables, cooking oil, fruit, eggs, chicken, milk, sugar, fish, duck and pork to their neighbor. Singapore health authorities confirmed 243 cases of contagion from Covid-19 in the country. Of these, 109 are healed and 13 are critically ill patients. Last night, Malaysia confirmed another 125 new infections, which bring the total number of cases to 553. Of these, 95 are linked to a tabligh (religious gathering) in a mosque in Sri Petaling (Kuala Lumpur) between February 27 and last March 1st. Speaking to press, Health Minister Adham Baba said "nearly 7,000 attendees came forward to be checked,". Around 14,500 Malaysians and 1,500 foreigners went to the mass religious meeting in the mosque. The event raised concerns about the formation of new outbreaks after Brunei confirmed that 45 of the 50 affected by coronavirus had taken part in it. The religious authorities of two Federal Territories of Malaysia have announced the suspension of all rallies. In Negri Sembilan, all mosques and surau [buildings for worship and religious education, ed.] will remain closed for 10 days starting today. The state's Mufti, Mohd Yusof Ahmad, said that the committees managing places of worship will use these days to clean and disinfect buildings. The Fatwa State Council will decide whether to reopen mosques and surau after March 26, added the mufti. His counterpart in Perlis, Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, said on social networks that for the moment all group activities in the mosques, including Friday prayers, will be stopped. "Muslims are invited to perform solat jema'ah [community prayer, ed.] Staying at home for 14 days, starting from the maghrib prayer [immediately after sunset, ed.] On March 16 up to the isyak prayer [of dawn, ed.] ] on March 29, "he said. The mufti added that the call to prayer in mosques will be changed to say "pray in your homes". The Los Angeles County sheriff has reduced the jail population by more than 600 people and is asking officers to cite and release offenders when possible to protect inmates from the coronavirus. As of Monday morning, the inmate population had been reduced from 17,076 to 16,459 since the end of February, in part by granting early release to those with less than 30 days on their sentences. "Our population within the jail is a vulnerable population just by virtue of who they are and where they're located," Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Monday at a news conference. "So, we're protecting that population from potential exposure." Arrests have dropped from around 300 a day to around 60 a day, the sheriff said Monday. The aggregate bond amount for people to be booked also went up from $25,000 to $50,000, with those under that amount being cited, he said. Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus within the jail, but nine inmates are in isolation housing at a correctional treatment center, while 21 inmates are in quarantine at the Men's Central Jail and five are at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility, he said. Staff at the correctional treatment center and the Medical Observation Specialty Housing unit are also checking the temperatures, looking for fevers, of anyone entering, Villanueva said. Image: Los Angeles pedestrians (Chris Pizzello / AP) The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California tweeted that the reduction of more than 600 inmates "is a start but nowhere enough" and urged Villanueva to release anyone who would not pose a physical safety risk to the community. There are 94 coronavirus cases in Los Angeles County, which includes Los Angeles and such cities as Compton, Beverly Hills and Long Beach, according to the county Public Health Department. One death has been reported, and 15 cases are being called likely instances of community transmission. The sheriff spoke about preparations at the jail and the department a day after Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti ordered the closing of gyms, bars and nightclubs, as well as restrictions prohibiting in-restaurant dining, until at least March 31. Takeout and deliveries are still allowed, and places like grocery stores will remain open. Story continues In the northern part of the state, San Francisco and surrounding counties told residents Monday to stay home "except for essential needs" beginning at midnight. The Los Angeles County sheriff said all vacations have been canceled for staff through the end of April. "Over the weekend, we've had several of our personnel come into contact, and they have been self-isolated," Villanueva said. "However, fortunately, no one has actually tested positive for the virus." Patrol station lobbies will remain open for people who need to conduct supervised visits or custody exchanges, but he encouraged people with reports to call ahead or make them online. One of the strangest manifestations of the threatened coronavirus epidemic in America is toilet paper hoarding. Justin Wolfers, an economics professor at the University of Michigan, has put together a tweet thread explaining why people are hoarding toilet paper. According to him, the motivation behind toilet paper hoarding is the same as the motivation behind runs on banks people are afraid that, if they don't keep up with others who want the same finite resource, then the resource will be gone. The economics of toilet paper shortages is the same as bank runs. [thread] Even if youre not freaked out about a pandemic, you worry that everyone else is & theyll stockpile to , & you dont want to be the left paperless. So you stockpile to avoid being shut out by others. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 So you run and get toilet paper not because you need dozens of rolls, but because you fear that others are going to stockpile leaving none for you. And theyre buying because they fear (correctly) that youre running to the store to stock up, leaving none for them. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 So you run and get toilet paper not because you think society is about to crumble, but because you fear that others fear this. Fear of a run on toilet paper like a run on banks is enough to create an actual run. And when the runs start we need help. (pun intended) Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 The result is that shelves are empty. Capitalism fails, and we all start to worry about . The whole mess is created by fear, but the reality of toilet paper shortages means that fear is rational. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 The problem is we have two equilibria: 1. Normal times: Everyone believes there will be so no-one stockpiles. 2. Panic times: Everyone fears shortages, which leads them to stockpile, which creates shortages. Thats happening now. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 Heres how we solve the self-fulfilling panics that cause bank runs: 1. The FDIC insures your money, so even if everyone else is running to the bank, you dont have to try to beat them. 2. Lender of last resort: The Fed lends to banks facing these runs, so they can keep operating Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 All of this says that what we need right now is a government-backed Strategic Toilet Paper Reserve. That Reserve makes a promise that even if your local Costco an out, you still have the right to buy 2 rolls per week from the governments stockpile. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 The Strategic Toilet Paper Reserve removes the incentive to stockpile. It ensures that even if you see others running to the store to stockpile toilet paper, you no longer need to try to run to beat them. You can relax, knowing that youll still be able to wipe your bum. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 So the economics of bank runs really is the same as the economics of toilet paper shortages. Both point to problems with unfettered markets. And both have problems that can be solved with clever government regulation. The only difference is whats on the paper. Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 4, 2020 (Hat tip: Don Surber.) That's a cute and clever analogy. Taken at face value, it works perfectly to explain the fear that wealth may have permanently drained from an economy. As for toilet paper, in the face of the current upset, it's not quite accurate. That's because, in America, we know that, in the future, there will be more toilet paper. Thus, the fear that's driving people other than profiteers crazy isn't that toilet paper will vanish entirely, a reasonable fear in a communist country or in time of war. Instead, the fear is that people will find themselves quarantined at home for a period exceeding their existing toilet paper stock. Even as we're stuck at home eying our diminishing supply of toilet paper, we know that our factories will continue to manufacture toilet paper. Once it's made, our truckers will deliver it to warehouses across America, and from those warehouses, more truckers will take it to our local stores. The stores will restock their shelves, and we will once again have our all-American soft tushie tissues. At Conservative Treehouse, Sundance explains the mechanics of supply chains that is, how goods make it from the warehouse to the store shelf. His point is that, short of a magic wand, there's no way retailers can restock shelves instantly, but they will be restocked. Because this is America and not the Soviet Union, when people finally finish using the 200 rolls of toilet paper they bought in a panic-induced frenzy, their local store will once again have a shelf full of toilet paper. However, here's some advice for those who lack strategic toilet paper reserves within their own homes. Turn your toilet into a bidet. It's dead easy. Then you never need to worry about toilet paper again and your derriere will thank you. If you're still able to leave your home, your local hardware store will have the tools you need. Otherwise, you can order things online. And please, don't panic. If worse comes to worst, get yourself off the potty and sidle over to your shower. Your derriere will probably like that, too. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 01:17:49|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DAMASCUS, March 16 (Xinhua) -- At least one civilian was killed and four others wounded on Monday by an explosion in Syria's northeastern province of al-Hasakah, state news agency SANA reported. The explosion was caused by a booby-trapped motorcycle that went off in the city of Shaddadi in the countryside of al-Hasakah, according to SANA. The exact target of the explosion wasn't immediately known but the area there is controlled by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a Kurdish-led militia. Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday that lawlessness hits a new high in areas under the SDF control in al-Hasakah and the countryside of the eastern province of Deir al-Zour. Enditem The Ministry of Health is calling for all passengers on these seven flights to have their health checked immediately with local authorities Accordingly, the seven flights where COVID-19 infections were detected are: - SQ 176 (Singapore Airlines) departing from Singapore to Hanoi on March 15; - VJ 826 (VietJet) departing from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) to Ho Chi Minh City on March 4; - TK 162 (Turkey Airlines) departing from Istanbul to Ho Chi Minh City on March 8; - QH 1521 (Bamboo Airways) departing from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc on March 9; - QH 1524 (Bamboo Airways) departing from Phu Quoc to Ho Chi Minh City on March 13; - SU 290 (Aeroflot) departing from Moscow to Hanoi on March 12; - QR 970 (Qatar Airways) departing from Doha to Ho Chi Minh City on March 10. The Ministry of Health asked all passengers on these seven flights to contact the CDCs in every city and province to receive guidance and have their health tested. Travel agents should inform these passengers about the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. As of the end of March 16, as many as 61 cases of COVID-19 infection were reported in Vietnam, 16 of whom were successfully cured last month, while the remaining 45 cases (18 foreigners and 27 locals) are undergoing treatment in various hospitals across the country. VN0054 flight departing from the UK on March 2 was the first one carrying infected passengers arriving at Hanoi, where 14 cases have been reported positive for the novel coronavirus. Patient 59 is the latest case of infection from this flight after two weeks. ALABAMA Gov. Kay Ivey issued statewide shutdowns of all beaches, child care facilities, dine-in restaurants and other services effective 5pm March 19. All public schools are closed until April 6. This extended previous rules closing day cares, senior centers and on-site restaurant dining across six counties and banning public gatherings of more than 25 people across the state. ALASKA Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced March 16 that state-run libraries, museums and archives will be closed through the end of March. Schools are closed to students until March 30. Anchorage banned dine-in service from 5pm Match 18 until March 31. Theaters, gyms and bingo halls closed through March 31. The mayor of Anchorage signed the order Monday closing gyms and entertainment venues and barring restaurants, bars and other establishments from offering dine-in service to the public through the rest of March. ARIZONA All schools closed through March 27. Arizonas Country Thunder music festival scheduled for April 16-19 in Florence is postponed. Visitors banned in most hospitals and clinics. Gov. Doug Ducey ordered the shutdown of bars and dine-in options in counties affected by the coronavirus. The action came after several Arizona cities including Phoenix, Tucson, Tempe and Flagstaff had issued their own bans. ARKANSAS Arkansas' schools will remain closed through April 17 and sit-down service at all restaurants and bars were banned from March 20. All schools closed from Tuesday. Arkansas casinos, gyms and other non-essential businesses also closed. Mayor Frank Scott issued a curfew from midnight to 5 a.m. from March 18 in Little Rock. PENNSYLVANIA All liquor stores and licensee service centers will close indefinitely at 9pm on Tuesday. Gov Tom Wolf extended the shutdown to the entire state of Pennsylvania on Monday bar essential services. A new list was released March 20 citing the 'life-sustaining' businesses that may continue operating during the shutdown: All sectors of the natural resource and mining industry, dry cleaning and laundromats, specialty food stores, insurance carriers, agencies, and brokerages, and accounting and tax preparation services. Barber shops, nail and hair salons, tattoo shops, and similar services will shut from 8pm on March 21. LOUISIANA All bars, nightclubs, casinos, movie theaters, gyms and health clubs will be closed until April 13. Restaurants may open for take-out options only. Governor John Bel Edwards said the new restrictions take effect Tuesday and will last until April 13. Public gatherings of 50 people or more will be banned. No one will be allowed to eat onsite at a restaurant. In heavily Catholic New Orleans and in Baton Rouge, church leaders announced cancellation of masses until further notice. The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival has been postponed. CONNECTICUT Gatherings of more than 50 people banned. Bars and restaurants shut indefinitely for dine-in customers. Clubs, bars, cinemas, gyms shut indefinitely. Hospitals across the state are restricting visitation, and some, including UConn Health in Farmington, have announced the indefinite postponement of elective surgeries. Barber shops, nail and hair salons, tattoo shops, and similar services will shut from 8pm on March 21. MASSACHUSETTS Gatherings of more than 25 people banned. Bars and restaurants to offer take-out only until April 7. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is shutting down construction sites across the city. Walsh also announced all branches of the Boston Public Library will close. NEW JERSEY Gov. Phil Murphy ordered all non-essential retail businesses close their stores and all residents to stay home on March 21. This exempts essential workers such as those in healthcare and food. All weddings and parties are banned. This marked an extension on previous measures which included: Barber shops, nail and hair salons, tattoo shops, and similar services to shut from 8pm on March 21. Hoboken residents ordered to isolate at home for a week from March 17. Curfew from 8pm 5am; gatherings of more than 50 people banned; bars and restaurants shut indefinitely for dine-in customers, but can offer take-out. Clubs, bars, cinemas and gyms shut indefinitely. Indoor malls, amusement centers, public and private schools, colleges and universities closed. NEW YORK Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a new order on March 20 that 100 percent of non-essential workers must stay home, upping the rule from 75 percent. The only workforces that are excluded are grocery stores, pharmacies, certain government workers and news organizations. People can go outside but are urged to stay indoors as much as possible. Bars and restaurants shut indefinitely for dine-in customers, but can offer take-out. Clubs, bars, cinemas and gyms shut indefinitely. Barber shops, nail and hair salons, tattoo shops, and similar services shut from 8pm on March 21. New York City - Eateries could only accept takeout and delivery orders. Mayor Bill de Blasio also ordered nightclubs, movie theaters and other entertainment venues closed. New York City announced its public school district, the nation's largest, will be closed starting Monday, joining most of the rest of the country. New Rochelle - one mile containment area set up. ILLINOIS Bars and restaurants shut to dine-in customers until March 30. The Governor of Illinois announced a stay at home order on March 20, ordering people to only go out for exercise, to the grocery store, to seek medical care or to pick up take-out from restaurants that have stayed open. The shutdown of Illinois elementary and high schools will be extended through at least April 7. KENTUCKY Bars and restaurants shut to dine-in customers until March 30. The Democratic governors of Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington on Monday all ordered the full or partial closure of certain categories of businesses. OHIO Bars and restaurants shut to dine-in customers, but can offer take-out. Ohio marked St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday with no parades and no primary election over fears of the coronavirus. Health Director Dr. Amy Acton issued an order late Monday shutting down polls Tuesday. Youngstown State University and Capital University in Columbus were among those announcing the cancellation of May commencement ceremonies, saying they couldn't comply with restrictions severely limiting the size of gatherings. Ohio's Roman Catholic bishops suspended all publicly celebrated Masses through Easter on April 12, extending an earlier suspension of services through Palm Sunday one week earlier. OKLAHOMA Public schools closed at least until April 6. Oklahoma's governor declared a statewide emergency Sunday evening. The Oklahoma Legislature approved sweeping changes to the state's Open Meeting Act on Tuesday to allow government bodies to meet via teleconference. Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum and Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt both ordered the immediate shutdown of bars, while restaurants can serve only take-out orders. Similar measures were also imposed in Stillwater and Norman, including orders that theaters, gyms and amusement facilities must also close. Officials with the Remington Park horse track in Oklahoma City said it was closing to the general public and races would be held without spectators. The archbishop of Oklahoma City announced Tuesday that all public masses and liturgies at Catholic churches in the archdiocese of Oklahoma City would be canceled through Easter Sunday, April 12. MICHIGAN Bars and restaurants shut to dine-in customers indefinitely, but can offer take-out. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has banned more than 50 people in a gathering at a time. Whitmer issued a sweeping order Monday banning dine-in customers at restaurants and closing all bars, movie theaters, gyms and other sports facilities to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The measure was to last through March. Besides those restrictions, all Michigan schools are closed. WASHINGTON Restaurants and bars ordered to shut temporarily. Gatherings of more than 50 people banned for at least two weeks. MINNESOTA Dine-in restaurants and bars ordered to shut through March 27 beginning Tuesday evening. Gov. Tim Walz ordered bars and restaurants across Minnesota to temporarily close to customers who dine in. Delivery and curbside takeout services may continue to operate. The temporary closure also applies to other places of public amusement, including theaters, museums, fitness centers and community clubs. Affected businesses must close by 5 p.m. Tuesday. While the governor's order runs through March 27, he said he'll likely end up extending it. Supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers are not affected. OREGON Gatherings of more than 25 people banned. Restaurants and bars allowed to offer take-out only. Gov. Kate Brown on Monday banned on-site consumption at bars and restaurants around the state for at least four weeks in a bid to slow the spread of the new coronavirus and said gatherings will be limited to 25 people or fewer. Restaurants can still offer takeout or delivery, she said at a news conference. Gov. Kate Brown announced an extension of her previous statewide school closure order to combat the spread of coronavirus, saying now schools will be shuttered until at least April 28. Only essential medical and emergency personnel can visit residents of long-term care facilities statewide, except for residents who are in the end stages of life. CALIFORNIA Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday issued an unprecedented statewide 'stay at home order' directing the state's 40 million residents to hunker down in their homes for the foreseeable future effective immediately. This was an extension of the shelter in place rule already issued across parts of the state, including San Francisco, and Palm Springs. Disneyland closed to the public. 'Few if any' California schools will reopen before summer break, Gov. Gavin Newsom said. Los Angeles extended its citywide ban on restaurants until at least April 19, from the previous order until March 31. WASHINGTON D.C. Restaurants, bars and clubs to shut down by 10pm Monday, with take-out and delivery still available until April 1. Health clubs, spas, massage parlors and theaters to shut down. Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser has declared a state of emergency. Organizers of the popular Cherry Blossom festival, which was scheduled to begin March 20, announced that several events would be postponed. Officials recommended that all 'non-essential mass gatherings, including conferences and conventions,' be postponed or canceled through the end of March. Georgetown University joined the growing list of higher-learning institutions to cancel in-person classes. MARYLAND Bars and restaurants shut indefinitely for dine-in customers, but can offer take-out. Clubs, bars, cinemas and gyms shut indefinitely. FLORIDA In Florida, Walt Disney World and Universal-Orlando closed Sunday night for the rest of the month, joining their already closed California siblings. Farther south, Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale closed their beaches, where thousands of college spring breakers flocked. All bars and nightclubs are set to close. Officials in Clearwater Beach, Naples voted to close the beach by Monday March 23, while others along the Gulf Coast in Florida's southwest communities are also being closed. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an order limiting parties on beaches to 10 people per group, but after Spring Breakers flouted the rules, said stricter control will be rolled out. All movie theatres, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums, fitness studios and beaches were shut in Broward County and Palm Beach County from March 20. All restaurant dining areas and gyms in the state shut March 20 with immediate effect. Restaurants can offer take-out and delivery orders. All hotels in Florida Keys closed down March 20. NEVADA Casinos throughout Nevada were closed Wednesday, along with other nonessential businesses, under an order from Gov. Steve Sisolak. All public, private and charter K-12 schools in the state will be closed Monday until at least April 6 in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Monthlong closure of non-essential businesses like bars, movie theaters and gyms. Restaurants must shutter their dining rooms and only offer takeout or delivery. COLORADO Colorado's 12,000 bars and restaurants are limited to takeout and delivery orders under a 30-day ban on gatherings of 50 people as the state expands testing to try to brake the spread of the coronavirus, Gov. Jared Polis said Monday. Polis also announced the closure of all theaters, gyms and casinos until further notice. Vail Resorts said it will keep its North American resorts closed for the rest of the ski season. People arrested for low-level crimes will no longer be booked into jail. INDIANA Bars, nightclubs and restaurants closed for dine-in with and takeout allowed until the end of March. Honda said Wednesday that it will shut down plants in North America, including one in Greensburg. RHODE ISLAND All restaurants, bars, coffee shops shut down for dine in until March 30. Drive-thru and delivery services remain open. The Rhode Island Statehouse will be closed to visitors and certain popular government services will be curtailed. The popular, downtown Providence Place Mall will be shut down. Catholic churches in Rhode Island are suspending Mass services. VERMONT Bars and restaurants can only serve takeout from Tuesday night. All pre-K-12 schools in Vermont must close no later than Tuesday DELAWARE Gov. John Carney directed that restaurants and bars in Delaware restrict their operations to take-out, drive-thru and delivery services. GEORGIA All public schools and universities closed. A large outdoor music festival in Atlanta has been postponed until fall. Organizers of the Shaky Knees Festival on Wednesday said the event featuring headliners the Black Keys, the Strokes and Smashing Pumpkins is now set for Oct. 16 to 18. HAWAII Visitors asked to postpone their island vacations for at least the next 30 days. Directive that all bars and clubs close and that restaurants shift to serving food through drive-through, takeout and delivery service. Gatherings to be limited to a maximum of 10 people. The National Park Service said the Pearl Harbor National Memorial has closed temporarily. IDAHO Gov. Brad Little said state is adopting federal guidelines that include avoiding social gatherings of more than 10 people. The guidelines also call for not eating or drinking in bars, restaurants and food courts, but to use drive-thru or pickup options. Little also recommended avoiding discretionary travel and shopping. Boise: State of emergency declared Monday, city buildings closed with the exception of the Boise Airport IOWA Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds ordered restaurants, bars, fitness centers, theaters and casinos to close for two weeks. Also bans events of more than 10 people, including parades, festivals, conventions and fundraisers, in line with federal recommendations. KANSAS Kansas State University to teach remotely. In Kansas, Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly on Monday banned public gatherings of 50 or more people for the next two months. All of the state's K-12 schools to close and to move lessons online for the rest of the spring semester. MAINE Maine's largest city, Portland, declared an emergency and adopted a curfew to prevent the spread of the virus on St. Patrick's Day. The curfew applies to establishments where groups gather all day Tuesday and from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. from Wednesday to Saturday. L.L. Bean is closing all of its retail stores across the country, including its flagship store in Freeport, Maine, to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. The North Haven Select Board voted Sunday to ban visitors and seasonal residents immediately to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to the Penobscot Bay island, where there have been no cases yet. A growing number of municipalities declared emergencies and imposed curfews. MISSISSIPPI Casinos, public universities and school districts closed until further notice. Mississippi legislators are suspending their work until at least April 1. MISSOURI Restaurants, bars and movie theaters ordered shut for 15 days in Kansas City metro from Tuesday MONTANA Public schools closed for two weeks. Billings, Missoula, Bozeman, Butte and Helena restrict restaurant openings. NEBRASKA Omaha bars and restaurants limited to 10 and under patrons. The Douglas County Board of Health issued an order limiting gatherings within the county, which includes Omaha, to no more than 10 people. The order also says that a venue must be large enough for all people in any gathering to be at least 6 feet (1.8 meters) apart from each other. The order is effective through April 30. NEW HAMPSHIRE Restaurants will be restricted to take-out, schools are shut down and large public gatherings are being banned in an effort to contain the coronavirus in New Hampshire. New Hampshire's directive, which extends until April 7, also will ban public gatherings of 50 people or more. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and affiliated hospitals are no longer allowing visitors. NEW MEXICO Restaurants and bars to operate at 50 per cent capacity; tables must not seat more than six people, and must be separated by at least six feet. NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper is ordering all restaurants and bars be closed to dine-in patrons. Cooper's office announced he would issue a new executive order directing the closings effective at 5 p.m. Tuesday. The establishments can continue to offer takeout and delivery. NORTH DAKOTA No mandated closing of restaurants and bars. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum issued an executive order closing schools across the state for one week beginning Monday. PUERTO RICO Two-week closure for the majority of businesses; 9pm overnight curfew through March 30. Puerto Rico Secretary of State Elmer Roman said at a press conference on Monday that no one is allowed to go to the beach. On Sunday, Gov. Wanda Vazquez ordered a two-week closure of nonessential government offices and commercial businesses except for gas stations and those in the food, health and finance sectors. Puerto Rico also cancelled major events, including an Ironman race scheduled for this past weekend. SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston banned gatherings of more than 50 people outside of stores and private offices. Columbia restricted businesses to no more than half their legal occupancy and won't allow more than six people to sit at a restaurant table. Schools closed from Monday SOUTH DAKOTA No current plans to close restaurants or bars. The governor signed a state of emergency order last week, requesting public schools to close and ordering non-essential state employees to work from home. South Dakota public universities announced on Monday that all classes will move online next week after an extended spring break. TENNESSEE All bars closed in Nashville; restuarants ordered to operate at no more than 50 per cent capacity. Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee on Monday asked schools to close, exhorted people to avoid crowded bars TEXAS Austin joined other major cities statewide in closing bars and restaurant dining rooms to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The Texas Capitol in Austin also will be closed to the public. SXSW canceled. The University of Texas System on Tuesday instructed its eight academic campuses to, effective immediately, move all classes online for the rest of the spring semester and postponed graduation ceremonies until the fall. El Paso closed its bars and ordered restaurant capacities cut in half. Galveston Mayor Jim Yarbrough ordered the island city's bars and restaurants to close, as well as all public amusement venues, including museums, the Pleasure Pier and Moody Gardens. Houston has also enacted restrictions on bars, clubs and restaurant US VIRGIN ISLANDS State of emergency declared All public schools closed for at least three weeks from Wednesday UTAH Salt Lake City shuts restaurants to dine in customers and bars; take out continues. Utah Gov. Gary Herbert ordered statewide dine-in closures at restaurants, bars and other eateries while health officials in the national parks hot spot of Moab halted new overnight tourists. Authorities also closed restaurants, except for takeout, and other public places like theaters and gyms in Grand, Carbon and Emery Counties. VIRGINIA Gov. Ralph Northam bans public gatherings of more than 100 people. All K-12 schools to close through at least March 27. WEST VIRGINIA So far, West Virginia has just one coronavirus case. WISCONSIN Bans on 50 people or more gatherings; bars and restaurants limiting customers. Gov. Tony Evers ordered that child care settings have no more than 10 staffers and 50 children present at the same time. WYOMING Dine in customers banned at restaurants and bars. Airlines are wrapping up winter-season flights to Jackson Hole weeks earlier than usual. The resort and two others in northwest Wyoming Grand Targhee resort and Snow King Resort have shut down early. (Newser) A Connecticut man has been charged with threatening to kill House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff via the Democrat's website. Investigators say Robert Michael Phelps, 62, sent a meeting request to Schiff's office on Nov. 12, saying "I want to kill you with my bare hands and smash your sick little round fat lying face in," the Wall Street Journal reports. The FBI traced the message to Phelps, who "stated he was a Republican and needed to protect 'his president,'" according to a criminal complaint. The complaint states that Phelps admitted sending the message, but "did not see the message as threatening." story continues below Schiff, who took a lead role in impeachment proceedings, was a frequent target of President Trump before, during, and after his impeachment. On the day Phelps is accused of sending the threat, Trump tweeted that Schiff was a "corrupt, compromised, coward & congenital liar." On Jan. 26, the president tweeted that Schiff "has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!" Phelps, who was released on $25,000 bond after his arrest Friday, faces a charge of threatening to assault and murder a US official, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years, and making interstate threats, which has a maximum sentence of 5 years, reports CNN. (Read more Adam Schiff stories.) By Express News Service MANGALURU: More than 90 passengers and crew members of a Dubai flight that had landed in Mangaluru on March 14 were put under home quarantine on Tuesday after it was learnt that one of the passengers from Kerala in that flight had tested positive for coronavirus. Earlier in the day, the authorities and people of Mangaluru were left anxious after the news spread that the person who had travelled from Mangaluru Airport to Kasargod had tested positive. CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW LIVE COVERAGE OF COVID-19 Soon, the Dakshina Kannada district authorities got in touch with their counterparts in Kasargod to find out his route map and people the patient had come across in the airport and other places before he reached Kasargod. However, by evening, the Kerala government announced that the person had travelled directly from Mangaluru to Kasargod without stopping anywhere in between. Meanwhile, the Dakshina Kannada district administration which sprang into action managed to zero in on all the passengers and crew members who had travelled with the patient and put them under home quarantine. Deputy Commissioner Sindhu B Rupesh said that there were more than 90 passengers and crew who had travelled with the patient and so far none of them have symptoms of COVID-19. However, she said that they will keep a watch on them. ALSO READ| Kalaburagi doctor who treated coronavirus-infected man tests positive According to the route map of the patient released by the Kerala government in the app 'GoK Direct', the passenger along with his cousin arrived at Mangaluru International Airport from Dubai in Air India Express IX 814 flight at 5:20 am on March 14. From the airport, he was picked up two other persons and they proceeded to Kasargod in a private car. At 7 am, they reached a private hospital in Kasargod and gave his blood sample. Over 90 passengers had landed in city in the same flight. Health and family welfare minister B Sriramulu who was in city to take stock of the situation over the dreaded coronavirus had said the incident is a matter of concern. Father of trans-identified teen, Christian broadcaster facing charges for defying court order Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment An independent Christian journalist and the father of a trans-identifying teen girl are facing charges for speaking out against the experimental practices being performed on her body to gender-transition her to appear as male. The British Columbia dad, who is called "CD" in court documents and has been battling in court in an attempt to stop a hormonal gender transition of his daughter, along with broadcaster Laura Lynn Thompson could be charged with criminal contempt of court, Life Site News reported. The father is legally forbidden from speaking to media about the case but did so anyway. Thompson may face charges because she posted a video of an interview she did with the father last month. She initially refused to take it down but eventually did remove the video. The footage is viewable on some sites within Canada and around the world as the case has garnered international attention. The father has also done an interview with another independent outlet called Press for Truth, retelling his story and outlining his objections to the medical interventions. In court proceedings last week, it emerged that attorneys for the trans-identified teenager, who is now 15, were not acting under the direction of their client, Thompson told LifeSite News. The teen girl has been receiving testosterone injections for the past few months, against the wishes of her father. British Columbia Supreme Court justice Michael Tammen referred the matter Tuesday to the province's attorney general to consider prosecuting both Thompson and the father. Thompson said it was a shock that the judge made such a move but indicated that she is undeterred. I feel that there is a call from the Lord on my life, to sound the trumpet and sound the alarm on what they are doing, she told LifeSiteNews. The high court previously ruled that if the father did not acquiesce to using opposite sex pronouns or his child's new chosen name that it would be considered "family violence" and he could potentially face being arrested. In January, that decision was revised to say that indeed he had not done that but nevertheless issued conduct orders, forbidding him from speaking to the press and directing him to use the male name and masculine pronouns when speaking to his daughter. The matter in Canada comes amid other contentious disputes surrounding the medicalization of gender now being adjudicated in other western countries, particularly as it pertains to minors. In the United Kingdom, a judicial review of Tavistock gender clinic in London is now underway where it has been alleged that treatments were being administered that lack a robust evidence base and that the risks are not being adequately explained. A 23-year-old detransitioner, a young woman who identified as transgender and underwent hormonal transition at the clinic during her teen years, is a claimant in the case and says the medical pathway she was put on was dangerous and now believes she was too young to give consent to such practices. In the United States last fall, the case of 7-year-old James Younger elicited massive public outcry when a Dallas jury originally awarded conservatorship to a mother who had expressed her intentions to transition the young boy into a girl named Luna against the wishes of the father, Jeff Younger. The judge in the case, Kim Cooks, overruled the decision in the case and awarded joint conservatorship to both parents. Cooks was ultimately recused from the case, which is ongoing, but her ruling presently stands. Although the goal is simple, Dr. King calls the experiment ugly because the rich system has an overabundance of factors at play. This makes the problem not easily amenable to elegant theory or simple analysis, he said. Dr. King has been pursuing this line of investigation for several years. As research problems go, its a birds nest of a birds nest: All the input parameters and boundary conditions are interwoven, in ways that prove difficult to tease apart. More than a metaphor The paper recently published by Dr. King and his collaborators primarily reviews the field of nest research, such as it is. One reference on Dr. Kings bookshelf is a classic title by Mike Hansell, Bird Nests and Construction Behavior. Dr. Hansell, a professor emeritus of animal architecture at the University of Glasgow, conducted field work in museum collections around the world. At the Natural History Museum in London, for instance, he found an unremarkable looking cup nest of grass and rootlets by the now extinct piopio (Turnagra capensis) of New Zealand. The bird itself was last observed in 1947, he wrote. Possibly no other nest of this species remains in the world. It is an enduring expression of behavior that can no longer be seen. To touch it is to be as close to its maker as to touch a brush stroke of a Van Gogh sunflower. In cascading chapters and subsections, Dr. Hansell explored topics like nest shape, decoration and size, and the nest as a factor in mate selection. For the blue-footed booby, nest-building is reduced to the exaggerated presentation of tiny pieces of vegetation by the male to the female, a trait that might well be expected to be under the influence of sexual selection, he wrote, with a nod to Charles Darwin. Journalists protest against attacks on colleagues during Delhi riots Jobanpreet Singh (Punjabs online journalist was killed in police firing on December 19), Vijay Gupta (Kanpur-based scribe shot dead by close relatives on October 29), Radheyshyam Sharma (Kushinagar-based journalist murdered by his neighbours on October 10), Ashish Dhiman (Saharanpur-based photojournalist shot dead along with his brother by neighbours on August 18), Chakresh Jain (Shahgarh-based freelance journalist died of serious burn injuries on June 19), Anand Narayan (news channel contributor of Mumbai murdered by miscreants on June 4), Nityanand Pandey (magazine editor in Thane killed by an employee on March 17), and Kerala-based journalist K Muhammed Basheer lost his life on August 3 as a government officer driven vehicle mowed down him. Pak journalists protest against attack on press freedom Guwahati-based scribe named Naresh Mitra died on December 9 after sustaining head injuries in a mysterious accident inside the city. Otherwise, the trouble-torn northeastern region has once again evaded murder of any journalist in two consecutive years. Tripura reported the murder of five media persons between 2013 and 2017, whereas Assam and Manipur witnessed the last killing of media persons (Dwijamani Nanao Singh from Imphal and Raihanul Nayum from Dhubri) in 2012. Till the recent time, the region was a breeding ground for insurgents fighting against New Delhi with demands for self-rule to sovereignty. Both the states were once severely affected by militancy, where over 30 separatist armed outfits went on with disruptive activities including extortion, kidnapping, and killings. The year 2017 was recognized as a deadliest year for working journalists for India, as 12 scribes (Hari Prakash, Brajesh Kumar Singh, Shyam Sharma, Kamlesh Jain, Surender Singh Rana, Gauri Lankesh, Shantanu Bhowmik, KJ Singh, Rajesh Mishra, Sudip Datta Bhaumik, Naveen Gupta and Rajesh Sheoran) were either murdered or killed in suspicious situations. Among the casualties, Tripura reported two incidents of journo-murder (Shantanu and Sudip Datta) that year. Earlier 2013 emerged a dangerous year for scribes with 11 casualties including three media employees (Sujit Bhattacharya, Ranjit Chowdhury and Balaram Ghosh) from Tripura. Various national and international media rights bodies like RSF, IFJ, New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), etc. came out with separate reports on journo-murders in 2019 and rightly continue raising voices for due probes and punishments to the culprits. --- *Guwahati-based scribe-activist Even as attacks on journalists continue unabated in South Asia and across the world, Pakistan has reported the murder of a journalist this year, whereas India has so far not reported any across the country. Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontiers (RSF) indicates that nine journalists have been killed till date this year while on duty. Highest number of casualties are reported from Iraq (3) followed by Syria (2), Pakistan (1), Somalia (1), Nigeria (1) and Paraguay (1). India witnessed one targeted casualty last year, though in all nine journalists were killed because of other reasons. Across the world, 49 scribes lost their lives while on duty. Except Pakistan and Bangladesh, Indias other neighbours namely Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Tibet (under China), and Bhutan evaded any incident of scribes murder in 2019.According to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Mexico tops the list with 10 incidents of journalists killings last year, followed by Afghanistan ( 5), Syria (5), Pakistan (4), Somalia (3), Yemen (2), Philippines (2), Brazil (2), Haiti (2), Honduras ( 2), Iraq (1), Haiti (1), Nigeria (1), Northern Ireland (1), the Philippines (1), etc.Pakistan reported the mysterious death of Aziz Memon in Mehrabpur locality of Sindh province on February 16 last. Memon used to work for KTN Television and daily "Kawish" and his body found near his residence. The country lost four scribes (Aman Ullah Gharro, Ali Sher Rajper, Mirza Waseem Baig and Zafar Abbas) to assailants last year.Afghanistan witnessed the murder of Javid Noori, Shafiq Arya, Rahimullah Rahmani, Sultan Mohammad Kairkhah and Nader Shah Shebzadeh, whereas Bangladesh reported the suspected murder of online journalist Ihsan Ibn Reza Fagun in 2019. India witnessed the incidents of nine journo-killings in 2019; of these one incident emerged as a case of targeted murder.Andhra Pradesh-based journalist K Satyanarayana (45) faced the fate because of his performances as a working journalist. The committed reporter of Telugu newspaper "Andhra Jyothy" was hacked to death by miscreants at Annavaram village of East Godavari district on the night of October 15. Local scribes informed that Satyanarayana was targeted in an earlier occasion too.Others who were killed this year include:Bihars scribe Pradeep Mandal was targeted by miscreants on July 28, but he survived luckily. He contributed a number of news items against the local liquor mafia for Dainik Jagaran and invited enmities from the goons. UPPER DARBY More than 900 students on Monday took advantage of the Upper Darby School Districts coronavirus food delivery and response plan. Stations were set up outside of all nine elementary schools and district employees, including bus drivers and cafeteria workers, manned the distribution tables. This is a wonderful thing, said bus driver Dottie Kaikowski. I am very happy to be here this morning helping to distribute this food to the children. There are many students who depend on this for their daily nutrition. Pre-packaged breakfasts included cinnamon sticks, apples, juice and chocolate milk for breakfast, and a cheese sandwich, carrot sticks and milk for lunch. A parent who brought her three children said she was very grateful to the district for continuing the food program. This is such a big help to me and my family, she said. We have fallen on some tough times and when school was closed because of the virus I didnt know what I was going to do. So, thank you very much. Schools Superintendent Dr. Dan McGarry expressed appreciation to the employees who distributed the food, and the crossing guards, who spent the morning making sure the students were safe. He also praised Wendy Elgart, director of federal programs, grants, food service, counseling and social work, for all of her hard work in planning the food distribution. Today is a great day, McGarry said. People rallied around each other and the end result could not have been any better. This is a total team effort. Breakfast and lunch will be served daily to students 18 and under at the elementary schools for the remainder of the time school is closed. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, on March 13, announced the closure of all non-essential travel, services and activities in the county, including all schools through March 29 due to the coronavirus pandemic. International Trust Machines Corporation (ITM), a Taiwanese blockchain solutions provider, recently received pre-A round funding from IC design house MediaTek. The amount of the deal was not disclosed. The company is using the funds for product development targeting B2B users. Established in 2019 by Julian Chen, CEO, ITM provides a blockchain software development kit (SDK) that can be ported on low-level IoT chips and is secured with a fingerprint on blockchain. The company is currently working with global brand names such as Microsoft, Qualcomm and Taiwan Mobile. FinSMEs 16/03/2020 Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe " " Giant shark megalodon was the apex predator in Earth's oceans for millions of years, before going extinct about 2.6 million years ago. Richard Bizley/Science Photo Library/Getty Images The largest shark in the history of the planet was named megalodon, and could grow to lengths of 60 feet (18 meters). Megalodon ruled Earth's oceans for more than 20 million years. But if such a beast could get by for that long, why did the giant shark species die out about 2.6 million years ago? Past hypotheses have suggested that megalodon, the largest known apex predator in the ocean's history, faded into history due to the ripple effect that climate change had on its ecosystems. New research published in the Journal of Biogeography, however, has concluded that the gigantic predator died out because its food sources became less diverse, and because other, smaller predators evolved into direct competition. Advertisement " " The megalodon range in the world's oceans changed over millions of years. Catalina Pimiento A research team from the University of Zurich's Paleontological Institute and Museum examined 200 megalodon records from museum collections and databases around the world, recreating a picture of the shark's range in the world's oceans, and how its population grew and eventually dwindled compared to the world climate. According to the research, megalodon populations neither shrank when the temperature dropped worldwide, nor increased significantly when water temperatures increased. "We were not able to ascertain any direct link between the extinction of C. megalodon and the global fluctuations in temperatures during this time," lead researcher Catalina Pimiento, also in the running for coolest scientist name of the week, said in a press release announcing the findings. "Changing climatic conditions do not appear to have had any influence on the population density and range of the giant sharks." Instead, Pimiento and her team believe that a drop in the diversity of filter-feeding whales, which served as shark chow and acted as indicator of overall biodiversity, had a bigger impact on the megalodon's eventual extinction. The team also proposes that the emergence of smaller competitors contributed to megalodon's fade. The ancestors of today's orcas and great white sharks could get by with less food than an eating machine weighing upward of 50 tons (46 metric tons), as some estimates of megalodon's size suggest, would need. Now That's Interesting The scientific community doesn't wholly agree as to whether megalodon's scientific name should be Carcharodon megalodon or Carcharocles megalodon, coming down to different readings of the evolutionary record. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17, 2020 09:18 666 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b193c1 1 National MUI,MUI-edict,fatwa,Friday-prayer,mosque,COVID-19,coronavirus,pandemic,Wuhan-coronavirus,Wuhan-coronavirus-in-Indonesia,outbreak,outbreak-in-Indonesia Free The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued a fatwa on compulsory Muslim prayers specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. MUI Fatwa Council chair Hasanuddin said in a written statement on Monday that Muslims in areas where COVID-19 had spread uncontrollably were not permitted to perform Friday prayers in those areas until the situation returns to normal. They are obliged to replace [the Friday prayer] with the zuhr [midday] prayer [at home]. Likewise, it is [forbidden] to hold religious activities that involve large numbers of people that could further spread COVID-19, Hasanuddin said in the statement. He added that Muslims in areas "less affected" by COVID-19 could perform the Friday prayer at mosques. However, people were encouraged to minimize physical contact, bring their own prayer mats and wash their hands diligently. The MUI also prohibited Muslims who tested positive for COVID-19 from attending Friday prayer at mosques, and instructed them to replace the obligatory Friday prayer with the zuhr at home. "It is haram for a [person with] COVID-19 to carry out sunnah activities that create opportunities for contagion, such as performing the daily prayers in congregation, the tarawih [special Ramadan prayer] and the Eid prayer at mosques and other public places, as well as attending public [Quranic] recitations or majelis taklim [Quran study groups], the fatwa stated. The statement also said that the bathing the bodies of the dead should be carried out by medical authorities in compliance with their protocols and with regard to Islamic law. Hasanuddin added that funeral prayers and burials should be conducted as usual, but with precautions in order to avoid exposure to COVID-19. The fatwa council also stated that actions that caused panic and/or public losses, such as hoarding basic necessities and face masks, were haram. On March 16, Indonesia reported 134 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including five deaths. The virus has spread throughout the country, including major regions like Jakarta, Yogyakarta, West Java, Central Java, Banten, Bali, North Sulawesi and West Kalimantan. (aly) The New Jersey National Guard is answering a call for help from Gov. Phil Murphy by deploying about 150 of its 8,200 members. Murphy on Monday announced during a news conference in Trenton that he is calling on the Guard to help in any way necessary the states efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus. But this isnt a mobilization, said Kryn Westhoven, spokesman for the state Department of Military and Veteran Affairs. A mobilization would be if the Guard were called into service by the federal government. Thats when youre calling up whole units, he said. This effort, so far, is also a lot smaller than when the Guard was put into service for Superstorm Sandy. About 2,100 were deployed then. This time were not worrying about doing high water rescues, Westhoven said. Its a whole different scenario. The troops from the Army and Air National Guard units across the state will work for N.J.'s Office of Emergency Management and be paid by the state. Theyll send military police officers to help direct traffic at drive-by testing sites. Others will use National Guard Humvees and trucks to deliver food and other supplies. And theyll be ready to set up temporary hospitals if needed, Westhoven said. Were in the planning process right now, he said. It takes a while to get all the people ready. The Guardsmen will likely begin their work later this week, Westhoven said, but that too is still being worked out. Weve done this in the past. Its something the Guard is prepared and trained for, he said. Were ready and able to serve our fellow citizens. This is the first time the Guard has been deployed in New Jersey since Superstorm Sandy, in 2012, but they have helped in Florida and other states during natural disasters. Tell us your coronavirus stories, whether its a news tip, a topic you want us to cover, or a personal story you want to share. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. Allison Pries may be reached at Follow her on Twitter@AllisonPries. Find on Facebook. President Trump on Monday announced new social distancing guidelines calling for Americans not to gather in groups larger than 10, while the U.S. surgeon general warned an infection rate near that of Italy is likely if Americans do not radically limit their public interactions as soon as possible. While many people have been frightened by the sudden change in tone from the White House and the federal government, Yahoo News Public Health contributor Kathryn Jacobsen, a George Mason University professor specializing in global health epidemiology, said there is still time to reduce the scale of infection by keeping interactions between households limited as much as possible. Asked about the shift in tone from Washington, where just yesterday officials had said gatherings need only be limited to 50, Jacobsen said theres no magic number. We dont know what the threshold is that would minimize transmission between people at the community level, Jacobsen told Skullduggery hosts Daniel Klaidman and Michael Isikoff. Weve never seen anything like this before. Jacobsen, who has served as an expert adviser to the World Health Organization and other international health organizations, said there is no playbook for a threat like COVID-19. The social distancing is about trying to remove that physical contact between people, Lets just slow this down the best we can for now, Jacobsen said. Asked for the best-case scenario moving forward, Jacobsen said she would consider it a huge win if two months from now people say, Wow, we really overreacted. While only 88 Americans have died from COVID-19 as of Tuesday morning, Jacobsen said that number will grow exponentially in the next week or two. When we see the number of deaths, were seeing where the number of infections was two or three weeks ago, she said. Were not going to see the effect of whether these social distancing measures are limiting the number of new infections for another week or two. While most people arent ready for the kinds of lockdowns that it seems may be happening in the near future, Jacobsen said they are necessary. If we take this seriously for a few weeks, we can shorten the timeline for when we get this under control. Story continues A sign hangs on the door of a Denver-area YMCA as gyms have been forced to close in Colorado's efforts to fend off the spread of coronavirus. (David Zalubowski/AP) Download or subscribe on iTunes: Skullduggery from Yahoo News This story has augmented reality! Tap the video above to see how it looks and download the Yahoo News app to launch the full experience. Augmented reality is currently available to iPhone users (iPhone 8 and later) with the latest version of iOS. _____ Read more from Yahoo News: BAKU, Azerbaijan, Mar. 17 By Rufiz Hafizoglu - Trend: Turkeys export of cement to Uzbekistan has decreased from January through February 2020, making up $1.1 million, which is 58.4 percent less compared to the same period of 2019, Turkeys Ministry of Trade told Trend on March 17. In February 2020, Turkeys export of cement to Uzbekistan decreased by 67.1 percent compared to February 2019, and made up $679,000, the ministry noted. Turkeys export of cement to world markets increased by 15.3 percent in January-February 2020 compared to the same period of the last year, making up $597.8 million. Turkeys export of cement was 2 percent of the countrys total export for the reporting period. In February 2020, Turkey exported cement worth $309.7 billion to world markets, which is 16.3 percent more than in the same month of 2019. Turkeys cement export share in the countrys total export made up 1.2 percent in February 2020. In the last 12 months, i.e. from February 2019 through February 2020, Turkey exported cement in the amount of $3.5 billion. Turkeys foreign trade turnover in 2019 exceeded $374.2 billion. --- Follow the author on Twitter: @rhafizoglu The Karni Sena, which protested against Bollywood film Padmaavat over historic facts, has now asked the producers of Prithviraj, an upcoming movie featuring Akshay Kumar, not to tamper with history. Members of the outfit, led by its national president Mahipal Singh Makrana, staged a stir at the shooting of the film in Jamwaramgarh village, on saturday and asked the director, Chandra Prakash, to stop the shooting. Prakash assured them that there was no tampering with historic facts in the film's script. However, the Karni Sena demanded a written assurance. Akshay Kumar was not shooting when the Karni Sena members staged the protest on Saturday. We held discussions with the director, Chandra Prakash, regarding the film's script today. We told him that no tampering with historic facts will be tolerated, Makrana said on Monday. Prithviraj Chauhan should not be portrayed as a lover in the film. The director has assured us that there is no such thing in the movie but we want a written assurance, he said. Previously with the Sanjay Leela Bhansali spectacle 'Padmaavat' the Karni Sena had protested alleging that the filmmaker had shown Rani Padmavati in a bad light. Produced by Yashraj Films, Prithviraj is based on the life of Rajput ruler Prithviraj Chauhan. Tens of thousands of Australians and foreign visitors who are supposed to be in self-isolation to stop the spread of coronavirus are not being monitored by authorities. Despite threats of arrest and fines of up to $50,000 for breaches of public health laws most Australian police forces are not checking on people in self-isolation. Instead, authorities have said they expect those in quarantine to simply 'do the right thing' and not endanger the rest of the community. Police forces in South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, the ACT and the Northern Territory have no current role in actively enforcing self-isolation orders. Victoria Police has said it would respond to tip-offs about compliance breaches but would otherwise trust potentially infected people to remain in isolation. Scroll down for video Thousands of travellers who are supposed to be in self-isolation to stop the spread of COVID-19 are not being monitored by authorities. Pictured are passengers leaving Sydney Airport in January. It is not suggested anyone pictured has failed to comply with quarantine rules Authorities have said they expect those in quarantine to simply 'do the right thing' and not endanger the rest of the community. Passengers are pictured arriving at Sydney Airport. It is not suggested anyone pictured has failed to comply with quarantine rules Despite threats of arrest and fines of up to $50,000 for breaches of public health laws most Australian police forces are not checking on people in self-isolation. (Stock image) The New South Wales Police Force has provided no information about its role in enforcing coronavirus quarantines other than to state 'this is all still being discussed across the government agencies.' Only Queensland police appear to be conducting spot-checks on residents and tourists who are supposed to be in quarantine, having undertaken more than 1,850 such visits. People who are believed to have contracted COVID-19 or been in contact with patients while they were ill with the disease have been told to stay at home for 14 days. All international arrivals have also been ordered to self-isolate for a fortnight. During isolation, individuals must stay at home or in their paid accommodation and cannot go anywhere they might have contact with other people, such as work, school, childcare, university or public gatherings. Those who ignore the orders are putting the community at risk of catching a disease that has already killed more than 6,800 people globally and infected at least 450 Australians. Victoria Police received an order from the state's Chief Health Office on Monday about enforcing self-isolation and the prohibition of gatherings of more than 500 people. 'Police will be looking to people doing the right thing voluntarily and will continue encouraging people to do the right thing,' a Victoria Police spokeswoman said. States and territories have varying penalties for those who breach public health laws. Passengers are pictured arriving at Sydney Airport on March 16. It is not suggested anyone pictured has failed to comply with quarantine rules A health worker in protective clothing prepares to conduct consultations with passengers arriving at Brisbane Airport on March 16 'We will be enforcing arrests and detaining people as a last resort. We know that the vast majority of the community do the right thing. 'If people have concerns with other people breaching self-isolation, please call Triple Zero or the Police Assistance Line. 'We will be triaging the calls in relation to their veracity and assessing the risks about those calls. 'Common law discretion will be there for police officers to determine what action they will take. Queensland police have conducted more than 8,500 checks on citizens in self-isolation since February 5 'Our priority is not around arrest. Our priority is around community involvement, community consent, and community doing the right thing. 'We don't want the community to be reliant on resources of the police being taken by engaging in enforcement activities that are not necessary to engage in.' Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Monday anyone arriving in Australia would be required to self-isolate for 14 days. 'Up until now, that has been a voluntary arrangement,' he said. 'There has been no potential sanction that might apply against a person for not following that requirement. 'Once state authorities are in a position to give that its legal enforcement, then that will be a change. 'If your mate has been to Bali and they come back and they turn up to work, and they are sitting next to you, they will be committing an offence. 'It's a matter for state authorities as to what penalties they'll place on that.' Each states and territory has its own penalties for breaches of public health laws, however police forces simply cannot strictly monitor self-isolation orders. 'This provides the backstop of a legal enforcement, but the idea that there'd be significant resources dedicated to that task would not be practical,' Mr Morrison said. Police have visited thousands of Australians in random checks to ensure those who have self-isolated amid the coronavirus outbreak are staying at home. Victoria Police put a mask on this man as he was arrested in Melbourne's Swanson Street last week NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian urged citizens to take it upon themselves to tell authorities if they were aware of anyone violating self-isolation orders. 'There are penalties in place for people who don't respect what we've done,' Ms Berejiklian said. 'We really need people to step up as well and to follow instructions. 'Because there's no chance we're going to be able to monitor every single person that gets off a plane for the next two weeks. It's not going to be possible. 'What we do want is to make sure we do have those provisions in place, so that if we do know cases - and people should report these cases, if people are turning up to work when they shouldn't. 'If they're engaging in community and social life when they shouldn't, well let us know. But I'm hoping most people will step up and do the right thing.' Ms Berejiklian said police could fine or imprison anyone who failed to self-isolate and could arrest event organisers who allowed functions attended by more than 500 people to go ahead. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has declared a month-long state of emergency, authorising police to detain citizens, restrict movement and prevent entry to premises. Pictured is the international departure terminal at Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport last week Victorian premier Daniel Andrews raised the role of police when he declared a month-long state of emergency, authorising officers to detain citizens, restrict movement and prevent entry to public premises. 'It is an offence under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act to not comply with the orders that have been made,' Mr Andrews said on Monday. CORONAVIRUS CASES IN AUSTRALIA: 27,244 Victoria: 20,269 New South Wales: 4,273 Queensland: 1,161 Western Australia: 692 South Australia: 473 Tasmania: 230 Australian Capital Territory: 113 Northern Territory: 33 TOTAL CASES: 27,244 ESTIMATED ACTIVE CASES: 269 DEATHS: 897 Updated: 5.31 PM, 11 October, 2020 Source: Australian Government Department of Health Advertisement Queensland Premier Anastasia Palaszczuk has said police in her state were monitoring individuals in self-isolation cases and people had been complying with the rules. 'We have random police checks to make sure people are compliant with that notice,' Ms Palaszczuk said. A Queensland Police Service spokesman confirmed officers had visited more than 1,850 individuals in self-quarantine since February 5 without having to take any enforcement action. 'The QPS is conducting ongoing support to Queensland Health as part of a whole of government response to the COVID-19 situation,' the spokesman said. 'The visitation of those people in self-quarantine is part of that support process.' A South Australian Police spokesman said he could not comment on operational matters other than to state SAPOL would respond to the crisis 'as required'. 'SAPOL are actively planning and preparing for any directions or assistance the SA Department of Health may require involving the COVID-19 virus,' he said. The Western Australia Police Force was 'working closely with WA Health and Commonwealth agencies including the Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force to ensure the process is seamless and consistent across the country.' All international travellers have now also been ordered to self-isolate for a fortnight. Passengers are pictured arriving at Sydney Airport on Monday. It is not suggested anyone pictured has failed to comply with quarantine rules A spokesman for ACT Policing said the service was working closing with the territory's chief health officer to assist in the response to the pandemic. 'ACT Policing is confident those in self-isolation will follow the appropriate measures to protect the most vulnerable in our community,' the spokesman said. 'To date there have been no requests to confirm self-isolation activities.' MAXIMUM PENALTIES FOR BREACHING PUBLIC HEALTH ORDERS NSW - $11,000 fine and six months' jail QLD - $26,690 fine SA - $25,000 fine WA - $50,000 and 12 months' jail TAS- $8,400 fine VIC - $6,600 fine ACT - $8,000 fine NT - $1,256 fine or six month's jail Advertisement Northern Territory Police have no involvement in compliance checks for self-isolation. A Tasmania Police spokeswoman said: 'At this stage Tasmania Police has not been asked to assist the Director of Public Health in enforcing the Public Health Act 1997.' Queensland and NSW police have stopped conducted random roadside breath and drug tests as a safety measure. Each state has varying punishments for breaches of public health orders. In Western Australia, people who ignore a public health order could be hit with a $50,000 fine and spend up to 12 months behind bars. Under the South Australian Public Health Act, people who refuse to comply with policies could be forced to pay a maximum fine of $25,000. In New South Wales, people who breach the public health order can be fined up to $11,000 and face six months behind bars. Queenslanders who fail to comply with health orders could see fines of up to $26,690 along with other penalties. In Tasmania, a maximum fine for disobeying rules under the Public Health Act is $8,400. In Victoria, people could face a fine of up to $6,600. In the ACT the maximum fine is $8,000 and in the Northern Territory it is $1,256 or six months in jail. Coronavirus Diaries is a series of dispatches exploring how the coronavirus is affecting peoples lives. For the latest public health information, please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions website. For Slates coronavirus coverage, click here. This as-told-to essay has been edited and condensed for clarity from a conversation with Christina Cauterucci. Slate has granted the source anonymity to protect the sources job. As of Sunday, Vice President Mike Pence hasnt been tested for the coronavirus. A White House official told CNN his medical team does not think its necessary. Advertisement In the middle of last week, I attended a work meeting with Vice President Mike Pence. More than a week earlier, the U.S. surgeon general had recommended that everyone avoid shaking hands to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. So had the head of the World Health Organization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had also told Americans to stop handshaking in its advice on keeping the workplace safe. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement And yet, as soon as Pence entered the room, he shook everyones hand. I have regular contact with an older aunt here in D.C. She has an autoimmune disease, which means she cant be in contact with people who are ill. So I, as someone frequently in contact with her and other family members who are older, had been taking the coronavirus super seriously. Id been limiting contact with people at work. Id had an opportunity to go to a couple of birthday parties last weekend and did not. Id been avoiding meeting up with friends at bars. I hadnt been going out to eat, and I normally always go out to eat. Id definitely been changing my normal habits: not taking the Metro and biking instead. I think I probably took it more seriously earlier than most people because I feel like I know a lot, and I think I have understood the warning that if youre young and healthy, sure, youre good now, but the people around you might not necessarily be. Advertisement Advertisement The meeting with Pence was kind of a last-minute thing. As I was leaving work one day last week, my boss told me we had a meeting at the White House the next day. I knew it was related to the coronavirus, but my first thought was I really hope my suit still fits, because I hadnt worn one since 2018. I was more worried about what I was going to wear thenI didnt even think about how anyone would be acting there, because theyre the coronavirus task force. Advertisement The next day, we go to the White House for this meeting. Ive had occasion to be in meetings at the White House for about a decade, and this was a very typical White House meeting, in that the hour we were told the meeting was going to start was not when it started. So after a lot of waiting around, we finally see everyone jostling around in the hallway, and Kellyanne Conway was there. Mike Pence walks in, and the very first thing he does is stick out his hand and say, Hey, nice to meet you, and shake everyones hand. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Then he sits down and has a glass of water, and everyones kind of looking around nervously and looking down at their hands. I pulled out some hand sanitizer and immediately did my thing because, as luck would have it, earlier that day our office had handed out hand sanitizer. Thank God I had taken it with me, because this was happening as all of the reporting was coming out about his interactions with the Brazilian officials. It felt pretty crazy because its the person in charge of coronavirus containment, and hes shaking peoples hands. Advertisement Advertisement I know it sounds like such a minor thingits just one handshake. But thats literally how this shit happens. Leadership is always by example. It was so befuddling to me that someone whos in charge of this very, very, very serious thing wasnt taking it very, very, very seriously. Theres so much shit every day that youre constantly like, Oh, whatever, its the Trump administration. Of course crazy stuff happens. But this was so beyond the pale because of the seriousness of it. It seems like a minor thing, but its so not. It gets to the root of the fact that these people dont actually know or care what theyre dealing with. And thats so terrifying. Advertisement Advertisement It was so befuddling to me that someone whos in charge of this very, very, very serious thing wasnt taking it very, very, very seriously. It definitely seemed like Pence was deliberately shaking everyones hands in the middle of this pandemic to make some kind of point. The people in the meeting discussed this afterward, and when we were telling co-workers about it, they were like, Are you serious? Thats when it really hit home to me. Hearing other people react to it made me feel not crazy for being so skeeved out by it. You would really think the people in charge would be more careful. But the cavalierness of itthere is this real sense of Well, Im not concerned about it. Why would you be? Lets just touch each other. I get so mad thinking about it right now, that he would be so forthright about flouting public health recommendations in that moment. And he and Trump kept doing it in public later that week! Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement At the same time, it never even occurred to me to refuse Pences handshake. Im not the type to get star-struckits D.C., there are important people around all the time. Im not the kind of person who melts if Ruth Bader Ginsburg is at a bar. But you also kind of work under the assumption that they should be the smartest people in the room, and why would they go out of their way to be unsafe? It all happened so fast, and then it was like, Oh, my God, he just touched me, and he might have the coronavirus, from Matt Gaetz of all people. It took me about 10 seconds to process it. And then I was like, Well, thank God I have this hand sanitizer on me. Advertisement I wasnt even thinking about being discreet when I immediately sanitized my hands. I was not the center of this meeting, and my role was to be as much in the background as possible. But I cant say I was particularly subtle about it. From my recollection he was in the process of shaking other co-workers hands at that point, but I dont know if one of his aides noticed or something. But thats on them. Advertisement Advertisement One of my co-workers in the meeting texted me, like, Hey, can you hand me some of that hand sanitizer? I kind of slid it over to her. A lot of my co-workers were already skeeved out because theyd been in various meetings with people who had been at CPAC and other places where people whod been in the presence of folks whod tested positive had been. Everyone basically wanted to take a biohazard shower anyway. Our office management had already been sending us messages about upping the cleaning of the offices, and people had printed out the little wash-your-hands-with-the-lyric things and taped them to bathroom mirrors. We were very aware of how quickly the virus was spreading. Pences handshaking was yet another thing that put everyone on edge. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement In the days after, I watched Trump and Pence defend their continued handshaking, and it justyou become so immune, you just start to accept this level of disingenuous, chaotic behavior from this administration. But this is one instance where it feels likeI dont know if theyre actively trying to put people at risk, but it certainly feels like theyre actively not putting other peoples best interests first. Members of Congress who were in contact with people who tested positive for the coronavirus have been quarantining themselves, and thats the kind of leadership you expect from elected leaders. Weve seen this from both partiesleaders setting an example of what youre supposed to do if this happens to you. Thats what really gets me about the Pence handshake. It was such a flippant way to disregard public health protocol. Falcone Capital Holdings, LLC InterNexs Velocity platform integrated seamlessly with our ERP was a natural fit for our companies Falcone Capital Holdings, LLC, a holding company of award winning, technology driven international and domestic transportation brands is pleased to announce the signing of a $2.5-million-dollar revolving credit facility with asset based digital lender InterNex Capital. The facility will be used to refinance existing debt as well as provide liquidity and working capital to the Falcone brand of companies. The initial facility with InterNex will be utilized for working capital, strategic acquisitions and to fuel our record growth for the past 10 years, stated John Falcone, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Falcone Capital Holdings, LLC. With a tenured record of strong financials, we were fortunate to be able to entertain many traditional and non-traditional lenders. InterNexs Velocity platform integrated seamlessly with our ERP platforms coupled with their customer centric and process driven culture, it was a natural fit for our companies, specified Falcone. The Falcone Companies tenured record of success, technology innovation and current growth trajectory were an immediate attraction for InterNex Capital to become their long term growth partner, indicated Paul DeDomenico, CEO at InterNex Capital. About Falcone Capital Holdings, LLC: Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, Falcone Capital Holdings, LLC is a global leader in International and Domestic transportation and logistics. Operating across six continents through our wholly-owned subsidiaries and partner offices, the Falcone Brand of companies are synonymous with premium and cutting edge services across all modes of international and domestic transportation. The Falcone Companies are licensed, bonded and insured through all federal and state agencies including the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is a certified and validated member of the Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT). For more information, please visit About InterNex Capital: InterNex Capital is a Digital Asset-Based Lender using technology integrations, real-time analytics and AI to fund small and medium-sized businesses on their Velocity platform. InterNex product suite includes accounts receivable based funding solutions ($250,000 to $10 million) for growth and general working capital needs. Headquartered in New York, NY, with regional offices in Atlanta, GA, Dallas, TX, and Milwaukee, WI. For more information, please visit: LinkedIn Facebook Twitter: @internexcapital New Delhi, March 17 : In recent times as we are adopting modern lifestyle, one of the vices has been excess use of plastic and it has inadvertantly affected the water bodies on a larger scale. Plastic emits harmful carcinogenic substances in the water that cause cancer in humans and disrupt the marine and freshwater ecosystems. To create awareness, as per UN declaration World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. One of the biggest primary users of plastic is the FMCG sector, especially the food/drinks/beverage and the packaging industry. And no wonder, the most common form of plastic usage is in the form of a good old bottle of water. This is where Veen stands apart and is trying to take a step ahead to sustatainable sourcing of water in the packaged water segment. The Finland-based brand sources its water from remote and unpolluted areas of Finnish Lapland and Bhutan. Spearheaded by Ganesh Iyer, Director operations India & Indian Subcontinent, Veen sets itself apart from other players in the market terms of it's sustainable packaging. It comes in premium, recyclable bottle is made of extra flint crystal clear glass. We caught up with Iyer, also country's first and only Water Sommelier talks more on this. Excerpts: Is there any gold standard for "drinking water"? What should one look for while choosing drinking water for daily use? Iyer: Ideally in the world of a water sommelier, a gold standard for drinking water would be any natural mineral water that is bottled in premium glass packaging. When it comes to water for the day to day consumption in my opinion for the man on the street the best water to drink from a hygiene and safety parameter is boiled water. What is the difference between a packaged/bottled water and natural mineral water? Iyer: Natural mineral water which is bottled at the pristine source ( and not processed in any form) maintains its neutrality, virginality, pH level, and the overall Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) when served in a premium glass packaging and therefore acts as a perfect accompaniment to a finely curated meal and in doing so one gets a complete fine dine experience. In comparison, packaged drinking water served in PET packaging is just purified water devoid of any natural minerals and therefore does nothing to enhance the fine dining experience. How Veen sets itself apart from other players in the premium packaged water segment? Iyer: Without water there would be no wines. You wouldn't you be sipping your favourite single malt or brewing your relaxing cupper neither. Similar to growing different grape varieties in different regions and vineyards, VEEN has found multiple unique natural spring sources where it produces distinctive bottled water products of individual characteristics. Finnish Lapland is Veen's place of origin and the home of its first spring source. The brand discovered its second home in 2014, the source of its natural mineral water spring in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, a carbon negative nation. Veen's water sources are among the purest waters and environments on the planet. Our sources are exceptionally rare in characteristic, in that they are in extremely remote, unpopulated and unpolluted parts of the world. Additionally, the sources are no less than superior in virginal which means the water is unspoiled by nitrate with 0mg per litre. Who is the target segment of Veen in India... has it diversified since it's inception in 2012? Iyer: VEEN essentially operates in the B2B segment wherein our customers are hotels, restaurants, cafes, premium caterers, and HNIs and it continues to grow. A nascent addition to this list has been close to 70-80 corporate houses on a pan India basis who are going green as a part of the Anti Plastic Campaign and have now become our loyal customers. To name a few, we have Reliance Industries, Mahindra & Mahindra, ACC, Sterling Holidays, Rahejas, Wipro, Anand Automotive, Hero Motors etc. Q: How has the price-sensitive Indian market responded to your product? Iyer: Contrary to popular belief and perception, in the B2B space that we operate, we would not rate India as a price sensitive market, because most of the products in the non alcobev space that are available aren't upto international standards both in terms of presentation and quality offered and therefore its a bit unfair to say that we are in a price-sensitive market. Yes, there are pockets in parts of India which could be price sensitive but that's still in a relative context to what is being offered as an option. The 3 pillars that define VEEN are ( A ) Award Winning Finnish Design Glass Bottles( B) Bottled at the World first and Only Carbon Negative Country- Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan ( C) Premium Quality Glass Packaging as denoted by Flint Type-III. These are many firsts which till date only VEEN has to its credit, and these are the firsts that are patronized by our marquee customers being it a Taj, Hyatt, Accor, IHG, ITC and many such brands. Since it's foray into the Indian market, how has business has expanded in India and subcontinent market? (elucidate on the topline and bottom-line growth, future forecasts) Iyer: As a natural mineral water brand that has been in business in India for the past 7 years with focus being HORECA ( Hotels Restaurants, Cafes 7 Caterers) having footprints in 40 plus cities in the country, the brand has witnessed a CAGR of 38-40% Y-O-Y since inception and we see this trend continuing for the next two years. What are the fun ways we can pair Veen water to other gastronomic experience? Iyer: Across the globe, there are quite a few culinary hotspots/restaurants that have taken that leap of fine dine experience so much so that they have a water menu which essentially lists down the characteristics of the different types of natural mineral waters and sparkling waters and their pairing with foods which either complements or have a contrast to the texture of the said dish that's being served. So for eg, a barbeque dish can be best relished with either a standard natural mineral water which has a good amount of TDS or sparkling water which has heavy bubbles. Likewise, a seafood salad or sushi is best paired with a sparkling water that is low on the carbonation so to ensure that the relative the rawness of the dish is maintained without the carbonation overpowering it. Likewise, a fresh block of cheese is best enjoyed with waters which have high levels of bicarbonate. How VEEN is committed to protect and conserve the water climate? Iyer: VEEN is bottled in a water surplus nation- i.e the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. Just as Finland is known as the country of Lakes, Bhutan is considered as a country of spring waters and therefore spring sources are available in bountiful. (Aditi Roy can be contacted at Chandigarh, March 17 : Even as he took on the Central government for failing to stand by the Punjab farmers who had saved the nation from hunger, Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Tuesday said his government will not allow 'kurki' (confiscation) of the land of the beleaguered farmers, who had been trapped by the banks in loans and mortgage. At a conclave here to mark the third anniversary of his government, the Chief Minister dismissed the Centre's promise of doubling farmers' income as mere hogwash in the absence of any concrete steps. "Does the Union Finance Minister even know what agriculture is all about?" he quipped, demanding that she should explain what the Centre planned to do to boost farm income, after first ensuring that every grain of Punjab is lifted and not allowed to rot in the godowns. Taking another dig at Nirmala Sitharaman, Amarinder Singh said later, in response to a question, that while he could not reel out figures like her, he was confident that given the right atmosphere and assistance, Punjab's hardworking farmers and industry could increase their incomes on their own. Referring to reports that the Centre was mulling doing away with MSP for crops, he suggested that if they felt there were now enough stocks of paddy and wheat, they should extend MSP to alternative crops instead of simply dumping the farmers of Punjab who were responsible for giving India its food security. The Centre has to help out the farmers, it has to support diversification, said Amarinder Singh, making a strong case for Central support to Punjab's farming community. "Punjab stood by you, now you have to stand by it by supporting our program of diversification," he asserted. The Chief Minister lashed out at the Central government for forgetting that when India was dying of hunger, it was Punjab that came to the nation's rescue. Agriculture has to be patronized, the Chief Minister stressed, asking "where will Punjab go if the Centre does not support us in either agricultural development or industrialisation?" Pointing out that Punjab has no land and has to find ways to make agriculture profitable for small land holdings through horticulture and other diversification methods, just as Japan has done, the Chief Minister said while his government was experimenting with cultivation of fruits, that would take time and the Centre needed to support the farmers in the interim. In the context of the huge farm debts, Amarinder Singh described banks as the root of the evil, having lent out more money than was permissible by mortgaging the land and properties of farmers, who also started using this money for non-productive reasons. It was important to help these farmers, he said, adding that his government was already giving the maximum debt waiver, notwithstanding its poor state of finances, much more needed to be done. Over the past two weeks, in response to the coronavirus outbreak, cultural eventsincluding theater, opera and concertshave been shut down in country after country. Musicians and other artists around the world, many of whom have little or no secure income and subsist on poverty wages at the best of times, have been hard hit by the impact of the closure of cultural venues and the cancellation of concerts. Nevertheless, many of the worlds leading musicians have responded to the coronavirus pandemic by making their music freely available online or performing for online audiences, or both. In South Korea, one of the worst sites of the current outbreak, but where the further spread of the coronavirus might now be slowed through widespread testing and relatively decent medical care, the Seoul Philharmonic Concert put on a live broadcast on YouTube of Ludwig van Beethovens Symphony No. 3 (the Eroica or Heroic Symphony), as a tribute to medical staff, officials and volunteers who are helping to fight the pandemic. In Singapore, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) has launched its #DabaoSCO series, which makes available concerts to the public on a weekly basis on Facebook and YouTube. In a press release, the SCO explained, We understand that during this period, it is best to stay home, adopt good personal hygiene practices and be socially responsible. Therefore, Singapore Chinese Orchestra has recently rolled out the digital concert series, to bring our music to everyone. Igor Levit twitter concert One of the first and most innovative responses to the spread of the coronavirus to Europe came from the Russian-German pianist Igor Levit, an outspoken critic of the far-right in Germany. Last Wednesday, he began offering Twitter house concerts livestreamed on his Twitter account on a daily basis. Levit introduced his first performance by explaining: Its a sad time, its a weird time, but acting is better than doing nothing. On his Twitter feed, he has been urging solidarity and stated: Lets bring the house concert into the 21st century! So far, he has played, among other pieces, Beethovens Waldstein and Les Adieux piano sonatas, Bachs Chaconne and Frederic Rzewskis piece The People United Will Never Be Defeated, a magnificent musical reckoning with the tragedy of the 1973 military coup in Chile. Although the sound quality has inevitably been limited, Levits performances have been extremely passionate and moving. Within a few hours, his concert videos were viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. Hundreds commented on his performances and he has gained thousands of new followers within a few days. Maurizio Pollini (Photo creditDundak) The Berlin Philharmonic, one of the leading orchestras in the world, has now temporarily made freely available its full archive of the Digital Concert Hall. The archive includes outstanding performances from the last several decades featuring musicians and conductors such as Daniil Trifonov, the recently deceased Mariss Jansons, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Maurizio Pollini, Claudio Abbado, Mstislav Rostropovich, Herbert von Karajan and many more. The digital archive also includes interviews and discussions with some of these artists. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra has also made its archive freely available. The Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich has begun to livestream concerts without audiences, including one on March 16 with Igor Levit playing Franz Liszts First Piano Concerto under the baton of Joana Mallwitz. Livestreamed concerts without audiences have also been scheduled by the famed Wigmore Hall in London, the Budapest Festival Orchestra on Facebook, Y92 and the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in New York City, the Philadelphia Orchestra and many more. (For a more comprehensive list of upcoming of livestreams of concerts click here) Anne-Sophie Mutter (Photo creditA. Savin) In the US, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, which has cancelled all performances through March 31, has begun streaming encore presentations from its Live in HD series on its website. In Italy, the European country worst hit so far by the coronavirus outbreak, the spread and use of music to both lift the spirits of medical and other workersand as a means of expressing solidarityhas been particularly moving and widespread. Videos of people singing on their balconies have been shared widely on social media. The quarantined opera tenor Maurizio Marchini recorded himself singing the aria Nessun Dorma from Giacomo Puccinis opera Turandot on his balcony and later shared it on Facebook. Similarly, the first violist of Milans La Scala opera house, Danilo Rossi, played music from his balcony where he also set up a banner reading Lets not give up, we will make it. The Teatro la Fenice in Venice is making available a number of livestreams of operas and concerts. The move toward making classical music accessible to virtually the entire global population that can get access to the Internet has undoubted significance. Daniil Trifonov at Carnegie Hall_ 2017 (Photo creditSteven Pisano) It represents a step toward the further democratization of the access to culture. Some of the most important cultural achievements of humanity, previously locked behind paywalls or limited to local audiences, are now available to virtually everyone in the world who has access to the Internet. Through platforms such as YouTube, which includes an enormous archive of classical and other music as well as various films, the Internet has long been a central vehicle for both the spread of and access to culture. However, the move by musicians and orchestras throughout the world toward free online concerts marks a new stage in this development and will have effects well beyond the crisis surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Decades of social and cultural reaction and stagnation have deprived workers of access to high culture in two critical ways: First, the vast social inequality and the privatization of much of the arts world have created conditions in which access to leading opera houses and concert halls has become financially and physically beyond the reach of the majority of the population. Even the poorest seats at the Metropolitan Opera cost well over $50. Meanwhile, musicians performing for some of the finest orchestras in the world struggle to make a living on their salaries. Second, the general assault on public education has been accompanied by extremely severe cuts to music and art education in general. Thus, the appreciation of the so-called high arts and classical music in particular, which requires for their enjoyment and understanding a certain degree of training and exposure, has been made more difficult for broad layers of the population. This has significantly contributed to an artificial divide between so-called high culture and popular culture and to the perception of classical music as something elitist. Mstislav Rostropovich (Photo creditVladimir Vyatkin) Now, with leading musicians performing online, it becomes apparent not only that this culture can be made available to everyone, but also that there is genuine interest in it among great numbers of people. Those who are now being introduced to these remarkable works and performances will not easily accept being cut off again from access to this sphere of culture and social life. Many will begin to recognize that free and full access to culture is a fundamental right of the international working class. Moreover, the altruistic attitude that finds expression in the various actions taken by musicians throughout the world is part of a growing sense among workers, intellectuals and youth that a collective response must be found to this enormous danger facing society all around the globe. It is an initial, elemental indication of what will become an enormous upsurge in international and class solidarity. It is worth pointing out that one of the most popular composers being performed now by orchestras and musicians around the world is Ludwig van Beethoven, whose 250th anniversary is being celebrated this year. The music of Beethoven, profoundly shaped by the Enlightenment and the principal slogans of the French Revolutionliberty, equality and fraternitystrongly speaks to the tense, complex situation facing the global working class today. There is a growing sense of the inevitability of big struggles and a determination to take them up, renewed heroism and a strong belief in the democratic rights and equality of all people, a belief most famously given life in the Ode to Joy that concludes Beethovens Ninth Symphony. Giant fish sold at auction for over 16 million yen German Marshall Fund: It Is not too early to think about political change in Turkey Armenian Foreign Ministry: We call on Azerbaijani authorities to refrain from provocations Armenia's Geghamasar community head: The situation is stable now Queen Elizabeth II's favorite fast food revealed Human Rights Defender: Azerbaijani troops open fire on Armenian sovereign territory World Economic Forum: Cybersecurity and space pose new risks to the global economy Defense Ministry confirms Armenian side has 2 victims Satanovsky on sending Armenian servicemen to Kazakhstan Unofficial data: 2 servicemen killed as a result of Azerbaijan provocation CSTO and Kazakh Defense Ministry developing plan WHO thinks it's too early to consider COVID-19 pandemic European Commission to require Poland to pay fine of nearly EUR 70 million White House announces $308 million humanitarian aid for Afghanistan Erdogan angry at minister after efforts to strengthen lira failed Armenian FM has phone call with US Assistant Secretary of State India imposes one-week quarantine even for vaccinated tourists Armenian ex-president expresses condolences on poet Razmik Davoyan's death Traction Programme to showcase 8 startups during the Digital Demo Day Azerbaijan uses artillery and UAVs, 3 Armenian soldiers wounded daily digest: 11.01.22 Austrian Chancellor confirms plan for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in February Armen Sarkissian and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev discuss situation in Kazakhstan Gulf, Iran and Turkey FMs to visit China 20 pregnant women with COVID-19 die in Azerbaijan in year Armenia hands over wanted US citizen to United States Economy ministry: Organizing of accommodation and public catering increased by 61.1% in Armenia Armenia parliament speaker expresses condolences on European Parliament President death Azerbaijan opens fire toward Armenia village sector, one soldier wounded Shoigu: CSTO peacekeepers deployed in Kazakhstan thanks to Syrian and Karabakh experience Azerbaijan official pledges to remove Armenian toponyms from Google Maps UN offers two plans to help Afghans totaling $ 5 billion in 2022 Armenia attorney general travels to Moscow on working visit Azerbaijan MOD blames Armenian side for soldiers death Dollar drops in Armenia Shirak Province captives families hold protest outside Armenia government building Rolls-Royce sales rise to record high in 2021 Ombudsman: Azerbaijanis directed gun at Armenia residents car in which his wife, 3-year-old child were ANCA urges President Biden and Congress to hold Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable for war crimes Serbia's Orthodox Patriarch tests positive for COVID-19 Brothers, sisters of 2020 Artsakh war military casualties to get compensation in lieu of their deceased parents Turkish authorities sanction arrest of 33 suspected FETO ties Copper rises in price Erdogan's spokesman, Biden's adviser discuss Armenian-Turkish relations Armenia deputy defense minister: No one can rule out border tension at any moment New commander elected of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh Armenia official: Those 100 soldiers absence will not assume any change in terms of border tension Millionaire Robert Durst dies aged 78 Reuters: Over 1.13 million cases of COVID-19 detected in US per day Great Armenian poet Razmik Davoyan dies 2 new cases of coronavirus reported in Artsakh Deputy PM Matevosyan: About 1,190 subvention programs implemented in Armenia from 2018 to 2021 243 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Armenia Armenia MP: It would be right to put pressure on Azerbaijanis to remove their firing positions Oil is getting more expensive Nearly 10,000 people detained in Kazakhstan in connection with riots Tokayev: CSTO peacekeepers will pull out from Kazakhstan within 10 days Newspaper: Armenia businessmen pay customs duties to Azerbaijanis to go to Iran European Parliament speaker David Sassoli dies Alikhan Smailov appointed Kazakhstan Prime Minister Newspaper: Health minister makes decision full of contradictions in terms of Covid-related restrictions in Armenia Newspaper: Armenia authorities once again showed their being unprincipled, worthless, opposition MP says Germany teacher who had cannibalism fantasies is sentenced to life in prison Israel's military and other security services undergo largest rearmament in years Spain PM calls for a debate to consider COVID-19 endemic disease Flyone Armenia and Pegasus receive permission for Yerevan-Istanbul-Yerevan flights Pope condemns "baseless" ideological misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines Arab foreign ministers to visit Beijing Azerbaijanis stoned an Armenian car on the Stepanakert-Goris road Armenian FM has a phone call with his Polish counterpart Macron travels to French Riviera to discuss internal security issues Artsakh Foreign Ministry: Azerbaijan's aggressive behavior aims to disrupt Russian peacekeepers' activities US COVID-19 cases reach 60 million European Parliament President hospitalized due to immune system dysfunction Washington and Ankara discuss normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey WHO excludes emergence of deltacron strain In Karabakh Azerbaijanis shelled tractor Indian Defense Minister tests positive for COVID-19 US-Russia talks on security guarantees lasting for seven hours already daily digest: 10.01.22 Last week, the US Cyberspace Solarium Commission, a bicameral, bipartisan intergovernmental body created by the 2019 Defense Authorization Act, launched its official report on the organization, policy and technical issues surrounding how to best defend the country against digital security threats. Inspired by a commission established in the Eisenhower Administration to tackle Cold War era problems, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission is co-chaired by Senator Angus King (I-ME) and Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI). It counts among its 14 commissioners four members from Congress, four senior executive agency leaders and six experts from outside of government. The objective of the commission is to cut through the thicket of government bureaucracy and terminology and archaic structures surrounding cybersecurity to come up with implementable action plans that address the issues uncovered by the commissions investigation. The report spells out 75 recommendations for action across the public and private sectors. Layered cyber deterrence Most notably, it advocates a new overarching strategic approach the commission calls layered cyber deterrence, aimed at reducing the probability and impact of significant cybersecurity attacks. To reach this state of layered cyber deterrence, the Solarium Commission says three things are needed: Shape behavior to promote responsible behavior in cyberspace. Deny benefits to adversaries who have long exploited cyberspace to Americas detriment. Impose costs on actors who negatively interfere with the United States in cyberspace. (The report acknowledges the limitations and misleading nature of the term cyberspace, citing William Gibson, the famed science fiction writer who coined the term, who himself criticized the word he created as evocative and essentially meaningless.) The three layers, in turn, are supported by six policy pillars spelled out in the report. The six pillars organize the 75 recommendations. The policy pillars include: Reform the US governments structure and organization for cyberspace. Strengthen norms and non-military tools. Promote national resilience. Reshape the cyber ecosystem toward greater security. Operationalize cybersecurity collaboration with the private sector. Preserve and deploy the military instrument of power to deter cyberattacks. Government cybersecurity reform is key Central to the entirety of the reports recommendations is the first policy pillar of reforming the governments structure and ability to tackle issues in cyberspace. To that end, the commission recommends creating an updated national cybersecurity strategy that reflects layered cyber deterrence and the establishment of a House Permanent Select and Senate Select Committees on Cybersecurity, along with a senate-confirmed national cyber director. The report emphasizes that a strengthened Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the independent arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) charged with overseeing the governments cybersecurity needs, should be coordinating the range of efforts needed to establish the new approach to cybersecurity. We need to elevate and empower existing cyber agencies, particularly the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and create new focal points for coordinating cybersecurity in the executive branch and Congress, Senator King and Representative Gallagher wrote in their preface to the Commissions Report. Recommendation to defend forward Of particular note is that the deterrence strategy outlined in the report incorporates the controversial concept of defend forward, which was first embraced by the Department of Defense (DoD) in its 2018 Cyber Strategy and then later adopted as one of the authorities granted to the Secretary of Defense in the National Security Presidential Memorandum-13 (NSPM-13). As the report states, defend forward holds that to disrupt and defeat ongoing adversary campaigns, the United States must pro-actively observe, pursue and counter adversaries operations and impose costs short of armed conflict. In other words, defend forward might mean the US takes actions first to preempt adversarial action in the cybersecurity arena. To this end, the commission recommends that the congress direct the DoD to conduct a force structure assessment of the Cyber Mission Force: to ensure that the United States has the appropriate force structure and capabilities in light of growing mission requirements and increasing expectations, in both scope and scale. The need to boost spending on the militarys Cyber Mission Force is demonstrated by the fact that its current operating capabilities were set in 2013 before Russia took down Ukraines power grid or conducted cyber attacks against the US during the presidential election. The Cyber Mission Force is tasked with conducting a diverse set of missions, at scale, and must also have sufficient capacity to maintain steady-state operations while surging to respond to an emerging crisis, Erica Borghard, senior director and lead, Task Force One, for the Cyberspace Solarium Commission and Shawn W. Lonergan, a senior advisor to the US Cyberspace Solarium Commission, wrote in Lawfare. Whether this or other recommendations by the commission will see the light of day in terms of actual legislation is a question mark. Conservatives in congress may fear any further incursion by the government into the swiftly moving cybersecurity arena. Megan Brown, Associate Director for Cybersecurity Programs; Partner, Wiley Rein LLP, and Senior Fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University said in a statement, The report is a clarion call for more regulation and government power. It makes several helpful recommendations but includes heavy handed commands to the private sector. Senator King, who was instrumental in pushing for the creation of the commission, admitted that he doesnt yet have the full support of the Oval Office. However, some leading Republicans are proponents of the commissions recommendations. Ben Sasse (R-NE) said, This report is the beginning, not the end. Now, its time to execute. One of the congressional members of the commission, Representative Jim Langevin (D-RI), who co-founded the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus and chairs the House Armed Services Committees Subcommittee on Intelligence and Emerging Threats and Capabilities, urged Congress to take action on the reports recommendations. Saying that the federal government faces a void in comprehensive cyberspace policy, he called for a new strategy that will make our nation more resilient for years to come....This report is a clear call to action highlighting specific steps we can take to make America safer. A Trader Joe's employee breaks the news to customers that there are no early hours for senior shoppers at the Monrovia store. (Al Seib/Los Angeles Times) Julie Carol was in good spirits Tuesday morning as she approached the front of Trader Joes in Monrovia. The 71-year-old would finally get that elusive carton of eggs. As fear of the coronavirus continues to change peoples everyday lives, some grocery stores recently announced theyd host special shopping hours for senior citizens. Word had gotten out that those 65 and older would have a special 30-minute time slot to purchase groceries at Trader Joes in Monrovia before it opened to the general public at 9:30 AM. Very quickly, the mood went from hope to confusion and heartache. And anger. A Trader Joes employee on site told those gathered that to his knowledge no such special shopping hours had been planned. Anna Romo, center, waits with daughter Viola Chatman outside the Trader Joe's in Monrovia. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) Were open to everybody, he told the folks in the queue that had already made its way past six adjacent businesses to Party City. In the early morning, the atmosphere among people in line had been calm and friendly. Suddenly, it turned uncharitable. A woman among the first five people in line yelled at seniors who had congregated near the front of the store, The lines back there! Some seniors obliged and trudged despondently to the end of the line. Others didn't budge. One man with a cane and a shopping cart made a phone call. "I don't think I'm going to make it into the Trader Joe's," he said, speaking in Spanish. "I'm going to stay in the car. Let's see if there's a chance in the afternoon." As people were slowly let in at 8:54 a.m., some seniors who had congregated near the front managed to squeeze in. Excuse me, sir! Theres a line! Come on! yelled the same woman near the front. She looked to the employee overseeing the line, who shrugged. Senior citizens arrived early to the Trader Joe's in Monrovia believing doors would open earlier to older residents. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) Its a disappointment, Carol said as she sat on a planter in front of the store as other people trickled past her. They shouldve stuck to the agreement. Carol, who just had knee surgery, watched as her husband headed to the end of the line. Too late, she figured. Story continues On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom urged people 65 and older and those with chronic health conditions to isolate themselves from others and stay home. The move reflected intensifying efforts to limit the spread of the coronavirus and the toll it could take, especially on a demographic that is especially vulnerable. At the Northgate Gonzalez Market in Long Beach, shoppers also waited in line in hopes of grabbing items on their grocery list. The Latino market is one grocery store chain that implemented a new policy where senior citizens, including people with disabilities and pregnant women, can shop from 7 to 8 a.m. before it opens to the general public. This is very important for seniors who cant move around easily, Alex Rojas, 45, said in Spanish as he waited in line. The Huntington Beach resident was on the hunt for powdered milk and eggs. He said stores should also include pregnant mothers within these special hours because theyre feeding their baby. Silvia Quintero Artellano, 62, had just left El Super on Long Beach Boulevard because the line was too long and estimated itd take her two hours just to get inside. The Long Beach grandmother said she was looking for masa or crema anything she could get her hands on to cook for her family. Grocery Outlet in Altadena will also have special hours every Thursday for seniors from 7 to 8 a.m. Store owner Michell Guajardo said employees will also be on site to help make grocery runs for immunocompromised shoppers while they wait in their vehicle. At the Trader Joe's, customers were given a limit when purchasing some items: two dozen eggs, a gallon of milk and two proteins from the meat department, an employee announced. I feel for others. Everyone is making a sacrifice," said Marissa Flores, 28, of Monrovia, who was the first in line. She lived nearby and was able to make it to the front of the line by 7 a.m. A TV reporter who was on hand Tuesday morning at the store told the Los Angeles Times that, earlier that morning, two employees had told her they would be holding special shopping hours for senior citizens. A Trader Joe's employee later told The Times that that was not the case. Trader Joe's spokeswoman Kenya Friend-Daniel said in an email Tuesday afternoon that the grocery store chain, which is headquartered in Monrovia, hadn't implemented company-wide special shopping hours but each store is doing what they feel is best for shoppers. "Our focus continues to be on best serving all of our customers, from providing a safe and clean shopping environment, to doing everything we can to help ensure customers need special assistance," she said. "Or other accommodations, and in those cases we will do what we always do, with care and integrity." Carol said she'd been told by an employee the previous day to come by in the morning bright and early for the special time slot. Seniors waiting in line said their children told them about the special hours and theyd read about it online, too. The Monrovia Trader Joe's opened to shoppers of all ages at 9 a.m. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) Fred Nava, 67, of San Gabriel and his neighbor Don Busapathamrong, 54, were among the first shoppers to get in and out of the store Tuesday morning. The two arrived at 8:55 a.m. and, managing to blend in, headed straight inside. I just walked right up and got sucked right in, Nava said. Nava said he invited Busapathamrong to join him the day before. Busapathamrong, an ER nurse, said they tried to keep an eye on websites offering special shopping hours. Nava said older people needed the extra help. Seniors cant move fast enough and theres limited handicap parking," the retired auto insurance employee said. * Airlines for Europe calls for widespread tax deferrals * Sector could need up to $200 bln from governments - IATA * Coronavirus in markets covering 94% of passenger revenue By Sarah Young and Laurence Frost LONDON/PARIS, March 17 (Reuters) - European airlines demanded urgent tax relief to avoid multiple bankruptcies, as coronavirus disruption continued to spread around the global industry on Tuesday. As the region's transport ministers prepared to discuss financial support, the Airlines for Europe group called for widespread tax deferrals "to ensure that as many airlines as possible survive" the crisis. The call came as the aviation industry's main global body, IATA, said total support needed from governments worldwide could reach $150-200 billion. Appeals from the sector are becoming more urgent as airlines continue to ground planes, slashing routes and jobs in response to unprecedented travel restrictions to limit the virus's spread, including the closure of European Union borders. Job cuts are adding to pressure on governments. IAG-owned British Airways informed unions on Tuesday it planned to make an unspecified number of pilots redundant. "We are extremely disappointed that a company like BA with a strong balance sheet and cash reserves has rushed into redundancy consultation," said BALPA pilot union chief Brian Sutton. "This is the biggest crisis the aviation industry has faced in decades," he added. "Without more government support we fear the impact will be far greater." Most major airlines have made drastic, unprecedented schedule cuts - often bringing operations to a near halt - as restrictions bite and demand dries up. Singapore Airlines cut more capacity on Tuesday, as Emirates suspended dozens of destinations and Canada's WestJet halted international services. The Philippines' Cebu Air cancelled all flights starting March 19, and Jetstar Asia announced a three-week shutdown after parent Qantas cut its own capacity by 90%. Story continues JOBS PRESSURE U.S. airlines have asked Washington for $50 billion in federal grants and loans, plus tens of billions in tax relief. In a letter to political leaders, United Airlines management and unions pleaded for urgent financial support to "allow United to continue paying our employees as we weather this crisis, protecting tens of thousands of people." Boeing has also held talks with White House officials on possible assistance. European arch-rival Airbus said on Tuesday it was halting production in France and Spain as coronavirus lockdowns affect workers and suppliers. The global airline industry will need "something like $150-200 billion" from governments including loan guarantees, IATA head Alexandre de Juniac told reporters on Tuesday. The coronavirus is "now covering markets that represent 94% of global passenger revenue," the Geneva-based organisation's chief economist Brian Pearce said in the same presentation. Three-quarters of airlines now have liquidity covering less than three months of unavoidable fixed costs, Pearce said. "The majority are in a very fragile place." EU transport ministers will meet by video-conference on Wednesday, an official said. Governments including France, Germany, the Netherlands and Britain have expressed readiness to extend financial support to airlines. Lufthansa is expected to receive a government cash injection, one German banker told Reuters. The flag carrier is also making plans for an emergency cargo airlift on a scale unseen since the 1948-49 blockade of Berlin. (Reporting by Laurence Frost and Sarah Young; Additional reporting by Arno Schuetze in Frankfurt, Tim Hepher in Paris and Josephine Mason in London; Editing by Mark Potter) The top leaders of a Marine infantry battalion that lost a pair of rifles during a North Carolina training exercise have been removed from their jobs, has confirmed. Lt. Col. Clinton Kappel and Sgt. Maj. Elson Aviles were relieved of their duties last week by Maj. Gen. David Furness, head of 2nd Marine Division. Kappel was the commanding officer of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines, and Aviles the unit's top enlisted leader. Furness made the decision to relieve the two over a loss of trust and confidence in their ability to lead, said 1st Lt. Dan Linfante, a 2nd Marine Division spokesman. The reliefs were first reported by Task & Purpose. Kappel and Aviles did not immediately respond to a request for comment through their command. Linfante did not provide information about their current assignments. Related: The Marines Still Haven't Found 2 Rifles That Went Missing at Lejeune Officials did not confirm whether an investigation into the December training incident, in which a pair of rifles and a flak jacket went missing, played into Furness' decision to remove the leaders from their posts. Linfante said only that the infantry division "must continue to put our subordinate units in the best position to fight and win." "As such, decisions like this are taken seriously and with the intent of ensuring a given unit's continued success in future operations," he said. "[Third] Battalion, 6th Marines, remains a proficient unit, capable of performing at a high level and carrying out the full spectrum of operations that are expected of an infantry battalion in the Marine Corps." Jeff Houston, a spokesman for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which is leading the investigation into the lost weapons, said the rifles have never been found. The investigation into their whereabouts, which began Dec. 20, is ongoing, he said. "No charges have been brought at this time," Houston said. Lt. Col. Ryan Gordinier has assumed command of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines. No one has replaced Aviles yet. Until a replacement is named, the battalion's leadership chain has assumed that position's duties, Linfante said. Kappel, a prior enlisted Marine, had led the battalion since September. That's the same month Aviles was promoted to the rank of sergeant major, according to his official bio. -- Gina Harkins can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @ginaaharkins. Read more: East Coast-Based Marines Will Take Operational Pause Amid Coronavirus Crisis GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- As the coronavirus outbreak continues to shut down more and more of Michigan and people are being encouraged to stay home and practice social distancing, food pantries are getting creative to make sure the most vulnerable still have something to eat. Nonprofits across the Grand Rapids area are moving to grab-and-go style or drive-up options for people who need food. "It was a pretty easy decision,said Chris Slater, CEO of Catholic Charities West Michigan. Slater said getting creative with handing out food during this time was necessary. People are still hungry. A lot of these people this is the only meal that they get a day and theyre experiencing the same stress that everybody else is with the crisis right now. Catholic Charities West Michigans Gods Kitchen programs are open from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. Located at 303 S. Division Ave., the program will have pre-made, take-away meals for the next 30 days. Officials plan to reevaluate their plans after that. They are currently looking for donations of to-go containers of all kinds -- soup containers, sandwich ziplock bags, pre-packaged utensils, 2-ounce and 4-ounce containers with lids. The organization said it also needs dry pasta, frozen vegetables, bottled water and sealed drinks. Gods Kitchen also still offers its regularly scheduled home-delivered meal program. However, the baby and toddler pantry is temporarily closed, though it will supply free diapers and wipes to current clients. In Rockford, North Kent Connect has converted its food pantry to a drive-up service only. It is scheduled to operate as a takeaway service from March 18 through April 6. The food pantry is at 10075 Northland Drive NE in Rockford. Clients of the pantry can pick up their monthly items from 9 a.m. through 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. through 3 p.m. on any of the following days: March 18, March 19, March 23, March 24 and March 25. April dates are still being coordinated. We know this is a difficult time for everyone, but particularly for clients struggling to keep food on the table, Claire Guisfredi, executive director at NKC, said in a Facebook message. As long as we are able to provide food in a safe manner, we will remain open for our clients. K-12 schools across the state have been shut down since March 16, and public and private universities and colleges have moved to online instruction. Public gatherings of more than 50 people have been banned and restaurants, bars, movie theaters and other places have shut down or switched to pickup/delivery service only across the state, leaving many without jobs. Were obligated to give this food to them. Our mission tells us thats what were supposed to do, Slater said. Here are some other food pantries changing to drive-up services around Grand Rapids: North End Community Ministry: Clients will be given a box of pre-selected food at the door of New City Church, 214 Spencer NE. The boxes contain fruits, vegetables, grains and protein. Pantry hours are from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. South End Community Outreach Ministries The organization has closed its resource center, but will provide emergency food assistance during normal food pantry hours: Monday through Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Officials ask that people stay in their cars and call (616) 452-7684 option 3 for assistance. They are located at 1545 Buchanan Ave. SW. Meals on Wheels The organization will continue to deliver meals to seniors. They are also preparing shelf stable meals in the event they have to stop deliveries. For their food pantry, Meals on Wheels is pre-packaging meal boxes of items for clients. The boxes will include dry goods, dairy, meat and produce. There are four pantry locations in the Grand Rapids area. You can find them along with the hours they are open here. PREVENTION TIPS Michigans State Emergency Operations Center is coordinating state-government resources and the response to the coronavirus spread. It has shared the following tips: What you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases: Always cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. Stay home if you are sick and advise others to do the same. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if soap and warm water are not available. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (computers, keyboards, desks, etc.). Its not too late to get your flu shot! While the influenza vaccine does not protect against COVID-19 infection, it can help keep you healthy during the flu season. More Coronavirus Coverage From MLive: Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune production halted amid coronavirus pandemic concerns Michigan fitness centers, spas cope with shutdowns: Its really, really challenging Police urge residents, students to abide by event ban on St. Patricks Day Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 23:36:32|Editor: Mu Xuequan Video Player Close MOGADISHU, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Somali government on Monday vowed to intensify efforts to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) after Mogadishu confirmed the first case. Health Minister of Somalia Fawziya Abikar Nur called on Somalis to remain vigilant and take prevention seriously. The minister said the first case is a Somali citizen who is among the four persons who had been quarantined after returning to Somalia from one of the COVID-19-affected countries last week. "Following the testing of the four persons who were under quarantine after arrival, one case has turned positive for coronavirus," the minister told journalists in Mogadishu. "This citizen was among four people under quarantine, the three others are feeling well, they don't have the symptoms of this disease but they are still under control," Abikar said. She said the ministry received the result of the examination from abroad on Monday, noting that the ministry was making every effort to protect the country from the virus spreading. The minister said the government will make efforts to create special areas to quarantine coronavirus suspects, urging people to stop unnecessary gathering and meeting and maintain hygiene. Abikar said emergency health centers have been established at main entry points such as airports and ports to deal with the pandemic. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation of Somalia has announced a two-week ban on international flights effective Wednesday. The ministry said humanitarian and emergency cases will be exceptional but the suspension of all international flights will take effect nationwide. So far, Turkey, UAE, Djibouti, Kenya, Qatar and Ethiopia had direct flights to Somalia. WASHINGTON While the U.S. Senate remains stalled over a coronavirus package passed by the House of Representatives on Saturday, Congress and the Trump administration are already developing plans for hundreds of billions of relief for Americans and businesses hit by the epidemic engulfing the nation. The Trump administration proposed to Senate Republicans this afternoon a roughly $800 billion package including a direct checks to American workers, aid for the airline and hotel industries and help for small businesses the White House announced Tuesday. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested if Congress approves, the government could send checks larger than $1,000 to Americans in the next two weeks. Were looking at sending checks to Americans immediately, Mnuchin said. Americans needs cash now. There are now over 4,400 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the virus, across the U.S. as of Tuesday morning. As schools and businesses close and the stock market reels, there is bipartisan agreement that Congress must do more to respond to the crisis, even when its last effort to help workers has not been signed into law. Coronavirus live updates Here are the latest cancellations and postponements. For a detailed map, check out The Times Unions Coronavirus Tracker. To get regular updates on our coverage, sign up for our coronavirus newsletter. Several senators have backed the idea of direct cash assistance for Americans. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, on Monday proposed immediately giving every American adult a check for $1,000 to help them deal with lost wages and other struggles during the coronavirus outbreak, among other proposals. Congress took similar action to help Americans during the 2001 and 2008 recessions, Romney said. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., on Monday also suggested monthly cash stipends for low- and middle-income Americans. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., said Tuesday she would "seriously consider" both the cash stipends and industry relief pitched by Trump. Americans and New Yorkers need our help and I will seriously consider policies that support working families by boosting the companies facing coronavirus-related financial stress," Gillibrand said. Instead of direct cash assistance for all, a $750 billion or more aid package developed by Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., would use existing government programs like unemployment benefits and food assistance to help Americans have more money in their pockets, Schumer's office said. Schumer pitched his plan to Senate Democrats Tuesday afternoon. "We will need big, bold, urgent federal action to deal with this crisis, Schumer said. The kinds of targeted measures we are putting together will mainline money into the economy and directly into the hands of families that need it most." Schumer's bill would direct $400 billion for medical supplies, federal funding for child care and loans for small businesses, assistance for seniors and children whose schools are closed, improving Internet connectivity, grants to states and other measures. An additional $350 billion would go toward increasing unemployment benefits, increasing food assistance and canceling student debt payments during the coronavirus crisis. It would require companies that receive grants from the government to provide paid sick days to workers and pay them a $15 minimum wage. Even as they work on a third coronavirus aid package, the Senate has not yet passed the House's coronavirus bill approved early Saturday morning. The House bill also makes coronavirus testing free for all, expands food assistance and unemployment benefits, and makes the federal government pay a higher share of state health care costs. Special Investigation 147 NY dams are 'unsound,' potentially dangerous Thousands of dams have not been inspected in over 20 years. It follows an $8.3 billion bill passed by Congress earlier this month to fund federal agencies, state and public health authorities fighting the virus. The White House has encouraged Republicans to pass the House bill. The centerpiece of the bill is language that would give 14 days of paid sick leave to all workers whose employers do not offer the benefit and up to three months of paid medical leave for people who have longer periods of illness or must care for the sick. The sick leave and medical leave would only be available for people impacted by COVID-19, and medical leave benefits for leaves within a year after the bill's passage. Employers would be responsible for paying workers during their sick days and leave, and later would be reimbursed by the government through a tax credit. But large employers with more than 500 workers are exempted and some small businesses could seek exemptions too, meaning millions of Americans might not actually have access to the paid time off the bill intends to deliver. Gillibrand, who supported an earlier version of the bill that did not include these exemptions, slammed these changes that were negotiated between House Democrats and Mnuchin last week. The bill falls short. Over half of the private sector workforce was left out of the paid sick and family leave provisions," Gillibrand said. On Tuesday, she proposed new legislation for the federal government to immediately reimburse employers for coronavirus-related employee leave and enact a permanent paid family and medical leave program for all Americans funded by a payroll tax. The administration also announced Tuesday that Americans will be able to defer tax payments for up to 90 days after tax day, April 15. Mnuchin said the White House encourages people to file their taxes so they can get their refund if they are eligible for it. Americans who must make tax payments can defer up to $1 million for individuals and $10 million for corporations, interest free and penalty free for 90 days. The Federal Reserve has also launched a special fund to buy up to $1 trillion of commercial paper, Mnuchin said Tuesday, the short-term loans that businesses rely on for funding to pay bills and other expenses. The administration has no intent to shut down the stock market, but may consider limited hours if needed, Mnuchin added. (Bloomberg) -- Benny Gantz, whos been trying to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu for more than a year, was handed the chance to form Israels next government -- another twist in the countrys long-running political crisis. President Reuven Rivlin will hand Gantz the mandate on Monday, according to a statement from the presidents office. Gantz received recommendations from 61 members of parliament, which, if theyre folded into a coalition, would represent a parliamentary majority. Netanyahus Likud party won the most votes in Israels election two weeks ago -- the third in less than a year -- but his bloc of nationalist and religious parties was still smaller than Gantzs, whose connecting tissue has been the goal of forcing the legally-embattled Netanyahu out of office. While that was enough to give Gantz a head start its still unclear if this constellation of parties would sit together in government -- and Netanyahu may still have a chance if Gantz fails. Both men failed to form governments in the second election, when the voting results were similar. Two of Gantzs key backers -- Yisrael Beitenu, a secular nationalist party headed by former defense minister Avigdor Liberman -- and the Joint List, an amalgamation of Arab parties led by Ayman Odeh -- have an acrid history of political disagreement. Liberman takes a tougher line on relations with Palestinians, who have ethnic ties with Israeli Arabs. But the men remain united in moving Israeli politics into the post-Netanyahu era. Gantz, who only began his political career a little over a year ago, quickly rose to prominence because of his security experience and his a record free of suspected corruption that has dogged Netanyahu for a few years. Netanyahu was due to start his corruption trial this week. That was delayed by two months after the justice ministry, headed by a Likud member, placed the courts system in a state of emergency because of the coronavirus outbreak. Rivlin has been calling for Netanyahu and Gantz to unite in government to help the country tackle the spread of the virus. The political stalemate had already rendered Israel unable to deal with national problems like a growing budget deficit, and now emergency measures Netanyahu has taken to contain the illness may cause the economy to contract this year. Story continues Gantz says he is ready to help the government in the campaign against the coronavirus, though he has accused Netanyahu of cynically manipulating this emergency to postpone his day in court. (Updates with background starting in eighth paragraph) To contact the reporter on this story: Yaacov Benmeleh in Tel Aviv at To contact the editors responsible for this story: Nayla Razzouk at, Ian Fisher, Linus Chua For more articles like this, please visit us at Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2020 Bloomberg L.P. Moskalkova seeks observance of healthcare rights of Russian prosecuted in U.S. RAPSI, Vladimir Burnov 15:42 17/03/2020 MOSCOW, March 17 (RAPSI) - Russias High Commissioner for Human Rights Tatiana Moskalkova has forwarded an appeal in defense of the rights of Russian man Oleg Nikitin prosecuted in U.S. on several charges to the Director of the countrys Federal Bureau Of Prisons Michael Carvaja, according to the ombudsmans press service. According to Moskalkova, Nikitin suffers from several deceases and needs regular use of certain medicine. However, American authorities have failed to examine him physically and approve the drug use. The ombudsman has requested the U.S. prison official to provide required medical aid to the Russian citizen and to inform her about the measures taken, the statement reads. Nikitin and several other defendants could face up to 20 years in jail and a $1 million fine if convicted of violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Enhancement Act and the Export Control Reform Act of 2018; and up to 5 years in jail and a $250,000 fine if found guilty of conspiracy to defraud the United States. Under those changes, workers affected by the pandemic as a result of quarantine, caring for a family member, or closed schools and lack of child care receive two weeks of sick leave. Any paid leave provided after that time is limited to workers with children whose school or child care has been closed. The original legislation offered 10 additional weeks of paid leave at two-thirds pay for all workers affected by the pandemic. The bill allows exemptions for workers in companies with more than 500 employees or fewer than 50. Under the amended version, health care providers or emergency responders could be declared exempt from receiving the additional paid leave by the Labor secretary, who is now given the discretion to make that decision. Ms. Boushey said she was alarmed by those changes. I dont want my first responder to be sick, she said, adding that the scope of benefits in the bill for workers who lose their jobs amid the crisis was also inadequate. She and other economists, like Andrew Biggs of the conservative American Enterprise Institute, say the government should effectively make up for the full lost wages of workers who become unemployed, rather than partially doing so. Ms. Boushey said lawmakers should also fully compensate workers whose hours are reduced during the pandemic. Senate Democrats, including Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, say they will push for expansions of paid leave and unemployment benefits in a new bill, in its early stages on Capitol Hill, that is likely to include $1 trillion or more of economic stimulus, like direct payments to workers. Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, introduced another paid-leave bill on Tuesday along with other Democratic lawmakers, as part of an effort to expand upon those provisions in a third coronavirus relief package still under discussion. How do we make sure that people will stay home and not spread the virus? said Ms. Murray, whose state has been a center of the outbreak in the United States. Either we give people the means to stay home or this will continue to spread. In a sign that the debate defies traditional partisan lines, the conservative group Heritage Action for America said on Tuesday that the Houses paid-leave plan should be expanded to more workers. (TNS) WCNY is working with Syracuse, N.Y., city and area school districts to put public school classrooms on television as schools shut down because of the coronavirus The idea is to provide classroom lessons for all grade levels on TV. Ultimately anyone in WCNYs 19-county viewing area can watch if they have Spectrum, Verizon Fios, DirecTV or an old-fashioned antenna, said the stations president and CEO, Mitch Gelman.But the primary goal is to reach children whose families dont have Internet service, or who live in broadband deserts. The effort matches the mission of public television, which is to educate viewers, Gelman said.Well provide the set and production and distribution, Gelman said. Well look to the (education) experts to decide what the curriculum will be.Scheduling details are not yet available as official are building the new educational platform. The next meeting with school officials is 9 a.m. today. Officials are working out what subjects will be covered, which teachers will do the instruction, and when the shows will air.Starting today, all schools in Onondaga County are closed. But this work started about a week ago, when Syracuse city schools Superintendent Jaime Alicea reached out to WCNY, Gelman said. Alicea was looking for ways to reach the 30 percent of Syracuse city students who dont have access to broadband.Gelman said WCNY will help fill that void in two main ways.First, the station can preempt regular daytime shows on its flagship WCNY channel to make way for more educational programs: historical documentaries, regents reviews, quiz shows and spelling bees. That change could happen very fast. Gelman said hes just waiting to hear from school districts about what specific content they want.Second, WCNY is going to change its Global Connection channel into an all-classroom setting. WCNY has a production set thats ready for broadcast classroom instruction. Itll work something like this: An 8th-grade teacher will use it for a 25-minute lesson. There will be a number for kids to call if they have questions; other teachers will answer those phones. Then the television teacher can follow-up in the subsequent televised lesson.Districts will contribute the teachers and the courses to create an overall programming schedule, he said. The goal is to do it as long as its needed, he said. WCNY has set up a resource page for kids and parents who are looking for educational and relaxing programming.Additionally, WCNY has provided schools with some advice about its existing programming and how that might align with various grade levels.The plan for now is to produce the shows at WCNYs studio on West Fayette Street in Syracuse. If travel restrictions make that impossible, then production might switch to online recordings of teachers. Were flexible, Gelman said.WCNYs main channel in the Syracuse area is 24.1 for antenna, 11 for Spectrum basic, 11 or 1221 for Spectrum digital, 11 or 511 for Fios, 24-1 for DirecTV and 24 for Dish.WCNYs Global connection channel in the Syracuse area is 24.3 for antenna, 1276 for Spectrum digital, 467 for Fios, and 24-2 for DirecTV. Kirbyjon Caldwell, the Houston entrepreneur-turned-pastor who leads one of the largest United Methodist congregations in the country, faces a prison sentence and punishment from his denomination after pleading guilty to a multimillion-dollar fraud scheme. As a part of a plea deal in US District Court in Louisiana last Wednesday, Caldwell agreed to repay nearly $2 million as restitution to victims before his sentencing in July. He faces 57 years in prison and a fine of up to a quarter million dollars. Windsor Village, a 18,000-member African American megachurch, stood by Caldwell when he was first indicted on conspiracy charges two years ago. He was accused of selling $3.5 million in worthless Chinese bonds to the elderly. The UMC allowed Caldwell to continue to lead under the indictment, but he will now fall under church discipline. Caldwell preached the week before his plea and appeared in a promotional clip for last Sundays worship service, but the livestream of the gathering instead featured a sermon he preached back in January. The church has not publicly addressed its senior pastors recent plea. Caldwell had maintained his innocence, even when his alleged co-conspirator, a Shreveport investment adviser, pleaded guilty last year. His third request to postpone his trial was denied earlier this month. Caldwells attorney, Dan Cogdell, said the pastor believed the historic Chinese bonds were legitimate investment opportunities (rather than worthless mementos) and never intended to defraud anyone. According to prosecutors, Caldwell used the investment money to pay off personal loans, including mortgages and credit card debt. The US Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana accused Caldwell and the investor of using their positions to trick elderly victims into trusting them. My office will continue to vigorously prosecute those who use confidence schemes to prey upon the elderly and people of faith, David C. Joseph said. The UMC Book of Discipline lists commission of a crime as a chargeable offense, and regional conference leadership said that following his plea, the disciplinary process will begin immediately. I am deeply saddened by this admission of guilt, Texas Conference Bishop Scott Jones said in a statement to the United Methodist News Service last week. This now triggers a disciplinary process. We do not tolerate crimes being committed by our clergy, and it is now clear that Kirbyjon Caldwell has violated our standards of conduct. Well-connected and financially successful, Caldwell is known locally for his community development work in Houston over the past 30 years, investing millions into his neighborhood and ministry. On a national level, he served as a spiritual adviser to presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Caldwells legal issues occurred in the midst of ongoing debates on whether his congregation should remain affiliated with the UMC and how it might be affected by a potential denominational split. Windsor Village had been the UMCs biggest congregation for years (Kansass Church of the Resurrection now reports more members), and its still its largest African American congregation. The church discussed and prayed over potentially leaving the UMC in 2018. Caldwells other two entities, Kingdom Builders and The Power Center, are not affiliated with the denomination and have their own boards and leadership. Just 1 percent of Americans who identify as United Methodist are black, according to Pew Research Centers Religious Landscape survey. U.S. health officials say the first human trial has begun to test an experimental coronavirus vaccine, as scientists race to find treatments for the pandemic. Scientists at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle gave the first shots Monday to a small group of healthy people. The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) said the trial would involve 45 healthy adult volunteers ages 18 to 55 years old who would be given the experimental vaccine over a six-week period. One of the test subjects, Jennifer Haller, 43, of Seattle, told the Associated Press, "This is an amazing opportunity for me to do something." She said her two teenage children "think it's cool" that she is taking part in the trial. The vaccine was developed by scientists at NIH and the biotechnology company Moderna, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is one of many studies of experimental vaccines that will take place around the world in the coming months to try to find a way to protect people against COVID-19. Scientists say that a vaccine will likely not be available for widespread use for another 12-18 months, as all potential vaccines must go through several phases of testing to prove they works and are safe. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at a news briefing on COVID-19 at City Hall in Manhattan, New York, on March 14, 2020. (Eduardo Munoz/Reuters) New York City Mayor Considering Shelter in Place Order Over Coronavirus Pandemic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he could soon issue an order mandating residents stay in their homes and only leave to get food, medicine, or exercise in an attempt to stem the spread of the new coronavirus. San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Monday announced residents in the city and several nearby counties would have to remain inside unless they need to perform essential activities or essential business. Violation of the order is punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Breeds office did say in a press release, Individuals may go on a walk, get exercise, or take a pet outside to go to the bathroom, as long as at least six feet of social distancing is maintained. Asked about the measure during an appearance on CNNs New Day on Tuesday morning, de Blasio said, Were absolutely considering that. Were going to look at all other options, but it could get to that for sure for the whole country, he added. A man walks while wearing a mask as coronavirus continues to spread across the United States in New York City on March 16, 2020. (Cindy Ord/Getty Images) De Blasio has announced measures against the virus, which originated in China last year, later than most other mayors of large cities. He shut down schools on Sunday along with restaurants, days after other cities ordered schools and shops to close, along with other so-called social distancing measures. De Blasio said that New York Citys bars and restaurants will likely be closed for months, noting that establishments are still allowed to serve take-out and delivery orders. We need to have in our minds that this could be a crisis of at a minimum several months, he said, calling on Congress to pass direct income replacement for those who cant work under the new guidelines. Schools could be closed into May or even longer. April 20 is when were going to make our first attempt, but watching the trajectory its hard to imagine thats going to work, the mayor said. De Blasio this week introduced a plan to boost the number of hospital beds in the city by about 8,200 by converting unused privately-owned and city buildings into places where patients could be treated. He said Tuesday that the city needed surgical masks, hand sanitizer, and other items for healthcare workers. Chairs are stacked in a Starbucks coffee shop that remained open for customers purchasing for take-out in New York City on March 16, 2020. (John Minchillo/AP Photo) The national government should distribute the items, similar to what happens during a war, and medical personnel in the United States military should be deployed to the parts of America that are suffering the most, the New York City mayor argued. The city has 463 patients who tested positive as of Monday morning, according to the citys Department of Health. There is now widespread community transmission of COVID-19 in New York City, meaning the sources of new infections are unknown. Everyone in New York City should act as if they have been exposed to COVID-19, it said on its website. New York state has one of the highest case counts, with nearly 1,000 confirmed cases, according to the state Department of Health. De Blasios comments came a day after President Donald Trump asked Americans not to congregate in groups of 10 or more people. My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts, he said at the White House. If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus. And were going to have a big celebration all together. 1. Yes. The downtown area needs a good draw. Some quality taverns would be a plus. 2. Yes. Too many storefronts are vacant. Bars could help to bring in needed revenue. 3. No. Putting a number of bars downtown is just asking for trouble. Dont change things. 4.No. Several churches have located downtown. Putting bars close by would be a bad fit. 5. Unsure. It would depend on how the law is written and what standards are enacted. Vote View Results Supreme Court's retired Justice Kurian Joseph on Tuesday said that he was surprised to see how former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, who once exhibited conviction to uphold the independence of the judiciary, has compromised those principles. He said that the country continues to be firmly grounded on the basic structures and the Constitutional values mainly due to the independent judiciary. "I am surprised as to how Justice Ranjan Gogoi who once exhibited such courage of conviction to uphold the independence of the judiciary, has compromised the noble principles on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary," said Joseph said in a message to ANI. The retired justice, who along with three other judges had held a press conference to highlight the alleged discrepancies in the functioning of the Supreme Court on January 12, 2018, said that when the confidence of people is shaken, the tectonic alignment of the nation built on solid foundations is also shaken. "The Collegium System was introduced by the Supreme Court in 1993 only to strengthen this alignment and make the judiciary completely independent and not interdependent. I came out in public in an unprecedented move along with Justice Chelameswar, Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice Madan B Lokur to tell the nation that there was a threat to this foundation and now I feel the threat is at large," Justice Joseph said. He said that this was the reason why he had decided not to take any positions after his retirement. "According to me, the acceptance of nomination as a member of Rajya Sabha by a former Chief Justice of India has certainly shaken the confidence of the common man on the independence of the judiciary, which is also one of the basic structures of the Constitution of India," said Justice Joseph. President Ram Nath Kovind on Monday nominated former Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi to the Upper House of Parliament, a decision which has largely been criticised by the opposition. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A worker assembles a box for delivery at the Amazon fulfillment center in Baltimore on April 30, 2019. (Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters/File Photo) Amazon Limits Non-Essential Shipments Over Coronavirus Pandemic Online retail giant Amazon told third-party sellers that it will no longer accept inbound shipments of items under the Fulfillment by Amazon program unless the products are deemed a high priority amid the coronavirus pandemic. We are seeing increased online shopping and as a result some products such as household staples and medical supplies are out of stock. With this in mind, we are temporarily prioritizing household staples, medical supplies, and other high-demand products coming into our fulfillment centers so that we can more quickly receive, restock, and ship these products to customers, Amazon wrote on Tuesday. The Seattle-based company said that for any other products, it has temporarily disabled shipment creation and will take a similar approach with retail vendors. The new measure will be in effect from Tuesday, March 17, until April 5. Amazon said the following categories of items will be shipped as normal: Baby products, health and household, beauty and personal care, grocery, scientific and industrial, and pet supplies. We will let you know once we resume regular operations. Shipments created before today will be received at fulfillment centers, according to the statement. The move will be in place in the United States and European Union only. We understand this is a change to your business, and we did not take this decision lightly, Amazon added. A Spanish police officers check a car at the border between Portugal and Spain, following an order from the Spanish government to set up controls at its land borders over coronavirus, in Vilar Formoso, Portugal, on March 17, 2020. (Rafael Marchante/Reuters) Over the weekend, Amazon wrote that it was running out of popular household items and noted that delivery will take longer than usual. In particular, you will notice that we are currently out of stock on some popular brands and items, especially in household staples categories, Amazon wrote in a blog post on Saturday. We are working around the clock with our selling partners to ensure availability on all of our products, and bring on additional capacity to deliver all of your orders, it added. A quick review of items like bottled water, toilet paper, and some canned goods showed they are currently out of stock. And Amazons usual one-day and two-day options showed delays of several days. According to Vox, on an Amazon message board for third-party sellers, some said that the new changes will essentially destroy their businesses. Amazon just put tons of businesses out of business, one seller wrote on Tuesday. Destroyed thousands of jobs amidst a crisis. Horrible joke. Absolute joke. No warning. Expect major lawsuits coming from sellers who now will go bankrupt. It is not doable, another seller said. Most of us do not have the infrastructure in place. We do not have the boxes or packing material to do this. [March 17, 2020] INVESTOR ALERT: Law Offices of Howard G. Smith Announces Investigation of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) on Behalf of Investors Law Offices of Howard G. Smith announces an investigation on behalf of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. ("Norwegian" or "the Company") (NYSE: NCLH) investors concerning the Company and its officers' possible violations of federal securities laws. On March 11, 2020, the Miami New Times published an article, titled "Leaked Emails: Norwegian Pressures Sales Team to Lie About Coronavirus." According to the article, the leaked emails show Norwegian managers pressuring sales employees to lie to customers about the threat of the coronavirus (COVID-2019) to protect the Company against cacellations. One of the emails reportedly advises sales staff to tell customers, "Coronavirus can only survive in cold temperatures, so the Caribbean is a fantastic choice for your next cruise." On this news, the Company's share price fell $5.47 or over 26%, to close at $15.03 per share on March 11, 2020, thereby injuring investors. If you purchased Norwegian securities, have information or would like to learn more about these claims, or have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests with respect to these matters, please contact Howard G. Smith, Esquire, of Law Offices of Howard G. Smith, 3070 Bristol Pike, Suite 112, Bensalem, Pennsylvania 19020 by telephone at (215) 638-4847, toll-free at (888) 638-4847, or by email to [email protected], or visit our website at This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] By Vijay Prashad and Paola Estrada. Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is the chief editor of LeftWord Books and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He has written more than twenty books, including The Darker Nations: A Peoples History of the Third World (The New Press, 2007), The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South (Verso, 2013), The Death of the Nation and the Future of the Arab Revolution(University of California Press, 2016) and Red Star Over the Third World (LeftWord, 2017). Paola Estrada is in the Secretariat of the International Peoples Assembly and is a member of the Brazilian chapter of ALBA Movements (Continental Coordination of Social Movements toward the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America). Produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute Swiftly moves the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), dashing across continents, skipping over oceans, terrifying populations in every country. The numbers of those infected rises, as do the numbers of those who have died. Hands are being washed, tests are being done, and social distance has become a new phrase. It is unclear how devastating this pandemic will be. In the midst of a pandemic, one would expect that all countries would collaborate in every way to mitigate the spread of the virus and its impact on human society. One would expect that a humanitarian crisis of this magnitude would provide the opportunity to suspend or end all inhumane economic sanctions and political blockades against certain countries. The main point here is this: Is this not the time for the imperialist bloc, led by the United States of America, to end the sanctions against Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, and a series of other countries? Medical Shortages Venezuelas Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza told us recently that the illegal and unilateral coercive measures that the United States has imposed on Venezuela are a form of collective punishment. The use of the phrase collective punishment is significant; under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, any policy that inflicts damage on an entire population is a war crime. The U.S. policy, Arreaza told us, has resulted in difficulties for the timely acquisition of medicines. On paper, the unilateral U.S. sanctions say that medical supplies are exempt. But this is an illusion. Neither Venezuela nor Iran can easily buy medical supplies, nor can they easily transport it into their countries, nor can they use them in their largely public sector health systems. The embargo against these countriesin this time of COVID-19is not only a war crime by the standards of the Geneva Conventions (1949) but is a crime against humanity as defined by the United Nations International Law Commission (1947). In 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump enacted tight restrictions on Venezuelas ability to access financial markets; two years later, the U.S. government blacklisted Venezuelas Central Bank and put a general embargo against the Venezuelan state institutions. If any firm trades with Venezuelas public sector, it could face secondary sanctions. The U.S. Congress passed the Countering Americas Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) in 2017, which tightened sanctions against Iran, Russia, and North Korea. The next year, Trump imposed a raft of new sanctions against Iran which suffocated Irans economy. Once more, access to the world banking system and threats to companies that traded with Iran made it almost impossible for Iran to do business with the world. In particular, the U.S. government made it clear that any business with the public sector of Iran and Venezuela was forbidden. The health infrastructure that provides for the mass of the populations in both Iran and Venezuela is run by the State, which means it faces disproportionate difficulty in accessing equipment and supplies, including testing kits and medicines. Breaking the Embargo Arreaza, the Venezuelan foreign minister, told us that his government is alert to the dangers of COVID-19 with a health infrastructure that has been affected by the sanctions. Vice President Delcy Rodriguez is leading a presidential commission to manage whatever resources are available. We are breaking the blockade, Arreaza said, through the World Health Organization, through which we have obtained medicine and the tests to detect the illness. The WHO, despite its own crisis of funds, has played a key role in both Venezuela and Iran. Nonetheless, the WHO faces its own challenges with sanctions, particularly when it comes to transportation. These harsh sanctions forced transportation companies to reconsider servicing both Iran and Venezuela. Some airlines stopped flying there; many shipping companies decided not to anger Washington. When the World Health Organization tried to get testing kits for COVID-19 from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into Iran, it faced difficultyas the WHOs Christoph Hamelmann put itdue to flight restrictions; the UAE sent the equipment via a military transport plane. Likewise, Arreaza told us, Venezuela has received the solidarity from governments of countries such as China and Cuba. This is a key issue. China, despite its own challenges from COVID-19, has been supplying testing kits and medical equipment to Iran and to Venezuela; it was Chinas vigorous reaction to the virus that has now slowed down its spread within China itself. In late February, a team from the Red Cross Society of China arrived in Tehran to exchange information with the Iranian Red Cross and with WHO officials; China also donated testing kits and supplies. The sanctions, Chinese officials told us, should be of no consequence during a humanitarian crisis such as this; they are not going to honor them. Meanwhile, the Iranians developed an app to help their population during the COVID-19 outbreak; Google decided to remove it from its app store, a consequence of the U.S. sanctions. End the Sanctions Yolimar Mejias Escorcha, an industrial engineer, tells us that the sanctions regime has put a lot of pressure on everyday life in Venezuela. She says that the government continues to make an effort to ensure that people who most need it get health care, education, and food. The opposition has tried to say that the crisis is a consequence of the governments inefficiency rather than a result of the imperialist blockade on Venezuela. On March 6, she tells us, a new campaign was launched in the country called Sanctions Are a Crime. She hopes that this campaign will explain clearly to people why there are shortages in her countrythe sanctions being the core reason. In 2019, a group of countries met at the United Nations in New York to discuss the U.S. unilateral sanctions that violated the UN Charter. The intent was to work through the Non-Aligned Movement to create a formal group that would respond to these sanctions. Venezuelas Foreign Minister Arreaza told us that Venezuela supports this initiative but also the declaration of principles drafted by Iran against unilateralism and the Russian formal complaint about denial of visas for officials to visit the UN building in New York. We hope to resume meetings this year once the difficulties presented by COVID-19 are overcome, he said. They want to meet again, Arreaza said, to advance joint, concrete actions. What Arreaza told us are initiatives at the interstate level. At the same time, there are ongoing initiatives led by popular movements and political organizations. In November 2019, an anti-imperialist solidarity meeting was held in Havana, Cuba, with representatives from 86 countries. At this meeting, it was decided that attention must be focused on the inhumane use of power in our time; a call was sent out to hold a week of anti-imperialist struggle between May 25 and May 31. The aim of the week is to alert the worlds public about imperialism andin this contextabout the murderous sanctions regime driven by the United States, more murderous in this time of COVID-19. The question that a week of activities such as this poses is quite simple: What kind of moral fiber holds together an international system where a handful of countries can act in a way that goes against all the highest aspirations of humanity? When the United States continues its embargos against more than 50 countriesbut mostly against Cuba, Iran, and Venezuelawhen there is a global pandemic afoot, what does this say about the nature of power and authority in our world? Sensitive people should be offended by such behavior, its mean-spiritedness evident in the unnatural deaths that it provokes. When the U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked about the half-million Iraqi children who died because of U.S. sanctions, she said that those deaths were a price worth paying. They were certainly not a price that the Iraqis wanted to pay, nor now the Iranians or the Venezuelans, or indeed the majority of humankind. We march in May against this desiccated worldview; we march for humanity. A health care worker at Massachusetts General Hospital has tested positive for coronavirus, the latest in a growing number of workers in the medical field impacted by the illness. The positive test result follows another health care provider at Massachusetts Eye and Ear testing positive as well, the hospital confirmed over the weekend. Both workers are in quarantine and the hospitals are notifying patients who came into contact with the them. Sign up for free text messages about important updates on coronavirus in Massachusetts Their results follow two doctors at Brigham and Womens Hospital being diagnosed, bringing the total to at least four health care providers in Boston testing positive for the virus. Across the state, 70 workers - including 54 nurses - at Berkshire Medical Center, the largest hospital in Berkshire County, were placed in quarantine after exposure to people diagnosed with coronavirus. Nurses wore face masks but not eye shields and gowns, as recommended for medical professionals treating COVID-19 patients. Hospital staff who came into contact with the patients have been furloughed for 14 days, a spokesperson for the medical center said. As the novel coronavirus spreads across the globe, it is inevitable that health care workers will be infected, as is now the case at the Brigham, a spokesperson for Brigham and Womens said in a statement. We are in the process of contacting patients and staff who may have been exposed. The number of coronavirus cases increased to 197 on Monday, a jump from 164 cases on Sunday. Middlesex County, the most populated county in Massachusetts, has the most cases, with 83. Norfolk and Suffolk Counties both reporting 36 cases. In the Berkshires, 11 cases are reported. Eight cases were reported in Essex County, six in Worcester, three in Plymouth County, two in Bristol and one in Barnstable and Hampden Counties. 10 cases were not tied to a specific Massachusetts counties. The majority of cases - 100 - are tied to the Biogen conference in Boston last month. Community spread was behind 28 cases and 18 are travel related. The connection to 51 cases remain under investigation. Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK) CEO Yoon Jong-won speaks with officials of Hutech Engineering, a metal cutting machine manufacturer, at the company's factory at Siwa Industrial Complex in Gyeonggi Province, Tuesday. IBK said Yoon visited the firm to examine small and medium-sized companies' fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. / Courtesy of IBK Kenya supports Egypts positive stance on the disputed Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), President Uhuru Kenyatta told Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi in a phone call on Tuesday. El-Sisis spokesman Bassam Rady said the president received a phone call from his Kenyan counterpart in which they exchanged developments on the dam after the collapse of Washington-mediated talks between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan last month. Kenyatta described the Egyptian stance as one that comes out of sincere political will, according to the Egyptian statement. Addis Ababa did not attend the last round of US-sponsored talks on the dam in February, citing the need for more time for further domestic consultations. Only Egypt has initialed the resulting agreement, drafted by the US, on the filling and operation of the dam, with Ethiopia and Sudan both declining to sign it. Over the past weeks, Egyptian officials have delivered messages on developments related to the GERD to Gulf and European partners, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, France and the European Union, in an attempt to seek support. Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry began an African tour this week to garner further support on the matter. Shoukry made stops in Burundi and South Africa and is set to visit Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Niger and Rwanda. Search Keywords: Short link: Boris Johnson is standing by his decision not to shut schools yet but insists that if they do, 'plans are ready to go' to help parents whose children might lose free school meals if they do. The government has so far insisted school closures are not justified as part of the effort to combat Covid-19 despite concerns from worried parents they are 'Russian Roulette' with students across the country. At his daily press conference today, the Prime Minister said: 'On free school meals, as we come to the decision on schools we will have obviously plans ready to go on that.' Boris Johnson (pictured yesterday evening at a press conference) has been accused of 'playing Russian Roulette' with school children across the UK 'Gavin Williamson, the Education Secretary, has a plan to make sure that parents with kids who are eligible for free school meals get the compensation or the treatment they need one way or the other, we certainly anticipated that.' The possibility of school closures is contained in the Government's action plan for the pandemic and Number 10 sources said they had 'never shied away from the fact' that might have to happen. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, announcing the suspension of routine Ofsted inspections, said closures would only take place if the chief medical officer or chief scientific adviser say it is in the best interests of children and teachers. The National Education Union called for schools to be closed 'at least for some time and at least in some areas' due to the outbreak. The NEU said the running of schools will become 'all the more complicated' as they advise teachers and staff who are classed as vulnerable to self-isolate. And a petition launched by worried parents and teachers has reached nearly 640,000 signatures and many parents have warned they will pull their children out of the education system. A petition launched by worried parents has reached nearly 640,000 signatures Social media users started the #Covid19Walkout trend yesterday, encouraging students and school pupils to stay at home and one school in Derbyshire. Last night the Prime Minister urged residents across the UK to implement social distancing and also advised a ban on mass gatherings. But the government says it is keeping the situation in schools under review, with fears closing them would mean key workers in the NHS would have to drop their duties to look after children, and have limited benefits in reducing the spread. Chief medical officer Chris Whitty insisted last night that evidence suggested children tend to be less badly affected than adults. Teaching union urges Boris Johnson to close schools for 'at least some time' A teaching union has written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson demanding schools are closed 'at least for some time and at least in some areas'. The letter from Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, joint general secretaries of the National Education Union, said that they intend to advise all members who are in various vulnerable categories outlined by the Government, or those caring for people in them, to 'stop attending schools and colleges from next Monday at the latest. Some will do so earlier'. It added: 'We also assume that the children of parents with those conditions should also avoid school or college. 'This will make the running of schools all the more complicated. 'Given your failure to release modelling comparing different scenarios of school closures, we are now forced to call on you to close schools, at least for some time and at least in some areas.' Advertisement So far there have been 55 deaths in the UK because of the virus and 1,543 confirmed cases. Prof Neil Ferguson, a scientist at Imperial College who has been advising the government on coronavirus, said closing schools and universities could stymie the spread of the coronavirus but warned of uncertainties and negative impacts of such a move on the NHS. He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'From a purely epidemiological perspective, we think with a lot of uncertainty that closing schools and universities would further reduce transmission. 'I have to say we don't fully understand whether children are transmitting this virus in the same way they transmit other viruses but, assuming that, it would have an impact. 'It would also have a number of negative impacts, particularly on health system capacity - a lot of nurses, a lot of doctors have school-aged children. 'So what's currently happening is there's a very thorough review of what a likelihood of school closure would be.' But Chris Keates, acting general secretary of teachers' union the NASUWT said the lack of 'clear and definitive' direction from the government over what schools should do has 'created a rising sense of panic'. She said: 'The NASUWT has to date been advising our members in the context of the advice issued by governments and administrations and public health bodies across the UK. 'However, the lack of clear information with regard to the steps to protect teachers, headteachers and other staff working in schools in the context of commentators constantly referring to the threats posed by children carrying Covid-19 is causing chaos and confusion and placing intolerable pressure on all staff in schools and their families.' Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, joint general secretaries of the National Education Union, wrote to the PM saying they intend to advise all members who are in various vulnerable categories outlined by the Government, or those caring for people in them, to 'stop attending schools and colleges from next Monday at the latest. Some will do so earlier'. It added: 'We also assume that the children of parents with those conditions should also avoid school or college. 'This will make the running of schools all the more complicated. 'Given your failure to release modelling comparing different scenarios of school closures, we are now forced to call on you to close schools, at least for some time and at least in some areas.' Speaking on BBC Radio 4 this morning, Ian Robinson chief executive of Oak Partnership Trust in South West England which runs four schools said they are facing a number of issues. 'I can't criticise the government at the moment but I do feel the message isn't clear enough for schools and where it is becoming clearer for other organisations. We are still playing catch up in schools, we have within our trust a special school which has a large number of children with medical conditions and we have children on education healthcare plans also with medical conditions and they are at increased risk to the coronavirus. 'Schools are like a petri dish as soon as one child comes in with the coronavirus - our kids are great at a washing their hands they are really good but as soon as they wash their hands their hands are next to their face, they are holding hands with each other, they will hold hands with adults, I walked into school the other day and as soon as I walked in a child took my hand and led me to their work'. He said he then went to wash his hands but as soon as he came out another child held his hand. 'The challenge for schools is massive, we have got lots of vulnerable children and adults that will be affected by that very quickly'. Many parents have hit back at the advise with some claiming schools are like a 'covid pit'. People across the UK hit back at Boris Johnson this morning as they claimed he was 'playing Russian Roulette with the lives of children across the UK One said: 'Boris is now playing Russian Roulette with the children of the UK, saying if he closes the schools to protect the children the adults will then have to stay at home to care for them & wont be able to get to work, looks like Boris is just about to lose any respect he had'. This is while one expert this morning said on BBC Radio 4 that classes are like 'petri dishes for the deadly bug'. Another parent added: 'Most of my partners' kids' teachers are off and self isolating (as she is - support staff at the same school). I've just dropped them off in a potential Covid pit because to not do so would be illegal'. One said children being 'crammed' inside school rooms and canteens would not help stop the spread of the virus. This is while some said that keeping schools open during the crucial early phase was a 'poor decision by the UK'. Another said people should 'spare a thought for primary school teachers in the front line surrounded by hoardes of bio-hazards'. It emerged today that one school in Derbyshire had closed due to the concerns around the virus. This is while a school in Stretford said it was not 'operationally possible to run the school'. The school will close its doors today and will remained closed until April 14. In a letter she said: 'We find ourselves in this situation because we cannot follow all of the government's advice AND keep our children and our Stretford families safe. Some highlighted what teachers would be going through while another said this could be a 'poor decision from the UK government 'The staff members who have symptoms are not being tested. They won't be tested because, thankfully, they are not seriously ill. I do not know if one, none or all have the virus. 'This is not acceptable. Staff who work in sectors which are not being advised to work from home should be tested. 'This would have allowed me to either keep the school open or to be able to identify who, if anyone, is at risk. 'Even if we double up classes to accommodate staff absence, we cannot operate at this staffing level. I also do not feel comfortable grouping pupils into even bigger groups which increases the risk of spreading the virus.' Mr Robinson added: 'The idea of not going having to go mass gatherings for other people doesn't seem to apply to schools at the moment. 'The three criteria that was talked about in the briefing yesterday, we have staff that are within two of those criteria, staff with underlying health conditions and staff that are pregnant. 'At this moment in time they are still being expected to go into school which is a mass gathering. 'One of our headteachers, from last week we were told seven days in isolation, one of his children has a high temperature so was self-isolated from Monday. By the end of Monday when we were still in a meeting to discuss the rest of the week it had become 14 days and all family members, so already today I am facing the challenge of one of our schools not having a head teacher'. The public health crisis sparked by the spread of the coronavirus has quickly become an economic crisis as well. There have been cancellations of everything from conferences to concerts. Restaurants, bars, malls and movie theaters all have fewer customers as people stay away from crowded spaces. With demand for goods and services dropping, workers are seeing their hours reduced, or they are getting laid off entirely. If those workers have sufficient savings, they might be able to weather the storm without dramatically reducing their own spending and spreading the economic damage further. But unfortunately, millions of households don't have even $400 in savings to draw on in an emergency like this. Those households will now have to struggle even more to pay rent or keep the lights on which, in turn, means even fewer customers for a wider array of businesses. The vicious cycle of recession has begun. This is where the federal government must step in. It's probably too late to stop a recession, but it's not too late to stop a depression. One idea that has gained a lot of support recently is having the federal government send cash directly to most or even all households. A fast, large infusion of money can be a bridge for families who have been impacted by the downturn and can keep the cycle from spiraling too far. With more cash in their pockets, workers who just lost their jobs will still be able to make their mortgage payments, put food on the table and get their cars fixed. Without that cash, not only will workers suffer terribly, but the businesses in the community that rely on their patronage will suffer too. There are some objections to the idea of sending out cash, however. One concern is how to balance the need to get this cash out fast while also ensuring it goes to those who most need it and who are most likely to spend it, which will help reverse the vicious cycle of recession. Ideally, we wouldn't send checks to millionaires and the owners of giant corporations. An extra bump in their bank account isn't going to help the broader economy. But time is also of the essence. It's possible that adding conditions may make it take longer for the government to process the aid. But if it doesn't slow down delivery of the assistance, we should exclude the rich. A second concern is that direct cash assistance will not be as effective in this downturn as it would be in others because so many people are deliberately reducing their demand for goods and services as they self-quarantine and try to reduce the spread of the virus. This is a legitimate worry and it's likely that direct cash assistance won't have as big of an impact right away. But for the millions of workers who have already lost income or are about to lose income in the coming weeks, they will spend this money immediately on necessities like groceries and rent. And for everyone else, a little extra will help the economy bounce back faster once we can leave our homes again. But while direct cash payments should be a key component of relief measures, it is far from a standalone solution. This crisis has laid bare the weaknesses of our public health infrastructure, labor protections and social safety net. Imagine if we'd already had a robust, national paid leave system in place before this virus arrived. Imagine if all food service workers had the ability to earn and use paid sick time. Imagine if workers could rely on strong, well-funded unemployment insurance. Imagine if more people were earning enough income during the good times to put some savings away for the bad times. Imagine if income inequality weren't already sapping consumer demand and weakening our ability to withstand temporary setbacks. Imagine a federal budget that invested in public health and disease prevention. In that world, the coronavirus might not have pushed us to the brink of an economic disaster. The coronavirus outbreak and its economic fallout are going to be, and already are, far worse and more painful than they had to be. Emergency cash payments to nearly all households as soon as possible can help prevent more suffering and boost the economy at the same time. It should be the next step, but it definitely cannot be the last one. A Tennessee father has described what it was like to be 'patient zero' when he became the state's first case of coronavirus. Chris Baumgartner told how he was repeatedly asked 'if you are the ''one''' by an 'irrational public' who demanded answers from him. The 44-year-old was the self-proclaimed 'patient zero' in Tennessee, and said his symptoms were at the mild end of the spectrum. But despite not suffering greatly from the disease, Baumgartner says he and his family endured 'mass hysteria' and the 'stigma' of having the virus. In a lengthy Facebook post written on Sunday and published alongside a picture of Baumgartner covered in bubble wrap, he described how it affected him and his family mentally. Chris Baumgartner and his wife Holly wearing home-made 'protective gear' of bubble wrap and a black garbage bag Baumgartner, a worker at Biogen which saw an outbreak of cases following a conference, described his symptoms as at the 'mild' end of the spectrum Baumgartner said fellow Williamson County residents demanded 'to know if you are the ''one'' where you live, and if you might have somehow infected their child or family'. He wrote: 'These past few weeks have certainly been interesting, to say the least. 'My family has not only had a front row seat to the mass hysteria we are now experiencing as a nation, but we've also been part of the storyline. 'It's given us a whole new appreciation for those who live under the cloud of stigma every single day of their lives.' But despite those issues, hordes of other community members have empathized with his family's ordeal, Baumgartner said. Supporters have sent the family meals, groceries, cards and books, among other items to help keep them occupied during their time in quarantine, Baumgartner said in his post, which also pictured his wife wearing a black garbage bag. He said that while some people treated him with hostility and fear, others offered to help him out by bringing supplies and other essentials Baumgartner (pictured with wife Holly) said he and his family endured 'mass hysteria' and the 'stigma' of having the coronavirus He added: 'We've had literally hundreds and hundreds of calls, messages, and texts encouraging us, praying for us, and people pausing from their own challenges in life, to walk through this crazy situation with us. 'Something incredible happens when fear and anxiety are replaced with acts of kindness and compassion.' Baumgartner wrote on social media that he is still recovering and ofered to house sit for any neighbors over spring break. Coronavirus cases continue to grow in Tennessee and across and the US with Tennessee's Department of Health reporting 52 cases as of Monday. On March 5, Govenor Bill Lee announced that a Williamson County man had tested positive for the virus, making it the first case in the state. Williamson County now has the second most amount of cases in the state with 18. Across the US as of Monday, the number of COVID-19 cases topped 4,600 with 86 deaths. The longest serving congressman in state history is recommending his fellow Hoosier Democrats nominate state Sen. Karen Tallian, D-Ogden Dunes, for Indiana attorney general. U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-Gary, said Tallian has earned his "unconditional support and endorsement" because the 15-year state lawmaker "has been a true public servant throughout her career" and "demonstrated that she cares about the livelihoods of all individuals and families." "I know she will be a thoughtful, judicious and honest attorney general for every person and community in our state," Visclosky said. In particular, the 36-year congressman pointed to Tallian's successful efforts to secure state funds for two major expansions of the South Shore Line, her unwavering support for the Region's steel industry and union labor, and Tallian's unceasing work to preserve the Lake Michigan shoreline. "I am proud to support Karen Tallian for attorney general," Visclosky said. "She has the trusted experience and temperament to continue her career of public service and fight on behalf of our environment and all workers, individuals and families in Indiana." The following account was submitted to the WSWS by a retired teacher and writer who has lived in Florence, Italy for more than 40 years. Whats it like to live in Italy now, with the draconian measures being taken by the government (and which seem to get more and more restrictive every day) to combat the spread of Covid 19? There are two levels of the effects of these measures on my familys lives. The first goes deeper and will almost certainly last for a long time and has to do with our economic situation. Florence and Santa Maria del Fiore [] We (myself and my husband, my daughter and her partner and their nine-month-old baby) live in Florence, which is obviously highly dependent on tourism for its economy. My daughter is a self-employed tour guide who counted on starting up work again this spring with the high tourist season. Now, obviously, the tourists have disappeared (museums and other attractions were closed a few days ago, and as of yesterday, restaurants and accommodations as well) so she will have no work, and therefore none of the income they were counting on to support themselves and the baby. Her partner is a cook in a breakfast and brunch place that caters mainly to American students (here in Florence there are many American study abroad programs), which has had to close for an indefinite period of time. He has a fixed salary, but it has been decided that the next few weeks will be considered his vacation time, so this summer hell have no vacation. And that, of course, is the best-case scenario, because if the current emergency goes on for long, theres a risk that the place might close down. That would be a total disaster for them economically. As for me, though Im retired I still continue doing translating and tutoring. My students wont be coming to my place, but we can work out some way of doing lessons online, at least for a while. The government (led by Mr. Conte) has announced promised economic help for small businesses, workers and self-employed people in various forms. So far this is all quite vague, but Im hoping that some of these measures will be available to my daughter and her partner. Meanwhile, Ill have to dip into my savings. As of last week, all Italians have been asked (ordered?) to stay at home for all but essential movements, which include work, medical necessities, food shopping, returning to ones home elsewhere, and assisting sick or elderly family members. Gated squares and parks have been closed and taking kids to the open ones is not allowed. This is being enforced by the police, who are patrolling the streets and public squares. Everyone who can is being encouraged to work from home (they call it smart work !!!). All stores and services except for pharmacies, food stores, newspaper stands, post offices and banks are closed. Public transportation is still going, but most people dont want to take buses if they can at all help it. Theoretically, its possible to order food by phone or online and have it delivered. But, in fact, the phone lines are clogged and deliveries are not guaranteed before several daysone supermarket that we tried to contact mentioned up to 10 days! Fortunately, there are still some small food stores in the neighborhood that were counting on, and the local supermarket is open, though there are lines to get in, since they are letting in a closed number of people at a time. So far, the lines arent very long. The problem is that once youre in its hard to keep the mandated distance (1 meter? 2? Its not clear) in the crowded aisles. Then there are some rather ridiculous, if not stupid, contradictions. One example: I had to go to the local post office to pick up a registered letter because the postal service had suspended home delivery. Which meant I had to leave the housesomething I am strongly urged not to do, as a 75-year-oldto go and pick it up. They werent allowing people in unless their number had come up, and so I had to wait on the sidewalk. But its a narrow sidewalk, and the entrance is precisely at a bus-stop, so there were quite a few people congregated there. Which is, of course, exactly what they say must be avoided at all costs. Then theres the problem of what to do about the baby. Italians generally live in quite close quarters, mostly without any outdoor spaces. So its especially important to be able to take children out to the local parks or piazzas. This hasnt been forbidden, but the children are not supposed to get close to one another. Its not easy to take them to the piazza not to play with other children. Since all schools are closed until April 3, the problem of how to care for children whose parents are still working away from home is critical. Of course, in Italy a lot of slack has always been taken up by family members, especially grandmoms, but now that old people are the most vulnerable, its doubtful that they should be staying in close contact with the children. The government has promised aid to cover the cost of baby-sitters, but again, this is still to be seen. If asked how well the countrys medical system is coping with this crisis, I think Id say that so far its holding up more or less, but obviously the structures, equipment and staff are being stretched to their limits. Emergency measures are being taken, like having recourse to private facilities, emergency hiring, and asking retired medics to pitch in. There is a great difference in Italy between one region and the next as regards the public health systems, with the north in general being far superior to the south. Tuscany, the region Im in, is generally considered one of the best, but so is Lombardy, which has been the region hardest hit so far, and many significant weaknesses are showing up even there. Everyone is frightened that the contagion will spread significantly to the southern regions, whose health systems are very poor. These inadequacies are largely due to the constant cuts that have been made to the national health system over the last two-three decades, under every government whether center-right or center-left. Structures (buildings and beds), equipment and staff have been progressively decreased, so that by now even in ordinary times getting an appointment with a specialist or for a test or an operation is a very frustrating experience, sometimes involving a wait of months and other times simply not possible in the foreseeable future. Clearly, many of the personal problems Ive described above are more vexatious than really serious. But if the situation goes on for long, it will be hard to go on. And the long-term effects on the Italian economy are bound to be very serious indeed, if not devastating. So, one tries to keep a stiff upper lip, but underneath were pretty worried. There are some strikes in factories where workers dont want to be put at risk. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (Agence France-Presse) United Nations, United States Tue, March 17, 2020 10:12 666 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b1e900 2 World UN,Security-Council,meeting,coronavirus,Wuhan-coronavirus,COVID-19,pandemic,health Free The UN Security Council called off its two remaining meetings for the week on Monday due to the coronavirus crisis. After the earlier cancellation of the meeting planned for Tuesday, the Security Council was planning to discuss the situation in Sudan's Darfur region and hold a multilateralism meeting on Thursday. The council was "still functioning" despite abandoning its remaining sessions for the week, said the Chinese mission, which holds this month's rotating presidency of the body. "Council members will maintain communication and consultation on issues on the agenda with a view to taking necessary actions as needed to fulfill the Council's mandate," a spokesperson for the mission said in a statement. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told journalists that a positive COVID-19 case had been identified among staff at the organization's Secretariat in New York, after a Philippines diplomat was reported infected last week. The United Nations building remains open and Secretary General Antonio Guterres was in his office on Monday, Dujarric said. But he added that the number of people entering the building in New York city has shrunk to around 900 people per day, down from a daily average of several thousand. Canadas homeless population is at especially high risk for a COVID-19 outbreak, which could potentially overwhelm our healthcare system and cause many deaths. Public health officials advise at-risk individuals to practice social distancing at home. However, this is not possible for the estimated 35,000 Canadians who are homeless on any given night. Of this population, one quarter are women and one quarter are children and youth. Recent travel, an important risk factor for COVID-19 infection, is common among 40% of homeless shelter residents who are new immigrants or refugees. Homeless individuals who have high rates of chronic diseases, and those over 65 years old, which comprise 6% of shelter residents, are at particularly high risk of death from COVID-19. In addition, homeless individuals often sleep in crowded rooms with suboptimal ventilation and are required to leave shelters during daytime hours, which could lead to rapid spread of COVID-19. Protecting homeless individuals who are already at increased risk during the pandemic is a pressing public health priority. To prevent a deadly outbreak, we need to immediately enact three strategies: implement strict infection control procedures, increase shelter beds and improve systems-level coordination. Given the close proximity of homeless shelter residents, strict infection control procedures are required. That includes increased cleaning of shelter facilities, particularly in shared spaces and dining areas. Education on hygiene and social distancing practices should be provided to all shelter residents. Similar to hospitals and long-term care facilities, shelters must implement routine screening for infectious symptoms and recent travel among all residents, visitors and staff. Those who screen positive should follow appropriate public health recommendations for timely diagnosis and management. Since self-isolation remains unfeasible for many who do not have their own rooms, governments need to allocate funds immediately to expand shelter beds and secure spaces for self-monitoring. Individuals with recent travel, infectious symptoms or confirmed COVID-19 must be provided with a private room and bathroom along with timely transfer to a healthcare facility when necessary. Many public buildings remain closed during the pandemic, so spaces such as community centres, motels, and hotels could be strategically used to facilitate rapid assessment and serve as safer living arrangements. Some organizations like Torontos Shelter, Support, and Housing Administration have proactively acquired additional motel space for individuals with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection. Communities could follow examples of cities like San Francisco which has set aside $5 million to increase cleaning and keep shelters open 24/7. Improving systems-level coordination is crucial to preparing for an outbreak. Homeless shelters should be surveyed regularly to assess staffing needs, infection control practices, and resources including personal protective equipment. Homeless shelters and community agencies should collaborate closely with local public health units and healthcare facilities to implement strategies to assess and manage potential COVID-19 cases. To our knowledge, there are currently no cases of COVID-19 in homeless shelters. Thanks to ongoing efforts by front-line providers, public health and government officials, large scale measures are being rolled out to address COVID-19. However, with over 420 confirmed cases across all 10 provinces, we are at a critical crossroads. It is only a matter of time before we encounter a potentially deadly outbreak among Canadas homeless population. We must act now to protect and care for those who are most vulnerable before it is too late. El Salvador President Nayib Bukele barred gatherings of more than 75 people on Monday and ordered bars and nightclubs closed for 14 days. "We do not want to use force, but we would do so in case they don't comply," Bukele said. He also ordered that a convention centre be converted into a temporary hospital with 2,000 beds and 300 intensive care units. El Salvador hasn't reported any cases of COVID-19 so far, but the country continues to prepare for an outbreak on its territory. Bukele issued an order for businesses to allow all employees over the age of 60, and all pregnant women, to work from home. Meanwhile in Guatemala, President Alejandro Giammattei closed schools for three weeks and barred gatherings of more than 100 people. Sporting events would be played behind closed doors, or rescheduled. Giammattei also announced that flights to and from Guatemala would be grounded for the next 15 days. If you have health insurance it will cover you if you travel to a destination within the country. But what if you are travelling to an international destination, asks Bindisha Sarang. IMAGE: Passengers being checked with a thermal screening device on arrival at Kolkata airport in view of the outbreak of novel coronavirus. Photograph: PTI Photo To travel or not to travel is the question boggling many minds today. Owing to coronavirus and the panic it has created worldwide, many are questioning whether they should go ahead with their travel plans that were made months in advance, and for which bookings have already been done. If you are one of them, here are a few things that will help you make the right choice. If you don't want to go If you cancel, what happens to your money will depend on where you bought the ticket. Some players are offering a complete refund. Says Aloke Bajpai, co-founder and chief executive officer, ixigo: "We are providing a no-questions-asked full refund on the countries most impacted by COVID-19, irrespective of the airline's own policy in this regard." But not everyone has a policy like this. So, check with the airline its policy in this regard. Vistara, for instance, said it was cancelling 54 international flights in March and customers could opt for a full refund for these flights. SpiceJet, too, has cancelled flights from New Delhi to Hong Kong till March 28 and is giving a full refund or fee waiver. In short, flyers can avail of a full refund or utilise the booking amount to travel with the airline in future. The point to note here is that airlines may give refunds or offer free rescheduling if they are cancelling their flights, but not if you cancel your travel. Want to go Airfares on several international routes have dropped considerably in the aftermath of the virus outbreak (see table). "While traffic to the countries that have been impacted the most has slowed, demand for travelling to other destinations still exists," says Bajpai. If you want to travel, observe a few precautions. Says Mukul Lalka, a Mumbai-based foreign travel expert: "Travel with minimum luggage. Wear and carry disposable masks and plastic hand gloves, like the ones chefs use in kitchens. Apply cream on the face, wash it regularly with soap, and reapply the cream, and use a sanitiser when you remove your hands from the gloves." Plastic gloves will help you avoid contact with a potential virus-infected surface. Keep your hands folded as much as possible to reduce inadvertent contact. As for fresh bookings now, some players are offering special schemes in response to the uncertainty prevailing among travellers. SOTC has also rolled out its "Ultra Flexi Scheme" for new customers. "Under this scheme, customers will enjoy flexibility on departure dates, and only actual visa charges will be made in the case of cancellations due to COVID-19," says Daniel D'Souza, president and country head, leisure, SOTC Travel. Will insurance protect you? If you have health insurance, it will cover you if you travel to a destination within the country. "Our health insurance plans cover such virus outbreaks. New diseases such as coronavirus will not fall under the category of pre-existing illness, so there will be no waiting period associated with them," confirms Biresh Giri, appointed actuary, head of product development and chief risk officer, Acko General Insurance. Disease-specific cover is available now. "Digit Insurance has launched a new policy that exclusively covers medical costs associated with coronavirus, but again treatment will be covered in India only," says Pravin Sinha, senior vice-president, Anand Rathi Insurance Brokers. Disease-specific cover is less expensive than comprehensive health plans and may be purchased as a stop-gap measure by people who do not have health insurance. But what if you are travelling to an international destination? "Overseas travel insurance policies will cover the disease as currently there is specific exclusion for covid-19," says Sinha. However, he suggests checking with your insurer, especially if you are travelling to a country for which the government has issued an advisory suggesting you should not travel to it. Senior BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who has moved the supreme court seeking immediate floor test in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly, on Tuesday accused the Kamal Nath government of employing "pressure and allurement" tactics to save it from falling. Chouhan's statement came hours after the apex court asked the state government to give by Wednesday its response to his plea seeking a direction for an immediate floor test. Chouhan also reiterated that the saffron party has the requisite numbers to prove its majority on the floor of the House. "Everything will be clear...The Kamal Nath government should face the floor test at the earliest. They are buying time so that the attempts could be made to save the government through pressure and allurement," Chouhan told reporters here when asked about the apex court order. He said the BJP paraded its MLAs in front of Governor Lalji Tandon on Monday. "The Kamal Nath government has lost majority (in view of resignations by 22 MLAs of Congress last week). The BJP has the required majority among the available numbers in the House and it will be proved in the Assembly," the former chief minister said. Chouhan and nine other BJP lawmakers, including leader of opposition in the state assembly, moved the supreme court on Monday just after Speaker N P Prajapati cited coronavirus concerns and adjourned the House till March 26 without taking the floor test. The floor test was ordered by the governor who wrote to Nath on Saturday night, saying that his government was in a minority. After the speaker accepted the resignation of six Congress MLAs on Saturday, the party now has 108 legislators. These include 16 rebel legislators who have also put in their papers but their resignations are yet to be accepted. The BJP has 107 seats in the House, which now has an effective strength of 222, with the majority mark being 112. On Monday evening, the governor once again directed Nath to hold a floor test on Tuesday. After meeting the governor in night, Nath claimed that his government enjoys majority, virtually ruled out holding a floor test as demanded by the BJP. In his two letters to the governor, Nath had stated that the MLAs of Congress who have resigned are held in captivity in Bengaluru by the BJP with the help of local police. EDWARDSVILLE Felony charges recently filed by the Madison County States Attorneys Office include: Mickey D. Henry, 33, of East Alton, was charged March 16 with aggravated domestic battery, a Class 2 felony. According to court documents, on March 13 he allegedly strangled a family or household member. Bail was set at $20,000. Edward J. Stephens, 47, of Alton, was charged March 16 with aggravated driving while under the influence, a Class 2 felony. According to court documents, on Dec. 24 he was arrested by Edwardsville police for DUI and had previous convictions for DUI in Missouri. Bail was set at $50,000. Dalton C. Miller, 25, of Edwardsville, was charged with aggravated battery, a Class 3 felony. According to court documents, on March 14 Miller allegedly attacked an Edwardsville police officer by kicking a chair at him, striking the officers arm. Bail was set at $50,000. Marijuana legalization has made significant progress over the years, and Malawi is the latest country to permit its use. The African country of about 19 million people will now allow cannabis to be used in medicine and in the creation of hemp fibers. While it doesn't permit the recreational use of marijuana, it's another significant step forward for Africa, where Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and South Africa have all loosened their laws relating to cannabis. With North American cannabis companies struggling over the past year, this is a welcome sign for investors, as it means there will be more options to invest in other parts of the world. For companies, it also creates the opportunity to import pot from other regions where it's cheaper and easier to grow year-round. And the good news is that there's another country that may soon be about to legalize pot. Lebanon looks to legalize medical marijuana The Middle East is a potential hotbed for cannabis cultivation, and Lebanon has a history of it that goes back more than 100 years. With a population of 6 million, the country isn't as big as Malawi, but there's significant potential for marijuana production there. Lawmakers drafted a bill that permits cannabis where the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels are below 1%. It's not enough for users to get high, but there can be many medical applications for it. In 2018, the U.S. legalized hemp, which is cannabis characterized by very low levels of THC -- 0.3% or less. In Lebanon, the draft legislation is awaiting a final vote. No date is set as to when that might happen, and the country has been working on legalizing medical marijuana for multiple years in the hopes of boosting its economy. Yassine Jaber, one of the members of the Lebanon Parliament who helped draft the bill, believes that Lebanon has "a competitive advantage in the cannabis business" and that "our soil is among the best in the world for this, and the cost of production is low compared to other states." As countries open up to cannabis, it creates opportunities for foreign companies to expand there. Canopy Growth to expand into Israel Earlier this month, Canada-based cannabis producer Canopy Growth (NASDAQ:CGC) announced it was working on a deal with Univo Pharmaceuticals (TASE:UNVO) to market and sell medical marijuana products in Israel. Not only is this an opportunity to reach a new market, but under the agreement, Canopy Growth would be able to utilize Univo's facilities to help export its products into other European countries -- once it's legal to do so. Medical marijuana is legal in Israel, and the country's conducted a lot of research and development on cannabis over the years. The move by Canopy Growth is just the latest example of how it and its rival Aurora Cannabis (NASDAQ:ACB) have been expanding to other countries in the hopes of not just gaining first-mover advantages, but securing low-cost supplies of cannabis as well. Unfortunately, it's a long-term strategy that hasn't paid off just yet, with both companies still struggling to stay out of the red. Should investors expect more foreign expansion? The opportunity to get into foreign markets like Malawi, Israel, and perhaps Lebanon soon could be very attractive to companies like Aurora and Canopy Growth. But with cannabis investors focused on profitability more than ever before, it may not be feasible in the near term. Many cannabis producers are looking for ways to conserve cash rather than spend more of it, and that's likely the largest impediment to foreign expansion today. However, for investors, it's an opportunity to look for new up-and-coming pot stocks from countries that legalize cannabis. With lower-cost production, they may prove to be better investments with more realistic expectations of profitability. Currently, North American pot stocks remain very risky, as is evidenced by the markets where the Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences ETF has fallen nearly 80% in the past 12 months while the S&P 500 has declined a much more modest 12%. Across millennia, we dont know or understand how that happened, but microorganisms managed to colonize this environment and developed strategies to survive and thrive in this pretty barren environment, Jonas said. As a result they had to become super efficient at using the very rare resources they have. For us as a species, with the 10 billion of us on one little planet (by 2050), and global warming, looking at organisms that are more efficient and do more with less, is relevant. A view of a sign for a Carphone Warehouse mobile phone retailer in London. Hundreds of Carphone Warehouse stores will close across the UK, leading to the loss of around 2,900 jobs. The retailer Dixons Carphone (DC.L) announced it will close all 531 of its standalone stores. The retailer said around 1,800 staff were expected to be kept on, with the company focusing on its shops-in-shops and online sales. But it said it expected 2,900 redundancies when the stores close on 3 April. The stores make up 8% of Dixons Carphones total UK retail space. The company promised to go well beyond its legal obligations in providing financial and other support for workers. Read more: Norwegian says half workforce risk temporary layoffs over coronavirus There's never an easy time for an announcement like this, but the turbulent times ahead only underline the importance of acting now, to ensure a business fit for the future, it said. The company said it was an essential next step in turning around its loss-making mobile business. The mobile arm is set to make a 90m loss this year, according to the company. Customers are changing the way they buy mobile devices and connectivity, replacing their handsets less often and buying them separately or as part of more flexible bundles, the company added in a statement on Tuesday. Questo comunicato e stato pubblicato piu di 1 anno fa. Le informazioni su questa pagina potrebbero non essere attendibili. Market Research Future published a research report on Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Market Research Report - Global Forecast To 2023. Report gives a clear picture of current market scenario which includes past and estimated future market size. The report provides detail information and strategies of top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study about different markets segments and regions. Market Research Futures (MRFR) report on the global acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment is expected to grow at a moderate CAGR of 5.3% over the forecast period of 2017 to 2023 and culminate in a value above USD 1 Bn by the end of the assessment period. This type of cancer is comparatively rare and progresses at a rapid pace thus creating significant demand for effective treatment and diagnostic options. Market Segmentation The global acute myeloid leukemia treatment market is segmented on the basis of disease type, treatment, and region. By disease type, the market is segmented into promyelocytic, myeloblastic, myelomonocytic, monocytic, megakaryocytic and erythroleukemia. By treatment, the market is segmented into chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The chemotherapy segment is further segmented into post remission and induction. The regional segmentation of the AML treatment market divides the globe into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa. Regional Analysis Led by the US, North America accounts for the largest share of the global market. The presence of various market-leading players and increasing investments in R&D for drug development drives the market. The region has favorable reimbursement policies and high healthcare expenditure which bring it to the forefront of the global acute myeloid leukemia treatment market. Europe follows the North American market due to a large number of hospitals present in the region combined with high disposable incomes. North America and Europe follow similar growth patterns. The Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the review period due to large unmet potential present in the region. Countries such as India and China are anticipated to drive demand for AML treatment. The rapid growth in the region's economy combined with a growing demand for advanced healthcare is expected to encourage considerable growth for the APAC.\ Global Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Market Information; by Disease Type (Myeloblastic, Promyeloctic, Myelomonocytic, Monocytic, Erythroleukemia, Megakaryocytic); by Treatment (Chemotherapy (Induction, Post Remission), Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation) - Forecast to 2023 @ Key Players The competitive analysis of the global AML market reveals key strategies used by various leading market players. Prominent players included in the report are Ambit Biosciences Corporation, Novartis AG, Sanofi, Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bristol Myers Squibb, Celgene Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer Inc. Related Trending Reports Muscle Stimulator Market Infusion Pump Market About Market Research Future At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services Contact: Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) The UN system in Mauritania has denies the allegations that it closed its services to the public, saying we keep our doors open regarding the hygiene and preventive measures recommended by the Mauritanian government A team of scientists at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute), Australia, was able to test blood samples at four different time points in an otherwise healthy 47-year-old woman, who presented with COVID-19 and had mild-to-moderate symptoms requiring hospital admission. A 47-year-old woman from Wuhan, Hubei province, China, presented to an emergency department in Melbourne, Australia. Her symptoms commenced 4 days earlier with lethargy, sore throat, dry cough, pleuritic chest pain, mild dyspnea and subjective fevers. She traveled from Wuhan to Australia 11 days before presentation and had no contact with the Huanan seafood market or with known COVID-19 cases. She was otherwise healthy and was a non-smoker taking no medications. Clinical examination revealed a temperature of 38.5 degrees Celsius, a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute, a blood pressure of 140/80 mm Hg, a respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation 98% while breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed bi-basal rhonchi. We looked at the whole breadth of the immune response in this patient using the knowledge we have built over many years of looking at immune responses in patients hospitalised with influenza, said Doherty Institutes Dr. Oanh Nguyen, co-author of the study. Three days after the patient was admitted, we saw large populations of several immune cells, which are often a tell-tale sign of recovery during seasonal influenza infection, so we predicted that the patient would recover in three days, which is what happened. The researchers were able to do this research so rapidly thanks to SETREP-ID (Sentinel Travellers and Research Preparedness for Emerging Infectious Disease), a platform that enables a broad range of biological sampling to take place in returned travelers in the event of a new and unexpected infectious disease outbreak, which is exactly how COVID-19 started in Australia. When COVID-19 emerged, we already had ethics and protocols in place so we could rapidly start looking at the virus and immune system in great detail, said Doherty Institutes Dr. Irani Thevarajan, first author of the study. Already established at a number of Melbourne hospitals, we now plan to roll out SETREP-ID as a national study. The team was able to dissect the immune response leading to successful recovery from COVID-19, which might be the secret to finding an effective vaccine. We showed that even though COVID-19 is caused by a new virus, in an otherwise healthy person, a robust immune response across different cell types was associated with clinical recovery, similar to what we see in influenza, said Doherty Institutes Professor Katherine Kedzierska, senior author of the study. This is an incredible step forward in understanding what drives recovery of COVID-19. People can use our methods to understand the immune responses in larger COVID-19 cohorts, and also understand whats lacking in those who have fatal outcomes. Current estimates show more than 80% of COVID-19 cases are mild-to-moderate, and understanding the immune response in these mild cases is very important research, Dr. Thevarajan said. We hope to now expand our work nationally and internationally to understand why some people die from COVID-19, and build further knowledge to assist in the rapid response of COVID-19 and future emerging viruses. The study was published in the journal Nature Medicine. _____ I. Thevarajan et al. Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19. Nat Med, published online March 16, 2020; doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-0819-2 This article is based on text provided the University of Melbourne. The Nigerian government over the weekend issued a statement and banned Americans from obtaining visas to its country. This release has been intercepted by a freelance journalist based in New York and it came from the Nigerian Embassy in New York. The recent outbreak in the Coronavirus is subject to the bank as the United States infectious rate continue to increase Below is the release from the Nigeria embassy As Sephora, Ulta Beauty and other makeup stores temporarily shutter, they'll join a growing list of retailers roiled by the coronavirus outbreak, but they face unique challenges. Closed stores will suspend many of the retailers' typical sales techniques: Tester stations, one-on-one beauty advice and complimentary makeovers. And the retailers will have to overcome potential changes in customers' habits, as people cut back on social gatherings and work from home. Analysts and investors are unsure how long it may take for customers to return to the beauty counter and if they'll keep up their shopping in the meantime. Ulta Beauty said Tuesday that it is shutting all of its 1,254 retail stores until at least March 31 and also said that store pickup of online orders would not be available. Sephora, owned by Louis Vuitton parent company LVMH, is closing all U.S. and Canada stores until April 3. Both said they'll continue online sales. Sephora said it's waiving standard shipping fees and extending its return policy to 60 days to be more online-friendly. Benefit, also owned by LVMH, and Glossier are closing stores, too, and Glossier said it will delay the opening of a new store in Arizona. UBS analyst Michael Goldsmith said beauty is "highly discretionary," but he said it doesn't suffer as much as some other categories in a recession. He said customers often prioritize buying makeup and skincare items, even as they watch their wallet and sometimes opt for less expensive brands. But, he added, it's unclear how customers will shop as they stay at home. He said people may use less makeup as they stream movies instead of going out to a restaurant or concert and skip purchases, since they can't try products in stores. "On the one hand, beauty can be a category where you can get an immediate positive emotional response from a purchase," he said. "On the other hand, in the case of prior recessions, they may not necessarily be the right comparisons for what we have now because there wasn't this social distancing." The coronavirus outbreak has injected additional uncertainty into the cosmetics industry, which already faced a slowdown. Makeup had a compound annual growth rate of 7% to 9% from 2015 to 2017, according to a UBS note. That dropped to 4% in 2018 and it's been more volatile since, it said. In a research note, UBS analysts said cosmetics sales are weaker because of fewer unique and trendy product launches, a shift toward skin care instead of makeup and a "Marie Kondo" effect as people limit their beauty items, among other factors. In a recent research note, analysts from Nomura Instinet noted that Ulta already faced headwinds. It said company leaders "now fight two battles: weakness in makeup and the virus." Ulta Beauty withdrew its guidance for fiscal 2020 Tuesday and said it would not issue an updated outlook because of uncertainty. Shares were down 5.3% to $152.80 Tuesday afternoon. As stores are closed, retailers have encouraged shoppers to make purchases online, follow social media accounts for beauty tips and try special features, such as digital makeup try-on services. In a letter on Glossier's website, the startup's founder and CEO Emily Weiss encouraged customers to connect with Glossier's beauty team on social media, even as they socially distance. A few years ago, she said, the company tried a FaceTime program that allowed customers to sign up for a 10-minute virtual consultation. "Whether it's this or something like it, we're going to try to use this moment to spin up new, creative ways to foster community and connection and make magic happen," she said. -- CNBC's Lucy Handley contributed to this story. Dealers at Hana Bank watch monitors in a dealing room at its office in Seoul, Tuesday. The benchmark KOPSI closed at 1,672.44, down 2.47 percent from the previous trading day. The won-dollar exchange rate also surged to close at 1,243.5 won per U.S. dollar, up 17.5 won from a day earlier. Yonhap By Lee Min-hyung The government plans to expand dollar liquidity by supplying its foreign exchange reserves into the currency swap funding market in a bid to ease concerns over a dollar shortage here, according to the financial authorities Tuesday. The move is one of the administration's comprehensive market stabilization measures scheduled to be unveiled at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday. "The Bank of Korea (BOK) and the finance ministry have been in talks to introduce a set of measures, as analysts have noted that local businesses and financial firms are having difficulty in securing dollars (on the swap market)," an official from the financial authorities said on condition of anonymity. Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked BJP MPs on Tuesday to spread awareness about the coronavirus and made it clear that the ongoing Budget Session of Parliament will not be curtailed as lawmakers should be seen to be doing their work at a time when the country is staring at a health scare. In his address at the BJP parliamentary party meeting, Modi made a strong pitch for Parliament to carry out its business as per its schedule and took a swipe at those making calls, including writing letters, for the session to be aborted due to coronavirus, sources said. What will happen if medical professionals and railway and airline employees also speak about not working due to the health scare, he wondered, asserting that parliamentarians must carry out their duties at a time when over 130 crore people of India are going about their business while taking precautions. Though he did not name anyone, BJP MP and former Union minister Vijay Goel had written to the Lok Sabha Speaker and the Rajya Sabha Chairperson, urging them to consider adjourning their respective House sine die because of coronavirus as Parliament sees presence of a large number of people during sessions. That Goel's letter found its way in the media also did not go down well with the prime minister, the sources said. The Budget Session is scheduled to continue till April 3. There has been speculation that the session may be curtailed in view of the health advisory against big gatherings. When over 130 crore people of the country are facing a health concern, MPs should be seen to be doing their work, including to deal with coronavirus, and Parliament should function, Modi said, according to the sources. Briefing reporters, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said Modi heaped praise on doctors and other medical staff besides airline crews and all those involved in tackling the coronavirus crisis, saying they have worked positively and tirelessly. Joshi ruled out any curtailment of the session. Modi also lauded the media for spreading awareness on the virus, and said no amount of praise for its work will be enough. As the parliamentary party meeting ended, many BJP MPs were seen passing on the prime minister's appreciation to reporters in the parliament complex. Modi asked BJP MPs to spread awareness among the people in small groups and suggested that they should refrain from launching any mass agitation till April 15. He told them to meet medical professionals in their constituency and praise them for the work. Health Minister Harsh Vardhan briefed the MPs about the measures taken by the government to deal with coronavirus. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman spoke about the Yes Bank crisis and how the government is dealing with the matter, keeping in mind the interests of depositors. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Media experts say better news literacy was needed before the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. But the rapid spread of misinformation along with the disease itself, they say, has created a different kind of pandemic. KCUR is tracking the latest coronavirus developments in the Kansas City region on our live blog. Current Print Subscribers will be prompted to either login to their current site user account or to create a new one. A confirmation email will be sent when a new user account is created, which must be confirmed within three days in order to provide uninterrupted online access through your Print Subscription. Once the email address is confirmed please provide your Account Number to activate your Print Subscription Service. In conjunction with Governor Larry Hogans declaration of actions to be taken in response to the spread of COVID-19, the City of Frederick has declared a State of Emergency in the City today and will be adjusting and adapting City operations accordingly. As a department of the City of Frederick, the Weinberg Center will be closed for the next two weeks and all performances during that time will be postponed. We continue to closely monitor and evaluate developments and will follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and state and local health government authorities. At this time performances at the theater through April 1st are officially postponed. As this is an evolving situation, performances after that date will be determined based on information and guidance from the previously mentioned authorities. Currently, the Weinberg Center is working with the performers to reschedule these upcoming events to a later date. Ticket holders should keep their tickets and the Weinberg Center will be in touch in the next 7-14 days with more information on the status of these events. All ticket holders for postponed or cancelled events will be notified via email regarding their show once the Weinberg Center knows whether the event can be moved to another date, or if the event will have to be cancelled. This City of Frederick and the Weinberg Center want to thank the community for their patience and understanding during this emergency and look forward to welcoming back their patrons once this health crisis is over. ABOUT THE WEINBERG CENTER FOR THE ARTS The Weinberg Center for the Arts is one of the regions premier performing arts presenters, offering film, music, dance, theater, and family-focused programming. Located in the historic Tivoli movie theater in downtown Frederick Maryland, the Weinberg Center strives to ensure that the arts remain accessible and affordable to local and regional audiences alike. Weinberg Center events are made possible with major support from the City of Frederick, the Maryland State Arts Council, Plamondon Hospitality Partners, and other corporate and individual donors. BAD AXE At a special meeting on Tuesday, the Huron County Board of Commissioners announced that the county buildings will be closed to prevent possible spread of COVID-19. All county-owned buildings, including the Huron County Building, Courthouse, and Michigan State University Extension, were closed Tuesday at 5 p.m. and will remain closed to public use until 8:30 a.m. on March 24. County employees are still expected to show up to work and continue working as usual, though individuals who require county services or have a previously scheduled appointment should call ahead to the respective office before going to any of the county buildings. The decision follows Gov. Gretchen Whitmers declaration of a state of emergency in Michigan regarding COVID-19. The commissioners have a scheduled meeting March 24, which will go on as planned, as they are not allowed to have a meeting without the doors of the building being open. They may announce another round of county building closures at that meeting. If the situation around COVID-19 worsens in Huron County, chairman Sami Khoury said he will make the call on whether to postpone the meeting and close the buildings for longer. Various department heads who were in attendance said they were already taking preventative measures to stop any potential spread of the coronavirus. The probate courts plan on restricting visitors and adjourning cases until April 6, while the circuit court has been handling sentences through its polycom phone system and been working with attorneys to keep cases moving. Ann Hepfer, the Huron County health officer, said that at the moment, the health department was not allowing visitors, scheduling appointments one hour apart, screening people at the front door for any symptoms of the coronavirus, maintaining a 6-foot distance between people, and having immunizations available on a call-in basis. Hepfer said the department had been getting out as much information from the Centers for Disease Control about the virus as it could to all local organizations before the state of Michigan had testing capabilities. She also said the states capabilities are not wide open yet, as they are running about 125 a day, and we should not be surprised if the number of cases goes up with the number of tests performed. Its like planning for a flood, Hepfer said. We got our sandbags and are placing them along the riverbank and by peoples homes. Its about how to mitigate the risk. Now its raining, and before long, we will have more than a trickle. Hepfer said the goal of taking such measures is to flatten the curve of cases and to not overwhelm area hospitals. The number of face masks are already in short supply, and Emergency Services Director Randy Miller said the county would receive a shipment of supplies, including masks, this week. Those will go to hospitals first before law enforcement can get some. There are no known positive cases of COVID-19 in the county, though Hepfer said there are people who have travelled outside of the county in quarantine, mainly those who have been to states with pockets of known cases. RELATED: Local businesses adjusting to 'new normal' Huron County courts close a precautionary measure against coronavirus Health department reports no known local cases of coronavirus City of Bad Axe closed to public use Miller said that central dispatch will limit the number of people who come into its building as they have a limited staff and cannot easily train someone to use the equipment used there. Miller also encouraged people still working at an office to wipe down their workspace before they leave at the end of the day, as janitors might miss a spot. Miller finished by saying that people should not be surprised if this shutdown is extended through April, and urged them not to panic about it. The register of deeds and county treasurers offices will partner with the veterans office to utilize a dropbox for deeds and payments. It will be placed outside of the south entrance of the county building. People should not place cash in the dropbox for payments to the treasurers office. Title companies and attorneys are encouraged to use this drop box for the Register of Deeds office. The following phone numbers are available for people to call the various county departments. Adult Probation: 269-9975 Board of Commissioners: 269-8242 Building & Zoning Office: 269 -9269 x 412 Circuit Court: 269-7122 x 331 Computer Information Systems: 269-6459 x 492 County Clerk: 269-6642 x 306 County Treasurer: 269-9238 x 321 Director of Assigned Counsel: 623-2904 District Court: 269-9987 x 377 District Court Magistrate: 269-7201 x 401 Economic Development Corporation: 269-6431 Equalization Department: 269-6497 x 474 Family Court Clerk: 269-9942 x 302 Friend of the Court: 269-9545 x 386 GIS/Tax Mapping: 269-9421 x 471 Juvenile Department: 269-9267 x 386 MSU Extension: 269-9949 Probate Court: 269-9944 x 342 Prosecuting Attorney: 269-9255 x 485 Public Guardian: 269-7971 x 392 Register of Deeds: 269-9941 x 311 Sheriffs Office: 269-6500 x 219 Veterans Counselor: 269-8911 x 422 Additional information regarding access to the county buildings will be released as it becomes available. Two more people have been reported to have tested positive for coronavirus in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Anurag Bhargav, Chief Medical Officer of Gautam Budh Nagar informed on Tuesday that of the two people who have been tested positive for the virus, one comes from Sector 78 and another in Sector 100, news agency ANI reported. Gautam Budh Nagar CMO Anurag Bhargav: Two persons test positive for Coronavirus; one in Sector 78 and another in Sector 100 with travel history to France. Both are admitted in designated isolation hospital ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) March 17, 2020 Both people reported to have travelled to France recently and are currently admitted at a designated isolation hospital. The Ministry of Health on Tuesday updated the total number of positive coronavirus cases in the country to 125. Also Watch | Coronavirus | EU-India travel ban to Siddhivinayak shutdown: Top 10 updates Maharashtra and Kerala account for the highest number of Covid-19 cases in the country, the ministry said. India has so far reported two coronavirus deathsone in Delhi and another in Karnataka and said 13 patients have successfully recovered as the disease spread to 15 states and Union territories. Earlier in the day, Karnataka reported two fresh cases of Covid-19, taking the total of number of coronavirus cases in the state to 10. Karnataka health minister B Sriramulu confirmed the same in a tweet posted on Tuesday morning. We have got 2 more #COVID2019 cases in Karnataka taking the total number of confirmed cases to 10. 20 yr old female who travelled from UK is tested positive & another contact of P6 (kalburgi deceased patient) is tested positive. Both are admitted in designated isolation hospital, Sriramulu tweeted out. The central government is yet to confirm. Chandigarh, March 17 : A 29-year-old woman in Haryana's Gurugram who has travel history to Malaysia and Indonesia tested positive for coronavirus, a top health official said on Tuesday. The woman works for a Gurugram-based company. "This is the first positive case of the coronavirus in Haryana," state Director General of Health Suraj Bhan Kamboj told the media. The woman has been admitted to a hospital in Gurugram and her condition is stable, he said. Her throat swabs sent to the Pune-based National Institute of Virology confirmed her positive for coronavirus. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) -- The story has been published from a wire feed without any modifications to the text Senior clinicians working on the WA Health response to COVID-19 have called for every mechanism to flatten the curve to be initiated in the state. A document by the Combined Medical Leads Advisory Group, which comprises representatives from the biggest hospitals in WA, says now is the time to act. The Combined Medical Leads Advisory Group has called for every mechanism possible to be used to 'flatten the curve' of coronavirus cases. Credit:Nic Walker The cohort includes Clinical Professor Michaela Lucas, who is the incoming President of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy and immunologist at PathWest. This is a time-critical recommendation, the document prepared by Dr Stephen Watts on behalf of the advisory group reads. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Padraic Halpin (Reuters) Dublin, Ireland Tue, March 17, 2020 09:08 666 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b190ec 2 World Ireland,Prime-Minister,Leo-Varadkar,coronavirus,Wuhan-coronavirus,COVID-19,pandemic,health Free Ireland expects its number of coronavirus cases to increase to around 15,000 by the end of the month from 169 currently, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Monday, as the government advised against all non-essential travel overseas until then. Ireland has so far closed all schools, universities, bars and childcare facilities until March 29 and limited mass gatherings in a bid to curb the spread of the virus that has so far led to two deaths. Publishing a plan covering everything from energy security to policing aimed at reducing the economic and social disruption as best the government can, Varadkar warned of a rapid rise ahead and pleaded with the public to help slow the surge. "We would expect that by the end of the month there would be maybe 15,000 people who would have tested positive for COVID-19. Most of those will not need treatment but a proportion will need to be hospitalized and we need to make sure that it doesn't happen at the same time," Varadkar told a news conference. "It's not about locking down the country tomorrow and stopping the virus spreading. That's not possible. ... Nobody can predict it, but I definitely think we're going to be dealing with this for many months, not weeks." Ireland upgraded its travel advice, urging those not involved in essential services like haulage to stay at home. Deputy Prime Minister Simon Coveney said that included travel to neighboring Britain, but not the British region of Northern Ireland, which shares an open border with the Irish Republic. Varadkar added that 100,000 or more workers could find themselves unemployed because of the economic fallout over the next couple of weeks and that he was confident banks would be able to offer forbearance to mortgage holders who lose their jobs. Ireland's economy was the fastest growing in the European Union before the outbreak, bringing the unemployment rate down to 4.8% and its workforce up to a record 2.36 million people. Some 20,000 alone presented at unemployment offices on Friday to apply for jobless benefits, the government said. 'Your country needs you' After struggling to implement "social distancing" measures, many pubs announced voluntary closures before the shutdown, and restaurants around the country continued to follow suit on Monday as the industry's main lobby group called for the government to shut the entire industry down. Industry body Retail Excellence Ireland also reported on Monday that many of its members had temporarily shut their doors, calling it the "hardest and most challenging day in Irish retail history." Varadkar said his public health team's advice, however, was that restaurants should not close and that they had an important function. Ireland's chief medical officer, Tony Holohan, said the next seven days were vital in the battle to slow the spread, urging citizens to reduce social contacts to only a handful of people and keep 2 meters away from anyone else in shops and supermarkets. As the government prepared to source additional beds for recovering patients in facilities such as hotels, Health Minister Simon Harris said a massive recruitment drive would begin on Tuesday aimed at retired doctors, part-time healthcare workers and university students with sufficient skills to help "We will hire everybody that we can to work in the Irish health service for this pandemic. We need you, we want you, your country needs you," Harris said. Myanmar: Dont return home for Songkran THAILAND: Myanmar has asked the Thai government to pass on the message that its people working here should not to return home for Songkran next month. CoronavirusCOVID-19healthSafetyMyanmar By Bangkok Post Tuesday 17 March 2020, 02:42PM Migrant workers wait for their registration in Pathum Thani province. Photo: Bangkok Post file Suchart Pornchaiwisetkul, director-general of the Employment Department, said today (Mar 17) the Myanmar government also asked Thai authorities to inform migrant workers that the Songkran celebrations had been suspended this year. The Myanmar advisory warned that workers who returned home during Songkran would have to follow disease control instructions when they return to work in Thailand afterwards. This would include quarantine. The Employment Department talked with Myanmar representatives led by counsellor Maw Bala and labour attaches Myo Myint Naing and Ye Yan Aung. Both sides agreed to announce the cancellation of returning to the homeland and activities during the period, Mr Suchart said. He also said Thailand would not waive re-entry fees for migrant workers from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar who return to their homes for the Songkran festival this year. OSWEGO, N.Y. -- Oswego County health officials say they are checking in on four residents who recently returned home from traveling abroad and are under quarantine. Two of the residents two traveled together are from the same household, but only one is showing symptoms of coronavirus. Both are being tested, said Jodi Martin, supervising public health nurse with the Oswego County Health Department. The results of those tests are still pending and expected by the end of the week, Martin said. The other two residents are not related and did not travel together. One is showing symptoms of coronavirus and being tested; the other is asymptomatic and being monitored, Martin said. The two residents who are asymptomatic are in a precautionary quarantine, so county health officials check in with them once a day electronically. The two residents with coronavirus-like symptoms -- including a cough, fever and shortness of breath -- are under mandatory quarantine. We dont know what theyre sick with, said Diane Oldenburg, senior public health educator with the Oswego County Health Department. Nurses with the county health department go to their homes unannounced at varying times once a day to make sure they are at home; they also check in with them once a daily either by phone, text message, email or FaceTime, Oldenburg said. We are making every effort to make sure they have everything they need, she said. As of Monday evening, Oswego County had no confirmed cases of coronavirus, she said. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, Oswego County has tested less than 10 people for the disease. Everyone so far has tested negative, Martin said. These are really anxious times for people, whether theyve traveled or not, Oldenburg said. Oswego County health officials ask any residents who returned home after traveling or who present coronavirus-like symptoms to call them -- and not go to an emergency room or urgent care. Call ahead unless you cant breathe so the proper health care teams can be ready and have proper personal protective equipment, Oldenburg said. Stay at home if youre sick. Other ways to prevent the spread of many respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, are to: - Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating. - Avoid close contact with people who are sick. - Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. - Get a flu shot. - Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash. - Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. - Call your health care provider if you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath. - Do not go to urgent care or an emergency department unless you are experiencing life-threatening conditions. The Oswego County Health Department has additional information available online. Anyone with questions can also call the NYS COVID-19 hotline at (888) 364-3065 or the Oswego County Health Department COVID-19 hotline at (315) 349-3330. MORE ON CORONAVIRUS List of CNY schools closing A county-by-county map of cases, deaths in New York State How fast is coronavirus growing in New York? Here are the latest closings of events Sign up for free text messages on coronavirus in Central New York Click here if youre having trouble seeing the sign-up form Thanks for visiting Quality local journalism has never been more important, and your subscription matters. Not a subscriber yet? Please consider supporting our work. Have a tip or a story idea? Contact Catie OToole: | text/call (315) 470-2134 | Twitter | Facebook Fully implement their commitments to ensure the right of all individuals to profess and practice religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, and in public or private, and to manifest their religion or belief through teaching, practice, worship and observance, including through transparent and non-discriminatory laws, regulations, practices and policies; Delivered by Ambassador Neil Bush at the OSCE Permanent Council on 12 March 2020.Delivered on: 12 March 2020 (Speaker's notes, may differ from delivered version)Published 12 March 2020From: Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Neil BushThe United Kingdom remains concerned about the situation of Jehovahs Witnesses in the Russian Federation. The ruling of the Russian Supreme Court in July 2017, which rejected the appeal against the decision to categorise Jehovahs Witnesses as extremists, criminalised the peaceful worship of 175,000 Russian citizens and contravened the right to religious freedom that is enshrined in the Russian Constitution, and in multiple OSCE commitments.Since that ruling, we have witnessed an increasing number of detentions, criminal investigations and prosecutions of Jehovahs Witnesses across Russia.We echo the deep concern over the allegations of torture and mistreatment of Jehovahs Witnesses. On 6 February this year in Orenburg, five Jehovahs Witnesses were transferred to Penal Colony #1 and, on arrival, were all beaten by guards. One of them, Feliks Makhmmadiev, was hospitalised as a result. On 10 February, there were reports that another Jehovahs Witness, Vadim Kutsenko, was tortured in a forest near Chita.Participating States have affirmed their commitment to eradicating torture and we reiterate our condemnation of all forms of torture as one of the most flagrant violations of human rights and human dignity. We urge the Russian authorities to ensure thorough investigations into these allegations.As well as these worrying individual cases, 869 homes have been searched, 316 individuals have been charged under Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code (participation in extremism), 26 individuals are in pre-trial detention, a further 23 under house arrest, and 29 persons have been convicted.Respected NGOs such as Human Rights Watch and Forum 18 have documented the restrictions on Jehovahs Witnesses. House raids are often conducted in the early hours of the morning by large numbers of masked and armed police. Local police are accompanied by Rosgvardia (National Guard) personnel, special rapid reaction police and Federal Security Service (FSB) officers. Officers have confiscated bibles and other religious materials, as well as computers, phones and other personal items.So-called evidence used against those convicted includes regular aspects of communal religious life, for example reading the Bible at a Bible study session, participating in worship, or hosting people in a home for Bible readings or worship.Sentences have included imprisonment, suspended sentences, or fines of about a years average local wages.In 2017 and on a number of subsequent occasions, the Delegation of the Russian Federation have attempted to justify the ban on Jehovahs Witnesses while also assuring the OSCE Permanent Council that individual Jehovahs Witnesses were able to practice their religion at home, stressing repeatedly that no permission is required to pray in Russia. In December 2018, President Putin queried why Jehovahs Witnesses were being persecuted, noting that all religions should be treated equally.It is clear from the figures above that any manifestation of their faith by Jehovahs Witnesses can result in the search of their homes, lengthy detention, criminal prosecution and imprisonment. The scale of the home raids, including a number of raids within a city on a single day, creates the impression of an organised campaign of persecution against Jehovahs Witnesses.In Vienna in 1989, OSCE participating States agreed to ensure the freedom of the individual to profess and practice religion or belief. In Kyiv in 2013, states again agreed to:We call on the Russian authorities to end the persecution of Jehovahs Witnesses, and to uphold the commitments on the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief for all individuals across the Russian Federation.Published 12 March 2020 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) at the campaign to call for public support for COVID-19 fight (Photo: VNA) At a campaign launched in Hanoi to call for public support to the effort, broadcast live on TV to all the 63 cities and provinces with the participation of about 2,300 delegates, the PM said Vietnam has entered the second phase of the fight since the 17th patient was reported on March 6. The pandemic has spread to 158 countries at an astonishing speed with close to 170,000 infection cases and over 6,500 fatalities, he highlighted, adding that Vietnam has so far reported 61 cases with 16 fully recovered and no deaths. The communication work has been implemented effectively, helping raise public vigilance over the disease, the leader said, stressing that the initial success demonstrates the common will of the whole Party, army and people in the fight with a spirit like fighting the enemy. The PM affirmed that Vietnam has sufficient capacity, resources, will and experience to deal with the disease. The Party and State always place the top importance and priority on the public health. He thanked people and soldiers nationwide for trusting and responding to the nations policies, and praised individuals and businesses for making significant contributions in the field. The banking sector donated 140 billion VND (6 million USD) to the fight. Besides, Vietnams largest dairy producer Vinamilk has donated 10 billion VND. The leader firmly believed that Vietnam will do well in the fight by applying all measures and initiatives to protect the public health and soon bring peoples life back to normal, as well as strive to realise the national socio-economic development targets. The mother-child duo are being treated at separate hospitals with the mother being moved to a special infection hospital. A newborn baby, in London, has become the youngest person to contract the novel coronavirus. The child's mother was rushed to a hospital days before she gave birth as she was suspected to have pneumonia, which is one of the symptoms of the virus. She has also been tested positive for the virus but the results came in after she had given birth. Authorities are not sure whether the child was infected in the womb or after it was born. The duo are being treated at separate hospitals with the mother being moved to a special hospital and the child is still at the first hospital. A source told The Sun that the medical professionals who came in contact with the pair have been advised to self-isolate themselves in case that they have been infected as well. In a statement, the hospital said: Two patients at North Middlesex university hospital have tested positive for coronavirus. One has been transferred to a specialist centre and one is being treated in an isolation room. The safety of our patients and staff is our top priority, so in following guidance from Public Health England, we are regularly deep cleaning the areas where the patients are cared for and staff who were in close contact with these patients were advised to self-isolate. Meanwhile, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has advised that healthy babies should not be separated from infected mums and they can be breastfed since there is no evidence that the virus can be transferred via breast milk. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17, 2020 17:00 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b4c8e7 1 Science & Tech COVID-19,LINE,coronavirus Free Japanese messaging app LINE introduced a new official account on Tuesday to provide up-to-date and educational information related to COVID -19 for Indonesian users. The LINE Siaga official account provides updates from the Health Ministry on the development of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, such as hotline and emergency numbers; a list of hospitals that can accommodate COVID-19 patients; precautionary steps and real-time statistics on cases in the country. Additionally, it also provides disaster-related information, such as updates on earthquakes from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Read also: Think you have COVID-19? Here's how to get tested in Indonesia According to a statement received by The Jakarta Post, the updates on COVID-19 are also accessible on the app's Timeline Banner in real time. When they are clicked, users will then be taken to the LINE Siaga timeline for more detailed information. This banner will also feature daily information related to the number of confirmed and suspected cases, as well as the number of recoveries and deaths. Users can add the LINE Siaga account through this link. (gis/kes) Iraqi president Barham Saleh named Adnan Zurfi, the former governor of the Shiite holy city of Najaf, as the new prime minister Tuesday, the second attempt to find a head of government in recent months. Zurfi, a 54-year-old lawmaker, has 30 days to form his cabinet which he must then put to a vote of confidence in Iraq's notoriously divided parliament. He would replace outgoing premier Adel Abdel Mahdi, who resigned in December following popular mass rallies against a government that protesters see as corrupt, inept and beholden to powerful neighbour Iran. An earlier nominee failed to form a cabinet by March 2, triggering a new 15-day deadline for Saleh. Zurfi is a current member of the Nasr coalition led by ex-PM Haider al-Abadi and a former member of the Dawa party, a longtime opposition party to ex-dictator Saddam Hussein. Since the 2003 US-led invasion that toppled Saddam, cabinets have been formed through a sectarian power-sharing system, leading to widespread horsetrading among various sects and parties. A senior government source told AFP that political factions had intensely debated names for days, seeking a "non-confrontational" figure to preserve the status quo. The announcement came just hours after Iraq faced a new rocket attack targeting foreign troops stationed at military bases across the country. Two rockets hit the Besmaya base about 60 kilometres (40 miles) south of Baghdad before dawn on Tuesday, according to the Iraqi military, the US-led coalition and NATO, which all have forces stationed there. The Iraqi military made no mention of casualties and a NATO press officer told AFP that none of its forces were hurt in the attack. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The release of Rana Daggubatis multi-lingual film Haathi Mere Saathi (Aranya in Telugu), which was slated to hit the screens on April 2, has been delayed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Directed by Prabhu Solomon, Aranya is the story of a man who has lived in a jungle for 25 years. The film focuses on ecological issues and the deforestation crisis. Eros International, the filmmakers, said in a statement, We have always kept our audiences interest at forefront as a core value. Healthy and happy audiences have always kept us motivated to produce and distribute unique stories that have never been told before. In light of recent developments of COVID-19 Coronavirus, our recent announcement regarding the scheduled release of Haathi Mere Saathi stands changed. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- With New York City public schools closing until at least April 20, school locations in all five boroughs are open this week for grab-and-go meals while the city works to identify locations to provide meals moving forward. New York City students can visit school locations from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each weekday at the main entrance of any school building. Breakfast and lunch meals will be offered at all schools -- and you dont have to go to your childs current school to receive a meal. The city said students can go to their nearest public school location. Any student can pick up breakfast and lunch at any school building until further notice, according to the New York City Department of Education (DOE). During a press conference Sunday, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city is working to make sure food is readily available for kids at various locations around the city in the days and weeks going forward. Carranza said Monday on 1010 WINS that New York City will transition to feeding centers that will be geographically distributed all over the city. The DOE announced Tuesday that beginning March 23 grab-and-go breakfast and lunch will be provided from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 100 to 150 hub sites located across the five boroughs, according to the DOE. These locations will be identified by March 20. The meal service will be available to all children under 18 years old. In addition to meals, students and families can pick up medication or receive any standard medical services from Tuesday through Thursday during regular school hours, according to the DOE. School nurses and school-based health center staff will be on site. MOVING TO REMOTE LEARNING De Blasio announced students will transition to remote learning on March 23. The DOE will be distributing guidance about what remote learning will look like to teachers and principals this week. Friday will be another day of virtual training for those who need it. As the mayor has announced, on Monday the 23rd we will launch into remote learning across the city, said Carranza. We feel confident that students will be able to continue to engage academically. It belies any logic to say it will be the same thing as a student in a classroom with a teacher. But I have tremendous, tremendous faith in the teachers of New York City and the administrators of New York City, and I know that if theres any school system that can launch into remote learning on a moments notice like were about to do, it is the New York City Department of Education. Students will pick up materials, including technology, to participate in remote learning when needed, according to the DOE. Ursulina Ramirez, chief operating officer for the DOE, said during Sundays press conference that the DOE will purchase 300,000 iPads from Apple at a reasonable price to distribute to students. The DOE said the first batch of 25,000 iPads will be delivered next week. The agency will also work with T-Mobile, Verizon, and Spectrum to provide internet access. Carranza asked parents to sign up for the NYC Schools account, which will be critically important as the DOE pushes information out and resources for remote learning needs. Its going to be critically important that all parents have a New York City Schools account, said Carranza on 1010 WINS. Go onto our website, there is a really clear, obvious link where you can sign up. It will take a matter of seconds. You can go to for more information. *** Be the first to know: Sign up for our newsletters; and get breaking news and top stories pushed to your phone with the mobile app. CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE: All aboard! Or not: Photos of the empty morning Staten Island ferry commute Coronavirus shuts down Saturday Night Live; show canceled for at least 3 weeks, report says Coronavirus: Stop & Shop reserves early hours for seniors only Elective dental procedures canceled for three weeks, ADA says 2-year-old passenger on Norwegian Bliss tested positive for coronavirus Cleaning to prevent coronavirus? Dont forget your cars interior. St. Johns University students return home: Its difficult Latest on NYC school closures: Child care to be available for first responders With restaurant dine-in option halted, Uber Eats waives delivery fees MTA continuing to monitor service levels as coronavirus spreads Amazon warns of slower deliveries, depleted stock amid coronavirus Rumor of a mandated national quarantine is untrue and unfounded, White House says FOLLOW ANNALISE KNUDSON ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. The Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control (CDC) has made an urgent announcement that it is looking for people who attended a religious event in Malaysia after hundreds of participants in the event have contracted the novel coronavirus. The event was organized at a mosque in the Malaysian capital city of Kuala Lumpur between February 27 and March 1. According to Malaysian authorities, about 14,500 Malaysians and 1,500 foreigners attended the religious gathering. A total of 243 people linked to the event have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Channel News Asia reported. Of the 1,500 foreign attendants, a 42-year-old Vietnamese man hailing from the south-central province of Ninh Thuan was confirmed on Monday to have caught the virus. He left Vietnam for Malaysia on February 27 and landed at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City on board flight VJ826, operated by Vietjet Air, on March 4. The man came back to his hometown in Ninh Thuan and developed a sore throat and fever on March 10. He was admitted to Ninh Thuan General Hospital on Sunday. His test results came out positive for the novel coronavirus on Monday. He is being quarantined and treated at the Ninh Thuan hospital. The Ho Chi Minh City CDC thus advises all participants in the aforementioned religious event to self-quarantine at home and immediately contact the Ministry of Health via hotline numbers 1900.9059 and 1900.3228 for instructions on taking preventive measures. Participants living in Ho Chi City are recommended to call the hotlines of the municipal CDC or the districts medical centers as follows: Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control 0869.577.133 Medical Center in District 1 0902.318.877 Medical Center in District 2 0909.887.119 Medical Center in District 3 0986.199.575 Medical Center in District 4 0931.427.504 Medical Center in District 5 0913.917.779 Medical Center in District 6 0378.676.975 Medical Center in District 7 0913.679.909 Medical Center in District 8 0903.186.883 Medical Center in District 9 0842.322.345 Medical Center in District 10 0986.875.637 Medical Center in District 11 0903.031.921 Medical Center in District 12 0906.656.542 Medical Center in Binh Tan District 0982.630.450 Medical Center in Binh Thanh District 0902.418.869 Medical Center in Binh Tan District 0866.623.723 Medical Center in Phu Nhuan District 0902.963.115 Medical Center in Tan Binh District 0912.178.991 Medical Center in Tan Phu District 0909.138.400 Medical Center in Thu Duc District 0908.204.263 Medical Center in Binh Chanh District 0981.689.486 Medical Center in Can Gio District 0913.117.677 Medical Center in Cu Chi District 0984.226.168 Medical Center in Hoc Mon District 0902.881.396 Medical Center in Nha Be District 0903.632.153 The novel coronavirus, which first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, has infected over 182,700 people and killed more than 7,100 globally, according to Ministry of Health statistics. Vietnam has so far confirmed 61 cases of coronavirus infections, with 16 having fully recovered and been discharged from the hospital by February 26. Forty-five cases have been reported in the Southeast Asian country since March 6 after Vietnam had gone three weeks without any new infection. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Chattanooga firefighters had an early morning house fire under control in a matter of minutes after finding a mobile home engulfed in flames. Crews were called to a vacant double wide trailer in the 8100 block of Old Cleveland Pike at 3 a.m. Tuesday. Neighbors had reported the blaze to 911. Firefighters started to attack the fire from all sides of the house. It was called under control in 10 minutes, according to the battalion chief in command on the scene. When it was safely possible, crews used thermal imaging cameras to look into the house from the exterior and found that there was no furniture or belongings inside. Neighbors confirmed that there was no one living in the house and that it was being repaired. The cause of the fire is under investigation. There were no injuries. EPB, CPD, Hamilton County EMS, and Tri-Community Fire Department provided assistance to CFD. Quint 7, Squad 7, Quint 6, Quint 8 and Battalion 2 Chief David Thompson Jr. responded to the call. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17, 2020 07:35 666 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b0d3fb 1 City COVID-19,Jakarta-administration,Jakarta-malls,economy,novel-coronavirus Free Following announcements by Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regarding the need for a city-wide lockdown of the capital to curb the spread of COVID-19, retailers fear the move would cripple Jakartas economy. Indonesian Shopping Center Tenant Association (Hippindo) chairman Budihardjo Iduansjah said the association hoped the capital city wouldnt be locked down. We hope the province will not be locked down, because the coronavirus disease can be prevented in other ways, depending on the system implemented by the government, Budihardjo said on Monday as quoted by He added that mall tenants were looking to adjust their operating hours in response to the COVID-19 outbreak as mall visitor numbers had slumped by up to 50 percent following the announcement of positive cases in the country earlier this month. The situation had worsened, he said, after an announcement by the central administration and the city administration over the weekend urging people to stay at home. Anies said on Sunday that his administration was considering imposing a lockdown to curtail the spread of the novel coronavirus. He said in his televised speech that he believed Jakarta needed to restrict activities and close ways for people to enter or leave Jakarta. Read also: Lockdown not yet an option for Indonesia, says President To overcome the situation, the association mulled opening stores from 11 a.m. and maximizing operations at night, Budihardjo said. We held a meeting on Friday but havent decided on much, as we are still waiting for the governments policy. But the mall tenants wanted to open in the evening [due to the decreasing visitor numbers], so we agreed on doing that, he said, adding that it could be a temporary measure to minimize losses. While mall stores were planning to open later than usual, supermarkets were advised to open earlier to facilitate people shopping for essentials. He said the governors decision to close tourist destinations also affected the number of mall visitors, adding that the declining number of visitors only affected Jakarta so far. We still havent estimated the loss, because, for tenants, it is calculated from the cost per meter compared to the minimum sales target. It really depends on the size of their store. As of Monday, Indonesia has reported 117 confirmed cases of the respiratory illness, with five deaths. (mfp) The Delhi High Court Tuesday directed that interns attached with the judges will not be allowed to access the court till further orders in view of coronavirus pandemic. A circular issued by the registrar general of the high court also asked the security agencies not to honour the intern passes till further orders and directed the authorities not to issue such passes for the time being. "In view of the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Chief Justice and judges of this court have been pleased to direct that interns attached with judges shall not be allowed to access to this court till further orders. Security agencies are hereby directed not to honour the intern passes till further orders. Registrar (general/admin) is also directed not to issue any new intern passes," it said. The high court had decided on Monday to limit its functioning due to the coronavirus pandemic and hold hearing of only few benches till March 20. The decision was taken at an emergency meeting of the high court's eight-judge administrative and general supervision committee headed by Chief Justice D N Patel and the president and honorary secretary of the Delhi High Court Bar Association (DHCBA) "to contain the spread of pandemic coronavirus". On March 17 and 19, four division benches, four single judge benches for civil jurisdiction and three single judge benches each for criminal and original jurisdiction would hear "only urgent matters". On March 18 and 20, three division benches, three single judge benches for civil jurisdiction and three single judge benches each for criminal and original jurisdiction would hear "only urgent matters". In the normal course, a total of 26 benches sit for hearing all the matters. With the coronavirus cases reaching 137 nationwide, several states have taken steps to restrict or close certain public places so as to check its spread. All the courts in the national capital have also curtailed the functioning and restricting the entry of people on their premises. The high court had said all the pending matters, listed from March 17 to 20, before the court as well as the registrars or joint registrars would be adjourned to April 14, 15, 16 and 17 respectively. The urgent matters to be listed on the following day shall be determined by the designated joint registrars (JR) and it can be mentioned before the JR (judicial) from 10.30 am to 12 pm everyday till March 20. It was also decided in the meeting that the trial courts will only take up bail matters and cases which require urgent stay or injunction till March 31 and rest of the cases would be adjourned. The high court, in its advisory, said no undertrial would be produced before the subordinate courts till March 31 and if production is indispensable, the facility of video conferencing be utilised. The Delhi Judicial Academy would suspend all its institutional training programmes till March 31, it said, adding that the committee will review the situation on March 20. On March 13, the high court had decided that all possible preventive and remedial measures be taken to combat the impending threat of coronavirus, including making sanitisers available in the courts for visitors and staff, "particularly those manning windows where there is constant public dealing". The Supreme Court had also taken a similar decision a few hours before the high court. The high court had issued a separate advisory for regulating entry of litigants in all the district courts in the national capital. "Thermal scanners (non-touch) may be procured at the earliest, handlers be trained and they be put to use at the existing check points," the advisory said. "Till the present situation persists, no adverse/default orders be passed in matters where parties are found to be absent," it had said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Australian government is switching to a wartime style of manufacturing as highly sought-after supplies run low amid the outbreak of coronavirus. The government is now asking companies to focus on making products to help fight the pandemic including face masks, goggles and hand sanitiser. Ministers have described the move as a 'wartime-style shift in manufacturing', Nine News reported, due to companies being asked to contribute to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Funding may be available to help companies produce these supplies that have been stripped bare in supermarkets by panic buyers. The Australian government is switching to a wartime style of manufacturing with the focus on producing supplies to help with the coronavirus pandemic Panic buyers have stripped supermarkets and chemists bare of face masks in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak The Federal Government is also reportedly negotiating with a manufacturer in Victoria which could see face masks being made in bulk. Financial support may also be given to employ more staff and assist with buying machinery. 3M which manufactures hazmat suits have also been asked to build up their supply of face masks as the disease continues to spread at a rapid pace. The move follows after French designer, Louis Vutton, announced the brand would be using its perfume production lines to make hand sanitiser to help with the global pandemic. The hand sanitiser will be offered for free to health authorities. Many chemists around Australia have reported running out of hand sanitiser amid the outbreak of virus CORONAVIRUS CASES IN AUSTRALIA: 27,244 Victoria: 20,269 New South Wales: 4,273 Queensland: 1,161 Western Australia: 692 South Australia: 473 Tasmania: 230 Australian Capital Territory: 113 Northern Territory: 33 TOTAL CASES: 27,244 ESTIMATED ACTIVE CASES: 269 DEATHS: 897 Updated: 5.31 PM, 11 October, 2020 Source: Australian Government Department of Health Advertisement The government was forced to ramp up the demand for supplies after panic buyers emptied out supermarkets and chemists of various hygiene products. Some chemists announced they had ran out of hand sanitiser, while toilet paper and tissues are almost impossible to come by. The government recently announced a ban on all mass gatherings of more than 500 people. The government will meet on Tuesday to discuss the potential of setting another ban which will see no gatherings of more than 100 people indoors. There have been 407 confirmed cases of coronavirus and five deaths in Australia. Married At First Sight has avoided the coronavirus pandemic by filming its episodes months in advance. But an overseas press trip involving cast member Cathy Evans has been affected by the health crisis, it was revealed on Tuesday. Cathy, 26, is currently in her native New Zealand promoting the reality show, which airs on Three across the ditch. Coronavirus strikes Married At First Sight: Cast member Cathy Evans (pictured) will self-isolate for 14 days when she returns to Australia from a press trip in New Zealand The logistics investigator will have to self-isolate for 14 days when she returns to Australia in accordance with the government's new rules on international arrivals. She told Hit FM's Sam & Rach For Breakfast that she will binge-watch her favourite Netflix shows while in quarantine. 'I've been [in New Zealand] for the last week, catching up with friends and family. It just started to become a bigger deal while I'm here,' Cathy said. Press trip: Cathy is currently in her native New Zealand promoting Married At First Sight, which airs on Three across the ditch. She will have to self-isolate for 14 days when she returns to Australia in accordance with the government's new rules on international arrivals Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the government's new rules for self-isolation on Sunday in a bid to reduce the spread of COVID-19. As of Tuesday afternoon, there were 450 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country, including five deaths. Penalties for not self-isolating will be determined separately by each state and territory. Statistics: As of Tuesday afternoon, there were 450 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Australia, including five deaths NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has confirmed the state's Public Health Act has provisions that will allow the government to enforce the self-isolation requirements. Meanwhile, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has said that people who don't comply with the self-isolation rules face fines of $13,000. In other countries, there are penalties of up to $50,000 for breaking self-quarantine. Rebel Congress MLAs from political crisis hit Madhya Pradesh on Tuesday claimed 20 more MLAs from that party want to join them and they were thinking of joining Bharatiya Janata Party in the days to come. IMAGE: Rebel Congress MLAs from Madhya Pradesh address a press conference at a resort, in Bengaluru, on Tuesday. Photograph: PTI Photo Speaking to reporters for the first time after arriving in Bengaluru and sending in their resignations, the 22 MLAs said they were ready to face any consequences. "Jyotiraditya Scindia is our leader; we have been doing politics with him for years, most of us are in politics because of him...We are still thinking regarding joining BJP. If we get protection from central police, we will go to Madhya Pradesh and think about it," a woman MLA said. The legislators claimed 20 more MLAs are with them, but have been kept in captivity. If they too were with the rebels, Congress would have clearly broken and no law could have been enforced on the group. The rebel MLAs said they are ready for any consequences and were confident that people of their constituencies are with them. In a massive setback for the Congress, its prominent youth leader Jyotiradtya Scindia quit the party and in a coordinated rebellion last week 22 MLAs loyal to him resigned in Madhya Pradesh, pushing the 15-month-old Kamal Nath government to the brink of collapse. Scindia joined the BJP on March 11. "We were quiet when our leader Jyotiraditya Scindia was not made Chief Minister. Kamal Nath, who became CM, did not give any funds to our constituencies, while clearances were given for Chhindwara (constituency represented by Nath) at almost every cabinet meeting", a rebel MLA said. Another MLA said Nath had no time to meet them and hear their grievances. "When there is no development in our constituency, what is the use?" Several MLAs also alleged that seniority and capability were not considered in forming of Ministry after the elections. They said they even met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in this regard, but nothing came of it. Rejecting claims by Congress leaders that they were held hostage in Bengaluru, the MLAs clarified that they had come to the city voluntarily. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Department of Social Security - Covid-19 The Department of Social Security advises the public that as part of HM Governments response to the Covid-19 outbreak arrangements for Social Assistance payments due this Thursday 19th March 2020 will be paid on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th March 2020 in a scheduled manner and in a controlled way. The Department would like to thank those claimants who have already provided their bank details. However, they would like to make the claimants aware that this weeks Social Assistance payments will be made in cash, and the next Social Assistance payment, due on the 2nd April 2020 will be transferred to the bank account they have provided. Claimants are advised to check the table below for their respective time slot: Claimants who are in employment and who are in receipt of Social Assistance Weekly Top ups are advised to attend on Friday as normal, given the relatively small number of people required to attend our cashiers. The public is advised that the counters will shortly be permanently closed and therefore alternative arrangements to payment in person must be made immediately. Anyone who has not yet provided the DSS with their bank details, or in the event that they do not hold a bank account, that of a close relative or friend with a bank account as an interim measure, to urgently provide those details via the bank forms attached or which can be downloaded from: In the case of individuals who do not possess a bank account, they are encouraged to arrange to open one. Government is liaising with banks asking them to assist in expediting the process for those who are eligible. Please advise the department on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 20048472 / 20048479 if you do not have an existing bank account and are unable to open one. You can help reduce the spread of the virus by keeping to the time slots scheduled above and by respecting a 1 metre gap from other people whilst queuing at our counters. The public is reminded that everyone over the age of 70 must stay at home. Family members are encouraged to collect the forms and make alternative arrangements for their loved ones. Anyone over the age of 70 who does not have family support and requires assistance are to register with the DSS so that alternative arrangements can be made. The Government says it is mindful that many elderly people use this service and will therefore ensure that no one is left behind. Reminder: For any advice related to Covid-19 please call the helpline on telephone number 111 or consult the GHA on The latest news on the COVID-19 global pandemic (all times Eastern): 12 a.m. The Ottawa Senators say one of its players has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The NHL team did not name the player when releasing the news tonight. The Senator becomes the first NHL player to receive a positive COVID-19 test. The Senators say the player has mild symptoms and is in isolation. --- 11:50 p.m. Westjet Airlines says some of its passengers may have been exposed to people infected with the novel coronavirus on recent flights. The Calgary-based company made the announcement on their website and social media Tuesday, listing the flights and affected rows. It says passengers in affected rows are considered close contacts to those infected and could be at risk of exposure. The company says a total of 14 flights between March 12 and Feb. 28 had passengers on board who tested positive for COVID-19. --- 11:30 p.m. A federal government official in Ottawa says Canada and the United States are working out the details of a mutual ban on non-essential travel between the two countries to try to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The official, responding to a report by CNN citing American government figures, spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose details of talks that are still ongoing. The network reported tonight that the two countries are working on a joint statement that would be issued within a day or two. The restrictions would be designed to ensure that cross-border trade and commerce can continue. --- 11:20 p.m. The future of the 2020 Calgary Stampede is up in the air after 80 per cent of its staff were laid off today as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stampede CEO Warren Connell says the organization had laid off a total of 890 workers -- 608 were casual part-time and the other 282 that were regular part-time and full time. He says the Stampede is a not-for-profit group and can't afford to keep things operating as usual. Connell says the remaining staff will continue the planning process to see if it's possible to hold the annual event. He says it's premature to say at what point that the Stampede would have to be cancelled. --- 9:54 p.m. Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs have postponed all meetings and discussions about a draft deal that centres on Indigenous rights and land titles. Hereditary Chief Na'moks, who also goes by John Ridsdale, says it is a precaution to ensure the safety and health of their elders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He says they have no set date for continuation of clan-nation discussions. Na'moks says they also plan to keep size of gatherings and cultural activities to a minimum. He says he has no symptoms but is in self-isolation because he recently attended large meetings and gatherings. --- 9 p.m. The Federal Court of Canada has indefinitely adjourned all hearings that were scheduled to occur between now and April 17 in a bid to help stop the spread of COVID-19. All general sittings of the court are also cancelled during that period. The court says it will make exceptions for urgent matters and matters that need to proceed on schedule for "exceptional reasons." For example, it says applications for a stay of release from detention or for a stay of removal from Canada will be considered urgent if the release or removal is scheduled to occur before April 17 or shortly thereafter. An application for seizure of a ship would also be considered urgent, as would matters in which hardship or substantial financial consequences are likely to result. --- 8 p.m. A federal prison in central Alberta has been locked down as a precaution as some inmates who showed flu-like symptoms await test results for COVID-19. Correctional Services Canada says there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Bowden Institution, but a group of less than 10 inmates has been tested for the novel coronavirus. A spokeswoman says these people have been isolated from other inmates as they wait for the test results. The medium security facility near Innifail, Alta., can house up to 470 inmates. Correctional Services Canada says the health and safety of its employees, offenders and the public is its top priority and it continues to take preventative measures, including testing any offenders as required. It says it has its own health care services in its institutions and can handle cases of influenza and respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19. --- 7:15 p.m. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs have declared a state of emergency for 62 First Nations due to COVID-19. The move includes closing reserve borders to non-essential travel. Grand Chief Arlen Dumas says First Nations do not have the physical housing ability to socially isolate and must take extra precautions. The Southern Chiefs' Organization also declared a state of emergency earlier Tuesday saying First Nations are at risk due to chronic overcrowding, lack of equitable health care and poor infrastructure. None of the 15 cases of the novel coronavirus in Manitoba have been reported from a First Nation. 6:30 p.m. British Columbia has declared a public health emergency after reporting three new COVID-19 deaths today. The province now has had seven fatalities during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health officer, says six of the deaths stem from a care home in North Vancouver. She says a man in his 80s died on Monday in hospital in the Fraser Health region. The province also recorded 83 new cases on Tuesday, bringing the total number of COVID-19 cases in B.C. to 186. --- 6:20 p.m. Alberta is reporting 23 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 97. Dr. Deena Hinshaw, chief medical officer of health, says the cases include 70 people in the Calgary zone and 20 in Edmonton zone. Hinshaw says Alberta Health Services is postponing scheduled and elective surgeries until further notice. She says urgent, emergency and oncology surgeries will continue as well as scheduled caesareans. Hinshaw, who had placed herself in self-isolation, says her test for the novel coronavirus came back negative. Earlier Tuesday, the province declared a state of public health emergency, banning gatherings of more than 50 people including worship gatherings and family events such as weddings. --- 6 p.m. The Manitoba government has announced seven more presumptive cases of COVID-19. The new cases include a man in his 60s, a man in his 30s, a woman in her 40s, two women in their 50s and two women in their 60s. The majority are in Winnipeg but two are from a community in the southern health region. It brings the total in the province to 15. --- 5:15 p.m. The Saskatchewan government is changing labour laws to provide unpaid leave for workers during a public health emergency. The government made the announcement as it confirmed its eighth positive COVID-19 test, one more than a day earlier. Health officials say the new case is someone in their 50s who was tested in Regina after returning from a dental conference in Vancouver. - 4:30 p.m. Alberta is declaring a state of public emergency in reaction to the COVID-19 virus. As part of that effort, Premier Jason Kenney announced that any gathering larger than 50 people will be cancelled including weddings. Public recreation facilities, casinos, bingo halls, bars, museums, art galleries will also be closed. Kenney says any worship service or conference of more than 50 people should be cancelled. Nonprofit community kitchens, soup kitchens and religious kitchens can remain open under strict sanitation rules. Grocery stores, shopping centres, health-care facilities and airports may also remain open. He says his government would spend $60 million on charities and non-profit groups helping people cope with the effects of the virus. --- 4:06 p.m. Costco says it has had a surge of business since the COVID-19 outbreak, and is going to start controlling the number of customers allowed in its warehouses in response. The company is also reducing some services and is asking customers and employees to practice social distancing in its stores. Limits have been placed on the number of certain items customers are allowed to buy at once and the company is working with suppliers to make sure in-demand items are available. Costco has also stepped up sanitation of its carts, cashes and product shelves. 3:50 p.m. The number of coronavirus cases in Quebec has jumped to 74. The province added 11 more cases this afternoon, in addition to the 13 reported earlier today. The new cases are scattered across several different regions, including a total of five in the Lanaudiere and Laurentides regions north of Montreal, and two in the Monteregie southeast of the city. --- 3:15 p.m. The B.C. government is suspending all in-class instruction in the province's schools indefinitely. Education Minister Rob Fleming says his department is working with school districts and teachers to figure out a plan to continue learning, but not in classrooms. The suspension of classes will not affect students who are scheduled to graduate this spring. Fleming says all students who are on course to graduate from Grade 12, and those progressing to the next grade, will do so. Meanwhile, Premier John Horgan is promising a provincial plan in the next day or two to help companies and workers deal with COVID-19. He says the province is waiting for the final details of the federal government's plan before announcing its measures. But Horgan says there will be financial support for businesses and changes to the Employment Standards Act to prevent workers from losing their jobs. --- 2:45 p.m. The New Brunswick legislature has passed legislation to delay the municipal elections planned for May. They could be delayed up to a year. The legislation also makes it possible to postpone two provincial byelections if necessary. They are currently set for June 15. After passing the election legislation, the Legislative Assembly rose today until further notice. Premier Blaine Higgs also called on banks to consider what they can do to help small businesses stay afloat. 1:40 p.m. New Brunswick's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Jennifer Russell says the province has a new presumptive case of COVID-19. The newest case is a 10-year-old boy who is a close contact with one of the two confirmed travel cases in the province. New Brunswick now has a total of eight cases, two confirmed and six presumptive. --- 1:30 p.m. Quebec Premier Francois Legault is imploring youth to abide by rules in place forbidding gatherings amid a rising number of cases of COVID-19. Legault made the plea today to athletes, artists, YouTubers and influencers anyone with a young audience to transmit the message that it's not the time to be holding parties. He says the province is launching a blitz to get that message across to younger people, who apparently haven't heeded the advice of health officials. The province is reporting an additional 13 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since Monday, bringing the total to 63. --- 1:30 p.m. The East Coast Music Awards have been cancelled in a bid to slow the spread of COVID-19. The conference and festival was scheduled to run from April 29 to May 3 in St. Johns, N.L. A statement from the East Coast Music Associations board of directors says the event was cancelled after considering recommendations from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the regional health authority and the City of St. Johns. The association is looking into alternative ways to honour award winners and celebrate the accomplishments of our world-class regional talent. --- 1:20 p.m. British Columbia Premier John Horgan, flanked by his finance and education ministers, speaks to the province later today in an announcement expected to focus in part on upcoming plans for the school system. Elementary and secondary public school students are currently in the early days of a two-week spring break but there have been calls to extend the break to prevent transmission of COVID-19. The hard-hit tourism industry and other sectors have also appealed for a provincial assistance package to blunt the effects of measures aimed at combating the spread of the new coronavirus. --- 1:20 p.m. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says the Liberal government is "urgently reviewing" whether to stay the course on allowing U.S. citizens to keep coming into Canada, noting "nothing is off the table." She says the Canada-U.S. border is a "lifeline" to Canada and that includes how we get many important supplies, including groceries and medicines. Freeland is also urging all U.S. citizens who do not need to be in Canada to stay away. She says now is not the time for residents of either country to cross the border for non-essential reasons. Health Minister Patty Hajdu says Canadians who live near the U.S. border and are used to crossing over to pick up packages or buy cigarettes, alcohol or groceries should refrain from doing so. --- 1:15 p.m. President Donald Trump is acknowledging Canada's decision to continue letting American citizens into the country, even though the borders have been closed to other foreign nationals. Trump says the U.S. is working very closely with Canada, and also with Mexico, but he's refusing to say if the White House will close the doors to either country's citizens. In a news conference today, Trump singled out the new North American trade deal, which Canada finally approved last week, and described the relationship with both countries as "outstanding." The federal Liberal government says the exemption for U.S. citizens is to accommodate those people who live and work on opposite sides of the Canada-U.S. border. The move has been panned by opposition critics who say it risks exposing Canadians to a potentially significant source of the virus. 1:10 p.m. Transport Minister Marc Garneau says he is in close contact with airlines as well as Via Rail about the unprecedented impact on their operations. He says the demand for air travel has dropped in an almost precipitous manner. Asked about compensation, Garneau says he is in discussions with the sector but does not have anything specific to share at this time. --- 1:00 p.m. Prince Edward Island still has only one confirmed case of COVID-19 but health officials are alerting anyone who was on West Jet flight 3440 on March 7 from Toronto to Moncton, N.B., to self isolate. Dr. Heather Morrison, P.E.I.'s chief public health officer says the woman who is the confirmed case on the Island did return on that flight after travelling on a cruise ship. Morrison also says all restaurants and bars will close in-room dining and dental clinics will be closing for 14 days. She also says wakes at funerals will be family only with gatherings limited to no more than 20 people. --- 12:57 p.m. Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says the federal government is preparing to isolate irregular border-crossers after they're intercepted and processed by the authorities. People who walk across the border between official crossings to seek asylum are by definition not subject to the screenings most travellers get. Those screenings have been expanded in recent days as the government tries to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Blair says creating facilities to hold irregular crossers is needed. --- 12:53 p.m. Manitoba has announced that licensed daycares and preschools are being closed at the end of the day on Friday. Premier Brian Pallister says it may be possible for a few to stay open as an essential service, and home daycares will continue to be available. The province has also announced that all casinos will close tomorrow due to concerns about the novel coronavirus. There are eight cases of COVID-19 in Manitoba, and all but one have been confirmed at the national lab. 12:26 p.m. Canada's top doctor says most of the more than 440 COVID-19 cases in the country are still among people who have recently travelled. That includes eight Canadians who were repatriated from the Grand Princess cruise ship who are currently in quarantine at Canadian Forces Base Trenton. But Dr. Theresa Tam, the chief public health officer, says officials are concerned about the increase of cases in Ontario, particularly three cases being investigated as coming from community transmission. She says there are also a number of cases in several provinces connected to a large dental conference that took place in Vancouver. Tam also underscores the need to avoid large gatherings and stay home as much as possible. She encourages Canadians to keep donating blood, and noted that Canadian Blood Services has all the procedures in place to keep people safe. --- 12:10 p.m. Newfoundland and Labrador has announced two more presumptive cases of COVID-19 in the province, bringing the total number of cases to three. Dr. Janice Fitzgerald, the provinces chief medical officer of health, says the woman and man live within the Labrador-Grenfell Health region, which covers Labrador and part of Newfoundlands Northern Peninsula. The cases are linked to contact with the provinces first presumptive case announced on Saturday. Dr. Fitzgerald recommended the closure of public spaces including fitness facilities, arenas, bars, performances spaces and said all St. Patricks Day celebrations scheduled for tonight should be cancelled. --- 12:07 p.m. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the Emergencies Act is a tool the federal government can use to enact measures it would otherwise not be able to enact. He says the Liberal government is looking at other ways to impose new measures without calling a state of emergency. Trudeau also says that with three million Canadians living or travelling abroad at any time, it would not be possible to expect that everyone would be able to come home immediately. Trudeau also says Canada is in a good fiscal position to be able to invest in Canadian individuals and businesses to make sure the country gets through this difficult time and continues to "prosper and grow" once this moment is over. --- 12:00 p.m. Quebec's finance minister is delaying the deadline for individuals and businesses to pay their taxes in order to ease financial pressure caused by the novel coronavirus. Eric Girard said today individuals and businesses will have until June 1 to file a return and until July 31 to pay their taxes. The finance minister says the measures will affect about two million individuals and 500,000 businesses and will immediately liberate about $7.7 billion worth of liquidity into the Quebec economy. Quebec is the only province that requires individuals and businesses to file separate provincial and federal income tax returns. --- 11:55 a.m. Health officials in Ontario are confirming the province's first death in a patient with COVID-19. A spokesman for the province's health minister says the 77-year-old man in the Muskoka region was not a confirmed case, but the illness was discovered after his death. The exact cause of his death is still under investigation. It's the first Canadian fatality outside British Columbia linked to the novel coronavirus. --- 11:55 a.m. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also says he expects to make a major announcement on economic actions tomorrow. He says the Liberal cabinet is meeting again this afternoon. Ottawa will have more to say about the upcoming tax season this week. --- 11:50 a.m. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Parliament might be recalled for a brief period for the federal government to pass legislation needed to roll out assistance for Canadians who need help weathering the economic storm caused by COVID-19. He says the Liberal government is also looking at the Emergency Measures Act to see whether it is necessary or if there are other ways to protect Canadians from the spread of the novel coronavirus. Trudeau also says Parks Canada is suspending all visitor services at national parks and historic sites beginning tomorrow. He once again encourages all Canadians to stay home whenever possible in order to help frontline health-care workers do their jobs and protect neighbours and vulnerable people in the community. --- 11:45 a.m. Nova Scotia reports two new presumptive cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of positives in the province to seven. The two new presumptive cases are travel-related and connected to earlier cases. One of the initial three presumptive positive cases have now been confirmed by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. The affected individuals are in self-isolation and recovering at home. --- 11:20 a.m. New Brunswick RCMP is limiting front counter services at its headquarters in Fredericton and detachments across the province, as part of efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19. In-person services such as fingerprinting, criminal records checks, vulnerable sector checks and general information requests are now suspended until further notice. Front counter service is still be available for reporting of crimes and/or non-emergency complaints. The public is asked that whenever possible they call rather than report to a detachment in person. --- 11:00 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous is temporarily closing many of its meetings across Canada in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. AA, which typically meets in churches, legion halls, and other public meeting rooms, is directly affected by government mandates to close facilities where groups may gather. Meeting lists in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver show several groups have temporarily closed with warnings that more are expected. 8:55 a.m. (Pacific) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Parliament will likely sit again to pass emergency measures for the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He says a major announcement on supporting the economy is coming tomorrow, and the government is planning changes to upcoming tax deadlines. Some moves will require legislative approval, and Trudeau says a short limited sitting is needed to get it. The latest news on the COVID-19 global pandemic (all times Eastern): 10:43 a.m. Ontario is reporting eight new COVID-19 cases today, bringing the province to a total of 185. Five of the new patients are in Hamilton, two are in the Middlesex-London area and one is in York Region. All are in self-isolation, but information on their ages and how they became infected is unavailable for all but one case. A man in his 60s in York Region had recently travelled to Costa Rica. The 185 includes five cases that have been fully resolved. --- 10:00 a.m. COVID-19 is having an effect on the multi-billion dollar LNG Canada project in northwestern British Columbia. In a post on its website, LNG Canada says out of concern for its workers, staff will be cut by 50 per cent at its Kitimat construction site over the next several days. It says most of the cuts are being made by reducing the number of workers flying in on rotation but, if necessary, staff could be cut to levels required only to maintain site security and environmental controls. LNG Canada is a consortium of five global energy companies, including PetroChina and South Korea's KOGAS, building a 40-billion dollar liquefied natural gas production and export facility. --- 9:20 a.m. St. Patrick's Day won't be a party in Vancouver as health authorities have asked all bars and restaurants in the city to close their doors for the day. The request from the Vancouver Health Authority came just hours after the city's mayor said the shutdown would help efforts to control COVID-19 by keeping people away from packed St. Patrick's Day events. Gatherings of more than 50 people are now banned in British Columbia. The province's latest official count of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus is 103, including four deaths and six patients under care in hospital. --- 9:15 a.m. Quebec political leaders have announced the provincial legislature will be closed until April 21 after today's sitting due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Simon Jolin-Barrette, the government house leader, made the announcement today alongside counterparts from Quebec's other major political parties. Jolin-Barrette says the suspension is to limit the spread of novel coronavirus and to allow legislators to work from home. He says legislature members also need to be available to constituents in their ridings. --- 8:45 a.m. A new survey suggests half of Canada's small businesses have already seen a drop in sales due to the economic effects of COVID-19. The survey conducted by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business also says four in 10 of those affected businesses are also reporting a drop of more than 25 per cent. The CFIB survey found the sectors most negatively affected were hospitality, arts and recreation, retail and personal services. It says 43 per cent have reduced hours for staff and 20 per cent have started temporary layoffs. Thirty-eight per cent say they have experienced supply chain issues. 8:30 a.m. Ontario Premier Doug Ford is declaring a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The state of emergency prohibits organized public events of 50 or more people in Ontario until March 31. Effective immediately, all public libraries, private schools, licensed child daycares, theatres, cinemas and other public venues in the province must close. All bars and restaurants must close except to provide takeout food and delivery. Essential services such as grocery stores and pharmacies will continue to operate. --- 6:21 a.m. Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce is changing the hours at its bank branches and temporarily closing some that do not offer over-the-counter cash and banking services. The bank says 816 of its locations will remain open, but operate under modified hours, while 206 will temporarily close tomorrow in an effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19. CIBC says any employee affected by the temporary changes will continue to receive their full pay. The bank is also introducing assistance for clients impacted by job loss or other circumstances and urged those that need help to contact the bank. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- After returning home from spring break last week, students dorming at St. Johns University in Grymes Hill quickly packed up their belongings to return home after the college announced it would temporarily move to online learning in lieu of in-person classes due to coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns. Residents at St. Johns University received an email late on March 9 that they were required to return home by Wednesday, March 11, at the latest. They were advised to take what they needed from their dorm rooms before leaving campus, like textbooks, notes, course materials and other items. But after a staff member tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the St. Johns University Queens campus, the school will move all classes online for the rest of the semester, it was announced Monday. A QUICK TURN AROUND Junior Francis Gomez said he returned to campus after spring break that Monday morning -- and hours later was forced to take another bus home for more than four hours to Maryland. He was on campus for less than 24 hours before he returned home. At first I was surprised and shocked, but I can understand why theyre taking precautions. But then again, its like how come you couldnt tell us before we came back? he questioned. It was a waste of money, essentially, and time. For some of my friends who came back also, they live even farther and they cant just buy a ticket and go back home. So that kind of sucked. He said he wasnt sure how some of his classes will move online, including electives like art, which requires physical drawings. *** CLICK HERE FOR FULL COVERAGE OF CORONAVIRUS IN NEW YORK *** Paola Sosa, a junior at St. Johns, returned home on Tuesday to Ossining, N.Y., which is in Westchester County -- an area of New York with a bulk of coronavirus cases. At first she was excited she didnt have to wake up early to go to class, but later realized that meant she wouldnt be getting paid -- as she works on campus. ITS DIFFICULT' She said it was particularly hard for international students who may not have been able to go home, as they live in an affected country. Some students were able to get approval to stay as residents at St. Johns during the closure if they couldnt return home. Students rely on dorming, she said. Not everyone is in the situation to come home. I am fortunately very blessed and privileged to go home and have my mom pick me up, and some people dont have that. They have to take multiple trains or buses or different ways to get home if they dont have a home to go to -- so its difficult." OTHER COLLEGES On Monday, Wagner College announced that beginning March 23, all coursework for the rest of the spring semester will be delivered online, according to a notice on the Grymes Hill colleges website. Residence halls will remain open for students on campus, however, no visitors (including commuter students) will be permitted in residence halls for any reason. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced during a press conference last week that State University of New York (SUNY) and the City University of New York (CUNY) classes will be moving online for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester. CUNYs 25 campuses, including dorms, libraries, research facilities, and essential on-campus services will remain open. However, the campus was closed Monday after five more campus members are either awaiting results of the coronavirus (COVID-19) test or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, said the schools president in an e-mail to college students and faculty. CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE: Fact vs. rumor: America is not quarantined for coronavirus, National Security Council says Coronavirus: NYC bars, restaurants limited to takeout and delivery Lees Tavern to temporarily shut its doors amid coronavirus outbreak Photos: Bare shelves inside Staten Island stores during coronavirus outbreak With NYC schools closing, parents and teachers prepare for new normal How fast is coronavirus growing in New York? Chart shows dramatic rise in cases Coronavirus on Staten Island: Non-essential court proceedings postponed Coronavirus: Executive order will postpone all elective surgeries Coronavirus: NYC schools closed at least until April 20; S.I. cases rise to 16 FOLLOW ANNALISE KNUDSON ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. There is an urgent need for India to dramatically expand the pool of patients getting tested for the new coronavirus disease (Covid-19), allow voluntary testing, and rope in the private sector, said medical experts on Monday, calling for an immediate overhaul of testing protocols to fight the disease that has killed over 7,000 people worldwide. As of Monday, authorities had tested barely 9,000 people despite having at least 300,000 kits, putting India in the bottom rung of countries, and possibly robbing doctors of accurate information about the spread of the infection. Globally, nations such as South Korea have been successful in using aggressive testing regimens to control the spread of the virus while others such as the United States and Italy have been criticised for their sluggish pace of testing. While India has tested only 6.8 people per million residents, South Korea has tested 4831 people. The number stands at 42 in the US. I am quite concerned by the lack of adequate testing. India has the resources. If you dont test, how would people know they have the disease? If people dont know, then how will secondary infection be prevented? asked Ramanan Laxminarayan, director of Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy. Indias current strategy is to test only symptomatic people with a history of travel to global hotspots or those with close contact with a positive case, with those showing symptoms getting priority. But this has led to widespread panic with many worried about symptoms. Designated government hospitals continue to turn away many people without symptoms who travelled from affected countries and wanted to get tested even though symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear. The government needs to broaden screening criteria for testing as you cannot control any epidemic without testing people. One of the reasons people dont follow home quarantine properly is because they dont know the gravity of the situation; you put the real picture out and see how they will cooperate, added Laxminarayan. The government, however, insists it has the situation under control. India doesnt need to test more. We do not want to create unnecessary panic by allowing indiscriminate testing, said Lav Aggarwal, joint secretary, ministry of health and family welfare. A technical committee in the health ministry decides the testing protocol. As of now, they have not suggested widening the testing net, but since it is a constantly evolving situation, the committee is periodically reviewing the protocol, and will revise it, if necessary, he added. But experts worry that the delay might prove dangerous in the fight to avert the deadly community transmission phase of the disease where it spreads between people who have neither travelled to global hotspots nor been in contact with positive cases. In the absence of adequate testing, medical professionals say it is difficult to know if the strategy to stave off community transmission is working. The assumption that we dont have community transmission is only an assumption, said Laxminarayan. To add to the problem, testing of random samples which has begun at 50 of Indias 106 Virus Research and Diagnostic Labs is still woefully short, with institutes testing just 20 people each with severe acute respiratory infections, which includes pneumonia, for the coronavirus. Random testing is important to gauge the spread of the infection and the paltry numbers are not representative in a country with a population of 1.3 billion. Experts say the government will need to expand its testing criteria to control the surge in numbers that the country is likely to witness soon. Aggressive testing is also important to give authorities and the people a realistic idea of the infection at a time when many patients are fleeing quarantine centers and suppressing symptoms. How we see things right now, people are not following home quarantine dos and donts. These people could develop symptoms and infect others. What we need is effective screening at the points of entry that should include testing them at the airport itself, said a senior expert in infectious disease management, requesting anonymity. The expert pointed out that rapid tests with quick results may be a solution. There are not enough designated laboratories and even if it takes five hours for test results to arrive, because of rising numbers lag time is increasing, which is evident in discrepancy between the data shared by the states and the Centre. Rapid tests could work in such a situation as our numbers are high and its only going to increase, he said. India has the capacity to test 300,000 samples for Covid-19 at Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)-run 62 virus research and diagnostic laboratories (VRDLs) across India, and also in the virus laboratory run by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) in Delhi. ICMR is scaling up testing capacity further and has placed an order for one million testing reagents from Germany. Nine more laboratories for testing and sample collection are being added to the network. The ICMR has a network of 106 VRDLs that can be pressed into action, if required. As of now we dont feel the need to test more people as there is no evidence of community transmission available, said Dr RR Gangakhedkar, head, epidemiology division, ICMR.You can say we are not testing enough if there is community transmission, but in case of localised transmission, as we see in India right now, the numbers being tested is enough, he added. But on the flip side, without adequate random testing, there is no way to know if the spread is only through localised transmission. As numbers grow, it will also be important to rope in the private sector in a country where more than two-thirds of the population depends on private healthcare. Such intervention should come sooner rather than later, say experts. We should plan to involve the private sector for testing as it has wider reach than the existing centres. It is important, said Dr Lalit Kant, infectious disease expert. Dr Harsh Mahajan, founder of Mahajan Imaging, said, The private sector is willing and capable, and should be engaged if not in testing then at least sample collection. Some government officials said involving the private sector had its risks. If I test in private sector then will I be able to successfully do contact tracing? Will the status of positive cases be disclosed to government accurately? These are risks that we run when involving private sector, as we see in notification of disease such as tuberculosis, said an official on condition of anonymity. Aggarwal, however, said the government was not averse to involving the private sector. But there is no need for it now, he said. Not everyone is in agreement, and examples from US and Italy dont inspire confidence. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON An Irish company is preparing to release rapid Covid-19 testing kits, which can provide results in 15 minutes and potentially act as a "clinical weapon" against coronavirus. The tests have been developed with the same technology contained in pregnancy tests and although they are in a pilot phase, they could reduce testing times dramatically from four hours to just 15 minutes. Assay Genie, a Reagent Genie brand, will be releasing the rapid POC (Point of Care) kit within weeks globally and already some Irish hospitals have been in touch to sample the product, according to Colm Ryan, biochemist and chief executive of Assay Genie. The test measures one drop of blood and according to the co-founder and CTO of the company Sean Mac Fhearraigh "ultimately, we would have a clinical weapon to combat the spread of the virus". Mr Ryan and Mr Mac Fhearraigh met at UCD when they were studying biochemistry. They both have PhDs and were able to develop the kits after learning early on how the virus was spreading so quickly in Wuhan, China, where it was first identified. Expand Close High hopes: Sean Mac Fhearraigh, left, and Colm Ryan of Assay Genie / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp High hopes: Sean Mac Fhearraigh, left, and Colm Ryan of Assay Genie "We were working on this as soon as we found out about coronavirus, as we have contacts in China," Mr Ryan, from Co Tipperary, said. "We were ahead of the curve, due to that. "So we worked with a partner to develop the kit to bring it to market and it's CE certified for diagnostic use in Ireland. "We need to come together to fight this battle. "It's similar to going through a war but we will stay together and get through it and unite." The kit uses lateral flow technology to detect Covid-19 within just one drop of blood. Currently, the virus is detected via an advanced molecular technique called quantitative real-time PCR, which takes four hours to deliver a result. The Assay Genie kit uses colloidal gold immunochromatography to detect the virus and antibodies in human blood, serum and plasma. Positive samples are shown by a colour change within the test kit. The kit is so far a research-use only test but there have been "lots of contacts from Irish hospitals and in the UK, and round the world," Mr Ryan said. "They're taking free tests on the first batch. We should have a consignment out in seven days. "We are getting a lot of contacts from frontline staff, especially from pharmacies. "We need a quick way of responding to this virus. "There's a global shortage of raw materials for the test kits being used currently. "And I think some people don't realise the mammoth task involved in testing." Mr Ryan said he believes those showing symptoms should be tested and rapid testing should be used on medics who are dealing with the crisis up close. Large companies have also shown an interest in the rapid tests, as they are concerned about having staff away from offices in self-isolation. A rapid test for workers who may be showing cold symptoms could rule out coronavirus, or flag just when medical help is needed. Mr Ryan also believes that anyone who is caring for the elderly and the vulnerable should also have easier access to testing. But he says the rapid tests could only potentially be used by GPs and other medics. : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Tuesday ruled out curtailing the ongoing Assembly session, saying all legislators were screened for COVID-19 before entering the House. He also announced constituting a task force, headed by state Chief Secretary K Shanmugam, to closely monitor the preventive measures taken against the spread of COVID-19. Detailing the initiatives taken up in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, Palaniswami said there was no need for panic and assured his government was working in full swing to implement the preventive measures. So far, one person from the state has tested positive for the virus, but has been cured and is set to be discharged soon. "The government is taking whatever precautionery measures are required," Palaniswami said, adding, reports suggested coronavirus is a 'dangerous disease.' "In fact there are reports this virus has spread to 136 countries. It is because of that there is a fear about the disease," Palaniswami said. Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr C Vijayabaskar has been issuing detailed explanations on the initiatives taken up by the government in the Assembly, he pointed out. "There is no need for panic. At the same time there is no necessity to postpone the assembly proceedings. All legislators are provided with adequate safety measures. We all enter the House only after being screened," he said. He also expressed government support to legislators who would prefer a medical examination vis-a-vis coronavirus. The ongoing Assembly session is scheduled to go on till April 9. Further, Palaniswami said that in order to monitor the preventive measures initiated by the government, a Chief Secretary-headed task force has been constituted. The 18-member task force comprising officials of various departments would regularly meet under Shanmugam to ensure the government directives are promptly followed in controlling the spread of virus and also offer its guidance to the government, he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The pundit class has piled on, too. David Frum, a speechwriter for President George W. Bush, charged that Sanders has never fought a race in which he had to face serious personal scrutiny. Fellow Iraq War supporter Jonathan Chait writes that Sanders vulnerabilities are enormous and untested, adding that he has never faced an electorate where these vulnerabilities could be used against him. In truth, however, Sanders has faced serious personal scrutiny against an incumbent Republicanand won. His 1990 election to Vermonts single House seat (29 years and 5 months ago, but whos counting) marked the first time in 82 years that a GOP congressmember in the historically Republican state had been ousted. Sanders went on to 30 years of electoral success as a self-described democratic socialist. Sanders 1990 opponent, a moderate Republican in the era of President George H.W. Bush, was no Donald Trump, a far-right xenophobe. Yet Sanders faced similar challenges then as now: a vastly better funded opponent with the advantage of incumbency; a media landscape and Democratic Party establishment that ranged from skeptical to actively hostile; a reluctance from major unions to back him; accusations that his plans didnt add up; and attacks that cast him as a hypocrite, complete with redbaiting and character assassination. How Sanders won that House seat in 1990 is tellingand may offer a glimpse of how Sanders, the campaigner, would fare in November 2020. Vermont Rep.-elect Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, stand outside the Capitol building during an orientation session for freshman congress members on Capitol Hill, Nov. 28, 1990. (Photo by Michele McDonald / The Boston Globe via Getty Images) The House Divided In 1990, Sanders was an eight-year mayor of Burlington who had suffered two defeats for higher office. He lost his bid for governor, to Democrat Madeleine Kunin, in 1986, and his first House race, to Republican Peter Plympton Smith, in 1988. Labelled a spoiler candidate (a disgusting word, Sanders later said) for much of 1988, he was projected to win on election nightbefore being overtaken by Smith. (Sanders would quip to Rachel Maddow decades later, The Democrat was the spoiler, not me.) [Sanders] was emotionally crushed by that [loss], John Franco, a Sanders staffer in Burlington, told the Rutland Daily Herald. After Sanders fourth term as Burlington mayor ended in April 1989, he took a sabbatical from politics, traveling to Cuba and Nicaragua and taking up a visiting professorship at Hamilton College. But members of the Burlington-based Progressive Coalition, a group of Sanders supporters working to become a third force in Vermont politics, urged him to run for governor again in 1990. A nervous Kunin reportedly directed allies to push Sanders toward the House race instead, and Vermonts Democratic speaker of the House, Ralph G. Wright, warned he would oppose Sanders gubernatorial bid. Sanders weighed his options. In March 1990, with internal polls reportedly showing Sanders within striking distance of incumbent Smith, he announced his House campaign. The stakes were high, says Steven Rosenfeld, Sanders press secretary for that campaign and now a national political reporter at the Independent Media Institutes Voting Rights Project. He felt if he didnt win that race, he wasnt sure what his political future might be. A nationwide right turn had just seen President Ronald Reagan pull off two historic landslides, and Vermont was still largely GOP territory. Between 1854 and 1988, it had voted for a Democratic presidential candidate just once, for President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. With a 98% re-election rate in the House, incumbents, as always, had the advantage. An incumbent congressmember hadnt been beaten in Vermont since 1960. A GOP congressmember hadnt been booted from office in the state since 1908. Sanders didnt do himself any additional favors by running as an Independent. An Independent hadnt sat in Congress since Virginia Sen. Harry Byrd left office in 1983. Characteristically, Sanders swore off funding from corporate political action committees (PACs), choosing small-dollar donations from supporters instead. He acknowledged Smith would be very difficult to beat with access not only to his personal wealth but to all the corporate money in America. Sure enough, Smith rejected a proposal from both Sanders and the Free Press for a campaign spending limit and raised tens of thousands of dollars from corporate PACs, including those of Philip Morris, Amoco and United Technologies. Sanders, who in 10 election campaigns over 18 years had only taken one PAC contribution (worth $300), called Smiths PAC money an outrage and an insult to democracy. Without a campaign spending limit in place, Sanders ultimately vowed only to take PAC money from organizations like unions and groups agitating for peace, healthcare reform and the environment. As a GOP House member, Smith had spent two years positioning himself as a Vermont moderate, racking up progressive votes on gun control, the environment and other issues, which earned him the endorsement of the League of Conservation Voters before Sanders even announced. Later, the Sierra Club and abortion rights group NARAL backed Smith. Most of Vermonts prominent Democrats swung their support behind Sanders, but some powerful Democrats (just as today) saw him as dangerous and out of step. Sanders years of railing against the Democratic Party, along with Smiths voting record, prompted a string of defections. Former Gov. Thomas Salmon asked Democrats to join in a one-time exodus from the Democratic Party to vote for the Republican, in order to send Sanders a message from Democrats that he will not soon forget. Others urged support for neither, such as 1988 Democratic Senate candidate Bill Gray, who feared Sanders victory would help ignite a third party to challenge Democrats. Further complicating the race was the decision of Dolores Sandoval, a professor at the University of Vermont, to enter as a Democrat, much to Sanders chagrin. Sandoval quickly began attacking Sanders, claiming his Independent label would be a liability in Washington and calling him a hypocrite for seeking Democratic Party support. Independent Bernie Sanders campaigns in Burlington for Vermonts lone House seat alongside his wife, Jane, in October 1990. Meanwhile, Rep. Peter Smith, the Republican incumbent, campaigns in St. Johnsbury, holding his own sign. (Photo courtesy of The Rutland Herald) From All Sides For much of 1990, the Sanders campaign faced a series of negative stories. Bernie never had a friendly relationship with the biggest media outlets at the time, Rosenfeld says. He had a very testy relationship with the Associated Press, because he felt they were biased against him. But true to style, Sanders frequently hit back at critics. When newspapers and opponents accused him of hypocrisy for soliciting money from progressive PACs Its getting hard to distinguish between Sanders and the bad guys, wrote the Brattleboro ReformerSanders continued to contrast his donations from people whom I philosophically agree with against Smiths funding from corporations who have wrought havoc on the environment, [dodge taxes] and have treated their workers with contempt. When a Reformer op-ed hit Sanders for not voting in the September Democratic primary, he countered that, had he voted, I would have been called a hypocrite for voting in a party primary in which I dont belong. When the AP calculated Sanders had overestimated how much money a 10% tax hike on the wealthiest Americans would raise, Sanders acknowledged the error and complained they were missing the larger imperative, the need to raise taxes on the rich. When newspapers reported on Sanders tax returns, which showed he and his wife, Jane, had made more than $85,000 in 1989 (around $180,000 today), Smith suggested Sanders was among the wealthiest 10% and not serious about his tax plan. Sanders complained about Smiths lack of similar transparency and responded, We own one house. My wife and I took out a loan to send our children to college. One kerfuffle concerned how the Sanders campaign classified some staff members as independent consultants rather than employees, in an alleged attempt to avoid state and federal taxes. The staffers insisted they had sought the status themselves and paid their own taxes, and it soon emerged that everyoneeven then Lt. Gov. Howard Dean and longtime Sen. Patrick Leahyhad engaged in the practice. That included Smith, who had paid a single employee under this arrangement almost as much as Sanders had paid his entire 1988 staff. Even so, Smith and his campaign wasted no time in painting Sanders as a tax-the-rich hypocrite who wanted to avoid taxes himself. In response, Sanders accused Smith of gutter politics and called on him to come back to the high road of Vermont politics that you and I have shared for many years. After Sanders won the June 1990 endorsement of Vermonts largest union, the 7,800-strong chapter of the National Education Association (NEA), news coverage instead focused on its top-down endorsement process. Rather than polling its members, the unions board of directors chose Sanders through the same (undemocratic) method it had always used. This time, however, the media extensively covered the disgruntlement of the rank-and-file teachers. The Reformer quoted one Smith-supporting teacher saying that, even if they endorsed Peter Smith, I really, honestly, would tell you that it was unfair. Sandoval decried it as sneaky, power play politics and likened it to a coup attempt. As in 2020, Sanders got more traction in 1990 with local unions than with wary national labor organizations. The national NEA rejected the Vermont chapters endorsement, electing to stay neutral because of Smiths decent voting record. In response, over 10 days, teachers around the country raised $3,001 for the Sanders campaign, helping to offset the $5,000 Sanders lost out on through the reversal, handing the money over in a stack of bills and checks held together with a rubber band. Sanders suffered another national union-related setback after a labor PAC funding competitive House races declined to endorse him. Even so, Sanders won the support of many Vermont unions. As his campaign gained momentum, the AFL-CIO came on board. Perhaps the campaigns biggest obstacle, however, was the outbreak of the Gulf War in August 1990, with Saddam Husseins Iraq invading neighboring Kuwait. The conflict scrambled the Vermont House race, shifting the discussion away from Sanders favored terrain of economic inequality and toward foreign policy. Sanders, who had spent months calling for a five-year 50% cut to military spending (We dont need to spend $140 billion a year to defend Western Europe), triangulated a response to the war, applauding Bushs decision to send troops and jet fighters to the Gulf as quite rational, quite intelligent and very reasonable. Stressing he was not a pacifist, Sanders held to a carefully calibrated position for the rest of the campaign: He urged a defensive buildup of troops and economic and diplomatic pressure on Iraq, preferably with UN backing and international cooperation, but argued an invasion or fighting a ground war in the Middle East would be a disaster. Progressive activists were dismayed and Sandoval attacked Sanders as a hawk whose political ambition has overcome his common sense. When Sanders later called Bushs troop build-up overkill, Smith accused him of flip-flopping. With Junes poll numbers showing Sanders 10 points behind Smith and the late-summer situation in the Middle East, a Sanders victory was far from assured. Coming Up Bernie While Sanders didnt have the poll numbers, he did have his relentless, issues-focused rhetoric, his opponents miscalculations and his vast door-to-door campaign operation. With the Bush administrations regressive policies coming on the heels of the greed of the Reagan era, the Sanders campaign channeled a populist backlash against the finance industry. Much as the 2008 crash and bank bailout would later become grist for his 2016 campaign, Sanders centered his 1990 campaign on the previous years bailout of the savings and loan industry. The S&L crisis marked the worst bank collapse since the Great Depression, borne of waves of deregulation and startling corruption. The bailout cost taxpayers nearly $500 billion and Smith had voted for it, giving Sanders an opening. Sanders hammered Smith on a dead wrong vote for the bailout, calling it the greatest financial rip-off in the history of the United States. Sanders instead proposed making the richest 5% foot the bill. He pointed to an epidemic of criminality in U.S. institutions and promised to stand up against the sharks and swindlers. Between March and July 1990, Sanders called four press conferences on the topic. After the Iraq debacle that August, Sanders campaign was gifted an October surprise of its own: an unpopular deficit-cutting package pushed by Bush and supported by Smith, which pulled back Medicare and hiked regressive sales taxes on cigarettes, beer and gas. Sanders spent the month leading up to election day savaging the fraudulent bipartisan package and its equally unsuccessful sequel, demanding Smith apologize for backing it. In a televised debate, Sanders held up the infamous October 22 cover of the conservative U.S. News and World Report magazine that labelled the plan a fraud. The headline screamed, Throw the Bums Out. Smith was forced onto the defensive, belatedly calling for a more progressive plan, criticizing Bush and calling for tax increases on high earners. After initially telling Sanders his only regret about voting for the plan was it didnt win, he reversed course under Sanders constant criticism and suddenly developed severe reservations. Sanders benefitted from a reputation for consistency that Smith lacked. As Election Day approached, Smith had to face the wrath of Vermonts gun owners, who were incensed that he had pledged to oppose new gun restrictions only to co-sponsor a ban on 11 semiautomatic weapons once in office. The NRAwhich had helped put Smith over the top in 1988launched a negative ad campaign against Smith and distributed Dump Peter Smith bumper stickers throughout Vermont, with a young Wayne LaPierre (who has headed the NRA since 1991) urging the states 12,000 NRA members to cast a protest vote for Bernie Sanders. Though Sanders repeatedly and publicly disavowed the NRAs supportand made clear, sometimes to gun owners faces, he supported the same gun control measures as Smiththe matter became a question of trust and credibility. Smith was hurt by that notion of him as waffler, says Dennis Gilbert, who met Sanders at Hamilton College and worked as a pollster and issue researcher on the campaign. Vermonters polled, Gilbert says, thought Smith was inconsistent, broke promises and was a typical Washington politician. It worked in Sanders favor. At least hes consistent and tells the truth, one gun store owner said about Sanders. A delegate to the Vermont Federation of Sportsmens Clubs, who switched allegiances to Sanders, explained:We vote for people because we dont want to worry what theyll do after we elect them. If you cant count on their word, by golly, theyre not even worth the spit. Meanwhile, Sanders transplanted the door-to-door, boots-on-the-ground campaigning of his mayoral days. While Smith relied primarily on mailings, media coverage and press releases, hundreds of Sanders volunteers traveled across Vermont to register thousands of voters, a volunteer army of which the NEA and its teachers formed a crucial part. They worked like crazy in the 1990 election, recalls Jim Schumacher, who directed the campaigns field organization. They were one of the most reliable sets of volunteers I ever worked with. While Smith opened only one campaign office, Sanders opened fivethree of them in southern Vermont, where Smith had won 92% of his winning margin in 1988 and where Sanders now spent days campaigning. With his mayoral days behind him, and with Smith holed up in Washington, Sanders matched his volunteers intensity, crisscrossing the state. He wanted to shake as many hands, meet as many Vermonters, as humanly possible, Gilbert says. And he went out and did it. What Bernie would do, he would get in a car with [current senior advisor Jeff] Weaver driving, and they would go from one end of the state to another over the course of the day, Rosenfeld says. Theyd make sure he would get interviewed on a handful of media markets. And despite Sanders initial difficulties with disgruntled local Democrats and national unions, the majority of the states prominent party members (including, crucially, those from the south) swung their support behind Sanders. By October 1990, Sanders and Smith were tied in the polls. But the fatal mistake that finally put Sanders over the top was Smiths decision to launch a negative campaign. Like Sanders opponents today, Smith cherrypicked quotes to make him seem anti-Democrat and sympathetic to authoritarian, Communist regimes. An attack ad Smith ran on Vermont TV misleadingly quoted Sanders saying he had been nauseated by President John F. Kennedys inauguration speechthough the comment had actually been about Kennedy and Richard Nixons Cold War one-upmanship. The ad also hit Sanders for praising Cuba, leaving out his criticism of the authoritarian government. In interviews, Smith demanded Sanders reveal the identity of his small donors and began assailing Swedish-style socialism for its high taxes and cost of bread. The people of Vermont, however, were not surprised to hear that Sanders was a socialist. At first, we were wary of Bernie Sanders, one conservative police officer told the press. The socialism stuff. But after eight years with him, I can tell you that hes played fair. The Sanders campaign debated how to respond and, according to accounts by Gilbert and Rosenfeld, split along gender lines. The men argued for Sanders to hit back with his own attack ad. The women, including Jane Sanders and campaign manager Rachel Levin, staunchly urged Sanders to keep the high ground. Ultimately, Sanders refused to launch a negative campaign (Its something I never have done, never will do) but did hit back with a new ad: It featured him speaking directly to the camera, regretting that my opponent, finding himself behind in the polls, is now resorting to the most negative and dishonest advertising this state has ever seen. The backlash was swift. Vermonters across the political spectrum made their disgust known. I cant believe that Smith is redbaiting, one voter told the Bennington Banner. Its McCarthyism. Redbaiting is a thing of the past. Even Smith backers like the Burlington Free Press and former Gov. Thomas Salmon criticized the ads. Furious Smith supporters told him he had lost their vote. His neighbor of 20 years refused to shake his hand. Without a word, Smith abruptly cancelled a five minute attack ad meant to run three times in a week. Though Sanders remained uneasy, with memories of the 1988 campaigns final hours haunting him, Smiths miscalculation spelled the end. According to the Sanders campaigns internal polling, Smiths numbers plummeted after the negative ads. When the polls closed, Sanders had beaten Smith 56% to 40%, winning every single county but oneeven Republican strongholds. The southern strategy paid off, providing Sanders with Vermonts two biggest cities in a complete reversal, while the anger of gun owners had delivered the overwhelmingly red western part of Rutland county. Long-time Sanders ally Terry Bouricius says the 1988 and 1990 House races followed a familiar pattern, one he sees in Sanders decision to run again after 2016: You run, you do better than people expect, you position yourself to be the serious candidate next time, and then you win. This is the third time the same logical sequence occurred, Bouricius says of 2020. Iraqi President Barham Salih designated a former governor of Najaf, Adnan al-Zurfi, for the prime minister's post March 17. He has 30 days to form his Cabinet and get approval from the parliament. Salih designated Zurfi after the two largest parliamentary blocs failed to nominate a new candidate for the position this month. After the March 16 deadline for nominating a candidate passed, Salih could name any candidate without having to discuss it with the largest blocs (and this was confirmed by the Iraqi federal court March 16). Salih then nominated Zurfi, who was supported by several Shiite blocs in addition to Sunni and Kurdish ones. The Nasr coalition of former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Ammar al-Hakims Hikma movement, former Prime Minister Nouri al-Malikis State of Law coalition and the Sunni Forces Alliance are among the groups that supported Zurfi and their representatives participated in the designation ceremony. Zurfi, 54, is a member of the Nasr coalition. He also has been a member of the Dawa Party and State of Law. He was sentenced to life imprisonment when Saddam Hussein's Baath party ruled Iraq, but escaped from Abu Ghraib prison in 1991 after the Shiite uprising against Saddam. He went to Saudi Arabia after the uprising was brutally suppressed. He then moved to the United States, where he received his second citizenship. Zurfi returned to Iraq with the US forces in 2003 and rejoined the Dawa Party and became a member of parliament and governor of Najaf. In the 2018 elections, he joined the Nasr coalition. Zurfi had a significant role in fighting Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army when it started a rebellion against US troops in 2004. Zurfi has maintained a good relationship with the United States since he was appointed as governor of Najaf in 2004 by Paul Bremer, the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, which provided a provisional government in Iraq following Saddam's 2003 ouster. Zurfi has supported the anti-government demonstrations in Iraq that started in October, and was even accused of being involved in burning the Iranian Consulate in Najaf during the protests. Soon after his designation, the Fatah bloc associated with Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Units condemned Salih's move, saying it went against the constitution and promising to work to prevent Zurfi from winning a confidence vote in parliament. Hassan Salim, the head of the Sadiqoun bloc associated with Asaib Ahl al-Haq, called Zurfi the Joker and his designation a betrayal of PMU fighters who have been killed. Iran-backed militias in Iraq have been accusing the anti-government protests of being part of a US scheme against them led by pro-US figures whom the militias ridicule as jokers. Sadrs Sairoon bloc has been silent about Zurfi's nomination, but could become supportive if the bloc is asked to participate in the new government. Zurfi's government, if it gets approved by parliament, would be in charge of organizing early elections and leading the country to what is hoped to be a new and stable government. Zurfi would face four main issues: 1) the coronavirus crisis, 2) the country's economic downturn, caused in large part by the oil price drop, 3) the increasing tension between the United States and Iran in Iraq and 4) the protesters, who have already started expressing their objection to his nomination in Baghdad and Najaf. French President Emmanuel Macron is seen on a television screen as he speaks during a televised address to the nation on the outbreak of COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus, on March 16, 2020, in Paris. France will spend 45 billion euros ($50 billion) to help small businesses and employees struggling with the coronavirus outbreak, the country's finance minister announced Tuesday, after President Emmanuel Macron declared "we are at war" against the virus. Speaking in a televised address late Monday, Macron told the French people they are only allowed outside their houses for essential trips, such as to buy food and medicines, for a period of two weeks. He also said the French army will be moving coronavirus patients from overwhelmed regions to other parts of France, where there's spare capacity to take care of people; and that there will be "unlimited" state financial aid for businesses. "We have to mobilize all our forces," Bruno Le Maire, the French finance minister, told RTL radio Tuesday, adding further details to the promises made by Macron. "We don't want bankruptcies," Le Maire said. The coronavirus outbreak, which emerged in China late last year, has weighed heavily on all major economies. Airplanes are not taking off as people are avoiding vacations, restaurants and coffee places are working reduced hours in some countries, and other nations are in total lockdown meaning that only pharmacies and grocery stores are open. However, Le Maire said he is expecting the French economy to contract by 1% in 2020. 699 SHARES Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Pinterest Reddit Print Mail Flipboard Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) is the latest legislator to criticize Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), saying McConnell is responsible for delays on a coronavirus relief package for families affected by the pandemic, which has claimed at least 97 lives across the United States. Mitch McConnell has wasted four days in the middle of a pandemic. Now Republican Senators are using procedure to cover for him, Brown said in a tweet, concluding that the Senate should do its job. Mitch McConnell has wasted four days in the middle of a pandemic. Now Republican Senators are using procedure to cover for him. @SenatorDurbin is right enough with the excuses. The Senate should do its job. Watch this exchange. Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) March 17, 2020 Brown included footage of a Monday Senate session during which he lambasted the Senate Majority Leader for shuffling his feet on a response to the growing crisis. I asked Senator McConnell on this floor, I opened this door I pointed down the hall and I said Senator McConnell should come back here and lets work on this bill. Whether they are actually finished in the house, down the hall, doing it or not, we should be working on this, he said at the time. He added: Senator McConnell had to go back to Kentucky. I dont really know what he went back for. We asked him to stay and finish this and negotiate and do it, to take care of stopping this virus, to take care of all the people in my stateto take care of all these people that are losing their jobs and dont know what to do. Senator McConnell went back to Kentucky, wasted three daysmake that four days. Its three more days of people worrying, its three more days of people self-quarantining, its three more days of businessesshutting down. Its the anguish that you feel if you think one of your loved ones is sick, all of thatand we are just wasting another day. McConnell, for his part, has tweeted assurances that Senators on both sides are eager to act quickly to support those adversely affected by the pandemic. The Senate is still waiting for the House to finish processing their coronavirus legislation and transmit their final version to us. Senators on both sides are eager to act quickly to support American workers, families, and small businesses. Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) March 16, 2020 Other lawmakers have had harsh words for McConnell, who has said he doesnt expect a vote on a relief package until later this week but promises bold and bipartisan action. Earlier this week, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) accused McConnell of being remarkably irresponsible and out of touch for calling a recess as the crisis mounts. It was remarkably irresponsible & out of touch for Sen. Mitch McConnell to send senators out of town in the middle of a public health crisis before the House passed the #FamiliesFirst Coronavirus Response Act. Sen. McConnell & Republicans should pass this bill as is IMMEDIATELY. Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 14, 2020 Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) also criticized the decision, saying that every instance that Fed action is delayed puts lives at risk. Every minute, hour, & day that Fed action is delayed on Coronavirus puts lives at risk. The House has been hammering away at a coronavirus relief package. We just called in every member to vote on & pass a deal at almost 1am.#WheresMitch McConnell? Taking the weekend off. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 14, 2020 McConnell has not issued a direct response to criticisms, though earlier this morning, he said Senators are crafting the major legislation that the American people deserve in the face of this major challenge, adding that the Senate will not adjourn until we have passed significant and bold new steps, above and beyond what the House passed, to help our strong nation and our strong underlying economy weather this storm. B oris Johnson has introduced new drastic plans to ramp up the UKs response to the coronavirus outbreak. The Prime Minister urged people to avoid pub, clubs and other social venues and those most vulnerable take that advice particularly seriously. It comes after the number of people in the UK who have tested positive for coronavirus jumped by 171 on Monday. Here, we answer some key questions raised after Mr Johnson revealed the latest guidelines on tackling Covid-19 in the UK... - Who will this affect? Most people in society have been asked to change their day-to-day lives in some way. It will particularly affect people over the age of 70, pregnant women and people with certain health conditions. - What will it mean for the general population? Empty Europe during Coronavirus - In pictures 1 /45 Empty Europe during Coronavirus - In pictures The Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate is almost empty in Berlin AP The Arc de Triomphe in Paris is deserted Getty Images Barcelona's cathedral, Spain AP Duomo Square in Milan, Italy, AP Colosseum in central Rome AFP via Getty Images The Autobahn 12 is completely empty shortly before the German-Polish border crossing near Frankfurt AP Closed shops following an outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Brussels, Belgium Reuters The Malagueta beach is cordoned off in Malaga, Spain AFP via Getty Images Vienna, Austria AP Deserted Hotel de Ville in Paris, France Getty Images The highway leading to Barcelona is seen empty of cars AP City of Gdansk in Poland is virtually deserted Reuters Ratusz Arsenal metro station visually deserted, amid coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, in Warsaw, Poland via Reuters St. Peter's Square, Vatican in Rome, Italy Reuters The Royal palace in downtown Madrid, Spain AP The usually busy Larios street remains empty in Malaga AFP via Getty Images A view of an empty square in Naples, Italy during a lockdown across all of the country, imposed to slow the outbreak of coronavirus, in Naples, Italy Reuters Galleria Umberto in Naples, Italy Reuters A street is almost empty in downtown Naples AP An empty beach in Barcelona, Spain AP Homes and an empty street are seen under partial lockdown as part of a 15-day state of emergency to combat the coronavirus outbreak in downtown Ronda, southern Spain Reuters Restaurants remain closed on a seaside promenade in Valencia in Spain AFP via Getty Images A deserted Westland shopping center in Brussels BELGA/AFP via Getty Images A view of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele shopping arcade in Milan, Italy AP An empty street in the Porta Nuova district in Milan, Itlay Reuters An almost empty Roemerberg square, the main tourist spot in Frankfurt, Germany AP An empty Via Condotti street in Rome, Italy Reuters Piazza Trilussa in Rome, Italy Reuters The Louvre Museum Getty Images Musee du Louvre in Paris is closed to the public AFP via Getty Images The Eiffel Tower is seen next to a board that reads: "In the context of the COVID-19 the Eiffel Tower closes Reuters An empty Disneyland Paris PA Old Town area visually deserted, amid coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, in Warsaw, Poland via Reuters Old Town area is visually deserted, amid coronavirus disease (COVID-19) concerns, in Warsaw, Poland via Reuters Boris Johnson said: "Now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact with others and to stop all unnecessary travel." The Prime Minister urged people to stay away from pubs, clubs, theatres and "other such social venues". Where possible, people should work from home. He added that mass gatherings would no longer be supported by emergency workers. Matt Hancock confirms coronavirus death toll reaches 53 in England - What is 'whole household isolation'? If one person in a house has symptoms, including a continuous cough or fever, the whole family should stay at home for 14 days. They should avoid even going to the shops to get essentials, the Prime Minister said. People should only go out for exercise and ensure they do not come into contact with people while doing so. - What about people who live on their own? The period of self-isolation for people who live on their own remains at seven days. Sir Patrick Vallance, the Government's chief scientific adviser, said: "If you are ill with symptoms of the new, persistent cough or fever you isolate for seven days. If you lived on your own, that's what you would do. "Now what we're saying is if anybody in the household gets it, the whole household stays together isolated for 14 days. The reason for that is the other people may pick it up over five days or seven days and then they've got seven days to have it and get better." Mr Johnson added: "It's the difference between individual isolation and household isolation." Key moments from Boris Johnson's Covid-19 briefing - What does it mean for vulnerable people? In coming days, everyone classed as vulnerable will be asked to ensure they are "largely shielded from social contact" for around 12 weeks, or possibly longer. This includes people over the age of 70, pregnant women and people with certain health conditions. - Which illnesses will this include? Government guidance says those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus should be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures. This group includes adults under 70 who would qualify for a flu jab due to an underlying health condition. They include people with chronic (long-term) respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis; chronic heart disease, such as heart failure; chronic kidney disease; chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis; chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), a learning disability or cerebral palsy; diabetes; problems with the spleen, such as sickle cell disease or if the spleen has been removed; a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and Aids, or medicines such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy; or being seriously overweight (a BMI of 40 or above). - What did the Prime Minister say about healthy older people? "Many people, including millions of fit and active people over 70, may feel that there is something excessive about these measures, but I have to say that I believe they are overwhelmingly worth it to slow the spread of the disease, reduce the peak, to save life, minimise suffering and give our NHS the chance to cope," Mr Johnson said. Boris Johnson Covid-19 Press Conference - Why pregnant women? Prof Whitty said that including pregnant women in this group was a "precautionary measure" as experts are "early in our understanding of this virus". - What about children? Although older people are at a higher risk of being infected, children can still catch the illness, the World Health Organisation said. It added: "While the vast majority have experienced mild disease, some have experienced severe or critical disease and some young adults and one child, that we are aware of, has died." - Are schools staying open? Schools remain open at the moment. The Government's chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance said other measures may be necessary - including school closures - at some point. "Those things need to be done at the right time," he said. - Is any part of the country worst affected? The Prime Minister said the peak of the epidemic is coming faster in some parts of the country than others. "It looks as though London is a few weeks ahead," he said. - How long will this go on for? Prof Whitty said measures to tackle the spread of the disease would need to be in place for a "prolonged period". Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritius will extend travel restrictions for a period of two weeks on foreign travellers coming from or having transited countries of the European Union, including United Kingdom and Switzerland, during the last 14 days as from 20:00 GMT on Wednesday, the Government Information Services (GIS) announced on Tuesday The Pentagon is stepping in to aid the coronavirus outbreak, with Defense Secretary Mark Esper saying the military would donate up to 5 million respirators to hospitals, with 1 million being made available immediately. Esper said the military also would donate 2,000 ventilators held in reserve, as part of the scramble to get U.S. hospitals staffed and outfitted for an anticipated crush of victims of the coronavirus. Ventilators have become an acute issue, with only about 62,000 in use and others in stockpile, but an anticipated need that is far greater. The military normally keeps respirators on hand to protect troops from whatever they might encounter on the battlefield. Some of the respirators are intended for 'single-use,' Esper said. In the case of ventilators, training would be required, with the military available to step in to teach civilians on their use. Officials have struggled to get the critical equipment on-line, and it requires technical aptitude to properly monitor patients experiencing breathing issues or lung failure. Defense Secretary Mark Esper speaks during a briefing at the Pentagon in Washington, Monday, March 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Esper said the Navy would make available two hospital ships, the USNS Comfort in Norfolk, Virginia and the USNS Mercy in San Diego to assist in assisting hospitals ill-prepared for an anticipated flood of patients. However the Pentagon has noted they are not designed for being stocked with patients with a highly contagious disease. Esper said he will consult with state and local governments about deploying M.A.S.H. hospitals, an idea President Donald Trump mentioned at a press briefing Tuesday. They can help relieve hospital rooms that may become overrun, he said. The announcement of the flow of military equipment came on a day Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday urged construction firms to donate specialized N95 masks to their local hospitals as the government tries to head off a rush of demand for equipment to protect doctors and nurses from the coronavirus outbreak. Pence made the plea at a televised press conference along with President Trump and top government health officials, amid a nationwide shortage of equipment. Trump said he has started the process of having the U.S. Army Corps of engineers construct field hospitals to boost the volume of hospitals beds. 'We are starting the process,' he said. He said they would be M.A.S.H. hospitals, or United States Army Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals. President Trump spoke about deploying the Army Corps of Engineers to build hospitals and Mike Pence called for construction firms to donate specialized masks 'They do call them M.A.S.H. hospitals,' Trump said. 'Were looking at different sites in a few different locations.' New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made a request for assistance, which Trump said would be provided. The number of U.S. military testing positive for the virus doubled, to 36 from 18 Monday, according to the latest record-keeping. There also have been numerous reports of emergency room physicians and other caregivers testing positive for the deadly virus, as the administration pleads with Americans to stay in their homes to help slow down the spread of the disease. State and local governments are preparing for an onslaught of hospital patients as the coronavirus outbreak spreads with the national stockpile also not up to the anticipated demand. 'We would urge construction companies to donate their N95 masks to your local hospital and for go additional order of those industrial masks,' Pence said. 'Those industrial masks are perfectly acceptable for healthcare workers to be protected from a respiratory disease,' Pence said. He pointed to the industry, which he said Trump knows well' from his real estate background. He also asked construction firms to forego additional orders of the specialized masks, which can both protect medical professionals and keep infected patients from spreading the virus. Pence's appeal came as federal officials have told doctors and health workers the nation's stockpile doesn't have enough basic medical equipment like masks and gowns to meet the expected crush of coronavirus cases. The stark assessment, conveyed in a conference call Monday, comes as the Health Department has begun distributing supplies a national stockpile created for such health emergencies. But the administration is acknowledging the supply is 'finite' and sending the equipment out to priority areas and based on a population formula. With a looming shortage of beds that public officials fear could fall well short of demand in an outbreak, the White House is even considering the use of hospital ships, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx said. The problem: the Navy only has two of them, and they can't get inland. Vice President Mike Pence (l) announced the call for masks A man displays a protective N-95 face mask and goggles, at an office in Washington, DC. The masks are vital to protecting medical professionals Pence wants construction firms with excess supply to donate their masks A nurse emerges from a tent with a kit to test for novel coronavirus COVID-19 at a drive through testing station for University of Washington Medical Center employees in Seattle, Washington, USA, 16 March 2020. The federal government is shipping equipment from a national stockpile to meet needs 'The president is considering all of the options. We're looking at hospital beds, ICU beds, informed by the data from Seattle and Santa Clara, and I just really want to thank the governors and the health commissioners from those states who are providing us the on-the-ground daily reports of hospital utilizations,' Birx told Fox News. 'There are multiple options in our reserve, including the V.A. Hospitals, Department of Defense medical treatment facilities and even hospital ships. There are a lot of things to consider and all of those things are on the table right now,' she said. In New York state, 19 per cent of positive coronavirus cases are being hospitalized, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a televised briefing from Albany, in a state where cases continue to spike. Adding to the need are infections that have been identified among medical professionals serving on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak. The White House is considering using hospital ships to meet demand, says coronavirus task force coordinator Deborah Birx Steve Moody, director of nursing at Central Maine Medical Center, enters a tent outside the emergency entrance to the hospital to test patients who have symptoms of the coronavirus, Friday, March 13, 2020, in Lewiston, Maine. U.S. hospitals are setting up circus-like triage tents, calling doctors out of retirement, guarding their supplies of face masks and making plans to cancel elective surgery as they brace for an expected onslaught of coronavirus patients In a Friday, March 13, 2020 file photo, Steve Moody, director of nursing at Central Maine Medical Center, mops the floor of a tent outside the emergency entrance to the hospital where patients are tested for of the coronavirus, in Lewiston, Maine An auxiliary tent stands outside the entrance to the emergency department at EvergreenHealth Medical Center, where an emergency department doctor is reportedly in critical condition with coronavirus (COVID-19) according to local media, in Kirkland, Washington, U.S., March 15, 2020 'It is essential that the federal govt works with this state and that this state works with the federal government. We cannot do this on our own,' he said. On Sunday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar refused to say how many ventilators the government had and now many were projected to be needed, calling it a 'national security issue.' The following day, the administration announced recommendations that Americans not gather in groups of more than ten people and stick to their homes. HHS officials communicated the information to medical professionals in a conference call Monday, CNN reported, and said the nation's stockpile was insufficient to meet needs. The representatives from the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness Reponses said the government had not yet identified a solution. Congress is trying to deal with the problem with new purchases, but it is not yet clear how quickly it will be possible to get equipment online. According to a statement released by HHS Tuesday, 'Because of the finite supply of PPE in the commercial supply chain, delivery of products from the SNS is prioritized based on need.' Equipment goes out to all 50 states, 8 territories, plus urban areas including Chicago, Los Angeles County, New York City, and Washington, D.C. 'The distribution is based on a pro-rata formula that is proportionate to the population size of each jurisdiction based on 2010 U.S. Census data. For areas facing high transmission rates, additional allocations are available,' according to the agency. Spirometry Market Overview: The global Spirometry market is witnessing a significant rise in its revenues, mainly due to the rising occurrences of respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD. Besides, the growing rate of diagnosis processes conducted for the detection of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis fosters the growth of the market. Moreover, the increasing exposure to risk factors and the ever-increasing population is driving a large share of the market. Get Free Sample Copy@ According to Market Research Future (MRFR), the global Spirometry market is expected to garner a valuation of USD 1,106.76 MN by 2023, registering 10.03% CAGR over the assessment period (2018-2023). Factors such as the increasing healthcare expenditures and technological advances in respiratory care devices are estimated to support market growth over the forecast period. Drivers & Restraints: Spirometry is a medical test to evaluate lung functions vital for detecting asthma, COPD, and other breathing disorders. Spirometry is also performed for therapeutic reasons for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and restrictive lung disease. Growing exposure to risk factors, including smoking and pollutants such as chemicals, fumes, and dust, is fostering the growth of the market, increasing the prevalence of respiratory diseases. On the other hand, factors such as the high cost of tests that require different spirometers and reimbursement limitations are inhibiting the growth of the market. Nevertheless, factors such as the growing government initiatives to spread the awareness and funding support to drive R&D required to improve diagnostics techniques and devices would support the growth of the market throughout the assessment period. Global Spirometry Market Segments The analysis is segmented into five main dynamics to widen the scope of understanding, By Product : Table-top Spirometry, Hand-held Spirometry, and Desktop (PC) Spirometry, and others. By Technology : Flow Measurement Spirometry (Pneumotachograph System and Mass Flow Meter), Volume Measurement Spirometry, Peak Flow Meter (PFM), and others. By Application : Diagnostic (Asthma, COPD, Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis, others), Treatment Monitoring, and others. By End-user : Hospitals & Clinics, Research & Academic Institutes, Diagnostic Centers, Home Care, and others. By Regions : Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Rest-of-the-World. Global Spirometry Market Regional Analysis North America dominates the global Spirometry market with the growing prevalence of respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, and others. Besides, the huge technological advancements and rising adoption of Spirometry devices for improved diagnosis processes drive the regional market growth. Also, factors such as the availability of state-of-the-art facilities & infrastructure and growing awareness are fostering the demand in the regional market. Additionally, the presence of large payers, high healthcare expenditures, and expanding rebate on diagnostics is further promoting the growth of the regional market. The North American Spirometry market is estimated to create a valuation of USD 444.99 MN by 2023, registering 10.25% CAGR during the forecast period. Europe stands second in the spirometry market, growing rapidly. Factors such as the presence of large medical device companies in Germany and increasing healthcare expenses substantiate the growth of the regional market. Moreover, the proliferating healthcare industry and developed infrastructure in the region are major factors that are driving the market growth further. The European spirometry market valuation is expected to climb up to USD 322.33 MN by 2023, posting 10.25% CAGR throughout the review period. The Asia Pacific Spirometry market has been witnessing significant growth, demonstrating the tremendous potential for future growth. Low diagnostic costs and large unmet clinical needs for respiratory diseases in the region provide ample opportunities for market growth. The valuation of the APAC Spirometry market is estimated to reach USD 247.52 MN by 2023, registering 10.64% CAGR during 2018-2023. Global Spirometry Market Competitive Landscape Highly competitive, the Spirometry market appears to be fragmented due to the presence of several well-established players. There is a definite shift towards the hospital testing department, which dominates a large market share. As a result, players rely on their collaborations and partnerships with hospitals to increase market penetration of their products. Besides, these players employ numerous distributions channels and engage healthcare payers such as insurance companies to enhance their competitive share. Major Players: Players leading the global Spirometry market include NDD Medical Technologies, Inc. (US), Carefusion Corporation (US), Nihon Kohden Corporation (Germany), Vitalograph (UK), MGC Diagnostics Corporation (US), Schiller AG (Switzerland), Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc. (US), COSMED Srl. (Italy), Midmark Corporation (US), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), and Smiths Medical Inc. (US), among others. Industry/ Innovation/ Related News: December 04, 2019 - VivaLNK Connected Health Solutions (the US), a leading global provider of wearable medical solutions for continuous patient monitoring, announced scoring a CE mark for its multi-vital medical wearable sensor, SDK. VivaLNK mentioned that it had landed a Class IIa medical device CE Mark for its multi-vital medical wearable sensor & software development kit. The new technology allows researchers & clinicians to continuously stream a patients respiratory rate, ECG rhythm, heart rate, and RR interval & three-axis acceleration. The company also mentioned that it has recently signed a deal with Current Health (the UK), a leading healthcare technology company for the distribution of VivaLNK that offers axillary temperature and spirometry measurements capabilities sighting on the European market. The company also claims that its sensors have been integrated into clinical trial monitoring and heart failure detection as well. Read Complete Report with Toc@ Most Trending Reports in Healthcare Industry Aromatherapy Market Neurovascular Devices Market Intravenous (IV) Solution Market About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members. Contact: Market Research Future Office No. 528, Amanora Chambers Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar, Pune 411028 Maharashtra, India +1 646 845 9312 Email: If you compare those graphic images to the outpouring of love and concern that came my way from my audience, it overwhelmed me so completely that nothing else mattered, says Shabana Azmi from Budapest, Hungary, where shes currently shooting for Steven Spielbergs Halo. The veteran actor met with an accident on the Mumbai-Pune-Expressway a couple of months back. As her upcoming short film, Sheer Qorma, on same sex relationship is about to release, she opens up on the changing portrayal of homosexuality in Hindi cinema across decades. Excerpts: You met with a road accident in January. How is your health now? I am completely fine and have fully recovered. Currently, I am in Budapest shooting for Halo (produced by Steven Spielberg) and I am happy to be back on the sets. Pictures of the unfortunate incident were circulated on social media. Many felt that it was insensitive and intrusive. Did that bother you? My family was upset. It was kept away from me for the longest time as I didnt have my cellphone. When I saw it, I was on my way to recovery. At that moment, I was just really grateful to those who helped me and the hospital staff. Right from Fire (1996), the release of which was opposed and banned, to Sheer Qorma now, how do you think the portrayal of the LGBTQ community in Hindi cinema has changed? I have to say that this genre has opened up, really. The frequency of films that deal with a sensitive subject like homosexuality are being made, have increased in the last few years which is a great sign. The audience, too, is accepting this kind of cinema. Earlier, homosexuality was ridiculed in mainstream cinema but now, we see this subject being tackled sensitively. But at the same time, I feel it is only a section of audience especially in the metros who has have accepted this change. What would you attribute this change to? The notion of a family is changing. It is no longer just a heterogeneous family that we accept as a norm. We have seen two partners of the same sex having a baby and I think it is a healthy sign. The notion of family is being redefined as it is no longer restricted to having a baby biologically. Also read: John Abraham shares meme of himself as Hulk, will use coronavirus quarantine to bulk up for Satyameva Jayate 2 What do you think about mainstream actors working in films dealing with sensitive subjects? I always believe that films are a reflection of our society and good films can influence society. There is a relation but there is an acceptance, too, and that has to be applauded. Actors today, arent shying away from experimenting. The credit should also go to the producer who is ready to back a film on a sensitive subject and the writer who writes the script. The Supreme Courts decision of scrapping Section 377 was a big propeller towards positively changing the perspective that people had towards the LGBTQ community. It is a great time to be an actor. Gender and age are no longer considered while casting someone. In a career spanning over 45 years, have you ever faced sexism and ageism? I have been extremely lucky and my career has always been about being at the right place at the right time. It was my good fortune that Shyam Benegals Ankur (1974) became the film that propelled parallel cinema forward. Consequently, I got many different roles from what I would have got had I worked only in mainstream cinema. I never faced lack of acceptance. Follow @htshowbiz for more SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON Russian President states significant violations of convicts rights Andreas Eldh 18:05 17/03/2020 MOSCOW, March 17 (RAPSI) President of Russia Vladimir Putin stated on Tuesday that lots of violations of rights of inmates had been fixed. In the last years, prosecutors enhanced supervision over observance of prisoners rights; however, the number of such breaches remains buoyant, the Head of the State said during the extended meeting of the Prosecutor Generals Office. Putin ordered the prosecutors to step up efforts to ensure safety of convicts in custody, prevent offenses in penitentiary facilities in cooperation with Russias Federal Penitentiary Service, Presidential Council for Human Rights, ombudsmen. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp LinkedIn Email Telegram Bangkok, March 17, 2020 The Myanmar military should immediately drop its criminal defamation complaint against editor Ye Ni and stop using legal threats to stifle reporting, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, a Yangon court agreed to hear a complaint filed by Lieutenant Colonel Zaw Min Tun of the Yangon Region Command against Ye Ni, Burmese-language editor of the independent news website The Irrawaddy, over the outlets coverage of armed clashes between state forces and the insurgent Arakan Army in Rakhine states Mrauk-U town, according to a report in The Irrawaddy and Ye Ni, who communicated with CPJ via email. Zaw Min Tun filed the complaint in April 2019 at Kyauktada Police Station on behalf of Yangon military commander Major General Thet Pone, according to reports. If convicted under Article 66(d) of Myanmars Telecommunications Law, Ye Ni faces up to two years in prison, those reports said. Ye Ni told CPJ that he paid a 10 million kyat ($7,000) bail yesterday and that the next hearing in the case is scheduled for March 30. Myanmars military should drop its charge against The Irrawaddy editor Ye Ni and stop threatening to jail journalists, said Shawn Crispin, CPJs senior Southeast Asia representative. If Myanmar wants to be taken seriously as a democracy, military intimidation of the media must stop, and journalists must be allowed to cover the militarys actions freely. Ye Ni told CPJ he thought the 11-month-old case was revived due to his publications recent coverage of the armed conflict in Rakhine and Chin states. We are doing our job exposing what is really happening on the ground and reporting the suffering of the people living in the conflict zone, Ye Ni told CPJ. We will defend our rights and press freedom according to the law. Ye Ni, of The Irrawaddy, pictured in Yangon, is facing charges under Myanmars Telecommunication Law Section 66(d) over the outlets reporting on conflict in Rakhine State. (CPJ/Shawn Crispin) CPJ emailed Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun, a military spokesperson, for comment, but did not immediately receive a reply. On March 8, the military filed a similar complaint under Article 66(d) of the Telecommunications Law against the Reuters news agency over its coverage of the conflict in Rakhine state, as CPJ documented at the time. A Reuters spokesperson said that the news agency stood by the reporting and there was no basis for a lawsuit. Cracking the whip on misinformation being spread about novel coronavirus infection, the Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) has issued a notice to a Mumbai-based doctor who had termed the virus as a "Chinese fad" which will not survive in the Indian summer. The MMC has sought explanation from Dr Anil Patil from Dadar in central Mumbai whether he has any study to substantiate his claims. "The notice has been issued to Dr Anil Patil about whether he has any study or database to substantiate his claims about the virus," MMC president Dr Shivkumar Uttekar said on Tuesday. He said Dr Patil had made several claims in his interviews that are prima facie violative of advisories issued by the Central government. "It is unaccepted on the part of Dr Patil to speak against the advisories of the Central and state governments regarding the novel coronavirus outbreak. We asked him to clarify his views as he had repeatedly dismissed the outbreak and its seriousness," he said. Dr Uttekar said Dr Patil had reportedly made claims that the fear over novel coronavirus is unwarranted and that the virus will not survive in Indian summer. Dr Patil had also claimed that the virus is a "Chinese fad" which is aimed at creating business opportunity for factories that manufacture masks, the MMC chief said. Dr Patil had also claimed that the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which had appeared in China in 2002, had no effect on Indians. "His video clips have gone viral on social media, which may encourage people to remain careless about personal hygiene. Hence we have issued notice to him," Dr Uttekar said. Maharashtra has reported one COVID-19 death while 38 people have tested positive from the state. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Commanders with the Texas National Guard were working Tuesday afternoon on possible options for action in connection with the novel coronavirus, but no decision had yet been made on how to make best use of the military resource. Gov. Greg Abbott activated the Guard on Tuesday to support the state's response to the pandemic, but said deployment is not yet necessary. Texas joins than 21 other states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia that have mobilized 1,560 Air and Army Guard troops. The National Governors Association said those states include California, Florida and Arizona. What it means in the immediate future, however, isnt clear. On Get the latest update on coronavirus and a tracking map of U.S. cases By activating the Texas National Guard, we are ensuring Texas is prepared as we continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Abbott said in a statement. I am grateful to the men and women of the National Guard for their dedication to serving their fellow Texans, and want to assure the public that this is a precautionary measure to make sure the Texas National Guard has the capability to serve at a moments notice where they are needed most. Abbott called the order a preparative measure that would ensure that the Texas National Guard can assist in various forms throughout the state when needed. His order excluded Guard members who are health care workers and first responders so they could continue serving people in their civilian jobs. The Texas Guard, the nations largest organization of its kind and among the most battle tested over the past decades, was in the middle of preparations to ensure it could respond around the state. Commanders are awaiting approval on what exactly they will do, said Lt. Col. Laura Cross, a spokeswoman. Were still in the planning stages right now, she said. There are close to 21,000 soldiers and airmen in the Texas Guard, which has deployed repeatedly to Iraq and Afghanistan since 2004 and led a multinational peacekeeping force in Bosnia 20 years ago. It also has been called on to provide support on the Texas-Mexico border. The guard has a wide array of equipment that includes a large aviaition force. It flies UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters out of Martindale Airfield in San Antonio and AH-65D Apache Longbows in Houston. Those aircraft, based out of Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base, belong to the Texas Guard's 1-149th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion. The squadron flies C-130 Hercules cargo planes at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth and ground-based units at 90 armories around Lone Star State that utilize tactical vehicles capable of being used in all weather conditions. Just how those troops, as well as Hercules crews with the Texas Guards 181st Airlift Squadron in Fort Worth, would support COVID-19 response efforts had not yet been determined late Tuesday. The Texas National Guard has unique resources and equipment to support our civilian partners and we bring a wide breadth of expertise and assets to enhance the COVID-19 response with trained personnel for this type of emergency, spokeswoman Cross said without elaborating. John Goheen, spokesman for National Guard Association of the United States, said Guard members are playing a variety of roles across the country. In San Francisco, he noted, the Guard helped drive some passengers from the Grand Princess cruise ship to quarantine. In West Virginia, the Guard has helped teach officials how to operate safely in contaminated areas. The Texas National Guard will do what the governor asks them to do, he said. If you look around the country, what has the Guard done, what has it been doing, it has staffed drive-through testing centers, Goheen said. In other states, the Guard has delivered supplies. The Guard has been involved up in New York with the cleaning of some facilities, he continued. When state and local authorities need vehicles, people expertise that the Guard possesses, they call out the Guard whether its a flood, earthquake, snowstorm. This is why we have a National Guard, and I am sure in Texas theyre on the governors speed dial. By West Kentucky Star Staff Mar. 16, 2020 | 02:53 PM | WESTERN KENTUCKY Jackson Purchase Energy announced they will be closing their lobby to the public beginning Monday. Staff say visitors are being asked to reschedule, and aren't being allowed into the building. All payments and new services are to be handled either electronically, through the drive-through, night deposit, or through the mail. Paducah Water has also announced the temporary closure of their offices. In a press release, they say their office will be closing beginning Monday at 4 pm, until further notice. Staff will still be in the office during normal business hours to provide customer support by phone. Paducah Power System is also limiting contact with customers by closing their lobby at 4:30 pm Monday. Their drive-through window will remain open. General Manager Dave Carroll said almost any business can be conducted with PPS using the telephone or internet. The utility has also announced they will not be disconnecting anyone's residential or commercial service, effective immediately, since some customers may have their budgets affected by the outbreak. Atmos Energy announced Saturday they have temporarily suspended natural gas disconnections, knowing that some customers may experience financial difficulty due to illness, quarantine or a disruption at work. West Kentucky Rural Electric says that while they are keeping their offices open to the public, they are encouraging members to avoid entering the office if at all possible. In their announcement, they note that they are happy to answer questions, set up new service, arrange for disconnects, and more by phone at 1-800-495-7322. They also have drive-through service at their Mayfield and Murray offices, as well as drop boxes at all three locations. Payments can also be made on their website.Atmos Energy announced Saturday they have temporarily suspended natural gas disconnections, knowing that some customers may experience financial difficulty due to illness, quarantine or a disruption at work. Kentucky Utilities Company has announced an attempt to assist customers who may be dealing with financial difficulties due to the impact of COVID-19. Until May 1, disconnects for residential customers are suspended, and late fees incurred during this time will be waived. Offices will remain open at in operation at this time, although they also encourage their customers to use their website, phone, or mail payment options. Mayfield Electric & Water Systems has announced that they are also suspending all disconnects for nonpayment until further notice, citing the financial strain the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on families. They encourage members that can make a payment to do so by mail, website, night deposit box, or their drive-through. This story will be updated as we receive additional information. Local utilities are announcing their efforts to help combat the spread of COVID-19. On the Net: SEATTLE The death toll from the new coronavirus in Washington state reached 50 on Tuesday morning when Clark County health officials announced their first fatal cases, a husband and wife in their 80s. Washington has the highest number of deaths in the U.S., with most being associated with a nursing home in Kirkland. By Monday, the number of positive cases topped 900. Gov. Jay Inslee imposed strict new rules this week to help slow the spread of COVID-19. He mandated an immediate two-week closure of all restaurants, bars recreational facilities. He also increased the limits on large gatherings. The new orders went into effect Monday night and will be in place through March 31. If we are living a normal life, we are not doing our jobs as Washingtonians, Inslee said. We cannot do that anymore. We need to make changes, regardless of size. All of us need to do more. We must limit the number of people we come in contact with. This is the new normal. King County continues to report the highest number of cases and deaths, with 488 cases as of Monday and 43 fatalities. Twenty-nine of those deaths were associated with the Life Care Center in Kirkland. Snohomish County reported four deaths and had 200 positive cases. Grant County has lost one resident to the disease. Clark County has now reported two deaths. Washington state health officials are expected to update the situation across the state by mid-Tuesday. Eighteen counties have reported cases. Inslee is scheduled to sign a list of bills Tuesday to provide some relief to the state as it deals with COVID-19. One measure provides $200 million to fund the response to the coronavirus. A group of community and legal activists have submitted a letter to Inslee to implement a list of measures aimed at protecting people held in the state's jails and prisons. People live in close contact with one another, social distancing is difficult, hygiene services and essential medical equipment is in short supply, and medical treatment is not easily accessible, the letter said. Once COVID-19 breaks out, it will likely spread quickly through our prisons and jails. They pointed out that a correctional officer at the Monroe Correctional Complex tested positive for the disease, putting inmates there at risk. The group said the most effective way to stop the spread of coronavirus in the prisons would be to release elderly inmates and people who are within six months of release. They also urged the governor to help local governments find ways to reduce the jail populations. The Clark County couple were hospitalized at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center last week and died Monday night, according to Clark County health officials. One had been living in a small adult family home, and the other was a resident of an assisted living community. This is a horrible tragedy, said Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County health officer and Public Health director. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this time. -- The Associated Press Kenya and Somalia have another border dispute, this one largely created by Abdirashid Janan, a Somali warlord accused of numerous atrocities as well as corruption. At the end of August 2019 Janan, currently the Minister of Security in Jubaland, was arrested at Mogadishu airport by the federal government. Four months later (late January) Janan escaped from the Mogadishu jail and three days later (September 2nd) was back in Kismayo, the largest city in Puntland. There Ahmed Madobe, the state president of Jubaland backed his Security Minister. Madobe is also accused of corruption but not to the same extent as Janan. Ahmed Madobe is accused of doing business with al Shabaab in order to finance his Jubaland government and maintain control of Kismayo. Madobe is also refusing to turn control of Kismayo over to the federal government as an earlier agreement stipulated. The Somali government does not want to start a war with Jubaland over this and asked that the peacekeepers in Jubaland arrest Janan. That has not worked because most of the peacekeepers in Puntland are Kenyans, the rest are Ethiopians and neither believe they should be acting as enforcers for the Somali government. To further complicate matters several dozen Jubaland militiamen loyal to Janan fled into Kenya two weeks ago and occupied part of Mandera Town, the capital of Mandera country. This was all about Kenya being accused of sending a light aircraft to Jubaland to fly fugitive Abdirashid Janan to a safer sanctuary in Kenya. Kenya refuses to arrest Janan or use force to get the Puntland militia out of Mandera town. Mendera country officials are threatening to take the Kenyan government to court for forcing the army to expel the Jubaland militiamen from Mandera. Kenya does not want to upset shaky relationships with Jubbaland which are key to keeping the peace along the Somali border. The Substantial Somali Presence Somali refugees and ethnic Somali Kenyans living in Kenya near the Somali border have been a major source of al Shabaab recruits for raiding and terrorism in Somalia as well as Kenya. Somali violence, both from al Shabaab and clan disputes, is less frequent throughout Somalia but persists in the couth, on both sides of the Kenya border. On the Somali side is the autonomous Somali region of Jubaland. Across the border are the Kenyan counties (provinces) of Mandera, Garissa, Isiolo, Wajir and Marsabit. Occasionally the violence extends to cities elsewhere in Kenya. What is keeping al Shabaab active here and not elsewhere in Somalia are lucrative smuggling operations the Islamic terrorists dominate along the border. In addition to bordering Somalia, there are several other reasons for all the Somali violence in this part of Kenya. First, there is the pervasive corruption in Kenya and Africa in general. In addition, Somalia is recognized as the most corrupt nation in the world. Al Shabaab takes advantage of the police corruption in Kenya, where the largely Christian police are particularly brutal towards Kenyans who are ethnic Somalis. Similar attitudes are directed at the Somali refugees. That brutality and discrimination make Kenyan Somalis reluctant to cooperate with police in finding al Shabaab terrorists or smugglers. About 76 percent of the four million Kenyan Moslems are ethnic Somalis who are citizens. Kenya is largely (80 percent) Christian with a Moslem minority (12 percent of the population) that has been known to harbor Islamic terrorists. Most Kenyan Moslems live in coastal cities like Mombasa, where about a third of the 1.1 million population is Moslem. A lot of ethnic Somalis and Moslems live in northeastern Kenya and that is a problem when most of the soldiers and police are Christians and non-Somali. Al Shabaab exploits this friction to continue recruiting in Kenya and enjoying some local support in the Kenyan border areas. On the Somali side of the border, the situation is worse. Currently, there are five somewhat autonomous federal states in Somalia; Puntland in the far north, Galmudug just south of Puntland, Hirshabelle (Central State), Southwest State and Jubaland on the Kenya border. Jubaland is something of a special case because it contains Kismayo, the second largest city, and port, in Somalia. Jubaland also borders the more peaceful and prosperous Kenya. Jubaland leaders never got along with the Somali government in Mogadishu. Since late 2019 the Somali federal government has been cutting economic aid to the Jubaland. The federal government accuses Ahmed Madobe, the recently elected Jubaland state president, of corruption. That includes rigging recent elections. The federal government believes Ahmed Madobe is pursuing a long-term plan to turn Jubaland into an independent state like Puntland and Somaliland up north. The federal government concept was put into operation during 2016 and has only been partially successful. It was agreed that the federal states would have some autonomy and the ability to elect local leaders, especially the state president. But the current de facto local leaders throughout Somalia dont trust the national government and believe the central government will interfere with the state elections and otherwise limit the autonomy of the states. The federal form of government is supposed to provide the states with a lot of autonomy. In return, the central government would provide muscle to help control bandits and warlords throughout the country. The central government also controls most of the foreign aid coming in. There was growing acceptance for the federal form of government but many politicians prefer to try and concentrate maximum power in the central government. This Jubaland feud got started back in 2013 when the federal government agreed to recognize the Ras Kamboni militia, and its leader Ahmed Madobe, as the dominant power in the area along the Kenya border that had earlier declared itself the independent state of Jubaland. The peace deal allowed the clan behind Ahmed Madobe and the Ras Kamboni militia to rule the area for two years as a semi-autonomous region. After that, it was back to negotiations. Ahmed Madobe believed that in two years he would be strong enough to keep Jubaland independent. The government believed that in two years they will be strong enough to make Jubaland a part of Somalia again. Neither belief was accurate. This strategy was also a threat to the two northern statelets of Puntland and Somaliland. The 2013 arrangement was not a peace deal but a ceasefire. Back in mid-2013, Ahmed Madobe proclaimed himself the president of Jubaland. Kenya backed Ras Kamboni. The other Jubaland clans did not initially accept Madobe as their leader but did not feel strong enough to continue fighting over the issue. The prize here was the port of Kismayo because whoever controlled it grows rich from fees charged businesses to use the port and market places. Ras Kamboni claimed control but that did not go unchallenged because theres too much money involved. Ras Kamboni has long had the most powerful armed force down there and in 2013 it had the tacit backing of the Somali government and Kenya as well. Border Wars In addition to the feud with Kenya over Jubaland, there are also problems with ISIL up north in Puntland as well as border disputes between Puntland and Somaliland as well as with Somalia proper. The dispute over the maritime boundary between Kenya and Somalia is still unresolved. This was all about both nations claiming a 100,000 square kilometer offshore area that may contain oil and gas deposits and definitely contains valuable fishing areas. An international tribunal is supposed to decide this issue this year. March 15, 2020: The government announced that one of four Somalis who had just returned from China had covid19 (Coronavirus). This was the first such case known to be in Somalia and the man is being treated. If covid19 gets loose in Somalia the local health system wont be of much help because the local health system is largely non-existent. March 14, 2020: Four Kenyan jet fighters were seen flying over Jubaland near the Kenyan border. The jets did not attack. Kenya and the UN complain that the violence in western Jubaland (Gedo region) has forced 50,000 civilians from their homes, creating more refugee problems. March 11, 2020: In the south, across the border in Kenya (Mandera country) al Shabaab carried out an attack in the county capital Mandera Town. March 9, 2020: In the southeast (Lower Shabelle region), American UAVs attacked al Shabaab, killing five of the Islamic terrorists. This is the sixth such UAV attack in March and that makes the 2020 total about 35. Most of those attacks were against al Shabaab targets with the remainder directed at ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) forces in the north. In 2019 there were 63 UAV attacks in Somalia for the entire years. March 4, 2020: In the southwest (Gedo Region), fighting between Somali soldiers and Jubaland milita left 11 dead and dozens of Jubaland militia fled into Kenya where they proceeded to occupy part of the nearby Mandera Town. February 29, 2020: In western Jubaland, the Somali Army sent several hundred soldiers into the Gedo region along the Ethiopian and Kenyan border. This is a violation of the agreement between Jubaland and the federal government and the UN demanded that the troops be withdrawn. Gedo consists of thinly populated forests and was long a hideout for al Shabaab. The Somali government said the troops were there to protect the border from the threat of Kenyan invasion. February 22, 2020: Some 320 kilometers west of Mogadishu American UAVs attacked an al Shabaab compound killing Bashir Mohamed Mahamoud, an al Shabaab commander responsible for planning the January attack on a Kenyan airbase. Also killed was the Mahamoud wife, who was also an active member of al Shabaab. February 19, 2020: In the southeast (Lower Shabelle region), soldiers repulsed al Shabaab attacks on two bases. Al Shabaab lost fifteen dead and twenty wounded. At least ten soldiers also died. Across the border, in Kenya (Mandera country) al Shabaab gunmen in Kenyan police uniforms tried to stop a bus from Ethiopia. As the bus sped by (the driver knew there were no police checkpoints in this area) the al Shabaab men opened fire, hit the bus several times and caused the bus to go off the road and crash. The al Shabaab men pulled out all the passengers, identified two that were not Moslem and killed them. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 20:11:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TEHRAN, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Ministry of Health and Medical Education on Tuesday announced that the number of COVID-19 cases in the country has climbed to 16,169 with the death toll reaching 988. A total of 5,389 people have recovered, Kianush Jahanpur, head of Public Relations and Information Center of the ministry, was quoted as saying by the IRNA news agency. Meanwhile, Iran's health minister Saeed Namaki said that by Monday 14 million people had been screened for coronavirus symptoms as part of a national plan to curb the pandemic, Press TV reported on Tuesday. Namaki said that a significant number of those people were screened via the health ministry's online platform and the rest through phone calls, electronic health dossiers and online health screening systems run by the ministry. "Out of the 14 million monitored for the coronavirus infection, 73,435 had symptoms. After evaluations, 3,415 of them were referred to hospitals, out of whom 1,605 were hospitalized and the remaining were either discharged with prescriptions or sent to other centers," he said. Opinion Article 17 March 2020 Last December, over a 100 industry experts and scholars attended the 3rd Revenue Management & Pricing in Services Conference (2019 RevME Europe), hosted by the Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne in collaboration with The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO), STR, Hotel Performance and Room Price Genie. The aims of the conference were to create a unique platform for addressing issues related to Revenue Management and Pricing in the services, the role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, and lastly new approaches in revenue management education and training. What follows is a summary of the key takeaways proposed by the experts in the field. Advertisements The importance of data science in Revenue Management With experienced speakers representing, Expedia and IDeaS, all agreed on the important potential associated with using big data and artificial intelligence in revenue management, and emphasized the need to adapt the revenue management discipline to new technologies that already exist in order to become competitive on the market and maximize returns. The role of AI, machine learning and data science cannot be underestimated if the savvy traveler is to make speedy decisions and if the smart hotelier wants to forecast market occupancy, send price optimization alerts and gain insights into clientele trends. Admittedly, certain human roles are affected: with tools such as Rev+, the post of a Revenue Manager is now changing into more of a Revenue Strategist, since machines cannot be outperformed but someone is still needed to look at the bigger picture and identify goals. The rise of AI cannot replace the need for human intelligence. Examples of how Data Science can impact Revenue Management Mr. Kevin Hof , Data Scientist at RoomPriceGenie highlighted the big potential for revenue management practices in the Swiss hospitality industry, especially for small, independent hotels. He shared a case study where nine hotels experienced a 22% increase, on average, in revenue and a 4% jump, on average, in terms of ADR after adopting a pricing optimization tool. , Data Scientist at RoomPriceGenie highlighted the big potential for revenue management practices in the Swiss hospitality industry, especially for small, independent hotels. He shared a case study where nine hotels experienced a 22% increase, on average, in revenue and a 4% jump, on average, in terms of ADR after adopting a pricing optimization tool. Mr. Emanuele Mansueti , Consultant at HotelPerformance, demonstrated how tools such as Smart Pricer and Dynamitick, just two of the many pricing platforms that enable businesses in a wide range of sectors (sports, theatre, cinema and concerts), can help increase revenue by adapting prices to fluctuating demand. He also discussed the emergence of dynamic pricing on secondary markets and its implications. , Consultant at HotelPerformance, demonstrated how tools such as Smart Pricer and Dynamitick, just two of the many pricing platforms that enable businesses in a wide range of sectors (sports, theatre, cinema and concerts), can help increase revenue by adapting prices to fluctuating demand. He also discussed the emergence of dynamic pricing on secondary markets and its implications. Mr. Daniel Krisch , Senior Director at Oracle Hospitality, focused on how artificial intelligence can help to provide a better hotel guest experience. AI applied to hotel property management system (PMS) can enhance auto-room assignment, which helps to minimize operational costs while meeting guests' expectations. He also explained how the system can identify a guest's persona based on profile and transaction data mining, and predict a guest's interests. , Senior Director at Oracle Hospitality, focused on how artificial intelligence can help to provide a better hotel guest experience. AI applied to hotel property management system (PMS) can enhance auto-room assignment, which helps to minimize operational costs while meeting guests' expectations. He also explained how the system can identify a guest's persona based on profile and transaction data mining, and predict a guest's interests. Dr. Luciano Viverit, CEO of Hotelnet, showed how cloud machine learning tools such as Microsoft Azure or IBM Watson can be utilized for predictive analytics for hotels. While business intelligence is a 'descriptive' diagnostic, advanced analytics using machine learning tools are predictive and prescriptive so that decisions can be automated. The future of Revenue Management Education and Training Regarding issue of how to improve revenue management education and training, panelists agreed that there is a growing demand for well-qualified revenue managers but that the skill sets of the job are changing, hence RM education has to evolve accordingly. While good analytical skills are important, good communication skills (for sharing valuable information based on data analysis among colleagues in the organization) are even more critical. To this effect, data visualization tools can be used productively in revenue management education. Its a big shift for him personally, and his use of the bully pulpit is a new dynamic in Democrats push to shore up voting laws in key states before its too late to make a difference for them in the midterms. New Delhi [India], Mar 18 (ANI): The Indian Council of Medical Research has revised the criteria for testing coronavirus (COVID-19) patients. According to the ICMR, an individual should home quarantine himself/herself for 14 days if they develop symptoms. An expert committee met on Monday and gave its revised protocol for COVID-19 testing. Previously, on March 9, ICMR had issued testing protocol for respiratory illness and now issued a fresh testing standard for COVID-19. Prof (Dr) Balram Bhargava, Secretary, Department of Health Research and Director General, ICMR told ANI, "The fresh testing criteria for COVID19 has been finalized today. First, the current testing strategy is that all asymptomatic patients who have undertaken international travel in the last two weeks should be home quarantine for 14 days. They should be tested only if they become symptomatic with symptoms like fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. If tested positive, they should be isolated and treated as per standard protocol." Bhargava said that patients should stay at home and quarantine themselves for 14 days. They should be tested immediately if they have symptoms like fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. The third, is for all healthcare workers managing respiratory distress or Severe Acute Respiratory Illness who are showing symptoms of acute respiratory illness. "These healthcare workers should get a laboratory test for COVID-19. If these cases are tested positive, then they should be isolated and treated as per the standard protocols. As of now, we have got samples of about 25 healthcare workers. Test results are awaited," said Dr Nivedita Gupta, Scientist at ICMR. So far, India has reported 137 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Out of which, 120 are active cases, 14 patients got cured and discharged and three people lost their lives due to the virus. Last week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it has pandemic. Globally, over 1,45,000 confirmed cases have been reported and more than 5,500 people have died. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A group founded by the former CEO and executive chairman of Google is huddling with venture capitalists to discuss how they can quickly use their resources to help fight the coronavirus. Seth Bannon, a founding partner of venture capital firm Fifty Years, told CNBC in an interview that the group, Schmidt Futures, is hosting a conference call on Wednesday with philanthropists, including leaders of firms like Bannon's, to discuss groups they can start funding that are looking to combat COVID-19. Eric Braverman, CEO of Schmidt Futures, will lead the call along with and Kumar Garg, head of partnerships at Schmidt Futures, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter. The call will also include representatives of, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Sergey Brin Family Foundation, the Bridgespan Group, the Science Philanthropy Alliance, the National Science Foundation and many others, the people said. The Schmidt group, Schmidt Futures, which also lists Schmidt's wife Wendy as a co-founder on its website, describes itself as a group that "invests in and makes grants to for-profit and nonprofit organizations in order to support the most talented people and most promising ideas," including those focused on scientific breakthroughs. "This call is particularly for smaller, and more nimble funders," Bannon said. "It's for people who can write checks from $100,000 to up to $1 million, but people who can do it quickly," he added. The call is the latest of many moves being made by Silicon Valley as an extra deterrent against a virus that has led to over 5,700 cases in the United States with at least 94 deaths. Last week, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins held a call with tech leaders about the best ways they can help and invest into organizations on the front lines. Executives at the behemoths of Facebook, Apple, Alphabet and Salesforce were all invited to attend. A spokesman for Schmidt declined to comment. A Schmidt Futures representative did not return a request for comment. Still, beyond the giant tech companies, venture capital firms, often a key source of funding for startups, have become capital hubs for businesses that are trying to take on the virus. Bannon's firm has a slew of health care companies in his portfolio, and he says they expect to spend millions in investments to help fund businesses such as HelixNano, a California based biotech company that is trying to create a vaccine strategy for the coronavirus. "In the last few weeks, they've developed a broad COVID-19 vaccine strategy -- essentially a plan to make a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine that will work as the virus mutates," Bannon said. "It really does feel like an all hands on deck situationthis response has been pretty inspiring." There are at least eight other organizations that are part of Bannon's partfolio that are looking to assist in the nationwide effort, such as a company called Nurx, that previously specialized in delivering birth control but now, according to its website, are preparing to launch home testing for the coronavirus. Outside of venture capital, there are Silicon Valley backed lobbying groups, such as, that are calling on executives in the tech world for help. FWD is a bipartisan political organization that advocates for a better immigration and criminal justice system. A note FWD sent potential investors calls on business leaders to help raise funds for Global Response Management, a nonprofit that assists in medical needs in low income areas. The group, according to the memo, is looking to "immediately erect a triage operation and field hospital equivalent for care" in Mexico, close to the U.S. border. FWD's founder, Todd Schulte, told CNBC it helped raise over $400,000 so far. The organizations founders include tech power players such as Schmidt, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Greylock partner Reid Hoffman, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Email Whatsapp Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment It is true that God is a righteous Judge who will one day pour out His wrath on a rebellious world. But the overwhelming emphasis of Scripture is not on the wrath of God but rather on His mercy. As the psalmist proclaimed, The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love (Psalm 103:8). Can you imagine if Gods character was the opposite of this? If He was slow to mercy and abounding in anger? We would have been wiped out many millennia ago. As the psalmist continued, He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust (Psalm 103:914). And remember: These words were written long before the cross. Long before God displayed His love for us through His Son. Long before the perfect Savior paid for our sins. Yet the psalmist, David himself, understood the greatness of Gods mercy and kindness. And compassion and longsuffering. That is who our God is. The prophet Micah, who had much to say about divine judgment, also said this about the Lord: Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy (Micah 7:18). Our God delights to show mercy. Similarly, the prophet Ezekiel, who too prophesied about the judgment of God, said this on behalf of the Lord: Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, people of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live! (Ezekiel 18:3132) Yes, our righteous God looks for opportunities to show mercy. He desires to demonstrate His compassion. And while He will not overlook our rebellion and sin that is, if we refuse to turn away from it He is longing to forgive. The Book of Genesis contains a remarkable dialogue between the Lord and Abraham, related as a face to face conversation between the two. (See Genesis 18:16-33.) The Lord is about to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wickedness. But Abrahams nephew, Lot, lives in Sodom, along with his wife and children. So God, in His incredible condescension, wants to let Abraham know in advance, prompting Abraham to take a bold step in faith. As Genesis records, Then Abraham approached him and said: Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right? (Genesis 18:2325) What an extraordinary prayer. And what an outrageous appeal. To paraphrase, God, I know that You have every right to judge these places, but You are a righteous Judge. And that means You wont destroy the innocent along with the guilty. So, if you find 50 righteous people there, will You spare the whole population? Remarkably, the Lord the Creator and Sustainer of the universe acceded to Abrahams request: I will spare the city for the sake of the 50. But Abraham wasnt done. What if there are 45 righteous? Ill spare it, was the reply. How about 40? Abraham was really going out on a limb! Amazingly, the Lord said yes to that request as well. In fact, He said yes to every one of Abrahams requests, which ended with God agreeing to spare the entire city of Sodom if He could find just 10 righteous people in it. Sadly, He could not, so judgment was poured out. Yet we get an incredible glimpse into Gods heart towards His creation. He will bend over backwards to withhold judgment. He will give us every chance to repent. He will be incredibly longsuffering and patient. Only then will His wrath be poured out. The ultimate proof of this is found in the cross. There, rather than God pouring out His judgment on all of us yes, all of are guilty sinners in His sight He poured out judgment on His Son. Jesus took our place. Jesus bore our guilt. Jesus paid for our sins. That is the heart of the gospel. That is the heart of God. As we pray, then, for the Lords intervention in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, let us appeal to His mercy and compassion. God alone knows what caused this viral outbreak, and God alone can dramatically turn the tide. So we pray, Have mercy on us, O Lord! And grant us repentance from our sins. We have no hope outside of You. A dying man told a nurse at an aged care facility that he "didn't do anything wrong" and just "picked up his best mate with a cute little boy near a shed at Kendall school," the inquest into William Tyrrell's disappearance heard. Ray Porter told Uniting Mingaletta nurse Kirston Okpegbue he was referring to "the little boy that went missing down at Kendall", the inquest heard. William Tyrrell disappeared from Kendall on the Mid North Coast in 2014. Credit:Nine She asked if he meant William Tyrrell, and Mr Porter said yes. Asked by counsel assisting the coroner Gerard Craddock SC if Mr Porter had made a hand signal to indicate dropping something off the side of a boat, Ms Okpegbue said she didn't remember anything like that. BRADDOCK, Pa. About a year ago, Chardae Jones finally had enough money to pay off some student loans and move out of her parents house into a third-floor apartment across the street from a steel mill that helped build America. When Jones, 31, looked out her window at night at the mill Andrew Carnegie built 145 years ago, she wrote down what she saw and heard: The wailing whistles and vicious vibrations coming from the steel mill sometimes sounds like the sky is crying especially since the smoke is always bellowing out almost as if it was the Earth begging for a break Jones grew up in Braddock, a town of 2,114 people about 11 miles southeast of Pittsburgh on the Monongahela River, and last year became mayor. She was used to the pollution. What she found more troubling was U.S. Steels plan, in the works now for more than two years, to lease 10 acres to a New Mexico-based oil and gas company to extract natural gas a mile beneath the surface using a controversial drilling technique known as fracking. A lot of this area is in a flood zone, she said. Were near a river. It just seems like a recipe for disaster. As word spread, others grew suspicious of what the proposal might mean for public health. Some of them got elected to local and state office. And in January, a neighboring town revoked the gas companys permit to build part of a well site on its land. Opponents hope that might kill the proposal altogether something that one prominent local Democratic politician, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, warns could cause U.S. Steel to shut down the mill and force mass layoffs, even as the company promises to invest more than $1 billion into the mill and another Pittsburgh-area facility to make them more energy efficient. The company says the on-site natural gas source would significantly reduce its costs at a moment when the steel industry has faced new struggles. More than a decade into a natural gas boom that has driven down energy costs for consumers and literally reshaped the landscape with thousands of wells and pipelines carrying gas across the state, this pocket of Southwestern Pennsylvania is facing a reckoning over the issue. It comes as one of the leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders, has proposed a federal ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a technique for unlocking natural gas from rock formations like the Marcellus Shale with high-pressure injections of water, chemicals, and sand. Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic front-runner, has resisted a ban but called for no more drilling on federal land. Weve got to take on the fossil-fuel industry, Sanders chided Biden during a recent debate. Your plan doesnt do that. Some Democrats warn that a fracking ban would clear the way for President Donald Trump to again win the critical electoral battleground of Pennsylvania. The debate over fracking has turned into this binary choice: Either youre pro-fracking and youre evil and you want the world to burn, or youre against it and like virtue-signaling," said Fetterman, who once campaigned as a fracking opponent but supports the proposed drilling here and warns its defeat would jeopardize 3,000 family sustaining union jobs. The truth is messy, he said, speaking in his living room, where steam rising from the mill was visible through the window. The biggest collision of those two [positions] in American politics is right here in Pennsylvania. Its happening across the street there. And its happening anywhere else where you have a fringe of our party claiming you can walk away from all of this, and then at the same time lamenting: Where did all the jobs go? Where did all the union jobs go?' Or you wonder, Why are they voting for that crazy man in the red hat? Because hes not trying to run my job out of existence." As with much else in American life, tribalism and mistrust exacerbate tensions, especially when the stakes seem so high. Jobs might be at risk. If climate change is an urgent threat, the fracking opponents wonder what it says if their elected officials wont take a stand in their own backyard. We cant even have a conversation about the health impacts without you being accused of hating jobs, said State Rep. Summer Lee, whose district includes Braddock. Thats disingenuous. ... While these towns, while these people, while these workers who are in the midst of it may not be able to afford to think more long term, your politician is supposed to. Shale-industry jobs in Pennsylvania jumped from 9,143 in 2007 to 20,146 in 2016, an increase of 120%, according to a 2018 analysis by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. That doesnt include jobs indirectly linked to drilling. However, a glut of natural gas has driven down prices and slowed production. Chevron said last month it was getting out of the Appalachian basin and would eliminate 320 jobs in Pennsylvania. The politics of fracking and energy policy in a state that sits on the second-biggest natural gas reserves in the country is more nuanced than absolutist positions might indicate. Last year in historically Republican Chester County, for example, Democrats took the courthouse for the first time ever, in part because of public anger over the Mariner East pipeline, which carries natural gas from Southwest Pennsylvania. In Harrisburg, Democratic Gov. Tom Wolfs biggest second-term initiative a $4.5 billion infrastructure plan that would borrow money against future tax revenues on natural gas drillers is facing opposition from progressives who say it underwrites the states future on fossil fuels. The GOP-controlled legislature has long opposed a severance tax on drilling. The industry is one of the most powerful interest groups in state politics, having spent tens of millions of dollars on lobbying and campaign contributions. And in Philadelphia, the sale of Philadelphia Energy Solutions bankrupt and shuttered oil refinery divided building trades unions and workers against progressive Democrats and climate activists. Perhaps nowhere is the intraparty divide more pronounced than here in Allegheny County, where the Democratic mayor of Pittsburgh ignited a storm of controversy late last year by opposing any additional petrochemical companies coming to Western Pennsylvania. And the fight in Braddock is laced with tensions over racial and social justice, as some in the minority communities surrounding the proposed well say they have missed out on Big Industrys supposed economic benefits even as they have endured its health hazards. It also shows how the grassroots energy on the left activated across the country by Donald Trumps election sometimes results in conflict with old-guard party structures. All of this is unfolding as Trump campaigns for reelection declaring he has ended the war on American energy, as he put it in a speech in Pittsburgh last fall. In 2016, Trump told Pennsylvania workers he would unleash an energy revolution and bring back coal jobs. He hasnt revived coal. And however improbable some of his promises may have been, they are central to his message that he stands with the white working-class voters who helped elect him. Pennsylvania voters are split on a fracking ban, with a narrow plurality (42%) opposing it, according to a February Muhlenberg College/Morning Call poll. Fetterman, in the interview, motioned toward the steel mill and its two blast furnaces. Look over there," he said. "You think you can power that off solar panels? Its time to get real. A legacy of racial tension In the steel industrys heyday during the first half of the 20th century, Braddock was booming: 20,000 people lived in the 0.6 square-mile town, and the downtown on Braddock Avenue was filled with movie theaters and department stores. Vestiges of that time frame a wall in Summer Lees Braddock Avenue office. There are other signs of the boroughs decline: pictures of the 2010 demolition of a hospital down the street, a closing that resulted in the loss of hundreds of jobs, and baby pacifiers found in the rubble. Lee, 32, took an interest in local politics in 2017. Shed recently worked on Hillary Clintons campaign in Pennsylvania. After the election, her high school alma mater was in the news. The principal, who was white, allegedly threatened to assault a 14-year-old black student. A few months later, a school resource officer was accused of knocking another students tooth out. The school district would later settle those and other claims in federal court. The Woodland Hills School District was created in the 1980s when a federal judge ordered the integration of racially segregated school districts in the Braddock area. The new district remained under court supervision until 2003 when Lee was still in high school there. She helped organize a successful campaign for school board, then decided to run herself in 2018, for the state House against a longtime incumbent. She planned to center her campaign around education. Then Lee, who grew up in North Braddock and now lives in nearby Swissvale, learned about the fracking proposal at U.S. Steels Edgar Thomson Works mill. It was like the one thing that galvanized people, she said. We already have among the worst air quality in the nation," Lee added, speaking before the coronavirus outbreak hit in Pennsylvania. "We already have disproportionately high asthma and cancer and respiratory illness rates. We already have blight. We already have poor infrastructure. The shale gas boom may have contributed $21 billion to the economy in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia between 2004 and 2016, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found. But most of those benefits flowed to rural areas, and the researchers also linked drilling to as many as 4,600 premature deaths associated with air pollution, and billions of dollars worth of environmental costs concentrated in urban areas. When the fracking proposal came, everybody was like, Thats one more thing thats going to harm us, Lee said. U.S. Steel says the well would enhance the long-term competitiveness of its Pittsburgh-area facilities. The driller, Merrion Oil & Gas, says it would comply with state environmental regulations and hire local contractors to ensure the safe and proper execution of the project while taking all steps necessary to be good environmental stewards. Lee defeated a 20-year incumbent with 68% of the vote in the 2018 Democratic primary. She became the first black woman ever to represent Southwestern Pennsylvania in the legislature. The same year, Fetterman, whod served as mayor of Braddock since 2006, was elected lieutenant governor. A police shooting emboldens an activist While Lee was waging her primary campaign, another political newcomer was mobilizing. Jonathan Reyes, now 32, had been living in public housing his whole life, most recently in McKeesport. He not only was used to hearing gunshots every day, he knew firsthand how devastating they could be: In 2009, Reyes was eating pizza with a friend when, he says, a gun he carried for protection accidentally went off, killing his friend. Reyes ultimately pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor involuntary-manslaughter charge. A decade later, he had become active in antiviolence initiatives and was married with five kids. I didnt want to live in a community where its no longer a shock when somebody gets shot, said Reyes, who works at the Braddock Carnegie Library. Reyes did some research and decided East Pittsburgh would be safer. He bought a house there in March 2018. But on June 19, 2018, a white East Pittsburgh police officer shot and killed Antwon Rose II, an unarmed black teenager who had fled the scene of a traffic stop. Officer Michael Rosfeld was acquitted of homicide charges last year. A bystander captured the shooting on video, bringing national attention. Reyes, who later learned that Rose had taught his niece gymnastics, marched in protests. Around the time of the shooting, Reyes also learned about the fracking proposal at U.S. Steels facility. The unconventional well site would span parts of three municipalities: North Versailles, East Pittsburgh, and North Braddock. Reyes started knocking on neighbors doors and found that no one knew about the plan. He decided to run for the local council. Reyes connected with other grassroots activists. By the time the group North Braddock Residents for Our Future caught wind of the new proposal, the towns of North Versailles and East Pittsburgh persuaded by a new revenue opportunity had already voted to approve permits for Merrion Oil & Gas. Merrion still needed permits from the state. Activists, frustrated by what they described as a lack of transparency, held meetings, educated the public, and pressed for more information. Their prodding led to a March 2019 meeting held by the state DEP, U.S. Steel, and Merrion. Officials explained to hundreds of residents that Merrion wanted to drill a well 6,700 feet underground and extend it laterally 10,000 feet, or almost two miles, into the Marcellus Shale formation. Residents expressed concern that the proposed well was near a densely populated area and a flood-prone river. New Mexico-based Merrion had never drilled an unconventional well, and had never drilled any kind of well in Pennsylvania. Merrion says it has operated hundreds of wells over 60 years and would hire local consultants and contractors that have a tremendous amount of experience and expertise in drilling unconventional horizontal wells in Southwest Pennsylvania. In Braddock and East Pittsburgh, the population is predominantly black, and more than 30% live below the poverty line more than double the state average. In November, Reyes and another anti-fracking candidate were elected to the East Pittsburgh Council. When they took office in January, the council voted to revoke Merrions permit issued in December 2017 declaring it had expired. Merrion is appealing the decision to the East Pittsburgh zoning board. A hearing is set for March 31. In an email, Merrion operations manager Ryan Davis said the company is moving forward with its plan to drill. Davis said drilling near a floodplain is common and proven to be safe in practice when state regulations have been complied with, and we will be in compliance. A spokesperson for the state Department of Environmental Protection said Merrions permit applications remained under review. I see where youre coming from The fight isnt over. Lee is facing a primary challenge from a North Braddock councilman who supports the fracking proposal and says hes running to support Gov. Tom Wolfs progressive agenda. Last month, the Allegheny County Democratic Party and the Allegheny-Fayette Central Labor Council endorsed the challenger, Chris Roland. Building trades unions have supported pro-fracking candidates, citing construction jobs associated with big projects like a Shell petrochemical plant being built 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. The fear was... that if that fracking didnt come, they were proposing to shut down the mills, Lee said. "I think thats disingenuous. I dont think U.S. Steel is going to do that. A spokesperson for U.S. Steel said that beyond reaffirming the companys commitment to the region, it would not be appropriate for us to respond further to speculation about natural gas exploration plans that have not been approved or finalized. Yet there are signs of hope for collaboration. Just the other day, Mayor Jones of Braddock, the one who wrote the poem about the steel mill, met with a steelworker at a taco place on Braddock Avenue. Steelworkers Local 1219, which represents hundreds of workers at the Edgar Thomson mill, is creating an environmental committee and wants to inform the community about whats going on at the mill, he told her. (The unions president didnt return messages seeking comment.) Jones explained her concerns about fracking to the steelworker. He was like, Yeah, I see where youre coming from, she said. He was a nice guy. I understand why some of the steelworkers get upset, or get antsy, when people say things like fracking is bad," Jones said. "A lot of the steelworkers have been there so long. ... That is their career. You dont want anyone to jeopardize your career. Cohesion Policy: over 1.4 billion in 14 sustainable projects (17 March 2020) - Today the European Commission has approved an investment package worth more than 1.4 billion of EU funds in 14 large infrastructure projects in 7 Member States. The countries concerned are namely Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain. The projects cover several key areas such as environment, health, transport and energy for a smarter, low-carbon Europe. They represent a massive investment to boost the economy, protect the environment and improve citizens' quality of life and social well-being. More information Yves here. Were far from alone in calling out reductions in polling places in low-income and left-leaning areas, such as with high student populations, as vote suppression. Making people stand in long lines to vote is great way to make sure that some and likely many punt. Another trick is moving a polling station at the last minute. Voters show up at the wrong spot and dont feel they have the time slack to deal with going to the correct location. This is particularly true for those who show up before they go to work. And its not as if Republicans are the only ones to suppress votes via these polling games. I heard of plenty of this sort of thing in Democrat-owned New York State. But I have to point out that Shelby County is a stones throw from where I live now. By Joshua F.J. Inwood, Associate Professor of Geography Senior Research Associate in the Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University and Derek H. Alderman, a Friend of The Conversation and Professor of Geography, University of Tennessee. Originally published at The Conversation Delays and long lines at polling places during recent presidential primary elections such as voters in Texas experienced represent the latest version of decades-long policies that have sought to reduce the political power of African Americans in the U.S. Following the Civil War and the extension of the vote to African Americans, state governments worked to block black people, as well as poor whites, from voting. One way they tried to accomplish this goal was through poll taxes an amount of money each voter had to pay before being allowed to vote. This practice was abolished by the passage of the 24th Amendment in 1964. Further protections for nonwhite voters came with the Voting Rights Act, which closely followed the Selma to Montgomery civil rights protest marches 55 years ago, in March 1965. But in recent years, new barriers have gone up that, we believe, constitute a new type of poll tax on working people and minority voters. We are scholars of the American civil rights movement, including the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committees voting rights efforts. Unlike past poll taxes, the modern poll tax isnt paid in money, but in time how long it takes a person to get to a polling place, and, once there, how long it takes for them to actually cast their ballot. Securing the Right to Vote Almost immediately after the 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote in 1870, state governments in the South passed a series of laws seeking to limit freed blacks voting power. In addition, white supremacist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan used violence to intimidate African Americans from casting ballots. This situation remained largely unchallenged for almost a century, until the 1960s, when the years of protest by the civil rights movement bore fruit in the abolition of poll taxes and federal protection of citizens voting rights. Creating a New Poll Tax Since the 1960s, there have been efforts by state and local officials to limit these hard-won victories. The most recent chapter in this battle is the 2013 Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder, which lifted restrictions on states that have historically blocked African Americans from voting, so state governments no longer need to seek federal approval before taking actions that might disproportionately harm black citizens right to vote. Since the Shelby County decision, local election boards and state governments have closed over 1,600 polling places. That is approximately 8% of total voting locations within jurisdictions affected by the Shelby decision. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, a bipartisan independent study group started in 1957, found that states claimed polling-place closures were intended to save money, centralize voting operations, and complying with Americans with Disabilities Act but really the goal was reducing voter turnout, particularly among minority voters who were historically disenfranchised. Using publicly available data, federal lawsuits brought against states and counties the report documents clear patterns of discrimination. These closures, often done with little notice or public accountability, have occurred across communities of varying racial and demographic characteristics. What unites these places are the costs they impose on voting from longer wait times to transportation obstacles experienced disproportionately by voters of color, older voters, rural voters, voters with disabilities and poor working people in general. In the 2016 election, for instance, scholars at UCLA found that voters in black neighborhoods waited, on average, 29% longer to vote than voters in predominantly white communities. The study found, Even within the same county, voters in a hypothetical all-black precinct would wait 15 percent longer than voters in an all-white precinct. The study found voters in majority black precincts were far more likely to wait longer than half an hour to cast a ballot than voters in majority white precincts. A study of the 2012 election found that the voters who waited in long lines paid, collectively, over half a billion dollars in lost wages. Considering Time We believe that polling place closures represent a modern-day version of the poll tax. In our view, access to polling places is a key element of citizens right to vote. People need fair and equitable access to places to vote and determining what that means should include time and travel costs imposed on voters. This would expand traditional understandings of access to polling places beyond narrow legal opinions and take into account the full range of racial and class barriers to being able to participate in U.S. democracy. Everybodys time is valuable. But wait times have different effects depending upon a persons socioeconomic status. Working people calculate daily how much time, if any, they can afford to be away from their hourly wage job. Interminable waits at polling places may not fit in the schedule with a second or third job. Work supervisors may not excuse a late arrival or an absence. A working person may feel pressure to leave a polling place before casting a ballot, just to get to work on time and keep the money coming in. Importantly, the Supreme Courts Shelby County ruling did not invalidate all of the Voting Rights Act. Rather, it threw out the method by which the federal government could determine which areas of the country had policies that resulted in widespread voter disenfranchisement. Congress could enact new legislation detailing a new method of making that determination, which would then restore federal oversight to states that create barriers to voting. However because of our federal system where states have direct oversight of elections many of these decisions ultimately take place at the local and state level. As a result, election officials need to work in transparent ways with diverse communities to ensure that changes to voting locations do not disproportionately limit minority access. In addition, states could also ensure equal access to voting by creating, or expanding, early voting periods, and making it possible to vote by mail. Vogue Williams has been seen for the first time since announcing that she is expecting her second child with husband Spencer Matthews. The Irish presenter, 34, shielded her growing baby bump in a cosy black padded coat as she took her dog Winston for a walk in Chelsea on Tuesday. On Monday Vogue announced that she was five-and-a-half months pregnant with a baby girl, two years after she and Spencer welcomed their son Theodore. Glowing: Vogue Williams, 34, stepped out for the first time since announcing that she is pregnant with her second child, as she walked her dog Winston in West London on Tuesday Vogue cut a casual figure in a cosy black padded jacket as she walked Winston in the sunshine. The expectant star teamed her relaxed look with skinny black leggings and trainers as she chatted on her phone during the low-key stroll. Sweeping her blonde tresses into a chic up-do, Vogue didn't seem to be letting the coronavirus outbreak prevent her from going about her daily errands. Casual: The Irish presenter shielded her growing baby bump in a cosy black padded coat as she walked her pet pooch in the sunshine Exciting times: On Sunday, Vogue and Spencer announced that they were expecting their second child, two years after welcoming son Theodore (pictured December 2018) Expectant: The star didn't seem concerned about the recent coronavirus outbreak as she headed out for the day Mr and Mrs: Vogue and Spencer married in 2018, after learning that they were expecting their first child On Sunday Vogue and Spencer announced the exciting news that they are expecting a baby girl. The Irish beauty and the former Made In Chelsea star, 31, announced the happy news in HELLO! magazine after welcoming their son Theodore in September 2018. Vogue revealed she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - a condition which affects a woman's ovaries. Out and about: Vogue cut a casual figure in a cosy black padded jacket as she walked Winston in the sunshine She told the publication: 'We're delighted. It's so exciting but kind of scary to think we're going to have another newborn. There's no doubt that I feel lucky to be having another baby.' The TV host - who revealed she was expecting Theodore at the three-month mark in March 2018 - revealed the couple have been trying to conceive since last summer and decided to 'keep it under wraps for longer' as the pregnancy 'hasn't been as straight forward the last one'. Vogue said: 'It was certainly a different path for us this time, so it's really nice to be here and talking about it now. I wouldn't say alarm bells were going off, but we did wonder how we could make it work a bit more efficiently.' Cute: Speaking about her impending arrival, Vogue admitted she has already bought 'an obscene amount of clothes' for her daughter PCOS is a common condition that affects how a woman's ovaries work, with symptoms including excess androgen, polycystic ovaries and irregular periods - which can make it difficult to get pregnant as a result of irregular/failed ovulation. Looking ahead to welcoming their new addition, the Jump star - who previously made a pregnancy pact with mother-to-be Millie Mackintosh - said she has already bought 'an obscene amount of clothes' for her daughter, branding her unborn child 'my little doll'. On experimenting with 'exotic' names, Clean Liquor Company founder Spencer shared: 'There won't be any degree of stupidity to the name though. I think you can be fresh, and new and different, but it has got a bit silly in a few cases. So we'll try and rein it in.' A woman crosses the millennium bridge wearing a face mask for protection against the corona virus in London, England on March 16, 2020. (Justin Setterfield/Getty Images) Newark Mayor: Officials Searching for Coronavirus Patient Who Gave Fake Name A coronavirus patient who went to Newarks East Orange General Hospital in New Jersey gave a false name and a false address to doctors, prompting the citys mayor to urge her to come forward. Because you gave a false namebecause you gave a false addressyou put yourself and many, many people at risk, Newark Mayor Ras Baraka said in a video on Tuesday. Not only just in the City of Newark, but all of the surrounding cities in this state as well. He said the patient, a female, tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. But she provided a false name and a Newark address, Baraka said. When police arrived at the Newark address, they found no sign of the woman, the mayor said. As of today, she has not been identified, he repeated, later describing her as a young lady. Newark officials are now working to obtain a court order to force East Orange General Hospital to give them a video and other information about the woman. We still have no knowledge of who this individual is, Baraka said, adding that she is a public health threat due to her positive test. If you are that person and you went to East Orange General Hospital, and you were sick and were tested the coronavirus test came back positive, the mayor pleaded. I am urging you to contact a health provider [or] go back to East Orange General Hospital if you can. Baraka didnt say whether the woman will face any charges. This is not a joke, he said. This is a very, very, very serious matter. Reports said that at least 178 cases of COVID-19, which emerged in mainland China last year, have been confirmed in New Jersey. As of Tuesday afternoon, at least 20 positive cases have been confirmed in Essex County, according to a New Jersey Department of Health tracker. In Newark, the states largest city, authorities said a male resident in his 50s tested positive for the virus and was self-quarantined at his home, reported However, most of the states COVID-19 cases have been identified in Bergen County, authorities have said. Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco said the county is planning to close malls, non-essential retailers, and wants to ban groups of four or more people. They are to be implemented on Saturday starting at 8 a.m. As I said yesterday, while these may seem like extraordinary measures, these are extraordinary times. Our procedures make every attempt to be consistent with State guidelines, but we must remember that the severity of the situation in Bergen County is greater than any other area in the state, he said in a statement to the Daily Voice. On March 12, Russias Severnaya Verf (a subsidiary of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC) launched the Project 20380 (Steregushchiy-class) corvette Retivy (Strenuous), according to the enterprise. Project 20380 corvette Retivy (Picture source: Petr Kovalev / TASS) The Retivy is the seventh ship of the Steregushchiy class and the fifth Project 20380 corvette built at the Severnaya Verf. The surface combatant is being built for the Russian Navys (VMFs) Black Sea Fleet. The first four Project 20380 naval platforms, namely, Steregushchy (Excubant), Soobrazitelny (Quickwitted), Boiky (Brisk), and Stoiky (Uncrushable), were issued to the Baltic Fleet. The corvette Retivy (factory number 1,007) was laid at the Severnaya Verf on February 12, 2015, along with its sister ship - Strogy (Stern; factory number 1,008). In October 2017, the ships hull was formed; in March 2018, it was fitted with powerplants and speed reduction gears. In February 2020, the platform was moved from a covered berth to a floating dock to have its bulbous radome, ship stabilizer, and steering system installed. The launch will be followed by the tugging of the Retivy to a building berth for outfitting. The enterprise will start to load cable runs, outfit the crew compartment, and install communications, navigation, and armament systems. The mooring tests of the Retivy are scheduled for late 2020. The ships crew will be trained at the Navys Joint Training Center under the programs, which incorporate the latest technical solutions (including those in the field of radars) introduced to the design of the new surface combatant. "The backlog of orders from the USC subsidiaries and, in particular, Severnaya Verf will provide the enterprise with workload for the following decade at least. We will lay the keels of new frigates soon," said Deputy Defense Minister Alexey Krivoruchko at the launching ceremony. "The [Project 20380] ships have shown decent performance as reliable naval platforms with high combat potential. It is a good series of ships <> The Severnaya Verfs main task is the building of corvettes; however, the laying down of frigates keels is also suggested," added the Navys Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov. "Two our ships are passing through their trials in the North. We are planning to finish them and deliver the platforms to the Navy," said Severnaya Verf Director General Igor Ponomaryov. According to him, Russia is now serially building blue-water ships, reducing those platforms costs and terms of construction. According to President of the USC Alexey Rakhmanov, the Project 20380 corvettes feature high effectiveness. "These ships will be built at Russian shipyards. Moreover, Severnaya Verf is waiting for a large modernization," he said. Compared to the first Project 20380 corvettes, the Retivy features an improved radar and modified structures. "Both Retivy and Strogy will be fitted with a new radio-technical suite and a more powerful electronic warfare station," said then-acting Navys Deputy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov during the official ceremony of the laying of the abovementioned corvettes keels. The Project 20380 type ship, Steregyshchy (factory number 1,001), was laid in December 2001 at Severnaya Verf. The ship was launched in May 2006, and the Navy commissioned it in early 2008. Then the enterprise laid the keels of three more such naval platforms, namely, Soobrazitelny (factory number 1,002; laid down in May 2003, launched in March 2010, and commissioned in October 2011), Boiky (factory number 1,003; laid down in May 2005 launched in April 2011, and commissioned in May 2013), and Stoiky (factory number 1,004; laid down in November 2006, launched in May 2012, and commissioned in July 2014). The Amur Shipbuilding Plant laid the keels of two more corvettes, namely, Sovershenny (factory number 2,101; laid down in June 2006, launched in May 2015, and commissioned in July 2017) and Gromkiy (factory number 2,102; laid down in April 2012, launched in July 2017, and commissioned in December 2018). All the aforementioned ships feature a common radio-technical suite. The first Project 20380 corvettes were fitted with the Monument-A fire-control radar (FCR) and the Furke-2 radar, with both sensors mounted on a foremast in radio transparent radomes. The corvettes were also equipped with the 5P-01-02 Puma (Cougar) bow structure-mounted FCR. Both baseline and modernized Project 20380 corvettes (except for the Steregushchy) have the same armament suite, which comprises the Uran missile system with the 3M-24 anti-ship missiles (the Uran incorporates several inclined four-cell 3S-24 launchers mounted behind the bow structure) and the Redut naval surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The Redut integrates three four-cell 3S.97 vertical launch systems (VLSs) and is armed with four types of SAMs, including the short-range 9M100E, the medium-range 9M96E, and the long-range 9M96E2 and 9M96E2-1. These highly maneuverable missiles have been unified with the S-350 Vityaz (Noble Knight) SAM system. It should be mentioned that the Steregushchy features the 3M87-1 Kortik-M naval anti-aircraft gun-missile system instead of the 3S.97 VLSs. The ships are also armed with two AK-630 30 mm close-in weapon systems, which are mounted in the aft part of each board. The Project 20380 corvettes carry a bow-mounted A-190 100 mm naval gun. The Paket system with two SM-588 324 mm eight-cell launchers incorporating either anti-torpedoes or compact anti-submarine torpedoes maintains the anti-submarine warfare capabilities of the surface combatants. A hangar and a helicopter pad for a Kamov Ka-27-family (Helix-A) rotorcraft are mounted in the aft part of the ships. In the early 2010s, the military decided to build a series of the Project 20385 corvettes armed with the 3S-14 VLS for the Kalibr SS-N-27 Sizzler and Oniks SS-N-26 Strobile missiles and 16 3S.97 cells of the Redut SAM system. The new ships were supposed to be powered by MTU powerplants; however, the cooperation with the German company was ceased in 2014 after the imposing of Western sanctions. By then, the industry had laid down the keels of only two ships, namely, Gremyashchy (factory number 1,005; laid down in April 2012, launched in July 2017, and commissioned in December 2018) and Provorny (factory number 1,006; laid down in July 2013). Despite the replacement of the MTU engines with diesel powerplants built by the Kolomna Plant, there is no plan to continue the series of Project 20385 ships. One can strongly suggest that the cessation of the Project 20385 program has resulted in the construction of more Project 20380 corvettes with an upgraded mast-mounted multifunctional radar developed by JSC Zaslon. The shipbuilding industry is now building four modified Project 20380 surface combatants, including two at Severnaya Verf (Retivy and Strogy) and two at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Hero of the Russian Federation Aldan Tsidenzhapov (factory number 2,103; laid down in July 2015 and launched in October 2019. The ships commissioning is scheduled for 2020) and Rezky (factory number 2,104; laid down in July 2016. The ships launch and commissioning are scheduled for 2020 and 2021, respectively). At the Army 2019 military-technical forum held in Kubinka near Moscow in June 2019, a representative of JSC Zaslon told TASS that the company was manufacturing six multifunctional radars for two Project 20385 corvettes and four such devices for Project 20380 ships. The new all-round radar comprises a control system, a multifunctional X-band radar with non-rotating active electronically scanned arrays (AESAs), an S-band radar with a rotating AESA, a multifunctional radio-technical environment control radar, and a naval artillery control device. The new multifunctional radar employs electronic scanning of beam patterns and special regimes and algorithms of observation and target detection and tracking, providing rapid reaction, high information-handling capacity, and good accuracy of target designation. In active mode, the radar works in X- and S-bands at a distance of up to 200 km and at an altitude of up to 30 km. The sensor can detect a vehicle with a radar cross-section of less than 1 m at a distance of up to 75 km in a jamming-free environment. The radar tracks up to 200 targets. In passive mode, the system works in L-, S-, C-, X, and Ku-bands, detecting emitting radars at a distance of up to 300 km. When detecting aerial targets, the radar works in S-, C-, X-, and Ku-bands and tracks more than 100 targets simultaneously. The modernized Project 20380 corvette also lacks an aft structure-mounted mast after the stack. The bow-mounted antenna post of the Puma FCS has been removed as all the radar sensors of the ship are installed in the integrated mast-tower construction. LANSING, MI -- In Lansing and a growing number of communities, if someone steals from your garage during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, police probably wont respond in person. Limiting public interaction, or social distancing, is a growing trend as police agencies across the state pivot to maintain public safety while protecting law enforcement and citizens from the potential spread of coronoavirus. Lansing Police Chief Daryl Green in a March 12 coronavirus exposure mitigation memo said his officers, until further notice, wont respond in person to reports of larceny; property destruction; retail fraud, if a suspect isnt known or the value of the theft is under $1,000; attempted break-ins or break-ins at unoccupied buildings, including garages or vacant homes; ID theft when the victim isnt financially harmed and reimbursed by their bank; harassing phone calls or emails; credit card theft if the charges arise outside Lansing and calls of lost property. Reports for those crimes may instead be entered on the citys website or via phone. Lansing isnt alone. Meridian Township issued a similar statement Friday, stating: The Meridian Township Police Department will limit in-person responses to calls in certain situations but will continue to respond to all violent and in-progress crimes. While the Oakland County Sheriffs Office didnt announce plans to limit deputy response for certain crime reports, it is limiting public access to offices and other facilities. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Sheriffs Office is asking the public to try and limit coming in for certain Sheriffs Office services when possible, the Oakland County Sheriffs Office said in a statement issued Monday. All citizens are encouraged to visit the Sheriffs Office website for the most up-to-date information on changes to services. The Oakland County Jail canceled on-site video visits with prisoners and is instead offering a remote, online video service that allows prisoners one free remote visit per week." All on-site visits ... have been suspended with the exception of an emergency and crime reporting, Grosse Pointe Farms Police said in an announcement Monday. Citizens will not be able to come into the station for fingerprints, purchase permits, visitation or any other services. In Montcalm County, 911 dispatchers are collecting more than immediately pertinent emergency information. Theyre asking callers about possible symptoms of illness and notifying medics, firefighters or police if there is any chance the victim might be showing signs of coronavirus infection. In an effort to promote safety for everyone involved, a new line of questioning has been introduced to our call in-take process, Montcalm County Central Dispatch posed to its Facebook page Monday. "Until further notice, we will be asking questions about the health and exposure risk of all of our 911 and business line callers where a responder could potentially have face to face contact with the public. We assure you that our added questioning is not going to slow down response times. Montcalm County Sheriff Mike Williams said his deputies, once notified of a possible health risk, are able to take further precautions to protect themselves, such as using gloves and keeping a safe distance from those at the scene, if possible. Like anyone with any communicable disease, we ask they disinfect their gear and their cars, anything they touch, and they wear gloves or other personal protection equipment, he said. Williams said interviews with suspects and witnesses, when possible, are being conducted off site. The agency is no longer conducting fingerprinting for CPL licenses, limits the office to essential personnel," is restricting police transporting of arrested suspects to the booking area, halting work-release programs and ending weekend-only incarceration. Williams, a law enforcement veteran of 24 years, said he recalls working through past pandemics, like the 2009 spread of the H1N1 virus, but said, weve never seen anything like this. There is not across-the-board consistency regarding how agencies across the state are handling in-person contacts, nonviolent crime reporting or jail policies. PREVENTION TIPS Michigans State Emergency Operations Center is coordinating state-government resources and the response to the coronavirus spread. It has shared the following tips: What you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases: Always cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. For statewide and national information on the virus, visit or Stay home if you are sick and advise others to do the same. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if soap and warm water are not available. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (computers, keyboards, desks, etc.). Its not too late to get your flu shot! While the influenza vaccine does not protect against COVID-19 infection, it can help keep you healthy during the flu season. READ MORE: Complete coverage at Michigan lifts weight restrictions to promote coronavirus supply deliveries Michigan confirmed coronavirus cases at 54 Michigan allowing curbside marijuana pickup amid coronavirus concerns Michigan coronavirus case count up to 53, including 1 child Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to orders bars, restaurants to close dine-in services over coronavirus concerns Timeline of coronavirus in Michigan: How did we get here? Officials from both sides in war of words over origin of coronavirus, with Trump calling it Chinese Virus. A spat between Washington and Beijing over the coronavirus pandemic escalated when United States President Donald Trump angered China by referring to the pathogen as the Chinese Virus. The two countries have sparred over the origin of the virus for days, with a Chinese official promoting theories claiming it was brought to China by the US army and Washington officials using terms seen as stigmatising a nation. The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus, Trump tweeted on Monday night. Trumps allies had previously referred to the pandemic as the Chinese coronavirus. On Tuesday, China said it was strongly indignant over the phrase, which it called a kind of stigmatisation. The US should immediately stop its unjustified accusations against China, foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters, adding that the US should first take care of its own matters, referring to the growing outbreak there. R acist and xenophobic A commentary by the official Xinhua news agency said using racist and xenophobic names to cast blame for the outbreak on other countries can only reveal politicians irresponsibility and incompetence which will intensify virus fears. The war of words reignited diplomatic tensions between the two countries, which have tussled over trade and other disputes since Trump took office. His comments were criticised inside the US, with warnings it could incite a backlash against the Asian-American community. Our Asian-American communities people YOU serve are already suffering. They dont need you fueling more bigotry, tweeted New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose state is one of the hardest-hit by the virus in the US. 20012A5070959786 The World Health Organization (WHO) said more cases and deaths had been reported in the rest of the world now than in China. The new coronavirus was first detected late last year, with Chinas own health officials initially saying its source was a live animal market in the central city of Wuhan, whose government had initially tried to cover up the outbreak. But China has sought to distance itself from the virus, saying the origin is still unknown, while seeking global goodwill by offering aid to countries facing serious outbreaks. Pompeo slams China US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in a phone call he initiated with top Chinese official Yang Jiechi, voiced anger that Beijing used official channels to shift blame for COVID-19 to the United States, the State Department said. On Friday, US State Department summoned the Chinese ambassador, Cui Tiankai, to denounce Beijings promotion of a conspiracy theory that had gained wide attention on social media. 200316234425373 A senior Chinese foreign ministry official, Zhao Lijian, suggested on Twitter last week that patient zero in the global pandemic may have come from the US. It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation, tweeted Zhao, who is known for his provocative statements on social media. Last week, Republican Congressman Paul Gosar announced his self-quarantine has stirred a debate on by calling the coronavirus the Wuhan virus, referring to the Chinese city where the virus is believed to have originated. Pompeo himself has sought to link China to the global pandemic, repeatedly referring to the Wuhan virus phrase despite advice from health professionals that such geographic labels can be stigmatising. Yang issued a stern warning to the United States that any scheme to smear China will be doomed to fail, Xinhua said in its summary of the call with Pompeo. The key Chinese foreign policy leader noted that some US politicians have frequently slandered China and its anti-epidemic efforts and stigmatised the country, which has enraged the Chinese people, Xinhua said. Yang called on the US side to correct its wrongful behaviour. On the eve of a set of primaries that could decide his future as a presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has fallen 20 points behind Joe Biden in the crucial state of Arizona a newly competitive state the Democrats are hoping to flip in November. The polls have also put Mr Sanders behind in the other major states voting on 18 March: Illinois, Florida and Ohio. While Ohio has postponed its primary out of fears voting could aid the spread of coronavirus, the other two states will be going ahead. Yet even as Mr Sanders looks set for his third Tuesday in a row losing badly to Mr Biden, he and his campaign have been hitting their opponent with everything theyve got. While the Democratic debate two nights before the primaries was overshadowed by the growing coronavirus crisis, the Sanders campaign were ready to pounce on all opportunities to lay into Mr Bidens voting record. Mr Sanderss Twitter feed slammed Mr Bidens voting record as a Senator. Joe, be honest, read one, You have tried to cut Social Security for 40 years. #DemDebate. Another took the argument wider: I voted against the Defense of Marriage Act. Biden voted for it. I voted against the war in Iraq. Biden voted for it. I voted against NAFTA and PNTR. Biden voted for them. It takes courage sometimes to do the right thing. #DemDebate Others advised followers to go to the YouTube and watch old clips of Mr Biden and Mr Sanders in their congressional days advancing different stances on social security. And on the night before the primaries, Mr Sanderss campaign held a livestreamed digital rally featuring celebrities including Darryl Hannah and Neil Young, as well as a speech by the candidate that reiterated his campaign is winning the generational battle albeit with caveats. Now for whatever reason and I plead guilty to this, maybe its some of my own doings, or lack of doings were doing poorly with older people. Thats simply a fact. And I gotta work on that, because in truth, the agenda we have is the strongest agenda for senior citizens in this country nonetheless, were not doing well with seniors. But you know where we are doing well, phenomenally well? Im talking about 70, 80 per cent support among younger people in this country. And it is the younger people who will determine the future of this country. However, they will not in all probability determine the next Democratic candidate. Write-ups of Mr Sanderss performance on Super Tuesday and then mini-Tuesday a week later almost universally counted him out of the fight for the nomination. The night of the 10 March primaries, on which he won only the delegate-poor North Dakota, Mr Sanders declined to give a speech. Instead he repaired to Burlington, Vermont, where he gave a televised address the next day. That speech was widely read as only just short of a full concession, Mr Sanders acknowledging that his campaign was losing the arithmetical contest that will actually decide the nomination even as he was at pains to argue he was winning the generational argument. Still, just before Arizonas polls opened, Brianna Westbrook, the campaigns co-chair in the state, took a defiant and optimistic tone: This week, Democrats will have an important choice to make. And the contrast between those two choices couldnt be any starker. Well be either accepting politics as usual or voting for a new vision, for a big, bold structural change to rise to this unprecedented moment in American politics. I for one will be voting for that new vision, and I am asking you to join me. LONDON and LOS ANGELES, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading independent wealth management group James Hambro & Partners (JH&P) has selected global FinTech firm InvestCloud to support a digital transformation that will put it far ahead of most peers in the way it communicates to clients. The London-based manager, which has over 3.4 bn assets under management, is embarking on the biggest technology spend in its 10-year history. InvestCloud is a platform for the development of digital financial, pre-integrated cloud solutions and supports more than US$2 trillion in assets. JH&P will use the InvestCloud Blue suite of apps to enable digital client communication, automation and management. InvestCloud Blue digitises client onboarding, engagement and advice, including financial planning and reporting, giving managers a comprehensive view of all clients. InvestCloud will also empower intuitive and responsive client experiences tailored for specific client bases. Using InvestCloud's experience with Iress Pulse, alongside its modular and scalable software, JH&P expects to achieve significant cost savings through client onboarding automation. Andy Steel, CEO of JH&P, said: "We have an increasingly complex client base and we have to deliver a flexible technology solution that allows people to absorb our services in the way that best suits them. If that's sitting across the table having a one-to-one discussion that's great we're always going to be here for that traditional approach. But busy people on the move want to absorb data in different ways. They want information at their fingertips in a format they can configure to best suit them." He added: "We chose InvestCloud because it's the only FinTech company that we think has solved the digital transformation needs of the investment management industry. We wanted to modernise our client and adviser digital experiences without increasing our IT department. InvestCloud's innovative solutions will help us future-proof the way that we serve our adviser clients and their end-investor clients alike. Client growth and retention is paramount along with operational efficiency and InvestCloud enables these." InvestCloud's financial digital solutions provides clients with intuitive financial platforms and an ever-expanding library of modular apps. The company's Programs Writing Programs (PWP) technology enables the customisation at a scale that JH&P requires. John Wise, InvestCloud's Co-founder, CEO and Chairman, said: "As a well-respected discretionary fund manager in the UK with a strong digital vision, James Hambro & Partners is a welcome addition to our strategic client base. By using the InvestCloud platform, the firm will be able to leap-frog the competition. InvestCloud will help it significantly advance not only the way that it communicates with its professional adviser clients and how they, in turn communicate with their investor clients but also how it onboards clients. This will bring significant operational efficiency to its growth strategy. Andy's team has the digital ambition to drive significant success, and we are excited to be working with them." About James Hambro & Partners LLP James Hambro & Partners is an independently owned wealth management group established in 2010 by Jamie Hambro and long-serving industry experts. The founding partners wanted to create a wealth manager that offered the high standards of personal service often associated with smaller businesses, while delivering strong investment performance by capturing the best aspects of expertise and process found the best large, less-personal investment houses. A growing number of professional advisers now outsource investment management to the group, which also manages money for charities and not-for-profit organisations. JH&P also offers financial planning and wealth management to private clients. The firm, which has 3.4bn assets under management, has won a host of industry awards for performance and service and was most recently named Discretionary Fund Manager of the Year in the Professional Adviser awards. About InvestCloud Inc. InvestCloud is a global company specializing in digital platforms that enable the development of financial solutions, pre-integrated into the Cloud. The company offers on-demand client experiences and intuitive operations solutions using an ever-expanding library of modular apps, resulting in powerful products. Headquartered in Los Angeles with additional offices in New York, Toronto and London, InvestCloud supports more than $2 trillion in assets across 700+ diverse clients from some of the biggest banks in the world, wealth managers, institutional investors and institutional asset managers to family offices, asset services companies and financial platforms. For more information, visit SOURCE InvestCloud Related Links A state employee working at the Hughes Justice Complex in Trenton, which houses both the New Jersey Supreme Court and the state Attorney Generals Office, has tested positive for coronavirus, NJ Advance Media has learned. On Sunday, state authorities notified employees that one of their colleagues had tested positive for COVID-19 over the weekend." It was among the first cases in New Jersey of state workers contracting the illness. The employee had no symptoms while in the office, but out of an abundance of caution, all areas where the employee had been in the building on Thursday were cleaned, including the first floor, the cafeteria area, the 4th, 5th and part of the 6th floors, the email said, according to a copy obtained by NJ Advance Media. A spokeswoman for Attorney General Gurbir Grewal confirmed the content of the email but declined to comment further. The sick worker was identified in a second email obtained by the news organization as an employee of the Division of Criminal Justice, which oversees major criminal investigations and prosecutions across the state. The first email assured workers at the justice complex that it was safe. The building has been cleared for use, and employees are expected to report for duty as in the regular course of business, it said. The news came after Gov. Phil Murphy ordered each government department to institute its own work-from-home plan by Wednesday and raised concerns among workers in the building on Monday that they could become unknowing vectors for the virus. Weve all been told self-quarantine, flatten the curve, yet we get this email saying somebody contracted COVID but they cleaned and were expected to be here, said one employee of the Attorney Generals Office, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation for criticizing the department. Its like a ghost town in here, the person said, with rows of office doors usually left open to discuss pending cases and trade insight sealed shut. Everyone has their door closed, the person said. People are wearing masks. Two other people who regularly work in the complex said some employees were calling out sick even before the email, and expressed concern at how little they were being told about the situation. NJ Advance Media staff writer Blake Nelson contributed to this report. S.P. Sullivan may be reached at Follow him on Twitter. Find on Facebook. Have a tip? Tell us. Get the latest updates right in your inbox. Subscribe to NJ.coms newsletters. LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 17, 2020 / ( is a top auto insurance brokerage website, providing car insurance quotes online from trustworthy agencies all over the United States. This website offers car insurance info about different coverage types, available discounts, and money-saving tips. Paying the monthly bill for car insurance can be a burden for drivers. Many of them are struggling to gather enough money to pay their monthly insurance bills. Luckily, car insurance doesn't have to be expensive. To make car insurance more affordable, car insurance companies are offering various types of discounts that can be earned by drivers after meeting the requirements. The most important discounts offered by providers are the following: Demographic and geographic-based discounts . Factors like age, gender, marital status can significantly affect the price of car insurance. Young and senior drivers will pay more on their premiums than drivers who are between 30 and 60 years old. Married drivers are considered to be more responsible and will pay less on their premiums than drivers who are single or divorced. Policyholders who use their vehicles to commute to work on short distances can be eligible for a low-mileage discount. Drivers who live in areas with low car theft and vandalism rates will also pay cheaper premiums. . Factors like age, gender, marital status can significantly affect the price of car insurance. Young and senior drivers will pay more on their premiums than drivers who are between 30 and 60 years old. Married drivers are considered to be more responsible and will pay less on their premiums than drivers who are single or divorced. Policyholders who use their vehicles to commute to work on short distances can be eligible for a low-mileage discount. Drivers who live in areas with low car theft and vandalism rates will also pay cheaper premiums. Clean driving discount. To obtain the no-claim bonus, drivers will have to make no claims and announce no accidents for a certain period. Usually, insurers will offer this bonus after 3-5 years. To obtain the no-claim bonus, drivers will have to make no claims and announce no accidents for a certain period. Usually, insurers will offer this bonus after 3-5 years. Safety-devices discount . Newer car models come equipped with various types of safety devices. Depending on what types of devices are installed on a vehicle, drivers can gain a safety device discount. Also, policyholders can improve the safety rating of their vehicles by installing aftermarket safety and tracking devices. However, drivers should talk with their insurers first and check what devices are approved and how much money they can save by installing them. . Newer car models come equipped with various types of safety devices. Depending on what types of devices are installed on a vehicle, drivers can gain a safety device discount. Also, policyholders can improve the safety rating of their vehicles by installing aftermarket safety and tracking devices. However, drivers should talk with their insurers first and check what devices are approved and how much money they can save by installing them. Paying the policy upfront discount. Insurers will save monthly administration costs if the policyholder chooses to pay for the whole policy at once. For this reason, the insurers are willing to give a discount to those drivers who chose to pay their policy once instead of having to pay it monthly. Insurers will save monthly administration costs if the policyholder chooses to pay for the whole policy at once. For this reason, the insurers are willing to give a discount to those drivers who chose to pay their policy once instead of having to pay it monthly. Defensive driving discount. Drivers who attend and graduate a defensive driving course will get a discount from their insurers. Besides obtaining a discount, drivers who attend a defensive driving course will improve their driving skills and will learn how to identify and avoid road obstacles. For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc. "Car insurance companies know that for some customers, car insurance is too expensive. To make car insurance more affordable and to encourage safe driving habits, insurance providers are offering various discounts", said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. CONTACT: Company Name: Internet Marketing Company Person for contact: Gurgu C Phone Number: (818) 359-3898 Email: Website: SOURCE: Internet Marketing Company View source version on L.A. City Council Meeting Diverts From the Norm During Coronavirus Outbreak In a shift from its normal routine of hearing public comments, the Los Angeles City Council today allowed people to speak their peace remotely from the Spring Street Forecourt at City Hall, in an effort to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Though they couldnt been seen on television, disembodied voices echoed through the chamber, giving comments and criticisms while City Council President Nury Martinez called for caution and patience as the council continues to govern through the pandemic. In light of the situation, I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that we are doing everything in our power to limit the exposure of anyone who comes into this building, and that includes the public waiting outside to make their public comment as well, Martinez said. As the legislative body of the city, it is important to move the citys business forward. However, with that being said, I want to make sure we are doing it with the utmost consideration of others. ADVERTISEMENT Media personnel were not allowed to have cameras in the dais area, where reporters with credentials are typically allowed. The Council Chamber was also limited to only 50 people and council members were allowed just one staff member to be present, unless they made a special request. This pandemic has touched every corner of the world, and it is increasing at a global scale like we have never seen before, Martinez said. We are in uncharted waters, and it is up to us to make sure we are doing our duty as public servants, and I hope we are doing that here today. People who arent city employees have not been allowed to enter City Hall since last week. The City Council is expected to meet March 24 and March 31, but all council committee meetings for the month have been canceled. Several public speakers voiced their displeasure with having to wait outside to speak, as there were no heaters or outdoor restrooms. Pune divisional commissioner Deepak Mhaisekar held a meeting with Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML) and Maharashtra State Transport Corporation (MSRTC) officials on Tuesday, after which a reduction in the schedule of daily buses was announced. As a precautionary measure, instead of 1,714 PMPML buses that ply the city roads daily, 1,131 will ply from March 18. A total of 583 bus schedules have been cancelled between 12 noon and 4 pm daily. All buses during peak hours will run as per schedule, said Mhaisekar With MSRTC, most buses are currently running empty. In the last two days 18,000 passengers have travelled out of Pune city and 8,000 passengers have come in to Pune via MSRTC buses. Most students are travelling back to their hometowns and villages due to the Covid-19 outbreak, added Mhaisekar. San Francisco, March 17 : Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the company has taken down thousands of videos related to dangerous or misleading coronavirus information using its Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology. In a blog post, Pichai said that since January, Google has blocked hundreds of thousands of ads attempting to capitalize on the coronavirus pandemic. "Last week, we announced a temporary ban on all ads for medical masks and respirators," he said on Monday. "We continue to remove videos that promote medically unproven methods to prevent coronavirus in place of seeking medical treatment. On Google Maps, our automated and manual review systems continue to take down false and harmful content such as fake reviews and misleading information about healthcare locations," Pichai elaborated. Meanwhile, Google said the coronavirus tracking and screening website that US President Donald Trump announced the company is building with 1,700 engineers is delayed to "later this week". Google's subsidiary Verily is building the website to direct people to testing facilities. "With local and national guidance evolving rapidly, Google will continue working with relevant agencies and authorities to roll out a website later this week that will surface authoritative information for people in the US, including on screening and testing," Google said in a statement. Pichai said the company is partnering with the US government in developing a website dedicated to COVID-19 education, prevention, and local resources nationwide. "Right now on the Google homepage we're promoting the "Do the Five" campaign to raise awareness of simple measures people can take to slow the spread of the disease, according to the WHO," he informed. "Do the Five" raises awareness of simple measures people can take to slow the spread of the disease, according to the World Health Organization. "On YouTube, we're using the homepage to direct users to videos from the CDC or other locally relevant public health agencies. We're highlighting content from authoritative sources when people search for COVID-19, and inserting information panels to provide additional context from high-quality sources," Pichai said. Google is also witnessing more people using the premium features of Meet, its video conferencing app, which it made available to all G Suite customers at no cost until July 1. "Through our philanthropic arm, we are committing $50 million to the global COVID-19 response, focusing on health and science, access to educational resources and small business support," said Pichai. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) M illions of Californians have been ordered to stay inside their homes and keep away from neighbours as America introduces sweeping new measures to fight the spread of coronavirus. The shelter in place order is being enforced from today in San Francisco and five other Bay Area counties following a 14 per cent spike in cases. The move was announced hours after President Donald Trump urged Americans to avoid gatherings of 10 or more and stay at home wherever possible to combat the invisible enemy. Californias restrictions, enforceable by possible fines or prison terms, stops just short of the stay inside orders in China and Italy, but directs 6.7 million residents in the region not to leave their homes unless it is absolutely necessary for the next three weeks. They will be allowed out to buy food or household supplies and get medical care but businesses that do not provide essential services must send workers home. Residents will be able to go outside for fresh air or exercise as long as they keep away from anyone they do not already live with. The strictest crackdown in the US so far applies to San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda counties. Other districts and states are expected to follow suit. While the local authorities say they will not rush to enforce the order, police in San Francisco warned today they will be checking bars and clubs in the city to ensure they remain closed. Many of Americas biggest citiesincluding New York, Los Angeles and Boston have already ordered bars, restaurants and other venues to close. In an acknowledgment of the seriousness of the pandemic in the US, where there have so far been 4,661 cases and 86 deaths, Mr Trump admitted for the first time that the situation was bad. I have spoken, actually, with my son, he said, referring to 13-year-old Barron. He says, how bad is this? Its bad. Its bad. But were going to be, hopefully, a best case, not a worst case. And thats what were working for, he added. After criticism for appearing to downplay the situation, Mr Trump said he now thought it may be July or August before the outbreak washes through and claimed he deserved 10 out of 10 for his handling of the crisis. But hours later, the President found himself at the centre of a new row after posting a tweet using the phrase Chinese virus to describe the coronavirus. The tweet triggered a backlash with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio accusing Mr Trump of fuelling more bigotry. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he will close the countrys borders to all foreigners except Americans. Canadians arriving home from abroad must self-isolate for 14 days. Kiran Narayanan By Express News Service KOCHI: In the wake of the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in the district, the district health department is on a mission to expand isolation facilities to educational institutions, private hospitals and hotels. One such facility has been proposed at the Cochin University of Science and Technology (Cusat) and is awaiting District Collector S Suhas nod. Ernakulam District Medical Officer said the decision to set up more isolation wards was taken to manage any rise in the number of COVID-19 patients.The proposal to set up a ward at Cusat is under the collectors consideration. We have finalised a few hostel rooms at Cusat and will set up the facility without causing inconvenience to the boarders, he said. Cusat Vice-Chancellor K N Madhusoodanan said they will cooperate with the officials, but had requested them to ensure the safety of students currently staying at the hostels. The officials told us the facility will be set up only if there is an emergency. Almost 100 students from north India and a few research scholars are staying at our 12 hostels. Since travelling to their hometowns would create more problems for them, they have been advised to stay back, he said. Along with Cusat, Tripunithura Ayurveda College and a few private hospitals have been shortlisted. We are mainly considering hotels with basic facilities. All medical facilities, including doctors, will be provided at such centres, said Kuttappan. At present, 680 people are under observation in the district of whom 30 are in various hospitals. On Monday alone, 6 new patients were admitted to isolation wards.Meanwhile, District collector S Suhas on Monday directed the Aluva tahsildar to take over the hostels of Sanskrit University in Kalady under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, for use in emergency situations. S Suhas commandeers paramedics from private hosps to fight COVID-19 KOCHI: The district collector who is also the District Magistrate, has enforced the Disaster Management Act in the district, commandeering the medical/paramedical staff of various private hospitals and non-governmental institutions to the agencies involved in preventing and containing the spread of COVID-19. In an order, collector S Suhas said the staff should be made available from these establishments without affecting their routine activities. The Commissioner of Police, Kochi, SP (Ernakulam Rural) and sub-divisional magistrates of the district shall contact the hospitals and other agencies who can spare paramedical staff and utilise their services for the prevention of COVID-19, in consultation with district health authorities. The Act was enforced as the number of persons getting affected is increasing and it is important to identify affected persons at an early stage and quarantine them... depending on the severity of the infection. Plea seeks closure of malls, tourist places Kochi: A petition has been filed before the High Court seeking a directive from the state government to take immediate action by temporarily closing down places where people gather, including malls, schools, universities, theatres and tourist places in the state. The petition also sought to take immediate measures to control the price of hand sanitisers and masks and ensure their availability. The petition was filed by Justice Brigade, a Kochi-based voluntary organisation of lawyers. The petition stated 16,7329 persons were confirmed for COVID-19 across the world and 6,455 persons died. NASA is taking precautions to protect its Houston-based employees and Astronaut Chris Cassidy, who is in Russia preparing for an April 9 launch, from the new coronavirus. "Although a limited amount of employees have tested positive for COVID-19, it is imperative that we take this pre-emptive step to thwart further spreading of the virus among the workforce and our communities," NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement on Tuesday. As of Saturday, NASA had two known cases of COVID-19: one at Ames Research Center in California and another at Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama. Related: Does climate change play a role in infectious diseases like COVID-19? All of its centers, including Houston's Johnson Space Center, were placed on "Stage 3" of NASA's response framework. Stage 3 mandates that all employees and contractors telecommute, though mission-essential personnel will be granted access to onsite facilities. NASA Johnson Space Center directly employs 2,952 people. And there are an additional 8,056 Houston-area contractors that support NASA. To prevent illnesses being shared with astronauts, namely Cassidy who is set to launch next month to the International Space Station on a Russia Soyuz spacecraft, NASA said it's closely adhering to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which include cleaning surfaces, social distancing, hand washing, limiting contact with crew members and encouraging NASA team members who are sick to stay home. It's already standard protocol for astronauts to undergo a two-week quarantine prior to launch to ensure astronauts are not ill or incubating any illnesses. Cassidy, alongside Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, will begin their quarantine on March 24. If an illness were to occur on the space station, there's a robust pharmacy onboard to treat a variety of ailments and symptoms. And a Soyuz spacecraft is always docked at the space station, ready to return astronauts if there's a medical emergency. "NASAs early and thoughtful actions in coordination with our countrys unified response to this health emergency is an incredible display of national solidarity," Bridenstine said in his staement. "Thank you for your vigilance and flexibility. I am confident your diligence and commitment will ensure our mission will continue. Please make certain you are giving the appropriate attention to your health and that of your family." Two top bosses at Britain's largest energy supplier Centrica have stepped down in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Chief executive Iain Conn and chairman Charles Berry have both resigned from the British Gas owner with immediate effect, the company announced on today. Centrica's finance director Chris O'Shea will temporarily take over from departing chief executive Iain Conn until the company finds a permanent replacement. Berry will hand over to long-time board member Scott Wheway. Chief executive Ian Conn has resigned from British Gas with immediate effect The resignations do not come as a surprise as Conn announced he would step down in July last year, while Berry has been on medical leave since the beginning of February and was told by doctors to reduce his workload. New chairman Wheway said that his first task would be to find a permanent replacement for Conn, promising to look at candidates both from inside and outside the company. Whoever takes over from interim boss Chris O'Shea faces an uphill challenge to get Centrica back on its feet, following the exodus of 3million customers, a string of profit warnings and now even the coronavirus crisis. 'I'm acutely aware that I'm taking this role at a time when we need to navigate our way through the current volatility caused by the impact of coronavirus,' Wheway said. Centrica shares were last 3.37p or 8 per cent down at 38.97p just before the close. They are down more than 75 per cent since Conn took over in 2015. British Gas is a subsidiary of Centrica. Ofgem data showing its share of the energy market dropped from 24 per cent to 19 per cent since the beginning of 2015 Conn has turned Centrica's focus to its consumer business while offloading its legacy oil and gas assets but he has also presided over thousands of job cuts. In February, he unveiled a loss of 1.1billion for 2019, blaming the price cap for a fall in earnings and falling gas market prices. Centrica has struggled to keep up with the advance of smaller competitors like Ovo, Bulb and Octopus, with Ofgem data showing its share of the energy market dropped from 24 per cent to 19 per cent since the beginning of 2015. BJP leaders including Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel on Tuesday took digs at Congress MLAs who are camping in Jaipur ahead of the Rajya Sabha election, saying they may catch the coronavirus there. Another BJP MLA even said they should be quarantined for 14 days when they return to vote in the election on March 26. Rajasthan government would be responsible if anything happens to Congress legislator, Patel said, speaking in the Assembly. Congress MLAs staged a walkout on Monday after the Speaker refused to accept their demand to postpone the ongoing Budget session. Later they flew to Jaipur to join other MLAs who are staying at a resort in Jaipur. The opposition party has moved its MLAs out of Gujarat to prevent attempts of horse-trading ahead of the election. "We brought back people from (coronavirus-hit) China, Iran. But they (Congress MLAs) went from a safe place to a place where coronavirus exists," Patel said. Gujarat does not have a single confirmed coronavirus case yet while Rajasthan has reported a case. "The Rajasthan government will be responsible if anything happens to them," Patel, who also holds the health portfolio, added. The Congress MLAs should be tested for the virus at the Rajasthan-Gujarat border when they return, the deputy chief minister said. He asked the Speaker to allow health officials to examine them before they enter the Assembly when they arrive to vote for the Rajya Sabha election as he was also concerned about the health of BJP MLAs, Patel said. "They are respected MLAs, Leader of Opposition, party (state Congress) president...It is my responsibility to ensure their good health. If you permit, we will dispatch a team of doctors (to Jaipur)," he quipped. The Gujarat Assembly on Tuesday discussed proposals for the urban development and general administration departments in Congress MLAs' absence. BJP legislator Purnesh Modi too quipped that Congress MLAs may contract coronavirus infection while in Jaipur. "From Gujarat, which has not reported any positive case of coronavirus, Congress MLAs have moved to Jaipur which has reported a positive case," he said. "When they return to Gujarat, they should be quarantined for 14 days....They should be barred from voting on March 26," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 18:13:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BAGHDAD, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi President Barham Salih on Tuesday appointed Adnan al-Zurfi as the prime minister-designate who will form an interim government, the official television reported. Salih received al-Zurfi in his office in the Presidential Palace in central Baghdad and handed him the task letter to form a new government within 30 days, the state-run Iraqiya channel said. Al-Zurfi's nomination came one day after the deadline of 15 days set by the Iraqi constitution for political blocs to submit a candidate for the post of prime minister-designate to Iraqi president. Al-Zurfi is an Iraqi Shiite politician, who was born in the city of Kufa in Najaf province in 1966. He joined the Dawa Islamic Party in his early life and fled the country during the Saddam Hussein regime and returned after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. He served as the governor of Najaf province for several years after 2009, and withdrew from Dawa party to form al-Wafaa Coalition in 2013. He is now part of al-Nasr Coalition led by former prime minister Haider al-Abadi. According to the Iraqi constitution, the prime minister-designate has 30 days to put together a cabinet and present it to the parliament for approval, as the parliament must approve the government program and each individual minister in separate absolute majority votes. Funerals are being conducted virtually or downsized and mourners asked not to embrace as the industry gears up for a potential spike in deaths due to COVID-19. Funeral directors are preparing for a worse case scenario as they push for national guidelines on how to best handle the pandemic. As of Tuesday 2pm, there were more than 400 cases of COVID-19 in Australia and five deaths. The numbers are expected to rise. In Italy, where more than 2000 people have died, morgues are overflowing and mourners have been forced to grieve alone after the country banned funeral services. Loading Loading By Ibe Nwachukwu The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Anambra state chapter has expressed sadness over the on-going killings of Christians and non Christians alike in the country. CAN however noted that Christians would not embark on a revenge mission because we all can learn from the spirit of the church and at the same time following the footsteps of Jesus Christ the son of God and saviour of mankind who taught humanity that it is even better to lose ones life and inherit the kingdom of God than to inherit the world and spend our eternity in the hell fire. State Chairman of CAN, Rev. John Ndubuisi in a press statement siiued yesterday in Onitsha, Anambra state, via SMS, declared: Normanl human reactionswhen hurt is to feel pain but the Christian church has God who has taught them the virtues of patience, peace, tolerance, love, justice, equity, among others. The church in Nigeria has faced various kinds of molestations, persecutions and unbearable provocations to the extent that christians forebear all these evils because of the spirit of peace that rules in Gods kingdom. For instance, the statement continued, in Bornu state, human beings have been mercilessly massacred and too many churches without rebuilding and many families rendered homeless . Also many communities have been forcefully ejected out of their God-given land and have been made slaves and refugees in their own fathers land of nativity. Adamawa state has the same ugly story and picture and so it is with Yobe, Taraba, Benue and Kaduna states, just to mention but a few.. In the Southeast zone, the Fulani herdsmen will kill, kidnap and rape women at gun point, even before their husbands. What a humiliation and desecration and a taboo to the church kingdom? Yet we cry and agonize all alone in the spirit of brotherhood and oneness in keeping with the indivisible and indissoluble philosophy of the Nigerian constitution. The South-South communities have also been terrorized by the herders and yet nobody comes to their rescue. | 2020-03-17 09:14:34|Editor: ZD Video Player Close A Red Cross volunteer gives out hand sanitizer to students at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar in Dakar, Senegal, March 16, 2020. Senegal, the second most affected country in Sub-Saharan Africa, has reported 26 cases of COVID-19, among which two are declared cured and discharged from hospital. Senegalese President Macky Sall announced on March 14 to ban all public events on Senegalese territory for a period of 30 days as a measure to fight COVID-19 in the West African country. Schools, from primary to universities, will also be shut down starting March 16 for three weeks. He also demanded the strengthening of systematic health checks at all borders, and temporary suspension of all cruise docking. (Photo by Eddy Peters/Xinhua) Shares is the leading weekly publication for retail investors. It is packed with investment ideas, news and educational material to help build and run portfolios and get more from your money. Shares puts on free Investor Events throughout the year across the country. They provide an opportunity for investors to learn more about companies on the stock market and hear from a range of investment experts including fund managers and Shares journalists. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 19:15:15|Editor: zyl Video Player Close BERLIN, March 16 (Xinhua) -- After falling by more than 12 percent last week, German stocks continued to suffer heavy losses on Monday, with the benchmark DAX index decreasing by 503.6 points, or 5.5 percent, opening at 8,728.48 points. This marks the first time since February 2016 that the German DAX has fallen below the 9,000-point mark. The least decreasing company among Germany's 30 largest listed companies was telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom, with shares falling by 3.56 percent on Monday. Pharmaceutical companies Merck and Bayer came in second and third, decreasing by 3.77 percent and 3.81 percent respectively at the start of trading on Monday. Shares in MTU Aero Engines fell by 8.89 percent. The German aircraft engine manufacturer was the biggest loser at the start of trading on Monday. Germany's government and airlines are to discuss further coronavirus crisis-related aid measures at midday on Monday local time. The yield on German ten-year bonds went up by 0.004 percentage points to minus 0.581 percent on Monday morning. The euro was trading almost unchanged at 1.1154 U.S. dollars, decreasing slightly by 0.01 percent on Monday morning. President Donald Trump on Tuesday advised Americans to stay in their living rooms instead of going on Spring Break to help cut back on the spread of the coronavirus. He also admitted he's 'not happy' with people who are defying the social distancing guidelines and wouldn't rule out limiting domestic travel. 'I would say enjoy your home,' he said when asked his advice to spring breakers. 'We have to get this problem fixed, and we will get back into business really quick. We will open up our country. We will open up our society. The world will hopefully open heart. We see areas of the world that haven't done well. We see areas. We are doing very well for a country so big. I think I would recommend that they just enjoy their living room.' President Donald Trump advised Americans to stay in their living rooms instead of going on Spring Break A busy beach scene during the outbreak of the coronavirus in Miami Beach, Fla. Trump wouldn't rule out a ban on domestic travel at a time when the airline and cruise line industries are suffering Clearwater, Florida, a popular spring break destination, had its beaches packed with visitors as have other Sunshine state beaches. Trump expressed his disappointment with people who were not following the guidelines the White House offered on Monday, which recommended eating taking out instead of going to restaurants and avoiding gatherings larger than 10 people. 'I am not happy with those people,' Trump said in the White House briefing room. 'Those people are being shouted down by other people. It is almost policing.' And he wouldn't rule out limiting domestic travel at at time airlines and the cruise industry are begging for a financial bailout. 'It is possible. We will see how it goes. There has been great cooperation with the local governments and states. We will see how it go,' the president said. The White House is considering financial aid to the airline, cruise, and hospitality industries, which have been hit hard by the coronavirus. There are some predictions the airlines could go bankrupt by the end of the year without financial aid. The cruise line industry is also working to stave off disaster after all the big operators called for a break in operations due to the coronavirus. 'We are going to do whatever it takes,' Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday to help industries in trouble. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill about a financial aid package to help industries affected by the coronavirus Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill Tuesday to discuss a financial aid package. Meanwhile, President Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools. 'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room. And while his guidelines will be revisited after the initial 15 day proposal, the president warned the virus could affect American life well into the summer. 'People are talking about July, August, something like that,' Trump said. 'They could be right in that period of time where it washes through.' The two-page list, called '15 Days to Slow the Spread,' advises avoiding 'eating or drinking in bars, restaurants, and food courts - use drive through, pickup, and delivery options.' It also calls on governors that have states with 'evidence of community transmission' to close schools in the affected areas.' And it asks those states to address childcare issues as well as nutritional needs of children who use schools for their meals. And there may be stronger guidelines to come. 'We have taken a tough stance. We may make other decisions,' the president said. But that does not include a nation-wide lockdown, a step other countries have taken. France has gone on a 15-day one and Canada has closed its borders to non-citizens. 'At this point, not nationwide,' President Trump said, 'but there are some places in our nation that are not very effective at all. But we may look at certain areas, certain hot spots as we call them and at this moment, no we are not.' President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread The president said the guidelines were to slow the spread of the highly-contagious disease. And much of his focus was on young people. Millennials, in particular, have been urged to stay home and curb their social lives to limit the spread of the virus. That age group is unlikely to get - or get a severe case of it - but could pass it on to others. 'We would much rather be ahead of the curve than behind it and that's where we are,' Trump said. 'Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans including the young and healthy work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid a gathering in groups of more than ten people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts.' The president said he's spoken to his son, 13-year-old Barron, about the coronavirus. 'I've spoken with my son and how bad is this, it's bad. Hopefully it is going to be a best case, not a worst-case. That is what we are working for,' Trump said. The recommendations advise that 'even if you are young, or otherwise healthy, you are at risk and your activities can increase the risk for others.' The guidelines also suggest avoiding social gatherings of more than 10 people, avoiding 'discretionary travel, shopping trips, and social visits,' and not to visit nursing homes. The recommendations also state that if you 'are an older person, stay home and away from other people.' Additionally, there are practical suggestions including following the directions of authorities, stay home if feel sick, staying home if you have the virus, and practicing good hygiene. On Monday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and his deputy announced they would stay separated - holding conference calls to coordinate their work - in an effort to stop the spread of the disease and preserve the chain of command. President Trump said that was not something that he and Vice President Mike Pence were considering. President Trump on his coronavirus test President Trump, at his press conference on Monday, clarified he was tested for the coronavirus on late Friday night and said there was nothing pleasant about the experience. I had no symptoms whatsoever, the doctor said you have no symptoms so we don't see any reason. But when I did the press conference, everyone was going crazy did you do the test. It is a very late on Friday night I did the test, he said, adding We tested negative. The president, a famous germaphobe, said he washing his hands more than ever in this time of the coronavirus. I always wash my hands a lot. Probably if anything, more. Certainly not less. As for the test itself, the president said its 'not something that I want to do every day.' The coronavirus test involves inserting a swab in a person's nasal cavity all the way back to the throat. It's a medical test. There's nothing pleasant about it, Trump said. Advertisement 'We have not thought of it,' he said in response to a question from 'I will say this. We are very careful. We are very careful being together. Even the people behind me are -- they have been very strongly tested. I have been very strongly tested. We have to be very careful. But everybody should be vigilant. We have to be vigilant.' Pence later clarified he has not taken a coronavirus test, pointing out he shows no symptoms and is in consultation with the White House medical staff. He did say he has his temperature monitored. 'I have not been tested yet. I'm in regular consultation with the white house physician. I have not been exposed to anyone for any. Lack of time that had the coronavirus. My wife and I have no symptoms. We are checking our temperature regularly. Every day. We will continue to follow guidance. Which I think may be a good place to land at the end of the day,' Pence said. The stock market closed while the president was at the podium in the White House press room. The Dow dropped nearly 3,000 points in one of its worst days. But the president said once the virus was contained, both life and the stock market would return to normal. 'My focus is really on getting rid of this problem, this virus problem. Once we do that, everything else will fall into place,' he said. 'The market will take care of itself. The market will be a very strong as soon as we get rid of the virus,' Trump said. He also rated his response to the disease as a '10.' And when asked if the buck stopped with him, Trump replied: 'Normally. This has never been done before in this country.' President Trump answered questions on the coronavirus crisis for nearly an hour The new guidelines from the Trump administration were particularly aimed toward the young, asking them not to go out to restaurants and gather in groups bigger than 10 President Trump, in his nearly hour-long press conference, urged Americans to work together to fight the spread of the disease. And noted the country would celebrate together when the virus was defeated. 'If everyone makes this change are these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus and we are going to have a big celebration altogether. We can turn the corner and turn it quickly, a lot of progress has been made,' he said. The guidelines come as New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announce their states are shutting down at 8 p.m. and several states have announced extended school closures. New York will close its bars and restaurants at 8pm on Monday night for 'as long as necessary' along with casinos, gyms and movie theaters as part of an effort with neighboring states Connecticut and New Jersey to stop the spread of coronavirus. New Jersey has also launched a statewide 'curfew' between the hours of 8pm and 5am for all 'non essential travel' but it is unclear what that is or what will happen to anyone who does not follow the rules. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has not confirmed whether or not people will be able to go to work between those hours or how he plans to enforce it, but is only saying that he 'strongly discourages' anyone from leaving home between those hours. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the shutdown in a tweet on Monday morning after urging Trump to shut down the country to fight coronavirus and said the current 'patchwork quilt' system of some states being more vigilant than others is not working. The order applies to New York City too. There are more than 4,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and 71 people have died. People wearing medical masks are seen walking in Times Square in New York on Monday New York City is all but shut down. Broadway has been closed since Friday, bars and restaurants will close on Tuesday morning The city of San Francisco announced on Monday that a three week lockdown is going to be issued on Tuesday at midnight Cars line up outside the Central Outreach Wellness Center on the Northside of Pittsburgh Monda for drive-by testing for coronavirus Additionally, San Francisco's mayor has announced an unprecedented three week lockdown that will begin on Tuesday at midnight and bans anyone from leaving their home for anything other than doctor's visits or trips to the grocery store. In addition to the lockdown in city parameters, six counties in the Bay Area are being told to 'shelter in place'. The lockdown is the strictest action to be taken in America. Anyone who breaks it faces legal repercussions. It will last until April 7. Mayor London Breed called it a 'defining moment' on Monday morning. 'This is going to be a defining moment for our city. 'We all have a responsibility to do our part to protect our neighbors and slow the spread of this virus by staying at home unless it is absolutely essential to go outside,' she said. Book by former PGC officer highlights unusual wildlife encounters Dick Bodenhorn has published a book highlighting some of the unusual encounters he had while working with the Pennsylvania Game Commision. Everything seemed as usual at the LPOA Roadkill Cafe at the Houston rodeo cook-off. A DJ played country, tejano and rock n roll music. Brisket, ribs and sausage cooked on the grill. Among attendees, coronavirus was far from mind. Only after the rodeo closed March 11 did team president Roy Garivey find out the bad news: A Patton Village police officer who tested positive with the virus had been in its tent on the night of Feb. 28. DON'T MISS AN UPDATE: Follow the Houston Chronicle's live coverage of coronavirus in the region Its a sort of nightmare scenario people around the region are preparing to confront. As they went about daily life, its possible people were exposed to an illness that has mild effects on many, but severe or fatal health effects on some. Three more cases later emerged in connection to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Garivey says he believes all three individuals were in their tent that night a tent where a majority had a connection to law enforcement. Local officials, citing privacy issues, have not confirmed the link to the specific tent, first reported by Channel 13. SCHOOLS EXPAND CLOSURES: Here's the full list of school districts that have announced longer closures A woman in her early 30s from northern Galveston County was connected directly to the Patton Village officer, who was in critical condition late Monday, authorities said. The woman was in self-quarantine in Austin. More for you These essential businesses can stay open amid stay-at-home A man and woman age 35 to 45 were confirmed to have attended the cookoff, but Brazoria County officials said they believe they went on a different day. Officials did not specify a tent. The LPOA Roadkill Cafe takes its initials from the National Latino Police Officers Association. Members overlap, but the tent is not officially sponsored by the NLPOA. Pray and wait: Patton Village officer fights coronavirus After he learned the news, Garivey made sure to notify the 18 people who helped out in the tent including those who cooked, worked the door and manned the bar so that they could inform those they had invited to the party, which is a sort of kick-off to rodeo season. Some 100 to 150 people attended that night. People might have stayed for the events entirety, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., or hopped from tent to tent where they had other invitations. It makes me nervous for my team and all our guests, said Garivey, who has been involved with the event for 25 years. We dont want anybody else to get sick, thats for sure. We would not wish that on anybody. Its unclear if the tent connection is coincidence or if the virus spread there. Garivey said he has not heard of anyone else feeling sick. We all know each other, said Danny Avalos, president of the greater Houston chapter of the NLPOA, who had decided not to attend the event because it was cold. It hits so close to home. Emily Foxhall is the Texas Storyteller for the Houston Chronicle. Read her on our free site,, and on our subscriber site, | | Twitter: emfoxhall British mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was today released from an Iranian prison along with 85,000 other inmates in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The 42-year-old's release on Tuesday came as the government in Tehran warned that the contagion could kill millions of citizens if health advice is not followed. Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe is serving a five-year prison term for sedition after being arrested in April 2016 at Tehran airport as she was returning home to London with her then 22-month-old daughter, Gabriella, following a family visit. She denies the charges. Government spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour today told a press conference the virus, which has now killed 988 in Iran amid 16,169 infections, could claim as many as 4million lives if citizens failed to observe new public health rules. Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was released from Evin Prison at 3pm local time with an ankle tag binding her to move no further than 895ft from her parents' home in the west of the capital. Husband Richard Ratcliffe who has campaigned tirelessly for her release, said following the announcement: 'Unfortunately, Nazanin will be exceptionally required to wear an ankle tag during the furlough, which her parents have now hired from the authorities. Nazanin's movements will be restricted to 300 metres from her parents' home.' Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was seen wearing an ankle tag (left) after her temporary release from an Iranian prison today and (right) in a video call with her husband, Richard Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe embracing her daughter Gabriella in Damavand, Iran following her release from prison for three days in August 2018 He added in a statement: 'The Free Nazanin Campaign is pleased to confirm - as has long been promised - that Nazanin was this afternoon [Tuesday] released temporarily on furlough for two weeks until 4 April 2020.' Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab urged the Iranian regime to 'ensure she receives any necessary medical care' while on temporary release. He said in a statement: 'I am relieved that Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was today temporarily released into the care of her family in Iran. 'We urge the regime to ensure she receives any necessary medical care. While this is a welcome step, we urge the government now to release all UK dual nationals arbitrarily detained in Iran, and enable them to return to their families in the UK.' Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who was a charity worker with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was strenuously denying the charges against her. Her daughter Gabriella had remained in the country cared for by family. Repeated calls for her release by the British Government - including a direct appeal by then-prime minister Theresa May to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani during a UN general assembly in New York in 2018 - failed to produce results. Mr Ratcliffe has previously said his wife was told by judges in court that her case related to an unpaid 400 million debt the UK owes to Iran in relation to the purchase of Chieftain tanks in the 1970s. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe holding an old picture of herself with her husband and daughter (left) as she poses for a photograph in West Tehran, Iran following her release from prison for two weeks. She is also pictured (right) in a car as she left the prison today British mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe with her husband Richard Ratcliffe and their daughter Gabriella However, Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was released today on furlough for two weeks from the Iranian jail where she has been held. Labour MP Tulip Siddiq MP said today: 'We are pleased and relieved that Nazanin will be with her family rather than in jail at this time of terrible chaos and uncertainty. 'However, we have been here before and know from past experience that Nazanin will be treated like a prisoner in her own home. The UK Government must get reassurances from Iran that she won't be harassed or intimidated while on temporary release. 'Ministers should also be doing absolutely everything they can to make this release permanent. This includes resolving the debt we owe to Iran and making Nazanin's case a deal-breaker in their ongoing negotiations with the Iranian Government.' Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK's Director, said: 'The immediate priority is that Nazanin gets proper medical care, including a full coronavirus check-up. 'Beyond the immediate health concerns, let's not lose sight of where we are - Nazanin is a prisoner of conscience, convicted after a deeply unfair trial who should never have been behind bars at all. 'We're now calling on the Iranian authorities to end Nazanin's ordeal and finally allow her to return to her family in the UK as soon as she's well enough to travel and as soon as any coronavirus travel restrictions allow.' Raab earlier today hinted that British-Iranian nationals held in Iranian prisons could be granted temporary release amid the coronavirus outbreak. Gabriella Zaghari-Ratcliffe standing next to her father Richard Ratcliffe and his mother Barbara, as they address the media in Downing Street after a meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson in January Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was released from Evin Prison in Tehran at 3pm local time after being arrested in April 2016 The Foreign Secretary told MPs he wanted to be 'careful and wait until I've got actual confirmation' after outlining that the British authorities are waiting to hear back on individual cases from their Iranian counterparts. Speaking in the Commons today, Conservative former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt asked: 'Does he know if Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is amongst the political prisoners that Iran has today released? 'And does not the ability of a highly dangerous disease to spread through a prison not highlight the immorality of detaining people who are wholly innocent?' Mr Raab praised Mr Hunt for his work in trying to secure the release of all British-Iranian nationals, adding: 'I spoke to the foreign minister yesterday, I've made clear not least as Iran considers releasing prisoners on a pretty large scale that there is no excuse for not releasing all of the UK dual nationals on furlough. 'We're waiting for confirmation in relation to individual cases but I can assure him we're getting - I want to be careful and wait until I've got actual confirmation - but this is a high priority for the Government and I raised it, as I say, with foreign minister [Javad Zarif] yesterday.' Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe was arrested at Tehran's Imam Khomeini Airport while travelling to show her young daughter, Gabriella, to her parents in April 2016. She was sentenced to five years in prison over allegations, which she denies, of plotting to overthrow the Tehran government. She was later afforded diplomatic protection by the UK Government, which argues that she is innocent and that her treatment by Iran failed to meet obligations under international law. It follows Judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili saying half of the prisoners who were released were 'security-related prisoners'. People gather outside the closed doors of the Fatima Masumeh shrine in Iran's holy city of Qom last night A group of worshippers pictured praying behind the closed doors of the Fatima Masumeh shrine in Qom, Iran's holy city, after it was shut due to fears over coronavirus which has continued to spread through the country A man kisses the door handle of the Fatima Masumeh shrine in Qom despite the coronavirus outbreak in the country Iran closed four key Shiite pilgrimage sites across the Islamic republic yesterday, in line with measures to stop coronavirus He said: 'Also in the jails we have taken precautionary measures to confront the outbreak.' The United Nations has warned that inmates have already been infected in Iran's overcrowded and disease-ridden jails, and called for all political prisoners to be released. The judiciary spokesman did not elaborate on when those released would have to return to prison. Iran's COVID-19 outbreak is one of the worst outside of China. The regime has been widely criticised for its handling of the outbreak, including for its reluctance to shut down holy pilgrimage sites. Most cases across the Middle East have been linked to Iran, with many countries shutting down travel. A woman prays outside the shuttered Fatima Masumeh shrine in Iran's holy city of Qom as they are closed due to the virus A cleric prays outside the Fatima Masumeh shrine in Iran's holy city of Qom on March 16. Iran's COVID-19 outbreak is one of the worst outside of China The United Nations has warned that inmates have already been infected in Iran's overcrowded prisons. Pictured above are two men wearing face masks in Qom today A woman wears a face mask as she heads through the city of Qom in Iran today. The square behind her is almost empty Iran had already announced the release of 70,000 prisoners, but Javaid Rehman, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, said only those serving sentences of less than five years had been freed. He said: 'Political prisoners and others charged with heavier sentences linked to their participation in protest marches remained in jail. 'A number of dual and foreign nationals are at real risk if they have not... got it [coronavirus], they are really fearful of the conditions. 'This is also my worrying concern and therefore I have recommended to the state of the Islamic Republic of Iran to release all prisoners on temporary release.' People wear face masks today as they ride the Tehran metro. The United Nations has told Iran it should release all prisoners Workers wearing protective clothes and face masks at a bank in Tehran today. They are believed to include hundreds arrested during or after anti-government protests in November Rehman has described how overcrowded and unhygienic conditions were causing the spread of infectious diseases. Pictured above is the city of Qom this morning Iran previously said it had 189,500 prisoners, according to the report Rehman submitted to the Human Rights Council in January. In a February report, Rehman described how overcrowded and unhygienic conditions were causing the spread of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis C. The United States has also urged Iran to release political prisoners, including Americans held on spying charges. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said earlier in March: 'The United States will hold the Iranian regime directly responsible for any American deaths.' The Iranian regime has freed around 85,000 inmates including political prisoners to stop coronavirus, the government of Hassan Rouhani (pictured) said today A mosque pictured in Qom. The Fatima Masumeh Shrine has been closed to visitors to prevent the spread of coronavirus An empty classroom pictured in Tehran after schools were closed in a desperate bid to contain the virus A man stares into an empty playground in the city of Qom today as schools remain closed due to the virus outbreak In response, Iran's foreign ministry said Tehran had similar concerns about several dozen Iranians held in U.S. prisons, mostly for violating sanctions. Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said: 'The state of America's prisons and their health situation are worrying ... we are ready to bring the jailed Iranians in America back to Iran.' 'American officials should pay serious attention to the health conditions of the Iranians who have been taken hostage in America. They have been imprisoned without any legal basis.' Pompeo said that any nation offering aid to Tehran should seek a reciprocal humanitarian gesture of releasing prisoners. Washington has long demanded that Iran release American citizens including father and son Baquer and Siamak Namazi, Navy veteran Michael White and former FBI agent Robert Levinson. Tehran denies it holds people on political grounds, and has mainly accused foreign prisoners of espionage. The rise of the coronavirus has turned the healthcare world upside down and has turned long-accepted accomplishments into liabilities. Oregon has prided itself on its success in managing patients chronic conditions and avoiding hospitalizations. But that success has resulted in the reduction of beds by the states hospitals. Now, this slimmed down healthcare infrastructure has become a giant problem. COVID-19 will required the addition of 1,000 hospital beds and another 400 intensive care beds in a matter of weeks, an OHSU scientist has determined. Currently, the state has somewhere between 6,000 and 6,800 hospital beds. So adding 1,400 beds amounts to a 20-23 percent increase.. by April 11. Thats because we are on the cusp of a truly mind-boggling expansion phase. Dr. Renee Edwards, chief medical officer at Oregon Health Sciences University, said if the models are correct, the number of new cases will double every 6.2 days. At OHSU alone, administrators figure they will need to add 80 intensive care beds. Currently, they have 80 beds in the ICU, meaning they have to double the number in weeks. Other hospitals face similar issues. Many already are forced into emergency room boarding," referring to the practice of keeping patients in the emergency department for hours because there is no room in a more appropriate setting. Of course, many of those existing beds are occupied by patients who are recovering from injuries or surgical procedures. Hospital officials have coined a new word not generally used in healthcare: displacement. In other words, how can you get current patients out sooner, to make way for the COVID-19 patients. Edwards said thats why social distancing is so important as it may flatten the curve of expected new cases. Jeff Manning 503-294-7606 This aerial photo taken on March 16, 2020 shows a view of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge at night in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province. China reported on March 17 just one new domestic coronavirus infection but found 20 more cases imported from abroad. (AFP) Beijing: China reported on Tuesday just one new domestic coronavirus infection but found 20 more cases imported from abroad on Tuesday. Nine of the 20 new imported cases were in Beijing and three in Shanghai, raising the total number of confirmed infections from abroad to 143, according to the National Health Commission. China also reported 13 deaths, raising its toll to 3,226. The country has recorded 80,881 total cases, but fewer than 9,000 people remain infected. The country's progress stands in stark contrast with the growing crisis in other countries, with the World Health Organization saying there were now more deaths and cases outside China. The number of deaths worldwide has passed 7,000, with more than 181,500 cases in 145 countries. The single case in Wuhan will boost China's view that it has "basically curbed" the spread of a disease that is believed to have emerged in a live animal market in the central city in December. Wuhan and its 11 million people were placed under strict quarantine on January 23, with the rest of Hubei province going under lockdown in the following days. Authorities tightened restrictions in the city even further on February 11, confining people to their homes as health workers faced a daily deluge of well over 1,000 cases -- a move officials say was critical in containing the virus. Other cities across the country enacted further measures to compel most people to stay indoors, and no new domestic infections have been detected outside Hubei for many days in a row. But the country is now concerned about an influx of cases from abroad, with an average of 20,000 people flying into China every day. Beijing started on Monday to require almost all international arrivals to go into 14-day quarantine in designated hotels. Casinos have joined the airline industry in asking congress for emergency financial help as Las Vegas and other tourist destinations take a severe financial hit from the coronavirus outbreak. The requested aid for the casino companies, raised by lobbyists in recent days, could come in the form of a comprehensive bailout package, similar to what congress may provide to airlines, cruise companies and the hospitality industry. Other possibilities include direct cash payments, deferred taxes, or special bankruptcy protections, said two people with knowledge of the conversations, who were not authorised to speak publicly. One person said that on a strategy call with members of the American Gaming Association, which represents the industry, a representative of Wynn Resorts raised the possibility of the industry seeking cash payments. Wynn Resorts was previously run by one of Donald Trump's biggest political donors, Steve Wynn, though he resigned from his post in 2018. A Wynn Resorts representative did not respond to requests for comment. The American Gaming Association (AGA) issued a statement to the Washington Post on Monday, saying that with the $260bn (212bn) industry at a near standstill, additional funds are needed to support casino companies and their employees. As state governments close casinos as a part of the urgent public health response to Covid-19, elected leaders should move just as urgently to support the workers and businesses who will bear the brunt of those effects, said the AGA, referring to the disease caused by the coronavirus. Our immediate priorities are actions that provide liquidity to allow us to support employees. Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Show all 26 1 /26 Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town An empty street in Manhattan borough following the outbreak of coronavirus disease in New York City Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town A cab drives down at Seventh Avenue in Times Square Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Syracuse University campus is seen almost empty as number of universities are moving all classes to e-learning, due to the coronavirus outbreak Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Empty street is seen near Lincoln tunnel Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan An empty restaurant Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Empty chairs are seen near Hudson yards Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan An empty restaurant Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town A mobile souvenir shop sits in an empty parking lot at Allianz Field as a match between the New York Red Bulls at Minnesota United FC is postponed USA Today Sports/Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan An empty Jacob K Javits Convention Center Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Syracuse University A person sits in an empty eating hall Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Empty parking lots Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Jacob K Javits Convention Center Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Seventh Avenue Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Empty retail stores Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Empty street is seen outside the New York Times building Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Empty parking lots Reuters Coronavirus turns New York into a ghost town Manhattan Reuters The casino industry has been battered by shutdowns related to the outbreak, with an increasing number of states demanding that all casinos, restaurants and bars close immediately to minimise person-to-person contact and reduce crowds. Casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Maryland have been shut down. Wynn Resorts announced that it would close the Wynn Las Vegas and Encore properties, while MGM Resorts International said it would close all Las Vegas casino operations on Monday, followed by closing the hotels on Tuesday. Some casinos in Las Vegas and across the country continue to operate despite recommendations from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention that people reduce in-person contact and that events of 50 or more people be cancelled. The Trump administration has already moved to help the oil and gas industry by announcing plans to buy oil for the strategic petroleum reserve to buttress companies hit by a downturn in energy prices. Officials have also said the administration will push for special financial relief for the airline, cruise, and hospitality industries, which have been also hit hard by coronavirus. A bipartisan package approved by the House of Representatives and supported by Mr Trump did not include bailouts for these companies, but assistance for specific industries, particularly the airlines, is expected in a third congressional package. Representatives have started to work on that package this week, according to congressional aides involved in deliberations, as the Senate takes up the legislation approved by the house. The gambling industry supports 1.8 million jobs, according to the association, which could argue that thousands of low-wage workers would suffer if the companies aren't bolstered by the federal government. But extending financial aid to casinos may provoke more political opposition than efforts to support airlines or other travel industries, particularly as politicians face scrutiny over whether they are picking winners and losers in an economy broadly affected by the pandemic. Casinos could also receive additional scrutiny given the close personal and professional ties that Mr Trump, a former casino developer and owner, has to the industry. Steve Wynn, a top Republican donor, has known Mr Trump for years and was vice chair of his inaugural committee. After Mr Trump entered the White House, Mr Wynn was named chair of Republican National Committee's finance committee, before stepping down after sexual harassment allegations. A spokesperson for Mr Wynn did not immediately return a request for comment. Mr Trump still owns a hotel with casino magnate Phil Ruffin, the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas. Although the hotel does not have a casino, Mr Trump's company operates the property and it relies heavily on Las Vegas tourism for business. Trump administration officials have sought to compare their efforts to the targeted help offered to the airline industry after it was hammered by the 9/11 attacks. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, testifying to congress this month, denied that the financial assistance being considered amounted to a bailout. Among the ideas floated were the deferring of federal taxes for certain industries and the provision of low or zero-interest loans to certain firms. This is not a bailout, Mr Mnuchin told congress. This is considering providing certain things for certain industries. The Washington Post BBC presenter Dan Walker during the FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium, London. (Photo by Mike Egerton/PA Images via Getty Images) Dan Walker reckons BBC bosses could've done more to defend his co-host Naga Munchetty when complaints were levied against her on comments she'd made about remarks made by Donald Trump. Munchetty was said to have breached the corporation's rules surrounding impartiality on BBC Breakfast after stating that the US President's comments implying four US Congresswoman should "go back home" were "embedded in racism". However, it was a decision which was eventually overturned by Director General Tony Hall. Read more: Bill Turnbull defends Naga Munchetty after complaint overturned Walker told Radio Times: "At the time it felt a very natural conversation. We knew in that moment that it was different to the sort of things we usually talk about. But I dont regret it, and I dont think Naga does either. Naga Munchetty arrives at MediaCityUK in Salford to host BBC Breakfast for the first time since she was at the centre of an impartiality row over her criticism of Donald Trump. (Photo by Peter Byrne/PA Images via Getty Images) The BBC should have given a more robust defence of their presenters. We do think it could have been dealt with very differently. It was the right decision to overturn the original finding, but it didnt need to get that far. Both of us felt we sailed near the line but we didnt cross it. They came round to the right decision eventually. Theyve apologised to Naga. It was later revealed that Walker had been included in the original viewer complaint, however, no action was taken against him. Walker also revealed to the publication that he wrote to the Director General Hall as he explained: "If Naga is guilty, then Im guilty. At the time I didnt know Id been mentioned in the original complaint. The presenter added that while the hosts do share bits of themselves in their broadcast, in that instance they may've "shared a bit too much". Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday said the nomination of former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha will erode people's trust in judicial system and caste a doubt upon fairness of judgements delivered. "Nomination of former CJI RanjanGogoi as a RajyaSabha member by NDA, soon after his retirement is very surprising," Gehlot tweeted. "It shows NDA is hell bent on destroying independence of every institution and as Justice (retired) Madan B Lokur said, it redefines the independence, impartiality and integrity of the judiciary. This will erode people's trust in judicial system and cast a doubt upon fairness of judgements delivered," he said. Gogoi, who headed benches that pronounced several key judgements including in the sensitive Ayodhya land dispute case, was on Monday nominated to Rajya Sabha by the Centre. A notification announcing his nomination to the Upper House was issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday night. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) More than two dozen Senate Democrats urged Trump to invoke the Korean War-era Defense Production Act to increase production of masks, ventilators and respirators, as well as expand hospital capacity to combat the coronavirus. Federal officials said the administration is working with the Army Corps of Engineers to see about erecting temporary hospitals, as is done in the military, to handle an expected surge of cases. Catholic Faith Technologies Offers Free Online Faith Formation During Pandemic NEWS PROVIDED BY Catholic Faith Technologies March 17, 2020 OVERLAND PARK, Kan., March 17, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic Faith Technologies wants to help keep dioceses, parishes, schools, and families safe and productive during the COVID-19 pandemic. To serve those preventing the spread of the coronavirus by voluntarily isolating or entering quarantine, CFT is offering as many resources as possible to meet faith formation needs. During this time, CFT is serving the faith by providing: Grade School - FREE Faith and Life* courses through the generosity of Ignatius Press for those students soon celebrating Confirmation, First Communion, or enrolled in on-site religious education. High School - FREE Didache* series courses and online materials in partnership with the Midwest Theological Forum that will allow students to continue their studies at home. Adult Formation - FREE Faith Foundations* courses from My Catholic Faith Delivered. Professional Development - We offer online courses brought to you by Catholic Distance University and network of partner dioceses, these are also available on My Catholic Faith Delivered or through your diocesan formation office. For those schools already scheduled for NCEA IFG - ACRE or Adult Survey - testing, we are supporting rescheduling the assessment window or converting to the online version. CFT President, Jay Breeden says, "During times like this, people turn to their faith. It is comforting and it helps to normalize their lives. To reduce disruption for students in faith formation and other others partaking in faith-based learning, we are glad to be able to provide sense of continuity through our online platform. Especially now, its the best way for us to continue our mission to serve the Church and we are so thankful to our partners for allowing us to bring these courses to you." Built for a higher purpose And this is it! CFT was built to help dioceses streamline and scale all mission-critical initiatives while creating touch points for each parish and school to maximize engagement, faith formation, certifications, centralized communications, and more. This mission is not one to be put on hold due to a global emergency. The very nature of our offering makes it possible to continue consistent communications, integrated learning, and community engagement without disruption. Because CFT's operations are not dependent on any single physical location, we can ensure continuity of service and access to online content no matter where you are. If you have questions on any of these updates, we are happy to discuss it * Courses offered free of charge through June 30, 2020 at which time access will expire. SOURCE Catholic Faith Technologies CONTACT: Jay Breeden, 913-800-6886 Related Links Sorry! This content is not available in your region The Federal Road Safety Corps(FRSC), has issued a strong warning to Nigerians who drive with their earpiece on. According to the assistant route commander for Ikeja, Mr Olukayode Ayoola he said such action often lead to loss of concentration which inadvertently leads to accident. It is unfortunate that people know the right thing to do while driving but refuse to do them. All precautionary measures put out by road safety are not for formalities but are meant to be adhered to, for the safety of all. Use of phones and earpiece is seriously discouraged while driving, it is an offence; these will serve as distractions and could lead to accidents and eventual deaths, House leaders were discussing the Senates measure, a senior Democratic aide said late Monday. President Trumps unpredictability on surveillance issues could also upend negotiations. The president hinted last week that he might not sign the bill because it did not rein in spying aggressively enough. But Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican leader, later said the president assured him that he would. The Senates action on Monday is an effort to put off until June the expiration of four F.B.I. powers dating to the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, including one authority that most lawmakers agree should expire. Under that authority, the National Security Agency is allowed to operate a system that could swiftly access logs of Americans domestic phone calls on the servers of phone companies, enabling counterterrorism analysts to scrutinize social links in search of hidden associates of terrorism suspects. The Freedom Act system replaced a previously secret program in which the agency systematically vacuumed up logs of Americans phone records tracing back to the Sept. 11 attacks. It was exposed in the 2013 leaks by the former intelligence contractor Edward J. Snowden. But the Freedom Act system proved dysfunctional, expensive and inadequate. The National Security Agency repeatedly had to purge the records it collected from the system after discovering that phone companies had sent more data than the agency had the legal authority to sift through. The agency spent about $100 million on the system between 2015 and 2019, when it shut down the program, and obtained only two intelligence leads that the F.B.I. did not already know about, according to a recently declassified report by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. The most frequently used of the three powers that the F.B.I. is keeping for now is the ability to get a FISA court order to obtain business records deemed relevant to a terrorism or espionage investigation. The other two involve special FISA wiretaps: one that lets the F.B.I. swiftly follow a suspect who changes phones to evade monitoring, and one that lets the F.B.I. target a lone wolf terrorism suspect who lacks ties to a foreign group like Al Qaeda. The U.S. military says it has plenty of coronavirus tests ready to meet demand. But not everyone meets requirements to get tested. Military family members and retirees covered under Tricare and veterans using the Department of Veterans Affairs health system can receive a test for the novel coronavirus, formally known as COVID-19, but only if they meet certain conditions, officials said. Who Can Be Tested for COVID-19 and Have the Fee Waived? The VA and Tricare have instituted similar rules around who qualifies for testing: The patient has COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough and shortness of breath. The patient has traveled to one of the affected areas, like China or Italy. Or they have been in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19. The VA also requires that the patient live in an area where there has been community spread of COVID-19. Tricare announced via Facebook Tuesday COVID-19 testing is free for all beneficiaries. While it will still be no-cost if the test was prescribed by a network or non-provider, the usual copay or cost-share for the doctor visit will apply. The VA is offering free testing to enrolled veterans, a VA spokeswoman said via email Monday. This extends to Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA) beneficiaries. "VA currently has capacity to meet the demand for increased testing," the spokeswoman said. What Should I Do If I Think I Have the Virus? Tricare and VA both are asking patients not to go directly to a medical center without first calling. The VA is urging veterans to receive care virtually by downloading its VA Telehealth App; Tricare wants beneficiaries to call into the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line and chat with a registered nurse to assess their symptoms. "If needed, they can coordinate a virtual visit with a health care provider," a Tricare official said via email. What Happens If I Need to Be Tested? If a patient needs to be tested, he or she will be given more information on next steps through the nurse advice line or VA app. Officials said 14 Defense Department laboratories are performing COVID-19 testing, and they expect more to come online. Military clinics can also utilize state public health labs, officials said. Where Can I Find Additional Information? The VA is providing information updates via its coronavirus page here and has offered guidance for facility visits here. Tricare beneficiaries can stay up-to-date on the latest information here. Editor's Note: This story has been updated with new information about testing offered by Tricare. -- Dorothy Mills-Gregg can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @DMillsGregg. Read More: More COVID-19 coverage Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now counting down the day until they officially step down as senior members of the royal family. As they are a few days away from the independent life that they are dreaming of, Meghan's estranged brother opened up about how he feels with his sister's decision. In an interview with Express, Thomas Markle Jr. said that he hopes that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will stay together forever, but he voiced out his fears of a possible divorce when things went south for the couple. Tom Jr. said that he thinks Prince Harry has changed over the short period of time that he has been married to Meghan. "I hope they are madly in love, but Harry has changed quite a bit," Tom Jr said, adding that the change is done to suit what the 38-year-old Duchess wants. "I haven't seen a picture of Harry smiling in God knows how long. But before he was with Meghan, he was smiling all the time," he added. When the falling out happens between the Sussexes, Tom Jr said he is afraid Meghan will not have a family to run to. "When it is all done and said and over with if it does go south. She is going to turn to her family and probably not be welcomed with very many open arms," Tom Jr. added. Meghan's 54-year-old brother also believed that 'Megxit' is brought by Meghan's attitude of not wanting to be told what to do and her eagerness to be in the center of attention. Tom Jr. also expressed that he could not understand Meghan's decision to cut ties with the royal family. "You are giving up thousands of years of tradition and an amazing lifestyle," he added. Thomas Markle's Dying Wish During the emotional interview at his mother's house in New Mexico, Tom also revealed that their father's only dying wish is to make peace with Meghan and finally meet his youngest grandson. "My dad's dying wish, he tells me on the phone, is just so he can make amends and see Archie. And have his daughter back in his life," Meg's half-brother said. Tom Jr. suggested Meghan to step down from the pedestal and reach out to their father. He said that Meghan owes the Markle family's patriarch a lot since the man dedicated his whole life to Meghan. "Call your daddy. Seriously he has only got a few good years left," Tom Jr said. Since Meghan joined the royal family after marrying Prince Harry in May 2018, the former "Suits" actress has not spoken to her father or half-siblings. Royal experts claimed that the Duchess will only make amends with her estranged siblings and father when they stop making money out of press interviews and staged paparazzi photos. Meghan and Harry just wrapped up their final royal engagements in the United Kingdom and will be officially stepping down as senior royals on March 31st. They will be given a 12-month transition period to make sure all details of their exit is beneficial to all parties involved. An Argentinian tourist has been quarantined at a hospital here in Assam's Silchar on Tuesday as a precautionary measure amid the novel coronavirus scare, an official said. Luis Lisando was travelling by Silchar-Guwahati Express and the medical team at Silchar station referred him to the S M Dev Civil Hospital. The tourist did not have any symptoms of the disease but he has been quarantined as a precautionary measure, the official said. The Argentinian had been to Nepal recently and was planning to visit Myanmar next as part of a world tour, the official added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Australians should continue to visit their elderly relatives provided they were practising social distancing, had not been overseas or in contact with a person diagnosed with coronavirus, an epidemiologist and adviser to the World Health Organisation said. UNSW Professor Mary-Louise McLaws also stressed that people must be completely symptom-free and assess their risk of transmission before each visit. The death rate from coronavirus is profoundly higher among people over 60, especially those over 80, and those with underlying health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and respiratory illness. The death rate from coronavirus is significantly higher among People over 60, and especially over 80, and those with conditions often associated with age, such as heart disease, diabetes and respiratory illness. Credit:Jessica Shapiro Anyone who has recently travelled overseas or has been in close contact with somebody who has recently returned from overseas should stay away until after they have self-isolated for at least two weeks, Professor McLaws said. New Delhi, March 17 : Conceding the effect of coronavirus on the Indian tourism industry, the Union Tourism Minister Prahlad Singh Patel claimed that the loss to industry stakeholders was evident but stressed that safety is of utmost importance. "Travel agencies, hotels, and others related to tourism industry will have to face economic loss and it is evident that coronavirus will affect tourism in the near future too, but the government is standing by them," Patel told IANS in an exclusive interview. He added that restricting tourists influx in the country amid coronavirus outbreak was a tough measure but a correct one. "Safety is the priority, business comes second. So, I feel that the decision to put in restrictions on travellers is correct," Patel said. He said the evacuation of Indian students from China, Italy, Iran, combined with the safety first attitude of Indian government will help the country in gaining goodwill in the world. "We want to ensure safety even after the pandemic is over and before removing restrictions from tourismm. Despite a big challenge, I firmly believe that we will be one of the strongest nations who can guarantee security to the tourists," Patel said. Agra, which has reported the maximum number of eight coronavirus patients in the past two weeks, is one of the worst-hit cities in Uttar Pradesh. More than 50 per cent drop in tourism has been recorded in Agra in recent weeks. According to reports, there was a drastic drop in the sale of tickets to the Taj Mahal on Sunday. Data provided by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) shows that the number of foreign tourists fell down to a mere 1,274 on Sunday. In comparison, on any normal day, there are more than 20,000 to 25,000 visitors at the Taj Mahal. Meanwhile on Monday, the authorities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands suspended all tourism activities in the Union Territory from March 16 till March 26 in the wake of coronavirus scare. (Rohan Agarwal can be contacted at Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mr. Bradley, who was a top aide for the House Republican leadership during the 2008 crisis and helped negotiate the recovery package, said that the term bailout gets carelessly thrown around when it shouldnt. He noted that banks ultimately paid back the funds they were allocated in 2008. A program where the government doesnt lose money is difficult to describe as a bailout, Mr. Bradley said. It is a loaded term, and opponents use it indiscriminately to apply to things that dont even meet the textbook definition. Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist and former top aide to Harry Reid, the Senate Democratic leader during the 2008 debate over the financial rescue package, said the value of government relief was sometimes in the partisan eye of the beholder. If you are a Democrat, assistance to families is much needed economic relief or an economic stimulus, and some will call aid to businesses a bailout, Mr. Manley said. If you are a Republican, aid to businesses will be much needed relief or a stimulus, and some will call aid to families wasteful spending. The bank bailout came in the final months of the George W. Bush administration, though it is often associated with President Barack Obama, who took office in January 2009. It passed on bipartisan votes in both the House and Senate, though blocs of Republicans in both chambers opposed it. While its real political effect was in the future, it still became something of an issue in the 2008 election. Democrats ran ads against Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader who was up for re-election in Kentucky that year, hitting him for supporting TARP even though Democrats backed the bill. It infuriated Mr. McConnell. By 2009, Mr. Obama was in charge, and Republicans had determined that they would unite against his economic program, including a $787 billion stimulus package that not a single House Republican supported and just three senators stepped across the aisle to back. Republicans ridiculed it as wasteful and insufficient. For some Republicans, voting against TARP and the stimulus measure remain proud political moments, despite the fact that the programs fueled an economic comeback. The shelter-in-place order in effect across California since mid-March has shut down nonessential services, including non-emergency medical appointments and surgeries to preserve critical health resources for COVID-19 cases and reduce the spread of the coronavirus. But on April 22, Gov. Gavin Newsom took a small step toward loosening the statewide stay-at-home order and said hospitals could begin scheduling some elective surgeries again. Heres what you need to know if your non-emergency medical procedure has been delayed by the shut-down, as well as if you have symptoms of COVID-19, have other medical needs, or are pregnant: Q: What should I do if I need a medical procedure? Which procedures are allowed? A: First, contact your individual provider for more information to see whether your situation requires in-person treatment. While non-emergency medical procedures were canceled when the shelter in place orders went into effect, to keep hospital beds and medical personnel available for a potential surge in coronavirus cases, the ban has been lifted as the health care system has not seen the expected surge of coronavirus patients. Newsom said hospitals could begin rescheduling surgeries that are foundational to peoples health, including tumor removals, heart valve replacements, colonoscopies and operations to treat chronic diseases like diabetes. Purely cosmetic surgeries will not be permitted. These are important medical procedures that if not attended to could become a crisis and ultimately burden the rest of the health care system, Newsom said. Its not an emergency but, if left neglected for months and months, could become an emergency. The cancellation of surgeries and other non-urgent appointments was a major financial hit to hospitals and private medical practices, many of which temporarily closed or laid off staff, including physicians, due to the decline in patients and revenue. Q: What are the symptoms of the coronavirus? A: Symptoms can vary, but the main ones are fever and cough, plus shortness of breath as the illness progresses. People with COVID-19 tend not to have runny nose and sinus congestion or gastrointestinal issues that often come along with influenza, but they may. Heres how to tell the difference among allergies, flu and COVID-19. On April 27, the CDC added to its list of possible COVID-19 symptoms, including: chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell. These symptoms could appear two to 14 days after exposure And a study in northern Italy found that 18 of 88 COVID-19 patients, 20.4%, developed rashes. The lesions range from purple discoloration of the toes to blisters and occasionally hives, often in the buttock area, dermatologists said. Q: What do I do if Im symptomatic? A: If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever and coughing), you can take an assessment online, call a hotline, or contact your doctor see our information about telehealth providers. Also, many counties have set up special phone lines for coronavirus inquiries from the public; your county public health department should have this information online. Doctors said that if you have mild symptoms, you can be treated at home in isolation. The treatment is similar to the flu: rest, drink fluids, take a fever suppressant as needed and dont go to work or school. If you are experiencing shortness of breath and your symptoms are severe, you may need to seek hospitalization. Call ahead before you go to the ER so that health care providers are prepared to isolate you and take other precautions to protect you and other patients when you arrive. Q: Can I get tested? A: The CDC and local health departments say that tests should be prioritized for patients ill enough to be hospitalized, older adults and people with chronic medical conditions, and health care workers who have treated a known COVID-19 patient but they give clinicians leeway to use their judgment to decide whether to test a patient. People who are not showing any symptoms should not try to get tested. Some health care providers in the Bay Area are offering testing with caveats: check our running list. Q: What if I have an urgent medical need that is non-coronavirus related? A: Avoid going to the hospital unless it is a true medical emergency. Its critical that resources are preserved for those with the most acute symptoms to avoid overwhelming the health care system. Reaching out to a doctor virtually should be the first step to assess your situation and get medical advice on what help you need. A broad range of conditions can be and are already treated by telehealth, including but not limited to: therapy, sexual health, skin conditions, colds and the flu, asthma, allergies, rashes, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, hypertension, thyroid issues, prescriptions, pediatric visits, etc. Doctors stress that telehealth should be the default right now, but its not a last resort: Its still the patients choice about how to be treated. If you do need to go to the emergency room for another critical medical need, hospitals may direct you to certain entrances, will screen you for symptoms, and ask about your travel history, then you will be directed to the appropriate department. Q: Can I visit someone in the hospital? A: In San Francisco, all hospital visitors including spouses, partners, family members, friends and clergy are banned until April 30. Special permission for necessary visitation will be given for those performing critical legal or medical duties, like end-of-life consideration, or the care of minors or people with developmental disabilities. Other hospital systems have also limited visitors to protect patients and healthcare workers. Drought Map Track water shortages and restrictions across Bay Area Check the water shortage status of your area, plus see reservoir levels and a list of restrictions for the Bay Areas largest water districts. Q: What if I am or my partner is giving birth? A: Hospitals are implementing their own policies for partners of women giving birth. Sutter Health, which operates California Pacific Medical Center, is allowing one support person in the birthing suite after they thoroughly wash and disinfect their hands. The partner may stay or visit after the birth. UCSF, which has a labor and delivery center at its Mission Bay location, is letting one support person in the delivery room after they undergo health screening. They are allowed to stay after the birth, but will be screened upon re-entry. San Francisco General is allowing one visitor per day; it may be a different person each day. Kaiser is allowing only one visitor who does not exhibit symptoms in patient rooms at a time, although clinical exceptions may apply in labor and delivery under the clinicians guidance. Q: What should I do if Im pregnant? A: If youre pregnant, take the strictest precautions possible to protect yourself. Some hospitals are offering remote virtual tours or prenatal parenting classes via video call or educational resources online. At CPMC, prenatal visits, which require physical exams, and C-sections are still scheduled. Check with your hospital for its specific policies. Q: What if I need medication? A: Pharmacies will remain open during the shelter in place. If youre over the age of 65, comply with recommendations to stay inside and ask someone younger to go for you to avoid exposure. Chronicle staff writer Catherine Ho contributed to this report. Mallory Moench is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter:@mallorymoench VASEP expects local shrimp exporters to seize opportunities and boost shrimp exports Though the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) is making for an increasing disturbance, Ho Quoc Luc, general director of Sao Ta Foods JSC based in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang, assumed it is no cause for worry for the local shrimp industry if the epidemic stays for just a few months, as the peak season for shrimp exports is still months ahead. Luc argued that consumption patterns in Europe would be changing due to the epidemic. Particularly, the demand to import convenient canned and frozen seafood would pick up as it is easier for processing than fresh products. In the long haul, exports to the EU will also benefit from the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). Sao Ta Foods sold 937 tonnes of shrimp products last month, generating $10.7 million in export value. The companys farms are rearing pedigree shrimps in preparation for the upcoming season. As Vietnams largest shrimp breeding company, Viet-Uc Seafood Corporation is deploying a policy on postlarvae support to help farmers during the COVID-19 time. VASEP expects that the enforcement of the EVFTA hopefully in July would widen the doors for Vietnamese shrimp to deepen its foothold in the market. According to Bui Ba Su, the companys deputy general director, this is the largest support policy of its kind extended to farmers until present. The programme aims to help farmers reduce input costs while ensuring that product quality remains unchanged. In addition, shrimp farmers should consider rearing postlarvae right from now to be able to take advantage of the demand picking up post-epidemic, leading to better prices. More importantly, it is essential to ensure good breeding practices and clear product origin to increase export opportunities to the EU thanks to the EVFTA, he said. Similarly, Quy Nhon Frozen Seafoods JSC is taking measures to boost exports to the EU. Mai Ngoc Son, the companys director, noted that to benefit from the EVFTA, firms need to innovate technology, improve product quality, and ensure the clear origin of their products. Tran Dinh Tai, general director of Hoai Nhon Fishery JSC based in the south-central province of Binh Dinh, shared that in the past, export to the EU was fraught with difficulties due to the yellow card for fishing practices and other technical barriers. Now with the multiple opportunities the EVFTA could bring, our company will make constant efforts to keep up with surging market demand, he said. According to the Vietnam Association of Shrimp Exporters and Processors, more than 70 per cent of the local shrimp export volume went to Japan, the US, and Europe, while the remaining nearly 30 per cent went to China and South Korea. The US topped the list of Vietnams shrimp export markets in January 2020, accounting for 20 per cent of the countrys total export value of shrimp, fetching a tidy $37.9 million, a 7.7 per cent jump compared to January 2019. In the EU market, Vietnam raked in $36.4 million in January 2020, down 26.6 per cent against the corresponding period in 2019. VASEP, however, expects that the enforcement of the EVFTA hopefully in July would widen the doors for Vietnamese shrimp to deepen its foothold in the market. The COVID-19 outbreak in China and South Korea has led major shrimp importers (the US, Japan, and Europe) to curtail export volumes from these two countries, and local shrimp exporters need to avail themselves of the opportunity to scale up exports to these markets. The coronavirus crisis has left bartenders in New York City 'freaking out' after their earnings plummeted to zero, after previously making up to $550 a night in tips. Thousands of bartenders have been let go after the decision by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to shutter the city's bars and restaurants to stop the spread of the disease. With no sick pay, no vacation pay and no health insurance, several are rushing to sign up for unemployment benefits, which are a fraction of what they normally earn. Despite the glamorous illusion of the job, most bartenders earn just $10 an hour as a basic wage and rely on tips to make a living salary. Most live paycheck to paycheck and with no money coming in, a majority of bartenders fear being evicted because they can't pay their rent. In New York City, the nightlife industry makes $35 billion in annual revenue and supports about 300,000 workers. BROOKLYN: Thousands of bartenders have been let go after the decision by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to shutter the city's bars and restaurants to stop the spread of the disease. Pictured: A shuttered bar in Brooklyn Now with several out of a job, there's been a spreadsheet set up where patrons can tip their favorite bartender, even though no drinks are being made. Even whiskey maker Jameson donated $500,000 to the Bartender's Guild for emergency grants to support its members. On Tuesday, Trump's administration addressed workers who rely heavily on tips, saying the White House is reviewing plans to give every American at least $1,000 within two weeks. But until financial relief comes through, many are anxious about how they will make it through the month. spoke with bartenders in the city to see how they are coping during the shutdown. Jenny Makholm: From making up to $550 a night in tips to $0 and savings wiped by May Bartenders are 'freaking out' in New York City after the city shut down bars due to the coronavirus crisis. spoke with several bartenders to see how they are coping during the shutdown. Jenny Makholm, 37, (pictured) said on a busy weekend night she'd make $550 in tips, but now has no income and will burn through her savings by the end of April Jenny Makholm said that on a busy weekend night at Broken Land in Greenpoint, Brooklyn she would make $550 in tips, although that meant getting home at 7am after an exhausting shift with hundreds of patrons. Makholm, 37, said that last Saturday there were just seven customers in and that she and the staffers were 'constantly cleaning all the surfaces'. Makholm said they were 'terrified of one customer not giving a f***' and spreading the coronavirus. Since the bars have closed Makholm said that 'money is my biggest concern' and is worried about making her $1,700 a month rent. For a lot of us we're hit hard, most of us live paycheck to paycheck, most of us rely on cash tips for our income. People can't feed themselves. She has $1,800 in savings - which is more than most in her industry - and $300 in her checking account. Makholm gets $800 a month workers compensation from an injury to her hands but even then she is scared of being evicted. She said: 'I'm in a far more privileged financial circumstance than most of my fellow service workers for multiple reasons: I have savings, I'm on the books, my tips are accurately recorded, and I have a worker's compensation check that comes regardless of anything else twice a month. 'Even with all of those benefits, my savings will be completely gone by the end of April'. Makholm, who has been bartending for 16 years, said it was 'terrifying and disorienting for all of us'. She tried to apply for unemployment benefits but the website malfunctioned under the strain. She said: 'I kind of mentally prepared about two weeks ago, I was following the news when it was just in China. I was worrying before other people were worrying. 'For a lot of us we're hit hard, most of us live paycheck to paycheck, most of us rely on cash tips for our income. People can't feed themselves'. GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN: Makholm said that on a busy weekend night at Broken Land in Greenpoint (pictured), Brooklyn she would make $550 in tips, although that meant getting home at 7am after an exhausting shift with hundreds of patrons Anne Robinson: Applying for unemployment after working at a upscale bar co-owned by Robert De Niro Until Monday, Anne Robinson worked as head bartender at Locanda Verde, an upscale Italian bar at the Greenwich Hotel in Tribeca, which is part owned by Robert De Niro. Patrons were a mixture of wealthy hotel guests, locals and bank workers, and she could earn up to $300 a night in tips. On a good week, she would take home $1,200 before tax. Then the order came down to shut the bars and Robinson was laid off. Anne Robinson (pictured) said: 'I guess rent would be the biggest worry... I think it's the not knowing and wondering how long it will go on' TRIBECA: Until Monday, Robinson worked as head bartender at Locanda Verde (pictured), an upscale Italian bar at the Greenwich Hotel in Tribeca, which is part owned by Robert De Niro Now she is applying for unemployment benefits, which amounts to just $500 a month. She and her boyfriend will have to pool their unemployment checks to pay their $2,400 a month rent. Robinson said: 'At the moment the biggest issue is getting the unemployment benefit website to work so I can have some income. 'I guess rent would be the biggest worry although I think I have enough savings to keep us hanging in there for a while. I think it's the not knowing and wondering how long it will go on. 'If it's more than two or three months I'm not even letting myself think about it'. Robinson, 35, said that most of her friends in the bar industry are 'freaking out'. She said: 'I think people still have hope but it's only day one'. Max Green: Negotiating rent so he doesn't lose his bar but is more upset he can't visit his sick mother in case he spreads coronavirus Max Green has turned to organizing to help keep himself busy during the shutdown. He has been working with colleagues to take over bar spaces that are closed to make meal plans for people without income. He is also looking to help bar backs, dish washers and others who get lower tips than bartenders and are suffering even worse. Green's biggest issue is the bar he owns in the East Village called Blue Quarter. With no revenue, he has to negotiate with the landlord about paying the rent. Green said that he saw a 70 percent drop in sales by last Saturday and realized that things were serious. Bar owner Max Green (pictured) said he has to negotiate his landlord about paying rent and is upset he can't go home out of fears he'll spread the disease to his sick mom EAST VILLAGE: Green's biggest issue is the bar he owns in the East Village called Blue Quarter (pictured). With no revenue, he has to negotiate with the landlord about paying the rent. Green said that he saw a 70 percent drop in sales by last Saturday and realized that things were serious. He said: 'Most people are trying to figure that out the rent and have a conversation with our landlord. None of us can afford to pay 10, 15, or 30 thousand dollars a month when we have no revenue'. Green said that bartenders at higher end cocktail bars could earn up to $1,200 a week, but in New York it wasn't as much as it sounds because of the high cost of living. Green, 32, said he thinks many bartenders are more concerned about health than money, saying: 'Most people in their mid 20s which is a large swath of the bar staff have the concern: ''Do I go home to my family or do I stay in New York? But if I do that, do I risk bringing the illness to them or my grandparents even though I'm asymptomatic?'' 'That's the biggest risk, spreading without knowledge'. Green's own mother is single, elderly and had heart surgery last week. He said: 'That's my biggest fear right now. I can't see her. She's getting better every day but not being able to take care of a person who has taken care of you for your entire life is not the best'. Sirjoon Elassal: Eating food being thrown out by the bar where he works Until Monday, Sirjoon Elassal was mixing $15 drinks like the Freya Regal at Amor y Amargo, a Manhattan cocktail bar. Now he's going to dip into his savings to pay his rent, which he said was between $1,000 and $500. The 26-year-old said: 'It's terrifying and it's not easy to accept as a reality because this industry seems impervious, the most in the world, Through storms and hurricanes there were places that were open. 'But because this is a pandemic that relies on socializing, that's the one weakness we have'. Until Monday, Sirjoon Elassal was mixing $15 drinks like the Freya Regal at Amor y Amargo, a Manhattan cocktail bar. Elassal said he has been living off food he was given from a bar he worked at EAST VILLAGE: The 26-year-old said: 'It's terrifying and it's not easy to accept as a reality because this industry seems impervious, the most in the world, Through storms and hurricanes there were places that were open.' Pictured: Amor y Amargo where Elassal worked before the shutdown Elassal said that on a good night he could get enough tips to cover three quarters of his rent. Last weekend there were four people in the bar and 'the only thing we could talk about was the coronavirus'. He said: 'There's so much uncertainty it causes so much fear. It's crazy'. Elassal is thankful he does not have extravagant tastes but he says that he is a workaholic and finds having nothing to do difficult. He said: 'The longer this goes on the worse it will get. The unemployment aid will be a bandage on the gash but that will run out eventually. We have no sick pay, nothing like that. We're kind of out on our own'. Earlier this week Elassal was helping the owner of another bar he worked at to take out the perishable food. He said: 'He told me to take as much as you want, this is food for you. I got two weeks worth of food from him which I'm very thankful for'. Andrew Fafoutakis: Can't afford to shop for groceries Andrew Fafoutakis was earning up to $300 a night in tips at Hudson Malone in Midtown East until the shutdown. He lives in the Bronx and pays $800 a month in rent - low by New York standards - but he is anxious. He said: 'On a good night you're hoping for up to $300 a night which sounds like a lot but the cost of living in New York is insane. 'That's why it's so hard for tipped employees - one night off and it hits you hard. You have a week off and it can devastate you in terms of rent'. Andrew Fafoutakis said he went from making $300 a night to nothing, admitting he can't buy groceries because he is so broke MIDTOWN EAST: Fafoutakis said he was 'praying' for a rent freeze and didn't know how he would pay his cell phone bill. He has not been out grocery shopping yet and has been working through food that is in his apartment. Pictured: Hudson Malone where Fafoutakis used to work Fafoutakis, 36, said he was 'trying to be good natured about it' so far. He said: 'This is only week one. If week two or week three comes by I will feel worse. 'I'm taking it day by day'. With no health insurance or sick pay, getting the coronavirus would make this situation even worse. He said: 'I'm self quarantining. I've been monitoring my symptoms but so far I've not seen anything'. Fafoutakis said he was 'praying' for a rent freeze and didn't know how he would pay his cell phone bill. He has not been out grocery shopping yet and has been working through food that is in his apartment. He said: 'I'm reducing expenses and I'm trying to go bare bones and not indulge. I'm watching a lot of TV and Netflix is a saving grace. Now it's crazy how important social media is, we're all sharing stuff through Instagram and Facebook. 'Even communicating and sharing our concerns. A lot of us are freaking out right now as we've never seen anything on this level'. Germany and France have imposed stringent new measures to limit social contact as countries across Europe try to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus, even as US President Donald Trump said the nationwide coronavirus emergency could last until the end of the summer or even longer. Trump said Americans over the next 15 days should not gather in groups of more than 10 and avoid bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms and crowds, a BBC report said. French President Emmanuel Macron announced an enforced lockdown, a step similar to curbs imposed by Italy and Spain, saying: "We're in a health war". Macron also said the European Union's external borders would be closed to travellers from Tuesday. France has so far registered more than 6,000 infections and 148 deaths. In Germany, most non-grocery shops and venues have been ordered to shut. Chancellor Angela Merkel also banned religious services and told people to cancel any domestic or foreign holiday travel. Schools across the country have already been shut. Germany now has close to 7,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and 14 deaths. Large gatherings nationwide had already been banned. In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not announce compulsory restrictions but urged people to avoid pubs and clubs and refrain from non-essential travel or having contact with others. Earlier, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said governments were not doing enough to combat the pandemic, and urged them to step up their testing programmes. "You can't fight a fire blindfolded and we can't stop this pandemic if we don't know who is infected," he said at a news conference in Geneva. "We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test." There have been more than 174,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus globally and over 6,700 deaths, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths outside China has now surpassed the number inside. More than 87,000 people have been infected outside China, while just over 80,000 cases have been reported inside. Spain started controls at land borders at midnight on Monday and only Spanish citizens, residents and special cases will be allowed in the country. The Spanish government imposed a partial lockdown on its 47 million inhabitants on Saturday, as part of a 15-day state of emergency. People are barred from leaving home except buy essential supplies and medicines, or for work. Italy, the worst-affected nation outside China, where the virus originated, has more than 20,000 cases and has suffered more than 2,150 deaths. Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte told the Corriere della Sera newspaper that damage from the virus would be "serious and widespread", adding: "After the coronavirus, nothing will be as before, we will have to sit down and rewrite the rules of trade and the free market." Greece is shutting all shops, bars, chemists and petrol stations and putting all arrivals from abroad into quarantine for 14 days Iran, which has the third-highest number of confirmed cases globally, on Monday reported 129 more deaths, its highest tally in a single day. Health ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour urged people not to travel outside their province. The fourth-most-affected nation, South Korea, again reported a slowdown in new infections, with President Moon Jae-in saying he was increasingly confident of overcoming the virus. There has been a sharp rise in coronavirus cases in Africa. Strict measures are being introduced in many of the 26 countries affected, with schools and borders closing in several parts of Africa. Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas responded to reports that US President Donald Trump wanted to buy exclusive access to a potential vaccine developed by a German biotech firm, saying: "We cannot allow others to seek exclusive results." At the White House, Trump said the country is facing "an invisible enemy" that is "so contagious". The US has so far had more than 4,600 cases of the virus and 85 deaths. All older Americans are urged to stay home, while work and schooling for everyone should be from home. Discretionary travel, shopping trips and social visits should be avoided and people should stay away from nursing homes or retirement facilities. Anyone in a household who tests positive for the virus should remain at home along with everyone who lives there. "We've made the decision to further toughen the guidelines and blunt the infection now," a sombre-sounding Trump told reporters. "We'd much rather be ahead of the curve than behind it." MFA urges Singaporean students studying abroad to come back Photo courtesy: Twitter/@ChangiAirport The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is urging all Singaporean students studying abroad to consider returning home given the evolving COVID-19 situation and rapid increase of COVID-19 cases around the globe. As per a statement issued by the MFA, Institutes of Higher Learning in Singapore have begun recalling their students currently on overseas internship or exchange. Given the evolving #COVID19 situation, Singaporean students studying overseas are encouraged to consider returning home soon. Read more here: MFAsg (@MFAsg) March 17, 2020 The statement says that students should consider returning home as many countries are imposing travel restrictions or closing their borders, transport operators and airlines are cutting services, and many services and facilities, including educational institutions, have also been closed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Government will liaise with airlines to facilitate flights to key cities when necessary during this period, to cater to demand for return flights to Singapore, added the statement. The MFA also issued the following advisory to overseas Singaporean students yet to return home: A recent exchange of high-level threats between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, was heavy in symbolic numbers. Trump took to Twitter, threatening to strike 52 sites in Iran. Rouhani responded using the same medium: "Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655 Never threaten the Iranian nation. The 52 refers to the number of American hostages taken by Iran in 1979. The 290 refers to the civilians killed in July 1988, when the US Navy accidentally shot down Iran Air flight 655 in the Persian Gulf. But was Rouhanis riposte an implied admission that Iran played a role in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103? In December 1988, I was a foreign policy adviser to Senator Ted Kennedy when Pan Am flight 103 was bombed in the skies over Lockerbie, Scotland. 270 people, including 189 Americans, died on the plane and on the ground. Because many of the senators constituents in Massachusetts were killed, we became heavily involved in all aspects of the case, including the quest for the truth on behalf of the families of the victims. In 1991, two Libyans were indicted for the bombing. A decade later, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi turned the two over for a trial before a specially convened Scottish court at the Hague in the Netherlands. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was convicted in the bombing and was sentenced to life in prison. In 2009, Megrahi was returned to Libya on compassionate grounds and died more than two years later. A small number of people have long believed that Megrahi was not guilty. I was never one of them. Ken Dornstein, whose brother David was killed on Pan Am flight 103, found further compelling evidence of Megrahis guilt in the summer of 2011, when he went to Tripoli at the height of the Libyan revolution. His journey is chronicled in a 2015 series, My Brothers Bomber, on PBS Frontline. But Libyas guilt and Iranian involvement are not mutually exclusive. In April 1994, Senator Kennedy wrote to Tony Lake, President Clintons National Security Adviser, not only calling for the two indicted Libyans to be brought to justice, but to enlist the administrations assistance with the many unanswered questions regarding possible Syrian and Iranian involvement. It was never ruled out that Iran may have financed the attack, that Syrian-based terrorists planned the operation, and that the Libyans placed the bomb on the plane. The most widely held theory at the time was that Iran, seeking revenge for that July 1988 downing of Iran Air flight 655, sponsored Ahmed Jibril, the Syrian-based leader of the PFLP-GC, to carry out the bombing. (Following that downing, Irans Ayatollah Khomeini vowed that the skies would "rain blood". At the time, Hassan Rouhani was the deputy commander of Iran's Armed Forces.) Jibril's plans were disrupted in the fall of 1988, when the German government raided his terrorist cells in Germany. After Jibril's cells in Germany were disrupted, it was believed that he went to Tripoli, where he handed off the project to the Gadhafi regime. Gadhafi would have been all too happy to back an act of revenge for the Reagan Administrations bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi, which itself was retaliation for Libyas 1986 bombing of a Berlin discotheque which killed two American soldiers and one civilian. We felt that, upon indicting the two Libyans, the Bush administration was too quick to drop the Iran and Syria links. Why would that be? It may have had something to do with bigger geopolitical considerations. It is worth remembering what was going on at the time. In November 1990, Brent Scowcroft, President George Bushs National Security Adviser, said on "This Week with David Brinkley," that President Bush and Secretary of State James Baker asked Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to turn over Jibril to the United States to face charges for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. But by 1991, Syria was part of Gulf War coalition and Iran remained neutral. By mid-1991 the Pan Am flight 103 investigation, which had been pointing to Syria and Iran, was redirected to Libya. When the two Libyans were indicted in 1991, Syria and Iran were quickly absolved by President Bush and, within a month, four American hostages and one British hostage were released by pro-Iranian captors in Syria. Tony Lake, the CIA, and Robert Mueller, who was President Clintons US Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, all told us that they wouldnt say that Iran and Syria were not involved, it was simply a matter of having solid evidence on which to indict the Libyans. In Rhythm Section, a film recently in theaters, Blake Lively plays a woman whose entire family was killed in an orchestrated plane crash. Her character personally tracks down and kills those responsible. Thats only in the movies. A journalist in the film tells her, Youre another victim. Youre just not dead yet. There are plenty of living victims of the bombing of Pan Am 103, and they deserve the truth. It is time to take a fresh look at the case. Trina Y. Vargo is the president of the US-Ireland Alliance and the author of Shenanigans The US-Ireland Relationship in Uncertain Times. The views expressed are the author's own. During a previous voyage, an Italian man complained of heart trouble and was taken off the ship in the Cayman Islands on Feb. 29, Costa Cruises said in a statement. He later tested positive for the coronavirus and has since died. On the current voyage, an Italian woman who disembarked in Puerto Rico on March 8 after complaining of breathing trouble has also since tested positive for the virus, as has her husband, who was traveling with her, the company said. New Delhi: At least two persons on Tuesday (March 17) tested positive for Coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh's Noida. According to Gautam Budh Nagar CMO Anurag Bhargav, the first case has been detected in Noida's sector 100 with a travel history from France. The second case is from sector 78 in Noida and the person is a doctor by profession who reportedly came in contact with a relative who had recently returned from Dubai. Both of them have been quarantined at the Government Institute of Medical Science (GIMS) in Greater Noida while their test samples have been sent to the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). Iran's supreme leader has issued a religious ruling prohibiting 'unnecessary' travel amid the new coronavirus outbreak. Semiofficial media in Iran on Tuesday reported the fatwa by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It comes as state television earlier warned millions could die in the virus outbreak. The death toll in Iran saw another 13 per cent increase on Tuesday. Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said the virus had killed 135 more people to raise the total to 988 amid over 16,000 cases. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Former Obama administration officials have been claiming that President Trump and his then-national security adviser John Bolton dissolved the office at the White House responsible for disaster preparedness. Trumps legion of knee-jerk critics have run with this claim. But according to Tim Morrison, the former aide to whom direction of this office was assigned, the office was not dissolved. It remains in operation under Morrisons successor. Writing in the Washington Post, Morrison states: When I joined the National Security Council staff in 2018, I inherited a strong and skilled staff in the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate. This team of national experts together drafted the National Biodefense Strategy of 2018 and an accompanying national security presidential memorandum to implement it; an executive order to modernize influenza vaccines; and coordinated the United States response to the Ebola epidemic in Congo, which was ultimately defeated in 2020. It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, congressional oversight committees and members of the Obama administration itself all agreed the NSC was too large and too operationally focused. . . . The reduction of force in the NSC has continued since I departed the White House. But it has left the biodefense staff unaffected perhaps a recognition of the importance of that mission to the president, who, after all, in 2018 issued a presidential memorandum to finally create real accountability in the federal governments expansive biodefense system. (Emphasis added) As part of the effort to make the NSC more effective, the Trump administration created the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, a consolidation of three directorates into one (the three were arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense, which obviously overlap). Morrison says it is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. (Emphasis added) But, if anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled. In short, the pandemic response office was not dissolved. It still exists and, in Morrisons judgment, its current staffing level is fully up to the job. Morrisons name may be familiar to some readers. He testified during the impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Morrison was present during the telephone call in which Trump discussed with Ukraines president investigating the 2016 election and the Bidens. He testified about that call, saying he didnt find it improper. He also testified that Gordon Sondland told a Ukrainian official that the country would probably get military assistance unfrozen if the government announced investigations into Democrats. Morrison testified he heard this directly from Sondland and that he knew Sondland talked to Trump about half a dozen times this summer as the White House froze aid to Ukraine. Morrison also said Sondland told him he was acting at Trumps request. Morrison resigned from the NSC right around the time he gave this testimony. Morrison, then, is not an apologist for Trump. Hes an ally of Bolton, his boss at the NSC whom Trump has attacked. Reportedly Morrison has been called Bolton without a mustache. Morrison concedes that some of the criticism of the presidents response to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak is warranted, though much [is] not. (The odds are strongly against any leader not making mistakes in responding to something as unprecedented as this pandemic.) But the claim that Trump dissolved the pandemic response office isnt just unwarranted. It is fake news. RTE have set out their coverage of religious services and events over the enxt few weeks. Today, Tuesday March 17 - St Patrick's Day, on RTE One television & RTE Radio 1 Extra/Longwave 252, Fr Peter Rodgers OFM, a member of the Capuchin community in Dublin's Church Street, will celebrate Mass live in the chapel studio of Kairos Communications, Maynooth, Co Kildare. He will be with members of the Schola Cantorum of St Finian's College, Mullingar, directed by Gerard Lillis. The same group will then celebrate Mass in Irish on Raidio na Gaeltachta at 12 noon. Christian worship will then continue to air on RTE TV, Radio and Online at 11am every Sunday and, of course, RTE will mark the major liturgies of Holy Week and Easter on all platforms. You can also log onto, which offers live daily video streams from over 150 churches across Ireland and the UK, so you can connect with worship in a church near you. RTE hope in the coming days, to offer religious content for members of the Muslim community who are unable to attend Friday's noon Jummah prayers. On Sunday April 5 , at 17.35, RTE One will be marking Passover, or Pesach, with the Irish Jewish community and, on April 11, at the same time, RTE One will celebrate Vaisakhi with Ireland's Sikhs, though their colourful public festive gatherings have been curtailed. On Radio 1, A Living Word continues to offer a short daily spiritual reflection from a range of religious positions, every weekday morning at 06.15. Also read: Managing cash flow through Covid-19 crisis European leaders agreed Tuesday to close the European Union's (EU) external borders for 30 days in a new effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The travel restrictions at the border are temporary and aim to reduce most non-essential travel from other countries into the European Union. The new rules will apply to 26 members of the EU, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Ireland has not yet decided whether to implement the restrictions. "It's up to them now to implement it. They said they would immediately do that," Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission told reporters Tuesday evening about when the external border checks would be applied. Von der Leyen also suggested the U.K. was not applying restrictions to its external borders, but its citizens would still be allowed to travel into the EU. The U.K. has a unique relationship with the EU: it exited the bloc in January but remains subject to its rules until the end of the year. Tweet Movement of people within the European free-passport area will still be allowed under the restrictions. This means that people in the so-called Schengen area will be able to move from one country to the other. The travel restrictions do not apply to medical staff, medicines or goods. "The flow of goods has to be swift, we need these goods for the functioning of the internal market," von der Leyen said at a press conference. "But we have also to make sure that the commuters can go back and forth where they live, or where they work," she added. Some countries have imposed certain restrictions at borders with other EU countries and that could ultimately raise issues in the supply chain. "It is absolutely crucial that we unblock the situation," von der Leyen said. The EU will also arrange for the repatriation of citizens of member countries. "The Union and its member states will do whatever it takes," said European Council President Charles Michel, who chairs the discussions among the heads of state. The EU is an economic and political union of most of the countries in Europe, including Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Benelux nations, Austria, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and all Scandavian countries with the exception of Norway. On Monday, Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said he was closing his nation's borders to foreigners, with the major exception of U.S. citizens. This story has been updated to reflect that Ireland has not yet announced whether it will impose the travel restrictions. Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, who was recently nominated to the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday said that he accepted the nomination as he was firmly convinced of the need for the legislature and judiciary to work together for nation-building. Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, who was recently nominated to the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday said that he accepted the nomination as he was firmly convinced of the need for the legislature and judiciary to work together for nation-building. "I have accepted the offer of the nomination to the Rajya Sabha because of strong conviction that the legislature and judiciary must, at some point of time, work together for nation-building," NDTV quoted him as saying. As per a report in the Indian Express, he told an Assamese news channel: My presence in Parliament will be an opportunity to project the views of the judiciary before the legislature and vice versa." However, he added, that he would speak in details about the reasons behind his decision once he had taken oath. "I'll go to Delhi probably tomorrow. Let me first take the oath then I will speak in detail to the media that why I accepted this and why I am going to Rajya Sabha," ANI quoted the former CJI as saying. President Ram Nath Kovind had on Monday nominated Gogoi to the Upper House of the Parliament, attracting criticism from many, including leaders of Opposition parties. Gogoi served as the 46th Chief Justice of India from 3 October, 2018, to 17 November, 2019. On 9 November, 2019, the five-judge bench headed by him had delivered the verdict in the long-pending Ayodhya dispute case. He also headed a Supreme Court bench which monitored the National Register of Citizens (NRC) process in Assam. On 12 January, 2018, Justice Gogoi along with Justices J Chelameswar, MB Lokur and Kurian Joseph had called a press conference and said the situation in the top court was "not in order" and many "less than desirable" things had taken place. Unless this institution is preserved, "democracy will not survive in this country," the four judges had said. A day later, Gogoi had said that "there is no crisis" in the Supreme Court. Gogoi will be the second Chief Justice of India to become a member of the Upper House. Former CJI Ranganath Mishra had been a member of the Rajya Sabha from 1998-2004 after joining the Congress. With inputs from agencies Small retailers in Korea's shopping districts have seen a decline in customer traffic of around an 80 percent due to the coronavirus outbreak, causing an estimated W300 billion in losses a day (US$1=W1,226). The Korea Federation of Micro Enterprise analyzed KT big data and found that customer traffic in the Jung district of central Seoul declined 78.5 percent from 9.3 million to two million from Feb. 9 to 29. The federation calculated small shops' daily revenues in 2019 at W560,000 and assumes there are 670,000 small stores in Seoul. "An 80 percent decline in customer traffic across the country would mean a daily loss of W300 billion," it said. The federation last week asked the government and National Assembly for emergency funding, tax waivers and eased loan obligations for small shopkeepers. Camp Fire Midland County Executive Director Therese Ashmore says it was a tough decision to temporarily close the child care organization, but it was necessary because of declining numbers of children attending and recent stricter federal coronavirus guidelines. Camp Fire sent an email early Tuesday afternoon to all the families whose children have attended Camp Fire this school year. The email stated that Camp Fire would close on Wednesday, March 18, and reopen on Monday, April 6, when Midland Public Schools is currently scheduled to reopen. "We always want to have the best interest of our children and our families in mind when making difficult decisions such as this one," the email said in part. Spark Side, at 1621 East Wheeler, is the only one of the organization's four centers that had remained open following the closing of MPS schools on Monday. The three school-based centers, at Adams and Plymouth elementary schools and at Carpenter Pre-Primary Center, all normally offer before-school and after-school care, as does Spark Side. On Monday and Tuesday, because of the schools being closed, Spark Side was open throughout the day for students from kindergarten through age 12. However, only about 15 children were present on each of those two days, Ashmore said. "We have fewer and fewer children here," Ashmore said. "I think it's because (parents) are taking the work-from-home options and being smart about how serious the coronavirus really is. So we're going to follow suit and do that for our staff and our families as well. "It's not an option we would like to do," she added of closing. "We would rather stay open. But we have to listen to what the CDC and the president are saying." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sunday made a new recommendation that gatherings of 50 or more people be canceled or postponed for the next eight weeks, and President Trump on Monday said that no more than 10 people should gather in one place for the next 15 days. At this point, though, Gov. Whitmer has not directed Michigan child care centers or preschools to close. But Ashmore noted the needs of young children make it almost impossible for child care staff to consistently practice "social distancing," or remaining at least six feet away from any other person in order to help slow the spread of coronavirus. "If they need you, you're going to be there for them," she said of the kids. "If they fall down, you're going to help them up." Camp Fire, which is described on its Facebook page as a "not for profit licensed before and after school youth development program," has had more than 200 kids total attend its four centers during this school year. Ashmore said that Dow Inc.'s shifting of many employees to working at home this week, as well as the closing of all bars and restaurants on Monday, may also be contributing to the fact that fewer kids are coming to Camp Fire. "As the workforce is changing, the need for care isn't as great," Ashmore said. She acknowledged that some parents, especially those who work as first responders or those in households where neither parent can work from home, still need a place for their kids to be supervised during the day. "That does worry me, but I have to look at the greater good of my staff and the children," said Ashmore, who also noted that families generally know that they have to have a backup plan for child care. The email from Camp Fire to parents also requested that any payments for Camp Fire invoices be paid by check through the mail if possible. If that is not possible for a parent, they should call or email the office to arrange a payment over the phone on a Friday. Big Brother contestants in Germany will be told about the coronavirus pandemic during a live episode on Tuesday night. Plans to keep the contestants in the dark unless a relative became unwell have been overturned following an uproar on social media over the decision. The group of 14 contestants, who are being housed in Cologne, are currently some of the last people to be informed about the deadly virus, reports the Guardian. Ignorance is bliss? Big Brother contestants in Germany will be told about the coronavirus pandemic during a live episode on Tuesday night (contestants pictured on the show) The producers initially defended their decision not to enlighten the housemates and told local newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung they would only be informed in certain circumstances. But the channel which airs the reality programme - Sat.1 - has since faced backlash online from viewers who suggested it was unfair not to tell the housemates. Many took to Twitter to air their grievances over the situation, with one person writing: 'I read today that contestants on Big Brother, Germany have no idea what's going on in the outside world with the Corona Virus and TV company is debating whether to tell them! What a liberty!' While another penned: 'So are we gonna talk about how the members of Big Brother in Germany currently have no idea about the coronavirus and nobody is allowed to tell them?' Reaction: But the channel which airs the reality programme - Sat.1 - has since faced backlash online from viewers who suggested it was unfair not to tell the housemates A third said: 'There's people in the big brother Germany house who have been their since Feb 6th and they have no idea about coronavirus [mind blown emoji]'. Another impassioned viewer said: 'People on Big Brother Germany, Brazil, Canada haven't been told about Covid-19. 'I've read some f***ed up s***t recently but that is f***ed up.' The contestants will be told during a live episode which is set to air ahead of its regular slot at 7pm on Tuesday evening. They will be informed about the crisis and given the opportunity to ask questions as well as receiving video recordings from their loved ones at home. Show bosses have also insisted that 'special hygiene measures' have been taken to protect the contestants from getting the infection. Most of the housemates entered the show at its inception on February 6, when the global threat of coronavirus seemed unlikely and only cases in Wuhan, China were confirmed. Four more contestants were introduced to the house on March 6, just three days before the country reported its first coronavirus death. The original quarantine zone: The Big Brother housemates are said to be blissfully unaware of the developing coronavirus pandemic. Pictured: the Big Brother compound in Manly, Sydney Since the show began it has only been interrupted in the same way once before, as in 2001 the American version of the show broke the news to contestants about 9/11 when one relative was presumed missing. Currently their are two other versions of Big Brother airing across the globe in Brazil, Canada where it can presumed the housemates are equally clueless. Big Brother Australia began filming in Manly, Sydney, three weeks ago, however it has been pre-recorded for the first time ever and their is no set airdate. According to The Australian, Channel Seven has chosen not to tell the contestants about the health crisis while they're in self-isolation. Coronavirus was confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11. The first case in Australia was reported in January. The Big Brother set is possibly one of the safest quarantine zones in Sydney. The housemates are in total isolation in a purpose-built compound, which is understood to be well supplied with food and essentials. They aren't told about major news events until after they've been eliminated. No need to panic? Channel Seven has chosen not to tell the contestants about the health crisis while they're in self-isolation. Pictured: 2014 housemates Ryan, Travis and Skye Australia has more than 300 confirmed coronavirus cases, including five deaths, as of Monday afternoon. Of the five deaths, four were in New South Wales, where Big Brother is being filmed. Daily Mail Australia has contacted Channel Seven for comment. Big Brother Australia, which is being pre-recorded for the first time in its history, has no confirmed airdate. Seven's programming chief Angus Ross told TV Tonight in January that the reality show would likely launch before the Olympics in July. Despite no longer being a live format, viewers can still vote for their preferred winner, but it's unclear if there will be a live finale like previous seasons. She's back! Sonia Kruger (pictured) was recently confirmed as the host of Big Brother. It's unclear if she has any physical contact with the housemates Big Brother contests aren't the only people who have been left unaware of the pandemic. Jared Leto has been left stunned after emerging from a 12-day desert retreat to discover the spread of coronavirus has now become a global pandemic. The Oscar winner, 48, was shocked to learn that much of the world was taking extreme measures to fight COVID-19, with countless people self-isolating at home. Both freshwater and sea fish -- procured from rivers, inland fisheries, or the Arabian Sea and the creeks dotting the Maharashtra coast - have been hit badly as prices have shot up by an average 50-60 per cent in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Mumbai: In the wake of rumours about consumption of chicken and mutton amid the coronavirus scare across the country, sea-food prices have suddenly skyrocketed in the city and surroundings areas in the past one week. This is having serious repercussions on the cost of fish items served by specialized 'sea-food restaurants' and regular eateries where it is one of the options, though prices have not been hiked so far. Akhil Maharashtra Machhimar Kriti Samit President Damodar Tandel attributes many reasons for the price rise which has got compounded due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. "Monsoon 2019 got extended on the Konkan coast with very rough weather, besides the massive floods in several districts last year. Since Diwali, the usual catch has sunk because of LED lights used by big trawlers and purse seine nets," rued Tandel. The 'Bhai Bhandarkar Maha Machimar Vishwastanidhi Trust' Chairman Vijay Bhandarkar said that for the past two years, the fishermen are in the same predicament as the farmers of Maharashtra due to various reasons. "First, the Oil and Natural Gas Commission keeps expanding and encroaching upon fishing territories. Second, the maritime traffic in the Arabian Sea has gone up considerably since it's a key global route and all vessels discharge their wastes here," Bhandarkar told IANS. Added to this is the massive pollution near the coastal areas with untreated sewage discharged from major cities or towns on the entire coastal Maharashtra, besides Gujarat and Karnataka which has driven away marine life. "According to our estimates, the catch has dwindled by more than 70 per cent, the costs remain constant, so prices go up accordingly. This has also hit exporters of fish, plus the dry fish market which is extremely popular among the people in coastal regions," Bhandarkar explained. A fisherwoman from Andheri market said that in the past 10 days or so, retail fish prices have zoomed by more than 40 per cent and are shunned by potential customers. "Medium-sized pomfrets pair sells for around Rs 1,200-Rs 1,400, small-sized Bombay Duck and mackerels go for Rs 200-Rs 300 per portion. Surmai and 'ravas' have virtually disappeared or command price of Rs 700-1,000, and prawns between Rs 500-Rs 800 per portion, depending on size," said fisherwoman Gauri Patil. "Freshwater fish like Rohu and Katla also sell between Rs 250-Rs 400 per kg as per size, making it unaffordable. It's difficult to source fish from the wholesale markets where they are 'booked' by hotels and restaurants," said Dahisar housewife Priyanka Gowale. On the other hand, poultry business suffers due to rumours, which has pushed customers to consume sea food. A Kandivali poultry seller Jabbar Shaikh said that owing to the rumours over coronavirus, videos of culling of hens and chicks at various places, unfounded fears have been created in public mind, leading to a sharp drop in demand for fresh chicken and eggs. "Retail sales have plummeted by as much as 60 per cent and even prices have come down by 50 per cent. Until the coronavirus scare goes away, customers won't come back," lamented Shaikh. For instance, chicken prices hover around Rs 100, down from Rs 220, but there are few takers as people consciously opt for fresh or frozen sea food. Tandel and Bhandarkar say there are around 20,000 big and small fishing boats and trawlers which operate on the state's coast off Mumbai, Thane, Palghar, Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri and Raigad, besides a few in the local rivers, dams, lakes and other water bodies. Quaid Najmi can be contacted at: Disclaimer: The story has been cleared from an automated feed with no modifications to the content. Only the headline has been changed. Birthday wishes Call 281-422-8302 or email to wish someone a happy birthday. We will print your birthday wish on Page 2 of The Sun. Happy Birthday Wishes When economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton first published their research on deaths of despair five years ago, they focused on middle-aged whites. So many white working-class Americans in their 40s and 50s were dying of suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse that the overall mortality rate for the age group was no longer falling a rare and shocking pattern in a modern society. But as Case and Deaton continued digging into the data, it became clear that the grim trends didnt apply only to middle-aged whites. Up and down the age spectrum, deaths of despair have been surging for people without a four-year college degree. In the early 1990s, the number of white adults without a college education who died from drug overdoses, alcoholism or suicide was fairly low and the death rates for younger adults were lower than for older adults. But over the past three decades, deaths of despair among whites without a college degree especially those under age 50 have soared. The death rate for whites with a college degree, by contrast, has risen only modestly across all age groups and remains lower for the young than the old. Case and Deaton a married couple who are both economists at Princeton try to explain the causes in a new book, Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Their basic answer is that working-class life in the United States is more difficult than it is in any other high-income country. European countries have faced the same kind of technological change we have, and theyre not seeing the people killing themselves with guns or drugs or alcohol, Case said. There is something unique about the way the U.S. is handling this. Inequality has risen more in the United States and middle-class incomes have stagnated more severely than in France, Germany, Japan or elsewhere. Large corporations have increased their market share, and labor unions have shriveled, leaving workers with little bargaining power. Outsourcing has become the norm, which means that executives often see low-wage workers not as colleagues but as expenses. Many of the problems afflicting the working class span racial groups, and Case and Deaton emphasize that these problems arent merely financial. Life for many middle- and low-income Americans can lack structure, status and meaning. People dont always know what days or hours they will be working from week to week. They often dont officially work for the company where they spend their days, which robs them of the pride that comes from being part of a shared enterprise. The result of these trends has been a coming apart, as Case and Deaton put it, of day-to-day life for whites without a college degree versus those with a college degree. Marriage rates have diverged as well. People without college degrees are also less likely to attend church. Surveys show that a growing number of working-class Americans find it difficult to do basic things, like climb a flight of stairs or socialize, partly because of chronic problems with their mental or physical health. Many people are also drinking more. And they are unhappier. Given all of these alarming social indicators, its not surprising that some other causes of death in addition to suicide, alcoholism and drug overdoses have also started rising for Americans without a college degree. Heart disease is the most significant, exacerbated by obesity, drinking and drug use. The combined result is a divergence in the life expectancy of white college graduates and nongraduates. Overall mortality for whites between the ages of 45 and 54 has held roughly steady in the last 25 years. But that average hides a big increase in death rates for nongraduates and a big decline for graduates. What can be done about all of this? Many of the solutions are obvious, if difficult to accomplish. The medical system should be overhauled to put a higher priority on health than on wealth for people who work in the industry, Case and Deaton argue. (And that doesnt necessarily mean a mandatory version of Medicare, they add.) The federal government should do a better job of keeping big business from maximizing profits at the expense of its workers, by enforcing antitrust laws and encouraging new kinds of labor unions. Governments at all levels should help more people earn college degrees, both four-year degrees (like BAs) and meaningful vocational degrees. Other economic research has found that a college degree isnt simply a marker. Students who attend and graduate from college do better in life than otherwise similar students who didnt get the same opportunities. Graduates are more likely to be employed, earn more, marry and stay married, be satisfied with their lives, be healthy and live longer. These findings suggest that college itself both the classroom learning and the experience of successfully navigating college brings long-term benefits. David Leonhardt is a columnist for The New York Times. (@ChaudhryMAli88) A strict lockdown requiring most people in France to remain at home came into effect at midday Tuesday, prohibiting all but essential outings in a bid to curb the coronavirus spread Paris, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Mar, 2020 ) :A strict lockdown requiring most people in France to remain at home came into effect at midday Tuesday, prohibiting all but essential outings in a bid to curb the coronavirus spread. The government has said tens of thousands of police will patrol streets and issuing fines of 38 to 135 Euros ($42-$150) for people without a written declaration to justify their reasons for being out. President Emmanuel Macron announced the measure Monday night in an address that was viewed by 35 million people, "an absolute record for a televised intervention," according to a spokesman for the Mediametre audience measuring group. The country has reported 148 deaths from the virus, a number that health experts warn could soar in the coming days, seriously straining the hospital system. Macron said that under the new regime, gatherings among friends and family would no longer be allowed, only "necessary movements" like shopping, medical visits or working when tele-commuting was not possible. Schools have been closed since Monday. But Health Minister Olivier Veran said Tuesday that self-confinement rules could be eased in two weeks if the spread of the new coronavirus is sufficiently contained. "If in two weeks we see that things have calmed down enough and we can lift some of these confinement rules, we'll do it," Veran told France Inter radio. The police in West Bengals Hooghly district have arrested a person for selling cow dung and cow urine, claiming that consuming these would help people get protection against coronavirus disease Covid-19. The person, Sheikh Mamud, a man in his 50s, was booked under sections 295A (Deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings) and 120B (punishment for criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code, along with provisions of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954. All the sections are non-bailable. Following the police action, Mamud argued that he was inspired by Hindu Mahasabhas event in New Delhi last week where supporters of the organisation consumed cow urine in public. The person has been arrested and we are investigating his motive, said Humayun Kabir, commissioner of Chandannagar police commissionerate. Mamud was produced before a court in Hooghly on Tuesday which remanded him to four-day judicial custody. He was selling urine of Indian cow at Rs 500 per kg and that of Jersey cow at Rs 400 per kg at a roadside stall at Dankuni in Hooghly district, about 25 kilometres from Kolkata. In a separate development, an FIR has been registered at Jorabagan police station on Tuesday against unknown persons for feeding cow urine to people. The case was registered in connection with a gaumutra (cow urine) party organised by a local BJP leader, Narayan Chatterjee, who claimed on Monday that cow urine provided 100 per cent protection against novel coronavirus. A home guard of the Kolkata Police, who lodged the complaint, said he was misled by the organisers, who passed of cow urine as charanamrita or ambrosia. The police have registered the case under sections 269 (unlawfully or negligently spread the infection of any disease dangerous to life), 278 (making the atmosphere noxious to health) and 114 (abettor present when crime is committed) of the Indian Penal Code and started investigation. Meanwhile, BJPs state unit president Dilip Ghosh said that distributing cow urine was no crime. Many of those who are opposing cow urine have consumed it secretly. I myself have consumed cow urine many times and will keep consuming it for its health benefits, Ghosh, a Lok Sabha MP from Midnapore, said on Tuesday. The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln stationed at the Arabian Sea in May,2019, local time. (File photo: AP) By Nie Shuyi Marine Corps General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., Commander of the US Central Command(CENTCOM), said on March 13(local time) that US Defense Secretary Mark Esper had approved the deployment of two carrier strike groups (CSG) - USS Harry S. Truman and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower - in the Middle East in the following period to cope with the tension in the Gulf region. Washington will also deploy the Patriot airdefense missile system and counter-rocket, artillery and mortar defense systems in Iraq. This is the first time that the Pentagon deployed two carrier strike groups in the Gulf region since 2012, a move that was obviously in response to the earlier attack on US coalition-base Camp Taji in Iraq and to put more pressure on Iran on the military front. But given the current US-Iran strain, such a move will do nothing but aggravate the tension in the Gulf region. The Iranian Foreign Ministry warned the US not to do anything dangerous. The move will sharpen the confrontation between the US military and Iraqi Shiite militias. According to AFPs statistics, the Camp Taji attack on March 11 was the 22nd assault against Americas military facilities in Iraq. In fact, the presence of American troops is a nuisance to many Iraqis. After the US killing of Suleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, at Bagdad International Airport on January 3, the Iraqi parliament passed a resolution asking all foreign troops, including American ones, to leave the country, putting the American troops in Iraq in a more awkward position. Under such circumstances, fortifying its presence in Iraq on the excuse of the March 11 assault will add fuel to the fury of the Iraqis, especially the Shiite militias. The move is to put more pressure on Iran. With the death of Suleimani, the struggle between the US and Iraqi Shiite militias has become the US-Iran game. Although the two countries pulled the plug on the verge of a head-on war, it is generally believed that Iran will rally peripheral forces, including the Iraqi Shiite militias, to take revenge on the US. While Iran is having a hard time fighting the COVID-19 outbreak, the US wants to step up the blockade and sanction against the country through an enhanced military presence in the Gulf region. Knowing this only too well, the Iranian Foreign Ministrys spokesperson on March 13 urged US President Donald Trump to reevaluate the presence and actions of US troops in the Middle East, saying that Washington has only itself to blame for taking the consequences of its illegal military presence in Iraq. Implementing strategic contraction in the Greater Middle East region but strengthening the presence in the Gulf region is a core of the Trump administrations Middle East policy. Since its military base in Iraq was attacked, American troops have not only intensified the crackdown on Iraqi Shiite militias, but also deployed the Patriot air defense system in Iraq on the ground of strengthening the bases air defense capability. We can say that the assault of the Taji base on March 11 served as a pretext for the UScontinued presence in Iraq and the Gulf region. Its safe to say that the US is leaving sparks all over the Middle East under the disguise of preserving regional peace and stability. Its reckless withdrawal from Syria has left the country once again in chaos, the US-initiated Palestine-Israel peace deal that is appallingly in favor of Israel has re-ignited conflicts between the two countries, the hastened peace deal with Taliban has pushed peace in Afghanistan even more beyond reach, and the unilateral withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement with maximum pressure on Iran has iced the US-Iran relation again and almost thrown the Gulf region into war. As a matter of fact, it is Washingtons unilateral, short-sighted Middle East policy that has constantly magnified the geopolitical risks in the region. Finding itself where it is now, the US has no choice but add water if there is too much dough, and add dough if there is too much water, which is so scrambled and chaotic that it will either leave the region with its tail between its legs or drag itself down the quagmire of war even further. Disclaimer: This article is originally published on, which is the website of Overseas Edition of the People's Daily. The article is translated from Chinese into English and edited by the China Military Online. The information, ideas or opinions appearing in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of Quarantines and pandemics are scary things, and can be even more scary for children. Being a kid in the age of the coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19, isnt easy. Thats why its more important than ever that parents do their best to help with their kids mental health. When it comes to the current situation, that means having some honest and open discussions. Its important to keep in mind that kids of all ages typically know a lot more than we think they do, said Dr. Jessica Mattingly, a psychologist with Penn State Health Medical Group in Hershey. It is important to have an open and honest discussion with them that addresses what the virus is, how its contracted as well as the protect steps being taken -- not just on your family level, but also in the greater community level and world We spoke with Dr. Mattingly and consulted the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) about what parents can do to help kids understand whats going on and not freak out about it. Start a dialogue. So we know that having a talk with children about COVID-19 is important, but how do you even begin that conversation? Dr. Mattingly suggests asking your children what theyve heard about coronavirus. You can then correct any false information theyve heard. Teenagers can also be encouraged to do their own research. Be honest and clear. Be sure to use words your child can understand, Dr. Mattingly said. And encourage your child to come to you with any questions or any new information they know in order to keep that conversation going. Being honest doesnt mean talking only about the negative. Its important for kids to know that most people who get the virus dont get really sick, Dr. Mattingly said. And let them know that there are people who have been working their whole lives to help in situations like this. But you shouldnt sugarcoat it either. Let them know that some people who get sick will die, but most people will get better. CHOP also recommends explaining to kids why they may see people wearing masks. Explain that masks can help protect from germs when people cough or sneeze, but it doesnt mean that if you wear a mask you have the coronavirus. Let them know its okay to be frustrated or scared. Validate their feelings and let them know you feel the same way. In fact, its normal to feel that. Let kids know that its okay to feel whatever emotion they have and that these feelings are uncomfortable. Dr. Mattingly suggests telling younger children these feelings are their brain telling them to stay healthy. Teenagers can be assured that this is a sign that they care deeply about the situation and their community. Take the time to, again, remind both yourself and your kids that experts are working on stopping the pandemic. You can also flip the quarantine situation into a positive one, with Dr. Mattingly suggesting you think and talk about how awesome it is that the whole world has come together to be safe by staying inside. Emphasize the importance of good hygiene. Let your kids know that things like washing your hands is something everyone can do to keep themselves healthy. Enacting good hygiene habits will also give kids a sense of control. Be sure to model good hygiene behavior for them too. You can make washing hands a family routine before meals and snacks, letting kids pick the songs to sing as you wash. Make sneezing or coughing into an elbow a game and, if they mess up and cough into their hand, just say whoopsie! Now we have to wash it off. Establish a routine. Routine is important not just for kids but adults as well, Dr. Mattingly said. She encourages parents to post a visual schedule somewhere in the home and to stick with it. This will build a sense of consistency, predictability, stability and security. Make sure the schedule includes things like bedtime, time for exercise and meals. Dr. Mattingly also setting aside time every day to do a family activity that you know helps everyone in times of stress. This could be watching a movie or playing a game. Limit mass media exposure. This includes news reports. Dr. Mattingly said that if parents do need to watch the news, they should do so in a way where they can limit how much a child hears it - which could mean putting in earbuds and watching it on your phone. If you do have to turn on the TV, she encourages you to engage with your child afterwards and see if they have any questions about what they heard. Always assume they heard something too, even if they were in another room when you turned on the news report. Encourage teens to reach out to friends. Teenagers may have an especially hard time being kept away from their social circles. Dr. Mattingly recommends letting them know that those feelings are valid and are ones that you also have. That its also frustrating that grownups cant see their friends either. But at the same time, theres plenty of ways to connect using technology, so encourage them to use facetime or group video chats to stay connected. Take care of yourself too. Theres nothing wrong with taking a break, Dr. Mattingly said. Remove yourself for a little while and do something for you. This could mean reaching out to friends and family members to give yourself a dose of adult conversation and support. There are also hotlines you can call if youre having a hard time. Dr. Mattingly suggests the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services hotline, also known as SAMHSA. The number for their disaster distress hotline is 1-800-985-5990. You can also text TalkWithUs to 66746. Reach out for help. There are great resources out there to help families during this time of isolation. Dr. Mattingly recommends the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, which has a guide for helping families cope during the pandemic. You can access it at Unicef also has a guide to talking with your child about COVID-19. You can find it at CHOP recommends pulling information from the National Association of School Psychologists, which also has a guide to talking to kids about COVID-19. You can find it at CHOP also suggests using information from the Child Mind Institute, which has a guide to support kids during the crisis. You can access it at Text PennLive to 717-745-7532 to sign up to have breaking news and essential updates about the coronavirus delivered right to your mobile device. Data and messaging rates may apply. Thanks for visiting PennLive. Quality local journalism has never been more important. We need your support. Not a subscriber yet? Please consider supporting our work. This story has been updated to correct Dr. Mattinglys profession. More than 10 countries have expressed interest in Vietnams test kits for detecting the presence of the novel coronavirus, which causes the flu-like disease Covid-19. The locally made test kit to diagnose novel coronavirus infections will be shipped overseas These products are made by the Vietnam Military Medical University and the HCMC-based technology firm Viet A Corporation, reported local media. The kit is based on a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, a technique that combines the reverse transcription of RNA into DNA with the amplification of specific DNA targets using a polymerase chain reaction. It can detect the novel coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2, in droplets obtained from the respiratory tract and blood samples. Cambodia, Nigeria, Poland, Australia, Germany, Finland, Ukraine, Italy, Turkey and Ireland, among other countries, have expressed interest in made-in-Vietnam virus test kits. The Vietnamese producers have sent 50 initial batches of test kits to Ukraine and 100 batches to Finland so that their partners can complete registration procedures for official imports. The Hanoi government announced a plan to purchase 4,000 test kits, which can be used to conduct 200,000 tests. Most of these kits will be provided to local hospitals in the capital city while the remainder will be donated to hospitals in Italy, the most virus-stricken country in Europe. Each kit includes a total of 50 tests and costs some VND400,000-VND600,000. Each test can be used on one individual, and it takes roughly two hours to produce results, including the time needed for taking samples. The producer is able to turn out some 200 test kits per day. More than 40 local hospitals and centers for disease control have registered to buy these products. A number of hospitals and testing laboratories have already started using them. HCMC prepares worst-case scenarios for Covid-19 outbreak Passengers declare their health conditions at a local airport. HCMC has mapped out the worst-case scenarios for the Covid-19 outbreak HCMC has set up more isolation centers, acquired more medical equipment and provided training for health care workers, having mapped out the worst-case scenarios for the Covid-19 outbreak in the city. Specifically, the city has prepared isolation centers for 3,000 people and will raise the number of facilities to be able to accommodate over 20,000 people. Aside from 400 infectious disease doctors, the city is offering training to more health care workers in various specialties to provide treatment for 1,000-1,400 patients. Besides this, it increased the number of hospital beds from 600 to 1,600, equivalent to 16,000 infection cases, and added 1,200 medical ventilators. Experts forecast that Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, could spread further and will likely last for at least several months or even a few more years, HCMC Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan told a meeting on March 16. Last week, seven cases were recorded in the city. If one person tests positive for the virus, the competent agencies would have to isolate 280 people on average, Nhan noted. Accordingly, the southern hub is set to quickly identify and place in quarantine all suspected cases and to keep coronavirus infections below 100 in the city, the citys Party chief said, adding that significant efforts are needed to make this target achievable. The municipal Party chief also encouraged local residents to share the coronavirus-related burden with businesses as the pandemic has affected all aspects of social life. Students have had to take time away from school for months, businesspeople have encountered losses and employees have had their salaries reduced. Nhan suggested the city dwellers and companies active in HCMC adjust their daily activities and operations to combat the spread of Covid-19 and keep socioeconomic activities from a steep plunge. Earlier at the meeting, Nguyen Tan Binh, director of the HCMC Health Department, said that five new confirmed cases in the city and 41 others nationwide are linked to flights arriving in Vietnam from foreign countries. To address the situation, the municipal health authority will increase the number of kits that can quickly detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 to 50,000. The city will test and classify all passengers entering HCMC from virus-hit areas to minimize the risk of community spread. Further, it is preparing funding for operating 20 negative air pressure rooms at field hospitals in the outlying districts of Cu Chi and Can Gio, according to Binh. Patient 59 tests positive for coronavirus after three negative tests A health worker disinfects a Vietnam Airlines aircraft. The countrys coronavirus Patient 59 is a special case as she was found to have the virus in the fourth test - PHOTO: TNO A Vietnam Airlines female flight attendant, confirmed as the countrys coronavirus Patient 59, is a special case as she was found to have the virus in the fourth test, according to the Ministry of Health. Nguyen Manh Ha, chairman of Hanoi Citys Long Bien District, told a meeting on March 16 that the 59th confirmed case, who was a flight attendant on Flight VN0054 that landed at Noi Bai International Airport on March 2 and lives at a boarding house at 162 Nguyen Van Cu Street in Long Bien District, has been quarantined since Patient 17 was detected after arrival. L.T.Q. was taken to the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Dong Anh District for a 14-day quarantine, Ha said, adding that she had tested negative for the virus for the first time on March 7. After three negative tests, the patient was moved to Gia Lam General Hospital, but she then showed some symptoms of the Covid-19 disease, the local media reported. The flight attendant was sent back to the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Dong Anh District on March 14 as she had developed symptoms of cough and fever. On March 15, eight days after the negative tests, the fourth test result showed that she was infected with the coronavirus. The district immediately reviewed her case and made a list of those who were in close contact with her to place them in quarantine, Ha stated. Addressing the meeting, Hanoi City chairman Nguyen Duc Chung noted that the city had witnessed two cases where people tested negative for the coronavirus in the first test, but only seven or eight days later, they developed symptoms of the coronavirus disease called Covid-19. As such, it is necessary to closely monitor the cases in quarantine, he said. Travel on domestic rail routes suspended over Covid-19 fears A staff sprays disinfectants along a train to prevent Covid-19 infection. Railway companies in Vietnam have temporarily suspended operations on some domestic rail routes over Covid-19 concern - PHOTO: VNA Railway companies in Vietnam have temporarily suspended operations on some domestic rail routes beginning today, March 16, due to mounting concern over the new coronavirus, according to Vietnam Railway Corporation. Hanoi Railway Transport JSC noted that it has halted the operation of 10 trains on the Hanoi-Haiphong, Hanoi-Dong Dang, Hanoi-Thai Nguyen and Yen Vien-Ha Long routes. On the Hanoi-Haiphong route, the firm stopped the daily operation of the HP1 train departing from Hanoi station and the LP2 train starting at Haiphong station. Meanwhile, two trains---HP2 and LP7---will only run on weekends. Specifically, the HP2 train will depart from Haiphong station at 6:40 p.m. on Fridays and Sundays, while the LP7 train will leave Long Bien station at 6:26 p.m. on Fridays and start from Hanoi station at 6:15 p.m. on Sundays. Besides this, the QT1/QY2 trains on the Hanoi-Thai Nguyen route, the DD5/DD6 trains linking Hanoi with Dong Dang and the 51501/51502 trains travelling from Yen Vien to Ha Long will only run on Sundays. Hanoi Railway Company will refund all train fares to passengers affected by the suspension of the trains. Earlier, the firm had temporarily halted the operation of the SP1/2 trains, running on the Hanoi-Lao Cai route. The NA1/2 trains, travelling between Hanoi and Vinh, had their schedules adjusted and will only run on weekends. Saigon Railway Transport JSC also discontinued the operation of the SQN1/2 trains on the Saigon-Quy Nhon route. The SPT1/2 trains, travelling from Saigon to Phan Thiet, will only run on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays each week. In addition, the HCMC-based railway operator applied a shorter itinerary to the SE21/22 trains that typically run on the Saigon-Hue route. They now travel between Saigon and Danang. The railway authority also asked train ticket buyers on all ticketing channels, including train stations, ticket agents, websites and mobile apps, to provide their full names, national identity or passport numbers and phone numbers. Covid-19, which is linked to the new coronavirus, has taken a heavy toll on the countrys transport activities. For the railway sector alone, the number of passengers last month fell 45% versus the figure seen in January and more than 47% over the same period last year. SGT Bhopal: Even as the political situation in Madhya Pradesh remains muddled, the Kamal Nath-led Congress government has been rushing with appointments in the last couple of days much to the chagrin of the BJP. Apart from the reshuffling of several IAS and IPS officers, the government has also placed some hand-picked officers in key postings. One such appointment was of IPS officer Vivek Jauhari, who was named the DGP. Jauhari was DG BSF on deputation and his services were returned to MP on the request of state government. Senior IAS officer M Gopal Reddy was on Monday appointed as the new Chief Secretary and outgoing chief secretary SR Mohanty was appointed as Director General of Administration Academy, Bhopal. Mohanty, a trusted aide of CM Kamal Nath, had applied for voluntary retirement and is expected to be appointed as chairman of MP Electricity Regulatory Authority. On the same day, Abhay Tiwari, head of Congress IT Cell in MP, was elevated as chairman of MP Youths' Commission. The post was lying vacant since 2009. Besides, on Monday, Shobha Oza, the Congress media cell in charge of Madhya Pradesh, was appointed as chairperson of MP Women's Commission. Oza joined in the new capacity on Tuesday. The post was vacant for the last one year. Another Congress leader, JP Dhanopia, was on Tuesday appointed as chairperson of the State Backward Classes Commission. The most important, however, has been the removal of pro-Jyotiraditya Scindia officers posted in Gwalior-Chambal region soon after the Guna royal left the Congress and joined the BJP. Sources claimed these officers were posted in the region on Scindia's recommendation. Several of these political appointments were eagerly awaited by Congress leaders since the party wrested power in the state in 2018, but the party high command kept postponing these appointments, fuelling internal anger. A large numbers of political appointments in boards and corporations are still pending. Upset over these political appointments being made by CM Kamal Nath in the last few days, the BJP on Tuesday complained to Governor Lalji Tandon, claiming that amid a political crisis like this, the Governor reserves the right for appointments to constitutional posts. The delegation of BJP leaders urged the Governor to reverse the decisions taken by the Kamal Nath government in last three days. Stanton Healthcare Implements New Protocols During the National Emergency to Combat Coronavirus NEWS PROVIDED BY March 16, 2020 BOISE, Idaho, March 16, 2020 / Standard Newswire / -- Stanton Healthcare based in Boise, Idaho is a movement of life-affirming women's medical clinics that specializes in serving women with unexpected pregnancies and has national and international affiliates along with a public policy center in Washington, D.C. During this national emergency for the coronavirus, pregnant women are one of the most vulnerable, neglected and needy communities. Stanton is looking for ways to network with local churches, community organizations and healthcare professionals to provide information, support and care for pregnant women. Brandi Swindell, CEO and Founder of Stanton Healthcare, states, "Every American is understandably concerned and worried about the uncertainty our nation is facing with the coronavirus crisis. This is especially true for pregnant women who are deeply concerned about how COVID-19 will impact their pregnancy and pre-born child and are being overlooked during this national emergency. "At Stanton Healthcare we recognize these concerns and are doing everything we can to provide comfort, assurance and support to these expecting mothers. First, Stanton has implemented new protocols for our clinics with things such as enhanced cleaning and sterilizing procedures, providing masks for clients if requested and updated information from the CDC. "Stanton is also looking for ways to network with local churches, community organizations and healthcare professionals to reach expecting mothers with emotional, spiritual and practical support. Finally, we want to continue to supply necessary items to our mothers during this difficult season and we are currently addressing the baby wipe and diaper shortage. "During this national healthcare emergency, Stanton will ensure that there is no interruption in the quality of care we provide. As our doors remain open, we will be adding online client advocacy care visits, consultations with our medical staff, webinars for our mothers, current updates on COVID-19 and wellness encouragement for those who are practicing social distancing and/or are symptomatic. "It is essential during this national health emergency our communities do all within their power to assuage the fears and concerns of our mothers." Nancy Ferris, Stanton's Director of Operations, adds, "During this national health emergency, it is especially important that our Stanton moms and pregnant women everywhere know there is support and guidance. In response, Stanton Healthcare will continue to be a place of hope with the highest standards and protocols. "We exist to serve one of the most vulnerable populations who are especially impacted during the COVID-19 crisis and we are diligently working to address and reduce their stress and anxiety. "Working with Stanton's nurse practitioner Jennifer Malberg-Grant MSN,WHNP-BC, our medical director, Dr. Earl Crandall MD, and following the guidelines of the CDC, we will ensure our clients get the best possible care. Dr. Crandall has over 30 years of experience in obstetrics and gynecology and is one Idaho's most respected physicians." For more information or interviews call: Brandi Swindell at 208.867.1307 SOURCE Stanton Healthcare CONTACT: Brandi Swindell, 208-867-1307 Related Links President Donald Trump on Monday changed his rhetoric on the coronavirus while straining hard not to admit he had undersold the threat. Asked about his past comments that the situation was under control, Trump tried to maintain he meant the response was under control, not the virus itself. But he's not the only one refusing to admit he gave people dodgy advice. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., on Sunday morning urged people to go to bars and restaurants, even while Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, was on other shows urging the opposite. Trump then on Monday echoed Fauci, saying the administration was urging people to "avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants and public food courts." That left Nunes with some cleanup work to do. So he took to the friendly confines of Sean Hannity's Fox News show, where he tried to suggest he was talking about takeout - not actually eating at the restaurant. "So what I was saying is you have empty restaurants, you can go through the drive-through, you can do takeout. It's a great place to go," Nunes said. "The media freaks can do what they want, but they're endangering lives here by continuing this panic when we have no food shortage in this country." It's a clarification that might have been nice in the 36 hours between his initial comments and his Hannity interview, but Nunes' office didn't respond to multiple requests from The Washington Post for further comment. It's also a clarification that doesn't really hold water. In his comments on Fox News on Sunday morning, Nunes had this to say: "If you're healthy - you and your family - it's a great time to go out and go to a local restaurant. Likely you can get in easy. ... Go to your local pub." At no point in the interview did Nunes say that he was talking about takeout or drive-through. In fact, he said, "Likely you can get in easy" - which suggests there would be no wait for seating. (One also wonders how many people are ordering takeout from a "pub," though admittedly I'm not familiar with the establishments in Nunes' district.) Nunes, though, wasn't the only on dealing with the fallout from his bars-and-restaurants advice and refusing to back down. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, another Republican, drew criticism over the weekend for posting a picture of him and his family eating at a restaurant that said, "Eating with my kids and all my fellow Oklahomans at the @CollectiveOKC. It's packed tonight!" Stitt later deleted the tweet and on Sunday declared a state of emergency. But then his office again went against the advice of Fauci and health officials, telling CNN on Monday, "The governor will continue to take his family out to dinner and to the grocery store without living in fear and encourages Oklahomans to do the same." (The comments came before Trump weighed in but well after Fauci's comments.) This attitude has permeated the GOP, with a poll this weekend showing just 12 percent of Republicans had stopped or planned to stop going to restaurants and bars. A Marist College/NPR/PBS NewsHour poll on Monday also showed just 40 percent of Republicans viewed coronavirus as a "real threat," versus 54 percent who said it was being "blown out of proportion." It's a time in which officials would do well to choose their words carefully to make sure they comply with the guidance from health officials - and now even with the guidance we're getting from Trump. Trump was asked Monday about the advice Nunes and Stitt had given, which Trump said he was unfamiliar with. After it was (accurately) summarized for him, he noted that Oklahoma isn't yet hard hit but added, "I would disagree with it" and "It's adverse to what the professionals are saying." It is, and no amount of attempted cleanup is changing that. Indias most famous tiger habitat - Corbett Tiger Reserve - and all protected areas and zoos in Uttarakhand will be out of bounds for tourists till March 31 as a precautionary measure against the spread of coronavirus, the state government said Tuesday. Rajiv Bhartari, chief wildlife warden of Uttarakhand issued an order stating that all protected sites in the state like national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves and zoos will be closed for the public from March 17 to March 31 to curb the spread of coronavirus infection. With rising cases of coronavirus, many states like Assam, Maharashtra, Kerala have closed protected sites in their states for tourists and other public. Archaeological Survey of India has also closed monuments till March 31 to prevent the spread of coronavirus. On the same lines, all protected sites in Uttarakhand including national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves and zoos will be closed for tourist activities till March 31, the order states. RK Tiwari, warden of Corbett Tiger Reserve said that the step has been taken following advisories by the central and the state government. In addition to the Corbett Tiger Reserve, Corbett Museum at Kaladhungi has also been closed for tourism activities. Arrangements had already been made at the reserve to screen tourists entering the park. All infrastructures had been set up to screen tourists with symptoms of coronavirus like fever, cold or cough, said Tiwari. He further added that tourists will be refunded the money paid for bookings made during this period. Corbett Tiger Reserve which is spread across 1,288.31 square kilometers is one of the most loved tourist destinations in the state. The reserve currently has around 260 tigers. The gates of Corbett open on November 15 every year for six months till mid June. Corbett draws around 3 lakh tourists every year across its six eco-tourism zones, with Dhikala and Bijrani being the most popular ones. The Uttarakhand forest department further ordered that the as per section 28 of Wildlife Protection Act 1972 filming and research activities will also not be allowed inside the premises of protected areas till March 31. Further orders will be issued by the government after monitoring the situation. Senior Congress leader and Legislator Prem Chandra Mishra on Tuesday demanded sacking of Road Construction minister Nand Kishore Yadav for use of "inferior quality steel" in reconstruction of superstructure of the Mahatma Gandhi bridge which connects south and north Bihar. Mishra claimed that the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report 2018-19, parts of which appeared in newspapers Tuesday,has highlighted use of low quality steel in rebuilding superstructure of the 5.57 km long bridge on Ganga river. The report, which is likely to be tabled in Parliament in the current session, must be made public, he demanded. Mishra,a Congress MLC, demanded Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to order a probe against the minister,Road Construction Department's Principal Secretary Amrit Lal Meena and National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) officials in the matter. "The CAG has in its report accepted that low quality of steel is being used in the construction of superstructure of the bridge. The agreement has been violated by those involved in the construction," Mishra told reporters here. "This is a big scam worth Rs 1000 crore...This has thoroughly exposed the tall claim of 'sushashan and rule of law' made by Nitish Kumar government of which BJP is a partner," the legislator alleged. Mishra was accompanied by senior party leaders H K Verma, Subodh Kumar and others during the press meet held at the party office here. He said he raised the issue twice in the Legislative Council but did not get any satisfactory reply. Mishra said he also wrote an email to union minister for road transport and highways Nitin Gadkari in December 2018 highlighting the issue but nothing happened. He alleged that three engineers associated with the project were removed because they wrote to the road construction department that the work was not done as per the agreement. Not only this, the company, engaged in the bridge reconstruction work, made a profit of Rs 300 crore by dismantling the entire bridge in one go whereas it had to be dismantled in three segments, Mishra alleged. Road Construction Minister Nand Kishore Yadav, however, refused to comment on the matter. However, a senior official of the department, wishing anonymity, said that the entire issue falls under the domain of the central government. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Disney has already delayed "Mulan," "The New Mutunts" and "Antlers," but held off on postponing "Black Widow" in hopes that it wouldn't have to scrap another big film. But the move was inevitable since movie theaters in multiple states, including New York, New Jersey Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington, have been ordered to close. Only AMC Theatres has given a timeline on how long its locations might be closed, estimating six to 12 weeks for venues nationwide. Lucy Knisley Lucy Knisley is a critically acclaimed and award-winning comic creator. She lives in Chicago. She specializes in personal, confessional graphic novels and travelogues. Her last name is confusing and has a silent K. It's pronounced kind-of like "nigh-slee." You can find her online @LucyKnisley. Is Stepping Stones your first written and illustrated graphic novel of pure fiction? Yep! This is my first fiction. The fact that the main character is a ginger girl who reads comics and doesn't like snakes and is bad at math is all coincidental! Okay, let's say it's "fictionalized." What made you want to create a story about the change from city life to country life? And adjusting to life with a blended family? I went through both! It isn't something I'd like to repeat, but it's something I'm glad happened. Now that I'm a parent, I've been thinking quite a lot about how, when you make a choice for yourself, it's really a choice for your family--the kid is just along for the ride. It's one of the most frustrating aspects of childhood and I wanted to get into that and how it can take you to surprising places. The protagonist, Jen, doesn't really like her mother's boyfriend because he's kind of a jerk. Not in a dangerous way, exactly, but in a way that feels very true--sometimes, people are just jerks. What made you want to include this character? Walter is based, of course, on my own mom's boyfriend, who lived with us for six or so years. He was totally obnoxious and it was the first time I recognized that an adult can be annoying! They can be immature and dumb and bossy and all these things I'd thought adults were "beyond"! But we all have to learn how to deal with people, even the annoying ones. For kids, it's complicated by being in a position where those adults can be authority figures. Once I got older and was in more of a position to ignore my "Walter," it was a lot easier to love him. I think the concept of personal boundaries and "this situation sucks" vs. "I suck" is something that took me a long time to understand, and I wanted to make that a major part of this story. It was a fine line to walk, though! I had to write him as annoying but in a way that doesn't make you really REALLY loathe him! On the note of truth... the panel in which the baby chickens immediately destroy their home feels oh so real. Have you worked on a farm? Were there chickens? Ha! Yes! They're the worst! I found it hilarious when all my adult peers started getting chickens in their little city backyards. You could not pay me enough eggs. How does it feel to be one of RH Graphic's inaugural creators? So great. I've been working with Gina Gagliano for more than a decade now, and she's a dear friend and a force of nature in comics. It's awesome to get to work with her--and Whitney Leopard and Patrick Crotty--on making my first middle grade AND fictionalized book! Is there anything specific you hope readers take with them from reading Stepping Stones? I hope you recognize yourself or something from your life in these characters and stories. And go into new experiences beyond your control with a little more hope--it might turn out to be annoying but also great. Three people, including a doctor who had treated the country's first coronavirus victim, have tested positive for the infection in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of COVID-19 cases in Karnataka to ten. The family doctor of the 76-year-old man from Kalaburagi who died last week was among the infected, the Health and Family Welfare Department said in an update on Tuesday. The 63-year-old doctor had treated the elderly man who died "due to co-morbidity and also tested positive for COVID-19." He is under strict home quarantine, the department said. A 20-year-old woman, a resident of Bengaluru, who returned from the UK, has also tested positive for the virus. Earlier on Monday, a 32-year-old man, a software engineer who arrived from the US via London earlier this month, tested positive for the virus. He was on the same flight as another person who was later confirmed to be infected. He was under home quarantine, and has now been admitted to an isolation facility, the update added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) This is clearly a different situation, Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander said Tuesday afternoon, following a meeting with his colleagues. Weve had occasions when the economy has shut itself down. But weve never had one where the government has deliberately shut it down. And we have a responsibility. Inside the meeting room in the Russell Senate Office Building, Republican senators and administration officials, like Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, were outlining the first steps of whats being called phase three legislation addressing the coronavirus pandemic. This is going to be the big one, landing somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 trillion in spending to help suffering individuals, businesses, and industries as economic activity comes to a halt to contain the pandemic. The Senate plans first to pass the Houses roughly $100 billion phase two relief bill in the coming days while simultaneously drafting the next one. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Republicans are discussing ideas not typically discussed by proud small-government types who believe in letting markets run their course and wreak carnage where they may. That includes some measure of cutting checks to Americans to make ends meet. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney made a splash on Monday when he said that every American adult should immediately receive $1,000 to help ensure families and workers can meet their short-term obligations and increase spending in the economy. The belief spread beyond this one well-known traitor to the movement. Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, a conservative ally of Trumps, also put forth a plan to cut $1,000 checks to each American tax filer earning less than $100,000 annually, with tack-ons available for dependents. By Tuesday afternoon, Republicans were talking about how cutting checks to lower- and middle-income Americans was a proudly conservative idea. Advertisement Advertisement Indiana Sen. Todd Young, a member of the Republican leadership, said he was open to the bold idea, citing such conservative movement legends as Milton Friedman and Charles Murray for having developed similar ideas. (He threw in Andrew Yang, the former Democratic presidential candidate who organized his campaign around sending monthly $1,000 checks to each American, when a reporter mentioned his name.) Advertisement The simplicity of the proposalor the image of Americans receiving $1,000 checks in the mail signed by DONALD J. TRUMPhas caught the presidents attention, at least for the moment. On Tuesday, he backed off of his push for a payroll tax holiday, which had no traction on the Hill, and his administration signed up for check-cutting instead. Advertisement We are looking at sending checks to Americans immediately, Mnuchin said Tuesday. Americans need cash now, and the president wants to get cash nowand I mean now in the next two weeks. Advertisement Advertisement At least some Senate Democrats, recognizing that sending checks to working people should be their jam and not Republicans, have gotten behind a bolder proposal to release $2,000 checks to adults and dependents (up to a certain threshold) and subsequent payments depending on the duration of the crisis. Whatever the specifics of the checks turn out to be, there is bipartisan interest in moving $1 trillion out the door as quickly as possible, with extraordinary measures for doing so being put on the table by Republicans and Democrats alike. This is not how the debate over the last major economic stimulusthe roughly $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, more commonly known as The Stimuluswent. The price tag on that bill was pushed down from what economists recommended, in the name of the need to win broad backing. These efforts to make the relief effort as widely acceptable as possible earned the popular new Democratic president, Barack Obama, zero Republican votes in the House and three in the Senate. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement So wheres all the enthusiasm for trillion-dollar stimulus coming from now? Several Republicans, like Alexander, made the distinction that these are different crisesthat the financial crisis and the resulting economic fallout were the result of economic actors making poor decisions. Here, the economy was humming along just fine until some disease swooped in. Were not talking about businesses here that make bad decisions and are asking to be bailed out, Rubio said. Were talking about a virus. Were talking about an effort to control the virus that requires us to tell businesses to close, and people not to frequent them, in order to save lives. That is an extraordinary development. This is not an economic downturn, this is not some normal event that happens in the cycle of an economy. Advertisement Advertisement Sure. But also, come on. We cannot ignore the trend of seasonal Republican Keynesianism that exists only when Republicans are in the presidency. The 2008 stimulus that President George W. Bush signed into lawbefore the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and before the crisis was in full swing, and with no public health emergency behind itcut checks of $300 to $600 to individuals, with barely a peep of dissent in either chamber. Advertisement During the Obama presidency, meanwhile, the cost of the ARRA scared nearly 100 percent of Republicans away from supporting iteven as individual members would go on to hold groundbreaking ceremonies for the projects it would fundand Republicans anti-spending panic brought about the 2011 Budget Control Act, introducing discretionary spending caps for the next 10 years. Advertisement Once Trump was in office, the spending caps were increased by hundreds of billions of dollars, and then eliminated permanently when Democrats retook control of the House this Congress. And now its check time again. This arrangement of separation of powersa Republican president, especially this one, and especially in an election year, combined with a Democratic Houseseems to be the only one under which lopsided, bipartisan votes in favor of economic stimulus are allowed. Its great that Democrats, when theyre out of the White House, arent willing to take down the economy to inflict political pain on their opponents. It would be even better if Republicans were held to the same standard going forward. Former first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond has said he has never attacked a woman as he started giving evidence in his trial. Salmond took to the witness box at the High Court in Edinburgh on Tuesday morning facing accusations of sexual assault and one of attempted rape. The 65-year-old has 13 charges of alleged offences against nine women, all of which he denies. But he said he wished he had been more careful with women's personal space as he took to the witness box for the first time. Alex Salmond, 65, took to the witness box at the High Court in Edinburgh during his trial over accusations of sexual assault and one of attempted rape The former politician told jurors he has never had a non-consensual relationship with a woman in his life as he was questioned about an allegation he assaulted a woman in his bedroom at Bute House, in late 2013. He said he and a Scottish Government official, known as Woman F, had 'collapsed into what I would describe as a sleepy cuddle' on a bed after they drank the Chinese spirit Maotai together. 'My left arm was underneath [the complainer], my right arm was around [her] and both her feet were still on the floor. 'It was not a comfortable or easy position to be in. We were side by side and we were both fully dressed.' He explained he said sorry two weeks after the incident after the issue was raised by one of his staff. The former politician faces 13 charges of alleged offences against nine women, all of which he denies 'I apologised. I was the first minister. She was in my bedroom. We were tipsy, it shouldn't have happened,' he said. But asked if he had intended to rape her, Salmond said: 'Not in the slightest... I have never entered into a non-consensual sexual relationship with anyone during my entire life. 'In these circumstances, I don't even think I had an intent to cuddle. It's something that happened in tipsy circumstances and as soon as (Woman F) made it clear, by saying, 'it's a bad idea,' I snapped out of it and said, 'it's a very bad idea,'. We were still fully dressed.' Salmond is on trial over accusations of sexual assault, including an attempted rape, spanning a period between June 2008 and November 2014. His lawyers previously lodged special defences of consent and alibi. Consent was given as a defence for three alleged sexual assaults and an alleged indecent assault against three women. Salmond was formally acquitted of one charge of sexual assault on Monday after the Crown offered no evidence, reducing the total from 14 charges against 10 women. The Crown case concluded on Monday, while the trial before judge Lady Dorrian continues. Salmond also told the court he wished he had been more careful around women's personal space, and claimed some of the allegations against him were political attacks. He said: 'From where I stand now, I wish I had been more careful with people's personal space, but there was no intention whatsoever to offend. Salmond is on trial over accusations of sexual assault, including an attempted rape, spanning a period between June 2008 and November 2014. His lawyers previously lodged special defences of consent and alibi 'But I'm of the opinion, for a variety of reasons, that events are being reinterpreted and exaggerated out of all possible proportion.' Asked why, Salmond said: 'There were two reasons - one is that some, not all, are fabrications, deliberate fabrications for a political purpose. Some are exaggerations taken out of proportion.' Salmond also said publicity over the past 18 months may have led some people to 'quite innocently' reassess their opinion. But he added: 'At least one of the charges against me on the indictment, I think there was a legitimate grievance, even if it wasn't what actually happened and not what was presented at the time.' Salmond has denied claims there was a policy that prevented him being alone with female civil servants at the first minister's official residence, Bute House. 'No there was no policy like the one that's been described,' he said. Salmond agreed with his barrister that 'things that didn't happen' or 'innocent things' had been 'turned into sexual offences', as he was taken through the charges against him But he said there would be 'a blurring of the normal social/professional boundaries' in the '24/7' role with 'people living out of each other's pockets'. Asked by his counsel Gordon Jackson QC if there were problems with female staff, Salmond said: 'In general, no. There was an incident I was made aware of, but in general, no.' Salmond agreed with his barrister 'things that didn't happen' or 'innocent things' had been 'turned into sexual offences', as he was taken through the charges against him. He said a civil servant in the Scottish Government, who accused him of grabbing her and trying to kiss her following a meeting in Bute House in 2010, had 'misremembered' the incident. Known as Woman B, she told the court on Monday Salmond had asked to recreate an image of a Christmas card design, featuring a man and a woman about to kiss beneath the mistletoe. 'I think over the passage of time the incident is misremembered,' he said. 'I did say, 'let's recreate the Christmas card. It was a joke, it was hijinks, it was a piece of fun. It was not meant to be anything more than that. 'She said, 'don't be daft,' and we sat back down again.' Allyson Rothrock A task force of local nonprofit and government leaders, convened by The Harvest Foundation, kicked off this weekend to address issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Their first order of business Sunday was how to help working parents find child care during the two or more weeks that k-12 schools across Virginia will be closed. Gov. Ralph Northam announced the closures last week in an effort to prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus strain in the state. As of Monday, the task force has identified 155 openings for emergency placement of school-age children affected by the closing. Providers include: Martinsville-Henry County YMCA, 276-647-3089 First Baptist Church ELC, 276-632-2636 Stanleytown Amazing Grace Baptist Church, 276-629-1886 First United Methodist Church, 276-656-6199 Freedom Baptist Church, 276-638-3802 ext. 106 Happy Feet, 276-403-4183 Fresh Start Gods Creative Learning Center, 276-634-5526 Clydie Harrison Family Child Care, 276-957-4645 The Harvest Foundation will share more information as it becomes available. Visit to find out more about community efforts surrounding COVID-19 and its potential impacts. In a news release from the foundation, President Allyson Rothrock said, Were working within a fluid environment to determine the best solutions for our community when it comes to the coronavirus response. Community leaders are having important conversations and taking this matter extremely seriously. We will have updates throughout this time as we collaborate with our partners to support Martinsville-Henry County. Task force members include the Henry-Martinsville Department of Social Services, Martinsville-Henry County YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs of the Blue Ridge, United Way of Henry County and Martinsville, Smart Beginnings Martinsville-Henry, Patrick Henry Community College, city of Martinsville, county of Henry and the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation. Representatives from the school systems were unable to meet during the weekend because of the short notice, Harvest Communications Director Latala Hodges said in an email, but Senior Program Officer DeWitt House will touch base with the divisions to see what type of community support is needed at this time. As of now, there have been no formal funding requests related to the task force, Hodges said. The initial meeting was Sunday, so theres still much work to be done to determine the scope of the task forces work and if any funding will be necessary, she said, adding that legislators are considering financial aid for coronavirus response at the state and federal levels. If approved, those bills may be able to provide support in our community. Kim Barto Meeks is a reporter for the Martinsville Bulletin. She can be reached at 276-638-8801. Kim Barto Meeks is a reporter for the Martinsville Bulletin. She can be reached at 276-638-8801. Concerned about COVID-19? Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. A Bra Boy thug that left court smiling after receiving community service for savagely beating a man has allegedly glassed another just two days after his sentencing. Jackson Travers, 21, is alleged to have smashed a bottle over the head of a 25-year-old man outside a party in Mascot, Sydney, on Friday night. A 22-year-old woman attempted to stop the attack but Travers, who is part of the infamous Maroubra surfing clan, allegedly grabbed her by the throat. Jackson Travers, 21, (pictured) smiled as he left court on Wednesday after being sentenced to three years' community service before allegedly glassing a man on Friday The victims were able to escape the alleged attack to alert police before the 25-year-old was taken to hospital in a stable condition, according to the Daily Telegraph. Travers was arrested by police over the weekend and charged with wounding a person with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and drug possession offences. He appeared in Waverley Local Court on Monday where the court heard Travers was recently found not guilty of stabbing retired bus driver Peter Hoffman to death in 2017. Travers and his brother Ray spent a year in jail before being acquitted of Mr Hofmann's murder on the night of the second State of Origin game in 2017. Travers and his brother Ray spent a year in jail before being acquitted of Peter Hofmann's stabbing murder in 2017 Magistrate Allison Hawkins said the facts around the case were 'disturbing'. 'They outline some disturbing level of violence.' On Wednesday, Travers was ordered to complete the Equips anger management plan and a three-year community corrections order for attacking a man in Redfern last September. Travers approached Sateki Tuitavake, 26, during an argument over the NRL semi-finals outside the Regent Hotel and punched the man in the face eight times. Travers was found not guilty of the murder of retired bus driver Peter Hofmann (pictured) On Wednesday, Travers was ordered to complete the Equips anger management plan and a three-year community corrections order for attacking a man in Redfern last September He initially claimed to be defending himself, but police laid charges after obtaining CCTV footage of the drunken attack. Ms Hawkins said the recent alleged attack could not yet be considered a violation of Travers' community corrections order as he had lodged an appeal for the sentencing of the previous bashing. Travers was granted bail on conditions including that he report to police every three days and to abstain from drugs and alcohol. BBC Breakfast's Dan Walker has finally broken his silence about his co-host Naga Munchetty's racism row with Donald Trump. In July last year, presenter Naga, 45, was temporarily censured by the broadcaster after she admitted she was 'absolutely furious' at the US president's decision to tell four congresswomen to 'go back home' during an on-air discussion with Dan, 42. Over eight months on, Dan has expressed his regret over failing to publicly support his colleague as he confessed: 'I felt I should have said something in support of her, but she didn't want any more attention.' 'I should've said said something': BBC Breakfast's Dan Walker has finally broken his silence about his co-host Naga Munchetty's racism row with Donald Trump (Dan pictured with Naga in July) The BBC's Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) had originally ruled that Naga - who has been an employee at the company for over 10 years - had breached editorial guidelines when she condemned Trump's comments. In partially upholding a complaint against the TV star, the BBC was itself accused of racism, with broadcasters Sir Lenny Henry and Krishnan Guru-Murthy among others launching a campaign for the BBC to reverse its decision. Journalist Dan revealed he encouraged BBC's Director General Tony Hall to change the ruling as he said in this week's Radio Times: 'She was at the centre of this storm. The day the story came out, I wrote to Tony Hall, saying, ''If Naga is guilty, then I'm guilty''. Outrage: Presenter Naga was temporarily censured by the BBC after she admitted she was 'absolutely furious' at controversial comments made by the US president (pictured on Monday) 'At the time I didn't know I'd been mentioned in the original complaint. The BBC should have given a more robust defence of their presenters.' The British-Indian presenter hit headlines when she responded to the controversial tweet by Trump as she stated: 'Every time I have been told, as a woman of colour, to go back to where I came from, that was embedded in racism. 'Im not accusing anyone of anything here, but you know what certain phrases mean. 'Furious. Absolutely furious and I can imagine lots of people in this country will be feeling absolutely furious a man in that position thinks its OK to skirt the lines by using language like that.' Drama: In the 'racist' tweet shared over the summer, Trump told four congresswomen to 'go back home' to their countries of origin Following the outrage over the BBC's ruling, the corporation's executive Tony sent an email to staff, claiming the decision 'sparked an important debate about racism and its interpretation'. He said: 'Racism is racism and the BBC is not impartial on the topic.There was never a finding against Naga for what she said about the Presidents tweet.' 'I have looked carefully at all the arguments that have been made and assessed all of the materials. 'She didn't want anymore attention': Over eight months on, Dan, 42, (pictured in 2017) has expressed his regret over failing to publicly support his colleague 'I wrote to him, saying, ''If Naga is guilty, then I'm guilty''': Journalist Dan revealed he encouraged BBC's Director General Tony Hall (pictured in 2016) to reverse the BBC's ruling 'I have also examined the complaint itself. It was only ever in a limited way that there was found to be a breach of our guidelines. These are often finely balanced and difficult judgement. 'But, in this instance, I dont think Nagas words were sufficient to merit a partial uphold of the complaint around the comments she made. There was never any sanction against Naga and I hope this step makes that absolutely clear.' Available: This week's edition of Radio Times is out now (Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc pictured) He hailed Naga as 'an exceptional journalist and presenter', adding: 'I am proud that she works for the BBC.' Earlier this year, the University of Leeds alum revealed she was encouraged to speak out on racism as her parents had been abused because of their ethnicity while working as nurses in London. In an interview with Vogue magazine, the media personality said she had witnessed the impact racism had on her parents who moved to Britain in 1971. She said: 'My mum has been told, "You P*** bitch, get your hands off me," when she's cleaning someone. My dad has been told the same thing. When their cleaning someone's a***. A racist person's a***. 'I've lived in south London until eight years ago. And I've been told many times "why don't you just f*** off to where you came from?" 'So trust me, when things touch you, sometimes you physically can't let that go. If you're saying you saw me sit back - frustrated, angry - it's inevitable when you've had these experiences.' In a March 10 letter to Vice President Mike Pence, chair of the task force, the Academy expressed growing concern about the unavailability of testing kits; the lack of a clear protocol for when and how testing should be conducted; the scarcity of personal protective equipment for physicians; and inadequate communication among federal agencies, health departments and frontline primary care physicians. "The AAFP, on behalf of our 134,600 members, formally requests a direct meeting with you and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force to share concerns we are hearing from our members and discuss the immediate and necessary steps that should be taken to inform, equip and empower family physicians as they prepare to care for thousands of patients impacted by COVID-19 in the coming days," the letter added. The Academy expects to participate in such a meeting with the task force on March 18. On March 11, the Academy called on Congress to ensure that the task force would speed up the flow of information, supplies and resources to physicians working on the front lines. That same day, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. "Consistency and coordination will be the key to successfully responding to this public health crisis," the Academy told the majority and minority leaders of both chambers in the March 11 letter. "We are doing all we can to assemble and disseminate information prepared by the CDC and the World Health Organization to our members; however, we still lack critical information." And on March 13, the Academy again wrote to congressional leaders, this time to call for swift passage of legislation to address the pandemic -- including support for crucial components of the primary care safety net. "It is time for Congress to make the necessary investments to ensure that the health care system is prepared to provide care to people in this time of national emergency," said the letter. Like the previous correspondence, it was signed by Board Chair John Cullen, M.D., of Valdez, Alaska. Specifically, the March 13 letter asked lawmakers to reauthorize and fund the community health center and Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education programs that were left in limbo earlier this session. "Continued underinvestment in primary care education and training will only result in further strains on our primary care system in the future and weakens our ability to confront and manage future outbreaks and pandemics," the Academy said. The March 13 letter further called on Congress to immediately increase Medicaid payment rates for all evaluation and management services provided by family physicians and other primary care clinicians to match those of Medicare; create a time-limited telemedicine grant program for solo and small primary care physician practices; and pass the Primary Care Patient Protection Act (H.R. 2774), for which the AAFP advocated last year. The barrage has been necessary. Alarming early test kit failures and the White House's slow response to the pandemic have raised the pressure on primary care physicians to calm patients and prepare for unprecedented circumstances. The Academy's recent advocacy regarding COVID-19 also includes a Speak Out campaign, through which members are encouraged to add their voices to these recent messages. AAFP members, including those working at the vanguard of the health system's response, continue to lend their perspectives to a newly established member community on COVID-19. Today marks 35 years since Neighbours first premiered on Australian television. It was 18th March 1985 when the soap created by the late Reg Watson first debuted on Seven. It ran for just over six months, underperforming in Sydney, when programmers pulled the pin. But 10 swooped on the series -forced to rebuild sets after Seven destroyed them- and from January 1986 the rest, as they say, is history. The series is now the longest-running drama in Australian TV history, having launched thousands of careers both in front of and behind the cameras. One who says she owes it all to the show, and famed casting director Jan Russ, is Stephanie McIntosh who returns to the show this week as part of 35th anniversary storylines under Executive Producer Jason Herbison. McIntosh played Sky Mangel (the teen version of a former series infant) for just over 4 years from 2003. With a famous half-brother in Jason Donovan (Scott Robinson), and neighbour to Alan Fletcher (Dr. Karl Kennedy) she already had links to the show. When I became a teenager, I started babysitting for Alan Fletcher and I would come out to set with him, she tells TV Tonight. I actually think I even said to him once Im going to come back as Sky Mangel. Lo and behold a few years later, they wrote her in again as a teenager coming back to see Harold (Ian Smith). I got the call for the audition from the divine Jan Russ. She gave me that break, and Ill be forever grateful. Neighbours changed my life, in all the best ways. It felt like we were some sort of a platform Sky was portrayed as an alternative adolescent in a very vanilla street, having teen romances with Boyd Hoyland (Kyal Marsh), Dylan (Damien Bodie) and Stingray (Ben Nicholas). But it was the crush from Lana (Bridget Neval) that drew wider attention, for portraying a same-sex teen romance in an early evening timeslot. Bridget Naval, Stephanie McIntosh That was really exciting and a privilege to go down that route at a time where maybe it wasnt as socially accepted. Im proud of Neighbours for grabbing onto something that should be so normalised so early on, she continues. I got a huge volume of extremely positive feedback and a lot of people coming out to me, wanting to say thank you for bringing attention to something that they feel they needed in the LGBT community. It felt like we were some sort of a platform for people that needed that. Someones got to lead the way Any press controversy at the time was outweighed by the benefits. I understand that it wasnt as socially accepted, so to speak, but I think thats where Neighbours just did the right thing. Someones got to lead the way. McIntosh has been invited back to the show on previous occasions -she made an appearance by Skype for the 30th- but as a mother of 2, the timing was right to make it happen in 2020. It was like walking into a time machine Returning to the Nunawading set brought a rush of emotions. It was a really out of body experience. It was like walking into a time machine but then not. I keep saying to everyone Its Same same but different,' she explains. The drive here starts to become nostalgic, as youre turning onto Hawthorn Road and then you come through those back doors and theres a smell, a memory thats triggered instantly every time you walk through the Cast backdoors. Everything just comes flooding back, and its a life that I know so well. In one breath it feels like theres been no time gone at all, and then in the other its Wow theres so much history here! Often you do a project and it wraps and thats it. To come back to something I was so fond of, and so lucky to be a part of its the best. That was a major moment of feeling very nostalgic. Her return reunites her with her former castmates Alan Fletcher, Jackie Woodburne, Ryan Moloney and Stefan Dennis. It was really lovely seeing them. That was a major moment of feeling very nostalgic. But then, of course, you look around and you see all the new faces and you realise that time has moved on. Including my niece. Her niece, Jemma Donovan is now playing Harlow Robinson. McIntosh also feels the time away has given her added maturity to appreciate the experience more. Its so beautiful coming back and having this hindsight this time around, and having a lot of growth. A maturity that I didnt have back then, and an appreciation maybe that I didnt have. I definitely knew how lucky I was landing the role initially, but theres definitely a different sense of gratitude this time around. Neighbours 35th anniversary week includes a string of weddings, and Skys return will see her tie the knot with Lana. I find that this is very authentic and for Sky theyve come full circle with a storyline that had a huge effect on a lot of people, she hints. Ive been focusing on playing mum And while family comes first, she is open to the idea of more acting work should it come her way again. I have two beautiful girls, a five and one year old. So that is always the focus personally, but I did step back for a little bit while Ive been focusing on playing mum. So it feels so great coming back into work. and maybe seeing whats out there again professionally for me. Im excited and optimistic about going forward again. Neighbours airs 6:30pm weeknights on 10 Peach. NEW YORK - Grocers big and small are hiring more workers, paying overtime and limiting purchases on certain high demand items as they scramble to restock shelves that have been wiped out by panic shopping in response to the global viral pandemic. Amazon said Tuesday that it will only accept shipments from suppliers of cleaning equipment, medical supplies and household goods at its warehouses for the next three weeks to fill surging demand. It is hiring 100,000 people across the U.S. to keep up with a crush of orders as more people stay at home and shop online. It will also temporarily raise pay by $2 an hour through the end of April for hourly employees. Many grocers are also limiting purchases of products like Purell sanitizers, Lysol cleaning spray and canned soup so that there is enough to go around. And companies like Walmart, Target and Wegmans are curbing store hours for the public in order to give workers time to restock shelves. The moves come as industry executives insist supply chains remain strong despite frustrated customers showing up to stores and sometimes walking away empty-handed. When you have runs at grocery stores, there is a little time needed to catch up, said Lowell Randel, vice-president for government and legal affairs at the Global Cold Chain Alliance, a trade group representing the refrigerated warehouse and delivery industry. The National Retail Federation and the Retail Industry Leaders Association on Sunday urged shoppers to restrain themselves, asking that if they didnt need an item in the next two weeks to leave it for someone else who does. Hoarding and stockpiling creates unnecessary gaps between the time that someone who truly needs a product can find it back on retailers shelves, they said in a statement. This is particularly important for our most vulnerable neighbours the elderly and those who are struggling with other health issues. Some stores like Target, Northeastern grocery chain Stop & Shop and Australias Woolworth are implementing special hours to accommodate elderly customers, who have been avoiding crowds that leave them susceptible to COVID-19, the disease that has infected nearly 130,000 people worldwide and caused more than 4,800 deaths. Jim Barth, owner of a family-owned butcher in New Providence, N.J., recently started a delivery service catering to older or sick customers but stopped taking online orders after getting inundated with other shoppers who were also trying to avoid crowds. In France, the Rungis distribution centre outside Paris feeds about a quarter of the countrys population. Food arrives there from producers all over France -- cheese makers, farmers, orchards and more -- and elsewhere in Europe, to be parceled out to the supermarkets across the countrys north. Normally popular with tourists hardy enough to arrive when it opens in the wee hours, its been closed to all but the 12,000 employees. French officials, like those elsewhere in Europe, say theres no reason for shortages if customers shop reasonably. In Paris on Monday, residents raided supermarkets in anticipation of a lockdown. Border closures to keep out the sick are also posing problems around a Europe designed for open frontiers. In Slovenia, which lies in the path from Italy and Austria to the Balkans, cargo trucks recently waited for more than 24 hours for checks. To help ease the bottleneck in the U.S., the federal government has suspended rules that limit the number of hours that truckers can drive. And on Sunday, President Donald Trump had a conference call with 30 food, grocery and beverage retail executives who recommended certain actions like establishing a point person in the administration to oversee co-ordination with various government agencies in order to deliver essential food supplies faster to stores. Meanwhile, manufacturing facilities are seeking exemptions to state and local restrictions that limit the size of public gatherings so that they can keep moving their products. And retailers are wrestling with labour shortages as workers worry about being exposed to the coronavirus and stay home. For the workers who show up, sheer exhaustion is taking a toll as they must work faster while dealing with angry customers. Barth said his workers are now taking on longer hours to fulfil higher customer demand that has spilled over from big chains like Costco and ShopRite. Brittney Legowski, a part-time college student who works as a personal shopper at a Walmart store in Menomonie, Wisconsin, says she started feeling more overworked late last week when online orders spiked. She picks about 100 items per hour for a typical customer; now, shes picking 170 items an hour and up to half of them arent available. Were racing through the aisles just to keep up, said Legowski, who has gotten yelled at by irate shoppers and is thinking of quitting. Scott Nash, CEO of MOMs Organic Market, which operates 19 stores in the mid-Atlantic region, says that his business has doubled in the last two weeks. His stores use to sell $50,000 worth of merchandise a day; now, its $100,000. But out-of stock items have shot up to 1,500; typically, they number around 150 in normal times. Nash noted the problem is not the food supply but how quickly shoppers are grabbing it. He said that inventory turns were typically on average about every 10 days. Now theyre about every five days. He said his 1,500 workers are working overtime to stock shelves and some are starting to call out sick because theyre tired. But he believes that the panic buying is going to wane. People can only fit so much in their stomachs and pantries, he said. _______ AP Writers Tom Krisher in Detroit; Jovana Gec in Belgrade, Serbia; Lori Hinnant in Paris and Frank Jordans in Berlin contributed to this report. ______ Follow Anne DInnocenzio: Please register or log in to keep reading. No credit card required! Stay logged in to skip the surveys. The New Jersey Assembly passed a wide-ranging package of bipartisan bills Monday in response to the growing coronavirus outbreak to assist the people, schools, businesses and local governments in the state grappling with the medical and financial impacts of the public health crisis. The more than two dozen measures, which quickly went through two committees Monday before votes in the full Assembly, target people losing wages as more and more businesses close temporarily and social distancing wipes out commerce, and the closed schools attempting to meet new nutritional and educational demands. The coronavirus is a concern globally, and in New Jersey we are committed to making sure residents and businesses are prepared and equipped to continue to live and work as we continue through this pandemic, Assemblywoman Angela McKnight, D-Hudson, chairwoman of the Homeland Security committee, said at the measures passed at the Statehouse in Trenton. Some of the bills before the committee today are measures to help children continue to receive lessons outside the classroom and ensure those who may not be able to eat at home continue to receive the meals they would be given at schools, require insurance carriers to cover coronavirus testing and treatment, and ensuring no employee is fired due to having to be quarantined," McKnight added. At least 178 New Jerseyans have tested positive for the coronavirus and two have died. Gov. Phil Murphy announced draconian steps Monday to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, including closing schools and some businesses. The governor ordered many businesses, including gyms, movie theaters and casinos to close, while limiting restaurants and bars to takeout and delivery services. These steps and the chilling effects of social distancing and fear of the virus have generated a lot of financial anxiety from tipped and hourly workers. A bill passed by the Assembly, 65-0, on Monday would create a temporary lost wage unemployment program for workers whove lost wages because they were tested positive for coronavirus, needed to care for a sick relative or a child whose school or daycare closed because of the outbreak. Unemployment compensation under this program would be equal to a workers normal wages, according to the sponsors. Another bill would free up cash assistance for some low-wages workers enrolled in New Jersey Work First, while yet another would put a moratorium on evictions, whether by a landlord or bank. Losing income because you are recovering from this illness or staying home because your childs school is closed should not cost you your home," Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, R-Bergen, said in a statement. Others legislation would donate $15 million to food banks across the state and require school districts to provide meals or vouchers while theyre closed to students eligible for free-or reduced-cost lunches. Murphy ordered all public and private schools to close by Wednesday. Lawmakers say they plan to help school districts with a bill setting aside $20 million to defray the cost of building cleaning and a grant program to shrink the so-called digital divide between districts that have a device for every student and those that do not. The Assembly also passed bills that would grant a one month extension for filing state taxes if the federal government extends its deadline and offer grants for small businesses. We have to think about the small business community, who rely on their customers to frequent their stores. These businesses will be adversely affected by the need for many to stay indoors and potential quarantines, the bill sponsors said in a statement. Lawmakers also voted to allow the Assembly to conduct business by electronic means during an emergency, to give local governments more time to pass their annual operating budgets. They also acted to give notaries the ability to perform their business remotely and corporate shareholders to meet remotely during an emergency. The state Senate would need to pass the bills and the governor would have to sign them before they became law. Murphy over the weekend declined to weigh in on the legislation. We take each one seriously," he told reporters. Conceptually, some of them are completely consistent with what were talking about and doing 24 hours a day." None of the bills were available publicly by the time the full Assembly voted Monday afternoon. Lawmakers used an emergency provision that allowed them to suspend normal legislative rules and vote the bills through in one day. The Assembly canceled most of its committee hearings scheduled for Monday, with Speaker Craig Coughlin saying it would address only the most pressing bills. Coughlin, D-Middlesex, said he planned to allow 100 members of the public to attend to comply with a recommendation from the governor to keep public gatherings to no more than 250 people. The state Senate canceled all of its Monday hearings. On Saturday, Senate President Stephen Sweeney, D-Gloucester, called for more than a dozen initiatives to mitigate the financial toll of the outbreak, including extending unemployment benefits and suspending payrolls and sales tax collections. Sign up for text message alerts from on coronavirus in New Jersey: If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. Samantha Marcus may be reached at Follow her on Twitter @samanthamarcus. Have a tip? Tell us. Get the latest updates right in your inbox. Subscribe to NJ.coms newsletters. After Padmaavat, Akshay Kumar's Prithviraj On Karni Sena's Radar; Members Of The Outfit Halt Shoot Investigation underway as six-year-old dies in Moria fire Greece's migration minister expresses 'deep sadness' (ANSAMed) - ATHENS, 17 MAR - Greece's migration minister Notis Mitarakis said he was "deeply saddened" after an investigation began on Tuesday following the death of a six-year-old girl in a fire at the Moria refugee camp on the island of Lesvos. Firefighters on the North East Aegean island announced on Monday that the six-year-old child died in a blaze that broke out in the afternoon, and said that they are investigating the cause. According to initial local media reports it is suspected that the fire may have started from a gas stove. The death of the young child marks another black page for the notoriously overcrowded Moria camp, which is home to around 20,000 people staying in a space designed for just 3,000. "I was deeply saddened to learn of the tragic event of the loss of a six-year-old child following a fire that broke out at the camp on Moria. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the child's family," said Mitarakis in a tweet via his Twitter account. Following this latest incident, opposition party SYRIZA called on the government to begin a "drastic decongesting of the islands" immediately. "The latest tragic incident of the death of a 6-year-old child in a fire at Moria only goes to show that the immediate and drastic decongestion of the islands that we have been asking for for months is the only acceptable solution to avoid other similar incidents," said shadow migration minister for SYRIZA, Giorgos Psychogios, in a media statement. "In what has become an entire city of 22,000 people, where 16,000 live in shabby and miserable conditions, it is now necessary to move vulnerable groups to decent structures on the mainland for the benefit of both refugees and local communities," he added. Meanwhile, as if the problems of mass overcrowding and limited access to basic needs was not enough, staff working for the asylum services in Lesvos and other islands have also suspended any work that requires personal contact with applicants due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus (Covid-19). Greece is on shutdown mode in general, and measures at the migrant camps are expected to last until April 10, during which time asylum applicants will not be able to sit for interviews, receive any decisions pertaining to their applications, or renew their temporary residence permits.(ANSAMed). A witness of the Economic and Financial Commission EFCC, Aminu Muhammed, Tuesday absolved former Secretary to the Government of the Fe... A witness of the Economic and Financial Commission EFCC, Aminu Muhammed, Tuesday absolved former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Engineer Babachir Lawal of any wrong doings in the controversial N544m contract that led to his trial. At the resumed trial, the witness, a Principal Procurement Officer in the SGF office told an Abuja high court that neither Babachir Lawal nor any of the defendants in the trial participated in the bidding process or award of the contract in dispute Muhammed, who is a member of the Presidential Initiative on North East (PINE ) testified that the body was solely responsible for the award of the contract without Babachir Lawal who was then in office as SGF. On cross examination by Chief Akin Olujimi SAN, counsel for the ex-SGF, the witness stated that non of defendants on trial played any role in the procurement process conducted by the Presidential Initiative. Recall that Babachir Lawal is standing trial alongside six others in an alleged N544.1M contract fraud. that Babachir Lawal is standing trial alongside six others in an alleged N544.1M contract fraud. The former SGF, his brother, Hamidu Lawal, who is a director of Rholavision Engineering Limited; an employee of the company, Sulaiman Abubakar and the Managing Director of Josmon Technologies Limited, Apeh John Monday, are being prosecuted by the EFCC before Justice Jude Okeke, sitting at Maitama, Abuja. They are facing a10-count charge bordering on conspiracy and fraud. All the defendants pleaded not guilty to the charge preferred against them The EFCC witness added that none of the seven defendants was a member of any PINE committees or Ministerial Tenders Board (MTB) and did not play any role whatsoever in the award of contracts to both Josmon and Rholavision. The witness told the court that the letters of award of contracts were signed after the tenders board had given approval for the award of the contracts to both Josmon and Rholavision. He added that PINE did nothing wrong in awarding contracts to both Josmon and Rholavision. Testifying further, the witness told Justice Jude Okeke that he was a member of the evaluation committee of the Presidential Initiative on North-East (PINE). According to him, after evaluating the bids submitted by companies bidding for projects by PINE, including Rholavision Engineering Limited and Josmon Technologies Limited, his committee sent reports to the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) and the Ministerial Tenders Board in the OSGF. He stated that the technical reports sent by his committee was for approval by the MTB, adding that where any irregularities occurred, the reports would be sent back to PINE for correction. They are to check the report and approve or send it back to PINE. When the report is approved, the company gets the contracts, he stated. The contracts, the witness said, were awarded by PINE. Members of the MTB, according to the witness, were Permanent Secretaries or their representatives, Directors of Legal, Finance, Procurement, Internal Audit and Press in the OSGF. Muhammed stated that he was the person who signed the letters of award of contracts to both Rholavision Engineering Limited and Josmon Technologies Limited. He added that it was not the MTB in the OSGF that allowed him or the PINE secretary to issue letters of award of contract. Muhammed who is the prosecution witness number four (PW4) further stated that about 108 companies including the fifth and sixth defendants, bidded for different projects from PINE. However, in a drama that followed, counsel representing EFCC in the trial Mr Ofem Uket expressed frustration by witnesses coming to testify from the office of the SGF. He opened up on his alleged frustration after leading Aminu Muhammed who testified as the fourth prosecution witness (PW4) in the case. According to him, 80 per cent of the witnesses called by the anti-corruption commission so far were from the OSGF, adding that he knew what he was facing from them. The witnesses I bring to court, about 80 per cent of them are all coming from OSGF, Uket stated. He told the court that the case was adjourned at the last sitting in January but had to be rescheduled at the instance of the fourth witness. I called him last week, he said he was in his village. I called him in the presence of the Investigating Police Officer (IPO) and he said he was in Bauchi. The IPO told him that he (IPO) had a tracker which showed that he (witness) was in Abuja. It was then he admitted that he was in Abuja. I only saw him today, Ufem told the court. Justice Okeke however, said that the court had nothing to say to the complaints raised by the prosecutor against his own witnesses Meanwhile, Justice Okeke has adjourned the case till April 8, for continuation of trial. A ten-bed isolation ward has been set up at the district hospital here in view of the novel coronavirus outbreak, officials said on Monday. The Union Home Ministry had on Sunday announced that all types of passenger movement would be suspended from March 15 midnight through the Indo-Bangladesh, Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Myanmar borders, barring a few specified border checkposts. Uttar Pradesh shares a 599.3 km long open border with Nepal touching seven districts - Pilibhit, Lakhimpur Kheri, Bahraich, Sravasti, Balrampur, Sidhharthnagar and Maharajganj. "An isolation ward containing ten beds has been set up in the district hospital in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. Efforts are also on to sensitise the locals about the disease," Bahraich District Magistrate Shambhu Kumar said. "The entry of nationals of other countries including Nepal into the district will be allowed only after proper screening," Foreign tourists will be allowed entry through the Rupiadeeh check post," he said. The entry of those showing symptoms similar to coronavirus will be allowed after proper medical examination, the official said. Kumar added no COVID-19 case has been reported in this district of Uttar Pradesh so far. The leading business group has downgraded its UK GDP growth expectations for 2020 to 0.8%, from its previous forecast of 1% (stock photo) UK economic growth is expected to slow sharply in 2020 amid disruption caused by the impact of coronavirus, according to the latest economic forecast by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). The leading business group has downgraded its UK GDP growth expectations for 2020 to 0.8%, from its previous forecast of 1%. Outside of the 2008/09 financial crisis, this would be the weakest full-year growth out-turn since 1992 and down sharply from UK GDP growth of 1.4% in 2019. A lack of clarity on the UK's future trading relationship with the EU and other partners around the world and a struggling global economy is also predicted to limit UK's near-term growth prospects, BCC has also warned. Suren Thiru, head of economics at the BCC, said: "Our latest forecast indicates that the UK economy faces a challenging short-term outlook. "It is increasingly likely that the boost from higher government spending and more political certainty, will be surpassed over the near-term by the negative impact of coronavirus on the UK economy." Meanwhile, Adam Marshall from the BCC said the Chancellor and Bank of England must act quickly to support businesses. One of the final contestants to go through to Hollywood on Sunday night's American Idol was 23-year-old Amber Fiedler, who performed while she was 38 weeks pregnant. She revealed during her audition that she was placing her baby in an open adoption, which stunned Idol judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie. Fiedler, a server from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, opened up about why she's giving up her baby in a video package about her life. Impressive Amber: American Idol contestant Amber Fiedler wowed the judges on Sunday's final auditions show, to which she arrived 38 weeks pregnant Katy: 'Do you have a name picked out?' judge Katy Perry, 35, had asked Amber, a server from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, when she entered the room Fiedler explained that her mother was, 'a user most of my life,' adding that her grandma raised her. 'The last few years I was going out and drinking a bunch. I was getting caught up in life. With this pregnancy, I've learned who I was as a person,' Fiedler added. 'I've had time to sit and think, and looking at the big picture of life, there's days where I don't even have $20 in my pocket. If I'm not ready to be a mom, why would I put her through that, you know?' she added. Hard time: In a video package, Amber explained that she'd had a hard time growing up, as her mother had been a substance abuser most of her life, and her grandmother raised her She added that she has chosen a family for her baby, who will have the ability to, 'give her everything she wants,' because she knew she wouldn't be able to, which lead to her getting choked up a bit. Fiedler added that she hopes her daughter will eventually: 'understand I am trying to choose the best for her.' The video package included shots of Fiedler with her mother, Shamara, who has been clean for four years. Choked up: She added that she has chosen a family for her baby, who will have the ability to, 'give her everything she wants,' because she knew she wouldn't be able to, which lead to her getting choked up a bit Understand: Fiedler added that she hopes her daughter will eventually, 'understand I am trying to choose the best for her' Mother and daughter: The video package included shots of Fiedler with her mother, Shamara, who has been, 'clean for four years' She added that having the baby gave her: 'time to think and reflect on my life,' adding that, 'the baby, she saved me. She really did.' Fiedler told the judges that it was going to be an open adoption, meaning that the child will 'know' her while she's growing up. She went on to sing Etta James' Trust in Me, which impressed all three judges thoroughly. Saved: She added that having the baby gave her, 'time to think and reflect on my life,' adding that, 'the baby, she saved me. She really did' Impressed: She went on to sing Etta James' Trust in Me, which impressed all three judges thoroughly After Amber finished singing, the judges applauded, with Luke Bryan, 43, pointing out that she'd performed flawlessly even 'with a foot in her ribs.' 'You definitely have a very big shot of going very far if you want to,' Katy said, worried that Hollywood Week started a week after Amber's due date. 'You may be late, you may be early.' 'Yeah, I'm just like, 'If it's meant to be, it's all just gonna work out,' Amber replied. Her shot: 'You definitely have a very big shot of going very far if you want to,' Katy said, worried that Hollywood Week started a week after Amber's due date. 'You may be late, you may be early.' Luke joked that his fellow judge Lionel Richie, 70, 'would like to put his name in the hat for godfather.' All three judges voted to send Amber through, leading Katy to crow, 'You're going to Hollywood!' before adding, 'Don't run too fast!' as Amber raced to grab her ticket. 'Slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, mom,' Lionel warned. Godfather: Luke joked that his fellow judge Lionel Richie, 70, 'would like to put his name in the hat for godfather' Slow: 'Slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, mom,' Lionel warned 'Maybe you're not ready to be a mom, but you are ready to be an American Idol,' Katy cracked. 'Do you hear that, baby?' Amber said to her baby, before running off the set, as Luke yelled, 'Quit running!' American Idol's Hollywood Week kicks off Monday March 16 on ABC. Ready: 'Maybe you're not ready to be a mom, but you are ready to be an American Idol,' Katy cracked Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will cover the cost of telehealth services to members with existing telehealth benefits through April 30 to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed by in-patient visits during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. President and CEO Daniel Loepp said the move should help health care workers on the front lines address the most serious cases of coronavirus coming to hospitals and physician offices. Blue Cross hopes waiving copays for the virtual services will encourage members with manageable flu-like symptoms to have their initial consultations with doctors from home. We dont want the co-pay to get in the way of our members being able to consult with doctors from their homes, Loepp said in a statement. No-cost use of telehealth by our eligible members will help get their questions answered." READ MORE: Dont try to get tested for coronavirus without calling ahead, and more tips from Michigan doctors Blue Cross had previously waived co-pays and deductibles for members who require a coronavirus test. Health officials have advised Michigan residents not to visit their doctor or another health care provider seeking a COVID-19 test without prior screening. Testing is most important for patients admitted to the hospital and require critical care. Coronavirus symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Many infected people exhibit mild symptoms and dont necessarily need to be tested or treated in-person, as theres currently no known vaccine or cure for the disease. Read MLives complete coverage at PREVENTION TIPS Michigans State Emergency Operations Center is coordinating state-government resources and the response to the coronavirus spread. It has shared the following tips: What you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases: Always cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. For statewide and national information on the virus, visit or Stay home if you are sick and advise others to do the same. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if soap and warm water are not available. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (computers, keyboards, desks, etc.). Its not too late to get your flu shot! While the influenza vaccine does not protect against COVID-19 infection, it can help keep you healthy during the flu season. Read more on MLive: Michigan doctors offer their best tips for preventing coronavirus Michigan coronavirus case count up to 53, including 1 child Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to order bars, restaurants to close dine-in services over coronavirus concerns Coronavirus has Michigan pursuing temporary closure of casinos, governor says Timeline of coronavirus in Michigan: How did we get here? With one coronavirus case on each campus, UM and MSU urge students to go home South Korea has sent 51,000 coronavirus test kits to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in "emergency exports," Cheong Wa Dae said Tuesday. So far, 17 countries have formally requested the items from South Korea, it added, amid the global attention being paid to the country's rapid testing regime that is apparently behind a lower-than-average mortality rate. The UAE is the country South Korea can ship the kits to the fastest, according to a Cheong Wa Dae official, who added that the move is part of "important international cooperation" on the pandemic. The kits arrived in the UAE earlier this week, the official told reporters on condition of anonymity. (Yonhap) Happy St. Patricks Day! Also, a reader note: As you may have noticed, our comments levels are very high these days, and we are gratified that so many of you are coming here to share your views and information. However, what you may not have noticed is the fractiousness has also risen. In some cases, newbie readers (and even a few established readers) have taken overmuch to Making Shit Up. Its one thing to speculate or offer something on memory and label it as such, and another to offer information confidently as fact when its not true, or inaccurate enough to be misleading. As a result, our main comments DJ, Jules, who pitches in 7 days a week, is overstressed. Please be considerate to reduce the load. The toxicity is vastly more wearing than the volume. And I am sorry for the lack of original posts. I need to make sure I get enough sleep. Penguins FREE at CHICAGO AQUARIUM LOCKDOWN MEME YouTube (Kevin W) The WHO has changed its position on coronavirus and pets Quartz. Olivier L: Have you ever seen a more regal cat? North America Has Lost More Than 1 in 4 Birds in Last 50 Years, New Study Says Audobon (Dan K) Scientists Discover Ice Age Structure Made From Bones Of 60 Mammoths Gizmodo (Kevin W) Restore soil to absorb billions of tonnes of carbon: study PhysOrg (David L) 4 Reasons Why Airplanes Dont Fly Over Tibet Interesting Engineering (Chuck L) Lego bricks in the ocean could take 1,300 years to degrade Independent (Kevin W) The UK is scrambling to correct its coronavirus strategy MIT Technology #COVID-19 Coronavirus: Trump says coronavirus crisis may last all summer BBC (J-LS) U.S., World Leaders Step Up Efforts to Slow Spread of Coronavirus Wall Street Journal 15) BOTTOMLINE: To survive the #COVID19 epidemic, to wait until vaccine in 12-18 mo extreme sacrifices in personal freedoms will have to be made. Report author Prof Ferguson warns: We might be living in a very different world for a year or more wont be the same again. Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 17, 2020 Dont stop: When Carnegie Hall canceled, show went on Associated Press (David L) 12 things to know today about coronavirus The Hill Nine Thoughts On COVID-19 And Whats Coming Caitlin Johnstone (J-LS). Note the bit about increased censorship of YouTube Divorce cases spike in China after couples spend too much time during coronavirus quarantine Daily Mail In Norway, Prime Minister Erna Solberg just held a press conference specifically for children. For half an hour, she and her team answered questions submitted by kids across the country. She told them it was normal to be scared but that everything would be okay.#Leadership Goodable (@Goodable) March 16, 2020 Health Trump says Google CEO Sundar Pichai called to apologize TechCrunch (resilc) New Cold War Before a pandemic, there was a time when we were relentlessly told to fear Russian social media accounts. Their juvenile memes not only elected Trump, but also sowed chaos. When Mueller indicted 13 Russians over it, he was hailed as a hero. Well, DOJ just dropped the case: Aaron Mate (@aaronjmate) March 16, 2020 2020 Tesla Begins Model Y Deliveries CNBC Brave Browser Files GDPR Complaint Against Google CoinTelegraph New York, California Want More Power Over the Financial Sector Wall Street Journal Antidote du jour: Paul R says this photo has been circulating as total eclipse of the cat: See yesterdays Links and Antidote du Jour here. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form The designers of Performance Practice (Dance), a Master's programme at the Ambedkar University, Delhi, have decided that it must neither be heavy on text or theory, nor should it focus on one specific form. It also encourages students to become the agents of their own learning, unlike more traditional one-on-one relationships with teachers, which tend to seep into the students' personal lives With an interest in generating accessible writings that makes the connection between the larger social and political landscape of the country and its performing arts more evident, this monthly column is an attempt to un-bracket the dance discourse from its contained category of Arts for Art's sake. Read more from the series here. *** This interview is a follow-up to the author's previous essay on dance pedagogy. Keeping the practitioner at the heart of it, the MA Performance Practice (Dance) programme based out of the Ambedkar University, Delhi (AUD) is a much-needed critical intervention in the field of dance. What follows is a conversation with Ranjana Dave, Mandeep Raikhy and Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy all three of whom have been involved in running the programme at various stages. Mandeep Raikhy led the curriculum design since its inception and is now an assistant professor at AUD. Ranjana Dave, also an assistant professor at the university, joined the process in 2016 and has participated in the development and the implementation of the programme. Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy has participated in the curriculum design and was a guest teacher in the first year of the programme. What were the initial triggers that led to the coming together of this course? What did the early conversations look like? Mandeep Raikhy: The first conversations on starting a structured programme began in 2012 after finishing a dance residency that we used to conduct every year since 2009. Anusha Lall, the founder of Gati, Abantee Dutta who was also at Gati back then, and I had a conversation about how a residency is a fantastic space for slightly experienced artists, but Indian dance was increasingly starting to look young. It looked like the needs of younger artists were very different, and the model of the residency would not be sufficient in helping address these needs. The younger artists seemed to be in search of a lot of inputs and so we began to feel that we should probably think of putting a course together. A lot of the projects that we were doing already cut across creation, pedagogy, performance and research. They were, however, independent of each other. Different artists were involved in these projects independently. No artist was diving into all of this together. So we were beginning to feel that a course a year long diploma probably could be useful to bring all these strands of learning together. We put together our first proposal towards a structured programme for a Delhi-based think-tank called Art Think South Asia (ATSA) in 2013. From the first residency that we conducted in 2009, it has taken us about 10 years to actually arrive at the Master's programme. The labour that went into putting together the residency and running it year after year was primarily focussed on building a pool of mentors. Over the years, we collectively began to think critically about questions such as What does it mean to mentor? What does it mean to open up information that could be useful for others? What does it mean to skin down our own practice and make it available to other people as a kind of resource pool of ideas? So, in the initial years, we spent a lot of time with mentors thinking about what practices of research could really look like in dance. What are the gaps in the existing practice of dance pedagogy that this course hopes to bridge? Ranjana Dave: India has had a long history of dance training. Within institutions, the existing dance degree courses that we have are all based around certain forms, like a Master's in Odissi or Bharatanatyam. A university in Orissa is coming up with a Performing Arts degree, but even that is centred around Odissi. Another widely popular kind of training (especially in classical dance) happens in informal dance class spaces you may give one of the exams, but your learning is usually with a single teacher and is often structured based on your relationship with the teacher. The third kind are the performance studies programmes which are available in a few universities, particularly JNU and even Ambedkar University, Delhi. Because of the design of these programmes, they tend to not have room for students who particularly have an interest in practice. Increasingly, these programmes are becoming flexible, but often they require outcomes to be in writing. For these reasons it is very hard for practitioners to partake in such programmes. The MA that we run positions itself somewhere in the middle, where we have have made a choice: a) To not focus around a specific form. The diversity among the students that it has drawn has made us feel like this was the right decision to take b) To not make it text- or theory-heavy The course focusses on giving students tools which can help them work with their prior training, without necessarily trying to force their bodies into a form which doesnt interest them. Parallelly, theyre also exposed to culture studies and performance studies where they become familiar with theory. Initially, there was a reluctance to engage with text which has happily changed in these past two years. Because as a dancer, you don't have a first-hand relationship with text; you begin to fear it when you encounter it in this quantity and in academic language. Over the last two years, not only have they become comfortable reading, they are also able to bring these readings into their own work. Many have found their practice somewhere in between text and body, bringing both of these together as research. Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy: This course stands apart from most other courses because it gives students the time and space of two years to think like not just a dancer, but also a choreographer. Two years of looking at every aspect of art making from the perspective of a creator is something this course was developing towards when I was engaged in the process of designing it. Often, you get trained as a dancer, and many dance companies that offer courses also just focus on producing a dancer. Once a student is out, she is expected to begin creating immediately. Only later does one realise that creating is a different ball game. How do you think taking dance education into an institutional space influences the equation between the teacher and the student? The programme description on the website mentions that students are encouraged to become agents of their own learning". Can you also comment a little on this? Ranjana Dave: Outside of institutional spaces, in a one-on-one relationship between a teacher and a student, when things get complicated, they get very complicated. I feel like institutionalising it in this way gives it a distance it needs. It doesnt mean you don't care any more; you are still invested, but the training leaves the personal space. It protects the relationship from becoming a space of inter-personal conflict. Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy: Before starting the course, we did a laboratory series where we tried out some course structures we had planned for the MA. Soon I realised that classes which involved creating and critical thinking would just not work if the relationship between the facilitator and the student was a hierarchical one. Especially because we are so invested in holding a space where students can start creating rather than being taught how to create, equal give and take became indispensable. So these laboratories helped us approximate at the relationship that were trying to achieve: what is the right time for us to step into their work, at what time should we step out, when is our intervention too much? To look at a student as an agent was not a decision that was made, it was arrived at after a process of conscious experimentation. You are all dancers who engage with the body, both physically and intellectually. How differently does this course look at the dancing body? Ranjana Dave: Just as we look at the student as an agent, the idea of the body as an agent is central to the programme. Because in my training I know that the body has constantly been something to discipline, something that is subject to a series of constraints. This gets us used to thinking about what we can do with the body in a limited way, and consequently, you actually find it difficult to work without those constraints. During the course of the programme the students have got used to working with their bodies in a way that allows them to imagine their bodies in a range of contexts and do different things with them, which is something that form-based learning as I have known it has taken away from the body. Mandeep Raikhy: One primary objective of this course is to enable a process of thinking through the body. It looks at how cultural studies, dance history, dance theory can all come together and become a mode of critical engagement with the body at the heart of it. What this opens up is also the idea that the body is not only informed and shaped by the socio-political contexts that it inhabits, but also that it can participate in shaping this very landscape. Students are beginning to formulate their research questions by drawing from their own bodily experiences with regard to the various identities that they embody and assert in the political space. For example, one student is looking at care and support as resistance, where she explores dance as a system of care for the body. Another student is doing a dissertation on studying the pelvis as a site of performance by exploring the history of the pelvis in Indian performance traditions and sculpture. This is an exciting moment and I am waiting to see what can happen with this line of inquiry of thinking through the body. What could happen to dance in the future, if we continue to think of the body as a political entity? Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy: Before we even look at the body in larger political contexts with various identities layered on it, what this course does is to look at the body as an intelligent being. The act of looking at the body as intelligent is itself political. Your course has fee waivers and reservation for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Given that it is a course on dance, have you considered engaging with marginalised communities of hereditary dancers? Do you feel young practitioners from these communities could benefit from such a course in any way? Ranjana Dave: I do feel like the university space is far more willing to acknowledge hereditary histories than the arts itself the classical dance space. Ive seen that even my access to information on how forms like Bharatanatyam were appropriated have come from university spaces, because in classical dance spaces, people dont talk about it. At least not enough. To really further that not-appropriating, it would be useful for people from hereditary communities to join this conversation, because, right now, even if the university space is sensitive to this information, it is still discussed and spoken about by people outside of these communities. Mandeep Raikhy: From the very beginning, one of the things that attracted us to AUD was the fact that it was a university that would make the course accessible to a wide range of students. Many students who cannot afford it can access the course at a fully subsidised fee. This ensures that entry is not limited to students who can afford it. However, we did have to deal with the fact that it was a Delhi-based university. It has a mandate to support students from the region of Delhi (Gurgaon excluded). There is an 85 percent Delhi quota. We look at this both as a limitation and an advantage. But what was key for us is that we bring in people from various kinds of training backgrounds, and thats when the learning becomes more interesting. I think in future runs, we would like to get students from more diverse backgrounds into the course. In a way, the course was meant to help students re-evaluate given histories and to rethink how these forms have become what they have, and under what political conditions. We need to begin re-assessing these moments in history not so much with an intention to challenge these forms, but to explore the possibility of extending these forms, to loosen their nuts and bolts, to begin to infuse new energies, questions that are relevant, that stem from today's context. In what capacity do you as teachers expect students to integrate into society after they finish their course? That is, at the end of this course, what kind of work could be expected out of a student from here? Ranjana Dave: The first batch of students are currently in their last semester, and in the course of two years, their options with respect to what they can do after they leave the programme have radically expanded because of the wide range of things we do. Based on their interests, they have the option of performing, researching and writing, making performances, teaching (this is also something they are trained to do). During the programme they have constantly been in interaction with various people in the arts community. They even performed last weekend with Black Box Okhla. The people who they have interacted with are familiar with their work, as well as with how they are growing from month to month in some cases. Apart from this, they also take up internships at the end of the programme for six weeks, for which they are given financial support. So when they leave, they have some interface with the arts community already. They also understand that their work needs to be recognised and compensated. In the arts in general, and dance in particular, the question of not being paid for your work is a big one. They understand that they have invested a considerable amount of time training and they should expect to be compensated for it. 3 1 of 3 Saratoga County Sheriff's Office Show More Show Less 2 of 3 Show More Show Less 3 of 3 BALLSTON SPA - A parolee who was responsible for a string of Clifton Park home and car burglaries pleaded on Monday to two counts of felony burglary in Saratoga County Court. Tyler E. Lester, 26, of Foxwood Drive in Clfiton Park, was arrested in October for a spree of burglaries of homes and cars on Crescent, Grooms, Lapp and Moe roads. At the time of his arrest, Sheriff Michael Zurlo said that Lester committed the crimes while residents were asleep. Lester, who lived nearby, would slip in through opened garage doors or cut open screens to enter homes to steal cash from wallets and purses. DGAP-Ad-hoc: Airbus SE / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Airbus SE: Airbus provides update on COVID-19 related measures 17-March-2020 / 07:52 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad-hoc release, 17 March 2020 Airbus provides update on COVID-19 related measures Amsterdam, 17 March 2020 - Airbus SE (stock exchange symbol: AIR) continues to closely monitor the evolution of the COVID-19 virus across the globe and is constantly assessing the situation, the impact on employees, customers, suppliers and the business. Following the implementation of new measures in France and Spain to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Airbus has decided to temporarily pause production and assembly activities at its French and Spanish sites across the Company for the next four days. This will allow sufficient time to implement stringent health and safety conditions in terms of hygiene, cleaning and self-distancing, while improving the efficiency of operations under the new working conditions. In those countries, the Company will also continue to maximise homeworking wherever possible. These measures will be implemented locally in coordination with the social partners. Airbus is also working together with its customers and suppliers to minimise the impact of this decision on their operations. Airbus continuously updates its workplace safety and travel recommendations to employees, customers and visitors, according to the latest developments. Airbus is following the guidance from the World Health Organisation and national health authorities. * * * About Airbus Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2019, it generated revenues of 70 billion and employed a workforce of around 135,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world's leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide. Contacts for the media Guillaume Steuer +33 6 73 82 11 68 Stefan Schaffrath +33 6 16 09 55 92 Matthieu Duvelleroy +33 6 29 43 15 64 Justin Dubon +33 6 74 97 49 51 BEAUMONT Expanded testing almost certainly will show there are Southeast Texans already infected with the coronavirus, two health officials told Jefferson County Commissioners Court on Tuesday. Despite a lack of confirmed positive tests in the greater Beaumont area thus far, a growing number of local jurisdictions have put in place emergency orders canceling events, encouraging the limitation of crowd sizes, instituting a 24-curfew for children and establishing penalties for price gouging. On Tuesday, the commissioners and other Jefferson County leaders met to discuss additional precautions that could be taken. Jasper, Orange and Newton counties also passed disaster declarations and emergency orders that are largely identical to those passed Monday by Jefferson and Hardin counties, although Jasper County will only enforce a 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. curfew. Among the topics for discussion were the number of potential cases of COVID-19 that have been tested, the potential for shutting down dine-in options at local bars and restaurants and precautions to be taken by the county itself to protect staff members. Related: Coronavirus test kits headed to Jefferson County At least three cases have been tested in Jefferson County, all out of Beaumont, although Commissioner Michael Shane Sinegal said the effort did not seem coordinated. After the meeting, Port Arthur Public Health Director Judith Smith expanded on those challenges, noting that since hospitals have started sending out tests, its harder for health departments to keep track of when the process is started. The health departments are, however, expected to be alerted to and receive copies all positive and negative test results. Sinegal called for more clarity in what to tell people who show symptoms. Theres no definite direction that we tell people do this, stay home until we send someone to you, he said. Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick said he and other local leaders and health representatives are working together to establish a call center for anyone in the county who is concerned they may have coronavirus, whether they live in an incorporated area or not. The center would be staffed by nursing students with instructions on how to log symptoms and what to do if someone calls in and needs to be tested. Related: Matagorda County reports first coronavirus-related death in Texas The Jefferson County Mobile Medical Clinic would then be sent to that person to do the testing and send the test kit to a lab. Branick didnt have a timeline on when that process would be implemented, but Sinegal said it needs to be expedited. Despite the lack of confirmed cases, Jefferson County was heeding warnings to limit the size of public gatherings, with a sheriffs deputy posted at the door to the meeting counting the number of people going in. Once the crowd reached 50, he and Branick urged people to have a single representative from each agency attend the meeting, although many more people were gathered in the lobby just outside the meeting room. The Beaumont City Council took similar precautions at its regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting, which included an informational report about the virus and response. Top hits: Get Beaumont Enterprise stories sent directly to your inbox Only 50 people were to be allowed into the council chambers. Everyone else was encouraged to watch the meeting online or sit in an overflow room the city designated. After a recap of the virus, how it spreads and other related information, the commissioners discussed the future, which looks like it will get worse before things get better. Branick and commissioners Sinegal and Everette Bo Alfred pressed Dr. Ray Callas of Beaumont, who is a member of a number of state and national medical organizations in addition to serving on the states Commission of Licensing and Regulation, and Dr. Cecil Walkes of the Jefferson County Health Department about decisions made by other cities to shut down dine-in options at local bars and restaurants. The only way we can stop this for sure is to isolate this and let the virus die down, Callas said after acknowledging that such measures will hurt the country economically. Related: Daily disruptions: Closings, cancellations and changes He also promised that increased testing in Jefferson, Hardin and Orange counties soon will reveal positive cases and its 100% likely that young people already are walking around with mild or no symptoms and spreading the virus. Walkes said the only way to beat the virus is to keep people separate and practice good hygiene. But he said he thinks it would be premature to close bars and restaurants before the county has at least one and maybe three cases. Branick said he expects a decision on that issue next week, as long as the county doesnt see a spike in cases within the next 36 hours. However, whos being tested still is a concern. Kenneth Coleman of Beaumont Public Health said everyone in Jefferson County who qualifies for testing has been. Related: Nearly all SETX schools close in response to coronavirus Public Health Director Sherry Ulmer echoed a similar message at the Beaumont City Council meeting. However, Branick said he got a call during the meeting from a nurse practitioner, who was treating a soldier stationed in the area for a year with all the symptoms and was told by Beaumont Public Health that the department was not testing. Test kits are available in Beaumont if you meet the criteria of a fever, cough and shortness of breath, she said. That is done through a hospital or health-care provider, not through the health department. Ulmer said most providers are testing patients for flu and strep before ordering a coronavirus test, and most of the local tests have come back positive for some type of flu. Related: BISD board to vote on employee payments during pandemic Walkes said Baptist Hospital of Southeast Texas has 200 test kits and is expected to get 400 more soon. Other local hospitals and private labs are expected to see more tests in the coming days. As it stands, only about 25 Houston-area kits can be tested per day, as only one Houston lab has been doing the testing. That number is expected to increase exponentially this week and next as more labs come online. Coleman cautioned that there likely still will be lag time as the providers usually have to send the collected specimens to another part of the business that actually runs the testing. Callas said one of his biggest concerns at this time is having enough ventilators for severe cases of the virus and masks and other supplies for medical professionals who have to treat the cases. Related: Coronavirus challenges those who work with homeless When asked if he had heard of any conversations about potentially using any of Southeast Texas closed hospital facilities to hold infected people should the need arise, he said infected people can be put in a regular room if necessary. Its the ventilators that do much of the work to actually keep these people alive that medical providers may not have enough of. He couldnt say specifically how many cases would strain the medical system in Southeast Texas, but addressing a hypothetical situation posed by Alfred where 55 people were infected, Callas said if all of these are severe cases, there could be a problem. The commissioners also took time during the workshop to hear county elected officials about precautions being taken to protect staff members. Sheriff Zena Stephens stressed that the jail is not being emptied of violent offenders but asked that municipal police departments refrain from arresting people for Class C misdemeanors and bringing them to the county jail. Were trying to keep people out of the courthouse, keep it sterile, keep the jail sterile, she said. Related: SETX counties impose curfew, price controls Jefferson County Tax Assessor-Collector and Voter Registrar Allison Getz said she wants people to know that Gov. Greg Abbott waived certain rules about vehicle registration, parking placards for people with disabilities and titling. She said the temporary reprieve will help keep safe her employees as well as people who typically would come to the courthouse to carry out those tasks. The commissioners are expected to meet again on Monday, this time in a closed session with their attorney and a representative from the Human Resources Department, to discuss the potential creation of a policy regarding how to pay employees should they need to be sent home for an extended period of time. Jacob Dick contributed to this story. As the Long Beach Unified School District commits to keeping classes in-person, the city a new testing site opens for LBUSD employees and students only. The city is also ramping up its own testing efforts with a new 3,000-person per day testing site. Guwahati/Agartala, March 17 : Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, who was on Monday nominated to the Rajya Sabha by President Ram Nath Kovind, said on Tuesday that "his presence in the Parliament would be an opportunity to underscore the viewpoint of the judiciary before the legislature and vice-versa". Gogoi, who retired in November last year after presiding over the Supreme Court for around 13 months, told the media in Guwahati: "Probably I would go to Delhi tomorrow (Wednesday). Let me first take oath (in the Rajya Sabha), after that I would speak in detail why I accepted this offer." A resident of Guwahati's Zoo Narengi Road, Gogoi said during his brief interaction with the media at his residence: "I (have) accepted it (the offer to be a member of the Upper House) since I am confident that the legislature and the judiciary must at some point of time work together for nation-building. My presence in the Parliament would be an opportunity to underline the views of the judiciary before the lawmakers and vice- versa." Gogoi, who headed the five-judge bench which delivered a landmark judgement in the 70-year-old Ayodhya title dispute case before he retired from the office of the Chief Justice of India (CJI), was among the four sitting top court judges who had held a first-of-its-kind press conference in January 2018 when Dipak Misra was the CJI. These judges, then in office, had alleged "selective assignment of cases to preferred judges" and "sensitive cases were being allotted to junior judges" by Justice Dipak Misra. Leaders of the Congress and the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) separately reacted to the nomination of Gogoi as a Rajya Sabha member. Citing news reports, Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala questioned the government's move, saying, "Justice Lokur rightly summarises it... 'Has the last bastion fallen'?" "Did Prime Minister Modi consider the advice of his former colleague and ex-Law Minister and Finance Minister, Late Sh. Arun Jaitley before recommending ex-CJI Ranjan Gogoi to the Rajya Sabham," Surjewala tweeted. "The recent development taking place involving the highest judiciary and the senior judicial officials is very unfortunate. We have to wait for a certain period of time to see when he (Gogoi) becomes a (Central) minister. The people of India are now expressing their doubts over the judgements passed by the courts. His ((Gogoi's) acts were condemned across the nation," CPI-M politburo member and former Tripura Chief Minister Manik sarkar said in Agartala on Tuesday. Gogoi became a judge in the Gauhati High Court in 2001 before being transferred to the Punjab and Haryana High Court in 2010. He was appointed Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court in 2011 before being elevated to the Supreme Court on April 23, 2012. He was appointed the 46th Chief Justice of India on October 3, 2018. Latest updates on Howdy Modi Houston New Delhi, March 17 : The Centre in a preliminary affidavit point-by-point responded to the criticism against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and said India is constitutionally secular, and also told the Supreme Court that the CAA does not violate any fundamental right provisions of the constitution and therefore, the question of violation of constitutional morality does not arise. The amended law seeks to grant citizenship to non-Muslim migrants belonging to the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain and Parsi communities who came to the country from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan on or before December 31, 2014. The Centre insisted unlike the particular neighbouring countries, "India is a constitutionally secular country and further has a large population of persons belonging to the classified communities already residing as Indian citizens". The Centre said after considering the totality of factors, including factors of international geopolitics, the demographic profile of nations surrounding the particular neighbouring countries, the situation of or the presence of other persons of classified communities in other nations surrounding the neighbouring classified countries and the presence of state religions/theocratic regimes in other countries surrounding the neighbouring classified countries, "makes it amply clear that India represents the sole rational and logically feasible place to seek shelter for the said communities." The Centre in the affidavit said, "It is submitted that constitutional morality is not an unruly horse and cannot become an independent basis for challenging the constitutionality of validly enacted legislations." The Centre in the affidavit said that the CAA, 2019 does not confer any arbitrary or unguided powers upon the executive. "Under Section 6B(1) the Central Government or a specified authority would grant citizenship only in a manner where certain conditions & restrictions would be satisfied by the applicant. Appropriate rules under Section 6B are being framed to clearly lay down these conditions, restrictions and manner of grant of citizenship", said the affidavit. Addressing the issue of citizenship for Rohingyas, the Centre said that thousands of Rohingyas have come into India mainly through Bangladesh in search of better economic opportunities. "It is submitted that the Rohingyas are not on the same footing as the religiously persecuted minorities who have fled into India from the particular neighbouring countries", said the Centre. As thousands of Australians increasingly work from home, self-isolate or in quarantine in a bid to minimise the risk of spreading coronavirus, one parent has made the decision to keep her kids at home. Melbourne mother Annie Nolan, 30, started home schooling her three kids - eight-year-old son Malachy and twin daughters Cheska and Delphi, aged six - on Monday. Besides setting her own activities she prepares for her kids every day, the family are also following a 'COVID-19 daily schedule' which she found on social media. Starting their day at 9am, the timetable includes a morning walk, academic learning with and without electronics, arts and crafts, 30 minutes of chores, reading time and outdoor bike riding. 'It was an easy decision for us to stay home as our twins were diagnosed with premature lung disease, placing them at higher risk,' Ms Nolan told Daily Mail Australia. Annie Nolan, 30, (pictured) started homeschooling her children this week (pictured with her twin daughters Cheska and Delphi, aged six) On Tuesday, her eight-year-old son Malachy (pictured) made 'pancakes' as his craft and created a poster on the physical and chemical changes the ingredients had when put together Besides setting her own activities she'd prepared for her kids, the family are also following a 'COVID-19 daily schedule' Ms Nolan was just 27 weeks pregnant when Delphi was born first weighing 900 grams, followed by her sister Cheska who was delivered via an emergency caesarean weighing just 700 grams on March 23, 2013. And in light of the coronavirus pandemic, the wife of AFL star Liam Picken has taken her kids out of school temporarily after her stand-up comedy shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival were cancelled. While the Australian government has not ordered for schools to be closed, many parents are choosing not to send their children to educational facilities. 'At the moment they are doing learning programs via the internet, and they do an hour of creative time,' Ms Nolan, who's known on social media as Uncanny Annie, said. 'But we are also taking the opportunity to do some self guided learning, learning about things they want to know about. 'This afternoon we are going to do an activity on different categories of animals such as invertebrates, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish etc. We are also in contact with their teachers but at the moment we are improvising.' The young mother said she decided to home school her daughters after they were diagnosed with premature lung disease, placing them at higher risk of coronavirus Delphi (left at two weeks old) was born first weighing 900 grams, followed by her sister Cheska (right) who was so tiny, her mother's engagement ring fit over her entire arm after she was delivered via an emergency caesarean weighing just 700 grams She said her children are aware of the coronavirus outbreak after they were taught about it in school last week. 'They know it's contagious, it's internationally spreading, that it's in Australia. They know to avoid getting it we have to practice good hygiene, and that some people can get very sick if they get it. All those factors were taught at school,' she said. 'We are doing what we can though so we are trying not to discuss it in too much length as I know they'll just get worried and there is nothing more scary to kids than feeling like the adults are scared or that things are out of your control.' And while she knows her children are learning in a safe environment, Ms Nolan admitted there's been 'lots of distractions at home'. 'They'll start doing something and then they want to play with the dog 10 minutes later,' she said. She said her children are aware of the serious side effects of the infection after they were taught about it in school last week Ms Nolan and her AFL husband Liam Picken visiting their twin daughters after they were born 13 weeks early in March 2013 'I think routine is essential to getting through the boredom and being productive in isolation so we are gently encouraging structure. So far they like it because if they follow the routine, we've agreed they get to stay up an hour past their bedtime. 'And it's not as dry as it all sounds - our daughter Cheska also loves the role play of her parents being teachers now and found a wad of stickers of which she gave to us and said "you put these on our chest when we are being good".' Besides school work, she also gets her children involved with household chores in between learning. 'I'm trying to get them involved. Yesterday I gave them all buckets and they washed the windows. I think if the balance is right between learning, helping, playing and resting, then they are fine to do their bit,' she said. On Tuesday morning, twin sisters Cheska and Delphi learnt about the different types of plants and pressed flowers onto paper during craft time She said her children are aware of the virus after they were taught about it in school last week In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the wife of AFL star Liam Picken said she had the option to take her kids out of school temporarily Ms Nolan said she hasn't decided on when she will send her children back to school. 'I have no idea to be honest. I think we'll all know what the trajectory of the situation is over the coming weeks and we'll decide from there,' she said. 'The twins birthday is next Monday and our son's is the Monday after that. I think all three might have lock-in birthdays. Lucky for them, they had their parties a month ago because we wanted the warmer weather to swim.' As panic-buyers race to the supermarket to stockpile on essential items, Ms Nolan said they have been 'affected with groceries, just like everyone has'. 'With the kids, we are trying to keep things as normal as possible so scheduling in snack and lunch like school does, otherwise they would be sitting in the pantry all day eating,' she said. 'We've managed to buy what we need to get by though, so we are doing fine.' For any parent who's torn between sending their kids to school or keeping them at home, Ms Nolan said: 'Listen to your doctor, listen to the experts and listen to your gut feeling. 'And if you do decide to stay home, text other parent friends who are going bananas having kids home and schedule in a virtual Skype or FaceTime coffee date.' The Stanford Clinical Virology Laboratory now tests hundreds of patient samples each day from around the Bay Area and beyond for COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus sweeping the globe. Within the next week, the lab hopes to be able to conduct more than 1,000 tests per day. Results are typically delivered within 36-48 hours. We are tapping into the rich resources of Stanford University and Stanford Health Care to scale up our capacity as quickly as possible to provide the tests that clinicians need to care for their patients, said lab medical director Benjamin Pinsky, MD, PhD, associate professor of pathology and of infectious diseases at the School of Medicine. As of March 16, there were 4,200 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States and more than 179,000 cases globally. More than 7,000 people worldwide have died from the disease, which causes mild to severe respiratory illness. The disease is particularly dangerous for elderly people and those with pre-existing health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and lung disease. The Clinical Virology Laboratory is providing testing services not just to Stanford Health Care, but also to several hospitals in the Bay Area. A drive-through testing site also has been established at Stanford Health Cares same-day primary care clinic in Palo Alto. More testing needed More testing is needed to identify people infected with the coronavirus and their close contacts who may be infected but are not yet experiencing symptoms. Quarantining exposed people before they infect others is an important way to slow the spread of the disease, which is transmitted through the air via respiratory secretions when infected people cough or sneeze. On Feb. 29, the Food and Drug Administration announced that it was relaxing the restrictions on the use of diagnostic tests developed by laboratories in the United States for COVID-19. Prior to the announcement, doctors had to rely on public health laboratories or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to test samples from patients a process that could mean several days before learning the results. Future Females mission is to support female entrepreneurs and this is now more important than ever. In the context of recent developments with COVID-19, Future Females is moving its global events online. The goal for us through this time is consistency. We are a strong and supportive community that our members can count on, especially when uncertainty for them is high, and so rather than canceling events, we are moving them into a safe, online format. - Lauren Dallas, Co-founder Future Females Future Females events, which are known for bringing people together, facilitating networking and featuring aspiring speakers, will be held online over the next few months during the height of the Coronavirus outbreak. This new event format will be supported by software tools like Zoom and the latest technology in order to guarantee a great user experience for all attendees. The companys current online community counts over 30 000 members, and events are currently being hosted in over 30 cities worldwide. Future Females will continue providing value for its entrepreneurs globally by: Hosting a free online webinar tonight on Corona-Proofing Your Business - How to Overcome Challenges & Support Customers. The webinar will focus on: the biggest challenges and opportunities for your business during COVID-19, bringing your events, sales, and operations online - the tools and strategies, and how to support and nurture nervous customers and grow your business online. The webinar will be hosted Monday, 16th March 2020, 7pm South Africa (GMT+2). If you are unable to attend the webinar but would like to watch at a later date, please register and a replay will be sent to anyone who wasnt able to attend. Creating new webinars and mini courses tailored to the needs of the community and the current situation. Future Females will release more online products addressing the current and upcoming challenges that will arise over the next few weeks. The webinars and virtual mini courses will cover themes like How to Manage Your Team Remotely and How to Engage with Your Customers via Social Media. Continuing the workshop series in partnership with UK-SA Tech-Hub by hosting the workshops virtually. The workshop series in partnership with UK-SA Tech Hub will focus on equipping entrepreneurs with practical strategies to help them better understand their customers and reach their business goals. The workshop series is free of charge and intends to encourage the positive impact entrepreneurs can make within their communities. By moving the upcoming workshops planned in locations like Langa and Durban online we have the opportunity to reach even more people. - Kaila McDonnell, Project manager Future Females Dental Monitoring tele dentistry solutions allow dental professionals to connect with their patients remotely and in a HIPAA compliant manner. Our unique technology enables dentists and orthodontists to assess, monitor treatment, and communicate with their patients as much as needed, even when they are at home. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: Photo: Dental Monitoring 2020 Given the unprecedented situation we are facing worldwide, and with patient access to practices becoming more difficult, Dental Monitorings priorities have shifted to supporting all dental professionals whoever and wherever they are, to continue the care of their patients, as well as ensuring the continuity of their practices. Our current solutions use the full extent of our AI engine, and complete onboarding for practices can often take a few weeks to integrate fully. Therefore we have decided to refocus our company priorities to launch immediately two new Light versions of our existing solutions. These new versions will be simpler and more immediate to implement for these times - rapid on-boarding and roll-out to all patients: Photo Monitoring Light : Simplified at-home monitoring platform with instant two-way communication with patients. Capturing pictures of the mouth through the DM App allowing doctors to : Evaluate remotely their patients' current oral situation or treatment progress as if they were in the practice Have two way communication and guidance between doctor and patient Send annotated pictures directly via the patient App so patients can better understand their doctors guidance. Photo Monitoring Light will also enable the clinical team to request an immediate DM scan when a patient requests immediate feedback, so that the doctor can better evaluate the patients situation and advise accordingly. To implement Photo Monitoring Light: please visit SmileMate Virtual Consultation: Remote assessment of new and existing patients. All patient calls can be pre-qualified remotely using the SmileMate assessment tool directly through doctors practice websites. The process is simple: Step 1- The patient clicks on the widget on the doctors website, creates a profile and takes five intra-oral pictures on their smartphone (no need to download an app or use cheek retractors) Step 2- A comprehensive customized report and treatment option is automatically generated by our AI engine and sent to the doctor Step 3- Doctors qualify the patients needs on their SmileMate portal Step 4- Doctors customize and share the report with the patient with advice or a booking link. To implement SmileMate Virtual Consultation please visit: Fast-Track Accelerated On-Boarding. Photo Monitoring Light and SmileMate Virtual Consultation are ready for use in minutes after doctors and their teams have performed our free fast-track accelerated training. Implementing fast-track onboarding into dental practices is simplified through our new streamlined process, which is done 100% remotely through webinars by our customer support team. Call us or visit: to book a time slot for our next training session. Opening up a dedicated 24/7 hotline to answer any questions or needs during the pandemic. Our priority has always been our customers and their patients. Over the next few months, we will be solely focused on delivering solutions that can help doctors maintain the expert care they provide to their patients. To that extent, and during the pandemic, we will maximize accessibility to our solutions by reducing our price on these new solutions by 50% : Photo Monitoring Light will be accessible for US$3 per month/patient monitored For SmileMate Virtual Consultation will be at US$150/month for 50 unique patient scans We have also directed our worldwide sales force to focus 100% on Customer Service - working side by side with doctors to help treat their patients remotely. About Dental Monitoring ( Founded in 2015 by Philippe Salah, Dental Monitoring is the first AI-based company to target dental professionals needs. The DM software suite is designed to address the needs of dental professionals all along the patient journey: before treatment to increase the patients engagement, during treatment to improve the quality of care provided by the doctor, and after treatment to ensure the stability of the treatment outcome. The company currently operates in Europe, the United States, and Asia-Pacific. It employs a team of about 250 employees across its 5 offices located in Paris, Austin, London, Hong Kong, and Sydney. View source version on The government has denied foreign media reports that coronavirus cases in Egypt are likely higher than official figures suggest The Ministry of Health slammed reports published by a number of British and US newspapers surrounding the number of coronavirus cases in Egypt as inaccurate and false. The reports, all published earlier this week, claimed that cases in Egypt are likely higher than official figures suggest. On Tuesday Egypts State Information Service withdrew the accreditation of The Guardians correspondent and issued a warning to the New York Times correspondent for publishing inaccurate estimates and figures on the number of Coronavirus cases in Egypt. In a statement on 16 March the ministry said a report published by The Guardian, estimating the number of coronovirus cases in Egypt at more than 19,000, was completely false. Spokesperson of the Health Ministry Khaled Megahed stressed on Monday that the ministry immediately announces confirmed cases in full transparency in line with international health regulations and standards, and in coordination with the World Health Organisation [WHO]. The Guardian cited research by Canadian disease specialists claiming that there is a higher rate of coronavirus infections in Egypt than official figures suggest. Infectious disease specialists from the University of Toronto estimate an outbreak size of 19,310 cases in Egypt, The Guardian claimed. Megahed slammed the newspapers reliance on the speculation of a Canadian research in estimating the number of infected cases in Egypt. Official figures of the number of coronavirus cases in Egypt stand at 166, with the number of deaths rising to four. In a TV interview with Al-Hekayas Amr Adib on Monday night, Minister of Health Hala Zayed said the research which the newspaper used to publish the 19,000 figure can never be described as scientific. It is quite difficult to hide anything in Egypt if the figures are higher than we announce, families of the victims can never hide, Zayed said, adding that WHO is closely following up the cases with the Health Ministry and that members of its team in Egypt are with local officials on the field to report all cases detected. Zayed emphasised that the WHO monitors all preventive measures taken by the Health Ministry with those infected and their contacts. Zayed said on the same day that foreign reports on Egypts coronavirus were published, the WHO praised Egypts efforts to curb the spread of the virus. I think this should be a good enough response to all foreign reports published about the virus in Egypt this week, Zayed said. The cabinets media centre also denied the reports on its Facebook page on Monday. The cabinet cited a statement by WHOs representative in Egypt John Jabbour who told CNN that Egypt and Oman have one of the strongest monitoring systems in the region before praising Egypts containment of the virus infection rates. Minister Zayed said some patients test positive after they have recovered. So the figures are rising and dropping and you cant give a specific figure on one day, Zayed said, adding that the major source of the infection comes from European tourists and Egyptians returning from Europe or who were performing umra (minor pilgrimage) in Saudi Arabia. The minister said the drastic measures the cabinet recently took, including suspending air flights and closing and sterilising hotels, will stem any higher possible outbreak. The Guardian claimed that a 60-year-old Egyptian woman was declared dead on 12 March in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura. Zayed, however, said the woman was not from Mansoura. She was living in a small village in Daqahliya governorate and the reason for her death was that her son, who had just returned from Italy, was a carrier of the coronavirus, Zayed said. Zayed ordered tighter preventive measures in Daqahliya, Damietta, and Minya governorates, where cases have been reported. MP Ahmed Abaza, deputy chairman of the Arab Affairs Committee, said in a statement on Tuesday that the fact that the WHO praised Egypts efforts against the virus is the best response to The Guardians lies. This is not the first time The Guardian publishes unprofessional reports about Egypt, Abaza said, adding that just like they falsely claimed that the coronavirus cases in Egypt exceeded 19,000, they falsely claimed in 2011 that the wealth of the late president Hosni Mubarak was estimated at $70 billion. MP Hussein Gadallah told Al-Ahram Weekly that in 2014 The Guardian claimed that Egypts President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi had appointed former UK prime minister Tony Blair as his political advisor. The paper claimed the information was given by informed sources but Blair challenged the paper to reveal the name of the sources, Gadallah said. The New York Times also caused controversy by referring to the unverified Canadian study on the number of coronavirus cases in Egypt. But unlike The Guardian, the NYT reporter, Declan Walsh, tweeted to clarify that the figure 19,000 was an overestimate and that the lower estimate of the coronavirus cases in Egypt was closer to 6,000. Minister of Health Zayed told TV host Adib that if cases in Egypt are closer to 6,000, then this should entail that the number of deaths must be higher. So far, only four deaths related to the virus have been reported. Egypts daily Al-Ahram cited an unnamed health official on Tuesday as saying that if Egypt has 19,000 or even 6,000 cases, then this should mean that thousands of people were taken to hospitals. But we have not seen anything like this, the official said. A number of social media accounts showed that the unverified Canadian study which was used by the NYT and The Guardian was made by a Canadian, Issac Bogoch, who describes himself as an infectious diseases physician and scientist. Bogoch, like the NYT correspondent, said on Monday that his studys figure claiming there are 19,310 coronavirus cases in Egypt was an overestimate and that it was perhaps closer to 6,000. Bogoch said his study was the result of collaboration with two colleagues, Ash Tuite and David Fishman. Bogoch, however, did not say anything about the contents of the study and how he reached the 19,000 or 6,000 figures. Zayed said in order to publish a scientific report, it should be previewed by a certified and verified scientific team and published in a respected scientific journal. But to cite an unverified study by a little known researcher has nothing to do with science or facts, Zayed said. Another report published by The Washington Post on 14 March claimed that a Nile Luxor cruiser helped speed up the coronavirus outbreak. The newspaper, which like The Guardian and The New York Times, is highly hostile to Egypt, claimed that hundreds of foreign passengers, including dozens of Americans and Egyptians were potentially exposed to the virus on a ship sailing between mid-February and early March, a dramatic illustration, the paper said, of how, from a single, overlooked infection, the novel coronavirus could swiftly multiply and be carried across the globe. The long Washington Post story suggested that American tourists on the Nile ship contracted the virus in Egypt and that the local health authorities did not take the matter seriously. But Dina Touta, the tour manager of the American group on the quarantined boat on the Nile, denied on her Facebook account on Sunday what was cited by The Washington Post. The boat was not the source of the virus. Most infected passengers were French. Fourteen of them apparently came on the boat already carriers of the virus from France and accordingly transmitted it to three Americans and one Indian. Two of the Americans have gone home, she said. The minister of tourism was calling me in person every day to check on the passengers and talk to the crew and raise their morale. Tests conducted on all the passengers were supervised by the WHO, and those tested negative went back home Tuesday (10 March) upon the request of their governments. The three Western media stories led Bashir Al-Adl, chairman of the Committee on the Defence of Press Independence, to ask the Ministry of Information and the State Information Service to invoke the measures necessary against Western foreign media which have been heavily involved in disseminating and repeating lies about Egypt. These media outlets have always been interested in publishing unprofessional reports that are based on unverified sources or hostile human rights organisations. And so we urge authorities to stand up to these outlets to defuse their lies and biased reports, Al-Adl said in a statement on Monday. *A version of this article appears in print in the 19 March, 2020 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Search Keywords: Short link: Your tax-deductible gift today powers our reporters and keeps us independent. We rely on you, our reader, not paywalls to stay funded because we believe important news and information should be freely accessible to all. Start your day with LAist Sign up for the Morning Brief, delivered weekdays. Subscribe If you've been to or near a grocery store (in affluent areas at least) you've seen the evidence of full-on panic buying. Lines out the door of Costco and Trader Joe's, even though the government recommends people stock up on just two weeks worth of supplies. Shelves normally packed with everything from toilet paper to bread are empty. Freezers full of frozen spinach and blueberries have been left bare. When we asked the California Grocers Association last week about what they were seeing they told us: "The demand for some products has made it a challenge to distribute goods fast enough to restock shelves as quickly as consumers are purchasing them." And that has remained true, with meat and other staples like eggs either not available or rationed. The sustained panic-buying prompted Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to bring out a cadre of grocery store representatives from across the industry at a news conference on March 16. Hoarding food, he cautioned, "has a consequence" for vulnerable people and -- this is key -- is also unecessary. Garcetti said there is plenty of food, and toilet paper and paper towels will be replenished quickly. "Supply chains are completely uninterrupted, and there's no shortage of food," he said. "There's no reason to make a run on the supermarkets. Hoarding is hurting our most vulnerable Angelenos." Clearly, the fear caused by the unfettered spread of this virus has been a stress on the supply chain. So we wanted to do a reality check on when everything be back in stock. Stick with us, because in some cases the answer may be: \_()_/ But as this big surge in buying levels out, we should see items back in stores over the next few weeks. We do know that as of Friday, Port of Los Angeles officials -- who run the nation's busiest port -- said that all terminals are open, cargo is moving at 85% of normal traffic and they'd identified no COVID-19 cases. But when it comes to specific products, it's difficult to give hard timelines. It's highly dependent on what the product is, the company behind it, as well as the vast ecosystem that moves it from raw material to bouncing along on a truck to finally perched on your shelf. I spoke with both Willy Shih, Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School and Miguel Gomez, Professor at the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University -- who've studied supply chains -- and they had a few thoughts. icon TOILET PAPER The shelves at the Target in Eagle Rock Plaza are empty as people prepare for the coronavirus pandemic. (Aaron Mendelson / LAist) Demand for toilet paper is generally pretty stable, which makes it even more likely to be out of stores for some time. "It's not like [manufacturers] have a lot of surge capacity they can suddenly bring on. They can maybe work a little bit longer, but most of those plants run 7 by 24 anyways," said Shih. icon DON'T MISS ANY L.A. CORONAVIRUS NEWS Get our daily newsletter for the latest on COVID-19 and other top local headlines. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Also, toilet paper is bulky and costs a lot to store and ship, which is why it's manufactured near the markets that consume it. As such, the capacity of those facilities is sized to demand, meaning there's not a lot of flexibility in production or extra TP in storage. However, at some point people are going to realize that a family can only go through so much toilet paper, and that symptoms of coronavirus virus won't necessarily require you to use more. If you panic buy a three year supply, you might not go out and buy it for some time. So it's a difficult balance for manufacturers -- how much to increase production without having excess product on their hands when demand drops. icon MEDICINE The shelves holding medication at the Target in Eagle Rock Plaza were sparse in recent days.(Aaron Mendelson / LAist) Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a different story. (Update 3-18-20: There's an ongoing debate about the use of ibuprofen to help counteract fevers associated with COVID-19. We've got more information about that in our no-panic guide. To read more, go to the section: SHOULD I NOT TAKE IBUPROFEN?) Demand is and could very well stay high, as it's recommended that people with fevers associated with the virus take the medications to help control their temperatures. Johnson and Johnson, the manufacturers of Tylenol, responded to LAist queries and said that they've ramped up production at their facilities in Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico. "They're running flat out, 24/7, to manufacture. This is just one of those situations where the demand peaked very quickly and we need to move as quickly to keep up with the level of demand," said Kathleen Widmer, Company Group Chairman, North America Consumer. In an effort to get product on shelves as quickly as possible, they've focused on manufacturing the easiest to produce pills, the white ones with red writing on them. As such, you might not see the full range of their products available. "If we focus on a couple of high-demand consumer items, we're going to be much better at keeping up with demand than if we try to fulfill every single item that sits on the shelf," said Widmer. Shih and Gomez both pointed out that these sorts of medicines were fairly easy to produce and ship - teenie tiny pills don't take up much space -- so the ramp up in response from manufacturers could end up meeting demand. A problem could be holdups in supply chains out of China and India, where ingredients and pharmaceuticals are often manufactured. If so, there'll likely be a lag in the supply chain that could be felt in a few weeks time. Widmer said that Johnson & Johnson weren't experiencing any supply chain issues at this time. icon CLEANING SUPPLIES Cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer and soap are also items that are and will remain in high demand, stressing the system. But they're more difficult than medications to get to the consumer. "The process of manufacturing soap is a little bit more complicated. And distributing soap is not as easy as distributing over-the-counter medication," said Gomez. Bottling, packaging and shipping the bulky items can be more cumbersome than tiny pills. Manufacturers have to decide whether to just ramp up production using existing infrastructure or to invest in new facilities -- which would take additional time, and may not pay off when demand dies down. Purell, a hand sanitizer manufactured by Gojo Industries, has been notoriously difficult to get a hold of. "We have experienced several demand surges in the past during other outbreaks -- and this is on the higher end of the spectrum but not unprecedented," Gojo Industries spokesperson Samantha Williams told Business Insider. She said they've increased production. Gomez thinks that it'll take a bit more time to see these products on shelves than the medicines. icon FOOD The frozen aisle of Trader Joe's in Monrovia on Saturday morning. (Rob Risko / LAist) Fresh foods, like fruits and vegetables, don't store long and often come from far off locations. Whether we'll see, say, pineapples disappear from our stores, depends on whether coronavirus takes a bite out of that part of the supply chain. Dried foods like beans and rice are a bit different, as they store for a while. They're also able to keep through multiple seasons, which means that there's inventory already out in the world, waiting to be distributed. There are a ton of food manufacturers, so hopefully that supply chain will pick up to meet grocer demand. "Grocers continue to monitor product availability up and down the supply chain," said the Grocers Association in a statement. "During these anxious times, it's important our communities remember we are all in this together -- customer and employee safety is paramount to ensure Californians can access the products they need. Let us know if there's one particular item you can't get a hold of. We'd love to look into it. icon PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE In a time when we all need to be supporting one another, those who didn't get around to or were unable to stock up -- possibly for monetary reasons -- could be left scrounging the aisles for any remaining bottle of cough medicine or bag of rice for some time while supplies replenish. Be considerate. "What I've been telling people is, really, the answer is you've got to ration this," said Shih. "When people go out and come into the store and try to buy what is obviously a two year supply, it's like, show a little consideration for your neighbors. Because you're not going to use that all in the next two months. Leave that for some other people." This article was originally published on March 14. It has been updated with new information. SOME STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT COVID-19 We're all living through this extraordinary and frightening pandemic. The vast majority of our newsroom has been working from home (here's some advice on that) since March 11 to bring you calm, helpful reporting. We are answering your questions and taking more. LAist is known for our events listings but now hopefully we'll be known for our non-event listings and tips for parents to try to keep you sane. And we're looking for your nominations for everyday heroes in this time of crisis. We're here to help. And if you can help support that effort financially, we'd be grateful. Even as we take significant steps to distance ourselves from one another to flatten the curve of the coronavirus pandemic, one of the hardest decisions has been whether to close schools. There are strong arguments on both sides. The case for shutting down schools The biggest concern of many experts is that if we get too many infections too fast, the number of sick people could overwhelm the systems capacity to care for them. By slowing transmission in the population, we flatten the curve, and keep the number of people sick at any one time at a manageable number. Although most children do not appear to suffer much when they contract the virus (many probably dont even know theyre sick), they do contract it, and they can give it to others. Adults can be given instructions on how to prevent person-to-person transmission, and can be relied upon to follow those instructions to varying degrees, but its almost impossible to get children, especially younger ones, to do so. If you have a child, you most likely rolled your eyes if you read my recent article about the importance of getting children to wash their hands rigorously, cough into their elbows only, and not touch their face. Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor Its the type of sign the Bay Area needs right now. Taped to the counter of Le Beau Market in Nob Hill it reads: Are you elderly or know of anyone who is and are afraid of going to the store? We have a team of neighborhood volunteers ready to help with grocery delivery! We are young and healthy and will take proper precautions. - Your Nob Hill Neighbors Theres a heart next to the final line, a phone number for people to call and a sign-up sheet with the names of two dozen young, healthy neighbors willing to deliver groceries for the elderly. We were here for the 89 earthquake, I remember what we represented to the community back then, said Joseph Omran, who has owned and operated Le Beau for 35 years. We had no power for a week, and outside of getting food to Marina Middle School where people were sheltered, we had to do what we could for people who didnt have anything. Thats the last time I had to deal with a situation close to this. But [the coronavirus pandemic] is an animal of itself. Now, Omran is dedicated to protecting the most vulnerable from this latest unique crisis, particularly those over 65 years old. We have a lot of people on the hill that are in that age group, he said. I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to the community to help volunteer to get food and provisions for them. [Seniors are] coming in right now still, and Im telling them, 'Look, you dont have to be here. The gesture is a powerful one. Omran works in the store every day, as do his two sons. His wife is a senior, meaning hes increasing both his and his familys potential exposure to coronavirus every day. He currently only allows 20 people in the store at a time, requires everyone use hand sanitizer as they enter and, of course, if you pick up a piece of produce you take that piece of produce. He may lower the 20-person maximum, and also reduce hours to limit exposure for his staff, but its a delicate balance as he tries to remain a rock of the community hes been so integral to for three and a half decades. Statistics are not in our favor, Omran said. Im caught between needing to provide the community service that we are in need of right now with the safety of our staff and myself. I had a very sleepless night last night. But the response from the neighborhood particularly as members of the community grapple with the shelter-in-place order from San Francisco Mayor London Breed has helped Omran get what little sleep he has had this week. You know, weve got a great little community up there. Were a tight-knit group. As desperate as it seems at times, theres a core group thats been there for a long time. We all know each other by name, they know the staff a lot of small businesses have those relationships. Were very fortunate our community has been so supportive to let us stay there for 35 years. Im proud that the community has rallied around businesses like ours, he says. Some of the people who signed up to run groceries came by and just said, I want you to know that whatever you need, let us know. Were around, were working from home, were right down the street, across the street from you. What groceries will be available when they do come by is anyones guess, according to Omran. Traffic to the store has sky-rocketed (he says sales are up 35%), and deliveries are trickling in from vendors as they adjust supply lines following recent panic buying. We dont know exactly what were going to get until it gets here. Yesterday, our manager ordered 200 items, we got 40, he said. On Thursday were supposed to be getting 1,000 cases, but we might get 500 cases, we dont know until then. Which makes things all the more complicated when a senior submits a grocery order to be delivered by a neighbor. Thats going to be the biggest problem its a lot easier if they could call, but its so slammed weve had a hard time answering the phone. Omran, who is in the middle of receiving a dairy delivery when we chat, has turned to Nextdoor to post updates on deliveries, plus provide an email address for seniors to place orders and for young and healthy folks in the neighborhood to sign up to make deliveries. Its easier than signs in the window, he says. But no less effective he already has a handful of emails via Nextdoor from folks offering to help. Turns out whether theyre on the street or on the internet, there are plenty of San Franciscans out there looking to help. Le Beau Market is located at 1263 Leavenworth St. in San Francisco's Nob Hill neighborhood. It's currently open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. but hours could change due to the coronavirus pandemic. Grant Marek is the Editorial Director of SFGATE. Email: | Twitter: @grant_marek So, you need instant coffee, Irish whiskey and the best cream you can find, thickened but not whipped. Layer the coffee, whiskey and cream in that order in a tall mug. In Ireland, they use a heatproof glass mug so you can see all the layers. I succumbed and purchased an Irish Coffee mug so I could recreate the experience at home, but you can serve it in any heatproof mug. While a national stockpile of ventilators exists, it is unclear how that will be doled out. In a conference call on Monday with a group of governors, including Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, President Trump said that states should not count on the federal government for more ventilators and other equipment. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves, he said, according to a recording of the call. Most of the New Yorks major health systems have declined to provide details about their ventilators or what they will do if they run out. Some hospital administrators have said they believe new measures, such as closures of schools and restaurants, can slow the spread of the virus and keep the number of critically ill people below levels that could overwhelm hospitals. But officials have repeatedly said that a ventilator shortage is one of their top concerns. These ventilators are expensive to begin with, and they are scarce, Mr. Cuomo said on Sunday. Youre going to be thousands short. Thousands. In interviews, ventilator manufacturers warned that, amid the pandemic, they do not have the ability to provide New York more ventilators which can cost at least $25,000 apiece and require significant training to use. Im nervous, said Dr. Akshay Ganju, an emergency room physician in Westchester County. Im steeling myself for the possibility that at some point Im going to have to look a daughter in the eye and tell her that I dont have a ventilator for her father. The federal budget deficit could hit a record high $100 billion and public debt approach $1 trillion as the government lifts spending to fight a "coronavirus recession" while its revenue sources collapse and costs go up. Ahead of the government's second multibillion-dollar stimulus package and a string of measures from the Reserve Bank aimed at propping up the economy, new analysis of the pressures on the nation's finances suggest the biggest deficit in dollar terms on record. BIS Oxford Economics on Tuesday said instead of the forecast $5 billion surplus this financial year, the government was facing a deficit of at least 2.5 per cent of GDP or well above $40 billion. The biggest hit to the budget comes in 2020-21 in which the government had been expecting to post a surplus of $6.1 billion. Instead, BIS expects it to be a deficit of at least 5 per cent of GDP or $100 billion. Genki Imamura is Founder, Philosopher and Brand Designer at Bees & Honey, a Tokyo based brand design group that offers lifestyle brands radical product design and digital design improvements based on IKI - Japan's unique sense of beauty. In this talk Genki shares his recipe for brand making, how you can define your brand ideology though mixing emotion and logic, philosophy, psychology, anthropological theories and the golden circle, at Awwwards Conference Tokyo. Once you define the ideology, it can increase the impact of the brand and can save you money and time Watch 100s of UX, UI Design, Animation, Web Design and Development talks on the Awwwards YouTube Channel - subscribe here! Get your ticket for the next Awwwards Conference: Talks, Workshops, Meetups and Parties for digital creatives to learn key tools, current trends and emerging web technologies from leading agencies, whilst making connections within the international design community. The word crisis gets bandied around a great deal when it comes to the NHS. We are all used to hearing how issues such as bed-blocking, waiting times or flu outbreaks are stretching our beloved health service to breaking point. But make no mistake, dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is the biggest single challenge the NHS has faced in its 70-year history. On Sunday, health secretary Matt Hancock appeared on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show pleading with British manufacturing firms even those not normally involved in producing medical equipment to start making thousands of extra ventilators that could be needed if intensive care units are completely over-run with desperately sick patients in the coming weeks and months. He told viewers the NHS has around 5,000 ventilators machines that help critically ill patients with their breathing, usually through a tube placed in the mouth or nose but needed 'many more times that'. We are all used to hearing how issues such as bed-blocking, waiting times or flu outbreaks are stretching our beloved health service to breaking point. (Stock image) The message to engineering giants including car maker Rolls-Royce and heavy plant manufacturer JCB was clear you make them and the government will buy them. But modern ventilators are high-tech devices, packed with all kinds of electronic sensors which are produced by a limited number of specialist firms. It's unlikely that a company that makes cars or tractors will be able to switch production over easily. Old-fashioned mechanical ventilators, with fewer cutting edge features, are simpler to produce, and it may be possible to fast-track production of them in the next few months. Now we are also told there is a potential shortage of oxygen if there is a wave of coronavirus patients. The government has asked suppliers to quadruple production. But even if Britain's manufacturing fraternity does somehow manage to magic up extra life-saving ventilators and oxygen overnight, there is still one big problem we still do not have the staff to operate them. Vague ministerial references to bringing retired doctors back into service and mobilising thousands of student nurses to help out ignore the fact that intensive care medicine is one of the most specialised fields of healthcare, requiring a huge amount of bespoke training and expertise for doctors and nurses. Make no mistake, dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is the biggest single challenge the NHS has faced in its 70-year history. (Stock image) For example, an intensive care nurse who has completed their normal nursing degree then needs another one to two years of specialist training to work with seriously ill patients. It's a job that requires a particular set of skills constant monitoring of high-tech equipment, precise control of drug dosages, being able to supervise haemodialysis, where patients with failing kidneys are hooked up to a machine that cleans and filters their blood. And it's also one of the most labour-intensive jobs in a hospital. At the very least, there is one specialist nurse per patient, and often more. Staffing aside, many hospitals also face the logistical headache of where to put very sick patients. In an average district general hospital, an intensive care unit might have eight to ten beds. Most of the time, at least 80 per cent of those will already be occupied; in many cases, it will be 100 per cent. Some operations will be cancelled, which will free up beds. This will also free up space in operating theatres for makeshift intensive care beds. These beds need an abundance of electric sockets to run all the equipment, as well as built-in piping to supply the oxygen to the ventilators. You won't find those in a corridor, or even on a general ward. We are also told there is a potential shortage of oxygen if there is a wave of coronavirus patients. The government has asked suppliers to quadruple production. (Stock image) But these are extraordinary circumstances that require an extraordinary response. Hospitals needing makeshift intensive care capacity will need to look at areas that could be quickly adapted for use. One such area is the recovery room, usually used for patients coming around from surgery. These often have eight to ten bays available, with access to ventilators and oxygen. By cancelling routine planned surgery, recovery rooms could double as intensive care units. Extra ventilators could also be drafted in from operating theatres if planned surgery is put off. They're not as complex as those used in intensive care; so we might need to use them for less severely ill patients and keep the more sophisticated ones back for very difficult cases with severe lung injury from the virus. But how do we get around the staffing issue? One possible solution is to draft in nurses with some knowledge that could be put to use in intensive care. These might include operating theatre staff, who share some of the skills used in critical care such as constant observations of vital signs. Nobody is suggesting they would be left in charge of critically ill patients on their own. But we could have a system where one highly experienced intensive care nurse supervises half-a-dozen or so less skilled staff. That way, all patients would still get the highest standard of care available. It's not a perfect solution, but we are working with an imperfect system. When swine flu struck in 2009, the NHS emergency preparedness plan swung into action and we managed to cope. But in the decade that has passed since, intensive care has been starved of proper resources. Demand for beds has risen by an average of four per cent every year, yet we have seen nothing like the same increases in staff, beds or funding. It means we are in a much worse starting position than we were with swine flu to cope with a virus that is much more dangerous. All of us now face a period of great uncertainty. The only thing we can be sure of is that front-line NHS staff will do everything in their power to provide the best possible care. And when this latest crisis is over, I will be demanding a high-level review of how we fund and staff our precious and life-saving intensive care sector. Next time and there almost certainly will be a next time we must be better prepared. Doctor Pittard is a consultant in intensive care medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. ...and what about your op - or an appointment at the GP? By Fiona MacRae Tens of thousands of routine operations could be cancelled to take the pressure off hospitals battling coronavirus. Some hospitals are already cancelling outpatient appointments such as physiotherapy sessions, others are carrying out consultations by phone or video call, wherever possible. Hip replacements, hernia repairs and cataract surgery are among the procedures expected to be put on hold in England with details due later this week. Thousands of routine operations could be cancelled amid the coronavirus pandemic. (Stock image) 'If you stopped doing elective surgery, you could convert theatres, resuscitation rooms and recovery areas into places where you could provide intensive care,' Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, which represents hospital trusts, told the BBC's Newsnight. The Royal College of Surgeons, which is working with the Government to finalise the plans, says that a blanket ban on elective, or planned, operations, is unlikely. Instead, individual hospital trusts will decide which operations to cancel based on the resources available to them. The urgency of the procedure will also be taken into account, with some heart and brain surgery, for instance, being vital despite being classed as 'routine'. Wales has already started cancelling routine operations but has stressed that cancer therapy, kidney dialysis and other urgent treatments will continue as planned. The Royal College of Surgeons is urging those waiting for routine operations not to call their hospital but to wait to be contacted instead. GP appointments are also being hit, with all practices told to carry out consultations by phone and video call 'wherever clinically and practically possible'. Some surgeries have gone further, by telling patients not to visit them 'at any time'. Your GP surgery will be in touch with you if you have an appointment which is cancelled. Hollywood Casino at Penn National race course will close on Tuesday at 6 a.m., due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus, and horse racing at the Grantville, Pa., track will temporarily go on hiatus, as well. The news was announced in a press release on Monday as businesses around the state continue to announce closures while events are being postponed due to COVID-19. Its unclear when the casino and track will re-open. Some horse racing tracks, like Gulfstream Park in Florida, Aqueduct in New York, and Santa Anita in California, have vowed to stay open and continue racing. Elsewhere in the world of horse racing, media reports say that Churchill Downs will make an announcement on Tuesday about the status of the Kentucky Derby, which is the first of three races in the sports Triple Crown and is held every first Saturday in May at the Lexington, Ky. track. More of PennLives coronavirus coverage NCP chief Sharad Pawar on Tuesday cited Ranjan Gogoi's remarks against post-retirement appointments last year to take a swipe at the former Chief Justice of India over his Rajya Sabha nomination. Pawar said institutions are being attacked and the situation for the judiciary was no different. "I read in a newspaper that a former CJI had observed, 'There is a strong viewpoint that post-retirement appointment is a scar on independence of judiciary'. This statement was by Justice Gogoi. Now we read that his way to Parliament has been cleared," Pawar said. He made the remarks at the launch of Bhalchandra Mungekar's book "My Encounters in Parliament" in the presence of former vice president Hamid Ansari, CPI general secretary D Raja and CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury. Pawar also cited Justice Deepak Gupta's remarks to make his point. Justice Gupta stated one cannot expect justice from those who, on the verge of retirement, throng the corridors of power looking for post retirement assignments, Pawar said. "We hear about the state of the judiciary from the representatives of the judiciary themselves," he said. Pawar said even the media sector is under constant scrutiny of the government and if somebody expresses views against the government they are given a message that what they have done is not right. The independence of the media is under strain, he alleged. A row erupted on Tuesday over Gogoi's nomination to Rajya Sabha with the Congress and other Opposition parties alleging that the "brazen action" by the government subsumes the independence of the judiciary. Gogoi, who retired in November last year, said he would speak in detail about accepting the nomination after he takes oath. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, March 9th, The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset hosted a joint meeting with the Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise, in recognition of World Rotaract Week which commenced on March 8th 15th. The meeting was led by both club Presidents; President Jaida Nisbett of Rotary Sunset and President Gabriel Flanders of Rotaract Sunrise as well as the clubs Sergeant at Arms Tamara Wilson and Hendrick Snijders. World Rotaract Week is an annual celebration observed by Rotaractors and Rotarians around the world in commemoration of the first chartered Rotaract club, in 1968. Rotaract is one of Rotarys youth programs that bring together young professionals between the ages of 18-30 to exchange ideas with community leaders as well as to develop professional and leadership skills, through a framework of friendship and service. During the meeting, President Gabriel discussed their upcoming activities for their Rotaract week celebration. Both presidents discussed their clubs future projects with special mention of a joint project between both clubs providing maternity baskets to the pediatric ward on both sides of the island in recognition of Rotarys theme, Maternal, and Child Healthcare. President Gabriel sealed his commitment to the joint project by presenting a check to President Jaida to purchase items for the maternity baskets. Amongst the Rotaractors present at the meeting was Akeesha Laurence-Gittens, a Rotaractor visiting the island from Trinidad & Tobago as a friendly exchange between the Rotaract Clubs of St. Maarten, Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago. Rotaractor Akeesha shared details of her club and expressed appreciation to the Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise for their warm hospitality thus far. President Jaida expressed appreciation to the Rotaractors for successfully co-chairing the meeting and encouraged them to keep up the good work on the island and in the world. The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset would like to extend an open invitation to young professionals interested in being a member of the Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise to attend one of the general meetings scheduled every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at the University of St. Martin at 5 pm or contact the club via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To deprive serving women officers of the opportunity to work as equals with men on a permanent commission (PC) in the Indian Navy is plain discriminatory, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday, saying serving short service commissioned (SSC) women officers in the navy were entitled to PC. A bench of justices DY Chandrachud and Hemant Gupta followed up its February 17 decision in a similar case relating to the Indian Army, in which the top court had struck a blow for gender parity by holding that SSC women officers in service in the army were entitled to PC. To contend that women officers are ill-suited to certain avocations which involve them being aboard ships is contrary to the equal worth of the women officers who dedicate their lives to serving in the cause of the nation, the court held on Tuesday, brushing aside the argument by the central government that sailing in the Indian Navy was not a proper career for women. The court struck down a restrictive stipulation imposed by the central government in 2008 as per which PC for SSC women officers were to be granted only prospectively from January 2009, thereby denying the benefit of PC to women officers who were already in the service. The stipulation in the policy letter dated 26 September 2008 making it prospective and restricting its application to specified cadres/branches of the Indian Navy shall not be enforced, the court said in its verdict. The decision was delivered on two appeals, one filed by the Union government against a 2015 judgment of the Delhi high court which had ordered the grant of PC to serving women officers and another from a 2016 decision of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) which had asked the Centre to consider the claims of the women officers for PC. A permanent commission entitles an officer to serve in the navy till he/she retires unlike short service commission (SSC), which is currently for 10 years and can be extended by four more years, or a total of 14 years. The restriction can be traced to section 9 of the Navy Act as per which women are not eligible to join the navy unless the central government lifts such restrictions. The provision, however, conferred on the Union government the power to stipulate the departments, branches or bodies of the navy in which women can be appointed or enrolled. The central government, in exercise of those powers under section 9, had issued two notifications, one in 1991 and another in 1998, lifting the restrictions on allowing women in the navy and had permitted their employment in stipulated branches. On February 25, 1999, the Union government took the decision for the grant of PCs to both men and women officers in the navy. However, the ministry of defence issued a policy letter on September 26, 2008, granting PC to SSC women officers in all the three branches of the armed forces. But this was restricted to certain categories and was to operate prospectively for the benefit of future batches inducted on SSC after January 2009. Seventeen women officers who joined the Indian Navy as SSC officers in the logistics and air traffic controller cadres and the education branch challenged this 2008 policy. Their grievance was that despite completing 14 years of service as SSC officers, they had not been considered for the grant of PC and were discharged from service. The high court had held that exclusion of serving women officers from permanent commission was irrational and arbitrary. Serving women officers in Logistics and ATC (Air Traffic Control) Branches are also equally entitled for grant of permanent commission, the high court had ruled, directing the navy to grant PC to serving women officers. The AFT, in a similar case had also come to the conclusion that serving women officers should be allowed PC. However, the AFT, while directing the consideration of the claim of SSC women officers to the grant of PCs by the Indian Navy, stopped short of the direction which was issued by the Delhi high court. Appeals were filed before the Supreme Court against the Delhi high court and AFT verdicts. The central government took a stance before the Supreme Court that sea-going duties are ill-suited to women officers. This was turned down by the top court on the grounds that it is premised on sex stereotypes that male officers are more suited for certain duties by virtue of the physiological characteristics. In this regard, the court referred to its own judgment in the Babita Puniya case delivered on February 17 in which the apex court had held that arguments founded on the physical strengths and weaknesses of men and women to deny PC to SSC women officers in the Indian Army do not constitute a constitutionally valid basis for denying equal opportunity to women officers. It, therefore, quashed the decision of the central government to restrict PC to prospective recruitments and held that all SSC officers in the education, law and logistics cadres who are presently in service shall be considered for the grant of PC. To accept the contention urged by the ASG (additional solicitor general, who represented the central government) would be to approve the socially ascribed gender roles which a commitment to equal worth and dignity of every individual belies, the court held. Pennsylvanias senator from the Lehigh Valley blamed federal bureaucracy for delaying the production of critical tests for COVID-19 disease. U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., told reporters Tuesday during a conference call that most obstacles have been removed from the production of COVID-19 tests in Pennsylvania and at Health Network Laboratories and the Lehigh Valley Health Network. But these obstacles held up testing when Pennsylvania residents needed it the most, he said. We are doing far more tests today than we could do a month ago but were still quite a ways from where we need to end up, Toomey said Tuesday. Data from tests can help determine where the coronavirus is showing up, who it affects and who needs to be quarantined, he said. Toomey said hes been working for weeks to make COVID-19 tests available. The Lehigh Valley Health Network has the capability to make these test kits but its progress was stalled by the federal governments initial inability to authenticate the locally made tests, according to Dr. Ronald Walsh. He is the clinical laboratory director at Health Network Laboratories/Lehigh Valley Health Network. Walsh said hospital labs in Pennsylvania had technical difficulties with kits sent by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to verify their local lab test results. So they had to send back those kits and get new ones. Also, local labs had to present individual patients to the CDC in order to prove there was even a need to produce COVID-19 tests locally, Walsh said. Toomey said one hospital in Pennsylvania was prepared to start making tests and needed only RNA from the virus to start the process. That hospital was told by the National Institutes of Health it would take two to three weeks to provide the RNA. After a call from Toomey to NIH immunologist Dr Anthony Fauci, the RNA was sent the next day. The delay was not a malicious thing. I think it was just a bureaucratic thing, Toomey said. Messages sent to the press offices of the National Institutes of Health and U.S. Centers for Disease Control werent immediately returned. Lehigh Valley Health Network has already started free testing of suspected COVID-19 cases using tests produced outside of the area. Locally made tests should be available for use in the next couple days, Walsh said. Walsh wasnt sure when the worst of the disease will hit the area. Testing patients and staying indoors will help the area avoid a huge spike in cases, which threatens to overwhelm hospitals, he said. Toomey said most barriers are now removed from producing tests locally, which is important because the tests are sorely needed. It does not mean that overnight we can have unlimited tests, Toomey said. Its a story of progress that has been made but a lot more progress is necessary. Rudy Miller may be reached at If theres anything about this story that needs attention, please email him. Follow him on Twitter @RudyMillerLV. Find Easton area news on Facebook. Photo credit: Johner Images - Getty Images From Men's Health I moved from Oregon to Seoul, South Korea, almost seven years ago. I'd known a few people teaching in Seoul, and it sounded like it could be fun to live here for a few years. So I got a job teaching English after college and made the move. I currently teach third graders. The Seoul metro area is about 10 million people. There are usually people everywhereits a super-lively city. Things never shut down. Since the first case of novel coronavirus was reported in South Korea on January 20, 2020, things have been completely different, though. I had a month off of work for winter vacation from December 25 to January 27. During that period, school officials reached out to ask me where I'd traveled to and how long I'd been there. Classes resumed January 27, but then my school was closed on February 10 because of the virus, the day before the schools sixth-grade students were set to graduate. That was when I first realized that coronavirus concerns wouldn't be going away as quickly as I'd initially thought they might. The graduation still happened in my schools gym on February 11, but to even enter, I had to take measures like having my temperature checked and wearing gloves. (In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control do not recommend wearing masks and gloves to prevent novel coronavirus unless you are caring for someone who has contracted the disease, but they do recommend avoiding touching your face, regularly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and washing your hands properly and often.) I was supposed to return to work for a new school year on February 26, but The Ministry of Education decided to postpone all kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school start dates until March 23. I've been told that this could and probably will change again. Ive mostly been staying home since I am not working. I used to ride the subway every day to work and usually couldnt get a seat. Now, in the rare times when I do ride it, I can always find a seat. Story continues I sometimes go out in popular areas in Seoul called Hongdae, Itaewon, Jamsil, or Gangnam. These neighborhoods are full of bars, restaurants, and stores. But lots of bars are empty on the weekends now. Tourist areas, such as the famous Gyeongbokgung Palace, have suspended guided tours, and the city has banned all public protests and strongly urged people to refrain from public gathering of any kind. Another area called Myeong-dong, which is typically popular for Chinese tourists to visit, is a ghost town now. I've gone into work a few days just because I'm bored and need to start preparing for the new school year. I had to have my temperature taken in the main office before I could go to my classroom. My boyfriend and I went shopping at a mall in Jamsil recently, and they had installed thermal scanners you had to go through in order to check your temperature before you could enter the mall. I also had to make a trip to the immigration office, and they, too, have installed thermal scanners. People from South Korea are currently banned from traveling to 36 countries or territories, and travel restrictions or quarantine procedures are in place for 103 countries or regions. My plan was to eventually move to Hong Kong or Japan. But as of right now, I couldnt even go there tomorrow if I wanted to. I can still get into the United States and Canada. I check every day to see if this has changed. Im taking it day by day if I am going to leave or not. Currently, I am still getting paid because the parents of our students are still paying tuition (I work at a semi-private school). But Im not sure how long that will last. If the school starts to cut my pay, it will definitely affect if I stay or not. While the past several weeks have been filled with uncertainty, I think the South Korean government is doing a fabulous job. You can get tested for novel coronavirus for free and receive free treatment. The government is also enforcing quarantine for confirmed cases. And if you are officially quarantined by the government, they send you supplies, including food and water. Ive observed streets and subway cars being cleaned more frequently than ever before. The government has also created an app to keep you updated on all of the latest information on coronavirus. My friends and I have been spending a lot of time at each other's houses, which is something we usually don't do. It's been nice just hanging out with each other in our sweats and not feeling any obligation to do anything or be anywhere, and it gives us an opportunity to talk out all of our concerns about the virus. I also talk to my mom in the States everyday to stay connected to my family. I've been doing whatever I can to prioritize my physical health during this time. I do workouts on YouTube since our local gym is closed. There is a big park by my house called Seoul Forest that's not crowded, and now that the weather is getting warmer, Ive been going there to get some time outside. I've also been running. As for my mental health, I've been trying to avoid reading too much news. As the virus has been spreading, South Korea is in the media a lot. It gets scary knowing you're in one of the countries being hit the hardest. Overall, things have been...weird. I don't know how else to explain it. The city just feels different. Ive been trying to stay busy and keep a kind of "normal" life. I've been restricting time out and being smart about what I do, how I get there, or who I am going to be around. But otherwise, I'm kind of just sitting tight for now. You Might Also Like Tuesday is St. Patricks Day, but millions of Americans will have to tip their glasses in their apartments and houses. A succession of states joined other parts of the country Monday in announcing closures of restaurants, bars and other venues, further disrupting the lives of everyday Americans and businesses as governors take increasingly more drastic measures to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. The swift action follows the implementation of similar measures in Ohio, Illinois, California and Massachusetts and weekend guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommending the cancellation or postponement of events with crowds larger than 50 people for the next two months. While New York, New Jersey and Connecticut took joint action as a unified region, other states like Michigan, Maryland, Indiana, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Washington state moved independently to shutter dine-in service at bars and restaurants and patronage at other popular venues. The Supreme Court announced that it would postpone oral arguments and expand capabilities for remote work, while the White House announced the cancellation of its annual Easter Egg Roll. President Donald Trump, meanwhile, was hemmed up in the White House with no public appearances listed on his schedule. The White Houses daily Coronavirus Task Force briefing was also pushed back to Monday afternoon, overlapping with the presidents private intelligence briefing. Still, Trump weighed in on the global pandemic through Twitter. Everybody is so well unified and working so hard. It is a beautiful thing to see, he wrote. They love our great Country. We will end up being stronger than ever before! Everybody is so well unified and working so hard. It is a beautiful thing to see. They love our great Country. We will end up being stronger than ever before! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 16, 2020 As of Monday afternoon, nearly 4,000 cases have been confirmed in the U.S., though experts expect that number to rise as more testing becomes available. Sixty-nine people have died. Story continues New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the pandemic a national problem that requires federal leadership. You see a whole hodgepodge of efforts being taken across the country. This state is doing this, this state is doing this, this city is doing this, Cuomo told reporters. Its chaos. I think it actually feeds the feeling that the countrys out of control. And there is no clear direction, and there is no clear path. New Yorks closures includes gyms, where New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was spotted Monday morning. The mayor wanted to visit a place that keeps him grounded one last time, spokeswoman Freddi Goldstein said in a statement, explaining why de Blasio was at a YMCA. That doesnt change the fact that he is working around the clock to ensure the safety of New Yorkers. After today, gyms will close and he will no longer be visiting the YMCA for the foreseeable future. In Washington, D.C., restrictions on restaurants were met with resistance by at least one company, sparking a clash between Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Hill Restaurant Group, which owns seven establishments around Capitol Hill. HRG wrote in a private Facebook group that it will not bow down to pressure to shut down, arguing that the coronavirus outbreak is not our burden to bear nor is it our staffs burden to bear. Bowser tweeted Monday morning that the groups compliance is required, warning that she would exercise the full force of her police department and government agencies. The group later acquiesced, agreeing to close all its restaurants. Scott Gottlieb, former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, called the governors actions cause for optimism. States are taking this very seriously. Measures to limit mixing of people by closing bars, restaurants, venues; and those taken by businesses to keep employees at home where possible, will undoubtedly impact the scope of this epidemic, he tweeted. We have hard days ahead. We cant become complacent, he added. But the collective action of states and businesses to mitigate spread will have a tangible impact on spread. We need to continue these actions, and protect vulnerable Americans from the impact of these necessary actions. The surge in closures, however, has also put a spotlight on elections. Florida, Arizona, Illinois and Ohio will hold their presidential primary elections on Tuesday, even though the governors of Illinois and Ohio have shuttered dining at bars and restaurants to prevent community spread of the coronavirus. I dont understand why these elections are still taking place tomorrow, tweeted Joshua Douglas, who teaches election law and voting rights at the University of Kentucky Law School. OH, IL have shut down all restaurants, bars, etc. FL and OH have moved several polling places. Im convinced we should delay these elections and then pass emergency laws allowing anyone to vote by mail. A San Antonio woman was arrested after she was accused of stabbing a man in the leg with a pocket knife on the far Northwest Side, according to the Bexar County Sheriff's department. Deputies arrived at the 11900 block of Dove Ranch at around midnight to find a man with a stab wound to the back of his leg. M inisters are ready to order a harder London-specific clampdown soon on socialising to limit deaths from a looming surge in coronavirus cases. Plans are being drawn up for regional responses to a spiralling Covid-19 epidemic which is already starting in the capital amid fears that hospitals will struggle to cope. An urgent review of whether to close schools is being carried out. So far the advice has been to avoid such a move, but if it were to happen it is most likely to be imposed in London first. Italian and French-style lockdowns have also not been ruled out but the Government has so far shied away from taking such draconian, economy-crippling steps. London panic buying during the Coronavirus outbreak - In pictures 1 /61 London panic buying during the Coronavirus outbreak - In pictures PA Wire Shoppers descended on supermarkets again AFP via Getty Images Shoppers seen rushing to get toilet rolls as new ones are put on sale in a London Morrisons store Rex Features Shoppers should be sensible when buying food and groceries Lucy Young Shoppers queue outside a branch of Costco, in Croydon PA Lucy Young Lucy Young Lucy Young Lucy Young Lucy Young Reuters Reuters Reuters People queue outside a Sainsbury's store as the coronavirus outbreak continues Reuters Reuters Reuters Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Queues for hand sanitizer at Boots in Islington Jeremy Selwyn Tesco Brent Cross 9.00 am Jeremy Selwyn Empty shelves of pasta are seen at a supermarket Reuters Brent Cross Shopping centre at 5:30am Jeremy Selwyn A sign at a Sainsbury's supermarket informs customers that limits have been set on a small number of products Reuters AFP via Getty Images Shelves have been cleared of the likes of pasta and toilet roll AFP via Getty Images A woman carries a basket filled with toilet rolls AFP via Getty Images Shoppers wait in line for a supermarket to open its doors in London AFP via Getty Images Shoppers are faced with partially empty shelves AFP via Getty Images AFP via Getty Images Brent Cross Shopping centre at 5:30am Evening Standard / eyevine AFP via Getty Images A long line of shoppers queue to buy groceries at a supermarket in Chingford, London Cham Karimeddin Shoppers form long queues ahead of the opening of a Costco wholesale store in Chingford Getty Images Empty shelves in the bakery aisles of an Asda store in London PA Shoppers queue at the checkout of a supermarket in London AFP via Getty Images A customer leaves with shopping as other customers queue to enter a Costco Wholesalers in Chingford Reuters A long line of shoppers queue to buy groceries at a supermarket in Chingford Ashraf Karim Eddin Shoppers are faced with partially empty shelves at a supermarket in London AFP via Getty Images FILE PHOTO: A man stands next to shelves empty of fresh meat in a supermarket, as the number of worldwide coronavirus cases continues to grow, in London REUTERS The outbreak in the UK is now heavily concentrated in London. As of yesterday, 480 out of 1,543 confirmed cases were in the capital, with a further 173 in the South East. Englands deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam stressed every citizen in the UK should follow advice on social distancing and self-isolation, not only to protect themselves but to avoid other people being killed by Covid-19. After news footage last night of pub-goers saying they would ignore the guidance, Professor Van-Tam stressed: We are giving very strong advice to all citizens ... it applies to everybody. A woman uses a protective mask in London / REUTERS He said the advisory restrictions the most stringent in peacetime, modern day Britain could go on for months, with warnings that it could be a year to 18 months before a vaccine is developed. Londoners wear Coronavirus masks - In pictures 1 /61 Londoners wear Coronavirus masks - In pictures A man wearing a protective mask travels on the underground tube Reuters A woman wearing a protective face mask Jeremy Selwyn A man and woman wearing protective face masks on a bus PA A man who appears to be homeless sleeping wearing a mask in Victoria Jeremy Selwyn A woman shopper wears a protective mask as she walks down an aisle in a supermarket in London AFP via Getty Images A man wearing a face mask waits to board an underground train on the Central Line at Bank station in London AP A woman with a plastic box over her head on the London Underground. PA A woman wearing a protective face mask walking down Oxford Street in London PA A woman wearing a mask walks by the Emirates Stadium Action Images via Reuters A man is seen wearing a protective face mask at Waterloo station Reuters A woman wears a surgical mask as she walks through Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport Reuters A fan in the stands wears a mask during the Premier League match at Stamford Bridg PA A man wearing a protective face mask walking down Oxford Street PA Commuters with masks on during the Coronavirus outbreak Jeremy Selwyn A person wears a mask in a display of street style outside the BFC Show Space show in London PA Commuters with masks on during the Coronavirus outbreak Jeremy Selwyn Commuters with masks on during the Coronavirus outbreak Jeremy Selwyn Commuters with masks on during the Coronavirus outbreak Jeremy Selwyn A man who appears to be homeless sleeping wearing a mask in Victoria Jeremy Selwyn Commuters with masks on during the Coronavirus outbreak Jeremy Selwyn A commuter on the tube wearing a face mask Jeremy Selwyn A woman wears a mask while crossing London Bridge Getty Images People wear masks at Holborn underground Station Jeremy Selwyn A man wearing a face mask walks past an entrance sign for Bank underground train station AP The coronavirus outbreak will unlikely lead to a Tube ban PA People wear masks at Holborn underground Station Jeremy Selwyn People wear masks at Holborn underground Station Jeremy Selwyn A woman wearing a face mask on the London Underground. PA People wear masks at Holborn underground Station Jeremy Selwyn A pedestrian wears a face mask whilst walking along High Holborn PA A pedestrian wears a face mask whilst walking along High Holborn PA A man wears a mask as he takes a photograph in China Town AP A man in a hazmat suit and face mask cleans the Ritchie Street Health Centre, Islington PA A commuter at Euston wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn A commuter at Euston wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn A man arrives at Euston Underground wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn A commuter arrives at St Pancras wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn St Pancras Jeremy Selwyn A commuter arrives at St Pancras wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn Jeremy Selwyn Staff in suits at St Thomas's Hospital today Jeremy Selwyn A commuter arrives at St Pancras wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn A commuter arrives at St Pancras wearing a mask Jeremy Selwyn A man wears a face mask as he stands near an electronic arrivals board at Terminal 4 of London Heathrow Airport AFP via Getty Images A man wears a face mask as he walks along the Thames embankment AFP via Getty Images A woman wearing a protective face mask is seen on London Bridg Reuters Amid criticism that the Government has been too slow to act, he insisted it had taken the right step at the right time, but that now the number of cases was set to escalate rapidly. He added: We will take about one to two weeks to understand what these measures are doing, to begin to slow the rates of infections in the UK. We will keep that under really close scrutiny and we have always said that we are prepared to do things harder, we are prepared to do more things if necessary to slow this epidemic down. Coronavirus - In pictures 1 /106 Coronavirus - In pictures A sign advertising a book titled "How Will We Survive On Earth?" is seen on an underground station platform Getty Images Customers wearing face masks shop at the pork counter of a supermarket following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, Hubei province Reuters Westminster Bridge is deserted in London the day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson put the UK in lockdown PA Canadian passengers Chris & Anna Joiner ask for help onboard the MS Zaandam, Holland America Line cruise ship, during the coronavirus outbreak, off the shores of Panama City via Reuters A man crosses a nearly empty 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in New York City Reuters The London Eye is pictured lit blue in support of the NHS, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues Reuters Boris Johnson addresses the nation on the Coronavirus lockdown Andrew Parsons Commuters cope with Coronavirus Jeremy Selwyn Milan's Piazza del Duomo empty AFP via Getty Images People in protective clothing walk past rows of beds at a temporary 2,000-bed hospital for COVID-19 coronavirus patients set up by the Iranian army at the international exhibition center in northern Tehran, Iran AP Martina Papponetti, 25, an ICU nurse at the Humanitas Gavazzeni Hospital in Bergamo, Italy poses for a portrait at the end of her shift AP Pope Francis celebrating a daily mass alone in the Santa Marta chapel at the Vatican, as part of precautionary measures against the spread of the new coronavirus COVID-19 AFP via Getty Imag Vysheyshaya Liga - FC Torpedo-BelAZ Zhodino v FC Belshina Bobruisk - Torpedo Stadium, Zhodino, Belarus, March 27, 2020 Players in action during the match despite most sport being cancelled around the world as the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues Reuters Hanks and Wilson both have coronavirus Tom Hanks General view of an emergency makeshift field hospital as it is set up at Pacaembu Stadium for coronavirus (COVID-19) patients with a capacity of 200 beds in Sao Paulo, Brazil Getty Images People on a busy tube train in London at rush hour despite Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling on people to stay away from pubs, clubs and theatres, work from home if possible and avoid all non-essential contacts and travel in order to reduce the impact of the coronavirus pandemic PA Naomi Campbell catches a flight in a hazmat suit with goggles, a surgical mask and rubber gloves @naomi Sophie and Emily Ward pose for a photograph with their hand-drawn picture of rainbows and a message on their window in St Helens, as the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues Reuters Mia, aged 8, and Jack, aged 5, take part in "PE with Joe" a daily live workout with Joe Wicks on Youtube to help kids stay fit who have to stay indoors due to the Corona virus outbreak. PA Shoppers queue outside a branch of Costco, in Croydon, south London, on the weekend after Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered pubs and restaurants across the country to close PA Charing Cross Tube Bakerloo Line very quiet at 8.15am Jeremy Selwyn A woman with a plastic box over her head on the London Underground. PA A Racegoer attend Cheltenham Festival on Ladies Day wearing a fashionable face mask Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits a laboratory at the Public Health England National Infection Service in Colindale PA A man who appears to be homeless sleeping wearing a mask today in Victoria Jeremy Selwyn A couple kiss in Milano Centrale railway station in Milan on March 8, 2020 AFP via Getty Images A combination picture shows visitors wearing protective face masks following an outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) looking at blooming cherry blossom nd a pigeon walking at an closed cherry blossom viewing spot during the first weekend after Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike (not pictured) urged Tokyo residents to stay indoors, in a bid to keep the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from spreading Reuters This combination photo created on March 5, 2020 shows tourists visiting Angkor Wat temple in Siem Reap province on March 16, 2019 (top) and on March 5, 2020 AFP via Getty Images Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Getty Images U.S. President Donald Trump looks at the $2.2 trillion coronavirus aid package bill as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Vice President Mike Pence stand by during a signing ceremony in the Oval Office of the White House Reuters A satellite image shows an empty South Beach during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Miami, via Reuters General view inside the empty stadium as the two teams line up prior to the UEFA Champions League round of 16 second leg match between Paris Saint-Germain and Borussia Dortmund at Parc des Princes UEFA via Getty Images A Sainsbury's supermarket in Cambridge is among those to sell out of antibacterial hand sanitizer PA Tents and ambulances are set up next to the Princess Cruises Grand Princess cruise as it sits docked in the Port of Oakland on March 09, 2020 in Oakland, California. The Princess Cruises Grand Princess has been held from docking until today as at least 21 people on board have tested positive for COVID-19 also known as the Coronavirus Getty Images Medical staff produce traditional Chinese medicine to treat patients infected by the COVID-19 coronavirus at a hospital in Wuhan AFP via Getty Images Army soldiers wearing protective suits spray disinfectant as a precaution against the new coronavirus at a shopping street in Seoul, South Korea AP Russian President Vladimir Putin wearing protective gear walks at a hospital for patients infected with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the outskirts of Moscow via Reuters A woman who has recovered from the COVID-19 is disinfected by volunteers as she arrives at a hotel for a 14-day quarantine AFP via Getty Images Passengers on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship are seen as the ship arrives at Daikoku Pier where it is being resupplied and newly diagnosed coronavirus cases taken for treatment as it remains in quarantine after a number of the 3,700 people on board were diagnosed with coronavirus Getty Images Dave Abel pictured in hospital in Japan Manchester United fans in the stands during the Premier League match at Old Trafford PA Police officers wearing masks stand in front of the H10 Costa Adeje Palace hotel in La Caleta, in the Canary Island of Tenerife AP Carnival revellers wear protective face masks at Venice Carnival Reuters A general view is pictured of Burbage Primary School in Buxton, Derbyshire after the closure of the school as a pupil's parent has tested positive for the novel coronavirus COVID-19 AFP via Getty Images People wearing face masks walk past the Olympic rings in front of the new National Stadium, the main stadium for the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Game Getty Images People leave Kents Hill Park Training and Conference Centre in Milton Keynes where Coronavirus evacuees are due to be released from quarantine today and allowed to go home PA Matt Raw, a British national who returned from the coronavirus-hit city of Wuhan in China, leaves quaratine at Arrowe Park Hospital on Merseyside PA A woman wears a mask while crossing London Bridg Getty Images A general view of Worthing Hospital in West Sussex PA Passengers relax on board the Holland America-operated Westerdam cruise ship, which has been denied permission to dock in Thailand over coronavirus fears via Reuters A child waves as she sits in a vehicle carrying residents evacuated from a public housing building, following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, outside Hong Mei House, at Cheung Hong Estate in Hong Kong Reuters A woman wearing a Minnie Mouse face mask looks at her mobile phone in Beijing on February 11, 2020 AFP via Getty Images The Costa Smeralda cruise ship of Costa Crociere, carrying around 6,000 passengers, is docked at the Italian port of Civitavecchia after a health alert due to a Chinese couple and a possible link to coronavirus on board, in Civitavecchia, Italy Reuters A patient covered with a bed sheet at an exhibition centre converted into a hospital as it starts to accept patients displaying mild symptoms of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan AFP via Getty Images A medical official takes the body temperature of a man at the departure hall of the airport in Changsha, Hunan Province, as the country is hit by an outbreak of a new coronavirus, China Reuters The view of the Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center Getty Images A plane carrying British nationals from the coronavirus-hit city of Wuhan in China, arrives at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire A police vehicle enters the gates of the Royal Air Force station RAF Brize Norton in Carterton AFP via Getty Images Passengers wear face masks as the push their luggage after arriving from a flight at Terminal 5 of London Heathrow Airport AFP via Getty Images French citizens arrive and settle aboard of an evacuation plane with destination southeastern France, before departure from Wuhan Airport (WUH), China AFP via Getty Images Police stand at a checkpoint at the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge that crosses from Hubei province in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, China Reuters A member of staff at Arrowe Park Hospital in Merseyside prepares for a bus carrying British nationals from the coronavirus-hit city of Wuhan in China PA Doctor Paul McKay, who is working on an vaccine for the 2019-nCoV strain of the novel coronavirus, poses for a photograph with bacteria containing fragments of coronavirus DNA, at Imperial College School of Medicine (ICSM) in Londo AFP via Getty Images Workers produce masks at the Thai Hospital Product Company Ltd. factory in Bangkok AFP via Getty Images Passengers wearing face masks are seen on a bus after disembarking from the Costa Smeralda cruise ship, after tests on a woman from Macau with suspected coronavirus came back negative, in Civitavecchia, Italy Reuters People hoard bottles of alcohol after the Philippine government confirmed the first case of the new coronavirus in the country, in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines Reuters Taking precautions: with fears growing that the coronavirus will spread from China, a health official checks a womans temperature on the underground in Beijing Getty Images An empty road is seen in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on January 27, 2020, amid a deadly virus outbreak which began in the city AFP via Getty Images Students wearing masks meditate prior to a lesson at a high school in Phnom Penh, Cambodia AP Medical staff at the Wuhan Red Cross Hospital wear protective clothing to help stop the spread of a deadly virus AFP via Getty Images Staff move bio-waste containers past the entrance of the Wuhan Medical Treatment Center, where some infected with a new virus are being treated, in Wuhan, China AP Workers driving excavators at the construction site of a field hospital In Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The builders will complete the 1,000-bed hospital by February 3 to cope with the surge of 2019-nCoV patients in the city Getty Images Buddhist monks wear masks as they walk near Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodi AP A woman and a child wearing protective masks walk toward check-in counters at Daxing international airport in Beijing AFP via Getty Images An employee sprays disinfectant on a train as a precaution against a new coronavirus at Suseo Station in Seoul, South Korea AP A policeman wearing a mask walks past a quarantine notice about the outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan, China at an arrival hall of Haneda airport in Tokyo, Japan Reuters Paramilitary police wear face masks as they stand guard at Tiananmen Gate adjacent to Tiananmen Square in Beijing AP The resident wear masks to buy vegetables in the market in Wuhan Getty Images Staff sell masks at a Yifeng Pharmacy in Wuhan AP Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV AP Boris Johnson ordered the dramatic ramping up of restrictions last night after scientists warned that a failure to do so could risk 250,000 deaths, with the NHS intensive care capacity being overwhelmed eight-fold. However, concerns still remain over how the NHS will cope even with these new measures. Asked if Londons hospitals currently have enough ventilators to cope with expected surge in cases, Mayor Sadiq Khan said: The short answer is no, thats one of the reasons why the Government strategy was contain and delay to get us as near as possible to spring and summer to free up capacity in the NHS. He added that advice on school closures could change. Loading.... In a sign of the huge pressure on health services, the London Ambulance Service had its busiest day ever yesterday. LAS chief executive Garrett Emmerson said: We are seeing unprecedented demand for both our 999 and 111 services at the moment. Yesterday was the busiest day ever for our 999 service with nearly 8,000 calls. Unfortunately, the huge volumes of 111 calls we are receiving from people who could potentially use the website means that more vulnerable Londoners who may not have the ability to access the internet, for instance older people, are struggling to get through. Professor Van-Tam stressed that the advice for whole households to self-isolate even if only one person has Covid-19 symptoms, of a new, continuous cough or high temperature, was incredibly important to drive down the epidemics curve. The four key elements of social distancing are: reduce non-essential contact with other people outside of the family; reduce non-essential travel to an absolute minimum; keep away from bars, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres and all the places where human beings gather and where contacts can take place; and to the extent possible, work from home. People over 70 are being even more strongly advised to take social distancing measures and Professor Van-Tam said new stricter advice for the extremely vulnerable, such as those with severe underlying health conditions, will be coming soon. Loading.... The UK had no choice but to change tactics in the face of a growing coronavirus crisis, work by the Imperial College Covid-19 Response Team showed.Slowing down the spread of the virus, the aim until now, could have led to about 250,000 deaths in the UK and a health system so overwhelmed it could not cope. A research paper by the team said the surge limits for both general ward and intensive care beds would be exceeded by at least eight-fold. In addition, even if all patients were able to be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US, it said. The scientists also predicted that transmission would quickly rebound if interventions were relaxed. Professor Neil Ferguson, one of the lead authors on the study, told BBC Radio 4s Today programme that information gathered in recent weeks showed it had become increasingly clear that predicted deaths were not the worst-case scenario, they were the most likely. The measures announced in previous weeks by the Government are still important, but we need to go much further in suppressing the virus, he said. Lady Gaga's new album, Chromatica, is scheduled to arrive April 10, and she just spilled some tea about the project during an interview on French radio. Appearing via Skype on France's NRJ [energy] Radio to answer fans' questions, Gaga teased that the new album will feature multiple collaborations. "I have some very exciting duets that I've done on the album [that] I don't want to reveal quite yet, but I'm excited for you to hear them," she dished. "I love working with other artists. It was a wonderful experience." Gaga also described Chromatica as "an album...about dancing through my pain." While Gaga didn't go into detail about what kind of pain she was experiencing -- physical, emotional or both -- she said she was surprised that she was able to create such an upbeat album, considering how she felt while recording it. "Even though I was very sad, it was amazing when I would listen back to the music and it was so happy and it was a celebration and we were dancing," she told the fans. "And I really want people to know that there's a way to change your perspective about your life. And part of that is in believing in yourself." "And that's what Chromatica stands for," Gaga declared. "Chromatica is about kindness to all people, and it's also about kindness to yourself." Copyright 2020, ABC Audio. All rights reserved. The World Health Organization and other sensitive souls have instructed us to stop referring to the new strain of coronavirus as the Wuhan or Chinese flu because of the racist connotations. Im disinclined to curb my speech to placate Chinese propagandists and it seems to me the aversion to those terms is less about racism than about averting blame. But in the spirit of comity, and avoiding disparaging an entire nation, Im happy to call it the ChiCom Flu moving forward. There are many traditional naming conventions that dont really make that much sense. Somewhat weirdly, for example, we often name diseases after the people who discover them Hodgkins disease after Thomas Hodgkin, Parkinsons disease after James Parkinson, and so on. But naming viral diseases after places Guinea Worm, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, etc. is probably just intuitive. Viruses come from someplace, after all, and thus people gravitate to those names. I doubt we came up with Lyme disease because of some deep enmity towards Connecticut. Anyway, COVID-19 or H1N1 dont exactly roll off the tongue. The latter was, until very recently, widely referred to as the Spanish flu, a virus that killed around 675,000 Americans and tens of millions of others around the world in the early 1900s. Spanish flu has now retroactively fallen into disfavor as well. And to be fair, there is some historical evidence that the virus may actually have originated in China or France, so if we must call it the French flu moving forward, so be it. But while the Spanish have a good case to be annoyed, the Chinese government does not. As Jim Geraghty notes, the Communist Chinese have been far more effective in stopping the spread of information about the coronavirus than in stopping the spread of the coronavirus itself. Today, for example, China expelled most American journalist from the country. Early on, the Communists destroyed samples and suppressed vital information that could have helped mitigate the damage of this new strain of coronavirus. The government also silenced doctors who warned about the disease. Some were censured for spreading rumors or sharing test results with colleagues, and some were forced to write a self-critical public letters a Marxist mainstay admitting that the warning had a negative impact. The Chinese Communists probably let five million people leave Wuhan without screening, according to the Wall Street Journal. Story continues The Chinese Communists, like all Communists, hide their societal problems. There is no crime, disease, or addiction in the collectivist state. This kind of secrecy and dishonesty can be disastrous, especially in a highly interconnected world. Though millions of Chinese have been lifted out of extreme poverty through free trade, with modernity comes some basic responsibilities like, for instance, not killing everyone in the world with preventable zoonotic diseases. The Chinese regime is perfectly capable of administering an array of authoritarian policies to suppress the rights of its own people. But its apparently unable to exert even mild cultural pressure warning them that their eating habits can be extraordinarily dangerous, and hold the potential of creating massive socioeconomic problems. If reports are correct, it was in Wuhans popular wet markets that vendors were selling the bats and possibly snakes that may have caused the COVID-19 outbreak. Wet because the meat sold in its unsanitary stalls was only recently slaughtered. This kind of thing happens quite often. And not always in China, of course. But the avian influenza was likely transmitted to humans from chickens in a wet market. Scientists have been warning for years that the eating of exotic animals in southern China is a time bomb. Acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) also originated in China, and probably jumped to humans through bats. Other coronavirus strains are also likely connected to bats. I hate to thrust my Western cultural values on anyone, but maybe its time to stop eating bats. Its important to stress that its not the Chinese people who are the problem. Just look at their success in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, or the United States. The ChiComs are the problem. If the Chinese government spent as much time working on educating its people and regulating dangerous markets as it does on secrecy and propaganda efforts, maybe it wouldnt have to worry as much about diseases being named after it or about the catastrophic death and economic pain their negligence helps cause. More from National Review Is COVID-19 covered under Health Insurance ? In the last two weeks, the public at large from all over India has been seeking advice on Health Insurance and Term Insurance. Even Indians already in foreign countries who have an Overseas Travel Policy have asked whether it covers treatment for COVID-19 abroad, if required. By SK Sethi In the last two weeks, the public at large from all over India has been seeking advice on Health Insurance and Term Insurance. Even Indians already in foreign countries who have an Overseas Travel Policy have asked whether it covers treatment for COVID-19 abroad, if required. Let us take up these questions one by one . Health Insurance In India, till recently, there was no Insurance Policy, specific to Covid. The reason is that health insurance covers treatments for most diseases with some exclusions for a specific period. This may also exclude some pre-existing diseases. Therefore, it means that COVID-19 is covered, provided hospitalisation takes place for over 24 hours. However, now you can cushion yourself against Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) with a COVID-specific cover from This policy provides policyholders 100% of the Sum Assured if the patient is tested positive for COVID-19 from any of the authorised centres of ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune. There is no need to wait for the completion of the treatment and the claim process is indeed very simple. In case the insured is quarantined in a government or military hospital for at least 14 consecutive days, the company will pay 50% lump sum of the Sum Assured. This is applicable even if COVID-19 test is later found negative as it covers the screening and treatment costs. For exclusions, policyholders are advised to read the precise policy wordings. Religare Health has come out with a good Group policy, which can be taken by the employer for all its employees. At present, government-run hospitals are treating COVID-19 patients without charging anything for this. In fact, a lot of effort is being made in locating potential patients and bringing them to hospitals. For treatment in a private hospital while one has a health policy, then the terms and conditions of the existing policy are valid. Those who have a policy with no room rent capping will be better off as the insured can stay in isolation in a single room. Those with room rent capping may have to use wards or shared-room facilities. The insurance company will pay all expenses towards doctors and medicines. Our advice to those who want to buy a normal health insurance now is that a 30-day cooling-off period applies and new policyholders are not covered for illness due to COVID-19 during the first 30 days. Therefore, policyholders who now catch COVID-19 after 15 days of the policy being issued will not be covered under the policy. That means the patient will have to either be treated in a government hospital or pay out for treatment in a private hospital. In a proactive manner, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has instructed all the Health Insurance companies to include medical cover for COVID-19. Where hospitalisation is covered in a product, insurers are required to ensure that the cases related to COVID-19) is handled expeditiously. The costs of admissible medical expenses during the course of treatment including the treatment during quarantine period will be settled in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions of the policy contract and the extant regulatory framework. Further, all the claims reported under COVID-19 will be reviewed thoroughly by the claims review committee before repudiating the claims. We welcome this initiative of the Regulator. Overseas Travel Policy An Overseas Travel Policy covers medical treatment in a foreign country if the insured falls ill while travelling . As an NGO, our advice to those who are already in a foreign country is to travel with confidence in the foreign country while taking precautions, which even we are taking in India. Those who will be travelling in the coming weeks must travel with this policy for suitable sum. Senior Citizens (especially those above 70 years) will be in a disadvantageous position as most of the insurance companies issue policies with a sum assured of $50,000. It is advisable to take a policy with a higher sum after understanding the implications like sub-limits. The highest sum available is $5 Lakhs. Those who have symptoms of COVID-19 should not go out of India at all as India has better facilities to handle this disease. Term Insurance A large number of policyholders or those intending to take a Term Insurance have been asking whether death due to COVID-19 is covered in this policy. Term insurance covers death due to any illness so COVID-19is fully covered. It Life insurance companies issue a term insurance policy and, in most cases, they get the forms filled up, call for medical examination and do judicious underwriting. The Policy is issued when the insurance company is fully satisfied that proposer is healthy and, of course, is not suffering from COVID-19. People are advised to buy a Term Insurance plan to protect their families in the event of death due to Covid-19 or any other disease / accident. This is especially true in the light of the fact that those above the age of 60 years face a higher risk from COVID-19. Many insurance companies issue term insurance policies up to 69 years (below 70 years). Indications are that from 1 April 2020, the premium rates may increase by 15 per cent. Therefore, the right time to buy this policy is before 1 April. Loss of Profit Policy Another policy that business owners buy is the Loss of Profit Policy. Many Business owners are showing interest in buying this insurance policy to cover losses due to loss of business due to restrictions being imposed in running multiplexes, gyms, swimming pools, theatres, banquet halls, organising conferences for certain period. Even when not closed there is big downfall of customers in hotels, restaurants, airlines, toll plazas, shops, malls, parking lots due to precautions being taken by people by staying indoors. This existing policy will not cover business reduction or losses in profit. This policy claim is valid when a loss has occurred due to a fire or some accident and claims have been lodged for it. Therefore Loss of Profit Policy will not permit you to lodge a claim due to COVID-19. If a business owner is interested in buying this policy then he should buy but not with understanding that claim will be lodged for COVID-19. The Confederation of All India Traders has come out with demand for suitable Insurance policy for reduced level of business. We feel coming out with such policy in a short time may not be possible as global pandemic is on and no insurance or reinsurance company will like to enter with a product at this time. COVID-19, with its epicentre in Wuhan in China, has spread to over 147 countries in under two months. Across the globe, there are 1,48,306 confirmed cases, 5,550 reported deaths, with India reporting over 130 confirmed cases, underlining the urgent need for Health Insurance. Insurers across the world are scrambling to develop a COVID-19 specific product, but it could take some time. In the absence of a COVID-19 specific insurance product, industry experts have underlined the need to get oneself covered by the above four insurance policies. Though their official last day as senior working members of the British royal family doesnt happen for another two weeks, Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex have finished their final royal engagements. After a dizzying schedule that involved reuniting with the royal family and some tearful goodbyes, the Sussexes are back on Vancouver Island in Canada where they are hunkering down out of the spotlight with their son Archie Harrison amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Though the duke and the duchess have given us hints about their forthcoming plans, nothing appears to be set in stone at this time. So far, we know that the pair are working on a rebrand. As of April 1, they will no longer be able to use the word royal in their work. However, everything else seems to be under lock and key. Though the royal family has outlined a business plan if Megxit fails, its unlikely that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex will ever be welcomed back into the royal fold. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be living under a microscope Though they will no longer be adhering to the pace of royal life, and they have been able to isolate themselves somewhat on Vancouver Island, all eyes are still on the Sussexes. They are taking their time to release their next steps since their post-royal plan will be put under a microscope as soon as it is made public. Additionally, the royal family will be cataloging every single move the Sussexes make. This could potentially cause the relationship between the couple and the dukes family to sour even further. Putting that 12-month review in place goes to show you that the Queen will be watching them like a hawk, Julie Montagu Viscountess Hinchingbrooke said in the Channel 5 documentary, Royals: A family in crisis. She will want to see everything that they are doing, what they are making money from and how it is affecting the Royal Family. So there must be some concern from the Queen about what their intentions are. Prince Harry would be welcomed back to the royal family instantly Most of the fury surrounding Megxit has been aimed at the Duchess of Sussex. She has been blamed for seducing the prince away from his family, and for turning the royal family on its head. This is unfortunate, considering the fact that it was the sexism and racism that Meghan endured, that forced Prince Harry to decide to prioritize the well-being of his wife and son over royal life. The decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back is not one I made lightly, he said during a speech for his charity, Sentebale.It was so many months of talks after so many years of challenges. And I know I havent always got it right, but as far as this goes, there really was no other option. Youve looked out for me for so long, but the media is a powerful force, and my hope is one day our collective support for each other can be more powerful because this is so much bigger than just us. Still, should the prince decide to step back into the royal fold, he would be welcomed back with open arms. The love this country has for him has never stopped, royal photographer Arthur Edwards explained to The Sun. As far as the nation is concerned he is still their number one member of the Royal Family. Meghan Markle will never be welcomed back to royal life Though the Brits insist they are not racist, its clear that the duchess would never be welcomed back to royal life should she ever want to return. It was clear in her body language, very real, very emotional, very vulnerable, ABCs royal expert Omid Scobie said of the duchess appearance at Commonwealth Day. And so she went from that straight to the Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey. To not see that warm arm of a family member or some kind of welcome or effort being made really gave us our biggest insight into the dynamics of the Sussexes and the royal family and how thats been for the final couple years. Ive got to be honest, I was quite surprised that there wasnt at least a show of warmth in front of the world. Trucks parked on the German motorway near the German-Swiss border after Germany announced border controls, as the country faces an aggressive progression of the coronavirus disease. Weil am Rhein, Germany, March 16, 2020. Photo:Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters The ZEW research institutes survey of economic sentiment among German investors showed its biggest-ever month on month drop in March, as Europes largest economy braces for months of disruption over the rapidly spreading coronavirus pandemic. The ZEW Index dropped by 58.2 points to minus 49.5 points, its largest ever monthly drop, which now puts it at its lowest level since December 2011. Achim Wambach, ZEW president, said that the slump was to be expected as the economy is on red alert. The financial market experts currently expect to see a decline in real gross domestic product in the first quarter, while also considering a further drop in the second quarter to be very likely, Wambach said in a statement. For the whole of 2020, the majority of experts currently expect a decline in real GDP growth of approximately one percentage point as a result of the corona pandemic. READ MORE: Travel stocks worst hit as coronavirus pushes Italy to take over Alitalia The economic impact from Covid-19 and financial market turmoil make a technical recession in Germany inevitable, said ING German chief economist Carsten Brzeksi in a note. We now expect the German economy to shrink by more than 1.5% YoY in 2020. Germany now has 6,012 cases of infection, and 13 deaths. The country is in a state of near-total lockdown after the government closed most of its borders on Monday and ordered all non-essential stores to close, as well as public spaces such as theaters, pubs, and playgrounds. Restaurants can open on restricted hours only. With the lockdown, there will be a sharp fall in private consumption to at least 4% compared with the levels at the end of last year, Brzeski wrote. The exact timing of the lockdown in the different regional states and obviously the eventual length of the lockdown will determine how the contraction in consumption and activity will be spread across Q1 and Q2. Germanys Volkswagen Group announced during its annual press conference today that it would stop production at most of its plants across for the next three weeks, as it warned that the financial and operational impact of the coronavirus pandemic was impossible READ MORE: Volkswagen reports 'very successful year' as coronavirus clouds 2020 outlook German airline Lufthansa (LHAG.DE) said on Friday said it will likely request government aid to help it withstand the fallout from the coronavirus, and plans to scrap its annual dividend. Like most airlines, Lufthansa is drastically slashing its flight schedules: It will cut 90% of its long-haul flights from today, and operate only 20% of the flights within Europe. Supreme Court Asked to Decide if State Workers Unconstitutional Compulsory Union Dues Must Be Repaid Former Illinois state government worker Mark Janus wants the U.S. Supreme Court to order the American Federation of Municipal, State, and County Employees Union (AFSCME) to refund his $3,000 in unconstitutional compulsory dues. Janus, a former child support specialist, won the landmark Janus v. AFSCME decision in 2018 that held as unconstitutional compulsory union dues for state and local government workers, because such payments violate the First Amendment. Attorneys representing Janus from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation (NRTWLDF) and the Liberty Justice Center (LJC) filed a writ of certiorari with the high court earlier this month. The NRTWLDFs William Messenger argued the Janus decision in 2018. The writ was filed after the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals denied Janus petition for the refund, saying the high courts decision didnt require repayment and calling the payment of dues as an exchange of money for services. In its ruling, the high court declared compulsory union dues as unconstitutional, but the justices didnt address in their decision the issue of requiring refunds. The Court did not get that far as to the repayment of the dues, NRTWLDF President Mark Mix told The Epoch Times on March 17. They basically said it was unconstitutional to extract this money, any money, from a government employee and then went on to say that the union or the government would have to get a signed waiver before they could take any money. Mix said the high court didnt go back to the retroactive nature of the case, instead they went proactively to the future, and so this left open the question of whether there was the ability to go back and get money that was taken. Nearly 6 million unionized state and local public employees in 22 non-right-to-work states are covered by the Janus decision, but unions representing them havent been eager to refund the money involved. An AFSCME spokesman didnt respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment. Janus seeks the refund of $3,000 he paid in compulsory dues from 2013 to 2018. The Supreme Court agreed that the union taking money from non-members was wrong, but the union still has the money it illegally garnished from my paycheck, said Janus in a statement issued by the NRTWLDF. Its time for AFSCME to give me back the money they wrongfully took. Patrick Hughes, LJC president and co-founder, described Janus in the statement as just one of many public employees whose money was illegally taken by government unions. Workers across the country are rightfully asking for their money back. It is time for the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on this issue and finally hold unions accountable for their years of unconstitutional behavior. As an indicator of how much money is potentially involved if the Janus decision is comprehensively applied and refunds are granted to all the formerly forced union members requesting them, the NRTWLDF and the LJC are currently litigating more than 30 cases, including seven jointly, filed in response to the Janus decision. The 30 cases collectively seek more than $120 million in refunds. Mix told The Epoch Times that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has said the unions should have been on notice about the unconstitutionality of Abood because of the decisions that we won in 2012 and 2014. The Supreme Court upheld the ability of a public employee union to compel membership in the 1977 decision of Abood v. Detroit Board of Education. Now, as challenges to compulsory dues and refund demands proliferate in state and federal courts, Mix said unions have been using the so-called good-faith defense that while we collected this money, we were entitled to it, the statutes said we could and so forth. But Mix said, the basis of the argument for the refund is that when a statute is ruled unconstitutional, federal courts must consider that it always was prior to the ruling. The Supreme Court was clear in the case of Mark Janus in saying his rights were violated, so what kind of redress would there be. Obviously, the freedom going forward is pretty evident in the decision. The question is the damages of the past. Mix acknowledged that federal district and circuit courts havent been receptive to litigation seeking refunds, but we hope that based on the Janus ruling and where we thought [the high court justices] were headed that they might take an interest in this again. If Janus succeeds in getting a refund, Mix said NRTWLDF has two cases, one in Ohio and one in California, that have been certified for class-action status that involve real money, if theres relief, its real money, hundreds of millions of dollars. A Feb. 19, 2019, study by the Manhattan Institute about the response to the Janus ruling found that state and local government worker unions have lost revenues, but new state laws, executive orders, and court decisions have restricted the access and ability of outside groups to communicate with public employees about their legal rights. Contact Mark Tapscott at Madhya Pradesh: Governor well within his right to order floor test India oi-Vicky Nanjappa New Delhi, Mar 17: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister has refused to take a floor test claiming that he has a majority. The Governor has directed that a floor test be taken on two occasions, but the same has not been adhered to. Experts that OneIndia spoke with say that the Governor is well within his right to order a floor test. If the Governor has the required material and believes that a government is in minatory, then a floor test can be ordered. Further the decision by the Speaker to abruptly adjourn the House until March 26 was incorrect, experts believe. If the Governor feels that the the government does not have the required numbers, then it is his constitutional obligation to order a floor test. The Speaker of the House will have to adhere to that decision. The Supreme Court too has on various occasions said that if the Governor feels that a government is in minority he or she must order the convening of the assembly and order a floor test. In the S R Bommai case the Supreme Court had said that the fate of any government shall be decided on the floor of the House. The Governor will have to call for a floor test to test the numbers, the court had also said. NEWS AT 3 PM, MARCH 17th, 2020 MP Crisis: Kamal Nath meets Governor, says govt in majority; rules out floor test Kamal Nath in this case has defied the order of the Governor. The Governor can decide the date and time when the floor test has to be held and the decision must be abided by the Speaker as well as the Chief Minister. With Kamal Nath remaining defiant, the Supreme Court will now take a call. The court will hear petitions filed by BJP leaders seeking a floor test. Similar scenarios had emerged both in Karnataka and Maharashtra. The Supreme Court ordered that the floor test be held to test the numbers of the respective parties. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 7:27 [IST] Ride-hailing startup Gojek raised $1.2 billion, bringing total funding for its Series F round to nearly $3 billion, according to a new report from Bloomberg. Subscribe to the Crunchbase Daily The company, which is based in Indonesia, provides a wide range of services, from rides to payments to food delivery. Gojeks investors include Google, Tencent Holdings and Visa. The company first raised money with its $2 million Series A in December 2014, and has more than $4.5 billion in funding, according to Crunchbase. The financing deal was finalized over the past week, Bloomberg reported. Its an impressive sum that comes as the world economy feels the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. stock market, for example, has sunk and investors have suggested that there will be a slowdown in venture capital funding. Were not stopping there as we are still seeing strong demand among the investment community to partner with us, co-CEOs Andre Soelistyo and Kevin Aluwi wrote in an internal memo to employees, which was obtained by Bloomberg. There are a number of exciting ongoing conversations that we will be able to update you on very soon. Gojek competes perhaps most notably with Singapores Grab, another ride-hailing giant thats trying to be the everything in one app with rides, payments, food delivery and other services. Grabwhich has nearly $10 billion in funding, according to Crunchbaseand Gojek were reportedly in talks about a merger, though Gojek denied it, according to Bloomberg. Illustration Credit: Li-Anne Dias WASHINGTON When Deborah Frank Feinen, the mayor of Champaign, Ill., drafted an emergency powers declaration last Thursday to confront the coronavirus pandemic, she was proud of her citys early preparation. But by the time she got to work the next morning, the National Rifle Association had blared a national alert saying anti-gun extremists were moving to undermine our firearms freedom. The city government was soon under siege. We were talking about how to get food to kids when schools were closed, and suddenly Im getting Facebook messages about how Im violating the Constitution and taking away peoples rights, Ms. Feinen said in an interview. Now, in addition to working on plans for fire and police departments, emergency supplies, and helping small businesses weather state-mandated closures, Im obsessively looking at my email, checking for threats. Keen to defend President Trump from criticism and portray virus-related warnings as politically motivated fear-mongering, conservative organizations, media and Trump loyalists are undermining state and local government efforts to convey accurate information and protect their constituents. An NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll conducted last week found that 81 percent of Republican voters said Mr. Trump has done well in handling the coronavirus crisis, and 84 percent of Democrats said the opposite. More than half of Republicans 54 percent worried that government will go too far in responding to the crisis, while just 31 percent of Democrats did, according to the poll. The Superior Court of Alameda County on Monday said it is requesting an emergency order from the state Supreme Court that would close all its courthouse locations to the public through April 7 in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus shelter in place order in the Bay Area. Under the request, current temporary restraining orders would be extended by 30 days. Requests for new restraining orders would be accepted at a drop box at the Hayward Hall of Justice, court officials said. Hand sanitizer is a hot commodity right now. We all know the advice: Wash your hands often with soap and water to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. When you can't, use hand sanitizer. But actually finding hand sanitizer anywhere is another story. Bottles of Purell and other sanitizers are few and far between on store shelves, and if you do manage to come across a solution with at least 60% alcohol, chances are it has a hefty price tag. Enter liquor distilleries. Distilleries are stepping in to help combat the hand sanitizer shortage by using the alcohol in their facilities to create their own alcohol-based solutions. Some are packaging it in small bottles while others are encouraging people to bring in their own containers for refills. Old Fourth Distillery in Atlanta started making hand sanitizer and distributing it for free on Thursday. "Due to the recent reports of outages and low supply in our community, We have decided to provide hand sanitizer free of charge to anyone in need. Made with aloe vera gel and 95% ethanol," the business wrote in an Instagram post last week. "This is no substitute for washing your hands but in a pinch it will get the job done. Available at the Distillery starting March 12th at 5pm. If you have a container please bring it and we will be happy to fill it!" But even that has run out. Old Fourth Distillery's solution has been so popular that by Saturday, its supply of homemade sanitizer had been cleared out. The business said in another Instagram post that it was expecting another shipment of ingredients on Monday and would resume production after. Moonrise Distillery in Clayon, Georgia, is making hand sanitizer using botanical gin infused with natural aloe vera. "We are a community of huggers and hand shakers and we want to do our part to keep that warmth around but in as safe a manner as possible," the business wrote in a Facebook post over the weekend. "While washing hands with soap and water remains the best solution we hope the sanitizer will help when that is not possible." Both Old Fourth Distillery and Moonrise Distillery said they were accepting donations to offset the costs of making the hand sanitizers. Durham Distillery in Durham, North Carolina, is helping out its colleagues in the hospitality industry who are in need of sanitizing solution. The distillery developed a sanitizing solution of about 70% ethanol and distilled water and is donating it to hospitality workers so that they can wipe down high-touch surfaces like door handles and sink faucets, it said in a statement. Shine Distillery in Oregon said last week that it was handing out free hand sanitizer while supplies last. LAWRENCE -- When a partial fossil specimen of a primordial marine worm was unearthed in Utah in 1969, scientists had a tough go identifying it. Usually, such worms are recognized and categorized by the arrangement of little knobs on their plates. But in this case, the worm's plates were oddly smooth, and important bits of the worm were missing altogether. Discouraged, researchers placed the mystery worm in a "wastebasket" genus called Palaeoscolex, and interest in the lowly critter waned for the next 50 years. That all changed recently when Paul Jamison, a teacher from Logan, Utah, and private collector, and his student Riley Smith were hunting fossils in the Spence Shale in Utah, a 506-million-year-old geologic unit housing a plethora of exceptionally preserved soft-bodied and biomineralized fossils. (Paleontologists call such a mother lode of fossils a "Lagerstatte.") There, Smith discovered a second, more thoroughly preserved example of the worm. Eventually, thanks to Jamison's donation, the new fossil specimen arrived at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, where Anna Whitaker, a graduate student in museum studies, researched and analyzed the worm with scanning electron microscopes, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry and optical microscopy. At last, Whitaker determined the worm represented a new genus of Cambrian sea worm heretofore unknown to science. She's the lead author of a description of the worm just published in the peer-reviewed paleontological journal PalZ. "Before the new species that we acquired there was only one specimen known from the Spence Shale," she said. "But with our new specimen we discovered it had characteristics that the original specimen didn't have. So, we were able to update that description, and based on these new characteristics -- we decided it didn't fit in its old genus. So, we moved it to a new one." Whitaker and her colleagues -- Jamison, James Schiffbauer of the University of Missouri and Julien Kimmig of KU's Biodiversity Institute -- named the new genus Utahscolex. "We think they're closely related to priapulid worms that exist today -- you can find them in the oceans, and they are very similar to priapulids based on their mouth parts," Whitaker said. "What's characteristic about these guys is that they have a proboscis that can evert, so it can turn itself inside out and it's covered with spines -- that's how it grabs food and sucks it in. So, it behaved very similarly to modern priapulid worms." While today, Utah is not a place you'd look for marine life, the case was different 506 million years ago, when creatures preserved in the Spence Shale were fossilized. "The Spence Shale was a shelf system, and it's really interesting because it preserves a lot of environments -- nearshore to even deeper offshore, which is kind of unusual for a Lagerstatte, and especially during the Cambrian. These animals were living in kind of a muddy substrate. This worm was a carnivore, so it was preying on other critters. But there would have been whole diversity of animals -- sponges, and trilobites scuttling along. We have very large, for the time, bivalve arthropods that would be predators. The Spence has a very large diversity of arthropods. It would have looked completely alien to us today." Whitaker hopes to complete her master's degree this spring, then to attend the University of Toronto to earn her doctorate. The description of Utahscolex is Whitaker's first academic publication, but she hopes it won't be her last. She said the opportunity to perform such research is a chief reason for attending KU. "I came for the museum studies program," she said. "It's one of the best in the country, and the program's flexibility has allowed me to focus on natural history collections, which is what I hopefully will have a career in, and also gain work experience in the collections and do research -- so it's kind of everything I was looking for in the program." While ancient sea worms could strike many as a meaninglessly obscure subject for such intense interest and research, Whitaker said filling in gaps in the fossil record leads to a broader understanding of evolutionary processes and offers more granular details about the tree of life. "I know some people might say, 'Why should we care about these?'" she said. "But the taxonomy of naming all these species is really an old practice that started in the 1700s. It underpins all the science that we do today. Looking at biodiversity through time, we have to know the species diversity; we have to know as correctly as we can how many species there were and how they were related to each other. This supports our understanding of -- as we move into bigger and bigger, broader picture -- how we can interpret this fossil record correctly, or as best we can." ### By Jackson Hogan Everything is new and improved at the Oregon National Guard Youth Challenge Program east of Bend after a recent $11 million upgrade and expansion. The cafeteria is larger and equipped with the latest fridges and equipment. Students now have individual showers, compared to prior years where they'd huddle 10 at a time in group showers. And the building added a new wing, so the student capacity in the tuition-free statewide alternative school nearly grew by nearly 90 students. But because of Gov. Brown's orders last week to close all K-12 schools due to the growing threat of COVID-19, the disease caused by the spreading new coronavirus, no students remained in the improved facility by Saturday. The school is a military-style residential high school for at-risk students from all over the state. The program's staff have stuck around. Social distancing isn't hard when you work in a massive, remote building, said Dan Radabaugh, the program's director. "Its a 70,000-square-foot facility, so weve got lots of room to spread out," he said Monday. "We're just trying to keep staff employed at this time." Last week, Radabaugh said the renovation added 7,000 square feet to the existing building. This will allow the program, which is associated with the National Guard, to host 84 more students per term, for a total capacity of 240 students per class. The expansion also allowed the program to hire 35 more staff members, from teachers to counselors to cooks, Radabaugh said. "Every department got plussed up to manage the amount of kids coming through the program," he said last week. The program accepts students throughout Oregon. The students live at its High Desert campus east of Bend for 22 weeks, where they are put through a rigorous academic schedule during which students earn nearly two years worth of high school credits. The building's renovation began in the fall of 2018, paid for with bonds from both the Oregon Legislature and the National Guard. The renovation was already complete for the new class of students who arrived in January, according to David Sutterfield, who oversees recruitment and mentorship for the program. The improved building is clean and modern, but still no-frills and minimalist. Perhaps the most noticeable difference is in the bathrooms. They've doubled in size and now have individual, rather than group, showers. This was a huge plus for Carlos Harpole, an 18-year-old student from Bend who saw the old facilities while visiting for orientation last fall. "There were like 10 people in a group (last year), you had to shower together," he said. "Now, we just have curtains and dividers, so its more personal. The improved campus is also more energy efficient. Solar panels were added, along with water-saving faucets and LED motion-sensor lights. "Makes it cost less for the tax payers and it makes our facility more green," Sutterfield said of the improvements. Other improvements include a new teacher's area with a lounge and conference room, more office space for the program's staff, and three new classrooms, to bring the total to six learning spaces. The old classrooms didn't even have doors, something the remodel fixed, Sutterfield said. The renovated building was named after recently deceased State Sen. Jackie Winters, who was instrumental in securing state funding for the renovation, Radabaugh said. "She was such an advocate for the program," he said. "Every time wed go to the capitol, shed invite the kids into her office and sit down, spend some time with them. But for the moment, these new classrooms and facilities won't be used by students again until April 1 at the earliest, due to Gov. Brown's orders. Radabaugh said remote learning would be very difficult for the program's students. But teachers did send them home with assignments and their phone numbers, he said. All of Central Oregon's school districts will be providing free meals to students this week, to help students who normally rely on free or reduced meals at school. For the Youth Challenge students, their opportunity to receive free food will likely depend on their hometown school district, Radabaugh said. At the moment, the Youth Challenge staff are still figuring out what happens next if schools stay closed past April 1, according to Radabaugh. Theres just so many unknowns, Radabaugh said Monday. "But we are determined to give these cadets their education and what they signed up for. --Jackson Hogan, The Bend Bulletin Are you an Oregon parent who would like to speak to a local education reporter about school closures or other ways the novel coronavirus has affected your family? We want to hear from you. This article was originally published by Jackson Hogan of The Bend Bulletin, one of more than a dozen news organizations throughout the state sharing their coverage of the novel coronavirus outbreak to help inform Oregonians about this evolving heath issue. Beijings iconic Summer Palace tourist resort is the home of a huge new ice rink thats opened just ahead of the Winter Olympics. The rink measures 300,000 square meters and consists of two areas designed for different types of activities. The city has opened seven municipal ice rinks and four snow resorts to the public. Since 2014, ice and snow activities in municipal parks have attracted nearly 2 million visitors, according to the Beijing Municipal Administration Center for Parks Jan 11, 2022 07:26 PM Shoppers queue with trolleys full of supplies during a panic coronavirus buying surge in Bangkok, Thailand, on Sunday (March 15). The country has seen a surge in Covid-19 case in recent days raising fears of a lock down and food shortages. There have been 114 cases and one death since the outbreak began. Foods such as instant noodles, sauces and canned food have disappeared from the shelves in many supermarkets as many shoppers seek to plan for shortages. Thai leader General Prayut Chan-o-cha responded to the panic buying by appealing for calm "We are not at a stage where we need to stockpile food," he said. During an NAACP emergency virtual town hall this week, former presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., implored people of color to support a Senate bill that would provide paid sick leave for all workers during the coronavirus outbreak. "Two-thirds of low-income workers don't have paid sick leave," Harris said. "Forty percent of these workers are black or Latino. People shouldn't have to choose between staying home and taking care of their babies. "Please join me in putting pressure on the U.S. Senate and Mitch McConnell, the leader, to say we cannot delay to have this vote," Harris said. The Coronavirus Emergency Bill, which passed the House on Saturday, offers free testing, food assistance, unemployment benefits and some paid leave to the most vulnerable workers. President Donald Trump has said he supports the bill and the Senate is expected to pass it this week. Trump declared a national emergency on Friday as the number of coronavirus cases in the United States passed 5,000 and the death toll climbed to at least 100. Some 20,000 callers listened by teleconference to the town hall that featured Harris, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams and other health, policy and religious leaders speak about the impact of the coronavirus on communities of color. Harris was the first speaker to mention the government's response to Hurricane Katrina as a cautionary tale, reminding callers that after the storm hit New Orleans in 2005, desperately needed assistance to the black and poor community arrived late. Such inequitable treatment has now resulted in many people not trusting government officials and the medical system, Harris and others said. Image: Jerome Adams (Jim Watson / AFP - Getty Images) "I hope I can earn your trust," Adams told the town hall audience of callers, offering a brief bio as proof that he understands vulnerability. "I grew up in a rural white community. My brother is incarcerated. I take eight medications and my mother had a major stroke last year," Adams said. "Personally, I have faith I was put where I was needed. I promise you I am in there fighting for people disadvantaged like me and my family were growing up." Adams suffers from asthma and other chronic health conditions, according a spokesperson for the Surgeon General. Story continues New York, Los Angeles and Washington state have all announced that public buildings will be shut temporarily. And on Sunday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that no gatherings of 50 people or more be held, including sporting events, weddings, concerts and festivals, to slow the spread of the virus. During a question-and-answer session, "Ryan of Denver" asked, "When will we start testing everyone?" Adams admitted that testing "has not gone as we would like for it to have gone." But he explained, "It is important to understand our health care system and the CDC was never designed to have a government-led testing of hundreds of thousands of people." The surgeon general said testing will increase over the next week or two. "We will have more hospitals and commercial and private labs providing testing on a local level. I believe we are at a turning point." The speakers repeatedly said the bill in Congress offering free testing and paid sick leave should be considered just "a beginning" in addressing the needs of fragile communities, where there are long-term challenges with food insecurity, transportation and health care. "For the NAACP, we are most concerned with the most vulnerable in our community," said the organizations president, Derrick Johnson. "In addition to that, we are concerned with the equity as we see the recovery roll out." France has deployed 100,000 police and set up checkpoints across the country as the country begins a 15-day lockdown to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The army has also been ordered to assist with efforts, transporting infected patients to alleviate saturated hospitals. Under the new measures, which went into effect at midday on Tuesday, people are only permitted to leave their homes to buy food or medicine. Certain workers are also allowed to travel but will need to carry a sworn statement detailing their journey and the nature of their work, while exercise is also permitted if done alone. All non-essential public places have also been closed, including shops, restaurants and cafes. In a televised address on Monday evening, French president Emmanuel Macron said that anyone flouting the regulations would be punished. Never before in history has France had to take such exceptional measures in a time of peace, he said. We are not up against another army or another nation. But the enemy is right there: invisible, elusive, but it is making progress... We are at war. Fines of between 38 and 135 will be imposed, according to interior minister Christophe Castaner, who urged people to stay at home. A queue for a supermarket stretches for hundreds of metres in Paris, France, ahead of the midday lockdown, 17 March, 2020 (The Independent) Supermarkets and pharmacies experienced shortages in the hours before the lockdown, leading to long lines at shops that remained stocked. Toilet paper, pasta and bread were among the items that were unavailable in stores throughout the capital on Tuesday morning. Paris bistros emptied their refrigerators and gave away any supplies that would spoil before the lockdown lifts, as businesses prepared for a prolonged period without customers. Mr Macron announced a 300bn relief package for businesses affected by the lockdown, which is expected to pass through parliament in the coming weeks. No French company, whatever its size, will be exposed to the risk of collapse, he said. If you have an event you'd like to list on the site, submit it now! Go to form (Bloomberg) -- European leaders attempted to prepare their citizens for the unprecedented trials ahead as comprehensive curbs on national life come into force to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Government chiefs will hold another emergency telephone call later on Tuesday to discuss closing borders and other efforts to combat the spread of the virus as many governments across the region meet to sign off on measures to protect their economies and businesses from collapse. Late Monday, France said it will guarantee up to 300 billion euros ($335 billion) of bank loans to companies in an effort to bolster virus-hit firms. The country followed Germanys lead, which on Friday announced plans to lend as much as 550 billion euros to shore up Europes economic engine. Italy, the worst-hit country in Europe, approved a 25 billion-euro ($28 billion) package to support its strained health system while helping businesses and families. The countrys latest measures range from suspending tax payments to helping cover layoffs to mortgage relief, as a nationwide lockdown weighs on the already sluggish economy. Were trying to build a dam to protect workers and families, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said. This is a European challenge which has to involve collaboration, the premier said in an appeal for more coordination. In a series of public addresses Monday night, the leaders of countries from Finland to Germany sought to convince populations of the need for restrictions on their daily lives ranging from school and workplace closures to the shuttering of non-essential shops and services. Alongside efforts to prepare national populations for sacrifice, the European Union was battling to maintain cohesion as the crisis threatens to tear at the blocs bonds. We are at war, President Emmanuel Macron said in an address to the French people on Monday evening, making the case for national unity in the face of shared sacrifice. Hotels and taxis will be requisitioned for health workers, all proposed reforms, including his controversial pension overhaul, are to be halted, while the government will ensure that no business is allowed to fail. Bank loans will be guaranteed for companies and a solidarity fund created for workers affected by the fallout of the virus containment. Story continues Uneven efforts to stem the pace of infections have revived border checks between European Union member states and suspended the normal free flow of goods and people -- one of the key pillars of European integration. In a bid to coordinate efforts, the European Commission proposed a halt on travel to and from the bloc, while admitting the measure may have little real impact on the spread of the virus. In the social sphere, Macron announced a ban on all meetings in public spaces, calling for solidarity and responsibility after people had been seen congregating in parks, restaurants and bars, posing a risk to themselves and to others. Only necessary trips outside such as for grocery shopping or for physical exercise will be allowed, with sanctions on those who dont adhere to the rules, he said. The crisis will have major human, social, economic consequences, and France will need to adapt, Macron said. One thing is certain: the more we work together, and fast, the better we will overcome this challenge. Some key parts of Italys latest decree, which hasnt officially been published yet, include a new state-controlled company to take over bankrupt airline Alitalia, a 5 billion-euro package of loan guarantees and funds to avoid a credit crunch, funding for the stricken healthcare sector and reimbursement for childcare. The state will have the right to seize hotels or other buildings to use as temporary healthcare facilities. Finance Minister Roberto Gualtieri said a further economic stimulus package will be approved next month. La Stampa reported Tuesday that it could be worth as much as 30 billion euros. New Epicenter The lockdown that began in Italy has now extended to most of the rest of the continent, and markets continued their downward spiral on Tuesday after European stocks ended at their lowest level in seven years. Governments imposed a series of measures constricting Europes way of life that have been unseen in 75 years of peace time, reflecting the continents status as the new epicenter of the virus that first ravaged Asia. Germanys federal government agreed on guidance with the countrys 16 states that will see public life grind to a halt in Europes biggest economy. Closures include bars, clubs, theaters, cinemas, museums, trade fairs, gyms and swimming pools even brothels. Shops and services such as supermarkets, delivery services, banks and post offices are excluded. Gatherings in churches, mosques and synagogues will be stopped. Restaurants may stay open from 6am to 6pm; overnight stays for tourism will be halted. These are measures that weve never before seen in this country, and of course theyre drastic, Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a news conference in Berlin on Monday evening. But they are necessary right now to reduce the number of contacts. Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said the virus impacts could last through May. Germany on Tuesday issued a travel warning for the rest of the world and will spending 50 million euros to bring its citizens back home. Eastern Spat The closing of borders has already triggered a diplomatic spat. The EUs Baltic members -- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania -- sent diplomatic letters to Poland after hundreds of their citizens trying to travel home were stranded at the Polish-German border despite an earlier pledge by Warsaw to let them through. Negotiations continue for a fourth day, we are reaching out to the Poles on every possible front, said Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis. But theres no explanation. The Poles have likely decided to keep their country isolated. Read more: Halt Travel to Fight Coronavirus? The Pros and Cons: QuickTake To the south, Austrian TV reported queues of cars backed up for at least 10 kilometers (six miles) at the frontier with Hungary, recalling the long waits at border crossings that dominated before the EUs 11 ex-communist members started joining in 2004. Since midnight, Bulgarians and Romanians were denied entry to transit Hungary on their way home from other EU states. Most countries in the EUs eastern wing, a region thats home to more than 100 million people, imposed strict measures -- including demands that people avoid unnecessary forays in public, closing schools, social venues and businesses, and imposing limits on who can cross their borders -- last week. Historic Task Here are some of the other measures in Europe: Portugal and Spain announced that they would close their shared border and suspend all air and rail links to tourists. The border would remain open for the transport of goods.Finland began preparations to invoke emergency powers, allowing the government to close borders, schools and universities, and limit public gatherings to 10 people. It also unveiled 5 billion euros ($5.6 billion) worth of measures to help the economy.The Greek government announced that all shops will be closed from Wednesday except for essential services. Covid-19 cases in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus meanwhile rose to 46.In Switzerland, the government declared a national emergency and closed restaurants, fitness clubs and other public establishments. Travel from immediate neighbors Germany, France and Austria will also be limited to people commuting for work or who live in Switzerland, a rule already enacted for Italy.The Netherlands is adopting a stance similar to the U.K. by avoiding a total lockdown, drawing criticism for late closing of schools to prevent the spread. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, in a rare emergency address, said that it will take more than a year for the virus to run its course through the population and the economic consequences of complete isolation would be too great. The task we face is very large, Rutte said. The reality is that the coronavirus will be among us for some time. For more articles like this, please visit us at Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2020 Bloomberg L.P. Toorak Primary School will be closed for the next fortnight after a teacher tested positive to coronavirus. The Education and Health departments spent Tuesday tracking down people who may have been in contact with the teacher. Education Minister James Merlino. Credit:Luis Enrique Ascui Earlier in the day, Education Minister James Merlino said the school would shut down for 24 hours and that a decision about extending the closure or requiring more people from the school community to self-isolate will be made late on Tuesday or early Wednesday. The Health Department and Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton have since recommended the school be closed for a fortnight as a precaution. Gogoi too formidable to be ruffled by sickening behaviour of politicians trapped in political disarr TMC moves privilege motion against Justice Gogoi, says he is in contempt of Rajya Sabha Will reveal why I accepted after swearing-in: Former CJI Gogoi on RS nomination India oi-Deepika S New Delhi, Mar 17: Former Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi on Tuesday said he would soon reveal why he accepted the nomination to the Upper House. "I'll go to Delhi probably tomorrow. Let me first take the oath then I will speak in detail to the media that why I accepted this and why I am going to Rajya Sabha," Gogoi was quoted as saying by news agency ANI. "I have accepted it since I have a strong conviction that the legislative and the judiciary must at some point of time work together for nation-building. My presence in parliament will be an opportunity to project the views of the judiciary before the legislature and vice versa," he said. Do nominated members of Rajya Sabha have voting rights The appointment of former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha by President Ram Nath Kovind has raised many eyebrows, with several opposition parties, including Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and AIMIM, claiming that Gogoi's nomination to Upper House of Parliament was quid pro quo. AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi slammed the move, saying that it will have repurcussions of the move on independence of the judiciary. AAP MLA Raghav Chadha also raised question over Gogoi's appointment and said that it will set a bad precedent and cause huge loss to the independence of judiciary. Gogoi was nominated to the Rajya Sabha by President Kovind on Monday (March 16). The notification said, "In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (a) of clause (1) of Article 80 of the Constitution of India, read with clause (3) of that article, the President is pleased to nominate Shri Ranjan Gogoi to the Council of States to fill the vacancy caused due to the retirement of one of the nominated member." Ranjan Gogoi, who retired on November 17, 2019, served as the 46th Chief Justice of India from October 3, 2018, to November 17, 2019. Is Justice Gogoi the first former CJI to make it to the Rajya Sabha? Gogoi will be remembered for several historic decisions during his tenure, including key verdicts in highly-sensitive disputes like the Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi Babri Masjid title dispute case, the 'Entry of women to Sabarimala Temple', the Rafale deal and the Assam NRC dispute. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 16:56 [IST] OAKLAND (BCN) A Hayward resident was sentenced in federal court in Oakland Monday to four years in prison for acting as an agent of the People's Republic of China. Xuehua Peng, also known as Edward Peng, 56, acted as a courier by picking up digital memory cards hidden in hotel rooms in Newark, Oakland and Georgia and flying with them to Beijing on five occasions between 2015 and 2018, according to court documents. In four of the transactions, known as "dead drops," he left payments of $10,000 or $20,000 provided by China for the unnamed person who left the cards. The unnamed collaborator was actually a double agent working for both China and the United States. All of the transactions as well as a preliminary test run at a Newark hotel were surveilled and in some cases videotaped by the FBI, and the information on the cards was carefully chosen by the government, according to a criminal complaint filed in September. FBI agent Spiro Fokas wrote in the complaint, "At all times, the government carefully selected the classified information for the Source and were aware of the materials that the Source passed." Peng pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam in November to one count of acting as an agent for a foreign government without notifying the U.S. attorney general. He was sentenced by Gilliam, who also imposed a fine of $30,000, the amount that Peng admitted being paid by the Chinese government. The four-year sentence was agreed to by the prosecution and defense when Peng pleaded guilty. Defense attorney Edward Swanson wrote in a sentencing brief that Peng "deeply regrets his actions." Peng was raised in China and has degrees in mechanical engineering and traditional Chinese medicine. He migrated to the U.S. in 2000 and became a citizen in 2012, according to the brief. Peng admitted in his plea agreement that he was recruited by a Chinese official during a business trip to China in 2015, according to U.S. Attorney's Office spokesman Abraham Simmons. In several of the dead drops, Peng taped an envelope containing the $10,000 or $20,000 to the underside of a drawer in the hotel room. He then departed and left a key for the double agent at the front desk. Within a few hours, the agent would pick up the money and leave a memory card, which would then be retrieved by Peng, according to the complaint filed in September. Copyright 2020 by Bay City News, Inc. Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. First responders are trying minimize the spread of the coronavirus, and theyre now taking additional precautions. Ambulance services like Kunkel are completely sanitizing every piece of equipment after every call. Kunkel Ambulances Director Vinny Faraone says its just the first of many steps taken. "We sanitize in between patients you know, so people shouldnt be concerned. Again what the public needs to understand is we take this very serious because we want to protect ourselves also. By protecting ourselves, were protecting the public." Fire Departments in Utica and Rome are asking asking 911 callers who are experiencing flu-like symptoms to meet outside of their home or place of business when possible. First responders are sending the same amount of personnel to a scene, but if they can, only one person is making direct contact with a patient. Faraone says the screening process is becoming more intense as well. "Were sending the ambulance provider in communication with every receiving hospital, so the hospital can ask specific questions. Then hospitals will determine which door were going to use, and what procedures are going to be followed there." First responders will be wearing full body suits if there is a confirmed coronavirus case, but are now using face shields to protect from pathogens entering the eyes and nose. It may sound bad, but these are the people that are more likely to come into direct contact with an infected patient. "They just really need to not panic, be smart, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands, and avoid as much contact as you possibly can. If we suspect its any type of flu, were going to mask up at least. At minimal were going to mask up anyway, so as not to spread any germs. Were going to put a mask on patients, and patients should not be concerned." There are more and more people wearing masks in public, but there is a right way and a wrong way to wear a mask. The mask should fit fairly tight all the way around the face, with the blue side facing out if youre trying to protect YOURSELF from germs, and the white side facing out if youre trying to protect people FROM GETTING the germs. Esprit De Corps! To us humans, some things are so scary they cause mass departure of bowel content into nice clean britches. This scary corona thing is, indeed, scary. Dont ask me, just go to the store and try and buy some toilet paper. People are scared. Nobody knows anything. The concert industry, big time sports, schools, pretty soon big employers, restaurants, everything, all shutting down and milk and bread aint the first things to fly off the shelves this time around. Its toilet paper! This is nutty and crazy and as uncertain a time as I have ever seen. However, I pray I am correct in thinking its a mite overblown. Even before this virus thing, I knew people cant be counted on anymore these days for reasonable responses to scary stimuli. Look at the following Bernie Sanders has and tell me were okay. There was a time, though, that you could have blind faith in people who may not have even liked you. Your buds? They had your back to the bitter end. I have lived through many an uncertain time but I had a quality generation around me and this story is of those days. This would have been from the fall of 1972 through the spring of 1974. We were the final 7th grade class at Saints Peter and Paul and the first graduating class of All Saints Academy. Our school facility still stands and I had the opportunity to walk its halls about five years ago. The memories were palpable and fantastic and maddening and sad. The whole thing. Last weekend, I went camping with one of my old partners in crime and he reminded me of an incident that is an excellent reflection of how far the ability of human beings to cope has spiraled downhill since then. For me, the fall of 1972 was a very uncertain time. I went to Lookout Mountain Elementary School from kindygarten to the sixth grade. I made life long friends there, one who I still claim as my best friend today, and I was snug as a bug. But it all ended when it dawned on me that I would not be going to Baylor or McCallie and that all the girls I knew would be going to GPS. I would be different. Oh cry me a big river! you say but it was a big deal to this 12 year old. The building where I was going was old and dingy and none of the people there gave a gnat about how important I thought I ought to be. There were nuns. They could be pretty dang fierce. I was scared. I, raised in too close for flatulence proximity to 11 brothers and sisters and schooled in a tight, everybody knew everybody environ, would know not nary a single soul at Saint Peter and Paul. It was Saint, not Saints to us. Lets be clear there. My brothers and sisters went there too but I flunked kindergarten and there was a gap between me and Ann so there was a gap at Saint Pete and Paul too. I did not want to be there. Ann had gone on to Notre Dame and I had never been alone before. On my first day, Mickey Kwasnick and Fred Bowen laughed hysterically at my size 12 feet and too short bell-bottoms (floods) and my straight from the kitchen helmet haircut with bangs ala Mommy. I hated St. Peter and Paul before I got there and I hated it even more that first day. When I got home Mom said, in a diplomatic and sweet way as always, something to the effect of Get over it. You sound like a spoiled brat. I wasnt getting anywhere with her and I dang sure wasnt gonna take it up with the ole man. This was it. I better get used to it. Besides, Mom said you already know people who go there. She meant those rednecks from Fairyland. There actually were some kids from the Georgia side of Lookout (rednecks) who went to Saint Peter and Paul. I sort of watched from a distance for the first several weeks and I also got to know some other folks who werent from Lookout. I sort of started to relax a little and I got used to things and finally realized that if I didnt figure out how to fit in, I was missing out on a hell of a lot of laughing and cuttin up. So I greased myself in. Before too long, I was hangin with Skip Mills, John Adamson, Tommy Boone and Keven Davis from Lookout and Matthew Quinion Davis (Kevins cousin- he being from a place he described as Quinions Dominion) and Mike Wagner of Signal. And then there was my boy Merle Smith from St. Elmo. Other folks were known as Red Man (he was a proud communist), Hemlock Flash (never ever saw this dude in a bad mood and he had an exceptionally good-looking little sister), Danny (played a wicked Wild Blue Flower), Kawasaki James and many others. As it turned out, before Christmas I realized I was in a place called Heaven. I could not fathom going to school anywhere else in the world. I loved it. The old halls and dingy corners were my new home away from home. And then it all changed. It seems that money was running short in the Catholic coffers and it was decided by God Himself that Saint Peter and Paul, a some black but mostly pearly white school, would merge with Saint Francis which was a 100 percent black school. My eighth-grade career, I feared, would be as a minor member of a racial minority. Black people were coming! It would be dangerous! Everybody knows blacks kill whites! Im gonna die!!!! Then Fall of 73 rolled up and it wound up that pretty much everybody I knew from Saint Peter and Paul stayed on and went to what would be known as All Saints Academy in the old Notre Dame High School building. We white people were in no minority at all. Further, while there was a wall that took some time to dissolve (would you not be mad at whites if you were 13 and black in 1973?), it became most stupidly clear that these people were ordinary hormonal humans who happened to have brown skin. There were many more than I was used to but that sort of became a badge of honor. When white people asked me how I was able to stand it, it hurt my feelings. That was a brand new, hurtful, concept to me. I didnt say anything and I regret that. Thomas, Dexter, Lori, Cheryl, Susan, Lisa June, Felicia and more and more. We white boys convinced a super cool dude to be our heavy weight wrestler. Lamont Johnson. He was biiiig and he was attracted to our use of Duncan YoYo's. Very quickly on, he could could demonstrate a perfect round the house or walk the dog with a Duncan Butterfly. We decided he should be a yoyo instructor. He agreed. In his best British accent, he said We shall call it YoYoing with Lamunte and it shall be televised! While the tension remained past Christmas, it was pretty much gone after that. One time when we came back from some PE thing, I had a Coke and Dexter was sucking wind. I handed him my drink and he took a mighty pull and handed it back. Thanks man! he said while I finished it off. Totally out of fear, I would not have offered a year before. Wow. Dexter and company had become family and I recognized it: This was a very cool and special time in my life. It was around then that we were told to assemble in our home rooms before lunch and I had braces on my top and bottom teeth. Every tooth had a metal thing on it that caught every piece of corn, green bean, tuna fish or apple I ate. Mom was a considerate angel and she always spared the folks at Doctor Nichols office that filthy scene by scheduling my ortho appointments before lunch. Marsha Salter was from well north of the Mason Dixon and she was one tough cookie. She wasnt up there with the brutal nuns but she could definitely put the fear of God in you. She was our homeroom teacher and today she was late. As you can imagine, throw 30 or so hormonal kids into an unchaperoned classroom and it takes about 30 seconds for fireworks. She was five whole minutes late. Books, pencils, erasers, shoes, anything not bolted down became airborne. I and the boys from Fairyland started the whole thing. One of my chums was up by the door and I decided to get a chalk eraser and pack it up to the heavens with chalk dust for maximum effect and chuck it at him. I wound myself up hurled it with everything I had and as soon as I did so, he moved and the door opened and in walks Ms. Salter (pronounced Saltuh). My mind, body and soul screamed NOOOOOOOOOOO as the eraser in a perfect spiral slammed into her gut, spreading yellow chalk dust all over her Boston Yankee body. SIT DOWN! she bellowed. We did and you could hear a pin drop. WHO THREW THIS???!!!! Dead silence. Everybody in the room besides Ms. Salter knew who threw it. I was in full blown Quilted Northern mode. NOBODY LEAVES THIS ROOM UNTIL I KNOW WHO THREW THIS ERASER!!! She had picked it up and was holding it in her chalky yellow hand, glaring at us from chalky yellow glasses. Nobody moved. Dead silence. I finally raised my hand. She said Yes Glascock? I meekly said Miss Salter, I have a dentist appointment at 11:30 I need to get to. Can I go? Yes, Glascock, of course. You may go. I stood up and walked out, leaving my fate in the hands of the entire 8th grade class. Thirty or so people, any one of which could, and should, turn my lame self out to the dogs. I went to the ortho. They cleaned my teeth and tightened my braces and told me to floss more and wear my rubber bands more and use my night retainer more and all I could think of was what I was walking back to. I wouldnt be smacked in the side of the head by Father Pack because he was rightly retired off with Saint Peter and Paul but I knew for certain that my old man would hear about it and Id rather get smacked with a brick by Father Pack. Oh man. The Northern Quilted situation transformed from potential for rapid expulsion to full blown retention. Everything got sucked back deep into my interior. Everything. I began to choke on my netherlies. I approached the school quietly. I snuck past Sister Naomis office (she was the go go boots wearing principal) and eased down to the cafeteria where everybody was eating by now. I slid up to the Fairyland boys and they went berserk. Glascock! You lucky piece of @#$%! Nobody said a word! Nobody? I asked? Not a word! I was utterly dumbfounded. Like any normal person whod been full body plastered with chalk dust Ms. Salter yelled and accused and did her dead level best to get a confession. ADAMSON! No maam. MILLS! Uh, no. Not me. WAGNER! BOONE! KING! WARE! DAVIS!! "DAVIS!!!" She went down the list of probables and then went for the unlikelies. Even the girls. One by one. The entire class. Nobody said a word and everybody knew I did it. This went on for a whole hour. I could not believe my ears. It was the most divine display of brother/sisterhood you could ever imagine after only seven or so months when both sides were afraid they were gonna get killed by each other. How outstanding is that? I really do wish Id had the character to personally thank each and every one of my class mates; the first graduating class of All Saints Academy. Many, many years later, John went to see Ms. Salter whod fallen ill. I am positive she was elated to see him. Really. He has charm, even when you want to smack him. If you are sick, this is the dude to cheer you up. Anyway, he goes to visit and they small talk about the old days and where everybody wound up and all. Then, in the waning moments of the conversation, John says Ms. Salter? It was Glascock. Without batting an eye, she immediately knew what he was talking about. She said AH GEEEZE! Glascock? Really? All these years I just knew it was Matt Davis! BlahHaaah!!!! One thing is for dang sure. None of my folks from the first graduating class of All Saints Academy have been hoarding toilet paper for this corona thing or any other crisis. By golly! Theyve got back bone! Character! Ill go to the front with em! Every dang one of em! Hail SAINTS! ALL SAINTS FOREVER! Savage Glascock A homeless encampment under the 110 Freeway. (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times) The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to temporarily stop enforcing a law requiring tents to come down during daytime hours, saying the change is needed to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Councilmen Mike Bonin, Marqueece Harris-Dawson and Gil Cedillo said the city must "urgently reevaluate" its policies for dealing with homeless encampments, given the virus threat. By ensuring homeless Angelenos can remain in their tents, the city will reduce their chances of being around others and contracting the virus, said Bonin, who represents coastal neighborhoods. "The only thing that is worse than having lots of people living in encampments is throwing them out of encampments and making them more vulnerable," he said. Council members also voted to instruct city agencies to begin providing hand-washing stations, portable toilets, dumpsters, vermin-proof trash cans and weekly shower service at "major" homeless encampments. But they rejected a plan to stop confiscating the belongings of homeless Angelenos that exceed 60 gallons. Bonin, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson and Councilman Herb Wesson favored such a move. The council's other 11 members, led by Councilman Joe Buscaino, voted to continue confiscating such items. "There are tons of trash in and around different parts of the city of Los Angeles that I am very concerned about," said Buscaino, who represents a Watts-to-San Pedro district. "That is adding to filth and disease." One business leader expressed relief that the council rejected the plan to stop confiscating belongings, saying such a move would have increased the spread of rats and disease in homeless encampments. "We cannot make this health emergency any worse by allowing this accumulation to grow even larger," said Estela Lopez, executive director of the Central City East Assn., a downtown business group. Los Angeles has about 36,000 homeless people, more than 27,000 of them unsheltered, according to the the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. Story continues Under the city's current laws, tents on sidewalks and in other public areas must come down between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. In many parts of the city, the rule is not vigorously enforced. Homeless advocates described the council's decision to keep tents and encampments in place throughout the day as a much-needed health and safety measure. "The worst thing we can do is push people outside" of their tents, said Mel Tillekeratne, main organizer for the #SheDoes movement, which advocates for shelter for homeless women. "This is giving them a space to stay, rather than moving around in the community." Tuesday's action still preserves the city's authority to require homeless residents to move their tents so that sanitation crews can clean sidewalks and remove hazardous materials, said Bonin spokesman David Graham-Caso. The tent proposal was one of several emergency measures discussed at Tuesday's council meeting, the first since City Hall was closed to the public in an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Council members also voted to impose new measures to shield tenants from evictions and seek new protections for workers at Los Angeles International Airport and elsewhere. County officials have not identified any cases of COVID-19 among the homeless population so far, said Heidi Marston, interim executive director of the homeless services authority. When that happens, emergency management officials plan to have motels, hotels and other sites where they can be placed in isolation, she said. Public health officials have also advised that homeless residents who are living in tents should be allowed to "shelter in place" in the coming weeks, Marston said. "Obviously, if they want to go to a shelter we will facilitate that too," she said. "But they should not, in those circumstances, be told to take their tent down, especially if they're wanting to stay there, or exhibiting symptoms [where] they would need to have that tent remain up." Councilman Bob Blumenfield, who represents the west San Fernando Valley, told Marston he is "extremely nervous" about that approach. Someone sheltering in place in an encampment is a recipe for the entire encampment to come down with the virus," he said. The proposal backed by the council would still require removal of tents that are within 10 feet of an operable driveway or if they block access for wheelchair users. It would also instruct city agencies to begin providing 24-hour access to restrooms at city libraries, parks, recreation centers and other public facilities. The city will receive a report on the costs of providing those bathrooms and adding more services at encampments later this month, Graham-Caso said. Theo Henderson, who lives in a park in Chinatown, said the move to allow tents to stay up during the day should continue even after the threat from COVID-19 has subsided. Allowing unhoused residents to maintain their tents, he said, would protect them against other health threats. Homeless people "are not just 18-to-24-year-olds with perfect health," said Henderson, who hosts the podcast "We The Unhoused." YEREVAN. The increase in the price of alcohol in Armenia is due to a change in tax legislation because there is a concept of "minimum price for alcohol" that has changed. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this on Facebook live Tuesday. "The price increase is solely related to that, and there has been no price change before and after the coronavirus," he added. Secondly, I was reported that there was no change in the prices of alcogels before and after the coronavirus. There is a price change related to groceries (); this is related to the fact that people are making panicky purchases. It has already been said that stores, chains do not have any shortage of goods in warehouses. I am told that the sales at large supermarket chains have grown by an average of 30-40%, whereas decreased in small kiosks. I want to urge you not to forget about small and medium-sized businesses. SIOUX CITY -- Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on Tuesday declared a statewide public health disaster emergency effective at noon that included limiting gatherings to 10 people and closing bars, restaurants, casinos and other businesses in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Reynolds said she took the extraordinary action in activating the public health response and recovery aspects of the state disaster emergency plan to slow the community spread of the virus that already has triggered 23 confirmed cases and likely will grow in the future. The governor said her order takes significant steps to require social distancing and limit community spread of the virus by implementing temporary measures including moving restaurants to drive-through, carryout and delivery only and closures of certain entities such as bars and recreational facilities. In Sioux City, scores of businesses were forced to quickly comply with the governor's order, which took effect at noon on St. Patrick's Day, ordinarily a busy time for many bars and restaurants. For Mac Dolan, the timing couldn't have been worse. Dolan is a founder of Sioux City's St. Patrick's Day parade, which was canceled last week due to coroavirus worries. Now, Dolan said he will be forced to close all four of his bars -- Work & Church, Crash Boom Bang Whiskey Hole, Martys Tap and Teasers Gentlemens Club -- and lay off all 70 of his employees. We are closed for business, Dolan said Tuesday. "Thats not because we want to be. Its because we were ordered to close by the government... "Im still in shock. I dont know what else to say. The order, which took effect at noon Tuesday, imposes restrictions on gatherings larger than 10 people, restaurants, bars, fitness centers, adult day cares and casinos end March 31 unless changed, The overall health emergency remains in effect until 11:59 p.m. April 16, unless the governor terminates or extends the provisions. Under the order, all restaurants and bars are closed to the public, but food and beverages may be sold on a carryout or drive-through basis if they are promptly taken from the premises or are delivered to customers off the premises. But that was little solace to bar owners like Dolan, who sell little or any food. Other businesses closed by the governors order included all casinos, fitness centers, health clubs, health spas, gyms and aquatic centers; all theaters or other performance venues at which live performances or movies are shown. The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sioux City shut down its 45,000-square-foot casino at noon Tuesday. "The temporary closure of our casino is the best thing to do for our team members and guests," Hard Rock general manager Doug Fisher said in a statement. "Fortunately, we have not yet had any COVID-19 cases at the facility, though we feel it is important to take preventive steps to limit the risks of community spread." The Hard Rock had announced Monday the casino would remain open, with more social distancing measures, but the hotel would temporarily close Tuesday. WinnaVegas Casino, owned and operated by the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska on reservation land near Sloan, Iowa, shut down Tuesday for a minimum of two weeks. "Weve been planning ahead in the event this happened, WinnaVegas general manager Mayan Beltran said in a statement. "Our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our staff, casino patrons, and hotel guests. Since the outbreak occurred, weve been diligent about cleaning and sterilizing the property above and beyond our normal cleaning protocol." Grand Falls Casino Golf Resort announced the closure of the rural Lyon County venue on Monday, with the shutdown expected to last until at least March 31. Reynolds' proclamation also allows state agencies additional flexibility in responding to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, and supports the critical work of public health, the governor said in a news release. These are unprecedented times and the state of Iowa will do whatever is necessary to address this public health disaster, she said. I have authorized all available state resources, supplies, equipment and materials to combat the spread of COVID-19, said Reynolds. The actions taken today are necessary to protect the health and safety of all Iowans and are critical to mitigating the spread of the virus. Other impacted businesses include fitness centers, health clubs, health spas, gyms and aquatic center. Prior to the governor's announcement, AMC at Southern Hills Mall and Promenade Cinema 14 in downtown Sioux City announced plans to close their movie theaters. Some restaurants, including fast-food chains like McDonald's, had already started to limit sales to carryout and drive-thru. Other restaurants and bars will do the same as a result of Reynolds' order. Marto Brewing Co., which has been open for less than a year on Fourth Street, rapidly changed the eat-in restaurant and sit-down taproom into a takeout place offering both food and craft beer growlers to customers on the go. "Weve been telling customers that they can still order food online for pickup, owner Erik Martin said, a couple of hours after Reynolds' issued the order. We are also looking into delivering our food as well. In Nebraska, Gov. Pete Ricketts on Monday announced public events and gatherings statewide will be limited to 10 people or fewer to prevent or control the spread of the coronavirus. Ricketts said businesses can stay open and the crowd limit does not include grocery stores. In coming days, he said, restaurants may be limited to takeout service. In South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem said Monday she would not be calling for the closure of restaurants or bars in the state. The Journal's Dave Dreeszen and Earl Horlyk and the Lincoln Journal Star's Don Walton contributed to this story. Concerned about COVID-19? Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. When Matt Hancock announced over the weekend that everyone over 70 in the UK would soon be asked to stay at home in order to protect themselves from the risk of contracting coronavirus, many of the 12 million people in this age group were taken aback. The Health Secretary said they would need to self-isolate at home for up to four months, acknowledging that it was a very big ask but saying it was part of the governments action plan because it would be necessary to protect them. His terminology caused some confusion, leading Scottish officials to stress that elderly people would not be asked to avoid all contact with other people, but rather reduce social contact. But whether it is termed self-isolation or reduced contact with others, the coronavirus outbreak looks set to affect this group in particular, and many over-70s are concerned about the governments approach and the mixed messages they say are being transmitted from ministers. Professor Karol Sikora, a physician specialising in oncology who is in is 70s, said communication from the government on the issue had been appalling and accused ministers of playing it by ear. Its not the age thats the cut-off, its the medical vulnerability of someone. People with lung problems, cardiac failure, diabetes, obesity, smokers, these are the people who are most vulnerable. Vulnerable people should avoid crowds, but there should be no age cut-off, he said. The government strategy and their advice had been great until now, but its beginning to fall apart. This has not been thought through. They want to be seen to be doing something, but its not evidence based. Asked about the impact such a measure would have on people over 70, including himself, Professor Sikora said: Ill go bonkers if I have to sit in my house for four months. My wife is 69 so until December she can go out with the dog but I cant. This is not logical. Social isolation is a problem among our population in Britain. Many are already quite isolated. This would destroy their existing social network, which may be the pub, the shops, a lunch club. It would destroy all that completely and they would become more isolated. Its not worth it and its unenforceable. Gay Harper, 78, who lives in Hammersmith and suffers from bronchiectasis, a lung condition, said she agreed that it was right for vulnerable older people like her to self-isolate, but accused the government of sending out too many mixed messages. Gay Harper, 78, says the government should have been clearer on its plans before announcing that over-70s may be required to self-isolate (Gay Harper) They shouldnt have made that announcement until they were absolutely clear what they meant by it. It read as though you would basically be locked in your flat. They should have been able to say exactly what it meant, given some guidelines, she said. Ms Harper, who has a large family whom she is in regular contact with, added: Im lucky, because Ive got a nice flat which I like being in. Ive got social media and lots of family to FaceTime with. Im well stocked on food and things. I worry for those who dont have this. She went on to express optimism at the efforts that have been shown within communities to reach out to older and more vulnerable people, saying: I think that the initiatives to look after people who might be in lock-down or are scared to go out are fantastic. It makes me think yes, there will be people who are vulnerable and scared and lonely and feel isolated, but hopefully the community will look after these people. Dee Tidman, 76, who lives with her husband Roger, 75, in Stourbridge in the West Midlands, said she was struggling to come to terms with the fact that she would have to stop taking part in many social activities she enjoys on a regular basis. Im a very sociable person. I do something every day. My husband and I go ballroom dancing; I go line dancing with friends. Im certainly going to miss that. But I am socially distancing already, she said. I didnt take it seriously until the middle of last week when someone died in our local hospital. Thats when I started to feel a bit scared. Things are changing so rapidly. Were all blind to whats going to happen." Dee Tidman, 76, said she was already reducing her regular social activities (Dee Tidman) Ms Tidman said over-70s who are still working, such as Mr Tidman, may be the ones that find it most difficult if the self-isolation measures are introduced: "My husband is still working full-time as an accountant, so itll hit him probably even more than me because his work keeps him going." Jan Shortt, general secretary at the National Pensioners Convention, said the organisation had received feedback from many older people concerned about the possibility of the government recommending wide-scale self-isolation for those over 70. She argued that any long period of isolation would inevitably lead to a downward trend in an older persons physical, mental and emotional health, and said resources must be in place to deal with such outcomes. There are already those older people living in isolation without family or anyone else to check that they are well and help them if they are not. Others with long-term health conditions are being excluded from their GPs because they have been told to book an appointment online, said Ms Shortt. There is a dilemma regarding the older generation and a balance to be had in the advice given about over 70-year-olds being in isolation for a long period of time. We believe older people are better placed to know their own health needs and will take decisions based on their personal situation. The government need a strategy that puts money into the heart of communities (like local councils, local GPs, hospitals, clinics) to monitor those over 75 and ensure that their daily needs are met. Professor Robert Dingwall, professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University, who is a member of two of the expert groups that are advising the UK government on its coronavirus response, said the message needed an "injection of common sense". He continued: "If you have a dog, take it out for walks but dont stop to hang out with other dog walkers. If you usually walk down to the local convenience store, keep doing that just pick a quiet time to do it. "Maybe the supermarkets could be asked to set aside a morning each week or a couple of hours every day when their shelves will be fully stocked and entrance restricted to over 70s and necessary companions. We do not need draconian and potentially inhumane interventions to achieve most of the collective goals here, just to consider some fairly basic social and behavioural science questions. Trusting individuals to make their own risk assessments and devise their own solutions is likely to achieve much more than arbitrary and confrontational exercises of state power. Self-isolation must not turn into self-imprisonment. Update (9:10 p.m. EDT): The Deal of the Day discount for each product has concluded. A trip to the gym wont be possible for the foreseeable future for anyone living in New Jersey, New York or Connecticut thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Gov. Phil Murphy, along with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamon, announced Monday morning that all gyms as well as casinos, bars, restaurants and movie theaters will be closed until further notice" beginning at 8 p.m. on Monday night. LATEST CORONAVIRUS UPDATES FROM NJ.COM Luckily for residents of the tri-state area, Amazon has a couple Deals of the Day. that can help fill your workout quota. First, theres the Bowflex Home Gym Series, a machine that allows users to exercise just about every muscle in the body. Originally priced at $700, it has been discounted 30% to $490. Then, theres the Schwinn Upright Bike Series, which is also 30% off and now costs $350. The exercise bike has some customizable features and tracking options that should do the trick if you need to get those workouts in while at home without breaking the bank. If you dont need an all-in-one machine and just need specifics, heres a guide to purchasing equipment for a home gym while stuck at home because of the coronavirus pandemic. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. Sign up for text message alerts from on coronavirus in New Jersey: Brian Fonseca may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @briannnnf. Find on Facebook. Airports in Cyprus will block the majority of direct passenger flights arriving on the Mediterranean holiday island starting from Saturday, the health ministry said as it battles the novel coronavirus. For two weeks starting 3 am Cyprus time (0100 GMT) on Saturday, "flights to Larnaca and Paphos Airports are prohibited" from 28 countries, apart from cargo flights, said Minister of Health Constantinos Ioannou on Tuesday. The countries listed include the United Kingdom and Greece. The government said it would charter flights to repatriate Cypriots stranded in the UK and Greece. The Mediterranean holiday island's toll of registered COVID-19 cases rose by four to 56 on Tuesday -- 49 in the Republic of Cyprus and seven in the breakaway Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Cyprus is divided between EU member the Republic of Cyprus and the northern third controlled by the TRNC, recognised only by Ankara. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) PHOENIX - On Wednesday evening, a day after Sen. Bernie Sanders lost four states including Michigan in what he acknowledged was a setback for his presidential campaign, about 75 people squeezed into a sparsely furnished former co-working space to do what they could to keep his candidacy alive. "Who here thinks we can actually win?" a Sanders staffer called out, as the room erupted in loud whoops and applause. "Just wanting that to happen isn't enough. We actually have to make this happen with our hands." Already, Sanders supporters had knocked on thousands of doors around Arizona, and in the coming days, they would have to knock on thousands more, the staffer said, a show of force to prove that the race wasn't over. The campaign had just opened five new offices that day, including this one, where supporters could gather to phone bank and work to get voters out to the polls. "Every single minute that you spend doing those things is going to be critical to us winning this primary," he said. The mood was jubilant, the crowd revved up by a series of speakers who called on them to rise to the moment. "I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!" the group chanted, as Sanders aides signed up volunteers for canvassing shifts and trained them on the campaign's organizing app. On the wall hung a few handmade signs that seemed more cheerful than ominous: "WASH YOUR HANDS PLEASE," the phrase cast against cartoonish soap bubbles. No one in the room anticipated what happened next. A little over 24 hours later, the office was empty and dark, the shades drawn on a presidential campaign that was still technically going, but over in the most traditional sense. Amid growing cases of coronavirus, Sanders, I-Vt., and former vice president Joe Biden had ordered their staffs and volunteers across the country to shutter field offices and end all in-person campaigning to curb the rapid spread of the illness. In downtown Phoenix, the only reminder of that Sanders gathering on Wednesday was a single "Bernie" sign left waving in a flowerbed in front of the building. And thus began the most surreal week of the presidential campaign - but especially in Arizona, a likely battleground state where Democrats have invested heavily to turn out Latino and Native American voters and appeal to suburban women unhappy with President Donald Trump in hopes of turning the state blue. The past few days were supposed to busy with campaign events - the biggest of all being Sunday's debate, with Biden and Sanders set to face off at a theater in downtown Phoenix. But that was moved to CNN's studio in Washington amid health concerns, scuttling planned debate parties and Democratic rallies in what would have been the center of the political universe for at least a day. The developments left the final days before the primary eerily absent of the campaign. On local television, the race continued - with dueling ads from the Biden and Sanders camps playing almost nonstop. But there were no candidates, no campaign surrogates, staffers or volunteers visible on the ground, even as life in the state largely continued as normal. Though stores were wiped out of basic essentials such as hand sanitizer, toilet paper and canned goods, just as they were in other states, residents and visitors hardly changed their routines. Bars and restaurants were packed; malls and stores busy. Only Monday did crowds begin to thin out, apparently adhering to state and federal officials who advised Americans to socially distance from one another. What all of this means for the campaign is still unknown. The Sanders team, which had planned dozens of local events around the state in recent days, moved everything online, including a debate watch party it planned for local supporters. Instead of gathering around a television in the Phoenix office, supporters joined a chat. It also moved all of its organizing online - not only in Arizona but across the country, sending supporters to the official BERN app, where they could text and email voters, and to a campaign dialer, connecting volunteers to voters in upcoming primary states. "These are unprecedented times. We're all trying to do organizing in a way, in a time when we're not allowed to have face-to-face conversations," Misty Rebik, the national director of organizing for the Sanders campaign, told supporters in a conference call Saturday. "I don't know that that's truly been done . . . but we are ready for it. We have been gearing up for this moment . . . even though we could not have foreseen that this was going to be coming in our direction." Perhaps the biggest mystery of all: What will voting look like in the age of coronavirus? Amid growing concerns about the effect of the virus on the elderly, which make up a huge part of the population in greater Phoenix, local election officials shuttered planned voting sites at senior centers. And over the weekend, they scrambled again after state officials closed public school districts across the state, closing off access to school buildings that had been set to host polling locations. Arizona officials pushed back against growing calls to delay the primary, including from Sanders supporters. They urged Democrats to cast their ballots early, pointing them toward emergency voting sites that opened Monday. Among them was Faith Lutheran Church on Camelback Road in central Phoenix, a church that had canceled its services indefinitely amid growing concern about a viral outbreak here, but opened its doors to voters anyway. And on Monday, voters streamed in one-by-one, casting their ballots at what many described as a strange moment in democracy and for the country. Some were unsure whether to be worried about coronavirus; others said they worried that a severe outbreak was destined to happen, even as Arizona had largely escaped the brunt of cases so far. Almost all wondered what this would mean for voter turnout and expanding the electorate in an election where Democrats want to activate more voters. "The odd thing that strikes me is the fact that most of the people who are downplaying the virus tend to be on the right, and most of the people who are playing it up on the opposite side," said Tiffany Kucifer, a 49-year-old nurse from Phoenix. "It makes me wonder if there will be fewer left voters because of health concerns or how much this will sway things and how this will impact turnout in the long term." Kucifer, who voted for Biden, acknowledged what she described as an "unusual moment" facing the country. As a nurse, she said she was "concerned" about the virus but was trying not to be driven by fear. She had always planned to vote early and wasn't doing it to avoid the effect of coronavirus. But arriving to drop off her early ballot on Monday, she acknowledged being more conscious about what she was touching, starting from when she had to turn the handle to open the door to enter the poll site to placing her ballot inside the box. "They had hand sanitizer right there, but then you turned around and had to try to open the door to get out," she said. When someone else opened the door to enter, she caught it with her foot, nudging it open and using her elbow to keep it open for the man behind her. "I'm acutely aware of touching stuff all the time. . . . But it also occurs to me that you can't not touch stuff," Kucifer said. As she spoke to a reporter, she stood several feet away, practicing social distancing as much as she could. She was hoping that Arizona would miss the brunt of the virus, but as a medical professional, she knew the cases would soon likely increase as they had in other parts of the country. The night before, she had ordered her husband to stay away from a poker game with his friends. She wondered whether she was being too dramatic or whether she wasn't being dramatic enough. The last few days had been so unusual. "It's going to be interesting to see what happens," Kucifer said. "We're in for a ride." DUBLIN, March 17, 2020 The "Advanced Materials Market Outlook & Projections, 2019-2027 (Updated)" report has been added to's offering. The global advanced materials market is anticipated to record a CAGR of 3.65% over the forecast period, i.e. 2018-2027. Factors such as increasing research and development activities for advanced materials, followed by growing automobile industry and wide scale application of advanced materials in end user industries are anticipated to promote significantly towards the growth of the global advanced materials market. According to the statistics by the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA), Greater China, Europe and North America registered the highest production of motor vehicles in the year 2016 with value of 28,413 thousand units, 22,090 thousand units and 18,299 thousand units respectively. The advanced materials market consists of various segments that are segmented by product, end user and by region. The product segment is sub-divided into structural material, functional material and emerging material. Out of these, the structural material segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.72% over the forecast period. On the basis of end user, the buildings and construction segment is anticipated to hold the biggest market share and reach a CAGR of 2.47% during the forecast period, on account of construction of large number of buildings taking place in various regions across the globe. Based on region, the global advanced materials market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. The market in North America is estimated to witness the highest CAGR of 4.74% over the forecast period, on account of factors such as automobile and aerospace industry witnessing significant growth in the region, apart from undergoing faster expansion over the past few years. Additionally, advanced technologies are being adopted on a larger scale, including abundant mineral resources present in the region that are helping drive the demand for advanced materials in the region. The market in Asia-Pacific region had accounted for 59.1% of the market share in the year 2017 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.22% over the forecast period, with several industries being set up, in addition to growth in manufacturing activities being witnessed in the region. Moreover, the rapid rate at which urbanization had been affecting the region as well as industrialization taking place in Asian nations such as China and India are all anticipated to boost the growth of the market in the next decade. Some of the key industry leaders in the global advanced materials market are Morgan Advanced Materials, Huntsman Corporation, Hexcel Corporation, Hanwha Advanced Materials, Perpetuus Advanced Materials, Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd., Tata Advanced Materials Ltd., 3M Company, Wolverine Advanced Materials and DowDuPont Inc. Key Topics Covered Global Advanced Materials Market 1. Introduction 1.1. Market Definition 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Product Overview 2. Assumptions And Acronyms 3. Research Methodology 3.1. Research Process 3.2. Secondary Research 3.3. Primary Research 3.4. Market Size Estimation 4. Executive Summary - Global Advanced Materials Market 5. Recent Developments In Global Advanced Materials Market 6. Market Dynamics 6.1. Drivers 6.2. Restraints 6.3. Trends 6.4. Opportunities 7. Industry Risk Analysis 7.1. Demand Risk Analysis 7.2. Supply Risk Analysis 8. Market Size & Segment Analysis 8.1. Global Market Size And Forecast, 2017-2027 8.2. Global Advanced Materials Market Segmentation, 2017-2027 8.2.1. By Regions North America Advanced Materials Market, 2017-2027F (Usd Million, Million Tonnes) Europe Advanced Materials Market, 2017-2027F (Usd Million, Million Tonnes) Asia-Pacific Advanced Materials Market, 2017-2027F (Usd Million, Million Tonnes) Latin America Advanced Materials Market, 2017-2027F (Usd Million, Million Tonnes) Middle East & Africa Advanced Materials Market, 2017-2027F (Usd Million, Million Tonnes) Companies Mentioned Morgan Advanced Material Huntsman Hexcel Corp. Hanwha Advanced Materials Perpetuus Advanced Materials Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. & Co. Ltd. Tata Advanced Materials Ltd. 3M Company Company Wolverine DowDuPont For more information about this report visit Research and Markets also offers Custom Research services providing focused, comprehensive and tailored research. Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected] For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 SOURCE Research and Markets Related Links A 23-year-old man who allegedly snatched the gold chain of a 40-year-old woman near Sion last week, was arrested from Mumbais Mankhurd locality after a four-day probe, police said Tuesday. The accused who was released on bail three months ago in a similar case, had earlier been booked in around 20 cases of snatchings across Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, police said. Police said they had launched a probe after a woman named Sunita Hindurao Patil. lodged a complaint on March 11 that she was robbed while she was she was waiting in front of her sons school in Wadala. The accused came near her on a motorcycle and snatched the gold chain she was wearing. He fled from the spot with the chain which is worth 30,000. Patil then approached the police station at Wadala Truck Terminal and registered a complaint, said Vidyasagar Kalkundre,senior police inspector, Wadala TT police station. During the investigation, assistant police inspector Bhaskar Jadhav and his team members scanned CCTV footage in the vicinity of the crime scene. With the help of technical evidence and local informants we traced the accused to Cheeta Camp near Mankhurd. We arrested him on Sunday and recovered the gold chain. He is in police custody for four days, said Jadhav. Police said the accused identified as Shoeb Abdul Mateen Shaikh, has been a habitual chain snatcher from his childhood. He has around 20 cases against him across Mumbai including Govandi, Jogeshwari, Navi Mumbai and Thame area. He was release three months ago in a case registered with Vashi police station. He spent the money from the robberies on drugs and lavish life, the police officer said. Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan will brief President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday evening regarding the government's preparedness to contain coronavirus (COVID-19). The meeting is scheduled to take place at 6 pm. Dr Vardhan on Sunday reviewed the status, actions taken by States, UTs, and their preparedness regarding prevention, containment, and management of COVID-19. Meanwhile, with a total of 11 fresh cases, the number of coronavirus cases in India rose to 125 on Tuesday, the Union health ministry said. Today's tally includes 22 foreign nationals in the country. The country's highest tally of 36 cases is reported from Maharashtra which includes three foreign nationals. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Airlines worldwide face an unprecedented existential threat as the coronavirus shuts down global travel, leaving governments with controversial and costly decisions about which carriers to bail out. A toxic mix of fear, crippling travel bans and investor panic have pummelled the sector, with demand collapsing and carriers cutting flight capacity by up to 90 percent. One troubled airline, Britain's Flybe, has already gone to the wall and market analysts believe many more could follow. "By the end of May 2020, most airlines in the world will be bankrupt," market intelligence firm CAPA has warned. Even before US President Donald Trump effectively barred trans-Atlantic travel, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimated the crisis would cost the industry $113 billion, or nearly 20 percent of its revenue this year. The true figure now looks like being much higher. Brendan Sobie, an independent aviation analyst based in Singapore, said the global situation was "unprecedented". "You can compare it to things like SARS or the global financial crisis, but I think it goes beyond that. No one really knows how long it will last and what the full impact will be." Airlines are now sprinting to slash costs and bolster company war chests where possible -- laying off staff, cutting routes, renegotiating deals with suppliers and flying smaller, cheaper-to-run planes. Australian carrier Qantas has cut international flight capacity by 90 percent and domestic routes by 60 percent. Similarly, British Airways is slashing capacity by 75 percent. Meanwhile, Dutch national airline KLM plans to cut up to 2,000 jobs, the CEO of Delta Air Lines has seen his salary cut to zero, and Lufthansa suspended dividends. In an internal memo, Malaysia Airlines admitted the company was already in a "critical situation" and urged staff to take voluntary unpaid leave. "Many airlines are now at risk of going bankrupt and Malaysia Airlines is no different," chief financial officer Boo Hui Yee wrote. Against this bleak backdrop, previously hushed whispers about government bailouts have become panicked screams for help. British airlines are said to have asked the government for more than $9 billion in support. Trade group Airlines for America has called for a $50 billion bailout, more than triple the aid provided after the 9/11 attacks. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the sector would come "top of the list" for relief. But such substantial government help could prove deeply unpopular. Many taxpayers are still bitter about Wall Street bailouts during the 2008 global financial crisis and a perceived "heads I win, tails you lose" corporate culture. "The biggest US airlines spent 96 percent of free cash flow over the last decade to buy back shares of their own stock in order to boost executive bonuses and please wealthy investors," complained former US labour secretary Robert Reich. "Now, they expect taxpayers to bail them out to the tune of $50 billion. It's the same old story." Airlines are already under the spotlight over their carbon emissions and sustainability. And after years of shrinking legroom and charging for blankets, they frequently rank among consumers' most hated companies. With major western economies heading for recession, governments may also struggle to triage requests for assistance. "Airlines might be at the top of the list for directed fiscal help, but virtually every global industry is facing pressure without a government bailout," said Stephen Innes, a strategist at AxiCorp. These companies are normally considered a vital strategic asset, underpinning tourism, trade, business contacts and large manufacturers such as Boeing, Airbus or Rolls-Royce. In countries like Australia or South Africa -- which has repeatedly bailed out South African Airways -- flagship carriers are also seen as national champions, promoting the country in the world. Repeated calls for rules to be loosened to encourage transborder mergers have been rebuffed on the grounds that foreign firms should not own such sensitive assets. Airlines and airports are also large employers, accounting for around four million jobs worldwide and many tens of millions more in associated industries. Staff have already taken a hit with reduced hours and the threat of job cuts. One Cathay Dragon flight attendant based in Hong Kong, who asked not to be named, told AFP he had not been on duty since February 6 and faced another couple of weeks off at the very least. He has lost 60 to 70 percent of his normal monthly income and is relying on savings, in one of the world's most expensive cities. For consumers, there could be big changes in store when the coronavirus restrictions lift. For the brave, there are some deals to be had for now, but in the longer term "airfares may rise as airlines try to recoup losses", according to Endau Analytics analyst Shukor Yusof. A rash of market consolidation and mergers could reduce competition and put upward pressure on prices. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Representatives of the corporate sector have agreed to let their employees work from home in view of the novel coronavirus outbreak, Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said here on Tuesday. The representatives also agreed to hold virtual meetings instead of in-person interaction and will spread awareness towards combating the disease, Tope said. The minister made the remarks after holding a meeting with 20-25 representatives of the sector here. "The corporate sector representatives with big heart accepted to go for work from home. They agreed for holding virtual meetings," he told reporters after the meeting. Tope said the companies have agreed to shut down their non-essential units where it is possible. "The non-essential units, however, cannot be shut down," he said. The corporate players have also agreed to help the government in information campaign to educate people on combating the coronavirus, Tope said. "They are also ready to help in providing masks, sanitisers and 80 vital medicines," he added. At 39, Maharashtra reported the maximum number of COVID-19 cases in the country, as on Monday. A 64-year-old man from Mumbai is suspected to have died of novel coronavirus on Tuesday. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The United Kingdoms Foreign Office (FCO) has updated its Travel Advice to advise against all but essential travel to Spain, following the restrictions put in place by the Spanish government in response to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. On March 14, the Spanish government introduced a State of Emergency, which imposes significant restrictions on movement throughout Spain in response to the coronavirus outbreak, the British Embassy in Spain said via a press release. We keep our travel advice under constant review and recommend that British nationals sign up for alerts, so they know when it has been updated. Anyone with upcoming journeys planned, should check with their airlines and tour operators for the latest information. Wherever you are in Spain you should follow the instructions of the local authorities. The British Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott, recorded a video message for UK nationals explaining the implications of the state of alarm for both residents and tourists. He also had a message of gratitude. A big thank you to the Spanish authorities, in particular the healthcare professionals, for all the great work they are doing to help keep everyone in Spain of all nationalities safe, in circumstances that are very challenging indeed. On Saturday British airline Jet2 announced that it was cancelling all flights to mainland Spain, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands with immediate effect. The health and safety of our customers is the number one priority, and we would like to thank our customers for their understanding, a statement from the company read. According to flight-tracking website Flightradar24, several Jet2 flights bound for Spain were turned around midair on Saturday, and returned to the UK. Spain is the latest authority to impose flight restrictions. Were flying a full Spanish schedule on 15th & 16th March to help get people home but unfortunately will need to cancel flights from 17th onwards. For more info, please visit easyJet (@easyJet) March 14, 2020 Meanwhile, Irish budget airline Rynair contacted its customers on Saturday offering to waive flight-change fees for passengers who have upcoming flights in areas that are being affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Airline easyJet announced via Twitter late on Saturday night that it would be flying a full schedule to Spain on March 15 and 16 to help get people home, but that it would have to cancel flights from March 17 onward. The airline recommended that customers head to its website for the latest information. A San Antonio man received the Carnegie Medal, the highest honor for civilian heroism in the United States, for rescuing a woman from a burning vehicle. Sgt. Kenneth Hamilton, an off-duty St. Marys University police officer, pulled Tammy Cook from her car seconds before the vehicle exploded. Cook's sedan had rolled over after hitting a guardrail on the Northwest Side on May 1, 2019. Hamilton was one of 17 Americans and one Canadian named Carnegie heroes Tuesday for entering into mortal danger to rescue others. Each of the awardees or their survivors will receive a financial grant. The other nominees include Victor Mozqueda, who despite not knowing how to swim entered a swift river after his friends 5-year-old son fell in. The boy was saved, but Mozqueda drowned. Shortly after 3 a.m. on May 1, Cook's car overturned on its passenger side and fire broke out in the engine. She was held in her seat by the seat belt and could not leave the car. READ MORE: Off-duty officer saves woman from burning vehicle on NW side Andrew Jazbani and Eric Galy passed the car lying on its side, then turned around and frantically tried to free Cook. That's when Hamilton, on his way home from work, "miraculously showed up, Jazbani told at the time. He attempted to smash through the windshield with his baton but the glass would not break. Jazbani threw a piece of concrete at the windshield several times, before Hamilton kicked it in and pulled it out. Hamilton told the others to get out of the way, then pulled Cook out. "Literally right after the police officer pulled her out, like 10 to 20 seconds, the car blew up," Jazbani said. Other first responders arrived as the car was engulfed in flames. Paramedics took the woman to University Hospital for treatment for minor injuries. Hamilton was treated for a strained shoulder as well as cuts and scrapes, according to the Carnegie Medal news release. Shoppers have gone to great lengths to protect themselves from coronavirus, donning bizarre makeshift hazmat suits and even putting plastic bags over their heads. A man was photographed in Chemist Warehouse in Randwick, inner Sydney, on Tuesday wearing a white plastic suit, safety glasses, a face mask and dish gloves. He even tied Coles shopping bags around his feet in a desperate bid not to contract the virus, which has infected more than 400 Australians and 182,700 people globally. The hilarious outfit comes a week after a man in Sydney was captured wearing a $300 hi-tech respirator on his face. A man was photographed in Randwick, inner Sydney, on Tuesday wearing a white plastic suit, safety glasses, a face mask and dish gloves The mask-wearer - who gave his name only as John - said it was the only thing that would certainly prevent infection. 'It's the only effective mask that you have,' he told Daily Mail Australia. 'You get them from China and eBay'. The mask is marketed online as a 3M 6800 Full Face Reusable Respirator and is described as 'simple to use and comfortable to wear'. Earlier this month a shopper was mocked on social media for the extreme measures he took to protect himself during a trip to the shops. Sporting a full-body white plastic suit and mask to cover his face, the shopper stunned locals while shopping for groceries at two supermarkets in Wanganui, New Zealand. A man in Sydney's CBD was captured wearing a $300 hi-tech respirator on his face while going to work last week A Gold Coast man photographed a fellow passenger wearing in a large plastic bag on a flight home from Italy earlier this month Sporting a full-body white plastic suit and mask to cover his face, a shopper stunned locals while shopping for groceries at two supermarkets in Wanganui, New Zealand A photo posted of the man to Facebook sparked discussion about his over-the-top outfit. 'Could anyone be more prepared?' the photo was captioned. People soon pointed out the person wasn't fully protected against the deadly virus with one vital piece of attire missing, as he wasn't wearing gloves. 'At first I thought maybe he was some sort of cleaning worker but then I saw him with his trolley bag and realised that probably wasn't the case,' local Carrie Sutton told the New Zealand Herald. 'I had to laugh though, as they had no gloves on.' Last week a Gold Coast man photographed a fellow passenger wearing in a large plastic bag on a flight home from Italy - Europe's coronavirus epicentre. Umberto Cardamone boarded a connecting flight out of Milan on Sunday March 8, just 24 hours before the local government placed the entire country into lockdown. Mr Cardamone said all passengers on the flight to Dubai wore masks and some even covered themselves in plastic bags to reduce their chances of catching coronavirus. He said three Chinese women headed for Beijing left nothing to chance and donned plastic bags during eating times. CORONAVIRUS CASES IN AUSTRALIA: 27,244 Victoria: 20,269 New South Wales: 4,273 Queensland: 1,161 Western Australia: 692 South Australia: 473 Tasmania: 230 Australian Capital Territory: 113 Northern Territory: 33 TOTAL CASES: 27,244 ESTIMATED ACTIVE CASES: 269 DEATHS: 897 Updated: 5.31 PM, 11 October, 2020 Source: Australian Government Department of Health Advertisement 'They were wearing masks but when the flight attendants served food they had to take off the masks to eat so they put the plastic bag over their head, it was crazy,' told Daily Mail Australia. 'There were people looking like they were going to Mars in Milan, obviously everyone was very scared. 'The plane was very full it was an Airbus 380 so there was two floors with many Chinese people going back to China.' Many health experts say face masks aren't necessary effective in the protection against coronavirus. There have now been more than 368 cases of coronavirus in Australia, and five people have died. Globally at least 7,100 have died and 182,700 have been infected. ALBANY Local officials warned about more mass closures and urged residents to stay home as much as possible as the number of COVID-19 cases in the region continues to rise. There are patients with the virus in nearly every Capital Region county, as Rensselaer and Warren counties confirmed their first cases on Tuesday. Several officials said there were no consistent patterns or clusters emerging among those infected patients, meaning that people who were not showing symptoms of the virus were likely responsible for spreading it throughout the area. As the number of cases rose, more local governments took steps to limit employees face-to-face interactions with the public and comply with Gov. Andrew Cuomos request that they cut staffing. Meanwhile the first instances of significant business closures and layoffs were announced. CASES RISE As many officials promised, the number of cases in the area rose as more residents were tested for the virus. Albany County saw the greatest increase yet as the number of patients increased from 15 to 25, including a 7-year-old Albany boy who attends Pine Hills Elementary School. Saratoga County officials said their cases rose from four to 10. The Pine Hills student is in isolation at home. Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams said it was the first confirmed case from the city's school district. The number of Albany County residents under either mandatory or precautionary quarantine will rise sharply as the county health department tracks the number of people who had contact with the child. The county had placed 125 people under mandatory quarantine and 450 under precautionary quarantine as of Monday morning. Theres going to be a lot more people infected as we go along, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy said, adding that the number of county residents under quarantine will soon top 1,000 people. Coronavirus live updates Here are the latest cancellations and postponements. To get regular updates on our coverage, sign up for our coronavirus newsletter. So far, only one patient is hospitalized for treatment, the rest are recovering at home. Schenectady County reported 11 positive cases on Tuesday, with a total 654 people under mandatory or precautionary quarantine. Rensselaer County has two cases, one in Troy and another in East Greenbush. The Troy case is that of a 35-year-old man who was tested after first feeling symptoms on Saturday. The man remains under mandatory quarantine. More details about the East Greenbush case were not available Tuesday evening. County officials say they've also learned that a student at the LaSalle Institute in Troy has tested positive. The student is from a neighboring county but Rensselaer County health officials are in contact with the school and the child's family, local officials said. Skidmore College also said that one of its employees, who was away from the campus, has tested positive for the disease. The college did not provide further details on that person, citing privacy laws. CLOSURES AND LAYOFFS The local economic impact of the virus began to emerge on Tuesday as several retail chains and businesses said they would be closing their doors temporarily and laying off staff. Proctors will cut staffing by 80 percent and the remaining employees will take pay and benefit reductions, CEO Philip Morris told staff. "For the near and foreseeable future, what we do must simply stop for the good of our community, for our country, and for one another," Morris said. "To that end, and seeing no apparent horizon for reopening our doors, we must make dramatic decisions that are designed to ensure the safety of our staff as well as preserve our ability to survive." Morris himself has been under a self-quarantine with his wife after having lunch with someone who ended up testing positive for the virus. Last week, Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned most venues, gathering spots and workplaces holding 500 people be shuttered until further notice. The financial impact of the virus began to ripple through retail chains as well. Macy's announced Tuesday afternoon that it will temporarily close its stores nationwide. Boscov's also said it would temporarily close its stores, beginning Wednesday, for two weeks. OFFICIALS PUSH NEW MEASURES McCoy said he was having conversations with Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office about possibly instituting mass closures throughout the county, including measures similar to those in several California counties that have ordered residents to not leave their homes. McCoy and Health Commissioner Elizabeth Whalen stressed that they need county residents to take further precautions to help prevent the virus from spreading. McCoy said he saw bars and restaurants violating the states 8 p.m. curfew on Monday evening. You have to abide by what were trying to tell you, he said. Im not trying to be reactive, Im trying to be proactive. Whalen said it appears asymptomatic people who have the virus are spreading it. When we started to examine the cases we have, the vast majority did not come in to contact with other cases, she said. Special Investigation 147 NY dams are 'unsound,' potentially dangerous Thousands of dams have not been inspected in over 20 years. Both Whalen and McCoy emphasized that parents need to take extra precautions and keep their children home, rather than sending them to playgrounds or over to visit friends. Rensselaer County Executive Steven McLaughlin said Tuesday the county had tested hundreds of residents so far and urged residents to practice social distancing. The county was also trying to comply with the states mandate to reduce staffing by 50 percent. Everyone is doing a good job considering we dont know whats coming next, he said. McLaughlin said a major issue for the county is a lack of test kits and he hoped to have a test site in the county similar to the one at Albany Medical Center up and running this week. McLaughlin said 28 Rensselaer County residents were under quarantine. In Saratoga County, Administrator Spencer Hellwig said the county is prepared to pour $1 million into combating the spread of the virus, including money for additional staffing and to provide quarantined residents with supplies. Saratoga County Director of Public Health Cathi Duncan said of the countys 10 confirmed cases, six are in Clifton Park, one is in Saratoga Springs, one in Ballston Spa and the first two cases confirmed are in Northumberland. Duncan said several of the Clifton Park cases are family members. She added that there is no evidence that the Northumberland couple, who visited a Clifton Park gym before being diagnosed, had infected anyone else. Its community spread, Duncan said. We have no idea where it originated from. Duncan also reported that 73 people are under mandatory quarantine and another 40 are under precautionary quarantine. No one is hospitalized. We are working very hard to contain and mitigate as much as possible to slow the process of spread throughout our county, Duncan said. I would encourage everyone to take heed to many of the suggestions sent out by the governor and the president with regards to social distance and not being in large groups. Duncan said she is most concerned with the elderly who are hit the hardest. Sheriff Michael Zurlo said that his office has a special needs registry where the most vulnerable can sign up. His officers will check on those registered, a total of 86, every other day. The county has also sent out a recorded message to all county residents who have landlines, advising people to avoid crowds, practice social distancing, wash their hands and avoid touching their face. Clifton Park Supervisor Phil Barrett said that the towns need more flexibility when it comes to staffing minimums, which Gov. Andrew Cuomos ordered to be reduced to 50 percent minimum. We are all are trying to do more and hamstrung by an executive order that half your employees service more and do more with less assets. Staff writers Wendy Liberatore, Rob Gavin and Steve Barnes contributed to this story. The Sikkim government on Monday announced a ban on the entry of domestic tourists and migrant workers starting Tuesday, 10 days after it banned the entry of foreigners, in view of the novel coronavirus disease outbreak. The state will also seal three of its five borders. Making the announcement, chief minister Prem Singh Tamang told mediapersons said that domestic tourists will not be allowed entry and those who are already in the state will be asked to leave immediately. The chief minister said that out of five entry points, two that connect Sikkim with West Bengal and one that connects it with Nepal, have been sealed. Only goods vehicles, carrying essential items and food from West Bengal, will be allowed through the Melli and Rangpo entry points but screening will be intensified, said Tamang. A statement issued by the government said, Sikkim has not reported a single case of Covid-19 and the government is taking all possible measures to prevent an outbreak. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON Attacking Telangana government for adopting a resolution in the state assembly against the CAA, the National Population Register and the National Register of Citizens, BJP state unit president Bandi Sanjay Kumar said if Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Asaduddin Owaisi of AIMIM do not want to register for the NPR due to political reasons, they can "seek refuge in Pakistan". Sanjay Kumar, who was leading a BJP delegation that protested here against the Telangana government, also claimed that the Telangana government had earlier carried out an exercise similar to the NPR. "If he and his ally Asaduddin Owaisi of AIMIM (All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen) do not want to register for the NPR due to political reasons, they can "seek refuge in Pakistan"," he asserted. The Telangana assemble on Monday adopted a resolution, moved by Rao, against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the NPR and the NRC and urged the Centre to amend CAA "in order to remove all references to any religion, or to any foreign country" given apprehensions among a large section of people in India. The resolution also alleged that there have been "concerted attempts" to tinker with the inclusive and non-religious nature of Indian citizenship through the CAA, NPR and NRC. BJP leader Bala Subrahmanyam Kamarsu, who is also its parliamentary party secretary, said Rao had exhibited his "ignorance" of the Constitution by pushing the resolution since the citizenship issue is the sole prerogative of the Centre. The resolution, he said, is part of Rao's "blatant attempt to settle Rohingya Muslims" in Hyderabad in collusion with the AIMIM for the two parties' vote bank "He (Rao) claims to have read over 70000 books. But he has exhibited his ignorance of India's Constitution and his foolishness. It is the bounden duty of a state government to implement the law passed by Parliament. Such a resolution is meaningless," Kamarsu told reporters. Taking a swipe at Rao over his claim that he did not have his birth certificate and nor did his father, the BJP leader wondered as to how he completed his education and became a lawmaker without furnishing details of his date of birth. All he (the chief minister) wants is to install his son by any means, Kamarsu alleged. The Modi government has already said that it has not considered any proposal for a nation-wide NRC. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A commuter crosses a near-empty Millennium Bridge in London, the day after prime minister Boris Johnson called on people to stay away from pubs, clubs and theatres over the coronavirus outbreak. (PA) The UK government has been warned millions of self-employed workers risk an income crisis as their work dries up during the coronavirus outbreak. The government has been under mounting pressure to extend sick pay to the low-paid, hike payments and cover firms costs during the outbreak. Two million workers earn too little to qualify, and the legal minimum is less than a third of average incomes. But around five million self-employed people not only have no employer to cover several weeks pay if they fall ill, they also face the growing threat of lost work for months to come. Calls are growing for a state-backed financial lifeline for the self-employed. There are concerns some who run their own firms will feel no choice but to keep working to pay their bills, even if they are ill or should be self-isolating. Read more: Pubs and venues warn of crippling blow as public urged to stay away This is not just a health crisis, this is going to become an income crisis for millions of people, said Alasdair Hutchison, policy development manager at the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-employed. Giving evidence to a select committee of MPs on Tuesday, he warned freelancers could see their income wiped out for several months if projects or events were cancelled. He called for a temporary income protection fund for such workers, and urged firms using freelancers to pay on time or upfront and not cancel work at short notice. The government has encouraged the self-employed to use the benefit system if needed, but Hutchison said it was not prepared for such large numbers of potential claims. He warned they would also struggle to navigate accessing universal credit, and still face a significant shortfall compared to their normal earnings even if they did so. Meanwhile other expanded business support schemes announced in the Budget last week are not tailored to how the self-employed operate, he claimed. Martin McTague, policy and advocacy chair at the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), said he was also seriously worried about the self-employed. Story continues Giving evidence alongside Hutchison to the committee in parliament, he said he had heard from electricians and carpenters more frightened for their incomes than their health. The temptation for workers such as Uber drivers to take rides when they should be self-isolating would be very real. One MP replied that one taxi driver had said he was continuing to work to pay back the loan for his vehicle. McTague urged the government to take on the role of a benign employer, providing a greater safety net to stop the self-employed working while ill. Chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to announce further measures to support the economy on Tuesday afternoon. The government has already announced a 5bn package of support for firms, fast-track benefit access for those unable to work over the outbreak and sick pay rights from the first day of absence. The total amount of confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia has soared to 450. New South Wales confirmed 39 new cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday with a total of 210, while Victoria's total jumped from 71 to 94 confirmed cases. Queensland is now reporting 78 confirmed cases of coronavirus, while South Australia has 30 confirmed cases and Western Australia has 28. A chilling graph shows just how quickly the virus is spreading in Australia as cases doubled over the weekend. A chilling graph shows just how quickly the virus is spreading in Australia as cases have doubled in just a few days The total amount of confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia has soared to 407 after 39 new cases were confirmed in New South Wales (Pictured: The Covid-19 clinic at Royal North Shore Hospital) Australians have been told to prepare for 150,000 coronavirus deaths in a worst-case scenario - amid warnings the country is making the same mistake that forced Italy into complete lockdown. Paul Kelly, Australia's Deputy Chief Medical Officer, said on Monday anywhere between 20 and 60 per cent of the population could catch coronavirus. 'It's something in that range,' he said. 'This is an infectious disease ... The death rate is about one per cent, so you can do the maths.' If 20 per cent of Australia's population of 24million were to become infected then 4.8million people would have the illness. Assuming a death rate of one per cent, that would result in 50,000 people being killed. If 40 per cent of people caught the coronavirus, that would leave 9.6million people ill and could kill 100,000. A worst-case scenario - a 60 per cent infection rate - would result in 15million people with the virus and could cause 150,000 people to die. CORONAVIRUS CASES IN AUSTRALIA: 27,244 Victoria: 20,269 New South Wales: 4,273 Queensland: 1,161 Western Australia: 692 South Australia: 473 Tasmania: 230 Australian Capital Territory: 113 Northern Territory: 33 TOTAL CASES: 27,244 ESTIMATED ACTIVE CASES: 269 DEATHS: 897 Updated: 5.31 PM, 11 October, 2020 Source: Australian Government Department of Health Advertisement 'People over the age of 60 are more susceptible to this disease. We are finding, particularly in the much older age groups, 80 and above, the death rate is actually quite high,' Mr Kelly said. NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the sudden spike in cases, which almost doubled over the weekend in the state, offered an insight into what's to come. 'This is a war against a virus that knows no boundaries. It is starting to look as if there will be a substantial, what some would understand to be an exponential, increase in numbers over the next few weeks,' he said. Premier Gladys Berejiklian on Tuesday announced a package of $700 million for healthcare and $1.6 billion to aid job creation and provide tax relief. Features include capital works investments, payroll tax relief and waiving charges and licence fees for small businesses. There has been $700 million earmarked to ramp up COVID-19 testing, establish dedicated fever clinics and double intensive care capacity. 'Our first priority is always the health of the people of this state and looking after their families and jobs,' Ms Berejiklian said. Treasurer Dominic Perrotet says the government will do 'whatever it takes' to weather the crisis. New South Wales confirmed 39 new cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday with a total of 210, while Victoria's total jumped from 71 to 94 confirmed cases 'In simple terms, this money will help save the lives of loved ones and protect jobs,' he said. NSW authorities are meanwhile hoping a series of unprecedented measures will help contain the rapid spread of the potentially-lethal infection. Residents flouting isolation rules can now be slapped with an $11,000 fine or jailed for as long as six months. Police have also been given the discretion to avoid stationary drug and alcohol testing if they believe it is unhygienic. The crisis has changed the way Australians live - and Mr Morrison has no doubt it will continue to do so for months to come. 'This will be a difficult six months. It could be longer. It could be sooner than that,' he told ABC radio on Monday. Events across the nation have been altered or cancelled all together in an attempt to slow the spread of the deadly respiratory infection. The Sydney Royal Easter Show, Vivid Lights festival and Anzac Day parades are all iconic fixtures which will no longer be celebrated in 2020 as a result of the virus. A woman was seen wiping her eyes as she headed through Sydney International Airport on -March 16 - one day after Prime Minister Scott Morrison introduced new self-quarantine rules Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 07:31:06|Editor: ZD Video Player Close French President Emmanuel Macron is pictured at a televised address to the nation in Paris, France, March 16, 2020. French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday widened steps already taken to fight "a sanitary war" against the COVID-19 pandemic, ordering border closures, air traffic suspension, tougher restriction on movements and also penalties for offenders. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) UPDATE: Carmine Fusco, Rita Fusco-Jacksons brother, died Wednesday morning, and Grace Fusco, their mother, died Wednesday night. Five members of the same New Jersey family lay in hospital beds at a Freehold medical facility, each infected with the coronavirus. And a sixth remains in a Pennsylvania hospital battling the same virus. Nearly all are in critical condition. The six are family members of Rita Fusco-Jackson, the woman in her 50s who died last Friday and later tested positive for COVID-19, according to her sister, Elizabeth Fusco. This has been devastating for all of us, said Fusco, 42, of Freehold. Our hearts are broken over losing our sister, Rita. We just need help in saving our family members with life-saving medication. Five remain at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold, where Fusco-Jackson died. Four are in critical condition, and one is stable. Fusco said the family members at CentraState are her mother and four siblings. Fusco-Jacksons brother was in critical condition at a Pennsylvania hospital, she added. He died Wednesday morning. Roseann Paradiso Fodera, a cousin and the familys attorney, called the situation surreal. To imagine a week ago to get a phone call like this if someone told me this story, I wouldnt believe it," she said. Its inconceivable to me. Additional members of the Fusco family are awaiting test results for COVID-19. We are waiting on 19 tests of spouses and children of the hospitalized victims, who were all in contact on March 10 or later, Fusco said. The township health department said it is coordinating with the state, as health officials continue to investigate the cases, said Margaret Jahn, a Freehold health officer. There is definitely a cluster of cases at the hospital, Jahn said. There is no community spread at this time, she added. Weve conducted several interviews with regard to people who were exposed to close contacts, and weve followed up with those so we are not seeing a community spread per se, Jahn said. The New Jersey Department of Health declined to provide specific case information, citing the volume of cases statewide. Fusco-Jackson was one of 11 children, according to her sister. She was both a parishioner and a teacher in the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine confirmation program, the church said. Fusco asked for prayers from the community and help from government health officials. She called for cooperation among the state and local health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to expedite life-saving drugs so as to not lose another family member. Meanwhile, Jahn cautioned that despite the cluster, anyone at risk of exposure has been contacted by health officials. But she understands the fear felt among residents. A lot of the information was slow in coming out, Jahn said. Its frustrating for all the health department (officials), and this case in particular. Testing, she said, has been the biggest issue, something that has been a problem statewide and nationwide. The CDC has been contacted about it, and the CDC is interested in what is going on, and they may be willing to investigate and look into it more, Jahn said. She added: This is devastating for a family, and with a lack of information, it has been frustrating. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. Spencer Kent may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @SpencerMKent. Find on Facebook. Have a tip? Tell us. Get the latest updates right in your inbox. Subscribe to NJ.coms newsletters. Popular blogger Noble Igwe has condemned the decision to give out best dressed awards at the just-concluded Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards, AMVCA. The awards were won by BBNaija reality TV stars, Mercy Eke (female category) and Mike Edwards (Male category). Also Read: Noble Igwe Clears The Air On Having Same Baby Twice The blogger criticized the category with claims that award shows with such might have to see their events taken over by social media personalities instead of real industry players. He urged the organizers of the show to resist the urge of turning the show to a fashion event. See his tweet below: (Photo : Screenshot From U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Facebook Page) HHS Just recently, the United States Department of Health and Human Services which was considered as a key part when it comes to the federal response towards the rapid-spreading coronavirus outbreak, was just hit by a "cyber incident" according to officials. The HHS Secretary by the name of Alex Azar addressed the public by saying that there was no breach in data. Backing up his statement, National Security Council spokesman by the name of John Ullyot also gave his assurance that everything in the HHS network is functioning normally at this time. Officials are still under investigation The current officials are still investigating if there was any damage done and if there was, how severe could it be. The United States Department of Health and Human Services considered the attack a "cyber incident" which does not give much information about the damage done due to this attack. Read Also: [UPDATE] Coronavirus Vaccine Testing Begins! Can We Be Expecting Its Release Any Time Soon? According to the department's spokeswoman Caitlin Oakley, there was a "significant increase in activity on HHS cyber infrastructure" but she followed her statement by assuring the public that the HHS was still "fully operational" Information was given by unnamed sources Ullyot and Oakley did not give additional details as to the nature of this problem and there are currently no reliable sources to further explain what damage this attack has done. According to Bloomberg News, there were unnamed sources saying that there were already multiple hacking incidents in an attempt to slow the department's systems. This is quite alarming especially when the coronavirus or Covid-19 is on the loose and the department is focusing its time and effort in countering the problem. The attack, according to unnamed sources, was a way of slowing down the progress of the department's system to also slow down the progress in the fight against the Covid-19. The situation was described on Twitter According to a Bloomberg reporter who shared his perspective on Twitter, the whole incident involved "overloading the HHS servers with millions of hits" which was an reference towards the denial-of-service wherein a fire hose of digital traffic is somehow directed towards the website in an attempt to knock it offline. Read Also: How the Social Media Made Coronavirus Deadlier Than Swine Flu: Mario Galea Shared His Thoughts These incidents are actually common and rarely succeed in bringing down the actual government sites. The department's website did not sustain any damage and was still functional despite this cyber-attack. Bloomberg relates this to a statement by the National Security Council Bloomberg has decided to tie this incident to a statement released by the National Security Council which was released just before midnight which denied rumors of a possible national quarantine which then announced that the text messages circulating were fake. "There is no national lockdown" was the official statement from Twitter suggesting that the circulating texts were a hoax. According to Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Americans "should expect an increase in cyberattacks and stay vigilant" because of how the nation has become absorbed in the fight against the deadly coronavirus. 2021 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. 17.03.2020 LISTEN The University for Development Studies (UDS) has suspended all academic activities. This includes teaching, lectures, quizzes and examinations until further notice. The University announced this in a statement issued in Tamale on Tuesday signed by Dr Abdulai Baba Tanko Zakaria, Registrar of UDS, and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Tamale. The statement said the Executive Committee of the Academic Board of UDS held an emergency meeting on Tuesday, March 17, and amongst others decided to suspend with immediate effect all academic activities. It said the decision was in line with the President's directive on Sunday, on measures considered to contain the COVID-19 in the country following the confirmation of six positive cases of the disease in the country. The President, in a broadcast to the nation on Sunday night, directed amongst others the closure of all universities, senior high schools and basic schools effective Monday, March 16, 2020 in a bid to prevent the spread of the disease in the country. The statement outlined other decisions taken during the emergency meeting, which included all students of UDS have up to Friday, March 20, 2020 to leave the University's campuses and Students residing in private hostels are encouraged to go home. The rest were lecture rooms, laboratories and the University libraries will be closed to students from Friday, March 20, 2020 until further notice and All international students are to remain in their halls of residence until further notice. They are advised not to entertain any visitors during the period. It said Staff of the University are to continue work, but observe all protocols of COVID-19 as established by the Ministry of Health and the general guidelines presented by the Directorate of the University Health Services. It called on staff and students to cooperate in this trying period as the university makes efforts to contain the disease. ---GNA Recruiting robots: DoD summit promotes robotics in maintenance and repair ARLINGTON, Va.--Inspecting fuel and ballast tanks. Sand-blasting old paint coatings and applying new ones. Removing corrosion on ships, submarines, aircraft and other vehicles. These are some of the unpleasant jobs in naval shipyards and maintenance facilities that could be made safer by pairing human workers with robots. Experts say this could improve the speed and efficiency with which the U.S. Navy sustains its assets--and expand the career paths of current workers (and create new jobs) by teaching them to operate, repair and supervise robotic systems. Robots and naval readiness took center stage at the second Joint Summit: Robotics in Sustainment--also called JROBOT--held recently at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, headquarters of the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute. ARM is a Department of the Defense (DoD)-funded consortium comprising government, industry and university partners that advances robotic technologies within the U.S. manufacturing base. Sustainment deals with the maintenance and repair of military assets over their lifetimes. "Sustainment is a crucial part of the National Defense Strategy," said Paul Huang, a program officer in the Navy Manufacturing Technology Program located at the Office of Naval Research (ONR), one of JROBOT's partner organizations. "If we can't maintain our assets, they're not helping our warfighters. "One great aspect of robotic technologies is they're dual-use and have military and civilian applications," he continued. "The government, industry and academia have a vested interest in finding the most innovative solutions to maintenance challenges." The event was hosted by ARM and endorsed by both the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Material Readiness and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for Manufacturing Technologies. During the summit, JROBOT attendees: --Recommended OSD policy for including more robotics in sustainment. Attendees formulated policy to enable more coordinated acquisition, training and fielding of robotic systems. --Designed new job descriptions for the 21st-century's robotic workforce. Established an accepted set of job requirements and competencies for robotics-related work, thereby expanding the capabilities of current workers and improving recruitment and retention. Summit attendees crafted three new robotics job descriptions for delivery to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management: mechanic, operator and engineering technician. --Selected robot projects to work in partnership with industry. During the summit, seven industry and academic partners pitched ARM-funded robotic systems they created for possible DoD acquisition. Attendees judged and selected five of them, with capabilities including underwater equipment inspection and mixed-reality software to detect defects in materials resulting from wear and tear. "JROBOT fosters collaboration, recognizes best practices and creates shared investments in robotics," said JROBOT co-organizer Steve McKee, who is a team lead at Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport Division in Washington, and oversees several sustainment projects sponsored by ONR. Robotics can help address challenges such as aging legacy systems and maintenance facilities--and a workforce that's shrinking due to retirements and high turnover. "Robots are perfect for dull, dirty and dangerous jobs because they don't get injured or suffer from job burnout or boredom," said McKee. "By bringing more of them into our maintenance activities, and partnering them with humans, we can address sustainment needs and create a tech-savvy workforce for the 21st century. We want people who can program and operate robotic systems--not just push a button." ### This story has been published on: 2020-03-16. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Trudeau also said his government will restrict flights to Canada to airports in four major cities. The Canadian government is also mandating air carriers to screen passengers with symptoms of the novel coronavirus out of lines so they don't board planes home. With the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus is rapidly rising in India, most companies in the country are asking their employees to work from home. However, reports suggest that Indian firms are struggling to deal with this scenario, which has now caused scores of Indians to search for jobs that exclusively allow work from home options. That's what Google trends suggest. The novel coronavirus has infected 1,69,316 people globally and led to more than 6,500 deaths. Italy yesterday recorded 368 new deaths from the novel coronavirus, its highest one-day increase to date. In India, the number of confirmed cases has risen to 110, with two deaths. Consequently, a majority of companies, including IT companies and media organisations, have started rolling out a work from home option for their employees. This has been done to pave the way for social distancing, which right now, officials say, is the only way to keep COVID-19 at bay. But are the organisations in India equipped to deal with the scenario? Obviously not, especially those organisations whose nature of business demands a lot of travel and face to face interactions-- this includes cab drivers and food delivery person. The availability of advanced digital tools, however, allow a large number of organisations to implement work from home - if they plan well. While it makes perfect sense for IT employees to work from remote locations via video conferencing and collaboration tools seamlessly - especially in the case of tech giants like Google or Microsoft -- workers from the non-IT companies and small and medium enterprises (SMBs) are the worst-hit in India as most of them have little or no clue about how these messaging and collaboration tools work amid the coronavirus pandemic. Consequently, many companies who do not have resources required for remote working haven't yet switched to work from home. As a result, many people are currently searching for work from jobs in India as we speak. Google trends show that in the past few days, more and more Indians have been looking up jobs which offer a permanent work from home option or jobs which have adequate resources for remote working, especially in times of crisis like this. This surge in search for work from home jobs proves two things. One, the panic is very real. With social distancing being the only way to avoid contracting the disease, more and more people want to work for companies that are ready to allow their employees to work remotely if the need arises. Secondly, could this be proof that India is lagging behind in the work from home culture as compared to other countries? A study conducted by IPSOS showed that at least one-third of the total working population in India work from home, while more than fifty percent employees preferred to work from home because it saved time spent on commute and also paved the way for a healthier work-life balance. Another survey had also revealed that work from home boosts productivity. One of the main reasons why working from home hasn't gained momentum in India is because of the stigma associated with it - that people might not be taking it seriously. But the survey revealed otherwise. The study showed that people who worked at home found it easier to concentrate as compared to people who worked a full shift in the office. In short, the remote working culture is here and it's probably time companies came up with robust strategies to implement such policies. Not only does that prepare the company better for crises like the coronavirus outbreak, but also help strengthen employee-employer relationships and boost productivity. With an increased number of people searching for work for home jobs, this should serve as a wake-up call for organisations who are still struggling to incorporate the same. A backpacker has been arrested and a couple will be deported from New Zealand after failing to self isolate. Police arrested a female traveller at the Rucksacker Backpacker Hostel in Christchurch at 11.30am on Tuesday. Witnesses saw a woman in a face mask being transported in a prisoner van and several officers talking to other backpackers, Stuff reported. The woman is the first person to be deported after New Zealand's 14-day self isolation rule kicked in at 1am on Monday. The manager of the hostel said that the woman checked in late on Monday night while wearing a face mask. Witnesses saw a woman in a face mask being transported in a prisoner van and several officers talking to other backpackers (pictured) She was originally booked into a dorm but asked for a private room. The manager said: 'I put her into a private room and then in the morning when I got up to open reception there was a lady from the Ministry of Health here coming to check on her and ask what her plans were for her isolation.' 'They were just questioning her for a little bit in my office. And then a couple of hours later we had about five police officers and another person from the ministry and they eventually took her away.' The manager explained that the backpacker was taken away as she did not have any plans to self isolate. 'She didn't have a hotel booked or Airbnb booked or anything like that ... because of that they had to take her away and put her back on a flight to where she came from,' the manager said. The Director General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, told reporters that there was a traveller in Christchurch who was unwilling to commit herself to self isolation and would be deported as a result. Dr Bloomfield sympathised with the traveller and said: 'I can understand why someone who might've planned a trip for a long time, two weeks in New Zealand, might be disappointed to find at the eleventh hour that they can't travel around the country.' Dr Bloomfield said this was the first deportation he knew about but that security would be ramping up. 'We are also starting from today, the spot checks on people,' he said. Dr Bloomfield said that health staff were now stationed at the borders to quiz people about their plans for self-isolation. Police arrested a female traveller at the Rucksacker Backpacker Hostel in Christchurch at 11.30am on Tuesday He said that anyone who knew of a traveller that was not self-isolating should notify customs or Healthline. A spokesperson from Immigration New Zealand told Daily Mail Australia that two people from South East Asia were in custody and going to be deported after failing to self isolate. INZ compliance and verification general manager Stephen Vaughan told New Zealand Herald their behaviour was 'unacceptable'. 'This kind of behaviour is completely irresponsible and will not be tolerated which is why these individuals have been made liable for deportation,' he said. The couple are currently in quarantine. If they fail to leave the country after the quarantine period, they will be arrested under the Immigration Act. 'Being deported has serious consequences,' Mr Vaughan said. 'It means individuals will be banned from returning to New Zealand for a period of time and they may also find it difficult to travel to other countries.' Fifteen Polish government ministers are in quarantine following the announcement that the 29-year-old environment minister Michal Wos tested positive for coronavirus, the prime ministers chief of staff, Michal Dworczyk, has said. Mr Wos announced he tested positive on Monday evening. He said he was feeling well. The last meeting of the government took place on March 10. According to Dworczyk, nine of 24 ministers were absent from that meeting, including prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki and health minister Lukasz Szumowski. The remaining ministers were tested on Monday evening and are in quarantine awaiting the results which should be known later today. On Monday evening, Mr Szumowski said a peak in Covid-19 cases in Poland may occur in 2-3 weeks time. There have been 177 confirmed cases with four deaths. SOURCE: BBC / AGENCIES MIDDLEFIELD State authorities have identified the woman found dead March 6 at Wadsworth Falls State Park in Middlefield. Rachel Bisson, 36, of uncertain address, was discovered in an area just below the lot on the Cherry Hill Road side of the park at about 8:30 a.m., according to State Police public information officer, Trooper Josue Dorelus. Bissons death was an untimely one, however there is no criminal aspect to the case, police said last week. The chief medical examiners office said Tuesday afternoon the manner of death has not been concluded, and the case is pending further study. Bisson was accompanied to the scene by a man known to her, who was taken for medical treatment, authorities said. A short time after police arrived, the man was found in the vicinity, Dorelus said. He is, at this point, believed to be a witness to the facts and circumstances leading up to this womans death, and is cooperating with investigators. We have reason to believe they were here in the overnight hours. As far as what they were doing, were working to piece together that information, Dorelus said. Anyone with information is asked to call the state police Westbrook barracks at 860-399-2100. Photo: Daniel X. O'Neil/Flickr Here's what you need to know about what's happening in Chicago. Inmates vote as Chicago sets up polling places in jail Read the full story on The Washington Times. 2 people shot while traveling on Dan Ryan Expressway Read the full story on ABC Chicago, WLS. Video: Shedd Aquarium penguins take a tour amid closure for coronavirus outbreak Read the full story on ABC Chicago, WLS. Doctors, nurses concerned by COVID-19 crisis response Read the full story on ABC Chicago, WLS. Pregnant women share concerns about coronavirus Read the full story on Chicago Tribune. This story was created automatically using data about news stories on social media from CrowdTangle, then reviewed by an editor. Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback. Sirjerathan Wilson never thought it was worth the trouble to vote and never had. But inside Cook County Jail, Wilson sees it differently: Voting is a chance to remind himself that his opinion matters and to show his family that he's doing more than just letting one day bleed into the next. Two people were reportedly shot while traveling on the Dan Ryan Expressway on Chicago's South Side Monday evening. Both victims have non-life-threatening injuries, police said. The Shedd Aquarium is closed for two weeks, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, so staff decided to take some of the penguins on a field trip. There is confusion and concern by some doctors and nurses in Chicago because of stretched-thin resources and still not enough coronavirus testing kits. Many people living in Hanoi had a sleepless night last Friday as authorities announced the first COVID-19 case in the city. Some could not sleep because of the fear that the fatal virus had finally hit their city, bringing the possible spread of the deadly virus, quarantines, continued school closures, limited meetings and gatherings and an end to business as usual. Some other people, particularly netizens did not sleep that night because they spent time searching and sharing the patients social media profiles, publishing thousands of updates and comments criticising her, blaming her for bringing the virus to the city. The patient, who was the 17th COVID-19 patient in Viet Nam, is a young woman who returned from a trip across three European countries UK, France and Italy but when arriving in Ha Noi on March 2, she reportedly failed to provide an accurate travel history. She had a fever on March 2, which worsened on March 5 and she went for a medical check-up at a nearby hospital before she was transferred to the city's National Hospital for Tropical Diseases on Thursday afternoon. She tested positive for COVID-19 and the result was released on Friday evening. She is now under quarantine at the hospital and those who had contact with her on the flight, at home, at the hospital and elsewhere are also under quarantine. Some have tested positive for the virus too. Its understandable and reasonable for people to criticise, blame or be angry with this patient for her irresponsibility towards the community. Viet Nam has been fighting hard against COVID-19 and all 16 prior patients had successfully recovered and it felt like this patient set us back. Worse still, we have felt an increased threat to our health and our safety, a feeling many people share with me. As soon as I heard the news, I really got angry with this Patient 17, I even thought about scolding or beating her if I saw her, said Nguyen Khanh Anh from Tay Ho District. Some people went further on social networks and criticised the patient with foul and vulgar language. A friend told me she was stunned to see the language used by netizens to describe the patient and criticise her irresponsibility. She deserves to be scolded but I dont think such bad words should be used, she said. We may hear vulgar language every day in many situations in our daily life. Its annoying enough. Its unacceptable and should not be accepted, she said, adding that people could unintentionally use bad language in speech, but not when they typed. I agree with my friends. Public criticism can help deter those who, like Patient 17, acted irresponsibly towards the community. We cannot be tolerant and gentle with such people. However, being stern doesn't mean accepting vulgar language. Words can hurt. Lawyer ang Van Cuong from the Ha Noi Bar Association said according to the Law on Infected Disease Prevention and Control, those who contact people with infectious diseases must report their health situation and follow medical quarantines upon arrival in Viet Nam. If not, they can face fines regulated in Government Decree 176/2013/N-CP with fines from VN1 million to VN10 million (US$ 43- 430) Under Article 240 of the revised Criminal Code 2025, those who commit acts that spread infectious diseases face fines of VN50 million to VN200 million or 1-5 years in jail. Those whose actions lead to the announcement of a disease outbreak face 5-12 years in jail. So, if there is enough evidence that the patient has committed a crime, Viet Nam has laws and regulations to punish her. Meanwhile, according to Viet Nams Law on Cyber Security effective from January 2019, information that causes serious infringement of the honour, reputation/prestige or dignity of others is banned online. Pause before replying to things you disagree with, and dont post or send anything that could hurt someone else, damage a reputation or threaten someones safety. This is part of the Digital Civility Challenge that Microsoft highlighted this year, calling on people for safer, healthier and more respectful online interactions. Lets think about joining. VNS Steve Gonzales, Houston Chronicle / Staff photographer Metro is giving some bus riders more space, as a buffer to concerns over the new coronavirus, officials said. During morning and evening rush hours, more buses will now be put in service on heavily-traveled local routes in order to lessen crowding, transit agency officials said in a news release. In the middle of a room full of toys, a boy struggles with his building blocks while his sister draws. At the table, their father has just started to give a class on his laptop. On the other side of the screen, which is connected to Microsofts Teams app, 20 12-year-olds who study at Hastings School, a private center in Madrid, listen attentively, each of them in his or her own home. Meanwhile in Torrelodones, 29 kilometers northwest of the capital, children with tablets are scattered around the apartment of Giovanni Alario, the vice-principal of San Ignacio de Loyola School. The youngest is listening to a video of her teacher telling a story; the middle child is taking history notes, and the oldest is busy solving math problems. Any trouble with the integrals? Jon Gonzalez, the math teacher, asks from time to time from the screen. Its cool to be autonomous, interactive, although of course I miss my classmates Carmen, student at San Ignacio de Loyola School in Madrid These were some of the scenarios last Wednesday on the first day of school quarantine in the homes of nearly 90,000 teachers in the Madrid region, after authorities ordered students to stay home and, if possible, receive their classes online. Madrid, La Rioja and parts of the Basque Country were the first to adopt the measure, and by March 16, with all of Spain in lockdown, schools across the country were scrambling to provide online classes. But not all schools have the same resources, and the 1.2 million students in Madrid have so far been offered very different solutions. At the Manuel Nunez de Arenas public school, in Pozo del Tio Raimundo, where a significant portion of the population is at risk of social exclusion, the principal on Wednesday helped one mother who was finding it hard to clarify her sons doubts at home and decided to go personally to the school for answers. But what is the difference between viviparous and oviparous? she demanded to know. With its multicolored corridors, this school has become a benchmark of educational innovation and social transformation in the region, and the memes of the WhatsApp class groups have been replaced by environmental studies homework. With the diverse backgrounds in our school, many students dont have a tablet, a laptop or any way of hooking up to online platforms, so we resorted to the class WhatsApp groups. Everyone has a cellphone, says the school principal, Marta Gonzalez de Iris. There hasnt been a planned response, a specific plan. Everyone is expected to manage as best they can Carmen Morillas, Ceapa association In the fourth-grade class, the kids have been researching the coronavirus and during their search for reliable information, they have learned to identify fake news. It has also helped us to regain contact with families who were a bit out of the loop, says their teacher Isabel Vizcaino. And the best thing now is that we can respond to doubts in a flexible and personal way, correcting their exercises and mistakes. In fact, this situation is an opportunity for everyone to improve. At Pio XII school in the Tetuan district of Madrid, the blog has been dusted off in order to communicate with families, but the reality is that not everyone has internet access. Homework is tacked on the bulletin board at the school entrance for those families who do not have internet access, explains the principal, Belen Munoz. In public schools the most common online tool is an app called Roble, though many centers are still getting a handle on it. The alternative is a free access Google platform. Carmen Morillas, from Ceapa, the umbrella organization for parents associations, explains that they are concerned about the lack of concrete measures. There hasnt been a planned response, a specific plan. Everyone is expected to manage as best they can. Ceapa sent the authorities a list of the 30 most frequent questions about these two weeks, she says. No clear instructions In the Basque city of Vitoria, one of the first high-transmission hubs of the coronavirus, March 11 was the second day without traditional classes. And the 70 schools and universities in Vitoria were joined on March 12 by centers across the province of Alava. By March 16, schools across Spain had started remote teaching as the Covid-19 disease continued to spread. Isabel Buesa, a civil servant and mother of two children aged nine and 12, is taking turns with her husband to work from home. We have been working quietly in the living room for a couple of hours, but when they run out of homework... The first day was exciting, the second was boring. I dont even want to think about the third. Im afraid its going to feel very long, she says. This situation is an opportunity for everyone to improve Isabel Vizcaino, teacher Ainhoa Urreta, a teacher in a state-subsidized private school, says that they were asked to make their working hours more flexible, even though they still have to go to the school. The center was shut down from one day to the next, and advice from the Madrid Education Department is only reaching the staff now. They are asking us to do virtual classes, but we dont know how. We are sitting in an office, sending homework by mail while our own children are home alone, she says. But for Jon Gonzalez, the teacher at the Loyola school in Torrelodones, the experience is nothing new. He already has a YouTube channel titled Ja, que mates (Wow, check out that math), and both he and his students are making the most of the experience. This is an historic opportunity, he says. A challenge. Technology is serving the needs of education. Carmen, one of his students, is surprised by how easy the change has been. The crazy thing is that we are working much more than in class, she says. Its cool to be autonomous, interactive, although of course I miss my classmates. English version by Heather Galloway. Over the weekend, as coronavirus concerns in South Carolina reached new heights and Gov. Henry McMaster recommended the cancellation or postponement of gatherings exceeding 100 people, St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Charleston raged on with large crowds. Dig in the Park in North Charleston decided to invite the folks who were disappointed with the cancellation of Park Circle's annual St. Patrick's Day block party to drink green beer on their patio instead. Triangle Char & Bar in West Ashley proceeded with a parking lot party, Irish car bomb tent, DJ and all. Red's Ice House and Tavern & Table decks were full of waterfront partiers at Shem Creek's annual "Shamrock the Dock" party. Fatty's Beer Works downtown left the taps open for a joint St. Paddy's and anniversary celebration. For those operations and many more, it was business as usual. Melissa Magwood, assistant manager of Triangle Char & Bar, said that overall, coronavirus concerns didn't really affect the St. Patrick's Day festivities. She said numbers were about typical, and the only differences were extra sanitizing stations and gloves. "Our clientele maybe is the type who isn't concerned about it a younger crowd," Magwood offered. Red's Ice House on Shem Creek was packed all day, with sales only slightly down from last year, according to manager Glenda Cofer. "We knew Savannah was shut down and Park Circle was shut down, so we werent sure if wed be slower with people concerned about the coronavirus or busier with people coming to us instead," Cofer said. It evened out in the long run. Monday was already a different story, she said, with a slow start. Red's, like many other restaurants and bars, has added additional sanitizer stations and amped up employee hand-washing, menu wipe downs and table, chair and bar stool cleanings. Condiments have also been removed from tables. "It's better safe than sorry," she said, though Red's remained open until further notice. A live band was still expected to play for St. Patrick's Day as of Monday afternoon, but Cofer said that could still change. Later in the day, the City of Mount Pleasant banned gatherings of more than 50 people, which would apply to restaurants, as well as events. Unlike some of its bustling peers, popular downtown Irish pub Tommy Condon's was hurting for business on what is typically its busiest weekend of the year. General manager Jeff Quarles said the 30-and-over crowd was almost nonexistent this year, with the Hibernian Society celebrations and family-friendly parade called off. The pub had planned to keep the party going from Saturday through Tuesday with music all day every day, but at just 40 percent of typical sales on Saturday, Quarles decided to pare back staff. "We weren't even close to what we did last year," he said. To prepare for the party, a cleaning crew came in for a deep-clean, sanitizer stations were added and signs were posted saying if you feel sick to go home. Leading into the Tuesday holiday, a few day-of St. Patrick's Day parties were still set, including the one at Tommy Condon's. Quarles was still hopeful they might make up some of their sales. Other events were canceled, like the Kiss Me I'm Irish Bar Crawl, scheduled to bring hundreds of revelers to seven downtown bars. has won the Democratic primary in Washington state, US media have projected, in another boost for the frontrunner who is hoping to build an insurmountable lead over rival After most of the votes were counted on Monday night, NBC and the New York Times called the result -- a narrow victory for Biden, who is up against Sanders for the chance to challenge President in November. They said that former vice president Biden had won 37.9 percent of the vote, with the leftist Sanders close behind with 36.4 percent. The result came as millions of Americans were due to troop to polling stations in three more states on Tuesday, with anxiety running high over the fast-spreading coronavirus that has killed more than 80 people in the US so far. As Arizona, Florida, and Illinois prepare for the primaries, there was confusion over whether polling stations will be safe during the pandemic. Voting has been postponed in Ohio, where officials ordered polling stations closed, making it the latest and largest state to upend the voting schedule due to the outbreak. Tuesday may be a make-or-break moment for Sanders, who will face mounting pressure to quit if he does not score a major upset. KALAMAZOO, MI A 35-year-old Kalamazoo woman was sentenced Monday to a minimum of 20 years in prison for performing multiple sexual acts on a 9-year-old girl, recording video of those acts and sharing those videos over the internet. Shannon Renee Moore, 35, pleaded guilty Jan. 21 to three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. She was sentenced March 16 in Kalamazoo County Circuit Court by Chief Judge Pro Tem Gary C. Giguere Jr. This case involves some of the most horrific and shocking facts that Ive ever heard in 28 years of practicing criminal law as a prosecutor, defense attorney and judge, Giguere said, when issuing the sentence. (It) upends all notions of what is right and what can be tolerated by a just society. Moore, who was given 305 days credit for time served, was sentenced to a minimum of 20 years and maximum of 35 years in prison on the first count of criminal sexual conduct and between 4 and 20 years on each of the other two counts. She will serve the three sentences concurrently, meaning at the same time. Moore, who is now a registered sex offender, was also ordered to wear an electronic monitoring device for the rest of her life, following any release. As part of her January plea agreement with the Kalamazoo County Prosecuting Attorneys Office, Moore agreed to testify against Peter Casey II, 28, in a related yet separate trial. Caseys trial is tentatively scheduled for May 20 in Kalamazoo County Circuit Court. RELATED: Kalamazoo County courts cease operations, cancel jury trials due to coronavirus Casey, who was Moores boyfriend at the time the crimes were committed in March 2019, is accused of ordering the woman to perform the acts on the child, record them and send them to him via Facebook Messenger and text message. Michigan State Police Detective Kyle Bowers testified at Caseys Nov. 14 preliminary hearing that Casey had, along with other graphic material, a minimum of nine pornographic videos that involved varying types of penetration of the young girl, saved to his phone. Those videos were submitted as evidence in the case against Casey. "She was always a very happy, very outgoing little girl, a silly little girl. Now shes withdrawn, the girls grandmother said, speaking on behalf of the young girl at Mondays sentencing. The woman said the child is sad, mad, confused about everything. She used to be a girly-girl who loved to wear skirts and all that," she said. "Now she panics at the thought of wearing a dress or a skirt. Its really changed who she is. Moore, when given the chance to address the court, said the charges dont define who she is as a person and that she prays the court system and proper counseling can help the child get through this. I pray that no (woman) should ever have to be put through the situation I was encountered with, Moore said. I was wrong in what I did in the situation. It was wrong. I thank God my actions stopped, possibly even further things from happening. Giguere scolded Moore for her comments. Ms. Moore you are neither a victim nor a hero in any sense of the word and to stand here at sentencing and to utter those words makes me ill, Giguere said. You must be punished severely and separated from society for a long time. You have no place in our civilized community. Also on MLive: Kalamazoo County courts cease operations, cancel jury trials due to coronavirus Kalamazoo woman pleads guilty to three counts of child sex abuse Man accused of ordering girlfriend to record sex acts with girl, 9, heads to trial Woman accused of sharing childs sex assault on internet SHENZHEN, China, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- To help more the clients to know about now and the future, focusing on big data's digging and exploring, Reed Huabo-China (Shenzhen) International Gift Fairs Organizer now gives a thorough analysis about the Gifts Industry Market. As consumption upgrading, population growth and other factors boosted the consumption in China's FMCG market, the consumption began to recover in 2017 despite the continuous declined. Its major consumer is concentrated in the middle class and the younger generation, the pursuit of a healthy and convenient quality of life is main trending. In China , gifts mainly include business and welfare gifts. To the products wholesaler, the most valuable information is to have a clear understanding of the industry data, the post of purchasers, the consumption data of users, feedback, etc. Gifts services suppliers started to enter the New Retail field. For the middle class, consumption has shifted from Taobao to Tik Tok , from price to quality. For the company, different types of companies have different requirements for products, so one should know the type of company to recommend appropriate gifts. Rigid demand, high frequency and pain spots are the six-word rules to select good products. For example, FMCG products to meet basic physiological needs, trunks to meet quality life, etc. In 2017, the top five of the most popular in China's business gift market are trunks, household items, digital electronics, personal health and small home appliances. Looking forward to predicting the future as well as the consumption trend, mobile electronics related products and products that improve the quality of private life will be set off a new consumption trend. Only by focusing on consumers, continuous consumption upgrading and seizing New Retail opportunities can suppliers stand on a firm footing. At the end, China (Shenzhen) International Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches & Houseware Fair will be postponed to May 25th to 28th, 2020 in Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 06:16:54|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RAMALLAH/GAZA, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Big financial burdens have cast shadow on Palestine's fight against COVID-19 outbreak that has caused widespread disruption of normal life and commercial activities. To ease the financial burdens faced by the Palestinian Authority (PA), Palestinian Minister of Finance Shukri Bishara met earlier Monday with his Israeli counterpart Moshe Kahlon in Jerusalem to discuss the repayment of tax revenues held by Israel as well as the measures to combat the novel coronavirus. "The money that Israel holds is a right for the Palestinians, and it will certainly contribute to supporting our budget in finding the best measures to confront the challenge," Bishara said in an emailed press statement. Several meetings have been held over the past few months to discuss the joint economic issues. The peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians have stopped since 2014 due to deep-rooted disputes on the issues related to Jerusalem, settlements, security, and borders. In January, the Israeli cabinet agreed to cut 43 million U.S. dollars from the tax revenue dues that Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinians from goods that go through Israeli-controlled crossings. In February last year, Israel also cut 502 million Israeli shekels (133 million U.S. dollars) from the Palestinian tax revenue dues, saying that the money had been paid to families whose children attacked Israel. The PA cabinet convened on Saturday in Ramallah to discuss its 2020 budget amid possible fiscal and economic deterioration due to the spread of the coronavirus and the slowdown of the global economy. The city of Bethlehem has recently been largely locked down as the tourists sites and public places there were closed following the detection of first COVID-19 cases involving foreign tourists from Europe. The Palestinian Businessmen Association called on Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, to exempt taxes of imports of basic food products and cleaning materials. Ali el-Hayyek, chairman of the association, said in a press statement that the government's decisions must follow Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' declaration of a status of emergency in Palestine for one month. El-HayyekHe called on the ministries of economy and finance in Gaza "to take urgent measures to back the private sector in the Gaza Strip and stock enough food and medical products in case of emergency once the virus spreads in the coastal enclave. In the West Bank, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced earlier on Monday that a new case of the new coronavirus was found in the West Bank, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 39. In Gaza, the Health Ministry announced on Monday that the besieged coastal enclave remained free of coronavirus cases. The CPI(M) on Tuesday hit out at the government over the nomination of Ranjan Gogoi, former chief justice of India (CJI), to Rajya Sabha and said that it was a "brazen" effort to undermine the independence of the judiciary. Gogoi, who headed benches that pronounced several key judgements including in the sensitive Ayodhya land dispute case, was on Monday nominated to Rajya Sabha by the government. He also led the benches that ruled on matters like Rafale fighter jet deal and entry of women in Sabarimala temple. "By nominating the former CJI to the Rajya Sabha, the Modi government is brazenly undermining the independence of the judiciary and subverting the separation of powers between the organs of the State, which is an inviolable principle enshrined in our constitutional scheme," the Left party said in a statement. The party also quoted Gogoi's statement last year where he had observed, "There is a strong viewpoint that post-retirement appointment is a scar on independence of judiciary." "The CPI(M) has earlier stated in no uncertain terms that under the constitutional scheme of things, the judiciary in India is not only independent, but has a very important role to safeguard the rule of law. "The recent delays in delivery of justice, midnight transfers of high court judges and the delay in taking up the challenges to abrogation of Article 370 and the CAA have not evoked confidence among the people and are not in consonance with their legitimate expectations," it said, urging President Ram Nath Kovind to rescind Gogoi's nomination. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Yet, in many other ways, life goes on, almost like normal. Traffic flowed on south suburban thoroughfares in typical fashion this week as many retail stores remained open. Macys on Tuesday announced it was shuttering all its stores. But until and unless other retailers follow suit, shoppers seem to be going about their regular business. On Monday the Pennsylvania Department of Health announced 13 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in the state. There are no new cases in Delaware County. The total number of cases in Delaware County is seven. The total number of cases in the state is 76. The Delaware County Government Center will be closed to the public on Tuesday, March 17. Government Center offices will operate with a reduced and staggered staff to ensure the continuity of government, however, the offices will not be open to the public. Residents can call government offices on March 17 but are not able to access the building. Delaware County Council will hold its public agenda meeting on Tuesday, March 17 at 10 a.m. and its public council meeting on Wednesday, March 18 at 6 p.m. as planned. However, in order to adhere to federal recommendations of avoiding large gatherings and observing social distancing, the public will not be permitted into the meetings. Both meetings will be live streamed on the countys YouTube channel: Residents can email in their public comment. Public comments must be submitted with the same information that is requested at a public meeting including the persons name and address. Emails can be sent immediately to: Public comment will be accepted until each meeting is adjourned. The public comments will be read into record during the meeting and council will respond if warranted. If you do not have access to email you can call in your public comment: 610-891-4931. Please give your name, address and public comment. Your comment will be transcribed and read into record. Emailed or phoned-in comments deemed inappropriate will not be read into public record. The Delaware County Court of Common Pleas suspended all judicial operations on Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17. A Common Pleas Court judge will be available at the county courthouse during regular business hours to hear temporary protection from abuse applications on March 16 and March 17. The Delaware County Magisterial Courts will be available, but only to conduct preliminary criminal arraignments and review after-hours temporary protection from abuse requests. On March 16, President Judge Kevin F. Kelly relatedly intends to file with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court an application under the Pennsylvania Rules of Judicial Administration seeking authorization to declare a judicial emergency, which if allowed will access various additional authorities to further address this public health crisis and the courts ability to continue to provide critically essential judicial services. More details about the operations of the Delaware County Government Center, the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas and Magisterial District Courts will be released in the following days. All Delaware County Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed until further notice. Gov. Tom Wolf ordered all restaurants and bars in Delaware County to close their dine-in facilities at midnight (12:01 a.m. March 16) for 14 days to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Businesses that offer carry-out, delivery, and drive-through food and beverage service may continue to do so, but eating and drinking inside restaurants and bars is temporarily prohibited. Businesses that do not adhere to this order could face enforcement actions. The Department of Community and Economic Development and Department of Health are reaching out to businesses through a letter to provide guidance on the types of businesses that are urged to close. The letter also indicates to businesses that financial assistance opportunities are available to mitigate the financial impact of closures. More details here: The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is alerting motorists that cash will not be accepted at any interchange statewide beginning March 16 at 8 p.m. This is a temporary safety measure to keep travelers moving with no need to stop at tollbooths or interact with tolling personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, cash and credit cards will not be accepted anywhere on the PA Turnpikes ticket system. All tolls will be assessed electronically via E-ZPass or the PA Turnpike TOLL BY PLATE program as vehicles travel at posted speed limits through tolling points. Residents should refrain from going to Emergency Rooms if they have symptoms and want to get tested for COVID-19. Local Emergency Rooms are not testing for COVID-19. If you have symptoms- you should call 911 or 1-877-PA-HEALTH. Emergency Rooms are not testing and we dont want residents to be in hospitals if its not necessary, where they are more likely to contract the virus or other illnesses. If you have another health emergency-then you should go the ER as you normally would. Right now, the best way to protect yourself is to take the same precautions you would to prevent the flu or common cold: Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with your elbow to avoid touching your face Wash your hands often with soap and warm/hot water for at least 20 seconds Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available Clean surfaces frequently, including countertops, light switches, cell phones, remotes, and other frequently touched items If you are feeling sick, stay home. Rest, take care of yourself and dont spread the germs. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you are asked to call the State Health Department at 1-877-PA-HEALTH or 911. The county has created a website dedicated to information on the Coronavirus, including prevention, resources and a FAQ section with link to the state Health Department and CDC. The website is: Residents are encouraged to register for the DelcoAlert notificationsystem which alerts residents of updates and emergencies. You can register here: A new data centre set to connect Central Africa will be constructed in The Republic of Congo. The Congolese government signed the $30m agreement with IT firm Sterling and Wilson. The deal is part of the Central Africa Backbone (CAB4) initiative, and will see a data centre constructed in the coastal city of Pointe-Noire. CAB4 is aimed at boosting internet coverage and connectivity in the Economic Community of Central African States. The project will provide a terrestrial fibre network running between Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Gabon, the Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The project counts the Export-Import Bank of India among its investors, and is being financed by a loan of at least $280 million from the World Bank. A total of 79 terrorist incidents have taken place in Jammu and Kashmir ever since the central government abrogated Article 370, which gave special status to the erstwhile state, Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday. However, Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy said, no major terror attack took place in the hinterland of the country between August 5, 2019 and March 10, 2020. Altogether 79 terrorist incidents have taken place in Jammu and Kashmir during the period from August 5, 2019 to March 10, 2020, in which 49 terrorists have been neutralised, he said during Question Hour. Replying to another question, Reddy said the investigation into the February 2019 terrorist attack on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir was still on. After the Pulwama attack, 82 security force personnel (including 40 CRPF personnel in Pulwama) have laid their lives in fight against terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, he said. The government announced abrogation of Article 370 provisions on August 5 last year. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON The six branches of our United States military each serve to protect our nation on land, air and sea, both at home and abroad. Now in its 13th year honoring the unwavering dedication of our nation's more than 1.1 million military spouses, it is with great pleasure that after hundreds of nominations and thousands of national votes, that the 2020 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year Branch winners have been selected: Yvonne Coombes - Army Arlene Allen - Marine Corps David Carrera - Navy Bree Carroll - Air Force Paulette Suzanne Fryar - Coast Guard Cristy Reid - National Guard This year's branch winners were recognized for their work to improve the lives of military families by volunteering and developing impactful programs to address topics surrounding mental health, military marriages, male spouses, children's educational resources and overall military benefits and resources. "While our 2019 branch winners are incredible, this year's class continues to embody and vividly illustrate what this award stands for and has been built upon," says Lori Simmons, vice president and chief marketing officer at Armed Forces Insurance. "As military spouses, these men and women serve in their own capacity. They serve as parents, advocates, overseers, caretakers and changemakers. They are enacting change in the military community and beyond through their desired platform. I am elated to see what endeavors this class will choose to take on in the future. A national vote will open on March 12 at 12 pm CST and close on March 14 at 12 pm CST. Additionally, the six finalists will be judged by a guest panel on five core criteria: overall involvement in the military community, exhibition of leadership skills, community building capability, communication skills and overall personal story. The overall winner will be named at an awards dinner on Thursday, May 7 at Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, VA in conjunction with National Military Spouse Appreciation Day which occurs on May 10. The Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year Award was founded in 2008 by Chris Hale, CEO of veteran-owned Neptune Holdings, Military Spouse Magazine's parent company. In the Fall of 2018, Armed Forces Insurance (AFI) assumed all ownership over the Military Spouse of the Year program after acting as the title sponsor for the last nine years. To learn more about the award program, the 2020 branch winners or cast a vote, visit ### About Armed Forces Insurance: Armed Forces Insurance was founded in 1887 by military leaders with a single mission: to protect the property of those who protect our nation. The company provides premium quality, competitively priced property and casualty insurance to military professionals throughout the United States and overseas. Armed Forces Insurance understands that its members have unique circumstances and insurance needs, enabling the company to offer a level of personalized service that's unequalled in the industry. For more information, visit the website at or call 800-495-8234, and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. About Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year The Armed Forces Insurance (AFI) Military Spouse of the Year Award was founded in 2008 by Chris Hale, CEO of veteran-owned Neptune Holdings, and after nine years as title sponsor, AFI assumed ownership in 2018. The award is presented at a base, branch and overall level each year to military spouses who are making a difference in their communities and providing a collective voice for spouses around the world. Through a national nomination and voting process, these nominees are judged on five core criteria: overall involvement in military community, exhibition of leadership skills, community building capability, communication skills and overall personal story. With more than one million military spouses worldwide, this award program aims to shine a spotlight on the force behind our armed forces. For more information, please visit KALAMAZOO, MI The city of Kalamazoo will spend $250,000 to support a disaster relief fund that aims to help city residents during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The Kalamazoo City Commission met on Monday, March 16, and approved the resolution, which was a last-minute addition to the meeting agenda. Vice Mayor Partese Griffin read the resolution aloud before the unanimous vote, which puts a quarter-million dollars into the United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region Disaster Relief Fund. Griffin said in a video message posted following the meeting that the funding is meant to help fill the gaps for citizens in a time when restaurants are closing and other uncertainties, and as officials are still unsure about the state or federal funding that could become available. This is definitely going to have an impact on people, she said about the impact of coronavirus on communities, including to those struggling before the pandemic. Anderson said some of the rules about how the money are spent and details are still being determined. Were going to do that with community partners, with the direction, to make sure, for example, people dont lose their housing, Anderson said. The funds could be used to help address other issues local non-profits are facing, Anderson said. Deputy City Manager Laura Lam said the source of the funding, the Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo High Impact Fund, was funded with Foundation for Excellence money in 2019. The Foundation for Excellence was established in 2017, kicked off by a $70.3-million donation from wealthy Kalamazoo businessmen. The fund has taken in more funding since, and recently received millions in donations from the Johnston Stryker Foundation. Given the current situation that were in and given the focus of our funders on helping the most vulnerable in this crisis, we saw a strong connection with the goals of Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo and the needs were seeing out there, Lam said Monday evening. A process is being created so people can call to report issues theyre seeing in the community, Lam said, and a team of organizers will work to deploy resources in the community based on the needs identified. According to the resolution, three priorities have been identified for the disaster relief fund: 1) to assist with immediate and anticipated direct service needs/gaps 2) to maintain or expand critical internal operations, capacity and infrastructure; and 3) to support costs associated with additional volunteer capacity needed in this time of crisis; and The city attorney will negotiate terms of the funding agreement between the city and United Way, the resolution states. Discussion of coronavirus dominated Mondays meeting, where the commission also approved a contingency plan in case the virus leads to the cancellation of commission meetings. People sat while some of the rows of seats were taped off, to provide extra space between people there. Commissioners Chris Praedel and Jack Urban, instead of taking their usual seats in a U-shaped formation, each sat at separate tables that were brought in to allow for social distancing. Bottles of hand sanitizers sat on surfaces in the commission chambers. 18 Kalamazoo holds city commission meeting amid coronavirus concerns Many residents worked from home, or stayed at home to care for their children, after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered the closure of schools across the state beginning this week and banned gatherings of 250 or more. Praedel talked about some of the good things he saw in his neighborhood as many people were staying at home, helping each other with child care, or challenging neighbors to pick up trash during downtime. Mayor David Anderson shared some brief thoughts about the community response to the virus. Were intentionally, as a community, asking each other to share in the goal of slowing down the spread of this virus. So that communities, and healthcare systems, and public safety, are not overwhelmed by a response that needs to occur because of the quick spread of the virus, Anderson said. After the meeting, the city posted a video with Mayor Anderson and Vice Mayor Patrese Griffin speaking about the issues discussed at the meeting, including some talk about the $250,000 expenditure and other efforts to fight the spread of coronavirus. Read more: Kalamazoo increases managers spending limit to $5 million during coronavirus outbreak Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune production halted amid coronavirus pandemic concerns Michigan fitness centers, spas cope with shutdowns: Its really, really challenging Dollar General sets specific hours for senior shoppers during coronavirus outbreak WASHINGTON, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, CFP Board announced the closure of all CFP Certification Examination testing sites. All CFP exam registrants impacted by the testing site closures will be rescheduled at no additional cost for the July 2020 CFP exam administration, which is currently scheduled to take place from July 7-14, 2020. CFP Board will follow up with all affected individuals after registration opens for the July exam. The decision to close the testing sites was made by CFP Board's testing administrator, Prometric, which is closing all of its testing centers in North America for at least the next 30 days in an effort to protect the health and well-being of staff and clients during the COVID-19 outbreak. "While we regret the inconvenience this will cause, CFP Board supports this decision to help protect public health," said Kevin Keller, CAE, CEO of CFP Board. "We will do all we can to minimize any disruptions as candidates pursue certification." ABOUT CFP BOARD Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. is a professional body for personal financial planners in the U.S. CFP Board sets standards for financial planning and administers the prestigious CFP certification one of the most respected certifications in financial services so that the public has access to and benefits from competent and ethical financial planning. CFP Board, along with its Center for Financial Planning, is committed to increasing the public's awareness of CFP certification and access to a diverse, ethical and competent financial planning workforce. Widely recognized by firms as the standard for financial planning, CFP certification is held by over 86,000 people in the United States. SOURCE Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. Related Links BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 17 By Rufiz Hafizoglu - Trend: The export of electrical goods from Turkey to Turkmenistan amounted to $9.755 million having increased by 3.49 percent in January-February 2020, compared to the same period in 2019, Trend reports on March 17 referring to the Ministry of Trade of Turkey. The export of electrical goods from Turkey to Turkmenistan decreased in February 2020 by 0.02 percent compared to February 2019 and amounted to $5.630 million. The exports of electrical goods from Turkey account for 5.7 percent of the country's total exports in January-February. Turkey exported $865,552 million worth of electrical goods to world markets In February 2020, which is 2.6 percent less than in the same month of 2019. Exports of electrical goods from Turkey in February 2020 amounted to 5.9 percent of the country 's total exports. Over the past 12 months, from February 2019 through February 2020, Turkey exported electrical goods worth $11.242 billion. Follow the author on Twitter: @rhafizoglu With dine-in service banned in Illinois eateries through at least March 30, area restaurateurs were scrambling Monday to come up with a plan for curb-side, drive-through or delivery service that would help keep the move from eating too far into their operating budgets. Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced the ban Sunday as part of ongoing efforts to prevent or at least slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Jacksonville Mayor Andy Ezard is aware of the financial impact the order could have on his city but remained hopeful about how Jacksonville will get through it. This is going to have a huge impact on local business and businesses in general, Ezard said. There are a lot of unknowns at this point were just listening and learning from what comes down from the governors office, he said. Ezard has been receiving calls from concerned business owners and he has been relaying what information he has as it becomes available, he said. Restaurants will have to re-invent the way they do business, he said, adding that Jacksonville has been through hard times in the past but the city and its people have a track record of coming together and getting through. Fresh Press owner Jeff Newman, who recently purchased the business, said he will adjust to the order but has to test the waters. Its been a whirlwind but were going to offer curbside pick-up, Newman said. He wasnt sure Monday what operating hours were going to be during the partial closure, but customers will be able to call in or order online, he said. Its a day-to-day thing, he said, adding that, if the curbside effort proves unfeasible, he will shut the Fresh Press doors until the restrictions are lifted. I honestly feel worse for my friends that cant be open at all, Newman said. Sherry Schierl, owner and operator of Muggsys, Mulligans, Schiraz and Brickhouse BBQ, released a statement Monday saying that those restaurants will be closed because of the restrictions; they will instead take those days to do repairs and maintenance. Some business owners are doing what they can to help employees. Were going to get a new face lift, said Dan Kindred, owner of Dons Place in Jacksonville. Kindred will offer Dons Place employees, most of whom rely on tips earned when the business is open, the option to help clean and paint the restaurant, earning them some sort of income during the closure. I have employees to think about, he said. Despite the loss in revenue, Kindred has other concerns. Its all just not good, he said. My biggest fear is that its going to be longer than two weeks. Ali Morton, a bartender at Dons Place, is nervous but trying to handle the temporary closure as best as she can, she said. She will be among the Dons crew helping with the cleaning and painting to help make ends meet. Its scary, and I get it, but I need to pay my bills, Morton said. I dont know how to describe it. Its not fear maybe motivation to get through all of this but its scary, she said. Many of the chain restaurants along Morton Avenue still will be offering drive-through where available. A representative of Wendys said the restaurant is doing what it needs to do to keep the public and its employees safe while making food available at its drive-through. Ralph Mullis, general manager for Applebees Grill & Bar, said they also are taking all necessary precautions. Staff are wiping things down on the hour, he said. Applebees will continue to offer online ordering and catering. We can still box it, Mullis said, noting the restaurant long has offered car side service for those customers picking up food to take home. We just dont have the ability to deliver yet. Pizza places including Pizza Hut, Papa Johns and Dominos will continue to deliver. We have closed our lobby but our pick-up window and delivery is still available, said Dale Terrell, manager at Dominos on Morton Avenue. The Pimpri-Chinchwad police seized six domestic-made pistols along with 15 live cartilages from two men, one of whom has a history of 23 cases against him. The second accused works as a security staffer at a local car showroom. The arrested duo have been identified as Ganesh Maruti Mali, 26, a resident of Baburao Dhore Bhavan in Old Sangvi, and Gyanoba alias Gotu Maruti Gitte, 30, a resident of Bank Colony in Parali, Beed. On March 6, Mali was caught near a bakery in Kalewadi, Pimpri-Chinchwad, in possession of a domestic-made pistol with two rounds and a pistol-shaped lighter. He was then booked under Sections 3 and 5(25)(27) of Arms Act along with Section 37(1) with 135 of Maharashtra Police Act, which has been registered at Wakad police station. Mali, who works at a car showroom, was on the police radar due to social media posts about weapons in his possession, according to assistant police inspector (API) Ambrish Deshmukh of Unit 4, Pimpri-Chinchwad crime branch. An ongoing trend among suspects is that they tend to post pictures and videos with weapons and when they are caught, they declare fake weapons. Mali also was in a possession of a pistol-shaped lighter. Our people kept track of him for two months, said API Deshmukh. Police naik Lakshman Adhari of Unit 4 kepts track of Mali on social media. We wanted to ensure that he was caught when he was in possession of the actual weapon, said Adhari. Upon interrogation, Mali led the police to Gite, the man who supplied him the weapon. A team of crime branch officials found Gite in Parli Vaijnath in Beed. Gite confessed to possessing a stash of weapons that he intended to sell. The weapons were found in a bag hidden in a kiosk in Wakad. Collectively, the police recovered six weapons, 15 live cartridges, and a pistol-shaped lighter, totally worth Rs 1,64,100, from the duo. Gite further led the police to a weapons dealer named Kulsingh Jaswant Singh alias Sardar, a resident of Gram inghana in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh. Sandeep Bishnoi, Pimpri-Chinchwad police commissioner has announced an award to the team that made the arrest. All security staffers in the area will undergo a verification check to see if they have a criminal record or are in possession of weapons, said commissioner Bishnoi. Hong Kong will put all visitors under a two-week quarantine and medical surveillance starting midnight on March 19 to prevent further spread of the new coronavirus, chief executive Carrie Lam said at a press briefing. The government also told Hong Kong residents to avoid all non-essential travel and issued its second-highest red outbound travel alert to all countries and territories except for mainland China, Macao and Taiwan. As of Monday, Hong Kong, which is one of Asia's major financial hubs, has confirmed 157 cases and four deaths in the city. The first cases in the city were detected as early as January but swift measures, as well as social distancing efforts, kept the number of infections relatively low. The coronavirus, which was first detected in China's Hubei province, causes the COVID-19 disease that infected at least 168,000 people worldwide and killed more than 6,600 people, according to data from the World Health Organization. Many countries have recently stepped up travel restrictions and business closures to prevent the virus from spreading. Lam said Hong Kong recorded 57 new cases in recent weeks, and 50 of those cases are imported from overseas and that local transmission remained low. Without taking stringent measures at the moment, Hong Kong's past efforts to prevent the spread of the disease would go to waste, she said in a translation of her remarks. Lack of proper measures could lead to community outbreaks and burden Hong Kong's health care system. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday (March 17) will hear the petition filed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) seeking an immediate floor test in Madhya Pradesh Assembly. A two-judge bench, headed by Justice Dr. DY Chandrachud and Justice Hemant Gupta will hear the plea filed by former chief minister and BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who sought urgent direction from the apex court to the Speaker to conduct a floor test as the latter had postponed it to March 26. A day earlier, on March 16, the BJP approached the Supreme Court seeking a floor test in the Madhya Pradesh assembly amid the ongoing political crisis in the state, which was sparked off by the exit of Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia. The petitioners said that they are approaching the apex court as the respondents, Speaker and Madhya Pradesh CM have violated the constitutional principles and have deliberately and willfully defied the directions issued by the Governor on March 14, requiring the Chief Minister to prove his majority on the floor of Madhya Pradesh legislative assembly. "It is submitted by the petitioners that the leaders of the main opposition party namely the BJP also on March 14 had addressed a letter to the Madhya Pradesh Governor that the government was reduced into minority and attempts of horse-trading were being made," the petition said. The petition said that in such a situation, the Governor should exercise his constitutional powers and direct the Chief Minister to prove his majority on the floor of the house. "Since the government appears to have lost the majority in the House and the Chief Minister had himself expressed willingness to conduct the floor test, the Governor, in the exercise of his constitutional powers directed the Chief Minister to conduct a floor test in the house and prove his majority on March 16, 2020, when the budget session of the assembly begins," the petition said. However, despite the clear directions issued by the Governor, the item for seeking the confidence vote has not been included in the business to be transacted on the floor of the House on Monday. The direction of the Governor is, thus, intentionally and wilfully been defied, the petition stated. The development comes as the Madhya Pradesh Assembly, which met on Monday morning for the Budget session was adjourned immediately after the Governor's address till March 26, in view of the coronavirus outbreak. Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh Governor Lalji Tandon has written a letter to Chief Minister Kamal Nath directing him to conduct the floor test on March 17. NEW YORK, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- For the very first time, five MRM agencies have been named in WARC's top 40 effective digital agencies listing, as part of the Effective 100 ranking. MRM China ranked the #2 digital specialist agency globally, with MRM Bucharest at #19, MRMChile at #24, and MRM Spain and MRM Mexico both at #40. Kate MacNevin, Global CEO of MRM, said, "This recognition by WARC shows that MRM is succeeding in delivering powerful, measurable results for our clients. These rankings are a testament to excellence in effectiveness, and our attention to growing meaningful relationships drives creative solutions, and produces results." MRM's impressive recognition, which spans across APAC, LATAM and Europe, follows McCann Worldgroup's ranking as the #1 network for effectiveness for the second year in a row. The WARC Rankings are a global index of creative, effective and media excellence in advertising. McCann Worldgroup's roster of agencies, and the creative campaigns they produced, dominated the WARC effectiveness rankings. McCann Worldgroup agencies occupied an incredible total of 13 slots of the top 50 agencies in WARC's ranking. Harris Diamond, Chairman and CEO of McCann Worldgroup, said, "The creative and strategic award recognition that we have received for so many of our agencies across our entire global network, shows the power of our ability to create strategically-driven creative work for some of our largest global clients, as well as major regional and local ones. And we could never produce so much great work without our clients' willingness to push marketing boundaries to drive their businesses forward." The WARC honors follow a year of global recognition for MRM. In 2019, the agency won three Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity Awards, 17 Effie Awards, two The One Show Awards, nine Clio Awards, two Webby Awards and a D&AD Award. In 2019, for a third year in a row, MRM achieved Leader status in Gartner Inc.'s prestigious "Magic Quadrant for Global Marketing Agencies." The 2020 WARC recognition continues McCann' Worldgroup's dominating performance in creative and effectiveness awards. In addition to the WARC effectiveness recognition, McCann New York also recently topped the WARC Creative 100 Ranking as the #1 most creative individual agency. McCann Worldgroup also was just named to Fast Company's prestigious annual list of the World's Most Innovative Companies for 2020 and additionally was named as Network of the Year at the 2019 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, as 2019 Global Agency of the Year by Adweek, as Network of the Year by Campaign Magazine US, and as EMEA Agency Network of the Year the last two years in Campaign's European rankings. ABOUT MRM MRM is a leading marketing agency. Through a strong foundation in strategy, data science, technology and creativity, MRM helps transform businesses by helping brands grow meaningful relationships with people. MRM is part of the Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) and a top agency in the McCann Worldgroup network, with 40-plus offices across North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. For more information, please visit SOURCE MRM The Hatfield Bar on the Ormeau Road in Belfast. Pic Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker The Northern Ireland and UK governments have taken a series of unprecedented measures in order to support the economy, businesses, workers and families. The tourism, travel, hospitality, retail and entertainment sectors, along with the self-employed, are gravely impacted by the economic crisis, and thousands of people in Northern Ireland have already lost their jobs. Business owners If you are a Northern Ireland business owner, here's what support is available to you. Q Will I still have to pay rates, even if I have had to close? A Stormont Finance Minister Conor Murphy has announced an emergency 100m rates package for all Northern Ireland businesses. This will mean businesses will not have to pay any rates for the next three months. In order to help businesses with short-term cash flow problems, rates bills from April to June will also be deferred. There have been calls, however, for the rates holiday to be extended to a year, as is the case for the hospitality sector in England. Q What about my VAT bill? A Chancellor Rishi Sunak has deferred the next quarter of VAT payments, meaning no business across the UK will pay VAT from now to mid-June. The Chancellor said businesses will have until the end of the financial year to repay their VAT bills. Q My business has shut as a result of the outbreak, how can I keep my staff on the payroll? Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that "for the first time in our history" the UK Government will step in and help pay people's wages through a coronavirus job retention scheme. "Employers will be able to contact HMRC for a grant to cover most of the wages of people who are not working but are furloughed and kept on payroll rather than being laid off," he said. The Government grants will cover 80% of the salary of retained workers up to a total of 2,500 a month which is just above the median income". Businesses retaining staff through the coronavirus employment retention scheme will not have to reimburse the grants they receive. The scheme, open to any employer in the UK, will cover the cost of wages backdated to March 1st and will be open before the end of April for at least three months. There's no limit on the funding available for the scheme, we will pay to support as many jobs as needed, the Chancellor said. Q What other support is available for businesses? A Businesses are also able to avail of 330bn in government-back loans. These loans are designed to help firms pay rent, stock and suppliers. The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme will remain interest-free for 12 months. Q The Chancellor also announced funding grants of up to 25,000 for small businesses, does this apply to Northern Ireland? A The Stormont Executive has unveiled its own grants schemes to assist businesses with cash flow pressures brought about by the Covid-19 outbreak. The official rescue package includes a grant scheme worth 10,000 each for around 27,000 small businesses and a payment of 25,000 to around 4,000 firms involved in retail, tourism and hospitality. The new small business grant scheme of 10,000 will be provided to all small businesses eligible for the small business rate relief scheme with a Net Asset Value of up to 15,000. The new immediate grant of 25,000 will go to for companies in the retail, tourism and hospitality sectors with Net Asset Value between 15,000 and 51,000. Q How can I get access to the grant? A Economy Minister Diane Dodds announced the first set of payments for small businesses impacted by the Coronavirus crisis will be made under the Small Business Grant Scheme on 31 March, if not before then. An online portal: has gone live for businesses to register their bank and rates details to secure payment. Q Are any other financial measures expected to be announced in the near future? A Business leaders have called on employer's national insurance contributions to be waived. The Government has also been urged to provide further support to sole traders and the self-employed, who can now access, in full, Universal Credit at a rate equivalent to Statutory Sick Pay for employees. Self employed Q What support is available for those that are self employed? A The Chancellor announced the next self-assessment payments will be deferred until January 2021 in order to support the self-employed through the tax system. He further announced self-employed people with trading profits of under 50,000 will also be able to benefit from a HM Treasury Self-Employed Income Support Scheme, a taxable grant worth 80% of their average monthly profits over the last three years, up to 2,500 per month. Q How will this be worked out? The scheme will be available to around 136,000 in Northern Ireland. At least half their income needs to have come from self-employment as registered on the 2018-19 tax return filed in January. People who have not filed that return are advised to do so immediately and have four weeks to do so - from March 26. This will not cover those recently self-employed with the chancellor saying they will have to rely on the benefits system. Q Can I continue to work? Yes unlike the PAYE workers' scheme you can continue to work. Q When will the payments be made? A A single lump sum payment backdated to March will be made in June. Until then self-employed workers have been advised to apply for universal credit. The grants will be taxed and should be declared on tax returns by January 2022. Workers If you have lost your job and now rely on benefits or are struggling financially due to the coronavirus, here's what has already been announced to help you. Q. I have lost my job; whats being done to help me? A The Chancellor has announced that the Universal Credit standard allowance and the Working Tax Credit basic element will each be increased by 1,000 a year for 12 months. Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. Q How can I sign on for benefits during the pandemic? A All benefits offices are closed and contact will be made over the phone to protect the public and frontline staff. "All front line services will be suspended initially for a period of three months to assess where we are with this virus and any contact will be done via the telephone or other forms of communications," Communities Minister, Deirdre Hargey said, speaking on BBC Radio Ulster. Appointments have been postponed for a period of three months, which may be extended. Q Do I still have to sign on in person? A No. Ms Hargey said that those who normally have to sign on in person for benefits will no longer have to turn up to the benefit offices. "No one will be penalised for any attending the office," she said, adding that those who usually have to submit medical advice or certificates in person are not currently required to do so. Q Will I be contacted about my face-to-face interview? A "We're contacting those people over the next few days to let them know their appointments have been suspended initially for a period of three months. We will be constantly reviewing that," said Ms Hargey. Q What about my rent? The Chancellor has announced nearly 1bn of support for renters across the UK, through housing benefit and Universal Credit. He said the Local Housing Allowance will cover at least 30% of market rents in your area. Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has also outlined locally implemented measures. In relation to social housing tenants, the Department for Communities has an agreement in place with all social housing landlords (Housing Executive and Housing Associations) that any social housing tenant facing difficulties paying rent during Covid-19 will not be evicted. For private renters, the increase in Local Housing Allowance rates from 1 April will provide additional financial support for private tenants in receipt of Housing Benefit or the housing costs element of Universal Credit. In addition, anyone who has lost their job and who signs on to Universal Credit can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment to have their full rent paid for 13 weeks, Mrs Hargey said. Meanwhile the Housing Executive, which leads on the response to homelessness, has a central Covid-19 team in place and will continue to fulfil its statutory homeless obligations during this period. Q I am on the Steps 2 Success employment programme - do I have to attend? A Ms Hargey said: "All programmes going forward will be suspended for a period and people will not be penalised for not attending the office." Q I work in a small business - what will my job prospects look like in the near future? A Speaking in Stormont on Monday, Economy Minister Diane Dodds revealed plans to re-divert laid-off staff in the coming months. "I think it is something that my department will quickly look at, if we are in the position where firms have to close," she said. "Many people will have skills in food preparation that we may need in our hospitals and so on as this thing reaches a peak, so we will be looking at this and how, if one business closes, there are opportunities in other areas." Healthcare workers Q I am working in a hospital, what support is there for me? A Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon approved free travel for NHS workers on public transport. Social care workers are required to present their work pass to Translink staff on all services. Healthcare staff working in private sector settings like care homes can avail of free travel by showing photographic ID and obtaining a letter available from the Department of Health, signed by their employer. The Minister announced there would be a further reduction in the level of public transport provision from Monday 30 March when Translink Bus and Rail Services will operate a further reduced frequency timetable. Supermarkets have dedicated shopping times for healthcare workers to be able to collect groceries. A number of accommodation providers - such as hotels, Airbnb owners have offered places to stay for workers who fear returning home to their families after a shift working with those who may have the virus. Parents Q What support is available for families? A Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey and Education Minister Peter Weir moved to ensure that the families of children on free school meals do not experience any hardship as a result of the recent closure of schools. Minister Hargey confirmed direct payments of 2.70 per child per day will be made every two weeks to the families of 97,000 children for each day their school is closed. Minister Weir said the Education Authority would process grants for the vast majority of the 50,000 families receiving free school meals but where their bank details are not known, families would be contacted by text message early next week, urging them to immediately complete an online form on the Education Authority website. Also some schools are open for key workers to use for childcare provision. Education Minister Peter Weir has said some 580 schools have opened for 1,172 pupils with 5,686 available. Public transport Q Are the buses and trains still running? A No public transport service will be allowed to admit more than 50% of passengers on board. Passengers will also not be permitted to sit beside other people and must observe the two metre social distancing rule. Translink will have additional capacity on standby for its heavily used routes to facilitate social distancing. Service changes will also be implemented from Monday March 23. Bus Services (Ulsterbus, Metro and Glider) will operate a reduced service timetable and NI Railways will operate a Saturday timetable. Translink is also reducing the service timetable for cross-border coach and Enterprise rail services. This is in response to a significant reduction in passenger numbers. Full details of the new timetables are available on Translinks website and journey planner. Farmers Q What support is available for farmers? A A newly extended telephone service was set up by the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots to avoid delays in the movement of cattle and help keep the food supply chain moving smoothly. With the availability of food a key priority for the Executive, farmers who would normally register the movement of an animal in paper format with DAERA Direct offices, will be able to register this activity today by telephone by phoning the Cattle Registration Telephone line on 0300 200 7855 which is operational Monday to Friday from 9.00am-5.00pm. Farmers who are already registered to use DAERAs APHIS online system should continue to use this to notify all cattle births, deaths and movements. Charities Q Im involved with a charity ready to help during the crisis; is there new funding available? A new 400,000 Coronavirus Community Fund has been announced in Northern Ireland. The new fund is being used to support older people, who are at higher risk, and other issues emerging from coronavirus. Grants of 1,000 are available however, applications for up to 2,500 of emergency funding to community organisations working with older people (aged 50 and over) to help them to deliver support during the outbreak, will be considered. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 13:48:18|Editor: ZD Video Player Close SEOUL, March 17 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's education ministry said Tuesday that it will delay this year's new school year by two more weeks to April 6 on worry about the COVID-19 outbreak. The new school year was originally scheduled for March 2, but it had been postponed twice to March 23. The education ministry decided to put off the school opening once again as concerns remained over the COVID-19 spread. It marked the first time here that the new school year would start in April. Subject to the delayed school year would be all preschools, primary and secondary schools nationwide. As of Tuesday, the number of infected patients here topped 8,300, but the daily confirmed cases stayed below 100 for the third consecutive day. Despite the signs of slowing, the school opening could lead to a new set of infections through students, the health authorities said. Vice Health Minister Kim Kang-lip told a press briefing Monday that the school opening was worried to result in a cluster infection among students, who may in turn transmit the virus to older people in their towns, more vulnerable to the virus than the young. The number of infected minors aged 18 or lower was 352. Neither death nor the one in critical conditions had been reported yet among the minors. China, which is battling the novel coronavirus for the past three months, has completed the clinical research of Favipiravir - an antiviral drug that has shown good clinical efficacy against COVID-19, a top Chinese official said on Tuesday. Favipiravir, the influenza drug which was approved for clinical use in Japan in 2014, has shown no obvious adverse reactions in the clinical trial, Zhang Xinmin, director of the China National Centre for Biotechnology Development, told the media here. The announcement by Zhang, whose centre is attached to the Ministry of Science and Technology, is regarded as significant as there is no standardised effective cure yet to treat the COVID-19 patients, though China and a number of other countries used drugs to treat HIV as well as Ebola virus patients. The coronavirus has shown signs of gradually abating in China including in the epicentre Wuhan where only one confirmed case was reported on Monday. The virus was first reported in Wuhan in December last year. China's National Health Commission (NHC) said on Tuesday that 21 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 13 deaths were reported on the Chinese mainland on Monday. Of the deaths, 12 were in worst-hit Hubei province and its capital Wuhan one in Shaanxi province, it said. The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 80,881 by the end of Monday. This includes 3,226 people who died of the disease, 8,976 patients who were still being treated, 68,679 others discharged after recovery, the NHC said. Zhang said more than 80 patients have participated in the clinical trial in The Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong province, including 35 patients taking Favipiravir and 45 patients on a control group. Results showed that patients receiving Favipiravir treatment turned negative for the virus in a shorter time compared with patients in the control group, he said. A multi-centred randomised clinical study led by the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University also suggested that the therapeutic effect of Favipiravir is much better than that of the control group, state-run Xinhua agency reported. Favipiravir has been recommended to medical treatment teams and should be included in the diagnosis and treatment plan for COVID-19 as soon as possible, Zhang said. A Chinese pharmaceutical company has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration to mass-produce the drug and ensure stable supply, Zhang added. China is also speeding up the process to finalise vaccines to counter COVID-19 amid reports that Kaiser Permanente research facility in Seattle and Washington began clinical trial of investigational vaccine for coronavirus. Some vaccines for the coronavirus are expected to enter clinical trials as soon as possible in China, Wang Junzhi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, told the media. Chinese scientists have been racing to develop COVID-19 vaccines by five approaches, namely inactivated vaccines, genetic engineering subunit vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, nucleic acid vaccines, and vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors, Wang said. So far, most teams are expected to complete preclinical research in April and some are moving forward faster, Xinhua quoted Wang as saying. Some research team has been enrolling volunteers and applied for clinical trials with the National Medical Products Administration, he added. About the human trials which began in US, Wang said that the research and development of COVID-19 vaccines in China, not slower than foreign counterparts, has been carried out in a scientific, standardized and orderly way. Lei Chaozi, an official with the Ministry of Education, said that the flu viral vector-based vaccine is currently under animal tests for safety and efficacy tests and scheduled to apply for the clinical trial by the end of April. The ministry has called on universities and colleges with advantages, including Peking University, Tsinghua University and Xiamen University, as well as scientific research institutions and related enterprises to speed up research on the COVID-19 vaccine since the traditional Chinese New Year, Lei said. He added that vaccine research conducted by Chinese universities and colleges has been pushed forward following regulations and laws as expected. On Monday, an official from the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission said that a vaccine developed in Shanghai is expected to enter clinical trials by mid-April. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A three-year-old girl from Kalyan has become the youngest person to be infected by the novel coronavirus in Maharashtra, which reported six news cases of Covid-19 on Monday, officials have said. The state, which has the highest number of Covid-19 cases at 39, ordered partial shutdown as it fortified defences for the next 20 decisive days to fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic. Highlights Maharashtra reported six new coronavirus cases on Monday Authorities have said they will streamline the process to screen people coming from abroad Mumbai civic body has also organised two city hotels as quarantine facilities for those who want to pay The 33-year-old female and three-year-old female, wife and daughter of a patient diagnosed on 14th March from Kalyan are reported positive on 16th March 2020. DDU, Thane has been informed to do contract tracing and further management, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporations health department said in a release. Also Watch l Coronavirus | EU-India travel curbs to Siddhivinayak shutdown: Top 10 updates The man, who had tested positive for coronavirus on March 14, had travelled to the US. The novel coronavirus, first reported in Maharashtra on March 9, is in stage two in India or when there is a local transmission from imported cases (stage one) to one or more close contacts. Authorities are on a war footing to contain the outbreak in stage three community transmission as is happening in Iran, Korea, United States of America (US) and many parts of Europe, with the last stage being an epidemic, which devastated China. The next 15-20 days are most important for the state. We will have to take all precautions. It has been observed that cases rise sharply in the second and third weeks and hence the state government doesnt want to take any chance, chief minister Uddhav Thackeray said after holding a review meeting with all district collectors, divisional commissioners and municipal commissioners, through video-conferencing. He, however, reiterated that there is no need to be afraid, but that precautions are a must. So far, the state government has isolated 794 people and 717 have tested negative. One hundred and eight people are still in isolation wards and 621 are home quarantined. The state also released 442 people after they completed 14 days of quarantine, said health officials. Exams postponed, hotels as quarantine facilities The state deferred examinations in colleges and ordered all educational institutions across the state to remain shut till March 31. The government will also ask religious bodies to reduce gatherings and postpone programmes and processions. Several religious places such as the Siddhivinayak Temple said it will remain closed for devotees till further notice. The government has decided to stamp the back of the palms of people asked to undergo self-quarantine with indelible ink to prevent them from coming in contact with other people. Mumbais civic body has ordered private establishments to work with half its workforce every day so that crowds in public transport are reduced. Around 4.4 million commuters use the suburban railway network every day to travel between home and office. The Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) in Borivli and Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary will also be shut till the end of the month. The government has also restricted entry of visitors to the Mantralaya, the state secretariat. It will request the state election commission to postpone all elections for next three months, including 1570 gram panchayats scheduled to go to polls on March 29. State health authorities have said they will streamline the process to screen people coming from abroad. It has also decided to add three more placesthe US, Dubai and Saudi Arabiato a list of countries that include China, Italy, Iran, Spain, France, Germany and South Korea. The state government is quarantining passengers from these countries if anyone is found showing symptoms of the coronavirus. People coming from these places will be divided into three categories. A category will be of those who show clear symptoms and they would be directly taken to isolation wards. B category will have senior citizens with health problems who would be put in a quarantine facility. C category will include others who do not have any symptoms but will have to undergo self-quarantine at home. With several people complaining of poor maintenance of quarantine facilities, the Mumbai civic body has also organised the same at two city hotels Mirage and ITC Maratha for those who want to pay. The hotels will charge patients for staying there and the rates will be half of the regular charges. The state government will take beds at hotels around the airport where a quarantine facility will be developed for those who dont want to stay at the government facility. They have to bear the expenses, which will be half of the hotel rates. I appeal to the people to observe self-discipline and avoid going to crowded places and travel unless its absolutely required. We have not decided to shut public transport, restaurants and hotels yet, Thackeray said. We are expecting people to do their bit as well to prevent the spread of the disease. The state government doesnt want to enforce the law for each and everything, he said. A 62-year-old man has died of the coronavirus in Sao Paulo, Brazil, becoming the South American country's first death from the pandemic, local officials said on Tuesday. The man died on Monday but authorities had not confirmed that the virus was the cause of death until Tuesday. "Unfortunately, it was confirmed this morning," Sao Paulo mayor Bruno Covas told DBN radio. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) [March 17, 2020] Phase Four selected by U.S. Air Force to adapt Maxwell in-space engine for defense needs EL SEGUNDO, Calif., March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Phase Four, makers of radio frequency (RF) plasma engines for in-space propulsion, has been awarded an SBIR Phase I contract by Air Force tech accelerator AFWERX , in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory and the National Security Innovation Network. As part of this partnership, beginning in March 2020, Phase Four will work with the Air Force to adapt its revolutionary Maxwell in-space propulsion system to meet the needs of defense users. Affordable and reliable in-space propulsion is an essential requirement for both commercial and defense next-generation satellite constellations. The Phase Four radio-frequency thruster (RFT) is the first solution to address the cost, manufacturing, and performance needs of high volume satellite constellations. Its simple architecture allows manufacturing to scale up easily, and accommodates a wide range of solid, liquid, and gas propellants . In turn, these features potentially open an even wider range of mission possibilities, including missions in deep space and very low Earth orbit. Maxwell is a complete in-space propulsion system built on Phase Four's RFT. It includes power electronics, software, and a pressurized storage vessel for 1 kg of xenon, providing over 10,000 Ns of impulse. Maxwell is delivered in an enclosure smaller than 19 cm x 19 cm x 14 cm. Customer deliveries began earlier this month. "We're proud to be selected by the Air Force as one of its potential technology partners. This is a great example of how Phase Four's commercial success with Maxwell in the private sector can translate to defense needs," said Beau Jarvis, CEO. "With space now a contested domain, we look forward to collaborating with the Air Force to provide United States space assets with the superior maneuverability and resiliency required to ensure mission success," added Jason Wallace, Vice President of Advanced Development. About Phase Four Phase Four is a disruptive provider of simple electric propulsion (EP) solutions for small satellites. The company was founded in 2015 to address the demands of next generation satellite constellations, and to accelerate the advancement of its radio-frequency thruster (RFT). The Phase Four RFT represents a revolutionary new architecture that realizes lower cost, mass-manufacturability, miniaturized power electronics, and propellant agnosticism over incumbent technologies, without compromising performance. Learn more at . About AFWERX AFWERX serves as an entry point for industry to do business with the Air Force, with the mission of making the Air Force more innovative by uncovering ideas and opportunities to improve the service, connecting ideas with legitimate solutions, and transitioning tools to the warfighter. AFWERX, in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory and National Security Innovation Network, developed the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) "Open Topics," to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and transition rate of the existing SBIR program. SBIR enables the Air Force to develop and adopt commercially viable innovations as integrated program components or operationally effective commercial off-the-shelf solutions. Learn more at . View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Phase Four [ Back To's Homepage ] Like a puppy chasing its tail, some new investors often chase 'the next big thing', even if that means buying 'story stocks' without revenue, let alone profit. But as Warren Buffett has mused, 'If you've been playing poker for half an hour and you still don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy.' When they buy such story stocks, investors are all too often the patsy. So if you're like me, you might be more interested in profitable, growing companies, like Electricite de France (EPA:EDF). Now, I'm not saying that the stock is necessarily undervalued today; but I can't shake an appreciation for the profitability of the business itself. In comparison, loss making companies act like a sponge for capital - but unlike such a sponge they do not always produce something when squeezed. View our latest analysis for Electricite de France Electricite de France's Earnings Per Share Are Growing. The market is a voting machine in the short term, but a weighing machine in the long term, so share price follows earnings per share (EPS) eventually. That means EPS growth is considered a real positive by most successful long-term investors. We can see that in the last three years Electricite de France grew its EPS by 13% per year. That's a pretty good rate, if the company can sustain it. One way to double-check a company's growth is to look at how its revenue, and earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins are changing. Electricite de France shareholders can take confidence from the fact that EBIT margins are up from 6.4% to 8.9%, and revenue is growing. That's great to see, on both counts. You can take a look at the company's revenue and earnings growth trend, in the chart below. To see the actual numbers, click on the chart. ENXTPA:EDF Income Statement, March 17th 2020 The trick, as an investor, is to find companies that are going to perform well in the future, not just in the past. To that end, right now and today, you can check our visualization of consensus analyst forecasts for future Electricite de France EPS 100% free. Story continues Are Electricite de France Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders? I always like to check up on CEO compensation, because I think that reasonable pay levels, around or below the median, can be a sign that shareholder interests are well considered. For companies with market capitalizations over 7.2b, like Electricite de France, the median CEO pay is around 3.6m. The Electricite de France CEO received total compensation of just 453k in the year to . That's clearly well below average, so at a glance, that arrangement seems generous to shareholders, and points to a modest remuneration culture. CEO remuneration levels are not the most important metric for investors, but when the pay is modest, that does support enhanced alignment between the CEO and the ordinary shareholders. It can also be a sign of good governance, more generally. Should You Add Electricite de France To Your Watchlist? One positive for Electricite de France is that it is growing EPS. That's nice to see. Not only that, but the CEO is paid quite reasonably, which makes me feel more trusting of the board of directors. So all in all I think it's worth at least considering for your watchlist. Before you take the next step you should know about the 5 warning signs for Electricite de France (1 is a bit concerning!) that we have uncovered. Of course, you can do well (sometimes) buying stocks that are not growing earnings and do not have insiders buying shares. But as a growth investor I always like to check out companies that do have those features. You can access a free list of them here. Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction. If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned. We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading. Bishop Paul S Morton insists churches should stay open amid coronavirus, but many disagree Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Paul S. Morton, founding bishop of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, has been fielding withering criticism online for insisting churches should remain open, like hospitals and police stations across the country, amid the coronavirus pandemic. As of Tuesday morning, more than 5,000 cases of the new coronavirus have been diagnosed in the U.S., according to the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering tracker. At least 85 people have died and 17 have recovered from the virus. The average age of those who've died in the U.S. is 80, according to CNN. In Italy the average age is 81, the BBC reported. According to the CDC, the complete clinical picture with regard to the new coronavirus is not fully known. While information so far suggests that most COVID-19 illness is mild, a report out of China suggests serious illness occurs in 16% of cases. Older people and people of all ages with severe chronic medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness, the health agency said, while reporting illnesses have ranged from very mild (including some with no reported symptoms) to severe. While many churches shuttered and opted for online gatherings as local governments and the CDC warned against public gatherings and encouraged social distancing to help stem the spread of the virus, Morton praised his own congregants who showed up to his church, calling them true kingdom soldiers. Thank you CAG for not forsaking the assembling together. True Kingdom Soldiers, he wrote in a tweet that included photos of him laying hands on congregants. He then followed up that tweet with several others, including several on Monday that quickly sparked a fiery debate with other Christian leaders and health professionals. No matter how bad things get in shutting down a City in a Crisis. At least 2 entities hv 2 remain open. Hospitals & Police Departments. But Gods Church must be on that list. The Spiritual Hospital The Spiritual Police Department. Dont cancel God out. We cant do it without Him, Morton tweeted Monday morning. Would U tell All Doctors Nurses Police Officers First Responders to close Hospitals and Police Stations that deal with Crisis. If not dont tell Gods first spiritual responders what to do about this Spiritual and Natural Crisis. The Church cant hide like unbelievers in a Crisis, Morton added. Morton said that while he was prepared to abide by legal requirements to close if necessary, healthy Christians shouldnt be advised against attending church when they can still find time to go to the grocery store or gas station. Would U tell All Doctors Nurses Police Officers First Responders to close Hospitals and Police Stations that deal with Crisis. If not dont tell Gods first spiritual responders what to do about this Spiritual and Natural Crisis. The Church cant hide like unbelievers in a Crisis Bishop Paul S Morton (@BishopPMorton) March 16, 2020 No matter how bad things get in shutting down a City in a Crisis. At least 2 entities hv 2 remain open. Hospitals & Police Departments. But Gods Church must be on that list. The Spiritual Hospital The Spiritual Police Department. Dont cancel God out. We cant do it without Him Bishop Paul S Morton (@BishopPMorton) March 16, 2020 Make sure U dont go 2 work or to grocery store or gas station Just stay home. If UR telling me U hv 2 go 2 those important places but not Gods House. Government Authorities say how many can go to Church by law I will listen to them not Panic, he said. The Rev. Chris Thurman, an associate minister at Joshua Baptist Church in Charleston, South Carolina, pointed out in a response to Morton that the limiting of church gatherings is a precautionary step aimed at slowing down infections. Id like to respectfully disagree, Bishop. Cancelling service is a precautionary step that shows that you as the shepherd of your flock care about the safety and health of your congregants. God didnt give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a SOUND MIND. #PrayAndAct, Thurman wrote on Twitter. Thank you CAG for not forsaking the assembling together. True Kingdom Soldiers Bishop Paul S Morton (@BishopPMorton) March 15, 2020 Right a (Sound Mind) thats why the Church cant panic when the government says its ok for this many people to go to Church. Every Pastor must lead their own congregation. But for me and My House I just believe the Church should not be the first ones to get scared an close down, Morton replied. Morton noted that government officials in Atlanta have been quickly changing the number of people allowed in public gatherings but noted that even if that number goes down to just one, he will be in church. Who do you think Im listening to? They said 250 people now they say 50 people. So we will have people and if they go down to one. I will be the one at The Church building where God says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, he added. Anesthesiologist Karen Priester asserted in a response to the bishop that his reasoning lacked wisdom. I pray your congregation has more common sense than you do. It's not about you & your ego. If you were doing your job, they know how to go directly to the source, Priester said. When questioned on whether infection with the virus was still possible using universal precautions an approach to infection control to treat all human blood and certain human body fluids as if they were known to be infectious for HIV, HBV and other blood borne pathogens Priester said yes, noting that some healthcare workers in Italy were still getting infected while wearing personal protective equipment. Italy, which has nearly 28,000 coronavirus infections as of Tuesday morning, and more than 2,100 deaths, has seen the second highest number of cases outside China since the pandemic began. Yes. Stay home if you don't have to go out. In some hospitals in Italy, up to 40% of new cases were hospital workers. They not only use universal precautions, they had PPE as well. Why risk your life or that of someone you love? Priester said. When it was noted by Christian commenter Ron Brown that some people believe they can still attend church if they are able to go shopping at Walmart or go out in general, Priester replied: Is your God only in that building? Stay out of Walmart. Stay out of restaurants. Please stay home. Spend some time in communion with God without the middleman. Brown replied by saying: The God I believe in is not limited. I also believe in a sound mind as well a proper preparation. Now if your faith flows through a middleman then I see your problem. If the area is sanitary & Im not Ill my faith wont be handcuffed. If U dont believe fine. As 4 me & my house. Priester argued in a final note that its that kind of attitude that could lead to dire outcomes for the U.S. That's the point. There is no such thing as a sanitary place. This is about to get real bad real fast. Thankfully, I can pray to, meditate on, and worship my God anywhere. I don't need a special building. Peace and blessings, Priester replied. Bishop Morton I understand your position, but as shepherds of the flock of God we are to protect the sheep, we must be examples by obeying laws that are just. Be blessed. Mason Chapel COGIC (@MC_COGIC) March 17, 2020 Morton noted that he has been abiding by the advice of government officials on how many people he can safely worship with as well as leaning into livestreaming his services. He insists, however, that online services should only be for people who are sick or out of town. Lets Pray Temporary NOT new norm. We hv a huge livestream audience. I thx God 4 different ways 4Church But it should b4 people who R sick shut in out of town etc. Not 4us 2sit selfishly in our homes out of convenience No longer concerned abt fellowship n Bringing Lost 2 Christ, Morton wrote Monday in a tweet endorsed by fellow megachurch leader E. Dewey Smith of House of Hope Atlanta. AMEN BISHOP!!! This will only be temporary!!! We must remain strong!! Smith said. Morton further responded to some critics who argued that money is a motivation behind his position on attending church amid the coronavirus pandemic. Just 4 the Record those who thought we were keeping the Church open simply 4 money Not true @CHANGINGAGENATL has been an online streaming Church 4 several yrs 4 those who could not come. Much of our income already comes from online. For some of us it is really about God Not Money, he added. Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden became the second Cabinet minister to self-isolate today after announcing a family member has coronavirus-type symptoms. The Hertsmere MP announced he was going into a fortnight's quarantine this morning as the country began going in to lock-down to delay the spread of the disease. He was working in the heart of Government just yesterday, attending a Cabinet meeting with Boris Johnson in Downing Street. The 41-year-old, a married father of two, said he would now be remaining at his home in his Hertfordshire constituency in line with the latest Government advice. In a tweet he said: 'A member of my family currently has #covid19uk symptoms so in line with government advice I will be remaining at home. 'Im feeling fine and will of course be working on DCMS priorities in these very challenging times, and continuing to support my constituents in Hertsmere.' The Hertsmere MP was working in the heart of Government just yesterday, attending a Cabinet meeting with Boris Johnson in Downing Street (pictured) Mr Dowden is the second Cabinet minister overall to self-isolate so far. International Development Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan last week tested negative for the coronavirus but underwent seven days of separation as a precaution. Yesterday a Labour backbencher announced today she had become the second British MP to contract coronavirus. Jarrow's Kate Osborne made the announcement on Twitter as Parliament began to take steps to operate with fewer politicians present. She followed Health Minister Nadine Dorries, 62, who is recovering at home after testing positive last week. A Boeing 737 MAX sits outside the hangar during a media tour of the Boeing 737 MAX at the Boeing plant in Renton, Washington. Check out the companies making headlines in midday trading. Regeneron Shares of the biotechnology company jumped 11.5% after the company said it aims to have doses of a potential drug for COVID-19 ready to start human clinical trials by early summer. The antibody is believed to be a treatment for the virus, as well as a preventative drug. Boeing The aircraft manufacturer fell another 4.2% Tuesday, a day after it said it is in talks with the Trump administration about potential aid. Boeing said on Monday that it was seeking help from the White House for itself and others in its supply chain as the novel coronavirus whacks the travel industry. The price of Boeing equity is down 72% over the last six months between the recent selling and the fallout from two fatal crashes of its 737 Max aircraft. Pfizer, BioNTech The Germany-based BioNTech surged 66.5% after it said it's teaming up with Pfizer to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Shares of Pfizer jumped more than 6.6%. Clorox The household cleaner company rallied 13.3% on Tuesday amid a growing number of cases of the novel coronavirus in the U.S. Clorox, which makes a variety of consumer sanitizing wipes and sprays, has seen its stock rally more than 30% over the last three months as investors reward what they expect are ballooning sales as governments and municipalities attempt to contain the disease's spread. Amazon Shares of Amazon jumped 7% after the e-commerce giant said it plans to hire an additional 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers amid a surge in online orders due to the coronavirus outbreak. Amazon said earlier some brands in the "household staples" category were out of stock. Wedbush also added Amazon to its best idea list, saying it is a safe-haven during coronavirus. McDonald's Shares of McDonald's dropped 6% but closed the day down 0.9% after the fast food giant asked its U.S. franchisees to close their dining rooms as the company responds to the coronavirus outbreak. The company also plans to close the dining rooms in its company-owned locations in the U.S. Customer will only access the food and drinks from online orders and drive-through. Nordstrom Shares of the retailer gained 8.9% even as the company suspended its guidance and said it would close its U.S. stores in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The stock has lost more than 50% this year. L Brands Shares slid 13% after the company said it would temporarily close all stores. The retailer also suspended guidance on coronavirus-induced uncertainty, and said that it was drawing down $950 million from a credit line. Tesla Shares of Elon Musk's automaker fell 3.3% as the company's stock fell below $420, a level it surpassed just three months ago. The price level has become well-known for Tesla ever since Musk tweeted in August 2018 that he had "funding secured" to take the company private at that level. PepsiCo PepsiCo shares jumped 12.9% after an analyst at Evercore ISI upgraded the soda maker to outperform from in line. "We believe investors under-appreciate the firm's relatively defensive business model vs the rest of the staples group," the analyst said in a note. Walmart The retail giant's shares soared by 11.7% on Tuesday after stock was upgraded to outperform from perform at Oppenheimer. The firm said in a note that Walmart is still poised to meet its financial targets despite the economic damage from the coronavirus to the United States as consumers stock up on necessities. Procter & Gamble Shares of the consumer goods company rose 9% after the stock was upgraded to buy from hold by Deutsche Bank. The firm said in a note that the company's supply chain has bounced back as China has gotten a greater handle on its coronavirus outbreak, and that it also stands to benefit from consumers in the U.S. buying more home products. The bank held its price target on the stock at $130 per share, about 20% above where it closed on Monday. Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Shares of cruise lines continued to suffer as the coronavirus shuts down the travel industry. Carnival cratered 12.8%, Norwegian Cruise Line fell 8.3% and Royal Caribbean Cruises dropped 7.6%. Bank of America also downgraded Royal Caribbean to underperform from neutral. with reporting from CNBC's Thomas Franck, Michael Sheetz, Yun Li, Pippa Stevens, Fred Imbert and Jesse Pound. Researchers in Kazakhstan are claiming horse milk can help fight cancer. Mare's milk, as it is also known, is commonly drunk in Central Asia instead of cow's milk. Researchers from Nazarbayev University believe the drink can help reduce the risk of developing cancer, The Times reports. Researchers from Nazarbayev University say mare's milk is filled with proteins that are toxic to breast cancer cells and can help regulate blood pressure. Stock picture via Getty Images The study suggests horse milk is higher in albumin - a protein easily absorbed by humans - compared to cow's milk. These proteins can help control blood pressure and have anti-inflammatory effects, researchers say. They suggested that mares milk could therefore be used in treating inflammatory diseases, while it could also reduce the risk of cancer as it has the protein casein, which is toxic to breast cancer cells. Professor Almagul Kushugulova, leading researcher at Nazarbayev Universitys laboratory of human microbiome and longevity, told The Times: 'Mares milk has been consumed throughout Kazakhstan and Central Asia since horses were first domesticated and it is one of the most beneficial animal fats. 'Also, due to its rich composition of enzymes, it stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria and limits to growth of unwanted bacteria in our guts.' It's also been suggested children who are allergic to cow's milk can drink mare's milk without having a similar reaction. Oil erased gains as the shutdown of swaths of the global economy triggered a meltdown in fuel demand. Futures in London traded little changed after earlier rising as much as 4%, as measures by governments to restrict travel hammered fuel consumption and led to the biggest daily decline in U.S. gasoline prices since 2005. A gauge of crudes volatility jumped to the highest in data going back to 2007. As airlines cut more flights and a growing number of countries go into lockdown, oil markets are facing a glut. The slump in demand is coinciding with a flood of supply as Saudi Arabia and Russia engage in a price war for market share. New York futures lost 23% last week, the most since December 2008. Demand losses across the complex are now unprecedented, Jeff Currie, head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., wrote in a report, saying oil consumption is down by 8 million barrels a day. The bank said it expects West Texas Intermediate to trade higher than Brent this quarter, and cut its Brent forecast for the second quarter to $20 a barrel. PREVIOUSLY: Demand meltdown crushes fuel prices, drags crude to 4-year low Brent for May settlement traded up 1 cent at $30.06 a barrel on the ICE Futures Europe exchange as of 10:40 a.m. in London. WTI for April delivery rose 44 cents, or 1.5%, to $29.14 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The turmoil in oil is being played out across financial markets, with Wall Street stocks suffering their biggest plunge since 1987 on Monday after President Donald Trump warned of a possible recession. U.S. equity futures fluctuated on Tuesday and European stocks dropped as investors struggled to find their feet. Oils spectacular crash hasnt deterred Saudi Arabia from pumping historic levels of crude. State-run Saudi Aramco plans to produce at its maximum capacity of 12 million barrels a day in April, Chief Executive Officer Amin Nasser told investors, saying, I doubt if May will be any different. --With assistance from David Stringer and James Thornhill. 2020 Bloomberg L.P. 'Healthcare workers treating coronavirus have been among the hardest hit.' 'It is scary, but this is what we signed up for and became doctors.' IMAGE: Security personnel at the Kasturba hospital in Mumbai, which tests individuals for coronavirus, March 15, 2020. Photograph: PTI Photo "A lot of doctors in India are old and have pre-existing illnesses themselves... Keeping that in mind, should we expose our elderly doctors with pre-existing illnesses? Or should we tell them to keep away and bring young doctors who have very little experience? All these are very hard decisions," physician Dr Swapneil Parikh, co-author of The Coronavirus: What You Need To Know About The Global Pandemic, which releases on April 1, tells Archana Masih/ in the concluding part of the interview. What can healthcare workers in India learn from their Wuhan healthcare compatriots? Some top doctors have said that Indians are strong and imply that we will tide over this, but the right message needs to go out that this is a serious crisis and we have to get our act together. Doctors need to be ready for very hard times ahead. Colleagues in US and Italy say they are dealing with a war-like scenario. Italy has reached a point where doctors have to make a choice about which patients have a chance of surviving and which will we let die. My worry is that we are going to get to that point soon because we don't have enough resources. We also have to understand that a lot of doctors in India are old and have diseases themselves. Our buffer stock of protective equipment is very limited, we will be out of stock soon. Keeping that in mind, should we expose our elderly doctors with prevailing illnesses? Or should we tell them to keep away and bring young doctors who have very little experience? All these are very hard decisions. The conservative estimate is that between 20% to 60% of all adults are going to be infected -- so if we use up our stock right now, then we will reach a stage when we will not have any masks left for later. If healthcare workers start getting sick when the pandemic is peaking, it will be a huge crisis. We need to take very thoughtful and strategic decisions. How does a 14 day quarantine of those coming from affected countries according to the government's list of those countries help in reducing infection? If you have come from a country with a high number of cases, then people must self-isolate for 14 days. There is a guideline by the government about how to do that and not infect others staying with you. But that is not enough, we have passed the point when we can contain it from the outside. Containment from the outside is not going to save people from getting infected. It is about flattening the curve. Let me explain the concept of R0, which means how many people at an average will an infected person infect. On an average, for Covid, each infected person infects 2 to 3 people -- it means that it is going to propagate exponentially. You can't stop that growth, you can slow it until a sizeable chunk of the population becomes immune. Some researchers in Britain are talking about herd immunity. What is that? Herd immunity is a concept based in vaccination. When a certain number of people have developed immunity to the infection it then disrupts transmission. What the UK is betting on is that let young people get infected now because then they will have immunity and will disrupt transmission later. They feel they can manage the old people who get sick, but if they let everyone get sick later it will disrupt their healthcare system. But this is a gamble. There is no evidence to show that this is going to happen. Experts have strongly condemned this strategy and in fact UK has thankfully backtracked. We know what has worked in China, South Korea, Japan -- the reason the UK is mulling this option is because no free people will accept the conditions imposed in China. Countries have gone to war for far less freedom. The UK, the USA, Europe and India won't accept that kind of strict conditions. Tomorrow, if the government says everyone stay at home, many will starve. There has to be a universal basic income programme to compensate for the loss of wages, but more importantly there is so much distrust in the government in some communities. IMAGE: Dr Swapneil Parikh, right, with co-authors Dr Rajesh Parikh, left, and Maherra Desai. Kind courtesy: The authors, The Coronavirus: What You Need To Know About The Global Pandemic. As the temperature rises, will this virus become less menacing? No one can predict the weather and the response to the weather. It is a new virus, so we don't know whether it may happen or not. The influenza virus cases in temperate climes like the US and Kashmir spike in winter and reduce in summer. The human body temperature is just below 37 degree centigrade, in a fever it can go up to 40 and sometimes above 40. In winter, the contact process changes because people cluster indoors while in the summer people are outdoors. While in tropical areas like Mumbai, influenza spikes in the monsoon. In case it behaves like an influenza virus, then the cases should decrease. This study applies to seasonal viruses where there is a herd immunity, but when there is a pandemic strain, no one has immunity so the risk of infection is high. Dengue, influenza, malaria cases spike during the monsoon in Mumbai. There are not enough ICU beds and people die without ICU care of those diseases right now, so what are we going to do even if Covid-19 drops by then? There may be a drop in the rate of new infections. The graph may slow down, but it is still going upwards. Instead of 100 new infections per day you may have 50 infections a day, but the total number is still increasing while the ICU beds remain the same -- so every new case in that scenario is a new patient you will find hard to treat. What are some of the do's and don'ts? Individually, wash you hands with soap and water frequently for 20 to 40 seconds. Think of the virus as a little bit of fat surrounding a core. Like if you have butter or ghee on your hands and it dissolves when you wash your hand with soap and water. Soap destroys the fat layer of the virus and it gets destroyed. If you are going to touch your face, at least wash your hands first. Second, avoid touching your face. You must cough into a tissue and throw it away in a closed bin. The other practical way is to cough into the fold of your elbow because the inside of your elbow is not going to touch anything. Try and be one metre away from everyone if possible. If someone is sick, then at least two metres away. Collectively, I would like to formulate a plan which has a network of medical workers connect with patients through telemedicine and guide them. Each one will be assigned to a community area and guide them like say, in a chawl or a slum. A building society will make action committees, the action committee will segregate the society into green and red zones with a buffer zone in between. Infected people will go in red zones where people will have to share houses, you can't provide separate rooms in India because many homes don't have more than a room and a bathroom. The buffer zone will be a team of action members who need to be young, technology savvy, disease free and non smokers. They have to be segregated into red and green zone workers, red zone workers will work with only sick people. In the green zone we will need to put all the most vulnerable people -- elderly, diabetic, heart and lung disease patients. India is a world leader in diabetes and heart disease. You have to think of radical social reorganisation strategies. The underplayed projection is 1.5 million ICU admissions over the next 12 to 18 months, while we have only about 100,000 ICU beds. There is no way we can scale that up so quickly and even if we do, we don't have enough doctors and nurses and equipment. In India even for the diseases besides Covid-19, we have a shortage. Even if Covid-19 decreases by 90%, the remaining 10% will fill up all the beds and people will start dying of dengue, malaria, typhoid and monsoon related diseases. A collapse of societal infrastructure becomes the breeding ground for other diseases. What are conversations young doctors like you and healthcare workers as they deal with this pandemic? Healthcare workers treating coronavirus have been among the hardest hit. It is scary, but this is what we signed up for and became doctors. Even doctors get scared and nurses cry. The Tata name has inspired trust and quality for more than a century. But the same cannot be said of Tata mutual fund, which is placed as Indias 13th largest fund house instead of being in the top five. Perhaps, the reasons for such a state lie in the frequency at which the fund house has had changes in leadership at the top. When Prathit D. Bhobe joined the fund house as its chief executive officer (CEO) in May 2018, he was the fourth CEO in eight years. Apart from lack of continued leadership, the fund house has been plagued by poor and inconsistent performance, a legacy of new funds launched many of which lost their mojo over time and an insipid sales team that many advisors have often complained isnt as aggressive as those from larger fund houses. Moneycontrols Kayezad E. Adajania talks to Prathit about the plans to make Tata MF more relevant than before. There have been so many changes at the top. Are you the right person for this job? A mutual fund must have consistency. The head of a mutual fund must have a clear strategy of what he wants to do and then keep doing it over a fairly long period of time. A fund house needs a person whos going to be here for a long period of time, to be able to execute the strategy. Today, we have a well-defined strategy, which is well-known to every individual of the organisation and something that we communicate to the external world as well. Our strategy is about 4Ps Performance, Partnerships (distributors and advisors, and to some extent directly with investors), Products and People. We need to have the right set of people to execute the first three. Lets start with performance. The long-term performances of Tata MFs schemes have been quite average and inconsistent. Have you identified the problems? Rather than seeing whats wrong, I felt that a better approach was to chart out what we can do. We recruited Rahul Singh as the chief investment officer-equity, in October 2018. His first mandate here was to lay down an investment framework. The entire fund management team had to have one framework within which we need to operate. Internally, we need to define what we stand for. Today we have an investment philosophy and framework in place. Was it not there before you came? I didnt see any defined investment policy or framework. I dont think such a thing was defined and communicated. Today I am telling you that the strategy has been laid out and communicated. Tata is a trusted brand. Yet, your fund house isnt in the top five I agree. Why we arent in the top five when Tata MF inspires trust and we are here managing peoples money, is something that has baffled me. In my first year here, whenever I went out for my meetings to meet distributors, advisors and investors, the usual objections we had were about frequent CEO changes and so on, but there was never any concern about brand Tata. The opportunity is there for us; we just need to execute the strategy well. What really did not surprise me though is why people have not stuck around for so long. The market should know that we will be consistent, going ahead. I think it has happened a bit too many times probably earlier that perhaps something was said, but wasnt really delivered because people have changed. Thats why if we have a stated, well-communicated investment objective thats applied consistently in our fund management, there is no reason why we shouldnt do well. Many times, when CEOs move, fund management also changes. Youve lost good fund managers too. Performance can also suffer, as a result. What have you done to ensure fund manager stability? Actually, we havent lost too many fund managers. But lets ponder: in the service industry, why do people leave? Most of the time, it happens when they feel there is no future in an organisation. Of course, there will be other reasons such as compensation and role. But, in my experience, if people can relate with the objectives of the organisation, they wont be eager to leave. When the organisation has clarity about what it wants to do and where it wants to go, and then communicates to its employees well, they start to relate with the firm better. This works across teams. Today, fund managers are very clear about the investment strategy, framework and process. Also, we now have a second fund manager in every MF scheme as a back-up. The fund philosophy shouldnt change every time a fund manager leaves and a new person comes on board. Having a back-up fund manager in the house ensures that the fund continues to deliver smoothly. In the last one year, Tata MF has launched many new funds; balanced advantage, multi-asset, quant, a focused scheme among others. Tata MF was known as a NFO factory once upon a time and, now again, youve gone on a launching spree. Shouldnt you be strengthening your existing funds performance first? We want to be a full-service fund house. We have to be there for all kinds of investors, at all points in time. If a customer walks in and says she wants an arbitrage fund, and we dont have one at the time, then I am never going to get this investor in. Weve launched funds in the mainstream categories, which were not present before. The question is: do I have it on the shelf or not? If I have it then I have to perform, no matter what. Its size could be Rs 100 crore or Rs 5,000 crore. I cannot say let me get performance and then let us launch other funds. These are two different objectives. The reason we launched so many funds of late is that many (distributor) platforms have their own criteria for evaluating performance. Some look at one-year performance, some look at the three-year track record and so on. If we dont fill our product gaps for a long period of time, our on-boarding on such platforms get delayed. Hence, we have to be on the platforms fast. Our new funds have done well too. Also, theres a difference in the way we have been launching new funds of late. Between the years of 2000 and 2010, we launched a lot of infrastructure-themed funds. We had a lot of launches, but they also had the same theme: infrastructure. Hence, in 2008, after stock markets crashed post the Lehman crisis, all these funds went through the same pain, irrespective of what names they were called by, because of the common infrastructure theme. Whereas, in the last year and half, we have launched mainstream funds and all are different from one another. Tata MF has had a few accidents on the debt side. Was that an industry wide phenomenon or did your fixed income team fail to analyse credit properly? Just as in equity, we have built a credit framework on the fixed income side after Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services default happened. Weve created our own scoring and evaluation matrix and we do it across multiple parameters. We will invest only if it crosses the hurdle we have laid out. Its a fact that we had an exposure which hit some of our funds. Today, we run clean portfolios, thanks to the approach that we have adopted. We were the first fund house to adopt side-pocketing. When it comes to launching new products, how much of a say your investment team has? Who gets to be heard more; your fund managers or the sales team? We have committees internally. They are cross functional. For example, our product committee is represented by every function; fud managers, business development, compliance, investor services and so on. All our new ideas and concepts are discussed, debated and approved by the product committee. The advantage of a cross-functional committee approach is that, tomorrow, none from the investments or compliance or business side can claim that they didnt know or didnt get to express their opinion. There have been some ideas put in front of this committee that werent approved. We dropped such ideas. To answer your question: if the investment team feels it doesnt have the capacity or the product is a bad idea, we dont launch that fund. Do you think youll get a free hand to implement your vision? Youll have a lot of cleaning up to do. The Tata Group is an age-old house. The good thing at Tatas is that each company here is managed by an independent board (of directors). And then the CEOs of each of these firms run them. The Board understands where we are at the moment, why we are insignificant and what we need to do. The Board backs me up completely. So, the message from the top is that Tata MF is here to stay Yes. And we will grow it. Lucknow, March 17 : The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh has warned of strict action including jail for those who do not cooperate in the state's efforts to control the novel Coronavirus outbreak and spread misinformation or rumours to create panic in the society. UP health minister Jai Pratap Singh said that the concerned authorities have been given power under section 3 of the Epidemic Diseases Act to take all necessary actions in the wake of the Corona virus outbreak. "We will take action against any suspect if he/she refuses to get tested or runs away from authorities. Action will also be taken against any person who tries to hide such patients, misleads or obstructs the health team from conducting its duty. If required, offenders will also be sent to jail as per the law," he said. He said that the situation in the state was completely under control and there was no need for anyone to panic. "People should take precautionary measures advised by the government. We will review the situation on March 20 when further decisions will be taken. We have given special training to 800 doctors and more than 1,200 beds have been reserved across the state in district hospitals and medical colleges," the minister added. The health minister also said that the state government has launched an awareness program, including in rural areas to inform people about the precautions that must be taken. Schools, colleges, cinemas, multiplexes, gyms, swimming pools, clubs and institutes where examinations are not underway have already been shut down. The government has also cancelled large gatherings. Pune The rise in coronavirus cases in the city is drying up blood donations at Sassoon General Hospital forcing administration to postpone regular and planned surgeries. With less people venturing out, the blood bank at the hospital may face shortage in the coming days if the situation aggravates. The hospital is appealing to people to come in small batches if possible and donate blood at the nearest blood bank facility as many patients need blood on a daily basis. The hospital has issued a statement saying that although the government has banned social gatherings and appealed to people to stay indoors, blood donation is an equally important act. Many patients, including those suffering from thalassaemia and haemophilia, emergency surgeries and accident victims need blood on a daily basis, said Dr Nalini Kadgi, incharge of blood bank at Sassoon hospital. Dr Ajay Chandanwale, dean of BJ Medical College, said, Right now we do have the stock to sustain us for about 20 days, but we want people to come forward and donate blood before our stock depletes. We have postponed surgeries which could be done later. As less people are visiting the hospital now, even the demand for blood has also gone down. Dr Kadgi said, Usually we get around 2,000 blood units every month, but the count is 1,100 for this month. The main problem arising currently is separating platelets because their expiry period is five days and so we separate them as and when needed. We can arrange for blood donation camps for people if they want to come in batches of five. Collector Naval Ram Kishore said that the district administration will take necessary steps to ensure adequate blood supply at Sassoon hospital. More of President Donald Trump's inner circle have been affected by the coronavirus as acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney joined Stephanie Grisham and Ivanka Trump in working from home. It's unclear how many senior White House staff are working from home and how many are in the complex after several of them attended a dinner at Mar-a-Lago last weekend that was also attended by Fabio Wajngarten, an aide to the president of Brazil who tested positive for the disease. Grisham did not answer how many senior staff were working from home but said staff were following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. 'White House staff continue to follow CDC guidelines and the advice of medical staff to ensure the health and safety of everyone on complex,' she told in a statement. Ivanka Trump posted tips for parents working from home, indicating the first daughter continues to stay at home after coming into contact with an Australian official who tested for positive for coronavirus Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and White House communications director Stephanie Grisham are working from home 'out of an abundance of caution' Ivanka Trump on Tuesday posted tips for parents working from home during the coronavirus, indicating the first daughter is continuing to self-isolate after coming into contact with an Australian official who tested positive for the disease. 'Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & pack sandwiches, salads (Smores optional. A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!,' she wrote on her various social media sites, including a photo of her with her two children Arabella and Theodore under a homemade tent. But her husband, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, is working at the White House on Tuesday, a senior administration official confirmed to 'As many as people as needed are in the office,' the official said. Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway is also working at the White House. 'Im working at the White House and have been every day without interruption. Im in the daily Task Force meetings, and was at the table yesterday in the Situation Room when POTUS and VP spoke with the nations governors through videoconference,' she told Conway was in the March 5 meeting with the Australian official who later tested positive for the virus. She could be glimpsed behind President Trump on Tuesday when he came into the White House briefing room but she did not join him in the briefing. The first daughter has not been spotted leaving her home since it was announced Friday she was working from home. Mulvaney is reported to be under voluntary self-quarantine in his home state of South Carolina after his niece - who lives in his Washington D.C. home - interacted with Wajngarten in Florida. A senior administration official confirmed to that Mulvaney was working from home 'out of an abundance of caution.' And Grisham said on Monday that she was staying at home for a number of days 'out of an abundance of caution' after she came into contact with Wajngarten. President Trump on Monday issued a set of guidelines to help combat the spread of virus, including advising people to stay home if they feel sick and to stay home if they have the virus. 'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room. Ivanka Trump met with Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and Attorney General Bill Barr on March 5 as part of a meeting between officials from the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US. Dutton later tested positive. The next day, Ivanka Trump attended a dinner at Mar-a-Lago with her father and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whose aide Wajngarte tested positive. Kushner was also at that dinner. And Grisham was at Mar-a-Lago that weekend too. The White House would not say how many senior staff are working from home; President Trump gave a coronavirus briefing on Tuesday with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar; CMS Administrator Seema Verma; FDAs Stephen Hahn; Vice President Mike Pence; Dr. Deborah Birx (hidden behind Trump); Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin; Adm. Brett Giroir and Dr. Anthony Fauci White House senior adviser Jared Kushner leaving his home around 7:10 am on Tuesday morning Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway is also working at the White House, she told Kellyanne Conway was part of the March 5 meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr, Ivanka Trump and Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, who later tested positive for coronavirus The White House said last week Dutton was 'asymptomatic' during his interaction with the first daughter and Ivanka Trump was showing no symptoms, didn't need to self-quarantine and stayed home out of an abundance of caution. 'The White House is aware that Mr. Dutton tested positive for COVID-19. He was asymptomatic during the interaction. Exposures from the case were assessed and the White House Medical Unit confirmed, in accordance with CDC guidance, that Ivanka is exhibiting no symptoms and does not need to self-quarantine. She worked from home today out of an abundance of caution until guidance was given,' White House Deputy press secretary Judd Deere said in a statement last week. Meanwhile, President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club was closed Monday for a deep cleaning after three people who attended events at the Winter White House tested positive for coronavirus. The resort became ground zero in Trump's world for the disease after the positive tests followed a weekend of fundraisers, dinners and parties at the posh beach-side, members-only club. President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach was closed Monday for a deep cleaning after three reported cases of the coronavirus MARCH 5: Ivanka Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr posed with Australian minister Peter Dutton (right) at the White House. He since tested positive for the virus President Donald Trump at dinner at Mar-a-Lago with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, alongside United States National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner Fabio Wajngarten, an aide to the Brazilian president, tested positive for coronavirus The three known cases are Wajngarten; acting Brazil Charge dAffaires Ambassador Nestor Forster, who sat at Trump's table during last Saturday night's dinner; and an unnamed attendee who was at a fundraiser there last Sunday. The weekend started a chain of events and resulted in several Trump allies self-quarantining after being at the club. Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel was self-isolating and is being tested for the coronavirus after falling ill. She was at the Saturday dinner and fundraisers at the posh beach club last weekend. Senator Lindsey Graham also self-quarantined after being at Mar-a-Lago but announced this weekend he tested negative for the virus. President Trump was also tested for the disease but it came back negative. Tales of despair emerge as Kerala women who joined ISIS in Afghanistan speak out India oi-Vicky Nanjappa New Delhi, Mar 17: The situation is not as per our expectations, Ayesha alias Sonia Sebastin, the lady who joined the Islamic State from Kerala said. In a video that has been released by the StratNews Global, Ayesha said that she and her husband Abdullah Rashid Abdullah were disappointed with the Islamic State. She is currently lodged in a jail at Kabul. I assume many people who want to come to the ISIS have the same expectations. I would suggest to them to think twice before taking a decision, she said while adding that she does not want to be associated with the outfit anymore. We moved to Afghanistan to lead an Islamic life under the Caliphate. However when we reached here, we realised that the people were not even going to the Mosque for prayers. Owing to this disappointment, my husbands stopped preparing and sending videos and audios. Rashid had in fact sent most of the audios and videos to Kerala. Letting the Kerala operatives return from Afghanistan will just help ISIS realise its real plan NEWS AT 3 PM, MARCH 17th, 2020 My husband was completely disenchanted and his last words were, 'I am done with this world.' She said that she wanted to return to Kerala and live with Rashid's parents. In another clip Fathima alias Nimisha an operative who left for Afghanistan said that she too wanted to return to India provided she is not jailed. Afghanistan is not my place. I cannot say that the Caliphate is wrong. I was comfortable at that time, but now times have changed, she also said. By Trend The Azerbaijani Embassy in Sweden has appealed to compatriots in connection with the wide spread of COVlD-19 infection, Trend reports on March 17. Given the situation, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Sweden has opened a round-the-clock hotline for Azerbaijani citizens living and temporarily staying in this country - hotline (+ 46 76 201 69 57), which will work around the clock 7 days a week in order to quickly respond to requests from Azerbaijani citizens living, studying or temporarily staying in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Due to the epidemiological situation, the the embassys consular section operates with limitations, so that compatriots could contact urgent consular issues at [email protected] The outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan - which is an international transport hub - began at a fish market in late December 2019. The number of people killed by the disease has surpassed 7,000. Over 182,000 people have been confirmed as infected. Meanwhile, over 79,000 people have reportedly recovered. Some sources claim the coronavirus outbreak started as early as November 2019. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz Deputy Premier John Barilaro has walked back his party's support for a One Nation bill to allow nuclear power in NSW, as the issue threatened to split the Coalition. Mr Barilaro, a long-time advocate of nuclear energy, alarmed some Coalition MPs when he declared two weeks ago that the National Party would support Mark Latham's bill to overturn a ban on uranium mining. But the Nationals' leader changed his tune on Tuesday, telling a budget estimates hearing the matter would first need to be considered by the party room as well as the cabinet. Deputy Premier John Barilaro with Transport Minister Andrew Constance (left) and Treasurer Dominic Perrottet (right) earlier this month. Credit:AAP Mr Barilaro made the unilateral call to back Mr Latham's bill during an interview on Sky News on March 3 before consulting his party room, triggering concern among some National MPs and angering some of his Liberal cabinet colleagues. On This Day The Day British Bombers Destroyed Mandalay Palace British soldiers look out from Pagoda Hill as Fort Dufferin, on the grounds of Mandalay Palace, comes under attack in March 1945. The fort was held by the Japanese 60th Regiment and eventually captured by the 19th Indian division. YANGONOn this day 75 years ago, Mandalay Palace, the last abode of Myanmars monarchs, was reduced to ashes in bombing raids by the British and their allies as they attempted to retake the city from the Japanese Army, which had occupied the country for around three years during World War II. The Allies decided to conduct bombing raids after suffering heavy casualties as Japanese troops stationed inside the compound, also known as the Golden Palace, mounted stiff resistance for nine days. On March 17, 1945, the more than 80-year-old structure, an important part of Myanmars historical, cultural and architectural heritage built by King Mindon and also home to his successor King Thibaw, was flattened in bombing raids. The palace was constructed between 1856 and 1863 by King Mindon of the Konbaung Dynasty, a line of kings that ruled from 1752 to 1885. Their reign was ended by British colonial forces, which abolished Burmas monarchy and sent Mindons heir, King Thibaw, into exile in the late 19th century. Only the moat and the city walls survived the bombing in 1945. When Nazi Germany was about to invade Paris, [France] opened the gates of Paris in order to save the city from being damaged. But in the case of Mandalay Palace, the defender was fascist and the attacker was the colonialist British, so they didnt care. From the perspective of human morality, it could be said that both the fascist Japanese and the colonialist British were amoral people, Buddhist monk Shwe Gaing Thar, a well-known writer on Myanmars history and culture, wrote in his book The Centenary of Mandalay. The Allies did not take responsibility for the damage to the palace, though Major General Rees of the British Army later said he felt sorry for the damage caused. The palace complex was reconstructed in the late 1990s by the military regime. Today, the palace is open to the public, but Myanmar military units are also stationed inside the compound. You may also like these stories: British Troops Bloodiest Crackdown on Anti-Colonial Protestors in Myanmar Rwanda has confirmed two new cases of coronavirus bringing the total number to seven. The country's ministry of health says of the two, one is a Rwandan woman whose husband had earlier tested positive. The other patient is a German who arrived in Rwanda from Germany on 13 March, then developed a cough and went to the hospital on 15 March. Rwanda confirmed its first coronavirus case on Saturday, before confirming the rest Monday. The ministry in its statement said the two-week closure of schools and places of worship in the country "may be renewed based on circumstances". Source: BBC Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video After Haitis January 2010 earthquake, which killed more than 250,000 people and left over one million homeless, I moved to Port-au-Prince to help with relief efforts. As a recent graduate of a public health masters degree programme, and a person of Haitian descent, I thought my expertise and linguistic skills could be of use to the survivors. The situation was already grave when I arrived there. Amid endemic poverty, political instability and almost no remaining infrastructure, the people of Haiti were struggling to rebuild their lives. But it got significantly worse a few months later, when a silent killer emerged on the scene: cholera. The cholera epidemic, which broke out near a base housing United Nations peacekeepers, killed over 10,000 people and affected more than 800,000 others. It also contributed to the contamination of the islands main water source, the Artibonite River, further crippling relief efforts. The 2010 outbreak, which was the first large-scale cholera outbreak in the 21st century, brought death and disruption on an unprecedented scale. But it did not shock many in the Global North. After all, what happened in Haiti was in line with their understanding of epidemics deadly outbreaks of ancient diseases that affect foreign people in exotic, faraway and (made-to-be) poor lands. They were saddened by the news coming from the Caribbean island, and some even donated money and supplies to try and help, but most did not see the outbreak as a wake-up call to review the readiness of their own countries, and the global community, for a similar epidemic or pandemic. Fast forward 10 years, and we are in the midst of a pandemic that is devastating not only the Global South, but also countries in Europe, North America and Australia countries that had come to believe that, for them, epidemics are a thing of history. Of course, these countries faced a deadly HIV/AIDS pandemic as recently as the 1990s, but most of their citizens viewed that disease also as something that overwhelmingly affects others, namely homosexual men, minority communities and people from developing countries. Since being identified in China as a new and dangerous member of the coronavirus family in early January, COVID-19 has spread to more than 100 countries worldwide, including Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. As a highly infectious respiratory disease, it poses a threat to everyone in every society. On March 11, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic and the list of affected countries continues to grow rapidly. The Global North is now facing an epidemic that is affecting not only its internal and external others, but all of its own citizens indiscriminately. The pandemics death toll has already reached 6,500, and it has inflicted a massive blow to the global economy. The countries that are used to watching epidemics from afar are now scrambling to contain the virus before it causes more devastation to their citizens. Italy, where more than 1,800 people died from the virus, instituted a nationwide quarantine, leaving the country at a standstill. The US imposed a month-long travel ban on the citizens of European nations. Germany closed its borders with Austria, Denmark, France, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The German government also banned all public events with more than 100 participants. Spain ordered all residents to confine themselves to their homes and also closed all schools, restaurants and bars. Air traffic almost came to a standstill. Europes busiest airport, London Heathrow, said that total passenger numbers fell 4.8 percent last month compared with the same period in 2019. People meanwhile rushed to supermarkets to buy essentials in bulk, stripping shelves bare of canned goods, pasta and toilet paper. Many also stocked up on face masks, hand sanitisers and disinfectants, causing shortages in many areas. The Global Norths response to the pandemic was in many ways similar to Europes xenophobic responses to the plagues of distant history. It not only rushed to close itself up to foreigners in an effort to keep the disease out, but many in these countries responded to the crisis with irrational panic, xenophobia and racism. From the US to the UK, people of Asian descent faced racist and xenophobic attacks, as people irrationally held them responsible for the outbreak. Overall, the countries in the Global North failed to see the global nature of the crisis we are currently facing. As they rushed to protect their own, they once again succumbed to old tropes about epidemics being caused by dirty and strange others. Furthermore, they failed to recognise the need for a global public health strategy to contain the current COVID-19 pandemic and similar disease outbreaks that can come in the future. Instead, they focused on themselves and themselves only. Washington, for example, has reportedly offered German scientists working on a coronavirus vaccine a lot of money to give the US exclusive access to their work. Pandemics do not materialise in isolation. They are part and parcel of capitalism and colonisation. The countries that struggled to contain and control major epidemics in the recent past, from Haiti to Sierra Leone, had deficient public health systems prior to these crises, partially as a result of their colonial histories. Moreover, products of capitalism from war to migration to mass production and increased travel contribute massively to the proliferation of diseases. In the world that we live in, where capitalism and the remnants of colonialism fuel wars, unprecedented migration waves, public health crises and an increasing dependency on international and intercontinental travel, epidemics are inevitable. And, as the COVID-19 outbreak makes crystal clear, no countries, including the members of the Global North, are immune to these outbreaks. The global community, however, can successfully counter these epidemics if it employs a holistic health policy. To defeat COVID-19, and other pandemics to come, the world powers need to learn to act as one. To ensure global health, the global pharmaceutical industry should work to make essential drugs and vaccines affordable to everyone, everywhere. This could start with making any future COVID-19 vaccine free to everyone. Such a move towards solidarity can even reinvigorate the demands for a truly universal healthcare system, where access to healthcare is an indisputable human right for everyone, everywhere. But to achieve this, the Global North first needs to take responsibility for the public health crises created by the world order from which it benefits and stop viewing epidemics in the Global South, like the cholera outbreak in Haiti, as tragedies of others. Once the elites of the world recognise the Global South is not the source but the frequent victim of outbreaks aggravated by capitalism, then we can start building a global health system that could defeat pandemics like COVID-19. The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial stance. U.S. stocks rebounded Tuesday after the White House laid out additional plans to help cushion the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said they are exploring the idea of legislation that would include sending checks to Americans to help them manage through the economic impact of the virus disruptions. The gains follow the market's worst sell-off in more than three decades on Monday. The Dow Jones industrial average climbed 1,048.86 points to close at 21,237.38. The Standard & Poors 500 rose 6% to finish at 2,529.19. Both averages had their worst day since the Black Monday stock market crash of 1987 the prior day. Fed: What zero rates, sub-1% bond yields mean for your mortgages, student loans and credit cards Coronavirus: How bad is the stock market sell-off? Mondays 12% drop for the S&P 500 came as voices from Wall Street and the White House warned the coronavirus may drag the economy into a recession. Stocks also got a boost after the Federal Reserve said its reviving a crisis-era source of funding for businesses that need short-term loans, a move aimed to counter the economic impact of the virus. Stock futures stabilized Monday evening following news that the Trump administration plans financial support for airlines stricken by the outbreak and is pushing the Senate to enact a massive stimulus package to alleviate losses for businesses and individuals affected by the outbreak, which has infected more than 180,000 people worldwide. The U.S. death toll hit 97, and there are more than 5,700 confirmed cases, according to the Johns Hopkins University data dashboard. There are monetary and fiscal policies that are being put in place to try to ease financial market concerns, but this is ultimately a health issue, says Tom Myers, CEO and managing partner at Bordeaux Wealth Advisors. Were going to need to see data that shows the severity of this virus situation is abating and getting better. Markets are assuming the worst right now. Story continues The S&P 500 has shed 25% since setting a record less than a month ago, and its at its lowest point since the end of 2018. Mondays precipitous losses accelerated in the last half hour of trading after Trump said the economy may be headed for a recession and asked Americans to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people. The plunge came even though the Federal Reserve on Sunday rushed to announce a new round of emergency actions before financial markets opened for the week. Layoffs from coronavirus almost certain Theres a lack of demand across so many industries, its almost certain that there will be layoffs throughout the economy, says Stephen Guilfoyle, founder and president of Sarge986 LLC, a family-run trading operation. In European trading, the CAC 40 in Paris rose 2.8% after the government announced $50 billion in aid for individuals and businesses. Germanys DAX rose 2.3%. Britains FTSE 100 added 2.8%. In Asia, the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo was virtually unchanged, while Hong Kongs benchmark jumped 0.9%. The Shanghai Composite index dipped 0.3%. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus: Dow jumps 1,000 points on hopes for stimulus package Baghdad, March 18 : Iraq has confirmed one more death from COVID-19 and 21 new cases, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 154. The new cases included 17 in Baghdad, three in Karbala and one in Basra, Iraq's Health Ministry said in a brief statement on Tuesday. Of the 154 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, 11 have died while 41 others have recovered, according to the statement. To help Iraq cope with the coronavirus spread, a Chinese team of seven experts arrived in Baghdad on March 7. They are working with Iraqi counterparts in the fight against the viral respiratory disease, which has largely been under control in China after a nationwide campaign since late January. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Motorola has announced its latest smartphone, the Moto e6s, and it comes with a small price tag. Thats because this is the newest device in Motorolas e lineup, which has always had a low cost. The phone will also come with a very big display. Something that wasnt very common for smartphones that had a low cost just a few years ago. Big screens and more capable components however, are becoming more and more mainstream for less expensive devices. Making it even easier for those consumers who want better phones but cant afford the higher cost or simply cant justify spending it, a way to get something that doesnt break the bank. Advertisement The Moto e6s will have the small price tag of 99 Considering picking one of these up for yourself when they launch a little bit later this year? Well youll be able to do so for just 99. A stark difference to Motorolas insanely expensive RAZR re-imagining. That is of course the cost in the UK. The price will be similar though in other countries where the phone will be sold, which includes select countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. In other countries in Europe for example, the Moto e6s will probably cost 99. At the moment there is seemingly no plan to launch the phone in the US. As it was not mentioned by Motorola and a US price tag was not mentioned either. Advertisement This could suggest that the US will not get this device. Or it could just be that Motorola has no information to share on a US release of the Moto e6s right now. The phone will come with a big MaxVision HD+ display For the small price tag of 99, Moto e6s owners will get a big MaxVision display with HD+ resolution. Which will make this phone a pretty darn good value for anyone who wants to spend less money on a new phone. The exact size of the display will be 6.1-inches, complete with a nearly edge-to-edge screen and only a small cutout for the teardrop-style camera on the front. Advertisement Speaking of the front camera Motorola is using a 5-megapixel sensor here. Which isnt anything to write home about but it will no doubt suffice. The back cameras however will be a little nicer as the phone will come with a dual-camera setup that has a 13-megapixel main sensor and a 2-megapixel secondary sensor for depth. The phone will also come running Android Pie and include 2GB of RAM as well as 32GB of built-in storage. 32GB is a very small amount these days for many people. Luckily the phone also supports expandable storage via microSD cards up to 256GB. So if 32GB isnt enough for you you can add more. The Moto e6s will come in two colors Peacock Blue and Sunrise Red, and is expected to launch in the above-mentioned regions in the weeks ahead. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Kelsey Johnson and David Ljunggren (Reuters) Ottawa, Canada Tue, March 17, 2020 10:56 666 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b23e07 2 World Canada,justin-trudeau,border-areas,coronavirus,Wuhan-coronavirus,COVID-19,pandemic,health Free Canada closed its borders to all foreign nationals except US citizens and permanent residents on Monday, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging people to limit social contact to stem the spread of the new coronavirus. Several other countries have taken the same step. The 27-nation European Union proposed shutting its external borders for 30 days on Monday. "We will be denying entry into Canada to people who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents ... it is a significant step that we take in exceptional circumstances," Trudeau told reporters outside his home, where he is under quarantine after his wife, Sophie, tested positive for the respiratory virus. As the virus' spread accelerates in Canada, Trudeau urged people to stay home and restrict contact with others. "Staying home is an important step to protect the community and each other. We all have to do it," he said. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, said that the next two weeks were crucial in trying to stem the outbreak. The death toll in Canada rose to four on Monday from one on Sunday. The number of infected jumped to 407 from the 341 reported at 9 a.m. (1300 GMT) earlier in the day, medical officials said. The new deaths occurred in the same nursing home in the Pacific province of British Columbia, which is directly north of Washington, one of the worst-hit US states. Trade will not be affected by the border closing. Canada shares a long unguarded frontier with the United States, which takes 75% of Canadian goods exports. Asked why US citizens were exempt, Trudeau said the close bilateral integration meant the United States was in a different category from other nations. But he added that more measures could be announced soon. "Both countries rely on each other to provide essential goods ... so it's very important we do this with a degree of precision and in the spirit of a strong relationship," Health Minister Patty Hajdu later told reporters. British Columbia said, however, it was concerned that US citizens would be allowed in. "Our strong message [is] that visitors from the United States not come to British Columbia," said provincial Health Minister Adrian Dix. The border closure helped drive down Air Canada's stock by as much as 38%. Canada will reroute all international flight arrivals to four airports - Toronto, Calgary, Montreal and Vancouver - and has imposed tougher screening. Weddings, baptisms on hold? The country's main stock market index tumbled nearly 10% and the Canadian dollar hit a four-year low. Ontario, the most-populous province, and one that accounts for nearly half of confirmed cases, said it would delay a March 25 budget and instead deliver an economic and fiscal update. Toronto, Canada's largest city, recommended that bars and restaurants stop in-person service and that theaters close. Quebec on Monday recommended the suspension of all religious functions, including baptisms, weddings and funerals. For any funerals that proceed, the number of mourners should be reduced, the province said, without specifying how many. "If its possible for you to express your caring to the family, do it by internet, or by phone," Public Health Director Horatio Arruda said. Trudeau, who has promised to unveil a major stimulus package soon, said that "in the medium term and then into the long term, we will need to invest significant amounts to restore people's confidence in the economy." Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 10:02:34|Editor: Lu Hui Video Player Close Medics from northwest China's Shaanxi Province wave goodbye before their departure in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, March 17, 2020. At about 7 a.m. Tuesday, 43 medics from northwest China's Shaanxi Province left Wuhan on nine buses. The first batch of medics have been scheduled to depart Hubei, once the hard-hit province of the novel coronavirus, on Tuesday, as the epidemic situation has been greatly eased. The 3,675 medical staffers belonging to 41 medical teams from across China have assisted 14 temporary hospitals and seven designated hospitals in Wuhan, the provincial capital and epicenter of the outbreak. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) WUHAN, March 17 (Xinhua) -- The first batch of medics have been scheduled to depart Hubei, once the hard-hit province of the novel coronavirus, on Tuesday, as the epidemic situation has been greatly eased. The 3,675 medical staffers belonging to 41 medical teams from across China have assisted 14 temporary hospitals and seven designated hospitals in Wuhan, the provincial capital and epicenter of the outbreak. At about 7 a.m. Tuesday, 43 medics from northwest China's Shaanxi Province left Wuhan on nine buses. Police officers at the expressway toll-gate saluted while watching the motorcade leave. Hubei Province reported only one new confirmed case of the novel coronavirus disease on Monday. Erdogan to head urgent meeting on coronavirus crisis Turkish Parliament will gather to coordinate the fight against coronavirus this Wednesday. Turkey this Wednesday will hold an urgent meeting to coordinate the fight against coronavirus as chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said Turkey's communications director. EXTENSIVE COORDINATION MEETING "President Erdogan will head an extensive urgent coordination meeting on the fight with coronavirus. Following the meeting, he will tell the public about future steps to be taken," Fahrettin Altun said late Monday on Twitter. Turkey yesterday announced there are 47 cases of coronavirus in the country. A local waste collection service announced it is taking steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the communities it serves. Kenny Chiarelli, owner of Freedom From Waste in Farmington, said his company wants to do everything they can to prevent community spread of COVID-19 through isolation of waste from customers who contract the virus. We are concerned that a customer will get the virus and that when our team members come into contact with their trash, the virus will quickly spread to thousands of local people, Chiarelli said. The virus has been tested and can live on surfaces, like metal, plastic, and cardboard, for up to four days. Chiarelli explained his concern is that if a person with the virus touches their trash can and trash collectors then touch that same trash can, they could have the virus on their work gloves. The next houses trash can will then be touched with the same gloves and repeatedly spread hundreds of times per day. He spoke of the precautions the company is taking to reduce the risk of spread and ensure the safety of the company employees. We have provided respirators, safety glasses, disinfecting spray, and a surplus of gloves to our staff, said Chiarelli. Our model will be for team members to disinfect before starting routes, as well as frequently during and after routes. The trucks will be disinfected daily, and high contact areas will be disinfected multiple times throughout the day. Chiarelli asked that customers who test positive for COVID-19 or believe they might have the virus allow their household waste time to decontaminate before putting it out for collection. Please, if you have the virus or symptoms, do not put your trash out for one week, he asked. Please allow your trash to sit inside or outside your trash can for five days without touching it. He also asked that customers make sure all bags are tied securely and to disinfect their trash can to the best of your ability before placing it at the curb as well as after trash collection is complete. Because of the recent run on supplies, Chiarelli said the company anticipates running out of protective gear and will be looking to qualify for first access to these items as supplies enter communities. If you have extra or know of any store with available stock, let us know and we will buy them, he said. This week, the companys customer service team and office staff began working remotely and the companys Farmington office is temporarily closed to customers. Customers can still use the payment drop box if needed. If customers need to reach a member of the staff, they can call or text 573-747-0550. Staff can also be reached through email at Live chat with support staff is available at Bobby Radford is a reporter for the Daily Journal. He can be reached at Concerned about COVID-19? Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. WFH for Private offices in Delhi, restaurants & bars to be shut as Omicron-led to sudden rise in Covid cases Govt allows Air Asia flight to bring stranded Indians back from Kuala Lumpur India oi-PTI New Delhi, Mar 17: India on Tuesday allowed an Air Asia flight from Kuala Lumpur to land in Visakhapatnam despite a ban from flights from Malaysia. "Appreciate the difficult situation of Indian students and other passengers waiting in transit at Kuala Lumpur airport. We have now approved @AirAsia flights for you to Delhi and Vizag. These are tough times and you should understand the precautions. Please contact the airline," S Jaishankar said on Twitter. At least 300 Keralites, including students, are stranded at the Kuala Lumpur airport following cancellation of flights to India due to the coronavirus outbreak. Those stranded have come from various countries including Philippines, Cambodia and Malaysia. "We are students from Philippines. We are stranded since the past few hours as many flights have been cancelled. We cannot go back to Philippines and neither the Indian government is prepared to take us. We are trying to contact Indian officials. None of us want to go back to Philippines," a woman student said in a video telecast by various channels. According to her, there are many from various parts of the country, who have been waiting for hours at the transit airport at Kuala Lumpur airport. After they got the boarding pass, they were informed that flights have been cancelled, some of them said in a video. Flights to Kerala, Bengaluru and Chennai have also been cancelled, the passengers said. Jose K Mani, Rajya Sabha MP, said he had got in touch with Indian officials. Most stranded passengers are Indian citizens For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 23:12 [IST] A row erupted on Tuesday over the nomination of former Chief Justice of India to the Rajya Sabha with the Congress and other Opposition parties alleging that the "brazen action" by the government subsumes the independence of the judiciary. As the opposition parties raised questions, a former Supreme Court judge Kurian Joseph expressed surprise and said Gogoi's acceptance of the nomination has shaken the confidence of the common man on the independence of judiciary. Joseph when asked by newsmen to give his reaction alleged that Gogoi has 'compromised noble principles' on the independence and impartiality of judiciary. Joseph along with Gogoi, J Chelameswar and Madan B Lokur had publicly questioned the leadership of the then CJI Dipak Misra in an unprecedented press conference, Gogoi, who retired in November last year, said he would speak in detail about accepting the nomination after he takes oath. "Let me first take oath, then I will speak in detail to the media why I accepted this and why I am going to Rajya Sabha," he told reporters in Guwahati. On the criticism of his nomination, Gogoi told a local television channel in Guwahati, "I have accepted the offer of the nomination to the Rajya Sabha because of a strong conviction that the legislature and judiciary must at some point of time work together for nation-building." "My presence in Parliament will be an opportunity to project the views of the judiciary before the legislature and vice versa," he said. "Let God give me the strength to have an independent voice in the parliament", the former CJI said, adding, "I have much to say, but let me take the oath in the parliament and then I shall open up". The Congress accused the Centre of making a serious assault on the basic structure of the Constitution, saying the action subsumes the independence of the judiciary. Rajasthan Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Ashok Gehlot said the nomination will erode people's trust in judicial system and cast a doubt upon fairness of judgements delivered. "Nomination of former CJI as a Rajya Sabha member by NDA, soon after his retirement is very surprising," Gehlot tweeted. NCP spokesperson Mahesh Tapase said the government should refrain from appointing to the Upper House of Parliament judges who have handled sensitive cases. Gogoi, who headed benches that pronounced several key judgements including in the sensitive Ayodhya land dispute case, was on Monday nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the Centre. He also led the benches that ruled on matters like Rafale fighter jet deal and entry of women in Sabarimala temple. "By nominating the former CJI to the Rajya Sabha, the Modi government is brazenly undermining the independence of the judiciary and subverting the separation of powers between the organs of the State, which is an inviolable principle enshrined in our constitutional scheme," the CPI-M said in a statement. AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi asked if there is any "quid pro quo" in the nomination of Gogoi. "How will people have faith in the Independence of Judges ? Many Questions," he tweeted. Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said the action has hit at the faith and belief that people had on judiciary. The Congress leader also used the remarks made by late BJP leader Arun Jaitley to attack the government, saying Prime Minister Narendra Modi should have at least heeded to the words of their own leader before making the nomination of the former CJI. "The Congress Party finds the nomination of a retired Chief Justice to the Rajya Sabha is one of the most serious, unprecedented and unpardonable assaults on the basic structure of the Constitution, which subsumes independence of judiciary as held by Supreme Court judgments," Singhvi told reporters in Delhi. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala also asked whether the prime minister considered the advice of his late law minister before nominating Gogoi. "Justice Lokur rightly summarises it -: 'Has the last bastion fallen?'," Surjewala said in a tweet. Singhvi said Modi could have adhered to the advice of Jaitley in this regard. He also highlighted and shared the 2012 remarks of Jaitley on having a cooling off period for judges to head Tribunals. "Modiji amitshahji hamari nahi to arun Jaitley ki to sun lijiye! Did he not speak and write against post retirement largesse to judges? Do u remember," he said, citing Jaitley's comments. "...Courts function on faith, trust, perception and faith. Each has taken a bad beating today," Singhvi added. The functioning of the Lokayukta as an organisation came under scrutiny of some Karnataka legislators, with a Congress MLA claiming it has become a "toothless body" and seeking a comprehensive law to strengthen it, as the Assembly on Tuesday passed an amendment to the Lokayukta Act. As the Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister J C Madhuswamy moved the Karnataka Lokayukta (Amendment) Bill, 2020 for the consideration of the House, senior Congress legislator and former Speaker K R Ramesh Kumar questioned the effectiveness of Lokayukta. Pointing out that earlier there was state vigilance commission which was replaced by Lokayukta during Ramakrishna Hegde's tenure as Chief Minister, he asked, "is there any use because of Lokayukta? is there any qualitative change? the purpose for which this institution was created, has it served the purpose?" He asked as to what was the "net result", after Lokayukta took up several cases of corruption, and also wanted to know was there any value based change. "A few people have refused to file their assets and liabilities before Lokayukta, which is mandatory for public servants. Is it to rehabilitate someone?" he asked, as he appealed to the government to go in for a drastic law to achieve the intended objectives, which the whole country should appreciate. Further claiming that Lokayukta as such has become a "toothless body", Ramesh Kumar said the Lokayukta as an individual is an efficient man, but law should enable him. JD(S) legislator H D Revanna asked as to how many cases were before the Lokayukta and on how many cases action have been taken. Congress legislator Eshwar Khandre pointing out that thousands of cases were pending before Lokayukta, asked in what timeframe they will be disposed, and it has to be discussed. JD(S) legislator Shivalinge Gowda said, quality has to be maintained while appointing staff and officers to Lokayukta so sanctity of the institution is upheld. The assembly on Tuesday passed the Karnataka Lokayukta (Amendment) Bill, 2020, to further amend the Karnataka Lokayukta Act, 1984 to enable the organisation to function more effectively. It provides for referring or transferring of cases or complaints or matters to Upalokayuktas, if in the opinion of Lokayukta he being disabled to hear or consider or in any manner to deal with or dispose such cases for the reasons to be recorded in writing. The assembly also passed the Karnataka Regulation of Pay and Pension of Teachers in Higher Education Institutions Bill, 2020. The bill that replaced the ordinance promulgated earlier aims to regulate pay, pension and pensionary benefits admissible to teachers working in government colleges, universities established by the law and in government aided higher educational institutions under the control of the State government. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) WFH for Private offices in Delhi, restaurants & bars to be shut as Omicron-led to sudden rise in Covid cases Coronavirus roundup today: India becomes fastest country to administer 7 million doses of vaccine India oi-Madhuri Adnal New Delhi, Feb 13: India's tally of COVID-19 cases rose to 1,08,92,746 with 12,143 new infections being reported in a day, while the recoveries crossed 1.06 crore, according to Union Health Ministry data updated on Saturday. The death toll increased to 1,55,550 with 103 daily new fatalities, data updated at 8 am showed. The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 1,06,00,625, which translates to a national COVID-19 recovery rate of 97.32 per cent, while the COVID-19 case fatality rate stands at 1.43 per cent. The total number of active COVID-19 cases remained below 1.5 lakh. There are 1,36,571 active cases of COVID-19 in the country, which comprises 1.25 per cent of the total number of cases, data stated. India's COVID-19 tally had crossed the 20-lakh mark on August 7, 30 lakh on August 23, 40 lakh on September 5 and 50 lakh on September 16. It went past 60 lakh on September 28, 70 lakh on October 11, crossed 80 lakh on October 29, 90 lakh on November 20 and surpassed the one-crore mark on December 19. SOPs for passengers from UK amid fear of new strain All passengers coming from the UK between January 8 and January 30 would be subjected to self-paid COVID-19 tests on arrival, the health ministry said in a standard operating procedure (SOP) issued on Saturday. Moreover, each passenger arriving from the UK would have to bring his or her COVID-19 negative report from a test done 72 hours prior to the journey, the SOP stated. India had suspended all flights to and from the United Kingdom from December 23 to 31 to check the spread of the mutated, more contagious variant of coronavirus found there. Later, the suspension was extended till January 7. Only 30 flights per week will operate between India and the UK when services resume from January 8 and this arrangement will continue till January 23, Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri had said on Friday. "Airlines to ensure the availability of negative test report before allowing the passenger to board the flight," the health ministry's SOP stated. It said adequate arrangements should be made for the passengers who will be waiting for their RT-PCR test or its results at the airport. "Passengers testing positive shall be isolated in an institutional isolation facility in a separate (isolation) unit coordinated by the respective state health authorities," the SOP said. If the genomic sequencing indicates the presence of the new variant of SARS-CoV-2, the patient will continue to remain in a separate isolation unit, it said. The patient will be tested on the 14th day after having tested positive and he or she will be kept in the isolation facility till his or her sample has tested negative, it added. If a passenger tests COVID-positive on arrival, passengers seated in the same row, three rows in front and three rows behind would also be subjected to institutional quarantine in separate quarantine centers, the SOP said. The passengers who are found COVID-negative after the tests conducted at the airport would be advised home quarantine for 14 days and the concerned state or district administration should regularly follow up with them, it said. "The states/UTs (union territories) government concerned are requested to set up help desks at airports concerned to facilitate implementation of the SOP," it added. The presence of the new UK variant of the virus has already been reported by Denmark, Netherlands, Australia, Italy, Sweden, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Japan, Lebanon and Singapore. Scheduled international passenger flights continue to remain suspended in India since March 23 due to the pandemic. However, airlines have been permitted to operate special international flights under the Vande Bharat Mission since May this year and under the bilateral air bubble pacts since July. India has formed air bubble pacts with 24 countries, including the UK. Top 5 most affected countries worldwide: Sr No Countries Total Cases Total Deaths Total Recovered 1 USA 28,106,704 492,521 18,040,312 2 India 10,892,550 155,588 10,598,709 3 Brazil 9,765,694 237,601 8,678,327 4 Russia 4,057,698 79,696 5 UK 4,013,799 116,287 2,094,007 As commercial- and hospital-based testing for the new coronavirus becomes more available, state guidance for doctors treating suspected patients has widely expanded the pool of people who can be tested. On Friday, the Illinois Department of Public Health issued new guidelines that allow testing for people who live in nursing homes or other congregate living facilities, patients deemed to be public health concerns after being evaluated by medical professionals, hospitalized patients with unexplained respiratory problems, and people at higher risk of complications for whom a rapid diagnosis would benefit their treatment. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 20:22:50|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close SUVA, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Fiji and Tonga announced later Tuesday stricter measures to prevent COVID-19 from entering their countries. According to a statement by Fiji's Department of Immigration on Tuesday night, the Fijian government has decided to widen existing travel restrictions to cover all foreign nationals who have been present in Spain within 14 days of their intended travel to Fiji. The department said that from Wednesday, Fiji's borders will be closed to all foreign nationals who have been present in China, South Korea, Italy, Iran and Spain within 14 days of their intended travel to the island nation which has so far reported no confirmed cases of COVID-19. All international air passengers will continue to be checked with handheld temperature scanners prior to entering Fiji, and their travel history and health status will be screened by the island border agents. Fijians are also strongly urged to refrain from any non-essential overseas travel, and Fijians returning from the five above-mentioned countries are required to undergo mandatory self-quarantine for 14 days upon their arrival to the island nation. "All Fijians travelling overseas should be aware, if a country they visit is added to our restricted travel list while they are abroad, they will also be required to undergo mandatory self-quarantine for 14 days upon their arrival back to Fiji," the department said. Fiji, which has been closely monitoring the global COVID-19 pandemic, has warned that new countries may be added to its restricted travel list at any time. On Sunday night, Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama announced that from Monday, cruise ships are not permitted to berth anywhere in Fiji. Government ministers, permanent secretaries, civil servants and statutory body staff members are not permitted to travel overseas barring exceptionally critical circumstances. International events have been banned and overseas guests are not permitted to participate in local events. Meanwhile, Tonga also announced on Tuesday tougher measures for international travellers to the island nation. The travel advisory applied by the Tongan government to countries that have more than 60 people with COVID-19 and where there is community transmission, as confirmed by WHO. Tonga's Prime Minister Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa said that international travellers originating from or transiting through the listed countries such as the United States, Australia, Britain, Italy, China, Iran and South Korea (Daegu Province and Cheongdo County) are required to have spent at least 14-days self-quarantine outside of the listed countries. They are also required to obtain a medical clearance three days prior to arrival to confirm travellers are free of symptoms of acute respiratory illness prior to departure from the last port of entry into the island nation. All international cruise ships and yachts are also barred indefinitely from entering Tongan ports. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today said that it was an "insult" to the people of Tamil Nadu that MPs were not allowed to ask questions on the regional language issue, and alleged that with no discussion happening, the Lok Sabha had become a "loudspeaker" of the government. Gandhi's remarks came after Opposition members, including from the DMK, the Congress and the NCP, walked out of the Lok Sabha claiming they were not allowed to ask a supplementary question related to official language during the Question Hour. Speaking to reporters outside Parliament, Gandhi said he was not allowed to ask a supplementary on yesterday on a question on the 50 biggest wilful defaulters and the same happened to Opposition MPs on a question on the Tamil language. "Now it is ok for the speaker to hurt me, I understand he doesn't want me to speak. But today the entire Tamil people wanted to ask a supplementary about the Tamil language," he said. "This is not about one person, this is not about Rahul Gandhi, this is about the people of Tamil Nadu and their language and even they were not allowed to ask that question, this is absolutely an insult to the people of Tamil Nadu," he said. The people of Tamil Nadu have every right to defend their language, to believe in their language and to speak in their language, the former Congress president said. Gandhi alleged that Speaker Om Birla took away the rights of the people of Tamil Nadu by not allowing the supplementary question on their language. The people of Tamil Nadu and their language have been attacked, he claimed. Asked if he believes the Lok Sabha speaker is acting in a partisan manner, Gandhi said, "This is a House that belongs to all states, all languages. There should be a discussion here, but no discussion is happening these days. Nobody can ask a question." "There is one-way traffic and it (Lok Sabha) has become a loudspeaker," he said. Later, in a tweet, Gandhi said the people of Tamil Nadu were "disrespected" when the speaker refused to allow a supplementary question on the Tamil language. "I strongly protest this injustice done to the Tamil people and the disregard for established practises and traditions of Parliament," he said. Some Opposition members stood up in protest when Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai was replying to a question related to official language. As Speaker Birla took up the next question during the Question Hour, DMK leader T R Baalu vociferously protested that they should be allowed to ask supplementary questions. Amid the din, Gandhi intervened and said it was an issue at the heart of the people of Tamil Nadu and that supplementaries should be allowed. He was apparently referring to issues regarding official language. With the speaker continuing with the next question, members from various Opposition parties, including DMK, Congress and NCP walked out from the House. The coronavirus pandemic that has spread across six continents, caused more than 7,000 deaths, and forced multiple countries to implement nationwide lockdowns has already spawned remarkable images, from the hazmat-suited municipal workers manning drive-through test centers in Seoul to the balcony acapellas of quarantined residents of Siena, Italy. But the defining images from Qom, the early epicenter of Irans viral outbreak, might turn out to be footage of body bags lined up at one of the citys morgues, or doctors without personal protective equipment tending to the sick. In interviews with TIME, staff on the front lines of the hardest-hit nation in the Middle East painted a bleak picture of a healthcare system in the throes of a crisis that threatens to overwhelm its capacity. While experts point to critical errors in Irans early handling of the highly infectious virus, its experience now in terms of the high impact on healthcare systems and frontline workers is already finding echoes around the world. My uncle, who is a doctor, called me in tears from his hospital saying that he cant cope anymore, a laboratory scientist working at one of five public hospitals in Qom, told TIME by phone on March 14. Protective gear was lacking during the first phase of the crisis, she said, so much so that for the first week the doctors and nurses only used regular masksno gloves, no gowns, nothing else. As of March 17, Iran had recorded almost 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 (the disease caused by the new coronavirus). Already the highest toll outside of China and Italy, the World Health Organization (WHO) says the actual toll could be five times higher, due to testing being restricted to severe cases. Two days earlier, with deaths at 724, the countrys health ministry said that around 15% of those who died were under the age of 40an unprecedented figure for a disease whose death rate for those under 50 appears to be well below 1%. Story continues The COVID-19 outbreak in Qom, Irans religious capital and home to the countrys top Shiite clerics and seminaries, has since metastasized to nearby cities such as Tehran, Isfahan, and Kashan. It has hit the upper ranks of government, infecting cabinet members, senior members of the military and clerical establishments, and two vice presidents. On March 16, Ayatollah Hashem Bathaie Golpayenagi, a member of the Assembly of Experts responsible for selecting Irans next Supreme Leader, became the latest senior figure to die. People are dying left and right here. Thats the case in all of our hospitals in Qom, said the laboratory assistant. Like other medics TIME interviewed, she asked to remain anonymous so she could speak freely, alleging that Iranian authorities are tapping some hospital staffers phones. Keep up to date with our daily coronavirus newsletter by clicking here. That Iran initially mismanaged Qoms COVID-19 outbreak seems clear. Suspicions piqued internationally on Feb. 24 when a lawmaker in Qom claimed there had been 50 deaths in the city on the same day Irans health minister announced a nationwide death toll of 12 people. Irans unprecedented fatality rate also prompted allegations the government was covering up the scale of the outbreak. That perception was bolstered by the high number of high-profile figures who tested positive for the disease, prompting speculation that millions not tested might also be infected. And days after Iranian authorities banned flights from China in a bid to prevent the spread of the outbreak in early February, Mahan Aira private airline owned by Irans Revolutionary Guardscontinued to fly routes to and from Chinese cities. There are a million ways in which Iran could have handled this situation, but they appear to have chosen some of the worst, says Ariane Tabatabai, an Iran expert at the RAND Corporation in California, from the disinformation at the beginning, to the inability to deal with travelers coming back from China, to everything that followed. Officially, COVID-19 has now sickened almost 15,000 Iranians, but medical staff in Tehran say those numbers are a significant underestimate. There is absolutely no doubt that the number of sick people is much higher, a pulmonologist at one of the capitals leading private hospitals told TIME on his return to work from two weeks in self-quarantine after contracting the disease from a patient. Realistically, at this point, you need to change the reported sick cases to 1 million. Another pulmonologist at Tehrans Masih Daneshvari hospital, the countrys premier institution for respiratory ailments, tells TIME it is impossible to give an exact figure for coronavirus-related deaths because the official toll reflects only the minority who are screened and test positive for the virus. There are many people we dont know are sick that could die at any point, says the specialist and many people die from respiratory problems that cant immediately be attributed to COVID19. Iran has temporarily released around 85,000 prisonersincluding some political prisonersin a bid to mitigate the risk of the virus spreading through the countrys jails, Irans justice ministry said on March 17. People continue to pray outside of Fatima Masumeh Shrine as it is closed for visitors due to the spread of COVID-19 in Qom, Iran on March 17. | Photo by Fatemah BahramiAnadolu Agency/Getty Images Experts at the World Health Organization agree that Irans infection rate is an underestimate, a fact they say Irans leadership acknowledges. Iran isnt alone in this; infection rates are underestimated almost everywhere the disease is present, particularly in countries where testing is hard to access unless a patient is hospitalized. On March 13, when the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention was reporting a figure of about 1,600 cases nationwide, a medical professor at Johns Hopkins University told Yahoo News he thought there were between 50,000 and half a million cases right now walking around in the United States. Irans rising infection rate is now likely due to rapid improvements in its testing capacity. A five-day World Health Organization (WHO) technical support mission that included experts from Germanys Robert Koch Institute and the Chinese Center for Disease Control visited hospitals, healthcare centers, and community outreach offices in Tehran and Qom. When the team arrived, Iran had only 22 testing laboratories, says Rick Brennan, the WHOs Regional Emergency Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region and mission team lead. By the time they left on March 10, there were around 40 laboratories. While the WHOs report makes it clear there is room for improvements, our sense is that [Irans leadership] are prioritizing the right things, Brennan tells TIME. Theyre in a tough spot but we think their willingness to be adaptive is good, is appropriate. According to the WHO, Iran has scaled up all elements of its response to the crisis and improved coordination between government agencies and municipal bodies. It had also begun converting production capacity, including some military capacity, to producing locally-made personal protection equipment to meet shortfalls. Like every health system on the planet, the Iranian health system is being overstretched, says Brennan, and like every other health system, I think theyre playing catch up. Irans ability to catch up is hampered by a shortage of medical equipment that its government blames on the crippling sanctions regime imposed as part of the White Houses maximum pressure campaign. In a letter to world leaders on March 13, Irans President Rouhani urged the international community to adopt strategies within the framework of the United Nations to thwart the sanctions regime. It is time that the international community stood up to the U.S. unlawful and inhumane bullying, he wrote. The U.S. Treasury says its sanctions do not prohibit humanitarian contributions that ease coronavirus pressure on Iran, a claim the Islamic Republics Foreign Ministry has called deception. For the first time in six decades, Iran has also requested emergency funds from the International Monetary Fund to help it fight the crisisan appeal that the U.S., which sits on the IMFs decision-making board, could potentially veto under maximum pressure. Irans Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on March 12 tweeted an itemized list of equipment the health ministry required. It included 10-million personal protective equipment kits and 160-million three-layer protective masks among dozens of other items. These are the needs we have at this moment; but also what we will require when the virus reaches its peak. said the pulmonologist at the Masih Daneshvari hospital, who along with his colleague at the private hospital believes Covid19 cases will peak in early April. Irans leaders have had to step away from that initial hubris to now recognize what the scale of the challenge is, says RANDs Tabatabai. Neither the scale of that challenge nor the fumbling of leaders charged with addressing it is unique to Iran. President Donald Trump has been widely criticized for the lack of testing in the U.S., his incoherent messaging on the disease, and his attempts to exploit the crisis for political gain. In Britain, hundreds of scientists have challenged the approach of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, whose proposed measures on social distancing they deem insufficient to stymie the disease. Indeed, the strain that Irans beleaguered healthcare system faces is likely to be mirrored elsewhere. The image I have started to use for the world epicenters is erupting volcanoes linked by the coronavirus ring of fire, says Daniel Lucy, an infectious diseases physician and adjunct professor of infectious diseases at Georgetown University Medical Centre. That viral volcano is now erupting in Seattle reminiscent of Wuhan, Bergamo, Madrid, and Qom. Please send any tips, leads, and stories to STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- With thousands upon thousands of New York residents losing their job as businesses shutter during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the New York State Department of Labor is struggling to keep up with demand for those seeking unemployment benefits. On Monday, following Gov. Andrew Cuomos waiving of the seven-day waiting period for those seeking Unemployment Insurance benefits, the Labor Department was inundated with tens of thousands of phone calls and online applications from laid-off New Yorkers. Today weve experienced a massive increase in the volume of Unemployment Insurance claims, which slowed down the server. It is currently being addressed, according to the department. *** CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE OF CORONAVIRUS IN NEW YORK *** One Staten Island business owner told the Advance that he encouraged his employees to file as quickly as possible due to the influx of applications the department would soon see. GET IT DONE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE The first thing I told my employees was to jump and file already. To get it done as quickly as possible because I knew there was going to be a big backlog, said Vincent Malerba, owner of Angelinas Kitchen in New Springville and Angelinas Ristorante in Tottenville. He said he had to lay a number of people off, explaining that hes watched sales plummet 90%. To make matters worse, Malerbas catering business just stopped -- weddings, baby showers, birthdays, anniversaries. Many restaurant owners are struggling for ways to keep business going after Mayor Bill de Blasio declared that New York City bars, restaurants and entertainment venues would be limited to takeout and delivery orders only. The virus can spread rapidly through the close interactions New Yorkers have in restaurants, bars and places where we sit close together, the mayors statement read on Sunday. We have to break that cycle. This news came on top of a previous decree ending functions over 500 people and seating capacities mandated at half occupancy. On Monday, Malerba tried to assist his laid-off employees in enrolling in the program, but was met with the same technical difficulties reported by others throughout the state. Yesterday about four or five of them came in to get their paychecks and we sat and went through it, and they were having difficulty logging in because the system was overwhelmed, Malerba said. Douglas DiPasqua, banquet manager at Angelinas Kitchen, said that he still hasnt been able to enroll in the program despite repeated attempts online and over the phone. I had difficulty with the website, so I decided to give them a call. I gave them a call and it was a completely automated system. I went through and finished everything that was on the automated system itself, and then after being told Id be connected with a representative, two seconds later it says all representatives are busy right now, please call back," DiPasqua recalled. Like many Staten Islanders, he said he has been saving up in case of an emergency, but added he will certainly feel the financial burden of losing work during one of the busiest times of the year. ITS GOING TO HURT PRETTY BAD Ive been saving a rainy day fund pretty much my whole life, but this is going to be a rough one. Its going to be tough, DiPasqua said. Especially because were getting into the busy season right now. The spring and summer time is pretty much where you make all your money in this business. Its going to hurt pretty bad. DiPasqua, responsible for handling the various parties and celebrations hosted by the restaurant, said the massive cancellations and subsequent lack of tips will leave him strapped for cash. The busiest time of the year for us is between April and June... May is one of the craziest months with all the communions and weddings DiPasqua said. I work a lot on tips... Ive already been super conservative with my money, but Im definitely going to have to cut down even more. Despite the high number of claims, the Labor Department said that all eligible residents will soon receive their benefits. Please be aware that everyone who is entitled to NYS UI benefits will receive them in a timely manner, according to the department. As of Tuesday morning, Twitter users from across the state were still voicing their frustrations with the departments website repeatedly crashing as they attempted to fill out an application. Its still not working. It makes me fill out the questionnaire then tells me my session has expired half way through. Then get logged out have to start the entire application over again, one user said. The website is still not working. Aside from all of the yellow flags stating system error on the Home page, Im always road blocked once I manage to start the process and proceed to the next stage, said another. And its not just the website thats still having issues. Many New Yorkers are calling into the office and entering their information on the phone, simply to be redirected and told to call back at a later date. I called to complete my claim, and i put in my SS#, then my pin. It then says I must speak with a specialist to complete my claim, but there is an unusually high volume of calls - call back this week. And then it hangs me up. Why cant I just be out on hold until someones avail? one user asked. Are we really supposed to go through a minute plus of phone menus including entering our SSN and a pin (of which I was never told to set up during my claim filing online) just to be given a shrug and told to call back later? Cant there be a hold or queue system? asked another. *** Be the first to know: Sign up for our newsletters; and get breaking news and top stories pushed to your phone with the mobile app. CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE: Latest on NYC school closures: Child care to be available for first responders With restaurant dine-in option halted, Uber Eats waives delivery fees MTA continuing to monitor service levels as coronavirus spreads Amazon warns of slower deliveries, depleted stock amid coronavirus Rumor of a mandated national quarantine is untrue and unfounded, White House says S.I. to be first borough with drive-thru testing for coronavirus Fact vs. rumor: America is not quarantined for coronavirus, National Security Council says Coronavirus: NYC bars, restaurants limited to takeout and delivery Lees Tavern to temporarily shut its doors amid coronavirus outbreak Photos: Bare shelves inside Staten Island stores during coronavirus outbreak Coronavirus court scale-down: No new jury trials starting Monday; other appearances to be limited With NYC schools closing, parents and teachers prepare for new normal How fast is coronavirus growing in New York? Chart shows dramatic rise in cases Coronavirus on Staten Island: Non-essential court proceedings postponed Coronavirus: Executive order will postpone all elective surgeries The state Supreme Court has given the Philadelphia Eagles a post-season win by refusing to reinstate a $700,000 damage award to a Dallas Cowboys fan who was assaulted during a 2014 game between the bitter rivals. The victory for the Eagles came in a one-sentence order in which the states highest court refused to hear an appeal by Cowboys fan Patrick Pearson. Pearson went to the Supreme Court after a state Superior Court panel in October overturned a Philly jurys verdict awarding him that $700,000 for injuries he sustained during the attack in a restroom at the Eagles stadium. Pearson wore a Troy Aikman jersey and a Cowboys hat to the Eagles-Cowboys game. He said he was jumped in the restroom at half-time when he got into an argument with a drunken Eagles fan who tossed his Cowboys cap into a urinal. The fight escalated when Pearson told some taunting Eagles fans to get a (Super Bowl) ring and well talk, court filings state. The Eagles did get that ring three seasons later, but that didnt help Pearson. He said he was attacked by several men who only stopped the assault when someone yelled, Security! Pearson had to undergo two surgeries and have two rods and 10 pins inserted in his right leg. He still walks with a limp and has lingering pain, court filings state. In his lawsuit, Pearson claimed security at the stadium was insufficient, especially for a game where tempers were likely to be frayed, because no guards were stationed in the restrooms. The Cowboys won that game by a score of 38-27. In overturning the jurys award, the Superior Court judges faulted the Philadelphia judge who presided over the civil trial for even allowing the case to go to a jury. The Eagles did take adequate precautions, including dressing some of their security officers in Cowboys colors and sending them on patrol to quell disputes between rival fans, the Superior Court judges found. Also, they noted, records show assaults in the stadium restroom were rare. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced on Tuesday a package of measures worth a total 200 billion euros ($219 billion), between loans, credit guarantees, benefits and direct aid, to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the economy. The package represents about 20% of the country's gross domestic product, Sanchez said in a televised address, adding that the government would mobilize 117 billion euros for the package, with the rest to come from private companies. The measures include 100 billion euros in state-backed credit guarantees and unlimited liquidity lines for companies. Search Keywords: Short link: The United Automobile Workers union said Tuesday night that the three Detroit automakers had agreed to address concerns about coronavirus hazards to factory workers by taking steps short of shutting down U.S. production. General Motors, Ford Motor and Fiat Chrysler had been resisting calls by the union to shut down their plants for two weeks to minimize the spread of the virus among factory workers. In separate meetings with the U.A.W. on Tuesday evening, the union said, the companies promised a variety of measures to keep workers apart inside factories and to extend time for cleaning work stations and common areas. All three companies have agreed to new measures that will increase adherence to the C.D.C. recommendations on social distancing in the workplace, the U.A.W. president, Rory Gamble, said in a statement, referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He added that the three companies had agreed to partial shutdowns at certain times to allow for thorough cleaning of plants and extended periods between shifts. Shift schedules at some plants may be altered to reduce the number of workers entering each day. Email To : Multiple e-mail addresses must be separated with a comma character(maximum 200 characters) Email To is required. Your Full Name: (optional) Your Email Address: Your Email Address is required. DEERFIELD (dpa-AFX) - Baxter International Inc. (BAX) said, for first-quarter 2020, the company expects sales growth of 4% to 5% on a reported basis and 5% to 6% on both a constant currency and operational basis. The company expects adjusted net income, before special items, of $0.72 to $0.74 per share. Fourth-quarter adjusted income per share from continuing operations was $0.97, an increase of 37% from prior year. Worldwide sales were $3.0 billion, an increase of 7% on a reported basis, 8% on a constant currency basis and 9% on an operational basis compared to the prior-year period. The company also announced the filing of its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, which includes audited restated financial statements as of December 31, 2018 and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017, and its quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2019. With these filings, Baxter said the company is now current in its SEC reporting obligations. Regarding COVID-19, Baxter said, to date, it has experienced limited financial impact. Given the high-degree of uncertainty around any potential negative financial impacts from COVID-19, the company is not providing guidance for full-year 2020. Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. Case finding and contact tracing: If you dont know what those are yet, you will by the end of the novel coronavirus pandemic thats gripping the world. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 16/3/2020 (666 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Opinion Case finding and contact tracing: If you dont know what those are yet, you will by the end of the novel coronavirus pandemic thats gripping the world. Of all the things we can do to mitigate risk, washing our hands and practising social distancing are the most effective measures to combat the spread of the disease. At least thats the message repeated almost daily by the World Health Organization. Cancelling large gatherings and closing public facilities where appropriate is important, but relentlessly attacking the disease where you know it exists is even more critical, the WHO says. Wide-scale social-distancing measures such as shutting schools, recreational facilities, libraries and other public facilities will help "flatten the curve", but zeroing in on known cases is one of the most critical steps public health officials can take to slow the speed of the spread. Case finding is all about strategically testing those with symptoms that meet certain criteria, such as having travelled internationally. Once a positive case is identified, "contact tracing" occurs when public health officials track down every person an infected individual had close contact with. That person is told to self-quarantine for 14 days, whether theyre showing symptoms or not. Public health officials monitor those in self-isolation by checking in with them every day. Theyre instructed to stay home and to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. Manitobas public health officials have launched contact tracing investigations into all seven reported cases so far. "It starts within hours of receiving that result," Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitobas chief public health officer, said Monday. "They are required to take their temperature twice a day, we call for followup on that, (we) follow up on symptoms and ensure theyre following self-isolation." Its a labour intensive exercise that gobbles up a ton of people hours, but the return on investment is great. According to the WHO, countries that have taken an aggressive case finding and contact tracing approach have had success in reducing the spread of the disease. Many, such as South Korea, have seen the numbers of new cases decline rapidly. Once a positive case is identified, contact tracing occurs when public health officials track down every person an infected individual had close contact with, such as fellow travellers. (John Scalzi / The Associated Press) Its the most effective type of containment because it focuses on known cases and their immediate surroundings. Social-distancing measures such as closing facilities and banning large gatherings one of the most visible signs of governments fight against the virus helps slow its spread, but those are far less efficient tools because they mostly separate non-infected people from other non-infected people. The larger the gathering, the more chance there is that one or more people are infected (who can then infect others), which is why gatherings of 250 or more have been cancelled. Without an aggressive case finding and contact tracing strategy, slowing the spread of the disease is almost impossible, regardless of how many travel bans or social-distancing measures government implements. It's also a measure that has to be implemented early to have the greatest effect. The longer public health officials wait to trace contacts and get potentially infected people into self-isolation, the faster the virus will spread. Want to get a head start on your day? Get the days breaking stories, weather forecast, and more sent straight to your inbox every weekday morning. Sign Up I agree to the Terms and Conditions, Cookie and Privacy Policies, and CASL agreement. Case finding and contact tracing is not new. Manitobas public health officials have dealt with a number of epidemics over the years and implementing these measures is not unique to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like most aspects of containment, self-isolation does require the co-operation of individual Manitobans. Those who have recently travelled abroad are also asked to self-isolate (including those with no symptoms), but thats done on the honour system. Government doesnt have the resources to track every person who has travelled outside Canada to ensure they are complying with a 14-day self-isolation recommendation. That's where the success of the provinces containment efforts depends on the buy-in of all Manitobans. Its important that everyone follow the social-distancing recommendations. But its even more important that those who are asked to self-isolate do so diligently and without reservation. Lives now depend on it. Editors note: To let our community members know what help is available during the novel coronavirus outbreak and response to it, the following list of resources is comprised of information weve obtained thus far. It should not be considered exhaustive and is subject to change. Organizations operating in the Rio Rancho area are offering various types of assistance to people in need due to the novel coronavirus and social-distancing efforts to stop its spread. Here are brief descriptions of whats available and where, according to information from the respective organizations: State insurance office establishes COVID-19 call center SANTA FE New Mexicans with questions about health insurance coverage related to COVID-19 now have a call center for quick answers. The Office of the Superintendent of Insurance launched the toll-free call center earlier this month. It will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Consumers are urged to call the center at 1-833-415-0566 to learn about their right to have COVID-19 testing and treatment without cost and with questions about: How to obtain health insurance coverage; How to resolve grievances associated with premium payments, termination of coverage, claims, benefits denials and surprise billing related to COVID-19; and How to appeal an insurance decision. The call center will also guide consumers to proper regulatory oversight agencies for further assistance and provide information about the states emergency public health orders and the bulletins, orders and press releases from the Office of Superintendent of Insurance. Help for equine owners Animal Protection of New Mexico, the states leading advocate for the humane treatment of animals, announces equine emergency feed assistance for those financially affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Apply online at or call 803-3770. Any resident of New Mexico with personal horses, mules or donkeys and who is struggling because of COVID-19 or other emergency may apply. Review the application for further guidelines. Successful applicants can receive one month of feed for up to four personal equines. The organization reserves to right to review each situation and may adjust the amount of feed on a case-by-case basis as needed. Health-worker and first-responder meals In appreciation of the health-care workers, police officers, firefighters and emergency-medical workers committed to community health and safety, McDonalds will offer free Thank You Meals April 22 through May 5 at all New Mexico restaurants. Each Thank You Meal is available at no charge via drive-thru or carry-out at breakfast, lunch or dinner. It will come with a note of appreciation and be served in McDonalds iconic Happy Meal box, in the hopes of bringing a smile along with food. These front-line heroes can show their work badge to receive one of the below Thank You Meal options: Breakfast: A choice of an Egg McMuffin, Chicken McGriddles or a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. All options come with any size soft drink, tea or hot coffee, and a hash brown. Lunch and Dinner: A choice of a Double Cheeseburger, 6-piece Chicken McNuggets or a Filet-O-Fish sandwich. All options come with any size soft drink, tea or hot coffee, and small fries. Help for churches The interdenominational Churches Helping Churches Challenge is offering grants to churches struggling financially due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. To apply or donate, visit Driver documentation and privileges New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division: Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an order waiving most late fees and other penalties assessed by the Motor Vehicle Division since March 11, when she first issued a state of emergency for New Mexico due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order requires the Motor Vehicle Division of the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department to temporarily waive fees and penalties incurred due to the social distancing recommendations that closed many MVD offices until further notice. The waiver applies to motor vehicle registrations, drivers licenses and other driver and motor vehicle privileges. It also covers drivers required to have a vision or medical report with the MVD. The waiver will continue through the period MVD offices are closed and for a reasonable period of time after, to be determined by the secretary of the Taxation and Revenue Department. Late fees and other penalties will still apply if they are incurred before or after the waiver period. State Police are directed, and local law enforcement is encouraged, not to issue citations for registrations or licenses that expire during the waiver period. Motorists are still encouraged to use to take care of the many MVD transactions, including vehicle registration and license renewals (as long as they are not for first-time Real ID licenses), updating address and insurance information, and other services. The MVD also has set up two email addresses for customers with questions and concerns. One,, should be used by customers with general questions. The other,, is dedicated to drivers age 79 and older. The MVD call center can be reached at 888-683-4636. Business loans SBA: The U.S. Small Businesses Administration has updated and simplified the Economic Injury Disaster Loan application and is available for small businesses and nonprofits directly affected by COVID-19. The New Mexico Small Business Development Centers are assisting businesses with the process and guiding and informing businesses on everything available to help them during the crisis. There is no cost to apply. Businesses can apply online at About the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan: Loans up to $2 million; no payments for 12 months. Small businesses and private nonprofits are eligible. May be used for fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills affected by the disaster. 75 percent interest rate for small businesses without credit available elsewhere; businesses with credit available elsewhere are not eligible. 75 percent interest rate for private nonprofits. Long-term repayments for COVID crisis will be 30 years. The Small Business Development Centers network of experts is available to help at Lessening isolation AARP: New Mexicans now have a place where they can go if they need assistance with daily tasks, want to lend a neighbor a hand or just want to connect with others to combat isolation. AARP Community Connections, an online platform launched by AARP Innovation Labs, allows users to organize and find local volunteer groups to help pick up groceries, provide financial assistance or lend emotional support to neighbors, friends and loved ones. We may need be physically isolated, but we dont have to feel alone, said Andy Miller, senior vice president of AARP Innovation Labs. Through this innovative platform, people in need of help from or who want to offer help to their communities are empowered to engage. AARP Community Connections includes multiple resources to help those who are feeling isolated, depressed, overwhelmed or anxious. Users are able to: * Request a call from an AARP volunteer or a trained counselor; * Create an account with Savo to make connecting with their families easier; and * Join The Mighty, a safe, supportive online community for people facing health challenges and their caregivers. AARP Community Connections is live and free to use, and AARP membership is not required. For more information, visit Clothing assistance Clares Closet: Due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, Clares Closet childrens clothing ministry will not be open during its normal hours. People who need clothes or diapers for their children can call 633-5726 Sunday through Tuesday, or 633-6709 Wednesday through Saturday. A Clares Closet volunteer will arrange to meet clients at the closet at St. Francis Episcopal Church, at the corner of Golf Course Road and Cabezon Boulevard. Support for nonprofits PNM Resources Foundation: The PNM Resources Foundation is offering $200,000 in grant money for nonprofits with programs working to increase community safety. Funding will range from $10,000 to $50,000 for each nonprofit recipient, with preference given to organizations that implemented COVID-19 programs for the communitys most at-risk senior population. Nonprofits have until Thursday, April 2, to apply. The community safety grant is for nonprofits to cover program and operational costs, and to continue delivering much-needed services that keep the community safe now and in the future. No customer funds are part of the PNM Resources Foundation endowment. Eligible nonprofits must hold a 501(c)3 status from the IRS and be within the areas that PNM and Texas-New Mexico Power serve. For complete grant information, visit Health-care workers assistance CoronaCare NM: The CoronaCare NM website connects front-line health-care workers and hospital staff to volunteers who support them in the local area. Corona Care staff members are requesting people less at risk to volunteer by running errands, cooking, babysitting, pet sitting and providing other help, according to a news release on the subject. Through CoronaCare NM, front-line health-care workers and hospital staff can request help in any of the above areas. By joining with OneABQ, CoronaCare will be able to offer 48-hour background checks in addition to having a greater scheduling capacity. By using OneABQs website to record volunteer hours, the city will receive $25 of federal aid for every hour of volunteering for coronavirus relief. The CoronaCare NM website, coronacare.nm, is still where front-line health-care workers and hospital staff will go to sign up to receive childcare or general support. Volunteers who go to the CoronaCare NM website will be redirected to the OneABQ website to sign up. This will ensure that private information necessary for background checks is secure and all background checks can be completed. The volunteers will still be connected in a one-on-one setting to ensure social-distancing rules are followed. Voting Absentee ballots for any voter: New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver has opened her offices online absentee ballot portal in light of New Mexicos ongoing public-health emergency regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. The online absentee ballot application portal can be accessed directly at or through the Secretary of States Voter Information Portal, New Mexicos primary election will take place on June 2. Opening the online absentee portal a month early is just one of the ways my office, and election administrators around the state, are taking steps to ensure safe and efficient elections this year, said Toulouse Oliver. Though there will still be in-person voting during the early vote period and on June 2, I encourage voters to utilize an absentee ballot as a way to fulfill your civic duty to vote while also fulfilling your civic duty to practice social distance. New Mexico has whats known as no-fault absentee balloting, meaning that any eligible New Mexico voter can request an absentee ballot for any reason. The first day county clerks can mail requested primary election absentee ballots to voters this year is May 5; the last day a voter can request an absentee ballot for the primary election is May 28. All absentee ballots may be returned by mail, with postage already paid by the state, to the voters county clerks office, or in-person at an alternative voting location, mobile alternative voting location or any Election Day polling location no later than 7 p.m. June 2. The Secretary of State has also set up an FAQ page for absentee ballots at Shopping for vulnerable people: Albertsons Markets: Albertsons is reserving shopping for seniors age 60 or older and people with weakened immune systems from opening until 9 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. In Rio Rancho, both Albertsons Markets open at 7 a.m. Big Lots: The store is reserving first hour of every day for seniors and those most vulnerable to COVID-19 virus. The Rio Rancho Big Lots, 1660 NM 528, is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day except Sunday, when its open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dollar General stores: Dollar General is strongly encouraging customers to allow the first hour of operations each day be dedicated solely for senior citizens, one of the groups most vulnerable to COVID-19. The company wants to provide these at-risk customers with the ability to purchase the items and avoid busier and more crowded shopping periods. Other customers are encouraged to plan their shopping trips around this window of time. This means senior hours are 9-10 a.m. at the store at 3301 Southern Blvd., Rio Rancho; 8-9 a.m. for the store at 1801 Pine Road, Rio Rancho; and 8-9 a.m. at the store at 160 E. US 550, Bernalillo. Smiths Food and Drug Stores: Smiths Food & Drug Stores is dedicating the first hour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7-8 a.m. solely to the shopping needs of senior citizens until further notice. Each store will have staff members on hand to help people who need special accommodations. For all other customers, temporary store hours will continue to be 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., an early closing to allow time for disinfecting and restocking, until further notice. The company is also waiving the pick-up fee at the point of transaction for online orders received curbside for customers whose verified age is 60 years and older through April 18. Smiths will continue to evaluate the situation to see if the fee waiver should be extended. Target: On Wednesdays, stores will open one hour early for individuals who are elderly or have underlying health conditions. Rio Ranchos Target, 4225 Crestview Drive, is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Walmart: Starting this week, Walmart stores will host an hour-long senior shopping event every Tuesday for customers aged 60 and older. This will start one hour before the store opens. Pharmacies and Vision Centers will also be open during this time. Walmart stores are adjusting hours to 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. to allow for more cleaning. Utilities and internet service City of Rio Rancho Water and Wastewater utilities: The Utilities Department will not shut off water until further notice. Recent shut-offs will have services restored with owed amounts assessed in the future, date to be determined. Late fees will also be temporarily waived on delinquent accounts from March 17 until further notice. Payments can be made by mail, by calling 891-5211 or at For other utilities-related services like setting up a new account, call 891-5020 or email New Mexico Gas Company: A company statement said no customers gas service will be disconnected for non-payment, at least through April 6. Essential work will continue, as well as 24/7 response to gas leaks and emergency calls. Employees are available to provide customer support by phone and online. Customers are asked to pay bills by postal mail, online at or by calling the customer contact center at 1-888-664-2726. PNM electricity provider: PNM has suspended electric-service disconnections and late fees for nonpayment until further notice. Collection and credit reporting for nonpayment have also been suspended. PNM will provide customers with notice before billing and disconnection policies resume. It will also work with customers to establish a payment plan so they dont have the pay the entire balance at once. PNM announced it would help pay electric bills for New Mexico customers whose household incomes suddenly fall into a low-income status after their employer cut their hours or closed the doors due to COVID-19. Through April 30, the PNM Good Neighbor Fund is paying up to $150 toward PNM electric bills for low-income families who call the PNM Good Neighbor Fund provider at 505-967-8045. For more information on the PNM Good Neighbor Fund, visit Sparklight internet- and cable-service provider: To help ease the financial burden and provide continued connectivity for customers impacted by the novel coronavirus, Sparklight has announced that it has made unlimited data available on all internet services and is waiving late fees until June 30. Its offering payment deferrals to customers who call to make arrangements. Also, Sparklight is opening WiFi hotspots for public use during the coronavirus outbreak to keep individuals and communities connected to the online resources they want and need through June 30. Sparklights local WiFi hotspot can be accessed in the Sparklight office parking lot, 7501 Nita Place, Rio Rancho. The company is additionally offering a 15 Mbps internet plan for $10 per month until June 30 to help low-income families and those most impacted from coronavirus challenges, such as seniors and college students. No documentation will be required to sign up for this plan. Customers can call 877-692-2253 for more information. State taxes Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Taxation and Revenue Department Secretary Stephanie Schardin Clarke announced Friday that New Mexicans will have an extra 90 days to file and pay their 2019 personal income taxes in recognition of the economic hardships many are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Taxpayers will have until July 15 to file and pay any taxes due. The deadline for 2019 corporate income taxes also will be extended until July 15. In addition, the state is extending deadlines for employers to remit withholding taxes. Withholding taxes normally due on the 25th of March, April, May and June will now be due on July 25. Taxpayers who take advantage of the income tax extensions will not be assessed penalties as long as payment is received by July 15. The Taxation and Revenue Department has determined that due to recent IRS action, it will not have to impose interest charges on taxpayers who take advantage of the 90-day extensions announced last week for filing and paying New Mexico personal and corporate income taxes. However, interest will need to accrue on withholding tax extensions. The Taxation and Revenue Department also is assigning extra staff to help process income tax returns to expedite the payment of any refunds due to taxpayers who have already filed. Support for employees with reduced incomes New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions: Certain workers affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for unemployment benefits. Workers may be eligible if theyve been laid off due to the impact of COVID-19, if theyre quarantined or have immediate family whos quarantined, or if their job hours have been reduced due to the pandemic. More information is at The department is waiving work-search requirements for those workers for up to four weeks, although they must file an unemployment certification each week. Initial claims can be made at 1-877-664-6984 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or at Food for children Presbyterian Health Services: Rust Presbyterian Medical Center offers free meals to children up to age 18 at the hospital. Monday through Friday, breakfast is available from 6:30-10 a.m. and lunch is available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rio Rancho Public Schools: Grab-n-go breakfasts and lunches will be made available to children up to the age of 18 during the three-week school closure. All children must be in the vehicle with the adult picking up the meals in order for school employees to release the meals. Breakfast and lunch in a grab-n-go format are available at the same time. Locations and times are: Rio Rancho Middle School: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Ernest Stapleton Elementary: 11 a.m. to noon. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary: 11 a.m. to noon. Puesta del Sol Elementary: 11 a.m. to noon. Colinas del Norte Elementary: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sandia Vista Elementary: 11 a.m. to noon. Lincoln Middle School: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cleveland High School: 12:30-1:30 p.m. If sites are out of food, people who still need it can call 938-0386. Food for adults and families St. Felix Pantry: St. Felix Pantry will be open from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday through Saturday for people to pick up foot. Pantry staff members will institute new sanitation rules and inform guests of the changes. Sandoval County Senior and Community Centers: Centers have canceled all activities, but will continue to operate drive-thru and home-delivered meal services, and modified transportation and home-based services for seniors. State of New Mexico Senior & Disabled Adults Food Access Hotline: 1-800-432-2080. Storehouse West food pantry: Storehouse West will offer drive-up service to its client families needing to pick up foodstuffs, according to a note on the Rio Rancho Public Schools website. The pantry is open during its regular operating hours of 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Mondays and Fridays, and noon to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Online educational resources Rio Rancho Public Schools: For parents looking for activities to keep children occupied and provide an educational outlet with schools closed, RRPS has created a child resource webpage at, under the COVID-19 information tab. Also, check the RRPS Facebook page at for posts with other resources. Fitness at home To support the thousands of New Mexico families staying home to reduce the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, Albuquerque-based Group HIIT offered free 60-day subscriptions to its fitness website to help people stay active during the pandemic. Group HIIT co-owner Marlena Shirley said new users will have unlimited access to an online library of more than 300 workouts, including yoga and day-by-day programs designed for individuals, families and children. The workouts require little to no equipment so families can get started immediately, right from home. Families and individuals looking to start a free 60-day membership are encouraged to go to to get started. In addition to the programs available on its website, Group HIIT regularly posts workouts, inspiration and tips on Instagram and Facebook. Business support Bank of America: Small-business clients with Bank of America can get assistance through its Customer Assistance Program, which provides the opportunity to defer payments on loans. Contact the bank for more details. Rio Rancho Regional Chamber of Commerce: The chamber will be available to support the community and businesses throughout the COVID-19 response, so members are invited to call 892-1533 or email with any questions or concerns. New Mexico Economic Development Department: NMEDD created a web page of resources to assist affected businesses at The page contains a suite of information regarding the various loan programs available, including: NMEDD loan programs for businesses impacted by COVID-19; State and federal resources for businesses impacted by COVID-19; and Webinar: Information and Resources for Businesses. Home loans Bank of America: Bank of America clients can take advantage of its Customer Assistance Program. The program allows many homeowners the opportunity to defer payments on loans, and consumers can request refunds like overdraft and late fees. Contact the bank for details. Child care New Mexico Caregivers Coalition: To assist with the unexpected hardship of childcare expenses due to school closures, New Mexico Caregivers Coalition is offering immediate $100 Caregiver Emergency Child Care Grants to New Mexicos caregivers and home-care workers who have a child or children age 12 or younger in child-care settings. Eligibility for grants requires: Applicant works in home care; Applicant has at least one child age 12 or younger in child-care settings; Applications must be accompanied by proof of payment for child care services, such as a copy of receipt dated March 9 or later from the provider; Child-care providers recognized under emergency New Mexico public health orders may apply; Applicant may apply up to three times, once each month, since March. New applications must be submitted each month. Applications may be submitted via fax to (505) 393-5101, email to or mailed to P.O. Box 297, Bernalillo, NM 87004. Visit the coalitions website for a grant application. New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department: During the public health emergency, CYFD will issue full-time child care assistance contracts to first responders and health-care providers who need child care. Call 1-833-551-0518 to connect with the states child care Resource and Referral line or go to to download a child care assistance application. Also, the state will temporarily register family, friend and neighbor (FFN) providers who may be eligible to receive child care assistance funding; interested parties can call 1-833-551-0518. Temporary FFN providers will be required to complete a background check, as will all family members over the age of 18 living in their home. They will also be required to complete a three-hour online health and safety training and an online CPR training. The state has a Child Care Resource and Referral line to help families find child care at 1-800-691-9067 or Families can also contact their CYFD eligibility specialist via phone or email to let them know they now need full-time care; the team across the state will amend the contracts. In addition, all parents receiving child care assistance will have their co-pays waived during the public health emergency. Families who choose to keep their children home during the emergency will not lose their CYFD benefits. If a child care center closes and families need services, they may transfer their child care benefits to an alternative CYFD-approved provider and the state will continue paying subsidies to both providers. YMCA of Central New Mexico: The YMCA of Central New Mexico is hosting a three-week day camp for families in need of child care during the public school closure. The YMCA recognizes working families and first responders have a pressing need for child care. The YMCA will have four day-camp locations throughout the Albuquerque area and one in Santa Fe with a capacity to host 45 children per location. The YMCA will take extra precautions, such as a wellness check when a child is dropped off at the site, hand-washing every hour and sanitizing high-touch surfaces and equipment before and after every use. The YMCA Day Camp Albuquerque locations will be Horn Family YMCA, McLeod Family YMCA, Montezuma Elementary and Sunset View Elementary. In Santa Fe, the Day Camp will be at Chaparral Elementary School. The YMCA also has availability at the Horn YMCA, Central YMCA and Santa Fe YMCA for infant, toddler and preschool programs. The cost of the day camp is $120 per week per child. The State of New Mexico is offering to pay this cost for first responders, and the YMCA also offers financial assistance to families in need. Visit or for more information. Veterans services New Mexico Department of Veterans Services: Effective March 24, all field offices of the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services will temporarily postpone in-person office visits by veterans and will instead provide veterans benefits assistance via telephone, video conference or e-mail. All previously scheduled in-office visits will be rescheduled. The move is to comply with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grishams statewide directive this afternoon that state agencies to further help minimize the spread of the COVID-19. Veterans or widows/widowers of veterans can work with DVS Veterans Service Officers by: Leaving a message on a VSOs work phone number. VSOs regularly check their office phones for messages. Contacting a VSO on his/her mobile phone. Via e-mail. Via video conferencing. Assistance will be provided on a first-call, first-served basis. Livestream video conferencing can be arranged by contacting the VSO. Contact information for VSOs in the Rio Rancho area is: Albuquerque #1 (Karen Abeyta) Office: 346-3986 Mobile: 429-0856 Albuquerque #2 (Gordon Schei) Office/mobile: 346-4810 Other needs Rio Rancho CV-19 Help Group: Community volunteers will provide no-contact deliveries of essential items to senior citizens, medically fragile and immunocompromised individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Items available include paper towels, facial tissue, toilet paper, sanitizing products, hygiene products and non-perishable food. To receive deliveries, call 633-6819 or 892-1533, or email or To donate supplies or money by cash or check, drop of items at Gospel Light Baptist Church, 1500 Southern Blvd., between 8 a.m. and noon seven days a week, or call 633-6812 to arrange for donation pickup. The Rio Rancho Regional Chamber of Commerce, City of Rio Rancho Mayors Office, St. Felix Pantry and Gospel Light Baptist Church are partnering for the service. Rio Rancho Public Schools: People who need resources, including food, baby formula, medical care, behavioral-health services, etc., may call the Rio Rancho Public Schools District Office hotline at 896-0667 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday through March 26. Administrative team members will do what they can to connect people to resources and/or put out a call for assistance on their social media and with their partners. State of New Mexico general information hotline: 1-833-551-0518, for those who have non-health questions about resources and the community. State of New Mexico Navajo senior citizens hotline: 1-928-871-6868, for seniors living on the Navajo Nation. For now, 35 of the companys 40 locations in five states are shifting to carryout and delivery only, with restaurants in Florida, Georgia, Minnesota and Nevada still welcoming dine-in customers. Aurelio said that could change in just a matter of days as the possibility of a broader, nationwide closure of public eating and drinking places looms. At his trial, prosecutors said Sam tried to block his wife from leaving their home. After she bit him and fought her way past him, he grabbed a weight bar and followed her outside where he repeatedly hit her with the bar, prosecutors said. Her body was discovered by a Tinley Park employee driving past the couples home. Dr. Rick Brennan, Director of Emergency Operations in the World Health Organizations (WHO) new Emergencies Program has said that Iran's coronavirus (COVID-19) death toll is underreported due to testing being restricted to sever cases and the toll can be potentially five times higher. "The number of cases reported could represent only about a fifth of the real numbers. The reason was that testing, as is the case even in some wealthy European countries, was restricted to severe cases," Dr. Brennan who returned from a mission to Iran last week told Reuters. By gathering data from dispersed official comments by provincial authorities and local news agencies Radio Farda has been able to confirm that at least 1,500 have died of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran. However, according to the latest official government report on March 16 the death toll stood at 853. Iranian government officials blame shortages of medical equipment and test kits on U.S. sanctions. The United States, however, says the sanctions will not impede humanitarian trade with Iran. According to Brennan the weakest link in Iran's chain of coronavirus management is the data, and he predicted that with Iranian health system rapidly increasing its ability to test, the numbers will go up. "There's a great commitment and they are taking it seriously from the highest level of government," he said. The complicated political system and multiplicity of decision-making bodies in Iran has resulted in many contradictory remarks and decisions by officials. Measures are being announced but not implemented due to resistance of influential political, religious and military centers of power. As a result of being under sanctions the government coffers have quickly depleted, painting a very grim picture if a long period of epidemic, which in turn will intensify the economic pressure on the country. The Iranian public and the media are very critical of the country's response to the coronavirus epidemic. Many allege the government was aware of coronavirus cases much sooner than when it informed the public on February 19 and then failed to enforce a ban on flights to China on an airline controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. They also criticize the government for failing to impose a quarantine on Qom, the epicenter of the outbreak, due to religious and political considerations which allowed the virus to spread throughout the country. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, and the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus on Tuesday called for increased support of the LGBTQ community, which Wiener said may be more susceptible to the novel coronavirus. Wiener and Assemblyman Todd Gloria, D-San Diego, released a statement on behalf of the caucus, urging that the community must be able to require health care. LGBTQ people are more likely to be homeless and more likely to have chronic illnesses like HIV and cancer, which can put them at particular risk to contract the coronavirus. "LGBTQ people may also be less likely to seek medical care due to a history of judgment and discrimination against them," Wiener and Gloria said in the statement. The two also said older members of the LGBTQ community are less likely to have close friends to care for them if they're sick because they may have lost friends during the HIV and AIDS epidemic. "This is a time to come together in support of our most vulnerable communities, including vulnerable LGBTQ people," the two said. "Resources should go to engaging and supporting everyone in need, and we're committed to fighting for LGBTQ people -- and anyone needing an advocate -- in this difficult moment in our nation and world's history." Public health officials statewide have confirmed 472 cases of the virus in California as of Tuesday morning, including 11 deaths. Demographic information for the state's coronavirus cases has not been released. Copyright 2020 by Bay City News, Inc. Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) returns to Naval Station Norfolk after a five month deployment, November 15, 2019. US Navy The US Navy is preparing its hospital ships to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the hardest-hit communities in the country. Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirmed he ordered the Navy to "lean forward" in deploying two of its hospital ships, the USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy. The two ships will specifically focus on trauma cases if deployed, given the limited amount of space aboard the ships, Esper said. On Wednesday morning, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he spoke with President Donald Trump, who approved of the Comfort's deployment to the state. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. The US Navy is preparing its hospital ships to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the hardest-hit communities in the country, with one of them deploying to New York. Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirmed he ordered the Navy to "lean forward" in deploying two of its hospital ships, the USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy, during a press conference on Tuesday. The Comfort, based in the East Coast at Norfolk, Virginia, is currently undergoing maintenance; while the Mercy is at port in San Diego, California. The two ships will specifically focus on trauma cases if deployed, given the limited amount of space aboard the ships, Esper said. The plan is to alleviate the burden on traditional hospitals dealing with a high number of patients with the coronavirus. "Our capabilities are focused on trauma," Esper said at the Pentagon. "Whether it's our field hospitals, whether it's our hospital ships ... they don't have necessarily the segregated space as you need to deal with infectious diseases." "One of the ways by which you can use either field hospitals, hospital ships, or things in between, is to take the pressure off of civilian hospitals when it comes to trauma cases, and open up civilian hospital rooms for infectious diseases," he added. Story continues On Wednesday morning, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he spoke with President Donald Trump, who approved of the Comfort's deployment to the state. Cuomo activated the state's National Guard, after the number of cases in New York jumped to over 2,300. The US Navy reportedly said the Comfort may not arrive in New York to assist until mid-April. "This will be an extraordinary step," Cuomo said. "It's literally a floating hospital, which will add capacity." Most of the medical staff for the Comfort is based at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in Virginia. The ship has made several deployments since 1987, including to Puerto Rico for relief efforts after Hurricane Maria in 2017. The ships are staffed by 71 civilians and up to 1,200 sailors, according to the Navy. Both ships include 12 fully-equipped operating rooms, a 1,000-bed hospital, medical laboratory, and a pharmacy. The ships also have helicopter decks for transport. The Defense Department said there were 18 US service members who tested positive as of Monday. Over 5,800 coronavirus cases were reported in the US as of Tuesday afternoon. Over 95 people have died in the country. Read the original article on Business Insider WASHINGTON - Voters in Arizona cast their ballots in the Democratic primary during a pandemic that has stunted travel, closed schools, forced millions of workers to stay home and cancelled campaign rallies. Many voters on Tuesday expressed concerns that they or their family members will be infected with the new coronavirus. At the same time, voters ranked health care as the most important issue facing the country, well above climate change, the economy, race relations, foreign policy and many other social issues. About a third said they are very concerned that they or a relative will get the virus, according to a wide-ranging AP VoteCast survey of the Democratic primary electorate in Arizona. About 4 in 10 were somewhat concerned, while just a quarter expressed little to no concern. The Associated Press declared former Vice-President Joe Biden the winner in Arizona, basing the call on data from VoteCast. Heres a snapshot of Democratic voters in Arizona who they are and how they voted based on preliminary results from AP VoteCast, a survey of 2,015 voters, conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago. DEBATING HEALTH CARE The campaign has featured a contentious debate among candidates over the best way to tackle health care, an issue seen as the most important facing the country by more than 4 in 10 voters. There is majority support for a government-run health care system for all Americans, with nearly 8 in 10 voters saying they are in favour. Roughly 2 in 10 are opposed. But support for a public option, where every American could buy into a government-run insurance plan if they wanted to, is even higher. About 9 in 10 are in favour. About three-quarters of voters are in favour of either proposal, while about 2 in 10 say they favour a public option but oppose a single-payer system. DO THEY WANT A BIG CHANGE? Slightly more voters in Arizonas Democratic primary say they want a candidate who would bring fundamental change to Washington over one who would restore the political system to how it was before Donald Trump was elected in 2016. But a clear majority of voters, about 59%, said they preferred a candidate who will pursue practical, centrist policies to one pursuing bold liberal policies. DIVIDED BY RACE Among white voters, Biden had an edge over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, about 45% to 28%. Latino voters were divided in their support between Sanders and Biden. DIVIDED BY AGE Sanders continued to show strength among young voters, especially those under 30. Seven in 10 voters under 30 supported the 78-year-old senator. Older voters were more likely to support Biden than Sanders. LARGELY UNIFIED AGAINST TRUMP A wide majority say they would vote for Biden or Sanders against Trump in the general election. Still, 9% say they would vote for Biden but not for Sanders, while about as many say they would vote for Sanders but not Biden. SKEPTICISM TOWARD THE PARTY Voters are somewhat skeptical that the Democratic Partys nomination process is fair. Just about a quarter say they are very confident that the process for selecting a presidential nominee is fair. Roughly 3 in 10 have little to no confidence, while more than 4 in 10 say they are somewhat confident. Meanwhile, only about a third of voters are very confident that the Democratic Partys leadership represents their values; nearly half are somewhat confident. About 2 in 10 are not confident. CLIMATE CHANGE, THE ECONOMY AND OTHER ISSUES Roughly 2 in 10 voters said climate change is the most important issue facing the nation. A wide majority about 8 in 10 expressed support for a tax on the use of carbon-based fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. Just about 1 in 10 called the economy the top issue. But a significant majority described the economic system in this country as unfair. That includes about 4 in 10 who said its very unfair. Small shares of voters considered race relations, immigration, gun policy or abortion most important. ___ AP VoteCast is a survey of the American electorate conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago for The Associated Press and Fox News. The survey of 2,015 voters in Arizona was conducted for seven days, concluding as polls closed. Interviews were conducted in English or Spanish. The survey is based on interviews with a random sample of registered voters drawn from the state voter file. The margin of sampling error for voters is estimated to be plus or minus 3.3 percentage points. ___ Catch up on the 2020 election campaign with AP experts on our weekly politics podcast, Ground Game. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (Bloomberg) Beijing Tue, March 17, 2020 21:15 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b5f383 2 World COVID-19,China,wuhan,Europe,COVID-19-test Free As Europes daily new cases of the coronavirus now eclipse Chinas at the peak of its epidemic, doctors in Wuhan -- the city in central China where the pathogen first emerged -- are seeing worrying signs of similar mistakes unfolding. Key among them is inadequate protection for medical workers, leading to a high infection rate among doctors and nurses. In Wuhan, a lack of understanding of the disease and a shortage of protective equipment in the early weeks of the outbreak in January led to thousands of health-care workers being infected while treating patients. At least 46 have died. Our European colleagues are contracting the disease in their daily practice, and the proportion is quite similar to the earlier situation in Wuhan, said Wu Dong, a gastro-enterology professor at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Wu spoke from Wuhan with journalists in Beijing on Monday, alongside three other top Chinese doctors. We need to protect our medical staff. What doctors treating COVID-19 in Wuhan say about the virus The toll on medical workers is an emerging crisis faced by major western countries where the virus has now taken hold. From Italy to the US, countries are reporting a shortage of protective medical supplies like masks in hospitals, while the rapidly growing patient load is overwhelming doctors and nurses. The highly-contagious nature of the virus means that it has shown signs of being transmitted in unusual ways, like through the eyes. In Wuhan, ear, nose and throat (ENT) and eye doctors were infected at higher rates than colleagues in the same hospitals, Du Bin, director of the intensive care unit at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said at the same briefing. My personal interpretation is these doctors have very close contact with the patients, thats the major reason that they got easily infected, he said. Its important to get doctors educated and trained on how to protect themselves. The epidemic has now sickened over 170,000 globally and killed over 7,000. While its slowed in China -- only 21 new domestic case of infection were reported on Tuesday -- its accelerating in Europe and the US, cutting a particularly deadly swathe in countries like Italy, where the reported mortality rate is currently almost twice that of Chinas. In China, where the population is cautiously resuming their daily activities, the death of prominent doctors during the course of the crisis has been a lightning rod for public anger over the governments handling of the outbreak. The death of Li Wenliang, a 34-year-old doctor who was one of the first whistle-blowers about the disease in December and was sanctioned by local authorities, ignited a wave of rare public fury against the Communist Party. The Chinese doctors at Mondays briefing had other insights into treating the disease: Prioritize testing. Unlike previous pandemics like the 2003 one caused by SARS, the coronavirus causes only mild or even no symptoms in some infected people at first, which means theyre unknowingly spreading the virus to others. Administering nucleic acid tests, which identify the virus genetic sequence in patient samples, is essential, said the doctors. Test, test, test, said Du. Apart from testing, I just have no idea how you can identify the suspected cases, and how to quarantine the close contacts. Virus-test divide exposes government Successes -- and failures Testing has become a barometer of competence for the worlds governments and health-care systems. The US government is facing widespread public anger for the slow roll-out of tests, while nations from Indonesia to India are being criticized for not testing much at all. South Korea, which had the second-biggest number of cases in Asia, has gotten its epidemic under control largely through testing tens of thousands of people daily. While the population most at risk is over 60, children can be infected by COVID-19 and some cases have been fatal, the head of the World Health Organization said at a briefing Monday. Adults are 2.7 times more likely to get the disease than children, according to a study published in the Nature Medicine journal on Monday of 745 children and 3,174 adults. Most of the infected kids had close contact with confirmed patients or were part of family clusters. Du said the majority of children infected have only mild symptoms, and all have survived so far. In the Journal of the American Medical Association, another study showed that among nine infants, none required intensive care or had severe complications. Traditional Chinese Medicine While no drugs have yet been approved to treat the virus, theres been a lot of attention within China on the use of Traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM, by patients. The herb-based treatments are being used in some 87% of cases in the country, the official Xinhua News Agency reported on Feb. 17. TCM works quite well in patients with mild diseases, and in those who have recovered from their critical illness, said Du. But its hard to judge the efficacy of the treatment from a western medical point of view. The evaluation system for the TCM could be futile or invalid, because it has a different philosophy or evaluation system for efficacy from western medicine, he added. The doctors said that it seemed to them that Chinas domestic outbreak has come to an end, but that the country still needs to be vigilant. Even in Wuhan, we should remain alert, we should prepare for future sporadic cases and future imported cases, said Du. China is now providing assistance to other affected countries. Last week, a Chinese plane carrying medical professionals and about 30 tons of medical supplies landed in Italy. Every nation has its own COVID-19 situation. We are not saying this is Chinas example and you should follow, we totally respect that you take your own actions, said Wu, But everyone of us should take it seriously, take necessary actions, change your behavior, and be responsible. Armenia has evacuated dozens of its citizens from coronavirus-hit Italy on board a plane operating a charter flight that arrived in Yerevan from Rome early on March 16. The Armenian government published a video on Monday showing passengers, all of them wearing protective masks, getting off the plain in Yerevans Zvartnots Airport. Medics in protective gear and other emergency services met the 67 passengers, of all whom are said to have been placed under 14-day quarantine. Another video published by Armenian Health Minister Arsen Torosian late on Sunday showed that all passengers had been given protective masks before boarding the plane in Rome. In announcing the arrangement of the charter flight last week, the Armenian government said all of its passengers would be immediately isolated and quarantined to prevent the possible penetration of more of the potentially deadly virus into Armenia from Italy. The plane arrived at Zvartnots several hours late, but all was good. There had been no emergencies during the flight. No one had fever upon arrival. The rest will be according to the initially announced plan, Minister Torosian said. According to the Armenian governments decision, from now on all passengers arriving in Armenia from European countries, including Italy, where the coronavirus risks are assessed as high will also have to be placed under quarantine or quarantine themselves at their homes. Last month the Armenian government also evacuated dozens of citizens from Iran, which has also been hit hard by the new coronavirus declared by the World Health Organization a global pandemic last week. So far Armenia has confirmed 30 cases of the new coronavirus also known as COVID-19, with one patient declared cured. Most of the cases transmitted locally are linked to a woman who had come from Italy earlier this month and presumably spread the virus at a family occasion in Echmiadzin, a town of 45,000 residents situated some 20 kilometers to the west of capital Yerevan. The Armenian government blocked most of the exits from Echmiadzin late on Sunday, saying that medical screening will be conducted at the remaining three exit points and those having fever will be asked to return home and temporarily isolate themselves from the public. In a live broadcast on Facebook early on Monday Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said his government will hold consultations later today on the possibility of introducing a state of emergency in Armenia or in parts of the country most affected by the novel coronavirus. If as a result of these consultations we decide that it is necessary to declare a statement of emergency in the republic or in parts of it, this decision will be made, the prime minister said. Dejuliis said Social Security employees dont know how they are going to handle a variety of tasks. What if they are not sure people on the phone are who they claim to be? In the past, they made them come to the office to be sure. The restaurant and bar shutdown has had the effect of furloughing thousands of hospitality workers, many of whom work paycheck-to-paycheck. Several relief efforts have been launched by Chicago restaurants and restaurant groups. We are gathering news about those efforts in one place to aid those looking for the information. Plus, we are tracking restaurants contributing to help healthcare workers. Former Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester believes she may have coronavirus after a traveller from China stayed in her home for a month. But the 50-year-old casting agent, who is based in Los Angeles, is unable to get tested because her only symptom is a 'relentless cough'. She explained that doctors in her area are only testing people with multiple COVID-19 symptoms due to high demand. 'I think I have it': Former Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester (pictured) believes she may have coronavirus after a traveller from China stayed in her home for a month 'I think I have it but can't get tested anywhere. I have had a relentless cough that gets worse every day but no fever,' she wrote on Instagram on Tuesday. 'I had a traveller from China stay in my spare room [from] January 13 to February 13 but have no way to contact her and see if she got sick.' Ajay contacted the Center for Disease Control but received an automatic reply. 'Dont want to die': The 50-year-old casting agent, who is based in Los Angeles, is unable to get tested because her only symptom is a 'relentless cough' 'Unless I have a fever I can't get a test,' she added. 'If Idris Elba can test positive with no symptoms how does it make sense that someone with some symptoms can't get a test? '[I'm] trying to clear lungs with menthol. Hoping testing becomes readily available soon. Don't want to die.' It comes after actor Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, announced they had tested positive for coronavirus on the Gold Coast last week. Virus: It comes after actor Tom Hanks (right) and his wife, Rita Wilson (left), announced they had tested positive for coronavirus on the Gold Coast last week 'Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches,' the Forrest Gump star wrote on Instagram on March 12. 'Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the coronavirus, and were found to be positive.' The Hollywood couple, both 63, had contracted COVID-19 overseas and brought it into the country, according to health authorities. They have potentially exposed hundreds of fans and media professionals to the virus, including Channel Nine host Richard Wilkins. Richard tested positive on Sunday night, after briefly meeting Rita backstage at the Sydney Opera House on March 7. There are 556 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Australia as of Wednesday afternoon. Everybody, whether in the fastest corporate jet or a commercial jet, has been limited to the maximum subsonic cruise speed of around 660 mph, or a good deal less than that for most of us. But it's not part of human nature to accept a barrier once broken. And the daily Concorde flights between New York and London, cruising at 1,300 mph, created an elite passenger group who loved what they called the rocketcrossing the pond in just three and a half hours. Read on for the most recent top news you may have missed in Boston. Car plunges to ground from elevated parking garage in East Boston Read the full story on WCVB Channel 5 Boston. Video shows SUV driving through fence, flipping over against house in East Boston Read the full story on 7News - WHDH Boston. Social distancing transforms downtown Boston into ghost town Read the full story on Boston Herald. Local hospitals urging patients with mild symptoms to stay home Read the full story on WCVB. This story was created automatically using data about news stories on social media from CrowdTangle, then reviewed by an editor. Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback. It happened at 3:30 p.m. Sunday on Falcon Street. Firefighters said the people inside the car were able to get out before it hit the ground. A surveillance camera captured an SUV driving through a fence and flipping over into a house in East Boston on Sunday. Police said there were injuries reported, but did not disclose the extent of those injuries. Boston's financial district sat nearly empty Monday, with many downtown workers opting to stay home to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Sixty is the new 45, 80 is the new 60, and 100 is well, really dang old. But even centenarians know that once you stop learning, you star... The United States has expressed regret over China's decision to expel American journalists at the The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal from the country. Expelling the journalists, Beijing issued a statement saying the move was a retaliation to Washington's decision to cut the number of Chinese nationals allowed to work for the Chinese state-run media on American soil. "I regret China's decision to further foreclose the world's ability to conduct free press operations, which, frankly would be really good for the Chinese people in these incredibly challenging global times, where more information, more transparency are what will save lives," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday. "This is unfortunate. I hope they'll reconsider," he added. The White House National Security Council said that the Chinese Communist Party's decision to expel journalists from China and Hong Kong was yet another step towards depriving the Chinese people and the world of access to true information about China. "The United States calls on China's leaders to refocus their efforts from expelling journalists and spreading disinformation to joining all nations in stopping the Wuhan coronavirus," it said. Congressman Michael McCaul, lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the action was the most serious blow yet to press freedom in China. "It's clear the CCP's biggest fear is accountability and this will only embolden our journalists to continue reporting the truth. We stand by the brave reporters, some of whom have suffered violence and threats from the CCP regime, as Beijing's coronavirus coverup continues," he said. McCaul hoped that Beijing will answer his call to take accountability for its role in the spread of the coronavirus and become a part of the solution to protect people around the world. Senator Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said Chinese President Xi Jinping was terrified of a free and independent press because he did not want to be challenged when his government spewed insane propaganda like the recent conspiracy theory that the US created COVID-19. "The Chinese Communist Party only cares about establishing Xi Jinping's voice as the one source of 'objective news' in and out of China," he claimed. "Chairman Xi can expel all the real journalists he wants, but he can't change the fact that his coronavirus cover-up killed thousands of his own people and put the world at risk," Sasse said. "This is an outrageous move on behalf of the Chinese government," said Ami Bera, Chairman of House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation. Journalists have the right and duty to work and report in every country, he said. "I have supported greater transparency and global health cooperation between the United States and China, particularly in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. But these latest actions undermine the trust between our two countries," he added. "They are especially alarming in light of reports on the disappearance of Ren Zhiqiang, a Chinese Communist Party member who criticised the Chinese response to COVID-19. I hope the Chinese government will reverse course immediately," Bera added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) on Tuesday met with the Minister of Labour, Dr. Chris Ngige in Abuja over the strike embarked upon by the union. Recall that the ministry of labour and the union had a meeting last Thursday. Also Read: Declare State Of Emergency On Education, ASUU Tells FG The meeting was adjourned after FG proposed the merger of the contentious Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) and ASUU salary payment system. It was agreed that ASUU should present the proposal to Congress before todays meeting. Before Tuesdays meeting went into a closed session, ASUU president, Prof Abiodun Ogunyemi, said it was unfortunate that the government made IPPIS look like the major issue in the unions demands. Another issue to correct is that we never said university bursars are to generate the budget for the instructions. ASUU is here with a report from members, the ASUU president said. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17, 2020 19:02 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b59f9a 1 National Friday-prayer,COVID-19,MUI,MUI-edict,fatwa,mass-prayer,coronavirus,jusuf-kalla Free The Indonesian Ulema Council has urged the government to map coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) prone areas following its issuance of a fatwa that advises Muslims to avoid praying in congregations, including for Friday prayers. On Monday, the MUI issued the fatwa on compulsory Muslim prayers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The council advised Muslims in areas where COVID-19 had spread uncontrollably to not perform Friday prayers in those areas until the situation returns to normal. The fatwa should be a guide for the government to take actions and map areas where the disease has spread uncontrollably. The government is the one with the competency and authority in this matter, MUI fatwa commission chairman Hasanuddin Abdul Fatah said during a meeting in Jakarta on Tuesday. He also said that other religious activities, such as Quran study groups, should be suspended for the meantime in areas with a high risk of COVID-19 contagion. The meeting at the MUI central headquarters was held to formally give the fatwa to Indonesian Mosque Council chairman Jusuf Kalla. The MUI previously announced the fatwa to the public and issued a circular to mosques. What is important is that the council realizes the situation is dangerous [...] pilgrims and Muslims must be vigilant and must prevent [the spread of the virus] in the regions, said Kalla, who is also a former vice president, adding that government should specify the COVID-19 risk levels in different areas of the country to support the implementation of the fatwa. Read also: In Jakarta, religious communities adjust traditions to prevent COVID-19 As of Tuesday, there were 172 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia, with nine patients having recovered and five having died. Cases have been confirmed in eight provinces, namely Jakarta, Central Java, West Java, Banten, Yogyakarta, Bali, West Kalimantan and North Sulawesi. Members of the council also asked Kalla, as the chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross, to help increase medical capacities across the country, especially isolation chambers. Despite its status as an independent body for Indonesian clerics, the MUI, whose chairman is Vice President Maruf Amin, has close ties with the administration. The MUIs deputy chairman, Zainut Tauhid Saadi, is also the deputy religious affairs minister. The MUI fatwa states that Muslims in areas "less affected" by COVID-19 could still perform Friday prayers at mosques. However, people are encouraged to minimize their physical contact by bringing their own prayer mat to the congregation, in addition to washing their hands routinely. Friday prayers are often seen as obligatory, especially for Muslim men, and need to be performed with a congregation inside a mosque. Eid prayers and tarawih (evening prayers during Ramadan), however, are sunnah, meaning those who perform them are rewarded and not punished if they ignore them. Read also: Hong Kong church streams mass online to prevent coronavirus spread The MUI also prohibits Muslims who have tested COVID-19 positive from attending congregation prayer at mosques, including Friday and Eid prayers as well as tarawih. The council has also instructed them to replace the obligatory Friday prayers with zuhr (midday) at home. "It is haram [forbidden under Islamic law] for a [person with] COVID-19 to carry out sunnah activities that create opportunities for contagion, such as performing the daily prayers in a congregation, the tarawih and the Eid prayer at mosques and other public places, as well as attending public [Quranic] recitations or majelis taklim [Quran study groups], the fatwa read. The statement released along with the fatwa also said that bathing rituals for the bodies of the dead should be carried out by medical authorities in compliance with their protocols and with regard to Islamic law, but that funeral prayers and burials should be conducted with extra precautions in order to avoid exposure to COVID-19. The fatwa council also stated that actions that cause panic and/or public losses, such as hoarding basic necessities and face masks, were also haram.(mfp) Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unleashed the biggest package of emergency state support for business since the 2008 financial crash, unveiling 330bn worth of government-backed loans and more than 20bn in tax cuts and grants for companies threatened with collapse because of the coronavirus crisis. Mr Sunak also said that he was ready to extend the lending capacity to an unlimited level in order to help companies including pubs, clubs and shops facing financial meltdown caused by the extraordinary lockdown measures announced by prime minister Boris Johnson on Monday. And he announced a three-month mortgage holiday for homeowners in difficulties because of the outbreak. But economic thinktank the Institute for Fiscal Studies warned that the chancellor in the job for only one month will need to come back with more, as firms could otherwise become financially unviable when the loans come up for repayment. The massive cash injection on top of a 30bn economic stimulus in last weeks budget came as the government released emergency legislation allowing police to detain individuals thought to be infected with the virus and enabling the government to shut down ports and airports and seize vehicles. Earlier, chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance warned that as many as 55,000 people in the UK may now be infected and said it would be a good outcome if the eventual death toll could be kept below 20,000. Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Show all 20 1 /20 Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Top: Nabi Younes market, Mosul Bottom: Charles Bridge, Prague Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Grand Mosque, Mecca Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Nabi Younes market, Mosul Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Basra Grand Mosque, Iraq Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Charles Bridge, Prague Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Taj Mahal hotel, India Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Dubai Mall, UAE Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Beirut March, Lebanon Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Gateway of India, Mumbai Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo University, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Beirut March, Lebanon Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo University, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Victoria Memorial, India Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Sidon, Lebanon Reuters Standing alongside Mr Johnson in the second daily coronavirus press conference at No 10, Mr Sunak said: This is not a time for ideology and orthodoxy. This is the time to be bold, a time for courage. I want to reassure every British citizen this government will give you all the tools you need to get through this. We will support jobs. We will support incomes, we will support businesses, and we will help you protect your loved ones. We will do whatever it takes. Mr Sunak also said mortgage lenders had agreed a scheme so that people will not have to pay a penny towards their mortgage costs before they get back on their feet. He promised to work with trade unions and business groups over the coming days to urgently develop new forms of employment support to help protect peoples jobs and their incomes. Mr Johnson acknowledged that the governments call for Britons to stay home and avoid contact with other people was unprecedented since World War Two. And he tried to present himself as the leader of a nation at war, saying: We must act like any wartime government, and do whatever It takes to support our economy. Yes, this enemy can be deadly, but it is also beatable. And we know how to beat it and we know that if as a country we follow the scientific advice that is now being given, we know that we will beat it. However tough the months ahead, we have the resolve and the resources to win the fight. And to repeat, this government will do whatever it takes. The repeated use of the phrase whatever it takes seemed a deliberate echo of former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi, intended to reassure panicking markets in the same way his 2012 promise to protect the euro did during the eurozone crisis. The PM appeared to hint that he may give in to pressure to order schools to close, saying the position was under continuous review. Asked what he would do about pupils on free meals if schools were closed, the PM said: As we come to the decision on schools, we will have plans ready to go on that. Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, has a plan to make sure that parents with kids who are eligible for free schools meals get the compensation or the treatment they need one way or the other. We have certainly anticipated that. Mr Sunak said that the guaranteed loans equated to 15 per cent of UK GDP. That means any business who needs access to cash to pay their rent, their salaries, suppliers, or purchase stock will be able to access a government-backed loan or credit on attractive terms, the chancellor said. And if demand is greater than the initial 330bn Im making available today, I will go further and provide as much capacity as required. I said whatever it takes, and I meant it. The support will be delivered through a new Bank of England lending facility and an extension to the business interruption scheme announced in the budget, which will now provide loans of up to 5m rather than 1.2m, interest-free for six months. He announced cash grants of up to 25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with a rateable value below 51,000, to help them through a period when customers have been advised not to attend pubs and clubs. A year-long business rates holiday will be extended to all companies in these sectors, said the chancellor. And he assured businesses that the governments action will allow them to make claims against insurance policies covering pandemic losses. Cash grants of 3,000 for the smallest businesses, announced in the budget, are to be increased to 10,000. Mr Sunak said he was discussing with transport secretary Grant Shapps a potential support package specifically for airlines and airports, which are suffering from a collapse in passenger numbers. IFS director Paul Johnson said that, while substantial, the cash support for businesses announced by the chancellor is probably not well targeted at saving jobs, as it will remain expensive for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses to keep staff on. A package to support employment might include cuts to employer national insurance contributions, a delay in increases to the national living wage and increased support for individuals through universal credit, as well as help for workers to move temporarily to jobs now in high demand, like delivery drivers and warehouse workers, he suggested. British Chambers of Commerce director general Adam Marshall said: Businesses will welcome the scale of the governments latest response, as well as the specific support it is offering to some of the worst-affected parts of our economy. These measures could be a lifeline for many businesses across the UK who are now experiencing wholesale disruption as a result of the pandemic. But he warned: Further measures will be needed to help all firms and their employees meet this unprecedented challenge. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: The government has announced a mortgage holiday for homeowners but it must suspend rents too. Millions of people rent in the UK. Suspend rents. Ban evictions. Now. TUC general secretary Frances OGrady said: The chancellor is right to provide emergency support for business. But this cant be just a bailout for boardrooms. It has to put money in workers pockets too. Russia plans to land a spacecraft on the moon's surface next year for the first time in more than four decades. The country will launch Luna-25 on October 1, 2021, Igor Mitrofanov, the head of the nuclear planetology department at the Space Research Institute, said at a meeting of scientists on March 17. Moscow last launched a spacecraft to the surface of the moon in 1976 as the Soviet Union's space race with the United States came to an end. Luna-25 will carry out scientific research in the polar region of the moon, including studying the properties of the soil. According to Russia's space program agenda, the country plans four more launches to the moon by 2028. With reporting by Vedomosti and Ria Novosti White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, left, listens to President Donald Trump, right, speak outside the White House in Washington on Nov. 8, 2019. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) White House Press Secretary Working Remotely After Contact With Coronavirus Cases White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham is working remotely after people she came into contact with earlier this month later tested positive for the coronavirus that started in China. Brazilian President Jair Bolsnaro and a delegation visited Florida from March 7 through March 9, coming into contact with President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and other top U.S. and local officials. Two members of Bolsonaros delegation later tested positive for the new coronavirus, which causes a disease called COVID-19. Grisham told outlets on Monday that she was working from home despite feeling fine. With my close proximity to the President, its better to be safe than sorry, she told CNBC in a text message. Grisham is also the White House communications director. In her roles, she usually travels with the president on trips he takes. Stephanie Grisham in a file photograph in Anchorage, Alaska. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images) Trump was tested for COVID-19 on Friday. He tested negative. Pence has not been tested as of yet. Im in regular consultation with the White House physician, and he said Ive not been exposed to anyone for any period of time that had the coronavirus, and that my wife and I have no symptoms, he told reporters on Monday night. Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) went into self-quarantine over their contact with the Brazilian delegation, as did Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) Gaetz and Graham have since tested negative. It wasnt clear if Scott has been tested. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, right, sits next to Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), at the Brazil-USA Business Relations Seminar in Florida at the Hilton Miami Downtown, in Miami, Florida on March 9, 2020. (Zak Bennett/AFP via Getty Images) Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who also met with Bolsonaro, tested positive for the virus. Trumps daughter Ivanka Trump, a senior adviser to the president, and her husband Jared Kushner met with the Brazilian delegation. Trump also met with Australias Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, who later tested positive for the illness. Attorney General William Barr and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway were also present at the meeting. A White House spokesman said that Trump was showing no symptoms and worked from home on Friday out of an abundance of caution until guidance was given. Department of Justice spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said Barr was feeling great and not showing any symptoms but stayed home on Friday and consulted with federal health officials, who did not recommend he get tested at this time. Conway said in a statement that the White House medical unit informed her Dutton was not showing symptoms at the time of the meeting. The unit concluded that Conway showed no symptoms and doesnt need to self-quarantine. CLEVELAND, Ohio Dollar General says it is dedicating the first hour of store operations to senior citizens, encouraging locations to honor the practice to protect older customers during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Dollar General wants to provide these at-risk customers with the ability to purchase the items they need and want at the beginning of each day to avoid busier and more crowded shopping periods, the company said in a statement released on Twitter. Other customers are encouraged to plan their shopping trips around this window of time to allow the most susceptible customers in our communities the ability to shop during the first hour that stores are open. Other customers are not excluded during the first hour, but CEO Todd Vasos says in a statement that the company hopes customers will honor the request and visit locations after at later times. The dedicated hour begins today. Dollar General has more than 16,000 stores nationwide, including dozens of locations in Northeast Ohio. The statement says the company also is planning to close stores one hour earlier to allow employees to clean and re-stock store shelves, as well as for their health and well-being. USA Today reports other stores in the U.S. are also blocking out shopping hours for older or at-risk customers. Stop & Shop will open from 6 to 7:30 a.m. for customers over the age of 60 beginning Thursday, while grocery stores in Jersey City, N.J., are dedicating two hours each morning for elderly, disabled and pregnant shoppers. In Southern California, Northgate Gonzalez Market stores is dedicating 7 to 8 a.m. to disabled and seniors 65 and older, USA Today reports. Related content on Citing health emergency, Ohio officials to order polls closed on Election Day, despite judges ruling Ohio to close gyms, theaters, rec centers, and other venues to curb spreading coronavirus Cuyahoga County suspends work requirements for food stamps, cash assistance in response to coronavirus Federal courts in northern Ohio postpone jury trials, limit grand jury meetings in response to coronavirus Greater Cleveland gun stores see a surge of customers amid worry about coronavirus Cuyahoga Countys chief judge declares judicial emergency,' announces further restrictions to fight spread of novel coronavirus Under any other circumstances, air carriers would be happily popping champagne corks after the latest massive oil price slump. After all, fuel typically accounts for up to 20% of an airlines operating expenses. Crude oil prices plunged below $30 a barrel early on Monday as the coronavirus pandemic continued to spread fear and panic in global financial markets. Yet, this time around, carriers have little to celebrate as many had locked in at far higher fuel prices, not to mention the ongoing drastic drop in air travel demand which has started claiming its first victims. On Monday, Norwegian Air Shuttle announced an 85% reduction in flight schedules, including plans to lay off some 7,300 staff--a good 90% of its workforce--as the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on global air travel. Fuel Hedging Many airlines use hedging to mitigate the risk of fuel price volatility. Fuel hedging means an airline agrees to purchase a certain amount of oil in the future at a predetermined price. Airlines hedge fuel costs in a number of ways, including purchasing current oil contracts, buying call options or purchasing swap contracts. On the other hand, hedging helps aviation fuel market vendors like Shell, Air BP or Exxon Mobil to lock in future sales at a set price, thus providing them with stable, predictable revenues. In effect, by entering into futures contracts, both parties agree to give up potential profits in return for certainty. With fuel hedging, there is always a winner and a loser. Unfortunately, many airlines are finding themselves on the wrong side of the equation this time around. Related: Is $10 Oil On The Horizon? Last week, the International Air Transport Association warned that airlines could lose a staggering $113 billion in sales in 2020 due to Covid-19. Thats nearly 4x more than its estimates only two weeks earlier. For some consolation, the organization said the oil price slump could cut airline costs by $28 billion. Not everybody will be able to enjoy the relief brought by low oil prices, though. Take the case of Irish carrier Ryanair which has hedged 90% of its fuel requirement for the year beginning April 1st an average of $606 per metric ton. That works out to about $77 a barrel, more than 2.5x the current oil price. Ryanair has historically used forward contracts that cover periods of up to 18 months of anticipated jet fuel requirements. Or, the case of Air France-KLM, a big buyer of fuel oil having spent 5.5 billion euros ($6.3 billion) on fuel last year. The Dutch/French carrier is locked in at the even higher level at $619 per ton for 2020, or about $78.5 per barrel, for two-thirds of its needs. Meanwhile, Deutsche Lufthansa AG is hedged at a more modest $63/barrel for nearly three-quarters of its annual usage. U.S. Carriers Favored But as George Ferguson, a senior analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence, has revealed, most U.S. airlines do not hedge at all and are therefore likely to enjoy the low oil prices with cost savings in the 20%-25% range. Carriers like Southwest Airlines and JetBlue who focus on the domestic market hedge only lightly and could be better off for it. Chinese and Indian airlines dont typically hedge on fuel, meaning they are also likely to participate in the bounty. But maybe everyone can do with a little biomimicry and learn a thing or two from Airbus. Last week, the British carrier tested its fellofly program where it flew a flock of A350s in a bird-like formation in a bid to lower fuel consumption. In the fellofly tests, two aircraft are flown in formation commonly observed in migratory birds with a separation of just 1.5 nautical miles, significantly lower than the current five nautical mile limit prescribed by the FAA. Airbus believes this could lead to 10-15% reduction in fuel burned in the follower aircraft. By Alex Kimani for More Top Reads From HOUSTON, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Callon Petroleum Company (NYSE: CPE) today provided an update on its 2020 development program, prioritizing free cash flow and financial flexibility in 2020 and beyond. The revised plan accounts for recent changes in the macroeconomic outlook, including the following highlights: Reducing operational capital plan for full-year 2020 to $700 to $725 million from $975 million , significantly reducing average quarterly expenditures for the remainder of 2020 by approximately 50% from a previously budgeted first quarter level of over $275 million and resulting in relatively flat year-over-year production growth versus the predecessor companies' combined 2019 production volumes to from , significantly reducing average quarterly expenditures for the remainder of 2020 by approximately 50% from a previously budgeted first quarter level of over and resulting in relatively flat year-over-year production growth versus the predecessor companies' combined 2019 production volumes Reducing current operated rig count of nine to five before the end of the second quarter of 2020 Reducing frac crew count from five to two upon the completion of currently in-process projects 2H20 and preliminary 2021 plans employ three to four drilling rigs (two to three in the Permian Basin and one in the Eagle Ford) and one to two completion crews focused on a high-graded set of shorter cycle projects Shifting capital allocation to high return, shorter cash cycle projects in the Midland Basin and Eagle Ford Shale while preserving the long-term, co-development strategy in the Delaware Basin Basin Forecasted free cash flow 1 generation of $75 to $100 million for the balance of the year (second quarter through year-end) assuming no service cost deflation and flat NYMEX prices of $35 /Bbl and $2.00 /MMBtu for the balance of the year generation of to for the balance of the year (second quarter through year-end) assuming no service cost deflation and flat NYMEX prices of /Bbl and /MMBtu for the balance of the year Assuming $40 /Bbl and $2.25 /MMBtu average NYMEX prices in 2021, no service cost deflation and a capital allocation strategy similar to the revised 2020 program, expectations for over $100 million of free cash flow1 in 2021 under an operational capital program of $400 to $500 million with the upper end of the range supporting a maintenance capital program and the lower end of the range resulting in modestly lower year-over-year production volumes Joe Gatto, President and Chief Executive Officer commented, "Our ability to pivot quickly to shorter cycle, less capital-intensive projects reflects Callon's inherent optionality across our expanded pro forma portfolio. This will allow us to continue with capital efficient, scaled development, while also focusing on a program that shortens cash conversion cycles in a lower commodity price environment. Our differentiated development model is underpinned by 'flexibility with continuity', optimizing near-term returns without sacrificing long-term value or the balance sheet. The diversification of our asset base means that we can and will stay true to our strategy of large scale, co-development of our Delaware position. Although we will be reducing the amount of activity in the near-term, our opportunity set will be preserved for future development and not be compromised by near-term high grading at the expense of optimal multi-zone development over time. Moreover, Callon's enhanced, pro forma scale affords us the ability to preserve the cost and cycle time efficiencies that are driven by the key tenets of scaled developmentnamely, the deployment of simultaneous operations and the continuous utilization of drilling rigs and completion crewsdespite the substantial reduction in our planned capital spend. Lastly and most importantly, our rapid shift in capital allocation gives us the free cash flow profile to reduce absolute leverage and protect our financial position. We will continue to adapt to any changes in the commodity price environment with the same vigor, discipline and priorities in the coming months. On a final note, we have instituted a company-wide work policy grounded in a remote workplace and social distancing to protect our employees, reduce potential COVID-19 transmission risks and maintain business continuity for our operations." Callon plans to provide additional detail on updated guidance for 2020 as part of its first quarter conference call and, as such, the 2020 guidance issued on February 26th should no longer be relied upon. Operational Update Callon successfully implemented several previously announced operational enhancements as part of its recent large-scale projects in the Delaware Basin and the Eagle Ford Shale. Operational changes for 2020 include: upspacing based on 2019 learnings, a more conservative flowback and reservoir management strategy, and fluid efficiency improvements to further reduce costs and improve well recoveries. In the Delaware Basin, initial production from the five-well Wally project is currently performing above expectations on a restricted choke. The outperformance of this multi-zone project, which was drilled on 800-foot horizontal spacing, emphasizes the importance of ongoing design modification and inventory preservation through co-development. In the Eagle Ford Shale, initial production from the 16-well Brown Trust project began as scheduled in February and the wells are currently averaging approximately 700 Bbls/d of oil per well (gross) on restricted chokes. Importantly, this project witnessed more than a 50% improvement in average recovery time for shut-in production and a 33% reduction in the aerial range of interference with offset parent wells relative to similarly sized, precedent projects in the area. These improvements are the result of continued optimization of frac design, sequencing and flowback management that will carry into similar multi-well projects scheduled this year. Liquidity and Hedging Update At the end of February 2020, Callon's liquidity position was approximately $700 million, supported by a credit facility with a borrowing base of $2.5 billion and an elected commitment of $2.0 billion, and no debt maturities prior to 2023. The Company's net debt to pro forma last quarter annualized adjusted EBITDA2 was 2.6x at year-end 2019. In light of recent market volatility, Callon restructured existing hedge contracts and continues to actively manage its hedge position to provide cash flow certainty at favorable commodity prices. Over 11 million barrels of three-way collars for the balance of 2020 were recently restructured into swaps, significantly improving downside protection. For the whole of 2020, the Company now holds swap contracts at an average of $50.31/Bbl for nearly 11 million barrels of oil. Price certainty for natural gas was also increased through the addition of 3.6 million MMBtu in swaps. Callon now has 10 million MMBtu of gas hedged through swap instruments alone in 2020. For additional details on Callon's hedge position as of March 17, 2020, please see the tables below. 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 FY 2020 WTI NYMEX (Bbls, $/Bbl) Swaps Total Volumes 1,522,700 2,984,800 3,022,200 3,383,760 10,913,460 Total Daily Volumes 16,733 32,800 32,850 36,780 29,818 Avg. Swap $52.25 $50.56 $50.52 $49.03 $50.31 Three-way Collars Total Volumes 2,222,000 182,000 184,000 - 2,588,000 Total Daily Volumes 24,418 2,000 2,000 - 7,071 Avg. Short Call Price $65.26 $64.63 $64.63 - $65.17 Avg. Long Put Price $55.44 $55.00 $55.00 - $55.38 Avg. Short Put Price $44.99 $39.50 $39.50 - $44.22 Total WTI Hedged (Bbl) 3,744,700 3,166,800 3,206,200 3,383,760 13,501,460 Average WTI Ceiling Price ($/Bbl) $59.97 $51.36 $51.33 $49.03 $53.16 Average WTI Floor Price ($/Bbl) $54.14 $50.81 $50.77 $49.03 $51.28 ICE BRENT (Bbls, $/Bbl) Three-way Collars Total Volumes 150,000 227,500 230,000 230,000 837,500 Total Daily Volumes 1,648 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,288 Avg. Short Call Price $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 Avg. Long Put Price $58.24 $58.24 $58.24 $58.24 $58.24 Avg. Short Put Price $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 MAGELLAN EAST HOUSTON FIXED PRICE (Bbls/$/Bbl) Swaps Total Volumes - 136,500 184,000 184,000 504,500 Total Daily Volumes - 1,500 2,000 2,000 1,378 Avg. Swap Price - $59.61 $58.23 $57.19 $58.22 MAGELLAN EAST HOUSTON DIFFERENTIAL VS WTI-CUSHING (Bbls/$/Bbl) Swaps Total Volumes 347,000 1,201,201 1,360,802 975,202 3,884,205 Total Daily Volumes 3,813 13,200 14,791 10,600 10,613 Avg. Swap Price $2.55 $2.62 $2.59 $2.56 $2.59 MIDLAND-CUSHING DIFFERENTIAL (Bbls/$/Bbl) Swaps Total Volumes 1,901,900 1,965,600 2,217,200 2,392,000 8,476,700 Total Daily Volumes 20,900 21,600 24,100 26,000 23,160 Avg. Swap Price ($2.27) ($1.84) ($1.13) ($0.84) ($1.47) NYMEX HENRY HUB (MMBtu, $/MMBtu) Swaps Total Volumes 910,000 3,640,000 3,680,000 1,850,000 10,080,000 Total Daily Volumes 10,000 40,000 40,000 20,109 27,541 Avg. Swap Price $2.48 $2.18 $2.18 $2.28 $2.22 Three-way Collars Total Volumes 910,000 910,000 920,000 1,835,000 4,575,000 Total Daily Volumes 10,000 10,000 10,000 19,946 12,500 Avg. Short Call Price $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.73 $2.74 Avg. Long Put Price $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.46 $2.48 Avg. Short Put Price $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Total NYMEX Volume Hedged (MMBtu) 1,820,000 4,550,000 4,600,000 3,685,000 14,655,000 Average NYMEX Ceiling Price ($/MMBtu) $2.61 $2.29 $2.29 $2.50 $2.39 Average NYMEX Floor Price ($/MMBtu) $2.49 $2.24 $2.24 $2.37 $2.31 WAHA DIFFERENTIAL (MMBtu, $/MMBtu) Swaps Total Volumes 5,824,000 6,097,000 6,624,000 6,261,000 24,806,000 Total Daily Volumes 64,000 67,000 72,000 68,054 67,776 Avg. Swap Price ($0.99) ($1.42) ($1.03) ($0.81) ($1.06) About Callon Petroleum Callon Petroleum Company is an independent oil and natural gas company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of high-quality assets in the leading oil plays of South and West Texas. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements include all statements regarding future levels of drilling activity and associated production; the Company's 2020 production guidance, capital expenditure forecast and associated cash flow expectations; and the implementation of the Company's business plans and strategy, as well as statements including the words "believe," "expect," "plans", "may", "will", "should", "could" and words of similar meaning. These statements reflect the Company's current views with respect to future events and financial performance based on management's experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions, anticipated future developments and other factors believed to be appropriate. No assurances can be given, however, that these events will occur or that these projections will be achieved, and actual results could differ materially from those projected as a result of certain factors. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made and the Company undertakes no obligation to correct or update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Some of the factors which could affect our future results and could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements include the volatility of oil and natural gas prices; our ability to drill and complete wells, operational, regulatory and environment risks; the cost and availability of equipment and labor; our ability to finance our activities; the ultimate timing, outcome and results of integrating the operations of Carrizo and Callon; the effects of the business combination of Carrizo and Callon, including the Company's future financial condition, results of operations, strategy and plans; the ability of the combined company to realize anticipated synergies and other benefits in the timeframe expected or at all; and other risks more fully discussed in our filings with the SEC, including our most recent Annual Reports on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, available on our website or the SEC's website at Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Reconciliations Callon calculates adjusted earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization ("Adjusted EBITDA") as net income (loss) before interest expense, income taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization, asset retirement obligation accretion expense, (gains) losses on derivative instruments excluding net settled derivative instruments, impairment of oil and natural gas properties, non-cash equity based compensation, and other operating expenses. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measure of financial performance under GAAP. Accordingly, it should not be considered as a substitute for net income (loss), operating income (loss), cash flow provided by operating activities or other income or cash flow data prepared in accordance with GAAP. However, the Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA provides additional information with respect to our performance or ability to meet our future debt service, capital expenditures and working capital requirements. Because Adjusted EBITDA excludes some, but not all, items that affect net income (loss) and may vary among companies, the Adjusted EBITDA presented may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies. For a reconciliation of fourth quarter 2019 adjusted EBITDA, please see our press release dated February 26, 2020. Contact information Mark Brewer Director of Investor Relations Callon Petroleum Company [email protected] 1-281-589-5200 1 Free cash flow calculated as cash flow from operations less capex, capitalized G&A, capitalized interest, contingency payments and transaction costs. 2 Net debt to pro forma last quarter annualized adjusted EBITDA is calculated as the sum of total long-term debt less unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, divided by pro forma last quarter annualized adjusted EBITDA. Pro forma adjusted EBITDA includes Carrizo's adjusted EBITDA for the pre-close portion of fourth quarter 2019. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" included within this release for related disclosures. SOURCE Callon Petroleum Company Related Links Facebook on Tuesday announced a 'Small Business Grants Programme', which sets aside a special grant of $100 million for small businesses that are seeing their operations and entire business model disrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic. The full details, which are now published on the company's official blog, states that up to 30,000 companies from across 30 countries will be made available this fund, in the form of cash, advertisement credits and more. The company wrote on its blog, "We know that your business may be experiencing disruptions resulting from the global outbreak of COVID-19. Weve heard that a little financial support can go a long way, so we are offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits to help during this challenging time." With gross revenue of $70.7 billion in 2019, the $100 million grant will only be a fraction of Facebook's total cash in hand, but may help towards helping small businesses such as tourism, small-scale retail or hyperlocal services keep up with the losses that are certain to be incurred due to coronavirus lockdown protocol being enforced in various countries. Facebook has mentioned that areas where its grants may help businesses would include continuing payments to workforce, pay rent, cover operations and in future, even connect with more targeted audiences to grow their businesses back in scale. The company has said that it will "share more details as they become available," before adding that applications for receiving Facebook's grants will be opened in the coming weeks. With the coronavirus pandemic reaching alarming status, many organisations of varying scale have been pushed towards working from home. While some are being put in quarantine, others are being asked to stay away from public spaces in order to prevent chances of contracting the coronavirus. Such times will be trying for local small scale businesses, among others. If you run such a business and are facing similar circumstances, sign up for Facebook's updates on the matter by clicking here. EDWARDSVILLE It is all hands on deck at the Madison County Clerks Office for Tuesdays primary as officials struggle not only with the normal challenges but issues created by COVID-19 concerns as well. Last week it was announced two polling places would be moved because state mandates prevented them from being in senior residential areas. On Monday the county clerks office was scrambling to ensure there were enough election judges for each precinct. With every press conference, with new information coming from our governors office and the federal government, people are getting more and more concerned, Madison County Clerk Debra Ming-Mendoza said Monday morning. That includes election judges. She said about 30 judges have said they will participate. The county has about 1,100 election judges; each precinct is supposed to have five at least one Republican and one Democrat. In Highland, Collinsville, Edwardsville and Granite City, that is proving difficult. Ming-Mendoza said she has reached out to teachers groups, organized labor and others seeking more judges. Right now its all hands on deck and our finger is in the dike holding back the flood, she said. While she expects the issues to be resolved, if a particular precinct does not have a judge from each party and theyre located in a polling place with multiple precincts, she said they could cluster several precincts together. Were hoping we dont have to do that; it just adds stress on another set of judges, Ming-Mendoza said. Were experiencing things weve never experienced before. Its a learning experience. She also said if a precinct cannot open, they will cover it by having voters come to the County Administration Center in Edwardsville to vote. Well make sure if they want to vote, theyll get to vote, she said. In Godfrey, voting for Alton 14, Godfrey 2, Godfrey 11 and Godfrey 12 precincts has been moved to 5219 and 5222 Aldergate, directly across the street from the original polling place in Asbury Village. In Glen Carbon, Edwardsville 20, Edwardsville 26 and Edwardsville 27 precincts will vote at Calvary Baptist Church, 2249 Illinois State Route 157, Edwardsville, from Meridian Village. Other than those issues, Ming-Mendoza said the primary preparation has run smoothly. Turnout is light. I anticipate tomorrow will be the same, shesaid. Ill be ecstatic If we break 20 (percent), but well see. She said the unofficial ballot count should be completed by 10 p.m. Most candidates are unopposed, but there are several highly watched races. At the top of both the ballots are the respective presidential races with 13 Democrats and two Republicans seeking their parties nominations. On the Democratic side there are three contested Congressional races, a contested Madison County States Attorney primary and two county board races. Republican primary voters have two contested federal races, one in the U.S. Senate and one in the House of Representatives.The only contested county race is between incumbent Phil Chapman and William S. Meyer, a former board member who lost to Chapman in 2016. There also ar two contested judicial races, for the Illinois Supreme Court and Illinois Fifth District Appellate Court, as well as referendums in Glen Carbon and Highland. For more primary information and sample ballots, visit Details added (first version posted on 10:29) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Mar. 17 Trend: Nearly 250 Azerbaijani citizens are brought back from Turkey to Baku, Spokesperson for the State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads Nurida Allahyarova told Trendon March 17. According to her, the last two buses arrived this morning. "All passengers on the Istanbul-Baku regular bus route have been already brought back to Azerbaijan. The first two buses reached Baku yesterday, and the last passengers crossed the Red Bridge checkpoint today at 02:30. They are already in Baku. No virus has been diagnosed in any of them, and they are not taken to quarantine," she added. Legendary actor Dilip Kumar on Monday said he is under "complete isolation and quarantine" as a precautionary measure against the novel coronavirus pandemic. The 97-year-old actor shared a health update on Twitter, adding that his wife, actor Saira Banu, was ensuring he did not contract any infection. "I am under complete isolation and quarantine due to the #CoronavirusOutbreak," Kumar tweeted. "Saira has left nothing to chance, ensuring I do not catch any infection." The actor appealed to his fans and followers to protect themselves and others by staying indoors as much as possible. "The #CoronavirusOutbreak transcends all boundaries and borders," he said. "Follow guidelines issued by health departments, protect yourself and others by limiting your exposure to others." Last week, Banu revealed that Kumar was recuperating from a "severe backache". Banu said they had to consult the doctors at the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and the actor was doing better. Known as the "Tragedy King of Bollywood", Kumar has given memorable performances in films like ''Andaz'', ''Aan'', ''Madhumati'', ''Devdas'' and ''Mughal-E-Azam''. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country rose to 114 on Monday, with Odisha reporting its first COVID-19 patient and a new case each in Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Kerala, according to the Union Health Ministry. A Maharashtra government official said four patients were detected for the new coronavirus infection, taking the state tally to 37. SACRAMENTO California lawmakers set aside up to $1.1 billion Monday for health care needs, homelessness services and school cleaning to help the state deal with crushing costs being brought on by the coronavirus crisis. The two-bill package passed both houses of the Legislature unanimously only a few hours after it was introduced, a reflection of how pressing both Democrats and Republicans have come to see the situation. Gov. Gavin Newsom made an emergency request for the money, allowing lawmakers to waive a requirement that the measures be in print for at least 72 hours before they could be taken up for a vote. By taking this action, we are placing an extraordinary degree in trust in Gov. Gavin Newsom, said Assemblyman Jay Obernolte, R-Big Bear Lake (San Bernardino County). However, these are extraordinary times, and it makes sense to concentrate decision-making authority to a place where it does expedite getting these funds to the vital uses that will prevent the spread of this coronavirus. One of the bills allows Newsom to immediately tap into $500 million from the general fund, and potentially up to $500 million more, for any purpose related to his declaration of a state of emergency earlier this month. That could include bringing two additional hospitals online and buying extra equipment, providing hotel rooms to homeless people, cleaning child care facilities so they can remain open, and funding strike teams that can help senior citizens isolated at home. A second bill sets aside $100 million for schools to pay for cleaning, including protective equipment, supplies and labor. The money will be divided based on district size, though none will receive less than $250 per school. Both measures still must be signed by the governor. Other proposals that have been floated to deal with the pandemic will be delayed as the Legislature takes an extended recess while the state urges greater social distancing to reduce the spread of the virus. The Senate and the Assembly voted Monday to suspend their sessions until April 13. About two dozen of the 120 legislators are over age 65, and some did not come to the Capitol on Monday, a day after Newsom urged California seniors to isolate at home because they are at heightened risk of suffering the worst effects of the coronavirus. Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, said he would pursue a statewide eviction and foreclosure moratorium for people losing jobs and income as communities shut down, while Sens. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, and Lena Gonzalez, D-Long Beach, announced plans for a bill halting evictions of small businesses. Assemblyman Patrick ODonnell, D-Long Beach, said he would carry a bill giving schools more flexibility on how they make up the instructional time lost while they are closed. Even if legislators act quickly, the laws would not take effect until next year unless they pass with an urgency clause, which requires a two-thirds vote of both houses. Democrats control both the Assembly and Senate by greater margins than that. Meanwhile, when the Legislature returns next month, its focus will likely be dominated by passing the state budget, which it must do by June 15 to meet a constitutional deadline. Its not yet certain how much that process will be reshaped by the chaos of the financial markets, but Ting, the Assembly budget committee chair, said he has been in constant communication with Newsom administration officials about the need for more funding to address the outbreak. Now Playing: As local government announces mandatory 'shelter in place' San Franciscans head to the store to stock up on supplies. Video: Manjula Varghese / The Chronicle Obviously, this budget has now been taken over by the coronavirus. Period, Ting said. Dozens of budget trailer bills, which make changes to state law to implement the spending proposals, could also become vehicles to advance unrelated policies dealing with coronavirus, because they take effect immediately. We are in a state of disaster, so were going to have to be using all of the levers of government to respond as quickly as possible, Ting said. Everybodys just beginning to come to grips with how big and broad this virus will spread. Alexei Koseff is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @akoseff STRATFORD, CT / ACCESSWIRE / March 17, 2020 / James Hardy, an attorney in Connecticut, often witnesses the impacts of the adversarial system. As a litigator in both family and civil law cases, he sees that there is often a cost to justice being served and it is often to the detriment of his clients' finances and mental health. "People often imagine these epic courthouse battles where justice prevails and everyone is happy," says James Hardy. "In reality, going to court is expensive as clients not only have to pay for my fees but the costs of presentations, travel, and exhibits. They come out of the process exhausted, even if they prevail." Cost is often the biggest barrier to people retaining legal services. Alternative dispute resolution reduces costs by avoiding trial appearances and settling matters quicker. "Alternative dispute resolution allows matters to settle faster," says James Hardy, Connecticut Attorney. "Attorneys do not go into long discovery periods like they do for trials and there is more settlement discussion. Basically, everything is less complex which means attorneys do not have to spend as much time on cases and request higher fees." Arbitration, a process where parties plead their case to a neutral third party who decides the matter, is less complex than trial although it can produce the same results--mainly an end to a legal conflict. It is often preferred by clients and attorneys alike for its informality, flexibility, and finality. "There is not the same intense preparation for arbitration as there is for trial," says James Hardy. "The rules of evidence are simpler and the parties can decide how they want the arbitration to proceed. I can also confer with the other attorney and choose an arbitrator we both agree on. This does not make arbitration easier or less important, but it is a good way to achieve final results without significant costs to a client." Another advantage of alternative dispute resolution is speed. While cases may be delayed several times if they are on a trial calendar, that is infrequent when parties agree to alternative dispute resolution. Unless there is a significant emergency, arbitrations are normally not continued. "According to the American Arbitration Association, U.S. District Court cases took 12 to 16 months longer to be heard and settled than cases that went to arbitration," says James Hardy, attorney from Connecticut. "When you are looking at an auto accident with serious injuries or a contested custody case, you have two parties who are likely looking at one of the worst developments in their lives. A quick resolution in these cases allows for less stress along with lower expenses." The finality of arbitration is another reason it is appealing. Court trials can be appealed and that makes a matter last longer and more painfully. When a decision is arrived at through alternative dispute resolution, James Hardy notices that the finality of the decision helps clients move on--even if it is not in their favor. "A lack of opportunity to appeal may be perceived by some clients as a lack of options," says James Hardy. "But in many cases, a final decision is reassuring. Clients frequently want their cases over with and that happens sooner when we use alternative dispute resolution." CONTACT: Caroline Hunter Web Presence, LLC +1 7865519491 SOURCE: Web Presence, LLC View source version on Can a story about refugees be told well with a cast that is predominantly white? And did we really need Cate Blanchett to show us the truth about Australian detention centres? That's the first topic covered in the debut episode of The Televisionaries, a podcast from the top critics at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age dedicated to all things TV. This week, host Louise Rugendyke is joined by reviewers for The Guide and Green Guide, Michael Idato and Kylie Northover, as they tackle some of the big topics in television right now; from the ABC's refugee drama series Stateless, to the concept of 'showverload', and how you can get from Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston to Aussie star Ben Mendelsohn in less than six degrees of separation. When it comes to Stateless, co-created by Blanchett, our podcast panel unanimously agrees on the success of the show and the way it sheds light on detention centre stories you might not have previously considered. Focusing on four main characters and their intersecting lives in an immigration centre, it stars Yvonne Strahovski, Asher Keddie, Fayssal Bazzi and Jai Courtney and was inspired by the real-life experience of Cornelia Rau, an Australian resident who was unlawfully detained in the early 2000s. From whats going on among the librarys Board of Trustees, according to Emily Colemans reports in The News-Sun, Cunningham should clean house and start over with nine new trustee nominees. Thats one way to resolve the dispute which has been simmering since the contract of Selena Gomez-Beloz, executive director, was not renewed earlier this year by a 5-4 vote. Conflict has flared on and off for decades in Muslim-majority region as rebel groups demand independence for the area. Bombers have attacked a major government office in Thailands insurgency-hit southern Yala province, wounding at least 20 people as hundreds of local officials and Muslim scholars met to discuss fighting COVID-19, a security official said. The explosions took place in front of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC), a Thai government body that oversees the administration of three mostly Malay-Muslim majority provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala where an armed uprising since 2004 has killed some 7,000 people. The first bomb was a grenade thrown to the area outside the SBPAC office fence to draw people out, Colonel Pramote Prom-in, a military regional security spokesman, told Reuters news agency. Then, a car bomb about 10 metres from the first explosion went off. This was hidden in a pick-up truck where the perpetrators parked near the fence, he said. The car bomb exploded 10 minutes after the first explosion and among the wounded were five reporters, five police officers, two soldiers and other bystanders, Pramote said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Such claims for attacks are rare in the region. Peace dialogue The population of the provinces, which belonged to an independent Malay Muslim sultanate before Thailand annexed them in 1909, is 80 percent Muslim, while the rest of the country is overwhelmingly Buddhist. Violence has flared on and off for decades as rebel groups have been waging the uprising to demand independence for the area. A peace dialogue between the Thai government and the main rebel group, the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN), resumed this year after the group pulled out of the process in 2014. The Thai government has been holding talks with the rebels brokered by neighbouring Malaysia. Despite two meetings so far, however, the government and the BRN seem not to have progressed much beyond agreement on a framework and terms of reference to guide their talks. In November, coordinated attacks in Yala killed 15 security personnel, mostly lightly armed village defence volunteers, in the highest single-day death toll on the government side since the attacks began. This high level of commitment is not new for New View Strategies, as Kim Congleton, Owner and COO explains. Being involved at these leading events is part of our DNA and thus so very important to us. In fact, community involvement is one of our core values, so all our team members are dedicated to contributing to the community. We are very passionate about serving and sharing our knowledge with others. The conferences range from a community-wide user conference (Community Summit Europe), which will be concurrent with a partner conference (extreme 365 Europe), to a deep-dive, expert-level event (Focus North America), to a long-standing principal conference for Microsoft SMB Partners (Directions North America). The sessions also cover a wide range of topics and levels, including in-depth reviews of financial setups, processes, and reporting in Dynamics 365 Business Central, inventory reconciliation in Business Central, warehouse automation, improving user adoption, and how to realize effective and productive training. The sessions to be presented are: Focus North America 2020 ( Business Central: A Whole New Functional Finance World Training the Experienced NAV User on Business Central - Turn Frustration to Fabulous! Do You Have the Right Dimensions and Posting Groups? Let's Find Out How to Close Your Books in 3 Days Money Makes the World Go Round - Is Your Head Spinning Too? Leveling Up: Strategic IT Planning for Your Organization Why Oh Why, Does My Inventory Not Tie? Uncovering the Secrets of Inventory to G/L Reconciliation Directions North America 2020 ( Unleashing Hidden ROI for Your Customer with Account Schedules Going From 0 to 60 in the Warehouse Without Blowing the Engine User Adoption: Embrace It or Fail extreme365 Europe 2020 ( Training Your Customers: Obstacles and Solutions Community Summit Europe 2020 ( Business Central Round Table Q&A 50 Tips in 50 Minutes for NAV: Finance Edition Designing Dimensions to get Better Information Out of Your System The Training Gap: How to Bridge It Personally, Im thrilled to be helping the community like this, shared Mark Rhodes, Chief Strategy Officer. Since I spent so many years as the one who organized and lead some of these conferences, its wonderful to be on the other side and helping with the fantastic session lineups. Were not only grateful for the opportunity to help our fellow community members presenting drives us to stay abreast of the latest developments and continue improving our knowledge. Focus North America 2020 and Directions North America 2020 will both be held in May, while extreme365 Europe 2020 and Community Summit Europe 2020 were re-scheduled from earlier this month to late June due to concerns with the COVID-19 virus. About New View Strategies New View Strategies is the go-to source for actionable training and process efficiency in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC). They provide extensive training and consulting services for NAV and BC directly to customers and partners, and indirectly to customers on behalf of their partners. NVS believes that every company can benefit from increased efficiency and higher utilization of their ERP software and that its possible to have fun while learning exactly how to do that. Visit for more information. LinkedIn China News on Women Sorry, the page you requested was not found. If you're having trouble locating a destination on, try visiting the Womenofchina Home page Advertisement Italian coronavirus infections have slowed in recent days after the country took drastic quarantine measures to stop the spread of the pathogen. The figures are a sobering warning to Britain, which unlike Italy has not closed schools, shut down shops or blocked travel. The number of daily cases in Italy has been fairly stagnant in the last four days, settling down at around 3,500 new patients per day. Yesterday's increase in the overall tally was 12.6 per cent, the second-lowest rate since the virus began spreading in Italy on February 21 - offering hope that the lockdown is bearing fruit even as the death toll rose by 345 to 2,503. Italians have been ordered to stay indoors, with schools and universities shut, shops closed except for grocery stores and pharmacies, and heavy restrictions on travel. But in Britain, which has taken none of those measures, the 407 new cases yesterday represented the largest daily jump since the virus came to the UK. This table shows the number of new coronavirus infections in Italy for every day since the virus began spreading there on Febraury 21. The numbers have flatlined in recent days, settling down at around 3,500 new cases every 24 hours This graph shows the rate of increase in Italian coronavirus cases since March 7. Yesterday's increase of 12.6 per cent was the second-lowest in that period and the graph shows that the rate has largely been falling Hospital workers prepare coffins at the Ponte San Pietro hospital in Bergamo today, in the province of Lombardy which has been the worst-affected region of Italy People singing from their balcony in Palermo during the lockdown in Italy, which is starting to show signs of bearing fruit A deserted area outside the Colosseum in Rome, which is usually heaving with tourists, after Italians were ordered to stay inside unless necessary Italy rushes 10,000 new doctors into service, scrapping their final exams Italy will rush 10,000 student doctors into service, scrapping their final exams, in an effort to help the struggling health service cope with the coronavirus. University Minister Gaetano Manfredi said the government would let this year's medicine graduates start work some eight or nine months ahead of schedule and waive the mandatory exams they normally sit before qualifying. 'This means immediately releasing into the National Health System the energy of about 10,000 doctors, which is fundamental to dealing with the shortage that our country is suffering,' he said in a statement. The graduates will be sent to work in general practitioners' clinics and at old peoples' homes, freeing up more experienced colleagues who will be sent to the rapidly filling hospitals. Over three weeks, 1,135 people have needed intensive care in Lombardy, the northern region hardest hit. The region has only 800 intensive care beds, according to Giacomo Grasselli, head of the intensive care unit at Milans Policlinico hospital. Authorities have been working to set up hundreds of intensive care beds in a specially created facility in the Fiera Milano exhibition center, but are still waiting for sufficient respirators and qualified personnel. Advertisement Experts warn that there is a lag time between health measures being taken and their effects becoming conspicuous. That suggests the Italian lockdown imposed last week could now be starting to have a noticeable impact. The number of new infections in the last four days has been fairly stagnant with 3,497 on Saturday, 3,590 on Sunday, 3,233 on Monday and 3,526 on Tuesday. The Italian death toll rose by 345 to 2,503, with total infections now at 31,506. The percentage increase in cases has been below 20 per cent for the last few days, falling to 12.6 per cent yesterday. Britain's increase yesterday was 26.4 per cent, although it was only 10.9 per cent the day before. The signs of a slowing infection rate will be a relief to doctors on the front line of Italy's coronavirus outbreak, who have described 'catastrophic' scenes in hospitals which are creaking with the sheer volume of cases. A new Oxford University study suggests that Italy may be particularly vulnerable because it has such an old population and the elderly come into frequent contact with the young. Italy's population is the second-oldest in the world, behind only Japan. Oxford researchers said common for young adults in rural areas to live with their parents and grandparents but to commute into cities, such as Milan, to work and socialise. Young people may have been picking up the virus while travelling and brought it home without realising they were ill, the Oxford researchers said. The study is another warning to Britain, which has an ageing population. Older people are known to be more likely to die of Covid-19 if they are infected with the virus. Hospital workers in face masks stand over trolleys at the Ponte San Pietro hospital in Bergamo today as they prepare coffins A family who were relaxing on a lawn were ordered to move by Italian police in San Donato Milanese near the city of Milan today, after they flouted the country's coronavirus quarantine rules Medical staff collect a patient from an ambulance at the second Covid-19 hospital in Rome, Italy, which is fighting the biggest virus outbreak outside of China Couple caught having sex in a car in Milan are arrested for breaching coronavirus lockdown A couple caught having sex in a car were arrested for breaching coronavirus quarantine rules in Italy. The 23-year-old Egyptian man and 40-year-old Tunisian woman were caught in the act by a police officer on the outskirts of Milan on Monday. Quite apart from decency laws, the pair chose a particularly bad time for their roadside fling, with authorities on alert for breaches of the virus lockdown. The pair were accused of ignoring a quarantine rule which bans two people from being in the front or back of a vehicle together, according to news agency ANSA. It is not clear whether the couple will face further action, but authorities have been keeping a wary eye on all road vehicles in order to enforce a ban on travel. Italians are only allowed outside to buy food, give or receive medical care, or travel to work if absolutely necessary. Despite the ample opportunities for indoor entertainment, the couple were caught in the act on a road in Mecenate near Milan which has been heavily hit by the outbreak. Advertisement Doctors in Italy have told of critically ill patients who should be in intensive care but are instead slumped in busy wards because of a woeful lack of equipment and staff. Worryingly, the doctors who have spoken out are from state-of-the-art hospitals which typically provide excellent care but were caught flat-footed by the virus which is stretching their capacity to breaking point. Medics are struggling to keep pace with the escalating number of cases, including those treating patients at the advanced Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in the wealthy city of Bergamo in the virus-plagued Lombardy region. The 950-bed hospital has been brought to its knees because of the crisis, with more than 400 of the beds used by coronavirus patients and three of the hospital's four most senior staff off sick. Intensive care specialist Mirco Nacoti told the Wall Street Journal: 'Until three weeks ago, we did everything for every patient. 'Now we have to choose which patients to put in intensive care. This is catastrophic.' The hospital's once rapid emergency response is also at breaking point, with even people reporting heart attacks waiting an hour on the phone because the lines are being bombarded. Dr Angelo Giupponi, who coordinates Papa Giovanni's emergency response, said his team takes 2,500 calls daily and brings 1,500 to hospital. Signalling the team were caught off-guard by the epidemic, he said that ambulance staff have not been trained for such a contagion, and revealed many have become infected after their vehicles became contaminated. Dispatcher Diego Bianco, a 40-something with no underlying health conditions, even died. In a sign that Rome is scrambling to react to the outbreak, Dr Sergio Cattaneo said he has seen unused wards outfitted into an intensive care unit in six days. He also claims a hospital laundry room was converted into a giant stretcher-filled waiting room and a tented field hospital erected outside to test possible new virus patients. In a sign that Italy is scrambling to react to the outbreak, Dr Sergio Cattaneo (pictured) said he has seen unused wards outfitted into an intensive care unit in six days Doctors on the front line of Italy's coronavirus outbreak have described 'catastrophic' scenes in hospitals which are creaking with the sheer volume of cases. Pictured: staff preparing to open a new hospital in Rome Italy's outbreak - the worst outside of China - spiralled further today as infections hit 31,506 and the death toll jumped 345 to 2,503. Pictured: Hazmat suited medics in Rome today Dr Cattaneo, head of anesthesiology and intensive care at the public hospital in Brescia in northern Italy, said: 'What is really shocking - something we had not been able to forecast and brought us to our knees - is the quickness the epidemic spreads. 'If the spreading of this epidemic is not put under control, it will bring all hospitals to their knees.' Dr Cattaneo's new ICU added six more beds to the hospital's capacity, bringing to 42 the number of ICU beds dedicated to the virus. Across the Lombardy region, local authorities are pushing ahead with plans to build a 400-bed ICU field hospital at the Milan fairgrounds, even though the civil protection agency has warned that it doesn't have the ventilators or personnel to staff it, and that time is running out. 'The secret has been - and this should be a strong message for foreign countries - to act early on this, in order to avoid - like in our case - having to chase after it day after day,' Cattaneo said. Brescia, an industrial city of nearly 200,000 east of Milan and the capital of a province of 1.2million, is second only to nearby Bergamo in positive cases in Lombardy, the epicenter of the pandemic in Europe. Medical director Antonino Marchese holds a press conference before the opening of the third coronavirus Hospital in Casal Palocco, Rome For the past two days, Brescia actually outpaced Bergamo in the number of new infections, on Tuesday adding another 382 positive tests for a total of 3,300 and suggesting that it is becoming Lombardy's hottest hot spot. Indeed, seven of Brescia's deaths this week were among residents of the same nursing home in Barbariga, where another eight elderly people tested positive, local media reported. While many people suffer relatively mild symptoms from the virus, the mortality rate in Italy in people over 80 is 22 percent, according to statistics from the National Institutes of Health. It has been a race against time for Lombardy to add more ICU beds than the patients who need them, not an easy task given that 10 percent of all Italy's infected require ICU admission, primarily for respiratory help. Nearly all admitted patients have interstitial pneumonia, a disease in which the lace-like tissue of the lungs' alveoli become inflamed, leading to progressive respiratory failure, according to Giovanna Perone, director of Brescia's emergency services. Italian Medics are struggling to keep pace with the escalating number of cases 'In the last few days, the number of people arriving here on their own and reporting such symptoms has increased,' Perone said outside the civil protection tents where walk-in patients are tested and then sent to the hospital's converted laundry room to await the results. The onslaught of infections has completely overwhelmed the public health system in Italy's prosperous north, prompting regional officials to beg retired doctors to come back to work and to accelerate graduation dates for nurses and specialists. 'I ask you from my heart, we need your competency, your experience, your efficiency,' said Giulio Gallera, Lombardy's chief healthcare official. 'Give us a hand.' The 25 billion euro aid package the Italian government approved Monday, aimed at bolstering both the health care system and helping businesses, workers and families weather the economic hit, also contains provisions to hire 10,000 more medical personnel. Already Lombardy this week has received 2,200 responses to a 'help wanted' sign on its Facebook page, and hired over 1,000 people, Gallera said. Italy's medical personnel also complain about critical shortages of gear, including protective masks and glasses. Italy's national federations of doctors and nurses issued a joint alarm Tuesday over the more than 2,300 medical personnel who have been infected, 1,900 of them doctors and nurses. The suspect in organizing the murder of Kateryna Handzyuk, Oleksiy Levin, was brought to Ukraine from Bulgaria as part of a request for extradition, the SBU press center reported on Monday, March 16. The plane with the suspect on board just arrived in Kiev. The employees of the National Bureau of Interpol in the prescribed manner have been delivered and handed over to the Security Service of Ukraine and the Office of the Attorney General. Upon arrival in Ukraine, Moskalenko (Levin) will be delivered to the place of temporary detention. In the near future the court must choose a preventive measure for him, "- said on Monday afternoon. Earlier, the competent authorities of Bulgaria granted the request of the Office of the Attorney General for extradition of the said person. "As promised, we are confidently moving to put an end to the case of Kateryna Handzyuk. For us, this is a matter of principle. And the extradition of the suspect will expedite the final investigation of her murder. We must show an example of this case - everyone who committed a crime is waiting for a fair punishment, "said the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Ivan Bakanov. According to the procedure, after the transfer of the suspect to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, the necessary procedural actions will be taken to speed up the investigation of the crime and transfer indictments to the court against its participants. As we reported before, law enforcers conducted ten searches among the defendants in the case of Kateryna Hanzdiuk, the Ukrainian activist who was killed in Kherson region in 2018. The media assume that Ihor Pavlovsky, the ex-assistant to a member of the Ukrainian parliament could belong to the group of attackers. He currently is in custody. Four defendants are now also charged with the illegal seizing of vehicles Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Director-General Balram Bhargava is likely to brief President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday on the country's preparedness to contain the coronavirus. There are now a total of 125 confirmed cases of coronavirus in India. In a bid to contain the virus, the country on Monday prohibited the travel of passengers from member countries of the European Union, European Free Trade Association, Turkey and the United Kingdom with effect from March 18, 2020. ICMR has developed a coronavirus testing strategy for patients infected with the virus according to which the selection of suspected patients is being made on the basis of their symptoms, travel history and direct contact with the infected person. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Chief Minister Amarinder Singh here on Tuesday sought another term to restore the state's glory, insisting that his government needed more time to fix the problems faced by Punjab. The chief minister said earlier he had thought that five years would have been enough to revive the state's fortunes but the situation was "so bad" that the government needed more time. He also assured that in the remaining two years of the current term, his government will fulfil all promises made to people as he wanted to "see a smile on the face of every Punjabi". "If the Congress returns to power, the next seven years will witness Punjab being restored to its previous glory as India's number one state," Singh said at a conclave held to mark three years of the Congress rule in the state. He promised to take Punjab forward "by leaps and bounds" if voted for another term while stressing that Punjabis are hardworking people, who can do wonders if shown the right direction. The CM, however, said though state finances have improved, the government was still going through a financial crunch and needed to spend judiciously. The CM expressed confidence that in the absence of a strong opposition, the Congress stood a good chance to return to power and take the state's progress to the next level. The Shiromani Akali Dal has "lost ground" while Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is in "total disarray" in the state, he stressed. An official statement quoting the chief minister said, the Akalis lacked leadership at the moment as the Badals "never allowed a strong leadership to emerge". On AAP, he said there was a lot of hype about them even during the 2017 polls but the party failed to translate the opportunity into a victory. On his party MLA Navjot Sidhu, who had quit the state cabinet last year after he was divested of his key portfolios in a reshuffle, the CM said they have not met for a long time but the former minister had committed to sticking to the Congress and it was up to the high command to decide how best his services could be utilised. The CM said coronavirus was a major disaster, which will lead to a serious slowdown in the economy. The situation is already bad and if it spreads further, then things will worsen, he said, warning of a severe slowdown in the post-coronavirus scenario. He, however, assured that the state government was taking all steps to combat the problem but people have to realise the dangers and take precautionary measures. On farming issue, Singh said his government will not allow the "kurki" (auction) of the land of the farmers in debt trap. He also dismissed the Centre's promise of doubling farmers' income as a "mere hogwash" in the absence of any concrete steps. "Does the Union finance minister even know what agriculture is all about," he asked, demanding that she should explain what the Centre planned to do to boost the farm income. Taking a dig at Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Singh said in response to a question that while he could not give figures like her, he was confident that given the right atmosphere and assistance, Punjab's hardworking farmers and the industry could increase their income on their own. Referring to reports that the Centre was mulling doing away with the MSP for crops, he suggested if they felt there was enough stock of paddy and wheat, they should extend the MSP to alternative crops, instead of "simply dumping the farmers of Punjab", who were responsible for giving India its food security. The Centre has to help out the farmers, it has to support diversification, said the Punjab chief minister. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Were going to get back to living life, even if it kills us Copyright 2020 Albuquerque Journal New Mexicos Supreme Court issued an order Tuesday suspending criminal jury trials through the end of April and encouraging judges to, when possible, conduct court hearings via phone and video. The order comes amid requests from prosecutors and defense attorneys asking justices to do more to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the states jails and courtrooms. And attorneys on both sides say the new measures do not go far enough. Tuesdays order adds to a set of precautions the court implemented Thursday, which restricted the number of people who can gather in any room in a court to no more than 25, and suspended work-related out-of-state travel for all employees and all civil jury trials. The new order makes clear that courts will remain open and there will not be blanket cancellations of case types or proceedings that have not already been authorized. The precautionary measures imposed by the Judiciary today will provide additional safeguards for all New Mexicans, while allowing necessary court functions to continue, Chief Justice Judith K. Nakamura said in a news release Tuesday. Especially during a public health emergency, courts must not close because they deliver vital services required in our justice system to ensure community safety. Additionally, the order requires that all visitors be asked screening questions before they are allowed into a courthouse. It also lets local courts accept more filings by email and fax and allows chief judges to let some employees work from home. Criminal trials will be permitted if there is an exceptional circumstance, according to a news release issued by the Administrative Office of the Courts. The suspension does not apply to trials already underway. Judges also now have the discretion to hold phone and video hearings and to continue hearings when appropriate. In situations where rules require a defendants presence at a hearing, the defendant is allowed to attend via video if the judge allows it and as long as the defendant has a chance to speak to his or her attorney confidentially. Courts play a critical role in our society, ensuring compliance with the rule of law, Nakamura said. This includes hearing the initial pleas of those arrested and charged with crimes, making constitutionally required decisions on the pretrial detention of defendants and issuing restraining orders to protect victims of domestic violence. Second Judicial District Attorney Raul Torrez said in a statement that he appreciates the suspension of criminal trials but does not believe the new order goes far enough. He disagrees with the courts decision to continue allowing nonessential hearings and to let individual judges determine whether phone or video appearances are acceptable. Under this order, far too many people including victims, court staff, police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, defendants and members of the public will continue to move in and out of New Mexicos courtrooms at a time when courts from California to Florida are taking more dramatic steps to protect the public from unnecessary risk, Torrez said. His own list of requests, sent Monday, proposed the postponement of all hearings for defendants who are not in custody and suggested that courts conduct only constitutionally required hearings for people who are in jail. He also proposed suspending certain deadlines in Bernalillo County, saying complying with them in light of the crisis will be difficult. Defense lawyers have called for discussions on the release of inmates in custody for nonviolent offenses and a suspension of arrests for nonviolent offenses, failure to pay fines, and technical release and probation violations. At least one other jurisdiction has instituted similar measures. Officials in Los Angeles County have taken steps to reduce daily arrest numbers, as well as jail populations, during the crisis, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday. Richard Pugh, president of the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, said he believes the realities of the virus will soon render the latest order unworkable unless the number of criminal cases moving through the system is reduced. It is imperative for the safety of all involved that we minimize the number of people in custody, and take steps to protect inmates, detention staff and court personnel from infecting each other in crowded courtrooms across the state, Pugh said in a statement Tuesday. Our libraries need to stand up for fundamental freedoms, March 15 I agree with Torontos chief librarian, Vickery Bowles, that freedom of expression is of paramount importance for libraries. Furthermore, although I have never attended one of Meghan Murphys lectures, I suspect that her opinions are based on a genuine intellectual difference with trans-inclusive feminists, as opposed to hatred or any type of phobia. Just as there are genuine feminists on both sides of the arguments related to pornography or the possible decriminalization of sex work, there are genuine feminists on both sides related to the treatment of trans women. Renting a room to feminists on either side of those arguments would not mean that libraries were opposed to those on the other side. Nor should it mean that feminists on the other side of the argument would feel uncomfortable working at or using the library. Jonny Greenwood (left), 48, is lead guitarist with English rock band Radiohead. Richard Tognetti, 54, is the Australian Chamber Orchestras artistic director. Despite their distinct musical styles, the two are finely in tune with each other. Richard Tognetti on Jonny Greenwood (left): "I do want Jonny to write more for the ACO, but he has a lot of planes on the runway and we are just one of them." Credit:John Davis RICHARD: I dont mean to sound hubristic but my friendship with Jonny is a musical one; I honour him because he keeps classical music alive in the rock and pop world. When people turn up to a Radiohead concert, they end up listening to some damn serious music. It was when they came out with [the 2000 album] Kid A that I started paying grave attention. Then I saw the 2007 film There Will Be Blood and the music was incredible. I had to stay for the credits and saw Jonny Greenwoods name. I thought that was impossible, then I remembered hed written [the score for] Popcorn Superhet Receiver, which put him on the radar as a classical composer. I ran home to listen and realised hed adapted it for the film. Fast forward five years: Radiohead were touring Australia and we got a call out of the blue asking if we were interested in commissioning a piece from Jonny, and could he come and work with us. Hed been playing to 50,000 people a night, which cant be very good for you. He collapsed, as you would, then wound himself up again to get into writing. Two of San Antonios largest private employers are donating millions to local nonprofits to support their response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. USAA said Monday it has donated $1 million to organizations that include the San Antonio Food Bank, South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, Meals on Wheels, Haven for Hope and United Way of San Antonio. The San Antonio financial services and insurance firm said the nonprofits will use the proceeds to provide food, housing, blood and other essentials. H-E-B is giving $3 million to local nonprofits, including $1.2 million to 18 food banks throughout Texas, $500,000 to groups focused on mobile feeding services for seniors and low-income families, and $300,000 to Texas Biomedical Research Institute, a San Antonio organization with a team working on coronavirus research. The remaining $1 million will go for grants that Texas nonprofits providing emergency services can apply for. H-E-B will also deliver 15 truckloads of food and household supplies to various food banks. H-E-Bs donation comes at a critical time as food banks across the state are stepping in to provide emergency food to the people and communities impacted by COVID-19, said Celia Cole, CEO of Feeding Texas, a statewide network of food banks. USAA also said it will match employee donations of up to $500. Considering the enormous challenges from the health emergency, we know our local community needs help, especially those organizations serving our most vulnerable residents, USAA chief executive Wayne Peacock said in a statement. We have been in close communications with local nonprofits to understand their specific needs in responding to this pandemic, Peacock added. The company declined to provide an update on the San Antonio employee who tested positive for COVID-19. Spokesman Matt Hartwig said in an email USAA had no comment beyond a statement Sunday to protect the persons privacy. The employee is out of state and under the care of medical professionals. The employee had not been at USAAs San Antonio campus since March 6, at which point the employee had not experienced any symptoms, USAA said. Several employees who had previous significant exposure to the affected individual are in self-quarantine until March 21, it added. None of them, however, has shown any symptoms of having the virus, however. USAA also issued a statement on its website Monday morning, saying its prepared for a wide range of possible scenarios focusing on the health and safety of our employees. With school and daycare closures, USAA said it is providing employees up to two weeks emergency pay if they are unable to work from home. This also covers workers who have to stay home to care for immediate family members. USAA employees will not be expected to use paid time off for absences related to COVID-19 from Monday through April 30. USAA has closed its campus fitness centers and cafe self-service lines. It also closed a financial center in West Point, N.Y., for the foreseeable future. Patrick Danner is a San Antonio-based staff writer covering banking and civil courts. Read him on our free site,, and on our subscriber site, | | Twitter: @AlamoPD Preventative measure for Handziuk's murder suspect Levin to be decided on March 17, prosecutors ask for detention PGO Oleksiy Levin, a suspect in organizing the assassination of Kateryna Handziuk, was delivered on Monday from Bulgaria to Ukraine as part of a request for extradition, Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Trepak said a preventive measure for the suspect would be decided on Tuesday. "Yes, Levin was taken to Ukraine and now he is on his way to a pretrial detention center. Tomorrow we will choose a preventive measure, we are applying for detention," he said in a comment on Monday. On Monday, Levin was transported by plane from Bulgaria to Kyiv. As reported, on July 31, 2018, an unidentified person doused activist Handziuk with concentrated sulfuric acid near her house in Kherson. She was taken to Kyiv for hospital treatment and died on November 4, 2018. Five suspects, including a man identified by a video surveillance camera as the buyer of the acid, were detained. In February 2019, Kyiv's Shevchenkivsky District Court extended until July 3 the terms of the pretrial investigation of Manher, Anti-terrorist Operation (ATO) veteran Serhiy Torbin, a deputy to member of parliament Ihor Pavlovsky, and Oleksiy Levin (Moskalenko) for committing a criminal offense stipulated under Part 3 of Article 27 (types of complicity), Paragraphs 4, 6, 11, 12 of Part 2 of Article 115 (premeditated murder) of Ukraine's Criminal Code. On May 7, 2019, the PGO approved and sent to the court a bill of indictment in criminal proceedings against five persons accused of causing grievous bodily harm that resulted in Handziuk's death. On June 6, 2019, the Pokrovsky District Court of Dnipropetrovsk Region approved a plea arrangement between investigators and five suspects in the case and sentenced them to imprisonment. On January 24, 2020, Levin was detained in Bulgaria; a local court arrested him for 40 days. Gov. Noem lauds state economy, but big legislative fights are coming Noems speech flowed between business and economic development, lifestyle issues and social issues that were united by their conservative themes. Projectmates construction management software logo Our software delivers 20 years of leading practices in construction management. We specifically designed our software to help owners of capital programs just like this one. Our team is thrilled to help DCCCD support the success of their students and their communities..." Projectmates award-winning construction management software has been selected by Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) to help them manage their 2019 bond program over the course of six years. As a part of this bond the district will be undergoing new construction of multiple new facilities to support student success and economic development in their community. Projectmates will serve as the central platform to manage the entire construction cycle for these projects. DCCCD will be leveraging Projectmates full-suite of capital planning features to track fund allocations across all projects through the duration of their bond program. In this program DCCCD has detailed the construction of a number of new builds including the construction of a Dallas Education and Innovation HUB located in downtown. Theyll also be undergoing construction of a collaborative student learning space as well as multiple expansions and renovations of existing facilities. With Projectmates, DCCCD will have a single-source of truth for all data and documentation associated with these projects. Projectmates software gives them an easy-to-use interface where their team can collaborate on construction documents, manage all costs, automate workflows, and streamline project reporting. Our software delivers 20 years of leading practices in construction management. We specifically designed our software to help owners of capital programs just like this one. Our team is thrilled to help DCCCD support the success of their students and their communities with our construction management software. said Varsha Bhave, President and CTO of Projectmates. They now have immediate visibility into project schedules, fund status, and will be automatically notified if any of their project schedules are at risk. Projectmates gives DCCCD live-to-date insight to their program at the click of a mouse. The software also gives the district access to program reports down to line-item detail for each project. About DCCCD: DCCCD serves more than 80,000 credit and 20,000 continuing education students each semester; in 2017-2018, that total was 171,556. The district expects to see steady enrollment growth through 2030 to approximately 92,000 credit students. In May 2019, Dallas County voters approved the issuance of bonds and notes to construct, improve, renovate, and equip buildings for DCCCD. As a part of this bond initiative, DCCCD is set to launch a number of new builds as well as renovate, expand, and equip existing facilities. Through this bond, the district is set to construct an all-new Dallas Education and Innovation Hub in the heart of downtown. This facility will have the capacity to serve all of Dallas county and will include a Business Training Center as well as a redesigned El Centro College Campus. About Projectmates: For 20 years, Projectmates has been pushing the envelope for construction management software. Projectmates is an intuitive and easy to use construction project management platform. From conception to closeout, Projectmates has focused on project owners and their partners. Projectmates Construction Project and Program Management software is thoughtfully crafted to solve the construction industrys most pressing challenges from the owner's perspective. Projectmates has kept a pulse on the construction industry and is constantly improving its management software to make sure your projects come in on time and under budget. Ryan Pelham / Ryan Pelham/Ryan Pelham/The Enterprise Nearly all schools in Texas Education Region Five announced Monday that they would suspend classes effective tomorrow amid growing efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which has become a global pandemic. West Orange Cove Consolidated Independent School District, Little- Cypress Mauriceville ISD , Orangefield ISD and Vidor ISD all announced Monday evening that they would close their campuses in response to COVID-19. PAF15 in a complex with PCNA undergoes UHRF1-mediated dual mono-ubiquitylation, which is essential for DNMT1 recruitment, and subsequent maintenance of DNA methylation. Credit: Atsuya Nishiyama Why do normal cells turn into cancer cells? One of the factors is deeply related to the failure of the cell differentiation mechanism called DNA methylation. The joint research groups of The Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, Yokohama City University, and Center for Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPSM) have clarified new mechanism for controlling DNA methylation in cells. Ubiquitination of a protein called PAF15 is an important factor for the inheritance of DNA methylation, according to the new research. The group also successfully demonstrated a molecular mechanism by which PAF15 is ubiquitinated. In this way, the group revealed the mechanism underlying how cellular memory is inherited when cells proliferate. The research was published in Nature Communications. The results are expected to greatly contribute to applications in this field, such as the development of new inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase that specifically target cancer cells. The primary mechanism of this DNA methylation has not been fully elucidated There are two factors that transform normal cells into cancer cells. One is a genetic mutation that alters the DNA sequence, and the other is an epigenetic mutation that changes how genes are used. An epigenetic mutation is defined as an aberrant pattern of "DNA methylation" and "histone modification". When cells proliferate, both genetic and epigenetic mutations are transmitted to new cells. The research team decided to investigate the mechanism of faithful "DNA methylation inheritance" which is critical for cancer suppression and has not been sufficiently investigated. As one of the lead researchers, associate professor Atsuya Nishiyama of the University of Tokyo, explains as follows: "Every cell has the same genetic information. Each cell has very different characteristics. It is DNA methylation that determines the characteristics of each cell. Until now, the correlation between the failure of the mechanism of DNA methylation and cancer of cells was known, but how DNA methylation controls disease was not. That's why we conducted research to understand the basic mechanisms of DNA methylation. " PAF15 is a factor guaranteeing the maintenance of DNA methylation The research group conducted experiments using a cell-free system derived from Xenopus laevis eggs to analyze the DNMT1 protein complex. Their work resulted in the new discovery of PAF15 as a factor that specifically binds to DNMT1. Further analysis revealed that PAF15 binds to chromosomes via PCNA during DNA replication, The research group also showed that two lysine residues of PAF15 undergo monoubiquitination by UHRF1 to facilitate DNMT1 chromatin localization. These results indicate that PAF15 is an important regulator of DNMT1. During unperturbed S-phase, most of the DNMT1 on the chromosome was bound to ubiquitinated PAF15. Elevated histone H3 ubiquitination levels and the interaction between DNMT1 and ubiquitinated H3 were observed in conjunction with the inhibition of PAF15 function. This finding suggests that PAF15 ubiquitination is the primary pathway controlling DNMT1 localization to DNA methylation sites, and that histone H3 ubiquitination may serve as a backup system. The team also introduced mutations to amino acids at the ubiquitination site of PAF15 in mouse ES cells, and found that the level of DNA methylation in the whole genome was greatly reduced, thus making it clear that PAF15 was a factor guaranteeing the maintenance of DNA methylation. Potential to greatly contribute to the development of DNA methylase inhibitors DNA methylase is also attracting attention as a material for anticancer drugs. The results of this study have shown not only the scientific significance of clarifying the new mechanism of DNA methylation inheritance, but also the potential to greatly contribute to the development of DNA methyltransferase inhibitors. In addition, it has been reported that PAF15 is over-expressed in various cancer cells. It will be important to clarify the effect of PAF15 on DNA methylation control in the future. Explore further Mechanism safeguarding unique epigenome of oocytes and maternal fertility More information: Atsuya Nishiyama et al, Two distinct modes of DNMT1 recruitment ensure stable maintenance DNA methylation, Nature Communications (2020). Journal information: Nature Communications Atsuya Nishiyama et al, Two distinct modes of DNMT1 recruitment ensure stable maintenance DNA methylation,(2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15006-4 The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation staff who was ordered to selfisolate after coming into contact with the Norwegian Ambassador has expressed frustration over what he says is neglect from health authorities. The reporter who appears to have come face to face with the psychological stress of a week of isolation has on Tuesday taken to social media threatening to get out tomorrow complaining of his inability to reach health staff via phone. I think after tomorrow if I dont get any feedback from the health officials, I will have to go out because I am strong by grace, his post read. This self-imprisonment is really affecting me and my other colleague who has family. I had to call Dr Sakodie, Director of Public Health at the Ghana Health Service before I was called to answer some questions yesterday. Like I said I am not showing any symptoms after one week, he added. In another post, he has been demanding to be tested to free him of the emotional stress. The only help I need now is to get tested and be free in mind, spirit, and body as well go about my usual activities His comments have begun drawing some empathy from his friends who are unhappy with the low level of care expressed by the reporter. Abdul Hakim Anwar Sadat posted, Its rather unfortunate he has to go through this. Kabu Nartey posted, undergoing self-quarantine Dieu Donne Dafeamekpor simply unhappy. He might not want to speak up but clearly hes not happy with the conditions given him. Dieu Donne Dafeamekpor, the way to go my brother, very responsible. GBC must continue to reach out to you. Self-discipline at these times. We shall rise again! Ghana is currently on a follow up for some 350 persons known to have had contact with the six persons confirmed to have been infected by the Novel Coronavirus. Source: Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video News and commentary on organized crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. Royal Marines have surprised enemy forces by launching a series of daring raids on the Norwegian coastline during demanding winter exercises. Royal Marines have surprised enemy forces by launching a series of daring raids on the Norwegian coastline during demanding winter exercises. 3 Commando Brigade land in Norway as part of demanding winter exercises. After initial raids, vehicles moved ashore (Picture source: British Royal Navy) Deep within the Arctic Circle, the first objective of the mission on saw commando forces launch an amphibious attack from UK flagship HMS Albion using boats operated by Norwegian allies. Embarking on the Royal Norwegian Navys CB90-class fast assault craft and Skjold-class corvette, a commando team covertly infiltrated the enemy positions set along the Norwegian fjords of Senja Island, more than 685 miles north of capital Oslo. The commandos mission? To cause havoc amongst their adversaries. In addition to adopting progressive tactics, the unit embraced Future Commando Force development by operating as 12-man teams, with each commando bringing a unique skillset and individually chosen for the mission at hand. Having been manoeuvred into position off the coast by the Norwegians, the teams (drawn from 45 Commandos Recce Troop, Joint Terminal Attack Controllers and gunners from 29 Commando Royal Artillery, and Royal Engineers from 54 Commando Royal Engineers) silently landed ashore via small raiding boats operated by Plymouth-based 47 Commando. The commandos then coordinated a salvo of artillery fire and air support onto the enemy target, quickly destroying their position and allowing the amphibious task group to gain a foothold on mainland Norway. Shortly after, artillery strikes hit more enemy positions along the coast, enabling commando troops transported by Commando Helicopter Force Merlins to land and support the fight. 3 Commando Brigade land in Norway as part of demanding winter exercises. After initial raids, vehicles moved ashore (Picture source: British Royal Navy) Susanna Reid appeared on 'Good Morning Britain' via videolink while in self-isolation. (AP) Susanna Reid has put herself into self-isolation for 14 days due to coronavirus (Covid-19) symptoms in her household. The 49-year-old TV presenter appeared on Good Morning Britain via videolink and explained to co-host Piers Morgan that one of her sons has a cough and so she is following government advice and will not be coming to work. Reid said: My boys are teenagers so nothing much scares them. They are more concerned about not seeing their friends. Susanna isnt with us today, shes self-isolating for the next 14 days due to symptoms in her family - not because of Piers.@susannareid100 | @piersmorgan | #GMB Good Morning Britain (@GMB) March 17, 2020 She went on: I have a perfectly normal temperature, everyone else in my house has a normal temperature. My son has a cough and we have no way of testing whether it is coronavirus. I dont think it is, I think its just a seasonal cough. Under normal circumstances I would have come in but yesterday the government advice changed - if anyone in your household has a high temperature or persistent cough - and so I am following that advice. Read more: Idris Elba reveals he's tested positive for COVID-19 Reid has three sons - Finn, Jack and Sam - with ex-partner Dominic Cotton, from whom she separated in 2014. I am currently well but due to the new advice today I will be self-isolating for two weeks due to symptoms in my household. Stay well everyone Susanna Reid (@susannareid100) March 16, 2020 Morgan, 54, joked that GMBs Charlotte Hawkins was more than happy for Reid to take the rest of the year off while she filled in for her as co-host of the show. Story continues Reid admitted she is going to miss work and speculated she might write a novel, or try and homeschool her sons. Charlotte Hawkins is hosting 'GMB' with Piers Morgan while Susanna Reid is in self-isolation. (ITV) She said: I love my work. I love coming in to work. I love the daily battles! It gives me so much pleasure broadcasting to the viewers and I am going to miss that. Read more: Susanna Reid shares photo of herself reading news 20 years ago Reid went on: Yesterday I just sat and scrolled through Twitter all day. I am going to have to fill my time a lot more productively or I will go out of my mind. Susanna Reid said she might take the opportunity to write a novel. (Getty Images) We all think weve got a novel in us - so whether I set about writing a novel... or do a lot of cooking and baking. Or set up a home school. We will see. And the TV presenter and parent said even following the advice to self-isolate for 14 days, she still has a lot of unanswered questions. She said: There is no test that we have access to. There is no test for immunity. How do we know if we do get through it and are better at the end of that 14 days? There will be many people with the same questions. Aircrafts are parked on a runway at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, Sunday, March 15, 2020. Due to the Coronavirus Lufthansa had to cancel half of its flights. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms. For some, it can cause more severe illness, especially in older adults and people with existing health problems. (AP Photo/Michael Probst) BERLIN (AP) German-based tour company TUI says it is suspending most of its operations until further notice in light of the deepening coronavirus crisis and applying for government help. Travel has decreased sharply as more and more countries apply tough new restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19. Germany has joined other nations in advising against nonessential travel abroad, warning of a high risk of being unable to get back home. TUI said late Sunday night it has decided to suspend the vast majority of all travel operations until further notice, including package travel, cruises and hotel operations. It withdrew its earnings guidance for this year and said it was refraining from issuing new guidance in the current circumstances. We are taking substantial cost measures to mitigate the earnings effect, TUI said. Moreover, we have decided to apply for state aid guarantees to support the business until normal operations are resumed. The coronavirus pandemic has infected more than 169,000 people and killed more than 6,500. The COVID-19 illness is mild or moderate for most people, but severe symptoms are more likely in the elderly or people with existing health problems. More than 77,000 people have recovered from it so far, mostly in China. ___ Follow AP coverage of the virus outbreak at and ___ The Associated Press receives support for health and science coverage from the Howard Hughes Medical Institutes Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. A 67-year-old woman who is a city resident and returned from Dubai via Goa last week has tested positive for coronavirus, making it the eleventh case in Karnataka, the health department said on Tuesday. The patient has been in strict home quarantine since coming to city and has been admitted to a designated isolation hospital. A health department media bulletin said "67-year-old female who is a resident of Bangalore returned from Dubai via Goa on March 9. She is a known case of chronic kidney disease (CKD). She has been in strict home quarantine since coming to Bangalore." The woman was admitted to the hospital on March 16. According to the bulletin, 21 high risk contacts including five family members have been identified and they are under strict home quarantine. Officials said till date 11 COVID-19 positive cases have been reported in Karnataka, including one death. The ten patients were in isolation wards and are stable, they added. The 67-year-old woman is the fourth new positive confirmed case that has been reported in the state in the last 24 hours. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) WASHINGTON It was a lavish birthday party for Donald Trump Jr.s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle. The setting was Mar-a-Lago, President Trumps private club in Palm Beach, Fla. The guest list included dozens of Trump family members and friends. But when it came to picking up the tab, hands went out to other attendees. Among them were at least four whose families are financial supporters of the presidents re-election campaign, for which Ms. Guilfoyle helps lead the fund-raising. They ended up pitching in tens of thousands of dollars, passed along to Mar-a-Lago, to help pay for what two people familiar with the planning said was a $50,000 celebration of Ms. Guilfoyles 51st birthday. The hourslong bash on the evening of March 7 has since emerged as a snapshot of the cavalier way Mr. Trump and his team initially handled the coronavirus outbreak. At least one attendee a Brazilian government official who stopped by the party briefly has tested positive for the virus, while another Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida self-quarantined, though he later announced he had tested negative for the virus. But the funding provided for the party by Mr. Trumps supporters, which has not been previously reported, also underscored other characteristics that have defined his political career: His reliance on other peoples money rather than his own fortune, and the overlap between the presidents private and public roles. Sometimes when you're in the grips of a global pandemic all you need is some reassuring words from The Terminator and his miniature equines. The former governor of California took to Twitter last night to provide some words of advice on social distancing with some help from Whiskey his miniature horse, and Lulu, his diminutive donkey. Alongside the video, Schwarzenegger wrote "Stay at home as much as possible. Listen to the experts, ignore the morons (foreheads). We will get through this together." Schwarzenegger's video at his L.A. home feeding his pets was shared on the same day that the current governor, Gavin Newsom, ordered that all bars and nightclubs in the state be closed, as the outbreak spreads. The CDC also urged Americans yesterday to avoid any gatherings of 50 people or more, as millions of people suddenly find themselves at home, with their kids off school and no sign of a return to normalcy. During the video, which has amassed over a quarter million likes, the 72-year-old actor introduces his two little indoor farm animals, while feeding them carrots and stressing the importance of not leaving the house, especially if you're over the age of 65, "so we stay home and we eat here... oh yes, that's yummy" "We don't go out, we don't got to restaurants, we don't do anything like that anymore, we just eat with Whiskey and Lulu, we have a good time," he continued. On Friday, Schwarzenegger shared a similar video on how to wash your hands alongside his Yorkshire Terrier, Cherry. As of Monday the novel coronavirus had infected over 3,500 Americans, claiming 66 lives. MORE CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE: Sign up for 'The Daily' newsletter for the latest on coronavirus here. Abu Dhabi, March 17 : The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has sent two aid planes carrying medical supplies to Iran which has been severely hit by the coronavirus crisis, despite a fallout between the two countries. The development on Monday came a day after a call between the UAE Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and his Iranian counterpart Mohammed Jawad Zarif, reports Efe news. In addition to expressing his condolences for the victims of the pandemic, Al Nahyan discussed with his counterpart the latest regional and global developments resulting from the spread of the virus across the globe. The two aid aircrafts "contained over 32 metric tonnes of supplies, including boxes filled with thousands of pairs of gloves, surgical masks, and protective equipment", the UAE Foreign Ministry said in a statement. This is the second humanitarian delivery provided by the UAE to Iran in recent days. The first 7.5-tonne shipment was facilitated on March 3 in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). It is unclear if Monday's announcement came also under the mediation of WHO. Iran is one of the Middle East's most populous countries and has seen a spike in the cases of coronavirus with 853 confirmed deaths and 14,991 infected people. Earlier on Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the coronavirus outbreak in the country had peaked. "According to the statistics provided, we have passed the peak stage of the coronavirus," Rouhani said during a national working group meeting to combat the pandemic. The President went on to describe the data as "promising". UAE alongside nearly all the Gulf's Sunni monarchs supports the US' policy toward Iran given the feud with Tehran's Shia government. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nirbhaya case: Delhi Court reserves order on the plea of Mukesh Singh seeking to quash death penalty India oi-Mousumi Dash New Delhi, Mar 17: A Delhi Court on Tuesday reserved the order on the plea of one of the four death row convicts in the 2012 Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case, Mukesh Singh. Mukesh moved a court in Delhi to seek quashing of death penalty claiming that he was not in Delhi when the gangrape incident took place. Reportedly, Mukesh's plea before Additional Sessions Judge Dharmendra Rana claimed he was arrested from Rajasthan and brought to Delhi on December 17, 2012, one day after the crime. The plea, three days before the four men convicted for the gangrape and murder of the 23-year-old physiotherapy intern are scheduled to be hanged, also alleged that he was tortured inside the Tihar jail. The matter is scheduled to be heard later on Tuesday. On March 5, a trial court issued fresh warrants for the execution of Mukesh Singh (32), Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31) on March 20, 5.30 am. Nirbhaya case: Convict Pawan Gupta moves Delhi HC against two constables, alleging assault This is the fourth death warrant. The earlier three were deferred pending the exhaustion of legal remedies by the convicts. NEWS AT 3 PM, MARCH 17th, 2020 On Monday, Mukesh moved the Supreme Court seeking restoration of legal remedies and alleging that his earlier counsel misled and forced him to sign the papers. The apex court had refused to entertain his plea. On Tuesday, Advocate AP Singh approached National Human Rights Commission over the death of one of the convicts Ram Singh. Ram Singh had allegedly committed suicide inside the Tihar Jail. He has also sought compensation for his mother. On July 9, 2018, the court dismissed his review plea against its judgement. Later, his curative and mercy pleas were rejected by the top court and President Ram Nath Kovind respectively. The young woman, who came to be known as 'Nirbhaya' (the fearless one), was gangraped and savagely assaulted in a moving bus in south Delhi on December 16, 2012. She died after a fortnight. Six people, including the four convicts and a juvenile, were named as accused. Ram Singh, the sixth accused, allegedly committed suicide in Tihar Jail days after the trial began in the case. The juvenile was released in 2015 after spending three years in a correctional home. Researchers in Australia said Tuesday they had mapped the body's immune response to the novel coronavirus, in a potential breakthrough in the fight against the global killer. A team of scientists were able to test blood samples from a patient who had contracted COVID-19 and was hospitalised with moderate symptoms. Authors of the study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, said it was the first time experts had mapped the body's general immune response to the new disease. "We saw a really robust immune response that preceded clinical recovery," Katherine Kedzierska, from the University of Melbourne?s Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, told AFP. "We noted an immune response but she was visually still unwell, and three days later the patient recovered." Researchers are in a race against time to try to find a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, which as of 0900 GMT Tuesday has registered more than 180,000 confirmed infections and over 7,000 deaths. Keszierska said her team's research was "an important step in understanding recovery from COVID-19. "We have verifiable results in more patients with moderate disease. Now we can ask the question: what is different or missing in people who are fatally ill?" She said the findings had two practical applications. First, it will help virologists develop a vaccine because the goal in vaccination is to replicate the body's natural immune response to viruses. The team identified four distinct immune-cell populations in the COVID-19 patient's blood as she underwent recovery. Kedzierska said these were "very similar to what we see in patients with influenza". Although it kills hundreds of thousands of people annually, a broadly effective vaccine exists against influenza. - Immunity 'markers' - The second practical application is screening, said Kedzierska. Their observations could also help health authorities make better predictions in future disease outbreaks about who is most at risk. These immune system "markers" could in theory predict with greater accuracy which patients are likely to have mild symptoms and which are at risk of dying. The majority of COVID-19 deaths occur in patients who are elderly or have existing medical conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. Children, on the other hand, appear to show few or no symptoms. Kedzierska said more research was needed to work out why, but the immune system does naturally slow down as people age. Sharon Lewin, director of the Doherty Institute and one of the world's leading infectious diseases experts, told AFP that the study results were promising. "It shows that the body makes a very good and powerful immune response to virus and it is associated with symptom clearing," she said. "Hopefully now we can fish out those antibodies and grow them up to scale," she said. Authors of the study, say it is the first time experts have mapped the body's general immune response to the new disease. To provide for a quality medical education system in homoeopathy and to promote Indian systems of medicines, Union Minister Sripad Yesso Naik on Tuesday tabled two bills for consideration and passing in Rajya Sabha. The Minister of State for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) tabled the bills in the Upper House that saw a thin attendance of members. The National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019 was introduced in Rajya Sabha on January 7, 2019. Later, it was sent to a standing committee, which submitted its report in November. The proposed legislation seeks to repeal the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 and provides for a medical education system to ensure availability of quality medical professionals of Indian System of Medicine, and adoption of the latest medical research, among other objectives. Another key features of the bill is setting up a National Commission for Indian System of Medicine. The second legislation, the National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019 too was introduced in January in the Upper House. It seeks to repeal the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. It too proposes to constitute a National Commission for Homoeopathy. It is proposed that the Commission, among things, will frame policies for regulating medical institutions and homoeopathic medical professionals, and assess the requirements of healthcare related human resources and infrastructure. L Hanumanthaiah of the Congress, participating in the debate on the Homoeopathy Bill stressed that once the legislation is enacted state governments should immediately form Homoeopathy Education Boards for a strict regulation and quality education. He said in order to ease the financial burden on students, provision should be made for admission of students in state institutes. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe of the BJP emphasised the need to revive the ancient practices for medicine and said Ayurveda is an important part of "soft power" demonstrated by India. He also stressed the need for chronicling important documents for Ayurveda students in order to facilitate their research and education. Ayurveda facilities should also be introduced in Parliament for members, he said and added at present it has become a tendency to mock and look down upon some practices, including "gaumutra", but instead more research is required in this field to find out medicinal properties. Supporting the two bills, Manas Ranjan Bhunia of the All India Trinamool Congress called for adoption of an integrated medical therapy. Vijila Sathyananth of the AIADMK insisted that yoga and naturopathy should not be excluded from the purview of the bill. She suggested formation of six autonomous bodies for each of the Indian Systems of Medicine. The Upper House decided to take up further discussion on the bills for their consideration and passage on Wednesday. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) : As more instances of foreign tourists in Kerala being targeted over the coronavirus outbreak surfaced on Tuesday, state Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan warned of strict action on those taunting the visitors. "Inhumane acts cannot be allowed and strong action will be taken," Vijayan told reporters after a review meeting of COVID-19 here. Referring to the incidents of two tourists from Kannur being denied food and place to stay, a Spanish national being asked by other passengers to disembark from a bus and a French woman and her three-year-old son facing difficulty in finding food and accommodation, Vijayan said these were "shameful acts". "The attitude of certain people towards foreigners is not right. It is not their mistake that the coronavirus is spreading. In the state too, many have been infected," he said. There is a need to strengthen the tourism sector and if the visitors have such bad experiences, it would affect the state's reputation, he said adding such inhumane acts cannot be allowed and government would take stringent action against those indulging in such behaviour. "They (foreigners) are also humans. We cannot allow such inhuman acts in our state", Vijayan said. Two tourists had to go without a morsel of food for four days after hotels in Kannur allegedly refused to serve them any and they did not get place to stay. The foreigners - a man and and a woman - were seen crying out of hunger on the wayside by locals in Payyannur in north Kerala town of Kannur following which the police and local authorities extended them a helping hand. The French and Italian nationals later said they had reached Kannur on March 11 but had not got any food for the last four days and had been starving. They said they wandered here and there and knocked at the door of many hotels and restaurants for food but no one helped them. Seeing the plight of the visitors, police and Payyannur civic body authorities bought them food and shifted them to Thalassery taluk hospital. The tourists, who reached Kerala after visiting Mumbai, Goa and Madurai, had no symptom of the coronavirus, authorities said. While hotels and resorts are denying foreigners rooms, restaurants are reluctant to give them food in many places even in well-known tourist destinations. Local people even chased them away out of fear of the spread of the virus and tried to evict them forcefully from public buses, the visitors complained. In another incident, a French couple, who reached Kannur from the highrange Wayand on a state-run KSRTC bus, had to face the wrath of co-passengers. Some local passengers, who got frightened seeing the foreigners, didn't allow the bus to proceed further. A number of passengers even got out of the bus due to the presence of the French couple. The bus was later taken to Kannur Town police station, from where the couple were shifted to the district hospital for observation. The couple, who reached the southern state on March 2 via Dubai, had no symptom of the virus in the preliminary examination, police said. In Kochi, police extended a helping hand to a 27- year-old French woman Desmazure and her three-year-old Tao on Monday. Police traced the woman, who had lost her purse and had no money, based on the information of local people that a foreigner and child were roaming around the city amid the coronavirus threat. Their trouble began after an enquiry by local health officials found that she had also been to Varkala, from where an Italian tourist had tested positive. She was taken to a hospital and found she had no symptoms. As she had no money, she was forced to spend the night at the hospital corridor all night. Though a room was provided later, it was not clean and was full of cobwebs and mosquitoes. The police later helped her to contact the French Consulate in Puducherry to arrange money and to go Delhi via train. She was also given a 'no coronavirus' certificate by the doctors before departing from the state, they added. Meanwhile, DGP Loknath Behera said police would ensure accommodation to the foreigners finding it difficult to get it. Local police officials were asked to inform the tourism department about such tourists in distress. Twentyfour people, including two foreigners, have tested positive far for the virus so far in the state. This is besides, the three medical students from Wuhan, India's first three cases, who were treated and cured. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Pakistan on Tuesday reported the first coronavirus death, while the number of confirmed cases increased to 193 with the emergence of 10 new infections, the Ministry of National Health Services announced. According to the Ministry, the victim had recently returned from Iran was brought in a critical condition to the Mayo hospital in Lahore on Monday night, reports The News International. The patient was kept in an intensive care unit (ICU), however, there was no ventilator there. Meanwhile, the 10 new cases were reported in Sindh and Punjab provinces, the Ministry added. Sindh province was the worst hit in the country with 155 confirmed cases. In South Asia, India has reported three coronavirus cases. Under Gov. Wolfs statewide shutdown of nonessential businesses across Pennsylvania theres probably not a single museum open if you did want to venture out into a world altered by coronavirus for a break from confinement in your home. Even if the kids, home from school for the next two weeks at least, need it. But here are a dozen virtual museum experiences from a variety of museums across Pennsylvania. The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, offers multiple online exhibits, including Penns Treaty, which looks at the firm league of peace Pennsylvanias founder William Penn established with the Native Americans through the collection of art, artifacts and documents in the collection donated to the museum by Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin. The virtual tour Valley Forge National Historical Park, Valley Forge, the site of a turning point in the American Revolution illustrates life during the Valley Forge winter through the parks collections and the headquarters occupied by General George Washington and his officers during the encampment. The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg, provides several 360-degree virtual tours of equipment in the collection, from Pennsylvania Railroad steam locomotives to Pullman club-restaurant-sleep cars. CORONAVIRUS CASES IN PA. Hover your mouse or tap a county to see the exact number of cases per county. Municipalities, when known, are indicated by a blue pin. Tapping the pin will tell you what we know about the case. Among the virtual tours offered by the Heinz History Center, Pittsburgh, is Toys of the 50s, 60s and 70s, including all the old favorites like Barbie, Matchbox vehicles, Gumby, that mechanical monkey clapping cymbals and many, many others. The Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, provides Beyond the Battlefield: A Virtual Field Trip hosted by Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived series of childrens historical fiction novels that includes artifacts and documents from the Revolutionary War. The National Toy Train Museum, Strasburg, has an entire library of videos shot from the engine cabs of many of the toy trains in the collection as they race along the track layouts of the museum. Birthplace of the American Revolution, the Betsy Ross House, Philadelphia, takes a virtual into the sights and sounds of the 18th century and inspiration that went into the Stars and Stripes. The Penn State All-Sports Museum, University Park, offers a virtual tour through Google Maps, including a glimpse at each of the museums exhibits. The amazing collection of more than 50,000 pre-industrial tools from 60 different crafts and trades displayed throughout a six-story reinforced concrete castle is the focus of the Mercer Museum, Doylestown, virtual tour. The Frick, Pittsburgh, offers seven virtual tours ranging from pastel works by Jean-Francois Millet to fashion from the Gilded Age. Text PennLive to 717-745-7532 to sign up to have breaking news and essential updates about the coronavirus delivered right to your mobile device. Data and messaging rates may apply. The virtual tour of the American Treasure Tour Museum, Oaks, offers a glimpse into the collection of collections housed in a former tire factory, ranging from beautifully restored self-playing orchestra to hordes of life-size clown statues and stuffed animals from carnivals and promotional campaigns to decades worth of movie posters. Get a taste of Pennsylvanias lumbering heritage Pennsylvanias in a virtual tour of the exhibits and 10-acre campus, including a re-creation of an early 20th century lumber camp in a virtual tour of the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum, Ulysses. Full coronavirus coverage: Thanks for visiting PennLive. Quality local journalism has never been more important. We need your support. Not a subscriber yet? Please consider supporting our work. Contact Marcus Schneck at Kolkata, March 17 : The first confirmed case of coronavirus (Covid-19) was detected in West Bengal on Tuesday with a youth, who had returned from the UK, testing positive for the disease. The youth has been admitted to the state's referral hospital for infectious diseases, the ID Hospital, Beliaghata. His family members and driver have been quarantined. The youth reportedly returned from the UK on March 15 after attending a birthday party there. A number of guests at the party are under the risk of contracting the disease. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shoppers around the world stood in long lines, waiting to buy essentials like toilet paper, pasta, bottled water, medicine and masks as a worsening coronavirus crisis stoked fears of shortages. A view of supermarket shelves starting to empty out as the country is hit by an outbreak of coronavirus disease in Brussels, Belgium. As of Monday night, total number of the patients infected with the new coronavirus surged to 1,058. The virus has claimed five lives in Belgium so far. Photograph: Johanna Geron/Reuters A shopper looks through a near-empty shelf at a supermarket in Amsterdam as people hoard food because of the coronavirus outbreak, Netherlands. The Dutch government decided on Sunday to lockdown the country after holding crisis meetings. The Dutch National Institute for Public Health said the number of infections had risen by 176 to 1,135 on Sunday. Photograph: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters Customers shop inside a wholesale store as El Salvador puts in measures due to coronavirus disease concerns, in San Salvador. Photograph: Jose Cabezas/Reuters A sign informing customers about a restriction on the number of allowed packets of toilet roll is seen on a shelf inside a Morrisons supermarket in Liverpool, Britain. UK retailers have reminded customers to be considerate in their shopping, so that others are not left without much-needed items. It comes after some shops began rationing the sales of certain products to avoid them selling out completely. Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters A supermarket shelf with canned lentil and pea stew is seen partly empty and not yet refilled, following panic buying over the weekend due to coronavirus, in Bad Honnef near Bonn, Germany. Photograph: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters Empty shelves are seen after customers stocked up on toilet paper during swirling fears around the coronavirus in a grocery store in Sydney, Australia. Photograph: Jaimi Joy/Reuters People wearing protective masks, following an outbreak of coronavirus, queue to purchase toilet paper and tissues at a drug store in Tokyo, Japan. Photograph: Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters People wearing masks to prevent contracting the coronavirus wait in a line to buy masks in front of a department store in Seoul, South Korea. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters A staff sits behind the counter with a notice reading "face masks sold out for today, up to 10 masks limit per purchase from tomorrow 8.30 a.m.", at a pharmacy store, as China is hit by an outbreak of the new coronavirus, in Shanghai, China. Photograph: Cheng Leng/Reuters China sends first batch of medical aid to Serbia to help fight COVID-19 BELGRADE, March 16 (Xinhua) -- The first batch of medical aid from China to Serbia has arrived in Belgrade over the weekend to help fight the COVID-19. The Serbian government said in a press release on Monday that the shipment included 1,000 rapid test kits manufactured by the Shenzhen-based BGI Genomics, which were donated by the Chinese humanitarian organization Mammoth Foundation. The assistance action was coordinated by the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, in cooperation with the Serbian government. The test kits arrived here on Sunday night and have been distributed to the national laboratory overnight. According to Xiong Tao, vice president of the BGI global development, the test kits can provide results within three hours. "We are convinced that with the help of our Chinese friends, with their expertise and experience, we will be able to successfully cope with the COVID-19 and that Serbia will emerge from this battle as a winner," the government said in the press release. So far there are 57 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Serbia, and 316 people have been tested. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Sunday announced a state of emergency in the country to suppress the outbreak of coronavirus. Speaking at the presidency building after meeting government members and medical experts, Vucic revealed that measures within the state of emergency will include closure of schools and kindergartens, while hospitals will be secured by the army. Vucic said that foreigners won't be allowed to enter Serbia, while all returnees will be quarantined no matter where they are from. All arriving Serbian citizens will be quarantined for at least 14 days, while those from infection hotbeds for 28 days. According to the president, "the only ones allowed will be Chinese doctors" who were asked to come to help treat patients in upcoming days. Croatian police said Tuesday that a total of 711 trucks in 15 convoys have passed through the country as part of organised transit cargo traffic designed to avoid long lines forming at the borders because of checkups over the new coronavirus. The convoys pass straight through the countries, escorted by police and without stopping. Croatian police said they enter the country at the border with Slovenia after arriving there from Italy. First such convoys were established last week among several countries in the region, after border measures virtually halted traffic, forming huge lines and forcing people to wait for more than 24 hours in some instances. Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 16, 2020) - GoviEx Uranium Inc. (TSXV: GXU) (OTCQB: GVXXF) ("GoviEx" or "Company") today announces that it has cancelled the second tranche of the non-brokered private placement offering of units ("Units") announced February 13, 2020 (the "Private Placement"). "The last two weeks have seen staggering volatility and devaluation in all sectors of the international equity markets and increasing economic uncertainty as governments and investors address the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. GoviEx announced on February 13, 2020, the successful close of the first tranche of the Private Placement, subject to final TSX Venture Exchange approval, for gross proceeds of approximately C$2.3 million based on the Private Placement offer price of C$0.15 per Unit. However, the recent drastic and rapid devaluation of the equity market has resulted in a significant gap between the original Private Placement offering price and the Company's currrent and prevailing market share price, and consequently, the Company has decided to cancel the second tranche of the Private Placement currently underway and to wait for markets to settle before returning to the market for future financing. We remain firm in our resolve to weather these challenging times as we continue to believe in the strong underlying fundamentals of the uranium and nuclear industry, and deep value in GoviEx's asset base", noted the Company's Executive Chairman, Govind Friedland. GoviEx intends to proceed with the planned updated pre-feasibility ("PFS") study for the Madaouela project in Niger, by end of May 2020. The PFS is targeting areas that are believed to reduce both operating and capital costs relative to the current technical report on the Madaouela Project(1), while at the same time reduce technical risk, with a focus on improving overall project economics. Notes: 1. See: An independent NI 43-101 technical report was prepared for the Madaouela Project in 2015 to a prefeasibility level of confidence. The report titled "An Updated Integrated Development Plan for the Madaouela Project, Niger" has an effective date of August 11, 2015, and a revision date of August 20, 2015, and is available at GoviEx's profile on SEDAR at Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. About GoviEx Uranium GoviEx is a mineral resource company focused on the exploration and development of uranium properties in Africa. GoviEx's principal objective is to become a significant uranium producer through the continued exploration and development of its flagship mine-permitted Madaouela Project in Niger, its mine-permitted Mutanga Project in Zambia, and its other uranium properties in Africa. Information Contacts Govind Friedland, Executive Chairman Daniel Major, Chief Executive Officer +1-604-681-5529 Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All information and statements other than statements of current or historical facts contained in this news release are forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed here and elsewhere in GoviEx's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. When used in this news release, words such as "will", "could", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "potential", "should," and similar expressions, are forward- looking statements. Information provided in this document is necessarily summarized and may not contain all available material information. Forward-looking statements include those with respect to the timing and of the completion of the PFS and the beneficial effects of the areas to be targeted by the PFS, and receipt of final TSX Venture Exchange approval. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Such assumptions, which may prove incorrect, include the following: (i) the price of uranium will remain sufficiently high and the costs of advancing the Company's mining projects sufficiently low so as to permit GoviEx to implement its business plans in a commercially-viable manner and (ii) receipt of TSX Venture Exchange final approval of the Private Placement. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations include (i) the failure of the Company's projects, for technical, logistical, labour-relations, or other reasons; (ii) not receiving TSX Ventyure Exchange final approval of the Private Placement; (iii) an increase in the costs or time necessary to complete the PFS; (iv) the failure of the PFS to produce the reduction in operating or capital costs, or of technical risk; (v) a decrease in the price of uranium below what is necessary to sustain the Company's operations; (vi) an increase in the Company's operating costs above what is necessary to sustain its operations; (vii) accidents, labour disputes, or the materialization of similar risks; (viii) a deterioration in capital market conditions that prevents the Company from raising the funds it requires on a timely basis; and (ix) generally, the Company's inability to develop and implement a successful business plan for any reason. In addition, the factors described or referred to in the section entitled "Financial Risks and Management Objectives" in the MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018, of GoviEx, which is available on the SEDAR website at, should be reviewed in conjunction with the information found in this news release. Although GoviEx has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, there can be other factors that cause results, performance, or achievements not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate or that management's expectations or estimates of future developments, circumstances, or results will materialize. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking information in this news release will transpire or occur, or, if any of them do so, what benefits that GoviEx will derive therefrom. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this news release are made as of the date of this news release, and GoviEx disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise such information, except as required by applicable law. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available. Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States To view the source version of this press release, please visit Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Arya Dipa (The Jakarta Post) Bandung Tue, March 17, 2020 13:55 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b3bb6c 1 National COVID-19,West-Java,Cianjur Free The West Java Health Agency said it only discovered later that a patient who died while being treated in a hospital in Cianjur had tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus. Agency head Berli Hamdani Gelung Sakti said the patient, who was identified as a 50-year-old male employee of a state-owned enterprise, was treated at Dr. Hafiz General Hospital in Cianjur on March 1 after showing COVID-19 symptoms. He died two days later in the hospital. Berli explained that the patient was admitted to the Cianjur hospital after being treated at Mitra Keluarga Hospital in West Bekasi from Feb. 22 to 26. His health had kept deteriorating and he died before he could be transferred to Hasan Sadikin Hospital, a referral hospital for the disease, in Bandung. At that time, the governments spokesperson for the COVID-19 outbreak, Achmad Yurianto, denied the patient died from the disease. However, a widely circulated picture on social media revealed that the late patient had actually tested positive for the virus. We later confirmed it [again] to the central government and the result is indeed positive, Berli said on Monday. He added that the patient had visited his relatives in Cianjur after he was discharged from Mitra Keluarga Hospital. Berli said he could not explain the conflicting information on the patient since the testing was conducted by officials from the Health Ministry. The previous tests showed that the patient was negative for COVID-19. The hospital workers in Cianjur only observed the process, Berli said. The Cianjur case was the latest evidence of the governments sluggish testing mechanism that had resulted in uninformed health workers and local officials handling a COVID-19-positive case. In Denpasar, Bali, a 53-year-old woman, known as Case 25, who became the first fatality from the disease in the country, was treated at hospital without officials being told her health condition. Only after her death was announced were local officials informed about the patients status. Read also: Bali authorities in the dark as COVID-19 patient dies on resort island Berli said he only received information from Yurianto. The [Cianjur] hospital workers said they [ministry officers] twice took samples from the patient when he was still using breathing support, Berli added. Separately, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said he referred to the test results from the Health Ministrys Health Research and Development Agency upon announcing the patients COVID-19 status. The government said he had tested negative at that time, but the result became positive because Mr. Yurianto said the test needs to be conducted twice. Patients could be exposed to the virus even when they were already declared healthy. That was the explanation they gave me, Ridwan said. The patients wife and children also tested positive for the disease. The patients wife and children tested positive, while he underwent examination twice. It was negative at first and turned positive after the second test, Ridwan said. (dpk) CANNON FALLS -- Richard Samuelson served on the Goodhue County Board for 20 years and, before that, 10 years on the countys Planning Advisory Commission. He made a lot of friends On Friday, March 13, Samuelson died from cancer. Dan Rechtzigel is a teacher at Kenyon-Wanamingo High School. He served on the County Board with Samuelson. "Richard was a true gentleman and public servant," Rechtzigel said. "He always put the needs and interests of the people of Goodhue County first. He was always very fair and willing to listen to other points of view. What I really admired about Richard was his passion for planning for the future. He was significantly older than me, but he cared just as much about what Goodhue County would look like in 50 years. He was both a colleague and a friend." Scott Arneson, Goodhue Countys administrator. wrote about Samuelson: ADVERTISEMENT "Richard was a very special friend and public servant that will be remembered for his dedication to good government and public service with specific accomplishments in transportation, parks, trails, and health and human services. His specific accomplishments on Highway 52, Lake Byllesby Park, Cannon Valley Trail and innovation in health and human services will have long term impacts for Goodhue County." Jim Bryant also served on the Goodhue County Board with Samuelson. He said the two became friends. "Richard had a strong passion for transportation. He was easy to approach and had a calm demeanor about himself. He was always willing to listen and stand up for what he felt was right and needed," Bryant said. "He kept the whole county in mind when making a decision. He was a strong supporter of not standing still and keeping the county going forward. While on the board and during his multiple terms as Goodhue County Boards president, Samuelson represented District 2, which includes Cannon Falls. Brad Anderson won the District 2 seat after Samuelson retired. "Richards legacy in Goodhue County is far reaching with transportation, health and human services, the county fair, parks and trails and the Adult Detention Center construction," Anderson said. "Many at the Association of Minnesota County events to this day ask about Richard, his leadership on transportation issues at the state level was well respected. I knew following Richard in representing District 2 there would be big shoes to fill, after five plus years they are still extremely loose fitting. We should all aspire to be a true leader like him, he will be missed by many." COLUMBIA The S.C. Senate will meet this week but only to take up legislation that gives the state's public health agency access to $45 million to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. If the measure gains the necessary approvals Tuesday, the Senate will not meet again for at least the rest of the week, Senate President Harvey Peeler said Monday. The House plans to approve the bill Thursday, said House Speaker Jay Lucas. Gov. Henry McMaster has asked legislators to pass a bill letting the state Department of Health and Environmental Control dip into state reserves. The Senate Finance Committee is expected to advance the legislation Tuesday morning after questioning DHEC officials about their response to the outbreak and how the agency came up with the $45 million figure. The agency has said that's the amount needed in a worst-case scenario. The full Senate would then debate the bill Tuesday afternoon. The agency's breakdown for the request includes $15 million for personal protective equipment for DHEC staff, $15 million for additional staffing and overtime, $5 million for lab and cleaning supplies and other staff needs, $2.5 million to educate the public, $1.7 million to quarantine poor people and $1.4 million for transporting lab samples. Both the committee meeting and floor debate will be broadcast live on the Legislature's website, Senators are asking the public, including lobbyists and reporters, to watch online and not attend in person. While most people who contract the new coronavirus strain, officially called COVID-19, suffer mild symptoms, it can be fatal. The elderly and people with underlying health problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease are most susceptible to developing complications, state and federal health officials say. Ten of the Senate's 46 members are at least 70 years old, automatically putting them in the high-risk category. Senate Finance Chairman Hugh Leatherman, R-Florence, is the chamber's oldest member at 88. Peeler, 71, said he's not particularly worried about himself. "Im reasonably healthy," said the Gaffney Republican. "Im more concerned about the elderly and folks at risk." South Carolina's first death from the new coronavirus strain, reported Monday, was an elderly resident of a nursing home in Lexington County, according to DHEC. The state House was scheduled to take the entire week off after passing its $10 billion state spending plan on Wednesday. But Lucas called representatives back for a limited session Thursday afternoon to take up the emergency measure. No decisions have been made about next week's session. All public schools are closed until at least March 31, as per McMaster's orders on Sunday. He also urged against any gatherings, indoors or outside, of 100 or more people but fell short of banning them. The number of COVID-19 cases in the state rose to 33 on Monday. So far, 344 people have been tested for the virus, according to DHEC. Ringwood police station was closed on Tuesday night after an on-duty officer was told they had been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. A statement from Victoria Police posted to Facebook early Wednesday morning said the station, in Melbourne's east, was professionally cleaned overnight and had now reopened. Loading "The officer involved has self-isolated," police said. - Draws Down Capacity on Revolving Line of Credit - - Terminates Trading Plan - SPARTANBURG, S.C., March 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dennys Corporation (DENN), franchisor and operator of one of America's largest franchised full-service restaurant chains, today announced that the Company has secured additional funding through its revolving credit facility to provide enhanced financial flexibility in light of uncertain market conditions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Company has terminated its limited pre-arranged stock trading plan, effective today. No shares had yet been purchased under this plan at the time of termination. The plan had been established for the purpose of repurchasing a limited number of shares of the Companys common stock between March 16, 2020 and April 30, 2020, through an independent broker in accordance with the guidelines specified under Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Companys policies regarding stock transactions. Given the dynamic and evolving economic conditions throughout the United States and the world, the Company expects consolidated results to be materially affected for the second quarter and full year of fiscal 2020. The Company will update its guidance when it can reasonably estimate the impact of the coronavirus and the changing conditions. About Dennys Corporation Denny's Corporation is the franchisor and operator of one of America's largest franchised full-service restaurant chains, based on the number of restaurants. As of December 25, 2019, Dennys had 1,703 franchised, licensed, and company restaurants around the world including 144 restaurants in Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, the Philippines, New Zealand, Honduras, the United Arab Emirates, Costa Rica, Guam, Guatemala, the United Kingdom, El Salvador, Aruba, and Indonesia. For further information on Denny's, including news releases, links to SEC filings, and other financial information, please visit the Denny's investor relations website at . Investor Contact: Curt Nichols 877-784-7167 Media Contact: Hadas Streit, Allison+Partners 646-428-0629 Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Norman Harsono (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17, 2020 13:43 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b37b5d 1 Business fuel-price,gasoline,crude-oil-price,price-war,pertamina,shell,total,coronavirus,COVID-19,purchasing-power Free Indonesia has revoked the price floor for unsubsidized gasoline and diesel as the government expects falling global oil prices to push down retail costs, but distributors look less likely to drastically cut prices with some already providing discounts. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry issued on Feb. 28 Ministerial Decree No. 62/2020 that erases a price floor for gasoline and diesel set by a previous decree, providing flexibility for distributors to reduce prices as low as possible. The new decree still maintains a price ceiling for such fuels pegged to prices in Singapore. The governments position is to protect the peoples purchasing power and ensure business continuity, said the energy ministrys acting oil and gas director general, Ego Syahrial, on Monday, as we are facing a sudden fluctuation in crude prices. Global crude oil prices plunged this year as the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has hurt global demand and triggered a price war between major oil exporting countries. The international Brent oil price benchmark almost halved its value to below US$30.50 on Tuesday, from around $50.10 at the start of the year. Ego said on March 10 that the government would make the most of low global crude prices by increasing imports without swelling the countrys trade deficit. The government said it expected Indonesias top oil company, state-owned Pertamina, to buy as much oil as it can, preferably under long-term purchasing contracts, while global prices sit at a four-year low. Read also: We have many tanks to fill: Indonesia to make the most out of globally low oil prices Oil and gas imports, which reached $1.75 billion in February, up 10.7 percent from the same month last year, remained a key vulnerability for Southeast Asias largest economy. The month in which the Energy Ministry issued the new decree saw Indonesian crude prices (ICP) fall by 13.42 percent month-to-month (mtm) to $56.61 per barrel in February because of slowed economic activity from the worlds second largest economy. Global crude oil prices fell about 30 percent on Monday last week after Saudi Arabia, the worlds largest oil exporter, slashed selling prices and planned to increase crude production next month, effectively starting a price war between oil exporting countries. While Pertamina president director Nicke Widyawati echoed government sentiment over increasing crude oil imports, a separate company representative did not immediately comment, explicitly, on plans to lower fuel prices. Pertamina has executed and complied with the ministerial decree in question, said Pertamina spokeswoman Fajriyah Usman on Monday. A representative from the Netherlands-based Shell Indonesia oil company also did not elaborate on plans to lower fuel prices. Shell is committed to complying with regulations and collaborating with the government and all stakeholders over this issue, said Shell's vice president of external relations, Rhea Sianipar. Both companies had lowered fuel prices earlier this year after the energy ministry issued on Dec. 26 Ministerial Decree No. 187/2019 a regulation revoked by the new decree that tightened the minimum and maximum prices for fuel. Read also: Pertamina again lowers Pertamax prices to promote nonsubsidized fuel Afterwards, in early January in Greater Jakarta, retail fuel prices were reportedly lower at Shell and Total gas stations by up to 15.71 percent and 15.8 percent, respectively, for certain fuels. In comparison, Pertamina reduced its Pertamax and Pertamax Turbo brand gasolines by 8.7 percent to Rp 9,000 per liter and 12.1 percent to Rp 9,850 per liter, respectively. YEREVN. We have had many telephone conversations, participated in discussions with EEU countries, participated in discussions organized by the World Health Organization by telephone. We have spoken to the ambassadors of countries that were of direct interest to us in the regional and epidemic contexts. Lena Nanushyan, Deputy Minister of Health of Armenia, stated this at a press conference today, referring to international cooperation toward the prevention of coronavirus. "We carry out [respective] work on a daily basis," she said. "To get new information and if necessary, if it is effective and can be applied in Armenia, then to apply [it] in our country as well." According to her, they also work with the Health and Labor Inspectorate Body of Armenia. "Work is carried out to detect, hospitalize patients who are running a fever at the state border crossing points [of the country]," she noted. "The Nork infectious disease hospital [in Yerevan] has been separated and re-profiled as a clinic only for the treatment of patients with coronavirus." Nanushyan added that to date more than 700 coronavirus tests have been conducted in Armenia. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Made Anthony Iswara (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17 2020 The government needs to further simplify import procedures for basic needs such as sugar, meat and garlic to ensure sufficient supplies during Ramadan and the Idul Fitri holidays, when demand increases sharply, analysts and businesspeople have warned. The tightening of import procedures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from abroad has partly caused shortages in commodities such as sugar and garlic. The government has repeatedly claimed it could meet demand during the festivities. But Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) researcher Rusli Abdullah has expressed doubt over such claims, citing soaring sugar prices. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,000/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login A federal senator has been diagnosed with coronavirus after attending a wedding where seven guests caught the disease. Andrew Bragg, a Liberal Senator for New South Wales, announced he tested positive in a Twitter post on Tuesday afternoon. He likely caught the deadly infection at the wedding of Scott Maggs, 37, and Emma Metcalf, 36, at the Tumbling Waters Retreat, south of Sydney on 6 March. He likely caught the deadly infection at the wedding of Scott Maggs, 37, and Emma Metcalf, 36, at the Tumbling Waters Retreat, south of Sydney on 6 March. Pictured: The wedding Andrew Bragg (pictured), a Liberal Senator for New South Wales, attended a wedding on 6 March at which several guests caught the virus When the couple were on their honeymoon they were told two guests had the illness and this number quickly rose to six - and now seven - cases. New South Wales Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant believes that number will rise to 12. Mr Bragg is the third federal politician to be diagnosed with the virus. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton was released from hospital today after recovering and LNP Senator Susan McDonald is in self-isolation. Parliament is being scaled back next week to reduce the risk of infection spreading - with only 90 MPs sitting in the House of Representatives. Mr Maggs has said he was devastated that guests at his wedding caught coronavirus. 'We were completely gutted when we first found out and we really wanted our friends to be safe and for them to be well. I couldnt really think past that,' he told Yahoo. 'It was the best day of our lives and we wanted it to be remembered for the right reasons. It was the perfect weekend except for this.' Among the guests who believe they contracted the illness at the wedding are Sally Hawach, the daughter of advertising guru John Singleton, and her lawyer husband Pierre Hawach. When the couple (pictured) were on their honeymoon they were told two guests had the illness and this number quickly rose to six - and now seven - cases The couple is now in quarantine in their Hills District home, in Sydney's north west, where Mrs Hawach is 30 weeks pregnant with their third child. Mrs Hawach said she had not seen her father since she attended the wedding on March 6, so 'fortunately' he was OK. The bride and groom have contacted all their guests, most of whom were from Sydney, informing them they may need to be tested if they are displaying symptoms. Health authorities have also been trying to track all guests down to inform them of the isolation protocol. Mr Maggs, who founded of the charity Beard Season, shared with his followers that all their overseas guests were 'in good health and doing superbly'. 'Em and I hope you're all doing well, staying safe and looking after each other.' Anyone who has been in close contact with a confirmed and showing symptoms must get tested for the deadly virus and self-isolate until their results come back. Meanwhile, Queensland state MP Nick Dametto has been tested after suffering symptoms and is awaiting results. He met Senator Susan McDonald, who has tested positive, at the North Queensland Agribusiness Futures Forum in Townsville last Thursday. T he brother of the Manchester Arena bomber who killed and maimed hundreds of people as they left an Ariana Grande concert is facing the rest of his life behind bars today (tues). Hashem Abedi, 22, plotted with older brother Salman to detonate a homemade explosive packed with shrapnel in a crowded place, hoping to murder as many people as possible. The extremist brothers bought huge amounts of chemicals online for their bomb, and met with a convicted ISIS terrorist as they plotted the atrocity. Salman, 22, was the one who carried out the attack, blowing himself up in the foyer of the arena as concertgoers including many young children streamed for the exits and to meet their parents. Hashem Abedi in the dock at the Old Bailey / PA Twenty two people, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed in the attack on May 22, 2017, and around 1,000 concertgoers were left physically and mentally scarred. Hashem Abedi was in Libya with his family when the bomb went off, but was today found guilty at the Old Bailey of 22 counts of murder, attempted murder, and a charge of conspiracy to cause explosions. Mr Justice Jeremy Baker will consider imposing a whole life prison term on Abedi, who is now guilty of the deadliest terrorist attack on UK soil since the 7/7 London bombings. The scene close to the Manchester Arena after the terror attack / PA Schoolgirl Saffie Rose Roussos, 8, was the youngest victim to die in the attack, after an evening with her sister and mother Lisa watching her favourite popstar. Her mother was also badly hurt in the blast and spent six weeks in a coma, waking up to the devastating news that her young daughter had not survived. The other victims killed in the carnage were: off-duty police officer Elaine McIver, 43, schoolchildren Sorrell Leczkowski, Eilidh MacLeod, Nell Jones, all 14, Olivia Campbell-Hardy and Megan Hurley, both 15, student Georgina Callander, 18, Chloe Rutherford,17, and her boyfriend Liam Curry, 19, Courtney Boyle, 19, and her step-father Philip Tron, 32, John Atkinson, 26, Martyn Hett, 29, Kelly Brewster, 32, Angelika Klis, 39, Marcin Klis, 42, Michelle Kiss, 45, Alison Howe, 45, Lisa Lees, 43, Wendy Fawell, 50 and Jane Tweddle, 51. Manchester Arena Terror Attack: Victims 1 /21 Manchester Arena Terror Attack: Victims Nell Jones, 14, who died in the Manchester attack PA Jane Tweddle, 50 of Blackpool, was also killed 'Inseperable couple' Chloe Rutherford, 17, and Liam Curry, 19 Scottish teenager Eilidh MacLeod, 14, was confirmed to have been killed in the blast PA Michelle Kiss died in the blast. Her family have said they are "absolutely devastated" PA Saffie-Rose Roussos eight, from Lancashire, had been at the concert with her mother and sister when she was killed in the blast Wendy Fawell died in the attack Collect Olivia Campbell, 15, is also confirmed among the dead after a desperate search to find her Ariana Grande superfan Georgina Callander, 18, was one of the first victims to be named Lisa Lees and Alison Howe were killed while waiting in the foyer to collect their children Facebook Kelly Brewster died shielding her niece from the blast John Atkinson, 26, was also killed in the suicide blast Polish couple Angelika and Marcin Klis are confirmed among the dead in the Manchester attack Credit: Family photograph Victim: Martyn Hett has been confirmed as one of those killed in the attack Confirmed dead: 14-year-old Sorrell Leczowski Facebook Victim: Elaine McIver, an off-duty police officer Greater Manchester Police The Abedi brothers spent months concocting the mass murder plan, using the bank accounts and email addresses of their friends to purchase chemicals online while pretending they was for household use and car batteries. They used their mothers 550-a-week benefit payments, which she continued to receive after she left the UK for Libya, to buy tools and equipment, and Salman Abedi set up a safe house in a remote part of Manchester as he finalised the plot. The trial also heard how Salman Abedi had visited convicted terror plotter Abdalraouf Abdallah in prison four months before the bombing, and both brothers had been seen with the extremist before he had been locked up. Abdallah, who was left paralysed after being shot during the 2011 Libyan uprising, had been caught sending money to his ISIS fighter brother, and he used his Manchester home as a hub to pass on useful information for terrorists. The scene close to the Manchester Arena after the terror attack / PA A month before the concert bombing, the Abedi brother both flew back to Libya to be with their family, as friends noticed signs that both had become radicalised. Salman alone flew back to the UK to make the final preparations for the attack, selecting the famous concert hall as the target on a night that it was packed with almost 15,000 people. Hashem, who was extradited from Libya to face justice in the wake of the devastating attack, denied any knowledge of his brothers plot, suggesting he too had been conned by Salman into believing the bomb parts were simply for household use. But when the time came to explain himself, Hashem refused to give evidence at his trial, he stopped attending court, and sacked his legal team. He was absent from the dock today as the verdicts were delivered. Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Hashem Abedi / PA Wire/PA Images Abedi had been instrumental in buying a car to store the bomb, his fingerprints were found on improvised detonators and prototype explosive devices, and he and his brother had switched phones they were using at least ten times in the run-up to the bombing. He had also used the phrase we have come to slaughter when setting up an email account to buy chemicals. Detective Chief Superintendent Simon Barraclough, who led the police investigation, said he was sure Salman had received last minute inspiration from his brother by phone hours before the attack. If you look at these two brothers, they are not kids caught in the headlights of something they dont understand, he said. Salman Abedi after he got out of a taxi with his blue suitcase / PA These two men are the real deal, these are proper jihadis you do not walk into a space like the Manchester Arena and kill yourself with an enormous bomb like that, taking 22 innocent lives with you, if you are not a proper jihadist. He was with his brother throughout the entire process of making this explosive and building this bomb, I believe he provided encouragement right up to the end. This was all about the sick ideology of Islamic State and this desire for martyrdom. Jurors deliberated for less than five hours before convicting Abedi unanimously on all charges. Families of some of the victims were in court to hear the verdicts, breaking down in tears as the foreman answered guilty repeatedly. Victoria Higgins, from law firm Slater and Gordon, which represented 11 of the bereaved families, said after the verdicts: Families have waited a long time to see Hashem Abedi face justice for his crimes and I think the overwhelming emotion for most will be one of relief that he cannot hurt anyone else. It has been incredibly painful for them to hear, in detail, what happened to their loved ones and the calculated way in which the Abedi brothers plotted to end their lives. People are highly advised to stay at home for at least the next two weeks, said Mykola Povoroznyk, Deputy Head of Kyiv city state administration There are currently no medical masks in Ukraine; the local entrepreneurships are changing the setting in order to produce these masks. Mykola Povoroznyk, Deputy Head of Kyiv city state administration said so on air of 112 Ukraine TV channel. "There are no masks - nowhere. And there are none in Germany, in Austria, and there were none in China at some moment. One has to find a solution. The first and the best piece of advice is to stay home. Stay indoors over two weeks, against all odds, so as to stay away from danger and not to become a carrier of the disease", he said. According to the official, it especially concerns young people who are not considered vulnerable to the Chinese coronavirus but still could carry the illness. "Visiting their parents or other relatives, they could provoke a disease - which unfortunately, cannot be treated now in some cases", Povoroznyk said. He earlier said that starting from March 18, 2020, the passengers will be able to use public transport only wearing the facial masks. BEIRUT - A Lebanese military judge Tuesday appealed a verdict by the military tribunal that ordered the release of a Lebanese-American held since September on charges of working for an Israeli-backed militia two decades ago, state-run National News Agency said. Judge Ghassan Khoury asked the Military Court of Appeals to strike down an earlier ruling in favour of Amer Fakhoury and issue an arrest warrant against him. He asked that Fakhoury be put on trial again on charges of kidnapping, torturing and detaining Lebanese citizens as well as killing and attempting to kill others, according to NNA. On Monday, Fakhoury was ordered released because more than 10 years had passed since he allegedly tortured prisoners at a jail run by the so-called South Lebanon Army militia. Some local media reported that Fakhoury was released but there was no official confirmation. Later on Tuesday, a judge of urgent matters in the southern town of Nabatiyeh issued a ruling preventing Fakhoury from leaving Lebanon for two months. Judge Ahmad Mezhers decision came after a request filed by former inmates. Fakhoury, 57, is a former SLA member who became a U.S. citizen last year, and is now a restaurant owner in Dover, New Hampshire. His case has been closely followed in his home state of New Hampshire, where U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and other officials have called for imposing sanctions on Lebanon to pressure Beirut to release him. Tuesdays appeal came after an outcry in Lebanon over the verdict that ordered him released, including harsh criticism from by the powerful Hezbollah group that said the verdict to release Fakhoury came after American pressures and threats. This is a sad day for Lebanon and justice, Hezbollah said in a statement adding that the reputation of Lebanons judiciary was at stake. Riots also broke out in one of the countrys main prisons by detainees who demanded to be freed following the verdict against Fakhoury. Fakhoury has not been attending questioning sessions in Lebanon over the past few months after being hospitalized with stage 4 lymphoma cancer. Over the weekend, the Fakhoury family placed a sign on their restaurants door saying they anticipate reopening by early or mid-April, reported. Fakhoury has been jailed since Sept. 12 after returning to Lebanon on vacation to visit family. Lebanons intelligence service said he confessed during questioning to being a warden at Khiam Prison, which was run by the SLA during Israels 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon. Human rights groups have described the prison as a centre for torture. Fakhourys family and lawyer, however, say he had no direct contact with inmates and was never involved in any interrogation or torture. Lebanon and Israel have been officially at war since Israels creation in 1948. Lebanon bans its citizens from travelling to Israel or having contact with Israelis. Fakhourys lawyer and family say he fled Lebanon in 2001 through Israel and eventually to the United States because of death threats he and many other SLA members received after Israel ended its occupation of Lebanon in 2000. In February, Fakhoury was charged by a military judge with the murder and torture of inmates at Khiam Prison. Hundreds of former Lebanese members of the SLA militia had fled to Israel, fearing reprisals if they remained in Lebanon. Others stayed and faced trial, receiving lenient sentences. Texas is not making any moves to delay the May 26 primary runoff as of now, even as other states have opted to postpone elections. But election officials have had preliminary conversations about the potential of doing vote-by-mail ballots only for the runoffs, which would be a first in Texas history. Its a possible solution, state Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston, said Monday. He said the idea has been kicked around and could work because of how low the turnout typically is for runoffs in Texas. As a former elections official, he said he has no doubt Texas counties could get ballots to voters who wanted to vote by mail rather than risk going to large polling sites. The Texas Secretary of States Office, which oversees elections, would not confirm that it is exploring that possibility, only saying a lot of options are on the table. The virus has already pushed other states to do all mail ballots. In Wyoming, which was scheduled to vote in the presidential primary on April 4, in-person voting has been canceled in favor of a system of picking up and sending in ballots. In Wisconsin, the state elections commission is halting in-person voting assistance at nursing homes and instead is sending mail-in ballots to those facilities for their April 7 primary. In Illinois, which votes in the presidential primaries Tuesday, Gov. J.B. Pritzker is urging voters to cast ballots by mail rather than show up at the polls. More Information Who can vote by mail in Texas To be eligible to vote early by mail you must: be 65 years or older; be disabled; be out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance; or be confined in jail, but otherwise eligible. Source: Texas Secretary of State See More Collapse Other states have postponed primaries entirely. In Louisiana, election day has been moved from April 4 to June 20. In Georgia, the March 24 primary is now on May 19. Absentee voting by mail is allowed in Texas for some people but isnt very popular. In the March 4 primary, just 52,000 of 516,000 voters in Harris County cast ballots by mail. In order to vote by mail in the May 26 runoff, voters must submit an application by May 15 to their county elections office. Runoffs in Texas require that people who voted in one partys primary also vote in that partys runoff. So if someone voted in the Democratic Primary on March 3, they can only vote in the Democratic runoff on May 26 The big runoffs include the Texas Senate race in which Democrats MJ Hegar and Royce West finished first and second on March 3, but neither won 50 percent of the vote. In the 22nd Congressional District in Fort Bend and Harris counties, Sheriff Troy Nehls and GOP fundraiser Kathaleen Wall are battling in a Republican primary runoff. Texas is one of the few states that still requires an excuse to submit an absentee ballot, at least for voters younger than 65. At least 34 states already allow voters to cast ballots by mail. Four states Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington conduct elections completely by mail. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, has introduced legislation that would require every state to conduct Novembers election entirely by mail if a quarter of states declare a state of emergency from an infectious disease or natural disaster. The Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan law and policy institute based in New York City, has recommended all states expand vote-by-mail. In a memo released Monday, the organization said all voters should be offered the option to cast ballots by mail to assure voters can avoid lines at the polls and exposure to COVID-19. Voting rights advocacy groups have been leery of Texas pushing vote-by-mail too far because its system makes it too easy for voters ballots to be thrown out if elections officials decide a signature on a returned ballot doesnt look right. The Texas Civil Rights Project has warned that the ballots are not reviewed by experts but instead by everyday eligible voters who just eyeball signatures for irregularities. Those decisions are final and give voters no chance to prove a ballot was properly signed. The group has pushed for Texas to allow voters a chance to contest ballots rejected for a signature match issue. MADISON, Wis. - A Minnesota man of Somali descent who was convicted of opening fire on other Somalis will get a new trial after a detective improperly testified that Somalis often lie to police, a Wisconsin appeals court ruled Tuesday. Ahmed Farah Hirsi was charged with multiple counts of attempted homicide and recklessly endangering safety in the January 2014 car-to-car shooting at the Spirit Seller liquor store in Hudson, Wisconsin, just across the state line from the Twin Cities. A jury convicted Hirsi in 2015 and he was sentenced to 35 years in prison. According to court documents, the driver of Hirsis car testified in a plea deal that Hirsi pulled the trigger. But the victims who testified at trial said they either didnt see the shooter or that it wasnt Hirsi. The driver of the victims car testified that he told police that the man who shot him was still out there. Prosecutors called Tracy Henry, a detective from St. Paul, Minnesota, to the stand. Minnesota has the largest concentration of Somalis in America. Henry testified that in her experience Somalis dont trust police and prefer to handle disputes themselves. She added that Somali crime victims and witnesses tend to fabricate events to avoid retribution within their clans. Hirsi argued on appeal that the judge never should have allowed the detectives testimony because it impugns the credibility of another witness and it was improper because it was based on race or ethnicity. The 3rd District Court of Appeals agreed and ordered a new trial. The court ruled unanimously that the testimony violated legal rules that prohibit one witness from commenting about the truthfulness of another witness testimony. The racial and ethnic aspect of Henrys testimony raises heightened prejudice concerns, the court said. The relevance of group tendencies in predicting witness credibility is extraordinarily weak, the court said. This just underscores the danger of going into a courtroom and telling a jury that an entire ethnicity of people lies and its based on their culture, and using it to extrapolate that this individual is lying, Hirsis attorney, Cole Ruby, said. I dont know if insensitive is the word but its very dangerous. The state Department of Justice is handling the appeal on behalf of local prosecutors, as it does in almost all felony appeals. The agency could ask the state Supreme Court to overturn the appellate decision. DOJ spokeswoman Gillian Drummond said the department was reviewing the ruling. ___ Follow Todd Richmond on Twitter at STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Two months before Tierra Eddy was killed in an alleged vehicular assault following a chaotic dispute with her boyfriend in West Brighton, the couple held a funeral service for their baby girl, who died in the womb. She hadnt even gotten over the death of her baby, said Eddys mother, Leslie Connor, who spoke recently with the Advance/ We were working through that. Prosecutors filed an indictment against Eddys boyfriend, Jahfare Ford, 25, of Brooklyn, on Tuesday on charges of second-degree assault, vehicular assault, driving while intoxicated, reckless driving and reckless endangerment. An arraignment charge of second-degree manslaughter was not included in the indictment. Ford, who has no prior arrests on file with the NYPD, was held on $100,000 bond, or $50,000 bail. One of the first things Ford told authorities at the scene, according to the criminal complaint: Me and my daughters mother got into an argument. The tragedy came less than a year after Eddy, known affectionately as Tee-tee, graduated with a business degree from Berkeley College, and just weeks after she celebrated her 29th birthday with friends and family in Manhattan. My daughter was the girl that never wanted to miss a day of school, and if she got a B on her report card that was the end of the world," Connor said. Eddy, of West Brighton, served five years in the U.S. Navy before signing on as a healthcare worker at a hospital on Staten Island. She would have patients requesting her to draw their blood, because she had such a delicate hand, Connor said. Parents of special needs patients would ask just for her. GAME NIGHT GONE WRONG Connor said she learned about the incident shortly after returning home from the same game night gathering attended by her daughter and Ford. It was grown folks, sitting there playing cards," she said. And then when we left, everyone was going to their car saying good night, love you. She said it was just her daughter, Ford and a cousin left at the gathering on Dubois Avenue, when the couple left the home and an argument apparently ensued. A neighbor said he was outside at the time of the incident, and heard a loud bang, followed by a police presence within literally seconds. None of us can speak on what happened, because none of us know, Connor said. When emergency crews arrived, they found a 2020 Mitsubishi SUV buried under the front porch of the home on Egbert Avenue, and Eddy lying nearby in a semi-conscious state, according to the criminal complaint. Ford allegedly told officers that in the heat of the argument, Eddy climbed onto the front of the vehicle. She was on the windshield, trying to get into the car, Im trying to tell her to stop, Ford stated, according to the complaint. I couldnt see where I was going cause she was on the windshield and I crashed into this. His attorney declined to comment Tuesday. Family of Eddy said that while it remains uncertain what the couple was arguing about, Eddy was known as a passionate person in good times and bad, who could sometimes go from zero to 100." SHE NEVER MENTIONED IT AGAIN Connor said she didnt know Ford very well, but that he always was respectful toward her. He has to live with this the rest of his life," she said. For now, Connor said shes focused on finding a violin that a fellow Navy veteran had recently given Eddy, who, according to family had shown a natural talent for the instrument as a teenager. She was just about to fix it because she wanted to play, and teach her baby, Connor said. But once the baby died, she never mentioned it again." The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus throughout the United States has surpassed 5,000, according to the latest data, as testing continued across the country and experts said the true number of cases was likely far higher. The latest figures came shortly after Donald Trump held a press conference in which he urged Americans to stay at home for the foreseeable future and enjoy their living room rather than taking flights or congregating in large groups. The death toll in the United States has meanwhile reached at least 94, though the exact numbers surrounding the mysterious illness remained unclear due to complications in distributing testing kits to states battling major outbreaks. On Tuesday, the president said his administration was also considering sending supplemental assistance to states like New York as they work to slow the spread of the virus and prevent a potential overcrowding of local hospitals. He said he had been asked about the possibility of sending the US Army Corps of Engineers to New York from the states governor, saying: We're starting to. We're starting the process, we hope it's not going to be necessary but it could be necessary, the state is working on it very hard themselves but we'll probably supplement." Mr Trump added: The Army Corps of Engineers is ready, willing and able, we have to give them the go ahead if we find that it's going to be necessary, we think that we can have quite a few units up very rapidly. The White House has meanwhile sought one of the largest financial aid packages in history, amounting to nearly $850bn, in an effort to combat the economic downturn caused by the pandemic. Society in states across the country has all but come to a grinding halt, as the stock market continued to plunge throughout the week as governors declared emergencies and millions of restaurants, bars and other venues were forced to close their doors for the foreseeable future. Vice President Mike Pence, who has been tasked by the president with overseeing his administrations response to the pandemic, confirmed the White House was looking into the possibility of sending in military assistance to states across the country earlier this week. "The President directed us to work with the Department of a defence, there's two ways that DoD could be helpful in terms of expanding medical capacity, Mr Pence said. He added: I know the governor of New York has asked us to look at the Army Corps of Engineers which could perhaps renovate existing buildings but the president also has us inventorying what you all would understand as field hospitals or MASH hospitals that could be deployed very quickly. "The President has tasked us to evaluate and to make available and to consider every request from governors for either field hospitals, he added, expanding facilities, or the Army Corps of Engineers which could retrofit existing buildings." This is a breaking news story. More follows The Prime Minister has advised against all overseas travel and banned gatherings of more than 100 people as the country battles the coronavirus outbreak. The drastic travel advice, in place from now, marks the first time in Australia's history that the government has told citizens not to go to any country. There are still flights available but Australians abroad have been told to come home as soon as possible in case they are cancelled and they are stranded overseas. The Prime Minister also banned large non-essential gatherings, shortened aged care visits and put 20,000 student nurses to work. But, on the advice of doctors, he stopped short of closing schools and initiating a full-scale lockdown as seen in France, Spain and Italy. The Prime Minister (pictured today alongside Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy) has vowed to keep Australia running as we combat the coronavirus New measures Advice not to travel overseas - domestic flights are still fine Ban on non-essential gatherings of more than 100 20,000 international student nurses will be put to work Aged care visits shortened and limited to two people per day Schools will be kept open Advertisement In a speech on Wednesday morning, Mr Morrison warned Australia 'won't look like it normally does' for the next six months. 'We are looking at a situation of at least six months for how we deal with this. It could be much longer than that,' he said. Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy said a total lockdown would not help. 'A short-term, two-to-four week shut down of society is not recommended by any of our experts. It does not achieve anything. We have to be in this for the long haul,' he said. In his speech, the Prime Minister also slammed people hoarding food. 'Stop hoarding. I can't be more blunt about it. Stop it,' he said. 'It is not sensible, it is not helpful and it has been one of the most disappointing things I have seen in Australian behaviour in response to this crisis.' The Prime Minister vowed to keep Australia running despite the drastic measures. 'We are going to keep Australia running. We are going to keep Australia functioning,' he said. 'Life is changing in Australia, as it is changing all around the world. Life is going to continue to change as we deal with the global coronavirus,' he said. A woman lands at Brisbane International Airport on Wednesday Mr Morrison referenced the Spanish flu crisis of 1918 when he said: 'This is a once in 100 year type event. We haven't seen this sort of thing in Australia since the end of the first World War. But together, we are up to this challenge.' The measures announced on Wednesday stopped short of those taken by countries like Italy, Spain and France which have forced citizens to stay indoors and only leave for buying of essentials and medical visits. Mr Morrison said his national cabinet of state leaders and medical experts will meet online from now on. Travel This is the first time in history that Australians have been told not to go abroad. Mr Morrison said: 'We are upgrading the travel ban on Australians to level 4 for the entire world. That is the first time that has ever happened in Australia's history. 'The travel advice to every Australian is do not travel abroad. Do not go overseas.' On Tuesday, Australians overseas were urged to return home as soon as possible and would-be holidaymakers told to 'reconsider their need for travelling'. 'If you're already overseas and wish to return to Australia, we recommend you do so as soon as possible by commercial means,' the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said. For students who were expecting to graduate in 2020, most have already been notified that the event has been cancelled Gatherings The Prime Minister also said non-essential gatherings of more 100 people indoors and 500 people outdoors have been banned. The ban does not apply to public transport, medical facilities, prisons, parliaments, supermarkets, constructions sites, mining sites and other essential gatherings. 'That is effective now, as of today, and those arrangements, in terms of the legal enforcement of those measures are being put in place by the States and Territories,' Mr Morrison said. When asked about sports like AFL and NRL, Mr Morrison said it was up to them to consider if they could operate within the bounds of those restrictions. Both leagues had announced they intended to proceed with their seasons as scheduled but without fans attending. What gatherings are allowed? Public transport (including stations, platforms, stops, trains, trams, buses) Medical and health service facilities Emergency service facilities Disability or aged care facilities Correctional facilities, youth justice centres or other places of custody, courts or tribunals Food markets, supermarkets, grocery stores, retail stores, shopping centres (if gatherings of that size are necessary for operations) Office buildings, factories, construction sites, mining sites (if necessary for their normal operation) Schools, universities, education facilities and child care facilities Hotels and motels and other accommodation facilities which includes things like mining camps Public places like Melbourne's Bourke Street Mall and Federation Square, and Sydney's Martin Place Parliaments Airports Advertisement Nurses Mr Morrison also announced that 20,000 international student nurses who are already in Australia will be allowed to work so they could help bolster efforts to combat the disease. The Prime Minister said: 'We have also made a decision yesterday to lift the restriction on work constraints on student nurses who are in Australia. 'That is some 20,000 international student nurses who are in Australia, they have been in Australia for some time, we're not importing nurses into Australia, that would be against the travel advice and bans that have been in place for some time. 'But those 20,000 student nurses we have in Australia, they are going to be available to help and support the health effort right across the country, as directed by our health officials.' Australian travellers were urged to make their way back home as soon as possible and 'reconsider their need for travelling' Care homes Those who have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the previous 14 days, and people who have returned from overseas in the same time period, are forbidden from visiting elderly relatives. Aged care facilities must also implement limit visits to a short duration, and limit visits to a maximum of two visitors at one time per day to reduce the risk of transmission. 'These may be immediate social supports, family members, close friends, or professional service or advocacy workers,' Mr Morrison said. 'Visits should be conducted in a resident's room, outdoors or specific area designated by the facility rather than communal areas where the risk of transmission to other residents is greater. There should be no large group visits or gatherings, including social activities or entertainment to be permitted at this time. 'No school groups of any size should be allowed to visit aged care facilities.' Mr Morrison also said visitors should be encouraged to practice social distancing where possible, and maintain a 1.5 metre distance when possible. Sporting matches as we know it have been scrapped for the foreseeable future. Events which haven't been cancelled will not host live crowds. Pictured: Couple at the Manly Sea Eagles NRL game on Sunday wearing face masks Food Hoarding Mr Morrison is urging Australians to stop hoarding food and other supplies as supermarkets struggle to cope with shortages amid a coronavirus pandemic lockdown. The prime minister said the panic-buying chaos sweeping grocery stores across the country has been one of the 'most disappointing things' he has seen in 'Australian behaviour' in response to this crisis. 'That is not who we are as a people. It is not necessary. It is not something that people should be doing,' he said as he addressed the nation on Wednesday. Scott Morrison is urging Australians to stop hoarding food and other supplies as supermarkets struggle to cope with shortages amid a coronavirus pandemic lockdown 'It is distracting attention and efforts that need to be going into other measures, to be focusing on how we maintain supply chains into these shopping centres. 'It's ridiculous. It's un-Australian, and it must stop, and I would ask people to do the right thing by each other in getting a handle on these sorts of practices.' He also asked people to refrain from 'abusing staff', as footage emerged online of customers verbally attacking supermarket employees because they couldn't locate goods. Social distancing Australians have been urged to stop hugging and shaking hands in a desperate bid to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus. The nation's Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy said such close contact should be restricted to close family. Australia has banned hugging, except with family members. Pictured are a man and woman embracing at Sydney International Airport on Monday when new self-isolation measures were enforced for passengers arriving from overseas 'No more handshaking. No more hugging. Except in your family, you can do that in your family. Because you are already close to your family,' Professor Murphy said. He also urged Australians to take care with hand hygiene. 'Use hand sanitiser and practice sensible practices,' he said. 'And also, as the Prime Minister has said, we are in a situation now where there are mainly imported cases, small numbers. 'There is no need for us to be in a state of heightened anxiety, but we do need to be prepared and we all need to practice this social distancing.' Schools Several countries around the world have closed schools to combat the virus and many Australian schools have unilaterally decided to shut - either due to cases of coronavirus on campus or as a precaution. But Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy said schools should not be closed as children are the least vulnerable to the virus. He said even in China's Hubei province, which was the original epicentre of the illness, only 2.4 per cent of cases reported were in young people. 'We believe very strongly that it's in the best interest of our children and the nation at this time to keep schools open,' he said. Epping Boys' High School had to be briefly closed after a student was infected but was re-opened Dr Murphy said a range of new measures will be initiated in schools such as extra hand washing and no assemblies. 'It will be hard for schools, but it would be much, much, much harder for society if the schools were closed. We want our children to be looked after in schools,' he said. The Prime Minister said 30 per cent of health workers would not be able to go to work if schools closed. 'We all love our kids and there is nothing we wouldn't do for them. I am telling you that, as a father, I'm happy for my kids to go to school. I am telling you that, as a father, I'm happy for my kids to go to school Scott Morrison 'There is only one reason your kids shouldn't be going to school and that is if they are unwell,' Mr Morrison said. Some public and private schools have already opted to shut their gates. 'That is up to them,' Education Minister Dan Tehan told the Today Show. The government has decided not to close schools for two reasons. 'One is we have to look after our workforce and especially our medical workforce,' the minister said. 'Up to 30 per cent of our medical workforce could be impacted if schools close. CORONAVIRUS CASES IN AUSTRALIA: 27,244 Victoria: 20,269 New South Wales: 4,273 Queensland: 1,161 Western Australia: 692 South Australia: 473 Tasmania: 230 Australian Capital Territory: 113 Northern Territory: 33 TOTAL CASES: 27,244 ESTIMATED ACTIVE CASES: 269 DEATHS: 897 Updated: 5.31 PM, 11 October, 2020 Source: Australian Government Department of Health Advertisement 'The second reason is a health reason. If you have kids at home often elderly grandparents have to come in to look after them and that puts them at danger.' 'The health advice is that schools should remain open,' the Prime Minister said. Recent cases in schools, including Epping Boys' High School and Willoughby Girls High School in Sydney, have resulted in them closing down for cleaning, but reopening within days. Airlines Australia's ailing airlines will be handed a $715 million federal government lifeline to help the sector through the coronavirus pandemic. A range of government charges will be refunded and waived to help airlines under immense pressure as travel plummets. The government will forgo fuel excise, air service charges and regional security fees. The move is expected to create an upfront benefit of $159 million, with the government refunding charges paid since February 1. Restaurants are likely to offer people take away options to stay afloat. Pictured: Outdoor seating at a cafe on Lygon Street, Melbourne Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said the package was designed to put Australia in the best position to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. 'Our airlines run on tight budgets at the best of times and these past few weeks have been particularly tough,' he said on Wednesday. 'I've been speaking with Australian airline executives every day and will continue to work with them to make sure they receive the support they need.' CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Some Northeast Ohio couples waiting to tie the knot may have to wait a while longer, after the Cuyahoga County Probate Court suspended issuing most new marriage licenses on March 15. Though some couples are able to be married due to unique circumstances, most marriage licenses will be withheld, the court said in a statement. The news creates heartbreak for many couples who were set to be wed this spring. Cleveland-based couple Andrew Kuhar and Hilary Bovay have been engaged for a few years, and have been planning their wedding since last year. Originally set for May 10, the couple decided to delay the ceremony and reception until August -- but planned to head to the courthouse together on May 10 to still get legally married, hoping to share health insurance from Kuhars job. The two were notified on Monday, March 16, from a mutual friend about the suspension of marriage licenses. To uproot a date that takes this much planning for anyone is catastrophic emotionally, Kuhar said. It totally flipped our day around no one has a playbook for this right now. Were pretty much starting over from scratch. Its an emotional rollercoaster, for sure, Bovay said. Pretty much everything feels like its on hold because of the virus. Kuhar and Bovay were able to keep their deposits, not losing money on the delay -- but, they are worried that family members and guests may lose money on airplane tickets and accommodations booked for the original wedding date in May. Lakewood-based couple James Delmege and Emily Welch had scheduled their ceremony and celebration for April 25, but have delayed their marriage until the fall because of coronavirus concerns. It sucks having to wait another five months to get married, Delmege said. Obviously we're sad about it, but we feel guilty about feeling sad because there are people dying. The weddings delay isnt only emotionally difficult. Welch had scheduled a surgery that then had to be postponed, since the two cant consolidate their health insurances until they are legally married. However, the couple was lucky when it came to the majority of their finances. They were able to find a new wedding date at the venue -- the Cleveland Museum of Natural History -- and not lose money on catering, DJ, or photographer deposits. Many workers -- wedding planners, venue owners, caterers, DJs, photographers and more -- expect to be hit hard by coronavirus delays in Northeast Ohio weddings. Photographer Suzanne Price, who runs Suzuran Photography with her husband Dan Price, said that two of their spring wedding photography sessions have been postponed so far -- including Kuhar and Bovays wedding. The lost events equal about $4,000 in immediate losses, Suzanne said. As a photographer, its amounting to a significant loss of income for us, Suzanne said. Its pretty terrifying, not knowing how long this is going to last. Many clients, Suzanne said, are worried because they have family members from other countries who face uncertainty when it comes to traveling to Northeast Ohio. Some couples face challenges in coordinating new dates with their venues or other wedding-related services. For Rachel Hunt, who works as a DJ at local weddings and other events in Cleveland, postponements will almost certainly create challenges in scheduling. So far, one of Hunts spring wedding gigs has been delayed to a summer date, and another approaching wedding may be postponed as well. Hunt thinks shell lose somewhere between $1,000 to $2,000 due to coronavirus-related delays. Personally, I really wanted to use this year to be a little bit more financially sound with weddings, so I could do less other things, she said. I had recently purchased a lot of lighting and different things to really take the business to the next level. Hunt worries that rescheduled spring wedding dates could make her lose out on potential new weddings for the same dates. Overall, she will be limited in how many events she can DJ. The dates I have for this year are pretty finite. There are only so many Saturdays, Hunt said. The same is true for wedding venue owners. Mike Miller, the owner of Music Box, said that while concerts make up 50% of the venues programming, private events make up the other 50% -- a large chunk of which is weddings. We will absolutely adhere to whatever instructions are put out there. Whatever the government asks. Well just find new dates. Ultimately, Miller isnt worried about money for Music Box, stating that the venue has reserved cash. Miller recently laid off the Music Boxs hourly staff, but is keeping the manager and salary staff working, renovating certain areas of the venue. No weddings have been canceled or postponed at Music Box yet, but Miller said he would work with any couples who needed to move their dates. Though wedding delays due to coronavirus can cause a headache for the venue, he emphasized the emotional impact they could have for married couples-to-be. It is, I know, going to be sadder for them than it is for us, Miller said. Were going to do everything in our power to find another date and still have a very memorable day for them. That day just might be a little unpredictable for couples at the moment, Kuhar and Bovay said. Were one of many thousands at this point that must be going through this right now. Theres some solace in knowing a lot of people are navigating this, Kuhar said. "No ones safe, but everyones got some comfort knowing they have someone they can talk to about it. Read more coronavirus coverage at Slain Missouri Officer Hailed as a Hero for Rushing to Stop Gunman in Springfield A Springfield, Missouri, policeman was killed trying to stop a shooting spree that left three others dead, police said Monday. Two others, including another officer, were wounded, Springfield police Chief Paul Williams said. It appears the gunman killed himself, he said. The incident began about 11:24 p.m. Sunday with several shooting calls, the chief said, the first coming in the southern portion of the city. Officers were dispatched to a busy intersection populated by a chain pharmacy and strip malls. As the officers were en route, more 911 calls arrived: the first regarding a shooting a couple miles north up US Highway 65, then another a little farther north, Williams told reporters. About 20 minutes after the first call, a 911 caller reported that someone had crashed a vehicle near a Kum & Go gas station on the east side of the city, about 4 miles north of the incident spurring the original call, he said. A gunman had entered the convenience store attached to the gas station and begun shooting customers and employees, callers told the 911 dispatcher, according to the chief. Officers Josiah Overton and Christopher Walsh were the first on the scene, he said, and the gunman opened fire, striking them both. More officers arrived and removed the injured policemen from the store. Inside, they found three people dead, another person injured and the gunman dead from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound, Williams said. Officer Christopher Walsh suffered a gunshot wound and unfortunately passed away at the hospital, he said. Overton suffered injuries that are not life-threatening, the chief said. Hes being treated at a local hospital. The injured civilian is in critical condition at Mercy Hospital Springfield, police said. Both these officers showed significant bravery, were heroic in their actions, Williams said. In a statement, the chief said, Chris died a hero, rushing in without regard to his own safety to protect members of his community. His courageous actions serve as an example to us all. Three victims were identified as Troy Rapp, 57, Shannon Perkins, 46, and Matthew Hicks-Morris, 22. The fourth victim is in critical condition and is being treated at Mercy Hospital. In a statement, Kum & Go said one of its associates was among those killed. There are no words to express the shock and sorrow many of us are feeling, the statement said. Overton, 25, is a two-year veteran of the force, while Walsh, 32, has been with the department for more than three years. A US Army veteran, Walsh had been active with the Army Reserve for a decade at the time of his death, the chief said. He leaves behind a wife and daughter, police said. Investigators believe the gunman, who has not yet been identified, was responsible for all four shooting calls, Williams said. Springfield is about 160 miles southeast of Kansas City. The-CNN-Wire & 2020 Cable News Network, Inc., a WarnerMedia Company. All rights reserved. Hollywood star Stuart Whitman, who is best known for his numerous Western movies, has died at the age of 92. The actor passed away on Monday with family around him at his Montecito, California home after complications from skin cancer, a friend of the family told TMZ. The star worked steadily throughout his career racking up over 90 credits in such hits as 1961's The Comancheros and 1962's The Longest Day. Lasting appeal: Hollywood star Stuart Whitman, who is best known for his numerous Western movies, has died at the age of 92. Seen in 1967 in Cimarron Strip A staple in Hollywood: The star worked steadily throughout his career racking up over 90 credits in such hits as 1961's The Comancheros with John Wayne 'Old Hollywood lost another one of its true stars,' his son Justin told the site. 'Stuart Whitman was known for his rugged roles and handsome charm. We were proud of him for his tv, film roles and his Oscar nomination, but what we will really remember is his exuberant love of his family and friends.' He earned an Academy Award nomination for his leading role of a child molester in The Mark (1961). Stuart was born in San Francisco in 1928 but attended high school in Los Angeles then went into the Army Corps of Engineers for three years. And a war movie: The film The Longest Day in 1992 starred Wayne and Whitman as well as Steve Forrest When attending Los Angeles City College he became interested in acting and moved on to the Los Angeles Academy of Dramatic Art. His first role was in 1951's When Worlds Collide and next came a part on the TV series Boston Blackie. In 1953 he landed his first big role in a movie, The All American. One of his better roles: Whitman (center) and Simone Signoret are questioned by the police after being arrested in a scene from the film The Day And The Hour, 1963 Next came spots on TV series like Gunsmoke and Highway Patrol until he became more famous with 1957's Johnny Trouble., The 1960s were better for him - in 1961 he starred in The Comancheros then was seen in 1962's The Longest Day and 1964's Rio Conchos. From 1967 until 1968 he starred on the TV series Cimarron Strip. He worked consistently for years as he made appearances in the 1970s shows The Streets of San Francisco, The FBI, Police Story, SWAT, and The Last Convertible. In the 1980s he popped up on hit shows like Fantasy Island, The A-Team and Knight Rider. Busy bee: He worked consistently for years as he made appearances in The Streets of San Francisco, The FBI, Police Story, SWAT (pictured with Linda Marsh), and The Last Convertible Another hit show: In 1982 he was seen in a dark suit as he holds hands with Heather Locklear in Stop The Presses; also seen is Murray Hamilton, Herb Edelman and Bradford Dillman His last project was the TV movie The President's Man in 2000 with Chuck Norris. Stuart reportedly was clever with his paychecks as he had amassed a fortune of $100M. Not only was his movie career but was so was his personal life. He had four wives: Julia Vadimovna Paradiz (m. 1993), Caroline Boubis (m. 19661974) and Patricia LaLonde (m. 19521966). Has four children: Tony Whitman (born 1953), Michael Whitman (born 1954), Linda Whitman (born 1956) and Scott Whitman (born 1958). [March 17, 2020] Innovation Pharmaceuticals Brilacidin to be Researched as Possible Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine; Brilacidin Now Being Tested as Drug and Vaccine at Different Institutions WAKEFIELD, Mass., March 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Innovation Pharmaceuticals (OTCQB:IPIX) (the Company), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, announced today further details on the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) signed with a leading public health-focused U.S. university and top coronavirus expert. Under the terms of the confidential agreement, virologists plan to evaluate the potential antiviral properties of Brilacidin, the Companys lead defensin-mimetic drug candidate, toward developing Brilacidin as a potential novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Vaccines containing defensins as adjuvants have been shown, both in vivo and in vitro, to activate the primary innate antiviral immune response and mediate other immunomodulatory activities against a number of viruses, including coronaviruses. Defensins and their mimetics, like Brilacidin, thus represent promising therapeutics developed as vaccines to target COVID-19, the deadly respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which has emerged as a worldwide pandemic. This new research is independent of that being conducted on Brilacidin at one of the U.S. 12 Regional Biocontainment Labs (RBL). The RBL is testing Brilacidins potential inhibitory activity as a small molecule drug against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Defensins as VaccinesAcademic Literature Kim, J, et al. Human -defensin 2 Plays a Regulatory Role in Innate Antiviral Immunity and Is Capable of Potentiating the Induction of Antigen-Specific Immunity. ( pdf ) Virol J. 2018; 15: 124. Published online 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1186/s12985-018-1035-2. ( ) Virol J. 2018; 15: 124. Published online 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1186/s12985-018-1035-2. Park MS, et al. Towards the Application of Human Defensins at Antivirals . ( pdf ) Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2018 May 1;26(3):242-254. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2017.172. . ( ) Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2018 May 1;26(3):242-254. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2017.172. Biragyn, A. < href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> DefensinsNon-Antibiotic Use for Vaccine Development . ( pdf ) Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2005 Feb;6(1):53-60. COVID-19 ) outbreak poses a significant life-threatening and economic risk throughout the world. The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak poses a significant life-threatening and economic risk throughout the world. Over 182,000 cases have been diagnosed in at least 136 countries, resulting in 7,100 reported deaths, including 4,700 cases and 85 fatalities in the U.S. There are no effective approved therapies to treat COVID-19. Brilacidin is one of the few drugs targeting COVID-19 that has been tested in human trials for other clinical indications, providing an established safety and efficacy profile, thereby potentially enabling it to rapidly help address the emerging worldwide coronavirus crisis, developed both as an intravenous medicine and as a vaccine. There is no assurance made or implied that testing Brilacidin for antiviral activity against any coronavirus will be successful. Alerts Sign-up for Innovation Pharmaceuticals email alerts is available at: About Innovation Pharmaceuticals Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc. (IPIX) is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing a world-class portfolio of innovative therapies addressing multiple areas of unmet medical need, including inflammatory diseases, cancer, infectious disease, and dermatologic diseases. Brilacidin, a versatile compound with broad therapeutic potential, is in a new chemical class called defensin-mimetics. A Phase 2 trial of Brilacidin as an oral rinse for the prevention of Severe Oral Mucositis (SOM) in patients with Head and Neck Cancer, met its primary and secondary endpoints, including reducing the incidence of SOM. The Company plans to advance Brilacidin oral rinse into Phase 3 development, subject to available financial resources. Positive results were also observed in a Phase 2 Proof-of-Concept trial treating patients locally with Brilacidin for Ulcerative Proctitis/Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis (UP/UPS). Brilacidin for UP/UPS was licensed to Alfasigma S.p.A. in July 2019. A Phase 2b trial of Brilacidin showed a single intravenous dose of the drug delivered comparable outcomes to a seven-day dosing regimen of the FDA-approved blockbuster daptomycin in treating Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infection. Kevetrin is a novel anti-cancer drug shown to modulate p53, often referred to as the Guardian Angel Gene due to its crucial role in controlling cell mutations and has successfully completed a Phase 2 trial in Ovarian Cancer. More information is available on the Company website at Forward-Looking Statements: This press release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 including statements concerning the future execution of a definitive agreement with a global pharmaceutical company and the anticipated terms thereof, our future drug development plans, other statements regarding future product developments, and markets, including with respect to specific indications, and any other statements which are other than statements of historical fact. These statements involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause the Companys actual results and experience to differ materially from anticipated results and expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements. The Company has in some cases identified forward-looking statements by using words such as anticipates, believes, hopes, estimates, looks, expects, plans, intends, goal, potential, may, suggest, and similar expressions. Among other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements are the Companys need for, and the availability of, substantial capital in the future to fund its operations and research and development; including the amount and timing of the sale of shares of common stock under securities purchase agreements; the fact that the Companys licensee(s) may not successfully complete pre-clinical or clinical testing and the Company will not receive milestone payments, or the fact that the Companys compounds may not successfully complete pre-clinical or clinical testing, or be granted regulatory approval to be sold and marketed in the United States or elsewhere. A more complete description of these risk factors is included in the Companys filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly the results of any revisions to any such forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by applicable law or regulation. INVESTOR AND MEDIA CONTACT Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc. Leo Ehrlich [email protected] [ Back To's Homepage ] Guidance from the Prime Minister to stay away from pubs and restaurants due to coronavirus will be "devastating" for local businesses and workers, the head of Hospitality Ulster has said. This follows a request from the Irish government for pubs to close their doors until March 29. Reacting to the latest measures from Boris Johnson, Colin Neill said: "We should now prepare for severe consequences for the staff and businesses in the sector as this will be an extremely difficult period." He added: "The Northern Ireland Executive must now give instructions if we are to close and put a rescue package in place to support the 65,000 staff affected. The hospitality sector across Northern Ireland will suffer overwhelming and immediate pain in a short period of time." Mr Neill met with the First and Deputy First Ministers on Monday to call for support as a huge loss of trade is already anticipated after the cancellation of today's St Patrick's parade in Belfast. Speaking after the meeting, he said: "The calls I'm getting from staff are, 'Will I get paid, how will I feed my children, how will I pay my mortgage?'" After being told the ministers were working on a solution, he said that "speed is of the essence" as the situation was changing by the minute. "There's a crisis already now building and we need to put measures in place to protect our people, protect our businesses and protect jobs for when this crisis is over," he said. Alliance MLA Andrew Muir tabled an urgent question to the Finance Minister Conor Murphy, asking for an update on his plans to support businesses and safeguard workers. Mr Murphy said his department is putting together a financial package, which could include changing the timings of rates bills for small businesses. Any announcement, he said, would first need approval from other Executive Ministers. Hospitality Ulster's calls for a package to assist staff was backed by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). A joint statement read: "We are now in unprecedented times and the impact of Covid-19 on staff in the hospitality sector will be devastating. This is now time for exceptional measures to be implemented. "We are about to see the jobs and livelihoods of many in the sector go to the wall. We need our elected representatives to move fast to support our people. "The hospitality sector is being hit first; will be hit the hardest and may not recover at all if Government does not act now. "Government needs to ensure that funding is put in place immediately so our people can put food on the table. This is a real and present issue and we only have hours if not days to sort it. "Both organisations are at one in wanting to ensure that the staff in the sector are protected and can survive through this very difficult period. "We need business organisations, unions and government to come together and get around the table and find solutions very quickly. "Other countries around the world have taken measures to support staff in various sectors and we must do the same here." The Prime Minister said "drastic action" was needed to avoid Covid-19 cases doubling every five days. "Now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact with others and to stop all unnecessary travel," he said. "We need people to start working from home where they possibly can. And you should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues." In Belfast, several pubs have already taken the decision to close their doors as a precaution including Lavery's and The Errigle. One thing is now certain: We have a completely new disease that is spreading. It is virulent and will possibly affect everyone in one way or another. Indias health care system even without the coronavirus (Covid-19) is overburdened. Now imagine what will happen when this new disease makes its way through this health care system. We must not only defend ourselves against Covid-19 but take the fight to it, for our survival. The government realises the threat that Covid-19 presents to Indias medical and economic health, and has taken some strong policy decisions to contain its spread. For example, completely restricting the entry of foreign nationals has widespread implications and this must have been a tough decision to take. Since India has one of the lowest number of cases globally, we can learn from other countries experiences and use their data to our advantage. On February 1, during her budget speech, finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman said: setting up hospitals in the PPP mode. In the first phase, those Aspirational Districts will be covered, where presently there are no Ayushman empanelled hospitals...Using machine learning and AI, in the Ayushman Bharat scheme, health authorities and the medical fraternity can target disease That the government will partner with private industry in areas where it is lacking or is unable to provide services, combined with the view that machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be imperative for providing health care services, is precisely what is needed today. While the government partnering with private players to expand testing and treatment for Covid-19 is being discussed, it seems that everyone has forgotten Indias private sector computer science expertise, especially in AI and machine learning. There are many engineers in Indian research and development (R&D) centres of global giants such as GE, Philips, Siemens, Google and Microsoft who are working on AI. Add to that deep technology start-ups and research groups working in AI for health care and you have a ready ecosystem of specialists who can create AI tools to fight Covid-19. The government needs to explore partnerships with such players, provide them appropriate data, and essentially do a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) for data analytics and AI. More than 6,500 Real Time (RT)-PCR tests have been conducted for Covid-19 in India and around 115 patients have been confirmed. All clinical data, imaging data (including raw dicom files for X-Rays and CT scans), laboratory data, RT-PCR and viral genomics data and treatment outcomes data should be immediately open-sourced and made available to researchers. Once done, the process of developing AI can be started. AI systems rely on learning from pre-existing data. India has a unique opportunity to use AI in the fight against Covid-19 since a full-blown outbreak seems a few weeks away. Since Indian data alone would not be enough to create robust clinically applicable AI systems, we must take the lead in sparking a global collaboration for consolidation of patient-level Covid-19 data. Countries can contribute anonymised patient data to central databases which can be accessed by researchers across India and the world. After making the data available, the government can expect a huge response from AI developers. There will have to be strong performance benchmarks and automated evaluation systems to first determine the best AI tools, and subsequently onboard them. Here are some types of AI tools that can be used through different stages of the disease: One, predicting Covid-19 progression at the population level; two, medical imaging-based AI techniques; three, predicting clinical outcomes in diagnosed patients. Given that our health care services industry will be strained to a great extent when Covid-19 spreads across the country, we must use all options available to fight it. Partnering with industry for developing advanced data analytics and AI tools in a PPP provides an effective way to initiate the development of tools to predict, diagnose and prognosticate, like never before. It will not be easy. The development of these tools relies on access to patient-level data, which there isnt enough of in India. The government will need to devise collaborations focused on data-sharing with countries which have more cases of Covid-19, enabling Indian AI experts to create accurate, quick solutions to fight this war. Vidur Mahajan, is head of R&D,Centre for Advanced Research in Imaging, Neurosciences & Genomics The views expressed are personal An end to the oil price plunge is nowhere in sight, energy experts say, as futures of international benchmark Brent crude fell below $30 a barrel Monday for the first time since 2016. That's a stunning 54% drop year-to-date. "Oil could easily be in the teens at the bottom. Could even be low teens at the lowest," Abhi Rajendran, director of research at Energy Intelligence, told CNBC on Monday. "The main driver is for, a week or two, we could have global market oversupply of over 10 million barrels per day (bpd). Which is insane and unprecedented." Energy stocks have been hammered as demand plummets amid the escalating coronavirus crisis, but moves by state actors to unleash a flood of supply are driving them decisively into the ground. Saudi Arabia has slashed its oil prices to buyers and will be maxing out its production, as will Russia, as the two major producers throw themselves into an all-out price war to fight for greater market share. "The last time there was a global surplus of this magnitude was never," Jim Burkhard, vice president and head of oil markets at IHS Markit, wrote in a note Monday, predicting an oil demand contraction of up to 10 million bpd for March and April. "Prior to this, the largest six-month global surplus this century was 360 million barrels. What is coming will be twice that or more." Oil storage tanks and refining facilities sit at a refinery operated by Exxon Mobil Corp. Simon Dawson | Bloomberg | Getty Images The biggest shocks will likely come after April 1, when a previously-agreed production cut deal between OPEC and non-OPEC states including Russia, meant to boost prices, expires. Saudi Arabia has announced plans to increase its daily production to 12.3 million bpd in April, compared to roughly 9.7 million bpd in February. Russia's energy minister said last week that Russia can increase its production by 200,000 to 300,000 bpd in the short term, and 500,000 bpd in the longer term. "In the coming weeks, with no Saudi-Russia discourse, oil is likely (to be) in the teens," Rajendran reiterated. "With that sort of dislocation and barrage of overseas supply, WTI-Brent could be equal or flip negative for a brief period," he added, highlighting U.S. oil benchmark West Texas Intermediate, which typically trades at between $5 to $10 per barrel below Brent. Brent on Tuesday morning was trading at $30.07 in London, while WTI was at $29.11. "Demand dislocation is unprecedented," he said. "Everyone is shutting down, especially in the U.S." We haven't seen the bottom Major international and U.S. airlines have cut their flights by at least 70%, and businesses across several countries and states have been ordered to close their doors. Millions of people around the world are going into self-isolation or full-on lockdown in an attempt to stem the spread of COVID-19, which has killed more than 6,600 people and sickened over 168,000 in more than 140 countries. Other analysts agree that despite the already spectacular plunge for crude, we likely haven't yet seen the bottom. Speaking to CNBC's Dan Murphy about whether oil has bottomed out, Kang Wu, head of analytics for S&P Global Platts, replied that "the overall supply demand doesn't suggest that it will stop there, because we still haven't seen the worst yet. April will be the official time that without the production cut agreement, OPEC members everyone, Russia included, OPEC plus are free to produce more. Volumes will hit the market." The price crash hurts oil-exporting countries and is a particular blow for U.S. shale producers who are already deeply in debt a blow that could prove fatal for some. Market analysts are predicting defaults on billions of dollars worth of debt, and a major risk for up to a million people employed directly and indirectly by the shale industry. The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Houston (BGCGH) works closely with children in disadvantaged communities and with the COVID-19 global health pandemic, the need for proper messaging with children is greater than ever. The BGCGH is collaborating with local partners to help streamline information to children by presenting Youtube videos on basic information about what COVID-19 is and how to practice proper sanitation techniques. On Coronavirus live updates: Abbott promises expanded testing, says This is not a time to panic In addition, the BGCGH has canceled all on-site club operations, even though their facilities remain open. Starting Wednesday, the BGCGH will provide food distribution for anybody in the community in need. On Monday morning, the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Houston sent a message to parents and volunteers with COVID-19 updates and tips to calm childrens anxiousness surrounding the event. Information about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving as new details are confirmed and new questions emerge causing concern that can make children and families anxious, the BGCGH news release said. It is very important to remember that children look to adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events. Teaching children positive preventive measures, talking to them about their fears, and giving them a sense of some control over their risk of infection can help reduce anxiety. The BGCGH continues with tips from the National Association of School Psychologists, encouraging parents to remain calm and reassuring; be available to children for extra attention to talk about their concerns; avoid excessive blaming and avoiding stereotyping of any one group of people as responsible for the virus; monitor television viewing and social media to avoid watching or listening to information that might be upsetting when children are present; be honest and accurate as children often imagine situations far worse than reality; and encourage children to practice every day good hygiene. Each one of us has a role to play in the safety and well-bring of children, said Kevin Hattery, the President and CEO of BGCGH. If we each do our part, we can help children cope with this situation and lessen the risk for everyone. To find out more information about the BGCGH, donation information, and updates about their food distribution services, go to [March 16, 2020] Benchmark Announces Updated First Quarter 2020 Outlook Due To COVID-19 TEMPE, Ariz., March 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Benchmark Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: BHE) today announced that the company will not achieve the first quarter 2020 financial guidance it previously provided on February 6, 2020 due to the impact from the novel coronavirus ("COVID-19"). This updated outlook results primarily from the impact of the temporary shutdown of its plant in China due to COVID-19, supply chain and logistics interruptions from Asian suppliers impacted by the virus, and the emerging restrictions related to government regulations on its operations. Benchmark's factory in Suzhou China was proactive in working with the government to come back online five weeks ago and is now fully operational. The situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly, and the company is closely monitoring impacts to its business. Benchmark expects to provide more information during its next earnings call in April. Jeff Benck, Benchmark President and CEO, commented, "Our deepest sympathies go out to those who have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The health and welleing of Benchmark employees, customers, partners and our communities in which we operate are of the utmost importance. Benchmark is following all government guidelines and taking precautionary steps to protect our global organization. Since this crisis has emerged, the Benchmark team has risen to the challenge to support our customers. The extraordinary efforts of our team members are deeply appreciated." About Benchmark Electronics, Inc. Benchmark provides comprehensive solutions across the entire product life cycle; leading through its innovative technology and engineering design services; leveraging its optimized global supply chain; and delivering world-class manufacturing services in the following industries: commercial aerospace, defense, advanced computing, next generation telecommunications, complex industrials, medical, and semiconductor capital equipment. Benchmark's global operations include facilities in seven countries and its common shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BHE. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The words "expect," "estimate," "anticipate," "could" "predict" and similar expressions, and the negatives thereof, often identify forward-looking statements, which are not limited to historical facts. Forward-looking statements include, among other things, the estimated financial impact of COVID-19 and the company's updated first quarter 2020 outlook. Although the company believes these statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they involve risks and uncertainties. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materializes, or underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual outcomes may vary materially from those indicated. Readers are advised to consult further disclosures on these risks and uncertainties, particularly in Part 1, Item 1A, "Risk Factors" of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 and in its subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements included in this document are based upon information available to the company as of the date of this document, and it assumes no obligation to update them. View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Benchmark Electronics, Inc. [ Back To's Homepage ] 1.3k SHARES Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Pinterest Reddit Print Mail Flipboard Attorney General William Barr has ordered the Department of Justice to investigate scammers who are taking advantage of people during the coronavirus epidemic. Barrs directive: NEW from @TheJusticeDept AG Barr has issued a new directive to all U.S. Attorneys telling them to prioritize investigating scam artists who are seeking to profit from the #coronavirus pandemic. "The pandemic is dangerous enough without wrongdoers seeking to profit," he wrote. Sarah N. Lynch (@SarahNLynch) March 16, 2020 One wonders if the attorney general is going to begin his investigation in the Oval Office. In all seriousness, it will be interesting to see if his directive is applied to people who bought up all of the hand sanitizer and other emergency supplies and attempted to resell them at huge markups. There have already been reports of fake coronavirus cures being sold, phishing and malware scams, and millions of bogus coronavirus products. The DOJ does have an important role to play in protecting the American people from coronavirus scams, but one cant help but think that the biggest coronavirus scam has been the bungled response of the Trump administration. For more discussion about this story join our Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group. Follow Jason Easley on Facebook CAIRO Egypt's National Progressive Unionist Party is leading a campaign to fully restore Cairo's diplomatic ties with Damascus and pressure the Arab League to reinstate Syria. Egypt's State Information Service website identifies the party as one of Egypt's most prominent leftist parties. In 2018, the party supported President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi for a second term, and Sisi named party leader Sayed Abdel-Al one of the 28 public figures the president may appoint as parliament members. This month, the party held a conference titled Syria Achieves Victory" at its headquarters. During his speech there, Abdel-Al affirmed his party stands with Syria in its struggle against terrorist gangs, by which he meant the forces fighting against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Bassam Darwish, Syrian charge daffaires in Cairo, also gave a speech at the conference, praising the steadfastness of the Syrian regime's army and its commanders for fighting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's forces in the north. The Trump Administration, for its part, remains opposed to any reconciliation with the Syrian government, despite some tentative steps made by several Arab countries. In a statement commemorating the ninth anniversary of the Syrian uprising, the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany noted that they continue to demand accountability for the atrocities committed by the Assad regime and we will continue our efforts to make sure that those who are responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and other violations and abuses are identified and held accountable. Given the close ties between Washington and Cairo, its hard to see this effort getting very far, given the Trump Administrations opposition. The National Progressive Unionist Party rejected the 2013 decision of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi to cut ties with Syria. In recent years, the party has organized a number of public activities and seminars in support of Syria. In a message addressed to the leaders of the Arab world participating in the March 2019 Arab Summit in Tunisia, the party said, We accept nothing less than Syria's return to the Arab League. The league must assume its role in relieving the pain and healing the wounds suffered by Syrias land and people. Immediately after Turkey announced its military intervention in northern Syria, a delegation from the National Progressive Unionist Party paid a solidarity visit to the Syrian Embassy in Cairo on Oct. 16. During a meeting with Darwish, the party's delegation stressed that Syria had conquered internationally supported terrorism and could likewise protect itself against Turkish aggression. In January, the party organized a series of seminars denouncing Turkeys ambitions in Syria and Libya. In early February, the party again stressed the urgent need for the Arab League to return the Syrian state to its seat at the table. In a statement, the National Progressive Unionist Party said it "rejects Arab and international silence in the face of the continued aggression and bullying practiced by the Turkish regime forces in northern Syria. Farida Al-Naqash, a journalist, writer and party leader, recently affirmed that the party believes in the need to support Syria against the invaders, Turks and colonial ambitions. Speaking to Al-Monitor, she said, The party is seeking to mobilize the Egyptian public to support the Syrian army through seminars and through its official newspaper. We have always called for the full return of Egyptian-Syrian diplomatic relations. She explained, The Egyptian state agrees to the partys activities to support the Syrian army. The state also approves of our visit to the Syrian Embassy. We operate in accordance with Egyptian foreign policy in support of regular armies against Turkish militants, militias and ambitions. Naqash added, It is time for Syria to return to the Arab League, and it will do so soon. Egypt has no objection to that. This is despite external pressures persuading some Arab countries not to restore diplomatic relations with Syria, according to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In March 3 statements to Russia 24 news channel, Assad noted that most Arab countries have maintained their relations with Syria without declaring it publicly, for fear of Western pressure. Abdel-Hamid Kamal, a parliament member for the party, told Al-Monitor, Egyptian parties must adopt the approach of the National Progressive Unionist Party in dealing with the Syrian issue. They must support the Syrian Arab Army against the Western/Turkish conspiracy. He added, The partys parliamentarians are positively supporting Syria in all events and activities. These aim to rebuke the Western lies aimed at distorting the movements of the Syrian Arab Army. Like others who spoke with Al-Monitor, Kamal emphasized the importance of restoring Syria's membership in the Arab League and said his party does not depart from the Egyptian states foreign policy, especially regarding Syria. Editor's note: March 18, 2020. This article was updated to include a joint statement by the US, UK, France and Germany. Almost 86,500 people crossed the Ukrainian state border over the past day. Most of them were Ukrainians who returned home from abroad. "Over the past day (from midnight March 16 to midnight March 17), almost 86,500 people crossed the Ukrainian state border, both entering and leaving. Most of them more than 50,000 were Ukrainians who returned home from abroad," the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine informs. As noted, out of more than 13,000 foreigners who crossed the border, over 10,000 people left Ukraine. Almost 400 foreigners were denied entry to Ukraine over the past day. Ukrainian border guards implement sanitary controls at border crossing points. In general, border traffic of passengers has dropped significantly, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine notes. Thus, about 144,000 people crossed the border on March 15. Since March 16, the entry of foreigners into Ukraine has been restricted. The operation of about a hundred border crossing points was suspended, the restrictions were introduced at the entry-exit checkpoint in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine and on the administrative border with the occupied Crimea. In addition, the Government of Ukraine temporarily restricted passenger transport services in the territory of Ukraine to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. ol Over 1.5 million students in their final year of senior and junior high schools in China's Guizhou Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region returned to school Monday, as the coronavirus spread has been basically curbed. Over 2,400 high schools in southwest China's Guizhou reopened, involving more than 990,000 students, the provincial education department said. Meanwhile, some 510,000 students in Xinjiang also embraced the first day of offline schooling of the new semester, after a prolonged Lunar New Year holiday and weeks of stay-at-home online classes due to the coronavirus outbreak. Both Guizhou and Xinjiang have seen no new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease for nearly a month. As of Monday, over a dozen of provinces and municipalities across China have been clear of the novel coronavirus infections after their last COVID-19 patients had been discharged. On March 9, northwest China's Qinghai Province saw the country's first batch of 144 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools reopen. The first day of school, as special as it already was, was also a social practice class for the students. Customized school buses, wearing masks, temperature checks, designated routes to classrooms -- the ritualistic preparations for class were educational enough for the students to learn how important it is to avoid the gathering of crowds and observe respiratory etiquette in public. "It takes more time for me to get to my desk. But I feel safer and less anxious," said Mao Yongli, a student at No.6 Senior High School of Guiyang, the provincial capital. He took a "chartered bus" to school in the morning. The buses were specially designed to pick up and drop off students based on their needs, in order to minimize their contact with areas outside of school and home. Schools in Xinjiang and Guizhou handed out free masks for students to wear. Meals were also served individually. Each class is limited to 30 students, seating is staggered and temperatures are taken three times a day. All the classrooms, canteens and dormitories are disinfected regularly, while closed-off campus management has been adopted to reduce imported infection risks, according to Tian Yun, head of the educational administration office of Urumqi No.1 Senior High School. Lessons about epidemic prevention and emergency drills were among the school activities on the first day. Zhou Jin, head of the education bureau of Guiyang, said more detailed and tailored plans will be made to ensure safe offline schooling for more students. Authorities said last week that the peak of the current COVID-19 outbreak in China was over as new cases keep declining and the overall epidemic situation remained at a low level across the country. Life and production are picking up pace in returning to normal. As the epidemic's risks dim in other parts of China, more schools will resume classes. All students from primary schools all the way up to vocational colleges in Xinjiang are expected to return to school by the end of March. Provinces such as Yunnan have set dates for school reopening. "The reopening of schools in low-risk regions demonstrates China's progress in epidemic control, which improves the public's confidence in defeating the outbreak, and imposes challenges for local governance," said Mei Zhigang, a sociology professor at Central China Normal University. Local governments should continue to take strong measures to prevent infections on campus while assisting more schools to reopen in an orderly manner, Mei said. A sign posted at a Chinatown tailor on Bellaire Boulevard tells customers its no longer doing alterations because of the coronavirus. A few doors down, a popular Sichuan restaurant has laid off some of its kitchen staff and is planning to launch a delivery service to help make up for lost dining room business, which is down more than 50 percent. Throughout Chinatown which has been living with dwindling demand since the new coronavirus first broke out in China at the end of January bakeries, restaurants and other small businesses have closed or limited their hours because they can no longer afford to operate. Now, as consumer businesses around the Houston region prepare for weeks or potentially months of diminishing sales and profits as people are told to stay away from crowds, the situation in this west Houston economic hub could portend whats in store for businesses in parts of the city that have yet to feel the full impact from the spread of the coronavirus. Restaurants have been particularly hard hit. Some have seen sales plummet by more than 50 percent and have begun cutting staff and thinking of ways to begin delivering food directly to consumers. Such moves reflect the economic impact of the prolonged reduction in crowds and have become a necessity in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago, where mayors have ordered restaurants and bars closed, forcing them to go takeout only. As of Monday morning, Houston officials had yet to issue a similar order. For those employees that are not getting enough shifts to serve tables and earn the tips, we can push more delivery services so they can earn the money, said Cori Xiong, who along with her husband Heng Chen, owns Mala Sichuan Bistro at 9348 Bellaire Blvd. Last Friday at lunchtime, four servers waited on a handful of tables at the popular Sichuan-style restaurant. On a normal Friday afternoon, six servers would be working the lunchtime rush, and the line would be out the door. It hurts us to see they cant bring home enough money, Xiong said. They have loans, they have family, they have children to support. In addition to rolling out a delivery service, Xiong is also considering moving out some of the tables to create more space between diners and debating whether to make employees wear masks. Business in Chinatown first dropped off in late January after a false rumor spread on social media that an employee of one of the grocery stores had the virus. The rumor snowballed and others began incorrectly posting that the store had closed. The rumor was costly to a lot of area businesses, said Kenneth Li, chairman of the Southwest Management District, which includes a large part of Chinatown area. On Six Houston-area malls cut hours amid coronavirus pandemic We have over 100 restaurants. If everybody goes down 50 to 70 percent, thats millions of dollars, Li said. Especially the supermarket. They lost thousands of dollars every day. Some of Houstons non-Asian businesses have rallied around Chinatown. Last week, the owner of a Spring Branch bar and restaurant said he would close his business every Monday in March to have dinner with his regulars at a different Chinatown restaurant. If you have a depressed market for weeks, thats really hard to survive, Kyle Pierson, owner of The Branch on Long Point, said. Downtown bars Axelrad and Bovine & Barley have been offering customers who bring in receipts from Chinatown establishments a free beer. Now Playing: Now more than ever people need to be aware of COVID-19 symptoms and the proper way to treat the illness. Take a look at how to differentiate coronavirus vs. allergies, and hear a few words of advice from Dr. Peter Hotez with the Baylor College of Medicine. Video: Laura Duclos/Houston Chronicle Chinatown appreciates the help. For some though, it was too late. The damage was already done, Chen said. Chinese people tend to say better safe than sorry. Thats the mentality. Even though they know that its probably safe, they wouldnt take any chance. Alice Lee, executive director of the Southwest Management District, worries about what will happen when more service workers get laid off or cant work because theyre caring for children who are out of school. People live paycheck-to-paycheck, she said. I think the greater impact is still yet to come. / / Syracuse, NY -- A Mattydale daycare provider, jailed for killing a 23-month-old boy, admitted to police that she grabbed the toddler by his legs and struck his head on a coffee table, according to court papers. Jessica Sims, 24, of 103 Roxboro Circle, was charged Thursday with first-degree manslaughter in the death of Lennox Santaigo, who died two days after the July 17, 2019 attack from severe brain injuries. Sims is accused of intending to injure the boy, but not cause his death. Because of his young age, she was charged with a crime punishable by up 25 years in prison. Onondaga County Sheriffs deputies say Sims called 911 to initially report the boy had fallen out of a chair and struck his head. But her story changed multiple times after that. Court papers say she eventually confessed to causing the injuries, though its unclear why. Deputies investigating the death for eight months, interviewing Sims multiple times, and reviewing the autopsy in Santiagos death. Santiagos obituary said the boy passed away peacefully... after twenty three happy months. It also said he had an infectious smile and radiated love to everyone he met. Sims remains jailed on $25,000 cash or $100,000 bond bail. She is not eligible for mandatory release under bail reform, because first-degree manslaughter is considered a violent felony. She is due back to court Wednesday for a hearing to determine whether there was probable cause for her arrest. That appearance will not take place if her case has been sent to a grand jury. Staff writer Douglass Dowty can be reached at or 315-470-6070. Thanks for visiting Quality local journalism has never been more important, and your subscription matters. Not a subscriber yet? Please consider supporting our work. Identity and access management in 2022 - what will the future look like? As we enter into 2022, there is still a level of uncertainty in place. Its unclear what the future holds, as companies around the world still contend with the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote working has been encouraged by most organisations and the move to a hybrid working system has become business as usual, for the majority of businesses. Some have reduced their office space or done away with their locations altogether. Following best security practices With all this change in place, there are problems to deal with. According to research, 32.7% of IT admins say they are concerned about employees using unsecured networks to carry out that work. Alongside this, 74% of IT admins thought that remote work makes it harder for employees to follow best security practices. This need to manage security around remote work is no longer temporary. Instead, companies have to build permanent strategies around remote work and security. The coming year will also create a different landscape for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs). Here are some key predictions for next year and what to start preparing for in 2022: The reality of SMB spending around security will hit home SMBs had to undertake significant investments to adapt to remote working SMBs had to undertake significant investments to adapt to remote working, especially in comparison to their size. They had to undertake significant digital transformation projects that made it possible to deliver services remotely, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Weve seen a shift in mindset for these companies, which are now more tech-focused in their approach to problem solving. According to our research, 45% of SMBs plan to increase their spending towards IT services in 2022. Around half of all organisations think their IT budgets are adequate for their needs, while 14.5% of those surveyed believe they will need more, to cover all that needs to be done. Identity management spending to support remote work For others, the COVID-19 pandemic led to over-spending, just to get ahead of things and they will spend in 2022, looking at what they should keep and what they can reduce their spending on. Areas like identity management will stay in place, as companies struggle to support remote work and security, without this in place. However, on-premise IT spending will be reduced or cut, as those solutions are not relevant for the new work model. Services that rely on on-premise IT will be cut or replaced. The device will lead the way for security We rely on our phones to work and to communicate. In 2022, they will become central to how we manage access, to all our assets and locations, IT and physical. When employees can use company devices and their own phones for work, security is more difficult. IT teams have to ensure that theyre prepared for this, by making sure that these devices can be trusted. Wide use of digital certificates and strong MFA factors Rather than requiring a separate smart card or fingerprint reader, devices can be used for access using push authentication There are multiple ways that companies can achieve this, for example - By using digital certificates to identify company devices as trusted, an agent, or strong MFA factors, like a FIDO security key or mobile push authentication. Whichever approach you choose, this can prevent unauthorised access to IT assets and applications, and these same devices can be used for authentication into physical locations too. Rather than requiring a separate smart card or fingerprint reader, devices can be used for access using push authentication. Understanding human behaviour Alongside this, it is important to understand human behaviour. Anything that introduces an extra step for authentication can lead to employees taking workarounds. To stop this, it is important to put an employee education process in place, in order to emphasize on the importance of security. The next step is to think about adopting passwordless security, to further reduce friction and increase adoption. Lastly, as devices become the starting point for security and trust, remote device management will be needed too. More companies will need to manage devices remotely, from wiping an asset remotely if it gets lost or stolen, through to de-provisioning users easily and removing their access rights, when they leave the company. Identity will be a layer cake Zero Trust approaches to security Identity management relies on being able to trust that someone is who they say they are. Zero Trust approaches to security can support this effectively, particularly when aligned with least privilege access models. In order to turn theory into practical easy-to-deploy steps, companies need to use contextual access, as part of their identity management strategy. This involves looking at the context that employees will work in and putting together the right management approach for those circumstances. For typical employee behaviour, using two factor authentication might be enough to help them work, without security getting in the way. How enterprises manage, access and store identity data There will also be a shift in how enterprises manage, access, and store that identity data over time For areas where security is more important, additional security policies can be put over the top, to ensure that only the right people have access. A step-up in authentication can be added, based on the sensitivity of resources or risk-based adaptive authentication policies might be needed. There will also be a shift in how enterprises manage, access, and store that identity data over time, so that it aligns more closely with those use cases. Identity management critical to secure assets in 2022 There are bigger conversations taking place around digital identity for citizenship, as more services move online as well. Any moves that take place in this arena will affect how businesses think about their identity management processes too, encouraging them to look at their requirements in more detail. Overall, 2022 will be the year when identity will be critical to how companies keep their assets secure and their employees productive. With employees working remotely and businesses becoming decentralised, identity strategies will have to take the same approach. This will put the emphasis on strong identity management as the starting point for all security planning. Im Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje, and Ill be hosting the Express-News guide to all things coronavirus today. First, the most important news (for Texans): As of 3 p.m. Tuesday, Whataburger will only serve customers at its drive-through lanes, not in the dining area. Drive-through service will remain open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also order your Buffalo Chicken sandwich (available for a limited time only, even in a pandemic) online or through the Whataburger app. Starting Thursday, online orders will be delivered curbside from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and at other hours, can be picked up at the drive-through. Back to the noncheeseburger-related stuff. All local school districts have extended spring break this week. Some districts, including North East and San Antonio ISDs, have gone even further, announcing on Tuesday that the break is extended for another two weeks. Schools will reopen April 6. Also, on Monday, Mayor Ron Nirenberg issued an emergency order prohibiting all private and public gatherings of more than 50 people for seven days, a ban the City Council could extend for 30 more days on Thursday. What happens to you if you decide to flout this new order? Civil penalties and perhaps fines, sayeth the mayor. Late Monday afternoon, he went further, recommending (but not ordering) a cessation of all gatherings of 10 or more, in accordance with new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. For introverts, this is known as nirvana. And forget being able to eavesdrop on the folks sitting next to you at the bistro: Nirenberg issued guidelines that customers should be placed at tables at least six feet away from each other at all bars, restaurants and other public food service locales. (Better yet, stay home and eat. Were looking at you, U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes. Or order a Whataburger online.) Many local restaurants are now focusing on to-go menus, even though so far the mayor has declined to order all dining establishments closed, unlike officials in Dallas, Los Angeles and a handful of other cities. Some exemptions to the 50-people mass gathering rule: Movie theaters (as long as there is less than 50 moviegoers), airports, schools, churches, museums (many are already closed), grocery stores, shops, transit centers, hotels, offices, hospitals and shelters. Even in these places, people should stay more than an arms length away from each other, according to a city news release. This includes jails, where its probably a good idea to do that anyway. In all such settings, the public should follow social distancing recommendations and harm reduction measures, such as hand sanitizer, the mayors office said. Life as we know it has changed for the foreseeable future. Regal Cinemas has closed until further notice. (Recommended Netflix viewing: Contagion, the 2011 film starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon that is unnervingly accurate.) A host of upcoming events have been postponed or canceled. Local businesses have drastically cut hours, including North Star Mall and the Shops at La Cantera. (New hours: Monday-Saturday, noon to 7 p.m.; Sunday noon to 6 p.m.) You cant visit Nana in the nursing home. You cant go inside little Tiffanys day care. The Alamo is closed for the time being (but please remember it.) On Monday, a fourth case of COVID-19 was confirmed in San Antonio, a physician at University Health System that officials said contracted the virus while traveling. The doctor is being quarantined at home. Brazos County, home to Texas A&M, has reported its first coronavirus case, but the afflicted is not a student, officials said. How many Aggies does it take to catch the coronavirus? Nevermind. Texas has its first coronavirus death, a 90-year-old man in Matagorda County, about 85 miles south of Houston. All four of the local residents with COVID-19 likely contracted the virus while traveling outside San Antonio, Nirenberg said on an Express-News podcast, But we can no longer assume that the virus is not present in our community. Which brings us to: Testing. Gov. Greg Abbott said in a news conference on Monday that everyone who needs a COVID-19 test will get one, by the end of this week. San Antonio recently opened a mobile testing site, but it is limited to emergency personnel. A second mobile testing site reportedly will open on Wednesday, but the location hasnt been divulged yet. When testing at large begins, certain groups will get top priority. Health care workers, first responders, Texans older than 65 and those showing symptoms beyond a cold or flu who require hospitalization. You cant just drive up like you would drive up to Whataburger and order a cheeseburger, Abbott said. (Which, to repeat, can still be done in San Antonio.) Some needed good news: The Battle of Flowers parade will officially take place in November, along with many other postponed Fiesta events. Organizers worried they couldnt move the massive parade to a new day and time. Turns out, they can. Have you been laid-off because of the coronavirus? Do you need a job? In reaction to the mass panic-buying of groceries, H-E-B is now hiring part-time workers stockers, checkers, baggers for temporary work for up to 60 days, employment that could become permanent. Be part of the solution! (H-E-B, by the way, is not joining the trend of giving seniors specific times to shop, stating that asking customers to congregate at certain times isnt safe. The grocery behemoth is offering curbside and home delivery.) In other food-related news: Pearl Farmers Market is going online for the foreseeable future. Go to to select specific items for pickup. All orders must be submitted by midnight on Wednesday for pickup on Friday. Curbside pickup is available from 3 to 7 p.m. Fridays at the Pearl Stable, 307 Pearl Pkwy. And no need to panic about having access to your money if you do business at a state-chartered bank in San Antonio. While the Texas banking commissioner said state banks could close all or some of their operations, neither Frost Bank nor Jefferson Bank currently has plans to do so, officials said. All local school districts have extended their Spring Break this week. The head of the Texas Education Agency said Sunday that many districts could remain closed throughout the rest of the academic year, but Abbott has not issued a statewide order to close schools, leaving that decision to local leaders. On Monday Abbott waived the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, testing requirements for the current school year. The governor has also asked the U.S. Department of Education to waive federal testing requirements for this school year. Families of San Antonio students can pick up or receive free breakfast and lunch at these locations and times. Local colleges and universities have extended Spring Break and will operate online once classes resume. On Tuesday, Texas A&M University-San Antonio suspended in-person classes for the rest of the semester. Even in times of pandemic panic, the government must go on: Some state agencies have restricted access to services because of the coronavirus, even the Texas Racing Commission, which will hold thoroughbred races at Sam Houston Race Park in Houston through March 28, but the gambling public wont be allowed to watch in person. More good news: A House-passed bill that would provide paid sick leave, unemployment insurance and other benefits has moved to the Senate. Lets hope our elected officials do the right thing. Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje is a general assignment reporter covering breaking news, cultural trends and interesting people and goings-on around San Antonio and Bexar County, as well as all across South Texas. Read her on our free site,, and on our subscriber site, | | Twitter: @mstoeltje Former WAG Phoebe Burgess works her fingers to the bone as a Johnson's Baby ambassador. But it appears the 30-year-old is having trouble with her quieter life, amid the chaos of the Coronavirus pandemic. Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, Phoebe let her followers know she avoided her 'self isolation' for a quick trip to the park with her children. Fresh air: Former WAG Phoebe Burgess, 30, avoided 'self-isolation' with a quick trip to the park with her young kids on Tuesday, which she later shared on her Instagram account 'The whole two toddlers, four walls scenario is going to get interesting,' the Bowral beauty said sharing snaps of her kids Poppy, three, and Billy, one. 'Still counting on quick trips to the park (while in the city) in between arts and crafts,' she added. Phoebe looked lovingly at her gorgeous little ones, as they played on equipment at the small park. Slower pace: 'The whole two toddlers, four walls scenario is going to get interesting,' Phoebe wrote on Instagram Despite going on to ask for 'self-isolation' tips - which usually refers to quarantine - from other mothers, it appears Phoebe is only using the social distancing method. Phoebe used the hashtag 'self-isolation' on Monday, in another post. Of course, she looked her model best in the series of photographs, wearing a chic white skirt. Active: Phoebe kept a close eye on her young son, Billy, one, as he played on the equipment The beauty paired the statement skirt with a long-sleeve blouse, white sunglasses and white sandals. The Australian government and immunologists have recommended Australians 'self-isolate' for the next two weeks amid the Coronavirus pandemic. They say it will be critical in slowing the virus' spread and help prevent overloading hospital intensive care units. Little ones: Later, Phoebe kept a close eye on her young daughter, Poppy, three Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness accompanied by fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath and fatigue. It can produce pneumonia. The spread of the disease, which began in Wuhan, China, has seen over 173,000 cases worldwide and more than 6,600 fatalities. As of March 17, the total number of people diagnosed with the virus in Australia is over 450, including five deaths. Are you a current print subscriber? You qualify for online access to the Omak Chronicle. To receive your access, create a website account and then verify your print subscription or e-edition subscription with your subscriber number, which may be found on your bill or mailing label. EDWARDSVILLE While most of the rest of the Madison County Administration Building was operating on a reduced staff, the County Clerks Office was very busy Tuesday. Its election day; everybody here is essential, said Madison County Clerk Debra Ming-Mendoza. Well work probably for the next couple of weeks to get through the election, she said. Then after that well reassess and reevaluate where we are. In addition to the March 17 ballots, officials must wait for mail-in ballots, count numerous write-ins and certify all of it before the job is done. Fortunately things were going smoothly Tuesday. Unfortunately it was because turnout which was expected to be low was very light, according to Ming-Mendoza. There is no turnout, she said. Just before noon, she said some precincts were showing 40 to 50 voters, while others were 10 to 15. Im not going to get to my 20 (percent voter turnout goal) if this keeps up, she said. She noted a combination of early voting and vote-by-mail had brought in about 10,000 ballots about 5 percent of the eligible voters. There was a big uptick the last couple of days with early voting, she said. All voting precincts opened Tuesday after some concerns about judges canceling. A precinct can operate with a minimum of two judges, but there must be one Republican and one Democrat. Optimal is five; two is the minimum one from each party, she said. Ill settle for three and am ecstatic with four. As she spoke, she dealt with an election judge who wanted to leave but could not until a replacement was found. Ming-Mendoza said she thought the judge was working in a polling place with multiple precincts, so she would probably be able to switch someone. She estimated todays ballot count should be completed by 9 or 10 p.m.. But she noted the combination of write-ins and the need to wait 14 days for potential mail-in ballots and provisional ballots means, in a close race, candidates might want to hold off celebrating. She said write-ins must hit a certain threshold, based on the number of signatures needed on a nominating petition, to be included on the Nov. 3 ballot. In Godfrey 11 one of four precincts moved by COVID-19 concerns because they could not be in senior citizen living areas election judge Irene Denother and three others helped voters come through or passed the time waiting for more. An election judge for about 13 years, Denother said she had never seen anything like this years situation before. Personally, in terms of the corona, Im not really concerned about it, she said. As a Christian I know God is in control and Im not going to worry about it. Take reasonable precautions and just use common sense. The precinct was equipped with Clorox wipes and sanitizer provided by the County Clerks Office. When I picked the poll book up, they handed me this bag with the sanitizer in it, she said. Another judge brought a can of Lysol disinfectant spray. To pass the time, Denother had a puzzle book. The other judges had snacks. She said the big difference with the relocated polling place was the tight room. Theres more room over there, she said, referring to the original polling location in Asbury Villages common area. This is a display house, and behind us is a bedroom (where all the display furniture was piled up). The other thing was we didnt have any place to make coffee, she said. For those of us who are coffee fiends, thats kind of a problem. Godfrey 2, located in the other room, was a similar situation. Most of the voters there live in the village. On Tuesday, Gayle Eardley had just voted and was getting ready to go outside and wait for a ride back. I think its important for us to vote, she said. We cant complain if we dont vote or do anything about the things that are important to us. She said the change in polling locations did not create any difficulties for them. Theres so much else going on in the world I really hadnt thought of it, she said of voting. I dont obsess about it. I know what Im going to do and who I want to lead. GAMCO's Declassification Proposal Approved at National Fuel Gas Company's Annual Meeting National Fuel Gas Company (NYSE:NFG) ("National Fuel" or the "Company") held its 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders on March 11, 2020 in Naples, Florida. The Company announced that the stockholder proposal presented by GAMCO Asset Management Inc. ("GAMCO"), an affiliate of GAMCO Investors, Inc. (NYSE:GBL), received support from approximately 73% of the votes cast. The stockholder proposal requested that the Board of Directors (the "Board") of National Fuel undertake the necessary steps to declassify the Board and require that all Directors of the Company stand for election annually. Theproposal further stated that the declassification of the Board should be completed in a manner that does not affect the unexpired terms of Directors that have been previously elected by the Company's stockholders. GAMCO's Proxy Voting Committee thanks stockholders for their overwhelming support and looks forward to the Board following through on the stockholders request. GAMCO and its affiliates own approximately 6.11% of the common shares of National Fuel on behalf of their clients. GAMCO Investors, Inc., through its subsidiaries, manages private advisory accounts (GAMCO Asset Management Inc.), mutual funds and closed-end funds (Gabelli Funds, LLC). As of December 31, 2019, GAMCO Investors had $36.5 billion in assets under management. View source version on After the 1979 Iranian revolution, the regime banned many ancient festivals, using the Iran-Iraq war as an excuse. This situation continued for more than a decade. The Islamic Republics founder Ruhollah Khomeini created an atmosphere of disillusion and suffocation by extending its devastating war with Iraq for eight years. However, society could revive its spirit after the end of the war and the death of Khomeini. Since that time, while the regime lost its main means, foreign invasion, for the crackdown on the people and dissident, the traditional festivals and even religious ones turned into an opportunity for the society to express their wrath against the mullahs. One of these festivals was the Chaharshanbeh Suri fire festival among Iranians and many Persian-language speakers. This festival includes several other traditions such as spoon banging and horoscope eavesdropping. However, the main ritual in jumping over bonfires. In this respect, at sunset, the people gather brushwood in free exterior space and make several bonfires. Then, they jump over the flames as a sign of burning the obsolescence and purification practice. In recent years, the regime discouraged the people from holding these rituals, which faced an inverse response by the people and incited citizens, particularly youths, to adore them more. In this context, the mullahs are wholeheartedly concerned over this ceremony. Additionally, after the recent developments in Iran and the regimes violent reaction to the peaceful grievances, including the November protests over hikes in gas prices and the January protests against the mullahs secrecy about the downing the Ukrainian airliner by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the situation in Iran is completely different from previous years. In this context, despite the coronavirus outbreak requiring people to stay at home and not attending the fire festival, the Iranian people seem to have decided to show their anger against the mullahs rule. Notably, a couple of days ago, the regimes supreme leader Ali Khamenei ordered the chief of Staff for the Armed Forces Mohammad Bagheri to form a Health Base, pursuing to cease the public wrath against the regimes secrecy about the coronavirus outbreak in the country. However, the regimes move is practically synonymous with martial law, instead of health or pre-emptive measures. On the other hand, officials abuse the precautionary measures in order to suppress the people. Any gathering on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year will be confronted and anyone who participates in these gathering will be quarantined for 14 days, the state-run website ROKNA quoted the Attorney General of Babol city Esmail Molakarimi as saying on March 15. A day later, the chief of the special unit for Tehrans security forces Hossein Amjadian also threatened youths to curb holding the Chaharshanbeh Suri ceremony. The people should stay at home on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year, and the special units are ready to deal with anyone who disrupts citizens calm, the state-run news agency ANA quoted Amjadian as saying on March 16. The Iranian people see the regime and the IRGC as the main culprit for transferring the COVID-19 disease to Iran and spreading it across the country. However, if the regime was really concerned for the peoples health, it would have quarantined Qom previously and confronted the Khamenei-linked institutes which have hoarded the necessary items for containing the illness. Read More: The Coronavirus, a Gift for the Iranian Regime and a Calamity for the People Exclusive Citizen Report About Coronavirus Outbreak in Mashhad, Northeastern Iran Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 15:27:58|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- China has disposed of 159,000 tonnes of medical waste since late January amid the fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). China's medical waste disposal capacity has reached 6,058.8 tonnes per day, up from 4,902.8 tonnes each day before the epidemic outbreak, MEE said in a statement. The disposal capacity of Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, rose from 180 tonnes per day before the outbreak to 667.4 tonnes, showed the MEE data. Environmental authorities monitored the country's 17,949 drinking water sources and did not find any impact from the epidemic on the quality of the sources, it said. The MEE also logged improvement in air quality for 337 cities it has monitored, with the share of good air quality days at 85.7 percent from January 20 to March 14, up 10.1 percentage points year on year. The coronavirus outbreak has transformed the US virtually overnight from a place of boundless consumerism to one suddenly constrained by nesting and social distancing. The crisis tests all retailers, leading to temporary store closures at companies like Apple and Nike, manic buying of food staples at supermarkets and big-box stores like Walmart even as many stores remain open for business -- albeit in a weirdly anemic consumer environment. In general, the coronavirus crisis is expected to dent retail earnings while likely accelerating a trend towards online sales as more stores shut down, hastening an industry shakeout that was already underway prior to the public health crisis. "Weaker balance sheets and relentless margin pressures will continue to push smaller, cash-starved retailers down the ratings scale and closer to default," Mickey Chadha, a Moody's senior credit officer, said in a note to investors on Tuesday. "This will be exacerbated with the extreme dislocations caused by the coronavirus pandemic. There is a sharpening divide between those who have the capacity to weather the challenging operating environment and those who do not." Many of the companies that shut stores, a group that includes Apple, Nike and Lululemon, are stronger brands, analysts note. Apple's actions in response to the virus map the evolution of the outbreak. The tech giant on February 1 closed all its Chinese stores because of the coronavirus. But by last weekend, Apple had reopened all of its China stores, even as it announced it was shutting down everywhere else through March 27 to limit the spread of the virus in Europe and North America. "The most effective way to minimize risk of the virus's transmission is to reduce density and maximize social distance," said Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook as he announced all non-Chinese stores would be shuttered until March 27, while adding that online stores were still open. Youth-oriented apparel chain Gap also pointed to its experience in Asia as it cut hours throughout the US and Canada, while temporarily closing more than 100 stores in areas hit hardest by coronavirus. "While these situations are unsettling and ever-changing, we will continue to make decisions in the best interests of our employees," said incoming Gap Chief Executive Sonia Syngal. Other stores including Macy's and crafts retailer Michael's have remained open, but stepped up cleaning of high-trafficked areas and restrooms in response to the outbreak. "Our stores are open to serve our customers and we hope to see you soon. However, we understand that in the current environment, some customers prefer not to visit a store," said Macy's Chief Executive Jeff Gennette in a letter to customers. The outbreak will most certainly boost online sales growth even faster, as shown by Amazon's announcement late Monday that it plans to hire 100,000 warehouse workers to meet surging demand. However, analysts caution that e-commerce distribution and shipping networks are not immune to challenges from the virus. "All parts of the economy and supply chain are vulnerable," said Neil Saunders, director GlobalData Retail. "That includes delivery companies and online orders." If supply chains are affected by coronavirus outbreaks, that will mean delays to deliveries, said Saunders, who expects consumer spending to be weak overall. "Demand across the economy is going to be down," he said, citing the sudden shock to the markets. "People aren't in the mood to spend money." Longtime retail analyst Jan Rogers Kniffen said most sellers have no plan for a major hit to e-commerce supply chains and that under such a scenario, the US National Guard might be enlisted to make sure essential goods get to consumers. Kniffen said department stores were among the most likely to suffer from the coronavirus response, in part because of the hit to mall traffic. "When Apple says they're going to close, that's half the mall traffic in the US," he quipped. FedEx didn't directly respond to questions about whether the company has employees with coronavirus, but a spokeswoman said the company was taking precautions suggested by the World Health Organization. "The safety and well-being of our team members is our top priority," the spokeswoman said, adding the company is "encouraging our team members to take any signs of illness seriously and seek medical attention as needed". UPS said normal business continues in most places, but deliveries in some parts of Europe have been halted because of shop closures or restrictions in areas of several European countries, including Spain and Italy. "We are serving our customers as usual, except where limited by government restrictions," a UPS spokesman said, adding the company "does not comment on the medical condition of its employees." "If any employee experiences symptoms such as fever or respiratory infection, they are directed to seek medical treatment immediately. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Italians coming from abroad to be quarantined-Di Maio Stringent but necessary measures says FM (ANSAmed) - ROME, MARCH 17 - Italians coming home from abroad amid the coronavirus emergency are to be quarantined, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said Tuesday. "It is a measure which, in my opinion, is necessary for their health and, naturally, for the public health of all," he said after conferring with Health minister Roberto Speranza and Transport Minister Paola De Micheli. "We must weigh all precautionary measures aimed at containing, ever more, the spread of the virus. "They are stringent but necessary measures". Transport Minister Paolo De Micheli said that "a further package" to make sure Italians coming from countries without containment measures are not dangerous was being "put together". (ANSAmed). Getty I get that the news out of the debate is that Joe Biden committed to picking a woman vice president. Thats a big deal. But there were a couple non-news things that were important too. The first one is that Biden is not senile, does not have dementia, had no trouble in this debate uttering six or even seven sentences in a row that make sense, and handled himself fine. I suspect that any chance Bernie Sanders had to turn the tables in the way he was hoping ended in the first five minutes, by which time it was pretty clear that Biden was fully compos mentis and wasnt going to start quoting Jack Benny routines to drive home his point. This was really different from those early debates when he was ambushed from all sides. Then, he was verbally drowning half the time. Tonight, he was totally calm. He did maybe miss an opportunity to try to reach out to Sanders voters, but overall, he was in control of himself. It ought to make people feel more comfortable picturing him on a stage opposite Donald Trump. Biden: Virus Means Its Time for War, Not Revolution But he was also just personable. You know how people like me are always parsing the details, like hey, didnt he use a slightly different figure on that issue in a previous debate? Well, that kind of thing is way too wonky-weedsy. It wouldnt surprise me if Bidens most memorable tonight was that bit about 35 minutes in when Dana Bash asked about what theyre doing personally to protect against the coronavirus, and Bernie Sanders talked about official, campaign-y things, but Biden made it personal and said Im taking all the precautions everyone else should be taking. I wash my hands God knows how many times a day. I carry with me, in my bag outside here, hand sanitizer. I dont know how many times a day I use that. I make sure I dont touch my face and so on. Im taking all the precautions were telling everybody else to take. He was just being a guy there, a person, a regular, um, Joe, in a way Sanders chooses never to do. Story continues So that was the first thing. The second was more substantive, and it was that Biden more or less managed to defend his much spottier record against Sanders attacks. The three big issues here were Social Security, an old bankruptcy bill, and same-sex marriage. And I guess the Iraq war, thats always in there. On all these issues, Biden has real vulnerabilities. He did used to talk about certain small cuts to Social Security benefits (although a Politifact analysis rated Sanders attacks on Biden as mostly false). On bankruptcy, well, he was a senator from Delaware. And Sanders was right that Biden did vote for the Defense of Marriage Act (a Clinton-era measure that said marriage was between a man and a woman) while he, Sanders, opposed it. But heres the thing about all that. Well, a) its the past, and in our new state, it seems a little less relevant than before. Nobody thinks todays Joe Biden is going to cut Social Security. But the main thing is this: Biden and Sanders show us two models of senator-hood that are as opposite as they could be. Biden, from early on in his career, was a super-duper inside player. He got his fingers into all kinds of pies. He did stuff. Plus, he was elected from a state where he obviously had to accommodate himself to certain interests. If he didnt, those interests would have seen to getting rid of him after one term. Sanders has spent 30 years in Washington not really trying to do much of anything, reveling in his stance as the outsider. And he was elected from a state where he never faced any pressure to compromise on anything (he used to face one form of pressure, on guns, and he actually buckled on that until he was secure in his incumbency). Indeed, the vast majority of the pressure he faced, if it can even be called pressure, was to vote the orthodox lefty line on every issue (I dont doubt his votes were sincere). Whereas the vast majority of Democratic senators faced pressure to support the Iraq war, Vermonters might have thrown Sanders out if hed voted for it. This enables him to sound pure today, and sounding pure is of great advantage in primary contests. It has helped him a great deal thus far. But it didnt work so well in this debate. He kept trying to press the point that his record was more consistent, but he was doing so in such a way that you could tell he was straining to convince viewers that it was important. Biden had OK answers on most of these things, and more than OK on same-sex marriage, when he said I was the only major player who backed same-sex marriage, which is basically trueremember how he endorsed it before the 2016 reelection, before Barack Obama did or wanted to. Biden could have put it more effectively: Bernie, yes, you cast a good vote from your seat in the bleachers. But I did more than anybody to make same-sex marriage reality. They were very different kinds of senators. One kept his hands clean and assembled a faultless (from a left point of view) voting record. The other got his hands dirty. Democratic voters are making it very clear which model they prefer, and tonight seems not to have done anything to change that. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now! Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more. New Delhi, March 17 : The Centre, in a preliminary affidavit, responded point-by-point to the criticism against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), saying that India is constitutionally secular, and also told the Supreme Court that the act does not violate any fundamental right provisions of the Constitution and therefore, the question of violation of constitutional morality does not arise. The amended law seeks to grant citizenship to non-Muslim migrants belonging to the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain and Parsi communities who came to the country from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan on or before December 31, 2014 due to religious persecution. The affidavit filed by B.C. Joshi, Director in Ministry of Home Affairs, said that CAA is a narrowly-tailored legislation seeking to address the specific problem which awaited a solution since several decades, and it does not affect the legal, democratic or secular rights of any Indian citizen. The Centre said that equal protection of the laws guaranteed by Article 14 of the Constitution does not mean that all laws must be general in character and universal in application and that the legislature no longer has the power of distinguishing and classifying persons or things for the purposes of legislation. "It is humbly submitted that the only requirement prior to making a particular classification or a special legislation (as is in the CAA) is that the legislative classification must not be based on any arbitrary classification and should be based on an intelligible differentia having a reasonable relation to the object which the legislature seeks to attain," it said. The Centre insisted unlike the particular neighbouring countries, "India is a constitutionally secular country and further has a large population of persons belonging to the classified communities already residing as Indian citizens". It contended that the CAA is a "benign piece" of legislation which seeks to provide a relaxation, in the nature of an amnesty, to specific communities from the specified countries with a clear cut-off date. After considering the totality of factors, including factors of international geopolitics, the demographic profile of nations surrounding the particular neighbouring countries, the situation of or the presence of other persons of classified communities in other nations surrounding the neighbouring classified countries and the presence of state religions/theocratic regimes in other countries surrounding the neighbouring classified countries, the Centre said it "makes it amply clear that India represents the sole rational and logically feasible place to seek shelter for the said communities". The Centre's affidavit said: "It is submitted that constitutional morality is not an unruly horse and cannot become an independent basis for challenging the constitutionality of validly enacted legislations." It maintained that the CAA, 2019 does not confer any arbitrary or unguided powers upon the executive. "Under Section 6B(1) the Central Government or a specified authority would grant citizenship only in a manner where certain conditions & restrictions would be satisfied by the applicant. Appropriate rules under Section 6B are being framed to clearly lay down these conditions, restrictions and manner of grant of citizenship." "It is submitted that the CAA is a specific amendment which seeks to tackle a specific problem prevalent in the specified countries i.e. persecution on the ground of religion in light of the undisputable theocratic constitutional position in the specified countries, the systematic functioning of such States and the perception of fear that may be prevalent amongst minorities as per the de facto situation in the said countries." Addressing the issue of citizenship for Rohingyas, the Centre said that thousands of Rohingyas have come into India, mainly through Bangladesh, in search of better economic opportunities. "It is submitted that the Rohingyas are not on the same footing as the religiously persecuted minorities who have fled into India from the particular neighbouring countries," said the Centre. Seeking to keep out CAA out of judicial review, it said: "It is submitted that by the very nature of the question regarding citizenship of the country and issues pertaining thereto, the said subject matter may not be within the scope of judicial review and may not be justiciable." An Indian-origin man has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison by a UK court for sexually assaulting a young girl. The Isleworth Crown Court in London on Monday sentenced Nikunjkumar Vaidh, 36, from Hounslow in west London after he was found guilty of two counts of sexually touching of a child under 13 years of age following a trial at the same court in December last year. The court was told that Vaidh attacked the girl, who was known to him, on two separate occasions, both within her own home in west London. Nikunjkumar Vaidh is an opportunistic abuser who took advantage of situations where he had won the confidence of others, and used them to carry out two sexual assaults on a young girl, said Emma Rogers, from the Metropolitan Police West Area Safeguarding Team, who led the investigation. I would like to pay tribute to the bravery of the girl and her family who had the confidence to speak to the police and support this investigation to its conclusion, she said. On both times of the assault, Vaidh waited for an opportunity when other adults were not present to carry out the attacks. After the second assault, he told the girl that what had happened was top secret and she couldn't tell anyone. However, the girl confided in her mother who then confronted Vaidh. Police were called and an investigation was launched. When arrested and questioned, Vaidh denied the allegations and claimed the girl was making up the claims. The Met Police said the victim, who cannot be named, received specialist counselling and support by specially trained officers throughout the investigation. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An ethnic-minority village in Lam Dong has become well-known for its title village with 3-nos (no drinking, no smoking and no social evils) thanks to a concerted communal effort that commenced over a dozen years ago. Villagers in am Rong Districts Ro Men Commune can now access clean water. Life in the Mong ethnic minority village in the Central Highlands province of Lam ong has changed a lot thanks to a concerted communal effort that commenced over a dozen years ago. Photo The village, home to 789 people of the Mong ethnic group, is in am Rong Districts Ro Men Commune. While drunkenness, smoking and social evils are rife in the countryside, the village has set a bright example of civilised society by stopping the sale of alcohol and tobacco sales. This has helped eliminate scenes of drunken men and gambling. Sung A Sang, 40, head of the village, said every Mong person who wanted to settle there had to strictly follow the States laws and commit to not drinking or smoking, while avoiding social evils. This has achieved security and order, and no one leaves their houses after 9pm anymore. When a stranger comes to visit, they must inform the head of the village even if they are only staying for one night so the police can carry out the necessary procedures for them. If they don't, the family they are visiting must take responsibility in case any regulations are broken. During the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday, local residents participate in games such as nem con (throwing a ball through a ring for good luck) and badminton. Theres a lot of fun. However, people never drink wine or smoke cigarettes. They only consume soft drinks, Sang told Nong Thon Ngay Nay (Countryside Today) newspaper. Giang Seo Pao, 55, a local resident, agreed. Everyone in the village gave up drinking and smoking because we are aware of its harmful effects, he said. Everybody knew that tobacco was harmful because it affected both smokers and their families in the long run, Pao said. It is easy for men to get drunk, but that can lead to domestic violence. That's why people decided to give up all these bad habits." Pao said he was from the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang where there are only terraced fields and it was difficult for local residents to develop a well-rounded economy. Like many other people, they volunteered to go to areas like Lam ong, ak Lak and ak Nong provinces to settle down with the hopes of a better future. To start with back in 2004, they faced a lot of difficulties. We had to borrow rice seeds from residents in a Tong, another commune in am Rong District, and dig dong (arrowroot) bulbs in the forest. We couldn't make ends meet, he recalled. With hard work, a passion for learning and support from the Party and Government, the living standards have gradually improved. The district authorities have poured resources into building infrastructure and implemented social security polices for poor people to help them escape poverty. They have also promoted restructuring crops and livestock, taking advantage of the regions potential to boost sustainable socio-economic development. Local authorities have strived to achieve the target of between 1,000-1,500 new jobs created each year, and the percentage of people who have access to clean water at 93 per cent. As Pao said: My family now has 1 hectare for coffee cultivation. I will plant durian and avocado trees on that land to boost my income. Whats more important is that villagers have access to clean water thanks to a facility which was put into operation in 2015. In the past, they had to travel dozens of kilometres to take water from local streams. The improvements have led to a change in awareness among the community. Knowing that the Government had invested in building infrastructure for the commune, some people donated land for the construction of a 1,500 sq.m community house, Sang said. Local residents have also contributed land for concrete roads built with Government funding. As a result, they dont have to walk on dirt paths when it rains. Their efforts have been paid off as Ro Men Commune has been recognised as meeting the nation's new rural standards thanks to the contributions of the Mong community. VNS Ethnic minority man blazes trail for his community At the age of 34, Alang Tho became the first Co Tu ethnic minority person in Vietnam to gain a PhD degree when he graduated in December 2019. By Trend Over the past 24 hours, Armenian armed forces have violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops 21 times, Trend reports referring to Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. The Armenian armed forces were using sniper rifles. US officials have claimed that a foreign disinformation campaign is being undertaken to spread fear, according to a report. The three officials believe a deliberate effort is underway by a foreign entity to create fear in US citizens around coronavirus. On Sunday, news started to spread that there would be a national quarantine, something that government agencies took coordinated action to dispel. The officials spoke to the Associated Press on the condition of anonymity and did not name what foreign entity they thought was behind the misinformation. Last week, the Pentagon accused the Chinese government of spreading false & absurd conspiracy theories about the origin of COVID-19 blaming U.S. service members. The national security council tweeted on Sunday in an attempt to dispel the rumours of a national lockdown. Text message rumours of a national #quarantine are FAKE. There is no national lockdown. @CDCgov has and will continue to post the latest guidance on #COVID19, it tweeted. During a press call on Monday, Donald Trump said that there might be a foreign entity playing games. This is not the first time that the US government has claimed foreign interference. Officials have previously warned of Russian social media activity and there were widespread reports of interference in the 2016 election. Recommended Trump appears to claim UK made up Russia interference in 2016 election In the US 3,485 cases of the disease and 65 deaths have been recorded so far. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended a two-week ban on gatherings of more than 50 people as part of the battle to contain the spread of the contagion. Additional reporting by Associated Press A shop owner on Passyunk Avenue in South Philadelphia wipes off the door handles of his business after locking the doors on Monday, March 16, 2020, at 5 p.m. in compliance with Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney's directive on non-essential businesses having to close due to the coronavirus. Read more Theres a meme going around Instagram right now summing up the state of affairs for small businesses navigating our new COVID-19-infected reality: If you would like to know how it feels to be in hospitality during the coronavirus pandemic? Remember when the Titanic was sinking, and the band continued to play? Well, were the band. It will be months before we know the true economic cost of COVID-19, but theres no doubt small businesses and the people they employ will be affected most: your local bar and bakery, the dry-cleaners, the barbershop, all nonessentials that have been shut down, some of their own volition at first, the rest at the direction of government leaders. Grocery stores are open, and you dont need to see the corona-porn posts of pillaged shelves at Target and Walmart to realize these big businesses will be OK. Its the little guys and girls who will need support, especially minority- and immigrant-owned businesses, that will be disproportionately affected. READ MORE: SHARE YOUR STORY: How are you staying connected to your community amid the coronavirus outbreak? I asked some local small business owners how the pandemic has affected their bottom lines and industries so far, and answers came back in the realm of devastating (Judy Ni, chef-owner, Baology) and terrifying (Stevie Chris, freelance photographer). I closed a small retail business in January, by choice. Had that not been the case, I feel confident saying the coronavirus would have taken it out by spring. I wanted to do something for the small businesses in my community, so over the weekend I launched #Five4Fifty, a pledge to spend at least $5 at a small business every day for the next 50 days (about seven weeks, the critical window of time in the United States). Its a beer, a loaf of bread, a bouquet of flowers. Dont have $5 a day? Do $3 or $1 every little bit will help. Dont have the spare money at all? Telling a friend or family member is free. You can participate in #Five4Fifty from home, as social distancing to flatten the curve has become the recommended course of action. Shop online from independent stores, subscribe to a local newspaper or magazine, buy gifts cards you can use at a later date. Restaurants, which so far are permitted to remain open for takeout and delivery, are getting creative. On Tuesday morning, East Passyunks Essen Bakery was delivering sesame bagels, zaatar croissants, and Jewish apple cake to customers who signed up online via its Babkamobile. Lalo, the Filipino restaurant at the Bourse, has instituted curbside pickup and expanded its delivery zone to 10 miles outside Center Cit y that means adobo for Ardmore and pork belly for Packer Park. While takeout and delivery can temporarily staunch the bleeding before it decided to close this week, a 25% increase in online sales at Mikes BBQ, for example, had offset a 25% decrease in in-person sales its an imperfect solution. Third-party delivery services havent stopped charging restaurants commissions, and takeout/delivery does not address losses for tipped and hourly workers. A crisis like this underscores how threadbare the safety net is in Americas tipped-wage system to say nothing of our exploitative health-care system though that lesson is of little comfort to the server or bartender who depends on butts in seats to make money. Businesses Im seeing address this directly include Rowhouse Grocery in Newbold, which is offering a 15% discount to service-industry workers. At Kalaya in Bella Vista, chef-owner Nok Suntaranon posted a video on Instagram announcing a free family meal for anyone in the industry. Money from all gift-card purchases at Steve Cook and Mike Solomonovs restaurants will go toward staff support. Weve raised $10,000 so far, Cook told me Tuesday. I saw a post from comedian Kate Willett on Twitter. She wrote, If they [the federal government] dont give relief to small businesses when we go back outside everything will be a Starbucks and NY as we know it will be entirely gone. Though New Yorks astronomical rents make businesses there uniquely vulnerable, the same sentiment could apply to Philly. Imagine the city without Pho 75 or Metropolitan Bakery or Rival Bros. Coffee, then go support them and businesses like them through the #Five4Fifty pledge. Things are changing moment by moment, and in another week, the situation in the United States. could look more like those in Italy and France. Until then, Ill be doing my very small part. Adam Erace is an award-winning food and travel writer based in South Philly. He is the coauthor of Laurel: Modern American Flavors in Philadelphia and Dinner at the Club: 100 Years of Stories and Recipes From South Phillys Palizzi Social Club. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Reuters Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday afternoon that Canada would close its borders to anyone who is not a citizen, permanent resident, or US citizen as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. Trudeau also asked all Canadian citizens and legal residents to return to Canada "while it is still possible." "I know this news will spark concern," Trudeau said during a Monday press briefing. "I know that these measures are far-reaching. They are exceptional circumstances, calling for exceptional measures." Trudeau's wife, Sophie Trudeau, tested positive for the coronavirus last week, but the prime minister, who is self-isolating for 14 days, said he had "absolutely no symptoms." Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday afternoon that Canada would close its borders to anyone who is not a Canadian citizen, except for permanent Canadian residents, close family members of Canadians, diplomats, and US citizens, as the coronavirus pandemic worsens. "I know this news will spark concern," Trudeau said during a Monday press briefing. "I know that these measures are far-reaching. They are exceptional circumstances, calling for exceptional measures." Trudeau also asked all Canadian citizens and legal residents to return to Canada "while it is still possible." As of Monday, there were 377 people infected with the coronavirus in Canada. Canada previously required those traveling to the country from Italy, Iran, and China's Hubei province to "self-isolate and stay at home" for two weeks and notify public-health authorities within their first day in the country. The Canadian government also recommended all travelers coming from abroad self-isolate for two weeks. Trudeau's wife, Sophie Trudeau, tested positive for the coronavirus last week, but the prime minister said he had "absolutely no symptoms" and that their children weren't showing any symptoms of the virus. Read the original article on Business Insider Oregon will no longer allow visitors at nursing homes and other group care facilities in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus among people most at risk from the disease, Gov. Kate Brown announced Tuesday. People will still be allowed to visit their loved ones who are near the end of life, the governor said. The virus attacks older people and people with underlying health conditions with the most virulence. The epicenter of Oregons COVID-19 outbreak is a veterans home in Lebanon where there are now 14 presumptive positive coronavirus cases among 13 residents and one staff member. The new visitation ban also applies to adult foster homes and group homes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the governor said in her daily telephone call with reporters Tuesday morning. A week ago, the state opted to continue allowing people to visit long-term care homes so long as only two people at a time visited a resident and visitors were screened for symptoms of respiratory illness. Brown defended her decision to allow day cares to remain open even as she has imposed increasingly strict social distancing measures including closing schools statewide through the end of March, banning gatherings of more than 25 people and ordering bars and restaurants to cease all operations with the exception of takeout and delivery meals. The information we know is that children are, of all of our population, the most minimally impacted by the coronavirus," Brown said. "Like all of these decisions its a balancing act, she said. Key reasons to keep childcare centers open include the need for many workers in public safety, health care and other essential fields such as the grocery supply chain to continue reporting for work, the governor said. I would argue that its better for children to be in a childcare facility than to be home with their elderly aunt or their elderly grandpa because need to protect our elderly and our most vulnerable, Brown said. She did not address what older childcare workers and others at higher risk of coronavirus complications should do. But the states Early Learning Division said those people should not work and that its fine for certain day cares to close as a result. Many day cares in Oregon have already closed voluntarily, following the closure of public schools. The governor said she does not plan to issue a statewide ban on evictions when people cannot pay their rent due to coronavirus related issues, as Multnomah County and Portland officials did locally Tuesday morning. "We are not considering that option at this point in time but obviously, again, we are in a global pandemic and all options are on the table, Brown said. "As you know, we have a housing crisis already in the state and I want to make sure that doesnt get worse. In response to a reporters question about rural Oregons capacity to respond to a growing number of coronavirus cases, Brown said it has been challenging to convince people outside metropolitan areas to adopt social distancing necessary to slow the virus spread. "I do know that it doesnt feel real in eastern Oregon and that we are struggling to communicate the importance of social distancing measures there, Brown said. Rural mayors and county commissioners provided some of the strongest pushback to the idea of closing bars and restaurants, saying elderly and vulnerable people in their communities depended on those businesses. So thats why I was extremely hesitant to make the call I did yesterday, the governor said. But rural hospitals simply do not have the capacity to care for a large number of people who might become sick due to COVID-19, so Brown said the state is relying on people to take responsibility for slowing its spread. We just dont have the personnel that we will need for a huge surge, she said. "I know this is causing a grave hardship and extreme challenges for Oregonians across the state. I know in rural Oregon it is particularly challenging. But honestly we have to minimize the impacts as much as possible and thats why Im talking to folks all over the state and asking people to take these measures very, very seriously. -- Hillary Borrud;; @hborrud Subscribe to Oregonian/OregonLive newsletters and podcasts for the latest news and top stories. New Delhi: The Congress on Tuesday criticised the government for nominating former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi to the Rajya Sabha and used the remarks of former law minister Arun Jaitley on cooling off period for judges to attack it. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala asked whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi considered the advice of his late law minister before nominating Gogoi. "Did PM Modi consider the advice of his former colleague and Law Minister and Finance Minister, Late Sh. Arun Jaitley before recommending Ex-CJI, Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha," he asked on Twitter. "Justice Lokur rightly summarises it -: 'Has the last bastion fallen?'," Surjewala said in another tweet. Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi also said that Modi could have adhered to the advice of Jaitley in this regard. He also highlighted and shared the 2012 remarks of Jaitley on having a cooling off period for judges to head Tribunals. "Modiji amitshahji hamari nahi to arun Jaitley ki to sun lijiye! Did he not speak and write against post retirement largesse to judges? Do u remember," he said citing Jaitley's comments. "...Courts function on faith trust perception and faith. Each has taken a bad beating today," he said. Since our early beginnings, Spry Digital has valued and championed for gender equality in the workplace, especially in technology. As a woman-owned business, we believe in the importance of clearly defining and implementing policies to support women in the workplace," said Sheila Burkett, CEO. Spry Digital was one of 16 organizations honored by the Womens Foundation of St. Louis as part of its Women in the Workplace: Employment Scorecard Initiative. The honor recognizes employers who demonstrate a strong commitment to women in the workplace. Since our early beginnings, Spry Digital has valued and championed for gender equality in the workplace, especially in technology. As a woman-owned business, we believe in the importance of clearly defining and implementing policies to support women in the workplace. Only through action and leadership can we hope to have an inclusive, supportive environment for all employees, said Sheila Burkett, chief executive officer. Honorees were selected based on data submitted about structural efforts and outcomes to advance women through compensation, leadership, flexible work policies and recruitment and retention initiatives. Spry Digital actively works on building team strengths based on different experiences to create inclusive and progressive company values. Notably, Spry has developed a number of policies over the past year to better establish an equitable workplace for everyone. Most significantly, it has implemented a new family leave policy which allows paid time off for both mothers and fathers. Half of Spry Digitals employees are women, including both the chief executive officer and the chief technology officer. We like to say that 50 percent of our workforce are women, but 100 percent of our workforce are the best person for the job, adds Burkett. Our atmosphere makes Spry Digital both a great place to work and a great place to bring your work. About Spry Digital Spry Digital, located in St. Louis, Missouri, works to create meaningful digital experiences that inspire, empower and connect people. Spry Digital blends innovative web, application and marketing solutions to transform businesses from the inside out and position them for success in a digital world. Its award-winning people-first approach underscores its commitment to both its employees and its clients. From energy to real estate, the infrastructure industry is constantly reinventing itself. Be it the product offerings or the consumer preferences, the underlying traits that had defined this industry for so long have changed. Take the example of the energy sector. Saurabh Kumar, Managing Director, Energy Efficiency Services Limited, said, Some people like to call it energy transmission, I would like to call it energy transformation. The customer was never the focus of the power centre, but things are changing dramatically. Kumar was speaking at the 15th edition of HT Brand Studio Live. It is a series that gets the brains behind Indias top brands to decode marketing innovations and more. It is anchored by Rameet Arora, Chief Operating Officer, HT Digital Streams, and co-hosted by HT Brand Studio and DMAasia. While older templates get re-imagined, the need for change is imperative. Core to these changes is data-driven infrastructure. NSN Murty, Partner & Leader, Smart Cities, PwC India, said, In the last five-six years, consumers have gone from being price sensitive to quality conscious. Consumers want that service and if it is given, they will pay an extra amount of money. Smart cities are completely focused on how the quality of service delivery improves at the last mile. With rampant urbanisation and digitisation, consumer needs are also constantly shifting. The demands are diverse, but the creation of such demands and their fulfilment depend on social infrastructure more than anything else, as explained by Karan Kumar, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, DLF. He said: Infrastructure needs to be looked at from various levels, other than physical infrastructure. Building a new India is all about getting your habitation story in place. Infrastructure leads to habitation, which again leads to community building, which automatically provides the requirement for multiple services to be provided to these communities. Its a very large and connected puzzle. Ashish Bhutani, CEO, Bhutani Group, also spoke about blending infrastructure and experiences. He said, Brands should focus on building landmarks instead of just brick-and-mortar buildings. Infrastructure should have some marquee attractions, so that an individual can work and spend time with his family at the same place. Brands should also strive to cater to the needs of millennial consumers. Rajan Suri, Business Head - Retail Assets, PNB Housing Finance Limited, said, Companies should actively invest in the digital space, as consumers are most active there. They need everything at the touch of a button. Consumers, especially Gen Z, believe in personalised offerings. Highlighting how even B2B marketing in real estate has evolved, Ramesh Iyengar, Chairman & Managing Director, Select Direct Marketing Communications, said, The end consumer is so aware, so well-travelled and so exposed that they are demanding good-quality products. We can even see manufacturers are jumping across verticals. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON The COVID-19 patient who returned to Beijing from the United States last week is being investigated for the suspected crime of impairing the prevention and control of infectious diseases, a Beijing police spokesperson said Monday. The 37-year-old female patient, surnamed Li, is a citizen of the southwestern city of Chongqing but has been living in Massachusetts, according to Pan Xuhong, deputy head and spokesperson of the municipal public security bureau. Li, who developed symptoms including fever and cough on March 1, flew back to Beijing with her husband and son from Los Angeles and arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport on March 13. They were sent to a hospital directly from the airport and Li tested positive of the COVID-19. Li is being treated at a designated hospital. Her husband and son are under quarantine, according to Pan. Pan said the Beijing police will resolutely crack down on the illegal acts of refusing to cooperate in epidemic prevention and control, such as falsifying information and concealment of illness, and bring those accountable to justice. The price of personal protective equipment, known as PPE, has skyrocketed, forcing healthcare professionals to scramble for supplies and consider closing their practices. While the federal government is working to increase the supply of PPE, including 230,000 new P2 masks which arrived in Australia on Tuesday, health practitioners say the supplies they are receiving are not enough to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Health care professionals are scrambling for masks, goggles and gowns as the COVID-19 crisis continues. Credit:Mags King Kirrawee Family Medical Practice manager Karen Pearn, in Sydney's south, said the practice ordered gowns, masks and goggles a few weeks ago ahead of the shortage and received only an additional 150 surgical masks from the federal government through its National Medical Stockpile initiative. The practice is now scrambling for supplies. India has ordered the closure of the Taj Mahal, its most popular tourist attraction, amid mounting concerns that a lack of testing could mask the scale of the countrys coronavirus outbreak. Visitor numbers to the 17th century monument outside the city of Agra were already down after the Indian government ordered a ban last week on all visas for foreign tourists. Some visitors who entered the country before the travel ban came into force were pictured in tears outside the closed gates on Tuesday. The Taj Mahal built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a grand tomb for his favourite wife normally attracts as many as 70,000 people every day. Its closure, and that of all the other 3,690 monuments and historical sites run by the Archaeological Survey of India nationwide, come amid increasingly strict measures taken by the government to try and stave off a Covid-19 epidemic. From midday on Wednesday, the travel ban will be extended to cover all passengers coming from the UK, EU and Turkey, and will even include Indian nationals wanting to travel home from those countries, a senior source in the Indian foreign ministry confirmed. The official said the advisory, issued amid some confusion on Monday, does not make any distinction between Indian and foreign nationals. Asked whether this would potentially mean Indians being stranded in European countries, even if their visas had expired, the official said: These are extraordinary times due to the pandemic and a temporary measure. Our missions will facilitate the visa extension and we hope the same will be agreed to by the EU countries. India, a country of almost 1.4 billion people, has had just 137 confirmed coronavirus cases, and on Tuesday reported only its third death a 64-year-old man in Maharashtra, the worst-affected state. But experts have expressed concerns that many infections could be going undetected, with the governments limited policy on testing meaning only 11,500 people have had proper lab checks. One British woman who was both experiencing symptoms and had suspected contact with a Covid-19 case left India for France after the authorities refused to test her. It is Indias policy that people will only be tested if they have suspected contact with a case or have travelled abroad, and then are still showing symptoms after 14 days of home quarantine. One reason for the protocol which goes against World Health Organisation advice and experiences of several countries that are testing as many people as they can is the cost of conducting a test. Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Show all 20 1 /20 Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Top: Nabi Younes market, Mosul Bottom: Charles Bridge, Prague Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Grand Mosque, Mecca Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Nabi Younes market, Mosul Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Basra Grand Mosque, Iraq Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Charles Bridge, Prague Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Taj Mahal hotel, India Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Dubai Mall, UAE Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Beirut March, Lebanon Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Gateway of India, Mumbai Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo University, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Beirut March, Lebanon Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Cairo University, Egypt Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Victoria Memorial, India Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Amman Citadel, Jordan Reuters Before and after photos show impact of coronavirus around the world Sidon, Lebanon Reuters Officials are of the view that the Rs 5,000 (56) it costs the public health system to test for Covid-19 would be better spent on longer standing health problems like tuberculosis, malnutrition and HIV/Aids, where that amount of money goes a long way in South Asia. Instead, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) the countrys top medical research body is using random sample testing to monitor for what it calls community spread, the threshold whereby a country is experiencing new infections where there is no history of travel or contact with people who have travelled abroad. At a news conference, ICMR experts said that no Covid-19 cases were detected among a sample of 1,000 patients with acute respiratory problems in February. Preliminary data for the first week of March, from a sample of 500 tests, didnt show a single coronavirus case. Balram Bhargava, the ICMRs director, said testing indiscriminately would be premature for India, where we are still in stage 2 [local transmission]. Therefore it creates more fear, more paranoia and more hype, he said. But not everyone is agreed on the approach, or the conclusions drawn by the ICMR. Given the pattern of disease in other places, and given our low level of testing, then I do think that community transmission is happening, said Dr Gagandeep Kang, the director of the Translational Health Science and Technology Institute. Community spread is very likely in a country like India, where more than 400 million people live in crowded cities and many do not have the regular access to clean water needed to follow hand-washing guidance, said Dr Anant Bhan, a global health researcher in Bhopal, central India. But the only way to know for sure is through more expansive testing, he told the Associated Press. City authorities are not waiting for cases to rise before taking action over social mixing. From Delhi to Mumbai to Bengaluru, Indias largest metropolises are closing schools, banning large gatherings and asking people to work from home where possible. Yet there are also major shortcomings in public compliance with anti-virus orders. Health officials have struggled to maintain quarantines, with people fleeing from isolation wards complaining of filthy conditions. In the central state of Maharashtra, five people, one of whom had tested negative and the rest who were awaiting test results, walked out of an isolation ward last Saturday. And while India has implemented a 19th century epidemic law that empowers officials to punish those who flout containment measures, there is only so much the authorities can do without public compliance. Aditya Bhatnagar, an Indian university student who was studying in Spain, described unsanitary conditions at an isolation ward where he and 50 others passengers on a Barcelona flight have been kept since landing in Delhi on Monday. Rooms shared by around eight people lacked basic hygiene features such as clean bed sheets and bathrooms, and the group was not provided with masks or hand sanitiser despite still awaiting their Covid-19 test results. I dont think these measures would be enough to contain the pandemic, Bhatnagar said. Additional reporting by agencies Former Najaf governor has 30 days to form a cabinet which must then be approved by Iraqs Parliament. Iraqi President Barham Salih has appointed Adnan al-Zurfi as the countrys new prime minister-designate in the latest bid to resolve a months-long political crisis. Al-Zurfi has 30 days to form his cabinet which he must then put to a vote of confidence in Iraqs fractious Parliament. The 54-year-old former governor of the holy Shia city of Najaf heads the Nasr parliamentary grouping of former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. Al-Zurfi would replace caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, who quit in December following widespread mass demonstrations against a government that protesters see as corrupt, failing to provide them with basic services, and beholden to powerful neighbouring Iran. Al Jazeeras Simona Foltyn, reporting from the capital, Baghdad, said: President Salih has made an unprecedented step chosing Adnan al-Zurfi without the consultation of the political parties in Parliament. He is somebody who is seen as having pretty close ties with the West and with the US specifically and, as a result of that, many of the political parties in Parliament are likely to reject him, Foltyn added. A senior government source told AFP news agency that political factions had intensely debated names for days, seeking a non-confrontational figure to preserve the status quo. Al-Zurfis appointment came two weeks after former Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Allawi withdrew his candidacy for the post, accusing political parties of obstructing him. Al-Zurfi was a former official of the US-run authorities that took over Iraq after the 2003 US invasion that deposed former ruler Saddam Hussein. Now that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is officially a global pandemic, everyone has one common goal, keep everybody safe from the deadly disease. To strengthen the response against the rapid spread of the virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations have partnered to curb the pandemic, as they launched the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. The fund, which is the first-of-its-kind, will enable private individuals, institutions, and corporations across the globe to work together and contribute to global response efforts. Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 (round gold objects) emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. SARS-CoV-2, also known as 2019-nCoV, is the virus that causes COVID-19. The virus shown was isolated from a patient in the U.S. Credit: NIAID-RML The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund During times of need, a response fund will help raise money from a broad range of donors from different countries to support the work of the WHO and its partners. This way, they can respond to the needs of countries shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund will unite many private individuals, corporations and organizations to contribute to global efforts to stem the outbreak. The response has been pioneered by the WHO, the United Nations, and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation. We are at a critical point in the global response to COVID-19 we need everyone to get involved in this massive effort to keep the world safe, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, said. We are immensely grateful to the UN Foundation and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation for coming forward to help us set up this fund. A lot of people and institutions have been saying they want to contribute to the fight against the novel coronavirus. Now they can, he added. The funds raised will be allocated toward actions outlined in the COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to enable vulnerable countries with weak healthcare systems to prepare for the outbreak. The response includes fast detection of cases, stemming transmission of the pathogen, and caring for those who are infected. Further, the funds will help in the manufacture and distribution of personal protective equipment for frontline health workers who are serving those who are negatively impacted. The partnership will also enable diagnostic laboratories to be equipped with the tests needed for the disease. The funds will help strengthen supply chains, improve surveillance and data collection, maintain intensive care units, and hasten research and development of treatments and vaccines. Economic impact Apart from the partnership with the UN, the WHO will work closely with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to ensure the latest and most reliable information about the pandemic reaches the global business community. The pandemic has caused immense problems in the business sector as many businesses have shut down amid lockdown regulations in many countries and cities. All companies play pivotal roles in minimizing the risk of transmission and negative impact on the community. Early action will help curb the spread of the deadly virus, which includes precautionary measures to reduce risks to employees and long-term effects on the economy. What is happening? The global pandemic, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has emerged in late December 2019 in a seafood market in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, in China. On Jan. 23, the city was locked down, and residents were barred from leaving the city. Now, the outbreak has since spread to 155 countries, regions, and sovereignties, infecting 181,800 people across the globe. The death toll has reached 7,146, with Italy reporting the highest number of infections and deaths outside China. Italy has so far nearly 28,000 confirmed cases and more than 2,100 deaths. To compare, China has reported more than 81,000 infections and more than 3,100 deaths. The death rate in Italy is far more than that of China, with more than 7 percent fatality rate. Iran has reported 14,991 infections, while Spain surpassed South Korea with 9,942 confirmed cases, while South Korea has 8,320 cases. The death toll of Spain and France are also high, with 342 and 148 deaths, respectively. Bhopal, March 17 : After his government survived for another day, Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath continued his correspondence with governor Lalji Tandon on Tuesday with a conciliatory note without yielding any ground. The letter gives a glimpse of the ruling party's strategy to deal with the new situation where the MLAs, holed up in Bengaluru, were shown addressing the media and complaining about the partisan and arrogant attitude of the chief minister. MLA after MLA including former ministers have been shown lambasting Kamal Nath for fostering nepotism and spending all development funds on Chhindwara. His letter in Hindi roughly translated in English said, "I have pursued a 40-year political career with restraint and due respect for others. I am sad that you have, in your letter dated March 16, accused me of not keeping up parliamentary propriety. I regret if you have been offended for any reason. You did mention the adjournment of the House till March 26 without finding it proper to mention the reasons for it. As you know our country and indeed the entire world is facing the threat through coronavirus and the World Health Organisation has declared it a pandemic. The government of India has issued an advisory against large congregations or crowding in public places. This was the reason the Speaker adjourned the House till March 26,2020, 11 a.m." He further said, "You have expressed regret that I avoided undergoing the floor test in the timeframe you prescribed. I wish to bring to your notice the fact that I have proved my government's majority many times during the past 15 months. If the BJP is accusing me of having lost majority, it can seek a floor test through a no-confidence motion in the House. As per my information they have already moved a no-confidence motion that is pending with the Speaker. If the Hon'ble Speaker acts on the motion as per the Vidhan Sabha rules it will establish our majority. I have, through frequent personal meetings and letters, been acquainting you with the extra-ordinary situation arising out of BJP flying 16 of our MLAs to Bengaluru and keeping them in a resort with the help of Karnataka police like hostages. They are not being allowed to meet or talk with others. They are being prevented from returning to Bhopal while BJP leaders are meeting them, offering allurements and subjecting them to pressure, fear and forcing them to make false statements before the media. As an evidence a complaint from the brother of one of them, Manoj Choudhary, is enclosed." "I wish to assure you again, let the 16 Congress members be free in an open atmosphere for five to seven days. They would take independent decisions. Your assumption that unless I prove my majority on the floor of the House on March 17, I will be deemed to have lost majority will be unconstitutional, being baseless," the CM's letter further said. "I also learn that the BJP leaders have filed a petition in the court. In the light of these facts I have forwarded your directives to the Hon'ble Speaker for appropriate action. I am also marking a copy of this letter to him," Nath wrote in the letter. Church bells are to ring out across the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin this morning as a call to prayer and solidarity at this time of the coronavirus pandemic, Bishop Denis Nulty said. Bishop Nulty asked churches in the Diocese to ring their bells for three minutes at 11am on Saint Patricks Day. He said: The ringing of the bells on our National Feast Day will serve as a call to pray in solidarity and hope in these uncertain times. Across our diocese there are no public Masses on Saint Patricks Day or next Sunday. Twenty-six of our parishes, offer a webcam facility. More will use a parish radio frequency. Every crisis also offers us a moment to explore new ways of expressing our faith. "The Church is not a building; its a community, and on this day its very much a digital on-line community. Over the days we will endeavour to use digital media to its full capacity. "The time will come, hopefully soon, when we can return to our churches and celebrate Mass but in the meantime lets stay connected in prayerful solidarity with one another. The ringing of our church bells on Saint Patricks Day is one way of doing this. Let us very much remember in prayer those affected by the coronavirus and those at the frontline protecting us from its effects, the healthcare and medical teams. I also ask you to pray also for all our priests. Many of them make huge sacrifices, often at a personal cost looking after their parish. "Look out for them, lower your expectation these critical days, so that they too may be protected fully from the virus and its impact. And most of all look after yourself and one another, particularly those most vulnerable, fragile and on the edges. "While the coronavirus recognises no boundaries; as people of faith neither does our love and compassion for one another. After Joe Bidens spectacular comeback on Super Tuesday (winning ten of 14 states) and his big wins on March 14th, especially his romp in Michigan, he now has a fairly comfortable lead in the delegate count. Biden has the momentum and there is a growing sense that he can win the nomination. A few weeks ago it appeared that the Biden campaign was dead in the water. Even then, Democratic Party insiders were not coalescing around the Bernie Sanders candidacy. In spite of the succession of early Sanders victories and his strength among young and Latino voters, there was a feeling that Bernies positions and his rhetoric were too far outside of the mainstream to win. Here are five reasons that were given as to why they felt Bernie couldnt beat Donald Trump: #1: Seniors will be bombarded during the campaign with Trump commercials spreading panic about their losing their ability to choose their doctor and having to wait for months for an operation under Bernies brand of socialized medicine, know as Medicare for all. The party insiders feel that the vast majority of voters, especially those who are currently satisfied with the their current plan, will be much more comfortable with expanding Obamacare by offering all Americans access to a public option without eliminating the private insurance plans so many citizens now have. #2: Bernie will receive fewer Jewish votes than a typical Democratic presidential candidate because of statements that he has made that have been critical of Israelis treatment of the Palestinians and pronouncements in which he declared Jewish settlements illegal. Further, the Trump campaign will link Bernie to the positions taken by squad members Rep. Rashida Tlaiband Ilhan Omar on the boycott, divestment and sanction movement against Israel. Jewish voters have a very long history of extraordinary support for Democratic presidential candidates. In 2016, Hillary Clinton walloped Trump by about 47 percentage points among Jewish voters (71% to 23%), according to the Pew Research Center. The Jewish vote is especially significant in Florida, a state where the last two presidential elections were decided by a margin of less than 1.2% and where Jews comprise around 4% of the population. In 2018, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis won the race when he received 35% of the Jewish vote in Florida after attacking Democrat Andrew Gillum for his connections to groups that were critical of Israel. #3: Bernie has not shown a historic ability to excite and motivate arguably the most important constituents in the Democratic Party: African Americans. If the Democrat nominee cant spur black turnout he/she is going to have a very difficult time winning. Fall-off in African-American turnout was one of the keys to Hillarys loss in 2016 (59% down from 67% in 2012 and 64% in 2008) and it was especially poor in Michigan and Wisconsin (down by 12%), two states that went for Trump. #4: During a recent 60 Minutes interview, Anderson Cooper asked Bernie about comments he made back in the 1980s about why the Cuban people didnt rise up and help the U.S. overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Bernie said: Were very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but you know, its unfair to simply say everything is bad. You know? When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing even though Fidel Castro did it? Bernies comments didnt sit well with lots of Cubans. There is absolutely no upside for a self- professed Democratic Socialist, saying anything nice about a totalitarian communist dictator like Fidel Castro. #5 While there was acknowledgment that Bernies focus on meat-and-potato issues such as providing health care to all, free college, universal child care and upping the minimum wage to $15 bucks per hour should resonate with working-class voters living paycheck to paycheck, there was a sense that President Trumps hardcore supporters will be with him no matter what because of a strong dose of economic anxiety and a deep sense that they have been neglected. Insiders were not buying that Bernie had a unique ability to win over rust belt voters. t is too early to determine all of the factors that triggered Joe Bidens phenomenal reversal of fortune. It appears that the following were keys: the sudden spread of the coronavirus, Bidens overwhelming support among African-American voters and his significant support among blue-collar voters, Bidens endorsements by many of his presidential rivals and less than stellar voter turnout among young voters (18-30 years of age) one of the factors that Bernie Sanders was banking on. I always thought that the major reason that Bernie faced an uphill fight against Trump was because of his position on Medicare for all which I think could put him at odds with the tens of millions of American who are satisfied with their current private insurance. The Biden campaign must now thread the needle on this issue and make the case that it is possible to provide universal coverage through the expansion of Obamacare and through a public option that allow all the opportunity to buy into a public option plan for Medicare. Approaching the issue in this manner will not negatively impacting union members who have high-quality private insurance they secured through collective bargaining. COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Were hearing from many readers and seeing on social media rumors that Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine soon will announce widespread closures of additional state businesses. The rumor has different forms. All businesses will close down or just some. It will be for two weeks or 30 days. Some versions say residents wont be allowed to leave their homes. Thats not the case. After ordering an indefinite closure of Ohios bars and restaurants on Sunday, DeWine has telegraphed that additional closures could be coming he mentioned day-care centers as a possibility on Sunday. In other places, like New York, officials have announced closures of gyms and movie theaters. UPDATE: 3:06 p.m. DeWine announced Monday the following will be closed at close of business today: - Fitness centers and gyms - Bowling alleys - Public recreation centers - Movie theaters - Indoor water parks - Indoor trampoline parks UPDATE: DeWine also announced hes going to seek to postpone in-person voting for the election until June 2. Addressing reporters at the Statehouse on Monday, DeWine said his office is aware there are many rumors circulating. He said a rumor that grocery stores will close is false. A lot of information out there, he said. "Were going to try to knock those rumors down any time we have the opportunity to do it. I would say to the folks at home watching this. If its a crazy rumor it probably is a crazy rumor. In an unprecedented move, The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has decided to ''stamp'' all those people who have been sent to ''home quarantine'' in view of the coronavirus pandemic. Earlier, Maharashtra's Minister of Public Health and Family Welfare, Rajesh Tope had said that people who have undergone 100 per cent home quarantine, should be marked with instruction on their left hand with indelible ink. "Those who have undergone 100 per cent home quarantine, should be marked with instruction on their left hand with indelible ink, so that that this person can be identified in the community," Tope said Accordingly, the left hand of all persons shunted to 100 per cent home quarantine will be stamped to identify them easily if they mingle with the general public. Rajesh Tope said that on the lines of the indelible ink applied to voters during elections, a stamp will be imprinted on the left hand indicating "that person/patient is under compulsory home quarantine" till March 31. Taking to Twitter, BMC also mandated the same and stated that the 'Badge of Honour' will be a constant reminder for 14 days. #LimitContacts#SecondLineOfDefence People who are advised to be #HomeQuarantined will now #GetInked at the back of the palm. This #BadgeOfHonour will serve as a constant reminder, for 14 days. For others, gets easy to spot & remind to return home. One worry less!#NaToCorona Mumbai, BMC (@mybmc) March 16, 2020 As per sources, the decision, taken at a meeting of top officials chaired by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, has been described as a precautionary measure. So far, 39 COVID-19 positive cases have been reported in Maharashtra, making it the state with the most number of infected cases. READ: Karnataka records two more confirmed cases of Coronavirus, both quarantined BMC Chief Advocates 'Work-From-Home' to Mumbai companies BMC Chief Praveen Pardeshi on Sunday took to social media and issued a warning to all companies to initiate ''work-from-home'' wherever possible. "We highly advise companies to initiate work-from-home policies. If necessary, we will make this mandatory in the days to come," Pardeshi said in an interview with social media platform 'Humans of Bombay'. "Im the Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai & I want to use this opportunity to talk about the COVID-19 situation in Maharashtra, read a post from Humans of Bombay on its Facebook and Instagram page. All measures under the Epidemic Act are in effect. A lockdown has been initiated by the closure of schools, colleges, theatres, malls, pools & gyms, Pardeshi said. READ: Section 144 imposed in Nagpur due to Coronavirus as Maharashtra cases rise Coronavirus Crisis As of date, the total number of positive cases in India has soared up to around 114, including 17 foreign nationals. The maximum cases of the virus have been reported in Maharashtra and Kerala. Along with it, two deaths have been reported in Kalaburagi and West Delhi respectively. India has suspended all visas, barring for a few categories such as diplomatic and employment apart from keeping in abeyance the visa-free travel facility to OCI cardholders till April 15. First detected in Wuhan in December 2019, COVID-19- the novel Coronavirus has affected nearly 148 countries in the world. Presently, there are over 168,019 confirmed cases of COVID-19 which has led to the death of 6,610 people. As there is no vaccine or specific antiviral medicine to treat COVID-19, countries have been grappling with all possible mechanisms to contain its scope. So far, China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran have witnessed the most number of confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus. READ: Coronavirus: People consume cow urine in Kolkata READ: UK asks Ford, Rolls Royce to make ventilators amid Coronavirus pandemic Americans stuck in countries around the world are calling on U.S. officials to help them return home as governments have restricted travel to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Phil McMannis, a tech entrepreneur, and his wife, Jerri, have been trying to get home to Boston from Fez, Morocco, since Friday. It was the last leg of a yearlong trip around the world. Their flight on March 22 was canceled, and the couple has had no luck trying to rebook. Image: Phil and Jerri McMannis in Fez, Morocco. (Courtesy Phil McMannis) Its a scary situation, but we are doing the best we can to stay positive, McMannis, 36, told NBC News on Tuesday. The local people are offering to help and are talking to us, but our own government has said nothing, said McMannis, adding that he had reached out to the U.S. Embassy and his senators. On Sunday, Morocco, which hosts some 12 million visitors a year, including 304,000 Americans, suspended all international flights. It has 37 confirmed cases of the virus and one death. A State Department spokesman told NBC News on Tuesday that the U.S. government has successfully evacuated hundreds of U.S. citizens in the past few weeks. However, "such flights do not reflect our standard practice and should not be relied upon as an option for U.S. citizens abroad who may be impacted by the ongoing spread of COVID-19. U.S. citizens should make plans using commercial travel options." Later, the U.S. Embassy said in a statement that it had organized 30 flights leaving Agadir and Marrakech to London in the following days. With gratitude to our partners at the British Embassy in Morocco, we again confirm there will be 30 commercial flights (EasyJet, Ryanair, British Airways and Tui) leaving from Agadir and Marrakech to London until 19 March. U.S. Embassy Morocco (@USEmbMorocco) March 17, 2020 Mary Marland of Boulder, Colorado, traveled to Morocco on Friday with her husband and two children for a friends wedding. While they were on the flight, President Donald Trump announced the first in a series of travel restrictions on people entering the U.S. Story continues The family rebooked so they could leave on Sunday, but that flight was canceled, as were two following flights. Information is unreliable. Every cancellation happened without a rebooking option, and Ive spent hours on the phone will the airlines, said Marland, 42, who is now staying at a mostly empty hotel in Tangiers. Along with worrying that the hotel will soon close, Marland is also concerned about the expense of both staying there and paying for meals. I am terrified of the idea that this is going to go on beyond this week, she said, adding that breakfast alone for their family of four cost $90. Image: Mary Marland, her husband Milton Jaimes, and kids Kate and Jack in Morocco. Both Marland and McMannis complained about what they said was a lack of help and information from U.S. authorities. Elsewhere, Americans traveling abroad as the coronavirus has spread around the world have struggled to return home, caught up in worldwide travel restrictions and flight cancellations. Many Americans returning from abroad have encountered chaotic health screenings at airports that clearly broke virus-fighting rules against crowds, according to The Associated Press. Embassies around the world have released information for U.S. citizens, advising them to leave as soon as possible. In Algeria, the U.S. Embassy tweeted that American citizens should consider going directly to #AlgiersInternational Airport to book a flight, as flight availability may become increasingly limited or cease altogether over the coming days. The message from Argentina was similar, with the embassy advising U.S. citizens with plans to leave to explore all options for departing via air, land or maritime routes while options remain. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has now risen to more than 185,000, and 7,330 people have died. Etta Moen, a student, left Spain, the worlds fourth-most infected country, on Tuesday to return home to Kenmore, Washington. After learning on Thursday that her semester abroad program had been canceled, Moen turned to her parents for help booking a flight home from Alicante through Barcelona and London. It felt like taking a gamble booking a flight and not knowing if it would be canceled, said Moen, 20, from Londons Heathrow Airport, as she waited for her flight to Seattle. I was checking the websites for all the airports and the airlines that I would be flying through every day. With more than 11,000 confirmed cases, Spain has been under partial lockdown since Saturday night and residents are allowed to leave their homes only to go to work, buy food or visit a pharmacy or hospital. Nearly 500 people in the country have died from the virus. Reid Richesin, 21, spent all day Tuesday at the airport in Paris waiting for his flight back to the U.S. in the evening, wanting to ensure that he made it there before France's lockdown began at noon. Along with controls on France's land borders, French President Emmanuel Macron ordered people to stay at home and to leave only to buy groceries, travel to work if essential, exercise or for medical care. Richesin, who grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, has lived in Paris for three years, studying at the American University. After landing in New York, he plans to go to a friends house in Connecticut for the foreseeable future. It feels like everything is up in the air and could be canceled we will just have to see, he said from the airport. This will be a spring break to forget for Wisconsin Dells and the rest of Wisconsins multibillion-dollar tourism industry. Waterparks are closing, museums have shuttered and historic sites including Old World Wisconsin near Eagle and Circus World in Baraboo are no longer an option due to concerns about the COVID-19 coronavirus. The Chazen Museum of Art and Milwaukee Art Museum have closed along with the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc and Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau. Door Peninsula Winery in Door County remains open but olive oil, food and fudge sampling have ceased and tastings are delivered in disposable cups. The closures and cutbacks will mean lost revenue, unemployment for workers and a significant dent in tourism spending, one of Wisconsins three economic pillars along with manufacturing and agriculture. Even the Wisconsin Governors Conference on Tourism that was scheduled to start Sunday at Monona Terrace has been postponed. It will now be held May 26-28. There will be books written about this episode in tourism and how you go from (nothing) to a full-blown crisis in two weeks, said Jack Moneypenny, president and CEO of the Door County Visitor Bureau. Direct tourism spending in 2018 increased 4.86% to $13.3 billion, according to a study commissioned by the state Department of Tourism, the ninth straight year of growth for the industry. Numbers for 2019 will be released in May but the 2020 numbers are almost certain to take a hit. Waterpark resorts In Wisconsin Dells, where tourism is a $1.21 billion industry, two of its largest waterpark resorts Wilderness and Kalahari will close Wednesday afternoon. Chula Vista announced late Monday that it would close its waterpark and conference, banquet and event facilities on Wednesday but hotel rooms, condominiums and villas will remain open. Great Wolf Lodge closed on Sunday but no announcement has been made for Mount Olympus resort. Based on the orders Monday by Gov. Tony Evers to limit crowds to no more than 50 people, it could mean, at the very least, limited crowds in its waterpark, game rooms and restaurants. Other closings in Wisconsin Dells include the Rick Wilcox Theatre, which has not scheduled a show until May 23, while the Palace Theatre has rescheduled an Air Supply concert to October. Its unclear if the Palaces Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, which opened March 13, will continue with a limited audience or be rescheduled. Wisconsin Dells has more than 8,000 guest rooms, but with the country largely hunkering down its likely that many of those rooms will be empty over at least the next few weeks. Officials at Kalahari, Wilderness, Great Wolf and Chula Vista have all said theyd like to reopen by April 2. The Wisconsin Dells Visitor and Convention Bureau has pulled its spring break advertising from the Chicago, Minnesota and Wisconsin markets, said Leah Hauck, communications manager for the bureau. Its not known how many jobs will be affected but it could be into the thousands, officials have said. As far as the tourism industry is concerned, its affecting everybody, Hauck said of the pandemic. Were all in this together. This isnt just Wisconsin Dells. This is all tourism and travel destinations. Historic sites On Monday, the Wisconsin Historical Society announced that it would temporarily close its historic sites and other facilities until at least April 10. This includes Pendarvis in Mineral Point and the H.H. Bennett Studio in downtown Wisconsin Dells. The closures include the library and archives at the societys headquarters building adjacent to the UW-Madison campus and its museum on Capitol Square. School tours are also canceled at the states 10 historic sites until May 11. Our facility closures are precautionary measures, said Christian W. Overland, the societys director and CEO. No known cases of the virus have been reported by any of our volunteers, staff or visitors. Our facilities team has increased cleaning and sanitizing frequencies in all of our buildings as an additional precautionary measure. Around the state At Wollersheim Winery near Prairie du Sac, the states largest winery has ended tours and tastings but its store remains open. In Door County, Moneypenny said his tourism organization has sent a survey out to lodging operators to get a handle on bookings and cancellations. This is still our quiet time up here so for us the very best time for us for this to happen, if it had to happen, is right now, Moneypenney said. In the summertime, it would have probably just crippled us. In Manitowoc, the closure has forced the Wisconsin Maritime Museum to lay off 20 tour guides and front desk staff, executive director Cathy Green said. The hope is to reopen the museum along Lake Michigan on April 6, but even if that were to happen the museums $1.3 million budget will take a hit as much of its funding comes from ticket sales, including for school groups and overnight stays on the U.S.S. Cobia, a World War II submarine docked in the Manitowoc River adjacent to the museum. This is really a significant loss for us, said Green, who along with the rest of her remaining staff is working reduced hours. Heading into the summer, I think, is where a lot of concern lies. Even after this is over, were going to wonder what the lingering effects may be. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Tue, March 17, 2020 21:11 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b5ee42 1 National coronavirus,Wuhan-coronavirus,Wuhan-coronavirus-in-Indonesia,COVID-19,COVID-19-Indonesian-patients,COVID-19-death-toll Free The government has warned that the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Indonesia may spike in the upcoming days as they are set to receive more results from 12 laboratories across the country that were recently authorized to conduct COVID-19 tests. We acknowledge that there might be a sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases since we have been very active in conducting [contact] tracing and people have become more aware about the disease, Health Ministry disease control and prevention director general Achmad Yurianto said on Tuesday. He said authorities would continue to trace other people who may have been exposed to the disease more thoroughly. The government had so far tested more than 2,300 samples from patients suspected of being infected by the coronavirus, Yurianto claimed. Previously, the COVID-19 tests were only supposed to be performed by the Jakarta-based Health Research and Development Agency, since it was the only laboratory that had been authorized by the government. However, as of Tuesday the tests can be carried out in 12 laboratories as stipulated in Health Ministerial decree No. 01/2020. Read also: COVID-19: Indonesia suspends visa-free policy, expands ban for people from worst-hit countries As of Tuesday afternoon, he said, the government had already received specimens of six confirmed cases from Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java, adding that the laboratory had performed its task very well. Yurianto also hoped that other authorized laboratories, such as the Eijkman Institute for Microbiology in Jakarta and the Health Ministrys Environmental Health and Disease Control Centers in 10 cities across Indonesia, would also send their results to the government immediately. We will also shorten the procedure for delivering specimens from hospitals to laboratories, he said, without elaborating further about the current procedure. Yurianto also urged the public to promptly visit hospitals if they had been in contact with COVID-19 patients, and went on to advise people not to panic when the government announced a staggering increase of confirmed cases of the disease in the upcoming days. On Tuesday afternoon, Indonesia announced 38 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of confirmed infections in the country to 172. The death toll remains at five while nine have recovered from the disease, according to the government's data. (glh) Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 01:58:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JUBA, March 16 (Xinhua) -- South Sudan President Salva Kiir on Monday announced the suspension of all social gatherings like sporting, religious and socio-cultural activities such as weddings and political events due to the looming threat of COVID-19. Kiir said although his young country remains virus-free there is a need for the public to put the right preventive precautions to avoid the disease. He revealed that all international conferences slated to take place in Juba have temporarily been suspended due to the looming threats of the novel COVID-19, adding that more cautions must be exercised at the place of work. The South Sudan leader said travelers arriving into the young nation from the affected countries and areas with established local transmissions will be self-quarantined for 14 days. "I have ordered self-quarantine of all senior government officials who have just arrived from countries with established local infection and transmission of COVID-19," said Kiir. South Sudan said Monday that four of its senior government officials have been quarantined as the country heightens vigilance to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. Makur Matur Kariom, undersecretary in the Ministry of Health, said the confinement of four officials is to help the young nation to take necessary precautions to protect the virus coming to South Sudan. He said the four officials include South Sudan's ambassador to China, presidential press secretary and newly appointed minister of foreign affairs and a deputy minister who arrived in Juba last weekend from the countries with the established local transmission, adding that the officials will be under a self-quarantined for 14 days. "The self-quarantined officials will stay in confinement while the officials from the ministry of health will pay regular observation. They will stay in a confined place mostly in their rooms, and they will not interact with the members of the family for 14 days," Kariom told reporters in Juba. He revealed that the officials will be set free towards the end of the month after having shown no symptoms, adding that in case any of them develops symptoms then they will be moved to a government facility for further isolation where testing treatment will be provided. Guracha Guyo, emergency coordinator for World Health Organization (WHO) in Juba, said South Sudan continues to be free of the virus on Monday. Enditem Real stars shine the brightest when they take a stand for humanity during a crisis. One of the best examples is star-couple Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. With the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic affecting families across the globe, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds donated $1 million to two hunger relief funds. The actors announced their contributions that will be split between Feeding America and Food Banks Canada through their social media. "COVID-19 has brutally impacted older adults and low-income families. Ryan & I are donating $1 million to be split between @feedingamerica and @foodbankscanada. If you can give, these orgs need our help," read a statement by Lively. "Though we must be distancing ourselves to protect those who don't have the opportunity to self-quarantine, we can stay connected. Remember the lonely and isolated. Facetime, Skype, make a video. Remember the love that can travel through all this," she added. Lively further asked people to stay at home to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus. "Communities are stepping up-- shopping for the elderly, making lunches for children. We can all do something for one another, even if that's simply staying home," read the statement. The 32-year old actor ended the statement with a sweet banter with husband Ryan and said, "Sending so much love. Now can someone please tell Ryan that emotional distancing from his mother in law is not a thing. Nothing can save him." Globally, the virus, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has infected more than 180,500 people, including 125 in India. If you read The Plague long ago, perhaps for a college class, perhaps you paid more attention to the buboes and the lime pits than to the narrators depiction of the hectic exaltation of the ordinary people trapped in the epidemics bubble, caught up in the frantic desire for life that thrives in the heart of every great calamity: the comfort of community. The townspeople of Oran did not have the recourse that todays global citizens have, in whatever town: to seek community in virtual reality. Literary Hub Many agents are canceling open houses and setting up virtual home tours amid coronavirus concerns. (Los Angeles Times) Many of Los Angeles' top real estate brokerages including Compass, Douglas Elliman, Hilton & Hyland and Deasy Penner Podley are telling their agents to work from home as the area deals with the spread of the novel coronavirus. The office closures arrive after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sunday advised against gatherings of 50 people or more for the next eight weeks. As of Tuesday, there were more than 140 cases of the virus reported in Los Angeles County, an increase of 50 overnight. It will probably be a big adjustment for many agents, who usually rely on person-to-person interaction to show listings and close deals. Many open houses planned for this week have been canceled. On Monday, Compass sent out a nationwide memo to its staffers offering advice on setting up virtual house tours, adding that its currently working on additional online tools to aid the process. It noted that agents can still decide to give in-person tours of their properties. Deasy Penner Podley is encouraging its agents to take a similar route, whether that means using a 3-D tour to market homes online or FaceTiming with prospective buyers instead of meeting up. Lynwen Hughes, Deasy Penner Podley's vice president, said the company has an online bidding platform in place to sell homes, and it's working on expanding its use. She added that many agents have canceled showings and broker open houses, except for a few she's seen advertised as a "social distancing broker open." "Sellers still need to sell, and buyers need to buy. When there's financial uncertainty, buyers turn to real estate as a safe haven," Hughes said. Seattle-based brokerage Redfin went as far as to cancel all open houses on properties listed by its agents and is restricting private in-person tours to two people at a time. During those tours, agents will maintain a distance of six feet from customers and won't shake hands or enter small bathrooms or crawl spaces. Story continues Westside Estate Agency announced a similar strategy Tuesday, canceling all open houses and offering private one-at-a-time tours only with the approval of the seller. Hilton & Hyland, a brokerage based in Beverly Hills, is having employees work from home in accordance with the city's directive. Because of historically low mortgage rates, however, one staffer said a decline in sales is unlikely. As the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage dropped to 3.29% in early March, a buyer scooped up an $850,000 home in Woodland Hills listed by the firm without even visiting the property. Last week, The Times reported that home-buying demand has held up despite coronavirus concerns, but Realtors are remaining cautious. According to a recent survey from the California Assn. of Realtors, a third of California agents reported changes in seller behavior such as canceling open houses or requiring buyers to take off their shoes and use hand sanitizer before entering a home. However, only 4% had clients remove homes from the market because of coronavirus fears. The same survey found that 21% of California Realtors reported a decrease in buyer interest because of the coronavirus, but 9% reported an increase. 17.03.2020 LISTEN The General Assembly Council of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana has banned all official travels relative to the church until further notice in view of the coronavirus disease which is fast spreading. This includes; Presbyterians travelling outside the country and also any of our partners who intend to visit any PCG congregations, Districts or Presbyteries a statement signed by the Moderator Reverend Professor JOY Mante has instructed. The statement, which was read at all congregations of the Church urged members to take serious precautionary measures given by experts including; handwashing with soap under running water and using of alcohol-based sanitizers. The Moderator urged all to remain calm and directed that all Presbyterian Churches around the world should pray against the spread of the coronavirus. Reverend Dr Kofi Amfo-Akonnor, Koforidua District Minister of the PCG, who presented the statement of the Moderator at the Ascension congregation said in view of the disease, handshaking and hugging and waving of handkerchiefs in the church had ceased until further notice. He explained that the usual handshaking that followed the praises and worship on the liturgical order of the Church was ceased and urged all to abide by it adding while we are praying to our God for divine intervention, it is also important to do the needful. Already the Ministry of Health has confirmed that so far Ghana had recorded six cases of the coronavirus. ---GNA On its website for sellers, Amazon said items it was still accepting include groceries, baby products, pet supplies, health and household products and personal care items like shampoo. Amazon will still ship nonessential items to customers if it already has the products on the shelves in its warehouses. This is the responsible thing for Amazon to do, to make sure that those essentials are checked in first, and it is impossible to do that if you have millions of other shipments, said Fahim Naim, a former Amazon employee who now runs eShopportunity, an e-commerce consultancy focused on Amazon. As Americans hunker down, they have been turning to Amazon in droves to bring products to their doorsteps, not just for toilet paper and hand sanitizer but for all kinds of items, from condoms to puzzles for children. With sales up, brands have been scrambling to restock Amazons warehouses, which has had trouble processing so many products at once. Its loading docks to bring shipments into its warehouses have turned into a major choke point in American e-commerce. Amazon not only must manage its own demand, but it depends on a work force that lives amid the outbreak. Amazon is having a double whammy, said Guru Hariharan, a former Amazon employee whose company, CommerceIQ, advises large brands on their Amazon business. The warehouse staff is reducing but at the same time orders are increasing. The man charged with abuse of corpse following the disappearance and death Paighton Houston has been released from the Jefferson County Jail, nearly one week after he was granted bond. Fredrick Hampton, 50, has been held without bond since his Jan. 29 capture by U.S. Marshals in Ohio. He was extradited to Jefferson County on Feb. 13. Hampton is charged with abuse of corpse following the death of Paighton Houston. The Trussville woman vanished Dec. 20 after she was last seen at Tin Roof in the 2700 block of Seventh Avenue South in Birminghams Lakeview District. According to Birmingham police, she left the bar about 10:45 p.m. with two heavy-set black males. Sgt. Johnny Williams said it was reported that Houston left the location willingly with the two men. She had reportedly gone to the Birmingham bar with co-workers. Friends on Facebook said Houston didnt know the men and that the last text message from her to a coworker about two hours after she left Tin Roof - stated she didnt know where she was, and she felt she might be in trouble. She had sent multiple messages to her co-worker, the last one reading, Idk who im with so if I call please answer. I feel in trouble. That text was sent at 12:15 a.m. Dec. 21 but not seen by her coworker until nearly two hours later. Houstons body was found Friday, Jan. 3, wrapped in sheets and buried in a shallow grave behind the house at 215 Chapel Drive. That house belongs to relatives of Hampton. The Jefferson County Coroners Office listed the cause of death as morphine and methamphetamine toxicity. The manner of death is accidental. "This represents an overdose and is classified as a drug-opioid death,'' said Chief Deputy Coroner Bill Yates. Hampton is not charged in Houstons death, only with actions authorities say he took following her death, which in this case would be burying her. According to Alabama law, a person commits the crime of abuse of a corpse if he or she knowingly treats a human corpse in a way that would outrage ordinary family sensibilities. It is a Class C felony. Hampton, who is also charged with violation of the states sex offender registry notification act for leaving the state without permission from his probation officer, one week ago went before Jefferson County District Judge Thomas Thrash Jr. His attorney, Emory Anthony, argued his client should be released on bond, over the objections of Houstons family and prosecutors. More than a half dozen family members Hampton and Houston each were in the courtroom Tuesday. Two members from each family were allowed to stand at the bench while bond was discussed. Houstons parents were one side while two of Hamptons sisters were on the other. The state argued that Hampton had proven to be a flight risk since he was captured in Ohio. His attorney said Hampton had gone to Ohio well before there was a warrant issued for his arrest so, therefore, he wasnt fleeing from anyone or anything. The standard bond schedule for a Class C felony ranges between $2,500 and $15,000. Thrash set Hamptons bond at $30,000 with required electronic monitoring. This is an electronic monitoring lock down whereby this defendant is to remain at the place of residence, the judge wrote. He is only allowed to leave home in case of a medical emergency, court appearances, doctor appointments and attorney visitations. The cost of the electronic monitoring is being assessed to Hampton and his family. It took the week to get that in place before he was released at noon Tuesday. A trial date has not been set. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 16:15:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Reaching out in a time of need! NE China's Liaoning Province donates medical supplies to Japan and the ROK to aid in their ongoing battles against #COVID19 UPDATE: On March 23, Gov. Charlie Baker issued a stay-at-home advisory to residents and ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses. You can find a full list of what businesses can now stay open here. ___________ In an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus, Massachusetts school, businesses and government buildings have been shut down. In addition, all non-essential businesses have been closed by order of the governor. Some are closed for weeks. Others will feature modified hours and operations. Sign up for free text messages about important updates on coronavirus in Massachusetts Below is a list of coronavirus-related closures in Massachusetts. Hours and operations can change quickly, so check back for updates and call ahead to verify hours of operation and status. Education Daycare Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced an order Sunday to restricting gathering of 25 people or more. That order does not apply to childcare facilities for children, officials confirmed to MassLive. However, some daycare facilities are closed by management. Check with your provider for details. K-12 Schools Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker ordered all K-12 school closed for three weeks effective on Tuesday, until at least April 6. The closure does not apply to residential and day programs for students with special needs. Schools must suspend in-person educational operations and staff should be planning on how to provide learning opportunities during this period and beyond. Colleges and Universities The governor recommended all Massachusetts colleges and universities keep students off campus and offer online learning. The majority of colleges in Massachusetts announced remote learning plans and either extended spring breaks to keep students off campus or announced plans to move students off campus. Government Offices - Federal United States Postal Service The postal service will continue with normal operations as long as their workers can safely serve their communities - with some limitations. The Postal Service is taking this health threat seriously, but we also intend to act calmly and consistently based upon the advice of medical and public health professionals, Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan said last week. Customers sending or receiving mail from China can expect delays and priority mail express international for mail destined for China or Hong Kong has been suspended. Private mail services - including FedEx, UPS and Amazon Prime - are continuing to deliver packages though warning that customers living in regions seriously impacted by coronavirus may experience delays. Amazon reported a significant increase in orders which has resulted in longer delivery times for standard and Amazon Pantry orders. Federal courts Federal courts are individually coordinating with state and local health officials to obtain local information about the coronavirus (COVID-19), and some have issued orders relating to court business, and public and employee safety. Use the Federal Court Finder to link to a courts website for court specific information. Internal Revenue Service The Trump administration announced plans to delay the April 15 tax deadline due to the growing spread of coronavirus. The delay would be extended to most individual taxpayers and small businesses. Government Offices - State Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles All RMV offices that serve the public are closed on Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17. The RMV is offering more time for residents who need to renew their drivers license, ID or permits between March 1 and April 1. Full details here. Massachusetts courts Trial courts across Massachusetts are closed on Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17. Anyone with pending matters is asked to contact the clerks office Wednesday. Hospitals Massachusetts hospitals are implementing new measures in response to coronavirus . Hospitals are limiting visitors, deferring certain elective procedures and encouraging virtual visits. Baystate Health We have set up an incident command center under the leadership of Dr. Andrew Artenstein, our Chief Physician Executive, who also is an infectious disease doctor and a recognized expert on the spread of novel infectious agents. That team is considering new information on a daily basis, adjusting policies as needed, dealing with issues brought forward by front line employees and anticipating the course of the epidemic here in Western Mass. Baystate Medical Center identified its first COVID-19 patient at the hospital over the weekend. That person is no longer in the hospital and is recovering at home," Mark A. Keroack, president & CEO, Baystate Health said. Berkshire Medical Center Berkshire Medical Center announced changes to visitation policies in line with national trends and to further lower the risk of transmission of infectious disease in our community, including the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Hospitals and other healthcare facilities across Massachusetts and the United States have enacted similar visitation restrictions. Berkshire Health Systems is committed to protecting the health and safety of our patients, visitors and staff, and this change helps us to enhance our ongoing efforts to minimize the potential further community transmission of COVID-19, said James Lederer, MD, the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Quality Officer for Berkshire Health Systems. We recognize the importance of the support of family and loved ones to our patients during their stay at BMC or Fairview, but the novel coronavirus requires us to temporarily adjust our visiting policy in order to keep our patients and visitors safe from infection. 70 workers - including 54 nurses - at Berkshire Medical Center, the largest hospital in Berkshire County, were placed in quarantine after exposure to people diagnosed with coronavirus. Nurses wore face masks but not eye shields and gowns, as recommended for medical professionals treating COVID-19 patients. Hospital staff who came into contact with the patients have been furloughed for 14 days, a spokesperson for the medical center said. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center In an effort to confront emerging challenges related to COVID-19 transmission in the community, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is rescheduling all non-urgent elective surgeries, procedures and clinic visits scheduled within the next two weeks. We are contacting patients who have an appointment, procedure or surgery scheduled to confirm or reschedule your appointment. We have developed thoughtful criteria to determine which appointments can safely be rescheduled, and will maintain access for patients in need of immediate or emergency care. By taking these steps, we can help to protect our patients and staff and preserve medical resources for those who need them most. If you have a scheduled appointment, procedure or surgery, you will hear from your care team soon. If you have any questions, please contact your providers office directly. To protect the health of patients and staff, we are restricting all visitors unless pre-approved by each patients care team under extenuating circumstances. One essential escort per patient is allowed in outpatient areas. Escorts will be actively screened and permitted IF: They do not have any cold or flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) OR In the last 14 days have not: Traveled to a COVID-19 high-risk area Been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 Boston Medical Center Effective as of March 15, Boston Medical Center announced new restrictions. People under 18 will not be allowed to visit any patient. We are limiting visitors to one per patient at a time, in all areas of the hospital. We will not be allowing visitors into the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit). Visitors may be screened for upper respiratory symptoms including fever, sore throat, or cough. Any visitor with obvious signs of illness will be asked to leave. Brigham and Womens Hospital Due to concerns about COVID-19 (2019 novel coronavirus), we are taking every precaution to protect the health of our patients, visitors and staff, including the following changes to our visitor policy, effective March 14: Patients can receive one healthy visitor per day. Visitors will be screened upon arrival at the hospital for their travel history, exposure to COVID-19, and respiratory tract symptoms, including fever and/or cough. Those who exhibit symptoms of infection, have traveled to countries that are CDC warning level 3, or who have potential exposure will be asked to return home and visit at a later time. Massachusetts General Hospital "We are continuing to implement a wide range of measures to mitigate the spread of disease, including restricting visitors, deferring certain elective procedures and visits, and promoting social distancing by encouraging those staff who can work remotely to do so. There is a limit of one visitor per patient on the hospital campus. This includes visitors in the patient room, general waiting areas and cafeterias. Visitors may be screened for flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough or sore throat. Any visitor with obvious signs of illness will be asked to kindly leave No visitors under the age of 18 will be allowed during this time, since young people are potential infectors without necessarily being ill themselves Care teams will make exceptions in specific circumstances such as: End-of-life care Two parents or guardians for each pediatric patient Two visitors for each labor and delivery patient Each patient in the NICU is allowed up to two visitors at the bedside, limited to parents or support persons Disruptive behavior patients A health care worker at Massachusetts General Hospital tested positive for coronavirus this week, the latest in a growing number of workers in the medical field impacted by the illness. Southcoast Hospitals For the protection of Southcoast Healths patients, employees and providers, please adhere to the following: A maximum of ONE visitor per patient per day from 12pm 8pm (and parents only on our Level II Nurseries at Charlton Memorial and St. Lukes) Emergency Department ONE Visitor 24 x 7 NO visitors under 18 years of age Same Day Surgery Center, Physician Offices, Imaging, Radiology, Laboratory Patient Service Center ONE visitor per patient if needed NO visitors experiencing cough, shortness of breath, fever or other flu-like symptoms NO visitors who have returned from overseas travel during the past 14 days NO seminars, classes, or gatherings UMass Memorial Medical Center "UMass Memorial continues to monitor the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and is ready to respond to any cases in our area. At present, the information on this virus is changing on a daily basis. There are nearly 170,000 cases worldwide. Currently, there are more than 3,500 cases that have been confirmed in the United States. " Businesses - Grocery stores Grocery stores across Massachusetts have committed to remaining open and taking measures to limit exposure for customers and workers. ALDI ALDI stores across the country will be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily starting Tuesday. Some stores may have limited hours to accommodate restocking and cleaning. Big Y Big Y World Class Market adjusted store hours on Monday. Stores now open at 7:30 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. until further notice. The new schedule will give store teams time to conduct additional preventive sanitation and restock products on shelves. Big Y offers home delivery through the third-party provider Instacart. Market Basket The store said this week all locations remain at regular hours: 7 a.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays. Price Rite We remain vigilant about regular cleaning and sanitizing of food contact surfaces and we follow a routine of frequent, thorough cleaning of restrooms and public areas with a special focus on checkout stations and conveyor belts, credit card keypads and other surfaces regularly handled by customers," the company said in a statement. "Our Associates are trained to follow proper handwashing practices and we advise associates who feel ill to remain home. With your safety in mind, we have suspended in-store events and product sampling programs. We continue to monitor and follow the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, state and local health departments and our food industry trade associations. Shaws We have stepped up how often we clean and disinfect all departments, restrooms, and other high-touch points of the store, like checkstands and service counters. Cart wipes and hand sanitizer stations have been installed in key locations within the stores for your convenience, too. As always, we encourage customers to wash their fresh and packaged produce before consuming at home. said Vivek Sankaran, CEO and president of the Albertsons Companies, the parent company of Shaws. Stop & Shop The grocery chain plans to open earlier to accommodate people who are 60 and older, a group that the CDC says is at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from the respiratory disease. Starting Thursday, Stop & Shop will be open for people 60 and older from 6 to 7:30 a.m. daily, according to a statement from Stop & Shop President Gordon Reid. Were making the decision to offer this every day of the week to allow for community members in this age category to shop in a less crowded environment, which better enables social distancing. Theyll also be shopping prior to any other customers entering, Reid wrote. Now, more than ever, its important we come together as a community to support each other during challenging times. There will be a designated entrance at Stop & Shop locations, Reid wrote. Most Stop & Shop locations have adjusted hours to 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. to allow employees to spend more time unloading deliveries, stocking shelves and rest, the statement said. Trader Joes Beginning Monday and until further notice, all Trader Joes stores will be open from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Walmart Beginning Sunday, Walmart stores and Neighborhood Markets opened at 6 a.m. and will close at 11 p.m. until further notice. Stores currently operating under more reduced hours (for example, those that regularly close at 10 p.m. or open at 7 a.m.) will keep their current hours of operation, the company said. Walmart also offers pickup services for online orders. Wegmans We are changing our hours of operation to better serve our customers and communities. This additional time will be used to clean our stores and restock products. Our temporary store hours are: 6 a.m. 11 p.m. Additionally the stores have enacted a two-item limit for items including baby wipes and diapers, cleaning supplies and numerous grocery items. Whole Foods Starting Monday, all part and full-time hourly team members at Whole Foods Market stores and facilities in the U.S. will receive an additional $2 per hour on top of their current hourly rate through the month of April. Stores also implemented a number of temporary modifications to our prepared foods, restaurant and self-serve venues, including: Temporary closure of hot bars, salad bars, soup bars and self-serve pizza Seated restaurant venues & taprooms will close for in-store dining and will offer takeout only Indoor and outdoor cafe seating will be temporarily unavailable Self-serve offerings will be closed in additional departments, including antipasti & olive bars, acai machines and poke bowls Businesses - Restaurants Gov. Charlie Baker ordered all Massachusetts restaurants and bars offer only takeout and delivery starting Tuesday. Restaurants across the state announced closures for the foreseeable future, citing the safety of their employees and customers, as well as the significant drop in business in days before the ban and expected low sales in offering only takeout and delivery. Businesses - Gyms The restrictions, announced by Baker on Sunday, include gyms and limit the number of people to no more than 25 people in a space. Golds Gym Our gyms are currently open and our teams are hard at work maintaining a rigorous schedule of cleaning all equipment and surfaces with medical-grade solutions, in order to do everything in our power to ensure the health and safety of our Members and Team Members, the gym chain said in an email to members. We want to do our part to help our Members continue to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle during the coming weeks. This means having the flexibility to workout wherever they are most comfortable, be it in or out of the gym. In order to support our Members in this endeavor, effective today, we are offering our GOLDS AMP digital personal training and fitness App to Golds Gym Members around the country to use for FREE until May 31, 2020*. LA Fitness "We want to assure you that we are monitoring further advice from the CDC, that we have in-house staff scheduled daily to regularly clean and disinfect, we have sanitizing stations that include sanitizer for hands and for equipment, and we have ordered and currently await a shipment of additional sanitizers for use at the front desk of all our clubs. We ask that you wipe down equipment before and after use. If we confirm that a person recently diagnosed with COVID-19 used our facilities while carrying the virus, we will perform additional cleaning of the facility and contact local health authorities. We are monitoring the situation very closely and will continue to follow the guidelines, instructions and recommendations of public health officials and the CDC." Planet Fitness Planet Fitness has closed all its facilities in Massachusetts. In a statement to MassLive, Planet Fitness said, In response to the Massachusetts Governors mandated containment effort and out of an abundance of caution for the health of our members, team members and neighbors, Planet Fitness locations in Massachusetts are temporarily closed, effective Sunday, March 15. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will reopen as soon as permitted. YMCA Closures and modified hours are being decided on a local level. Businesses - Banks Numerous banks across the state have announced the closure of branches or restricting services to drive-through only, encouraging members to utilize services online and seek support from bank employees by phone. Businesses - Gas stations Pump prices are declining significantly as the global economy faces downward pressure from COVID-19 fears and the ongoing crude price war between Russia and OPEC nations, AAA spokeswoman Mary Maguire said in a statement. Consumers can expect to see continued savings as the industry factors in a fully 50% decrease in the price of a barrel of oil since mid-January. AAA found regular gas advertised for as low as $1.99 per gallon in Massachusetts. Transportation - Public Commuter Rail Reduced service on all lines. Full, modified schedule here. FRTA Our fixed bus routes, ADA, Demand Response and FRTA Access will operate on its normal schedule at this time but that is subject to change." Hartford Line "The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing precautions taken for Connecticuts public transportation system as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Safety of customers and employees are of the highest importance. CTDOT is taking actions based on the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other state and federal health agencies and experts. These actions, which began last week, are being conducted for all CTrail Hartford Line, CTrail Shore Line East, and New Haven Line (Metro-North) commuter rail services, as well as all CTtransit and local transit district bus services throughout the state. These measures include: Nightly sanitizing of all trains and buses including an interior wipe down of high contact surfaces using enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols recommended by the CDC Station operators have increased cleaning of stations using CDC-recommended cleaning products and methods At our busiest train stations, Stamford, Bridgeport and New Haven, touch points such as door handles, escalator handrails and elevator buttons are being wiped down multiple times each day" MBTA At the start of service on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, trains and buses will run with reduced service to support efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. In addition, we have increased cleaning and sanitation at stations and on vehicles. PVTA Effective Monday, March 23, these PVTA bus schedules will be in effect until further notice. PVTA Routes operated by UMass Transit Services: Route 30 Reduced service schedule weekdays and weekends Route 31 Reduced service schedule weekdays and weekends Route 33 Full service schedule weekdays and weekends Route 34 No Service Route 35 UMass Holiday/Weekend schedule on all days, March 23 through April 5 Route 36 No Service Route 38 Winter Session service schedule on weekdays and Saturdays Route 39 No Service Route 45 Reduced service on weekdays only Route 46 Reduced Service on weekdays only PVTA Routes operated by Valley Area Transit Company (VATCo): Route 39E No Service Route B43 Full service schedule (modified to end on Thursday, Friday using Monday Wednesday end times, and ending early on Saturdays at 12:30 a.m. Running regular Sunday service) PVTA Route operated by Springfield Area Transit Company (SATCo): Route R29 Full Service schedule on weekdays and weekends WRTA The WRTA is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely. We are also following a regular cleaning schedule at the Hub and on the buses. Each bus is cleaned nightly and as of last week all surfaces on the buses are disinfected each night. Our customer service staff is prepared to handle any questions that may come in from the public regarding the situation. Transportation - Private bus lines Peter Pan Starting today, March 9, 2020 and running through April 5, 2020, customers who need to postpone scheduled travel can contact Peter Pan Bus Lines Customer Care by clicking here to cancel existing travel arrangements and request that a travel credit be placed in their PERKS account to be used for future travel. We will continue to evaluate the need for further flexibility during the coming weeks. Greyhound Currently we have no cancellations or travel restrictions due to coronavirus. However we understand you may have concerns about travel and we would like to ease your worries by offering no change fees if you wish to postpone your travel plans because of concerns related to coronavirus. Transportation - Air travel President Donald Trump did not announced any domestic travel restrictions during a coronavirus briefing at the White House on Monday. Instead, the federal officials asked that Americans avoid discretionary travel for the next two weeks. "We continue to look at all options, and all options remain on the table,'' Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said Sunday. Boston Logan The Department of Homeland Security has named Boston Logan International Airport one of 13 airports to provide enhanced health screening for passengers who have been to a number of European countries in the past 14 days. This declaration means CBP and CDC will perform enhanced screening of these passengers entering the United States through Boston. The Massachusetts Port Authority has been fully cooperating with our local, state and federal public health partners and is providing all necessary support. We have been following proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols in our public facilities, and reminding passengers and employees to use good health practices such as washing hands regularly, and covering coughs and sneezes. Cleaning teams at Logan will continue to use disinfectant solution, and they increased use of bactericidal-virucidal wipes starting last month. Both solutions disinfect within one minute of application, Massport said. Additional cleaning staff has been contracted to focus on disinfecting high traffic touch points throughout the terminals, walkways and garage facilities including the Ride-App areas. Bradley International Airport "The Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA) is actively monitoring the evolving coronavirus situation and is proactively taking precautions at Bradley International Airport. While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has not identified Bradley International Airport passengers for any additional screening measures at this time; the CAA is in continuous communication with the experts at CDC and the State Department of Public Health to ensure that all possible precautions are taken. The safety of our passengers and the entire Bradley International Airport community is of utmost importance to us, said Kevin A. Dillon, A.A.E., Executive Director of the Connecticut Airport Authority. At this time, Bradley International Airport is operating normally. However, we are prepared and ready to adjust our operations with the appropriate measures should the need arise. In the interim, we are actively engaged with all of our airport stakeholders about taking the necessary precautions and we have taken steps to enhance our cleaning and sanitization protocols. Comment on this story on MassLives Facebook page The Microsoft Bing team recently launched a web portal to track the global progress of coronavirus. The new website comes as COVID-19 has gripped 162 nations, infecting 1,85,461 and killing nearly 7,332, international media reported. According to reports, the website aggregates data from a variety of sources including the World Health Organisation, US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Also features interactive map The website provides up-to-date information on all the affected countries. It also features an interactive map that allows users to see a specific number of cases in the area they select. In addition, the newly launched portal also provides a range of articles published related to the topic. Read: John Legend & Chrissy Teigen Enjoy A Beach Day Amid Coronavirus Outbreak In California Read: Conor McGregor Attends Aunts Funeral, Clarifies Cause Of Death Was NOT Coronavirus This comes just two days after US President Donald Trump announced that Google had begun working on the COVID-19-related portal for US citizens. According to reports, Google's website is being built by Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet focused on healthcare services. Talking about Google's portal, Trump said that more than 1,700 engineers were currently working on the website. Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on March 17, released a statement that the court will be postponing the public hearings of the case Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v Venezuela). The public hearings of the case were scheduled to be held between 23 March - 27 March 2020. The court based in Hague, Netherlands stated that new dates will be issued in due course. In addition, Trump on March 17 said that the pandemic which has infected thousands and brought lives across countries to a standstill could end by July in the United States. The deadly virus has till now infected over 4727and killed nearly 93 across the American mainland. " So it seems to me that if we do a really good job... people are talking about July, August, something like that. So it could be right in that period of time where it, I say, it washes through, he told White House reporters. Read: ICJ Cancels All Public Hearings Amid Coronavirus Crisis As Global Death Toll Crosses 7000 Read: Singer Anup Jalota In Isolation Amid Coronavirus Scare; Shares Picture Special OPS Creator - Neeraj Pandey Cast - Kay Kay Menon, Karan Tacker, Saiyami Kher, Meher Vij, Vinay Pathak, Sana Khan The benefits Special OPS might accrue from being released at a time when theatres across the country have been advised to shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic are equalled by the fact that Hotstars streaming series is third out of the gate after Netflix and Amazons very similar Bard of Blood and The Family Man. Comparisons might be unfair, but theyre inevitable. Fortunately for creator Neeraj Pandey, few man-made things could be as bad as Bard of Blood, a series that has single-handedly lifted huge pressure off the shoulders of every show in existence, and also those still waiting to be produced. Unlike that Netflix series, Special OPS, despite being very uneven, actually respects spycraft. Watch the Special OPS trailer here Much of its action and it is very old-fashioned in its depiction of espionage takes place from behind its protagonists computer screen. Like Srikant from The Family Man, Kay Kay Menons Himmat Singh in Special OPS is the sort of regular Joe you wouldnt notice on the streets, although unlike Manoj Bajpayee, Menon has a slightly sociopathic glint in his eye. When we are first introduced to Himmat, he is making life-or-death decisions on his mobile phone, deciding the fate of human beings in tacit, two-word commands. Thok do, he hisses into his phone, waiting to be summoned for an inquiry that has been launched into his activities by a newly elected government. Over the years, Himmat has spent crores in taxpayer money on vaguely defined miscellaneous expenses. The show is framed, like the first season of True Detective, in flashbacks, with Himmat narrating his adventures to a couple of comical sarkari babus. It isnt, however, as sombre as that brilliant HBO show. Nor is it is bitingly funny as The Family Man. Think of Special OPS as a sort of spiritual sequel to Pandeys Baby and Naam Shabana -- just as affectionate of spy movie tropes and as averse to Bollywoods pandering nationalism. Pandey has enlisted his Naam Shabana director Shivam Nair to help helm Special OPS, and although each of them is credited separately, I hear they divided duties based on storylines, much like the approach Vikramaditya Motwane and Anurag Kashyap employed on Sacred Games. Saiyami Kher, Vipul Gupta, Muzzamil Ibrahim, Meher Vij in a still from Special OPS. While Himmat Singh braves government interference and toils hard to protect his country in the primary plotline, his apostles on the field are sent on globe-trotting missions. Refreshingly, Special OPS is both more refined and better executed than virtually every series that Hotstar has released under its newly christened Hotstar Specials banner, although that isnt saying much. Its no coincidence that its the first wholly original show that the streamer has produced, after a string of underwhelming remakes. Pandey and Nair effectively recreate the Parliament attacks of 2001 in the opening scene of episode one, thrillingly narrating an incident that has curiously not been depicted on screen as often as youd imagine, although it does provide a taste of the excesses that the show routinely indulges in, such as speed-ramping and gratuitous establishing shots. I was, however, particularly impressed by the use of era-appropriate vehicles in the scene, which doesnt sound like a major achievement, but youd be surprised at how many (big and small) shows overlook the importance of period accuracy. I remember spotting a fancy modern SUV in Netflixs 60s-set The Spy, and multiple Wagon in Ashim Ahluwalias 80s-era Miss Lovely. In the aftermath of the Parliament attacks, Himmat is convinced that there was a sixth member in the terrorist team, and that he has gotten away scott-free. Some viewers might find Pandeys blend of fact and fiction to be understandably off-putting we are, after all, talking about a rather touchy subject, and a real-life incident whose perpetrator is still at large. Like Amazons recent Hunters, which imagined made-up atrocities committed by the Nazis, as if the real ones werent terrible enough, Special OPS makes no mention of Masood Azhar and Afzal Guru. Instead, it sets its sights on a fictional villain named Ikhlaq Khan. Much of the shows plot deals with Himmat and his team working together to track him down. There are minor forays into Himmats personal life, but these scenes could easily have been done away with. Himmats wife has nothing to do, and his Srikant-esque surveillance of his teenage daughter feels needlessly tacked on. Perhaps the show could have benefitted from having its objectively oblique protagonist be a blank slate. The best spies always are, and Menons central performance certainly has an air of mystery about it. Sana Khan and Karan Tacker in a still from Special OPS. It also highlights the comparatively less nuanced performances of the supporting cast, made up almost entirely of television actors such as Karan Tacker and Sana Khan, committed but not nearly in the same league as Menon. Its curious to observe how our film industry meanders around tricky themes such as nationalism in times like this. Politically, Special OPS paints a rather problematic possibility, one that imagines the outcome of mass oppression of a single community resulting in retaliation that to some degree the show shrugs its shoulders at, as if it is to be expected. Special OPS is a minor win for Hotstar. It might not justify a weekend spent in self-isolation, but if youre already prepared to re-subscribe before the streamer (this time for real) rolls out Disney+, it might just help you bide your time. Follow @htshowbiz for more The author tweets @RohanNaahar Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared an executive order Monday to allow the state to increase hospital capacity to prepare the health care system to handle the potential influx of patients with COVID-19. During a late-morning briefing in the state Capitol, Cuomo also announced partnership with New Jersey and Connecticut to have no gatherings of 50 people or more and to close casinos, gyms, theaters, restaurants and bars with exception of take-out, effective indefinitely starting 8 p.m. Monday. Contributed photo Donald Trump's former White House physician has heaped praise on his response to the coronavirus outbreak - saying his 'quick action' has prevented the US from becoming an infection hotspot like Italy or Iran. Ronny Jackson, who was accused of lying over Trump's height and weight during a physical in 2018, said the President 'has done everything he needed to do.' Speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News, Jackson said: 'He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country.' Dr Ronny Jackson, Trump's former White House medical adviser, has heaped praise on his response to the coronavirus outbreak - praising him for his 'quick actions' Trump has been widely-criticized for responding too slowly to the pandemic, which has so far killed 86 people across America Among measures that Jackson praised was the ban on some travelers coming from China to the US that Trump put in place on January 31. Trump also banned travelers from Europe coming to the US last week, though experts warned it woud have little effect since the disease is already spreading person-to-person within America's borders. 'What's going on in Italy and Iran is not going to happen here I think, because of the president's quick and decisive actions. I think we are going to be more in line with what's going on in South Korea,' he added. 'We are going to see that we got on it early ... the president stopped it quickly and it's going to save countless American lives.' South Korea, with 8,200 confirmed infections and 81 deaths, had the worst outbreak of coronavirus anywhere in the world until it was overtaken by Italy last week. The US already has 86 deaths from the virus amid widespread warnings that health authorities are under-estimating the number of infections at 4,600 because of problems with testing. South Korea has been widely praised for one of the world's most-efficient testing regimes with up to 10,000 tests performed per day. The US, meanwhile, has managed to test some 50,000 people since the outbreak began last month. Jackson claimed the US is now following the likes of South Korea - where only 81 people have died - and will avoid becoming like hotspot Italy The spread of the coronavirus outbreak in the US since the outbreak began in January The Trump administration has been widely-criticized for its slow response to the pandemic, with Trump dismissing coronavirus as being similar to the flu and a 'Democrat hoax' only weeks ago. However, that has rapidly changed in the last few days as the White House urged people to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people on Monday and called for bars, restaurants, and other public venues to close. Trump refrained from ordering sweeping public quarantines, lockdowns or curfews for the time being, even as some state and local authorities independently imposed mandatory restrictions. 'We're recommending things,' Trump told a White House news conference in issuing new coronavirus guidelines. 'We haven't gone to that step yet' of ordering a lockdown. 'That could happen, but we haven't gone there yet.' Trump also said he felt that postponements of primary elections, like those announced in Ohio, Georgia, Louisiana and Kentucky, were generally unnecessary. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said on Twitter his administration was ordering polls closed on Tuesday in defiance of a state court ruling to the contrary. The number of known coronavirus infections and deaths in the United States has paled in comparison with hot spots of the global pandemic, such as China, Italy or Iran. Panic buying has led to store shelves being emptied across the US, as Trump urged people to calm down States began enacting their own lockdowns before Trump announced Monday that people should avoid all gatherings of more than 10 people (pictured, a closed church in Colorado) There has been widespread criticism of coronavirus testing across the US. While South Korea has been testing 10,000 per day, the US has tested less than 50,000 people total But the tally of confirmed U.S. cases has multiplied quickly over the past few weeks, surpassing 4,600 and prompting fears American hospitals might soon be overwhelmed, as Italian medical centers have been strained to the breaking point. At least 83 people in the United States had died of the virus, as of Monday, according to Johns Hopkins University and public health agencies, with the hardest-hit state, Washington, accounting for the bulk of the fatalities, including six more announced on Monday. Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said health officials were relying on members of the millennial generation - those in their 20s to 40s, and representing the largest living adult cohort - to alter their social behavior for the good of the public. Millennials, she said, are 'the ones that are out and about, and they're the most likely to be in social gatherings, and they're the most likely to be the least symptomatic' even if they are unwittingly infected and contagious, Birx told the briefing. Release of the latest 15-day plan for slowing the spread of the virus came as state and local government officials pleaded with the Trump administration to mount a coordinated response to the pandemic, as millions of workers and students were already hunkering down at home. Besides recommendations to limit the size of gatherings and shut down public places in states where community spread of the virus is evident, Birx said one of the most important measures was for people who are sick to stay home. 'If everybody in America does what we ask for over the next 15 days, we will see a dramatic difference,' Birx said. The guidelines also call for entire households to self-quarantine even if just one family member is diagnosed. A padlock is seen on the door to Willie's Chicken Shack on Bourbon Street in compliance with an order from Louisiana's Governor John Bel Edwards to shut bars and restaurants state-wide Empty roads are seen in New Jersey after residents were told to stay home due to fears over coronavirus Times Square in New York was almost deserted on Monday as people stayed off the streets after Governor Cuomo ordered many businesses to shut down Inverted chairs are seen at the closed Tartinery cafe in Grand Central Terminal during rush hour as the coronavirus continues to spread across the United States The unprecedented wave of closures and restrictions, which began to accelerate last week, took on fresh urgency as New Jersey 'strongly discouraged' all non-essential and non-emergency travel between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m., starting on Monday. The states of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut struck a regional agreement to close all movie theaters, casinos and gyms as of 8 p.m. Monday (0000 GMT). Restaurants and bars in the three states - where more than 22 million people live - will serve takeout and delivery only. Officials in six San Francisco Bay Area counties on Monday ordered residents to stay at home for all but the most crucial outings until April 7. That directive came a day after California Governor Gavin Newsom urged adults older than 65, and their caretakers, to remain indoors whether or not they have underlying health conditions. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said efforts by state and local governments were insufficient to confront the coast-to-coast crisis. 'This is a national problem. It cannot be done in a piecemeal method,' Cuomo said, calling for bold action involving the military and Army Corps of Engineers to quickly create excess hospital capacity. In the nation's capital, Washington, a deeply divided Senate was considering a multibillion-dollar emergency spending bill requiring sick leave for some workers and expanded unemployment compensation, while the Supreme Court postponed oral arguments for the first time in over a century. Washington's mayor also announced restrictions on businesses, including curbs on bars and restaurants, in response to the outbreak. Some 64,000 schools were closed in at least 33 states, including in the nation's two biggest school systems - New York City and Los Angeles. School closures nationwide were disrupting instruction for at least 32.5 million students, according to Education Week. State restrictions on restaurants and places of leisure, while in line with expert advice to slow the spread of the virus through 'social distancing,' will hit many lower-paid workers in the service industry. Jessica Wilmot, owner of the Ancient Mariner pub in Ridgefield, Connecticut, said that while she felt closing shops was the right move, she worried about her mostly part-time staff who work paycheck to paycheck. 'Personally, I'm all for containment,' said Wilmot, noting that her revenues had already fallen about 40% last week from the prior week. 'But my business view is, I'm nauseous.' As traders on Wall Street reacted to drastic weekend measures from the Federal Reserve to stave off a global recession, U.S. stock markets plunged anew on Monday with the S&P 500 closing down 12%. Major airlines sought a U.S. government bailout of more than $50 billion as the White House drafted a financial assistance package following the steep falloff in U.S. travel demand. 'We have to back the airlines,' Trump said on Monday. 'It's not their fault.' Separately, U.S. airports are seeking $10 billion in government assistance. Trump, a Republican, declared a national emergency on Friday and has championed the U.S. government's response, saying his administration has done a 'a very fantastic job.' Democratic leaders have criticized him for playing down the crisis and issuing misleading or false statements. Lenovo Legion is back with more teasers for its first gaming phone and has taken a swipe at Red Magic in the process. Hailed as "No Red. It's Magic", the Legion gaming phone will feature a Snapdragon 865, 55 W charging, an in-screen fingerprint scanner and detachable accessories. The company has offered a first look at the device, too. Working For Notebookcheck Are you a techie who knows how to write? Then join our Team! English native speakers welcome! News Writer (AUS/NZL based) - Details here Teased last month on Weibo, Lenovo has now posted more information on the Chinese microblogging website about its first gaming smartphone. While the company already confirmed that a Snapdragon 865 SoC will be onboard, it has even offered a glimpse of what the device will look like. The Legion Gaming Phone, as we are currently calling it, will support 55 W charging. Additionally, expect LPDDR5 RAM, UFS 3.1 flash storage and Wi-Fi 6 connectivity. A high refresh-rate display should go without saying, too. Lenovo has also shown off some accessories that it plans to launch alongside the device. As reported by GSMArena, the photo below appears to show detachable controllers, a case of some sort and what may be Legion-branded TWS earbuds. The same picture seems to show the front and back of the Legion Gaming Phone, too. According to the photo, the device will also include an in-screen fingerprint scanner, red accent lighting and two oddly-placed rear-facing cameras. Lebanon County courts have issued a judicial emergency and the City of Lebanon has declared a disaster emergency in response to the coronavirus crisis this week. In the city of Lebanon, a Declaration of Disaster Emergency was issued effective Tuesday, according to a release from the city. The declaration helps the city by authorizing city officials to bring on needed resources, either in staffing or equipment and supplies through contracts and agreements without the process required by law. City offices will be staffed and city services will be available to the public, but the municipal building will be closed. County-wide, court offices are closing from Tuesday until March 30, according to a declaration filed with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Only specific emergency hearings will be held, including protection from abuse hearings, emergency custody and guardianship hearings and emergency delinquency and dependency hearings. In-person filings will not be accepted at county row offices, the Lebanon County Court of Common Pleas or the county magisterial district judge offices. Filings can still be submitted by fax and email. When possible, court hearings will be conducted through video conferencing and teleconferencing, the order states. People with scheduled court hearings will be receiving information about their cases. The county probation office will be limited to people with scheduled drug testing and visits. Other inquiries should be limited to email or phone calls. Cumberland and Dauphin counties announced similar restrictions to their court offices this week, all as an effort to limit the spread of coronavirus. Read more on PennLive: Text PennLive to 717-745-7532 to sign up to have breaking news and essential updates about the coronavirus delivered right to your mobile device. Data and messaging rates may apply. As the nation races to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, more and more employers are asking their employees to work remotely. But for disabled and chronically ill workers such as Lavoie, remote work isnt a foreign concept; its a hard-won necessity. Now these workers are sharing their tips, as well as their hopes that, once the pandemic is contained, businesses will have learned the benefits of telework and will be more willing to make it available. The Senate is weighing a coronavirus virus relief package but the issue of paid sick leave has emerged as a sticking point for some lawmakers. The House of Representatives passed a relief package that includes paid sick leave for workers and President Donald Trump has said he supports it. Pennsylvanias two U.S. senators say they want to ensure workers who arent getting paid get the help they need. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Pa., said he supports the package and the idea of offering paid sick leave but Congress should take other steps to help unpaid workers. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said he has some concerns with the House package because of the potential costs to small businesses. Other Republican lawmakers have expressed similar concerns. Toomey said he has spoken to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who helped craft the plan with the House. In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, Toomey said he wants to help those who arent getting paid because of the outbreak. However, Toomey would rather see the government shoulder the burden, as opposed to small businesses. "I support the principle, the concept, the idea, the goal, Toomey said. The mechanism really matters. What I dont want to do is destroy thousands of small businesses in the process. I do have some real concerns about the mechanisms by which the aid is to be provided, Toomey said. Toomey has suggested that one option would be to expand unemployment insurance to offer workers more assistance, rather than doing it through paid sick leave. With this approach, small businesses wouldnt be hammered with the costs. Casey said he supports the House plan and said it should be passed right away. But he said its not enough. We have a responsibility to ensure that all American workers have paid sick leave," Casey said in a statement. The second coronavirus relief package passed by the House is a significant step forward, and the Senate must pass it immediately, but there is more that needs to be done to protect all working people who have to stay home to care for themselves or a loved one. Casey said he has co-sponsored legislation that goes beyond the House plan. The measure would expand paid sick leave to all workers during a public health emergency, regardless of their industry or the size of their business, he said. The federal government would cover 100 percent of the costs of this leave, Casey said of the bill. "I believe we must pass such comprehensive legislation immediately. Pennsylvania is one of 38 states that have no state laws requiring employers to provide paid sick days. Only 12 states and the District of Columbia, have such laws. Theres no federal law requiring paid sick leave. State legislation has been offered to provide paid sick days in Pennsylvania but it didnt gain traction last year. President Trump said Tuesday he wants to send checks directly to Americans to provide relief. The White House didnt disclose the amount but the treasury secretary did say the checks wouldnt go to millionaires. Previously, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, had proposed sending $1,000 to every American. The coronavirus outbreak has dramatically altered the lives of Americans. Gov. Tom Wolf has closed public schools, asked restaurants to halt dine-in service and urged non-essential businesses to close their doors. Other states across the country have taken similar steps to limit the spread of the virus. Toomey said he expects Congress to eventually pass other measures to help businesses weather the coronavirus. He said he expected critical infrastructure industries would get some financial support. Its important to point out that this crisis that were facing is not the fault of a business that didnt plan well or didnt run its business well, Toomey said. I dont think this is bailouts. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Text PennLive to 717-745-7532 to sign up to have breaking news and essential updates about the coronavirus delivered right to your mobile device. Data and messaging rates may apply. More from PennLive What are essential and non-essential businesses during coronavirus shutdown? Heres what Pa. Gov. Wolf says Lawmakers press Trump on coronavirus protection of nursing homes, senior citizens Read PennLives complete coronavirus coverage Outlier Like many of us, the people at the New York based clothing store Outlier have had to make adjustments in response to coronavirus precautions: In addition to having most of their employees work from home and temporarily halting all returns (dont worry -- returns will come back once they can process them again), theyre offering a blanket 15% off everything with the code S-O-E at checkout. And yes, the code can be combined with other discounts and upfront codes. While most the clothes you purchase there will come with a 45 day grace period for returns, anything labeled Experiment, like these Experiment 218 StrongTwill Articulated pants, have a slightly tighter return window of 15 days, and are subject to a $20 per product restocking/sightseeing fee. The Manchester bombers brother has been found guilty of murdering the 22 victims of the blast. Hashem Abedi helped his brother, Salman, build the bomb that was detonated at Manchester Arena in May 2017. Prosecutors said he was just as responsible for this atrocity ... as surely as if he had selected the target and detonated the bomb himself. The 22-year-old denied all charges but did not give evidence in his own defence during his Old Bailey trial, after sacking his legal team. He was not in court as the jury unanimously found him guilty of murder, attempted murder of those injured and conspiring with his brother to cause explosions. The judge said that Abedi would be jailed for life, but warned that the sentencing hearing could be delayed. Relatives of the victims broke down in tears of relief when the verdicts were delivered on Tuesday, after a seven-week trial. It heard details of how Abedi helped buy precursor chemicals to make explosives and obtained and experimented with bomb components. His fingerprints were found in a car and properties that were used to store explosive chemicals and shrapnel before the terror attack. Abedi collected large cans from the takeaway where he worked that were fashioned into tubes for potential detonators. A fragment of one of the cans, which he claimed he was going to sell for scrap, was found at the scene of the blast. Abedi was detained in Libya less than 48 hours after his brother detonated the suicide bomb, and extradited to the UK two years later. He answered no comment in police interviews, but handed detectives a prepared statement through his solicitor in which he denied involvement and said he could not comprehend his brothers actions. The statement, read to jurors, added: Had I had any idea of it I would have reported it to my mother initially and then to other family members to prevent it from happening. I was shocked my brother had done this and felt bad for everybody. Abedi was repeatedly absent from court during his trial as the forensic evidence mounted against him, at one point claiming he felt ill because he was allergic to chlorinated water. As the case drew to a close, Justice Jeremy Baker told the jury he had sacked his legal team and would not be giving evidence. At the start of the trial, prosecutor Duncan Penny QC said the Manchester attack was the culmination of months of planning, experimentation and preparation by the two brothers. Bomber Salman Abedi pictured moments before Manchester Arena massacre The law is that Hashem Abedi is just as responsible for this atrocity and for the offences identified in the indictment, just as surely as if he had selected the target and detonated the bomb himself, he added. Witnesses said both brothers had developed a jihadist mindset, with one telling the court that Abedi believed in terrorism. They went to school with Isis recruiter Abdalraouf Abdallah, who was jailed for helping Isis fighters travel to Syria in 2016, and were seen in his company around Moss Side. The court heard that Salman visited Abdallah in prison in January 2017 and spoke to him on the phone days later. The Abedi brothers duped friends and associates into helping them buy chemicals to make the explosive TATP. Some of the purchases were made using benefits claimed by their mother, who had moved back to Libya with the rest of the family during its civil war. The brothers used 11 mobile phones in five months some in play for as little as two hours and used a variety of vehicles to transport components around Manchester. Their plans were put on hold when their parents insisted they join them in Libya in April 2017 amid possible concerns about their descent into radicalisation, forcing the brothers to stockpile their stash in a second-hand Nissan Micra. Mr Penny said Hashem was at times chauffeur, at times quartermaster, at times electrical technician in the plot, but then attempted to evade any responsibility for his role. Salman returned to Britain alone on 18 May 2017, buying more shrapnel and finishing the bomb at a rented flat in central Manchester. Police believe Abedi took the final call his brother made before blowing himself up, which was made for four minutes to the familys Libyan home. Jurors were shown CCTV footage of Salman travelling to Manchester Arena and waiting more than an hour for Ariana Grande fans to flood out of the concert, before detonating his bomb at 10.31pm on 22 May 2017. A fragment of can of the type obtained by Hashem Abedi from the scene (Greater Manchester Police ) (Greater Manchester Police) Detective Chief Superintendent Simon Barraclough, the senior investigating officer, said Abedi may have got last-minute inspiration and instruction from his brother. If you look at these two brothers, they are not kids caught in the headlights of something they dont understand, he added. These two men are the real deal, these are proper jihadis you do not walk into a space like the Manchester Arena and kill yourself with an enormous bomb like that, taking 22 innocent lives with you, if you are not a proper jihadist. Recommended Police seized phone with evidence of Manchester plot before bombing He was with his brother throughout the entire process of making this explosive and building this bomb, I believe he provided encouragement right up to the end. This was all about the sick ideology of Isis and this desire for martyrdom. Isis claimed the responsibility for the bombing, which was the second and deadliest terror attack to strike Britain in 2017. The trial delayed a public inquiry into the attack, which is due to begin in June and will examine allegations that security services misinterpreted intelligence that could have prevented the bombing. Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson, of Greater Manchester Police, said almost 1,000 people were injured in the bombing and many survivors were left with deep psychological injuries. In the last few weeks Abedi absented himself from court, such was the contempt he showed for the proceedings and all those so deeply affected by this cowardly act, he added. A lawyer representing 11 of the bereaved families said they had waited a long time to see Abedi face justice. Victoria Higgins, of Slater and Gordon, added: I think the overwhelming emotion for most will be one of relief that he cannot hurt anyone else. It has been incredibly painful for them to hear, in detail, what happened to their loved ones and the calculated way in which the Abedi brothers plotted to end their lives. Additional reporting by PA Burak then tried to make a three-point turn but hit another car, according to the prosecutor. The other priest then drove Burak home in Buraks Buick while another couple who had attended the party followed. Burak said he did not know his address, so the priest had to look it up on his insurance card, according to the prosecutor. New York entered a new phase in the coronavirus pandemic Monday as the city that never sleeps forced its bars and restaurants to become take-out only. That meant that by Tuesday some of the country's priciest and most exclusive fine dining spots were forced to become delivery only - or close altogether. At Peter Luger in Brooklyn patrons were being offered a limited menu and butcher shop items available for pickup from the restaurant. Several others, including three Michelin starred Eleven Madison Park, said they would be shutting up shop completely. They wrote: 'In this unprecedented crisis, the health and well-being of our staff and our guests is of primary importance; in keeping with NYC and NY State requirements, Eleven Madison Park will be closed beginning Monday, March 16. 'We hope to open our doors soon when all of this has passed, and look forward to seeing you then.' Jean Georges, where President Donald Trump has previously been spotted dining with Mitt Romney, also closed its doors. eter Luger in Brooklyn, pictured, patrons were being offered a limited menu and butcher shop items available for pickup from the restaurant Carbone, which counts Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian among its fans, posted online to say they were on fine dining app Caviar HOW NYC'S PRICIEST RESTAURANTS ARE COPING WITH CLOSURES Le Crocodile: Closed Peter Luger: Limited menu Jean Georges: Closed Eleven Madison Park: Closed Kurumazushi: Orders by phone only Keens: Closed Carbone: Orders by Caviar app Rainbow Room bar: Closed Advertisement Keens steakhouse, established in the 1800s and where steaks can cost upward of $100 also announced their closure. But Kurumazushi, a high-end sushi bar with a Michelin star, the menu was still available for carryout. The restaurant posted online: 'During this time we will be open for carryout. Orders by phone only, credit card will be taken at the time of order. Please stay safe and we hope to see you back soon.' Carbone, which counts Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian among its fans, posted online to say they were on fine dining app Caviar. The Rainbow Room bar and restaurant, at the top of the Rock, has closed. A somber Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday that the citys 27,000 restaurants and bars would be limited to takeout and delivery only. The order, which would take effect Tuesday at 9 a.m., would also shut down all nightclubs, movie theaters and concert venues. The Democrat took the pair of actions on a day that New York Citys death toll from the virus rose to five and the number of infected residents multiplied. Keens steakhouse, established in 1885 and where steaks can cost upward of $100, is closed Kurumazushi, a high-end sushi bar with a Michelin star, was still available for carryout New York state joined with Connecticut and New Jersey to close bars, restaurants and movie theaters along with setting limits on social gatherings. The number of confirmed cases in New York reached more than 1,500. The closures has led to the restaurant Workers' Community Foundation establishing 'a relief fund for individual workers facing economic hardships or health crises as a direct result of COVID-19'. New York is changing its rules to allow bars, restaurants and distilleries to sell their products off premises, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. Gov. Cuomo said he is 'strongly encouraging' nonessential businesses to close in New York after 8 p.m. Manager George Bololis, left, gives a pickup order to tourists Janna Mueller, center and Jonas Stapper, of Berlin, Germany, at Chelsea Square Restaurant on Tuesday Chelsea Square Restaurant on Tuesday. Under New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio executive order, the normally lively bars and restaurants are now restricted to take-out and delivery only. 'Our primary goal right now is to slow the spread of this virus so that the wave of new infections doesn't crash our health care system, and everyone agrees social distancing is the best way to do that,' Cuomo said. The three states also will limit social gatherings to 50 people, effective 8 p.m. Monday. Cuomo directed nonessential state employees to work from home starting Tuesday and said local governments should follow suit. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette Canadian grocery stores sought to reassure customers concerned about food shortages this week, with some introducing special shopping times dedicated to seniors amid the coronavirus outbreak. What was usually sold in four days was sold in four hours, said Marc Fontin, president of the Retail Council of Canadas (RCC) Quebec division. The RCC represents several grocery store chains in Canada, including Loblaw, Metro and Sobeys. Now its a question of replenishing shelves. There are no food shortages and no food issues. Our warehouses are being filled. Several chains, including Sobeys and Loblaw, which operates Shoppers Drug Mart, announced this week that they will dedicate the first hour of operations for seniors and people living with disabilities. Sobeys chief executive Michael Medine said that beginning Friday, many of its stores will devote the first hour of operations to those most vulnerable and those who require extra attention, particularly seniors. Loblaw has also began rolling out a similar initiative, including at Shoppers Drug Mart. Taking inspiration from #Bloved at Sobeys Belmont, we are scaling our "Senior Shopping Hour". Starting this Friday, many of our stores will be devoting the first hour of operations to those most vulnerable and require extra attention, particularly seniors. Sobeys (@sobeys) March 17, 2020 1/2 Starting this week, Shoppers Drug Mart is dedicating the first opening hour of shopping at our stores to our customers who need assistance or consideration, including seniors and people living with disabilities. Shoppers Drug Mart (@ShopprsDrugMart) March 17, 2020 In a letter sent on Monday, Loblaw chief executive Galen Weston repeatedly stressed that customers do not worry and that the company is prepared to handle the ongoing crisis that has seen Canadians flock to grocery stores, wiping shelves clean of items such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Story continues First and foremost. Do not worry. We are not running out of food or essential supplies, Weston said. Our supply chain and store teams are responding to the spikes in volume and quickly getting the most important items back on the shelf. Volumes are already normalizing somewhat, and we are catching up. Sobeys also released a statement this week, saying the company is working around the clock to serve the unprecedented amount of customers flooding into grocery stores. I have great confidence in the incredibly robust grocery and food supply chain in Canada, Medine said. We are working hard to keep our shelves stocked in the face of unprecedented demand for products. Canadians have been rushing to grocery stores and panic buying items as authorities across the country introduce new recommendations and heightened warnings about the spread of the virus known as COVID-19. A new survey conducted by Angus Reid and Dalhousie University found that 71 per cent of Canadians are concerned about the coronavirus outbreak, with 41 per cent reporting that they had made food provisions in response. The survey, which was conducted between March 13 and 15, also found that 65 per cent of Canadians were concerned about risks at the grocery store. Sylvan Charlebois, a professor of food policy at Dalhousie University, said the empty shelves at Canadian grocery stores are not a reflection of the supply chain failing. The challenge that we saw was in-store merchandising. Its hard to keep up with such intense demand for certain products, he said. Over the next few days, I do believe that stores will get back to normal. Weston also sought to alleviate other concerns Canadians have raised regarding potential price hikes and store closures as the province and federal government reduce services in an effort to contain the coronavirus. We will not raise a single price on any item to take advantage of COVID-19, Weston wrote. We have been in contact with both provincial and federal governments. We all agree that food and drug stores are essential services and we must do what we need to in order to keep them operating and serving every community in the days and weeks ahead. But Weston admitted that operations at Loblaw stores will not be business as usual. Some items such as hand sanitizer may take longer to restock. The company may limit the number of people allowed to enter stores at a single time, in order to maintain social distancing. Last week, Loblaw lowered home delivery fees and eliminated pick-up fees for its click-and-collect service. But as the company grapples with a spike in demand, Weston encouraged those who are healthy, mobile and symptom free to do your best to make it into store. All of us will face uncertainty and new challenges over the coming days, Weston said. Our stores and our services will be far from perfect. But, we will do everything in our power to make sure you have what you need for yourselves and your families. Download the Yahoo Finance app, available for Apple and Android and sign up for the Yahoo Finance Canada Weekly Brief. COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohios polling places are closed on what was to have been the states presidential primary, following an overnight ruling from the Ohio Supreme Court. The Ohio Supreme Court effectively allowed the election to be postponed from March 17 in a remarkable early-morning decision on a complaint from a Wood County judicial candidate. After requiring the state to respond before 1:30 a.m., citing the exigent circumstances," four judges issued an unsigned decision unanimously rejecting the complaint, which had been filed before Gov. Mike DeWines administration issued a public health order closing the polls over the new coronavirus. Two judges running for re-election Justices Judith French and Sharon Kennedy and Pat DeWine, who is DeWines son, did not participate. Referring to a separate state-backed lawsuit that a Franklin County judge declined to act on earlier Monday evening, Corey Spewiek argued that courts had no right to try to block the election date, which is set in law. Chief Justice Maureen OConnor, and Justice Pat Fisher, both Republicans, and Justices Michael Donnelly and Melody Stewart, both Democrats, disagreed. They did not explain their reasoning. The Supreme Court proceedings began before Gov. Mike DeWines health department director ordered the polls closed in an emergency public health order that cited the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. DeWine said voters should not be made to choose between their health and their right to vote. The winding legal proceedings and confusion over what the Franklin County judge had ruled led to chaos within state government and county elections boards last night. One state lawmaker called the decision a constitutional crisis. But Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, the states top elections official, has said the states polls are closed. Ohios polls are NOT open today. Gov. DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton have ordered polling locations closed to prevent the spread of the deadly Coronavirus. Visit for the latest Frank LaRose (@FrankLaRose) March 17, 2020 In a late-night text message, LaRose said he has directed county boards of election to hold the primary on June 2, with absentee ballots accepted until June 1. Its unclear whether the move will prompt additional lawsuits. Read recent coverage: Citing health emergency, Ohio officials to order polls closed on Election Day, despite judges ruling Gov. Mike DeWine wants to postpone Ohios Tuesday primary election till June 2 due to coronavirus Ohio offering curbside voting, loosening absentee voting rules for quarantined and hospitalized due to coronavirus A married Paterson couple and their 5-year-old child have tested positive for the coronavirus, marking New Jerseys first pediatric case in the outbreak that has now infected at least 178 residents, officials said Tuesday. Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh described the husband as in his 40s, the wife in her 30s. They have a second child, a 4-year-old, who was tested for the virus Monday afternoon, Sayegh said. Sayegh said the family has been in self-quarantine since last week when the husband tested positive for the virus. The 5-year-old is not hospitalized and remains at home, state health officials said. The husband works in Teaneck in Bergen County, which has been at the center of New Jerseys coronavirus outbreak. As of Monday, Bergen had 61 cases of coronavirus, with 32 of those cases in Teaneck, officials said. In New Jersey as of Monday afternoon, there were at least 178 cases of coronavirus with eight in Passaic County. There have been three deaths, officials said. In a video statement posted to Facebook on Monday, Sayegh said Paterson was in a state of emergency as city residents over the weekend did not appear to be taking social distancing seriously. Were exposing ourselves to something that is unknown, Sayegh said before ordering Patersons restaurants and bars to close at 6 p.m. Monday night. Statewide, Gov. Phil Murphy strongly suggested a curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. and has ordered the closure of all public and private schools and the shutdown of casinos, dine-in restaurant service, theaters, and gyms. CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: I am taking drastic action to address this global crisis. Please view this video for additonal information. Posted by Andre Sayegh on Monday, March 16, 2020 Anthony G. Attrino may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @TonyAttrino. Find on Facebook. RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav alleged that Mangal Pandey has been careless in his approach as the Health Minister. Despite the directive issued by the State government pertaining to Coronavirus, to close all schools, colleges, parks, zoo and asking people not to assemble in large numbers, Bihar Health Minister Mangal Pandey took part in the BJP workers meet in Rohtas district of Bihar and tweeted the pictures. Tejaswi Yadav while commenting on Mangal Pandey said, "On one hand the government has issued guidelines regarding Coronavirus; on the other hand Health Minister and other ministers are not abiding the directive. I demand the resignation or sacking of Mangal Pandey. How long will Nitish Kumar tolerate such careless minister, who was even insensitive during the encephalitis outbreak which killed more than 100 children? The government is not prepared as there is a lack of facilities in hospitals". READ | 'We're Not Pansies': US Church Won't Let Coronavirus Shut It Down, Encourages Hand-shaking READ | Rahul Gandhi's Defaulters Question Photographed; Fiery Debate With MoS Anurag Thakur In LS Mangal Pandey responds Meanwhile, Mangal Pandey, while reacting to Tejaswi's statement said, "I have not attended any public meeting or gathering. It's a baseless allegation. Tejaswi is propagating wrongly." So far 150 samples have been collected in different parts of Bihar, but no positive case has been reported yet. Bihar government has arranged for 100 isolation wards, across the State. The State government has also directed to screen people crossing over to India from Nepal at various checkpoints on Indo-Nepal Border as Bihar shares 1400 km of the porous border with Nepal. Bodh Gaya airport has been closed as Bihar faces threat from passengers visiting from Buddhist countries for the pilgrimage to Mahabodhi Temple in Gaya. READ | Madhya Pradesh LIVE Updates: No Floor-test; House Adjourned Till March 26 Over Coronavirus READ | BIG: Yes Bank To Resume Full Banking Services After 6 Pm On March 18, At Branches & Online Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday urged construction firms to donate specialized N95 masks to their local hospitals as the government tries to head off a rush of demand for equipment to protect doctors and nurses from the coronavirus outbreak. Pence made the plea at a televised press conference along with President Trump and top government health officials, amid a nationwide shortage of equipment. Trump said he has started the process of having the U.S. Army Corps of engineers construct field hospitals to boost the volume of hospitals beds. 'We are starting the process,' he said. He said they would be M.A.S.H. hospitals, or United States Army Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals. President Trump spoke about deploying the Army Corps of Engineers to build hospitals and Mike Pence called for construction firms to donate specialized masks 'They do call them M.A.S.H. hospitals,' Trump said. 'Were looking at different sites in a few different locations.' New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made a request for assistance, which Trump said would be provided. State and local governments are preparing for an onslaught of hospital patients as the coronavirus outbreak spreads with the national stockpile also not up to the anticipated demand. 'We would urge construction companies to donate their N95 masks to your local hospital and for go additional order of those industrial masks,' Pence said. 'Those industrial masks are perfectly acceptable for healthcare workers to be protected from a respiratory disease,' Pence said. He pointed to the industry, which he said Trump knows well' from his real estate background. He also asked construction firms to forego additional orders of the specialized masks, which can both protect medical professionals and keep infected patients from spreading the virus. Pence's appeal came as federal officials have told doctors and health workers the nation's stockpile doesn't have enough basic medical equipment like masks and gowns to meet the expected crush of coronavirus cases. The stark assessment, conveyed in a conference call Monday, comes as the Health Department has begun distributing supplies a national stockpile created for such health emergencies. But the administration is acknowledging the supply is 'finite' and sending the equipment out to priority areas and based on a population formula. With a looming shortage of beds that public officials fear could fall well short of demand in an outbreak, the White House is even considering the use of hospital ships, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx said. The problem: the Navy only has two of them, and they can't get inland. Vice President Mike Pence (l) announced the call for masks A man displays a protective N-95 face mask and goggles, at an office in Washington, DC. The masks are vital to protecting medical professionals Pence wants construction firms with excess supply to donate their masks A nurse emerges from a tent with a kit to test for novel coronavirus COVID-19 at a drive through testing station for University of Washington Medical Center employees in Seattle, Washington, USA, 16 March 2020. The federal government is shipping equipment from a national stockpile to meet needs 'The president is considering all of the options. We're looking at hospital beds, ICU beds, informed by the data from Seattle and Santa Clara, and I just really want to thank the governors and the health commissioners from those states who are providing us the on-the-ground daily reports of hospital utilizations,' Birx told Fox News. 'There are multiple options in our reserve, including the V.A. Hospitals, Department of Defense medical treatment facilities and even hospital ships. There are a lot of things to consider and all of those things are on the table right now,' she said. In New York state, 19 per cent of positive coronavirus cases are being hospitalized, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a televised briefing from Albany, in a state where cases continue to spike. Adding to the need are infections that have been identified among medical professionals serving on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak. The White House is considering using hospital ships to meet demand, says coronavirus task force coordinator Deborah Birx Steve Moody, director of nursing at Central Maine Medical Center, enters a tent outside the emergency entrance to the hospital to test patients who have symptoms of the coronavirus, Friday, March 13, 2020, in Lewiston, Maine. U.S. hospitals are setting up circus-like triage tents, calling doctors out of retirement, guarding their supplies of face masks and making plans to cancel elective surgery as they brace for an expected onslaught of coronavirus patients In a Friday, March 13, 2020 file photo, Steve Moody, director of nursing at Central Maine Medical Center, mops the floor of a tent outside the emergency entrance to the hospital where patients are tested for of the coronavirus, in Lewiston, Maine An auxiliary tent stands outside the entrance to the emergency department at EvergreenHealth Medical Center, where an emergency department doctor is reportedly in critical condition with coronavirus (COVID-19) according to local media, in Kirkland, Washington, U.S., March 15, 2020 'It is essential that the federal govt works with this state and that this state works with the federal government. We cannot do this on our own,' he said. On Sunday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar refused to say how many ventilators the government had and now many were projected to be needed, calling it a 'national security issue.' The following day, the administration announced recommendations that Americans not gather in groups of more than ten people and stick to their homes. HHS officials communicated the information to medical professionals in a conference call Monday, CNN reported, and said the nation's stockpile was insufficient to meet needs. The representatives from the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness Reponses said the government had not yet identified a solution. Congress is trying to deal with the problem with new purchases, but it is not yet clear how quickly it will be possible to get equipment online. According to a statement released by HHS Tuesday, 'Because of the finite supply of PPE in the commercial supply chain, delivery of products from the SNS is prioritized based on need.' Equipment goes out to all 50 states, 8 territories, plus urban areas including Chicago, Los Angeles County, New York City, and Washington, D.C. 'The distribution is based on a pro-rata formula that is proportionate to the population size of each jurisdiction based on 2010 U.S. Census data. For areas facing high transmission rates, additional allocations are available,' according to the agency. State Police released new details on Tuesday of a fatal shooting involving one of its officers in southern New Mexico last month. Mark Soriano, a State Police spokesman, said veteran State Police officer Daniel Soliz shot and killed Rodrigo Aguirre, 36, on Feb. 22 in Deming. Soliz has been with the agency more than a decade. He said the deadly confrontation occurred after Aguirre led local deputies on a pursuit and fired at them with a shotgun. Soriano said it began when Deming police officers responded to a burglary around 2:30 p.m. and Aguirre fled from the scene in a red minivan and lost officers during a pursuit through Deming. He said Luna County Sheriffs deputies found Aguirre a short time later but had to retreat after he fired at one of them with a shotgun multiple times. State Police were called in to assist and officer Soliz found Aguirre hiding in a bush with a shotgun. Soriano said after Aguirre refused to drop his weapon, officer Soliz fired two shots from his rifle, fatally wounding Aguirre. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Markus Makur (The Jakarta Post) Flores Tue, March 17, 2020 10:07 666 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b1e2b9 1 World coronavirus,COVID-19,East-Nusa-Tenggara,Timor-Leste,cross-borders,coronavirus-prevention Free The government of Timor Leste has expressed support for East Nusa Tenggara's (NTT) decision to temporarily close its border checkpoints to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Antara news agency reported. "We strongly support the move as it would protect both the Timor Leste and NTT people from COVID-19 exposure," the Timor Leste consul in Kupang, Jesuino Dos Reis Matas C, said Monday during a meeting to discuss the matter with NTT Governor Viktor Bungtilu Laisdokat, as quoted by Antara. Timor Leste has yet to report any COVID-19 case, Jesuino said, but he assured that the government was implementing strict health checks on inbound visitors. It was agreed during Monday's meeting that the border would be closed for two months. Timor Leste, however, expressed hope the policy would not affect the distribution of staple food and fuel oil to the country through border areas. NTT administration spokesperson Marius Ardu Jelamu said on Saturday that the administration would soon issue a decree to regulate the posts' closure. "All of the posts will be guarded by security officers. This move is to be taken to prevent the spread of the virus," Marius said. (vny) Customers have lost 1.1billion to bank transfer fraud in three years prompting calls for laws to be introduced to ramp up protection. Consumer group Which? said banks are failing thousands of victims who have been tricked into transferring cash, often by criminal gangs posing as banks, police or even the taxman. A security measure called confirmation of payee (CoP), which checks the name of the payee matches the identity listed for the account, is due to be introduced by March 31. Customers have lost 1.1billion to bank transfer fraud in three years prompting calls for laws to be introduced to ramp up protection. The Mail is campaigning for checks to protect ordinary peoples bank accounts being emptied in the fraud epidemic [File photo] But only the six biggest banking groups have been told to sign up to the voluntary scheme by this date. Which? said all groups should be made to sign up and warned the RBS Group, which includes Royal Bank of Scotland, NatWest and Ulster Bank, and HSBC, which includes First Direct, had not confirmed a date for implementing CoP. It said voluntary schemes are no longer sufficient and called for legislation to make CoP mandatory. The Mail is campaigning for checks to protect ordinary peoples bank accounts being emptied in the fraud epidemic. Gareth Shaw, of Which?, said: It is vital for all banks to commit to basic name-check security. If the banks fall short of making these commitments... these initiatives must be made mandatory by Government. Trade body UK Finance said the industry is committed to protecting customers but agreed a voluntary agreement alone is not enough. (Newser) A French ex-priest who acknowledged sexually abusing at least 75 boys over decades was sentenced Monday to five years in prison, in Frances worst case of clergy abuse to reach trial. The court in Lyon issued the verdict against 74-year-old Bernard Preynat behind closed doors because the coronavirus outbreak has shuttered most activity in France. Preynats case forced the first serious reckoning with sex abuse within the Catholic Church in France. Preynat testified that multiple cardinals and other senior church officials were aware of his misconduct dating back to the 1960s, but he wasnt removed from the priesthood until last year, the AP reports. Victims of Preynats abuse, primarily boy scouts, welcomed his conviction for sexually abusing minors. Preynat was a scout leader. story continues below "Its really a relief, said Pierre Emmanuel Germain-Thill, who testified that Preynat's abuse upturned his life. "Since he's someone of a certain age, it seems like a correct verdict to me. The victims want to turn the page." Preynat could have faced up to 10 years in prison, and the prosecution had asked for at least eight years. During the trial, Preynat said he became interested in young boys when he was 14 or 15, and he discussed it with his bishop of the time, but was still later ordained as a priest. Preynat testified that while working as their scout chaplain, he abused up to two boys "almost every weekend" from 1970 to 1990 and as many as four or five a week when he led one-week scout camps. He said that successive Lyon cardinals told him to stop, but didn't report him to police. (Read more France stories.) Gov. Phil Murphy has always been quick to take swipes at President Donald Trump, but in the wake of the response to the coronavirus outbreak, he took a pass at an opportunity on Monday. Listen, thats above my pay grade, Murphy, a Democrat, told CNNs Wolf Blitzer during a live interview, when asked to respond to Trump saying earlier in the day that his response to the outbreak has been a 10 out of 10 performance. The Republican president was asked to rate his performance on a scale of one to 10 during a White House briefing earlier in the day. Do I wish that the federal government had gotten onto this earlier? Absolutely, Murphy said. We are where we are. Weve got to play the hand that we are dealt at this very moment. Earlier in the day, Murphy joined New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont to announce an unprecedented move to close all movie theaters, gyms, and casinos in the three states at 8 p.m. Monday until further notice. All three governors also said people should not leave their homes between 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Cuomo was critical of the federal governments response at the start of the joint conference call between the governors. The New York governor said Trump should have taken more draconian steps sooner to stop the spread of the virus. On Monday, Trump said people shouldnt get together in groups larger than 10 individuals over the next 15 days. He also said older people should stay home. Also, in a noticeable shift in his tone about the crisis, the president acknowledged for the first time Monday the pandemic may send the U.S. economy into a recession and suggested that the nation may be dealing with the virus until July or August. Murphy said he would continue to be in contact with federal officials and advocate for New Jerseys needs as the number of cases continues to rise. And for us, at least, were gonna keep asking persistently from the federal government for their support, whether its personal protective equipment, dollars, boots on the ground, all of the above, and then doing in New Jersey the things that are within our control, he said on CNN. The coronavirus outbreak in New Jersey increased to at least 178 cases on Monday with 80 new positive tests for COVID-19 announced by state officials with two deaths. Murphy also announced Monday New Jersey is one of 12 states identified by FEMA as a priority state that will have coronavirus testing sites set up and supported by the federal agency. The two sites will be located at Bergen County Community College in Paramus and at the PNC Banks Arts Center in Holmdel, acting State Police Superintendent Col. Patrick J. Callahan said. Sign up for text message alerts from on coronavirus in New Jersey: The Associated Press contributed to this report. Matt Arco may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MatthewArco or Facebook. Have a tip? Tell us. Get the latest updates right in your inbox. Subscribe to NJ.coms newsletters. It is extremely important for people to cut through the confusion and get their information from solid news sources, said Adi Pour, director of the Douglas County Health Department. Your local health department and local media outlets are some of the best choices. State and local leaders who have been working for weeks to limit the spread of coronavirus say they try to reach everyone, even those who arent inclined to follow their guidance, in order to effectively address a crisis like this. Thats why medical experts and public officials say that during their public briefings, they stick to what they know, admit what they dont yet understand and try to avoid blame and credit-seeking. Words matter more now, they say, because communicating during a crisis is about grabbing the publics attention and marshaling appropriate responses, and doing so without rattling people into a panic. Ricketts on Friday said he and other leaders work to overcome bias against their health messages by getting their facts straight and relying on experts with proven knowledge. Health fanatics have been slammed for stealing toilet paper and hand sanitiser from their gym. Fitness Playground, in Newtown, in Sydney's inner west, sent out an angry email to its users urging them to stop stealing. 'We have had thefts of toilet paper daily, hand soap daily, even the destruction of soap dispensers to steal the soap from inside,' it read. 'This behaviour cannot continue, or we will be forced to close until our members can behave like a community and support each other through this difficult time for all. Fitness Playground, in Newtown, in Sydney's inner west, sent out an angry email to its users urging them to stop stealing. The gym warned that if the theft continued the business would be forced to close. 'If we are forced to close, not only will this affect everyone's ability to train which is vital for a strong immune system, but it will affect the livelihoods of all of our staff,' the email read. 'We are not a multi-national company with unlimited funds. We are a small business, we rely on the support of our members, and we ask you to support us as well as each other during this difficult time.' The gym warned that if the theft continued the business would be forced to close A manager at the gym said hand sanitiser bottles started disappearing a few weeks ago when panic buying first started Daniel Bowden, a manager at the gym, told Daily Mail Australia the theft began a few weeks ago when panic buying first started. 'We are doing our utmost best to keep things like hand sanitiser and toilet paper stocked to make sure our gym is completely hygienic and in line with the health guidelines set by the Australia government,' he said. He said several hand sanitiser bottles had been taken from the gym and stocks of other supplies were rapidly clearing out. 'I don't care if people are hand saniting 20 times in an hour you're not going to go through litres of the stuff in a week,' Mr Bowden said Pune Substandard hand sanitisers worth Rs 27 lakh, which were being sold under the product name Savior Hand Sanitiser has been seized by the police on Tuesday. The police have arrested six people including the manufacturer and the distributor. The six men have been identified as Kunal alias Sonu Shantilal Jain, 33, a pharmacist living in Kondhwa; Chetan Madhav Bhoi, 26; Irfan Iqbal Shaikh, 32; Aseem Arif Maniyar, 27; all residents of Kondhwa; Swapnil Shivaji Shinde, 31, a resident of Sadashiv peth, and Mahesh Ramchandra Tembekar, 31, a resident of Satara road. Jain, Bhoi, Shaikh and Maniyar are accused of selling the sanitisers while Shinde and Tembekar were the brains behind the operation. The accused were making these sanitisers without license and labelling them made in Nepal, made in Taiwan. Further investigation is being done by Unit 5 of crime branch. Citizens are requested to share information regarding sale of spurious products to police, said Bachchan Singh, deputy commissioner of police, crime, Pune. SC Tasgaonkar. assistant police inspector, Unit 5 of Pune police crime branch who is heading the investigation said, They do not have any permits required for production and distribution. Swapnil Shinde assembled the products at his property in Alankar police jurisdiction. Tembekar distributed the product to medical suppliers. We first arrested a pharmacist and backtracked the investigation. A case under Sections 276 (sale of drug as a different drug or preparation), 336 (act endangering life or personal safety of others), 420 (cheating), and 34 (common intention) of Indian Penal Code (IPC) along with Sections 18-A, 18(c), 22(1)(cca) with 28, 27(b)(ii), 27(d) of Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 1940 has been registered at Market Yard police station against the six. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 21:51:05|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close BUDAPEST, March 17 (Xinhua) -- German carmaker Audi will halt production at its plant in Gyor, northwestern Hungary, next Monday due to the coronavirus pandemic and uncertainties in component supply, the Hungarian news agency MTI reported on Tuesday. "The Volkswagen Group is suspending production at most of its sites," and the measure affects Audi AG's plant in Gyor, MTI said citing a statement from Audi. The company plans to halt production in an organized and controlled manner by the end of the current week, according to the statement. Meanwhile, Hungary is closing its borders to all personal travel with the exception of nationals returning to the country, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced on Monday. According to the Hungarian government's updated statistics, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases stood at 50 on Tuesday, with two reported recoveries, one fatality. And 137 people are in quarantine. Former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode has joined other Nigerians in calling out the federal government over its refusal to order the closure of Nigerias borders to prevent the outbreak of Coronavirus in the country. After recording its third case of the deadly virus on Tuesday, Nigerians have taken to social media to call on the government to prevent an outbreak of the virus in the country. Also Read: Buhari Is Callous, Insensitive, Heartless: Fani Kayode Joining the discussion, the former minister expressed his sadness over the failure of President Muhammadu Buhari to formally address the nation. FFK also queried the motive behind the governments continued stance that Nigerias borders will remain open. See his tweet below: The mother of Nimisha Fatima, who embraced Islam and is suspected to have joined the Islamic State (ISIS) four years ago, has sought the intervention of the Central government to bring her daughter back. Bindhu met the media after a video was released by a Delhi-based website on March 15 which showed Nimisha and two other Keralite women - Rafeela and Soniya Sebastian - expressing their interest and hope to return to India. "I am seeing my daughter after four years, in that video. I want my child to return. Only the Central government can help me. I know she will have to undergo lengthy legal procedures. But I hope she will come," Bindhu told the media. Nimisha Fatima and her husband were among the 22 Keralites who were reported missing from Kasaragod and Palakkad in June 2016 and had reached the bastion of ISIS terror operations in Afghanistan. Nimisha gave birth there. The NIA has been probing into the case of the missing Keralites. Four years after they fled India to join the terrorist outfit Islamic state (ISIS), the website has come out with a video in which the three Malayalee women speak about their life under a caliphate. The three Malayalee women had fled between 2016 and 2018 with their husbands to join the ISIS. In the video, the women were seen saying they were living among the several fighters and other families who had surrendered to the Afghanistan government in 2019, after their husbands were killed. "The reason we moved was to live an Islamic life under a Caliphate, Muslim rule. But once we reached there, many of our expectations were not met," Soniya was seen telling the website. Sonia also said she was looking forward to return to India and join her husbands family. Now, I want to return to India to my husbands family and I want to cut myself off from everything that has happened. My husband is also no more and what I have left is only my husband's family and now I wish to return to India, she said. Nimisha also was seen in the video saying things were not as it was when they reached ISIS. "...Now the situation is different. And I have no idea what is happening. So I dont know, is there any place at all, or nothing. At this point, theres no point in doing hijrah. But at the same time, I cant say that when there is a khilafa, we shouldnt do hijrah, that I cant say, Nimisha said. Bindhu had, in November last year, identified her son- in-law and granddaughter from among those who had surrendered recently in Afghanistan. Bindu then told television channels that the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had sent her a few photographs of people who had surrendered. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) WASHINGTON President Donald Trump is asking Congress to unleash a torrent of emergency economic aid including direct checks to Americans an effort unseen since the Great Recession to shore up households and the economy amid the coronavirus crisis. Trump wants checks out to the public within two weeks as part of what officials said could approach a $1 trillion package. Congressional leaders vowed swift action. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin appeared on Capitol Hill to brief Senate Republicans as state and local officials acted more forcefully to restrict gatherings and mobility in the face of growing sickness. We want to go big," Trump said at a White House briefing. We want to get it done and have a big infusion. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised the Senate would not adjourn until the package was passed. Obviously, we need to act, McConnell said after meeting White House officials at the Capitol. But first, McConnell said, the Senate will vote on the House's $100 billion package of sick pay, emergency food and free testing that's on track for Trump's signature. After a savage drop at the start of the week, the stock market rose during Trump's briefing as he and aides sketched out elements of the economic rescue package. Bigger than the 2008 bank bailout or the 2009 recovery act, the White House proposal aims to provide a massive tax cut for wage-earners, $50 billion for the airline industry and $250 billion for small businesses. Two people familiar with the request described it to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly. It is a big number, said Mnuchin, exiting a briefing of Senate Republicans. "This is a very unique situation. We've put a proposal on that table that would attract a trillion dollars into the economy." One GOP leader, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, told reporters afterward it "could be" up to $1 trillion. A lot of our members believe that we need to be bold and big, Thune said. Senate Democrats produced their own $750 billion proposal, which includes $400 billion to shore up hospitals and other emergency operations in response to the global pandemic and $350 billion to bolster the safety net with unemployment checks and other aid to Americans, according to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's office. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the chairman of the House Transportation Committee, Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, spoke by phone with Mnuchin in the morning. The Democrats emphasized that protecting workers' paychecks and benefits was their top priority, and that immediate action was needed, said Drew Hammill, Pelosi's spokesman. Congress was being asked to approve the most far-reaching economic rescue package since the Great Recession of 2008. It's an enormous political and economic undertaking as a slow-moving Congress tries to rise to the occasion of these fast times. There's great spirit among lawmakers, Trump said. I can say that for Republicans and Democrats. The debate is sure to revive the sharp divisions over the costly bank bailout and economic recovery of the Obama and Bush era. Particularly striking is McConnell's urgency after having adjourned the Senate over the weekend while Pelosi muscled through an aid package. Some GOP senators were skeptical about the massive aid on the table. Im going to be very leery of doing something like in 2008, said Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun. But the other senator from Indiana, Todd Young, chairman of the Republican Senate campaign committee, said he was open to approving $1,000 checks and wants aid out the door as as soon as possible. He noted the sudden change of American life, and said he was the only passenger on his flight back to Washington. Angry senators from both parties boarded planes returning to a changed Washington, as Trump declared a state of emergency, the virus spread and the economic free-fall worsened. Despite federal guidelines against so many people gathering, senators had no choice but to convene. Legislating cannot be done from home. The House is on a recess. The White House hopes the measure will pass quickly, possibly this week, as the administration scrambled to contain the economic fallout of the outbreak. The new proposal is beyond the House's estimated $100 billion aid package of sick pay, emergency food aid and free virus testing that was approved over the weekend and is pending before the Senate. Now Congress will be rushing to pass two measures or combine them into one, altogether a sweeping response. Muscling the aid will test Congress and the White House at a pivotal moment in the crisis and in an election year when the two parties have vastly different outlooks on the best way to prop up the economy and help Americans. All sides the House, Senate and White House agree more federal resources are needed to handle what's coming. At the start of the month, Congress approved $8.3 billion in initial aid. Trump quickly signed into law the measure, which provided federal agencies money for vaccines, tests and potential treatments, and funding to help state and local governments respond to the threat. During the recession, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, passed in February of that year, had an initial price tag of $787 billion which was revised later to $831 billion. That was under Barack Obama. The Tarp passed in the fall of 2008 to help troubled banks had a price tag of $700 billion. It was put together by the George W. Bush administration, and provided money for the auto bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler. All of that money for the banks and the auto companies was paid back. Now, Republicans often reluctant to spend federal dollars did not flinch at the head-spinning number, as a roster of America's big and small industries airlines, hotels, retailers lined up for aid. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, called for sending $1,000 to every adult American an idea the White House now is proposing, though not necessarily that sum. Industries representing a broad swath of the economy are seeking help in withstanding the fallout as schools close and Americans are being told they should stay inside, skip nonessential travel and avoid gatherings with 10 people or more. That means no dining out, no boarding planes, no shopping the malls as a great national shutdown sparks business closures, layoffs and lost paychecks for rents, mortgages and everyday needs. The nation's largest business organization, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, asked the Trump administration and Congress on Monday to act rapidly to help companies have access to cash and avert a potentially devastating hit to the economy. Pulling together the new package will challenge the basic logistics of governing as Congress itself struggled to adapt to the new normal. -- The Associated Press House Democrats were told on a conference call they won't be recalled to Washington until the next package is ready for action, according to people familiar with the call but unauthorized to discuss it and granted anonymity. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover from the new virus. According to the World Health Organization, people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover. Whole new ball game: Shamrock Rovers Tallaght Stadium is being used as a testing centre for Covid-19. Photo: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos The nation has just seven days to slow down the spread of the coronavirus as Taoiseach Leo Varadkar admitted up to 15,000 may be infected in just two weeks. The stark warning to abide by the rules of social distancing and hand-washing, along with the other drastic restrictions on behaviour, was issued last night by chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan. "The behaviours we adopt in the next seven days will form the template for how we interrupt the spread of this virus over the coming months." He added: "We need to sustain social distancing, respiratory hygiene and these new ways of behaving if we are to succeed in minimising the threat posed by Covid-19." He was speaking as another 54 people were diagnosed with the virus, bringing the toll to 223. Research commissioned by the Department of Health shows more than three-quarters of people are staying at home more often. And nearly one in two have started working from home. The impact was seen yesterday in normally busy buses and commuter trains with rows of empty seats as the business closures and job losses were revealed. Mr Varadkar admitted that there may be 100,000 people who will lose their jobs and he pledged social welfare supports for employees and employers. The hidden effects of the coronavirus crisis were also suffered by some cancer patients who are having their surgery postponed in a major treating hospital. St Vincent's Hospital, in Dublin, confirmed specialists are having to review their patients based on clinical need and "some surgeries are being rearranged for the coming weeks". The ongoing devastating fallout for the nation followed an admission by Mr Varadkar that the number of new people infected by the virus will jump by 30pc a day and it could reach 15,000 by the end of the month. "Most people will be well and be treated at home and it's important they stay at home. But a percentage will need to be hospitalised and a smaller proportion again may need critical care." He was speaking after a meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee overseeing the crisis and the launch of a plan outlining how the Government intends to tackle the health, economic and social effects. The virus cannot be stopped and it is likely to be weeks before the restrictive measures endured by the population will see cases plateau. "We have hundreds of ventilators, hundreds more have been secured. But we cannot say at this stage whether the number of people who need to be ventilated will match the number of ventilators we have." Projections that half of the population may get the virus may materialise but it is important for people to know this would be spread out over months. It was decided not to call for the closure of cafes and restaurants but he emphasised they need to impose social distancing between customers. Health Minister Simon Harris said a massive recruitment campaign for people with health-related skills will be launched today, and the message will be: "Your country needs you." A big ramping up in the tracking of coronavirus patients' movements will see thousands of public service workers reassigned to contact tracing. It will involve an unprecedented level of movement of civil servants into new roles. Departments will also shift staff to help with the processing of social welfare payments for those workers who have lost their jobs during the crisis. Meanwhile, many GPs are to man the phones in their surgeries today, despite the St Patrick's Day holiday, to meet a deluge in demand for coronavirus tests from patients. Although their surgeries will not be open, the doctors will be available on the phone to assess patients who fear they have symptoms of the killer infection and need a test. Trinity College Dublin has told students living on campus they must go home, other than in very exceptional cases. It comes as college authorities confirm they are aware of at least eight confirmed cases. CAIRO While the Nile River comes nowhere close to Morocco, the country still may be playing a role in the crisis over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam because of Rabat's legal and financial tangle with an Ethiopian-born man who has been one of the most prominent investors in the project. In 2015, Morocco began seizing the assets of Saudi-Ethiopian billionaire Mohammed al-Amoudi, who had monopolized oil refining in Morocco through SAMIR, the only refinery there. Most of the shares of SAMIR, which was founded by the Moroccan government in 1959, were sold to Amoudi's Corral group in the 1990s. In November 2018, the Moroccan judiciary ruled that Amoudi properties should be confiscated; the courts accused him of intentionally disrupting oil production in Morocco as a bargaining tool against the state in order to reduce accumulated taxes and custom dues and to reduce the interest due on loans he obtained from banks in Morocco. Morocco also was one of 21 Arab League states that signed a March 4 resolution rejecting infringement of Egypts historical rights to the waters of the Nile. On March 5, Ethiopia summoned its ambassadors to Morocco and Egypt, as well as ambassadors to Sudan, Algeria, Australia, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Cuba. On March 7, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry said the recall of the ambassadors was not related to the faltering negotiations involving the dam between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan but rather was due to the end of the terms of the envoys' assignment in those countries. The Ethiopian move came a few days after Egypt unilaterally signed an agreement on the operation and filling of the dam in Washington. Both Ethiopia and Sudan did not sign the agreement, as they had withdrawn from the negotiations held under the patronage of the US Treasury Department. On Feb. 29, Ethiopia announced without an agreement with Egypt or Sudan that it would start filling the dam in July with 4.9 billion cubic meters of Nile River water (nearly 4 million acre-feet). Mahmoud Hegazy, a diplomatic relations lecturer at the Egyptian Center for Public Policy Studies, told Al-Monitor that the solution to the crisis over the Ethiopian dam lies in two paths. The first is the diplomatic one, based on embarrassing Ethiopia internationally by proceeding with negotiations from which Ethiopia withdraws one after the other because of its insistence on expediting the filling of the dam or because of the intransigence of investors countries, companies or individuals that are pressuring the Ethiopian government not to commit to the results of any negotiations or to basically withdraw from them, Hegazy said. He further said the second path consists of mobilizing states and international public opinion against the corruption of any international investor funding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which could in turn contribute to drying up or disrupting the sources of investment of the dam. [This is what] happened with Amoudi due to his involvement in corruption cases in Saudi Arabia and Morocco. Hegazy said he believes that exploiting the weaknesses of investors could play a prominent role in resolving the crisis over the dam or at the least in delaying the filling of the reservoirs until a peaceful solution based on negotiations can be reached. Ethiopia had previously announced its intention to make a unilateral decision over when to fill the dams reservoirs and start operating the facility. But observers said the placement of Amoudi's money, investments and assets under custody in Saudi Arabia in November 2017 and the confiscation of his money in Morocco may have disrupted the completion of the dams construction and the filling of its reservoirs. Although Morocco's actions may have had the effect of blocking greater Amoudi investment in the Renaissance Dam, relations between Egypt and Morocco have had tense moments. On March 1, the prominent Moroccan newspaper Zenka20 revealed the intention of Moroccos King Mohammed VI to visit Egypt this month. The report said the visit had been postponed five times for unknown reasons, which stirred tensions in relations between Egypt and Morocco, according to unnamed sources described by Zenka20 as being well-informed. For example, there also was a report in early February saying the king was to visit with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi later that month. There may be no visit this month, either, because of the coronavirus; Egypt has suspended all international flights from March 19-31 in an effort to halt the spread of COVID-19. Also, the Moroccan government had allowed dozens of Moroccan demonstrators to organize a major protest to mourn the death of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi on June 20, 2019, and to condemn what they called his abuse in prison by the Egyptian authorities. Meanwhile, Moroccoan Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani, also secretary-general of Morocco's ruling Justice and Development Party, mourned Morsi in an official statement on June 18, 2019. The Egyptian authorities had arrested Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, on July 3, 2013, and brought him to trial on several charges, including spying for foreign countries, incitement to violence and terrorism and incitement to kill peaceful protesters. The Egyptian armed forces toppled Morsi from his position as president the day of his arrest following mass protests against his rule and the Muslim Brotherhood regime. Hisham Bachir, an expert in Arab Maghreb affairs who is a researcher at the Germany-based Democratic Arab Center for Strategic, Political & Economic Studies, told Al-Monitor that Morocco is ruled by a constitutional monarchy system, in which the king shares powers with the government formed by the elected parliament. He said Morocco's Justice and Development Party, which has had strong links with Muslim Brotherhood, has headed the parliament for nearly a decade; thus it seems natural that the Moroccan security forces and the state media should support Morsi or the Muslim Brotherhood. In a report released in 2015, Moroccan state television described the Egyptian armed forces' ouster of Morsi as a military coup, a conclusion that Egyptian officials said did not take into account the public protests against Morsi that sought the armed forces' intervention against him. Bachir said this is not necessarily a reflection of the policies of Morocco's king, who on Feb. 26 offered his condolences for the death of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Bachir said many in Morocco's Justice and Development Party considered Mubarak an enemy against whom the Egyptian people revolted; his regime was toppled in January 2011. Bachir said he expects that the coming days will witness a rapprochement between Morocco's king and Sisi over Turkish military intervention in Libya. Morocco's foreign minister has objected to Turkey's actions there; Morocco's position in general has been for a diplomatic solution, while Egypt has been backing eastern Libyan warlord Khalifa Hifter. The Turkish interventions are being carried out under a military cooperation agreement signed by the Libyan Government of National Accord and Ankara in November. This agreement, however, contradicts the provisions of the Skhirat Agreement, signed after negotiations between Libyas warring factions under the patronage of the Moroccan king in 2015. The agreement, which specifies the powers and competencies of the Government of National Accord, does not allow said government to sign international agreements without the approval of parliament. Kevin Lang, bartender at Kostas on Girard Avenue, cleans on Wednesday. The bar and restaurant plans to sell beer to go and take-out food. Read more Analisa Taylor had wanted to keep working. Taylor, 52, is a hairdresser and co-manager of a hair salon and barbershop with just two chairs. She understood the threat of the new coronavirus, but she didnt think her business would pose a threat. She emphasized how, at the most, there are four people in a room at a time. They wipe down everything in between customers. She washes her hands all day long. On Monday, the city ordered all non-essential commercial activity to close by 5 p.m. For Taylor, like many others, that meant her sole source of income had come to an end. If were not cutting hair, were not making money," said Taylor, who works at Daves Salon and Barber Shop at 47 S. Fourth St. If were not making money how are we paying the bills? Small-business owners and workers in the city watched in the last week as other counties forced non-essential stores, such as hair salons, bookstores and clothing stores, to close. They saw the cases of the new coronavirus continue to increase and heard about the importance of social distancing, the act of limiting how often you interact with others, curtailing the rapid spread of the virus. So even if this announcement were expected, they still took the news hard. Owners worried how they would support themselves and their workers during this time; how long the forced closures would last; if their businesses would be able to open once they are allowed; if, at that time, customers would even have disposable income to spend and keep their business alive; if they needed to take out more loans. READ MORE: Coronavirus is a grave threat to restaurants, salons, and wage earners. We must help them fast | Maria Panaritis This shutdown is scheduled to last through at least March 27, officials said, bringing Taylor closer to the time her bills are due. At the beginning of the next month the mortgage will be due, the car will be due, the insurance will be due, everything is going to be due and in this line of work you cant make up two weeks," said Taylor. "You cant get it back. Shani Newton was behind even before the coronavirus hit. Newton, the owner of Dollys Boutique & Consignment, a specialty womens wear store on Germantown Avenue, used a lot of her savings to open a new store in the Fashion District six months ago and shes still paying her bills from that construction. She knew the risk of her industry and saw big-box stores sizing down and closing. But she thought her products were unique and opening in the former Gallery Mall would attract new business from a busy part of the city. Now, she isnt sure what to do. Shes going to try to pay her employees during this time, while also paying her bills, such as the utilities, at both stores and her home. She might take out another loan. Its just doom and gloom right now, but were resilient small-business people are resilient from the gate, Newton said. Im just going to push, push, push my online presence, social media, and hope people will still shop. Gerrae Simons Miller, the owner of Mellow Massage and Yoga in East Falls, doesnt have that option. Her business cant be operated remotely because it works directly with people. Yoga classrooms were being cleaned and disinfected, patients were being screened on their travel history and whether they felt sick. People were being asked to wash their hands. But still, Miller said, she was getting ready to close anyway. She knew it was in the benefit of public health. READ MORE: East Falls wellness studio embraces diversity through massage and yoga Its definitely the right thing, but its really hurting small businesses, Miller said. We are all hoping that this is something we are attacking with enough force that it will slow down and we won't have this situation for too long. Its difficult enough to be a brick-and-mortar bookstore and cafe, said Justin Moore, the general manager of Uncle Bobbies Coffee & Books in Germantown. The store has small margins and significant overhead, and relies on daily sales to pay employees. The forced closures mean everyone is losing income. Moore said he understands why they must close and that social distancing is a way to fight the coronavirus. Still, he is hoping for more information from city officials about resources he can offer his employees so they can get by. He said he feels as if were in the dark. Just trying to be in the retail space in 2020 is already a difficult endeavor, Moore said. "And something like this just makes it catastrophically worse. While many businesses are just closing now because of the citys order, Tony Trov, the co-owner of South Fellini, a store with Philly-themed clothes and accessories, said it already closed last week. After seeing what happened in Europe and China, he thought closing was inevitable. But now he doesnt know how to support himself or his employees. For the most part were just hunkering down, Trov said. Its completely our livelihood and its as bad as it could possibly be. How is the shutdown affecting your business? We want to learn how youre getting by. Email to share your story. WATERLOO The beer wasnt green, but it was ready to flow at the St. Patricks Day celebration at Jamesons Public House on Tuesday. But bagpipes wont be skirling, the band wont be playing and patrons were disappointed because one of the downtown Irish pubs biggest events of the year was canceled. Coronavirus and Gov. Kim Reynolds shut the party down. In an effort to limit community spread of COVID-10, the governor activated the State Disaster Emergency Plan that includes moving restaurants to drive-through, carry-out and delivery only and closes bars and recreational facilities such as gyms, casinos and adult day care centers. The proclamation also allows state agencies additional flexibility in responding to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation. Restrictions are expected to expire March 31, although the overall public health emergency will remain in effect until 11.59 p.m. April 16. Jamesons, like other area restaurants, posted signs on its doors and issued public posts on Facebook and other social media platforms. Its going to hurt us very badly. Well only be able to do to-go orders. Were staying open to prepare orders. We prefer phone calls, but if someone stops down, well come to the door. We just cant allow anyone in the restaurant dining room or bar, said Michelle Smith, Jamesons bar manager. The pub has plenty of food, she said. We are pretty well prepped and in good condition. Well accept cash, credit and debit cards. Rich Eighme is trying to find a glimmer of positive. A month and a half ago Eighme and his family, which own Waterloo Bowling Centers, Maple and Cadillac Lanes, saw their lives turned upside down when Maple Lanes destroyed by robbers who set it on fire. Just as Eighme and his staff began to get back on their feet moving 46 bowling leagues and two-thirds of their staff from Maple to Cadillac everything came to a crashing halt again. Things changed dramatically from last night to today, Eighme said. We were in our new normal. It was what do we have to do to scramble to take care of the rest of our season, and then the apple cart is upset again. There is a tremendous amount of unknown. I truly believe we will come back to some form of normalcy. The question is how long. Government officials and health officials are doing the best job they can to minimize this situation. Yes, there are going to be some financial casualties about it and we are going to do the best we can just like everybody else that is in our same situation. Lets face it, we are not the only ones to have their apple cart upset. All three restaurants at the Western Home Communities Diamond Event Center in Cedar Falls are closed. Table 1912, Gilmores Pub and Caraway Cafe are all shuttered for the forseeable future. Its not an option. We are closed to the public and in the process of shutting those down. Were figuring out how were going to deliver meals to residents. We already have been taking meals to our nursing home residents, but now well be delivering meals to assisted living and residential living residents, said Linda Bowman, chief communications officer at Western Home Communities. It also means rescheduling shifts for employees. We were already social distancing in the dining rooms, now were moving to direct meal delivery. Residents will not be congregating in the dining rooms. We actually had that in our pandemic plan, but now were just stepping up the action. Verve Kombucha Kitchen & Bar posted a notice on its Facebook page that Wednesday will be the last normal day for the restaurant. After that we will focus on carside takeout service. We will have an adjusted menu for online ordering that will hopefully bring a meal into your home that will offer some semblance of normalcy, the post reads. SingleSpeed Brewing Co.s taproom will be closed, but to-go orders with curbside pick-up begin today. Hours are noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. The full menu, including six-packs, four-packs and fresh growler fills will be available. Ive closed the kitchen and suspended all orders today, said Jeremy Jones, owner of Screaming Eagle in downtown Waterloo. He plans to start at lunch Wednesday with curbside carry-outs and food delivery service. The St. Paddys Day party with live music was scuttled. That definitely hurts because we had lots of RSVPs from people who were planning to attend. Now were going to just do the best that we can and hope theres some help from the government to make sure my employees are taken care of. Thats my main concern right now, Jones said. Doughy Joeys Peetza Joynt in Cedar Falls is still adjusting, but the shut-down didnt come as a surprise, said manager Andrew Howe. Weve been thinking about it for a few days, and now were going to have to get our team together and decide how to move forward. Our plan will be doing carry-out business and look toward delivery. We dont deliver now, so its something were looking into, he said. Business was already impacted at Pablos Mexican Grill in Cedar Falls, said opening manager Shawn Brinkman. Sales have been down for sure because a lot of people dont want to come out because of whats going on. Its been disappointing. Carry-out is the restaurants only option. It has no online or delivery service. Customers can step inside and place their order and carry it out from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays. Weve taken all the seats up, so theres no option for people to sit down, Brinkman said. Concerned about COVID-19? Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 16:54:32|Editor: ZD Video Player Close A ship loaded with containers of raw materials from China arrives at a port in Cambodia, March 9, 2020. (Xinhua) PHNOM PENH, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said that 12 ships containing more than 1,000 containers of raw materials from China had arrived at the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port to supply struggling garment factories in the kingdom, the Khmer Times reported on Monday. Speaking with officials in northwest Battambang province on Saturday, Hun Sen said China had helped facilitate the transport of raw materials to Cambodia amid the COVID-19 pandemic which has resulted in a raw materials crunch in the kingdom. The shortage saw thousands of garment factory workers being suspended as factories struggled to continue operations. The prime minister said more than 60 percent of the raw materials for productions in the garment and footwear industry in Cambodia are imported from China. He added that Chinese vessels would continue to deliver raw materials to Cambodia until May when the situation (of COVID-19) is expected to ease. He said due to a shortage of raw materials caused by COVID-19, some factories in Cambodia had partially suspended operations, affecting almost 20,000 workers. The garment and footwear industry is Cambodia's biggest export sector, employing about 750,000 people in approximately 1,100 factories and branches, according the Labor Ministry. The sector earned gross revenue of 9.32 billion U.S. dollars last year, up 11 percent compared to the year before. A leaked document by Public Health England (PHE) for senior National Health Service (NHS) doctors and officials has given the lie to all previous official discussions of the gravity of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact. The PHE expects that the UKs coronavirus epidemic will last a year and that up to 7.9 million people will require hospitalisation in this time. A commuter covers her face in London, Monday, March 16, 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth) The number of cases is forecast to increase rapidly over the next 10 to 14 weeks, reaching a roughly one-month peak from the end of May to mid-June. A 10-week decline in cases and deaths is expected to follow, falling to a relatively low level during the summer months. The authors of the report are concerned that the virus could then resurge in autumn and winter. According to the document, obtained by Britains Guardian newspaper, As many as 80 percent of the population are expected to be infected with Covid-19 in the next 12 months, and up to 15 percent (7.9 million people) may require hospitalisation. Assuming a fatality rate of just 1 percent, the infection of over 50 million people would mean 531,100 deaths. Even by Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whittys estimate of 0.6 percent, the death toll would be over 318,000. But the global fatality rate is currently around 3.4 percent. This staggering assessment is yet another indictment of the governments laissez-faire approach to the pandemic and their worthless assurances that services will be able to cope. The UK, along with much of the rest of the world, faces a prolonged social emergency which will affect the lives of millions. Over the weekend, a new-born baby in London tested positive for coronavirus. Italian doctors are reporting that a new wave of younger patients is now being hospitalised. Dr. Luca Lorini, head of anaesthesia and intensive care at a northern Italian hospital, said, The type of patient is changing. They are a bit younger, between 40 to 45 years old. People are arriving who got ill six or seven days ago and treated themselves at home, and then their conditions became more and more critical. The PHE document is explicit in its fear that the overstretched NHS and other social services will be unable to cope. Work considered vitalin essential services and critical infrastructure such as the NHS, social care, policing, transport and the fire brigadewill not be able to function normally. The document warns, it is estimated that at least 10 percent of people in the UK will have a cough at any one time during the months of peak Covid-19 activity, meaning they would have to self-isolate for at least seven days under the governments guidelines. This equates to a shortfall of half a million vital workers. PHE admit that the health service cannot come close to testing everyone with suspected symptoms for the virus, including NHS staff. Only the very seriously ill in hospital or those in prisons or care homes where the virus has already been detected will be tested. The scale of the crisis is so apparent that Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced to announce a series of new measures yesterday that were previously scheduled to come into force in several weeks time. These include advising whole households in which one member has a cough or fever to self-isolate for 14 days; telling people to avoid pubs, theatres and other social venues; to avoid non-essential contact with others and unnecessary travel; and to work from home where they possibly can. People in at risk groups will soon be asked to be largely shielded from social contact for 12 weeks. In a sign of what is to come, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the NHS will cancel or delay all non-emergency operations. Social services are so stretched that the effective and humane implementation of Johnsons measures is impossible. Isolating the elderly for three months would, in many cases, be as effective a death sentence as catching Covid-19. Britains 500,000 care home residents and 548,000 over 65s receiving long-term social care are already criminally under-resourced. According to executive chairman of the National Care Association, Nadra Ahmed OBE, the sector is already suffering 120,000 staff vacancies. She told the Sun, The potential of self-isolation and the impact of that is fundamentally going to render services unable to continue. If we dont have the workforce to deliver the services then we are going to be substantially challenged. People with the highest need will receive the care but people with medium needs who need the support may be waiting. The normal sickness rate among care workers is 3 percent. If 10 percent are forced to self-isolate during the peak of the epidemic (and the number is likely to be higher), then the sector will be short a further 100,000 workers. This reduced workforce will then be forced to spend extra time dealing with the coronavirus crisis, the policy director of the United Kingdom Homecare Association Colin Angel has warned. Social workers home care visits would take well longer than the usual expected time while dealing with people who are unwell. His concerns echoed those of Professor Martin Green, chief executive of the charity Care England, who said last week, Domiciliary care services are really important. If we get a lot of domiciliary care workers off ill that will be a big problem. People who need that care will not be getting support, they wont get fed, and they wont get washed or toileted. He criticised the government for showing no evidence of a plan to address these needs. Responding to these criticisms, ministers passed responsibility onto local councils, who were told on Friday to design plans for supporting the most vulnerable and high-risk people in their areas. Councils in England lost 77 percent of their funding from central government between 2015-16 and 2017-18 and cut 75,891 jobs in the five years up to 2019. Lack of resources for social care and the NHS could also create a vicious circle. Helen Buckingham from the Nuffield Trust said, With hospital beds so squeezed, patients will really need care services to keep functioning well enough to stop people being admitted if it can possibly be avoided. Ian Hudspeth, chair of the Local Government Associations community wellbeing board (LGA), warned that the stretched demand for adult social care could be further impacted by hospitals needing to discharge people even sooner than at present owing to the pressures on them. The governments response to this danger has been pitiful. Besides aimless and empty calls for an army of volunteers, officials have suggested redeploying care workers to look after the elderly in virus hotspots. They are also reviewing whether criminal record background checks, required to work in close contact with vulnerable people, can be loosened to fill vacancies. As one care worker explained to the Guardian, plans to parachute care workers into affected areas ignores the fact that the people they look after often have highly complex individual needs and threaten to exacerbate the problem of staff sickness. You are going to be putting people into a hot zone where people are infected. It creates a vicious circle. She warned that universally low-paid care staff would feel pressured to lie about whether they felt ill: They fear they wont be paid. Nobody can survive on statutory sick pay. The spread of private, profit-seeking concerns throughout the health and social care services in recent years has turned this problem into a mass concern. Last Friday, cleaning, portering and catering staff walked out of Lewisham Hospital after the outsourcing firm ISS refused to pay them properly. Grande posted to Twitter to urge followers to take the novel coronavirus seriously. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP Ariana Grande tweeted a message to her followers urging them to take the novel coronavirus more seriously. Grande wrote that people saying "we will be fine because we're young" were putting others in danger. "You sound stupid and privileged and you need to care more about others," she said. "Like now." In a series of tweets, Grande pleaded with fans to support H.R. 6201, the House legislation meant as a response to the coronavirus. "This bill will provide people w necessary financial support in terms of paid sick leave/unemployment due to corona virus/isolation/prevention!" she said. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Ariana Grande posted to Twitter to warn fans against making light of the novel coronavirus, urging her followers that it was "stupid and privileged" not to take the virus seriously. "I keep hearing from a surprising amount of people statements like 'this isn't a big deal/we'll be fine... we still have to go about our lives.' And it's blowing my mind," Grande tweeted. "I understand if that is how you felt weeks ago. But please read what's going on. Please don't turn a blind eye. It is incredibly dangerous and selfish to take this situation that lightly. The 'we will be fine because we're young' mindset is putting people who aren't young and/or healthy in a lot of danger. You sound stupid and privileged and you need to care more about others. Like now." Grande then wrote a thread of tweets saying she understood and supported people's frustrations but highlighted that "this is a national emergency and a pandemic of global proportion." She also wrote that "these are the times when the world should rely on their governments to support the plan for all citizens to stay at home and lessen the threat of infection and the spread of the virus." Story continues Grande then urged fans to support the bill H.R. 6201 the House legislation meant to respond to the coronavirus. "This bill will provide people w necessary financial support in terms of paid sick leave/unemployment due to corona virus/isolation/prevention!" Grande said. "Please contact your senate to support the passing of this bill!" In her final tweet in the thread, Grande pleaded with fans to call their senators instead of reacting with frustration and wrote that Americans needed their senators and the government to support the bill, which has already passed through the House. "Everyone deserves to be financially supported and feel safe at home during this time," she said. Read the original article on Insider With new cases being discovered in the country each day and panic among people also increasing, the government has proposed various measures to contain the spread of the disease. The latest steps in the fight against the pandemic come at a time when the number of positive cases in India has reached 125, with fresh cases being reported from Odisha, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Kerala and Telangana. In this edition of Business Standard podcast, we will discuss different measures taken by the government to control the outbreak. On Monday, a (GoM) proposed various measures, including the closure of all educational and recreational institutions across the country. The government has also barred travellers from countries in the European Union, Turkey, the UK, Afghanistan, the Philippines and Malaysia from coming to India till March 31. State governments are also taking proactive measures. Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra have all moved closer to imposing a lockdown. Heres is a look at the measures taken by them: In Delhi, religious, social, cultural and political gatherings, as well as protests comprising more than 50 people are prohibited until March 31, with a similar case in Uttar Pradesh, where schools and colleges will remain closed until March 22. Gyms, nightclubs, zoos and spas in the city will also remain closed this month. Tamil Nadu also joined scores of states in closing down educational institutions, public events, and large gatherings. In Maharashtra, the government extended the restriction to tiger safaris and asked people to avoid crowding religious sites. Even as Mumbai remained under a partial lockdown, the chief minister said he had no plans of imposing such measures in other cities of the state. The famous Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai was also closed for devotees. In Bihar, Chief Minister extended an ex-gratia payment of Rs 4 lakh to the next of kin of those who died from the virus. Chhattisgarh termed the Centres current criteria to test as too restrictive and demanded that it allow more centres to carry out tests. Intensifying its measures against the virus, the GoM held its seventh meeting in the evening and proposed a set of social-distancing measures to be in force till March 31. In view of this, Joint Secretary in the Health Ministry Lav Aggarwal said Non-essential travel should be avoided. Buses, trains and aeroplanes... To know more, listen to this podcast Entrepreneur Alexandra Knauer is committed to more wage justice and is convinced that both, companies and the economy in Germany will benefit from that. Entrepreneur Alexandra Knauer pays attention to equal pay in her company. Image Credit: KNAUER/Florian Bolk. For some years now, the Equal Pay Day has been established as a day of action to draw attention to the fact that women are paid less than men. This date marks the day of the year until which, in a figurative sense, women work without payment. Or the other way around, it would be the day from which men would have to start working in order to achieve the same average annual salary as women. This year, according to calculations, the Equal Pay Day in Germany falls on March 17, 2020 - this corresponds to a salary gap of 21% on a national average. Although the principle of "equal salary for equal work" is taken for granted by a majority of the population, the reality is still a different one. In Germany, the so-called unadjusted wage gap has only decreased by around one percent to its current level since 2013. In an EU comparison for 2018, Germany is at the bottom of the table with these figures - only Estonia is even worse. Berlin entrepreneur Alexandra Knauer, whose company develops and produces high-tech laboratory measuring instruments, has paid attention to fair conditions in her company for many years. The success of these efforts is reflected, for example, in the fact that almost as many men use their parental leave entitlement as their female colleagues. The overall women's quota at KNAUER is very high for a technology company, at almost 40%. The proportion of women in management positions is, at 35%, significantly higher than the average for German companies, which is 21%. Motivated by the Equal Pay Day, Alexandra Knauer has had the gender salary gap and the Equal Pay Day calculated once a year for her own company for two years now. I am very satisfied that we have been able to reduce our small salary gap from 3.2% last year to 2.6% this year. This means that KNAUER has already reached Equal Pay Day on January 10th. I consider a fluctuation margin of 3% in both directions to be acceptable and try to stay within this range." Alexandra Knauer How is the unadjusted gender pay gap determined? The value is calculated from the average gross hourly wage for men minus the gross hourly wage for women and is put in proportion to the hourly wage for men. This ratio is expressed as a percentage and is also known as the "gender pay gap". Gender Pay Gap by states (Graphic: However, this calculation method has been criticized, because it simply lumps everything together. For example, in the case of the wage gap between the federal states of Baden-Wurttemberg (22.7%) and Brandenburg (14.9%), critics say that it is mainly structural reasons that are to blame and not actual unequal payment. After all, it is precisely the federal states with a high proportion of well-paid technical occupations, in which traditionally significantly more men work, that have a large wage gap. The simple calculation of the unadjusted wage gap obviously has its weaknesses. It does not take into account the comparability of individual jobs, but as an average value it is still a good indicator. If we avoid that one sex is better paid than the other and jobs are mostly allocated equally between women and men, the unadjusted figure will no longer differ from the adjusted one. It is an important task for me to ensure that these structural conditions are met in our company". Alexandra Knauer The CEO of 145 employees could be resting on her laurels, because the figures put her far ahead of the German average. However, it is important for her to motivate other entrepreneurs to review and minimize the gender pay gap in their companies as well. In order to lend more weight to these activities, KNAUER has also applied to "Mein gutes Beispiel" (German for: my good example), a nationwide competition for corporate social responsibility. The motivated entrepreneur is convinced that diverse teams can achieve better results, even if this means more discussion at times. Germany can only maintain a leading position in international competition with the very best ideas. KNAUER signed the Charter of Diversity years ago and thus clearly positioned itself. Both, employees and applicants, welcome transparency regarding the wage gap. The work force feels they are in good hands, while the others prefer such a company when looking for a job. Therefore, it is reasonable for companies to calculate their own wage gap on an annual basis - as is the case with KNAUER. Depending on the result, a company knows where it stands and can take specific measures to perform better in the future. On the other hand, a good result can and should be announced. Similar to corporate social responsibility activities, this can contribute to a positive image of the company. Those who wish to reduce the wage gap in their work force will achieve this if women's performance is rewarded in the same way as men's when hiring and when raising wages. It is important that managers at all levels are mindful of this issue and take the first steps. The UKs scientific and veterinary capability will be enhanced after a 1.4bn boost to protect against the threats of animal and plant diseases. The new funding will be used to redevelop the Animal and Plant Health Agency's current Weybridge facility, a site with specialist research facilities for disease control. The money will ensure that APHA, which is responsible for safeguarding animal and plant health, has enough capabilities to fight current and emerging diseases. The UK currently exports 4.2bn of livestock, meat and meat products, dairy and animal by-products per year. They are safeguarded by the services that APHA provides. The agency has in the past given advice to government in controlling outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease in 2001 and testing samples for bird flu during outbreaks. Chris Hadkiss, Chief Executive of APHA, welcomed the new funding, adding that it will enhance the UK's 'crucial and valuable' role in animal health science. The commitment also highlights how the government recognises our international reputation as experts in animal and plant health science and the critical role we have in protecting the UK and the economy from animal disease risk, he said. APHA Weybridge also provides expert advice to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the World Health Organisation, as the international reference laboratory for a large range of animal diseases. Islamabad, March 17 : The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Pakistan has increased to 183, after Sindh and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) confirmed 115 and 15 new infections, respectively. This is the single largest increase in coronavirus cases in the country so far, The Express Tribune reported on Tuesday. "This exponential increase is largely due to the recent inflow of pilgrims brought in from Taftan border after a purported quarantine," Adviser to Sindh Chief Minister on Information Murtaza Wahab tweeted. On Monday, Sindh Health Minister Azra Fazal Pechuho said there are 76 confirmed cases in Sukkur (all patients arrive from the Pakistan-Iran Taftan border), 26 in Karachi and one in Hyderabad. Wahab, earlier in the day, had said another 11 people who have reached the province from Taftan have tested positive. Meanwhile, KP reported 15 cases of the novel coronavirus on Monday. "Just received news that 15 out of 19 individuals received in KP from Taftan have tested positive for coronavirus. These are the first positive cases in KP," provincial health minister Taimur Khan Jhagra said in a tweet. "They are being well looked after in quarantine in an isolated facility in DI (Dera Ismail) Khan..." The other confirmed cases were reported in Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Islamabad and Punjab. Latest updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tuesday, March 17, 2020 There is no reason philanthropic efforts must come to a grinding halt during tumultuous times. In the past week, Ive heard a dozen examples of philanthropists who dramatically slowed or halted their work because of cancelled trips or the need to work remotely. Assuming loved ones and colleagues are not ill, there is no reason philanthropic efforts must come to a grinding halt because of COVID-19. While face-to-face interaction is great, there are many ways to work remotely. Here are three examples of philanthropists slowing down during the pandemic: A start-up had plans to launch its first corporate giving program and was looking forward to receiving feedback from nonprofit organizations during an upcoming meeting. The meeting was cancelled because of concerns about COVID-19. So, the company decided to postpone launching its giving program until the fall when they can re-convene the group. A foundation leader planned to fly across the country to seek advice from a colleague about a new project of strategic importance to their organization. His organization has asked all employees to refrain from nonessential travel, so he rescheduled the trip for five months later. The leader of a corporate giving program told a grantee that he would be unable to respond for a few weeks because the company has asked employees to work remotely. If something is strategically important, develop and implement it using the tools at your disposal as quickly as possible. And if its not that important, dont do it. Working remotely means just that. Working. From a different location. Its wise to seek community input before launching a new grants program. Seeking feedback from trusted colleagues before dramatically changing strategy is also smart. But there are myriad ways to seek input and advice that dont require in-person communication. You can talk to people on the phone, hold video conference calls, conduct phone interviews, conduct online focus groups, and do email surveys. You can do all of this for free (or minimal cost) using easily available technology such as your smart phone, Zoom, Skype, SurveyMonkey and more. You can do this starting today. You dont need to wait five to seven months! Similarly, these tools are available to the remote worker. Twenty years ago, working remotely required a computer, printer, internet access, a table, chair, and a fax machine. Not much has changed (except perhaps the fax machine!). Today you can remotely access just about anything you need from computers and smart phones including grants management systems, constituent engagement systems, email, voicemail, and of course your grantees and colleagues. Sure working remotely can be challenging at first, especially if this is something that you arent used to. You might have children home from school, a spouse who is also working from home, or a pile of laundry calling your name. Once you pull through any initial feelings of shock and disorientation, and adjust to your temporary new normal, you can put simple practices in place to ensure you and your colleagues are productive while not in the office. For example, establish working routines. Give people control over how and when they work. Focus on the results, not a schedule. Check in on your employees daily to see how they are doing and what you can do to support them. Make sure they have access to the technology they need and show them how to use it. Be flexible. Offer to extend deadlines if that will help them juggle work and family. And if its not possible to get your work done remotely, perhaps because of cybersecurity restrictions on technology access, then do the things you always wished you had time to do: Read that article. Learn and develop yourself professionally by listening to a podcast or watching a webinar. Call your grantees and ask them how they are doing and how you can help. Conduct online research for your next funding initiative. Get to inbox zero. Or simply think. To learn more ways to increase the speed of your philanthropy and increase the impact of your giving, check out my new book, Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change and What They Can Do To Transform Giving! Pre-order it before March 22to get a free webinar, keynote, or private consultation with me! Are you you interested in working with a trusted advisor to philanthropists? Working from home? No problem. I can help you remotely! I have more than 20 years of experiencehelping ultra-high net worth donors, foundations, wealth advisors, and Fortune 500 companies to get the most impact out of their charitable giving. A little guidance goes a long way, so lets talk! This article was originally written for and published by Forbes. 2020 Kris Putnam-Walkerly. All rights reserved. Permission granted to excerpt or reprint with attribution. About Kris Putnam-Walkerly Im a global philanthropy expert, advisor and award-winning author. I help ultra-high net worth donors, celebrities, foundations and Fortune 500 companies dramatically increase the clarity, speed, impact and joy of their giving. Im the author of Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail to Achieve Change And What They Can Do To Transform GivingandConfident Giving: Sage Advice for Funders, was named one of Americas Top 25 Philanthropy Speakers, I write about philanthropy for, Alliance Magazine, De Dikke Blauwe and am frequently quoted in leading publications such as Bloomberg, NPRand WSJ. Whether you are just getting started in philanthropy, want to refresh your giving strategy, or need to catapult yourself to your desired future, I can help. Lets talk! Call me at +1-800-598-2102 x1, email me at or schedule a call. Time is Running Out to Take Advantage of Free Bonuses! Already ranked #1 New Release in Philanthropy & Charity on Amazon, Im so excited to share with you that my next book, Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change and What They Can Do To Transform Givingwill be published on March 24th, but is available for pre-order NOW! Take advantage of some great free bonuses only available until March 22. PREORDER NOW March 23, 2020 WEBINAR 10am PT/1pm ET Giving Compass Webinar Delusional Altruism: Insights by Kris Putnam-Walkerly Delusional Altruism: Insights by Kris Putnam-Walkerly April 23, 2020 WEBINAR 9am PT/12PM ET National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers Webinar Delusional Altruism: How Funders Get In Their Own Way and What Consultants Can Do To Help Them Delusional Altruism: How Funders Get In Their Own Way and What Consultants Can Do To Help Them April 27-29, 2020 NAPLES, Florida Philanthropy Experts & Leaders Academy (PELA) Avoiding Delusional Altruism & Transforming Your Giving Avoiding Delusional Altruism & Transforming Your Giving April 30, 2020 CLEVELAND, Ohio Case Western Reserve University: Nonprofit Management and Leadership Series Transformation Giving Keynote and Book Launch Event The first 50 participants receive a free, signed copy of my new book, Delusional Altruism! Transformation Giving Keynote and Book Launch Event The first 50 participants receive a free, signed copy of my new book, Delusional Altruism! September 22, 2020 RICHMOND, Virginia SunTrust and McGuireWoods Private Foundation Symposium Delusional Altruism: Why Foundations Fail to Achieve Change and What They Can Do to Transform Giving __________________________________________________________________________ Kris has a refreshingly clear-eyed point of view on philanthropy. She can cut through the noise and keep things focused, which has made her both a valuable advisor and a good speaker for our members. Tamir Novotny Executive Director, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy __________________________________________________________________________ Want to learn more? Visit my website to learn how I help funders, access free resources, and read client testimonials. As shoppers empty shelves and place a mountain of online orders, retailers are hiring thousands of workers to keep up with demand. H-E-B aims to fill hundreds of temporary jobs at its stores and warehouses across Texas, said spokeswoman Dya Campos. The San Antonio retailer is looking for people to stock shelves, load and unload products, refill displays and bag groceries. Pay ranges from $9.50 to $15 depending on the position, which may last up to 60 days, according to online postings. The need right now is really in our warehouses, Campos said. Amazon is hiring 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers across the U.S. - including 5,900 in Texas - to meet the surge in demand, the company announced this week. It is bumping pay for hourly workers by $2 an hour through April. Wages start at $15 an hour. Amazon, an increasingly fierce rival of grocers, also recently expanded its paid sick leave policy, allowing all employees diagnosed with COVID-19 or quarantined to receive up to two weeks of pay, and contributed $25 million to a fund to support its delivery partners and drivers. H-E-B, Amazon, Kroger, Albertsons and other companies looking to hire are drawing on employees in the hospitality, restaurant and travel industries who may be out of a job. We know many people have been economically impacted as jobs in areas like hospitality, restaurants, and travel are lost or furloughed as part of this crisis, Amazon said in a statement. We want those people to know we welcome them on our teams until things return to normal and their past employer is able to bring them back. On hiatus from his teaching program, Jay Tope recently found himself looking for temporary work. He also does announcing at events, but more than 30 of his jobs have been canceled, he said. "Pretty much through April, I've got no money coming in," said Tope, who lives in San Antonio. He applied for an overnight stocker position at H-E-B and a delivery position at Domino's, jobs that allow him to practice social distancing. Tope's daughter and mother have medical conditions that put them at greater risk of COVID-19. He's also perusing Amazon's openings. "It's not as much of a risk," he said. A Newark man was found killed in Irvington on Friday and authorities are now investigating the cause of his death, acting Essex County Prosecutor Theodore Stephens II announced Monday. James A. Braxton, 55, of Newark, was found fatally injured in the area of Nye Avenue and Nesbit Terrace in Irvington, authorities said. He was rushed to Beth Israel Hospital and pronounced dead at 8:27 a.m., according to the prosecutors office. The cause of death will be determined by an autopsy. No arrests have been made, authorities said. Rebecca Panico may be reached at Follow her on Twitter @BeccaPanico. South by Southwest one of the worlds largest gatherings of culture creators should be going on right now as a spiritual and financial windfall for tens of thousands of residents, musicians, artists and low-wage workers. This funky state capital in the heart of Texas has depended on the 10-day tech, music and film festival since 1987. But with a pandemic spreading across the country, a panel of health experts shut it all down, not wanting the Southby revelers acting as coronavirus couriers both into and out of Austin. Round Hill Capital, an international real estate investment firm, and NBK Capital have bought a 368-bed student accommodation development in the Liberties, Dublin 8. NBK Capital, a Middle Eastern investment company, will help co-fund the development, which has a value of 85m. The site was purchased from Summix, an urban mixed-use regeneration project specialist. Round Hill said it planned to partner Summix on additional student accommodation developments in Ireland. Building of the new development will start this July, with the accommodation expected to be ready for students in September 2022 for the 2022-23 academic year. The complex will include a gym, Wi-Fi, a cinema room, bike storage and study areas. Michael Bickford, CEO of Round Hill Capital, said: "We recognise that areas of the student and residential housing markets in Ireland suffer from persisting structural supply constraints, and we look forward to helping alleviate these pressures and significantly further expanding Round Hill Capital's business in Ireland and across Europe." This is Round Hill Capital's third student accommodation investment in Ireland, following the acquisition of a 145-bed development on Farranlea Road in Cork in December 2018. It has also invested in a 216-unit apartment development called Bridgefield in Dublin 9, where prices start at 1,850 a month for a two-bed home. Round Hill Capital currently has under development over 7,000 apartments and student accommodation beds in the UK, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands and Ireland. As well as student accommodation, it has plans to invest in Ireland's build-to-rent accommodation market. Nido Student will manage the development. The Dublin 8 area of the capital city is becoming increasingly popular as a location to develop student accommodation. The Chicago-headquartered investment firm Harrison Street, along with Global Student Accommodation Group (GSA), last month said they were developing a 235-bed student accommodation property in the area. The project includes 37 build-to-rent units. The property, known as Sweeney's Corner, is scheduled for completion prior to the start of the 2021 academic year. DELAWARE, Ohio, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Greif, Inc. (NYSE: GEF, GEF.B), a world leader in industrial packaging products and services, currently plans to participate in upcoming virtual investor meetings. Given anticipated questions related to the impact of COVID-19 on the company's operations, Greif announced a narrow update today on recent company performance. The company's consolidated financial performance for second quarter to date (Feb. 1 through March 17, 2020) is in line with to slightly better than internally forecasted results. While the ultimate financial impact of COVID-19 is uncertain, difficult to project and could negatively impact the company's consolidated financial performance during the rest of the fiscal year, to date COVID-19 has not had a material adverse effect on Greif that would cause a modification of its Fiscal 2020 financial guidance ($3.55 to $3.91 Class A earnings per share before adjustments) that was published on February 26, 2020. As noted by management on the investor call on February 27, 2020, the guidance range was deliberately wide given continued macroeconomic uncertainty and the still unquantifiable impact of the coronavirus on our global operations. Greif continues to monitor COVID-19 events closely and is taking appropriate actions at the global, regional and local levels to support our colleagues and customers during this time of uncertainty. Investor materials and presentations can be found at About Greif, Inc. Greif is a global leader in industrial packaging products and services and is pursuing its vision: In industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world. The Company produces steel, plastic and fibre drums, intermediate bulk containers, reconditioned containers, flexible products, containerboard, uncoated recycled paperboard, coated recycled paperboard, tubes and cores and a diverse mix of specialty products. The Company also manufactures packaging accessories and provides filling, packaging and other services for a wide range of industries. In addition, Greif manages timber properties in the southeastern United States. The Company is strategically positioned in over 40 countries to serve global as well as regional customers. Additional information is on the Company's website at . Note on guidance Fiscal year 2020 Class A earnings per share on a GAAP basis is not provided in this release due to the potential for one or more of the following, the timing and magnitude of which we are unable to reliably forecast: gains or losses on the disposal of businesses, timberland or properties, plants and equipment, net; non-cash asset impairment charges due to unanticipated changes in the business; restructuring-related activities; non-cash pension settlement (income) charges; or acquisition and integration costs, and the income tax effects of these items and other income tax-related events. No reconciliation of the fiscal year 2020 Class A earnings per share before adjustments guidance, a non-GAAP financial measure which excludes gains and losses on the disposal of businesses, timberland and properties, plants and equipment, non-cash pension settlement (income) charges, acquisition and integration costs, restructuring and impairment charges, is included in this release because, due to the high variability and difficulty in making accurate forecasts and projections of some of the excluded information, together with some of the excluded information not being ascertainable or accessible, we are unable to quantify certain amounts that would be required to be included in the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure without unreasonable efforts. Forward-Looking Statements Except for historical information, all other information in this release consists of forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All forward-looking statements are based on assumptions, expectations and other information currently available to management. Such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those forecasted, projected or anticipated, whether expressed or implied. The most significant of these risks and uncertainties are described in Part I, Item 1A under "Risk Factors" of the Company's most recently filed Form 10-K, as amended by the Company's subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Such risks include the impact of public health epidemics affecting countries or regions in which we have operations or do business, such as COVID-19, which has been labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 could negatively impact our employees, customers, supply chain and production, as well as global economies and financial markets. These impacts could adversely affect demand for our products and our profitability, cash flows and financial results. At this point, the extent to which COVID-19 may impact our financial results is uncertain. All forward-looking statements made in this news release are expressly qualified in their entirety by reference to such risk factors. Except to the limited extent required by applicable law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Contact: Matt Eichmann 740-549-6067 [email protected] SOURCE Greif, Inc. Related Links El Alma has a deep personal calling to share unique thoughts and emotions about the reality of the soul with others. In Becoming Soul: Seven Steps to Heaven (published by Balboa Press AU), she delves deep into the journey of the soul as it expands heaven and earth. In this story, Asina begins as a soul in heaven, arrives on earth and grows and survives the seven steps of silence, hope, suffering, loss, survival, believe and heaven throughout her life. Her daughter Nettie accompanies Asina as they both pass through each of the steps on earth. Nettie becomes her soul through illness and death and returns to heaven. Asina becomes her soul through loss and grieving and lives on earth as her soul to share with others. Today, we are all called away from our souls as we interact daily with technology, materialism and commercialism. We need a reminder that we are more than what the world tells us we are, what we need and what we want. Today, more than ever, we need to take time to touch and care for our souls. Alma says. Becoming Soul: Seven Steps to Heaven aims for readers to understand that their souls are not lost, that their souls are love and that they have the courage to become their souls. For more details about the book, please visit Becoming Soul: Seven Steps to Heaven By El Alma Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 128 pages | ISBN 9781504320887 Softcover | 6 x 9in | 128 pages | ISBN 9781504320863 E-Book | 128 pages | ISBN 9781504320870 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble About the Author El Alma is a counselor who has worked professionally in the areas of relationships, grief, disabilities and spirituality for more than 30 years. She has been an advocate and carer for traumatized adults and children all her adult life and has traveled to remote country areas to counsel families through their grief associated with disabilities. Semi-retired, she writes within the calm surrounds of her farm where she lives with her husband and family. Balboa Press Australia is a division of Hay House, Inc., a leading provider in publishing products that specialise in self-help and the mind, body and spirit genre. Through an alliance with the worldwide self-publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the Author Solutions self-publishing model. For more information or to start publishing today, visit or call 1800 050 315. Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 17, 2020) - San Marco Resources Inc. (TSXV: SMN) ("San Marco" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has commenced drilling at its 100% optioned gold/silver/zinc Buck property in north central B.C. Highlights of the fully-funded Phase I drill program include: Up to 2,000 metres of HQ diamond drilling Investigate potential depth extensions of known mineralized zones Step-out drilling in areas of potential new discoveries Confirm bulk tonnage potential as well as zones of high grade mineralization Since very little drill core from historical drilling is available for review, this initial drill program will provide fresh drill core for detailed logging and support of what appears to be a large, highly altered gold/silver/zinc breccia system. San Marco's Vice President of Technical Services, Sharyn Alexander, commented "We are very excited to begin drilling at our Buck property. We have a strong technical team with years of combined experience, and we are eager to test some very interesting targets outlined during our data compilation and review. Data to date indicates the Buck property hosts large areas of surface and near surface mineralization and it is anticipated that the current drilling will confirm this and give indications of depth potential." The Buck property is thought to be structurally complex, such that the Company has retained Chris Gallagher of Rogue Geoscience, who specializes in 3D geologic and structural modeling, oriented core procedures and integration of field portable analyzers. The drill program is being conducted under the supervision of Coast Mountain Geological Ltd, mineral exploration consultants, of Vancouver B.C. Local operator J.T. Thomas of Smithers, B.C., is carrying out the drilling. About San Marco San Marco is a Canadian mineral exploration company actively pursuing world class gold, silver, zinc and copper projects with a focus in mining friendly jurisdictions in both British Columbia, Canada and Mexico. The Company's principal focus and asset is the recently optioned Buck Property in north-central British Columbia that has large tonnage gold-silver-zinc potential in a mining-friendly region that includes many former and current operating mines. In addition, the Company's portfolio includes the several prospective, early stage exploration properties in Mexico. San Marco is committed to environmental and social responsibility with a focus on responsible development to generate positive outcomes for all stakeholders. For further information, contact: Robert Willis, P. Eng. Executive Director Sharyn Alexander, M.Sc. VP Technical Services National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure This news release has been approved by San Marco's Executive Director, Robert D. Willis, P. Eng. a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has verified the data disclosed, including sampling, analytical and test data, underlying such technical information by reviewing the data and reports from previous exploration of the property which he believes to be accurate and were provided to San Marco by the optionors. Forward Looking Information Information set forth in this document may include forward-looking statements. While these statements reflect management's current plans, projections and intents, by their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the control of San Marco Resources Inc. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements. San Marco's actual results, programs, activities and financial position could differ materially from those expressed in or implied by these forward-looking statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. To view the source version of this press release, please visit Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-18 00:01:32|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets with Pakistani President Arif Alvi at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 17, 2020. (Xinhua/Ding Haitao) BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Pakistani President Arif Alvi held a meeting on Tuesday in Beijing, pledging to enhance cooperation in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control. After the outbreak of the epidemic, Pakistan, as an ironclad friend of China, quickly offered its aid to the Chinese people, Li said. He said both countries are facing challenges of the epidemic at present, and China stands ready to share epidemic-control experience with and provide medical supplies to Pakistan. Li said China's efforts to contain COVID-19 achieved a sustained and sound momentum as the spread of the novel coronavirus had been basically brought under control. China is adjusting its prevention and control measures according to the latest situations, accelerating the process of a full resumption of work and production, and working to promote economic and social development, he said. As the novel coronavirus is spreading in other parts of the world, China stands ready to enhance cooperation with the international community to jointly safeguard global public health security, Li said. He added that China will work with Pakistan to advance the construction of key projects such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and industrial parks, assist Pakistan to tackle the plague of locusts, and enhance cooperation in international and regional affairs to promote peace and prosperity in the two countries and the region. Alvi said his visit to China at this special time demonstrates the solidarity and friendship between the two peoples. Pakistan has always been China's closest friend, and has always stood along with China, he added. He said the comprehensive and powerful measures China adopted to curb the epidemic had shown positive results, which was also an important contribution to the global fight against COVID-19. Pakistan is ready to learn from China's experience and work with China to tackle the challenge, he said, expressing his belief that bilateral relations and cooperation will achieve further development after winning the battle against the epidemic. The federal government will soon roll out a major economic package to deal with the unprecedented emergency of COVID-19. Unlike most recessions, the point of the stimulus should not be to get people spending. Rather, it needs to support peoples incomes, so that we can come together to keep people safe and fight the pandemic. Governments will also have to look ahead, to a second package, to get consumers out and spending again, once it is safe to do so. And they have to start thinking now about a third stage of economic policymaking, to help businesses and individuals adapt to and thrive in a fundamentally reshaped global economy. A good first step was taken with the announcements on Friday that focused on the financial sector and business lending. But much, much more needs to be done for the millions of workers who get paid by the hour, and for sectors with many businesses and low margins tourism, arts and culture, food, and retailing, to name a few. The immediate need is to put money in the pockets of people and businesses. They need cash, but they also need to be discouraged from spending it. And they need to stay home. The quicker we get them money, and enough of it, the easier it is for all of us to accept the drastic measures needed to keep the economy on lockdown allowing public health and other authorities to do their jobs. Practically speaking, there are a few options. Individuals could receive cheques from the Canada Revenue Agency, with lower income earners getting proportionately more, to a maximum amount. Workers who face reduced or eliminated shifts could receive a top up on Employment Insurance. And payroll taxes could be cut for individuals and/or employers, to a maximum number of employees per organization. This could be retroactively based, putting more money in peoples pockets now. The key is speed and attention to vulnerable people and businesses that live paycheque to paycheque, or week to week. Governments should also work with business, union and community groups to quickly establish places and trusted organizations where Canadians can donate funds, which could be matched 2:1 (one dollar each from government and business for every dollar from the public), for emergency community purposes. This will make even more resources and attention available for the most vulnerable. The second phase will only begin when we and the world have succeeded in flattening the curve of contagion. Once we have done so, and once we can gather in numbers again, we will need to ramp up consumer spending. And we will need extra support for workers who put themselves at risk, or were pressed into higher levels of service (to their customers or patients) during the pandemic. The pent-up demand will help stimulate the economy on its own. Policies such as a temporary GST/HST cut and accelerated infrastructure spending will help further. Its in this period that we can begin to execute those public policies that shouldnt be forgotten in any crisis namely policies that contribute to a greener, climate-change-fighting economy and policies that reduce inequality. Finally, in the third period, we will need to decide what to do with a significantly changed economy. That will likely mean significantly diminished international movement, lasting health and health system impacts and other big shifts. Will remote work become a more permanent feature of the working lives of many professionals? Will gig economy and shift workers in low-margin sectors need even more protection? How can we become more economically resilient and sovereign? Policymakers will need provisional answers well in advance of this third phase. All of these measures will serve to increase trust, prepare us for economic transition and put money in the pockets of Canadians and their employers. But just as in health care, the economic security of Canadians will demand an overreaction, not an underreaction. And we have no time to wait. A US senator has been mocked online after incorrectly referring to Martial law as "Marshall law" while slamming those he claimed are spreading misinformation about coronavirus. Marco Rubio, the representative for Florida, took to Twitter on Monday in an attempt to clear up rumours the state would be enforcing Martial law following the restrictions it imposed as part of anti-coronavirus measures. Mr Rubio wrote: "Please stop spreading stupid rumors about marshall law. COMPLETELY FALSE. "We will continue to see closings & restrictions on hours of non-essential businesses in certain cities & states. But that is NOT marshall law. Martial law involves a Government ordering civil rule be replaced with the military, a measure some nations have brought in during times of war or emergency. However, "Marshall Law" is the name of a player character from the original video game series Tekken. Marshall can also be a variant of the word 'Marshal' often used in the US to describe and officer. For others it reminded them of Marshall Mathers, American rapper Eminem. When some saw #MarshallLaw was trending on Twitter they jumped to the conclusion that it was the name of Eminem's new album. The artist was forced to deny the claims, having become caught up in Mr Rubio's own generated coronavirus rumour. The misspelling did not go unnoticed by the politician's followers, many of whom ridiculed him for the mistake. Following the furore about his error, the Republican apologised claiming the inaccuracy was a "typo". However, in his apology he spelt the word wrong again, writing: "I meant to type stupid rumors about marital law not marshall law." This time writing "marital" instead of "Martial". Coronavirus cases across the US have now reached over 4,490, jumping more than 1,000 from Sunday, with 87 deaths. Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-17 12:18:21|Editor: Liu Video Player Close VIENTIANE, March 17 (Xinhua) -- The Immigration Department under the Lao Ministry of Public Security has launched an advanced passenger processing system (APPS) and passenger name record (PNR) for pre-screening of air passengers at international airports. A press conference on the twin systems was recently held in Lao capital Vientiane and chaired by Director General of Immigration Department Saysaming Sivilay, local daily Vientiane Times reported on Tuesday. APPS and PNR are a computer system that the public sector will use to manage and pre-screen air passengers checking in and out of Laos. At the same time, it will be a system to record passenger travel details as a database for immigration officials to use in future. This is accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization and the recommendation of the UN Security Council, which has notified member countries to install systems for the management and inspection of passengers in advance. At the end of 2016, the Immigration Department had coordinated with the Civil Aviation Department under the Lao Ministry of Public Works and Transport and other relevant government agencies and the private sector to conduct a feasibility study for the use of this system in Laos. "In 2019, the government approved our department to install and use such systems in order to enhance security measures for passengers in Laos," Saysaming said. The system had a test launch in February 2020 with immigration officials deploying it to check passengers entering and leaving Laos on international flights, he added. APPS and PNR are the most advanced systems that will enable officials to carry out the technical task of managing passengers who travel in and out of Laos effectively and quickly. Saysaming said passengers will feel more confident about the safety measures taken by the airlines, while the public sector will be able to reduce expenditure on security management tasks. At the time of the outbreak of the COVID-19, the system will especially help manage and identify passengers travelling from countries that are at the risk of viral epidemic, said Saysaming. With an output of 136.5 million, total tyre production fell for the first time by 6.7 per cent in the first nine months of 2019/20, based on monthly data available since 2015 . The production has been incessantly falling since January last year with the sharpest year-on-year (y-o-y) fall of 17.1 per cent in October 2019. The cumulative tyre production during April-December has posted a y-o-y single-digit growth since 2015/16 barring 2016/17 when the growth was close to 12 per cent. As for the full fiscal year, tyre production has been repeatedly growing since 2013/14 at an average rate of 7.8 per cent. The decline in tyre production was on the back of a sharp fall in demand from the automobile original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) across all segments. Automobile production is at an eleven quarter low following a slowdown in the economy, lower infrastructure spending, sluggish consumer demand, tight financing environment, high dealer inventories and subdued rural demand, among others. Replacement demand for tyres also remained sluggish due to weaker than expected demand of replacing old tyres with new ones from fleet operators. CMIE expects the total tyre production to fall in 2019/20. In 2020/21, total tyre production is projected to increase. However, output is likely to grow at a moderate pace. Demand for tyres from the passenger vehicle and two and three-wheeler manufacturers is likely to revive in 2020/21. Although, demand for tyres from the commercial vehicle manufacturers will continue to be sluggish. Country's tyre exports grew 5.4 per cent during April 2019 to February 2020. Anti-dumping duties imposed on Chinese tyres by the US helped India's tyre exports to grow during the year. Overseas demand for tyres will remain steady in 2020-21. Additionally, tyre manufacturers are focussing on newer markets of Europe, South East Asia, Australia and Latin America to augment their exports. ALSO READ:End of the road for Etios, Xcent, Safari, Storme, Bolero Plus ALSO READ:Hyundai's new Creta 2020 crosses over 10k bookings in just a week Novel coronavirus continues to spread in Pakistan as the number of affected persons has shot up to 186. Majority of the total confirmed cases came from Sindh. At least 146 people have been tested coronavirus positive in the high and dry province of Pakistan. Recent cases have been reported from provinces like Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Punjab and Balochistan. Majority of coronavirus positive cases reported from Pakistan are the pilgrims who have returned from Iran to Pakistan via Taftan border. According to an India Today report, the number of coronavirus positive cases is likely to rise in Pakistan. Rise in the number of coronavirus positive cases in Pakistan was confirmed by Murtaza Wahab, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Sindh. Wahab called the increase in coronavirus positive cases an "exponential increase" in a tweet. "Total number of ppl affected by corona virus in Sindh has reached 146. Out of this, 119 are Zaireen who are being kept in Sukkur, 26 are in Khi & 1 is in Hyd. This exponential increase is largely due to the recent inflow of ppl brought in from Taaftaan after a purported quarantine. " Apart from Wahab, the health Minister of the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province Taimur Khan Jhagra has also confirmed the rise in COVID-19 positive cases in Pakistan. Jhagra took to his Twitter handle to state," Just received news that 15 out of 19 individuals received in K-P from Taftan have tested positive for coronavirus. These are the first positive cases in K-P. They are being well looked after in quarantine in an isolated facility in DI Khan. More details soon." All the confirmed cases have, however, been through the 14-day quarantine at the Taftan-Iran border. This raises serious questions on the Imran Khan-led government's seriousness to handle the coronavirus pandemic. Also read: Coronavirus: New Zealand declares $7.31 billion stimulus amid recession fears Also read: Coronavirus in India: Supreme Court takes suo moto cognisance of overcrowding in jails The restaurants of New York City have gone dark. But what of the not-quite-restaurants: the in-betweens with just a few wobbly chairs, the lunch counters that hedge bets by selling groceries alongside hot food, the tiny spots whose very grasp at existence is a daily improvisation? On Monday, Mirna Elisabeth Marroquin and Lorenzo Garcia were watching the news, waiting to learn if the pupuseria they own and run in Flatbush, Brooklyn, would have to close. As of 8 p.m., all restaurants in the tristate area would be limited to takeout and delivery, to help halt the spread of the coronavirus but did Mirnas Pupuseria count as a restaurant? The triangular corner storefront, half a mile from the last stop on the No. 5 train, was once an insurance agents office, then a coffee shop. When Ms. Marroquin and Mr. Garcia took over the space last August, they imagined it as partly a store. Shelves on the back wall stock Salvadoran groceries: brined pacaya palm flowers, their bumpy strands like skinny tentacles; semita de pina, pastry with a secret cache of pineapple jam; pale bricks of queso duro blando, a hard cheese thats eerily light and ready to crumble. There are a few tables, but no servers. Orders are placed at the cash register, next to a stash of Mentos mints and bottles of cough syrup. China on Tuesday advised its citizens to avoid any travel to countries, including the US, currently on high alert due to the novel coronavirus outbreak to prevent cross-infections. As the pandemic continues to spread, the Chinese foreign ministry, in a press release, recommended citizens to fully evaluate the risk in possible cross-infections when travelling overseas, state-run CGTN reported. It is advised that the citizens do not travel to high-risk countries, including Italy, Spain, France, Germany, the US, Switzerland, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Iran and the Republic of Korea, the ministry said. It said that Chinese nationals who currently reside in countries listed above should take preventive measures, reduce outdoor activities and avoid international travels so as to prevent cross-infections. Besides, if citizens have had close contacts with coronavirus patients or show coronavirus-like symptoms, they should immediately conduct self-quarantine and seek medical help. In emergency cases, they can contact the Chinese embassy for any help, the ministry added. Meanwhile, concerned with the global spread of COVID-19, Chinese nationals overseas are rushing back home but are facing problems due to flight reductions and exorbitant prices. The coronavirus has shown signs of gradually abating in China including in the epicentre Wuhan where only one confirmed case was reported on Monday. The death toll in the country has reached 3,226. The virus has claimed 7,154 lives and infected 182,406 people in 155 countries, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus tracker. After China, Italy and Iran are the two worst-affected countries. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 23:54:32|Editor: xuxin Video Player Close A staff sprays disinfectant in a public vehicle before it starts its route in Kathmandu, Nepal, on March 17, 2020. (Photo by Sulav Shrestha/Xinhua) KATHMANDU, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Nepal has suspended the issuance of trekking permits to foreign tourists on the designed trekking routes until April 30, as a precautionary measure against the spread of COVID-19, Nepal's Department of Immigration said. In a notice on Sunday, the department said that foreign tourists arriving in Nepal on Sunday and after, cannot get trekking permits to 16 different locations in Nepal where the department provides restricted access. Nawaraj Dahal, former president of the Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal, a grouping of trekking agencies, told Xinhua on Monday that the government should not stop the foreign tourists who have proven themselves clear of the virus. "But, I support the government's move to prevent entry of the virus in the country," he said. Since the novel coronavirus became a pandemic, the Nepali government has taken a number of measures including temporarily stopping all on-arrival tourist visas and putting an end to all the spring mountaineering expeditions including that of Mount Qomolangma. Nepal has so far only reported one COVID-19 case. Enditem A Delta Airlines flight from New York JFK to Seattle was delayed for hours before eventually being completely canceled after a passenger revealed they may have been exposed to the coronavirus. It happened on Monday night while the plane was still sitting on the tarmac. Delta Airlines flight 2503 returned to the terminal 'after a customer shared they may have been previously exposed to coronavirus and our aviation medical consultants recommended the customer be evaluated,' a spokeswoman from Delta said. A flight was grounded Monday at New York's JFK Airport over coronavirus fears A passenger who was said to be on board the flight tweeted while the plane was grounded The passenger told a flight attendant, who consulted Stat MD, a dedicated on-call organization for airlines consulted by crew when medical concerns arise in the airport or on the aircraft. A passenger tweeted while sitting on the plane at around 7pm. 'Someone on our flight got notified they were exposed to someone with corona before we could take off and now our plane is heading back to the gate.' 'We're just sitting on this plane waiting for them to decide wtf to do. All breathing this recycled plane air :(, Ifrah F. Ahmed wrote. The plane was original scheduled to depart at 6:30pm. It wasn't for another two hours at 8:45pm the passenger tweeted: 'They're cleaning our plane and we're back inside the airport at a different gate.' Passengers were eventually found a new plane to Seattle which departed at 10pm, according to the New York Post. 'We continue to follow all guidelines from the CDC and local health officials and the aircraft is in the process of being cleaned,' Delta spokeswoman Kate Modolo said. A woman wears a protective mask and gloves while using her mobile phone at JFK (file photo) Last week, JetBlue banned a passenger from flying with them after he boarded a plane knowing he was waiting for coronavirus test results which came back positive during his trip Agents with the Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County assessed the situation and spokes with all the passengers aboard the aircraft (pictured on the tarmac) Last week, JetBlue banned a passenger who knowingly boarded a flight from JFK to Palm Beach after testing positive for coronavirus. Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue and officials of the Florida Department of Health met the JetBlue plane when it arrived. The flight's 109 passengers and crew of five stayed on board for at least two hours before deplaning. The JetBlue passengers, including the one with the illness, were told to quarantine themselves for 14 days. The JetBlue plane and a Palm Beach concourse at its airport were subsequently scrubbed down. This service applies to you if your subscription has not yet expired on our old site. You will have continued access until your subscription expires; then you will need to purchase an ongoing subscription through our new system. Please contact the Parsons Sun office at (620) 421-2000 if you have any questions File Photo: Philippine Airlines planes are pictured on the tarmac of Manila's international airport. MANILA, March 17 (Reuters) - Philippine Airlines said on Tuesday it will halt its international flights starting March 20 as the country's main island is placed under enhanced quarantine measures. The flag carrier started canceling all domestic flights on Tuesday after the government imposed a month-long quarantine in the capital and nearby provinces. Philippine Airlines said flights will resume flights on April 13. (Reporting by Neil Jerome Morales, editing by Louise Heavens) One official said there was some intelligence that could be interpreted as indications that the hack was linked to Iran, but no evidence was cited. Others said there were many other possible explanations. One official said the intelligence so far was very thin and could point to many suspects, not all of them foreign. Even so, in a White House packed with officials who are hawkish on Iran, the intelligence was seized upon by some as likely indicating an attack from Tehran. At the same time, there are growing concerns about a torrent of misinformation affecting everyone from officials at the White House to doctors on the front lines combating the virus. At emergency rooms in Los Angeles, doctors say they are trying to weed out truth from fiction on social media about how to diagnose coronavirus cases in the absence of tests, and under what circumstances they need to wear protective gear. They say they are spending a disproportionate amount of time scanning social media, trying to gather whatever information they can from anonymous posts by doctors in Seattle, New York and even Italy. Right now, we are flying blind, sharing snippets from anonymous doctors over Facebook and Twitter, said Jennifer Ellice, an emergency room doctor in Los Angeles. We cant wait for the usual evidence-based, peer-reviewed data in journals and professional association guidelines. Dr. Ellice and her colleagues were pleading Monday for a technological platform, such as a mobile app, that could validate and authorize licensed physicians to share real-time information that would, for example, tell them whether emergency room patients showing extreme gastrointestinal distress may be stricken with the coronavirus. We are making policy decisions by word of mouth, Dr. Ellice said. Doctors say they were wading through misinformation what World Health Organization officials call an infodemic of lies and rumors in search of real-time information from doctors around the country. President Donald Trump, flanked by members of the Coronavirus Task Force, speaks to the media in the press briefing room at the White House on March 16, 2020. (Win McNamee/Getty Images) White House: Americans Should Avoid Eating Out, Gatherings of More Than 10, Elective Travel The White House coronavirus response team has recommended Americans stick to discretionary travel and avoid eating out and gatherings of more than 10 people, as well as homeschool their children, in order to mitigate spreading of the novel coronavirus. President Donald Trump estimated the virus may wash through by July or August, based on the expert opinions hes received. The guidelines arent mandatory and are to be reevaluated in 15 days, the team announced during a March 16 press briefing at the White House. Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said the most effective measures to stop the spread of the virus is social distancing as well as self-quarantining the whole household when one member is diagnosed with the virus. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions (such as ailments that impair immunity, lung, or heart function) should stay home and avoid contact with other people, the guidelines say. Trump said hes not looking now to impose a nationwide lockdown and hopefully domestic travel restrictions wont be necessary. The virus first emerged in China in late 2019 and has since spread around the world, with about 4,400 cases confirmed in the United States. As of March 16, 77 have died of the disease, the majority in the state of Washington. Testing capacity, which has so far been a bottleneck for monitoring the disease, is expected to increase from thousands to tens of thousands per day this week, said Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for Health and head of the Public Health Service. There is so far no vaccine or therapeutic for the infection, Birx said. The only thing we have right now is the amazing ingenuity and compassion of the American people, she said. Trump noted that testing of a potential vaccine has started and the early results look promising. Birx particularly appealed to millennials to follow the guidelines because they are the largest age segment of the society, tend to be the most socially active, and are most likely to show mild or no symptoms when they contract the virus, which makes them more likely to spread it. The new guidelines are somewhat stricter that those recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on March 15, when it recommended either postponing or canceling events of 50 people or more for the next eight weeks. The CDC also created a guideline on how individuals should prepare their households. Among the recommendations, the CDC suggests individuals identify who will be included in their plan, to create an emergency contact list, to plan ways to care for those who are at risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19, and to discuss emergency planning with neighbors. The CDC also recommends individuals choose a room and bathroom in their household where infected members can be separated from those who are healthy, to prevent transmission of the disease. Sharing of personal items such as food and drink should be avoided, and infected household members should wear disposable protective masks at home. Red Tape Overregulation of diagnostic testing has played a major role in delaying the U.S. response to the coronavirus outbreak, according to experts. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) testing protocol through which it clears tests from labs around the country for use in emergency cases such as outbreaks. Health experts claimed that in past outbreaks, EUAs were granted very rapidly. However, this time, the red tape made it so complicated that it took weeks to receive the authorization from the FDA, they said. The speed of this virus versus the speed of the FDA and the EUA process is mismatched, Alex Greninger, assistant director of the virology division at the University of Washington Medical Center, told The Atlantic. Roger Klein, a physician, attorney, and health policy expert, echoed the same concern about red tape. The FDA got more assertive during the Obama administration and tried to get control over clinical laboratory testing, he told The Epoch Times. The Trump administration has taken the right steps in providing regulatory relief, he said, but there is an ongoing legal debate over whether the FDA should regulate lab-developed tests. In my view, the hospital laboratories shouldnt need to apply for EUAs, Klein said. The FDA needs to step aside and let the hospital laboratories go ahead. These are very skilled professionals who know how to set up lab tests and they need to leave them alone. Epoch Times staff members Emel Akan and Isabel van Brugen and The Associated Press contributed to this report. Zimbabwean health authorities say a British tourist, who recently visited the southern African nation, has tested positive for coronavirus amid concerns of a possible outbreak of the disease in Victoria Falls, about 200 kilometers north of the countrys second largest city, Bulawayo. In a statement, the Ministry of Health said the visitor is currently under self-quarantine together with people she lives with in Britain. Today the 16th of March 2020, we received a report that a tourist who came to Victoria Falls on the 7th of March 2020 and departed on the 10th of March 2020 back to United Kingdom has been found positive for Covid-19 and is currently being treated in the UK. The Ministry of Health team is investigating the people who have been in close contact with this traveller. The Zimbabwean government also said two Asian travelers have been admitted to Wilkins Hospital in Harare for monitoring after they showed some symptoms of coronavirus. Today the 16th of March 2020, 2 travellers who entered the country though RG Mugabe International Airport have been detected by port health officials after the thermos-scanners picked them with high temperature. One came from Shanghai, China aboard Ethiopian Airlines and the other from London aboard Kenyan Airlines. These 2 have been isolated at Wilkins and are awaiting results. It further cited another incident of a woman in Bulawayo, who arrived in the country last Tuesday whose doctor in South Africa was in self-quarantine. Yesterday 15 March 2020, the Ministry received a report of a suspected case in Bulawayo. This suspected case involves a female traveller who travelled from South Africa to Zimbabwe on Tuesday the 9th of March 2020. This traveller had sort medical attention for other reasons from a General Practitioner in South Africa the previous day before she had travelled to Zimbabwe. She later received a call from South Africa informing her that her doctor had been put on self-quarantine after one of the patients the doctor attended to had tested positive for Covid-19. The government said several suspected cases in Zimbabwe have tested negative for coronavirus. It urged people to avoid huge gatherings during the Easter holidays, not to travel to some nations ravaged by the disease and avoid close contact with anyone with a cold or flu-like symptoms Cover the nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue paper or flexed elbow. Wash hands with soap under running water after sneezing or coughing, when caring for the sick, after toilet use, before eating food, before, during and after preparing food, when hands are dirty and after handling animals or animal waste. Coronavirus has killed thousands of people worldwide, including the epicenter of the disease in China where over 3,000 people has so far lost their lives. Military members and families may be feeling the financial pinch from the novel coronavirus pandemic as businesses close, cancellations clear schedules and second incomes dwindle. But officials with the military aid societies and nonprofits, which offer grants and financial support for military members and veterans in times of crises, said they are standing by to help. As with any crisis, active-duty military members who need help can first contact the American Red Cross to be directed to the aid that best fits their need or service. The Red Cross can be reached at 877-272-7337 Army Emergency Relief Officials with Army Emergency Relief (AER) said they've extended eligibility to any Title 10 Army Reserve or Title 10 or Title 32 Army National Guard soldier activated in support of COVID-19 relief. That expansion gives access to the program's grants and loans to about 28,000 aditional troops, officials said. Those soldiers are eligible for relief during their activation and for 30 days after their activation ends, they said. Help is available for any basic living or personal transportation expense, two of the most common needs for soldiers who have been activated, they said. Basic living expenses and transportation costs include rent; mortgage; utilities; food; car payments; insurance; and gas, among other needs. This effort is in line with AERs mission to provide financial help to active duty and retired soldiers, as well as their families. AER provides about $70 million in grants and zero-interest loans to more than 40,000 military families who are experiencing temporary financial hardship each year. Officials have also rolled out an online application process that allows users to avoid visiting AER offices. Outside of the COVID-crises, AER offers both interest-free loans and grants to active-duty soldiers and their families, as well as Army retirees; widows and orphans of soldiers who died on active duty or after retirement; medical retirees and their families; and members of the Guard and reserve who have been activated for more than 30 days. The organization annually gives about $70 million in assistance. Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society Among the assistance the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) provides to active-duty users is an up-to-$500 quick assistance loan, plus traditional loans and grants to all qualifying users on an as-needed basis, officials there said. NMCRS offices are following local base office closures rules, officials said. In those areas, sailors and Marines can call the program's 800 number for assistance or, after hours, contact the Red Cross. NMCRS' number is 800-654-8364. Qualifying users include active-duty and retired members of the regular Navy and Marine Corps; reservists on extended active duty and certain retired reservists; dependents; some ex-spouses; and uniformed members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Air Force Aid Society Officials with the Air Force Aid Society said they have staff at Airman and Family Readiness Centers nationwide ready to administer help as needed. Like the other aid societies, the Air Force Aid Society gives out both grants and interest-free loans. Qualifying users include active-duty and retired Air Force members and their dependents, and the dependents of deceased Air Force personnel who died on active duty or in retired status. Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Officials at Coast Guard Mutual Assistance said they are providing loans up to $6,000 for loss of pay by a spouse, needs for child care due to school closure, and lodging and food costs while quarantined. They also have limited grants for those facing travel change fees. Applications can be filled out remotely on their website and then emailed. More information can be found on their website. Eligible users including active-duty Coast Guard members; Coast Guard retirees; Coast Guard civilian employees; Coast Guard civilian and auxiliary employees; and U.S. Public Health Service officers and chaplains, among others. Veteran Assistance While military retirees may qualify for assistance from the aid societies, many veterans do not. The Independence Fund announced that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is providing help to catastrophically disabled veterans, caregivers and families with covering costs like mortgage and rent; utilities; child care; transportation services; home WiFi services; household cleaning and upkeep; grocery and medical product delivery; and streaming services for work and learning. Many of these families live day-to-day on very thin margins, and the pulling back of the support systems they've had in place hit them especially hard. Veterans can apply on the Independence Fund website. A day after the Modi government recommended nomination of former CJI Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha, Opposition slammed the government, raising questions about the independence of the judiciary. Gogoi was nominated in place of senior lawyer KTS Tulsi, who retired on February 20. Here's how the Opposition leaders reacted to the government's move to nominate Gogoi: Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala asked whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi considered the advice of his late law minister before nominating Gogoi. "Did PM Modi consider the advice of his former colleague and Law Minister and Finance Minister, Late Sh. Arun Jaitley before recommending Ex-CJI, Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha," he asked on Twitter. "Justice Lokur rightly summarises it -: 'Has the last bastion fallen?'," Surjewala said in another tweet. Did PM Modi consider the advice of his former colleague & Law Minister-Finance Minister, Late Sh. Arun Jaitley before recommending Ex CJI, Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha? Randeep Singh Surjewala (@rssurjewala) March 17, 2020 Former Union minister and Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yashwant Sinha said he hoped Gogoi would reject the nomination. He added that if Gogoi accepts the offer he would "cause incalculable damage to the reputation of the judiciary." I hope ex-cji Ranjan Gogoi would have the good sense to say 'NO' to the offer of Rajya Sabha seat to him. Otherwise he will cause incalculable damage to the reputation of the judiciary. Yashwant Sinha (@YashwantSinha) March 16, 2020 Communist Party of India (Marxist) chief Sitaram Yechury recalled how earlier Gogoi had criticised post-retirement gigs for judges. "What must one make of a govt that does this, after appointing another ex-Chief Justice as the governor of a state?" he asked. Shri Ranjan Gogoi had himself said last year that "Theres a strong viewpoint that post-retirement appointments is a scar on independence of Judiciary". What must one make of a govt that does this, after appointing another ex-Chief Justice as the governor of a state? #Chronology Sitaram Yechury (@SitaramYechury) March 16, 2020 Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi also said that Modi could have adhered to the advice of Jaitley in this regard. He also highlighted and shared the 2012 remarks of Jaitley on having a cooling-off period for judges to head Tribunals. "Modiji amitshahji hamari nahi to arun Jaitley ki to sun lijiye! Did he not speak and write against post retirement largesse to judges? Do u remember," he said citing Jaitley's comments. "...Courts function on faith trust perception and faith. Each has taken a bad beating today," he said. "Pre-retirement judgements are influenced by a desire for a post-retirement job," - Late Shri Arun Jaitley proved to prophetic about the rampant lack of faith that would ensue with a motivated judiciary. #Gogoi Abhishek Singhvi (@DrAMSinghvi) March 17, 2020 Meanwhile, lawyer Kapil Sibal questioned the legacy Gogoi is leaving behind. Justice H R Khanna remembered for : 1) his integrity 2)standing up to govt. 3) upholding rule of law Ranjan Gogoi for lapping up a Rajya Sabha nomination for 1) being saved by govt. 2) standing in line with it 3) compromising his own and the integrity of the institution Kapil Sibal (@KapilSibal) March 17, 2020 (With inputs from PTI) Are we all going to die? The question, posed by a young child to her mother in a long supermarket queue, was an understandable response to the grim-faced adults around her. But her mother like any parent or carer asked this question was probably left reeling, says Louise Newman, a psychiatry professor at the University of Melbourne, who was standing behind them in the queue. Chinese children wear protective masks as they play on a slide at a shopping mall in Beijing. Credit:Getty Images The mother handled the situation admirably, Professor Newman says. She told her daughter some people were worried because there was an illness, or a germ, that could make people sick. But it wasnt serious for children, and her family would make sure the little girl was safe. She went through it in very simple terms, with clear, digestible information that was suitable for someone that age, the professor says. Letting the Kerala operatives return from Afghanistan will just help ISIS realise its real plan India oi-Vicky Nanjappa New Delhi, Mar 17: The mother of an Islamic State operative has sought the help of the government to bring her daughter from Afghanistan back. Nimisha alias Fathima had left India along with a group of 21 from Kerala and joined the Islamic State in Afghanistan last year. The mother of the 31 year old woman has now sought the government's help to bring her daughter back. A news item in the StratNewsGlobal stated that the lady wanted to return home from Afghanistan. The report stated that nearly 14,000 Islamic State operatives and their family members had surrendered to the Afghan authorities between October and December 2019. However the Indian police have not been able to confirm if any of them were part of the group that left from Kerala. Part of the plan: The Indian agencies have been watching these developments since the surrenders took place. The agencies have been intentionally slow in reacting as there is always a big worry with the ISIS returnees. The chief of the ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had said before his death that all fighters should return to their homeland. ISIS suspends all terror activity in wake of coronavirus He had further said that with the ISIS losing territory in Syria and Iraq, it was now time for the fighters to return to their homeland and carry out attacks. These operatives are trained in do it yourself terrorism. This kind of terrorism is taught so that these operatives are self sufficient and can carry out lone wolf attacks. NEWS AT 3 PM, MARCH 17th, 2020 Further it must be noted that in the several attacks that have been carried out in different parts of the world, most of the perpetrators who have returned to their homeland from the ISIS mainland. This was in fact very evident in the Paris attack. Kerala cannot afford it: Kerala is already a highly radicalised state. The state has reported the highest number of cases. It has over the years become a hub for Wahhabi activity and radical Islam has spread its tentacles far and wide in the state. Democracy wont save you, Jihad will: ISIS linked couple arrested in Delhi said The key concern in Kerala remains Wahhabism and radicalisation. What Kerala did not realise was allowing radicalisation itself was going to become a danger to their integrity. In such an event letting these highly radicalised persons who had the audacity to leave their homeland and join the world's most dangerous terror group in a different country come back would pose an immense danger to the state and the country as well. The real intent: The primary intent of leaving the country was not to continue fighting in Afghanistan or Syria. The move to the mainland was to train and then return with an intention of enhancing the modules and carrying out attacks. On their return, if they manage to get away, then they will radicalise the locals. If they are kept in jails then they would radicalise within the prison. ISIS planned murder of Hindu leaders to create communal tension in India Officials also add that the ISIS modus operandi is in the procedure of completing a full cycle. It was at first thought that they were recruiting from Kerala so that they could be used in the fight at Afghanistan. However, the coordination with other agencies has suggested that many who had joined the ISIS in Afghanistan had gradually moved out of there for Syria or Turkey. Now these persons are gradually making their return to Kerala and this is worrisome, the official also explained. The IB terms such persons as silent returnees of the ISIS. This is a new challenge for us and the vigil is high, the IB officer says. There are various routes that these recruits have been using. Those coming into India from Afghanistan had often entered into Nepal before making their entry. In these cases, the recruits are most likely to use the land route to avoid scrutiny. Once in India, it becomes easier for them to travel by road and reach their destination in Kerala. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 9:36 [IST] Hollywood actor Idris Elba is the latest celebrity to get the dreaded coronavirus. Idris Elba met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, who tested positive for the coronavirus. The pair met on March 4 at WE Day 2020 at The SSE Arena, Wembley in London and both of them posed for pictures together. The British actor in a video posted to his Twitter page announced that he has tested positive for COVID-19. This morning I got some test results back for coronavirus and it came back positive,and it sucks. This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how Im doing ???? No panic. Flanked by his wife Sabrina, the actor disclosed that he had to take the test because he came in contact with someone who tested positive for Coronavirus. In the video, Idris Elba advises fans to practice social distancing and hand washing. He said: I feel OK. I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Transparency is probably the best thing for this right now. If youre feeling ill, or you feel like you should be tested, or if youve been exposed, do something about it. Look weve lived in a divided world right now. We can all feel it. Its been bullst, but now is the time for solidarity. Now is the time for thinking about each other. There are so many people whose lives have been affected, from those who have lost people they loved to people that dont even have it and have lost their livelihoods. This is real. Watch the video below; This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how Im doing ???? No panic. Idris Elba (@idriselba) March 16, 2020 Elbas wife Sabrina has not been tested for the virus yet. But it is believed since he already tested positive, shes got the virus also. Idris Elba is the latest high profile celebrity to test positive for coronavirus. Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson, Canadian first lady have all tested positve for the disease with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau under quarantine. READ: Idris Elba shares sweaty shirtless snap in just his pants as he prepares for his first boxing match ALSO READ: Watch Davido Dancing With Christian Louboutin At Idris Elbas Wedding [Photos/Video] LAKEWOOD, CO / ACCESSWIRE / March 17, 2020 / General Moly, Inc. (General Moly or the "Company") (NYSE American and TSX: GMO), the only western-exchange listed, pure-play molybdenum ("moly") mineral development company, previously announced that on September 12, 2019, it received a deficiency letter ("Letter") from the NYSE American stock exchange indicating that pursuant to Section 1003(f)(v) of the NYSE American Company Guide, the Company's common stock has been selling for a low price per share for a substantial period of time. The Letter stated that the Company must demonstrate an improved share price improvement or effect a reverse stock split of its common stock by no later than March 12, 2020, in order to maintain the listing of the Company's common stock on the NYSE American. On March 12, 2020, the Company was advised by the NYSE American that the Company did not cure its price deficiency for both the absolute and average stock prices for the Company to exceed $0.20 by the end of the six-month period on March 12, 2020. The GMO stock price was trading then at $0.16 on an absolute and $0.20 on an average basis. Given the recent downdraft of the financial markets with COVID-19 concerns as well as a weaker GMO stock price, the Company will seek shareholder approval at its next Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2020 to affect a reverse stock split to raise its trading price and remedy the NYSE American listing deficiency. The Company has notified the NYSE American of the Company's Board of Directors' action to set a record date of April 27, 2020 and schedule the Company's Annual Meeting of Stockholders in Lakewood, Colorado on June 19, 2020. The Company anticipates mailing its Proxy Statement, inclusive of a proposal to authorize the Board to consider a reverse stock split and Annual Report to stockholders in early May of 2020. The NYSE American has granted the Company additional time until its 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to implement a reverse stock split. Chief Executive Officer Bruce D. Hansen commented, "These are challenging times for us all as global citizens in a pandemic. The moly price has weakened in recent days to below $10 per pound but is still above $9 per pound, while our stock price, which was over 20 cents largely through February, has also declined." In the interim, the Company's common stock remains listed on the NYSE American, under the trading symbol "GMO", subject to the Company's compliance with other continued listing requirements and subject to the trading price remaining above a required $0.06 minimum per share. The NYSE American has added the designation of ".BC" to indicate that the Company is below compliance with the listing standards set forth in the Company Guide. The NYSE American notification of continued listing deficiency does not affect the Company's business operations or its reporting obligations under the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. If the Company is unable to regain compliance, or if the stockholders fail to approve the proposed reverse stock split, the NYSE American has indicated it will initiate procedures to suspend and delist the Company's common stock. Should that occur, the Company will consider alternative listing options. About General Moly General Moly is a U.S.-based, molybdenum mineral exploration and development company listed on the NYSE American, recently known as the NYSE MKT and former American Stock Exchange, and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol GMO. The Company's primary asset, an 80% interest in the Mt. Hope Project located in central Nevada, is considered one of the world's largest and highest grade molybdenum deposits. Combined with the Company's wholly-owned Liberty Project, a molybdenum and copper property also located in central Nevada, General Moly's goal is to become the largest primary molybdenum producer in the world. Molybdenum is a metallic element used primarily as an alloy agent in steel manufacturing. When added to steel, molybdenum enhances steel strength, resistance to corrosion and extreme temperature performance. In the chemical and petrochemical industries, molybdenum is used in catalysts, especially for cleaner burning fuels by removing sulfur from liquid fuels, and in corrosion inhibitors, high performance lubricants and polymers. Contact: Scott Roswell (303) 928-8591 Website: Forward-Looking Statements Statements herein that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, anticipated, expected, or implied by the Company. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to availability of cash to continue ongoing operations, availability of insurance, metals price and production volatility, global economic conditions, currency fluctuations, increased production costs and variances in ore grade or recovery rates from those assumed in mining plans, exploration risks and results, reclamation risks, political, operational and project development risks, ability to maintain required federal and state permits to continue construction, and commence production of molybdenum, copper, silver, lead or zinc, ability to identify any economic mineral reserves of copper, silver, lead or zinc; ability of the Company to obtain approval of its joint venture partner at the Mt. Hope Project in order to mine for molybdenum, copper, silver, lead or zinc, ability to raise required project financing or funding to pursue an exploration program related to potential copper, silver lead or zinc deposits at Mt. Hope, ability to respond to adverse governmental regulation and judicial outcomes, and ability to maintain and /or adjust estimates related to cost of production, capital, operating and exploration expenditures. For a detailed discussion of risks and other factors that may impact these forward looking statements, please refer to the Risk Factors and other discussion contained in the Company's quarterly and annual periodic reports on Forms 10-Q and 10-K, on file with the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements. SOURCE: General Moly, Inc. View source version on But that was not the case. I was sick. I have decided to talk about it because that is what you see but you should know that everything that happens comes with a price. Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd (SPPL), the brand licensee of Kodak in India, has launched a new Android TV-series. Starting at Rs 23,999 for the 43-inch variant, the new Kodak CA series will be available in four sizes - 43 inches, 50 inches, 55 inches and 65 inches. These Android-powered TVs have a bezel-less design and are equipped with features such as Dolby Vision, 4K HDR10, Android 9.0 interface, multiple connectivity options including USB 3.0, HDMI ARC/CEC and the latest Bluetooth v.5.0. The accompanied remote houses dedicated hotkeys for Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube and Google Play Store. Avneet Singh Marwah, Director and CEO, Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd, says, "We became the first Indian TV brand to get the Android license for manufacturing and developing Android TV under Make in India. We are proud to announce that all our Android TVs will be completely developed in our R&D centre. This will benefit Indian customers as they are built completely for the Indian ecosystem. From the content of the TV to sound, we have done extensive customisation." While the strategic online partners are Flipkart and Amazon, Kodak TVs are also available via offline retail. The company plans to expand to model retail chain soon. SPPL has three factories with complete backward integration - from moulding to clean room, SMT and assembly line, everything is in house. Super Plastronics is focusing on expansion in the areas of R&D as well as production. Commenting on the impact of COVID-19, Marwah explains, "The input prices for many critical components for appliances across the sectors have already gone up. While prices of smaller TVs are likely to go up by 10 per cent, it could be even higher for large-size TVs as there is already 30-40 per cent increase in panel prices due to the impending reduced supplies." Super Plantronics imports TV panels and TV card components from Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China. "The contribution is about 80 per cent, as there is no manufacture in India," adds Marwah. Since 2016, Super Plastronics has sold over 1.5 million TVs in India with a repair rate of less than 0.4 per cent. There are more than 350 company-owned service centres and 220 service centre tie-ups, serving across more than 18,000 pin codes. The company plans to launch new models throughout the year. In 2020, Super Plastronics is targeting a turnover of Rs 700 crore for FY 2020-21. ALSO READ: Smart TVs strong show boosts overall industry to record high in 2019 ALSO READ: POCO X2 Review: Great buy with powerful performance, impressive camera ALSO READ: Coronavirus Impact: Contact Tracking preventive feature launched in GOQii app Lawyers for policemen accused of bashing a Melbourne pensioner have failed in their last-minute bid for a magistrate to recuse herself before she delivers her ruling in the case. Senior constables Brad McLeod, 33, and Florian Hilgart, 41, and Constable John Edney, 28, are all facing unlawful assault charges and a decision about their case was expected to be handed down on Tuesday. The trio allegedly pepper-sprayed, punched and hosed down pensioner John in his Preston front yard on September 19, 2017. Victoria's Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission investigated the matter after The Age published CCTV footage of the incident. In a shock move on Tuesday, lawyers for senior constables McLeod and Hilgart called for Magistrate Cathy Lamble to recuse herself from the case because there was a "factual error" in her ruling. A study examines tradeoffs tied to road expansion projects in the Amazon. Thousands of kilometers of roads are expected to be constructed or improved in the Amazon over the next 5 years, but the projects' broad impacts on the region are unclear. Over an evaluation period of 20 years, Thais Vilela, Alfonso Harb, and colleagues examined economic, environmental, and social impacts of 75 proposed road projects that include more than 12,000 kilometers of planned roads in the Amazon regions of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The authors estimated that implementing all projects will lead to deforestation of at least 2.4 million hectares--approximately the size of Belize. Further, at least 17% of the projects would result in legal violations related to environmental statuses or indigenous rights. Almost 50% of the projects are expected to result in economic losses, although canceling these projects would avoid a loss of $7.6 billion as well as 1.1 million hectares of deforestation. The authors also identified 18 projects with the lowest social and environmental impacts and found that focusing on them while cutting the other projects would generate $4 billion in net gain and result in less than 10% of projected deforestation. The findings suggest that launching a few carefully chosen projects would be economically sound and mitigate negative impacts on the Amazon, according to the authors. ### Article #19-10853: "A better Amazon road network for people and the environment," by Thais Vilela et al. MEDIA CONTACT: Thais Vilela, Conservation Strategy Fund, Washington, DC; tel: 510-809-6441; email:; Alfonso Malky Harb, Conservation Strategy Fund, La Paz, BOLIVIA; tel: +591-2-272-1925; email: Ilhan Omars new husband officiated at his own marriage to the leftist congresswoman, their marriage certificate reveals. has exclusively obtained the certificate which lists Tim Mynett as both the officiant and the bridegroom at the ceremony. It has been legal to conduct your own ceremony in Washington, D.C. since 2014, and that is what Mynett appears to have done. Such marriages are also allowed in Colorado and Pennsylvania and are recognized in other states. The total expense would have been $45 $35 for the license and $10 for the certificate. The certificate shows that Mynett married Omar on Wednesday of last week three days after his 39th birthday. The ceremony took place in John Marshall Park right next to the Moultrie Courthouse where the couple obtained their marriage license. has obtained the marriage certificate of Ilhan Omar which shows Tim Mynett was the groom - and the officiant Congresswoman Ilhan Omar announced she married her fundraising chief, Tim Mynett on Instagram The couple wore wedding rings on the day they were spotted by, sparking speculation they may be married According to the document Mynett, a political consultant and fundraiser, is licensed to conduct marriages in D.C. Omars spokesman has confirmed that Mynett converted to Islam before the ceremony, but he gave no further details. A marriage conducted by either the bride or groom is known as a self-uniting marriage. The Washington Post wrote an article last year about one couple that carried out their own ceremony. The marriage certificate lists the home that Mynett shared with his ex-wife Beth Jordan as his legal residence even though he moved out when the two split in April last year. And Omar, 37, gives her legal residence as a house in Washington rather than in her congressional district in Minneapolis. Does this mean she has abandoned Minnesota to live in D.C?, asked Paul Kamenar, an attorney for the National Legal and Policy Center, a group that has long questioned Omars campaign finances. We know that Tim Mynett doesnt live at the address he has put down and it appears that Ilhan Omar has given a wrong legal address too. That seems very strange. You can only have one legal residence and that is the place where your driving license is registered, and where you are registered to vote among other things. Her constituents in Minnesota might be interested to note that she does not consider that as her legal residence anymore. The pair are pictured heading out to dinner at Cafe 8 Mediterranean Eatery in Washington DC Omar had arrived to Mynett's office and stayed about two hours before they both drove out of his parking garage and headed to dinner The new certificate is the latest twist in Omars complicated marital history. She first married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002 in an Islamic ceremony that was not registered with Minnesota state authorities. They had two children before she married Ahmed Elmi, a British citizen in a ceremony conducted by a Christian minister in Eden Prairie, Minnesota in 2009. There have long been rumors that Elmi who now lives in East Africa is actually her brother and she only married him to enable him to get student loans to attend the University of North Dakota. When first running for election Omar denied those allegations although more recently her spokesman merely says she does not discuss her personal life. Last month former friend Abdihakim Osman told that both Hirsi and Omar had referred to Elmi as her brother. He said no-one in Minneapoliss large Somali community knew she and Elmi had got married until the press dug up their marriage certificate many years later. When Southside and Ilhan got married, a lot of people were invited, Hakim said, referring to Hirsi by his commonly used nickname. It was a big Islamic wedding uniting two large clans in the Minneapolis community. But when she married Elmi no-one even knew about it. He suggested the couple used Christian minister Wilecia Harris because an imam would have known the two were siblings. While still married to Elmi she and Hirsi had a third child and she divorced Elmi in 2027. The couple stayed inside the Mediterranean Eatery restaurant for about 2 hours and left together, making sure not to touch or display affection The couple were spotted driving out of Mynett's parking garage as they headed out to dinner The following year she married Hirsi in a civil ceremony and then divorced him last November after revealed that she was having an affair with Mynett. Mynett divorced in December. His wife said he had told her the previous April that he was in love with Omar. During the court hearing, she tried to read out a statement in court calling Omar an adulteress but was stopped by the judge, who cut the proceedings short. The FBI is investigating Omars marriage to Elmi. One Somali source in Minneapolis said he knows of five people who agents have so far interviewed. If Omar, a freshman congresswoman who is facing primary challenges from three fellow Democrats, is found guilty of marriage fraud she faces five years in jail and a fine of up to $250,000 as well as possible deportation. The FBI could also investigate how much Omars campaign has paid Mynetts company, the E Street Group, in light of her marriage, said attorney Kamenar. The Federal Election Commission which should investigate has been without a quorum for several months and so cannot take action, he said. But the FBI investigated California Republican Duncan Hunters payments and he is now off to prison. There is nothing to stop them doing the same with Ilhan Omar, he said. Last year, Omars campaign paid Mynetts company a whopping $523,000, according to her own filings with the FEC. Abdi Hirsy, an imam who once lived in Minneapolis and knows Omars family told that he had confirmed that Mynett converted to Islam before his March 11 marriage. He said it was necessary because under Islamic law a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim although a man can marry a Christian or a Jewish woman. He said conversion is simple. All anyone has to do is say out loud the words: There is no true god but Allah and Muhammed is the Messenger of God. I have confirmed that Tim converted and I defend their choices, Hirsy, who now lives in Calgary, Alberta, told Hersy said he knew they had married secretly because they did not want the ceremony to be known in advance. They are politicians and politicians have their reasons, whatever they may be, he said. Shortly after the marriage Omar posted a picture on social media captioned: Got married! From partners in politics to life partners, so blessed. Alhamdulillah. The last word is an Arabic phrase meaning Praise to God. Early the following morning she posted a cryptic message, seemingly criticizing her own community on Twitter. Somalis, gotta love them. They know gossip is haram, but they love doing it, she said using the Islamic term for things that are forbidden. They know calling a Muslim person kafir is haram, but they do it when the person isnt Somali. They know its haram to discriminate against cadaans (white people) in Islam, but they do it. Its all toxic, breathe away! When asked why he had suddenly adopted a somber and realistic tone about the virus on Tuesday, the president denied that he had changed his mind at all. No, Ive always viewed it as very serious, Mr. Trump said. There was no difference yesterday from days before. I feel the tone is similar, but some people said it wasnt. Besides denying the seriousness of the coronavirus over the past two months, he had also displayed an acerbic tone toward people who took it more seriously. During a campaign rally in South Carolina on Feb. 28, Mr. Trump accused Democrats and the news media of hysteria and unfairly criticizing his administration by engaging in what he said was a political hoax. Some of his critics have stretched his comment to suggest that he was calling the virus itself a hoax, but his supporters have argued that he was referring to the Democratic criticism, not the virus itself. And until recently, he and several of his advisers had privately mocked his health and human services secretary, Alex M. Azar II, as alarmist. Another theme has been the presidents offering inaccurate information. At a campaign rally on Feb. 10, Mr. Trump suggested that the virus would be gone by April, a claim he has frequently repeated, even though his advisers had warned him that much about the virus was still not known. As his administration came under intense criticism for a lack of urgency in issuing guidance to Americans or expediting tests for the virus, Mr. Trump continued misrepresenting what was available. The Central government on Tuesday filed a preliminary affidavit in the Supreme Court on the petitions challenging the constitutional validity of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) contending that the law doesn't raise any question of violating the constitutional morality. The affidavit says the Act does not impinge upon any existing rights that may have existed prior to the enactment of the amendment and further in no manner whatsoever seeks to affect the legal, democratic or secular rights of any of Indian citizens. The Centre, in the affidavit, said the existing regime for obtaining citizenship of India by foreigners of any country is untouched by the CAA. "Legal migration, on the basis of valid documents and visa, continues to be permissible from all countries of the world including from the three specified countries," the affidavit said. It said the CAA is merely a limited legislative measure, circumscribed in its application which does not affect the existing legal rights or regime concerning citizenship, falling outside the purview of specialised measure, in any manner. "CAA does not violate any fundamental right provisions of the constitution and therefore, the question of violation of constitutional morality does not arise. Constitutional morality is not an unruly horse and cannot become an independent basis for challenging the constitutionality of validly enacted legislation," added the affidavit. According to the affidavit, CAA is a specific amendment, which seeks to tackle a specific problem prevalent in the specified countries like persecution on the ground of religion in light of the undisputable theocratic constitutional position in the specified countries, the systematic functioning of such States and the perception of fear that may be prevalent. The affidavit said the Parliament is competent to make laws for the whole country. It said that the treatment given to the classified communities in the particular neighbouring countries has been attracting the attention of successive governments but no government took any legislative measure and merely acknowledged the problem. The top court had on January 22 this year refused to stay the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and granted four weeks' time to the Centre to file a reply on a batch of over 140 petitions challenging or supporting the Citizenship (Amendment) Act. Protests had erupted in various parts of the country against the amended law which grants citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, and Christian refugees from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan and came to India before 2015. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer and packs of antibacterial wipes and medical masks have been donated after a failed attempt by two Tennessee brothers to resell them for profit during the U.S. coronavirus outbreak. Boxes were taken Sunday from a storage unit and the home of Matt Colvin of Hixson, Tennessee, news outlets reported. The items, including 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer, were donated to a local church and some supplies will head to Kentucky where Colvin had cleared store shelves. Colvin and his brother, Noah Colvin, had cleared store shelves of the items before online retailer Amazon stopped their sales and the state attorney general sent a cease-and-desist letter. The purchases were first featured in a story in The New York Times in which the brothers drove to stores scooping up supplies around Chattanooga, Tenn., on March 1, the day after the first U.S. coronavirus death was announced. Noah Colvin then drove 1,300 miles over three days across Tennessee and Kentucky, filling a rented truck while his brother stayed home preparing for more supplies he had ordered. Matt Colvin said he posted 300 bottles of hand sanitizer for sale on Amazon between $8 and $70 each and immediately sold them all. It was crazy money, he told the newspaper. The next day, Amazon pulled Matt Colvin's items along with thousands of other similar listings, citing price gouging. Some of the sellers behind the listings were suspended, while EBay soon banned U.S. sales of sanitizers and masks. Matt Colvin had turned Amazon sales into a six-figure career starting in 2015, advertising Nike shoes and pet toys and by following popular trends. In early February, when the coronavirus was spreading in China, the former Air Force technical sergeant bought 2,000 pandemic packs from a local liquidation firm that were left over from a defunct company. He bought them at $3.50 per pack and resold them at a substantial profit. When public demand for sanitizers and wipes started to skyrocket, Matt and Noah Colvin went to work buying them up. Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee declared a state of emergency on Thursday. Part of that included the triggering of an anti-price gouging law. We will not tolerate price gouging in this time of exceptional need, and we will take aggressive action to stop it, Tennessee Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III said in a statement Saturday night. The case involving the Colvins remained under investigation. Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron added that this is a time where we have to focus on helping our neighbors, not profiting from them. Photo courtesy of CNN. At the heart of Groupe Media TFO's initiative, and in order to support parents in the best possible way, the IDELLO.ORG platform, which already includes nearly 12,000 educational resources, will offer intelligent, fun, reliable and safe content collections for all ages. And with its digital presence of over 2 million subscribers and 25 social media accounts, TFO will also help those resources be more accessible to a greater number of parents and teachers, no matter where they are, which is a priority concern in this period of social distancing. "In difficult situations such as the one we are all facing, it is important to offer a gesture of solidarity to help families navigate the new daily life they will need to adopt over the next few weeks. We wanted TFO to remain supportive of Francophone and Francophile parents, children and teachers across Canada in a useful, effective way," said Eric Minoli, Chief Operations Officer. "In the spirit of mutual aid, we will immediately make access to IDELLO.ORG free during this critical time. The concept of Le Camp TFO en Famille is simple: support parents as naturally as possible by offering brand new programming every day. By integrating learning activities at home with as much simplicity as possible, we wish to foster joyous, bonding moments for all families," said Julie Caron, Chief Digital Learning Officer. Le Camp TFO en Famille, on TV, on IDELLO.ORG and on BOUKILI.CA Discover videos, e-books, games , apps and other fun, educational activities from TFO in the form of tweets, Facebook publications and other immediate and quick-sharing methods. TFO will offer its audiences a suite of ideas, tips, specific learning documents, as well as wellness and relaxation resources every day the optimal way to continue learning from home, as a family, with complete peace of mind. On TV To get more information about our educational broadcasting, view our programming schedule . For instance, begin your morning with Robin le Robot and continue with songs from Mini TFO, as a family by watching Le Monde Magique de Lorenzo, or with your teens by watching FLIP, l'Algorithme. And in the evening, why not give TFO's art cinema selection a try, starting at 9:00 p.m.? If you wish to learn more about how to get TFO's TV channel, visit our How to Get TFO section on the website. On IDELLO.ORG By creating a profile, parents will discover a new selection of educational content every day. They will also get to browse nearly 12,000 varied educational resources, thanks to a search feature that can filter by desired age and school grade. Parents and teachers can access thematic folders to support them during learning activities with their children or to prepare their future classes. Handy ideas and customized news will also be shared on our social media and in daily newsletters. BOUKILI.CA For those who wish to discover a fun resource that teachers particularly adore, Boukili is only a few clicks away. Boasting a virtual library of some hundred original ebooks, Boukili, now available for free on the computer , on tablets and for your smart speakers, teaches children ages 4 and up how to read in French. The content made by Groupe Media TFO conveys essential skills, values and abilities to help young audiences grow up and become enlightened world citizens. TFO's French-language programming is aligned with the priorities of Ontario's Ministry of Education and supports children and teens in building their identity, especially as Francophones in a minority setting. Through its quality productions that convey exemplary values for all families, Groupe Media TFO wishes to become a driver of the French Fact across Ontario, Canada and the world. About Groupe Media TFO Groupe Media TFO is an essential destination for audiences seeking innovative educational and cultural content in French, at the vanguard of digital learning. TFO serves 2 million students and 135,000 teachers and educators all over Ontario and Canada. With 1.2 billion views on its 22 YouTube channels, TFO operates Canada's number one French-language channel, Mini ABC, for which it received a Golden Play Button award. From Austin to Amsterdam, GMTFO's content has won multiple prizes: Kidscreen Awards, Gemeaux Awards, Cassies, IBC Awards, SXSW Film Design Awards, and many more. SOURCE Groupe Media TFO Biden administration to require insurers to cover at-home... On Jan. 15, private health insurers will be required to cover eight free over-the-counter at-home... U.S. Mint begins shipping quarters featuring Maya Angelou The United States Mint has begun shipping the first coins in the American Women Quarters Program,... Elon Musk Tesla Inc Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk sent employees an email on Monday telling them to stay at home if they felt ill or uncomfortable, two people who saw the memo told Reuters. "I'd like to be super clear that if you feel the slightest bit ill or even uncomfortable, please do not feel obligated to come to work," Musk said in an internal memo that the sources read out for Reuters over the phone. Reuters did not review the memo. "I will personally be at work, but that's just me. Totally ok if you want to stay home for any reason," Musk said in the memo, adding he was not aware of any Tesla employee who had tested positive for the coronavirus. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) The government of Tanzania has ordered closure of schools and banned all forms of public gatherings, a day after the first case of Coronavirus was reported in the country STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- The New York City Department of Education (DOE) is planning to open approximately 100 Regional Enrichment Centers on Monday, March 23, to serve as child care centers for first responders, health care workers and transit workers, while New York City public schools are closed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). The DOE said it identified Regional Enrichment Centers (RECs) across all five boroughs based on a combination of physical and operational factors, such as location, accessibility, capacity, health clinics, air conditioning, and where available, community schools or wraparound services. While the agency would not release borough specifics, it said it will be prepared to expand sites if needed. *** CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE OF CORONAVIRUS IN NEW YORK *** The RECs will accommodate school-aged children of first responders, health care workers, and transit workers, as well as students in need of the most intensive support. As space permits, the centers will accommodate children of additional essential personnel. They are expected to be open from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and each room will have a maximum of 12 children supported by at least one adult. Children will have the opportunity to participate in remote learning with their regular school, as is the case for all DOE students. They will also have opportunities to engage in art, music and physical education. Each site will be staffed by a combination of DOE and community-based organization staff, along with site supervisors. Centers will also each have two nurses, a social worker and a guidance counselor. Children will be offered a site based on their home address and their parent/caregivers role providing essential services. The DOE said many RECs will have the capacity to support 3- and 4-year-olds, with some centers dedicated fully to early childhood care. All other contracted child care centers and family child care homes will be allowed to operate for as long as they can safely do so, according to the DOE. New York City is currently offering grab-and-go meals to all students. (Staten Island Advance/Jan Somma-Hammel) GRAB-AND-GO MEALS The DOE is also continuing to identify locations to provide grab-and-go meals to needy students. New York City is currently offering grab-and-go meals to all New York City students at all public schools. From Monday to Friday this week, students are able to visit the nearest school to take free breakfast and lunch meals. Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza said the city is working on feeding distribution centers to continue to offer meals to students in the days and weeks moving forward. The DOE announced that beginning March 23 grab-and-go breakfast and lunch will be provided from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 100 to 150 hub sites located across the five boroughs, according to the DOE. These locations will be identified by March 20. The meal service will be available to all children under 18 years old. REMOTE LEARNING The DOE will shift to a remote learning strategy on March 23 for grades kindergarten through 12. Despite differences in readiness, every school will focus on transitioning their core learning and instruction to a remote-based model. The agency partnered with Google to give schools that dont currently use an online learning platform access to Google Classroom. Staff is participating in three days of professional learning on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and will engage in remote planning on Friday. The DOE is asking schools to download necessary remote learning platforms, ensure educators have access to appropriate devices and know how to use technology-assisted learning platforms, and ensure materials are uploaded for use. Where appropriate, schools will also be asked to prepare take-home materials for student learning. Understanding that not all students have access to the internet and devices, the DOE is working closely with private partners to deliver devices and data plans for students in need. Ursulina Ramirez, chief operating officer for the DOE, said during Sundays press conference that the DOE will purchase 300,000 iPads from Apple at a reasonable price to distribute to students. The DOE said the first batch of 25,000 iPads will be delivered next week. The agency will also work with T-Mobile, Verizon, and Spectrum to provide internet access. Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza asked parents to sign up for the NYC Schools account, which will be critically important as the DOE pushes information out and resources for remote learning needs. You can go to for more information. *** Be the first to know: Sign up for our newsletters; and get breaking news and top stories pushed to your phone with the mobile app. 11 Coronavirus shopping frenzy on Staten Island CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE: All aboard! Or not: Photos of the empty morning Staten Island ferry commute Coronavirus shuts down Saturday Night Live; show canceled for at least 3 weeks, report saysCoronavirus: Stop & Shop reserves early hours for seniors only Elective dental procedures canceled for three weeks, ADA says 2-year-old passenger on Norwegian Bliss tested positive for coronavirus Cleaning to prevent coronavirus? Dont forget your cars interior. St. Johns University students return home: Its difficult Latest on NYC school closures: Child care to be available for first responders With restaurant dine-in option halted, Uber Eats waives delivery fees MTA continuing to monitor service levels as coronavirus spreads Amazon warns of slower deliveries, depleted stock amid coronavirus Rumor of a mandated national quarantine is untrue and unfounded, White House says FOLLOW ANNALISE KNUDSON ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. New fossil specimen helped University of Kansas graduate student Anna Whitaker solve a 50-year-old marine-worm mystery. Credit: Anna Whitaker, et al. When a partial fossil specimen of a primordial marine worm was unearthed in Utah in 1969, scientists had a tough go identifying it. Usually, such worms are recognized and categorized by the arrangement of little knobs on their plates. But in this case, the worm's plates were oddly smooth, and important bits of the worm were missing altogether. Discouraged, researchers placed the mystery worm in a "wastebasket" genus called Palaeoscolex, and interest in the lowly critter waned for the next 50 years. That all changed recently when Paul Jamison, a teacher from Logan, Utah, and private collector, and his student Riley Smith were hunting fossils in the Spence Shale in Utah, a 506-million-year-old geologic unit housing a plethora of exceptionally preserved soft-bodied and biomineralized fossils. (Paleontologists call such a mother lode of fossils a "Lagerstatte.") There, Smith discovered a second, more thoroughly preserved example of the worm. Eventually, thanks to Jamison's donation, the new fossil specimen arrived at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, where Anna Whitaker, a graduate student in museum studies, researched and analyzed the worm with scanning electron microscopes, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry and optical microscopy. At last, Whitaker determined the worm represented a new genus of Cambrian sea worm heretofore unknown to science. She's the lead author of a description of the worm just published in the peer-reviewed paleontological journal PalZ. "Before the new species that we acquired there was only one specimen known from the Spence Shale," she said. "But with our new specimen we discovered it had characteristics that the original specimen didn't have. So, we were able to update that description, and based on these new characteristicswe decided it didn't fit in its old genus. So, we moved it to a new one." Whitaker and her colleaguesJamison, James Schiffbauer of the University of Missouri and Julien Kimmig of KU's Biodiversity Institutenamed the new genus Utahscolex. "We think they're closely related to priapulid worms that exist todayyou can find them in the oceans, and they are very similar to priapulids based on their mouth parts," Whitaker said. "What's characteristic about these guys is that they have a proboscis that can evert, so it can turn itself inside out and it's covered with spinesthat's how it grabs food and sucks it in. So, it behaved very similarly to modern priapulid worms." While today, Utah is not a place you'd look for marine life, the case was different 506 million years ago, when creatures preserved in the Spence Shale were fossilized. "The Spence Shale was a shelf system, and it's really interesting because it preserves a lot of environmentsnearshore to even deeper offshore, which is kind of unusual for a Lagerstatte, and especially during the Cambrian. These animals were living in kind of a muddy substrate. This worm was a carnivore, so it was preying on other critters. But there would have been whole diversity of animalssponges, and trilobites scuttling along. We have very large, for the time, bivalve arthropods that would be predators. The Spence has a very large diversity of arthropods. It would have looked completely alien to us today." Whitaker hopes to complete her master's degree this spring, then to attend the University of Toronto to earn her doctorate. The description of Utahscolex is Whitaker's first academic publication, but she hopes it won't be her last. She said the opportunity to perform such research is a chief reason for attending KU. "I came for the museum studies program," she said. "It's one of the best in the country, and the program's flexibility has allowed me to focus on natural history collections, which is what I hopefully will have a career in, and also gain work experience in the collections and do researchso it's kind of everything I was looking for in the program." While ancient sea worms could strike many as a meaninglessly obscure subject for such intense interest and research, Whitaker said filling in gaps in the fossil record leads to a broader understanding of evolutionary processes and offers more granular details about the tree of life. "I know some people might say, 'Why should we care about these?'" she said. "But the taxonomy of naming all these species is really an old practice that started in the 1700s. It underpins all the science that we do today. Looking at biodiversity through time, we have to know the species diversity; we have to know as correctly as we can how many species there were and how they were related to each other. This supports our understanding ofas we move into bigger and bigger, broader picturehow we can interpret this fossil record correctly, or as best we can." Explore further Scientists describe 'enigmatic' species that lived in Utah some 500 million years ago More information: Anna F. Whitaker et al, Re-description of the Spence Shale palaeoscolecids in light of new morphological features with comments on palaeoscolecid taxonomy and taphonomy, PalZ (2020). Anna F. Whitaker et al, Re-description of the Spence Shale palaeoscolecids in light of new morphological features with comments on palaeoscolecid taxonomy and taphonomy,(2020). DOI: 10.1007/s12542-020-00516-9 The perception of the employees in healthcare is that the healthcare system is not ready yet to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest weakness being the serious deficiencies in terms of personal protective equipment, says the "Health Solidarity" Federation, which published a survey on Tuesday in which employees from the system participated. "The general conclusion based on the data indicates that the Romanian healthcare system is not prepared yet for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest weakness being the serious deficiencies in terms of personal protective equipment. The authorities' refusal to observe the rules of social dialogue worsens the situation, emphasizing the degree of distrust of the employees," reads the release sent by the trade union organization. Thus, 78 pct of the respondents stated that the medical unit in which they operate does not have sufficient personal protective equipment, 70.92 pct of the respondents affirmed they received disposable gloves, 69.36 pct stated that they received surgical masks, and 19.08 pct mention that they received disposable waterproof scrubs. 63 pct of the respondents said that they had not received the job protection training related to the medical care of the patients infected with the coronavirus; 55.68 pct indicated the same for patients suspected of being infected with the virus; 65 pct of the respondents indicated that they had not been trained on the use, putting in and disposal of the personal protective equipment (PPE); 51.58 pct of the employees said that they had not been provided with protocols for the evaluation, triage and treatment of patients with COVID 19, and 42.6 pct of the respondents stated that they had to buy protective materials. Only 13.3 pct of the questioned employees consider that the current level of the medical staff in the unit is adequate to the volume of patients that could be admitted. Some members of the Old Vandals Association of the famous Commonwealth Hall from the University of Ghana has issued a strong warning to the National Parliamentary Appeal committee of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). The group in a statement called on the National Parliamentary Appeals Committee of the NPP to reconsider the poor, barbaric and cruel decision by the Vetting Committee of the Bono Region to allow Bernard Oduro Takyi an Old Vandal who has been disqualified for no reason from the NPP primaries race to contest. Bernard Oduro Takyi was disqualified by the Bono Region Vetting Committee of the NPP without given any reason for his disqualification. All attempts by him and his team to get the reason for his disqualification have been unsuccessful. He has filed an appeal to the National Parliamentary Appeal committee. However, his disqualification has triggered the anger of the famous Old Vandals Association across the country. The association has indicated that Old Vandals association is not partisan and has no intention to be so. Old Vandals are known to support all Vandals doing marvelously well in their chosen fields. It was also stated that the association will continue to support all Vandals irrespective of colour, race, religion or political affiliation. The group believes in and supports competence which every vandal possesses. As Vandals, we have produced active, efficient, strong, intelligent, dedicated, handsome, quality and Productive men that have contributed effectively to the success of the NPP and to Ghana as a nation. To name a few (Sammy Awuku, John Boadu, Joseph Osei Owusu, Kwamena Duncan, etc.) and it is our promise that we will continue to produce them with the best men they need to drive their party agenda for ages to come. Read below their statement Bernard Oduro Takyi is a former JCR President of Commonwealth Hall. During the struggle for the closure of the Commonwealth hall, he was the leading frontliner to oppose all the bad plots of the University of Ghana leadership. He was a member of the University of Ghana Residence board in 2009. He was also part of the Commonwealth Hall council. He was also the Business Committee chairman and the majority leader for University of Ghana Parliament House from 2008 to 2010. He also became the Chairman for the BASU Constitutional Review Committee from 2009 to 2010. Throughout his education, at the University of Ghana, he was an active member of TESCON from 2007 to 2010. His knowledge and dedication to TESCON is what made him join the Training Team of the NPP Youth Wing who trained TESCON members across the country from 2019 till date. And for the love of the party he did all that on Pro-Bono. After University, Bernard Oduro Takyi who was committed and passionate about building his community and constituency took all the knowledge he has acquired from the VANDAL city to his constituency to serve the NPP. Hon. Bernard Oduro Takyi popularly known as BERNARDO, has over the year serve the NPP in his fullest capacity. These are some of the major things he has been doing. He was a Polling Agent for the NPP for 2008, 2012 and 2016 Elections He became Polling Station Chairman from 2012-2017 He is a Zonal Executive from 2012 till date (Kwatire-Adantia Zone) He was the Lead Petitioner and Plaintiff for the NPP Assembly member caucus court case in 2015 He was also the leader of NPP Assembly members caucus from 2015 to 2017 He is also a Polling Station Organizer from 2018 till today He is known to be an Active executive member of Brong Ahafo Patriotic Caucus He also became the Assemblyman for Kwatire Electoral Area, Sunyani West District Assembly in 2015 He became the Presiding member for Sunyani West District Assembly in 2018 As a former JCR President and active member of the Old Vandal Association, his good legacies, service, dedication and sacrifice for the NPP have compelled these Old Vandals to stand for him in this moment to address the unjust and unfair treatment to Hon. Bernard Oduro Takyi by the vetting committee. In the press release, the old vandals have threatened not to support the work of NPP at Sunyani West Municipal Assembly. Also, not collaborate with the NPP on any occasion as far as Bono Region is concerned. They will also turn their support to any Party that will respect and honor Vandals. Also proceed to demonstrate at Sunyani West Constituency against the NPP candidate that will be presented and will also close all our doors for all NPP activities within and Outside Commonwealth Hall, University of Ghana if Hon. Bernard Oduro Takyi is not given fair grounds to contest in the primaries. They concluded by noting that, they want the NPP of the Bono Region, the party officials, the APPEALS committee and all-party stakeholders understand that THEY SHOULD NOT OPENLY SHOW THEIR EVIL PLOT, WICKDNESS AND MAFIA WORK ON OUR VERY OWN because that will cost them a lot. And they mean it as VANDALS. They finally noted that Vandals are brave, intelligent and strong men, and with this they never fear anyone whom we have to contest. So the Party Officials should allow a true son of father BACCHUS and also a true son of NPP who is Hon. Bernard Oduro Takyi to contest the primaries without any interference and undue protectionism. Isaac Yeboah Filson +233246112478 Source: Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Reuters By Paresh Dave SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google sister company Verily launched a website late on Sunday that invites adults in northern California to answer questions about their recent health and travel that could result in their getting a free coronavirus test. U.S. President Donald Trump had thanked Google on Friday for developing a website that he said would help people determine whether they needed a coronavirus test. Verily, a health care technology company owned by Alphabet Inc, said it worked with some employees at fellow Alphabet unit Google, to develop the new website. The website states Verily is working "with the California governor's office to direct high-risk individuals to newly-launched testing centers in San Mateo and Santa Clara" counties, sometimes by calling those users directly to set testing appointments. People showing symptoms of the flu-like virus are meant to seek medical care, rather than a test through Verily's system, the company said. Verily did not respond to request for comment on user activity on the website in its first few hours. More than 174,000 people have been infected by the novel coronavirus and over 6,700 people have died from the disease it causes, COVID-19. Verily said people's survey responses would be kept in an encrypted Google database, access to which is restricted and monitored. The data would be shared with healthcare authorities but would never be "joined with your data stored in Google products without your explicit permission," Verily said. In addition, Verily said user-submitted data would be used for research purposes only with permission, though it may ask for that permission in the future. Making a Google account mandatory to use the website drew some criticism on social media. Verily engineer Ryan Seys responded to one of the critical posts by writing on Twitter that "we're trying to make real impact out here in this time of crisis." (Reporting by Paresh Dave; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan and Lisa Shumaker) This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed. Kiran Narayanan By Express News Service KOCHI: Amid coronavirus scare, Indians, mostly Keralite students and their families, who are stranded in the Philippines, Malaysia and Italy airports, have pleaded immediate intervention from the Indian government to evacuate them at the earliest. "We have been stranded at Manila airport since Tuesday afternoon. As our university canteen was closed, we have no other option but to come to India. Most airlines have cancelled their flights. The officials have given us an ultimatum to leave the country within 72 hours. The airport will be completely closed by March 20," said Anmy, one of the stranded students at Manila, in a video shared with TNIE. The plight of Indian students comes in less than a week since the Indian government airlifted around 300 Indians, which also included a big contingent from Kerala. ALSO READ| Malaysia closes borders, most businesses in lockdown amid COVID-19 Anmy said that she feared that the Philippines may heading for a complete shutdown. "Even the public transport system is headed for a total closedown in the coming days. Though we tried temporary arrangements here, neither buses nor taxis are available. Many Kerala students have been stranded in Malaysia as well. The government has to intervene immediately," she said. In Italy, a group of over 100 Indians, mostly Keralites, are stuck in Rome, owing to the government stipulation of furnishing the COVID-19 negative certificate. Instead of the coronavirus negative certificate, the Indians will have to undergo mandatory 14-days-long quarantine once they reach India. The medical team who flew down to Italy had taken the specimen for the COVID-19 tests but the results are yet to be released, the students said. "Situation is getting very grim here. The embassy officials are unreachable and we were expelled from the hotel room we have been staying as the embassy failed to pay the rent. They told us that we will be brought back after completing the coronavirus tests and will arrange the accommodation during the period. With the help of a few Malayali organisations, we were able to extend our stay here," said Saidas Sivadasan, a masters student at the University of Siena, Rome. The Palakkad native has also added that they are not being able to return to their institutions as public transport has completely shut down there. "As public transport is completely closed, we don't have many options to go back to our universities. The NGOs who are trying to help us with food are being arrested by Italian police here," he added. ALSO READ| Tamil Nadu fishers stuck in Iran running out of food; embassy unhelpful Meanwhile, Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar, in a tweet, said: "Appreciate the difficult situation of Indian students and other passengers waiting in transit at Kuala Lumpur airport. We have now approved Air Asia flights for you to Delhi and Vizag. These are tough times and you should understand the precautions. Please contact the airline." Appreciate the difficult situation of Indian students and other passengers waiting in transit at Kuala Lumpur airport. We have now approved @AirAsia flights for you to Delhi and Vizag. These are tough times and you should understand the precautions. Please contact the airline. Dr. S. Jaishankar (@DrSJaishankar) March 17, 2020 Earlier, Rajya Sabha MP Elamaram Kareem submitted a letter regarding the issue of students in Italy to Jaishankar on Monday. "Around 90 students and others belonging to Kerala are in Rome and they are unable to fly back to India as Air India is not allowing them to board the aircraft since March 11. Unfortunately, the embassy's decision will come only after getting a COVID-19 negative certificate. Ministry should take necessary arrangements for their safe travel at the earliest," he wrote in the letter. Last month, Shannon Gober had a chat with his employees. My advice 30 days ago was: I dont think this will ever get to this point. However, in preparation and just being a responsible adult, you need to work as much as possible. Work as many shifts as you can, Gober, the owner of Johns City Diner in downtown Birmingham, recalled to on Monday. Gobers counsel to his workers was given shortly after the first few COVID-19 cases were reported in the United States -- a time when terms like social distancing were a foreign concept to most and before the Jefferson County Health Department on Monday ordered restaurants and bars to halt dine-in services for a week starting Tuesday. We weren't trying to scare people, but at the same time we were trying to make people aware of the consequences of the virus spread, Gober said. Luckily for its employees, Johns had one of its best Februaries ever, but the near-future remains uncertain for its workers and others like them throughout Jefferson County: the servers, hostesses, cooks and bartenders who will be without a paycheck for at least a week in a metro area known for its dining and nightlife. On Tuesday, Gov. Kay Ivey announced that the order is extending to Tuscaloosa, Walker, Blount, St. Clair and Shelby counties. This order will be reevaluated at the end of one week. ADPH is also strongly encouraging other counties across the state to adhere to these same guidelines, a statement from the governors office read. Of the 21,912 jobs added to the Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area between 2015 and 2019, more than 3,200, or 14.6 percent, were classified as food services and drinking places," according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In all, 8.2 percent of jobs in the Birmingham area are in food and drink. Most of those are part time jobs with very little benefits attached to them," Ahmad Ijaz, an economist with the Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Alabama, told in 2019 for an article examining job growth in Alabama. The health department order, which included restricting public gatherings to 25 people or less and will be reevaluated by the agency after the one-week ban, was issued in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus that was first detected in China in December 2019. COVID-19 cases have been reported in all but one state and Alabama has 29 cases, including 17 in Jefferson County. Takeout, delivery and drive-thru orders can still be placed under the health departments policy, but those options are not feasible for Johns, Gober said. Theres no reason to be open. It would cost us more money to open than to close accounting for overhead, he said, adding that he believed the departments decision was wise from a public health standpoint. Jacob Davidson, manager of Cajun Steamer Bar & Grill in Hoover, agreed. I think it's just one of those things where it's a historical moment. This is kind of the first time in all of our lifetimes that were dealing with this. It wouldnt behoove anyone to say whether this is right or wrong. I think it's best to proceed with caution, he said. The establishment will be open throughout the week conducting takeout orders, but Davidson estimated that business may drop by at least 50 percent. We don't know how long everythings going to be, so were just going to maximize what we can maximize, he said. But Cajun Steamer is also trying to minimize financial hardship of its servers. We want to come up with plans in place so servers are compensated, Davison said. The most important thing is that the employees are doubly affected by this, said Andrew Collins, owner of The Collins bar downtown, which is temporarily closing this week, and Cayo Coco Rum Bar & Restaurante, which will be accepting pickup and curbside delivery orders and hopes to have online ordering and payments implemented by Wednesday. They have to worry about their next bills that are due, their rent that's due, all of that. Thats our chief concern with this whole thing. Austin Yates, a bartender at Pilcrow Cocktail Center downtown, said the business is fortunate in that all but two of its bartenders have secondary employment. Still, the owner does plan to compensate for lost time due to the incident while the bar is shut down for the week, he said. And at Johns, workers will be receiving checks this week for the previous pay period. But beyond that, Gober said he would offer interest-free loans to employees who need them if the health department order is extended. On Monday, a typically slow day of the week in Birminghams bar and restaurant scene, diners at Coco Cayo were relishing in what would be their last supper at a dining establishment until next Tuesday at the earliest. Collins said his customers were coming out in support of us on Monday night because a dining experience will soon no longer be an option. A lot of people dont like going to a drive-thru or eating in a fast food place, they like to have a meal, he said. EnWave Announces March 20, 2020 Annual General Meeting to be Held Virtually Posted by Publisher Internet EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (?EnWave? or, the \Company\ ), a global leader in vacuum microwave dehydration technology, announced today in response to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, it will host its annual general and special meeting of shareholders (the ?AGM?) on a virtual electronic basis only, at the same time and on the same date as planned, being 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time on March 20, 2020. As the impact of COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly across the globe, and in response to the recent public health measures enacted by the Federal and Provincial Governments, the decision has been made to move the AGM to a virtual setting. This decision was made after considering recent Provincial and Federal guidance regarding public gatherings, and to proactively protect the health and wellbeing of EnWave?s stakeholders, employees and service partners that participate in the AGM. The Company will not hold an in-person meeting as previously communicated in the Notice of Meeting dated February 11, 2020 that was sent to shareholders and filed on SEDAR at Instead, the AGM will be hosted in a virtual setting, and those interested in attending can find the details to attend below: Virtual AGM Details: Date: March 20, 2020 Time: 2:00pm PST Participant Access: 1-877-407-2988 (toll free number) Webcast:? In order to streamline the virtual meeting process, the Company encourages shareholders to vote in advance of the meeting using the Voting Instruction Form or the Form of Proxy mailed to them with the meeting materials. Shareholders wishing to attend the AGM may continue to do so by logging into the webcast or calling the number above, and instructions will be provided as to how shareholders entitled to vote at the AGM may participate and vote at the AGM. About EnWave EnWave Corporation, a Vancouver-based advanced technology company, has developed Radiant Energy Vacuum (?REV??) ? an innovative, proprietary method for the precise dehydration of organic materials. EnWave has further developed patent-pending methods for uniformly drying and decontaminating cannabis through the use of REV? technology, shortening the time from harvest to marketable cannabis products.? REV? technology?s commercial viability has been demonstrated and is growing rapidly across several market verticals in the food, and pharmaceutical sectors, including legal cannabis. EnWave?s strategy is to sign royalty-bearing commercial licenses with innovative, disruptive companies in multiple verticals for the use of REV? technology. The company has signed over thirty royalty-bearing licenses to date. In addition to these licenses, EnWave established a Limited Liability Corporation, NutraDried Food Company, LLC, to manufacture, market and sell all-natural dairy snack products in the United States, including the Moon Cheese? brand.? EnWave has introduced REV? as a disruptive dehydration platform in the food and cannabis sectors: faster and cheaper than freeze drying, with better end product quality than air drying or spray drying. EnWave currently offers two distinct commercial REV? platforms: nutraREV? which is a drum-based system that dehydrates organic materials quickly and at low-cost, while maintaining high levels of nutrition, taste, texture and colour; and, quantaREV? which is a tray-based system used for continuous, high-volume low-temperature drying. More information about EnWave is available at Were working on that. My team is working with the Department of Revenue, Pritzker said. We want to be good to our small business people, theres not doubt about it, and I care deeply about making sure that entrepreneurs are successful. We live in a moment that is going to be challenging for everybody. And the balance that were trying to make is that, you know, delays, for example, could be an enormous hit for the state of Illinois. A more proactive military in tune with the prevailing global realities is key to Nigerias quest for improved security, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, said in a statement on Monday. The statement, released by his special adviser on media and publicity, Lanre Lasisi, also said the House is making efforts to augment the budget on security through legislative means. Mr Gbajabiamila said these in Abuja at a two-day capacity building workshop of the House Committee on Defence in collaboration with the Centre for Strategic Research and Studies of the National Defence College and the Policy and Legal Advocacy Center (PLAC). Many have criticised the military for its popular warfare strategy of repelling insurgents rather than laying ambush or siege on them. Mr Gbajabiamila noted that militaries, globally, have moved beyond routine territorial protection against external attacks, they thrive with the use of technology. The traditional role of the military as we understand it is, once theres foreign and external aggression, that is when we deploy the military. But then, foreign aggression and external aggression can be simultaneous. So, when we begin to talk about the military and expand the frontiers, rather than being (passive), we must consider and remember that in this day and age, this century, foreign attack can come from anywhere. We talk about cyberspace here. Mr Gbajabiamila mentioned insufficient funding as one of the main challenges facing security in the country, and to that he said the House is bracing up to generate an alternative funding, apart from the statutory annual allocation. Since a deadly insurgency broke out in the north-eastern flank of Nigeria over a decade ago, allocation to security has been on the rise. This year, the budget of the ministry of defence stands at 975.7 billion the highest of any ministry of which 784.6 billion budget for recurrent expenditure, 116.2 billion and 75 billion statutory funds for the North-east operation Lafiya Dole. Also, a bill to generate a support fund for the military has been introduced to the green chamber. The funds would, among others, be sourced from one per cent of the total money accruing to the federation account as well as 0.5 per cent of profit made from investment of the National Sovereign Wealth Fund (NSWF) by the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA). While explaining the need for this, the Speaker said anywhere in the world, you dont fund either your infrastructure gap, or security matters are not funded simply through the budget. READ ALSO: We are besieged on all sides: in the north, by insurgents and bandits, in the south by militants and highwaymen, he said. And all of us together, our economy and industry, even our democracy are threatened by the ambitions of those who will wage war on our interests through the skilful abuse of information technology and cyberspace. It is perhaps this last threat that promises to alter forever the nature of our existence. As legislators, we are called upon to make national security policy through the passage of legislation, through oversight of national security infrastructure and through the approval of appropriation to fund national security activities. We cannot effectively serve in this role unless we make the effort to understand the continually evolving nature of the threats we face and the challenges we must meet, he noted. A woman wears a face mark in central London amid the coronavirus outbreak (PA) The governments original worst case prediction of a very large number of deaths and the NHS being overwhelmed in the coronavirus outbreak later became viewed as the most likely scenario as new information came to light, a scientist has revealed. Professor Neil Ferguson, of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College, worked on research that warned of a possible 250,000 deaths from the virus if more draconian measures were not taken. That research has advised government thinking. He said there was no option but to introduce restrictions on the population and the government has now moved to tell people to stay away from pubs and restaurants, work from home and avoid non-essential travel as it tries to stop the virus spreading. He told BBC Radio 4s Today programme about the predictions of deaths: We have no reason to believe thats not what would happen if we frankly did nothing, and even if we did all we could just to slow but not reverse the spread we would still be looking at a very large number of deaths and the health system being overwhelmed. Boris Johnson has announced new measures to tackle the coronavirus outbreak (PA) Initially when we came up with these sort of estimates they were viewed as whats called a reasonable worst case, but as information has been gathered in recent weeks from, particularly Italy, but other countries, its become increasingly clear its not the reasonable worst case, its the most likely scenario. He said calculations from NHS planners on how much they could surge capacity in critical care played a key role in the research. Latest coronavirus news, updates and advice Live: Follow all the latest updates from the UK and around the world Fact-checker: The number of Covid-19 cases in your local area Explained: Symptoms, latest advice and how it compares to the flu Whilst they are planning a major expansion of that cancelling elective surgery, building new beds, getting new ventilators it just isnt enough to fill the gaps that would be left, he said. Story continues We are left with no option but to adopt this more draconian strategy. Asked if the measures should have been introduced earlier, he said: I think we are still behind the epidemic seen in other European countries, so theres always a balancing act involved in these sort of measures in order to balance the impact of those measures, the costs on the economy against the impact on the epidemic. I overall think we have got the timing about right. I think were about three weeks or so behind Italy, two weeks behind France and Spain, so we are making these decisions in a more timely manner than other European countries but certainly there wasnt any time to lose. There have been calls to close schools and universities but he said that presents uncertainties and could have a negative impact on the NHS. A review into what could happen is under way. Meanwhile, Englands deputy chief medical officer, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, told the BBC said any further restrictions would depend on the how the next two weeks pan out. Read more: Trump says US may not turn outbreak corner until August He told Today that more people will encounter the coronavirus and become resistant with herd immunity, but said that will take time. He added that we cant say how long this will need to go on for. I dont know if it could be a year yet. I think we are too far out to make those kind of predictions but I certainly think it could be several months. Projectiles fell 2km from the US embassy and there were no immediate reports of casualties, military official says. At least three rockets struck Baghdads fortified Green Zone near the United States Embassy late Tuesday, the fourth such attack in the span of a week. It came a day after an attack on a training base south of the capital, where US-led coalition troops and NATO trainers were present, Iraqi security officials said. At least three rockets struck the Green Zone, the seat of Iraqs government and home to several foreign embassies, two Iraqi security officials said. Myles Caggins, a spokesman for the US-led coalition, said the rockets fell at least 2km (1.2 miles) from the embassy. There were no immediate reports of casualties. The previous evening, rockets hit the Basmaya base near the Iraqi capital, an Iraqi army statement said. The projectiles landed in an area that includes agricultural land and a factory, according to the statement. No more details were provided. A Spanish contingent of the coalition and NATO trainers are present at the Basmaya site. There was no immediate confirmation of the attack from the coalition, and no armed group claimed responsibility. Camp Taji Last Wednesday, a barrage of two dozen rockets struck Camp Taji, north of Baghdad, killing three coalition servicemen, including two Americans. A British serviceman was also killed. It was the deadliest raid to target US troops in Iraq since a late December rocket attack on an Iraqi base, which killed a US contractor and set in motion a series of attacks that brought Iraq to the brink of war. Wednesdays barrage was followed by another raid, on Saturday at the same site, which wounded five soldiers three coalition members and two Iraqi soldiers. The first attack prompted American air strikes on Friday against what US officials said were mainly weapons facilities belonging to Kataib Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militia group believed to be responsible for the attack. However, Iraqs military said those air strikes killed five security force members and a civilian, while wounding five fighters from the Popular Mobilisation Forces, an umbrella organisation including an array of militias, including some Iran-backed groups. Iran-backed Shia militia groups vowed to exact revenge, signalling another cycle of tit-for-tat violence between Washington and Tehran that could play out in Iraq. MIDLAND, Texas, March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Peak Land Services has broadened its services to include providing the research necessary in order to file liens against mineral properties and assisting in bankruptcy due diligence. Within the last few months, Peak Land Services has assisted companies with the process of filing liens against assets owned by an oil and gas company which was not paying their vendors in the Permian Basin. Peak Land Services Co-Founder, Cole Frederick, stated, "It's no longer surprising to find myself working in a new aspect of the land business. Working on exotic projects differing from typical land work (leasing, title, due diligence, etc.) can be a result of the particular state of the industry. As all landmen quickly learn, you go where the work is. Right now, companies are inquiring about our services in assisting them in filing liens on mineral property. I guess it's just a sign of the times ." In a recent article published by Peak Land Services, LLC, and Wayne Taylor of Dorsett Johnson & Swift, LLP, titled "A Sign of the Times Filing Liens Against Mineral Property," these companies outlined the basic steps of what is involved in filing liens in the mineral property space. Peak Land Services Co-Founder, Mitchell Eberenz, stated "I wouldn't be surprised if we continue to get calls about this new service offering. With oil prices hovering in the low $30's, money is going to get tight. Companies may start to lean on their service providers to preserve cashflow, and service providers will be left wondering when they will get paid. If you are in the oil and gas space, understanding what your rights are to ensure you get paid is critical to keep the doors open long enough to weather this downturn, and stay ready for the next boom." To learn more about filing liens in the oil and gas industry click here, or give the team at Peak Land Services, LLC, a call at (432) 203-0709, and let us talk you through the process! Peak Land Services, LLC provides landman related services throughout Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Peak Land Services, LLC, is headquartered in Midland, Texas, and has additional offices in Fort Worth, Texas, and Sacramento, California. Email us about our other services at [email protected]. 432-203-0709 916 Bryan Ave. suite #201 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 SOURCE Peak Land Services Related Links Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Tuesday stressed coronavirus has not spread due to consumption of chicken, while maintaining that it is good to be 'vegetarian'. "It is good to be vegetarian, however, coronavirus has not spread due to the consumption of chicken. People have stopped eating chicken, but it is only a rumour that COVID-19 is spreading due to it," said Baghel while speaking to ANI. He appealed people not to get panicked as the state government is monitoring the situation. "There is no need to be afraid. The state government and health department are with the people of Chhattisgarh and monitoring the situation very well. There is no need to be panicked but avoid carelessness," he said. A total of 137 positive cases of coronavirus have been reported in India so far and three persons have lost their life while undergoing treatment for the deadly virus. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic and said that Europe has emerged as the new epicentre of the disease. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has said that it is confident of numbers stacking on their side when floor test is conducted in Madhya Pradesh. The party moved Supreme Court on Monday after Madhya Pradesh Speaker NP Prajapati abruptly ended the session of the Assembly for 10 days, thereby deferring the trust vote. The Supreme Court will hear the BJPs plea today which seeks direction from the top court to Kamal Nath government to hold trust vote. The BJP leaders cited the judicial intervention in Karnataka in 2019 where the apex court allowed disqualified MLAs to contest by-polls to work out in the BJPs favour should there be a by-election. In Karnataka the Supreme Court upheld the disqualification of 17 rebel MLAs but struck down the provision to bar them from contesting elections for six years (till 2023). If that scenario plays out here, it benefits the BJP, said a senior party leader. Also Watch l Kamal Nath running away from floor test, says BJP; CM puts onus on speaker In Karnataka, when Speaker KR Ramesh had not accepted the resignations of 10 Congress and three JD(S) lawmakers, the legislators had moved Supreme Court seeking direction to the Speaker to decide on their resignations. While the apex court asked the Speaker to take a call on the resignation within the time period set by him, it also ruled that the rebel MLAs ought not to participate in the proceedings of the House. After being disqualified they were permitted by the Supreme Court to contest the by-election A senior BJP leader said the party also stands to gain if the resignation of MLAs is accepted because then it will be the single largest party in the assembly. The BJP so far has 109 MLAs in the 228-member Assembly and needs only 104 MLAs to form government if the resignations of 22 MLAs are accepted. There is a third possibility that if the MLAs are disqualified and they seek the courts protection and their disqualification is stayed they will be able to vote in the March 26 Rajya Sabha polls against the Congress whip, which again benefits the BJP, the leader quoted above said. The BJP has nominated two candidates - Jyotiraditya Scindia and Sumer Singh Solanki - as candidates for the Upper House from Madhya Pradesh where elections to fill three Rajya Sabha seats will be held on March 26. The Kamal Nath government in Madhya Pradesh has been cobbling numbers to stay in power after 22 Congress MLAs resigned from the party. Even as the Congress described the demand for floor test as unconstitutional and undemocratic in view of the fact that some of its MLAs were being held in captivity, a second BJP leader said the party is following all legal provisions to ensure there are no slip-ups. We are confident of overcoming all technical hurdles to form a government soon. The speaker cannot persuade the MLAs to work for a party that they dont want to, the second leader said. The leadership at the Centre has also thrown its weight behind former chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Amid reports that a section of BJP leaders in the state want a new face as chief minister, should the party come back to power, leaders in Delhi said a change is unlikely because they need a bankable leader to ensure that the party does not lose the chance to form government should a by-poll be necessitated. There are many similarities between what happened in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. In Karnataka, BS Yeddyurappa led the by-election in which a bunch of rebel MLAs won. The Karnataka by-election also bucked the trend of rebel candidates failing to win elections, a phenomenon that we saw in Gujarat, said a third functionary. During the 2017 Gujarat Assembly election, five of the seven MLAs who joined the BJP from the Congress had lost the election. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON Dr. Ben Carson talks power of prayer at coronavirus press briefing Trump to expand travel ban to UK, Ireland Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Backing President Donald Trumps decision to make Sunday a National Day of Prayer to address the coronavirus outbreak, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on Saturday underlined the importance of prayer and faith in maintaining Americas greatness. Talking about the coronavirus, or COVID-19, during President Trumps press briefing at the White House Saturday, Carson said he hoped that Americans can use this as an opportunity to pull together for good. President Trump is going to be recommending a national day of prayer. And you know, weve gotten away from prayer and faith a lot in this country, he said. Theres nothing wrong with godly principles, no matter what your faith is loving your neighbor caring about the people around you, he continued. Developing your God-given talents to the utmost, so you become valuable to the people around you. Having values and principles that guide your life. Those are things that made America zoom to the top of the world in record time and those are the things that will keep us there too. On Friday evening, the president declared Sunday as a National Day of Prayer. It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer. We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these, the president wrote on Twitter. No matter where you may be, I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together, we will easily PREVAIL! Since 1988, the first Sunday of March has been designated as a National Day of Prayer each year. Trump urged that the event be used this year to pray for protection from the coronavirus pandemic. Responding to Trumps call to pray for Americas safety, pastor Allen Jackson of World Outreach Church in Tennessee, the Christian nonprofit group My Faith Votes and pastor Rob Morgan of Donelson Fellowship, also in Tennessee, have announced that they will hold a joint service called America, Its Time to Pray, which will be live-streamed. Congregations across the nation are invited, they said in a statement, to join them in praying for faith over fear and Gods intervention in the spread of COVID-19. Speaking at the same press briefing on Saturday, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams encouraged the media to focus on dealing with the disease and not on criticizing the Trump administrations efforts to combat the coronavirus. I want you all to understand straight talk from the nations doctor we really need you all to lean into and prioritize the health and safety of the American people, he said. No more bickering, no more partisanship, no more criticism or finger-pointing; theyll be plenty of time for that. But we all need to hit the reset button and lean forward, the health and safety of the American people are top priority. Adams said the spread of the novel coronavirus will get worse before it gets better but we are making progress to flatten the curve. We are making progress. He also assured that almost all who get infected will recover, 98, 99 percent of the people will recover. Also on Saturday, the Trump administration extended the existing ban on travel from Europe to include the U.K. and Ireland. The travel restrictions will come into force midnight on Monday, the administration said. Excluded from the ban are American citizens, legal permanent residents, and their immediate families, among others. During Saturdays press briefing, Trump said hes also considering domestic travel restrictions. If you dont have to travel, I wouldnt do it. We want this thing to end. We dont want a lot of people getting infected, he said. Have faith, not fear, says Pastor Miles McPherson on coronavirus Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Californias Rock Church went solely online for its Sunday worship services due to the coronavirus scare, and the megachurchs pastor, Miles McPherson, said in his sermon that carefulness was needed, but with faith and not fear. He also interviewed a health official and two mayors about the pandemic. We have to be careful in the wake of the novel coronavirus crisis, which is serious and real, McPherson stressed in his sermon. In California alone, there are so far 335 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and six deaths. But God doesnt want you to be filled with fear, he said. He wants you to be filled with faith. He cited 2 Timothy 1:7, which reads, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" and explained each key term. Fear means having a heart filled with dread and panic. Power means the ability to exert the spiritual force necessary for change. Love means affection towards God and others. And having a sound mind means making sensible, intelligent and reasonable decisions. We need to walk around with the faith that God can not only keep us safe but also help us to help others, the pastor said. We dont need to pray for the coronavirus to go away, but for Gods presence, he added. He asked one of the special guests, Dr. Wilma Wooten from San Diego County Health and Human Services, about the symptoms of COVID-19. Wooten said the symptoms include fever, cough and an acute respiratory syndrome that could include pneumonia. Additionally, doctors would also ask if the person showing these symptoms has been to one of the affected regions like Wuhan in China or Italy or Iran, or has been in contact with someone who has the disease. If you dont have the symptoms, she noted, that means you cannot transmit it to other individuals. Pastor McPherson said he had heard that you could transmit the virus even before you develop symptoms. The health official called it a rumor. That makes me feel good, he said. But, she added, thats whats known as of now, as the research is still going on. According to the CDC, "some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest)." The pastor asked that if 18,000 Americans have died from the flu this season and the number of deaths from the novel coronavirus is much lower, why are drastic measures being taken? Dr. Wooten responded, This is a new virus and we do not know what it really can do and will do. So the attempt is to prevent it from spreading until vaccines are developed, she answered. Another guest at the service, El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells, said people in his county were asking what they should do with their kids now that the schools are closed should they take them out to malls or theaters? But they are missing the point, he said, as we need to avoid interacting with others temporarily. This is so that not all the people get sick at the same time. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, also a guest, said the city was targeting the most vulnerable section, especially the homeless population, for extra precautions on a daily basis. Theyre all fellow San Diegans, he said. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced that the states 108,000 unsheltered homeless people would be prioritized for mitigation policies, with a significant push to move them indoors, according to the Los Angeles Times. The pastor asked the mayors what services can the church provide in the city? The government cant solve all problems, said Wells. If you have an elderly neighbor, go shopping for them, he added, giving an example of what local residents can do to help. And its not a good time to take your kids to see grandma and grandpa, as elderly people are vulnerable. Newsom has asked Californians over the age of 65 to isolate themselves from others. Globally, the coronavirus has infected at least 170,000 people and killed more than 6,500. Many other churches have also closed their doors this month and are streaming services online. Better Call Saul season five has finally revealed the Saul Goodman we know and love from Breaking Bad. While certain scenes depict Jimmy McGill as Gene, the manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha, Nebraska, for the most part, season five has brought us the hilarious lawyerings of Saul Goodman. In Namaste, the episode began and ended with Saul enacting revenge on his enemy, Howard Hamlin. Saul made the decision to lob bowling balls over Howards security fence to ultimately destroy his beloved Jaguar, and it wasnt just because of their strained history. Patrick Fabian | Michael Tran/FilmMagic Saul Goodmans junk store quest Namaste opens with a scene of Jimmy/Saul perusing the wares in a local junk shop. What he was looking for was unclear at first he simply seemed to be browsing. It quickly became apparent he was looking for something he could toss. As he picked up each object, from a typewriter to a decorative lamp, he tested his exaggerated throwing motion. It wasnt until he discovered three bowling balls that he decided to make his purchase. The bowling balls dont appear again until the end of the episode when Jimmy McGill or Saul Goodman, rather arrives at Howard Hamlins lavish home. Saul introduces Howards beloved 1998 Jaguar XJ8 to two of the three bowling balls. As Saul is vandalizing Howards property, the camera poetically panned to Howards license plate, which read NAMAST3. Howard Hamlin offers Saul Goodman a job In the past, Howard and Jimmys brother, Chuck, made it abundantly clear that they didnt want Jimmy working for the Hamlin, Hamlin, and McGill (HHM) law firm. For years, Jimmy strived to prove his worth to his brother, but his efforts came to a sudden halt when Chuck committed suicide. Having seen the transformation Jimmy has gone through to become Saul Goodman, Howard invited him back into the HHM family. Desperate to harness Jimmys take-no-prisoners attitude, Howard explained how he should have fought for him to be part of the company, even when Chuck wouldnt. As Howard explained his position, Jimmy noticed his Jaguar and its ironic license plate. Realizing that Howard was only offering him a job for his own selfish benefit is just one of the reasons Jimmy decided to destroy Howards car. Why Jimmy McGill trashed Howard Hamlins Jaguar Howards insulting job offer was just the tip of the iceberg. In the past, Howard had done nothing but belittle Jimmy, preventing him from ever achieving his goal of working with his brother at the prestigious HHM firm. Ultimately, Howard is to blame for the distance between the McGill brothers. In some ways, Jimmy blamed Howard for Chucks suicide and his own inability to grieve him properly, too. Whats more, Howard has made it abundantly clear that he has had enough time to grieve Charles death. Offering Jimmy a job at HHM was proof of that. Jimmys jealously and inability to grieve himself were also motivators in his decision to trash Howards car. With an understanding that he is using the Saul Goodman persona as a coping mechanism, Jimmys hate for Howard was fueled knowing Howard had gone through grieving and Jimmy had only continued to ignore it. The symbolism of Saul Goodman Jimmy McGill is no stranger to loss. His former partner in crime, Marco, died of a heart attack after a final night of get-rich-quick scheming with Jimmy. At Marcos funeral, Jimmy took Marcos ring, making it clear that he would do whatever it took to make money. Marcos ring was symbolic of Jimmys future as Saul Goodman. In Breaking Bad, the ring rests on Sauls pinky finger to serve as a reminder of the take-no-prisoners attitude Howard Hamlin so desperately wishes he had. In a way, Saul Goodman is Jimmys solace from the crippling guilt and grief he feels for Charles death. But Saul is also permission for Jimmy to focus on the now-profitable schemes hes able to partake in instead of grieving the loss of his brother. Eventually, Saul will be the reason Jimmy must once again find a new persona in Gene at the end of his greatest scheme of all. Uruguay has decided to completely close its border with Argentina as a measure to combat the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), Uruguay's President Luis Lacalle Pou said MONTEVIDEO (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 17th March, 2020) Uruguay has decided to completely close its border with Argentina as a measure to combat the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), Uruguay's President Luis Lacalle Pou said. "We talked today [Monday] with the authorities of almost the entire region, and with Argentina in particular, we decided to completely close the border, including the river border," Lacalle Pou said at a press conference. According to the president, air, land and sea borders will be closed at midnight on Tuesday (03:00 GMT) except for the traffic of goods and necessities. Uruguay's nationals and permanent residents will be allowed to return home. To date, Uruguay and Argentina have registered 29 and 65 coronavirus cases, respectively. On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the new coronavirus a pandemic. More than 180,000 cases in 155 countries and territories have been confirmed. The majority of the patients have recovered, but more than 7,000 others have died. The websites that you browse online hold a lot of information on you. Just like mobile applications that require a lot of your permissions to work properly, websites have also become very complex and access things like your webcam, your location to serve you local ads, and more. And we're barely scratching the surface while talking about the webcam and location access. You'd actually be surprised to know the things that a lot of websites track on a daily basis. But, fret not. We're here to help you take back your control over your web browsers and the data which all these sites are tracking. How To Control Browser Cookies Pexels Cookies, for those of you who don't know, are small bits of code that websites deposit on your computer to keep track of what your browsing habits are like. With cookies, websites essentially get to know things like the last time you visited them and remember your preferences. Airline portals, for instance, make use of these cookies to figure out the number of times you're looking at a particular airfare to play around with its pricing. Depending on your browsing habits, cookies may or may not be a good thing for you. If you turn them completely off, you'll be forced to set your preferences on your favorite websites every time you visit them. And this is exactly why you might want to get deep into the granular controls. Google Chrome MensXP If you're using Google Chrome as your primary web browser, then simply click on the icon next to the address bar to its left. There, you'll see an option called "Site Settings". Tap that and you'll see things like cookies and different permissions which the website needs. We suggest you tweak as per your preference for all the sites you visit more often. Even if you're visiting a particular site for the first time, it's a good practice to check out the permissions and see what all they're accessing. This way, you'll prevent the sites from accessing unnecessary resources on your computer. Mozilla Firefox Firefox also lets you check out the permissions the same way Chrome does. Simply tap on the icon next to the address bar, to its left, to reveal everything you need. Alternatively, you can also go to the browser settings to make any other changes to the way the browser uses cookies. Safari On macOS If you're using Safari as your primary web browser, then you can check out the site settings by clicking on Safari Menu button and going to "Settings for This Website". There, you'll see option for the camera, location, and microphone access. Safari will let you turn on an option to serve you a pop up every time a website needs permission. MensXP Additionally, you can also choose to get a detailed view by heading to "Preferences" from the Safari menu and by clicking "Websites" tab. Here, you'll be able to set global rules for websites and let you block all sites from requesting access to your resources like a webcam. Alternatively, you can also "Block all cookies" by marking the checkbox to prevent all websites from saving cookies. Microsoft Edge Just like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft's Edge browser also lets you check out the site settings by clicking on the icon next to the address bar. You can also head over to the "Manage Permissions" tab to get a deep dive into the permissions granted. Edge browser will also give you an option to turn off media that plays automatically on some websites. That's a really handy feature to have. The Final Say Websites are gettings more complex by the day as developers are trying to revolutionize the way we consume content. It's important that we take cookies and permissions very seriously because not all websites are transparent about the things they have on you. It's always best to make sure that a website doesn't have things like access to your webcam or location unless it's absolutely necessary. ANZ Bank chief executive Shayne Elliott says the lender is well-placed to support distressed customers through an expected coronavirus-induced downturn of about six months, saying shareholders will back the bank in "doing the right thing for the nation." Although he acknowledged the crisis would have a "devastating" impact for some in the community, the big four CEO said the balance sheets of Australian banks were in a very strong position, and the pandemic was more predictable than the global financial crisis. ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott said Australian banks had never held more capital. Credit:AFR Amid predictions banks will face a rising tide of bad debts caused by the crisis, Mr Elliott said that unlike past financial crises, banks had a "reasonably good idea" of how long the downturn would last. "You can see that with effective policy and swift action, this can be a three, four, five-month impact. The good news from that is, as a bank, if that's the case, we're much better equipped to help customers see through a three- to six-month period of difficulty than an unknown period of difficulty," Mr Elliott told the bank's online publication bluenotes. The Australian government has banned all indoor gatherings of 100 or more people to combat coronavirus - meaning that large pubs, cinemas, night clubs, museums and restaurants may have to close. Speaking to the nation on Wednesday morning, Prime Minister Scott Morrison effectively banned all places where 100 people or more meet - including staff. It may force large bars and restaurants to close their doors across the country, as well as popular attractions such as Sydney's Taronga Zoo, Melbourne Zoo and theme parks on the Gold Coast. He warned the drastic measures could be in place for up to six months, as Australia enters war-time measures not seen since the First World War. Indoor gatherings can have no more than 100 people, and no more than 500 people can attend outdoor gatherings. The Sydney Opera House (pictured virtually empty on Tuesday) will also be forced to close under drastic new coronavirus measures A woman is seen crossing the road wearing a face mask in Sydney's CBD on Tuesday (pictured) as the country enters lockdown WILL ALL PUBS CLOSE? The Australian government has effectively banned all indoor places where 100 people or more gather. This is likely to include most pubs and bars, but they could choose to stay open - as long as they guarantee no more than 100 people, including all staff, would be on the premises. Outdoor bars could also potentially stay open, as the 100 people rule applies only to 'a single enclosed area that is substantially closed by a roof or walls'. But if pubs do choose to stay open, they are unlikely to make enough money to pay the staff required to keep it open. Not only it is likely punters will stay home, those that do come out may not spend enough to cover staff wages. Advertisement This does not apply to 'essential' gatherings, which includes public transport, medical facilities, prisons, parliaments, supermarkets, and shopping centres. Mr Morrison said there would be no quick fix to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, and warned that 'tens of thousands of jobs' could be lost. 'We are looking at a situation of at least six months for how we deal with this, he said. 'It could be much longer than that.' The move could force the closure of some of the country's most renowned restaurants. Gyms and swimming pools are not required to close, as long as they meet the requirements for social distancing and hand hygiene. The government confirmed an 'indoor gathering' means a gathering within a single enclosed space, be it an area, room or premises. Dreamworld on the Gold Coast was open on Wednesday afternoon (pictured) but had few patrons and may soon have to close A long couple enjoy the sun in Melbourne's Federation Square (pictured) on Wednesday afternoon, usually a bustling area full of tourists and workers alike For place with less than 100 people, Australians are still being asked to practice 'social distancing' - meaning they should stay 1.5m away from other people. Small venues also need to ensure hand hygiene products and suitable waste disposal is in place, as well as frequent cleaning. The Australian Hotels Association said the new restrictions will have a 'devastating' impact on pubs, and said it is working close with the federal and state governments. It represents around 5,000 Australian pubs. Usually full of tourists coming to admire street art, Melbourne's Hosier Lane sat empty on Wednesday afternoon (pictured) CEO Stephen Ferguson said: 'Obviously we will be following the instructions of the Government and medical experts to the letter the number one priority is saving lives and stopping people becoming ill. 'But theres no doubt this ban on more than 100 people gathering in venues will have a devastating impact on our workforce of more than 250,000 and will also impact our millions of patrons across Australia. 'Pubs are a vital part of society and will be key component in Australias employment and social recovery once we get through this difficult time.' The Princess Theatre in Melbourne (pictured) has suspended performances of the award-winning Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play What gatherings are 'essential'? What the government deems as an 'essential' gathering will still be allowed This includes: - Airports - Public transport (including stations, platforms, stops, trains, trams, buses) - Medical and health service facilities - Emergency service facilities - Disability or aged care facilities - Correctional facilities, youth justice centres or other places of custody, courts or tribunals - Parliaments - Food markets, supermarkets, grocery stores, retail stores, shopping centres - Office buildings, factories, construction sites, mining sites - Schools, universities, education facilities and child care facilities - Hotels and motels and other accommodation facilities - Public places such as Melbourne's Bourke Street Mall and Federation Square, and Sydney's Martin Place Advertisement What will close? Large pubs and restaurants across Australia will be forced to close if they hold more than 100 guests. Sydney's Mr Wong restaurant in the city's CBD seats 240 people, which means it would break the rules. Such places could technically stay open, as long as no more than 100 people are on site - including staff. The Sydney Opera House announced it has cancelled all performances until at least March 29, but this is likely to be extended. Ticket holders will be refunded. Melbourne's Princess Theatre has also been forced to close, affecting all performances of the award-winning Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play. Sydney's Taronga Zoo is also likely to have to close, alongside other major tourist attractions including museums and the Sea Life aquarium. Theme parks on the Gold Coast may also have to shut, as they regularly hold more than 500 people - as does Melbourne's world-famous zoo. Casinos and pokies could also be shut. Particular events which could be considered essential will be evaluated by individual states and territories by their chief medical officers. They will then be assessed on their individual merits, primarily to determine if social distancing is possible at the event. Event Cinemas confirmed to Daily Mail Australia that they would stay open and limit tickets t 100 per cinema screen (stock image) Large restaurants, such as Sydney's world-renowned Mr Wong (pictured) will also be forced to close What will stay open? Some of Australia's small venues will be allowed to remain open, as long as they can guarantee no more than 100 people - including staff - will be inside at any one time. Small-sized restaurants and cafes will be exempt, as will takeaways - meaning customers can still order and pick up food during the crisis. Event Cinemas told Daily Mail Australia they were staying open and screening films as usual, but would limit ticket sales and work with health officials. But large pubs and restaurants may find it difficult to make money serving such limited numbers of customers, especially while still paying staff wages. Essential gatherings will also be allowed. This includes public transport, medical facilities, health services, schools, courts and prisons. Supermarkets and shops will also stay open, as will office buildings and universities. Gyms, indoor fitness centres and swimming pools will also remain open, as long as they meet the requirements for social distancing and hand hygiene. Such venues have been ordered to ensure regular high standards of environmental cleaning take place. The Executive Governor of Borno State, His Excellency, Babagana Zulum has commended the Nigerian military for its commitment to tackling the numerous security challenges in Nigeria, especially insurgency and terrorism in the Northeast Geo-political zone. Governor Zulum made the assertion today at the Army Headquarters, Abuja when he visited the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Tukur Yusufu Buratai. A statement issued Tuesday by Colonel Sagir Musa , the Acting Director, Army Public Relations Headquarters Abuja said the Governor thanked the Federal Government and the military for their supports to the people and the government of Borno State and solicited for more support and cooperation to ensure the successful completion of the war against insurgency in the State. According to the governor, - his visit to the COAS was aimed at cross-fertilization of ideas that would help to improve on the counter insurgency/ counter terrorism operations, stressing that the battle needed to be taken to the enclaves of the insurgents. Governor Zulum called on governments at all levels to support the military maximally to enable them carryout their tasks of protecting the nation, adding that there is the need to strengthen Civil-military relations and foster synergy between and among security agencies. He noted that the people of Borno State and the Nigerian Army have a common objective. He expressed optimism that terrorism would soon be a thing of the past. Responding, the COAS thanked the Governor for his dynamic approach to governance and his determination to finding an enduring solution to insecurity in the state. He used the opportunity to thank the governor for all his supports especially to the troops of Operation LAFIYA DOLE deployed in Borno State. He noted that Borno State has high prospects for human capacity development that could be developed for the benefit of Nigeria and other parts of the world, while expressing hope that the State will in a near future return to its glorious position of peace and prosperity. General Buratai enjoined the Borno State government to take into consideration the reintegration, deradicalization and employment of repentant members of the Boko Haram sect as the nation heads towards the final phase of the war against insurgency/terrorism. The COAS was hopeful that with the recent lift on the ban on fishing activities on the Lake Chad basin, business activities in the area and Maiduguri metropolis will bounce back. The COAS acknowledged the injection of members of the Civilian Joint Task Force in the fight and commended their efforts and that of other security agencies, reiterating the readiness of the Nigerian Army to work in conjunction with its counterparts in other countries to ensure that the war is fought to a logical conclusion. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Agence France-Presse) London Tue, March 17, 2020 16:08 665 7f440ff09e92db75a02bbad206b4813c 2 Food McDonalds,Happy-Meal,toys,plastic,sustainability,environment Free McDonald's pledged on Tuesday to end the use of plastic found in toys served with children's "Happy Meals" in the UK and Ireland by the beginning of 2021. The plastic will be replaced with a "soft toy, sustainable paper-based gifts or books" said the US fast-food giant. "This represents the biggest reduction in plastic by McDonalds UK and Ireland to date and is the next step in its mission to reduce its environmental impact across all areas of the business," said a McDonald's statement. "The move will eliminate over 3,000 metric tons of non-sustainable plastic." The restaurant added that the move, which is so far limited to the UK and Ireland only, will represent the company's "biggest reduction in plastic". Read also: Bandung McDonalds ranks among top-10 in global delivery records, sparking nostalgia for local stomping ground According to the company's own figures, McDonald's serves about four million customers in the UK and Ireland every day in more than 1,350 restaurants. "Families have high expectations of us and we're working as hard as we can to give them the confidence that their Happy Meal is as sustainable as possible," said Gareth Helm, the senior vice president in the UK and Ireland. Previously, McDonald's has already committed to reduce its CO2 emissions by 36 percent by the end of the decade and to use recycled or renewable materials for all its packaging by 2025. All US states are now authorized to use their own coronavirus tests, the Trump administration announced Tuesday. Medicare patients will also now be able to use tele-medicine services through FaceTime and Skype at no additional charge in an effort to keep elderly Americans at home and safe from exposure to COVID-19, which has killed 94 people in the US. It comes after widespread outcry over a shortage of tests for the new disease that's spread like wildfire to 5,244 Americans, including deadly outbreaks among elderly people and nursing home patients. US state health officials are now also working to get remote testing facilities up and running, which would help to limit the influx of people potentially infected with coronavirus into broader health care facilities, where the virus can spread quickly. President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that all US states are now allowed to make, approve and use their own coronavirus tests instead of waiting for FDA authorization The Trump administration waived certain medical privacy laws in order to facilitate better access to remote health care for at-risk Americans, and gave states the authority to do the same. Already, New York was granted similar permissions by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in an effort to expand testing and contain the spread of the virus. On the heels of that expansion, some 10,000 people in New York have now been tested, Governor Cuomo said in a Tuesday press conference. States, too, are now allowed to expand telehealth coverage for their patients if they so choose. Both the expansion to telehealth access and test authorization are unprecedented actions in the US. 'It's something that's never been done before,' said President Trump. So far, nearly 50,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus, according to a community-built COVID Tracking Project. According to state reporting, more than 5,200 people are positive for the virus. The COVID Tracking Project documents more than 43,000 have tested negative, and the results of nearly 2,000 tests are pending. New York was already granted special authorization for its own tests (pictured) and has since tested some 10,000 people, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday Officials said drive through testing - like this site in Maryland - is being set up in 47 locations across 12 US states US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (USPHS) head Dr Brett Giroir said during the Tuesday press conference that public health labs and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) labs had tested 31,878 people for coronavirus. Associated clinical labs have tested 27,000 people,8,200 of which were performed yesterday. Dr Giroir said this underscored how quickly the process is being ramped up. Other hospitals have not yet reported their testing numbers, but Dr Giroir said he expects these in the next day or so. The USPHS is also working to set up 47 drive-thru labs in 12 states. It opened its first trial site yesterday and Dr Giroir admitted there were 'a lot of kinks.' In South Korea, where coronavirus has also been spreading rapidly, 3,692 people per one million residents have been tested for the virus. Italy lags behind, with 826 people per million being tested. Vice President Mike Pence said that CVS, Target and Walmart could also offer expanded remote testing across the US. 'You don't need the results of testing [to follow] the 15 day coronavirus guidelines, which [are] advice for every American in every community,' said Pence. The federal government is urging Americans to work from home, if possible, practice social distancing, avoid gatherings of 10 or more people and refrain from eating or drinking at restaurants and bars. Officials are pleading, however, for drive-thru restaurants to remain open and the Trump administration said it is working with these establishments and others to provide financial and safety support. More than 5,000 Americans have coronavirus and 94 have died of the virus Dr Deborah Birx also urged that Americans cancel all non-essential medical and dental procedures, both to limit potential exposures to the virus for patients and health care workers and in an effort to prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed and overcome by the coronavirus. Instead, the expansion of telehealth is intended to allow Americans to continue to access health care without face-to-face contact, which risks transmission of coronavirus. Some 76 percent of US hospitals are set up to provide telehealth services, according to the American Hospital Association (AHA). Medicaid in nearly all US states previously covered some form of telehealth, as do many private insurers, but Medicare - which covers 44 million Americans, mostly over the age of 65 - lags behind, the AHA says. Now, all patients will be covered at no additional cost, and loosened restrictions on privacy regulations in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) will allow doctors to communicate with patients using common services like FaceTime and Skype. President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said the situation with the spreading coronavirus is "under control" in Russia after infections were "contained". "We were able to contain mass penetration and spread" of the pandemic, the Russian president told a government meeting. "The situation is generally under control despite the high risk level," he added. Russia on Tuesday reported a total of 114 cases of coronavirus, up from 93 on Monday, with no fatalities. Putin appealed to the country and the government to "act with self-awareness, organisation and care for one another," and urged officials to provide accurate information to Russians. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, who is responsible for health, dismissed concerns that authorities may struggle if thousands of Russians require respiratory support. Russia is "ready to use over 40,000 respiratory support systems," she said at the meeting, adding that 106 of the cases in Russia are not severe. Following public concerns over testing, the government has said it will step up testing and send more kits to regional facilities. Official figures indicate over 110,000 people have been tested for the coronavirus. "We are producing up to 100,000 tests per day," Golikova added during the meeting. A research institute in Siberia has started testing vaccine prototypes on animals, the laboratory chief said on Monday. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An Indian policeman looks out from a tent at an isolation ward set up for COVID-19 suspects in Jammu, March 11, 2020. (AP) The 21st century began with Chinas economic growth, trade and commerce; accompanied by its impressive financial performance. Beijing got adulation like a rock star cruising through the stratosphere. It was good times all the way, till a mysterious home-grown coronavirus jolted Beijings invincibility. The deadly virus, born in Chinas womb, has inflicted an unprecedented global carnage. Beijing thus is the legitimate claimant as producer, distributor and consumer of an undetected killer disease to the globalised one village world, posing a dire scenario. At least for now, it threatens the very physical health and peace of mind of the human race. In fact, things are moving so fast that its quite impossible to either state or analyse with clarity the unfolding scenario due to its unpredictable velocity, venom and contamination. It appears like mockery of a surrealist oft-repeated cliche reflected through the title of a book One World, written by Wendell Willkie, the 1940 US presidential candidate. One or not, the reality or unreality of One World could turn into a mirage. It raises serious doubts. Is the virus connected with chemical or biological warfare? Is the China virus only a virus? There is trepidation in the very thought of certain other possibilities. Warning signals The signs of distress, regrettably, were there for all to see. But most people, including Indians, failed to see the writing on the wall, or at least in the global English-language media. Day in and day out, the headlines were ignored or not given due importance; with some Indians even giving commerce, cash and profit precedence over the health of the nation, ignoring the (strategic) danger Chinas new virus could pose to 1.3 billion Indians. This writer had spelt out these grave concerns in this newspaper last month (on February 3, February 15). There were a series of sensational reports in the world media. On February 22-23 the front pages in Washington, London and Seoul spelt out: Virus drives investor flight to safety; 30-year Treasuries yield hits all-time low; New cases reported in South Korea, Iran, Italy. On February 24: Italy locks down 10 towns as fears rise for global coronavirus spread. On February 25: Surge in virus cases batters global markets as investors run for cover; Europe stocks lead fall; Evidence of infection spread; Italy, Iran, South Korea hit hard. This writer has always maintained, and still does, that Indias inherent and intentional inability to non-globalise the way some countries do is actually a blessing in disguise. All the more because, as people often forget, India isnt just a country, but a virtual continent due to its shape, size, variety, variation, diversity and bewildering mixture of extremes, as can possibly be thought of. Hence, the slow, steady, and often-slumbering India constitutes a wonder as to how it continues with nonchalance amid the all-round turbulence. Then came the reports on February 26: West steps up moves to contain virus as investors retreat further: Chinese seek economy restart; US warns infection will spread; global death toll 2700. On February 27: Infection spread speeds up beyond China as virus breaks new ground; First Latin American case; WHO resists pandemic tag. Thereafter, February 28 showed the worst: Virus triggers worst run on markets since financial crisis: European and US stocks plunge into correction territory; Japan issues de facto order to close all schools for a month; Saudi Arabia halts entry of Muslim pilgrims to holy cities. On February 29/March 1: Economy fears over virus drag stocks to worst week since 2008: WHO raises risk assessment; New cases from Iceland to New Zealand. March 2 rang the bell: Italy unveils Euro 3.6 billion stimulus as world tallies cost of coronavirus: Fears of Chinese contraction; Korean factories shut; Berlin stand ready with funds. March 3 was more ominous: 36-member OECD warns virus threatens to cut global growth in half: IMF and World Bank set funds aside; G-7 finance ministers to confer today. On March 4: Mounting coronavirus worries push US Fed into emergency action: Half-point rate cut; G-7 vow to use all appropriate tools; Stocks volatile after move. On March 5, another alarm bell: IMF earmarks $50 billion for countries hit by coronavirus as growth forecast cut. A March 6 report held out a virtual ultimatum: US hits out over export barriers for coronavirus medical supplies; Germany and Turkey in line of fire; Nation alone to face outbreak; WHO urges action. Credit to India Thanks to the inflexible proponents and philosophers of globalisation, the fall of one strong player leads to the fall of all. The global village today is really a house of cards. After one strike, health issues have shaken the foundation of the worlds economics, commerce, trade and industry, like a tsunami-cum-earthquake. But theres another surprise too! Amidst the all-round global fear and tremor (from Iceland to New Zealand; Beijing to Boston; London to Latin America; Moscow to Melbourne), how come India has remained tranquil so long, largely unaffected amidst the poisonous air? Undoubtedly, originating, if not deliberately spread, from the Communist-ruled Mainland China? Some credit should go to Indians. Their uncanny knack to stay afloat, and away from the world of vicious and venomous rival camps still appears to be working. There is also the inherent ability of Indians to sustain their deep-rooted culture, tradition, philosophical foundation. The world may be one metaphysically, but not necessarily physically. One loves ones friends; but in the international arena, friends and foes are neither permanent nor stable. External affairs minister S Jaishankars March 7 statement said it all. Asked, if India was losing its friends, he responded: Maybe we are getting to know who our friends really are. In this writers view, Indias 1.3 billion people should never get involved wholeheartedly in the business of globalisation, which has turned out to be a bit of a myth. Permanent national self-interest should be Indias motto, not to leap blind into the global cauldron. A tinge of solitude, bordering on self-imposed isolation, will not be a bad idea for attaining self-reliance, and without getting contaminated by the chemical/biological warfare coronavirus. As India put itself into a virtual quarantine on March 11, the nations economy clearly appears to be on the precipice. The transition from face-to-face to remote learning prompted by the forced closure of Louisiana schools due to coronavirus concerns is looking much different depending on the school and, in many cases, remains a work in progress. And an uncertain number of schools may just decide to close up shop completely until April 13, when the closure order is set to lift. Lack of internet means some Louisiana students will be released during coronavirus closures Some educators on Monday began the herculean task of trying to deliver instruction to 719,000 students sent home because of the coronavirus am In the Baton Rouge area, many educators came to work Monday even as their students stayed home. At the states handful of strictly online schools, it was a regular day, mostly. Students continued their classes from their homes while their teachers also worked from their respective homes. Those homes, though, were a bit more crowded thanks to closing of all the other schools in the state. Some of our teachers do have some of their children at home, and some of our families have children who are in other brick-and-mortar schools and they are now at home too, said Michelle Clayton, superintendent of University View Academy. With more than 3,200 students, making it the states largest online school, UVA initially thought it would have to close for the month along with the brick-and-mortar schools. But the school, which is based in Baton Rouge, decided it could carry on with its normal schedule after rereading more closely Gov. John Bel Edwards school closure proclamation. The occasional face-to-face class, though, is off. Its educators, who normally come to the UVA office about three days a week, are staying home. And the online schools upcoming field trips have been canceled. UVA, though, is managing to continue band classes virtually, via an application called Live Music Tutor, led by an experienced band director. They are to actually come physically together and play at our graduation this year, Clayton said. If we have graduation. Schools like St. Josephs Academy in Baton Rouge, where students all have take-home computers, are also well positioned to make the transition. Starting Wednesday, the students at this Catholic girls high school will attempt to carry on their classes remotely, with teachers taking virtual roll. The faculty, nevertheless, have had to learn new things quickly to try to pull this off. Mindy Averitt, a spokeswoman for the school, said teachers spent Monday training on a variety of video-conferencing software. Vaccine news in your inbox Once a week we'll update you on the progress of COVID-19 vaccinations. Sign up today. e-mail address * Sign Up The overarching goal is that our students remain connected to our teachers and remain engaged, Averitt said. And we have the technological tools at our disposal to make sure that happens. The vast majority of schools in the Capital region are setting their sights much lower. While many have lots of computers at school, they dont all have enough for every student. And if they do, they only have enough for students in upper grades. And then theres the problem of many families who dont have a fast internet connection at home. Were not going to be online where we are doing a full curriculum, said Scott Devillier, school superintendent in Zachary. If coronavirus closes Baton Rouge-area schools, will students attend from home? It's 'feasible' The prospect of shifting from face-to-face instruction to online classes in response to the coronavirus is proving tricky for many school dist Zachary and several other big districts are turning instead to a mix of print materials and online resources, what school leaders are calling a blended approach. The educators called to work Monday locally were busy at work figuring out the blends different ingredients. Parents at these schools are being asked to come by and pick up the print part of the equation. They will also be directed to online websites and other resources. Were just giving them resource material for them to keep their minds on education, Devillier said. Its not important for me that they get everything done by a certain time. High school students taking dual enrollment courses with local colleges online, however, cant let up. For Zachary families with kids in those courses who lack internet access at home, the school district is providing hot spots. Those kids will definitely have to stay up with those courses, Devillier said. BASIS Baton Rouge charter school is trying to keep up the rhythms of the school day from afar. On Monday, via Facebook Live, Head of School Roberto Ramirez and the schools administrative team held morning announcements, complete with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence. Then they led the viewers on a tour of the school, where teachers were working on the schools transition plan. Your teachers are working hard so that you guys have work to do (during the break), Ramirez said. No excuses. Please listen to whoever is taking care of you these days so you can continue to learn. Clayton, with University View, said some of her best educators spend years in traditional classes earlier in their careers and they found ways to bring that know-how to their online classes. She said shes talking with the state Department of Education about ways their online expertise can be shared with teachers who have yet to make that leap. We could train other teachers to be better teachers, she said. Not surprisingly, they could not even begin to explain the legal basis for their request, he said. Nor could they explain how they believe that they and election authorities across the state could effectively convert the election to all vote-by-mail. Nor could they promise the people of Illinois that the state would be able to hold an election on the suggested day of May 12th. On Sunday morning, Goldman Sachs, the financial partner on the new Apple credit card, said it would allow all cardholders who asked for help to skip their March credit card bill. The interest would disappear, never to be charged. And Goldman would foot the bill itself, as the financial backer of the partnership. On Sunday afternoon, I went to the largest credit card issuers, auto lenders and mortgage servicers and essentially asked them to match it: Would they do the same, for everyone, and declare a one-month or longer pause on bills and interest? Several replied right away and said they would allow people to skip payments, interest free. They include American Express (cards), and Capital One (auto loans and cards). Im glad to hear it, given that federal regulators more or less demanded last week that banks show some leniency. Heres one surprising company that would not make an ironclad commitment: the auto lending giant Ally Bank, which was the beneficiary of a federal bailout during the last financial crisis. Ally did say it would work with customers to identify their specific challenges and tailor solutions for them, but would not pause bills unilaterally. An open letter demanding that Stormont politicians implement major social distancing measures has been signed online by hundreds of health clinicians here An open letter demanding that Stormont politicians implement major social distancing measures has been signed online by hundreds of health clinicians here. The letter - which has over 680 signatures from consultants, GPs and nurses - is addressed directly to the Health Minister Robin Swann and the First Minister Arlene Foster. It is calling the Executive to adopt "social distancing measures to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2" in line with the Republic. As of yesterday there were 52 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Northern Ireland. However, the letter by healthcare professionals in Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI) claims it is "plausible" there may be as many as 900 or more unconfirmed cases due to the lack of testing. Those behind the letter also say that the NHS here is "in the worst shape of any part" of the UK in coping with the virus. They add it is possible that without such social distancing measures, Northern Ireland could require around 180 critical care beds every fortnight to deal with demand, with the service only currently operating around 100 such beds. Widespread social distancing involving the shutting of schools, hospitality facilities and workplaces has been adopted across much of Europe. As of yet, the Health Minister here has been reluctant to deviate from the position of the UK medical authorities and Government. The letter calls on such measures to be introduced in Northern Ireland "without delay to avoid large scale, avoidable loss of life". Amazon is opening 100,000 new job roles across the U.S. as the company attempts to meet a surge in demand relating to measures meant to combat the spread of COVID-19. Between social distancing and an increased need for basic goods stemming from coronavirus fears, Amazon said its labor needs are "unprecedented" for this time of year. The company announced the new jobs Monday in a blog post. UNITED NATIONS, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Mar, 2020 ) ::United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has strongly condemned an attack by elements of two rebel groups in the Central African Republic (car) against a UN Mission patrol on the Ndele-Birao axis of the strife-torn country that resulted in injuries to one Pakistani peacekeeper. In a statement, the UN chief wished speedy recovery to the Pakistani soldier, whose name was not released. The Secretary-General warned that attacks targeting United Nations peacekeepers may constitute a war crime under international law. Pakistani troops are part of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). A UN Spokesman said at UN Headquarters in New York that peacekeepers in the Central African Republic are continuing patrols in and around the city of Ndele, the area where one Pakistani blue helmet was injured on Sunday. The patrols are conducted in coordination with the country's gendarmerie, to protect the population and prevent new clashes. The mineral-rich Central African Republic has faced deadly inter-religious and inter-communal fighting since 2013, when predominantly Muslim Seleka group seized power in the capital, Bangui. Mostly Christian anti-Balaka militias hit back, resulting in the killing of thousands and the displacement of thousands more. The country saw a period of relative peace in late 2015 and 2016, but violence intensified and spread afterward. In February 2019, the government signed a peace agreement with 14 armed groups, but some armed groups did not sign and since then there have been intermittent serious incidents. London: The US-led coalition fighting Islamic State says it will move hundreds of troops out of bases in Iraq, with most redeployed to other locations in the country, as threats from the militants wane and risks to foreign troops elsewhere in Iraq increase. The coalition said troops would be leaving the al-Qaim base in western Iraq within days and that they would soon move out of the northern K1 and Key West bases too, with most heading to larger bases in Iraq and others to Syria or Kuwait. The move, officials said, has been planned for months and is not the result of a wave of attacks by Iran-backed militia groups, which have killed and wounded almost two dozen coalition troops in recent weeks. Coalition troops are due to withdraw from some of the smaller bases in Iraq. Credit:USMC/AP "As a result of the success of Iraqi Security Forces in their fight against ISIS, the Coalition is repositioning troops from a few smaller bases," said Colonel Myles Caggins, a spokesman for the anti-Islamic State mission. "These bases remain under Iraqi control and we will continue our advising partnership for the permanent defeat of Daesh from other Iraqi military bases," he said, using an Arabic nickname for the terror group. Not-for-profit theaters, charities, and so many other organizations are going to take major financial hits this year as the global coronavirus pandemic rages. So we got to thinking about the best ways to raise money for valuable organizations like the Actors Fund, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, and Covenant House. And we decided to start... The Broadway Hand Wash Challenge. (Like the Ice Bucket Challenge, but with warm water.) We've given our favorite Broadway stars the following prompt: Pick a charity to donate to. Sing 20 seconds of your favorite showtune while thoroughly washing your hands. Nominate three more people to take part. Share using the hashtag #BwayHandWashChallenge. It's that simple. (And while "Bway" is in the tag, this is open to artists, fans, and friends around the country. We're all one.) We'll be updating this story as entries come in. You'll find a preview of the first few below and be sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more! Stephanie J. Block Lauren Patten Elizabeth Stanley Jelani Alladin Shereen Pimentel Alyssa May Gold Bonnie Milligan Stephanie Styles Lesli Margherita [[raw]]